In the Interests of the Jewish People J1TDB M saw the picture "Professor Mainlock." The professor -was a Je-w in Germany, and a great surgeon, indeed. When Hitler toot Entered a» Second Clash Mall Matter on January si. 1931. at qver, a Nazi commissar in uniform rostuKlce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879 OMAHA, XSBEASKA, FBIDAY, MAT 5, 1939 became head or the clinic in -which Professor; Mamlock worked. , The professor "was, in fact. In the midst of an operation -when the commissar decided that Aryan bodies no longer could tolerate the influence of Jewish surgery. Zurich, Switzerland (JTA)—A Cape Town (JTA) — Sir Abe It .seems there is some special esBailey, 74-year-old legless ruindefiant protest against Nazi racial sence In the Aryan anatomy that ing magnate, -warned the Union tenets recently read from the pulis allergic to a scalpel in a Jewof South Africa that neutrality ish hand. pits of German Protestant Conwould mean "certain death at the fessional churches, was published bands of the Nazis/' as his part"Oh," says the gall-bladder, " I ing advice before leaving to take koow this is a Jewish hand -work- Representatives" of Vari- here by the Evangelical press Arab State" Being Planned up residence, in England. ing on me and no superior Aryan Zionists Consider Suit service. ous Groups Pledge gall-bladder can tolerate that." by British Colonial "If South Africa goes for neuAgainst "L'Action The pastoral letter, a i m e d trality, that is certain death at The cancer says: "My grand-* Assistance Office Francaise" against the racist tendencies of the harsfis of the Nazis," Sir Abe mothers were Aryans and I am an the so-called German Christian ,„_"""•"•• "Then it is among the foolAryan cancer and will not stand HITLER THREATENING church, protested changes in the SUBMITTED TO i '•"S tSC'.-.jr;,jt,,rr~J''ch-e ' w ' 551 rank and the insult of a Jewish hand cutWILL BE FIRST CASE text of the Paternoster and in the ';??&j5 i~,.'"'"^ i. O only hope ting me out." i r : : : Stand of Jewish Deieg«* . .... "" "" ' - ;i.\- rn in November Nazi. Anti-Semitic Groups •The infected appendix says: "So Espect Full Weight of confirmation ceremony. Danzig (JTA) — About two to SOUXJI . . " .he dictators will Nazi Agitation tion a t London. ErsThe protest was said to have it's a Jew that's removing me. tons of antiques P.P.6 art treasures Dissolved by be found on the path that leads been prompted by support given No! As an infected Aryan appento Begin " dorsed by Zionists of the museum of the Danzig Jewto peace and prosperity, to the Decrees the German Christian movement dix I insist that only an Aryan A Lag g B'Omer observen<'f v-;; ish" Community, which is now in hand he laid on me. We must let Warsaw (JTA)—The Polish by superior officers of the Con- LONDON (JTA)—The British survival of civilization and rebe held on Sunday pft. liquidation, and also PI Hebrew ligion." Paris (JTA)—Zionist leaders cabinet this week considered the flown this Mamlock in order that government, rallying its citizens fessional church. at the Jewish Com | here examined the possibility of Scrolls of the LEW hsve been sent o'clock final draft of a White Paper on Aryan Burgeons may be superfior to resist threatened pressure Center for children of the instituting libel action against to the United Slates under the munity. Palestine as presented by Colonial in his place." from Germany, was reported to on i.h<?.r. • the Royalist newspaper, L*Action care of, the Joint Distribution gram willFeptureri Secretary Malcolm MacDonald. (I guessed that it fcas such have negotiated the support of be rprisnt'ons Francaise, for printing an allegaMacDonald's proposals lor solu•whispered protests that prompted national minorities for national \ tion 'that the Jewish National tion of the Palestine question, beISC* the Nazi commissar so vigorously defense measures. • F/und br.ibed the French press to lieved to provide for establishCertain political circles, the libto remove Dr. Mamlock in the Dsrz serve the interests of world ment of an independent Palestine eral Kurjer Polski said, held midst of the operation.) Jewry. state after a period of transition Yes, the commissar burst into talks with representatives of the If instituted, this will be the from the League-mandated govthe operating room: Dr. Mamlock Ukrainians in Lwow and with delernment, were understood to have Fifteenth Anniversary of first action under the new decree must leave at once. But this pa- egates of the Jews, White Rus- Center Players Offer 'Be been prohibiting racial incitement in approved, informed quarters Junior Order Is tient"! Dr. Mamlock protested. sians and Lithuanians in WarSo Kindly" Next the press. The J. N. F . replied to expect publication of the White Certainly, his gall-bladder should saw, obtaining wholehearted asObserved Week the assertion that all members oE Paper in the very near future, not be let down so abruptly! It surances of* co-operation against the Fund were French citizens possibly early next •week. was -a poor, sick gall-bladder and aggression. It was suggested that The Fifteenth Anniversary of Second and closing presentation the Fund was registered offiFinal proposals have been sub- A. Z. A. -was observed last Mon- arid Dr. Mamlock couldn't leave it in the minorities issue declarations of the Center Players current seasupporting the government, the son will be "Be So Kindly," bj- mitted to Sir Miles Larapson, day evening at the regular meet- cially as a French Jewish body. t i e midst of its travail. British Ambassador to Egypt, by ing of the local lodge of the B'nai "Tou must leave at once," the report said. Organization Dissolved Premier Mohammed Mahmbud B'rith. A degree team of A. Z. A. The Jewish Deputies Club apcommissar ordered. Paris (U'NS)—Following the Until Freecon "c'.v—* to . oite Soni m Pasha after conferences with Mother Chapter conducted a secHe appeared to believe that a pealed to Polish Jewry to devote adoption of. new decrees designed Arab leaders of Palestine and ond degree initiation. superior Aryan gall-bladder had all its energy to defense of the Reich curb the press from spreading other countries. no cause to worry at "being lelt in nation and to subscribe to the air Dr. A. Greenberg and Philip to by publication or Main Proposals the lurch. Aryan superiority, nay defense loan as a way of blocking Klutzcick spoke briefly on the anti-Semitism The main points of t i e pro- work of the A. Z. A. Harry Weiss, defamat'on or slander "tending to supremacy (as the Fuehrer plain- Chancellor Hitler's aims of "enposals, according to the Cairo the first president of A. Z. A. 1, incite hatred, between citizens,' | ly had written in his book) was slaving peoples, destroying liberty the French government took steps correspondent of the London was presented at the meeting. going places without any Jewish and causing the return of barto enforce the decree by imposing t r s r^i r i=s = r r ( 1 rr^ Daily Telegraph, were: aid. Certainly an Aryan gall-blad- barism." Edward Conn, field secretary of -which include imprisonr der could even in its crisis get (1) Naming of Palestine Arabs the District Grand Lodge No. 6 penalties Meanwhile, four anti-Jewish for five days to six months along without.a Jewish surgeon bills offered by anti-Semitic depuwith Sritish advisers to head i l l was a guest at the meeting. After ment ! , v r and-fines up to £.000 francs. S , 0^.11 l H i "CT>f - -i r . . - "Gal" departments in a new government the proceedings Harry B. Cohen, ties are included in the agenda The decree specifically forbid? as soon as peace is restored; (2) president ' of the lodge, anBut Dt. Mamlock, dreadfully of the new Sejm (lower house. Control of land sales throughout nounced the appointment of Dr. slander - p r o m o t i n g hatred troubled to have to desert the sick The bills call for complete prohithe country, instead of permitting A. Greenberg as chairman of the "against any jrroup of persons beAryan gall-bladder, resisted . . . bition of schechita, which is now sales in certain areas, as proposed committee on Conservation of loncing to any particular ra.ce or "I shall not go. I must finish the under partial proscription; requireligion." in view of the efforts by Britain; (3) Admission of a Membership. sition of Jewish-owned property operation.'* "• .•"••" ' t r c ' rp v -> maximum of 75,000 Jews in the The nest meetjn-g will be held the nation is making for nationa" Yet"who or what could stop the for commercial and industrial ( defense. "Everything contributing 'r "i-br"br .f next five years, provided that the on May 15, at which time new ofirresistable V totalitarian sweep purposes; a ban on changing of to division among the French peo- g' t o r r cir r Jews do not exceed one-third of ficers will be elected. ,, \ which in good time was to em- Jewish surnames and safeguardple tends to weaken the nation's the population at the end of that brace not only gall-bladders', but ing of the Polish character of The local B'nai B'rith is also strength," the statement explain- t if ' L it f ~ period; (4) Convocation o* a con- planning a stag on "Wednesir r c\ T - z~ " also Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, and merchandise labels. stituent assembly three years day, June 7, at the Highland ing: the decree said. Jfext Nazi Victim points eastward. It Dr. Mamlock The latest series of decree laws hence to draft a new constitution. Country club in honor of Archie ' had any douhts of it he became Berlin (Havas) — P o l a n d RES dealt a blew to Xazi-£j~mpaEndorse Jewish Stsjid aware quickly of Aryan suprem- emerged as the next potential vicCohn of Chicago, president of the thizing associations in Alsace1 acy as a squad of storm troopers tim of Reich expansion, cast by Meanwhile, a resolution en- Grand Lodge. Lorraine as veil as having given ec b cue. n- Tron s- . toolt hold of "him and-ejected him Nazi foreign policy-for the leaddorsing the stand.of t i e Jewish Martha Himelstein. Sale-win Michnick,. • program the government a -weapon agrainsi from' the operating room. ing tragic role played by Czechodelegation to the recent London chairman, is in charge of arrange- such political parties as have in- ' • e » r r r VOL. ^ c*" t r f i . "Upon the bosom of his "white slovakia in 1938. This was theSarah. Sandberg, to be given on conference in rejecting Britain's ments for tills affair. corporated an anti-Je^risii plank Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, surgical robe they painted in conviction of competent sources proposal to establish an Arabii their platforms. Urge -characters the word "Jude:" after close study of the Reich- May S, 9 and 10. dominated state was, adopted by "The. ttc.iiii.'s''.iL£s.iEEi fore'Eii or"Be-So Kindly," a New York a" conference here or TVest Euro-' thus, flanked by the squad or stag speech T>y Chancellor Hitler, poxizatiGEs -ciESoIres the Als?.tlsr storm-tfoopeTB, he was marched in which the Fuehrer denounced success of last season, is the story pean Zionist leaders -which, con•'Jung-mEnnsctrff*' perty, Tuitit vr through the streets; thus, finally, the" Berlin-Warsaw Friendship of a New York Jewish family in- sidered a Jewish. -Agency budget Nszl lines, rhifli r?.s led. by a upon his release,:he went home. Treaty and served demands on terested in marrying off its eligi- of $7,000,000 and heard plans Ptrasst>oi;rg- Eitorney, H-'H. Bickble daughters. A light comedy, it With no sense of ignominy he Poland believed so extreme that enjoyed the praises of Broadway for a 20-year four-per-cent $5,ler, who edited an anti-Jewish 000,000 loan for Holy Land de•wore the "Jude" on his robe. His Warsaw will find it impossible to critics. re-w-spaper. Other Alsatian organivelopment. . breast was proudly forward, as if meet them. sations dissolved by the clecref The cast includes a number of ->f 1 e The budget requirements and Characteristic of the severity of Center i t carried the most distinguished are the "Buna cf Ervrln T>r Player veterans. Taking the loan plans were outlined by of decorations, as if to say, "Be- the German position was the dis-part Steinbach." End fhe "Elsassiscber Martha Himelstein, Ro- Leo Hermann, co-director of the hold! Everyone! I am Judge! closure by authoritive circles that salie are: Volksbilfiimgsverein." -whose acAlberts, Eileen Zevitz, My- Palestine Foundation Fund. E I e c ted Vice-President; tivities the groverrtnent has conHow I Tiave been honored! That the Reich expects its proposed ron Tarnoff, Irvin Zweiback, Bev- Stressing the constructive nature which I am has been set upon my "extra-territorial highway" across sidered anti-French. Mendelson, Joe Saks, Marian of the budget items, Hermann Named Zionist •"breast that, all men may know the Polish corridor to be 15 miles erly Katleman and Nate Sekerman. The cecree aimed io sLamp PU; pointed out the need for a prome. I have been adorned with a wide. • Delegate s.nti-3 evrish movements is OEf Tickets for the play are being portional increase in efforts which noble title. I am Jude!" The full weight of Nazi dipunishing agitators working "tc , r v c ._£' f i * P< sent to members of the Jevrish are to be covered by additional inMrs. David A.' Goldstein, first His feet marched high. The plomacy and propaganda, it was Community Center. Individual come from the United Je-srish Ap- vice-president-of the southwes- among the French over Question? power of the storm troopers (each predicted, will EOOU be thrown admissions are fifty cents. peal in the United States, with the tern region of Hadassah was stir up class hatred and clissensicr •with a rifle on his shoulder) against Poland, and the first blow deficit to be covered, possibly by elected as delegate of that resion cf race or religion." Beemed less than the spiritual au- will be struck through excitation The second decree makes it vmissuance of long-terra, debentures during the session, held in Kanthority of Professor Mamlock. He ol the minorities in that country, by the Foundation Fund. sas City, Mo.. May 1 and 2, to la-vrful to receive funds 'roic forwas Jude who had lived beyond especially the Ukrainians and eign countries "or '•'s.nii-HE.i.iona.. the time o! the authority of all Lithuanians. Precisely the same Hermann reported that certain the World Zionist Congress to propaganda/' which, can be interhis oppressors. These tramping method was used with spectacular signs of improvement were vis- represent Hadassan. The ejec- preted as a. thrust against organs1 feet, these guns that surrounded success in the Reich's annexation ible in the general economic sit- tion for the Zionist Organization or parties praisics: communist or him- would pass away. The steel of the Sudetenland last Septemuation of the Holy Land. He re-will be held on June 11. The fascist concepts of government. of these giins would fall to rust. ber and the final dismemberment vealed that further negotiations World Congress will most likely •with the British, government were take place some place in Europe . "I am Jude. I am the one who of Czecho-Slovakia scarcely a Congregations Unite to required to complete a 52,500,000 during the late summer. has lived by no power save that month ago. transfer scheme arranged with •which is of my inner life. I have Omaha was very well repreHonor HigK School Czecho-Slovakia before the Ger-sented during the 14th annual had no sword but I have lived. Graduates man occupation and indicated that session of the Southwest Region The armed might of all my persen <-' T cutors . V , their swords . . . t h e i r All Omaha congregations will there was a possibility that tne of Hadassah. On Tuesday mornSons . . -their chariots . . . have unite this evening for a special refugees might obtain capital ing Mrs. David A. Goldstein, Edgone with the winds . , . all the service to be held at Temple Is- from the ?20,000,000 British gift ucational -director for the region - persecutors have gone* except the rael to honor high school grad- to enable them to go to Palestine. conducted the meeting. The ...i: current ones . . These, too, shall theme was "Building Jewish ?<!oruates. The service is held annualpass away . . . Ho, ho, gentleale." On that program was Mrs. ly at one of the local synagogues. Plans are being formulated b: men of the storm troop! My Morris M. Franklin who describRabbi David A. Goldstein of the the Beth. El Talmud Torah for EX breast expands swith the deep ed a new project on the "OrientaBeth El Synagogue will deliver extensive enrollment drive whicb laughter that's in it," tion of Hadassah Projects." New York (WNS)—The Miz- the baccalaureate sermon. Seated • Two Omaha women were elect- is to open on Kay 15. The presProfessor Mamlock might have rachi Women's Organization of on the pulpit will be: Louis EpPi UI ed as officers of the region, Mrs. ent semester of the schools closes v e~ - b ( and the Women's stein, president of the Vaad; been marching to receive the No- America David A. Goldstein was re-elected on June SO at which time -a picbel prize fort medicine instead of League for Palestine have raised David "Greenberg, president of the first vice-president and Mrs. Jul-nic will be given for the children £• r c r i ^ "-^r• to a pogrom.' His head was un-a total of 550,000 which is to Beth El Synagogue; David Goldius Stein was elected' treasurer. by the Mother's Club. bowed. What was • the shame? be used to carry on the work of man, president of the Temple; Other Omahans who attended as The new semester will open or Whose was the shame . . . "Yes, providing homes for refugees and Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of I am Jude. What shame is upon from European countries of op- the social service committee of the New York {JTA) — A special delegates and alternates are: Mrs. September ?. In the intervening A. B. Alprin. Mrs. M. D. Brodkev, time tne drive will be condnctrJ sesquicentennial service recreatcivilisation! I am so sorry to see pression. The Women's League for Jewish federation. Mrs. E. D. Brodkey, Mrs. M. increase the enrollment of the •' t I I I . F I ' that man who came up. by so Palestine has built two homes Ritth Rosenstock and Ephraim ing that held by the congregation Barish. Mrs. Harry Crounse, Mrs. children between the sges of £ much pain from savagery has gone for girl refugees in Haifa and Tel Gershater will speak on behalf 150 years ago before the inaugAviv, and ground has been broken of the graduates. A special mu- uration of George Washington as J. H. Kulakofsky,-Mrs. Rueben and 12. back to it. So sorry!" Mrs. Sara Frohra, Mrs. L.eo Afcramson is chairI thought the high dignity of for the League's third home. sical service is to be given by first president ot the United Kulakofsky, Morris SI. Franklin, Mrs. Ju-man of the enrollment, committee Dr. Mamlock marching to the po- The §20,000 raised by the the combined choirs of the Beth States was held at Congregation Mrs. Shearith Israel, the Spanish and lius Stein, and Mrs. David A. which includes in its membership grom was the best thing in the Women's Mizrachi Organization El and Temple. Goldstein. Mrs. J. H. Kul&kcfsky. Mrs. Leer picture. It was all unspoken. (The will be used to provide additionFollowing the service, the Sis-Portuguese synagogue, conducted words given here were the un- al facilities for the care of -3f- terhood of the Temple will spon- by the Rev. Dr. David de Sola Graetz, Mrs. Herman Cohen, sine PooL spoken thoughts it conveyed to ugees in the new $100,000 home sor a reception to be held in the Mrs. 1. Dansky. and training school maintained vestry rooms. Rabbi Pool recalled to the conme). Those Interested in enrolling u U t . i! -.I tvJ*.LU? children Professor Mamlock was; the in Tel Aviv. in the school are sstet" All high school graduates, their gregation, which included desJew as one should like to see him parents, and friends are invited cendants of the original congreto call the office of the Beth E" rrr> ; r "" New York (Special)—At the to this service which is held un- gation of 17S9, that tne 13th day everywhere in today's world—a synagogue or members cf tne man walking in dignity, unafraid, annual luncheon of the New York der the auspices -of the Social of April 150 years Ego dawned School Board. his head high-.. . . . "I am a Jew Mizrachi Women's organization Service Committee of the Jewish as the fulfillment of their struggle and sacrifice for liberty and and I shall not r u n from my held last week, announcement Federation. T> T IT" T IT Morris Artntman was named T democracy. j new president of the Round Taenemy. Nor shall I cringe for his was made to the one thousand "This eager and liberty loving j ble -of Jewish Youth at the final favor; nor shall I be the outcast assembled women that $20,000 congregation on April SO. 1789." meeting of the season held Muy which he would make of me. I had been contributed to the Dr. Pool said, "saw the fulfill- 2. Others elected are: Irving shall be outcast only if I lose my building fund of the new trade ment of the long years of suffer- Ncgg-, vice-president; Bertha Slutfaith in my being as a Jew; then school for girls which is to be dedicated this Sunday. ing in exile when George Wash- zky, secretary, and Charlotte I Bhall have no cause to live." " the LnT't CIETICC o ' i " T h s T'i--r David Lazarus is directing the ington took the oath of office as Nogg, treasurer. I Bear of some Jews who al- Rabbi M. Berlin, president of be spc-nsorea bj I fhe season first president of a free republic ready, feel the inferiority to which the World Mizrachi Organization, Omaha Theater Guild's production Plans were made for tiie final i the Sound 1 e of Jewish Youth anti-Semitism .has sought to re- and Dr. Israel Goldstein, presi- of two one-act plays to be given of the United States. It was notRound Table event, "Stage Xight" i will he held ii the Etcitoriuin <»" duce them. They are those who dent of the Jewish National Fund on Tuesday, May 16, at the Cen-long before the congregation ad- which, is to be held en "Wednes- ! the Jewish Cc~fcun:ty Crrter dressed the first president of the day, May 17, at S p. m. at the say Jews must neither be Been of America,' spoke on the work of tral Club auditorium. The two plays are Eugene land in homage and congratula- Jewish Community Center. Sylvia ! ttis Sunday. Ms.y 7. nor heard. Or they say that Jews rebuilding the homeland. \ , In Officers of the organization O'Neill's "He" and the "White tions on his elevation to the chair Epstein is chairman of this anmust stay on tneir side of the of the federal government." street and keep very quiet. Or discussed the activities of the Phantom" by Wilbur Brown. ' nual affair. that Jews should take no part in Women's Mizrachi. The National Tb.e tleasline 'for turning ir political life and never 'run for Convention of the organization is URGE USE OF POOL Center Swimming copies of the skits to J^isF office or accept appointment. Or to be held in Atlantic City June The Jewish. Community Center Pool Rated Excellent Blanche Kleiman, Round Table that Jewc should keep away from 19-21. Physical department has anThe Jewish Community Center Advisor, has bees set for May S liberal movements lest it be nounced that it wishes to urge all has received an "Excellent" Tee pro-gram will be open -.e thought that Jews are subversive The first medical degree grant- members and friends to take ad- rating for the Center swimming ail yoiutii or^sJHi2JSi.iO"s in ciic .. people. Or that Jews should make ed by lUcGill University was to vantage of the Center Swimming pool. j community. no controversial speeches. a Jew in 1835. ; Pool in order that they may pre- A report made by the Unite-d ] These ara the vanquished in pare for the summer season. Laboratories oa May S indicates; j The bridge across the Ebrc a-i. whom the victory of anti-SemiAt the time of the expulsion, Swimming strokes may be per- Standard Plate Count, 0; Lactose j tism is complete. They have re- the synagogue of Santarem was fected or beginners may learn to fermentation, negative; Residual | fees received from the Mllivreb (Continued on page S.) the oldest in Portugal. swim. . .. . • Chlorine, 0.0 P. P. JI. i
Publish Protest of German Churches
Qg/lF win.
\Warns So. Africa Avoid Neutrality
PLfiK ACT laLol i UK EL LAWS F o r CLil
This i
Danzig Jews Send jLag B'Omer Will :v Out Art Treasures \ Observed ?X Center
ICKKSAYSU.S. :.•*•.-• OSTf}[l r E[;ELF';l:;-v:
Dance to Be Held.
Directs Plays
Page 2-
By DR. CHAIM WEIZMANN The famous scientist and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine here provides a background for the fuller nndcrstanding of the J e w i s h Home portrayed in the Jewish Palestine Pavilion at the New York World's Fair.—THE EDITOR.
the elementary facts concerning resident within the Jewish people. the closed gates of the world are The Future as well known to Colonel Beck as It may seem to some that In a to any other intelligent newspa- world which has of late witnessed | per reader. What, then, does he so many national tragedies there = mean by his statement? Where is a • certain disproportion In I can the Jews of Poland go? dwelling on the tragedy of the |i Is .there any place in the world Jew; that when so many larger | which can rapidly absorb a mil- countries have suffered violence lion people, whoever they may be, and destruction the little Jewish The visitor to the Palestine Pa- Jewish or non-Jewish? No gates Homeland cannot hope to attract vilion at the New York World's will be opened by Colonel Beck's Fair, who has seen the plastic rep- statement; but a certain effect is much attention. But it is not amiss to point out resentation of the Jewish Home- undoubtedly produced within Poland in Palestine, and who has land itself. The Polish peasant, that in one respect the. Jewish paused over the variety and vol- hearing his own government make problem, and the' heroic struggle ume of its achievements, must in- this pronouncement, is hound to of the Jewish Homeland for subevitably be stirred by a" certain give it this interpretation: "Here sistence and self-realization, have human curiosity regarding the is a superfluous people, standing a symbolic as well as a human sources and origins of this phe- in my way, which, must be got rid significance. Of all oppressed minorities, the Jewish Is the oldest nomenon. Whether he be Jew or of somehow." and has the longest record of Gentile, student of public affairs Modern Palestine suffering. Of all countries, the or casual observer, he can hardly But it would be quite false to Jewish Homeland is the newest refrain from asking himself: How has this new center of life come assume that persecution alone, and represents the most heroic efabout? Who were the. men and and all that it implies of home- fort made by any people to lift women responsible for j its crea- lessness, hunger and wretched- itself out of a condition of detton? By. what forces, by what ness, would have sufficed to pro- spair. -; hopes, fears and incentives were duce in thousands of Jews the Not very long ago, when a they moved? What relation is will-power, the initiative and the breathing spell of sanity was endurance which have built up there ' between this lahd-in-thevouchsafed- the world, fifty namaking and the Jewish problem? the modern Palestine of which tions, among them the United this Pavilion is a miniature. I t is States, expressed their official apHe who seeks to understand here that we must introduce the what It is that underlies the emer- second fundamental of the prob- proval of the enterprise known as gence of the New Palestine must lem—the unbroken and unbreak- the Jewish Homeland. It is only begin by an examination of cer- able bond of sentiment between with the emergence of a spirit of tain fundamentals. ' Among these the Jewish people and Palestine, lawlessness and brutality, such as now threatens the safety of even are the homelessness of the Jewish people, the unbroken and un- For the Jews have never for- great nations, that the righting of gotten the land of their origin; the ancient historic wrong done breakable bond of sentiment between the Jewish people and Pal- for better-or worse they have dis- to the Jews has come under hosestine, the transformation of frus- played in this respect a steadfast- tile scrutiny. trated city dwellers into bands of ness which has not its like in the A little thought will make It liioneers and the liberation of con- history of mankind. I t is this clear that the refusal to recognize structive energies which results steadfastness which has preserved the right of the Jews to build from moral liberation. These are the Jews throughout the ages and their own homeland is of a piece the spiritual realities which pre- throughout a career that is al- with the general denial of human csde and explain the physical re-. most one long chain of inhuman rights, individual and national, suffering; this which has enabled alities here represented. ' • them to survive their Babylonian which has become so widespread 1 Homeless Jew and which challenges the foundaand Roman conquerors. ' The Jewish problem may per- Nor was' the bond merely psych- tions of international law and haps be expressed ' in that single ological and sentimental. It is a morality. word: Homelessness. It is true simple Undoubtedly the Jewish, homeEeconstnxcted in an authentic model of its original form for the first time in 2,500 historical fact that land that many individual Jews, and wheneverandJews is, to many millions of were given the years, the ancient Temple of Solomon will be one of the highlights of the "Holy Land of groups of Jews, may have homes, a remote phenomechance they returned to Americans, Yesterday and Tomorrow" exhibit in the Jewish Palestine Pavilion at the New York and even comfortable homes. But slightest non, scarcely "within the realm of Palestine in considerable num- reality. Perhaps what has been those-* areas of the world within bers; World's Fair. Standing behind the model is the Reverend Jacob Jehuda of Jerusalem, who there they created towns, v-hlch this statement is true have villages, needed, in order to reach the un- is its builder. communities, religious been shrinking with horrible and literary values. During the derstanding and awaken the symswiftness in recent years, while nineteenth centuries which have pathy of the great democracy of side by .side with .this shrinkage passed since the destruction of the West, has been just such a he has known many years, during re-classified in three lists: first, of the zone of safety there has Palestine as a Jewish entity there living picture as the Palestine Pa- his stay and intimated that he "Aryans"; second, Jews of recogbeen a corresponding closing of was not a single century in which vilion offers. nized merit in civilian or military might discuss with him the refu. gates. It may be said that as far the Jews did not attempt to come life; third, other Jews. If it serves that purpose it will gee question. A journalist, auas millions of Jews are concerned back. thor and diplomat, de Tessan is Meanwhile, it was announced have rendered a service not only the world is divided into two that 3,7 20 foreign Jews were to the harassed Jewish people, but a descendant of the Marquis de • Growth parts: Countries in which they forced to leave Italy up to March the cause of world Justice; for Lafayette, and holds' the seat cannot live, and countries which When we look back upon these to should 12. Permitted to remain were be clear that the Jew- once held by the Marquis in the they cannot ender.' last two decades or more, and it 933 who had entered Italy before ish problem is in a sense the French chamber. He has been a sum up the achievements of JewUndoubtedly .the .most .frightful 1919, who had married Italian touchstone of civilization, and member of the French parliamenish Palestine, we can affirm with Rome (JTA)—Jewish profes- citizens, or who are over 65 years instance of.determination to make that 33 long as the Jewish prob- a r y ORT committee since its orlife impossible :for Jews is Ger- simple candor- that;in- any other lem, remains unsolved "the civil- ganization in 1933. : " sional men in Italy will no longer old.. Of 3,190 foreign Jews vrho land, under any other circumnKiny... Here was a Western Jewized world will not-have proved An official reception was given l>e allowed to provide, their ser- had petitioned to remain, only ish' ' community, in a civilized stances, they would have teen im- itself capable of the orderly and M. de Tessan at city hall by May- vices to "Aryans." The restric- 128 received the permission repossible. Twenty-two years ago, date, to all intents and purposes tions are Incorporated in a bill quested. humane management of its af- or liaGuardia. an integral part of the state. when the Balfour Declaration was fairs, approved Saturday by the Cab• Many Italian Jews are seizing There were Jewish settlements on issued, there were some 55,000 By a Papal bull of Julius II, inet and-will go into effect sis the opportunity provided by th© the Rhine which antedated the Jews in Palestine. Samuel Zarfatl, a Roman Jew, months after the bill Is passed by New York World's Fair to make A considerable part of them, Prussian settlements. The contriwas made papal physician and ex- the Italian Chamber and Senate. visits to the United States to obbution made by German Jews to perhaps the greatest part, were empted from Jewish disabilities. Names of professionals are being tain affidavits in preparation fdr modern Germany is attested by a of the old religious -world, men galaxy of names of international who had come to spend their last repute. And in a single day this years in Palestine. We have built community has been destroyed. up a Jewish Homeland which now The threat which was made by harbors close on half a million Hitler and his satellites/that they Jews. We have done it — and would not rest until they had re- this is undoubtedly unique in the duced the Jews of Germany to history of colonization — through New York (JTA)—Francol3 de complete beggary, was carried out a private, non-governmental body, which had no official treasury at Tessan, member of the French : to the letter. its back, no state organization to Chamber of Deputies and former Polish Jewry undersecretary of state in the aid it, no power of taxation. ,-• This contrast, this overnight affairs ministry, arrived We did it with one hand tied, foreign destruction, has imparted to the on the Normandle for a visit of fate of German Jewry a dramatic as it were, behind our back. The six weeks during which will quality which has tended to dis- rich Jews of the Western world tour the country in behalfhe tract attention from other calami- were, at that time, wholly skepti- American ORT federation. of the ties, some of which are wider in cal of the feasibility of the enterIn a shipboard interview on scoped The Jews • of Germany prise. The funds which were doship, de Tessan praised the numbered, at the time when their nated toward the homeland came board annihilation was decreed, some six very largely from the lower and activities of the organization as hundred thousand. But nearly middle classes. The land itself, a "great humanitarian, social and three and. a half million Jews in to which we came, was impover- constructive work." H e described enthusiastically a visit he had Poland are scarcely in better case. ished. Not long agio Colonel Beck, the Four centuries of Turkish neg- made shortly before leaving for Polish minister for foreign af- lect and misrule had crippled it. the United States to an OKT agrifairs, made the statement — and And then we must remember our cultural c o l o n y in southern he has reiterated it on numerous own lack of equipment, at least France, where, he said, 30 Jewoccasions — thai "there are a in the technical sense: A people ish refugee families were receivmillion Jews too many in Po- with no experience, no training, a ing training in new occupations. De Tessan said he planned to land." It would be useless to ask people which for centuries had Colonel Beck why exactly a mil- been divorced by cruel laws from visit President Roosevelt, whom lion Jews. They are citizens of agricultural pursuits, a broken Poland; they have been connected people of petty traders, small Call Us FOP with the destinies of that country manufacturers, Intellectuals and for well-nigh a thousand years. middlemen. EEOQERNIZATIOE • Attics • Kitchens • Basement* They have, during that period, That we have triumphed over .« Reproofing • Insulation shared all the vicissitudes of Po- such handicaps — there cannot be • Re-ildlng land. They are making their con- any doubt that the structure of fiO DOWN PAYMENT tribution to Poland like every oth- the Jewish Homeland does repreEasy Monthly Payments er element of the population. Why sent a triumph - i - must to a large should they be singled out as be- extent be ascribed to the tre- rJHCKLirJ LUMPER Q©. ing a million too many? No doubt mendous urge toward Palestine 19th & Nicholas Gts. JA 6000
future emigration to America, constitutional law at tn© St&fa, Tosirist visas are being grented House. Miss Holmes is advocating % b the United States consulate to heads of families if reasonable bin vhich v-culd make it criminal guarantee of their return is pro- to libel or slander any race. As a. member of the state fien« vided. , Ete sfce headed the commission ! v:hich investigated subversive ac* j tlvitles in the Bay State. AccordI ing to Kiss Holmes' proposed bill j £cy person v.'fac vrites or depicts acrthir.g intended to impeach the honesty, virtue, reputation, character, or patriotism of any race WOKIQ be liable to a fine of (1,000 RftCh Ore N or iir.prisoEinent for a year. Boston (JTA) — NESI "propa-
ganda pamphlets" Eeekicg to create anti-Semitic feeling, are being smuggled i n t o Massachusetts from -Hitler Germany, former Senator Sybil Holmes 'charges at a hearing before the committee on
The Jev-E of Saragossa at Pttrim read the scroll of Esther iai Spanish rather than Hebrew tQ the women. Sir Saul Samuel was PoetmaaU er General of Australia.
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Rothschild-Hadr-osah-University Hospital
It ig heartening to note that in a world torn by terror and complete disregard for all that modern civilization has aclueved and disintegration of ideals which man has come to cherish as a standard by which to live, "in one sinall part of the world, apparently oblivious of forces of destruction, man continues to build. The creation of the Rothscbild-Hadassah university bears immortal testimony to the unconquerable spirit of living ideals.—THE EDITOR.
tarian values which are being Hadassah Medical organization. scrapped by totalitarian states in Air affiliation agreement between Europe today. HadassaH and the Hebrew univerSimultaneously, in this coun- sity has established a procedure try, a series of dinners being giv- for co-ordinating matters jointly en by Hadassah in 46 states, and affecting the teaching and rea main celebration by the Ameri- search facilities in the Hospital can Jewish Physicians' committee and Medical School. Within the and Hadassah at the Hotel Astor, 300-bed hospital there are' five in New York City, will add the operating theaters, institutes for praise of important American doc- physiotherapy, X - ray, radium tors to that of tens of thousands therapy and dental treatment of of celebrants here as a sign of in-patients. American interest in the project. The School of Nursing, which "It may be difficult for those was organized 20 years ago by who have not followed closely the Henrietta Szold, who has been the On the mountain top, •where amazing progress of Jewish up- moving spirit of Hadassah In the Titus, the Roman, stood centuries j building in Palestine during the 27 years-of existence, has set up ago to direct the looting of the jlast few decades to realize what standards of nurses' training city of Jerusalem; on the very the creation of a modern system which are equivalent to the best site where Alexander the Great of hospitalization and public practices in our own country. once paused to note the beauty of health means for the 450,000 pioThe school provides a training the hills of Moab and the River neers who live there," Mrs. Rob- center not only for Palestinian Jordan, there will be opened on ert Szold, Palestine chairman of girls but for students from neighMay 9 a great institution of Hadassah, stated1 in an interview boring countries who will thus "healing, teaching and research." here last week. "In the United become ambassadors of good Designed to bring all the bene- States we take our public health health to surrounding nations. All fits of modern science to the pio- institutions for granted. We ex- subsidiary facilities required for neers of Palestine and to the oth- pect that government agencies the study of the nursing profeser peoples of the Near East, this shall control epidemics, provide sions are provided in this school; medical center -will symbolize, to prophylaxis, administer c h i l d laboratories, m o d e l hospital quote Hadassah. the Women's care, direct school hygiene, and wards, model hospital service Zionist Organization of America, seek to employ the best medical rooms, lecture halls and libraries. •which helped build it, "the deep aid available for the general good Facilities belief of the Jew in the power of of the great masses of our citiThe Medical School has faciliscientific enlightenment; it will zens. In Palestine, these things ties for post-graduate teaching serve as a sign that the Jews are have had to be supplied through and research. The object of the creating their homeland in Pal- private initiative simultaneously institution is to give the scientists estine with the instruments of with the transformation of a med- of the Hebrew university, the ieval into a modern community. physicians of the hospital and the peace and g°od-will." have had to be planned as medical profession in Palestine • The new medical center has They an integral part of a quickly ex and the Near East in general, opb«en named the Rothschild-Ha- panding agricultural economy. portunities for conducting redasBah-IJnlversity hospital a n d And so, while in other lands, modMedical School. Building was he- ern hospitals and sanitation and search work in various branches gun in 1934 by Hadassah with the public health services come at the of medicine with emphasis on disaid of the American Jewish Phy- end of a long period of economic eases peculiar to Palestine. There sicians' committee which contrib- upbuilding, in Palestine these are departments in pathology, hyuted the land, and which had or- things have had to be provided giene and bacteriology, parasitology, pathological chemistry, canganized in. 1921 to mobilize the the very beginning of our cer and, .hormone research. support of American Jewish medi- ! from, efforts there." * cal men for the Hebrew univerDr. Nathan Ratnoff, president sity. of the American Jewish Phy\ Three Buildings Dedication ; The medical center consists of sicians' committee, in commentAt the dedication ceremonies three buildings: The Meyer de ing on the center said, "Throughwhich will take place on Mt, Rothschild-Hadassah - University out Central and Eastern Europe Scopus on May 9, Miss Henrietta hospital, the Henrietta Szold today, free scientific research is Szold, founder oE Hadassah. high- School of Nursing and the Nathan being stifled to permit the inculranking English and Jewish of- Ratnoff Postgraduate School of cation of irrational, totalitarian ficials, representatives of the He- Medicine affiliated with the He- ideas. "Were there no refuge cenbrew university with which the brew university which stands ad- ters for men of scientific integrity new center is affiliated, and the jacent to it, and which was erect- some of the great gains of the chief rabbi of Palestine will gath- ed by the American Jewish Phy- past would be blotted out, the er to open the center. They will sicians' committee. The first two contributions of some of the finthus pay tribute to Jewish deter- institutions will be administered, est scientific minds of the world mination to salvage the humani- as in the past, directly by the would be destroyed. It is a sad
Mrs. Ida Ceciie Liti man. PT. died Tuesday night. She had resided in Omaha for thirty-two years, corning: here from England after the death of her husband. Surviving: her are: a daughter, Mrs. A. P. Goiuware; a son. Nathan, of London, England, fifteen grandchildren, and eight greatgrandchildren. The funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was at Monnf Sinai cemetery.
> „ > » i- I ,
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Roy N. Towl
L o n <i o n (.IT A * ' — A p v. '< < P • • I New York f'JTA) — Jev.-g and • Protestants have joined in pro- t h e U n i t e d S ! K I P B fov P . T P P tesiine against persecution of G e r m a n e m i g r a n t s v s i i i p v I Catholics. Robert A. Ashworth, G e r m a n p n i f i u c i s VHP if.fnir ; educational secretary of the Xa- C h a n c e N o r A d o l f i m i r r -p ; ! tiona'. Conference of Christians d a y Rorirpps in s-spriin. O n e v e r s i o n qiwwpr' ; h p T'nc• and Jews, declared this week in ?. j statement "in response to many a ? s l a t i n c : "1 k n o w i t>.-i=p > are against me. I k n o v ;'• ; requests for information." 1 The statement was apparently f r o m t h e d s y s be-fore ! Ori" Mrs. Don Friedman povpr. K n ' - r n i e ? of N ^ i i o i ) ^ ! Mrs. Don Friedman, 60, ni I aimed- as a reply to accusations I'ifUism linc n\, Council Bluffs died Saturday in of Father Charles E. Couphlin s f K i n s i t hRe r eK n i cahg i it A o r f s ; . p>';.i i and others 'hat .'ev."s vevc no;. Rochester. Minnesota, after an j concerned over persecution of operation. f\I relations. Oih.ev eo>\i> Surviving Mrs. Friedman are I Catholics. Just completed by Hcdassah, the Wonea's Zionist OrI The protests against oppression her husband; a daughter, Mrs. ganisation of America and the American Jewish Physi- Morris Wohlner of Omaha, and I of Catholics listed by Dr. Ash- G e r m a n g o o d s r ? . t h n v i h ? i ! in-ji cians' Committee atop lit. Scopus, in Jerusalem. The cen- two grandchildren. | worth include: Statement of ."-('0 o u r i n f e r i o r e l e m e n t s rep'T-«."i ministers and rabbis on Novemter will be dedicated on May 9 with ceremonies in Palestine, Funeral services were held in Ij ber A different clisppu-h or 27, 19S4. on Mexico: ?.n epin 46 states of the United States and at a main dinner at Council Bluffs on Sunday. ] peal on Mexico by 40 Protestant the Hotel Astor in New York City. The center, the first of land Jewish leaders in 1S"6: a ! mass meeting of I,SOP Catholics. s g s i r , ? . ; G e - m p n FooriR. If v.its Mnd in the Holy Land will specialise in general and enJews and Protestants in Brook- PIRVP b e ^ n b e l t e r >o \wp^"i demic diseases. It will fee run on a strictly non-sectarian "Roy X. Tow], candidate for city lyn. N. Y.. in December. 1934: a m a n koocis t h ^ n CtpiiufiK basis. commissioner, has issued the fol- statement by the chief rabbis of France in ITSfi on Mexico pne' lowing statement: Spain, R resolution of the Tn;or! comment on fascist ideology that University Hospital and the Ha*'I earnestly request citizens cf II of American Hebrew Conpresrpits theoreticians should be will- dassah clinics there. Omaha, women and men, to vote convection in June. lffJr: t h e f o u n r l e r s i\\u\ f i r s t ing to scrap the funded scientific To these should be added other in the city election on Tuesday, : tions resolutions by the Centra! Confer- Of {lif: H f S t i U i l ^ f o X knowledge of the past for the pre- refugee doctors employed in hos- May 9. carious and illogical ideas of its pitals in Haifa and Tiberias and I sincerely urge that each cit- : ence of American Kebbir- in 1P3T leaders. But if there is any sol- those employed in the Kupat izen vote, whether or not he or land 1936, the annual reporl of ace to be had in this dark time, Holim Amamit, the Rural Sick slle is supporting my candidacy | the American Jewish -committee iP— P— — * *..«™. it is to be found in such institu- Benefit Fund, all of which insti- for city commissioner. If I am I in January, 19"5; a resolution of tions as the Rothschild-Hadassah- tutions are subsidized by Hadas- elected, I would much prefer lo the Jewish War Veterans of the United States in convention in TJniversity Hospital and Medical sah. be placed in office by a majority | 1934. ED editorial in the Boston 1 Iir ,» q- i • u 1 > i* , ' «C l School. For though it will be our citizens, rather than by a Jewish Advocate on Mexico on I r<«o'l !>- >i 1 impossible for us to provide pro- | (Copyright. 1939. by Seven Arts' of minority of those entitled to November 26. 1SH5. l>a>i fessional facilities for the thou~ j nook. floor•od nirto. f i n e Feature Syndicate.) vote." sands of physicians and scientists T8«4. men!. HA exiled from their native lands, Patronize Our Advertisers Patronize Our Advertisers Patronize Our Advertisers still the ability to salvage even a few will aid in the preservation of a modicum of the invaluable scientific knowledge contributed by Jews in Europe." Famed Researchers Already working in Palestine with Hadassah are such men as Dr. Ludwig Halberstaedter, the renowned cancer specialist, Professor Bernhard Zondek, co-discoverer of the Ascieim-Zoadek Test; the well-known. Dr. Enilio Enrico Franco, former professor of pathological surgery and anatomy at the Royal University of !1 Pisa, and an expert statistician and economist, Dr. Roberto Beciii, formerly of Rone. In addition, there are 7 9 other refugee physicians in Palestine who have been given an opportunity to acquaint themselves with local conditions and to continue their hospital services through association with the Rothseliili-Hadassah-
! II I Lift
OK fEraro ; OF
Mrs. Ida Lsthman
So What?
Gems of ill© Bible
v Calendar
FKOM MAT T—MAY I S Junior Council: 2 p. ra.. Lodge y D P . Pfcffij? Sfe«tr Room. Jewish Community Center. Jr.rJor Rally: £ to 5 p. m., Auditorium, Jewish Community Cell* Who so loveth kpcvledge, loveth ter. correction; A. Z. A. No, 1 : R p. m., GymBut he who is brutish haieth re- nasium. Jewish Community Cenj proof. ter. '• It is as sport, to a "Tool to do Omaha Hebrew Club: 3 p. m., wickedness. & D, Jewish Community CenAnd so is wisdom to a man of C ter. •discernment. Table Dance: 9:30 p. A gracious woman obtaineth m..Round Auditorium, Jewish Commuhonour, nity Center. And strong men obtain riches. MONDAT, MAT 88 The thoughts of-the righteous are Workmen's Loan Association: right. S p. m., C & D, Jewish CommuBut the counsels of the wicked nity Center. are deceit, Orchestra: 8 p. m.. Lodge TALMUD Rabbi Acha said: "It is re- Room, Jewish Community Cenvealed and known to Him who ter. Center Players—"Be So Kindspoke and created the world, th;it there was none like Rabbi Meir ly:" 8:30 p. m., Auditorium, in his generation (in wisdom and Jewish Community Center. TUESDAY, MAY 8 learning). Why then did they not determine the Halacba (law) ac- Deborah Society: 2 p. m.; C & cording to his opinion? Because D, Sewish Community Center. Choir Rehearsal: g p. in.. K & his associates were unable to fathom his ultimate conclusion. L, Jewish Community Center. Center Players: "Be So KindWe were taught that his name was not Rabbi Meir but Rabbi ly": 8:30 P. m., Auditorium, Mehorai, but lie was called Rab- Jewish Community Center. bi Meir. because1 he brightened WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 the eyes of the wise with his Workmen's Loan Association: words—(Meir means bright). 8 p. m., C & D, Jewish Commu-. nity Center. Center Players: "Be So Kindly": 8:30 P. m., Auditorium, Jewish Community Center. THURSDAY, MAY 11 Choir Rehearsal: 8 p. m., K & L, Jewish Community Center. Boy Scouts Meeting: 8 p. m., Temple Lodge Room, Jewish Community Temple Israel will this evening Center. FRIDAY, MAY 12 play host to all the Jewish conDancing Classes: 3:45 p. ra., gregations of the city at a special service in honor of local high C & D, Jewish Community Center. school graduates.
For untold centuries the far-fabled Sphinx has been squatting on the desert sands of Egypt. What is the question he lias DOCTOR,been asking with his silent, stony lips? I t is the so-called "Ridj .UBSCRIPTION PRICE, One Year • — . 62.5i HUGE dle of the Sphinx," the Riddle of the Ages, the Riddle of the t! ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION EDITORIAL OFFICE: 609 QRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING Universe. WE TBiEO CUTTING SIOUX CITY OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER THEM ONCE —BUT If one may presume to use the colloquial idiom of the day, PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—45M 50. 24TH STREET THEV ONLY GKEW , Business and Managing Edito one would say that the query on those eternally silent lips is BLACKER . BACK TO GIANT SIZE! . . . . Edito "So what?" The gigantic stolid figure has beheld with his • LlSUNARU NATHAN" - •"' . Contributing Edito LHABB1 KREDEK1CK \COHN • Book Editor sightless eyes generations come and go, even new people upon jtABBl THEODORE N. JLEW1S Sioux City, Iowa, Corresponden the ancient earth, empires rise and fall, civilizations rise, flourA PILL . ish, and decay and die, countless changes in life, vicissitudes innumerable and unending —«and to all he has posed the ques-I;A Note and Its Reply tion "So what?" What is the meaning of it all!. I t is the I•; ] The hysterical voice in the Kroll opera house has ceased one Eternal question. It is the deepest question in life, as deep as ;; tirade, but the echo lingers and the people of the entire world life and death and destiny. I t involves the very character and t: wonder what exactly Hitler meant in his sarcastic reply to Pres essence and significance — if there be any — of existence. ; ident Roosevelt's note. _ If I were asked to define philosophy in one brief phrase, [I']' No tensions have been relieved. On the contrary, since I should say it is expressed in the words "So. what?" All jjtue address to the Reichstag, there has been an intensification philosophy is an attempt to answer that, and the reason there fi of military preparations. Certain treaties — valueless because are so many systems of philosophy is because there have been ;|;of the signatories — have been denounced by Hitler, as though so many different answers to this eternally baffling query. jjjjanyone any longer puts stock in Hitler's treaties — as Hitler Each age, each country has attempted its own answer, leading jl "himself now seems faintly to realize. • thinkers have presented their own ideas, opinions, or speculaill The intent of the President's note was clear, even to der tions upon this bewildering problem — hazarded their own ^Fuehrer, that the aggressor was being pointed out in advance guesses or intuitions or 'inspirations.' And all different, as _ jiijof a conflict. Moreover the note had another and related pur , Ere— " - Ld to- si Cartoons the poet Tennyson has inimitably expressed i t : ppose. It was designed to influence the people of Germany as "Every worm beneath the moon draw different threads, and|^Wilson had attempted to do during the war. There are, of late or soon pjcourse, some who doubt the efficacy of such a move. -But Spins, toiling out his own cocoon." U President Roosevelt has had a unique and rather unnoticed Each has his own individual philosophy. ; That is why we ^victory in international affairs by a small gesture which has have a History of Philosophy so fascinatingly presented in Will jjljaffected the world situation. By DE. THE0DOUE N. LEWIS Durant's "Story of Philosophy." 0 When the ashes of former Ambassador Saito were returned Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City Of these various philosophies there is the so-called "Philosif to Japan on an American warship, the masses of Japan took s advantage of this opportunity to turn the reception into a dem- ophy of Happiness," so well expressed in the title of Mrs. BertBeth El "THE GATEWAY TO JEWISH ! bution in the field of Jewish maThe Beth El Synagogue will H. U. C. AND YALE TO jjonstration of pro-American sentiment. Millions lined the streets rand Russel's radical^ and challenging and yet tender volume SOXG." J. K. EISEXSTEIX. sic. The Palestinian songs are hold a brief service at 7:30 this EXCHANGE LECTURES B E H U M AX'S PUBLISHING | irresistible, exercise a tremendous evening. and cheered the crew of the American vessel. The officers were "The Right to Be Happy." Officially, technically it is known At S o'clock members of COMPANY. 160 PAGES. j sweep with their rythm and will join with Cincinnati (JTA1—Hebrew Unextensively entertained. Individual Japanese called at the as Hedonism from the Greek word 'hedone,' meaning 'pleasure.' | rhyme which grips, unifies and the synagogue congregations for the serv- ion College and Yale University A highly significant article ap- j moves, exalts and elevates. Those other American embassy to express their deep appreciation for Amer- It is the Philosophy of Pleasure, that maintains that pleasure Israel. Divinity School have completed peared some years ago in the i who have watched a group of ice at Temple Next Week ica's act. In the wake of the visit came a definite reaction is the chief object of life, the acquirement of pleasure and the Christian arrangements tor an annual exCentury by a , minister i young Jews singing Palestinian At services next week Rabbi change lecture series by a profesagainst Fascism and the nations who practice it. None of the avoidance of pain. I t is linked with the name of Epicurus, a who attempted to analyze the • songs will know what I mean. David A. Goldstein will base his sor from each school, according secret of the Nazi regime's tenThe present volume. "T h e Greek.who lived in the fourth century, B. C , whence it is also tlennan or Italian missions have anything that approached the acious hold on German youth. He Gateway to Jewish Song." is sermon on Sholom Asch's latest to Dr. Julian Morgenstern, president of the H. U, C. known as Epicureanism. But Epicurus, as Durant cleverly found the clue in music. Through | composed reception given the American sailors. of five sections, and in- book. "Song of the Valley." Harold, son of Dr. and Mrs. The lecture series •which will this powerful medium he discov- eludes 104 songs. It is an effort remarks, was no 'Epicurean.' His was no sensuous philosophy. The government — by its anti-Comintern alliance—aligned ered that the Nazis were able not and a splendid one. to remedy the Morris Margolin, will become a start next season and run for three years are made possible by with the Axis powers, found itself skating on thin ice, and it He believed in the selection of pleasure, in discrimination, in only to capture but to hold the i deplorable situation analyzed in Bar Mitzvah. a grant from the Jeanette Miriam minds and souls of the young, j the preceding paragraphs. It. is is believed that Japan will refuse to sign a military' alliance moderation, in intellectual and aesthetic pleasure, in the higher, The Nazi songster is as important based upon practical experience in Isaac Hellmuth. a Polish Jew, Goldberg Foundation established as the ideology and the Gestapo. the Cejwin Camps, at the Center became an Anglican bishop and by the Jewish Chatauqua Society with Germany and Italy, because the expression of the Japanese more refined pleasures. Without the paralyzing effect of Academy of the Brooklyn Jewish is famous as the founder ol two in honor o£ the late MiS8 GoldThis Philosophy of Happiness, after its theoretical supprespeople is interpreted as violently anti-Totalitarian.. berg. the former, the latter would prove Institute and the Central Jewish Canadian colleges. sion in the dark Middle Ages with their pessimism and ascetic- incapable of holding a people in Institute Hebrew School, where the author experimented with her The President of the United States knows that Germany ism and cloistered 'other-worldliness,' came to the fore again abject submission. It is music material, and found it exceedingin the eighteenth century, 'the Age of Enlightenment,' notably Hassidism has grasped this ly worthwhile. It aims chiefly to and Italy will not profit by a war, but they will profit by a power of song. and help the child cultivate Jewish. continued state of unsettlement. The two countries are cash- in England with such political and ethical thinkers as Jeremy mysterious utilized its amazing potentiality songs, songs which he can sing ing in on the anti-war sentiment of the rest .of the world and Bentham, whose formula of Utilitarianism is well-known —- to the limit. Its leaders were alone or in groups, at home or in in improvising and perfect- school, songs which will give him appear to be risking a conflict to gain their ends. No doubt, 'the greatest happiness of the greatest number." This be- adept ing "Nigunirn"1 chants which pleasure, bind him closer to his Germany realizes she may be* forced to fight and is ready to :ame virtually the American political philosophy of democratic moved, aroused, up-lifted the people and to their tradition. souls of the people, and which Though most of the songs are indo so shonld her bluff be called. But her primary interest is government as expressed in our Declaration of Independence served to give release from per- Hebrew, there are many in Engand organized in our institutions (the 'New Deal' is but an sonal sorrow, which" induced the lish. And it should be emphasized not armed conflict but armed peace. to merge himself in anew that it is about time that While the governing clicque may benefit by the world's attempt to carry it out further in our new day with its de- individual the life of the group and identify we return to that ideal condition veloped social conscience) — "All men are created equal and I jitters," the people of Germany share the insecurity of their his welfare with that of the larg- j in Jewish life when every Jew er community. The ultimate sec- j was able to read elementary Heneighbors and look with horror at the idea of war. It was to have an inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of ret of Hassidism is song, simple. brew, and translate the more imhappiness." Life and liberty are but means and opportunity these people the Roosevelt note was addressed. And because moving, exhilerating, and at times portant portions of the liturgy. "Songs for Every Day" conof it, Hitler had to be cautious in his reply, though he was not for the ultimate, legitimate object, the 'pursuit' and the (im- quite primitive. ** Every folk or people has its tains 30 selections, simple in word juautious enough, and while the Roosevelt note may not end plied) achievement of 'happiness." peculiar chant. . The Young Ju- and music and taken directly One thing that has given Lin Yutang, the brilliant and dean Songster opens with a pro- from the life and experience of Nazism, it has done its share in adding to the country's dischild. Nadned, Sea-Saw, the cultivated Chinese, his well-deserved vogue, is his exposition found observation by a prominent the satisfaction with the government. leader of Hassidism, Nachman first, can easily be memorized and In commenting upon sung. It contains exactly four The note was a gentleman's note, the expression not of and advocacy in his outstanding book, "The Importance of Liv- Bratslav. — " from " " choicest - • • • - fruits . - of-- elementary words. The selections "Take the ing," of the Philosophy of Happiness. He holds that this partisan feeling, but of America's sentiment toward another the land" (Genesis 43:11). Reb deal with such typical child Avar. It was a bold attempt to forestall any conflict. The reply present age, and particularly we Americans, worry too much. Nachman translating the word themes as dog. sheep, cat, parrot, 'imras," "song" interprets the elephant, horse, etc. was the reply of a tortured, diseased mind — the reply of a We take life too seriously. We should learn to take it more verse "Songs of Bible Days" revolve to mean that when Jacob asily, with greater equanimity and tranquility. sent his children into Egypt for around Eiblical characters. 'Some guttersnipe to the civil request of a gentleman. ' . food, he cautioned them to re- of the titles are, "Abraham's What has our Judaism to say about this Philosophy of member the distinctive chant of I Journey," "Esa.u's Song." "JaHappiness? I t endorses it, most heartily and emphatically. Eretz Israel. cob"s Song," "Song of Joseph's T h e J .N . F . ; - : . • • • " • - ; '•;• , ••: • , ' ; ^ - : : - . - - • . Wherever acd whenever Jews Brothers." The last in this secJudaism is an Optimism. I t says life is good, because God its Familiar initials in Israel are "J. N. P . " — the Jewish enjoyed a folk life, possessed a tion, "Yoheved's Lullaby," is unof race and people, usually effective, ideal for young National Fund which is doing so much in the creation of a Creator is good, all men are His children and God wishes all consciousness their songs were not only virile girls. His creatures to be happy. Therefore the means of happiness homeland for the persecuted Jews of Europe. The familiar and varied but distinctive. They "Songs for the Ceremonies and personal and communal Holy Days." the third section. blue box and the contributions to the Jewish National Fund are strewn prodigally everywhere around. Man should utilize expressed sorrows and joys, the very soul puts to music the elementary have made possible what progress has been made in Palestine these and enjoy these, not crush them under foot, and turn of the Jew. Now, however, when prayers which every Jewish cluid the folk spirit has deteriorated or should know, such as the Mooch and the progress in Palestine will have influence on the future his back upon the most innocent pleasures and enjoyments of spent itself, Jewish song has like- Ani, etc. It also includes welllife. This is expressed explicitly in the remarkable words of wise disappeared well-being of the world. from the mouths known Jewish songs for Chant:and lips and hearts of our people. kah. Sabbath. Purim, Pesacli a n i In archaotic world, obviously hurling itself to destruction Ecclesiastes supposed to be the arch-pessimist with his "Vanity When the folk spirit vanishes, Shaubuoth.- This is one of t t e Our great main floor .« , £ st store in Itor at the best giving itself up to decay and demoralization, of Vanities, all is vanity" in the words, " I can see nothing the striving, the memories, the richest and most significant porurnishings. self . . . devoted to seasona hopes of a people, contained 'ana tions of the volume. Palestine alone of Eurasia has shown itself capable of progress better for a man than that he should seek good in his life; if expressed in music, also vanish. The fourth section. "Songs for in the face of disaster and discouragement. Three decades ago, a man were to live many days let him rejoice in them all." Jewish life in the United States the Synagogue," includes sis oi "Rejoice! Rejoice!" says Judaism, in ten thousand different is desperately poor. It simply the more important responses Palestine was merely an unfulfilled hope, a dream that had so fails to bring any joy or satisfac- used in the synagogue, which long been a dream, the dream rather than its realization had w a y s . ' " • ' - • . ' Novelty t.nd plain effects . * « tion. It is chiefly a source of should be familiar to.every chile, Judaism not only. believes in happiness, but it has given grief, an almost intolerable bur- such as the Boreku. Sh'ma Israel, come to be accepted. "Within a few years the desert has become the new colors The fifth and last section den. Though the spiritual im- etc. a fertile field; the barren mountain slopes have grown forests; us the infallible formula of happiness, the real Secret of Hap- poverishment is, of course, due to entitled "Songs of Eretz Israel," piness. I t says happiness is conditional. It is dependent on many causes, one of the most sig- contains several well-k-n o w n the sand-dunes find metropolises flourishing. which are popular in the righteousness. The 'right to be happy' is really do right and nificant of these is the total and hymns The post-war period gave rise to many experiments. Libtragic absence of Jewish music Holy Land, and here. This rich selection of Jewish Sport Shirts and Slacks in natural $<T| $O95 erals were for the most part attracted to that of Russia where you will be happy. Do well and you will fare well. This may and song. Our youth is pathetically ignorant of ths Jewish i song, carefully prepared a n d seem to be contradicted by life when we see the righteous sufand other solid color ensembles...... <§•?' and ' M attempts were made to uproot every tradition and replace them chant, sacred and secular, and ut- adapted for the child, should enwith new concepts. The liberals and radicals who looked to fer and the wicked seemingly prosper. This paradox forms terly alienated from specific Jew- rich the life of American Jewish One misses several popuof the majestic Book of Job. The solution is that ish music, in content and in spirit. ! youth. Russia damned Palestine — the Jews washing their hands of the theme and moving hymns e. g. E!iThe Jewish heart .is irretrievably v Hanovi; 'taher • Libenu: it, the non-Jews shaking their heads. But Russia with its ven the righteous cannot escape suffering as this is inherent bereft when it is deprived of the yohu Sholom Aleichem. But. despite Jewish "nigun.'" in the lot of man because of his very nature as a finite, mortal Wide choice o£ new Spring shades $ ^ 9 S $Q95 disdain of the very fundamental principles of human relations omissions which appear to the reWe lament the indifference to viewer and noveltr weave e f f e c t s , . . . . . . . *i*J and human being. "Man is born to trouble as sparks fly upward" regretable. the volume has by its bloodiness proved itself repulsive. And Palestine the synagogue, the miserable at- unique and original. Ie deserve; at public worship, the which retained the concepts of Justice and Righteousness and or as Browning expressed it "To be human is to be plied with tendance praise and enthusiastic lack of response on the part of unstinted recommendation for the use of trials manifold." But within these inevitable, universal limitahas adapted the principles of the past to the progress of the Our people. One of the principle school and home. If educated tions the thesis holds that the righteous are happier than the causes of synagogue,neglect is the and trained future goes on steadily. . these songs, ouinadequate, unsatisfactory, dull children will inexperience interwoven and Koleproof Shorties in a 'resr Without recourse to cruelty and purges, the Jews of Pales- unrighteous. Their very righteousness brings pleasure, while music. The undeniable fact is vitality and power in Jewish z. host o£ new color effects livthat ihe mucic of our modern tine have gone on — experimenting where experimentation was the wicked pile up miseries manifold! Happiness follows right- synagogues simply does not move ing. necessary and never seeking to force their experiments on the eousness almost automatically. It cannot be deliberately sought or stir, that it leaves the heart j cold and the soul hungry and ! R g f H g C C S world as a new truth. Three times the peace of the country —like the butterfly'Which if we chase it eludes, escapes us. weary. Cbazanuth and \rocal munew Pslni Beacii Ties «•*• has been disrupted by bloody uprisings, the third one only now Unsought it is apt to alight on our very shoulder. And hap- weary You'll Eppreckte the new 1S32 Palm Aiding played crucial The roles in the always synagogue service. mupiness does not consist in the remote, the far-fetched, the fan- sic Beach Neckwesr . . . vest selections showing signs of abatement. New York (JTA) — "From •<.• sical rendition or the ritual gave The Jewish National Fund has contributed in a modest tastic, the exotic, the extravagant, the extreme. It is not some- deep emotional satisfaction. Many strictly utilitarian point ot view passage in the liturgy became it would be bad business for unassuming way to the new Palestine, the new Zion from whose where — anywhere but here — at the ends of the earth. As ahallowed and precious not be- America not to avail 'itself, of the the poet Goethe (non-Nazi) sang: "Warum in die Ferae sdieifcauss of any intrinsic merit, but refugee talents now available," mountainsides the voices of modern prophets ring. ten? sieh', das Gute liegt so nab'!" The Bluebird Happiness by virtue of the powerful stirring declares Dr. Henry Smith Leiper. $995 melody with which the words secretary -of the Federal Conner, hat we seek in realms remote may perch upon our-own door! were recited. The music — not of Churches of Christ in America. and £d an article in the May issue of Above all, Happiness is Context. As the Rabbi of the the words and their meaning — In moved, saddened', touched, up- Current History. 'He points cut 1939-40 — 5699-5700 Talmud expressed it: "Who is rich? He who rejoices in what lifte. Unless the synagogue re- that many new industries have Lag B'omer ............ ....Sun., May 7 he has!" captures this ancient and power- been brought, to this country fcj Shevuoth ful medium, the future is 'not refugees and many American? ..Wed., May 24 And the Supreme Happiness consists in helping others to promising. have been given employment in Tisha B'Ab ;........ Tues., July 25 Palestine, which is energizing industrial projects started with Rosh Hashan'ah ...... ..... Thurs., Sept. 14 e happy. Our own cup of Happiness must be full to the brim Jewish life -on all fronts, is, of refugee capital, skill -and initiaYom Kippur ........... ......... Sat., Sept. 23 vhen it overflows in happiness to others! i course, making a glorious contri- tive, PUBLISHED EVERY I-RIOAY AT OMAHA. NEBRASKA, BY
Religious Services
Smart New Sport fcci
Smart Novelty Sweaters
New Fancv Shortle Sox
Auxiliary Workmen's Circle, Branch 258
c. c.
to Play Benson Team
One hundred and fifty couples jl'i.l I The Jewish National Fund danced to the music of Web FierMembers of the Jewish Co:11The installation of the.Ladies' ! ! >, i ti Committee of Hadassah headed man and his orchestra at A. 2. A.auxiliary, Branch 25 8, Workmen's j menity Center Matron Woir.jn U il by Mrs. I. Dansky, Mrs. Reuben 100's sixth annual spring dance Circle, was held last Sunday at class will play tee Benson WciaBordy and Mrs. I. Rubnitz will eld in the Central club audito- the home . of Mrs. S.' Lerner. en volleyball team. In Benson on s Ti/r^,..-^^—** A w ^.~, r v l P . be hostesses Friday 1 p. m. May ium on April 23. The entire pro- About 50 members were present Tuesday. .» . _
5th at a dessert lunch which will eeds of the affair will be turned Last Tuesday t h e members of I XVap tTOp£££.31Cla the celebration, which was TILLES-KTZXIT ENTERTAIN FOR BRIDE-TO-BE be held at the J. C. C. for the ver to the Youth Aliyah, a at opened by a short introductory the Matron's Class held a picnic j i n AlIieS-lCE.E Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kuznit Mrs. I. Stoler, her daughters, All members of Hadas- movement which helps support speech from Mrs. L. Paperny. at Elmwood P a r k in honor of —— announce the approaching mar- the Misses Sarah and Celia Stoler, workers. are urged to attend because oung Jewish refugees in Pales- To&stmistress for the evening wasMrs. Sylvia Cusick, a member of New York fJTAS— riage oi their daughter, Anne, to and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jay sah of the importance of JNF work ine. M S Mrs. A. Shafer, a n d Mr. S. Lernj t h e group, who is leaving t o make j no room in t h e Unites res .Abe Bernard Tilles of St. Joseph, Stoler, were hostesses on April 23, today. er, secretary of Branch 255, i h e r home in California. Four valuable door prizes were race hatred. Mayor LEGUKV Mo., son of Mrs. Rose Tilles. at a luncheon and "miscellaneous drive will open May 7 th given away. Joe Guss was general W o r k m e n ' s Circle, performed t h e said as he was presented i > The wedding will be solemnized shower in honor of Miss Ethel andThe are urged to co-op- hairman of the affair, and Har-installation ceremony. first "Badge of Tolerance" at the home of Rabbi David A. Stoler, whose engagement to Hen- erateworkers by getting in touch with ld Slutskin was in charge of New York City by P dfl^riP Officers for t h e organization Goldstein on Sunday, May 7, at 3ry Ginsburg was recently an- Mrs. Reuben Bordy, Wa. 565S. icket sales. headed by Charles K. TUUIF. ra r e : Mrs. S. Lerner, president; p. m., in the presence of the im-nounced. N A regular meeting of the Bikur Ir e s e r >t r ~ Members wishing to purchase Aleph Godol Milt Saylan was Mrs. I. Shafer, recording secre' mediate family. Spring flowers and tapers in Mother's Day certificates of trees unanimously elected to represent t a r y ; M r s . A . Levine, financial Cholim society will be held this Table o'~ -r X .-••••:,'Miss Eva Kuznit, sister of thepastel shades were used for deco- are reminded to get in touch with he chapter as delegate to the A. secretary, a n d Mrs. A. Shafer, Monday, June S, at the Jewish r - ^.u. _ •bride, will be maid of honor. Nor- rations and covers were placed for Mrs. M. F . Levenson, Chairman, A. national convention which treasurer. The executive commit- Community Center at 2 o'clock. | . ^-.-'P man Levitta of St. Joseph is to be 53. After luncheon bridge and immediately, Wa. 0S50. will s to be held in Port Jervis, N. tee consists of Mrs. L . Paperny, rbest man. bingo were played. Y. Aleph Godol Saylan has served Sirs. N. Martin, Mrs. S. Kraft a n d DOXOR LUNCHEON A reception is to be held at the Fins.1 reports on the recent era- j At the close of the Hadassah as round table representative, del- Mrs. M. Belgrade. home of the bride's parents from in&tie presentation will be pre- ! egate to the regional convention, Flowers were presented t o t h e activities for the year a Donor . 6 to 9 p . m. No invitations are Luncheon is given in honor of Aleph Gisbor and Aleph Ssan. group by t h e district committee being issued. Flans are to be drafted for the • members who have raised ?5 orHe also is a member of the soft- of t h e W o r k m e n ' s Circle a n d annual Bifeur Cholim luncheon • The Misses Sylvia Parilman, ball and basketball team. Jay Branch 258. Greeting telegrams Continuing its celebration of more for the organization. This Ruth Nepomnick, Sarah Taub, is scheduled to be held at ; past Aleph Mazkir, was were also received, a n d n u m e r o u s which the Jewish Coicrnur.ity Center on ] Ahuvah Gershater and Sarah Berg he Fifteenth Anniversary of the year under the capable leader- Wiseman, donations were offered by volun- June 12. ounding of Mother Chapter of ship of Mrs. M. M. Barish and unanimously elected alternate. will act as hostesses. rno.. 1 The third issue of the Century teers. Julius Stein the Donor .;•.'• After a short wedding trip, the Aleph Zadik Aleph, A. Z. A. No.Mrs. Because of the importance cf : i1 is planning an outing for Sat-Luncheon will be held May 16th ipotlite', the chapter paper, was couple will reside in St. Joseph. urday nite. May 6th, 1939, to be 1 p. m. at the Jewish Commun- distributed at the last regular were Mr. M. Crounss and Mr. S.been urged to be present. held at Grimes Farm. All Alephs ity Center when over 300 women meeting. Milton Guss is editor in Lipp. Bernice Paperny presented VISITING AUNT and dates are to meet at J. C. C.are expected to attend. Mrs. Leon chief, Yale Richards is assistant several vocal and piano selections. Ladles' Auxiliary, Ti e-l ' Miss Lillian Ross of Denver, at 9:30 p. m, and go in a group Graetz will be in charge of pre-editor, Harold Slutskin is make The auxiliary will meet every Colo., will be the guest of herout to the weiner roast. Aleph paring the luncheon. up editor, Ben Miller is sport ed- second and fourth Wednesday at Workmen's Circls, 173 L r ' ~ r F * ^ \*1 aunt, Mrs. Pauline Krizelman.'for Phil Shoolin, chairman of out- In addition to those names tor and Jack Berman is business the Jewish Community Center. *•'* r t CP, the next 10 days. Following her ng committee promises food a already published the following manager. The Ladies Auxiliary of Work- j -•= b<= r e i visit here, Miss Ross will go onplenty for everyone. Dr. Victor Levine, noted scienmen's Circle. Branch ITS, will \ I'^P r C u r ; women will also be honored durto Chicago, "Washington and New hold a Mother and Daughters day : tist and explorer, lectured before ing the luncheon: Mrs. Aaron The following morning, Sun- Rips, Mrs. Max Davis, Mrs. Ldiis the chapter on his recent trips to York. "r gathering on May 17 at S p. in. day, May 7th, the chapter soft- Alberts, The Annual Mother and Daugh- at the Labor Lyceum, £201 Clark Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, Mrs. the arctic. Movies wers shown ball team will play its first game street. THEATER PARTIES Stern, Mrs. Meyer Stern, and Dr. Levine gave an account ter banquet, sponsored by the the season against the Chap- Sam Phineas Krs. Marcus Hosenstein will "Wintroub, Mrs. Sain of his experiences. Walter Green- Vaad Auxiliary, . will be held on Mrs. Philip Romonek and Mrs.of ter No. 100 team. This game will Mrs. I Jacob Bernstein are forming the- take place at 33d and Cass St. Peltz, Mrs. Isadore Sokolof, Mrs. berg, head of the cultural com- Monday, May 15. at 6:SO at therepresent the mothers End Miss Lillian Pollay the daughters. ater parties for the Omaha Thea- at-11 a. m., and everyone is urged David Bernstein, Mrs. Sam Bos-mittee, was in charge of the pro- Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Sam Katzman will act as A musical program will follow. ter Guild productions to be given to see this initial game of the sea- ter, Mrs. Al Breit, Mrs. Hyman Tarn. v Belman, Mrs. Harry Cohen,'and A. Z. A. 100's Softball team toastmistress and Mrs. A. Zabel Refreshments are tobe ser\-ed. e r r ^ m - i r i r - >rr Tuesday, May 16, at the Central son. admission Mrs. Wm. Raduziner. There will be no held its second practice of theis program chairman. Mrs. A. Openirp; rf c. r t on v slub. At 3 p. m. on Sunday, May 7, Also Mrs. Irvin Stein, Mrs. Har-park. All indications are that this Brookstein will speak for the charge. i^gn oT el\ CL^O- i. _ < a special anniversary meeting has OX EASTERX TRIP ry Cooper, Mrs. Harry Wohlner, year's team will be even strong- mothers: Miss Bemiee Crounse Mr. Morris Fine, accompanied been planned. An interesting pro- Mrs. Sara Frohm, Mrs. Harold er than their team of last year for the daughters; Mrs. B. Roth- O^IAHA LADIES' CLUB | creased Xar n; ir the I r ,Pf ... by his mother, Mrs. J. Miller, left gram listing a first degree initia- Brodkey, Mrs. Max Fromkin, Mrs. which won the cornbelt regional enberg ;for the grandmothers ... Sunday morning for a month's tion of six new members, the H. Osoff, Mrs. Harry Steinzeig, title. A. Z. A. 100 will again en- and Mrs. M. Trustin for the greatMembers of the Omaha Ladies nounced Iv tl' awarding of the •chapter emblem Mrs. I. Weiner, Mrs. Sam Jacobs, ter a team in the J. C. C. league grandmothers. trip throughout the east. Club collected ?2 5 which was They will visit in New York, to twelve men who have earned Mrs. Freda Fleischer, Mrs. Steve and will be the favorites to win. The invocation will be given turned over to the Jewish PhilPhiladelphia, Wilkes-Barre, Balti- through chapter activities, and aFeldman, Mrs. -Arthur Muskip, Other summer sports as planned by Sylvia Bernstein. anthropies to forward to the Unitspeech by Dr. A. Greenberg, past Mrs. Sam A. Finkle, Mrs. David by athletic chairman Harry Fox more and .Washington. Reservations are sixty cents a ed Jewish Appeal. The money is president of District No. 6 of Bodin, Mrs. A. L. Blumenthal include a golf tournament, a ten- plate and. may be made before to be used for refugee relief. B'nai B'rith. and Mrs. Sam Rosenberg. nis tournament, a ping pong tour- May 11 by calling the Vaad ofVISITOR DEPARTS The Omaha Ladies Club is a Alumni of Mother Chapter, Mrs. Maurice Sachs and daughAmong others are Mrs. Harry nament and a track meet. Others fice, Ja. 08S7. or Mrs. A. Schwac- new ' organization. members of Sam Beber chapter ter, Ilene, departed last Sunday Crounse. Mrs. J. Lintzman, Mrs. on the committee are arold Ep- zkin, At. 5534. rooming for Chicago after spend- No. 100. and members of Junior Julius Stein, Mrs. Dave Stein, stein, Mannuel Himmelsteln and A. Z. A. have been issued a coring a month visiting Mrs. Sachs' Mrs. M. Grodinsky. Mrs. S. Feld- Joe Guss. parents, -Mr. and Mrs. J . Abram- dial invitation to help Mother man, Mrs. N. Jacobow. Mrs. Har- The next big event on the soChapter properly observe its fifson. Dr. Sachs had returned home ry Marks. Mrs. E. Meyer, Mrs. cial calendar of the chapter will The last meeting of the Beth El right after .the Passover holiday. teenth birthday. Refreshments Meyer Raben, Mrs. I. Sherman be a smoker get-together. This By Mrs. David F»L Kewmsa be served. Plans for the an-Mrs. Joe Goldware, Mrs. M. Horn will be held at the home of oneAuxiliary this season will be held While here Dr. and Mrs. Sachs will niversary have been handled by on Wednesday, May 10. A lunchMrs. Richard Wright and Mrs were' extensively entertained by committee headed by Aleph's of the chapter's most prominent eon will be served at 1 o'clock. APPLE SAUCE CAKE Fritz Rosenstock. friends and relatives. alephs. S'gan Stan Turkel. A 12 o'clock board meeting will % cup butter In addition there are Mrs. J. H. The next regular business precede the luncheon. Continuing its active participa- Kulakof§ky, Mrs. Reuben Kulak- meeting of A. Z. A. 100 will be 1 cup sugar JOSLYN MEMORIAL 2 eggs On Sunday at 2:30 in the con- tion in the Round Table of Jew- ofsky, Miss Blanche Zimman held next Sunday at the J. C. C. The reports of all standing committees will be read. Officers Vi cup chopped nuts cert hall of the Joslyn Memorial ish Youth work. Mother Chapter Mrs. M. F . Levenson, Mrs. D. B. for the coming year are. to be 1 enp apple sauce * the Omaha Music Teachers' asso- was signally honored at the last Epstein, Mrs. M. Zalk, Mrs. D chosen. 2 cups cake flour ' ciation will present a National meeting of the Round Table by Blumenthal, Mrs. Harry Harris An interesting program has 1 enp chopped raisins Music week concert. At the same having two of its Alephs elected Mrs. Sam Epstein, Mrs. Louis Epbeen arranged by Mrs. Jack BramA regular meeting of the Bas1 teaspoon soda time in the lecture hall two sound to the highest offices in the stein, Mrs. Joe Kaplan of Miss1 ^.i teaspoon cinnamon - films, "By "Ways of Egypt" and Round Table. P. A. G. Morris Ar- ouri Valley, Mrs. Morris Ricks A-Mi was held Tuesday, May 2,son. The Concert Dancers of the Vz teaspoon nutmeg *>Cairo to the Pyramids," will be bitman, who has been active in Mrs. Herman Cohn, Mrs. Bertha at the Jewish Community Center. University -of Omaha, under the Cream sugar and butter, a d d shown. Mr. Paul H. Grumman Round Table for several years, Ellis, -Mrs. J . J . Friedman, Mrs Plans were formulated for thedirection of Miss Ruth Diamond,. will speak at 3:30 in the lecture was elected to the presidency of David Potash, Mrs. H. A. Resnick club's second annual banquet will present a program of relig- e-ggs one at a %time. Dissolve soda • that organization. During the past Mrs. Leo Marcus, Miss Hermine which will be held this year on ious dances. in a"pple*s"auce &nd add flour sav-j hall on "Post-Impressionism." Taking part will be: Mary ing part to dredge cuts and rais-[ . Miss Margaret Shotwell will ap- he has served as treasurer of. the Hirschman, Mrs. Henry E. Bel-Thursday, June 1, with Charlotte Shephard, ins. Beat well. Bake 25 minutes ' pear in a piano recital at 4 o'clock Round Table and was chairman mont, Mrs. Harry Eisenstadt Nogg in charge of general ar- Harkness, Dorothy rangements. Marjorie Disbrow. Jane Cook, .at 375 degrees in layers. Put choin the concert hall. At 4:30. in of Initial Gifts in Youth Division Mrs. Julius Haykin, and Mrs the lecture hall a recital'will be of Jewish Philanthropies. Aleph Herman Dansky. Sylvia Epstein, president of the and Constance Sheets. • Accom- 'colate icing between layers when 'cold. '" • given by Miss Evelyn Glad, so- Godol Irving Nogg, was re-elected Bas-A-Mi, was appointed chair- panist is Mrs. A. Fellman. If there are any Hadassah memprano, and Mr. Fred Dempster, to the post of vice-president of bers who are entitled to admis- man of Stage Night by the executhe Round Table. 'cellist. WHITE FRVIT CAKE sion to the Donor Luncheon who's tive committee of the Round Ta2 cups sugar A concert will be given a t 8 At the last meeting of B'Nai names have not yet been pub- ble. The club, which won second 1 cup butter o'clock by the Benson High Schoo Brith Lodge- No. 354, Mother lished they are "requested to getprize in last year's Stage Night, The Theta chapter of Sigma 1 cup milk Glee club, under the direction of Chapter presented the second de- in touch with the Medical Fund will again participate this year. Delta Tau has announced the •4 cups cake flour ' Tickets for the drawing can be gree initiation to members of A. Chairman, Mrs. M. M. Barish Miss Natalie Cowman. the following girls election of 3 teaspoons baking powder purchased from any member of Z. A. eligible. The degree team Wa. 8899. 3 : cup cocoanut the club and all proceeds will go as officers for the new year: consisted of Aleph Godol, Irving 1: cup white raisins to charity. Charlotte Nogg, vice- Jeanette Polonsky of Omaha, Nogg, Stan Turkel, Stan Silverpresident of the Bas-A-Mi, was president; Selina Hill, Lincoln, ,2 cup citron cut thin man, Alvin Hertzberg, Ralph . Members of Sigma Omicron Turkel, Leo Sherman, Justin elected Treasurer of the Round vice-president; Sarah B. Miller, 6 e££ whites Wall Lake, Iowa, treasurer; Shirchapter of Sigma Alpha Mu hold Priesman and Leonard Margules. 1 1b. E.:r=.cD;ds blanched and cut The Women's Mizrachi orgahi Table of Jewish Youth. ley Epstein, Omaha, secretary; ir. half ing their annual election last After the initiation ceremonies, zation will hold a one o'clock and Muriel Frank, Omaha, histo•Monday night elected Irvin Yaf- short speeches were made by Dr.luncheon on "Wednesday, May 17, H s".ic;E candled piECETple sli:ed rian. fe, Omaha, prior for the coming A. Greenberg, Philip Klutznick, the club's regular meeting date, j-2 pound cendied cherries Marian Stettheixner of Wichita, year. At the same time they elect- member of-A. Z. A. Supreme Ad- for the bridge being given to Crean 1'utter r r i r.:f;rr\, f t : Members of the Junior Hadas- Kansas, was named social chair- dry ir-jrcilsr-ts c'.tercE.tEl''- wr"~ ed as their other officers: Sidney visory Council, and Harry Weiss, raise funds for the purchase o Kalin, Sioux City, exchequer first:: president of Mother Chap- linens for the new Beth Zeiroth sah will be hostesses at a tea man? Miriara Rubnitz, Omaha, the i^ilk. Azz. v hltes iezicn S.V-ZZ. on Sunday, May 7, from 3 to 5,scholarship chairman; Ruth Sa- fruits z.~i ruts. Bake 1 ' = hcvv: Norman Harris, Omaha, recorder ter. : Girls School in Tel Aviv. at t-ae home of the Misses Liberty bel, Scottsbluff, house-manager; at CCG ce™ees. Morton Margolin, Omaha, histoThe school is to be dedicated and Ruth Cooper, 110 So. 50th Genevieve Stein, Omaha, interrian; and Norman Bordy, Omaha, on Lag B'Omer. Ave. mural representative; Florence assistant exchequer. Mrs. M. Brodkey and Mrs. So- The tea is open to all young Meyerson, Council Bluffs, de Memorial Day services, held phie Rothkop are chairmen of the representative; and each year in memory of all mem- At an election of officers held committee arranging the affair. women interested in the work of Hellenic Junior Hadassah. Guest speaker Selma Zveitel, Grand Island, Par- Jaime bers of the fraternity who have in the chapter house Monday, The Women's Mizrachi {died, will be held next Sunday May 1, the following men were sponsoring a rummage sale on of the afternoon will be Fradene liamentarian and sergeant-atevening at the chapter house. elected to take over the newMonday, May 8, at 13th and How- Goldstein of. Wichita, Kansas. arms. Sarah Margolin is In charge of Rabbi H. A. Jolt, of Lincoln, will duties: Leonard Friedel of Oma- ard streets. for the affair. lead the services. ha, president of Alpha Theta: A benefit bridge was given on arrangements Assisting at the tea will be Bliss • Following the election of offi- Robert Cohen of Omaha, vice- Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Rose Shirley' Barish, Miss Betty Soref, cers last Monday night, Morton president; Leonard Goldstein of Abrams. The regular meeting will be r-r Miss Rosalie Alberts. Miss Louise held Sunday, May 1, at 2:SO p.-xa. | Margolin, Omaha, was awarded Omaha, treasurer; Samuel DavidMiller, Miss Ruth Friedman, and • the • best pledge cup, annually son of St. Joseph, Mo., secretary; The important business will be 1 awarded to the outstanding all and Robert Silverman of Omaha, Miss Liberty Cooper. the election of officers. Only paid j Wo-k fe around pledge of Sigma Alpha historian. up members are eligible to vpte. j F~CE Ma. Mrs. Charles Schimmel will be f* f. w Retiring officers are, respecPioneer Women rThe Mother- and Daughter Tea ] K S \VTwo members of Sigma Omi- tively, Stanley Slosburg, Jerome donor of the luncheon to b The last Oneg Shabboth of the will be held Sunday, May 14. Any- , cron chapter w-ho were recently Milder, Ernest "Wintroub, Robert given on Tuesday to aid the tw Pioneer Women will be held to- one who wishes to pay for a reser- , Ssterhood circles headed by Mrs morrow at the home of Mrs. J .vation may do so at the.meeting. elected to membership in campus Cohen and Leonard Friedel. i it a, '•• J, Alpha Theta is looking for- •William Feiler and Mrs. Samue: Raznick, SS34 Hamilton, street. honoraries are Norman Harris, ,-VC, / Crr"' A special program has been arOmaha, who was initiated into ward to what promises to be a"Wertheimer, J r . Patronize Our Advertisers The luncheon will he held a: ranged for this closing event. Mrs. Sigma Delta Chi, men's journal- very successful administration. ism honorary, and Irvin Yaf fee, Throughout the past several years I o'clock at the Blackstone Ho A. Swartz'will give a reading, and Omaha, who was initiated into the chapter has arisen to one of tel. Bridge, Mah Jong and Bingi Mr. I. Morgenstern will be guest the 'N' club, letter men's society. the topmost positions within the will be included on the afternoon' speaker. A program of Jewish and Palestinian songs will be preNorman Bordy, Omaha, was fraternity, as well as on the Uni-program. nominated last week tb run for a versity of Nebraska campus, and - Tickets are seventy-five cents sented by Mrs. Raznick and Mr. post on the University board of will undoubtedly continue to hold and may be purchased from mem E. Selltz. Refreshments will be • ' served. bers of either circle. publications. Stefan Fraenkel, that; place. house guest from Berlin, Germany, this week prepared an exhibit on terrestrial magnetism, for the annual engineer's open -house exhibit. Steve was in charge of the committee chosen : to prepare the exhibit.
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SHINE A Musical Spectacle Ben AH Randal and-His Oriental Band. Sheherazade Lynn, Queen of the Harem. - Caravan .
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REBUFFS PEACE PLEA—Radio picture flashed from Berlin shows Chancellor Hitler giving his 'address to the Reichstag, when he asserted Germany did not want war but demanded return of colonies and denounced peace plea. Marshal Goering presides over meeting from high dais, left.
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C ^ G H ARRIVES—Police kept close guard of Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh and her sens. Jon and Land, as she arrived in New York to join Colonel Lindbergh. She is shown left, disembarking from the Champlain. Children, Land being carried, are with nurse at right.
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2 rCLLE—Dc.sres N^'sie- c' Tc-re Kfi'-e v i $. chc^en "most cherminq" indiene University co-ed end rules « Derby Queen, *+ French Lick Springs testivities, April 30-Mey 7, She's brunette end s sophomore.
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"ENJOYS IT—No goldfish-gulper, this fellow. He's a South Americen cuscus, akin to an American opossum, enjoying his favorite f i i j d , a rose, at Dr. T. J . Coulter's animal hospital in Los Angeles.
1 FUNG — New YorK authorities put Caesar Valenti, 55, in Jail on an assault charge, but did not consider him mastermindina 100-death murder rin 9 f « / insurance. Subsequent suspicion takes him to Philadelphia to answer the charge.
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CONFESS TO SLAWIG—Confession to White Cloud, Mich., police unveiled how Mrs. Metilca Cassidy, center, conspired with her sons, Charles, left, and Elton, to kill Charles' wife, tc ea;n control of four children. Elton strangled the worn an. Trio is held for murder.
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PSCTATCR — President German Busch, who has set up a now regime of iron discipline and stern readjustment of political and civic morality in Bolivia. While assuming role>of dictator, he asserts Bolivia has no room for Fascist or Nazi Ideas. - — "
RETUSN-Ann Cooper Hewitt G«y — "sterHized heiress," back to Sen Frencisco from a Honolulu honeymoon with her second husbsnei, Gene Bradstreet. Hubby was formerly a bar steward. HONSYMCCIISS
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; B © ^ T PUSH — Those Seminole Indians at fho Now York World's Fair take a philosophical atiitude toward their white neighbors. One said irecently: "White man rush too much. Indian ^/orfe steady — get same done." Despite their apparent placidity they court excitement, as .Evidenced by top panel where one of them is about to wrestle an alligator. They do thatJop
at the Sem'nofo villago ai the Fair. Girl at left, mixing something in a huge pot, wears her hair with a visor front. Seminoles may have originate ed the upsv/epf hair-do, keeping it in place with clay mud. Right, a dowagar who wears 18 pounds of beads she made and strung. Seminoles are self-supporting and sale of beads helps with their livelihood.
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17;-Zn»"rr42 /.n? Tl-JC-f More then !0D girls in Verona, Italy, ere rs-^ed Juliet end W e 10 of them rehearse for cbservancs cf &Q0ih anniversary of the dsafh of the famed lovers, Romeo and Juliet. Balcony is part ef ihs enciofit Cepalet pelacc where the levers net.
VJSJT T5^ K Crowr f ^ i ' •for +he "!>•"? r recite-' c' ?<'"?. Fcrrr'
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By A. A. ROBACK Neville to Adolf A letter from the Appeaser to ihe Fuehrer, as ghost-written by A. A. Roback (with furious asides by the ghost-vrriter.) item: RIBBENTROP "TOO BUSY" TO RECEIVE HENDERSON Envoy to Report British Decision for Compulsory Military Service. HITLER
Mein .Fuehrer: It. is not ^without some alacrity that His -Majesty's Ambassador, Sir Neville, returns to you after his -vacation in the British Isles. I have been waiting for this opportunity to tell you how much he missed the Gemuetlichkeit and careXreeriess of Berlin (aza yohr auf euch beiden—-g. w.). • While it has been rumored abroad that he -was ordered to London in connection -with the slight misunderstanding over the Munich, pact, you may reasonably judge for yourself how far from the true facts such a, surmise can turn out to be. Nor does it seem plausible to assume that Sir Neville could report to us the particulars, of your protectorate, such as were unknown to-us. Overcome Displeasure You will doubtless^ have overcome by this time your slight displeasure at my mentioning the Czechoslovakian incident in the British Parliament. You see I was rather hard put to it, and now •-. that you are a doctor of laws (he not only doctors them but kills * them—g. w.} I could cite the \,Latin dictum, human urn est errare (os as Tuvie the Milkhiger would translate it "M'ib Jokh nit mer vi.a Mentsh."—g. w.) and I readily admit that it was a bit untactful and impulsive on my part; but you have never had to deal with impertinent and persistent Laborites. Your concentra: tlon camps are Gott Sei danke large enough for all laborites. '•' -•• His Majesty's ambassador has been compelled to miss that greatest- of all celebrations, your reaching the fiftieth birthday (but let us hope he will have better ' luck /with your memorial, -which •will be a commemoration such as. ' the world has never seen before — g . w . ) . The edifying spectacle of warplanes, cannon, and tanks •'paying you homage would most certainly have made an indelible > impression on him. Message Sir Nevlle bears our affectionate greetings and high respect, as Y well as a message of "peace to A. awhich,.: in your benign grace, I / m sure, you will take kindly, if and when it please ybu to give him an audience. It is my fervent hope at least that His Excellency, Count von Ribbentrop, will have the kindness to receive him at his convenience. It is true that His Majesty's government has deemed it .advisable to give out the stste. ment that Sir Nevile is not being sent on an important mission but the newspapers are not to be credited in making light of his message, which may after all be or some consequence, if you have not yet fully decided on. your reply to President Roosevelt. ... It is to be hoped you will not consider it presumptuous on our part to anticipate moderation in keeping with your charitable atti- tude, even though the President oE the United States has seemingly insinuated possible aggression on your part. (How could anyone be so untrusting . and skeptical ?—g. w.). It would be i well ;to bear in mind that President-Roosevelt has had good in* mentions, and perhaps not to be too severe In alluding to his ap-' peal.
.'• •
preparation and expectation on and leaders—past and present . . my part. Yours for appeasement, BRANDEIS: Almost everybody NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN. of prominence in the Zionist movement has been unsuccessfulA POINT OF FORM ly trying to get L. D. B. to After addressing a non-secta- emerge from his Washington serian anti-Nazi meeting last week, clusion to appear at Zionist funcwhere I had spoken about the tions . . . need of counteracting Coughlin's treacherous propaganda, a lady CONVERSATION: Said Prof. approached me and introduced herself in the following words: Albert Einstein to Rabbi Solomon "You may perhaps be a greater Goldman, on the latter's book, psychologist than I am, but when "Crisis and Decision:" "The part you have friends and enemies, is I liked best was the chapter it not better to mention our rbout me" . . . friends rather than our enemies." "When I looked rather puzzled, BABY BUGGY: The chaps who she began to explain that since Cardinal O'Connell was a friend to the Jews and Father Coughlin was not, I might rather have dwelt on the former than on the latter. After recovering from my surprise and pointing out that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss effective means of combatting pernicious and insidious libels which hail from Germany and not for the purpose of mutual admiration, she took me to task for alluding to Father Coughlin as Coughlin, since he is still recognized as a member of the Catholic hierarchy. I then asked her whether she was a reader of his Social Justice, and her answer was that she had to read it every week just to see what the other side had to say. That, to my mind, is enlightening. People who read a trashy sheet like Coughlin's regularly so as to keep informed, as they think, are very poorly informed and not equipped to argue any issue which affects the "radio priest." The fallacies inherent in this lady's attitude should be exposed. In the first place, if we wish to keep posted on two opposing issues, we must see to it that both sides present accurate facts. It is then our function to decide on the merit of the case by weighing the arguments based on the facts. When a publicity seeker goes so far as to print the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Benjamin Franklin forgery, fantastic stories spread by Goebbels, and, by way of a climax to wrest passages from the Talmud about the immorality, rapaciousness and cruelty of Canaan, making it appear that the ancient Rabbis enjoined the Jews to steal, lie, pillage and murder— there is no other side to be considered. Now then, Mrs. X.. can I be blamed for not being able to bring- myself to call such a man "father?" I can still regard him as a priest, since his superiors have not seen fit to unfrock him, perhaps for a reason like the Bill of Rights (In other states he would probably have been restrained by the church). The concept of Fatherhood connotes to me goodness, kindness, charity, treating all people like children, impartially, ...-smoothing difficulties and reducing friction. A father is to be respected and revered; for his mission is to be forbearing and show mercy. That is the Catholic notion, too. How-can we, therefore, apply this title to a man who has made it his business to retail, or rather to be a jobber of, slander, to foment trouble, to spread race hatred on the ground that a few Jews are Communists. No, my dear lady, and other ladies-—for the radio seems to have a large following among the ladies— Coughlin may be a frother pouring out blather, but he is no father in my estimation.
FLAG NOTE: A few hours bePromises fore opening .of the World's Fair, On several occasions, we have a minor tempest was raging over endeavored to offer slight intima- the propriety of displaying the tions of the inadvisability of em- Zionist emblem among the nationploying impolitic' language, but al pennants topping t_e Fair ramto use a colloquialism, you might parts . . . F a i r officials contended as. well tell it to the judge (or as the flag did not represent a naTuvJe the Milkhiger would trans- tion in the accepted sense of the late it, "Red - tzu der vant."— term . . . g. w.). President Roosevelt, because of the distance between NAVAL NOTE: One of the best Germany and the United States, designers of warships in Italy, can scarcely appreciate your peace until he was dismissed becauce of policy. Had he lived as close to the racial laws, was Admiral Ecrlin as we, or the French, your Coen-Cakll . . . And most of the benevolent .motives and plans in of the modern Italian regard to the various states in battleships were built in the shipyards Europe would become quite clear fleet to him. As for the rest, he is a bul- at Mont Falcone . . .Whose genly fellow (but, of course, you are eral director, also until dismissed the bully par excellence, ne plus under the racial laws, was a Jewultra, or as Tuvie would say it, ish engineer named Eduard Sacthe kelev shebiklovim.—g. w.) erdoti . . . Who is now reported ^and a charming host. "We trust In the United States . . . "that the visit of Their Majesties PUZZLE: Since neither Dr. to the United States will strengthen the Munich pact, which proved Chaim Weizmann nor any other " somewhat shaky (in Tuvie's lan- high-ranking Zionist leader will guage "nit mit allemen."—g. w.) be coming to New York for The last month, when Czechoslovakia opening of the Jewish Palestine decided to give up its independ- Pavilion at the World's Fair, Paence and to throw in its lot with vilion officials are puzzled . . . the Reich, but. heaven be praised, Who, they want to know, will resurvived the crisis. . ceive the Pavilion in the name of Again we promise faithfully not Palestine . . . A high Zionist ofto carry out any aggressive meas- ficial waggishly suggested that ures against Germany, and as for the ceremony be conducted by the Soviet proposals, you will cable . . . Or television . . .- . deign to notice that we have made no reply, awaiting your address BOOK: Serious . students of next Friday. German history of the past two Incidentally, we shall be most or so decades would do well to grateful to you if, before you add to their "must" list the reprotect another state in Europe, cently published "Inside Gerfor example, Portugal or Danzig many," by Albert Grzeslnskl, foryon •will be good enough to give mer Prussian interior minister some slight indication of your and Berlin police president . . . beneficence a few hours before It's a valuable source book (pubthe event; usually the ceremony lished by Duttons) that sheds is so sudden, that it takes our light on the background and debreath away. This is merely a velopment of the Nazi movement suggestion which, if accepted, will . . . Grzesinsln, who is now in this be a personal favor to me, as it country, was one of the founders wiii enable me to explain your of the Weimar Republic, and tie orotective activity with greater speaks with authority on events
invented that gas-prool baby bugand cosmologists, is man Army's famous goose-step tered on . . . According to Ken ! Ltivid iHCAi Sprnoff nniong ** gy in London are fiieaza Freed, one of the taost versatile scholars may any day now turn into s, Article, 12-y e a r-olfi pupil ic. list vf "KiiPFiaris" who had dotse a Hebrew teacher, and his broth- | and jolliest ^ood fellows in Pal- goose-is-cooked Etep . . . South American German school, i much for ?! e U. S. . . . Woniiir er, Keevah Lionel . . . They were estine, and .the life of many & thjii | asked by visiting government in- . vliy Irene 1 ch: Port r nanit!<3 : inspired by the sight of their own party . . . He amuses company by, spector to name the Republic's ; prize mile! i r r o ?i>? 'I..onfPROOF: If Dictator President infants . . . The buggy is being making up topical verses on the j rw: pav1* president, replied: ''Adolf 1111- i vrsod Jevp?;-" . . . Tiie lf acclaimed as the most effective spur of the moment in English, j German Buseh should suddenly • IMrtl" tr fi bi?!' or If f flip BotdStf method yet devised to save from Latin, Greek, Hebrew . . . AI- jdecide to embark upon EB anti) exinbit si ;!c Worlds.- r a n •. Semitic course in Bolivia, there is gas attacks children too youag to though he has already attained | j Goorjrp !S. Kriif?v>fm. 'Vie playMISH-IV'ASH: Jiicipe .1 w 1 1 a n don gas masks . . . Eleaza, inci- world fame for his "shrinking visual proof that such a policy - v r i r b t , iir-p >'• 'roliif o" npljinj; r lonj: dentally, teaches in a schsol lo- universe" theory, the SS-year-o2d would be artificial . . . For, just Mack is recovering from cated on Christian street, Lon- scholar has still not risen to a one week before his "totalitarian illness . . . Wonder why Interim- composing . . . Ar><.. fx'cprdnjg it? don . . . professorship at fits own institu- coup" . . . He posefl for a picture Secretary Ickes saw fit. in s, re- Kfine Fevber in "A SVruiisr tion, the Hebrew university . . . with the new J. T. A. correspond- cent N'Yawk speech, to Hst Jos- • Treasure," he is in? <nciirPb?€ eph Pulitzer among Jews who tiRd 1 Yv'here he hoJfis the rask of lec- ent at la Paz, E. Feeler . . . SCIENTIST: Roman (I Corer turer in experimental physics . . . contributed much to American de- pee.per into oilier veoplr' . telePalestine) Slobeain writes that EDUCATION: German kids in velopment . . . When he actually | grams . . . Samuel Sambursky, besides fceisg (Copyrighted by Jewish TeleSouth America apparently know was only part Jewish and a Cathone ol the world's foremost mathCULINARY NOTE': The Ger-J what side their Nazi bread is but- olic by religion . . . And included graphic Agency, Inc.^
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716 Brandeia Thea. Bids. AT 4333
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By PHIKEAS 3. EIBOX reimbursed through legal measures to be taken against GermanAXIS ANOTHER owned property in this country Best crack of the week, cred- . . . To those Nutzi building servited to the Paris manager of a ice and domestic workers who •Wall Street firm: 'Rumored have honeycombed our large Chamberlain will take weefc-ead cities with their highly organin country •while Hitler -vrill take ized spy system we want to point country in week-end'5 . - . "Which out that only the other day a reminds us of the Broadwayite Berlin housemaid v,-as given a vrho threatens to sing about three-month jail sentence for "Danzig with tears in my eyes'' leaving her job without permis. « - Best news we've heard in a sion from the authorities . . . long time is that Badolf Hitler ABOUT PEOPLE is very susceptible to mal de mer Boake Carter, commentator on . . . "We herewith, wish him a long and stormy ocean voyage ... . It's world affairs, who is 150 per because some recently discovered cent anti-Roosevelt and doesn't German helium deposits, import- want to have anything to do with ant for dirigible flying, extend Jewish Palestine, is an Englishinto Dutch territory that the Hol- man by origin, but exceeds eny landers are beginning to get wor- ICO-percenter in his "Americanried . . . And it's because the ism'' cow . . . Samuel UntermyFrench and British air forces will er. now reccperatiEg from his illexceed those of Germany and ness, is going to be in the headItaly by the end of the year that lines soon in connection with a the axis powers are wielding the very important notion that win EX so diligently right now . . . profoundly effect economic relaJulius Streicher's net profit from tions between Nazilsrjfi end this his vitriolic anti-Jewish sheet Der country . . . TVe herewith wish & Stuermer is $60,000 weekly . . . speedy recovery to Dr. Cyrus A-dBut Mussolini is beginning to ler, who has been confined to his wonder whether anti-Semitism bed for the past several weeks . . . really pays . . . Since embarking Listening- for the flapping cf an ! on his Hitler-aping - campaign approaching stork's wirgs is bankag-ainst Jews he has received er Jules Bache, E C T EUtieipating thousands of protests from mem- his first great-grand child . . . The Clifford Michels are the F i t | j5SCSofli parents, anfi 5t will be Fascist .party ••-,.. prospective an August baby . . . By the time TIP-TOP TIPS you read this there will probcbly Tip to bookshop owners: A New be another Einstein in this world || York book store has a most strik- —but the papa, is net Professor ing display showing, in a row, Albert, but thst other Einstein j "Mein Kampf," "The Strange whom you know better EE FtrkDeath of Adolf Hitler" and "Sa- yakgrkUE . . . Three BrocSway lute to Freedom" . . . If you movies of the other week were missed the Reverend Dr. Charles the work of refugees from NasiE. Sheldon's article in last week's <iom . . . They were William DietLiberty, entitled "What "Would erle's "Jtrarez," Anton Litvak's Jesus Do About Anti-Semitism?" "Confessions of a. Naxi Spy." and be sure to get hold of a cepj- of Ludwig Eerger's ""Three "Waltzes." the magazine and show it to your . . . Kenry Aisberg. big chief of Christian friends . . . Dr. Sheldon the Federal Writers Project, has urges an organized Christian pro- to his credit the English adaptatest against the Jewish tragedy tion of "The Dybfcuk," which was . . . It's not at all unlikely that a t remendous Broafiway hit a |1 the King and Queen of England number cf seasons ago . . . Pierre will make an official visit to the van Paassen, who- was dreaming Jewish Palestine Pavilion when about ret'ricg to s crtisi country they inspect the New York'"World's place—in America or France—io Fair . . . ponder over his nest hook, finalJEWISH XEVTS ly has wound ixp in an apartment The amazing total of ? 100.POO in niiiown ?£anh£ttan. height of was raised at a single 'Washing- metropol!tE.nism . . . Interesting ton dinner for the United Jewish footnote: When former Justice Appeal, in which the United Pal- Bran dels was still serving on ihs estine Appeal and Joint Distribu- Supreme Court bench he had no tion Committee have joined their secretary and Ci£ his own homeforces . . . The top gift, $15,000, work . . . Now that he devotes s was given by a gentleman who is great Seal of his t i c s to Jewish never publicly identified with the tsores he finds a secretary necesJewish community . . . Not so long sary . . . Difi you know that Net ago, incidentally, the publicity Erusiloff, the crack orchestra piman of a big campaign would get lot, is a brother-in-law of J. *'. into hot water if he forget to men- Kanischewits, the iri&tzo mogul? tion some big contributor . . .. GIGGiE BSPASTiaEXT Now it's the other way around, the generous givers preferring to From Germany, says Wicche'?. blush unseen'... In one Itrge city comes this one: A Cologne Bisa number of wealthy Jews recent- hop had preached that Germans ; ly approached apoplexy when shouldn't believe everything stitl I they discovered that a list of last about them, as thsre were still year's -donors, giving names and many good Germans in the counamounts, had been published . . . try . . . He based his sermon on : Just where this year's World the famous Quotation "The He Zionist Congress will meet is a limps through the lacC" . . . The problem . . . No-European coun- nest dsy he was Errested on the try seems to want the honor, and official coisplai-t that his speech there is a great deal of opposition was directed against Gocbbc-ls. to the Congress being held in the who lisps . . . "Didn't you reUnited States-^not on the psrt cf alise," he was gskeS, "ths.t your our Government, of course, but speech was harmful te Eerr Goei»in Zionist quarters . . . This part- bele? Dldc" you knew he limply because many European dele- ed?" . . . The Bishop replied: gates couldn't afford the fare, and "Certainly I knew he iiraped— partly because cf fear that the il- but I cifin't kEow he lief'"' . .". lusion of the greatness of this P. S.: They let him go . . . Tfcen | conclave -of intellectuals would ho there's the one about the Germs-r. • shattered if brought to Ameri;a who, after feeing arrested, wej i for first-hand inspection. asked his cge by a Nazi magis- j THIS AND THAT trate . . . "I'ss 2^." he said . . . i Nest they asked him wher. he vns j ,K6%v come- Carleton Palmer. president of the Squibb Drug bora "In v a s his rc;'< company, had to chosse the Nazi . . . To the Question cl ow cc liner Europa for his recent re- Jie gave this ETi?~sr: "T> turn trip frcn Europe? . . . the Jest six , 'ivjr There has been a lot of ballyhoo (Ccyvrisht. IS EC, b.v iS Arts Feature Syac.icss.te about D. A. R. discrimination against M&rloa Anfierson. the colored singer ... . We could t£!l zn Interesting tal^ c* discrimination _ ag-aiEEt a great Jewish siEg-er on j ing a drive for ?+ CO z-ecc-t the part cf the Metropolitan j establish s. chair Opera company cf New York . . . j th« Republic cf Uncle Sam Is giving sorae of Ills ' best thought to the qnsittten cf protecting'Americans whose property 5s being confiscated is Kfezi| j isnS , . . They may possibly be 1 here a l I C t . TC pec
Ets?asl«« f
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MANY -ATTEN Mrs. David De Sola Poole spoke l-More than 200 Mothers and Daughters are expected to attend at the Senior Hadassah Donor's the annual Mother and Daughter Tea, Tuesday afternoon, which banquet this Sunday evening at was attended by'117 women, who 5:15 in Shaare Zion synagogue. contributed to this fund. Mrs. Herman Licht introduced The annual affair is sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the syn- the program and greetings were presented by Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, agogue. of the Senior Hadassah. •• Mrs. S. H. Shulkin will act as president Edna Shannon offered a votoastmistress and the invocation Mrs. cal solo. Reports pt the various will be given by Mrs. A. M. Grue- Hadassah chairmen were heard skin. Mrs. Emil Levich will speak •during program, after which in behalf of the mothers. Miss tea wasthe served. Lorraine Bailin in behalf of the daughters »and Miss Lois Ray Miller in behalf of the granddaughters. . A dance number'-will be presented by Estelle Mushkin, LorOfficers .of the board for the nie Lake, Harriet Holland, Caroline Raskin and Elaine Lassman. Hebrew school were re-elected at Jack Krueger will offer an ac- a meeting, held this week. They include R. H. Emlein, president; cprdion solo. 'A feature of the program will Louis Shindler, vice-president; be a book skit, with Mrs. Lester Esther London, secretary; Max Goldman acting as reader. In the Falk, treasurer. cast will appear Mrs. Milton The board of directors includes Grossman,- Mrs. Morris Okun, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi Mrs. Sol Kronick. Mrs. Jacob S. I. Bolotnikov, Rabbi T. N. Brown. Mrs. Morris Rubin and Lewis, Lester Heeger, E. N. GrueMiss Rachel Ginsberg. skin, Morey Lipshutz, Art Kaplan, . Mrs. Morris Rubin is in Jack London, M. Seff, A. Osnocharge of the program; Mrs. Ben witz, A. Greenberg, A. S. FeinScnindler is in charge of the berg. Sam Llpman, Joe Gorchow, menu arrangements and Mrs. M. Satin, M. Lazriowich and D. Morey Lipshutz, the dining room. Shulkin.
Hebrew School Officers Elected
year the Hays office withheld ep-
proval . . . but now, with the story endorsed fcy the Catholic Press and Legion of Decency, it should reach the screen. IndeBy HELEN ZIGMOND pendent fi-nanciEg is set . . . and a stock of shots taken in Germany Hollywood — Fifty years ago under the Maei regime are held two men were born . . . four days in readiness.
pojotho Baltsmaa A regular meeting of the B'nai B'rith lodge will be held Monday, May 8. Mr. O. Hochman will deliver an illustrated lecture on Vocational Guidance. Mr. Hochman is on the speakers' bureau of the National Vocational Guidance department of the B'nai B'rith. All "members of the local A. Z. A. chapter and boys of A. Z. A. age are cordially invited to attend this meeting. The B'nai B'rith Joint hospital drive was started Tuesday morning. Mr. Edward Cohen of Milwaukee, Wis., who is field secretary of district No. 6 of B'nai B'rith, was here Tuesday, at which time he checked the local lodge's finance, membership, etc.
T h e adoption of Nazi onti-
Semitic doctrines b y Italy
A costume party for paid up members of the Senior Hadassah will be held Monday at 8 p. m. at the Girt Scout House. "Holy Smoke," a play written by Mrs. Ben Telpner and Mrs. Ernest Ross, will be presented. Members of the cast will include the Mesdames S. Lincoln, J. Brown, Galpart, Morris Katelman, Tepperman, Harry Cherniss, A. Leibovitz, E. Ross, L. London. Joe Rosen, Morris Bobrick and- B. Telpner. •, . Chairman in charge is Mrs. Ben Telpner; she is assisted by Mrs. N. Gilinsky, Mrs. M. Davidson, Mrs. E. Ross and Mrs. M- Katelman. Refreshments will be served, and prizes awarded for the best costumes. • •
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has added the Jewish community of 50,000 to the hundreds of thousands in distress in Central end Eastern Europe -who look to the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and Overseas Needs for immediate relief and reconstructive aid; and for assistance in emigration and resettlement in new hosnes in Palestine other overseas countries. The woman with her child (upper left) ia thrice a refuges. She has from Germany, from Austria, and now mast seek a new home outside Italy. The beautiful synagogue of Rome (upg>er right) is an example of the high degree of culture of the Jewish people of the country. The street scene (below) shows Jewish shops in process of liquica_„_ . __. ^ lion £s government measures "I rT | i r ^ i ^ ^ ^ S ' F* W- drive their owners out of business.
apart. One was destined, to, make the whole world lough . . . the i Jots and'Dots: Mary Pickforri iiomior i'.7TA> — A complete other, to make it wail and weep. i sponsors a g!gs.r.tic d&nee benefit j solution of the refugee problem One was called Charles Chaplin j for world refugees. Gossip winged I v-ri:)d require "hundreds or even . . . the other was Adolf Hitler. I the stork toward the. "Bubbles" I thousF.nrls of millions of pounds," j Schii'-azi Morris mansion . . . but I it. was cec'.ared by Lord WlnterDiscovering that Washington I denials cancelled the trip. Noel j ton, chairman of the Intergovernhas just issued an ofticial 900- I Madison fcas come to town . . . j merits.! Refugee Committee, in or. criticism of the page book revealing Nazi -ctivity was a long time spinning around I! coir.mcr.ting or, refugees. in the United States, and aware (.be English leels. Elisabeth Derp- I policy ' I f the Evian Governments," he of the timeliness of the film "Con- ner's latest £Uni is attracting tre- j said, "had accepted responsibility fessions of a Nazi Spy." Welford mendous business in Bombay . . . ; there would have been an immeBeaton, a Gentile editor, sat down of a!! places. Leon G. Turrou I ciate rei'oli by the taxpayers of to write an editorial. Ke scrawled was the idol of the fans on his I ali countries: voluntary funds a title: "Hard 01 the H o els of first personal E.ppearr.nce. ; would not have been forthcom-~ History"' . . . then scrapped it . . . ;ir.g: the German government thought it might be construed as At a meeting of German- I would have had no motive for meaning the picture is hard on AMERICANS, oppose-i to Nazism, I facilitating transfer of part of the the heels (Hitler and Mussolini) a sprinkling: of pro-Nazis kept up j refugees' wealth and there would cf history. Wrote again, "Up to a continual heckling. Finally : have been a sharp cleavage ol the Minute." someone relied. "Throw them I opinion when united action was In his article he lauds the cour- outt" But Francis Lederer said, j the aim of the conference." age that finally brought such a ! "No, let t h e m listen a n d J Lord Winterton, speaking at I Worthing, Sussex, voiced the hope factual document to the screen. ! LEARN!" that what the committee had He relates how Warners have in the past nine months been threatened and ss.bois.geC. ! Signing off — your Hollywood achieved could be "doubled and trebled" Bat they "stack to a cinematic I corrcspoc Jent. in the ensuing months. trail so losg worn smooth by pus-i (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele1 sy-footing," Although they are | Robert Pell, vice-director of the graphic Agency, Inc.' in business to protect their 74,: committee, visited Berlin for 00 stockholders, they realize that to Examine Applications I further discussions with the Gerthe United States is a much greatman authorities on Jewish emiBrussels (JTA)—Tlie Brussels gration. er concern with 120,000,000 Municipal Council adopted a resostockholders whose interests must lution requesting the Belgian Govbe protected. If Nazi sentiment. ernment, while adhering to the Intolerance Denounced they reasoned, is strong enough i laws of hospitality, examine in this country to jeopardize the i with special care all to applications financial success of an anti-Nazi j by foreign merchants for permis- i New" York (JTA) — Racial inmotion picture — then it is high 1 sion to. do "business in this coun- ! tolerance was denounced at an time someone made such a pic- | try. Twenty Catholic. Liberal and 1 Inter-racial Unity Meeting in ture before Nazism develops still j Resist councillors voted for the j Carnegie Hall sponsored by the Society for Race Tolermore strength! ! resolution, which was moved by American Edward Corsi, Deputy ComContinues the editor, "At first Mayor Adolphe Max. while eleven ance. of Public Welfare, who 1 was indifferent . . . I thought Socialist and Communist mem- missioner presided, declared, this country's ,it preposterous tbat anything Hit- bers abstained. progress was based, on the contriler could do would have any efbutions cf its many peoples. Othfect on our national life. But er speakers were Katherine DevSign Mrs. Hitler then 1 saw the threatening letters Los Angeles (JTA)—Producer j ereaux Blake, of the New York sent to Warners . . . heaps of letAl Rosen announced the signing \ Federation of. Women's ClubJ^ ters . . . read Turrou's book . . . Prof. Franz Boas. Representative' of Bridget Hitler, former sister- I' Joseph talked with people working in the A. Gavegan and. Klaus in-law of Chancellor Adoif Hitler picture. I was amazed at the Mann. of Germany, to act in "The Mad propaganda machine Hitler has in operation here . . . at the Nazi Dog of Europe." The picture, The Bible has BO reference to a menace to Americanism. I real- which is scheduled for early proized that that picture is a serv- duotion, deals with the tragedy of cat. ice to the United States — to Germany • under Hitler regime. make Americans CONSCIOUS of Mrs. Hitler will also act in an ad- EPHRAIM 1-. MARKS AND REED, visory capacity. RAMACC1OTTI, ROBINSON their heritage of freedom!"'
A public card* party will be held Sunday evening, May 7, at the Eagles hall, under the auspices of the Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah. The party will be open to men as well as women, and will 8 p. m. Miss Dorothy Epstein, daughter begin atEtta Yudelson, chairman, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Epstein, hasMrs. eanounced her committee as • A number of students at Cen- S15 22d street, left Monday for follows: Mr3. .Nate tral high school have been the Minneapolis, where she will mar- Gilinsky, Co-chairman, Mrs. M. Cohen, Mrs. H. ry Dr. Arnold Milton Naftalin, son recipients of honors in various deCohn, Mrs. Max Steinberg, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Naftalin Milton Yudelson, Mrs. C. Saltzpartments. Lehman's first address of the Harold Grueskin won first of Fargo, N. D., on May 7. .The man, Mrs. J. Scharfe, Mrs. L. day was at a ceremony dedicating place in the annual League of Na- couple wil lexchange vows in the. Katelman, Mrs. Sam Roffman, the Temple of Religion, when he tions essay contest, sponsored lo- study of Rabbi Gordon. A wed- Mrs. N. Nogg, Mrs. J. Moskovitz, cally by the Sioux City Interna- ding reception will follow in the Mrs. J. Gotsdiner, Mrs. L. Franwarned that "an attack on one tional Relations club. George home of Mrs. A. Dryer, a great kel, Mrs. Ben Telpner, Mrs. S. religion weakens all religious AND HRUSKA, Attys. Gallnsky won second place in the aunt of the bridegroom, from 5 Sulvalsky, Mrs. O. Greenberg, S05-S10 First Nat'! Bank Bldfl. faith since tlie basis of all true No Investigation contest. Both papers were of such to 8 o'clock. Prize pun of the week: Anent Sam Sachs and Mrs. Al London (JTA)—While promreligions Is charity, justice and "Nazi Spy," Charlie EInfeld, p. a.. Miss Epstein will be unattend- Mrs. high merit that they were sent to PROBATE NOTICE Krasne. ed. She will wear a street dress New York City to be entered in tolerance." He asserted that "the wired: Every true American will ising "careful attention" to susThe door prize, which Is to be Tn the Matter of the Estate o( picious formations, Home Secrethe national contest which is of aqua sheer, having lingerie a permanent •wave, is being doCunningham, jr.. Deceased: fight against those who would de- applaud to beat the Bund!" tary Sir Samuel Hoare rejected a James sponsored annually by the League trimming. Accessories will be of nated by the Peoples Store. Bingo Notice is hereby given: That the Speakers at N. Y. World's stroy religon. and spirituality ia a prince's wine. of said deceased will meet of Nations association. New York censor board . . . Liberal Opposition request for a creditoi-F and several card games will' be common fight of all churches. If the edministrp.tor of paid estate, begovernment inquiry into alleged Fair Stress GoodShe is a graduate, of East high played. "-• Sheldon Singer has been selectmen will only live up to those former ban-ers of "Yes, My Darl- "pro-Nazi"' organizations oper- fore me, County Jurtgre of Douglas ed among others to-compose the school and of the school of dental Will Here County. Nebraska, at the County Admission Is 35 cents per simple concepts of all religions— ing Daughter" . . . passed "Nazi ating in England. The demand was Court honorary all-state debate team hygiene of the University of ticket. Room, in sairi County, on the charity, justice and tolerance— Spy" without a snip! made by Geoffrey Mander, in the 2Rth day of June. 1P39, and on the lor Iowa. He was given a fifth Minnesota, where Dr. Naftalin By DANIEL, L. SCHORR Mrs. Yudelson has asked all democracy will be safe." 26tr flay of August. 1939. et 9 o'clock. place ranking among sixty con- was graduated from the dental members having raffle tickets to A. M.. each day, for the purpose of There will be premiers of "Nazi House of Commons. World's Fair, N. T., (JTA)—A Grover Whalen, president of testants. He also ranked sixth in school. He spent a year as dental please turn in stubs Sunday eve- keynote of tolerance and harmony presenHn£: their olaims for examinathe fair corporation, asserted that Spy" in London and Paris after A book written by BE Italian tion, adjustment'. allowance. Three the state radio speaking contest interne in the United States pub- ning. between peoples was struck as the the co-operation of Catholics. its New York debut Everyone Christian months allowed for the creditors jurist, Carlo Cattanea tc presen*p.reth.?>> lic health service at Philadelphia which included 41 participants. New York World's Fair, largest Jews and Protestants in providing regrets that the German people (1S01-1S69) claims, from the 26th ; demonstrated Ef.y Howard Sacks was the only and now maintains an office in da-< of >Ia.y. ]W. international exposition ever held, A meeting of the Chevra B'nai the temple "typify and lend em- Trill be denied the privilege of oil HE very of the Jews will be detCentral high debater to be-given -Fargo.-where the couple will be Yisroel synagogue was held Wed- opened its doors to the first con- phasis BRVCF; OKATVFORD. to the brotherly spirit in seeing it. rimental to society. an honorary placement on the all- at home after a wedding trip. Dr. nesday. B-5-GP-Si. County. Judge. tingent of the 25,000,000 persons which the exposition itself has Naftalin is a member of Alpha state debate squad. expected to visit the grounds in been created. Surely -we may call Perhaps mindful of his c^n > Finalists in the Central high Omega dental fraternity. The Agudus Achim lodge held the next six months. it a1 sign of progress in human re- tragic background, Edward RobBefore leaving for Minneapolis a regular meeting Thursday. extemporaneous contest included lationship. Here we are united in inson put his -^rhole heart into his j President Roosevelt, Governor Phil Kantor, Milton Mazie, Wally Miss .Epstein was honored at a Herbert H. Lehman, Mayor Fio- our aims and our. philosophies. role in "Nazi Spy" — his parents ! Rosenthal and Norton - Bain, number of parties. Among her Miss Marian Perlmutter, daugh- rello H. LaGuardia and others Surely this edifice is a sign that •were forced to flee far their lives j hostesses were Mrs. Frank Ep- ter of Mr. and Mrs! W. Perlmut- who among other contestants. spok'e" at the various open- doctrines of hate need not pre- during a Rumania^ pogrom. ; stein, Mrs. Sam Epstein, Mrs. Ben ter, will become the bride of Mr. ing day dwelled on the vail in the world, and that, reFish, Mrs. Nate Gorchow, Mrs. Phil Kutler, son ol Mr. and Mrs. theme ofceremonies moved from fear, we may work amity among races and Masie Roseabloom wears ear-1 Sol Kronick, Mrs. T. Epstein, Mrs. William Kutler of Omaha, on Sun- nationalities which was exempli- together with increased vigor for snuffs. "For a disguise. You ' Jack Lassman, Mrs. Lou Chesen, day, May 7. the happier moments and finer fied in the fair. know, like other stars wear dark Miss Ruth Grueskin and the things of life." A reception -will be held at the The President, in an address ofglasses." Astute observation . . . home of the bride's parents from ficially opening the exposition, The Sisterhood of Mount Sinai Sioux City Dental Assistants. Catholic, Jewish and Protestaat his ears are so chippe^, clipped, f—> 6 till 10 p. m. Temple will be in charge of the paid tribute to" the "spirit of wise emphasized the essen- and cauliflowered, they'd, give and Mrs.' D. S. Finkelstein Out-of-town guests will include tolerance which, with few excep- spokesmen Mother Day service next Friday of Mr. Los Angeles will arrive here Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maltzman tions, has been the rule" in the tial harmony of religions. They him away anywhere. evening at the Temple, Mrs. morning to spend a few days and son, Dennis, of Boston, Mass. United States. He spoke to thou- were Monsignor John J. Clarke, Harry Bailin, president of the this Rabbi David de Sola Pool, presifriends and relatives. While Irving Berlin wrote "God Save Sisterhood, v/ill " preside, and with sands of persons gathered in Con- dent of the Synagogue Council of they will be guests in. the Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kubby and stitution Mall before the Federal America, and the Rev. Robert W. America" for Kste Smith to stag speakers will include Mrs. Ben here of their nephew, and niece, son, Leroy, are.leaving next week building and was surrounded on Kalin who will speak in behalf home Searle, general secretary of the . . . but having written it with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. .Friedman, for an extended southern trip. the speakers' platform by repre- Greater New York eFderation of true patriotic feeling, he refuses ! of the mothers; Elaine Pickus in, 0201 Mrs.. Finkelstein i sentatives of federal, state and Churches. Other speakers were to commercialize it. behalf of the daughters, George is theNebraska. former Fannie Kroloff. The Misses Esther London and city governments. Galinsky in behalf of the sons. William Church Osborn. president Beatrice Krause were joint host"The Mad Dog of £ur<pe" is J Girls of the confirmation, class fo the Temple of Religion, who Pray for Europe • Miss Frances Rutstein spent esses at a dancing party held Satwill read the ritual. presided, and the Right Rev. J. I. en the laovie slate again. Last I "We in the United States, and, last week end visiting with urday evening at Miss London's Following the service, a recepin all the Americas— Blair Lamed. home. Thirty guests were present. indeed, tion will be held in the Temple friends in Omaha. North, Central and South. AmerBEN E. KA2XCWSKY, Attorney. Prof. Albert Einstein, in a Annex. Mrs. Louis Agranoff and E32 insurancs Bidg. ica—remember that our populaat the "illumination cereMrs. R. Goldfine and Mrs. B. Larry Steinberg and Alvin tion stems from many races and speech Mrs. E. N. Grueskin are in Rustein entertained at a one Nogg are leaving Thursday with kindreds and tongues,"'Mr. Roos- mony," which was performed with NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF charge of the arrangements. CROWN LICUOS MARKET o'clock luncheon Wednesday in the Thomas Jefferson High school evelt declared. "Often I think the aid of cosmic rays, pointed honor of Mrs. R, Ostrim. Bridge band for Carol, la., where they Americans offer up the silent out that one of the pioneer phyNotice is hereby piveti of the insicists in the work on cosmic occupied the afternoon hours. will compete in the state contest. prayer that on the continent of corporation under Nebraska laws of rays was "Professor Victor Hess CROWN Mrs. Ostrinr is visiting here en LIQUOR MARKET with its Europe, from which the American of Austria, who, incidentally. Hke place of business *n Omaha. ..•;<. At the service in Shaare Zion route from California to her Mrs. Sam Leibovitz and daugh- hemisphere was principally colon- so many others, has recently had principal Nebraska, to continue for a period of synagogue this evening, Miss home In Chicago. ter and son, Greta and Dicky, of ized, the years to come will break to seek refuge in this "hospitable 25 years from the date of the filing Chamie Abrahams of .Mapleton, of its articles with the County Clerk Sioux City were guests last week down many barriers of interof Doucrlas County. Nebraska, wltli Iowa, will give the oration she Mrs. Leon Marx and daughter, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. course between nations—barriers country." an authorized capita] stock cf $5.Eight sturdy Palestine chalutdelivered in a state contest, which Leonora, spent last week-end In Leibovitz. " which may be historic, but which zim, garbed in the sun. helmets 000.00 consisting of 50 shares of the won third place. She will speak en Omaha with Mrs. Marx parents, so greatly, through the centuries, and khaki of the pioneer colony, par value of S100.00 esch, such shares "A. Plea for My People." Cantor Mr. and Mrs. Carl Furth. of stock to be fully paid for when Mrs. Jack Schwartz and son, have led to strife and hindered in the parade preceding ipsued either 'n cash or in property. Morris Okun and the choir will Bud, of Walthill, Nebr.,. were friendship and normal Intercourse. marched The general nature of the business the opening ceremonies, together chant the ritual. Mrs. William Gilinsky has re- guests at the Max Harris home to be transacted shall be the opera"The United States stands today with representatives of many na- tion I Hosts to the Junior Congrega- turned home after a ten day visit last week. and conduct of a retail beer and tionalities in their colorful naas a completely homogeneous nation tomorrow will be Mr. and in Yankton with Mr.- and Mrs. liquor market and the doincr of all things necessary or incidental theretional dress. tion, similar in its civilization from Mrs. William Kutcher, in honor Harry Raskin. The highest amount of indebtedCOLUMBUS FILM coast to coast and from north to of the birth of a son. The "Eternal Light" which will to. shall not exceed two-thirds (if -Children of the Hebrew school DISTURBS ITALY south, united in a common pur- burn in the pavilion has arrived ness the capital stock. The affairs of the Mr. Abe Davidson and Mr. Herand Sunday school will have a man Slotsky. departed this week Rome (JTA)—II Tevere, anti- pose to work for the greatest good here from Jerusalem and is being corporation shall be conducted by a president, vice-president, secretary Lag Bo'emer picnic this Sunday for New York where they will Semitic Fascist newspaper, at- of the greatest number, united in kept in Congregation • Shearith and to be eleciert from • a in South Ravine. Children are join Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Slot- tacked an Italian film distrib- the desire to move forward to bet- Israel until it can be placed in boardtreasurer of directors of not less thun asked to bring their lunch. They company for distributing a ter things in the use of its great the pavilion. 2 nor more than 5 members. Any who have spent the past two uting resources ,of intelligent, educated two of said offices may be held by win be home in time to attend sky picture based on the life of Cothe same person. the mother and.daughter banquet weeks there. lumbus produced In Spain by Abel manhood and womanhood—and For a United tins® on!r» G se-ascriSonal pric« M. FISH. united in its desire to encourage scheduled for 5:15 o'clock SunGance. . • D. 13. WEINEERG. Mrs. Mattie Kalian departed peace and good-will among all the day evening. ' reducrlioa briars you. en Eiesfcrlc Ftsngs. In* film, the paper asserted, is 4-2S-33-4t. Incorporators. this week after visiting in . the an The "example of the nefarious nations of the world." home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schu- propaganda . stalled in r^»?fcste«e-3Think o f £ . . . magie SPITTLER & HUPF. Attorneys. of international Jewry Governor Lehman, stressing lein. • . (Continued from page 1.) City National Bank Eldg. aimed - a t . influencing the world "tolerance and good-will." exE i l G C i T i C V O D i a S r Y ««••» CSS; *.m:f: I?!'-' «.>.-.«<. " ' • • "-• the hope that the fail- duced themselves to" the inferior NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mrs. L.' S. by showing- Columbus as a con- pressed would point the way to "build place w.hich anti-Semitism preSALE Frigidsire, Kefpolnf, WesSaglio-asE, EelviH" \ Miss Jane Evans, executive di- Goldberg, Mrs. Ben Pill, Mrs. verted Jew." a world in which "men of all na- pares for Jews; but Jews like Tectoror the National Federation Jack Robinson and Mrs. M. A. Notice is hereby given that on the ctor, Gsae?c! Elecirlc, or Korcre Eecfclffi of Sisterhoods, will speak from Wiener attended the Senior Ha- Grand Opera m Hebrew tions, all race3 and all creeds will Mamlock rise above their enemies 12th Say of May. isss. at 1U o'clock i seek to help their neighbors, not by the elevation of their own Mount Sinai Temple pulpit this dassah convention ia Kansas City A. M.. at Used Furniture Market, j Tel Aviv (JTA)—Grand opera to harm them." Mayor LaGuar2514 Leaven worth street. Omaha. Neevening. She will be introduced this, week. in Hebrew has been introduced in dia asserted that the greatest ex- spirits. Theirs is the victory. the undefslpned will sell at I am happy to report that Pro- braska, -by Rabbi Theodore Lewis. Palestine by a company of Jew- hibit at the fair was the fact that Maralock died, as he had public auction to the highest bidder :.. The Sisterhood will honor Miss Mrs. S. Kosberg and Miss Rogie ish refugee singers from Germany "seven and a half million people fessor lived, ia dignity. From a balcony, 1 Ga'rl'nnd Gas Range, 1 Oak Drop Evans at a 1 o'clock luncheon Kosberg of Los Angeles are vis- and Austria. A Hebrew version of k fcr en Jrss- 6,trr:.c<v.^^s^rA f^e fe rowfrom every land, and under vv-hich storm troopers were lenf Kitchen Table. 4 Kitchen Chairs. "today after which she will speak. iting here In the home of Mr. "Tales of Hoffman," by the coming i 6x9 1 Walnut Oblonir Table. 1 their children, live here in peace assembled, he burst icto speech WalnutRue. At the luncheon Mrs. Sam Pickus and Mrs. A. M. Grueskin. French-Jewish composer, Jacques and harmony." •sail why Escfcla Cooks-T is H t t ^ T c ** Buffet, 1 .Small Buffet Mirror, against everything that was de- f. Walnut Chairs velvet seats. 2 S-."x Offenbach, was given a highly jvill offer the invocation. cdvoaiage oi 4Hs senscriaojiiu *ifiK N O " Saying "we claim no secret for- spicable In Hitler's Germany . . . 10-8 Kuprs, 1 Two Piece "Livirsp; Koiim . The Board of Directors of the • Miss Fan Hendlyn spent last successful premier here." i t was Set <davenport r.nd chair). 3 Temple Sisterhood will have a week-end with friends in Minne- announced that Issay Dobrowen, mula" for this amity, the mayor against the enslavement of the Mohair Walnut End TaHe. 1 Wa'.nut Bed and . . . Caooss vos: ffiseMc Ssnae helom who is now here as guest conduc- voiced the hope that "others may mind and heart, against the cruel- SprfngK. 1 Mattress, 1 Walnut Dressluncheon Saturday noon at the apolis. ty, asraicst all the indecencies. er. 1 Walnut Chiffonier, covered by j copy it." He also stressed the netor of the Palestine Symphony &ls offer closes! •JVarrior Hotel, honoring Miss mortEJice in favor of Provi- < will return later to cessity of "eliminating artificial Storm troopers don't know chattel Evans. Mrs. Harry Bailin, president Loan Society of Omaha. ESgnec j Miss Rose Sperling spent last Orchestra, stimulation of hatred." what to do about people like hira by Hoy E. Laii-fl and Ethel D. Laird, ' dent of the Sisterhood, will pre- week-end visiting with friends In conduct the Hebrew opera. Governor Lehman, in an ad- except to execute them; this they husband ancT wife. ssM ranrtgecre beside. ' . ' - . ' • Omaha. Insr dated r>ec<?rnber 16. ISM", and hnvdress at the unveiling of a statute promptly did. with a spray of ma- ir.ff David Sarzedas, a cousin of of Cheap bpe?i filed in the office of the Georse "Washington, for a third chine gun. bullets. Professor •!,- Thursday noon, Rabbi Lewis County Clerk of Doucrtes Covr.ty. _SfJudah Touro, was a 1'eutenant in Miss Ethel Shindler visited in tiraska. on the 31st <3ay of Hay. iS3S. time struck the keynote' o£ tolerMamlock lay dead on -the balcony spoke before members of the Kl- Lincoln last week-end with her the Georgia brigade during .the ; ance. "Let us then, in dedicating and everybody in the audience S i l "I\P V '1 t£ $•"""• fie ] i ~P'-" e < * •wanis club:on the cause and cure brother, Charles, a student at the American revolution. this statue, dedicate ourselves also could feel that this death WBS the of anti-Semitism, University. to the principles for which George meet reward for a. Jew who had": Monday he addressed the stuspent-last week-end with friends Washington fought and by which walked ia high dignity. He fcsui now due the c>r to-v » J. 5 ' ifct dent body of: Mornlngside College 'Miss Bernice Galinsky visited In Omaha and Lincoln. Nebraska. he lived," the governor said. died £or being iiimssIf-~-a Jew no t^.i o- ' i r o r ' - ' 1 1 " " ' F* " " and Friday he spoke at the meet- with friends: in Minneapolis last "Those principles—loyalty, jusgiving cut the social risMpous: Ing V of" tae Professional Men's week-end. The Center Players entertained tice, tolerance and liberty—are ness that was of fass heart. i U k 5. 1 AN "soc ETT Club. Sunday he will speak at the at a party Tuesday evening in just as true a. -way of life as they (Copyright. .1939. by Seven Arts S?orningside Baptist church. the Shelter Hoiise at Stons Park. Sidney Bergen and Abe Sadoff were 150 years ago." Feature Syndicate)
Sisterhood Plans Mother Day Service
Society News
Shaare Zion
Mount Sinai
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