July 7, 1939

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In the • Interests of the feh People,



Xast week, in this column, I replied to my. friend, Miss Neely, who had asked me: How does a Jew, feel about all this? What Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter on January 31, 1931, at does he think? . OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1939 fostoffice. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S. 1879 But, Miss Neely (I continue) what I feel and think about my pain .doesn't really matter much. Coughlin Scored What matters much more is what you think and feel? at Mass Meeting Of course, I know very well how deeply you sympathize with New York ( W N S ) — A b o u t Jews with whom you have to do 1,000 persons attended the Town In many of the things you care Hall inter-faith anti - Coughlin about—the liberal side of politics, mass meeting and heard the Rev. the decent side of local governP h i l i p Klutznick, prominent trict this past year as second viceDr. Guy Emery Shipler, editor of ment, the peace movement, social Omaha attorney, was chosen first The Churchman," a Protestant In line with a lodge justice (though the lovely name vice-president of t h e District president. tradition, he will next year suc- Predict Re - Opening of Episcopal publication, accuse the of social justice has been de- Anti-Nazi Groups Believe Grand Lodge No. 6, B'nai B'rita, ceed Rev. Charles E. Coughlin o£ to the presidency. Besides meaned lately by the demagogue.) at the 71st annual convention his B'nai Struggle Against "dropping a torch into a world Reich Being Made B'rith activities, Mr. held this past week-ead in De-Klutznick has been a leading figfilled with high explosives." You will tell me that some of • White Paper Vulnerable V troit. the Jews you know are more Rev. John Huichinson, a Presure in the worJ; ^f the A. Z. A. Wice to i A few days previous, Sam BebChristly than some of the Chrisbyterian clergyman, of_ Bayonne, Principal a "'-*-..the DeASK MANDATE REPORT tians. You will speak of their EXPORTS FALLING OFF er was re-elected to his 10 th term troit convent 4^3,.^., N. J., urged an investigation into •eah in Utah -by as president of the supreme adglowing idealism, as you have th© sources of Father Coughlin's '"'"8 ? ^ . 0 **-»Iieve League Considers funds, seen-it. And I will tell you that Small Latin Nations Are visory council of A. Z. A. at the Henry Monsk < and Rabbi Benjamin PlotRabbi David K. Wice will de^e^X""^" ^;? annual convention held at Port ident of t h e - ^ Jews are really not all saints 'olicy Incompatible Dissatisfied with kin, head of the American-Jewish liver a series of lectures in the Monsky, in his tala. --,_ * ^Is-^J (being altogether like other peoJervis, N. Y. Mr. Beber is foundwith Mandate Alliance, which arranged the state of Utah nest week under Agreements ple, sinners .as • well as saints). r of the Junior order of B'nai gates, stressed the need"-o*_. Jerusalem (JTA) — Issusmv meeting, denounced F a t h e r the. auspices of the Jewish ChauB'rith carrying on the figu. But your fine humanity would S'rith. of E-v-eepsng restvie.itonf. on B" !f -ondoa (JTA) — A strong Coughlin as an enemy of democtaucua society. New York (JTA)—The boycott against all political ideologies and abhor the c u r r e n t cruelties of Germany in European democNew president of the B'nai to secure reopening of the racy. Monday he win speak at the of lam's, carrying out T'ri'sifV against Jews even if you didn't racies as well as in the Americas B'rith district is Aaron Droock, movements which are today men- fight Palestine issue and reconsideraUniversity of Utah in S&lt Lake new Palestine policy, V.-;IP fo'.Iovf*: acing democracy. know any of them except as huDetroit attorney, who succeeds tion of the new Whit© Paper City on "Stepping Stones Through last v-eek by P. wave oi anil-Avti have made such inroads into Nazi man beings whom you passed by. He pointed out that Comrznn- policy by the House of Commons Archie Cohen of Chicago. Others Jewish History." The following riolence in vhieli 1? v e r e Knif.economy as to make the Hitler on the street. " to office are Benjamin I. ism Is equally as hateful and dan- is predicted in Parliamentary day he will continue tie series e,t and 15 voimAert, leading: tlie £•>•• overnment most vulnerable in named gerous as Nazi-ism and Fascism. circles. Morris of-Chicago, second viceJjeast Pain the university with two talks, thorities to invoke (Ivnstic re.i&•""'•• the event of war, according to a' president, and Godfrey Bernstein Over a thousand persons "from Yet the pain of the Jews is the statement "Sampling the Literature of the tion against the .TevF. Members of Parliament have by • Dr. \ Joseph Teneneight states and four Canadian least of anti-Semitism. It is only baum, chairman of the Joint Boy- of Chicago, treasurer. Mrs. MaurJews" s.nd "Religion in World been pressing Colonial Secretary Powers to prohibit, restrict. ""*• a tragedy personal to us and tocott Council, in which he took ice Turner of Chicago was chosen provinces attended the conven- Malcolm MacDonald to secure Progress." regulate trensferf of 'pun In »•;' tion. District 6 is the largest of a people of tragic destiny another issue with Thomas J. Watson, re- to head the Women's Grand lodge. publication of the League of NaOn Tuesday he will go to Brig- pf,rt of Palestine, hn.vp lifen c'^icMr. Klutznick served the dis-the B'nai B'rith districts. tragedy is only a chapter. Much tiring president of the Internations Mandates Commission's ob- Center Troop- Distributes ham Young university in. Provo, rstfH* to Hurt'. OomTnissjnrtpr Si" more Important is what anti- tional Chamber of Commerce. servations on the White Paper where he vill Epe?,fe on "Fe'igion Hprolfl Alfred. MarlvUchapl in «^rAwards, Badges to Semitism .'means to you and to Watson, In an address at the before Parliament adjourns on e,menc5Tnent to t h P PalesMn* in World Progress." Members all people like you who cherish opening session of the Chamber's B'nai B'rith Will July 28 and to give Commons an Order-in-Council published in >'»" the decent things that we think opportunity to discuss the queso,""ic.r" Vrlr- . I T v.!azelte. Hold Picnic Aug. 6 of when we speak of the Ameri- onvention at Copenhagen, deBoy Scout Troop 62, sponsored tion further before the governTi F r MFI'I ion.! provides Uit.. can way—democracy, liberty, Bill clared that i t was "the divine ment goes to the League Coun- by the Jewish Community Center, i t ? r r j »il; iior n , ••- be nisrto vf>iThe first annual B'nai B'rith of Rights, social righteousness. right of every people to choose its held its Court of Honor on June cil for ratification, of its new .. o - . . (,i - \ - ' : s pTiri fivrftm: own form of government" and picnic will be held all day Sun28 at the Center. The Court was Palestine policy. - (I prefer to call it social right- called r - c 7i-p -• T ^ h Cornrri^P-'oi* . upon the leading countries day, August 6, at Krug park. Ben conducted under the supervision eousness since social justice has to make adjustments that would Kushner has been named chairp - fr("! > Kn-it t h e appliesti«i Opponents of the netv policy been 'taken as a mask by one in live the "have nbts" an opportu- man, in charge of arrangements. Catholic Publication Is to state that if the report of the of Jay Weisman. Guest of honor , oi r p j B',, i i o t i ' ic transfers Iw* was F. A. Young, Scoutmaster o* tne United States who speaks the nity to share in the resources of Assisting him are Al Fiedler and i fv opii . ^ . . ' i i o i.iiil JGV.-R, o r {viiii. Be Issued at ' Mandates Commission holds that Troop 66. Scoutmaster Young language of Hitler and GoebrpJje or Jf-v:s f.o otliern, or rmir the White Paper is not consistent conducted the tenderfoot investiIntervals the world. Watson's remarks Joe Solomonow. bels.) with the Mandate, the government rf."^ Or tTp-^'F t o rcrynrp-.tp n: Mam's Lend" or* Felicia were characterized by Dr. Tenenture in which 16 boys particiNumerous games and events, You should know that anti- uaum as a 'subtle attempt to i nop.-covrotpte Indies; ( ? ) inv«.ir New York (WNS)—A net? pub- may not bs able to retain the pated. with prizes, are on the program. Frontier Semitism as . projected , by the break majority wnicn approves the j cie.te transfers contravening- t >\ * the Anti-Nazi Boycott," and Feature of the day will be a base- lication, issued by the Committee slim Moseleys and his kind is not a he cited F. A. Hamilton, representative Paper after a two-day de! regulations; <o) in-ewribe iH:i<;.' the Deutscher Volkswirt ball game bet-ween the B'nai of Catholics to Fight Anti-Semi- White "Warsaw (JTA)—A new group thing in a vacuum. No more was of the training committee of the bate in May. ties for violations. tism, and containing statements of May. 26, which suggested fightB'rith and "A. Z. A. teams. of Jews deported from Oermrr.y anti-Semitism a thing apart in the Many government supporters local Boy Scout Council, delivered arrived fit the POIIBE frontier, Charge Discs-imllnniion from prominent Catholics fe-eining the Boycott through the coplans of Hitler when Hitler first voted In favor of the new policy- a brief message on scouting. The cbfi.ricc of rnciP? rltwiiii: phaslzing the Church's opposition operation of the International while 400 to SCO others continemerged In the Germany, of the charter was presented to anti-Semitism, has made its ap- then, they assert, under the gov-theA new Chamber of Commerce. early ,20s. • troop and the President ued their week-long wandering in. following: p u b l i c a t i o n o* >he ,er*.'."••• ernment's assurances that t h e pearance here. Exports Drop the ''no-mat's land." The new Anti-Semitism is but a rallying White Paper conformed to the Roosevelt 10-year program award party e w s p a p e r s p o i n t e d owl thai; .bf The Committee of Catholics to Mandate. reached the Polish border II N Dr. Tenenbaum stated that point for demagogues summoning was given to Troop 62 for outShould the Mandates measure oblige the £;o"-o"-;' I7ight Anti-Semitism, which has Commission go on record as stat- standing accomplishments. Cer- station of S&onszyn from Cologne. I menf. to vill a nation to black reaction. It German exports to the Americas define the tprm •"" its headquarters at 55 West 42nd ing that the new policy is not in tificates of Membership were dis- the Saar and otter Western Ger- i HRFVetE psperteri tb.p.t brought Hitler a following for his for the first quarter of 1939 were tlif1 po-vpvt-• St., New York City, was formed accordance with the Mandate, tributed to 46 Scouts. man provinces. Only a score of i rner.t had borrowed the r»."'s». general assault on German de- valued at 182.6 million marks as "primarily to reach those -who, they declare, it will have a strong them, whose Polish documents theorr from the Na;;i reg-in1*'. compared with 228.1 millions for mocracy. Organizer awards vrere given to the teachings of Chris- effect on these M. P.'s. were in order, were permitted to while You eee, Miss Neely, there are the same period of 1938, a drop Congressman Chided for contrary the Palestine Poet. ch?-^,-i,to Lawrence Epstein, Milton tianity and the principles of Slurring Remarks a lot of people who never did of 45.5 million marks. He said thrt Hie measure pot rr-iiir ;i>r Incompatible With Mandate Konecky and Lincoln Klaver, pass the border. democracy, are taking part, unThe others joined the previous like Jews. , They have disliked this drop was due to increasing ! ! map date provision e,: According to reports f r o m who are organizers of a junior About Jews fortunately, in spreading race and Geneva, them in a distant, academic kind dissatisfaction in South and Cen' however, the Mandates scouting group known as Cub deportees, who, according to re- I ecuality of the inhabitants; beminority hatreds in the United ports from the border towns of fore the law. of why. Long ago. In their youth tral America with Germany's bilaWashington (JTA)—RepresenCommission is reported to have Scouts. Zbonszyn, Krbait &n<2 Seuthsn, they heard in their S u n d a y teral trade agreements which tative Bruce Barton, Republican States." taken the view that approval of British authorities intensi:!i.->; Prizes for the sale of the most •schools that Jews killed Christ; have made these countries great- of New York, told the House that The first copy of the first issoa the White P^per was beyond their Scout circus tickets were present- were suffering severe privation ic. retaliatory measures Rsainpt J*v> when they were very young they ly dependent upon imports from reference by Representative Jacob of the eight-page tabloid sizs competence and the question ed by Dr. A. D. Faier to the fol-the frontier a.'ea. These refugees. RE t h e toll in t^ro cte.ys' ellurl-f />;•• heard their parents speak of Jews Germ'any in order to use up block- Thorkelson, Republican, of Mon-newspaper bearing the name "The would have to be passed on by a lowing Scouts: First prize, Joe including many children, cripples Arabs reached 13 killed ftrw3 '•i . . . "The Damn Jew" . . . "Theed mark accounts. tana, to certain Jewish legislators Voice" was presented to Mayor higher organ of the League—the Franks; second prise, Herbert and. aged persons, wandered in vrounrteC. These inelnrten '• • dirty Jew." . Dr. Max Winkler, economist during a statement denouncing La Guardla at the Summer City Council itself. lf. This iis taken here Conn, and patrol award. Ales the fields and. forests, ."hutted by Ar«.l>& kjliffl and '"OUT V."0'!T>.^P(; it > dogs let loose by , the frontier Bis p,''.tp_c}'-~ v.epv '?"'ei A'-iv, }".'pli." Demagogue's Delight and adviser to the Research de- Communism was J a . insssciisably Hall "at. the • New' York.- Worid'E to.- ..ineaar that - tks " CcEinsissioa Weinsteia. The A. Z. A. efficiency guards, .v:ho lr..5crefi 3tss.nr e.n.6. botfc :&v,£ Fei&ch Til-ivaii. :..-..-'-A.- demogogae-can"--get •'-'«""-'_.„ 'partnjent "?of-^the ' Non-Sectarian bad taste. The Congressional Rec- Fair by Gene Tunney, former actually considers' the White Pa- cup for outstanding p a t r o l tore tfeeir clothes to sbrecis. crowd of people who don't like Anti-Nazi League, predicted a ord carried the extended remarks heavyweight boxing champion of per to be incompatible with the achievements Next" day, 11 Arafis v c " t Jews even though they could not trade collapse f o r Germany's of Thorkelson, which earlier pre- the world and member of the two- Mandate, and, according, to some Hawk patrol. went to the Black One vonian and one chile, v/ere Y:O uncled vhep. • e • bomb Ofi«":follow him if he came to them In Third Reich, in a report prepared cipitated a sharp verbal clash be- week-old Committee. tilled vrhen driren.off l>r Polls"'. quarters, was unable to formulate class badges were given frontier guards. One man died oJ isned p,rs Aral! cr-fe i>.ppi' npir.nt" '.<,. his authentic character as one for the League indicating the ef- tween the Mohtanan and House this decision owing to the op-to Second Issued a t Intervals Cohn, Norman Polonsky exhaustion. who would subvert democracy and fect of the Anti-Nazi Boycott. He Majoity Leader Sam Rayburn ities, holding .lev's re-,;por;.-;lii.-3, Voice," which sells for position of the British and French and'Bill Lincoin Klaver. Presentation restrain liberties and reduce the declared the .total trade deficit or (Dem., Tex.) on the subject ot five"The From Hanover immediately imposed severe i-u;cents, carries a large-type members of the Commission. a first class award was mafie to dignity of the individual to thethe Reich last year was four-and- racial prejudice. Paris (JTA) —Advices ?vom ilivc- tViecGu^'ec. Ano'li?" A~;V Should the Commission's report of double-line banner headline, "BisMelvin Tatleman. Merit badges goose-step of a regimented- state. a-half times as large as that reto the Council sidestep a defiaite were won by Kelvin Tatlemas Berlin said l">0 Jevs of K-no^e? hops Condemn Anti-Semitism," When Thorkelson • asked perYes, people; say, this man Isported by official German statis- mission of the House to extend across the front page. Above it, declaration on the compatibility were taken, from their he&s fair- IVTea Shearim cuartor of the •-•K--. right; for what he tells them tics. Although Germany's adverse his remarks in the Record, nor- in smaller type, is a single of the new policy, the British gov- and Lawrence Epstein. Scout ing the Eight fine;, shipped in t.vc The Jevusaiem mUUsvy •'''«• Bernard Goldware was advanced about Jews is something they balance of trade for 1938 is offi- mally a routine matter, Rayburn streamer, "Catholics Answer 'So- ernment will not have to ask the trains to the Polish border. Fifty mancier, ordered; s-,11 .levish o;.:-'.™ to Senior Patrol leader. ; have been conditioned to believe cially reported at 192,000,000 arose N of the group reached Neubectchen iE the city closed ?t <c; oV?.-.-"-L Council at its next session in Sepcial Justice' Lias." to a sk if he intended "as from their youth. A Democrat Reichmarks, examination of the Norman Weaelraan, Lawrence and were driver across the Pol-iii&liUy u it til CuvU'or notice :-"i Mayor La Guardla said he tember to amend the mandate to : finds himself able to go -with a nature of Germany's foreign trade he does so many times" to place in the publication material ap- hoped "this would put an end to conform -with the new policy, but Epstein and Walter 'Greenberg ish-German, frontier wiiL



cL L S S v TLx. 1





; Republican in the matter, of hat-reveals that the actual trade defiwere appointed junior assistant at their heels. a movement now being attempted will only have to ask approval of scoutmasters. • ing Jews; a Protestant can gocit is 880,300,000 Reichmarks, pealing to racial prejudices. The budget seal One of the deportees. the policy. Under present coadirael and first directed against the with a Catholic; "In his extension remarks the was presented to the troop in iiomac, EC, flieel f.i?v. Mi? fr v ts tp.nf. Rpvif-ionist body'" (iivisim- t., Dr. Winkler said. (Contimied on Page S) Jews." He then added that "if So, by a radio assault on^Jews, other day, he referred to Commurecognition of successfully operat- still lying ' on the frontier. Tp.f.e the colony oi lUshon-ie-^iai, a Coughlin gets back in a few nists, various persons engaged in something l i k e antl-anything ing under the troop budget plan— of the" remaining 100, -rho reachweeks a following which he los un-American activities, etc., andstarts in this country," it would Assistant scoutmasters of the ed the frontier station Beuthen, givls, T'<JE rounded i-r pnd •~:>ii' In 'the repudiation of 1936! In then named every Jew in the destroy fundamental principles. troop are: Dr. A. D. Faier, Mor- is BO far unknown. The vicuKis deed, Coughlin had fallen among House who is chairman of a com- Dr. Chapmar., acting executive ton Kargolin, Sol ""TezeJman and include blind and aged men r.nfi the forgotten men after 1936 and mittee or a ranking member of a secretary for the Committee, anAbe Reznick. The troop commit- v:omen £rom institutions. nounced on the editorial page that he appeared to be one of the incommittee. Just what does the tee is under the chairmanship of the vicinity oC Kf?l'«ovot.h re~n'*r-.the Committee's program of acteresting. relics of American po gentleman mean by mentioning Mr. S. Rica and consists of the folID the arrest of '.;4. .?ev.-isb i>nu.p litical hostory. • tivity included radio broadcasts, a lowing members: Dr. A. D. Faier, the names ot these Jewish memgrp-Pis euaiTed v-'icfc (>t;<e<'i!U; • '"' So in Germany the corpora David Fishman and Gilbert Rosbers when referring to those en- speakers' bureau, frequent issuLr;l: country iUeesilly. gathered to himself a multitude enblum. gaged In un-American activities?" ance of bulletins, pamphlets, leaflets and news letters, an educawho never ,liked Jews anyway and "Then the gentleman quoted Troop 62 has been in existence who- could believe he must be Every Saturday afternoon at the provision in the Constitution tional program for the schools, a The Beth El Talmud Torah for 10 years. Tod£3- it is one of right In all things since he was2:30 over radio station WOW to the effect that no person hold- research/ bureau and information closed its active year last Friday the most active groups in the ?: f. r» • sp-lem told o? I^ri'tnl tre £ ii»"- j '. ; saying what they themselves al- the Creighton University of the ing an office or trust under the service." with a picnic at Elinwood park. community and has a membership N . p.ccorcec. Fevere't luirid'•*>»'; ..;*•• v t ways had liked to believe abou Air is presenting a transcribed United States shall accept a pres"The Voice" will be issued at Fifty-seven children attended. of 5 0 Scouts. *" I roiuideu up in the Old Cit? <'!•'?• Jews. They marched with him broadcast of the program "Ameri- ent, emolument or favor from any frequent intervals, it was an- Among those present were the \ i v s in? Ixvaxt fpi- P U K P O C I ? U-i<t to tho totalitarian state, to the cans AH—Immigrants AH." Each king or a foreign state. Did thenounced by the Committee. new pupils of the Talmud Torah bbi David A . Goldstein con- { f o o t i n g of em Arpn. Three r..idestruction of their democracy, to week the contributions of a racial gentleman intend to c-cuse the who have enrolled for the coming j ducted t h e special Independence | Ji? eG j e w B ,. v ; e i '*; £ a t 5 l ."'• j 1 - ^ * - ' (; ' : 'lu,wj Ui i r -the end of their liberties. group to the development of the Jewish members of being Commusemester. ! day service held on Tuesdaj" a t i kept siaiurinE- (Or >.oi\\ n..-.!:-.-s >,;• United States are related. Wooden Horse A complete luncheon w a s nists or infer that they are getI the convention of the Kabbkdc&I j ™" * l i o ; rvv w t l t p ^ " ^ v f ' - ' Anti-Semitism is the wooden ' A "play-back" equipment has ting emoluments from foreign served by a committee under the Assembly- of America in Asburj j o f ; ?t1fl npp " ' " " " ' ^ r o l " ~ p " ; p horse in which the enemies of de- been purchased by Dr. Philip Sher countries? I would like to know chairmanship of Mrs. Morris Armocracy conceal their chief pur- and the programs will be present- what is in the gentleman's mind. kin. Assisting her were Mrs. Joe Ir h - t r 1 \zV^ C o \ - r - , ^ r ' ' ° \ / " , poses. The Dies committee re- ed before local organizations and Freeman, Mrs. D. Eobersnan, "I don't know any reason," Mr. , cently revealed something o schools. Mrs. Jacob Kafcz and Mrs. I. I1( l w Thorkelson replied, "why I should r - r . Wz -r--'' r<- - r r - '"' ' ' •> , - . that; behind the anti-Semitism o Abramson. In charge of the program Is tell the gentleman what is in my \-°->C o r TI f - r <• ^ - v,, * -. v . « Moseley 'was exposed Moseley's Cake and candy -were served by Washingtoa (JTA) — Stressmind." jt"i r t s f p f c i f r the r i,, r •• * ' profound admiration of Hitler, his Professor Edwin Puls of CreighFloyd Abramson, son of Mr. anding the need of co-operation ' ' veneration of Fritz Kuhn as a ton university. Milton R. Abrahams will be Mrs. Leo Afcrarnson, who wasamong "all groups of Americans" I C o r . r - f s r ~ c - f ' i r c j r r ! 1 patriotic citizen. \z ' ^' ' ' A committee representing each Jewish speaker this afternoon on celebrating his birthday. in undertakings of common con- : . - V c r f . . . . ; , . . • . r r Indeed, the whole anti-Semlti national group is sponsoring the i - " - '-.-ft ~ " r, "1 " ^ the regular broadcast of t h e Members of the committee in cern to them as citizens, Mrs. i r a ^ r r t ' movement in the United State program and its further presenOmaha Round Table of Christians charge of games were Mrs. M. F.Franklin D. Roosevelt this week has only thinly masked a hate tations. Members of the commitand Jews. Levenson, Mrs. David A. Gold- urged "good citizens everywhere" and contempUfor liberal govern- tee are: Bolus J. Bolus, William Charleg J. McDonald, district stein and Mrs. John Fair. The to support the campaign oi the ment. The New Deal has been G. Abboud, and Eva Nasr, Syrdeputy for the Knights of Colum- Talmud Torah will re-open in National Conference oT Christians called the Jew Deal; every anti- ian; August Borglum, French; bus, is Catholic narrator, and September. and Jevs for the promotion of New York (JTA) — Allen Zoll, Semitic pamphlet speaks of it a: Matthew A. Hall and Frederick Lyle M. Adams, a member of the better understanding ariioi-.g Protwho organized the weekly picketv "• li v i>p~t €• f ' r - i . ' . t W. Clayton, English; Rev. Dr. - a government of Jews. board of directors of the Junior estant's, "Jews and Catholics. ing of Station WMCA for Its re• i i' It seems to me, Miss Neely, that Edward Chapuran, Czecho-SloChamber of Commerce, will be In a July Fourth statement to fusal to broadcast Father Charles the menace to the Jews is only vakian; Mrs. Paul Pattavlna, Protestant representative on the the org-anization, Mrs. Roosevelt minor in "a conspiracy directed Italian; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. E. Coughlin's talks, was disowned broadcast. I declared that joint, action by citi- • \ " against all Americans and against Swanson, Swedish; Mary Potts, by the pickets after he had been This program is broadcast zens of all groups in dealing vritfc the cherished things of American English; Dr. Philip Sher and I. arraigned on a charge of seeking through station KOIL at 5 to Vienna (Havas)—Descendants common problems "is urgently • life. Do you think these things $> Zimman, Jewish; Mrs. Arthur to extort §7,500 from Donald 5:15 every Friday. This is the of the famous Viennese "waltz necessary, in view of much that is would be, safe In the hands of men If*. Mullen, Mayor Dan B. Butler Flamm, president of the station. third on a series of 13. A sign carried by Coughlinite king," Johasii Strauss, were happening in the world." . . . E.nd Mrs. D. A. Foote, Irish whose dangerous characters are pickets at the station's building barred from inheritance of bis The promotion of better underThomas R. Niven, Scotland; Val manifest In the current hate, presaid: "Allen Zoll,. Is a Traitor." musical and personal' property, standing a m o n g Protestants, Peter, Mme. Thea Moeller-Herms jury and forgery directed against which reverts to the city of'Vien- Catholics and Jev:s in America is and Hans P. Laas, German, and Zoll, who called himself direca minority of the American peoAloyslus Klammer, Polish. na, by an official ruling, climas- truly one of the most necessarj" tor of the American Committee ple? ing Julius Streicher's' campaign tasks confronting us, not OE?r for for Constitutional Government Do • you think any . American's the sake of lasting social peace was arraigned yesterday and helc Prague ( J T A ) — T h e m e a t to disinherit Strauss's "non-Ary- and rights would be safe from chargood-will but in order that in §5,000 bail. Police said they shortage in Bohemia-Moravia has an" descendants. acters capable of destroying any the idealisia of religion may make arrested him Friday when he acThe Austrian composer, wiio its' forced delicatessen manufacturers group of Americans because of effective contribution to cepted §200 in marked bills from to invent a new concoction— died in 1889, married a Jewess the' 'most their race or religion? "• How safe -vrelfare of the nation." Flamm. He had promised, po- frankfurters made of fish — and converted to the Roman Catholic would American principles be if lice said, to call off the pickets incidental?-, has made it pos- faith, Adele Deatsca,' his 'third it came to pass that a group of Tientsin, China (JTA) —More when he reecived $7,300 more. thus, sible for Jews to eat "hot dogs'' wife. The royalties he' left her Americans, because of its race, than 2,000 Jews were affected by was, reduced to a subject people the Japanese blockade oJ the Brit- Zoll denied the charge before without fear of violating the re-will now become Viennese propMagistrate Richard McKinlry and ligions prohibition against eating erty. Recently, repeated attacks In accordance with the ideology in Streicher's newspaper, Der of the anti-Semites. The Constitu- ish and French concessions here. hearing was set for today (Fri- non-kos*aer meat. Opinion Tte aJuly iss-Je of Sraeic.es" tion would, stand repealed by the Most of them have businesses day). Stuermer,'forced a daughter of prints poem "The fcT In addition, Catholics, for the within the concessions, while a dictates of mobsters. The success first time, can eat sausages on Strauss, by a previous marriage to i Mrs. WilliaiE Gray o* Omaha. number reside In Japanese-conof anti-Semitism would mean the Friday. Fifty Jews Dismissed turn over to Vienna violins anfl defeat of the equal rights guar- trolled sections of the city. manuscripts wliicli £er fatter left Budapest (WNS)—Fifty memanteed -by all our laws. It'would A majority of the Tientsin Jews bers of the Budapest Opera comA representative of the sultan fcsr. well as eriodicals. be'the defeat of America. are of Russian origin, having pany were dismissed in conform- always appeared in a Turkish What It Woald Mean come here via Harbin. Only a few ity with Hungary's new Jewish court when a Jew tras a litigant Oliy Tertjuesi, the great matteThe tr.se of runp: Hpv safe, indeed, would be are German Jews, with refugees law, which allows only 6'per cent to defend the Jew against in- meticJan, WES the czly member of | trodtvcecl to the r among their number. (Continued on Page 8) justice. of the company to be Jews. Sis fsrnilj to -die a Jew. " Spa.s.ish-Jev-isii esli











Johann Strauss's Descendants Lose His Inheritance

Jews ,Can Eat New Czech "Hot Dogs"

2,000 Tientsin Jews in Blockaded Area

Opinion Publishes 'Poent by Mrs* Gray



Page 2

to forget that an assault on son, Victor, and three slaters, Mrs. ;hat now the officer would re- terve center to be reached and Clifford Academy, the Christian ed liberty is like the Inexorable S. Heyn of Omaha and Mrs. slectrifled is proved by Golding. replica of Mr. Emmanuel. xeat with regrets. "The officer, smiling, bowed espite a plot skeleton in its slm- It is only Incidentally that she ; march of the termites, the read- Charles Levy and Mrs. Louis Levy legantly and set forth: 'That the llcity and a prose that carries no urls into the midst of Vermont's ing of "Seasoned Timber" is rec- of Minneapolis. Funeral services were held two women are Jewish I have al- iaunting undertones of poetry, lormal placidity the shaking ex- \ oramended. Any reader will find ready heard from the argument olding has made Naziism vivid, aerience of deciding between anti- j hours of extraordinary stlmula- Monday morning at the CrosbyS e m i t i s m and Americanism, tion in both. Carlson-Meyer chapel, with Rabbi ou had with the Gestapo agents tartling, horrifying. Hulme, honest, tender, competent (Copyright, 183 9, by Seven Arts David H. Wice officiating. Burial . . But they have to sleep some To Germany had experienced a life crowded Feature Syndicate.) was at Pleasant Hill cemetery. place, and the agents were corIt is not really Naziism which with as many disappointments, rect when they said that you would not be permitted any place. oncerns Golding but the decency frustrations and sacrifices as the In Lithuanian communities Therefore, I suggest again: I will >f a handfull of people groping most long-suffering wander Jew there were regulations forbidding heir way in a dark world to the bring you to my hotel, and give could have borne. These had not certain types of ornaments and, Culled from the Yiddish Papers Mrs. Jennie G&nz you my room for the entire iecurlty of friedship. Central fig- warped him but enricned his abilre is Emmanuel, the old man Mrs. Jennie Ganz, 73, a resi- dress for women. Fines were imnight!'" ity to understand and guide peodent of Omaha for the past 5 2 posed for violation of these stat"And what will you do? Where lunged into a world whose very pie. utes. (17th century). will you sleep? I was curious to existence his gentle n o b i l i t y "Seasoned Timber" .is essential- years, died on Saturday after a doubted. He had been planning ,y the story of a man climbing ix-month illness. -HE OLD OVERCOAT AND THE down with me into ~ the control ;wo old Jewish women. They in- know." Surviving Mrs. Ganz are: A Patronize Our Advertisers. BANK NOTES • formed me that there was to be " 'Don't worry about me,' was to go to Ain Harod to spend his nto middle age, shocked by his station!" The Jewish" passenger, to whom no train till the next morning, his reply. 'I will play cards in ast days with his son in the Pal- utile love of Susan Burney into In a German town near the a realization that the best chapter Polish border the decree had gone this order is directed, immediate- nd that neither I nor the women a coffee house the rest of the stine colony. An opportunity to be useful is closing. Background for his out that all Jewish property was ly- grows pale, but, he can't help with, me would have any place to night. The important thing is to be confiscated by a certain day. it. Orders are orders. That the sleep, for no place in the town that t don't want these two old opened to him in helping Bruno symbolic tragedy is a Vermont women to be trampling around Rosenheim, 15-year-old son of a town which the author makes as One Jew in that town decided it official orders him off the train, would allow us in. " 'Jews and their servants are all night without sleep only be- ewish father and Christian moth- ntimately knowable as a lengthy were better that his property and signifies no good awaits him So not permitted in our hotels!' one cause they are Jewish possessions tall into the hands of thinks the Jew now to himself. Ger- er, who since his departure from film biography. A Jewish labor leader in Po- f the Nazi officials announced to many will win no prestige from Germany lived in desperate dread Gentile friends and neighbors One of the three trustees of that his mother would die mys- !lifford Academy files and leaves rather than Into the hands of the land, he now regrets that he en- me in French in a tone of con- t h a t ! ' " bloody vandals. So for days he dangered himself to go through tempt. "And are you sure that later teriously as had his "father.. Unit- over a million dollars to this Old and Sick kept busy transferring his prop- Germany, even though it be in you will not be punished because ng Emmanuel and Bruno is Rose struggling, backwoods school on "You should be ashamed! erty as well as surreptltously. lug- transit. Why did he do a thing you gave your room to Jewish looper, who so many years ago the condition that no Jew will be startled Magnolia Street when she permitted. Hulme, seeing civiligins piece by piece In the silence like that? Doesn't he know that egan arguing with him. The wo- women?" of the night as much of his fur- the Gestapo has sharp eyes? Na- men are old and sick. Each of 'That you can leave to me,' married a Christian sailor, now zation wrecked by the spread of niture and personal belongings as turally there grows upon him the them is over seventy years old. he smiled. 'I have broad shouldFascism, is given a personal opsea captain. he could to his Aryan neighbors. suspicion, and fear that his name They are travelling to a relative ers . . . I can bear much.' " portunity to combat its expresMoved by the dark brooding of "He accompanied us to his ho- Bruno's mind and an attempt at sion even though defeat for him Shortly afterwards came an- must evidently be on the black in America. Do you think you tel, and ordered that we be per- suicide, Emmanuel vows that he must mean disaster at 45. other decree:- - that every Jew list of the Gestapo. Now he has will add glory to yourself if you v in that town must leave the coun- fallen into their sadistic clutches do not permit them to sleep in 'a mitted into his room, and van- will- personally investigate the The excitement of the pre-elechotel? . . . They will' hold him on tha ished before anyone l o o k e d whereabouts of Mrs. Rosenheim. tion campaign to determine how try within twenty-four hours . . . German' border station, and no "Not being able to persuade around. In the morning, an hour He starts upon a trip to Germany the citizens of Clifford will vote It was a bitter cold night when Storm troopers descended upon one will even know what became them, I started out with the wo- before the train was to depart, that entangles him in a tissue of oa Wheatoa's gift, the tenseness of him. men to look at least for a. reshe appeared with a rap on the circumstances that the modern of the ballot day. and the uliltt£te this Jew and his family to carry taurant, where we might drink a door: 'How was your sleep?'" out the decree, walk them to the Fearful Thoughts mind would have rejected as fan- triumph of passion for the integrailroad station and see to it thr.t Fearful thoughts h a m m e r glass of tea. But in vain were Morning rity of Americanism are in themtastic less than a decade ago. they along with the other Jews through his mind. Nervously and our efforts. Every restaurant 'Very good,' the old women selves a complete novel, even The world into which Golding of the town got on the train, tremblingly he takes his valise, around ' the station were full of heartily thanked him. We don't takes us Is murky with the poi- though the will episode is only a which was t o ' haul them across ready to follow the inspector, oldiers, and on the door of each kno-w how to repay you for your sons of arrogance and anixnality. small part of the whole chronicle the : border. ' who meanwhile examines the Pol- restaurant hung the sadly famous kindness and hospitality! 1 " But the orbit is always that of of a man and a town. ish passport of the Jewish pas- sign: "Jews are not served here!" " 'Pay me?' the German officer faltering, naive, dogged EmmanXo Hysterics The Overcoat "Suddenly there grew out of senger, but tells him to leave his mumbled rather embarrassed. uel, confident that the resurrecJust as the Jew and his fam"Now is the time for all good 1 somewhere a German officer in valise in the train. 'Yes! You can really pay me . ily were leaving their home with uniform. " 'You are still look- not so much me, as ray people . . . tion of humanity is inevitable. men to stand up for their counbroken hearts, faltering steps and "Come along!" the official full He finds confirmation in Christry"" Is a phrase that has almost for a hotel?' he pleasantly All I want of you is that wh«m fear in. their eyes, one of their commands, "You don't have to n-g tian and Jew alike, in the pasits meaning as thousands of ngulred of me. you are on the other side of the sionate championship of Bruno's lost Christian neighbors stepped out drag your baggage with you," •Yes," I was brief with my an- border, you should tell there that cause by Rose's husband and by prospective typists have struck of his home, gazed at the sorry He takes him from the train, swer. perfection through its repetinot all the Germans are against other Englishmen, in the discov- for scene and quickly walked over to leads him to a special room in tion. But when old Mr. Dewey, "You can have my room in my the Jews not all are Nails ery that Elsie Cooper, mistress in his reserved, quiet manner, the storm troop leader and rather the station, opens the door with hotel, if you want!" he suggestnot all think like Hitler indiguautly burst out: a key, returns the passport to the ed of a Nazi dignitary, has really the thought, which moved without any ceremonies. That will be the best pay you can been playing a Queen Esther-liko voices ""Why should this accursed frightened passenger. him and Kuline. it sounds like a "Somewhat amazed at the ungive m e ! ' " •Turte be aliov.'ed to take out of "You don't have to be afraid!" role, knowing always that Mag- stentorian battle-cry which all "And having had his say, he nolia Street reviled her. our Reich >uch a fine overcoat? he says to him In a mild tone. "I expected offer, I could not commen hating Fascism must follow. Better let me have it, a pure have led you here not because I prehend him at first: I don't need vanished from the room. In vain There are EO hysterics either Germany and leaving Aryan, I can very well use it, and have something against you, but the room for myself, but for these we looked for him in the hote' it, Entering In Golding or Canfield. There are Emmanuel is warmed by the two old -women I told the of.fl lobby, to part with him. In vain well, 'jiciis our great Fuehrer and simply to pour out my heart to v moments of simple talk in Canbrief glance of understanding cer." did we look for him at the Btation party the more, for-it. Here, let you!" field that reduce to simple liuman sympathy, the shy handicap, the Booms for the Women with the hopes of seeing him on him have my worn-out rag, and "Pour, out your heart?" the 'I"mean for you and also for the platform The train began to unspoken apologies of Christian equation the baffling mysteries of I'll take his fine coat with'thanks Jew can't understand him. "They'll never cs.tcHfelra.now! That's & qwart of two old,women,"' the officer move, and in a half hour we were men and women who plead, with- human savagery. As -when Susan and appreciation to you, com"Yes! Simply to tell yon that the Burney tries to explain manifesout speaking, for forgiveness. Roberts VittEsisa D Milk boosting emphasized, turning to the old already on French soil. Behind radesl" you should not think that all or tations of Fascism as akin to the us was Germany, a Germany Lisa oaf" TJie troop leader gladly halted Germany is satisfied with the women. New Glory witchcraft craje in Salem. "The "But these women are Jews, where not all ar& Nazis. A Gerthe Jew. commanded him to take present regime!" children could understand," she Doomington, which Goldlcg in mein Herr! I found it necessary many which wjll surely awaken off his* warm coat to his neigh"I don't understand you!" The charted on the world's says of her pupils, "how ashamed bor, while the neighbor shed his Jew suspects that the official to inform him. I made my remark to its old culture of Heine and delibly map with his "Day of Atonement' the Salem people were when they in a tone of sarcasm, being sur< Goethe." quickly and triumphantly and wants to extract something from many years ago, achieves new got over being crazy, and how gave It to his neighbor without him. glory through Emmanuel. Oeca proud we all are now of the few the least ^ign.ol sympathy or He Pours Out His Heart sionally Golding may lapse into Salem folks who kept their heads recognition. •! . • ' official smiles: "Certainly the English Yiddishisms which and acted decent. And how proud The Jewish family crossed the youThedon't understand me! You are characteristic of some of his we'll all be if our country can border and landed in Poland. that apparently there is most tiresome stories, but In th keep, its nead now and act deThere suspecting nothing he soon think misunderstanding! A Germain Emmanuel is no caricature cent." afterwards took the overcoat to a some man border official talking to a no object of kindly condescenThere is a potent chemical extailor to be mended. And when Jewish passenger, and particularsion but Man, as .universal • and tinguisher for the rising flames the tailor ripped open the Inner ly against the present Nazi recompassionate as the Mr. Cohen of suspicion and hate in this counlining, bank notes and a letter gime ! sad to say it is no misun•whom Mary Roberts Rinehart in the soothing, assured narfell out. to the great astonishment derstanding. A Gorman is talkcreated a few years ago, but fa try rative of "Seasoned Timber," of the Droken-hearted exile. ing to you a good, devoted more penetrating In his underv is all the more powerful The Letter . patriot of Deutschland" .' . . one standing, more luminous in the which because its theme of equality is Now ,he understood it all. The who bleeds and., suffers inwardly generosity of his spirit. only incidental. letter read: for the prestige and good name For Jews who become so terIn an atmospheje as different "Take hope! The sun will of Germany . one, who does There are antidotes to Jewish i with his portrayal o) from Magnolia Street as New rified by hate that they being to shine again for all of us! Your aot -want other countries and peo- national melancholia. One of them warmth Isaac Emmanuel, the retiring: sec- York City is from Vermont, Dcr- believe the libels on Jews, the tragedy is our tragedy. Our sal- ple to think about my fatherland the sight of Jewish dignity in retary of the Jewish Board oi othy Canfleld has given us in reading of "Mr. Emmanuel" Is vation will be your salvation. as they now think .., . one, who is resistance to oppression and the Some day we will meet again in still hopes that my land wtl affirmation—not merely of pride Guardians of Doomlngton, wh Timothy Hulme, Principal of th prescribed. For Christians tempthimself thrust Into a wierd joy and happiness. sober up and again become a civ and self-respect—of the Inalien- found terrifying experience. The body "For the present I did all I ilized land To whom can I of equality. There is an of Emmanuel was seared, but his could under the circumstances to pour out my heart? Under locked ability equally powerful antidote which, spirit remained as flexible and prove our undying friendship to doors, when others think I am because of the explicable immer- vibrant as it had developed to you and your family . . . All the examining suspicious; Jewish pas sion of Jews in the shadows cast tens of thousands of readers. property and possessions you gave sengers, I find the only opportu by brutal Ill-will, may not be as Not Indictment to us I converted Into bank notes, nity to pour out my heart . . ' risible. It is the existence in all which you will find In the coat There, outside, my colleagues are lands and among all peoples "Mr. Emmanuel" is definitely of lining.. • • certain that I am forcing you to fundamental decency which not an indictment of Naziism or "I shall wear your overcoat as undress naked and search you for that Make tk& f£es£ of tiko S^i exerts itself on behalf of freedom a chronicle of life In Germany; It a. covenant of our friendship, as concealed valuables is as calm and impersonal as and equality, not because of tolNone o a Holiday aud gave Moziej with well as a reminder of Germany, them will suspect that through erance and neighborllness, but be- ^though Louis Golding the Jew that was and will be, and as a you-1 am sending greetings to th cause of the elemental under- were still writing about the Sea-, source of hope that the dark' civilized world outside. In an standing that all life is be- coast of Bohemia. But "Mr. Emplague will soon vanish from our hour you will be in a free land, smirched if any part of it is sul- manuel." which Hollywood is said k» tii fair land. upon a free soil, do not forget t fleld. -..-.to be demanding for translation Royal Mil* la free tell them that not all in Germany to the screen, makes tha brutality "And when our your land dear ones ts.ftt; tsri, OB dripptaff* pff again and you and are Nazis. Don't forget to tell Two novels are Illustrative. Of Germany as close as though v~ei i"ivrr ii how return, I hope 1 shall be able to them that the German people i One ts "Mr. Emmanuel" (Viking Dachau y and Buehenwald -werfe replace your coat "with even a not Hitlerite. Don't forget, t beg 3ress) by Louis Golding which personal experiences. IV7*>,»t»--«; f-v«r<£ lives -with. better .one." you!" • , the Literary Guild has chosen for oisicfce- efcopm . . . ekid central Imagination, the root of terror, A Border Official Seeks a Jew The train has been on Belgian ts August selection. The other has been, calloused by the years . . . o n clipper;' r o « M , E. is the German border station. territory for some time, but the is "Seasoned Timber" (Harcourt, of reportage from Germany. What Hundreds; of people travel from Jewish labor leader from Warsaw Brace & Co.) by Dorothy Can- newspapers may. have failed to France into Germany and tens could not yet free himself from eld. capture of the spirit that transfrom Germany into France. Al- the powerful impression which There have been novels by formed Germany has been supthough the relations between the "confession" and greeting of France and Germany are not very the iborder official made upon Golding of greater imaginative plied by novels of Feuchtwanger, glow, of more polished prose and Katz. Liepman, Bottome, Schisfriendly, i yet there are Germans, him. . ; who somehow find their way to, sinuous style, but nothing that he gall and almost scores of others. "There are still human beings But tfiat there is still a live Paris for a week, a few days, or in Germany, who are ashamed of ha3 written compares In sheer at" least for a week-end. Hitler!" he later told in Paris. Also the Germans, who return "There are enough, enough . . . from Paris, must pass through E. The experience I had with the 96th Semi-Annual Statement They, naturally, indulge in no border official must not be minpolitical : discussions with German imized It Is symptomatic of border ~ offlcials. However, the the present mood in Nazlland . . . « ? . * Prm* tt->-v Mutom •«•» • lo 223 P««t Ch>!fk«r Tk«« officials are well trained to recog- It shows awakening . . . Deutschnize a man even in his silence— land erwacht!" particularly when the German A German Officer Gives Lodging HERE'S WHY WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY tourists are too reticent when The French Miss, who was sent they return to Germany—just be- specially from Paris to Germany 1614 Harney Street • Me Bad Debt. Lfeseee * Ne cause they have little that is bad to accompany across the border Bookkeeping JULlT-1, 1039 to report about the lands they two old Jewish women of Bern* No oc. Fee* have visited, and just because of ard Baruch'a family, told me the RESOURCES this reticence It is not difficult following (Smolnar): Quick A s s e t s for the border officials to guess "When we came to the German Cash $4,233,017.16 what this intentional silence sig- border not far from Strassburg, United States Government nifies, the German border guard stopped Treasury Bills 1,000,000.00 $5,228,017.15 It broils, frier, hzhcz, Always on the border, and us Stopped up and accused me Loan secured by first mortgages on nesJs sometimes also on the other side of being a French spy. ~ The Gerisree pis Visit Improved real estate . . 6,465,348.33 of the border for a few; hours, man border near Strassburg lies chop:, fish. Cc£ss eclrcs let U£ Delinquent interest 2,775.80 the German border.officials know on the famous "Siegfried Line" end pic;. t wfcaefe tsew Loans on pass-book security *. 13,082. i « best the great difference between ana this fortress Is closely -guardLoans in foreclosure. 92,779.2?> CEipE bis of retrccCtisE or A whole niaal at enee for tv;o to S peep's the Hitler regime and the Demo- ed against foreigners for- many Real estate sold on contract. 24,4SG.O3 cratic regimes beyond the borders miles. recapplag er.j 1rase ear OE without raising kitchen tesiptrn-ure. Real estate acquired through foreclosure 388,503,7;? of Nasiland: They know it, but "After they had held me a few trtscl 5 Eire. Office building and future office building can they: talk about it openly? Is hours arid were convinced that I , ___. . , G.E. Magic Rcssts-r ST.S5 YdttT worn tsrea cfc ' ^ , site at 18 and Farnam Streets... . 177,500.00 not the Gestapo more alert on the was no spy, the officials began to I ' • ' Ufc-sssJSef cssScwrs <S.C3 Fnrnitnre and fixtures l.oo [ wsi ;b ECV? £:irr fwlly border than within the,land? rebuke and scold me, a genuine I • G.E. Erc:Ssr U.-i* ...4.93 Inspection. Frenchman, dragging around with i , Total. ....... ........$12,S80,4S0.74 The train,-, which goes from tlses:.Eanc!» c f «Efe,""eco. ! Warsaw to Paris arrives at the noci I • • • • ' ' • .LIABILITIES .border station E., and the Gerf Credits to members* earing and paid-up 'man border officials enter the PRIVATELY owned c a "V a Toie! Vako passenger cars to go through accounts $11,232,748.52 and passengers desiring to travel on share expense r <r their ".Inspection," inspection o£ Balance held for borrowers 83,527.71 Basis phono Coast to Coast passports and money. As there Reserves . 1,003,0418.52 Auto Travel Bureau. HA \Vbiiel8Ssfscs are few passengers on the train, Undivided profits lS.25S.i5D 5600, 2007 Farnam. Oestln. each official has plenty of time atlon and aoeldent.Insurance Borrowed Bfoney NONE Listed Above Lest to carry out his "control" slowly on all passengers. Total . ./.$12,8S3,4SS.74 and thoroughly. "You will be so kind and step . . . . . ' ... •..•' O F F I C E R S •'• • G.-E." Ccsic&sfrefed ca -Oer?fctcia Ed-gar'A. Baird, President Clark W. Carnaby, Secretary F l o o r , FRSSAV cr.d CATL r.SAY James A. Lyons, ViceJ. Herbert McMillan, FREE! An Export Counsellor on Room Arrangement President ' _ Treasurer : "Wayne O. Selby, Ass't Secretary

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elect Jote Felix EBtigarrlbit. of of Biro-Bidjst, but only On an inParaguay told newspapermen his dividual b&si£ •with each ease *>*•« country had no racial problem tnp considered 'on Us cwjs merit*-' and wsiiW welcome instnigr&rst laborers witicctfiiacriminRtiOEBE to race or religion.

Patriotism Declared Part of Religion of Jews Several Thoafiand Already Holds Visas ffcr Haines Falls, N. Y. (JTA) —



(JTA)—The Br'iirti CKjsertJ-' commission scrt to ir.veciijrftts1 colonisation possibilities is Isc-fchern Kbcfiesis T.E£ Nrasalsinf. or be*y / •« \ <•> half of the Intergovernmental New officers elected by the RabB'nai B'rith 0 Kefupee Committee hae combinical Council of America at its Seven Arts and Jewish Press pleted its work feed left for Eng.ame low esteem as these, their three-day annual convention, held 35 per cent of the Jews were so The Breslow Auto Glass softbring yon this poignant appeal HIAS REGULATE ENTRY ls.nfi. It is undSTEtood that the at Andron's Mountain House, are ate-making predecessors. penalized. Only foreign relief ball ten still continue to set the to Americans for a truer uncommlBBlfiE'e repert n?.s already Persecutors Suffer saved them from wholesale star- pace in the J. C. C. Softball Rabbis Herbert S. Goldstein. New derstanding of the common enbees prepared anfl that it coaOf the most important reasons vation. league. The Sigma Alph Ma club York, honorary president: Sicscha Ot&cr Havens Are Being BjflerE emie» of Judaism and democ- why. & proposal to cattle « large Americans should be on Studied by As for Communism in Ger- were victims of an S-to-3 defeat Levy, Perth Amboy, N. J., presiracy, written by Stanley High EKissber ol refugees in the Mwindent; Abraham S. Irom, Brooklyn, uard against anti-Semitism, the many, in the last free German at the hands of the Breslows, due Experts andl appearing in the current ilunga district, vfcich fcas a high irst is historical. The record of election the Communists polled to a bad first Inning .when the Isaiah Rackov^ky, Wooster, Mass:, issue -of "liook" magazine.— lenturies elevation and is vreli v.-atered but and Uri Miller, New Orleans, forproves that the most 5,980,240 votes but.there were victors pushed over five rues. Paris (JTA)—Relief for severTHE EDUOE. of Omaha, vice-presidents: al thousand refugees who hare is difficult to react. terrible effects of persecution are only some 250,000 Jewish voters. After the initial canto, the S. merly not visited upon those who areThere -was only one Jew among A. M.'s played the champions oa Samuel Berliant, financial secre- Bolivian visas was indicated in a H, Ai-?trri1.;s. (JTA) — Jewish refugee children are to persecuted. the 89 Communist Reichstag dep- even par the remainder of the tary ; Emanuel Marcus, recording cable receded by ths HIAS-ICA secretary, and Morris Max, Al-Emigration Association frcra La Interior Minister K. £. Foil &nbe the "shock troops of the revoThey are visited upon those uties, and none among the leaders game. Tha second place Leaven- Tsany, treasurer. lution," .said a woman who ap-who do the persecuting. In an- of the Communist party from worth Markets had too many base Paz announcing that the Bolivian | nocnoecl that i.Z&B refugees had The approximately 100 Ortho- Government has decided to admit | bees EcmKlrd :c dc Comiporpeared recently "before a congres- cient times Nero's persecution of 1918 to 1923. In the government hits in their war clubs, and gave sional committee which was in- the Christians did not destroy of Republican Germany, there the Mother chapter of A. Z. A. dox rabbis attending the conven- such refugees at the rate o* £50 vestigating a proposal to admit Christianity. On the contrary, it were never as many Jewish of- a 13-to-5 lacing. The Century tion also adopted resolutions con- monthly. The organisation ac- | th* tigxiTf T " " r r f r t ; r r ^T>e 5r ?~ 20,000 German refugee children proved that "the blood of t h e ficials as would have been their Chapter of A. Z. A. tallied in the demning Britains Palestine policy ncuacsd that it has beer, entrust- j applicants- X f t r brc .PVIX'C to tliQ "United States. martyrs ia the seed «f t h e share on.a population basis. last Inning to defeat the B'nai and political "isms," and paying ed by the La Paz regime to select j ne-w incuetrjrf T Liti « T - « «" tribute to Rabbi Goldstein ca the the quota at its own discretion j picking Ltil'-t AiTu"trirnfi. 1B'rith team 4 to 3. Although, f o r m e r President church." Nero's persecutions did, Protocols completion of 25 years ia the rain- and with the cooperation cl the Herbert Hoover and President however, unleash a rule of deThis Sunday's games will find H i t l e r - inspired propaganda istry. The resolution en Pales- Bolivian Consul In London. Roosevelt both had endorsed the generacy which helped to destroy claims only four teams swinging into that the Communist leadUUllUuIl V •- i JT". ' • \ . l * - < * i tine had been urged by Rabbi Introduction of the quota for plan, she declared that "everyone the brilliant civilization tha£~was era, both action, as the Sigma Alpha Mu's in the United States Goldstein in his presidential mes- Jewish vice-£i?ectcr r ' tJ s Ir tF"f ~" ?~v refugees climaxed long supporting -the measure is a Com- Rome, All human experience In- and Russia, are Jewish, but neith- entire softball squad will journey sage. "Peace between Arabs and E t ' u p r f Cotrr". '.;*", m ; munist." This total disregard for dicates that organized hate in- er Earl Browder nor any other up to Sioux City to engage in Jews can be obtained by a con- negotiations with the Bolivian mental rcpreeectatf'Tf «"" i i ArT"i. rT Government by the Bolivian Jewthe truth is typical of the present evitably breeds degeneracy. some outside competition when ranking American Red official is centrated effort oa . the part of ish lEH3.igrE.tian Committee, head- Crotlp TlSiiff "r-?r r—-iT-v'r; propaganda against the Jews in In the long run, the worst suf- Jewish. Stalin is not a Jew. There they tangle with the •. Fraternity the Jewish leadership," he said, ed by Mas Hochschiid. It auto- d B C I l E C R i the United States. It is in the erers from Hitler's revival of are only two Jews among the top Alumni boys of Sioux City. "provided the British government matically cancels the recent Bo- I ing- format or C" r r i r t r - r r ••,-!• r" best Hitler tradition. For propa- Neroism will not be Germany's 28 Russian Communist chiefs. The schedule for next Sunday's adheres, to the Balfcur Declara- livian order barring admission to ; foundation z? Ciatrrf m: ^."epersecuted Jews, but Germany's ganda, as Adolf Hitler defines and tion and helps in the establish- Bolivia after Kay 7 of Jews hold- i l£r£fc-fiO£.ic> <.r~i;rE.,: or r~ . " S T trick of Jew-baiters games is as follows: practices it, is the "art" of using persecuting Germans. In the Unit- is Atofavorite ment of peace." "prove" by means of the Breslow Auto Glass vs. A. S. | Ivort. Gerrarr:. rrr-r;tr,-' T--rr--' ing visas. lies, perpetually repeated, to pro- ed States, Hitler's spiritual kins- thoroughly discredited "Protocols A. No. 1, Thirty-third ana Cass. • circles &~e VF-^i'.rf-.-r "r . l*«Denounce Coaghiin men are less a menace to the wel- of the Elders of Zion" that the The action aiss diminishes fear duce bate. Leavenvrorth Market v&. A. Z. Rabbi Goldstein denounced the that Bolivia will be closed to imfare of the Jew than to the charOur Jew-baiters are spiritual Jews are organized in a conspir- A. No. 1OO, West Elmwood. Rev. Charles E. Coughlin for call- migrants in the future, as the Mnsmen not only of Hitler, but acter of the American gentile. acy to rule the world. Long being Jews Cora.Eiu3.iEtic and assert- HIAS-ICA is determined to use I Paris (J1A- —Tif r - c : rr Trv Another reason to g u a r d of the witch-burners of Salem; of fore the war the protocols had ir ed that the Jews were superLee Grossman, physical direcorganized immigration of visa iish Emtgrc'.i.-r r — r*'"~rc against anti-Semitism is moral those who persecuted the Quakers been exposed as a forgery, engi- tor of the Center, was given spe- patriotic, with a leve for America | the •which Barer Kobr-t >• f ' l- h$holders to demonstrate that imand religious. If we believe in and the Baptists in the 17th cenneered by the Czar to justify per- cial honor on July 4, when he that "is tantamount to a re- j migration of that chsriicter is | chilfi is ir.*f~rf rpf., ce \ t? r^cr tury; of the Know-Nothings who the New Testament, we know that secuting the Jews. j was selected to serve in an of- ligion." | generally an asset to Bolivia. : hate-breeding lies against any mihated the Irish Catholics and "Father 'Ccughlin in one and Another story; disproved by the ficial capacity at the National A. i All Bol'via-bnund steamers are \ v.'iti. the crir.ir'l »•? ^r >-CVP"' - . nority are un-Christlan. How our burned convents in the 1850's; of the same breath libels the Jewish facts, but spread by the antiA. U. Senior Track and Field | booked in advance until cert winchurches react to antl-SemitiBm the American Protective associapeople on the one hand as inter- ter, thousands cf visa holders I in rrench Cr."xn».. T ? Ct ir-.,-: ^ Semites, is that the Jews control Championship held in Lincoln. tion of the 1890's which hated the will be a yardstick of how Chris- finance, national bankers and on the other having engaged passage, t u t the j aafl -Kafiapr.pcr.-. -.: .u i : : r - ! . r . \ big business, and the German Catholics; and of the Ku tian they are. hand as atheistic Corsmurusts," HIAS-ICA, desiring to s.vciS na- j that tee euar. on r' cr.rc .n.-: •press. In New York City, where SWIMMING Klux Klan which, under its burnConceals True Aims Kabbi Goldstein declared. 30 per cent of the population is otic saili£££, Trill assign passen- j emali-Bctie rr'J^r. rrt . ' ^ "-.ing crosses, hated and persecuted M o s t important reason why Jewish, Jews mak© up only 7 per In the past week, members of "There is nothing that is fur- gers within the £50 ccota. to each French por^rrr- r - r y^r ^ r r : H the Negro, the Oriental, and Cath- anti-Semitism is a menace, is that cent of the members of the stock the advanced classes in the Jcnior leu up y;*> c - T T " ••• r --*rolics of all kinds. Today's anti- it invariably conceals the real exchange. Of the 80,000 direc- division were taught the art of ther from the truth than both of steamer. Georeer. Krufr".. Semites hold the truth in the aim of the people behind it. The tors of America's leading corpora- diving. Between 75 and 100 girls these charges. What should be said in behalf of the present day | "So Problem Czar of Russia used it, in the tions only 4.8 per cent are Jew-participate in. the morning swin Jew is that he is a philanthropist London form of bloody pogroms, to bol- ish. Save for the New York on Monday and Wednesday, while = Asuncion (JTA))—President- Comu excellence. I know ol no ,r/r-Trr(" ster his tottering tyranny. The Times, Jewish newspaper inter- between 50 and 75 Junior boys par group which has given so much Soviet Go'err-ir.e" if r~evr"e\ engage in morning swins oa Nazis used it to sabotage the Ger-ests in America are negligible. p r to all .religious education and to 25,003 Pines Destroyed accept r e t u r " "" Fr ; ' ~ r " Tuesday and Thursday. man Republic. Likewise in the 11 relief agencies as the Jewish peoOther charges against the Jews, the SlVtOncrr-' " ,"rv-!-T *i--"* United States, it is being used to ple. They have been truly charxa {Tv"KS-Palcor even wilder than those answered undermine democracy. The real acterized as the children ol zaercy cy)—A lire, believed to be o£ «s.rpurpose of our anti-Semites is to here,.will continue to be circulatand charity. EoziEt origin, ETrept tJirouEh the establish in the wake of race ed by the anti-Semites. The an"So, too, it must %e said In theKi~g Georjre Forest near Kfar hatred, a government of liberty- swer to each of thera — in fact, the answer to anti-Semitism itself Newport Tercentenary Is Bhackling reaction. challenging veply to F a t h e r Haicresi ia the Nasarcth hills Haifa (JTA)—A false SOS, an- Coughlin that there is no group and destroyed over 2E,C0C pises, -—is this: The Jewish people are ^ Marked at Touro The history of American Jewry no more united in opinion or swered by the British destroyer more democratic than the Jewish valued at $15,COO. Synagogue belies the anti-Semitic propagand- practice or aspirations than the Ivanhoe in territorial waters near people. The Jew is not only B r r - r r i rrr 5 IT" here, caused the accidental death patriot but a super-patriot. The ist. Even at the time of the Rev- people of any other religion. money •was needed ! Zir>c' Snr! T - » . f P P : r»i* Newport, R. I., (JTA) •• olution, some 3,000 Jews were of a sailor and the discovery ol Jewish people's love for America for charity the Jevifih comrE-!.!. Like their compatriots in the Dressed in the costume and Americans. A Jew, Haymn Salo- Protestant and Catholic churches, 370 refugees attempting illegal is tantamount to a religion. It i ties cf northers Africa relied c i chanting the traditional ritual in mon, supplied much of tlie money the Jews range entry' into Palestine. The sailor is part and parcel of the Jewish | the custom of selling tee Tc~a^ wealth - from the manner of three centuries which kept Washington's army in the bottom to theintop" of the eco-was killed when his gun -went otf religion. Nazism and Commun- i scroll to the ii^nsst bifiSer rtr ago, Dr. David de Sola Pool, pres- the field. nomic scale, and in politics from by accident as he was boarding ism are the world's double-efigefi i vras expected to fioaate the scr^Zt ident of the Synagogue Council By I860 the Jewish population Communism t o extreme reaction. the steamer Las Perles frcra the sword of autocracy and destruc- back to the Eynagogsis. The:' 1 u: of America, ^conducted a special of t h e United States numbered Even tion. Therefore, I recommend er -rcas content -with the hoaoi cC on the question of Palestine Ivanhoe. commemorative service in the 250,000 —7T chiefly immigrants they are divided into three antagThe Ivanhoe had put out in re- that a pronouncement go forth having bees, t t s cce-tice evrze historic Touro Synagogue, whose from Germany, driven, as other' onistic camps. sponse to the steamer's SOS, from this convention denouncing o* the scroll. . congregation was established in immigrants were, by the desire which proved to be a mistake sad in no uncertain tenns our comHow then could they have the 1658 when Jewish refugees, from to escape political oppression or uniform characteristics w h i c h found the refugees aboard. Warn- mon enemy, Nazism and CommunPortugal first landed on the to better their economic lot. From anti-Semites ascribe to them? The ing the Las Perles not to enter ism." shores of Khode Island. 1881 through t h e World War, "case" against the territorial waters, the Ivanhoe ar_ T h i s picturesque %ceremony most of the immigrants came Jew-baiters* Jew is nothing but a fantastic rested her when she persisted ia the battle' cf Jerez (711) V formed part of the Tercentenary from Eastern Europe and espe- smoke-screen, designed to conceal doing so'. The destroyer then es- theAtJews of Morocco fought -with * celebrations of the founding of cially — because of Czarist op- the anti-Semites' far more sinister corted the steamer into Haifa. the Moors under the leadership Newport, where Roger "Williams pression — from Russia. A large objective — the destruction of of the Jewish Geseral Kaula RIestablished religious liberty for majority of the 4,250,000 Jews democracy in America. Tanufil. .' Patronize Our Advertisers. the first time in America. Pro- in the United States today are of Eastern European origin and 42 testant and Catholic congregagations of Newport have alBo held per cent of them live in New York 'fi1 City. special services commemorating the event. In August a memoria' Opposition t o Communism tablet will be unveiled on the syn- Anti-Semites allege that comagogue grounds with an inscrip- munism is Jewish. Best defense tion, dedicated to religious libetry.. against this charge is the facts. The Jews openly fought the BolEarly Aid shevist revolution, in Russia. So Friday night's ceremony was of effective was the opposition of special significance for the city, Jewish labor organisations that, which today contains more than in 1918, the Bolshevist leader. 1,000 Jews out of a total popu- Lenin, who incidentally was not lation of 30,000, because Of the a Jew, denounced them by procearly Jewish settlers' great. con lamation, it was a Jewish womtributions to the life and develop- an who shot Lenin in 1918. The ment of the city. They helped to official Soviet history declares, i make it one of the great seyen- "The Jewish workers resisted the .^"-teenth century-seaports along the Bolsheviks with armed force." Atlantic seaboard. by the extenBecause many of their number sive trade of such merchants as had been tradesmen, the Jews Aaron Lopez, Judah Touro, early suffered more than any other nineteenth century-philanthropis group from the Russian Revoluborn in Newport, dedicated thi tion. While only 6 per cent of famous Redwood Library and the the non-Jewish population were famous synagogue which, togeth disenfranchised/thus losing work er with the city's main' street; permits, bread cards and ths like. bears his name. Speakers at the ceremonies inCall Os For cluded CarLon"*Stanley C; Hughes, rector of Trinity Church; Joseph • Attics o Kitchens »f Basements H. Gainer, former Providence • Rs-rooflng o insulation mayor; Mayor Henry S. Wheele: • Re-Elding of Newport; the Rev J. Harlow KO D'OWN PAYMENT • Graham, president of the Newport Easy Monthly Payments Minister's Union, and Max Adelson, president of the congrega JA £000 IBth & Nicholas Sta. tlon.

By Stanley High





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has been an actual assistance- in philanthropic matters. In vaunted 'improved' ways of living and of doing, all manners of ting the finishing touches on his Community Cc&endcLti Knoville, Tennessee, where there is only a miniscule Jewish so-called 'progress.' There is no real progress unless it is Moses book, I suggested that he into the vast body of litercommunity, the American Legion Post has rallied itself to th< moral and spiritual. The most ingenious devices can be ea-look FB © 7-Q JULY 13 ature on Moses in Jewish, tradi3.0. cause of-the persecuted and is conducting its own campaign for ployed in the service of evil, like the airplane that can hurl tion. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT OMAHA. NEBRASKA, BY Workman's Loan,. 8 p. m^ the United Jewish Appeal. Other instances of similar deed can death from the skies; like poison gas that can snuff out the Evidently he did not hare the JI Rooms THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY C £.isd I>, Je-vish Commun« time or perhaps the inclination C2.S0 be noted. SUBSCRIPTION P R I C E , Ono Year • • life of" whole populations. Things are only good when they to heed the suggestion, and. that j ity Center. ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED O N APPLICATION is a pity. There is a very sig- I Orchestra rehearsal, S p. ra., One may, say such acts are isolated and small and inef. serve the purpose of good; of life, of nourishing plenty, of nificant E D I T O R I A L O F F I C E : 609 BRAN D E I S T H E A T E R B U I L D I N G passage in the. boot, rela- | auditorium, Jewish. Community SIOUX C I T Y O F F I C E — J E W I S H C O M M U N I T Y C E N T E R j Center. fective when one looks at the whole horrible picture of in-economic security, of serene happiness. tive to the inheritance cf mem_ PRINT SHOP! ADDRESS—4504 SO. 24TH STREET ory-traces of what our ancestors j ITe&nesde*", Sulf IS. And these master-statesmen, these divine philosophers, justice and persecution. But £o the Jews this is a new and I. vc. 0., £ p.m., Kooms C anfl DAVID BLACKER • • • • • BUBtness a n d Managing Editor experienced "Quite independently ID, JevriPh Coir.munity Center, LEONARD NATHAN ' - • " . ' . • Editor hopeful occurrence. In our long history of martyrdom this is have given us the secret of peace, the key to security and con- of direct communication and o£ | h y ^ the influence of education by extentment. "The work of righteousness shall be Peace, and the the first time that there has been a spontaneous demonstration RABBI F R E D E R I C K COHN •" Contributing Editor Bor Scouts, £ P. ta., lodgd ample" — a bold view which not RABBI THEODORE N . L E W I S " o " Book Editor against the forces of hate. effect of Peace, quietness and assurance forever." only brings him closer to Jung, room, Jievist Community Center* • FRANCES BLACKER ; « Society Editor • All hail to these intrepid heroes of the moral! And allhis former adjutant, but \rhicfc is "When Fra Vicente carried the message of massacre aad MORRIS AIZENBERG . • • " ' • > Sioux City Correspondent in contravention of the findings Jacob Tirade, the marrana founder cf the Amsterdam Jew* DOROTHE SALTZMAN •t •• Council Bluffs Correspondent blood through Spain,, there were no Bishop's letters beseeching honor to the religious leaders of all nations and of every Ege of orthodox biology. the people to see the evil of such a course. "When the Crusaders who have followed in the footsteps of the prophets of Israel, In spite of the distortions which ish comrrxiBitr, is honored, at Yom v."fcen the Jews of Holland such a tradition in the form of Kippur raided the ghettoes of the Ehine, what rare and isolated voice who have derived inspiration from them and who have at- unlearned recite ft special prayer on his be- . memories exhibits, it Pastor Niemoller's Three Years , tempted to put their ideals into practice in order to build a occasionally according to Freu.fi, half. raised itself in protest was quickly silenced. On July 1 liberal Protestant ministers observed the third discloses circumstances r h i c h This does not mean we do not have a battle to fight, that better world and to establish the Kingdom of God on earth; a neither the written accounts nor brew' a-nfi Tifidisb> as well as anniversary of the imprisonment, of Pastor Niemoller, the we can sit idly by and let others do the job. But from the ac Savanarola, a Luther, a William Ellery Channing, a John the handed down tradition re- Midrash rabah (D'varim). courageous spiritual leader of the aristocratic Dahlem church, tivities of these staunch defenders of the American tradition, Haynes Holmes, for never were truer words spoken than those veals. (To Be Continued.) whose challenge to the Nazis resulted in his imprisonment and civilization and the democratic system can garner strength. of the prophet Zachariah: "Not by force nor by might, but by In that case, why not reckon ^o."'ii:'i.'e>' ',: ."JV iot Tele« the rnary hundreds of stories treason trial. Though acquitted of any crime, he has remained My spirit, saith the L o r i " Moral force, spiritual night, these with woven around the figure of Moses in "protective custody" because his is an influential voice. alone are truly potent through these alone and not through through this archaic storehouse: Moses is the most beloved. Even in his absence he has become a rallying point for dis-German Youth Awakens militarism, power, politics, sadistic cruelty and national or for character in Jewish history? Even :. • Nora Wain is a Quaker and being a Quaker is a person apt satisfied Germany. Though another has been appointed in individual brutality, bestiality, unserupulousness and corrup- such a phrase as "Koishe Kabelnu's kiehle" (lady bug) points his-place, his congregation have let it be known they still con- to be moved by injustice but seldom to deep indignation. For tion will mankind attain that high end which it so ardently to the affection which the name this, she was criticized for her book, "Reaching for the Stars," has held for every Jew. sider Jtfiemoller the Pastor of the Dahlem Church. desires and sometimes seriously and sincerely seeks: To this day, many of the ghetNiemoller has become a symbol. The world knows little in which she viewed with an amazing calm the Nazi terror. "One God, one law, one element: to Jews believe in the existence Perhaps she will be criticized again for her apparent apathy And one far-off, divine event of the man—except that he is a former U-boat commander who of a kingdom of "Moishe Rain her Saturday Evening Post article, "Marching Through the beinu's Tiddelekh" isolated from To which the whole creation moves." became a Lutheran minister and has for many years occupied the rest of the world by the fiery Mulberries." the pulpit of Berlin's most aristocratic congregation.. To the Sambattyon, which continually This article is important because it portrays the mind, of hurls rocks, except for the Sabworld he symbolizes the Nazi attack on the Church and for Bible as a conglomeration of histhe day of rest. Moses, It German youth, the youth that is being raised in the Nazi tory and legend, and not as a bath, be this he is honored and his martyrdom observed. noted, too, is the most sacred work, it is the business of will doctrine and knows nothing else. Here was believed to be common Jewish name, eTen in But Niemoller ig more than just a symbol of Church prothe scholar to disentangle the two guise of Morton, Murray, elements, and that the fact that the A WeeMy Survey of Peopla test.- Not only does he represent courage, but sadly he is more the most tragic element of the whole Nazi program. Melville, Montgomery and Montthousands of millions have be- moreney. Since the Hitler government has attempted to build its : sad Ideas symbolic of. the German reactionary who put his trust in the lieved the Bible to be inspired By A. A. ROBACK and, therefore, faultless could not Any orthodox old Jewess in Vipromises of a wolf. One sympathizes with Pastor Niemoller's foundations in the susceptibilities of German youth, the world be a cogent argument for us. enna could have told Freufi scores has feared that even with the downfall of the Nazis the seed plight, admires his courage, appreciates his deep-rooted con- planted would grow like a rank weed. But apparently German Let us but reflect how Russian of legends about Moses which she and German history is being re- and her mother read in the YidWHAT PREUB MISSED evictions that have placed his life in jeapordy. * youth, despite an outward acquiescence to discipline is inwardreaction to Freud's Moses written in order 'to extol the-pres- dish Sayfer Hayoshor or In the Yet it must not be forgotten, for onlr then will the. lesson ly rebelling against the injustices they are forced to perpetrate. andTheMonotheism, which was ab-ent rulers to the skies, and make Gefiulas Koishe (Ascension of stracted in this column last week, demigods out of them. Suppose Moses). There are whole treatises of Pastor •Niemoller's life be effective, that he was one. of those Erika Mann, when in Omaha during the spring, mentioned Will be fourfold against the four we lived today without the facili- devoted to the legendary tradiGermans "Who defended Hitler, who saw in him Germany's of international communica- tion which grew up around the that the German youth was tiring of the constant drill, was characters of the Haggadah. Theties and checking up, and the de-"godly man'" Koses — "Divre hope of redemption. Others of the Niemoller family were party wearying of orders to do this and that. They were dropping cynical smart Aleck will dismiss tion creed histories were the only Kavamim sbel Moshe Kabeinu it as "tornmyrot." The moron members before 1933 and Niemoller always cast his vote for the from the Hitler movement not so much from conviction as will, of course, not have the oc-documents extant upon .which alav hasholem," "P'tiras Koshe" casion to react, for he will not were grafted popular legends and (in Yiddish, I have the faint recNazis. A reactionary, from his pulpit he fought the Republic through sheer exhaustion. for a period of three ollection of reading Neshikas know of the book. The simple- traditions and aided in throttling the democracy that might have eventthousand years, should the world Moishe (Kiss of Koses), the beton, in his bewilderment, will say then But Miss Wain shows that it is more than exhaustion. It not feel grateful to some lief being that Moses, loath to die What's all this about?" Finally archaeologist ually saved the Reich. , who undertook to and pleading'witfe Gou to'let fcim is disgust. It is an innate human decency asserting itself and the scientist will suspend judg- puncture the official stories? live, gave v.p his son! as a result One did not follow ther Nazis blindly. They proclaimed crying out against injustice. Youth, unless the product of a ment until he has read the volume a divine kiss — the motif, I one might add, a" good In common with all my people, of their policy. "Heads would roll." "Germany would be freed most degraded environment, possesses a certain idealism and —and fancy, is at the bottom of the many volumes on that subject, in I admire the figure of Moses as Judas Iscariot episode in the New j of Jews." "Force would conquer." Niemoller was one of those has a tenderness of feeling. Both the Nazis attempted to stamp addition. a superman. I have never for- Testament); and the already j given Goethe, another superman, Frankensteins whose monster returned to crush them. Fooled out. Yet decrees are unavailing. If you believe that the Bible for belittling Moses, nor could I mentioned Gediilas Molshe {lie- i a revelation, there is no room by great dreams, they disregarded the means to the end. They - Miss Wain tells of an instance of a young man wiping out is his reason for his atfor argument. Then, of course, •understand Michelangelo, on the othover-looked the rabble-rousing tactics of the Nazis, believed insulting remarks regarding the Jews. In this article and inMoses cannot be an Egyptian, nor titude. er hand, rose in my estimation the Law of Moses a cult of because that the Totalitarian state would be accomplished without mur- her book she had other incidents to record, incidents that raise Egyptian of his conception of origin. The moment, Moses. For all that I am not der and blood. i hopes. The German youth is marching but not without resent- however, we begin to doubt the going to shed tears over the authenticity of any incident re- transfer of Moses to the Egyptian Niemoller's virtue lies in the fact that he soon realized his ment. The hope that Hitler held out has been false and thelated in the Bible, no matter how people, even if the fact were fullr mistake and his was one of the first voices to rise in defiance young.people are beginning to realize the falseness. Hitler's insignificant, then the Old Testa- established. in its entirety becomes vulof the methods of the Nazis. For this he is a symbol. In reality, House of cards is falling.; If peace can be maintained it will ment After all, we have so maur nerable. The great Frenchman, great : men to our credit-that we Pastor Niemoller is a warning. fall'of its own weight. His trump card, the youth, will not let E r n s t Renan, penetratingly can afford to be charitable to a brought out this point in his him .take the trick. Reminiscences of Childhood and nation which is known for its

Pharaohs, sphins, pyramids and Youth, when he told of giving up mummies, but despite its remarkthe priesthood just before he was able civilization at the dawn cf ordained because he discovered history is somewhat The Foundation However desperate the situation in. Palestine may be, there deficient as discrepancies in the Bible. regards the hall of fame. is nothing that justifies a campaign of terror against the Arab By BASSI FBEDEEICK COHEN I can well imagine how dif- It is somewhat against ths population. No one realizes this better than the responsible The main builders.of the civilization of today,-precursor ficult it is for the orthodox Jew grain to have to give up the man to so much as consider the hy-about whom it was written, Jewish elements and the majority of them have joined to pro- of the higher civilization that is to be were those who laid the potheses which Freud advanced "There never arose one like Koses test the shedding of innocent blood. ^Retaliatory measures at moral foundations. For no civilization, however outwardly relative to Moses and Monotne- since" — something like the case sm. When I was a sophomore at of a son this time can be of no avail no matter how heated one's anger, proud and splendid, can endure that is not jettisoned in jus- McGill discovering that his celeour newly appointed pro- brated father only a foster no matter how deep one's feeling of frustration. tice, firmly based in right.' Otherwise it is liable to fall to fessor of French was a freethink- parent, yet notwas so awkward a sitParisian, who once dropped uation as when a father finds out Palestine is meant to be more than just a refuge for perse- pieces at the first external blow. The winds of ill-fortune can ing a casual remark about the story his promising son is related cuted European Jews. That may be onei and very important cause it to totter, to tumble and crumble into ruin. Where are of creation. A devout Catholic that to him only through his wife. object but not the most important. It has been designated to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, of Assyria, and Babylon, of student indignantly asked how Sources an.utterance could be made The average reader of Freud's be the center of an ideal, the ideal of putting into practice the Persia, of proud Greece, and Romef However glittering out- such when the Bible said distinctly book will naturally wish to knowteachings of Israel, to bring to fruition the heritage of the ages. wardly, glorious in pomp and regal and imperial splendor, that the'world was created in'six why the author has drawn on cerdays, upon which the professor This can never be accomplished'by retaliation or revenge. even brilliant culturally, highly developed in intellect, in art,and at least one of the students tain authorities rather than on others. He may be assured, then, This cannot be done with bombs placed in the markets-of .Arab in scientific achievement and philosophical luxuriance, morally merely smiled. that Breasted (and it is an enlightenEient Xot a lightening couraging sign to see Freud turncities where women and children become the victims. This may they were corrupt and rotten with all manner of vice, perverFlash ing to an American for his inbe the Arab way, but the Jews have learned the. lesson of sion and depravity; therefore they could not endure. Their The deeprootedness of our prej- formation) was on© of the forepatience. There can be no advantage derived from;such a own inherent degeneration destroyed them. They were like udices may best be illustrated by most Egyptologists of the present the story told about the Jew who generation, and Ernst Sellin, who policy. Nothing will come of it but the cruelties of the British the apples of Sodom, ruddy and ripe to the outward view, but reprimanded a co-religionist for contends that the original Koses police. going about with his head un- was killed in the desert and that falling to powdered dust at the first vital breath. The latter was an ob-a second Moses, a Midianlte, inThe game of power politics;is not a Jewish game. It is a Therefore we must rate the Hebrew prophets as among covered. servant Jew but slightly liberal itiated the tribes of Israel into temporary aberration of the human spirit and to indulge is a the greatest heroes of mankind. They were moral heroes, and found no reason for keeping the rites of a Jehovah cult, at his hat glued to his head, pro- Meribat-Qadesh — this Sellin was reflection upon the teachings of Israel. . . spiritual geniuses. They produced the constructive forces. testing that there was no Biblical not only a distinguished profesEnough blood has flowed on Palestinian soil; enough They visioned the perfect and created the ideal. Their concep- njunction against bareheaded- sor at the University of Berlin, but is an international authority corpses have enriched the land. It is time that the thoughts of tion of God was of one Almighty Power ruling the universe, ness. the Old Testament and author "O, yes," heatedly countered on both Arabs and Jews turn to peace. Injustice cannot be con-infinitely righteous and whose will was that righteousness the ultra-orthodox Jew, "there of many books displaying unusual scholarship. quered by further injustice. Violence will not further the should ultimately prevail throughout the earth. Man's history certainly is." "Well, then let's have the pas- Eduard Meyer, too, w h o m cause of peace. was one long probation which should ultimately be crowned sage," challenged the other. A Freud quotes often, was an archwas secured; for it was in aeologist of world renown. with moral victory, all life was a drama in which right and Bible those days when Jewish homes Duality inffewish"History justice would triumph in the end. Man was as yet but in the still harbored a Bible somewhere Freud's contribution consist? Signs of tlie Times . .-••'•.'•• their household. economy, and not so much in courageously sponThe magazine "Fortune" several years ago published an midst of the play—the curtain had not yet been rung down— in triumphantly the zealot pointed soring startling conclusions which article on.the Jews and prefaced it with the thought that with the actor-man was given every opportunity to play a noble o the phrase "Vayelekh Avram" these men were somewhat hesimeans "A n d Abraham tant to draw, but in supplying the the tragedy of German Jewry, all Jewry,, even comfortably- part. The Hebrew prophets were the first philosophers of his- which Went." psychoanalytic setting for a nasituated American Jewry, had come to tremble.."With the ordeal tory. They discerned a purpose and a plot in the thrilling As his interlocutor looked and tional historiography which helps his shoulders in puzzle- to clear up many perplexities, e. of Germany's Jews constantly before us, it is no wonder that drama of humanity. Nations as well as individuals played a shrugged ment, as if to say "What does g., why the Jews relapsed so wo take fear, especially when we see the barrage of anti- part. Israel was the great protagonist. God used nations, that prove?" our logician im- often into idolatry, or the reashouted, "Can't you son for feuds between the dl£Semitic literature and propaganda that is being used to under- the mightiest as well as the weakest, as instruments to effect patiently read,' you idiot, 'And Abraham ferent Jewish tribes or kingdoms, mine our position. These manifestations of hatred are cer-His purposes. Unconsciously and ever despite themselves they went!' Now, do you suppose a or the matter of suppression -in with important events. served the higher purpose. God was bringing all about to man like Abraham would walk connection tainly not very inspiring. The principle of duality which about bareheaded?" But more militant, more courageous, and certainly more realize His higher aims. Justice would eventually flow like I suspect that many of ourruns throughout the system rf are circular after this psychoanalysis is a godsend in honest, than the anti-Semitic propagandists, are the various water, and righteousness like a mighty stream. • Swords would arguments ashion, although not so glaring- this connection — two Moseses, groups springing to the defense of justice and lining up with one day be beaten into plough-shares and spears into pruning y fallacious. It takes maturity, two religions (monotheism pure earning, and a relatively < im-and simple, and Jahvehism) two the foes of anti-Semitism. There is a growing realization that hooks. The time would come when nations would no longer partial mind to read a book like constituents of Israel (the origanti-Semitism is merely the means to a much fouler.end, that it lift up sword against nations nor learn war any more. The Freud's latest production and notinal tribes and the Levites, folbe disturbed. I well remember lowers of the Egyptian Moses) is a cloak to hide the true intents and purposes Of a misguided prophets were the original inspirers of world-peace. If we ever how, my. freshman year at col-two accounts (the written and have a true League j>f Nations and a functioning World Court ege, in and ambitious minority. . an article by Johns Hop- the traditional) two traditions famous Assyriologist, Paul (the manifest and the latent\. One of the most encouraging signs has been the organiza- of International Justice, if the Angel of Peace shall ever smile kins's Haupt, fell into my hands. The The conflict in all these cases is tion of a Catholic committee to fight anti-Semitism. Enlisting upon a war torn, harassed and blood-soaked earth, more than assertions made therein in regard interestingly brought out ard o the Biblical accounts and char- shove to have its parallels in in& large number of prominent laymen and clergy, it has proved to any other—a Grotius, a Kant, a Carnegie, a Jean de Block, acters w e r e so outre that I dividual development. a Wilson—it will be due to the Hebrew prophets to an Isaiah, a m effective antidote to the mouthings of Father Coughlin, who hought Hacpt sat down one fine It is to be feared that ths more and jotted down a cumber of original and solid parts cf the has been-characterized by one Catholic prelate as a "thornin Micah, that entire noble band who worked in the spirit of theday tatements in contradiction to the will be occluded from Tievfirst and greatest of them all, Moses, master statesman, uni- Scriptures, just to shock the book ihe side of Catholicism." •faeeause of the striking theses world; acd I imagine that many To spur this group on a new publication is being-issued. versal law-giver, who, with his Ten Commandments and Ethical eaders of Freud's Mosss a n dwith, reference to the Egyptian .Slit cf Hoses-and Tzonotttizr-. Moreover the great Catholic philosopher, Jacques Maritain, ode, laid the foundations of civilization and of a just, happy onthsisn' "will feel the same wMeh, after all, others cave tintabout his purpose. •' ' • . v.. ed, at before Freud. , iias written a small volume that defines the issues and gives a human society. An Analogy Worth Considering Jewish t&eoitiioa Ignored , ilear-sighted picture of what anti-Semitism means. We must use their moral spirit if we would bring about the I am sot pleading Freud's Freud appears to be well r r ' In other,circles there is this same revulsion against the' deal ends-we have in view. Mere material means will not cause, bat merely asking that he on psychoanalysis, but is a h !t i deal. We mtsst shaky on Ms Jewish lore. Whsn £Iosleys, the. Deatherages, the Pelleys. More than just defense accomplish it;vnot the greatest scientific inventions loudly be given a- square thatj. if we accept the ha isfcrmed ine that i s was put- •

Terror in Palestine










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P&gfe 6


Junior A. Z. A. 1

Snooks and vice versa. She was people laugh at you, they'll fortion each as newspapers, radio, a n y a g i t a t i o n p, <?"•-<' that elfish youngster who rode get you quickly. But if you touch motion pictures and printed ma- b a n c o P- ? n r r -"-T terial, would be employed. Twen- ing of apip.Eopisni! the elevated, straining to see into their hearts, you'll live • long in New officers of the Junior A. windows that flew by too fast, their memories." ty-five million "uphold Democracy amont' sections o\ Z. A. 1 will be Installed at theseeking always the answer to the l e a f l e t s* -will be distributed -Alii-, ov nest meeting on Tuesday, July eternal Why? She was the pixy through thousands of existing, Following t i e -wide drive-way 11, at 7:30. Albert WoMner, for- voice that lured Fanny out into down bet-ween sweeping lawns PIV7T1 groups G&cL montfc, Hiking it liiaillfC." 'vi mer president, will act as install- an adult's world at 13 . . . that and clumps of shasta daisies; we possible to reach every cUlien. of ing officer. the UnJtefi States w.Unjn. P. rear." drove, her to try for a job at the looked back—still apprehensive— 'Friends The new officers are: Bobby Cohen-Harris 3Mey7F Servire that but no questioning eyes of a show Seek §5,000,000 Lazere, president; Pan Katzman, wouldn't be sauelched w h e n smeary-faced S n o o k s flatteaen HERE FOB WEES-END BACK FROM VACATION Other plans include the publi- a n f>~r- ri rr7i-s=>r'Ti«.i' : i". ' >•'< For A . Miss Bernice Liberman o£ Sioux Miss Alice Joyce Susman has vice-president; Norman Polonsky, Cohen advised, "Back to the against a window, no clutching cation of a, popular magazine, a dawrec' ir LI. iuu-.r,U...' City arrived Saturday evening to returned from a month's vacation secretary; N o r m a n Wohlner, kitchen.-" It was persistent, die- hand disturbed that elegant setspecial news service for town, assailed I h s dsmooslvatioiH" New York (JTA) — A ration- county, labor, professional a n d as He spend the week end with Merrlam during which she visited relatives treasurer; Bernard Jonish and hard Snooks who told her moth- ting. "imitations of a policy v.-h>f)wide drive for the establishment social journals, daily radio broadand friends in D e s Moines, Edwin' Witkin, sergeants-at-arms, er,' "they said she was too thin," Kirshenbaum. .:.' (Copyrighted by Jewish Teleof a 55,000,000 "Battle Fund for casts' under the title "The Voice has become fashionable in eovlpin Wilkes-Barre, Pa., New York City, and Harvey Roffman, reporter. and then rushed out for a. job.in graphic Agency, Inc.) American Democracy," described of Democracy," in which repre- countries." Harvey Leon is senior advisor burlesque. Burlesque, being a Newark and Detroit. FROM as the largest undertaking o£ its sentatives of all elements makStrong anti-.Tewish ajrit? f.Sor and Stanley Turkel, Irving Nogg, "book" musical show in those •Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ettington of kind ever attempted in the United ing tip our population will explain has been conducted ic. recent. Haskell Lazere and Irving Wohl- days, not a strip tease, her voice EBOM NEW YOEK Rockford, Illinois, and Mr. and States, has been launched by the principles of democracy to weeks b the Vevr-linlnKi. nnU got her the job. But when it Miss Dorothy Abrams of Newner, Junior advisor. Mrs. William Platt of Chicago arFriends of Democracy, Inc., it their respective peoples, local Semitic mevchnnt?' o-ppiMzptio-i, New committees will be an- came to hoofing, the - manager York is here for a three-week visrived Saturday to be the guest of was announced by L. M. Bfrfe- broadcasts on local stations ever •V'tsi^j! h a s reportedly reosMv^u nounced by the president. looked glum—-she was as graceit with Mrs. Rose Abrams. Mr.' Sam Swartz. Mrs. Ettingtort head, national director, at a pri- electrical trfs.nscriptJ.ons, a com- large siilisidi.es from \uiknovrn ful as a robot. The show opened. vate fiiuser at t i e Hotel Commo- prehensive lecture prop-Bin, a is the former .Beth Platt. Fanny's voice rang out from the By D P . WhiM® Else* VISITING GRANDPARENTS dore before 50 representatives of series of newspaper advertise- {quarters. —— wings, from the box,, from the Lynn Stalmaster, son of Mr. l e a d i n g religious, educational, gallery . . . never from the stage! MISSES LIPSMAN DEPART and Mrs. Irvln Stalmaster of Los meets, setting forth, the fiistinc- j Sending money to fraternal and civic bodies. But irrepressible Snooks would BIBLE Miss Sylvia Lipsman has re- Angeles, is visiting his grandMembers of the A. P. T. frative %-alues of Democracy against Jews living' in t.np Dinr-pov?7 n»f Billhead, describing the firire the tot The full soul loatheth a honeyturned to New York City after parents, Mrs. Harry Lapldus and ternity and their friends enjoyed not be denied. Ma had filled her arian political systems, been ?. Ion?; F.PC! ir-.fp~pf-.tir;? P.'*visiting -.yith her mother, Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stalmaster. He a successful outing held on July trunk with clothes — shirtwaists :omb, but to the hungry soul as a "now or never effort" to and a series of cr.reriUiy planned tory. Some iripdievpl TOmnum'.and skirts. One by one she incounteract the flood of anti-demoivery bitter thing is sweet. Lipsman. Accompanying her •was will stay until August and then 4 at Llnoma Beach. community ' projects developed tjes hap. a special society conveigled the chorus girls to her cratic, un-American propaganda As a bird that wanfiereth froia . her sister. Miss Celia Lipsman, return home, accompanied by Mrs. At a recent meeting of the A. around national holidays. cerned with collecting alvitt *»*'. who -will make an extensive stay Lapldus. P. T., the following men were room. One by one the skirts and her nest,'so is" a man, that wan- which has been gives "Each exBirkhead also said that in ad- Palestine. "Mesliitliacfum" <*v waists disappeared. They were tensive currency in this country dereth from his place. in the east. She will visit . the elected to membership in the orvancing t h e idea of unit organiza- emissaries who wen*, pbvood seekher only means of barter for for the past sis years," estimated Ointment and perfume rejoice World's Fair and from there go FORMER OMAHAN VISITS ganization: Harold Cooperman, tion, F r i e n d s of Democracy, ing eid for needy rf4er-Uni.finsdancing lessons. When Fanny the annual sum spent here by the to Philadelphia, where she will Mr. and Mrs. Morton Asher of Phil Wolf, Buddy Kline, Bob had become . . . well, not as :he heart, so doth the sweetness various proponents of Fascism, would open ICO regional offices date back as early as the l')H\ >f a man's friend by hearty counbe the guest of a friend.* In Wash; Indianapolis are visiting Mrs. Smith and Lew Kline. in strategic population centers century when. p. cprtnin Ff'Mi*graceful as a gazelle . . . but as sel. Nazism and ComnitnisTa at more ington she will visit her sister A'sher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. under the administration ol local Jacob went, from the third row chorus, there rethan $30,000,000. Thine own friend and thy fathMiss Helen Lipsman. esecutiyes vrhose responsibility it solicit r.kl for bis (scholarly co\Stalmaster. mained only the clothes on her er's friend forsake not. He stated that "?5,C00,0C0 would be to advance the program resident in the Holy City, back. woiild be the minimum amount in local coicrr unities. ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT necessary to create an effective TALMtTB Mr. . and Mrs. I* Fiedler anFrom the third row, she strove Our Rabbis were taught: A antidote against the spreading nounce the engagement of their for the second, then the first. man By Mrs. William Gray must at all times be yield- poisons of totalitarianism." The daughter. Miss Merrjam Fiedler, Then, tempting, was the soub- ing like a reed ang cot unbend- "Battle Fund" campaign will fee By Arlene Solomon to Mr. Abe Raben, son of Mr. and rette's spot. Stick-to-itive, a n - ng like a cefiar tree. It once directed by Dr. Philip A-l I e n The ship that is sailing Mrs. Dave Raben. Announcement bltious, she soon had the job of happened that Rabbi Elazer Ben S-wartz, regional director, from Over the sea of the engagement was made at a Dear Suzy Q: understudy. Empty victory—the Simon went from G'dor where the Eastern Regional office of the Carries the brothers Here's a riddle — i f on the family dinner on Sunday. eoubrette was fat and healthy. his teacher lived,, and as he was organisation In New York City. And sisters of me. No wedding date has as yet fourth, half of Omaha was swimBut there came a day. F a n n y leisurely riding he greatly re- N g l hd f th he ming at Peony and the other half been chosen. gleefully spied a boil on her loiced and felt proud because of National headquarters of City, spent the day at Linoma, who The ship that is sailing rival's neck. The boil grew larg- the knowledge he had learaed movement are in Kansas went to the races? Seems as Over the sea ON WAY TO MINNESOTA er . : . but so did th© pink bow (from his master). On the way Mo., where it was started in 1SS7. Minimum xaoxmt . .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gerber and though this week has been all Is a flaming h~ll which covered It. Fanny almost he met a man who was horribly "Our campaign calls for $5,sister, Miss Dorothy Gerber, all week-end. I'm now trying to dis- For the mothers oi me. despaired, when suddenly — the ugly. "Peace unto th.ee, my 000,000," Birkhe&d declared. "It of rChicago, are this week visiting cover at which end of the w.eek boll burst. And- a pestiferous, teacher," said the latter to R&bbi is the minimum amount by \rfcick Huddled alee . friends in Omaha. They aref en. the week ends. precocious young upstart of 14 Ilazer, to which Rabbi Elazer did a continuous, nation-wide proroute to Bemidji, Minn. became soubrette . . . permanent- not respond but merely rejoined: gram can be carried on, Against guilty of participating in the d>cYou know, I think during the To keep them -warm last couple of days we've had a With a tattered trysail ly. "Good for nothing, are all the the many millions spent by our turbances 'would be severely pui ( COUSINS CLUB super de luxe exodus from our Raised to the storm Tops. In Five Media people of the town as homely as enemies, it is indeed a trifling Minister Genef" | 'The Cousins club will meet on lalre citee* - on account of TuesHer subsequent career wound thou art?" "That I know not," im." j Skucas issued a stEtemer.t, warn >~ Wednesday, July 12, at the home day, Celia -Lipsman boarded a. Sailors of old through the devious paths of five replied the man, "bat it would In describing the allocation of ing local authoritiep tr.r . of Mrs. Leonard Cherniss, 3935 train- for New- ;York and. Wash- Told many a tale kinds of entertainment and al- be that thou should go to the the. 55,000,000- fund, Birkheafi tne country to tr.fee the p.ecessa.— North Thirtyrsecond street. ' 01 ghostly harbors ways led to the top: Burlesque architect who formed me and say ington, IX stressed that muca of the fund , ^ Wednesday, Sylvia And a bloody sail. ' '• • , w i t h Mas Spiegel's "College to him: "How ugly is this vessel would be used for the support of measures to put down, ciemonstrs- i Kt tions and. to prevent their recoKatzman left for California and Girls;" vaudeville at the Palace; thou hast made." VISITING PARENTS other organizations engaged in curence. At the same time he er 14 years of musicals for Florenz Dr. Marvin I. Pizer, who has Beverly Mendelsbn went to Ma- But they never dreamed: pro-democracy activities. "This," nounced that the cuthoritles hRealizing that he had sinced Ziegfeld; movies for Warners, been associated this past year son City, la. Today, Louise Cohn That this .thing could be: he said, "-would be the necessary certain newspapers M. G. M., and last but not least, against the man, Kabbi Elazar step in developing a long avraited with the Cedars of Lebanon hos- is busy, packing, cause- she and Hen's hearts turned cold dismounted and prostrating himcarry on sgitation radio with Baby Snooks! pital in Los Angeles, is visiting Mildred. Laytin are going to As the Arctic sea. self, said: "I have sinned against co-ordination of activities among particular section of t h e popule- j __,_„ Fanny and Her his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Philadelphia tomorrow. A l s o thee, forgive ine, I pray thee." such organizations.". tion. A A < Pizer, and his sister, Mrs. M. M. heard that Ethel Kadis .13 going That dragons in government seats So true to life is her imperson- But "Most of the monies raised," man refused, saying: "I to Cleveland. Naomi Gross, for- Should send Government," Guttman. ation that children all over the shall the forgive thee until thou he added, "would be usefi by Skucas asserted, "viil not perrrOmaha, who has been country are suddenly "Why"- shalt not Dr. Pizer will return to Los merly of. to the architect -vrho Friends of Democracy for an exhere, left last week for My folk on a Journey conscious, suddenly aware of their createdgo Angeles next week as a resident visiting Without an end. snd say to Him: "How- tensive educational campaign in her home in California. Gee, own perpetual inquiry. Letters ugly Isme physician at the Cedars of Leb- New this vessel Thou has which, all media of communicaYork and California sure pour in from teachers and chilanon. ' That dead men would, Inhabit seem to be popular places, dren telling of their amazing in- made." "Having a wonderful time," The harbor town Rabbi Elazar, however, terest, asking for the poems she RETURN FROM COLORADO reports are coming here from Where a Charon like Captain not leave the man, following hiia preached, "A man should tie yieldrecites. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Cohen Esther and. Florence Steinberg of Let his anchor down "She's a pesky, irksome kid to on foot until they reached the ing lite a reed, and not unbendreturned Sunday from a two-week Council Bluffs who are vacationher Pa, but to radio she's a model city where Rabbi Elasar dwelt. ing like a ceda? tree." stay in Colorado Springs and Den- ing in New York and Philadelphia, Green and serene . child," says Fanny, "If you've The inhabitants of the city (being ver. In Denver they visited at the and" also from Sylvia Falk, who The untroubled tea^ informed of Rabbi Elazar's arhome oi Mr. and Mrs. J. Elkin is in, California. . On its heart the yg, ever run into the cricks a n d rival) came out to greet him sayQuirks of radio censorship, you'd and daughters, who are former .Fathers and brothers of me* ••• Wonder if Judah Rubenstein understand how I appreciate her. ing: ^'Peace be unto thee, our Omahans. She's a pleasure and a treasure— Rabbi and teacher." The ugly While in Denver Mr. Cohen of New York knows Ann Freed, My sons, my sons, will Collections of Usiq 13© man who preceded the Rabbi she's censor-proof!" participated in the Colorado State who is also from there and who Live to tell asked them • wh-pra- they were adis Visiting Mary and Ann ArbltOpen Tennis tournament. Fanny, like: snooks, is a s • inThe tale of a steamship dressing as "Rabbi and teacher." . Westing and. Anniterstinctive psychologist, a l w a y s They told him, ana he said: "If Mr. Elkin returned with - the man for two weeks. Don't laugh, That was called Hell? ,'Suzy Q, this is a lot smaller studying people,-particularly chil- he is a Rabbi then may there Cohens for a short visit here. ly designed &n& prsc« & dren. She has a Snooks tester, a not be many like him in Israel." Mrs. Cohen is the former Alta world' than yott may think. Registrations for the J. C. C. 7-year-old girl, whom she brings "Why not?" they questioned. He Elkin. •• ' . . " •'" i ' . to rehearsal before every broad- told them of the incident. "Still, summer camp for children out at Ccusveaaeist Terras CKJS B e cast. Fanny carefully watches forgive him," t h e community Louisville are coming in fast. GOES TO FRISCO her expressions. When the child pleaded with the "man, "for he is s. Ephraim L. -Marks left. this You'd better send your brother's laughs, she knows the script is a great man in the study of t t s Cost ; •week to attend the American Bar registration in Quick like. By HELEN ZIGEIOND right. association convention in., San..;-Maurice Katzman, who was an Torah." And he said: "Only for She adores her own children-— Francisco. Omahan a couple of years ago, is sake will I forgive him, and Hollywood '•Baby Snooks" Frances. 19, and Bill, 17. "No, your spending three weeks with friends on the- condition that he shall not JOSLYN ME3IORIAL here and will then return to his was born—not made. She was Frances won't be an actress do likewise .again." Sunday at 2:30 in. the lecture home in-California. Another new bora "in the impish mind and rest- that was only-publicity she less body. of Fanny Brice. She Immediately following this-sihall of the Joslyn Memorial three hasn't that much talent for it," arrival in town is Julius Kasden was born more than 30 years ago sound films, "Colonial Llfe,lk of Yankton, S. IX indicating the tip of her finger. when Fanny first mimicked the "Salem Witches" and "The RevoWanted to tell you, Suzl Q, g a w k y , lolly-popping question- Bill is an artist, "a son any lution," will be shown. that Zelda Cherniss spent the mark" at kid parties to the great mother would wish for." Oa Being a Success The 4 o'clock organ recital will week-end in , Sioux City, while of the carbon copies be given in the concert hall by Marjorie Wefnberg, Milton Mazie, amusement As we looked about the luxurall about her. Miss-Esther "Leaf, .who will be Ervlng Friedman, -Al Zeligson and ious surroundings—a house tilled Snooks at Home assisted by Miss Evelyn Faulk, Duke Ducoffe •'.;, of ._ Sioux City with beautiful antiques against a • Today her Impersonation Is so pianist. background, dripping with ths stayed the week-end here. cccr.fcrirealistic that, waiting in the lush decorator's brush—we thought of \ Well, {klddo, sure was glad to red-and-green library of h e r her humble beginnings, and murTO COAST hear-your Fourth: of July went Mrs. David Blacker and' son,overfwlth a b a n g . Let me be the home, we • unconsciously braced mured something about the strugMartin, are leaving today for Los first to '-wish you a bigger and for the shock of a harum-scarum gle for recognition. entrance, of a sudden collision p!<Lr£ ccrrctcc. Angeles. !• "It's no struggle getting to the better bang for" next year... :•' with a multiple-fingered, suckerIf you're ambitious, it's just Affectionately^: . -• *; , ' sticky urchin, of a peace-blasting top. fun* The struggle is staying on '-• . 3 ; .•-•-••.•"• A K L E N E . '. "Why?" • . top. You must watch yourself Hence, the calm, the grace, the or you get dated. I try to do P. S. Too bad Ruth Friedman poise which ushered in the famIsn't interested in the movies. something new at least every five By Mrs. David M. Newmaa She would make a wonderful ous Jewish comedienne were al- years." most as startling—by contrast. double for Bette Davis. She already has,another charShe looks young—younger than acter, a girl she has had ia mind SWEET POTATOES AND stage or screen reveals—younger for years, a study in pathos and PINEAPPLE even than the records disclose. -comedy. With sharp intuition, Cut sweet potatoes that have She Is of the Cantor-Jolson-Berlln been boiled and peeled In slices , The following contributions to axis of show folks—yet looks like she analyzes, "Somehow people and place in a buttered baking the Jewish: National Fund Tree a woman-of 30. She Is unex- Identify themselves with pathos dish with alternate slices of pine- Fund have been announced by pectedly tall, slim, with light not levity. No matt6? how muck apple. Pour maple syrup and 2 Mrs. E. Weinberg,: chairman: skin and reddish blond . hair tablespoons of melted butter over (beauty parlor chromatics, perMr. and Mrs. M. Arbitman in haps). them and bake until warm. Cover She Isn't beautiful . . . with a layer of marshmallows and honor of the graduation of their but certainly not as homely as the daughter, Mary, from the Univerreplace in oven to brown. * ENGINEERS camera portrays. sity of Nebraska* • Complete 24 Hour Service she prop "Ah! S c h n o o k s," Work and QuaSity Guaranteed Mrs. M. Brodkey in honor of GINGERALE AND GRAPEFRUIT. FREE ESTIMATES the- graduation of her grand- nounces it with a little borscht : SALAD daughter from the University of thickening, and her face lights 1 package lemon jello. S&TM J . Y0USSR1 up with maternal tenderness, Chicago. % cup grapefruit juice. SANITARY PLUMBING & "She Is my favorite character. HEATINQ CO. 1 cup glngerale. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Hirsch in hon- She'is so much fun. I love her!" AT 2344 12 maraschino cherries. or of the graduation of their Sonbretto "Snooks" Vi cup boiling water. daughter, Alta,' from the UniverCapita! Ave. Fanny Brice has always been | . % cup sugar. sity of Omaha. 2 cups grapefruit sections. Mr. and Mrs. S. Temln In honMayonnaise dressing. or of the graduation of their son. Dissolve jello in,.boiling wa- Jack, from Iowa State. ter, add sugar, stir until disThe children of Mr. and Mrs, YGS, y©a.' ess bs ess e? ftss-s sisw* «' solved, cool, add gingerale and E. Weinberg on Father's day. fruit juice, pour Into molds, inSam Weinberg of Fremont In beauties, &ns he esnspkfely easnfarffiss'a. ££ * dividual or large. Add grape- honor of his father. Ccrsst DejSarteenf, ever elertferth© tsnd, las fruit sections, cherries, chill until Mr. and Mrs. S. Riekes In honfirm. Serve with mayonnaise and or of the marriage of their son, word ia Coresfi^?, sho'tn yaa hew 1 ... vnth "O garnish with sliced peach sec- Henry. iliat mecis mesn cf Rssess, that lefs year sT;!n breeds, tions. Mrs. H. Dolgoff in honor of the CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM CAKE recovery of, Mrs. L.. Rosenblatt. yet raolds you wjfh gsrJb insistence t s thh is'fre1 pint vanilla ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ackerman In 12 .pieces sponge cake, sliced memory of their daughter, Sally. thin. 94 cup chopped pecans. Patronize Our Advertisers Illustrated: • Sheer net bra, youthfully On each serving plate, placa a uplifting lace lastiQue sides and back; Blice of cake spread with ice batiste cloth front; FlesEip siae closcream, cover with another slice ing. Sizes 33-40.- Teaxoss. of cake. Pour chocolate sauce over this and garnish w i t h Other Plerees SfS.SQ to f 15 pecans.

Gems of t&© Bible

Alpha Pi Taw

Letters to a Coed

Refugee Ships The Su houis

D I A M O N D^s

/ • ,

Women's Mizrachi




Annuity, Endowment, Ll'o

AT <J20

Represents SI Ctrona Cornpan. ics—Every Typa of Insuranca and Bonda Written. CAUL AT 76S7 or WA 5150 City Finance C insurance) Co.

WHOLESALE . O Ccndioa • O Cin O Tobacco O PIpoo O Fountain Supplico O Bo

^A-Jta ~ J.»fc .

Coning Monday, Jo!v 10. ^? O-'S Vfs Sisr ef Sfeso, Screen end Cci


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TISNTSIH SKUT-EE^S-—This picture is one of f1-$t cricindf rerp'vrc' if l'r'**>c S*rt«>* showing barbed-wire barricade placed around Tientsin by Japanese \V|rfF cs-ry ciffir'-drflling charge of electricity. Jepenese hep© to starve out Eciiish (rorr. blockeded conccrsipr flrce.

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his picture, just received in United States, shows throng of 50,000 gathered in front of Buckingham Palace, London, t o welcome sovereigns homo from Censdisn and American tour. King and Queen, inset, appeared on .balcony in acknowledgment.

t y^^» J yV^VJ< I D~r~^^-i—

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FASHION !N 1950—Pretty Jean Foster wears "bathing suit of 1950," one of unique costumes awarded a prixe at Crossmon Rock Terrace fashion show, Thousand Islands, Alexandria Bay, N. Y. Oil-silk suit gives more sun exposure.



STRICKEK— Jack Dempsey. former heavyweight bexsng champion, criticsliy ill of peri-

1 h is?. : \?;:J£l ?g£ ticn. Appendix became ruptur'ed.

S1 MURDER ROW—New York Yankees batters who sot home-run records against Philadelphia A's recently, fromlaft: Dahlgren,3 runs; DiMaggio, 3;.Henrich, I; Dickey, I; Selkirk, I, «nd Gordon, 3. Fronkio Crosotti, who made one run, is missing from line-up.

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R A N M TROUDLG?—Reports of telephone conforoneos botween Premier Mussolini of Italy and .Chancellor Hitler of Germany gave Europe new case OT jitters. The two dictators aro shown on ship during Hitler's visit to Naples.



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— S f o f a n O. Zagorski, new resident manager of tho Gdynia America line, arriving in* New York aboard the Batory. He succeeds Roman Kutylowskl, who returns to Warsaw. Moro than 80,000 Poles recently took death oath to protect Gdynia, their Baltic seaport, from possible encroachments by Germans.




S^'S KIN—Randolph F. Burke, yoyng New Ycrk cousin of Queen Geraldino of Albania, and his mother, Countess Anton Louis Apponyi, at Starlight Roof of New York's Waldorf-Astoris. Countess recently errivod from Budspest.




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G©IE3G 1 HE HARP WAY—Dr. Homer F. Kollons and daughter Vivionno chock up, in Seattle, Wash., on camera equipment fhoy » * fr Seattlo to New York, by V/QY of f roechorous













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C n L1SIII2 TSA!: -S—Max SchncHng, Gormsn fir«*cr, only man eve- to knsck erf Joe L«--:s, wham Joo In rum hayscJ J^ra 12, !?3? s r ; b h , ' 3 :.«u'!-"~- p-:>,!r,d •" "^<' ^ ? ^ ^ T ' r J 2 . K~rc hs

Scccnd Assidert FcsAmfstcr a rolling-ehair ries or, A^arti c City,


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Chungking, WICS)—A plan lor! colonizing 1CC.0CC Jewish, r.r.cl i other rcftgccs rrorn &-!Tpe m j By Joseph Brainin China's undeveloped southwest, j ,Toh?-TH>esburg ;'.'T.A 1—The NafSff Sy PASJI. A. PETERS as proposed by Jacob Berg-las, a. jtionalists are making' strong efMB German textile industrialist and •forts to coEvert the new tneve» ?! . George Backer, whose mani- of Jewish communal life during philanthropist now residing: ia jment for streueilie-inng <\i' £he ^-^w«^W^im7^'?r- yr.i'l'^f-';--.^- -';• fold activities on tehalf of Jew- the past five years. In contrast port is undoubtedly true," a New j Shanghai, was given little hope Ieconomic roidlion c£ the African™ CONVENTIOXAUA ish intWests are well-known to to the "professional" Jewish leadGASTRONOMIC NOTE: Deaua- York friend remarked when he Iof materialisation following r,i ders inic i n £iU.i-J?v.'if!fc cconnTnic !?«*?? American Jewry, two weeks professional from the point ciation being- the order of the day read it." . . . "When I saw him in 'announcement by a Chinese £ov- t'rivf. Copvorptinr! nf p pntinn*-! ago became the president and of view of strict limitation to the i Sfe .;< at the recent SOA convention In Prague two years ego, he told rne jemiaent EpokssmE.n who srid Whs* conr~ppR to (!.isonss i,5ie economic publisher of the 'New York Jewish field i— George Backer j New York, Maurice Samuel, thenot to be surprised if he com-German Jewish refugees migbt BitnstioT1 o ' the Africander*,Post, New York City's oldest maintains an interest in specifcelebrated author and lecturer, mitted suicide one of these days" ]find homes and occupations in scheduled for October at BJoiR; --;;-d:;'';' >y;" newspaper. Mr. Brainin, for- ically Jewish problems that is turned his oratorical fire on a. . . Congrats to Phil Kctz, eaer- j the interior of China., but that lontein, has given .vise to widemer editor of the Seven Arts merely an extension of his fartarget which has hitherto escaped getic young managing editor of jthe number who could be taken spread Ciscis-sion. The Nalionel-' • Feature Syndicate, here con- flung interests and genuinely the shafts of speakers . . Mean- the American Jewish Outlook of v-ould not escfeed & few thousand. ists are oamiwiprrmr on behaU o? f "tributes some comments on the earnest inquisitiveness concerning ing the food served at the con-Pittsburgh who up and gotIn a statement m-afie to thethe Africanu?" sfrnrgie .>.t..?"--"\ personality of George Backer, every phase of human affairs. vention banquet . . . First speak- hitched the other day . . . Kati press at Shanghai. Berglp.s f-a\r] "the iiPS-n^iP1 r o v e r oi tl J ;ig^3':v •who as publisher of the Post ;,T : er after the' coffee had been and bride, pretty Irma Pachtman, the Chinese g-overr.is.ent war pre- Hr.5imP.ri, .Tew find Indian.' Versatility ••iimS'will wield a far-reaching infludowned by the 'diners, Samuel dropped ia to the JTA offices on pared, on certain conditions, to The dominating trait in George The Nationalists a r e 4 •:• * V ^ ence in American national afopened with a blistering barrage their honeymoon . . . permit 100.000 immiargnts to ea-organization Backer's personality is his enorov AfricanclerB to fairs.—THE EDITOR. 1 against the quality and quantity ter China with the same rights of mous versatility and the wide c %'Md S S f t i j s i © sv support only ACricwiu'er biiBineMof the viands . . . The feast, he residence and occupation a? Chi; ; : (Copyrighted by Jewish Telerange of his intellectual and praces end are &lse t.r;inf: to lpuneh ft Sfi;S t''5 ; . .?Jifiw. said, presented a mathematical nese citizens. graphic Agency, Inc.) George Backer has a pro-tical inclinations. It is his gift >r?'^V-^5\'"- -'?'V'->',-?;;ip' - '" ;-)".''•'' -. cooperative movement (hat wonlfi problem of no mean scope . . The nounced dislike for personal pub- of interesting himself in virtually ?:'•; | - \P eliminate .Tev:s. A T^lieS Farty These immigrants were to fce:'.^.:":.::.^^^:.;:;-.^>~^'l^^'^^T problem being to see "how many licity. He consistently refuses to any subject and of finding a corEpohepro?.T:.. F'~rT.~iT!.|;: '.ftp peed for settled in the Yunnsn rrcrir.ee. §IK nothings put together Eafce somecomply -with, requests for. bio-relation between that subject and 'PlPTOV-ns: tfi.e pripUi^r of t.h<? Atbordering on French Ir.flo-Ch' . TiR pi""''vr^r thing" . . . The unpreeedenteS and graphical material about himself. the general scene of human activianr". Burma, & territory little de- ricpr.ders. v s, r n e fi, ho-wevei*, •unexpected onslaught brought the He prefers to be judgedfcywhat ties that is responsible for his exveloped and offering: unique op- against eiiovie to conduct activiheaviest applause of. the evening. he floes in the present rather than cursions into so many different portunity for enterprise, acco'.'d- ties along ua.vov racial lines. lift by what ha has accomplished-in phases of human affairs. ia which the press table was not ti! Eugg:e£.;.ed i L v. i improrement ing to Bergias. the past. the least conspicuous . . . I have the impression that if | This statement, however, v a t V'Oiilci fri'lc-v ppff'MiPli.Tnent. of When, a few -weeks ago, he be- George Backer had followed his n.flnPtriPP in pnnth, Africa. i ruled cut by a government came' the publisher of the Newleaning towawrd literature and •Si|t.'.': . S-'* .* LANGUAGE NOTE: Only a j spokesman who said thf.t hec-rnsfi; York Post, newspaper writers had the theater he would have de-:;-UO -K'."-. "/••'$ ''•':' ?r I^TT^. small group around the press £.* Washington (JTA) — The Sen- of the Chinese hinterland's low a hard time describing his mani- veloped into a highly individual illS rttsent table heard it, but Jack Fish- ate Immigration Committee has standard of living ar.fi social confold interests. T h e y merely playwright, producer or. director. . •.'.;^-^r ,r-"i,'; . ' ' ; ^ ; j man's hybrid salutation to Mrs. reported two bills dealing with | ditions, relatively few p-ofessionpointed out a few highlights o£ Kill Had he selected the social-ecoEleasar LIpsky is already making immigration, one approving ad- ; si Enfi technics.! men ccu-lfi be e.bhis career. It was mentioned that nomic domain as his' field of' enthe rounds and will soon probably mission of 20,000 refugee chil- j Eorbed, s.nd there was little pos George Backer was at one time a deavor he would have made imbe (if it hasn't already been) dren from Germany, the second Bibility of building & large coireporter on the old New Y o r k portant contributions to the soluHOUSE SHOP at visitors are Introduced to a large picked up by the young bloods of immigration ccotas ony in the Yunnan province. Globe. Reference was made to tion of many of the problems of thePALESTINE Jewish -Palestine Pavilion at assortment of Totzereth Haaretz Tel Aviv . . . Approaching Krs. suspending for five years. The Tv'agner-Eoghis interest in the theater. Communications from Eliartliai present-day life. This because the New York "World's Fair where —products made in Palestin.e Lipsky, J. ,F. greeted her with a ers measure was approved with reveal .Something was said about his George Backer has an easy-grasp that at the end of Tune. pat on the back and a jolly an amendment providing that the ! Shanghai, affiliation with the Joint Distri- of the most varied subjects. already faced with WF.T20,000 entrants be deducted from "Shalom, toots!" . . . The greetbution Committee, the American I time problems of Chinese refugees He is not what the Europeans present cuotas of Germany, ing caused a ripple of merriment ORT Federation and the Palestine call a dilettante, one who likes to and industrial st&rnction. will Czeeho-SIcvakia and Austria. The' have for many tables around . . . Pavilion at the World's Pair. It dabble in many pursuits of cula Eiircpean refr.jree T>op-nlsproposed ban on immigration • • • • was also recalled that he had been tural or practical life simply for tion of 13,000, mostly Jewish, s,ri except the refugee chilactive in the American La- the pleasure of following an AGE NOTE: When Dr. Soloof -whom arrived in the last six mon Goldman, in reading his ,^ that he had been twice j ephemeral moodTFoV this George months. The refugees fire Kill "s. candidate for Congress and that Backer is too much of a realist, presidential message to the con- Senator Reynolds, sponsor of i co-mins- in at the rate of £,OCC the bill to suspend quotas, an- I monthly, taxing local Jewish phiihe is now the leader of -the Amer- one with a definite philosophy of ORCHID PRESENTATION see that when Morris became the vention, came to the part in which nounced that he would "filibuster j enthropie organisations almost to ican Labor party in the New York. life, so. lucidly expressed in his he urges that all the "old" men secretary of the Z. O. A. in 1932, Congratulations to the London City council. resign from the Zionist executive the refugee bill to death." An- j the point of • statement of policy. the membership numbered 8,512 But even the sum total of this George Backer's personal con- News Chronicle and the New York . . . You'll agree with us that and administrative committees. other Reynolds measure, providsparse information hardly conveys tacts cover, an amazingly .wide Post for that most vivid account Margulies deserves a big hand for Dr. Stephen S. Wise turned to ing for the. fingerprinting of all BAR NAZI the picture of George Backer's field. There is no doubt that of life in a Nazi concentration having increased Zionist strength the Rev. Svi Kirsch Masliansky, aliens, was also reported from committee. . . . The—of course anonypersonality. dean of American Zionists, and George Backer's Post will reflect camp in this country by almost 500 per Senator Wagner criticized the 1 Policy • .' -these contacts, which transcend mous—author, imprisoned in thecent in the six years he has held was heard to remark . . "I guess revised is borpo.v.nr '.i-resolution and said he ! e *i EPcpclatioc Dods The day after he became the party affiliations as well as anysame camp where Pastor Niemoel- his office . . . Dr. Solomon Gold- that means us" . . . - eccording 1c t P e r would ask the Immigration Com- \ - ^ president and publisher of t h e type of sectional interest. If a ler passed the third anniversary man proved at this convention i recently mac;e t v the L - u , - mittee to reconsider the proNew York Post George Backer newspaper can be made to mirror of his arrest last week, reports whenever he wills it he can POLITICAL NOTE: After corn posal." The proposed change I ^ t u t e of Fubnc Opi-.or v 1 >ch made public the following state- the personality of the man whothat, while the Pastor is exempt that create an enthusiastic Stimmung mittee appointments had been an- would in effect convert the meas- ! reveaied that _the bo-co p so-^hri £ r t i s Girec cec F ment of policy: directs it, then ihe New York Post from the physical torture other Palestine work among the del- nounced at the convention, Dr. ure from a humane proposal to S ffiost ' ^ - e"" an P "This newspaper was first •will be a truly liberal instrument inmates are subjected to, special for I ~ mercuancise. egates . . . He unquestionably Greenberg, president of the help children who are in acute read by the generation which of enlightenment, winning n e w efforts are made to torment him qualifies as the greatest Zionist Simon Assembly, arose and distress into a proposal with needcreated onr national govern- friends because of its ability to in various more subtle ways . . speaker nest to the undisputed Rabbinical lessly cruel consequences for the! iRstcii ^abb:i ment. That generation believed see, feel and interpret the many Incidentally, the only books Nie- master of them all, Stephen S. announced that all those satisfied adults in Germany who are in Jerusalem (JTA) — ColorfuT. with their assignments -would moeller is allowed to read in conIn the dignity of human person- • facets of American life. . . . The cigars that Dr. "Wise meet outside—in the telephone need of succor and are fortunate ancient ceremonies marked the ality; that the duty of govern- (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts centration camp are the New Tes-Wise enough to obtain visas under the : coronation of Fv£.bbJ Sen-Sion tament and Nazi literature by bought for Louis Lipsky, as a gift booth . . . ment was to enable man to" - ,- Feature Syndicate.) present drastic quota restric- i Ivleir Hai L'siel as chief rs.bbi oi Hitler and Bosenberg—and EO far to celebrate Lipsky's recovery realize to the fullest his capaci* tions," Senator Wagner said. TOASTHASTER NOTE: | Palestine'E Sephsrclio «' e r i f h ties. So long as we have held the Pastor has stuck to the Bible from his recent illness, will not be smoked by the veteran leader Morris Rotheoberg did a good job i Community, succeeding the late to this ideal we have gone for. . . The doctors have ordered him of toastmsstering &t the banq-cet K.abhi Jacob I^Ieir. •ward. When we have discarded THIS AND THAT to change to a denicotinized brand . . .' Even it he £ifi (•vrithcut it we have failedIt doesn't look as if the 1944 meaning any discourtesy) sho-w Both Kfrs-'res m e F.rbbini^s: "To the aggressive support Olympic Games will be held in YOV SHOULD KNOW 1 ettsfiied \:nd€r the preft Tv.rkist sisns. of inpatlsncs during the •"Of this Positive ideal, which has Italy, as Mussolini wants . . . As Some people just can't seem to musical interlude . . . When, afI Rabbi EUezer Ooir.Ur.0 given vitality t o our national^ a matter of fact, the European learn . . . "We suppose Louis B ter each number by the songlife, the Post is pledged. 'Tor only through the con- 210,000 Sign Petition to situation is so fluctuating that it's Mayer of M-G-M thought, when stress, he aross as if to resume a wise government that knows he entertained 10 Nazi editors in his toastmastering, not realising tinued existence of this ideal vtuuLJUui Permit Palestine whether it'll have even a capital the most lavish Hollywood man that the interlude -was not yet and its constant application can to function from next year, not ner, that this would give him a over . . . The Judge, by the -way, wo have confidence that our Immigration Xe-w York (WJCS)—TThittingeto mention 1944 . . . Did you no- better press in Naziland in thetold one of the handset's most democracy will solve its probLondon (JTA) — A petition future . . . It will be denied, and hame, ancestral home of the late tice how quiet the publicity-lovlems in the atmosphere of free amusing stories at the expense cf by 210,000 British sub- ing Leslie Hore-Belisha, British we'll never be able to prove oar the British . . . An Irish friend, Arthur Lord Balfour, in the 'Ls.radiscussion by free men." The simplicity of this state-,. ,, ..asking_ T the government to war secretary, is keeping these contention, but we have more the Judge related, hs,S one daymerraoor Kills of East Lothian, days? . . . He has decided to have than a suspicion that the reason expressed surprise to him at theScotland, has been placed at the ment is characteristic of the manT a A m ^ t moretoJews to Palestine was all Commons by Adrian his announcements made why Eddie Cantor and his radio \ grovring friendship •with disposal of a group of 179 esiied who now controls the destinies of submitted, ^ Moreing, Conservative. At the through Chamberlain, because oi sponsor, Camel cigarettes, have Zionists* children stilting transthe British . . . "Do you knes-w Je-srish the oldest newspaper in New York same the executive commit- the Mosely bunch in England, split had something to do with why," the Irishman, fer to Palestinefcythe heirs of asfced M. S... City. This attempt to express the tee oftime the British League of Naattack on the un-Arneri- "the sun never sets on the Brit- the man -wrho authored the declafundamental essence of a thought tions urged the government to which unfurled new anti-Semitic Cantor's of a well-known figure ish Empire? It's because t i e ration ttro decades ago vrhich in about a hundred words, with- postpone implementation of itsactivities every time Britain's canism in turn, has some connec- Lord promised the Jevrs a home in -wouldn't trust the British In Jerusalem. out superfluous phraseology, is new Palestine policy pending a Jewish war minister made a pub-who, lic statement . . . That soft green, tions with Camels . . . "When press the dark" . . . perhaps the key to the personality decision in Geneva, on its comagents of Hollywood stars feel The action cf the Balfour heirs, rug on which their British majes- that of Backer, who more than any- patability with the mandate. i t would hurt their clients announced herefcyMrs. David E. ties stood during their Congres- to travel thing else abhors bombast, draROMANCE NOTE: "RTho -was Greenberg, national Tenth Aliyah on Italian ships it would The petition asked that "His sional reception in the Rotunda matics and show-offism in public Majesty's, seem that the anti-Italian feeling that eligible bachelor of Yiddish chairman cf Kadassah, is leaving -.government, in the Is the very same rug which belife. and justice, fore and since their visit haE in this country has reached a new Fleet Street -who started the for England on June 2S to inIt is no coincidence that the' name of • humanity high,.. . . Tyrone Power and Anna- tongues of romance-hunters -wag- spect the home and to attend a the facilities for im-graced the private library of Con- bella, new publisher of the Post uses willincrease movie newlyweds, were ad- ging when he walked Into the Youth Aliyah conference in Amsmigration into Palestine to the gressman Sol Bloom . . . Bloom, the words "dignity of human per- highest that its absorptive who has an eye for historic asso- vised not to make their honey- Zionist banquet with two - - count terdam on Septemher 2. sonality" in his statement of capacity estent will allow so that they ciations, lent the rug to the Sen-moon trip on an Italian boat . . . 'em - - charming young ladies on Certificates of entry to Palespolicy. Dignity in the • truest (the Jews) may, in accordance ate House Committee for the oc-American canary breeders are re- his arm? . tine fcr more than 800 young meaning of the word-not in itswith the terms joicing, their business having inincorporated in people between 15 and IT have superficial connotation of con-the mandate, find a home of ref-casion . . . creased vastly as the boycott of MISH-MASH: One of been issued to the central office wational mannerism—is Georga ugeLISTEN HERE ^German-bred Harz Mountain ca- sprightliest musicals Is "Frca of the Youth Aliyah in London from persecution and there Backer's guiding principle in hisco-operate with their Arab neighnaries has spread . . . So confident are the Nazis.-t)f Vienna," put onfcya hand of refby the Palestine immigration auhuman relationships. . bors for the mutual benefit of ruling the world before you canABOUT PEOPLE ugee "Viennese who have signed a thorities, it v-ras revealed. A total New Figure both peoples." . t ' • say boo, that the Berlin airport Judge Harry Fisher of Chicago pact to stick together as a unit cf 2,200 children will arrive in About five years have passed is being enlarged sufficiently to is leaving with Mrs. Fisher for a for two years . . . Ereathing the the Holy Land before October, Defer Action. Eihce George B a c k e r became The League Union's resolution take care of the traffic a world study tour of the Soviet Union, "Viennese spirit of "gesneutllea- ?£rs. Greenberg said. known • to the American Jewish public, when Jacob Landau intro- declared that in view of the wide- capital would get, and the res-while Dr. Solomon Goldman and keit," spiced -with a poignant bit duced him as the president of the\y expressed opinion that the' taurant there is being made big Mrs. Goldman are on their way to of satire here and there, the reJewish Telegraphic Agency. His policy-did not conform with the enough to accommodate 60,000 Palestine . . . Maurice Samuel, in- vue is attracting large and mftistwas a new face on the Jewish British obligations under the people . . . I f yo,u think they're stead of taking a vacation, has eyed audiences from among the mandate, the government should kidding just consider that Boliv- written a new book which will city's gay and sentimental . . . scene. . implement the policy before ian dictator German Busch — as make its appearance soon, under Hollyvrood scouts, -who Trill have A young man of about 30, rath- not Mandates Commission and the yet only unofficially allied-with the title of "The Anti-Christian to wait until the two-year pact er handsome, possessed of inde- the reach its conclu- the Nazis—beats up newspaper Conspiracy." . . . Rabbi Joseph runs its course or take the -whole pendent means, with the restraint LeagueonCouncil the White Paper's com- writers who displease him, andTasay of Terre Haute is off for,troup, are already reported parkLondon (JTA) — Nazi hoodand poise of a schooled statesman. sions with the mandate. It Paris lately has seen the rise of another of his European jaunts, ed hopefully on the steps of thelufes have launched a can-paies Until his entry into the whirlpool patab'ility asks that the Mandates Com- over half a dozen new anti-Semit- his itinerary, including Germany Music Bos's stage door . . . Ilia of violence a££isst Jewish chilof Jewish public affairs his inter- also report, be published be- ic newspapers, mostly financed . . . Maurice Schwartz, just back RoSen and Paul Rodenherg are dren in the Moravian cities of est in things specifically Jewish mission fore July in- order that Parlia- from East of the Rhine . . . And from an European tour, made his among the troupe's outstanding Kaehrisch-Oetrau ar,d Bruenn and had been of the outside-looking-in ment before adjourning have full Minister Oswald Pirow of first radio appearance of the sea-performers . . . The fsrmer scor- In other German-populated cenvariety. information about a matter vital- Defense South Africa, long active in be-son on a program sponsored by ing a decided hit in "Little Bal- ters. Nasi pickets stand guard Et Instead affecting- the honor of the debutinto was typical. half of the Keich down In that, the Palestine Pavilion at t h elerina" and the latter stirring park entrances and asfe approachOf His rushing his new field with ly part of the world, has again come World's Fair . .. . The famous laughter and tears with his por-ing children whether they are ready-made plans, he quietly went country. greeted the trayal of a refugee's battle -with Jewish cr "Aryan." Jewish chilto Europe to study and listen to .Illegal- immigrants succeeding out with a statement that Ger- Yiddish actor-director as a' dramatic contribu- the English language in a skit dren who try to enter are beaten and learn about Jewish problems. In entering Palestine during one many should be given a number Pavilion' iF-ri; f^: t l to the creation of better un- called "English in Sis Easy Lee- and driven - off. Even nurses I A strange phenomenon in Jewish immigration schedule period in of colonies—preferably Dutch or tion with babes in arms are Questioned derstanding of Palestine . . . Salthe future will be deducted proPortuguese . . . All of which resons." . . . Have you ever paused JAfe, he somehow did not fit into i portionately from the "ordinary" minds us of what an Aryan Ger- man Schneuir, renowned Hebrew to vronder -why it is called the en the^race cf their charges. tthe usual mould. ; poet, who. is a whiz at lyric ex- Jewish Palestine Pavilion at toe Under pressure from tfce Ger- '•• ~ George Backer was neither the and the "refugee" quotas for theman lady of our acquatntancA re- pression in the revived tongue of World's Fsir and not jurt the E E J authorities, the Slovatisrrich young man who turns to Jewr following period, it was stated by ports . . . It seems she went into Israel, prefers not to speak that Palestine Pavilion? . . . It's be-government is preparing a law !• ish communal affairs as a hobby Dominions Secretary Sir Thomas one of New York's German book- language . . . If address him cause the Palestine Government prohibiting shschita. Since the or an escape, nor was he the am- Inskip._ Replying to a query by stores, and as she browsed among in Hebrew he'll you you inrefused to sanction use cf the tat- Jews of the "protectorate." where ; bitious politician who throws him- Col. Josiah Wedgwood, Labor M. the books explained to the shop's French or Yiddishanswer Russian— ter practise already ie -under pro-: self into sectional public activi- P., on attacks upon Jews by owner that ;she was having a ter- but not in Hebrew or name . . . On the grounds thst the . . Featured Gcriptios, have been getting their ' ties by way of a short-cut to theBritons in civilian dress, Sir rible time learning English, and in the Guiness exhibit. in the exhibit" TS-ES not official . . . the Irish tosher neat from Elc-Vt,tia, the . attainment or recognition-—or, if Thomas, declared a thorough in- consequently couldn't read any of Pavilion at the World's Fair a The reporter vrho asked President projected i mesr-ure. wili affect ! you;will, publicity—to serve as a vestigation by the high commis- the books published in this coun- letter Disraeli once wrote toishis Roosevelt at a recent press consioner ' had shown that British try' . . . Whereupon the book-sellthem as well as t i e Elovatian stepping stone to wider fields. sister, Sarah, in which his fond- ference u-hether he intended 13 Jews. troops and police were not con' . "A different sort of Jewish cerned in nine cases of alleged er came back with: "Oh, don't ness for the famous Irish als isrun for a third term, as-fi was teig leader," was the comment. Actassault that had been worry about learning English . . . expressed . . . Paul Muni will be to "stand in a corner" for MsHostility Des-acrEuises S. S. Ken! I ually George Backer never intend- unprovoked Another two years, and we'll have back on Broadway next season. pains, vrs.s Arthur T. Weil . . . reported. szciz lisi:;Cr:nrc:ta:? 'a keep Prafd« (KATAS)—The black-! | ed to become a Jewish leader in this country all to ourselves, and[playing the mair. role in Maxwell Weil, who is a veteran en tfc* Ehirtea Echutsstaffel pr-?o?.sl i I Leading British, Arab and Jew-you won't need to know English Anderson's new drama, " K e y Washington staff of Use Buffalo the commonly accepted sense of the term, nor has he ever become ish Laborites, Socialists and in-at all" . . . Interesting details on Largo" . . . Appropriately enough, Evening News, is not uiskno-K-3 to| esEi-ds of Eeicfc Protector Ken- | | l;..-^^ T ~r, -" T " i ^ a leader of this type. As a mat- tellectuals joined in formation of the Nazi conspiracy in this coun- Earney Ross, fistic ex-champion Aaglo-Jevish -Journalism . . . i rtaatin von Kcurath hs.re beer, so I I a committee to promote better ter of fact the very,expression try are expected to emerge-at the in two divisions, will play the title Yv'onder what vras behind Dr. "Jewish leadership" is alien to Arab-Jewish, relations .in Pales- trial of Frits Xuhn, which Ttas role in Grossinger's presentation Chaira Weiziaaia's ssidoa "",1- jUtufis of Cmzh& ia Prague that! I tine. The committee, to be known ars c«ia|r replaced t y c. rifT ! l\ his^ entire outlook. , been set for October 11th, andof "Golden Boy" this summer . - .nsss" which jrevesteS t i n fresi j ih&? as the "Socialist Committee for vhich detictssss". frora Germany, it vrzs,\ > He believe3 that i£ leadership Jewish-Arab Grossinger's, tson-New Y o r k e r s we are impatiently awaitkeeping his appoiitsest to rer,"y ^ •' ^ , hr ^ '• \ Z; C.. *>-.• ^ . ^ and Work- ing . . . . Is confined to any specific domain ers' Unity inSolidarity ought to know, is one cf the fan-to Col. Ssc. Kalcola SSacDosaiS Is^rassi i s Gems.iv circles. Mean-1 i C Palestine," is head- .CONVENTION. it.cannot and does not.protect or ed "by James Maxton, ciest hostelries in the Jewish Alps over the rafiio recently . . . Tfe« fis™csEtratio2 s,t s, theater h?-re ; tECHOES Independent further' the interests :of those Labor M. P., as chairman. mountains mapnia&srs pro- "illness" develop-sa ICES th&s t-rs .. * ' At the Zionist convention the —the whom: it supposedly represents saically call ths Catsails . . . hours before tie- ECiefslad br&si- i taaeously rross and sar-g the i fforeign policy around tne White This distinction between Jewish From Equality, the ne-w nag-, TTS and.t5f. Soloncn Gcl£.z~,zz Czstii ZuJdzzizl £:;tt£in, vrLit tss.:t | | A legend of Strasburg has itPaper of course dominated all gather, that William- Dudley Pel- east leadership and leadership interh&d to step into the breach . . . ii.pc-uricg: d~~E tisir facflfi, v-lzzs. ) i\ discussion,-and not enough attenthat Jews fleeing Jerusalem after ested in Jewish problems has at ley of the Silver Shirts was kie&ed •^, k"' ^ 'vail vtimes, been- characteristic of the destruction of the Temple tion was paid to. Morris Margu- in the head by a horse in Sis lies' achievement in bringing the childhood . . . Which explains .a ptllasttsrepSst of Prague, "^rs.s refounded the city. J Backer's activities. cently reported a s-siciae is-hil-a Zionist membership up to 50,122 lot of t&iags . . . ssy state eves. " I It explains his approach to his I h a i to cie Jcr . . . Looking over the records, we r participation in the many realms Patronize Our Advertisers i 1 ; . : - ':':••;••.



























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narrow gate where they ran a gauntlet of uniformed British policemen on the outside and plainclothesmen on the inside. The


tlon among the British people and endangers the sympathies of world democracy, and the murder of Jews by Jews is a signal

Terrorist headers

policemen, laughing, a l l e g edly armed internal strife that is liable (WNS-Pslcor Agenbeat the fleeing Jews with gjm- j to obliterate the Palestine Jewisb cy)—Eigrfct terrorist leaders takstocks and rubber hose., Other Community. MORRIS AIZENBERG, Correspondent residents of the neighborhood inResolutions enaorsiBg the SIOB- ing refuge in Damascus h a v e Jerusalem (JTA) — The twoformed the J. T. A. t t a t ail dayIst executive's tactics in. cotnbat- joined in issuing a manifesto demasted barque Narcis, with 742 long uniformed British policemen [ ing tbe new British policy and nouncing the TSlv.'Xl of .lertisalera Jewish refugees on board, was sporadically b e a t unoffending : condemning the shedding of th©anfl accusing: Mm of hiring mur(Continued from Page 1) captured off Gaza by the British NOTICE blood of innocent persons were derers to slay various Arab notJewish passersby. (Continued from Page 1> sea patrol. The ship has tried to were guarded by British policeAppeals to Jews Against Violence adopted at a special session of the ables. disembark its passengers illegal- men and held without drinking Anyone having any news that tions, such approval by the The Moslem religious leader is Chief Rabbis Isaac Herzog and \ Palestine subcommittee of t h e they wish to pnt In The Jewish. .League Council is considered ly. water or sanitary facilities. Those Ben-Zion Uziel issued a manifesto j Zionist Genera] Council. T h e accused of hs.ving spent over $15,Press, please either mall their practically a foregone conclusion. tried to approach a garden to the Palestine Jewish. Commun- | committee also supported the Ex-000,00C for private purposes as New York (JTA) — Clothing who news to Morris Aizenberg, 1715 Government Given" Excuse hose to take a drink were al- ity pleading "in the names of j ecutive's line o£ action designed agent of foreign powers. The Is being collected by the Danzig• A double marriage service Nebraska street, or call a t the Chief opposition to amendment American Hebrew association to legedly driven off with blows. God, the Toraa and Jewish tradi- to strengthen the economic <3e- terrorist leaders assert in their •was held for the twin daughters Jewish Commnnlty Center on of the mandate is not expected be sent to th© 424 refugees ma- Jewish women from the neighbor- tions of justice and humanity"! fenses of the Palestine Jewish document that the MaeDonald ol Mr. and Mrs. Abraham B. Tuesday night before 8 o'clock. from the Council but from the rooned on the Island of Crete off hood brought water but a British not to avenge Arab terrorism by j Community. Its resolution con- White P£per is a partial fulfillH o u s e of Commons/Zionist the coast of Greece, it*was stated officer spilled it on the ground. the shedding of innocent blood, demniEg violence declared it ment oC Arab tem&nus lor PalesFriedman, 1722 Jackson Btreet, circles here had anticipated that last Sunday afternoon at 4 tine. "strained Israel's fight" Noah Golinkin, secretary of During the four-hour wait, a num- The manifesto said violence had the Mandates Commission re- by O'clock. Miss- Esther Pauline ber of Jews were said to have "defiling the Jewish wprk of re- homeland. the association. JOB WANTED jected the White Paper, the govFriedman became the bride of been beaten without cause. construction and national regenernment would hav£ had to seek Jules W. Lederer of Detroit. Miss rdU eration." Finally, the Arab victim of the (Each week The Jewish Press approval of Parliament before goShanghai (JTA) — An Italian Pauline Esther Friedman was presents In this space a •worthA "Thou Shalt Not Kill" manishooting, whose leg had been liner disembarked 860 Germaning to Geneva to ask the League married to Morton B. Phillips of while individual seeking . employJewish refugees, bringing the ref- slightly injured, was brought in festo was addressed to Palestine Council to modify the mandate. Robert Einitb v/as swarded a ment. Anyone wishing to employ Minneapolis. Both the canopy and ugee colony here to more than on an armchair and the Jews were Jewry and to Jewish youth by, Amsterdam (JTA) —, .The Nazi Por.tiac car for being one of the or get In touch with the person The failure of the Mandates the aisle were carpeted in white. please call Dorothy Merlin at the paraded before him. He picked ISO Jewish personalities headed I p V^ty headed by Dr. \ a n Rap-first 2 5 Ponttac salesmen. Over 10,000. Commission to take the expected The ceremony and later entertainJewish Community Center.) by Miss Henrietta Szold. The pard. one of the smaller groups out two young brothers as his 4,0CC salesmen participated in the menVwas one of the most elaborYoung girl, out of high stand, it 1B now feared, may give manifesto urging observance of which advocated union between assailants and four greybeards as C a s p e r , Wyo. — Determined ate of the summer season. school for the summer, wishes the" government the excuse it isthieves, after .stealing three sad- those who aided in their getaway. the Sixth Commandment, declares Holland and Germany, has dis-sales contest. K.T. Smith sold 32 cars in a . Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz of job doing housework or taking seeking to avoid further debate dles and bridles from the garage These were arrested and the re- that the murder of innocent Arabs solved as a protest against the on Palestine in Parliament, since period oi t v o months and was Shaare Zion synagogue and Rabcare of children." of A . , P . Marquardt, returned a mainder, after waiting consider- strengthens Arab support for the new acti-sefiition measures. the major question of formal therefore classed as the middlebi T. N. Lewis officiated jointly. longer, were ordered home terrorists, the killing of English-1 modification of the mandate week later and stole the r a c e ably west'E leading salesman. Pierce Wall was the organist. Mr. Patronize Our Advertisers. horses that the equipment fitted. and forced to leave through ^ a men undermines the Jews' posiwould not be involved. Friedman gave his daughters in Government spokesmen have In marriage. , Mr. and Mrs. B. Baron and Leading the wedding proces- Lawrence and Dena Baron, 1810 recent weeks parried" requests by sional, wer© the bridesmaids and Grandview boulevard, spent the Opposition members for assurusherB, walking in couples as fol- Fourth of July in .Aberdeen, S. ances that t h e House would have lows: Miss Sarah Ann Margolin D., where they attended the 10th the opportunity to discuss Pales-, of Omaha and Herman Rubin, wedding anniversary of Mr. andtine before the government goes to the League Council with its Miss Rosebillie Tolls and Morey Mrs. Abe Pred. new policy. They have, since Mirkln, Miss Lois Levitt and Bernard Pollock, Miss MID Tuck- ^ Mrs. Harold Levy and children, publication of the White Paper, man of Omaha and Mel Cohen of Lawrence and Eleanor, are visit- denied strenuously that the new Minneapolis, Miss Sarah. Sterling ing here from Chicago with Mr. policy did not conform to the and Louis Weinberg, Miss Miriam and Mrs. A. M. Davis and Mr*mandate and In the absence of the authoritative ruling to the Blank and Louis Hurwitz of Bev- and Mrs. A. L. Galinsky. contrary, would maintain that erly Hills, Cal., and Miss Ruth since there is no question of modiFriedman and Henry Greenberg. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Baron re- fication of the mandate, there is Maids of honor were Miss Helen Phillips and Miss Esther Mirkin, turned this last week from a trip no reason for devoting more of who attended the Misses Pauline east, where they attended the the already fully occupied time of exercises of their Parliament with another debate and Esther Friedman, respective- graduation on a subject already debated ly. Mrs. Maurice Rubin and Mrs. daughter, Ethyl. fully. David Brodkey of Omaha, sisters Mr. Hyman Fishgall left- for of the brides, were their matrons The government has also r e of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Brodkey the east on a buying trip. jected all requests that i t postfollowed Mr. and Mrs. Rubin. pone implementation of the new


Friedman Twins in Double Ceremony Sunday

Dissolve Party

led Cat in 'Sales Contest

ngs Happen...

Miss Naomi Kallener of Dallas,

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Phillips of Tex., is visiting here with Mr. policy until after the Mandates Minneapolis, parents of Morton and Mrs. O. Gordon, 2923 Jen- Commission and the Council have passed on its validity. B. Phillips, and Mrs. G. Lederer nings'street. of Detroit, mother of Jules W . Lederer, and Dr. Sam Goldberg • Mrs. D. Grossman Is visiting of Lansing, Mich., were next in here with her son, Dr. M. Grossthe processional line^ preceding the brides, who walked with their man, and with Mr. and Mrs. J . father. Dr.. Goldberg was Mr.Shindler. (Continued from page 1.) Lederer's groomsman. Sid Goldberg and Milton Rosen- you, Miss Neely, though I know The twins, as always, were blum left yesterday for a fiveyou would scorn to be safe in gowned alike, their wedding week trip to New York City. such a world? You would arise dresses, models of medieval in- They are traveling by bus and in the public places and denounce spiration, made of whit© slipper will make several stops on the the traitors and their treason; satin In slim long lines. T h o way. -. . you and all Americans like you bodices, long sleeved; widen into who courageously believe in the the Bkirts over which their lace Miss Marchia Sherman, presi- American system. edged tulle veils fall. The head- dent of the Business and Profesdresses were tiny hats of Rus-sional, Women's group of the Des You would be arrested, and a t sian design, embroidered with Moines chapter of Hadassah, is your trial i t would be recalled seed pearls. They carried heart visiting here with Mrs. Jack Rob- that you always had had to do with Jews in liberal causes. You shaped satin muffs, each adorned inson, 115 Twenty-third street. had stood with rabbis in the •with a cluster of orchids in natPeace League, you had joined ' ural shade. Miss Phyllis Lesser of Oakland, with Jews In protests against vio- More than-175 wedding guests Cal.," will visit here next week lations ~ of free speech, you had attended a dinner at 6 o'clock at with Miss Bernice .Galinsky, 2022 been in all the liberal movements the Martin hotel and the recep- Nebraska street. with Jews, tion and dance which followed. I hop© they don't shoot you The couples left on their wedfor this because Americans like ding .trip together to Breezy you ought to be allowed to live Point, Minn., Lake Louise, Banff a long time. They might put you and other Canadian points. Mr. in a concentration camp, though and Mrs. Lederer will reside at they would have a difficult time the Bellevue apartments on their holding you down. I guess you fre'turn to Sioux City.' Mr. and would enjoy being shot for AmerMrs. Phillips will be at home in ican principles rather. the "Windsor apartments, Minne- AGtTDUS ACHIM A regular meeting of the AguI don't think I've overdrawn apolis. dus Achim lodge was held Thurs- the picture. Anti-Semitism is an = The out-of-town wedding guests day evening. assault on every decent thing in included the following: Mr. and the American system and its vicMrs. Jay Phillips of Minneapolis, SYXAGOGUE MEETING tory "would b© the annulment of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Phillips of A meeting of members of theall that is implied in "democEau Claire, Wis.. Mr. and Mrs. racy." Henry Phillips of Wausa,; Wis., Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue With you and all other right.Mr. and Mrs. M. Ebin of Minne- was held Wednesday. eous Americans Jews stand in apolis, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ebin defense of America. of La Crosse, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. EIJMS CJJTFB The Elims club held a meeting (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts M. Witzman of Madison, Wis., Feature Syndicate.) Mr. and Mrs...A. M. Fiterman of last week, at which , there was Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. held an election of officers. Offices were given the followFleisher of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. S. Fleisher of Minneapolis, Mr. ing members: Bette Lee Harris, and Mrs- S. Katz of Minneapolis, president; Audrey Telpner, secre. Mr. and Mrs. M. Schiff of Minne- tary-treasurer, and Marilyn Saltzapolis, Jule Ebin of Minneapolis, man, historian. Prague (JTA)—Czech newsE. S.. Solomon of Chicago, Mrs. papers voiced anxiety a t the reLederer of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. RECEIVED SUNDAY More than 350,guests were re- fusal of American firms to accept Jack Bean and Miss Sylvia Lederer, all'of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. ceived Sunday at the home of Mr. goods ordered in the "protectorL. A. Goldstein and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Sam Katelman in honor ate" prior to the German occupaJ. O'Connor, all of Chicago, Mr. of the Bar Mitzvah of their; son, tion. The newspapers also reportand Mrs. Gail Margolin and Mr.Stanley, from the Chevra B'nai ed that the United States was in. and Mrs. S. Zackaria, all of Oma- Yisroel synagogue on Saturday. sisting that Czech" goods be ha; Mrs. Ruth Sterling of Los Table decorations were in pink labelled "Made in Germany," Angeles, Mrs. Martha Tuckman and green. Among those who as- which would necessarily extend of Omaha, Mrs. L. Uroff of Los sisted in serving were Mrs. Morris the boycott to products made in Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. A. Llpp Katelman, Miss Marian Katelman, the "protectorate." of Denver, Harry Davis of Glas- Miss Adeline London, Miss Esther (Reports reaching London said gow, Scotland: Mr. Isaacson of London and Miss Una Gross. Otto Freund, former principal diOmaha, A. Kozberg of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hocken- rector of the Bohemia Union Mrs. M. Brodkey, Mr. and Mrs. berg of Des Moines were, among Bank, and a prominent Jewish Fred Brodkey and Ed Brodkey of th& out-of-town guests. leader and philanthropist comOmaha: Mrs. Ed Phillips of Minmitted suicide In prison. He had neapolis, Mrs. I. Ebin and Aron IN ST. LOUIS Schwab of Minneapolis, Mr. and The Mesdames Stanley Passer been held under arrest by the Mrs. N. D. Hurwitz of Omaha, and Ben Passer left last week for Gestapo, German secret police.) Morey Adlln of Minneapolis and St. Louis, Mo., where they are The Emperor Justinian in his Mr. and Mrs. Jack MuBhkin of visiting with friends and relaedict of persecution classed the Fort Dodge. • tives.


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• Interpretative editorial policy which keeps the reader abreast of the latest developcrtens in Jewish life. •Educational features which broaden the-base-of Jewish culture.

Jews with Arians and heathens.

CHICAGO VISITOR Morton Adler of Chicago was a week-end guest here. He visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chernlss.

• Local columns covering sports, the Jewish calendar of events, religious, social and fraternal ' doings, and organizational activities.

WEBB, BEBER, KLUT2N1CK &, KELLEY, Attorneys. •• 200 Union State Bank Bidg. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF

ALLIED FINANCE SYSTEM Eva Gordon and Rose Magelevsky left last week for California RETURNED HOME Notice is hereby given that the Mr. and Mrs. Max Harris and undersigned have, organized a corfor an extended visit. daughter, Bette Lee, returned poration, under the laws of Nebraska. name of the corporation is ALMiss Shirley Barish of Omaha, Tuesday from "Walt Hill, Neb., The LIED FINANCE SYSTEM, and tts and S'redens Goldstein of Wichi- where they spent a few days. principal place of business is the City oi Omaha, Douglas County. Neta, Kan., spent the week-end In braska. The general nature of the Sioux City visiting Dena Baron, LEFT FOB NEW YORK to be transacted is to carry 1810 Grandview boulevard. Mr. Henry Mendelson returned business on a general investment and loan last week to his home in Newbusiness, Including tho making of and the purchase and sale of Fan Hendlyn and Rose Pill left York City after spending a few loans securities and mortgages, and the for California last Sunday night. weeks visiting a t the home of his leasing and holding of real estate. Mr. and Mrs. J . Mendel- Tho amount of capital stock authorOn their return trip they will parents, ized Is $10,000 divided into 100 shares stop at Denver, Colo, • . . son.

»National columns by famed authors . . . In HotK serious and light vein. • In short, a paper devoted to the ideals of Judaism and Jewish progress. Su&scrlpfioit, Call

Formation GO

of the par value of 5100 each, all of which shall be fully paid when issued

Mrs. Leonard Baumstein and TO MAKE HOME IN PHOENIX and non-assessable. Stock may be Mrs. Dave Kubby-and son, Le-paid for in cash or reaj or personal ,1 daughter, Mitzi, visited here last week with her mother, Mrs. L-. M. roy, left for Phoenix, Aria., -where property a t tho reasonabla value they will make their home. Mr. thereof. ThS ttao of commencement Rice, 1823 Pierce street. of tha corporation 13 June 1. 1025, Kubby preceded them. and It shall continue in existence for 'Mlna Slotsky Is here for the fifty year3 unless sooner dissolved. Tomas Trebino de Sobremonte Th© affairs of, tha corporation are to summer returning from Chicago, ba conducted by a board of directors where she attended the Chicago was the only one 'of the 109 Jews of lesa than two nor mere than accused during the tri~l of Gab-fivenot Art School." members and °y the fo!lov.-ln3 riel de Granada (Mexico, 1642) officers elected by tho board of directors: President, Vico - Prcs.ciont, >• I Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabino- to be burned alive. Secretary and Treasurer. Any tr.-o v/itz and daughter,^ Segullah, are said officers may be held hy or.c Solomon Ashkenazi, a Turkish of leaving on their vacation for person. The annual meeting of the Jew, was thedeciding factor In corporation shall be held 0:1 thc> tirct Br&iaerd, Minn. They will reench j-c-ir. turn to Sioux City somo time in the election of Henry of Anjou as Monday of. January of B. L.IPP. " Kins of Poland. Ausust. •j-iL -, S. SLUTZKT.




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