Plain Talk
If Itt.
In the Interests of the Jewish People
By All SEGAL ON BEING A JEWISH JOURNALIST I hear that the Jewish Transcript of Seattle is 15 years old this week and the occasion is beEntered as Second Cla&» Mall Matter on January 3L, 1S51. a t • ing celebrated by the general VOL. XY1—No. 25 OMAHA, NEBEASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1939 Hostotflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S. 1878 community. There is to be a -birthday banquet attended, by the governor, the mayor, the' leading Christian ministers, the editors of the daliy papers and, of course, the Jewish leaders of the community. It's all going to be a surWhile his mother and two sisprise for the able and hard-workters wait on the Polish frontier ing editor, Mr. Herman Horowitz. for the German and Polish govTo have lived 15 years is an ernment to reach a decision on achievemnt, even for a Jewish A. Z. A. Chapter 1, Mother their fate, Herman Stauber, who meeting will i paper so worthy to lire as t h e Chapter of the new international versary since January, 1938, has been o'clock at the Jewish!; Jewish Transcript. While this is order, will begin the observance making his home here, will be the &«*.»=>•..••.-••,». a time for. congratulating the Receives Irvin C. Levin of its fifteenth anniversary at the Center. to Admit 20,000 first German emigre to become a At this meeting severaT"~Si2i Transcript and Mr. Horowitz on Bar Mitzvah in Omaha. B'nai B'rith meeting to be held Alephs Trophy a t Award xlren During will be given their first their fine success, it is also an. on Monday, night. May 1; a t which degree, ana several speakers from Herman, who has been living Night ' 9 3 9 1 9 4 0 occasion for laying Israel orer time the chapter Second Degree alumni and actives will review at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herthe knee and spanking him; since team will induct the members eli- the highlights of Mother Chapman Cohen since coming from in many places he lets Jewish OTHERS WIN HONORS gible into the Second Degree IniStuttgart, will mark his Bar ter's history. All alumni are being BACKED BY NOTABLES Mitzvah papers starve. tiation. at the Beth El Synagogue invited to attend this affair. week end. The A. Z. A. was founded ta (At this moment 1 remember Exhibits, Speakers, FeaThe entire plans for the Fif- Hoover, Religious Leaders this On Sunday May ? the Bureau He attends the Dundee school 1924 by Sam Beber, who while teenth Anniversary Celebration the case of the Jewish lady who ture "Annual Center Testify for of Jewish Edncaton will sponBor a where he is in the Seventh Grade. still in his early twenties conceivordered her subscription to a Jeware being handled by a committee Event Measure Junior Rally at the Jewish Comed the idea of an American Jew- headed by Aleph S'gan Stanley ish paper stopped. She had began munity Center. This rally will several hundred prosish movement. The following year to consider the dreadfnl possibiliTurkel,. assisted by Phil Shoolln, Sol Yaffe Tuesday night was Washington (JTA) — The mark the first communal observ- pects yet to be seen, the JCM-» ties of a Jewish paper coming to presented with the Irvin C. Levin at the convention of the Supreme Irvin Wohlner, and Justin Pries- Wagner-Rogers bill to admit 20,ance-ot Lag B'Omer and Hebrew her house week after week. What trophy as the Outstanding Jewish l.odge of B'nai B'rith in Atlantic man. ish Philanthropies campaign, 000 refugee children into the week. would the letter-carrier think? Community Center athlete. The City, Henry Monsky, now internaUnited States in 1939 and 1940 The program will open "with a according to its chairman, RabHe "was probably thinking that trophy is awarded each year for tional president of B'nai B'rith for adoption by Americans moved few brief and interesting recita- bi David H. Wice, will continue responsible for that organizashe certainly was Jewish). high athletic achievement and ex- was forward this week on the crest tions pertaining to the holiday until all pledges are in. At tion's adopting A. Z. A. as the ofI am no editor myself; I just cellent sportsmanship. The preof a wave of popular support. The and will be climaxed by a Heficial Junior Order. work for the Jewish press. But sentation was made as the feature bill was to come before the House Fifteenth Anniversary of brew-English talking picture from Tuesday's report luncheon * : Philip Klutznick was the first were I one of -the starving Jewish of the annual Award Night atand Senate after approval by the ' Junior Order to B e Palestine entitled, "The Lost total of $60,000 was reported, executive - secretary of A. Z. A. editors I should like to address tended by over 200 persons. respective Immigration CommitBoy." serving in that capacity until $10,000 more than raised dura last editorial to the Jewish pubObserved f tees following a joint hearing. Toasbnaster of the evening "was Following the program refresh1333, lic: ing last year's campaign. Ex-President Herbert Hoover's ment! will be served. City Commissioner Harry Trustin. Meeting Monday TO OUR JEWRY Anti - Semitic Incitement hearty endorsement of the bill However, because of the ••$!»<The local lodge of B'nai B'rith Kay "Link" Lyman, line coach of At Monday's meeting P . A. G. We write this with deep laugh- the University of Nebraska, was creased needs the local commim- j wag conveyed at the last of its will pay tribute to the Omaha A. to Be Punished by ter which ascends from the bot-principal speaker. Others who Morris Arbitman and Haskell Coity is seeking 9102,000.TOor* three-day hearings. D o r o t h y Z. A. chapters at the next reguGovernment tom of our empty abdomen. These spoke briefly were Leonard Mus- hen will direct the Second Degree lar meeting, Monday. May 1, • on than twice last year's quota. Thompson, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, the occasion of the Fifteenth anseveral years we have tried to kin, Jack Dodd and Huber Mon- team. Members of the team a r e : Dr. Koha Spoke Paris (JTA) — The French Canon Anson Phelps Stokes of niversary of the feonding, here bring Jewish life'to thfa commu- Bky. The presentation of the Stanley Turkel, Stanley Silver- Government At the report luncheon held oh acted this week to the Washington Episcopal Cathe- in Omaha, of the national order nity. We used to feel rather awards waB made by "William L. man, Alvin. Hertzberg, Leo Sher- suppress anti-Semitic Tuesday, Dr. Samuel Kobe, exW4?v propaganda, dral, Paul T. Beisser, president of of A. Z. A. man, Leonard Margules, Ed Stein, prophetic about our mission: To Holzman. the .Child. Welfare League of tive director ot the resettlement Haskell Lazere, and Irving Nogg. submitting two decree-laws to America illuminate the heart of Israel, to Both local chapters of A. Z. A. and Dean Dudley D. CarOther Awards Albert Lebran for his division ot the National Co-ort)S On Saturday night. May 6, the President will be guests of the B'nai B'rith kindle the everlasting light in.his roll of the University of North nating committee, pointed nut rs> An engraved cup was presented A. Z. A. 1 will hold an outdoor signature. The decrees, drawn tip Carolina lodge. The Omaha B'nai' B'rith soul again. testified in support the Philanthropies workers ttafct to the A. Z. A. 1, pre-season bas- outing. Sunday, May 7, the chap- by Justice Minister Paul Mar- of the billalso — the latter declaring played the leading role in the Ho! Ho! We who brought life ketball chandeau, (1) make punishable no matter what the Jews of Amerchamps; Members of the ter softball team will engage in founding of A. Z. A. chief worry was that the to Israel must perish by starvaica gire, they will not be force*! team were: Leo Sherman, a softball game. In the afternoon "all acts tending to provoke hat- the An interesting program has Czechs Refuse t o Aid to South would not get enough of tion. (We grow faint even as we winning red and discord within France for forego one single necessity -t*C Herbert Meiches, Sam Kuderman, of that same day, a special anni- racial and religious motives," and the refngee children — while op- been arranged by the chairman of Nazis in Drive write). We brought light to Is- Morton lite to make their gift possible. Morris Adler,. Bob the program committee, Salewin position waa voiced by Francis H. rael's heart but around us the BramsonSoref, (2) make illegal and punishable on Jews " I t we compare what the Jew* and Irving Nogg. any colloboration with foreign Kinnlcutt, of the Allied Patriotic Michnick. darkness gathers as we descend ot Germany Austria and Ci The Sigma Alpha Mu was Preceding the program a buspropaganda. Soceties of New York; Mrs. Agnes toward oar tomb. The sunlight awarded Paris <JTA"> — A detailed pic- Slovakia have given up, with a large team trophy as iness meeting will take up the Cades in our eye even as we write the regular Meanwhile, the Government Waters of Washington, who said matter of amending the by-laws ture of -what lias been happening we are asked to give up, we season Senior League she represented widows of World this. to the Jew* of Bohemia-Moravia, find we have given up nothing *t dissolved three anti-Semitic orbasketball champions. Flayers on of the lodge. Israel was so busy with his af- this since t h e occupation fay the Ger- all. ganizations in Alsace on the War Veterans, and Mrs. Charles We may give dollars, btrt team were: Marvin Bennett. Plans are being formulated for Fuller Winter of Detroit, who said fairs, his bridge games and hisHarold Pollack, Sol Yaffe, Henry man army -which reached Paris they have given up their liveti. ground that they were preaching a stag to be given in honor of she spoke for Young Americans, mahjong; he wanted none of our Riekes, Lou Weiner, James Burdisunity. The Popular Democratic Archie M. Cohen, president of said Czechs throughout both pro- they have given up their children, ,,. gifts of life and light. District Grand Lodge No. 6 on vinces were demonstrating friend- and they have given up the h roughs, It Mann. Dave Goldware Allocations G r o u p In- Party adopted a resolution de- Inc. RcllgtoBS Groaps Tes, said he, there's life enough and Harold Garber. nouncing Nazi propaganda and ship for the Jew* while the Ger- ot re-establishing their lives." June 7. Speakers for the bill the prevsevere punishment for at the Hatcha Night Club and its man population in German areas Cards Sifted cludes Prominent Com- demanding The breakbreaters luncheon Individual medals were given all participating in pro-Nazi anti- ious day included Bishop Bern- group continues to meet each indulged i s pillaging of Jewish gorgeously lit up a t night. I need the Junior League champion'team The Philanthropies munal Leaders Jewish publications, i n eluding ard J- Shell, representing Cardin- Thursday a t 12:15 at the Elks homes, burning of synagogues began on Monday morning, Aprtt no more life or light. members included: ' Lou dailies, weeklies and pamphlets. al Mudelein on the Non-Sectarian Club, Our pea flutters in our hand whose and marking of Jewish Btorea 17, and was officially to end 'ft* 18th and Dodge streets. New York (JTA) — Five JewSlutsky, Ed Gerber, Mitchell The action is necessary for na- Committee for German Refugee .... . falls . . . with Nazi slogans. day, although solicitations v-itl ish leaders have been named as Landman, Sam Novak, Sam Sluttional defense, the resolution Children; Dr. Samuel McCrea CaThen w i t h ' my remaining sky and Max Delrough. At the same time, the Gestapo continue. Cards are being 8ift*»ft an Allocations Committee which ; , said. vert, of the Federal Council of strength I would stretch my has drafted stranded Jewish refand the donors are being t?oed Members of the Junior League will be called upon to divide a Churches of Christ in America;length on my desk and wait for runner-up ugees for forced labor a t Karls- again in the hopes they will mf*& Offer Aid team who received, cer- substantial portion of the funds the Rev. Dr. Maurice Sheehy, of the mercy that would relieve me tificates are: bad and other Sudeten areas. Large poster were displayed their pledges so that Omi»n*i% Bob Fromkin, Max raised in behalf of the United throughout of the life of a starving editor Ostennan, Nathan Ccech Jews are not permitted to q.uota may be met. the city, bearing the atholic University; Newbold MorShukert, 'Paul Jewish Appeal's three constituent names of various ris, president of the New York among the Jews. There they Mann, leave the "protectorate," although non-Jewish orProceeds from the PhilanthroMorris Kuderman, Bill Sus- agencies: the Joint Distribution ganizations, including would find me and give me a man and an exception "was made lor ap-pies the League City Council and treasurer of the Committee, the United Palestine go to local and national Seaman Peltz. non-sectarian committee; former prophet's funeral. to Combat Anti-Semitism, which proximately 600 Jews in Prague Appeal and the National Coordinmunal institutions. Because Handball "Wisconsin Governor Philip-LaFol-uL-,;The serrinps J,re Jbiy-JaahbLJ ridiculed propaganda attribu|ing •who were eligible for visas to the the emergency ating'-Cotomi tie-Faad. I a c , - S a b abroad, $56,000 to lette, a * W H l H S t i "France's difficulties to' Jews'and' tin Montgomery. Babbi MontXfadted St*tee but 4te not receive the Omaha cjuota, bi Jonah B. Wise, Chairman of be Unite ror Annual were: Class A, Jake Schriebman; ers, Representative Edith Nourse aliens and branded such stategomery -never read my paper them because the American ciuota •warded for overseas wilt the Appeal, announced. needs. Class B, Morris Rosen, and novice Rogers and Katherine Lenroot, Service ments as "Nazi lies aiming to •which he regarded an intruder on lor the year was Tilled until July, The committee will consist of spread disunity in France." The chief of the Women's Bureau. (Continued on page 8.) . MB own function' to give life and Community TaxeS Rabbi Solomon Goldman of ChiAsked by Senator William H. Temple Israeal and the Beth poster pointed out that Jews and light to Israel. Even without readContrary to earlier reports, the cago and Rabbi Abba Hillel SilEl Synagogue will hold their another aliens were among the first King if the reported horrors in ing me he knew I was always HIAS-ICA Emigration Association ver of Cleveland, representing the to apply for front-line military nual joint service next Friday will not be reopened by the Ges(Continued on page 8.) yxong. the U. P. A.; Henry Ittleson of service last week. evening. May 5,. at 8 o'clock at Eulogy tapo, which wants emigration New York and Albert D. Lasker the Temple In. honor of local high matters concentrated in the JewBut now, at my funeral, he Although the War Ministry anof Chicago, representing the J. school graduates. • . . speaks: "Editor Segal joins the ish Community offices. The GesD. C., and Louis E. Kirstein of nounced that registration of alien Rabbi David A. Goldstein will tapo has .permitted the communranks of our prophets. The worjd Boston. This committee will de- volunteers was premature and ordeliver the sermon. Ruth RosenSB, indeed, darker for his passing. ity to tax all Jews, including contermine the allocation of all dered its cessation, the FederLondon (JTA) — Sir stock and Ephraim Gershater will verts, for community needs, which Nathan, Let us now join in our traditionfunds raised above a sum which ation of Jewish societies, which first Jew to serve BR C O speak on behalf of the high school al praise of the glory of God who Include soup kitchens for the ernor of a. British colony, die'i n't is to be distributed according to a embraces all organizations of students. Jewish immigrants, issued a progives Jewish life such men Mr. needy. pre-arranged ratio. the a^e of 7 7. Sir Matthew, wh* Following the service members Paris (JTA) — Issuance of declaring that immiSegal . . . Yisgadal, veyiskadash" "Aryanixatlon" of Jewish stores the rant or" Lieut. Col. in ib* Meanwhile, the national bodies clamation of the Temple Sisterhood will act in. Prague is going forward at a held United States visas to German grant Jews considered France British Army, in which he *»fi* orthodox, conservative and re-their secotod home and held it as hostesses at a reception to be rapid rate despite the fact thai long It is considered most fitting and other refugees was suspended of service, started his career *» form congregations and rabbis that Mr. Zilch be one of my pall- this week by the American consul- throughout the United States call- their duty to serve in the RepubLondon (JTA) — Although not held in the vestry room. the Czech population steadfastly official in 1S99, wVi?« The choirs of the two synago- refuses to. boycott Jewish enter- aheColonial •bearers because he is one of the ates in Paris ""and Berlin until ed upon American Jewry to sup- lic's defense. "All immigrant Jews a single outspoken anti-Semite is was named Governor of Si?f>fi affiliated with the federation included among the members of gues will be combined for the oc- prises. Jews are not molested in Leone, hig men (Zilch of Zilch Door- July because the quota for this port the United Jewish Appeal. in thp following years, hf have decided to serve France with the new Albanian puppet Govern- casion. knobs, Inc.), a pillar in the Con- hausted. Registration of appliPrague, where only one cafe bears Governor of the Gold Co**i?>. year, which ends June 30, is ex- The support was expressed In all the material and moral forces ment set up by Italy, the position Invitations-, have -been sent' out a "Jews Not "Wanted" sign. How- was gregation Anshe Giborim. He cants for visas will continue with- letters addressed to Rabbis Silver they possess," the statement said. of the Bmall Jewish community in to all Jewish high school gradu- ever. Jews do not visit the cafes, Hong KOP.R, Natal and Queensnever gave me an advertisement out interruption, land. Other Government -however, it was and Wise by Robert P. Goldman, Albania is not enviable, the J. T. ates. The service is sponsored by fearing provocations since large held for/my paper although, as youstated. by sir Vatthfw included Se president of the "Union ot Amerithe Social Service committee of A. told by a prominent representshould know, Jewish papers, as do units of S. S. men (Hitler elite retary to the Ministry of f*e can Hebrew Congregation; Rabthe Jewish Community Center. Consular authorities estimate ative of the former regime. all others, live by advertising, just guards) have arrived in the past sions, Unclersecrtary to the Tjor« that 30,000 applicants are now bi Max C. Currick, president -of , as prophets need bread to live. The Italian anti-Jewish laws week. Lieiitensnf of Ireland, registered with the Paris consul- the Central Conference of Amerwill doubtlessly be introduced in To date the Czech Lawyers* As- of the Hoard of Inland "No, no," Mr. Zilch always had ate and new applicants of Ger- ican Rabbis; William Weiss, presAlbania, he said, affecting a few sociation is the only body which and Secretary to the Post said firmly when I came to him man origin will have to wait ap- ident of the Union of Orthodox native Jewish merchant families has introduced anti-Jewish re.Tk'rtbn Kalich %pr an advertisement. • proximately six years for their Jewish Congregations of Ameriwho are outnumbered by Austrian strictions, the Czechs in other ca, and Rabbi David de Sola Pool, New York (JTA) — Bertha J3ut now, at my funeral Mr, turn to get visas. Applicants of president and German refugees. professions treating J e w s as lich, the noted Rctress. died ml i of the Synagogue Coun3Bch helps to carry my casket Polish origin, even those who About 100 Jewish refugees livequals. In some instances, Czech, Beth israeT Hospital at the *i$r* -Wtfa all the dignity which he had spent most of their lives' in Ger- cil of America. ing in Durazzo were said to face artisans have raised funds to re- of 6 4 after a lingering ilfnos*. aceomulated in all the years of many, will have to wait at least store Jewish tailoring and shoe- Miss Kalich retired from the The Workmen's Circle Drama- the danger of being handed over eittlsg at the speaker's table at 50 years, since the American conmaking shops wrecked in German in IB31 becsupe of an eye «MH tic Club will leave on Sunday for by the Italian police to the Gestthe affairs of Israel. My wife re- sulate in Paris cannot issue more populated provincial cities. In Pil- ment. hut since then made Des Moines where they will pre- apo since the former are anxious joiewt to see me carried to my than 15 visas monthly to those The Eightieth anniversary of sen, all Jewish stores were mark- sional appearances,. Born in sent the operetta "Shulamith" by to comply with a request that all grav» under such auspices. Mr. coming under the Polish quota. political suspects be returned r.o the birth of the noted Jewish • (Continued on page 8.) A. Goldfaden. berg, Galicia, (now Lwow), Zilch himself is aware of giving While suspending issuance of Germany. Most of these refugees writer, Sholom Aleichem. will be The performance is beiag spon- had began her stage career at the prestige to my funeral and seems visas for the next two months to observed this Sunday at 6 o'clock been allowed to disembark sored at Des Moines by Branch at Durazzo and- to stay pending at the B'nai Israel Synagogue of of 12, came to New York to glow with generosity as he applicants registered in Paris, the she was 17. became famous on «>*! New York (JTA) — Jewish 406, Workmen's Circle and thetheir re-emigration by special or- South Omaha. 25 th and J streets, raises me into the hearse. consulate will issue visas, "Without Ladies Auxiliary. The troupe is der of King Zog, who showed in- oy the local branch of the InterYiddish stage snfl later in •>* interruption, in cases transferred sailors and marines on battleships leaving The Funeral in a chartered 'bus from terest and sympathy in their national Workers Order, the Icor, English-lan^uape theater. S h J to the New York harbor Others of the Jewish commun- to P*ri* by American consulates assigned survived by her husband, •when the "World's Fair opens will the Labor Lyceum building at plight. and the Ladies Independent Club. ity who crowd the funeral home elsewhere. 10:30 Sunday morning. Sprachner, and a daughter, be feted by the Army and Navy The Drama Unit under the diThe strict requirements of the never had heard of me when I The Dramatic Club gave a suclian Sprflfhnpr. Committee of the Jewish Welfare consulate regarding formalities | rection of Beu Martin will present was alive; but they have come to their wind-up meeting of cessful performance of this operI>f. ,1, (x. Ijipman it impossible for many ap- Board. a comedy by Sholom Aleichem. theFor look at me in my casket .because make etta here last month. Scenery and season, the members of the New Brunswick, N. J. Plans are now being formulatplicants to obtain American visas, The singing of folk songs will be it was "being generally said that I many find i t impossible to submit ed, in cooperation with Mayor La- costumes used in the local perRound Table o? Jewish Youth will Dr. Jacob Goo L,ipman, under the direction of Max Yaffe. "on was a prophet. formance .are being taken to Des Tuesday, May 2. St. €:"0 hold nationally Known Guardia's committee arranging the required certified copies of fe. . . ; v " I know him now," says a vis- birth certificates since they can- the welcome for the fleet, to hold Moines. Proceeds from this affair a Bupper meting. New officers chemist, diet' p.s Middlesex »': Supper will be served a t . € *1M be elected End plans vill be Rl Hosniif-l of a heart ai!(ir» iting; lady. "He was the hungry- not correspond "with the German special religious services and so-are to be given to the Refugee Reo'clock. Reservations are fiftylooking' man I used to see look- authorities. Similar strictness ex- cial activities during the period lief fund. The members of the laid for the season's last (lance thp nrr of €•-, r>', ?iif"T?Rr are donating their services zing Into grocery windows. One ercised The Omaha Hebrew Club will cents and may be made by calling scheduled for 3\;&y T. (lo^r pf ; i i pX r v Jt?r^cv S t f ? . when the fleet will remain in New Club by the. consulate regard| J a . R550. never knows how the other hall ing affidavits of support sent by York waters. Sailors and marines for this cause. . hold an open meeting this Sun, The Round Table metr.hers vill lepe or As^'ici'ltiiTr.], Tiru-f-^ lives. I certainly would have Americans makes many of these will be offered courtesy cards for day. April 30. at 3:30 in the lodge : also discuss PIRHF TO" "Siajregiven, him a sandwich or some documents useless. taoms of the Jewish Community ( i Kite" •which is tc be held on Kiiy the free use of the numerous facthing." Center. Members, their wives, and ilities offered by New York Y's l i o n . l i e V H S bnrp j i , r -'.r-r, ••.•',• j "The Thirty," 1-P! 'ROUTCI T p ^ e friends hare been invited to atand community centers. Yes, the attitude toward JewS Dance of the re?.~. v-i",l be helci 7 ' T - r p r n p ] - P T i n > . - - S . . . "•':•••-'*• > w . ; . s tend. Washington (JTA) — B'nai ish journalism in many places is I in a gTEily-decorsted auditorium at { c u r b r o t h e r s \im\ iiu^f *-;'.>; ; Harry Trustin, a member of the Sam Leon, president of the B'rith will be the only Jewish orthat of patronizing charity. The • the Jewish Community Ceiiicv. suvv-ve h i m . : " i J i ? i i i r i " E n. : > ganization that will hare days Highland Conntry Club, has an-City Commission, will be princiJewish press is -regarded as one i Music win be fiirnisbpf! iy G'-vyy vie V T " T '•;-(;"••• ;•"• ,'"?.-:^.-i- .-.. dedicated to it at both the New nounced the active committees for pal speaker. Cantor Aaron Edgar , Danzig: (Havasi — T-rp Danof those things—like the Jewish FcKhiOT"^ in ^rpic, ThiP Prche=- A f i f i i ' t l ' V P is to present a musical program. joint May 1 celebration will York World's Fair and at the San. the year 1939. l-lpr>rv A.. .V'i.:is...-v*. shelter home "where the Jewish. be Aheld Nazis were Fericuslr I trg. is at. present featured at the G o v e r n o r A. K a r r i - l U o o r t . -#> '«>.;*• at the Jewish. Community Francisco Golden Gate InternaLeslie L. Burkenroad will serve Refreshments will be serve fol- zig wanderers go; one feels one mus Center on in a c!as"h -which marked Germac s Paxton Hotel. Monday at 8:30 by the lowing the meeting. d e n t Kobei'L C. i.'K">- <•.ie•. •'>•' '~i.,-"tional Exposition. B'nai B'rith as Budget chairman. support such institutions, though National Workers Alli- Day at the New York World's Irvin C. Levin is president of celebration o£ Chancellor Killer"?; | Ernie Friesras.1: presides- pi the geve a n d Dv. Jo'if i; V-. "Win*. l''-'>-~Members of the Golf Commitit's a pain. Similarly, one be Jewish birthday -with clear earning tftst ance-Poali Zionand the Pioneer ! electric orcF.r,, FOC^F PTP, by Gary chairmfin or ibe: .Toinr. ni«:-.-ij»»r». Fair will be observed on May 23. tee are: R. H. Hiller, chairman: the Club. grudges Jewish books and in- Women. Poland v a s prepared to battle i EiUfi Lorraine. lion C o m m i t t e e . Bob Kobper, M. Krupinsky, Lloyd cludes the Jewish newspaper sub any aggression from outside or Morris Minkin wlil preside. Friedman, Ernie Nogg, Max Chapscription in the budget for phil Principal •within the Free City. Polish sr.tliReceive High Averages speakers •will be I. MorShekcl Week anthropy. orities feverishly rushed under- BOYCOTT GROUPS Included among the high aver- man, Izzy Schlaiter, and Harold genstern and J. Itadinowski. A Speier. cover preparations sfainst any atages received at Creighton UniThe Jewish press' essential part musical program under the direcServing on the Entertainment j New York i. T TAl - - - The Dr. Hobert C. Dexter, of the tempted coup. >To troop movemid-semester, were Gerin Jewish life is not everywhere tion of Mrs. J. Raznick will fol- versity, Committee are: Harold P. Farber, F o r m a j C e n t r a ! PhpUfl Board h a s « ments -vrere to be seen, but PoDepartment of Foreign and Social trude Oruch, senior in the Uniappreciated. There is little or no low. Miss Shirley Selltz will pre- versity College with 93 12-15 and chairman, "Warren Ackerraan. Ed- Relations o£ the American Unitar- lisli sources disclosed thst all j tiorj ot York Cop^clinated Boycott \ Bated t h e vp^-k <•>•: May ft-';>. -»-| understanding of the Jewish sent a number of piano selections. Mildred Laytin, Journalism sop- win Sommer, Lloyd MalasbocK, ] ian Association, Trill speafe on routes leEuinc in pnd ovt, cl Dan- • C o m m i t t eRe v.-as EnEOunced c o m - j Xatioue? F!;f»:p] J? f gi«f'-•»•; >.^f.! newspaper as the medium of com- The Public is invited. and Bernard Chapman. zig •vrere ireVi protected. ! bluing t h e e2iov..e ol t b e Volun- T,Yerk. Tb.61 ^o^r<i naif./ Si.i;.-.-•>..' homore, 90 3-18. Monday, May S, at tbe First Unimunication with the vast complex tarian Church on "Czecho-SlovakBoth were elected to the Dean's Humors circulated that the i teer Chri£t,ian corr.mHiee to B b r - j h a o ^op^. zr^v^pc b r i h ? i;t.-.;called Jewish life. The Jewish SOFTBALL MANAGERS Honor Roll. SWIMMING PARTY TO ! ia — A Nation That Fell Among Nazi 'putsch'' had now been set ; cott jCasi (rerraficr- ! ; be Amcrics.E ! hood <b.P'. t h e i / n u p d 1S-eip.» •»•..*... newspaper Is, indeed, the only X a - • be Ui?- >< er-e oi ."'nc "'IK. ''••,-.••.•. TO MEET ON SUNDAY for April " ? , Trfeen Chancellor i Boycott a p a i " s t A g g r e s s o r BE HELD ON MAY 10 Thieves." Jewish light for multitwies of F,-h^,:,;^! •.-.Mr. Dexter has traveled exten- Kitier goes before the Heichstag i t i o c s t a t i.he J o i n t B o r c o t t Conn- \ ?ionip! : r^x~^~. In the community constitution . Jews who neither read nor own j V.P.^. A i P ' ^ - T . T h e p>-)^t:p; i^.. . ?•A meeting of managers of drawn up by the Jews of Cracow, The next mixed sirimniiBS par- sively in Europe and remains ia to answer President Roosevelt's j e l l . Jewish books. plea. Despite the viiolcss.le •• When a Jewish newspaper is teams in the Jewish Community Poland, in 1595, it is specifically ty for members of the Jewish in.ttaia.te touch, -with ccnfiitio~E peLce arrest of opposition leaders, Dan:0. V' In Tunisia rr< Widely read ( as many of them Softball League will be held on stated that one is forbidden to go Community Center and their abroad. The American Unitarian zlz was flooded T.ith. copies of cr, are) it Is a more effective mis- Sunday at 11 a. in. at Lee Gross- through the streets at n'ght play- friends will be held on Wednes- Association "has dalntEjued a Re- anti-Xazi tract reviling the rrirfiing on musical instruments, nor day evening, May 10, at the Cen- lief Commission in Prague since sionary of Jewish life than the man's office. tions caused fcy Nazi c'.orr>in*tio:n | mpintairi iheiT C»T, ULV couri February. Plans will be discussed for the shall any one, whether household- ter pool. rabbi whom, alas, so few go to c" 1 season which is to start on Sun- ers, young men, or boys, shout cr These parties are held semiThe meeting -will be open to tbe nnd nec>3rr,g. "eno-ngh oT Hitler!" ! where civil puits avp- judged b .(Continued on page S.) Sis persons were arrested. day, May 14. . yell in the streets. monthly. public. 1 tribunals of their own.
Emigre Boy to YAFFE NAMED Anniversary of AJZ.A. CHILD REFUGEE First Become Bar Mitzvah Philanthropies OUTSTANDING To Be Marked Here BILL ADVANCES Campaign Will ST WASHINGTON J.C.UTHLETE
Be Continued
Junior Rally to Be Drive Extended Until
Held at Center
AH Prospects Visited
Labor Groups to $Aeet on Monday
Highland Appoints New Committees
Unitarians to Hear 'Lecture on Czechs
Page 2
"Ich mochte betten" (I wish to are able to return to your old home, I will be more than glad pray) — the Jew replied. 'Don't you see that your synato return to you your property Morris Borsky for the same sum of money I paid gogue is in flames?" the firemen stopped him. ou." Funeral services were ' hold on "A burning synagogue is also Thursday afternoon, April 20, at Thus spoke a genteel Aryan woman to an uprocted and ruined a house of prayer.'" the Jew the Jewish Funeral Home for cried out. And this unexpected Morris Borsky. 67, who died ewish neighbor of hers. Reminiscent of the anti-slavery retort from the impetuous Jew Thursday morniag.-- Rabbi David activities of the "underground was so convincing to them that A. Goldstein officiated. railroad" in helping thousands of they, like automatons, gave vfay Surviving are: his wife. Lena; Negro slaves to get over into free and the Jew vanished into the two daughters. Mrs. Dave Bernterritories is \he underground smoke of the burning synagogue. stein and Miss Kae Borsky; two Whether the Jew saved a tew sons, Louis and Abe, and two muggling out of Naziland thousands of Aryans and non-Aryans scrolls of the Torah or went to grandchildren, all of Omaha. We ore the unseen, unknown tnd the daughters. And when I ng organized terror nor Streich- in order to save them from the his martyrdom, is not known; but Burial was in Golden Hill Cem• are we, old them that the refugee is ;r Judenfresserie, Jew-baiting, sadistic clutches of the Gestapo it is highly significant that among the "saving remnant" of decent etery. No telltale badge is ours. ileeping. with 500 more refugees can entirely rot out of some hu- and storm troopers. The enemy's hatred leaves us on straw sacks in the Zbonszeen man hearts nor excorsize completeHere is one example of many and magnanimous Aryan men and Meyer Civenter free, . mill, the mother wiped her eyes." ly from the soul of the German such activities, the exact number women in Berlin the cry of the Wo mock his brutal powers. Funeral services were held in I told him to hide with us,' leople — and these are the gold- of which and the personal dra- Jew is having wido circulation, he father of the poor family de- n deeds of good willed men and matis of which we shall perhaps the cry that "Even a burning Hollywood on Sunday. April 2, Wo arc iincaptured, unreomen in Hitleria that carry out never know. A younrr man, who synagogue is a holy place." for Meyer Glventer, 57, who died ilared. 'We have a big cellar and Whispers there on April I. Mr. Giventer pressed, ould have hidden him as long as in the sly the outlawed Golden but recently left No-Man's Land, In darkness ever dwelling ecessary . . .Many Polish Jews lule toward terrorized, hounded had worked in the office of a forWhere the press is muzzled, had gone to the West Coast eight till remain hidden with Aryans rews -within their midst. The eign diplomat till he was put on freedom of speech shackled, indi- months ago. He had been c resiIn spite of revengeful foe. jecause they hid themselves dur- ichoes of some of these have, like Our silent ranks are swelling. train which WEB loaded with vidual and public moral indigna- dent of Omaha for thirty years. Survivors include: his wife, ng the 'terrible week.' I knew ightning bolts, lighted up the men and tears and transported to tion against government-inspired The net grows finer as wo spin; that when a commissar takes over lark darkness into which the the border. He spent some time reigns of terror and policies of Celia: seven sons, Ben of Califorhis business, he will confiscate and of Goethe, Mann and Carl there. Yet he kept getting let- state nipped in the bud with a nia, Lester, Fred, Harry, and Ned In darkest night arisen, It spreads through cities and everything,' he tells me with a 'ssietzky has been driven since ters from- Aryan friends as well ruthless mailed fist, and tears of of Omaha. Bill and William of imlle, 'so/I mobilized my sons in he Fuehrer came to power. through -towns as from his fiancee. Every let- sympathy and acts of mercy for Chicago; two daughters, Sylvia of hat November day, when everyDefying court and prison. These acts of kindness, many ter he received from them was in the terrorized is considered trea- California and Mrs. I>. Harris of ine went out robbing, broke into f which in a free," democratic essence an apology and consola- son — then the noble, tender and Chicago; a sister, Mrs. Esther iur neighbors store and carried ountry are considered natural tion. His fiancee felt that she human feelings and emotions are Cohn: a brother, Sam of Omaha; "We are the air yon breathe, we off everything, so that nothing md everyday manifestations of sould no longer tread the soil driven from the market-place and and four brothers in New York. slip Through .enemy's hands un- would remain for the hoodlums, he human spirit and are takon upon which her sweetheart had the light ot day into subterranean tie 'loot' we put away 12 our or granted, naturally shine a been so barbariously treated: so caverns. knowing . Mrs. Elka Zager Robinson :ellar and when our neighbor re- housand times brighter and she left Germany and. settled in And there are the "catacombs" He watches till his eyes grow Mrs. Elka Zager Robinson, 75, nrns, he will find everything un- [Uicken the hearts with a rare Paris, where she is employed as a of Berlin, Nuremberg, Dresden blind, died on Tuesday at the Jewish Old ouched.' cstacy because they are usually and Essen, with all the lights Of Can only sense our growing. house-maid. »erformed at the risk of life, torcivilization, and human decencies People's Home. She had resided Bobbed Bobbers She has arranged with t h e :ure, or loss of social or economextinguished by decrees and pro- In Omaha for the past twelve The light of dawn gives us no I met quite a number of Jews rest, • n E-. who also told me about their c position. For to help the pro- young man's friends to come to scriptions, are bursting forth fre- years. Surviving are: two sons, Meyer France. How it is done? To come Through secret lanes we bur-. •hristian neighbors, who put on scribed, the social pariahs, the to Germany he has to run the quently, and as time passes grow- Robinson of Omaha and John row; mch acts of robbing in. order that ictims of cold and actual pog- gauntlet of two borders — first ing in frequency, the rarest Robinson of Norfolk; and two Today we are the dispossessed, he instigated rioters might have oms often means the same fate to steal out of No-Man's Land, sparks of the human spirit — daughters, Mrs. Sophie Katskee it the hands of the instigators of dazzling and epic examples of But ours shall be tomorrow. ittle left to carry away." and. second, to smuggle himself pathos and acts of mercy seldom of Omaha and Mrs. Dora Kopack error. •' • (From Deutsche Tolkszeltnng, nto Germany. Once there, he brought forth in a free, congenial of Muscatine, Iowa. That some people are rather Paris Emigre German newspaper, keptical and somewhat slow at The Visit of the Glazier Funeral services were held has to steal across the German atmosphere. translated by the IiiTing Age.) There are certain similarities border into France. His Aryan Wednesday at the Jewish Funeral reacting with joy and exaltation And the only weapons left when they read or hear of some between the burning of books and friends worked out for him maps against the diabolic regime are Home. Burial was at the Beth Our ears and eyes have for ?o cts of mercy and altruism are the organized violence of a- tyran- and with the help of the "under- the whisper, the muffled voice, Hamedrosh Hagodel cemetery. long (it seems like long, black, still being performed in the Third ical regime against a minority ground railroad." he succeeded in the murmured communication to bloody centuries-though it is only Reich, is understandable, for Hit- group it employs as a scape-goat, getting out of Germany . . . Ten Doctors the ears of others, the echoes of six years) become accustomed ler's reign of terror has wrapped 'he fire ot burned books, lit with Ideas l i v e the stirrings of human hearts, and many of us have even be- Germany in a thick iuantle of as- ate, bums brightly for a little Oslo (JTA) — Rejecting a proJust as there is an insuperable reverberations of hands of mercy, come calloused to the atrocities sociations of Shrecklichkelt, sad- while-—the dreams and thoughts difficulty in a literary auto-da-fe the hushed retelling of newly posal to admit twenty prominent and vandalism of the Nazis that sm, and aggrandisement against which It was to destroy, are found which tyrants fail to recognize: bred golden legends. Like the refugee physicians to practice in most people by now find it rath- the weak and the helpless within o be inextinguishable. so there is in the Streicher-Gaer- satrical gags which keep pepper- Norway, the Medical Association of. Nazier hard to believe that there still and beyond, the borders So pogroms and reigns of ter- ing auto-da-fe Instituted against ing away at HItlerism, the still, adopted a substitute plan to ad: exists another Germany within land. or, • which were intended, to kin- the Jnden. What is true In the small voices and^the performed mit ten medical scientists for a -Hitleria. the Deutschland of The fulminations and the cry- lie more hate and animosity in realm of the spirit is just as true and re-echoed golden deeds and five-year stay during which thay Kant, Lessing, Schiller, Hegel, ng down of the lofty message of he hearts of the Germans as well in the realm of human actions. legends constitute for the forces will work in hospitals and be paid Leibnitz and their contemporary love, brotherhood, and sanctity of s terrify into silence that sec- For not only history, but contem- of light, mercy, justice and free- small salaries from a fund to be • spiritual heirs. • human life of the Christian God, tion of the populace which was porary Hitlerland provides the dom an invisible but mighty bat- collected among Norwegian docthe torturedcries of Jews and growing restless and very much lesson. The fact Is inescapable: talion paving the road for a pow- tors. Many hesitate to give credence to the occasional reports that .are non-Jews alike from the concen- dissatisfied with the proclaimed Ideas cannot be t o r t u r e d ; erful offensive in the not distant trickling out to us across the sea, tration camps and torture cham- wonder-workings of the Goebbels thoughts cannot be beaten; in- future against the forces of dark- legends from thundering nor prereports that in the "slaughter bers, the incessant tramping of and Goerings, produced the di- tellectual freedom cannot be mur- ness that for the moment domithe golden deeds from being house of the human spirit" there military boots, the constant strid- metrically opposite effects: More dered. For each act of violence nate the market place and the vent proclaimed in tlie public are still treading noble men and ing of hob-nailed storm-troopers sympathy and greater acts of against the dreams and the spirit- councils of the nation. And when publicly square, on the front pages of women, who through their hu- on their missions of terror, the mercy than ever for the victims; ual aspirations of man intensi- the offensive is set in motion full newspapers or through the air manitarian acts of kindness to- rattle of armored tanks and the and bred more silent and overt fies the tortured subject. And no blast, then nothing in Hitlerland lanes, and their message of the ward Aryans and non-Aryans whirring of hundreds of death- indignation against the pogrom- ideas ever burn more * brightly —none of the proscriptions, de- sanctity of human life and the alike are keeping alive mankind's dealing -winged monsters at Nur- makers. than those enshrined in a book crees, text-book lessons and max- God-given right to life, liberty spiritual heritage — acts of kind- emberg's demonstration of Nazi A Jewish petty store-keeper, that has been set on fire by a ims nor the Shrecklichkeit of the and the pursuit of happiness as ness majestically testifying to the Macht, the crackling of pistols at having to replace the show-win- bunch of hired incendiaries. -So storm troopers and the Gestapo the only modus Vivendi of Civiinvincibility of justice, kindness, helpless human being "shot "while dow in order to "widerstellen love for fellow-man may be pro- will be able to keep the golden lized mankind. trying to escape," the groans of em Strassenbild'* the street's scribed, but cannot be kept from humility. pogromed and expropriated Ju- atmosphere, •destroyed during"the being- expressed by sharing the Unseen Donors In certain towns and cities of den, the wild shrieking of pla- November rioting, called in an milk of human kindness with the Germany, "when Jews get up in cards, • pronounciamentos, a n d Aryan glazier to put in the brok- oppressed; sympathy and mercy the morning, they find in front Aryan text-books calling back to en pane. In-Vain did the Jew in- for the victims of violence may of their •daors bottles of milk and the virtues and way of life of the ist of the silent German to tell be proclaimed as treason, but canpackages., of food, which secret primeval forest, etc., etc. — all, him first how much it would cost not be rooted out from the hearts hands at night had placed there. all have so long monopolized t t e not knowing hoyh soon he would of some men and women; golden headlines, have almost complete•"Whose hands perform these acts ly drowned out the"stui, smalt be able to pay him. The glazier, deeds toward the Juden may be t© Nazi ideology, bat ' o T Titnaness s u r r epetfflotisTy? voices of humanity and shut out hswever, reisatsed sliest and, did i Some say it is done by the Quak- from our view the men.and wom- his -work zealously. When he they cannot be prevented from inished his job, he suddenly be- being performed even in torture ers. en of peace, ' love, justice that Others say that Catholics do continue carrying oh, the terror came talkative and in such man- Chamberland. ner spoke to the disturbed, emit, that Aryan neighbors, who notwithstanding. An incident that has called barrassed Jude: cannot bear to see the suffering forth much comment in the Ask Us About Our of the Jews, place the food in So you think you owe me some- sphere of men and women of good In Danzig front ot the Jewish, homes. In However, when we divest at thing for putting in this pane? will occurred during the burning one certain town, for instance, the least for a while our ears and The guilty culprit against you am of synagogues. legend is circulating that an'ex- eyes and mind of the blood-curd- I! I saw "with mine eyes how the Burning Synagogue Nazi, turned repentent, puts the ling indignities and shut out the hoodlums robbed your business ON WORLD-FAMOUS When at the scheduled hour bottles of milk on the thresholds. terrifying spectres that stalk far and possessions, and I kept quiet and. minute all the synagogues in To be sure, it is no more than a and wide in of Joy thru and silent! So you still want I Berlin were set on fire, the firelegend, but a wonderful legend of Strength, Cannons before Butter, should take money from you for men were posted in advance with consolation in such days of hor- Judenre'in Hitler heaven; and having covered "with a piece of all their fire-fighting apparatus ror and wrath. look sharply and listen intently glass the shame and crime that is to protect the non-Jewish houses. From No-Man's-Land between we can hear here and there ours." Quite early, when the more curiGermany and Poland, where hun- echoes of "human" voices and the So spoke an Aryan rank and ous people began to appear, the dreds of former Polish Jews re- tread of humans, instead of filer to a pogromed Jew in Ber- firemen threw a. living .cordon siding in Germany since after the wolves in grown uniforms, and. lin. around the burning synagogues in war have been driven by the see them wending their "way in* A Jew, doomed, by the post order not to allow too near those Nazis, comes this echo of good the dark to the homes of terror- November decrees, to.emigrate is inquisitive men and women and will through the mouth of an stricken Jews on their mission of selling his household furniture to children. exile from Essen: "The Christian Christian charity. his Christian neighbor. When the Suddenly from side street a population in Essen stood on the It was in Danzig shortly after things were being carried over Jew. rushed to the firemen and sidewalks and wept when hun "those days" when the Jews lay from the Jewish home to the attempted tearing through their dreds of Jewish men, women and hidden in their homes and in Christian, the Aryan • mistress cordon. • " children were being driven like every tread of steps from the out- burst into tears. And when the "Jude, wohin?" the firemen flocks of sheep to the railroad side seemed to lie the approach afflicted Jude asked her why she shouted, at him. ' station. Windows were opened, of a wolf. wept? She answered: many Aryans went out on the Property Bought In the depth of the night footbalconies of their homes. Worn falls were suddenly heard upon C«ll U« FOP "You think I need your furnl ej), who forgot that tears for the the steps. Man and wife eyed ture, your household utensils? ; MODERNIZATION afflicted are considered as ter- each other with terror in their don't even have space where to • Antes • Kitchen* • Ba«ementi rible anti-government agitation, hearts. It is clear that "they are keep them. But I know your po• Re-rooflno • Iruulation •wjspt aloud at the fate of the coming. Who else could be com- sition at the present time; and • Re-tldlna Jews. And when Jews wen ing at this time of the night? I so I talked in my husband into NO DOWN PAYMENT. cooped up in the city jail till th( knock on the door. buying them at such a reduced Easy Monthly payment* arrival of the train, which wa price. I . assure you, however," "Who is it?" to haul them to the frontier, MICHLIM LUFJBEf? CO. the woman -wiped her tears, "that "Friends!" Such answer "they Aryans gathered in" front "of it when conditions change and you 19th & Nicholas Sts. JA SOW also employ frequently. This they sates and stood as though before a- funeral. Others sent with the do when they are in a good mood police packages of food for the! • . . But no use," the door mus Jewish neighbors and into th be opened. Carl Rienes Strange Visitors jail cans of warm coffee, tea and But before opening the man. lemon for them." succeeds in saying a few words There's no secret about our Robin* Hood IJegcnds to his wife, a sort of a will, "I ;Some of .the legends about we don't see each other again . ." money-saving cash prices Robin Hood are transformed in And the door is opened and on • N O BUDGET BOOKKEEPING Xaziland into living t r u t h the threshold stand people stranger than fiction. One re It is a few neighbors with pack• N O COLLECTION FEES '^ertcr tells the following: • N O BAD DEBT LOSSES ages of food," among them thi '. "I camo to Essen with a mes wife of a Nazi. They apologizi • N O REPOSSESSION COSTS sftge to Aryans from a refugee i for having disturbed the neighbo Np-Man's-Land . . . I gave ther at such a late hour; earlier they .. certain signs that they might couldn't come, they were afraid ifliow I was not v an informer. . . . As they talk, they do not lift T-liey invited me to tea, locke their eyes, their gaze Is on the tlie doors and windows and start floor, they're ashamed . . . "Good Visit our new largo plant ed inquiring about their Jewis night, don't lose hope!" neighbors there. All inquired— and let us show you our There are some things which
Deaths '
olden Deeds in Reich By HARRY MENDELSON
Refugees Offer Army Service to British Empire Sydney (JTA)—Refugees from central European countries have offered service in defense of Australia and the British empire. A mass meeting of 1.000 from Austria, Germany and Czecho-Slorakia, adopted a resolution volunteering for service in the event of war.
Although the CommonWtttftli defense forces are restricted *a British subjects and those WHO have been naturalized at least live years, the ministry of defense wai understood to be considering tafl possibility of waiving the restrictions through exercise of special powers. Meanwhile, the authorities Wfl already availing themselves Ofpt* fers of service by highly qualifies electrical, mechanical and mm-; tary technicians. Patronize Our Advertisers ;'
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Page 3
Tracy? . . . long time in London, chael Stavisky, Jacob L. Wiseman ! VT_. J /""__».-... Pi Lambda Phi TENNIS CLASSES connects up with an * American ! and Edwin Wolf II. , INCncQ XxulIOl T n e Senlor p . ' net-work this week. .George Cnkor | . Reports WJ *! Women's Tennis: Wlllard Smith was re-electeri spending rare moments in beauty!! J Judge 3V W C S t i classes are meeting every Monday i president of the Chi chapter o£, Oil d Lehman in his presideaJ j and Wea»e»day at 7 p. m. at the j Phi Lambda Phi last Wednesday salons . not for self-embellish- i tial messag-e, declared that Jews, ment . . . b u t to soak up atmos- i enjoying freedom in the Unitsd n*,.,* » IT^^^^I *»,. m > . ~ . „. i Jewish Community Center, i evening. phere for "The Women." Effee- | States, should build up instituCantor Mendel Broomberg of, doing the I Other officers are: Joseph E l m e r S a a m b e r g i 8 New York is in Omaha while en\ri*i cnr" onla«h !itions that would perpetuate the, , Soshnik. vice-president; Benner. coaching. * £ f ™ S w « r « i ~nr«i -FXPOSED' d e a ^ °* their fathers even while f route C a n tto o r the West Coast, j Somberg. master of work; Ed the red-lettered word, EXPOSED^ ^ ^ ^ ^ prisoned and I Broomberg. who is the g Sol Hahuel, a Moroccan Jew- ward Conn, Keeper of the Excheqacross the page . . . but the X 'lived in countries where "t ree- i Possessor of a dramatic tenor i Ps ess, was beheaded for refusing to uer; Harvey Brett, Keeper ot tlie takes the form of a black swas- dom is dead or dying.studied under Europe s accept Islam so she might be add- Archives; and 'Gilbert Creenberg. )); voice voice. ,studied Editor's .Note: One of the great city of Tel Aviv. Don't get ion in September in this metrop- tika. Paul Muni's "Juarez" TUBS leading cantors and with GenzDr. Adler stated in his report Frater Correspondent. bacher and Habeg professors of e d t o t n e Sultan's harenv. central points of interest for scared—it's all done with mir- olis, and the federation is only one two-and-a-half hours in the last that because of the preparation ! Jews at the Aew York World's rors and Jights. Clever guy, this of the many organizations. The cutting well, maybe the next for military conflict reliance upon | vocal culture at the Vienna Conwill be the Palestine Pa- Lee Simonson. He learned these Habimah Theater, Palestine enspiritual forces for moral susten- j servatory. | vilion. Another will be the tricks doing "sets" for New York semble, will arrive in September to the last. ance was essential and the need i I Temple of Religion. In the theaters. or an engagement of not less Strangest things harass Seii- for it was felt by men in military I 5*774 following article, Mr. Schorr, a than four weeks in conjunction aiick's "Gone With the Wind" . . service. Dr. Henry Noble Mac- ' • Exhibits Palestinean J. X. A. staff writer, previews Except" for Simonson's diora- with the Theater Guild and -a this week it was beer suds. W. C.Cracken, president of Vassar Col. t h e Palestine Pavilion and mas (he directed that whole ex- ranscontinental tour. Undoub ;.«•?!- Y.-U. objected to alcoholics as lege, lauded the board for con| r other Fair exhibits of specific hibit, save for the Ternple model y, there will be other Jewish pre- lather on a horse . . . horse ob- ducting its work in a truly Amerjected to soap. Finally both wo- ican way. Other speakers included interest to readers of the Jew- by the Rev. Jacob Yehuda of Jer- sentations. en and horse were satisfied . . . Pror. Salo W. Baron of Columbia Jerusalem <JTA) — With the ish Press. usalem), the exhibits were all University and Frank L. Weil. organized Arab rebel forces apthey used whipped cream! built in Palestine, Arich el-Hanani Round table conferences on Jew- parently crushed but sporadic dis- M Metropolitan hotels are putting chief architect and" designer of A Billy Gilbert Gem:. "While ish community work were held orders continuing, Palestine looktin extra beds. Subway lines are the pavilion, worked over the exed back upon three' years of viothose dictators are grabbing all during the day. ^getting ready their bright new hibits at the Levant fair grounds lence that have taken a toll of that land they'd better take streamlined trains. Every bar- in Tel Aviv, then came here to, By HELEN ZIGMOND 5.774 casualties and millions of enough extra-for cemetery plots!" room in town is polishing up its pnt up the structures on Flushing dollars in property damage. spittoons. New York City is Meadows, with the assistance of The three years of the rebellion Hollywood—If reaction to the ^sprouting 1,576 1-2 perispheres Norvin. R. Lindheim, AmericanTune, in next week. have seen an estimated 4 50 Jews "Nazi Spy" trailer is indicative, ^.arid trylons per square mile. In born architect, who died a ftw killed 944 wounded; 140 the actual film, by ratio of loot(Copyright by Jewish Telegraphic Montreal (JTA) — Aiming at British and Ishort, the greatest city in the weeks before the Fair's opening, soldiers and civilians killthe promotion of Jewish interest ed Agency, Inc.) fpworld is getting ready for April some job it was getting age, should cause such a -voluable and 476 wounded; 2.287 Arabs in. farming and vocational 1 agri- killed 130 when the greatest the the exhibits in place! When the storm as to wake up the Rip Tan and 1,447 wounded. Direct j cultural training, the Ca* -fc-world will open its gates to thestructures -reached the United Winkles who think Hitler -Jias no to Jewish property was ' Jewish Agricultural Association damage TINY "GOLDEN SPIKE" SOUVENIRS ON YOUR "-world. :/• : States last month ,the 15 huge, malicious intent in this country estimated at $2,500,000. ; has been formed with headquartr or to rouse out of thelr.^lethIn the six months that the New crates, each the size of a healthy ers in Montreal. York World's Fair will remain boxcar, couldn't fit into trucks. argy those who just dont think. Principal aim of the associaGOLD FINISH CHARM BRACELETSPatronize Our Advertisers open it is estimated (by the pub- So they loaded the consignment The audience hissed every ahot of tion was stated- to be the awakcheered to --fiie: chanlicity department) that some 25,- on a barge and towed it through the Bund ening of_ Canadian Jewry "to the 000,000 people will see thisi'f'gt* Flushing Say to the fair grounds. delier-top the fade-out line. ;?• INVES1 SAFELY, WlSbkY IN crying needs of re-directing their During the production'of f i e gantic exhibition of all the world AB this is written, local and Palenergies and ingenuity to agriFive tiny, cleverly appropriate charms that film, members of tbi^Dentschhas done to date and what it is estinian workers are swarming all culture." Americanischer K u I t Srverband swing on a gold finish chain bracelet... Spurs, $ scheduled to do in the next cen- over the place putting the finishAnnuity, Endowment, Jewish model farms will be esother 'German-American socitury or so. ing touches on the pavilion. "A and tablished close to cities with largeSaddles, Co-vrboy Hats, Covered Wagons and MARK LEON (minimum estimate of mem- Jewish Welfare Board at Jewish populations and appeals No exhibition of the world's ac- "Neir Tamid" (Eternal Light), eties Represent* 21 Strong Companbers, 800,000) -were eager to demGuns. Phone and mail orders filled. Meeting Told of will be made to Jewish communal complishments would be complete lit before the Wailing Wall in onstrate their Americanism and ies—Every Type of insurance Emigre Needs centers and educational instituand Bonds Written. that did not find space to show Jerusalem, is being brought here their anti-Nazi feelings.tions to make the cultivation of CALL AT 7667 or WA SIM what the Jews have done—as in- by Yehuda Yarl, secretary of the •RAN0IIS—J»wa4ry—Hrtf flcwr New York (JTA) — The Jew- land by Jews in Canada one of City Finance * Insurance C*. dividuals and as a nation. And Palestine Foundation Fund, to be A gag? Leon G-man Tuirou, ish Welfare Board called upon its j their prime objects. so Jewish organizations are presented to the pavilion. going to New York, asserts he has constituent "Y's" and jcomamong those which will have speThe exhibit of next greatest in- a new commission—to take a 325 /centers to throw open cial days at the fair; the Jews terest to the Jews is the Temple print of "Nazi Spy" to Germanyi inunity their activities and facilities to will be represented in the Temple of Religion, which will be opened "Execs feel the German people new immigrants in order to assist of Religion. And. most import- on noon of April 30, the opening ought to see the picture . .'.. so J newcomers ta solve ther proant, a summation of Zionist pro- day of the Fair. The sponsoring was chosen as the logical man to the blems, in a resolution adopted by gress will be featured in the Jew- committee,, of which Dr. Cyrus do the trick." the board's two-day annual meetish Palestine Pavilion—-the first ." dler is vice-president, states ing at the 92nd Y. M. H. A. exhibition of Jewish achievement that the Temple aims to "provide The board is organizing an adMax Factor Jr. has written a in Palestine tft. be shown at an in-the most vital expression possible book entitled. "Planned Glamor." visory service on adjustment «f ternational ^ exposition in this of the value the American people "Panned Glamor" would be more immigrants for the benefit ef 1's country. place on the spiritual in their appropriate in these parts. constituent societies, the several lives." to reaffirm devotion to rehundred delegates were informed Backing Pfcvillon in a report by Louis Kraft, acting Every other- ; exhibition of e ligious freedom, illustrate the They say the best cure for the Toreiga nation at the iair is fi- role/«f-religion in American life blues is to hear the Rities sing executive director. Conferences have been held to nanced by the respective govern- and demonstrate that men mayHawaiian leilanis—with a Yiddish discuss the experience of local ordiffer deeply in religious belie: ment. But the Jews have no gov-» accent! ganizations in serving newcomers eminent :in Palestine that they while working together as Ameriand to analyze the problem incan call their own. So Director can citizens for a better social Ripley Dept.: The personal-ap- volved. The board will seek- "to ' Meyer "W- Weisgarl chewed his order. pearance tour of Mrs. Hitler and stimulate undertakings on behalf cigar. Honorary President StephReason for Fair her son, Adolf's nephew, is being newcomers and to give such en S. Wise leaned his ponderous No program at the Temple wilj arranged by a Mr. Shapiro of the of aid as may be helpful in establishbrow on his hands in what we seek uniformity, union or amal- William Morris Agency! ing programs to facilitate their used to call brown study beforeV gamation of religions bodies o absorption into normal communal # President George Backer modifications of distinctive beDuring the Merry Matzos Sea- life," the report Bald. did some tall head-scratching and liefs, it is stated. The Jewish Xew Officers Board Chairman Israel Goldstein speaker at the ceremonies open- son, Director Sidney Lanfield TeOther resolutions called for cofrowned. Finally, they came, ing the Temple;: will" be Rabbi ceived a gift—four packages of operation with the United Jewish forth with a plan of ""voluntary David de Sola Pool, president of the unleavend cakes. Attached Appeal, expressed appreciation tn subscription"—sale of admission the Synagogue Council of Amer- thereto was a card, -i'Happy PaBs- the Federal Government ' for over from Timothy O'Rourke!" tickets to the pavilion in advance. ica. . . building camp sites for Y's and As a result. American Jewish This. correspondent recently Figures do not lie—but they to the Secretaries of War and leaders—and World .Zionist : Galloped around polling friends Navy and the director of the ef^fChaim Weizmaim,' it id T>ront-i on the question: What does" the don'tv tell the whole truth: That Civilian Conservations Corps Tor J»ed—will gather in front of the Fair commemorate? A total of recently published 1937 list of their cooperation with the board's half-acre site one* sunny (it is 2.3 per cent knew that the event salaries from a corporation placed Army and Navy Committee, The hoped) day in the'middle of May was the 150th anniversary of the Louiee B. at the top . . . figure delegates'rose in tribute to Judge to open the doors of the Jewish inauguration of President George disclosed $1,296,503. But the fol- Irving Lehman, president of the low-up story is that in the same Palestine Pavilion. Washington in New York. New year he paid $1,108,352 in fed-board, and Dr. Cyrus Adler, chairman of the Army and Navy ComWhen you get to the fair—and Yorkers may have forgotten, but eral and state income taxes. Thus mittee, and in memory, of Suh the Union of Orthodox Jewish! his net was $188 151 of course you're coming—you'll preme Court Justice, Benjamin : fl»d the Palestine pavilion on John Congregations hasn't. N. Cardozo. Jay Street, surrounded by 20,000 The Union has "arranged a Current events cast their shad- . Frederiek.L. Enrman was electsquare feet of landscaping. Yon large scale observance to revive jOws even on the Indians. No ed treasurer to succeed Benjamin will see a building conceived in "in the hearts of the people in- longer can they raise their right J. Buttenwieser. Other officera, the Mediterranean tradition, con- terest in the life and character of arm in traditional greeting . . . who were re-elected, are Judge sisting of a main: building with our first President and in the at least not in camera epics. Lehman, president; Jacob M. two wings, centering about a fundamental; principles u p o n That's the identical gesture of a Loeb, M. C. Sloss and Mrs. Felix flagged courtyard. The ten halls the American Republic was j racist salute. Which recalls . . . M. Warburg, vice-presidsnts; and o; the pavilion try their darndest founded. d There will be nationnation'i the swastika too is an ancient i In- Joseph Rosenzweig. secretary. to pack in every phase of modern wide synagogues services devoted dian isign. formerly used in de- Elected :to the executive commitJewish life in the Holy Land. ; to Washington on May 27, chil- sign. Who knows? . . . maybe tne tee were Secretary of Treasury, Transformation V dren's services on May 28, a con-r Hell! is just a metamorphosed Henry Morgenthau Jr., Coi. Jttlins Oehs Adler, Fred Butzel, Harry After the Memorial Hall, which cert of the Jewish Ministers' and How! • FUchel, Clarence E. - Unterberg, features a historical exhibit and Cantors' Association at the TemCharles Morris, Dr. Adler, Harry a. , plaqae dedicated to the menple of Religion on May 29 and It seems that in London, dictaaad women who gave their lives memorial services for Washing- tors arenvt to be laughed at. A i J- Applesteln, Harry Lesser,, Mifor the homeland, you enter the ton on May 30. A Cinner in a song satire on Hitler was withHall of Transformation, depicting New York hotel is also planned. drawn from a musical show by j Room for rent—in private The special events division of official disapproval. Chaplin can ! •the changes wrought by the With or -without pioneers who drained swamps and the World's Fair has not forgot- take it as a gentle hint that a borne. board. Garage. K o s h e r irrigated deserts. Successively, ten the Jews "Jewish Day" has j government ban will probably ex- housekeeping. 14O N. 34th. you will gape at the Hall of Agri- been scheduled for June 26, ( elude the "Dictators" ---. if there HA 4 5 3 5 . cultural and Resettlement, por- which will be devoted largely to are any by that time. traying the return of Jews to the the Palestine Pavilion. In addi•Oil; the Hall of Town Planning, tion, a number of Jewish organiCinema Snips: Bubbles Schrnwith its presentation of the zations have gotten themselves asl (the now Mrs. Wayne Morris) Wanted Jewrisfc -w o m » n closely. Let your Ford dealer point oni it« lOU*LL find the kind of economy you need in of Palestinian cities; the listed for special days, to -wit:is being screen-tested. The "Street cook for old -people's korna. g Box 2 1 2 . Jewish Prc**. Long Island Women's Auxiliary, • Singer" . . . remember Arthur many fine mechanical features. Notice the Hall of Culture and Education, the Ford V-8 Commercial Car. These units are showing the modern school sys- Hebrew Kindergarten and Infants' Home, May 2; "Women's extra high quality of body work. Get the facts lrailt with the same rugged dependability as tem and emphasizing the fevival •pi Hebrew culture; the Hall of League of the United Synagogue about the improved 85 and 60 horsepower \ -8 their "big brothers"—the Ford V-8 Trucks. Health, where the earnest ladies of America, May 4; New , York engines that are available in the Ford Commerof Hadassah will show you howGuild for the Jewish Blind. May They've got what it takes to go places quickly, disease ie fought; the Hall of IS; B'nai B'rith District Grand cial Car. And arrange for an actual "on-the-job" deliver big loads, and still keep operating and Labor and Social Forms and the Lodge No. 1, May 10; Federation Gallery of Arts and Crafts. Jewish Women's Organizations, I test. Prove Ford economy in your business maintenance costs down. That's Ford economy The final sight is the dioramic May 17; Brooklyn Jewish Samar- ! 'S. itans, June 3; National Council of before spending another commercial car dollar. exhibition of "The Holy Land of —more work, in lees time, at lower cost. Yesterday and Tomorrow." which JewiBh "Women, July 12; Jewish is something to behold: You will War Veterans ol the United And the Ford V-8 Commercial Car gives yon look at a scene of yesterday. Sud- States, August 3. 1939 FORD V - 8 COMMERCIAL CAR FEATURES Aside from the World's Fair denly it will disappear before something else. It has the clean, modern lines ;our very eyes, and in its place proper, most every Jewish organi- i Clmfcc « f imprvrm4 «5 a r imprsvW * 0 4 i p . V-S *ii«in» • N e w that represent yon and your business as being yon will see a model of the same- zation in creation will be holding hydraulic brakes * • ! » +t> F»rrf standards • * safety • N e w . spot today. The sprawling village its convention in New York this t y p e piste* rings for improved eil •eenemy •> imprvvmil Mmmh up-to-the-minute. These delivery units are of Haifa will turn Into the K^eat Summer. The World Federation w t r H s i l w t elsitcb • Worm mmi roller steerinf « Thre*^ of Polish Jews Abroad has anseaport. Sand dunes on the Medgood advertisements to send out on the road. sjiartei: t o a t i e g r e a r cade • ?;H!J tt>r<st)f>4i,,h(- «n<§ r«iiins-r«>«B iterranean will blossom into the nounced plans for its biennial ses;
Since Palestine Rebellion Began
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DAVID BLACKER Business and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN ..." • Editor RABBI FREDERICK COHN • Contributing Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS Book Editor ANN PILL • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
having its effects on the physical being of the Jewish children, and their minds and outlooks are being twisted by the unwholesome environment in which they live. Unless they are removed from this atmosphere, they will grow into neurotic, deranged adults who will constitute an even greater problem. By limiting the entrance age to 14, no competition is being thrown on the American labor market. On the contrary 20,000 persons will be added to the consuming public. , Instead of funds being sent to Germany, they will be used here. The very act of admitting these children should bring a blessing upon the American public. "~ • ' ;. Twenty thousand is not a considerable number, not very much more than the German quota. It is hoped their residency will only be temporary, that within the ensuing years improved conditions in Germany will permit the return of the children to their homes. • . A large fund is being underwritten to provide for any child that should become a public charge so that the American public will never be forced to contribute one cent unwillingly. Already, the sponsors of the bill report, several thousand persons have offered homes. . • ; . ; ;; .,•• Opposition to the bill comes from rthe very pro-German, quasi-Fascist groups who haVe.not forgotten the reports in the press at the time the Refugee children came to EhglanS. The children, well-behaved, penniless, have been the most eloquent anti-Nazi propaganda brought to the attention of the public. There is little we can do for the older people of Germany. Because of world, conditions, it would be most difficult to find new homes for them. To the children of Germany, starved in the days of the war and the afterward, maltreated by the Hitler government, the world has solemn obligation.
Common Ground
Golden Spike Days
The Children
"Drink of Your Own Waters and Live"
By Or, PhOip Sh«r
This is an imposing and scholarly study completed by Dr. H. G. Enelow of Temple Emanuel a few years prior to his death. Dr. Enelow was preeminently the scholar, the Jewish preacher who based his message not on the -..-.• Despite international crises, carnivals, philanthropic camvagaries of the moment but on paigns, 'et al,' Omaha still finds the need of being alertly interthe enduring anfi noble qualities of the Jewish tradition. His ested in its triennial city elections. The primary of a few weeks preaching left his intelligent hearpast and the election which is to come have had a unique imers not only aroused, but informed and enlightened. We are portance to the Jewish community of Omaha. Not merely is greatly indebted to him for his this so because a member of the Jewish community, Harry many contributions to Jewisth scholarship and learning. His Trustin, the incumbent commissioner of Public Works, polled editorial labors on this unique the- largest number of votes in the primary. But by this welland characteristically J e w i s h work constitutes a fitting crown deserved showing, truth has been given to the oft-repeated for a' life of devotion to Judaism statement that the region in which we live is a little island of and of consecrated service to his people. . social responsibility, fortunately as yet untouched by the unDr.. Enelow's Interest In this, wholesome currents of bigotry abroad even in the eastern and significant work began as a urban centers of our own country. youth,, in the course of reading "The Beginning of Wisdom" by • Mr. Trustin's re-nomination was more than just, a tribute Elijah di Vidas. He noted the to his personal discharge of duty during the past three years striking resemblances of this work to the Menorat by Al-Nakaof the current administration. It was a beautiful testimonial wa. Further study confirmed his to the triumphant victory of American idealism. No one doubtsuspicion that the similarities were due to the fact that the first ed for a moment but that he would easily be renominated, but work was based upon the second.. "The Commonweal," leading Catholic publication, has done to some, at least, there was an element of surprise in the extent The original and the one that yeoman work in the fight against anti-Semitism and has lent served as a copy for later auth-' of his triumph. • ors was that of Al-Nakawa. • Without personal publicity derived from a dramatic in- its efforts to prevent its spread among Boman Catholics. Al- Israel ibn Al-Nakawa wrote terpretation of official duties, Mr. Trustin has won the confi- most alone of Catholic publications has it called the lie of this .treatise to r e m e d y the impoverishment of his dence of the local electorate. His two terms in office have been Father Cbughlin and his ilk. Moreover by its efforts "The "spiritual day," aggravated by tragedies for characterized by a steadfastness of endeavor, and the public Commonweal" has demonstrated the one good lesson that may which the ordeal of Germany alone offers any parallel. come out of the present debacle. Persons who never gave much Jewry has reacted to his merits as a commissioner. Under Alfonso, the 11th (132550), and under his successor, Other city officials have attracted more lineage itt the thought to the reasons of anti-Semitism are pondering the ques- Don Pedro, Spanish Jewry enjoytion and realize the utter depravity of the anti-Semitic mind. newspapers; others have sought the headlines or been sought ed an era of great prosperity and In its April 21 issue "The Commonweal" continues its security. The defeat of Don Peby them. Most of the publicity given Mr. Trustin has been for dro in 1369 marked the beginworthwhile outside activities—the Jewish Philanthropies, the service by the publication of an unusual article called "The ning of those horrible misforCrime of Anti-Semitism." Its uniqueness arises from the fact tunes which reached their culAmerican Legion, the Reserve Officers club. ;.«.-• mination In 1492, in the expulNor has Mr. Trustin deemed it necessary to disassociate that its author is Nicholas A. Berdyaeff, the leading Theologian sion from Spain. In the intervening years there was great himself from purely Jewish activities for what a person of-less of the Greek Orthodox church. The Greek Orthodox church in indescrible tragedy. stature might consider 'obvious political reasons.' On the con- Russia—and Dr. Berdyaeff is himself a Russian emigre—was The. author himself died for trary during his two terms as city commissioner, he has been the center of Russian anti-Semitic agitation, sometimes merely hi» faith, in 1391 at Toledo. Behe suffered martyrdom, he more than ever a recognized and responsible leader of the com- giving clerical blessing to the slaughter of innocents, other fore achieved one of the primary objectives of his life, to write a times originating pogroms. \ munity. book for the' guidance of his genOne realizes how many died tragically and uselessly when eration, It should be a matter of pride to local Jewry that one of a volume which the people would easily understand, and its members can run for office on a record that has won public Dr.. Berdyaeff dismisses as unworthy of discussion the charge one which save the requirements trust and confidence, and receive the response that the cham- that the Jews were responsible for the Community revolution 'of Jewish law and practice in simple terms. Increasing ignorpions of Democracy claim Bhould always be the response to un- and the consequent outlawery of the Russian church. ance moved the author to comHis entire approach to the subject is interesting, showing pose this "Lamp of Illuminaselfish public service. ' The final urge, the authIt is also a matter of deep satisfaction to us that we live an amazing knowledge of Jewish history and present day Jew- tion." or confesses to have received in in a community that has learned to judge a man on his merits ish thought.- Though he speaks as one interested in evangeliz- a dream, which admonished him to foresake his laziness and to and remains free from the atmosphere of mistrust and hatred ing his creed, nevertheless the article is Addressed to Christians bajttir himself, in a courageous ! generated in some quarters of the world. THE JEWISH PRESS and to them he appeals for sympathetic ^understanding,^^ , '' way in behalf of his people and To find the leaders of every type of Christian thought the Torah. does not presume to electioneer, but it cannot refrain from reThe .work is divided' Into 20 aligning themselves against the forces of anti-Semitism is truly chapters ferring to one victor whom others well might emulate. which are devoted to the the light that breaks through the sordidness of the world scene. following subjects 1. Charity; 2, Prayer; 3, Repentance; 4, Humility; 5, -Fixed Hours of Study; 6, the Commandments and Their Fulfillment; 7, Acts of Mercy; 8, A momentary return to the days long past has not; only the Observance of Sabbath and By RABBI OAKL OASTLE given us a fleeting glimpse of the Omaha of seventy years Holy-Days; 9, the Honoring of of Congregation, B'nai Rochel, Chicago Parents;" 10, Marriage; 11, the •ago, but the "Golden Spike days" with the accompanying spirit The Talmud says: "Rabbi Simon son of Lakish said, He Education of Children; 12, Upoil carnival has been a most welcome diversion at this time of Conduct in Business; 13, who drinks water which was loaned has himself to blame for right the Proper Administration of Jusexceptional emotional strain and stress. tice; 14, Contentment; 15, Equ' We are apt, in our haste to recapture the frontier spirit, the loss of his life." The saying is a little obscure superficial- animity (or, Refraining from to overlook the accomplishment of that other generation, for ly. Upon a little reflection a profound truth has been uttered. Anger),; 16, Avoidance of Flatand Deception; 17. Love of we in Omaha take the Union Pacific and the transcontinental "Water" is very often used symbolically for Torah wisdom or tery Comrades and Their Considerate railroad for granted. So important is it to our well-being that Hebrew culture. Just as the body needs water so does the.soul Treatment: 18. Cleanness of 19, Keeping a Friend's it is impossible to imagine an Omaha without the Union Pacific o£ jnaa thirst for knowledge. The- Jewish, soul, too, needs Speech; Secret; 20, Good Manners - tor, quench its thirst but it cannot drink any other water than its General Good Conduct). —and without it there .would have been no Omaha. Dr. Enelow not only edited the '""'' ' Tears of agitation and discouragement; years of financial own and live. That is, the Jewish soul cannot remain Jewish treatise using the only original difficulties; years of heart-breaking, back-breaking toil—they and feel itself a part of the great chain of the Jewish people manuscript in existence at the Oxford Bodleian library, but he axe the constituent elements of the railroad construction. The and its past txnless it drinks water from its own living wells wrote scholarly, fascinating and \ comprehensive introductions to laying of the tracks from here westward was an heroic ac- of culture. * each of the four volumes, into It is impossible for a Jew to have an honest pride in being which complishment, certainly more wonderful and more beneficial he divides this large work, a Jew unless he knows the literature and history of his people. introduction -which gives a clear tljan the greatest battles of a Napoleon. and vivid account of hte ImmenseBecause of the vision and perseverance of a few men, the By reading the Bible, Talmud, Jewish History, Jewish Phil- ly rich and interesting contents. Union Pacific was completed, a tangible tribute to decades of osophy, and the Midrash, he first begins to know the Jewish The several introductions cona magnificent summary of struggle. It is to the credit of the Union Pacific that unlike soul and feels a dose kinship with our great and immortal an- stitute the central themes of the treatise, many other American roads it has not ceased to look forward. cestors. His Jewish soul becomes strong and the longing of and it would be a genuine service scholarship if these could be It still retains the pioneering spirit as shown by its' labor rela- his heart to find some meaning in the existence or even 'persecu- to combined into one volume. In tions and its modern equipment. All this is what Omaha cele- tion of the Jew, is satisfied. It is very sad that many Jews them Dr. Enelow points out the spiritual qualities of this great brates, for the Union Pacific has embodied the traits jpf pur fail to realize-the importance of Jewish culture to their well work, and the high ethical charo£ the injunctions, prepioneer ancestors and has kept them alive. being and happiness. Jews have not lost the desire for culture acter cepts, and admonitions of Alin general. They have drunk deeply of the water of alien Nakawa — and, of course, of tradition which he sought cisterns, but not of their own. Many Jews unfortunately like Jewish to interpret and magnify. The make fascinating Hearings are now being held on the bill to permit the entry to deceive themselves in thinking that if they could only prove introductions reading and clarify many controto the non-Jew that they are not different from him, culturally versial and often misunderstood of 20,000 German refugee children into this country. A more and in other ways, he will not be hated. Alas, how shocked Jewish concepts. It would be unhumane measure could hardly be imagined, for the treatment pardonable to -fail to call attenhe was to learn the truth. tion to the notes at the bottom of the Jewish and so-called non-Aryan children of Germany Since we. live in the Galut we must possess two cultures of each page indicating the constitutes one of the blackest spots on the history of our sosources of the quotations found called civilization. The most brutal tyrants of the past never in order to survive and be happy, the culture of the land we in the text, a tribute to the ediamazing erudition. devised so horrible measures as those the Nazis have inflicted live in and our own. The Japanese have learned that truth, too. tor's The introduction to volume one Japanese leaders recognized that if they wanted to maintain upon mere babes. • deals with the question of authorThe editor proves the priPersons of divergent views have announced their inten- their independence as an Oriental people and command respect, ship. macy o£ Israel Al-Nakawa's work, they must learn the technique of Western mechanical civilizations of supporting the proposed law which will bring in the which others have used almost verbatim, and without acknowlchildren over the period of two years. Leaders in the move- tJon. Hundreds of Japanese students could be found in all of edgement. The second volume the important universities of Western Europe and America. ment have been the Society of Friends, the Quakers of history, contains the author's large and chapter on "Prayer. ' who having known inhumane persecution have always been in They have brought home with them Western scientific culture. magnificent Dr. Enelow gives a vivid account the forefront of every movement to alleviate the suffering of We have today a modern and up-to-date Japan. But, Japan of the place of prayer in the synaand its gradual evolution mankind. Former President Herbert Hoover, himself a Friend, has retained its ancient culture. After all it is tlie culture of gogue, in post-exilic and Gaonic days. has signified his approval of the movement. Senator Capper a people that keeps up its historical .continuity. The detailed analysis of this large The JewB having neglected their own culture for two gen- and significant chapter is exceedof Kansas, a member of the committee holding the hearings, ingly Illuminating. Al-Nakawa's in a message broadcast from Topeka, stated his support. Helen erations, have commited cultural suicide. They are bewildered sources are also discussed and is his indebtedness notHayes, the actress, appeared before the committee. Our local and confused and their spirit is broken because they drank of especially ed to the Zohar, which is reborrowed waters and forgot who they are. Rabbi Simon son press, the "Omaha World-Herald," has editorially taken its ferred to throughout as Midrash Or." of IiaMsb. said, "He who drinks of borrowed water has himself "Yehi stand behind the proposal. The author never satisfies him^What the Non-Aryan children of Germany endure has to blame for the loss of his life." self with merely stating the laws and requirements. "He invariably been graphically described by Dorothy Thompson, herself a to stopping immigration, stamp- adds interesting material from Hew Members ing out isms, deporting undesir- the Midrash, the Talmud, etc., to proponent of the measure. Raised in an atmosphere of terror, Washington (JTA) — Senator able aliens, registering and fing- elucidate, inform and enlighten. they are subjected to humiliation at the hands of not only their Robert R. Reynolds Dem., N. er-printing all aliens nad keeping These embellishments are exschoolmates but their teachers. They are pointed out as objects C.) claims 60,000 members to America out of -war. Membership ceedingly valuable. The discusdate in his organization, "The dues are $1 annually, he said, and sions of the prayers to be recited of hate. The .poverty inflicted on the Jewish community is Vindicators," which is dedicated the organization is non-sectarian. on the 9th of Ab, is preceded by
The Coming Election
Gems of the Bible and Talmud
BIBLE Many will entreat the favour the liberal man, and every man many interesting stories dealing of is a friend to him that giveth with the destruction of the Tem- gifts. ple, found in the Talmud and All the brethren of the poor elsewhere. The author elaborates a popular myth concerning Abra- do hate him. How much more ham's encounter with the Deity, do his friends keep far waay from when he vigorously protests | him. against the outrageous persecu-1 The lust of a man is his shame, tion of the Jews. The witnesses and it is better to be a poor man the Deity calls to establish the than a liar. Cease my son to hear the inwickedness and the' sinfulness uf the people, are challenged and struction that causeth to err from put to confusion. This narrative the words of. knowledge. TALMUD taken from an old source, not only tells a popular and moving We are taught in the Mishnah: story but also casts much light "These are the things of which a upon the. fearful suffering which man enjoys the interest for his the people endured during the reward in this world, while the lifetime of Al-Nakawa. This tale' principal remaiheth for the world is succeeded by numerous others founfl in the Talmud and Midrash touching the disasters that overtook Israel in and around 70 A. D .
to come—honoring his father and mother, the practice of loving kindness, making peace between man and his associates, and, above all, the study of tho Torah." Our Rabbis taught: "He who judges his associates (in questionable acts) with an inclination in his favor, will be judged with favor (from above). We are taught that Rabbi Gamaliel the great said: "What ia meant by the passage (Deu. 13.18)—And He will grant thee mercy, and will have mercy upon thee. It means to imply that whoever has mercy upon creature* will be granted mercy from Heaven but whoever has not mercy upon creatures will not be granted mercy from Heaven." Rabbi Jochanan said!" "The hearts of the first sages were as broad as the grate of the Ulam, and that of the later sages werq as broad as the gate of the Heichal, but our hearts are as narrow as the eye of a very fine needle.'*
The third volume contains six chapters, beginning with "Repentance," and concluding with "The Manner of Observance of the Sabbath and Holidays." Dr. Enelow'S introduction is a philosophical statement of the intimate relationship of religion and ethics, a 1 relationship emphatically indicated in the Bible and confirmed throughout Jewish literature. Tb*i ethical precepts the author, bojfrows in the main from the- classic 'of the mystics, the Zohar. . T h e comprehensive analysis of- the contents of these chapters: is masterful. The fourth and last volume includes 12 chapters, nine to 20, and the general theme of these is social morality. The editor's introduction is a splendid survey of Jewish teaching concerning this all important subject and, as in previous instances, is a remarkable summary. It is significant that the final chapter is "Derek Eres." "Good Manners" or "Rules of Good Behavious." Without the latter, one's religion is woefully incomplete. Dr. Enelow has performed a lasting service to Jewish thought and scholarship in placing before us this unique treatise of Menorat HaCoar. Many hours of rare spiritual -delight await the earnest reader. The set is obtainable from the Jewish Publication ^Society of America at a •very nominal price, and those who will make the investment will be amply repaid.
It's aValue Triumph! The Nebraska's thousands of Men's Jw9 Young; Men's Three V. V. V. Feature Values present a new era in clothes selling. Be sure and see this store within a store devoted to
The Nebraska's Three V.V.V.
One and Two Pants
Community Calendar FROM APRIL 30 TO MAY 5 Sunday, April 30. Girl. Scouts, 2 p. m., room M, Jewish Community Center. Aviva club, 2:30 P. m., club room, Jewish Community Center. \A- Z. A. NO. 1-, 3 p. m-. G and H,r lewisa- Community Center. .-•-•' Ndar society, 3 p. m., room N, Jewish Community Center. Monday, May 1. B'nai B'rith, 8 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. Workmen's Loan association, S p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. J Orchestra, 8 p. m., K and L, Jewish Community Center. Tuesday, May 2. Round Table supper, 6 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Center. Choir rehearsal, 8 p. m., K and L, Jewish Community Center. Wednesday, May 8. Senior Hadassah luncheon, 12 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community .Center. Bureau of Jewish Education, S p. m., lounge, Jewish Community Qenter.; International Workers' Order, 8 p. m.. C and D, Jewish Community Center. Thursday, May 4. Choir rehearsal, 8 p. m.,-K and L, Jewish Community Center. Friday, May 5. Jewish National Fund Council dessert-luncheon, 1 p. m., lofl^e room, Jewish Community Center. Dancing class, 3:45 p. m., C and D, Jewish Community Ceater. ' .
Values Plus Vast Variety^
Beth £1
At services this evening Rabbi David A. Goldstein will base his sermon on Nora Wain's recent book, "Reaching for the Stars." Herman Stauber and Arthur Cohen will begin the celebration of their Bar Mitzvah by chanting Kiddush at services. Saturday morning services will begin at 9:45. Arthur Cohen and Herman Stauber will lead the service. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohen invite their friends to attend the service and to partake of the Ktddush. afterwards in honor Of their son's Bar Mitzvah. Next Week Next week the Beth El Synagogue will join with the Temple in the annual service held in honor of high school graduates. The service will take place at Temple Israel.
The Nebraska's Three V. V. V.'s bring to yen wonderfully attractive new single and dou. ble-breasted suits. New fabric effects new patterns and colorings. Yes, it's Extra Value plus Vast Variety j n this- msn'cloui showing of new spring clothes.
Temple At services this evening Rabbi David K. Wice will speak on "The Ethics of the Fathers."
Churches Aid Stockholm (JTA) — The Congress of the Free Churches adopted a resolution on the refugee problem urging members to be conscious of t'aeir Christian responsibility and to consider the interests of other people as well as their own. The meeting was attended by a German representative and the King's brother, Oscar Bernadotte.
n . - * • '
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Page 5
was the drawing on the award of the trip to New York. First prize of a round trip ticket to New York first class or $100 in cash was won by Mrs. Jake Rosen, j The second prize of a round trip ticket to New York tourist class or $50 in cash was won by Mrs. Mrs. Harry Trnstin will be on Dave Sherman. the committee of hostesses at the card party to be given on WedThe program -which, had been nesday, May 3, at 2 o'clock at the arranged by Mrs. A, D. Frank GOIJDBERG-GIYENTER SLrSKY-FEIiliMAJC Central Club by the wives of the Mrs. Meyer Giventer announces Mrs. Harry Fellman announces was introduced by Mrs. Phineas City Commissioners. the marriage, of her- daughter, the marriage of her daughter, Wintroub. Mrs. M. F. Levenson An invitation has been extendSylvia, to Mr. Abe Goldberg c£ Ana, to Abe Slusky. The mar- spoke on the Jewish National ed to all women of the city to Hollywood. The marriage lines riage took place in St. Joseph, Fund National convention which make up tables for the affair. Ta•were read last Tuesday in the Missouri, on April 20. Rabbi Lev- was held recently in Chicago. A report on Theodore Herzl was ble and doors prizes -will be presence of only the immediate in performed the ceremony. awarded and refreshments are to The couple will be at home in given by Mrs. J. Kahz and Mrs. families. . be served. '••-• After a -wedding trip to Mexico, | Omaha after a three week motor Phil Katz. Hostesses for the tea were Mrs. the couple will reside in Holly-" rip to New York. Harry Crounse, Mrs. Simon Gorewood. lick, Mrs. William Raduziner, Mrs. Max Givot, Mrs. M. D. BrodENGAGEMENT ANNOtJNCED tey, Mrs. M. M. Barish, Mrs. Ben Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jacobow anBrodkey, Mrs. Julius Stein, Mrs. Sigma Omicron held a most im.- nounce the engagement of their I. Berkowitz, Mrs. Meyer Beber, pressive formal initiation at the ; daughter, Bernice, to Mr. Rudy dresses in celebration Mrs. Aaron Rips, Mrs. Albert chapter house Saturday.-April 22. v Pidgeon of Des Moines.son of Mr. of Crinoline •; Union Pacific Golden Spike Newman, Mrs. Charles Ross, Mrs. A large number of alumni attendr and "Mrs. Sam Pidgeon of Des days featured the Hadassah April J. J. Greenberg and Mrs. J. Ploted the ritual. \ Moines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam meeting Wednesday at the Cen- kin. The serving was arranged Sigma Omicron is proud to anter when the drawing of the trip Pidgeon. . Joseph Soshnik by. Mrs. E. A. Meyer and Mrs. I. nounce the following men who to New York was held followed W. Rosenblatt. Mrs. Reuben BorKo wedding date has as yet Joseph Soshnik, a student at were initiated into active mema tea and a program in honor dy presided at the tea table. teen, chosen. . .' . ' '•. • • by Creighton University, was Judged bership: Stanley Mayper, Omaha. of Herzl's birthday. ' Jewish National Fund the most able debater in the Mis- Melvin Tannenbaum. Omaha, Phil Among other important events BENEFIT BRIDGE HOSTESS A dessert-lunch will be held at siouri Valley forensic tournament Bordy, Silver Creek, Max ProsMrs. Rose Abrams will be host- of the afternoon was the choos- 1 p. m. Friday, May 5, at the J. April 14 and 15 at Boulder, tak. Omaha. Norman Green, Noress at a benefit bridge to be given ng of May 16th as the date for C. C. Mrs. I. Dansky is chair- held folk, Morton Margolin, Omaha. Colorado. at lier home,-the Hudson apart- the Donor Luncheon. Each year man for the J. N. F. council and and Ben Novicoff, Lincoln. FolSoshnik won over debaters from ments, 207 South Twenty-sixth Hadassah honors members of the Mrs. Reuben Bordy, Mrs. I. Rub- seven other universities. He also lowing the ceremony, a banquet avenue, Apt. 5, on Tuesday, Mny organization who have raised or nitz are in charge for Hadassah. was recently elected vice-presi- was held at the chanter house In given ?5 Or more for the benefit Mrs. I. Dansky and the commitsecond. dent of the Pi Lambda Phi fra- honor of the new initiates. This will be in the form of a of the Hadassah Medical organi- tee will be hostesses to the work- ternity. Ray Brown. Kansas City, last 1 o'clock dessert-luncheon and is zation. Youth Aliyah or Child ers during the luncheon. Sunday was initiated into Pi Epbeing; given for the "Women's Welfare. A record turn eut of drive itself will open May silon Delta. National Collegiate over 300 women is expected for 7. The Mizrachi organization. workers are to get in Players Society. Ray was elected the luncheon Which will be under touchAllwith to membership, as a result of his the direction of Mrs. M. M. Barish WA 5656. Mrs. Reuben Bordy, HERE FROM COAST outstanding work In dramatics Mrs. Julius Stein. Mrs. Leon The annual Mother-Daughter Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Finkenstein and Gift Fund chairman, Mrs. Tea will he held Sunday, Slay with the "University Players. A Greatz will have charge of pre- M.The of Los Angeles arrived Monday paring F. Levenson, is receiving orbreakfast preceded the Initiation. the luncheon. at the Paxton Hotel. lor an extended visit with reladers now for the Mother's Day 14th Sigma Omicron is making plans Reports Arrangements are ia charge of tives and friends. -Both are well Tree Certificates. No finer way for its annual Mothers* Day celeknown here, Mr. Finkenstein beDuring the . meeting reports can be had of honoring- mothers. Helen Castleman, chairman and bration to be held at the chapter ing a former Omahan. weregiven by the following chair- A tree is planted in Palestine in Evelyn Green, co-chairman, and house May 14. At this time, parMr- and Mrs. Joseph Batt will men: Mrs. Milton Mayper on the mothers' name and remains the folowing committee: Beth ents, relatives, and friends of Sig•receive at home in their honor Child Welfare requested names there a permanent growing thing. Seva Cherniss, Harriet Wolsky, ma Omicron members visit the on Sunday, April 30, from- 3 to of those having Hadassah Milk Additional information can be Ethel Kelberg, Bess Blank, Flor- chapter house. The purpose of the 5 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. m. IJags; Mrs. B. A. Simon, financial had by calling the chairman, WA ence Greenstone, Charlotte Mayer, occasion is not only to bring toDoris Friedman, -Lillian FleishNo invitations are being issued. chairman, gave a report of 414 0850. gether closely associated ones but man, and Mary Garf inkle. paid-up members to date, al• Kansas City Conference to make known the "purpose and though the Hadassah list is over The April meeting was held at COUSINS ClitJB Many Hadassah members win accomplishments of Sigma Alpha The Cousins Club will meet on 600; Mrs. M. M. Barish, medical be leaving this week-end to at- the Girl Scout House, and the Mufund chairman, gave a complete program was in charge of Troop Wednesday, May 3, at the home tend the 15th annual conference of Mrs. Ed Simon, 3101 Charles report of the rummage sales -stat- of the Southwestern Region of 4, sponsored by Junior Council. Chesed Shel Ernes ing that bundles will be picked Hadassah being held in Kansas Janet Graetz is troop leader. up as the State Furniture com- City Monday and Tuesday, May A regular meeting of the ChesThe nominating committe prepany •will keep merchandise for sented the slate for the next elec- ed Shel Ernes Society will be held ANNOUNCE BIRTH Hadassah in their store Toom; 1 and 2. of officers which will be held on Monday. May 1 at 2 p. m. at Mr. and-Mrs. Philip Klutznick Mrs. Jnlius Stein gave a report The convention which takes tion at the May meeting. The slate is the Funeral Home; 1912 Coming Announce the birth of' a son on on Youth Aliyah; Mrs. M. F. Lev- place in the Muelbach hotel will as follows: President, Sylvia street. Wednesday, April 19, at the Im- enson read the list of donors for have as its guest of honor. Mrs. Weiner; first vice-president, Special reports are to be Tead. Tobmanuel 'hospital. the Gift Fund; Mrs. Reuben Bor- David de Sola Pool, national vice- ye Herzberg; second vice-presi- As this is to be * very Important dy talked about the Jewish Na- president." Helen Castelman; recording meeting all members of the orMr. and Mrs. Herman C. Babich tional Fund Drive; Mrs. Louis AlOmaha members who expect to dent, to atsecretary, Evelyn Kaiman; cor- ganization have been urged : of Los Angeles, announce the berts reported on Infant Welfare; attend the convention are retend. +\*<mM responding secretary, M a r 4 on birth, of a daughter, Carol Sandra, Mrs. J. H. Kulkofsky reported on quested to get in touch -with Mrs. Strauss; treasurer, Ruth Goldon April 22. the Educational Activities; Mrs Morris M. Franklin, GL 2857. stein; reporter, Belle Green; par- ed from the floor at the meeting. Mrs. Babich was formerly Sar- Sam Rosenberg gave a report for When Holland ceded Cayenne liamentarian, Janet Graetz; audRita .Mantel was chairman of the Nominating Committee, and ah Baum of Omaha. Harriett Wolsky; board the nominating committee. AsMrs. M. F. Levenson. spoke about to the French, it was stipulated itor, the Jews who Would leave were members. Rose Kaplan, Rose sisting her w e r e Geraldine the World Congress. JOSLTN MEMORIAL Strauss, Celia Richards, Rae Spar to be reimbursed lor expenses in-" Mayerowich, Lillian Keiser. At 2:30 in the Concert Hall of Other nominees will be accept- and Eve Nichols. -, • . The feature of the afternoon enrred. • the Joslyn memorial the Peru Singers -under the direction of "Professor G. H. steck will give a concert. In the Lecture Hall at 2:30 there will be three sound films.on "Rock and Ice;" "Alpine Gardens," and "Beautiful Tyrol." Miss Belle Ryan will speak at 3:30 in. the Lecture Hall oa "Random Notes on Elementary Education. An. Organ recital -will ^_ *De given at 4 o'clock in the Con% cert Hall by Mr. Martin W. Bush. • Assisting him-will be the Wayne High School a cappella choir.
Debate Winner
Card Party WU1 Be Given by Wives of City Commissioners
Sigma Alpha Mu
Junior Council *
The spring collections of Jewish National Fund boxes will start on May 7. Mrs. I. Dansky is chairman of the box collections and is urging every box holder to fill his or her box. The Jewish People need land. There is plenty of land to buy. All that stands between us and the land is money." The committee in charge will entertain workers at a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon to be held at the Jewish Community Center, next Friday, May 5.
Women's "btizrachi Plans are being made by the Women's Mizrachi for the benefit bridge to be given on Wednesday, May ^17, in the form of a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon. Mrs. M. Brodkey and Mrs. So-' phle Rothkop are chairmen of the committee arranging for the affair. , The proceeds of the bridge will be nsed to purchase linens for the two Beth Zeiroth Girl Schools maintained in Palestine by the Women's Mizrachi organization. Because of the influx of the refugees these two institutions have felt a strain on their resources and plans are going forward for a third school.
Sigma Delta Tau At the annual Honor's Convocation held last week in the university's coliseum, Josephine Rnbnitz, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, Omaha, was among those few students who received certificates of superior scholarship for being in the upper three per cent of their senior class. At that same time it was made known that Sara Miller, Pauline Schwartz, and Selma Zveitel were in the upper ten per cent of their junior class. Selma Hill was recently elected treasurer of Theta Sigma Phi, journalism honorary; Josephine Rubnitz is the out-going treasurer of this organization. Selma, as president of Tassels, honorary pep organization for girls, is in charge of the initiation banquet which is scheduled for next week. She was also in charge of the benefit bridge party given last week by Y. W. C. "A. Sigma Alpha Iota, honorary and professional music sorority, just pledged Miriam Rubnitz to their organization; and last Sunday afternoon Miriam was. initiated into Vestals of the Lamp, Arts and Science honorary. Jane Goetz has been arranging music which she will play as a accompanist for the annual Orchesls recital, honorary modern dance society. As a member of the Graduate School's Social Worker's organization, Mary Arbitman has
Alpha Theta has added anoth:er Whoopee Days week end to its list of successful affairs. Thirtyfive guests came from Nebraska, Iowa, Missonri, South Dakota,and Colorado to participate in. the. festivities. The highlight of the week end was the formal dinner-dance'given on Saturday night, the latter part - of which was open to the campus attended by some 300 campus socialities who were given special bids to the dance. It -was generally accepted by most o£ those attending to be one of the best parties of the year. Irv. Kuklin, veteran varsity Ietterman in tennis, brought Nebraska University from behind with his stellar playing to give them a tie with Kansas State University on/April 23rd. He was the only p y e r on the Nebraska team to win both his singles and doubles matches. Irv was also recently appointed chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements for the N Club annual picnic.
contributed an article to their monthly bulletin. Last Wednesday night Slgm* Delta Tau had as their dinner guests, the parents or their Lincoln members: they were, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill and daughter, Ghet*. ta, and Mr. and Mrs. P. Byron, On next Thursday, Theta chapter has invited all of the JewiBh grad*. uate students, assistants and instructors for dinner.
Deborah Society Members of the Deborah Society will hold their regular meeting: on Tuesday, May 9. at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. J. Goldware is president and Mrs. C. S. Ross, secretary, of the society.
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The regular meeting of the Ladles Free Loan Society will be held oa Wednesday, May 3, at 2 p . i n . at the Jewish. Community Center. A report of the drawing and banquet Is i.o be given at this time.^ All members of the organization have been asked to be present.
Whether you lite icdlorea" rayon c r e p e s or lighthearted cottons and sheers •••.« . you are going to find your own .special flattery in this Nelly Don collection. Priced right. . . fitted right] Wear them everywhere you go . . . scoop them ALL into thetubl
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SIZES Zl TO m Sr-Brfs, Uep?.—• Seeenl Reer
URE ing-Paris Gets Ready for War
—Iraq's Inf Fi iiilHliiiil aiiwy
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FOR THE WAR DOG—Uncle Sam's sea-going dog of war, the battleship West Virginia, gets a new tooth. It's a 16-inch gun being placed in the No. 2 turret before the.big ship leaves the ' Brooklyn, N. Y., na,vy yard. After the gun was^.fully set, the ship left to join the Pacific fleet.
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GETS THE WORKS — For aiding in their land claims, Yakima Indians named Senator Lewis B. Schwellenbach of Washington, Queh Nahweenaclah—^White Thunder, to you. He's kneeling at right, in Washington, D. C , ceremony.
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OBSERVERS—Khaki-clad King George, left, in uniform of army field marshal, and Queen Elizabeth, in violet coat and hat, watch a mimic battle staged for their enlightenment at.Aldershot, England. Needless to say the "enemy" was completely repulsed.
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SHE GOT ONE—Opening of the trouf season In Pennsylvania probably caused neglect of household affairs in some quarters. Miss Wilma Kaspar of Philadelphia shows a 15-inch rainbow, beauty she hooked on opening day.
FIRST LADY?—Studio portrait of Mrs. James A . Farley, wife> of the Postmaster General. Presidential aspirations of her husband for 1940 are being considered. I f aspirations are successful, she will become the First Lady o f the Land, t h e former Elizabeth A . Finnegan of Haverstraw, N. Y., she was married in 1920.
WIDOW A FAN — In rare public appearance is Mrs. Annie Laurine Dodge, widow of Daniel G. Dodge, heir to $10,000,000 motor fortune. Ray Forsythe, business man, squired her at Detroit baseball game.
HOME RUNNER—Round-trip Hank Greenberg starts his homerun mania by clouting a tremendous homer in the 14th inning of the Tigers-White Sox game in Detroit. Here he is, crossing the plate, as Umpire Quinn okays it.
HE'S A KING — With pants neatly creased, here is threeyear-old King Faisal ll.He succeeded to the throne of Iraq on the death of his father King Ghazi, killed in a recent automobile accident.
SWISS DIFENSE—Preparing for war, Swi+terland! hes built concrete and sfeel "bunkers" like one above, on German border from Basle to Lake Constance. They extend -two stories underground, equipped with heavy machine guns.
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WHOOPS! NO SCHOOL — Stifled economic conditionSNin anthracite mining towns of Coal and Gilberton, Pa., bring about a vicious circle. Citizens are unable to pay taxes. Townships are thereby unable t o pay teachers. Teachers waited a long time for their salaries, but when amount totaled $208,000, the 156 teachers in
Coal and 37 In Gilberton struck, leaving 6,000 pupils without instruction. But, top panel, pupils arc not taking i t too tiard. Left, Jerry Fitzpatrick and Dan Roth, Coal teachers, open a bootleg mine to defray expenses. Right, Jean Troutman, 12, explains the situation briefly on a blackboard in one of the local schools.
KESPS THE TITLE — Winner for third consecutive time of the PROTECTION IU PAESS—Frenchmen hope for pcece, but prepare for war. This s+rern shovel i t national low-board diving title is Miss Arlite Smith of Chicago. d'jging a f r e n c n ; n the Petit Luxembourg garden on Avenue I'Observa+oire, Paris, !r> which eir She's shown above after clinching the honor at the Women's raid shelters will be instated. Government compels Parisians to apply tor snH-rek' A.A.U. meet in the Windy City. Copyright Vmte&
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1939 ' Anti-Nazi League: "Your allega- proclaiming that Hitler is-"Wantinstitution who reside in the Unit- LITHS RECOGNISE est number of fighting men, hut ed States. An executive committion in said circular and the ref- ed for Kidnapping" and other as pawns in so many countries, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS tee was chosen and it was resolverence which you have made con- crimes. The reference to Kuhn their already unenviable fate will ed to cooperate with the Americerning me, I am informed and is: "(Hitler) maintains agents become unendurable. Kaunas (\VX?1 — Questioning can Friends of the Hebrew Uniadvised, constitutes criminal li- and spies in U. S., notably Fritz I should not be surprised if Hitversity in bringing the university (he governnienf'f . plnns to solve By A. A. ROBACK bel. I request that immediate Kuhn, former Ford employe?, ler, Goebbels and the rest of the steps be taken to retract these ac- now head of German American inferno gang, were to impose new New York, (JTA) — The He- to American Jewry's attention, in the Jewish problem. VU-o-Pretnler Sometimes it occurs to me that restrictions cusations and the insinuation on their unfortunate brew University iir Jerusalem has providing material assistance and K. Eizauskas. p.!. a political mas* Bund." New York (JTA) — Dr. Mitthe world's grammars and diction- Jews, unless the world's Jewry made and to correct the impresnot yet got a football team or in increasing the number of stu- meeting, VRVDPI! ibel. solution of aries should be revised in keeping induced Poland to yield its inde- chell S. Fisher, counsel .for the sion which your circular was ineold£ish-gulpers, but it nas ac- dents attending the university. i the Jewish problem by radical or with the mouthings of .Hitler, pendence and persuaded Chamber- Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi league, tended to convey." ! brutal roei.hods omilrl not happen Banned from Handicraft quired one of the accoutrements Mussolini and their loud speakers. lain an Daladier to look the other declined to take any action to of a modern university — an a3Kaunas (JTA) — The Nazi ' in Lithuania "beinc contrary to Dr. Fisher, who is an associate Why not introduce new superla- way as they did in the case of withdraw p o s t e r s identifying authorities ol Memellantl have or- the country's irp.dUionF pnrt temBerlin (WNS) — An official umni association. Adolf Hitler as a criminal and of Samuel Untermyer, founder »t Live forms of arrogant, impudent, Czecho-Slovakia. "The American Alumni of He- dered all remaining Jews to leave per." announcement said ths German the Anti-Nazi League, said he was Fritz Kuhn as one of his agents brazen, etc., by comparing these He said the Government will by Mr. Untermyer and trades and handicrafts had been brew University" was formally or- the newly acquired German teradjectives something after this "May Break Munich Pact," Hitler in the United States, in the face supported completely "aryanized." Statistics ganized at a luncheon marking ritory under threat of heavy pen- oppose exploiters regardless of would have the benefit of his adIn the mysteriously censored of a threatened libel suit by fashion "arrogant, Mussolinier, Jewish their extraction and that the invice. The circular, which was dis- embracing Austria and the Reich the 14th anniversay of the uni- alties. Efforts of forty address at Wilhelmshaven, Kuhn. Goebbelst;" "impudent, Goering- Hitler tributed throughout the city, is show that Jewish tradesmen had versity's founding by IS alumni, families to enter Lithuania from dividual's right to live was a rethe world was given to underKuhn, leader at the Germaner, Hitlerst," "mad, r a v i n g , stand that Chamberlain's reversed American Bund, wrote to ' the in the form of a police circular numbered 15,000. acting for all 75 graduates of the Memel have so far failed. cognized concept. Streicherst?" attitude to the Hitler Marathon In true Taimudic idiom, some- grab might destroy the Munich what streamlined, ol course, to pact. Ye Gods, a joke like this suit the age, we might say that would be expected in a revue. Too degrees of impudence have bad, the horror of the situation ljje'en wished on the world, of prohibits any feeling of amuse,-hich 105 degrees went to Hitler, ment. Goebbels and Mussolini. "ImposFiction writing is not in my sible" you say? Not at all. The moment impudence touched these province, but I am going to.tell organisms, it increased, so that a little story suggested by the now it might be contended, again news. It will be a fable, but in in Rabbinical style, that if you a restricted sense, it is the truth placed all the impudence ot the which is stranger than, fiction. A thug, while the police were entire world in one scale, and that of Hitler and Goebbels in the dickering over their respective other, the"latter would outweigh beats, bludgeoned a respectable man on the doorstep of his home, the former. taking possession of his belongAs it proof were lacking, we ings. He then went to~a neighmight only quote the gem which boring house and shot down the appeared in the newspapers of re- residents there, occupying this cent date in which the club-footed house, too. On his way to the propaganda monster delivers him- police station for fire arms, he self of this piece of Goebbelsese: was spotted by two policemen who "Nothing has happened In * questioned him about the crimes. connection with the Reich in But what did the gunman say to Europe since Adolf Hitler has the officers? He scowled fiercely taken over power in Germany and shouted, "Say if youse guys which could ever have given don't lay off your persecutin" me, nouncements of the Warner By THIXEAS J. BIROX occasion for a new war," Goeb- I'll get mad and break the law, Brothers Nazi spy picture over BEAUTJYMHPP so you better scram — and I don't bels wrote. THE AXIS AXE your radio immediately following mean maybe." "For what, seriously, can it We've given up trying to Hitler's speech on April 2 8th, it matter to the average Englishtest prophesy about the fate of Eur- won't be the fault of W. B. . . . The characters are to be supman or the average Frenchman plied by the reader, and the moral ope, but we think it's highly sig- They've been. . trying to put the Let Us Plan Your whether Austria concludes its will follow as a matter of course. nificant that British ships have idea across, but so far no radio Anschluss, whether Sudetensecret orders to stand by for station has agreed to permit such (Copyrighted by Jewish Teleland returns to the Keich, or troop transport .• . . Close observ- an announcement . . . graphic Agency, Inc.) 442© They'll Be whether Germany, with the ers are saying that the Franco THIS AND THAT BEAUTY ^consent of Prague, establishes victory in Spain may yet ruin ihe FEATURES Thanks to the American Bible ''wi protectorate of Bohemia and Rome-Berlin axis, each ax-wieidSHAMPOO and FINGER for pointing out that the titles of 31/oravia?" er having hopes of utilizing WAVE Spain's natural resources for a couple of hundred books come "Jews are guilty!" Goebbels AT 4367 himself . . . And it doesn't help from the Book which still re.said. "If at any time in Eumains the world's best seller-* . . matters that Naziland is now rope, during a black hour, a PERMANENT WAVES buying from Spain most of its Perhaps that is why so many volnew war should fereak out, this olive oil and wine, two articles umes with Biblical names have at §3.50- and Up call would have to resound over : CSSKaunas (JTA) — The position JA 4746 Benito himself likes to export . . themselves become best sellers our entire continent: Jews are 716' Brandeia Thea. Bldg. of Jewish refugees from Germany, Maybe Hitler is sure of what he's . . . Among the titles that readily guilty. AT 4333 Austria and former Czecho-Slodoing, but Goering and Goebbeis come to mind are "Gone With the "They want war and they are vakia who had been residing in seem to be preparing for a quick Wind," "The Green Pastures," doing everything in their pow- Memel before the German occupaget-away . . . Between them "My Son, My Son!" and, of er to drive nations to war. tion reached a critical stage as they've already put $2.000.000 course, the current best-selling They, themselves, do not be- result of an announcement by the JA 3335 into diamonds in the past half "Days of Our Years" . . . If you lieve that they will be the vic- Interior" Ministry that their resihave a nickel to your name, and Furs Cleaned the Furrier year, and are looking for further tims but the ones to profit from dence permits here will not be such consolidated investments, it happens to be one of the new Way, Stored in Freezing such a war." 9f prolonged .Efforts of Jewish orwhich can be tucked into a vest Jefferson nickels, take a good Storage, with Complete / 1 f^ It,is pathetic to think that the ganizations to provide visas for V pocket when one is in a hurry look at the representation on it P r Insurance. compatriots of Kant and Schopen- other countries, including Palesof Monticello . . . This national . . . Porto Rico has been chosen WA S7S5 hauer, of Goethe, Schiller and tine, have so far been fruitless. AS LOW as the Site for a V. S, air base to shrine honoring 'he memory of To Acquaint You with a Lesslng, of Helmholtz, Virchow the third President was created Meanwhile, General Skucas, cope with the Xazi threat that Finer Quality of Cleaning AS and Gauss must listen to this put- Lithuanian Minister of Interior, with is establishing itself in Latin through the efforts of Commorid drivel without throwing a dis- announced to the press that poliStorage, only, from rAmerica . . . You noted, of course, dore Uriah Levy, American .Te-vd « infectant on it. 53.OO up tical and economic restrictions in that it was the widow of a Veue- isfi naval officer . . . If yon hai-e To Many Generals Jews were out of the question zuelan general who caused that any youngsters wfeo like to read, f CALL If Goebbela were not the hypo- since the Jews were a loyal -min/ i rovv at Biarritz a couple of weeks put in your order for the new crite and unmitigated' libeller ority. The Jews will enjoy full AT 0280 C B 5473 ago by appearing in a gown fea- Gertrude Stein book, scheduled F. K. for the Fall anfl intended for the (Liboels would be a better name equality of right? and the Governturing the words Rome, Berlin, , 6 "•*•' than-Goebbela for. him) he might -ment-is determined—to-^-suppr-essand" Tokyo . . . The Nazis, you ycur.ger generation . • • It'll he TZC r II Mp J 4 Urn IL» • something for them to sharpen /recall that the Jewish counsellors attempts at Jew-baiting: and exshould know—and the Army alFlorence Blvd. at Ames mi Wilhelm Hohenzollern coun- ceBses, he said. Premier Jonas ready knows—have been nurtur- their wisdom teeth on . . . Laundry & CSesnens selled against rash steps j n 1914. Cernius read in Parliament a KE 15OO ing the military clique of South ABOUT PEOPLE There was von Dernburg who Government declaration stating America for many years, and Dr. David Prato has Quietly reforesaw the grave danger of-a that incitement against minorties with considerable success , . . signed his post as chief rabbi of coup. The ill-fated Ballin, who would not be tolerated. QUESTIONS ASD ANSWERS Italy an-d is now living at Tel died of a broken heart, begged The United States Consulate Aviv, we bear . . . The betrothal the former Kaiser not to antago- here has stopped registration of We're still -wondering what the of RaimSEd von Hofmancsthal to nize America by a defiant, indis- applications for immigration vianswer is to that question Mayor Lady Elisabeth Paget of England criminate submarine warfare. La Guardia asked the other day has been announced, thus bearing sas. Sufficient applications are on Harbnnpers D* fcorinc—i j»ers It was Tirpitz, the very man hand to fill the Lithuanan quota of a Nazi-minded annoyer: out our forecast of some months near your home mrv b e ; v ? - cn for whom the new battleship was to the Unted States for the next "Where do you pure Aryans get ago, when Hugo von HofrnEiEnFOR ALL OCCASIONS ing that the undertrtriiciure i TfJ LC named the other day who carried five years. all the money the non-Aryans are Ethal's son was getting his divorce being attacked by termites. Call "We Make Only One the day and lost the decade. "Were AT 4466 for e FREE INSPECalways supposed to be taking from the former Alice Astor . . . TION by trained, TERM1WIX Quality the Best" it not for the Jew, Haber, Nobel from you?" . . . Maj" we suggest Lieutenant Max Silverstein of FUR STORAGE INSPECTORS to determine thp prize chemist, who was the most a tit-for-tat arrangement whereby Chicago, who has just been proexact condition of your propRE-STYLING * it - .. ingenious man in Germany, probAmerican newspapers will refuse moted in the U. S. Navy, is marerty. RE-LINING ably in the world, in creating reto give space to publicity about ried to a niece of the late Albert ICE CREAK! CO. sources, Germany would have Nazi films, by way of retaliation A. Micheison, physicist and Nobel NEW COATS MADE TO been a suppliant before 191S. Yes, Washington (JTA)—Two Jewto the new Nazi ruling that no Prize winner, who began his own Free Delivery Day and ORDER OR FROM STOCK Haber was able to protract the ish refugee scholars have been American films may even be re- career as a mathematics instrucNight war for Germany, but his reward added to the faculty of Howard ferred to in the German press? tor at the U. S. Naval Academy JA 2703 after Hitler came to power was university, N e g r o institution. . . . An excellent idea is that of . . . Sam Bettnaan's "No Time e r r : r,*d ?i, v v e : 2555 Farnam 2818 Leavenworth disgrace and wretchedness, result* They are Dr. Ernest L. Abrahamsome Interior Department exfor Comedy," starring Katfterine See Us For Your Fur Needs Ja 7600 ing in death. perts who .think some tens of Cornell, is getting bouquets from son of Prague university, who thousands of refugees could find all over town for its Oscar Tvildteaches Latin and the Romance homes in Alaska, where they ean epigrams . . Somebody ocght Of this selfsame blatant Goeb- languages, and Dr. Siegfried Bercould perform a great service to to supply playwright bels it was related that once in liner of the University of GoettinClifford Uncle Sam by building up the ..Odets with a chauffeur . . . In the company of a British diplo- gen, who is an instructor in comcountry . . . Which reminds us the few months that he has had mat, he complained that the Jews mercial subjects. FREE! An Exp £• 5. Cca ., . ' „ t .. r ( ,,v, /,. ,,, f -rn,rnt ' ' that Congressmen from urban his driving license he's had five |j vost the war for Germany — those districts where the population automobile accidents . . . Con- h New York (JTA) — Two refuj£~- Jews. "That's right/' cheerconsists largely of immigrants gratulations to Joe Biben. of the fully assented the Englishman. gees have been appointed to the and children of immigrants are Jewish Ledger publications ol "Th© Jewish generals lost the war faculty of Yeshiva college, PresiN I \ being flooded with anti-refugee Rochester and poicts South and dent Bernard Revel announced. for you." letters . . . What could be more of New York's American Hebrew. "What do you mean?" said They are Dr. Seligman P . BamA I t strenuous than to be the authors on the Bar Mitzvah of Ins soa Goebbels. "We had no Jewish berger, holder of degrees from 32ND AND of a musical comedy hi', with a U S E ®y ; ; . - F X . r . 7 . ^ AT ££N0 Bob Leslie—who. you .might Jifce I generals, no Jewish- officers of Wuerzberg and Heidelberg unipolitical angle? . . . This ques- to know, is the ins age of his fiad versities, who becomes assistant any kind in Germany." tion occurs to us as we learn that . . . Snolem -Secunca, whose "Bei "No, No," chuckled the Eng- professor of science, and Prof. Sam and Bella Spewack are now Mir Bist Du Schoen" was one of lishman. "The allies had them." Aaron Freimann, former city liengaged in writing a new sketch our biggest song hits a season Nor was this a joke; for it was brarian of Frankfort-am-Main, to bring their Broadway success, a-go, has a new job, as musical General John Monash, nephew of who will be an instructor of Jew"Leave It to Me." up-to-date with director of a Brooklyn synagogue the famous Jewish historian, ish history and literature. A third the European situation . . . . . . There's supposed to be a roHeinrich Graetz, who, according refugee, Prof. Moritz Werner, has HOT STUFF 0 mance brewing between Kerni to the testimony o£ both Hinden- been serving as assistant profesButtermilk 27th end I. Streets Bernstein, French plaj-vrirM, burg and IiUdendorff, leading his sor of German since March. So the G-Men have discovered and 0 Eve Curie, v,-ho " JIPS '.he Cottage Ghceso valiant .Anzacs into the Marne Always a F.ln® Variety el that Fritz Kuhn, New York Banunique distinction of beic? the lines, broke the backbone of the ditti leader, was an adjutant of FUESU FISH AND • o frills o Cream relative of three Nobel Gorman army and caused the colHitler in the 1923 putsch . . . Do blood SEAFOODS DAILY lapse of its whole military ma°Sour Cream you also know that he left Ger- Prize winners—her parents E.;K' Also the Finest chine. Practically all the allied 0 many for the U. S. at that time her sister . . . Nikolai Sokolcff, Swcot Butter countries had their" Jewish gento save his skin—and to prepare WPA music project director, is STEAK and CHICKEN For the fifth consecutive year, erals who distinguished them- Cleveland the ground here for Der Tag due to receive the IPS!? Henry of Bellefaire, selves. Maybe the Kussian army the Jewishgraduates when he and his boss expect to Hacley raecai of the National AsOrphan Home, gave PRIVATE DINING ROOMS would have made a better show- tangible evidence pin the swastika tag on the U. S.? sociation of American Composers of their loyalty JA 35G3 AVAILABLE ing than it did, if there were Jew. . . One consolation on the "Mein j and Conductors . . . Felicitations " A S K YOUR GROCER FOR devotion to the home of their ish officers in that undisciplined and Karnpf situation, with three to England's James De RothsMEADOW GOLD PRODUCTS" 4774 for Ocssrvstlsr childhood, with the raising of a ^conglomeration of men. publishers now fighting about child on the. victory of Ills horse ?2,500 gift for the Home, at a X-. Much to I the copyright Question, is that 'Lillibullero in the Great MetroDonor dinner, on Sunday evening, the litigation is so expensive that politan Handicap—a 1P0 to 6 Too bad Goebbels can't blame April 23rd, at Bellefaire. it'll eat up all the royalties that shot . . . And our -ympalhy to the Jews for his club-foot, for I Four hundred graduates and Badolf might have expected to Prince Starheinberg, the Austrian understand it is an inheritance— friends, each of whom had to set . . . Madison Square Garden Heimwehr leader who had to Hoc and it would be rather awkward, raise at least $5, were present at has learned its lesson, and lias when the Nazis Eiarcheff i t last you know, to make the Jew a cul» the dinner held in Alumni-Hail, refused to lcasa the Garden Bowl year, and who is quite ill , . . . prit. which was gaily and beautfiully to the Bund for a Fourth of July When h<S was a big el'eese Ite Yes, Joe Goebbels-— nothing decorated by Jack Forman, a conclave . . . There won't be any wasn't too friendly to Jews—but has happened (we hope it's a graduate and commercial artist. German team in the 6-day bike his successors are so rnuch worse prophecy and that all the annexaHerman A. Bercu, president of races here, lest cash customers than he that we can't help feeltions will soon b» restored to the Cleveland chapter, was toastBrass, Bronze, Aluminum, Oar Less- ',r \ r i : • Cn be scared away . . . The German ing for him now . . . their former status) except that master at the dinner. Michael for Soft Grey Iron and Semi(Copyright. 1SS9, by'Seven Arls entrants will be split up among Austria. Czecho-Slovakia, Memel, Sharlitt, superintendent, welcomSteel Castings, Wood and Feature SyE various teams, and will be listed and now almost Danzig have been ed the guests, among whom were Metal Patterns and Sasb as "Americans" . . . Did you knowgobbled up. But the imminence- six young graduates from LouisWeigrhts carried in stock. that the Central European rni.v-up of war is not the cause even of ville, Ky., who drove all night in The Hebrew Standard founded Bronze and Cast Iron tj-3 < ^ is interfering with the importa- in New York in 1SS1 was the Hrst tbese wanton robberies and other order' to attend. In speaking of Grilles a Specialty. tion of. midgets for Morris Gest's nefarious deeds which an appeas- these *boys, Mr. Sharlitt said, attempt to iss'^e a cheap, popular World's Fair exhibit? . . It seems Jewish newspaper is Esslish. ing weak-kneed British-French "They may be physically ' tired and "Martha Sis. O-Kay Whold Wheat 27th that'most midgets come from Gerpolicy has connived at. The war when they arrive home tomorrow - HA SS23 Flakes—At Year Orocsr many, self-confessed land of stithreat looms because the hold-up morning, but they Will be reJewish catacombs have been permen . . . If you don't hear an- found'throughout Italy,' man doesn't know where to stop; freshed in spirit for a long time ^. . atid even an imbecile understands to come." Cincinnati, Youngsthat, if unchecked, Poland, Hun-, town, Akron, and Chicago chapsary, Rumania, Scandinavia and ters were represented at the di France will be the next victims— ner. • • and then USSR and Great. Britain might be tackled. Isaac Minis Hays was a secreIn the event of war, the Jews tary of the American PhilosophiUavo most to lose. Not only do cal" Society during the 19 th cen« • . they offer proportionally the larg- tury. VUsUUiit^autaaUMn
Your FURS • . .
Life Insurance
• Max Kaplan
I. Morgenstern
Samuel 1. Winer J. L.
U-XIE,LC ".12
f ?
cmm^A [) ICE CREAM
Refugees Get Posts at Negro University
You Are Invited to Visit and Inspect the Beautiful
Alumni Present $2500 to Beliefaire
Paxton-MitcKell Co. Foundries
US §>'
Page 8 M
Hollywood erry-Go-Round
•and less Jewish society in many] of. them. But in the main the Jewish' press performs a fiue function as the sole contact, iu a Jewish cominnnity vith the general Jewish life and us problems. The voices of the loud speakers of Israel reach few: tlie voices of the Jewish press ere multiplied by every paper that is sold. I know (.he Jewish Transcript as one of the influential Jewish newspapers of the west. The tribute that is being given it and Mr. Horowitz testify to its luminous spirit through all the yeare. The success of the Transcript is creditable to the community that ha3 supported it these 15 years.
By IRVING SONDERS ..- A regular meeting of the B'nal B'rith Lodge "was held Monday Charlie Chaplin recently celeevening. A talking picture showbrated his- fiftieth birthday and ing-the work of the Los Angeles London (JTA) — Jewish chilhis twenty-fifth anniversary in Tuburcular and Ex-Patients home (Continued rrom page 1.) (Continued from rrge 1.) dren will be segregated in classwas shown. This is one of the inthe movies. A quarter of a censtitutions which is included in the champion, Sam Novak. Sol Yaffe tury ago he left England, where j ed by the Nazis but the Czechs rooms of all elementary and seccombined Hospital Drive which is and Jack Ban were pre-season ho had been on the vaudeville i refused to boycott them. A refu- ondary schools of Bohemia-Morbeing launched this week. stage for a short time, and came | gee camp near Brno was conven- avia, it was reliably reported from doubles champions. Prague as the ousting of Jews It has been arranged that at In the regular season play, to America to start work for the ed by the Gestapo into a concen- from the economic and social life the next meeting the local A. Z. Jake Schriebman was Class A Keystone Studios. Here he start- tration camp. Reports of the workers on the A. chapter and all Jewish boys champion, and Harold Garber, ed his climb to fame, from a little of the R e i c h "protectorate" Mrs. David DeSola Poole (,t Plot Foiled New York City, will be the guest United Jewish Appeals drive, of A. Z. A. age should be invited Class B. In the doubles Sol Yaffe known screen actor to a worldPrague (JTA) — An attempt spurred Jewish emigration. speaker at the Senior Hadassah made, this week, indicate that to be guests of the lodge to hear and Jake Schriebman were Class famous screen comedian, produc- to link Jews with Communism Intense propaganda is being Donor's Tea, to be given in the Sioux City will reach its goal of and see an Illustrated lecture on A champions, and Herman Coren- er, director and writer, known all failed as a number of Nazi leaf- carried on for a ban on use of $15,000. The drive opened ofJewish Community Center, WedVocational Guidance which, will man and Lester Giventer, Class B. over the world. Even in Russia lets were found among bundles of swimming pools and public baths (CopyriKbt, l(T0. by Seven Arts nesday afternoon, May 3, at 2 ficially Sunday morning, with a be presented at the next meeting literature planted ny hy Jews, "to prevent Aryan womMidwestern A. A. U. champion- his birthday was signalized by Communist Feature Syndicate.) breakfast for 70 wrokers, Arthur o'clock. More than 125 women by brother O. Hochman, who is on ships prominent space in all the news- unknown persons among tomb- en from being looked on by Jewwere won by: Class A, Sol Sanford presided at the meeting are expected to attend this anthe Speakers' Bureau of the Na- Yaffe and J a k,e Schriebman, papers. stones of the new Jewish ceme- ish eyes," reports said. "AryaniBEN E. KAZLOV/SKV, Attorn«y?\ nual affair. A musical program and outlined plans for the cam-tional Vocational Guidance De- doubles runners-up; Leonard Seitery here. The Nazi leaflets had zation" of Jewish-owned business • * * 532 Insurance Bldg. will also be presented during the paign. partment of the B'nai B'rith. This ner, Class B champion; Harold evidently been accidentally in- firms was proceeding apace. E. N. Grueskin, vice-chairman; meeting will be held May S. The famous Group Theatre of cluded. The Nazi-controlled Czech Lunch wagons displayed signs i NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF afternoon. Harold Pollack, ruu- New York will soon form a motion Mrs. Sam Greenstone, Mrs. Abe A. IJ. Baron, chairman of the " B " About twenty Council Bluffs Garber and have started a cam- identifying them as Czech. Cafes \ CROWN LIQUOR MARKET doubles; Jake Schrieb- picture company and expect to newspapers Pill and Mrs.: Louis S. Goldberg Davision, Rudy Schindler, chair- persons attended the" South West ners-up paign demanding introduction of and restaurants throughout the man, Class A singles champion; Xoticf , lirreby piven of Ihe in•will act as dining room hosteses. man of the Youth Division, and Regional Council meeting of B'nai Dr. Abe Faier, Class B singles produce three films at the Eas-the Nuremberg race laws in the country were ordered to follow I roi-pnrptlop un' 1f>>' Nrbi-psKn laws of The tea. tables will be appointed Mrs. H. Sol Novitsky, chairman of B'rith which was held Sunday in champion; Sam Epstein, Class B tern Service Studios in New York. "protectorate" of Bohemia-Mor- the example of those in Prague | CROWN lAQUOn MARKET -with its with spring colors, and center- the Women's Division, spoke at Lincoln. The first will be based on an avia. Rumors spread that Presii I'rincipa.l I)M..:<OF business ill Omaha. and display "Jews not wanted" runner-up. the breakfast and outlined plans i XrbT-Hs'kn. u< c n t i m i e for o. period ot pieces of spring flowers. original story by Clifford Odets or dent Emil Hacha would return signs. -'.-> years liif date nf the filintr Swimming awards were given by Irwin Shaw, whose "Gentle from the Hitler birthday ce'ebr.iMrs. Reuben Miller," chairman for the workers of each group. its articles wi;)i the County Clerk The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- to "Bucky" Greenberg, Stan Felt- People," Many furniture vans were Sfpn ii "•" Mr. S. Pieres Mendes, repreof the Donor's project, has been is at present showing £n tions in Berlin with orders to in<>r I>IIIIE-1;IS County, Nebraska, with dassah is sponsoring a Public assisted by the following can- sentative of the national office of Card Party on Sunday, May 1 at man, Norman Polonsky and Iz New York with Franchot Tone troduce the anti-Semitic laws ira- in Prague streets with signs. "To ; :i!i p u t h o r i ^ ' ] oanitri! stook of $•».Friedman. London" and "To Tel Aviv." So I mio.nn conpistinc of 51 shares of the tains: Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mrs. the United Jewish "Appeals, spoke the Eagles Halls. rnedately. and Sylvia Sidney. far the Jews who have emigrated j par valui' of Sinn.on ea<'h, such shares Max Brodkey, Mrs. B. N. Grue- on the mechanics of the drive and Wrestling The wholesale egg trade has * » # stork In i.e. fully pair! for when in charge is Mrs. E-t1 have been, for the most part, phy- [I of skin, Mrs. M. Lazriowich, .Mrs. J. told of the work other localities ta Chairman been completely "Aryanized.' It N SUU II either in cash or in property, Certificates w e r e given In property. Yudelson, and Mrs. Nate GilBen Hecht will give up 15 are. doing in the drive. sicians, lawyers and members of N. KreUger, Mrs. Sam Greenstone, h business bi wrestling to Max Kirshenbaum, months of movie pay to write a was formerly 50 per cent in the The freneva! ns'.turc. of the insky is co-chairman. Admission s Abe Pill outlined the activities other liberal profession. The merMrs. Sol Novitsky, Mrs. Charles t t r a s a ( e l uliali l l lli« tthe h Sam Freedman, Lee White, Stan- "Book of Miracles" for Viking hands of Jews. be transa<-(e<l operawill be thirty-five cents per ticof the Out of Town committee. chants and industrialists are Raskin, Mrs. S. J. Slotsky and i am; onnrtiict of „ --etail ljcer and Bratislava (JTA) — A sweepley Silverman, Sol Weiner and Press. The publishers have figThe reports being made this week ket. Mrs. J. H. Levin. awaiting liquidation of their en- : liquor market aiKi the fining: of all Several card games and Bingo Alvin Hertzberg. Sheffield Kats- ured that the book will have to ing anti-Semitic law modeled terprises. An exhibition of. art. ^.thinprs necessary or incidental thereAdditional donors, not listed indicate that the goal will be will along the lines set by "protector" kee was awarded a medal. i to. The highest amount of indebtedfurnish the afternoon's diversell S57.142 copies to repay him reached by the end of this week. before include Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Nazi Germany was promulgated objects opened in Boemisch-Leipa I ness shull not exced two-thirds of In the Junior Boys Gym com-for the loss of his movie pav. sion. Refreshments will be served, Mrs. B. Coursh'on, Mrs. M. E. under the slogan, '"Rescued from 1 the capital .smck. Tlie affairs of the by the Slovak Government. The and the door prize, which is to be petition the following were given shall be conducted by a. Skalovsky and Mrs. Charles Ras• • * measure defined Jews as (1) Any- the Jew and -preserved for the iI corporation certificates: Sydney Ruderman, a free permanent wave will be -dopresident, YNje.president, secretary kin. The anti-Nazi front in Holly- one who was not baptized before country." Leroy Cohen, David Rice, Harold and treasurer to be. elected from, a nated by "The Peoples Store." wood is in full swing. Al Rosen Oct. 30, 191S; (2> Anyone not i.rhoard of directors of not less than Mozer, E d . Conn, Joe Bolker, More than 100 women attended. 2 nor more than 5 members. Any with any faith who had at The Hadassah costume and pa- Charles Fredkin, Arthur Kulakof- has completed "The Mad Dog of filiated Reject Anti-Semitic Bill t\\o of said offices may be held by the Linen Shower, Tuesday afterleast one Jewish parent; < 3 ) Anyjama party which originally sch- sky, Eugene Janoff, Norman Po- Europe," a pictorial history of one the sanie person. noon, given by the Senior Hadaswho had a Jewish father ur lonsky, Harold Weinstein, Harry Germany since 1914. The story Capt Town<JTA) — A bill >l. FISH. eduled for last Monday has been fiah. "This is the Land" a talking V. L>. WEI N BERG. Fellman, Donald Rice, Donald of the picture, in book form, will mother who was baptized later aimed at restricting Jewish immipostponed until further notice. • movie was presented during the 4-2S-39-4t. Incorporators. be distributed at the same time. than Oct. 30, 19IS; (4) Anyone gration in the union of South AfMrs. Ben Telpner is to be chair- Prescher and Arthur Epstein. program. living with a Jew, or any children Loe Katz and Vincent Sherman rica, called the Anti-Jewish Aliens man of the party. SPITTLER & HUPP, Attorneys. Louis Blumkin was awarded have done a follow-up story to born of such a union. The mea- and Immigration Bill, was reject\ The linens will be sent to PalCity National Sank Bide. the free throw medal. ;estine for use in the hospitals sure restricted Jewish lawyers to ed in the Chamber by a vote or S1 Miss Jane Evans of .Cincinnati "Confessions of a Nazi Spy." It The Agudas Achlm Lodge enthere. Iz Friedman, holder of the Mis- is the story of a kindly Gerraan- four per cent of the total legr.l to 17. Only nationalists members NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE Ohio, executive director of "the Tuesday, April 18 at a souri Valley, Central Western American who becomes the inno- profession and entirely banned voted In favor of, the bill, which National Federation of Sister- tertained SALE banquet to celebrate twenty-five States, Western and Nebraska cent victim of the Bund. Alan Jews from journalism. hoods will be in Sioux City nest years of organization. was introduced by Eric H. lioeuw, Notice is hereby (riven that on flis Friday and Saturday, May 5 and The speech of the evening was State Junior Table Tennis cham- Hale, who portrayed the villain in The Slovakian Government ban- Nationalist. 12th day of May, 1!»39, pt 10 o'clock 6, and spend the time with Sispionships, was honored at the af- such pictures as "The Beasts of ned the American Slovak neWBTA. M-, at Used Furniture Market, given by O. Hochman. He report•'• Rabbi' Theodore N. Lewis will terhood members of Mount Sinai 2514 Leavenworth street. Omaha. Nefair. Berlin," during the last war, will papers Slovensky soliol, the New Patronize Our Advertisers ed on t h e Zionist Land Redempbraska, the undersigned will sell at speakthis evening at Mount Sinai Temple. The Softball award went to the play the lead. Lya Lys, a prom- Yorky Deniky and the Hlas Ludu, public auction to the highest bidder tion Conference which he recentTemple on the life and work of Milder Oil Company team whose Miss Evans will speak at the for cash: inent actress in Germany before because they had denounced the •Albert Einstelu. The service "oe- meetinc o£ the Sisterhood Friday ly attended in Chicago.' I Garland GSK n=>n£r». 1 Oak Prop include: Iz Tretiak, Sam Hitler, will have the feminine "brutal anti-Semitism" prevailing Chas. Saltzman was presented members • gins at S o'clock. leaf Kitchen Table. 4 Kitchen Chairs Giller, Sam Epstein, Earl Siegal, noon. May 5. The meeing will he •with in Slovakia. lead. a gold watch in appreciation 1 6x9 Kuv;. 1. Walnut OhloiiR Table. 1 Rabbi. Lewis spoke Sunday nt preceded by a one o'clock lunclrSigal, Frank Nocita, Jay Walnut Eiiffet. 1 Small. Buffet Mirror, • • * his active work in the organ- Millard the First Christian Church. Stoler, Iz Bogdanoff, Sam Zweieon, at which Mrs. Harry Bailin, of * > Walnut Chairs vph-et seats, 2 S-."x Edward G. Robinson's next will (Continued from page 1.) 10-B Ilug-s. 1 Two Piece Living Room back, Leo Weitz,- Morris Epstein, Sisterhood president, will preside. ization. Mohair Set rrtpvnnror. and chair). ] be a murder mystery picture. Mrs. A. M. Davis and Mrs. Wil- The-net proceeds of the semi- Leo Berman and. Paul Steinberg. hear. It Is surely deserving: of Walnut End Table. 1 Walnut Bed nnrl Robinson has played almost every liam Galinsky are chairmen of the annual Bowling championship went to Springs. 1 .MutiroKK. 1 Walnut DressRummage sale sponsored such loyal support as Jews give er, l Walrm? part in gangster and mystery ciijffnnier, covered by by the Talmud Torah Monday and the State Coal and Gas Company pics. Services at Beth Abraham and luncheon arrangements. to other essential Jewish institu' He has been a torpedo, pochattel mortc-apre j n favor of ProviSaturday noon, Miss Evans will Tuesday, April 17 and 18 were team whose members are: Dave Tiphereth Israel synagogues totions. dent L,o,in .Society oC Omaha, pigned Frank, George Shapiro, Sam Zwei- liceman, attorney, trigger-man, j night will begin at 7:15 o'clock. be the guest of the board o£ the approximately $40. hy Uoy T,. Ijtirn an<3 Ethel D. Laird, (Since I neither own nor edit husband and a doctor with criminal tenTemple Sisterhood at a luncheon. back, Phil Katzman, Jack Fleishand v-ifo. said mortg-age l>c. The service at both synagogues a Jewish newspaper and could iiic ciaiefl Jwembei- lfi. lii.17. Now he is to play the and havSaturday morning will hegin at 0 A Senior Hadassah Convention man and Max Shukert. Members dencies. keep on living if I weren't inp beer* filed in (he office nf the part of a mystery story writer o'clock. to be held at the Hotel Muehlbach of the Empire Cleaners, runner-up who County clerk o* Pouclas County, Nefor writing- for the Jewish press, actually gets' mixed up in a op. the r.lsl day of May, 1038. Morton Fish, son of Mr. and in Kansas City, Missouri has been team, are: Goodman Pill, Morris murder I can write this with no ulterior braska, case. After this role Franklin, Ben Levine, Ben Shap^ain ssle vil! be for the purpose of Mrs. Harry Fish, 1715 Center scheduled for May l and 2. foreclosing- said mortgage, for costs there remains no part left for Says Cairo Talks Initiated motive). stret, well celebrate his Bar MitzMrs. David de Sola Pool, Na- iro, Jack Melcher • and Dave him of sale and all areuring- costs, anil for By Heads of Arab This is not to say that ell Jewto play except that of an vah this Saturday morning at the tional Vice President of Hadas- Krantz. the of satisfying the amount ish newspapers deserve to lire, now purpose • • Countries due thereon, to-wit: $202.50: that Members of the Center Tennis innocent bystander. Beth Abraham synagogue. Mr. sah will be the guest speaker. ' that all of them are propheno. vr, suit or other proceedings at law Plans for the annual Mother * • * and Mrs. Fish will receive their A large Delegation plans to go team are: Nate Cutler, Hy Robhave been instituted to recover said London (JTA) — Colonial Sec- Some of them serve well only for debt friends and relatives in the social and Daughter banquet were start- from here. Elected as delegates bins, Elmer Shamberg and Joe In "Bowery Nightingale,'' Irv- retary or any part thereof. Malcolm MacDonald -denied wrapping olfi slioes on the way to hall at Betn Abraham following ed when members of the commit- are Mrs, Etta Yudelson, Mrs. Har- Cohen. ing Berlin fans will have another in the House PROVIDENT LOAX sOCtETT the cobbler's. Then, I should like of Commons that the tee of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Leslie Burkenroad Is chairman chance to hear many more of the ;: the "service. ry Cherniss, and Mrs. Morris OF OMAHA. . Shaare Zion met with Mrs. Mor- Grossman. Mortgagee. Of the Center athletic committee melodies that have become so fa- discussions ia Cairo on the Pal- to see more Jewish, philosophy 4--3-SP-3L estine problem -were an extension ris Rubin, program chairman. which arranged the affair. Mem- mous—seventeen of them, in fact. The date for the banquet has The Omaha and Council Bluffs bers of the committee are: Dr.Max Steiner, musical director for of the recent London conference. been set for Sunday, May 7. Cousins' Club held Its regular Harry Rich, Sol Yaffe, Earl Warner Bros., will do the score He said the talks were undertakMrs. S. H. Shulkin will be meetnig last Friday at the home SJegel, Sam Epstein, Iz Tretiak, for "Gone With the Wind." Stein- en on the initiative of the Arab and covered certain points Plans for the Junior Hadassah toastmistress and Mrs. B e n of Mrs. Nathan Simon of Omaha. James Burroughs, A. H. Brodkey, er, by the way, wrote the first states of the pending Palestine policy t.o Donor's party are going forward Schindler will be in charge of the Twenty-five Dollars was allot- Dave Cohn, George Bernstein and' original movie score. It was coin- be imposed by the British GovernPaul Veret. ed for the Philanthropy Drive. under the chairmanship of Miss menu arrangements. posed for "The Symphony of Six ment and were informal. Rose Sperling. Donors will be enLee Grossman is Center physi- Million." MacDonald declared he was untitled to attend tlie annual party, Eugene Telpner played a minor cal director. • * • aware that Egyptian Ambassador "Which will be -given in May. lead in the play "Ceiling Zero" Ken Goldsmith will carry on Hassan Nachat Pasha had conReported, contributors, to this which was presented by the "Draas production executive for Uni- veyed to Cairo, as had been reproject, include Mary Rozofsky, matic Club of the University of versal. He has just signed a new ported, any variation in policy Florence Major. Rose Sperling, The final meeting of the season Omaha on Friday, April 21. from that contained in the final one-year contract. Dena Baron, Rose Pill, Frances of the Council of Jewish Women proposals made by the GovernKalin, Ruth Marx, Rose Golds- will be a luncheon at the Jewish * * * Shirley Gershun was -. Included man, Blum.-i Merlin and Dorothy Community Center, Monday, May in the cast of "The Mystery of the We've been informed that a ment at the London conference. Merlin. The proceeds .will go 1 at 12:45 o'clock. Election of of- Green Finger," the Abraham Linprint of "Confessions, etc." ha? He declined to reveal the naof the points raised during toward the Youth Aliyoth fun'J. ficers will be held at this meet- coln High School Junior Play been sent to Hitler as an extra- ture the Cairo discussions, but assertOther -contributors will be an- ing and the annual reports of the which was presented Thursday special birthday gift. If he's as ed that the talks between Dr. and Friday nights at the school nounced as they are reported to various chairmen will be given. sick as rumored, and we hope it Chaim Weizmann, president of the chairman. isn't anything trivial, a private the Jewish An electrical transcription "The auditorium. Agency and Premier Council on Parade" will be preshowing in his own sanctum sanc(Continued from page 1.) Mahrnoud Pasha of The study group of Junior Ha- sented by the Naturalization Aid Miss Toby Katelman returned torum might even help to raise Mohammed Egypt were not part of the disdassah will meet next Thursday Committee. to Washington, D. C. last week Europe were overestimated, La- his high blood pressure. with the British. He addevening. May i, in the home of Mrs. Louis Agranoff will be after spending several months Follette, who has just returned (Copyright. 1939, by Seven Arts cussions ed that the talks witli the Arabs Miss Rose GoJdsman, Sioux Apart- chairman of the meeting-, and hos- here. from Europe, replied: "They are Feature Syndicate.) were aimed merely at 'elucidaments. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis tesses will be Mrs. Abe Berkowitz, underestimated. It is a great mistion." "will be the speaker. take to call this a Jewish-CathoMilton Yudelson has returned Mrs. Nathan Gorchow, Mrs. M. B. lic question. It affects the entire Cairo Conference Herzoff, Mrs. Joe Kantor, Mrs. C. from a trip to Kansas City. population. After leaving- GerEgyptian Government officials More than 50 members oE Jun-Stein, Mrs. S. Kaplan, Mrs. I. *~ ior Hadassah attended the tea Turchen, Mrs. Louis Chesen, Mrs. conferred in Cairo with. Saudi Mrs. Anna Herzoff left Sunday many, I constantly looked over Sunday afternoon, held in the D. J. Lassman, Mrs. Nathan Goldus, for her home in Sioux City after my shoulder to see who -was lisArabian delegates on the PalesL. Rodin home. Miss Fay Cohen tine problem, it was reported by J. Corneman, and Mrs. Solspending everal days visiting with tening." of Waterloo was the speaker. A Mrs. The Times. The conference atDr. Sheehy predicted that 10,her son-in-law and daughter, Mr Kronick. musical program was presented tended by Premier Mohammed 0.00 to 15,000 adoption applicaMembers are asked to bring old and Mrs. Nate Gilinsky. by Dena Baron and Frances Kal- clothes Mahmcud Pasha and Cabinet tions would be filed within 4S to this meeting that can In. Helen Rodtn presented a dance be sent to Ellis Island. There is Chief Aly Maher Pasha, followed hours after the bill was passed. number. receipt of the British reply to obBishop Shell urged that America a great need for light summer "do its share to preserve the san- Berlin (Havas) — E l e v e n servations, brought to London ;.y clothing, and everyone who atbishops and presidents of Luther- Egj-ptian Minister Hassan Nachat ctity of the lives of children." tends the meeting is urged to Morris said that all children ad- an and Evangelical Synods issued Pasha. A meeting with Palestinbring any wearable articles of Tel Aviv (JTA)—Max Diene- mitted who could not be placed in a protesfagainst the Archbishop ian Arab representatives was to Society News clothing they can give to this mann, prominent German Jewish private homes would be taken of Canterbury's recent statement be held yesterday (Thursday.) How easy it is to vris, 'Si£ CcfnSrfcC; corriments rabbi who came here three weeks care' of by privately subscribed calling- for common action of all Cairo (JTA) — Intense politago, died-from the after effects of funds in a foster home. He pledg- Christian churches against the ical activity in connection with the Mrs. M. Shiloff, 511—25th St., your guests end Grouse the rrvfoufAcrrfic respon maltreatment in Nazi concentra- ed that the full transportation German menace. They countered Palestine question c o n t i n u e d entertained forty friends at an tion camps. He was 64 years old. cost and other obligations would •with a program, proposing "Ger- here. The proposed Arab amendevening of bridge in the West HoOf your family cit meslitese—v\h©r, r^ v -C man Christian" action against the ments to the British Governtel, Wednesday, honoring her Rabbi Dienemann, who was a be met. Jews and pledging unqualified . daughter Miss Rose Shiloff, a _ The president of each organiza- leader of the Union of Jewish War ment's plan for ultimate estabHelen Hayes Testifies a modem Sscfcac Fiosaler. Simpl'i" loUow th« support to Chancellor Adolf Hit- lishment of an independent Palbride-elect. , tion of the Youth Council has Veterans in Germany and a wellHelen Hayes, testifying as "an ler in his campaign with an ever- estine state were believed to have Among the guests were Mrs. been asked to turn in a report of known author, was an early vic- American mother," declared that recipe, put fee iood in fee Fioaster » •> . then se* Harry Levine and Mrs. Nathan " s group activities for the past tim of the Nazi regime. A resi- adoption of the bill would serve expanding Reich. been rejected and counter-proposseason, and the information is to' dent of Offenbach, he was first as an example to the children of Lerman both of Omaha. The Protestant leaders, spokes- als offered. Emir Feisal of Saudi the auloinrilc controls which take care of everybe compiled into a year book, arrested by the Gestapo in 1933 this country in repudiation of op- men and German churches more Arabia prolonged his stay here Los Amigas Club members met which will be published May 15.and held two weeks in the Ostho- pression and racial brutality. The or less closely identified with on the request oE Premier Mothing until serving fcne. You get perfect results for a dinner dance recently at the Ihe book will contain the history, fen concentration camp for having noted screen and stage actress Nazi principles, accused the Pri- , hammed Mahmoud Pasha. Tbe Oasis, honoring Miss Frances officers and activities of each of described in a sermon the atroci- joined Senators Wagner and Cap- mate of England of being allied Premier received the lawyer. M. every t i n e ' Matz, club advisor and her fiance, the youth organizations. Copies ties perpetrated in -Biblical times per and representatives of the with Moscow. They affirmed Alexander, who is considered to of the book will be available at and declaring that "to Jews it is American Federation of Labor their solidarity with the aims of be the spokesman of Dr. Chaim . Max Ivencr. • the Jewish Community Center. the same thing -whether the atroc- and Congress of Industrial Organ- the "Fuehrer of all the Ger- Weizmann. Later, the Premier Cook this modern iime-scrring w a y . VisU your ities are committed by a French izations in supporting the bill at mans," and outlined "principles telephoned to the exiled ex-3-rufti Mrs. A. H.-Baron, 2524 E. Solway street, was hostess Wednes- _ Miss Shirley Fein, director of general or by the German po- the opening of the hearings at of positive Christianity" which in- Iof Jerusalem, leader of the Paldssler iodcy a n d find out how easy it is to evnfday to the Junior University the Elocution Class at the Jewish lice.". • which the only opposition offer- eludes a statement that "the Iestine Arab extremists, who is sn Community Center, announces Women. Christian faith is defined by an I Lebanon. c n e w Eecfric Eoasier v i & Ms lovr down peyHis last experience -with a Nazi ed -was Irom the representative of that the meetings will be resumed concentration irremediable religious opposition j camp was during 42 patriotic societies. eel this Sunday afternoon a t 2:30 •zasn! and easy terms. Here one in yowr home Miss Mina Slotsky returned Mis3 Hayes, who has two child- to Jewry," aad calls for "estab- i period following the pogroms clock in the Jewish Community the Tuesday to Chicago after spend- oCenter. in Germany last November. He ren, one of them adopted, said lishment of an institute for as—it costs sc litile to operate vri& your ing the week end with her parwas among the first Jewish lead- she wanted her children to grow certaining and wiping out Jevrisli ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Slotsky. ers seized and was held in the up without racial prejudice. It is influence on the church life of electricity. She is a student at the Institute The Center Players are plan- Sachsenhausen. c o n c e n t ration brutalizing, she said, for a child the German people." ning an outing at the Stone Park camp for more than a month. of Fine Arts., to read in the papers of refugees oneiter House, next Tuesday evebeing .shunted back and forth. If London (.TTA) — A British Build Refinery • Mrs. Ben Prusiner of Des ning. Belgium and Holland take refuarm;- officer whose Hie was saved and Mrs. Kroloff will reciev® Moines was a week end guest in why not the United States? Haifa (JTA) — ' Under direc- on a French battlefield cJuring- tlie their friends in the social hall ot gees, the home of Mr., and Mrs. E. E she asked. tion of a corps of American en- World War by a German Jewish the synagogue. They willalso Cheap Electricity SERVES cni SAVES Baron. Senator Wagner (Dem., N. Y.),gineers, construction- of the S20 - soldier £as responded by rescuserve refreshments to the Junior co-sponsor of the" bill, said the 000,000 oil <s"efinery on the oating- the Jew and Ms daughter Congregation, in honor of their H. R. Rabinowitz \7ill Miss Sylvia Borshevsky has remeasure was "America's response skirts of Haifa is well under way. from Hitler's Germany. t u r n e d from Chicago, where she ^ ^ this evening on "The Con- son. to the call of humanity." The An army ot 1,100 workers, 60 per David K. Stravan, former sersuccess." His servisited with her sister, Miss Char- stitution—A Democratic Senator was support- cent Arabs aad 40 per cent Jews, | geaat of tlie Scots Guards, read mon will be based on the 150th ed by Senator Arthur Capper lias cleared and fenced, in the f in the British press an appeal lotte Borshevsky. A. Z. A. s >- *f(^r?*(y ft F anniversary of the inauguration (Rep., Kans.) who said: "Every- 360-acre site asd is constructing from Isaac Lowensteia. LoweEsteia. o52, ad- I ot President Washington. Cantor The local chapter of A. Z. A. body but the Hitler-Mussolini Joseph Halevy in 1S68 went to Morris Qkuu and the synagogue roads, drainage, temporary build- dressed to the unknown Britis'v held a stag . at the West Hotel, crowd is favorable to this idea ings, a railway bridge across the soldier vrhotn Lcwenstem saved. Ethiopia to investigate the con-choir will chant the ritual. "Wednesday Nite. The program of admitting the children." John ditions of the Falasha. river connecting with Stravan replied by arranging for Yale Kroloff, son of Mr. and was in charge of Morris Gins- Brophy, representing the • CIO, Kishoa I * i s t . 1 < ( iw cc: Hal'a Port and an. automobile temporary residence in Britain for Mrs. Archie Kroloff, will celeburg; it consisted of tap dancing, and Joseph A. Padway, for the Israel Edrehi was the Spanish brate his Bar Mitzvah at Shaare bridge from the Haifa Acre road, j Lowenstein and his 17-year-old Jew iu Longfellow's "Tales of a fion synagogue tomorrow morn- group singing-, led by Jack Mer- AFL, announced that their organ- T h e t o t a l n u m b e r of m e n e m - d a u g h t e r pesdin-g- t h e g r a n t i n g ni j lin, and a skit by Toby Schindler izations wtre wholeheartedly in ployed is soon expected to rise to visas for icim.israti.O2. to t e e Unit- ] Wayside Inu." »iE- Following the service, Mr. and Sid. Shapiro. . favor of the bill. ed State. ' I czr ,000. MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent
Mount Sinai
Orthodox Synagogues
Auxiliary Plans Mother-Daughter Banquet, May 7
Council of Jewish Women
Rabbi Jpienemann Dies in Palestine
Briton Aids Reich Jew Who Rescued • Him During Battle
Shaare Ziori
r, a