April 7, 1939

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In the Interests of the Jewish People


Spring, 1938

'.- Writing a- column has become tnonbled by insecurity like living ttwlf.; There was a happier time when I could write a column tor the next week with fair certainty ttntered aa Second Clash Mali Matter on January 31. 1931. a t : tha{ nothing was going to happen eostofflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879 OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1939, VOL. XVI—NO. S£ t6 make it out of date before it "was read.- (Only- a little while ago Dorothy Thompson and Walter Lippman were writing that the worst was over in Europe; even a week New York (JTA)—Blood may before the raid on Czecho-SlovakJoe Guss has been appointed be thicker than water in Chancel ia" they were saying this.) general chairman of the A. Z. A. lor Adolf Hitler's philosophy, but 100 dance committee in charge of Now,'as T seat myself before his own family relations don't the annual spring frolic dance to . this typewriter, I say; Well, there show it. The Fuehrer's Irish sisbe held in conjunction with the iir' really nothing worth writing ter-in-law and nephew arrived Union Pacific "Golden Spike about except the current situation Days." in-the-world. I shouldn't write Violent Anti-Semitic Ex- here last week for a visit and didn't have a thing nice to say about Deputies Appeal to' Jew about Jews; Jews have become Harold Slutskin is head of the cesses Reported in their famous relative. only the smallest minority of the ish Communities to Aid ticket sales with Phil Sokolof, Slovakia In fact, Nephew William Pat• troubled peoples of the world Yale Richards, Norman Kuklin Defense Loan trick Hitler called the Reichsand it has become ridiculous for and George Shafer acting as team chancellor "a menace" and a host us to do any complaining of our PROTEST MARTYRDOM captains in the drive for tickets. of other uncomplimentary names LITHUANIA BARS HATE Harry Fox fe chairman of the own. Yes, I shall write about the It seems that when WilliamPatcurrent ^situation. prize committee, Herbert Forbes rick was in Berlin, where his . : But what is the current situa- Funds Advanced to Reof the door committee, Frank public Now Will Be Used father Alois Hitler owns a restion? In an hour it may not be Pirsch, concessions, and Milton taurant, he was none too well current anymore and there may • . for Refugees Guss, publicity. Others on the Impressed by the great need As in past years the treated. be a new phase of history started dance committee include Manuel for salvaging h u m a n life by some "new outrage. Who may Himmelstein and Harold Epstein. Division of the Jewish b He was arrested once, and Prague (JTA) — Zionist and Warsaw (JTA) — The Je safely write a week ahead then? other Jewish leaders arrested in a. threat of a concentration camp Deputies Web Fierman and his orchestra a b r o a d , local organizations thropies Campaign has its Club appealed to Polish Life -itself seems to have become Prague since the German invasion induced him to leave Germany. Jews to subscribe generously to will furnish the music -and the have responded generously to complete organization, a a existence by the day .:. . like have been released. The Palestine Now he intends to write and leenational air defense loan, em Union Pacific Glee club will offer the appeal of the Jewish Philing in every detail the o g the life of a condemned man who Office and the Zionist Organiza- ture here to bolster the finances the phasizing Jewish readiness to additional entertainment. Tickets anthropies. Increased pledges, doesn't know whether tomorrow tion have received official permis- of his branch of the family. zation of the general campaign. are one dollar per couple. make sacrifices for the defense o he will' get the noose or a re- sion to resume their activities and many paid in full, have already The Youth Division has alrw>£5 the Polish Republic. All Jewish prieve. turned in forty-two cards Kirfifc * 200 Jews possessng Palestine imbeen received by the Campaign organizations, communities and fivefold increase in pledges. 'l-HHl This morning I ran down to the migration certificates will be perrabbinical unions published apcommittee. year these same cards brougl>>.: J* front porch in'my pajamas to get mitted to leave for the Holy Land peals to Polish Jewry to support The Jewish Community Center $42, this year $193. the newspaper. There was a hap- at an early date. The Palestine the loan. Bowling League, instead of using Organization of the Youth 7i>pier time when I could let theFoundation Fund and the Jewish its funds for the customary end Meanwhile, a 16-day mea vision lias completed at a wo'.'l> morning paper lie on the porch National Fund-are still forbidden of the season entertainment, has strike by Polish Jewry, called t o ers' meeting held on March S?». until I •was good and. ready for it. to function. turned over one hundced dollars protest a bill banning shechita Joe Guss is the Division's gena?ti "What could happen overnight to The headquarters of the Jewish to the Philanthropies Campaign. completely by the end of 1942 chairman. Morris Arbltroan «• change the course-of iny life and Community and the Supreme President of Jewish Agen- ended after having provided a re- Will Be Employed in Case The contribution was announced chairman of Initial Gifts; Jo© $?>• the course of the lives of the peo- Council of Czecho-Slovak' Jews European War by Sam Katzman, League presimarkable demonstration of Jew cy Returns After shnick, speakers' committee; 7"*«,~ ple about me? Nothing much! have been reopened but all Jewdent, and Sam Zweiback, secreish unity against a policy of dls Occurs ing Nogg, General SolIcUft.Mft* , Conference -There might have.been some- ish relief organizations, societies tary-treasurer. The pledge was crimination by the Government, chairman; Haskell Lazere, BC»v body's strictly personal murder. and schools continue closed. The paid in full. The strike was given almost 100 Paris (JTA) — The Interior Joe Guss major, General Solicitations; ?«!>> Jerusalem (^TA) — Dr. Chaim per cent support by both the prth< (But that was nothing to me). Or official organ of the Jewish ComSorority Triples Pledge revealed that preparaChairman, Youth Division tha Slutzky, girls' major, G«<h*i?fcl overnight some prominent citizen munity, Zidovske Spravy, is still Weizmann, president of the Jew- odox and non-orthodox Jewish Ministry The E. T. C. Sorority tripled tions were under way for- dealing Jewish Philanthropies Solicitations; and Beth KulsX-Jvhad died. (Well, that was a pity, not appearing. Meanwhile, whole- ish Agency for Palestine and head population. its last year's pledge of five dol' the country's more than 3,sky, Organizations. but. •when you have" to go you sale arrests of Jews by .the Gest- of the Jewish delegation to the During the strike, all Jewish with lars by announcing a contribution 000,000 aliens in the event of have to go, and that's all there is apo, are continuing, but they are recent London conference, arrived butcher shops were closed, smok- war. Initial Gift* The announcement brought of fifteen dollars;- Individual usually released>after a few days. at Tel Aviv and was given an of-ed and tinned meat factories shut hope to to it.) •-"-> Workers in the Initial Gifts ;&-• members of the Sorority are also thousands of Polish, RuYes, the newspaper on the porch The head of the Palestine Office, ficial receptionr~by Mayor Israel vision are: Lois Barish, Hatmt.>i Jewish restaurants served manian, Austrian, Czech and Ger- increasing their pledges considcould wait until, breakfast. But Prof Solomon Li'ebeni who was Rokach and other Jewish leaders. down,' Baum, Norman Bleicher, Sam <«><• erably. man Jews who are willing to volno meat dishes and all Jewish now i t is different: This morning among those arrested, has been Replying to greetings. Dr. Weiz- newspapers daily published meat unteer for service in the French lick, Bertha GUBS, Joe Guss, ttta.'k The local-B'nai B'rith lodge as^ I darted out on the porch in released by the Gestapo on "con- mann declared: "We have not less menus. It is significant that army but are nevertheless fteld in doubled its last-year's pledge-and Kulakofsky. Hazkell Lazere. X-m.my Dajamas to grab my paper I dition that he leave the country won, but neither have we lost the the Senate, on the final day ofjails as illegal aliens because their •turned over" its check for ^250. ise Miller, Charlotte Nogg, irvrnjr saw Mr..Arbo'gast Who lives across within a fortnight. hard fight. We will patientlythe pre-holiday session, passed al countries of origin will not read- The Women's Division of" the CenNogg, Bertha Slutsky, Joe Sn**^ the way. doing the same thing in Violent anti-Semitic excesses continue to. work and will over- bills sent on by the Sejm with mit them. ter and Beth Hamedrosh Hago- Noted Author to Be Final nick, and Nate Wolfson. his pajamas. It was 6:30. are reported daily from Slovakia. come difficulties. I pray that the sole exception of the schechita on may be reviewed, it was indi- del Cemetery Improvement SocieWorkers in the General SolinK Speaker on Forum "We are like condemned people The Jewish inhabitants of .theeverybody will believe in the tations are: which was held over for on may be reviewed, i twas indi- ty doubled their pledges.- The SenSeries trembling a t the step, of the war- town .of Nitra were reportedly 'netzach Israel' ( e t e r n i t y of measure, Harvey Burstein, Captain, Jnftk discussion when the new session cated when leading statesmen and ior Hadassah has increased its den: What news does he bring. loaded into'lorries by the Fascist Israel) as I do." last year's pledge of $.100 to $125 Berman, Sam Cooper, Morton Sjihopens a t the end of April. newspapers opened a campaign As the final speaker on the . Do we live or die? anti-Semitic Hlinka Guards, takHe said conferences with PalesJews Abroad Pledge Aid not only 'for a more liberal atti- and the Council of Jewish Women Center Foxum series, Marvin insky, Warner Frohman, What judgment has Hitler or en to the countryside, brutally tine Jewish leaders would be held tude toward aliens but for revi- is giving $150 instead of last Lowenthal, noted writer and lec- Katzman, Harold Nesselson, New York (JTA) — Comment- sion Ray Simon, Ralph Mussolini inflicted on the world beaten up and left helpless in the after Passover. Dr. Weizmann of the immigration and nat- year's $100. will appear here on Tues- Plotkin, kel, and Irving White. Other organizations have also turer, overnight? What new desolation? open fields. Advices from Bratis- was accompanied by David Ben ing on the declaration of Polish uralization policies in order to enday, April 18. lava declare that Slovaklan Jews |«Gurion, Rabbi Moshe Blau of the Jews pledging support to the able them to join the French de- announced their intentions of'parSheldon Waxenberg, "What new fears? • • Author, lecturer and world- Leo Alperaon, Hascall being robbed of all their be- Agudath Israel and Mrs. Edgar State, the local Yidish daily, The tense forces. ticipating in the spirit of sacri- traveler, It la a bright spring morning are most recent book, Walter Greenberg, Milton G«Wi, and money by Hlinka Dugdale, niece of the late Lord Day, said editorially that not only fice that is characteristic of this "The Jewshis and the IHac bushes are beginning longings of.Germaay; a Story Rolland Lewis, Justin PreistWft. To Aid Public Works the Polish* Jews but others would Balfour. year's Philanthropies Campaign. of to burgeon. The resurrection of hoodlums. Sixteen Centuries," has reIn connection with this camUnspeakable Martyrdom Arab terrorists shot and wound- be ready to support Poland in the Joe Raznick, Yale Richards, **»« lilac bushes used to be an event ceived t h e acclaim of foremost Irving Wohlner. Geneva (JTA) — The "un- ed John Iliffe, . keeper of theevent of a conflict with Germany. paign, it became known that: (1) of which people Spoke on the bus speakable critics. martyrdom" of the Rockefeller Museum, outside his The editorial declared that the ex- Government plans have been comMartin Goodman, captain, 7u<> .going downtown; or they spoke Czecho-Slovakian Among Mr. Lowenthal's other id Beber, Sam Beber, Morris since the home near the $2,000,000 institu- tent of Jewish SHpport of Poland pleted for employment of the maof the -singing birds that had' German occupationJews works are such well-known books was drawn to would depend, as a psychological jority of aliens in various public tion which, was erected with funds man, Ted Mogil, Morris awakened them in the morning the attention of the United States, as: "A World Passed By," the and Carl WeisB. donated by John D. Rockefeller, fact, on'Warsaw's attitude toward works and national defense in the and of all things like .that. Great Britain, France and Soviet jr. first comprehensive work in any the Jews. Commenting in the even_t of war,'and for internment Major-General Richard N. Cohen, captain: Irving But this- morning nearly every- Russia in identical messages by O'Connor, language on the Jewish antiqui-' tel.EdHarvey military governor of same vein,- the Jewish Daily For- in concentration camps, of .political 1 Britt, Morrte " body- on the bus was speaking of the • executive ' committee of thethe tiea—of Europe and -northern Afunl; nrged Poland ot prove -that" agitators; (2) 'Justice -Minister* Jerusalem' district," prohlBifed" Gilbert ^Greenberjf, T T O Hitler. Where waa he going next? World Jewish Congress. rica: "The Autobigraphy of Mishe deserved her independence by Marchandeau is drafting a decr.ee vehicular traffic between To Observe Closing Pass* chael de Montaigne;" " ' T h e and Bob Posley. And what was he- going to do? The message, addressed to Arab revising the immigration and natand t h e museum, on moderating her Jewish policy. Turkel. captain: And was i t too late to stop him? President Roosevelt, Lord Hali- Jerusalem ' over Rites at Memoirs of Glueckel of Hameln," donStanley uralization regulations for subJerusalem (JTA) — Aroused the outskirts of Jerusalem, until Kaufman, Morris Ki Somethlhirouglit to he done. Synagogues and "Our Fathers That Begat fax, Georges Bonnet and Maxim further notice. by the German threat to Poland, mission to the cabinet after Easbaum, Leonard Margules, People had fallen under a ter- Lltvinoff, Us." declared: "The execuThe military authorities placed large numbers of Polish Jews in ter: (3) Frenchmen such as ¥von Sherman and Joe Soshnlck. ror, and lilac bushes and . spring tive committee Closing Passover services will draws the atten- Acre under curfew following an Palestine have visited the Polish Delbos, Paul Boncour and Justin He is a frequent contributor to Additional Workers birds had become like creatures tion of your Government are creating a society to be held in local synagogues on periodicals. Since 1930 Mr. Lowtheunsuccessful attempt on t h e life consulates in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv Godart Bertha Guss, mptain; Str't of a happier world that was pas- unspeakable martyrdom to Sunday evening, Monday and under- of M. F. D. Corfield, assistant dis- and Haifa to volunteer for army be known as the "Friends of enthal . has lectured extensively Goldberg, Ruth Goldstein, Rvnlyt; sing. (Not that, that world had gone by the Jews of Czecho-SloTuesday. France," whose aim will be to ralservice. throughout the United States. trict commissioner. Four. Jews Green, Gertrude t!u»s, R,« i *•« been as one of God's worlds ought At the. Beth El "synagogue the, ly all aliens "without distinction (Continued on page S.) chiefly on European politics and were injured in continuing disLithuanian Policy Marks, Charlotte Mayer. LunHJ* to be, but there were times in it of race, nationality or religion," Sunday evening service will be- the current Jewish situation. orders, one in Safed, one near Moskovitz, Marjorie Moskovr,'v when you could see at least as far Kaunas ( J T A ) — Premier to the national defense. gin at 6:30. On Monday and Lydda and two in Jerusalem's Old Phyllis Sinton, Florence SV >*.;•> as from today unto tomorrow.) Jonas Cernius, head of the new Tuesday mornings the services City quarter. Sentiment Reversed Rae Spar and Monica Yaffe*. I remember- that my neighbor Government of National Concenwill start promptly at 9. TuesReversing the anti-alien senti- day Yizkor will take place a t More than 76,000 pounds has tration, said in a declaration that Mr. Arbogast used to feel quite Hose Goldstein, captain: A^r. ment that, prevailed in the last about 10. been expended by the Kofer Hay- the Government would not inremote from everything that-had Arbitman, Bernire Orounse, ishub, Jewish defense and reto do with Hitler. Not that Mr. Geifman, La Brinp Herzoff, fringe on the rights of minorities few months, most Frenchmen now evening the services will demption -fund, in the seven and would continue the centuries- realize that the aliens can con- be This Arbogast didn't sympathize with Ricboiau, Aisr. Kosen. Ros conducted by Cantor Aaron Edmonths of its existence, it was an- old tradition of friendship be- tribute greatly to defense of gar and the Beth El choir. Rabthe afflictions of the Jew; but Rosen, Shirley Soar. Adeline nounced. Expenditures for deHitler was a disease from which tleman, Evelyn. Wolk fuid tween the Lith people and the na- France. Some newspapers point bi David A. Goldstein -will speak fense of colonies totalled 15,000 tional minorities. No one will be out that during the Munich crisis, on "Passover's Contemporary Sis* Mr. Arbogast could feel he alWolk. for -maintenance and persecuted because of race or re-more than 100,^)00 aliens regisways would be immune, since he Sylvia Epstein, captain; Rome (JTA) — Native Italian pounds; training of ghaffirs (supernumer- ligion, General Cernius declared. tered as volunteers.- The papers nificance."' is. an Aryan. Hitler was a dis-Jews Greenbaum, Dianne J_ a E IT> t> «; , are not being granted passTemple Israel will observe its New" York (JTA) — More than estimate that a minimum of 500,ary policemen), 35,000 pounds, ease of Jews. Lagman, Geulah MeU'.li*u»» Organizations of national jninports for emigrating if they are Passover services on Sun- 250 rabbis representing Conserva- Elaine Rose Faperny, Louise Stv.yi*«»i, But this morning, on the bus, of military age or possess quali- and for urban security measures, orities will be incorporated in the 000 aliens are ready to fight for closing day evening at 5:30 and on Montive, Orothodox and Reform SynFrance, w h i l e the remainder 18,000 pounds. Rhea Schneider, nttp. Soiref. £<."••" Mr. Arbogast was as troubled on fications making them valuable Patriotic Front of National Unity, morning at 11. agogues gathered last week in ty TarnoH and Rosaline Turkaccount of Hitler as I had ever to the government in the event of it was -declared by M. Guzas, lead- would be useful in the fields and dayTonight Rabbi David H. Wice the Spanish and Portuguese Synafactories, where a labor shortage been through all the six years. war. Great difficulties have been er of the Lithuanian ex-servicespeak at the Temple, on gogue — oldest Jewish house of man. He said1 Hitler had become ev- placed in the way of their emigramen and initiator of the Govern- is already felt because of in-will Pauline Hoscmbtuim. capi***'••'. "Song off Freedom." worship in America — in a serv- Sylvia creased . productionand the relaerybody ^ pain, the menace of tion ever since the anti-Jewish ment of National Concentration, Falk. Ruth Falk, s-or.* ; ice said to be unprecedented in this tive scarcity of young men under the whole world . . . "He's got legislation became effective, but in announcing that all parties, orFellman, Ruth Linria. Betty l.lrm. country, to pray for the deliver30 who, in the event of war, to be stopped" . . . Mr. Arbogast the reason was not specified until ganizations and youth associations Lipsman, Lillian Monovi:.*,. ance of oppressed Jews overseas. Celia felt that Jews weren't lonely suf- it was authoritatively admitted would shortly lose their separate would all be mobilized. Goldie Rosenbaum. Lillian •*?>?•> In-the candle-lit 25-0-year-old syn-, ferers any more . . . . "We're all this week that they were being existence. Advocating absorption of aliens, and Selmp Scholnick. | agogue the convocation of rabbis, back one now." . the liberal and Socialist press cite Shirley Parish, captain: LihofCf kept here because Italy may resome white-bearded in "taleisirn." Yes. ^at this" season, riding quire their services. the United States and Australia Helen Ellis, MarirtMis. some b.lack-robed, some, in bus- Cooper, downtown on the bus, we used to as examples of what immigrants Fiedler. Phyllis Green. Helen •'**-> Most of the local Jewish cominess suits, was led by Rabbi Davtell each, other about our garcan do in developing a country. Sara Ann IVmrgolin, A'ltfc Members of the local B'nai are now circulating id de Sola Pool in chanting coin. dens . ' . . "My radishes are allmunities At the same time a number of Jacobs, Fred Rosenberg- and 1WJS questionnaires to all members to B'rith are planning to attend the psalms, supplications for tlw dein" . . . My tulips are already determine statesmen are suggesting that a final effects of the Southwest Regional conference of fense of,the Jews and pleas for lard Rosenberg. showing," "My jonquils are inanti-Semiticthelegislation start be made in adjusting aliens arid form- District 6 scheduled to be held in Arnold Levin, at present a Linpeace. bloom." . to such specialized work as coln newspaperman and formerly ulate the best possible program Lincoln on April 23. Sidney PosThe rabbis had i come together This morning Mr. I, who sat at for France may need if war develops. associated with The Jewish Press, ka of Lincoln is heading the comalleviation of the results. An my right (I call .him Mr. I be- attempt will be made to facilitate mittee in charge of arrangements. They point out that it is becom- is the author of an article, "Are to "im'plbre the help of God aud cause he is as slender as an I is) the emigration of those Jews who ing increasingly difficult for coal Colonies the Solution," appearing to offer spiritual protest against David Fellman, instructor in the.snuffing out of every human said that his wife was going to have relatives and possibilities for political science a t the University operators, iron and steel masters New York (JTA) — Reports of and farmers to obtain French la- in the current issue of the Nation- liberty of a people dangerously have a baby, and was it fair to livelihood abroad and retain the of Nebraska, will conduct the al Jewish Monthly, B'nai B'rith trapped in Central Europe." said bring new people into a world others to work in occupations forum to be held in tha after- Nazi anti-Jewish terrorism have borers. publication. ' > been "understated rather than Dr. Pool, who is rabbi of the synlike this? He had been happy from which they are not barred. noon. exaggerated," Roy W. Howard, Mr. Levin discusses the Various agogue and president of the Synabout, it at first when she told Max Kroloff, Chicago attorney, president and editor of the New The international situation may offers to establish Jewish colonies agogue Council of America. In a him, but now the matter was will be principal speaker at theYork World-Telegram, said in the in South America and Africa and prayer specially written by Rabbi heavy on his conscience. He said spell a further period of grace for banquet. Budapest (WN'Sl — Couni ."iv fifth of a series of articles from analyzes the advantages to be de- Louis I. Newman, thanks was ex• it seemed terrible disservice to foreign Jews, who had been exregion includes the lodges Paris on the European situation. rived from such colonial enter- pressed for the peace in this coun- lius Karolyi. former Primp ft.'Jrthis child for them to wish this pecting momentary summons to in The Council Bluffs, Sioux prises. try. The committee in charge of ister. has resigned at prpeirten.' t>; "Discussion of the liquidation world on it. Mr. I thought people the police to justify requests for CityOmaha, and Lincoln. of Jews is virtually taboo in The current "National Jewish the arrangement for the service the upper house of the H ought to be asked before they prolongation of their stay past friendly German circles today." i Monthly" also reprints portions of was hea'ded by Rabbi Samuel Qol- Parliament bppp.issfi of life are .born. "Do you really care to the emigration deadline. It is beMr. Howard -declared. "Profesan editorial, "AH for One, One for densori of Temple Emanu-El. Rab- ition to the government's ut>iibe born, considering everything?" lieved here that the expulsion sional Nazis have closed their AH," which recently appeared in bi Jonah B. Wise of Central Syn- Jewish legislation, according f^ Mr. I believed the world had question may be shelved temagogue and" Rabbi Israel B. Lev- reports in political quarter* bfs-r. minds to reason, justice and hucome to another dark age. He said porarily because of the governCairo. Egypt (WNSI — At anthe Omaha World-Herald. His resignation i= pp.irl to lit",inthal of Brooklyn also spoke. man consideration. Argument is lie used to think that being a ment's preoccupation with the infutile. To the average. normal informal meeting which ' too!: Precedent for this service, it been actuated by Count PEVI? TA-Jew was to be born out of luck, ternational situation. place bere with the purpose of obGerman the subject is distasteful. was explained, must be sought ;is eki'a statement ?r> P rommiitsf >•'• but now it was out of luck to be "Many will tell you the situa- taining a shorter transition perAt a family dinner held followfar back in history as the expul- the upper bouge that: the cc"f>:-'' any kind of a humaa being . . . iod before Palestine should being the marriage of Gertrude tion needed correction because sion of the Jews from Spain, when ment would accept no amoru' "To sit and wonder when the Miroff and Charles Sussman on the Jew was crowding the German come an independent State, Palrabbis met in Holland. France aoJ merits to its proposedV an'S-J**1"-' knife's -going to fall — That's estine Arab leaders who had reSunday, March 26, §40 was con- out of the professions and forceEngland tc Offer prayers for Uw iiic legislation P!'.TSH"L passm; Iv what life has been reduced to." tributed by the guests for refugee fully substituting his own culture turned from the London Confer- »Xew York (JTA) — A test case victims of prejudice and intoler- the lower house. T h e bill limi;> The bright morning seemed to ence conferred with Egyptian relief. the n u m b e r of J e v e it; t h e n.-> and philosophy for that of the fall into-twilight and in this dusk opening the way for refugees here ance of that age. [e>-. mn< i •" \ 1 ov l n <"H in London (JTA)—Five refugees 1 Among the contributors were: Germans. But very few even at- Government officials in tlie hope to recover from German banks I came to the office. There was a of reaching some compromise more than SIOO.OOO.OOO in forsflfi r*n; P ' V •OFfc. V.'» ate (1 PO.f letter from Mr. Harry Segal (no from Moravia, threatened with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miroff, Mr. and tempt a defense of the frightful- still TO ness and terrorism, which have between the British and the Arabs eign securities is now in course SAYS PROMISES K n t i-Jewi =:h nifBpr. veF i ire scl'Winr relative) who has the Hub store deportation by the British author- Mrs. Dave Denenberg, Mr. and T1 K ities, went on a hunger strike In Mrs. Sam Zager, Mr. L. Frusen, been understated rather than ex- before the British Government is- of preparation, according to B. : Conni'ij3- K l-FT ed to deby.te by at New Castle, Ind. its statement of Policy. New Tor K i JTA totisc i Ji-JH. Lewiuski, former Berlin attornaif! Bio ic of Hip fppt • "Were l a contributor to anyCroydon Police Station. They Mr. and Mrs. A. Rikltn, Mr. and aggerated. This is true even as sues ir Ro at the meeting were Storrs, war- t i m e G sveri or of .ipr- we* *k. Jewish periodical," Mr. Segal were part of a group of refugees Mrs. Max Selicow, Mr. and Mrs. to some persons who are high in Dr.Present Hussein Khalidi, former May- ney. n t e r .'iew ro.uel f!if>-'i. usaleju. sai 1 i i! a Tl'CSf <=I.~i?V lour.: C O U.! 10 i' i 0 wrote, " I certainly would write who arrived at Croydon airport PM1 Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- the Nazi party, though there is or of He pointed out thai, in the last Ahmad Hilmi s in we; re-el {.lie t e n t h <'f>j-' pmises ?P ft' that the madmonitions to my co-religionists. in a chartered plane torn Warsaw. ry Weisberg, Mr. and Mrs. A. "ittle evidence that any of these Pasha Jerusalem; two years the Nazi government, Yaconb Ghussein. PalPalestine ni ust be kept "not o n l y p.t i !-e P P m ; R ! m p i - Unjr of t h e f*s>i: Heaven only knows a lot of us The authorities ordered the Falk, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Susman, men made a serious attempt to estinianand Arab leaders; Egyptian through its banks, has been forc- in the ieiie ,• but ii Wilioh .'"un..7 e v ir.l5 C i!E!KUi!il: - thespirii can stand admonitions. To begin plane to return with its passen- Mr. and Mrs. D. Susman, and Mr. moderate the purge." Premier, Mohammed Mahmoud ing German Jews to sell securit.e*•med i!ie ir. fc.o'.pnvn !y rc-nXi's" its p5-f>'s>4. Listing v •hat he with I would constantly hammer gers, but the pilot refused on the and Mrs. Charles Susman. ties held in the United States, Pasha, and Amin Osraan Pasha, • 1 SOU i.ion P.£Z inpt i IK- "fifni B.( 0 [ nR.t.vmit,. "basic prin ? tries?" -Xor in their heads that their dealings round that they had threatened EMESEL TO HOLD Under-Secretary of Penance, who Great Eritain, Belgium. HoSland, o£ c n e ? tior,. i>ir h o r o r . TM njsu- r\s:\ -ui i-Tiinpf-the Pa istine k with their fellowmen must be 100 to commit suicide during the reANNOUNCE JUETIREMEXT Switzerland, and ether countries. several weeks ago flel\ to Beirut, mils p o t i a p SPiVli: •tienU; U: np.s.fy .ji-vsaid iinmiiE."•&tion percent honest. (All of us deal turn journey. The hunger strikSPRING FORMAL Syria, to persuade th'e ex-Mufti "A close study of international Ronald After 32 years in business, Mr. e prois>;'.;-.•>.-. be cut o"C, cleclar r f~ \ . Wfis, the • The victir-ir « mostly with non-Jews.) One ofers were being attended by a doc- and Mrs. D. Abrams announce The annual Emesel Spring Foriaw indicates that the methods of Jerusalem to comproiiise. Sir f,-rfbp>SVPf". •*"•''*•' IP V . tliex oven l e n t . " us,; heaven forbid, commits an er-tor. Twelve others in the party their retirement from the Chicago mal Dance will be held on Tues- Miles Lampson, British Ambassa- pursued by the Nazis ic forcing "iiffibSood o f the rr pfirpf! I J . f v i r Mn,->;. ;r> FP-. "?. ror and-our whole race is made were being detained at the Wal- Bakery, 1608 North Twenty- day night, April 11. from 9 to 1dor, represented his government such sales, end the 'blocked mark' Other gr 1idir.r iirine: plep n p. p r e ;>•:!»'. fourth street. to , blame. In plain words we as ington Police Station. solution, hf said. vc-f f-llBr !i;!e pn<" 'i"e T o ihe- V<H o'clock, at the Chieftain Hotel in the discussions here. system of payment used by them, suppression __ _ _ Jews must be better than nonof terr orisn RUC conThe Lord Baldwin Fund for In telling their plans, Mr. and ballroom, Council Bluffs. amount to virtual confiscction," .brehH m Cohef lierrt^-is. n . Jews in our every day life." vincing gus- ran tees to ..be A re.ii? Refugees has received contribu- Mrs. Abrams announced they Music for the dancing will be Myer de Shira was one of theLewinski said. "Under such con- that they w onlcl no i be •iii owe Q to d e ? cenfia.f It 01 "1 !".p Grpf-.i, .*'»•.>Matters like that seemed to have tions totalling 465,000 pounds, it wished to thank all their patrons. 'urnished by Eddie Duff and his founders ditions the property is recoverable of Easton, Pennsylvan(Continued on page 8.) "degenerate into a s ubme "ret! teir ," re urneo t -- .71 claiptn Kiv. was announced. They will remain in Omaha. orchestra. according to American law." ia (1750). bee a me a CabaJiat leader. population.'


Hitler's Nephew Denounces Fuehrer

Heads A. Z. A* 100 JEWS RALLY Dance Committee TO DEFENSE OFPQLAND

Youth Division Is Ready for Drive Local Organizations Inease Pledges to crease Philanthropies

Youth Chairman

Joe Guss Is Appoints^ Chairman of Group








Guests at Wedding Dinner Contribute for Refugee Aid

Refugees haunch Hunger Strike to Prevent Return





Seeks to Recover $100,000,000 Held By German Banks

*i- jT ii - * «w


^ . i. i.r.



By Carnzu Clark Editor's Note — That the American college student boa room in his heart and his bend for more thnft football, swing and books has been mode eloquently apparent by the manner iti wBich he has rallied to tho aid of Central European students whoso careers have been threatened with disaster by totalitarian regimes. What ho has been' doing in the way of translating his sympathy for student refugees info practical action is related in the following article by Miss Clark, a member of the staff of the Intercollegiate Committee to Aid Student Refugees.

Hollywood — "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" is being rushed for an opening date in New York on April 20th — for Hitler"s birthday! Camera work is complete . . . synchronization and editing proceed at high speed . . . bookings are being arranged for long It contemplates raising a fund runs. .•';'. each year to provide for a complete residence fellowship for one Having receive dso many inor more refugee students. Wheaton is working to set up one schol- quiries on "The Dictator," Chaparship. Vassar already has one lin Issued a formal statement: "I refugee student and is raising have never wavered from my money for two scholarships for original determination. I am not next year in addition to one given worried about Intimidation, censorship, or anything else. I am by two alumnae. a comedy picture on the Radcliffe is working for three making lives of dictators, which I hope cholarsbips and Colby Junior will create much healthy laughollege has just welcomed Lleae- ter throughout the world." ette Froelich of Berlin to a cholarshlp awarded by the adAfter the recent c o u p in ministration and supplemented by Prague, those previously banned a student-raised fund for board German films were hastily dragand room. ged out, duated off, and franticalEastern Schools ly booked by exhibitors. Ingenious money raising chemea are employed by students The U. S. increase of 25 per n raising their self appointed cent on German imports Is expectuotas which are usually in addi- ed to practically end importation ion to the regular financial of German pictures. drives that are conducted on neary every campus. Northeastern Informed c i r c l e s attribute ilans to run movies all day France's recent high quality of hroughout the school year in one picture production to the Influx £ the College halls where stu- of. refugee brains . . . but tney ents can drop in between class. also foresee a sudden lowering of It expects that this scheme the standard as democracy wanes will net $50 a week. The Uni- and the trek of talented producversity of Newark conducted a ers, technicians and actors conarsity-alnmni basketball game tinues westward —- to Hollywood. Italy's film situation goes from 'or the benefit of the drive. Most if the University's former lumin- bad to "tzauros." Utilizing movies aries played for the cause. At of 1934-35 vintage, they are frenVassar an extensive program has siedly trying to fill the gap left ieen planned—designed both to by the walk-out of American film also money and to educate the companies. itudents concerning the causes of Elisabeth Bergner's " S t o l e n he refugee situation. President rank Kingdon of the University Life'," a story of Identical twins, >f Newark addressed e college as- is so excellent that she is conembly. The Glee Club will de- stantly Bteallng scenes from herote the proceeds of its annual self! oncert to the fund. . Gladys A11 e r, 20-y e a r-old The profits of the Miscellany daughter a local film distribuwa Party have also been prom- tor, will of be among the western ised. Economy dinners have been modernist represented at uggested. Volunteers have set the New painters -World's Fair. p a photo studio which is giving Gladys wasYork a painting prodigy at he money it makes to the refu- the age of 11. s e committee. Another group ot olunteers makes sandwiches and During the preview o£ "Love lells them on Sunday nights when Affair," a short scene evoked sudveryone is hungry after 8 light den applause . . . and the actress' upper. The first night this ser- name wasn't even among the ice took In fifty dollars. credits. She was Ferike Boros New York University Colleges . . . once a luminary ot the Hunf Medicine and Dentistry gave a garian stage « . . who came to ance that not only raised money Hollywood about 1933 . . . ennit also emphasized the contribu- joyed a degree of success. There tion refugees make to American followed lean days . . . while the life. In addition to movies and cupboard was bare ft burdensome iuch games as dart throwing, the Rolls-Royce stood unwanted in medical students presented an ex- the garage . . « So that applause " ibit featuring working demon- was more than music . . . it meant trations of the scientfic achieve- work. She has since been signed ments of refugee scientists who for several pictures. have come to thiscountry. At JastI M-G-M announces "It PeaasylvaBis State College is tinning a series of benefit thea- Can't Happen Here," the Sinclair er parties. • Among tho support- Lewis novel, for 1939 production. rs is the Inteffraternity Council They've owned the property since i Penn State which is distribut- 1936. ing blocks of tickets to the fiftyThe All-American Women's or"wo men's social fraternities ganization, comprised of women's which compose it. clubs of California, presented The work of salvaging students Harry Warner with a plaque in rom Central Europe was under- recognition of his patriotic contaken on an emergency basis. But tribution to America by means of •eallstic American students see historical films. hat the situation ia apt to be a ontinuing one and that it is hard Cam-orama: During bis stay o predict the extent or the dura- here, Prof. Harold Laski of Lonion of the need. Flans are being don university is the guest of aid to meet the responsibilities Charlie Chaplin. A story ot the mposed by the original offer of late President Thomas Masaryk aid. It will soon be demonstrat- Czecho-Slovakia, "selig," was beed that aid to refugees is not fad ing scenarized . . . but now the >r the Idealistic gesture of adole- puzzle is to find the country cents, but the .mature deliberate Where the president used to preaction of students who have a side. Lillian Hellman, once a easoned knowledge of the causes $35-a-week reader for Sam Goldunderlying the tragic refugee sitPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT uation.

sponsoring organizations are: National Coordinating Committee and the Public Affairs Committee of the Society for Ethical Culture ia New York. Administration Administration support Is essential to the success of the drive because In general the colleges are following, and the Intercollegiate Committee is recommending, the Harvard procedure. The administration is asked to waive tuition fees and faculty-student committees axe set up to arrange for living expenses. l a some cases this means raising funds; in other cases fraternities, faculty members, or sympathetic families in the town offer room and board in their houses. Where the adDetermined to fight religious ministration, for one reason or and racial intolerance -wherever another, does not grant scholarthey find it, American students ships, the committees have addiin Collages all over the country tional fund-raising wort to do. have rallied to the aid of refuSo far, administrations of large gee students from Central Europe by wofkftig through the Intercol- and small colleges alike have legiate Committee to Aid Student given generbns support to the Refugees to establish scholaf- student refugee drive. A random slilp3 in this country for brilliant selection of colleges illustrates students who, because of recent the extent of their cooperationpolitical changes, would other- In New York City President Butwise never be able to finish their ler of Columbia has promised as many scholarships as the students education. support, and New York UniThe drive is now a major activ- can versity ity on at least one hundred camp- ships. has offered Jive scholaruses, and more are becoming inIn Terre Haute, Indiana Rose terested daily. It appears that .the youth movement of 1939 is Polytechnic Institute has also characterized by a solemn reali2a- granted five tuitions. Swarthmore "tion of youth's responsibility to will make available anywhere 'youth and its determination to from two to five. Among the •translate its democratic beliefs women's colleges, Simmons •will give as many as five scholarships into constructive action. In Cential Europe today a gen- and Bryn Mawr will give two in eration of young men and women addition to a graduate scholarship stand at the threshold of a life of offered by President Parks. Not the least significant aspect useful and enjoyable activity only to find the door slammed in their of the refugee student scholarship Iace3. Even more tragic is their drive is the manner in •which outlook than that of an older Catholic, Jewish and Protestant generation which has at least had students are united in the achievea record of achievement in its ment of a common goal. This is past. Struck by the plight of reflected not only in the broad youth without a future, of great sponsorship of the Intercollegiate talents lost to a society sorely in Committee. Local campus wide need of them, a group of Harvard drives afe backed, as at 'Penn students, beaded by Robert E. State, by as many as sixty varied Lane, persuaded Persident James campus organizations. Some colByrant Conant and the Harvard leges, Boston University, HOlyoke Corporation to offer twenty schol- and Williams, for example, are arships worth five hundred dol- apportioning their * scholarships lars each, to refugee students of among students of three faiths. Jewish, Catholic and Frotestant And finally, there is the way in which national organizations of faiths. these faiths are stimulating their This offer was made contingent Own members to action. on the ability of tlte students to Catholic Colleges raise an eaual amount to cover The Catholic colleges have ofliving expenses. A student fac; -uliy ^committee- woa._quickljr..form- fered considerable aid through ed for his purpose. It staged edu« the Committee for Catholic Ref"cauouafTSas* meetings, solicited agees feasa Segmr.ny. At Fardham the campus community, circulariz- University Father Gannon has ed the alumni, gave benefit per- promised as many scholarships as formances and dramatized the is- can be matched by living exsue with a book of signatures penses. Hanhattanville College known as "Harvard's Book for ol the Sacred Heart, though small Religious, Racial and Political in size, is offering five full fourTolerance." So successful was year scholarships. Among the this committee in reaching its other Catholic colleges offering a goal and so well known were its four-year course are St. Joseph's, efforts after President Roosevelt Misericordia, St. John's Univerwrote praising the program as "in sity in Collegeville, Minnesota, the best traditions of the Univer- Good- Counsel of White Plains, 2f, sity," that a number of colleges Y., an4 Portland University. wrote to Harvard asking for adJewish organizations and colvice as to procedure. leges have also been extremely acConference tive. B'nai B'rith HiUel FoundaRealising the need to put these tions &te established in twelve 1 scattered efforts on a secure basis large Universities. In all of these, Mr. Lane called i n intercollegiate the organization has participateu •conference. This met at Interna- in refugee scholarship drives. At tional House in New York City the University of Texas plans are and was attended by 49 delegates still in the preliminary stage for from 35 colleges in various partc providing scholarships tor ten of the country. As a result, the students and for getting the Intercollegiate Committee was campus fraternities and sororities established with offices at 100 E. to provide board. 42nd street for the purpose of'exThe National Executive Comtending and coordinating the mittee has voted direct financial F a r m School President fund-raising work of the colleges. aid to ithe Intercollegiate CommitFarm School, Pa. (JTA)—ComThis committed has since been ia tee. National Jewish fraternities mencement exercises were held PROGRESSIVE touch with all the established col- are rendering valuable BUpport. unday at the National Farm leges in the United States. CITY Sigma Alpha Mu has an especially School. The new president of the The sponsor list of the Inter- fine rt:ord. Since 1936 it has chool, Dr. Harold B. Allen, was collegiate Committee indicates the aided fifteen German refugee stu- presented by Joseph. H. Hagedorn, HELP support the work is receiving dents to come to the United States acting president for the past year and a half. Kurt Peiser, execufrom college administrations. to live in Chapter House, on 12 Henry Noble McCracken, Presi- campuses, and to continue their ive director of the Philadelphia of Jewish Charities, dent of Vassar, Is Honorary educatbn. Yeshiva is among the Federation the graduation address. Treasurer. Other presidential Jewish colleges responding with delivered A new class of 100 students, from sponsors are: James Bryant Co- scholarship aid. all parts of the United States will nant of Harvard, Frank Graham i Smaller Colleges be enrolled on April 12. of North Carolina, Robert MayParticularly in the smaller coluard Hutching of the.University leges has the activity of the StuA&JDHE of Chicago, Charlos S. Potts, dent Ciristian Movement, includWILL Dean of Southern Methodist Uni- ing tlie Y. W. C. A. and the Y. versity, Homer P. Rainey, Presi- M. C. SA., been of great help. Both HELP dent-Elect of the University of the national organizations and the OMAHA Texas; and Ray Lyman Wilbur of local jjsoelations have given the Stanford. Other sponsors are: drive (impetus. At Wheaton, WhitBruce Barton, Rabbi Henry Coh- tier, Stanford, University of LexA GOOD OFFICIAL en of Galveston, Texas, Dr. Harry ington, College of Puget Bound, 315 So. 13th St. Emerson Fosdick, Mayor ta- and Gcucher—-to name but a few AT 4292 A GOOD CITIZEN Guardla, Rev. Joseph D. Oster- —their stimulus has resulted in WHOLESALE mann, Rt. Rev. MBgr. Ryan, and the collection of funds. A GOOD FRIEND Governor Saltenstall of Massa* Candle* • Cigars Women's colleges have been no chusetts. Sponsoring organiza- less * Tobacco • Pipe* active than the men's. In adtions include a representative list dition to the colleges already * Fountain Supplies This Ad Contributed by of national student groups that mentioned there is Bennlngton • Beverages Jewish Friends emphasize .the non-sectarian char- which i to take Maria Blach •icter of tho Intercollegiate Com- of Benin a t t nQ e n d o f February, mittee. Included are: American and Holyoke which is expecting Student Union, Federation of R03emarie Lenel of Mannheim Catholic College Students, Inter- who will continue her premedlcal collegiate Memorial Association, studies, smith Is taking »• • la faxes last year fresi the xacssufacturo and solo one stttx-.itionnl Intercollegiate Christian <e£ bscr. ilpprcKJmctaly 92% d this return from an Council, aud tho National Student dent for the remaining semester Federation of America. Other this year and plans to bring over Industry which satloacdly contributes sore them a another by next fall. million dollara a day to Federal and State treasuries POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT a Nebraska for p-jKic wclioro work.

Rumania Postpones Citizenship Revision

ican Legion, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and other organizations joined. ' Praises JPascism Bucharest (JTA) —Result* of While denying that he was a Fascist, General Moseley said that the citizenship revision, schedule* Fascism and Nazism were "only to be made public on March 3l« antitoxins and will ~ disappear have been postponed until May 1< when the disease of Communism tbe Justice Ministry announced* is cured," and added that, "in Fifty thousand appeals against fact, the finest type of American- decisions withdrawing CitisenshJp ism can breed under their pro* remain to be considered. It Id lection, as tbey neutralise the ef- understood the results of the revision will be communicated to fects of Communism." Although the retired general the League of Nations secreariat, said he spoke for bimsetf alone, as well as the British and French, it has 'been reported that Fascist embassies, groups have been seeking his Cernauti (JTA)—A local lodge leadership for formation of what of the International Order B'tutt George Deatherajje, bead of the B'ritb, American organised Jew* Knights of the White Camelta, ish fraternal organisation, ha« called "a national Christian or- been dissolved by the authorities ganization that we can all back." for what was termed illegal an<< General Moseley was recently harmful activities, it waa tut* nominated as national command- nounced. er of the Protestant War VeterPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ans of the United States, according to a letter to the J. T. A. tram Edward James Smythe. who called himself chairman of the national executive committee. Booed, ] Several men in veterans' uni-j forms left just before he began! to speak. During bis address, he; [ was booed twice - - once when he attacked Supreme Court Justice Mischa JElman, eminent violin- given for German refugee Chil- Felix Frankfurter and again when ist, is shown at a birthday party dren. he assailed Mrs. Franklin D. Mischa Elman, world-famous Catholic Refugees from Germany. Roosevelt. The Philadelphia Lodge violinist, will appear in concert in Mr. Elman receives only his of the Benevolent and Protective Omaha on April 19, under the traveling and hotel expenses. The Order of Elks, at a meeting at* auspices ot the Junior Chamber rest of the money is turned over tended by 250 persons, adopted a DESERVES of Commerce. Proceeds from the to the three refugee committees. resolution condemning his adconcert will be turned over to the Tickets for the concert may be dress. SUPPORT General Moseley's attack calls American Joint Jewish Distribu- purchased at the Beaton Drug FOR tion committee, the American company, the TJnit-Docekal Drug for unanimous condemnation Of Committee for Christian German company and the Junior Chamber the 70 groups participating in the Refugees, and the Committee for of Commerce. meeting, Frank E. Gwynn, Pennsylvania Department Commander of the American Legion, declared wyn, flew into town . . . and it's in a statement. Gwynn accused more than mere conjecture that the retired army officer of a Sammy will purchase her play, "scurrilous attempt" to foster "The Little Foxes,** 'for her to "class h a t r e d and religions screen-adapt William, 16, oon of bigotry." Jesse Lasky, starts his film career at the bottom . . . got a job as ! The earliest book acquired by office boy In the cutting departBodleian library , at Oxford ment. Naztmova, who retired Officer's Charge I* Con- )1 the was a Hebrew lexicon presented from the movies years ago, has demned by Patriotic ! in 1601 by John Savile. accepted a small part in "The Groups Rains Came." Francis Lederer is happy and grateful . . . through Philadelphia (JTA) —M a j o rV. S. government intercession, he was able to cut through the usual General George Van Horn Moseimmigration red-tape and bring ley, retired U. S. Army officer his mother out of Czecho-Slo- who is reported to have been vakia before the trouble began. sought by Fascist groups in the In spite ot bis resistance to be- United States as their unifying coming an actor, Jascha Heifetz leader, has emerged as a dangerwill return to the lot for addition- ous anti-Semitic leader with a al scenes which will make him a sweeping attack on the Jews as character in the story of "The fomentors of war and financiers Restless Age' (tentative title) of Communism. In an address to the annual . . . and give "him star billing! "National Defense Meeting" here sponsored by the Women's NaIf you believe blurbs . . . Maxie tional Defense Committee, GenerNew Baer learned to ride when his al Moseley called for a battle father was a cattle buyer in the against 'champions of war,' whom he identified with Jews, demandold cow country. Oi-Yoi. Silver! ed Unit a Christian leadership in America and asserted that AmerAnd that's Hollywood . . . icanism could breed under the (Copyrighted by Jewish Teleprotection of Nazism and Fasgraphic Agency, Inc.) cism. General Moseley's antiSemitic attack aroused wideTo Film "Eternal Road" spread protest In which the Amerthe company which produced .'The Sternal Road' have been purINVEST SAFELY. WISELY IN Shelves and chased by David Shapiro, publishCrispers er of The Day, with the intention oC filming the spectacle based on Annuity, Endowment, k_lta the history ot the Jews. The production, which was shown 152 MARK LEON New times at the Manhattan Opera Represents 21 Strong cempan•••—Every Type of Insurance House, is, based on a story by Improved and Bond* Written. Franz Werfel, -with background CAUL. AT 7667 or WA 6190 music by Kurt Weill and settings <3mck Release City Finance & Insurance Co. by Norman Bel Geddes. l 6 e Tr




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Jitters in Germany

is to my mind nothing short of a


Alle. both of which are. thanks ing under expert guidance. A jun- inspired some Gentile acaden?!-" to the enlightened director of the ior seminary in memory of Vir- men to study Yiddish, aa in thHarvard University Library. Mr. . gili-Kahan is the latest project. case of Professor Andersen or Metcalfe, *vd his equally prog-res- To read the results of these in- Dorpat (Bsthonia) who baa dp sive coadjutor Mr. Walton, kept j vestigations is to convince one- livered a course of lectures at the on the shelves for important jour- I self that the Yiddish Scientific Yiddish Scientific Institute in connals ID tbe periodical room -of the j Instiute is something unique. I nection with it research seminPeriodical room of the Harvard know of no learned society that ary. The honory Board of TrusLibrary. Yes. who troold have | has branches in a score of coun- tees of this Institute includes thought, even as late as twenty- i tries, or which publishes so many Freud and Einsteiat as well a* rive years ago. that Yiddish, look- I periodicals and books, which Dubnow. The late Moses Gaster ed upon only as a dialect In which j maintains a research department was an active honorary Trustee. If the Yiddish Scientific Instivulgar jokes might be related.i for students in addition to the tute . thriving as it does in :i •would be elevated to the status of i sectional bureaus. perod of both economic stress and a language iu wrhleh the most ab- : AVE YIVO 'stract scientific and philosophical '• The Yiddish Scientific Institute menial depression, when the jitdiscussion!* could be beld: and has done more than any other or- tery state of the whole world an<l furthermore tliat the Jewish his- ! ganization to weld all tbe creative the martyrdom or the Jews cantorian. economist, sociologist, or ' forces in the world Jewry into a not hut leave their scar on every even theologian must, if he is not ' singf unit; it has disseminated re- cultural institution and Intellect to be rated a back number, resort [ liable information about the Jews, nal worker — if tbe Yiddish Scito these books written in Yiddish. tbeir history, folklore, literature, entific Institute flourishing «t The . secretary of the YIVO eco- etc . in every part of the world: it such a time. i» not a miracle, tben nomie section and editor of Yid- haR permeated tbe toughuiindert I should want to delete tbe word dishe Bconomik is now economist' assimilationirt citadels w h ose from the dictionary. of tbe American Jewish Congress moribund polify is now more than —and with reason: for practical- '• ever exposed as cowardly ami At the town of Bury St. E !ly all the information about Jew- shameful; it has stimulated and inunils there is an old hall thai ish economic and social conditions encouraged scores of young sch is believed to have been the syoahave been derived through his bu- olars In many countries to write gosrue prior to the expulsion oi Young German Jewish stu- mittee, the United Palestine Ap- reau. in Yiddish — indeed it has even tbe Jews from England. dents engaged in re-training work peal and the National Co-ordinailargely supported by funds of the ing Committee Fund. Inc.. have EMBRYO UNIVERSITY Joint Distribution Committee, combined their fund-raising ef- < Before dosing this all to conwhich seeks to adjust them to forts in the United Jewish Appeal I densed account of the Yiddish i JA 2402 — CONSULT — AT 4544 new fields. for Refugees and Overseas Needs. Scientific Institute. 1 must allude j The Joint Distribution Comto the research seminary in Wilno j founded in memory of the late 1 FOR s the caution about lndividious tions which have appeared in Yid- Senator Dr. Z. Szabad. a maa who \ Painting, Paperhanclne and Decorating comparslons. dish through the Yiddish Scien- richly deserved the honor, and -RIscgon'lOVueand.lSouthfE. -OV tific Institute. First of all. four- more. In a sense this seminary is BEST PUAUTY WB*KWI*.H*HIP CUMRANTEKP At the former gathering, there teen volumes of a monthly journ- a graduate school where vonng were famous professors, among al, of a highly scholarly nature, investigators receive their trainthem Sir W. D. Ross < f Oxford, three large quarto volumes of POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Werner Von Jaeger, formerly of philological studies, two volumes the University of Berlin, Kilpat- of folk-lore, two volumes of ecrick of Columbia, and scores of onomic studies, three huge volalmost equal prominence. The af- umes of historical studies, tbe ter-dinner speaker was a college last one of which has just been president who had just been brought out in about 900 pases elected Governor of the State. of fine print containing more Would it surprise you if I told than half a million words on tbe you that the YIVO conference in history of the socialistic movethe Pennsylvania Hotel and later ment among the Jews: a volume at the Piccadilly impressed me on the theatre; two volumes of much more? There was spirit, en- psychological studies, a bibliothusiasm, verve at the latter. I i graphical volume; besides a ten was in tbe midst of a Movement. I volume translation of Dnhnow's There was a galaxy not so World History of the Jewish Peomuch of professors as of literary ple (more than half completed >. men, poets, labor leaders, artists about 25 other works of a scienand. of course, some scientists tific character, in addition to and philosophers. People who had Numerous pamphlets on a variemet each other in a dozen differ- ty of subjects. It must also be reent places in Europe or South called that it was the Yiddish America on previous occasions — Scientific Institute which had taJ: who had been imprisoned togeth- I en the initiative in publshing an er for their political views — encyclopedia in Yiddish — an enwere conversing with each other cyclopeda in twenty volumes, the again. Refugee scholars and fifth of which has now gone to American-born youths were unit- press. And all that in a dozen ed in their aims. It vat a mem- years. orable affair; and the papers PRESTIGK GROWING read were uot inferior to those Among the latest enterprises of presented at the meetings of oth- the YIVO are the economic jourer learned societies. It was at this nal Yiddishe Economik and the conference that the resolution philological journal Yiddish Far was drawn up to raise a $50,000 fund toward the assistance of the Wilno Mother Institute, which opCall Us For erates on an incredibly small budMODERNIZATION get. And what has it been able to • Attic* • Kitchen* • •assmentc accomplished on an annual in• Re-roofing • ttwulation • *U-»ldino come which is less than some individuals receive as their yearly NO DOWN PAYMEMT Eaty Monthly Payments salary? ACCOMPLISHMENTS MICKLIN LUMBER CO. It would take too much space ISth A. Nicholas at*. JA 5000 to enumerate the solid publica-

Learning Baking in a German School

YIDDISH SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE—A MIRACLE A miracle of this type is the From "The Manchester Guardian Weekly" steady growth of the Yiddish Scientific Institute, formed by a While the spectatcnlar po- |! den follow tbeir regular litlcal successes in the Jfazi terand to compelled to work in work some handful of earnest men in Wilno ritorial expansion program has ! armament Industry or on the about thirteen years ago, to the beer* widely discussed, compar- ' frontier fortifications. Young men extent of.assuming leadership i n ntirely -little, has been said i who before the Nazi regime would Jewish letters and science the about existing conditions io have gone to the universities now world'over (except for Palestine) — and in the fact of conditions Germany. What is the reac- try to become officers ol the army which have grown progressively Uon of the individual under for (as offering the surest prosworse from year to year since its that regime? From this short [ pect of a successful career) offi- founding. • • ' article which appeared in tbe ; cials in tbe National Socialist How thrilled I was to learn a "Manchester Guardian Week- ! Party. ly'* one may derive a clearer ' The number of students in the few . months - after an article of appeared in .the former Jewunderstanding of what that j technical college at Stuttgart has sh Tribune or New York entitled government means to the citi- 1 fallen by 55 per cent since "Wanted: An Institute of Jewish zens Bring under it. i The hours of compulsory attend- Research,*' that the Yiddish Sci—THE EDITOR. | ance at lectures and university entific: Institute had actuaJJy been eourses hare been reduced. irganlzed. Nor was my gratificaThere has been a perceptible tion any the less on realizing that Corruption deepening of public discontent in One of the chief reasons for the my article was only coincidental, Germany during the last' fewut not instrumental in the matweeks, though most of the symp- disrespect in which the regime is er. ;• .- :.-.•{>. , _•''•• toms seem to show that the Ger- now held is the corruption that if Moses Mendelssohn, who man people are weary of the re- prevades the Nazi party and all gime rather than incensed against its sub-organizations, notably the naively supposed that the "Jargon" his: bretheren spoke was at it. Ever-growing numbers of peo- Labor Front . . . the'root of their civil disabilities, ple long far less exciting times But corruption Is not confined were to come to life1 again, he and would like to. spend at least to the leaders. It is widespread iheir Sundays in not taking part amongst the smaller officials of would be no.t only terrified at the in parades and demonstrations the vast Nazi bureaucracy, the of- spectacle of a Hitlerian Europe, and in not listening to speeches ficials of which have been and are but perhaps shocked to discover and other propaganda on the still being bribed with small pay- that the stone of Jewish expression which he, the great builder, wireless. ments, with jewelry, plate, motor had rejected as inferior had beThe discipline that is being im- cars, cameras, and similar ar- come, if not the cornerstone, at posed on all forms of recreation, ticles. least one of the pillars of Jewish especially on rowing, football, In Bavaria, there has been a culture; for the first time uniting yachting clubs and similar bodies, good deal of passive resistance to the masses and'the intellectuals is coming to tie felt as more and the speeding up of industry and through a common medium — more galling and as destructive to in the Ruhr- there have been Yiddish. 'all genuine recreation. Students maziy cases of sabotage. In AusTHRILLING EXPERIENCE . want to study and to give less of tria there have been strikes. My own affiliation with tbe their time to military drill. What has worried the Nazis In Yiddish Scientific Institute dates The quality of German learn- Austria a good deal are the acts from its very reception. Three ing has perceptibly deteriorated— of "sabotage" in the air force, years later, on my pilgrimage to this is particularly noticeable in the usual method of the "sabo- Europe, I was surprised to find medical 'professions, where in- teur" being to put sugar in the among my audience, at a talk becompetence resulting from insuf- petroL fore the Paris branch of the Yidficient stjdy has become so comDiscontent is deepened by the dish Scientific Institute (or YIVO mon that puhlic distrust of the fear of war. Mr. Chamberlain is as it'is called for short) literary. whole profession has become widely regarded in Germany as academic and artistic lights of widespread. The period needed the man who "saved peace." But whom I had often heard. Arrivto qualify as a practioner has someone must have threatened ing in London, I was greeted by been reduced from five to three the "peace" he "saved." And a small group of Institute workthere is no doubt in the minds ©f ers. In Berlin, the branch of the years. many Germans who that someone YIVO was the most influential: Foou* Restrictions Housewivis are . wearied a n d is- Hitler is regarded as the man for the secretaries of the historiworried by the many restrictions who wanted to start a war last cal section and of the economic , <in the sale of many commodities. year and, having.been thwarted, section carried on here. Although there is no serious food means to start one at the earliest Coming to Warsaw, again the shortage it is difficult to buy eggs 'opportunity. There are certainly Institute loomed up, and finally far more "jitter-bugs" in the (especially fresh ones), butter, when I reached Wilno, the seat of onions, and other foodstuffs for Third Realm than there are in the world-wide ramified institute, Great Britain. periods that seem to get longer t was pleasant to inspect tbe all but completed YIVO building /and more . frefluent. The- regiwhich was the pride and Joy of mention of dairy fanning and Wilno Jewry —- a modern fireagriculture, is disliked intensely proof structure/ equipped like a V by the rural population. ; ;••'•' college hall with a fine library '" What makes;; discontent rankle housing at present around 75,000 all the more is., the extravagance volumes, (many of them extremedisplayed by the leading Nazis. It A Weekly Surrey of People ly rare books) study rooms, ofis difficult to obtain material for and Ideas fices, exhibition rooms, a museum building a small honse in GerBy A. A..ROBACK. and vaults for the extensive armany today, but during the last chives. •12 months, 6,000 workmen have Hundreds of visitors from all been employed night.and day in Miracles Still Happen corners of the globe have probabuilding .theMiew Imperial ChanWhile the orthodox Jew, in our bly shared my feelings on viewing cellery (the cost is reputed to be own day particularly, is longing the centre of Jewish culture In 300,000,000 marks). Costly marbles and various for the days when, as he believes, Yiddish, with all its activities. kinds of exotic woods' are being: miracles happened:'and when al- Thousands of correspondents and used for this, palace* of uriex~ most every right-thinking person devotees have been sending valu•ampled: luxury:* 'If baa: an afty wishes that something inrthe form able material to the Mother Instiraid shelter that for depth .and of a' natural ©rent -might take tute until its quarters are now extensiveness must be -unequalled place to relieve the -world's blood cramped; and a new building is pressure and prevent further ca- urgent. througb^pt the world.' : '.'•"-.', MOST RAMIFIED CULTURE The >Aher morning the follow- tastrophes, we are apt to overCENTRE ing couplet was found chalked on look the phenomena which occur The YIVO now has branches the front of the Chancellery: ' in our midst that might come unnot only in England and France, Kein Kaffee. kein Butter, and der the head of miracles. A miracle may, be interpreted but also in Lithuania, Switzerkein Ki. variously. To a fundamentalist It land, Belgium. Latvia and EsthAber eine neue Reichskanzlei. is something supernatural, -which onia. while the daughter Institute (So cof/ee, no batter, ; not an only divine intervention could in New York bids fair to rival bring about. To a non-believer, the mother in its active projects egg— But a new Imperial Chancel* anything which transpires that is and maintains a fair library of its not likely or probable, in fact own, at the same time preserving : lery.) which appears to be contrary to the past in its rich collection of i Although! Hitler's tastes with the laws of nature or the course arcrives. Similarly in the Argenregard to' food and drink are sim- of history, may be regarded as a tine." Brazil . and Uruguay; in ple, be lives in vast architectural miracle, provided of course it is South Africa" and even Australia, •and. artistic luxury- •' Masterpieces in line with human interests, thus there are branches, some of them stolen from famous German And: ruling out Hitler's unparalleled very energetic, assisting in the work. In Palestine, a beginning former Austrian picture,, galleries successful coups. has been made too. adorn the rooms of tne-highest VARIETIES OF MIRACLES • IXDIVIBOUS COMPANIONS To the great Kant, toe starry aamong m o g the Nazi leaders. T i e N l A couple of months ago after i'b bureaucracy as a whole is'able to heaven above and the moral law attneding a meeting of the Amerallow itself almost • any -extrava- •within (violated every day In his ican Philosophical Association at country a thousand times) were the- greatest of miracles. Ernest Wesleyan University, I spent * a . Rising Costs * '•; The average income of tbe Ger- Kenan, the foremost Frenchman few days in New York, where I man .people nas risen, but not in of his generation, thought that was detained for the YIVO conproportion; to the rise in the cost the Greek culture and t i e exist- ferences. I could not help comparof living and. to the ever-increas- tence of the Jewish people ing the two meetings, in.spite of ing taxes and contributions to the through the centuries -were veri"Winter Aid" and such-like char- table miracles. ities, contributions that are "volTo, the man In the street, a mirEverybody's Happy untary" only in name. acle can only be a momentary ocwith currence — the stunt of an omniThe- absence of unemployment continues to tell heavily in favor potent Fakir who yields'to the en/ of the regime amongst industrial treaties of his terrestrial creaworkmen, but the increase in tures. The cultured person can and HIS ORCHESTRA hours of labor and in speeding up see miracles in the endeavors Of NIGHTLY IN THE is beginning to t e l l heavily man. The building of the Panama against it. This lack ol skilled Canal was such a miracle. The BLACK MIRROR •workers in all industries uncon- completion of the New Oxford BOMBAY ROOM nected with rearmament. (The Dictionary after fifty years of lalack is most evident in dairy bor by a hardworking editorial DINING and DANCING staff and hundreds of volunteer farming agriculture.) No Cover — No Minimum It often happens in Germany readers throughout the world, a today that workmen, artisans, colossal work in fifteen or sixtradesmen, and others are forbid- teen large volumes of fine type,






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Page 4


who is considered an ally of the Dictators, the Catholic church in South America has had its position weakened. Civilization's enemy must be kept from our hemisphere. It has done enough damage in Europe.










"Poison in the Melting Pot"

The most disconcerting article in many months appears inthe current issue of "The Nation." Entitled "Poison in the Melting Pot," it records in all too vivid a fashion the forces at work for the fostering of anti-Semitism. Agitation among AVID BLACKER Business and Managing Editor.ISONAKD NATHAN Editor America's German and Italian elements has been no secret. Contributing Editor Investigations of one sort or another have merely proved what CABB1 FREDERICK COHN Book Editor £ABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS everyone knew. \NN PILL Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Influenced by the preachments of Father Coughlin a section of New York's Irish population has been added to the list The 111 Wind That Bloweth of detractors. This element of the melting-pot, once savagely . Last September as the leaders of three powerful states persecuted both in their native Ireland and in Pope-baiting ilew to Germany to sound the death knell of a fellow nation, -Nineteenth century America, has come under the sway of the ilie glory of the Reich was proclaimed. Germany, the vanquished foul mouthings of the radio priest whose influence has been Germany of twenty years ago, had risen from the' ashes like bolstered by the support of the-Brooklyn "Diocesan paper, "The the legendary Phoenix and now was dictating terms of peace Tablet." to Chamberlain. Daladier and Mussolini as a generation preOne of the paradoxes of anti-Semitism in this country is vious their predecessors—Lloyd George, Clemenceau and Or- the resentment expressed in the Bund publication against the lando—dictated the terms of Versailles. snobbishness of native Americans: " '. . . the nativistic spirit, Flush with that victory, once the rigors of winter had the arrogant assumption that an unwritten clause of the Conpassed, Hitler began to interpret the-Paet of Munich only in. stitution grants them a patent of superiority . . . that unless lerms of German advantage. Throwing to the winds his treaty you can trace your ancestry to some shoemaker or weaver in guaranties, casting aside his views-of a 'racial' nation, making Britain, you are a citizen./only by tolerance." himself a perjurer by reversing his own words of September Apparently not all Americans are too chauvinistic for the that Germany no longer seeks territory in Europe or wants a followers of Fritz Kuhn. Before the publication of the "Na- Bressler Editorial Cartoons' single Czech, Bohemia and Moravia were taken. tion" article, word was received of the rabble-rousing activiThe result has been an" evil of the worst sort. The insecur- ties of General Van Horn Mosely, a recently retired army ofLetters to the Gems of the Bible ity of Europe has been heightened. But true to the old proverb ficer. Evidently the similarity in names between himself and Editor of the ill-wind that blows some good, the advantages of the the British aspirant for the Fuehrership has inspired the Genand Talmud Czech absorption are far out-weighed by the disadvantages. eral, whose previous constribution to statesmanship had been To the Editor: By Dr. Philip Sh«r The way to the Ukraine may have been opened, but it is still a vicious attack on President Roosevelt. The g r o w i n g concern of thoughtful citizens with the nec:i long way to the region Germany covets. BIBLE These are unhealthy signs—not only for Jews but for essity of preserving' democratic A good man leaveth an inheriprinciples and with combating First, Hitler has taken into his borders a dissatisfied peo- Americans. Au apparent confusion has resulted from the barsymptoms of prejudice and in- tance to his children, and tbe ple—llie Czechs, who in the past centuries of subjugation re- rage of propaganda let loose by the most degraded elements tolerance is one of the most hope- wealth of the sinner is laid ap for the righteous. tained their national identity and national aspirations and dur- in our population. At a time when the country is greatly in ful indications that the traditionA wise man feareth and deal American principles of liberty ing their twenty years of independence interpreted those ideals need of strengthened morale, it is falling prey to subversive and tolerance will be safeguarded parteth from evil, but the fool beagainst the subversive forces that haveth overbearingly and is connobly. groups who would sow seeds: of discord to reap their harvest. are attempting to foist totalitar- fident. ADVERTISING

Religious Services

Etta Ferer

Funeral services were held on i Thursday afternoon at the Jewish Temple I Funeral Home for Mrs. Etta At services this evening Rabbi j Ferer, 76, who died on Wednes- David H. Wice will speak on | day. March 29. of pneumonia. "Song of Freedom." Closing Pass• The widow of Samuel Ferer, over services will be held at the Mrs. Ferer had been a resident of Temple on Sunday evening at Omaha for over 50 years. She 5:30 and Monday morning at 11. was a charter member of the Beth El B'nai Israel synagogue. Tonight at the Beth El synaSurviving are: Three sons, Har- gogue Rabbi David A. Goldstein i ry. Rueben and Herman Ferer. all will speak on "Passover's Conof Omaha, and three daughters, temporary Significance." Mrs. H. White and Mrs. J. Mar- Closing Passover services will golis of Omaha and Mrs. J. Breff be held Sunday at 6:30 p. m. and of Brooklyn.. N. Y. Monday and Tuesday mornings at Burial was at the Golden Hill 9. Yizkor will take place at cemetery. about 10.





The thoughtless believeth every ian ideologies upon this country. Secondly, Hitler has frightened Roumania and Poland, who On every side, also, is being ex- word, but the prudent man lookutvc suddenly awakened to the fact that Germany was utilizpressed the conviction that the eth well to his going. In all labor there is profit, but maintenance of democratic instiug their own state-inspired anti-Semitism to gain a dangerous tions is bound up with the invig- the talker of the lips tendeth only /ootbold in the eouutry. They have finally come to see antioration of religious faith, with tts to destitution. emphasis upon the sovereignty of He that refuseth correction de•rfemitism as tbe curious springboard which the Nazis utilize God and inherent worth of the in- spiseth his own soul, but he that .'or further domination. Their flirtations with the Reich have dividual. hearkeneth to reproof getteth unB y DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS derstanding. ibruptly ceased and now they look elsewhere for favors. Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City There is an increasing need for light of the eyes rejoiceih Americans who love liberty and theThe What is of much greater importance to Europe and the heart, and a good repast do not want to see this country maketh a person fat. vorld at large has been the realization by the great powers, 'COMMENTARY TO NUMBERS" is made to behave not like the disfigured by the religious and raTAUUCD BY DB. JULIUS GREENSTONE. civilized leader, the humanitarcial hatreds which have torn oth..articiularly France and England, that Nazi promises and sig- JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIE- ian, but like a ruthless tribal Elazer said in the name er lands, to mobilize with their of Rabbi Rabbi Jochanan: "It is permischieftain. The temper of the ep- fellows who are attempting to denature* mean absolutely nothing. Britain is beginning to line TY. PHILADELPHIA, PA. sable on the day of the Sabbath isode is primitive, and out of harThis is a useful and competent fend our historic freedoms. :p a formidable array of powers against Eeich aggression, commentary upon Numbers, the mony with any moral conception Whether democracy as we un- to.decide upon the amount of a non-aggression pact between Poland and the Belch, fourth book of Moses. Though of God and of life. It demands derstand it in the United States charity to be distributed amoug personally the traditional some forthright analysis and rad- can be successfully safeguarded the poor." y has begun agitation for Danzig and has started its holding Jewish point of view, Dr. Green- ical interpretation botb repug- against the forces which axe at- Rabbi Samuel in the name of jiimliar chant of 'oppressed German minorities' in Poland— stone gives generous space to the nant to the author. It is astonish- tempting to subvert it will depend Rabbi Jochanan, said: "One is alcritical opinions of the Wellhaus- ing that he can pass over the bru- upon whether the nucleus of cit- lowed to visit the theatres, cir<Ver a niiUiou, Germany claims; t800,000..Poland says. . en school. An example is the in- tality, the inherent immortality izens most urgently concerned cuses and stock exchanges on the (Jerjnajiophile Josef Keck, Polish foreign minister, is now troduction to the Balaam story. of this tale of primitive warfare with .spiritual values can success- Sabbath if it is to protect the welEven though Jewish tradition pic- without some explanatory re- fully compete against communist, fare of the conununity." 1 >rccd to abandon his German rapprochement and return to tures Balaam as a base and ig-'marks. fascist and Nazi forces for the al- Rabbi Eliezer said; "Repent one noble creature, the author admits i e^foriiier ally. France., and to seek protection from. Russia. legiance of the mass of people. It day before thy "deaht." His disThose interested in textual matthat many come to an opposite ters is essentially a struggle for edu- ciples asked him, "Does a man will find this a scholarly . . Germany, instead of halting the march'of Communism and conclusion, credit the heathen cation for religion and democracy know on what -day he will die (in commentary. However, the mod: order to repent before that lie stifling of Russia, has done exactly the opposite. Not only prophet with integrity and cour- ern Jew, who long ago has aban- against propagandas of hatred day)?" Whereupon Rabbi Eliezer age, because he remained loyaL doned the traditional belief re- and strife. , as she adopted many Bolshevik practices but now she has to the dictates of conscience, in. said to them, "So much the more garding the divine origin of the The National Conference of him repent toSay, lest he die orced the buffer states, created by Versailles into the orbit of spite of Balak's tempting offers Bible, will be dissatisfied with Christians and Jews, founded in let tomorrow; doing thus it will be of bribery. """• mere textual information. He enby Newton D. Baker, Char- found that he will repent every :ussia. The introduction opens with ••;» tertains some serious misgivings 1928 les Evans Hughes ana1 Dr. S. day of his life." discussion of authorship. The con'concerning the ethics of many a Firm steps now may stop Hitler; it may also force him to Cadman, is earnestly strivRabbi Jose said: "I never actclusions of the Wellhausen school Bible episode and hero. He Parkes ing, through a national educa- ed contrary to the wishes of my i..ad acts. But Europe must choose between a hegemony of are given, and the,chapter classifi- senses a wide gap between those tional program, to see that this colleagues. Although I know that of P and JE Is outlined. portions of the Bible which are iennany and its independence. The people of Europe, once cation does not spread • here. I am not a priest, still if my colThe author unhesitatingly accepts prophetic, universalistic and ma-contagion Protestants, Catholics and Jews, >_>lently anti-war, see there are some things worst than death. the traditional view, that the book jestically moral in character, em- Through local round tables -of leagues would ask me to go upon of Numbers, most of it if not all, bodying noble laws and magnifi- work in churches, schools, col- the platform, I would do' so. and 1 (a concession to the Biblical cri- cent ideals, and those which em- e g es, ; women's organizations, never said a word .that I had to repent afterwards." tics) is a contemporaneous rec- body religious concepts and crude 1farm, labor, veterans' and busord, setting forth the experiences practices of a primitive nature. iness groups, it is endeavoring to /There has been a tendency in some circles to pooh-pooh of Israel as they toot place — not The American Jew is estranged immunize Americans against proa description of events long past. from the Bible and is anxious-to pagandas of hatred and attempt. e fears of a Nazi-Fascist drive in the Latin-American.coun- It takes much courage to reject find his way back to the literaing to mobilize them for coopera• -ies. Certain elements have condemned this as pure propa- the- basic conclusions of the Well- ture of his people. The past tion on matters of common inter- FROM APRIL 9 TO APREL 14 hausen school. Orthodoxy persists should be made clear by our tea- est and concern to them as citi- Sunday, April 9. ganda issued by the Administration'to bolster its armament in doing so because it must. chers and scholars. It is here zens of the one country. A. Z. A. No. 1, 2 p. m., K and . I olicy, A series of events have proved the truth of those After disposing of the question where the author fails — misses L, Jewish Community Center. The National Conference solicof authorship, a careful. synopsis a splendid opportunity. He should Z..A. No. 100, 2 p. m., G rmed 'alarmists.' the membership and financial andA. H, of the contents is given, which in have referred to the evolutionary its Jewish Community Censupport of all citizens — ProtestNo one can travel in Latin-American countries without turn is followed by a brief men- process which characterizes the ants, Catholics and Jews — who ter. tion of the religious ideas found growth of the Bible and the de- believe that demagogic appeals to Junior A. Z. A., 3 p. m., room ,'iug impressed by the tremendous commerce carried on with n the book:. The translation is velopment of its fundamental hatred must be met by an ever- N, Jewish Community Center. 'ascist countries. The Swastika and the Crown of Italy dom- that of the Jewish. Publication So- ideas about God, justice, morality, increasing campaign for religious Omaha Hebrew club. 3 p. m., The commentary appears on etc. He should have made it clear and racial good-will. No greater lodge room, Jewish Communitv nate every seaport as their^ships unload their cheap manu- ciety. the same page with the text. It is that Biblical literature, the pro-task confronts this nation than Center. nctured products and take on supplies for war, particularly scholarly and informing and util- duct of many centuries, and ep-preventing a hysteria based upon Monday, April 10. liberally Jewish sources, ochs and minds, is not of 'one a false racialism or religious big- • Building" closed •' because of >il. But not only is this a commercial penetration. The Fascist izes drawing particularly • upon popu- cloth. Passover, otry. alions are inteut on getting friendly governments in every lar Jewish commentators. Tnesday, April 11. Unfortunately, the orthodox or Chicago University's physicist The value of the commentary semi-orthodox attitude precludes Opened at 5 p. m., because of .utin-Anicrican country. Large German and Italian colonies, would Arthur H. Compton, Columbia have been greatly enhanc- such open analysis of Biblical litPassover. . University's historian Carlton J. laiited in past years, are being utilized for the nefarious pur- ed had the author chosen to ex- erature. Sad yet, without scientif•Wednesday, April 12. H. Hayes, and business man Rogamine critically and to expound ic and critical study, which preBeth-El auxiliary, 1 p. m., >se of European governments. the moral content of some of the supposes the abandonment of er W. Straus are the co-chairmen. lounge room, Jewish Community i Advertising man Homer J. A short time ago Brazil, largest of the South American subject matter. "What we need to- traditional theories, the full apCenter. • is more than an understand- preciation of the Bible in our age Buckley, lawyer James N. RosenInternational: Workers" Order, .ihuis, was rocked by a Fascist-inspired revolution that was day berg, and Vassar College Presiing of the text. "We must under- is out of the question. It is here 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Comi-ried into the presidential palace itself. Next on the list was stand the ideals of the period where tradition becomes a hind- dent Henry Noble MacCrackeu, munity Center. head the program advisory comthis and other Biblical rance, and an impediment. Unless Thursday, April IS. ilc wJicrc ajrain the uprising was premature and resulted in when books were composed, so that it a Bible commentary includes the mittee. Herbert J. Osborceof the Boy Scouts, S p. in., lodge may be possible to approach some more recent and accurate know- Central Hanover Bank.- and Trust room, Jewish Community Center., • ilealh of forty men. Company, treasurer, will receive of the primitive ideas and porChoir rehearsal, S p. m., K and .Mexico, because of its strategic importance as the neighbor tions of the Bible with a measure ledge concerning the growth of contributions. The conference's the Bible and the painful develL, Jewish Community Center. the I'liiled .States, has been the focal point of Nazi aggres- of sympathy, derived from accur- opment of the leading ideas en- address is 300 Fourth Avenue, Friday, April 14. -. knowledge. The author bliss- tertained and taught by its mauy New York City. Dancing class, 3:45 p. m., C - >n. With th« victory of the Spanish insurgents, the Phal- ate Kverett It. Clinchy fully ignores the ever disturbing makers, its usefulness is seriously D, Jewish Community CenDirector, Natloiicl Conference of and igist sympathizers in Mexico became bold. This group, anti- fact that some of the practices limited. Christians and Jews, -New York, ter. and ideals endorsed by the Bible •iiiitif and anti-democratic, has become the instrument of all editors are primitive, fearfully March 39, 193JI. PALESTINE PAVILION •talitarian propaganda'. The Mexican government has taken out of harmony with our advanc- Non-Sectarian Group To the Editor: ed religious and moral concepts. WILL OPEN MAY 15 Plans Refugee Aid rong steps because with the Nazis there is no such thing as May we express to you our Gathering sticks on the SabNew York (JTA) — The Non- gratitude for the generous space New York (JTA)—Formal cerbath is a pretty childish matter -HI promise. Sectarian Committee for German you devoted in your paper to in- emonies opening the Jewish Palfor which to inflict the death penThe'latest to suffer from Xazi meddling is the Argentine. alty, and to impute to the Deity Refugee Children announced a formation about '1 liomas Mann estine Pavilion at the New York jcunieiits, still being studied .so as to be sure of their genuine- such cruel and fundamentally un- tentative plan drawn up by child and his visit to Omaha. Such ed- World's Fair will probably be punishment is quite shock- welfare experts for th"e selection, ucation work helped to make the held on May 15, it was announced JSS, reveal the German government had intended to annex just ing. The incident is a reflection handling and placement of the lecture a success for the entire at a press conference with George Backer, chairman of the sponsors' atagouia, the plains region of the Argentine. Argentine and of a very narrow God conception 20,000 German refugee children community. and not to inform the reader ac- who would be admitted to the The Thomas Mann Let'tiii— Com- committee, and Meyer Weisgal. ermauy recently signed a commercial treaty which would have cordingly director. Dr. Cbaim Weizraann. is a grievous oversight. United States this year and next mittee. president of the Jewish Agency •en to the advantage of the Nazis. It is evident that com- In chapter eleven, verse thirty- year under the terms of the Wag— Tor Palestine, lias indicated his three, the author discusses dif- ner-Rogers bill. •ercial penetration is not to be the end but only .the means for ferent The plan provides for the se- Given 2 Days to intention of attending, it was type of quail. But how stated. Completion of the pavilion about the ethics of the story? lection of the children in Germany Leave Italy•eater conquests. Rome fJTA)—The authorities has been assured, Mr. Weisgal reWas God Justified in destroying by the American Friends^ Service The Fascist governments are keeping every wound alive so many people who did nothing Committee, Quaker organization, served notice on many foreign vealed, by advances from Zionist id creating uew ones so as to spread its influence. Germany more serious than protest against whose staff would be augmented Jews who remained in Italy after funds against contributions still a montonous diet? The story of by child welfare experts from the March 12 expulsion deadline to be made. Cost of the enter•eks not only the hegemony of Europe—as Chamberlain only the brass serpent, basea upon a various societies in this country. that they had to leave the coun- prise was estimated at between They would be placed in homes try within two days. Jews in $300,000 and ?325.000. popular superstition, should refcently discovered—but the rule of the world. ceive lengthy and careful explan- selected by recognized social :Rome, Florence. Milan, Naples. The Latin-Americans do not relish the ambitions of the ation. The Deity is made to be- agencies, with the direction of seThe Coptic monks still fast beAncona and other cities were offitlk'tator nations. They fear them, do not believe them, and have quite recklessly and arbit- lection and placement under the cially notified that their applica- cause of the violation of an oalli to the Jews. rarily, and his decisions and pun- Non-Sectarian Committee, which would like to be rid of even their trade. In Panama they ishment have no relation to jus- has offered to assume the finan- tions for permission to remain longer had been rejected. Lieut. Solomon Braun was >: •showed their displeasure by throwing vegetables at an Italian tice. Verses one to twenty • n- cial responsibility and provide member of the ill-fated expedichapter thirty-one, have alwa.v* the guarantees required' by the I admiral. Because of the support given the Franco regime, out-raged my moral sense. Moses government. tion to Lake Tchad. ' 11 f Patronize Our Advertisers



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Page 5



music, the nationally known UnWomen's Mizrachi ion Pacific Glee club -will also en* tertain, and a special floor showThe next meeting of the WomSigma Omicron took a step fur- will be the extra added attrac- an's Mizrachi will be held on Wedther towards its goal in winning tion. The entire auditorium will nesday, 19. the inter-fraternity debate cham- be elaborately decorated; the or- Plans April are going forward for the pionship by reaching the final chestra and entertainers will dress dessert-luncheon, Linen Beneround of the tournament. The as in the days of I860, and thefit, to be held onthe May 17. Prodebate of the Sigma Alpha Epsi- dance officials will do likewise. In addition to all this, six valu- ceeds from this affair will be used lon team in the semi-final round buy linens for the two Beta 1XGAGEMEXT AXXOTTSCED SIMOXS-AVIESMAX gave Sigma Alpha Mu the right able door prizes will be awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krasne of to meet the Delta Theta Phi fra-to those persons holding the lucky Zeiroth girl schools in Palestine. 2dr. and Mrs. Nathan Wiesman The Women's Mizrachi is parof Omaha and Los Angeles an- 'remont announce t h e Engage- ternity for first honors. Henry numbers. The price pf admission nounce the marriage of their ment of their daughter,' Muriel, Greenberger, Grand Island, and which includes a dance, floor ticipating in the. sale of Sbekolim daughter, Merriam Anne, to A l - to Mr. David Bernstein, s o n of Ben Novicoff, Lincoln, comprise show and a chance to win one of and Mrs. J. Tuchman, chairman bert Edward Simons of L o s A n -Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bernstein of Sigma Omicron's debate squad. six valuable door prizes is one dol- of the group in charge, has urged all persons to assist in this worthy The question being debated is— lar per couple. Omaha. geles. • Every cent of the proceeds will venture. The ceremony w a s performed Both Miss Krasne and Mr. Resolved: That the president of Members of the organization by Rabbi Henry X.. Radlin on Sun- Bernstein attended the University the United States should be elect- go to charity. The dance commitday noon, March 26, at t h e Am-"of Nebraska. Miss Krasne -was ed for a six-year term instead of tee decided to turn over every have been requested to save old cent to the refugee fund or the articles for the annual rummage bassador hotel in LOB Angeles: affiliated w i t h - t h e Sigma Delta the present fpur-year term. Youth Aliyah movement which sale. Members of the two families were Tau sorority, and Mr; Bernstein Sigma Omicron is continuing helps young refugees establish a present. Following the service a -with t h e Sigma Alpha Mn frawith its cultural program of "firewedding breakfast was served. ternity. ' •-; !;r'y"-.- :•'••• •;•• :••'••side" discussions. The purpose of home in Palestine. This affair is Beth El Auxiliary The young couple motored t o No wedding date lias been set. these programs is to enlighten not closed to: A. • Z. A. members; all Omaha Jewry is invited. Palm Springs o n their wedding Jewish students on important and The regular monthly meetiag „. trip. They will reside at the Casa timely Jewish problems of the Harold Fisher, Jack Flatter- of the Beth El Auxiliary will be Bonita apartments in Los A n :tlay. ' - Last week Mr. Herman man and MItchel Landman have held at one o'clock on Wednesday, geles. Ginsburg, prominent. Lincoln law- had the honor of -T>eing elected in- April 12. Luncheon will be preyer, led one of these discussions to the fold of A. Z. A. 100. Next pared by the following members The Hadassah Ones Shabboth at the chapter house. His topic Sunday the chapter will hold its of the organization Dtesdames ANNOUNCE BAB MtTZVAH Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kuklin an- troup will have as its guest was "Jews, Jobs and Discrimina- initiation ceremonies and these Abe Venger, Moe Venger, Moe nounce the Bar Mitzyah. of-their speaker Leonard Nathan, editor tions." fellows will take their oath of al- Linsman, William Levey, Nathan son, Floyd Allan,' on Saturday of The Jewish Press, on Saturday,. legiance to the organization and Horwich, and Leonard Segall. Ray Brown, Kansas City, re15, at the home of Mrs. ceived a most distinctive honor become regular morning, April 15, at the B'nal April A special program has been members of the Oscar Belzer, 552 South Fifty- when he was elected to member- chapter. Israel synagogue. : eighth planned with Mrs. Jack Bramson St. Mr. Nathan will speak A reception will oe held on Sun- on his recent trip in the Carribean ship in the Nebraska Chapter.of presiding as chairman. Mrs. David A. Goldstein will speak on day, April 16, at the home, 3932 region. Pi Epsilon Delta, National ColMrs. Paul Veret is chair"Open Your Book" in which she North Twenty-first, from 2 to 5 man and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, legiate Players society. O n l y will discuss her travels on behalf and from 7 to 10. seven students from the Nebraska co-chairman* Of Hadasah. campus are elected each year to No invitations-have been issued. Rummage Sale With the issuing of 300 bids, An interesting musical prothis organization. Ray's election All bundles for the Rummage was in recognition of his fine Alpha Gammi Chi, University of gram, "Music That Shall Not ATTENDED WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Ben Firieman of Sale will be picked up this week. achievements in university dra- Omaha sorority, announced its Die," has been arranged. Mrs. having bundles for the matics. This year Brown held Annual Formal Hop which is to Harry Duboff will play selections Chicago were omitted from the Those are requested ' to call several leads in the University be held at the Chermot ballroom by famous Jewish composer*. list of out-of-town guests who at- committee Mrs. Peter Greenberg, HA 1207.Flayer's productions. April 13. Music will be furnished The reports of the nominating tended the Adler-Skiar nuptials. Thesale will be held April 12, by Freddie Ebener's orchestra. committee will be heard. A board Irvin Yaffe, Omaha, was award13 and 14, 1322 Farnam. Celia Lipsman, Pauline Rosen- meeting at 12 will precede the VISITING SON major basketball letter for baum, Libby Ruback and Mrs. regular meeting. Mrs. Haixy- Greene is in Bos- The drawing by Hadassah for ed afine performances with the William Rosenbaum are in charge ton, Mass-^rwhere she is visiting the HMO award on the trip to his this year. Iry played in of all arrangements. her son. Dr. Arthur M. Greene. New York will be held Wednes- Huskers same, and he capably demMany of the sorority girls have Mr. Greene will join them later. day, April 26, during the regular every Pioneer Women meeting. The first prize will be onstrated his ability by leading distinguished themselves on the the rally against the strong Okla- campuB. Recently the president, a round trip ticket first class to AXXOCNCE BIKTH A program to commemorate the York City or $100 in cash homa team. Yaffe has been in- Celia Lipsman, was elected presiMr. and Mrs. Sol Krizelman an- New the second prize will • be a vited to participate in spring bas- dent of the Feathers chapter of Passover holiday will be given by nounce the birth of a son, Irwin and the Pioneer Women's organizatrip ticket tourist class to ketball practices. Phi Sigma Chi, national pep or- tion on Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Allan, on March 27 at St. Joseph's round I.-V: New York City or $50 in cash.

Sigma Alpha Mu



Alpha Gamma Chi



COUSINS CLUB • The Cousins club will meet on Friday. April 14, ut the hoine of Mrs. Nathan Simon, 5640 Pierce street. JOSLYN MEMORIAL. A piano .concert of the compositions of Robert Schuman will be etven by Professor Paul Stoye of Drake university at 2:30 in the concert hall : of the Joslyn Memorial. At 2:30 in the lecture hall the sonnd film. "The Plough That Broke the Plains," will be shown. Mr. Gordon Giffen will speak _ at 3:30 in the lecture hall on "The American Theater in the Hinterland." The 4 o'clock organ recital will be given by Esther Leaf. Assisting her will be the Thomas Jefferson a cappella choir under the direction of Ardith J. Larson.

Sigma Delta Tau

ganization. She and Lillian Monovitz are delegates to the Phi Sigma Chi convention that is to be held in Manhattan, Kan.. April The last regular business meet- 29. Eileen Zevitz and Libby Ruing of A. Z. A. 100 was devoted back were initiated into Feathers entirely to cultural activities. A as representatives of-the sorority. second: degree and a speech from Esther and Florence Steinberg an official "of the Union Pacific gave a recital at the Joslyn Me'Golden Spike Days" were the morial on March 19, under the highlight of the program. The sponsorship of the Omaha Music Union Pacific employee explained Teachers association young artist the Mstory and purpose of "Gold- program. Esther, who graduates en Spike Days" and discussed the this June, ranks among the upper various affairs to be held in con- third of the class scholastically, nection with this great event. has been written up in "Who's Union Pacific pledged its support Who" in the university paper ana to the A. Z. A. 100 annual spring is one of the most active members dance and promised to do every- of Kappa Mu Lambda, honorary thing in its power to make the musical- fraternity. affair a successful one. Miss Steinberg, .Eileen Zevitz Alephs Leonard Lewis, Yale and Lillian Monovitz are on the Richards, Frank Pirsch and Aleph staff of the university weekly pa-

Tickets are being sold by the HMO committee for 50 cents each. All captains are requested to turn in book stubs to Mrs. M. M. Barish immediately. Financial Committee Under the capable leadership of Mrs. B. A. Simon, Hadassah outstanding -dues are being collected. Mrs. Simon urgently requests all members to pay their dues immediately so -that they -will be admitted to the paid-up membership affair which will be given shortly. Mrs. William Alberts is assiBting in this drive. Kansas City. Conference The following were elected to be delegates and alternates at the Southwestern Regional conference to be held in Kansas City May 1 and 2 in the Muelbach. hotel: Mrs. M. D. Brodkey,- Mrs. M. M. Bar- Godol Milt Saylan conducted the per, "The Gateway." Miss Zevitz ish, Mrs. Ben Brodkey, Mrs. J. second degree ceremonies which and Miss Monovitz are also the Blank, Mrs. Max Conn, Mrs. Har- were given to all Alephs who were campus social activity editors of ry Crounse, Mrs, J. J. Friedman, initiated into the chapter less the Tomahawk, the year book. .Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, Mrs. than a year ago. With the con- Special recognition was given to Leon Graetz, Mrs. I. Grossman, clusion of the second degree these Vicki Lerner, Pauline Rosenbaum Mrs. Joe Goldware, Mrs. Jack Alephs became fun Hedged A. Z. and Etta Soiref for their unusualKaufman, Mrs. J. J9. K l A. men and -possessed the rights ly high scholastic achievement at MrE. Reuben Kulakofsky, Mrs. J. and privileges of their fellow an all-school convocation recentLintzman, Mrs. Dave Stein,. Mrs. members. , : . '-•!••'... ly. Geulah Meiches, Etta Soiref

A. Z. A. 100

Hollywood Merry-Go-Round By IRVING SONDERS

Noar Society

Collections of Unique

FLOOR COVERING v Her* Is Your Opportunity To Make a Real Buy Never h»« the HUNT CARPET CO. bad a more complete line of carpets and linoleums. And you know wkat a new floor covering; will do for your home. You just can't afford to let this golden opportunity •lip fey. Prices are so very reasonable, buying NOW i a real saving. All that Mr. Hunt asks is that you (rant him the privilege of sending a representative to your home, or asks that you come to the display room at 2 2 0 3 Farnam St. before making your decision.


Herzbergs chiaparellL

It will probably be a long time before Paul Muni will get a real vacation. After lie finishes "The Life of Beethoven," his next picture, he will play the leading role

in "William Tell" and "We Are "Confessions of a Nazi Spy," Not Alone," in that order. Sol Warner Brothers' anti-Nazi pic- Lessner will release his juvenile ture seems to be the start ol a star, Bobby Breen, -with RKO cycle of anti-Nazi pictures. "Ad- taking over all future productions dress Unknown," by Kressman . . . Bobby, by the way. is very Taylor, is a tragic story told in popular at the B'nai Rubin synaletter form of t w o German gogue, Los Angeles . He atfriends, one living in San Fran- tends all the holiday services and cisco and one living in Germany. contributes more than his share This story has been bought for the movies by Felix Young, an independent producer. The other anti-Nazi picture will be "The Plumbing and Hasting Bishop Who Walked With God," the story of Reverend Martin ENOINEERS Complete 24 Hour Service Niemoller. head of the Lutheran




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Patronize Our Advertisers


In spite of the much vaunted California sunshine sickness is making the rounds and delaying many pictures. "Rose of Washington Square" was held up because of the illness of Alice Faye and Al Jolson . . . Zeppo Marx is just getting over the flu . . . Louis B. Mayer is up and around after getting over a throat infection . . . Just imagine what would have happened if that dew had turned into rain.

church in Germany before Hitler

a bird if he so willed. Sounds mighty Interesting. (Capyfight, 1»3», by Seven Attjs Feature Syndicate). ;>

to the upkeep of the synagogue. Eddie Cantor will play the lead in "The Flying Yorkshlreman." the fantastic s t o r y by Eric Knight. It is the story of a man who found that he could fly like

Melvyn Douglas ' turned the tables on the three winners of the Queen Esther.'ball in LOB Angeles when he asked for their autographs first, and got them * . . Louise Rainer is forgetting about pictures for a while. She is leaving Hollywood for London to do a play written by Jaques Deval, author "Tovarich." . . . Samuel Goldwyn is angling for Lillian HeUman's hit play, "The Foxes." If the deal goes through Miss Hellman will probably do the screen adaptation . . . David Loew signed with Murray Silverstone as an independent producer home of Mrs. G. Soiref, 3505 for United Artists. Loew will Hamilton street/ produce two pictures, soon to be Mr. J. Radinowski will speak. Mrs. J. Fellman will read the announced, for release during Maurice Mosco1939-1940 Passover bulletin. Refreshments are to be served. vitch was signed by 20th CenturyFox for the role of the Indian chief in "Suzannah," Shirley Temple's next picture.

Nine girls were formally •initiat- Julius Stein and Mrs.,-B. AV Si- A. Z. A. 100's regional cham- and Eileen Zevitz have been came to power. ed . into-.Sigma..' Delta Tau lasi mon. pion Boftball team held -the first chosen to appear in a dance reGermany has already begun a week-end. They are Shirley EpThe next meeting of the Book practice of the year last Sunday. cital at the Union Pacific premier press war against Hollywood.- One stein, Omaha; Rosemary Herz- Review groups will take place on Athletic Chairman Harry Fox will festival. Nazi paper says that "The statemark, Kansas City, Mo.; Florence April 19, 1 p. m., at the home of enter the team in the Jewish ComLillian Monovitz, who is presi- supervised American film comMeyerson, Council Bluffs, la, Mrs. Phil Katz. Co-hostess will munity Center league and the dent of the Drama club, was elect- panies have joined in a chorus of Miriam Rubnitz, Omaha; Harrie* be Mrs. Sidney Feldman. "Bran- Urban league. ed the sorority's new historian. Salzman, Omaha; Ruth Somberg deis the Personal History ot Twice'Champion of the Corn- Mrs. A. C. Fellman and Miss Janet Omaha; Genevieve Stein, Omaha an American Idea," by Alfred belt region which includes Ne- Graetz are sorority sponsors. Marian Stetheimer, Wichita, Kan., Lief, will be reviewed by Mrs.braska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Zelda Swimmer, Aurora, 111 Harold S. Barish. Current events and Illinois; second place winner At a. beautifully appointed din- will be given by Mrs. Irvin Bu- in the J. C. C. league; an entry Patronize Our Advertisers ner for the initiates, held at the binow. in last year's city series, and the Cornhuslcer hotel on Saturday team best represented on the all night, Shirley Epstein was prestar squad which won the national sented with the freshman cup A. Z. A. tournament, the Century Sarah Miller received the cup chapter team is recognized as one Riven to the girl having the highof the best A. Z. A. teams in the A meeting of the Noar society Diamond Engagement, est scholastic average during the was held at the Jewish. Commun- country. Those Alephs returning past year; while Pauline Schwartz ity Center on Sunday, April 2. Re- this year for competition are Jack Wedding and Anniver- ' received a bracelet for having; freshments, were served. , sary Rings, individualEpstien, Norman Kuklin, Milt made the most improvement, ly designed and priceVI Saylan, Leo Alperson, Milton Guss Haskell Cohen a n d George scholastically. Gwen Meyerson 'with good old-fashionand Roland Lewis. Other athBradley spoke to the members. spoke" for the alumni, Josephine ed moderation. letics will include track, swimRubnitz for the actives, and Mar- Mr. Bradley, a Union Pacific em- ming, tennis and ping-pong. Convenient Terms Can Be ian Stetheimer was the initiate ploye, spoke of the history behind Arranged at No Extra The Central club's spacious auspeaker. Harriett Byron acted as the Golden Spike days celebraCost ditorium will be the scene of this toastmlstres8. Mary Arbitman, tion. Plans for a picnic -were estab- year's annual spring dance -which | who was 'in charge of the banlished. A debate on the abolition will be held in conjunction with quet, also spoke. of double feature* movies was Union Pacific's "Golden Spike Sigma Delta Tan boasts presi- held after which the members Days." Web Fierman and his dencies of; two more honorary so- discussed the question. ' Q(/AHA N E famous orchestra will furnish the' cieties on campus, for Selma Hill Carl Weiss, Sam Beber, Louis was recently elected president of Katz and Carl Bronstein were adTassels, girls' honorary pep or- mitted into the society. Martin ganization,,'and Jeanette Pblon- Goodman led community singing. sky is. the new president of GamThe next meeting will be held ma Alpha Chi, honorary and pro- on Sunday, April 16. fessional advertising society. On Saturday, March 25, members of Theta chapter's council gave a Buprise birthday party in" celebration of Sigma Delta Tan's The Vaad auxiliary will hold founding 22 years ago. On that its next meeting on. Thursday,: same day pledges of Theta enter- April 13* at•.- 2:15, at the B'nal tained their pledge-mothers at Israel synagogue, Eighteenth and luncheon -at the Cornhusker ho- Chicago streets. - A board meettel. Ruth Somberg was. in charge ing^ will be held at 1. of the arrangements. Following the business meetPreceding.the banquet for the ing a review of the hook, "Thickinitiates, Mrs. D. Nefsky was for- er Than Water," by Vera Caspary, mally ^installed as patroness of will be given by Mrs. Louis Zabel.


never-ending-insults and abuse to Germany." German papers will no longer review or advertise any American films. The German attitude and their recent taking over of Czecho-Slov&kia has been somewhat of a blow to the movie industry. Czecho-Slovakia bought approximately 2 per cent of Hollywood's foreign business. Hollywood is also worried at the growing strength of Germany's motion picture business. Now that the South American market has been extensively opened it is thought that Germany may cut into Hollywood's market there. Germany is attempting to use motion pictures as a means of "educating" Bchool children. They are also using motion pictures to lecture on their racial theories in Danzig a n d Rumania. They charge no admission and school children are invited to attend these shows free.

Vote for All 7

Theta chapter of Sigma Delta ; A report on the carnival will also be given. "Tau.

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Mire am/ Lef Me this Cry of Anguish comes from the souls of millions of our distressed and unfortunate brethren in Eastern Europe

They Are Appealing to Us! Cannot Turn a Deaf Ear

1O2, FOR the relief and rehabilitation of 1||B Ifews iii (Jermanyv Polatid and other European lands* JQ thetomsrx>rtationand establishment of many of these victims of tx> Palestine and dther^ world*

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P»g« 7


office. The institute had been the Cream butter and sugar, add chief agency for student exchange gg and meltea chocolate. Sift until Germany undertook to open dry tngreclenU and add alternatea separate office, an act which ly tfl first ffilxtnrt with sour milk. Ea.ly records of the communwas denounced by Dr. Nelson P. By Mrs. Btvid M. Newmaa Drop on greased cooky sheet. Geneva, IU. (JTA) — A Jewish Mead, acting president of the ColBake 12 to 15 minutes at 350 de- ity ot Beziem In F r A * * * ! Jews living there in the lege of the City of New York, as woman who has Joined -4i» ConBUTTER SCOTCH CARU "a thinly veiled attempt at prop- gregational Church must marry a tary. 4 eggs aganda." man of the Jewish faith within a Defends Jewish Teachers! The senate of Rome in 13?<S 2 cap* sugar year or lose an inheritance -estimexempted the Jewish physicians 2 cups cake lonr New York (JTA) — The direcated at $40,000 to |70,0©0. un*»r Anselo dl Manuele *nA Solomon 2 teaspoon* baking povder tor of the American branch of j 8ao Panlo, Brain (JTA)—Apdi Sabaiduchio from taxation be1 cnr> bot milk the German University Student the terms of her father's trill, "of• pairujnent of six JewiBb instruc- cause of the service tbey rendered 2 tablespoons butter country is on a very high level Exchange has been dismissed and fered for probate here. I tors to pouts in government «cbools no successor will be appointed, it of culture. Tbe conditional bequest, reveal- j 1 teaspoon van ills ' WAS defended by tbe Secretary Ot tbe poor. was disclosed in Berlin by Gen- Rallying -under the slogan ing a father-dangbier- conflict ; Beat eggs very Ilsluly. Beat in education in tne State of Rio Auckland eral Ewald von JIassow, head of "Cancer Can Be Conquered — If over assimilation, was made by! sogar. add silted Ttonf, bah ing Grande de Snl. Rejecting anti- ] Daring the Thirty years' war. "Jewish lite here, ac such, is the system. The director, George We Our Part Now" the Wom- Hani* Goldman, of Elgin. IH.. ta\powtler. and vanilla. Heal milk ' Semitic arguments against tbe ap-j tbe Protestants of Bonn hid their somewhat difficult. There Is a Bettigr, /acted without orders in en's Do Army, Nebraska divi- A dele Gay, 32, a Chicago hospital with butter in it and add it io i pointnWBtt. the official declared < property in the Ghetto for safevery pretty synagogue, but it re-asking German students to be vir- sion, Field of tbe American Society for clerk, wbo changed her name rest of ingredients until combin- ! Brazil had n© racial laws and allj keeping. mains practically empty, though tual spies in the United State*, the Control of Cancer, this week from Goldman scv*n years a,so ed tboroushi*. bake in a large ! capable citizens were entitled to there are about 800 to 1,000 JewembaTked on its Annual state- when she left tbe Jewish faith. long pan until done. While it >s1 bold Government posts. Tbe Attinganes or Phrygia ish residents here. The reason is eneral von Massow said. were Greeks wbo observed all It had been revealed by the wide fund raising drive to com-If she does not comply with tho still bat frost with ths following: that Auckland is immensely big. the Nation's Number One condition, she receives an inheri6 tablspotms butter Jewish rites. As their leader, The town consists of a compara- Providence (R. I.) Bulletin that bat 10 tablespoons brown sugar POLES DEMONSTRATE however, they always chose a tance of $5. tively small city, but it is prin- Rettig sent" out a circular letter Plague. full-blooded Jew. Founded in 1913, the American "I have no intention now of 4 tables^oors cream cipally made up of pretty cottages requesting German students on l cap cocoanuts Terelien. Poland (WNS)—In a that extend far out — Auckland American and Canadian campuses Society for-the Control of Cancer marrying *nyone," she said. "I The Bragadini family, a Chrisis therefore a typical town of gar- to Supply Nazi authorities With has the-endorsement and support knew this arrangement was in Brown under broiler of oven. proee^sio't thrown the city wom- tian patrician family or Venice, en sta'gea an anti-Hitler jJemondens "with its resulting extension. information on conditions in theof the American Medical associa- my father's mind. It made no stration An thi« Area, annexad by succeeded the Bombergs as tbe ."It is approximaely 25 to 30 United States. The paper said tion, American college of Sur-change in our relationship. We CHOCOLATE IKSOF Poland from Czetfho - SlovaMa printers of Hebrew books. 2 cups brown sugar kilometers (about IS % miles) he had been recalled to Berlin geons and the Nebraska State were always very dose, except in wben Germany occupied tbe Suthis one matter." 3 squares bitter chjcolate long and in some parts it is' also because ths German Embassy in Medical society. A congregation of Greek Jews deten land last October. HouBe1 cup sour milk According to statistics received very -wide. It is no exaggeration Washington felt he had acted in' wives deserted their homes to foonued In Sofia i s the 10th cenfrom national headquarters of the Isaac Pinto of Bordeaux wrote 1 teaspoon vanilla when I say, for the sake of com-discreetly. I carry banner* Teadinu "Pola»d is tury etill is in exi«feenee. parison, that the enormous city 1 cup butter General von Massow was un-society by Mrs. George Crocker of the replies to Voltaire's anti| not Cze^no-Slovakia'* and ^Dauof Amsterdam could be incorpor- derstood to have asked Stephen Omaha, state commander, cancer Jewish pamphlets. 2 eggs 'aig is not Meinelland." As the I»Wor Busch, a Jew of St. ated many times i n Auckland. P. Duggan. director of the Insti- is • more serious health problem 3 cups cake flour 1 march proceeded students and Louis, was aide-de-camp to GenPedro de la Caballeria. a mar- 1 cup chopped nuts Ton can easily see, then, that in tute Of International Education today than «ver before. j others were caught in the en-eral Fremont daring the civil some eases It may take one orin New York to take orer the rano. negotiated the marriage of 1*4 leaspoon soda war. ! thustaRtic demonstration. two hours to reach the syna- functions of the German student Ferdinand and Isabella. Vi teaspoon salt Patronise Our Advertiser* gogue.

n Emigrant


His Story

"It Is absurd to say that one too oM lor a long trip!" Thus describing his long , royage to New Zealand as |<fhecrfully ns thoogh If had • ~


I Can Prove It

Kitchen Chats

State Organizes To Fight Cancer

a plciisare cruise. Max ahn, 6O, a German refugee, owJngly writes abont his new j-iife. iMs Jetter, sent to the lAmsterdam Committee for Refliigecs, was forwsrded to the f York offices of the Amcrirx Jewish Joint Distribution oinmittcc. I. The letter is here reproduced | almost in its entirety — as the [brighter side of tho • tragic ref[ugco story. With new thousands thrown into jeopardy by jthe recent turn of events, it is pleasant to think that some of the refugees are happy in their |new life, and grateful t o their nefactors. Air, Cabn and his wife are I'both over GO. ' In the ordinary ; rnn of events, their lives would probably be headed toward * peaceful old age. Instead, these "The town i s very nllly and new pioneers •were* forced to there are numerous electric trains transplant themselves, a n d and busses. are an start afresh. It is an axnazing utter necessityAutomobiles for business men, commentary on the courage since the distances are so great. and the stamina of these peoclimate is extremely healthI pie •— and of thousands like The is no such thing as them — that they refuse to ful. "There or ice in Auckland and in •-. despair . . . are willing to hope snow the heat is quite bearand work for a brighter fut- summer able. Unfortunately, Europeans ure. cannot stand t h e continuous After describing his brier strong -wind, intermittent Urtth . stay in London and the help storms. "Nearly all emigrants live in tended him there by the British Shelter for Refugees, Mr. Cahn pretty, airy houses; all make their living nicely. They are all goes On to say: "The days of our Journey on more than satisfied and there is ib& sea are among the most •won- no trace of home-sickness. The d%tul of our life. Passengers suf- cost of living is much lower -than fered from sea-sickness for only in Holland; only -vegetables and a few days. Travelling through rents are high. The numerous the Suez, -we had an opportunity stores furnish clothes and other to admire the beauties of many necessities. Tobacco is expensive and bad. There are no restaucountries. rants in the European style. All "And finally the day came commercial and business houses when -we landed at Wellington" —even the bars—close at 6 p. ai (the New Zealand seaport). Our (They are obliged to.) Private friends came to meet us at thelife JB therefore intensified by boat — and a new life began mutual invitations, and social for UB". connections — a most pleasant "New Zealand is a real para- state of affairs. dise," t h e letter continues. Pleasant Picture "Every day I see new and totally "Newspapers and radio see to unimaginable things. I could it that we are "well informed on nardly be Qualified t 0 report on the events in Europe. New ZeaNew Zealand before learning the land is nearly as big as Germany, country and understanding its ana it has a good system of rail habits and customs and after a and roads. In general, people few months here, I am slowly be- here are very polite and ready to ginning to learn them. The beau- help. Tou never hear rudeness. ty of the country reflects itself Culture has reached an extremely in the hearts of tne people to high level. Sports and betting euch a degree that I was at first are a bit exaggerated. The New faced with a real riddle. Only Zealander loves his country very now l am beginning to under- much and he speaks continuousstand'it. I shall therefore ' de- ly of 'our country,' 'our banks,' Eilribe the life of the New Zea-'our mountains,' 'our flowers' and 4,*.\r, and you will be able to so on. The country is very ferpKture it for yourself. " tile. Auckland is surrounded by "All of us here are on an equal a great number of islands which basis. There is no distinction are all inhabited. made between the white people "I do not want to finish this and the few natives. The latter, letter without mentioning to you fhe Maoris, are not considered in- what a great handicap it is for ferior. • They are tall handsome an emigrant-not to be able to people and only those of pure na- Speak English. tive stock have a certain —Bo"Though the country ifl ve hemian" complexion. But the rich, nothing is given as a presclimate colors us all. ent. There is no street com"As all the rate* of wages are merce, no begging, no canvassing fixed, by the authorities, tfcere is and no tips. hardly any difference between the "I hope that the above gives emigrant and the native who canyou a report from which you can earn about five to six New Zea-make a picture as to what lite in ; land pounds per five-day week. New Zealand is like. Please be All activities- stop on Saturday assured that we all appreciate the and Sunday. Anyone who wants advantages we are enjoying. to work can easily find a job. "We thank you once more very There is a shortage of laborers heartily for all you have done in the country Since construction for us." activities will be going on for an- (Cop?yright, 1939, by Seven Arts other 10 years. The conditions Feature Syndicate). are more difficult for a merchant, but as a workman, a man can Caligula, third emperor of make a nice living. If I thought Rome, was a, great friend of the before that life or culture here Jewish king, Agrippa. •w«£e still somewhat backward— I raobn discovered when I landed There is a tradition that the that economically, technically and famous Bound Church at Cameducationally — especially as re-bridge in England was at one gards the high schools — the time a synagogue.


Convert Must Marry Jew or Lose Bequest





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Paris, for the carev of German Aryan women married to German

NEWS non-Aryans . . . This because T. H. Tctens, an Aryan German such women, attempting to escape refugee now in this country, is a the penalties for violating the one-man anti-Nazi movement . . . Nazi raeial laws, have beea afraid Tetens is a journalist -who un-to let Katl doctors attend them, questionably qualifies as tbe finthe result that the maternal est political prognostician -we with rate among them grew terhave ever come across . . . He death rifyingly high . . . has foretold every Hitler move at WE'UK TELLING YOU least six months in advance . . . Dr. Caaim "Weizmann is defiWe were right — Pope Pitts is going: to clamp down on Father nitely coming to America for the Coughlin . . . And Charlie Chap- official opening ceremonies of the lin will play the dictatorial house- Jewish Palestine Pavilion *t the painter on tbe screen some time New York World's Fair . . . He in 1910 after a l l . . . A physiology may bring along a prominent professor at a famous eastern uni- British, anti-appeasement statesversity is trying to raiee $1,200,- man . . . There is a good possi400 to he used for a physiological bility that one of the best-known study of anti-Semitism . - .Half names "in American Jewry •will this fund is to be raised among soon appear on the mast-bead of Jews, and half among Christians one of the big New York dailies, . . . If our suggestion In this con- in the "capacity of the paper's new nection is worth anything, we publisher . . . Believe it or not, humbly submit that the research the Zionist Organisation of Amerstaff should Include a half dozen ica will have £0.000 members by expert psychoanalysts, A r y a n s the time its next annual convenpreferred, to study the inside tion rolls around . . . In other workings of anti-Semitic minds words, its membership will show . . . The $300,000 drive that Phi an increase of nearly 100 per cent Beta Kappa, scholastic honor fra- . . . If the Habimah theater of ternity, will open next week is for Palestine comes to the IJ. S. next tbe establishment of a defense fall it will be due to the undauntfund for democracy and intellect- ed faith and energy of Louis ual freedom, and deserves the Nizer. who also had a great deal support of every member, bat to do with bringing "The Eternal particularly of , Jewish .mem- Road" to the stage some seasons bers — on the excellent principle ago . . . Louis Llpsky has conthat charity begins at home . . . ceived a new directorial interpAnd to those who cannot think retation of "The Merchant of up an answer to the Fascist argu- Venice" . . . If it ever is produced ment that there is no-unemploy- even tbe B'nal B'rith Anti-Dement in the totalitarian states famation League trill enthusiaswe want to say that a secret study tically sanction It . . - "Why i» it of German employment, made by that the Youth Division of the Hugh S. Ranna of the U. S. La-American Jewish Congress *nd bor department, reveals that Hit- the National Council Df Jewish ler counts relief clients and con-Youth Organisations <an't get centration camp labor among the along? , „ . There seems to be a employed, and that some millions subterranean fight to the finish of German workers have failed to between the two groups . . . register as unemployed, though Warning to our generous readthey have no work, because they ers: Don't give donations to any know that if tbey do so register refugee fund that cannot show they will be forced into military the O. K. of responsible Jewish leaders or organizations . . . It's labor at starvation wages . . . disgraceful but true that some YOU SHOULD KNOW racketeering has sprung up in r In spite of the fact that official tate line . . . Nazi circles are already whispering of Hitler's' occupancy of theABOUT PBOPliK British throne by 1942. ^ihe hig The most perfect presentation bust-up is very near in Nazi-land of the Jewish maternal type we've . . . Economic difficulties, which ever seen on Broadway tt that expansion aggravates.. . . Now given Tiy Aryan 3-vdiOi Anderson that Itfemel has returned to Me-in the current hU "Family Pormele Germany and Danzig is on trait," in which sue plays the part its -way back to that hungry maw, of Mary, mother ©t Jesus . . . we have a better understanding Thclma Spear, wife of author of the "Pins and Needles" skit Ludwig Lewisoba, scored a trientitled "Eritannia Waives the umph In her sung recital at New Rules" . . . Morrie Uyskind says York's MaeOfV-eil rtuD last week that if Hitler is dead and a double . . . Thelma deserves a whole boil is batting lor him. tbe double is quet of orchids, Ijy the way. for worse than the dead one . . . Fritz giving more than Jialf her proKuhn and his adjutants arc do-gram to songs by refugee <:ompoi-ing tbe Neir York night clubs •sr Bdvard Morftz. whose nro.slcsl these days, trying to cash in on ituings for verses by ARierie»i; the notoriety tbey got from that poets are interPetiusj as well as big Madison Square Garden meet- melodious . . . H< i>rtw Union coling in February . . . But ail they lege graduates ol the 1914-24 get are kisses . . . Henr.v Ford, vintages will feel tbeir years we bear, spent $20,000 ou re- 'when they iearn that Immanue! placing a German Hilo machine Kant Neuniaik- son of tUe late in bis World's Fair exhibit tviib Dr. David Neumark. is tne tiUlier an American Bli'js ditto . . . Now of one L«ucliy XeiMnisrk. recent!v maternal it hc"il only spend 20 cents on arrived . . . Lus-y's postage for a little parcel in sraiidfiUbcr is tho late E'.ias which be Tviil return bis Nazi dec- Schmcrler. piaroi! or Hebrew litoration to the Maniac-of-Uie-Kour erature and a Hebrew scholar .. . Incidentally, it's quite approp- himself . . . Sir Ronald Storrs. riate that the stretch ol laud near ••vho VES military governor of Nyack, just bought by Fritz Jerusalem (luring the 1SZB PalesKuhn's little frands, is situated tine riots, is now here, and amazclose to the Rockland County In- ing the Four Hundred wilii hi? sane asylum . . . A new maternity sciiitillaiJKg conversation . . . Hit(Continued on page 5. i hospital has been established in







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Council Bluff*




Miss Theta Hampton of the Mlsti Shop returned from San Francisco and Hollywood. She (Continued from page 1.) has brought back with her new Dorotha become unimportant, i.ow' little Hollywood creations and jewelry the conduct of our own little lives designs. MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent Rabbi David A. Goldstein of mattered now\ We were put HiimTmtnimnnmmmmTmmwm mi New Emigration Channels tminnmiinini Omaha, under the auspices of the pawns waiting to be pushed at Council Bluffs Senior Hadassab, Must Be Found, the next move of the hand. Who Attempt to Avoid Boycott will present the last in the series (Continued from page .1.) was I to say to the other pawns Troper Tells of book reviews. He has chosen that they must behave! London (WNS) — Labels of vakia since Us occupation by Gerfor review the following three But yes! This was fine . . . this origin on gloves manufactured In New York (JTA)—Solution of many in violation of international books by-Thomas Mann: "Young Jewish refugee prob- treaties guaranteeing the equality Jewish voiqe in the, gathering Sudetenland are being altered to The Herzl Young Judea is Joseph," "Joseph and His BrothPRESS AGENTS: The boys the German darkness calling on Jews to give evade the American boycott of depends upon exploration of 'of rights of all Czech citizens." sponsoring a drive to obtain funds ers" and "Joseph in Egypt." and girls who have been publiciz- lem the brightest-light of'their charall planned emigration .channels I to send delegates to the regional The review will ,be held Wed- ing Jewish-organizations ought to and the placing of vastly greater! Washington ( J T A i — The acters . . . o be upright in a German-made goods, according to Young Judaean Convention. nesday, April 12, at 8:15 p. m. at be a bit concerned , . . There's a sums at the disposal of the pri-Czechoslovak immigration of 2.- world that had been taken over reports here. The gloves are The drive consists of caring the Chieftain hotel. serious movement on foot to rev- vate organizations concerned with 874 visas annually is continuing by thieves . . . to elevate them- shipped to Belgium, where tags for lawns, collecting paper, and olutionize the entire approach to this problem, declared Morris C. to be administered separately selves to their highest stature in are attached bearing the legeud from the German quota despite "made in Belgium, and It was collecting clothes hangers. Jewish in8titional publicity . . . The regular meeting of the Cultime that was seeing a reign of said that gloves are also shipped Mischa EInian, world renowned AH people wishing to have their tural Group of Hadassab, which It seems tha press agents have Troper, European director of the the fact that Bohemia-Moravia arats . . . to show the fineBt in J o i n t Distribution Committee, violinist will give a concert in lawns taken care of very reasonbeen a bit too successful in their who arrived on the Normandle. and Slovakia are Reich protector- them when the meanest were to France for the same purpose. Sioux City, Monday evening, April ably will please call Leonard Ko- was to be held on Monday, April space-grabbing . . . ates. However, the State Depart10, has been postponed because of 17, for the benefit of . refugees senthal at 7111S. "On the continent. Holland, ment declined to say how long marching triumphant over the the Passover holiday. Patronize Our Advertisers • from Germany. The concert, to Representatives will ca}l on all this would continue. The Austrian earth. WRONG ADDRESS r A woman Belgium, Switzerland and France annexation I thanked Harry Segal of New be given at tUe Orpheum theater Sioux City people to collect paper was recognized almost are all doing their utmost, but the. The B'nal.B'rith meeting which with a bewildered look on 'her is sponsored by the Associated and clothes hangers. of these communi- immediately by this Government, Castle. Ind. for this gleam in the MONSKY, GRODINSKY, M was also to have been held April face walked Into the offices of potentialities A N D COHEN, Attorney* > Retailers as one of 25 similar ties are reaching a point where while the legality of dismember- twilight. the JTA the other day . . . And 10 has been postponed until fur737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. benefit events scheduled in major more help must come from abroad ment of Czecho-Slovakia has not asked to he directed to the orther notice. cities of the United States. If refugees are not to go without yet been recognized, although its I said we live by the day, but NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON P C Mr. Max Kroloff, attorney, for- ganization that "prevents immi- the barest necessities in keeping "actuality" is admitted. Oppressed peoples of all creeds it seems rather that \. c are liv- TJTION FOR SETTLEMENT OF gration.". . . (The headuarters merly of Sioux City, and now of FINAL ADMINISTRATION —Protestants, Catholics and Jews Transfer Fond bodies and souls, together," Mr. ing by the hour, by the editions ACCOUNT Chicago, will be the featured of the National Co-ordinating Troper said.alike — who are refugees from of the daily newspapers; The latCommittee for~ Refugees are in speaker at the South .West ReLondon (JTA) — Negotiations est edition suggests another reGermany, will share equally in In the County Court «t. Douglas "It will be possible to make for the transfer to British relief gional Council meeting to be held the same building as the J. T. tlie proceeds of the concert tour. Nebraska. A.) . . , . much greater headway toward so- organizations of the balance of prieve, but the next may bring County. in Lincoln, Sunday, April 23. in the Matter of the Estate of Louts It Is under management of a nalution of the problem once peo- the $20,000,000 free gift by the the war. Or we may see the shin- Micklin, Deceased: Mr. Kroloff is the new assisttional committee in the cities inple realized that the assets among British Government to former ing feet bearing tidings on the All persons interested In said matant executive secretary of tne cluded. ' J. C. Mullaney is general mountainside; but that is only •the refugees far outweighed their DOODLE NOTES: The fine art ter are hereby notified that on the Czecho-Slovakia, to aid. in financAntl-Defam&tion League. chairman in Sioux City. of. doodling (absent-mindedly possible liabilities - - that they ing emigration, are being success- something I saved from a fleet • t6th day of March, 1939, Reva Micklin Directors for the Federation of Plans are now being made for and Maurice Micklin filed a petiMisctaa Elman, who was born Jewish Social Service, elected at pencilling on scratch paper while will be a bonus to many countries fully concluded between the Na-ing dream. Anyway, in the brief tion in said D. County Court, praying in Russia, has been an American the annual meeting held recently the Annual B'nai B'rith hospital absorbed in.listening or otherwise and • not an onus. It is a well- tional Coordinating Committee moment of reprieve I shall go and that their final administration accitizen for years. Because of hi8 include the following: A. M. drive.' count filed herein be Bettled and alpre-occupied) has a prominent known fact that enterprising ref- for Refugees, under the chair- plant the petunias. great appreciation of the princi- Davis, J. Kalin, Eli Roblnow, M. devotee In- our own George Back- ugees have created employment manship of Lord Hailey, and the(Copyright 193rf By Seven Arts lowed, and that they be discharged from their trtist as executrix and exThe next regular meeting of er, • New York city councilman possibilities in several countries Feature Syndicate.) ples of freedom for which Ameri- E. Skalovsky, Si Krueger, John Government. ecutor :-nd that a hearing will be ca stands, he has interrupted his Lansberg, Barney Baron, Louis the Agudus Achim lodge will be and JTA president . . . Morris and that experience with settling had on said petition before Bald Court It has been agreed, it is under- EPHRAIM L. MARKS AND REED, on the 15th day of April, 1939, and concert season to give his time Agranoff, Max Brodkey, Morey held Thursday, April 20, at the C. ^Troper, European chairman of them in the depressed areas in that if you fail to appear .before said and talent to this cause.^the JDC, made a collection of England indicated some very stood, to place the fund at the Lipshutz, J. L. Levitt, Ben Sekt, Eagles Hall. RAMACCIOTTI, ROBINSON Court on tl.e said 15th day of April. disposal of the organization conAND HRUSKA, Backer doodles . . . A n d just be- promising results." Protestants, Catholics and Jews Mrs. E. E. Baron, Abe Davidson, 193!/, at 9 o'clock A. II.. and contest The name of Mrs. Herman fore he left to. take up his EuroAttorneys. cerned with Czech refugees, which alike will receive for refugee as- L. J. Kutcher, M. Seff, H. Levin, said petition, the Court may grant Watch Borders 905-910 First National Bank Bldg. Fried was omitted last wee£ from will be expanded to aid both Jewthe prayer of said petition, enter a pean duties, he had them bound sistance, eaual parts of the total Lawrence Davidson, Arthur SanBrussels (JTA):—The Justice ish and non-Jewish refugees froin decree of heirshin, artd. make such the committee membersof the into a volume and presented it to Ministry announced that illegal proceeds of the tour, for which ford, Louis Goldberg, Ben Fish, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION other and further orders, allowances i\ot only the artists' services, but H. Lazriowich, A. L. Galinsky, Hadassah benefit luncheon which Gj ~B. . . . Backer, incidentally, immigrants henceforth- w^ll be Bohemia and Moravia. and decrees, ae' to this Court may In the County Court of Douglas seem proper, to the end that all matis a demon with a gavel . . . . turned back at the Belgian frontheaters and incidental expenses Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mrs. S. B. was held Tuesday, March 28. County. Nebraska: ters pertaining: to said estate may be While attending an executive tier, although- regulations with are being given. The Orpheum Gelfand, Barney Shiloff and RuIn the Matter of the Estate of finally settled and determined. A very important meeting of meeting of a Jewish organization, regard to political refugees will theater and the Associated Retail- dolph Shindler. James Cunningham, jr.. Deceased: the Junior Hadassah will be held BRYCE CRAWFORD. was observed using the gavel be maintained. It was stated in ors are donating the theater and All persons interested in said estate officers will be elected at Sunday morning at the home of he County Judge. are hereby notified that a petition 3-24-38-3t to test the reflex in his knee . . . official circles that the measure the Incidentals, respectively, for theNew first meeting of the board. has been filed in said Court alleginpr Miss Rose Mendelson, president. Satisfied with the reaction, he was motivated by the fact that the Sioux City concert. that said deceased died leaving no Miss Faye Cohen of Waterloo, turned the gavel on the knee of nearly 7,000 Jewish illegal immiJerusalem (JTA) — A plan to last Mr./Mullaney, general chairman •will and praying for administrala., who was recently elected preshis neighbor and friend, Harold increase sale of Palestinian prodtion upon his estate, and that a hearof the Sioux City non-sectarian grants from central Europe had ing will be had on said petition before ident of the South West Region Guinzburg of Viking Press . . . ucts in the United States was outrefugee concert' committee, has entered Belgium since the Govsaid court on the 29th day of April, Mrs. Mort Henkin as sub-chairRabbi H. R. Rabinowltz will of Junior Hadassah, is making % Guinzburg, absorbed in the pro-ernment decided not to turn back lined at a conference of the Jew- 1939. and that if they fail to appear 1520 No. 24th JA 7X03 man. Howard V. Martin is com- speak this evening on "Albert special trip here to conduct this ceedings, hopped up as if he had refugees not having proper cre- ish Agency, Zionist fund raising at said Court on the said 29Oi day of been shot . . . mittee treasurer. John B. Keeffe, EinBtein—a Symbol of Jewish meeting. bodies and various economic or- April, 1939. at 9 o'clock A. M. to condentials. test said petition, the Court may Every member is urged to atH. P. Norris and Arthur Sanford Exile" at Shaare Zion synagogue. FREE DELIVERY The authorities were said to ganizations. * trie same and grant administraare Catholic. Protestant and Jew- Cantor Morris Okun and the Byna- tend this meeting,, and » large Dr. Emil Schmorak, he-ad of grant SHORT WAVE: The .German tion of safd estate to James T. Cunfear that in the event of internaish members of the steering com- gogue choir will chant the ritual. turn-out is expected. The meet- Hour that is being: nightly short- tional complications those refu- the Jewish Agency's Trade de- ningham or some other suitable perProscriptions Filled By mittee, which is prescribed by the Closing Passover services at ing will begin at 10 a. m. and proceed to a settlement waved to Germany by. the Nation- gees who are now being supported partment, said it was intended to son thereof. Registered Pharmacists national concert management. Shaare Zion will be held Sunday al Broadcasting company is provrelief committees would be- (1) establish an information buBRYCE CRAWFORD, Mrs. Louis Cohen and daugh- ing.a sensational success . . . Guy by Announcement of the concert evening, Monday and Tuesday reau at the Palestine Pavilion of 4-7-39-3t. come public charges. , County Judge. ter, Claribel, returned last week Hickock, NBC's program director, by Mischa Elman was made in all mornings. P,aris (JTA)—The French Gov- the New York World's Fair, (2) POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT after spending the winter months is authority for the statement . . . POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT the Catholic a n d Protestant ernment permitted 25 German found a "Torzereth Haaretz" visiting in Arizona and California. churches and the synagogues last He reveals that NBC receives Jewish refugees to land from the (Palestine products) organization week-end. . hundreds of enthusiastic fan let-German steamer Cap Arcona, Mrs. L. Goldberg and daughter, ters' from German residents —- which was returning-them to the in the United States, and (3) Sandra Jean, of Shenandoah, la., sent at the risk of freedom and Reich after they had been refused establish a permanent traveling are spending the Passover holiday even life — with every boat that admittance to Uruguay and other exhibition of Palestinian goods in visiting Mrs. Goldberg's mother, arrives . . . The letters universal- South American countries. On the United States." Mrs. A. Gilinsky. ly praise the program's objectiv- their return voyage, the captain "Jewish Ethics" will, be the ity — it includes a 15-minute had tried to land them tn other MONSKY, GRODINSKY. MARER & subject of Rabbi Theodore M. (SANDY) Mrs. Harry Schenwald left news broadcast — and compare it countries, but was unsuccessful COHEN, Attorneys Lewis' Bermon at Mount Sinai Thursday for her home in Los disparagingly with the radio fare until the Cap Arcona reached Temple this evening. •••-.-. ^ :_ MORTGAGE Angeles after a short visit at the dished out by Goebbels . . . One Boulogne on the way to Hamburg. NOTICE OF CHATTEL SALE ' The closing service tor Passhome of Mr. and Mrs. Charles over will be held Sunday evening 'Hobbycraft* Shops Being Saltzman. She also visited with writer sorrowfully noted the fact Discovering that the passengers Mgr. Central Optical Co. NOTICE 1? HEREBY GIVEN that that he "had to attend" an antiat 8 o'clock and will be a merelatives in Minneapolis while in Jewish meeting and so missed the were Jews who faced concentra- on the 22nd day of April, 1939, at ten Opened for Reich YOUR VOTI WILL BE morial service..•"•• ••;-•.: A. M., at 3140 Mason Street, the middle west. Mrs. Schoen- NBC program1 one day . . . Hic- tion camps when they disembark- o'clock Homeless Omaha, {Jebraska, the undersigned APPRECIATED ed at Hamburg, the French auwald i s formerly of Council kock estimates there are 5,000,- thorities unhesitatingly permitted will sell at public auction to the highAll -Sisterhood -members-work-' Ex-Service Man est bidder for cash one Ford four. . •.' 000 Bhort-wave sets in use in them to land at Boulogne and New York (JTA) 1 — German Bluffs. ing on the bazaar will meet at the door sedan automobile, year 1932, EnGermany, despite the fact that refugees are bringing to countries Temple annex this" afternoon: at made possible their transportation gine No. 173651, covered by chattel Mrs. Max Shostak of La Mars, they are illegal . . . which will receive them certain to Paris, where they were immedi- mortgage in favor of the American 1:80 o'clock. ^ Loan Plan and signed by Carl Davis la., is spending the week with industries which heretofore exately placed under care of Jewish and Zola Davis on August 27, 193S isted only in the Reich, Edgar her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam organizations until provision is and having been filed In the Office TERPSICHOREAN N O T E : made for their emigration. Salinger, chairman of the Reset- Gross. of the County Clerk of Douglas CourvFamed dance maestro Arthur ty, Nebraska, on August 30. 19SS, tlement Division of the National upon which said mortgage there is Holiday guests of the H. Saltz- Murray has found an excellent Co-ordinating Committee for Jewnow due and owing the sum of ish Refugees and Emigrants Com- mans were Mr. and Airs. Henry way of increasing the enrollment J1S1.00. Said sale win be for the pur'.'•/.. The "Workmen's Circle has suc- ing from Germany, reported to Maduff and family of A'nlta, la., in his classes and at the same pose of foreclosing said mortgage, for ceeded in making arrangements the 19th annual meeting of the and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Marcus and time helping a worthy cause . . . the costs of the sale and all accruing costs and for the purpose of satisfyto bring a four-act drama by Gor- Federation of Jewish Women's family of Auburn, Neb. For the modest sum- of four bits, ing the above stated sum now due and don to Sioux City, and has sched- Organizations at the Hotel Astor. he undertakes to analyze your owing and that no suit or other prouled the play for Sunday evening, i Cheap jewelry is'only one of Among the university students dancing faults . . . The four bits ceeding at law has been instituted to April 16. recover said debt or any part thereof. the industries moving out of Ger- to spend the spring vacation with going to the JDC . . . . The play will be given at the many, Salinger said. "History their parents are Florence MeyerAMERICAN LOAN PLAN Monsky. Grodinsky, llarer & CoJewish ^Community; Center. , Com- may yet record that the expulsion son, Leo Meyerson and Lorraine COMEDY NOTE: The current Colonization Projects in By hen, its Attorneys. 3-31-39-4t. plete details of the cast will be of the/Jews proved to be a fatal Meyerson. international situation continues Several Places given in next week's issue of the step for the dictators and a boon to be productive of humor—of a Considered . MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & Jewish Press. for the democracies," he declared. Mrs. Jack Steinberg returned sort . . . The wags, for example, COHEN, Attorneys. He said refugees were being last week-end with her mother, are now referring to the "corpor737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. moved out of New York City to Mrs. A. Malin, to Kansas City. al" punisHment inflicted by Hit- Washington (JTA) -— George r other parts of the country at the Mrs. Malin has spent the past ler (an ex-corporal) on Czecho- Rublee. former director of the In- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That rate of 400 to 500 monthly. slovakia . . . And Hitler's mental tergovernmental Refugee Com- the undersigned have formed a corposeveral months visiting here. ration under the laws of the State '.•«''-"•'' First Papers ailment is being currently diag- mittee, reported to President of Nebraska. Tire name of said corRoosevelt that he was "firmly poration nosed as Ru-Mania . . . is REGIS HOTEL COMMrs. Max Harris and daughter, convinced that orderly immigra- PANY, and Miss Rose Albert of Los An- A total of 4,446 first citizen- Betty Lee, left Tuesday for Frethe principal place of tion to other parts of the world transacting Its business is Omaha, xeles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ship papers were filled out for mont, Neb., where they will spend MISH-MASH: An importing County. Nebraska. The gen.Morris Albert, 1104 Twenty-third immigrants in 1938 with the aidthe week visiting with relatives. firm that has been in hot water can be carried; out and the refu- Douglas nature t>f the business tc* be gee will get better treatment than eral ; street, and Edward Malcolm De of a volunteer committee of the transacted by the corporation io to with the boycott committees, we heretofore." The Washington law- engage Sure, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip New York Section of the Nationin and conduct a general hoare Informed, has been in the Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen- and was accompanied by Under- tel business in all i t s branches; to DeSuro of Los Angeles, were al Council of Jewish Women, it family habit of bringing in gloves from yer of Harlan, la., visited Monwas announced at a meeting of acquire, lease, construct, own.' opersecretary of State Sumner Welles niarrled Sunday afternoon, at 5 day at the home of Mrs. Cohen's a certain European country as ate, sell or otherwise dispose of and . o ' c l o c k in Los Angeles, in the the council. A course to train parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Salts- "samples," . . . First they bring when he called on the President deal with hotels, cafes, restaurants, to report on his six-month mis- bars, buffets, tobacco shops, news home of the bride's sister, Mrs. refugee girls to serve as wait- man. over a thousand "rights" . . . sion as director of the Intergov- stands and all other properties, enter"'. :Ca'rt Weiner. The ceremony was resses at parties, teas and dinThen several weeks later, the ernmental Committee d u ring prises, equipment and facilities foi ' 'ollowed- by a reception in the ners has been started, she said, matching "lefts" are imported any and all purposes necessary or Mr. Ben Kubby returned Satand all who have so far taken the which he negotiated an emigra- convenient Weiner home. in connection with ttie course are now self-supporting. urday from a two weeks* trip to t . . A. neat trick which, inciden- tion arrangement with the Ger-operation of hotels, and all things InThe bride is a graduate of Centally." the customs authorities man Government. Texas, California, New Mexico and T Other courses have been estabcident thereto or allied or contribu', ;.ral High school and has resided should be-interested in . . . Benthereto; to purchase, lease or in household work and Oklahoma. Rublee told the President that tory •:':-n- Los Angeles for the past six lished ny Goodman, sultan of swingaroo otherwise acquire, own, hold, mortnursing. Australia, the Dominican Repub. nontbs. She attended the Unigage, encumber, demise, sell, assign, Milton Yudelson returned Sat- who has set more toes to dancing lic and South America presented transfer and convey or otherwise dis"Hobbycraft shops" where refversity ot Nebraska and was a than you could add up in a hur# There's a new helper in this year's spring urday from a trip to Detroit, pose of. manage, operate, construct -member of the Sigma Delta Tau ugees can be employed at mak- Mich. ry, himself doesn't dance . . . As the best possibilities as refugee and generally deal in real and personhavens. He said that the Intergovtorority. Mr. DeSure attended ing various materials for sale will a matter of fact, he can't and has al property of every class and descleaning parade!.. the new Electric Cleaner the University of Pittsburgh "and be established by the Hobby Guild no desire to learn . . . Heywood ernmental Committee also wished cription and wheresoever situated: 'to purchase or otherwise acquire and of America. A Refugee Hobbyto place Jews in Dutch Guiana, the University of Akron. He be—an economical, efficient, housedeaning Broun, famous colyumist, • will to hold, assign, transfer, guarantee. •'-••.. longs to the Phi Kappa Rho fra- craft Bureau will create a market turn that-Connecticut Netmeg in- Northern Rhodesia and the Phil- pledge or otherwise dispose of and servant for the sale of the products and ternity and was a pledge of Phi to Broun's Weekly soon . . . Its lippine Islands. generally deal in stocks, bonds or (Continued from page 7.) -Epsilon fraternity. After, a wed- there will also be set up an emother securities or evidences of inpolicy will be, among o t h e r debtedness. The total authorised cap•dlng trip into Mexico and to the ployment bureau to assist capable things, to combat Fascism and Montevido (JTA) — A group ital stork of Ibis corporation Is $100,Besides helping with the rugs, upholstery \3an Francisco exposition, Mr. De- workers to obtain positions in listeners say he's the best con- anti-Semitism . . . Wonder if LauOO. divided into 1000 sharee of t6> versationalist to have emerged rence A. Steinhardt, U. S. am-of 6S German-Jewish refugees de- OilO. Sure'and his bride will make their regular lines of hobbycraft. par value of S100.HO pach. of wbleb and mattresses—the new Electric Cleaner is since the days of Oscar Wilde . . . bassador to Peru and ambassador- parted for Chile with the Govern- 500 shares slmll l><" Common RtocV home at SOS South Hobart aveOlof Aschber, Swedish banker Pierre ment's permission to settle as van TJaassen's next book and o O H shares sluill I c Ktve iB pet valuable for getting the loose dirt from over ;-ue'in Los Angeles. and philanthropist, has come to will be about France . . . Not a elect to Soviet Russia, has ever farmers. The group had been ie- cent) per cunt cumulative Preferred the United States to confer with novel, but a sort of interpreta- walked on Hitler Avenue in Lima fused admission by Uruguay when ftoclv. preferred both ns ti> dividends the doors and hard-to-gef-at comers. And -•-. .•-' Mr. and, Mrs. Sam Matz, 706 leaders- of the American ORT tive study of French life in all its . . . Which, until recently, used they arrived on the line Come and us to nssets In the event tif liquij dation or OiHsi)Iutlon or winding up Federation on expansion of fund to be known as "Down With the Isabella street, announce the enthose are the places that make howsecleanGrande and were r.bout to be re- of the vurpuratlon. and which t'rephases . . . Maurice Samuel has gagement of their daughter, Miss raising activities and other fi- finished writing a big novel . . . Jews Avenue," . : . Joe Brainin, turned to Germany when the ferrrd stock shall l>e subject to reing a drudgery—the? cr© Bfcdy fo k® the nancial aspects of the ORT proformer pillar .of Anglo-Jewish >rancis Matz. to Max Ivener, 1918 at any lime upon Thli t.v Michael Todd, producer of the journalism, has achieved listing Chilean Government granted vi- dempllon <"0* days lH'tlcP, nt i>ar. plus nny ungram which includes industrial 'eabella street. sas. All refugees arriving here "Hot Mikado," is going to give cause o! backaches end sore muscles such piiM dividends nci-rupd theremi. nl1 Mr. Ivener resides in Walthiil, training courses, agricultural cen- Billy Rose a close race in the with the State department as a with tourist visas will be forced ns fully set 1"i>rth In the Articles ters, workshops and factories in "foreign agent." . . . Represent- to return to Europe, it was stat- of more -Veb., where they will make their ..as you femesiber frons other years. 1'icorpin'fttlnn. Stock may be paid Barnum and Bailey type of ening the Jewish Agency for Pales- ed after GO Jews had been de- for in en till, property and services or home following their wedding on eight European countries. tertainment before long . . . Todd other •thlnjrn of value, as determined Aid British Industry May 2S.; is a self-educated Jewish boy . . . tine . . , Those new American ported. tiy (be Hoard of Directors. All stock j London (JTA) — Denying that Mischa Auer, the movie come- Jewish committee offices, at 38 6 Make a change this year! It's eo^f io own a wh-'ii Issued shiill bo fully piiiil and German refugees were competing dian, is a grandson of Leopold Fourth avenue, are positively t<on-<iM<rSN!'bl<\ Not less lhf>M ten (lfi) | .'-•Mrs. E.'.E. Baron, 2222 Nebrasp nsw Electric Clecn®?—cad I? costs so little Chinese Colony jiliiin-s i>r the. rnt'itnl stock shaH I>P | ta, Is spending several days in with British labor, Earl Winter- Auer, the famous violin teacher, palatial. Chungking. China (JTA)—Of- Kiil'wrilwvl III>(J p.'ild fur before the ] 3hicago~ this week with relatives. ton said in a speech that the ref- but doesn't know the first thing to operate because electric service is so corporation sluill ' transiX't any other j (Copyrighted by Jewish Teleficials circles said that the Chin- hushu-Ns. The time of ooirirjence- i ugees had established factories about fiddling . . . However—and graphic Agency, Inc.) ese Government is considering a which were employing at least mi'iit or thN corporation is January '• cheap in Omaha. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. he's not kidding — he's sure he plan to create a Jewish refugee nth. tp:*;>. upon which date the Ar53d'•Pill. LeMars, la,, on Sunday, 15,000 British workers and. had could do a fine iob playing Hamtides of Incorporation were ,ilnd ;v colony in China. Suggested st't.'s Anti-Semite Arrested introduced designs, inventions •April... 2.. let . . . Recent departures for include the provinces of Yuuan, the. office or the County Clerk of and processes of the greatest Europe Include 14-year-old pianKweichow, Szechwan and Slkans. Houglsis County. Nebraska, ami the Los Angeles (JTA)—The Rev. value to British trade. Earl Win• Miss Rose Lillian Schindler has ist Ruth Slenczynski and Broadtime of termination of tlie corporaJeffers, anti-Jewish, antiieparted for New York where she terton Is chairman of the Inter- way playwright Elmer Rice . . . Joseph tion i,s January 1st. 2o."0, unless ConnCatholic and pro-Nazi orator, London (JTA) — The Nation.il governmental Refugee Commit- Washington inBiders insist that er dissolved as provided by law. The yill make her home. who spent last summer in Ger-Farmers Union lias asked its affairs of (lie corporation are to bf tee. there is a possibility of Jerome many as the guest of the minis- branches conducted by n Board of Directors, to find employment, for One hundred Jewish workers Frank leaving his post as SBCtry of propaganda, has been ar- refugees on farms in England and consisting; of tiot le.ss than tr.-o. noi • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belmont •.nd children of Omaha are spend- from Germany are rushing repairs commissioner before long . . . Be- rested and arraigned on a felony Wales. The refugees would be more than 5 directors, rjs may lie by the "By-^aws, and until *"-Lh« ' ng the Passover week with Mrs. on Camp Kitchener, at Rich- cause of his activity in the fight morals charge to which he has trained for three to four mouths fixed provision i.s made Lhe number of the "Selmont's mother. Mrs. B. Rus-borough, Kent, for its opening against the Chicago milk trust decided to plead guilty. He faces and then paid at rates fixed for directors shall be three. The Roa cJ this week when the first group Frank is now called a "trust- a possible sentence of one to 15 the -district by the Agricultural of Directors shall elect a Presijer*c 'ein, 314 Eighteenth street. Vice-President. Secretary a.nd Trei •of an estimated 3,500 refugees ar- brainer" . . . years' imprisonment. Wages Committee. It is planned urer. any two of which offices. t \ . Count Abraham Cadondo. a rive to make the camp their temto send the refugees to British ceptins those of President and Vice Turkish .lev of the 18th century, porary abode pending re-emigraNaphtall Pusnash, an Algerian The Byzantine emperor Justin- colonies and dominions. A num- President, may be held by the sarrievoted himself amr his, riches to tion to overseas countries. The Jew. until his assassination in Ian forbade the celebration of ber of farmers in Lancashire and person. V. GERHARD! improving the lot of the Jews of camp will have its own hospital 1805, was the Bey's most-trusted P a s s o v e r i f i t c a m e b e f o r e E a s - Yorkshire have already offered DONALD EKOLIKET. -»«*5£f»5tHtfand cinema training opportunities. *he. Near East. advisor. > ter.-.-;^, • •••••••••. • 2



Young Judaea Raising Funds


Seek 17. S, Sale of Palestine Goods

Shaare Zion

Mount Sinai




Richard Britton G i n COMMISSIONER

Four Act Drama To Be Presented



Society News

Spring Cleaning Easy with


Strictly Confidential

Cheap Electricity



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