In the Interests- of the Jewish People
MATTER OF LOVE • I amjin love -with Miss Arbuthnot. Who "doesn't know the Arbuthnots prominent as they a r e in business, the professsions and ttntered as Second Claai. Mall Matter on January 31. 1931, at VI—No. 29 in social life'. An Arbuthnot was OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1939 Hoatufflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, unair the Act of March 3. 1879 present the time they wrung Ma'gna Ch'arta from King John a t Runnymede in 1215, an Arbuthnot was a pilgrim on t h e Mayflower, an Arbuthnot stood in the crowd before Independence Hall, Philadelphia, the day t h e bell was rung, July 4, 1776. Arbuthnots have been in many things everywhere in all times. From t h e newly-dedicated Ha- he tumblers of fruit juice served An. Arbuthnot lived next door to dassah-Rothschild-University hos- him. Lincoln a t Springfield, an Arpital on Jerusalem's Mount Scobuthnot himself once upon a Problems Encountered time received- iwo votes for t h eAssures Zionist Leaders pus has come the first foreign orThe following summer again in Reveal Plot to Make Gen. der for a new invention which was Republican presidential nominaMoseley Fascist White Paper Being conceived in an Omaha hospital he hospital, this time for a tontion, an Arbuthnot died gallantly .ilectomy, he went through the Dictator Studied by a local man. a t Gettysburg, an Arbuthnot was ame ordeal of finding a place for For five years Louis Leppke, just snort of votes of becoming a :he cups and glasses which were bishop of the Episcopal Church, BRANDEIS CONFIDENT Omaha advertising man, has been n the babit of sliding off theHEARINGS BEING HELD perfecting the "Saf-Serv," a com- plate served with them. an Arbuthnot ran . for Congress serving plate and non- The germ of the idea for a non- Testify New Yorker Gave against the New Deal. Leading Americans Pro- bination sliding tumbler. Recently the pro- sliding glass appeared a t that Financial Aid to test Britain's Latest Nor are the Segals witnout disduct was put on the market and ime, but the impetus was not givGroup tinction; they, too, have been Action more recently offered for foreign n to the invention until shortly Rabbi David H. Wice will delivplaces and seen things. Segals sale. Two American institutions afterwards, when Mr. Leppke was ,.%,r k*sr Washington (JTA) — Follow- er the commencement oration at .•were Levites i n the "tabernacle Washington (JTA) — Secre- immediately responded — first raveling in an east-bound train, and later in the temple, it is told tary of State Cordell Hull reaf- the Hadassah hospital, and soon itting in the observation car, heing sensational revelations of a the Central High School graduathat one of them Isachar by firmed the American govern- after Selfridge's London's great barely escaped injury when a por- well-organized anti-Semitic plot tion on Saturday night. June 3. Jerusalem ( J T A ) — A dras-| 1T umicipai ?*•(«?« pT«3 local «• He is also scheduled to repre- tic p r o g r a m of passive resis- from the aciminisU'afcion. p l a i n s d e p a r t m e n t er, thrown off balance by a sud- which- aimed to make Major-Genname, fashioned the golden calf ment's interest in the Jewish American-owned eral George Van Horn Moseley the ChautauQua this summer in the ' wilderness, he being an homeland, as nation-wide protest store. den movement of the train, drop- (U. S. A., retired) titular head sent with three talks at the University tance, including a t a x strike them ^ d e v ^ ^ n « t I o M l ( M«^>>_ Back of Mr. Leppke's invention days afteragainst the British White Paper artist; but all his ped a paper cup of hot coffee. of a Fascist government operating of Go\ernmer>t i ^ n " ; ' *•«-<•*-"• of Utah and one at Brigham and b o j c o t t •ward he fully repented this de- rose throughout t h e country, lies an unusual chain of circumSpeaking to the porter, Mr. from Atlanta, the House Commit- Young University. services followed t l i«, v r k "it* v..-> K L IOT O " ( U . . «<-, i~, parture from the true faith by marked by mass meetings, syna- stances that led to the final per- eppke was informed that the tee on un-American Activities Rabbi Wice addressed the Al-the VNcke of t i c rj*.i ±r>icrt vn ^ faithful devotion to his function gogue services and statements of fecting of the product. While re- porters would consider it a bless- called four persons to testify this " *< ' v n n v 1 - 1 ^' cuperating in the Methodist hos- ng from heaven if someone would week on what they know about trusa Club last night on the sub1? <rn p protest. as a Levite. ^' L \ ""7 * ' ' " ' " " "* ** ••' ject, "Crystal Gazing in Europe." demonstiatin a^ cgc^'i Yes, Segals were at Mt. Sinai Secretary Hull assured Dr. Sol-pital from a head operation, Mr. nvent a glass that could be car-anti-Semitic 'activities. aui s Frle&tme s f t " p c ir^, t l , ev r ( ) H10 ^ p , c a ,- •.« i the time God spoke to Moses in omon Goldman, chairman of t h eLeppke was troubled by the haz-ried with safety on a plate or Open hearings began Monday the thunder and lighting. Thoy National Emergency Committee ardous problem of what to do with coaster. Shortly after this episode after chairman Martin Dies had in v '"lie"1! a B ' iv^ p V u e i f r ' p i- *p *• < »« - f . ~ 1 <- -«* another incident convinced Mr. i s sued suppoenas to General heard the Tea Commandments in on Palestine, that the American government is closely studying Leppke of the practicality of hisMoseley, John D. M. Hamilton, a* slam a n l 1 1 -t > < v •> • ' < • " T,- ^ . P nn . — - . the original. dea. Attending a buffet dinner chairman of the Republican Nathe British White Paper and is T"l «• f i l l I I 11 e i 1V U> 1 > Past Glory ;iven by the Shriners, he was tional Committee ,who was alleg<; t I ! •> U P t o i K> r v " A Segal perished in the wars keenly concerned by the latest degreeted by the amusing sight of ed to have provided a list of comT h e r o n - c o o p e c l o r i o - ET , i ^ , „ , , ,O I 1 p , , , L of the Maccabees, taking death velopments. Dr. Goldman visited 1 1 N our hundred men puzzled by the mitteemen to receive anti-Semitic i " S u h T tt«»f? I t h e Tev i=l f l - ' , . r r x j , r p n p o , m , p o ,, j > rather than fight that day since the State department to convey problem of balancing plates and propaganda in the mail; George t i o n a l C o u n c i l iO t h e E L -> penr-> p o ] 8 mc ,o i opP t s f i t was the Sabbath. A Segal (to t h edeep sorrow of American coffee cups. Deatherage, of St. Albans, W. Va., go bask even farther) was a shep- Jewry a t the British decision and s d comrritH carpr 1 f i ° p e r Disappointments chief of the knights of the White lierd boy for the flock right n e x t to appeal for President RooseJ e w i s h o i g a L i / a * or ' o i i t »t Since 1934 Mr. Leppke has Camelia, an anti-Semitic Fascistic Local Congressman Voices the one that David tended. A Se-velt's intercession to prevent nul- Choose Willard Smith eiatio" of roepn1! *o c? i r " 1 o I "\ been designing and re-desiSning organization, and Felix McWhirtgal was'present at that humiliat- lification of the Palestine manNew Creighton P a n The plan include* ^ ' n , , | , on Disapproval of White his- product. Glass manufacturers er, Indianapolis banker: "More ing day during the siege of Jeru- date. ( i ) Prepwa^ioT o" i ' Hellenic President were skeptical and sought to dis-subpoenas are to follow," Dies Paper salem when the ribald Romans Paper Studied ei element o" SV »"ev <^ n<"wn - - F T J c 1 -,„ f ^_c n 1 v courage his efforts. Technical dif- said. • lowered over the wall an animal Expressing deep sympathy with Willard Smith, Rex of the Chi ficulties were constantly encounIn reply to a letter sent by local t h a t looked like a sheep to t h ethe plight of refugees, Hull told The committee was reported 100.000 Jev« bc'i ecr i-r famished Jews, but turned out to Dr. Goldman that the United Chapter of t h e P i Lambda P h i ered. Finally a patent was grant- to have correspondence in its pos-Zionist group protesting Britain's 18 fraternity, was named president ed, the first, it is believed, to be recent action in Palestine, Reprebe a pig instead. session indicating that Hamilton States government continues its taken out on an invention involv- conferred several times with Re- sentative Charles F . McLaughlin ^ lllM" (O ••*-••'A Segal met a Crusader in interest in the establishment of a p ^ P Vvi l ing a plate. serve Captain James E. Campbell, of the Second Congressional dis- ca 1 *") Mainz and shouted Sh'ma Yis- Jewish homeland in Palestine. Recently the plate — which cot who is active in spreading anti- trict advised that he had regisroel with his last breath as the Dr. Goldman said that Hull was only keeps the glass from sliding Semitic propaganda from Owens- tered his protest with Secretary of lional econo-n' JO Crusader plunged his sword into highly appreciative of the conoff, but also because of its con-boro, Ky., and supplied him with State Cordell Hull. f- m the Segal's bowels. A Segal camo structive work achieved by the struction permits the plates to bea list of national coramitteemen. Representative McL a u g h 1 i n over to America rather courag- Jewish pioneers in Palestine and stacked with food already on Hamilton said he had only had wrote in his reply: eously considering that he didn't also was mindful of the American them — was put on the market. routine This will acknowledge your correspondence with Caphave anything to start with — no interest in the Jewish homeland Circulars were sent out to foreign tain Campbell letter of 3Iay 20 in which you and this would not money, no English language, a o going back to the days of Presicenters and it was in response to have taken place had "any anti- voice the earnest protest of ^!ie friends. A Segal almost became a dent Wilson. Secretary Hull said this circular that the order was Semitic interest or activity been Jewish people r.pon the action rabbi who might even now be the he was not yet prepared to make received from Jerusalem. of Prime Minister Chamberlain indicated." chief rabbi of Temple- Emanuel, a formal statement on the Palesin issuing t h e "White Paper"' In honor of t h e first foreign Mosley t o Continue New York, hadn't he been expell- tine situation, but legal experts order, Mr. Leppke donated a set General Moseley, in a formal with' reference to -the status o£ ed froin. the . seminary. A Segal of the State department had been of glassware to the local Hadas- statement in SI Centro, Calif., the Jewish people in Palestine. ran for the state legislature on asigned to scrutinize t h e White sah chapter. said that "ail I am doing is to I have today addressee! a the New Deal platform." Paper carefully. ; continue to follow those patriotic cossiET-lcation to the Secretary 1 - - _^-so,vyou-.see, -the - Arbuthnots - • Senator -William-B..JCin-r, in.•: ai, Cbrijtls-a- American- , p r i Ticiples- of State advisiaj: hira €>£ t h e r haven't much on the-Segals In speech on the Senate floor, deJ protest tthicli I IJSTE 'receives wMeh have! governed me for a the experience'. of life nor have, nounced Britain's Palestine- decilifetime." He said i t was 'strange' from Eiasj- of IKJT constituents the" Segals much on the Arbuth- sion as a "betrayal of the Jews." that if one mentioned "any inter- with reference to the issn&sce nots. "Yes, I nave mused, it should A cabled appeal to Prime Minis*1 01 f 1 <l nationalisms or Zionism and their of the C&araberlain "Ti'hite Pa* be : a happy -union of two good ter Chamberlain to abide by the o 5 -> F i i 1 per'' to which yoa refer. increasing control in America, 1f families if I, having fallen in love Balfour Declaration was sent over t i 1 1 .1 I hai-e urged t h e Secretary then he is attacked from, all sides The g~£ c. c-"^T'ii"j, o ' •with MISB Arbuthnot, should mar- the signatures of William Green, 1r \ 1 " { of State to teke snch action as and even his life may be threatr i ry her. . IP n ( f> John L. Lewis, Senators Robert is consistent with our national isEd C o u c t ^ c ' l b •? ' i*l e r Service to Be Held This ened." 1 Yet ttiough'my heart positive- F. Wagner and Theodore F . i I . U I I <position to assure fair- treat- torrorrc-w c e n - c . "s e l b I Evening, Tomorrow Development of a well-organiz• —Matsuo Photo ly Bays Yes, my mind has been Green, Mayor Fiorello H. LaJnent and protection of t h e n a n s NBC c c h ev x. c v , i ed anti-Semitic campaign in the Morning Smith arguing the matter; Shall or shall Guardia and others. of Jewish people in Pal- the n U£ic £o~ i s rr— r^ r I I United States with General Mose- rights m f ' i not- marry Miss Arbuthnot. estine. I\ The American Federation of of the Creighton University Panley's support was charged "by -j ^ c f Confirmation services at the Why The Discussion ' r Assuring you of nsy desire to r Labor declared " i t is unthinkable Hellenic Council a t a banquet Dies on the basis of testimony a t o *ICP~* o ' h e c 11 •» e <Beth El Synagogue will begin this ' I -wouldn't mention such an in- and inconceivable that the Brit- held at Cesar's Country Club. co-operate with you. I remain. 1 the secret session. Dies made pubcho en a t a n e e . , t o " bo i L Organized in 1922 for the pur-Friday evening at S o'clock. The timate affair of my heart in this ish government would desert the Sincerely yours, i n lic portions o£ two letters writo£ QI ec^ois Leiu Is M, V e e t i i i I* - public way "had not Professor cause of humanity a t a period in pose of better regulating fratern- confirmation service will also be ten by General Moseley. HAKIE F . S5cLAtTGKliI>:. "• Tru^^r a" rrn»r n f fr ities, the Council gives direction observed tomorrow morning start•Ernest Albert Hooton, Harvard the world's history when civiliOne, to a New York National o succeed &?ir i f f "• T to all fraternity matters and sponing at 10 o'clock. anthropologist, brought the whole zation is hanging in the balance." Guard officer, said: "The fact is sors the annual Pan-Helenic ball. Members of the class a r e : thing to the light of day. He, m Draft Action 1 £•> e <=ec 6 L £ ' ; i_ecl E I t ti Pi Lambda Phi has taken an ac- Lorraine Abramson, daughter- that the most serious problem Collier's, wrote on the Jewish til nin. Zionist leaders from all parts l l confronting America today is just joiu . ' " i d L i e a u e , frO problem and gave what seemed of the country met" here a t a con- tive part in Pan-Hellenic work, ter of Mr. and Mr. Isadore Ab- this problem of the Jew and how Ben Shrier have served a s treasramson. ] r 1 'to him the right answer: "There ference under the chairmanship l I and later as vice-president of Marilj-n Adler, daughter of get rid of Ms influence definitep t-' F*O' is but-one-remedy. That is theof Dr. Stephen S. Wise to draft urer 1 r ly —• locally, nationally and inCouncil. 1 be hade*- fbp si.i>e"*i- o r Ov and Mrs. Leo J . Adler. l e v - v f V ^ ~e o assimilation of t h e Jewish minor- a program of . action. The NewtheSmith, ! a law student, Is the Geraldine Bernstein, daughter ternationally." The second, to a v ell-knov r chpi * TI 0 n t ] P ities by intermarriage . . . If we England delegation, headed by first member reserve army captain, declared: of the fraternity to Fars 'o J e " c i t " \ eg c 1 O Ei \ t>pp he . '•• could get all of the Jews In this Elihu D. Stone of Boston, re- be honored with the Pan-Hellenic of Sir. and Mrs. Max W . Bern- "If the Jews bump me off, be District President Will Be frrcec a Cr 1mx "< c p-rr - r FPt stein. J z f Jl I i country to outmarry, it would ceived a promise of support from presidency. Honored on to see that they r e t ths cre\ef\°"' r'p' or i e^'.f Betty Cohn, daughter of Mr. sure i -i ^ p r v 1 It ••1 leaven the lump oE Gentile stu- Senators Walsh and Lodge of dit for it from coast to coast. It June 7 T h e i r i i ^ k i s r c C O L E ~ ' < uL ie« and Mrs. Arthur A. Coha. c , o m'r V ' • • Pldity • • • They would confer a Massachusetts and the entire Harriet Giefman, daughter of will help oar cause." i < \ \l o u f~ a great genetic boon upon man- state delegation in Congress. Archie Cohen. President of the ^er^CT-i v , f F F"i r i " ? ^ f «l~ Secret Testimony Mr. and Mrs. Sam Giefnian. 1 t • 1 i f-l kind and a t the same time would 1 District Grand Lodge No. 6 of Dr. Goldman talked t o exSix witnesses were heard by the PSJ'OE. h " P Sally Mae .Gross, daughter of 1 ' n u * BOlve their own problems. Most Supreme Court Justice Louis D. committee under precautions to S'nai B'rith. will be the guest of Sir. and Mrs. Jacob Gross. T T> i !T 1 1 p O of us could do with a little Jew- Br-andeis and later stated: "Mr. the 3ocal lodge at a.-stag and field ensure the utmost secrecy. ComMiriain Novak, daughter of Mr. r<1 1' i fr o ish blood and intelligence. 1 am mittee- members declared they had day to be held on Wednesday, Brandeis is deeply moved by the and Mrs. Ben Novak. V ^r ! June 7, at the Highland Countn sure that I could and I think that „-. r (Continued on page 8.) (Continued on page 8.) Frieda Riekes, daughter of Mr. Club. : - a little of that strain, at the very , X 1! 1 11Members of the Senior Women's and Mrs. Carl Biekes. least, would have improved the The afternoon will be devoted to Betty Saks, daughter of Mr. 1 gym classes a r e planning a gala shape p i my nose." golf and baseball. Dinner -win be evening of fun and entertainment and Mrs. Phillip Saks. served at 6.-SO, at. which time Mr Thus Professor Hooton brought for Monday evening, June 5, at Marjorie Silvenaan, daughter Cohen will speak. Entertainment my problem to the mind of the of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverusan. 7:30 when the first all-women's and cards will follow. t \ nation so that it is no longer a Pearl Sommer, daughter of Mr. gym test will be staged in ;the matter between me and my heart Tickets are $1.25 2nd mav b<= and Mrs. Harry L. Somiaer. Center gymnasium. i 1 gotten frpm Salewin JJichnicfc" 4,'t" and my mind. Professor Hooton rn-'T be * o If Beverly Zlotky, daughter of r p o Included on the evening's pro1 U755. • as much as says, "Segal, you C e i , f I t\ M" gram will be games, entertain- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zlotky. Bhould marry Miss Arbuthnot for The final meeting of th? iorr! Only- girls a r e confirmed a t ment, and refreshments. i il (I ' t h e sake of improving the generB'nai B'rith lodge will be held or Beth El. Participating in the program The Department of History and Monday. June S. in the iodse- o u r r ? 1 ! T^ a t i o n of the Arbuthnots." After hearing a financial re- will be the following women: The parents of the confirmands n r Religion of the City Talmud Torah roorn at the Jewish Corcmuiiiti 1 hadn't thought of the matter port on the performance of "Shu. ti i n . Class, Mrs. Edward Lin- will receive in their honor on Sun- announces that the annual closing Center. Reports or ell t h s stanci•in that way. 1 had merely consid- lamith", the Workmen's.- Circle Morning day, May 28, from 3 to 6, at the coln, Mrs. H. C. Dross, Mrs. Bess day exercises will be held on Sun- mg committees will be sij'bmit.tec"' ered t h e satisfaction of my ownDramatic Club at its last meeting Mrs. F . A. Pardun Blackstone Hotel. day, May 2S, at the Jewish Com- at this time. New officers' for the 'J'f r f n l - ->- T p r - f " - c r . rapt heart. If I thought of pos-Saturday night, May 20, passed Plummer, Mrs. E. E. Sommers, Mrs. J. Stolmunity Center auditorium at coming year are to be elected. terity a t all it was only to consid- a resolution to send 550.50 to theer, Mrs. C. Lewis, Mrs. William 10:30 a. m. The Bres.dbres.kers group which er that Arhuthnots are all right Jewish refugees of Europe. Kaiman, Mrs. Stella Jensen, Mrs A Keren Ami Tableau will be meet every Thiirsdsy t t the Ell:-. and Segals are all right and a The money will be sent through B. A. Marsh, Mrs. Frank Shames presented a n d p rizes award- Club will ccr.tirnie its gatherings union of tbern ought to turn out the general office of t h e Work- Mrs. Henry Pederson, and Mrs ed the pupils for outstanding ach- throughout the summer.' men's Circle in New York. all right/ C(l"'* o ''i P" Peter Greenberg. ievement during the year. The Dramatic Club also expressLi But now Dr. Members of the Evening Class Ben E. Kazlowsky, president of \^ all horribly to my conscience and ed it sincere appreciation to taking part a r e : Kathryn Shively, the Talmud Torah will deliver the I am frightened. The Arbuthnots those who participated in the pre- Bernice Murphy, Mary Donahue ; principal address. Musical selecin all their generations have liv- sentation of the play "Shulamith" Pearl Murphy, Mrs. Fern Zizulak tions will be sung by the Choral _. i r ed happier lives than Segais. and to the Yiddish' public whose May Krinston, Eva Ruderman group. .What I .mean £o say is an Arbuth- attendance made the donation of Elinor Cohen, Mrs. Eva Kimmel Rabbi David H. Vv'ice and Mor- Parents and friencts of the pu- Starting tfcis evening the summoney possible. not always had been just an ArBetty Tuchman, and Genevieve ris 2 . Jacobs will journey to Kan- pils bare been cordially invited to mer schedule for services v.-i?i fp F if 1 ! ' » < ! i u i | observed by Tern pie Israel. " buthnot and as' an Arbuthnot has Schneckenbuger. sas City. Missouri, to represent attend. Friday evening services will bi= been judged.. The University of Omaha danc- the Union of American Hebrew held every Friday everi-cg st 7:SP Never has it been said to &n ers, under t h e direction of Miss Congregations this evening at serin the vestry room cf the Temple Arbuthnot that he was disqualiRuth Diamon, will give a program vices at the Temple B'nai Jeliufia. | There will be no sermon, fied because of his racial origin; of modern dancing. Rabbi Wice will represent the j This evening. ;n the absence c Members of the Pioneer Womevery Arbuthnot was always alrabbinate and Mr. Jacobs the layr p X i EEbbi David K. \Vics.} lowed to stand oa his own feet en and the Foali Zion will meet men at the service which is the and be judged by bis own merits. Tuesday, May 30, a t 8 p. m. a t Kansas City meeting of the Lay- Ellis WeitEtnan, who is working ! rrefiericfe Gctn will cor.fiurt the the home of Mrs. Sam, for Ms Doctor of Philosophy de- j service. > "Individuals: me.a's Toar. '"- Perhaps 1 should mention here 2S11 Hamilton street, to. hear The tv>o Omahans will speak on gree at the University of NebrasT - r' v 1 ! ka, has been elected vice-presi(and l ' b r i n g i t ' u p with no lack Mrs. G. Simhonith of Palestine. Li. C. Denise, President of th "Democracy and Religion." Prev- dent of t h s Nebraska chapter of i-ars. t ; Mrs. Simhonith comes to this r u r of esteem' for Arbuthnots) that iously the two conducted the LayOmaha Presbyterian Seminary, an Arbuthnot was.Banged i n En-country as the representative of was one of the lifty-one American men's tour service in St. Joseph, Psi Chi, national" honorary Psychology society. gland in t h e 17th • century. Yet the Pioneer Women, the women's Protestant and Catholic clergymen Missouri. I Washington (JTA1 — T.Irs Mr. Weitzraaa is a graduate as- i Eleanc-r Roosevelt urged that "v:r this unlufppyv: incident never has division of the Palestine Labor who signed an appeal to the BritFederation. sistant i s the department of Edu- been brought up; against Arbuthj keep ourselves in a spirit of real ish parliament to uphold "Britcational Psychology and MeESure- i tr "-r~ca. real C^TLC-EC:-' - nots-'.-.''.':.; 1'; there's an Arf i ain's .solemn obligations" to the meats. • buthnot for :you. That's t h e way Jungle Law Jews of Palestine. : -. 1 of Arbnthnots" . . . No, nothing Bishop Harry S. Longley Iowa 1 js.tffi • L o s e o s Lyon, France (JTA)—Presi- was another of the signers. • • - like,,thiiV ever h a s been said, for The Jewish National Workers h i Bucharest fJTA) every Arbuthnbt was condemned dent" Edouard Herriot of the Alliance, Poali Zion, will hold its f i only: for his own faults. French Chamber of Deputie Michael Sargon, a J e w of! regular meeting; on Thursday, pharmacists wfco wers depriv^j ef i "F C ."Arbuthnots kept ou gathering branded Nazi racial and political Cochin, was the first missionary June 1, at S:30 p. n . at" the Jew-! their citizenship in the receat re-i .honors and respect despite the theories "jungle law" that, re- in India for the London Society ish Community Ce-nts?r ' i vision of naturaliss-ticns ^ were Center. 1 . Arbuthnot who hanns on the fam- duced men to the "level o f ani- for the Promotion of Christianity. As important business is to be notified by ths authorities ily tree. If this Arbuthnot was re- mals." He spoke before a youth Later • he conducted a Jewish discussed, all members have bees they would not "be permitted to in (Coatimiea on page 3.) school. ; . . . • asked to be present. .organization here. | continue i s tlieir 'professloxi.
"Passive Resistance" Policy Follows Series of at Central High.
Rabbi Wice to Give Graduation Talk
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H i
~1 T 5
> 1
f £ . p
Palestinian to Speak Tuesday
" ^ r-
Omahan I to Honor Society
Omaha Educator Signs Protest
j .
Workers Alliance to ., -Meet-on Thursday
* -
Paste 2
I luncheon, Mayor LaGuardia de- that the measure was necessary, of the Cornhusker, the. University W." m e a n i n g WIrtschattllch • year-book. E d w i n Wittenberg, Wertvoli (economically valuable), nounced dictatorships and plead- because Nazi agents were poaiag Lincoln, waso freappolnted as a in addition to the usual " J " (Jewed for absolute and complete as refugees. The German Consul news editor the Daily Nebra- I lsh). freedom of speech. "There Is no denied the charge, but the Sydney, skan. The Business Manager of such tbing as selective freedom Keraifl quoted evidence that in* Jewish physicians, in addition . the Awgwan is to be Leonard Fri- to engineers and chemists, are beof Epeech," be said. "As long as formation oa refugees was regu« edel, Omaha. He will be serving ing wooed by the Gestapo for I am mayor of the City of New larly being- transmitted to th0 his1 second consecutive semester posts in Germany. Some, after a New York (JTA) — Secretary York, 1 am going to protect the Reich. in that capacity. three-day period of reflection of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace, fundamental principles of the i ^ , , George Frishcher, Kansas City, granted by the Gestapo, are refus- addressing a banquet of B'nai American go\-ernmeEt and the j Saul Solomon, for many years B'rith District Grand Lodge No. fellow who disagrees with me will was awarded the chapter's scho- ing the offers. larship cup because of his excel1 at the Hotel Astor, defined have just as much right to his ! leader of the South African Lib-' lent scholastic average for the j true Americanism as "synom- say as anyone else. What is go- j eral party, was often called thfl The subject of Immigration dence departed from these shores gration from Germany. first semester of this year. | ous with religious tolerance and ing to happen to this country i£ 1 "Cape Disraeli." is being widely discussed and, for other countries. Thus, during A dinner was held at the chapracial tolerance.." The banquet any executive, or group of execuFrom July 1, 1933, through as is true <>f most mass theoris- the 6ix-year period that roughly June 30, 1934—4,392 total immi- ter house in honor of the five featured the lodge's STth annual • tives. has the right to say who INVEST SAPELV, WISEUY IN ing, ha? fcfcsn subjected to mis- approximates the years of the gration from Germany. graduating seniors. They are convention. | has the right of free speech?" information, a n d conceptions Nazi regime in Germany, 4,487 j _ From July 1, 1934, through Stanley Slosburg, retiring PresiIntroduced by Henry Monsky, statistically false. In order to more aliens departed than were June 30, 1935—5,201 total immi- dent; Jerome Milder, retiring international president of B'nai Annuity, Enaowmerst, Uf» present to the American public admitted Vice-president; Ernest Wintroub, to the United States. gration from Germany. Berlin (Havas) — Assertions B'rith, Wallace appealed to all to Ask . Refugees to Register the true- pdctuc© ol refngee im- During this retiring treasurer; Howard Kapsix-year period the From July 1, 1935, through that "contamination" of the Ger- "do everything we can to make jnisratloa to t i l s country, t a e quota laws permitted Reppesenis d Strong Companan immigra- June 30, 1936—6,346 total immi- lan, editor of the Daily Nebra- man nation by Jewish blood is America God's chosen land, the Sydney. Australia ( J T A ) — ies—Every Type of Insurant* ; skan for the past semester; and • fallowing figures, based on tion of 922,644, whereas only gration from Germany. land oj equal opportunity for and Bonds Written. "far more profound than s genJewish immigrants were urged in Kuklin, member of the Var- erally realized" are being checked all." His address was broadcast statistics ctec&ea by the Jmml- 241,962 immigrants were admitFrom July 1, 1936, through Irvin CAi-i. AT 766? or WA 6180 a newspaper advertisement to sity tennis team. Ernest Wintroub g r a t i o n and Naturalization ted for permanent residence, only June 30, 1937—10,895 total imCity Finance & Insurance C«t register with Jewish relief sociis returning to continue law by a giant census of "people, pro- over the NBC blue network. Service of the V. S. Department about 26 per cent of the quota al- migration from Germany. fessions and businesses." In an address at the convection eties. The societies explained school for the next two years. of Labor, were compiled t y tbo lowance. Of those admitted durFrom July 1, 1937, through The poll, scheduled for a year Committee for CstJiolic Befu- ing this six-year period over 50 June 30, 1938—17,199 total imago and twice postponed because gees.from Gerjsany, the Ameri- per cent were children under 18, migration from Germany and of the Austrian Anschluss in can Committee for Christiau- persons past 45, and married Austria. March, 1938, and the Sudeten anGerman KeJpgefis and the Na- women. From July 1, 1932, through nexation the following September tional Co-ordinating Committee presents interesting innovations. For the fiscal year ending June Juna 30, 1938—45,952 total imfor Aid to Refugees and Emi- 30, 1938, the year of the so-called migration from Greater GerBesides the regular form, a spegrants, Coming from Germany. "great cial questionnaire must be rerefugee immigration," many. —THE EDITOR. turned to authorities in a sealed there was a net immigration into To this.six-year total of 45,952, envelope. this country for permanent resi- the number of Germans who have Von Neurath Refuses to come to this country as permaFor the six and a half year pe- dence of only 42,685. In it each person promises unSign Anti-Jewish riod. July 1, 1932, through DeFigures for 1938 appear even nent immigrants since July 1, der the threat of prison to answer 1932, may be added the 19,452 cember 30, 1938, there has been smaller when compared with the Legislation "according to his soul and conan immigration to this country of immigration figures of 1929, the immigrants who have entered this science", whether his parents or only 65,404 Germans. (These last year before the depression, country from Germany (including London (JTA) — R e l i a b l e grandparents were Jews or of years include the entire period a n i the figures for 1924, the high Austria) through December 30, Prague advices said Reich Protec- mixed blood. Apparently high since the advent of National So- point of post war immigration. 1938. Thus there are only 65,404 tor Baron von Neurath had refus- circles want to emphasize the excialism in Germany.) In 1929 there was a net immigra- German immigrants (in all) who ed to sign the Prague Govern- tent and significance of Semitic Assuming an immigration this tion increase for permanent resi- have come to this country in the ment's projected anti-Jewish law blood in the German community, year from Germany, including dence of 210,475; in 1924, the six and a half years from July 1, as insufficiently stringent. since the census proper reveals Baron von Neurath was said to as Jews only those persons who Austria, of 27,370, the total al- net increase was 630,107. In oth- 1932,- through December 30, 1938, the period since the present er words, the 1938 net immigrabe opposed to clauses in the law adhere to the Israelite faith. lowable under quota regulations, which provided for the following: there will be in this country by tion was only one-fifth that of Cerman regime. Young people with one or two June 30, 1939, less than 75,000 1929 and one-fifteenth that of On the basis of the figures for (1) Setting up of a class of "hon- Jewish grandparents may belong Germans who have come here in 1924. six and a half years since July 1, orary Aryans:" (2) violation of to the Hitler Youth Organization, the seven years since the advent Based upon a population of 1932, there has been a net immi- the Rassenschande (racial pollu- but not to its elite division, of'National Socialism in Germany. 130,000,000 the 1938 aet immi- gration to this country of 43,042 tion) principle by permitting mix- known as the Stamm-Hitler Ju-.For the last fiscal year, July 1, gration to this country represent- Germans. (This figure is arrived ed marriages with the proviso gend, which directs the training .1937, through June 30, 1938, ed less than 4-100 of 1 per cent at by deducting 22,362, the num- that the "Aryan" partner would of the others. Das Junge Deutschthere was a net immigration to of our population. ber of aliens who returned to be considered a Jew;. (3) admis- land, official review of the Hitler this, country fTom all countries of Figures on Total Immigration Germany from this country, from sion of 50 Jewish lawyers to the Youth, published an explanatory the world of only 42,685 persons. It is generally acknowledged 65.4CT4). Thus, for the past six Prague bar; (4) Incomplete "Ar- commentary on the recent decree For the six-year period, July 1, tjat the truest measurement of and one-half years there bas been yanization" of Jewish business; calling for obligatory service in 1932, through June 30, 1938, the immigration is, as shown by the an annual net immigration to this (5) an "excessive" percentage of the organization. years since the advent of-Nation- figures above, the net change in country from Germany of 6,622 Jews an some professions. The Gestapo has conducted daily al Socialism 'in Germany, 4,487 immigrants here for permanent persons per annual. Aloys Wiener, who in 1741 be- J more aliens- left -this country per- stay. Some propagandists have It is Interesting to compare the raids on restaurants and cafes in came professor of Semitics at the j .nvanently than were admitted for used the figure of 252,697 to rep- total immigration per annum for Prague. Agentfe armed with revol- University of Vienna, was a conpermanent residence. resent the number of immigrants the past six years with the total vers raided the National Safe verted Jew. 1 admitted into this country during immigration from Germany dur- seeking "Czech rebels and suspicPresent V. S. Immigration ious Jews."A number of Jewish the fiscal year ending June 30, ing the years 1919 to 1932. The Greatly Exagerated 193S. The use of this quarter for that period was 426,- prospective emigrants were deCiil Us For The statements made above are million total, however, is mis- total 326, or an average immigration prived of all their possessions are nEBMtZ taken from the official records of leading for it includes 184,802 of 30,452 per year.- In other now unable to leave the country the V. S. Immigration and Natur- non-emigrants who came to this words, an average • Attics • Kitchen* • Bsumcnu of over four for lack of train fare. alization Service. ; They may be country during the year as tem- times as many immigrants The Gestapo in Prague has de• Re.roofina • Insulation came better understood in the light of porary visitors (tourists, students, here from Germany before Hitler cided not to issue emigration per• Re.siding the present regulations govern- diplomats and other foreign govmits to Jewish engineers, archiNO DOWN PAYMENT ing immigration to this country. ernment officials, persons in tran- as came after Hitler. tects, physicians and pharmacists. Easy Monthly Payment* Immigration to the United sit, etc.). Such temporary visiThe passports of such persons will Ct?.te3 has been restricted by tors are required to leave the be marked with the letters "W. R11CKLIN LUMBER CO. ruota regulations since 1921. We country at the expiration of their 19th & Nicholas fits. JA £000 ere now. operating UHder the re- limited stay permits; The govstrictions of the natibnal origins ernment is rigidly enforcing this Alpha Theta has reached new Jaw enacted In 1924 • and as provision. During the 1338 fis- heights in the field of campus acreceded in 1929. Under the law, cal year, 197,404 non-emigrants tivities during the past year. In r. total of 153,774 quota immi- left the country. In other words, so doing it has not allowed the grants are allowed to come to this 1938's 184,802 incoming noa-im- standards of scholarship to sufcountry annually and • of this mig'rants were balanced by a n fer, however, as evidenced by the number. 83,574 are assigned'to even greater number, of non-im- fact that Alpha Theta ranked Great Britain and Ireland, coun- migrants, 197,404 who left this third among the twenty-six social triss which last year -(ending country' during the same period. fraternities on the campus accordJune 30, 1938) used only 4,551 of Consequently, when you consider ding to the recent announcement their total. Under this circum- all alienB entering the country as published by the Dean of Student stance, quota immigration is lim- set against all aliens leaving the Affairs. ited to approximately 75,000 an- country the figure for aliens enBecause of the appointments nuclly. tering the United States during for next semester made by the Ask Us About Our As there is still an annual emi- the 1938 fiscal year Is reduced to University Publications . Board, the chapter feels that its eviable gration from this country of 30,083. position in journalistic actiivties aliens previously admitted for •permanent, residence, the net in- Number of German Refugees In is* secure for the.coming year. IrWORLD-FAMOUS This Country vin Sherman, Omaha, newly initcrease of aliens admitted for perFrom July 1, 1932, through iated Innocent, was chosen to fill manent residence during the year July 1..1938, through June 30, June 30, 1933—1,919 total Immi- the position of Business Manager 1039. is likelyto be in the neighborhood of from 60,000" to" 65,00O. • Figures on Permanent Net immigration For the six-year period, July 1, 1932, through Jaue 30, 1938, There la No Substitute for Quality «ad Fashion' .241,062 imigrants were admitted into the United States for permanent residence. During the same six-year period 246,449 immigrants previously admitted to this country for permanent resi-
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nowadays the drive and energy of violated the Palestine mandate. able truce and just solution beAmerican life has made its im- Prime Minister Neville Cham- : tween Arabs and Jews." press on him and his expression berlain was queried regarding the | Addressing a Zionist protest of it is primarily through the American Government's attitude meeting, Capt. Austin Hudson, American equivalent of the Euro- toward the White Paper. He was Parliamentary I"ndersecretary in pean peasants whom he loves to asked to state whether, in accord- ; the Transport Ministry, expressed draw. In his murals a t the ance with the Anglo-American ; disappointment at the GoveraWorld's Fair there is the farm- Convention cf 1924 covering , raent's Palestine policy which he er's family with the baby taking American Tights in the Holy Land, : termed "nebulous and terribly its first steps, the workers in the | the United States has approved He expressed the hope that field gathering hay, the laborers modification of the Palestine man- ,' rigid." corn-promise might result after digging city streets. "This is a ydate as proposed in the new Brit- ; a the debate in Parliament. He said symphony," he says. ish policy. j partition seemed a like solution j and was still hopeful that some In his introduction to the first KatSio Debate At the two great Fairs now scattered asound them." | scheme of federation might result. one-man exhibit held in New York portraits already executed. Among The British Broadcasting Com- I Secretary MacDonald informed simultaneously in progress at of Mr. Romano's works, John ErsThe group has something of the them is a brilliant portrait study 3iew T o r t and San Francisco metaphysical quality o£ Debussy's of the Polish writer, a friend of kine says, "Originally this ar- pany arranged a 3 5-minute poli- : Commons that steps have been tical debate on Palestine, .followare the murals of Emannel Ro- impressionistic music. he Glichensteins, Joseph Opato- tist's work showed only his out-ing conclusion of the Commons ; taken to empower the High Commano, son of Enrico Glichenj missioner lor Palestine to prohibpouring of his inner self. He told Painted for People shu whose "In Polish "Woods" has Btein, world-famed sculptor. He me once that life on the outside debate. Colonial Secretary Mal- I it and regulate land transfers in just been published by the Jewish But there is vigor and dynamic colm MacDonald was to speak for has changed bis name so that • the Holy Lar.rt. in accordance with is rather dull — only the -world in the paintings which Publication Society. his art might be jndged for its power within us is deep. But now his the Government. David Lloyd : the terms of tVi? White Paper. His show the college boys at their One of the most noteworthy own sake rather than on t h e sports, youthful and full of powmurals of circus performers or George for the Liberals and Tom \ povrers are retroactive to May 18. strength of his father's recog- er. And an almost wistful sym- Portarits Mr. Romano has done workmen in cafes and subways in- Williams for the Laborites. A resolution appealing to the nition and genius. In. this arti- pathetic quality which pervades during his stay in America is that dicate that for him the differcle, Miss Kahn present a brief, the faces of the men and women of Judith Anderson when she was ence between the inner and the British Government for a reconInformation Wanted intimate study of the artist and who sit in what purports to be the playing the leading role in Piran- outer life is now disappearing. He sideration of its Palestine policy his work. THE EDITOR waiting rooms of an insurance dello's "As You Desire Me." It sees subject after subject every- as unacceptable to the Jews and was Miss Anderson jointly with "Information is wanted of company, waiting to pay their pre- John Erskine the musician and where around him in the actual a v i o l a t i o n of international KLEE. -who deserted Visitors at the two World's miums. This same brooding qual- novelist who acted as sponsors of world, and he imposes his inner pledges was adopted unanimously LOUIS his wife and child in Cleveland, Fairs in New York and in Sanity health system of the insur- the first New York exhibition or self upon what he sees." Ohio, a number of years ago, Francisco will have an opportun- ance company, as they bend over paintings in a one-man show held New Yorkers will have a chance j Dr. Israel Feldman declared the leaving them unprovided for ity to view the work of Emanuel the new-born babies in the simple by Mr. Romano in 1931. to see another one-man show by [ White Paper ignored not only the and since then has failed to Romano, the only artist to be giv- home Mr. Romano has portrayed. But it was Boston which gave Mr. Ramano this fall, when he B a l f o u r Declaration and thecontribute to their support, as "en the honor of preparing murals "I painted these murals," he the young artist (he is still in his will exhibit, among others, the League of Nations Mandate but a result of which his family is for both expositions.. For the past says, "not merely for these glor- thirities) his first warm welcome portraits of Opatoshu, the family "milleniuias of Jewish history." in destitute circumstances and two years, Mr. Romano, resident ious World's group of Enrico Glichenstein and Fairs, but for thein America. The deputies, he said, as British dependent on the charities. Mr. in this country during the past ten whole American his wife, the lovely portrait of people, from the citizens "have the privilege, duty Klee. who is believed to be in years, has been a t work on these old folks whom I show sitting at Dorothy Adlow, the critic, says his sister, which he calls | and right to inform British opin- Nebraska, is 53 years of age, 5 murals, which deal primarily with the end of their life, viewing the of him "When he first came to Beatrice, "Expectation." ion and the British Government feet 11 inches tall, has brown the theme of the working classes panorama around them from their Boston in 1930 with a sheaf of It is to the credit of the whole that in presenting the proposals hair (bald), brown eyes, is an and public health. : drawings under his arm he was porches, to the little children who Jewish people that this artist has they are asking them to run coun- automobile salesman by occu.They were executed for the are .as yet unaware of the prob- unknown to us, although already been taken to the hearts of Ainer- ter to major British interests." pation. Anyone aware of his successful in numerous cities of ict; that he has chosen for his "World's Fair's' exhibits of the lems which lie before them." location is requested to comMetropolitan Life Insurance. AfFederal Solution municate with the National In everything he does, whether Europe. When he drew his draw- theme that conception of unity in ter the Fairs have been concluded, it is the portrait of Erich Cohn's ings out, one by one, people saw American life in which Catholic, A federal solution of the Fales- Desertion Bureau, 67 West the murals, it is announced, will little Evelyne, or the famous pic- that Mr. Romano's distinction lay Protestant, Jew and Negro are j tine problem, extending beyond Forty-seventh street, New York be installed permanently in theture of the Italian dramatist Pir- chiefly in his courageous and in- united — in what he calls a "pic- the artificial frontiers created 20 City." main building of the insurance andello, which hangs in the Lou- defatigable experimentation. It ture of the whole American peo- years ago, was advocated by memcompany, in New York City, as an vre, the lines are simple and im- lay also in his fearlessness to ple." bers of the Royal Commissioners, illustration of the American peo- pressive, and at the same time paint subjects with literary signifin a joint letter to The Times, ple reached by insurance. icance and even with religious i (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts counselled acceptance of federal dynamic. The Jews are supposed to have 'This is not the first time that "Working at these World's content." principles as a provisional basis ; first come to Saxony in the year Feature Syndicate.)* Mr. Romano has chosen for hisFair conceptions has made me of agreement, declaring they be- ,1000 in the train ot the LomIt is with' this strongly spirittheme, subjects drawn f r o m aware of what murals can do inual feeling that Mr. Romano has lieved this to be the "only honor- 1 bards. American life, in the ten years of the life of the passer-by," Mr. executed a powerful painting his work in this country. In 1937 Romano stated, "and i t is my be- which shows the Jewish features he also was chosen to illustrate lief that here in America we shall of a 20th Century Christ surthe w;alls of the Men's room at the see the renaissance of the great rounded by belmeted grotesque Old People's home on Welfare Is- f r e s c o paintings of classical figures and booted police with upland New York. And for the de- times." lifted clubs. At his feet is a snarllight of the "aged and the friending dog and a boy who makes derFamily of Artists less, he prepared a joyous canvas isive gestures. The figures of Opposition to Proposal All his life Emanuel Romano with figures and scenes drawn has been surrounded by art and Christ, with closed eyes and outVoiced in House of from the gay circuses of their artists, so that when he paints in stretched hands stands passive unCommons childhood. ; der the threats of a hateful world. a thoroughly modern fashion, it Those among us who remember is because he is distinctly aware He entitled it simply "1939" and London (JTA) — Britain's Palwith delight the marbles, the of 20th century values, but a skill calls it a "portable church mural." estine policy was subjected to a sculptured wood, the beautiful and technique based on classical Children Illustrations vigorous attack by Laborites and pbrtarits busts of Enrico Glich- tradition. The charming children's story, some Conservatives and Liberals enBtein, winner; of the Prix de In his own family, both his by Manny Leib, published by the in a two-day debate in the House Home, and international recogni- mother and only sister are artists. Ferlag Kinder Ring of the Worktion throughout Europe a n d Each of the family works in a men's Circle, and illustrated by of Commons which preceded a America, will be happy t o know particular mediuiji; the mother is Mr. Romano, present another side vote Tuesday night on a motion that Emanuel Romano, portrait well-known for iber pottery, and of this young man whose talents approving the Government's polpainter as well as muraliist, ill his Beatrice, the sister, is a worker have led him artistically in many icy. Labor Party and a group son. in the exquisite tooled leather of directions. "I love children," he of The conservatives had submitted Own Fame the Florentines. On both sides says, "and £o I find -children's motions calling for postponement • When questioned as to why he Emanuel Romano is descended stories the easiest to illustrate." had chosen the name "Romano," from 3 line of sculptors and ar- Another one of his most success- of the vote pending a ruling from he said, with the delightful sim- tists, and both maternal uncles ful attempts in this field is thethe League of Nations Mandates Bticity which characterizes t h e are painters. powerful yet simple illustrations Commission on whether the policy man, " I wanted to be-known» not for the little poem "A , .Steam In his studio on Long Island, lor my father's sake, but if I de- Romano has many drawings and Shovel for Me!" by "Vera Edelstat 4 BOOM Apt. Furnished l o r served it, for. my own." sketches, some of them studies for which was brought out in book separate HossekeepiEjj. Elecform with full page color illustra- tricity, Gas, Heat and Water "Romano," the second name tions by Mr. Romano. given their son by the Glichenfurnished. Call WE 3327. steine when they came to Italy Through everything he does from their native Poland, just belore tetnanuel was born, was cho«en according to the artist, "-because Italy seemed a place of freedom and liberty for Jews after life in Poland, and so my parents called me 'Emanuel Romano' for thfe city in which they began to take up their hew life." It is ironic that in "the same city Of "freedom and liberty" both the works -of the elder Glichensteins .and of the younger Romano, are held, and for various reaBons, cannot be ' transported to this country in which the- entire family now makes its home. I t is interesting that Emanuel Romano, with' his roots in the classical tradition of Italy, Switzerland, and France, where - he studied, has found the conceptions for his murals a t the World's • When you push the brake Fairs in our middle-class AmeriOMAHA can people. pedal of a 1939 Ford V-8, you The subject of the murals deal come to s. straight, sraooth vrith the every-day life in which MAY 27 —JULY 4 most of us will recognize his counstop from any speed. Dally Except Sunterpart. There is'the entire family day and 4 Mondays •pour tig 12-aacla isr&lse-emrsis sitting in a parlor decorated with > in Juno conventional pieces of furniture: and 162 square rarfses of there is the women in the city LA » DAY courtyard, watching'their children brake Ifciss £n"c yea qslck Tuesday and Friday at play- A wvhole series of panels stops and Icajj life. deal, with laborers and workers u Juno building the industrial city of toThese big Isydrsslic brakes morrow, and other panels depict the farmers laboring in the fields. ADMISSION a r e p a r t of t h e EXTRA "I thought of Debussy's 'Childi n c l u d i n g . QUALITY y o u find a l l ren's Corner,'" Mr. Romano said, GRANDSTAND "when I painted" the children's gh a Ford V-S. playroom, in which the toys are
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Page, A
spring, became the white-haired boy of the quasi-fascists, now Announce Btfn is being damned as a Jew-lover and otherwise made sport of. on Grand Mufti One recoils at the amount of publicity being given to such By Dr. Theodore X. Lewis, London (Vv'KS-Palcor Agency)' utter rascality. Newspaper practice makes it mandatory that Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, —Haj Amin el Husseini, exiled until the charges against the Jews have been disproved they Sioux City Mufti of Jerusalem now in Lebanon. viLl not be allowed to reare permitted a vestige of credulity. By OSWALD GARRISON VIXXARD turn to Palestine. sX least for the There are those who would say let the festering sores run "JTJmJAISM AND THE AMERIimmediate future, the House of CAN MIND." PHILIP DAVID EDITOR'S NOTE: An ilium- ! this. We are gcinj •oir.g to modernize con-'moniT-vvE? Told by ColoneTsectheir course in the hope that time would heal them, that too BOOKSTABER. BLOCH PUB- inating article by a veteran ! the. Balkans wit dth great, speed,; e t a r v Malcolm AlacDonald ia remuch publicity will only suggest to others means of venting LISHING C O M P A X X. 240 journalist and liberal is this ! putting in new roads, new r a i 1 : !yplying Grenfell. to D. 1 PAGES. $3.50. •which relates succinctly and I roads, dex-eloping' the mines, ana The government cannot lose hatred. But sores that fester unheeded may also kill. The the moral disintcgra- I building factories that will help sight of the fact, Mr. MacDonald time has come for all those charges against the Jews to be I have known the author of feelingly tion of the German people as a j us. and we are certain that you said, that the Mufti is not only "Judaism and t h e Ameriean result of the unscrupulous tac- | will not refuse to loan us yoi aired before a fair body of responsible citizens. the head oi" an organization r e Mind" for many years and most being pursued by Adolph surplus funds, because you can- j EpO nsible for a campaign Of terThis is not the first time in history that Jews have been intimately. Dr. Bookstaber was | tics Hitler in his international deal- not fail to have noticed what hap- ' rO rism ?nd assassination against j British and Jews but is also t h e accused of dastardly plots. Thousands of Jews died on thethe very first person that greet- ings. Hitler's open advocacy pened to "Czechoslovakia." me about 19 years ago when and practice of falsehood and This information reached me head of a faction which for many false charge of poisoning wells and thereby causing the hor-ed I arrived at Cincinnati to begin chicanery as means to an end, before the final destruction of months past pursued persistently rible black death. The Hussite movement in Bohemia was laid my studies a t the Hebrew Union has had a boomerang effect i Czechoslovakia and before they ;a. similar campaign against large The welcome was so cor- and is being imitated by the ! published treaty with Rumania j numbers of Arabs. It was deat the door of the Jewish population, which probably had litcollege. dial and warm that the memory man-in-lhe-strect. t h roughont | had demonstrated the intention j tided, therefore, to exclude him tie or no knowledge of John Huss's teachings. The Protestant of it still lingers. In the inter- the nation, acording to ?>Er. | of the Hitler government, to make j indefinitely from Palestine. years, I have come to Villard. His article appeared in 1 the Balkan state into feeders oi' Reformation in Poland was wiped out, but not until a series vening know and to admire the spendid a recent issue of The Nation. | trie German economy. of pogroms had satisfied the population that the Reformation qualities of his mind and soul, | Community Calendar Harm Lasting deep religiosity, his true nowas solely a Jewish plot to undermine the authority of the his Returning travelers from Gerj A German with whom I have bility of character, his utter unFROM* **AM. MAY «O 28 J.V# TO, j aa ]lone 0 n g talk — he i« vischurch. The expulsion from Spain ostensibly hinged on a Jew selfishness. I have never known many tell distressing stories ss of VL ;, ;; :uuss » t nEL( had i-»•»«-»•' the general disintegration of him to be guilty of a mean i the Siting here —""spoke with sreat 'Sunday. May 28. ish conspiracy, the murder of the infant La Guardia, a blood thought, an unworthy purpose, or morale of the German people 'le in • a eness about this breakdown of i H •A - Z- A. .No. I, 3 D . m., G and accusation of the foulest sort and one that is today still peddled a selfish aim. He is as close to consequence of the example set jsmorality, and said that if the ! - -Jewish Community Center. the head of the state, Adolf government should fall he believ-i Omaha Hebrew club, 3 p. m., as the truth though the Vatican itself has branded it as false saintliness as any human being by lodge room Community Hitler. I do not refer, of course, jje d so much damage > fe^'l8° Community g had already > can ever hope to be. c e nn tt eee rr And in our own times we hear a blatant Hitler associating the his i personall habits.His habits.-His h b i H i corn- j been clone to the the German char-:: . to his corn has served his congregation h names of Communist and Jew and pointing the finger of blame at He plete temperance and the corn- j l . s h s l i t vould take Ft least '• -'MWorkmen's »"claf- Ma>" Loan - 9 - association, 8 Harrisburg for 15 years and parative ascticisra of his life set aa c t egeneration to undo the harm for the revolution of 1917. . ; p. re.. C and D, Jewish Communhis ministry has been crowned a good example to the youth of ;n ( j to reestablish standards of ' ity Center. with rich and enduring success in the country, although it is not j common decency and ethics. Perhaps though for the first time in history the Jews will that he has been able to touch being followed by the leaders in I He declared "that the Germs1! | Orchestra, S p. m.. lodge room, Jewish Community Center, lives of his people, to move, the party. have the opportunity of seeing an accusation brought before the people are well aware that there | Tuesday. May 30. inspire and elevate. His charmno excuse for tearing the What I am referring to is the j a group not interested in the propagation of a lie, but the con-ing and dynamic personality is ir- breakdown of public and private j remnant of Czechoslovakia. to Choir rehearsal, 8 p. m . / K and .Jewish Community Center. sideration/of truth. It is unfortunate that such an investigation resistible. In the course of his morality. The doctrine of force ; pieces and rr.nexinc the Czech?, L. Alpha Pi Tau, 8 p. m., club ministry, he has gained a deep preached by Hitler and his open | >:0 o n e , ] i e j;3-Ki, even pretends ! is necessary, but the lie must always be called. Insight into the problems if Ju- advocacy and practice of false- : that there was any injury to Ger- •room. Jewish Community Center.
DAVID BLACKER Business and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN .Editor UABB1 FREDERICK COHN . . . Contributing Editor KABB1 THEODORE N. LEWIS -.'.." . Book Editor "MORRIS AIZENBERG Sioux City Correspondent DOROTHE SALTZMAN Council Bluffs Correspondent
The White Paper . • If Francois Villon had in one of his ballades asked. "Where are the solemn obligations of yesteryear," the answer would be: they are the snowstorms of today, the scraps of paper ripped into infinitesimal pieces and scattered by the signatory nations over the landscape. Versailles, Locarno, St. Germaine, Munich -r- the ink hasn't had time to dry on them. One of the few to last any time at all was the Balfour Declai-ation, but now it too has, fallen a victim to the times and has been rendered ineffective — . temporarily, at least — by the powers-that-be in the British colonial office. One cannot divorce Palestine from the present world situation.'If such were possible, the Jews "would have no need to worry. Even the British would give sanction tp their promises. But one important thing must be realized — Britain-has entered the. field of power politics and with a vengeance. Popular sympathies are rapidly being dumped overboard — with the appeasement program; The preservation of the British empire and-the maintenance of British hegemony in the face of German aggression have become the paramount factors in British policy and no other considerations — whatever their justification—: will be permitted to interfere. • It is no coincidence that Britain should develop a pro-Arab policy in Palestine and begin the rapprochement with Russia at the same time! Behind these two gestures, coming so close together, is the entire keynote of British effort. .:
A • Boomerang in
May S I . daism in America. This insignt, hood and chicanery as the means ; rnans or any serious disorder caiienriched by experience, he sets Senior 1-iadassah Donor lunchforth in "Judaism and the Amerieon. 1 p. m.. auditorium, Jewish can Mind." The volume orkers' Order, many questions concerning . By RABBI FREDERICK (JOHN stitutions and beliefs of Jewish Comand especially concerning Religion is the supreme thing in life. And love is the supreme ism's teachings regarding the cruthing in religion. cial issues of our day. The per- between business men is rest can he created b1- Nazi eniisChoir rehearsal, S p. m., K and" be lived up to if expediency cr ; sonal note, eviden't on every pase, S aries within any country. I ask- iL . JewislTcommunity Center. "We are commanded to 'love the Lord our God with all our adds mightily to the value of the self-advantage dictates another je d him if there were still anv i Boy Scouts. S m.f lodge heart and all our soul and all our might;' and to 'love our book. course. The wholesale plunder-gullible Germans who believed i room' Jewish Community Center. of the Jews is costing the people ; that the Reichstag fire was set j .Tumor Hadassah. 8 p. m., club neighbor as ourself.' J Part one, "Judaism in Theory," dear. "" \^y t 5 " e Communists. He laughed j room, Jewisb Community Center. an analysis of the • theoretical As Booker Washington „ ,. who „„ Love is the supreme emotion. It is the queen of the feelonce , and replied: -Only a few For years the British ruling class has made every effort to foundation of Judaism, deals with said about his own people and the : are so stupid or so uninformed as The Jewish communal authoriings. It is divine. Cut Russia out of the European political picture. Even before God, man and itnErortalitv. The whites. "You cannot hold a m a n : to never have heard or under- ties of Metz. France (1690) forNothing can take the place of love; and the heart withers author is anxious to provide a down in the ditch without getting ; stood the truth.'' bade the wearing- of blue or red the war, despite a close kinship of the two ruling houses, Russia basis for tbe spiritual unity of into it yourself and holding him." New Generation j leather shoes. Likewise velvet. and dies for loss or lack of love. • and Britain found their ambitions clasliing in the Par East, parthe entire house of Israel. His The German people cannot see The disheartening thing about, fringed, or stitched footwear -was It has been said "All the world loves a lover." And theinterpretation of these concepts is their government depriving near- ; u all is that a whole generation forbidden. Only. black . _ or . . white . ticularly in Afghanistan. The Bolshevik revolution awakened a free of dogmatic approach. What weve acceptable. (We woanatural animosity in the hearts of all staid Britishers and the world's greatest men have been lovers, not merely enamoured annoys and angers him, is the j ly a million people cf all their j Of German children ^have been i shoes c cr: f e ? oe hurnan rights at home and taking I taught that might makes ri""ht ! ' ^'^ ^ ^ manufacturers accompanying anti-British policy alienated Britain still further. of some-physical being, but-infatuated with love as life's high- fact of irritating and foolish divi-j their country and their liberties | an d~ that, provided vo'tT'cart^Eet ' V^o-est the ruling?) For years there was an undeclared war between the two powers. est ideal. "I would love infinitely and be loved" sang the sions in the house of Israel. He j away from millions abroad with- i away with, it, you can rob anri ~ pleads throughout not only for a out being profoundly and,.if in- j murder to -vo'ur heart's ---• - content , I-he uneducated, has merely ap: understanding amongst sensibly affected by Chamberlain and his government have been unwilling to 'golden-hearted' Browning. He did indeed 'love infinitely •' better All this is so foreign to the char- j plied to international affairs the Jews, but for a stronger union of esty of such conduct. tfte aisaoa- ^j acter oE the old Germany as to ! bandit morals he learned during drop this anti-Russian policy and at Munich the program de- art, nature, humanity, his beloved wife, all existence. all groups in American Jewish Business Troubles j constitute in itself a dreadful j his four years a I the front. "How good is our life," he.sang, "the mere living. How life. , sired by Chamberlain was adopted; namely, a four-power pact This has just been set for tragedy. lie IF oblvious of the fact that Though deeply apreciating the me s.t length by an American of out-lawing Russia. Now it is^-apparent that of the two evils fit to employ, It is in part a result of the the leaders around him are linceremonial element in religion, Gennau birth and training who J World Wsr. The warring nations ! inc their pockets, that official All the heart and the soul and the senses forever in joy."his emphasis is always on- the represents in Europe an import-; not only i'acing England, Germany is the greater and with the breakengaged in wholesale ] Germ?ny is ridden -with graft and spiritual, as the very interesting He was the Poet of Love. His love-poems are the granddown of Munich, England has been forced to seek once more a n t New York business house. K e i murder b u t accepted the princim p n it was once episode narrated on F^ge 23 spoke with t h e deepest feeling o£ | ] that in war you may lie. steal, i proud of Uswhere integrity. And all P e the hand of its erstwhile enemy. Moreover to implement its est, the deepest, the tenderest in the world. His was a sublime proves. The wife of a man who had committed .a very serious the inability of bankers and bus- j cheat, and ciruciEy without pen- [ this is m&kint t h e great Gertreaties with Poland and Rouniania, Britain must swallow her spiritual love. men to carry on trade with aides; in war the ablest liars End i manv, the Treat snd noble Arvan criminal offense and sentenced to iness Germany today because of. the killers get the most medals end I Reich which is tc last, a thousand And not only did he 'love infinitely' but he 'is loved.' Those a long terra in prison, came to Germans' pride, for the treaties are valueless without Russia who is the total unreliability. the highest distinction. Hitler, I years' only nation capable of putting troops into itlie field in defense who understand and appreciate him properly—and their num- plead with the rabbi for intercesIf, he says, they want to wrigon the ground that the hus- gle out of a bargain which has ber is constantly increasing—love him with a passion and a sion of these countries. band will be compelled to eat proved unsatisfactory they have •HO. • * • • » ! devotion which is not far short of a religion. "William Lyon trefa food while in confinement! an easy way. They simply- say, I dare say there are thousands "Our Government will not let us Call AT 1560 for Fur Storm® Simultaneous with, the wooing of Russia, Britain has been Phelps, the eminent literary critic and commentator on books, upon thousands of men and wom- go on with this contract; it says playing a double-edged game in the Near East. Arab Nation- in his just-published "Autobiography With Letters," which is en, Jews and Christian, to whom that it does not conform to its the letter of the law in infinitely alism has been inflamed by Italian and German agents until already a 'best-seller,' reveals the supreme place which Brown- more important than the spirit. totalitarian plan," or "to the four-year plan," as the case may the,Arab countries would become a deciding influence should ing holds in his regard and his affections. He has delivered They cheat, defraud and oppress be. Xo comeback is possible bewithout any qualm of conscience, '. Sixteenth" c i r< the theater of war shift southward. The much talked-about courses of lectures on Browning to his students at Tale all hisbut the dietary laws, attendance cause neither the court nor the administrative officials will deacademic and professional life long. Browning's noble nature at church, fulfillment of ritual re- cide in favor of foreigners. GerBritish lifeline is flanked on either side by Moslems. * quirement, these things are never Two years ago Mussolini was proclaiming himself the "Pro- has loved superbly and therefore he has evoked love in all who transgressed. Ethics is more im- man business men, he deplores, no longer pretend to any business portant than form and infractions ethics, and they are openly taking tector of Islam." His prestige among Arab peoples suddenly truly understand him. Love is the noblest thing in all the world. There is noth- of the moral law more heinous | the attitude that they can get rose. Apparently successful baiting of Britain had won him ing can equal love or fill the void that love leaves when it is than those of ceremonial—to Dr. .what they want by threats and by strange briends. Radio broadcasts/" from Bari filled the airforce. gone. It is the highest attribute of God. It is the glory and Bookstaber. waves with false and malicious propaganda. Italian arms fil"Judaism in Practice," the sec- A circumstantial story comes ond part, deals with those insti- to me from Switzerland of Ger- i tered across the borders. Then by one ill-advised gesture—the perfection of man. tutions of Judaism which have man busines mesn going to Swiss Topped with invasion of Albania—Italy suffered a disastrous loss of prestige And no one can be loved unless he himself loves. To becontributed mightily towards its bankers and saying to them: "We Frostv White among the Moslem peoples. loved one must be loveable; and to be loveable one must be preservation, such as the home, know you have a great deal of school, synagogue. The author money in your vaults that you Britain in her current dilemma is not likely to let such an loving. also examines prayer as it has are not using-. We warn you that $T opportunity pass. The old Britain is back in the harness, the Love is the crown of creation. The universe is instinct with grown and developed in Judaism. you raust help us with some o£ His observations are exceedingly Britain of imperialist days. In Islam's hour of travail, Eng- love. There is love in every blade of grass. There is love in worthwhile. The treatment of Lov'sfy S D ^ sheers In land, the much-maligned friend, can offer a supporting hanS. every breeze of he'aven. It shines in beauty in the stars. In ritual and ceremonial is in harfev'n frocks to wear The Arabs may strain under French and British rule but they breathes in rapture in the rose. It mingles itself with the soul mony Tvith modern religious whsn ' the mercury thought which Dr. Bookstaber so have no desire to find themselves the vassals of Italy. of existence, with the scent of the flowers, with the notes of well understands. starfs -coding, Each Many will find the third diviwith ITS own dazzling Moreover a new and important element has made its ap-the wild-wood: with the song of the birds that make music in By Dr. Philip Siies> sion, "Judaism and . the Social w'h'fe dsfaiis. Cool pearance. Germany, as in the days of the Kaiser, is once more the branches. Like a mother's lullaby it sings itself into the Process," the most significant and and c r i s p looking. making the' drive east toward Bagdad. Should Germany suf- heart of man and breaks through his lips in inspiring words of challenging portion of the volume. BIBLE Easy to pack . . . It dissects many crucial and conIt is an honor for a man to fer a loss of prestige in Europe, as she is now liable to do with heaven-learned language. Sires for misses and troversial questions. The addenda | keep aloof from strife but every wo men. the formation of the 'sanitary cordon,' she would then as a Let men learn to love that they may be loved. Love is s exceedingly valuable. The read- fool will be snarling. jr will find some extremely imMost'men will proclaim their | face-saver push eastward but in a southerly direction. what the.whole world needs more than all! portant' statements which have own goodness,, but a faithful man If men would only love one another with half of the in-been issued from time to time by who can find? authoritative .Jewish bodies, e. g. Who can say: I made ray heart Palestine may apparently seethe with its indignation. Dem- tensity with which they hate! If they would look upon, and the guiding principles of Reform" clean, I am pure from my sin? onstrations may occur in the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, acknowledge, one another's good and noble qualities with half Judaism adopted by the Central Passive Resistance may be decided upon. But the Zionist lead- the persistence and the passion with which they ferret out those onference of American Rabbis, Our Rabbis taught: "Whoever May 27. 1937: the statement of depends upon the earnings of his i ers themselves have too long been schooled in British politics. that are evil!—-what a changed world this would be! "Where the Conference of Judaism in Re- wife or upon the proceeds of a. ; They realize the problems confronting Britain and it is evident dwelt enmity would be amity. Hostility would yield to hospi- atlon to the Totalitarian States. hand-mill will never perceive the j i that beneath a surface anger they are willing to overlook grave tality. And brotherhood take the place of brutal hate. Only .0 .Communism and Fascism, tbe sign of blessing-."' statement of the Conference on There was a certain heathen I injustices. ,/ then would we fully realize the Psalmist's noble words "How Social justice, etc. The curricu- who (under the guise of an Is- i prepared by Dr. Gamoran, raelite) would come to Jerusalem j Of course, they cannot acquiesce too easily to a plan that :ood and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in lum educational director of the Union every Passover and partake of the j of American Hebrew Congrega- paschal lamb. Once he came be- J threatens the foundation of their movement. But neither will unity!" tion, for Jewish relipous stu- fore Rabbi Juda Ben Bothyra and | they go the limit in resistance. The Zionist ideal will not be "O love so long as love you can! dents, is suggestive. This divi- said to him: "It is written in your j manifestly compromised, but Britain knows that the Jews are > ion includes chapters on "Juda- Torah (Ex. 13,43) No stranger | O love so long as love you may! sra and the American Tradition," shall eat. thereof. Nevertheless I i \ _ _ ; m not in a position to exercise the deciding influence in their The moment comes—the moment comes— in which tbe author shows how- get to eat of the very best." | fate. • ' American democracv js derived "Have they given thee a piece of j "When at the grave you stand and pray." rotn the Bible and the Jewish the fat of the tail?" asked the ; "The White Paper" issued last week is as valueless as the doctrine of eauality. on "Judaism Rabbi. "Nay," answered the ; ! in War and Peace," on "Judaism heathen. So Rabbi J'uda said to j Ladies' Auxiliary, Balfour Declaration. It is wrong and the government knows it the Totalitarian States," on him: "The nest time you go, ask j Congregation of Israel and is wrong. The final word on Palestine remains to be said. "Judaism and the Family," "Ju- them to give thee a piece of the j The Ladies Auxiliary of the daism and Community Welfare." fat of the tail." The following' j Bogota, Columbia (WNS)—No Congregation of Israel will hold "Judaism and Education." A year when he came to Jerusalem I ' ? new more Jewish, Czech or Spanish, its regular meeting on Monday, bibliography and the translation he asked for a piece of the fat of I refugees are to be admitted pendf-epc. of Hebrew words, frequently used A. "Weird and fantastic" plots, the Omaha World-Herald ing the adoption of a definite, May 29, at 2 p. m. in the assem- by Jews, will be found helpful. r, • vcr«> bly room of-the synagogue. Twenthey, "Is not the fat of the tail j headlines have described the series of accusations sounding omprehensive Immigration policy ty-fifth and J streets. • ; "iored The volume is a successful efV IL by the government according to fort to define Judaism in its sacrificed upon the altar? Did i ' - colthrough the committee rooms of the nation's capitol. The scur- an AH members have been urged anyone advise thee to ask for j announcement In the newspaV.UZSS to attend as important business American background showing this?" they questioned him. And rilous charges made by the leaders of these anti-Semitic groups per "Tiempo" which pointed out will how .the two are closely related. be transacted. ' that 3,500'Jewish refugees enIt contains much Jewish informs—glibe and light-tongued accusations—in order to assist cheap tered Colombia in the past eight i . - -• i • Top, " •Alien Aid Asked politicians gain power, leave one with a sickly feeling in .the months. • a typicsl juniox- sumStock Applications of 5,ooo persons rner cl r c s s in two pit of the stomach. The now. trite expression, "It Can't Hap- 'or entry to this country are be- . Brussels (JTA)—Hope that pieces with soft jacket aliens living in Belgium will be been fooled by n s held in abeyance and include pen Here," has been given emphasis for every character in the . . . t!?e c o l l a r and •who are indifferent to the synaenabled to cooperate in national gogue and Judaism. j heathen. Then they sent a. mes- i hose from refugees already here. s 1 e c v e e trimmed in horrible mess might have stepped out of the Sinclair Lewis Previous immigration to Colom- defense was expressed by Victor I sage to Rabbi Juda saying. "Peace I vhite piqus, All eah ors. Si-es <5 ta JS, bia has been so light that no def- Ernst, rapporteur tin the national novel. • . ' • ' ' . . A Yeshivah was founded at unto thee. Rabbi Juda. who re-.!' C&rm&ns Miss Ji inite immigration law or policy j defense budget, • during examina- Metz "on Januarr 23. 1704. by [ sides in Xetzibeti, yet_ whose net Congressman Dies, who, after his investigations of last had been adopted. I tion in t h e Chamber of Deputies. Abrahams and Ag'athe Schwab. I of Tvisdcn is cast ia Jerusalem."
The Crown of Love
dems of the Bilble and Talmud
\Jolombia Bars Hefugee "Entry
"Weird and Fantastic"
Page 5
TO PERFORM AT ReceiveRes BRIDES-TO-BE HONORED i Three prospective b*rides-to-be shared honors at a tea given Sunday afternoon by the Misses Estelle, Jesse, and Louise Nathan Those honored were Miss Marion Chorney,,I JMiss Ruth Leibovici, and Miss Ethel Stoler. About one hundred persons at1 tended the tea. RECEIVE FOR DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sol Novitsty of Sioux City, Iowa, formerly of Omaha, •will receive in honor of the confirmation of their daughter, Gloria, at a joint reception at Mount Sinai Temple Annex in Sioux City, Sunday afternoon. May 28, from 4 to 7. No caxds have been issued.- All friends are welcome.
In Dance
Mrs. Evelyn Hattis Fox of ChiReservations are being received cago, who's musical and dramatic Dave Bialac, Mr. and Mrs. Ed [ for the grand opening of the Mrs. interpretations contribute a betSchimmel. I CHOOSES WEDDING DATE Highland Country club which is July 27 has been chosen by ter understanding of the Near to be held tomorrow. Up to Wed- i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trustin. j Miss Ruth Lee Bloch, daughter of nesday the following had made j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock, ! Mr. and Mrs. John Farber, and | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bloch, as the reservations: and Mrs. Fred Brodkey, Mr. 1 date of her marriage to Harold Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Leon, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Goodman, Mr. and Perelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Sirs. Abe Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Slosburg. Mr. and Mrs. | Ben Perelman. Mrs. M. E. Chapman, Mr. and llrs. Ed Rosen. and Mrs. Morris i The date was announced at a Sam Appleman, Mr. and Mrs. ;Jacobs, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Fertea given by Mrs. O. TTox, aunt of Louis Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. Milt j er. Mr. Morris Ferer, Mr. R. H. the bride-to-be, at her home on Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. B e r t Hiller, Mr. Harold Mr. j Hene, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Racu- Bernard Chapman,Cherniack, Sunday. Mr. Warren j sin, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Venger. Ackerman. Mr. Lloyd Malashock. , ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rice, Mr. Mr. Lloyd Friedman. Mr. I. i Mr. and Mrs. M. Oland an- j .and Mrs. N. L. Nogg, Mr. and Schlaifer. Mr. William Grodinsky nounce the engagement of their : Mrs. Abe Venger, Mr. and Mrs.and Mr. Marvin Treller. daughter, Sophie, to Harry Ep- ' Moe Linsman, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Handler, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Far- Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Burkenroad, stein, son of Mr. Henry Epstein of ber, Mr. and Mrs. Al Mayer, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Hiller. Mr. this city. and Mrs." Louis Somberg, Mr. and and Mrs. Morris Levey and Mr. Mrs. E. A. Nogg and Mr. and and Mrs. Maurice Micklin.
the Cultural committee, brought honor of being cho?en on, the all* t h e f a m o u s Dr. Victor Levine to l e c t u r e before the c h a p t e r , p r e s e n t e d g r o u p discussions on curr e n t e v e n t s a n d sponsored, s e.eb a t e and o r a t o r y t e a m . T h e religious committee, headed by FI-EEU Pirsrr,, c o n d t ' - ' e d
jpsvinc for t.lie convention s r r .'o? liriKk--
and held ycitili services f n r "be high holidays. Edwarc: Doltoif. chairman of the sooifl service committee, cor clue;.r-il "n <~ ' d c l o t h e s ' d r i v e fcr - b p rncv-. prior1sored a Boy Scout troop r n d made ; numerous contributions .P the refugee fund. Aioph Godoi Mil* Ssylan wili be r e w a r d e d for hi? o u t s t a n d i n g services '.c- A. Z, A, when he will be pre?et-jed hi? outgoing Aleph Godol Pin. Tiie Century sortb-11 i^rr. nioved a notch closer t c first place w h e n ifcev d r u b b e d A. Z. A. 1 by s 10-1 score. yer-r A. Z. A. 100 b e s t Mother C h a p t e r rll four t i m e s the two ten HIP met. Thi? y e a r , as proved, by isst Pur.dny'F g a m e , will be no exception. The Sam E e b e r lean- has ;-n f.iiv e t e r a n team returning. Jack E p s t e i n , c a t c h e r on t b e t e r n : , VR~ elected c a p t a i n . Eps-ein bR? ii??n on t h e b a s k e t b a l l t e r m for i h r e e a n d or. t h e softbijll i°aiii for | years four y e a r s . L a s t y e a r he had the
Moe Linsman, Mrs. Harry Trustin and Mrs. Paul Veret. On Mother's- Day, Theta ChapOver 350 invitations have been Congress Election . ter of Sigma Delta Tau Tas hosmailed this week for the Eighth For those workers who were tess to the member's parents. As Annual Hadassah Donor Lunchunable to attend the first meet- chairman, Selma Z-reitel introducFlorence r refikin eon which will be held at 12:30 ing a 1 p. m. dessert-luncheon is ed Jeanette Polonsky, president. p. m. Wednesday. May 31, in the Florence Fredkin will be one : being given today by Mrs. M. F. vrho addressed the parents. The ballroom of the Jewish Communof the feature attractions in the ' Levenson, 4 819 Farnam, t£ give program continued -with Florence ity Center. These invitations have information and calling lists for Meyerson, -who gave a reading: dance recital to be given by the j been mailed to those women who the World Zionist Congress elec- Miriam Ruhnitz, who offered a pupils of Miss Britton on j have contributed $5 or more to >"EW TORE VISITOR tion which will take place Sun- violin selection; and Marian Stet- Saturday evening, June 3, at S '• of the Hadassah activities, | day, June 11, all day, S a. m. to theimer, vocalist. Jane Goetz as- p. m. at the Sokol euditorium. Miss Anne Baskin of New York any the Youth Aliyah, Child Welfare, John K. Chapel of WOW will j S* p. m., in the Jewish Community sisted the girls at the piano. City is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A.or the Hadassah Medical organiCenter. • Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ro-zation. Selnia Hill, local president of be master of ceremonies. In- j sen. Book Review Picnic tassels, national women's pep or- eluded in the recital will be the ; One of the most impressive and A picnic will be held Tuesday, ganization, presided at the tea entire revue that Mr. Chapel pre- j entertaining programs of the year CONFIRMATION RECEPTION 11 a. m., June 6, in Elmwood table trhen that group entertained sented through Iowa. Nebraska ! Parents of the Confirmands of will be presented by the Hadassah park by members of the Book Re- rushees at the Sigtaa Delta Tau and Missouri last summer. Lit- j the Beth El Synagogue will hold program committee. Mrs. Phineas view Study Group of Hadassah. house as part of their annual pro- tie Florence was a featured artist i i a joint reception this Sunday Wintroub has directed and proHostesses for the day will be Mrs. gram. At that time. Miriam Rub- on this tour. from 3 to 6 at the Blackstone duced the play which will cause a Morris Franklin, chairman; Mrs. nitz Tvas elected to membership in Eleanor Fredkin will also take | great deal of comment, "But For J. Mischnick, Mrs. Joe Bernstein, this group. Hotel. part in the recital and will pre- j the Grace of God," a play in oneMrs. Dave B. Cohn and Mrs. Mur- The underclassmen gave a pic- sent an acrobatic dance. 3Irs. Evelyn Hattis Fox j act written by Mrs. -Julian Goulsray Lewis. 4 ANNOUNCE BIRTH nic in honor of the seven girls East, will presenta series of ton of Boston, Mass. Those tak^ _ Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goldner of ing part in the play are: The Vi- sketches, entitled "A Trip to PalRummage •who "will be graduated June 5. Marksville, La., announce the enna Family; the mother, Miss estine and Hope in the Face of All Hadassah members who are Mary Arbitrnan, Betty Beeson, birth of a son on Sunday, May Martha Himmelstein; the daugh- Despair" at the Eighth Annual doing summer housecleaning and Harriett Byron, Martelle Elman, Next week marks the ending of 21, at a New Orleans hospital. rummage left over that they Jane Goetz, Josephine Ruhnitz, A. Z. A. 100's present administraMrs. Harold S. Barish; the Donor Luncheon of Hadassah, have Mrs," Goldner is the former Miss ter, desire to turn over to the organiand Beatrice Sommer are the sen- tion. Under the leadership of the Mr. Hy Shrier; the grand- next Wednesday. Frances Rosenfeld. Both Dr. and father, zation are requested to call Mrs. iors. They ^ e r e presented "with outgoing Aleph Godol Milt Saymother, Mrs. Irvin C. Levin; the Mrs. Goldner are former Omah- American Mrs. Fox is a graduate of the I M. M. Barish, WA SS99, who will crested candlesticks, the tradition- Ian, A. Z. A. 100 was active in family, the mother, ans. have the bundles picked up. Bun-al gifts to Theta's graduates. The all five divisions of the Boris D. Mrs. Irvin H. Stein; the daughter, University of Chicago and has j dles are also being received by following week, unique invita- Bogen "five fold and full" proMrs. Julius Haykin; the father, studied in Vienna. She is an ar- the shipping of the tions bid the underclassmen to gram. JOSLYN MEMORIAL. Mr. Milton Frohm; the grand- dent student of the East, having State Furnituredepartment company who will enter the senior's "Island of Treamade several trips to the Near A symphony concert will be mother, Mrs. Louis Albert. The social committee, under presented by members of the senEast for the purpose of studying store the merchandise for the fall j sures" which was the background the direction of Chairman Joe Mrs. A. D. Frank will present its culture, art and folk music. sale. for their annual party. An appro- Gnss, sponsored its annual spring ior orchestra of Benson, Central, priate prize was awarded to Zel- dance, smokers, numerous pet-toand North High Schools at 2:30 the outstanding attraction of the Mrs. Fox will be the principal Trees Planted for Graduates Sunday at the1 JoElyn Memorial. program, Mrs. Evelyn Hattis Fox attraction on the entertainment A tree certificate in honor of da Swimmer for the cleverest cos- gethers, and is now planning a Henry Cos will direct. Will Heth- of Chicago, 111., who's picture and program which is to honor the graduating boys and girls from tume. The house was presented wiener roast. The athletic comerington' and Sam Thomas are co- subject appears elsewhere in The 350 receipients of invitations to grade school, high school, Sunday with a filing cabinet. mittee, under the direction of Press. directors. or Sabbath school, bearing the the Donor luncheon. A precedent was set when Gen- Harry" Fox. sponsored s. Softball Mrs. Arthur Romm will have name of the party honored will be jevieve Si.ein received a. bracelet and basketball team in the J. C. At 2:: 30 in the lecture hall three sent to every purchaser of trees. for outstanding intramural activ- C. league, and on track, golf sound films on the South Seas charge of the community singing, assisted by Mrs. M. F. Levenson A tree selling for only SI.50 will | ity. Hennine Hirschman. _ "will be shown. An illustrated lecand tennis tournaments. and Cantor Aaron Edgar. ture Trill be given at 3:30 by Mr. Also Mrs. J. Hahn, Mrs. Maxbe planted in the Eddie Cantor Again Theta Chapter ranks high Walter Greenberg, chairman or Ladies who are entitled to in- Kaplan, Mrs. Moe Katelman, Mrs. forest bearing the name of the in scholarship among social fraC. Bertrand- Schnltz on "Expeditions of the University of Nebra- vitations to the Donor Luncheon Paul Katzman, Mrs. Irvin C. Le-one honored. It is a permanent ternities on the Nebraska campus, and have not yet received them vin, Mrs. A. Laserowitz, Mr. L. remembrance, ties the child with, for it was recently announced that ska State Museum. The Spring Concert of the Mat- are requested to call Mrs. M. M.Laserowitz, Mrs. Bessie Levey, the work being done in Palestine, Sigma Delta Tau stands second inee Musical Cltib of Omaha will Barish, WA SS99, or Mrs. Julius Mrs. Harry Malashock, Mrs. Mil-and all the recipients are pleased scholastically among all sororities ton Mayper, Mrs. Albert Newman, with that type of gift. during the past semester. .be given at 4 o'clock in the Con-Stein, GL 194S, immediately. Additional Donors Mrs. Henry, Newman, Mrs. David cert hall. At - 4:3 0 in the Lecture Those desiring to honor graduIn addition to names published Potash, Mrs. A. Pradell, Mrs. ates in this manner may do so by Charles Seaoa, an English Jew, Hall a concert will be given by the students of. St.: Mary High in previous editions of The Jewish Aaron Rips, Mrs. J. Rosen, Mrs. calling Mrs. M. F. Levenson, WA was in 1ST 4 elected mayor of School, Mr. John Franey, director. Press are added the following who Sam Rosenberg, Mrs. I. Rosen- 0 850, the chairman in charge. Bradford, Yorkshire. will also be honored guests at the blatt and .Mrs. S. Rubnitz. luncheon Wednesday: Mrs. Louis There are also Mrs. A. SteinAlberts, Mrs. M. M. Barish, Mrs. berg, Mrs. Sam Swartz, Mrs. Abe David Bienstein, Mrs. R. J. Blum- Venger, Mrs. Moe Venger, Mrs. H. A new socialand philanthropic enthal.^Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, Mrs. H. White, Mrs. Sam Wolfe, Mrs. organization for married men, the David Bordkey, Mrs. M. D. Brod"Re-Im" club, has been meeting key. Mrs. I. Cherniss, Mrs. David R. Colin, Mrs. Dave Conn, Mrs. J. weekly since April. Founders of the organization Erman, Mrs. B. Fleischeman, Mrs. •were: Richard Spiegal, Paul Ner- A. Fuff, Mrs. Arthur Green, Mrs. enbergy Harry Whiteman, Harry A. A. Greenberg. Mrs. Phil GreenCollections of Unique Lefkowitz. Isadore Parilman, Lou berg, Mrs. H. Hirschman and Miss Diamond Engagement, Fellman, Dave Bernstein and WilWedding and Anniverlie Bloom. sary Riti|js, individualOfficers are: Harry Whiteman, ly designed and priced chairman; Richard Spiegal, secrePlumbing and Heating with good old-fashion* tary, and Paul Nerenberg, treased moderation. ENGINEERS urer. Convenient Terms Can Be Complete 24 Hour Service Work and Quality Guaranteed Arranged at No Estra Solomon de Sabalducchio was FREE ESTIMATES Cost physician to the Pope Boniface SAF«1J. -YOUSENI
Sigma Delta Tau
VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adelson of Los Angeles, California, are in Omaha visiting friends and relatives. They are staying at the home, of Mrs. Herman Franklin. Ifir. and Mrs. Adelson are formerly of Omaha and Council Bluffs.
negiODcl b a s k e t b a l l t e a m , The A Ti. A. itctionsl fonvpi?.-^ tioii will be iK'Ui in J c n e p.t P o r t ,-pi-vis. X. V. Aleph Godol Mill. H"'v!pn T'ili ppryp ?*%. ripies-?*te, P B H
enfrpiprs will .ioir in F-ponFovms,1 P btipe sfi'aif in bis honor. ^fuV
A. '/.. A. J''1* i- ronducLinc f dr?v-'ii'E' for ? bpauturi 1 . polin chmrr.unn pert'iilp.'ov pel. or- S a t uvrir.:-, / l i n e It', nt t b f 3. C. C. T I I P pp"vi;)?inr ip cp^uinp I^aberw s r e RTIC, i? vrrHiecl s t SCS. The commit fee '*•' firrpTiErementB con» ?•;-'.? of .Toe Gi'>=r,, KPTI K u t l e r a n d Edwnrr; I i o l r o T . ?.TO'.K"?.?-, J r n f ' ' . will be el<?*vfion of oC'irers. Alfpb Oodol Mil!; f-s>iBn v. ill civp Ills farewell address, f.rui ihe flection Will begirt. Iniriiecli? te'y f o ' t o w i n c . t h e fifth i^?v:p of i b ? r F . N T U F Y KPOTl.TTE. P V^W^ r h a p t e r publica'.ion. -\r'iil '^e p"e?enieu.
r-'romye OKT Advertisers
A. Z. A. 100
Solomon de Vesoul was relieved of Jewish disabilities by Charles the V. ' . ... '
Cool Dre
AT 2344
I6I6/2 Capitol Ave.
Summer Indispensable . . , The American Golfer Sport Dress Exclusive xviih Us in [1939 version of your- favorite summer classic; Cool striped chambray in a one-piece style with a many >- gored, free action skirt. Other styles, 12 to-22.
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Mew A dashing skirt with Romany stripes in gala colors. Shirtwaist top in plain contrast Zipper front. Washable, 6J) J crease-resistant rayon. 12 to 20 P BSANOEIS—HocscssoH—-Tfelrd FIsc?
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E ra t roidcrei voile . . . in fc'ua. t l t c k d wine, i"ih a f r c t h of v- h i t e trirr,
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E-\f rrcT" C ^ — One of t h e f-s' c i ' • f i «-' Kinc George, «he r he f ••••» c? in e c i t y is t o irspec ; ' l e I.CTCT guard. Here,
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"a"IT'S. •',}'
WHEN THEY GROW UP—Harry A . Koester. left, of Cincinnati safety bureau, visited Washington, D. C , and met Policeman Edward F. Brown, assigned to Senate. Lieutenant Breen measured them and found them same height—6 feet 9Vz inches.
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Kir : s :.U t •'. Cciione! G . H . r,oct s. r,t;: v (.s, (tiling.
MOVIE CONTRASTS—Museum of Modern Artrecently celebrated its I Oth anniversary and opened its new building in New York, and its Modern A r t Film Library is showing some interesting movie contrasts, as above. Top panel, Mack Swain, Gloria Swanson and glamor girls of 1917 contrasted with Dorothy Lamour, right, 1939 glamor girl. Left center, Mable Normand
in hands of villains, contrasted with sophisticated Henry Victor and Lya Lys in "Confessions of a Nazi Spy." Bottom, first picture studio in America (Edison), left, which cost $636.36, contrasted with $11,000,000 W a r n e r Bros, studios, right. Left center, D. W . Griffith directs "Intolerance." Billy Bifzer at camera that filmed "Birth of a Nation."
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SOC£iTY AT DINKES—Lovely Roseme^ We-bu-'er: ; « i . : V * p cf Mrs. Wiliifim K. Vanc'erb:lt, shcu-r. £S rrc~;b£" cf £ 6:".r,tr party in the Sect Rccrrs cf ths We'c'crf-AE J c-!f, New York, -ecentty. She is squired by yourc Jc'hn F. r.e
COOL TO GIKLS—Maybe it's because he's insulated to heat that this huge asbestos man at the Johns-Manville exhibit, New York Fair, is cool to girls. They are Virginia Denning end Florence Anderson, office workers who were guests. W f-ivr- Kfcrn.vrt-
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FIRST LADY? — Presidential i f V> ^;, aspirations for 1940 are at- F * ^ $ tacking many would-be candidates who are setting fences in hope o f b e i n g chosen. y '' Among Democratic possibili~ riVJ* S o v e r r l o r L l o y d f ' S t a r . k of Missouri, and above is c h a r m i n g M r s . S t a r k who might some day be the na- / ^ ^: ' +; on ' s First Lady. * ,
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lJSH THE VEIL—Haven't you often wanted fo walk through a waterfall without ^citing Wei!, here's the way it's done in the elscfricity exhibit', Nrw York Fcir- Visitors pcis fhrc-c •
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DEAD END KID—Leo Gorcey, oldest of the six "Dead End" kids, » *~i J i • r» i • I L t- L • . . • ,, • , " ,' , • ' at Glendale, Cal., with his, 17-year-old Katherine Marvis. actress. They are shown just before they feft by plane to be married at Yuma, Ariz.
H A S K E G O T TKOUCLE!—Eickey AbernatHy,^^, started out t o celebrate Natione! Fishernan's Week, in Misfni, Fie. When he began t o haul in with his dad's new rod end ree!, c\\ he e e l v e s trouble. Look at how he became errtencled!
erer c i *hp ' f ' r v f v s , aiming Tor e b'cr stasci'., v i * h i~he N a •iionc! O^en c o ' ^ou-nament ^'.'.c JvJre £-10, { o l lovec! te^e- by vbc F. C-. A .
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SO Y2AHS A SCLS:;n—King ChrisKcn X cf Dor.r-crk rcvicv/ing his Roya! Guards in Ccponhaoon es 5C!h cr~.:vcrs2ry cf Us enb^ncc *::; c r ^ y , : : : : - ^ , Cr - ,.7 ' " : "r. ; - I ' , cr : C r - r
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Sports SOFTBAUi. STANDINGS TEAM • W 2 I-ieavenworth Market o 2 Breslow A uto Glass o1 1 Sigma Alpha Mu 1 1 A. Z. A. No. 100 O 2 B'nai B'rith O A. Z. A. No. 1 a The Leavenworth Market and the Breslow Auto Glass are the league leaders In the J. C. C. Softball League •with 2 wins each. ' In last -week's games, the Leaienworth Market defeated the ffeigma Alpha Ma by the score of *5-3 in a hotly-contested tilt at 33 and Cass. Paul Steinberg was tne •winning pitcher ably assisted by Iz Tretiak in the receiving end. Mai Davidson and Al Fleldler •were the Batteries for the Fraternity Men.-Circuit wallops by Harold Pollack and MHlard Sigal featured the "hitting attack for each teanr.
been making frantic and often Aft tor those jokes about Hitvery impolite efforts to market er, Goebbels, etc. That's just his copies, by a t least three other old comedy routine—with a new militant publications One of ace. "For twenty-five years I which is "The American Protest," have picked out headline people organ of the American Protestant for jokes. On that score, I -'on't Defense League Edited by worry . . - I only ask, Are the the Rev. Thomas Little of Yon- jokes funny?' kers . . . The other two are His Work for Jewry "Equality," n e w c o m e r , and Most disheartening is the op"Fight," organ of the American position i b meets t be among the League for Peace and Democrasoft-pedal p cy, one of the "radio priest's" pet Jews. "Lay off that stuff." rebukes the h hush-hush peeves . . . faction. "That;" he declares,'"was the attitude of the Jews in GerMOVIE REVIEW "Sons of Liberty," -starring many, Austria and Czechoslovakia. Claude Rains, will give the Nazis Passive, inert, they didn't lift a resisting band. AnS look -where shooting pains. •>
GUEST: Among Jews who have been honored by invitations to dine with the King and Queen at their Montreal reception-banquet Is Mrs. Harry Fieret of Mt. Vernon, wife of the ZOA treasurer . . . She's going as the daughter of Montreal's chief rabbi . .
COMPLAINT: The Nation inspiredly reports that in Italy peoThe Breslow Auto Glass, not to ple are beginning to grumble that be outdone by the Marketeers, things were better under Mussolambasted the Spalding pellet lini . . . . counting 10 runs to their opponM1SH-MASH: Nathan Katz has ents 'who were the B'nai B'rtth •with 3 markers.' M. Adler and resigned from the Paris staff of Meiches were the pitchers for the the Joint Distribution Committee victors while Phil Katzman -and and is shortly reutrning to the Art Adler -worked for the losers. States . . . Mr. and Mrs. David Homers by Nate "Wolk of the Bernstein—Dave is on the AmerBreslows and Phil Katzman of ican Jewish Committee staff — the B'nai B'rith -were the hitting had a fine time on their one-week cruise to Bermuda, thank you highlights. ' • If you want to get a kick where In the 'battle staged between it hurts most,-read the article in the A. Z. A.'B, it -was just a romp the May 25 issue of Ken titled for Century hoys who shellack- "Human Contraband From Cuba" ed the "Mother Chapter to the tune . . . It tells of small smuggling of 10-1. • Milton Guss twirled tor craft dumping refugees into the the 100 crew while Sam Ruderman ocean off Florida ween chased by nd Haskel Cohen were charged tbe Coast Guard , . . And if that hasn't kicked you out of your or the loss. smugness, take a looksee a t that Schedule for Sunday, May 28 Breslow Auto Glass vs. Sigma picture "The Refugees" released some time ago by the March of Alpha Mu — West Elm-wood. A. Z. A. No. XJ.O0 VB. B'nai Tims and now being used with great effectiveness by the United B ' r i t h — 32nd and Dewey. Appeal . . . You can get A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Leavenworth Jewish Fritz Kuhn's telephone number Market — 33rd and Cass. — even if you don't want It — by SWIMMING The Jewish Community Center simply calling the German conwas well represented • in the Mid- sulate general in N'Yawk . . . De•Western Junior A. A. TJ. Swim- spite the fact that Berlin denies ming Championships held at the any link -with the American Nazis Omaha Y. M. C. A. last Saturday. the consulate can give you the Bucky Greenberg again was the number without looking it up, stand-out swimmer for the Cen- according to The Nation . . . Walter capturing second place in the ter Winchell reports that the Car40 yard breast stroke. He was mel, N. Y., home of Dr. Ignats beaten by a Tech High swimming Griebl, Nazi spy who skipped to ace by the margin of 3 to 4 feet. Germany, is now occupied by a Bucky swam the distance better- refugee from the Relcb. . . . Sining the State Y. M. C. A. record clair Lewis, asked recently about Also, Greenberg, pairing up -with Nazi reports that he Is Jewish, reStain Feltman. and Norman Polon- plied, according to Len Lyons 3n cky captured a in the the N. T . Post: "You'll never 120 yard medley relay. know. Because if I WERE Jewish I wouldn't deny it. And i t I were The Jewish Community. Center not I'd be so proud of having ' summer swim schedule will go been~called Jewish—that-J-^wouldinto effect-Monday, June 5. Clas- not deny it."-. . , . /^ ses will be arranged lor all beginners and advanced swimmers. Boys will swim on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday a. m. while the girls will swim on Monday, and Wednesday a. m., and Sunday afternoon. For further informaBy HELEN ZidiOND tion in regard to the Bummer swim schedule please call the Holly-wood-—To say that Eddie Physical Department a t the CenCantor is "the man nobody ter, J a . 1366. , knows" would he overstatement— after all there's Ida. But he is a man few people understand. His motives are misunderstood . his purpose misinterpreted. They see in him only a showman's personality. Carping Critics "Because of the rows his antiNazi speeches and witticisms stirred up—aside from the ho-wling of pro-Nazi hecklers—he is upbraided and abused by a more serious chorus of lampooners. His own people censure nim—"Tone ROYALTY: "Did you notice,' it down, Cantor," they say, "bet>asks that demon noticer Danny ter not bring- the subject up too ^Schorr, "that on the very day the conspicuously." Other critics ac' British Government was taking cuse - him of seeking publicity. the Plains of Abraham from the "When will Eddie Cantor realize Jews, King George " and Queen that all the propaganda he has Elizabeth were taking bows on been trying to broadcast is only the Plains of Abraham in Que- hurting ths cause he seeks to bec?" . . . help?" raps a local columnist, "Others are doing a greater work PAUSE: Hitler's failure to oc- for the cause and not to publicize cupy new territories in his drive themselves." for "LebenHraum" in Europe reConsidering! that Mr. Cantor calls, strange aB it may seem, that has publicity in superabundance famous poem "The Children's . . . and considering: that it takes Hour," which can be slightly re- a good deal more courage to face vised to read: (sans armed guard and bullet"Comes a pause in Der Fuehr- proof glass) a heterogeneous er's occupation." group containing hostile elements than to write a pillar of venom REACTION: Dr. Weizmann unsigned, we hied ourself to Comay not, after all, find it neces- lumbia Square to hear Eddie's side sary to resign as president of the of the story. Jewish Agency and the Zionist Publicity! He scoffed. "If that's Organization, in order to drama- what he wants he has better ways tize world Jewry's repugnance at of getting it." the White Paper . . . Some rumHia Fight for Americanism ors even had it that he would reFar from being a showman's nounce his British citizenship . . . ballyhoo, his fight against Fascism is conducted with serious, COLOR: That Paper may be systematic objective. He pays White to the British, but then the salaries and transportation of they always were a little color lecturers to the Coast to educate blind .'. and awaken a lethargic p u b l i c . . . and neither the audience nor the NEWS: Lou Rittenberg, form- speaker knows who sponsored the er American Hebrew editor has lecture. been-appointed executive and> litLittle is publicly mentioned of erary editor of the Universal the oratorical contest on "AmeriJewish Encyclopedia, 10-volume canism" he sponsored through tne compendium of Jewish knowledge American Legion. He is sending which has been years In the mak- the winner through college! ing / . . First volume will be pubNinety per cent of -what he says Contributors and does is based on his fight for lished shortly form a Who's Who in World American democracy and ten per cent i3 a direct hit igainst Jewry MISFORTUNE: The real trou- ""Fascism, Nazism, Communism, ble with Palestine is that it is asS any other 'ism' that seeks to small enought to fit under Mr. destroy our Governmsnt." Chamberlain's big, black bumber"I do not beliGve in slugging shoot . . . . . . I do not believe In violence. . LANGUAGE: Mother's D a y But certainly I should ba givea cards in the German language tho same right of free speech that sprouted suddenly in the Bronx is granted the Bund! They ara . . . T h e y were made up specially allowed to make vicious, attacks for the refugee trade, it seems against this Government . . . . Not for-Nazis. . . Surely I should ba permitted to speak for it! I do what -my. conCOMPETITION: That misnam- science dictates . . . a n d I am ened Cosgblin organ, "Social Jus- couraged in the knowledge. that tice," is being badly outsold on I am in accord with the importNew York's Fifth' Avenue,' Broad- ant people of this country way and Forty-second Street, that President Roosevelt agrees where tbe Cou^blin huskies hzva
moment. It rose from the depths can Jews. He does this at his own of t i e whole business. They had humane, gentle, earnest Edfli* Cantor. They Co not see bea«Ath of & heart tormented with the expense and volition. No bufd-up better wake u p ! " snSferings of his People. Its very precedes . . . no fanfare fellows. Take heed, American Jewry . . . the wise cracker's shell. He It a quality woul 1 Cave refuted the In fact, this activity, he tells me, and take a hint from Edfiie Can- courageous American . . . a faultfinders. has never been printed uctil it ter. Drop petty differences, and eroiis Jew. appears in this column." fight for American democracy • i Two and three times a -week . . . e r r XT,*.-i? His most gigantic task is the Fight props.5TB.nfla with enlighten- j every week . . .Eddie Cantor preof the • :fugee meet . . . fight Hies v-ill"> truth! \ 'PpbJnj;ioT! i.JTA.i—Jerome K. pares a speech then gets a rehabilitation nk va.F flee'PC cl>airma« Of telephone connection with Cin- children. At mention cl them, bis Disclose the facts of today's irr.p-1 Securities p.r\r. r-xoh&nge Coincinnati, Pittsburgh. Karrisburg;. fsce brightens. Kis fund has taken j ic Genr-acy through benafice "in siders" who ere in a position to i ;ior. hy s ifcree-te-two vote iol* and other points east. An ampli- care of about 1,200 thus far. in order to carry on this work. I fier carries Ms voice into a tail • lelv tUer Leon Henderson "You can't •mention too strong- rereaJ the truth ic lectures, bruad- j am fighting for my children . : . where four or five hundred Jews ly what I feel ebout these critics casts, movies. Counteract | had uken U'e o^i^\ SF e member fo~ all children . . . because I love are gathered. He speaks to teem •who sit back en-d do nothing!" be Cougbiin." Antidote ?.'osele.r* I of the commission. all children." Troubled thoughts — a force j for the Joint Distribution Com- ccncluded. "I am ashamed to say We were sorry that only a re- mittee In 171S Moses Soncino -was for the United Jewish there are some cf our people in more potent than Time—have spectful reporter and the four j Welfare Fund or just on tbe the five-fisure class v:ho give $50 j gxsreg Cantor's temples anfi etch- named controller of the Smyrna, •walls could bear his voice a t that! seed of unity among tbe Ameri- j to the cause and wash their haeds I ed his face. Few people know the i-customs house.
they are today." He feels th« same may liappen, here unless tbeyy take a definite, stand—and fight for the cause of : democracy! "The trouble -with our brothers is that^hey are so busy with their own businesses, that the day may come when they will have no business to be busy about! I have given up a great part of my business
By PHINEAS S. BIKOX [ staff reformed her that soon she'd j be able to transport the.crockery XOW IT CAN BE TOLD ! over to her own bailiwick . . . The announcement of . \ r \ Radio circles tell us that Gabby ^ * ^ P e r ^ P^esUne mxgM Goebbels' pet English language | have been delayed if Ambassador broadcaster, familiarly known as j Joe Kennedy had spoken out Uncle •Willis, may be expected to ! appear on American air waves bethe last week-end lie spent with i fore long . . . When Gertrude Prime Minister Chamberlain . . . I Scholtz-KIink. feminine fuehrer BEAUTY I As a matter of fact, three days I cf Xazidom, visited England reFEATURES before the "White Paper -was nade cently E5e WEE picketed by EngSHAMPOO aad FIHGER |i public there was rejoicing ia WAVE carryiEEi the expres! American Zionist ranks, a very, listwcrEen sive placard "No Nazi Klink for I very high Washington official British Women" . . . That Nazihaving told the Zionist leaders Bolivian trade pact is just the that assurances had been received • ' a t S3.50 'end Up from London that no announce- first step on Dictator German ment would be made for a long Buscb.'s t r e t -toward the Fascist 716 Braadeia TLea. Bidstime . . . It seems, however, that axis, which we're alreafiy told you AT 4333 for . . . TCe tlways Knrr when the British, .government uto tlook I to have tbe conasked Kennedy poist-black I - " 1 £ r e whether he tongat that American ! Hrmation of some faraocs psypublic opinion would very much chiatrists that remonstrances, exresent the "White Paper, he im- hortations, expostulations and thf plied that American public opin- eliciting of premises Ere futile '.* ion had other things to -worry dealing wita reopie lite Bac'r'f about . . . Well-informed sources and Banfiite—whom the psychiainsist that the British government trists don"t name, but accuratr'-r timed the publication of tbe describe as paranoid psycho'-lc — White Paper to coincide T--itb the individuals . . . Note to city e i visit ol King George to this con- itors: That Hitler youth, crgaciGlazed tinent, in the belief that Ameri- zation in Illinois is the f&stestca's interest in royalty -R-OUIS grcwing Nazi group in this counSPECIAL drown out whatever resentment try . . . Check on their financial Q i• the Injustice toward tfce Je-ws set-cp, acd you may find a frontV& might «&U-forth-.-. . ' - • page story . . . A fight- on t h s isDeliverer! MOKE OX SEO>* sue of free speech seems to be elled for American 2ionist leaders are brewing in Cleveland, with cerbeing submerged with telegrams tain anti-Sesiitie groups emergics and cables from Revisionists as tbe "fiefeseers" cf the Bill of £200 pleading that Jabotiasky be given Rights in order to pave tbe way 442Sa chance to take over Weizmann's' for a thorough-goinc anti-Jewish place Don't be surprised if campaign of defamation. Stephen S. Wise. Louis Lipsky and Israel Goldstein take an i a - ! ABOUT -PEOPLE mediate trip to Palestine . .. It Dr. Aron Freimann, TTIJO frrn; is felt that the American Zionist 1S-85 till IS53 served &s librarica I leadership should be represented in tne TJniversity of Frankfurt on the spot in these raosentous : and tbe Frankfcrt City Library. ALL days . . . Some of the best-known is joining the staff of Teshivs. foreign correspondents will pro- College . . . He will teach meiic"Wo Mak© Oaly One ceed to Palestine shortly . . . val history there . . . Insiders inQuality the Beat" American editors expect the Holy sist that Jnfige IrviEg LiehinEE. of Land to be hot news for quite the N. Y. Court of Appea-ls, v ill some time . . . Pierre van Pass- be the next Chief Judge cf il ? sen's "Days of Our Years" will State Supreme CoBrt . . . Lffi.t«.::'>. ICE CHEAIki CO. be published in England nest news on that new afternoon p^rrr Free Delivery Day month, but tee English edition New York is getting is that i'r will substantially curtail his at- financial backer is tbe firm rr i tack on the British governmec-t LehEan Brothers . . . Those vr-? for its anti-Zionist policies . . hoped that Justice Brand'Sis would Ja 7QQ0 HEARD HERE Tnake ECJT public appearance 6.t r. NEC reports that the most fre- Jewish or Eon-Jewisli fuctioE, quent request it gets from Ger- •however iEportant, Ere Cooirsed man listeners to its short-wave to disappointsT.t . . . Tbf ex- i broadcasts is for renditions of justice has fief E::C!~ S«r.^;; ret "The Star-Spangled Banner" . . . P2.rtitups.te ir. E.zy ?\-'L* r rur"Apparently there are lots of peo-1 iuns \"n^ . . . TTe " £ '"Il^rg !r tr T -' pie left in Naziland who like st bets thst the surrs?r?r t? *"-c least to hear about the hone of Judith'Epstein i- t i e Trer' the free . . . Being peddled arocsd New York theEe days sre nickel T booklets bearing the title "Hit- && Sola pool . . . Ir—5 ~=*'^r- ' is s very sjck r*ir. r r f •v-;\ r'^e ler's Good Deeds" . . . The suckers who buy taera find they've to curtail til his rro-Ptler'.,T FCHARMSY purchased blankbooks . . . Called tivities . . . Qv.~ F r r r r t t t r tf ?' *from The Nation: "In Italy peo- sis Gresa. roi:r£T Ftr-c irt - -^^* ple are beginning to grumble j club Eta? w i o : c-"e----- ' teat things were better under' throat eUmeat . . . Grr^e ccub* Mussolini" . . . The man who pre- is expressed ia rr.'f.: t i . r r . f f rr sented tbe authorities with a the rf t^c 1 - i - - r great deal of material in this n a t - pinr of Georc» ??'—<•- ^-. * ter of perjury charges against publisher of s ^lar "^"rc n / / Z7ilt —-d £. r " ' ts ' Fritz Kuhn is son© other than T. ed Hitler" . . . mr.Ltrr-F ^ ; H. Tetens, who is the gentleman ttsi it vrzs a - ^'-r T '"'v Always a Fina Variety ol | we mentioned sorse columns Ego though Mr. FtLt"~ r — c " r PHEStl FI3SH S.K3 not have krowr f>c.i "t . . . eg r waging war against the JC&sis . . lisve it or not. V: rir~r ir r" tlie rcunds thct r*-"i ^i'-r, v Also the Finest { "We are also happy to note that cose-sT-r ~rri"~'rr STEAIi ar.d CMC%EM j Uncle Sam is removing his past since offices from German ships, where eratioE calls t e r s - ' ' A"c">-. r they-have been nost useful to team up witr TIc-v T-'-'z PRIVATE DINING ROOMS i Nazi spies, and that Federal fs.inOtis \inicr ~sz2£~ r i "b^ Co? AVAILABLE agents are investigating Nazi consular officials in tils country - . . r«lA 4775 fe? OsssrvsSsp | It's about time . . . !EKIS AND THAT SQ\ Nazi .marauders have tried to set fire to the Jewish Palestine Pavilion at the Ne-Br York World's Fair, but quick action ca the part of an alert Eight vatcttaaa prevented the consummation of the crime . . . Mrs. Franklin D. Koose- n a n 1\ ,-- i velt has informed ths Palestine ica wbere i.? r'.'.' r.*c z\ Pavilion that shs has placed it on concerts ca £ 1z'~--rr~-'S~ ' "her prosraa for her rest visit to i ths Fair . . . The Pavilion, by the I S*ce.y s.n«i Err;.:, way, is scheduled to receive a Before sr . -_r. " - - -L.r"_- •> ?special av.-a.ra as csa of ths most liaist had —t--r J ."» r c" * ^ r?~ original e=il artistic srcbitectcral | 54X.C04 t - r - > - ; r - r —- ,-_- - : achievements in the Fair srouads j three r e f i f c c—;--~r r - . . . Reported froa-WssEiagtoa: js&mfely, t:-s . \ = - - r - r . r«r -nAt a recent Polish Embassy cin-i Joict D i s t r i L . »- J :.;-.','«s* to . j ner tbe Trtfe of t t s Gem^n \ Americas c——• " * - * - - r-• charge o'aftalres s.33:irea the E a - j GenaEn K t : i - : - r - - f-~ » r—s? Crzzzt bsssy dinner plates — -whsreupoa j nitte© for Cr'._?..:"" l ' r ~ a Eieaiber cf the.Italian EEb^ssyi Gsr3E.£5'.
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THE JEWISH PRESS-FRIDAY, MAY 26,1939 of pressed the Jewish people's confidence that "the great British democracy" would help them Mr. and Mrs. Phil • Saks an- combat the Government policy. nounce the Confirmation of their The meetings closed with mass redaughter Betty from the Beth El citation of the Biblical pledge (IsSynagogue -in Omaha at 8 p. m. aiah, 62): "For the sake of Zion A joint reception of all confir- will I not be silent, and for the mands will tie held Sunday at the sake of Jerusalem will I not be Blackstone Hotel from 3 until 6. quiet." No individual a n n ouncenients have been issued. is the former Xydia Council Bluffs. .
MORRIS A1ZENBERG, Correspondent
By LEE GROSSMAN J. C. C. Physical Education Director
Ex-Reich Officialv - Heads Committee Refugee Aid
death. Do not sleep in the sun; you might oversleep and "wake up a -cinder." ! 11. Wo not push people into I i the water;, they may not be able j ' to swim. j IS. Ton have no business in n I • Nev York fVCNS) — Br, En»i small boe.f alone if j'o«. cannot | est Wilhelm Meyer, urttii May swiisi. Siowever, when */oi^ g«t of the Gerinto a boat, whether or not you j Dian Embassy YTasbington,
I arc a stiiumicr, step'directly ialo •-• fjov.' - r* sm (Continued from page 1.) With the approach of summer, ;' the center of- •• Winer! petting I believe it Important to answer | reisjein seated, evidence to show that the antiout of the boat, lake hold of both Semitic campaign took the form those few people who still ask, Here are some Its sides and walk in the fenier of mailing out reports of conver- "Why swim?"
| v~*° resigned becpi^e he M t that
the policies of the l\azi jjovernment were "un Christian," was appointed to het-.d the new "dePEirtmeiU of ecU'cr-nor" of the American Committee for Christian German Refugees. individual should know how to j should capsize or tip over, stay The resignation brought a swim, or swimming will cot at- j with the boat. statement from the German Emtract him for a great length of] I S . Do not be just an average bassy that Dr. Meyer was of the time. The better he swims, the swimmer; take some Instructions j Jewish race and that accordingly . [ Ul " r e not surprised," heroine «* gooO more swimming lie will do, Swimming' is " undoubtedly one I swiransers should Jake iTistmcP!nce Meyer P-PF been with the of the greatest exercises in the tions in life saving. A good swim- : German Embassy since the start world. It brings into play every mer is not necessarily a good Hie o£ the i\'azi regime, it is appar-
•Mr. Julius Lakin of Chicago News for the Sioux City page of The Jewish Press must was a week end guest at the (Continued from page 1.) sations reputedly taking: place in reach this corespondent, by 8 home of Mr. and Mrs. S. SuvalskV. the Harrnonie Club iu New York. o'clock-Tuesday evening. Mail membered at all people . said, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Gilinsky and On the mailing list were army The three rabbis of Sioux City j to Morris Aizenberg, 1715 Ne- son, Philip Howard are leaving "Well, you can't blame all Arreserve officers and American Leled an attack on the British pro- j braska street, or call the Jew- Saturday for a trip to Los An- huthnots for him." posal to .turn Palestine into an j ish Community Center on Tues- geles, California. Thus it has been for Arbuth- gion officials. According to L>ies, anti-Semitic material was woven Aral) State, at special mass serv- day evening. Mr. Gilinsky will return in a nots in all their times. Nobody into the reports of tho conversaices of all Jewish congregations. few weeks,: while Mrs. Gilinsky ever looked at their noses and tions, which consisted in part of last Friday night at the Shaare and son plan to stay during the even when an Arbuthnot nose predictions of events which later Zion synagogue. '' was crooked no disabilities were developed. entire summer. muscle in the body, it is a great.' saver. eni. that the yliilemeut ia untrue. Rabbi S. Bolotnikov of the Mrs. Gilinsky's mother, Mrs. hung on it. Arbuthnots were alIn an sctcIrpsF earlier this month. "This is one o£ the most cltver conditioner for the -whole body, should cc T 0 U inio lowed to go wherever their talthree Orthdox synagogues, RabM Anna Herzoff of Sioux City will in Philadelphia I)T-. Meyer said as the muscles of the neck, chest, tronble vrhile in the v/p.ter, and dangerous methods that can ents directed them or they failed H. R. Rabinowitz of Shaare Zion accompany them on the trip. that there v-as sure to be an early in accordance with their individ- be devised," Dies said, "because trunk, legs and arms are all used cool, try to float, tread water, or eolltpse synagogue and Rabbi Theodore N. of Xa;;is 111. in this great sport. This causes ieep four legs moving, and your in predicting seme events that did ual deficiencies. Lewis of Mt. Sinai Temple, all decome to pass they gaie plausibil) symmetrical development of the arms under water. All the while, livered addresses. Arbuthnots . are never sent ity to statements that followed." entire body. think clearly about what vou \7 away on account of their religion Dies asserted that Dudley P. GilMay 29 at 9:30 is the date set Swimming is a normalizing exdo. , ^ when they apply for jobs. The bert, for the annual A. Z. A. sweetwealthy New Yorker, had b d ercise. By this I mean that ?"t j 13. When you go bathing or j IXGZTlcd 171 Tel AVW privilege of their birth enables spent more than ?8,000 to fin- has a tendency to make the inheart dance to be held at the picthem to write boldly, "Episcopa- ance dissemination of the reports, dividual w h a t turesque and cool Shore Acres. he physically safetr Tel Aviv fTVNS-ralcor Agency)' ian" on the application blank. allegedly brought to Gilbert by a should be. If he is too stout it A record turnout of the Jewish — Amenep'F capitol — WashingArbuthnots have a religion that is community is expected to start club waiter, who is being sought will help make him thin: if he tori. District of Columbia — has (Continued from page 1.) approved by all the leading em- by the Committee. The reports is thin, it should help build him off the summer social season. *_ been honored by the naming of ployers. Considerable interest has been •were sent on to Captain Campbell At the last meeting of the B'nai They wrecked the offices-of the upan avenue of tree? in the Florendisplayed as to who will be chosFuture at Owensboro for dissemination to , B'rlth, elections were held. A. M. extremist ZionlstrRevisionist Partine Quarter or Tel Aviv. ResiThe ability to swim will in- ! As I-consider the privileged "key people" throughout America. crease the self-condifence of the i Davis was elected president, Arn- en as the Sweetheart of A. 1. A. ty and its newspaper, Hamashdent ha v e pi.p.ntec! Zip trees and from the following candidates: Capt. Campbell told the commitkif, but departed empty-handed.' ife of Arbuthnots and the bioold Baron, vice-president; Dr. S. c?]]pr] the Fife TPFhinrton Aveindividual. The spirit of acj nue, SP p tribute to the fine AmerBergen, corresponding secretary; Hannah Holdowsky, Francis Du- The community protested against ogical consequences of marriage tee that in addition to the conver- cornplishment is an incentive that | coffe, Ida Shindler and Claire satin reports he sent out copies of with an Arbuthnot my love is icEn spirit of today which has so Earl Kline, recording secretary; makes the swimmer wish to sue- | the raids. Dvorkin. speeches by Gen. Moseley and^Fadreadfully troubled. True, as the greatly enheartened the oppressRioting Myer Shubb, .treasurer, and Louis ceed in other activities. To be j On the night of the affair each ed Jewish people. The pitched battle with police professor suggests, I may impart ther Charles E. Coughlin, the ra- able to swim is to be able to have | Shindler, sergeant-at-arms. dio priest," to a list of 200 perDeputy Kp.yor Dor Hog. CounThis was the final session of couple attending will be entitled in the center of Jerusalem fea- to the Arbuthnot tine some of fun in the water. ! cillor j'psh.p nheimicne, Council* the season. Meetings will be re- to one vote for their favorite. tured nation-wide Jewish demon- my better Jewish qualities — Swimming is an unusually in-1 Tokyo <WNS} — Foreign The sweetheart will be announced something of my intellect which, stration and a general strike in lor S. Shoshani and other Munsumed in the tall. teresting hobby. Time which ister Hachiro Arita. at midnight, at which time she protest against the British policy. I understand, has been sharpened icipaiiiy o'Jncers were at the inmight be taken up in learning avoid friction over policy 1 will be presented with a beauti- The rioting in Zion Square con- fine by the millstones which havo things that are useless or even the Reich has had, issued a state- j auguration cerenion. . ful pin properly inscribed desig- verted the modern shopping and been on my head for 2000 years; The Florentine Quarter is still detrimental or immoral can be ment at the annual conference of! nating the honor bestowed upon amusement center into.a no-man's something of the social prophet I affiliated with the Jaffa, municiused very profitably in learning Profectural Governors. stating | Regular service will be held to- her. land between police and the Jew- am said to have inherited; some(TV'NS) — W r i t i n g for to swim and in enjoying the great, that it is not Japan's policy to pal administration — but its Innight at 7:45 and tomorrow at 9 ish crowds, which retreated with- thing of the compassion which, I theLondon habitants hope, ss a. result -of., New York Tribune Bureau, out-of-doors. persecute Jews, and as ltmjr a? their out dispersing ia t,hp face of po- am told, has come to me bj: rea- Alfred Duff Cooper, a. m. at the three Orthodox synaprolonged, campaign, td former First The use that can be made of ] they do not violate the laws will lice baton charges and contined son of my own timeless suffering. Lord of the Admiralty of Great gogues. Rabbi Bolonikov will come within Tel Aviv jurisdiction. swimming in dangerous situa- j be treated like other foreigners, to stone the British forces. Bpeak. Britain, declared that it was foolYes, I may give all this to tions should in itself compensate \ He indicated that Jews in Japan Barbed-wire barricades were young Arbuthnot Segal, but I ish as well as cruel to turn refu- for the effort and time put forth owed their immunity from persePeace Vits.1 to Jew* erected in the square. The disorgees away when industry and deFuneral services for Mrs. Dora may also give him my nose which fense are in desperate need of in learning how to swim. It has cution in part to American reacders followed the stoning of the g London <\TTA> Efforts to to German attacks on them. Daily services will be held at .Cohn, who died Thursday, -were Government District Office on Jaf- is somewhat aquiline. He will greater man power. been estimated that at least 9 0 tions in the home of her daughter, fa Road by a crowd of at least 10- have my nose and people will "We wish." he said, "to avoid any identify elements allegedly oppos7 G. m. and at 7:30 p."m. Friday held per cent of the annual water "There are some hundreds of Mrs. L. Baron, 606 "Virginia friction with other countries over ing peace with the Jews were deevening services will begin' at street, Friday afternoon. Rabbi 000 Jews. The mob smashed the surely say, "There's Jew in him." thousands of homeless people,'* fatalities fatalities are are the the di direct result cf | nounced, by Neville Laski, presientrance to the building, damaged When he asks for a job they will he said, "whose crime is either the fact that the highly educated It n e treatment of Jews such as dent of the Board of Deputies of 7:30 and Saturday, morning serv- H. R. Rabinowitz officiated. has had." and occupied the ground floor of look at his nose rather than at that they have held political opwell as the uneducated, the i Germanyices at 8:30. S m c e t h e tol&l The survivors are four daugh- a department store and also took the bright mind he has inherited number oZ Jews British Jews, submitting a. report inions of which Hitler does not rich as well as the poor, are total- Ii a . J f P a ° ^ , estimated ters, Mrs. L. Baron, Mrs". Phillip possession of a German-Christian from me et 2,000 of the British Jews' Joint; Foreign He looks like a approve or that they have run- Iv ignorant of correct water con-| Pill, Mrs. I. Marsh and Mrs. Fred restaurant adjoining police gen- Jew," the employment manager duct and are not aware of safety ! and the total .-apanese population Committee to <? meeting of the board. "One cannot repeat too Foreman, and four sons, Max eral headquarters and public tele- •will say, disregarding Arbuthnot ning in their veins the blood of the race which gave us the Bible often." ?.'r. Laski said, "that if Cohn, Joe Cohn, Chatzkel Cohn of phone kiosks. Segal's PhD (cum laude) in and which is the object of Hitthere is a section of the world Germany and Mashe Cohn of Pochemistry. "No Surrender" ler's undying hatred." be population to whom peace is more Miss Frances Matz, daughter of land. i ister is connected in some waV The rioting punctuated the genI have prepared a. f e w j i ^ p l e | t h e v a s t ^ e a I t h o f J e _ £ u u essential than to anybody else, it Their are thousands of refuArbuthnot Segal will suffer anMr. and Mrs. Sam Matz, is to be erally peaceful, although fervent guish whenever he reads of some gees longing to come to Great safety hints for study_ and con- | r E ~ : f i c E t i o l i s i n i E t e r n £ t i o n £ l ii- is the Jews." married to Mr. Max Ivener of against the White Paper Jewish thief in the newspapers, Britain and to serve her as sold- sideration. My hope is that if , n a n c e , . , T h e T £ p a n e i s e £ r e u n E b l e , Walthill, Neb., Sunday afternoon. TALMUD TORAH PICNIC protest carried out by Palestine's 450,May 28. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz TO BE HELD JUNE 25TH 000 Jews through a general strike because he will be at once aware iers or in any other capacity, ac- an opportunity presents itself. !t o -understand anti-Semitism, si-! Patronize Our Advertisers some reader of this articie wih j thoivgh Nazis fce-e here tried to what people are going to say . . . cording to Duff Cooper. •will officiate. • that paralyzed economic activity; "That's the Jew for you, they're be able to save a. life or prevent j « .^p persecution so far with I June 25 has been decided upon s r * The bride will wear a white mas3 meetings, street parades and all alike," they will say and ArE, FRADENBURG— someone else from having a ser- xittle success. ,: satin gown and is to be attended as the date for the annual Tal- demonstrations. ANTI-NAZI BOYCOTT ALFRED A, FSEDLER, Attys, buthnot who had inherited my mud Torah picnic. ions water accident: S2C Cit Nat'i Bank Bldg. The few Jews in government \ .by Miss Mae Matz as maid of honAIDS U. S. INDUSTRY Three thousand Jewish women impeccable character as well as Committees for arrangements, RULES employment as professors End in- j or. Mr. Archie Ivener will be paraded through J e r u s a lem's NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 1. Walt at least one "hour after strtLCtors hare been told that they j the best man. The bridesmaids cooking, park location and ticket streets in protest against the pol- my nose, will be included in the New York (JTA) — New fac- eating before yea go swi will be retained on the same toot- j In the County Court of Dougla« •will be Miss Maxine Raskin, Miss selling have been appointed. Fur- icy. A large demonstration was sweeping indictment. and jobs for more Ameri-i T , ^ssiUe ^ rou walt I can not inflict this "on the tories -Marie -Hanln> Miss .Francis Levine ther details concerning the picnic also held at Hadar Hacarmel, near even ing as ether foreigners as long as County. X^'i'-a^ka: cans will shortly spring up in the ! In ihe iMatcof oil the Estate of their service is satisfactory. A If you svrim too and Mrs..Eva Ivener. Ushers are will be announced in a later is- Haifa. British troops with bayon- happy Arbuthnots each of whom jewelry trade as a result of the few German Jews employed in Emma Coziali. l><?ess<=<3. Mr. Max Maier of Omaha", Abe sue of The Press. Alt r?"For>F int»ros='.<»rt in said estats ets fixed were posted at Jerusalem is blamed onlyf or his own sins pressure of the anti-Nazi boycott, after catin;, cramps may result. technical capacities by Japanese 2. You should reraeinbe? that Silver of Hartington, Sidney Matz are hereby notified iliac a. petition ha» street corners as 3,500 Jewish and who is respected in accord- it was stated at a lunchson atfiled in sp.i.-! f'oiri't alleging that of Sioux City and Sam Levine of youths, chanting "No Surrender!" ance with his own merits and is tended by representatives of more if you swim oat into deep water j firms .have- been dismissed at Nazi been instigation. These exploits have said deceased diett iesving" no last yoii must return: the same dis- instigation Iftxmour, S. D. Ringbearer will marched by the Jewish Agency of- allowed to walk in the dignity of than 150 importing firms. vill er-icl p:-a''inc for adminiRfcratiOR been accomplished fcy so-called his own .character and travel as be Edward Ivener and Lynne The meeting was called by Jo- tence to shore. You"trill be more Nazi spies, who are found obnes- upnn his estate, n n i that e. hearing Confirmation services are to be fices and symbolically burned the far as his ability lets him.1 Not for tired coming back., you should ; Ivener wil be flower girl. wil"; be had on i?air* petition before White Paper. Troops equipped seph Rosenberg, of the Anco Imheld at 10 a. m. Sunday mornf=sifl court on the l~th tlsy of June, A dinner will be held- immedi- ing. The continuants are Bar- with machine guns and police the sake of her children I must port corporation. A resolution keep this in mind and start back j ions by residents here. I9J1P. a r c thai if the*- fat! to appear was .adopted not to import any in plenty of time. ately after the wedding for the bara Davis, Gloria Novitsky, Enid armed with tear gas guns were not marry Miss Arbuthnot. at paid Conn, on ?lw said 17th d a r (My wife wouldn't let me mar- merchandise from Germany for 3. Before diving into tisknewn J)cdicat€ immediate family and a few Robinson, Doris Grueskin, Joy stationed atop and inside the Disor ,iune. l?">n, p- ".o'clock A. M. t» ry her anyway). conteF' Faic petiiinn, the Court may the next nine months, pending ap- water, you should find out how friends by invitation. A dance Dean Arkin, Jack Kreuger, Stan- trict Officers building to guard prani the 8"d grant adminlstra•will be held in the social hall in ley Baron, Leonard Rosenthal, against a recurrence of rioting. (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts pointment of committees to study deep if is and whether it is free lion oi paid psiate to Jennie Wilson All midtown shops were closed Feature Syndicate.) the evening. jewel and novelty manufacturing | from submerges! rocks or other or some other suitable person and Harley Babbitz. David Levin, Her- and traffic was diverted by the Cambridge (TVXS)—Harvard's •proceed to P settlement thereof. possibilities in this country with obstacles. If a. place is not bert Holland, Stanton Cohen and police. BRTCE CRAWFORD, new Littsuer Center of Public Ada view to prosecution of the antimarked as sale for diving, inves'• Mr. and Mrs. J. Kalin, 3620 Stanton Kalin. ' County Judge. Nazi boycott and establishing new tigate carefully before doing any | ministration was dedicated by its 5-CR-3P-SL Jackson street, announced the en- The parents are giving a recepThe 310 Jewish immigrants who donor "to the education of men factories here. gagement of their daughter, Miss tion at the temple annex from 4 debarked illegally near Ascalon diving. U H V CV'fices VVEEE, EEBER. KLUTZNICK A were taken to Haifa, where they Francis Kalin, to Bernard H. Lip- to 7. 4. Do not overestimate your of character, as wise leaders of a KELLEY swimming ability, especially at free people." Lucius N, Liitauer, man,' son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tonight Rabbi Lewis w i l l were being detained at the Jewish SCC Union State Bank the beginning of the season when Harvard; '7S, warned that "no liipman, Sl2 Twelfth street. Omaha, Nebraska, preach on "The Annual Hebrew Agency's immigration h o s t e l pending release. Their number TOU are not in your best physical democracy is likely to live on, cxBook." will be deducted from the regular .. Mrs. A. B. Friedman, 1722 shape. Overenthusiasin is often j cept it be blessed with wise, pa- NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Rabbi was at Otoe, la., where immigration DODGE LIQUOR COMPANY. schedule. Spokesmen 1 triotic, unselfish, fearless public j Jackson street, is giving a 1 he gave the commencement adNew York (WNS)—At a meet- fatal. o'clock luncheon at the Warrior dress for the high school gradua- for the group related that immedo. Do not swim in remote I leadership. It must overcome the j X"tir<? IF !>ei-eby given that the uning of the American Committee iately after landing and prior to centralization of government pow- | clersi^npfl b&re formed a corporation hotel-today in honor of the com- tion. for Christian German Refugees places. (Continued from page 1.) the arrival of troops,. the immithe. taws oi the State of Neing marriage of her two daughDr. Marion E. Kenworthy an6. Do not, if you are a begin- er," Mr. Littauer said.- "for we ! under braska, tmder the name of "Dodge grants had been attacked by an ters, Paulline and Esther. nounced that 2,500 families in ner, try long distance swims cannot avoid a change in the so- \ Liquor Company" with its principal White Paper and is confident in Arab mob from a nearby village cial order unless we can eliminate place of husinepp n.t Omaha, Nebras-^ various parts of the country have with knives, sticks and stones the ability of the Jewish people already offered to take child ref- alone, always be accompanied by j — ^ ^ ^ " f these ka. The feneva! nature of the busiMiss Jessie Slutsky left Sunday a strong swimmer. If yon are • to go forward and to build the Several of " the immigrants were Ceremonies of clscicaaon OL cne ness to he trnnsarteil and the object ugees into their circles, although swimming a loag distance in a night for an extended visit with Jewish national home regardless pntl ni;"Posp Xov •^'iiioh this corpora. i i , housing the Herslightly wounded and three disap as yet no solicitation has been large body of water, whether you i n e w b u d l n g Mr. and Mrs. H. Feinberg of Grifschool of Public iioti tsr orpKnispf' IP to enira^ce in the V£rd G r a d u £ t e peared, of whom two were later of obstacles." Brandeis's belief, made. de!ioP.tePF?ii nn^ retail liquor ' and fin, Georgia. are a beginner or &n expert, you i Administration, for which Mr. beverap-e bn.^in^PF arrested. The party is was stated declared Dr..Golrman, is based on Dorotho Saltzmna ?nd to operate resDr. Kenworthy declared that the following four points: should be accompanied by some- \ Littauer gave $2.500.COP. were taurants, and it shall have the right. had been at sea for one month and the spontaneous reaction of so university j to acqtii'T and lep?e re?l snrl personal Miss Rose Annette Barrent and one in a boat. I attended by Harvard A meeting of he B'nai B'rlth had camped for some time on a (1) The legal obligation asj T»ronerty p.nri rlo pi' tninerp incidental "Mrs. Pat Bobya are visiting here Lodge was held Monday. Dr. I. desert island in the Mediterran sumed by Great Britain is the many families on hearing of the . 7. It is Eswise for beginning officials and students. i tn its business:. The. authorized capto bring refugee chil- swimmers to use inflated rubber .-with Mrl and Mrs. Sovel Krueger Sternhill gave a preliminary re- ean. . basis for Jewish constructive en- proposal ilFl Ftock of V.\e corporation phall be dren from Germany was a testiRiO.finn Find p.l of said stock shall be . and Mr. and Mrs. M. Seff. The port on the Joint Hospital Drive, terpises in Palestine. That legal play apparatus, • such as tire | ITALY URGES ALIEN A resolution framed by the monial to 'the humanitarian symcomon and o-.' vh^ t^r value of $100.00 visitors are from Washington, indicating that greatly increased right, sustained by humanitarian pathies of the American people." tubes and water wings. H they ppr phpT-p ppx? Rji^l! h e fnlly pp.!(^ UP Jewish National Council w a s JEWS TO LEAVE and contributions have been received 3>. C. needs cannot, be obliterated for should break or leak, the result non-assessable. T h e , highest. adopted at hundreds of meeting The American Friends Service Kome (WNS) — Foreign Jews by all those approached so far. amount of iiKieh''ednei=!? to which this r throughout the country. It declar private ,advantage. (2) What Committee, which has been active might prove fatal. co^'po e tioji slip V P[ c'.i'y one time, here have again been visited by • Miss Rose Shiloff and Mrs. M. It was decided that the "Me- ed that no sacrifice was too grea does the world propose to do subject' itself shall "be StO.nno. The in refugee work in European Shiloff left last Sunday nighi for morial" meeting should be held Do grate as corpo^sEion sli^ll cnnitT'encp doinc defeat the British Government's with the Jews for whom exile is countries, was adding child wel- yon are actually in „„ quickly as possible. po .. Omaha, to visit for a few days. Monday, June 12, at the Synago- to "policy of treachery," pledged enforced?/. . . (3) 'Absorptive ca- fare workers in Berlin, Vienna, not be timid about calung .op as- ; , .ss t aet e l e s s » a n d persons p j „ „ „ , „ „ « „„„„ fililiner its A'•Holes -with o E doubtFrom there Miss Rose Shiloff left gue. Brother O. Hochman Is in that no Jew would help in estab- pacity is stated to be the critersistance whenever yon are in been j lhe"Co,mzy Clerk Douplss County, t h on are in J d Prague and Frankfort to spur the f u l n a t !onaiity have already for Los Angeles to visit her sis- charge of arrangements. ntinue for a lishment of the projected new ion by which Jewish entry into l i t " passports t allowed l l d j Nebraska.* given "apolite" of re-establishing the chil- need of it. ter, Mrs. Meyer Fleischman. Then Edward Cohen of Milwaukee, Government institution, asserted Palestine should be determined. work yearf from snifl date. 9. Do not take dares" while | holder to return to Italy, : rw-iod of t h e dren in family circles. f th,^ oo:Torj*tior". shall 6he will travel to San Francisco the Field Secretary of District that Palestine Jewry refused to Palestine can absorb 100,000 ani-ffr. i ia swimming. I making it possible to obtain for- •' he emanaged bv p. Board o? Directors and there will-be married to Mr. No. 6 of~ B'nai B'rith attended accept the restrictions on immi- nually, according to experts . ^ . 10. Do "not lie in the sun and I eign visas. Now, however, the ! of not loss than iv.-c nor more than Francisco Ribiero, a Portut3 Jack Fischer of San Francisco.' this meeting, and gave a brief gration, and land sales, advised (4) On a legal basis, Jews should j guese" Jew," captained one of the *y to acquire a tjaick tan; such a re-entry clause has been rescind- ! five membprf?. The annual meeting talk describing the nature of his that every Jew would help theenof the co-porptior: shall be held on exercise the right to continue to i Dutch expeditions to capture practice usually results in a pain- ed and holders notified they may Ij the first Ttio^rlny ir. ,Tsmi»rv of each Miss Ruth Grueskin, 1716 In- work. try of illegal immigrants • and ex enter Palestine." ful susibura and. has even caased not be allowed to return. I Brazil. j year PJ' v.-hich m^etinfr the ptockholdgleside, is spending several weeks i ers shall e.lecl a Poavd ! of nirectors An open meeting of the Talmud in' Chicago with relatives. | pnr 7 |j 1 e l ,. ? l , r o r ji,.-.- T!oc,rr n ' •pirectors Torah will be held Monday, June ! phs-i! eiecf p. r-e =i(i'>vii, Vice-TYesii rlrn." Sp,' v ' • ' -"!•" "T"-.-:»^nrer. Any Dr. • J. N. Lande attended the 5 at the Synagogue. Mrs. Richard . Gordon is in ( ? • " O" "American Medical association conThese charge of program arrangements vention at St. Louis last week. nm re«rfor this meeting. The local A. Z. \p stoekltlrthe out. T h e Young Judean members A. chapter will1 present a skit. The representing Sioux City at the Oes guest speaker will be announced the parMolnes district convention this later. This is to be a very important An-li 1011. week-end are: Thelma Shindler, Anabelle Satin, Ann Kanofsky, meeting. : Sophie Fish, Risa Lazere and Mrs. A. Z. A. 7 • was awarded first F-;s-3"-4t. H. L|cht. for their "Stage Night" pro'•• Ann Kanofsky will give her prize on Wednesday, May 17 at winning oration for the district gram the Jewish Community Center. convention. . In- their original skit entitled TE. Or W\\X. the "Stinky Cigarette Hour," were Eugene Telpner, Ernest Ross, Norman Rosenthal, and Norman JOB WANTED of Abrahamson. ; (Each week The. Jewish t Press will present the case - of A regular meeting of A. 3 . A, ? • • lns for a worthy individual looking for will be held Tuesday. -itrr>»nt. Vernon Fitch plans to attend employment. If anyone is Interested in employing such, a A. z. A. convention at Port Jer• person please call Dorothy Mer- vis, New York as a delegate from lin a t the Jewish Community this chapter. The A. Z. A.'s will present their Center for" further informaprize-winning skit at the nest Abovo IS Architect Leo Daly's tion-.) Talmud Torah meeting, to be held sketch of the five new buildings A young man, i 9 years of now under construction at Father age, who io a high school grad-. J u n e 5 . .-. . . .,:.. .- ..•'.. - -..' .--•' Flanagan's Boys" Home, Boys tiate and is qualified to do Mr. and Mrs. Milton Greenberg Town. The buildingto the right bookkeeping, typing ;uid genof Fajrbury, Nebraska announce is the new dining hall, while the eral office work is badly in the birth of a daughter, Debra other four buildings will provide tion will'be completed this we-';, need of employment. Carole, on Friday, May 19 at the living quarters for the "little citi- as will be the ponrlns of t i e CcctMercy Hospital, Mrs, :\Greenberg sens" of-Boys.Town,. Bacli.or.tlie iags. Pouring • cf ••- -!:; c^ ^ ~ :
Asks England to Utilize Refugees
Orthodox Services
Hold Rites for
Mrs. Dora CoKn
Shaare Zion
Mt. Sinai
Center a.i Harvard
Offer to Accept Refugee Children