June 16, 1939

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By Mi O E G M J

liOlSG U V B MOSBIiKZ ;Gep. Moseley put Into a letter his appjehenslon that Jews might "bump Mm off." Before the .Dies Committee he was : fearful- about the "Water he drank and a faithful -'• Entered as Second Class Alan Matter on January 31, 1331, at OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 16,1939 fustufflce. ot Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act ul March 3. 1ST79 servitor inade* sure that there was no contamination between the cup and the general's lip. " " ' No, no, the . general must••' not die and I wish him the traditional 120 years. Peop:« like the genEphralm M. Gershater, 17, has eral roust be preserved for Israel ___B__36 _, &, fc^_r L t t i . >*_' I *, ^ been announced as recipient of the and i l l had any influence in JewRabbi David H. Wice . w a s Samuel Cupples 2-year scholarship ry (which I haven-'t) I should j r e named' president of the Omaha award to the College of Engineervall on the American Jewish ConvCouncil of Social Agencies si-the ing of Washington University in mlttee to establish a Moseley medannual meeting held on Tuesday St. IiOuis, according to an anical service by which to teep the at the Hotel Korae. Daring the general's mouth in vigorous run- Warsaw Ousting; Czech nouncement issued by the UniverReport Concrete Schems past year Rabbi Wice has served Assails British Policy &s sity on June 3, 1939. ning order for a long time to as the organization's first viceBeing: Drafted Refugees in RepacEs&iiora of come. . . • Ephraim, who w a s graduated -Jjljresident. from Oma"ha Central High School in London One Moseley is as good as ten Reprisal OMisratioas ,!-,_ *~""^e._cojning to Temple Israel last week, is also a recipient of rabbis for the stimulation of Jew''•^•'•0^ vJ~"^>i.bi Wise has been ECish-life and many a Jew felt more GIVE MONTH'S NOTICE the Regents' Scholarship to the CONSIDERING HAVF e;y..'"^'." : ::-.rr^-0' local social KITS AT WHITE PAPER University of Nebraska and of a devoutly Jewish than ever before Warned I •.";<;- w~ r* . ""''? " ^ '"~saa of the during the several days the gener- Fear Reich to Force All Regents' Scholarship to the Uni- Details Under Discussics: MacDoaald to Present ithxopies, is versity of Omaha, and has been al was ridlns his horse before the oily Welfare Not Yet Given to Views of Britain at Polish Jews to offered a half-tuition scholarship pies Committee. assoelation,""'ai*w to Northwestern U n i v e r s i t y at .ter president John Eisr. ~ ,- ' - '* r Public Geaera It '-was in that week,- indeed, Leave of the Youth Guiaajice Council. Evanston, Illinois. that Gen. Moseley persuaded meFremor" rr-" r - p f - -' •Warsaw (JTA)—New camps of Genera (JTA) — Dr. Chaim I: to give something to the Union By VICTOR M. BIEXSTOCK x T p : - ... . i ^ Weizmann, presjdest of the .Tew- clerk of American Hebrew Congrega- outcast refugees sprang up in the Chief of J . T. A. European Sertice tions which is having a campaign. German-Polish "n.o-man's-1 a n d" ish Agency, this called -upon Walter A. _ 1 ^ . 1 London (JTA) — HeEdway has the League of Nations to uphold Oh, I saia, I inust do something this week as the Warsaw governbeen made in the negotiations the Jewish people's "internation- of Mr. ' to help gird the Jewish f a i t h ment refused admission to hunnow proceeding in London regardally recognized rights" in the [ of Ei: " against Modeley and keep the-al- dreds of Jews expelled from the Reich. Groups of from 10 to 40 ing formation of an international Holy Land, in a special letter ac- j btrn Co P:E tar fire3 lighted. '.'._' persons repeatedly crossed the foundation to finance ssd direct companying the annual report cf j and E:-"F J T Jews Troubled large-scale emigration cf Jetrs the Jewish Agency to the Man- v'ith e I ?•-<•-< Few, : in fact, were talring the frontier at Zbonszyn and Bytom, Juure ~ - general seriously. The Dies Com- only to "be driven back. It was Former Omahan Will be from Germany, in accordance District Lodge Convention fiates Commission, which began examination . o f t h e Palestine j in Den* e-, Honored,by Baltimore with the understanding reacted mittee "struck "out most of his estimated that approximately 2,. Wfll Be Held . between George Rublee, former question on Wednesday. j speech as entirely irrelevant. The 000 Jews had been forced out of Congregation •. July. 1-4 the Reich at various frontier director of the Intergovernmental . The letter assails the new Brit- j newspaper reporters were letting points were now marooned Dr. Helmuth ish policy on Palestine, embodies j him off with a light touch and a in the -and Dr. William Rosenau, who came Committee, G eand Local delegates will attend the in the White Paper, 'as virtual "no-man's-land." r m a n economics sly wink. The good-humored pubto Omaha fifty years ago as the Wohlthat, Convention of District G r a n d A special train from "Vienna ar- first ordained rabbi to conduct ministry official, it is reported. - Lodge No. 6, B'nai B'rith, wbich repudiation of the Ealfour Declalic gave out ribald laughter at Representatives of an American is to be held in Detroit July 1 to ration's promises to the Jews, the general's own picture of-him- rived at HIndenburg in German services here, will celebrate the self consorting with. Fritz Kuhn Upper Silesia with 2,000 Jews, golden jubilee of his ^rdinartion group, which had been discussing 4. According to Archie M. Cohen, Bakes the "strongest possible prowho were split into small groups next Friday evening in Baltimore the project in New York •vriih president, of the district, w h o test" against it and appeals to tor patriotic purposes. He troubled only the Jews. ... and driven toward the frontier. where he is spiritual leader of the Myron C. Taylor, American vice- spoke in Omaha on June 7. this chairman of the Intergovernmentcontrol ever Palestine is Yes, I said to my wife, Moseley Ninety of this group were arrested Congregation Oheb Shalom. is 4hs largest B'nai B'rith ultimate Earl;rested." al Committee, are now holding district tides again, and what will become by Polish border guards at RudaEntering the Hebrew U n i o n in the vrcrld -with a peak slonska and sent back to the "no- College in 1882, Dr. Rosenau was discussions with the coaniittee'E district Charging that the White Paper pf us? membership of 22,0 00 persons. L Now, she replied, is the time for man's-land." ordained on June 28, 1889. Im-London, bureau and are also in M. Khitznick of Osaha is in "direct contradition to the Another 78 of-these Jews were mediately upon his ordination he contact with financial interests is is Philip •whole trend and purpose of the j — all good Jews to stand together. second vice president of the Palestine mandate," the letter as- j A recc-i. r> L< ! She reminded me what disunity expelled at revolver point by the came to- Temple Israel, which, other countries. Grand Lodge. The discussions are believed to District, Officers serts that it' ignores the man- j made tc - r i there'had been in Israel and that Germans and refused admission though it had b e e n organized Installed date's preamble -which recognises •we ourselves Wv*re not united with at the Polish border. The posi- since 1868, up to that time had be proceeding so far along broad New officers o* the local B'cai the lines and Questions of detail t a r e B'rith historical connection of .the all Jewish things us we should be. tion. of the Jewish Refugee Com- no ordained spiritual leader. -ledge were installed at the not been gone into. It is not yet stag and field day held on Juaa 7 Jewish • people with Palestine, to The rabbis- had been saying that mittee in Warsaw is desperate, its Sncceeded Dr. Szold extent existing or- in honor of the district's presi- with regard to reconstituting the we ought to join ourselves.to the funds being completely exhausted. Three years later he left Oma- clear to what AM Out of East Prussia -which have been en- dent, national home, and sets spiritual and cnltural things of ha for Baltimore where he suc- ganizations Mr. Cohen. Over 175 mem-Jewish (Berlin reports said -between ceeded the Rev. Dr. Benjamin gaged in refugee relief and re- bers were forth the hasic •principles to guide -the Ccr -- r"! Judaism, and had we done it? . present at the affair. settlement will participate in the destinies. ' Yes, it was time we did our 10,000 and 15,000 Jews had been Szold, father of Henrietta .Szold, The local l o d g e presente'd the the country's - Accuses Britain duty on account of Moseley. We rounded up and headed toward as Rabbi of Congregation Oheb new foundation or exactly how president Tsith a check for $2,000 the work will be arranged. must join the Chesed Shel Ernes the Polish border or ordered to Shalom, better known as the EuThe letter -accuses- the British the quarterly,installment oa. fines. government Long-Terra Loans Burial Society -whose solicitor we :et> out of Germany across-other taw Place Temple. of disregarding those The C"*"~ -" Harry B. Cohen, retiring presiAccording to the London Jewt a d turned away when several borders. All Jews in East Prusprinciples and omitting from the A special service will be held dent of the local lodge, -vras predays before Tie'iad"calledjon—us sia, estimated to total 11.000, Friday evening with Dr. Julian ish Chronicle, a concrete scheise sented -with a "President's Pin." White Paper positive obligations ZE. C r r r c r r-- P — • to enlist as . members . . . "We were reportedly ordered to leave Morgenstern, president of the He- has been discussed for creation of as recognition, of Hehrew as iodB cZ car, t v r r~ The Breadbreakers group will such a large central body, with local bury poor Jews free," he sa}d»but jjy June 20. an official lang-nege in Palestine The C~ — brew Union College, in Cincinnati, executive bodies, to finance refu- continue meeting-each • Thnrsaay and recognition of the Agrency BE rectior rf only now could we see that. Jews" "The situation was summarized occupying the pulpit of Oheb Shat h e E ^ B cciab, isth the hofiy representing the ,7< must stand together in life and as follows: 'Leipzig, 4,000 given lom. A reception will follow, the gee settlement in suitable areas * t »E?» a t the i a b isth ^ Dodge in.death on account of Moseley. .bne-inonth notices to leave; Mun- service. Saturday morning: the ju- through long-term international »r. Lec>a FeiJman is president people. Then some of the plaster' Had ich, 600 given one-month notices bilee service will be led by Rab-loans, credits and generous gifts cf ths Omaha, B nai B rit^ lodsc. ^__ "The. I j i t t e r omission," Sr. fallen In our temple and we must and an unknown number ordered bi Tobias Schanfarber, rabbi emer- pending realization by governTCeiEmann. declares, "accords vrita • JLrttv r.f contribute. ' something -, to repair out within a few hours; Dresden, itus of Kehillath Anshe Maariv ments of -the' need of- parallel r r, . the vbc-le tread.of the ne-r roller ssVeral hundred given one-week grants by them for achieTir.£ , of Chicago. •that. My wife hadn't been in favor i c* whittling sewn the status of of full solution of the prohlers. of contributing anything for new notices, expiring this week; BresDr. Rosenau wa3 succeeded in \1 th? Jewish - -people- fcy, limiting Theodore Achilles, who arrived . plaster, but now she felt we must lau, one transport already has' left Omaha by Rabbi Leo' Franklin, Ce—'zh , rights with- regard to lorc for the'Polish border; Kassel, one who now serves a congregation in here recently to take -up his duties | do our part.• » <" ----i-P_l;:tine to. those oZ the CIJSSEE transport gone, carryin'g an unas third, secretary of ths United ; We^must hold the temple to- known number. The round-up Detroit. During his stay in Oma- States "embassy, is actively ~zr[ Jer-Jrh. pop-dlatiort in -tie cc-urPr. -RngBTiH"- marrjed .9, daughgether, she said: _____ ^ _ _-^; also -covers-~Hanoverr-Kierr-Bre-~ ttenrggotia" tieiff&tisLiSIn thgnggottatlcrsr. 1: V. A. H . C. Benefits r of the Hellman family, "pioneer is believed that Robert Fell, Tic:- J Nuremberg, K a r l s r nhe, T:.T~T'S ' proposal to cort-Elt the I t was in those days, too, that mer-, gree, Siu&erais Ai Omahans. • • . Bamberg, Wuerzberg, Darmstadt director of the -Intergovernmental Arah states which, it declares. Gen. Moseley got me over- to- the and C o l o g n e , according to the Cor— Cor By 2 0 0 American" Committee, who is a State departhave no locus stacdi. Discussingside of the Union, of AmericanvHe- agency.) ' ment official, will complete his CoBesres the proposed--coEStitEtion for an fcrew Congregations. I had been official tour of duty here in the independent state, Dr. TVelEmacis. debating with myself: To give or. ; rt summer and return to WashingNew York <JTA) — During the assails the contention that e, EtE.te Paris (JTA) — Polish police not to give? I t really was a most ton, in "which case Achilles academic year now ending, SPO j in which the Arabs vrill constitute deserving religious cause, but-you have begun expulsions of Czech succeed.him as vice-director. colleges have created some 3 00 a two-thirds maority win Eot he be inow how it is: Your conscience Jewish refugees into the German Joseph Harsch, former Wash- scholarships, worth over ?20C,000 an, Arah state. A state . -with a for jralls you one way and your wife protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia, ington correspondent of the Chris- for refugee students, it was an- J e w i s h ' majority, he counters, A n €•- o - " -•. according to reports reaching another. tian Science Monitor, who' has nounced by Catherine Deeny, exe- wocM likewise not he s Jewish Gen; Moseley settled-s it all In .Jewish relief organizations from been appointed assistant director cutive secretary of the Intercol- s t a t e . |- y,^-,^,.-p-*p ^- -j favor of the Union of American JCattowice, apparently in reprisal of the Intergovernmental Com- legiate Committee to Aid. Student Referring to promised .safe- I laws. Tc n Hebrew Congregations. On the dayfor the Reich's deportation of New York (WNS) — Fifty mittee, has also arrived here to Refugees. guards for the' Jewish Eations-l ' _i-i_ rp~- - • he was given his biggest headlines Jews ^to Poland. Forty of the Jewish refugee childern, ranging take up his post. This will enable the most out- home, Dr. Weismann -points cut '< % „ , - - r I came to a determination: We estimated 800 Czech Jewish refu- iv. age from five to thirteen years, Study Offer standing students of Central Eur- that. eiperience - has , sho-v-n the I * o r must give.,-I'Said with snch^a show, gees .Were driven by Polish police arrived here on the liner PresiIntergovernmental Committee ope, whose studies'have been in- inadequacy from^Krakow to the Reich fron- dent Harding en route to Philaof constitutional safe- ;j ^RT-E \ f - p - ' f of firmness that .there was rfo*a*rofficials have received z.ad are terrupted and whose lives have guards " -^hea * " thS " " majt '" " " g u m e n t . • .' r . • - • • ; • ' •• tier, and forced Into Czech terri- delphia. They wear brought to now studying a report en refugee " . been "endangered because cf the j to disregard them. ,Th- *_--,Thus Mbseley /allied Israel- all tory., ... America by a Philadelphia attorcolonization prospects in the Docf the> Nazi government, I leader denies that the rrr_Ftr-*- -O T f ' The remainder of those in Kra- —•<• over the .country." Heports fro'm* Gilbert J. Krauss, as the se- minican Republic prepared by an policies to continue their studies in Amer-j power is obliged to EPCI-c i \ - 1 kow, tpok a collective oath to com- ney, various sfecMoTB'are as follows: quel to a dinner conversation six expert commission sponsored by ' mate independence, pc.r^.-r oi.'' Gargle>. Ajk^ 5}ore deteemiised mit suicide if they were deported months ago when it was agreed President Roosevelt's Advisory ican colleges. that tfce Palestine r r - ' ' - r Create Scholarships than, ever, because of Gen. Mose- into' Nazi-controlled territory. In that something must be done to Committee on Political Refugees. Of the scholarships that have generis does- not corts.r r- ^>ley, the Congregation Anshe Gib- Kattnwice,, police started a hunt bring some unfortunate children The report is described as offer1 been secured through* the cooper- depentleBce clause st rh ar r-'t orim in -a one-hour drive complet- in the streets for Czech Jewish here. ing a basi3 for further atcion. ation of administrations, faculties tainefl in the Srriar r r : r~-' ed its! fnnd tor .Jewish- religions refugees as a preliminary to exFifty-seven persons were enlistpulsion. The deportation would snd stndent bodies, 112 hare aleducation. It had*been* lagging: Lusaka, Northern R h o d e s i a ready been filled hy the Internawho financed the venture and •Four Corners, JWis.:, . After, B spell probable internment in Ger- ed agreed to take the children into (JTA)—The British commission tional Student Service. Of these, The new British T'o : n !?public reading; of Gen. Moseley's man "concentration camps. Meanwhile, Morris C. Troper, their homes. One of the sponsors. sent here to Investigate coloniza- more than SO have been used this | TVeizmann charges, s j ^ o ^ -e testimony. before the Dies Cointion possibilities on behalf of the j'ear and the remaiu-ier will he i Jewish national hoir- tc .'—• anittee the local congregation rer European director of the J. D. Congressman Lee Sacks, of Phila- Intergovernmental V Com- y c (• solved to so ahead with a new C , ordered a special representa- delphia, said the children came mittee is understoodRefugee used nest year. Of the students rule, perpetuates the Jew,'- — to have corain on "regular affidavits within position and'p'ascs Jsw^r (Cpntinued on page S.) synagogue to cost $20,000 instead placed hy International Student nority(Conticued (Continued on page S.) on p~gs f t the quota." Men and women, who Service, about 55 per cent are of J?15,000. had come here to meet the boat, Jewish, and 45 per cent are GenTimberlake, Wash.r, The local picked up little boys in their arms tile. The participating colleges are congregation today raised thejr&b* and kissed and hugged them. located in SS states and the DisW s salary after a speech by the 1 Men put little girls on their trict of Columbia. temple's president , . . "We -avast shoulders and paraded them up The first issue cf "Common stand together against all the I -. and down the pier. Almost all the •Cause," a four-page bulletin, to he Moseleys," hB said in an appeal men and women were overcome published five times a year hy the that brought unanimous approval vr with emotion. Mr. Kraus said the American Committee for Christian of the rabbi's raise. . German Refugees has appeared. It children were al consigned to his Bump oft, Moseley? I should II contains information relative to address in Philadelphia and that say nott Long' live" Moseley, Bay the German refugee problem and Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of De- he "was personal guarantor for I! Since He is a man well along ~z. c London (JTA)—Colonel Josiah events in Nazi Germany with their New in his 'Sixties, the disintegrating troit, who from 1S93-1889 served them all. ork (JTA)—1'c.hc- -£ Wedgwood, Laborite M. P., told repercussions on world affairs. Kepbur processes of old: age soon -must as spiritual leader of Temple Isa meeting of the Anglo-Palestine The editors are Dr. Ernest Yfil- ress. is the model fc- C*1- Tr *• C— - r< commence in him if. they haven't rael, was one of the six rabbis club that Palestine Jews would helm Meyer, executive secretary of Tolerance in a pat-.?' c ~r- p- r'_ already, as some feel there is rea- awarded the degree of Doctor of not be doing their duty unless of the Committee's new Depart- | painted by McCiellar>l r ~ r^ "~ son t o suspect. Gen. Moseley'must Divinity, Honoris Causa at t h e they "make illegal immigration ment of Education, and Dr. Hen-noted illustrator, for i l - r - --- , - —~be kept alive for the stimulation graduation exercises of the Hepossible and in the end make it ry Smith L,eiper, foreign secretary vide Inae?s-!de"C3 Dr- t--c of Israel! The Moseley Medical In- brew Union College. *- ~ legal." He said that if Tel Aviv's of the Federal C o u n c i l cf cJ ths Council Against I t ' c ~ r - c e ' - "• Known as the founder of the stitute for ; the Prolongation, of 150,000 Jews wanted a ship In first student synagogue in AmerMoseley which I have' suggested in Ataerioa. f : ' —-? its harbor to land its cargo "no Churches. would devote - itself to * arresting ica, that at the University of The poster, which v " c —- rr -r" power on earth could stop then." Michigan in 1902, Dr. Franklin those deteriorations which cause holii-s ths Americas D-^c.:-' ~r - " - the mouth in its old age to Jose has been a trustee of the Jewish of Tclsraace a s s EJJUT* ^-^ r •. - c i r Jerusalem (JTA) — Ths auits bellow and diminish the. "wind Welfare Fund of Detroit, v i c e World's Fair, N. Y. (JTA)— ed b r George Gc-rucn "•- ^c ~ c" ' in the lungs. Our best Jewish doc- president of the Detroit Public Li- The New 3Tork World's Fair yes- thorities seized 200 Jetrisi illegal | Etor - : . TTc-rren E a r ! ~ - r" - , immigrants who had been landed tors would labor for the preserva- brary, and Trustee of the Detroit terday (Thursday) played host Jersey and M'lniam A",~r V I - ' - v t tion of Moseley who -would make Symphony Orchestra. to Rip Van Winkle, "reawakened" at Kaharia by a Greet schooner. co-chairEsen of t h e Co *-Cil v^ * _ c - ^ mo conscious of .my religious and •He is a member of the execu- after his long sleep to see the The schooner was apprehended, he reproduced on c,I L c r ^ : 4 i u _i_ > Rome (JTA)—Spanish Interior communal duties every time I tive committee of the D e t r o i t World of Tomorrow, but It was a its crew arrested and, together Minister Ramon Serrano Suner with the immigrants, tafeen to was quoted by the oflicis.1 Italian failed. \." .. • . Housing Association. He received "kosher"' Kip Van Winkle. an honorary L. L. D. degree from K i s s Hepticrn c r r ? c - J e c ,? r - l--^The awakening of the famous Haifa. First Contribution news agency as declaring- that Jewish immigration to Palesthe University of Detroit in 1925 model icr t h e pai_tir= z~ - r - r e r_ - <• , legendary character, Immortalized Thus Israel would'be kept stirSpain, feeling herself "encircled" in the five months ended by "hostile Judaism,*' intends to had been red up t o consciousness: thus, too, Recently his Detroit congregation in Washington Irving's story, was tine 21 totaled 10.466, it was stand by the Rome-Berlin axis •we would contribute to the good honored him for his forty years re-enacted on the same spot where May T;OX eA lie was supposed to have slept announced, as compared with 12,- despite the friendly gestures by ths xnliid" cf ATV?T*"-*- " — humor of the nation which would of service; * S68 for all of 1938. A total of "hest Eymbotised th^ F- for 20 years in the 18th century Britain and France. bo grateful, to us for keeping an 906 who entered illegally during Chicago (JTA) —• Ways and —Rip's Rock, near the historic May, old joke alive and fresh. He said: "The Spanish people Tolerance." by way of ships which landI' bid Gen. Moseley not to be means of expanding the refugee Mountain House at Haines Falls, ed them along the Palestine coast, is conscious of its duties anS is determined to make all the ef- work cf transposing 1 - 7J afraid. <I myself start with a 510 aid program to both students and N. Y. he deducted from the regular forts But since Rip's original slum- will and undergo all the priva- from the cn£ina! cs. contribution a fund t o establish professors, which has already enimmigration quota. ~- tions necessary to shatter, as it Times Square Kllhos. tha Moseley Medical Institute for abled some 40 emigre students to ber, the Mountain Hoase has be- "did in the war, all the 'iron hoops* •worlr on the ECE-Jfo'ia tbs Prolongation of Moseley.,Gen. Continue their studies at the uni~ come a Jewish hotel. And so Rip ~ Moseley,must live: "'• • v -versities where Hillel Foundations "awoke" to find his rocky bed URGES AID TO ORT with which hostile Isflaisin would hosrS - e - t TeeS, trheNew York (JTA) — Francois like to encircle It." However, it is sadly true, that exist, and a study of measures now on the grounds of Andron's despite everything / we. may do to deal with anti-Semitic manifes- Mountain House—one of the most De Tessan, member cf the French Abraham Stern was in 1SI7 about it, death £3 to all. men, must1 tations oh college campuses grow- exclusive kosher resorts in this Chamber of Deputies, urged world rhs Cfcureh cf ssio Ks.ria Is come to Gen. Moseley. Ev.ert then ing "out• of' the activities of ex- section of the country. He was Jewry to support the GET pro-elected s member cf the "Warsaw he mast not be permitted to. pass change students and professors, taken to the World's Fair, where gram of vocational and a.^ricKl- Society cf ths Friends of Science. from the Jewish scene.' In a glass were discussed at a national con- yesterday -eras officially desig- taral training- as a permanent sothe up- Saxacel Cohen was the first Je*vT capo for all to sea .and 1)3 stirreS ferenco of directors of the B'nai nated as "Rip ~Van Winkle Day" lution, to the prolileri of and where he was honored by rooted and economicails1 iislocat-1 to sit in tns Parlianent cf. Ke^r he shall he preserved in alcohol B'rith Hillel Foundations at the Fair officials. ed Jews. .. Chicago Beach Hotel this week. oata Wales. (Continued on page S.).

Scholarship Given Ephraim Gershater


Council of Social Agencies Names Rahbi David Wice


Former "Scb:^ '*~'\


r '


Spanish 'hiinister of Interior Hits . ^Hostile Judaism"


.•-.-,i'.Y Ilia!"'*'5.




Page 2

prices ranging from 50 to 200 Italians to Poster. Goodwill >ast 16 years been manager of German Reich. The Briton is Fake Hungarian pengoes (about ?10 to $40) was Gharles Herman, a Jew and the he Loyal botel. New York (JTA)—The Sons of revealed here. offense is alleged to have occurBishop Converts He was active in hotel men's Italy Grand Lodge, Italian fraPolice arrested Etiecne Nemelh, e d i n the Autumn of 1338, shortTganlzation and was a member 'Number of Jews who had allegedly installed a false ternal order with 200 branches f tbe St. John's" lodge of Masons. ly after the occupation of the Sualtar in his room, where he prac- throughout New York state, has Surviving him are: His mother, detenland. etstpWiPhefi f- fcnreau here to fosIrs. John Merritt, and three Budapest (Havas) — A fantas- ticed "mass conversions." Jev:s t.er good. vr'AT, between Italians and >rothers, A. E., M. J- and Joseph, Slovak Official tic confidence garae in which a. possessing his certificates v; e r e Jevs, it r e s announced by Grand .11 of Omaha. pseudo-bishop f u r n i shed Jews sfcle to change their religion on. I££sier Ur. Santo Modicuu Funeral services -were held Sun-with certificates of conversion for the civil register, olfici&ls said. Denies Jews Are ay morning in the Fitch - McBeing Restricted 3achron and Cole chapel. Rabbi Frederick Cohn officiated. Burial was at Pleasant Hill. •Bratislava (WNS) — Slovak Minister of Justice Jan Fritz, at EDITOR'S NOTEJ Mr. Bien- tfaelr racial differences and a ment decision as a matter of a state function, said no Jew Mrs. Minnie Lewis stock, chief of the JTA'S for- "Palestinian nation" was credit- course. stood outside toe bond of the naBears Weight \Mrs. Minnie Lewis, 85, died 'oign service, offers some inter- ed. Now, the Colonial Secretary tion. Slovakia did not wish to Lord Samuel enjoys Thursday evening, June 8, at the prevent Jews from loyally taking esting ccuzsiests on the possl- ; iBtimates that maybe the segreFor SIXTEENTH AT K bilities of a federalist, solution ; gation -principle will be followed unique position here. As an out-home of her daughter, Mrs. Dave part in the country's economic standing Jew, an outstanding ohn. She had been ill for some life and they could remain as of the Palestine problem. His- after all. member of the Liberal Opposition ime. column, written from the TOnbusiness men and manufacturers, and first High Commissioner of tage pohst of JjanSoix, is pnbA resident of Omaha for thirty Fritz said. Thus far there haB been no apPalestine, his words on Palestine years, Mrs. Lewis is survived by lis&sil Tiy flio Jewish Tele- ; It was- announced, . however, graphic Agency ana t h e Jewish. proach to. the Jewish Agency on are taken as authoritative in two daughters, Mrs. Cohn and that Jews would not be allowed to t h e Question of federalism. more ways than one. His pro-Mrs. H. Shamhurg of Scottsbluff; Press from -lima to time. become members of the produce Should the Government intimate nouncements on Palestine -— par. LONDON. three sons, Aaron of Chariton, to the Jewish Agency Executive those which have arous- la., and Ben and Joe of Los An-exchange that is to be organized Malcolm - MacDonaJd got a Its desire to explode- the possibili- ticularly after: the return of the Slovak deled Zionist ire—have had weight grudging approval from parlia- ties of federalism, Jewish Agency on the Government. geles; two brothers, L. Toubes egation now visiting Hamburg, ment for bia nsvr Palestine policy circles state'that"the Executive . I t Is an. open secret that when and H. Toubes of Des Moines, and Breslau and'Berlin, studying Gerby the smallest-majority given will be ready t o explore them the Jewish delegation to the Lon- sister, Mrs. R, Lewis of Los man: models. any Government measure since with the Government. don conferences was being select- Angeles. Friday! the present National Government Funeral services were held last But there Is astrong suspicion the Government It it be In IS47 the Austrian-Jewish took office in 1935- Two of his that, federalism' means one thing ed, Friday at the home. Burial was known that they would welcome Cabinet, colleagnes- ostentatiously physician, Sigiaund Spitzer, was Saturday! Its proponents and another to Lord Samuel as a member of this at Golden Hill. absented themselves from the di-to appointed director of the medical Mr. MacDonald. As Jewish Agendelegation. The idea of approachvision and some of the Gonern- cy circles view it, federalism es- Ing Lord Samuel was considered academy of Constantinople. ment's staunches! supporters. In- tablishes the principle of politi- for some time but dropped in the cluding His Grace, the Archeqnality and would give each belief that- if the Government bishop of Canterbury, expressed cal federal district ("province" was were so eager to have Lord Samtneir considerable -doubts that the the word Mr./" MacDonald used) uel i t must have been because policy provided reasonable complete \ n py p control over its own in- they thought him committed to th J jostles for the Jews. affairs such as immigra- the Government position. Mr. MacDonald MacDonld and his col-. ternal land transfer and BO on. I n Consequently,1 Lord Samuel's leagues announced. nevertheless tion, other words—It would give the article on the White Paper, comth3t they would proceed with this JewB complete' autonomy within policy- at all costs even though; the framework of the federal ing as it did from a highly reSO1G Fcrncm Street Berlin (Havas) — Subject to as an official spokesman who State, and would do the same for spected Jewish source and a certain limited restrictions, "Ar10 a.m.—-1:30 p«m source, moreover, that had earnshall be nameless, told certain • . Assets ef the Joseph Bloch ed a reputation for detachment yan" landlords were authorized American correspondents, a long the Arabs. and Son' Paper Company, sev. and Impartiality as well as for to break all leases with Jewish period of trouble in Palestine Geographic Difficulties era! thousand dollars' merchanA law effective for Germight ensue. This would Involve geographi- expert knowledge, had a profound tenants. dise. 1S33 ton and a half Inter. and Memel, with later apnational truck. Office fixtures There seam to have "been some cal d eliminations which t h e effect in Parliamentary and-non- many plication to Austria and the Suand equipment Including an pretty rapid second thoughts, Woodhead Commission has re- Jewish circles and won a sur- detenland, stated as its object electric bookkeeping and adding Record-Breaking Values however. A powerful sentiment ported to be impossible and Lord prised Zionist, gratitude, though "the separation of Jews-from Armachine, safe, desks, files, type, developed in circles which the Samuel has declared to be out Of with reservations on a number of writer, scales like new, e t c yans." Butcher and wrapping paper, Government respects highly, for the question In a country the size p o i n t s . • • ' • • . ' Leading Summer Styles rci's, snd flat bundles, si! sizes. A landlord, the law provides, ^modification of the policy. The of Palestine. It would-be the par- To Lord • Samuel's pen as well School supplies, notions, picnic ^surviving members of the Peel tition fight all over again with as to the intensive lobbying and may break a leas& with a Jewish supplies, 320 cates of 24 and 32. ounce "March of Time" pop and ' -Commission, supported by Lord the distinction that thi3 time it educational activities of "devoted tenant at will, but must give • Naturals •Whites mixes. warning a specified time in adwould not be the establishment Zionists during recent weeks in .LugardY whose" name is synony•Colors vance. He must also obtain a cerof two separate sovereign States • Pastels the precincts of Westminster " mo us with British colonial development, the Times newspaper, but the demarcation of two prov- must go a large share of the tificate from the Jewish Com* Loys! G. Ef apian inces of one State. credit for the 140 abstentions munity showing that the evicted which is no mean force in Its ef$3, $5 and $7.50 Values Trustee .fect- on Government opinion, and And the odds would be that and 20 rotes in opposition from Jew can find -lodgings without aid from other "Aryans." Jewish others launched an attack fin the the Arabs who fought so Btrenu- the Government benches. %¥E 6 1 0 0 •new" policy as Offering no basis ously and successfully against Our annual celebration when style, qualify, v*kl« Lord Samuel will be heard women married to Christiana .for a lasting settlement. They ad- giving the Jews statehood in even from again if and when the ques- were exempted from the decree. M. H. *Kenk' Cnalsa steal the showl You'll find big, sweeping brim* vocated,- as the Peel Commission the small part of Palestine re- tion of federalism In Palestine A British subject was sentencchic turbans, school girl sailors, bretons . . . a l the Auctioneer » had done, a form of segregation served for them by the Peel Com- becomes actual. ed to, eight months in Jail by a new style hits. Don't miss this grand JUBILEE OF as the only possible basis for mission, would fight equally as special court here for allegedly V/A IC3£ •peace in Palestine.' . '..•-- strenuously against this new parmaking disparaging r e m a r k s VALUES. '.' Hint Taken- •. . i : about the German army and the tition—though the'Jewish provCumins—Second Floor Mr. MacDonald was not slow to ince would be even smaller than take the hint. In the course of the Peel Commission's proposed Morris Friend the debate he sought to convey-a Jewish State. Morris Friend, 80, of Lincoln, new impression of the White It is quite unlikely that this is of the Beatrice Creamery .Paper policy.—that It was not a the "federalism", that. Colonial founder company, died at a Lincoln hos•hard and fast program but a fluid Secretary MacDonald Is talking of pital 'Hundreds 61 the Gayest - Saturday. A n a t i v e ot basis on which to develop a setr now. If it is, it means he is; tlement. He picked up. the sug-thinking of amending his White, France, :Mrv.Friend started his , Cool and Caieit.ee -.gestlon that the' independent Paper to modify its immigration; career s s - s merchant in Hum' boldt,.- Neb; <' In :189 3 he cams to 'state 'to be established should be and land clauses. If there was to Lincoln to enterrtha produce busl:federal in nature.: . . . " be a.- federalists ' partition, It U.S. • Indeed, 4a a. broadcast speech would logically, have to be durKnownPtor MS philanthropies, 'following the Parliamentary de- ing the transition period leading " i active In civic and ,bate, t h e Colonial Secretary to establishment of the Independ- Mr.^rlefipa pointed out that the constltnlon- ent State. It certainly would not fralernar"Nehterprise3. Last winal form of the state to be estab- be logical to spend the ten years ter the Lincoln B'nal B'rith honSAFB lished had npV been decided—It or so Ltryingi to bring the Arabs, ored Mr, Friend at a dinner a t t might be a unitary state of ;a fed- and Jews to participate in a which time the "Morris" Friend'* tutJs t / >» eral state with a predominantly mixed Government when the ul-class was initiated. He had been ; Featured Ion * Jewish province and a predomin- timate objective would be a clear a B'nal B'rith member for 46 Pollc* Chiefs from years. ..; antly Arab province. He implied demarcation between the two Coast ta Coast Friday and Saturday: Surviving are his' Eon, "Victor, that this latter possibility had not races. and a daughter,: Mrs, Edward been excluded .when the White Mr. . MacDonald makes Paper was drawn up. His critics, hisUntil next move, however, the ques- Guggenheim of Lincoln. IN 714 CITIES.^;SAFETY OFFICIALS -however, thought otherwise. tion, of federalism within the new ! ' The question of federalism, British Jesse Merritt policy must remain only STAKE THEIR LIVES ON ' which is a form of "partition, is an. intriguing Je3sie Merritt, 61, member of speculation. _ not new. It was discussed passa pioneer Omaha family, died last l o r d Samuel's Role ingly during the Ill-famed LonFriday at a local hospital after a In recent years Lord Samuel week's don conferences. Mr. MacDonald's A life-long resifinal proposals-for a basis of has not been too well liked by dent ofIllness. Omaha, he had for the agreement presented in take-It- Zionists who have resented the or-leave-it form to the Jewish attitude he has* taken on several and to the Arab delegations last occasions with regard to the Pal- For Rout—Furnished or on* March declared that "His Majes- estine question ~ particularly For •very occasion • « % sports, spacfafof of furnisHe^ r o o n s , 2211 ty's Government's ultimate objec- some of the bases for compromtive Is the establishment of an in-ise he has suggested. dcyttm* wear yeuil find just the style* you Webster. '•'• dependent Palestine State, posToday, however, they give him want right now . , , PEMIERGS . , * SPUN > sibly of federal nature "• I t full credit for the effectiveness •Is noteworthy that this phrase of his article in the London SunRAYONS . . . SHEERS . , . LINENS . , , Ij does not appear In the White day Times the day preceding the Educated elderly person idots, stripes, pstfmh w\z csh-'i. Sizes 9.-VM Paper. • .;. Palestine debate, Lord Samuel tvianoo to help ia otore, It might - also be remembered strongly attatked t h e White household or with children 12.20; 3S t© ^L 2 Models that during one of the chronic Paper • and warned that It would of school aj;o—for roots, Sketched crises.of the London conference, strangle the Jewish National and board in cultured fam:*te.?*, 'Csrmsm—Second, TJoes f when the British delegation was Home. ily.' 8 0 s 231* Jewish Press. from Stock pressing the Jews to submit proHe denounced the immigration posals for "an alternative basis restrictions and exposed the fair for discussion" the Jews, among lacy in the Government's justifi. others, suggested federalism and cations for stopping Jewish im- For Rent—-Three furnished SPORT SHOP their suggestion was turned down migration at the end of five years rooms, kitchen and bath* by the British.. unless the Arabs acquiesce to its Bills paid. WE 3527. , Segregation Federalism implies a degree of continuance. This article, Zionists freely ad• segregation. The Peel Commis- mit, had a powerful effect in sion came to the conclusion that arousing the support of that large the Palestine problem could not section, of /• / si/' Anglo-Jewry which, be solved except on the basis of while Interested PRIVATELY owned e a r * SMART in Palestine, end passengers desiring to segregation. The Government ac- finds itself at odds with •Mfctfef «&*< the Ziontravel on share expense cepted this principle but rejected basis phono Coast to Coast . •/£(« ww ears is it w,hen Jt threw over its Pales- ist movement. Auto Travel Bureau. HA They also admit that It had a Carl RleRos Amtrtea't Fisesi SG&Z* tine policy based on thi* Peel ReC S O O , 2007 Farnam, Destination and accident'Insurance port. T h e Woodhead Commission strong influence on the Parliaon all paosenoers, . said segregation was Impossible. mentary debate and won . over r " r /.- f HERE'S WHY WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY The Government agreed with many M. P.'s who would other this and said, in the London con- wise have accepted - the Govern* No Bad Debt Losgea * No Badge ferences and In the White Paper • No Repossession Costs * No Collection Fees that ultimate solution of - the question could come about only when the Arabs and Jews sank

By .Victor M. Blenstock



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rM ?:r P o same newspapers .* which publish Conference of Christians s.nd Jews coEiminiitieB, -which are most BUS- retirement, a t 78, Trill bring to Jj of the olfles ir> W the lies. There would ba a con-and made public cy Everett R. ceptlile to. anti-Semitic propagan- an end the firm of James Epeyer been in f-xiFtc-Tirr f-r y.^sistent, unyielding program c* ac-Clinciy, director, TTES jointly da since, unlifce urban commnni- & Co., of which he is tfie Fenior | helped Fipfpn-m- 5 quainting the mass mind with the Crafted by- the organization's ties, there is a lack of coucter- partner. "The banking noure, one'TTTiio-p rp.nsf r'rri^F very methods now being used to three co-chairmen; Prof. Arthur i statement. Programs will, end T H. Conptoa of the University of Ia pledge requesting listeners poison the mass mind. The rise of anti-Semitic sove- Chicago, Prof.- Carltoa J. H. Hayes j support and work for racial acd xne'nts, sedulously cultivated froza of Colum/bia University, and Kog- j religious tolerance in the spirit of abroad, is as good testimony as er W. Straus. the Bill cf Eights." could be had of the ineffectiveRefiefficatloa ness of the "silence" or "under- The Council Against "Intolerance cover" method of breaking the in America announced plans for a power of fanaticism to poison the nationwide Independence D a y mass miad against Jews. To Ceremony vhich. will be a "stir- [ "stand up and fight" has long ring national re-dedication to | Month alter month Adolf Hit- ulate, because less powerful, group know nothing whatever of the been an i n e x t ricable tenet of American ideals of tolerance and I Jer's "Mein Kampf" continues to believes that the only way to con- nature or activities of the Har-Americanism. It is time that Jews freedom as set forth in our Decappear on the best-seller lists. duct a battle is in the open and monie Club and who might as generally subscribe to that' tenet, laration cf Iudepeiidesce." j New Tcrk (JTA) — General How different from 1933 when that instead of using procedures whpse The ceremony will be centered Moseley arranged an interview the public mind must be alreadily believe in the truth of the Honghton Mifflin issued an ab-lowed to choose not between rau- fantastic allegations h e a r d in dnutility has long been exploded. about an "American Declaration vrith a New York Jewish teacher brieviated edition of "My Battle** cous untruth and nervous silence Washington as to what was going of Tolerance and Equality" initi- •who wrote to him protesting and found itself condemned on but between raucous-untruth and. on in its lobbies and rooms. (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts ated by George Gordon Battle, : against his anti-Jewish utterances, all sides for having issued the stentorian truth. Feature Syndicate.) Senator W. Warren • Barbour and it was reevaled this week and then What is ironic about the menautobiography of the man who Willism Allen White, co-chairman told her: "For 2,000 years the Techniques tion of the Harmonie/Club is that Jews have been throve out of evhad then risen to power in the of the Council. The Dies ConuniL'.ee investiga- its members are, in the m a i n Reich. The Declaration is to be read ery cour.try, ana vithin ten years tions of recent weeks have illum- identified with that section of and adopted at thousands of com- they will he thrown out of this Two editions vie for display inated the unworthinr.ss and un-Jewish opinion-which believes that munity patriotic c e l e b r a lions country. space in the nation's bookstores: wisdom of the Ehence treatment. ought not to issue public stateThe teacher, Sirs. Kits Scheathroughout the country on t h e Reynal and Hitchcock's "complete There are some Jews who believe ments on issues relevant to themFourth of July. Enscribed on an kruan, of Queens, said that Moseand definitive, unexpurgated edi- that the testimony of a General selves, that Jews ought to avoid tion, fully annotated" volume and Moseley or a George Deatherage anti-Semitism by erasing themilluminated scroll, the document ley had suggested the interview . Stackpole Sons' self-announced is its own refutation, because it selves from the public conscioushas been submitted to the Gover- as a means of reaching agreeThree Religious Groups nors of each of the 48 States for, ment. She found him "a thorough "unauthorized" version. Both of seems so obviously crackpot. The ness. them try to subdue objection by fact of the matter is quite oppoUnite to Fight signature and approval. It will be gentleman, most kind and courtFundamentally that point of announcing that profits will go to site, however. presented to Congress after the eous, hut his Eind vras definitely Hatred view is un-American. It subscribes warped." the refugees. One wonders what Independence .Day Ceremonies. Day after day the newspapers of to the theory that Americans do •• reputable organization for the aidthe country printed lengthy col- not respect a clean-cut statement Anti-Propaganda Program New York (JTA) — W a n i n g : of refugees will wish to enrich its umns about Moseley's allegations by an individual or group of its against, "hatreds deliberately foJames Speyer Retire* As part of a fire-point program coffers with this blood money. of a Jewish-controlled, Commun- position. The- more- American as mented against cultural groups by to combat anti-Semitism, in par- New Tcrk (JTA) — RetireAny one who travels about the ist-led, revolution. No newspaper, well as the more Jewish doctrine unscrupulous or misled individ- ticular the propaganda of Father , country i s struct by two pheno- either within the text of the story would be to 6peak with dignity, uals," more than 550 Protestant, Coughlin, the Jewish P e o pies ment cf Jataes Speyer, noted m e n a : the lavishness with which or at its Conclusion, emphasized clarity and firmness to clear away Catholic and Jewish lay.End.cler- Committee trill inaugurate a rad- banker, to devote all his time to •many stores in the south and mid- that Moseley's testimony repre- the mass of-lies t h a t is being al- ca.1 leaders joined in a plea to io campaign frora Detroit this Fall philanthropic and other affairs, west.draw attention to the volume sented unverified charges or that lowed to accumulate about the Americans to repudiate doctrines on a nation-wide scale which will was announced this week. His which "pit class against class," feature a series of addresses by with compete window displays; the General's bitterness at having Jewish body politic. promote racial and religious hat- prominent Americans, it was an- SNVEST SAFELY. WISELY |N and the frequency with w h i c h failed to attain supreme command Ways To Fight red and aim to destroy liberty. travelers are seen lugging about 'of the army was reflecting itself nounced by William Weiner, presthe huge bundle which constitutes in anti-Semitism. A sound analysis of the state The churchmen, asserting that ident of the Committee, after a the pages of "Mein Kampf." Public psychology is more or of mind in America today would "there is no place in the Ameri- meeting of the executive commitAnnuity. Endowment,. Lite •• Truth Vindication less the same in all lands. Keep disclose that not even the heyday can democracy for prejudice or tee. "Why dosi*t j ' c a tip your man off t o Rol»erl»? There is a consistent group of on printing untruth, without indi- of the Ku Klux Klan was there bitterness, whether racial or relig"They will be designed to ex- Represents El Strong LEGfl CompanThey'll |rt-re Mm the co-ordination of ': advocates of civil liberties which cating that it is untruth, and such need of combatting the pro-ious," called upon "the different pose fully the distorted and in- ies— Every Type cf Snsurane* contends that truth is «its" own eventually a substantial part of pagandists who are endeavoring to races, religions and creeds in our•flamatory addresses of Father rairad end «sye he needs. J" and Bontis Written. , vindication. On that theory the the public will assume its truth. use the backs of innocent Jews on American democracy" to "esi- Coughlin," it was stated. "A specCALL AT 7SS7 or WA 61SB which to climb to wealth, notorphasize anew a mutual respect and more copies of "Mela Kampf" that Two factors ought to be taken into ial effort will be made at the same City Finance &. insurance Co. hold fast to the ties of goodwill time to reach rural American : are sold the more Americans will consideration: on the one hand, iety or power. be convinced of tue inaccuracy, there is a daily flood of practical But because the methods of do- which bind us together." the unfairness and the viciousness anti-Semitism reported from the ing that job are so disparate and "We .summon every American," of Hitler's interpretations of life, capitals of many European lands. the conflict between bodies charg- the pronouncement said, "to reincluding his views on the Jews. On the other, a latent anti-Sem- ed with that responsibility so un-dedicate himself to America's But the merit of that position among-certain groups is be- yielding these seems to be no real ideals of political liberty, religious is of a piece with a general atti- itism ing sedulously cultivated by in- headway in reaching out to the freedom and equality under God. tude that has been taken by a cer- dividuals or groups of Americans who daily We call on every American to seek with economic millions tain section of American Jewry ~OT "political motives. are being fed either by "Mein out his brother and join with him toward the Jewish struggle to deKampf," by newspaper s t o r i es in common tasks of building a sofend Jewish honor and preserve Conspiracy from Berlin, Warsaw, Danzig, ciety based on goodwill, justice Jewish rights — not in far-off PoThe fighting of Fascism or anti- Bucharest and other points, or by and peace, so that we stand unitland but right here in the United Semitism is not an undercover but the unrefuted testimony of fana- ed as a bulwark of defense against States of America. • a straightforwardly open job. Any tics appearing before the Dies doctrines which deny the validity of these ideals." The needs of Jewish self-de- other policy of public relations Committee. .. A sound policy of public relafenre become more glaring daily, must ultimately defeat Itself. The tions The pronouncement, circulated would deal with the Amerbut the fixing of a definite pro- Dies Committee d e m o n strated ican public on the basis that it is under, the auspices of the National gram of self-defense in which all that too. The Harmonic Club in An eloquent Jew, with groups of American J e w r y are New York, than which there is no American. at his command, would speak united is as far away as ever. more reticent and c o n servative facts immediately after That is because" there are twobody in the country, without any every Sunday Coughlin to challenge his Beemingly irreconcilable views on political motivation whatever, ex- Father and fabrications. The what represents the:soundest pol- cept that most of its members distortions use of a Christian for that puricy in public relations of the Jew may b'e Republican-inclined, was pose has already, been misintermade to seem a nest of conspirato the general community. preted. ; • • . •• • One group favors shyness and tors. A phantom waiter and mysterWitnesses before the Dies Comreserve in interpreting thB Jewish position. It feeis that Christian' ious conversations were described mittee would be publicly rebuked friends of the Jews should de- to the Dies Committee. New York- and disproved by Jews ot intellifend their neighbors as a demon- ers who know the Harmonie Club gence and. wit -appearing after • stration of Americanism. I t advo- recognize how absurd the whole', them — not to cringe and apolocates that Jews shoald not be seen episode Is. But there are t h o u ^ gize-but to state the Jacts, so that, or heard. Another and less artic- ands and millions of people who they .may get circulation in the

Moseley Predicted Expulsion of U. S. Jews in Ten. Years

By Henry Mentor




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to Seize Jews' elements are intent on keeping themselves in power and with every bud, babe, and star—in the circling heavens, in the reguLand the stupidity characteristic of reactionaries have signed their lar recurrence of the seasons, in seed-time and harvest, in day By Mrs. own death warrants. I Nev York (JTA)—The Assoand night—in the unbroken evolution of the uncounted, illimitj ciated Press reported from BudaTiny petals Economically Hungary is the most backward country in able aeons—without there being, a Plan, a Purpose, a Goal in PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT OMAHA, NEOHACKA, OY ! pent tfcat, the Hungarian governAll £V~£,re Europe. The nation is divided into huge feudal estates that the mind of its Divine Artifices, its sublime Creator." TBB JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY I jaeni Y:EB preparing to propose to Of 8. t&OtlSf.Ufi JTir j P&rliP.Eiei-t outright expropriation CUCSCRIPTION P R I C E , Ono Year « . . . . . . 63X3 are maintained as in the days of the Hapsburgs. What com -Profound conviction of a Diving Providence ruling £nd ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED O N APPLIOATIQN of ,''ewir;fe-cwned land to provide merce and'manufacturing"exists is primarily in the hands of over-ruling all should fill nan's soul with sublime faith ar.a EE SnUis-i 500,000 acres for HunEDITORIAL OFFICE: C03 BRANDEIQ THEATER DUU.D1NQ j gsrr'e fCC-,000 landless peasants. Jews, converted Jews, or part-Jews. courage whatever be his individual lot or fortune. Markham's Of & thousand Eights CIOUX PITY OFFICE—JEWIGH COMMUNITY CENTER Of cachexied midsummer 1 The Nazis are perhaps the most revolutionary party in the inspiring words in his 'poem, "Dreyfus" should mightily; hearten Tc dcnsd blue heights. PRINT SHOP ADDRESS-4804 60. E4TM STREET Patronize Our Advertisers. P BLACKER . - • , ' • - , . Businessand Managing Editor country, in the sense they have as one of the principles of their und encourage him: LEONARD NATHAN ^ : -•••», • • . Editor program, the expropriation of the feudal estates. But this, like "Take'heart, 0 soul of sorrow, and be strozgS RABBI FREDERICK COHN « o o ContrlbuUas Editor anti-Semitism, has a propaganda value and it is unlikely they There is One greater than the whole world's ^Tong!- _ RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS o "'..'.." • - Book Editor PRANCES BLACKER . • *> » Society Editor will'attempt to carry through land reforms any more than have Ifo troth so low bat He caa giv© it crows j jilORRls AIZENBERG n o • • sious City Correspondent the Nazis in Bast Prussia. , Ifo wrong so high But Ee can tail it fioira! 53OROTHE SALTZMAN a • ' • Council Bluffs Correspondent As the power of the Hungarian Nazis grew, the government Ba Inched before the Higii-Besigs&ni Fewer started putting its own version of the* Nazi program into Tfeat moves wool-shod through sepulchre and tower!'* Days Are Back . v operation. Jewish enterprise was limited. Jewish participa And there is everlasting comfort i s Tennyson's beautiful •- School's Out! TLe warm weather's coming and that means tion in the country's cultural life, was to be forbidden. HowRamping days are ahead.' For the first time in eeyeral years ever the program was carried out with caution for here is no lines: "Behold, we know not anything Pie Jewish Community Center is sponsoring an outdoor camp, one per cent of the population, but ten per cent and^the only W @ can but trust that good will fall, [In the scenic surroundings of the Platte valley, near Louisville, productive element in the economy. The^ Nazis responded to At'last—far off—at last to all " jGamp Jay-C-C will bring pleasant days to Omaha's young Jew- this official anti-Semitism by taking it as a mandate for their .And every vister dsanga to spring." ish children. • • ' . ' • ' ' . .- . -«- own participation. Thus bombs were placed in a crowded To every human sufferer may the Eternal Providence that With the problems of the entire world weighing so heavily synagogue. controls life and destiny, in His love and mercy send sueh. jttpon us, we are apt to overlook the great importance of build- ' Despite the "appeasement," the Nazis have increased their 'good,' however unexpected and perhaps undeserved as shall ing both, the character and health of our own children. There representation in the Hungarian parliament. Thereupon* the change the winter of his sorrow and woe into the radiant spring|§ nothing that can compare with Camp life. government decided it must go further in stealing Nazi thunder. time of blossoming joy. For the past few years the Center has done yeoman work The great estates were to be cut up—but only the Jewish "Whispering hope, 0 how_ lovely thoa art, its vacation schools. They have filled one type of need. estates. Bringing sew joy to'cseh Eorrowisg heart!" the call of the outdoors is unique and the smell of burning Count Bethlen, for many years premier of Hungary, has fogs in the campfire, the hikes through the nearby woods are given an apt description of the situation. Refusing to run for jected National Refugee Service, |xperienees not easily forgotten. Inc. He is "the chief administrahis seat in the parliament he explained that to be anyone in tive officer with broad authority Modern buildings and excellent sanitary precautions in- European politics one must eat a Jew for breakfast, a count to implement ths work cf the orftjre healthful conditions. Experienced counselors will be infor lunch, and divide up somebody else's property by evening. ganisation with such EcLElniEtrative procedures as may appear J&arge pf recreational activities and educational work. Re- With a sense of dignity characteristic of a generation ago, necessary." ligious services will be held regularly and dietary laws observed. Count -Bethlen has retired from a political life that demands Under ths GreenEteia plan there will be eight centralized departBIBLE! Camp Jay-C-C dffers^a rare opportunity to the parent who the sacrifice of principles. Tha violence of the Tricked ments, whose heads will be re|§ honestly interested in seeing his children given the adUnder the auspices of such an enlightened government, it shall drag them aisray, because sponsible to the executive director. Over the executive director refuse to do Justly. vantage of a sound and healthful vacation. will not be long before Hungary shares the fate of her neigh- they The way of a man is forward will be an executive committee, bors, Austria and Czecho-Slovakia. The Nazis will be appeased and strange, but as for the pure functioning with the aid of & Consultative Refugee Council, which his work is right. g Solstice —but only at the expense of Hungarian independence. The soul of the wicked desireth will comprise non-Jewish, groups. .The summer solstice will be reached on Thursday. On that •vil, his neighbor findeth BO favor Above the executive committee and at ths top of ths structure ia his eyes; gay, ifcho sun will halt its journey southward and retrace its ' .The Divinity That Rules Whoso Etoppeth his ears at ths will be a "truly national" board ytey. [Whatever advantages summer has, whatever it means •;.,., ;.; of the poor, he also shall cry cf directors. The eight depart' ; By BABBI FEBDBEIOS OOHH . • cry himself, but shall not ' be an- ments are as follows: (a) Immi$g the personal comfort of an individual, it nevertheless has an gration, (h) Resettlement, (c) The 8ublimest of all truths is that a Divine Providence rules swered. jOnfortunate significance in diplomatic quarters. Among politiEmployment, (d) Special CateTALMUD the universe. Raba, before he started his lec- gories, (e) Relief end Cass Worfe, cal observers a belief exists that the eeasons of the year govern This may be difficult to understand, and may be em- ture, would preface his remarks (f) Information and Research, $he. relations between nations. with something humorous, caus- (g) Comptroller, <h) Central Of.Winter is the period of international inertia, the months phatically and even fiercely denied by some when we contem- ing tho scholars to he in good fice Management. Large Expenditures humor, and then proceed with when war is unwise because of the difficulties of troop trans- plate the gigantic and the disheartening evils that there are in sacredness Summarizing the study in the in bis course. portations, et cetera. Spring is the era of growing tension as the world. Some in their fierce and bitter rebell or even deny Rabbi Jochanan said: "The current issue cf Notes and News, chief of a congregation should organ, of the Council of Jewish nations maneuver for diplomatic triumphs. Autumn is recog- outright the existence of a God. Dad will appreciate & seasonable gift not be appointed unless a heap Federations and Welfare Funds, Browning, the great religionist and optimist, most spiritual o£ reptiles hang oa his bacfc (to Greenstein declares: "No one can nized as the beginning of improved relations as the area of of something good to wear . . . and those ancestry some blemish is examine- the present method of it's a pleasure for us to help you * (Controversy ia moved inside because of the weather and the of all poets, has disposed of the latter in bis famous words in attached) so that when he be-operation without being imme"Rabbi ben Ezra": •eleet the gift that mil pleaM "him!" diately conscious cf the fact that comes overbearing we can. say to 'green table' takes the place of the battle field. Summer & the ths present organizational strucI*: "Enough now if the Right him: Turn behind thee." danger pppt; ; Rabbi Jochsnsn s a i d : ' "A ture is not geared to the effective '{ &n& Good and Infinite righteous man docs not depart Last year tfie; situation confronting Europe seemed clear::;Bo named hero as thoa callest tbiae band thint own: from tn«~vrerM, till another right- which for ths year ISS9 n a y in* ptfL Eaoh, pable broughti. the prophecies of foreigsj. coreous'man like clsa has been toors. TOIV© the expenditure of |2,EC0,r Y With knowledge absolute, Rabbi Chanina caid: "As soon 000 or more. respondents. If Hitler persisted in his demands on CzechoSubject to no dispute as a man is appointed chief of a When the National Co-crdixist» slovakia, the; Czechs would fight. France, would come, to their community hs becomes rich, for ing Committee was set up, it was ; From fools that crowded youth at first (when King Saul counted impossible to foresee the extent Assistance and England would be drawn in by her alliance. All ITor IGS th©3 fosl abas." •' Israel) it is written he counted and complexity of the refugee ifciirough the summer the agitation for the cession of the Sudeten •with fragments of pottery and program—its growth i s volume Man has but to feel to be convinced of the existence of a Region to the Beich.continued. Diplomats ccurried betwdta afterwards hs counted them with and its implications s e t only In New York but throughout the God. # Man has first-hand evidence of the existence of the Cause sheep." (Capitals. The Czechs spoke mournfully of their last week of country." of all existence. Like the Bible the gentle and tolerant Brownpeace. Air shelters were dug in Hyde Park and troops were Community Calendar Philadelphia (JTA) — Pointinpbilized. Then came Munich and the Sudeten was handed ing is provoked to call him a 'fool' who 'says there is no God.' ing out that the 1SSS net immifever without struggle to Hitler. - Within a few months the It is not a matter of argument. It transcends all argument. It FROM JUKE 18 TO JUKE £2 gration to the United States repis a matter of intuition. I exist, why should not the Power that isnfiay, Scue 13. resents less than four-thousandths Ration known as Czecho-Slovakia was no more. Hebrew club, 3 P- m., lodge cf cne per cent cf our population, created me exist? © O O O room, Jewish Community Center. American Friends Service and Better And the most profound souls have believed that this Divine Girl Scouts, 3 p. m., Room M, the Committee ( Q u a k e r s ) in a But this is a different summer although in many respects Dad knows the quality label on Jewish Community Center. pamphlet, "Refugee Facts," de"his" gift. The Nebra«ka'« shirtt It bears resemblance to the laBt. Already the familiar agitation Creator is the Universal Providence that rules and controls all; Monday, Jnna 10. clares that the solution of the are Real Quality and Utmost that existence is not aimless; that there is a sublime significance Work Loan, 8 p. m., Rooms C refugee problem does not present has begun—against Poland this time. Germany wants Danzig VALUE at the price I and D, Jewish Community Cen- difficulties that cannot be overpind a military right-of-way through the famous Polish corridor. in all that occurs, even in the most seemingly insignificant and ter. come by. "intelligent assistance, Orchestra rehearsal, 8 p. in.,common sense, a little energy, inPoland, which Hitler lauded in his Sportspalast speech for its trivial. A Chesterton spoke of'tremendous" trifles.' The doors auditorium, Jewish Community genuity and good will toward of the Universe, swing on hinges of the minute. A Tennyson Center. great understanding of German ambitions, is today taking the men." jesday, Jc^e 20. The pamphlet, issued by the place of Czecho-Slovakia as an object of.Nazi wrath. TJn- sang: Jewish Old People's Home, 2 Committee on Refugees cf the "That nothing walks xnth. aimless feet; p. RJ., lounge, Jewish Community American Friends Service ComSprtunately for 'der Fuehrer* the names of Polish leaders can'Another jeoo'd gift hint That not cno life shall bo destroyed Center. mittee, cf -which D. Robert Yarnfor "Dad" . . . /irrcw find not DO pronounced as easily as "Benes" for the mob to hoot in Junior A. Z. A., 7:30 p. n . , all is chairman, carries a fore• d r cast as rubbish to tbs void Enro cool McsS. Ehrir club room, Jewish Community •vrord by Dr. Rcfus J.I. Jones, £conu ' in white and solid! cciorc. Whsa God Hath msdo the pi!o cesplete." Center. • Q' O O O chairman of the Friends,- and A'. P. T., S p. m., Rooms C and Clarence Picfcett, executive secreWe protest that we are more than rubbish; that we are There is a strange difference between last summer and • Jewish Community Center. tary. "Refugee Facts" explains Wednesday, Sszne 21. the Quaker interest in humani$h~is. Appeasement has been abandoned. British agents are infinitely precious, at least, to ouraelve31 God is the Completer, the Finisher, who puts the final J. W. O.. S p. ra.. Rooms C and tarian, •work in behalf of chilDad" Will Appreciate Nebraska ,not paving the way for German aggression. Better armed, her D, Jewish Community Center. dren, and recalls that during the Jsmo 22. four years following the World position throughout the world co-ordinated, Britain is stiffening touch and gives the decisive direction to the so-called 'free- Tirarsfiaj, • Boy Scouts, S p. m., lodge the Friends, supported by |ber resistance to the demands of the dictators. The Anglo- will* actions of man- The great Shakespeare was not con- room, Jewish Community. Center. War, American generosity, fed a maxispicuously religious but he bore witness to the Choir, 8 p. m., Rooms K and L, mum of 1,200,000 German chilFrench pact will, despite Russia's hard-to-get attitude, include : .Thousands of z.ti Jewish Community Center. "Divinity that shapes our caia dren a cay. The pamphlet pro:ractivc new |he Soviets. ^ summer patterns in s twst cf vides statistical information to Rough-hew them though we may." refute several popularly held misThe question remains uppermost in the minds of all Europe silks and other raEtcric's in"Browning said of the universe that conceptions about refugees. cluding v a s t vzlzptioTsf, of. Whether or not the out-of-the-way city of Danzig will cause "It means intensely Beau BrunsacJ France and England to fight when they refused to fight .for Patronize Our Advertisers. ties. And it means good." |he Czechs. Danzig, like the Saar, once belonged to Germany. In the "Letters" which compose the correspondence be< Other Kechrczr . . . Unlimited Strategically it is of value to Germany only in the case of an tween Browning and Elizabeth Barret in their early romantic Selections . . . , SQc to $3.50 intended invasion of Poland or Russia. Poland and Roumania, Co-ordinating: love-making, the great spiritual poet has explicitly stated, what jbpth of which are this summer's eorespots, are not democracies Recast as Refuges Service p was Czecho-Slovakia, BO the chances of an ideological war we can gather from all his poetry, "Every moment of my life brings fresh proof to me of the intervention of Providence." gr_e out of the question. \ New York (JTA) — Reorganicf the National Co-ordinatUnlike last summer the dates of the crises have not been Who has not felt in his own humble life these marvelous, even sation ng Committee for Refugees into miraculous interventions? Marriage3 are notoriously made in pSlled to the world so that the danger of a swift blow is omnia broad and centrall-ed Nation;: 1 Refugee Service, Inc., has been Jaresent—if a blow is to be felt. Nor are the political commenta- heaven Life is not 'a tale told by an idiot, Sound snd fury undertaken in order to dcsl with signifying nothing,' but s Btory, a connected story, often a love tors as wise as once they were and chastened hesitate to - Srrrt f-r-icr fr- 'F'~' ??.?* tr $$ ths growing and increasingly comstory, dramatic, thrilling with denouements undreamed of inplex refugee problem. prophesy the course of events. Revamping of the > committee, Weather observers are predicting unsettled weather this the beginning, the last related directly to the first, the whole •which was founded coming full circle in the end, like Browning's moon over Fiesole: a co-ordinating into fummer. Political observers are agreeing with them but they agency, dealing with "Rounder twist ths cypresses'and rounder; liave no definite forecast. ^ £ • ? . „J' -' -.. , - . < • < * gardless of origin Perfect till tag nightingales applauded." ' ollowing the lines o* a program up by - Harry Greenstein, Yes, there is coherence, .significance, rationality in life, drawn executive director of the AsEOcictp g Style with all its perplexities, paradoses, heai-t-breaking .tragedies; d -Jewish Charities of Baltimore, As yet Hungary has not learned its lesson—and it is'un- in history, in the cosmos, in all existence. •who last month completed a of the. functioning of the commit- | Sikely it ever shall. Despite its studied attempts to out-Nazi There is purpose in individual lives. Man plots, plans, ea and its affiliated agencies un- j $he Nazis, the Hungarian government can look with horror schemes and devises, strives for ends, reaches out for goals— e-rtafesa at tho request of tho board of directors. ppon the encroaching Swastika which is as surely crushing it why should not the Power that planted the mind in raan have -oxniaHtes's The reorganisation, now in • its to death as it crushed Austria and Czecho-Slovakia. Neverthe- His own ends, His own divine even if inscrutable Purpose? Asiaitial Stages, is being carried out s s gradual1 process requirinr gsss the appeasement policy of the government goe3 on. the prophet Isaiah so sublimely said with'clinching and irrefut- isveral months, with details cf The Nazi party itself was, until recently, banned, its lead- able logic: ;hs plan modified as esperiencs j .ictatcs. [JT3 jailed and its members discriminated against. Yet all the "Be that formed the eye shall Ho not see? Hs that created • •• Eaber Now Director , [While the government party was appropriating the Nasi pro- the "'ear shall.-He-not hear! - He that implanted, knowledge £a Dr. Vv'iliiam Kabgr, who was professor of ' economics at the gram and thinking how smart it was to do BO. man, shall He not knot??" The part, easnot be greater thaa %lty of Michigan sad fcr-' - - •«-» r, The Hungarian-government's attempts to stem the Nazi ths whole. Every effeet must-have at least as equally adequate emergency relief admlnis- j l l l ^ J J L ! ! T*T iw iEGT ITTAX trator for the • state of Michigan, Jlde have not been to protect itself from the ravages of the cause. Shall the Universe show adaptation' in-'its minutest ha.9 }r i , fcesin chosen for the. key post totalitarian system nor to prevent anti-Semitism. Reactionary parts, in the wings of aa iaseet, h. the pollen, on a, floTrer, is. of executive director of ths pro-

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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, JUNE 16. 1939 CARD PARTY CHAIRMAN Mrs. Goodman Cohen is chairman of the card party to be given by the Royal Elite Rebekah Club No. 400 on June 21 at the club rooms, 315 So. 15th Street, at 8 p. m. Prizes will be offered at the party and r e freshments | served.

knows nis part . . . wants to play j don for a turn in tbe music it professionally . . . yet is in-1A passenger on the S. S. hibited lest his public thick of < reports "Nazi Sry" VSP C topic him as an actor. The second of coBverss"ti on or the fcTf . . . "take" is pronounced good . . . general resr. on to it-<= ff-\~ v« i Members of the Junior Hadas- gets the "okay, cut'" signal from w r a t h f u l r r r r r . ' r i i f T • r * r r >••"• — sah Cultural Group are sponsor- the director . . . and the great of t h e fceilf-p ing a dance Monday night, Jcne . . . . . . from the most 19, at Peony park. Garvis Doner ! violinist e Fannie I"-i. e'F •• and Ms orchestra will furnish the j fcls jerve-fiha.tenn performance of Hungarian . . . 11•— ": music. . BEKNSTEIN-KRASNE BABENDURE-STEIN VISITING HERE She can't e:- ; r Pearl Lipsey is ticket chairman At an evening ceremony last Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Stein anM.1S3 Grayce Judd of Denver, name, Borrcr. r m You'Il find George Jesse! at the for the dance and Ruth Freedmaa Sunday at the Fontenelle hotel. nounce the approaching marriage Colorado, arrived .Sunday for a is in charge of orchestra arrange- j N. Fair playing barker for his probably tsl-cr. t : f Hiss Muriel Krasne, daughter of of their daughter, "Mis3 Helen two weeks stay with Miss Elaine i own show, "Streets of New from the E->~rv. inents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krasne of Stein, to Mr. Harry Babendure of Frank. no other i'r:'\-Officers of the newly formed j York." Fremont, became the bride of Fremont, son of Mr. and Mrs. name. cultural group are: Shirley Bar-1 David Bernstein, son of Mr. andAbe Babendure of that city, on TOURING FAR WEST ish, president; Betty Soref, viceBob Breen's brow is corrugatMiss Gertrude Hill of Lincoln Mrs. J a c o b Bernstein. Rabbi Sunday, June 18. president; Rofealie Alb'erts, secre- ed. He'E cot •worried whether hi£ Says ' - r r f David A. Goldstein and. Rabbi The ceremony will take place will spend her vacation touring tary; Louise Miller, treasurer, and admirers will take him for & mu<vr -..-!Harry Jolt or Lincoln officiated at 4 o'clock at the B'nal Israel the far west. She will go to CaliLiberty Cooper, scrgeast-at-arras. sician or an actor . . . Oh, EO . . . uncookea cr-r-'.-', in the presence of 100 guests. synagogue, Eighteenth and Chi-fornia and then up to Lake Louise it's something tar more vital. Bob scenes in '' "i The bride wore a floor length cago streets. Rabbi • David A. and Banff. is in a limerick contest . . . and . . . Ke r"L">rl'". While in California Miss Hill gown of -white net •with short Goldstein and Cantor A. Schwaczis "worm" a good word to r t r ~ e Kellogg P&rt t r t ' will visit Josephine Rosewater puffed. sleeves, sweetheart neck- kin will officiate. with "turn*" dcr the herlr o' line, tucked basque waist and Following the ceremony a re- Newman, granddaughter of the The Ro-Noh fraternity held its flared skirt of double net. Her ception will be* held at the home late Edward Rosewater of Omaannual siirnxaer formal Monday ha. Miss Newman and Miss Hill A bit ehcry about Jack Benny's Signmg c y e i l o l •white tulle was caught in- of the bride's parents. .n evening at Peony park to honor current were classmates at Bryn Mawr fas rating, the studio took Correcponfir-': to a cap of mock orange blosInvitations have been issued to graduating inersbers ana the orcollege. his "Men About Town" to OakBoms. She carried a bouquet of guests. q ganization's new officers. ' Mrs. M. D. Brodkey land for a sneak prericv. It reh d e" Toses, white stephania and i Preceding the fiance, the RoMISS CHAPMAN GRADUATES ce:ve3 a big harfi . . . goes out OE Mrs. M. D. Brodkey vas relilies, ol the valley. Noh members and their dates atROSENBLATT-CAMEL Miss H e l e n Jane Chapman, ilected president of. the Omaha general release pronto. Miss Beverly Krasne served as Mr. and Mrs. Harry Camel anof -Mr. and Mrs. M. E.chapter of Senior Hadassah .at a tended an open house given by Johanr. . * » • her Bister's maid- of honor. Brides- nounce the marriage of their daughter Miss Joye Greenberg. Chapman, was graduated from seventeentt jnaldB -were Miss Edith Krasne of daughter, Etta, to Maxwell Rosen- Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, Illinois, meeting held last week. Eric Remarcue's "The Heroes," The following were announced COEVC!";r -— f t Under . Mrs. Brodkey's leader- as new officers of the fraternity concerning German refugees, has WBB .Oakland, and Miss Sylvia Bern- blatt of Omaha, son of Mr. andlast Monday. took tee i: ship, Hadassah has shown an unfeteln. The maid of honor was Mrs. J. Rosenblatt of Los Angeles, marais. Her parents and ner brother, usually large increase in member- for the conis.g year: Sheldon cer Tracy vehicle. gowned In powder blue net, fash- on Sunday, June 11. Bernstein, president; L e o n a r d Bernard, attended the exercises. ship and has extended its -activi"I Married s Nasi" VBE purioned with puffed sleeves and Boasberg, vice-president; J o e The couple left Immediately for ties program. square neckline. She carried a a wedding Bolker, secretary; Phillip Eisen- chased by Twentieth-Fox . . . trip to California. After TO BCHENECTADY colonial bouquet of pink roses and June 26 they will be at home at statt, treasurer; Darwin Marcus, slated for early production. D Jack Temin, who recently gradfcweet peas. corresponding secretary, and Alan # * * the Morrla apartments. uated the Iowa State C o l l e g e ; The.bridesmaids' gowns in pink Blank, publicity cnairnian. Camerams.: Betty TCenser, Ker-1| School of Engineering, is leaving JWth blue trim were identical to ry'B yocEgest, acEotnces her be- !; i\ tomorrow for Schenectady where that of the maid of honor. Blue GMCK-LEIBOVICI trothal to Kiltoa Sperling. " ' he will be affiliated with the Gen- Tuesday, June 13, marked the Miss Ruth Eeibovici, daughter eral J. C C. Orchestra alBO predominated in their colonter Winchcll, hanced & last meeting of tbe present term Electric Company. He h a s of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Leibovici, been visiting his parents here. ial bouquets. blanche contract fcy Jcrgens, f Mother Chapter 1, A. Z. A. If Betif re? The Jewish Community CeEter it in at the same salary Sylvia Joy Krasne of Fremont became the bride of Sol Glick of Highlighting this important meetDes Molnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. ing was the semi-annual election Little Symphony Orchestra w i l l weekly), thoiigh he could jtr&B flower girl. NEW YORK f officers. A spirited election continue to meet e a c h Monday written it for any amount, Robert Bernstein, brother of Joseph Glick of New York City, TOHarvey Breit is leaving today Cur Zr Sunday. was held and when final returns evening throughout the sunnier marks a fiecaae vrith the the groom, was best man. Groomsfor New York City. Rabbi David A. Goldstein perhad been tabulated, they showed at 7:30 under the direction of Al sponsor. Peer-.r 7ty?rr :r men were Henry Rlekes and Morlyvood ii vriti~7, a t . r ? oZ formed the ceremony at the home hat Leo Sherman, past Aleph Finkel. J±J LIpp of North Platte. . Mazkir, had been elected to head Orchestra practice is held at the Ksifetz by Golcvyn rpivr.r' Miss Harriett Bernstein sang of the bride's parents. A family Tcrro-j hops to Urs-'f-f or behe chapter as Aleph Godol for Center. • ^ Love You Truly" and "Ohdinner followed the service. half of "Nazi Pry." ^"hs- Tr-pp .he next six months. The couple left by motor for a promise Me." The wedding proStooges . . . Kcv;-£,rcl, "Ice t r i cessional was played by Miss Ger- wedding trip to New York City, Aleph Sherman has been an Howard . . . bounce c"er tc Lrr.The drawing scheduled by theactive member of tbe chapter. He trude Oruch, pianist, and Myron They will make their home in Auxiliary of Branch 258, Work- epresented the chapter on varDes Stoines. (Conn, violinist. men's Circle for June 11, wasous athletic teams and last year A brief reception was followed postponed until June 25. participated in the Corn Belt Refcy a' dinner in the ballroom for DEPART FOR COAST By HELEN 22GSEGND Mrs. Phil Friedman and con, The auxiliary recently distrib- gion Oratorical contest. For the BU toe guests. uted §40 among various organizapast year, he has served as Aleph The couple left immediately by Herbert, are visiting Mrs. I. Gartions and institutions. Ten dol-Mazkir. Aleph Sherman is also j Hollywood—A new group called auto for Mexico City. "Upon their ber of Los Angeles. lars was contributed to the emerA. Z. A. 1's d e 1 e g a te to this the Motion Picture Gcild, comreturn they will be at home at gency fund of Branch 25S, andyear's international A. Z. A. con- posed of ISO cinemalites, hag been VISITS IN ATCHINSON 4822 Chicago street. Mrs. Max Goldstein spent a 55 each to the Los Angeles Sani- ention. formed. They propose to produce week in Atchinson, Kan., where tarium, the Madem Sanitarium, <GOFFSTEIN-GREEN films of a controversial nature Aleph Haskell Cohen was elect"Word, has been received here she visited Tier brother-in-law and the Jewish Labor Committee, the id to fill the post of Aleph S'gan. . . . irrespective of their studio of the marriage of Miss Dorothy Bister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Friedman. Jewish Philanthropies, the Jewish Aleph Cohen has held several connections. Among them are School of Poland, and a touring Green, daughter of Mrs. H. Green minor offices in the past and is prominent writers, directors and Jewish artist. Lillian Hellman, John , of Los Angeles, to Mr. Max Goff- LEAVING FOR MEXICO an active member of Mother chap- actors -Btein, formerly of Omaha and now Miss Betty Geifman will leave ter. Klected to the post o£ Alepa Garfield, Arthur Kober, Floyd of: Los Angeles, Tlis marriage Saturday night for Mexico City Mazkir to serve for one year was Crosby, John Wesley, to mention took place on May 21 in Las where she will be the guest of Justin Priesinan. Priesaan was a few. Erita Mann's "School for BarVegas, Nevada. her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. a member of the Mother chapter The couple will reside in LosI. Geifman. En route she will visit "All officers of the Women's debate team which went to the barians" is now being scenarixed AngeleB. In Kansas City, St. Louis and El Miarachi were re-elected at the finals of District 6 competition for their first production. meeting and luncheon held on this year. He was recently awardPaso. * * * BETURNS FROM BOULDER Miss Geifman will spend the en- Wednesday. Those named by theed a scholarship to the University Clerks at a Wilshire hostelry organization are: Mrs. A. Katz, of Omaha. Miss Arlene Solomon, who is a tire summer In Mexico. were greatly puzzled at the arpresident; Mrs. E, Weinberg, first student at the University of ColoAleph Ed Stein was elected to rival of a stack of sail from Canvice-president; Mrs. M. Arbltman, IN CALIFORNIA rado in Boulder, returned Sunday post of Aleph Gisbor. Alepa ada for Charlie Chaplin. Mystery Mrs. A. Stein and d a u ghter, second vice-president; Mrs. L. the lor her summer vacation. Stein held this office during the cleared, however, when United Rosenblatt, third vice-president; Frances Lee, are visiting in Calfall of last year also. Other of- Artists' sales manager, Charles S. Mrs. N. Levinson, fourth viceifornia. They will visit the Fair iLEAVES FOR NEW YORK ficers are Aleph Sbotare Kotoae, Chaplin, arrived from New Brunspresident. Miss Lee Fellman is leaving to- in San Francisco and relatives in Bob Bramson, who was re-elected wick, Dominica of. Canada. Only Fresno and Los Angele3. They InOthers elected are: Mrs. Bento that post for the second,time; his presence made the identificamorrow for New York City. tend to "bo gone two months. H a n d l e r , recording secretary; Aleph Sopher Jerry Grossman, tion possible — the coaedian's Mrs. A. Schwacikin, financial sec- and Aleph Kohen Godol, Irving initial is also "S." TO MINNEAPOLIS retary, and Mrs. Dave Crounse, Nogg. Miss Judith Levenson will de- TO CHICAGO * * * Miss Esther Nathan }s leaving treasurer. part Sunday for Minneapolis. As a fitting conclusion to a Experiencing fair weather* all this evening for Chicago where Committee reports were heard successful year, five new members over the country with unexshe will visit her brother-in-law at the meeting. A large crowd were Initiated into Aleph Zadik pectedly heavy grosses in large GOING TO FORT DODGE attended. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. David , On Sunday Miss Muriel Frank Aleph -at this meeting. At the German centers such as St. Louis, Hexter. ;wlll leave for Fort Dodge. first degree ceremonies performed Cincinnati and Milwaukee Mrs. E. Weinberg, chairman, of by Aleph Kohen Godol Haskell "Nasi Spy' •» suddenly ran en the Jewish National Fund Tree Lazere, the following- Alephs were reef in Kansas City. Instigated •TO DAUGHTER'S GRADUATION committee, announces the follow- Initiated into the chapter: Gor- by the German vice-consul of that Mr. and Mrs. George Gaspar ing recent donations: letf yesterday for Rochester, N. don Margolin, Morris Rudenaan, territory, a. petition signefi by a Y., where they will attend the Mrs. Meyer Coren In memory B b Silverman, Albert Lagman, hundred residents was tiled, comgraduation of t h e i r daughter, C«taJaly! . . . He'g expec&tf gsmtflhiag In pelling the local censor board to and Norman Edward Turkel. By Mrs. David SL Nemnan j of her husband. Thelma, from the Eastman ConMrs. J. J. Frieden in memory re-view the film which it bad alFinal reports were given by the food tost*, yet •ometMng he con get a lot servatory of Music. En route Pineapple-Rhubarb«Strawberry of her mother, Rachel Goldie various committees, enumerating ready passed. they will visit in Danville, 111., Plotkin, on Mother's day. of use out of*. , . end ts^'i isrgct the label Warners are not annoyed . . . 3&m the activities of the past six and St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. J. J. Frieden in memory months. To complete elections delay only whets ihe appetite and 1 large pineapple a lot to sae«f »ea—Jhey k s w th« t&e of Mrs. A. ZIotky of Fremont. Equal parts of rhubarb for the next six months. Mother box-office. Blpafricks ©s c f?S s.»sss if« good, HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE Mr. and Mrs. S. Temin in honor chapter chose a new board of' 3 quarts strawberries * * of the graduation of their son advisors. Mrs. Henry Resnlck will be On thesets: 4 pounds sugar Re-elected to serve tbe , liostess at a shower Sunday in Jascha Heifetz paces the stage, Wash, dry and cut rhubarb to Jack, from Iowa State college. as advisors were: Arthur tortures Mrs. M. Frieden In memory of chapter lionor of Miss Ruth Bloch, a make the same amount as the his.tie into limp subjecr-. Robinson, Erwin J. Wezelman, pride-to-be. . measured pineapple. Add 3 quarts Mrs. A. ZIotky of Fremont.# It is agony—his first speakArthur P. Grossman. Dr. A. Faier tion. ing lines before a camera. He berries, hulled, and then add and Harvey Leon. Newly elected jSUBSTS FROM SIOUX CITY sugar. Combine all fruits and to the board is Joe Soloacnow, Miss Betty Rosenblatt had as cook. Slowly stirring cook one recording secretary of B ' n a i 11. At this time the new officers Jiouse guests • Miss Rae Kaplan hour or more until thick. Dinner dances at Highland wil B'rith and a former member of will be formally installed &n& s, and the Misses Betty and Doris Turn into sterllzed glasses. Council Bluffs A. Z. A. 7. complete report of the InternaMarx, all of Sioux City. Miss When cold cover with melted par- be held tomorrow evening, June Representing Mother chapter as tional convention will he given by 17, Saturday evening, June 24 Rosenblatt returned to Sioux City affine and seal. and Saturday evening, July a. A delegate to" the International A. the delegrates. •with her guests. popular local orchestra will fur- Z. A. convention, Leo Sherman Surprise Cakes nish the music for the evening's will leave this Saturday for Port B. A. M. MOTHER'S CLUB '% cup butter Jervis, N. Y. After the camp dancing. The S. A. M. Mother's club will 1 % cups sugar convention which will last oae Reservations may be made by bold a luncheon meeting on Tues3 eggs week. Aleph Godol-elect Sherman calling GL 9911. day. June 20, at 1 o'clock at the 2% teaspoons baking powder will attend the World's Fair. JJnion Station dining room. Corrple'e 14 h o ; r £c>"vi£8 1 teaspoon lemon M o H e r chapter softballers Members of the club will hold Hostesses will be Mrs. I. FiedWork ana Quality Guarentsefl 1 cup milli Jumped out of the cellar of the a stag on Tuesday, Juno 20 l e r a n d Mrs. Morris Clvin. This 2 % cups cake flour FREE ESTIMATES Frizes will bs awarded to the Jewish. Ccunmcnity Center Soft•will be the last meeting until next '% teaspoon salt ball league by virtue of their forafternoon golfers. Dinner, w SANSTAftY F»t-UNiB!N3> &• fall. Cream butter with half the be served at G: 3 0 and there will feit win over the B'nai B'rith agKEATING CO. sugar. Beat yolks with the iesl entertainment during the eve- gregation. ATTENDS SON'S GRADUATION of the sugar. Combine both mix- be S7 cr The next meeting cf the chapi Dr. M. I- Gordon left Wednes- tures. Add alternately the sifted ning. .'vr. ter will be held on Tuesday, July ! L. day for Boston, Mass., where he dry ingredients and milk. Add •will attend the graduation of his lemon. Fold in beaten whites Daughters of Israel son, Jerome, from Harvard. Aid Society stiff. Bake in muffin tins and The Daughters of Israel Aid socool. Remove top. Scoop out JOSLYN MEMORIAL center and fill with ice cream. ciety will hold its regular meetAt 2:30 in the lecture hall of Put on top of the cup cake and ing Tuesday, June 20, at 2 o'clock the JoBlyn Memorial the follow- ice with a thin chocolate frosting at the Jewish Community Center. ing sound films will be shown: and decorate -with chopped walThis will be the last meeting .: "The P l o w That Broke" the nuts. ••'... of the season. Plains;" "Carrie Jacobs Bqnd," "Stephen Foster"' and "Waltz Dream." Chester D. Mann, jr., •will present a piano recital at 4 o'clock in the concert hall. oujcr, hi • A Young Artists program, sponsored by the Omaha Music Teachera association will be held at es t i e pr-fect > 4:30.

Hadassah President j Junior Hadassa\ Cultural Group




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A. Z. A. No. 1



Workmen's Circle Auxiliary, 258

Om* Pirn Folk


Women's Mizrachi




frl" '"i-iBRSWr


Your Dinins Cqcirj Chair Seats v/itfi


Complete Regular 03.SQ

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Naturally your reaction Is the price—It may be too much for your budget. Well that's-what Impresses ins . . . the fcjgn quality and expert workmanship can be .had for less. The reason, and an Important one for being able to give BO much for less, is. their low cost of operation. Located at 2203 Farnaia St. means low rental—that saving Is passea on to the purchaser. Floor covering 13 their exclusive business and every effort Is made t o 1 give the ultimate in floor coverings and service. They carry S50 patterns and models to select from. A call will bring a representative to your home with samples and-no obligation to you.

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ROYALTY ON THE POTOMAC—En route to Mount Vernon, where he laid a wreath on the tomb of George Washington, is King George with his consort, Queen Elizabeth, aboard the Presidential yacht Potomac, on the Potomac river. Left to

1 .--—\

PROBER—Sir Alfred Bucknill, of the British High Court of Justice, named by Prime Minister Chamberlain to head public investigation into Thetis submarine disaster.

right: Mrs. Roosevelt, Queen Elizabeth, King George, President Roosevelt and Captain NeilO. Callaghan, Presidential naval aide. Washington weather was extremely hot.". . . - .•© W. W. Wire Photo






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~\ L WANT TO DUY A CAMEL? — Tripoli, Libye, , has two 800-yeer-old camel markets where Arcb trading continues exactly 2s It becsn eight ccnfuries ego. Top panel, Oscer, hay-burninc, selfstarting desert "truck," who carries his Ljnch with him—at least, that's a lose' c l hay on hh back. Left, bargaining for a camel. The beasts


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COURT-MARTIAL -r- Carlcature shows Major General George Van Horn Mosely, retired, whom United States Veterans, Inc., demands be .court-martialed for "treason." Demand was made in a letter 70.000 WILL GO BACK—UAW-CIO President R. J. Thomas, to War Secretary Woodring by Major Thomas E. Stone of left, and W. P. Brown,.Briggs Company president, sign agreement In Detroit that ends strike and sends 70,000 auto- workers, Veterans, who specified Moseley's Bund praise. back. Federal Concilliator James F. Dewey, center.








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sel! e* ^50 ecc> end near nn-f -ifc-r Arab than h'$ iwo c~ ih^ee v;ves. R-r1-*, Fer Ail Mufti, cieer cf ceme' irr {lc"&, I n.-vri 1o thousands of Anencan Joufils'!'s. Kc i r t so'c 10,000 camel* 3n his ! : {e. EcJt07n, irspec'ipc1 Oscar's molars Til the c?me3 w ' , Crne's c^i inflict a nasty bit** licl'en lire £"£ iisec ir ^"ec"na.

O W. W. Wire Fboto

DOING HER BEST—Lifting her dress as daintily as she can, Isibel Kinloch, 3, attempts a curtsy before Queen -Elizabeth, as she meets the Queen in Washington. Isibel was born in England. She is accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Thomas Kinloch, at left. -



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WALT FIEOT STOP—Cheering Italian soldiers who fought with the Franco forces in Spain proparo to embark at Cadiz for their homes in Italy. Huge picture is of General Franco.






C2SCH — Dr. Alice G. MasaryW, exiled daughter ef the first president of Czechoslovakia, Dr. Jan Mesaryk, arrives in New York to visit native land of her moiher, the former Charlotte CsrriCue Carrlque cf Bfooklyn, N. Y. Shs will lecture later.

TTFJSAL CAD—Kernel F«"fier"s Dr% cc-rr" 'PF hes selected Fei G'Erlers, Warner T-es. fife j'er, f? '*vprffl American father," fo- Feme's 2ev, Jurnr If. He's- a - » r i? Hollywood . .. . . £ . ~ ..• c - rpp' 5 ^'.e ha—is, Patrick Sear,, 13 months, £r.£ k'tvcxriCrr., l

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ARE _24-—Once a year the Keys quadruplets of Waco, Texas, return to Hollis, Okla., 4ha eity of their birth. Here they are in Hollis on their recent visit. The Keys sisters, who observed • their 24fh fcirthday on June 4 arc, left to right: Mary, Mona, Leota.and Roberta. T

KENT^OF KEMT-Prlnce George. Duke of Kent, left. >ns^ his own duchy and as president of the Kent Council of Social Service, eliats with miners at Snowdown colliery. AySesham village. This coal pit is second deepest in the country.

DUeO-Cled fn fchskl unarms ^i cervine bevoneted Hfies, thes^ "precolonials —young women prepares fo .:y© in vns eoismes—march fbroiigh Rome, Abeuf 70,000 cf fSiem perasssi bcters rrsrsier s^usscun;. sr: bacteretrse e-c wells of the Cobts»um»

Pare 7

THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, JUNE 1G, 1933 >d in various parts or the country for a universal sis-day film theater week -with tea shutters up on.blue Monday. Sponsors admit it will require :onsiderabie intestinal fortitude By IRVING SONDERS to get away from the full yreek operation but the idea has so much merit it is not impossible The "Badge o£ Tolerance," that such a step might even prove symbolic ol the unity o£ American advantageous.

Hollywood Merry-Go-Round

baby boy born, to Mr. and Mrs.tells the poignant, haunting saga ."The Bible of the World.'! which Mike got marries! last SUBSET EE£ Roman Slobodin . . . Roman now of 100 refugee lads of the- Span- in 600,000 words will contain sig- is "studying" cown in EeramfiE., overs Palestine for the JTA with ish Inquisition era . . . nificant portions of the holy that good old honeymoon isle . . . added spring in his normally books of Hinituisa, ilohasiinedaii- The only person offended by tho • * • ism. Buddhism, Zcroastrianism, bacon and. peri: saxsEg-es served springy, space-eating step . . . Dr. PATRIOTISM: T h a t nationudah Ii. Magnes acted as sandek wide series of newspaper eds on Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism at E recent Jewish Arency press Christianity . , . What's this, conference in London was the godfather) . . . Flag day,.sponsored by the Jew- and another of Nazism? . . . Moslem - Irishman correspondent o a 0 ish War Vets and reminding Distinctlyboycott worth examining is cf a large Arab daily . . . DistinTOPICAL NOTE: A topical lit- Americans of the Jews' patriotism, guished visitcrs to the JTA oftle volume, what with ships of cost about 525,000, put up by a Emil Lndwig's biography cf Hi.- fices and the World's Fair: ,H. "-. ler, in pix with captions, in Look hope and despair plying the seven group of private citizens . . . Meltes and sot, Leotard . . . K magazine . . . seas with their cargoes of refu• » • I L., who is superintendent of w * * * gees in hunt for.a haven, is the LITR'Y NOTES: Remind yourter in Chicago t r d publisher of MISH-MASH: Meyer Steinglass, I the one just put out by the Jewish self to read "Why Hate the Jewish Chronicle, folPublication society . . . Titled Jews?" a sharp stab at the busey public relations director cf the lowsChicago as a hobby . . . His inter"Ship of Hope," translated by bigots by Struthers Burt in tie United Jewish Appeal, is studying est atartthe moment is in piaster Felix N. Gerson from the German June issue of the Forum . . . Vik- a totally different type of rela- statuettes -of Jewish types . . . of Ruben Rothgieser, the book ing Press this fall will publish. tions . . . Marriage relations . . .

Protestants, Catholics and Jews Feature character roles in the tor democracy, freedom and • brotherhood, -was presented to icreen version of Clifford Odets' Frederic March and Florence successful stage play, "Golden Eldridge (Mrs. March) at a cere- Boy," have been filled with mony at the Center theater in Adolphe Menjou, Sam Levene, Nevr York, -where they are starr- Joseph Calleia, and others. Wiling in "The American Way." The liam Holden will portray the part presentation was made on. behalf of the young pugilist-musician, of' the New York Bound Table of and Barbara Stanwyck has the the National Conference of Chris- Teminine starring role, tians and Jetrs by Helen Hayes, Melvyn Douglas has been asIrving Berlin, Eddie Dowling and Taylor Holmes, prominent mem- signed the leading male role in bers of the profession. There is "Ninotschka," with Greta Garbo every indication that Fred March in the opposite lead. This is and his -wife will be signed to re- Douglas' second screen appearenact their current role in a ance with Garbo. "Ninotschka" screen version of the stage play, is from an original screen play by Melchior Lengyel and marks now so popular on^B'way. Miss Garbo's first role since "ConQjiest." 9 Girls at Vassar, at Bryn Mawr, at Wellesley and at Smith have Ruth (gorgeous) Hussey has frolicked all over the screen from been signed to a new contract here to Paw Paw, Mich. Boys and will play the romantic lead at West Point, at Yale, at Prince- opposite Edward G. Robinson, ton and Stanford and even hood- who is a very busy man these lums at reform school have de- days. After he completes "Blacklighted us in pictures. . mail" and "The Life of Dr. Now the intimacies of life in a Erlich," Robinson will get top French boys" boarding school are role in "The Prince of Imposters," revealed in a pic called "Lea Dis- scheduled lor late summer. parus de St. Agil," released by Columbia in this country. Les The theater-going public has Disparus etc., won the acclaim taken to anti-dictator films in a of the Academie Francaise du big way as is evident by reports Film as a most unusual motion from the B. O. Boris Morros will /picture production. The film stars remake "Royal Box," which ridiErie Von Stroheim and Michel cules dictators. This film is said Simon, whose performances as to be the reason for Reinhold Professor Lemel, won the Prix Schunzel's scram from Berlin . . . Pierre Satcbeff. The production In London "Confessions of a Nazi Incidentally, has.no feminine dis- Spy" passed the British Board of Censors without a single deletion traction. or recommendation, which is sigin v i e w of British The Bhibboleth is down for a nificant over controversial radical departure from the seven- squeamishness day, grind of motion picture subjects. houses. Agitation has been startMarch of Time is making "History of the Movie3," showing technical progress of the industry since its beginning. You will have a chance to see this interesting two-reeler some time during SOFTBALIi I/EAGUS July.


STANDINGS Team . Won Ijost Breslow Auto Glass. . . 5 O Xeavemrorth Market 4 S 2 A. Z. A. (100) A. Z. A. (1) « • * • « « . 1 B'nai B'rith O

Luise Rainer was introduced to the screen by William Powell, who returns in a new "Thin Man" picture. Playing the part of Anna Held in "The Great Ziegfeld," Miss Rainer stole the picture and won the Academy Award in one brief telephone scene, When she The Breslow Auto Glass is now called Ziegfeld to congratulate nleading .the J. C. C. Softball loop him on his engagement; to Billie by virtue of its victory last Sun- Burke. Miss Rainer, unhappy day, over the Leavenworth Mar- these days over many things, is .• ket^vby" the score of 5 to 3,' The not active in pictures but we hope game was hard fought, well to see her back again Boom played, and the -highlight of the "game was the' home-run by the Pleasant thought for •winning pitcher, Norman Korney. The Dead End kids have reached Paul Steinberg was on the a dead end after breaking Into mound for the losers with Iz the films in «'Dead End.""Bud" Tretiak doing the' "backBtopplng:: --Herb"-'Melches was on" the receiving end for the Glass- RABBIS OF ALGIERS men. CALL ON CARDINAL Algiers (JTA) — Chief Rabbi The A. Z. A. No. 1 entered the and President Janoui win column by receiving a forfeit Eisenbech the Jewish Consistory headed from, the B'nal B'rith, and the of delegation of Jewish leaders Sigma Alpha Mu also was credited acalling Cardinal Verdier with a victory as the A. Z. A. No. during -upon a function the 100 had too much weiner-roast spiritual Solidarity marking of the three the night before, and was unable great religions, held in connection to get out of the clutches of Mor- with the National Eucharistic pheus by 11 a. m. Congress here. Replying to the Chief Rabbl'B The schedule for Sunday, June address, Cardinal "Verdier alluded 18, is as follows: ' to Jewish sufferings, declaring: B'nal B'rith vs. Leavenworth "We will always be with you beMarket, Thirty-third and Dewey. cause we believe in the triumph A. Z. A. No. 100 vs. Breslow of the rights of the individual, in Auto Glass, Thirty-third and Cass. family and social relations, and Sigma Alpha Mu vs. A. Z. A. appeasement ot international reNo. 1, West Elmwood. lations."

mission for the Chinese ^revert!.-l ment . . . The stir- sent or.t En. SOS which brought e. 2r:cisfc c?- \ strcyer and plane to the seen.3, and the ship was able to proceed to port without further incident . . . Rabbi De Sola Pool is putting in considerable effort helpirg Italian Jewish refugees . . . Lat-

Jameti C»3K?"'Oe" fRllov- . , . Tiu::serif Pi;! v-p-rcfi o" vpr'" rl-i~*'n>j-% ing niFtpri»" rn^-;i;;; ttsoi-i; -T-ff Horn from prcjuilirf i':< ,'f«-e throngrhoiU thf- rour.MT. tx 5 ri'>rlarly those listen ir. VI'I'^'F •\vh<~ American Jrv-ry. (Copyrighted by Jevish Telegraphic Agency, inc.)


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Paxton-Mitcheil' Co. FonndHes Brass* Bronro, Alaniinca, Soft Grey Iron and ScrnlSteel Cnstiaeo, Wood aad Motel Patterns and Sash WeigMs carried ia stock.. Bronzo end Cant Iron Grilles a Specialty.

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- . . Ee's Beu

Nora "Wala, author cf the zeU<s? "Reaching for i t s Sta-c wrote her book twice, a i i .t>ir t i e EeconS rsr£it;-n the* rcv f fceen resflir.g —there -iere wer? DEI; ich w s s "lost is. the ~ .&*iZ TtEE,


O-Jlcy V.'fccla IVtcsS Voa? Grocer









ae aocJ after wr many, shs sent the car.ur.clr'c to ter English and Arsc-ic-r rrbTT. S. border The Naai Asso- iisfcers - . . So she had ic rewr.te ciation for Germans Abroad, of which Ernst TTilhalm BoSle is the book after _ leaving >"E,ri;_.E


«> 'Swoei


LOOK AND LISTEN' John Hamilton, chairman cf - construction the Republican National Committee, is highly jittery about the effect which the tying up of his name with the anti-Semitic cam- then, turning te his mother, said: paign of G-esere.1 Moseley may ESCTT iheA tc -taTe-. cad -epos -th the • Vv*?A- sorters."

goat, and may drive them fo join Nazi groups is self-delense * e . XASTI NE1FS *Tis said that the Nasis, having the fear of God put into them, by Attorney General Murphy's drive against their spies, have transferred their North American spy headquarters to Canada, near the

ITou'AreInvited to Visit and Inspect the. Beautiful


ABROADCASTS We're happy to report that the Germans suffer a lot from big headaches nowadays . • . They're exporting all their aspirin tablets to foreign countries as the chief item on their famous barter deals . . . An interesting bit of news is that the Germans are now engaged in training many thousands of war dogs, who are expected to help the Red Cross in rescuing wounded soldiers in the anticipated European conflagration . . . F o r m e r . Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg, still under protective arrest in a Nazi stronghold, has now been reduced to such .a mental state that his chief occupation is playing with dells . . . Yet the Nazis boast of their humanity in not having had him killed . . . Don't think that the British let Hitler get away with canceling Austria's debt to England or even dropping interest payments, as he tried tto payments, o do do . . . They have been collecting everything due then, having threatened that unless regular interest payments were made they would seize Germany's trade balance in England . . .

rested by the Nazis, and all bis belongings have been seized . . . THIS AVD THAT That June 12th Life issue featuring a close-up of Weizm&nn written by John Gunther will do a lot toward setting millions of Americans straight en the Jewish pioneer work in Palestine . . . If the relations between the Zionists and the British government were net so strained the King and Queen of England would have loved to view the model of the Temple' of Solomon on display in the Palestine Pavilion at the N. T. World's Fair , . . The British royal family, yoc know, claim descent from the ancient Hebrew HouEe of David . . . "We've just seen an envelope, addressed entirely in Hebrew characters, which reached its destination— the Kovalsky Palestine Shop at the Palestine Pavilion . . . You've got to hand it to Uncle Sam's port office . . . Best crack of the is the following . . . Former g tice Louis D. Branfieis'the Palesold grandson, visiting tine Pavilion with h Susan Brandeis, stepped o£ the '-display stcriEg t i e building of E .colony in one &v.j, Etized "by as-electric-device which flsshes the how si-each stage

campaign was -shocked by reports cf cruelty in Germany . . . Mr. Ham- New Tork World's Fair vhc-e he ilton is not an anti-Semite, but his <iisiike for Roosevelt feted as guest of honor in deep that he has more than once rie England been indiscreet in his choice of bedfellows . . . TTalter Winchell, the papers didn'i report is who has a knack of being penethe "fountain House'" as trating as well as smart, says that j "Andiron's Mountain HOUSE,' iif General Moseley is not a, Nazi the rcost exclusive feori.s- r | he is a rat that doesn't like in the section and tb£t t!?e curcheese . . . Note of warning: rent legend of Kip Van Tinkle There are millions cf loyal Amer- in the Catskills is that c mi.tier its icans of German descent who of thunder can be heard in r ... don't care for Nazism any more mountains three times a a than you or we, but the tendency It's Rip Tan in some articles to -discriminate *i^e> • . « against all people of German, de- ABOUT FSOPLiID scent is beginning to get their

SWIMMING Letters of Invitation have

sent out by the physical department to soma thirty Jewish clubs asking them to help participate in the observance o£ National j f Swim for Health Week, which will be held from June 26 to July 1. All organizations or groups who have not been contacted are asked to help observe this swim •with our cordial invitation to call the Center for particulars and their group will be assigned a time and day for swimming. HEALTH N O T E : The newsAlden Lincoln, con of Mr. and hounds who covered official dediMrs. Ed Lincoln, was crowned cation of the Palestine Pavilion Junior Boy's Marathon S w i m at the World's Fair are Btill reChampion last Tuesday morning cuperating from sun stroke . . In- the Center pool. He outlasted The 100,000 Jews who filled the a field of 20 starters, swimming Coart of Peace invaded the press continuously for 40 odd minutes. section, leaving the reporters to Chester Lustgarten was second, mill around on the platform with Herbert White finished third, the celebs . . . A woman who faintHarold "Mozer was fourth and ed from the heat in the Pavilion Charles Fredkin was fifth. All got a free taste of real Eretz of these boys will receive cer- Israel orange juice . . . When an tificates for their athletic achieve- excited attendant grabbed one o ment irTthis sport. , the exhibit oranges and squeezed ' Classes in swimming for junior it over her face . . . Hero of the boys and girls, and business eve- day was Dr. Soldmon Goldman, ning girls, are steadily increasing. ZOA prexy who presided over the All parents who have youngsters dedication . ; . He worked wond•whom they would like to send to ers Jn soothing the heat-frayed the Center.for. swimming instruc- tempers of prominents . . . Trytion, are .urged to do so. Special ing to control the huge crowd instruction is given to the be- which besieged the Pavilion fo ginners. For swimming times admission, he stood up before thi and classes, call the Center. thousands and asked them to stand back . . . They pushed closVOLLEYBALL er, asking for his autograph . Athletic Chairman Leb Burken- In the excitement, the Pavilion'! road, who is now vacationing in hardworking publicity crew sen; California, did not forget his vol- out a release describing; Mayoi leyball Tirothers. He sent them LaGuardia as the first non-Jew a box of sweets with a card in- become an honorary citizen of Teclosed stating that it was just Aviv ....... Forgetting Lord Alienfor the volleyball players. by, Lord Balfour, -Arturo Toscanini and' Thomas Masaryk . . BASKETBALL ; Prominent in "'he newsreel Bhoti Two University of Nebraska of the ceremonies w a s JTA'i basketball cagers are working out Danny Schorr, who wouldn't b during the summer months at the balked by lack of press seats . . Center. They are Al Randall and He is shown standing next to the Irving Yaffe. Randall i3 a. for- llatform, hatless and tieless, lookmer South High boy and v&.s a ing down the speakers' gullets t regular center on the University record their words for posterity.. of Nebraska q.uintet last season, while "Aukie" lettered at a forPOPULATION NOTE: The Jewward post, and will be bidding for a regular forward booth this ish population of Palestine reyear on Coach W. H. Browne's cently had a notable increase . . In the person of a thumping big Scarlet and Cream team.

TbE LrrflOE TSn-vCs r?rr~^ i-m^(-: est prrJ'-'o.ls 'in this l?,tter catethat the ^'.paneFe crr.iser v\\U-n pn--'- r.rF -lif two rciing: pen* oi created £n ir.te?ii?.tior.r.I inriclei:? friTE'Pr Af'F'i^P' !^in1irf<..p]!>,, onp n; t r aaliir.f tnc F. f-M O- '.;w- the ?;rpt. ^-l^i-^TnF 4"v,. thf I-.RU*U Ecirura was r.ft?r vr.r olc. rrvl • rsclc! Savf. , . . '"he liSpiil'Uc^i' O^nerr! Morris "Tvo Gut"-.'" Co™ Kaaona; GonnuUi?<r V P F I'lri'i'v hen, iThc v-as aboard the sr,ir re~ iv.TT.ms from Singapore viiere he


. . . Tip to Jewish, org-en rr rrs: j "Why don't you book Al ce II&s- j aryk, daughter of the IIcccccr c c c c c r cf I the Czech Republic, who IF £CE , is 'this country any dey r r r ? . , . ' It's b.ecai2S2 of Stxron L r u i t Rothschild's 3cvs for r r A-yr^ baroness, whom, the Nszls i>-eaten to hole ES a 'hostage if I s tries to recover sane c v.Lc m . COO.OGO they took from hir family, that he has -cisrucdec lur Cc: relatives frora seising Germs r s"~ T h e sets abroad to cors?crr=te '•••-;—a tenth of the full truth reason why the hawkers of Father The vife Coughlin'E Social Justice ^ r e l . s o selves Vinaver, 'refugee choir persistent is that they three -weeks ahead of T e Xn. ir are permitted to' keep whatever when she suggested t r4 s t TT' T money they take in . . . • Kuhn's stock has ssr'; si 1-w BEFERKIA'G TO REFTGESS the Berlin Nazis would BO^~ • We wish the Joist Distribution that that his real name is Committee weald assign some discover good detectives to running down Cohen, and would disown him . . . the racket of selling fake and landin Jewish refu teers work of some steamship companies that \ a \_j x£ • \z' 0*0, xn, Hi XL * prexy, whe will go to any lengths to gst busi- crowds in as • Sionist •^a!Z.y ES tij-ty ar1ness . . . During the six years PciEiruents is one clay . . . Best that Hitler has been.boss in Ger- wishes for a epeeSy recovery tc many 4,4 S7 mere foreigners have left the United States than en- the fcr cbscrra-|% tered this cauntrv Yca can ^ believe these figures, because they | e"ion r-v.»« _-'v« " come Boate' come from from none none other other than than Boate phie m&TiS for t i s Carter, ivho is by EO leans a i gorgeous pag.oant c-f Stat testils friend cf i humanitarian policies

f" w*

the head, is Tery much satisfied with the "loyalty and support" it receives -from Nazis in America, and prophesies that they will t e most useful in cass of emergency . . . Get ready for .sensational headlines on Nazi < End Italian military preparations in South America p That report about an Important Nazi air case in Bolivia, so vehemently denied fcy the Bolivian government, is only

is no reason for bovcotting t__ Vienna Beys' Choir . . . Father j (Cc-rrrijht, IE£E,

r ,\

f . ,. « '

^ l ^ • •- '




Nazi Paper Jeers •

Board j

;• •."-


Qhobses Mrs.


-Robinson N e w -•


T .At a meeting held-last week the Senior"- Hadassah • elected 15 pew • members • to their board to serve for a period of two years. ;- The new members of the .board are: Mrs.. L. Agranoff, Mrs. D. Prusiner, Mrs. S. B. Gelfand, Mrs. $. Kaplan, Mrs. J. Kutcher, Mrs. I?.' H.. Levin, Mrs. S. J. Slotsky, Mrs. H. S. NoviteKy, Mrs. A.-Sluts6y, Mrs. Louis Heeger, Mrs. M. Harrison, Mrs. M. Lazrowich* Mrs. H.' Sherman, Mrs. D. Rbdin and Mrs. H. E. Licht. ' I Later in the. week, the board held a-meeting at the home of Mrs. S . J . Slotsky and elected officers. Mrs. J. Robinson was fleeted president; vice-president, Mrs. • L. S. Goldberg; recording secretary, Mrs. S. J. Slotsky; corresponding secretary,.Mrs. J. Lehtnaa; financial secretary, Mrs. H. S. Kovitsky; treasurer, Mrs. M. Salie). r Mrs. J. -Kobinson will call a tneetiug in the near future at which plans for coming activities be outlined. '. , .

: Tha EpliIVum • club' will hold its"annual . d a n c e , .June IS, at the Warrior hotel. Music will, be furnished by". Jimmy Lewis arid ids orchestra." Dancing will go Dn from 9:3,0 to 12:3.0. :. - Admission to the dance-is by Invitation only. - • ~ . ' •

{Tickets for Picnic •:, Now Being Sold ? Tickets for the,annual Talmud Torah picnic to be held June 25 a t Riverview park'have been put on sale. Mrs.' Mlkevsherman and Mrs. Phillip' Sherman are heads of the ticket .committee. :Mrs. J. JacoBsen" Is iri charge ••of. the cakes. A 'gerieral- chairman has hot yet been .appointed. • J •- - O r t h o d o x S e r v i c e s - •

porotho Saltzman SENIOR HADASSAH The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah entertained its members Wednesday at a 1 o'clock luncheon, held at the synagogue. Mrs. I. Sternhlll, chairman of the affair, was assisted by the following committee: Mrs. J. Moskovitz, Mrs. Milton Yudelson, Mrs. Etta Yudelson, Mrs. A. GiUhsky, Mrs. Ben Gershiin, Mrs. Richard Gordon, Mrs. Leo Meyerson, Mrs. Morris Hoffman, Mrs. Joe Scharf and Mrs. Sam Roffman. The Installation of officers was also held at this meeting. JUNIOR HADASSAH The last regular meeting of the 193S-39 Junior Hadassah season will be held "Wednesday, June 21, at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Thelma Passer, 2605 Avenue C. New officers will be installed. Mrs. Herman Krause will have charge of the Installation. The officers to be installed are president, Miriam Saks; vice-president, ,-Ida Lerner; • corresponding, secretary, Ida Gittle; recording secretary,.Leona" Katelman; treasurer, Sylvia Endelman; sergeant-* at-arms, Evelyn Perlmutter and Edith Bubbe. A very interesting program has been arranged by the co-chairmen of the program committee, Betty Rae Kubby and Ruth.Seldin, with Mrs. "Saul Sulvalsky as g u e s t speaker. . Mothers of the Junior Hadassah members, and the members of the Senior Hadassah are cordially invited t o attend this meeting. B'NAI B'RITH AND AGUDtTS AOHBI , . .: '..". . • •. The annual j o i n t Memorial meeting of the Agudus Achim and B'nai B'rith lodges was held Monday >at; the Eagles" hall. O. Hqchinan was in charge of Memorial services. •"-•.

.\- Friday evening services will begin "at "the three Orthodox' synagogues at.,7:45,.", Saturday, morning services will start at 9. Rabbi "$.:B01olnikbv-win:speak on Sal•afday morning at the Tiphereth A.. Z. A. 7 ." - . Israel Bynagogue. . " . ; A regular meeting of the local A. Z. A. was held Wednesday. Vernon Fitch left Sunday with Albert Kaplan of Omaha A. Z. A. No. 100 to attend the Camp Con-, - Dena Baron and"'Dorothy Mef3Jn are leaving' June 18 for the regional -board meeting oft Junior Hadassah to be held at St. Joseph, Mo. . Miss • Dena^ Baron is t h e regional Jewish National J*und chairman aSd Miss Dorothy Merlin is- the regional vice-president, ••, .•-•-, . . .

vention in New York. En route

the corporation is June 1, lOjitt, • 1


(Each week The Jewish Press presents in this space a. worthwhile individual seeking employ, raent.- Anyone wishing to employ or get in touch with the person, please call Dorothy Merlin at the Jewish • Community . Center.) High school girl, 16, desires Job in grocery store during summer months and can work after, school in. the fall. Is ambitious, energetic and capable. • • " •


it shall continue in. existence for; - Moraarchs Hearing ^ 1and fiftv years unless sooner CUESO.-, *•?<:<. tt: affairs of the corporation are to : 'Jews Play Suing" Ii The be 'conducted by a board of directors :


iwui.sesisfEHe. The corproperty at the reasonable value , &n'l p°.i' commence d o i n g thereof. The time of commencement ; yovf.'b". 1

(Continued from page, 1.) tive to proceed to the. territories neighboring the German-Polish "no-man's-lands" in o r d e r to ascertain ..the exact situation of the several thousand Polish Jews reported to have been expelled from the Reich, barred from Poland and wandering in the border area without food or shelter. At the same time, the J. D. C. granted 535,000 to the Jewish Relief Committee in Warsaw, in view of the committee's difficult financial position. The expulsion of refugees from Albania has been .postponed until June 23, the J. -D. C. was Informed from Durazzo. Berlin Community Liquidating Zurich, Switzerland (JTA) — With 20,000 Polish and "stateess" Jews under orders to~leave the Reich within a month and fears that every Polish Jew will soon be ordered expelled, harassed German Jewry was found by a special JTA correspondent to be struggling with. the problem of meeting the financial burden imposed by the forced emigration. .. The Berlin Jewish Community is now going through a process of liquidation, t o ' be • completed within three years when Berlin Jewry is expected to be reduced from 125,000 to 20,000. It is feeling the strain of the added Polish emigration burden. The community's present religious and social work is being largely financed by the sale of realty. The Berlin community is exclusively responsible for the maintenance of Jewish hospitals, clinics, orphanages and homes for the aged, which formerly were subsidized by the municipality. The municipality, however, is giving relief to needy Jews. An estimated 30,000 Berlin Jews are dependent- upon charity. ' The Jewish Community's school system has been gradually reduced because of emigration and unused schools have been converted into homes for the aged. Jewish sports activities have been completely suspended and the municipality has cancelled.the community's lease, on the athletic field at •Grunewald. The community at present is trying to solve .the problem resulting from the order barring Jews from residing in certain districts, of the city. Many families are being forced to share their flats with others. In some inBtancesuJews are being permitted to ."rent .'apartments. In houses where the majority of the tenants are Jewish.

they plan to make stops at Davenport, la.; Rock Island, 111.; Chicago, 111., and various other points (Continued from page 1.) where they will be entertained by here. The Flandre cleared the other A. Z. A. chapters. harbor after efforts by Jewish leaders to obtain a two-hour deNEW XORK VISITOR lay pending attempts to raise Henry Mendelson of "New York, funds to make possible the refuN. Y., arrived, here • Sunday to gees' landing in the Dominican spend several weeks with his parTheodore N. Lewis left ents, Mr. and,Mrs.. J. Mendelson. Republic had failed, the Cuban government demanding that the for Washington,' D.'c'., to "attend ship leave immediately. the Central Conference, of Ameri- AT CAMP Pathetic scenes marked the decan 'Rabbis." At the conclusion of Mr. Jack Steinberg left last the sessions. he'll attend the ex- week for Camp Des Moines, where parture of the refugees', "who had ecutive sessions of the conference. he plans to remain for a- few been twice rejected by Cuba and once by Mexico. Hundreds of From there - he'll visit the New weeks. friends and relatives stood on the York "World's Fair "and then repier in a. heavy rain to bid fare-' turn; home the ; latter- part, of -.the HOME -FOR SUMMER wells-to the passengers. A man month. '. . VACATION ' and his wife,,both over 70, shoutMarvin Fitch, student at Cham- ed from the deck to their two • Mr. and Mrs. "William Levine paign, 111., arrived here Saturday and son, Rogers, 1401 Isabella to spend the summer months with Cuban-born grandchildren,'aged 8 and 10 years, whom they had street, left? yesterday motoripg to his parents. never seen before. "We won't die Iios~Angeles, where they/ will rebefore we see you," they cried. Side. Miss iHelen Share, sister CONVAIiASCING Among the refugees on the Flanof, Mrs. Levine, will'accompany Mrs. Leo Meyerson is recuperdre was Fritz Feuchtwanger, a thfem for the summer months. ating at home from an appendec- brother of Lion Feuchtwanger, tomy. the famous writer, with his wife • Mr. and' Mrs." Charles' Raskin and two daughters. and daughter, Lorraine, and Mr. SPENT SUNDAY IN XJ. Shindler and, daughter, Thel- DES MOINES Offer Funds ma^ have left lor ah extended trip , .The Cuban government had reMax Steinberg visited Sunday ' to 'the east. -Among the cities In Dea Moines, la. jected a proferred guarantee, of they will visit will be Chicago, more than §500,000 for the apPetroit, 'Niagara. Falls, Canada, proximately 1,100 " r e f u g e e s ATTENDING GROCERS* New York. Philadelphia; Wilm- CONVENTION aboard the steamers St. Louis, ington and Washington. Flandre and Orduna, and permitAmong those who plan to at- ted only six of the Flandre's 102 tend the Grocers' convention at ; Gladys Welhberg , 1 e.ft for Kansas City, Mo., June 18-21 are passengers to land when the ship •Wayne, Neb., where she w l i r Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner, Mr. arrived in port. President Fedespend nine weeks at the Wayne and Mrs. Max Conn, Mr. and Mrs. rico Laredo Bru sent a cabls to the Joint Distribution Committee • Teachers college. ' _ Sam Roffman, Max Steinberg, Mr. rejecting the committee's cabled and Mrs. Nate. Nogg, Sam Lin- appeal for reconsideration of the :"' Mr, and Mrs! A. S. Robins and coln, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson, daughter,. Pear!, 1117. McDonald M. Bernstein; Sam Bubb, Mr. and case on the basis of the funds deThe guarantees bad street, departed last Friday for Mrs. Herman Meyerson, Mr. and posited. been asked by the government an eastern, trip of one month. Mrs. M. Meyerson, Mr. and Mrs. before it suddenly withdrew its •1 Mrs. H. Llcht, 3306 Jackson I Sam Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Louts offer to give the refugees temstreet, left for Chicago, III. From porary asylum on the Islo of there Mrs. Licht will leave for the !-Cohen and Ben Kooler. Pines. Young Judeau convention at Port Jervis, N. Y. ; Then she will at- HAVE RETURNED HOME "The matter, is already closed," Mrs.: Louis Cohen and daugh- announced tend the-ZOA convention In New Secretary of.Treasury ter, Clarlbel, are home again from York City. . ' Joaquim Ochotorena after a cona trip to Tuscon, Ariz. ference with the president. "It is morally and legally Impossible •»- Mr. and Mrs. ^Arthur Sanford, to d.iscuss i t The government, 1925 Summit street, .have opened however, reiterates its humanitheir, summer home, at Dixon tarian feelings for the refugees." Beach, Lake Okoboji, this "weekend and have- gone "there with (Continued from page 1.) their* daughter. Gloria. Gloria ,1s The battle of Zallaka (12th century) was not fought on a -enrolled for two months at Camp I shall say kaddlsh for him < iyasiyatah, Harrison/ Me., where "Yisgadal, veyishkadash" . . . . Saturday because of the 40,000 ijie: will'go later.in June. all praises to the Most High who Jews in the Spanlsh.army. in all our times gives us Mdseleys t i i r . ' AI 'AT fTn o w; from Des to refreshen Jewish life when it spot for enemies- to shoot at.) iSIOtaes, la.,, visited -here over, the lags. , ; -.'.:-. . ' : The trend of current events week-end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ben (As a matter of fact, we would seems, to be bringing us, back to S r , 1&34' McDonald street. all" be extinct long ago were it not our proper identiy as a religious for the Moseleys.) group. In this is our mission in f Tuesday night the Social WorkIn conclusion I should add that the world, if we have any special ers club of SIDUX City had a picnic I hope that others in all the cities mission; In this is our only supper at. the Council "Oak camp will give something for the Union strength; it Is with this that the at Riverside. - . i " of American Hebrew Congrega- Union of American Hebrew Contions. It must be dawning on gregations is concerned. - The Council of Elvira (303- many a Jew that our bulwark Is . May Moseley remain In vigor504) passed-the first law: dtsrupt- not in being Jewish nationalists ous health. the pleasant relations between (In fact, the claim th'at we are (Copyright 1930 By Seven Arts Jews" and Christians, of Spain. .Jews in a national sense is a weak Feature Syndicate.),

(Continued from page 1.) pleted its report, which will be forwarded shortly to' London. Sir James Donnet. chairman of the commission, and H. Croud, one of the members, are leaving for Nyasaland to study settlement possibilities there. . Durban, South Africa (JTA)— Ten refugees have arrived here to establish a new settlement in the • Matabeleland, southwest of Selukwe. Five more are expected within the next few weeks. Work has been started on four farms, with, cotton, maize, soya and citrus fruits among the crops. The land has been leased from the Bechuanaland Exploitation company. Kenya: Appeal London (JTA)^An appeal for admission of refugees to East Afric£N.was made here by former Governor Edward Grigg of Kenya in .an address before the East African Dinner club. Thousands of refugees from Central Europe, he asserted, are educated, capable people of the hard-working type from which the most efficient settlers are "found. The Daily Mail, urged editorially the formation of a British Foreign Legion composed of refugees now in Britain. Amsterdam (JTA) — The govrnment permitted the release of 1,000 refugee children under 14 from camps in which they had been sheltered since their arrival from the Reich. They will, be placed in private homes. Geneva (JTA)—John G. Winant, director of the International Labor" office, addressing the opening session of the International Labor conference, urged governments to take advantage of the commercial and scientific qualifications, of refugees. He reported on measures to facilitate their migration overseas.

Berlin (JTA)—The newspaper Rheinfront,^ typical' of Nazi press comment pi.: the "Royal tcur of Canada aid the -United States, declared editorially:. "We turn pale with, jealousy, we poor slaves of Fascist dictatorship. . We console ourselves, however, by thinkicg .that we shall never.go so far, for we are without a wild-west tradition. As an example of the highast .American civilisation, during the banquets Negro songs and swing music directed by Jews were presented. Before such exhibitions, the English Royal couple must have had special cause for rejoicing at the Newark (JTA)—A painted sign ideal type of civilization reigning in foot-high letters, reading "Get on the other side cf the big Out, Jew," was discovered on the pond." home of Mayor Meyer C. Ellenstein. Another" message, "Jew, get out or else," was painted on the sidewalk in front of the house. Mayor Ellenstein said he had received several annonyrnous letters in similar vein.

New York (JTA)—A Jewish school teacher, Samuel Applebaum, received a knife wound in the leg requiring ambulance treatment'in a clash between supporters of Father' Cbughlin selling copies of Social Justice and vendors of an antl-Coughlin pamphlet. Applebaum. became enbroiled when he resented anti-Semitic remarks made by speakers. Police reserves were called to break up the clash. A second fight occurred after the.police had left, but was quickly broken up.

Sun Valley, Idaho—^Sun Valley's new outdoor summer ice skajing plaza,- measuring 60 by ^20 feet, is rapidly nearing completion and -will be open to guests and the public before July 1, it •was 'announced by W: P. Rogers,

general manager of the resort. .




J. J. FRIEDMAN 74C First National Bark Eidg.




200 Union State Bank Omaha, Nebraska. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF DODGE; i.[Qv/OR COMPANY.

Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation under the laws of the State of NeParis (JTA)—Seventy per cent braska, trader the name of "Dodge of Vienna's 1,9 00,000 residents Liquor Company" with its principal of business at Omaha, Nebraswould prefer any government to place ka. The. pener?.! nB.ture o* the busithe Kaci regime, La Crois, French ness to be. transacted and the object Catholic organ, reported. • and purpose for which, this' co~ro~ais organized is to engBp* in the An article entitled. "In Con- tion and retail liquor and quered . Vienna," said in part: delicatessen beverage business and to-.cp.evE.te res"First of all- fee cost of living is taurants, and it shall have th J ripht keenly resented. The lirins index . to Bcqiiitee .and lease real and persona! property End do ail thinsrs irioirrer'r] is double'what it is iir-Fracce. In 1 to business. The authorized ctpprirate homes there is storage of | stalitsstock of 'the corporation e'rzY bo everything. Inhabitants 'of Vi- i 510,060 end 8.1 -of said stock s="-r." bo enna receive 10-grass (less than I caraoiL and of the par value ci !"VI.>T cae-balf ounce) of better s. day. per sVs,?e enS.Ehs!! be Jiii'r r--- i--

(Continued from page l!) " The'lce plazais part'oT a projimmigration at the mercy of- the ect embodying several new suinArabs.; "In' short," he asserts, Bxer facilities : at. S t t n . Valley "it envisages termination" of the Lodge, notably an outdoor dinmandate by jettisoning its pri- ing terrace built along the, front mary purpose." - .- • of the building, and. an open sir Discussing the question of im- dance floor immediately -adjacent migration, Dr. Weizm'ann declares to'it, vith. the ice plasa practicalthat the absence of any limiting ly adjoiniag the dance floor. Taus Tie batcher stops have DO raeat. provision in the mandate shows diners may easily watch both When women formed a line hethat the government does not dancing and skating and just as fore a butcher shop, they were have the right arbitrarily to ter- easily participate in either. taken" off in a police wsgoa and minate Jewish entry. The obsorpThe opening o! the Sun Valley fined two marks each for caving tiy'e capacity principle regulating ice rink marks the first time out- lowered the prestige cf the counimmigration> he states, is the only door summer ice skating has been try and helped enemy propaprinciple enabling itie mandatory available in this section -of the ganda. to discharge its obligations to the country. The rink is open, sur"Material * discontent is only Jews and others. He denounces face, type, fenced on three sides one aspect' of latent revolt. The the Arab veto principle, under to a height ol three and a half Viennese, who are -shrewder than which further Jewish immigration feet, a measure •which prevents the Germans, are bored with the to Palestine after five years would excess circulation of air on the bugbear of war. There are rebe dependent upon Arab consent. ice. volting cases of injustice. ForHe. warns that repudiation of mer army officers, knights of the her obligations deprives Britain Order of Maria Theresa, ere dying of moral Justification to-rule Palof hunger, while many a young estine and attacks the land reNazi becomes- the owner of two strictions as reversing the manor three factories taken from the datory obligation to facilitate Jews. , . -. :• Waukegan's reputation for havclose Jewish settlement of the "Sometimes pent-up anger is land by introducing racial dis- ing more orderly vehicle- traffic given free rein, though r e ose crimination contrary to the man- than any other city of its size in wants to go to the concentration America is in grave danger. For date. Jack Benny, famous native ,soa, camp at Dachau. But there has Political Object ' 1 is planning to transport his en- been fighting in the streets, sad The Jewish Agency, Dr. Weiztire gang to the,fair Illinois me- for about two weeks German mann states, "is forced to the tropolis for his fjnal broadcast <?f army officers, have had orders not conclusion that just as the'drastic th© season'over the NEC-Red net- to go out-Jn-uniform." •• changes proposed In the immigrawork on Sunday, Juno 25, at 1 tion -policy have been dictated, as has been freely admitted in p. m., E. D. S. T. Jack, who is coming to see the the White Paper, by purely political considerations, so the pro- preview of his new picture, "Man posal to relegate the Jews to a About Town," as well, will be acBerlin (Kavas)—Foreign. Minpale of settlement in' the country companied by Mary Livingstone, of their national home has a po- Kenny Baker, Don Wilson, Andy ister Joachim TOS, Kibbentrop unlitical and not an economic ob- Devlne, Rochester, Phil Karris' ve'Ied E plaque at the foreigrs ject." ' orchestra snd Bill Morrow" and ministry ia neraory of Ernst TOSI Rath, German embassy secretary, Ed Beloin, his faithful writers. .killed by Herschel Grycszp&n, 17London (JTA) — Prime Min- • 'When. Mayor Mancil Talcott of yesr-old Polish Je^R-, in E.sris last ister Neville Chamberlain declined Waukesaa extended, the city's Noveiaber. . "Today vre Ere agais to- commit the government 1n* ad- courtesies to his former 'school- Eurrounfiefl t y the hate sns feosvance, to • accept the Mandates mate; he was given to understand tility- of the -world," von >KibbenCommission's findings on the new that, Jack's Maxwell has bsen pil- trop said. "W© know that our British policy, in a-statement in fered. With that threat to the comr&de vora Rath tras th's victim the House of Commons, and re- town',s public safety out of the of this agitation." The pIs.Que fused to promise to gjve Commons way, Talcott could see no harm bears the inscription: "Ernst Eda chance to discuss the Commis- in being magnanimous. •K-usrd Vom Rath who fell in Paris sion's observations If unfavorable faithfully ficcojspllshins his duty to • the government before its retoward the Fuehrer and the peoport was taken up by the League ple." Council. Later, ho conferred with Colonial Secretary MacDonald. •Kaunas (JTA)—Ths Governwho fiew-to. Geneva to present New York (JTA) -— Calling ment newspaper Lietu%ros Aiflas the British case. upon Christians to "rehuke all denounced economic discriminaMacDonald refused to agree to anU-Semitlsn:,"' the G e n e r a l tion Egainst minorities. la the defer land restriction legislation Synod of tho'Reformed Church In first cf three articles oa the subpending the commission's con- America nppealed for a united ject, the newspaper rejected antisideration of the White Paper. Chrlstiasi-Jowish fight on anti- Jewish resolutions recently acoptHo reiterated that tho Learuo Jewish prejudice, A resolution ed hy the VerslininW, anti-Semitic Council's approval was required adopted by tbo Synod, said: merchants-association which has J f ' y i o r an amendment to tho "Tho failure of the church to been agitating for exclusion of Mandate, which the Whlto Paper. rcconcilo the Jew has behind it Jews from' the nation's economic a record of mlpunderstandlnst In- life. contention, does not involve. tolerance and spiritual malpractice that has been usegEaled in WEES, BEBER, KLUTZNiCK & dealing with any other people. . KELLEY, Attorneys. Even America Is not frea from £C3 Union State Esnk Eldg. tho blischt cf anti-Jewish prejudice. Both Jew* atsd Geatlle are NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF AK SAR'EEN FINANCE CO. responsible for existing conditions j Guatemala (WNS)" — Amendand both most co-operate for their Notice • is hereby given that the M *i? d l p l o m a t i c rules rr/rnr betterment. Christians must re- undfirs'.sned hare organi.^efl a corthe dissemination of propag poration under the laws of Nebraska. buko all antl-Semltlem." C O l a a t l b ! Q wlth th



Wrr,. Weln«r

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Jack Benny Will • Visit Native City

Unveil-Plaque to Honor -Vom Rath.

Reformed Church , ' ' Hits Anti*Scmiti$m


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•< ;v ess enjoy ~ c.-n';: . . . it* r,-':

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Guatemala Prepares T° Bnd Propaganda



country, President j o r m ub,co announced that diplomats will not D9 able to clains exesnptJon under CKhange of courtesy ami that ^hile no penalty-la Involved, violation will result in recall at tho envoy. The German colony hero Ja Ujn largest in Central America. o«rmany and Italy will bo tha two nations hardest hit by the new decree.

Rf?ich T h r e a t e n s - P o l e s Warsaw (JTA) ;— The Berlin Chamber of Corameree hts written to 'tho Warsaw chamber reRarding tho " sudden curbing cf PoHsls iraports from Germany, pointing out that even orders-previously ' placed by Polish importers havfl- boon cancelled. Tfce Berlin chamber threatened to force German' firms to liquidate their Polish branches.

f .*

PROBATE NOTICE IX WITNESS WHEREOF, the parIn the Jlat'er of the Ksuate of ties li?.'•« he-eunto subscribed their I Meyer Co-en. Deceased. ! hfU'dc tViiR Kith day of April. 19S9. i Xotii"? \is Hereby Given: Tfcpt ih» j M. RICHARDS, I creditors of the paid dei.*ea,"ed vil: | B. SLUTZKT. ! meet the ar'm;r,iF.tr&tor with will En- 1 U i nesed of said «?Ft£t«j. before me. Coun- i SA3I r EEBER. " 8-26-39-4t ! ty Judge of Douglas County. Nebras- i j ka. of the County Court Room, in said • RO.-S. BLUMENTHAL A SMITH County, on the Sth d&y of AUCUP*. j ^CE Brandels Theatre Bldg. 3530. and ,on the Oth (lay o' Ocrober. j ) 153!). a t - 5 o'clock A. M-, each. day. j LEGAL NOTICE % for the purpose of presenting their I claims for esamin8.tion, art.iustment j In the District Court of Douglas and allowance. Three months sre rJ- • loved for the creflitors to presenf : Coun'y. Nebraska. their claims, from the Eth day Oi. To GTCORGE M. RIGBT. "Whose place July. 103S. •• • i of r<;5idence is unknown and upon rhom personal service of summons ERTCE CRATTFORD. i cannot be had, Defendant. 6-16-S&-5t. > Cour.ty Judge. : Tor. are he>-eby notified that on the SLh rt?.v of March, 1939. Elena Rigby MONSKY, GRODiNSKY, MAKER as plaintiff, filed her petition against End COHEN, Attyr., you in the District Court of Douglas 737 Omaha Nafl Bank Bicig. County. Nebraska, Docket 343, Page 2M. the object and prayer of Which New York (JTA)—An educa- NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON P E . petition is to obtain a divorce from TiTION FOF! SETTLEMENT OF yoi- on the grounds of desertion, nontional service offering to teachers FINAL ADMINISTRATION sunrnrt and extreme cruelty. and administrators throughout ACCOUNT You are required to answer said the country specific techniques retition on or before the 7th day of In the County Court of Douglas Ji;'.y. 1P1'). or said petition against and factual material on how to \ ~\ \ *• ir-k^n as true. overcome intolerance and hew Count^', V ^ ^ T F ! " th? i <" *" cr ELENA RIGBT. to stimulate cmtual tolerance visIn.Var! r ' •< 7 "= 1 t ^v i i "" "\ " " Plaintiff. and the ideals of American ae- kbvi-z, ^ - " " i mocrEcy was announced by the All p r ••o"'! ) « • - - > ' r-1 i r r- ( r Council against Intolerance m ter ere 1 • -«> 5 _ Pth day o -"" ' America. Dave H E 1 = ' "i " ' "*' '• ol The material is being prepared tition ir f-"i <in response to requests from that the - ' - r p — Tschool superintendents, princi- filed h f f ' " ' ' " l pals and teachers ia every part ar.d that i b n > <- f i<,< >o" the country. w-ill be 1 c-r t » re -•- 5 " < -e The first Issue of Equality, "a said Coi t t r < o monthly journal to defend -dem- before s&id Court on the said, inth day ocratic rights and combat anti- of July. ir-"S. at P o'clock A. M., and Semitism and racism," has rnede contest said petition, the Court may the prayer of said petition, enter its appearance. The magazine grant a decree of helrship. and make such lists an editorial council includ- other and further orders, .allowances ing Prof.' Franz Baas, Dashiell and decrees, as to this Court, may proper, to the end tb.Et all matHammett, Moss Hart, Dorothy seem pertaining: to said estate may be Parker, Prince Hubertus zu L,ow- ters finallv settled and determined. ens,tein and others. Tire first isBKTCE CRAWFORD, County Judgre. sue' features articles on "William 6-I6-39-3t-

New York (JTA)—The HIASICA Emigration association in cooperation with other relief agencies brought freedom and an opportunity to start life anew to more than 5,000 men, women and children during the first four months of 1939. This includes 2,957 refugees who were stranded in countries adjacent to Germany, 903 emigrants direct from the Reich and 166 persons saved f r o m German concentration camps. The quarterly HIAS-ICA report shows that of the 3,937 refugees who were aided, 946 obtained visas for the United States, 527 proceeded to Palestine, 574 found asylum in South and Central America, 210 refuge in Chica and 125 sailed for Australia acd New Zealand. England absorbed Dudley P.elley, anti-Sernitisra ia 6*0 refugees while other Euroand Sholoin Aleichem's pean countries accommodated 359 Mexico SDth birth anniversary. refugees.

Sun Valley to Have Ice Skating Rink

of not less than two nor morn thar. ! five members end by the foUev.-inc; j o'ficers elected by the boa-d of ci- , i rectors: President. Vice - Presioetu, ' Secretary and Treasurer. Any t?»of Fcifl "d'ftcers may he held by one pers-on. The annual, meeting of the corporation phall be M S r j n t h e - i r E t Monday of January of ea^t^^year.

imsinepp up'. '! 'iilinc i'.s Articles with tl!»- Coii-i.y i.'iprk of Douglas County, ;rs^.j,••»!;:!.>.. f,j;j-~ shall continue for a rersoti <•>; H:'-.y years from said date. Tht i.'h !••=• cC the corporation shall be mfiiHirot" i--r » Board of Directors of not iesrs than two nor more than five, members. The annual meeting; of tt"= cn'T'"-""'-'"!! shall be held on th« ilvst Tis-'siluy in January of each y.;-n.r E~ wriich meeting the Btockhoide:r, !?ii:il. <:!f<T. a Hoard of Directors F.;]<: jii.-vpi-ror- the Board of Directors shall fleet a President, Vlce-PreeJd'iiu. Secretary and Treasurer. Any rvo o: KRifi offices may be held by one am"; Use same person. These /iT'tkk-K m?.y I>e amended at any resulav or special meetinR of the stockhoiup-p by two-thirds vote of the out-

The name ci the corporation is AK. S \ E BEN FINANCE CO. srnl its principal place of business is the , City of Omaha. Douglas County, I\ebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted is to cs.-'-.

on a general investment and iern

bat'ness. including- the makinp o' loans and the purchase and sale cf securities and mortgages. ar.Q tip leasing and holding: of real estate The amount of capita! stock authorised is S10.000 divided into 100 shsre* of the par value of $100 each, all o'. which shall be fully pai<I when issued and non-assessable. Stock may be paid for In -cash, or real or personal


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