July 14, 1939

Page 1


ln the Interests of the Jcumh, Feoplc


PALLBEABEB • Will Fox was buried one morning several weeks ago and Mr. Segal was one of the pallbearers. Mr. Segal sat in the front pew of Entered as Second Class. Mail Matter on January 51. 1331. a t the Catholic church and was hap\ :."»"•-Xo. 36 OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1S39 Vostofflce. of Omaha.-Nebraska, under tha Act of March S. 1S79 py to be inhaling the sweet incense on which the prayers for Will Fox's soul were ascending. Incense finely fitting for such a soul as Will Fox's. '*»• Mr. Segal thought it was a great pity to be burying a man Havana (JTA) — The authoriBuenos Aires (JTA) — Nazi like Will Fox. People like him. ties have banned all Jewish radio and Fascist penetration in the Arshould be prolonged in a world hours on the pretext that the Govgentine will be the subject of a which so badly needs every gentle ernment did not desire Yiddish spirit in it. Pallbearer Segal could a » pis thorough Congressional investigaspoken over the radio. A demand tion. The investigation, was voted think of a number of people he that the prohibition be cancelled by the Chamber of Deputies after would rather bury. (The current as constituting race discriminaa debate lasting several weeks, One Jewish Organization hate-givers, the bears of false wit- Majority of Mandates tion fostered by native and Span- Shortage ofr ^"~5ng which i% was charged that ness who go from ear to ear whissh Fascists was voiced by the • Set Up to Simplify Commission Opposed Labor '••?.', "™s;anizatio:is were directly pering, the perjurers who shout Democratic newspaper Hoy. Nazi Control Measure Outlook i>.,.,.,^ j e for c r e a t i n g antitheir falsehood into the world.) 3 1;; fine's n i p • Meanwhile, President L a r edo '" -V feeling in A r g e n t i n a Mr. Segal always had thought moi.is:' * '• f Era was urged by the Democratic W_ it had formerly been nonEMIGRATION SOUGHT TERMED TREACHERY of Will Fox as a sort of kinsman arty, the Union Revolucianaria, LADY ASTOR OBJECTS existent. though he was Irish and Catholic. ;he Communist Party and the CuI that, o? J-.eTiRflipir. ?.; The investigation will be con- Jewish Coisnaunlties Lose Will1. Fox was very faithful to his Only France, Britain Give ian Labor Confederation to re- Also Examine Plan for | v;o::if! leaaer o". ihe.Jer-ish N>ducted by the Committee on Conown religion but he knew and reIdentity Under ease from the immigration camp V* *,GnU <«> *.k -W *. A i tional Fund. Support at Temporary Entry stitutional Affairs, f o l l o w i n g spected men of other beliefs as 7 German Jewish refugees who i Geneva of Workers which legislation directed against fellow-travelers on the way to have been held there two months Jerusalem (JTA> — British an-! T_ ^ s t all subversive activities will be Jerusalem. • London (JTA) — Informed London (JTA) — Vice-Chair- ,ndV are slated for deportation to thorities last w e e k Euspen lee! i I^ei r.hLondon (JTA)' — Home Secre- drafted. Not that he gave out pious ut- man Wilhelm Rappard of the Per- Germany. quarters here expect that the al- Jewish traffic to ar.c "TOW. Jen--'. ^ h p ^ ; tary Sir Samuel Hoare told Comterances on that matter. His fine manent Mandates Commission acready unbearable financial burden salem, searching three sections ;. ^ e ? 1 ^ mons this week that the governspirit took. it quite for granted cused Colonial Secretary Malcolm of the German Jewish community and collectively fining' three cili-^ v u -''"*ment is considering allowing Jewthat one decent'man was as good MacDonald, during his recent dewill be increased enormously by ers and closed Jewish amusement; ^f- co< ish refugees now'In England to as the next>''He knew God the fense of the new British policy the new Berlin decree setting up places in Haifa as a result of t>.t-j ti;;f ef fill the gaps caused by a shortage Father tp^svhom all men were kin. on P a f e stine, of "turning the a single Jevrish organization, the tacks on Arabs. j attack of agricultural labor and also the .-'^Familiar Scene Reichsvereinigiing, d e s i gned to mandate upside down," it was reBritish forces carried out house- j sectioi "Pallbearer Segal felt it was all vealed here this week. make Nazi control of Jewish life to-house searches in Rene via, j z;Ti(~l lT in accordance with Will Fox's life simpler and to speed up its liqui- modern Jewish residential district j u?" _°' London (JTAX — The posWriting in the Daily Herald, A. that he, a Jew, was helping to dation. Main provisions of the de- in Jerusalem, the Romema cuar- ' chrnt: sibility of admitting more refEight Accused of ^Plot to cree perform these last offices for Will L. Easterman reported that Prof. Sessions to "Begin are: on ugees to England to offset a ter and. 'on Jaffa. Kos.C in. Kit).-! tn "}" Fox. Mr. Segal .was made quite Rappard's stand had the support Set Up Fascist Wednesday in 1. The R e i chsvereinigung is town cfter one Areb was official- | p n e A looming labor shortage w a s at home in St. Xavier's Church, as of the Dutch, Belgian, Norwegian held responsible for its own char- ly declared to bare been seriously ! injure Government discussed editorially in t h e the Jbronze altar rail told him. At and Portuguese representatives, ities; under supervision of the InTimes. Commenting on the wounded and two sliphtly in- \ J^1" / ? intervals along this rail was in- all of whom condemned the BritZurich (JTA) — Eight Nazis terior ministry, it 'will csre for a jured in the bombing' of a truck ; ' s ^ e c , refugee question debate in the London (', TA) — A plenary scribed the name of Jahovah in ish policy.. Only Sir Morris Hanwent on -trial here this week on , indigent Jews without funds from by Jews. House o f Lords, and again '; ? r i°° Hebrew. By. this Mr. Segal knew key, of .Great-Britain, and A. Gir- ession of ' ie Intergovernmental charges of-plotting to nazify Swit- | other _Reich_ agencies. that he was in a familiar place. aud, of F r a n c e , defended the Refugee Ccnrmittee will convene -stressing t h e inadequacy of Later ar. Arab was shot at and Ii n ? i 5 2. It will cpera'te its own edzerland, t r e a s o-n and espionage Paper by which Britain private charity in dealing with slightly injured or. King George j J<?v-is1 Yes, he thought, this is my White here on July 13, with the accreducation system, abiding by acawithin the country's border. set up an independent Palpr fT { the problem, the Times said: house, too. It was as if Mr. Segal's would ted representatives of 32 governFirst to take the stand was Dr. demic rales in force throughout j avenue. Military cordons baited j ? > : estine state with the Jews fixed "If Mr. Keynes (John Maytraffic within the city as, veil as ; -he c. favorite prophet were standing at as a one-third minority.' ments tfl attendance, to consider, nard Keynes, noted economist) Alfred Zander, self-styled Swiss Germany, but stressing o c c upa- jon inter-urban routes, prelecting ; resor?. the altar rail proclaiming the un"Fuehrer," who denied that his tional training useful for emigra- j he growing refugee tragedy anji is right in thinking that o u r According to'Mr. Easterman, ity of God and man "Hath trouble in the near future nay Nazi society of "Faithful Confed- tion. Jewish students will be per- j Mr. Prof. Rappard, the Swiss repre- he fate of the Jews still within not one God created us?" erates" had • acted on behalf of raitted to attend only Association j Segal is always happy to discover sentative on the Mandates Com- .be.Reich. The United States tnO. well be a lack of labor and not Germany. The authorities u r i t i e s charge j schools; ; manisfe^tations of b r otherhood mission, took Mr. MacDonald sev- be Represented at the meeting! by unemployment, it may soon be- that they organization was formed j s - N o - compensation wui De come practiceable to a d m i t like * this and his tired eyes we're erely to task for failing to create Myron C. Taylor, committee /vicemore refugees for permanent last year to provide Swiss nation- I P&id -ews for losses incurred t^ dazzled by the Hebrew Name on a Jewish majority in Palestine. > settlement without .arousing al defense and other information readjustments neccessary m conHe assertedly declared that to chairman. the Catholic" altar. to the the Reich, to which Sander 1 forming to the decree. the feeling.-.which is commonly The session, which will-Se held ' (Things had been going dread- stop Jewish immigration a f t e r Demand Emigxatioa made freguent trips. fallacious, that the immigrant five years and make continued enbehind closed doors at ,t|ie Forfully in the world, what with so Commenting on the decree, the Rebuked by. Judge M. Strebe! is taking somebody else's job. try subject to Arab consent would eign Office premises, is-jexpected many raising their hands against organ refusingg to realize e l z e the t h e "deadd e a d I official Nazi party py gn Voelkis"Meanwhile, there is one forconsequences" their brothers, what with all this be a unilateral denunciation of o adopt far-reaching d e cisions of his activities, i cher Beobachter said: "The new with regard to settlement of refpossibility of waste w h i c h ly revilement. and hate being spew- the mandate. replied: "The first strug- • ordinance stews now ready Gerugees in territories • recently ined.) must be watched. It appears Zander Act of Treachery : partmf gles of an ideology are • always j many is, in spite of baa esperiMr. Segal felt he could well The Norweigian representative, estigated by commissions of ex- that refugee children who have inisunderstood. It was up i was- si vrith the Jews, to let the p "to us to | aences c o£ send up his own prayers for Will Miss Dannewig, reportedly termed perts. It will also act on the quesbeen admitted In considerable t such h misunderstandings. t separation be carried out c^i: i. re r n? Fox at the Catholic altar. A soul the British policy a betrayal of tion of establishing a foundation numbers for education and correct The revolution I vas preparing without friction. The National SowiOrc" *o- the like Will Fox's deserves all the the Jewish people, declaring the o enable 150,000 Jews to leave training are to be sent away was an intellectual, and not a cialist goal is still the departure a Jev i<;a Te et,-i grace there is in heaven for those whole world knew that Britain the Reich within three to five somewhere else when t h e y bloodyy one,, in conformity "with the j| of all l f Jews from the Reich. V, e do j T who were men of good will. This had promised the Jews a nation- years. reach the age of 18. The ex- German pattern. i not sttacn the slightest value to r n ii tees h f " Marking the first anniversary was the prayer Mr. Segal sent up al home. To suggest that the port of potentially useful citip es ! Jews. If we once more ac accorc ; Spied on Coasidstes on £he incense.' in th^ TE"£2CC zens, if pressed too rigorously, Jews be fired as .a onel-third min- of its existence, the committee Zander freely admited that he | them our attention, it is not —e on Pallbearer Segal also prayed for ority, she said, would be consid- which was formed at Eyian-lesmay be anything but econ- and his followers had adopted tae- provide a new basis for taeir afmore souls like Will Fox's in the ered an' act of treachery and an Bains, France, at the instance of omy." tics closely similar to those of the fairs, but to speed up their enuPresident Roosevelt, will hear an world. The arrogant men, the insult to the Commission's intelli- extensive raport by its director, Nazi party in Germany and other 1 gration." jurers and the persecutors are so gence. Commissioner Sic IN vtio or-, league High Commissioner S i r temporary admission of nev ref- cuntries. A co-defendant, Alfred j ' While the principle of internal his departure -from loud, O Lord God, he said, and :ila was t MT. Easterman concluded that Herbert Emerson, reviewing the ugees to assist in harvesting. E s Nikles, said the organization had autonomy is outwardly preserved, their %oices- swallow the Voices with a p-E members had decid- Jewish situation, -in Greater Ger?. said he was examinics such £ spied oa the French., British, and there is little doubt that the Ge«- ipresented ' of the gentle,"the truthful and" the :ihe-'.m&jorfty_ the Jewish Refugee : other eoas-alates~to'; e n e t t ed to stand by the mandate "as rill esert eEcrit!.o-!is prcsEr.T . tapoTrill eEcrit!.o!isprcsEr.Te many and the plight of-refugees plan in conjunction 'witii the agri-; righeous. Multiply the voicej> of authoritatively interpreted by the identity of visitors. Nikles assert- [ behind the scenes. The d e c r e e various countries. Sir Herbert culture and labor ministers. decent' men that t h e y maj? be edly served as Sander's' body- merely marts official recognition British government in -Churchill's will also report on the refugeeheard above: the tumult of the Sir Samuel rebuked Lady. Astor, guard. cf the Reichsvertretung's reorganWhite Paper-" .(The Churchill packed steamers t r a v eling the Conservative M. P., for. a remark hateful, the cruel and the false. Zander parried all attempts to ization • plan adopted last year. White Paper issued by the then high seas in search of havens, on Blessing c that 'the (Jewish) race is not establish the source of the funds Several provisions, h o w e v e r , v h o v co ->" " o- TO-" ^ 1o Thus in one bundle with the C o l o n i a l Secretary Winston the thousands marooned in no- particularly keen on agriculture." which covered the organization's | change the intended y o 1 u ntarv s~e "be r r exair inea t ' f" t-r «- ic£.n es^ei*^s c -rr s on "er ^ T priest's Mr. Segal sent up his own Ihurchill in 1922, gave a precise man's-land areas between Ger- He said that this view was not monthly deficit of • 1,500 Swiss j ch t tto Foo«e"n. Ac1-" "0-1 C L ' I - IPP O prayer. It seemed fitting enough interpretation of the Balfour Dec- many find Poland, and on the borne out in fact since large num- Francs (about §330). Ke insisted character of the reroganization a compulsory one following the laration, stressing that Britain did findings of the various commisthat such a prayer should accombers of young refugees were anx- that all contributions came from Nazi "fuehrer" principle. pany the blessing the priest was not contemplate creation of a sions which surveyed possible col- ious to work on the land. Swiss nationals. The prosecution Subsidies Abolished wholly Jewish Palestine, that the onization territories. pines."' • giving for Will Fox's kindly soul. pn'ri K P : The statement followed discus- claimed there w e r e only 176 " TChile the R e i c hsvertretung Polish Emigration Goffii When the Lord's Prayer was Jews were in Palestine as "of "Faithful Confederates" in a l l plan provided for coordination of right rather than of sufferance," sion of the refugee question in It was learned reliably that the "So far," h given Pallbearer Segal's v o i c e Switzerland, instead of the 400 brew (Continued on page 7.) went along with all the others . . * and that Jewish immigration be question of emigration of Jews the House of Lords earlier, dur- claimed by the organization. ents (Continued on page 7.) "Our Fathers who art in heaven, regulated by the principle of eco- from Poland, which has been the Death threats were employed subject of pressure by the Polish gt- t i e nrri- 1 hallowed be Thy name. Thy king- nomic capacity of the country). by the Nazis in getting informaGovernment, will be included on do mcome, Thy will be done, on MacDonald Speaks tion about Germans in Switzerilii/li the agenda for the first time. Preearth as it is in heaven." Defending Britain's Palestine land, it was revealed at another (Yes, on earth as in heaven, policy as consistent with "its policy vious efforts to have the commitsession of the trial. Hans Stuz, a though Mr. Segal. That was the in Europe Mr. MacDonald assert tee discuss Polish emigration have IS ID motion picture operator, said on 1 whole trouble — God was impris- ed here that the British govern- been rejected. the witness stand that he had p -r The conference may also hear oned in the skies. That's what was ment could not continue to faciliI been obliged to dispatch to Gerfor the first time that the refuneeded in the world — to set God tate Jewish Immigration to the VHth camp only a month away | many baseless denunciations of .free that He might come down to Holy Land indefinitely unless it gee proble'm has reached the point various German motion p i c t ure the Jewish Community Center where private relief organizations the earth and -«valk among men accepted the principle of rule by representatives in order to safe- completing the final details in ^ o V C 1 are no longer able to cope with and abide in their affairs.) physical force. He spoke at the it. It is estimated that 170,000 guard his own life against Nazi order to i isure a well-rounded. The schedule for the radio threats. Another witness testified enjoyable and healthful program j Tj; "On earth as it is in heaven," annual dinner of the Royal CenJewish refugees -are s c a 11 ered broadcasts presented every SaturPallbearer Segal repeated. "Give tral Asian society. | throughout Europe, the majority day afternoon at 2:30 over radio that he had been entrusted with at Camp ^ay-C-C • us this day our daily bread." "In Europe," the Colonial Sec- of them requiring relief, while station WOW on the contributions the task cf spying on various conSince meal time is always an : (Mr. Segal felt quite»humble as retary said, "Great Britain stands sulates, checking on the number important and happy occasion ! he said this. That was all a man for the principle that changes be- private funds are near exhaustion. of racial groups to American life, of Jews who visited them. three times a day at camp, the e ~ u . c e Even the Council for German has been completed for the suma living in tween and among peoples should should require Center announces that it has seJewry, the richest relief organizamer. the world .'.. . daily bread and a not be made by physical force. cured the services of a 'very fine • tion in Europe, revealed at a . but there were people roof Tomorrow the program cateress and an assistant to pre- < then, can they stand for the meeting recently that it has found •in the wprld who were saying, How deal vrith the "Irish in America." | pare delicious ana; wholesome ' Give us also our neighbor's bread, very opposite of that policy in it difficult to meet the require- The following Saturday, July 22, ! dishes. \ and they were driving them away Palestine. He expressed certainty ments of local refugee relief com- the program will be concerned A typical camp menu will in- j from under their xoofs and set- that if the "forces of moderation mittees in Belgium, Poland, Swit- •with the "Germans in America." and reasoning are allowed to pre- zerland and other c o u n t r i e s On July 29 the program "will be dude cantaloupe, corn flakes. '. ting them adrift) •' • ; bran rauffias, butter and jam, ana ; "And forgive us our debts, as vail, the logic of fact will bring where thousands of refugees are dedicated to the "Scandinavians Plans are rapidly taking shape concentrated. iced chocolate for breakfast. Ai agreement between Arabs and •we forgive our debtors." in America." for the first annual B'nai B'rith Problems » camp dinner might feature rosst I Jews." Voice of Compaslon Tee firEt Saturday in August picnic which is to be held at Similarly, the Joint Distribution chicken, stewed tomatoes, mashed I (This is the voice of compaspark oa Sunday, y, August ugust 6. 6. . potatoes ^ s - i L i i Egravy, Committee is faced with a situa- the broadcast will he dedicated to Kxug p celery-applevwith r a v y > ceieir-c.?p sion, Mr. Segal mused. It comfortthe contributions cf the "Jews to A t h tion where allocations for refuAamission to the park will be j n l l t E a l a d raspberrv ice a*— * -> ed him to hear the voice of comthe United States." On August free and tickets will be available gee work in the various European 5e n.r.d tirt<=t= Trill ko ^-^-;i^v,i«, i cookies. On . • the . menu for a passion from the mouths of the 12 and 13 the program will deal for free rides. Special rates will countries mount weekly, reaching 300 people in the church. Voices be given for dancing sad swim- cal camp supper will be cottace dimensions which only Govern- with the Slavs in America. cheese, sliced tomatoes, raw CE of compassion had been sickened i The program is under the diming ment treasuries can cover. rot strips and celery, watersneioljy the foul breath of, hate and rection of Professor Edwin Puls Among the events scheduled One of the new problems to of the Crelghton university deBlander but this v o i c p In the are: Slipper-kicking contest; basecome before the committee is the partment of speech. church was as clear, as the altar Camp sor.gs will follow ball throw; 50-yard dash for girls, fate of 772 Jewish refugees from bell's. boys and fat men; balloon-clew- neaiE. the Panamanian steamer Rim, "For thine is the kingdom and New reg-istrations contjeue ing contest for ladies; threeManning Handler will be Jew which- burned off the Island of the power and the glory, forever. legged race for ladies; ceedle- be mac (Me Segal joined in the amen ish speaker this afternoon at 5 Rhodes last week. The Rim's pasthreading contest for men; nipwith a rising voice. Yes, the king- o'clock on the regular broadcast sengers were landed at Rhodes ple-drialimg contest, and Jitterdom of God, and His was all the of.the Omaha Round Table o after having been, rescued by an bug and Waltz contests. Italian liner. power and His all the glory. The Christians and Jews. There will' be a special door Five thousand l i r e daily, or little men who stand on the high -Judge Lawrence Welch of the prize. Feature of the day will.be places would be blown away soon Nebraska Compensation C o n r about $2,000 weekly, is required Budapest (JTA) — A list of a baseball game between the A. 1 LI grotesque little men being will represent the Catholics and for upkeep of the Rhodes refu- prominent singers and actors, dis- Z. A. and B*nai B'rith tsans. The (Continued on page 7.) , Cecil W. Slocum, president of the like last sumblown away . missed from the State O p e r a public-will be welcome to Ettecfi. mer!s leaves . . . into the abysses Junior Chamber of Commerce House and the State Theatre unof history. God's laughter will be the Protestants. der the Hungarian anti-Jewish Next "Friday afternoon David bright In the sunlight) law, has just been published here. Goldman will be Jewish speaker So it. came time to carry Will Rome fJTA) — It The list includes Conductor AnFox from the church to his grave and on July 28 Sam Zacharia will n has s t i IT uh ton Fleischer, a member of the lesi:siatio ited t' behind the lofty crucifix the acol- be Jewish representative. Ne-w York (JTA)— Three hun- Opera House Orchestra for 24 :test mass conveys.ion of Je^ TTarsaw (JTA) — Efforts to gres yte carried. Mr. Segal gave himdred persons last Sunday attend- years; the famous Mozart singer, 'CIS sh Itii e the Spaia sine ition. self to fanciful meditations: He ed memorial services for Dr. The- Gitta Halsz, a member for 21 stir up anti-Semitism in Poland was disclosed hs v--e-"Ii. C should h a v e liked to . see the odor Hefzl, founder of political years; Gabrielle Relle, 15 years: marked Polish.-langas.ge p r o p s - ficiEil staitistics reveal Image come down all of a sudden Zionism, held under the auspices Flora Barsony, niece cf former ganda broadcasts inaugurated by i £00 Jews, representing nor? tt;;n •' i , ...I... .-- j, *gj^ p e - cert, of theentire Jewish i from His cross, come to life and radio stations deof the New Zionist Organization Justice Minister Wilhelm. Vazson- German border walk.into the street summoning The Hague (JTA) — An offic- at the grave of Jacob -de Haas, his ye and a member 2S years. Other signed to c o u n t e r act German- population 'in. Itsly. cave e-b-EC- i p e o p l e . • -'• . ial in the Dutch Economics Minis collaborator. dismissed Opera House stars are laguage broadcasts fro— Poland ed Christianity ia the past year, j Time for Bieek try who la reportedly a Jew wai It was decided to hold similar Andor Lendvay, the baritone, Da- to the effect peaceful surrender K&cer.t legislation favoring con- j of Daasig to Gsmasy. Announc- verted Jews compared tc thoss ad- i "Blessed are the meek . . . Bles- the recipient this week of a high services anually at the De Haas vid Ney and Edith Diosi. ers stressed the tirge-cy of develi sed are they that h u n g e r and German decoration, awarded in grave, in the Spanish and Portuherinc to their religion has grert- i Dismissed State Theatre actors •ing Polish anti-Semitism, fies- j ly influences the nrmbsr cf r-ro- i thirst after righteousness . the name of Chancellor Adolf Hit- guese Synagogue cemetery at Cy- include the following: Julius Gal, cribing the lev? as a "westriictive I Blessed are the merciful. . .Bles- ler by Reichs Economics Ministe press Hills, L. I., as long as Dr. honorary lifetime m e m bs selytes, -prho hope to benefit iron; : sed are the pure of neart . Walter Funk at a luncheon given Hersl's remains are In V i e nna, professor at the State Academy of element par..i;3:cell£nce." future laws and asreenisjits beBlessed are the peacemakers . by the German Ambassador. -where services have been prohibt- Dramatic Art, an actor 57 years tween i t s State and ths Tatican. ! Blessed are they that have been ed by the Nazi authorities. The official, who was given t h and a member of the State Theap e r s e c u ted for righteousness' Cross of Merit of the Order of th 1. Speakers included Dr. Louis L tre for 39 years; the prominent of conversions are the pcssibiiiiT I sake . . . Blessed are ye when men G e r m a n Eagle, is Dr. H. M. Newman, Prof. Benjamin Aksin, Shakespearean actor, Julius Bar',—A conferee ce \ of sendi"£ chilcAren to Catholic ; shall reproach you and persecute Hirschfeld, general d i r e ctor o Dr. Morris Rose, and Mr. Moshe tos, and Tiber Rtibny. In addition, of WarE~~ PoIiSii rabbis decided to raiss and eiaigration laciliUes : you, and say all manner(of evil the trade and industry depart- ben Ami, of Palestine. Memorial almost all Jewish aeiabers of the 75,000 Elc.trs.Icr tha purchase of schools to La; against you falsely, for my sake." ment in the State Department o prayers were chanted by Cantor chores" of both organisations have : (Continued on page 8.) Economics. Samuel Vigoda. been disraissed. Polisn Erin?.

Cuba Bans Jewish Radio Programs

Argentine to Probe ~\U&W ftpR

Fascist Propaganda\*^™ »*iLw-



Continuing Disorders toi^nftompmrto^

Bring Government


LlLultKiiU [tic l



Merzl Service Meld at Grave of De Haas

Reich. Broadcasts Urge Anti-Semitism



"Netherlands Jew Given Nazi Medal


I isS. irn.


Page 2

Gems of the Bible and Talmud |

By HENRY MONTOR A few days ago one of the fore- many of the mystical rites have never Invoked "black magic." most, women columnists was giv- since acquired or been given pureThat is to say, all their incaning me her interpretation of Jew- y religious significance and have tations called upon the forces of Iph cultural development In Pal- ilso been, valuable for their na- God and never upon the adjutants estine. What struck her. m o s t lonal or religious symbolism. But of Satan. TUe cult of devil-woraharply about the colonies was he knowledge of their origin is ship, widespread in the Middle <yhat she considered lack of re- issentiat if one is to judge fairly Ages, never fBund devotees among ljglous practice. ind dispassionately the special na- the Jews, or at least not in suffiCommenting on the fact that ure of religious development In cient number to be noteworthy. the overwhelming majority of the alestine today. Scholarly Work •world's Jews are more or less Trachtenberg has "written a The "teffillin" and especially Orthodox In the observance of trawork of scholarship. But it is no ditional rites, she pondered on the :he mezuzot" were e s s entially less absorbing for the fascinating mtl-demohlc devices originally. It likelihood of a rejection ultimateoes without saying that those picture it draws of-the Jewish ly by that Diaspora population of ho wind the phylacteries about people. It is not- the history of the the rebuilt Zion because the rehistory books but of realfty. Read irjn and forehead today are large- it. ligion the Diaspora o b s e r v e d ly unaware of the history of the might not be reflected in the JewConfirmation in l e g e n d s for practise. ish homeland. observations, made There are still tens of thous- Trachtenberg's The only fallacy in this great by others too,'it goes without saywriter's'conclusion was the. weak- inds of youngsters, and also old- ing, is found in the most recent ness of her premise: that Judaism ;ters, who nightly recite the pray-. edition of "Folk-Lore of the Holy with all its encrustations in the >r appealing for the protection of Land" by the^ late €anon J. E. world at large is the only true re- he angels: "at my right Michael, Hanauer of Jerusalem (Macmilmy left Gabriel, before me lan Co.) velation, so to speak. : But the columnist to whom I Jrlel, behind me Raphael." The It is a collection of tales from refer is not alone in her anxiety. imllarlty of the i n t e r c e s s o r y Moslem, Christian and J e w i s h irayer to the ones used at the Being a Christian, her observasources. T h e latter corroborate tion might be traced to her own dawn of recorded history as well the wide use of amulets, prayers, as today-by other people Is obvidevout faith. There are a great alphabetical arrangements to ward many others, Jews who have per- ous. off evil and invoke blessings. In sonally visited Palestine and those The same could be said for the the Middle Ages, It is pointed out, who take their traveling. second iven more general observance of Jerusalem and Hebron, no Ies3 hand, who have contrasted the he Kapparah rite, modern Jew- than the cities of Europe, had orthodox religion t h e i r fathers y'8 obeisance to the a n c i e nt their ghettos for Jews in which w o r s h i p p e d and the outlook, icapegoat offering. the gates were locked at night. which might be termed social reNo "Black Magic" The bitterness, of some of the ligion, prevalent in many of the Subtitled '.'A Study in Folk Re- Jewish legends that developed in communal colonies. igion," Trachtenberg's richly an- Palestine is ascribed to the sufferlotated volume, covers virtually The seeming paradox will have ing imposed upon them there. •very phase .of the fears, instincts, to be resolved. But there can be Among the fascinating folklore no intelligent, rational resolution olbles, dreams aspirations and without the scientific examination irejudices w h i c h are the com- stories that fill Hanau'er's volume of Judaism that is typified in ound of mass religion for Jews are. several called detective tales, but actually instances of the alfor every other people. J o s h u a Trachtenberg's "Jewish Trachtenberg has actually pro- legedly successful use of the tetMagic and Superstition" (Behrvided additional evidence of the ragrammaton, u n p r onounceable man's Jewish Book House). fact that the Jews are not as dis- name of God. Perhaps in Palestine : Accumulation one can find the purest expression . Trachtenberg was faced with a jarate from their neighbors — of the observances arising out of supremely, d i f f i c u l t task. Ap- sven in religion — as their enem- magic and s u p e r s t i t i o n . That proaching it with detachment and es would make them appear. would lead to the conclusion-that knowledge, he was nevertheless^ Running through the volume is the Jews In the Middle Ages did constrained by the fact that he is he labyrinth of ideas which has not acquire their rites from the a practitioner of the Jewish reli- s milestones in angels, demons, world around them but that they gion. He could h o t -recurrently he golem, amulets, divination, as- were ideas to which all groups in emphasize that a great many of rology and Jewish magic. One all places may lay equal claim. the formal observances of ortho- of the most interesting points (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts dox Judaism are the accumula- made by the author is that Jews Feature Syndicate.) tions of the atmosphere to which all men were subject during the centuries. But the material he accumulated with so much patience and' scholarship is d e v a stating without'underlining of its inevitable ..conclusion. -• What Trachtenberg has tried to do is to trace the absorption by the Jewish community during the period from. 1000 to approximately 1600 C. B. of Ideas and pracNew York. (JTA) T— Mohandas : New York' (JTA) — S h a r p tices which seeped Into the religion and folklore of all peoples K. Gandhi has withdrawn "with- criticism of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer out any reservation" an allegation for abandoning production of "It during the Middle Ages. made some time ago to the efHappen H e r e," projected •.He has been.handicapped by the he fect that the Jews "wanted Amer- Can't film version of the Sinclair Lewi absence of llteraure which could ica and England to fight Germany novel, has been voiced in a letter be UBed as p r'i m a r y sources. their behalf," it was revealed to Louis B. Mayer, president of Largely he has had to build on on this week by Joe I. Sargon, manindirect references, on the inter- aging editor of the Jewish Tri- MGM, by President Henry Pratt of the Film Audiences pretations of writers and books of of Bombay, who is here on Fairchild for Democracy. a : later period and on the internal abune, visit. evidence which indicated the conAbandonment of the anti-FasGandhi's retraction f o l l o w e d tinued observance of the practices cist film in the middle of producwhich were in use in the days of protests by Sir Philip Hartog and tion, Prof. Fairchild said, "was tho Talmud. The latter volume Lord Samuel and receipt of what doubly surprising as you are not might, in a sense, be termed the he considered "weighty contradica leading personality in our source book for any Jewish "Gol- tions" from the editor of the Jew- only ish Tribune, which the famous In- country, but also a Jew." djn Bough." dian leader had himself solicited. He urged the company, In the " Inconsistency 1 "I only hope that my observa- event it did not feel justified in -There is an inconsistency in tion," Gandhi said in a letter to re-opening production, to sell the "Jewish Magic and Superstition." Jewish tribune, "has n o t film rights to another firm, and At the beginning T r a c h t e n b e r g the any single Jew. I know cited the financial success of such Points out that the imitation by harmed I Incurred the wrath of many anti-Fascist films as "Confessions Jews of rites and ideas universal that in the Middle Ages is the best German friends for what I said in of Nazi Spy" (Warner Bros.) In refutation of the MGM contention .proof that they were not as shut all good faith." Mr. Sargon, during his stay, has that the public was not interested off from the Christian world as later writers have tried to make it been interviewing American Jew- in "propaganda" films. ish leaders and delivering lectures appear. jBut.. again and again in the on Jewish life in India. In an adSituation Wanted Capable book it Is clear, if not emphasized, dress before the women's division woman desires position in of the American Jewish Congress, that t h e r e was an Impassable refined Jewish home. Excelabysa between the Jewish and t i e Mr. Sargon declared that India lent cook, housekeeper. RefChristian world which found ex- was free of anti-Semitism and that the country's 35,000 Jews erences. Bos 10. Jewish pression in many ways. Press. . : One wonders^ for example, whe- were "on the best of terms with ther there is not a simpler expla- the other communities." He said the Jews were mostly nation than has been given for certain prayers, rites and devicea engaged in commercial and into be used when the Jew, travels dustrial pursuits and there were a PRIVATELY owned « a r « between his synagogue and his number of Jewish mayors, muniand passenger* desiring to • homo or between one town and cipal councillors, magistrates, emtravel on share expense basis phone Coast to Coast another. There would seem to be inent attorneys a n d physicians Auto Travel Bureau. HA B,likelJhood that not the demon among them. He pointed out the 5600, £007 Farnam. Destin' but a barbarous Christian whose lack of a single qualified Rabbi in ation and accident Insurance the entire community, but exon all passengers. wrath was to be assuaged was inpressed confidence that this situavolved. . . • _ . • But this seeming contradiction tion would soon be corrected. is not relevant to the subject matter of the book. Any one who has the slightest interest in the composition of Jewish Ideas, in the elementals of reaveled faith, in the religious practices dominant for the bulk of the Jews of America as elsewhere, must consider "Jewish Magic and Superstition' an indispensable volume. Trachtenberg's chapter, written in classlcly precise prose, although occasionally turgid because of that precision, offer a fascinating-tour of the Jewish mass mind. All the vaunted rationality and scientific stance o£ the Jewish people find little confirmation in these ex: cerpta from & six hundred year •'••history of the development of a



a cool, sparkling dip and for free instruction with their membership at any time from 5:30 to 8:SO Mrs. Miriam Wright p. m. on Monday and Wednesday. Mrs. Miriam Wright of Los Anwhile the junior boys and senior geles, & former resident of Omamen swim on Tuesday and Thurs- ha, died last Thursday in Los Anday. Health club men and senior 1 gel 65. male can swiin every noon from j Surviving her p.re: five daugh12 noon to l : S 0 p. m. three sons, all of Los AnForty-five junior boys £.nd girls I ters and. tv,-c sisters, Mrs. Herman will receive junior swim cer- geles; Zisgman of Omaha End Mrs. Hantificates. nah Mittleman of San Francisco; | end -tvrc brothers, Louis SchreibAt one time ever half the popu- j man of Omaha, and I. Schrelbman lation of Salonika was Jewish. ' of Los Angeles.


By Or. Philip Sher

BIBLE A man shall be condemned according to his intelligence. But he who Is of a distorted understanding shall be despised. The lip of truth shall be estabIshed forever, but a lying tongue s but for a moment. The integrity of t h e upright shall guide them, but the perverseness of the faithless shall destroy them. The memory of the righteous shall be a blessing, but the name of the wicked shall perish. TALMUD Our Rabbis taught: "Those who are being 'humiliated by others but do not humiliate others in return, who listen to t h e i r reproabes without even answerin them, who perform their duties because of love for their social service work, and rejolceUn spite of all their pain (because of the reproach) concerning them the Scripture says they will shine as the r i s i n g of the sun in his might." The older the scholars get the more wisdom they acquire; but the older the ignorant men get the more foolish they become.

JJCXL Sports

ERE is the clisias of the voyage and little Leisel Joseph. When Mr. H of the Hamburg American liner Troper boarded the ship off the coast St. Louis with its human cargo of 907 of Holland, he was greeted by little

Leisel in behalf of the large number of children aboard. "We, the children of the St. Louis, wish to express to you and through you to the American Joint Distribution Committee our deep thanks from the bottom of our hearts for having saved us from great misery," she said. "We pray that God's blessings be upon you. We regret exceedingjy that flowers do not grow on the ship, otherwise we would have presented to you the largest 2nd most beautiful bouquet."

refugees. Saved through the efforts and financial guarantees of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the refugees were given havens in Belgium, Holland, France aad England. The above photo was taken just as the St. Louis was docking in Antwerp and shows left to right. Dr. Joseph Joseph, chairman of the passengers' committee; Mrs. Joseph, Morris C. Troper, European director of the Joint Distribution Committee who took personal charge Of the disembsrkisg of the refugees;

J C C SOFTBALL LEAGUE— —I Team. Won. Lost. Breslow Auto Glass . . . . 9 O Leavenworth Market . . . 7 1 S. A. M 4 S pha Mu ten. A. Z. A. No. 1 will Leavenworth Market vs. BresA. Z. A. (10O . . . . . . . . . 3 6 be idle. low'Auto Glass, West Elmwood. A. Z. A. (1) 2 7 Sigma Alph Mn vs. A. Z. A. No. The J. C. C. Jeague Is finish' , ing the softball schedule with a 11, 32nd and Dewey. The Breslow Auto Glass and the five-team loop as the B'nai B'ritb Leavenworth Market continue to team was ousted out of the league SWIMMING set the league leading pace in the due to a ruling governing the J. C. C. softball loop. The Bres- play of having more than two The Center swimming, program low's are in the top position with forfeited contests: for Junior boys and girls, and CoerrUht. lMT nine wins and no losses, while, business women, is steadily Inthe Leavenworth Market's are creasing. Due to the large numclose behind with seven victories Taking advantage of an open bers In the junior groups, it was 'Better drink all j-osar Robert* Vitamin milk for extr£ and" a lone defeat to their credit. date Jn the J. C. C. Softball necessary to promote the followstrength. We have a. lot of thing's to throw In last week's encounters, both league, last Sunday the Sigma ing girls to the advanced class of out of the pl&y pen." of these teams out-slugged, out- Alph Mu team Journeyed to Sioux junior swimmers so as to make fielded, and out-scored their A. City to engage in some outside room for beginners who are in Z. A. opponents. The Breslow's competition with a Sigma Alph nesd of personal instruction. defeated the Mother A. Z. A. Mu team of that city. The Oma- They are Fannie Woolfson. Fay Chapter by the score of 16 to 3. han's were the victims of a 6 to 4 Edel, Bc-tty Brown, Carol Peterwhile the Marketeer's gave the defeat at the hands of the lowan's son. Patricia McKean, Marjorie entury lads a 20 to 5 spanking. defeat at the h a n d s of the Lebbert, Judy Birginal, Joyce Both leaders in the J. C. C. league will clash in next Sunday's feature game at 32 nd and Dewey, while, in the other contest, the A. Z. A. No. 100 will clash bats against the Sigma Al-

lowan's. A return game is in the making and the Ornahan's will do their utmost to even the score in a return game to be played later in the season. The schedule for next Sunday's game, July 16, is as follows:

".i, Deris Smith and Loretta Frost. _ .pinners swim classes meet at 9:30 a. m. on Monday and Wednesday, while the advanced girls meet at 10:15 a. m. Ths business girls are allowed to come in for


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THE JEWISH PRESS—'FRIDAY, JULY 14,1939 policy, the 'Jewish leaders who spectacle wearers, why shouldn't Jewish Committee staff, is week- wagon, every major company did play material and talent control the Jewish Agency for we? Rise up and fight American ending ' the summer at a cottage BO. For the present, at least, ! the various summer stocky coir Palestine and the Zionist Organ-j'spectaclery!' Join the 'Social in PeekskiU, K. T. . . . Carl Al- most of the companies have re- panies are n o r presenting. YOUTH: hopefuls In stock vcwld give flif--' lzation have been trying hard to j Duty' movement to figat spec- pert, SBSOC. ed. of the Boston treated into silence. eye-teeth to be tc r guide the people of the Jewish tacles.' declares | Jewish. Transcript, is convaleECThe i i National Home in as moderate "This is blank-blank nonsense— I ing from that appendectomy at and restrained a course of con-if you can believe it then you are ! Provincetcvrs, Mass. . . . Con£•<• \ duct as is compatible •with the capable of believing t i e similar j grats to Sylvia Lewis, xniss vrio fc? tl - r;-— n r "^ p Jr "" r 7 ' " T1 preservation of their national life nonsense disseminated fcy foment- j couldn't find s. job EES is now r\ and of the Zionist movement. ers of racial hatred a n d civil I cleaning c p in Hollywood with r ' ~>"r To put it mindly, their task is strife" her vvn organization celled Iff CI r ; not being made easier by the tac"Your Secretary Service," a glori- j £*—e. tics of the Government and the R E F U G E E S : AU England is fiefi information a n d personal 'd i:" conduct of Englishmen here. laughing a t this one, told in a r e - service bureau which numbers ,: r cent issue of t h e New Statesman among its clients seme of t h e rere EDITOR'S NOTE: " I always escaped from tighter corners than and Nation . . . An importantbiggies in the film colony j *.t>Afight that EngllElnacn t?cra famous f o r e i g n correspondents have been two such interludes. looking lady was £iowa icio one 0E6 0 ' ttE '£•£* ICrCifcEErE good Bports." Thus, a young whoso adventures in P a l eatlne The first was the period preceding op cp o i *- " of the public offices wtere refu- | bearing a British ferisr-tfeoofl Is F-T T:PC Jewish reporter in P a l e s t i n e were mostly experienced n n d e r and following the hanging last gees seek posts as domestics and '• Signer Ettor Kodigliani. retired • ri_~ P . •who had braved Arab terrorist protection of a police escort or be- spring of Shlomo Ben-Josef, the where English, employers call to j "art dictator" of northern Italy. ' v' o1 *bullets for three years only to hind a heavy screen of troops. He Revisionist youth s e n tenced to - T-Ip interview them . . . Turning ber j member of a Jewish family set- "{-'--I— fall afoul of British policemen has done these things Quietly, death for shooting at an Arab bus. lorgnette on the scsrte, s£e snort- | tied in Italy for many generain plain clothes wielding brass alone, unarmed, without fanfare The second has been the period O: J ed: "I &o not see anyone here tions. Tisck Let on. i knuckles. The incident, related but without any attempt at con-since publication of the "White PaSSuSiifC V ,wh k fr who looks at all suitable." . . . (Copyrighted "by Jewish Teleby Boman Slobodin, veteran cealing his identity, simply a re- >er. : Conduct Unchecked When the laughter had died graphic Agency, Inc.) New York reporter who is in The Je"w-b.aters in Falestine down, it was explained to her that Jerusalem on special assign- porter attending to hi3 job. Last night he was over at our seem to have placed their o\ra she was not in the roora -with the ment for the Jewish Telegraor,- - ' . Tit refugees, but in thai reserved for phic Agency, is symptomatic of house with a few other friends, nterpretation on that document the Jews to the stavrv the prospective employers . . . the complex situation now pre- and we managed to forget politics isusrelegating of a tribe of aborigines in Afand spend a jolly hour or two just L A U G H T E R : A -widespread o r - * 'Xvailing in the Holy Land. "We startled the neigh- •ica or Australlla, or something movement to ridicule, lampoon, HOSTESS: Ken reports that JERUBAI/EM. singing. bors and the Arab villagers down if the kind. This attitude is most satirize and just plain bellylaugh * v rev h Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy, wife of n the valley with a medley of He- :onsplcuous in the conduct of En- the Nazi movement out of ex- the American ambassador to LonBy IRVING SOKDERS One of the beat of many friends brew, French, Negro, A m e rican glish policemen and s o l d i e r s , 1 istence is taking hold don, WES aisosg the hostesses who i it has been my good fortune to and Russian songs, besides some drunk and sober, shouting abuse months ago, an especially good gave dinner parties for the ball acquire in Palestine is a young other varieties. Baltzan and twoof Jetts and slngging law-abiding example of this method tras of- introducing Miss Vivien Mosley to Several acti-Nasi pictures are r£ red-headed reporter for the daily or three other Rumanians contrib- Itlzens in the streets. It was inLondon society fered In London Miss Mosley, in production end others are be- Cc newspaper '"Haboker," n a m e d uted songs of their native hind. This conduct is, of course, un- the guise of a handsomely pro- you ought to know, is the daugh- ing considered, ail of the "ConHalm Baltzan. In Hospital * authorised, but despite complaints duced magazine, ostensibly "The ter of Sir Oswald Mosley, the Brit- fessions" type. T i e public del r r e Working: for a journal with a and protests it has c o n tinned Journal of the Anglo-Asierican ish fascist leafier . . . mand for pitfhires of a controTonight I saw him again. He circulation of some twelve or fifnight after night for weeks wlthOutversial and poiiticsl nature is still Chamber of Trader r.teen thousand, Baltzan's fame has was in the Bicur Hollm Hospital, ut being effectively checked by wardly "kosher," the inEides of MISH-MASH: The Nazis are de-strong in spite of the fact that little chance of spreading beyond half conscious, wax-whit© from higher authorities. In Jerusalem the publication were cramned termined to slay the ghost of differences of opinion snaffled =c i- r>et loss of blood through a gaping things reached such a pass that the borders of the Holy Land, but wound in his forehead. The doc- ews asked whether English or with clever ads and articles con- comedy in the Keich . . . Now It's production of "It Can't Keppert that does not detract from the tors said they were afraid of brain taining devastating barbs at Scotch jokes they're after . . . Here," "Air Raid," "Hell Amer- j fact that he Is a crackerjack news- hemorrhage. Arab terrorists were more danger- Nazis and typical Nazi phenom- Having given jokesmiths who lea" and "Invasion." These picpaper man. He is a Rumanian us. ena . . . For example, one ad csp- took the names of Hitler, Goer- tures, fcevever, &i& not represent i PessengrerE t.board the Queen Jew, born in the town of KishinThe immediate cause may be tioned "Read the 'Stueriaer'" ing and Goebbels in vain a taste the complete Ecllywoofi scene. Mary s-nd the Ac;v.it&TiiR t t eunsThe gallant young fellow who eff, of pogrom ill-fame. largely attributed to the attitude gave seriously a few facts about of concentration camp, they are The WB Etcdio. which initiated me- will be shown. curiEs; ehipt;" From him I have obtained a had passed unscathed and uncow- of higher British officials who the notorious pornographic sheet j now out to ban irreverent if hu- the anti-Nazi cycle, isEced & state- i movie shews, s. opecl&l real coced through pogroms, who venturhave demonstrated their feeling and continued as follows: "I* you |morous reference to the Scots, ment in this connection, saying first-hand idea of what it is like trashing the 'irst f.ucocssf ul transto be a Jew in Eastern Europe, ed fearlessly into Arab terrorist about the Jews by the measures want to learn about the Epirit of who, according to Poet Will Ves- "Despite efforts of various com- • Atl&ntic padfile stes.it!er nnO. niodr lairs, walking home from his oftaken against Jewish communi- the new Germany, the Germany per, "love and esteem Germany." panies and individuals to discredit '• ern ocean sreyliounfis. of the daily and hourly reminders rootage ; that one is a creature set apart fice at eleven o'clock at night, ties. In striking contrast to the of 80,000,000 people, the Germany . . . A group of congressmen tact- the great success and popular &e- ' out of "Kulcr ol the Seas," in- ; from one's fellow human beings along a wide, brightly-lit main slow and creaky working of Gov- that has broken with all the tradi- fully suggested to Congressman j claim of "Confessions of a Nazi ; eludes various E5IO;S VZ the for special execration and mal- thoroughfare in a peaceful Jewish ernment machinery against Arab tions of Christianity, Democracy, Bloom, acting chairman of the ' Spy," starting dates cl two sirci- ! Star, exact reprot'iictior: ot t•hetreatment, of the horror of a mob quarter, was Bet u p o n •without terrorists, wno literally got away Individual Liberty and Humanity, House Foreign Affairs Committee, j lar filnis have beer i SirH'iS. which tnacie the first, all- , of sewer rats. Inflamed by some warning by four British policemen with, murder for more than two then you must read the 'Stuerm- that removal of his name from These films w i l l be "Unfier- j steam crossing from L.onfioR to In civilian clothes and b e a t e n er.' .You may not like its tone, ears before anything drastic was politican for his own ends, smashthe controversial neutrality bill groanfi," story cf the secret a t t i - |Tork i t 1BS&—a vcyagre which in done to check them, the authori- but you cannot overlook the fact would help the bill pass . . . Ac- Nasi forces in German^, and "The i re-enacted as the fHm'e climax. i ing its way through peaceful Jew- senseless with brass knuckles. that its Weltanschauung is the Having accomplished this notties have pounced with alacrity on ish neighborhoods, d e s t roying, cording to Ken, Bloom declined Eishcp Who Waited Vs'ith God," \ looting, b u r n i n g , manhandling able work of maintaining law and every act of violence that could Weltanschauung ofia government to take t h e hint unless a majority story of Bishop XiemoeUer. fie- • There was B. time, vfeet Kolly that is determined to change the order, the Englishmen ran away. he attributed to Jews, as occasion women, beating old people and Recovering consciousness. Baltzan for costly, annoying and humili- face of the world and to plant the of the committee thought be j posed head of the German i.u- j wood woulfi permit only children. . should,, which they theran churcn. ! to fret the girl. All tn&t'E been y didn't red flag of the Swastika in the Th struggled to his feet and, .stream- ating collective punishments. The studios meanwhile seem to • cfe∋8fi r.nfi te be & hear:' iv. I-'o't-' Cultured European farthest corners of the globe. In- The same magazine reports that ing blood by the Quart, set out afGood-Will Going fi tofi&yy an actor Uocsn't Baltzan isn't cut out to submit ter them. Only the arrival of a roduion | y formation about the 'Stuermer' a survey of government services be treadingg vrater on pproductio Suspension of Jewish bus lines, and other German newspapers," reveals that only 2,500 out of tamely to such a fate. A univer- Jewish policeman wh6 s t e e r ed "Address rnknown," and "I I bave to chew the scenery and got* employes are | Married a Ka:i." Charles Chap-1 little b&bies. SOE°OI!P her* t-.w T.-r--e sity graduate, a cultured Euro- him to the hospital prevented him banning of interurban J e w i s h the ad bitlngly reminds, "can be 120,000 federal pean, in the be3t sense, he .was. a from chasing his assailants until traffic, closing of Jewish motion obtained from the Press Attache Jews, which is much lower than lin's "The Dictator" will be re- disceverec the picture houses and cafes — none ot the German Embassy in Lon-the Jewish percentage in the total leased in October, and the icfie-1 PIEJS&E ERE * ~^"- *"-nfi so.m«- vr-.--' r r.-rrr: rising young attorney in his nae bled to death. of these measures has ever, been don" . . . Not long ago, circulars population . . . Take note, if you i pendent production of "The Mad ! times & wife; tbat those molls tive land until the local Number In his dazed state be tried to p One anti-Semite jostled him one tell me something. It was hard to imposed on Arabs for thousands announcing that Hitler was wantcf Europe" is under way. j those wives lovefl ihf day in the courthouse corridor, make out the words, but at least of Attacks by A r a b s on Jews. ed for murder, prepared in the please, that yocr devoted corre- Dog :e charge hss been made that I was a ver the. i ^ charge hss been raaee that When Arab traffic was suspended approved police style with two Epondent three weeks ago corand shoved him roughly aside I understood.. or restricted, it -veas because of rogue's gallery views of D e r rectly preflicted that Rollin KirSy i c e r t a i n Hollywood producers are fs.ct th&t £ crock coul snarling: "Get out of my way, you "I always thought," he -was attacks on Englishmen or on Govwould be added to the staff of j returning to the dream-lite in- leve lite. Fuehrer, brought smiles to th©the N. Y. Post now that it is un- j difference which has for decades I dirty Jew —." saying, "that Englishmen w e r e ernment property. faces of thousands who got them Centuries of bitter experience good sports." der the direction, of George Back- ' ignoreiS the major issues of Amer- i Sam KETX, picture &tory ef.itor There is a great deal more to be in this country . . . A similar er . . . Books and things you ican life. When it was fastion-' ' have taught Jews In Eastern EurAnti-Jewish Britons said on the subject of collective y or csrteiE cospa-nies to | thrcr.g:h tnc New ope to swallow things like that. should not miss reading: Apple- afcle That is a widespread Idea. UnBut not, Baltzan. He reacted like fortunately, since publication of punishments of Jews, but here it stunt, engineered by the Non-ton's "Democracy by Thomas Jef- elicits epen the Enti-Nasi band- i e&Etem ctates to look ovev thta normal human being, swung a the White Patfer announcing t h e suffices to point out that they Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, is. ferson," edited by Saul Padover good right to the button, and British Government's latest policy create a general feeling tnat Jews bringing healthy laughter to the . . .-Stanley High's "Why the.Jews Anti-Semite'Number One crumb- with r e g a r d to Palestine, too are henceforth to be treated as lips of more thousands . . . Wher- Are Persecuted," in the CErrent led to the floor. ' . - • • ' many Englishmen seem to have 'natives" with a supercilious in- ever sellers of Coughlin's Social issue of Look, accompanied by Erich The sequel was less agreeable. listed under the heading of "good flection. In Buch an atmosphere It Justice flaunt their wares and startling illustrations Baltzan had to flee for his life sport" tho. abuse and beating of Is not surprising that^anti-Setnit- offensive slogans in the eyes and M a r i a BemarQue's "Flotsam," from Rumania. His legal career Jews. Baltzan's case is far from ism shows its face boldly amfing ears of passersby, you'll find peo- novel of fugitives from tyranny, •was ruined. He came to Palestine, unique; in Jerusalem alone' scores the lower ranks of Government ple distributing cards featuring in Collier's . The World's Fair an illustration of the Statue oi will be the site for a celebration found his profession hopelessly of Jews havo had similar exper- service. The other side of the picture is Liberty wearing a pair of spec- on September 10 of the 2SBth anovercrowded, but landed on hla iences in the past two weeks. feet, remade himself into a reportThe reason is easy to find. Be- the effect on the Jews. Their re- tacles . . . Caption reads "Ameri- niversary of the Jews* coining to er, and is now head of his paper's sides the large proportion of op- sentment is fast destroying •what cans Wake Up to the Spectacle the United States . . . Ceremonies, Jerusalem office. - ponents of Zionism in the English shreds of good will toward Eng- Menace!" . . . After listefng soiae to be held at Temple of Religion, administration In Palestine, there land have survived the YThlte Pa- pseudo-statistics on s p e c t a c l e are under auspices cf the Spanish Gone Everywhere wearers in this country, the card and Portuguese SjTiaEOEiie . . . During more than three years is a hberal sprinkling of out-and- per. Since publication of t h e newsays: "Nutsiland kicked oat herSidney Wallach, of the American of Arab rebellion, Baltzan h a s out Jew-haters. That is an old gone fearlessly anywhere'and ev- story, though the effect of this erywhere in Jerusalem, passing state of affairs on the history of through the most notorious ter- Palestine for the past t w e n t y rorist-infested. Arab n e i g h bor- years in the hampering of tha hoods, where heavily armed police Jewish National Home and the only venture in strong parties. breeding of hostility between During the three-day "Battle-of j Arabs and Jews is generally not Jerusalem", last fall, he walked sufficiently appreciated, every day through the no-mans-j -a ly ttjo Jew-haters' sent! land outside Herod's gate, .an area ments are glazed o^er with politeshowered continually with bul- nesa 6r at least official formality, lets from the Arabs inside the Old But on occasions When relations City and the besieging troops out- between the Jews and the Governside, in order to get the official ment a r e strained, they break news bulletins a half-hour earlier through in all their native ugliness. for his paper. Vi'iS In the past twelvemonth ther.e He has been in worse spots and





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Page 4



DAVID BIACKER . - « Business aad Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN • o • • Editor RABBI FREDERICK COHN • Contributing Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS o. * • • Boob Editor FRANCES BLACKER » 2 ° " "" Society Editor MORRIS AIZENBERG « - "« * '•' Slona: City Correspondent DOROTHE SALTZMAN • «• - Council Bluffs Correspondent

Italians and Anti-Semitism In a recent column, A. A, Roback, J.'T. A. feature correspondent, discussed the subject "Italians are Different" in which he showed amazing incidents that reveal the definite revulsion to anti-Semitic doctrines on the part of the Italian people. This is not exactly news, for from the very moment the intentions of the Italian government became known, the people pf Italy have refused to co-operate with the government in its anti-Semitic policy. For a while it seemed as.if opposition to anti-Semitism would be the rallying point for opponents of the Fascist regime. •"*.• ' Of all the countries in Europe, Italy has been the freest of anti-Jewish feeling. It lacks the anti-Semitic tradition of Germany., Italian Jewry suffered the indignities to which all medieval Jewry was heir, but to a lesser extent than the Jews of the northern countries. In more modern times, unrestricted by laws, the Jewish population has played an important role in all phases of the country's political and economic life. . Even Mussolini was on record as being a strong opponents of any false^doctrines of racialism. In his conversations with Emil Ludwig he emphasized his attitude. Italian boats in the Palestine trade proudly proclaimed their support of the Jewish National home. • Then for reasons of politics all this was altered. Italians were by ultimatum declared members of the "Aryan" race. Jews were placed in an inferior category. Numerous reasons were advanced for this change of heart. Possibly it was in part a corollary, of Italy's anti-British policy. The likeliest reason, however, is that Italy, is the Czecho-Slovakia that did not resist. She has become a vassal to the German state without losing political identity and this situation is gradually filtering into.the minds of the Italians. The Italo-German treaty gives Germany the -unprecedented right of interfering in internal Italian affairs should the present regime be threatened. This right is not retroactive.. No such privilege is given Italy. Already the Italians bitterly laugh about the daysrbefore Germany rule; and others less cautious speak of "Gauleiter" Mussolini, inferring that n Duce's status is no better than any German, district leader. Italian "Eacism" can be considered a forced import from Germany - - a n d it is to the credit of the Italian people that they know and resent tbis.In. this country early;Nazi antiSemitism was defended by a majority of the so-called GermanAmerican, groups. Many of these organizations, who have suffered disillusionment since 1933, sprang to the defense of the Fatherland and were willing to justify brutality. Not so the majority of Italian-Americans. The large Italian groups, even those which are avowedly pro-Fascist, have condemned the measures of the home government. Influential Italian-language papers have repeatedly urged their readers to ignore the anti-Semitic campaign of the homeland. The "Sons of Italy" has established a special bureau to prevent the spread of anti-Semitism among its members..Even in Omaha a letter in the Public Pulse of the "World-Herald expressed the sentiments of local Italians against all anti-Semitism. Evidentally legislation of, hatred is not an easy thing to do. Moreover the true purposes of anti-Semitism are becoming evident to the peoples of Europe. Maybe it will not be long until governments shall have to seek elsewhere for scapegoats.

Tlie "Legacy of Dictatorship A considerable amount of publicity has been, given the recent "social "service" mission to Venezuela. At the request of the country's president, General Contreras, a number of Americans, including a large percentage of leading Catholic; clergy went to Caracas to assist in laying the ground-work for the : nation's social services.. The significance of the mission lies in the fact that Venezuela is now going through the painful process of recovering from the effects of a long and iron dictatorship. It is now attempting to take its rightful place among the democratic nations of the world. Venezuela is the unfortunate example for those folks who are willing to look tolerantly upon dictatorial methods of government. , For a good many years the country was under the relentless thumb of a Mestizo from the Andes, General Lopez.. Ostensibly a bachelor, the general became famous for his concubine^ and children — which according to some estimates are several hundred. : ' . Most guidebooks to the country were written during the period of the Gomez dictatorship, and one learns how this benevolent father of his people has transformed a squalid mountain capital into the most magnificent of South America.'.One reads of astounding engineering feats. Crowning achievement of alL was the financial arrangements whereby Venezeula was removed from a debt-stricken country to an independent nation. The people were supposedly living in peace and contentment — just as the writers on Fascist countries would have us believe. Nevertheless tourists were not encouraged to visit this heaven and see for themselves the glories of the Gomez dictatorship. When Lopez' death became known, the grief-stricken inhabitants held a week of general rejoicing. A revolution was avoided only by the quick and amazing action of a group of Caracas society women. The legacy Lopez left is now in the process of being unentangled. , The jnaginificent capital is a monument to political corrup tion. The buildings, many new and all expensive, are showing SITIS of crumbling. A great palace at Maracay, built to house the Lopez concubines, now stands like a vast barracks,,Occasr jonal tourists find themselves lost in the huge expanse of cor. r i d o r s .

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Bach oil deposits rescued the country from the debts that

brought foreign warships into the harbor of La Guaira. But the oil concessions were sold to foreign interests and huge European. fortunes were based on Venezuelan oil while the population became poorer in the face of rising costs/ • .... The Latins have always enjoyed a reputation as. capable technicians, but the Venezuelans lost their skill and now foreign experts must be imported not only to do the labor but teach the people what to do. This process has been slow and expensive. What few primitive social services existed in pre-Lopez days disappered, and to this end Lopez* successor, President Contreras, has directed his efforts. An entire people must be e-educated, an entire country re-built. The years of the Gomez dictatorship are blank pages in the country's progress. In such manner the work of the present European Totalitarian regimes will be recorded in history — periods of degeneration and destruction.

Freud's Mew Book

the pathway of the illimitable ages and furnish wings to the body as well as to the soaring spirit. All will be accompanied by the melodies of the makers of harmony of all ages. The walls will rise to music, as in the ancient fable, produced by God's specially inspired onesr the great musicians of whom Browning wrote in his "Abt Vogler": "The others may reason and welcome, 'Tis we musicians know" With its superb climax of "the. temple not made with hands":— "There shall never be one lost good; , ..", What was shall be as before; .-•,..:.-•. . The evil is null, is naught, is silence implying sound : "What was good shall be good, with, for evil so much good more. . . , . . * . ^ ":. \. ':..'• : 'On t h e e a r t h t h e broken arcs, i n t h e heavens a ; -,'-••• perfect round." .

receive the aew religion, and were by his suggestive Ideas and stimjust as instrumental in creating ulating illustrations. Frend's atthe great figure o{ MoseB —• in- titude is that of the dreamer who deed far more so — than he\was is struck by an idea, which subin shaping the destiny of this peo- seqGently develops into a grand ple. On more than one occasion, I vision. Should. I s r a cl ZangwIU have argued for a law of national ever c h e e s e to e x p a n d his selection, vfeieh, like that ol nat- ] DREAMERS OF THE GHETTO, ural selection, .accounts for the the portrayal of Freud cannot but accretion of certain custoins, folk- ! find a place In - it. Serene and con ways, the body of folk-lore, etc., teniplative, 3 ei; bursting with arpeculiar to a given nation. Tfce dor, Freud msj" be pictured as Jews have taken from their neigh- continually fi r i f ti ng about in bors what culturally suited them search of a- heven. best. They rejected what was not I penned the nbc^e in my twenin keeping with their own partic- ties; and ROV in full maturity afular genius.' If Moses was born an ter two decades of diversified exEgyptian, there must have been a perience, as I read these youthkinship between .him and the Jews ful lines again, X should not be whom he delivered from slavery; inclined tc alter s, word, even if I and- m o n otbeiss as a religion did not suppose that Zangwill must have had some s^ppeai, per- would be survived by Freud. I haps because of an earlier tradi- cannot characterize S i g m u n d tion, to these slaves -of Pharaoh, j Freufi's scientific personality any Freud is surely " * a w a r e of" the better, or vitfc greater precision, adage, "You can't make a silk thsn I did then, in If 1.8; and the purse out of a sow's ear. (In Yid- characterization applies to Freud's dish "Fun a khabbers ek fcon men latest book as it did in his earlier kein sfctreiml nit makhn). epoch-making v;orks. Conclusion . I cannot conclude this lengthy

ain's foremost Egyptologist, who regarded this Egyptian Alexander the Great in the realm of mind as the prototype of Moses. In Freud's A. A. BOBACK' book, Petrie's name is conspicuously absent. FREUD AXD MOSES Had Freud taken the trouble Ikhnaton to look into some of these Jewish Freud, who devotes s e v e r a 1 legends (referred to in previous pages to this original character, stand, was one of his chief intercolumn) he might have been able King Ikhnaton — really the first e'sts in his • younger days, Most ij to exploit some of the material genius in the intellectual 'sphere authors- write down their views. ; for his own use. Only a couple of known to history—could not have r>VT >"OJ P^T Oft" TOU6H builds up his thesis like an ' illustrations trill suffice. On pages deliberately ignored Abraham's •He edifice. There are the pillars End long article;" for c e r t a i n l y he 126-128 we read a c o n d e n s e d facade. Here, the nsve, the summary • of Freud's reconstruc- would realize that someone raight the the transept, a little furth- S tion of early social life — a lurid take him to task for it. It-was de- arch, the relief, and so on. Freufi's picture of incest and cannibalism, cidedly an oversight, but how ex-! er structure reminds one of a cathwhich was revolting even to a vet- plain this amnesia on the part of edral. It possesses the attribute of. eran psychologist like the late the father of psychoanalysis? magnificence, which grows on one William McDougall. The word "father" here might as it is beheld again and again. Here we read: "An echo of the give the clue to some reader who To the uninitiated, Freud's book expulsion of the eldest son, as will feel like crying out "Eur- on Moses will sound most extravawell as of the favored position of eka!" We may even discover why A few readings of the most the youngest, seems to "linger in Freud has turaed his attention to gant. passages will soften many myths and fairy tales." The ths great legislator of antiquity unacceptable reader's attitude. tale of Joseph and - his - brethren divesting him of his Jewish ori- theTwenty years ago in Menorat i 7ZCIAL somewhere occurs to Freud, but gin, and depriving the Jews of Journal writing on Freud, I had r j ; f he appears to be unaware that their greatest leader. to say "^^^ Reuben was guilty of profaning Is it at all possible that there occasion Makes Freud, on the other hanS, i? ' *"'*"' '•' the bed of his father by whom he is a process of identification here primarily explorer. Betaking- j **. r^ was scathingly denounced. between the man who imposed himself toan nnkcvm regions, he ! Jp" ^ ' Biblical commentators h a v e upon the world a new religious for some time alone ' made much of this occurrence outlook and him who brought to I| meandered and caoSserred, bet finall;- sue- j . which we find turning up again the world a new mental outlook ceetled in unveiling before us a in Eugene O'Neill's American set- thrugh the medium of the uncon- •world not hitherto d r e a m t of. CfiPSTOL AVE. scious, which thanks to his own ting, •'Desire Under the Elms." Levites (disciples) had become Thence he was hailed as a discor- je. r.^rr Misinterpretations w m . Weiner of new horizons, sng the exSimilarly the legend o£ Moses more or less of a religion? Would erer tent of. his popularity soon exand the crown is related by Freud not the psychology of the consci- ceefiefiprecedents' in the BHbut he misses the sequel, namely ous, the t a n g i b l e , the things nals of ell psfchologT-. heard, seen and felt represent the that after Pharoah was warned The flistiiictiTe f e a t u r e of by Balaam and other soothsayers age of idolatry and polytheism, Fread'6 writings is not, as vniis compared with the invisible to the effect that the infant is as V.. r.? ICTH DODOB God of monotheism symbolized several other prj'chologSsts, the3r! bound to destroy the ruler, who by logical deTOlopsaent, ForcefrJ tit. the inaccessible Unconscious? was persuaded to have an intelliPsychoanaljlie Drama terances, compelling statementp i gence test administered to the bejroad his reach. Xet he riv- ] JftAMS child, by placing before It some Furthermore, has F r e u d not are jewels and live coals, tiny Moses been in the position of the potent ets your attention and fascinate ; By EABBI S"EEDEEICK COHN first began to reach for the gems primitive father who rules with Israel furnished the foundation of the Temple of Civiliza- but an angel pushed his hand to an iron hand (Ms own conception of prehistoric social organization) tion, with her moral laws, her spiritual religion. 'The Glory the coals. but who is finally killed by his reHis speech defect was attributthat was Greece, and the grandeur that was Home' added might- ed to his hastily withdrawing his bellious sons, in this case Ms disily to the building of the walls. Borne, uniting the ancient hand and putting it into Ms ciples, i n t e l l e c t ual offspring mouth thus burning his tongue. (Jung, Adler, Stekel, Rank) each world, furnished a certain solidity. Greece's intellect, art, Certainly Freud could have turn- of whom in turn starts a defection beauty added a certain dignity and grace. ed this.lengend to good account, against the master? And we are not yet at the end of the analogy.' does he do? , The'walls rose higher and higher as the world was Christ- butHewhat thinks that fe'rad peh (slow Frend's' relation with Jung,-Ms ianized: for Christianity was the inheritor of Israel, Greece of speech) refers to Moses' in- first-born, we might say, are true to speak the language of to psychoanalytic doctrine, fiefinand Eome. The barbarians of the North had to be Christianized. ability hostile (not unilaterally, by the Jews, since he was himself an itely. Their qualities were mainly martial. They exemplified force. Egyptian functionary, forgetting the way) while Rank, also a metaphorical parricide, nevertheless They needed the gentler" qualities brought in by the new re- that, the reference was intended because he was the most recent as an excuse to God for not ap- of Freud's favorites (the baby in ligion. They needed.to be. humanized: and their successors of proaching Pharaoh, thus proving the family) is still fondly quoted. Nazi Germany need it today. The explanation of the brutality just the opposite. What an. oppor- Abraham's c o c t r ibution to the tunity was missed here for im- selfsame subject is symptomaticand the bestiality of the Nazis is that they are the survivors of puting oral eroticism to Moses! ally forgotten. Seasonable Clothes I could never see why the the old barbarians, heirs of their spirit which they laud and phrase k'vad peh should offer so Popping the Question for Business &n& which they-have erected into a philosophy of which they are much trouble in exegesis. It alThe Question uppermost in the ways seemed to me that Moses mind <rf most readers, I know full the confessed and fanatic champions. Professional Men was orally inhibited because as a well, is just this: "What do youBut modern civilization has gone far beyond them. They good executive, a man of action, think of' Freud's deduction that was an Egyptian, and that are reversions and perversions. The Temple of modern civiliza- a warrior, and legislator, he was Moses not an orator, and his words were monotheism -vras of Egyptian orition has on its walls the-works of the poets and thinkers, the few. Hence he was anxious to in- gin?'" My answer is that Freud • has liberals and humanitarians, built solidly into it, so that they trust his brother Aaron with the delicate diplomatic commission of performed a service in that he stand firm,, are -symmetrical and beautiful.- A Dante, a Shake- persuading Pharaoh to release the has, at least, turned an accepted certainty into a "moot point. All I speare, a Milton, a-Browning, a Goethe, a Victor Hugo have Jews. can say- "is that sorae probability Legends added matter which has not only embellished them with eternal Freud would have been inter- attaches to the. Egyptian descent beauty, but been the means of unceasing*inspiration. What ested in the legends, which seek of Moses.- It is somewhat more t6 explain, the presence of Moses than possible although not yet would civilization be without the songs of the immortal bards? in Midian as a herdsman after he likely. Probably even King IkhnaHe paid fitting tribute to them who declared he 'would rather was King in Ethiopia — for a per- ton,. the precursor of Moses in iod of forty years; in the account | this-sphere, received his cue from i i f write the songs of a natjon. than make its laws. Yet the law- of his chivalry and imprisonment Ms mother, "who was the daughter il-il ^^ makers too have contributed mightily to the strengthening of by Jethro, whose daughter kept of an Asiatic priest of Syrian, and Moses alive in prison ten years therefore, Semitic provenance. the social:structure,from'Moses down through Lycurgus and by clandestinely purveying £ood But — here- is the crux of the Solon and Justinian and Napoleon to the makers of the Amer- to him, as well as in the general situation — whether the m a r interpretation that the Ethiopian Moses ' was an Egyptian cr not. ican Constitution and the creators of the great British Common- woman he married was in reality Moses the great historical figcre, wealth of Nations, and the statesmen who assisted in their no Ethiopian' but a surpassing Moses the. ideal was a e c i de&ly "beauty of his own people, because Jewish, just as ' Jesus was a Jewelaboration and application including a Washington and a Kushit and Yefas Mareh (beauty) ish ideal, oa a less esteasi\Te basis Lincoln, a Disraeli and a Gladstone and with all their errors have th© sane numerical value; of co-arse; and even if both Moses At s Record Low Price for and the reason that she was re- and Jesus had. been killed by and inadequacies the political leaders of today. ferred to as a "Kushit" was to Jews (certainly Jesus wss not) Quality Cloihss ward off the evil eye (a euphem- they were still Jewish ideals. The And the great thinkers have set humanity mightily upon ism, therefore). fact obtrudes itself emphatically its.;way: a Plato and an Aristotle, a Spinoza and s Bacon, a • - He might have looked into two aad remains that what King IkhCopernicus and a Kant, a Newton and an Einstein.; a Darwin, doctor d i s s e r t a t i o n s , one in naton could not accomplish" with French,, by Meyer Abraham (Le- the civilized Egyptians, Moses did a Spencer and a Marx. * g e n d s juires apocryphes sur la achieve with -the Jews. He nust found fruitful soil.-Freud is And the brave-champions of justice deserve our eternal vie de Moise) and the other by A. have Rosmarin (Moses im Lichte der a trifle severe on the Jews, when v gratitude, a Voltaire, a Zola, a Thomas Mann, a Dorothy Thomp- Agada) not to speak of several he writes: "While the tame Egyptians waited until fate cad removson, and the workers for human brotherhood and the unity of earlier works on -the legendary ed the sacred person -of t h e i r tradition around th& f i g u r e o£ the human race: a Lessing, an Edwin Markham, and the work- Moses. Pharoah, the savage Semites took their destiny into their ovnx hands ers for universal and enduring peace, a Grotius, a Wilson, a Freed's Symptomatic Lapses and did away with their tyrant." More astonishing is the failure Carnegie, a Salmon A. Levinson. These make the walk of civiliIf Moses was aurfiered by an asof Freud-to cite the literature rel- sassin representing a fractions zation shine bright' and fair. evant to the subject which his group, it does not mean that tfce own disciples have provided. It is And some day the capstone of love will crown the edifice true he gives space to Otto Rank's Jews killed him (a sample of a fallacy altogether too current in through the noble and self-sacrificing efforts of sincere relig- study on Myths about the Birth of anti-Semitic camps.) the Hero, but he completely igionists in allfields who stand for humanity, for the gentler vir- nores Reik's w o r k on Ritual, The Jews at that time and lattues; for kindness, consideration, sympathy and tenderness —• which contains his psychoanaly- er could not have been sucb. z of the Shofar, and a lengthy conglomerate hor3e of pariahs a? Enjoy food e.ppearasce . , . cool coma Florence Nightingale, a Bishop Wilberforce, a William Lloyd sis section entitled "The Moses of Freuti makes them out to' be, if, Garrison, the founder of the Bed Cross, a Tolstoy; all lover; all Michelangelo aad the Events on •with all their aberrations from fort . . . and pay orfy this low price Sinai." monotheism and r e g r e ssion tc lovers of their fellow-men and of God. „ f » s te&l money saving offering. Worse still, he has forgotten heathenism, tbey still fcsci repreMen like Emerson will furnish the mountain atmosphere the thoughtful essay on dreams sentatives in every s e n eratior and myths, as well as the excel- who preached s.n.3. fought tor spirof lofty thought. lent psychoanalytic sketch . of Ik- itual values at the risk o£ death. IT ., "i Sc£ i': Inventors like Edison and the Wright brothers will illumine hnaton, the' forerunner o£ Moses, If the Jews had not caossn tc trcz.se ;-— by the gifted Karl Abraham, for- abide by -the Law of Moses, nothmer president ol the Internation- ing in the world would nave cacsJFVrrr al Psychoanalytic A s s o ciation, ed them lastingly to cherish that code. who died at the age of 48. 1939.40 — 5699-5700 Hea aa3 E s s ES53Ie.Asain In this little biography which It is to be feared that Freud it ' i TishaB'Ab' ...—. Tu.es., July 25 was published in Freud's owa Eosh Hashanah . . — . Thurs., Sept. 14 "Image," in 1912, we obtain not putting the cart before, the horse only a vivid portrayal of the great when lie asserts that, "The dan. ' Tom Kippur.— .........—................Sat., Sept. 23 Egyptian Fharoas who, while still Moses created t&eir character b; < 1st day of Suceoth — .;. .....Thurs., Sept. 28 a sapling c£ 17, began to reform giving to them a religion which , SimchathTorah ......... F r i , Oct. radically the religious, moral and 'heightened their self-confidence • social life of his people, aad even to such & degree that they believChanukah Thurs., Dec. art, but can discern more than ed tneinseh-es to be superior fr* e Fast of Esther Sat., March 23 its an' adumbration-of Freud's s a i n ail other , Deoples" (page 19 4 ) . ' Pprini „.;„„.. Sun., March' 24 68 Fast observed on previous Thursday.

In his old age and in exile, Sigmund Freud, perhaps one of the greatest names of our generation, has turned his attentions to the age-old story of Moses. By means of legends, careful archaeological research, conjecture, and psycho-analytic deductions, Freud has re-constructed the tale in the hope of throwing new light on the great Jewish leader. He has taken this opportunity to study the religious nature of man, to investigate the origins of both Judaism and Christianity, and to discuss the relationship between the two religions. Such a book could not help but awaken controversy. Freud has never been one to shirk a fight in defense of his careful opinions. Only a great man, a hero in every meaning of the word, could have dared the calumny and scorn that burst upon him when he first published his studies on psycho-analysis. An original intellect, a courageous scholar, the octoenarian Freud has made one more contribution to the world. Despite the storm of disagreement with this new book — a book, which strikes at the very roots of orthodox religious belief — there are few who do not pay tribute to the man and the genuine sincerity of his work. Becognized scholars have been willing to take the study seriously. It is not for us to argue the merits or demerits of "Moses and Monotheism." Regardless of its value, it will in no way alter the course of any religious thought — for such its author did not intend. Aged people often look to religion for comfort and to return to the spiritual fires. This Freud has done. The Jew has for the first time concerned himself with things Jewish. And his reaction is exactly what may be expected of Freud.



\The Walls of the Temple



HUNDR , L,ilj:X

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Page 5


JLEAVE FOR BOSTOX cal Fond Activities, Mrs. Rubin few days after a buying trip to man, gave a tea Sunday, and did Mrs. Arthur Rapport and son Bordy will take charge of the you hear about the Junior HadasNew York. She says:. leparted lor a visit with her par- various Rummage Sales. "Tour new silhouette for fall sah picnic which wae yesterday? ents in Boston, Mass. The Motor Corps of Hadassah, Members of the Junior A. Z. A. is definitely Hattering —. the Box lunches 'n everything" Rosalyn Rosen has been very who drive members for various club will hold a wiener roast to- princess lines with, the lowered j busy ANNOUNCE BERTH and If-'ely giMnr unctions, will have the following •waistlines being responsible. j morrow evecing at S a t Elmwood Btu'u. Von kr.pv-- Mi -K plie is enMr. and Mrs. E. E. Brodkey an-. qualified and capable drivers: "Considerable i n t e r e s t i s ' park. ai-vey Leon nounce the birth of a son. on Mon- Mrs. Harry Crounse, chalrraaa, placed on backs of shirts —- , gaged to ir,Fvry day, July 10. President Bobby Lssere has an- making back fullness e. BVI?- ' soon. assisted by Mrs. William Kadu- Schlanger nounced the appointment of the prise to a straight line dress, Tomorrov E e iner, Mrs. Sam Rosenberg, Mrs. er,p:;. I,R?t Sunday IN NEW YORK ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED HORNSTEIN-CAXTS T. A. Tully, Mrs. John Frieden, Chicago — Three underprivi- following Etaading committees: "Antique go.icli and silver are leave?, for t t r re?.= Aaron Feldman and C h u c k Mrs. Moe'Venger and Mrs. Jack leged Jewish graduates of ChicaThe marriage of Miss Adele. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cooper, anCultural, H a r v e y Hoffman, important again as trimmings. nicM Dorothy 'Tf'ieman came Catts of Atlanta, Ga., to Israel nounce the engagement of their Fisher are visiting the New York Bramson. go's grammar schools will receive chairman; Norman Tv"ohlcer and. The i'eesing cf casiaalness vrill back from ? vopfterfn.!. time in Hornstein of Omaha was solem- daughter, Liberty, to Dr. A. D. World's Fair. Jewish National Fund's two full four-year scholarships to the Herbert Dolgofij social, Bernard predominate. Cardigans —— i'vAl New I-I?.ven. is'Aeli. Hear that nized a t the home of the bride's Faier,-son ofvMr. and Mrs. Max drives for money to buy land with Lewis School of Aeronautics, Jonisch., chairman;' Selwyc Hoff- 'sloppy- .Joes* as they r.;.pe re- i Berle "call, me VA\{7" Plutsky is mother in Atlanta on June 25. 'aier. The announcement was VISITS MOTHER will be headed by Mrs. Jack which, is maintained by the Cath- man, co-chairman; Albert White, ferred is, vrill cover new colors I froing; to snenc! ihvee weeks in | Nev~ York. Is it the third Sunday Mrs. Ralph Nogg of Chicago Is Kaufman, assisted by Mrs. David olic Youth Oragnization at Lock- Fred Colton, Bill Raffel and Nor- in pultons endi jersey blouses. The ceremony •waB performed by made on Sunday,. July 2, at a dinJuly yet 'cause that's when a. visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Cut- tein.' Programs for the meetings port, 111., for training in aero- man Witkin; social service, SeeRabbi Harry Epstein before an ner party given for 50 guests. "Clothes this fail v?i" give iI in will be arranged for by.Mrs. A. D. nautics and general educational man Peltz, ccairiaaE; Milton Sos- you that 'let's go places fine! whole sang oi kids, itictuding improvised altar banked • w i t h Miss Cooper. is a graduate of ler. and Ethelrn Kulakofsky, Frank. Social committee, who courses as the result of an offer kln and Edward Foreman. • i? palms. Only relatives and close ientral High school. She attendhare tnW feeling. There' vin I! Beth their £ues£ from Csiliornia. Phylake care of table decorations for RETURNS FROM CHICAGO friends -were present. : made to the B'nai B'rith Youth ed the. Cummings. School of. Art Religions, Dan Katznisn, chair- be fur jackets agasp. on sport i lis Lesser, Bps Ponimor, Josephine uncheons and arrangements, will Mrs. Ray SUbar and children Organization of Chicago by the clothes — date clothes .and eve* I Rubnitsr sv.d Miviani Sachs are goMusic -was played by Mrs. Her-at Des Moines and the University are returning from a two-week again be headed by Mrs. E. Mey- Most Rev. Bishop Bernard J. man; Harvey Roffman, co-chair- Ring clothes—" bert Taylor and Miss Hazel Tay- of Omaha. Dr. Faier attended stay raan; Norman Polocsky and Mar| ing tc Lake Okoho.ii. er, Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt and in Chicago.Shell, director of the Catholic vin Bernstein; membership, Allor, -with Mrs. Sol Klutz as solo- reighton university, where he Well, Julius Cohn, A 1 ! B n j More next. iiw?. Mrs. Joe Klien. Youth Organization. was affiliated with the Pi Lambist. ' bert White, chairman; Herbert Jacobs ana Ed Malashock are all ;| Affectionate!*' *-ours. Other Committees The • bride was given in mar- da Phi fraternity. He did postThe B'nai B'rith Youth Organi- Hoffman and Bobby Fromkin. back from, t h e i r scholarship Telephoning over 600 members riage by her uncle, I. H. Taylor. raduate work at the St. !?aul zation, which is sponsored by the Athletics, Morris Ricklin, chair- course In journalism vrfcicl1 tl<p<n'tifed with about important events will be Her only attendant -was her sis- City and County hospital, St. Chicago B'nai B'rith Council as a man; Bobby Fromkin, co-chair- took Et Northwestern. Alsc •"?!if>' ed here supervised by Mrs. David A. Finter, Mrs. Maurice Kreiger. Mr. Paul, Minn. supplementary movement to the man; ' Marvin Bernstein, Edward ter Sinton, who was in CVicr^e IPFI week n'o kle and Mrs. Sam Davis. MemA brunch in honor of the newly Hornstein's best man was his No wedding date has as yet Aleph Zadik Aleph, the official Foreman, Milton Soskin and See-for a few days on a buying i -i 1'OiuOre at bership Drive will again be diappointed Hadassah board memreturned here Monday, anc Ci i.' brother, Joe. been chosen.:. .-.•-.. junior B'nai B'rith, will select 10 bers was given by the president, rected by Mrs. Mas Cohen, who eligible boys to take the examina- man Peltz; telephone squad, Her- LeTenson is home from ?* TT-The bride was gowned in pale bert Dolgoff, chairman; Norman took in so many newcomers last Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, Wednesday tion for the scholarships. The Wofclner, Norman Polonsky and apolis, where she had beer ' ^ 1 blue silk-sharkskin, which fea- BETROTHAL TOLD year. ing. scholarships are open only to boys Norman Witkin. tured a full skirt, and the" blouse •/• At a dinner given Wednesday in the air-conditioned Mayfair Linen Shower for the Palestine who have just finished grammar room of the Hotel Fontenelle. was embroidered " in roses of night', for: members of the imme- There are you coming to •< Supplies Department of Hadassah school and 'have not yet entered Junior A. Z. A. newspaper staff, me,When were over 50 present. sharkskin. Her coronet hat, which diate "family,. Mr.', and Mrs. Sam Suzy Q? It has been a > • will have Mrs. Julius Abrahamson Harvey. Roffman, editor.; Albert For the first time during the waa also of the same material, Kuklin announced the engage- 1939-40 season, Mrs. M. D. Brod- as chairman, assisted by Mrs. high school and whose families White and . Selwyn Hoffman, co- vurry long time since I've was stitched in.blue thread. She ment of • their ' daughter, Neoma key presided. New plans for the Isadore Abramson,. Mrs. Peter are unable to provide for their editors;1 chaplain, Albert White. you. You might at least J-C. snapshot, 'cause I've ever carried a prayer book showered Cecelia,' to Mr.'Herman Bloom of year were outlined and all mem- reenberg a n d Mrs. Wiljiaci higher education. The next meeting of the Junior with lilies of the valley. ihicago,' son of Mr. -and Mrs.bers of the board were introduced. Laziere. The Service Committee Scholarship winners will not be A. Z. A. club will be held on gotten -Krbat you look like. See, just look-&t all the v r Mrs. Krleger. wore a gown, of Harry Bloom of Omaha. Mr. All plans for the coming year for luncheons will be taken care required to attend any religious Tuesday, August S, at the Jewish here!. There's Esther Fox ' dusty pink corded-crepe . with a Bloom is a former Omahan. of by Mrs. Alfred Fiedler. Mrs. services at Lockport. For four Community Center at 7:SO p. m. South Dakota End. Sylvia f were outlined. Unusual activities, picture hat of French blue felt No. wedding date has as yet programs, rummage sales, and Jack Bramson will again . take years they will live at the school. from Minneapolis. Adeline i ; . and accessories to match. Her been announced. care of Senior Junior Relation- They win do no flying during the so on were discussed. tor has come home Tor two v shoulder-bouquet; was of. blue ship. course of study but upon its comAn ice cream social garden after, working a yea,r at delphinium and Sweetheart roses. LEAVES FOR HOME Youth Aliyah activities which pletion those with the best recparty will be held during the headquarters in TVashingtorr 1 r FROM JULY 17 T Immediately following the cereMrs. Samuel Greenhouse has re- latter part of August for paid up raise funds to rescue children ords may qualify for an additionC, and Frances Moscow c T ^mony a reception was held for turned to her home in New York members for the year 1938-1939. from Central Europe and take al four year course during which Monday, JBly 17. OITERSllT .Koines is spending a COUP e r>. t UAVOHS Workman's Loan, S p. m., the guests. Mrs. Joe Hornstela. City after visiting at the home of Plans will be disclosed shortly. them into Palestine will again be they will embark on actual flying. weeks here. Also, there's .'nr.e Rooms C and D, Jewish Commun- Kanossky of Sioux City v ho i: of Omaha and Miss Geraldine her sisters, Mrs. J. Goldware and The Hadassah .standing chair- headed by Mrs. Julius Stein, who The scholarship offer by Bishop ity ' / Center. Stern of Atlanta assisted. Mrs. Sarah Wiesman. : man and board members are as made such successful drives dur- Sheil is an outgrowth of t h e staj"iug with Harriet SliBi?" "'•">•" Mr. Hornstein and his bride follows: The administration com- ing the past few years. Mrs. Irvin friendly relations between the C. Orchestra -rehearsal, S p. m., tiro weeks. Sounds Elinor. r c r.-T nr r* - 49t left on a motor trip to Florida. JOSLYN MEMORIAL mittee, which has charge of af- C. > Levin will be co-chairman. Y. O. and B'nai B'rith in Chi- auditorium, Jewish Community though Omaha'is becoming r EI.TTTwo sound films, "Cocoon. to fairs for. administration funds, is These two energetic workers will cago. Bishop Sheil has been a enter. mer resort—in spite of z\ -ue y"*'HERE' FROM CHICAGO Butterfly" and "Insect Clowns," headed by Mrs. J. J. Friedman be assisted by Mrs. Herman Co- speaker at B'nai B'rith functions "Wednesday, SvHj 19. hot weather. • f" * - f -• -n,nJ£l I. W. O., 8 p. m., Rooms C and Mrs. S. E. Ravitz and daugh- will be shown a t 2:30 on Sunday and Mrs. Sam Steinberg; the bul- hen, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. here twice within a year. The Did I' tell you that T i g r i s D, Jewish Community Center. Arthur Cohen, Mrs. J. Blank, Mrs. letin which is sent at the beginters, Harriet and Elaine of Chi- n the lecture hall of the Joslyn annual C. Y. O.—B. B. Y. O. allGreen, and. her sister, Mrs. Pel.. • cago, are the guests of Mr. andMemorial. A concert will be given ning of the year and several Max Fromkin, Mrs. Leo Abram- star basketball game is a high- Thursday, Jcly 29. Boy ScoatS; S p. m., Rooms L son, Mrs. Dave Stein, Mrs. Morris light or the Chicago sports seaMrs. Morris Oland, Mrs. Ravitz's at 4 o'clock by the Omaha Feder- times during the year will be puband R, Jewish Community Cenlished by Mrs, William Alberts; M. Franklin, Mrs. Reuben Kulaf- son. al Orchestra. . parents. ter. kosky, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. education in Hadassah will be di•".'.r-fv rected by Mrs. Morris M. Frank- Albert Newman, Mrs. J. J. FriedWERE GUESTS RETURNS FROM VACATION man, Miss Hermine Hirschman, Mrs. D. H.. Shulkin and son, Rose G. Cohen, who has spent lin - and Mrs. Meyer Beber, who Dave Epstein, Mrs. William Larry William, of Sioux City were the-past five weeks visiting In the will organize and conduct over 10 Mrs. Raduziner and Mrs. Sidney Cahan. cultural groups. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris east, has returned home. En By MRS. WILLIAM GRAY Child Welfare For national and regional adOland this past we.ekJ Mrs. Shul- route to the New York World's By Arlene Soloiaoa Child Welfare which is separat- vice Mrs. David A. Goldstein. kin was formerly Belle Oland. Fair she stopped in Niagara Falls, The Conscience of Man Publicity, newspaper write-ups With quiet tread Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago and ed into two distinct groups, InDear Suzy Q: VISITING MENDELSONS St. Paul.- In Spring Park, Minn., fant Welfare, with Mrs. Louis Al- and so on will be Mrs. Morri3 M. Is s t work this night. Scoop—on the v.ew fall fashberts and Mrs. Aaron Rips, and Franklin and Mrs. Phil Katz. Miss Norma Aronson, w h o she spent time, with relatives. He is not dead. ions! Source of information is School Luncheon Fund, with Mrs. teaches Hebrew in Boston, h a s Mrs. Sophia Laff — nee Sophia Julias Newman and Mrs. Arthur been visiting her uncle and aunt; TO CALIFORNIA Spar who is the buyer f o r Broken of heart Goldstein, will have charge of \ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mendelson. "Bullocks" in California and v:ho Mrs. B. Flelschman is leaving raising funds and conducting a His head is pressed is now visaing Ljr fell:? Zcr ?. today to visit her children in Bak- children's party during the year Against the earth. Tuesday evening A. Z. A. 1 ON CALIFORNIA TRIP ersfleld, California.. . She will be for the benefit of hungry children held its semi-annual Installation He has no rest. , Mrs. Arthur Smith and sons, the guest of relatives In Los An in Palestine who are fed over of officers. Joe Solonionow, past Robert and David, left Tuesday geles and will visit the World's 10,000 '/ :. . c\ hot lunches, and are Aleph Godol of the Council Bluffs To him ocean's lament morning by motor for California. Fair in San Francisco. chapter and newly elected adOf a world in pain. helped to become self-supporting. They will visit relatives and to A. Z. A. 1, conducted Sorrow wails Community Co-operation Com- visor friends in Los Angeles, Oakland, DR. FAIER VISITS PARENTS the formal ceremony of initiation. In the wind and rain. Complete 24 Hoar Service mittee, which has charge of unity and San. Francisco. .', Work and Quality Guarantee Dr. Herman L Faier, who re-between organizations, will be The new officers are: Leo SJterFREE ESTEKATES cently completed' a residency in headed by Mrs. Irvin. C. Levin, man, Aleph Godol; H a sfee11 Here and there are his RETURN FROM C O L O p V Ophthalmology at the Stanford assisted by Mrs. J. M. Erman and Cohen, past Aleph Shotare.Godol Kimily hand- and cuiet tread. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adier.and University i^edical School and PJ-UMSSN Aleph S'gaa; Justin Priesmaa, A deed of love or justice .done . , k c->..-.'.;. t w daughter, Marilyn, have returned hospitals, has been visiting here A. SJ Rubnitz. Mrs. J Rosenberg Aleph KEATING CO. Ed Stein, Aleph He Is not dead. '" from a two-week holiday in Color- as a guest of his parents, Mr. and will be courtesy chairman to r e - Gisbor; Mazkir: Norman Hahn, Alepa member members on happy occaado. Mrs. Samuel Faier. z • CspXsl five. sions and so on. The Financial Shotare Godol; Robert Braason Ladies* Free Loan Aleph Shotare Koten; Jerome Dr. Faier will leave this week Committee is again headed by CHICAGOANS GUESTS ' New York City, where-he will Mrs. B. A.. Simon, who did. such Grossman, Aleph Shofer; Irving . Mrs. Ethel Soref and two chil-; for he associated with the Eye In- a good Job last season in collect- Nogg, Aleph .Kohen Godol. A board meeting cf the Ladies dren, Lorraine and Gerald, of Chl stitute of the Columbia Presby- Ing dues money. After the installation Aleph Free Loan -will t s held en Tloncago are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. terian Hospital and Medical CenGift Fund which collects money Godol Leo Sherman gave a re- day, July 17, at 2 p. m at the B. Dolgoff and family. ter. ... for the Jewish National Fund port on his trip to the convention home of S. Kogil, £012 K. 22nd. Trees Funds, Bonds, and so on, at Port Jervis, New York. Leo ANNOUNCE BIRTH a member of the winning Patronize Our Advertisers. Mr. and Mrs. Max Holzman an- WEEK-END AT SPOUT LAKE' will again have the capable Mrs. was Qf if / / / p " j Mr. and^Mrs. William Herzoff M. F . Levenson in charge. The District 6 softball team at the nounce the birth of a daughter, convention. He was also present and chllden, Rhoda • and Bobby U• \ w W/ Hospitality Committee is the ofSusan Jean, on June 28, at the spent the week end at Spirit Lake. ficial greeting and welcoming ed with a plaque to remain perMethodist Hospital. Iowa. They were joined there by committee will be headed by Mrs. manently in the possession of A. mm relatives from Sioux City. Harold S. Barish, assisted by Mrs. Z. A. 1 for winning the Alfred RABBI GOLDSTEIN RETURNS Collections cf M. Cohen award last year. The Moe Venger and Mrs. Ben BrodRabbi David A. Goldstein, who DJarnoad Encc»c key. The delicious luncheons chapter will have a weiner roast attended the Zionist Convention TO FAIR at 9 p.. m. Sunday at Ralston Weciisj end; As Miss Sylvia Lefitz, Miss Tiuth in New York and the Rabbinical Hoberman, Adeline Speckter of will this year again be cooked by park. sary Rinjs, in£jv Leon Graetz, assisted by Assembly in Ashbury Park, New Washington, D, C , and Bertha Mrs. ly tcoi^nedi &ad pricca Mrs. I. Berkowitz. r : Jersey, has returned home. with c°odl cIt.fffi.sHc2Slutzky are leaving Saturday for Medical Fond Auxiliary, Workmen's a visit to the New York's World ; \ The main back stay of HadasTO CANADA Circle, 173 ' Cnt Terras Can Ee sah, the Medical Fund and its acMiss Gertrude Korney left for Fair. • ranged at No E=tra • ' - I : f r ! r • ; •' r 1 tivities will be again directed by Canada for a month's stay -with OPENS OFFICE The Ladles* Auxiliary of WorkC s a ,- e <i... v i. 1 relatives. On her way home sha . Dr. Albert G. Rtmmerznan an- Mrs. M. M. Barish, who will be men's Circle, Branch 173, -will assisted by t h e ' following cap- hold a picnic on Sunday, July 16, '*>-wlll visit in Minneapolis w i t h nounces the opening of his dental tains: Mrs. Harold S. Barish, Mrs. friends. offices, 1040 Medical Arts build- Arthur Cohen, Mrs. Henry Bel- at Elmwood park. J'l'SiJe'-l-' Members of the organiiation ing. ' •, . . ' . . . • • mont, Mrs. David Epstein, Mrs. and.their friends are cordially InVISITING CHICAGO Morris M. Franklin, Mrs. Phil Miss Harriet Taub, daughter of MISS MENDELSON RETURNS \ Katz, Mrs. Joe LIpsey and Mrs. vited to attend. .„ Mr. and Mrs. Leo Taub, departed Miss Beverley Mendelson re- David Sherman. Under the Medl* for Chicago, where she will spend turned Wednesday from Mason a month visiting her uncle and City, la., where she visited Miss aunt, Mr;, and Mrs. Joseph Ratner. Becke Kitsls. Miss Kltsls reINVEST SAFELY, WISELY H She will also visit in Milwaukee turned to Omaha,with Miss Menwith her aunt, Nettle* MarKowitz; delson-after they spent some time SIXTEENTH A£ HARNEY at the Kitsis summer cottage at Annuity, Endowment, Ufa • a nurse at Mt. Sinai hospital. Clear Lake, la.

Jr. A. Z. A. I


Community Calendar

Man's Conscience


Letters to a Coed



• '•




D I A Rl O K D S

i -



By Mrs. David M. Newman

TO VISIT PARENTS Mrs. Joseph Kriegler of Lo: Angeles is arriving Sunday to spend 10 days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kirshenbaum.


BUTTERSCOTCH ICE BOX COOKIES '1 cup butter. • 2 cups brown sugar, 2 eggs, beaten. • 4 cups flour.




c u pflour.


2 teaspoons baking powder* 1 tablespoon sugar. % teaspoon salt.-'.••' % cup milk. -. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. 3 bananas. Mis and sift dry ingredients, add others In order given, heal well, drop by- spoonsful in ho crisco, drain and sprinkle with powdered sugar. ' •••-.-• P I N E A P P L E F R I T T E R S .

Mix same as for banana fritters adding 5 or 8. slices of pineappl cut in halves. Pry in deep -fat, Berve. isita currant: jellya



Saturday Is

••;•• '

% teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons baking ponder. 1 teaspoon" vanilla. 1 cup finely chopped peanuts. •-•/ Cream butter, add sugar, eggs' dry and sifted ingredients, pea nuts. Shape in rolls, wrap in wax paper and let stand in refrigera tor iintil firm. When ready to bake slice and bake at 425 de grees until brown. For variation add two squares of melted chocolate to the dough, or add one-hal teaspoon cinnamon, one-fourth teaspoon nutmeg, one-fourth tea spoon ginger, omit vanilla.


Represents 21 Strong Companies—Every Typa of Insurants end Bonds Written. CALL AT 7637 cr WA 6150 City Plaanea & Insuranes Co.




a's $k@s 3S.te.44 Misses' szes 12 to 20. fusios's EIESS I tg IS









end .farawey Here af Carmans wa fhlr'n surn.Tior rs.z"y a two seasons . . . esrly su-n^cr end rr : csjmmer . . . . and we now introduce ths nsv, second summer sssson with ccnpletefy ssSections and a host of newlyv born fashion Idsas e t . . • • *

yea a

co:c?fc3 csray'of tJss finest, CrceSccS fruits end vcsotsSfcs ^ca over csv/ •" <• ci prises fecft csvo yea Ks^oy!

,SO v«I5 clc rnipscIeB for y o u »6 tliit-. 6».S» . . . S*-iiyin£ f&sfeion genss tisat yois'ii w s o r fey s e v e r a l m o n t h s ! 3"C^JI tvy ori one ibs^.^tliHsI ''£ ; oot" ! «lr«5®R eCt^y

4 •4

, Kosher ShouZ&er, DREAKFAST • "Koshor Dason,"

You, too, vi'! b s revested c.-.a ) oc interest in summer er.Krcw rsicwsi^ i:\ ii.i c - cc^i;r^ S'cp •a shopping j where yati csn r.-,;-c 4 eJeliqhttuI.Eir-coc'cd •~ *"-r rcc-3.



%hm o t t e r . - . •*•.«' £ iihmk j-e-c'll agree wlih w» thftt this IS tiie most exciting slress. event of She Btttnmer se»t o s . Coaac early!


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P i l l K 1SCAP1S-—Miraculous escape was made by C. B. Thomasson when his .rented plane erasliedlnto utility wires at San Diego, Cal, Hegrasped wire, went hand over hand to nearest pole, descending unhurt. Above, firemen play chemicals on burned skeleton o l the plane.



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PALS lU NO TIME—When Big Boy, e40-pound bear, arrived on a Hollywood lot to appear in a northern. Rockies picture, Patricia Mprison gave him'a bottle of pop and they were pals in practically no time at all.

CKSCK-UP—British Minister for War Leslie Hore-Be!isha checks up on a South London anti-aircraft s t a t i o n , while making rounds to see that British defense positions ere in good order. The stations throughout England are manned by the t e r r i t o r i a l army now undergoing irA training.

x" o - i w f«i

CENTURY OF, WORK—Peter Seller, left, and David Suloff have fumed in 100 years of service for the B. F. Goodrich Co., a t Akron, Ohio. Recently they were taken to the New York Fair and are shown in the cab of an ancient locomotive.

U N I T i l — Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Montana, around whom a boom is gathering as a Democratic candidate for president in 1940. He has been described as only candidate to unite Democrats.

^A--^* ^ S TAKES T»TtE_Yh1s VT. V\'. CeWepne^c from London Ecbby FJccs ef Chief re, trfi, f ^ r - vinnirtci the title at inbiedci, lr©m his roefnmc^e £n& doubles partner, Elwood ??ke c f Fcrlrnc8, O-ti.t nrto,. '.


MARINER—With 30,000 miles of navigation behind her, Mrs. Marlon Rice Hart, inset, sculptor and Columbia and M.I.T. graduate, brought her 73-foot ketch Yanora into New York harbor. She's globe-sailed sines 1936.



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BEACff lYEAR — fy^srearet Lindsay, film ster, enjoys line oS et a H o l l y w o o d resort after completing her Iciest picture, "Secret.Enemy.1; Her a t t r a c t i v e play suit is o f striped silk with ebbrevktcd '" "

~~~~ SOUTKCIFi £JIZ CMI"™»—'f'^rjpr" MrHoV? I VTTT,, >-eea!!ed from ^pJon^rc &*y ] „ E u - c p s . ; j \ , u eve iat f ' rcuadorean «!r , .t \ , ,r , ",. . . . . . r, eh JC . '- P r £ p C P ", f a b a 0 " & F £ n A " s ' i i i r c " ^ ' rfc' M i a m i ' F l a " v!?B \*'ife *na batv, en revte home.





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«,M.....w MEW FASHIOHS—Paris, often con- children from 4 fo 6, who like fo p!ay. Upp_. sidorsd the world's fashion center, sets new right, these rubberized suits for protection stylo, this. time in gas clothing. Hero aro -against gas and liquid firo might be <•?!!-d fnodels from a recent display, in preparation sports modols. Lower loft, something chfc for

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serving his law clerkship . . . S<» successful have Dr. Jete«thf#i GinBburg's "Scrlpta Mathe-matlca" •• • • publications proved that t w o pamphlets, by Profeppors J>avJ4 IE. Smith enc CP.SSIUB .1. Kc*F«r, | have had tc be rei=8ued in R neti ornl edition . . . Heniember tn« ABBOADCASTS cocr.trj r.rl. y e v - r \ name, oi Miorris Dromberf • • • Bid you know that its Nation- ' ir.rvir rr.r.r: rr~ TO ~VT. the enori. : He i? t!?<? T'z-]?Pi.m>an rnoi<">rcyc!*i al broadcasting ccmpany i? shcrt- Celled "Wr.i= JET--.CE Sleeps'; : champion, r.pv \v, tnts country to waving an hour of news to Mail- . . . One c- the rlv-if spies de- : nrranre for F. FOJO n.tfiltt from land every day, in the C-eri-.ar ' picted1 i- \lrz Z. v looks like s. . x^v," York to Tc-. Aviv , . , J^rom^ language, a t S p. m... Be-lln tv-lc t r c . h ? - rr F r ; Kuhn . . . ; be-p bos a CsnFTl.is-n flying U» time? . . . Tv'hst s more, >TC Tc : c ; . r I.ft cZ r e : occupation!? • cense and is e. brvllisi.nl ftprooawtireceives an average cf ICC letters red t r r t cf . V r : - - ; ' f r RoseTue'td a month from Ger:r.£.n l:stcners- cf Eollyv-pod, T hese jot- it is tc in who praise the "clr:-cti^-'iy''— ' pr.".r: : cl; ~rr ; ! r t < .'n't reF-srr-.bU'. ; Goldstein v i i ; \>p ft Genera' E(' they are afraid t c nre s mrro Eilboc,'-, "O- i.ee ;T movie scenes list de.iefr.cr eX •<;?• World Kiontei : Conrr?~F:. ?•'.-!=•. Goiflptcin Till r»,pcomplimentary t e r rr. — cf '.he ; i resent the Posie ITM.or- at tfc* Gef-ee~r t h r t .r'.c. I.~?F of any real broadcasts . . . Os""£li Tircv,

Strictly Confidential

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The following address was giv- Against the West," clearly underen by Rabbi David A. Goldstein stands this. He says that the. Jew of the Beth El Synagogue be- has had greatness thrust u p o n fore a special Independence Day him. Whether the Jew deserves service . conducted by the Rab- it or not, he has become the symbinical Assembly of America bol of democracy and Christianity. South African :.:;ri£ter of Dethen in session at Asbury Park, "The.Nasi who persecutes the Jew fense, who i£ moving 1 ?c-en a r i tl''es crtrn I.-.Cj- t r ; ' fren sue the: i Cor--rip;nt. I f " ? , ^-- ^^v^p AUe New Jersey. s the Gentile who persecutes" the earth for the return cf Oermr.r.y"t Present at the service were Christian in his midst." former Afncan crlor.iss to I-Iltler, 125 rabbis from all parts of the The hand of destiny and provhas a daughter. JClr,e, who I.^PS Tl~e re:v"°c F-ITC-V. '•From Vien--"-< country and their guests. idence1 is upon us. Whether we in Germany t o r . learning to bena," r : v "unr.lnrr ir Ne^r York. like it or not we Jews in the prea good hausfrau according tc Nazi IF r.ot oT.'y tr. r-f .:c : success but We are happy at this time to sent world struggle must be on standards . . . Here's hoping that sctuti!y rrrlzer r ^frd scme pront join •with our tellow-Americans in the side of God and His Law. Hjalmar Schact stays away from e'-ery r f l r . . . !>. r 0 ScfcvFrtB, the celebration of the anniversary There is a struggle in the world Rio ile Jsr-eivo. X'-rar,)1, (JTA) — Naziland . . . Sines he left th* tre Ctirov.s rio>?-:-ottinr,- I-Iun- • : The sem'-oCfi'"is; G c v f r r. menl of the Declaration of I n d.epen- today. It may not be the struggle German Relchshank :ts reserve f.Tr--:r cc-i:r ,\v.r~. ••: vle.nrdr.g tc dence. Our hearts fill •with.'grati- between the so-called democracies has reached s n s v lew . . . Th~ pirlish s rurr;r(i;,s Paper — in tude to those men whose courage led by England on the one hand reason why Pcla Ncgri, silent film |Disvse!i vhich v.'?.s-. v-ri^tpii hy llie and vision made possible this bles- against the totalitarian states led star, is suing a Par.s c.r.r1- rovnt entitled. ; Buccess'iil yor.nj. vlarv-Tltrbt., Be-yF'-C sed commonwealth under whose by Germany on the other, but celled her he . " r r L-v.rhf" . . . VChicii azine for auspices we live in freedom and there is a struggle within the naV " 'Vs friend cf Adolf Hitler reTirSF u? t r r . F book called happiness. tions between the biblical, ethical rumor cf such a iri£r.£rh'p ha? '"T!,~r'T" i'Le~ir-T; C r r r o t THr. the But ours is not a simple grati- tradition and the neo-pagan Nazi .The above reproduction of thealem, may my right hand wither." of this year, as an expression of proved harmful to her in a* busi- , TTar" TEE recent.;- published in tude. Rather our gratitude Is en-denial of It. Hundreds of thousands of Jews their will to oppose the new Brit- ness way . . . French and Ameri- j Budapest, a n a overnight bec?.ir.e J e w i s h National Fund's Tisha hanced, by the knowledge that Real Christians and Jews must B'Av poster visualizes the historic in the United States and in other ish policy by further constructive can movie producers have refused i Hungary's best Feller . . . It i.= A.rEreni.lT'.p p-r-C P ' ^ T f U E r P t . %'<• h-' ft'"'' American democracy was made join forces in this country too tovow taken by the Rivers of Baby- parts of the world repeated the work and achievement in the up-to do business with her . . . | rather doirV'.fvl r e v T ! ^ , ' "- ,\ ? possible to no small degree by4 the defend A m e r i c a n democracy lon, which is resounding to this vow shortly before the publication building of the Jewish National TOIT SEOtXD KSOTS" | HEbimah er-rr-I- - v ,c ^ - r 5. ^ . _ » - = . war-, inspiration of the Jewish Bible. against the forces here that would day: "If I forget thee, O, Jerus- of the British White Paper in May Home. We suppose you have read of Indeed, I believe that American destroy it. In this connection we I nounced t o t - . . . C ~f? ^—i T V the arrest cf Allen Soil on a democracy is the best political re- can understand-at last'that rab>ffi charge cf attempting to shake I paper scocp cZ vecert r alization . of biblical ideals ever binic tale which says that when :> r , , - -r down Station Yv"ECA for $7,500 I Life IMagr; r_c"F *--iFarinacci Paper achieved by man. Consider' the God wanted to give His most precto get rid of the anti-Semitic fundamental p r i nciples of theious treasure,-the Torah, to manpicketline started to "protest" i b a l l e t c.E.13 t - , i ~~r J- " Banned by Vrance Declaration-of- Independence. "We kind, at first He offered it to each against the cutting off of Father I a Swiss insFrc fi " I rhold that these truths are self- of several nations. Each refused • Paris (JTA) — The authorities Coughlin from that station . . . j Life earnc-F r ' : r r evident, that all men are created because they would not agree to this week banned the I t a l i a n And we hope you remember our ! Xijinsky t r Cr-"e — equal." .abide by c o m m a ndments like he hacn't c.«. - f - 1 ~ newspaper Regims Fascista, edittelling you months ago that it i From. where does t h i s idea "Thou shalt not kill," "Thou shalt years . . . " r r f - r ed by Roberto Farinacci, leading i was Mr. Soil who organized that <v come? Certainly not f r o m ' the not steal." in Decline" i- . r - r - — < Italian anti-Semite, for its conpiaketline — a fact the police of essayE n ! " ~L ° ^Greeks or from the Romans or Only when it was brought to Ist tinued attacks against France and ^r1 have now unearthed . . . The 'from the pagans of antiquity. The rael did Israel say, "we will do French leaders. Jewish People's Committee is try- Charles E t l u l m j : ; (Continued from Page 1) very first chapters of Genesis are and we will obey." This story is (Continued from Page 1) v, A recent Farinacci editorial urging to raise a ?so,000 fiinc lothe first written documents to flattering to our people, but there that Four,.!, 1el ."i1"11 r i t1 < ' r ing which " demands were voiced ed Italians living in France to the work of Jewish communities, an anti-Coughlin radio campaigm Ii the present this idea. We read of theis KEnbr*"- - r?-- - rrrr - '-""story which contradicts from all sections for extension cf. form a "fifth' column" for sabo- with organizations being dissolv- . . - Peter Lorre, the screen's Mr. creation of man and the implica- it. another j ter preser'pc' !" i^p ^ ' , ^ - 1 This, story tells that when God tage in the event of war. In his ed as their work was completed, Moto, was the principal attracBritish aid to refugees. Replytions of this story are two-fold. brought'the Torah to Israel and article, he boasted of havthe decree introduces the princi- tion at a luncheon given by 2Cth i Council AtJ.rr. - - r f - ; r r ' . . . First, when man was created, not they were told what was contain- ing for the government, Parlia- iatest ing helped "dig deeper the canyon ple of compulsory membership of | Century Films to visiting Japa- ! £0,000 ba-he-s - r ^<. cL . •- > ." mentary Colonial Under-secretary Hebrew man not Greek' man nored therein, the Israelites were reseparating Fascist Italy and Heindividual German and "stateless" '. nese officials, who think t h a t Mr. ; listen to L ^ - e . . ^ : I* v^ r f white man was created, but Manluctant to accept it. They. didn't Lord Dufferin and Ava rejected braic France." -"- - v r Jews. Jewish communities, with | Lorre does a great deal for Atner- H E T E t , ~"?T."-'iF suggestions for increased admiswas created. We have thus emr to be a people set apart by sion the Berlin community perhaps the | ican-Japasese good will . . . But i Trey, the *"f - * -n - •'v- ^ - - c c ployed a common origin and one-want of refugees to England and only exception, will lose their in- ; when Lorre appeared at t h e j St. Philip's cri rol-, th? ' . ^T"\ ". ness of humanity.-This is a unique the moral law. for financial assistance in refudependence and become merely j luncheon he was wearing a "Boy- \ liam C. ICemr TL cl 1 *., K I They knew that f r o m Sinai gee settlement projects for coloand revolutionary conception. branches of the E e i c h s v e r e i n i - ! cott Japanese Goods" button . . . i of Eayonrs. 1". .". < • •. "" whereon the Torah was given, nial territories. Second Idea Eting, as the new organization is 1 Secretary Henry Morgenthau is ; Thomas E r r i ' r" f r- - ~ r~ would come Sinah, hate against r The second idea is that man Israel. Fear Antagonism to be called, to execute officially putting up a But GoS, the story goes battle I Council of I" r ' " f f ' f - ? - t •was made in the image of God on to say, having them at the foot inspired orders. "I have the strongest feeling," against the dumping of SOCOOC -which means that man is su-of- the mountain, t u r n e d the he declared, "that any very large i Thomas C S c e^ v .. b\ a _• The Berlin community, it is be-I tales of cotton in t t e lap o* Genpreme ^raluable. Therefore to ex-mountain upside down pver them increase in the Jewish population ; annoence hjr c ; r . L ' L 1 . i , | eral Franco . . . Ke believes that lieved, will retain its independent ploit a man, to kill a man are the threatened to bury them, un- of this country would provoke Permitted Until August character •with minor modifca- i Spain's Fascist leader will never most heinons of crimesj. From the and ;Ttie''tiEb t nori-'!' r" \^- ^ r "- 1 anti-Semitic feeling, which, I cander it unless they accepted His tons. Only a few large communi- pay for them . . . idea of man made in the image of Torah. 29 to Declare Business not disguise, is an •underlying fac; . ". ~ , i r ties are left with sufficient num- FAIS FACTS God derive all the ethical prin! on toierarcp ?- J s r r / o r e Properties Today t h a t ig our position tor in Great Britain, in common ber of children of school age to Orchids to Congressman S o 1 ciples of the Bible. God has turned the moun- with almost every other country possible the maintenance of I Bloom for getting the tests of i can eland -..r F r r -.-.. 1 . "L ' , A man is entitled by the law of again. Bratislava (JTA) — The gov-make tain of Nazi hate upon us and we in the world." a Jewish school system. Second- j the anti-TThite Paper speeches de- • . . . Sera IJP 'r v " , " " * £ • God to enjoy the fruits, of his own must '• lawyer, if i c ^ . f ; -'- r - •• live heroically, accept our On the Question of aiding such ernment has Issned a decree or- ary vocational schools w i l l be livered at the dedication of the labor. Therefore it is wrong to j Brooklyn PJ. .-. r r r - s . o : ' > . <^ Lf \J, to fight for the dominance of colonial refugee projects as Brit- dering all Jews and foreigners in maintained only in Berlin, Frank- Palestine Pavilion into t i e Consteal the work of his hands. Afate Slovakia to declare their real fort, Breslau and possibly Ham- ' gressional Record cf June 19 . . . the.moral law in the relations of ish Guiana and elsewhere, Lord V-- nan's life is . precious, therefore men and nations.. Certainly, there estate and business properties be| perience r~ ce — ' . *<\ i The attendance record of t h e burg. f it is wrong to kill. The eommand- is nothing"-:to- wiicif-we could-bet- Dufferin said: "Whereas we arefore August 29. prepared to'go to every limit of . meat "Thou shalt love thy neigh- ter The decree' "abolishes p -n b lie World's Fair setfcythe Psviiion 1ourselves then to our resources in supplying the Failure to comply will be pub-subsidies for Jewish schools and • dedication on May 2S is still un- i cntor . . bor as thyself" sums up the whole this consecrate, i broken . . . Even during the Incause. ; .Tcdgre J i " T lished by fines of 6,200 crowns to services of the administration, ethical t r a d i tion. Lest it be public buildings will no longer be How happy and how fortunate even transport, sre do not feel 50,000 crowns and imprisonment. put at their disposal. Jewish tea- dependence day week-end no day thought that "Thou shalt love thy are we that we live In America The decree was said to be aimed justified at this stage in griving neighbor as thyself" means only chers lose the status of public ofthy Hebrew neighbor, we have and'that when w6 dedicate our- actual financial assistance ' to principally at Czech businessmen ficials and will be obliged to work I the Palestine Pavilion dedication selves to.the ideals of the Torah, •who control most of Slovakia's in- at greatly reduced salaries. The j . . . And that, incidentally, also these schemes." emphasized alsb "Thou shalt love dustry. Czechs are now regarded edict's provision that Jews may i goes for the paid attendance s.t tiie stranger because ye w e r e we at the same time consecrate strangers in the land of Egypt." ourselves to the service of the The Lord Baldwin Fund for as foreigners here. attend only R e i c ksvereinigung | the opening ceremonies of the Fair on April SO . . . The political "Thou shalt have one law for thy- best in the American tradition! On Refugees, which was inaugurated The departure of some 750 schools brings to an end the prac- ;; status of Jewish Palestine is most self and for the stranger In thythis anniversary of. the declara- by the former Prime Minister last Jewish, emigres, including 210 tice of sending children to such tion of Independence, therefore, December, has passed the 500,midst."foreign schools here as the Amer- ; ss.t.iSj.£.c*.ory as ±SLT as the Fair is •women and 40 children, who are Rabbinical Assembly of 000 - p o u n d mark and will be bound for Liberia, provoked new ican School, hitherto - largely at- : concerned . . . In the "Book of It Is difficult to l o v e one's we of thedo | Nations" published tinder the EUSdedicate ourselves to neighbor, be he Jew or non-Jew America July 31, it was announced. anti-Semitic demonstrations here. tended by Jewish pupils. i pices of the commissioners genthe preservation and advance- closed unless we bear in mind Ihat we ment Provisions of the decree forcThe Daily Express urged editorT h e government meanwhile i eral of the participatir.gr nations of the ideals promulgated on ially that the fund be used to love our neighbor not for what he July 6, ing the Reichsvereinigung to take banned the sale of kosher taeat Palestine has ecua.1 rep1776. is, but for what potentially he turn refugees into farmers and to on- gTounds that slaughtering of over maintenance of needy Jews '! Jewish resentation in space with Great may be. Man, the Bible teaches, send them to thinly populated animals by the Jewish ritual was will, it is estimated, Increase the ! Britain . . . Myra Manning, Chihis the capacity to be little lower parts of the colonial empire with- "inhuman and contrary to theJewish welfare budget by nearly I cago Civic Opera soprano, who than the angels. In loving our out delay. directive principles of the Slovak 2 00 pr cent. I sang at the recent Tolerance neighbor, therefore, we are loving State." T h e orthodox Jewish j Broadcast from the Fair, is a the image of what he may beI cousin of Mrs. Karry Fisher, wife community sent a delegation to Polish'Ministerof Chile Admits 78 come. j of tha Chicago judge . . . Which Paris (JTA) —The HIAS-ICA Premier Joseph .Tiso to protest These ideas are more precious Education Scores ; reminds us to tell you that Henagainst this measure. Emigration association has anthan ever to us today because Chase, one of Chicago's nounced receipt of a cable from they are being attacked,* especlalof Student jIrietta rising .young singers, is the danghChile reporting that 78 German Arrests Continue (Continued from Page 1) lly by the Nazis. We have Hitler i ter of Zionist I. T. Feingold, while London ( J T A ) —Continued Lto thank for restoring to us what gees, according to an appeal re Jewish passengers on the liner Warsaw (JTA) — Education | the young conductor with whom Monte Olivia, who h a d been anti-Semitic attacks and arrests t Agreat German Christian scholars ceived by Morris C. Troper, EurMinister Swietoslawski denounced | she hs.s been presenting some tried to take from us in the last opean director of the J. D. C.barred from Uruguay and Para- Of leading JewB in Bohemia-Mor- the "unhealthy m o r a l £tmos- 1 most interesting programs is the guay despite their possession of avia were reported from Prap-He. • generation. You hare head that from'Rhodes. The refugees were phere" prevailing at ,the Lwcw isoa of the president cE t i e ViSolomon Schechter c a l l e d the landed without their clothes and Paraugayan visas, have finally Czech Fascists supported by Ger- Polytechnic institute, where a j enna Jewish Community, Dr. been permitted to proceed to mans demonstrated on the streets higher criticism the "higher anti- in a .state of exhaustion. In view Jewish student was recently murI Loewenherz . . . Following in the Semitism." of the necessity of sending a Chile. Permission was the . re- of Iglau, beating up Jewish pe- dered by anti-Semitic Nationalist I footsteps cf a. great predecessor, Some Christian scholars tried boatload of clothes and food, the sult of efforts on- behalf of thedestrians and breaking windows students. Leopold Damroseh, the young- muof Jewish shops. A number of to prove that whatever was noble J. V. C. has dispatched a first in- refugees by the HIAS-ICA. In a 1-etter to the school's sen- sician has Hebraized his name. Fascists were arrested after in- ate, the' Education Minister de- | and is now known as Sigmund and generous in Christianity was stalment of $5,000 to the Centra' advertently breaking windows of clared "the murder proves that i Lerari . . . • not Jewish and that'whatever was B e h g e e Committee at Milan Germans' shops. hateful was J e w i Eh. And nowwhich has been taking care of the unhealthy moral atmosphere come Hitler and his cohorts and other refugees at Rhodes. Dr. Leon Selmanowitz, former requires a strong reaction against they declare that democracy is general secretary of the Jewish decadence." The senate, making The appeal discloses that the Jewish, -rights for women is Jewr Rhodes refugees include 332 Ausparty, was arrested by the Gesta- the letter public, called upon all j on Phyllis Bottome's novel. "The ish, the love of peace is Jewish, trians, 250 Czechs, 60 GeTfmans, po In Prague shortly after the re- student organizations to condemn I Mortal Storm," which will be j more frankly anti-Nazi than TTarthe brotherhood of man is Jew- 30 Hungarians aid 100 of doubtlease from a Gestapo prison of criminal actions. | ner Brothers' "Confessions of a ish: We gladly acknowledge our ful nationality. Among them are Andover, N. J. (JTA) — They Ernst Frischer, president of the guilt in the face of these charges. 380 men, 332 •women and 60 couldn't get anybody to touch the party,, who had served a three- that all municipal employes in- i Nazi Spy" . . . No s o r e M-G-M ! releases to Germany &xter that The Nazis speak of a Jewish children. Landing permission was Swastika banner with a ten-foot and-a-half montb term. Among conspiracy, but It is not a con-granted "with the understanding pole at a hearing her© over whe- others arrested, it was learned, tending to marry must notify the j . . . T\"iiich reminds us that "Conspiracy of wealth and power. It that they could stay only a. short ther the German-American Bund's •was Councillor Kaemph, former council cf the racial origin cf j .Sessions of a N. S." is Betting up j new box office records In London is rather a conspiracy which they time. Camp Nordland was to be licens- Higher Court judge, who presid- their prospective spouses. j1 . . . If you wart to get the lewhave constructed oat of a theory Mexican pledge ed to sell liquor or not. The hear- ed at the treason trial under the 5r down on spy activities in this of Nietsche in his book "The Patronize Our Advertisers. Mexico City (JTA) — Foreign ing was the result of suspension former regime of Nazi Professor Genealogy of Morals" wherein he Affairs Minister Eduardo Hay has of the liquor license following the Partschelder. Kaemph will have s p e a k s contemptuously of the written a letter to the Intergov- camp's v i o l a t i o n s of the lawto spend two-and-a-half years in Jewish "slave v morality." ernmental Refugee Committee re- against foreign uniforms in a July prison to match Partscheider's „ The Nazi doctrines briefly sum- affirming the statement made to 4 parade. term despite the fact that the ] marized tell in their pseudo-anth- the Evian conference by the MexWilbur Keegan, attorney for the ' ropology of two kinds of people. ican representative that Mexico Bund, denying accusations that Nazi professor intervened with I \J U \ 1 « ! I 2 g t h a t First t h e r e are the unspoiled has - admitted and will continue Camp Nordland uniforms and re-the Gestapo, declaring primitive Germans of antiquity; to admit pei^ojis; persecuted be- galia were Identical with those of Kaemph had conducted the trial FT1- i •..These were men who stole and cause of their race or political be- Nazi-Germany, started to display fairly. Children l/eare __ killed freely. They had no scru- liefs. the Camp Nordland flag, which is ples.: The only morality they had Meanwhile, several Jewish ref- centered with a swastika. He ask- Bathetic scenes occurred at the —— Fer'jrourtuiiRcs! e r vosaKstilTjsMc !!•;» —.— was that which justified every ac- ugees-have been detained, at Vera ed William Dodd — a post com- Prague railway station when £60 =" Viesi. irate it e psint is rtep o5 the C'in ~ tion only if it were victorious. Cruz. Holding tourist visas, they mander of Disabled Veterans of Jewish children left for England ^,.».«.r, KsSsL txzesCh'gtothe sfceppins, ecra„, „_ The second class of people are arrived there on the Dutch steam- the World War — to hold It with under a stipulation that their parents would not be permitted to him. ' those whom the Jewish conspir- er Lerdam. acy corrupted. These are people "I won't hold that damn thing," visit them until they had becoms of age. Only one adult was alMexico City (JTA) — An ap- Dodd snorted. who have scruples, who believe it With tub, SftiS'y hsK:9-pT€psted, eoc'iry fcoda. is wrong to steal, to kill. These peal for admission of-refugees by Then Keegan asked C h a r les lowed by the Gestapo to accomi thoiver cr £===i2cs, cod, ihody potzl-.ts. VV:Ms for ; are people who believe in the di-countries able to take them was Peterson of Jersey City, a past pany the transport to the Nether~" imstaat vine value of man. The Nazis say coupled with an attack on anti- commander of the Veterans of lands frontier. An anti - S e m i t i c exhibition that! the Jews, defeated by theSemitism by United States Ambas- Foreign Wars, to help him display In Romans, had their vengeance on sador Josephus Daniels, at an In-the flag, Peterson refused. sponsored by Der Stuerrner, Gerdependence Day,luncheon of the the Aryan races' through Christ"If you touch that thing, you'd many's leading: purveyor.cf antiianity which introduced the ethic American colony here. The Am-better wash your hands," Police Semitism and pornography, has t h a t preaches loving: kindness, bassador cited the steamers with Chief Herbert Irons, of Franklin, opened in Prague's shopping cenmercy and t h e brotherhood of cargoes of refugees in search of N. J., broke in at this point. ter. The exhibition is located in man. Christianity, the Jewish con- havens as a "shame for civilizaan arcade which houses a numAn unidentified Bundsmaa rose •!•©> —e f spiracy, destroyed the primitive tion." The luncheon was attended to shout: "That flag is recognised ber of Jewish.shops and a Jewish German soul, crippling the Ger-by high Mexican Government of- by ths United States G o v 6 r Fo- cafe. Anti-Semitic cartoons and «"->. man ability to conauer the world. ficials and the diplomatic repre- ment." posters ars displayed outside ths They say that only" wnen ~the sentatives of many countries. exhibition hall, together •with a "Shut up, you Heinle," Irons German people emancipates itself shouted — and began shucking notice warning that "Js"rs are v 5LP.VES end SAVES -from the bonds- of the Jewisn his coat, giving every indication forbidden to stop in frost ci tie 900 Marooned Y "slave morality" will it be able to that he was going into action. Or- display stall." f conquer and rule the world. Thus, London (JTA) —• T h e Daily der was restored, however, before The National Bank announced / the Nazi attack today is the neo-Telegraph reports that 900 Jew-actual combat ensued. that no more gold -will he depagan r e v o l t against Judaism, ish refugees^ from Hungary and livered to "sen-Aryan"' doctors Christianity, the 5Hble and democwere marooned on St. Danisl de Fonsoca, Turkish und. dentists in the Eoic=la-:icrracy. Kolnal,' a Catholic scholar, Slovakia Mathew Island, near the Bulgar- court physician, was a friend of avia "protectorate.*' Th <n hi3 s r e a t book, "The Warian-Danube t * Z . .- -. _port of. Hutsehuk. . Voltaire. Ilnaieird Conrcll fc-.«t



for ME!"


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Page 8

!eyncil Bluffs MORRIS A1ZENBERG, Correspondent

About 10 days ago a special committee was called together for the purpose of discussing the reorganization of the Sioux City Talmud Torah. At. that time it was decided, to call together a' convention of delegates to represent the entire .community. Last Monday night these • delegates met and decided that 10 new board members would be chosen in addition to the 15 already serving on- the Hebrew school board. These 10 new members will be selected by a specially appointed committee of five. The new board will then decide upon new plans and policies for the Hebrew school. ..

Funeral Rites Held for Abe Pill Funeral services were held for Abe. Pill, 43, 34 Blackstone avenue, at 2 p. m. last Monday in Mount Sinai temple, with Kabbl Theodore Lewis officiating. The body was buried in the family plot in Floyd cemetery. Perasso Bros.: funeral home directed arrangements. . ' • • - • :' Mr. Pili died unexpectedly of a heart attack last Saturday afternoon in a Pearl street drug store. 'Surviving are the widow, Ethel; a daughter, -Bubbles; the mother, Mrs." Molly Pill, and a sister, Mrs. Rose Agranoft, all of Sioux City.

Society News A surprise party was held last Sunday afternoon, for Mr. and Mrs. Max Jacobs, 817 15th street, In. honor Of their 20th wedding anniversary. There w e r e 10 couples present at the party. Mrs..N. Sampter. of Fremont, Neb., is viBitlng here with Mrs. H. Fishgall, 3202 Summit street. Mrs. Harold Levy and children are leaving this week-end for their home in Chicago having spent several weeks in the A. h. Gallnsky and A. M. Davis home. Two,hundred and fifty invitations have been issued for a tea to be held Sunday from .3. to 6 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shindler, 1934 McDonald street, in honor of the coming marriage of their daughter, Jean, to Dr. " Albert W: Aronow of Des Moines. The wedding date is August 20. The table will be carried out in the bride's colors of orchid and green. The assisting hostesses will bs Mrs. Eli Robinow, Mrs. M. Mushbin, Mrs. Abe Lefkovich, Mrs. M. Grossman. Miss Bluma Merlin and Miss Mary Rosovsky. - The wedding will be held in the Soaare Zion synagogue. The out-of-town guests will include Mrs. S. J- Aronow, mother of the groom-to-be; Mrs. S a m Oppenheim, grandmother of the future groom; Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs. M. Cohen, all of Des Moines. Mrs. Z. Baron of Los Angeles, Cal., visited at the home of Mrs. j . Jacobsen, 815 10th street. While here, she was entertained by many of her friends and relatives. She has left for a month's stay at the lakes together with her daughter, Mrs. F. Vinner. Then she plans a return visit to Sioux City en route to her home In Los Angeles. Miss Elizabeth Radman, after a 10-day visit in the home of Miss Prances Rutstein, 314 isth street, departed tor her homo la Omaha. Saretta Krigsten_ entertained for Margaret Shulkin last Tuesday night. Bridge and mah-jong furnished the entertainment. The Sigma Alpha Mu held a rush. party last Sunday. At' 2:3 0 in 'the afternoon a ball game was held between the Sioux City and Omaha S. A.M. teams. • A banquet was hel4 in the evening : at the West hotel. Abe Sadoff was the master of ceremonies. Talks- were given by Harry B. Cohen, vice-president of the National S. A. M. fraternities; Al- Fiedler and Irv Yaffee. A floor show was also featured. Those In charge of the arrangements were Bud; Kalin, Abe Sadoff and Dr. Sidney Bergen.

The Hebrew school will be closed from now until August 1. After August 1 the summer schedule will be observes. A drawing.was held by the Hebrew school for an electric clock donated by the Rodin Novelty Co. Shirley Quttleman was awarded a prize for s.elling the largest number, of tickets. The children of Mis3 Goldman's class will be inscribed In the "Roosevelt Golden Book."

Would Like to Schedule Game The Breslow Auto. Glass team, leaders1 of the Omaha Jewish Community Center Softball team, would like to schedule a game with-a-Jewish team in Sioux City on Sunday, July 30, and a return game in Omaha at a later date. . . . ; Any persons Interested a r e asked to get in- touch with Jake Adler, 503% North ^Sixteenth, street, Omaha. • v •

All persons having items of interest are asked to call Dorothe Salzman, Council Bluffs correspondent of The JEWISH PRESS, 1600, by Tuesday evenings. . B'NAI B'RITH Returning last week-end from the District Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith held July 2, 3 and 4 at Detroit, Mich., were Dr. and Mrs. I. Sternhill, Al Fox. L. H. Katelman and Nate Gilinsky. Mr. Gilinsky was re-elected to serve oh the general committee for the ensuing year. Dr. Sternhill was re-elected trustee for the National Jewish Hospital. A meeting of the local B'nai B'rith chapter was held Monday evening. Delegates to the district convention gave their reports. The following newly elected officers were Installed: President, Albert Fox; vice-president, Leon Frankel; financial secretary, Milton Yudelson; recording secretary, Collman Yudelson; treasurer, Louis Katelman; monitor, Millard Krasne; assistant monitor, Dr. J. M. Moskovitz; • guardian. Tale Meyerson/ and trustees, S. Shyken, H. Meyerson and Dr. O. Greehberg. Dr. Abe Green-

berg of Omaha, past president of TO VISIT IK SIOUX C1TT this district of B'nai B'rith, was Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg installing officer. He also spoke and family, and their guests are briefly. , spending tee week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaha of Sioux City. A . Z. A . 7 ' '• A regular A. Z. A. meeting was held Tuesday evening at the home BACK FROM WEST „ Mrs. Rose Kramer has returned of Leo Meyerson. from Los Angeles, Cal., where she Members of the chapter will be visited for several -weeks. entertained next Tuesday at Kiwanis Point, where they are having a weftier roast.. This party RETURNED HOME will be considered as one of the N o r m a u Rosenthal arrives oing away parties for the out- home Sunday. He has been visitgoing members. Ing with relatives in Chicago for Participants of the party will the past fs-w weeks. meet at the home of Eugene Telpner. Bob Passer Is In charge. BIRTH Other committee members are ANNOUNCE Mr. and Mrs. E. Brodkey of Arnold Lincoln and Eugene Telp- Omaha announceE. the birth of a ner. son on Monday, July 10. Mrs. In the near future, the chapter Brodkey was formerly Miss Rae plans to hold an open forum meet- Bernstein of Council Bluffs. ing under the chairmanship of Benny Kutler. The forum meet- GLEXWOOD GUEST Ing will be for the purpose of Mary Siref of Glenwood, discussing leading Jewish affairs. la.,Miss was guest for a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman CHICAGO VISITORS . Krause. She left for home SunGuests at the Mas Steinberg day. home are Mrs. Jules Sholdar.and daughters, Barbara and Sandra, LEFT FOR HO3IE of Chicago. They plan to remain MrB. David Cetron has returned here until the close of the season. to her-home In Davenpott, la., aft-

er spending a few weeks at the prisonment and a fine of $500 for home of her parents, Mr. and a n y o n e in the Italian Empire Mrs. Charles Saltzman. guilty of a crime against the ItalVISITOR FROM FREMOXX A. guest at the Mas Harris home this week was Mickey Helphand of Fremont, Neb. CHICAGO GUESTS Mrs. Al Lavin and children, Marilyn, Francine and Michael of Chicago, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Abrahamson.

Tightens Law London (JTA) — The House of Commons unanimously granted permission for introduction of. a bill emending the Merchandise Marks Act. to require that goods produced in Germany, Italy and Japan be conspicuously marked with the country of origin instead of the present label of "foreign."

ian "race." The crimes, however, have not been specified, each offense to be judged on its demerits. Eventually a code of "case" law will be compiled. Meanwhile, jail terms and fines have been meted out to 2 4 Jews i in Milan for failure to register as members of the Jewish race within the time limit prescribed in the Italian racial laws. The sentences range from eight to £0 days, with the fines from 150 to 200 lire. Similar penalties have been imposed recently on scores of Jews in Trieste.

LEHMAN KITS AT PAGAN RULERS Cleveland (JTA) — Striking at

the "madness and cruelty of pagan-minded rulers," Governor Herbert H. Lehman told the. 37th international convention of ChristPADLOCK FASCIST ian Endeavor that religious orHEADQUARTERS ganisations w e r e the "greatest bulwark against the menace of Mexico City (JTA) — Head- anti-Democratic ideologies."

Quarters of the Party of National

Rome (JTA) — The Interior j Salvation, pro-Fascist organizaMinistry, in an interpretation of tion, have been rlo.-ed by thp Govthe Italian racial laws, announced ernment as a "public nuisance." that no Jew may work for Italian The party, successor to the Comfirms doing business w i t h the mittee for Revolutionary UnificaGovernment and that the firms tion, was held responsible for remay not purchase supplies from cent street rioting and anti-SemJewish distributors. i itic excesses. A new law will be published shortly providing three years' iinPatronize Our Advertisers.

Bossilb l a C&Iro S y n a g o g u e Cairo (JTA) — A large bomb wrapped in paper bearing a, handwritten Arabic threat a g a i n s t Egyptian Jews who support Zionism, was found this week in the city's l e a d. i ng synagogue. The bomb hsd no fuse.

(Continued from page l.J

Pioneer of Yiddish Stage Succumbs to Heart Attack . N e w Y o r k (JTA) — Boris Thomashevsky, who pioneered the Yiddish theatre in this country and was long one of the East Side's most colorful personalities, died this week at Beta Israel Hospital following a heart attack. He wab: 73 years old. 'rhomashevsty gained .renown as a translator of Shakespearean plays, which he presented f o r years at his National Theatre on Second Avenue; as the author of nearly 80 operettas, and the sponsor of such actors as Joseph and Rudolph Schildkraut, Bertha Kalisch, Sophie Tucker, Belle Baker and Regina Zuckerberg, who was hailed as the "Jewish Tetrazzini" thirty years ago, and Samuel Goldenburg.; Morris Gest, the producer, also got his start with Thomashevsky. Born in Russia, In recent years, Thomashevsky had been acting in revues at Allen Street-cabarets. A few weeks ago he. revived "The Green Millionaire," folk play which was among his most popular vehicles, at Coney Island. Thomashevsky was b o r n in Kiev,' Russia, and came to this country at the age of 13, when his family was exiled on suspicion of harboring Nihilists. His first theatrical venture was launched a year later, when he arranged for a visit of.a Yiddish troupe from London.; Surviving T h omashevsky are his wife, Bessie, from whom he had been separated twenty years, and two of his sons, Harry and Theodore Thomas. Dr. Oslcar Fischel, Art Historian, Dies In London at 69 London (JTA) — Dr. Oskar Fischel, noted art historian and a refugee from Germany, died here this week at the age of 69. Hs came here reecntly with the aid of leading English museum officials. Dr. Fischel was dismissed from the University of Berlin in 1933, when the Nazi regime took power, hut was reinstated upon t h e - insistence of students and prominent scholars. He was finally dismissed In 1935. Dr. Fischel was the author of many works on the theatrical arts and on the painter Rafael. saw (JTA) —Death of the famous Kozlenlce "wonder rabbi" Jacob Szapiro was reported here from Otwock. He was 54 years old. Rabbi Szapiro was the "grandeon of the renowned Kozlenlce "magid" (preacher). Montreal

(JTA) — Abraham

Kaplansky, one of the first

Thus He had spoken ones and it is time again, thought Pallbearer Segal. Time for the victory of the meek who He in the dust, time for the righetous and the merciful, time for the peacemakers and the persecuted. They have been waiting so l o n g and the meek, the righteous, the merciful, the peacemakers and the persecued die and shut their eyes on a world that lias grown d a r k e r since they came into it. (Will" Fox had lived In It 73 years and had seen the bright promise of th© nineteenth century fade to the dusk of the current time.) The early editions of the evening papers were out as the pallbearers emerged from the church with Will Fox. The leadlines were about some n e w crisis in the world; the arrogant were reported marching again to inherit the earth. • . ' Pallbearer Segal aided Will Fox to the hearse, and so over the western hills to his grave. The earth embraced him. Oh, thought Mr. Segal, it Is a tragedy when even one Christian descends into the earth. Christians seem to be getting so scarce. (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) WEBB, BEBER, KLUTZNICK & K^LLEY, Attorneys. 200 Union State Bank BIdg.


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Keep U p YOUR JEWISH I cnption

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ALLIED FINANCE SYSTEM Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned have organized a corporation under the laws of Nebraska. Tha name of the, corporation Is Al<tlED FINANCE SYSTEM, and its principal place of business Is the City of Omaha, Douglas- County, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted Is to carry on a general investment and loan business, including the making of loans and the purchase and sale of securities and mortgages, and tha leasing and holding of real estate. Tho amount of capital stock authorized 13 $10,000 divided Into 100 Bhares of the "par value of $100 each, all of which shall be fully paid when issued and non-assessable. Stock may be paid for in cash or real or personal property at the reasonable valne thereof. The time of commencement of the corporation is June 1. 1939, and it shall continue in existence for fifty years unless "Sooner dissolved. The affairs of the corporation are to be conducted by a board of directors of not less than two nor more than five members and by the following officers elected by the board- of directors: President, Vice • President, Secretary and Treasurer. Any two of said offlcera may be held by one person. The annual meeting of the corporation shaU tie held on tho first Monday of January of each year.1 B. LIPP. 6-23-39-4t. B. SI/CTZKYNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS All existing debts of the National, Incorporated, a corporation, oh the 31st day of December, 193S, amounted to the sum of $1,182.82. NATIONAL. INCORPORATED. By C. T. MARKS, Secretary. J. M. MARKS C. T. MARKS Being a majority of the board of directors. 7-14-39-lt.

Jewish printers to settle in Canr ada and active in philanthropic NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS work, died here this week. He was 79 years old. One of-the best All existing debts of the Fashion known Jews in Canada, Mr. Kap- Center, Incorporated, a corporation, lansky was at one time a lawyer on tha 31st day of December, 1938, the sum of none. and a Justice of the Peace. He amounted to FASHION CKNTEE, Was head of the legal department INCORPORATED of the Federation of Jewish PhilBy C. T. MARKS, Secretary. J. M. MARKS Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Rosenthal anthropies. C. T. MARKS . Being- a majority of the board of and family motored in from Chidirectors. 7-14-39-lt cago and are staying for several Visits London days with Mr. and Mrs. S. LeboNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS rite, 1016 10th street. London (JTA) — Dr. E m i 1 All existing debts of the National Kafka, president of the Prague Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Slotsky and Jewish Community, will v i s i t Stores Corporation, a corporation, on th? 31st day of December, 193S, family are vacationing, for two London and Paris, to consult with amounted to the sum of none. weeks in Denver and Colorado Jewish leaders on ways of help- NATIONAL STORES CORPORATION By C. T. MARKS, Secretary. Springs. ing Jewish welfare institutions in J. M. MARKS the "protectorate," It was reportC.'.T. MARKS Leon . Marx returned from a ed from Prague. Meanwhile, It Being a majority of the board of tive-day trip to Chicago. was learned, the Gestapo has per- directors. 7-14-39-lt. opening of a Jewish ComJacob CoUrshon arrived here to mitted WEBB, BEBER, KLUTZNICK & munity kitchen in Prague. The KELLEY, Attys. spend the, summer months with kitchen will supply 500 dinners relatives. daily. . • • . NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF M. VENGER & SONS, INC. KNOWN ALL MEN BT THESE " JOB WANTED Berlin Rabbi < Here PRESENTS: • That at theimeeting oj the stock(Each week Tho Jewish £ress "New ork . (JTA) — Dr. Manholders of M. JVenger & Sons, Inc., presents in this space the name of duly held at the office of the corporafred Swarsenski, one of 3erlin's a worthy individual - seeking emmost influential rabbis w h o s e tion on the 30th day of December, ployment. Anyone interestedD please 193S, at which all of the stockholders Sommunicntc with Miss ° r 0 J & courageous sermons.at v a r i o u s were present and voting, a resolution Merlin at tho Jewish Community synagogues a 11 r a c t e d large was unanimously adopted that the J Center.) • ...» r crowds, arrived here this week corporation cease to do business as Girl, v/ith one year's office from London on the United State such and that the same be dissolved; accordingly, notice of such action of experience. Is looking for work. liner Washington. the dissolution of said M. Venger Sho can operate a calculator, . Dr. S w a r s e n s k i spent four Sons, Inc.. is hereby given. dictaphone, switchboard and w^eks In the Sachsenhausen conM. VENGER & SONS. INC. ' ••••• B y MAX-VENGER. can-do shorthand and typing* centration camp following the No- -•• Attest: MOSES A. VENGER, vember excesses In Germany. 7-14-S3-41. Secretary.

If you haven't already paid your 1939 subscription, do it today -' - - K your children' ate not subscribers, give them a subscription as an ap'preciated gift * - * If your neighbor is a nonsubscriber, make sure he is added to the Jewish Press Family,





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