June 23, 1939

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7 V / <-»

By &h SEGAL JUST BAMBLING I have- started three pieces and thrown each of them in the wastebasket. No, I said, of the first piece, this, won't do. It-tries to as Second Clat>s Mali Matter on January 31. 1931. at OMAHA. NEBRASKA, PEIBAY, JUNE 23, 1939 be lunny. I shouldn't be laughHustofflce. of Omaha. N»tiraskn. under the Act nf March S. IS79 ing In the presence of our tragedy. I used to laugh often in this column and rib Jewish writers who were always tragic. I used to laugh at the foibles of Jews. It was delicious to take w *> Mr. Shabbosdeckel apart; but that seems a long, long time ago. Chicago (JTA)—Travel scholIt has become like a sin to laugh arships to enable five undergradnow. uate American students affiliated First of the series of broadS. Bowdern, S. J., dean - (At this writing the 900 refu| with the S'nai B'rith Hillel founcasts, sponsored by the recently Thomas of the graduate school of Creighgees are still wandering the jeas, dations to spend a year in Palesorganized Omaha chapter of the unwanted, hunting o. harbor in Nazi Representative Goss National Conference of Christians ton university, and Rabbi David Eighteen Arabs Killed As tine in study and training will H. Wice. be awarded at the close of the •he. world.) I can't laugh anyand Jews, will take place this eveTo London for Bcnnb Explodes Joseph G. Masters, is general nest academic year, according to more. I am appalled not alone ning over radio station K O I L : Conference In Haifa secretary of the cd ~* "°-~^. a decision reached at the confer_ by this tragedy, am appalled the from 5 to 5:15. An executive co-,"!_ "-~ ence of Hillel Foundation direcmore hecause I heard no ChrisFeatured on the program will seating members." ""•'/•"::;• . tors. tian saying, "We should t a k e NO DEFINITE RESULTS be religious music and religious IS FIRED also been ii_ ^ oj-/.,* these women and children, our An outgrowth of a project sugnews. Edwin M. Puls, head of has country should give them shelter. Dominican Republic and the Creighton university depart- members are: Henry"~-~._., '"'*" [ Hebrew Books gested by Irnia Lindlieini, of Pal- At E specie] meeting h- C. f>. OTlWilliam Holzman, Morris ^ There are times when laws must estine, the fellowships will be ment of speech,, will act as nar- obs, H. A. "Wolf, Mrs. Ben Silver, Argentine Offer :stroyed By give way to humanity." worth 56 00 each. The necessary cay evening, June 12, g.f ie J e w rator. Each religious group will Mrs. J. M. Rice, Philip Klutznick, Vandals Requirements funds will be raised independ- ish Community Center, .' >e GKSS furnish a narrator during the Dr. Joseph Weinberg and J. HarI should like to hear this said ently by each Hillel Foundation was unanimously eiecte course of the series. Dr. Puls for the sake of the noble gentleJerusalem (JTA) — Eighteen director, without interfering with Godol of Sam Beber Che London (JTA) Financial ry Kulakofsky. man who is Jesus. I think this aspects of the projected interna- represents the Protestant groi_p. Arabs were killed and 24 others T h e Catholic committee inestablished Killel proj- 100, A. Z. A. Aleph Goc Three organizational meetings cludes: F r a n c i s P. Matthews, were wounded this week when a already is what I would say if I were tional foundation to facilitate emwho has held the hi£ ects. bi of the new Omaha group of the Christian; I would say it in my igration from Germany are being Father Bowdern, Frank A. Me- j S bomb exploded ia the Arab : National Conference of Christians Devitt, Paul L. Martin, Edward j vegetable market in Haifa, scene club and in the street car and in developed in the course of intenSaylan, Aleph Gcrol ci ine: the d a y ' r e La my church and would feel that I sive discussions here, but they and Jews have been held and Leary. Prof. Charles Bongardt, past administration. ijongarct, j of a similar disastrous explosion was giving meaning to my Chris- have not yet crystallized in def- plans are being formulated for a Hugh Fogarty, William T. Leahy, last year. Sis of the victims were Other officers eleece; fcr i c e : beli membership drive. inite form. Mrs. C. W. Hamilton and Mrs. ^°men and three children, acchapter are Hilton Gu: . Aleffe i F-TVP tianity. Chairmen Dr. Helmuth Wohlthat, of the ArthUr MUllen. COrding tO an ar, official nffirfsl c r- o r. T-,mSgan; Trie Eicl>"cis. A 1 f r h tipn As a Jew I may only lope lor Serving as co-chairmen of the IMpzfeir; Jpck Epstein. A Protestant Representatives munique. Christianity enthroned in the Reich Economics Ministry, was local conference are W. Dale The authorities immediately j bor; Harold Slutzkin, A Serving as Protestant represenworld sometime, in the hearts of in London and discussed the ques- Clark, Francis P. Matthews and of Jewish emigration with ' t o r e Godol; B.udy Fox. A tatives are: Dr. Cole, R. M. imposed curfew on the port city, men, in the chancellories of rul- tion officials of the Intergovernmental Henry Monsky. Chairmen of the Marrs, Prof. V. Roseniont, George starting at 9 a. m. until further ers. As an immortal fellow I Refugee Committee, continuing religious committee are: Dr. A. Maxwell, George Pratt, W. Dale notice. Other bomb explosions might say. Perhaps in the next talks initiated in Berlin with L. Cole, pastor of the First Chrisoccurred in Kadar Hacarmel, a i Aieph Kohen Goc 2,000 years Christianity will cap- Robert Pell, vice-director of the tian church and president of the Clark, Alvin Johnson, Clinton suburb of Haifa, wrecking a Shoppe, Miss lone C. Duffy, Mrs. ture the hearts of men and Jesus committee. Omaha Ministerial Union; Rev. E. R. Huston, Mrs. C. K. P^oss, phone booth and destroying un, Holland, France, hecome the king; perhaps in the England Take Creep The German official met Lord Municipal Judge Perry Wheeler, derground telephone lines. 2,000 years to come I shall see Winterton, chairman of the comEarlier, Arab terrorists set fire City Commissioner Roy Towl and on St. 'Louis i ki-W t i l Li- II tl.ii I W W i this.. mittee, Sir Herbert Emerson, to the famous ancient Ortorah Mace Brown. (But the children on the boat committee director and League !•_ l o u r ? Antwerp. Belgium (JTA) Plans were also dfgeussed for Yeshiva at Tiberias and wrecked can't wait 2,000 years ior Chris- High Commissioner for Refugees, - ^ sponsoring a public affairs lunch- the nearby sacred sepulcher of j Distributio_ _- .the POT refitgees as well as representatives of an tianity.) I: Gene St. Louis, eon at the Chamber of Commerce Rabbi Meir Baal Haness, revered j on the German _._ American group now here to neSecond Quarrel at which the Good-Will team of miracle worker of the second cen- | saved from return . . the Reich. h More* IYHTCV The second piece I started was gotiate in connection with the the Des Moines Round Table of tury. The Torahs were rescued j after being barred from Cuba, rp j v.-pulcl one severely critical of nationalist foundation. Christians and Jews will speak. from the flames but a collection j was completed this week. Some The conversation between 6r. Dr. Erman, New Chairman, This team, which consists of a of priceless, unique holy *- Jews, b u t ' I said, No, this won't y books ; 500 of them sailed for havens in D e s t r o y e d rabbi, a priest and a Protestant s o u g h t by leading libraries \ France and England. They vere i do either ;it is unseemly, like Wohlthat and the committee ofNames Committee minister, has appeared at 27 throughout the world was de- transferred from the St. Lov.is to ! quarreling at a funeral. I ttiirik ficials are understood not to have Members led t.) immediate, definite results. the German steamship Kfcakofiis, ! good-will luncheons of this type. stroyed. Zionists are mistaken in their Meanwhile, the report of the Synagogues' Damaged which disembarked one group at \ Thanksgiving Service fierce loyalty to a Palestinian experts' The Medical and Dental Adviscommission which invesA the 'damage re- Boulogne, France, on Tuesdaj*;: a. Jewish cafe. homeland based on a. Jewish state. Tentative arrangements h a v e * /survey i •>,of• if* Sever, ory Committee affiliated with the ;aled also also that that the theaancient Ash- and the British-bound group at! vere said to be in a cri ,~ !,»»,, ,H« fnr That does us no good among peo- tigated the Dominican Republic's Federation for Jewish Service also been m made for na Thantsffiv- sealed kenazic refugee settlement offer is deSouthampton on Wednesday. ai]~*three ! synagogue to the Teshiva ple who want to think of us as scribed here as very promising held its final dinner meeting of ing service in which ditioc. Another IP4 had been taken to aliens here by suffrance. But I and indicating good colonization the year last Tuesday ~vening at major religious groups will par- was completely destroyed in the Meanwhile. i;nlder.ii:is fire, while the Sephardic synaRotterdam, the Netherlands, by j shall not quarrel with any Jew possibilities. The report will be the Jewish Community Center. ticipate. in the Mnicliovo Krad gogue was partly gutted. The Belgian Red Cross tender, while ! Sponsors of the local organizawho is trying to find a way out published in New York soon. trict destroyed the Ge Officers elected at that time were: report an enthusiastic re- Maze was finally extinguished t y the £50 receiving: refuge in Belin the dark world. I grope and Dominica Repeats Offer Dr. J. M. Erman, chairman; Dr. tion policemen, and Jewish superminigium were already safely enscossponse to the project. they grope and who knows which i A Geneva (JTA) — The Domini- B. T. Friedman, vice-chairman; A government communi- I ced in the reconditioned old Xar- the^ _ocr-mrti.ri . National chairmen of the con- eraries. •way is right? •avia. As can government's offer to "admit and Dr. Harold Stern, secretary- ference are: Dr. Arthur Compton. qae failed to mention Arabs, i neff e Castle near Brussels. The 1 • (It would be like boarding the 100,000 refugees was repeated at treasurer. chief for the of the University of Chicago, blaming "unknown incendiaries" j St. Louis, which arrived here lsst boat that carries the 900. and the International Labor Conferarea, ordered Dr. Erman announces the ap- Protestant representative; Pro- for the outrage. >"o janitors had | Saturday g, sailed empty n? -a* scolding them for starting out on ence by D. Hartoy, representative pointment of the following com- fessor Carleton Hayes of Colum- been kept at the Tesiiva or tomb sr Hamburg, completing its five- \ ^ ir.. p. r c: rl •Trppr p a journey so uncertain.) of the West Indian republic. mittee chairmen: Dr. M. Fleish- bia, Catholic representative, and because of the danger -of Arab week odyssey. TT PC. t h e rBesides, if the "idea of Jewish The Argentine representative man, Dr. H. Hirschmann, and Dr. Roger Straus, Jewish representa- terrorists. The panser-gsrs rai Sea from istrict leacie nationality were put aside would told the conference that his coun- M. I. Gordon, executive; Dr. H. tive. Dr. Everett M. Clinchy is Arab terrorists also raided and children in arrcs to a woman cf our enemies be more pleased with try was interested in industrial Hirschmann, program; Dr. Meyer executive director. put to the torch the farmstead SO. They included li u on-Jews, us? . To hell with them. We'll immigration. "Argentine factories Beber, Dr. Abe Fellman, and Dr. Last summer the national or- of Samuel Broia, founder of the ! most of them married to Jews. weUii think and be what we please and do not want to know either the Ben Slutzky, student co-operation; ganization sponsored a series of Motza settlement near' Jerusalem, j They spoke gratefully of the and true to ourselves. I'll not quarrel nationality or religion or race D-V A. S. Rubitz, Free Loan; Dr. discussions at Estes Park, Colo. Hugh Bis.gb.am, an Englishman, j treatment received at the hands crew: died of wounds received in Feb.- | of the St. Louis crevr and vere with Jews who passionately are of the workers seeking employ- Max -Fleishman, Family Welfare; ruary. A group of Britons in | Farm in expressions of grr.titu.ee Dr. Maynard Greenherg, Old Peothemselves, even if I believe they ment," he said. Both declarations were made ple's Home, and Dr. Harold Sem, plain clothes were accused of at- j to the Joint Distribution Coiamitare mistaken. W-l taclzing and beating. Elias CffisrSj*., itee "an£''tiie otiier areDrcies vhieli • (This morning I heard a sav- in reply to the recommendation Publicity, of John G. Winanti director of 58,"a Jewish coioiiiEt, in t i e cen- j arranged their rescue, age snicker on the street car be--•'-Others—named. aret. J3is Slorris the* International "TJauor Office, tcr of JerusaJssi. ' ] Advasce ArrangaEaaiili tween two men who were speakMargolin, American Jewish Physithat countries of immigration ad- cians; Dr. Abe Faier, Center and The. snEiversary of the esecu- j " ArraEEements for Epeecy hening o£ the 900 on the boat . igorue v.-as "Notody wants Jews," said one mit refugees for industrial and Athletic; Dr. Abe Greenberg, Hoscommercial as well as agricul- pital; Dr. Philip- Sher, Social Ser. . . "They ought all be set adrift tural sr \>. employment. in boats," said the other.) vice, and Dr. Morris Margolin, tl0n Canada informed the Confera military court of firing j were worked out at a mealing of I am not concerned to be pleasspeakers. Bradley Beach, N. J. (JTA)— i bus, was observed ! all interested agencies under the . ing to people like them. I should ence of its • opposition to a proA special luncheon meeting of Resolutions condemning threat-! fP irued on Pa posed international agreement on throughout Palestine fcy Revision- j chairmanship Morris C. Trc?as soon try to appease dogs: I ened expulsion of Polish J e w s the committee chairmen will be workers on the grounds ists. Meetings in all .7 l parts of the i er, European director of the .7. hope no Christian says, "But you migrant from Germany, pledging support g held on Tuesday noon, June 27, !"t.F : ,'-"••'• . ' it would affect settlement d were arked kd by three- !! D. C. All the necessary crrangeshouldn't judge all of us by some that to Poland in the struggle against Hl Holy L Land of refugees in countries where at 12 o'clock, at the Elks Club. l , Ma n ere ade ith th Meanwhile, Maj ments were made vrith the J-Iam••.*ii«B Si you meet or hear or see." I shall labor ?Nazi aggression and denouncing in.in.ute silences. is sought. the ne-w- British policy on Pales- jor General Robert Haining con- j fcurg-Ainerican Line and answer him, I am. giving such /«?; £ •s*"PFr«;'F * i ^ The Canadian statement point- H I; ''•'••i-"'!-'i--* tine vrere adopted by the 31st an- firmea the life sentence imposed tions cf procedure were straightjudgment as has been given us in out that political conditions in nual convention of the Federa- by a military court on Rachel ened out with t e e EsigiEn, all our times. What am I to ed many states created a large num' TV P p t tion of Polish Jews in America. Habshush,. 17-year-old Jewess, for French, British and ' Netherlands think of Christians? ber of refugees, facing remaining The convention, before adjourn- trying to plant a time-bomb is. represer tatives. Tbirtl Piece states and overseas countries with At 4 a. m. Saturday Troper, ing to the New York World's front of the Central Prison here. The third piece I threw away a problem obliging them to adopt Traffic Halted accompanied by government repFair for its final sessions, retad to do -with being brave, bu strict measures for regulating adA Jewish milk truck was am-resentatives and IS members of' New Tork (JTA)—G elected Benjamin Winter presiit sounded hollow. I used to mission of potential refugees and : dent and adopted a reorganiza- bushed near the Arab village of sis committees formed to handle know how to get comfort out o making the task of charitable or=y. former iiea.vyv.-eii Lubia, in the vicinity of Haifa tne task, set out from Antwerp tion plan to conduct the federaour history. Yes, I used to say ganizations more difficult. ned the C and the driver was shot dead. with special facilities to cross the j we still live even after the 2,000 Eabbi David A. Goldstein left tion's campaign for §1,000,000 It warned that additional regu(Continued on Page S.) Dutch frontier, boarded the St. | years of persecution, but the pow- lations on emigration would only yesterday for New York City, for the relief of co-religlcnists in Louis near Flushing at S a. in. !persecution of "t-.r.y oT. ers of our persecutors are only hamper the humanitarian work where lie will be the official dele- Poland. and were greeted by a chorus : The plan sets up an advisory gate of the Omaha Zionist dis<lust in the wind. This pain, too of settling refugees. nuF r e a from ' the children: "God. bless dren i'or racial or re trict at the convention of t h e board to direct the campaign, shall pass away. you!" j with Rabbi Joshua L. Goldberg Zionist Organization of America, I pictured . myself as a small The £00 children aboard the ; scheduled to open tomorrow eve- elected as chairman. Herman B. i,1 but heroic figure standing high ship formed a lane through which ; Oberman was elected to the new ning. •' . "• on the heaped-up dust of time. the group passed. Eleven-year- ; On Monday Rabbi Goldstein post of executive vice-presiderit This was a happy escape from old Liesel Joseph read a greeting' \ and Zelig Tygel was re-elected will participate in an institute on reality. to Troper, thanking him and the \ executive director. "The Problems of the Districts of (But it would be insult to say J. D. C. for "saving us from great \ Other resolutions condemned the Organization." to the 900 on the boat, "My j-,srerv, plp.^ Poland's treatment of refugees at From New York Rabbi Goldiriends, have courage! RememDuring the past two weeks , Troper, overcome, bent crcr ' Jerusalem (JTA)—Charges of stein will go to Asbury Park, N. Zbonszyn and o t h e r border "ber we have lived these 2,000 a' conspiracy to smuggle Zionistpoints; pledged support to Po- Rabbi David Goldstein of the and kissed the child. The board- ; years and all our enemies are no Revisionists into Palestine/ in- J., to attend the convention of land in the struggle to preserve Beth El synagogue has made a ing party was then - greeted by ! the Rabbinical assembly. There more than tales that are told. In volving bribing of British offi- he will preside at a session de- her independence; called upon number of addresses throughout Dr. Josep n of t h e pasa thousand years everytMng will- cials to permit ships to land il- voted to a discussion of the "Pal-American Jewry to give the full- the middle west. He spoke be- sengers' committee, and was es• be all right again.) fore a convocation assembly o legal immigrants, were aired at estine Situation," which is to be est support to the federation's a t i o n a s s e m b l y of, corted by . a line of ~ - officers ~ . . ^ ^ _ , ^to.the . * ~ _ ecm:.ve Oh, it's bewildering to be a the trials of Police Inspector Har- led by Rabbi Solomon Goldman. S1,000,000 campaign in the com-the University U i i t f South S h D of Dakota ) first-class lounge, whsre the com- tee anc journalist writing for the Jewish ry Goddard and Max Seligman, a Vennillion on the subject, j xnittees started dividing uv t i e Goldstein will be gone ing year; endorsed efforts to at press in times like these. I won- lawyer, formerly of Cardiff, 10 Rabbi further Poland's exports to Amer- "The Nazi Attack on the Jewish-j; passengers into four grot.ps, trydays. der whether it's worth while any- Wales. /.-.•* ica; expressed disappointment on Christian Foundations of West(Continued on •" Page £.) this writing in the dart, way Walter Gilpin, chief of the the failure of the four leading e r a C i vi i lii zl ait i oi n". " this groping and stumbling • and criminal investigation department At a Jewish organizations to realise setlsg cf the Nebraska trying to find a bit of light; this for the Jaffa-Tel Aviv district, the Pittsburgh unity plan and Homemakers, sponsored t y the ! raising futile fists against falsi- testified that he had tricked pledged support to the American University of Xebraska Agriculfiers, perjurers and forgers who Seligman and Goddard into inJewish Congress in furthering ef- tural college, Jtabbi Goldstein are honored as truth-givers in the eluding him in the conspiracy at forts to create a united front of spoke to 2,000 farriers and their | U current world; this useless refut- a salary of 25 pounds monthly, wives on "Huraaa Nature—For or j American Jewry. "ing of a CoughJin who heaps lie or 100 pounds per shipload. He Against a Better World7" I Saratoga Springs, N. Y. (JTA) on borrowed lie until he has asserted that he received 35 Last Tuesday he addressed a | erected a tower of falsehood of pounds to divert patrol boats on —Governor Herbert H. Lehman, conference of Girl Reserve lead- j •which people say, "This must be receiving the- telephoned signal, addressing the 52nd annual coners. Delegates .to this- meeting i vention of Independent Order true since there is so much of "Thumbs up tonight!" were senior high school girls I N« Brith Abraham, urged assistance from 34 cities and towns of sis ! Gers A British army officer and a to those looking for homes in it." I catec Historical Perspective Paris (JTA) — Invited by states. number of subordinate police of- other countries and appealed to The function of Jewish writers ficials were revealed to have been Britain to open Palestine's doors Princeton university to deliver a He has also given convocation ! popu has become one merely to record involved in the conspiracy. In- to refugees. Demanding that series of lectures, Prof. Heinrich addresses at the Clarinda Junior | New their feelings for history; so that spector Henry Mansfield testified Palestine be maintained as a Neumann, world - famous Yien- j college, Clarinda, la.; the Clarin- | 100 years from now whoever that, acting upon orders by Gil- spiritual center of the Jewish peo- nese ear specialist who has treat- ; da High school, and higa scnools i ssarches may discover what was pin, he had eavesdropped on a ple, the governor praised the as- ed the Duke of Windsor and oth- ] at Spencer, Farragut and Dun- ! | in the hearts of Jews In.the time conversation between Gilpin and sistance of the United Palestine er royal personages, sailed for jlap, Ia. Goddard and heard Goddard tell Appeal to refugees and lauded the tfnited States on tte liner . j of their greatest travail. "There was a certain writer Gilpin that several of his subor- the work of the Jewish pioneers Aquitania. O a s t Nazi J o u r n a l i s t i named Segal who fnially became dinates and an army officer at in the Holy Land. He received permission to leave | | Nathania were involved in the very angry," some one may reLehman thanked God that hu- Vienna on condition that he re-j Jerusalem (JTA) The British ; immigration racket. port. "He had tried to he sweet man rights and liberties still ex- turn within sis months. Ke lias ; embassy at Berlin ha- informed i and looli with henign philosophy isted on America's soil and ap- been treated with respect by the t the German sovennsp-i: that t t e j at the Jewish scene; he was ;fond pealed t o ' the delegates to help Nazis. Besides lecturing at Prin- I Palestine administration is dis- i of taking comfort from Jewish preserve this freedom. He termed ton, Prof. Neumann will confer satisfied witii the' D. N. B.'s (of- i history. In this he was like many the crder a great power for the with American relief leaders on I ficial German News Agency) of the rabbis who liked to conpreservation of democracy in this methods of furthering emigration ; estine correspondent. Dr. -Franz i template the sands of the desert j Keichert, and his assistant. TVoU- ! Bobby Fromkin, son of Mr. and country. The governor was in- of Jews from Austria. which covered the Pharaohs. ' hardt and bas asked t i a t they be \ Mrs. Mas-Fromkin, was awarded troduced by Samuel Goldstein, withdrawn. "But at last he gave way to a gold medal as champion of the grandmaster of the order, as a INVESTIGATE FIRES anger — a. hot, sullen anger Dewey tennis courts. He won great American Jew whose servKaunas (JTA) — Police were ; The German Consul ices served as :a challenge to those investigating suspected incendiar-j here is taking the matter u; against injustice that could not every game in the tournament. be righted, agaipst liars who had He has also won a silver tro- who attacked the Jewish people isrn in the destruction by lira cf j t i e Palestine government. 40 Jewish-owned houses and two | Decome popular heroes and whom phy as runner-up in the World- a? Communistic. Tie earliest Je^nsi inaaiiitants ] Ia 1210, three truth could not overtake, against Herald city tournament. At Camp synagogues in the township of Jekonadab, a Jew of Morocco, TTzwentis which left 50 fanilies of the Italian city cf Triest were • rstbis .made a pi villificatlon spewd from m a n y Indianola he was camp champion spoke 2S languages. • (Continued on Page 8.) for three years. 1 without homes.

FLillel to Award Scholarships for

New Officers of A. Z. A. 100 E:


- Desnue i h r « CoKHiia.1 S ? ' ' U't'POTlEUi; v s s


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«?!i!(- ' * * :

Dr. Neumann Given Six Mbntfis heave

Tennis Honor Won by Bobby Fromkin

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••:? F.F; r^rs'f in tfte vsiiapf: iiria. Jodilie is at p~68ent ctaj*i Sir. and Mrs, >SIS: Webster.


Page 2

By Dr. Abba Hillel Silver EDITOR'S NOTEs A note of optimism is sounded in this article by Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, of Cleveland. The article is an abstract of an address delivered by Df. Sliver at the recent Golden Jubilee convention of the Central Conference, of American Rabbis.

to restricted rights, and to equality of rights. be If inwith: the the future Jews will faced necessity of adjusting themselves to new economic and political arrangements, to new forma of capitalism or socialism, or to new political conditions of restrictions and disabilities, or If they will be again confronted, as many of them alOnly one fact can be postulate ready are, with the necessity of with confidence about the history emigrating to new countries and of our iieople. As a people, we of establishing a new Diaspora, have surviyed! There may be a they will be able to make their difference of opinion a s ' t o how adjustments in the same way as and- why, but none' as to the their people have done throughout the ages. actual fact. • . Not Norm , We have survived — the one The annlhllationist policy of people that, has come down intact from antiquity, that can trace an the Nazis Is not likely to become unbroken' line of physical and the norm which will fix the actspiritual continuity through 35 ual relationship between Jews and centuries, the one • race that ex- non-Jews in the days to come. emplifies in the modern world Such policies never assume world, historical continuity and survivalJ wide dimensions. The Jewish dispersion is too far-flung for one ' par excellence. It should be borne in mind, too, policy to embrace it all. Un: that bur survival transpired not doubtedly many a Jewish comin s o m e secluded Shangri-La munlty will receive hard hamwhich was sheltered from danger mering In the future. and attack by ramparts of imMany of them will be liquidated passable mountains. We did not and their members scattered to vegetate in passivity in some the four winds. A new era of quiet,-set[uestered land away from Jewish wandering and migration the world's stern stresses . and has already set in. Everywhere struggles. Jewish life will for a long time We achieved our survival in to come find Itself under the disthe very midst of the world's mad comfort' of hostile propaganda and and murderous arenas. We were the threat of an "over-hanging invaded. We were attacked. We menace: But unless the entire world • were exiled. We were driven over the face of the earth. We were plunges back into barbarism, and scattered and broken, hounded ^he pathological obsessions of the v and harassed, through long and Teutonic dervishes seize hold of the whole of mankind—a condiweary centuries. We'clashed with great empires. tion conceivable but hardly probWe resisted mighty civilizations. able — the exterminationlst; poliWe • were surrounded by militant cies of the Nazis are destined to faiths which sought to absorb us be localized. Perhaps even in the or to destroy us. We are today Reich itself time will neutralise agaiu upon the wrack in the them.' In other lands where governtorture - chambers of the earth. Nevertheless, we survived! And, ments are resolved to circumfor our size, we are today the scribe the participations of Jews most alive and creative people in in the political, economic and cultural life of the nation, some legal the world. "modus vivendl" win have to be Reasons for Confidence by those governments. Tha Jewish people today Is evolved .legal status will have to be therefore, warranted in drawing Their deep draughts of confidence from defined. In such countries, the Jews will their past history. What we were have to learn again how to live cblo to do over and over again and undefeated lives, even in tha past, under all conceivable worthy the duress of formidable circumstances and in all parts of under disabilities. . They will have to tlis world,-we may yet do again seek refuge again, and they will and again in the future. find it, in their own culture and Nothing h a s fundamentally faith, in their own communal orclianscd ,• for us, neither t h e ganizations, and they will wait world's mania for persecution, and work for a better day. nor; our -own unbroken will to • .Pressure Relieved live; Our.forces are not lesa t o - -- Should the Fascist movement day, but more. Our powers of spend itself and should nations adaptability, which the strong return the primal sanities of life-sense of our people developed, civilizedtolife, then constitutional have not been dulled, guarantees for Individuals and . We were able in t h e . paat to minorities will be re-established adapt ourselves to all- forms • of in- the world and anti-Semitism economic life and activity-—the will cease to be a matter of politipastoral, agricultural, commercial cal-policy and program. The presand industrial, and to all forms sures'upon-the Jewish group will of political systems and arrange- then be greatly relaxed.. ments. /We adjusted orrpelves to Surveying the -world scene, one, conditions of utter, rlghtlessness, is accordingly led to the conclusion ,that while there are manifold threats today to Jewish security, to Jewish rights and to Jewish peace, there is no imminent threat to Jewish survival— at least none different from those which Jews'were able to circumvent in the past. The Jewish people will remain intact. SO3.S Famam Street What should, therefore, conus today is not whether the SO a.m.—-&:3© p.m cern Jewish people will survive, but Shall it be greatly or Assets of the Joseph Bloch how? and Son Paper Company. Sev- meanly, affirmatively and chaleral thousand dollars' merchan- lenglngly, as in great periods of dise. .1938.ton 1and a half Inter, our past; holding • our , banners national truck. Office fixtures and equipment including an high in a day of battle and storm; electric bookkeeping and adding, or negatively, creeping Into the machine, safe, desks, files, type- nooks and crannies of the earth, writer, scales like new, etc Butcher, and wrapping paper, waiting for the wrath to pass over rolls, and flat bundles, all sizes. and grateful for the sheer gift of School supplies, notions, picnic existence and survival. supplies. •••-•• We can do either. Apart from all else, apart from the mighty energies which the past has stored Loyal ©. J&aplan up in us, mere, inertia and social Trustee lag can keep us going for an indefinite period. Many Jews, espeWE GSG© cially the more prosperous ones, FJJ. &3. 'Hank* Crulso out of fear and personal interest, are choosing the latter course. Auctioneer But the Jewish people, as a 1061 whole, I believe, will not, because it cannot, consent to such a role of passivity, abdication and escap-


ism. There is too much leaven in its spirit, too powerful a dynamic In its faith and too much of the unquenchably prophetic In its traditions. The Jewish people* through its thoughtful guides and leaders, has been quick to appraise the Issues which are Involved In the present day world crisis and to graps the truth significance of the murderous attack which is being made upon It. The Jewish problem is t h e world problem epitomized. The present world conflict again finds the Jew the symbol, and his traditions the battleground of contending armies of mankind. The rabbis of old apprehended this recurrent role which Israel plays In the drama of civilization, and they welcomed it. Welcome Role The Jews of this generation should welcome that role, hard though it be, even as their fathers before them. God has again sent us a great, testing hour. We must again find the strength not only tor survival, but for a stiff-necked resistance to the Hairy Man who is again trampling under foot all that is noble and kindly and decent in life. We must arouse and join forces with all men of all faiths and of races, who have* remained faithful to the spiritual vision of life, for a major offensive. It Is not enough to defend the status quo against reaction. Reaction must be defeated by destroying those evils in our present system which made it possible. A courageous attack all along the line, summoning all our courage and employing all of our resources, upon poverty, upon the economic insecurity of the masses, upon corruption and special privilege, upon the excessive concentration of -wealth in the hands of. a few, upon monopoly and exploitation, upon the war machine

and the merchants of death, upon chauvinism, national exhibitionism and patrloteering, upon race arrogance and race domination— in a word, upon all that our religion and all the great religions of mankind have branded and outlawed. Reaction Attacks Reaction is attacking the Jew today. Let the Jew defend himself, by an audacious counter-attack. Let the Ark of the Covenant begin to move again! There are no weapons which reaction can forge strong enough to destroy us. And there are no fortresses strong enough to protect reaction against the mighty thunderbolts 'of the free human spirit once they are unleashed. The Jews have been singled out for destruction. This is their holy and destined hour when "the exaltations of God should be in their throats and double-edged swords in their hands." . . . Just as democracy and liberalism will perish unless they resume their offensive, so the Jewish people will be defeated and bea'ten into servitude unless they fling themselves resolutely into the fight with Amalek, and unless the hands of their leaders remain firm and uplifted all through the long day of battle until the sun sets upon their ivctory. The Jewish people faces the critical days ahead not without fears and misgivings, not without dark moments of agony and despair—for great is the wrath and the terror and the menace — but fundamentally unshaken. Jews are carrying on, many of them magnificently. Witness the remarkable outpouring of loyalty, compassion and help on the part of Jews throughout the world for those of their fellow-Jews who find themselves in the crucible of affliction. AH this is evidence of an inner soundness, of an unbroken solidarity. Thoughtful Jews know their history. They know their resources. They have taken the measure of their enemies. They understand the world significance of their great tribulation. They know, too, that hope is a cardinal dogma of their ancient faith which they must not abandon. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

By Roman Slobodin • JERITSAI/EM. diseases, have been successfully A sexual hormone which aids treated for centuries. in creating life has been discovSamples of water from near the ered in enormous quantities In bottom of the Dead Sea contained the Dead Sea. - The natural "love 100 "mouse (the measurpotion,"' 7- known to - science asing stick for units" sexual hormones) of "oestrogenlc hormone," was found oestrogenlc hormone in e v e r y by Prof." Berhord' Zondek, famous gynecologist In exile from Ger- liter. Slime from the northern part of the sea be.d had SO mouse many. units per kilogram, and la the The hormone Is a vitally im- southern part, 100 units per kiloportant secretion produced in the gram. Bath salts from the Dead ovaries of women and other fe- Sea also had 100 units per kilomale mammals. One of its prin- gram. cipal functions la to bring on Other bodies of water In. Pales"oestrous," the physical state pretine, including the Sea of Galilee paratory to reproduction. Prof. Zondek describes his ob- and the Jordan river were found servations In a paper published by to have no trace of the hormone. Prof. Zondek concluded that the the Hebrew university. The scientist, who was the co-discoverer of source of the oestrogenic hormone the famous Ascheim-Zondek reac- in the Dead Sea was' probably a tion (A-Z test), Infallible Indica- deposit of asphalt or a petroleumtor of pregnancy, was driven from like substance* In• the* sea bed. Germany by anti-Jewish persecuOf a Refugee and a Horse tion and now heads the gynecolMasterly feats of horsemanship ogical department of Hadassah hospital, supported and operated by a 16-year-old Jewish lad, refuby the American women's Zionist gee from Germany, have caused a sensation In Palestine sporting organization. The facts that the hormone Is circles and have captured the adproduced by lower forms of life, miration of English army officers such as plants and bacteria, and that it is almost imperishable, led Prof. Zondek to search for it in PRIVATELY owned t i n the Dead Sea, which is rich in deand passengers desiring to posits of decomposed once-living travel on share expense matter. He found thot even salts bads phone Coast to Coast Auto Travel Bureau. HA from the sea, sold commercially 5600, 2007 Farnam. Destinas bath salts, contain as much of ation and accident Insurance the hormone as the famous spa on all passengers. of Franzenbad, Bohemia, where women's ailments, among other

! said. "No religious body, no who have spent a lifetime in the of over 2,000 square miles, about beloved land and a disintegrating matter how strong, how autonodanger to our American demosaddle. The young "gentleman one-fifth of Palestine. cratic institutions," a resolution mous, cars afford to stand alone. rider" is Uly Beier, of Tel Aviv, We need a common denominathe said. son of a German Jewish physician More than 6 0 per cent of who came to this country three eligible male population of PalesThe conference EISO recom- tor." years ago. Young Beier had nev- tine have taken out the military mended approval of the Wagner- i identification cards issued on a | Rogers bill to admit 2G.O00 Ger- j er mounted a horse until that irfPTitifiration 46,000 Books serai-voluntary basis, since the man children, callec upon an retime. At a recent charity horse show system was introduced last Octo(JTA)—The Jew. in Jerusalem, competing against ber. Cards have been issued to to^countenancrun-Ainerican and j ish Publication Society of Amer170,000 men and beys ever 16, high army and police officers, in- including 00,406 to Arabs, 7 5,- irreligious propaganda" and op- 1] Sea • - distributed more than 46.000 cluding the finest riders and 790 to Jews and 4,000 to British, Iposed tfae Hcbfas bill est&bHsliing . books in 1538 and n 1938doubled and its itsinpaid paid mounts In Palestine, young Beier German, Armenian, Greek. Ital- UetectioE camps for undesirable! bershir. has themempast rode to a tie for first place in ian, American and other residents or criminal EISCEE subject .o de-1 three years, President J. Solisthe jumping competition, shared of the country. The card system j portstioa. j Cohen, jr., reported at the sowith Inspector Breen of the PalBis! James E. TreeraBK, ad- ciety'e Cist annual meeting, held estine police, who was mounted is not applied to women and is not a convention dinner, st Dropsie college. Solis-Cohen on the champion jumper .of the compulsory, but the cards are re- dressing to travel outside cities or pleaded that fell religions? com- and other officers were re-elected. police force, "Strawberry." Beier quired bat the spread of racial prejudice. villages and for other purposes. rode "Dybbuk," owned by Captain Patronize Our Advertisers. * * * The problem Is a common one, he Felix E. Goldman, a Swiss Jew, A proposal by Mayor Isaac Kowho' formerly represented his country and the Swiss army in in- kach of Tel Aviv to, reduce his ternational competition, and who own salary by one month's par is now an inspector in the Pales- a year was rejected by tbe mutine police. Captain Goldman's nicipal council. Mayor Rokach stable in Tel Aviv was raided by ! had_ proposed his salary cut as ja J Arab terrorists last September and preliminary to an " ' gradj ed salary cct for Tel Aviv mu"Dybbuk" was the soie survivi So evenly matched were the nicipal employes, to balance the contestants that it was impossible city budget. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telefor the judges to place xhera even graphic Agency, Inc.) after three ride-offs. Captain Goldman was Beier's riding master. The youth was a member of a riding and jumping team of sis Jewish boys trained by the captain under sponsorship of Lord Melchett. It had been hoped that they might ride under the blue-and-whlte Zionist colors at Olympia and other important horse shows, bat international de- Reform R&bbis Kit 'Isms' velopments and Lord Melchett's At Washington illness prevented consummation Meeting of this plan. * * • Washington (JTA) — Kabbi Of Bain and Weather E m i 1 W. Leipiiger of N e w Hope for m o r e prosperous Orleans was elected president of weather for Palestine Is held forth the Central Conference of Ameriby Dr. Dov Ashbel, meteorologist can Rabbis at the concluding sesof Hebrew university, whose ob- sion of its five-day 5 Oth anniverservations indicate that after a sary convention at the Hotel Maycomparative drought lasting over flower. Rabbi Leipziger succeed* one-third of a century, the raJn- Rabbi Max C. Currick of Erie. fall curve of the Holy Land is Pa. Rabbi James G. Heller of rising. - ' Cincinnati was named vice-presiIncrease in total annual rain- dent; Rabbis Harry S. Margolis, fall has been noted by Dr. Ashbel St. Paul, treasurer; Isaac E. Marin each of the three past winters, cuson, Macoa, Ga., recording Secafter an almost steady decline be- retary, and Sidney Reger, Readginning in 1903. The results of ing, Pa., corresponding secretary. decreased rainfall had been enviThe following .executive board ous. The water level in some members were selected: Rabbis wells in the coastal plain had fal- Currick; Solomon Freehof of len 30 feet since the beginning of Pittsburgh; J o s h B. u a Liebrr.an, the century. Some springs had dried up and others were much Chicago; Jacob Rudin, G r e a t diminished. The surface level of Neck; Samuel Wolk, "Wilkes"You think this is good crying? You should see the Dead Sea fell several yards Barre, Pa., and Rabbi Jacob me when they're late with my . Shankrnan, New Rochelle, N. Y. between 1928 and 1936. Now many of the drled-up I The following were placed on the Roberts Milk." springs have revived, the Dead ' board of managers of the synaSea level has stopped declining, gogue a n d school extension: and the general level oJ under- Rabbis-Morton M. Berrnan of Chiground -water is apparently rising. cago and William G. Eraude, Providence. • * * Of 0 0 , Cards aad a Mayor's Pay Reaffirm Belief in Democracy The conference adopted a resoOil prospecting licenses Xor the entlre Palestine coastal plain, j lution reaffirming its belief in from the border of Egypt In the i American democracy "as the best south to the border of Lebanon form o* government." The conin the north and for a large area ference further advocated that of the interior of the southern i "the positive message of AmeriEK£CrcQfc..« UQ Extr® Charges of part of the country, h-vn v^— canism" be "impressively recomgranted to the Iraq Petroleum mended." Acy "departcre EloEg company by the FaJCoiiiie go.~...- the paths of subversive political raent. . The licenses are good for 'isras' by any -group In American four years. They cover an area life will prove a disaster to ocr SAFE For*m*tt Stf$tf

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THE JEWISH PEESS—FRIDAY, JUNE 23,1939 country only peace, and dignity, the Hillel foundation at the Uni-extolled Christian morals by his I Funeral services -vrere held Fri-' organization? including the I do and greatness, and that as an in- versity of Illinois is sponsoring beautiful verse." Similar opiu- ' fiay E t t l i e Jewish Funeral Home. . Fret; Loan. Hsclasssh, dividual umbued with the Ameri- the project. ,„„. „ _ _ eexpressed ™rocsart w T> jj _ Survivme are h « hus rnf Burial vrs.s at Golden KilL ions were by Prof,! can dream I have ever demanded ~oi'T F O P S , (.'V^ Denver seems to be the city in ! SPIT justice for others before pleading the limelight this week, for Bet-| Eugen Levicesc::. liierarr cruic. ; it for myself. I have refrained ty Lipp left for there Sunday, and | and J?ro-- Eiigen Hercvearu, of ; from quoting to them the Declara- Sylvia White took the train for • the Bucharest Law School. tion of Independence, or the Bill the "mile high." city Tuesday. p ftcrnc of Rights, or Lincoln's letter to - „ . _ - ( ! TEstelle Hubenstein, who is from ; t a d )?czn rr:!-*F :r Horace Greely, or even Stephen Denver and who attended NorthBenet's Invocation to J o h n western university this year, is Brown's Body. visiting at. the hoise of her relaErvin Beite! ! f I have not even bothered to tives, Dr. and Mrs. Meyer Beber.| Ervin 3eitel, 2F, ciec last F r i - ' ;' ; point out to them that they are a Sunday afternoon, Goldie Asorin day inornirLE. J u n e 1C, e l iL;uries •. . This poignant article fay a umped the red light and nearly scapegoat to ease his realization social minority smaller even than and Esther Osiseroff gave a picnic ' sustained in r.E £.uto accident r e a r | ! the Jews are a racial minority, for her and Friedel Stillman, who i Hearsey. Jnan who dares to speak the collided with us. '' of failure. and that the revolutionary whirl- is a visitor frora Houston, Tex. troth, Francis SiH Wickware, Surviving: h:::i t r e h i s parents, . I But these secure and arrogant wind is catholic in its destruction. a member of the staff of For- It was reckless driving, certainHensiae Hirsaman left for cLnd £ troths**- «T€T**. I-" tune and formerly a staff mem- y, but my friend behind the people behind braided flunkies No, these people are too far lost California last week, wlule from | Beliel T--E.S a former Creishton ; '_". " ber of the New Yorker, is an heel did not condemn it as such. and the remote battlements of for that; they would laugh, at me.the other end of the country 1 student. | |-« ."' open, critical challenge by a Mo, it was • Jewish driving. The Park avenue apartment houses— The language they can under- Marion Stettheirner of Wichita, T'CZZTZ.1 services: -*rere held F r i - |' 4 / \ how could they! No one requires son-Jew to his Gentile friends. iruckman was a Jew, and what stand is the glib, cruel language Kans., is returning from N e w' ££.** a i l e r r o c n a t t h e Jewish F u - j rr r r' Through s p e c i a l arrange- le had just done was typical of them to meet or treat with Jews of sarcasm, and that is why if I York and will tie in Omaha for a, "err.] Home. Burial -was at t h e ; from one year's end to the nest. ments with "Equality," the •/hat the Jewish race had done publish this at all I will publish. while. G oidei: K.U ce~-£t?rj\ f~ ' f , r f <— i f monthly journal dedicated to to "America and the world. This They aren't in trade. If they it not anonymously but under ray It will be nice Bearing from you the purpose of defending demo- in the vilest' language possible, have any connection with poverty full signature. My friends will again, Suzy Q, and I will answer cratic rights, Seven Arts- and from a man whose heart I hadand evicted farmers it comes from know what I am talking about your letters pdQ. i A b e Wolk setting the wages and holding the and perhaps when their words are The Jewish Press bring yon always supposed to be right. Abe TTOIJC, 4.1, died Thursday Affectionately, mortgages. this unusual, interesting and flung back at them one or two Prejudice ' AKLENE. , n:c.hr.. June 15, after a long illrevealing article. — THM EDIThey are educated people, too, may be shocked or shamed into P. S. Just must tell yen about cess. Then' there was my friend who TOR. if Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Smith decency. The rest will call me the Bingo game given by a local , He is survived hr his? wife. •ecently gave up reading what he and Vassar (let us draw the cur-names and cut me dead, and that Omaha company recently. Four ^ r l e n ; four dEXphters, Krs. Xax idmits is the most intelligent Some of my best friends hate lewspaper in New York because tain of charity over Miss Porter's, will be all right, too. of the five prizes were won by! Sacks, E^elj n, Lcrr&ine E r. C ; » T hrothrrr. Jews. They don't know why they of its Jewish management. He Miss Walker's, Fermata, and MillJewish people. The five prizes I Esther Manba; ,'Louis £.r,d .TUI1*JS. LC~ E. eis:?:. hate them, but they do. I nave was also the one whom I accom- brook) are able to educate. Ask were hams. them to explain the implications Xrs. L:::;E.C Krrft, r:i el OTZ.\\Z,. beard one of my best friends de- panied t o the movies one night, clare -with venom on his tongue heard him laugh delightedly at of the U. S. gold monopoly and they can provide a discourse that d that though he disapproved of some Jewish comedians whwile in T •• ' _ r - - - - - ; f"~' - • • - V -"' -' By Arlene Adolph Hitler's "extremism," he the theater, and heard him come is lucid enough, though confused r FROM -JUJfE 25 TO 3TUKB £9 considered the Nazi pogroms "jus- out and denounce Hollywood, the by frequent xe£erences. to the inDear Suzy Q: Snndaj, June 25. tified by the . problem"—and I "Jew capital" which was "poison- I iquities of President Koosevelt. Have at long last returned They are cultured people, too— Hebrew club, S p. m., loige .knew he meant that he would ing the universe." I Culture spelled Kultur. Put afrom, a school year in "Tis aroom, Jewish Community Center. consider similar pogroms justified And so it goes, over the bridge Bach fugue on the phonograph privilege to live in" Colorado to Monday, Sxzne SS. in" America. and cocktail glasses, an in- and they wiggle as though in an spend three months vacation at Workmen's Loan, S p. in., room This man is the kindest of hus- hands sniping at an unhappy ecstasy. Literature? You never home in Nebraska, "the white C and D, Jewish Comaiunity Cenbands, the loving father of three human people with occasional prophetic heard such pedagogy in your life. spot of the nation. ter. bright-eyed young "Aryans," and flashes of violence. Already it For two hours they will debate It's good to get awsj* from the Orchestra rehearsal, S P- xn.., a generous supporter of one of has produced a couple of pathothe fine point of whether Bacon the most top-hatted churches on logical characters among my se-wrote- Shakespeare 'or Shakespeare grind and guff of college. Grind auditorium, Jewish ConiEUEit;* standing for studies in this in- Center. Park avenue. No need to men- ect group or friends. wrote Shakespeare. The pity of stance, and guff for all social and Tnesday, June 2 " . tion his clubs, but he is a college I have in mind one Christian it is that they will end up byextracurricular activities, b. o w- Choir, S p. m., room K and L. man married to a finishing-school that Shylock was theever, it is a bit amazing to s£eJewish Community Center. girl, and he has an income which gentleman who is fond of read- stating character that Shakespeare all the new, unfamiliar faces in Wednesday, Jcne 2S. permits him to do expensive ing aloud an old clipping from truest town. Also b.ad my ego severely , 1. W. O., S p. is., room C and things with the right people. Time Magazine describing the (or Bacon) ever conceived. Whispers '"" deflated when the other night at B, Jewish Community Center. His family name is one which plan of the notorious Nazi-rackeWorkman's Circle, S p. m., clnb It is people like these who will a dance half the people asked me occurs in the lesser footnotes in teer James True of Washington, I was from out of town while room, Jewish Coramuuity Center. American history books, and bis T>, C , to organize on a certain sidle up to you at parties and if own name is included in those day a "national Jew shoot." The whisper confidentially that "The the other half didn't even know Thursday, June 29. Boy Scouts, S p. m., lodge prestige directories, which, it is piece has a certain humor, I sup- Secretary of Labor. Frances Per- I had been away. You say Brought back a Denver native room, Jewish Coisisniiity Center. said,,it takes more than money pose; even on the third or fourth kins, is a Jewess." Choir, S p. m.. room K and L, to enter. reading some of my best friends "What of i t ? " and they look at with me, however. Her name is you with blank astonishment. Grayce Judd, who spent last week Jewish Coniciunity Center. Without a great deal of urging hoot with laughter. They can prove absolutely and with Elaine Frank and who is he will relate how his ancestors Motives positively that Lindb erg's baby with me this week. Elaine, by —Cornishmen—came to the colSometimes I try to lind out the was murdered on instructions the way, is in the Methodist hosonieB in. the early 1700's, quar- motivation of this anti-Semitism tered with Washington at Valley among these •well-bred, upper- from some cabal of bearded pital recovering from an operaForge, and later produced three class Americans. It ii dreadfully patriarchs plotting upon a moun- tion. Myron Tarnoff is also in Union corpses at Gettysburg and discouraging business, b e c a u s e tain top in Palestine — Kuhn, the same place doing the same Cold Harbor. He proudly de- none of them seem to know. They Loeb, no doubt embarrassing the thing. Have you heard about the task Bcrlbes the way his ancestors died seem willing to subscribe to what House of Morgan via Miss Anne Bucharest (JTA) Morrow—and they reel off verit- the Nebraska chapter of Sigma by a noted Orthofios Testimouv lor. the cause of liberty, and per- they know are lies. priest, a able annual statements to show Delta Tau has taken upon them- prominent literary critic ancJ a haps rightly he considers himself that the Jews own America. Their attitude resoinbles that selves to accomplish during the legal scholar resulted this week the -archetype of contemporary of, that distinguished ecclesiastic American aristocracy. They know these things are summer. They are going to — in acquittal by a military court oughlin who gleefully flings the false. . They know that the Jews with the support of the Omaha of Aron Knitzer, Yiddish poet, -Besemblance vitriol of the "Protocols of Zion" over a girl refugee •w-ho had been held for t w o j . "Here I should say that most of wlth the comment that while do not own America, or even a people—bring ;roin Germany and . give her a months in the ill-famed Jilava | ; my "best Jew-hating friends re- these forgeries may not be "au-small part' of America- But they four-year education at the prison on charges of insulting the j semble this man in various re- thentic" they are "factual." Like- are willing to anesthetize their University college of Nebraska. Christian faith by his volume o£ spects. They are self-assured "peo- wise with the anti-Semitic canards own intellects and indulge in the The plan, according. to Jean- poetry, "Evangelic Motives." j>le With comfortable incomes and attributed to Benjamin Franklin wildest sophistries in order to Father Gala Ga.laetion, -who is even fortunes, with names, chil- and disproved a hundred times polish their magnificence and spit nette Polonsky, is to raise a thouwith the most elite spit on those sand dollars by September, by a professor at the Kishinelf Theodren, governesses, dignified city over. who cannot spit back. Frankly, means of drawings and stocking logical seminary and author of a apartments and country home3 in Now I can understand an -eco-I do not know whether these peo- sales. The girl to be brought over Rumanian translation of t h e the phishiest suburbs. gay, rich, light-hearted will be taken care of for four Bible published under the ausrrrr'r-r They go to parties and give nomic brand of Jew-hating. I ple—these ,- - •_ ' . r-" '"„.,-" • • ' people who were my friends—are years, and will live at the sorority pices of King Carol, declared that them. They take an interest in can understand how a Gentile subject u to some particular decay Knitser "far from insultinghad bouse. '"Dr. Abraham Sacher of owner of a little shop with three things. They read books, attend makes them rottener than concerts, play contract, and Dis- Jewish competitors in the same which rottenest tooth or whether cuss "intelligently. They "are ex- block'Tnlght covet "their trade and the transmute h i s there is some intrinsic fault in l>osed to ail the amenities of ur- subconsciously ^ social process which installed ban civilization, and if the ameni- greed into race prejudice. I can the the silver spoons In their mouths also understand how an unemties are • worth anything they should be -tolerant, gracious, ployed factory hand or an evicted at birth and substituted golden "broadminded citizens as willing farmer, or any other baffled, sp'-'-'aR as f^ey grew older. beaten, unpossessed individual So far I have listened to thes» to let live as they are to live. might embrace the incredible .'-. j iio -t lecturing. I have Yet they hate Jews. They hate propaganda now c i r c u l a t i n g j Tsthem, furthermore, with an *an- against the Jews and find it a ! not explained to them that as an I American citizen I wish lor my " disguised bitterness which .canCJSSvnTE'


By Francis Sill Wickware

Letters to a Coed

Community Calendar





T H"


<~\ 'y


Clear Rumanian Poet of Insulting "Christian Faith"

ELYlflf-TOiVS VS j



, . •

not but lead, sooner or later, to a demand for direct anti-Semitic action and an aceptahce of the living death of fascism.

"Cold Pogrom" Of course, these splendid folk have been carrying on a "c-Md pogrom" against the' Jews for years.. They have refrained from visiting" resorts which Jews visit. They'have stopped only a t those hotels which refuse to accommodate Jews, They have belonged to clubs' and social organizations -n-hich would admit a 100 per cen "Aryan" rapiet soo--r than Professor Albert Einstein. , In their businesses they have ft. erected invisible, impenetrable barriers against Jewish job applicants. And in countless othe small hateful ways they have expressed their contempt and prejudice" as a sort of social- convention. But these things were always done quietly, almost automatically. It has only been within the las' lew years that this rather formless snobbery has coalesced into a hard lump of antagonism, only recently that my friends havi commenced to use the words am tone of Herr Doktor Goebbels And i t seems to be spreading. I shall never forget my profound shock one morning a month or two ago when I was driving to work with a friend of min and a truck bearing advertising signs of a Yiddish newspapei



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THE JEWISH PKESS PUBWSH1NU . 52-50 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One Year - , ..; ." , • . . ADVERTISING RATES-FURNISHED ON- APPLICATION EDITORIAL OFFICE: £03 DRANDgIS THGATER. SIOUX CITY OFFICE—JEWISH pOJMMUNtTY CENTER . •• • . PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—4504 BO, 24TH STREET: .'....' DAVID.BLACKER • - . .Business and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN . . . ;. ., Editor ( . KABB1 FREDERICK COHN - • Contributing Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS •' — Bools Editor FRANCES BLACKER - . - : Sbclify Editor MORRIS AIZENBERG . . . Stdux City Correspondent DOROTHE SALTZMAN - •' Council- Bluffs Correspondent

to- inflame Protestant opinion since organizations,"which by no stretch of the imagination could be considered communist, supplied lists of prominent Protestant and Masonic leaders slaughtered by Franco's mercenaries. . - ;Father Coughlin,has been an answer to the prayers of every shade of anti-Catholic opinion. The anti-Coughlin attitude is becoming articulate and at the same time unfortunately and unjustifiedly anti-Catholic. ,

moral and spiritual qualities. Above all he is like God in that he has free-will to do the right and eschew the wrong. With all his physical helplessness, his mortal frailty, lie is morally autonomous. He can choose between right and wrong. "Behold" says' the momentous verse, "I have set before you the good and the evil, the blessing and the curse, life and death. Choose life!" Man can choose those things that make for life and for the higher life; for the life of himself and fellows: for the higher life of erring, suffering, sinning asd miseryladen humanity' Man can crown his'life with.blessing or blast existence with a self-created and self-imposed curse! Man can be a 'partner with God' in the creation of a morally perfect, a socially ideal, a huraanitarianly satisfying, gratifying and happy world order, a true 'cosmos' of the highest well-being. "B'dild thee more stately inansions, 0 siy sc.il,

Fortunately among the more responsible elements leading the fight against • Coughlin and his methods have been many leading Catholics, notably the editors of the "Commonweal," the editors of the "Catholic Worker," and leading clergymen, particularly Monsignor Ryan and Father James R. Cos of Pittsburgh. Madame Irene Harand, who in pre-Nazi Austria, was a leading Catholic lay woman, has denied that Coughlin As the swift seasons roll! Tlie Czech'Resistance v ...,-.. .\ .- •-. '.":,r: • has the right to call himself "Father." By his preachings Leave thy low-vaulted past, Czech resistance to Uermany has $ssumed-staftling propor- Father Coughlin is not only a menace to the Jews but he is Let each new temple, fairer than the last, tions, particularly now as Germany begins co-ordinating her more so a danger to the Catholics. ~ Shut, tb.ee from heaven with a dorae more vast position prior to another drive eastward. '-• When the Reich If Jews have warned of anti-Catholicism, it is not beTill thou at length art free; legions marched into, Prague, the, Czechs were at first willing cause they sought to threaten. But we have learned that in Leaving thine out-worn shell by life's unresting sea!" to accept German rule rather than run the risk of a disastrous America anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism usually go hand •war. Air fleets hovered oh the-border, threatening, to raze in hand. AncTwhere, there is one, the other is sure to follow. the ancient city of Prague and bring: its magnificent buildings to shambles. Deserted by their fair weather friends, the Czechs saw little chance <of successfully defending their home- Dr. Neumann Leaves Vienna By Heywood Broun. Within a few months, the Nazi leaders of Austria have land from the ravages of the "aggrandizer." .-.;;'. A few months of German rule however have cured the been promising, Vienna will be Judenrein, free of Jews. The EBITOR'S NOTE: Tempo- .spent their all. Or they will lingCzechs of any further acquiescence to German demand's. The departure of each Jew is supposedly hastened by the Nazi lead- rary havens have been pro- er in concentration camps — I in England, France, Bel- refer to the men and women. God hoots of the Prague reception committee became passive re- ers. Therefore it sounds very strange indeed to read that Dr. vided gium and the Netherlands for knows what Trill happen to the sistance and now to all appearances the passive resistance is Neumann, the famous throat specialist, is-being permitted to the 007 refugees on the Ger- children. liaer St. Louis. But for And so the whole world stuffs leave only on condition that within six months he returns. One man about to give way to something far inore ominous. , days, the fate of the refugees, its ears and pays no attention to may take it for granted that the Nazis have made definite who had knocked on the doors any •wireless. It cannot be kept secret that Geraahy is having serious of Cuba in vaia, was in susThere is a ship. And almost difficulty inot only in Czecho-Slovakia But;in the greater Reich arrangements to insure his return. pense. two thousand years have elapsed Dr. Neumann'is an unusual figure. Although just a docOne of the most moving com- sines the message of universal as well, particularly Austria. An iron censorship has been pa the plight of the brotherhood w a s brought to remarkably successful in halting news-stories. Czechs are. for- tor, like so many other Viennese Jews, he had royal favor, mentaries St. Losiis passengers was made earth. What have we done with that bidden to travel outside of Bohemia, even into Slovakia, and having attended many "of Europe's dignitaries, including the by Heyvrood Broun, renowned columnist, in his nationally message? After so many years ire Duke of Windsor. Undoubtedly he is.something of a persontourists cannot enter the country. Both Austria and the former syndicated column, "It Seems have not yet pat into practice ality because 1 all who know him seemed to cherish the reC2echo-Slovakia have been treated:as conquered nations and to Me." The column, as it ap- those principles to which we pay peared originally in the Xeir lip service. Xine hundred are to mercilessly despoiled. Factories and . machinery have been membrance of their meeting. When the Nazis marched into York World Telegram, is here- suffer a crucifixion while the Vienna, Europe's royalty besieged Hitler with telegrams begtransferred to the Reich, aood supplies have been sent to the with reprinted in fnll. ! world passes b}r on the other side. What Oar armament centers to still the growing demands .of7, the. German ging that Dr. Neumann be kept from harm. At any luncheon, banquet or There is a ship. It is called With news from Vienna scanty indeed, it is difficult to the St. Louis. If suddenly the public meeting the orator of the workers who brazenly taunt tne governmerii with the cry, flashed an S. O. S. to in- occasion can draw cheers if he "We want meat." Citizens nave been shifted about like slaves know what Dr. Neumann's status is. He heads the ORT and vessel dicate that the crew and the 9 00 raises his right hand in the air rather than the citizens of annexed provinces. The concentra- is active on behalf of all Jewish re-training organizations. Al- passengers were in danger every and pledges himself, his heart tion camp of Dachau has been enlarged to take care of its ways an Orthodox Jew, it is hardly likely that he has turned other steamer within call would and soul to ths declaration that go hurrying to the rescue, That ! he is for peace and amity and growing population. Bohemia itself has been made into one his attentions from his people at this most critical moment. that all men are brothers. Ke is the rule of the sea. Princeton University sought his presence, and, as though And no vessel which got the means it, generally, and so do the large concentration camp. . . • '_ would pause to inquire the diners who pound the table until The banner of revolt is being raised. A Czech legion, he were a medieval serf, permission had to be granted from the flash economic, political, religious or the coffee cups and ice cream similar to that which fought in the "World War, is preparing to German government before he could depart. But the Nazis, national position of those in dis- dishes rattle into a symphony of tress. It would want no more good feeling and international aid any nation drawn into war with the Reich. This will be who prate how each and every Jew must leave the country, than sympathy. the position of the ship. But -there is a ship. If one were no untrained rabble as in the past, but a highly-trained and demand that within six months Dr. Neumann will be back in And the captain on the bridge, according to the prevailing tradi- to look upon it with cold logic it efficient military body, one of the best of Europe's smaller Vienna. Or else . . . tion, would ask the engineer to would be better for everyone cf













put on. all speed so that the work the 900 if the vessel suddenly

of rescue could be completed as buckled and went down in fortyA seoret revolutionary movement, his caused the German A Partner with God expeditiously as possible. And fathoms. That would be more government to institute .& reign of terror in the hope of ferret-, this would be true of" the skipper merciful. ByJtABBI FREDSEIOK COHN of a totalitarian merchantman, Against ths palpable threat of ing out the dissident leaders. The so-called Protector of Bothat a Divine Providence controls the universe one from a democratic nation or death we can muster brotherhood. hemia-iloravia, Baron von Neurath,- has been made powerless against the even more plain qdo j&wfty.-with the activity of man. Any such belief a ship flying under the flag of a But sentence of life in deatt we preas the Gestapo has taken over the rule of the country. " '"'•'..-would"te^tantaniount to a blind fatalism, under which man monarchy, liberal or otherwise. But there is a ship. It carries tend to be helpless. Whatever is happening it is becoming apparent that the would^e-S* mere puppet or automaton governed by forces over 900 passengers—men, women and Our answer is, "We must look Czechs/themselves have had their fill of Na2i~ methods and of whicn he has not* the least control. This is not true. Neces- small children. This is a group after ourselves. What can we do of God-fearing people guilty of about i t ? " this so-called Nazi prosperity which to them has'meant empty sitarianism or an inexorable determination is not the true ex- no crime whatsoever. And they Life is greater than death. We agree. Here is our test. What larders and slave-wages. ^ Long: accustomed to • a democracy planation of the universe. Law does indeed reign throughout are in peril. price civilization? There is a efcip. they are willing to endure tremendous sacrifices to re-establish creation, but there is room for man's free, creative activity They are in Peril peril which threat- Who will take wp an oar to save themselves as a nation dedicated to the highest principles of within the realm of Law and operating with and.utilizing these ens not only their lives but their S00 men, women and children? very souls and spiritual freedom. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telehuman decency. . .. . , very laws which are the constitution of the universe. In other It would be better for them by far graphic Agency, Inc.) the St. Louis had ripped its words,.man has free-will in certain directions and under def- ifplates in a collision -with some other craft, or if an impersonal Coughlin Stirs ; a; HoFnet'sr Nest: : , : .' ;; ' inite limitations. Man "is riot absolutely helpless. , He can in- iceberg had slashed the hull beIt lias been neither threat nor idle warning that the activi- fluence and act upon the universe, governed though it be by low the water line. ties of Father Coughlin would stir up anti-Catholic feeling in inexorable law. He can effect changes. Even in the physical Then there would be not the A. A. BOBACK hesitation in a movethe wake of his anti-Semitic propaganda. .-.Mere: common sense realm this is true. How man has changed the very face of slightest ment of all the allied fleets to THE ITALIAXS ABE should have told the blatant priest that a latent anti-Catholic- nature in certain cases! He levels mountains, raises the val- save these members of the human DIFFERENT in deep and immediate disI have already had occasion to ism could be aroused to militancy'in this, country.as easily as leys and the plains, dries up lakes and parts of the ocean, race tress. observe that the Jews during the : changes the courses of. rivers, modifies and rides the winds, anti-Semitism. ••: '•'_'••" • .: ' '.'.';_ ' .''.,•• But this is not an iceberg or a Dark Ages were treated better in which has been ripped away. Italy than in any other of the Since Puritan times "Papistry',' has been a word; with which harnesses the lightning," controls and utilizes the very currents plate The passengers—men, women and major countries. Until the presof the airp The wizardry of a Luther Burbank produces new to conjure. Presidential elections-have been: lost by ; merely children—are Jewish. It is not ent artificial anti-Semitic program branding, a candidate with the word "Kome." However, since species of flowers and fruits. New races of animals have been an accident of nature but an in- emerged, there have never been, human equation which has put to my knowledge, any profession1?28 there has been a noticeable decline in anti-Catholic agita- produced. And man has changed, his appearance and character them in deadly peril. It is quite al Jew-baiters in Italy. Such attipn.y By'the defeat of. Al Smith the .White House was saved and converted the jungle into abodes of health, beauty and true that when the St. Louis gets titudes of hates seem foreign to j back to Hamburg these 900, with the people that has given birth from - a "Papal attempt" and Protestantism made secure — happiness by. what we call "civijization." possibly a few exceptions, will not and music. : Particularly in the moral spnere does man have power. die immediately. They will starve to Itpainting temporarily at least. . " .'."'".:'.'. , would be difficult to imagine slowly, since they have already Raphael, Titian, Leonardo da ;: Not even Father Coughlin's. radio broadcasts" in the early This is his true realm, for the exertion of his activity, his intelVinci, Michelangelo, Vivaldi, the years of the depression • or his malicious and unjustified at- ligence, and.his untrammelecl will. The Eabbis of old asserted Scarlattis tainted with the germ of prejudice. It is probably the tacks onsthe^person of the President were quite enough to stir that man was ''a partner of God in the work of creation." Geins of th© Bible artistic strain in the Italian peoThis does not mean the physical creation, although as already up old hatreds.' But now, hard on this radio priest's • newest ple- which beeps them emotionally attempt to acquire political influence, has been-his hoodlum explained eves here man has direct influence even upon the balanced on racial questions. In Dr. FhsM® Slae? no other country had the Jews in method of peddling the sheet blasphemouisly, called "Social seemingly, fixed, unalterable form and character of the physical the past century risen to equal Justice"'and his vicious assault on Anieri^ii iTewry. : ..-••• universe. Man is to build the moral universe, to match the prominence. BIBLE physical, in,beauty, in all manner of harmonious excellence. The anti-Semitic plague, which The wise in heart will receive always found its most favorable At present it is virgin soil* Its resources have been hardly Coughlinism has not just been anti-Semitism. It has been ; commandments, but a parting soil in Germany — not that the an affront to the democratic system. Cougblin is not an Ameri- tapped, its immense potentialities hardly explored, much less fool shall fall. Germans as a nation ere at heart i He v«- h o walketh uprightly aiti-Semitic — even with such a can by birth and is perhaps not even an Ainerican citizen. Yet exploited.: In many respects it is still a jungle, with.its savage •walketh securely, but he who for- skillful germ transplanter as lie has imposed himself on the American scene and attempted instincts, its murderous "hate, its bloody cruelties. The world is saketh reproof erreth. Mussolini, appears to make little j tongue of the righteous is headway in Italy; for anti-Semit- j to direct both ihternal affairs:and foreign relations, as though still in the first stages of true civilization. Think of the wars as The choice silver. The heart of ism is far from indigenous to the | that ravage mankind or even the threats of war that cause the wicked is little worth. only he has been endowed with the talent of governing. • inhabitants of the Sunny South, j Again and again, it becomes clea- • He has not hesitated to make common" cauBe with Ameri- man constant terror! Think of the prejudices that separate TALMUD that there are national types of ca's greatest enemies. and democracy's destr oyers-r-the ' Nazis man from.man, race from race, nation from nation! Think of It was written in the memo- behavior; and on reading the c of Rabbi Joshua Ben gest of events from month tc and the Fascists. It is no case of mistaken 'identity that he the persecution of helpless minorities, the oppression of the randum Levi: "He who was born on the month, we cannot help but admire weak by. the strong, the exploitation by the able and powerful has been cheered at Bund meetings and welcomed by the &va$r-: first day of the week will be the Italian resistance to- the viruentirely good or grossly lent grafting of a Nazi Jdeolog: ican Nazis as a buddyr-though the Nazi government is dedi- of the less resourceful, the-more: trusting and innocent, the either bad (depending entirely on the under the azure skies of fair Ital;. ruthless robbing and despoiling by the Tinscrupulous of those cated to the wiping out of the Catholic-church in Germany. environment) because light and Toscanini, possibly the greatest darkness were created on the first living Of late Coughlin has become more militant in his efforts. of a more.tender.conscience, a more morally sensitive nature! day. Italian, was ths first to He who was born on the his mettle when the racist , He has come out as a full-fledged anti-Semite and is slowly "Man's inhumanity to man" does, indeed, "make countless second day of the week will be a show man, for. on the sec- jungle lav/ superseded the Wet-; adopting the methods of street gangsterism that brought Hitler millions mourn" and keeps ^he world in its present low stage quarrel-some ond day of the week the division mar constitution in Germany. We ; of yet undeveloped qualities, of unrealized latent possibilities. to power. He has enlisted in'his following the scum of the of water took place (which have, however, had ample proof ;j If a "pax'tner">man has been hitherto only a "sleeping partner;" shows disagreement). He who of the Italian' spirit of fair play gutters and to them has been given the task of defacing Jewish •was born on the third day of the in other acts cf outstanding men when, the blind .creature awakes, what a transformation will synagogues. Crowning a series of incidents that involved week will be rich and -of a vol- in the land of the Caesars, as well be effected! Man will have begun to lay the moral foundauptuous disposition, because all as of the population at.large. Coughlin followers was the invasion of a Philadelphia meeting grass came forth on the third day A few Koscs Amosg the TJioras From the Contemporary Jewisr sponsored by liberal clergymen. Although,named the "City of tions of that higher world, that truer, better, happier human (•which are abundant in number .without distinction). He who Record, whicn is a resiarkab'y Brotherly Love" Philadelphia has traditionally been the capi- society.of which its nobler spirits have dreamed, to which its but was bora ca the fourth day cf thorough review of events affecttal of anti-Catholic feeling, and this litest incident was all poets and prophets have given divine expression, in comparison the week will be a scholar and a ing the Jews throughout the with; which the physical cosmos with its stars and flowers and bright man, because on this day world, I cull the, following facts that was needed to inflame a smouldering opinion. ; singing birds and material marvels is but an emblem, a sugges- the luminaries were hung up in relating to the Jews in Italy: Just because the lunatic fringe is at present obsessed with tion, an inspiration. "When I behold Thy hesvens,' the moon heaves. He who was born on the Marinetti, noted poet and aday o* the. week will be a intiinate of J.Iiissolini, denounces anti-Semitism, it does not mean that the antiiCatholics have and the stars which Thou hsst created; what is nan-that Thou fifth charitable man because on. this anti-Semitic policies and appeals b$en inactive. Each mail brings such propaganda, much from thinkest of him? Yea, ths con of men theb Thou art aindful day ths fishes and the fowls were j to the ; eopie to disregard rccist created (the fish fall' for any!decrees. responsible and recognized agencies, protesting. aid to CathTlxe majesty of maa outstrips tlie glory; and the bait). He who was born on the! II Tevere reports exclusion of olic schools, protesting the resumption of diplomatic relations grandeur of all creation! Ee h a creature endowed hy his sixth day will be aeaious in the j 1,000 from Fascist party for pufceseeutioTS of religious duties, Ke j lie criticism of anti-Jewish laws. with the Vatican, protesting the appearance' of Ambehr^dor Maker with intellect, with intelligence, with cr-piration, with who "was born on the Sabbath day i Milan, Florence and Venice afK Kennedy at the "Papal coronation. The Spanish %var did much •will bo a! great and'pious man. I filiates of Society, o f Protection

classics. Mannheimer's of Public Morality protest against tolci vldi eCiectivs technique immoral anti-Semitic pictures pu b me in ore significant. It is iished in Difesa della v plus. That "pluB" is the obliges La pressure by petrous i'cter ecvistior. which does not Scala Opera in Kiian to rescind form the beauty but rather can1 ,ct order barring Jews. ;pees i'. aa the crown of Its Little popular support r anti- end Semitic policies reported. and draw neat! Italian . shopkeepers and cusborne down by are tomers reported resisting efforts to label stores as "Arras." Public fails to co-operate in implement- Anr" eexh. cioes at the other leerj; ing decree forbidding Jews access is "it ny- ttu-p. yet? to public places. Seven young Jews sentenced to Tlie**- <!.-• not know, what is the clock? two and three-year terras in _concentration camp for assaulting The penfirfjiirn forgot to rock actor who insulted Jews; on stage Tney'r.-e or.'.y waiting for the of Roman theater. Popular opposition to ?v.n- Es it, mw tv-vn yet? Semitism evA rytr^.ttj for ,7evi> in darkness as in a tomb evidenced at Mile-* depot, wbea. They s3t a re crowd bids farewell to departing X'fter - themselves a part of pioom roreign Jews. Nazi tourist who tired to eject. The first stone cracks into the room: aged Jew from Milan trailer beatIt Is your turn now. en by passengers. Tot: will see the poern conslBts Massimo Bontempelli, n O t c d writer a n d . musician, expelled oC cr.ly three staccato quatrains from Fascist party and his books in tetrameter with a triple rhyme, banned, following letter to Mus- while the short refrain of each solini condemning racial legisla- verse carries the suspense, which comes io an abrupt end. with the tion. Governor Iialo Balbo's opposi- crash o£ the siione. How charaction, to racialism reported to have teristic of our times! spared 55,000 Libyan Jews from rorebiding lurks in every line; full impact of Italy's anti-Jewish arjfi one can just imagine what program. was going on in Poet MannheimALL, I3T TITO BIQXTI-IS er's mind, when the knock of tho All this happened only in two Gestapo, established in Prague months. The Italian Crown Prince after its occupation, spelled to who "inadvertently" picked out a, him, "It is your turn now." The Jewish wonnaed. veteran lor spe- fatality c-2 the phrase "It is your cial honors is known to be op- turn nov." is the more terrible posed to Mussolini's policies, and now becctnse it applies not only to may have not been so "inad- inrUviclna.'s hv.t to whole states vertent" after all in his choice. v-fcico wvi.sf. be on the qui vive, Finally we must advert to the Mng: themselves the obsessive splendid editorial on the quesestiOT!, "is it our turn yet?" tion of anti-Semitism which ap(Coryvisrb.t by Jewish Telepeared recently in La Notisia, the graphic Agency, Inc.) only Italian daily in the New England states. This influentk .1 newsKEBEEW POPULAR paper warned its; readers s. gainst the •wholesale defamations of the (JTA)—Hebrew is Jews which were being carried on ! he fastestorjrgrowing In in Italian circles through the |I the fcigh schools of language New York Coughlin agencies. • j according to the annual reWhere in Germany may we ask, || City, port by Dr. Theodore Huebner, has any leader risen to defend the j acting director of foreign lanJews? Or could we imagine a few ! g u a g . e s . T h e annual report German Jews beating i:p an actor j showed that Hebrew registration had ina defi at Mussolini in the manner i »™* *" which they chose to give up their ! life and which could not but imPatronize Our Advertisers. press the finer sensibilities of the Italians. Paraphrasing and sSapting a.n old Latin adsrro, we might say that the intelligent Italians love their Italy and their King, bet they Icre Justice even more SPJ RlW 36PQQ MILES —perhaps one reason why the philosophy of justice and the K7> SHE'S 9T\LL SAFE J IT branch of science dealing "with penology has been bred, If not born, on Italian soil. In sr ~F rr present conditions, one feel? rft times like exclaiming egs-in J- c i Italia, Regina Terrarv.m! , A Stirring Poem For weeks I have been fcr vrr^c | by a little poem of no more i t " - ' three short stanzas which J re-r. of all places, in confrere P7 P «-F' | column. The poet, Georg "r--~-' heimer, who inclufiefi the •>-F-=r«-. in n fetter to ET?. American 1f"1—v" perha.ps (iifi rot intend St. fo —"'blication. There was s o a e ^ i r r ! YOUi ominous, some"^'ing n E C « r r ? about the 12 li es, End nov t v r ; Srlannheimer, editor of a P-rcnc ' «r> » journal, is in a, concent-r^o- ' camp, or'maybe no longer ;P tbe . concentration camp . . . the vo~Cr ' , ,. AVE. are even more significant. j ^ Mannheimer, I understand, com- j /**"« ~ Wm. Weiner posed the poera in English. ~ Y-i-e talien the liberty to Chang" *be word "pressed" to "borne," bo r1 for the sake of the rhytb.r- rr-r ^-> diction. End, am reproducing 't FF I' one of the most, powerful e n - r- ^-iZrr JFTH DODGE mentaries of our ege. Tliere f-e Sol! Weiner great poems, beautiful poems,, r r d poems that grip. This belorgp ic the gripping ones. Some ms^ p-efer Tennyson's or Wordswo-.i-'E



1KQ €0.

Light as end os COO I, •: !VV Cress i;hc€E. Ml vhiie. ^"hits gecyeci up vith brovn. Perforcned Scjrjialkecl. Sis©* Seiem.


Alpha Gamma Chi



spring. Eileen Zevitz vrss, candidate for O-Club Sweetheart. The sorority was represented in the Maie Day GreeS Variety show by "Lillian Monovitz, Etta Soiref, Esther Steinberg a n d Eileen Zevitz. Esther Steinberg, who graduated this June, received a senior award for distinction in services rendered to the school and for outstanding scholastic achievement. Miss Steinberg has been active in musical circles and has served as secretary of Kappa Mu Lambda, . honorary musical fraternity. She and her sister, Florence, presented a recital at the Joslyn Memorial this year. Celia Lipsman and Mrs. William Rosenbaum were inter-sorority council members for this year, and Pauline Rosenbaum a n d Esther Steinberg were ' R o u n d Table representatives. The officers for the past 'year have been Celia Lipsman, president; Mrs. William Rosenbaum, vice-president; Esther Steinberg, secretary; Pauline Rosenbaum, treasurer, and Sylvia Weiner, historian. The newly elected officers for the coming school year include: Pauline .Rosenbaum, president; Etta Soiref, vice-president; Eileen Zevitz, secretary; Celia Lipssan, treasurer, and Lillian Monovitz, historian. The Round Table representative is to be Esther Morris, and Celia Lipsman is to continue as representative in the Inter-Sorority Council.

With the official closing of the year's work at the University of Omaha, Alpha Gamma Chi immediately plunged into its rush season. The presentation of a rush tea on June 11 honoring all high school graduates began the rush BBUBBJf-COLTOFF FKAMKLE-WISIBOUB Individual rushing, Miss Jeanette Coltotf, daughter . Mr. and Mrs: Max Wintroub of activities. ot Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Coltoff, Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, pricate parties, picnics and swim became the bride o t Hy Reuben, announce the marriage of their get-togethers are on' the summer's son: o£ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reu- daughter, Rose, to Mr. Milton S. calendar. ben, on Sunday, June 11, a t the Frankle, son of -Mr. Abe Frank!* Alpha Gamma Chi has enjoyed Jewish Community Center. Rabbi of Des Moines, la. a full and successful year. It David A. Goldstein officiated. off the school year by The ceremony toot place • in started , . The bride wore a - white lace New YorK City on Friday, June 9, pledging eight "• girls: Lee Fellgown with a three-quarters length at the Temple Emanuel with Dr. man, Ethel Kadis, Vicki Lerner, Geulah Meiehes, Lillian MonovelL Sha carried a bouquet of Glazcr officiating. vitz, Esther Morris. Rhea Schnei•white roses and lilies of the valThe bride's only attendant was der and Etta Soiref. ley. her sister. Gerry. Mr. Jack SimMatron of honor -was Mrs. Hy- mons of New York was best man. Lillian Monovitz and Esther man Coltoff. Sam Reuben was Morris served as- president and best man. secretary, respectively, of the KOOM-MOKOFSKY Following the ceremony a famMiss Doris Mokofsky, daughter pledges. A pledge dance known ily dinner was held. . Later there of Mr. and. Mrs. Ben Mokofsky, as the "Dopey Swing" was prewas a reception and dance. For became the bride of Morris Koom, sented in the school auditorium their -wedding trip the couple son of Mrs. Joseph Koom, on Sun- on November 18 and 200 bids went to Storm Lake, Iowa. They day. Rabbi Dayid A. Goldstein were issued. The pledges also are now residing a t the home of performed the ceremony at his entertained the actives and alumthe bride's parents. , ni at a slumBer party at the home. Out-of-town guests at the cereRome hotel. This was followed Attending the bride were Mrs. mony Included Mr. Ben Spiegal Charles Lieb and Miss Muriel by informal initiation of the and Mr. and Mrs. John Spiegal Mokofsky. pledges, on February 8, at the of Springfield, 111., and Mrs. B. groomsman. Charles Lieb w a s home of Mrs. A. C. Fellman. On Hymanson and daughter, Ruth, Following a reception at the March 9 a formal initiation banof Anoka, Minn. Mokofsky home, Mr. and Mrs. quet took place at the Fontenelle Koom left for Denver and Estes hotel. BABENDURE-STEIN Park. Alpha Gamma Chi presented its Miss.Helen C. Stein, daughter sixth annual formal dance on of Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Stein, on ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH April 13 at the Cheraot ballroom. Sunday /became the bride o£ Har- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katelman of Two.hundred and fifty bids were ry Babendure, son of Mr. and Council Bluffs announce the Bar issued. Council Mrs. Abe _Babendure of Fremont. MiUvah of their son, Stanley, at At a lovely candelight cereTie. ceremony took; place "at the the Chevra B'nai ' Yisroel syna- mony at the home of Lee FellB'nal Israel synagogue. Rabbi gogue, Saturday, July 1, at 9:30 man, installation of officers was Members of the board of diDavid A. Goldstein and. Cantor A. a. m. held on May 14, and immediately rectors of the Omaha section of Schwacztih officiated. A reception will be held on following the installation a moth- the National Council of Jewish : Mrs, Harry J. Freed was mat- Sunday, July 2," from 2 until 5, er-daughter tea was held. Women were announced by Mrs. ron of honor, and Miss Bernice and from 7 until 10, at their A joint social meeting was held Ben Silver, new president of the Rottstein of Des Moines -was maid home, 601 Willow avenue, Coun- on June 8 with the Beta Tau organization. ol honor. Mrs. Max Stein, sister- cil Bluffs. They are: Mesdaines Sain ApKappa fraternity. in-law ot the bride, was a bridesMany of the sorority girls have pleman, A. H. Brodkey, Edward maid. ' , distinguished themselves on the Brodkey, Frederick Brodkey, DaENGAGEMENT ' Philip Babendure was his ANNOUNCE campus both scholastically and in vid Cohen, F. C. Elitan, A. D. At a family dinner on Sunday brother's best man. Harry Res- Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Myerson extra - curricular activities. At Frank, Philip Gilinsky, Arthur nick and; Mas Stein -were ushers. announced the engagement of present five of the girls hold Goldstein, Ben Goldware, Manuel Mas Guttman, Joseph Following a trip to Colorado daughter, Hannah, to Mr. scholarships to the university: Grodinsky, and the Black Hills, Mr. and Mrs. their Celia Lipsman, Geulah Melches, Hornstein, Morris Jacobs and P&il Pollay, son of Mrs. Gnssie Babendure "will reside - in Fre- Pollay. Esther Steinberg, Etta Soiref and Sam Josephson. • » mont. Also Mesdames M. Katleman, Eileen Zevitz. V i c k i Lerner, Miss Myerson is a graduate of Leonard Klein, Reuben KulakofPauline Rosenbaum a n d Etta South High. sky, Harry Malashock, Albert Soiref were signally honored at ANNOUNCE BIRTH; No wedding date has as yet a student convocation for achiev- Newman, Henry Newman, Julius Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Greenberg been chosen. ing unusually high scholastic rec- Newman, Tneoaore Newman, Haro£ Houston, Tex., announce the old Pollack, Isadore Roseatlial, ords. birth of a daughter, Judith Nata- GO TO TEXAS Max Shapiro, Harry Shumow, B. lie, on June 2. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haykin. Active in Feathers chapter of A. Simon, Julius Solomon, Julius Mrs. "Greenberg was formerly left last Friday by motor for Phi Sigma Chi, national pep or- Stein, Abe Venger, I. W. Weiner, Anne Greenberg .of Omaha. Wichita Falls, Tex. ganization, are Celia Lipsman, Isidore Zeigler and" Miss Hazel newly elected president of the pep Degen. VISITING PARENTS Mrs. J. M. Baker, formerly o£ chapter; Lillian Monovitz, Pauline Officers previously announced '. Mr. Morris Sherman and sons, Omaha and now a resident of Rosenbaum and Eileen Zevitz. Include: Mrs. Ben Shapiro, Mrs. Howard, Richard and Buddy, of Denver, was in Omaha visiting Etta Soiref has been elected to Milton Mayper and Mrs. Harry Chicago, are visiting at the home Mr. and Mrs. Sam Novak. She represent the sorority In the chap- Malashock, vice-presidents; Mrs. ol Mr. Sherman's parents, Mr. is accompanying them on their ter for next year. Celia Lips- David R. Cohen, treasurer; Mrs. and Mrs. Julius Sherman. . They eastern trip. man and Lillian Monovitz w e r e Louis Sogolow, recording secreintend to remain about 10 days. delegates to the national conven- tary; Mrs. I. H. Weiner, cortion at Manhattan, Kans. responding secretary; Mrs. Sam GUEST HERE FROM SAN DIEGO Miss Fradine Goldstein of Lillian Monovitz served as pres- Josephson, auditor; Mrs. J. H. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gross a n d Wichita, Kans., is visiting the ident of the Dramatic club, and Kulakofsky, Mrs. Sam Gilinsky, daughter, Sonia, of San Diego, Misses Shirley and Lois Barish. Eileen Zevitz w a s treasurer. Mrs. Sam Wolf, Mrs. Morris Cal., -are visiting relatives here. Esther Steinberg was also an ac- Katleman and Mrs. J . E. Cohen, tive member. All three girls had directors. VISITING IN LINCOLN HOUSE-GUEST Etta Garelick, Mickey Gold- the honor of being chosen memThe Council Is providing the "Miss "Harriet Cpbn has as berg and Betty Kuklin are spend- bers of the cast of the play, "Post fee to keep a child at the Jewish house-guest this-week Miss Bev- ing five days ; in ' Lincoln as the Road." Community Center camp for three erly Marcus of Auburn, Neb. A guests,of Miss Eleanor. Robinson. Those preparing to enter the weeks this summer. A contribunumbed- of: affairs-have "b effar teaching profession who are mem- tion was also made to the Fresh planned' in Miss Marcus's honor. WEEK-END GUESTS bers of Sigma Pi Phi, national Air camp. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Appelbaum educational fraternity are: Celia BETURN HOME and three sons, Martin, Robert Lipsman, Lillian Monovitz and To eta Lambda The Misses Phyllis and Esther and Lawrence of Winnetka, 111., Esther Steinberg. ' Lewis returned to their home in were the. week-end guests of Mr. Affiliated with the Women's A meeting of the Theta LamhCleveland after being the guests Appelbaum's sister, Mrs. Samuel Athletic association are: Lee Fellda was held on Tuesday at the -lor two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan. man, Rose Karshenbaum, C e l i a home of Ethel Kadis. A, Smith and family. Lipsman, Geulah Meiehes, Lillian Plans •were discussed for a Monovitz, Libby Ruback a n d wiener roast to be held in the TO COAST Sylvia Weiner. near future. Mr. and Mrs. M. Adler left for Active also in journalism a r e : a two-month stay in California. Lillian Monovitfc, Esther Steinberg and Eileen Zevitz, all of By Mrs. David BL Newman ON COLORADO VACATION whom are on the staff of the - Mrs. I. M. Weiner and her sis"Gateway." Miss Monovitz and ter, Miss Betty Lipp, are leaving Miss Zevitz served as activities Salmon In Sour Cream Complete 24 Hour Service Saturday for Denver and Estes 1 large can salmon, season editors of the "Tomahawk,"' anWorfe and Quality Guaranteeo Park. nual year book. with pepper and salt. FREE ESTiMATES Celia Lipsman, Lillian Mono1 tablespoon lemon juice. ON EASTERN TRIP SAIsl J . YGOSEia '% pint sour cream over vitz, Mrs. William Rosenbaum SANITARY PLUMBING & Mr* and Mrs. Sam Novak and andPour and Eileen Zevitz are all active bake for 20 minutes. HEATING CO. son, Harold, left during the week members of the French club. AT 2 3 4 4 for an extensive eastern trip. Esther Steinberg was a candidate • Date and Nnt Pudding' 1G2SH> CsplSsl AYS. They will be gone a b o u t six for Ma-ie Day Princess t h i s 1 cup dates, cut up. weeks. % cup nuts, chopped. 4 tablespoons flour. AT A. Z. A. CAMP 1 cup. sugar. Manuel Himelstein, N o r.m a n 3 eggs. Kuklin, Leo Sherman, Milton Say2 teaspoons baking powder. Ian and Jack Epstein left last 4 tablespoons cracker crumbs. Saturday for the A. Z. A. camp Combine sugar, flour a n d at Port Jervis, New York. They cracker crumbs. A d d beaten will visit the New York World's yolks, dates and nuts. Fold 2n Fair before returning to Omaha beaten whites, pour in a buttered on July 3. loaf pan and bake. Sixteenth at Harney LEAVES FOR MIAMI BEACH Patronize Our Advertisers. Mrs. Julius Hornstein l e f t Tuesday for Miami Beach, Fla., where she will be the guest of Cordially Invite You and Your INVEST SAFEUY. WISEI.Y IN Mrs. Louis Appet. JOSLYN MEMORIAL At 2:30 in the lecture hall of the Joslyn Memorial three sound films, "Summer Outing," "Village Symphony" and "Johannes Brahms," will be shown. A 4 o'clock organ program will be given in the concert hall.



Friday, June 23 10till 5 Costume Suits, a s vriU he seen in Vogue, will b e modeled on Living Mannequins in our French Room. 9 oo

Tin cinrriM ejusse o? THB * •

*—ner« azr'"~*

Sam Feilrnan, S552 Cass,

A. 2. A. iOO

\ r

Junior A. Z. A. 1




V ~ r-



' Ausiliary Workmen's Circls, 2SS

The dratring of a set .of dishes sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of Branch 25S, "Workmen's Circle, •will be held on Sunday afteracn, Jnne 25, at 4 o'clock at Hansccm Park. The dratring •will take place at a joint picnic of the Auxiliary and Branch 258.

Tfcis Ae



O P *




'* t' -

Ne2y Don voiles, laces, rayon sheers, batistes, fc * «are froihy bits of loveliness to keep you- cooL. » a refreshed , , , regordfess ' of

Nefly Don print.in tranquil pastels . . . blue, rose and chartreuse . . . in sizss 12 to 44.

The Qlainorous Singing Star





The Hadassah Gift Fund chair- •will be hostess to members of the man, Mrs. M. F. Levensou, an- j Women's Alizrachi and t h e i r nounces the following contribu- friends at her home on Monday, ! tions, to the Jewish. National Fund June ZB, at a dessert-luncheon New York (WNS)—One luin- broken on. J u n e th. Dv. Den j and benefit triage. Trees Fund: I tired thousand Jev-'s have leZt K ' o k s ? - ? i ^ v ^ ;•>!.•>! o f [?)f- o o n j : x Mrs. John Friedea, Mrs. J. •Proceeds from the affair -vrill Austria SE the 14 months since t i n t s . Lieb, Mrs. Joe Gilinsky, Mrs. I. be turned over to th© crganiza- Anschluss, according to Harold Collender, New York Times corPearlmutter, Mrs. M. Friedea in ; tion. Mrs. Fellms.ii is being assisted memory of Mrs. Dobie Friedraa.ii. Mrs. Rose Friedman Levins, in t y Mrs. M.'Art7.trri.pn, cprfl r?rty tre" icr^lnr ^v.z'M:"r\ "• | c * E ;>•>,-- {-?c r ,-.-. Erc - •- .;memory of her aunt, Mrs. Doby chairman. Friedman. The Sunday Night Social geoup ° years,. through Mrs. J. J. Friedman, ia memory of Mrs. Dobie Friedman. The regular weekly d i n n e r The Thursday afternoon Youth dance of the Highland Country masr Aliyah Social group tfcrongn Mrs. club will be held tomorrow. Mu- CCC ." Max Fromkln, in memory of Mrs. sic for the dancing will be fcr- j ^.^-,.'5. che~i'".pi''«= i—T Dobie Friedman. gets its -r?--r~reTfaeTtf. S. C. club tnrougn Miss tra. I > Hermlne Hirschzaan, ia zseiaory of Mrs. Dobie Friedman. The delegation to the Southwestern Regional conference held Leon sxd Krs. JET- te&ashoctz •l0 ~nc Y l\V i • , in Kansas City May 1 and 2. vrere n a m e d h o s t e s s e s for t.fc.e I _ />, t i i . t Jf-" ^ T. ';,_-,'-' MrE. William Raccziner in hon- L a d i e s ' d a y , l a s t W e d n e s d a r . Pv " l^i " i"l ? ^ , , . " ' - i-; • • - " ---"- : ' - " ?r'r or of the confirinatioa of Miss '"here -will be the reg-ular Ladies' ' " ^ i-SC--« 1 Loraine Abrasason. day luncheon this coxcing Wed- | i^^. '^.Jinpe ETC r ^ f ' ^ f hey Committees to Be Announced nesday. | remote places "ii-p " r Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, president ] the younger o~e: r f of the Orna&a Chapter of Hadas| gamble on the i-.-i.~e sah, will announce her standing ate, f : C committee' chairman during the ! II next week upon her return from The drawing for an electric j &~? k i r - d cf ."iofcChicago, wsere sbe has been perculator set, scheduled by A. j S o m e a r e ^'f-31- -'" :"'' spending the last three weeks, S. A. Chapter No. 100 for Satur- j * a ™ v o r k vhilf Yt,:..*.;^. Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman of dar, J u n e 10, ha# been postponed £"s.iion, for IE U_; i_-.. c_ the financial committee in charge until Monday evening, July 10. stances n ^ n y Vi". ^ ' T I - i^^of dues collection, is working The drawing vrill bs held at chap- | 'or rears, ..very diligently during the Eura- ter meeting, S p. in., at the Jevr- i mer in order to get the paid up isli Community Center. ' ^VU.C^t member mark to 50 0. When the Proceeds cf the dratring -will | ^ *' ' *> goal is passed a party will be go to purchase an American flag given for all paid up members. for the disabled vrs.r veterans ol Members who wish to pay 'their Oins.ha. The flag now cv;ned t y I Forest Kills, >7. dues may call Mrs. Simon, GL t t e veterans is torn acfi raggeS, 117£5, Beniamir. Frrr 1028. end, without a nevr one they will j tributed ?£5 tc " V IThe tinahle to march is parades j tion of p neir r'T^r^: at their national conremicn in j Mifereh Israel r<--r-« Boston nest month. j PhUafielphia. More than r ? r ••<= A special meeting of the A. Z. Clrcie i • A. 1 Jnnior chapter took place Braacli 693-E — t on Tuesday at the Jewish Community Center. A business meetThe Tocng TTortmen's Circle, i ing •vras held and neT officers elected. Kefresb.ine-.ts -were Branch 690-E, fceld a Euccessful | wiener roast at Carter Lake last ( served. • i Bobby Lasere is the new presi- . Saturday. of the organisation i dent. Other officers are: D a n areMeetings held ererr first snd third I Iy cccig-iscc1 t n " Katzrnan, vice-president; Norsian "STednesday of the month &i the | Polonsky, secretary; N o r m a n Lyceum, Twenty-B e c c n f l i Wolilner, treasurer; Bernard JDH- Labor and Clark streets, and £.re open ! isi and Ervrin Witfciri, sergeants- to the public. - . | at-arms; Harvey Hoffman, repornest meeting will be held j ter. Harvey Leon, Stanley Tur- onThe Cr--: Wednesday, Jely c, et £:£C kel, Irving Nogg, Hasliell Lazere and Irving "WoMser are advisory. Former officers -were: Albert White, president; George Schol- 'd£^t cf ihs Trieste (Ii.2.1;} ch^ni- ! nick, vice-president; Bobby From, l^^ __, kin, secretary; Norman Polonsky, ! bsr cf cor:nsrc£. treasurer; Bobby Lazere and Calvin Breit, sergeaats-at-ams, and Herbert Dolgoff, reporter. The next meeting -"rill be held on Tuesday, July 11, at 7:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center,


From Goo. wbfos Sscncsa end Serf Corroll Vanities vi *>

FrankUn'B great -grept-g r P grandson. Franklin Bache l ington, emulated bis diPUngiu ancestor \v; F-nnPupciiif: P t.ritivt\nv. to tr^ hniif'^Tr fn^


Friends to a Special Advance Showing of

Annuity, Endowment. U f a Represents 21- strong Companies— Every Type of Insuranca and Bonds Written. CAUL AT 7657 or WA 5150 City Finance C Insurance Co.


i I

I; !i


Escloslve Here In Omaha' $1SS to $MSS

KER2BERG Fifth Floor

trnity of seeing the entire fall line of these Carman exclusive costume suits, but of individually placing orders with Mr. Block ia one's exact size and color.








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SALVAGE SHIP^—Scene on deck of the salvage ship Falcon, that hovers over the sunken submarine Squolus, with its cargo of 26 dead, off the New Hampshire coast. In center background is decompression chamber for divers. Work is progressing to move sub to shallow water.

j --



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CALIOUrLAGED—Camouflaged from observation of Japanese airplane machine gunners is this fighting Chinese woman of Kwangsi Province. With her sub-machine gun she is harassing the invaders in effective guerilla werfere.








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SOFT AS SILK — Strange creature in the Nature's Mistakes exhibit at the New York Fair is Adonis, above, a bull whose skin is hairless and as soft as silk. Cold cream is applied as weekly protection, with frequent milk baths..






AID FROM T K i CLOySS—New help to merr cf the Forestry Service end other frre tTfhters wcrking in'places inaccessible t© fend vehicles 5s plennea by use of eirp!e~es which wiH bring water, food and other necesscrics jind drcpp them by parachute. Tests were recerfiy rnede at Santa Berbara, C«!., es «bove. A t lett, Fi'et Harold C. King sights tercet end et

SPORTSMAN—Mayor o f Florida's newest and wealthiest village, I n d i a n C r e e k , near Miami, is David J . Moiloy, retired Chicago manufacturer. He was elected by a score of the nation's richest sportsmen, including John J. Raskob, Walter O. Briggs and Charles F. Fisher. Village was recently incorporated. ^



, i


SPIRIT OF THE FOURTH—Preparing for festivities on Independence Day, Marie Wilson of the movies provided herself with this patriotic costume. She displayed it during a recess from picture-making on a. Warner Bros. lot. .


S —Tanera de Urapicka, Polish Bareness Kwfner, who has arrived in America where her paintings ere bc!nc shewn in Chicago, Lcs Anceles and San Francisco. Sbz has been invited by the Depertment of Fino Arts, CerreZ'.o Institute, Pittsburgh, *e exhibit her wcrk.

{ V ,


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IfJ EPFIGY—Reports that curtailed Federal Relief appropriations' might mean abandoning of WPA art projects in New York, on which 7,000 men and women are employed, caused this parade on Broadway. Effigies are of Congressmen Woodrum, Virginia and Tabor, New York.







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OMSIN ZURICH 'TOO—Switzerland also has an international exposition.. It's at Zurich and will be open until Oct. 29. Having fun at the fair aro these pretty Swiss Maidens, dressed in »«>• urt* # • • « » T -w*» »—••*»

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rno%'!£s were slier;-! ves Cc* ard perscTiib's chfrrr;. K f crcup f t ihe SifY-cht Reef With Mrr is ^ " s . l-'ic'ccry sccierfe.









moment pulls trtcciP" reverse- Isiah*, parachute cerryinq supplier fiortf fp p^rth- F^ftom, parachvtp has Itindft! fnd mer en firP line carry ev-'cy si'ppiies, Tps^s vnre sn successful that not en ecc! was crfickec;. Fsclerfl! authorities cstirrif *P nation's f1"e i^ss IPF* yenr between 25 sns 45 milSic1?! cioi'crs- Nffi-iv aH the fires were result f f cerelrssr!f ss.

. , o ,.„

. .



HEADY 7© nUP©?.?—Sparcoon I Spud) Chandler, ycunc New York Yankees pitcher, timbering up ct h:s hsma in CcrncrsKo f r e s h e d ill Ga., G preparatory.fo t f reporting ti tto h' K ville, h's iiczn. b ! an .ankle on.ynF.yersity-Qj ©eor^i'i r r r c ^ . ~""« Sl«

c^« «• {nfcrreiJc cl P.cr-r„"•£?•<• C r


By HELEN 23GMOND • Hollywood —- I t ' wasn't long a;;o that Parkyakarkus made the unheard-of leap from executive advertising man in the furniture business of Boston to top-notch Greek comedian o't the airways in Hollywood. People have wondered how he so successfully made this sharp transition. He explains that the switch Isn't as drastic as it seems. Parky's Theory of Laughter "Being a comedian is hard work. It requires concentration, stickto-it-iveness, quick thinking, a sense of humor, and an understanding of human beings. All these traits, you'll notice, are also requisites for Q successful busi< ness- man.' A business man keeps tab on current situations . . . is a keen student of affairs. No comedian can get by for long unless he bases his jokes on timely events, and makes his characters — not matter how ridiculous — thoroughly human. "A successful business man holds no brief for temperament. He may want to play golf rather than work, but he'll, stick to his desk and finish his work. Likewise, there's little fun in this comedy business. It's a matter of putting the seat of your pants to the seat of your chair . . . and •writing, -writing, writing . . . until you've finished the script . . . even though there may be a dozen more interesting .things you'd rather do. , "Now in this matter of being funny — what to say and how to say it. How many times have you left a party, gone home, and then thought of all the witty things you- might have said? It's a common occurence. Most of us have a • Bidden desire to be great at repartee. : So one must study the technique of comedians. The Material "First o n e muBt eliminate cliches, those -worn-out phrases which are a dead weight to s p a r k l i n g conversation: 'So, what?', 'Oh yeah?', 'Says you,' •You -wouldn't fool me,' 'I'll tell the world,* 'C'mon, be your age,' and other decrepit comebacks. "On the other hand, the pun, which some people consider the lowest form of wit isn't that at all. A pun is quick, to the point, and produces an instantaneous laugh. It is an ancient custom and has been used by experts in wit. Don't be ashamed of a pun —if i t is good. A complete knowledge of punning technique leads to facility in other types of clever rejoinders. The- Delivery "The manner of delivery for the amateur jokesmith is very important. Nothing can kill a clever remark more quickly than a smug expression, on the face


o Sports

J. C. C. SOFTBAXI/.liEAGUE Won Lost Breslow Auto Glass... 6 O Leavenworth. Market. . 5 1 S. A. M. 4 3 A. Z. A. (100) 3 4 A. Z. A. <1) -...-. 1 5 B'nai B'rith O 6

The Breslow Auto Glass continues to lead the J. C. C. Softball league with six straight victories and no defeats. In last week's encountes, the Breslow'E hammered the A. Z. A. No. 100 aggregation all over the ball yard to h.and them a defeat by the score of 14 to 3. The Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity ten was successful in their game with the A. Z. A. No. 1, winning by an 8 to 4 count. The B'nai B'rith team rose to unexpected heights to defeat the VLeavenworth Market club by the *• score of 7 to 6, but due to the use of ineligible players the Marketer's were awarded the game by the score of 9 to 0. The schedule for nest- Sunday's game,. June 25, is as follows: Breslow Auto Glass vs. B'nai B'rith, Thirty-second and Dewey. A. Z. A. No. l vs. A. Z. A. No. 1OO, Thirty-thirtl nnd Cass. Leavenworth Market \ r s. Sigma Alpha Ma, Columbus Park.

of its conceiver. nor a set of giggles to preface the iemark. The 'dead pan' delivery is the most effective, and the one most used by successful comedians. Try it and reap a reward in laughs. The Object "Nothing clinches the success of a joke as much as making fun of yourself. It established you aa a good sport, a person who can take it, a sympathetic character whom everyone likes. Bob Hope, George Burns, Jack Benny, all use this 'underdog*' system. The ridicule is always pointed at them, rather than at those about them. Not only does it build up a better laugh, but a better -ersonality."

FAIR NOTES: If you visit the Bellgan pavilion, don't pass up the gorgeous diamond display . . . Its director is Isidore Lipschuts Of Antwerp, noted diamond dealer . . . And when you go to the Polish pavilion, dou't miss the ballet . . . In which one of the dancers is Nina Youtschkevitch, daughter of Simeon Youtschkevitch, famous Polish Jewish playwright. . . .

Parky- neglected to include himself in the group, but the radio public knows his Greek character for one of the dumbest and most lovable "fall guys" in comedy ranks. Timing "The professional "comedian," he continued, "besides observing all these rules, has an additional one—timing. Did you know that r. good- lauih-llne, ndt "only must carry a sock, bat must have rhythm? Besides asking ourselves if the joke is funny, we ask, Has it got rhythm? Lyrical metre is necessary to the proper telling of a Joke. The reason for this is that a joke must tall easily on the ear and be of a kind that is readily remembered and repeated. Comedians should always utilize this twist. Good timing makes a good joke stick. "One misplaced word . . . one -word too many . / . quickly spoils the lilt of a good laugh line. Ethel Merman isn'tr the only performer who must have rhythm!" His favorite humor form is the pun . . . is currently a t work on a revised "Mother Goose," decorated •with puns, and completely incomprehensible to children! He also likes the unexpected twist on a gag line: Says Parky, "Hollywood is a place where people spend more than they make to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like!" (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

TRAVEL TALE: If you should meet Edward M. M. Warburg, don't forget to ask him about his interesting encounter -with a passenger on a train from Philadelphia . . . During which the passenger, who failed to ascertain, his. fellow traveler's nams, unburdened himself of some criticism of the late F. M. W.'s philanthropic methods . . . And then, when the inevitable exchange of names took place at the parting, almost swooned of embarrassment.

seas for England and France as you are. reading this note . . . Elias M. Grossman, .the etcher, has got himself a cool spot for the snmjser . . . He'll be teaching art at Camp Csyuga, at Scttroon Lake, N. Y., and will be patting down on copper plates his impressions of the gorgeous Adirondack . . . Amoag distinguished visitors who have been sampling the gehackteh leber at Second Avenue's Cafe Royal recently is Sinclair Lewis . . . According to Len Lyons of the N. Y. Post, Eddie Cantor was to MISH-MA.SH: Dr. A. H. Silver h a v e been among the White and' family will be on the high. Houss entertainers for ths Brit-,


Life Insurant© FEATURES SHAMPOO and FINGER WAVE WAVES a t 53.50 crsd Up 716 Brandeis Thea. AT 4 3 3 3

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"^fcli Stored Effiost M o d e m CP2CJAL Q PLAIN Q

Associated with MAYOR LAGUARDIA: There are ugly rumors floating around your town that members of the police force known as "the finest" are being secretly enrolled in that Coughlin outfit euphemistically called the "Christian Front" . . . The C. P., you probably are awarei has been holding meetings In Jewish sections of the'City, at which speakers are all but openly inciting to violence against the Jews . . . Actions of some of "the finest" at such meetings, and whenever violence breaks out incident to sale of Social Justice, have been called seriously into question . . .Don't you think It's time you and Commissioner Valentine did something about it? . . . DOKTOR GOEBBELS: Y o u r propaganda efforts are being cleverly sabotaged right under your own droopy proboscis . . . Here's an example, in the event your own snoopers haven't already uncovered it . . . It concerns that precious little slogan of yours which announces that "Die Juden sind unser Unglueck" (The" Jews are bur misfortune) . . . Packing cases containing refugees' belong ings are being received in America with an un-Goebbelsy version of the slogan, prominently etched Into "planks . . . . The version, put there by, German deckhands and officials just before shipment, reads "Die Juden sind unser Glu'eck." . . . . •

ART CRITICS: If your ears are already beginning to burn, here's the explanation . . . Those of you who have been panning Jacob Epstein's products of chisel and mallet may expect to read some tart remarks about yourselves in book form . . . Epstein, whose SWIMMING - The J. C. C. swimming pool newest statue, "Adam;" h a s received an excellent rating again stirred up the usual storm, is now from the United Laboratories •working on his autobiography . . . Stating that that water in the natatoriutn is A-l. Tests of the pool TRUE STORY: A British Jew water are taken three and four addressing a luncheon drew a times daily by .the physical de- laugh from this one: "I am a partment. Jew; you are Christians. The The National Swim for Health only difference between us Is that week will be observed on June I don't go to synagogue on Sat2G to July 1. Clubs and organi- urday and you don't go to church zations who desire a time to swim on Sunday." . . . during that week get in touch /twitb Lee Grossman at once. The CONGRATULATIONS should *(s A. Z. A. No. 1 organization and Junior A. Z. A. have reserved the extended to Rabbi Jacob Preedpool for next .Tuesday night, the man of Temple Beth El, Fall Riv27th, at 7:30 p. m. The B o y cr, Mass., for lifting his congreScouts will swim Thursday, June gation out cf a Serious financial predicament in the space of one 29, at 8 p. m.. year . . . Spurred by Rabbi Freedman's success, the Fall River HANDBALL Even though the weather had Jewish" community launched the been somewhat warm, the hand- most successful United Jewish ball courts have seen a great deal Appeal campaign In its history, of action the past two weeks. almost doubling its previous inMany boys and men aee kept In take . .-.. Following which the A-l physical condition, -through- "community organized the city's - out the summer by playing hand- first Jewish- Community Council and has launched a drive for loball regularly. . -.1 charitable needs which has al.' ' .•-•' VOLLEYBALL V- ' ' • ready brought in pledges totaling §35,000, or ten times as much The volleyball activity for men as had been raised in 1937 . . . is somewhat at a low ebb during And Fall River Jewry numbers a the hot summer -days. Games and mere 800 to" 900 families, in a workouts in this. sport are ar- city which is 86 per cent Catholic . ranged for three times weekly. . . ..' While on the subject of sucVolleyball action takes place on cess stories in sm-all communities, Monday, "Wednesday and Friday this eolyumlst suggests that you at 12:20, -while on Tuesday and keep your Qye on a youns attorThursday the men's health, clubs ney named Melville Ehrliih, of can enjoy a plunge. In the "J", Port Chester, N. T. . . . who in ;


the space of a few months after he took over the presidency of the town's Zionist organization increased Its enrollment from 14 to 100 . . .

Ccl'cd for end

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nan Paxton-Mitchell Co. Foundries Brass, Bronse, Aiaciiasm, Soft Grey iron aad SesssiSteel Castings, Wood and Motal Patterns end Snob V/cijjiita carried in stock. Bronco and Cast Irca Grilles a Specialty.' -




Pace ish jcnonErchs . . . But the ar- "but unfortunately doesn't hap- er and editor of the RF' V H f ,'• rangements were cancelled at the pen to be true. -Tobofly walked de Geneve. Fi*e 71 Pip J P rnllast minute because officials out finring my sermon, although tl'T•R! rerio(?fr8i pf] irt Gelearned that Eddie -jras planning it is ,possible that they mr.y have to get in a word on Palestine wanted to go." . . . (Aside to our I-Iis brother is ilic clip.p vi?.c if . . . Dr. Albert Einstein recently usually reliable informant: Hev.' cxLibiaug; a mode' of f.hr Temple visited the World's Fcir in the about it, bo?) . . . Carl Alpcrt. or Solomon r-.i, fhf ^pi^r-'ine pscompany of Judge Irving Lehman hustling young associate editor oT Till OP. P? tTlP T o - I f " t : F'-pir . . , . . . He were gray flannel slacks >;>•?>- re>*5od1cfi*p t h a t p.re. ^--orll' and soft-soled shoes . . . RafcM | recuperating: Jroin ©n sxipendec- more than casual cxs.u'iinsuioii areIra Eisenstein gently reproves us | tomy . . . If reports in the Indian lielisdon. &.UV£u:Uv-il:*- ivrodueeS; for writing in a recent column • p^ess mar be credited, KcO'yvoofi j digest oZ r?otesif.r>t, O?fcr.;ir «m' that three Canadian B'nai B'ritli- should fee iivltinf Er.rs Mir tr j ,TfMfr.-3plr. fhoiipM. , . . ATU* i h f U o i ers walked out on bis sermon at direct a few of its films . . . Kir's Irvrooa Tribune, which i» fiosng e the Society for Advancement of latest production, ".Siiara." is be- Blambang job o£ battling bigotry Judaism because he attacked ing hailed as setting a new stand- on the coast . . . feritain s^ fascist . . . "It mak££ ard for Indian cinema entertain(Copyrifftitecl by Jewish Televery good reading," he writes. ment . . . Joshua Jehonda, writgraphic Agency, Inc.)

-r£ica are peeinn* them In at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv . . . FURNITURE HEAR YE EDDIE TALKS Somebody suggests that the Did you observe that the powrefugee - filled boats drifting erful bl&si Eddie Cantor delivered around the Greek Archipelago at the World's Fair last -week should be permitted to land.their against un-Anierioati Fascist leadpasengers oa Boise or those un- ers was totally -ignc h by the inhabited Islands, -which could be New York: Times? His serrented from the Greek govern- icus talk, incidentally, was prement . . . From those islands the ceded fcy some fine Cantoreseue refugees could then be trans- gtgs on. the trouble he had getferred to Palestine in easy instal- ting into the Fair, where he and Though we \inew it his -wife were the guests cf honments all along, It couldn't be told tin- or at Hfcfi£SE2.n Car s.t the Pales- c ^' til now that the reason -vrtiy the tine Pavilion "They call thif St. Louis refugees -weren't per- tie world of tomorrow,'1 iic mitted to land in Cuba was that cracked, "because when you trr rr c~ rrrr certain Cnbsn officials had been to get in tod'iy, you're lucky If overlooked -when the baksheesh you get in tomorrow" . . . Ever handed oat DId_yoa no- though Eddie tried to erplaifi t." tice that the White Paper makes the guard that he hs.fi to pet ir. no reference to'Arab immigration, to the Fair to make a speech J,ir. legal or illegal, into Palestine? Whalen's minion wc-nlfn't let him . . . The influx cf Arabs into Pal- in, insisting that Canter needed s estine was terrific during the special pass which he didn't days of prosperity . . . Perhaps j na7e" ." . . Finallyy .Eddie's Eddies per perthe British government draws the | sistence made him ask: "TCho are conclusion that in an Arab State you, anyvray? "I'm Eddie Canprosperity is not likely, and there- tor," was the reply, at is furfore expects no Arab immigration ther Identification the . . . Those -who expected General rolled his eyes in his character- •. Smuts of Sonth Africa to issue a istic fashion . . . But £.11 this > strong statement against t i e elicited vres s. Ej-mps,thetic comr White Pa I I. . . . The raent was BUBBLES FROM TEE it, and had lunch vith 2SC' VvOSCAULDRON en at the Cale Tel Aviv, *rlsere The Nazi retaliations against he -was given a special cake bearthe Czechs because of the murder j »n~ a model of the Palestine r. cf a Nazi policeiaan, and the es- jV ilica in white icing, yum--!: pulsion of 4,000 Polish Jews from) . , -p n i S ^r a s j n a 0 n o r of his &i Germany, were designed to set ifia*s 6»iver wedding, conceminr the European' pot boiling once -^w^ Eddie said: "For Tventymore, a view to further ap- f i v e years I've been & husband to peasement concessions . . . But Ida, but r never thought, she WEF ft.\-# * i t » v y > ftnobody rose to the bait . . . a real wife to me until three Prophets on the European situa- years ago, when she became intion predict a serious intemation- terested in the Yccta Aliyah . . . al show-down around August- 1 j yi'hen you're married to some one . Delegates teethe World Zioa-1 y c m expect her to be interestec Per V 1st Congress please note in yourself and your family, all Those in the know insist that the five of 'em, but she takes on Cr"*--" nest world war teas postponed stature when she becomes interwhen Hitler discovered that the ested in things outside cf th? Little Maginot L i n e on the family" . . . And this was nc gc.£. Czecho-Slovakian border, which is either . . . an esact replica of the F r e n c h . THIS ASD THAT Maginot Line bordering- c~. Ger,. t The Hev. William C. Kerata cf many, outclassed the German the Baycnne, N. J., EpiBCopjl'an Siegfried Line in every respect church is carrying on a cne-mtn • . . This was Each a shock to the campaign £gs.'nst German general staff that they and other subversive anti-ge decided to perfect the Siegfried movements in America . . . Ke ' Line before embarking en s,ny is becoming one of the country's F --military campaign . . . And that, most prominest radio t-?t?a' e~f, ' fr we- now are told, is how ths and has been drawing large. EUCI- I rumor started that the Siegfried ences for his addresses in r>r- ' Line had been damaged . . . While troit, Philadelphia, ' New Yrrk, London is still vacillating about Chicago and Boston . . . The rethe French-British-Soviet pact, visited N&Ei list of c: h> Germany's deeper penetration of scheduled for concentration cr.n.r Rumania goes on unabateg . . . trfcea Hitler "tsfees over" ihe THE PALESTINE 'FROST United States includes, in the crThat Interview with the Saaa der given: Mayor La <5us.reia oil of Iran, so unfavorable to Zion- New York, Walter Tv"inch©ll, I>rr- ' ism, which recently was published othy Tbompson, Secretary Karc'd in th© London'Sunday Dispatch, Ictes &Si5 —- beliers it cr net was enthusiastically greeted by Fritt Kuhn, who keews too rt"r> the Palestine Arab press . . . No . . . The Niri press insists tl z • one, however, bothered to men- the most ecstatic accounts cf .hf tion1 the fact that the interview British. reyal couple's visit to th.r was given 13 years ago . . . country were written by Jev-\suMichael Clark, young correspond- newspaper m e n . . . WintLe". ent of the London Sunday Chrcn- comments that he didn't Ir TT icle, who was killed in Palestine t that • the Herald-Tribune's ,T c e a couple of weeks ago, had baen Driscoll's real name was Dri-cr"a house-guest at the TFeiziaann sky . . . The Nazis, fcv the v-f. home in Rehoboth Ke had are so afiaid of freedom tha-1 i always roamed around the coun- members cf the crews Ger—:r. tryside EUiaclested on his motor- ships entering- Atssrlcas l — until the Arab terrorists inciudisg- the hi^h. officers, r-e I--.*. cycle found out about his friendship j pledged not to read &ny American with the Weizmanes . . . Latest papers while en our shores piano prodigy cf Palestine is 15- ABOUT PEOPLE .ear-old Rina J.-Iaaravi . . . She's Kollyvood, which speciallzr^ Ir a product of the Palestine Con- everything, has professio-c' servatory at Jerusalem, and be- J screamers, csed in those fore long will be a sensation on j curdling myste-r thrillers ths concert st-ge in other coun-1 T£>* most seught-after oi *, tries, too . . . It's high time, i t ' screamers is Sarah Swarts. v i : seems to us, for the Jewish movie discovered her talent when s'. = houses in Palestine to stop es- was actually trapped! in a fir.- f fcjbitiEg- German f i l m s . . . . „ „ . etneics „„ . . . The \ Strange though it may seem, Ns.si j cf tt-e great German Ecters, screen products are still part of | cnti"- recently c^naged- to s t c the regular fare in TffI Aviv j any, is en rou Jerusalem and Haifa . . . And :-v . . . Ke is A Ibek *Eas.* what films do you think are proving most popular in Palestine! „„ . . . „_„„ ^,..,._uw while the vhcle country's nerves j services, by t i e way, are"b-"' are on edge and the Tishuv is j needed fcy Elizabeth Bergnsr, ^ '. fighting for .its very l<*e? . . . | vr&.s directed to outiitasfiing t It's "Alexander's Hag time Band" j cess -fcy tim, fcut whose latest iu and "Siow Ti'hite and ths Eaves < is a liop . . .

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A&vcvli$cr$ Appreciate

Your Patronage

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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1939 tlie making of out. from under the publicity-im- against cruelty, anger against the ase and sale of posed title, "First Lady of Holly- corruption of the perjurers, finger securities and mortgages, and the • wood," seems to be on the level. against all the indecencies cf io- leasing and holding of real estate.

visited with her' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. andv Mrs. Bernard Rocklin. •

Tlie arnrmnt of ca-intal stock author-

share on the spot, multiplying the dEn- d a v ' s pogrom, a n g e r in behjilf o£ 1 iseil is Si'i.oyi- divided into 10tl Shares . "... . . - v . « i <!' the "-T- '"H<f! of ?mn each, all Oo f ger she faces when seen in a not- _ jd g&itsnssa Civilization besmirched. A n g e r ^y va .nWa c h s ;, F ri be luiij- paia whenmay issue.be Stock too-good picture. As F. L. sheradio MORRIS AIZENBERG,.; Correspondent and anger through the in of.Mi or real or personal B'NAI B'KIXH . ' had to achieve perfection in every but let it not be anger fi.5. the reasonable value A regular meeting of the B'nai role. Claiming no greater distincme of commencempnt vheL-eoi. TU<? for us by others. Let us tion If JUne 1, 193y. B'rith lodge will be held Monday, ! tion than that accorded all stars, .E_.;,.„ „,.. _,._ Taxer* entertained a t a breakf as -he oo VIM' i with our CV:E i °f ronUrme in existence for June 26, at the Eagles hall. The ! she is entitled to an occasional' honoring the bride-elect, and Mis; Miss Rose Magilevsky and Miss prophets again, j ;.™v £1 unless sooner dissolved. (Continued from Page 1) voices annual election of officers will be js np. Rose Bashefkin was her. hostes Eva Gordon will leave Sunday for 0/ Slip corporation are to standing on hisli £CCl!S- i ' he held at this meeting. ^'' ft board of directors at an evening of bridge Wednes Los Angeles, Cal. (IS Palestine bi-national. state on a ing not de"Gnfiir.£. than two nor more than Every member should attend, d a y . ••••••.. .. :. . of not les So What Department . . . Zola Einoiig us?) fifty-iifty basis with neither Jews as it is to be an important meetncvt- EIMS hv the following Myron' Heeger has departed for nor Arabs dominating. The com •i»o;»v by the board of <itWho reads 'the apologetics that j ^fl Nest picture for the Ritz BrothVice - President, Miss Ethel Baron, daughter oi Port Jeryis, New York, where he mlssioners were also not im ing. ers - will be a wartime, comedy j v~e are so assiduously producing? • rectors: P;vsiu<;nt, f:ini Treasurer. Any two A, group of interested men and Mr. , and Mrs. Edward E. Baron, will represent the Sioux City A. pressed by MacDonald's argucalled -"Tin Hats," which will also ' Well, this h a s been, r a t h e r a j "\rcvn rnp.y be held by one ' ~ •'' '• women, met-Tuesday evening at was...: graduated from Wellesley Z. A. chapter at the 17 th annual ments on the necessity for aban A . Z. A. 7 ' • The finnual meeting of the rarr-bling piece . . . a -wandering [ The Council Bluffs chapter of have that imp Jane Withers. the Jewish Community Center for college on June 19. Mr. and Mrs. National A, Z. A. convention. r. tliall be Hekl on the first donlngi the absorptive capacity ..-Karry. Brand, who does pubthe darkness, like -totlay's Jev.-! ,j- ,Tp-n?:^rv o? each year. a round table discussion on theBaron and son, Sandy, are In th< Before returning home he will principle of immigration of this A. Z. A. helsi "a meeting "Tuesday, licity for one of the studios, has I in s | b life, like the trag-c efcirneed and possibility of establish- east, where they attended tin visit the New York World's Fair. time, particularly since it had June IS, at which time there was an impressive collection of auto- £ B. LIPf\ (Copyright, 1SSS, Seven Arts i E. SLUTZKT. an election of officers. ing a Jewish Home for the Aged commencement. Miss Baron will been introduced as a solution by . The following officers were graphed pictures hanging in his Feature in Sioux City. accompany them to New York the British government itself. named: Alsph Goclol, V e r n o n office. They're signed affectionThe-movement to establish such City and Washington - before re,HAL £ SMITH RCJSi, In his address to the commis- Fitch; Aleph Sgan, Eugene Telp- ately by J. P. Morgan, P. D. heatre Bldg. a home was inaugurated here turning home for the summe j , J, Fr.ir.rwAN sion, MacDonald admitted the ner;' Alepn Mazklr, Bob Passer; Roosevelt, Mussolini, etc. Brand about a year ago. Since that time months. Firnt National Bark Bids. • :'. LXOAL NOTICE possibility that a Jewish stat< Aleph. Gisfeor, J a c k Lincoln; signed them himself but explains, various civic minded Individuals was not excluded from the term Aleph Shotore Godol, Arnold "It makes people regard me rePROEATE NOTICE nave sponsored money raising afTn the P'f*'io t Conn of Douglas Mrs. Sam J. Slotsky and h e r "Jewish national home." He de-Lincoln; Aleph Shotore .Kotone spectfully. fairs toward this project." In the Matter of the Estate of ; 'oiinTy, Xebrapki Mrs. H. Miller, were join clared, however, that if the Jews Bob Yudelson; Aleph Sofer, Bea Studios buy books to "dress" Meyer Coren, Deceased. 'The. men and women • sponsor- mother, j 'o GEORG'L K. RIG BY. whose place hostesses at a tea, honoring 140 did not respond to the oppor- Kutler. Notice is Hereby Given: T'p't the ; of r«"=!f-?m'f' if unknown and upon movie sets for 25 cents per yard. Ing this project are anxious to guests, in the home of Mrs. Mil tunity afforded or if the Arab Fet-vlee of summons Mike ( P h o n e y ) Romanoff get the : opinion of Sioux City ler, o'lriiioi. be iu>.d. Defendant, 1524 Court street. objected to the country becoming threw a party here last week. It Jewry with reference to the plan. eEtatc! bkore'''rne/coun" Youfe-c-hf-'-eby notified that on the Mrs. Alfted Matkin of Tulsa a Jewish state, the conception o A. Z. A. EXECUTIVE MEETING was a foremost social function of i ty 1. 1939, Elena Rfgby (Continued from Page 1) Doubles Oei-nty, Xen-as- j i=U- rinv <-,' The Council Bluffs A. Z. A.'s ka o ft h e sister of Mrs. Slotsky; Mrs. Ed a Jewish national home should her petition against t h e T e a r a n d e v e r y o n e T r i o i s SETi County Court Room, in saic j as pialntk'i, fil held an esecEtive meeting Tueset Court of Douglas ward Miller of Boston, their sis Ing not to separate families and be interpreted as "something less one and o n e a n d E»5 l . u d e l^u^iey lUr^Su , O c t b e r | C : X V day, June 20, at the tome cf sit P.. Docket 843, Page l s 3 9 £ e n t h e S t h 6t o f j 1S39, Enfi on the Oth dfw of October, | r m i r : ' , ter-ln-law, and Mrs. Joe Brown of friends. than a Jewish state." ;. and prayer of which cut to • pay iQaage the i 1S3S, e t 9 o'clock A. A:., each day. i 252. tlie Atlanta, Ga., were among t h e He said the absorptive capacity Eugene Telpner. 600 Tons Baggage ofc'ain B divorce from | for the purpose of presenting- their [ petition Plans for a steak fry -K-ere disguests. • Minds of d?*ertion, nonclaims for exEm'.natioi;. adjustment ' yav or. f One of the cases satisfactorily principle of immigration was notcussed. The nest meeting will cruelty. Comic Strips l a tlie dailies, once and allowance. Three months are al- supno ?.nf . Assisting hostesses were Mrs settled concerned a young man mentioned in the mandate and Joe Kutcher, Mrs. W. X). Slotsky, and woman who had fallen in argued that the important sole be held Tuesday at the home of considered t i t only for backward ! lowed, for the creditors to present ; You fere required to answer said pet'tior or. or li<?fore the 7th day of Bob Passer. childrea, have hit the no vies Z.V.& their claims,' from the 8th dayof, ,7u!r. T9SS. or s=nid petition against ;\¥!ally Rosenthal was presented Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. Henry Sher- lovo aboard the ship and were condition laid down in the mandeveloped into a- prolific source of July, 1905. ERTCE CRAWrOF.D, Laken -£ts true. you v.'ill with a trophy at the Eplurum man and Mrs. Jack Kosberg. The assigned to different countries. date with regard to immigration ATTE3TDS BOARD MEETING County Judge. notion'picture material. Now we 6-16-S9-3t. ELENA RIGBY, dance last Sunday evening In the tea table appointments were of It was arranged that both go to was that i t should be facilitated Miss Ross Mendelson has re-can see "LI1 Afcaer, Major Koople, Plaintiff. France. The baggage committee under suitable conditions as long Warrior hotel, as recognition for pastel colors. MONSKY, GROOiNSKY, MARER handled more than 7,000 pieces, as the rights and position of oth- turned from Saint Joseph, Mo., Blinky, Bonky, and Wimpy." being the most active member 'of and COKEN, Att^s. Shirley Temple has lost two Mrs. Emil Rosenstock of Kan- totaling 600 tons. Troper, in a er sections of the population were where she attended the regional "S7 Orr.ahs Nat'l Eank Bidg. the club. The presentation was statement to the J. T. A., praised not prejudiced. He declared there board meeting of Junior Kafias- front deciduous teeth and it nay j made by Rudy Scbindler, advisor sas City and her .daughter, Mrs. the ; British, French, Belgian and sah last -vreek-end. • . . . was nothing inconsistent with the mean prop teeth for a while. NOTICE EY PUBI.ICATION ON PEW. B. Wolf, of Austin, Minn., of tlie Eplurum club. authorities for their mandate in the declaration conTITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF She was a-ppointed the regional (Copyright, 19SS, by Seven Arts The dance was acclaimed a suc- have departed after a visit in the Netherlands FiNAL ADViNIETRATlON co-operation. He also paid tribute of the Jewish National Eeature Syndicate.) cess by the d u b members. Jim- Max Rosenstock home, 503 Twen- to the discipline of the passengers tained in the White Paper that chairman ACCOUNT it was not part of British policy Fund of Junior Hadassah. inio I*«wis and his band furnished ty-ninth street. i.-U'j' r. ,vr \ in the face of the acute nervous for Palestine to become a Jewish In the County Court of Douglas ! the ruasio for dancing. Milton tension. County, Nebraska. ANNOUNCE BAB UTIZVAS. state. Mazie was general chairman of Miss Betty Tuchman of Omaha In the Hatter of the Estste of VorMr. and Mrs. Sam Kateliaan Overcast s k i e s symbolically Arabs Ask Inquiry the 'dance and was assisted by has departed after - visiting here ris llarkovitz, also krjow-n as J7.; >iarannounce the Bar Mitzvah of their gave way. to.bright sunshine, as koiitz. Deceased: Arab extremists h e a d e d by Harold Grueskin, Norton Bain, in the home of Mrs. Beulah RutAll "persons interested in faicl matMorton Harrison,- Irving Ducoffe stein. Mr. and ,Mrs. Harry Bel- the St. Louis entered the River Jamal Husseini, relative of the son, tSacley, at the Chevra B'nai Jack Kairnan and Bernard Hai- ter Ere hereby notified that on the and-Sherman Sperling. mont of Omaha were also guests Schelde and slowly proceeded into exiled ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Yisroel synagogue Saturday, July n a n formerly o£ Omaha announce Eth day of June, 1S"S, Esther Marks, Dave Slarks, Rosa Turkel filed a pe:•": Guests from out of, town in- in the Rutstein home last week- Antwerp port. For the last mile asked, the Commission to appoint 1, at 9:30 a. m. A reception trill be held oa the taking over cf the Jorraer tition in said County Court, praying of the voyage, the ship was ac-a neutral commission to investicluded Ruth Rpsenstock, J o y ina. American Wet Beverage Co. nowthat their final administration account Sunday, July 2, from 2 till 5 and companied by a tugboat bearing gate t h e "official . terrorism' Greenberg. Lee Jane Greenberg, American Beverage Co., lo- filed herein be s e t - p ' f i i fii-ivr , against Arabs in the Holy Land. from 7 till 10 at their home, 601 called Berriice Himmelstein, Ruth Rosand that they be disch'T"'" - " ^ Tt h"iMrs. Sam Shulkin has issued journalists. : cated at 320-22 South' Thirteenth trust as executors Under a huge, swastika flutter- A memorandum to the Commis- Willow avenue. a r d tt-r t a b«a.-inj; enstein, Betty Rosenblatt and 100 invitations to a tea this Sunstreet. One of their many popu•will be had on saic r t L.or of.,- t Ruth Rosenstock, all of Omaha; day afternoon, in her home, 3314 ing from the liner's mast, the ref- sion charged atrocities by British E£ir! Court on the ; " ^ i "•• c" ,"i '• , lar drinks . is "March of Time," Hommie Abraham of Mapleton, Jones street, honoring her daugh- ugees lined the rails, laughing, troops and British and Jewish po- VISITING HEHE 1SSS, and that if y n . fa..' to F-r"1, bottled in different sizes. Mrs. Rose Bortnick and daughcrying, gesticulating, pointing out before said Court on Jie pr'^ '<" _ <] > • lice. Another memorandum rela.; Bob Jaffee of Minneapolis; ter, Miss Margaret Shulkin, whose public is invited to come j of July, 19"!), a t 9 c clock xV. ?,* r?H Joseph .Abraham of Elk Point, marriage to Dave Singer will be landmarks and shouting replies terated Arab objections to the ters of Kansas City, Mo., h a v e in The contest said petition V.~° Cou *t r,^ an see the modern machinery s been guests at the Jack Steinberg r l 1 to salutations from the p r e s s new British policy on Palestine. and Lynn Arkin of Akron, la. an event of July 30. grent the prs.>-er of sriG r *... c~ r- '.-.A warning on the economic po- home for the past two- weeks. and inspect this large plant. a decree of helrship. f^nd p s k«- M,cr Miss Ruth Singer and Miss Lib- boat. The crew ignored the They plan to leave shortly. other and further o-d^-s, F'HCV £1r o « bie Rubinstein- will assist the greetings, except for one member sition of Palestine, torn by three A. Z. A. Holds Outing srd decrees, &s to J-IE COI ••* r "^ hostess. Among the guests will who. persistently gave the "Heil years of strife, was sounded bereem proper, to the «—<c" 'Vi-t e" r - r t HAVE RETURNED Hitler" salute. fore the Commission by Sydney be two sisters of the bride-elect, ttrs pertaining to EF d c - .P me.' he Thirty members of the A. Z. A. Mrs. Mas Harris and daughter, (In Brussels, the Rexist organ, finally settled and c r ' » - r IOG Moody, assistant' chief secretary chapter held an outing at the Mrs. A. Lifson and Mrs. S. MackLe Pays Reel, opened a violent of the Palestine government. Bette Lee, visited last week with ERTCE c~i ' v r r r Shelter House in Stone park Wed- ler, both of Minneapolis. campaign against refugee's, de- Moody cautioned the Commission relatives in Fremont, Neb. 6-1G-S9-SL Cou-t; J i c r n . nesday evening. Tobias Shindler manding a government a n t i - against misinterpreting the comThe Misses Esther Pauline and was in charge o£ the arrangeSTEAK FKY IS HELD ; WEEB. EEEER, Ki.^.•~^ CK & Pauline Esther . Friedman, both Semitic program and accusing Fi- paratively small decline in Palesments. :, KELLEV, A ' . . O T T ; E. A no-hostess party for nine was to be brides July 2, returned this nance Minister Gutt, who was de- tine trade during 1938. SCO Union S*Etr T~r' r is-held Monday la honor of the Schedule For • Sis Months (Copyrighted by Jewish Teleweek from Minneapolis, where clared to be of Jewish origin, of 0 birthdays of Beverly Steinberg of Period Is Publashed graphic Agency, Inc.) hey were guests in the home of being overly generous In treatNOTICE OF I N C C r ^ r>\ Omaha and Marilyn Saltzciaa. ALLIED FIKAKCC By Govensaeat Mr. and Mrs. Jay Phillips. Pre- ment Of refugfe&a.', The Rexlsts The party was in the forra of a nuptial entertainment marked the demonstrated In Antwerp after Notice !i» hereby r ' <•- t h " . steak fry. isit. Miss Pauline Esther Fried- the refugees' arrival.) Jerusalem (JTA)—The Pales- •undersigned have o~™ Miss Dena Baron was re-elected man's fiance is Morton B. Philtine president • of Junior Hadassah at lips. rOXVAXASCIXG , .fielgitini Aids- • . t ^i^rofthrco;,,^;; their annual election, which folMrs. Sophie Trochtenberg is re• Brussels (JTA)—By an overmmigration schedule L I E D FIKANCE S I srr;:.., <- m The twins have shared honors April toS Septem-j principal^ place bv=.n P « 1 lowed a picnic supper this week. whelming majority; the Senate cuperating at the Jennie Edmund- of 10,350 ffoin Ail Miss Rose Sperling was named at a number of parties given for adopted Justice Minister P a u l son hospital from a recent opera- ber; Minus 1,200 certificates; City c* Omaha, Douflf-r Coii" "' *>r »• hem in the past weeks. Miss Lois first vice-president!- ..Esther. .Mirxanted in April and 1,300 defiwt- ^ S e ^ s ^ S c ' w " ' ^ V - f - : Janson's motion to allocate 6,Ion. . ed for illegal irainigraritE arrived en. a general inves'ir"— r ? t ' ken, second vice-president; Gisela jevitt entertained, at a roller- 000,000 francs in the tm'dget tcr •--.. (Continued from Page 1) skating party and late supper at Iseforo ?,Isy 25, there remain 7,Pill, recording secretary; J a n help defray costs of maintaining HOME FOB SUMMER SSO certificates for the reraEinder a. m. Fire brigades stood by un-VACATION Lebowitz, corresponding secre- Riverview park honoring them. refugees in Belgium. Only FlemMrs. M. Blank was hostess at ish Nationalists and a section of der instructions from the German cf' tha sis-moritli period. tary^ and Rose Cohen, treasurer. Leo Meyerson, student at the Elected to the board of direc- a family dinner at the Oasis and he Catholics voted against the authorities to confine their , ef- Drake university, Is.spending the The schedule, published is the tors were. Sally Welnstein, Ruth Mrs. J. Shindler entertained at a measure, which received the sup- forts to preventing spread of the summer months with his parents, official Palestine Gazette, introluneheon at the Sioux Tea shop. port of Liberals, Socialists, Com- blaze. Grueskin, Esther Erinberg a n d duces a nevr system based on a Mr. and Mrs. M. Meyerson. Mrs. J. H. Greenberg and Mrs. munists and part of the CathoGoldie Lehman. ' Another synagogue was deistinction between "refugees" B. H. Friedman entertained at a lics. stroyed by fire in Bohemia-Mora- KANSAS CITY VISITOR and "ordinary irazaigrants." This family dinner at the Oasis. Mrs. Adoption of the motion fol- via,, with a fire brigade looking Mrs. Phil Trochtenberg of Kan- is in line vnth the British White Max.Mushkin was their hostess at on. The blaze, officially attrib- sas City, Mo., has been visiting Paper, -R-hich provides for total owed a debate on the refugee a luncheon in the Elks club. uted to an "unknown" source, ewish immigration cf 50,000 for Mrs. Barney Baron and Mrs.problem, with senators of all occurred at Hrusschau on the here for the past few weeks. the next fire y e a r s , p l u s a arties condemning anti-Semitism Max. Brodkey were joint hostesses "bonus" of 25,000 refugees. The Annual Talmud Torah pic- at a tea, where the Friedman md stressing the refugees' con- Polish border, near Maehrischnic will be held on Sunday, June twins shared honors with M i s s :ribution to the country's econom- Ostrau. Incendiary destruction of At the same time, the governsynagogues in the German pro25, at Riveryiew park. General Vliriam Barish. ment announced that land trans. '. c development. Catholic Deputy tectorate has become an almost J i y w o o i Hanquet, rapporteur on the measchairmen are Mr. R. H. Emlein fer regulations vrould be made as Wednesday evening, M h B congratulated the govern- daily occurrence, according to rearid Mrs. Mike Sherman. In the meanIsther Mirken was their hostess ure, t soon as possible. liable private advices f r o m ment on its decision to admit 250 Assisting the chairmen, is a at a bridge and late supper in | time, it advised prospective purPrague. f the St. Louis refugees. large committee. C o m m i t t e e the West hotel. Thursday noon, chasers and sellers of land and By IRVING SONDERS |- others Polish Decrees members will be listed in next ;hey were guests at a luncheon concerned to. "refrain from Copies of a German decree Paris (JTA) — The Interior week's issue of The Jewish Press. ;lven by Mrs. Ed Kantor, and carrying out such transactions Favors will be given to chil- this noon Mrs. L Miller was their Ministry announced that t h e banning' Jews from public bathsince it may be found that the French government has agreed to ing places, parks and similar figure very prominently in tha contemplated transfer -prill be prodren attending. AH are urged to hostess at a luncheon. places have been published in attend to make tha .picnic a sucSaturday noon, Mrs. L. J. Kap- admit' 97 refugees on the liner Budweis, Bohemia. The journal news these days and with the hibited under the regulations." w h o had also been coming of the expected summer j Last month's White Paper issued cess. • •: lan will give a luncheon at the Flandre, back by Cuba. The refu- Wirtschaft reported that a decree let-down in the studios; we .find by -the British government emRuby Room of the Martin hotel urned similar to the German, decree of the exodus of flicker folk :-to east- powered the high commissioner ses will be permitted to stay in honoring the Misses Friedman. France on the same conditions as 1935, banning Jews as druggists, ern points, especially' to N e w to restrict the sale of lands. the St. Louis passengers, that is under preparation in Bohemia- York, in excess of the .influx. I£ The sis-month entry quota of Mrs.' Herman .Licht departed >n the J. D. C.'s bond of §500 is -J According to official we are to take the cut from pub- 10,350 is divided into 5,350 for last week for Port Jervis, where 'or- each refugee as guarantee Moravia. statistics, there are 670 Jewish lished quota Statistics we might refugees and 5,000 for ordinary she is attending the National hat they will not become public druggists in the protectorate, or Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baron Young Judea convention. give you the percentage of exo-immigrants. The 7,850 remainiharges. The ship docked at St. less than one-third of the total. dus over influx based on star traf- ing after the deductions are diannounce the engagement of their tfazaire. daughter. Miss Mildred R u t h The office of- Reichs Protector fic via the air lanes .for a 24- vided into 4,205 for refugees and Baron, to William Stanley Kahn Rueben Cohen returned Monday Baron Constantin von Neurath hour period. 'Twould be approxi- 5,645 for ordinary immigrants. from Minneapolis, where he visof Chicago. No date has been set Havana (JTA)—The immigra- has demanded that Jews who mately 20 per cent more leaving The deductions for illegal immited with friends. for the wedding. ion authorities announced that acknowledged German nationality than- arriving. The degree of grants include 698 for those arJewish refugees who arrived in the 1919 census be subjected permanency cf this figure is not rested while attempting to enter Mrs. A. M. Herzoff, 1035 Seven- !8 Miss Nellie Frieberg of Chi- teenth •ecently on the S. S. Iberia will to the Nuremberg Laws while known. the country, 568 for those "restreet, has returned folcago, and Herman Sacks of Chi- lowing an extended visit with her oon be deported to Germany on those who registered as of Czech ported to have landed and evaded cago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam the grounds that their papers nationality be subjected to the "It Can't Happen Here," Is not arrest" and 3.2 to be carried over Sacks, 833 Seventeenth street, son end daughter-in-law, Mr. and were found not in order. They Czech Jewish law*, which is still going to happen at one of the to the nest quota. Mrs. Archie Herzoff, In Chicago. were married June 13 in Chicago. have been held at the Tiscornia to be promulgated. studios here. . Metro paid $75,' . The Jewish National Council Both are former Sioux Cityans. immigration camp pending setBusiness enterprises owned by 000 for the \Sinclair Lewis novel has been "given an allotment cf Mr. and Mrs. H. Hulman O f After a wedding trip they will be lemsnt of their case. Jews in the former category are and after kicking it around for certificates for children between at home at 523S Woodlawn street. Liverpool, England, have arrived to be handed over to Germans, about two years decided to put it the ages of IS and 15 having in Sioux City to visit with Mrs. tit. Sacks is a graduate of Mornclose relatives in Palestine, in adthe latter to Czechs. Since Jew- back on the shelf. It appears Hulman's sisters, Mrs. N. Dobrofr• ingside college. ish Industrialists in the time of that the scriveners have found it dition to 2,200 certificates grantU-LrUV.- I U i V . »U K i sky and Mrs. Sam Kroloff. ed to the Youth Aliyah movement Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mosow, 3825 the Austro-Hungarian Empire for too hot after studying its politiunder the .schedule. Sunset Circle, and Mr. "and Mrs. A number of family parties the most part registered as of cal and social angles. h. R. Hurwltz of Sioux Falls, S. have marked" their visit here. German nationality, Czech IndusD., have returned from Chicago, Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. try will be overwhelmingly GerAmericanism drive in w e s t where they attended the wedding Dobrofsky were hosts at a fammanized If Baron von Neurath's ily dinner. Tuesday Mrs. Irving : coast theaters will be accentuated * A A on June 6 of Miss Jean Charpier, V^«i.»i.~« demands are fulfilled. by frequent screening in each ot daughter of Mrs. A. Charpier, of Levich entertained them at a Expropriate Property luncheon.. Mrs. Hulman was the the several hundred houses cf a Chicago, to W. A. Mosow, son of The Slovak cabinet, after hear- "pledge to the flag" trailer. Mr. and Mrs. Mosow, and brother guest of honor Wednesday when (Continued from Page 1) j ing a report by Propaganda Min- Words Mrs. Dobrofsky entertained her of the American flag of Mrs. Hurwitz. ister Sano Mach, has approved a pledge are (Continued from Page 1) \ bridge club, and Wednesday evemade a part of the mouths, against cruelty ES of -vriifi ] list of- persons, mainly J e w s , short, with the ning Jack Goldsmith was host to tune, "Columbia, beasts. ' j The military authorities Imposed whose property will undergo "re: ; The wedding was solemnized in Mr. and Mrs. Hulman. "This seems to ha%-e been a re- j a 31-hour ban on traffic to and vision," It was reported f r o m the Gem of the Ocean," as backthe Btudy of Rahbl G. G. Fox. Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. ground music. In addition, each flection of indignation, flaming ] from Tel Aviy following the fatal Bratislava. ,The bride is a graduate of the theater has been supplied with a in Jewry. ' The emotions of Jevrs | nurses training school. G r a n t Abe Berkowitz presided at a fam- shooting of an Arab and the The revision will be carried out -~ t ~T£ **r hospital, Chicago, and is a stew- ily dinner in their honor after •wounding of two others In the by a special commission under new American flag to be flowa had Svad at. first to I'.O -with their I fears, their actions concerned I ardess' with American Airlines, which they were guests in the Salameh quarter along the Jaffa the chairmanship of Mach which each day. home of Mr: and Mrs. Ben Dobrofthemselves with futile dsfenss, | boundary. An official announce3nc. Today, Mrs. S. Dobrofsky ment said the shooting was done is also authorized to decide measScouts frca the film capital their utterance vriih plsafiins for V: Mr. Mosow was graduated from sky. ures against the owners of the will entertain a t , a family dinner by an "unknown Jew." Later property after completion of the are passing tip the country's cam- justice; At last they carce *o the Central High school and from the honoring the Hulmans. hree unidentified Jews t h r e w puses this sesson in quest of re- high dignity of feet anger." engineering school of the UniMonday, Mr. and Mrs. Hulman wo bombs Into an Arab shanty, "revision." Accurate Pee'iug cruits and are looking into th® versity o£ Iowa. He is in busiIt is understood the measure little theaters for talent. It is It seems to nse that this wetitd ness in Chicago, where they will will leave for Los Angeles, where "here were no casualties. is designed to legalize expropriathey will visit with other rela> re reside. . Confidence that the "imperathinted that there is a lack cf ma- be a fairlj" accurate outlins of the '. tions before returning to Liver- ive unification" of Palestine tion of Jewish property, which terial in the Ivy-covered halls- cf carrent. feeling cf raany Jews, | hitherto has been carried out by pool. Fewry will soon be realized was administrative m e t h o d s . The institutions of advanced learning. though there ere tome vrho ?*iii i: Miss Miriam Barish, daughter oiced by Pinchas Ruttenberg, same cabinet meeting decided to Although the lack of aping taleatlsay that this piece is entirely too] of Mr. and Mrs.. Enchul Barish, Mrs. B. Orllkoff, 1117 Villa Jewish writers shoe Id j 1710 Jones street, and Henry avenue, Is visiting In. Minneapolis lead of the Palestine Electric introduce a numerous clausus on on the campuses is marked .there angry. seems to be so better source for 1 fears a care, that \re must cos- j Salzman, son of Mr. and Mrs.with her son-in-law and daugh- loi'poration, as he laid the corner- Jews in secondary schools. adding' to the ranks of the j sider vrhst others thinl: of us. William Salzman, 1623 J o n e s ter, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Green- tone of a new Haifa Bayside quarter for his employes to be Street, have set June 30 as the berg. Montreal (JTA)-—Dr. Bernard scriveners. After .a-survey of 34" I think anjrer as osr noblest I known as Kiriat.Hashoal. Warn- Bereer, Palestinian date of their wedding, which will economist, colleges aad universities about a J dignity • tLT^'ZT £-£ Of t h s ing against inter-party f e u d s , journalist and Eisaist leader, ar- dozen Junior junior writers -were picks icisd i p iptets were picisd be in the home of the bride. Ens^sr iiks E pnisir r.* • Mr. and Mrs. Morris Letkovich Ruttenberg declared that tbo race rived hero as representative of from tlis-l&SS- gradaating classes, j o : ., Miss Harriet Rosenbldom, 710 of Chicago are visiting here with war forced upon the Jews had fire n the vaght . . , ©nger ness students TTJH get tSeir i?oi the Palestine Maritime Lloyd, t by Its feeat is cleansing- to Thirty-third street, entertained a the former's parents. left no room for class conflict. Ltd., to Interview leading' shipihJnsr la rariou-S studio scenario I t foulness of tracucers, that by , group of "friends last Thursday He said his efforts to eliminate ping xnsn regarding the purchase its light brightsas car own fis.rk- j honoring Miss Barish. Sunday Mrs. M. RocMin has returned inter-party conflicts had thus far of. a ntnaber of largo vessels for departaeats. lisss &M gives us socrage. 1 morning, Misse3 Sadie and Sophie from Hastings, Neb., "where she failed. . use at Tel Aviv and other ports. Kot: flelense, but Eager—•eagsr'1 figllt . tS

Mrs. Sid Slutsky entertained a group of friends Wednesday eve-, ning honoring her sister, Mrs. L e o n a r d Baumstein, of Des Moines, who is visiting here. .

"New "Beverage • Company Opened

Dena Baron 'Named by Junior Hadassah

Talmud Tor ah Will Mold Picnic Sunday



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