In the Interests of the lavish Fcotic Immigrants In'our town the Beth Hamedrath Hagodol Congregation recently celebrated its birthday and its brief history written for the Entered as Second Class Mali Matter on January 31, 1931, a t OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1939 occaslon~*began thus: "This is a Pustofflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1S79 story of an older generation who braved-ttie uncertainty and tribiilations of earning a livelihood in a new, strange land in order that ihey-might -free themselves from •the iniQuities of intolerance, oppression and persecution. ' • A generation -which struggled •and toiled for many years to find an adequate Jewish life in AmeriConfirmation services will be and Mrs. Robert Pcrelmcn. ca and today are proudly beheld Sunday morning at 9:30 at queathing the'fruits of that moJames I. Kobinsozi, son of Temple Israel and at the Beth El Blr. and Mrs. Sam L. Robinsca. mentous struggle to their children Czech Population Is UnChamberlain Tells House synagogue on Friday evening, •so that they may live a better and Jerold I.-Rosen, son of Mr. moved by Agitation Government" to May 26, and Saturday morning, more' comprehensive Jewish life. and Mrs. David TV. Rosen. May 27. •It Is in a- measure a glgrious chalin Press Co-operate Charles Kosenstock, son of lenge to its youth to carry on in Members of the Confirmation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock. the footsteps of their illustrious class at the Temple are: NO FINANCIAL HELP Janet Kosenstock, daughter forbears and to continue to rec- NAZI MOVES RESISTED Mary Jeannette ^rown, of air. and Sirs. Dare KosenJerusalem (WNS-Paleor Agenord the splendid achievement ol daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IsSome See Report as Sop cy) —-'The 21st Congress of the Czech Jewish Technicians rael stock. the. past." H. Brown. R u t h Lorraine TrachtenAfter Palestine Given Jobs by World Zionist organization will Aileen Phyllis Feder, daughThe immigrants who found the barg, daughter ot Sir. and Mrs. be held in Geneva on August 16, Proposal Gestapo ter of Mr. and Sirs. David P. Betti Hamedrath Hagodol CongreJ. Louis Trachtanbarg. •it was decided at a joint meeting Feder. gation were people from the RusThis year's confirmation marks London (JTA) —Prime Minis- of the Zionist -Executive and the London London (JTA) — A cabinet Morton L. Gilinsky, son of sian pogroms in the eighties. the fiftieth class to be confirmed ter N e v i l l e Chamberlain an- Praesidiuni of the General Conn- j -wide Brave, hard-working, faithful, committee in Bohemia-Moravia Mr. and Mrs. Sam E- Gilinsky. Lorraine B, G r e e n s p a n , by an ordained rabbi. Cotsfirrna- nounced in the House of Commons cil. God-Joving people who came here has completed the drafting of an I with a ke^rvue c' June _16 has been set as the | •with nothing but empty stomachs anti-Jewish law, it was reported daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abra- tions began at the Temple short-i that the. British'government was ly after the congregation's inprepared to offer the fullest fafrom Prague, and the bill will be may be i ( fiaal date ham Greenspan. and glowing hearts full of Torah, discussed by the complete cabinet Renee J o y c e Greenberg, corporation in IS71. It was not cilities in British Guiana for any bought the shekolim on the basis and built a good life. on Friday. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. until 1SS9 that a graduate of the settlement decided -upon, by ref- of which delegates to the Con-; noiineou. Th'e gates of the country were Hebrew Union college conducted ugee organizations. The announce- gress are electee The measure is reported to conratio is wide open then and the millions tain 40 paragraphs and provide Greenberg. jj ment came less, tha.n a week lie- one delegate to the The Congress for Arthur Sidney Kulakofsky, a Temple confirmation. of t h e s e immigrants pourpd for the virtual exclusion of Jews o n e delegate io iue VJUiiijresK i u r Beth El through. Most of us are the chil- from public life and the profes- son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulthe statement of policy on | ecountries sold in thei v e r v s o o o of Ehekolim The Beth El service, at which | fore Palestine. the Diespoi dren and grandchildren of that sions. Czech newspapers were akofsky. If trial, colonization recoin- one delegate lor every immigration. Sometime we ought conducting an inspired anti-JewLucille Pcrelman, son of Mr. only girls are confirmed, will be mended -by an Anglo-American s a e k o l i m E o l d i n E , . e t z l s r a e L held Friday evening. May 26, and to get together in all our cities ish campaign to prepare the popcommission ,of, experts proved sue- i Saturday morning. May 27. for a reverential tribute to the ulation for the law. Most Czechs, The following are members of cessful, Chamberlain. said, t i e v.-Uiants who as meak strangers however, remained apathetic to government was. prepared to fathe class: came to these shores and made the anti-Semitic drive. cilitate settlement over the whole this our good place for us. (There Lorraine Abranison, daugh- of the interior "insofar as that The law includes in the definiare so few of them left). ter of air. and Mrs. isadore may be practicable," but excludtion of Jews all persons who were Abramson. The Children ing the coastal belt. baptized after November 1, 191S, Marilyn. Adler, daughter of In,moments'of humility I ask and spouses of Jews. Under the Expressing, the hope that setSir., and Mrs. Leo J. Adler. myself: Suppose I were in my law every Jew must be entered in tlement would start in the auGeraldine Bernstein, daughfather's place, persecuted in my an official Jewish register and all Better Business Bureau tumn, the Prime Minister pointed ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mas TC. out that the financing ,of the ex- Pentecost to Be Marked native .land, an underprivileged Jewish property -will have to be Honors Board man/a declassed inhabitant. What registered, as of March 15, 1939. Bernstein perimental , colonisation must in Syn&gogue on Chairman would* be my courage to strike out Betty Cohn, daughter of Mr. come from private sources. He Segregation May 24, 25 for strange ^places, penniless, and Mrs. Arthur A. Cohn. said, hcjwever, that, the British Jews will be eliminated from As an expression of the organfriendless and speechless in a the civil service and teaching: proHarriet Geifman, daughter and t h e Guiana governments "Shabuoth" or the Jewish Pen- j lowing country "whose language was notfessions. Jewish children will be ization's 'gratitude, the Better of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Geifmsu. would co-operate in the matter of tecost. the .Festival of Weeks, will j White mine? What would be my valor segregated in special schools. A Business Bureau at its second anpersonnel and .organization. , Sally Mae Gross, daughter of be observed on Wednesday and in a new and not very friendly 2 per cent numerus clausus will nual open meeting on "Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gross. Industries Sought Thursday, May Zi and 25. Trasociety and, Trhat, after 50 years, be imposed on Jewish lawyers and night presented Louis Hiller, • The prospect of large-scale -setMiriam Novak, daughter of j ditionally Shabuoth marks the would be my victories. -. • Chairman of the Board of Ditlement. Chamberlain, emphasized, their activities will be limited to Mr. and Sirs. Ben Novak. of the .giving of the must depend largely upon the pos- j-anniversary . At times, looking at the dazz- Jewish clients. The Jewish per- rectors, with a placque. Frieda Riekes, daughter of f to the Jewish people at Mt. Inscribed on the placque were sibility of industrial develop- j ling array of people at some Jew- centage in licensed trades will be Mr. and Mrs'. Carl RieSces. i Sinai. ish, banquet (these lovely ladies reduced io six in the current year the words: Betty Saks, daughter.of Mr. ment. He said, a large measure j The holiday also cam of local autonomy and adequate > s e e d £ s 0 H e "Presented to Louis Hiller in in silken gowns, whose stately, and five next year. Jews will not and Mrs. Phillip Saks. representation in the colony's gov- | " ' ff the three £ white-breasted gentlemen) I give be allowed to own or lease landed appreciation of three years of unMarjorie Silrermzn, tiring service as Chairman of the ter of 3Ir. and Mrs. Harry Sil- ernment would be granted if a , myself to., sentimental medita- property. large new community were estab- i esune as u marked the end of the tions: "These • are the shining Other provisions of the law in- Board of Directors .of the Better verman. grain harvest. The first bread children - of the. sad-eyed immi- clude the following restrictions: Business Bureau of Omahs\, May lished. Pearl Sommer. daughter of • grants who 'came up from the Jews will not be permitted more 17, 1939." govern- I baked from the new crop Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. SomHe asserted that the union railway station with their than a 60 per cent share in. inment would be r jady to give sym- | vheat was offered as a sacrifice, i Mr. Hiller was elected first mer. feather-beds-on their backs. How dustry during the current year, president of the Better Business pathetic consideration to any pro- | Because "Shabuoth"' commem- \ p r ; 7 pc Beverly Zlotky, daughter of beautifully it has all turned out— 40 per cent nest year and 25 the Bureau upon its organization. Af- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zlotky. posals for' settlement, reserving, i crates the confirmation of the | clay u, ^e this splendor of their children, year after. Property owned by ter asking to be relieved of the however, control of general serv- Jewish people in their faith, the j isatior' •this gorgeousness ot ermine coats, Jews may be transferred to office, the next year he was chosices such as security, communica- practice of coafirining Jewish | annus this distinction of substantial bus- 'Aryan" hands only with the con- en a member of the Board of Ditions and revenue. | youth on this -day has become j tourer • iness a n d ' professional - rn^n. sent of the government commis- rectors and named Chairman. .The.statement, made in writing I wide-spread. The. Book of Euth | Roune (There's Mr. Zilch, the doorknob sar. A fund to facilitate Jewish Since no president was chosen to in.Teply to a'question by Laborite | which recites the story of Kuta's I £.. 7 tycoon. His father .was one of the_ emigration will be established 4jn- .succeed" him. h e - has remained _ " r*t ,.*•*•> *", Tom .Willis and- circulated (entry into :ae fold -rt J immigrants.") der the direction of the welfare head of the organization. among members of the House,- ex- I read in th; .Synagogue " pressed the hope" that it would be holiday, But suddenly I fall from senti- ministry. Presentation of the placque of Ce: c ~ ~i p dil • Given Jobs ment'- to cynicism: "But are they Pentecost is also observed ;R was made by P. K. Walsh, a dipossible to find industrial employment for the refugees, care the Christian Church because it A number of Jewish technicians rector of the organization. Three really finer people than their p to preserve the rights is recorded i s the second chapter fathers?" If by some magic I have been accepted by the Gestapo hundred persons, representing all Luncheon to Be Held for being'taken g Abner T b i i l Indians. Idi ' could change this glittering scene. in Prague for jobs in Germany. phases of Omaha business life jjOf the Book • of Acts that " the off aboriginal Center Women's The r It all at once their fine feathers The Jewish engineers and chem- were present at the banquet. I apostles -gathered i n ' Jerusalem the p"et= Will-Aid Settlement ' " Division were reduced to the threadbare sts were offered- the positions It continued: "His Majesty's j fiuring t h e celebration and while awardgarments of penniless immigrants when they applied at the Gestapo 1 p Cr The final meeting of the Wom- government recognize that the t h e r e a _ K oly Spirit appealed in (Mr. Zilch suddenly is wearing for emigration permits. Upon reens. Division of the Jewish Com- success of any scheme of large- their midst. i ree. , the long ;brown coat his father maining the Gestapo that they scale settlement requires "the proIt is- customary for only/.airy I local munity Center will be held this had when he came up from the were Jews, the technicians were Monday, May 22, at 12:30 at the vision of arterial communications. foods to be' eaten on Shabuoth "Union station). If this banquet told: "We know but that makes If the prospects of development j b e c a u s e t l i e Toraa f is compared 10 i a l s o r v r ~t>Z Center, according to announcehall became the shabby third floor no difference." are good and capital is forthcom- jm i l t _ ; d h % ment made by the organization's • r % -. of a tenement, -louse. (A feeble ing adequate for the needs of The Gestapo informed these At the Beth El Synagogue, the i their c\ president, Mrs. J. M. Rice. "" i 1 ; v r 1 ray of a window). Jews about the proposed salaries large-scale settlement and bears a u.i—... . s e r v j c e s v,-i;l • be held. Table Following a 12:30 luncheon, a reasonable proportion of the cost They are at the. moment' having and cities of employment-— HamTuesday, May 23, at 7:"fi; "Wedbrief business meeting will be of providing suitable communicaT h e - - -'•-1 squab on .toast which turns to burg predominating — and gave held. Various standing commit- tion between the interior and the nesday morning at P: Thursday eg a n ^ L ' 1 ! ' soup-meat. »' them three days to consider the Dr. Rudolph Glantr, represen- tees will submit their reports to coast, they (the government) will \ morning: at 9 with Yizkor. £t offer. Those who accepted were '..'.' Return sen b tative Yiddish Scientific the organization. A social after- be prepared to provide such com- jabout 10. allowed to live in hotels -where Mr. Zilch, who is always . the Jews are ordinarily not admitted instituteofofthe noon -will follow. Bridge, bingo, munications to meet the needs of Vilna, will speak this spokesman for Jewry since he is and were given other privileges. evening at 8:30 at the Labor and mahjonng are on the after- the community. In brief. His so bis in doorknobs, protests in •' Anti-Jewish excesses continue Lyceum, Twenty-second a n d noon's program. Majesty's government would be j U.Ji behalf of all the company: "Mr. to be reported from Slovakia. Clark streets, on "A Scientific Reservations for the affair prepared to facilitate the settleSegal, what do you mean by. this Jews are constantly attacked in Analysis of the Causes of Anti- must be made byy nocn today. c -r ? . y ment of refugees in the whole of joke? -What have you done to us? cafes, cinemas and on the streets Semitism/' fi* interior ot British Guiana inA . ',. Luncheon is thirty-five cents and the Outrage! You have reduced us to of Bratislava. More than 60 Jews The lecture is being sponsored reservations may be made by call- sofar as that may prove practicthe beginning of everything. You have been arrested on the streets jointly by the Jewish National ing the office of the Jewish Com- able, the coastal areas being ex- j \ have set up back to where our eluded because that area is si- i1 I h i i's I - I Si ••'*:>' Sf imprisoned without any rea-Workers Alliance, Poali Zion, the munity Center. fathers began. These are our par- and ready occupied and must be rebeing tgiven. In Goellmitz, Pioneer Women, the Workmen's board meeting will be held served for the needs of the exist- ; " ents' garment. And this soup- sons synagogue1 was razed by a fire Circle Branches, and the Auxil- at A11:30 meat. You have left us aa poor a preceding the luncheon. ing inhabitants." j The anual "Chain of Tradition"' I 1 ounp. . set by Hlinka Guards. Jews are iaries of the Workmen's Circles. as pur parents were." i KiGE " being, brutally beaten and are • Mr. Glantz is famous- as a Intergovernmental R e f u g e e service will be observed tin's eveCONTRIBUTE TO FUND Committee "No, no, Mr. Zilch. You're even starving in Slovak prisons. Sevnsng at Temple Israel when, the j circles welcomed the and has long been a stupoorer-than they."' FOR REFUGEE RELIEF statement as eral Jews have died in concentra- speaker encouraging, point- confirmation classes of the past, j dent of his subject. Mr. Zilch riot only has lost his tion camps. They were believed ing out. however, that it means present, and future will partiei- \ The Chevra Tfillin of the Con-there will be no direct or indirect pate. tall-coat and. has come to soup- to have been beaten to death. meat; he has even less than his gregation B'nai Jacob Anshe financial support in the prelimiThe opening remarks of the fatter. He hasn't the- inner light Sholom has contributed $50 to nary stages. service will be mace by Rabbi Anti-A'azi Campaign his father carried. It made bright the Jewish Philanthropies for the Financial circles here are cowDavid J3.' "vi'ice. Greetings of t h e ! Prague ,(Havas) — A widethe darkness of his father's tenecare of European refugees. considering the financing needs of Confirmation Class cf lSl4-.willi (Continued on page 8.) ment- house fait. Mr. Zilch long The money has been forwarded the projected settlement, with the be conveyed by Mrs. Goodman i ago .had lost the illumination that to the United Jewish Appeal. (Continued on. page S.) Pill: Mrs. Ernest Xogg v:iU repre- j is: called God. i 1S24 sent the Confirmation Class cf I "You have nothing at all left, jani Mr. Zilch. A pauper, Mr. Zilch." j Lucille Perelman will speak i meeti-1- c "Stop this nonsense, Segal! j for this year's confirmation class Rabbi S. Bolotnikov of Sioux This joke_has gone far enough." land Miriam Sehimmel will repreCity will be guest speaker at the I am. compassionate.. Mr. Zilch, I sent the Class cf ISiC. inters as I well know, has a date at the All officers were re-elected at Chesed Shel Ernes dinner to be At the sa A gut" service roulette wheels after the banquet the Sixty-Eighth annual meeting given on Sunday evening at the awarfis will b= made to the child-] rent L -r thatTevening. (Mrs. Zilch, too, is of. Temple Israel held last Friday Jewish Community. Center. ren of the Tlelig-ious Schoo", scd'j review " so good "at the faro tables). By evening following the regular Mr.. I. Morgenstern will be the affjeers cf the congregation ! "Tide the same magic I restore the van- Temple Service. chairman of the evening. The • Omaha friends of Irvin StalThe function of the committee j will be installed. master had the pleasure of learnished scene of the banquet hall society is at the present time Officers of the Temple are: will be, according to the mayor, ] raeml' ' " and the ladies wear their evening David Goldman, president; Mor- raising funds to purchase new ing of his appointment by Mayor "the examination of the situatioa j ervat. gowns again' and. the gentlemen ris E. Jacobs, vice-president; Ben equipment for the Jewish Fu- Fletcher Bowron of Los Angeles to'find the'facts and. to >afee such ] PSST are in their tails- and the soup D. Silver, treasurer; and Eugene neral Home so that the sanitary to the committee of three which st.eps as to them seem advisable Cente r meat is squab on toast again. standards demanded by the state is credited with averting a strike and. necessary in order to serve N. Blazer, secretary. T,"o that threatened the California the best interests of all con"Thank you, Mr. Segal. That Morton Hiller • and Manning may be met. sons 1 ! was an awful joke you played on Handler were elected to the Reservations for the dinner cleaning and dyeing industry. cerned." us. It was positively frightening Board of Trustees. Members cf may be made by calling Mrs. Wil- Mr. Stalmaster, since leaving Central H'&h school senior, hES aac 7 Under the prevailing standards been awarded the Resents' sch- by tbto be as poor as our fathers were. the Board re-elected are: Milton liam Milder, WA 3055, or hte Omaha last fall, has been perThe squab tastes even more deli- Abrahams, Sol L. Degen, Abe Jewish Community Center JA manent arbitrator between the four three-piece suits are being olarship to the Universltv of ve- cay. cious after that.: You're such a Goldstein, Sam J. Leon, David 1366. Waterfront Employers Assoeia- | fcleaned in^ the Los^Angeles^ area j braska." acccrfitcg -.n sT-i- r w°: cr -.vag,. Mr. Segal."' one dollar. Wages of the 1 ment published recently. tion of the Pacific Coast and the Rosenstock, Dr. J. A. Weinberg, "But even now, ladies and gen- Harry Wilinsky, and Mrs. B. L. I n t e r n ational Longshoremen's workers have been reduced from j tlemen, you are poorer than your Wolf. and Warehousemen's Union. It ?35 to $20 per week and t h e Mrs. I. M. Gershater. 2 4IT fathers were. Grotesque bankwas a controversy between these hours 0° work have been ney Street. Omaha.: He s The installation of officers will rupts in silks." . hours. two groups that was responsible creased from 40 to jor in the Central ROTC 1 take place this evening at the Kings in Sack Cloth for the San Francisco general ' Appointment of the committee tive in Journalism, and z , "Chain of Tradition" service I was made after aa appeal had of the National ,Horor :• . Yes, before the last of them strike of 1934. goes,there should be testimonials soiinded by both employees He delivered one of the •• Serving with Mr. Stalmaster on abeen c in all the cities for the immiA c t n o - w l e d g m ent of the the arbitration committee are for- d employers. I dent baccalaureate spergrants of the eighties—tributes to a j the joint reception 5635.54 contribution to the Unit- mer Superior Court Jcdse Lester j Sir. Staimaster, the survivors, memorials to the ed Jewish Appeal has been re- W. Roth and Rev. Ernest Calde- prominent Omaha attorney and I Oasis, high-school flead." ' .. ' • •" "• . ' ceived by the Omaha Committee cott of the First Presbyterian business man, moved to the coast ] xernple Isrsel •recently. . ' . They .were like that king who last fall in the interests of his j Paul Crcucse Ei-.d Air to Aid Hefugees in Europe, -srhich church of Los Angeles. shono - in sack cloth. He had The B'nai B'rith election of of- has'. a3 members the Omaha The Los Angeles cleaning and health. He fcafl served as a mem- ;I'STZ. bolt L,i='-Jte-".rts scorned to wear for his corona- ficers, which was to have been Workmen's L o a n association. dyeing industry has been in a ber of the Espretce Court of Ns- j UE:t ar.d also m e tion the resplendant garments held last'Monday evening, has Branch 126 of the Independent chaotic state since a number of braska and hs.d been active in iROTC t i l S IS- £1 Z-~> OTIS.I JrlO"*7 O^1 S O C ] "* and the jewels which had been been postponed until the next Workmen's Loan, the Icor. and operators were indicted by a local and national Jewish com- \named as alternates 101gathered by.: exploitation, and by i the Independent Ladies club. grand jury in connection with at- tsunal affairs. all unrighteousness. He wore sack meeting on June 5. Before bis departure to make j tempts to maintain price levels. The donation has also been Archie Cohen, president of the cloth, for his, coronation and it shone with his Godliness and peo- District Grand lodge, will be the credited to the Omaha Federa- The result has been cut-threat his home en the coast, Jesdicg i competition and the resultant [ Omaha business men tendered ple, said, the sack cloth was as guest at the stag and field day tion for Jewish Service. to be given by the local lodge at The acknowledgment -was lowering of -wages and increasing | testiaoaial bssqnet in Ms lice: the Highland Country club. signed by Arthur Lamport. of hours of labor. '' s.t the Faitca hotel. (Continued on page 8.)
Zionist Congress to Be Held Au
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Ephraitn Gcrshater Wins ScholarshitJ
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Hollywood Merry-Go-Round By IRVING SONDERS
By Rabbi Samuel M. Blumenfield EDITOR'S NOTE: An eloquent appeal for better treatment of the 7,000 Hebrew teachers in the United States, in the larger interests of t h o American Jewish community, is here voiced by Rabbi "Samuel M. Btanenfield, Dean of the College of Jewish Studies, Chicago. - . . ' . •
Hold your breaths, boys and girls, Hedy LaMarr and Robert Taylor will do a MGMovie together . . . Spencer Tracy is lined up for a sequel to "Boys' Town" which will probably be called "Father Flanagan" . . . Last season it was "A Yank at Oxford" . . . Now is coming the British with a bang, bang film called "A Briton at Yale." Rosemary and Priscilla Lane lost $3,000 in jools to thieves and alas! they were stolen too late for income tax exemption . . . Years ago Al Jolson paid Irving Berlin $4,000 VD use "Mammy" of the first talkies . . . "Mammy" is again used by Jolson in flicker "Rose of Washington Square" and this trip brings Irving Berlin ?5,000 for permission to use the oldtime tune . . . and speaking of big money . . . "Snow White"
will revert back to the conditions of the days of the early Jewish immigration when the incompetent, the untrained, and the unsuited had the control over the spiritual welfare of American. Jewry. Jewish life today is a boiling caldron,; seething with indignation against its enemies and with feverish activity in behalf of victims of ruthless oppressors. Hard•"Let it be in the record that if ly an emergency passes when anthe Jews of-America should ever other one follows suit; no soonv.'ant to ionor some of their feler is one tragedy over when the low Jews "Who stood up for a wornext one is anticipated. Under thy cause. It will have to be the such strain and stress it Is, perHebrew teachers who, , during haps, natural that little attention these distressing years, filled the be given ot issues and problems breach in Jewish, education with over four million dollars which seem neither spectacular grossed their hungry bodies." nor emergent; namely, the fate of worth of business. Thus wrote D. Samaon Benderour children in this country. ly, the dean of American Jewish Sam Engel, associate producer Future education, a few years ago in trifor David Selznick has gone to Little does American Jewry re- England on the Queen Mary to bute to the great sacrifices made alize that while solace and suc- photograph backgrounds for "Orby the Hebrew teacher of Amercor are being sought (and more deal," the Neville Shute story ica to beep tUe fire of Jewish is needed) for suffering Jews in which goes into production late learning alive -while American other lands, unknowingly and un- this month . . . Xya Lys, who Jewry remained indifferent to his Bressler Editorial Ca wittingly we- arejsowing the seeds went to New York for the premier plight, and disinterested in his of emotional stress and mental of "Confessions of a Nazi Spy," service. confusion in the generation, to has returned to start work on her interesting program coming over Perhaps, today, one need no come, by failing to provide for next picture called "Boycott," the air from Hollywood every longer speak of "hungry bodies" oUr children the Jewish enlight- which is all about the German- Sunday night S to 9 EDST, NBC in Jewish education. Some of the Only about a decade ago It ment and sense of dignity that American Bund. Red Net. (Sounds like a code.) younger teachers who entered the looked as though "the richest and would make it possible for them Lawrence Tibbett doubles as sinkprofession with great Illusions most powerful Jewish community The current issue of Look mag- ing star and presiding officer for withdrew before they were doom- of the world" would know how to face a new and baffling world. Unfortunately, the Jews in this azine would have you believe that the Circle with Groucho and ed to the status of "shlemlels" to welcome and cherish the conand the treatment of beggars; tributions of a profession which country fail to realize that unlike Hedy LaMarr is indirectly related Chico Marx, Madeleine Carroll New York (JTA) — Another some of the older ones were eith- sought to bring dignity and mean- the days of the open frontier, the to Gloria Swanson and Constance and others. attempt to form a united joint Jew is not being judged as much Bennett through the / ramificaer removed by. fate or were at- ing to their lives as Jews and boycott organization in order to by his personal acts or achieve- tions of f requent marriage and diJack Benny finally gave his co-ordinate all boycott work in tracted by the more generous Americans. ments as by the character of the vorce. Hedy recently was wed to writer, Bill Morrow, some time the United States will be made by treatment of the "VV. P. A., thus However, it took the first pinch enabling the remainder to eke out of the depression for the Jewish Jewish group with which he is Constance Bennett's sister's ex- off for a honeymoon trip and Bill the Non-Sectarian Anti - N a z i an existence without hunger- teacher to discover that he was identified and the standards it up- husband. Constance is now tied and his new bride left for a few league, it was decided at the anHowever, the scars that were in- engaged in a field which enjoyed holds. Since the welfare of the by the bonds to the Marquis de days avcation in Palm Springs. nual convention of the organizaflicted upon the Jewish teacher neither the recognition of a .use- individual Jew is bound up with la Foley de la Codray, who is Jack, who has some time off from tion, attended by delegates from that of the group, all the more Gloria's ex. The relationship is his latest picture. "Man About in the days of the depression and ful trade nor the dignity of an reason for our people to encour- purely synthetic which makes me Town," had no intention of tak- 2,119 groups. honorable profession. He does not age the ablest and the finest that your Dutch A resolution calling upon all oruncle. ing a trip, but motored to Palm receive the support and protection there are in Jewish youth to dedganizations to co-ordinate their Springs the day after Bill lett of Jewish institutions, nor is he icate themselves to th great task Paramount has sent one of its to do some last minute checking efforts with those of the League encouraged in his efforts to or- of guiding American J e w r y cameramen, Harry Perry, to Nas- with him on the script of his next and urging appointment of a comganize his fellow teachers; for, as through the wilderness of bigotry sau in the Bahamas mittee to study policies of various get atmos- radio program. the argument runs, Jewish educa- and misunderstanding by build- pheric pictures for to"Are Hus- (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts other boycott groups with an aim tion- is a "voluntary" enterprise ing up the inner resources of bands Necessary?" Would we towards forming one large union be Feature Syndicate) and, therefore, the Jewish, teacher their children and their youth. was adopted. stretching the point if we remust resign himself to the "good There are about 7,000 Jewish rtnarked that for a, sequel "Are Other resolutions called upon South Carolina Ssnator will" of individual parents^ syn- teachers this country, half of Wives Necessary?" the camera- 12,000 Jews Enter the League to reaffirm its faith agogue presidents and charity di- whom areinstill Brands Reports ready and willing men might find backgrounds Palestine in the principles of the boycott rectors. . ; .. as False to make Jewish-education their along the river Styx? Akim Taniand intensify its battle against It is this realization of not be- profession and life work. If only iroff, who has achieved star rat- New York (JTA) — Approxi- Nazism by printing more pamphing "needed" or "wanted" that is proper treatment and recognition ing after three years of effort, mately 12,000 Jews, 9,000 of lets and letters and organizing Washington (JTA) — Senator at the core oC ' the gloom and the Hobert Reynolds (Dem., N. C ) , depression, both physical and be accorded them for their labors has asked for and received a them, refugees from Germany, meetings and radio programs to devotion. '*n a four-hour speech in the senminor assignment in "Are Hus- found a home in Palestine during enlighten Americans on Nazi ac- j that prevail today in andWhat a power for Jewish intel- bands etc.?" The part of a win- the seven-month period ending tivities, requested mothers of late, denied that he was pro-Nazi, spiritual, Jewish education in America. defended his anti-alien "Vindicaligence, self-respect and good or dow washer in the script appealed April 30 with the aid or the Unit- American, especially Gold S t a r -Small Salary tors" organization and condemned community such a body of to him so much that he willingly ed Palestine Appeal, it was an- mothers, to join the boycott as The rabbi" or "melamed" of the tlie Wagner-Rogers' children refuteachers could become. If they dispensed with top honors In the nounced by Rabbi Abba Hillel the only potent means of stopping sses' bill as "a measure to take old may have suffered even great- were but made to feel that they billing. Silver, national chairman of the war, and expressed its sympathies iiraerican Jobs away from Amer- er deprivations than does the, He- are needed and wanted by the United Jewish Appeal. Of this with the Czechs and Slovaks and brew teacher in America," how- Jews of this country. icans.". • number, S,022 Jewish immigrants promised to support their battle Nelson Eddy reported for work Would that American Jewish Denying ~ that he had pro-Nazi ever, "his economic position did entered Palestine since January, for the re-establishment of their on his return from a concert tour republic. sympathies. Senator Reynolds de- not differ from that of those community had the vision and and will start at once in "Bala- 1939, Rabbi Silver said. clared: "I've joined others in de- about him, the; majority of whom understanding to provide the nec- laika." The title of the picture nouncing the tactics of the rulers shared in the squalor and poverty essary means and the adequate suggests a Russian folk dance of dictatorships such as Germany of eastern European Jewry. While organization that would make it and it's easy to conjure up a picand Italy, but I insist that the he was deprived of the comforts possible for the American Jewish ture . of the settings and story. • United. States remain aloof from and emoluments of a worldly 'unknown soldier' to do his share Russian folk music has depth of life, the "rebbi" of. old at least in Israel's struggle to live and feeling and 3ddy is a happy European battles." Ho denied the truth of a report had the satisfaction that his com- "tell the glory ot God." choice to get such songs over. that •while in Germany recently munity recognized his "sacred" calling and assured him a position he conferred -with Chancellor According to a recent survey, . Adolf Hitler and other Germans of honor and esteem not unlike Schools Seeking Charles Boye/ has the greatest that of the "Rabbi" and other and. become' a member of their amount of "oomph" or members of the Jewish spiritual " clique.. He said he spent only two Increased Levy s. a. Boyermasculine was presented with . days in Berlin on a sight-seeing aristocracy. Omaha citizens are facing an the British Federation of Actor In the case of the Hebrew teatour and the only official place and Authors' gold .medal for merhe called on was the American cher in America, he is denied a emergency in the operation of it, presentation being made by salary commensurate with Amer- their school system, according to embassy; ican standards of living and, in Dr. Claude W. Mason, president Herbert Marshall. Melvyn DougAccused las has been doing a great deal The senator charged that Com- addition, is treated with disre- of the board of education. ot constructive and educational "The schools cannot run next work munists • were opposing his pro- gard, at times with contempt just as extra-curricular activity, because he does not enjoy a poyear on the same basis as this posed legislation to suspend the particularly in stressing the need sition of power and influence. It year, without more money. That immigration'quota.' He declared for upholding the ideals of tolerIs rare and exceptional congregathat Communists "can have their Is the reason the board of edusay, but as soon as an American tion, men's club, charity board, cation is asking the citizens to ance and religious freedom. This citizen tellsthe truth he's accused B'nai B'rith or Zionist organiza- vote June 6 on a proposed 2-mill week he took the affirmative in tion which would take cognizance increase in the school tax levy. a debate on the subject "Can Woof being pro-Hitler." men Resist Propaganda?" We al"I've been virtually branded as of the Hebrew teacher or seek the The present levy is 13 mills.^ It ways thought the 'weaker sex' a traitor, a scoundrel and as a benefit of his Jewish learning, al- is proposed that a 15-mIIl levy easy bait for constant persuasion IN THE LIVING ROOM , representative of the Hitler gov- though time and again he has be authorized." but Douglas proved we were misernment,- which the American proven his interest in and loyalty "The board' of education is taken. : people hate more than any gov- to the Jewish community. the citizens — the owners ernment in the world,'" he added. Small wonder that young peo- asking the public school system — Senator William H. K i n g ple with character and ability of Listen to a very humorous and They are ask(Dem., Utah) attacked, from the these days shun the- Hebrew for instructions. whether those citizens prasenate floor, "the baneful, danger- teaching profession and -those ing INVEST SAFELY, WISELY IN ' pus philosophy thrust on the who are in it are eager, to get out fer to pay a small increase i n •world • by the Nazi regime," as- of it. "Even those who are charg- school taxes, or would rather serting that "Nazism is the foe ed with the responsibility of have the. board make more cuts Annuity, Endowment, l_IJo . of all religion; it seeks the de- training teachers knowing the re- In the school program." struction not only of the Jews but alities of Jewish education, hesiLEOH ' of other religious elements." Samuel Abravanel Soeira, son tate to encourage their students Represents 21 Strong Compsn* ••- "The real motive in the cruel to prepare for a profession which of the Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel, les— Every Typo cf Insurance persecution of the Jews," Senator calls for twice as much time and received the degree of Doctor of IN THE BEDROOM and Bonda Written. King said, "is to rid Germany .of energy for preparation ( a thor- Philosophy from O x f o r d in CAl-t_ ,AT 7657 cr WA 5150 a: people historically and spiritualof his scientific City Finance & Insurance Co. secular and Hebrew educa- acknowledgment •. ly the seekers of peace, who cre- ough achievements. tion) but offers neither a reasonated the conc*ept of one God; to wage, nor security, nor so•'• rob them of their property, real able If and personal, and give it to the cial• approval. Insecure Tenure .Nazi followers as a reward for The great American educator, their actions; to add to the revmk S e n u e s of the Nazi State; to estab- Charles W. Eliot, once stated, ) ^ "The fear of losing one's job has lish a precedent for exploitation kept education in America fifty • -and confiscation of Catholic and > Protestant church property later; years behind its possible ImproveWhy Hvo end work in glossy. disly-ligHied to make the State completely ment." The fear of not finding a totalitarian in religious as well as livelihood in Jewish teaching will roens trhsn it's Just cs ccsy to here plssty Give nature a chance to prove how really beautiful be the undoing of Jewish educapolitical power." tion in America. your lawn and garden can be. Assist nature by feeding cf good light. Install proper-sisad Mesas Light The • House Immigration ComShould the position of the Heyour lawn and garden Vita-Bone —the Complete Natural, Bulbs la every socket. LiqM up io cvoid tip'rnittee has Bet -May 24 for the brew teacher remain . unchanged, opening of hearings on the Wag- there is every reason, to believe Safe, Odorless Result-getting Plant Pood. Even though you ping cad srusahHag. Ericy reeding, ssising. ner-Rogers bill. that Jewish education in America may already used some fertilizer or plant food this spring since have been deep and painful. Generation of Idealists The majority of "the Hebrew teachers belong to a generation of Jewish idealists which has not measured values in terms of comforts, or achievement in terms of "success." Like their fellow workers in eastern Europe and Palestine, the ' Hebrew teachers of America have been motivated by a spirit of pioneering and service to a sacred cause -— the spiritual uplifting of their people and the renaissance of Jewish culture. Although most of the teachers came to this country well equipped with Jewish learning and general cultural background, they made special efforts to master'the principles and methods of American education in order to give the Jewish child every benefit that modern pedagogy and education has to offer. This zeal and spirit of enthusiasm attracted many a sensitive young man and woman of the younger generation who saw in Jewish education an opportunity to seize Jewry in America as the "chalutzim" do in PalestineDisillusionment
1 ir< ^M iff ~
had beec president. He nafi cons tributed more than ?10,000,OOCj of his prI'"F.te fortune toward thej l3Pr:l-:'B reconstruction and them retired froir its presidency, but UheNprt authorities nevertheless Paris (JTA) — Baron Louis declared the settlement illegal jtiSschild, head or the Austrian and reonened tlie case.
branch of the Jamoiis banking family, T!JC was released after being held by the Gestapo in. Vienna for more than a year, arrived in Paris. He was accompanied by his brother, Baron Eugene, who llew to Zurich, Switzerland, te meet him. Baron Rothschild v.-p,s arrested by the Nazi suthorities shortly Efter annexation of Austria in March, l&SS. The banker was one of the first wealthy Jev:s arrested after Ausfro-GsrmEP. AnscMiiPF. It was announced that he would be held until he made the losses of the Kredit Anstalt, the largest bank in Austria until it failed in 1E31, of which Baron Rothschild
uns Celebrate °"*j Jew's Birthday
;o fJTA) — Th© Sisters o? the Poor of Minneapo* Hs. Ce.'ho?ic organization, waa unions: the groups which congratulated Maurice L. Rothschilds cloihice firm owner, on his. 75tb birthflsy. Tfier Rothschild lived in MlTH npEpo'i!? ES a young man, he gave of his first earnings to the Cath« olic &;roup and since -then has made at least one contribution a
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A 'Letter From Dr. Sher Dear Editor: I am very proud of our community in general, and particularly of our educational, spiritual and philanthropic institutions whicli are of a high standard and rank among tae best in our country; but to rny sorrow, we have neglected to develop and cultivate a sentiment in favor of creating foster homes for our dependent and orphaned children. I hardly can estimate the great value of this noble work. The best way I can express myself is in, the .words of our Talmud, Kittub. 5 0. The great sage, Rabbi Samuel, commented on the passage of Psalms (Chapter 106>: "Happy are
By J. M. ALKOW EDITOR'S NOTE: Mindanao, largest island in the Fhilli• pines may loom larger and larger in plans for settlement of Jevylsh refugees irom central Europe. An American dispatch.ed eiperts' commission has been investigating the island's possibilities and will soon issue A report to the Intergovernmental Refugee Committee. .Meanwhile, following is a highly enthusiastic personal report < on Mindanao's propects from the pen of Mr. Alkow, former Shanghai correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, who visited the island recently.
that was about to leave Manila with the S00 passengers on their way to crowd into the impossibly overcrowded streets of a city that holds out little hope for its own native refugees, let alone for so many new ones. When about a week after Mr. Silayan's address, President Quezon announced that his Government favored the settlement cE 10,000 refugee Jews on the Island of Mindanao, I booked passage for that island, and embarked on one of the most fascinating two-day trips in the world — the inter-island journey from Manila, which is on the island of Luzon, to the southernmost Island of the Phillipines — Mindanao. Enchanting Place Never have" I approached an island more beautiful and more enchanting than Mindanao, which is the largest island, possessing the •greatest abundance of undeveloped natural resources in all the Phillipines. In its area Mindanao is 36,906 square miles. It is about four times the size of Palestine. One third of this area consists of rich forest lands, and the rest of
Included anosg military promotions recently announced by the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps cadet regiment et Omaha Central High SCBOOI, were the following: Sheldon A. Kaufman. Alvin Hertzberg. Norman Rubaek, and j Harvey Wine were promoted to i the commissioned officers' rank j of Second Lieutenant. All are sen! iors. | Bernard Epstein and Myer Dia! mond, both, seniors, were prornot| ed to the rank of Staff Sergeant, j Harvey Burstein. a junior, is also j a Staff Sergeant. Other commissioned officers, at present, in the Omaha • Hi?h schools are: Major Ephraim M. Gershater, of Central; Major Milton R. Adler, of North High; and F i r s t Lieatenant Paul Crounse, also, of Central. All are
Beth El Auxiliary
All officers nut one were reelected by the Beth El Auxiliary at tiie meeting held on WetJnes- : cay. Kay 10. at the Jewish Com- • in unity Center. Officers for the forthcoming year are: Mrs. Al Wol-Jcer. president; Mrs. Abe Tender, firs' vice-president: Mrs. Leon Grsetz. second vice-president; Airs. Henry E. Belmoct. recording secretary; Mrs. Morris Arkin, corresponding secretary: Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, Financial secretary: Mrs. Louis Sogolow. treasurer: Mrs. I. Abramson. Auditor; and Mrs. David Sherman. Parliamentarian. New directors are: Mesdames M. D. Brockey. S. Frohm, J. J. Frieden, Raduziner. Sam Altschuler, and Jacob Lieb. b A program of dances was pre- \ < sented by tne dance group of the < r University of Omaha. Reports of the various projects were beard.
the help of friendly outsiders in this important colonization project." Pioneering Field With the projected independence, and the Japanese invasion of China, the Phillipines are feverishly preparing to meet the new changes in their political and economic life. The economy of the land requires the immediate development of raw materials of which the land is in possession. The day i s fast approaching when sugar, which has been the basis of all exports from the Phillipines, will no longer be duty free in the United States. Important as it was in the past, sugar will no longer play the important those that observe justice, that Dn my way irom Singapore to role that it did as the backbone ->f •do charity at all times." Is it seniors. .Manila on board an Italian steamthe agricultural life of the land. possible to do charity at all er I found that my fellow passenIt is rubber and cotton that the times? ger! included 800 German Jewish Phillipines must now depend upThis passage can only be refugees on their way to Shangon for their future -export com- applied to those persons who hai. There had been about 30 modities, and these ean be grown are providing a foster home more -when the boat left Genoa, For the fourth time in the. hisabundantly on a vast scale in for orphans. You can visualbut these -were among the fortuMindanao. ize that such vital, construc- tory o£ Zeta Beta Tau, one of the nate ones to stay behind in the Here, then, is a-new field for tive welfare work excels ail brothers was made a member of various ports of India and ColomTemple Kosmet Klub. George Frischer of pioneering. Here is one of the few other social work. bo that allowed them admittance. "Chain of Tradition" servOn behalf of our unfortun- Kansas City received this honor iceThe remaining frontiers to be con•Of the 80G refugees, there -were will be held this evening at possibly, another 30 -who -would i t c o n s i s t s l a r g e l y o f v a s t quered. And for this there is room ate dependent and orphaned last week. The Kosmet Klub is Temple Israel. The opening rean organization composed of Junfor millions and millions more children, I appeal to the intelbe counted among the more for- stretches of virgin land, untouchmarks will be made by Rabbi ior and Senior men who. by their than those who have overcrowded ligent men and women of our tunate ones to leave the ship be- ed, unexploited. and unexplored. fore it reached Shanghai. As for Agricultural experts estimate that some of the other islands of the community to immortalize efforts and work in the Klub's David H. Wice. Representatives the rest, the hope that some un- the land can support agricultural- Phillipines. themselves by providing foster behalf have merited this mem- of the Confirmation classes of years past will participate. known power would intervene to ly, without any difficulty, more The Fillipino is an excellent ag- homes for our dependent and bership. The confirmation Service will allow each one of them to get off. than fifteen . million people — ricultural worker, and can b3 orphaned children, so they will Edwin Wittenberg, of Lincoln, at Manila, or even Hong Kong more than there are in the Phil- greatly stimulated by people who be with us and not have to be was also honored last week when be held Sunday. had not died until they finally lipines and the Malaya States can bring new ways and new sent away to orphan asylums. be was_, made a member of the realized that they were unescap- combined. ideas that are so essential for a I hope that my words which Corn Cobs, men's pep group. He Beth El ably on the last two days of their holds the office of News Editor colonization scheme. The Govern- are coming from the depths of At services this evening Rabbi journey to Shanghai, which has - The Phillipine Government is ment, therefore, is far sighted in my heart will penetrate into of the Daily Nebraskan. A. Goldstein will Bpeak tin by now become to all /refugees Vitally interested in colonization encouraging the settlement of ag- the hearts of our social servAt a meeting last week attended David "Realties Confronting Our Peonothing more than a great abyss of Mindanao. General Paulino riculturally-minded German Jew- ice-minded by several of the alumni broth- ple." men and women of . of uncertainty and hopelessness. Santos, one of the most popular ish refugees. our community, and they will ers, the Best Freshman Cup was Stanley Joel, the aon t>r Mr. and beloved figures in the Islands The. general colonization work awarded to Leonard Goldstein of make an effort to procure ?n Once on board the ship, it be- is the head of the Land Resettle- in Mindanao has already begun and Mrs. 3. M. Malashock. will orphan boy or girl in their Omaha. This cup is annually lead tbe Kiddieh. Stanley will became quickly known to all the m e nt Projects Administration in earnest, and like in Palestine awarded to tne freshman who. in homes without additional exrefugees that I was an American which seeks to settle 500,000 fifteen years ago, the work in the opinion of the fraternity, has come a Bar Mittvah on Thursday Jew and a member of the Refu- Fillipinos in the coming 10 years. Mindanao has begun with road pense to their balanced budget.. [| been outstanding scholastically, morning, the second day of ShaDR. PHILIP SHER. gee Relief Committee in Shang- "No place on earth," said Gener- building. Pointing to one of the ; in the line of student affairs, and bupth. hai. After that I knew no rest al Santos, "has the agricultural roadbuiiding projects in Northern Shabootb i in general house conduct. and no peace until the fourth day, climatic advantages of the Mindanao, a Government official The following schedule will be ; Mother's Day was celebrated Just prior to our arrival in Man- and central valley region of asked me whether Jews were fittby tbe presence of as observed at Beth El for Shaila, when I remained in my cab- vast poling out a home run apiece. ;| Sunday Southern Mindanao. It has no j ed for such tasks. • many of parents as could buoth: Tuesday evening at 7:36; in: without even making an ap- typhoons The next game in league compe- | make the the no floods, and no trip. Ernest "Wintroub Wednesday morning at 9; ThursI told him of the Palestine pearance on the decks or in the drouths. — Rainfall is evenly dis- roads and of my experience in tition will be played Sunday | presented his sister. Mrs. Vengsr day morning at 9 with Ylrtor at dining room. I did not confine tributed throughout the year." against the A. Z. .A. Ko. 100 team that country with the men who | with the Mother's club President about 10. myself to my cabin-because of General Santos and the Bhilli- had cleared the swamps and sub- at Thirty-second and Dewey dia- j Pin. About thirty folks were here Stanley Joel Malashock in celefatigue or any desire to avoid my people or their problems. I did it pine Government, in seeking to dued a soil that was infinitely mond. All members are urged I and a chicken dinner was follow- bration of his Bar Mitzvah will only because of the hollowness colonize Mindanao, a d mittedly harder than the fertile soil of to attend and give the team your j ed by piano selections by Robert lead tbe Musaph service. ' | Edelstein End motion pictures of -and cheerlessness of my "advice," have political and military mo- Mindanao, and the official was support. Next Week me to be coupled with the "sorry tives. "The facts should be fac- deeply moved by what he had As in past years. Mother Chap- i Ivy Day shown by Bob Cohen. The Confirmation service at ed." said the General (former heard for the first time, and askand the- cruelty that seemed to ter presented a skit at tbe Round : In honor of the graduating , tbe Beth El synagogue will be — I do not thing it is possible." Chief of the Phillipine Army), ed me to tell him more and more, Tables' annual stage night. Tbe ] seniors, Stanley Slosburg. Jerome ! held Friday evening. May 26, and "that Southern Mindanao is the interrupting me every now and skit as prepared by Aleph Mazkir j Milder. Ernest Wintroub. Irving Saturday morning, May 2". Possibilities Phillipine"s most vulnerable point then by saying :"Men like that ;s and Howard Kaplan, a On the afternoon after my arri- from a military view. This mainly what we need. They could be an Leo Sherman and Aleph Godol j| Kuklin. win be held at tbe house val in Manila, I heard an address because it is so underpopulated. inspiration to our own coloniz- Irving Nogg was entitled "Quiet ; banquet Bratislava. Slovakia (WNS) — Please," and was a damara in one Monday night. delivered before the Rotary Club It therefore behooves the Govern- ers." Clashes between Hlinka Guards act. by .Hilarion Silayan, director of ment to fill up the vacuum, which and State gendarmes over the plant industry in the Phillipine otherwise will remain a temptaIn a letter received from the ! The Jews of Sarajevo are called treatment of Jews were reported Islands. His subject was "Min- tion to foreign exploitation." S. A. C , it was announced that j "Spanioles," most of them being from Pistany. Kiinka guards danao, and" Its Opportunities for Grand Aleph Godol will stop in 1 of Spanish ancestry. rounded up Jews over tbe veeV In conversation with an ima. Vast Colonization." end bringing them to Bratis'F'E Inaugurating its play in the Omaha en route to the National portant Government official con"Thirty million people can have cerning the attitude of the Gov- J. C. C. Softball league. Mother A. Z. A. .convention at Port 'J.erSinai on the island of Sardinia where State cencanaee fiiscrirthe full.possibility of enjoying the ernment towards Jewish partici- Chapter dropped its first game vis. New York. He will be here i is believed to have been founded ed the glares ana l : abundance of that island, which pation in development of Minda- to the Sigma Alpha Mu team by Tuesday and Wednesday, May :$ as a Jewish settlement. martial • law. is one of the richest in the nao, he said: "The land is vast, the score of 10 to 6. Numerous and 30. Plans for a program world," the speaker said, after and the opportunities are great, bobbles were the main downfall honoring the Grand Aleph Godol, comparing the resources and pop- and the time is urgent; and we of A. Z. A. team. Alephs Weiner j Jack Spitzer of Hollywood, Cal., ulation possibilities of that island will, naturally, be happy to have and Bramsoa led the team by ' are being made. •with similar territories. Mr. Silayan declared that there were not enough people in all of the Phillipine Islands to fill even one half of Mindanao, If It were as densely populated and as intensely deTeloped as, for example, the one island of Botanges. P r e f e c t Y o i r fm to O « r ScI««fH»e P r M i l a g S f a n i f * Venrtfc . . . . C«H AT TOM Listening to this timely and absorbing address, I could not help but think of the Italian steamer
Zeta Beta Tau
ReEgisis Serfices I
A. Z. A. No. 1
**TTh.e Center
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THE MEMPHIS .7 E •U 1 P B. ^ SAGE. "THE PERES FAMILY." ^ by Sam Shankman With care C^«. ' and love lor his hero, the finthnv ha? written an appreciative vv- <• trait of this outstaTidinp .ip-w-isr. ' family of the south dedicated i" Hardwig Feres, the Memphis .!?•»-ish. Sage. The introduction by Dr. Stephen S. Wise. On your reading list aipn make a note, and read. "fiEOKGfL G E R S H W I N , " a v o l u m e of eps?.yi?
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tans Have done. That in_the junglethe voice of a new Jerusalem exquisite chapters in the history of marriage. It was a poem will nave its echo. . . , ' /' in itself.
Wfiat Persecution Has Done
The Rose of Immortality
Gems of the Bible
In what is generally considered Ms master-piece, "The Ring and the Book," Browning invokes the memory of his beCzOcho-Slovalda Lives • O EVfcBV I-HIDAY AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, , -THP JEWISH PKBSS PUBLISHING COMPANY _tad Czechoslovakia defiantly fought and perished, there loved wife in an exordium of rarest beauty: .. . "0. lyric love, half angel asd half bird would have been less of the pathetic about the country and SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Ono Year . . . . . . - . . ';» '; ADVERTISING KATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION And' all a wonder and a wild desire!" its people. As it is the little nation accepted its fate and conEDITORIAL. OFFICE: 603 BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING • In his brave poem, "Prospiee," written years later ia which querdr quietly to prevent' the inevitable world war. and useless SIOUX CJTY OFFICE-JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER bloodshed that would have accompanied resistance to the brutal he calmly faces death he looks forward to eternal union with • ••«•'• : PJilNT S H O P ADDRESS—4504 SO. 2 4 T H S T R E E T his gifted wife who had preceded him : DAVID ULACKEK - • Business and Alanaslrls Editor grey legions,sent by the "aggrandizer" of the north. "O soul of my soul, I shall clasp tbee at last u^UNAKU NATHAN • r Editor Since the assumption of the protectorate by Germany, KABBl KKEDEK1CK COHN . Contributing Editor theJ'e' has been a sturdy, passive resistance, which reveals that And with God be the' rest!" UABBITH-OUORB N. LEWIS • - Bodk Editor What' Beatrice was to Dante, Elizabeth Barrett was to the. Czechs are of different.mettle than their conquerors, that they will never succumb to the abandonment of principle that Browning. Each has his loved one in the sacred niche of his M Araotlier Betrayal • . ;, . has Unfortunately characterized the Nazi movement and its en- own soul. The God of-life and death will not disappoint the 1 The history of Anglo-Jewish relations in Palestine since the slavement of Germany. deepest yearning that • He Himself has planted in the human Balfour Declaration have been characterized by one betrayal heart, blessed re-union with loved ones gone in the Elysian One of the strangest relations has grdwn up between Czech after another. Partition, immigration curbs, inefficiency on the and jew—both the victims of this ruthless, bloodless war. A realms of divine happiness and immortal bliss! part of the Mandatory government — every means hfive been despatch from Prague to the "New York Times" states that the taken tt> avoid the 'facilitating' of the National home as prom- Jews have never been so popular with the ordinary Czech peoised.-Bach betrayal has seemed far worse than the previous ple as today. "Sympathy and practical help," the correspondent one. Each has seemed to bring the Zionist ideal closer to a dis- reports "are extended to these people who are known and know j astrous end. . . . . . themselves to be doomed." ; Yet in spite of Great Britain, despite its failure to live up - By D& TSBODOSS N. LEWES The Jews have been warm in their praise of the Czech spirit, Es&bi, Moaat SJsai Eesple, §!©_s C54jr to treaty .obligations, Palestine has progressively developed. which bows only with grief but does not accept the conquerors Pew who read1 the Biblical prophecies regarding the Holy Land yoke. Prague cafes, and stores refuse to put up "No Jews Wantever 'expected their fruition, yet before our very eye miracles ed" signs and in the provinces it is only the German and Slo- "SEPER HASHAKAH" (THE profound philosophical fnsigM AMEKICAN HEBKEW ' YEAR Into the truth of Judaism and hiave'come to pass. vakian cities that have been brutal in their treatment. There BOOK) EDITED BY I1EKACH- his complete repudiation of the Even, the betrayals themselves have in a fashion been void- has .Been an evident defiance as the Nazis readied their anti- KS1 HWAJAJW. K1STADRUTH standards and thought of his own ( 1VRITH OF AMERICA. 423 servile and dishonest milieu. This ed- TransJordan was cut off, yet there is reason to believe the Jewish bills. ; is . a revolutionary achievement. PAGES. Emir Abdullah, whom the British were seeking to placate, deIn no aspect of Jewish life is The few excerpts from the letters A strange, brooding sense of unity exists among the Czechs sires immigration of Jewish, colonists. The Partition of 1937 and the Nazis cannot extirpate it. They cannot call the tears the influence of modern Pales- young Rosen-zweig e _ changed. tine so striking and so fruitful as with his mother are fascinating which occasioned widespread protest meetings has alter two shed at the Czech Music festival rebellion nor the silent devo- in' the renaissance of Hebrew. In beyond words, and throw much our own land the cause of He- light on the gradual but steady years of debate been definitely abandoned. In the five year tion i t Hussite monuments atrocities. brew is being resolutely pushed unfolding of this heroic soul. transitional'period allowed before thie Jewish national home . , jSeneath the exterior of surrender there remains the cold by the HIstadruth Ivrlth, headed What amazed, even shocked, his 1 will be transformed into a Arab state, anything can hiippen. resistance that has characterized Czech life for centuries. The last year by Dr. Solomon Gold- mother, and which will astonish of us, was the joy and inThere are certain forces above the British coloniiii office, Czech soldiers fired no rounds of ammunition at the advancing man, and this year presided over many by A. H. Friedland. Though its spiration and strength this culcertain forces that counteract the perfidy of Albion. Tile future hordes, they dug no trenches. But they have been the victors principle activity is the publica- tured. Westernized, highly intelof Palestine is not dependent on the MacDonalds find the in this strange war, for their national prestige remains intact. tion of the Hadoar, a Hebrew- lectual spirit found in the Hassiweekly which has appeared for dic "Stubels" of Warsaw. Dr. Chamberlains and the exigencies of British policy of the mom- Theirs has been a peace with honor. eighteen years without interrup- Bernstein should devote an en: tion, the annual Sefer Hashanah. tire book to the life and philosent. Long'before there was an England or a British fcmpire— brought out under its auspices, ophy of this brilliant Jewish inwhen both England and Palestine were Roman provinces in reis now a permanent and eagerly tellect, the pride of German Jewawaited event. The current vol- ry. In a brief article justice to volt — the ideal known as Zionism was taking shape. The irthe fourth in the series, and this unique mind can not be done. resistible will of a. people cannot be over-ridden by frock-coatRalph Waldo Emerson, the gentle sage of Concord, was ume, the subject of this review, is a su- The third division, "Israel in ed civil servants. .'/'"•• ofteii greatly concerned with the problem of compensation, of perb addition to Hebrew litera- America" (pages 345-4S9) deals Foolish hot-heads have advised bloodshed to impress the retributive justice, of the balance struck between right and ture. Edited by Mr. Rlbalow, the with American Jewish life. Israel scholarly and crusading editor of Berger writes of Jewish scholars British, but nothing would suit England better at this moment wrong. If Emerson were to live today, his deeply compas- the Hadoar, packed with learned and of Jewish scholarship ia our than an excuse for the immediate stoppage of immigration. As sionate nature would undoubtedly be focused on the present and delightful contributions from country. The reader will meet the pens of the foremost scholars representatives of all schools of it is the British government was conscience-stricken enough to wide-spread anti-Semitism and his musings would have been and writers, it is indeed an intrig- Jewish thought, and of many branches of learning. It is one of offer another land for Jewish settlement. greitly extended for he would have seen the inevitable hand uing volume. the most comprehensive and comThe first of the three parts Other British betrayals can be expected — regardless of of jiistice slowly at work. (pages 1-197) is devoted to petent summaries, and of enorwhat happens in the future, but ideals have a way of out-living : The case of just who is victor in the centuries-long persecu- "Belles Lettres." Tchernichovsky, mous historical value. It is important to remember that some the transitory. The promise of the land has never been forgot- tion 6f the Jews is today ably presented by the famed Harvard one of the foremost Hebrew of the. foremost Jewish savants poets, the book with three selecten over a period of two thousand years. It is unlikelyi that the antntopolpgist, Albert Hooton. Professor Hooton sees that tions. The reader will delight are working in our midst, conenthusiasm for Palestine will die just because a British colonial discrimination and persecution! hare been boomerangs that are with the poetry of Lisitsky, Gins- tinously enriching Jewish thought berg, Israel Efros, Hilel Habavil, and culture. The names mention'secretary so advises. . restating in the Jews actually becoming a super-race. This H. A. Friedland, A. S. Schwartz, ed by Berger constitute a veri; b'. ." : •....-. thesis is not new. One of the first to advance such a theory Preil, Grossman, Abraham Ha.1- table ."who's who" in Jewish evi, and Aaron Zeitlin. Deeply learning. Dr. H. Frank writes was: the professor of an Indian University, who as a leading moving is Halevi's tribute to Pal- about Jewish Centers and FederaR e f u g f e l n > ^ ; ; , ; gerieiicist recognized that by, a forced process of selection, the estine, In which he expresses an tions which, utterly secElarized In a'-cautiously-worded report issued simultaneously in Jews have been freed of their weaker elements and have re- overpowering ecstasy upon re- have played the role of rivals- to turning to the Holy Land, after the Synagogue and, even, to the London, New York, and Georgetown, the Anglo-American com- tained only the stronger. vainly seeking pleasure and op- school. Jewish fraternal orders, their origin and aims, are discussmission sent to investigate the settlement possibilities of British ySooton shows that while the average intelligence of the portunity in countries larger, by Ivansky. Dr. S. Vvilnai conGuiana, has given its approval to experimental colonization. hunian race as a whole is falling because of misapplied prin- wealthier and more important ed than Palestine. It may be unfair tributes a fascinating disctissios Moreover the British government has signified its intention of the work of Americans and ciple of genetics, the Jews have been forced into an improve- to single out one composition, on but the reviewer can not refrain American universities in the field facilitating settlement in the interior of the country. ment of their race. Under the trying circumstances only the from confessing that it stirred of archeology in Palestine. This The problem of the moment is to find homes for the refuclever have survived. The cowards have disappeared into the him most deeply. These few important contribution rightly begees and to find them quickly. The most promising solution for beautiful lines voice the agony long In the second division. Mr. persecuting milieu while the courageous remain. The physical- and yearnings of millions of Glenn* write about Jews In the a tragic situation lies in the unsettled areas of the world where ly weak could not endure the privations and perished. The Jews, up rooted and homeless, American Press, &s publisher and there exists a possibility for the development of land and researching for a resting journalists,. from the early beginmentally incapable have become the victims of adversity. More- vainly place. They are tragically time- ning of this country, down to our sources. own day. Their role has been over Jewish law itself is partially responsible since from ancient ly. To a certain extent, the skepticism felt at the time the 3. L. Blank, Rueben Wolinrod, "greatly exaggerated by anti-Semtimes it has recognized certain inherited characteristics and has offer of British Guiana was made has been justified. 'Jhe coasJonathan Tevrsky, write several ites. Daniel Persky brings the tended to discourage obvious mis-matings. short stories which wil prove en- volume to a close with a compretal area has been definitely closed to settlement although it tertaining. Isaac Silverschlag's hensive survey of recent Hebrew Thus the Jew, in a so-called scientific age, is being hounded is this coastal plain that up to the present time has been condrama in three parts "In the Days literature. It is extremely difficult to considered the only part of "the country suitable for hunian exis- as i n inferior race while in reality the very measures enacted of Isabella" with the background vey, even a remote ides cf tfcs of the Spanish Inquisition, is an to insure its inferiority status are themselves responsible for tence. . ..', : rich contents and stimulating j his overcoming any inferiority. The Jews have produced men Impressive effort. The second division (page3 scholarship of the volume. Mary j The cost—estimated at $3,000,000 a year for five thousand of genius way out of proportion to their numbers and have 193-337) will especially please hours of spiritual delight and insettlers — appears to be a large sum.. But it is better that a and appeal to the more earnest tellectual challenge await the pr6v6n themselves an urbane and versatile people. readers. Many of the contribu- reader. "Sefer Hashanah" is a ! little more money be spent in a project that promises some reThere are higher laws than Nuremberg. The mills of the tions are of high scholarly value. magnificent addition to Hebrew s < sults; than being sunk in Poland and Germany where ii merely Rabbi S. K. Mirsky's essay on literature, a credit to the publish- i gods grind slowly but they grind exceedingly well. sustains bodies and holds out a futile hope for the fiiture. Fi"Hal Gaon" is an Illuminating ers, the Histadruth Ivrith, and to ' : r piece of research dealing with its enterprising editor, Kenachen ; nancial considerations should not be permitted to interfere with one of the foremost leaders of Rlbalow. ! the possibility of salvaging human lives. the Gaonic period. Dr. Israel Davidson, of the Jewish Theological By FREDEBIOK COHH A little over three hundred years ago another natifln began t Seminary, has edited for the vol- Community Calendar j #r Hope springs eternal in the human breast." ume a series of liturgical poesis ^series of religious persecutions. The situation was vety similar FROM MAY 2 1 TO MAY _S of Rabbi Israel Nagara composed Particularly the hope of immortality: that our dead shall to that of today. The Reformation had created an upheaval in for recitation on the twelve new Sim&ay, May 2 1 . City, Talmud Torah program, moons. Aaron Kamlnko defends man's-way of thinkings-just as the Revolutionary movements live again. Life is all of one piece. One part is as mysterious as an- passionately the unity of Isaiah. 11 a. m., auditorium, Jewish of the past few years have done; Social customs and traditions Dr. Aaron Gordon contrasts the Community Center. other. It is intrinsically and essentially incomprehensible. To concept of sin, in the works of A. 3. A. No. 100, 2 p. m.. K . \yere thrown over-board. Accompanying these drastic social be at all is just as wonderful as to be again. To be again, after Sigmund Fraud with that in the and L, Jewish Community Cenchanges was a serious economic crisis. One group of people, the Midrash, assailing Freud's basic ter. haviijg been, is not so wonderful as to be without having pre- theory of Oedipus Complex, and . Girl Scouts, 3 p. in., roots K, bourgeoise, the urban merchant, was,singled out for discriminviously been. "There are more things in heaven and earth than stoutly defending the religious Jewish Community Cester. ation. The country was England; the people were Puritans. and ethical basis of Judaism, Omaha Hebrew club, 3 p. m., are dreamt in your philosophy." All life, perhaps, is but a which Is of no concern to the fa- lodge room, Jewish Community Not only' were the Puritans religious dissenters but they dream, and what we call 'death' the awakening, the awakening ther of psychoanalysis. Dr: Nis-Center. _ had the" misfortune to belong to a social and economic class to real life, to higher being. an Turow writes brilliantly, as al- Cfeesed Shel Ernes dinner, 6:30 ways, on art and literature, seek- p. a . , auditorium, Jewish Comfliat wasTuined by the shift of the textile trade from LincolnSo much is unsatisfactory here. There are so many prob- ing particurally to explore the munity Center. shire-to? Lancashire. Two companies — first the Dorchester lems, vexations, injustices. It probably needs a new, a higher well known fact that of all art, MontJay, May SS. company and later the New England company -— began to sphere, to solve them, to right them, to attain that peace and literature alone attracts large tfoiaen.'s Division Luncheon numbers of mediocre men and and Card party, 12:SO p. m., autransport the remnants of this once prosperous grddp to the tranquillity, that true happiness, that seems impossible here. women. The editor's contribution, ditorium, J e w i s h Communit;" new England lands beyond the seas. Hated because of their That is the root of the rose of immortality that blooms so hardi- dealing with the-great poet, Zal- Center. man Schneur, is superb. A. Ep- Workmen's Loan association, S religious views, despised because of their economic status' — ly in the human breast. It will not be denied and -denial can- stein analyzes J. Steinberg and p. m., C and D, Jewish CCIEISIIIItales." Joseph Relder" write on ity Center. or'lack of it — the Puritans went forth in great numbers. not destroy it. It is all the sturdier for the fierce winds that his recurrent fashioners in drama. Z. Orchestra rehearsal. S p. in., . •; •. Inspired by the Old Testament — which each Puritan car- assail it. Of all the hopes that stir the human breast, the hope Scharfstein deals with pedagogilodge room, Jewish CoianiUEity cal literature. Dr. Solomon Gold- Center. ried with him — a new civilization was raised in the wilder- of immortality is alone immortal. man discusses briefly the insoluSlay S3. .ness, a civilization that was destined to be a beacoii light in "Thy dead ones live" whispers something in our soul. In ble theological dilemma of Divine Tuesday, Choir rehearsal, S p. us., K Providence and Free Will, and the world- wheu the flames of civilization burnt low indeed in the classic words of the agnostic Ingersoll; "In the night of Jewish Comiaunity Center. shows how the bravest of think- L, Alpha 'Pi Tau meet'Eg, S p. m., other quarters. With Hebrew names for their children and death hope sees a star and faith Hears the rustle of an angel's ers failed to solve the conflict. citib room, Jewish Coaisiiaity Hebrew nanies for their towns, the Puritans, unaccustomed to wing." The star of hope shines in the darkest night. There is The purported Zionist proclama- Center. tion of Napoleon, A. R. Malcbi Wednesday, 3Ssy 24. fanning, ;unaccustomed to the sharp cold climate and'junfer- a flight of angels from the lowliest tomb. proves to have been a hoax. Ii \ 6 Closed because' of Shahouth. . •ti.le New England soil, laid the foundations of a new and "O tho dead, our dead, our beautiful dead Thursday, May 25 A truly absorbing bit of writBuilding reopened at 6 p. d . great-nation. ; ; Are clos© to the heart of eternity wed : ing is Soioraon Bernstein's essay Boy Scouts, 8 p. _t.i lodge • - L e t the unwanted Jews of Europe take inspiration from on Franz Rosessweig, who, next And when the last deed is done, roon, Jewish CoEEinunity Center. to Martin Buber, was the forethe unwanted Puritans of three centuries ago. Their-lot is And the last word is said, most Jewish spirit of • modern inucb the same. There is" another-wilderness waiting, one less Germany. Commentaries without Lith Antl-Scssltes . • W s s_alltosefc:in the land of ~the beautiful dead." number have sought to interpret harsh than New England. No financial profit accured from the One of the most beautiful, as well as romantic wedded and to clarify Rosenzweig's Mag- Sentenced Purita'n settlement and there is the possibility that speculating unions was that of the great English poet, Robert Browning, num Opus, "Star of Redemption'* Kaunas* .CJTA) — One-year whose basic thought Dr. Bern- terms in .a goreraisest" labor fortunes might have been lost. But here is no accomplishment with that of the equally great English poetess, Elizabeth Bar- stein analyzes sketchily. What is camp were meted out to IS par- , Jo be calculated in terms of dollars and cents. ,rett. They had fifteen lovely years together. Each was an j truly astonishing about Rosen- ticipacts in the recent anti-Jew- • Perhaps on the isoiated plateau of British Giliatial; exiles inspiration to the other, as well as a loved companion. Their Eweig Is not his victory over phy- ish excesses at Naamiestis. Three sical pain, but his intuitive grasp other defendants were fined sue [ their homes will again do for the world what the Puri- all-too-brief wedded life ^together constitutes one of the most! of the -essence of Judaism, his 10 were acquitted. '
tence of Israel and the Temple la of secondary importance.) Rabbi said: "Jerusalem would r.ot have been destroyed were it I not because of faith ceased to exisf' as ii is said. (Jer. 51) Roam EV. I about ibrough the Btreets Of Jer' sem and see now, and notice, search in its broad places, End The tongue of the wise useth f.nd if yoi" csn fine! one man who oi'.ifith iiistice. who searcheta knowledge aright, but. the month truth, then I shall pardon, it. of the fools poureth out foolisnWe are taught that Rabbi Jose ness. d: "If thcu seest a generation fie who despiseth his neigr.bor which RTTiy troubles come, try in sinneth, but he who is pacsous Ir.vesU.refe the Judges of Isunto the humble, ft&rrr 5s he. v'no rsel'" (bee'mpe it is due to lack In the house of the righteous good -ndprr.ent and leadership.) is much treasure, but in the rev- Ksbbi Assi said: "The reason enues cf the wicked trouble. v the scholars of Babylon are A merry heart marketh a cheer- v.-t so well-dressed is ful countenance, bet by Eorrov: of thatejdr&oruiii&my £nev FTP not so •well versed the heart the spirit is broken. jr the Tor-fh. as the Palestinian {Therefore they try to Rabbi .Tufia said: "School chil- scholars." meke v.v in their dressing foi; dren should not be withheld from their inlerionty.) school even by reason of the building of the Temple (because rairor-ize Our Advertisers the Torah is essential to the esis-
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given training1 to become selfwas initiated last veek into Corn cation ceremonies of the Beib JUNIOR HADASSAH Cobs, memn's pep organization. Zeiroth Girls School, will give efficient at the conclusion of a CULTURAL GROUP her report report at at xne the convention convention to two-year period or more. Haner iu Hadassah Cultural The T h e jJunior u n i o r : Mr. and Mrs. David P. Feder dassah is taking out as many More than 125 parents, relabe held ^on Jwne IS, 20 and 21, G r o u p i F sponsoring s, benefit will be at home to their friends iE children as funds are • provided Wt}tfien S tives and friends of members of _A^ aE ^ c Q.1^*, ! dsrre on J'lOTiilgv pvepinp. Jutis for. Some of the children who re- on Sunday afternoon from 3 until j Sigma Omicron Chapter of Sig6 in honor of their daughter, ceived temporary refuge in neighThe Women's Mizrachi organ iPhyllis, who is to be con- ma Alpha Mu attended the 1 boring lands after the November Aileen twelfth annual Mother's Day re- j zation held a successful luneheo- to be _ir x e r lo-L C :- c efirmed at Temple Israel. >.hot£ ^i-tes i' cas,£ ct-. l c . 10 pogroms have been included Wednesday for the benefit of th" ception neld'at the chapter honse ] in the more recent groups to 1 Mr. aati Mrs. Sam E. Gilinslc? j last Sunday a'terrioon. Beth Seiroth Girls School in Tel 1 C-OTT : r i p c r t v o" inf «\> or EKUAUEMJSNT ANNOUNCED enter Ps.lf>stine. ^The following Aviv. Mr. Abraham Sacjas of Boston, Mr.- aad Mrs. Harry Camel an- cable received in the. national of- will receive from S to 5 Sunday | Irvin Yaffe, Oinaha. newly j During the meeting Kabt* o1" afternoon in honoi of their . son, j elected prior, acted as master of ! Mass., announces the marriage of nounce the engagement of their • » c T r.r Xccir L .e his daughter, ^Elinor, to Mr. Leon daughter, Etta, to Max Rosen- fice just recently gives a graphic ?.toiton, w.:o is being contirtno'l ceremonies during the program I David A. Goldstein reported OT> ri~o;e: cr iTi'-t e;.i l i ^ r c account of this situation: "S9 rev the expected British White Papresented-by members of the at Temple Israel. MaSidelson of "Willses-Barre, Pa. blatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosrefugee children .sailed for Paleschapter. The program included a per in regard to Palestine. .Rab- i £ i^ it'v: \" £ ""0 n. d f The marriage; took place on May enblatt of Los Angeles. tine: 40 from Poland; 19, HoiMr. and Mrs. Abe Greenspan reading by Raymond Brown, bi Goldstein urged all the woraeL ll;ini.'VKJlkes-Barre.. <" k \ rV FVP . The. wedding will take place land; 6, Sweden; 5, England; 5, r r *' c be at home on Sunday after- Kansas City; musical numbers by present to see that tieirhusbacu? fi Mr. and'Mrs. Mandelson are at here on June 11. vr Italy; 5, Jugo-Slavia;- 4. Switzer- noon from 3 until S in honor of 3 members of Sigma Delta Tau, purchased Shekolirn and voted in present visiting in Omaha with land; 3, Belgium; 1, Denmark; their daughter, Lorraine Bever- and by the Sigma Alpha Mu trio. the Zionist''election on June l i . P "PC rl 1 Mr. Mandelson's mother, Mrs. ANNOUNCE BAR MTTZVAH 1, France. Remaining 10 leav- ley, who is to be confirmed at under the direction of Robert Lena Mandelson. and his brotherMr. and Mrs. Jay M. Malashock ing Italy shortly." Bernstein, Omaha; and several Temple Israel. The Oneg Shabboth will !»=• in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. announce the Bar Mitzvah of talks by members and alumnae of held tomorrow at the home cf There is an over increasing M. I. Gordon. their :son, Stanley Joel, on ThursDr. and Mrs. A. A. Greenberg | the chapter. from parents' in Central Mrs. A. Vv'einstein, 123 North Dr. and Mrs. Gordon will hold day, May 25, the second day of demand will be- at home to their friends | Feature of the afternoon's pro- Thirtieth street. Mrs. N. Y±z.'.\ u5;. Europe to rescue their children an open house thiB evening from Shabtioth, at the Beth El syna- through the Youth Aliyah. Omar on Sunday from 3 to 7 in honor gram was a talk bj" Harry Rosen- Mrs. Tv'einstein's uEiighter. v . " S nntn 11 in honor of the young gogue. c*h a n t w u s . _» fc-L o ha Hadassah, under the chair- of their daughter, Renee Joyce, stein, Omaha, outlining the lite be special grcest. Mrs. Mss T-T—conple. Mr. and Mrs. Malashock cor- manship of Mrs. Julius Stein, has •who is being confirmed from of the boy in the fraternity kin will he princxpal dially invite all relatives and answered the cry and is continu- Temple Israel. house. Following Harry's address, friends to attend the services and ing in the work by the formation BETROTHAL TOLD Joseph Ginsburg, Lincoln attorMrs. Abraham Shapiro, nE.ii~r-| -LAT.-VC v.C. to partake of Kiddush in honor Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sogin of Mr. and Mrc. J. Louis Trach- ney, spoke on the relationship be- j ai presicent of the Women's ri.'-of minyan groups and outright Chicago announce *he engage- of 'their son. contributions. Those desiring to tenbarg, 4213 Dodge, will be at | tween Sigma Alpha Mu, Judaism, j rachi, who is at present in Fr.'?5'ment of their daughter, Sylvia, help in the Youth Aliyah work home Sunday afternooD from 3 and Americanism. j tine where sbe attendee the c r -"'to Mr. Haskell Cohen, son of Mr. ANNOUNCE BERTH are requested to call the chair- to 5 honoring their daughter, David Kavich, Fremont, spoke j and Mrs. Moris Cohen of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs, David Forman man. In addition to the Youtn Ruth Lorraine, who will be con- of the lessons of tolerance he had firmed from Temple Israel. announce the birth, of a son, AlNo. wedding date has as yet Aliyah contributors- published learned through his association lan Celik, on May 10 at the Clark- last week who will be admitted been chosen. with Sigma Alpha Mu, and MorMr. and Mrs. David Rosenstock, son hospital. to the- Donor luncheon are the ton Margolin, Omaha expressed, 124 North Fifty-third street, will following women: Minyan No. 7: TO BOLJ> OPEX HOUSE j for the members of the chapter, Mr. and Ivlrs. Archie J. Char- Mrs. J. J. Friedman, chairman, be at home Sunday from 3 to 6 their appreciation of the sacriMr. and Mrs. Frank Fishberg, 4615 Cuming street, will be at ney-of Washington, D. C, an- MTS. Max Cohn, Mrs. Phillip in honor of the confirmation of fices made by parents so that home on Sunday afternoon from nounce the .birth of a son, Donald Jackson; Mrs. Abe Pradell, Mrs. their daughter, Janet, at Temple they might attend university. 3 to 6 in honor of Mr. M. J. Si- Kenneth, on Wednesday, May 17. Julius- Newman, Mrs. Sam Raf- Israel. Members of the Sigraa Alpha fle, Mrs. Morris Wohlner, Mrs. mon of New York. Mr. Simon is Mu trio are Irvin Yaffe, Robert Jnlius. Abrahamson and Mrs. R. a former Omahan. Bernstein, and Norman Bordy, all Silbar. ;• Also Mrs. Julius Chait. No invitation have been issued. of Omaha. Members of Sigma World Zionist Election Delta Tau who assisted with the The Pioneer Women's organiRETUBXS TO HO3DB musical program are Harriet ByA 1 p. m. dessert-luncheon will MJV C . H . Spiegal of Anderson, The Eighth Annual D o n o r be held Friday, May 26, at the sation "will hold its bazaar at the ron, Lincoln, Jane Goetz, Omaha, Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark Ind., wio came to Omaha to at- luncheon of Hadassah will be home of Mrs. M. F. Levenson, and Miriam Rubnitz Omaha. tend the funeral of his" brother-in- held at 12:30 noon, Wednesday, 4918 Farnam, for workers who streets on Saturday night. May Sigma Omicron chapter was 20, and all day Sunday, May 21. % Meyer Coren, has return May 31. at the Jewish Commun- were unable to attend the first All members and their friends host last week end to several home. Mr. Spiegal is a br.other ity Center in honor of those who meeting. high school seniors visiting Linhave been urged to attend. of Mrs. Coren. have contributed $5 or more to A large variety of merchandise coln to attend the state track It is very important that Haany of the Hadassah activities, meet held there. ANNOUNCE CONFIRMATION the Hadassah Medical organiza- dassah members receive the in- •will be on sale. Good home cookMelvin Tannebaurn, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sol Novit- tion, the Youth Aliyah, or the formation in regard to the elec- ed foods -will be sold. All attend- was awarded a medal last Tuesing are asked to bring their ticktion which'' takes place Sunday, sky of\.Sioux.City, la., formerly Child Welfare project, during the day night in recognition of his. June 11, because the World Zion- et stubs for the drawing of the first of Omaha, announce the confir- season 193S-1939. year's participation as a k-mation of their" daughter, Gloria, An outstanding program will ist Congress represents all the lamp. • member of Pershing Rifles, union Sunday, May 28,. at the' Mount be presented including a one-act Jewish people. As each HadasIn 1639, it is estimated there versity crack drill team. Sinai Temple in Sioux City. play anS a singer being brought sah member automatically pays Norman Bordy, Irvin Yaffe and •were 6,000 Jews residing in Peru. for a shekel when she Pays her from Chicago, 111. "But For the David Kavich served as speakers HOSTESS AT LUNCHEON dues it "is especially important Grace of God," a play in one act, for the Progressive faction durMrs. J. Chorney was hostess at written by Mrs. Julian Goulston that she take advantage of this of Mrs. Dobie Friedman of Coun- ing a rally held last. Monday p. luncheon on May 10 at the Pax- of the Boston Hadassah chapter, and vote, cil Bluffs, la. i night. The faction, with which ton, hotel in honor of her daiigh- is being produced and directed Mrs. M. D. Brodkey in aonor Sigma Omicron chapter is affilAnyone desiring information in tsr, Marian, who xs to_ be married b M r s p h i i , e a s w i n t r o u b . This regard" to the election may call of newly born son of Rabbi and iated won the majority of stuon June 4 to Mr. Julian Nathan. play portrays sharply the differ- Mrs. M. F. Levenson, WA 0850, Mrs. David "Wice. dent offices in last Tuesday's Torty-five guests were present. Mrs. M. D. Brodkey in honor election. Norman Harris, Omaha, ence in the condition existing in who is the Hadassah chairman of newly born son of Mr. and two Jewish communities, Austria for the polling. Mrs. Phil Klutznick. FROM TEXAS and America. The cast is as folGift Fund For Mother's Bay Mrs..B. Specktor of Lubbock, lows: One of the finest ways of reMrs. Harr^ Lipsey in memory Tex., and her twin children, Max The Vienna Family membering friends and. relatives of her mother, Mrs. S. Colick. Offers to His Customers and Maxine. are visiting Mrs. Martha Himmelstein — t h e in a permanent manner -is the Mrs. J. J. Freiden in memory Specktor's sister, Mrs. J. Chor- mother. Mrs. Harold S. Barish — the planting of .trees -in Palestine. of her mother, Mrs. R a c h e l ney. Not only does the purchase of -a Goldie Plotfcin. daughter. on Coats ErotigKt in for tree certificate help in the upJOSLTN INFEMORIAL Mrs. E. D. Brodkey in memory Mr. Hy Shrier—the father. b'uilding of a Jewish National The Choral Union Concert of of her mother, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Irvin C. Levin — the r*""i Homeland but it also gives ionor Saltzstein. the Omaha Associated Walther grandmother. to" the recipient and lielps the Leagues will be given at 2:30 in Mrs. Frank Marks in honor of The American Family the Concert Hall of the Joslyn Mrs. Irvin H. Stein—the moth- JNF. The following contributors her mother, Mrs, Devorah Markoand those honored since the last vitz. Memorial. At the same time in er. : ; -.-=.•-..-. the Lecture hall, two sound. filmB 1837 DODGE Mrs. J. H. 3Culakofsky in fionMrs. Julius Haykin •— t h e published, list: Elks Bids Shutreitecl Is n Hew E~ i>T - on India will be shown. At 3:30 daughter. • . ' • A T ~, MV S. G» dub thronrgli Hermine Of of "Mrs. Mary Davidson. Take Advantage of Summer \{ in the~X.ecture, hail. Drl tBryan S. Mr. ^Hilton Frohm—the father. Hirschman in memory of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky in honor \ " London Crepe wifih. Mul5iPrices Now f> Stoffer, president of Doane'colMrs. Louis Albert-—the grand- Mrs. Max Rosenblufii, parents of of Mrs. J. Eisenberg. • lege at Crete, Neb., will speak on mother. Mrs. Harry Abrahamson. ' "Literature and Culture of In"*-T~ "^~ ~~ Mrs. Ed D. Brodkey is in Class on the "Survival of the dia." charge !of props. Jew in the World Today", In honThe combined choirs of the Call AT 1560 far Fur Storage '" Mrs. Irvin C. Levin is in charge or of the services Tendered durThere's nothing like cycki emFirst Baptist and First Methodist of make-up and Mr. Haskell Conn ing the. past year by their leader, churches of Omaha will-be heard of lighting. Mrs. David A. Goldstein^ . . , broidery to give you thcrt•'•. in concert at 4 o'clock in the ConFurniture and furnishings by Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mayper. in cert hall. At 4:30 in the Lecture courtesy of the State Furniture eyed loot ihctfs ne-v" ihis yecsr. memory of Isaac Stiefel of. Chihall Elizabeth N. Maynard, so- company. prano, and Austin Wirth, bariSixteenth at Harney Miss Evelyn Hattis Fox of Oak cago. And there's n o t h i n g like- an tone, will be presented in recital. Park, 111., who will be the feature Mrs. M. D. Brodkey and Mrs. A symphony concert by the Mu- of the afternoon, will present a M. M. Barish in honor of the Eisenberg original to fiattor your nicipal University of Omaha or- program, of interpretive songs. newly horn son or Mr.' 'and Mrs. chestra will be given at S o'clock The Omaha delegation who saw Herman Cohn, figure with artful aesicxijng. in the Concert hall. Miss Fox at the St.' Louis, Mo., Mrs. J. J. Friedman, Mrs.. j . National Hadassah convention Lieb, Mrs. Joe Gilinsky, Mrs. J. !W ROUTE "WEST were very much impressed with Perlmutter in memory of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon H. Be- her artistic method of presenting Dobie Frieden of oCuncil Bluffs, tensky of Davenport, la., have Palestinean and American songs la. been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. She is a dramatic personality and Rose Friedman Leyine in memPerimeter for the past few days. will, no doubt, be very well reTopped with ory _ of.. her. aunt, Mrs.. Dobie They are en route to Portland, ceived by Omaha. Friedman of Council Bluffs, la. Ore., where Mr. Betensky has Frosty White Invitations for the Donor Sunday Night group through. been transferred. -Mrs. Betensky luncheon are being mailed this O&m is the former Bernice Perimeter. week. Those who are entitled to Mrs. J. J, .Friedman in memory an invitation and have not yet VISITING PARENTS received one are asked to call Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Kerner Mrs. M. M. Barish, WA SS99, or Lovely soft sheers m *of Los Angeles are visiting here Mrs. Julius' Stein, GX. 194S, who with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. are in charge of lists. town frocks to wear J. Herman. Mrs. Kerner before when the mercury The following women will also her marriage was Jeannette Her- be admitted to the Donor lunchstarts zooming. Each man. . .eon. through the HMO: Mrs. Sol with its1 own dazzling Mr. and Mrs. Herman will have Lewis, Mrs. Aaron Katz, Mrs. white. details. Cos! open house at their residence, Arthur Green and Mrs. Sam 3G12 Leavenworth street, Sun- Geifman. and c r i s p looking. •-•• "CHICKEN day, 3 to 5 p. m. and .7 to 9 p. m. Easy to pack . . , Complete with Youth Aliyah in their honor. Sizes for misses and Over 5,000 children have been Appetizer and Dessert The couple ' was married in rescued" from Central Europe by .women. Served from Slfti January and are now on an ex- Hadassah"'Youth Aliyah "in the tended trip which will take them five and a half years of its ac1 1 ajn..- to' S p-m. *®<M to various points of interest and tivity. All these children are 'Your Fortune Told F R E E which includes a visit to the Panama Canal. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Kerner expect "tcT Teturn to their LOOK AT THESE home in Los Angeles about June 15. KOSHER DELICA-
To Receive
Sigma Alpha Mu
. &
• e
^ - 5*
world QTer - . . lor their distinction, qua!- |{
"ity and eye appecd . . .
Pioneer Women
(In Omaha)
Eisenberg Originals
ISlelly Don Originals
David Jacob Simonsen was the first Danish-born chief rabbi of Copenhagen.
Summer Season Now IN FULL' SWING
Z3 T H E i so
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Drink end baiJis i waters of iki* ransom spa- Enjoy your favorite sport-soil, ridin&tficnls* swisi in t!ss ^» saiitie Indaot PcoL Viiit tho Haflcf W«tai All modem iaitoratfcrs. Ai-' cors&ionctj bedrooms fcf etfcraa end sines tsU taas. Hetss c.zhiir.3 c!I raesls low m i l l a day lor two; £& a day s!n;k \v/rii3 fer fcssidd:
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Here's 2 Junior version of' this tailored dress unih light colored top E3a darker flared skirt . . . Sizes 9 to 17.
a typical Joaior su~sner d r e s s in two pieces -with soft jacket . . . the c o l l a r and s l e e v e s trir^med ia sAIte picus. All colors. Sires 9 to IS.
if-, o-
lovely -vrith Its lingerie trimning. Choose it in cyclcnnen, lime, or navy fanfeare print in white.
6.50 10 to 44
TRIPLETS IN THE NAVY—Navy recruiting ofneer £+ Nashviiie, Tenn., el-fowed he v--es seeing triple, all right^when he enlisted the Taylor friplefs, of Sf. Charles, Vs. Unless they're feesinc the cameraman by interchanging, they are, Sett to right, Abraham, Isaec and J*cob.
PARTY FOR THE KING—This view from the air shows the British Embassy, on Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, where King George and Queen Elizabeth will be entertained at a garden party, during their visit to the United States. They are scheduled to arrive in Washington June S.
,1 .J
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- V 5
HOLYOKE QUEEN—From a flower decked throne lovely Catherine H. Ross of Newtonville, Mass., will rule this year as May Queen of the annual spring pageant at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. • -
f il >*. •
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WON'T FIGHT —Sean T. O'Ke!!y, Eire deputy premier, who asserted t h a t Ireland wouldn't fight for anyone. He's in New York to open the Irish Pavilion at the fair.
BRITAIN'S NEWEST—Clean, sweeping lines of the hull of Britain's newest and fastest battleship are seen here, as the ship was launched recently at Liverpool. She's the Prince of Wales and carries ten 14-inch guns.
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RUNNER-UP—Most promising compromise c a n d i d a t e f o r President of the United States on the Democratic ticket t o date is G o v e r n o r Lloyd C . Stark of Missouri, above, being given a play as runner-up io President Roosevelt. His 'work in toppling Boss Pendergast in his home state has boosted the Governor's stock.
DINNER TWOSOME — Among guests at opening of WaldorfAstoria's Starlight Roof, New York, were John Drew Colt, son of Ethel Barrymore, and Evalyn Walsh McLean, whose Washington socialite mother owns the Hope diamond.
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1 :
ire info PeVr^i— f-?-! €-?" DST7ER THAN ©ME — Meet Dolly, world's only living *wohooded cow. She's shown with her owner, Mrs. Carl Thomson of National City, Cal., at Nature's Mistakes exhibit at New York World's Fair. She eats with one mouth.
POFiTS FZACE FLEA—Massed thousands attended tho Eucharistic Congress at Algiers, French Algeria, scene from which is shown above. It was to this congress that Pope Pius broadcast his renewed plea for peace, asking that a.month of psay'er be devoted to that end.
_ , _ — _ _
FQISQK SUSPECTS — Dcvio* Erencif, Sci'f, enc Morns Eolber, rrcht, et a court hearing in Phiicceiphie, They ^,re accused at leaders of the murder-for-insurance rinc.
OPEN-AIR PARLEY — Stronghold of democracy in Europe is Switzerland, symbolized by the Landsgemeinden," or open-air parliaments in which all voting men assemble for canton's yele elec-*ion or law changes. Here is recent scene at Slarus, as officials take post.
- - - -J.-*.
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, MAT 19,1939 miered that night it is hard to say. Fading of local color: Gregory Rat off aims to be dialecUess . . : has,hired a diction: coach. The J. C. C. Softball league of- John Garfield -will make the first appearance tour of his riclally got under -way last S u i - personal in connection with "Juar<1»/ with close games featuring career ez." After a great show that lasted the morning's play. until 3 a. m. for the Temple IsBy CLAYTON KSOWLES In the feature tilt the Leaveu- rael Benefit, Belle Baker topped J. T. A. Staff Correspondent worth Market was taken by the the bill with a thrilling rendition Albany (JTA) — The RepubB'nai B'rith Into the 10th inning of "Eili, Eili." ican Party has placed before the but emerged victor by a score of Legislature a bill making it a 6-5. They were beginning a new epic penal offense to wear the uniat the Goldwyn studio. Sammy, all orm of a foreign military, semiThe Breslow Auto Glass de- aglow, had an excellent idea. In military 'or storm troop organizafeated the A. Z. A. 100 by a 6-5 order that production should pro- tion. count and.the Sigma Alpha Mus ceed smoothly, that conferences The bill, designed to bar activdefeated the Mother Chapter A. should not be impeded by dis- ties by uniformed groups such agreements, he proposed that they Z. A. 10-6. Max Davidson, former Big Ten should' not lose their tempers. tennis champion, toiled for the "Anybody who gets mad must pay a fine of £100 and the pot goes to Sammies. the fellow who keeps his head." All followers of softball are The arrangement cost Sam $1,200. urged to attend the J. C. C. Cheerio! games for red-hot entertainment. All games start at 11 a. m. Sunday's schedule sees the B'nai B'rith playing the Breslow Auto at West Elmwood; A. Z. A. lOO.vs. A. Z. A. 1 at thirty-second and Dewey, and the S A. M.'s vs. the Leaven-worth Market at Thirty-third and Cass. The feature game is to" be played between the Leavenworths and the^Sigma Alpha Mu. Both teams won their first contests.
.- J-CXX Sports I
as the German-American Bund, eign countries and in conflict ple of our State, and the entire signed toy Supreme Court justice, j public halls and. elevators of within four months of the filing j buildings occupied by two or was introduced by Joe R. Han- with American principles. I sin- United States for that matter." tenants, to IHSUVP equal ley Senate Majority leader, and cerely hope that you will use Speaker Heck and Jaeckle are of charges. Testimony will be Imore "esrarc'.'es? of race, color Oswald D. Heck, Speaker of the your influence to bring about in- of German descent. The^.Speakers' taken in open court, with the bur- riphtF creed. Assembly, at the request or Ed- troduction and passage of this father is publisher of an anti- den of proof resting on the per- or The culler requires public of| son making the charge. The hill win F. Jaeckle, chairman of the bill in the Legislature. Nazi German-language paper in j bars those seeking: governmental ficials to make e sworn stateRepublican State Executive ComSchenectady. Sponsors Germans overthrow from holding civil ser- ment oi' nc p;'>;uidi>'f v. lien passmittee. Those convicted under ing over pUrib!? applicants for "It goes without saying that Meanwhile. Senator Tv'iiiiam C. vice or reaching jobs. the law would be subject to im- groups masquerading disbonorab,.H-il p p - v j . - p p n p ' s ii- f p v p r o f elfMartin substituted the Devany prisonment for not more than a ly ribies lover on the list. Both Gets Biili? in the guise of foreign adher- "isms'" bill, already passed in the year or a $1,000 fine, or both. ents have incited bitterness a n i Assembly, for his companion mea- 1 Governor Lehman received rtwo were sponsored by Senator Sciiami are part of the In a letter to Hanley and HecK, strife in This State, particularly sure in the Upper House. He bills for signature which f=i en-g- v-'artzvald legislative commission's proJaeckle said: "Enclosed herewith because of the intolerance and amended the measure slightly, then the present law bsr.rnr.jr M- join! gram on racial diserimiuation. is a draft of an amendment to the racial prejudice which they ad- setting forth specific steps a per- , cial discrimination in places of Penal Law designed to prohibit vocate. The unpatriotic and sub- son must take to get a hearing if ! public accoiaoaation. One biil Joseph Escapa was elected the in New York State vicious, un- versive conduct of such groups is charged with seeking governmen- broadens the definition of such chief rabbi of Smyrna American propaganda and dem- a constant menace to the peace, tal overthrow. As amended, the places to include retail stores and first onstrations in sympathy with for- comfort and good-will of the peo- petitioner must obtain an order establishments, beauty parlors. (1631).
All managers of softball teams are asked to have their softball contracts in the Jewish Community Center office before the league games this Sunday morning. •'
(In which Mr. Peters lays down his gossipy role, goes to an unusual movie and sets down his reactions thereto.) SONS OF IilBERTlT The man-the American historNow is the time to take advansomehow forgot, Haym Salotage of the splendid swimming ians mon, has been remembered at last. instruction provided in the Cen-Not the historians who put one ter pooL There is no need for wordbyafter another in big books anyone to feel uncomfortable that gather dust in classroom and during the hot summer' days. library. But by those Hollywood Clean sparkling water, tested historians, Warner Brothers, daily is there for the Center have patriotically set aboutwho the . members. business of highlighting episodes in American history that are guarJune.5 is the date set for the anteed to impress the man-in-theJ e w i s h "Community Center's movie with the virtues of demo"Women Gym test to be sponsored cracy and all that goes with it. jointly by, the athletic and educa- *' History-a-la-Hollywood has not tional departments. as yet beeo accepted in the loftiest The affair will be open to! all academic circles. The studio historians have been known to trifle women members. with the truth on occasion just for the sake, of a smash ending or as a sop to sentiment and the boxoffice. But in its current patriotic series, Warner Brothers has apparently forgotten b o xoffice By HELEN ZIGSIOND bugaboos and has hewed a3 close to the line of historical truth as Hollywood — After a week's possible under the circumstances. consideration Of "Nazi Spy." we In "Sons of Liberty," latest of conclude that its shortcoming . . . the series, Warner Brothers has if you consider it t h a t . . .is its toosuccessfully and with admirable fastidious adherence to the truth. restraint set down the dramatic We felt that its makers were so story of the services rendered the eager to present the documentary American cause in the Revolufacts that the potential human tionary War by Haym Salomon. drama goes by undeveloped. It That story, despite the neglect nevertheless should be seen by e of the historians, is pretty well ery American citizen so that those known. In barest outline, it Is the still under the delusion that "it saga of a refugee from persecucan't happen here" will wake up tion In Europe who settled in to the realization that it is hap- Philadelphia, became Imbued with, pening here. patriotic zeal, was imprisoned sevThe picture was shown by spec- eral "times as a spy by the British, ial screening at the studio to escaped and then helped Robert Congressman Dies. Maybe he Morris in financing the Revoluought to look into these strange tion. goings-on . . . or maybe he's only It is also indicated by a letter allergic to red. written in 1782 by James MadiThe film is scheduled to be son, then a delegate to Congress shown In all European countries and later President, in which be except those dominated by Nazi- said: "The kindness of (Salomon) influences. You mean France and our little friend in Front Street near the coffee house, is.a fund England? . The fellow who played so ex- which will preserve me from expertly the part of Goebbels seems tremities; but 1 never resort to it slated for a picture carer under without great mortification as he obstinately rejects all recompense the name of Nicolai Yoshkin.. . . .,To a necessitous delegate- he A news editor- in Omaha asked gratuitously spares a supply out the manager what he should do of his private, stock." about editing Hitler's speech. But to return to the film which, Manager answered, "Use all Hit- incidentally, is in Technicolor and ler said:about 'Union Pacific,' and runs for only 20 minutes. The thrown the rest away!" producers have given it a brilliant Note: World premiere of "Un- cast, headed by Claude Rains, one' ion Facific" took place in Omaha of the nation's best character actors, in the title role and featurthat night. ing such prominent players as A hissing epidemic has. struck \ Gale Sondergaard. Donald Crisp, the theatres in. New Orleans. Sib- j Montague Love (George Washingiliant "fazzberries" greet Fuehr- ton) Henry O'Neill (President er, Mussy, and even the' Indian Madison), James Stephenson, Larsign whenever they appear on the ry Williams (Nathan Hale),, Moroni Olsen (Robert Morris) and screen. Vladimir Sokoloff. With such a cast and such a The. German Railroads' office in New York Is launching its spring subject, it is no wonder that the Travel-in-Germany campaign by producers have managed to turn putting on the market a series of out-a film that Is consistently abGerman travelogues. According to sorbing, exciting and dramatic. "Box-Oftice," distribution of thes& Within its brief footage there is is in the hands of one Mary War- scene after scene of stirring powner (no relation to the Warner er. Noteworthy, ia the one in the brothers, of Altadena, California. dungeon where Salomon, just She claims to handle them on a brought in, recites the 23rd psalm strictly business basis, but admits for NatKan Halo as he is about to to precious little business. She be led out to be hung as a spy. asserts that they are. 100 percent Here and there are crude spots. travelogues, and therefore com- Claude Rains, for example, does pletely free of ^propaganda by im- not look too convincing in a talith plication. Theatres a r e cold- — In the synagogue scene, wliere shouldering the reels. Most Inter- on Yom Kippur eve he raises est in them is shown by our funds for the Continental Army schools . . . so that the little ones ' at the urgent request of General may know what a beautiful place ! Washington. And occasionally, the film seems a bit too obvious, too .Germany is to live'in! f Answering a whimsical exhibi- i labored in its desire to strike tor of the Independent Theatre ! home the moral of tolerance. But Owners Association who suggested j taken by and large, "Sons of Libthat some of the members book erty" ^does a. grand job of rememthe reels, one theatre • owner bering a man who has too long wrote: "Ship me Reel No. 3 show- been forgottsn and of striking a . ing the green countryside where blow for democracy. . gthe railroad tracks parallel the Auguring well for the success 'concentration camps. I am quite of the film is the enthusiastic recertain pictures such as this will ception given it by the entire induce my patrons to s,end their trade press. Such a hard-boiled orvacation in Germany:" gan as Film Daily calls It "as Another, replied: "I think my ! solidly American as the 4S stars patrons would be very much in- and 13 stripes in the nation's terested in Reel No. 2 l o w i n g tht- flag" and "transcendingly magnidestruction of the 'non-Aryan' ficent." Motion Picture Herald remercantile establishments in Ber- fers to it as forceful and rousing. lin.last year. I am thinking of get- Showmen's Trade Review says it ting out of the theatre business is absolutely tops." First performance of "Sons of Liberty" Is sch•myhf.u." • • •'. eduled for Chicago May 21. If It Carrying coals to Newcastle: Al doesijt* get around t o your neighGmlth at the Brown Derby bring- borhood theatre shortly thereafing his own with him. He lunch- ter, ask for it -— you'll find the ed with. Irving Berlin.. Their effort well worth while. friendship is one of long standing. Benjamin && Sola was court Closeups: The film colony stay- physician to William V of the ed av.ay in droves from tbe open* Netherlands. N ing night of "Kiss the Boys Goods' Lye" . . whether liwauEe of the Eleazaf da Soils was a noted ] play's ribbing of THhriom or be- friar, theologian and preacher, cause a new baseball park pre- before returning to Judaism.
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17 E
J. L. Wolf son
dish "Mikado" was brought into By PHINEAS d. BIRON being the other night (in BrookFURNITURE lyn, to be sure), to celebrate the BRU1TED ABROAD Chinese circles are -watching fiftieth anniversary of Sarah Adwith, interest the development of ler on the Jewish stage . . . All the situation that not long ago of which reminds us that over fifculminated in the bombing of the ty years ago Julie Witmark, of the German embassy in the Celestial music publishers, appeared in a 442® DODGE Empire by Japanese airmen flying parody called "The Black MikaItalian planes . . . Gestapo regula- do" . . . That goldfish gulping tions make it -mandatory for ev- mania of a few weeks ago is beery German tourist to become a ing played -up in the Nazi press, cog in the Nazi spy system . . . who cite it as an example of the Masie-to-Order «ni§ Upon returning to Naziland ev- lengths to which American college ery traveler must give a complete students must go to get food . . . report of everything he saw and Note to the anti-Nazi boycott orheard during his trip abroad or ganizations: That "English" movelse . . . Political seers now sec-ie called "Challenge," played on a ond-sight the beginning of the circuit owned by Jews, really is a next world war in June, -with Pal- German picture originally entitled estine — because of its proximity "Der Kampf urn's Katterhorn"' . . to Suez — as one of the major . "Challenge" is not a remake, but fields of operations . . . An odd actually the same film with Engform of .amusement is th£.t chos- lish dialogue dubbed in and just en by Dave Sonnenberg, New York a few scenes reshot . . . Thanks fight manager, who, it is report- to concessions by Actors Equity ed, on a recent trip to Naziland regarding the payment of dues went to all night clubs whose and initiation fees, the Refugee i signs proclaimed that he is an Artists Group expects to present American Jew and showed his its first production late this ! passport to prove it — and then month . . . The profits, if any, ii ! got the best service imaginable . . will go to refugees aid funds . . . . Of course it has no significance FAIR FLASHES whatsoever, but we bet you that Add to the Jewish angles of the some prejudice mongers will try i to make capital out of the fact New York •World's Fair: One of [.that -both.the. American Ambassa- the first blessed events out in !dor to the U. S. S. R. and the new jPlcsliins Keaticws -was the arrivs! . C-r:~?, r - f I Soviet Ambassador to the V. S. of a racially pure Guernsey whose are Jews . . . The Vienna Gestapo mama, residing at the Border includes a number of men who dairy" exhibit by courtesy of her know modern Hebrew thorough- owner, Pierre S. cu Pont, is nsr*>ly — but when it comes to get- ed Longwood Jewess . . . And the ting the drift of a Yiddish manu- trained macaw who has a part in script or conversation they have one of the girl shows is named to call in a Jew, whose name we Einstein . . . The local papf-rJ -r don't know but who probably is some of the smaller eommu-> ..e= r-; the only Jewish Gestapo employ around New York carry wart r-" = in captivity •< and we mean captiv- specifying that' "Christian" r<:'r ' ity) . . . The storm troopers who only is wasted for the Fair . . . j guard Vienna's synagogues while Yv'orld's Fair authorities tel' i« i away many a weary night playing they know nothing about this-, f r c , , card's with the Jewish night we believe them, es v^ persT?!'' ' know of quite a few Jewish c r | watchmen . . . ploj-es out in Flushing Me."~c--sc BROWN' BOMBERS i Now that Nazis have set off . . . To us these ads look like ;u ; ; ! tear-gas bombs in film houses another little Nazi stunt in 1 is , ! showing anti-Nazi pictures per- with the- Berlin-inspired prirr ; "e , ! haps New York's Prosecutor Dew- of using every means to d.E-urt i ey will do something about that democracy . . . Are we rig^t ITreport, which he's h a d for seeing an indication ot howv tr-c • remonths, concerning the smuggling Poles feel about the latest r r . i of such bombs and other weapons onslaughts in the tact that Ge-- \ into this city by Nazis . . . But man Rhine wises no longe- r-p ^ how come that the setting off of served in the restaurant in li?e tear-gas bombs in the Strand Polish Pavilion at fhe Fair? . . . Theatre during a showing of At ti.e crack of dawu every mo-r"'Confessions of a Nazi Spy," re-iiig in the Fair grounds ore err ,sulting in injuries to scores of see, in the patio court of the ,*ev- ' " people in the audience, wasn't re- isn Palestine Pavilion, a n-.r.irr | ported, in the daily press? . . . , of Jews praying'. . . World's- Ft-r ' The success of "Confessions of a employes who have to say KECI- '! N. S." notwithstanding, some of dish gather there . . . It's a sponI the large Hollywood companies taneous -reaction to the quirt End i still feel that they could recapture austerity.of the atmosphere c* t r e the European market by produc- Palestine Pavilion . . . ing only pictures of entertainment, ABOUT PEOPLE avoiding anything, political or con- Among recent arrivsls in this troversial . . . Such are the views country is Dr. Walter Lefcn-crn. expressed by Adolph 'Zukor upon cute of Germany anfi more lc'c1;-. hearing that the- Motion Picture of Tirana, Albania . . . . C-ly r Guild is contemplating the produc- lew days before the Italiaa *-"••?tion of Erika Mann's "School for sloa forced him to leave th~t Barbarians" . . country he had officiated £t the LISTEN HERE bh'Lli of what he then bei c':;_ would be the Crown J-'riiite c[ i!"11 Front page space in the real es- now liqniaatefi tinsdotn . . . T\-tate section of a recent Sunday ed- Ing well in L.OIICC~'E Coven. Garition of the New York Herald- den is tenor Richard T&uber. -o-l-o J— £^ £ C" " Tribune was given to an unsigned in the sood old claja wes ere cT letter pleading for the rebuilding Germany's favorite o'tierstit* t ^ "1 i of Sixth Avenue with apartment . . . Aside to Ctannius Pc'lrc . houses "Just for the decent, ordin- We're cot c3aiminc tfcet Frr-c-'r ary folk in the lower-salaried Kenri CF Rothschiirl is a parr"-— brackets ... . for the middle class, far Irom it — but be celir IP'J just nice Christian peopla who isn't ui c never has beeu the r.c. love their New York" . . . We'd est maa in world, i s you Fta^^ ,t like to knou- more about that for- a recon 1 broadcast h;iLt'>ivie\ . . . eign Him, entitled "Innocence." Apropos of which v-i rec&r 1I'.:' which is supposed to supply the the late Baron LiOL'Ri Hctfcr: - "-" inside dope on the besting of Gab-•famous entomologist, once P'"'n ' by Goebbels got a few months ago thousand smackers for oi» ~-.~e . . . If Earle Vi*. Waldron, specimen cf flea . . . Our t : r j atizer of **Mein Kampf," is a good what belated congrnt-alatic—" I prophet, Nntzi Fritzi Kuhn will l<avid Vi. arfield. wlic- <-e!e1 —'• j soon lose his job as American his 7Slid birthday list otlie- •'•• i fuehrer to a beautiful and titled . . . Ann our rather previor* C I feminine successor . . . If you to to Kodie Canter, wtci is re" ,- r ! want Hitler to lick your boots pa1 | tronizs the shoe-shins stand near Grand Central Station where £.n Aryan youth uses a cloth imprintIsabel de So!:s, daughter ' ' .. = ed with Hitler's rang to rnb a high polish on your shoes . . . capturen t-;! the EultEE " WE'RE TELIilXG YOU 1th tfee St:!tarBrcadway Ej-mpatSises wi t h herited bis China in the present Sino-Japart- death. ese situation but is kotoving to Mikado upon Mikado all the same Tha Ej'u£{:QfcEs ol Seliet ^ . . . So much so that even a YidI
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place in the sun, not necessarily in the hot sun of Africa. It is somewhat against the grain tc be relegated to Africa or (Continued from page 1.) British Guiana.' just because ofie .By A. A. ; R O B A C K dazzling as if it had been washed happens tc be a Jew. And wast if in. starlight. PROMISES AND COMPKO5OSKS tbe biEck elements among the This was also the illumination This is 'a "period when'the Jews whites, the Fa-Nazi forces, stir A regular meeting of the B'nai of the fathers. With it they light- Ere written about in practically up the blacks tpainfit the Jews, B'rith lodge will be held Moned the eternal lamps in the store every journal with a nation-vrido as is, for that matter, already beday, May 22, at the Eagles hall! rooms they rented for syna- circulation. I would rather that ing accomplished; what if Killer fConticuefi from page 1.) gogues. It was starlight in the the Jews were doing the writing takes the notion of eemandirg | One hundred and eighty-five • (Continued from page .1.) darkness of their way under pedabout others than that they he that particular territory or else j possibility that a separate cordollars was cleared at the public spread anti-German campaign Is dlers' packs. It gave meaning to p card party held May 7 at the rapidly gaining scope and momen- bitter toil and meager reward, written about; for when they are and Chamberlain, clinging Lc ' poration will be organized to fiwritten about, there is a "Vayhi," Eagles hall, under the auspices tum here, in defiance of iritensi- since by it they could see what The adage "Vu a vayhi dort is a his -appeasement policy, acquies- nance and direct the project. It of the Senior Hadassah. ied Reich efforts to "Nazify" the life was and what being a Jew tzcre" (where the word "Vaybi" ces — and after £.11 there would , is believed that measures to implement the Guiana commission's The electric roaster was won newly established protectorate of required. The Senior- Hadassah is to occurs, there you have misfor- be no sense in risking: the haz- ! repeat djc. not hold. hopeB for imby Mrs. Goldberg of Shenandoah. Bohemia and Moravia. Disregardof a v a r because o£ a couple The older ones among their tune) . derives its point from the ards hold Its next meeting at two Mrs. Etta Yudelson, chairman, ing repeated arrests of suspected children well remember this in- fact that most of the sad chron- of million Jews — where woi:ld mediate large-scale settlement. o'clock. Tuesday afternoon, May The beautiful Shore Acre ball- was assisted by - Mrs. Nate Gilin- agitators, the threat of perma- effable light, for they saw it on icles of the Jews begin with the the Jews be driven to v.ev.i" Per- ESoEist circle? declared the report 23.' A report will be given of Guiana could not take room will be the scene, May 29. sky, Mrs. C. Cohn, Mrs. H. Cohen, nent Reich garrisons, and osten- Friday nights. It filled the sim- word "Vayhi.'' ("And it came to haps into the Krtiger junjne. Af- proved thpt the.year's work. display of Nazi military ple dwelling with illumination pass"). ter all there are S.OOC square •the place of Palestine as the larg-' \ ; .New board members will be of the Annual A. Z. A. Sweet- Mrs. Max Steinberg, Mrs. Milton tatious might, the Czechs maintain their miles of territory in this reserva- est factor in solution of the ref- * chosen to take the place of those heart dance. Those in attendance Yudelson, Mrs. Charles Salt?man, courage and their hope that they that couldn't have come from the ' tion. Why can not the Jews share ugee problem. BEHOLD! THE JEW whose term has expired. From will make their selection from a Mrs. J. Scharfe, Mrs. It'. Katel- will once more regain their inde- two candles or the flickering oil The Winchester Guardian deit with the hyenas end tbe girafThe polygraph}* on the Jev:s is lamp. It was an emanation from >ho new board officers will be ield of four candidates. Nomi- man,.Mrs. N. Nogg,'Mrs. J. Mos- pendence. edUoriaHy that Guiana has nated for the coveted honor are: kovitz, Mrs. J. Gotsdiner, Mrs. the hands of the mother when she a sure barometric indication of fes, the zebras end the ele- clared eleated. T h e anger and resentment held them up for the blessing: it stormy days. The Jew is the sub- phants? It is related that when not furnished a solution to the Ida Shindler, Frances Ducoffe, L. Frankel, Mrs. Ben Telpner, Jewtefc refugee problem nor to the Clara Dvorkin and Hannah Hold- Mrs. S. 3uvalsky, Mrs. O. Greeu- which swept across Bohemia and was from the countenance of the ject of conversation and a s ob- Weizman for {he first time sur- Palestine problem and gives no veyed the Kruger Park, he reJilsTJF. Flower Day owsky. berg, Mrs. Sam Sachs •• and Mrs. Moravia when the Nazis shattered father saying kiddush. ject of study, like some new specreason vhy the government's new the republic in March has not marked grimly: "If only the Jews It was lost with them, and the Alephs from all Corn Belt Al 'Krasne. imen that had been recently disto<:Be Held May 21 Regional abated. It is now coupled with houses of their children are not covered, were as well protected as the Palestine policy should not be exchapters are planning and about which there amined strictly on its merits. a relentless under-ground cam- so bright on Friday nights, even to attend the affair. The dance a good deal of missriving. It is wild jungle beasts'" And there The local Senior Hadassah en- paign in which the old methods with ceiling lamps, floor lamps, is Goldie Lehman, cnairman of will be the first of the summer was more truth than jest in this an irony that the Jews have been tha Jewish National Fund Coun- social season. It has been an- tertained its members at a tea used against the Habsburgs dur- table lamps and wall lamps. But London (Ksvas) — J e w i s h in various countries all ironical sally. cil; here, stated that arrange- nounced that many entertaining Wednesday at the home of Mrs. ing the World War are being re- Mr. Zilch finds light enough at living coMPKcwiisMfc;; WETH T H E circles accused the British govthese centuries, and j-et they are vived. A. Rosenberg. ments have been made for the highlights have been provided for the night club. Mrs. Zilch says the People Nobody Knows. Mayernment of suppressing unfavorDEVIL, Mrs. David A. Goldstein of annual J. N. F. Flower day, start- to make this event an unusually she is always thrilled by the be Bruce Barton will take the p-ssages in the report on N'o, it is as an enlightened hu- able Zurich, Switzerland (Havas)— changing rainbow colors of the hint and continue his "Nobody Omaha was guest speaker. She ing.'May 21 in observance of Inviting one. ' Guiatis ss F. new home for Jewish man, and not only as a Jew, that Germany has laid down a meth- night club lights. "Rose of Sharon "Week." % Tickets are now on sale and spoke on "Hadassah Faces the odical Knows series" with the Jews as I cannot appreciate .such propo- refugees. "The government pubplan for the "GermanizaAppointed to' the committee to mya be obtained from any A. Z: Future." •"It's wonderful what they can his objective. the Guiana commission's sals. I believe in compromises lished Mrs. Rosenberg was chairman tfon" of Bohemia-Moravia by com- do with electric light," she says. assist" her are: Jan Lebowich, A. member. report in incomplete form," a pelling Czechs to emigrate to too; p.nd John Morley's fine volAttempts to interpret the Jew in charge of the tea. She was Rose Bashefkin and Lillian Gold(Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts spokesman, said, "in order to both on the part of his fellcw- ume or. Compromise has intrigu- arouse enthusiasm for the project assisted by Mrs. Nathan Gllin- ermany proper while more and Feature Syndicate) bergs - . more Germans pour into the proed me as a youth, but comproJews and that of the Gentiles sky, Mrs. Etta Yudelson, Mrs. Joe tectorate. A German commissionwhich would deflect the bad imhave often assumed ridiculous mises should be centered into be- pression which publication of the Scharf, Mrs.. B. Saltzman, Mrs. er has been placed at each taxtween two more or less reasonConvalescents proportions or rather disproporwhKe paper on Palestine is sure Services will begin tonight at M. Bernstein, Mrs. Dave Fox, lOllection office to 'keep' close contions. Even the symposium which able parties; otherwise it is not fr r,')f " 7:45 and tomorrow morning at Mrs. M. Grosman, Mrs. Green- trol . of Czech fortunes. Plans have was brought out in Ecslpnd EOT3«= a comDroinise, but a cricging or .Mrs. Leib Kanterovich, who 8:30 a. m. Rabbi S. Bolotnikov berg and Mrs. I. Krasne. been made for progressive transyears ago. entitled "The Real grovelling. has been in a Sioux City hospital, will speak tonight at the Adas fer of all Jewish wealth, valued Oce would scarcely want 1:0 Jew." left much to be desired. is ;now convalescing at her home, Yeshurem synagogue on the sub- A Junior Hadassah meeting at several' million dollars, into though the participants vrere nil compromise with a madman; and ject, "Our Situation Today." at 905 Court street. was. held Monday evening at "the 'Aryan" hands. Jews of high literary and scien- the consequences of compromis- T n r, Shevuoth services Tuesday and home of Miss Rose Fox. '' Mls,s Adeline Manaker recently ing with the Devil have been told tific standing. (Continued from page 1.) Wednesday night at 8, and WedI underwent an appendectomy opThere was an election of ofin many a lay and tale, Goethe's nesday and Thursday morning at 1 .- t It would take reams of paper ficers, and the following were eration. • Balfour Declaration and the manFaust and Chamjsso's Peter 5eh9. a. m. Rabbi S. Bolotnikov will elected: President, Miriam Saks; date. "We will co-operate with. to tracK down all the books eni lesaihl, among the most popular: Wednesday morning at the vice-president, Ida Lerner;- corthe British government as long articles •which have recently ap- ly known productions. A comproMrs. M. Albert is at a Sioux speak as it abides by the mandate, no peared harping on the Jew string. mise implies yielding on the part Cityi hospital suffering from In- Beth Abraham synagogue, and responding secretary, Ida Gittle; At times it would sesm ES if. the of each of the individuals involvlonger," the message said. juries ;; resulting from a recent Thursday morning at the Tip- recording secretary, Leona KatelNew York (JTA) — The JewJew's harp had become the most ed. In what way is it a comprohereth Israel synagogue before man; treasurer, Sylvia EndelDr. Weizmann Pleads car accident. " ish Palestine Pavilion st the New nopular instrument in journalism. memorial services. Jewish Agency President Chaim man; sergeant-at-arms, Evelyn -s- o r k r *worid's^"^2T^Trai? ~cspgjjg^~i*g ! Ecuador Tell OccasionSilyT^iroveTerV " Wa^ cfisWelzmanirs last-minute "pleaT to TPerlmnttef and'Edith"Bubb™"™ yields and the other always doors, to the public "unofficialRequirements for Prime Minister Neville Chamber- cover an article which is so ways A review of the book " T h e asks for more and still more con- ly." In 10 exhibition halls withthoifghfnl and nreTrnant that we lain to postpone announcement of Settlers Mortal Storm," by Phyllis Botand finally grabs every- in the pavilion, which will be forEh • Talmud Torah held a the government policy failed to c.nnot help reflecting on the cessions, tome, was given by Pearl Meyerthing without so much as a "by mally dedicatee; nn May 28, a thesis proposed. the government's decision to meeting Monday evening at which compiete picture of the modern son. Program chairman was Be- Paris (JTA) — It was reliably alter your leave?" T tliae; pjansr were, made for the learned that representatives of publish the White Paper. In the PROFESSOR *wrF TKHEAr> OX OSTK Gl'flMS—.THE FKOPMETS Jewish resettlement of the Holy atrice Krause. Miss Ethel Baron, daughter of Picnic to be held some time in the Paraguayan and Ecuadorean course of a brief interview in the is shewn, the first such preTHE JEWS If the Jews have shown no in- Land Mr. and Jdrs. E - E. Baron, 2222 27.There was an attendance of overnments have approached Sir prime minister's room in the the latter part of June. : sentation to form part of an inclination to compromise on a Thus I am ?~rrteful to PrnfesNebraska street, will have a role Herbert Emerson, League of Na- House of Commons, Dr. Weizternational exhibition held in this matter of principle, it is to their tions high commissioner for refu- mann stressed the Jews' fears sor-ecifiritus Whitehead of Hsr- credit. That is why the teachings | country. i The annual meeting of the So- in the Stravinsky ballet, PetrouMr. and Mrs. Joe Passer anvar4 (formerlv of Cambridge) for concerning the policy and pleaded shka, to be presented on May 20, gees and chairman of the intercial Workers club of Sioux City nounce the engagement and ap- governmental Refugee Commit- that action be deferred. It'is un- call'p.s my attention to an article of the Prophets are still the only I Among those who sent official met at a dinner at the West ho- at Wellesley college, Wellesley, proaching marriage of t h e i r tee, with offers to admit 10,000 derstood that Chamberlain heard of his in the March issue of the light which, lesfis us on, the only I greetings to the Palestine PaMass. tel Tuesday, May 16. daughter, Thelma, to Mr. Ronald refugee families to Ecuador and the plea sympathetically and tried Atlantic Monthly. It could scarce- hope which sustains the men and!| vilion, hailing the exhibit as mak' .Those present, representing the to reassure Dr. Weizmann that ly be flatterint to the venerable women who have bene afflicted ir.g possible a better understandson of Mr. and Mrs. Har- 5,000 to Paraguay. Mrs. Anna Cohen, 1308 Doug- Reuben, Federation of Jewish Social Servthe fears on the -policy's conse- rind bsniTn philosophe' if he with ideals. If it were not for the ing of' Jewish aims aspiraReuben. Both governments have deIco: were Mr. a n d . Mrs. E. N. las street, has announced the en- ry No quences were exaggerated. were told that his article wss faith that pome day, remote as it tions in the Koiy Land, were Govdate for th£ wedding has gagement and approaching marclared they would welcome comGrueskin, Mr. and Mrs. Jack well-written and unusually stim- seeES ot us new, the just will ernor lierbert H. I/ehman, Mayor as yet been set. Debate on the policy will be riage of her daughter, Lillian, to missions of experts to investigate Robinson,; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. ulating, but it will no docbt sur- rise &nd down the beasts in hu- Rorellc K. LaGuardia and forheld in parliament on May 23 and the territories available, which Kaplan and Dorothy Merlin. Mrs. Ben Jakers of 1308 Grand aveprise many a feader who knetr man garb, life would hardly be mer Governor Alfred E. Smith. The Thomas Jefferson H i g h 24 on the basis of a motion of they assert have healthy climates. Mai Mayer of the Jewish Com- nue, son of Mrs. Anna Jakers. Former Justice Louis D. Branof Whitehead only as a.n out- worth living. school band left Wednesday for censure introduced by Laborites, Emphasizing its need for a §3,munity Center of Des Molnes was deis may participate in. the forstandingmetaphysician and one Minneapolis, Minn., to compete in rejecting the government's proMore power, then, to the Polish the guest speaker for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Tess- the national contest^ Among the 000,000 loan for public works, the posals as violating solemn pledges of the world's leading mathemamal cperdEg May £S, it was anJews who have fought for their nounced Paraguayan. _^goyernment_ offers ler, ^formerly of Oklahoma City, students st F press preview of the 1 ticians to see him so well orient•in. The. b'andT are Larry made to the Jews in the Balfour rights and have cever for a mom- PEVilior. Ke v-on?c". share the I government-owned land for colon..'All-the material to be included now are residihg'In Sioux City" in Steinberg and Alvln Nogg.~ ed in-the historical background of Declaration of 1917 and the ization of up to 5,000 families ent accepted ae pecuaar notion specters' stand with Prof. Albert l a the Youth Council yearbook the Ida apartments. Larry Steinberg Is also in the "without discrimination as to race League of Nations Mandate. A the-present political witches' Sab- teat Poland WEE burdened with, a Einstein. The ceremonies would. a u s t be at the Center before bath. group of conservatives headed by Ensemble" which won or religion." "surplus" J e w ish population; mark the first, of Miss Elsie Brodkey of Los An- 'Drum. Monday, May 22. Leopold S. Amery, former In this essay, Wnitehead, whose £.n«3, in this connection, it is dis- Brancieis s.t a public Junction in place in the state contest at Each family is" to pay in full Col. geles is spending the summer first colonial secretary, is expected to father wes a friend of Sir Moses fce£.rt£cing to thick a statesman many, years. Carol,. la. ; §1,000, fqr which* it will receive enter >I51ocutIon classes will not be months with her parents, Mr. and another motion condemning- Montefiore, had some shreTv;1. oo- of Cha-mberl&in's position fl shall 50 hectares of land,-to become Mrs. John Brodkey, 3244 Jackthe White This group bs- ssrvations on the Jews, for ex- not sgy of his ictellifence) is re^jdidurihg the summer months. Mr. and Mra. Max Harris and full property of the family when lieves that Paper. freBta Cf.rmonR,, memit can secure 20 Con- ample, that "Jewish thought con- ported to have promised the Pojey"1 Vill again be resumed in son street. it has been worked for 10 years. servative votes Betty Lee spent last Sunday in !?e cS ? r T r ; i T f i t Sephsxilic in support of the thai fall. centrates on specific ideals con- lish Minister, Josef Beck, to help The settlers must obtain citizenA daughter was born to Mr. Fremont, Neb., where they vis- ship five years after settling on motion and that a large number ceived in the abstract, devoid of relieve the country of its "ex- family, was in XSTR made p. senaited with Mrs. Harris' mother, tor in the newly created Turkish of Conservatives will abstain from p all Jewish Girls Baseball and Mrs. H. Eisenberg, 1119 Mrs. J. Verbin, and her brother, the land. The government un- voting. A big government ma- compromise and cf the requisites cess"' Jews, EE if the native Jews P&rlismect. team Is sponsored by the Jewish Fourteenth street, last Monday, Mr. Abner dertakes to secure unhindered for survival." (But the Jews have in Po3s:~si ifts.d any less right tc Verbin. Accompanyhowever, is believed as- survived and therefore they' nust exist (for you cen't csH it livicj:} Community Center. Any girl over May 15. , through Brazil, Argentina jority, Don BfrtfcTi oe Pol a. was aciag them-were Dr. and Mrs. Oscar passage sured. 16-years of age and interested in and Uruguay. be surely adaptable.) Ke believes thsus the Poles themselves. corclecl p.oblp rr.vVz fcy Alfonso IV Dorothy Merlin will speak for Greenberg and daughter, Evelyn. jojaing.-may: do-so by getting in that the Jews have, therefore, no • Ecuador Wonts Farmers I suppose "Neville" and "civil" o£ Aragrots. teuch: with Esther Eirenberg. the Junior Hadassah's mothers genius for political organization. are by EO means synonyms. PerThe Ecuadorean government Abe Katelman has spent the and daughters tea In Waterloo The-phone .number is 8G671. Probably he -would regard Dishaps this promise tc Beck was v. past week' in Cincinnati, Ohio; offers to admit 10,000 families .?. J . FRIEDMAN Sunday, May 21. raeli and Stahl as exceptions. The compromise, too, on the part of five years, of whom 9,000 where he attended the Grey Iron within ?4C First Nations! Bank Bldg. Jewish problem concerns him must settle as agriculturists and the British Premier, but if so. it. Mrs. A. Rappeport and daugh- Foundry convention. He is na- the remainder In industries that deeply, but he rightly argues that was a compromise in which the | NOTICE OF-1 PROBATE OF WILL Los Angeles (JTA) — Depart- it JOB WANTED ter, Betty, of Cedar Rapids were tional director of the organiza- do not compete with existing en- ment would do no good to go to war Jews were being shamefully com'of Justice agents and sherIn the County Court- of THJuglas visiting here this past week with tion. terprises. A Visa charge of $10 iff's deputies with Germany in order to settle promised. From which we learn I| County. this week were con• (Each •week The Jewish Press Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. H. Slutsky, 2407 per settler is provided for in the it; and in general he appears to In zhf-. Matter of the Estate of w|li present the case of a worthy Jackson street. ' . Collman Yudelson left Satur- offer. The colonists will be free ducting a state-Vvide search for favor .Chamberlain's appeasement this little moral, if you enter into jI Jlei-pr Coren. Deceased. Individual looking for employment. German-spaaking men who a compromise t.boct someone othday for Fort Snelling, Minn., of all taxes for a period of 90 two AV persons inies-ested in said estate 'If Anyone Ig Interested In employpolicy, as indeed -doss his erst- er than yourself, you P^e lu. realassertedly kidnaped George Palvve heret-v notUiefi tn.p.t p petition Vms where he is spending two weeks. years. Those admitted for agri- mer Putpam. the publisher, who while brilliant pupil. Eertrand ling" such a person please call Dorcompromising- the person. t e e n fil»<J in ssid Conrl. praying; for "otby Merlin at the Jewish Coracultural work are liable to expul- recently published an anti-Nazi Russell, but we must bear in ity the probate of & certain instrument REQUIRED READING; "HOO. niunlty Center for further inforSunday guests at the home of sion' if they abandon the work novel, and left him in an uncom- mind that the article under disnow on filf* in ,"P'fl Court, piirpc'tins; mation.) TON O\ THE JEWS" within 10 years. to be the lest vill anfi testament oi ) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steinberg were A young man, 28, ambitious, pleted house in Bakersfield with cussion was written before Hitler The caption to my column this said deceased, and ili&i (•• iieftvinsv v i ^ i i Mrs. Rose Bortnick and daughThe' British owners or 138,172 a -warning to stop printing the took Czechoslovakia "under his conscientious, sincere, w i t h he on safr' peUnor! !b<??'•""<? f=f m • week originally read "Solution or Court ters, Shirley and Marcia, Mr. acres of heavily wooded land on book. protection." on the 10th clay o-' June. 193!T. 'good- references, wishes emfiisso'ution/' because by chief Morris Kantor and Miss Francis the Pacific coast of Mexico have 9-n<5 tisst If (hey fail to fipre«i"p.! said •jjibyment of any kind. Can x Discovered bound and gagged, Coiy*t o r ??>e ^?'*"! "-^V'I f!PT" *^r J»m». topic was to be RE article by ProPollman. offered to sell the entire tract for but unhurt, Putnam said the kid- AFRICA — TEE PROMISES* •drive a car and has had ex1938. fit S o'clock A. ~A'-. to contest fessor Kooton, Harvard's noted $275,000 for possible settlement nappers demanded the name of the pro'iate cC Fsid wSii. ilio C«u!'( perience in retail Belling. He Popular Sanction Sought LAND? cxthropolo^rist in Collier's of ?,Iay mp.y RnS probate" v'iK and by 2,000 refugees, it was learned. for Anti-Jewish Sa willing to do any type of the author of the novel, "The Man His solution to the Jewish pro- G — an article written with verve"allow administration oi.* said estate The offer, believed to have been Who Killed Hitler." and as employment is urgent. blem is to provide for the tnigr-cOrdinance made with the knowledge of the ed it would be "healthier" if he tion of the nndesired Jews to Af- nrui with a sense of humor, .ofiei-- i e-ble person, enter s.. decree o-r he^rMexican government, was made halted publication. The publish- rica, which has a great future ing a solution of .the Jewish prob- ; ship. sine, proceed io a. seUi^me-rs Budapest (JTA) — Dissolution by — but the. editors ten me I the"f?o'r. to Sir Herbert Emerson. er had received several threats in ahead and which through increas- lem of the Lower House was carried that they had bargained for | ERTCE CKAWFO11B. connection with the book, one a ed aviation facilities to he brought tt'iis a.what out to obtain the electorate's sanccolumn, and I have become I E-15-S5-SI. County JiuU.-=. note signed by "Los Angeles tion of the recently adopted antiOn Tuesday evening, May 23, closer to Europe and America. not £ columnist but a double colLondon. (WNS) — Information Nazis." EEN E. K K L O W S K v , Attorney, Jewish law, Justice Minister Anat 8 the first evening of Shevuot I cannot help registering my umnist, &na th£.t there " vo reaching this point from Prague S3£ insurance £?'<Ji7-, T at 8 tne first evenlngof Shevuoth dreas Tasnadl-Nagy told an elec- said disappointment at such a solusuch animal" in .iournalisrn: so the Union of Czech Jews the Confirmation exercises of the toral meeting. "If the people had that tion. This may be realistic noil- must defer my c " J " ->-• r ' io J. C. C. Orchestra recently submitted a note to Shaare Zion Sunday school will vote for the government, oppon- the Party Pittsburgh (JTA) — Carnegie The J. C. C- Little Symphony tics, but it is not justics and not toe's " W h y ib •.'•Y " - p ' « of National Unity on „ be held. There will be seven ents of the 'Jew law* will be si the Jewish problem. A special institute's international art ex- orchestra meets every Monday the type to sanity which we seek Stronger" to r ^ - t i e ! *c — jr lenced and the law will imme hibit, which groups paintings acoohfirmants. in humanity. If the Jews have 1 v meanwhile t h a t r-ort of r~' " r commission of t h e ' party was cording to the nationalities of the evening at the Jewish CommunV •'-^The'graduates are Eileen Das- diately be carried out," he said. contributed more than their share ers wili have b a i . r » c r x <. - •> ity Center. named to receive a delegation repPremier Paul Teleki told t resenting the Union of Czech Jews painters, will have a new section korsky, Mae Epstein, Esther EpRapid progress is being made to civilization and culture, if they of scanning ii e c.-.. „ ? ,r r o stein, Elaine Finkensteln, Helen crowded meeting of government for the purpose of discussion-with this year — for exiled artists, it by the group and the orchestra have spent their endeavors in ller's, so as to (.^^.c t t c ei_ ». party members: "No one is conis'announced. Fish, Malta Heeger and Earl Skawill continue it activities the year making the world better. It their my column " S " ~" c r ~ them economic questions related sidering a third anti-Jewish law. to The "exile" section of the ex- round. Bible has been instrumental in tton." • v1 iovsky. Their instructor is Mor- The the Jewish problem. ••' present law answers our purto open October 19, will spiritualising the barbarian narls-Alzenberg. Al Finkel is director. The Jewish community of Rak- hibit, pose and will be carried out by tions — for all- the good it as The .diplomas will be present- degrees. No brutal .means will be ovnuik and the Czech Hussite have the canvasses of seven Geri1 done them! — they deserve a ed by Mrs. L. J. Kaplan, presi- used, since this would be against church have reached an *agree- mans, seven Spaniards, a Czech Patronize Our Advertisers C" r" other artists who work in dent of the Ladles' auxiliary. Hungarian national character." ment for common use of the syna- and I ~r other lands simply by choice but Cantor Okun and the choir will gogue for worship. . The Jewish will Police dispersed three election not be of a "political flavor." furnish the music. A joint re- meetings addressed by former community will continue services Germany and Italy will be repWarsaw (JT-* — „ I ception will be held by all the Jewish Deputy Dr. Bela Fabian on Saturdays, the Hussites on in the exhibition. Direcis Warsaw Ur ' - < c'onfirmants at the social hall following disturbances created by Sundays. In other Czech "commun- resented tor Homer St. Gaudens said, "beeducational i->* ' similar agreements have been right rafter services. members of the anti-Semitic Ar- ities cause these governments a r e J e w s i n t h e c'"'j<* " •• • row Cross. Dr. Fabian's car was made. keeping their artists alive with "ghetto benches c - * More than 150,000 Czechs, subsidies." IJpliday; services will begin at stoned. I cf classrooms - r o mostly Jews, automatically lost 3 p. m. on Tuesday and WednesFour Hungarian Nazi terrorists their I t b e action of r\ < L . Czecho-SIovak citizenship on t day evenings and S:30 on Wed- were given heavy sentences here tie students Turks Claim Land nesday and Thursday morning for bombing a synagogue last May 1 under recent decrees, acESEintenance C ' - T tho 24th and 25th. The Rabbi will February 12, resulting in injuries cording to official announcement. even in the ~e ~~ London (JTA) — The judicial preach at ..the morning services. to 20 Jews. Sentences ranged After'the surrender.of the Sudet- committee obMgstory air i. er of the Privy Council On'Thursday morning memorial from three years' hard labor to enland to Germany the Czech gov- began a hearing Jewish stu~«r «• e i• into claims by passed a law for revision sery'lce3 will be recited at 10. life imprisonment. A minor who ernment t£ke seats OH 1 1 c the heirs of Sultan Abdul Hamid of . all citizenship granted after * ^Closing, sessions of Sunday was involved was sentenced to 1, • 1918. All affected against the Palestine government school "will be held on Sunday, four years in a reformatory* The November the law were asked to re- to about 1,000 acres of land in May 28. Report cards will be court found that the crime was by register before May 1, 1939. Of vicinity .of Gaza. A Palestine issued. The closing assembly premeditated and so planned that 160,000 persons involved, only the land court two years ago rule.i Arsti-De' ->will be held May 21. Mrs. JJcht injury of a considerable number 10,000 registered. against the government after or victims was unavoidable. la3 In charge. having earlier -disagreed. The Count Stephen Bethlen, Hun• -At the Ones Sabbath held on once the property of the •May; 13; at Mrs. H. IJcht's ^ home, garian premier from 1920 to 1931 nounced that he was retiring from land, Turkish ruler, was claimed by public life and would not take and lately leader of, a movement Mrs.; A. H. Baron was re-elected the government on the ground part In-the forthcoming elections. against extension o'f German in•unanimously as chairman. The former premier, who was that it had been transferred to fluence in this country, has ana deputy, said in an open letter to the Turkish government and surk 1 ^ constituents that he could not rendered to Great Britain under at Kingsley, la., to "a farmers' his his country "where nation- the peace treaty following conC:ie of :5;2 tlicuccr-ds cf r-pfcj group and at Orange City last serve prophets in the holy name of quest of' the Holy Land in the rzlrzir.zd fcr ixdcc.ry rna cfri Theodore Lewis >will Friday to the district librarians al national interests eat a Jew for World War. opeak this Friday evening on "A group. ' breakfast, a count for lunch and Co=3n '.Peculiar. Treasure," a biography Last Tuesday evening, May 16 before going to bed distribute all Edward S. Solomoa, a Jew of Ur.'.tcd of Edna Ferber. rabbi spoke for a Masonic meet- land and property v/hich does not Chicago, was. In' IS70 appointed , Rabbi -Lewis spoke. Thursday ing at Atlantic, la. belong to them." governor of Oregon territory.
MAY 28-/
Society News
Probe KidnapDing of George Putnam
Art Exhibit Has Refugee Section
Warsaw F; Sit in
L l
M.t. Sinai