Plain Talk B7U1
Jewish, People Intiie Interests oftHe
THE CURTAIN ' It was a bright Sunday afternoon and some of the refugees in my neighborhood •were taking walks. Two of them Entered BM Second Class Mall Matter 00 January SI. 1931, at VOL. XVI—No. 24 met three of them on the sideFostotfloe. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879 OMAHA, NEBRASKA; FBIDAY, APRIL 21,1939 walk in front of my house. (I was "behind a cutrain at a window). They stopped to talk. ; They' were middle-aged people and, since I am of their generation, I knew them well, though I.'.could call none of them by name. • Yes; I knew them: In the year 1933 they were already in the A firm, relentless war is being time or life when people may bethe same time there waged against the Jews not only At gin to 'feel somewhat Beeure at a serious breakdown in of Germany, Poland and Ronlast. Their, work was about done. German Jews Needed for mania, but of the entire world, lations and similarly a decline jns Follow II forms. One of the unTheir children were growa up and Marvin Lowenthal, noted Jewish political Labor on Military Duce's -Invasion of mistakable symptoms of this degetting married end the job was writer and historian, informed cline; has been the mass unemProjects Albania almost through. the Center Forum audience Tues- ployment -of people-" There isn't much left for a man day night. The United States because of BRITAIN ENCOURAGED to do after the children are set- EMIGRATION STOPPED As the final speaker on the vast resources has been able tled. The things he worked with current Forum series, Mr. Lowen- its , Justin. Priesman, son of Mr. all his life don't seem important France Imposes Military thal, author of the most authori- to take care of its unemployed Hope Settlement of Pales- and Mrs. Harry Priesman, was a without the sacrifice of one simany more. These middle-aged tative history of Germany Jewry, tine Disorders MayObligations on member of the North High deple necessity of life. "Hdwever people could, in 1933, say, "Now described the pitiable condition bating team which received • first Central Europe,". Mr. LoweaResult Foreigners . it is time for us to fold our hands of German, Polish and Italian in place honors in the National thal went on, "this unemployment Jews. : ' and rest. We have earned it." has been accompanied by starva(Havas) — Mount- Forensic league debate finals held By BORIS SMOI/AR "Behind this war," the speaker tion and misery. The only way ingDamascus They no longer went to their 3. T. A. Chief European CorresMoslem anger against Italy's last Saturday at Benson High said, "is a very definite motive. the masters could hold together Albanian coup, • combined school., businesses as early in the mornpondent since the World War andthe declining system was to force British troops elimination ofwith By winning first place, the ing a s they used to, and earlier the Paris (JTA) — The tense in- Ever they came home. They were no ternational situation has prompt- even before, the whole western the overwhelming majority to ac- last prominent Arab terrorist team- is entitled to enter the Naof economy—the free, liberal cept a lower standard of living." leader, raised hopes in British tional contest which is to be held Washington (JTA) — T h a t longer in a hurry and walked ed the Nazi authorities suddently way Roosevelt does not exwith, the leisurely step of the to reverse the Jewish emigration capitalism—has been in decline. Going, on to describe how this circles here of early improvement in June in Beverly- Hills, Cal. President Priesman. was a member of the clude the possibility of Italo-Germiddle-aged who have earned the policy, according- to reliable inwas done by Instilling a discipline in the Palestine situation. first week ot the right to feel stately and to walk formation reaching Paris. Denunciation of Italy's invasion A. Z. A. 1 debate team -which en- man aggression against Palestine I sAB?i the characteristic of only war-time, Philanthropies campaign shown by his inclusion of the with dignity. There was nothing News of the change came siMr. Lowenthal told how the Jews of Albania, only Moslem Euro- tered the finals at the regional was Holy Land among the 31 which neared KB conclusion indications left to run after in the ludicrous multaneously with the return of were chosen as the necessary pean country, was voiced on all convention h'eld in Milwaukee. he_ appealed to Chancellor Hitler showed that the half-way mark way In •> which people run after Vice-Director Robert T. Pell of en«my in this war psychology. sides here "by Moslem leaders, and Premier Musselini to guaran- of the $102,000 goal would 8OOn the Intergovernmental Refugee "Because of two thousand years who viewed Rome's coup as a posthings in their youth. be reached. The campaign began tee against invasion. 1 Committee from Berlin, where he of mistrust and misunderstand- sible wedge to be extended in the : Modest liives "Are you willing to give assur- on Monday and is scheduled to negotiated with the Government future against the Arab states at ing, the Jews make an easy - They "had worked hard all their ance that your armed forces will continue throughout next week. years and hadn't grown rich, but for execution of the .Rubles agree- Regional Conference Will enemy. They are also the safest large.' The bitter reaction was Rabbi David H. Wice is gennot attack or invade" these terriment for an orderly evacuation of viewed as indirectly benefitting enemy, being a helpless minorthere was enough—enough to live the Jews over a period of years. eral chairman of this year'B caretories for "ten years at the least Britain, whose Palestine policy ity." Be Held This on modestly to their last years paign. . —a quarter of a century i t w e While the German authorities Mussolini, after his ventures in has bene systematically attacked enough to be independent of their indicated Sunday Workers are reporting an averdare look that far ahead?" tfce Pell that they inSpain and Ethiopia, decided to by the totalitarian powers. children. What more could a tended to Jo Outstanding Athlete to president asked in bis dramatic age increase of 100 per cent and 'make their fulfillment Violent anti-Italian demonstratry out an anti-Semitic campaign man,require? Members of the B'nai B'rith peace plea to the heads of the of the Rublee agreement contingtions took place throughout Syria Be Named Tuesday German and Italian governments They were highly respected In ent on actual establishment of tlie lodges of the Southwest Region and with lightning speed intro- at the end of the regular Friday Down Payment Made -duced the laws of last summer. their^townsl • They had been me- projected International corpora- of District 6 will meet Sunday in Night The speaker went on to de-Moslem religious services. Paraticulous to guard their good tion to extend loans to refugees Lincoln. Delegates will come phrasing their usual religioTis The spirit of the 1989 JewThe outstanding Jewish Comnames which had been handed for settlement overseas, highly from Omaha, Council Bluffs, scribe the results of this unre- chant, thousands of worshippers munity ish Philanthropies campaign Center athlete -will be mitting warfare. "The Jews of Sioux City and Lincoln. down to them untarnished through authentic information from Berpouring out of the Omayyades picked Tuesday. April 25, at the has spread to the ranks of tne Germany;*' he told, "since JanThe conference is to be held many generations In Germany. lin disclosed: Mosque here shoutefi- "there is Annual Award Xiglt. Recipient very young. Monday evening uary 1 have not been permitted at the Hotel Cornhusker beginTheir names were like deep-root(1) The German Government's an 8-year-old shyly approached to earn a living. From one out only one God and Mussolini is of this honor, chosen on the basis ed, honored old oak trees in Ger- central emigration office which his enemy!" the desk at the Jewish <3otnof athletic ability and sportsmanof every three homes of German many. • was established. in connection Popular resentment against the ship, will have Tiis name enmunity Center. In his hand Jews one adult male has been Italian coup seemed to be extendThey could have little patience -with the Rublee pact actually is he clutched four cents which graved on the Irvin C. Levin Orthodox Jewry Sponsors sent to a concentration camp." To with Zionists who dreamed of a not functioning. he offered as the down pay-avoid. arrest by the Gestapo, the ing- -to the economic field. The trophy. Talk by Baltimore , Arab press proposed a boycott of (2) Jews are no longer being homeland'- for Jews. Germany ment on a five-dollar pledgePrevious winners of the award JBWS walk the streets at night, 1 was homeland enough; it wasgiven: permits to leave the Reich, He would, he promised, tome Rabbi riots: -daring to return to their Italian goods. Pamphlets calling have been Manny Goldberg. Max for such a boycott also were discontrary to the previous policy of fatherland earned by the devoin every day to pay what penTurner, Millard Sigal, Aaron Ephomes. tributed in Beyrouth. forcing Jews out of Germany legtion of their generations. stetn and Iz Bogdanoff. Dr. Nathan Drazin of Baltimore, nies he had managed to colOut t>f Poland's 3,200,000 Jew?. "Enemy of Islam" Over 70 boys and men will also Maryland, one of the country's lect. They were a great deal like me, ally or illegally. 2,400,000 have been deprived of Casablanca (Haras) — Italy win awards. In addition there outstanding rabbinical . leaders, (3) A decision to consider the . Attendants at the Center ofI thought, as I looked from betheir livelihood. The Jews of was called "Public Enemy No. 1 will be exhibitions in handball, will speak'here Sunday evening at fice suggested that perhaps hind my curtain; like me to whom German Jews as "alien enemies" Poland, one-tenth of the total of Islam" by throngs of Moroc- volleyball, basketball, swimming, the Jewish Community Center on five dollars was a pretty steep only America i s homeland" and in wartime and isolate them in population, contributed 50 per can Moslems as they tiled out of diving, tennis and wrestling. camps has definitely been dropthe subject, "The Status -of World pledge for such a young man. knowB no fatherland but this. cent of the nation's suicides. the great mosque here after Friped. Instead, they will be spread Ray "Link" Lyman will ,be Jewry Today *• Dr. Drarin's lec- Though be insisted he would In this happy Germany they throughout Rabbi David H. Wice introday prayers. They formed a par- guest speaker. City Commission- ture- is being sponsored by the pay-up, he nevertheless agreed the Reich and put to wonld live out their days in peace digging trenches duced Mr. Lowenthal. ade, and hanging festoons of Mac- «r Harry Trustin will be toastfor sanitary and & Orthodox Jewry of Om»- to sign up for one dollar, ami and Tat the end the beloved soil other woffc. aroni to their native smocks ut- master of the evening, and 3v"iJ» if he did S&TB up the other would take their bones. They tered cries of derision against Ham L. Hoizman will present the liaboi" Shortage four, he'd turn them in too. liked to mate sentimental jourItaly and marched on the Italian awards. Refreshments -will be This entire Teversal of policy To show his good faith he newB to the ancient graves. consulate, wh«re they were tnrn- served. is attribnted to an expected short• reappeared Tuesday night with v:.-;;®»^good. earth-felt .safe and age ^>f-labor and sanitary help e daway b ^ ^ ^ l ^ j d i d ed-away-, f Sefeets for rtbe «ftlre evening•an additional five centB.•••'- &t comforting to their aging feet. should war break out. tachment. are 25 cents. The program is the last writing: ?ie had ninetyThe\*ray ahead looked as secure Pell's visit to Berlin was conTunis. fHavas) —-• Discontent scheduled to start at 7:30. one centF to go before completand as lovely as the years that cerned chiefly with a memoranamong the Moslem* in Libya, stiring payment. were -Behind. They would walk dum which he handed to the authred up traasformation of that Isisurely, looking at the mellow orities oa behalf of the intergovRabbi Goldenson and Mrs territory into Italian provinces, German scene.' There hadn't been ernmental committee. The memare meeting- with an enthusiasts been aggravated considerably Hartmann to be Guests has much time to stop and look orandum outlines what the comresponse on the part ©I all pros1v by Italy's occupation of Albania, Harry B, Cohen of Temple •around in the years they -were mittee has already accomplished pects called upon. according to. travellers arriving •working hard. There were- soin connection with fulfillment of ning at 10 a. m. with registraThe first report luncheon WUH here from Libya. Dr. Samuel H. Goldenson of held at the Jewish Conimuniiy many rose bushes to be seen. Now the pact arranged by George Rub- tions. Main speaker of the afDespite the most severe preNew York's Temple Emanu-EU Center Tuesday. At that tins* they could stop and take deep lee, retired director, and Dr. Hel- fair will be Max Kroloff of Chicautions rumors of a Senussite $35,000 or more than one-thM The Central. Club auditorium breathe of fragrance. . muth Wohlthat, of the Keich Ec- cago, assistant secretary of theand Mrs. Hugo Hartmann, treas- revolt on the Saharan frontier urer of the National Federation the Quota was reported pled^red. spread* rapidlr throughout Libya will be the scene of the A. Z. A. (I know all this about them be- onomics Ministry. It also specifies Anti-Defamation League. of Temple Sisterhoods, will on A second report luncheon *f* Harry B. Cohen of Omaha, Sunday night, April 2S. be theand created through the eountry 100's Sixth Annual Spring dance cause they are people oi my time; what the committee expected the held yesterday. Harry Hemirwe have had life together, you German Government to do in ful- president, will preside at all ses-guests of Temple Israel at a ban- a current of hostility against the on Sunday. April 23. The profield, well-known cartoonist. w»s filling its end of the bargain. sions. it was said. ceeds of the affair will go toward might say). to be held at the Blackstone Italian Government, the refugee fund. Slogan of the to have been guest speaker «' It was learned that in view of Following a 2 o'clock business quet Iraq Warns Everything seemed safe for hotel. yesterday's luncheon. tense international situation, session, an open forum will be (Havas) — "We must dance is "Buy a ticket, and supthem then and what could change the Berlin R a b b i Goldenson and Mrs.beBaghdad port a Jewish refugee in PalesA report luncheon will be UeM Government -deferred a conducted by David Fellman, inon our guard against the dicDr. Nathan Drazin ' it? Nothing changes much after the Tuesday a t 12:16 fa the and; on the memorandum's de- structor in political science at the Hartmann come to Omaha as thetators and watch vigilantly over tine for" yon have passed fifty and you reply The Union Pacifies "Golden ha. He will also spe&k at services torium of the Community Cenbut invited Pell to return University of Nebraska, on the representatives of the Layman's orrr independence," the newspaper thank God for the sweet monot- mands Tour being sponsored by the Un- Iraq (independent) warned in an Spike Dars" will be the theme of at the B'nai Israel Synagogue this ter. within a fortnight when examinsubject, "The Future of Democony which is like the drowsy hum ation of the document will have racy." ion of American Hebrew Congre- editorial which mirrored the con- the evening. The orchestra will be evening. The money raised by the curof-the crickets at the end of the been completed. By that time, too, gations. costumed in the styles of t h e Dr. Drazin, widely known as a rent Philanthropies drive will b» Harry Ginsburg will be toastcern felt in Moslem circles over hot day. Dr. Goldenson, a past president the Italian conquest of Albania. IS 60s. The ballroom -will be elab- lectureT and speaker, is a gradu- divided among local, national «mt the commission i n v e s t i g a t i n g master of the banquet in : the They were deep in conversation prospects of refugee settlement in evening. Sidney Poska of Lin-of the Central Conference of The Iraq, published both in orately ^ecorated, and a Bkit rep- ate of Columbia University. He international. Institutions. &> on my. sidewalk under the big British Guiana, the Phillipines, coln is chairman of the conference American Rabbis, has been spirit- English and Arabic,-violently con- resenting the building of the rail- received his Ph. D. degree in Ed- cause of the tremendous emerual head of Reform Jewry's larg- demned the expansionist aims of road will be produced. • ucation and Philosophy at Johns gency abroad, $65,000 of the tree, and what could they be Northern Rhodesia and other ter- committee. est congregation since 1934. He the Rome-Berlin axis and express, speaking of? Music i s to be furnished by Hopkins University. FOr his doc- quota has been ear-marked f'>v ritories may be ready with their is a director of the New York ed fears that the progressive oc- Web Fierman and his orchestra. toral dissertation h e wrote on overseas needs. Hideous Change reports, In which the German Board of Ministers and of thecupation of the smaller European Additional entertainment will be "The History Of Jewish EducaYet how hideously everything Government is greatly interested. The local Philanthropies Religious Education association. states would be onl? a prelude given by t h e Union Pacific Glee t i o n . During the PeriodB of thehas been receiving appeal had changed; it was never dreamGerman official circles, it was F r o m 1933-35 Dr. Goldenson Second Commonwealth and the ed^ of. (This is what they must reported, were furious over Poto a German-Italian. march tow- Club. Six valuable door prizes are Tannaim." He has since elaborat- appeal from European served as vice-president of theard communities wbo have Udd . h a v e been speaking of). Their lish Poreign Minister Josef Beck's Turkey and the Arab king- to be awarded. World Union for Progressive JuJoe (Tugs' is* general chairman c l this work and has prepared i t been deprived not only of rign** (Continued on page 2.) dreams had been only of the good doms of the Near East. daism. for publication this summer* of the affair. Harold Slutsky i s but its members are forbidden life that would be left to them Mrs. Hartmann, who will repUpon completion of his rabbin- the opportunity to make a living. in charge of tickets; Frank Pirsch after the years of working hard resent the layman, was educated of concessions; 1 Herbert* Forbes, ical btudies a t the Rabbi Isaac If it had been said to them, "In at the University of Chicago and door committee ; Harry Fox, nichanan Theological Seminary, your ripe years you will take a Northwestern. .. She is a director prizes; Tale Richards, decora- he was called to the pulpit of iong journey to find a new home* Extensive plans are being made and past-president of the Chicago tions; and Milton Guss, publicity. Congregation Shaarei Tfiloh in they would have been frightened by A. Z. A. Chapter 1 for the ob- Lying-in hospital and a former Others on the committee include Baltimore. at first; then they would have servance of its 15 th birthday. On •director of the Chicago Woman's Harold Epstein, Gerald Bernstein, Rabbi Drazin has been vice-preslaughed at the crazy prophet. May 3, 1923, A. • Z. A. 1 wasAid. Philip Sokoloff, George" Shafer, ident of the Rabbinical Council of Dr. Samuel Calmin Kohs, exWhat could happen to tear Besides serving as an officer brought into existence and with Norman Kuklin, and Leonard America for two years and is on ecutive director of the Resettlethem out of- their security in Gerit the now nationally known order of the Sisterhood, she is chairman the ..executive' board o f many ?of Lewis. man soil? It could only be ament division of the National Co- of Aleph .Zadifc Aleph of B'nai of the Young Folks' Temple the national Jewish organizations. ordinating Committee for German most atrocious cruelty that could B'rith. Chapters all over the Leagues and recently addressed He i s also contributing editor of Rome (JTA) — Crown Prince Refugees, will speak here on tear them out of their homeland Tuesday. He will address the country will mark1 this milestone the first National Youth conven- Umberto and a wounded Jewish a number of Anglo-Jewish perand civilization had no such cruel- report luncheon of the Jewish of A. Z. A. history . Washington (JTA> — II o *tion held in Cincinnati, January lieutenant just returned from iodicals. .ty anymore. Mother chapter is observing its 14-15. Spain figured in a dramatic comA dinner in honor of Dr. Draz- Pope Pius XII. while Tapal NunPhilanthropies campaign at noon. Civilization, they >.ad always In the evening he will speak be- 15 th birthday by a program that Under the direction of the Un- mentary on Italy's new racial legTn will be "given at 6:30 at the cio to Berlin, was instrumental Ei> years ago in saving Ossip Gsbri!^ felt, was one of the surer things fore a joint meeting of the execu- will cover several days* activities. ion of American Hebrew Congre- islation. Reviewing Italian woundCenter preceding the lecture; witsch, the noifd Jewish plan int. in the world; its progress was as tive committee of the Federation On Monday, May l.jthe chapter gations, a group of outstanding ed as they were being disembarkand composer, from piinisnui*"1! certain as the Rhine forever flow- of Jewish' Service, the Family second degree team will induct rabbis and laymen are at theed from a ship at Naples. Umon the inuouiuit'fl <'harge that I>* ing. Things in the world must Welfare committee and the Oma- the members of A. Z. A. eligible present time touring the United berto unintentionally picked from was a IIuspf£n cry was relfitcti for the second degree initiation. States and Canada in an effort io the ranks Lieutenant Bruno Ferget better, never worse. ha Co-ordinating committee. here hy T^rimo V-'nUer. Ule f«iir> •This initiation will take place bere-emphasize the valuable connari, a Jew, extended a special Exile and dispersion were no Budapest (JTA)—The bill imDr. Kohs heads a group interous orepppsro ••nmluotor, now •?; longer suffered even by Jews who ested in moving emigres from fore the regular meetng of the tributions of the Jew and Juda- greeting and posed with him for : posing severe new restrictions on exile from '<'!'!<' llricn, were the ancient wanderers. But, the crowded urban centers. He B'nai B'rith lodge. - T h e second ism. One rabbi and one layman a picture of the ceremonies. Jews in the nation's economic and W"her. ftfilirilowiisert w a s *••?* thank God, even they had come to is a graduate of Columbia uni- degree team is being directed by will visit each member congregaLieutenant Fernari. 27. gave up cultural spheres will be enacted The' next meeting of the local r e s t e d . "Wr-lip;1. ? friend of ?lie DTengineering four years ago to join and put into effect about April rest and in Germany their roots versity and has been a professor P. A. G. Morris Arbitman and tion of the Union. Separate luncheons will be hell the Italian army. He suffered a 25. it was predicted. lodge of the B'nai B'rith will be ntiisf ;in<: ilirr. r;;r,vfov of (tip :ft«r were -deeper than their old graves of education and psychology at Haskell Cohen. An outing is planned for Sat- on Monday noon for the twoleg -wound during the Christmas the ApostoHf. :n the cemeteries. many leading universities. Meanwhile, it was revealed that held on Monday evening. May l . ! vs.Tin Onem. w^ni. urday night, May G. On Sunday, speakers. Dr. Goldenson will be fighting in Spain and was deco- Justice Minister Tasnadi-Nagy has At that time the meeting v,ii] I Ntinoip. wb.n v.ns lover nC i<urNo! It could never happen! May 7, the chapter softball team the guest of the Layman's Tour rated twice for bravery. He also not accepted a suggestion that be dedicated to the 15th anni'M }v-\i~': . h p^ ase o f O K ^ I ^ Gsrmariy would forever be their will engage in a softball game in committee at the Hotel Hill and received a gold medal for liorse- preferential treatment of war vet- versary of the founding of the A. { i n f . • « • ; ; • - . I-. i i r . . ' i i i - e . i u n i . " M ' f a K homes and the home of their chilthe morning. A special anniver- Mrs. Hartmann will be honored mannnip. • PP.i;l. ' 1 .n1!" h i m h o w puilK be extended to all holders Z. A., originally a local organizadren's children even to the farth sary meeting is called for theby the Temple Sisterhood at the A few Jewish volunteers still erans :p of p r y r " i p i p n i v f T - j o n d w « * i . of the Charles Troops Cross which tion tha-t today is intern?.Hone! in est time . • . And yet at the end same afternoon at 3. Temple. ! remain with the Italian forces in •n-sF awarded to all iKho fought scope. it did:happen; Entire plans for the 15th anI Spain. ?»Iost of those who were at the front at least three months. (This, I guessed, the five refniversary celebration are being .-••P v o i i i r i\r- i f i i r y i h i ' i p likiv. sent back returned to find that Me is understood to have in"The Dear, Dear Children," a handled by a committee headed ugees were saying under my LOT'S 7IPJ" ; p " , h o r - ' <? i. p u i i > i ^ ^ . l-llj: i they were no longer considered sisted that exemptions be restrictone-act satire on modern mothers, by Aleph S'gan Stanley Turkel, rrcc). T-I | Kalians but Jew?, with the .lofts ed to the bearers of several decoby Sophie Kerr, will be the fea-assisted by Phil Shoolin, Irv New laves i l l I they left to serve their country rations. With recrsirc to •vrar inture of the next monthly meeting "Wohlner and Justin Priesman. So in their ripe years they had of Members o f -\ : now barred to them because of valids and former war prisoners. Country the Council of Jewish Women ,-; i.- pvpr in c rtnb taken a long journey to find a on Monday, April 24. A 1 o'clock the anti-Jewish laws passed in CTi'y minor ameliorating amend- honored the >r T* ~" I", n i z i:-. i ir>r ' p vi^?new home and to make new lives; luncheon will precede the pertheir absence. A disproportion- ments have been adopted in comby had had to leave behind every- formance. president, H?." rrJr.r IU ately high percentage of Jewish mittee of the urper house. The Mizrachi Zionist Organizathing" they had gathered by their ins Hi? re-r-o play is under the direction 1 P -. i T". P 0 i ' f^ •' tion will hold a M'lave Malke Sat- volunteers were decorated and cornrcippion??-. work; had come to a strange land of The many were wounded in the last Mrs. Julius Solomon, program urday night at S o'clock at the the lErceyv. r u n cn Service already crowded . . . and where chairman. Included in the cast In co-operation with the Lay-Beth Haroedrosh Hagodel syna- three months of the Spanish civil w4s a place for them? are: Mesdames L. Sogolow, A. men's Tour being sponsored by gogue, Nineteenth and B a r t war. The white-haired lady was Solomon, A. Greenberg, H. Mild- the Union of American Hebrew streets. Dented. Society wearing a handsome coat. It was er, I. Weiner, A. Goldstein, and Al Congregations Rabbi David H. ;;i;:-h Rabbi Carl Castle, -who offiDr. ?,I. I. Gordon Vv-as untni- ; Forgets New Naiae the poignant relic of the good life Fiedler. Wice and Morris E. Jacobs will ciated at the Passover services hp f f ]:niT-pp Cologne, Germany (JTA) — .4 raously elected president or the : tcr of that had been left behind. It must this evening speak in St. Joseph, held at the B'nai Israel syna- court for the first time lined a Omaha Dental society at a jnee'- I About i"," pcv?o;;s we-r I > - T have been pleasant to wear the Missouri. D a ' i d A.. GnlilF-eir; wiM &&-,'•••••> Balthazar Orabio de Castro, gogue, will deliver the principal Jew 50 marks or a week prison ing held last week- He will serve ; ent. fine coat in the bright sunlight; one. of Spain's greater physicians, ?br SP m i on. Rabbi "Wice will speak as theaddress. ' . : for signing a letter to the auth- for one year. it said to everybody that passed became a Jew after having been representative of the rabbinate For tile past two yepr? Dr. Gor- j Eramar.ue! Vae:--.. p. Poruijruese • T w o y o i u i r p e o p l e wiif <-,n^i,i. Members of the Mizrachi and orities -R-ithout using the compulby, "YeB, we used to be substan falsely denounced to the Inquisi- and Mr. Jacobs as the representa- their families are ursed to atteud sory additional name of Israel in don has been a member of U;e i Jew, was physician so [our Povtu- ior the frraduatcf-. A rf-'ef- rfi: (Continued on page 2.) w i n follow t h e tion. tive of the laymen. Dental Council. ] giiese kings. this meeting. the signautre.
ies to Continue Campaign
Member of Champ North. Debate Team
Workers Report Substantial Increases from All Solicited
Palestine Mentioned Indicate One-Half d: in Roosevelt Note Goal About
One'Act Satire to Be Given Monday • at Council Meeting
Omahans to St. Joe on Laymen's Tour
Highland Hot
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Dr. Gordon Heeds
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Page 2
Council Bluffs
porothe Saltzman
MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent
REGIONAL PRESIDENT OF JR. HADASSAH HERE ON SUNDAY Miss Fay Cohen of Waterloo, la., president of the Southwest region of Junior Hadassah, will be the guest of the local chapter at a meeting and tea this Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The meeting will be held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rodin. Miss Cohen will speak during the program. A musical program ana tea will be other features of the afternoon. Miss Cohen will meet with the Junior Hadassah Board at 2 o'clock that afternoon, in the home of Miss Dena Baron, local president. .
tAany See Omaha Group Present Play A large audience attended the Jewish play, "The True Force," by Jacob Gordon, which was presented Sunday • evening at the Jewish Community Center by the Omaha Dramatic club. The players, who donated their services, received the enthusiastic praise of the entire audience. Proceeds of the play will go toward the German Refugee fund. The play was sponsored by the local branch of the "Workmen's Circle 664. The 'Workmen's Circle expresses its sincere thanks to the Omaha Dramatic club for their fine performance and for their "willingness to donate their talent for this cause. Miss Marion Stickels of Morningside college presented a violin solo, accompanied at the piano Mis3 Bertha Heshelow. William Heshelow- was chairman of the arrangements and Mr. I. Singer annonnced the program.
SENIOR HADASSAH L LINEN SHOWER ELECT OFFICERS OF FEDERATION ; The annual linen shower, given by the Senior Hadassah, will be tteld next Tuesday afternoon in the Jewish Community Center, following a 1:30 dessert-luncheon. Guests will bring linens to be sent to the hospitals in Palestine. • A talking movie and a short business meeting will be features of the afternoon. Mrs. Milton Mushkin, chairman. Is being assisted by Mrs. M. N. London, Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, Mrs. Robert Sacks, Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and Mrs. Henry" Sherman. '
'• Mrs. David De Sola Pool Is scheduled to be the speaker at the Hadassah Donors luncheon. Additional members who' have paid their Donor's pledge are Jfesclames Max Brodkey, , A. H. Baron. M. Blank. M. Haligman andJM. E. Skalovsky.
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Council Bluffs Lodge members are urged to attend the regional meeting to be held on Sunday in Lincoln,— ?. At a ' m e e t i n g held Monday night new hooks were obtained for the Sunday, school classes. The Cultural group of Hadassah met Wednesday evening, April 19.
The Hadassah Board of Directors met Tuesday iilght, April i s , POLICE COMMISSIONER at the home of Mrs. Nate Gilln- VALENTINE: Provocative methsky. ods used by the hawkers of Father Conghlin's Social Justice on
Tuesday evening A. Z. A. 7 New York's streets and subways gathered at the home of Vernon have been setting off minor Fitch. , clashes throughout the city . . One of these days there'll be a
A supper was given on Thurs- serious incident . . . Which is just day, April 20, for members of what t h e cocky Coughlinites the Agudas Achim lodge. would welcome . . . Monday evening, April 24, the N E V I L L E CHAMBERLAIN: Senior Hadassah will hold a costume party for all paid-up mem- Those news broadcasts in German bers..' :.-.• -;;.: . ." . • • • which the British Broadcasting Mrs. Ben Helpner is in charge Corporation is shortwaving to the Reich are very popular among the of arrangements. •
German listeners, whose numbers are growing apace . . . But the listeners, who are In constant danger of imprisonment for their temerity, think you could materially lessen that danger . . . By eliminating the interval signal, a peal of bells from Westminster, A committee was formed for which can be heard at some disthe installation of officers. tance from the radio set even if tuned down low . . . Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg and sons,* Larry and Eddie, spent B E N I T O. MUSSOLINI: The Sunday -with, relatives in Sioux JTA, whose Rome correspondent, City. " • ' Dr. Edward Kleinlerer, you expelled last year, had a Rome-BerMrs. Louis Cohen and daugh- lin axis right in its own office the ter, Claribel, left for. California other day . . . As Dr. Kleinlerer on Monday. and Victor H. Berntein, Berlin correspondent here on a furlough, Mr. and Mrs. Joe GiUrisky re- met in the office for the first turned Sunday from a two-week time, Al Richter of the mailing stay in Minneapolis. They visited department, smartly chirped . . friends and relatives. "Look, our own ' Berlin-Rome axis" * . . Both ends of the axis, Mrs. Jack Steinberg left Sun- however, denied they had terriday night for Rochester, Minn. torial ambitions . . .
AjUxiliary Meeting
A paper on. "What Price Jewish Education." by Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, was featured on the program of thie meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Tuesday Mr. H. Kulesh returned Thursafternoon. Mrs. Joe. Kutcher, Mrs". Phil Sherman and Mrs. Her- day from Hot Springs, Ark. man Licht participated in the discussion. The invocation was given by Mrs. Licht and Mrs. Morris Rueben presided. A musical program was presented by Cantor and Mrs. 31.-Okun. , ; Tea hostesses were Me&dames Lester Heeger, Archie Kroloff, A.' H. Baron,; J. BE, Krigsten and A.'Kaplan.'
ZIONISTS TO MEET I THIS WEDNESDAY Council of Jewish Women i n open Zionist meeting will be jeld Wednesday evening, April 26, at the Jewish Community Center, when officers for the coming year will be elected. < A feature of the evening's program will-be the showing of a talking movie. .• < Mr. A. M. Davis, vice-president pt the local Zionist organization, js in charge of the meeting- arvangements and will preside. .
Shaare Zion : Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak on a timely subject at the Service this evening. Cantor Morris Okun and the synagogue choir will chant the ritual. • Rabbi . Rabinowitz delivered four addresses at Wayne, Neb., (his week, speaking for the Kiwanis club, and several meetings of teachers and superintendents. His subjects were "The Jew in Literature," "Puzzle of Palesfine," "The Jew Throughout the Ages," and "Three Essentials of Life—Bread, Beauty and - Brotherhood."
Mount Sinai
'. Mr. Sam Abrahamson, Des Moines attorney, will speak at Mount Sinai Temple at the serv•'ife this evening. He will speak on the subject of the Union of American Hebrew-Congregations.
The meeting- of the Council study gronp on Contemporary Jewish Affairs has been postponed until next Monday afternoon, April 24. It will be held in the home of Mrs. A. M. Grueskin, and Mrs. H. Sol Novitsky will read a paper on Shabnoth. This will be the last meeting o£ the season for that group.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levin of Bremerton, Wash., former Sioux Cityans, have announced the engagement and approaching spring marriage of their daughter. Miss Betty Levin, to Phillip Elrenberg of Armour, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Eirenberg, Bellevue apartments. The betrothal was made known at a musical and tea in the Levin home, at which the bride-elect, a pianist, played. Miss Levin attended the University of Washington, the Cornish Art School at Seattle and the New England Conservatory, Boston. ..' . Mrs. Paul Kalish, * former Sioux Cityan, arrived In Sioux City Wed. morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schulein, 2604 Jackson street. She is visiting here on the way home from Los Angeles and San Francisco, where she spent the winter.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur • Rabbi Theodore NV Lewis was Sanford were guests at a tea Monelected president' of the Library day afternoon in. their home, 1915 3?oard of Sioux City at an annual Summit street, at; which Mlscha Elman, noted violinist, was honelection held this week. ored. ', Rabbi Lewis addressed a MaPatronize Our Advertisers sonic meeting at Council Bluffs, la., last Tuesday evening.
PROPAGANDA M O N S T E R. GOEBBELS: Your natzl temper won't be improved , by reading these statistics on anti-Nazi literature produced in the United States since your boss bummed his way to a job . . . Since 1933, our own demon statistician informs us, 44 leading American publishers have put out 133 books •that are either directly or Indirectly anti-Nazi in theme, tone or intent;. . . T h e output has increased steadily with the passing of each successive year . . . Only ten were published in the first year of Your Furore . . . The output for the first three and a half months of 1939 alone, however, totals 31, more than the total of any preceding full year . . . The Macmillan Company, one of the oldest.and most conservative- of American book publishing firms, leads the anti-Nazi literary parade with 11 volumes to its credit, including one by Michael Cardinal Faulhaber, "Judaism, Christianity and Germany" . . . D. Appleton-Century Co., another conservative house, is second with ten books . . . The Viking Press Is third with eight . . . And this doesn't take into account the tons and-tons and tone of antiNazi, stuff turned out by the newspapers and periodicals of this country . . . If the magazine ar-
saying that the anti-Semitic Premier who resigned when proof of his Jewish ancestry was adduced "eats all his meals standing 'up these days" . . . Because he refuses to sit at table with a Jew" . •. . Senator Robert Reynolds is described in Ken as "all the Conghlins, Hagues and Wlnrods of America rolled into one and bound in the Congressional Record" . . -The Senator was born in Buncombe County, N-. C, and .has, Ken points out, made his living with buncombe ever since . . . The Leader, a London weekly, anagrams A.'Hitler into The Liar
action in raising the Polish Jewish emigration issue during his recent visit to London. They consider it a maneuver to obtain colonies, since Poland cannot afford to lose* its Jews now when their services are needed in the Polish (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- army. graphic Agency, Inc.) French Policy The French Government issued decrees imposing military obligations on refugees and "stateless" persons in France, and ordering foreign organizations to obtain Interior Ministry permits to continue their existence. The measure lor utilization of aliens in Washington (JTA)—The house defense has received with joy by committee on un-American activi- refugees and "stateless," Jewish ties will investigate reports that others, who had long since exGerman-American Bund agents are conducting a national campaign to recruit skilled American workers for employment In German munitions plants, it was announced. (Continued from page 1.) Representative John J. Dempsey (Dem., N. Mex.) ordered the tial people. We weren't always investigation In the absence of these wanderers. We had a good Chairman Martin Dies (Dem., life and lived in our own house." Tex.). Dempsey said he had been I guessed the stately gentleinformed that Americans were be- man at her side was her husband. ing promised passage to Germany, His head was high and I was glad good wages and a home it they it looked a bit haughty even. I stayed two years. The army was had been told that some of these stated to be also aware of the refugees were haughty people. Nazi attempts. Blessed pride, I said, that lifts him up and makes him feel Albany (JTA) — Republicans strong. joined in sponsorship of the DeUprooted People vany "isms" bill with the introWhat kind of man would I be duction by Senator William C. in bis place—a wanderer torn Martin, Syracuse Republican, of a from this pretty yellow house . . . companion measure In the upper (The lilac bushes are in bloom house. The bill would bar from the iris will soon be up) . . . an the civil service and teaching exile driven to a strange country? posts those who advocate over- Homeless in my middle age . . . throw of the government. It was comforting to be standing sheltered at my own window. A New York (JTA) — The Ger- log fire was crackling so pleasman-American Bund constitutes a antly on the hearth. menace to loyal German-AmeriFive uprooted people, torn up cans because the "perfectly well grounded suspicion" of the Bund and thrown away, like weeds and stimulates "distrust of all people flung together on this distant of German blood," it was stated sidewalk on the quiet street. One by Dorothy Thompson in her syn- of them laughed: it was ringing laughter, sharp in the crackling dicated column. chill air of early spring. . Thank goodness, I said, they No Anti-Semiism Here have a laugh left. Everything is not lost among people who can New York (JTA) — "Anti- still laugh in enjoyment of a very, Semitism has not struck any deep very comic world. So funny, inroots in this country,**-1t was de- deed! I myself am waiting for the clared at a press luncheon by comic denouement in which a Prof. Louis, Finkelstein, Provost of dust from Hitler's grave of the Jewish Theological Seminr grain ary, who recently Teturned from will blow .into the eye of a Jew. a. month's tour of the West Coast. The Jew will raise his eye-lid and "Whatever anti-Semitism I en- spit three times . . . "Dust in the countered is baaed on lack of eye is each an. irritation,'; he will knowledge," he said. He foun-1 say as he goes his contented way. Yes, there must be a funny endthe American public amazingly sympathetic with the Jewish ing like this. Otherwise the current tragedy makes no sense. homeland in Palestine. ;
Golden Spike Dinner Served from 6:30 to 9P.HH.
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Positively cannot be held over on account of contract -with Elms Hotel, Excelaior Springs, Mo.
/if) All foreigners between tht ages of 18 and 40 will be admitted into French military formations. . (2) All stateless persons ana those enjoying asylum in Frence are subject to the Bame military and other obligations which are imposed in wartime upon French* men. They can be mobilized Individually or collectively, according to nationality, profession and age. (3) stateless and refugee males between the ages of 20 and 38 are subject to the same conscription laws as Frenchmen and can be recruited in peacetime for the. same periods as Frenchmen. (4) Certain aliens may be pro* hibited from residing in certain. areas and secluded into certain sections. (5) Foreigners disobeying these laws may be punished lite Frenchmen.
Playing- Only in the
Curtain at 8:15 and iO P.. M.
pressed readiness to serve France in wartime. The registration decree was greeted by Jewish circles, which expressed hope that it would be used to curb Nazi activities and suppress anu-Semitic propaganda. The related problems of what to do about the 3.000,000 aliens in France In the event of war and how to check subversive activities by foreigners had been under consideration by the Government for some time and were the subjects of inter-ministerial discussion last week, when the new measures were decided upon. The decree for wartime utilization of aliens, published in the Journal Official, imposes on the stateless and refugees, men as well as women the same military and other obligations covering French citizens. Measures The measure provides:
A Historical
Ferdinand the Bull. For 2 Weeks, Beginning Saturday, April 15th
MISH-MASH: Artist Ellas Grossman is recuperating at Lakewood, N. J., from a bout with double pneumonia . . . He was one of the first to be treated with that sensational new sulfapyridine serum . . . Walter Winchell now calls Fritz Kuhn's Ratzis "HunAmericans" . . . According to the same colyumist, Coughlin's radio theme song is "The Golden Call" . i . With, words by the radio priest and music by a Jewish lad named Gerald Marks . . . Distinguished first-time visitors to the United States are Mr. and Mrs. Ren ben Symonds, of Sydney,. Australia, where Mr. Symonds operates one of the country's biggest furniture factories . . . Latest official Nazi gag is to spell the name of the Holy City "Jer-USA-lem." . . . B'nai B'rith chief Henry Monsky has been made an honorary member of Zeta Beta Tau, Oldest and largest Jewish college frat . . . Cecil Beaton, society-stuff f oto g- artist w h o scandalized America by injecting a bit of antiSemitism into one of his front cover jobs for a prominent magazine some time ago, is reportedly trying to prove that it was all a mistake . . . By donating several hundred' examples of bis art to. the refugee cause in England . . . Hotels in Germany that don't want to lose business by barring Jews as guests, satisfy their Nazi conscience by banding Jewish guests rate cards on which is pasted a pink slip notifying them that they are expected to take breakfast in their own rooms and other meals in a special dining room on the mezzanine . . . Congratulations'to Mr. and Mrs. Joe (Publisher) Biben of Rochester, N. Y., on the bar-mitzvah of their son Bob Leslie . . '. Bela Imredy, whose percentage of Jewish blood hasn't prevented Hitler from Inviting him to his fiftieth birthday party, is the butt of a new joke in Budapest . . . Where they are
"Driving the Golden Spike"
With the same talented cast that 'was featured in
GEORGE L. WARREN: As exec, sec'y of the President's Advisory Committee on Refugees, you will be pleased tb know that the six-man commission sent to British Guiana will shortly be submitting its report . . . And that It will be, on the whole, favorable to the idea of settling refugees in what a writer for Ken Magazine recently termed England's "gift horse" . . . But what we can't understand, is why the report' should be- made- public in London, as 13 planned, by the Intergovernmental Refugee Committee rather than in Washington by the P r e s i d e n t . . .
A. board' meeting- of the Junior Hadassah took place last Monday evening at the home of Miss Marian Katelman. Plans were Officers of the Federation of for the Mother and DaughJewish Social Service -were re- made ter affair which will be held in elected for the coming year, at M a y . : . • • : - . . • ; / • . • • •
the' annual election held recently. ; They are E. N. Griieskin, president; Barney Baron, A. H. Baron, H. Fishgall, L. J. Kaplan, Frank Margolin and Dr. Louis Dimsdale, vice-presidents; Jack Robinson, . secretary; Eli Robinow, financial secretary, and Victor Mazie, treasurer. Reports for the' past year "were • The Hadassah Oneg Shabbott given by the -various chairmen at will be held this Saturday in the the meeting. •. .?•:• home of .Mrs. Jack Robinson, with Mrs. Lester Heeger, co-hostess. . Mrs. W. C.^Slotsky, president, has named the followjhg women to act on'the nominating committee: Mrs. Charles Itaskin, chairplan; Mrs. J. H. Levin, Mrs. Joe Kutcher and Mrs. L. S. Goldberg.
A meeting of the B'nal B'rlth Will be held Monday evening, April 24, at the Eagles' hall. A. Hochman will deliver an illustrated talk on "Vocational Guid-.
ticles alone were laid end to end, you could probably wrap Suite a lot of Nazi bologna in it and have plenty left Over for every German in creation to wrap up- some of your "Ersatz" • ..
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General chairman of the affair '*been reduced to pauperism, and I Grocers to Meet in • Boy Scout Circus have no chance of earning tbeir H i r d S l r y k e r . E a r ,B u r k e t t i . u, bread, is only half the story. The of th* a c u . other half has teen written in Vienna's prisons and in the concenDon Santob de Carrkm 1B ro;;The XebrasTca Food Dealers asThe Firth Annual Bov Seoul tration cafnps at Bnchenwald and sociation, division of the Federa- | Circus will be held this evening sidered the first of the gre;>:, Dachau. It is no exaggeration to High praise for the non-politi- tion of Nebraska Retailers. a n " ! and tomorrow evening at the Afc-Spanish-Jewish poets. say that every Jewish male_ in V i - , c a l youth program of President; r , 0 U nce thrir 33rd annual conveu- Sar-Ben Coloseum. Three thousenna 16 years Or over has been in i Roosevelt was sounded by Faiher tion This will be held'at the and cub scouts, boys scouts, and ' MON6KV, GROOINSKY. MAKER *. prison at least once. While no i Edward 3. Flanagan, of Boys Lincoln hotel. April 23-24-25. | sea scouts will participate. COHEN. Attorneys statistics are available, it i s likely | Town. Nebraska, in an address be- Lincoln, Neb. One of the out- i that much more than half has j fore the alumni of Notre Dame at standing features scheduled for! Seventeen big acts have been NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAG* SALE troops. been in concentration camp. ! a Notre Dame night celebration the convention will be the ar- j On November 10 alone, 40,000 j in Chicago. ranped panel discussions. | NOTIi'K l.« HKHKBT GIVEN tlmt Jews were rounded up by the po- • "You may be a Republican or SPITTLER *. HUPP, Attorneys. I>II tlie "2rn! day of April. 1939. at t»« Many prominent food experts. , > VIEXSA. City National Bank Bldg. i'vim* A M.. at 3140 Mason Street, sians have not yet dared to take home tor the National Socialist lice and sent across the former j an anti-New Deal Democrat." he both wholesale and retail. '•matin, Nebraska, th«. .undersiKioxl The laughter-loving Viennese away from the Viennese their cofborder into one of the old Reich's said in explaining that his interest t a j j e p a r t . Problems confronting MORTGAGE will sell at public auction to the higlrare still chuckling over the po- fee and whipped! cream, though Welfare Organization. Another, •camps, or Thrust into one of the was in youth and not. in politics. the food industry as they effect NOTICE OF CHATTEL SALE •".«t hidfier for C«KII one Ford fonradjoining the Jewish community grom of November 10. It was not the Old Belch nas little of either. iloor s<-(j«m fl!itoMH»htIe. year 19SS. Kn~ headquarters, is nsed as a waiting local jails. On! this day women "You may be an isolationist and the merchant in Nebraska will be only grand, tun smashing Jewish Notice is hereby j^ivt-n that on th«-Kme No IT:!I;.M. luvpiej by' cli<it!i»! Despoiled Community room lor the thousands of visitors were not spared. The writer opposed to President Rosevelt's' analyzed. morit;:ii:e in favor nf the Atnerk-Hn 12th dqv of May. 1WS!». «t ll< o'clock shops and Jewish homes: it was knows of instances where sons foreign policy. You have every Certainly no people-in modern who come daily, A number of manufacturers A. A!., at l*seri Furniture Markft. l.onn PiHii HIKI sinned by <Jarl P»IV!K profitable, too. I n somes homes mothers, and daughters met i right to differ with and to oppose and Zola L'avls on August I", 1;>W -M4 lj<»ave.nworth su'ee.t. Omaha. W and wholesalers have fine exbro-wn-clad S. A." troopers and times have been so cruelly and times 4,000 men, ! their brothers, in the straw-lit- any and all so-called New Deal hibits, which will be of unusual ; Ii-Hska. the undersigned will sell at HIKI liuvins been filed In the Off)"** of the <"aunty t'lerk »f DuUKla" Cmiutheir black-clad brothers, the S~thoroughly despoiled of their pos- dren crowded into the place at tered rooms of the Karriongasse j measures. public auction to the highest bidder interest to delegates attending the for ty. NVI.raska. on August 30. lSl.'s. S., had good-natured brawls over sessions as the Viennese Jews in one time. cash: jail after they had been picked up | "But T call upon you and all the last year. Never really rich, convention. The banquet and en- 1 Garland Gar Rantr*. 1 itat I>roi> UIK>II which said niortpaKe there I* All holy objects have been rethe sharing of the spoils. the people of America, in the in-tertainment pro\-ided has the community is now living from moved, of course. There are not j in different parts of the city. leaf Kitchen Table. 4 Kitchen (')iaiis. ; now due and owing the sum **f 1 Men in uniform jumped into hand to mouth. Of the 120,000 even 1 fix? Rug. 1 AValmrt Oblonp Table. 1 .JIM.iw. Said sale will be for the-|M.irThere is no reliable estimate to j terests of American youth, to de- c a r e f u iiy arranged, everyone is benches. The light is dim; j as- I Walnut Buffet. 1 Small Buffet Minor. ' pose of foree)*naing morteaee. *«U* .Iewish-owned delivery trucks and to 130,000 Jews still in the city, the old walls exhude a chill and be had of the deaths which have i nounfe any effort to make of the s u r e ( i a 'good time. i K Walnut Chair* velvet fwats. 2 >i-.'!x •the costF of the sale and all accruing rode--off with them Bayly, goods 50,000 need support in^the way odor. Every half hbur a occurred in the camps *nd prts- j youth movement of America a po- , K'-fi Hugs. 1 Two Piece L-iviiig Room ! cnstH HffcU for the purpose of «atiwf\-•and all. Spoils were openly shar- of doles, meals or foodstuffs in musty ons. The anguish of a. mother \litical football for the credit or j ! Mohair Set {davenport and chair). 1 ins tlie aHxn> stated sum now due ami community employee enters and ed on trolley «ars and Tmses by order to keep alive. Walnut End Table. 1 Walnut Bed ami nwinp ami that no suit or other prcpermits groups of 50 persons at whose husband or son or both are , discredit of any political party. I i aiders returning home alter ! Springs, 1 Mattrenp. 1 Walnut Drew*- ; ipedinp nt law hap been instituted to Before trie Anschluss the Jew-a time t o proceed to various of- under arrest i s the best gauge of i am ready to go before the platei . 1 W a l n u l Ohiffi»ni«*t . r o v e r f t l l«y; [recover said debt or any part tfeertuii. Lheir day's work. Louis Kirschbraun I ''h&ttel mortgage in favor of PloviAMRKICAN LOAN PLAN community was supported by fices, emigration, welfare or train- the fearful toll, i f there is a ; form committees of both parties In Berlin most storekeepers had ish ing.- T i e otfipes themselves, and bright-spot anywhere In the dis-Tto demand a pledge that the na- Funeral services for L o u i s dent Loan'Society «T omalia. !>igwt! , By Monsky, Grocllnsky. Marer * i>»50,000 individual taxpayers. Toa chance to put thelf stocks in. day it has only 15,000 paying the corridors outside, are far toomal Austrian picture, it may be tional youth movement be pro-Kirschbraun. 84. are planned for i hv Kov R. l^nir.1 and Ethel t). 1-aird. ! hen. its Attorneys. S-31-3!)-it. i husband and wife, said mortgage besafekeeping, but th»s time the us- members, and in the 33,000 who small fon the numbers who come found at the West Station when tected against politics and poli- Sunday. Mr. Kirschbraun, pio- , ing dated December 16. 1 3 " . and hav- ; ually slow-moving Viennese were a train pulls in and a small group ticians." neer creamery man and president | inp been flted in the office «f the j iNvESI SAFELY, WVI&fcUY IN been lost are included two- daily. too quick for the shopkeepers, too have Pointing out that there would of the former Kirschbraun cream- J County Clerk of iKuifclas <Vmnt\. Xe- J of freed prisoners rush into the thirds of the number who paid Emigration quick even for the wreckers who more than $20 in taxes monthly. always be a need for refuges for arms ol their families. ery, died on April 20 in Honolulu, i hraska. on the 31st day of May. IMS j entered with axes and crowbars The Viennese Jews are possibly The community officials who •' Perhaps a second brighter note homeless boys. Father Flanagan where he and his wife had gone Said sale will be for the purpose «>f | ' foreclosing Raid mortgage, for no*tn : Annuity, Endowment,« and lound: only empty shelves r*> the only people in Germany who handle the people are not deludfor the winter. of sale and all accuring costs, and for I should also be Tecorded. Jewish lemqlish. ing themselves s s to the extent of -would have coped the purpose of natinfyitip the amount | country MARK LCON have no interest in transfer posThe Kirschbrauns left Omaha Children — those under 16 years th& problem j U T enile in ] s ; s to make their home in iwvc due thereon, to-wit: £202.91': that { Hepr«««nt» 21 Strong ComNtl. ot Dead Citysibilities for emigrants: They their usefulness. Though funds Of age — are well on- their way no suit oi' ethet proceeding* at law ; are precious, the welfare problem, i«§—Every Type of inwininw helplessness ^omelessness a n d Today the shambles left by the ha\ e nothing to transfer. L.os Angeles. j have been instituted to recover said • • n « Bonds Written. by comparison to others, is rela- to escape. In recent months the I cleHt or any part thereof November 10 program are hidden, j depression years had Surviving: Mr. Kirschbraun are: d u r n g t h e The life of Vienna Jewry cenyoungsters have been CALL AT 766? or WA SIM u_ SOC1RTV i by Iron shutters. There are said ters in two points: The Jewish tively simple. After all. it is not 7 ' it not been for the non-political. His wife, two sons. Lester of NewII PROV1DEXT UIAX city rinane* A ln»u OF OMAHA. i constructive youth program of the York and Henry of Rochester. X ; 4-n-3»-St. to have been some 60.000 Jewish community headquarters and the difficult to give an applicant ten I the hundreds to settle in Mortgagee. Y.. and a daughter. Mrs. Herbert enterprises before the Anschluss. nearby Palestine Office. There is marks when he asks for 20. or i tine. England. France. n t federal administration. one pair of shoes when he needs 1 and other European and overseas , p r epBaether Flanagan also lashed He.avenrich of Milwaukee. Of these about 2,000 have been nothing else for the Jew to do two. Thus the material at hand ', lands These youngsters would , bQth Rightist a n d Mrs. Kirscbbraun is accom" Aryanlzed." except to visit the one or the oth- is^ spread as far as possible. But ,s e e m to he getting their chance: ,p r o p a g a n d a " a n ^" L declared^thai the body back and was The rest are closed irom view er. The synagogues are elosed there Is no way of creating a ;n o w many of those they leave be- ,e d u c a l 1 o n a B d i n f 0 r i n a t 1 O I 1 w a a panying expected to land in San Francisco by the shutters, only some of without exception. chance for emigration out of thin j hind belong to a generation ir- the only way in which to counter- today. which have pasted upon them ! retrievably lost the future 'will act it. MeetingB of more than 10 Jews air. signs reading, *tTo.i«t." FiftyThis writer knows a worker in tell. "Our people must be shown Patronize Our Advertisers •Mght thousand closed stores; at a time — except for immigrathat Americanism •works." he said, shops and offices, eyen if many, tion purposes — are forbidden. the emigration department of the ! (Copyrighted by Jewish. Telecommunity. It is his job to adThe atmosphere of the city is such graphic Agency, Inc.) "and our educational institutions EPHRAIM L. MARKS AND REED. imons them m are only y hole-ln-the that . the Reich Union of Jewish vise his clients of likely places of H play an important part in the riAMACCIOTTl. ROBINSON •*orner affairs, add a unique HavjCulture in Berlin, into whose resettlement suited to their needs. AND HRUSKA, process " or to any city, even to one as hands Austrian Jewish culture ac- He knows the emigration *laws of Attorneys. He declared that, in Ms opinarge as Vienna. 905-910 First National Bank Bldg. tivities have been placed, has de-all lands almost by text. He exion, human happiness and ecoInhere are whole streets, such cided against opening a cinema or plains them earnestly and sympanomic stability are more possible NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION s the famous Judengasse, once theater for the Vienna Jews. thetically to all com'ers. under the American system than he center of the Jewish secondIt all sounds very helpful, but , In tVip C<mnty Court of Douglas : It is feared that the presence of under any otner. hand clothing trade, which are so many Jews in a theater might when this man goes home at night Count: Nebraska: Budapest (JTA> — A drastic In the Matter of the "Estate of iow as dead as an abondoned be "provoking" to the fun-loving it is to wrestle •with the problem program to exclude the Jews from JJ*TTI*-!= Cunningham, jr.. Oeceased.: ; Alaska Settlement mining town in the hills ot Ne- Austrians. Secondary, but also as to where he, himself, can go. Hungary's economic, political ana nersons interpsted in said estate j Washingrton i JTA ) — Develop- areAll hereby •ada. Vienna, once the most glor- important, was the doubt that exNevertheless, despite almost su- social Hfe'was put forward notified that a petition I d by b ttiie ious of all European capitals, is isted that -sufficient Jews could perhuman difficulties, ten of thou- newly-reorganized pro-Nazi Ar- ment of Alaska is no-vs- ham^prerl lias Ito^n filfd in said f'ourt alleging j by lack of manpower and capital. that said defeated died leaving Tio j now not'only a provincial town, afford to spend a mark to war- sands of Jews have succeeded in row-Cross Party, uv-.w^- aa rn| dd "settlement properly planned biST vill and praying for administrabut one that looks as it it were rant the necessary expenditure, j getting out of Austria since the dissatisfaction as not sul-i based upon adequate financ- tion upctn his estate, and that a hear- » on the Verge of complete -decay. Anschluss. Some place the figure menfs anti-Jewish Synagogues Destroyed i ing" I migrht conceivably benefit said court on the 29th flay of April, j But-the "Viennese, for once in as high as 60,000. one-third of ficiently extreme. It has been pointed out that the 1!>::<", and that if they fail to appear: the territory by development their lives thorough, were not sat- synagogues are closed. This is an whom received financial or other The Arrow-Cross program calls new industries. Depart nient of at said rourt on the said 29lh day of | isfied with smashing the shops •understatement; they have disap- help from the community. The for (11 proclamation of the Jews of April. IMS. at $ o'clock A. M. to con- j and pulling down their shutters. p e a r e d . Recently the writer great bulk have left penniless; as a separate race prohibition ot Interior experts reported to Sec-t**s»t jeaid petition, the Court may j t retary Harold L. I-ckes The rethe same aJid grant, administra- i There must not he any misunder- watched a truck hauling away the perhaps as many as a half of them mixed marriages and. legal sanc- port was made after many in- irrant tion of said estate to James T. Cun- i standing on the part of the pastions against sexual intercourse j ^ l v>ttB >"«"*• a n c . uiQU.. ningham or some other -suitable per- ' wrectage of the ancient and exj have left illegally. One might serby, who might think that the ceedingly orthodox Schiffgasse point o u t that this i s n o t emigra- between Jews and non-Jews. ( 2 } i Quiries had been received as son snd jv-oi-ecd to a settlement closed establishment was "Aryan" synagogue. It had been partly tion, but flight. Certainly .flight deprival of Jews' political rigfats the possibilities of refugee colon- thereof. . t ization, bnt *'id r>ot refer specifiand. who thns might be led to con- blown upland partly burned. BRTCE CRAWFORD. i is t h e better word. Orderly e m i - and elimination of Jews from clude that the Anschluss had not The benches being loaded on gration h a s been impossible in the army, (3) economic measures cally to refugees. 4-7-"r^-3t. County Jud^e. j done business any good. Over the the truck showed charred edges. Vienna ever since the Gestapo led to compel the Jews to leave "the doors of the closed stores hang The bricks..tit the building, the the German army into the land Hungarian state ol labor." signs .bearing the owners* name truick^T-driyervvtord the .writer, on that fateful March day last and'tfte kind of business he used would also-be, salvaged. ' -'-"'' When the Jewish convert, Bon year. to ran. The signs are in German Alfonso de Carthagena, bishop of Prisoners .He pointed out that the Nazis and and-in Hebrew. How does this Gestapo pressure Burgos, visited Rome, the pope have promised many new dwellWindfall ^.Pu manifest Itself? That Jews have declared a full conclave. ings for the formerly "downtrodThe. Hebrew letters add'a peAustrian workers, and ne culiar flavor to scores of Vienna den" was sure that the workers would street.-There are sections -of the not object to living in houses Inner City and of the Second Dis-. with synagogue materials. trict that look as if they might be built all." he pointed out, "the: outposts of Tel Aviv. Needless to "After bricklayers will be 100 per cent say, hundreds : of. the former Aryan." storekeepers, Jewish as t h e y Of the scores of temples and might be, never had. any knowledge of Hebrew .and cannot read tiny prayer houses that once dot7their ownvslgnsj To; the Jewish ted Vienna, only two or three sign-painters in Vienna who knew have been spared. One is now a * Hebrew characters, the development came as a pitiful little wind- Oil silk lamp shade protecfall. ~; ;••- ~\-r '-; ' • . .- ..•-. -. tors. Keep your lamps new Vienna's ^economic decline, of indefinitely. Made to fit. I HE new Ford cars •course, cannot all be ascribed to Reasonable. AT O379. the economic mwder to which its Jewish element; was -.subjected. have made the biggest . Vienna has_ been poor since the war. Todayi a t least, iitc has. .little Widow will share lovely 6hit in years! People unemployment' (its 75.000 or so room brick bungalow. Ideal able-bodied jobless Jews' do not for couple. .Or will rent count, of course). ,..-... . room. Newly decorated. are enthusiastic about -And if the Viennese sometimes New - furniture. Oil heat. rim out of butter, oranges, onions, Automatic hot water. Carthem—and trading in almonds or apples, it has also sot- age. Reasonable. See to ap£ • RENEWED ten rid of its beggars. , preciate. 3022 Nicholas St. And if its famed leather goods wfcar*v«r their present cart on have deteriorated, its English woolens long since disappeared, new Fords! "We've Wanted J e w i s h middleand its shops shelves are no longQ . GUARANTEED 100% aged couple to superintend er . generally so varied in content " Mffcfecfai* or ] « % a« formerly, at least it has more institution for aged. Box priced these used cars and cheaper German automobiles. 11. Jewish Press. rmfni 1m eccerrfcac* even the hard-boiled Prusmost a t t r a c t i v e l y . k h r w ut tft*
^ Viennese Who Love All Laughter
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Page 4
>>AVID BLACKER . Business and Managing Editor .EONARD NATHAN Editor UABB1 FREDERICK COHN Contributing Editor UABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS Book Editor \NN PILL • . . . Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
Lands of Refuge
its Jewish population is certainly outside the pale of every endeavor. As far as Vienna is concerned they may as well be gone. And as the book prophesied it is a city of death, a ghost town reminiscent of the old west's deserted mining eamps. The gay Vienna, the Vienna of color and song is no more. Long streets of broken store frdnts attest to the Nazi iury. Boarded shops are mute and terrible witnesses to the prosperity the marching Nazis brought. The Nazi commissars who were first placed in charge of the Jewish shops have for the most part been sent to concentration camps for misappropriation of funds. Nor is Vienna alone for Italian cities are beginning to feel the results of the expulsion order. Pisa, whose university depended on foreign Jewish students, has slipped further into a languor from which she had awakened only a few years ago. Trieste, Italy's largest Jewish,center, has fallen victim to the Fascist policies just as its Jews. Commerce has declined, unskilled minds attempt to bolster the financial and insurance concerns built by Jewish initiative. But Vienna has been the worst sufferer. It is not merely a metropolis suddenly reduced to provincial status. It is today a city that has been robbed of its soul, like an Haitian Zombie. Unkempt, reduced to poverty that is even worst than what it suffered following the war, Vienna stands as a monument to the Nazi "Aggrandizer," the vampire bat who swept down upon it and sucked away its blood, /
Religious Services Temple
It is .expected that within the next few weeks the conunis -uon sent to investigate colonization possibilities in British tiuiana will present its report. Of all the lands offered by Great ne Britain during the hectic pogroms of November, British Guiana is the only one.halfway suitable for colonization purposes. It is also the most important of all the lands being considered for il [ mass settlements. 10! tu. The Guianas have seen Jews before—first at Cayenne, then 2 at Surinam. In a region known as the Jodesavanne, ten thounil sand Jews came as refugees from the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions. For over one hundred and fifty years this settlement existed. Its dissolution resulted only from the slave uprisings that affected the plantations of the entire region and Islam's New Public Enemy No. 1 Not long ago we were treated to the rare spectacle of forced the area of white settlemnt back to the coastal plain. Mussolini assuming the mantle of "The Protector of Islam." Today a large and thriving Jewish community exists at ParaThrough the deserts of Lybia he rode while the sons of the Gems of the Bible maribo, eapitol of Dutch Guiana; desert raised their guns in salutation. and Talmud British Guiana is tropical and malarial. Most casual obNow in the space of a few days the "Protector of Islam" By Dr. Philip Sb«r servers have damned it as unfit for white men; Yet if one reads reports on the Palestine of a quarter of a century ago, the con- has become in the words of one Arab journalist, "Public Enemy BIBLE clusion may well be; drawn it was even less suitable for human No. 1 of the Moslem World." Thus Mussolini has alienated the Arabs peoples who for several years he has wooed to his stand" A soothing tongue is a tree of settlement. Palestine:/was malarial and desert, yet both these life. But perverseness therein is ard in the hope they could be utilized for Tstirring' up discontent drawbacks have bfien Conquered. The United States fought the a wound to the spirit. against England and France, The heart of him who hath disjungle and disease in' Panama with encouraging results. seeketh knowledge. But What prompted the invasion of Albania is still something cernment the mouth of fools feedeth on folTwo important reports have been issued on British Guiana. of a mystery. In return for a few resources he has made bitter The ear that hearkeneth to the •)ne was published in 1933 at the time proposals were made to enemies of the people of the entire Mediterranean. Propaganda reproof of life abideth among the settle the excess population of the over-crowded "West Indies in devices of every sort have been utilized to win the Arab popula- wise. Better it is to be of a lowly the region. The second was issued when an effort was put tions to the Fascist cause. Broadcasts from Bari; pro-Fascist spirit with the* humble than to Arab papers; agents of discontent; even guns were furnished. divide the spoil with the proud. forth to bring the persecuted Assryians out of Iraq. TALMUD The first report Avas merely on the conditions of the land With this unjustified attack on Europe's sole Moslem country, Our Rabbis were taught: "A shall always sell all that he itself; the second was unfavorable to settlement by the As- Mussolini and Italy have become the objects of concerted Mo- man possesses in order to marry the hammedan wrath. syrians. One of the important factors in studying Geography daughter of a learned man. If he What has' happened is of momentous significance. The cannot get the daughter of a is a knowledge of the initiative of the settlers/ learned man, let him marry the The present inhabitants of the region are. eager for Jewish Mohammedans see Mussolini in his true colors. They are no daughter of a prominent man of day, let him marry the daughsettlement. The planters and commercial interests of George- longer td be fooled by slogans. But what is even more pro- his ter of one of the chiefs of the found is the revelation of the weaknesses of the Fascist procongregation, let him marry the town have had pleasant relations with the Portuguese Jewish daughter of a manager of a charpatriarchs of Surinam; Moreover the colony is in great'need gram. Theirs are victories of the moment. In the absence of ity organization. If he cannot get of added population. Speaking before the Legislative Council an effective opposition, the Dictators can roll merrily along. the daughter of manager of a charity organization, then let him last October the Governor of the colony emphasized that British But one action can erase thej effectiveness of their empty marry the daughter of "Am Ha'aretz" (ignoramus) ( b e e ause Guiana must readjust its economy if it is to prosper. The West bombasts. heredity will have a great influIndian Committee Bulletin even before the proposals for Jewence on his children.) ish settlement was putting forth the plea for British Guiana Rabbi Joseph once, became sick and fell in a trance and upon ^ and its need for new exports. v awakening, he was asked, by. his father^ what he had seen (while At present seventy-two per cent of the island's exports are in his apparently lifeless state) sugar and its by-products, and it is not forgotten in the Carriand he answered: "I saw the By DB. THEODORE N. LEWIS world reversed— the people who bean region that it was the Jews coming from Madeira who were above here are below there, Babbi, Mount Sinai JCemple, Sioux Ctty first introduced the cultivation of sugar cane. and the people who were below here were above there." .However it must be remembered at this time that the enBOOK OP JEWISH A mere paragraph or two is an "My son," said the father, tire Carribean region is in the throes of a serious agricultural 'SOURCE HISTORY AND I/ITERATURE. injustice to these and the other 'Thou hast seen a rightly concrisis. Lacking a desire to diversify their crops, the planters JDIiTOS H O E X T E B AND eminent figures —• and to the ducted world! But how do we JUNG. 330 PAGES. reader. This strikes me as the scholars appear there?" are faced with the same problems of-the American farmer—a. MOSES SHAPIRO, VALENTINE CO., most important criticism of - this "Just as we are esteemed here, otherwise worthwhile and inter- so are we esteemed there," answlack of market. But unlike the American farmer who has ex- LONDON. piece of work. ered Rabbi Joseph. " hausted every means of food-production, the planters of the This is an abridgement of a esting In examining the material, one Carribean are importing necessary agricultural products. The larger -work Of several volumes, feels that the editor was influDr. Hoexter. Dr. Jung has enced in his selections by someCommunity Calendar British government is particularly anxious to develop a cattle- by added material -"to counterbal- thlng of the apologetic. Dr. Jung raising industry in British Guiana to supply the West Indies ance the undue attention given in seems to be anxious, perhaps sub- 'FROM APRIL 33 TO APRIL 28 original to German-Jewish consciously, to defend Judaism April 23. _with a fresh meat supply. At present all meat is.brought at the ife," dealing with Jewish history and the Jew. -Some of the ma- Sunday, Aviva club, 2:30 p. m., club and literature in England, United terial lacks any intrinsic value, room, Jewish prohibitive costs from the Argentine. Community Center. tl a; :er
Another colonization offer has been made by the government of the Dominican Republic. Here, too, there is Tinderpopulation—rare in a West Indian island—and a government that is seeking not only agricultural colonists but industrialists -as well. Small industries would be a God-send to the West Indies, for many important products needed there are made prohibitive because of high shipping costs. 't The drawback to the Dominican republic is the reputation it enjoys as the "Germany" of the West Indies—in the sense it has a dictatorial government and is considered by its sole neighbor a constant threat. • ' _ .
> • • • •
On • the other side of the globe another important region has been considered—Mindanao in the Philippines. Here, too, is an island well-suited for agriculture and desirous of developing industry. The political future of the Philippines, it is said, is uncertain, but the same is true of nearly every other country. Interestingly enough the majority of the population of Mindanao are Moslems, very antagonistic to the Christian population and hostile to Christian settlers. •
Each and every land offered for Jewish settlement naturally has some drawbacks. Yet it is imperative at this time that the Jews find places of settlement for within the next few years, present conditions continuing, we shall be faced with t he problem of resettling millions of uprooted beings.
The City Without Jews A little over a year ago the newly-appointed Nazi Cominissar of Austria announced joyously ;tha,t within four years Vienna-would be "Judenrein."—cleansed of its Jews. Immediately everyone remembered the short novel of a few years previous, "The City Without Jews." Written by a gentile, who was assassinated for his trouble, the book pictured a Vienna suddenly emptied of its Jewish population. There was something uncanny about the prophecy that some day Vienna would do as the Vienna of the book—exile her large Jewish population. . At that time few felt that the prophecy would be further realized, that once the Jews were gone Vienna would begin her economic decline. Perhaps, it was believed, Vienna would fall victim to Nazi economics, but maybe she would share in the temporary "prosperity" occasioned by the armaments program. Vienna is today a city without Jews—for what remains of
States, France, Russia, Poland and can be accounted tor on no and other lands. ground other .than a desire to The contents of the volume can glorify Israel's literature and hisbest be perceived by reference to tory. The several selections alhe chapter headings. The first luded to above are examples. The shapter, "Ancient Times in Early brief paragraph dealing with TepMiddle Ages," covers a period hilim does not enlighten the readrom 586 B. C. E. to 1040 C. E., er about the origin, the laws, or one of impossible length. The about the present attitude of the remaining chapters, are entitled Jew towards this ceremony, . In a "The Jew in the Arabic Baby- homiletical treatise it has a deflonian Empire;" "Spain in the inite place, but not' in any scienMiddle Ages;" "Germany, France, tific work. • • England, Poland and Italy DurThis bird's eye view of Jewish ing the Middle Ages;" "America life and thought is helpful and and European Countries in Mod- informing. Practically everything ern Times;" "From the French that touches upon the Jew or Revolution to the Present," and is found here. However, "Cultural History." The last cov- Judaism cannot help but hope that the ering not quite one hundred pages one editor had been not' so eclectic. will prove of greatest interest be- Either he should have produced a cause it contains the views and larger bobk, or else satisfied himopinions of comparatively modern self with less material but in scholars, E. G. Lazarus, Herman ohen, Buber, Shechter, Geiger, more generous measure. etc., upon a multitude of Jewish subjects touching upon religion, "IiUNACY BECOMES US," BY ADOLPH HITLER AND HIS politics, Zionism, anti-Semitism, ASSOCIATES. E D I T E D BY etc. CLARA liEISER. MVERIGHT PUBLISHING CORPORATION. Because Dr. Jung intended this ISO PAGES. volume for a "source book," he; has made the error of attempting This book should be required to cover too much ground, from reading, for those who believe 586 B. C. E. down to modern that it is possible to reach a days, with the unhappy result that modus Vivendi with Hitler and his the selections are invariably frag- Nazis. Those who preach the docmentary and inadequate. It would trine of "appeasement," forget have been wiser to have, excluded that they are dealing not with reasome material and some authors sonable individuals susceptible to and to enlarge upon the more in- logical persuasion, to whom truth fluential thinkers a n d their and virtue and justice and peace works. are worthwhile ideals, but with It is extremely difficult to un- ruthless barbarians, obsessed, understand why the editor includes balanced and in many instances the "Prayer for Dew," by Eleazer genuinely insane. Kalir. Where space is at such a The volume consists of carefulpremium, why be so indiscrimi- ly selected and arranged quotanate? In place of Maimonides' tions from the very mouths of opinion concerning the Mezuzah, Hitler and hjs principle associthe earnest student would have ates. They cover a variety of been more grateful for larger se- themes. The one common denomlections from the Moreh Nebuklm. inator of these gems is their lack The same criticism applies ; to the of reason, lack of truth and impuextracts from Perez and Mendele dence. Their idiocy, and it must Mocher Soferln, interesting but be remembered that they are inrelatively unimportant. L o u i s fallible truth in Nazi Germany, Untermeyer's "prayer" is moving should help to remove the blinkbut not sufficiently exceptional to ers from those who can not bring merit inclusion in this anthology. themselves to realize that the The wish to make this source present government of Germany book all inclusive has compelled is literally barbaric, and its ideals the editor to deal niggardly and irrational and criminal. nadequately with such foremost A few of the more intriguing hinkers as Geiger,'Ahad Ha-Am, truths picked at random a r e Trankel, etc. These are entitled these, final criterion of ;o more lengthy quotation — if value is "The the real soul." "The task the student is to appreciate their of the universities is not to teach contributions to Jewish thought. objective science but the militant,
Omaha Hebrew jclub, 3 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. A. Z. A. No. 100, 3 p. m., G and H, Jewish Community Center. Vaad Dinner, 6:30 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community Center. Monday, April 24. Council of Jewish Women, 1 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community Center. Orchestra, 8 p. m-., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. Tuesday, April 25. Philanthropies campaign luncheon, 12:15 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community Center. J.VC.-C. Athletic Award night, 8 p. m., gymnasium and auditorium, Jewish Community' Center. ' • -' " "• ' • • Choir Rehearsal, 8 p. m., K and li, Jewish Community:Center. Wednesday, April 26. Senior Hadassah, 2 n, jn,,.lodge room, Jewish Community Center. International Workers'Order; 8 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. Thursday, April 27. ' ' ' * * Junior Hadassab, 8 p. m., club room, Jewish Community Center. Boy Scouts, 8 p'. ' m.', 'lodge room, Jewish Community .Center. Choir Rehearsal, 8 p. m., K and It, Jewish Community 'Center'. ' ' Friday, April 28. Dancing Class, 3:^5, p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center.
imore, Maryland, will speak at services this evening at thm B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets. ,
To the Child Refugee
By Mrs. William Gray This evening Rabbi Frederick Conn will conduct the service at Temple Israel. The subject of Little wanderers, how deep his sermon will be "The Right to Is my wound be Happy." When I think of you. Oh, small feet upon the Toad| Beth El Tonight at services Rabbi David A. Goldstein will base his ser- My deepest wish is to lie mon on Edna Ferber's recent With you there. Ah. let me shoulder book, "A Peculiar Treasure." Even one child's load! In the absence of Cantor Aaron Edgar, Yale Trustin will conduct the service and Ida Gitlin will The cable, let into the seft, Seeking fathoms far below lead the choir. Can never find Next AVeek The depth At services next week, Rabbi Goldstein will base his sermon on the book "Reaching for the.Stars" That .looks at one by Nora Wain. From out the eyes Next week Arthur, son of Mr. Of children Who have wept and Mrs. Herman Cohen, and Herman Stauber, who has recently arrived from Germany and is For home making his home with Mr. and The while they fled Mrs. Cohen, will begin the cele- From lands all scarred with grave bration of their Bar Mitzvah by mounds chanting Kiddush. Of tortured dead. Mr. and Mrs. Cohen cordially invited their friends to the servJules Carvallo, one of the ice and to partake of the Kiddush founders of the Alliance Vniverafter the service. sille, was the engineer in charge; of the building of most of EuVaad Rabbi Nathan Drazin of Balt- rope's important railroads.
Metz Beer Is Better—Day or Night
Rulers Meeting in Cairo Put Forth New Proposals Cairo (JTA) — The Arab princes have submitted a countersuggestion to ..-The British government for modification of the final proposals for a Palestine solution which would make them acceptable to the Arabs, it was learned. It was unofficially stated that
the suggestion embraces:
(1) A
definite ten-year transition period at the end of which the Arabs, would not merely be consulted but would decide on establishment of the proposed independent Palestine state: (2) Jewish immigration to Palestine in the next five years to total 60,000 instead of 75,000 as proposed by the British. Last week, Dr. Chaim Weismann, president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, left after a one-day visit here during which he conferred with Premier Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha and other Egyptian Arab leaders on a possible settlement of the Palestine problem. The Zionist leader was quoted as promising to return for further conversations. The conferences were understood to have produced no definite results. Dr. Weizmann was believed to have indicated his desire that the status quo be maintained in Palestine and to have emphasized that any solution without Jewish consent Would be impracticable in the light of America's attitude. ' Discount Visit London (JTA) — The Jewish Agency denied knowledge of any plan for resumption of discussions on Holy Land policy. The visit to Cairo of Dr. Chaim Weizmann had no connection with the current Arab discussions in the Egyptian capital, having been arranged some time ago in London with Aly Maher Pasha, chief of the Egyptian Cabinet, the Agency said in a statement. Meanwhile, meetings of members of the Zionist General Council were arranged in Warsaw and London to review the Palestine situation, in place of a plenary meeting of the council which had been scheduled to be held in Jerusalem.
SOL LEWIS offers you • $200 value today 0 * ttie biwTd new sensationally priced 1939.
6 CUBIC FEET ef usable
POLISH JEWS IN U.S. PLEDGE AID New York (JTA) — The support of Polish Jews in America to Warsaw "in any emergency that may arise which threatens the independence of Poland" was conveyed to Count Jerszy Potocki, the Polish Ambassador, by a delegation of the Federation of Polish Jews in America which visited him at.the Ritz Towers. A declaration given to Count Potocki-for transmission to Warsaw added to the promise of support an expression of hope "that in any . consideration of emigration and resettlment confronting your country, Jewish emigration will be treated as an integral element of the entire Polish emigration problem. The Ambassador, expressing gratitude that Polish Jews here had'followed the example of their coreligionists in Poland and i pledging- aid to the State, express- j ed agreement with the sentiments ; voiced about the emigration pro- j blem and promised to transmit \ the declaration to Warsaw. The delegation - included Benjamin Winter, president of the federation,- Zelig- Tygel, executive sec-j retary; Herman B. Oberman, chairman o£ the Administrative committee, Dr. Simon Segal and Jacob Brown. Warsaw (JTA I — An offer t" establish a training school lor Jewish pilots on his estate ;U Zi2':jnlca. near Warsaw, was made I to the Government by Henryk Doctorowicz, a Jewish landowner.
warlike, the heroic:"1 '-'The striking low cultural level of the American nation is the result of the dominant position of women;" "The blunt person feels that he owes all he is to his blood." Adolph Hitler himself said this as late as September S, 193S, "I trust that no mother will ever have cause to weep in consequence of any action of mine." This is an interesting collection of sayings from the bigwigs of Naziland, enjoying the status of revealed and infallible truth—to contradict which is treason. Nothing reveals the low depths to which Germany lias fallen as does this small volume. It is fearfully amusing, and ineffably tragic. Eoctorowicz IIES subscribed 10.000 zlotys (about $2,000) to the A large number of Jewish re- national air defense loan. ligious texts were the work of Non-Jews of Lisbon to show j Juan Carrasco, a marrano, who before his re-conversion to Juda- their dislike of the Inquisition j would recite the "Srtenia Xisroei." ' ism was an Augustine friar.
Inferior Light Many CHI-er Ixtrai
CHECK THESE FEATURES Srner?3st if f Keck Wee! 3nsu!cfien Pcrceiain tinee* Cebi-ef
up membership of 500 and hopes all the loyal members of Hadassah will help her reach this goal. She is being assisted by Mrs.. William Alberts, Mrs. Reuben Bordy, Mrs. Julius Abramson, Mrs. Sam Hosenberg,' Mrs. J. J. Friedman and Mrs. J. J. Frieden. A party for paid-up members, admittance by paid-up membership card, - will be announced hortly. Kansas City Conference All Hadassah members planning on attending the,: 15th annual conference of the' Southwest Eegion.jto be held Monday and Tuesday, May 1 and 2, in the Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas^City, Mo.,
being directed by Morris Arbitman and will present the second degree at the next B'nai B'rith meeting. At the last regular meeting, held Sunday, April 16, Advisor Art Robinson was chosen coach By IRVING SONDERS of the A. Z. A. No. 1 Softball earn. Last week, although hinJohn Garfield, Warner Bros. dered by the inclement weather, star, will be a very busy young he softball team had a spirited man for a long time to come. He practice. Next week, Sunday. will play the lead in "Forgive Us April 23, the Softball team will Our Trespasses," the best seller practice at Thirty-third and Cass by Lloyd C. Douglas, after he finat 11 a. m. ishes "Dust Be My Destiny." GarDr. "Victor Levine of Creighton j field will also play the lead in university will address the mem-"For the Benefit of Mankind," bers of A. Z. A. 100 at their reg- the story of a lawyer who fought ular meeting next Sunday, on his for justice, by Melvin "Wald, 20-
Hollywood M ei ry- G o - R o u n d
Our Film Folk
A sharp earthquake . . . limited to the studio confines * . . o c curred when Franz- Wiedmann, Hitler's "white-haired boy," and a friend walked onto a certain lot the other day and enjoyed lunch at the commissary. When it was discovered that an underling, without authority from the (nonJewish) production chief, had invited the Nazis, the self-appointed welcomer was promptly fired. And there's a casting director ^boseturu will be nest when bigwigs discover he specifically excludes Jews when hiring extras.
By HI&EN 2XGHOND ••"-'A' tea; a program in honor of Theodor Herzl's birthday, the Medical • Fund dra-wing on "the Hollywood — Whether because trip' to New Tork City, ana a Hollywood appetites have become business meeting filled with imjaded in their native haunts . . . portant presentations will feature or "because picritics are supposed VISIT Ht'KE '.VISITING MOTHER the Hadassah April meeting to be to see more clearly through a fog The Misses Hannah and Llbby held at 2 p. m. Wednesday, April Mrs. Harry Rushall of Scotts(part climatic, part alcoholic), bluff, Neb., is visiting her moth- Meyerson ol Berkeley, Cal., have 26, at the Jewish Community the latest Movietown vogue is to er, Mrs. Hattie Nathan. Mr. returned here for a visit with Center. A 12 noon "board meetload a train with Btars, press, Rushall, -who was here during the their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Good- ing will be held proceeding the food, and drink, and whisk it off Passover holidays, last week, re- man Meyerson. regular meeting. to some distant destination, where turned to Scottsbluff. During the business meeting in amidst fanfare and magnificence TO ATTEND CONTENTION ddition to reports from all the "Professor M a m l o c k " . . * the latest and greatest scrcenijiatrmen OT standing'comnimees, are askeff to get - in TOUCH T*ttii leteut trtp to Alsss3.. Ail ui<-m year-oia C. C 2s. IT. stoaest . - . banned in Providence, U. g. A., At a luncheon on 'Wednesday, and Mrs. Meyer Tatelman, left lie choosing of the •donor Innchbers of Mother chapter are cor- Bobby Breen is scheduled for the Such was the caravan to San not Germany . .Yon grounde that April 12, Miss Evelyn Rimerman, yesterday by motor on a two- on date, the nominating coin- Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, HA 3771. A full program is being dially invited to attend this in- lead in "Way Down South," It. Francisco for the "Alexander "the film is purely propaganda daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. I. Rim- wee^ trip for "Washington, D. C, .mittee headed by Mrs. Irvin C. talk on Dr. Levine"s ex- K. O. production . . - Sam Levene Graham Bell" premiere. Never designed to trace the persecution, erman, announced June 18 as her where he will attend the Junior Iievin, and "assisted by Mrs. Sam planned with Mrs. David de Sola teresting periences -while in Alaska. Pool of New Tork, national vicewill play the part of Siggie, the before did I understand how it of the Jews in Germany . . . with Red Cross convention. wedding date. Rosenberg, Mrs. David A. Pinkie. president, as guest speaker. garrulous taxi driver in Colum- feels to be President •— or even the purpose of profluciuE more Forty-two guests were present, Melvin is a sophomore a t South Mrs. X Berkovitz and Mrs. I. bia's production of "Golden Boy." Charlie McCarthy! Our parade of hatred for Germany than now Exincluding Mrs. M. Levich and Mrs. High school and was selected to herniss will present a slate lor .The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah is planning -a luncheon on cars threaded through a sea of ists in many quarters" — "ProI- Erinberg, both of Sioux City, represent his school at the na- he; election to be held in May. May 3, in honor of Maxie Rosenbloom is making a San Francisco faces . . . we were fessor Mamlock." we repeat, Iowa. tional meeting, with all expenses Mrs. M. M. Barish, chairman of Wednesday, vice-president, Mrs. name for himself as an actor, not bears the Hays production seal oJ • •' • The color scheme of the lunch- paid. he Hadassah Medical Organiza- the national The largest number of men in only in pictures but in the col- pushed, jostled, and stared at . . . de Sobi Pool. Members are approval! the mayor greeted the party offiThe delegates will visit the p . tion committee of Omaha, will David eon was white and green. "White the history of Sigma Alpha Mu umns. No one mentions anything call for reservations. carnations and calla lilies served S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, ion-duct the drawing on the trip asked to J. received distinctive recognition about Maxie's prowess as~ a one- cially . . . and then, like Pied If. F . Drive » The same week that the Jack Pipers, we were followed by mobs Mt. Vernon, the U. S; Engraving .o\New York. The first prize will as a center-piece. when they earned listing at the All J. N. F . workers are asked fighter. Recently we no- for 12 exhausting hours. "Warners lunched with President Bureau, the F. B. 1.. the Smith- ie a. first class round trip ticket to- attend the 1 p. m. dessert- 11th annual honors convocation, time ticed a pillar in an Australian pasonian Institute, _and will spend ;6 Hew York City or $100 cash luncheon to be held' sx the J. C. or superior scholarship. The picture, "Alexander Gra- Roosevelt in Washington, S a m r \ CALIFORNIA per puffing "Marie Rosenbloom ham Bell," was, by consensus, Goldwyn had as his dinner guests, Only those who rank In the Mr. Albert Kaplan, who has an afternoon with Senator Burke, and' the second prize: will be a C. Friday, May 5. Mrs. I. Dansky, Mrs. Roosevelt and son, James. been making his home with his who will accompany the Omaha •ourid trip- ticket to New York chairman of the J. N.-F. council, upper 10 per cent of their respecDid you know that Belgian chil- pronounced a top-notcher of the daughter, Mrs. Glenn Olson, 2116 delegates to a session of the con- ourist class Or" $ 50 in cash. Tick- and.Mrs. Reuhen Bordy and Mrs. tive colleges receive recognition. dren are not allowed to see pic- 1939 crop. Irving Cummings, Goldwyn conducted his Illustrious ts are selling lor SO cents and North; Sixteenth, is now in Sacra- gress. The following Sigma Omicron tures that are too exciting? Mo- whose record is as old and as party to his preview of "'WutherRubnitz are in charge. »» may be purchased from Hadassah J. The mento, CaL, where he intends to members were honored: Morris tion pictures like "In Old Chi-varied as the cinema- itself, direct- ing Heights" where ogling fans Jewish National Fund members or the chairman. the Glamor Girls . . , remain three or four months. Drive which opens Sunday, May Tatelman, Omaha, first year med- cago," "San Francisco" and •gang-ed this historical chef d'oeuvre deserted HERE FROM CHICAGO broke through the cordon of poMiss Sylvia Sogin of Chicago winner does not have to be pres- 7, needs additional workers. ical student; Harold Civin, Oma- ster or western stories that have with etched finesse that will rend lice . . . and swooped down upon time or cars are ha, third year medical student: too much shooting are absolutely the heart of the hardest audience. was the week end guest of Mr. mt to win. The -names will be Those who have ANNOUNCEBIRTH announced in The Jewish Press. requested t o ; call Mrs. Reuben Ervine Green. Norfolk, second taboo for kiddies. Speaking of the dramatic high- the First Lady. Dr. and Mrs. J. Milton THargolin and Mrs. Mores Cohen. year law student; Stelan Frank el, .11 captains' and members having Bordy, WA 5G56. light — that scene between the of Perry, la., announce the birth house guest from Berlin, Gerticket stubs are requested to turn Sam KatE is about to take 1;o H. M. O. Donors Melvyn Douglas, in an article little boy deaf-mute and his faof a daughter, Zna Jeanne, on MRS. GMCKEK HONORED Mrs. Sam••..;dayman,...Mrs. Mor- them in immediately to Mrs. Bar- In addition to the last list pub- many, third year engineering published in the National Jewish ther — Cummings related how double-harness again . . . and €or March 24. lished of those eligible for the student; Arthnr Hill. Lincoln, Monthly, warns of alien isms be- the boy and himself developed the third time! llona Massey is Mrs. Margolin is the former ris Turitz and, Mrs. Harry Abram- ish.The -.../ program which has been Donor l u n c h e o n are t h e junior in the business adminis- ing fostered in America by Amer-' such emotional _ intensity that the lady. son entertained Saturday in honAnn Canter of Omaha. or of Mrs. H. Glickeii. who ob-arranged by Mrs. A. D. Frank following: Mrs. Lou Asbyll, Mrs. tration college; Norman HaTris, icans without any foreign ties. both were in tears before the served her 25th wedding anni-: and MrsJPhineas Winthroub will I. .Berkowitz, Mrs; Reuben Bordy, Omaha, sophomore, journalism According to Douglas, present scene was shot. Morris Ryskind quips: "It HitLEAVES FOR WASHINGTON : be presided over by Mrs. Arthur Mrs. Simon Bordy, Mrs. Sam student in the arts and science economic conditions are respons a r y . -'•"•- '• '• . 7 . Y ' ' ' ler died and they have a double Miss Anne Reiss departed Wed- v e rAmong those present-were Mrs. Romm. First hand information Brick, Mrs. Sam Brown, Mrs. college; Norman Green, Norfolk, sible for the rise of potential Hit' Movietown is all "broke out" for him . . . I don't like him as nesday for Washington, D. C., Dorothy Minsberg and Miss Sarah about the Jewish National Fund Jack Bramson, Mrs. Ben Chait, freshman, prcmedical student in Uers and Mussolinis in this coun- with well as I did Hitler!" anti-Nazi rash! where she "will, be associated with, Slutsky of I.os Angeles. ational convention, which was Mrs. Joe Cohn, Mrs. Harold Coop- the arts and science college; Ben try. the Department :of; Interior. En held in Chicago last week, will be erman, Mrs. Herman Dansky, Novicoff, Lincoln, freshman in Signing' off — Hollywood. route, she intended to visit in ChiIn addition to "It Can't Happresented by Mrs. M. F . Leven- Mrs. J. Faier, Mrs. I. Fiedler, the business administration colThe success of "Alexander's pen Here," M-G-M pops up with (Copyrighted by Jewish Telecago and Baltimore. lege, and Melvm Tannenbaum. son, who attended. A review of Mrs. S. Fellman and Mrs. Harry CONGREGATION OF ISRAEL Ragtime Band." has prompted a second antiNazi feature: "1 Had graphic Agency, Inc.) Omaha, freshman in the business Theodor Herzl will be presented Ferer. The regular meeting of the 20th Century-Fox to obtain the a Comrade." The scenario is preadministration college. C i"v i n, by Mrs. Phil Katz and Mrs. J. S. T 'i CO3IESG PROM PUERTO RICO of the Congregation of screen rights of Irving Berlin's Also Mrs. Morris Frieden, Mrs. by Robert Thoeren. who ?V Mr. and. Mrs. Al Werner, who Auxiliary Halt Jew-Baiting Israel has been postponed until Katz. Tea will be served by Mrs. John Freiden, Mrs. Pha Fried- Tatelman and E. Green have re- "Say It With Music." According pared made their home in Puerto Rico April escaped from a concentration ceived convocation honors four E. A. Meyer, Mrs. L W. Rosen24. Air members are urged to the public's fancy for old-time man, Mrs. Max Givot, Mrs. David consecutive years; Hill, three for the past year and a half, are to attend at that time. camp. Thoeren claims the story j Sofia (JTA) — The ministry blatt and their committee. Greenberg. Mrs. Peter Greenberg, successive years, and this is the numbers. Berlin could hardly be of the current UFA film. "The of public instruction has issued a returning to Omaha for &• visit. Cultural expected to rest on his laurels— Mrs.. Simon second straight year that Harris They are sailing April 21 aboard Green Emperor,' 'was filched in decree calling a halt to JewMrs. Max Resnick and Mrs. Mrs. M. Grodinsky, and still satisfy his public. Mrs. Dave Hoberman, has been honored. the S. S. San Jacinto, and- wiir manuscript from his apartment baiting in Bulgarian schools «aA Women's David C. Platt will be hostesses Gerelick, R. B. Jacobson and Mrs. M. "universities and requiring teachupon his arrest. ;land in New York on April 2 G. Sigma Omicron held a most o the study group, on the "Orien- Mra. Last week Ben Bernie told us ers to take severe measures En route to Omaha they wil A number of important reports tation of Hadassah Projects" to- Jacobow. successful high school week-end he was going to prepare a PassAmong others are Mrs. J. Kal- party, April 14-16. Over 30 boys stop in Chicago "and visit Mr. were read at the meeting of ..the day at 1:30 p. m. at the home of A well-known screen fan mag- against trouble-makers. over dinner for the boys in his menson, Mrs. Lou Kohl. Mrs. "Weiner's sister, Miss Rose Wein- Women's Mizrachi held last Wed- Mrs. Max Resnick, Austin apartfrom Nebraska, Iowa. Missouri "He threatened, too, to azine in its- April issue features er, and they expect to arrive in nesday afternoon. Mrs. M. Brod- ments, 209 North Thirty-eighth Robert Kooper, Mrs. R. Kulakof- and New York attended the gala band. throw a cold matzo-ball at Wal- "Hollywood Strikes Back at HitOmaha by April 30. While here key and Mrs. Sophie Rothkop in street. Mrs. David A. Goldstein sky; Mrs. Joe Lagman, Mrs. J. affair. The purpose of this week- ter Winchell. ler," article hased on the activithey will be the guests of Mr. and their report on the Benefit Bridge will speak. Mrs. Morris M. Frank- Lipsey, M r s . M o r t o n Lip- end is to introduce these boys to ties of the Committee of 5G. Mrs. David Silverman, parents of scheduled for May .21 indicated in is leader of the group, Mm. sey, Mrs. Gale Margolin and Mrs. university life. A smoker FriWe understand that France has Collections of Unique Mrs."Weiner, who was the former they expected a successful turn- Lazar Kaplan is chairman, assist- Louis Margolin." day evening, a campus tour, a applied a two months' ban on ail MISB Esther Silverman. In addition there are Mrs. Ben swimming party and an orchestra "Warner Bros, pictures. The rea- An armed bodyguard will transout. Proceeds from this affair ed by Mrs. Max Givot. This will Diamond Engagement, port the negative of "Confessions will go ^o the Linen Fund of the be the last meeting of the year. Newman, Mrs. David Potash, Mrs. house party, Saturday evening, son apparently is their objection of a Nazi Spy" to its New York Wedding and AnniverBeth Zeiroth Girls school. "The Survival of the Jew in Harold Pollack, Mrs. Sam Platt, and a roller, skating party and a to "Devil's Island," an expose of sary Rings, individualPresent plan is to reMrs.-JY Tuchman gave the re- the World Today" group will Mrs. H. A. Resnick, Mrs. Sarah picnic Sunday provided three j the French prison island. At lite opening. ly designed and priced lease the film without a single port of the Shekplim committee. meet for the last time this year Rosen, Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, days of fun. request of the French embassy credit flash on the screen. ExecB -with good old-fashionJoseph Rosenberg, Mrs. PhilThree Sigma Omicron mem- I here, Warners withdrew the pic':•• •Unanimously elected the newMrs. B. Eisenberg was.-»named at 1:15 p. m. Tuesday, April 25, Mrs. ed moderation. believe the anonymity will inlip Rosenblatt, Mrs. Sam Rochchairman of the nominating cornbers have received roles in the ! ture and will not show it again. at the J. C C. Mrs. J. H. Kulapresident of the Alpha Gammi Convenient Terms Can Be crease the feeling of veracity of man, Mrs. Dave Riseman, Mrs. annual Spring Kosmet Klub show, This'is the first time any such ackofsky will give Chapter VI and Chi Sorority is Miss Pauline Eo- mittee. Arranged at No Extra G. Welnsteitt 'will. be Mrs. J . Kahz Will do Chapter \VIL Carl Sessel, Mrs. Henry Solig, men's musical comedy produc- tion has been taken by the French the characters. Three thousand senbaum. Othe'r offices are: Miss" Mrs. : CoBt American Legion Posts will coMrs. DaxjB Sherman, Mrs. Sam hostess a t the 6n^g Shabb o th tion. The Sigma Alpha Mu mem- Board, of Censors. For M<rtherV Day Etta Solref, vice-president; Mi3S operate with exhibitors wherever A tree „ certificate in honor of Theodore. Mrs. Albert Wohlner, bers who _were_ awarded parts as Eileen^ejitz^ secrejacri .Miss .Cfev be ield iMay-20-* A speaker and the picture is shown. Leon TurMother's Day, May 14, bearing Mrs. Nathan Taffe, Mrs. Bam* a result of competitive tryouts are .lia Lipsman, .treasurer; and Miss More news from the anti-dictafor. Irvin Taffe and Norman Bordy, tor front: M. G. M. is making ' I t reou, the former G-man, will the name of the person honored Tonsem and Mrs. L Ziegman, Lillian Mbnbvitz, historian. r.-Y-: -• <!ND CREDIT J E W E L ; A- a The rummage sale is to be held will be sent to every purchaser of both of Omaha, and Raymond Can't Happen Here." Pictures make personal appearances acOh April 13 the sorority held 3-O3 5 D l5?T QMAHA.NEB^ Brown of Kansas City. The show like "The Crisis," "Dr. Mamlock" companying the picture. its annual formal dance at the on Monday. Mrs. X. -Tuchman and trees. The; type of trees to be is being presented this week. for American mothers inChermot ballroom. With .over two Mrs. E. Weinberg, chairman, ask planted and "Concentration Camp" are c Arnold Levin, Rosalie, Sigma doing a land office business at hundred couples, in attendance, that anyone with additional bun- clude pine, eucalyptus, olive, Omicron alumnus and Lincoln Alpha Gammi Chi has another dles bring .them to the store at acacia and carob. They will be Primary in plans for the next the B. O. which means that the 111 North Twelfth street. placed in those woodlands of few weeks activities is the 15th journalist, was recently honored public wants more. German film successful affair to its .credit. when his article, "Are Colonies a Palestine being developed by ' At present the sorority is acanniversary of Mother Chapter companies, incidentally, h a v e Mrs. E. Weinberg, chairman of Hadassah. tively, engaged in formulating and of A. Z. A. Plans for this Solution?" appeared in the April been hard hit by the news that the Tree Fund committee, anissue of the National Jewish In co-operation with the na- occasion are being directed by , plans tor Ma-ie Day, the annual a penalty duty is to be imposed tional office the Omaha Chapter committee headed by Aleph S'gan monthly, B'nai B'rith publication. on all German imports to this play day at the University. A skJt nounces the following gifts: Mrs. Ji Rosen and Mrs. S. GeifMelvin Tannenbaum, Omaha, is of Hadassah, under the chairman- Stan Turkel, assisted by Phil is/to be presented in which the country. Hi-To SHverstein; away! Misses Esther Steinberg; Lillian man in memory of their mother. ship of Mrs. M. F . Levenson, ior Shoolin, Irv Wohlner and Justin continuing his fine work in mili•••-. Mra. M. Brodkey in honorof tary science. Last Monday he tion, in a demonstration of rifle rift Fund, win help members Priesman. Elsewhere in this isMonovitz,; : Eileen Zevitz, - \3cki •!:• Lerner, and Etta Soiref are .tothe recovery of her son, Fred, celebrate Mother's Say l>y selling sue of The Jewish Press, full and participated with the Pershing skill and manual work at Lin; froma Tecent illness. Rifles, an R. O. T. C. organiza- coln's Veterans' hospital. gift bonds for the pnrehase of complete plans are listed. • • t a k e p a r t , : • - ./'' . ' . • • / • ".." Mrs. L. Rosenblatt in honor of land in Palestine and by planting ; .Elaborate plans are in the makAt an executive committee the recovery of her daughter, trees there in connection with the meeting held last week, the chaping ^f or a Mother and Daughter . tea' id be held in May. Miss Lil- Mrs. J. Moskovitz, from illness. Jewish National Fund program ter second degree was chosen. The Mr. and Mrs. D. Soref in honor of land acquisition and of refor- second degree was edited and prelian Monovitz is in charge of all arrangements. Assisting her are of their daughter's engagement. estation of the countryside. Those pared by Aleph Haskell Cohen, Sylvia Weiner, Eileen Zevitz, and The S. A. M. Mother's in mem- desiring to honor/mothers in this chairman of the Cultural commitmanner may do so by calling the tee. In addition to the Aleph Geulah Meiches. . '..',.-'..••" ory of Mollie Schwartz. SIXTEENTH AT HARNEY chairman, WA 0850. Godel Irv Nogg, Aleph Kohen Child "Welfare •GodoL Haskell Lazere; Aleph Pioneer Women MrsV Milton Mayper, chairman Shotare Godol Haskell Cohen An Oneg Shabboth will be held '• A one-act play by Sophie Ken\ of the Child Welfare committee, and Aleph Shotare Kotone, Bob at the home of Mrs. H. Richlin, "The Dear, Dear Children'*, will is very anxious to have all Ha> Bramson, the following members 1816 North Twentieth street. An. be presented at the . regular dassah Milk Bags turned over to are on the degree team: Alvin interesting program has been ar- monthly meeting of the Council her immediately. A special func- Hertzberg, Stanley Turkel, Ed ranged. A reading will be given of Jewish Women this Monday, tion is being planned and the co- Stein, Leonard Margules, Leo operation of all members having Sherman, Justin ' Priesman and by Anna Smith. Refreshments April 24. •- •: are to be served by the hostess. Luncheon will be served a t 1 bags is again requested. Mrs Stanley Silverman^ The team is Mayper is assisted on the Child Because of the Philanthropies, o'clock. . • ' the bazaar has been postponed Mrs. E. R. Kirkpatriek, who re- Welfare committee by Mrs. Aaron until May 21. cently attended the Conference on Rips, Mrs. Louis Alberts and Mrs, the Cause and Cure of "War held Henry Belmont. numbing and Heating Financial Committee ":•-:.'•'!.•••; Y o u n g J u d a e a in Washington, will give her reENGINEERS The Financial committee headport. Mrs. Kirkpatrick representComplete 24 Hour Service ed by Mrs. - B. A. Simon regues Work and Quality Guaranteed : A regular meeting of the Me-ed a number of local organiza: all members with delinquent dues FREE ESTIMATES norah chapter of Young Judaea tions, including the Council. ' to pay them Immediately or bring There will also be a report of . was held April IS at the Jewish SAM J . YOUSEKI to the meeting Wednesday. Community Center. The picnic the Nominating committee who them SANITARY PLUMBING &. Dues have been coming in fair which was to have been held last will announce the slate of offic- and HEATING CO. the committee hopes to hav< Sunday was postponed because .of ers. Members of the Nominating a complete AT 2344 report shortly. Mrs. committee are: Mesdames J. H. the weather. 1616 Vz Capitol Ave. B. A. Simon is striving for a paid : However plans are being made Kulakofsky, Harry Trustin, Sam for a picnic in May. The proceeds Appleman, M. Grodinsky and Max from the' National Fund Boxes Holzman. were collected from each member. Plans for a program in honWhen Princess Elizabeth of or of Mothers' Day will be dis- Poland was married, the Jews of cussed at the »ext meeting on Cracow matched the dowry given by her grandfather. May 7.
Sigma Alpha Mu
:Alpka Gamma Chi
- " • ' • • : ' ' '•"•.•' T ' v ~
~ -
• ' '
A.Z. A. No. 1
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l*rrt«y |*ei«ipie! E»cb was picked «•«• * »«s dra^sf Ic sense »f fasbims. flsuerj- » B ^ color. Each is a splendid vs9tse kepassse c£ its Itae fabric and praiseworthy ire>r^B!S3iis&§p. Right: Floral-striped chiffon print-wkh soft bodice, new shirred shoulder detail, and pencil-slim pieaied skin. Black and Charti-eose, Copen, Olive or Grey. 12 — 20.
Left: Monotone print chiSon frock, with removable fitted jacket favoring notched revers sad yoke back. Grey and Chartreuse, Luggage, Green, _NEVV and Pink, Black sad Chartreuse. 12 — 20.
Twee -EAST—WEST—NCETK—-SOUTH Th« Most Fcvprrc^ Stilt Thl$ Sprirsc is c Tvreeti Tweeds are complimentary »o most men, too. The faecruiliul blending of rich colors . . . impossible m cuher icbricF are at their best in tweeds. They are -not expensive and they give good service.
'$16.95 and $22.95 "Piano Company
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Qzrxmns Second Floor
King:—Main H
FEATURE PICTURES er-Nation's Ace Trailer Family- Aerial Defense Gun
- ^
^.f^ BRITISH BOMBERS—Great Britain frantically rushes her rearmament program to perfection, as war clouds hang ominously. Here is a scene in the government air factory at Liverpool showing Blenheim bombers under mass construction. Planes start as raw material here and emerge completed.
- j: ^ ;> ^'^' -^ ,. ^ DEFENDER — Huge new steel bulldog to guard the eastern coast is delivered to the 2 I Ith Coast Artillery anti-aircraft unit o"f the National Guard, at Boston. It's one of 12 threeinch, r a p i d - f i r e guns, with which the unit will be armed. It has a v e r t i c a l range of 27,000 feet and fires 25 highexplosive shells a minute.
FRATERNIZING TOFPERS—Recent funeral of the late Senator James Hamilton Lewis of Illinois, held in the Capitol in Wash_. ington, brought this unusual scene to the Senate coatroom. Here ['• are swanky silk toppers of the diplomatic corps fraternizing with the soft-fclts of the Senators, usual Senatorial working headgear. Somehow a derby got in there too.
RES1GNS—Henry F. McElroy, city manager o f Kansas, City for 13 years, who r e s i g n e d a f t e r F e d e r a l agents closed many g a m b l i n g resorts and "Boss" Tom Pendergast was indicted cm income-tax evasion charges.
THANKS PRESIDENT—At right is Governor Lloyd C. Stark of Missouri, leaving the White House with Missouri Supreme Court Judge James M.Douglas, after thanking President Roosevelt for aid that led to indictment of "Boss" Pendergast. Federal aqents investigated income-tax violations and gambling in Kansas City. FAIR COMMISSIONERS — Baron Karoly Kruchina, left, Hungary's Commissioner General to the New York World's Fair, and John Szablya, associate chairman, as they arrived in New York. While Britain tried to bring their country into the anti-aggression front in Europe, Hungary was fearful of German dominance there.
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J O C K E Y — P r o b a b l y the youngest jockey in the world is 3-year-old Carter IBucky) Curtis, who holds an apprentice license in Detroit. His dad is s u p e r i n t e n d e n t at Fairgrounds race track. Bucky ha: not ridden in a real race yet.
NEWEST SEA DOG — Newest and most modern destroyer of Uncle Sam's navy, the Wilson, as she was launched recently from the Bremerton, Wash., navy yard graving dock. Inset shows Mrs. Former, wife of Admiral E. B. Fenner, who christened the craft. Bow of the ship is at the left, as it eases out to Puget Sound. TIGER GUARDS — These two imposing solid bronze figures - of tigers guard the mausoleum of the late Frank J . Navin, -" owner of the Detroit Tigers baseball team, in Detroit. Each figure weighs a ton. F. J . R. Roth of Englewood, N. J., designed the mausoleum, whose construction was supervised by Mrs. Navin.
NO. 1 FAN — President Roosevelt is assured of getting into Washington baseball games this summer—free. President Ford Frick of the National League and President Clark Griffith of the Washington Senators present the President a season pass. The President's arm was reported okay to toss out first ball.
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NO. 1 TRAILER FAMILY — Meet the nation's No. I trailer family that has been on the road ever since R. F. Vale and his wife started from Missouri in 1928. Two of the youngsters were born in-the trailer and have known no other home. Top panel shows Mrs. Vale in role of
teacher. Middle, home-made frailer built by Mr. Vale. Bottomr Richard Francis, 6, and William Franklin, 3, are interested in pop's lathe, while Dixie Jean. 8, and Betty Lou, 4, help mom with the family washing. Pictures were taken while family parked temporarily in Washington, D. C.
MS. fltOTKEn Larcsst aircraft cerricr bi^'f fcr ihc Trit^^ nevy >r 'hf !!,,<' ^.v-, ';,' r» - ,-' i lau'richina at B£rrow-in-Fu>-ness, Erclsnd, ct Ihe Vickcrs-Ar-.sfrcnr nf»'t-l c c r : ' ' u ' u ' - v«-•v* 7|, new carrier, one of two ordered, is 740 feet Song end he.% en EO-foct beam, her speed v.i!= br mo; than 30 knots.
i j - C. C. Bowling By SAM ZWEIBACK Name or Team. w . x>.Pet. State Coal and G. Co. 52 32 .619 fchnpire Cleaners 40 34 .505 The Wardrobe 4G 38.548 Clicquot C. Eskimos. 44 40 .524 Greenberg Fruit Co. 43 41 .512 Kaiman Ins. Co. . . . 37 47 .440 Shrier Paint and G. 83 51 .393 Smith Motor Co. . . 31 53 .369
ZIONISTS AWAIT CHICAGO SCENE BRITISHJECISON OF J.N.F. PARLEY Expect Plan to Follow Chicago (JTA)—Declaring the aim of Jewish up-building work Proposals Made a t in Palestine to be "an historic - Conference process of national emancipation
preme effort on the part of Amer- in progress in many parts of the proval upon the Balfonr Declara- the settlers from attack. J. N. P.'s MUlonal administration ican Jewry "to help to develop- country, and to co-operate -with tion 21 years ago." Proposal* to arrange a national conference ment -of new land in Palestine so the 2. N. F. in its long range proA proposal to* make available Menially, extending the Palestine Taking as their principal theme as to accord a maximum of op- gram. the work of rescue or t i e JewiBto the resources needed for new land Flower Day Into a Flower Week portunities tor Jewish immigrants /Resolution victims of persecution in totali- purchases and development in to be held In the middle of May and refugees. The resolution, -which outlined, tarian countries and Ihe Zionist Palestine thraugh hypothecating and placing $75,000 at tbe disIn voting approval of the pro-the program for 1929, gave ex-} struggle to keep open the gates 10 per cent of the real estate posal of Menachem M. Ussishkin, gram which was urged upon the presgion to the "encouragement" ol Palestine and to enlarge tbe •ownefl and held by Jewish com- world president of the J. N. F., conference by Dr. Chaim Weiz- derived by the conference from opportanlties " for new -develop- i lutrna) Institutions was advanced as a 75th birthday "gift" to buy mann and Menachem Ussisbkin of its "knowledge that oor destiny; menu the leaders of all three sea- :by Dr. H. Raphael Gold, president land in the Old City of Jeruthe world Zionist leadership and throughout the. world and in Pal- sions Sunday presented reports of the J. N. F . of Texas, in an ad- salem. by American Zionist leaders, the estine, is bound up with the des-and 4cIiveretfTaadresses ir which i dress before t h e conference. more than 1,000 delegates .of tiny of democracy itsett"'"and re- All ^haSes -were read from PresiNew Y»rfc (JTA) — The Free the-TJrpblrtu were,, Greetings Zionist .bodies and J. N. F. coun- called "with -deep gratitude the elucidated *rpf? dent Roosevelt. Governor Leh- Sons of Israel, national Jewish kod ' particular em'• cils in 38 state's called upon the consistent friendship for the Zion- phasis placed on the need to ar- !man, the Jewish National Coun- fraternal organization, h a s ' deJewish communities to provide ist movement on the part of the quire new land areas lor the ea- jcil of Palestine, and the JewiBh cided to name all new lodges "active and universal support for United States.* its presidents^ its tablishment of new agricultural ] Nations 1 Fund of Great Britain. created in the organization's curthe United Jewish Appeal for Ref- congresses, its leaders in all walks settlements on J. >J. F. land and 1 The delegates unanimously ap- rent ttienHiersnip drive for famugees and Overseas Needs" now of life ever since it set its anthus also increase the safety of> proved resolutions instructing the ous American Jews. •
.London (JTA) — The Zionist which, regardless of temporary leadership expects Britain's new setbacks, must progress to fulfillpolicy to follow the ment," the National Conference of The Jewish Community Center Palestine lines of its final proposals at the the- Jewish National Fund conEowlins league Droughts its reg- Palestine conference —-establish- cluded in the LaSalle hotel here ular league schedule to a close ment of an independent state with the adoption of a sweeping last Sunday when the two top with Jews restricted to a minorprogram which calls for a suteams, namely the State Coal and ity status after a transitional peGas team and the Empire Clean- riod of indefinite duration — ers, fought it out for the cham- which were rejected : by both pionship. Previous to .this match, and Jews It was indicated Dave Franks Coal Dealers, -were Arabs Mpshe Shertok, head of the out in front hy only one game, by Agency's political departand in order to displace them, the Jewish Cleaners would have had to win ment. He told a Zionist* conference all three games. it was now necessary to sepWhen the smoke had cleared that arate external conditions under out of the bowling alley, the Coal which h a d hitherto hoys had won two out of three worked, Zionism as the Balfonr Decgames from Jack Melchers crew, laration, such British rule .in Palesin one of the most exciting tine and the mandate, from Zionmatches ever seen on the alleys. ism itself, which movement, fce said, depended entirely on Jewish Dave Frank, imported his cap-national will. tain, Sam Zweiback, from the Withhold Sews sticks of Missouri to aid the According to Reynolds News, cause, and to he able to present his strongest lineup ior this cru- the government's plan is being cial match. Although his scores kept secret in view of the new campaign of the Fascist •were only up to his average, his intensive powers to undermine British aupresence seemed to steam up the thority in Palestine. ItNis feared Coal Dealers, especially J a c k that the opposition of Jews and _"Doggie" Fleishman, -who really Arabs when the White Paper is went to town. published will be used by interAlter some unnecessary squab- ventionists to create new incibling, the match got under way, dents. and Jack Melcher's crew comThe Palestine garrison Is bemenced to steam roller the Coal ing strengthened and efforts are boys, and /before Dave Frank's being made to stop the influx of . ; crew knew they were bowling, German and Italian arms to . they had lost the game by the big Arabs in the Holy Land, the margin of 807 to 712 pins. newspaper stated. Information reaching the Colonial O f f i c e They'll Be The Coal boys then took time points to the-work of German exBEAUTY SALON js- out to receive their pep talk from perts co-operating with Arab FEATURES -^"Champ" Phil Katzman, and im- bands in the manufacture of SHAMPOO and FINGER mediately afterwards, went out bombs, explosive mines and other WAVE for revenge, and then won the sec- armaments, it was said. ond game by an 804 to 765 score. A warning that Palestine is one v. The last game was one that will of the acid tests by which Ameralways be remembered by the icans judge the sincerity of .Brit PERMANENT WAVES boys who were fortunate enough ish claims to be apostles of libat $3.50 and Up to be present for this match/-Aft- erty, democracy and civilization 716 Brandeis Thea. Bid*. ?.. er about five frames of the match was sounded by Palestine, weekly AT 4333 ^ in -which the score was practical- organ of the British Palestine ly all even, the Cleaners forged Committee, in an editorial which, out in front mainly due to Good- stressed the supreme importance man Pill's five straight strikes. of the.United States in averting war and defeat. Furs Cleaned the Furrier Jerusalem dispatches said Arab - In the last frame the Coal Deal. Way, Stored- in Freezing ers; who-were about 20 pins be- rebel headquarters in Palestine Storage, with Complete hind, put the pressure on the ball, had issued a manifesto calling for Insurance. to Bhow the caliber of the cham- a holy war against Zionists and pions that they really are. George Britain. To Acquaint Yon with • AS LOW $ C O H Shapiro, the diminutive lead off Finer Quality of Cleaning AS ******* man, got. a double, "Midge" •Shukart, a mark; Jack "Doggie" Storage, only, from GARMENTS Fleishman, a double; Sam Zwei$3.00 up FOR back, a mark, and "Champ" Phil Katzman closed out with a turkey, CALL making him six straight strikes. AT O28O C B 5473 .;•'• After this strong finish there was no doubt as to the winner, Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen Y* and in counting up the scores, it cy) — In the presence of thouwas found that the Coal boys had sands of guests 43 students reFlorence Blvd. at Ames totaled up a big 925 score to the ceived degrees as the eighth gra& Laundry & Cleaners KE 1SOO Cleaners' 891. nation exercises of the Hebrew university took place on Mount Goodman Pill was the big noise Scopus. Indicating the steady progress for the Cleaners, in putting toFURRIER ICE CREAM gether games of 177, 159 and 221of the university was the fact that lor a 557 series. Captain Jack almost twice as many-Students reMelcher was right behind' him ceived degrees this year as did -with games of 181, 172-and 198 last year, when 22 achieved this for a series of 551. Mose Frank- honor. This week's awards inFOR ALL OCCASIONS lin had games of 197, 135 and cluded 24 Master of Arts degrees, "We Make Only One 178 for a 511 series. Dave Krantz 16 Master of Science degrees and Quality the Best" shot 132. 163 and 154 for a 449 three Doctor of Philosophy deFUR STORAGE series. Ben Shapiro suffered the grees. RE-STYLING Various officials, members of ; honor of being doggie with games RE-LINING of 117, 133 and 136 tor the small the Jewish Agency Executive, and representatives of the varions series of 386. ICE CREAM CO. NEW COATS MADE TO Jewish national institutions atFree Delivery Day and ORDER OR FROM STOCK tended the function, • w h i c h "Champ" Katzman was the hig Night JA 2 7 0 3 noise for the Coal boys, when he marked another milestone in the 2555 Farnam put together games of 139, 185history of the institution which-^ 2 8 1 8 Leavenworth the words of its president, Dr. and 236 for the nice 560 series. in Ja 7600 See Us For Your Fur Needs L. Magnes — has provided Sam Zweiback responded with a Judah of Jewish students 144, 171 and 183 games for a for "hundreds 23 countries their own uni498 series. George Shapiro shot from they are not dis156, 151 and 172 for a 479 series.versity, where HOME-FUIERALS against." Jack "Doggie" Fleishman, started criminated The main address of the occaout as usual with his 124 game was delivered by Dr. Magnes, but then put on the pressure to sion declared that "despite the roll "a 161 and then a big 192 who of Jews throughout game for a total of 477. "Midge" persecution the world the Jewish spirit reShukart was the "Dog" for the mains unvanquished." Coal boys-with his 149,-136 and 142 scores mating Mm a 427 Haifa (JTA) — Delayed by series. 32ND AND HARNEY contrary winds, the Greek sailing Constello arrived here Congratulations to the winners, vessel 100 immigrants. The ship as they showed themselves to be with had been boarded offshore by BUTTER Teal champions, as they had led four British officials and had the league the entire season with then disappeared for a time. the exception of only two weeks. Sponsor Dave Franks will re• Butter ward his boys with a victory ban- for next year's league, which, no quet to be'held this Sunday, which doubt, will be another big suc•Buttermilk 27th and L Streets will also include the wives of the cess, as much experience was • Cottage Cheese gained this year, -which should winning squad. Always a Fine Variety ol Each member of liis team will prove of much benefit in organiz• Milk * Cream FRESH FISH AND receive gold charms presented by ing again. • Sour Cream SEAFOODS DAILY the league, while members, of the Also the Finest Empire crew will receive silver • Sweet Butter TOURNAMENT charms. STEAK and CHICKEN M o s e (Benjamin) Franklin DINNERS like lightning Tuesday nite Every one concerned has agreed struck at the annual J. C. C. singles' PRIVATE DINING ROOMS that this year's "bowling' league bowling • tournament when he AVAILABLE . JA 3583 ^ was the most successful ever or- rolled " A S K YOUR GROCER FOR highest series ever f ganized among the Jewish howl- bowled the MA 4774 for Reservation MEADOW GOLD PRODUCTS" in the past three years. ers. Much improvement w a s His 722 was 54 pins better shown among the "boys, especially than his closest competitor, Sam so in the Greenberg Fruit team, Katzman, who rolled 644. Mose, who were all beginners. a 150 average bowler, rolled 602 scratch plus his handicap of 120 The bowlers all showed their to make his fine total. true spirit this year when they His efforts brought him the pledged and paid S100 of their first prize of $10. Bookie Ab prize fund to the Jewish Philan- Kaiman's odds backfired on him thropy Fund. when only 10 J. C. C. bowlers were listed in his books. Note must also be made of Lee He had the very sad misBrass, Bronze, Aluminum, Hurwich's high single game of fortune to have given Mr. FrankSoft Grey Iron and Semithe season, a 28S, which was lin 20 to 1. Seven out of the 10 Steel Castings, Wood and coupled with two other big games. prize winners were bowlers with Metal Patterns and Sash Riving him the high series total averages under 150. The only Weights carried in stock. of 092.- The Wardrobe team had top bowler to end up in the Bronze and Cast Iron the hiffh single same of 939. and money was Paul Steinberg, who Grilles a Specialty. the Champion State Coal outfit had the highest scratch score ol ASK FOii had the. high series, with a 2,591 the evening, 613. Sol Taffe, who 27th and Martha Sts. O-Kay Whoie Wheat score. led the field hy 70 pins going inHA 5 5 2 3 Flakes—At Yesir Grocer to the last game, was rapidly overtaken by the winner who The top 10 averages of the league were Leo Weitz, 184; Aberolled a spectacular 267 for his Feldman, 177; Goodman Pill, third game. 174; Paul Steinberg, 173; Sammy Sammy Steinberg, who won Yousem, 172; Phil Katzman, 172; last year's tournament with 609, Jack Melcher, 171; Sam Zwei- lad 617 this year and ended up back, 170; George Shapiro, 167; in n t h place. Medals for the Aaron Weitz* 166. first and second place team winners for the regular season were PlanB will soon get under way passed out Tuesday nite.
Your F U R S . . .
You Are Invited to Visit and Inspect the Beautiful
Johnny's Cafe
Paxton-Mitchell Co. Foundries
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL By PHINEAS J. BIRON stein has been grabbed by the World's Fair officials to be the HOME NEWS outstanding figure, together with Attention James Marshall, head President Roosevelt, at the openof the New York City Board of i ing of the Fair . . . Education: Letterheads hearing the name of Thomas F . Mulligan, j NAZI HOT STUFF importer, of 28" Hudson. Street, I Orchids to the New York Daily New York, a r e being distributed i News for its recent editorial quotfree of charge to public schools ing Hitler on the duty of inferior for use as scrap paper . . . These people to avoid having children, letterheads, printed on g o o d and then asking whether Badolf's paper, carry, on the bottom, a line childlessness is merely an inreading: "America, discovered, stance of his practising what he settled and developed by Chris- preaches . . . Congratulations to tians, ought to be exclusively for the Warner Brothers for their true born Christians" . . . Our ex- blight idea for a gift to Hitler on haustive researches brought out hi» 50th birthday . . . They sent the fact that no such Mr. Mulli- him a copy of their "Confessions gan exists, and nobody seems to of a Nad Spy" film . . . Bid you know exactly -who is distributing know that on April Fool's day a the letterheads - . - Even the tele- Washington funster spread the phone number given. Walker rumor that Hitler was about to 8489, and the cable address, Mul- be assassinated—and when, that bla, provide no clues . . . How afternoon, the Furore's broadcast come New York's Mecca Temple, was suddenly cut off, half the a Masonic institution, has been capital believed he had really rented to the Anti-Semitic Ameri- been done in? . . . If you want to can Nationalist Party for a meet- know why most European, crises ing early in May? . . . We hope find Hitler in his Berchtesgaden somebody will produce a play mountain retreat, well reveal called "Nights in Armor," which that it's because he believes in beis about the assassination of a ing prepared for all eventualities man whose death brings peace . . . He has a veritable fortress . . . Every Nazi official in Ber-there, -well stocked with food, in lin has been sent a cepyv we hear -which he could live happily and .- . • We •wonder what it means safely tor many months if by that Hitler's "UMein Kanrnf" is some accident' his calculations rapidly reaching the head of the should go wrong and Europe best-seller list . - . Personally we should go haywire . . . Nazi forwould prefer to see some anti- eign minister von RIbbentrop is Faseist book leading the parade high in'Hitler's favor, lor it's on . . . And did you knowthat Amer- his prophecy that England won't ica's self-styled Hitler, our old fight to protect any small Eurofrand Mr. Healy. is a fugitive pean nation that the Madwolf of from justice, having jumped bail? Europe has based his coups . . . And the prophecy will hold good as long as the Reign of the Umbrella continues, say we . . . B1XTES Washington believes that the ABOUT PEOPliE Albania junket was merely a little me-too-ing on the part of Mus- Some shrewd politicians insist solini, to show his partner that he that Governor Lehman has a defcan't expect to remain the only inite chance for the Democratic whittlerflowner of other countries Presidential nomination in 1940 . . . Bishop Noli, former Premier . . . They think that he is the and President of Albania, and man to defeat Sewey if the latnow in this country, predicts that ter runs on the Republican ticket Hitler will be crowned emperor . . . Pierre van Paassen canceled of a new Holy Roman Empire be- his trip to Europe ten minutes before the year is over . . . It he is, fore sailing-time . . . "Europe it'll be a Hun-Holy Roman Em- doesn't look kosher to me," he pire . „ . Faik-Bey Konitia, Al- confided to those -who had gathbanian Minister to .Washington, ered to wish him bon voyage . . . will never be evicted from his of- Thomas Mann and bis daughter, ficial Quarters by the Italians . . . Erika made such a hit on their He transacts his official business recent visit to Hollywood that from his residential~suite in the both of them got big offers from Mayflower Hotel . . . We'd like major film companies . . . Mann to know -whom Winchell means was invited to write, and Erika •when he hints that a Wall Street to emote, but both refused with banking house is paying Franco's thanks . . . The biographer of the bills in Spain . . . The Nazis in the late Supreme Court Justice BenArgentine, reliable sources tell jamin N. Cardozo will be George us, are ready for a big putsch be- S. Hellman, the noted art critic fore summer . . . . . . Norvin R. Lindheim, the PalREFUGEE REPORT estine Pavilion architect who died ago, has planned to What happened to President two weeks to Palestine and build a Roosevelt's refugee committee? return city for the German refu. . . And has any one heard any- model gee children expected to be given thing further about the contract permission to corao thcrs . . . His between that committee and the was to build everything halfHitler government -which Mr. idea for children under ten . . . Rublee was supposed to have ne- size, One of the features of the Esgotiated a couple of months ago? kimo at the New York . . . We'll tell you: A few well- World'sPavilion will be a number of known Jewish leaders are trying sculpturesFair of Eskimo heads by a to revive the plan, but a large young Jewish Ruth Brilnumber ol influential Jewish peo- liant, who comesartist. all the way from ple don't believe in it . . . And Australia . . . Would you like to they're right . . . Because the the perfect double of Luise j whole scheme would bring for- see Rain?r. eQualling her in charm ! eign currency into Germany . . . and even Surpassing h e r in Dr. Joseph Rosen, back from a beauty? . . . Her name is Sara survey of the African territory Schlossberg, she is a refugee spoken of as a possible colony for from Latvia and . . . If you telephone Jewish refugees, is bringing a. Max Gordon's office favorable report . . . His m : s r ion producer days you hear the voice of was sponsored by the Joint Dis- these tycoon David Sarnoffs tribution Committee . . . That radio . . . She answers the ! shin carrying German refugees daughter which the British turned hick phone there . . . when it reached Palestine constituted a test case . . . It was a Best story of tbe week is tfc~ try-out for the purpose of discovrelayed by Walter \Yir>- (I ering whether the clrmpi^s down following, clsrsll. who rays F.e got it from a of immigration to Erei.3 Israel reTugoe . . . During tbe Novemwill be CF.rried out rigidly by the ber pogroms, they say in Beriir. British administration there . . . President Roosevelt sent At'o'f E Dr. Weizmann. incidentally, is cable reading: "Ur.derstrrr! yor not coming here for the opening hare SOO.CC'O Jews ron'c" !,Vr ;o of the Palestine Pavilion at tfce get rid ol. Send them to tl~e V. New York World's Fair, which S. A. We will pay yon r r c ilo'fcr will have a hard time getting any per head" . .-. Towhicl I" :* t European statesman to come over said to hare replied: 'Tr-<-i"c . . . They're all wanted over there, 1C 0,000 co'Jars. We vii. rrrJ : r d for emergencies . . . There is a niiEber of Jews, 1y ^ ; I' chance,- however, that Lord Rob- .thr.t 200,000 for prcrr —•-"- " ert Cecil or former Premier Bald- other 1SSS, -ty' jevr- Ar.t win will do the honors . . . Ein- •(Ccpj-rigta, Feature SycdiCEiC'
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Paints. Vpi'fi:<r.hfs We 5rT-»J4|s Cvprv Kind ©f ES Oiv p.; ATFRI*it»8
Page 8
Seeks $1^000 Sioux
Drive Starts Next Sunday
Chairmen Name Workers; Early Breakfast to Start Campaign ;
Gampaign Chairmen
Due to the immediate necessity for funds to take care of the stricken areas across the seas, the United Jewish Appeal for refugees and Overseas need have undertaken to raise $20,•000,000.00 hi the United States. This 20 million dollars does not include any national institutions, which are also a part of our responsibility. It is therefore neccssary ' that every man, woman el Heshelow, vice-chairman; and child do their part in helping ,awrence Baron, Ephraim Baron,fill a quota of ? 15,000.00 which Joe Goldstein, Leon Dobrbfsky, has been set for Sioux City. Bernard Skalovsky; Ruben Cohen, The "A" Division is headed by Dr. S. Bergen, Sid Baumstein, Arthur Sanford, General Chair- Leonard Lebowitz, George Shindman assisted by Mr. E. N. Grue- ler, Max Zeligson, George Feinskin, Vice Chairman. Sam Cohen berg, Stanley Herzoff, Milton was elected treasurer. Other irueskin, Arnold Baron, Norman members of the Executive Com- Satin, Nathan Levich, Martin Kosmittee; are: John Lansburg, Her- berg. niiin Galinsky, A. M. Davis, A. H. B Division Baron. Meyer Levitt, L. J. Ka P" Bess Lipshutz, chairman; EsthIan. Lawrence Davidson and oi er Mirkln, Margaret Kosberg, BetKrueger. , ty Sue Lindau, Bluma Olensky, .•Storey Lipshutz is the chairman Dorothy London, Ann Pill, Nell of the Local Organizations. Each Sinykin, Rosabelle W1 godsky, organization in the city has been Dena Baron, Bluma Merlin, Mary Arthur Sanford solicited to contribute to the drive Razofsky, Sophia Franklin, AnnaGeneral Chairman belle Emlein, Esther Friedman, as a groupOut-ol-Town Pauline Friedman, Rose Sperling, Abe Pill assisted hy L. J. Kut- France Kalin, Ida Edelman, Sarcher Heads the Ont-of-Town Com- etta Krigsten. mittee. . Those workers assisting C Division the chairmen arer Herman Miller. Sam Cohen, Harold Grueskin, chairman; Joe Kutcher, Abe Stlverberg, Bar- Wally Rosenthal, Jack Mosow, ney Baron, M. Seff. Archie. Kro- Sam Kaplan, Paul Schwartz, My.'•.'.; loff Dave Rodin, A. Greenberg, ron Heeger. Lester Davidson, Frank MargoD Division: lin Lou Strongin, Rueberi MilLois Novitsky, chairman, Doroler Dr.-Dimsdale. A. B. Fried- thy Sherman, Rae Kaplan, Lormrn. Meyer Levitt, J. Kalin, Mike raine Bailin, Marjorie Weinberg, Skalovsky, Jccl: Robinson. Ben Ruth Weiner, Shirley Lazere, Sekt, Milton Bolstein, M. Lazrio- Fran Ducoffe, Rozena Kosberg. NiErecutive Committee wicli. Assisting Mr. Shindler on the . Committees made up of two or three tneini:er3 ot this group will Executive Committee are: Lois call on the Jewish population of Novitsky; Harold Grueskin, Sovcl the comunities in the surrounding Heshelow, Bess Lipshutz, Joe territory, so they can help do Goldstein, Rabbi Jacob - Brown and Rose Goldman. The Captains their part. met at a meeting at the Jewish Women's Division The Chairman of tha Women's Community Center, Tuesday ever Division is Mrs. Sol Novitsky, ning in order to outline plans for with Mrs. Abe Pill acting as Vice- the work on this group. chairman. Assisting them Is the B Division women's Executive Committee. T h e " B " Division met at a The following are captains of the luncheon meeting Thursday noon. Women's Division: The meeting was called by Mrs. Mrs. Lou Agranoff. Mrs, Nat.e; A^, H^Barori,-, -chairman of the Goldis, Mrs. S. Sbulkin. Mrs. D. "B" Division. Serving as TiceDavidson, Mrs. Morey Weil, Mrs. chairman is. A. M. Davis. Those Phil Sherman, Mrs. Sam Pickus, acting as captains of this comE. X. Grueskin Mrs. H. Fishgall, Mrs. E. Barish, mittee are: Vice-Chairman Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, Mrs. L. J. "B" Division Group Workers Kaplan. Mrs. Ben Sekt, Mrs. S. A. H. Baron, chairman; A. M. B. Gelfand, Mrs. Morey Lipshulz, Davis, vice-chairman; E. E. Bar- visory Committee for the General Mrs. H. M. Bailin, Mrs.. J." Kalin, on, Barny Baron, Meyer Levitt, Drive. Mrs. Sam Greenstone. Herman Miller, Si Krueger, MorA breakfast will be given at Plans for the work of this group ey Lipshutz, A. B. Friedman, A. the Jewish. Community Center, will be discussed by the chairman J. Galinsky, Jake Kalin, L. J. Sunday, April 23rd, at 10 o'clock at a luncheon Friday noon at the Kaplan, Victor Mazie, Max Las- for all workers and captains. At ensky, Mike Skalovsky. Milton that' time the various chairmen Warrior Hotel. Bolstein, Dr. Dimsdale, Jack Rob- will outline drive plans and InYouth Division Rudolph Shindler, chairman an- inson, Louis Agranoff, H. Miller, struct the workers in the work to nounced the plans for the Youth Rueben Miller, Frank " largolin, be done. Every worker is urged H. Fishgall, H. Lazriowich, Ben to attend this very Important Division to be as follows: 1. Kvcry child will observe Fish, Joe Gorchow, Louis Heeger, breakfast meeting." Seli'-Deninl week from April Meyer Shubb, Morris Skalovsky, 2:;-:;1). jjivin;; uj) a show, a soda M. Lazriowich, Mike Grueskin, or candy for on-i Vve'ek and con- Archie Kroloff, Sol Novitsky, Lestrj'"-'ing their part toward the ter Heeger, Lester Davidson, EpServices at Beth Abraham and hi-aim Baron, Dave Rodin, Ben Tiphereth Israel synagogues will 2. '.lie Sr. Group of the Youth Brodkey, W. C. Slotsky, Meyer begin this evening at 7'15 o'clock. Division will be solicited by one Harrison, Milton Mushkin, Wm. Saturday morning, the service of the Committee members. Those Kutcher, Joe Kutcher, Eli Rob- will begin at 9 o'clock. Rabbi S. assisting on this committee are: inow, J. Shapiro, I. Singer, M. I.. Boldtnikov will speak during Shlloff, Max Derwin, M. Heshelon. A Division This group composes; the Ad- the morning service at the Beth Rudy Schindler, chairman; SoAbraham synagogue.
Orthodox Synagogue
The Jewish community of Sioux City has given evidence of its determination to share proportionately in the greatly increased effort of American Jewry for alleviating the suffering of our fellow Jews in Germany and other parts of Central and Eastern Europe. Over 125 workers are ready to go into action to make the 1939 United Jewish Appeal the most successful of its kind in Sioux City history. I am sure that everyone is deeply conscious of his responsibility to his people and will respond to the Sioux City Drive with unprecedented devotion and generosity. All workers will meet Sunday morning, April 23, at 10 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center for the kickoff breakfast. This breakfast will officially open the Drive, which will be closed at a Victory meeting on April 30. We are certain that our whole community will welcome the workers and that everyone will devote himself energetically to the task confronting the Campaign in Sioux City, and that by your selfless and untiring efforts everyone will help crown the community's Drive with the success which it must achieve in this great crisis. ARTHUR SANFORD, General Chairman.
Local Organizations Cooperating World Jewry fs today confront^ ing one of the most serious crises ed •with an emergency and is call- in history. There Is greater need ing, for help. We do not believe for u n i t y and cooperation that" there;is a person in T our amongst all of our people. The community who will be deaf to members of the Sioux City Secthe pleas of our stricken, brethern tion of The National Council o* overseas. This unprecedented pro- Jewish Women, hope to assist acblem can be met by our willing- tively in this drive, and to do all that is possible to aid in reaching ness to give freely to the United the goal set by the committee in Jewish Appeal. We must do more charge. than give generously, we must make a sacrifice. We are their National Council of Jewish Women,.., .: . . . only hope. Sioux City Jewry will Mrs. E. X. Grueskin, president of not lail them. the Sioux City Section. E. Grnesldn, President, Jewish Federation, "I wish to take this opportunIt Is with a treat deal of plea- ilty to heartily endorse the drive sure that I submit the following of the United Jewish Appeal. It statement- as a representative of is a very deserving cause which merits out utmost cooperation. In A. Z. A. "Embodied in the structure of these troubled times we should A. Z. A. are seven cardinal- vir- all do our part to help those less tues, one of which is charity. To fortunate than ourselves." B'nai B'rith Xodge Xo. 508, fulfill not only-this ideal but also a spirit of charity which should Maurice E. Skalovsky, president. exist in every Jew's heart, we, of This Is a most, critical hour in A. Z. A-., sincerely pledge' our fraternity to it's full hearted sup- Jewish history. For hundreds of port and cooperation in the pro- .thousands of our people it is a desperate one, too desperate motion ot this timely and vital most for any of us to appreciate its inappeal." tragedy. Wer can not posIf It Is inany way possible for effable sibly conceive, evpn .remotely, the use to be of assistance to you wt appalling suffering which our are more than anxious that you European brethern endure. call on us. Never has the need been as Sincerely yours, great, never has the cry from the A. Z. A. ' *Toby Schindler; Aleph GodoL other side come as persistently, as loudly,'as beseechingly." This year, all years, we must answer as The future of American Jewry af we never did before. We must depends much on the outcome of give to the United Jewish Appeal this drive. We must go the limit till it hurts. in order to keep from having our no matter how small neighbors misunderstand or see hisEveryone, may be, even the poorour problems in the improper est income among us, should deem it a light. sacred duty to respond to the Every single Jew must put his United Jewish Appeal in a big shoulder to the wheel in this hearted, truly generous, fashion. great humanitarian movement. Theodore N. IJcwis Tours very truly, Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple. Shaare Zion Synagogue, Morey JJpshntz, president. As President of Mount Sinai It is the wish of Shaare Zion Temple, I want to endorse most Ladies Auxiliary to co-operate heartily the efforts of the United with you in the splendid work Jewish Appeal for the coming which you are doing. year. The needs of our European Every one is aware ot the im- brethern are exceeding great. We portance of the forthcoming dri?e dare not fail them in their hour and I am sure every one who calls of trial. We should give generousherself or himself a Jew will help ly to the 1939 Drive for Overmake your efforts worthwhile. Sea's Relief. In doing so, we are Yours for a successful campaign, helping the European Jews and Shaare. Zion vLiadies Auxiliary, also those who are rebuilding a Mrs. M. Shnbb, president. homeland for Israel in Palestine. Mount Sinai Temple 3. Kalin, president. The Jewish people today is fac-
15.000 For the relief and rehabilitation of the Jews in Germany, Poland and other European lands* For the transportation and establishment;of many of these victims of persecution to Palestine and other parts of the worlds For the protection of human rights, and for combating anti-Semitism | | ! over the World. For *he constructive development of JewisK life through educational and cultural activity.
s. '/,
Mrs. Sol Novitsky Women's Division
Rudy Shindler Youth Division
Morey Upschutz Organizations
A. II. Baron *'B" Division
Sam Cohen Treasurer
How Our Neighbors Feel
Louis "J. Kaplan, Sioux City, la. Dear Louis: I am happy to enclose my check payable to the United Jewish Appeal. Also am enclosing s i g n e d subscription card for $200.00, Inserting the payment of ?l00.00. Every Jew should feel It ia a privilege to aid his poor unfortunate, b r o t h e r s , who through no fault of their own, are being. subjected to ; the worst form of cruelty and persecution. Hope your drive meets with the success it deserves. With best wishes, I remain, (Signed) D. BERNSTEIN, Rock Rapids, Iowa. •
Sunday, April 23 — Kickoff at 10 a. m. Jewish Community Center for all workers of all divisions. Monday, April 24 — Report, at 8:30 p. m. at Jewish Community Center for all workers. Tuesday, April 25 — Report meeting at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center for all workers. Wednesday, April 26—Semifinal report meeting at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center for team captains. Sunday, April 30 — Victory meeting—-Time and place to be announced. Dorothy Merlin Secretary
A. M. Davis "B" Division
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Milton Bolstein Publicity