May 12, 1939

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In the Interests of the y»*f u t i f r .*•?.

I have been, reading about the >Iwish-exhibit at the New Tprfc 5Yorld's Fair and am Tiappy to observe that we shall be a joyous, . Entered a s Second Class Mall Matter on January 31. 1331, a t jiuiek-stepping, effective people 03IAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1939 t*ostofflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1S79 Xhere. ; No images of iis carrying eterual burdens; no hopeless eyes of ,JewB looking into darkness; no wandering Jews athwart distant 'lorlzons. . ' "Hot that : it isn't undoubtedly New York (JTA> ' — The first true that many .Jews are carrying national conference of the Joint eternal burdens and look with, Boycott Council attended by some hopeless eyes in the dark and are 2,000 delegates ol Jewish and seen 1wandering on all the horinon-Jewish organizations, called -JG73J,,, for intensification of the antizons. But' at the Fair the world '8 I&Oj_»-1;., "While interested crowds else- his Nazi boycott in this country and •will- see that we have •"•alor, too, l where hovered over radios to hear NfR;nOl, j Lower House Approves South America and -urged Presi.13 well as pain; we liare bright Bolivian Papers Ask Visae the latest returns of the city elee- increasing---.. c o u n t of t h e balliit. . . . ' "• Annulment for Reich Bill to Regulate Lives | dent Roosevelt to apply an aSdiTgoals and our feet do not go ojly , tion Tuesday evening, Comniis"Wednesday morning's *_. ts I tional 50 per cent ad volorem toward black abysses; our hands Refugees of 600,000 Persons ' sioner Harry Trustin was a calm showed that of the 59,052 votes | duty on German goods imported (which the world has seen upcast, Trustin received 35,106. A" | into the United States. raiaedritt anguished supplication) CHILE BARS ENTRIES margin of almost 4,000 votes sep- 'UNRECORDED' BALLOT I Speakers included Dr. David are also at work building the subarated Trustin from the candidate I Efron, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Dr. stance of a gorgeous dream. Bill Introduced in Cuban in second place, Commissioner of Barred'. Altogether From i Robert Marcus, Adolph Held, Dr This is the story that is told Streets John Kresl. ' William Jay Schiefflin and Dr. Legislature for ' Press, Theater, Civil at the Palestine Pavilion of the Joseph Tecenbanm. A letter was Trustin was high man in the New Curb Service Posts World's Fair where the art of read from William Green, presprimary elections held last month. Jews has.created a living picture B j V I C T O R M. K T I A - " > T ident of the American FederaAlthough it is usual for the man By B. FEDER Budapest (JXA) — Parliamenof the prodigious toil and idealLondon UTA> — " < polling the largest number of tary action has been completed tion of Labor urging vigorous apJ. i". A.Staff Correspondent ism that in 20 years have made concrete r e s u l t o il'f " " n - ' votes in a city election to be on the Government's bill intro- plication o! the boycott. LA PAZ, Bolivia (JTA) — The the desert bloom again in Palesernmental Refi fr*"1 ^ " named mayor, since the incum- ducing drastic restrictions on the authoritarian G o v ernment of tine. T*orld-wide s ea'(L ' > ^'l bent mayor, Dan Butler, was reright of Hungary's approximately President German Busch has isr elected, it is likely he will be 600,000 Jews to earn a living, foi refugees c m " " i ^" "took what my hands have sued a decree prohibiting immichosen by his fellow commission- vote, hold public office and parwhen a n \ r d o - T ' - r e i done," the Jews says at his Pa-gration from Europe for six T .ers to continue in that position. ticipate in the nation's cultural rommittce i n - - ' ^ vilion. "The waste places I have months. The measure does not ,. In the 193G election Trustin life. utilization o i n ^ reclaimed . . . the swamps I have mark a change in Bolivia's open placed fifth with 32,5S1 rotes. torj in ' - i i " i drained . . . the trees I have door policy toward immigrants, The Lower House approved the However a larger total rote was jbill by -an unrecorded British f m , t r planted. . . . this beauty of my the Government stated to the J. rising recorded at that time. statcmei ^ £ " i_• orange groves . . .this-loveliness T. A., but is intended to provide vote, which was announced by in it"= Soi 1 u r of the simple homes I have built a breathing spell for provision of the clerk as " a large majority."' Center Group to Hold c -v a f \ppi n. ' r "i on my acres . . . these schools and adequate housing, marking out The measure was introduced on Last Meeting hospitals - . . all in the twenty areas for colonization and draftDec. 23 by the Government of years , . . You can see it all here ing selective immigration laws. Premier Bela. Iniredy, who later of Year . . . '. This is my dream which has CO l d resigned when it was revealed La Nacion, new Government been fulfilled by my hands." that he was of part-Jewish origin. organ, has proposed that the visa The Women's Division of the and sponsorship of the bill was Jewish Community Center will of some 1,200 immigrants expectIdeal Realized taken over by the present regime hold its closing luncheon meeting The world will look and I hope ed to leave Europe early in May of Premier Paul Telefci. of the year on Monday. May 2 2 speak with something of admira- for Boliva be annulled. The paper Limit Enterprise 1,200 imRound Table Sponsoring | Harry Trustin at 12:30 at the Jewish Communit will see and understand and also demanded that already enroute for BoAnnual J. C. C. • Replacing the present "Jew ity Center. tion and certainly with wonder- migrants livia be barred, but it was be-spectator at the Center Plays prewhich restricts Jews to a . Following a brief business ' ment: "This is the amazing fact lieved t h a t President Busch sentation, "Be So Kindly." Program ; law" general ratio of 20 per cent TTV meeting, at which time committee of an ideal come true. The Jews would not take such action. : j During the three acts of the most economic fields, the new with no power, save faith and The fourth annual dramatic j measure limits Jews to 6 per cent chairmen will present a resuint (The Jewish Immigrants Com- play, Mr. Trustin seemed quite tournament, of their respective activities Cci- Represents 1;-'c c r T i J . *' vision and toil, have reconquered "Stage Nite." spon-1 unaware of the feverish tallying professions and cultural pur- ing the past year, the afternooi the ancient land from the desert mittee in La Paz is seeking to of votes that was to reveal the sored by the Round Table of Jew- j in Scicntif'c I-si. ^i r suits, bars them altogether from will be devoted to bridge, binge obtain admission for those immiana the swamp. This is a prodigy grants ish Youth, will take place on Wedextent of his victory. As he left of Vi Tie, responsible positions in the press, on the high seas, Maurice and mah-jorg. of idealism." Hochschild, Bolivian Jewish in- the Center auditorium, he was nesday evening, May 17, at 8 theater, cinema and civil service Mrs. 3. 51. Tlice. president Idealism hasn't been -going in dustrialist .and head of the com-handed an up-to-the-minute re- o'clock at the Jewish Community posts and limits them to 12 per Dr TlLdo t- r -r r nrges all women in the commun-the world generally. The best mittee, cabled to the HIAS-ICA port on the election which re- Center. (fi^h Scie-L^K cent in private enterprises. i pv ity to keep this date open. Since Member organizations of the dreams of men have fallen to Emigration Association in Paris, vealed him as No. 1 man in the In the political field, Jews are an tin-usually large attendance i c Omaha *o" ' p ashes but the enterprises of the according to a Paris dispatch. field of 14 candidates seeking Round Table will participate an permitted to vote only SO days anticipated she has stressed the r«. ihe rrt 5p^ r r n ° r '"• arrogant, the cruel and the sel-Hbwever, Hochschild asked that election to the seven places on the event. Three prizes are be- after Parliamentary rs ti -iT 1 and municiing awarded: First of $5; second, pal elections. Jewish -deputies in importance of making i:p bridge fish thrive; prophets and saints no more imigrants embark for the city council. foursomes immediately and callin exile, hoodlums in the highest Bolivia, and- the HIAS-ICA ad- Trustin, who will now begin his ?3, and the third, $2. the Lower House are limited to Dr. I. Dansky will act as mas- 6 per cent of the total and they ing the Jewish Community Cerplaces t)f authority. - -vised affiliated committees and third term as commissioner of ter, JA 1SG6. for reservations ES ' This dazzling fulfillment of a steamship companies according- public improvements, maintained ter of ceremonies. Judges will be are barred from the Upper Eouse soon as possible. Luncheon wil Mrs. Herman Jahr, Arthur Coin ly.) brave ideal should give all men entirely. be 25 cents. and Mrs. Elizabeth Carpenter. hope again as they walk between Foreshadowing a revision of Housing Shortage A board meet re v " r>e r-~" In connection with this annual the cool pools set amid Palestinv Jewish citizenships, the lavr emThe" hbusing problem h a s c i;.^1affair, honor awards will be pre- powers th§ Minister of Interior to at 11:30 precedi-g ian shrubbery . . . "Yes." they reached serious proportions as resented in recognition of loyalty, may say. "this is the victory of sult of the influx from the prodeprive of Hungarian citizenship leadership and activities on behalf all persons naturalized after July n^ »• (r w- »• r "^* *• T r ^ peace, of. faithful hands and gen-vinces and abroad in connection of the organization. tle hearts. This is a land gained with the Eucharistic Congress 1, 1914, aad authorizes the Govi i The committee in charge of arby a great love and made fruit- here. Immigrants' homes and reernment to regulate the Question rangements for this program In- of Jewish emigration and transful by a vast devotion. In a world lief centers were filled to overclude":' Sylvia Epstein., chairman; fer of Jewish capital from the making new hecatombs they built flowing. Jewish leaders were Named to University's Ann Arbitman, Joe Guss and jjhil country,.._: -seefcing~to~nTake- - pnmsioir for .' h t sh l i lf l i f ^ ' ""'High'eot Honor" ~'~' ' Slalkin. • ' " " "' " "'' Exemptions And, enheartened by this, men lodging of refugees in private -• Admission to Stage Nite will Societies Jewish homes and the halls of Amendments adopted at the bemay look into the ashe3 ol their 7 be 10 cents. hest of the Upper House provide Last Certter I Icy cf 1£3T dead ideals and discover faint Jewish -clubs.' Last week three Jewish, stufor (1)..establishment of E special It is held here that the tempor; sparks still glowing . . . "Yes, it body to grant Jews exemptions seems that peace and righteous- ary, ban on immigration is not an dents at the University of NebraBis " H : f from the operation of the law ness and gentle hands can winanti-Semitic measure and it is re- ska were awarded the highest activity honors that can come to when in the nation's interest, (2> victories in the world. Look! called that President Busch, in ''Be So K i n c l j i'<- ! - ^ C T excludes from the category of 1 "We've found a spark in the his April proclamation after as- come to any individual at the "Jews" all persons baptized be- • t e r P i a y e r produce o r r " ilie s e r suming dictatorial powers, con- university — initiation into the ashes!" : son, given I I o n e " i " i ^ f rrd senior honoraries of M o rtar fore Aug. 1, 1919. whose parents At the Fair we are not asking demned racial hatred. "We note and Innocents. Those honwere born in Hungary prior to | W e d n e s d a y e v e n i r g s -p-p-rocl to be the world to cry with us, to take with sorrow/' he said at that Board ored were: Arthur Hill. Selma 1S49, and persons born Christ- l a play t a i l o r e d to t^« , j f t s rf courage w i t h us; to break time, "the appearance in the Hill, Jerusalem (WNS-Paleor AgenXoi r-?T c , j ti"» and Irving Sherman. ians whose parents were baptized ! local groups. through the current darkness and country of racist tendencies which cy) •— If Great Britain is plan- before Jan. I, 1919. Such per- | cast of t h e play ; u " n <r r \ ^ ' Arthur Hill, Lincoln, won the ning to undermine the Jewish Naset its feet toward brighter des- are inadmissible in a country i lent performancp 1 i t tl » 1^-d sons remain snbject, however, to tinies . . . "Felldwmen,.we offer, which now more than ever stands highest honors of the three whea tional Home she must be prepared various other restrictions. ! audience r e s p o n s e - r r > " e c t > • e(Continued on page S.) 1 he was tapped third member of to use bayonets and shed Jewish yon a desert conquered and made ly. Innocents society, a group of 13 blood, for the Jewish community green by the ways of peace, with Hepiete with "iiJc5 - ' c r i " ^ t men. By virtue of his position of Palestine will stop at no sufhands soiled only by the -grime of familiar expressicr* r r ^ - . : • ? " " • Hill automatically becomes secre- fering to resist any policy deour toil.* We have watered this isms, " B e So K - c ' -"coir^ tary of the society. soil by the- sweat of our brows, structive of its "only hope." the the d i f f i c u l t i e s ' o ' n T ~ * - ~ r : \ ' Hill is a member of Sigma Al—. with no blood of vanquished men. Zionist General Council (Actions ous to see h e r c r \ . ~ c r r r - - " J pha Mu, a varsity debater, assis- Committee) warned in a resoluWe plan even more—w.e think of off " w e l l . " tant business manager .of the Daia land made good by Justice, of tion adopted at the closing sesly Nebraskan, member of Student Cast 52\..{>r<r-. which it shall be said: "Here no Council and of Corn Cobs, men's sion of its meeting here. Martha HiEti'i" r r= 1 = > ~r . • r man's hand is against his neighThe gravity with which the pep organization. He has won remoney-ininded c r . " r r r r r*bor; here no. man covets his Yishuv awaits an imminent ancognition for scholarship at Honriageable fcrood, 1 r E - - ^ p-%. neighbor's fields. For all men New York (JTA) — Deporta- ors Convocation for three straight nouncement of policy for tbe futport-unity t o cisp'r" 1 1^" r l p<; there is enough and by the ruJe tion New officers will be elected at ure of Palestine is reflected in of Fritz Kuhn, leader of the years and is also the possessor of Rosalie Alberts v c = c c - - * ~r- i ^ re. of justice every man knows,how German the meeting of the local lodge of the solemn threat of non-co-opera--American B u n d , on a "William Gold freshman scholaringly nasty , i—t r-> - - f rL much is enough." charges of perjury in connection ship key. In addition HiIl is a tion and resistance contained in the B'nai B'rith on Monday eve- d a u g h t e r . while E ° r 1 ^ ' .7 -v o~ . - J. , , - „ ning. the carefully worded resolution. i o "> Refreshing Picture with his entry to the United States member of the rally committee the "sympathies c : t ' ,- — - '• The new officers will "be in- h e r i n t e r p r e t a t i o n or i 1 - " \ The British government is I guess it will be good also for and his subsequent naturalization, and is chairman of the inter-camv called upon to refrain from stalled at the B'nai B'rith Field istic d a u g h t e r , r > r v - -=oc Jews to s o to the Palestine Pa- is being sought by the Non-Sec- pus bus commission. vilion and get refreshment. They tarian Anti-Nazi League. Irvin Sherman, Omaha, mem- breaching its international obliga- day which is to be held at the at h e r m o t h e r ' s r r o- . - •• have been weeping so much and The League announced it has ber of Zeta Beta Tau, was tapped tions, while tbe General Council Highland Country club on June One ol t h e h ^i ^i - J same have .permitted their souls placed in the hands of the federal twelfth member of the Innocents reaffirms the "anxious concern" 7. A stag will be given at the p r o d u c t i o n WEE t* ~ >." ^ ^ c ' r to be let down to. the inferior authorities a sworn statement by society. Sherman is a member of of the Jewish people for peace in same time to honor Archie Cohen. e n a c t m e n t of a Cr ^ '•• i- "» = level to which anti-Semites would Reinhold Spitz,' a refugee from Corn Cobs, Kosmet Klub, Red Palestine "especially in this grave president of the District Grand bout by Irvin Z T C >i , , i c _ —> push all Jews; and many have Munich, stating Kuhn was con-Guidon, and is assistant business moment in international affairs." lodge. erly Mendelson. Zr r - " t r The resolution reads as follows: The auditing committee _is send- as t h e ne"er-co-v r come to believe that to be a Jew victed of stealing overcoats from manager of the Comhusker. -"•- v . is. only a doom of everlasting fellow students while enrolled at "The General Council of the ing verification statements to all haps one of t h e b ' ^ Selma Hill, Lincoln, was elect, pain; and many suffer the disin- the University of Munich. ed to Mortar Board, women's sen- World Zionist organization, meet- members of the lodge. seen on t h e Ce~ <"" >= ~-r tegrating pain of self-pity; and ior honorary. Miss Hill is viceing in Jerusalem on the eve of Saks as t h e h e " -> ' \ - . . - - Investigation of the charges is Borne wonder whether it's worth being conducted by Charles Mil- president of Sigma Delta Tau sor- tbe issuance of the Mandatory while going on as Jews. (They ler, assistant district director of ority; president of Tassels, wom- Power's decision regarding the iis» «>- tXgs! feel the utter emptiness of com-immigration and naturalization, en's pep organization; president future of Palestine, feels it its Myron Tarnoff <? of Sigma Alpha Iota, National plete futility).. duty to draw the attention of the the Federal Bureau of InvestigaNate S e t e r m c n s ' r ' music sorority; treasurer of Beta . F o r all-these there should be tion and the V. S. district attor- Sigma Phi, women's Journalism government to the grave consek +u 4ffi LkuW«sCblt ii tar ^ & il UH4n er, completed a v quences involved in the adoption enheartenment in this show x>t the ney's office. Although her , honorary; member of the Y. W. dynamic - power of Jewish hearts PocDhanttis, t h e - ' According to Spitz, who wasC. A. cabinet, member of "Vestals of a policy which is contrary to William L. Holznaar.. represent- J o h a L a a 1-IowE.rd v o and hands. They will go about founder and owner of a large of the Lamp, arts and science the international obligations of the"fair grounds gathering sam- clothing establishment on the honorary, member of Phi Sigma Great Britain under the Mandate; ing the Union of American He- of t h e evening. ples of; this and that—free corn- same Munich street where Kuhn's Iota, romance language honorary, which would condemn, the Jews brew Congregations, spoke at the T h e play, w r i t ; " to remain a permanent minority Friday evening service ' of the b u r g , w a s direcLflakes, -soap- powders, toy bal- father had a business, Kuhn and editor of the 'N' book. in Palestine; which would deprive Temple B'nai Jeshuren in. Lin- •mar; J a i i r . T h e ~~ loons; cookies; But at the Pales- served four months in Stadelheim them of the right to settle in a coln, last -p-eek on "Democracy tine Pavilion they will get a gift prison for his crime. Upon his part of the country, and would and Religion.'' of light by which in the darkness release he was given a job in the Mr. Holzman's appearance in deliver the Jewish National Home they will Bee something of their Spitz firm, as a result of interLincoln was as a member c-I the to Arab domination. own Worth: "This is I, the Jew!vention by a mutual friend of the "The Jews cannot consent to or Committee of One Hundred which This 1B I, the Jew—offering some- Spitz and Kuhn families. acquiesce in such a policy. The is directing the Union's Layman's thing of my inner life. The Jew After four months as shipping Jewish people; especially the Jew- Tour. Mr. Holzman is also chairhas built a good country out of clerk, Spitz discovered Kuhn had man of the Nebraska committee The Cbesea t ish community "in Palestine, will Ms travail. This is I." . .'• stolen merchandise worth more The Jewish Community Center not shrink from any sacrifice In in charg-e of the Lsj-zcan's Tour ho!d its anz:sal ,:Mf. Joseph Brainin. head of the than 3,000 marks. When the theft organised by the Union as part Press Department of the Pales- was discovered, Kuhn's father and Softball League is scheduled to opposing the setting KP of any of its Ten year Program of Serv- day. May 21. at tine Pavilion reports on "the the mutual friend' begged Spitz get under way this Sun-day morn- regime calculated to destroy the ice to Democracy and Judaism. munity Center, anxious to raise f only hope left them. glory and color of rural Palestine not to expose Kuhn and it was ing at 11 o'clock. A reception in Mr. Holzman's new equipment Teams participating In the -that is being re-created . . . The decided to send him out of the "The Jews will persist in the visitor will breathe the perfumed country to avoid further disgrace. League are: A. Z. A. 1: A. Z. A. Jewish National Home, returning honor followed the service. Rabbi Funeral Home s Ogle is spiritual leader o' tarv standards air of the Palestine country side Kuhn was sent to Mexico in 1922, 100, Sigma Alpha Mu, B'nai to Palestine whatever the restric- Jacob B'rith, Breslow Auto Glass, and tions imposed or the sufferings B'nai Jeshuren. Bernard S. Gradentered the United States in 1928 •-. colorful flowers of the Holy vrohl is president of the Congrethe Omaha Jobbing Company. A prominent r entailed. It will not he possible Land among the greener/ . . The and beqame a naturalized citizen The diamonds to be used for to impose any repine undermin- gation. dress the neetir. outer structure of the Pavilion is in 1934. The Anti-Nazi League the opening league play are: iTitxy be made at . a perfect blend of the ancient and has asked police protection for 02nd and Dewey; 33rd and Cass; ing the Jewish National Homeland Jewis-b. Ccn'.rcur except by the force of bayonets modern trends of architecture." Mr. Spitz. and Elmwopd West. 1CGG. or bv cElIir1 and the shedding of Jewish blood. A pergola.over a-stone-flagged Followers of Softball are inAT S24E. "The Jewish people are anxicourt leads Into- a garden of for- To Represent Center vited to watch tbe games which ously concerned in the preservamal pools and, shrubs . . .-There be played through the sumThe annual Mother's Day servAt A.A.U. Swim Meet will tion of peace in Palestine aiid in is a" floor," a masterpiece of mosiac mer months. ice, sponsored by the Pi Tau Fi the maintenance of friendly relaart, taken from the ruins of an - Bucky. Greenberg, Stanley Felty-?,* A, tions and "closest co-operation fraternity, will be held this eveancient synagogue which onco man,'and Norman Polonsky will Sfaertok,Returns to ning at Temple Israel. Irvin nialwith Great Britain, especially in stood In the Esdraelon Plain. represent the Jewish Community this grave moment in Internation- asliocls: will speak os beiaJf ol' be elc S3 tElf C" Palestine Epic Center at the 1939 Midwest A. London the fraternity. Flowers Trill be al affairs. The Palestine epic is presented A. U. Boys Indoor Swimming London (WNS-Palcor Agency) . "The council strongly urges the distributed to all the mothers atIn ten exhibition halls: meet on Saturday, May 20, at the Moshe Shertok, head of the government to consider the ques- tending. In hon r c£ tb The Hall of Transformation— Omaha Y. M. C. A. political department of the Jew- tion and to refrain from any The annual taeetins of the Cc;i- David I-i. "iVice v, a saga of the reclamation of Greenberg is to swim in the ish. Agency, returned to London breach of its obligations and to gresation ol Temple Israel 'will wasteland—the almost magical forty-yard breast-stroke. Polon- after addressing numerous Zion- assist the Jewish people ia recon- ba held immsdistely rollo-icg.tliE disappearance of .swamplands and sky and Feltman will participate ist gatherings in Warsaw and stituting their Rational borne is service in the vestry rcoras of th-e (Continued on page S.) in the forty-yard freestyle. Lodz. Tcraplc. their ancient lasa."

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Report on So. American i n ;!ie ^ Uirr- T"-p | Colony Issued ." ^ r ; =°' in London '•• D o n ».l fl

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Page 2

My Daughter, My ney of Los Angeles, and coming visitors to the World's held May 31 at the J. C. C : 5360 be admitted to the luncheon. a tense drama to Today. With its Daughter, grandchildren. Fair, points out that no matter for one child by Ralph Goldberg; Where organizations or groups reiterating theme of Democracy Daughter, My Daughter." Funeral rites were held last what country they come from they 5100 each by Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, have combined for the purpose of ~nj its recurrent stress o£ Monroe Signing off . . . Your Holly- Friday in Denver, Rabbi Hillel will find a "Landsmiin" in New Mrs. John J. Frieden and thecontributing to Youth Aliyah in- Doctrine, "Juarez," r.ore than Kauvar officiated. York . . . The Seattle Jewish Thorpeian Athletic club, Mrs. M.dividuals donating less than S5 "Nazi Spy," is a warning to Fas- wood Correspondent. . will not be tendered invitations to cist aggressors to keep out of the Transcript seems to have effected Goldberg; Mrs. John J. Friedman So- the luncheon. Americas. Paul Muni, with a part Mrs. Hattie PssgeiS < one of the most startling mergers Any contributor 'who has do-which permits o£ not highlighted Funeral services for Mrs. Ha6» of the day . . . In a headline, it cial group, Mrs. Leo Abramson tie Degen, PS, v h o cied, in Denlinks Dr. Cyrus Adler with the Social group, Mrs. • Morris M. noted $18 or over and has nothistrionics, is'nevertheless superb ver, were held Tuesday morning American Jewish Congress . . . Franklin bingo party, Mrs. Benseen her name in The Jewish a~ the stolid, ugly, saturnine InMorris Schiffer Probably because the word Com- Brodkey, Mrs. Abe "Venger, Mrs. Press or has not received an in-dian hero. Mr. Morris Schiffer, 52, for at the Brailev end Dorranco mittee wouldn't fit in the line of J. H. Abrahams, and friends in vitation to tbe Donor Luncheon Strange p a r a l l e l : Off the over 3 2 years a resident of Oma-chapel. Rabbi Devid H. Wice ofmemory of Mrs. Charles Levinis requested to get in touch with type . . . The WPA Federal Thea- son. screen Joan Garfield idolizes raul ha, died at his home in Denver ficiated. Burial was «.t Pleasant Mrs. Julius Stein, GL 194S. r tre Project puts out a classy Muni as a niodel of perfection , . on May S after a lingering illness Hill. Names of those who have conMrs. M. M. Barish, Mrs. Mrs. Degen resided in Omaha POEM: Inconspicuously buried stuffiest stuffed shirt in captivity monthly mag called "The Theatre . so in the story, Garfield as Gen- of two years. tributed less than SIS to the He had been a member of the prior to moving to Denver* in a recent London dispatch on . . . The actors, Jews, Italians, Abroad." . . . Current number in- A. Rubnitz, Mrs. A. •Falk, Youth Aliyah will bo published eral Diaz worships Ivluni, his leader, his "Presidente." Irving Pich- Omaha Hebrew club, the B'nai tlie Jewish situation in Bohemia Negroes, are run-of-the-mina shop- cludes Interesting articles on theMrs. A. Theodore, Mrs. M. shortly. Isaac Kenricue Seguira, RQ el was in the cast . . . but t e was B'rith and the Congregation B'nai and Moravia was the following workers who, "when their little Palestine and Yiddish. language Jacobow, Mrs. J. Shykin, Mrs. J. Those who have contributed to lost somewhere among the som-Jacob. English Pephs.rcU, was physician item: "The Gestapo in Prague Broadway fling is ended, will re- theatres . . . Louis Golding's forth M. Malashock, Mrs. Sam Platt, Mrs. Sam Kaplan, Mrs.-JSI. Chait, the HMO and have not had their breros. Surviving besides his wife, extraordinary to the Prill-CO has arrested the poet Georg Man- turn to their, pins and needles and coming book, "Mr. Emmanuel," Mrs. Sam Altschuler, Mrs. H.names in The Press are requested Ethel, are: Three daughters, Mrs. Regent o£ Portugal. " i, heimer, editor of the periodical, machines and maybe picket lines which takes a wallop at Nazi Ger- Eisenstatt, Mrs. Aaron Rips, Mrs. to get in touch with Mrs. M. M. Wahrheit." . . . Some time ago . . . But before they do, they will many, has already sold 100,000 H. Rubin, Mrs. Sam Olander, Mrs. Barish, WA SS99. Over at Paramount a picture o£ Harry Sommer of Omaha; Rose Jews settled in Seville, Spain* this column reported that. Mann- have left a lofty mark for profes- copies in London before binding I. Goldstein, Mrs. John Faier, mystery is in the making, "lot, of Denver, and Mrs. Richard Liebheimer was planning to visit this sional Broadway to shoot at . . . . . . Will be published here in July Mrs. Julius Stein, Mrs. S. Feldcast, all names collected •with it, man of Oakland. Cal.; two sons, shortly after the destruction fit and all technical details are veiled Joseph of Sterling, Colo., and Sid- the Temple. country for a lecture tour . . . Peters bows low in admiration of by Viking. man, Mrs. Louis and Sam Epgallant ILGWU crew, the in secrecy. Its tentative title is, He was to talk on the importance that stein, Mrs. S. Erohm, Mrs. Leo authors, Harold J. Rome, Arthur "Heil, America!" of Czech democracy to world de- Arent Taub, Mrs. Sam Rice, Mrs. M. and others, and all who had mocracy . . . The lecture was to a hand in "Pins and Needles" . . . Horn, Mrs. Herman Cohn, Mrs. By HELEN ZIGMOND be called, "Praha—a Suburb of Ironic: A certain studio once William Pollack, Mrs. J. Tretiak, Mrs. A. Frank, Bikur Cholim and New York." . . . That, alas, was called Ferike Boros to read tbe ANECDOTE: The magazine Ken Mrs. Sam Harmel. last. September . . . Early this Hollywood — "It's insane! It's part of a Jewish mother. She read The Donor Luncheon which will year, shortly before .the German tells this juicy yarn going the a fantastic nightmare!" says Ed- it all right . . . but the casting diMinynn Groups occupation of.Prague, Dr. .Mann- rounds" in Rome, which is indica- climax the year for the Omaha ward Robinson in "Confessions of rection rejected her because she Minyan Group No. 1, Mrs. heimer wrote a prophetic poem tive of how the average Italian Chapter of Hadassah will be held J. Blank and Mrs. Arthur Cohn, a Nazi Spy." - And thats one's didn't look Jewish! . . . Sent in st personal. letter to regards that Berlin badmfln . . . May 31 instead of May 16, as pre- chairman; Mrs. Sam Boster, Mrs. first reaction as the story unannounced. Elaborate a friend in the United States, the When Hitler heiled into Vienna a viously you hear about the producare being made by Mrs.Abe Wright, Mrs. Max Cohn, Mrs. folds. It's incredible! That such a er Did "poem, is published here for theyear ago, he observed a Jew plans who wired Hitler: "Would E. A. Meyer, Mrs. S. R. Silber, diabolic monster should be allowPhiheas WIntroub, program chairwatching the troops march by . . . first-time . . . to know your 1939-40 war "What," he barked a t him, "are man, and Mrs. Leon Graetz, in Mrs. J. Erman, Mrs. Sam Raffle ed to worm its tentacles into ev- like They sit together and draw ery corner of this country. That production plans before I make you doing here? Don't you know charge ot the luncheon. All mem- and Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt. near Minyan Group No. 2, Mrs. Reu- in psychological sequence, one up my film production schedule?" I don't want any Jews here?" . . . bers entitled to attendance will Their souls are pressed down The Jew repleld: " I have no receive their invitations the fol-ben Kulakofsky, chairman; Mrs. folows the picture, "The nerve! . "Professor Mamlock" has been by fear money so I can't go away." . . . lowing week. The regular May Harry Trustin, M r s. Charles . . the colossal nerve of them with And each.does a t the other So Hitler gave him 100 meeting will be held June 7 in-Schimmell, Mrs. Mollie Rosen- their heils, their Bunds, and their banned in England—"too politileer; blatt, Mrs. J. A. Gross, Mrs. R. A. spies, thinking they can take over cal." Whereas in Mexico City tbe get put . . . A year later, Adolf stead of May 31. Is i t my turn yet? Bleicher, Mrs. Minnie Lapidus, this country!" This sentiment, ut- school children were ordered to was helling into Prague, spotted Zionist Congress They do not know, what is the the same Jew standing on the A 1 p. m. dessert-luncheon will Mrs. Sophie Monsky, Mrs. E . Mey-tered by an American, an every- see it . . . obtained admission at clock? curb . . . "You again! What are be held Tuesday, May 16, by Mrs. er, Mrs. Leo Mandelson and Mrs. day American, is the closing note two cents a ticket. The pendulum forgot to rocli you doing here?" Hitler roared M. F . Levenson, 4819 Farnam, as- David Goldstein. ol the film. And we hope it will Minyan Group No. 3, Mrs. J. be echoed and reechoed from They're only waiting for the.. . . "Well," the Jew explained sisted by Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, in Director Sidney Lanfield and • . ;. knock: again, " I have no money so I can't honor of the committee for elec- H. Kulakofsky, chairman; Mrs. coast to coast. Gregory Rstoff shared their natal j Sam Josephson, Mrs. Phil Klutztion to the World Zionist ConIs it my turn yet? do anything but stay hero" . . . The picture seemed less of an day with Furore Adolf . . . cent They sit in darkness as in a Hitler reached into his pocket, gress, which will be held June 11. nick, Mrs. Henry Monsky, Mrs. indictment of Germany, which by him birthday congratulations on Herman Auerbach, Mrs. David drew out 100 marks, said: "Here, Mrs. David A. Goldstein, who • tomb any thinking audience has been April 2 0th . . . but he neglected They arc themselves a part of take this and get out . . . and has been elected delegate.for the Goldman, Mrs. Abe Goldstein, condemned long ago on its ownto reciprocate. don't let me find you in Trieste." Southwest Region of Hadassah to Mrs. Harry Green, Mrs. Morris despicable methods — and more gloom the Zionist Congress which will Levey, Mrs. Henry Rosenthal, of a warning to a passive, quiesThe first stone cracks into the Cinema Chips: Dr. Herman take place during the latter part Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, Mrs. I.cent America. Why . . . a s in the Lissauer, former rabbi of Los Anroom: Chapman and Mrs. Sam Gilinsky. of the summer in Europe, will . . J I I S H M A S H : Distinguished It is your tarn now. film . . . are the master minds algathered the bibliographical Minyan No. 4, headed by Mrs. lowed to escape? Why a r e such geles, World's Fair visitor who hasn't speak during the afternoon on the material for "Juarez" . . . collect"Importance ot Voting on June Dave Stein, donors to be anTHEATRE: W h e n passing made Jthe headlines is Solomon 11." Members desiring further traitors allowed to multiply and ed, within a month, 372 hooks, nounced later. . through New York on the way to Kahan, Mexico City music critic information fester here? Why are they per- documents, letters, and photoon the election are Minyan No. 5, Mrs. Albert Newthe World's Fair, don't fall to who discovered Jose Iturbi, the requested to call Mrs. M. F . Levmitted to enjoy the very liberty graphs. Warners have bought man and Mrs. B. A. Simon, chair- which they wish to destroy? stop off for an evening of unre- conductor . . . Kahan, who is cov"The Mortal Storm," Phyllis BotWA 0850. man. Free Loan society, Mrs. Wm. strained hilarity, flavored with a ering musicl aspects of the Fair enson, chairman, A heavy cordon of plainclothes tome's anti-Nazi novel. Proceeds Book Review Milder, Mrs. Robert Cooper, Mrs. men snappy dash of "social signific- for his newspaper, El Universal was detailed at the Beverly from the Xew York premiere of The last meeting of the book Joe Rice, Mrs. Jules Newman, Hills Theatre .opening night. Butj "Xazi ance," currently on display at the Grafico, is looking for a publisher Spy" are to be turned over Mrs. Nathan Simon, Mrs^ William review group will be held Wedfor an English version of his Labor Stage undor the billing of the precaution proved unneces- to the German refugee fund. Boasberg, Mrs. Morris D. Miknesday, May 17, In the form of a "Emotion of Music," Spanish"Pins and Needles." . . . The sary for the audience received "Music School" is the last title XLGWU production, manned, language volume which was hail- 1 p . m. dessert-luncheon at the lin, Mrs. Leo Waxenberg, Koom the picture enthusiastically, stood . . . the last to date . . . on the home of Mrs. Lou Asbyll; 411 and Dansky, Mrs. Henry Newman mounted and manufactured by as ed as something extra-special by and cheered a t the last fade-out. Jascha Heifetz picture. Jolson was sparky a' crew of garment work- none other than Olin Downe3 of South Thirty-third street. Co- and Appleman & Robinson. Was it symbolic or just clever so well received in "Rose of "Here, better have another drink of this Robert* Minyan No. 6 is comprised of timing ers as has ever invaded the the Times.. . . The clown who hostess is Mrs. Max Givot. that almost at the precise Washington Square'' that plans "The Patriot," by Pearl Buck, smaller groups under this one pliers of sock and buskin, is ab-does an Irish cop at the "World's milk before you tell Butch what moment Hitler was ranting on the are on to star him again. coiuie .tops in adult entertain- Fair—and who is rated t h e best will be reviewed by Mrs. Dave B. heading, Mrs. Leo Abramson screen, his voice was pouring you think of him." group, Mrs. Sidney Cahan group, through the ether waves with tbe ment . . . If New York's profes- Irlsh-cop-down-down in sawdust Cohn. Parkyakarkus claims that EdDoes Committee Miss Hermine Hirschman group, cloiial stage provides a more thor- circles—is a snap named Abe The dues collection committee, Mrs. Max Fromkin group, Mrs. same message of menace and die Cantor, after reading, "My cvg'.'iy catisfylng and stimulating Goldstein . . . The JDC Paris of\ SOD, My Son" is now writing, "My VVorabinatlpn ot music and mad fice- is expanding its staff by two under the direction of Mrs. B. A.Joe Lipsey group, Mrs. Leon Men- hate? • m-ckcry, then your humble ser- or possibly three members . . ; A Simon, have been working faith- delson group, Mrs. William Rad"Juarez" is a drama of epic i.vant would like to see it . . . Vienna news item in the Ameri- fully to pass the 500 mark of uziner group, Mrs. J. Frieden and paid-up members. A3 soon as this Mrs. R. Bordy groups, Z. B. T. sweep and dynamic depth . . . and P There's acid, flavored with a bit can Hebrew includes a one-month "of honey, in every ditty . . . Ar-child among 124 children who r e - goal is passed a function will be Mother's club, Mrs. S. Feldman even at this early date has excellent prospects of being the greatrenic, coated with a thin layer of portedly committed suicide during given in honor of paid-up mem- groups. The Omaha Chapter of Hadas- est picture of the year. Though chocolate syrup, in every skit . . . the year . . . "Some prodigy!" bers. This will likely be held the middle of June. It is sah wishes it clearly understood painted with the slow strokes of Every stuffed shirt in the land comments VI". (JTA) Bienstock, during important that all Hadassah that only individual donors will a historical panorama, it emerges should be presented with a ticket who spotted the vital statistic very members pay their dues in full by Buy Now tor World's F&ir sad Veccz cr Fcecs to the latest edition of the revue from his tower In London . . . May 22 so they will receive their that has been running for more Rose Marie Brancato, Chicago Shekel which will enable them to t*an a year . . . Skits like "The opera and radio canary who sang OUR GREATER MAY VALUE tor the Zionist Congress elecRed Mikado," featuring a blister- for the Workman's Circle conven- vote tion. ing number- called "Three Little tion in Baltimore recently, is Ital-. Yonth Aliyah Contributors D. A. R.'s Are We;" "Brittania Ian, but is married to Dr. Lester The following contributors to Rothman, who is a member o t the "Waives the Rules," and "We'd Rather Be Right," are superlative Workmen's Circle . . . Mayor La- the Hadassah Youth Aliyah will satire guaranteed to unstuff the Guardia, in a full page ad wel- be honored guests during the Donor Luncheon which will be




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Roosevelt Hears Delegation of Leaders in Work Washington (JTA) — Presideirt_Iloose.velt, receiving a delegation of refugee-aid officials and -Jewish leaders for a review of the work of the Intergovernmental Refugee Committee, yoiced .great satisfaction with the work done in the face of difficulties' and expressed the hope that •apid progress would be made. After the interview,. Myron C. Taylor, vice-chairman of the Intergovernmental Committee, and lames G. MacDonald, chairman of the President's Advisory Committee on Refugees, warned against impatience, declaring that to ensure ultimate success short periods of experimentation were necessary before great mass setMements were made. They said they were happy that •he results would soon be known nt the splendid work done by the several commissions sent out to explore possibilities of settlement of-refugees in British Guiana, the, Dominican Republic and the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. Immediate consideration is being given to plans for imple- mentation by private individuals and organizations of financing and the execution of settlement projects, they said.

Sigma Alpha Mu

civic, economic or political. Even on Kol Nidre night, with the Temple packed, 1 have heard rabbis violently condemn the men and •women present for past laxity when it seems to me it would have been better to welcome them in a kindly way. I want Judaism to succeed. I want all Jews to be more Jewish — not in looks, not in showing off, not in pushing ahead of others, or forcing entrance where they are not wanted, not in occupying the front row at races or at the gaming tables, not in overdressing, but in their religion. How may this be accomplished? The rabbis have a splendid opEver since my Bar Mitzvah j portunity in these days to bring many times a year I have heard this about and 1 feel the laymen rabbis tell us. Rabbis find many and laywomen will be responsive. things to complain of and on AVe must work together. Book many occasions they tell the mem- reviews may be fine in their bers ihat they should come to place, or talks on national issues, Temple more often, that the well- or scolding people for their faults, to-do should contribute a greater but not on Friday evening or on share to the support of the Tem- the holidays. I have often heard ple, that the young people should the remark: The rabbis do not spend less time in personal en- give us enough religion at our joyment on Friday evening and regular services. Let our rabbis more time in public devotion, and explain and teach our religion, many similar faults which are and our Bible, and tell us about common in our day. our people in language we can understand. We laymen and layRabbis frequently e x p r e s s women are now ready for it. themselves on current topics — Let them use the methods and technique which are used in teaching. If they will do this, our services in the Temple will become more interesting and will be much better attended and the consequence will be a spiritual awakening and a greater interest in religion in general and Judaism in particular.

Bill Reported In the interview with the President, after a general discussion of the refugee question, Taylor crave a review of the work of the Intergovernmental C o m m ittee, giving credit to the 32 governments on the committee for helping to accomplish some of the objectives of the Evian conference, which was called by Roosevelt. Those present besides Messrs. Taylor and MacDonald were Judge .Samuel I. Roseman, former Justice Joseph M. Proskauer, Lewis L. Strauss, Henry Ittleson, Sol Stroock, Paul Baerwald, Nathan Straus, George L. Warren and Dr. Stephen S. Wise. The Wagner-Rogers bill for admission of 20,000 German refugee children into the United

By WILLIAM L. HOLZMAX The following article by William L. Holzman appeared in the April issue of "The Synagogue," the monthly magazine published by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. The article appeared as the companion-piece of another entitled, "The Rabbi Tells the Member." Mr. Holzinan's article is particularly interesting because it reveals the attitude of the laymen to the methods of the rabbis aiid the subject matter of their sermons.



New York (JTA) — Warner Brothers gave a preview of "Sons of liibrety," technicolor short depicting the part played by Haym Salomon in the American Revolution, before a small group of exhibitors and newspaper men. The film, to be released for nationwide distribution, will be given its first public performance in Chicago on May 21 in connection with a -dinner sponsored by the. Patriotic Foundation, at which will be displayed a model of the $50,000 JLorado Taft monument of Salomon, George Washington and Robert Morris. The film features Claude Rains, noted character actor, in its title role and the cast includes other States in the next two years was prominent actors. It is one of a reported favorable by the joint series of pictures filmed by Warimmigration subcommittee of the.ner Brothers in the interests of House and Senate. promoting better understanding of democracy and the history of • Refugees Aid Industries That refugees make more job3 the United States. Reviews in the than they take was asserted at trade press have been unanimousthe convention of the Women's ly enthusiastic. International League for Peace and Freedom by. Dr. Clarence Benjamin Sbeftall, one of the Pickett, oE the American Friends original settlers of Georgia and a (Quakers)- Service Committee, Jew, was widely known for his who is among supporters of theanti-slavery views.

Wagner-Rogers bill. •

Dr. Fickett said refugees had already started-, about .25. industries in the United States.' one of •which was employing 3,000 persons. He declared he knew personally one German refugee who •was employing twelve Americans. *"\Vhat is happening," he asserted, Vis a moving to this country of some sections of the industries of Great Germany, such as the Czech glass industry and the Austrian and Czech handmade jewelry, needlepoint, woodworking and high grade tooled leather industries."

Last week for the fifth time in five successive years a member of Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu was awarded the highest honor that can be won by a student when Arthur Hill, Lincoln, was tapped into the Innocents society, men's senior honorary. Arthur is the fourth officer of the organization to be a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. Men who preceded Arthur in membership in the organization were Irving Hill, Lincoln; Arnold Levin, Rosalie; David Bernstein, Omaha. and Itrorris Lipp, Xorth Platte. Arthur was the third man tapped in the society of 13 men. He will serve as secretary for the coming year. He is now assistant business manager of the Daily Nebraskan, a member of the Student Council and a member of the Corn Cobs, men's pep organization. Arthur's scholarship has been recognized at Honors Convocation for three successive years. He has also won a William Gold scholarship key. He was a .member of the varsity debate team, and is now a member of the rally committee and chairman of the intercampus bus commission. Next Sunday afternoon Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu will hold its 12th annual Mother's Day reception. Purpose of the reception is to honor the parents of the active and alumni members. A program of music, readings and speeches has been planned for the occasion. Thirty-five members of Sigma In such a religious awakening Omicron chapter, last Sunday evethe preservation of democracy, for ning, attended a special memorial we will" find a genuine basis for service held at the chapter house, the preservation of religion is theheld each year to honor the memory of the men of Sigma Alpha foundation of true democracy. Here in Omaha we are trying Mu who have passed on. Rabbi this new way of reaching our peo- H. A. Jolt, Lincoln, officiated. Fifth in a series of fireside disple and, I believe, with success. cussions on Jewish problems of current interest was held at the chapter house last night when Rev. R. A. McConnell of the First Plymouth Congregational church spoke on the topic of the relationIrvin Zweiback, who has been ship between the Jew a n d , t h e a member of the cast of both Gentile. ., plays .presented this season .by The entire series of fireside the Central Players, will take part in the one-act plays to be I discussions have been open to the given on Tuesday by the Omaha j public and have attracted the in' terest of a large number of JewTheater Guild. j ish students on campus. Some of The plays . . "He" by Eugene | the previous speakers in tne series O'ls'eill and "The White Phan- were Rabbi H. A. Jolt on "Ziontom" — are being directed by ism," and Herman Ginsberg on David Lazarus. "Jews, Jobs and Discrimination." Between plays a variety program is to be given by Omaha's Patronize Our Advertisers. outstanding local talent. Tickets for the evening's performances are twenty^five cents and may be purchased at Beatons Drug Store, 15th and Farnam streets.


descendants ncrt considered of the Jewish race, non-Jewish spouses. <^di cc i o ' r l " • - u^tiOr*- c thc! r i-

7 . N . F . Now Making Box -n r T!"

are requested to announce whether they wish to avail themselves of the right to donate their immobile wealth to non-Jews, to

- *IrTs;

H If

Rome (JTA) — The newspaper Popolo d'ltalia announced establishment of a government organization after May n to liquidate and administer Jewish interests. The newspaper reminded Italian Jews that they had until that day to register their immobile wealth and their interests in commercial or industrial enterprises of which they were proprietors, directors or partners. Italian Jews living abroad have until August 9 to register their wealth. When registering. Jews


><• , ',a»-




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A number of Jews were directors of the Dutch East India company which for 150 years administered the Cape of Good Hope j colony. j

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Irvin Zweiback iri Theater Guild Play


Golden. Hill Society

The Golden Hill Cemetery soThe name of Mordecai Sheftall ciety •will hold its regular meetheaded the list qt^ proscribedj ing next Tuesday, May 16, at 2:30 Georgia patriots published by tnej at the B'naf" Israel- synagrogoej British during the Revolution. I Eighteenth ana Chicago streets.

Great Econo

Ex-Newsboy Leaves $265,000 to Charity Boston (JTA) —Samuel Sigil• man, former newsboy who rose to eminence in the legal profession here, left $SS,000 each to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the Boston Museum of Pine Arts and the Boston Public Library, it is revealed in his will. Sigilman

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DAVID BLACKER - Business and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN . . . Editor • RABBI FREDERICK COHN ContrlbuUng Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS - Book Editor ANN PILL "-. Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

dividual merit. For six years now the electorate has had the op-our faith but cling to it, as indeed, to the Rock of Ages. It relationship between the Jew and Arab are presented admirably. portunity to judge'the work of Commissioner Trustin. His de-is our only hope and salvation: our truest wisdom, as the philos- The author is aware ol the remarkable* economic experiirseritK partment—that of Public Improvements—demands a more than opher, Santayana, sang: now in progress and e.pprecistes ordinary executive ability and a considerable technical knowl"It is not wisdom to be only wise: the efforts being to build the mew Palestine upon justice edge. Trust the soul's invincible surmise'/' and truth. Ke discovers an eterThe response of the electorate is the response of an interNo sublimer definition of faith—and of religion—has ever nal longing for this beautiful land, present in the heart of every ested people. They have been grateful for a sincere effort to been given than that, 'the soul's invincible surmise.' It is the Jew. "Ever since there had been run the department efficiently. divinest guess that has ever been made of the secret of the Jewish blood on i'ne earth, for thousands of years, this same obAs Jews we feel satisfaction in Mr. Trusthvs re-election not universe, of th -momentous mystery of life and of death. session had persisted ir. it, s.nd it had had only this one goat — merely because he is a Jew, but because he has been a credit "Then write these words upon thy soul— Palestine." "Blood" is ur.Cortuto us. We are sensitive about our men in public office because "Taith,"' "Hope," and "Love," and thou shalt find nate, reminding OTe of Nazi nonsense. Palestine resie'es in the we know that we are judged as a group by the individual's Strength when life's surges maddest roll; heart ant' soul of the .lew. The action. His was a well-deserved victory, and we wish him well. Light, when thou else wert blind.*' identification of our author with

fit® Bible Shcr


vripcnn- is unattainable to a fool us corfcls; be openeth not his mouth in tSse gate. lie kisseili. the lips, that giretU a ri£T.t r.nsv-er. [•-•f.j.Ffp thyself for the work witnemt, r r d make fit for in thy field and afterwards build thy lioi;se. Say v.of. "I will do so to hini

as lie L?.;b clone to me." I will

this new- land which he rightly rtncUr xo the man according to calls home is complete — £.nd a his work. source of keen spiritual deli&'fcl. TAIiMCD The figures that erpear in the During the week that just past the Jewish communities a!;bi Jeremiah Ben Abba safdj Hungary, a lost sheep in the Xazi fold, has, after several throughout the country have observed "Jewish Book Week." volume are mar.y snd interesting. is not lawful for a scholar to The leadii-.g ones are Simon Armonths of debate, passed its long projected anti-Jewish laws, There has been an unfortunate tendency in the past year or . because through weakness of dcrrnan. Warniuf.h and the tragic ?>r fee diminishes his studies." By DK. THEODOSE N. LEWIS providing for'the gradual elimination of the nation's Jewish two for the leading publishers id" stear clear of Jewish books. Levy Ben David, whose knowlabbi Nachman said: "Not edge of Judaism is so inadequate Rabbi, Bloont Sinsi Temple, Sioux City population from its economy. Attempting to forestall what The claim is that the general public is not interested and the yone is worthy of obtaining that he is willing to accept Jesus. everyone seems an inevitable Nazi coup, Hungary has kept one-step ahead Jewish reading public does not respond satisfactorily. This inability to recognize Hie light o.t the Torah, and not everyone is worthy to have joy result'HOME AT LAST," BY ERXEST comes them, and which gives them ; fundamental differences between of its extremists by giving them the legislation they desire. from meritorious deeds, the A little over a half century ago, a group of far-seeing and HARTHERX. T H E BOBBS- an opportunity to mend their ; Christianity and Judaism is (1UP \r>£ The debate over the laws was long and bitter, resulting in intellectual men organized the Jewish Publication Society. Per- MERRIL CO. 278 PAGES. shattered live?. What an amaz- j chiefly to the author's Jerk °^ righteous only are deserving of light, and the upright of joy." ing turn of the wheel of Jewish ; basic Jewish knowledge. the sponsor of the legislation, Premier Imredy, discovering he haps they did not visualize any such emergency as we are ex- §2.00. Jlsbbi Huna, when sitting down fortune! What shame and guilt Not only PE-leflire but the lie- to eat a meal, would throw open himself was of Jewish? ancestry and therefore subject to its periencing today. But they did realize the necessity of at least One of the most astonishing these refugees must experience on brew language is exto'iofl. With- the doors and call out, "'Whoever discriminatory provisions. and yet natural results of the Hit- coming into Palestine, when they out the latter Jewish national life desires to eat, let him come io one publishing house devoting itself exclusively to works of ler and persecution lias recall how they, or their imme- is a delusion. It is too bed that and do so." Hungarian Jewry, like that of Austria and Germany, was Jewish interest. To insure a reading public, it has developed been terror the universal and fresh in- diats forbears, daringly and fool- the erthor's granimsticE.l Unov-iKabbi said; "I am sorry that I a highly cultured and influential group. The Jews have par- an organization that pays a stated yearly sum, thereby guar- terest of Jews in Palestine, and ishly repudiated the oath taken • ecgp is ceficjert The p'r.rsl of cannot emulate the action of Rabthe unique importance this land centuries ago by arioiiier company Cl-.sver is Chaverim. not with an bi Huna of throwing open my ticipated in the life of the country for many years and under anteeing the publishing company of sale. has assumed for world Israel. N*o of Jewish exiles "on the shores of , " s " at the end, end of Poel. doors and inviting everybody to greater piece of irony does his- Babylon. "If I forget thee. Jeru- ' Poeiim and not reels. Quite pos- eat, for there are a great many Austrian rule the Jewish schools, because of a certain degree Through the years the Jewish Publication Society has done tory than that Palestine salern, may my right hand be for- !sible, the author uses tlie^B eie- poor people in our city Mechuzza of cultural autonomy/ became the fountainheads of Magyar a remarkable piece of work in the field of Jewish literature. shouldprovide meniary grammatical e r r o r s, and I could not feed them all." have become the principle gotten." knowingly, so as to indicate the goal ot German Jews. What provnationalism. . Palestine has ' received more , New authors have been brought to the attention of not only the retribution! No group of refugees from Germany than oth- linguistic struggles oE the newThe country is perhaps the most backward in Europe. Still Jewish reading public, but the general public as well. Classics idential Jews has BO shamefully and in- er country including the United ; comers, struggles as real and as practicing feudalism, its nobility has suddenly realized its sys- of the past have been translated so that their wisdom will not solently repudiated Palestine and States. Some come there with a | pressing as economic and spiritual nationalism. And no group pathetic inability to part with : adjustment. tem was disintegrating. Strangely enough the Nazis can be be isolated for only a scholarly few. Historical works have Jewish Is it not. possible that Hitler, has reaped such, enormous bene- their old ways of life and thought. considered the most radical of Hungarian political parties and been commissioned so that our understanding of present day fit from these ideals in so short These cling- pitifully to the culture the arch-enemy of the .lew. is also they knew and loved at home, and the Instrument v here by the Jew a space.of time. because of a desire to forestall the Nazis and their threats to events will be heightened by an understanding of the past. When • Herzl proposed Munich rather petulantly refuse to asssm- i wil! achieve his ultimate and Beth El break up Hungarian estates, the ruling caste has made every the first Zionist convention in ilate the Jewish ideals of Pales- : permanent redemption from bondOne of the organization's greatest achievements is this year for Tonight at services Rabbi David tine, particularly to master the ' age and exile? All signs point in 1S97, the local Jews were outA. Goldstein will base his sermon effort to put into effect every plank of the Nazi party except celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary—the translation of the raged and terrified. In their out- Hebrew language and literature. • this direction, and rabbinic wis- on Sholom Asch's new book, Fortunately, these are but a mi- :dom that every misfortune carries cry against the proposed meeting, the one. Bible. Now the standard English text for American Jews, this of the Valley." was transferred to Switzer- nority. • The great majority of ; within it some blessing .confirms "Song Harold, son of Dr. and Mrs. • Because of its peculiar social organization, the country has edition of the Holy Scripture has been instrumental in con- which land, they were enthusiastically German refugees . in Palestine. ] the hope. Morris Margolin, will begin the joined by the other German-Jew- recognize the error of their past j left to the Jews the problem of organizing industry and com- tributing to a better understanding of Judaism. celebration of his Bar Mitzvah by ish communities. With a holy and. are making heroic efforts to • merce. Here is no Germany with a one per cent Jewish poputo their people and her-' the chanting of Kiddush. For the coming year, the Jewish Publication has projected fervor they proclaimed themselves return These sense the futility of : Saturday morning services will lation, but a nation with 9 per cent of its population professing an ambitious program, reflecting the catholicity of its interests. to be Germans of the Mosaic itage. begin at 9:45. Harold Margolin faith, and branded any thought assimilation and the illusion ef • Jews. How important they are to the cultural life of the coun- By its policy, the Jewish Publication Society has been an im- of, or attachment to. Palestine as emancipation. With this latter i will lead the service. Dr. and New York I'JTA} — Moriz Ro- Mrs. Margolin invite their friends Ernest Harthern is identitry was evidenced, by the ruin brought on the publishing busi- portant agency in the education of the American Jewish public. treason, base -ingratitude to a group, senthal. the famous pianist who fied. "Home at Last" is a faithto attend the service and to parnoble Fatherland. With typical ness when anti-Jewish agitation first began. Few others than It has served and will continue to serve with dignity. By itsPrussian blindness and arrogance, ful and moving record of his per- : lived in Vienna until Hitler's con- take of the Kiddush after the they accepted Germany as their sonal a n d vivid • impressions, quest of Austria, and at 76 is be- service in honor of their son. Jews read books in Hungary. fifty years of achievement it has brought honor to Israel. Next Week Palestine and Berlin as their Jer- which are shared by tbe vast ma- •coniirjp an American citizen and Suffering from the. effects of the war, Hungary has sought Next Friday evening the Beth usalem. They advised Herzl to jority of his fellow refugees now ;350 New York students compris! ing the Inter-Scholastic German El congregation will be privileged direct his scheme for the rehabili- at last at home in Palestine! every means of alleviating its archaic soeial system. A comGlee Club joined in a concert at hear Bishop G. Bromley Oxtation of Palestine to the uncouth, The very title of the volume is ;Carne.cie Hall for the benefit of to munist uprising, for which the Jews were blamed, in itself was nam. one of the outstanding rethe caftened and persecuted Jews significant. That which he and ' By BABBI FREDERICK COHN ol the Polish and Russian ghet- his fellow German Jews repudi- j the Vr-ited Jewish Appeal and ligious leaders of the country. disastrous to the Jewish community as it was against them the Philosophy at best eventuates in doubt. Amidst the myriad toes. They, the emancipated and ated. the reality of the Gains, the ' the American Committee for economic laws of the regime were passed. The red governTemple cultured citizens of Germany, truth of the Diaspora and the ex- !Christian German refugees. ideas propounded one -is left in helpless bewilderment. There were not interested in, and had ile. the author now acknowledges j Dr. Ernest Wilhelm Meyer, forTonight a Mother's Day Bervicw ment was replaced by the "White Terror" which directed its is no certainty. There is nothing to cling to. One idea is as no need of, Zionism. in remorse and in penitence. What • mer German diplomat in Wash- will be conducted at Temple Israel attentions-to the Jewish population and gave the world a foreington and now executive secre- by the Pi Tau Pi fraternity. good, or as bad, as another. One sinks into a morass of despair. No group of Jews took such ex- pathos and spiritual agony, acd itary of the American Committee's taste of Hitlerian anti-Semitism. • '.'•-.-' what joy, reside in the words, j cessive pride in their -patriotism The infinite superiority of religion, of almost any religion, as did the German Jews. In this "Home at Last." It is a belated ] new Education Department said Regent Receives Jews Nevertheless in the face of economic disaster and racial in a post-intermission address Belgrade (JTA) — Prince Refolly of exaggerated loyalty to confession that Palestine is the that tbe concert was "a rebuttal lies in the fact that one has something definite to hold to. Retliserimination, the Jewish community has put forth every efgent Paul has received in audistate, they, of course, aped only land which can; Eire the Jews those who would like us to ence Chief Rabbi Isaac Alkalay, ligion bridges the gap of doubt. I t leaps the abysmal chasm the their non-Jewish, neighbors who real peace, freedom and security, to iijirt to endure. Today it faces a hopeless future. Hungary believe that help to refugees from who informed him on the life of of uncertainty, to secure authority. I t reaches its conclusions swallowed the pagan concepts of the only land he feels to be his Germany is a stirrinr v.p of ani- the Jewish communities and on own without assailing doubts. has finally succumbed to the disease it started. Hungary's Hegel concerning the state a not so much through fact, through any the most careful science, mythical creation, beyond good Despite the great riches the Jews mosity against the German na- the recent Congress oC Yugoslav troubles will not be ended by its impoverishment of its Jews. Jewish Communities. <J as through direct intuition, a flash or illumination of the soul. and evil, demanding the uncondi- pour into other lands, these will tion."' never accord him full and equal Its difficulties are more fundamental and false remedies will tional-allegiance and obedience of 'Inspiration' it has been called, and the resultant truth or con-man. All the obeisanca before rights. And, under provocation, only aggravate a tragic condition. viction 'revelation.' It is this that makes regilion the crown false Gods, all the shameful and may even deny him the most eleORDER YOUR dishonest s e l f denial availed mentary human rights. and consumnation of philosophy. Philosophy was regarded naught FLOWERS *nd PLANTS TODAY' aaginst the Nazi wrath. Though. "Home at Last" is ficthe German Jews are tion, it is purely descriptive. France, beset on three sides by designing enemies, is busily throughout the whole Middle Ages as but the handmaid of re- Today fdr pariahs, without a single open There is little plot and little of engaged in cleansing her larder of rats. Fully aware of Ger- ligion, in Philo's language, Hagar, the bondwoman, to Sarah, champion in the whole country, the dramatic. This strikes me as which they served so nobly, en- the chief defect of the volume. It many's subtle propaganda tricks which are being utilized to the princess. riched so magnificently, and for have been a little bit more Our Persons! Service and Perfect Religion's deepest essence is faith. That is why religions which they sacrificed so exces- might encourage a separatist movement in Alsace as well-as to create exciting. The author discusses Arreugement Assured sively, even to the extent of ofdiscord throughout the Republic, the government has issued a are called, very properly, 'faiths.' We speak of the Jewish fering up their self-respect. And, practically every phase of Paleslife, with sympathy and faith, the Christian faith, the Mohammedan faith, even though irony of irony.' the land which tinian decree designed to terminate these destructive activities. penetration. The several types o£ they rejected with a contempt not One of these decrees is aimed directly at anti-Semitic agita- these faiths may have, as they do, doctrines and dogmas, and equaled by any other Jewish com- settlement, the mode of living, Phone JA 4909 1621 the idealism of the people, the «in<3 S e r v i c « tion and already anti-Semitic publications and organizations the most .elaborate ceremonials and rituals. Even above the munity, that land is the only one holidays and festival occasions, S!r>r of have been suppressed. Steps are being taken by the Jewish codes of conduct faith remains the supreme thing. For life which wants them, which wel- the complicated problem of tbe

Hungarian Rhapsody

The Jewish Publication Society

Religious Services

Rosenthal, Pianist, Aids Refugee Drive

The Soul's Invincible Surmise

Are Lib%l Laws Needed?



National Fund to file a libel suit against I/Action Francaise, would remain a labyrinth, conduct itself, even righteous conthe scurrilous Royalist sheet, whose editor, Leon. Daudet, has duet, would have no meaning, were there not a reason for it given in the last, satisfying analysis not by science or philosno hesitancy about blackening anyone's character. ophy, but by faith. In our own country a former Massachusetts State Senator, who last year listened to a parade of crack-pot, anti-Semitic •Faith postulates an order in the universe. Faith posits, agitators who testified before a legislative committee, has in- above all, a Supreme Orderer. Were it not for faith, life would stituted proceedings for a law to curb such agitation. be a chaos, an irrational anarchy, "a tale told by an idiot, sound • Democracies hesitate to enact any such restrictive legisla- and fury signifying nothing 1" I t is faith alone that gives life tion, for it appears to be a curb on free discussion. Some states its. supreme significance. do have group libel laws. Others like Nebraska have at one By faith is not meant credulity.. Faith must be buttressed time or another considered them. Libel laws are at all times by all the knowledge we can acquire. It must not be a faith of considered infringements on the liberty of the individual. ignorance, of superstition, of blind acceptance of any authority Nevertheless we have personal libel laws, considering them that is offered it, even of such as proclaims itself the only true, a protection,- instead of an infringement, of man's liberties. infallible authority. Faith must be rational. It must not fly Without such legal restrictions, no individual would be safe in the face of fact, it must not brazenly defy reason. As far as from the lying, malicious tongues of the mentally weak or the possible, it must be in harmony with reason, as the purest faith unscrupulous. We have enough interest in the character of a is. It must not conflict with reason, however much it may man to protect it by law and to endeavor to keep his reputa- transcend it. It must be the sublimation of reason. We fly to tion clean of false stains. Such laws have not altogether been the highest truths by an act of faith, 'as a bird, to its mountain.' satisfactory, but they have been a deterrent to unbridled What makes the Twenty-third Psalm possibly the most scandal-mbngering. beloved and influential poem (for it is a poem) in all literature? The tone of the present anti-Semitic barrage 13 virtually Because it voices so deeply and so beautifully the heart's absothe same as individual scandal-mongering. It is vicious and lute faith. "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want . . . untrue. Its purpose is boldly stated and its falsehood is flaunt- Even though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death ed. Every .sort of libel is being spread in the hope some por- I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me." God is our Guide, tion of it may be given credence. Our personal liberties and through life and through death. The Power which brought us happiness are being undermined and we have a right to the far will bring us further. We may trust it, as a child places protection of the state. We need only look abroad to see what its hand in that of its loving father. God is our Father, we are unchallenged and uncurbed propaganda has clone—poisoning all His children. '"Yea, even our father or our mother may forthe minds of people till the Jews have been deprived of their sake us (or leave us)"—or a dear one be taken from us—"God very means of existanc. will never forsake us." He is, indeed with us, here, and will be hereafter. Life is one, and God is one, and love is one—and ; faith is the silken thread on which these priceless truth are The Election of Harry Trustin / On a past occasion we had Jhe opportunity of commenting strung. A close second to the Twenty-third Psalm is Newman's on the significance to members of the Jewish community of immortal hymn, "Lead Kindly Light," because it sounds the the victory of City Commissioner Harry Trustin in the primary same note of. faith with such utter conviction as well as ravishof last month. Tuesday evening, the public of Omaha again ' . . - ' • • ' • • responded to Mr. Trustin's candidacy, and by a large vote that ing beauty: . : "So long Thy power has lead me sure Thou still gave him the lead in the field, he was re-elected to office. : " Wilt lead me on Because of the non-partisan organization of the Omaha city O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till council, the election cannot be interpreted as a matter of party The night be gone politics. The candidates for commissioner do,not bear the tag And with the morn those angel-faces smile of a political unit that is in itself a force strong enough to force That I have loved long since and lost awhile." a candidate's election or insure re-election. Whatever we may lose, in this life of loss, let us not lose Each candidate for the office must run on his own in-

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Bikur Cholim

Martelle Elman, Jane Goetz and ing that the freshman class pre- i GIRL Beatrice Sommer, who were in the j sented the house with their class j Senior Ivy chain, and Jeannette gift—a glider. T h e Girl • TO Op The 1 o'clock dessert-luncheon Polonsky, Sara Smeerin and Florii'E on. The annual rummage sale of and bridge being sponsored by the Sara Smeerin was given 3. flit. | ]-• old. ihr\r a t tl<r the Bikur Cholim Society is to Women's Mizrachi organization to _ Ivy Day was celebrated at the ' eRC e Meyerson, in the daisy chain, for leading a Tassel ticket cam- , day, Mtv last munty enter a! be held this month. Mrs. Julius raise funds to buy linens for the University of Nebraska Selma's actn-ities include the ; paign for the concert given by Thursday. Theta chapter of SigFour o Ui-? F' Chait is chairman of the commitpresidency of Tassels, riee-presi- I Rubinoif. torn! :.!'.€ tee arranging for the rummage Beth Zeiroth Girls' schools in Pal- ma Delta Tau was honored at dency of Sigma Delta Tan, presi- j estine will be held this Wednesthat time when Selma Hill, 01-. Mar 1 sale and assisting her are: Mesdency of Sigma Alpha Iota. She j RO-NOH t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill dames I. Kaplan, S. Fish, Harry day at 1 o'clock. is treasurer of Theta Sigma Phi. j New members of the Uo-Xoh Mrs. Sophie Rothkop and Mrs. j of Lincoln, was masked to Mortar T<" ENGAGEMENT TOLD KLTLER-TERIiMUTTEK Soskin, and J. Goldberg. a member of the Y. W. C. A. ; Club were pledged at the meeting On Sunday, May 7, Mrs. L. Miss Marian Perlmutter, daughMembers of the Jewish com- M. Brodkey are chairmen of the j Board as one of the 14 outsfand- cabinet. Phi Sigma lota and Yes- ! held on Sunday, ticket sales. The dessert-lunch; ing junior "women on the univerKatz oT Atlanta, Ga., announced- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Perlmut- munity are asked to prepare bun; tals of the Lamp. Those pledged r>re: Stuart OEH: 1)1 ei the engagement of her daughter, ter of Council Bluffs, became the dles for the sale, and call any of eon is being arranged by Mrs. A. j sity campus. Fil! be Saturday evening members of ! Frankel, Sid Greenbaum. Irving ,oar- POO'. G. Weinstein. Mrs. M. Arbitman] Josephine Rubnitz. v.-ho was Adele, to Mr. I. Hornstein. son of bride of Phil Kutler, son of. Mr. he above women. Sigma Delta Tau honored Selma • M&lasnock, George Scholnick. and ~\lon(]r. M$. and Mrs. K. Hornstein of and Mrs. W.-Kutler, Sunday aftThe organization is also mak- and Mrs. M. Katzman. masked trer^urcr of thai, organi- 'with a dinner cr.d s-urr~isc r r "ty ' Sirr'-y Vel^vr~. The Beth Zeiroth Girls schools zation last yenr, -,)ernoon at 3 at the home of the ng plans for the annual luncheon umaha. 1 a; t t e cyrrtcr ri'-'j:-'-. Lrtpr i" • *Mn Hornstein is at present a groom's parents. Rabbi N. Feld- which is scheduled to take place in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, sup- the day's ceremonies nd m-i.-ke the peering ar. cpyr house pc-tj "-—• .iL"",^1J1™l-tc —" 1""1"-^--—• • v man officiated. ported by the Women's Mizrachi ' treasurer {' o r thVoo::iiiic Vrar. on June 12. An especially interstudent at Georgia Tech. t h e « The date of _ the wedding vrill The bride was attended by her esting program is being planned. provide educational, vocational Als-o taking part ;n the li \ Day T h ° n e w r f r i c c r s Cor t h e c o r , r : • \ , ' " """ ' and social opportunities for the Arrangements are being made for sister, Mrs. Dan Lintzman. lie announced later. celebration were Mary Arb:;::i;;n. Orthodox young women of PalesA reception was held at the an outstanding speaker to address Betty Beeson, Harriett B.^ron. dir.ncr r.Iordc ever,;r: tine. home of the bride's parents in the the meeting. \XXOL~XCE BAR MITZVAH Intensive courses in domestic Reports on the activities of the Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Ferer an- evening. ... , - i i Out-of-town guests, p r e s e n t organization will be read. The science, farming, commercial and nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their academic subjects are offered the Q7 hon", Harvey Dean, on Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Maltzman drawing-for the silver service will morning. May 20, at 10 a. m. at of Boston, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. also be held at this time. Mrs. girls. Dieticians for institutions UZQ THE PUSLEC CCH: P. Fish and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt that observe the dietary laws are Ben Cohen of Harlan, Ia^; Mr. Temple Israel. GE AKD provided by the schools. The newMr. and Mrs. Ferer will' l>o at and Mrs. Abe Marcus of Auhurn, have been chairman of the com- school in Tel Aviv was dedicated mittee in. charge o£ the drawing. Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Henry r home in honor of their son on Women of the community have on Lag B'Omer. ZTJL Saturday evening, May 20, from Maduff of Anita, la. Mrs. A. G. Weinstein will be been asked to keep this date open. The couple will reside in 3 to 11 o'clock. hostess at her home, 123 North Omaha. Thirtieth street, at the Women's Ladies' Auxiliary, ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH, Oneg Shabboth on SatDr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin Workmen's Circle, 173 Mizrachi urday, May 20. Mrs. N. Marcus, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Mrs.'Weinstein's daughter, will be son, Harold, on Saturday mornThe'Ladies Auxiliary of Work- special guest. Mrs. Max Fromkin Last Sunday, celebrating its men's ing at the Beth El synagogue. Circle, Branch 173, Trill will be principal speaker. 15th anniversary, Mother chapter hold a Mother rs T O O £":ALL QH. F/^H Far: and Daughters day enjoyed a full day of activities AT HOME gathering on May 17 a t S p. m. FAST COUr-STHlY DELIVERY CZKVICI which was climaxed by a special Mr. and Mrs. David P. Feder meeting held in the J. C. C. gym. at the Labor Lyceum, 2201 Clark PHOKE O n r.IAlL IK YOUC street. will be at home to their friends Toby Flax was elected presiGuest speaker of the afternoon on Sunday afternoon. May 21, Mrs. Marcus Rosenstein will dent of Junior Council for the ; from 3 to 6 in honor of their was Dr. A .Greenberg, past presi- represent the. mothers and Miss nest year, succeeding Sara Rif- | . I daughter, Aileen Phyllis, who is dent of District Grand Lodge No. Lillian Pollay the daughters. kin. Other officers elected at the to be confirmed at Temple Israel. G of B'nai B'rith.- Sam Beber, A musical program will follow. . 24 L J last meeting are Toby Hertzbrg, - No invitations are being issued. founder of A. Z. A., was present Refreshments are to be served. first vice-president; Evelyn Green, at the meeting and spoke a few There will be no admission second vice-president; E v e l y n words to the assembly. Several charge. S. A. M. .MOTHER'S CLUB Kaiman, secretary: Marion past Aleph Godols of Mother The S. A. M. Mother's club will chapter, including Stanley Levine, Strauss, corresponding secretary; hold its monthly meeting on Tues- Joe Cohen, Ernest Priesman, Joe Ruth Goldstein, treasurer: Belle day, May 16. at the Union Station. Hornstein and Morris Arbitman Green, reporter: Harriett Wolsky, A luncheon to be served at 1 were presented to the chapter. Members of Mrs. Fred Rosen- auditor; Rita Mantel, parliameno'clock will precede the meeting. At the meeting Richard Zlotky stock's Circle of the Temple Israel tarian; Bertha Guss, Bess BernMrs. Carl Riekes and Mrs. Reu-'and Leon Brown were initiated Sisterhood" are sponsoring a dra- stein and Lillian Keiser, board ben Harris will be hostesses. into the chapter. In addition to matic reading of Thornton Wild- members. A special reDort is to be read the alumni and Alephs of Mother Toby Flax and Lillian Keiser by the president, ?.Irs. Harry chapter, the members of Sam er's prize-winning play, "Our were named delegates to the naTown," to be given by Mrs. DonEisenstatt. Beber Chapter 100 and of the ald Tope on Tuesday, May 23, at tional convention to be held in Junior A. Z. A. were in attend- 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Chicago in October. Gertrude FORM THEATKR PARTIES ance.* xUeph Godol Irving Nogg Ben Silver, 540S Nicholas street. Guss. and Celia . Richards are alAmong; those organizing thea- wns chairman of the meeting. Mrs. Julius Newman will tie co- ternates. 'ter parties or xilanniug to attend The Mother and Daughter tea In the morning. Mother Chaphostess. the one-act plays to be given will be held Sunday, May 14, at ter Alephs proved good "mudA garden party Will follow the Tuesday by the Omaha Theater 3 p. m. in the ballroom of the Guild :ire: Mr. and Mrs. Mix ders" by defeating the Sam Beber reading. Appropriate songs will Paxton hotel. Helen Castleman Chapter 100, Softball team in the be sung by Mrs. Raymond Silbar, Fromkin. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wohlis chairman of the affair. ner; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Horw'ch, first game of the season by a accompanied by Mrs. Sam Teper. score of S to 4. Reservations may be made by Mr. and Mrs. Al Wohlner. Mrs. Haskell Cohn. the mighty mite phoning the hostess, Mrs. Silver, Lou's Neveleff and Mr. Abner of Mother chapter, pitched the or the co-hostess, Mrs. Newman. Kaiman. . first five innings and let the Century ; team down with but two The entire Jewish community TO VISIT HERE Collections of Unique Mr. and Mrs. Sam Faier will runs. Mother chapter""softballers of Sofia would have been massaDiamond Engagement, pounded the ball for five runs in cred in 1863 had not the goverhave as their guest their daughWedding and AnnJvcrter. Miss Esther Faier of Wash- the first inning and coasted the nor intervened. sary Rings, individualington, D. C . and Miss Anne rest of the way. ly designed and priced The next meeting of the chapGross of Bangor, Maine, who will •with g-ood old-fashionINVEST SAFELY, WISELY IN arrive on Thursday to spend 10 ter will be held on Tuesday night, ed moderation. days here prior to leaving for May 1G, at the Center. WednesConvenient Terns Can Be day, May 17, the chapter will Minneapolis, where they will atAnnuity, Endowment. Ute Arranged at No Extra tend the wedding of Miss Janet have a skit entered in the Round * Cost Levin to Mr. Joseph ZIfman on Table Stage Night. Plans are being handled by a special commitMemorial' Day. Represent! 21 Streng Compantee under , the chairmanship of ies—Every Type of Insurance Norman Hahn. Last year A. Z. and Bonds Written. JOSI/l'Jf MEMORIAL A. 1 took first place at Stage Nite. CALL AT 7667 or WA 61S0 At 2:30 in-the Concert Hall of City Finance & Insurance Co. the Joslyn Memorial, a concert will be given by" the Cretonians Glee club of Crete. Neb., under the direction of Mr. George H. In an impressive Ivy Day cereAller. In the Lecture Hall, three mony, Irvin Sherman was tapped sound films will be-shown. for1 the Innocent's society, a group At 3.30 Dr. Francis L. Bouquet composed of the 13 outstanding will speak on "How to Distinguish, juniors on campus." "THE COAST TO COAST Art.,". The 4 o'clock Included in Sherman's activiorgan recital will' be given by Miss ties are: Member of the Kosmet SCilFSUDS Esther Leaf, assisted by Jack Gat- Klub, assistant business manager rost, pianist. • of the Cornhusker and a member CLUSIVE FASHIONS . . A Young'Artists program, spon- pf Corn Cobs, men's pep organizasored by the Omaha Music Teach- tion. ers association, will be held at With the tapping of new mem4:30. bers of the Innocents, the retiring group numbered among its members Howard Kaplan, editor of the Daily Nebraskan. This Sunday Zeta Beta Tau has extended a welcome to the parDramatic and music students of ents of all the fraters. heartea Miss Janet Graetz won honors at the recent high school contests. sheers . . B y Three dramatic students were awarded "superior" ratings at the find your c v\ and s sub-district contest at Fremont. ENGINEERS At-the district music contest her . in Complete 24 Hour Service mixed chorus and girls* trio reWork and Quality Guaranteed • ceived "excellent" ratings. Soapsu FREE ESTIMATES Miss Graetz has for the past SAf.3 J . YOUSE&l Priced riant,,, year been'principal of the UnderMonotone SANITARY PLUMBING & wood High school. Seventy-eighth HEATING CO. print voile, and Underwood streets. PreviousAT 2345 sanforized and ly she had taughw at the high 16161/2 Capitol five. FOR ONLY znti - crezse. . . school for three years.

Women*s TsAizrachi

Sisma Delta Tau


ar:. c?

U/e Fcsttire the Fresher*

^zz : ci

A. Z. A. 1

Junior Council

r v:i





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Zeta BetaTau


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BSG SHIP IN CANAL—Uncle Sam's aircraft carrier Lexington squeezes through Gaiilard Cut in fho Panama Canal, during recent transferral of fleet from Atlantic to Pacific. Note planes aligned on forward and after decks. • '.' "

gSfc.^X ,

IN L1SYA — Six new villages for e x c l u s i v e use of native Arabs in Libya have been begun under supervision of Italian government, fo house thousands of desert nomads. Here is a view of first of the villages, near Tripoli. Houses resemble beehives or silos.

BANKER — New president of the National Association of Mutual Savings Banks Is expected f o be Fred F. Lawrence, treasurer of the Main© Savings Bank, Portland, Me., shown above. E l e c t i o n will take place during conference of the association at WaldorfAstoria, New York, May 10-12.

WAY — Ben Hernandez and Anita ProvincTo ere - v loarning .in New Mexico University's folk-dancing class dances "brought to the Plateau by their forebears 400 years ago. Uni• versify's semi-centennial begins on June 3.

r HIGHLAND COLONEL—Garbed in kilts and carrying his bearskin shako, here is King George of Great Britain in the uniform of Colonel-in-Chief of the Cameron Highlanders. Picture taken in Edinburgh by Drummond Young. *





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f ? ' ir-e >-r cV'c' -> C-ermany, -'riT' r~ - r r f'rbsh Corridor.

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MOVIE CZAR DIMES—Rarely pictured Will Hays, « a r oi ilie movies, is shown here as member of a recent dinner party at Ihe Waldorf-Astoria, New York. With him is Mrs. Stuart h/.cNerr.are. New York socialite.


^L\l — Helsn H u l l Jacobs, fomer netisntl wensn lennfs char-ipics, cS z'nz Isfi N'ew York, recently, is ccr> pcfc in the Wimt!cccr: chf *~;pjcnshtp mftcries irs E'-r'snc1. Matches $tert June i?. *





Neve cf Sied'vr-., New Y ork, c-


'! l

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7©VS FSOM DENMARK—Denmark is making 0 bid for America's toy demand that formerly was supplied by Germany. 4his bid is the display in Denmark's Pavilion at the New York World's Fair. Designs are handmade by Kay Bjornsen, famous Danish sculptor, and are

simple, modern and said to be practicaily indestructible. Top panel, various toys exhibited in America for ihe first time. Bottom panels show youngster interested in a doll, a dog, a streamlined bus and a rocking horse. Articles are made principally of uftpainted beech wood.

U.riUiAMuvbl.r [tii,^SjJifj ( 1 :

FifJDS THEM STRANGE — Joan Bennett, first rnovis^sfar fo visit the New York Fair, looks over caricatures of movie ^eFebrities made from oga shells, at "Strange As if Seems" exhibits. "Good eggs—all of 'cm," skis sals.

L77 r





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THE JEWISH PEESS—FRIDAY, MAX 12, 1939 iented in the bewildering maze of present-day Jewish world as -well happenings In world Jewryas familiarity with the past. Most readers are not aware The Society is to be congratuthat it was the Jewish Publication lated on the esprit de corps of its Society which gave. Israel ZangBy A. A. ROBACK will t i e opportunity to make his officers and members, and felicibow to the world by bringing out tated on having attained the half JEWISH PUBLICATION his Dreamers of the Ghetto and century mark with e more promSOCIETY Tells Him Mast Assume of the Ghetto — both of On the occasion of Jewish Boob Children sing future ahead of it. Its diawhich after being out of print are Responsibility for Week, now b e i n g observed now available in an- omnibus edi- mond jubilee will doubtless prove Anti-Semitism throughout the United States and tion, including the Tragedies of an event in which all the eleCanada, what could be more ap- the Ghetto. Zangwill's further ments of American Jewry will By Religious News Servce. propriate than to devote the prehis masterly trans- partake as cultural festival. New York — Should a "real sent column to" an organization productions, lation of Ibn Gabirol's poems, alwave" of anti-Semitism sweep the which celebrates this year its though here again, the most By proclamation of February 3, country, Father Charles CoughGolden Jubilee, and but for which striking so much asnot the most re- 1740, the Jews were formally in- lin "must be ready to assume a Americanized Jewry would prob- ligious were included, vited to return to Sicily. Few took goodly part of the responsibility," ably have been without a litera- a token of gratitude asconstitued declared the Catholic Worker, well as a advantage of the offer. ture to minister to its needs? I labor of love on the part the am referring to the Jewish Pub- great man of letters, theof Kjation Society in Philadelphia. Jew and cool Englishman. warm To some readers It may have Probably the graceful translaBeen strange that Buch a society of Graetz's History of the should have originated in; Phila- tion in six volumes, was the delphia rather than in New York, Jews, important of all the Sociebut we must not forget that Phil- most publications, so far as the a delphia was the stronghold of ty's average Jew is concerned. In its oE the American Jewish aristoc- history series, the" J. p. S. is fairracy. It "was-here that two Jewish ly Btrong, including as it does colleges — Dropsie College and now, the four monographs on Gratz College — Trere founded Jews in various European centres. and It is from here that the JewThe establishment of a 550,000 ish Quarterly Review is edited. I fund Jacob Schiff in 1914 enbelieve, too. that the Jewish His- abled by Society to publish a torical Society had its inception in numberthe of translations of the the same city. And no wonder, it Jewish classics, even if the series "was the same handful of men who"except for the Spanish period, is a drew up the constitution of the bit heterogeneous, due, undersociety or joined its rankB in its stand, to the impossibilityI of early years that co-operated in all rying out the original plan carbecognate activities. (Twice such a cause the funds gave out. society was started, but only af- GOLDEN JUBIIiEIJ PUBLICA* ter a third attempt did it take, calling to mind the dictum in EcTIONS clesiastes "And the triple c o r d The volumes -which lave teen will not readily break.") issued by the Jewish Publication In fact, one might introduce the Society within the last year are a analogy of interlocking director- fitting commemoration of the BEAUTY SHOP ates with other organizations, Golden Jubilee, both as to title such as the American Jewish com- and treatment. The external apmittee and later the Jewish The- pearance compares very well with ological Seminary and the He- that of the books brought out by University presses, brew Union- College, a system the better Let Us Plan Your the Jubilee works are which has its assets but no less its Among Finkelstein's The P h a r i s e e s , liabilities. The Yiddish-speaking has received an extensive BEAUTY SALOf^i . Life Insurance masses, the radical element's, the which review In this column, Opatoshu's labor movement which has been In FEATURES Polish Woods to which 1 shall so influential in the spread of mo- return SHAMPOO and FINGER shortly, Bentwich's Soloft3ax ICaplan dern Jewish culture, are scarcely mon Schechter and Greenstone's WAVE represented. Commentary on the Book of NumAT 43S7 Perhaps on the occasion of a bers. Since we are -on the subject, Golden Jubilee, nothing other it may be well to offer thimble PERMANENT WAVES • than a tribute unalloyed is ex-reviews • of the latter volumes inI. iHorgenstern a t 53.50 srasf Up pected; but a writer, unlike' a stead of faiting for an occasion 716 Brandeis Thes. Bids. JA 4746 speaker whose presence places when space would permit of an AT 4333 him in the position of a host who adequate analysis. ___ must be especially discreet BO as not to becloud the. celebration, is THE SCHECHTER BIOGRAPHY Samuel I. Winer Professor Bentwich presents a untrammelefl. by social amenities — particularly when the writer very sympathetic and human porJA 3335 trait of the scholar, and adminishappens to be a columnist. trator who rose from village obJTJDAISTJC SI/ANT The leadership of the Society, scurity to the exalted position of from the very first week, has al- President of the Jewish TheologJ. L. Wolfson ways been in the hands of . the ical Seminary — practically the Cleaned — Revitalised WA S7SS rabbinically-minded. That may Pontiff of American conservative well be understood. The found- Jewry. Glazed *-*»**•& stored ers, I believe they were Dr. SoloBentwich is especially strong in Associated with mon Soils-Cohen and Dr. Kraus- supplying the background, in IV3ost modern Vaults kopf, were representatives of ar- painting the environment; and his SPECIAL istocratic Judaism, and their as- account of the London period giv9 PLAIN' Q l sociates were professors - in the ing as jdose-up of the cultural Asssarane© Sccfsfy & GARMENTS *9 i •large field of what used to be'des- torch bearers in Shechter'B circle Called 'for and -Delivered ' Ggnated as Jewish Science (Khok- is most interesting. Bentwich is F. If. CROXSON, msr. •hmas Yisroel). It was natural for more the historian than the biothe directors to stress the relig- grapher, but that is not to his dis7SC Insurance Elds. ious even in those wroks which advantage. KE X500 AT 4367 , were of a secular character. The The most dramatic episode is 4420-22 Florence Elvd. Judaistic bias stands out conspic- told in the chapter on the Cairo uously in nearly all the publica- Geniza, when Shechter discovered tions. Even the laymen on the that certain fragments shown him. board of-directors have definitely were parts of the original Hebrew been identified with that point of of Ecclesiasticus, a portion of the



liliTiiUE LIFE





Apocrypha. He wrote Mrs. Lewis

Three In of course nothing in- that he would come the next day trinsically wrong about such.a at 11 p. m., concluding the note policy except its almost inexor- "in haste and great excitment. able consistency, which "often puts And the biographer notes how the one in mind of the standardiza- scholar had confused A. M. with. tion ;so prevalent in , American P. M. because of his state of mind periodicals. A magazine, however, A psychoanalyst would very likeserves only ita own readers, but ly interpolate another interprets a publication society supplyin tion, even if Mrs. Lewis had been the needs of the Jewish public at a woman of 90. large might have recognized that COMMENTARY O3T NUMBERS At to the Commentary on Num there are other angles which might be. taken into considera- bers, a book of 350 pages, which tion. This preoccupation with the is the second of the commentary remote past is to my mind a sym- series: Professor Greenstone's ptom of escape from the vital pre- work is- a thorough piece of desent. The Soviet mind errs in ex- tailed scholarship, and yet the actly the opposite direction. wisdom of placing this specializa^ The Judaistic mind is rooted ed volume on the general list inftf the old. Antiquities are impor- stead of reserving it for the more tant, to be sure, but it would restricted series may appear seem that ignoring the present or doubtful to most of the thousands recent past, at any rate. ID tanta- of members not interested in the mount to seeking treasures else- minutiae of the Pentateuch, even where and neglecting our ownthough six books a year are now backyard. I have known people by the Society. who become excited over any fas- published Dr. Greenstone has spared no cicle which had been written in pains to acquaint himself with all the sixteenth century; and there the better commentaries are scholars who pooh-pooh ev- on the Bible,known Hebrew, English erything which was written in and German; In and to his credit it Hebrew later than the Mendels- must be said that he has: succeedsohnian era. ed in steering clear of all farfetched interpretations. He is ATTAINMENTS It was gratifying, therefore, to what our ancestors would call a find that the Inflexibility of the "pashton," which is not so much original policy had yielded to a a literalist, as a 'simplist," if I more catholic taste. It took near- may coin the word; one who bely two decades before Yiddish lit- lieves in accepting the simplest erature was honored on its list by course. His digression on the difa translation, but lately several rifculties of the census in that books from the Yiddish have Biblical book is a fine example of found their way into the series; his tendency, and one of the most and there is reason to suppose important passages in the volume. that the Jewish Publication SocieIn this regard, he is in line ty, of the nest decade will.diverge with the tradition of Bashi; but Considerably from its too classical unlike the Prince of Commentaor perhaps "classy" tendencies. tors, whose happy blend of lucidThe most elaborate piece of ity and crispness was the marvel work, certainly the most time- of many generations, our author consuming and the costliest the makes it a point to leave absoSociety enga&ed in was the trans- lutely nothing for the imaginalation of the Bible, which was tion. Every name, every refercompleted in 19>7 and has to date ence i3 gone into. Certainly he undergone twelve printings. has "done it up brown," although It is difficult to assess the val- the majority of his public would ue of the Individual publications surely like to have it a bit rare. which number over 200, exclusive In a. lighter vein, we might .say of the forty volumes of the Amer- that in his Commentary on Numican Jewish Yearbook, which to bers, he so exposed all the charmy mind is one of tho most use- acters that it is possible for every ful books any Jewish household reader to "get their number." could acquire. A- Yearbook does THE/SOCEETX EJfTJEKS A not ordinarily suggest a volume • SEW ERA of 700 pages with articles on dis- It. was a coincidence. (In one tinguished personalities, with a respect a sad one) that in its complete review of Jewish news fiftieth year, the Society should for the entire year, with a list of regulre a change in the chairmanJewish periodicals appearing in ship of its Publication Committee the United States, with director- and in its editorship. Judge Levies of organisations, and finally a in thal's election to the former full set of Jewish statistics. Yet post haa been, from all indicaall this and more-are included in tions, a sound choice. As to rethe latest issue of the American the late Dr. Husik, whose Jewish Yearbook (volume 40*. I placing sudden death a few weeks ago Jqave found each volume for thei as a distinct loss to Jewish philljst ten years a mine of informa- osophical research, it is hopsd tion, without which it would be that the appointment will be made nest to impossible to become or- oh the basis of contact with the-




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published here, in an open letter to the Detroit radio-priest. The letter said in part: "We are at a loss to understand why you found it necessary to discuss the Jews in the first place. Your tirades against Communism, if a bit hysterical had a rcai foundation. But linking up, in. the confused mine's of your followers by subtle 'double talk," Communism and Jewry, is timrarranted in fact and disastrous in effect. "There has always been a latent anti-Jewish feeling in this country, a heritage, we suppose, from our European ancestry, it could have remained that way

and eventually iied out, but has social-issues, by your prestige **\GcnnanS Incite been awakened and charged with a priest and by your talent as an j y .^ ^_ **.? nr a new zeal: What the awful con- orator. If yon cannot control' ;.r..:/:.-:n*"..-iJ? sequences will be only time will them yon have no right, to ask tell. And Catholics, your followKaunas s.'TAi — Troops were ers, are leading the fight. KOTV them to follow you. But you hsrp CRTIPL upor. to check pr>U-Jewleh can. -we do other than hold you them now- and are responsible in excesses thri. broke €>nt. in tlifc responsible, knowing the type of a very great measure for their town ol Xp.vmi?r-i.iF rear the Gerpeople who follow you and know- • actions. man frontier, t-'ur-.v Nazis agents ing the hold you hare on them? I "If a. real wave of arti-SernH- had spread p ruEor thot Jewfi "Understand us, we don't say i ism sweeps the United States, if had killed ?. mViiPHiisn. they are bad people. Neither are i in the future Jews are persecut- j JcwirO' shops v.-pre wrecked and & EVitTiber o: ,'CFS were severely Communists, we suppose. But. ed as they are in Europe, they are woei'ully ignorant and Father Coughlin. nr.ust "fee ready bp? ten npCorr crdcr WPF reptor*)d» incapable of thinking for them- to assume a goodly part of the Germans, vrro js.rrpst.ert. The Inselves. They must have someone responsibility. Are you ready to terior Ministry lias ordered a strict investigation. think for them. cio that?" "You srained their trust by the authorities you appealed to on Patronize Our Advertisers. Patronize Our Advertiser**



down and confessed that she was a hundred per cent Jewess . . .. BROWX STUDY She was afraid "Aryanism" would The reason •why it took Hitler cost her the job. so long to answer F. D. R. wasNTTZI STtTT In a pathetic effort to be asthat the speech -was first -worked out by German embassy officials tute the Nazi travel agencies are in Washington, -vrho -were sup- now illustrating their ads •with posed to import to it an appeal scenes that carefully avoid showto the American psychology, and ing the "swastika banner . . . Do then was given over to Gabby they think Americans fool that Goebbels for a final polishing- up easily? . . . Coughlin supporters . . . If you -want to get a grood are exercising- pressure on Station ! idea of what life in Naziland is TTMCA (which refused Conghlin ' like today, read Oscar Scfc.isss.irs •broadcasts in New York unless "Swastika," which relates the ad- the radio priest would first subvestures of &n American couple mit his scripts to tlie station) by ia Berlin last fall . . . That inci- sending threatening- letters to dent of a British warship firing commercial sponsors who have on a Greek vessel carrricg; Je-w'iEh time, on that station . . . The threat is that unless the contract j refugees to Palestine which, has with "VriVICA is canceled a boycott j been denied in the British Parlia- will he against the mer- ; ment—will return to the head- cCECdiseorganized advertised . . . T h e New lines . . . Credited to Dr. Hjalmar York "West Side Conference for Schacht is the crack that a Gerand Keligious Tolerance man feles about the annexation of Racial Its first meeting- at the Grace adjacent territories much as the held Church last week . . . inmate of a jail feels abom the Methodist Catholics and Jewr addition of a new wing to the Protestants, united there in discussing: counprison building-... Believe it or not terjneasures to be taken against but the negotiations between Italy anonymous parties who arc and Japan for a military alliance the distributing a leaflet entitled were spiked ty none other than 'The Christian Indez' and exhort1 Hitler . . . He didn't like the idea ing the public to "buy Christina of so strong a combination before j only . . . Neil O'Kara, the -yndi-' ••Hcssolini .had tied himself tip ! cateci columnist, wrote the other with Isaziland in a similar alli- | day that the official publicity ance . . . Until recently Musso- ag-ency for the Nazi .government is lini's personal dentist was a Jew Jewish-owned . . . That'B news tc , . . . A wit claims that this is the us . . . reason why Hitler had an easy FAIR FACTS time selling anti-Semitism to II Duce . . . A daughter of Joschim . . . Latest added attraction for von Kibbentrop. Hitler's foreign | this F&vilion will he a continusllv minister and1 right hand man. is running movie on the Jewish colbeing- treater by a Jewish -brain onization of the Homeland . . . specialist in Holland. The Cafe Tel Aviv, the garden WERE AXIS \'OU restaurant in the Palestine PaWhat's this about Uncle Sam vilion grounds, has already her? deliberately keeping- from public reserved for parties by over F knowledge the information col- hundred Jewish. crgTE-sizations . . . lected on the scope and purposes It's strictly kosher, of course, on and methods of Nazi propaganda the side . . . The on!; here, lest popular indignation be Yiddish inscription i~; the fair exvented on Nazi representatives in hibits is to he found in the Soviet this country? . . . Aren't Ameri- Pavilion . . . It reads: "Arbexter cans—not only in this country, fon der velt, fareinigt eich" . . . but from Baffin Eay to the Among the flagpoles in the L.aStraits of Magellan—entitled to SOOT. of Nations area at the Fair know that Nazism wants to con- one stands empty . . . It's the one vert their lands ir'to colonial de- on which the swastika is rot flypendencies of a Fascist Europe? . . . And does anybody think it's ABOt'T PEOPLE an accident that the first dictaArnold Eweig, author of "The tor of the first American, totali- Case iDf Sergeant Gnscha," who tarian State—German Busch o* has been living in Palestine for Bolivia — is the son of a German the past few years, is new a visimmigrant and received much of itor in New York . . . Due • c Ir *.k his early military training from of fruit in his diet during ul ; \ rErnst Roelim, who later organized years Se teicl become nser' v 1" - " Hitler's storm troopers before he hut the citrus Juices fro— ""?•"-"•was purged in 19~5? . . . And tlnian groves have grrcr'": rethat the German consul in San proved his eyesight . . . E. i. c i Francisco is a former Nazi Minis- now he has to dictate h:s vo*\s ter to Bolivia to whom is credit- to his niisetees-year-Oid r r r . v ' ed the' persuasion of Busch to acts ES tiis "secretary . "'•"• establish, totalitarianism end the book on which Isaac C'r'h"" extraction of a promise that be- •«-as workicj; a t the time of 1 .? fore the year is out Bolivia will dsath last Euir-mer has ju^t. rccr join the Fascist axis? published . . . "From R E . : . - " £ !C LIVE AXD LEARX Swingtime'1 is the title, ? r : ^r ~A~e have just heard of a Cana-dore TTitmark, noted E V r n bdian engineer, Jack Starr by lisber, is the co-author. . . T :' " r u name, who has invented a new know that Arthur Guite : ••= heating system which he claims official poet laureate cf «-r'C" can heat an ordinary one-family ors Island, Island, N. Y., by spoc- : ^ zrhouse for the amazingly small ect by en. Frark T "Z" " sum of sixty-five cents a year . . . . . . On top of this he z."-c I r"r"He is said to be offering his de- a similar position lor .1E;C- "if vice as an outright gift to any Guardia'E admit; istratior, v r i . ' government that will do some- makes him the McCoy ,r -•>-''. thing for the Jewish people . . . laureates . . . Sl&urice 51"' * i "" Here's hoping .be gets something now working overtime "c *" r =more tangible than that "Jewish his translation o" -?"' -n1 '.«cv *• national homo" that British gov- new novel, "The >c-;_rcr" '- .' ernment gave Dr. Chairn TTeiz :Tjann for his war-time acetone ever write-a Ehoat T1"^" c process . . .• Anthropologist Earn- lie Hitler, fca!f-:-.-:: : est A. Hooton, in his article "Vvhy Eadoif. has fieclr-c 1 >.' the Jew Grows Stronger" in a re- breaks out he vi". ' r'-t cent Coilier's, says that the only land . . . The EPT f ~ r r way to save the world fruiu re- the Soviet Unirr. trogression into barbaric stupidity States will be Co „ trr is to encoiijase intermarriage of sky, cow char Jews with Gentiles . . . A delega- Cocgratulations i? tion will soon visit the President Harold jjaskl on t!_f: to talk-over with him that famous of his ficuclue-, I ,-. 1 Tlublee plan for refugees . . . "he of E E — : - . : Pierre van Paassens recently en- Iilathcwson 1!)SE-. ^ Jsaged a German refugee to work (Copyright, Feature £ • : . . ; : in their home as a maid . . . When the refugee saw van Paassen's Joao V of Z'~ Nordic face she confided that she ^ as three-quarters Aryan . . . But veued to save tbr- :" after she read Pierre's book, Antonio Joss da C.'^ Inquisition. Kis cTr ayG of Our Years," she broke no arail.


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diorama,-called "The Holy Land of Yesterday and Tomorrow"—a thrilling, animated spectacle in which, by an arrangement of (Continued from page 1.) Iig-hts and mirrors, yesterday in desert wastes . . Thousands of Palestine IF metamorphosed into acres of fertile farmland re- the vront'ers of today and the MISS ANNA PILL, corresponds r f f created. i promise of tomorrow. The next regular meeting of the Boys Town (Special) — With Senior Hadassah will be held in building activities nov.- under r\[\ The Hall of Agriculture and! This is n.U f.r>onsoved by Palesthe form of a tea on Wednesday, way at Boys Town in connection i Resettlement—the drama oE is-; line Exhibits. Inc.. s. non r profitMay 17, a t 2:15 p. m. a t the home with the $635,000 building exorganization founded j rae! toiling again on. the soil ol' making of Mrsl A. Rosenberg, 215 South (Continued from page 1.) pansion program, contractors this (Continued from page I.) ! his fathers — plowing, sewing, mainly ihrougU the spontaneous Services at Tiphereth Israel and Ninth street. week started pouring concrete for _, . ., . i harvesting . . . "Here is the grain support, of the Jews of America Beth Abraham synagogues will Mrs. David A. Goldstein of area Is not suitable for immediate the first of the five new buildings in need of stron-., ^ ^ L ^ . 1 ; I o£ our .owing and the frutt of and directed by Meyer \V. Wiesty in order to save itself from the our planting." begin this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Omaha will he guest speaker. The large-scale colonization, requiring to be built under this program. ca!. (I-Te is the one who was reSaturday morning services will subject of her talk will be "Ha- considerable development, imWorkmen started pouring con- disaster which threatens it." The Hall of tho Xew C i t i e s - sponsible for the historical pagprovement and further investiga- crete on the dining hall building Chile Su^TK^ntls Peanuts start at 9 o'clock. dassah Faces the Future." Modern Jerusalem. Tel Aviv, new- eant called "The Romance of a but concludes that the South Monday. Work of dig-ging a inechSantiago Although complete figures were Rabbi S. I.. Bolotnikov will An election, of officers will also tion, Haifa—exemplars of town plan- People.'') To the service of the American colony "undoubtedly not available, the meeting of thespeak at Tiphereth Israel syna- be held at this meeting.buildings is also under way. Pavilion he brought the potential possibilities new of immigration permits for ning . . . "Xew cities sprung from 1,'filestine workers of Ibe Allied Jewish cam- gogue during the morning service. Mrs. A. Rosenberg i;s chairman possesses The building program at Boys ance art. oC Arieh Ki-Hauani, great our vision and our hands." that would fully justify the carone year. A decree by the Foreign paign drive, held Tuesday evening In charge of the. tea; she will be rying out of a trial settlement." Town, which will give employThe Hall of Culture and Edu-Palestinian architects, of Norvin Minister followed dedisclosed the fact that the Sioux assisted by Mrs. Nathan GHlnsky, ment to 500 Omahans during the Affairs cation . . . The Hall of Health . . 11. I-iiiulheim. young' American mands from many groups for The report was made public City Jewish community went beMTS. Etta Yudelson, Mrs. Joe next 6 months, consists of con-adoption of strict curbs on immi- "Behold, we have made a hef.Ith- architect reeenUy deceased, Q\ here by the President's Advisory yond the quota set for itself, and Scharf, Mrs. B. Saltzman, Mrs. struction of four new dormitorlife and by science have all Lee Simonson. famous stage de oversubscribed its mark of §15,- The service at Mount Sinai M. Bernstein, Mrs. Dave Fox, Mrs. Committee on Political Refugees, ies, each to acomodate 125 boys; gration of the increase in politi- fnl but banished the dreaded diseases signer, o! Jacob J., well-J Temple tonight^ will' honor the M. Grossman, Mrs. O. Greenberg which sponsored the survey after one large dining hall; an enlarg- cal refugees. 000. malaria, typhoid known forester. HAVANA (JTA) — A move to —trachoma, Prime Minister Neville Chamber- ed heating plant; enlargement Mr. Arthur Sanford and Mr. E. mothers of the congregation. and Mrs. I. Krasne. (Copyrlfrl-t. TfSP, by Seven Arts lain had last fall offered Guiana, and improvement of water sup- halt Jewish emigration to Cuba fever, sand fly fever." N. Grueskin, chairman and vice- Members of the Sisterhood will Feature Syndicate) The Hall of Labor and Social among other territories, as a pos- ply; changing of the present dor- got underway in Congress with chairman of the drive, expressed be in. charge of the service, which The Council Bluffs Senior H sible site for refugee colonization. introduction of a bill by Con-Forms . . . "This land which we their satisfaction Tuesday evening will be followed by a reception in dassah mitory to a school building; sewheld a costume party for The report was issued simultanegressman Pedro Menfiieta, chair- have made fruitful we hope to In IS7$ tbe oily of Sofia, which over .the excellent work done by the Temple annex. members Monday evening ously in Georgetown, British Gui- age disposal plant; equipment for of the Irami-gration Committee. make also good by justice. had been lived by the Turks, was Mrs. H. M, Bailin, president of paid-up the men and. women who particithe dormitories, dining room and Meanwhile. Dr. Mendiela asked at the* Girl Scout Little House. An The Gallery of Arts and Crafts saved from tots' destruction by the Sisterhood, will greet the con- original "Black Face Minstrel ana, and in London, where a state- present dormitory for schooling pated in raising the funds. President Laredo Bru for a presment of policy was issued by thepurposes. his is beauty our hands the Jews of both sexes who had Complete figures will be an-gregation, and brief talks will he Show," written by Mrs. Bea Telp- British government. idential decree banning immigra.- i create." only organized volunteer fire nounced in. a forthcoming issue given by George Galinsky, Mrs. ner and Mrs. Ernest Ross, was At the present time, Father tion of Jews from Europe urnil Ben Kalin and Miss E l a i n e presented. of The Jewish Press. Signing the document were Ed- Flanagan is ^appealing to Oraa- Congress could act on his mea- Finally the visitor comes to the brigade. Pickus. • ;. C. Ernst, chairman; Emile hans to support his plea for $40,-sure. in the show includ- ward Following the service, Mrs. ed Characters C. Bataille, Joseph A. Rosen. C. 000 which is required for extendMrs. Ernest Ross as Hedy La Dr. Mendieta also demanded Louis Heeger and members of. the Mar Jones, Mrs. Ben Telpner as Douglas-Jones, G. Evans and Des- ing the Metropolitan Utilities DisSisterhood board will be hostesses Preacher Jones, Mrs. Edward Tep- mond Holdridge. 'Lt.-Col. Rich- trict Water Mains to Boys Town, that the decree be made to covsr 1,000 German Jews scheduled to at the reception in the annex. U. Nicholas and Dr. Anthony which will provide adequate fire arrive perman as Yenta Jones, Mrs. M.ard in Cuba this month on the Donovan were not present when J. Bobrick as Joe the Sport, Mrs. the report was under considera- protection for the Home. While steamer San Luis. Support for the Confirmation services at Mount Jules Eisenberg as the maid, Mrs. tion, and filed separate reports, Father Flanagan is going into anti-immigration drive was voicSinai Temple will be held Sunday A. Leibovitz, debt for the entire cost of the by the liberal Havana newspaMrs. Nathan London morning, May 28. Confirmations were not immediately made building program, friends outside ed T local chapter ot the A. Z.will include Joy Deane Arkin, and Mrs. Jo© Rosen as the Three which per El Pueblo, which featured an public. Douglas-Jones and Evans A., the junior order of B'nai Harley Babbits, Stanley Baron, Dancing Daughters, Mrs. Morris are the British members, the rest of Omaha -prill be asked to supply article declaring the entry of the remainder of the expense of Jews from Europe would have • B'rith,will hold its annual Sweet- Stanton Cohen, Barbara Davis, Katelman as the Rev. Shlepar being Americans. the building program. heart dance at Shore Acres on Doris Gueskin, Herbert Holland, Washington, Mrs. Harry Cherniss an adverse effect on Cuba's al- \ Summary as Sister Kleepa, Mrs. Gelpert as Monday, May 29. . ready poor economic position. i Stanton Kalin, Jack Krueger, The candidates nominated are David Levin, Gloria Novitsky, Brother Rueben, and Mrs. A. The summary of the report folUruguay Law lows: •' . Frances Ducoffe, Ida Shindler, Montevideo (JTA) — The 1'r-j Ruth Robinson and Leonard Leibovitz as Brother Weasel. "The commission is of the opin•Clara Dvorkin and Hannah Hol- Enid A Prlma Donna act was-preuguayan Government has subroitt- ] Rosenthal. . . . . . . . . . ion that, while the territory ofdowsky; one of which will be sented by Mrs. Harry Cherniss, to Parliament a bill forbidins j for .settlement in British FROM MAY 14 TO MAlr 19 j ed choseg as' A. Z. A. sweetheart oh and Mrs. J. Brown sang several fered the entry of foreigners into the j Sunday, May 14. Guiana is not'an ideal place for the'lafeltt of the dance. selecttqns which were highly ap- refugees country who do not possess 10.- ! middle European Omaha Hebrew club. 3 p. m.,000 pesos ($3,750) or who arc | A well-known orchestra wiil plauded. All piano accompani- countries, from and while the territory lodge room, Jewish Community affiliated with organizations at ;provide, music for the affair and I ments were by Mrs. A. Krasne. not be considered suitable Center. a number of entertaining features: Mrs.,Sam Lincoln was mistress of could variance with the nation's existfor immediate large scale settleJunior A. Z. A., 3 p. m.. room ing political and social regime. have been arranged to make this Mrs. Max Mayer, director of the ceremonies. the outstanding event of the sum-I Jewish Community Center at Des The play was so well liked that ment, it undoubtedly possesses N, Jewish Community Center nier social season. : Girl Scouts, 3 p. m. room M, . Rio De Janeiro (JTA) — Re-j Moines, will be the speaker, at the the committee plans to have it potential possibilities that would fully justify the carrying opt ofJewish Community Center. Morris,Girisburg, vice-president annual dinner of the Social Serv- presented again. ports in official Quarters that im- I a trial settlement -project on a -of. A.' Z. A., is general chairman. ice workers, next Tuesday eveMay 15. About 65 members attended substantial enough scale that Monday, migration quotas for Germany He is '.•being assisted by Toby ning. May 16. Vaad Auxiliary dinner, 6 p. m., this party. Refreshments were would make it possible to deter- auditorium, Jewish Communitv and Poland would be increased Schlndler, Sam Kaplan . suid Sid The meeting and dinner are served. led hundreds of refugees and oth;. vmine whether and how these poShapiro. open to anyone interested and ers with relatives in Europe to Prizes for the best costumes tential possibilities could be Center. B'nai B'rith, S p. m., lodge beseige the Foreign Ministry, the tickets may be secured from Miss were won by the following: Mrs. realized. ' ' ' room, Jewish Community Center. refugee-aid socity and private Dorothy Merlin £t the Jewish Mose Bernstein for her Mae West Workmen's Loan association, S agencies, seeking permission to Community Center. costume; Mrs. A. Leibovitz for , "The commission is of the opinthe most clever costume In theion that in the area available for p. m., C and D, Jewish Commun- bring their kin to Brazil. It was ity Center. there are: i believed that a large proportion Dedicates Monuments play; Mrs. O. Greenberg for hersettlement Orchestra, S p. m.. club room, ! ot the applications would be "baby" costume, and Mrs. Her- " ( a ) soils suitable for permaJewish Community Center granted. Services were held this week to man Fried -won for her Spanish nent agriculture, " ( b ) natural resources' which Tuesday, May 16. dedicate three monuments, when costume. A. Z. A. No: 1, S p. m.,- Jewish New York (JTA) — A Prague make possible a co-related indusThe closing jneoting of the Cantor A. Pliskin officiated. Community Center. ' : Ladies' auxiliary of Shaare Zion Monuments were placed at the dispatch to the New York Times By an error it appeared here trial development, and Choir rehearsal, 8 p. m., K and reported that "Jews have never "(c) climate and health condisynagogue, will follow a 1 o'clock graves of Mr. Margolin, E. Chesen last week that the B'nai B'rith • luncheon, Tuesday afternoon, May and J. Nadler. ' been so popular with ordinary Joint Hospital Drive was started tions are of such a nature that L., Jewish Community Center. It means so muds—k costs so little—why • 16. in the synagogue1 social hall. Czech people as today." Reporton Tuesday of last week. Actual- settlement by people of middle Wednesday, May 17. Mizrachi-Dessert luncheon, 2 p. in? on the National Unity Party's Mrs. Morris Rubin will preside not call those -who are dear to you often? ly the drive did not get. under European origin is feasible. during the program, which will "The points to be clarified are: m., lodge room, Jewish Commun- "remarkable success" in its camway until Tuesday ol this -week, You caa. esleplione oa Mother's Day «t ity Center. ... include a book review by Rabbi " ( a ) whether the actual area of paign for members, the corresand the -workers are at present The closing service at Shaare canvassing the city. A goal of the fertile soils in the Kanuku Thursday, May I S . • the lowest long distance Kites—the extraRabinowitz. The program will also pondent continues: "On all sides Boy Scouts, -S p. m.. lodge one hears tributes to the people's ; include- the reports of the various Zion synagogue will be held this $1,260 has been set, which will and other mountain ranges borlow rates that ere in effect all day every evening, when the 14th annual require contributions, .approxi- dering the savannahs are as ex-room, Jewish Community Center. spirit, and the warmest of thesechairmen presented in rhyme. Sunday and after 7 evesr eight. r Mother's Day service will take - '"- "A resume of the year's acliviChoir rehearsal, 8 p. m., K and coue from Jews, nothwithst&ndmately one-third more than those tensive . a s preliminary observap l a c e . . ' • . ' • ' . ' • tions suggest, „'v ties will be given by Mrs. Meyer L, Jewish Community Center. j ing the fact that they know sevof last year. NORTHWESTERN tf.i.1 Miss Esther Friedman will ~ 'Shubb, president. Mrs. D o r a ere legislation against them has a " ( b ) "whether substantial areas Friday,_May_19. . Dr. I. Sternhlir Is chairman of Biron will be in charge of thespeak in behalf of the daughters, the drive, and, Mr. Julius Rosen- of the savannahs could be de- Dancing classesi 3:45 p. m., Cplace in the government's proDave Singer will speak in behalf feld is co-chairman. luncheon arrangements. veloped by suitable methods .for and D, Jewish Community' Cen- gram. Jews hare never been so of the sons, and Mrs. Phil Sher- A regular meet of t i e ' B'nai closer agricultural and pastoral ter. popular with ordinary Czech peoman in behalf of the mothers. undertakings, ple as today. Sympathy and. pracB'rith lodge was held Monday. O. The choir and Cantor Morris Hochman delivered an illustrated tical help are extended to these "(c) whether a permanent sysOkun will sing special music ap- lecture on ocatlonal Guidance. A tem of agriculture could be estabpeople, who are known and know propriate for the service. themselves to be doomed." number ol the members of the lished on clearings in the rain forThe A. ,W. R. club will give a Floral offerings of sons and local est areas by the adoption of suitA. Z. A. chapter attended. tea Sunday afternoon, May 13, in daughters will be appreciated and able methods, honor of the mothers of the mem- will decorate the altar. "(d) whether heavy industries Council Bluffs A. Z. A. chapter bers. The tea will be given in conld be developed based on the No. 7 held a stag smoker Thurs.the parlors "of the Sioux apartOfficers for the Junior Congreimportant natural resources ments. The club colors of blue gation were elected last week and day evening, May 4, at Dodge most in this area, particularly Treasury Empty as Arab i All local fraternal, civic and and gold will be carried out ininclude Harold Lebowitz, presi- park. The highlight of the eve-existing forest reserves, water power and ning was the ping-pong tournathe table appointments. Populace Withdraws j patriotic organizations, including dent; Maita Heeger, vice-presiminerals, - •. the B'nai B'rith, are uniticg in , Ruth Weiner will be toastmist- dent; Harold Rosenthal, secre- ment. Support "(e) -whether light industries Honorary guests for the evecelebrating National Fraternal ress and Lois Novitsky will greet tary, and Harold Pollack, treasning were Teddy Gershun, Jack could be developed on the basis ..Jerusalem (JTA) —"Wages for Congress Week, which will be ob- ' 'the mothers in behalf of the club. urer. Walpa, N. Ripps .and Norman of locally produced raw materials, murder have fallen by half in served throughout the nation dur-1 The program will include piano "(f) whether health can bePalestine lately as a result of de-ing the week of May 15. _ selections; by Doris Pill, and a Tim closing sessions of Sunday Ripps. A buffet luncheon was served maintained in both forest and sa- pletion of the terrorists' treasury skit directed by Miss Frances school will be held May 21, when Omaha groups will meet on Kalin. Mar jorie Weinberg and certificates will be awarded for and a good time was had by all.vannah areas at a reasonable cost, due to waning support from the Friday, May 19, at S p. m. in thr» "(g) whether water and land Arab populace. Betty Rae Mosow are in charge j scholarship and attendance. A A. Z. A. .7 also attended a B'nai Elks lodge room, 10S South of the arransements. . ; Shevuoth program will be in B'rith meeting Monday evening, transportation facilities could be As a conseuqence of the Brit- Eighteenth street. An outstandimproved to make the interior and . wish to thank the B'nai "Newly elected officers of the A. charge of Mrs. Herman Licht. ish army's success in breaking up ing program has been, planned. B'rith lodge for a very entertain- reasonably accessible at a cost not large gangs terrorizing the counW. R. club a r e Betty Rae Mosow, entirely out of proportion to the ing and well-spent evening . . . president; Marjorie Weinberg, tryside, individual political asJonas Bergthal (1S20-19021 Jack Lincoln, ALEPH SOPHER. esttlement capacity of the coun- sassinations in the cities have as- took his seat in the legislature of vice-president; Doris Pill, secretry. tary-: ' I<ois Novitsky, treasurer; sumed new prominence, but, acNatal 2 0 years- before Jews were "The commission therefore rec- cording to information obtained admitted to the British parlia- , Lorraine Bailin, reporter, and Ray An election ot officers will he Kaplan, sergcant-at-arms. Outheld at the next. Junior Hadassah ommends the following plan: by the J. T. A. the Arab assas- ment. " 1 . A number of receiving sins are now being paid cutgoing officers are-Lois Novitsky, meeting which is to be held MonMr. and Mrs. Sam Shulkin, Ruth . Weiner, Dorothy Sherman, 3314 Jones street, announce the day evening. May 15, at the home camps and trial settlements to be rates as follows: for murdering started at the earliest possible an Arab — £5; an Englishman— terrorist Chieftain, issued his "inMarion Fishgall, Marjorie. Wein- engagement of their daughter, of Miss Rose Fox.. vitations'" to-his hideout near Radate involving a population of 3,-£3; a Jew — I I . berg and Lorraine- Bailin. Pearl Meyerson will give a book Margaret Shulkin, to Dave Singer, 000 to -5,000 carefully selected "" The seeming anomaly of a mallah, is the Jerusalem district, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Singer. No reyiew of "The Mortal Storm," young men and women placed at higher bounty for killing an Arab where by beatings anfi threats ot The Center Intermediate Dra- date has been set for the wed-by Phyllis- Bottome. Beatrice death he extorted cash, promises j matic club will give a "Badding. Krause is program chairman for properly chosen locations.' than an Englishman or. Jew is ex- "loyalty" and Government and j Taste'' party thi.3 Saturday evethis month. -,'-.' "2. A properly equipped tech- plained by the fact that this is of police secrets. ning in the Center. In charge of All members are urged to at- nical organization under compe- the th most dangerous assignment Mr. and Mrs. M. Reznick, Rose, tho. arrangements will be Gloria Gertrude, tent leadership to be set up from tend this meeting. of all, since in accordance with Si and Jack .Reznick, Novitsky. Harold Slotsky, Herbert left by motor the very beginning to supervise the unwritten Arab law, the vic- BEN E. KAiLOWSKY. Attorney. Sunday for a three£32 Insurance Eldg. Holland and Betty Bain.. direct the activities of these tim's relatives must not rest unweek visit with relatives in New The marriage of Miss Marian and trial settlements and render them, Perlmutter, daughterof Mr. and till they have taken revenge. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION C = York City. - A girl's Softball team is being Mrs. W. Perlmutter, to Phil Kut- all possible technical, financial They have underground ways of CROWN LICUOR MARKET or^umzed at the Center, and any Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Krigsten ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. William and other assistance. discovering the identity of the girls interested in joining the pnd daughters, and Miss Saretta Kutler of Omaha, was solemnized " 3 . Each of these groups must assassin more effective t h a n i team am asked to get in touch Rabbi N. Feldman last Sunday contain a number of people with the facilities of the police, I CBO\VN"L!QU6R MARKET wit: spent last week-end in by with Esther Erinberg, phone Krigsten, afternoon, at the home of the specialized training who would be and since most Arabs secretlv principal place of;-business 'n Or'-Jv_ Muscatine. la.,' where they attend86671. capable of securing the necessary possess guns, they have the Nebraska, to continue ed the wedding of Mrs. Krigsten's groom's parents. a - I o for f t_a^peru- i The bride was attended by herinformation and in order to make means for executing vengeance. ^£} f P/a rmt i tc lhe sd with the County niece. the settlements self-contained. The first Year Book of the Jews Risy Mark; sister, Mrs. Dan Lintzman. . . Doug-las County. -Nebraska, vf Youth Council will be published authorized stock of Killing an Englishman does •t»» »•< MUI-MUI •*.«.•" capita! ^~f..-,-..; ~~~ A reception at the home of the "4. The approximate cost of mno Dr. John Henkin will return 5 ^hares o t < next week. Tho book will de- next week from New York City, bride's parents followed the cere- establishing a n d maintaining not present the same hazard, but I consistins of 50 • scribe the activities, purposes, of- where he spent the past two mony. Table decorations were in these trial settlements for a pe-as all Englishmen in Palestine. of P""-stock valne to of .. be fullye-o... paidfu?h fors>vl ficers and accomplishments of the white, and a wedding cake served riod of two years, with a popula- including civilians, carry licens- (•••sued either 'n cash or in prop."'' 1 organizations affiliated with the weeks. . ' tion of 5,000 people, is estimated ed firearms, it is still regarded Tiie general nature of tbe bus • ^= as the centerpiece. be transacted shall be the o.-t " council. at 53,000,000. This is a rough as a more dangerous job than to Assisting at the reception were Miss Gisela Pill and Miss Mrs. Dan Lintzman and Miss Eve- figure and is to be accepted with murdering a Jew, and accordingly tion and conduct of a retail beer : i< market and the iioing {•>' i. Mushkin were hostesses to lyn Perlmutter, sisters of the caution." brings an intermediate payment. liquor • Tho Eplnrrm club honored Elaine thincs necessary or incidental the;t— the Debra club members, Wedhighest emount of indebted- t their parents at a program and j nesday evening, in the home of bride, Miss Ida Hoffman, Miss Stockholm (JTA)—The Union As for Jews, most of them are to. 'The tOT. Fha.ll not exceed two-thirds of meeting.last night in the Jewish • the former. Rose Fox, Mrs. Robert R. Rosen- of Swedish Missions announced still unarmed, so they are regard- ness the capita! s:ock. The affairs of the ] penred as easy marks. Community Center. Harold Gruesfeldt, Mrs. Philip Mulnlck and its decision to establish a transit I corporation shall be conducted i>y a y feo hot cwjpect for 'kin, president, greeted the guests. These prices a r e paid for k i ' l r presiaent. vice-president. ' 3ent. secretary Mrs. Harry Maltzman. camp for refugees at a cost of Members of the Ivre club held tthe nexi lew raor&z, Y trejisurer to be elected from n \ The Invocation was given by 5,000 k r o n e n . Newspapers, ing ordinary citizens. There is n and Out-of-town guests included: of directors of not less tliar I Arnold Baron, former advisor of in open meeting Tuesday night Mr. and. Mrs. H. Maltzman of Bos-,meanwhile, demanded establish- special schedule of bonuses for I2b^ard ciate fee P"otseik>n» but more than 5 members. _Anj | certain prominent p e rsouages. \ twor.or tho group. Mrs. E. N. Grueskin <n the Jewish: Community Center, ton, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Ben ment of labor camps for refugees of said offices may be held bi i big supply of rou? fsrvxllr -'.Til! cpplcr when wives of the members were spoke in behalf of (ha mothers, Tuests. Bridge and mahjongg oc- Cohen of Harlan, la., Mr. andwho do not have documents or The price placed on the head o" 'the same person. tar vt and-Mr. \i. S. Goldberg in behalf cupied the evening hours, and a Mrs. Abe Marcus of Auburn, Neb., for other reasons are unable to Fakhri Nashashibi,* "moderate" j driaJis . . . as w, c s Arab leader and outspoken oppo- j of tbe fathers. Milton Mazie spoke supper was served. - and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maduff leave the country. nent of the former Jlufti of Jercssseris *~ov. cess in behalf of I lie wons, and memof Anita, la. es easil usalem, for instance, is £100 or a EPHRAIM L. MARKS AND REED, bers of presented a skit. The couple will make their daughter, Debra, left Monday for job at a -good salary on the staff RAMACCJOTT!. ROSINSON You'll fed •'; caste rcr-j' l;!Ss to A musical number was given by ' Mrs. Herb Gellerman and son,home in Omaha. AND HRUSKA. Attys. Dea Moines, where they plan to of the Mosque of Omar in Jerusbsccuse yaux cfecSricazy cosis so Hills is a boys' quartette, and Chick Bar- Jay Michael, of Rock Island, 111., E05-S10 First Nat'l Bank Eldg. spend two weeks visiting with rel- alem — a religious . institution, ricks offered a group of piano nrrived here Sunday to. visit with Osacha. See f s s dsalsr lodcsy. Clioase the Mr. and Mrs. 0 . N, Yorkshire incidentally supported by the PROSATE NOTICE sqlos. Rudy Shindler, advisor of Mrs. Gellerman's mother, Mrs. of Beverly Hills, Cal., arrived atives. • fest rmflF. roar sieedsl Government. Osheroff. the group offered the benediction. Thursday in Council Bluffs, where In thp ' Matter of the D=iate^ of | Mrs. Harry Cohen is convalscAs evidenced by the daily toil Wallace., Rosenlhal. chairman of they are Visiting at the home of ing at home from a recent opera- of victims, the terrorist organiza- Jatnes CurirritiirhaTrj, jr.. Deceased: the arrangements, introduced,the sive German propaganda was Is-Mr. Yorkshire's brother and sls-tion. Xotice is hereby |riv&n: That.- th^ e • tion is still far frora being creditors of ssid deceased v.-:U meet ( program. ,. H was assisted with ued by the GermSn African Par- ter-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosenthe administrator of EEid estate, becrushed, bat tbe terrorists themtho arrangements by Norton Bain ty, grouping -naturalized Germans berg. me, County Judge of Potsglar [ selves admit tht their "good old fore The Abraham Lincoln High 3nd Sherman Sperling. County. Keb;-as?i;a, at the County | hostile to the Hitler regime. "HitSunday guests at the A. Rosen- school band and orchestra left days" are past. No longer do Arab Court Room. In said County, on. the ; ; ler does not: want only Southwest berg home will be Mr. and Mrs. 26th da;of June. 1633. and on the [ f f officials o£ the Government, Arab r Thursday for Colorado Springs. Africa," the statement said. W. Galler and family of St. Josday of Aiseust. I8PP. et S o'clock. | | U r g e t o S t o p ' P r o p a g a n d a { "Only South Africa can revive the eph, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. G. Rosen- Colo., where they -will compete in policemen and prosperous A a b 26th Jj : A. i-.T., each uay, for tbe purpose of i natiorja! contests. civilians walk in constant dread presser.tinsr their efainjs for e.'rsmina- i I German exchequer."' berg and family of Hastings, theAmong d to tion. adJuBtTnent and allowance. Thrp. ! jsomeone •will sidle up Windhoek. >!outh Africa (JTA1 . tbe students Included Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. L. Finkel- are Audrey Telpuer, Milton Katel- that ere alloved for the creOit^rs : Q: them with the summons: "The Tnonfhs — A slalemp"t urging ai: resiAbraham of Aragon was phy-stein of Lincoln, Neb. to present their claims, from the Ztiih [ man, George Brown. Shirley BaJa- taxi is Traitics for you." dents of the Union of. South Af- sician lo the Count of Poitour day of May. 1SSS. ] i ban. Invin Cherniss and Jane "Tbis vras formerly the phrase rica to resist vigorously subver- brother of Louis-IX of France. BKl'CE CRAWFORD. [ Mrs. Jules Eisenbers and small Hoffman. with -sviiicii *\re£ Abdul Razzefe, S-O-S3Cowr.ty


Building Program at Boys Town Is Now Under Way —.—



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