July 28, 1939

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GEJTTH/ES I>esr Mr. Segal: Some of year recent columns snggest that you may be the very man Xrs need to convert Gentiles to Christianity. You appear to have the spirit of yonr Idnsman, Jesus, and certainly, to judge by the savagery in the so-called civilized world, many of us' Gentiles are lacking in that spirit. It has been made to appear in the recent years that something is the matter with the Jews. It seems to mo rather that something is very seriously the matter'with the Gentiles and that something cmght to be done about them. E. B. S., New York.

Entered as Second Claa* Mali Matter on January SI. 1331, at

fostofflee. of Omaha. N"6raska. nnder the Act ot Match 3. 1S7S

Sam Zacharia on Radio Program of Round Table



Hearst "Newspapers. Laud Monsky Stand J


I 11 \ — ? < f New York (JTA) — An editorial praising B'ssI B'rith's stand Sam .Zacharia', Omaha attorney, on alien "isms" has been publish- i will be Jewish speaker on the raed in Hearst newspapers through-1 i dio program of the Round Table out the country. | of Christians and Jews this afterThe editorial Qutes an address , noon at 5 p. m. over station KOIL. made at a Detroit B'sai B'rith. Refugee Committee Will Irving Benolken, master of the Unitairans Open Drive on convention by President Heary i WEI Not Co-operate George W. Lininger lodge No. Establish $1,000,000 Monsky, in which he said: "No New British Coughlin in 2GS, A. F- and A. M., will be Jew true to his faith, to his tradiFoundation Detroit Protestant narrator. tions and to his history will ever 1, too, have been saddened to Laurence H. Brown, assistant to any program calcuWON'T AID GERMANY professor of sociology at Creigh- BAPTISTS HEAR RABBI subscribe ehserve -nrhat has come over Genlated to create friction or division j LOYALTY PENALIZED tiles. Some of my best friends ton university, will represent the between the • various groups cf j &re Gentiles and at times I get Members of Administer- Catholics. of Milwaukee our great American citizenship. MacDonald Accuses Jews AT/ worried about them. Just as I B'nai B'rith., as most other maing Directorate Are cf Floating Vvfcite -Slanderers should he. worried about my jor national Jewish organizations, j Named paper friends if a bubonic plague vrere lias repeatedly declared against, ] laging, so I worry lest their gencondemned. an2 carried on the | London (JTA) — The Jewish' c London ( J T A ) — EstablishAtlanta U-^. *'' -\'.>> I' * JU-fight against and opposition to all I tle characters he infected by the sand Baptists ' h w '"''!v- "Tv*. political ideologies such as Cons- j Agency for Palestine, rejecting; poisons that are currently in the ment of an interdenominational corporation to facilitate emigraTruett, president of'-i^; * ptist umaiEin, Fascism and Nazism, j Colonial Secretary ilaleoim KLac- ; sair and in the\press. tion of refugees, but which definWorld Alliance, which is" iiUdins any statements made to the ccn- j Donald's appeal in Commons for ; What if Kennedy caught some- itely rules out linancing the tranwith the Government i its sixth international congress trary not-witS.stand.iEg:." j co-cperation thins from Coughlin? "What if sfer of any goods from the Reich, in effecting its new Palestine : here, condemn Teligious and racial Veterans Participate in Car'berry gets infected by Mose- was announced in connection with The editorial declared that "no ; policy, refused to take responsi-; persecution abroad as. an ""un- more 2ey7 Both of them are such nice the conference of the Intergovpronouncement" I bility for the "inevitable conse- . Ceremony at speakable disgrace to civilisa- against vigorous the alien "isms" has been ! quences" of the ban on immigrapeople and I should be distressed ernmental Refugee Committee. tion." Center made by an official Jewish body, j tion. The action was taken alter • to see their characters suffer that The announcement was made at The opening gathering heard z. pray, as many another Gentile a press conference in the Foreign Commons, hy a slim margin, had : An American Flag, to be car- message from President RooFrCharacter lately has. voted approval cf the six-month j Office by Harold Linder, Ameri- ried to the national convention ban on . Jewish immigration to ; (To catch anti-Semitism is one can business man who is one of of the Disabled American Vet- velt reiterating' a recent plea - : : Palestine. ' 'Of the -worst things that can be- the group that has participated erans in Boston, was presented tolerance and for "making cr?ttal out of religious unfierstar.-fell a Gentile. It makes a brute actively in the planning and the to the Omaha post of the D. A. ing" The Agency stated: "The Col-; rather than out of relisisu: out of him and brutes are to be establishment of the corporation. "V. by Sam Beber chapter No. 100, disagreement onial Secretary appealed to the i at a time like tit. preferred in safety behind bars at Jews to eo-operaie with the policy ; Emphasizing that it was entire- A. Z. A., at a ceremony held in present. "In these, days wh?r of the White Paper. He bases ; the- Zoo. It fobs him of his Chris- ly " private and non-sectarian, Lin- the Jewish Community Center many of the cherished institutions the appeal on gratitude due for j tianity, if he ever had any, and der said the corporation, known Thursday, July 20. The A. Z. A. of f r e e government are chalthe actions- of former British gov- ; I a*n always sorry to observe the as the Coordinating Foudation, chapter, hearing that the Vet- lenged," the president wrote, "it .May Legalise Status ernments and former colonial sec- j loss even of one Christian in a would have at its disposal a cap- erans had no colors, raised money behooves all who believe in deIllegal I n i i retaries, whose work he is at- ; iworld that is so sorely in need of ital of §1,000,000, which will for the presentation as another mocracy as a way of life to rally in Country tempting to undo. That grati-j come from individuals arrd organ- project" under their social service to the defense of those principles Christians.) tnde is felt and will continue to : izations. The money, Linder em- program. which are fundamental to our Fate of Gentiles Paris (JTA) — Approximate-1 be fell. It goes out today to the : phasized, will not be spent for reThe representative of A. Z. A. happiness as a nation. ' Yes, it is quite time for human- lief ec-re ly 10,000 refugees from Greater ! British nation End to those in ; or for financing the transfer 100 in offering the patriotic itarian people to be concerned of any Among those greeting the Con- Germany who are classed as ille- ! Parliament who oppose these st- ! goods from the Reich. In- award to the D. A. V. was Aleph •wtth the late of Gentiles in the tergovernmental committee offigress was Rabbi David Marx, gal immigrants may be s a v e d ; tempts. Jews are aware that even ; current -world. I should hate to cials informed the J. T» A. that Godol Joe Guss, who asked them •who spoke on behalf of the Jews f r o m threatened expulsion fcy i among those who have not ^yet j to accept the colors as a reward Bee the Gentile population re- the foundation did not need rec- for their "loyalty, devotion and of Atlanta. legalization of their status, it was :expressed opposition many feel I duced in this country to the sav- ognition by the German Govern- service to their country." Guss learned. ' j serious., growing misgivings with | agery of storm troopers. Gentiles ment. Their legalization, it was under- j regard ,to the White Paper policy. 1 also outlined a brief history of Unitarians Fight Conghliaisin have so much to live for, considc ~^ stood, hinges on an agreement j Co-cperatecl A. Z. A. Aims of Company Detroit (JTA) — A national •with the Interior Minister under j "The Jewish Agency for 2 0 ering the teaching of the Master Accepting the flag for the vetLinder listed the following aims program for the preservation of which Jewish relief organizations j years made loyal co-cperation iwhieh is so bright for the guidof the foundation: (1) concrete erans was Commander O. G. "Wig- d e m o c r a t i c government was would ance of their feet; there are so with undertake to make no fur- Iwith " the mandatory power the ; gins of the D. A. V. and past the League of Nations, govlaunched by the Unitarian Felmany of them, enough of them, ernments, American L e g i o n Commander lowship for Social Justice, an ad- tlier demands for admission of i basis of its wort and looks for- ; individuals and organIndeed, to malie a lovely world izations working to improve con- William Ritchie. In his address, refugees. . j ware to the time when it will be but of this if. their feet are set in ditions of persons who are sub- Ritchie recalled sacrifices made junct of the Unitarian church, Acceptance of such a condition ; enabled to resume full co-cpera- , with a radio address by Rev. $he right direction. would, it was stated, enable the •tion. But they state once more ; jected to political and racial dis- by American patriots for freedom They become a very serious crimination in Germany; (2) en- all through the nation's history, "Walton E . Cole of Toledo. Dr. Interior Minister to cancel all ex- ,that the policy of the White Pa- ; Cole spoke this week at the Naval palsions of Reich refugees and jper is devoid of moral ana legal problem in human society when deavor to improve the conditions and cited what we will have to Armory on "Hitler Over America permit them to engage in farm j basis and is calculated to destroy ; they are stricken with the disease of the above persons who are un- surrender today in our fight -—Explosing t h e Propagandists labor and national deiense ind-as- 1ba of anti-Semitism. Least-of all is able to emigrate; (3) ensure or- against Isms. Who Are UndersUnisg Democ- tries, hut not in trades or prof es- I tne last ana holiest p ossesslon of what this pestilence does to Jews; derly emigration of involuntary Presiding at thciceremony was racy." the Jewish people — the national sions. • . • ' | more grievous is it in what it does emigrants from the Reich; (4) City Commissioner' Harry Trushome. They cannot he expected Selection of Detroit as the 3I«3ify AJien Status i to help implement the. TThite Par> to Gentile character and. to civi- cooperate with individuals and or- tin, a member of the Disabled scene of the inaugural Unitarian Meanwhile, representatives of per and refuse to he mace in ar.y ganizations in investigations for Veterans post. Guests of the A. lization. program against forces of intollabor, social ana political organiOnly last night I heard of a settlement; (5) establish a secre- Z. A. were commanders and past and primarily against zations met in conference to urge wav responsible for the ir.evitable Jewish lady who when .flat-hunt- tarial, intermediary agency for commanders of American Legion erance,, consequences of -the C-cvernmeEt's Coughlinism, was announced fcy ing "was rudely told by a landlady facilitating the transfer of goods and D. A. V. posts throughout the Eev. Dale DeWitt, president the French Government to modi- new immigration policy." fy the status cf foreigners in orthat she didn't want any Jews in and assets for use by the emi- Nebraska, B'nai B'rith officers, of the Fellowship. Jacob -Roseuheim, president of der to facilitate their assimilation the TTorld Aeudath Israel, ceand fathers of the A. Z. .A. memi e r house. Of course,, not to he grants but not for Tesale. Regarding the controversy beand acquisition of French citizenadvisory council setwanted is an old story to Jews, The foundation will have its bers. tsreen .Father .Coasfclia and S l - ..siip. _ _ _ __ . _ . -... ., clared at R Agud&i deaply reibut the "ricipTis. spitefnlness with fceaa.quarters.At -London . and will -liott KocsEveitrCola ds'cIaTed": "It ; The conference dealt not only " iwhich the Tan'criacfy Ea!aT~sh1Thad be administered by a directorate is easy to confuse the issue raised •with the question of refugees but seated the Coio-ial Office ceciSo use for Jews seemed a revela- of 20, half of them Americans in this controversy b e t w e e n also with that of ordinary immi- sion. to suspend Jewish immigra- r - __ tion to Palestine. The Times re- r tion of the recent happenings in and half Europeans. Linder said Coughlin and yoang Roosevelt. grants. the directorate would include the the world. The issue is not Father Ccnghlin A resolution was adopted asking iterated its advocacy of a federal r T The Jewish lady felt hurt the following Americans: F o r m e r against the Jews. It is more fun- the Government to substitute for solution of the Palestine prob- „, more to think that there were Ambassador John W. Davis, Owen damental than that. It is really the present alien regulations a lem, with autonomotis Jevish and ^people like this landlady even in B. Young, former Ambassador F a t h e r Coughlin's intolerance law defining the rights and obli- Arab provinces, each vested with j ; such refined neighborhoods; she Dave Hennen Morris, former Govagainst the American way or tol- gations of immigrants and the the ricb.t to control immigration. A Labor Party motion to cen- s thought it would be an utterly ernor Nathan L. Miller of New Camp Program Being Ar- erance and good-will . . . Coagh- possibilities of rapid naturalisa'ranged by impossible world for evfirybody if York, Rufus Jones, chairman of lin's clumsy attempts to unsay his tion, especially of those not in- sure the Colonial Office for de- r " " " g i t became hideously filled with the. American Friends (Quakers) anti-Jewish utterances by verbal tending to return to their native creeing a six-month ban on JewStaff sword-swallowing is a transparent lands or wishing to join the ish imrnis-ration to Palestine was people so deliberately .cruel in Service Committee; Paul Baerdefeated fcy the narrow margin wald. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, formffceir prejudices. Only one week remains before trick that will fool no one who French army. (Continued on page T.'i er Justice Joseph M. Proskauer, has read Social Justice articles Troubled Lewis L. Strauss and Lessing Rc~ the opening of Camp Jay-C-C, in or who has carefully followed the Representatives of Jewish orShe -would have liked to Epeak senwald. Among the British mem- Louisville, Neb., when 56 happy ganizations participating in the (Continued on page 7.) jto the landlady on the loveliness bers will be Lord Bearsted, Lion- campers will leave by bus for a meeting pointed out that Jewish jof Christian character and to ad- el Cohen, Anthony de Rothschild, glorious outdoor adventure. The immigrants had developed numer;vise her to cultivate it, should Sir Horace Rumbold, former Am- ,camp will provide good food, ous industries in France, includhave liked to say, "You have all bassador to Germany and a mem- wholesome recreation, and gening the textile, rubber, scsrar, the modern conveniences in your ber of the Peel Royal Commis- uine contact with the outdoors. clothing ana fur. They urged that Located on a. beautiful site Slat but you have made it so hor- sion, and Sir John Hope Simpson, recent alien regulations be modiribly dark" . . . But she felt so director of the Refugee Survey of overlooking the Platte r i v e r , fied to permit refugees to practice Camp Jay-C-C consists of nine sad to discover a person whose the Royal Institute of Internat h e i r artisanship, from -which r wen-built cabins, a large recreaheart was afflicted in this way tional Affairs. they have been virtually barred tion hall, a k i t c h e n and a that she had no words. in recent weeks. On Tuesday aft.ernoor. ever 4 0 screened-in dining room. Running In fact, every, day I am hearing Poland 'U'stches Interest Junior beys and girls of the Jew-' -• . . hot and cold water, showers and reports about Gentiles that cause Warsaw (JTA) — The Polish ish Community Cer.ter p a s s e d - electricity in the 'main lodge are me to be troubled as to what can The Jewish Employment Bu- news agency Iskra reported that their American Red Cross begin- t ^ among the camp conveniences. t o done for them. There used to reau announces its regular office all foreign and "stateless". Jews ners, intermediates and swimmer? Because of the children's protest, •be such good hope in the characwould be espelled from Germany the cabins have not been wired hours will be held at the Jewish by August 20. The agency said under the supervision of an ofters of Gentiles generally. It ficial from the Red Cress. , - <Community Center from 9 to 12. electrically. The campers have Seemed the time was rapidly apThose that were successful vrul At that time those seeking em- that a special committee has been chosen instead to enhance their proaching when they would all formed in Berlin, with the confun'and their outdoor experience ployment may be interviewed and sent of the Nazi authorities, to receive cards and certificates from « • "" fce Christians and'stand luminous the Red Cross. Among those who r registered. •with the use of flashlights. safeguard the economic interests •nassed recuiremects were: on the Mount where the sermon The excellent program under Employers are requested to of Polish Jews forced to leave •was given. How far they had asParis (JTA) —• The Jewish Eecinuers' tests. Maryy H e l e n cended toward the peak of the Colonization • Association (ICA) the direction of an experienced, communicate with the Jewish Em- •without having completed liquida- Curtiss. Patricia ton, D i t capable and understanding staff, ployment Bureau by calling Miss tion of their possessions. Mount but how far many of them warned this week against "precip„„..^-.Ftein, Sally Ann Schinker. - _. been planned to give the chil- Barish, JA 1366. The Bureau liave gone downhill again lately! itous" acceptance of mass settle- has V^ry Lou Schinker, Jean Fogei, T ,-- c ^ -r , , dren first-hand acquaintance with will attempt to make placements Brussels (JTA) —The Belgian ment schemes for refugees and (On the bus the other morning nature, skills like outdoor cook- and provide efficient and, compe- Government, acting upon a recorr:- Kary Lou Kuback, Rose'ia Sher- _ |E overheard two men talking stressed the hopelessness of pri- ery, trail-laying, and a lasting ap- tent help. man, Dorothy Bush. Elinor Bush, ~- _r ^,IL meadatioa fcy the Interior Minis- Jack Sp-ahn. Joe Batt, Herbert about the 20,000 Tefugee children "Vate relief measures in the face preciation and love for the beau-„ T_, , Applications are on hand for ter, ordered an immediate census * . . "The idea of that!" es- of growing anti-Semitism., The ties of nature and the simple life. bookkeepers, stenographers, salesWiner, Donald Fresher, Charles t - ^ of foreigners to ascertain the rols F r e d t i n . Sliiton Soskin. jclaimed one, and the other said, warning was contained in a state:t , ; t - ^> Camping is an important and men, domestic help, etc. they play in the naticu's econo**We ought to get rid of a million ment issued in connection with necessary experience for children, Others in this croup are Dar.ny r ; --, • z --, mic life and -to detect illegal in- Goofinjsn. DicV" Minkin. Loretta - of the Jews -we have here and in- the association's general meeting because it yields lasting profits in ,_,,,,,._ migrants. ^ istead they are trying to give JIB in. London. Trost, r a t r i c i a KcKeas. Lorraine c ^_ v< -_ ^c - c , t personality development, individSir Osmond t d'Avigdor Golds- ual growth, and personal happi£0,000 more of them!") •VTilson. Eielyn Eyron. Fay EdeL , L . ^ , mid, in his annual presidential ness. Eetty Anderson. AldEu LIBCOIR. <t , HaroM llozcT, Sohert v, ri-D^tein, - - r Something surely is the matter message to the association, anThe Jewish Community Center nounced that emigration to colonGolclie I'Tcrie Button. -Patricia —.- - _„ -with with r y jot the Gentiles and I ies founded by the ICA would not urges parents to take advantage Plieler, Madeline King;. R u t h ^ ti „ ' i^ for one am ready to contribute be limited to German refugees. of this unusually fine opportunity B.eiter arid Eugene JJcKenzis. ^ ,. - t l 5100 out of my slender means.to He said that settlement of Polish to give their children a vital K e ~ Tcrll (JTA") — Th= NonLondon (JTA) — The German Intermediate tests. Aider Lin a fund to convert them to Chris- and Rumanian families would be camping experience. Nevrs Agency D. N. B. released Sectarian. Anti-Nazi Z,es.^nxe has ^« ^ A few openings are still avail- a report in •which it blamed "Brit- circularized several h u n d r e d coin, Harold ?Jos?r, Kuth Belter. - - tianity. While I appreciate E. B. followed shortly ,by establishment Pitta, Barton Greenberg. ; •_ S.'s tribute to my Christian char- of families from Czech-Slovakia able for late registrants. Call the ish harshness" for the suicide of th.o-dS2.ErI msrabers of the medical Dorotfc*" Jewish Community Center, JA a Jewish youth near Munich. The profession soliciting their support MEdeliie Kir.s. Patsy PiieCer and , Vacter, I am aware of my limita- and Hungary. tions as a missionary to the Gen- Sir-Osmond" revealed that under j1 3 6 6 > ior f u r t h e r Information. agency said the youth hzfesed in the boycott drive -on -Nazi med- test. Barton Greenber and Nortiles. I haven't the gift of ready the recently introduced"'^Argentine j himself because hs VTES unable to icines, chemicals and Pharmaceuspeed,- hava none of tlje talents quota -system, the association's Women's Division get a British visa permitting him ticals. The action was taken ES a man Polonsky. of a propbet and have no feet colonies in that country would be to join his mother in Souti Af- resTilt of letters to the Research D c p a r tiaent of t h e Anti-Nazi powerful enough to tread down permitted to receive 25 newcom;rtior;s rica. the vintage where the grapes of ers of each nationality already setA radio campaign to "reform" League from members of the pro•Police are I Ai3.sterdam (TVX; wrath are stored. tled. He said" that investigations . • Plans are already being made the British j u d i c i a l system by fession ccsplaining that, certain I am just an ineffectual guy of refugee colonization possibili- for the annual community dance showing the "superiority" of Ger- doctors persisted in. prescri'ol-g investigating the status of a Ger£.! tne isei^rho -is worried because of what's ties in new countries, although sponsored by the Women's Divi- man Courts Trill soon be launched drugs ar-d compounds cf Ssich or- *nac who surrendered i ^"Iclii Il'OmXl £:T S""^ C'"'£-.!. (;^f, >S B- ir ^-' happening to so many of the Gen- thus far unsuccessful, would be sion of the Jewish Community "by H. M. W. Wicks, a Briton who igin. tiles and should like to see some continued in- close cooperation Center. took "refuge" in the Seich to esThe circulars issued fcy t~a one doing something to rescue •with, other organizations. Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf has been cape -the "Jewish terror" in Eng- League . pointed out that cress and chstrirais cf Gerr.sa c r r : n • £LTTZ,T in tb-s A u s t r i a n T^rol. them from an awful moral fate. Sir Osmond warned against the named chairman of the affair, and land. The Star reported. I am thinking of the many noble •"risks and uncertainty to whicb Mrs. Milton Mayper/co-chairman. Wicks, vriio was a headiiner in E- W _ Christians among them . . proph- every colonizing enterprise is ex- A committee is in the process of the Nazi organ Der An griff as a Trii-t TV-the-1 it n c_-:-'™t c± t -~ r~-~ et-like men, preachers and sages, posed, and the danger of mislead- formation. "refugee rejoicing-in the protec- a compl ;<" r;» " - ^ z men of the CTiristly • spirit, who ing public opinion and increasing The date of the dance has been . tion of the Reich," wag interview- cott r : L . -r c • could arrest tha downward prog- the plight of those interested in set for October 23. This is an I ed telepsonicaliy £rora L-cndon by the f £ - - a a* ~ .Tess. No! Not I am the one to ithe scheme if there has not been annual affair in which all jnem- | a reporter for. Ths Star and re- in *b * z t~ - ~ ~ " "* ~" upon ttake Gentiles G e p ? shoulders previous thorough technical in- bars of the JeYvTisa_ community j portedly described himself as a e n * • " " " r "new Dreyfus" who suffered all f u r , •"" n \^- c~ - *~ % participate. and carry them up to the Mount vestigation." Mnds of tort-are, "especially " - r vrhere the beatitudes "TOre given. James Joseph Sylvester, an Rabbi Don. "Josse was steward s.1," while Eervicg a 12-rsaath And, besides, I wouldn't know — - v *v where to start. I am a poor Ititle English Jew, is usually considered ; of the Castilian royal household term in a British prison ILL Worm1 V E i " ' * 1 S " I "" *" " r-e''c*ic- rf bewildered man in^a jungle which the 19th century's outstanding : under the regency of Maria de wood Scrubs after conviction for fier t t slandering an insurance ccrcpasy. pure mathernetician. Molina. ; pacy. i here. (Continued on page 8.). ^^*




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) Group Asks luppori of Medics


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Plans for Dance


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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, JULY 28/1939 Berlin (Havas) — According J of German biood and German to official statistics, convictions j honor," which forbids relations in IDES numbered SSI,SIS, in- betv.-een Jews r.nd "Aryans," re' eluding S.4S5 Jews — about one sulted in 4S4 c o n v i c t i o n s , of ' Jev:s. i per cent. The law on "protection which £SC v-ere OL

Chinese'Hebrew Scholar Visits Palestine Pavilion i







By the time this article appears ia print Josue Jehouda' short visit to New York and tho World's Fair will have coma to a close and ho' •will have returned to his work Josue Jcbouda . and homo In Geneva. Most of us hero in this country know little more about Jehouda other than in his literary work. The mysticthat he is the d i s t i n g u i s h e d ism of the Chassldlc movement, French Jewish author of such that yearning for a communion books aa "Miriam," "Fathers and with the absolute, the infinite, Sons," "The Country ot Justice," that exaltation of spirit without, "Tho Five Steps of Emancipated however, the remotest suggestion, Judaism," and "The P r o m ised of contempt of matter, are reflected in every line ot his books and Land." Thosa who are familiar with articles. French literature and enjoy con- . He was brought to Switzerland tact with f o r e i g n publications when a mere child and there was have watched with growing inter- afforded an education in a counest the development of "Revue try noted for its fine Bchools and Juive de Geneva," the outstanding colleges. But Josue Jehouda is at publication oa Jewish C u l t u r e home in Paris as well as in Genwritten in French and published eva, and in Palestine as well as ia Geneva. Now in Its seventh Paris; he lives in the realm ot the ' -• year "Revue Juive de Geneva," ideal. Dr. Rappoport's. Statement . 'founded and edited by Jehouda, is Dr. Angelo S. Rappoport, in his well-knowu in more than 30 European countries, engages the most preface to "Fathers and -Sons" prominent European writers as (originally in French, now offercollaborators and is regarded as ed in an English rendering, pubone of the most important, learn- lished by Edward GoldBton in ed, interesting and spiritually rich London) says of Jehouda: "To Josue Jehouda, a novel Is not periodicals in Europe. merely a work of art, but a conEmphasizes Spiritual Values Josue Jehouda is a l e a d e r venient vehicle, a pretext calculamong those who are engaged in ated to expound and convey lofty the fight to bring about the' un- ideals and to spread them among derstanding and rehabilitation of his readers. His heroes therefore Jewish, culture 83 reflected in all differ widely from those of other cultural, socal and political activ- Jewish novelists some. of whom ities. His writings are united in have alas, caricatured Jewish a^ doctrine which might sei^e to life and thought and Jewish mancreate a center of Jewish cultural ners and customs. Jehouda's novthought, and present to the non- els breathe the spirit of Jewish Jewish world the true spiritual idealism, and his heroes move and live and have their being in idealvalue of Israel. ism. They-are men and women Sovca years ago when Jehouda dwelling on the Plsgah heights of togther with a small, loyal group ideal. Veritable knight errante, of men dedicated themselves to they are in search ot the Divine, the ideal ot reeducating the Occi- of the essence of Judaism which dent — in splto ot all heresies is the spirit of the Hebrew Proand ia the midst of a moral cri- phets. . sis — he wa3 regarded by many aa a dreamer working toward a "He instructs, lifts up, Inspires. vain vision ot tltopia. Today, his Like the angel sandalphon of legpublication radiates ia all intel- end Jehouda's heroes, fashioned lectual circles. in the image of their creator, Today, he ID recognized as the stand with their feet on earth originator and inspired leader or a in the realm of reality, but their far-flung intellectual movement heads reach loftier spheres, and which tends to renew the ancient their thoughts are part of the cable traditons of Israel on a hunger and thirst of the heart, spiritual basis, to bring about a the frenzy and fire ot the brain. A deep love tor his people burns Jewish renlssance. In the author's heart, and this '. Swiss Listen ' In Switzerland, ho 13 actively love is also the guiding star of his engaged in the propagating of heroes in the desert ot exile. Their Jewish thought Into the world. Promised L a n d is Che biassed His lectures on Judaism are at- kingdom, though a kingdom on tended regularly by the S w i s s earth, where the lost moral and public. Colleges, C a t holies and social values of Israel will be reProtestant associations, as well as gained; those permanent spiritual vforkera' syndicates, extend fre- values that made Israel what it is, quent invitations to Mr. Jehouda what it was intended to be and to speak at their educational re- what it should be. These spiritual values are Israel's terra flrma In unions. demoralised and tottering world And the German and French a and will be not a means to press of Switzerland reflects upon keep they alive; but a way to living, this rich campaign of enllghtment hot an end in itself, but a -means with articles in praise ot the au- to another end, development thor who has dedicated his life to of the real Jewishthe personality, inrevealing to the world the true dividual and collective." and profound meaning ot JudaInheritance isxa. ;°Many individuals and groups It is through the mouths of his are interested in making condi- heroes that Josue Jehouda cleartions bitter tor tho Jew and Jud- ly explains what he terms the aism, but, alas, complains Jehou- Inheritance and patrimony of Isda, in the depths of their hearts rael. Judaism, he says, may be they do not care. All that really summed up ia a few words: "To 4 a 11 ere, he maintains, is the understand and appreciate the spirit; all that counts is the es- beauties of Divine creation and to sence and not the form. know ourselves and the real es• In tbls concise statement is em- sence of our being." bodied bis entire philosophy. Judaism, the Judaism of tno i; Josue Jehouda was born In Uk- Torah, the Prophets and tne. raine of distinguished intellectual Psalmists, does- not demand of its family of Chassidlm. and tho her- followers ignorance and blind editary influence makes Itself felt Obedience but knowledge and wis

dom, and its doctrines are rooted in reason and understanding. "I have taught you statutes and judgments; keep therefore and do them, tor this Is your wisdom and understanding." (Deut IV, 5) Judaism also; demands, of the Jew, according to Jehouda's analysis, to know himself, to unravel the mystery of his being, to discover its essence and characteristics and having fOund and understood them, to be himself fully.and entirely .himself, his real self. The Torah, Israel'si charter of religion, was meant, to make Israel different from the heathen; to be itself and develop its personality, both individual and collective. Exiles During the course of our conversation with Josue Jehouda we posed a question regarding the situation of the exile with relation to his theories ot the importance of spiritual values. "Surely one cannot talk ideolagy to peoples who are starved, hounded, and without shelter. And as long aa this adversity persists it Is our responsibility to cooperate with them to th© utmost of our ability. Nevertheless, in my opinion the fight against anti-Semitism will not be successful until we . a r e able to force the enemy to fight with us on a plane of Ideas. The antl-Somltic campaign is one the weapons of which are He3. We do not fear truth, rather truth Is our stronghold. More than ever we must' now extend our conception of Ufe, founded oh an active morality. This conception we will find within ourselves and In bur spiriual treasury. In carefully studying our doctrine, we will find the truth, the only remedy to the dreadful adversity which has enveloped the minds and spirits of peoples in countries throughout the world. In»orther words, wo shall give to the present bewildered world a few guiding principles which will create universal freedom and as a result, our "own freedom." * In bidding au revoir to Jose Jehouda; one is consumed with an overwhelming desire to make his dreams a living doctrine; to maintain a constant awareness of OUT duty towards the dignity ot Israel, and the spiritual defense or our culture. "To thine own Belt be true," cries Josue Jehouda, * "thou who hast lent so many spiritual values to others, beware now of being a mere borrower and of denying thine own personality." Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

Hollywood Merry-Go-Round By IRVING SOHDERS The Gbldon Anniversary of the motion picture business is scheduled to start next month cans fanfare, Bans advertising, sans catalytic agents to boost box Office. Instead the Motion Picture Producers 'and Distributors of America, Inc., expects organizations such as Parent-Teachers, Bchools, libraries, women's dubs and other organizations having an interest In motion pictures to cooperate- in communities throughout the country. The Golden Jubilee celebration is set to get under way in August when the Cream of the new reason's productions will bs coming- out. The Film Industry's Golden Jubilee will give tno motion picture public an opportunity to register appreciation ot Thomas A. Edison's mechanical genius as the founder of an art industry. It will also give business a chance to measure the- accomplishments of films in the fields- of .entertainment, education, commerce and culture. It la certain that several major events, will be conducted in different parts 6r the country. One idea already taking form it that of the Picture Pioneers, recently organised by Jack. Cohn. The plap is to run off & banquet in New






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During times of stress, engrossed as we are ia the practical problems of persecution, emigration and resettlment, \re arc prono to forget, momentarily, the deep, moving spirit that fa Judaism, the age-old tradition and cnltuse from which wo ^raw tho strength for oar existence. Josne Jchonda, brilliant, philosophic Jewish French author and editor of Switzerland's most Important and interesting periodical, "Revue Jalvo de Geneva," has dedlcat-' ed his life to the worfe of awakening tho consciousness of tho Jewish people to their great cultural heritage — and that of the non-Jew to a deeper understanding of and, in turn, respect for Judaism. —EDITOR























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The millionth visitor to view the exhibit of Jewish pioneering achievement in the Holy Land shown in the Jewish Palestine Pavilion at the New York World's Fair was Mr. Ll Jui of Hankow, China, a Christian m e r c h a n t whose deep interest in the Bible led him to make a serious study of the Hebrew language and literature. Mr. Jui is here seen inspecting a Megillah ( H e b r e w

scroll of the Book of Esther)' which, encased in a silver filigree cylinder, was presented to him on behalf-of the Palestine Pavilion authorities by Miss Ingrid Warburg (right), niece of the late Telix M, Warburg. Mr. Jui amazed the Palestinian guides in the Pavilion by conversing with them in fluent Hebrew, and by his questions showed himself thoroughly f a miliar

with the modern Jewish work of rehabilitation iii Palestine. While he has never yet visited the Holy Land, he told guides that he expects to spend some months there in a year or two. When he registered in the Palestine Pa^•^ion Visitors' Book Mr. Jui wrote his name in t h r e e scripts — English, Hebrew and Chinese.

York City with representatives of Edison opened his new laboratory the Edison company and movie- on Thanksgiving Day, 1887. goers participating. An interesting historical aside It is just as well at the outset is the remark attributed to Edison who, apparently disappointed that those who will review Edi- at the slow progress being made son's invention, the Incidents pre- with the invention of motion picceding and following it, should tures, said to one of his associspeak from the facts, permitting ates, "I am cot going further with Jerusalem (JTA)— Five Arabs this. It will never be anything fancy its just flight when they but a toy." That toy has devel- i -were killed and eight o t h e r s anticipate the place which films oped into an industry which to- i wounded in a rene-wed burst of will occupy in world affairs dur- day Is on© of the largest in the violence that v.-as officially attriworld. (Note: There is nothing buted to Jews. ing the second 50 years. Gunfire accounted for the vicin early Edison m3moran6a of As a matter of record, it should bank-nites or free dishes). tims wto v;ere attacked in Tel be pointed out that the present Aviv, Petach-TiUvab and Rehoboth. Th3 authorities immediateanniversary of motion pictures ts In this week's news, gossip, tat- ly invoked punitive measures. really the 52nd but tbe disparity ot 24 montns Is something over tle and what-have-you department suspending Jewish traffic to and which no one need feel any dis- we include the following: No per- from Tel Aviv. The Florentine former in the Hollywood colony quarter cf Tel Aviv, and all of turbance. - There is exant an original so richly deserves a vacation as Petach Ttkvah and Rehoboth -^-ers memorandum i n " Edison's own much as Edward G. Robinson. put under curfev until fiirther handwriting which states: "In Within the past year, in addition notice. The military commander the year 1887, the idea occurred to 42 radio broadcasts, he has of tne southern district -warned to me that it was possible to de- completed four pictures. The Mayor Israel Rofcach of Tel Aviv vise an Instrument which should town hasn't many actors so well that ths punishment -would be indo for the eye what the phono- grounded sri technique as Robin- creased in the event the attacks graph does for the ear, and that son, and his performances In v,'ere repeated. A military court at Haifa senby a combination of the two, all these four pictures, each calling motion and sound could be rec- for a different shading, was proof tenced to life imprisonment a 16orded a.nd reproduced simultane- of his skill as a journeyman caura- year-oia Tiberias Jewish youth, Nachuni Abbo, for fatally woundously. This Idea, the germ of mer. which came from the little toy Tho current frenzies cf P->"> Ing an Arab last May 7. Nine Arab called the zoetrope, has now been Marx Brothers, at work on "A roaths testified against A b b o, accomplished." Day at the Circus," have given ' whose brother had been urnur.ded the entire staff delerium tremens. i by terrorists earlier that day. A (In case you've no idea what Assistant director Roth was asked J Jerusalem military court sentsnethe zoetrope might be, let us reto bring on the set 10 black and j ed to a one-month term Joseph mind you, once and for all, that white horses, 10 elephants—and a ' AlatsoUd, cf Rtanasa, for po?they were familiar in old-time i session of a revolver discovered radio tenor. penny arcades, dispensing views j during search of his home. His Ot lovely semi-nudes in the act I wife was acquitted. 6t discreetly disrobing. They were (Copyright. 1939, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) never entirely satisfactory as enDa C o s t a , Scw'ptor, D e a d tertainment because the photoAmsterdam (JTA) — J o s e f JOINS FIGHT graphs, usually ceased with a cerMendes da Costa, renowed Dutch tain characteristic "clunck" at New York (WNS)—The Com- j Jewish sculptor, died here a£ the the moment of teasing. suspemse. The shows were not bad for a mittee of Catholics to fight anti- age of 76. Ke was an officer in penny, but many a youngster Semitism announced here that the Order of Orange and Nassau. would have risked a nickel tor Thomas J. Walsh, national com- Da Costa, who v.-as born in Ammander'of the Catholic War Vet- sterdam, -was test known for his act two. But enough of that). erans, joined in the nation-wide architectural sculptures adorning offensive against racial and re- j public buildings hrre and elseWhile the film industry may be Hgious intolerance. ^here in Holland. eald to have had its beginning In Newark, N. J., where Edison's earliest experiments were made, It is emphatically declared, by one who bad the good "fortune to be associated witt the electrical wisardi that tho major part ot tht» experimental and developmental wotk on motion pictures was performed at Orange, N. J., where

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Friday «.t

THE JEWISH PRESS—FBIDAY, JULY 2S, 1SS9 the street with the other women ! in the initial inning and going mine pool at that time. 7Ti6 rewho were already at work. j right dovn the line- with five port *&s received at the Ctnter Suddenly a atstctnotiiie hora i rang in the second frame, four tb© morning of July £6. t? was heard, and a very expensive ; in the third canto, three in the Keznb'ers of the Center are motorcar came to & Hall jsiinedi- fourth icniag, two tallies in the urged to sesS t&eir beys aafi girls ately in front, of the women. -Next fifth, and a lene run in the sixth, to the Center plunge to learn the to the licensa' plate could be seen for their 21 scores. fundamentals and the art of "<-'•-* the magic letters C. D. (Dip-loEaIn the ether game that was EwinnaiEg. One need cot h&ve the intE-f s -f DC1 r1 tic Corps). The chauffeur, get- scheduled, the E. A. M.'s defeated any fear of s"vrfran:iE.g in the Cen- corc"->: • ' J frr-- S ting out of the car, exclaimed the Mother Chapter by the sccre ter NatEtcriuE, && the vrster Is fit ; . ' n t with evident distress, "Tour Ex- of 14 to 9- Yaffee and Jack Ep- checked periodically fcy Center cellency, what are you d o 1 n § stein were' the winning batteries sutncritJee, and by the United F. C-crf' while Haskeil Conn and S a a Laboratories "weekly. here?" ' ' ' It j ; F f T , -, "Oh," answered the wife of the Rudercaan did the hurling for the In addition to matins these lossers. Next Sunday's games tests, the ..Center possesses cue e p *[•••:• EDITOR'S NOTE: Some of the attache with & laugh. v l . be r~>-" priest said to the rabbi: Interested in politics and had diplomatic find both A. 2. A. teams of the finest filieriEE systems tot 1r cor.i most poignant tales that have young "I am washing the sidewalk. It will a.r,, "Do not be angry with them, for written only economic and lesal battling each other at West Elmcome put of post-Anschluss Vi- the know not what they do.' And reports. seems to be customary for wom- wood, while, in the feature game, isdoor pools is this part of the i (;v ! country. With eucii an excellent j enna ore here related by Mr. the rabbi replied, "God is great en to do so here." the second place Leavenworth I pool at your beck End c&U, plan | His cell-mates at the time were Havaa, a well-known European and almighty. His will be done!" The_ chauffeur walked over to Markets will engage with the i r: seven Catholic leaders and one journalist who is now living in the astonished S. A. n a n and third place S. A. M.'s at 32nd \no%t to talre Efirastage for s - cool | With the sudden appearance of poor little Jew. JBaron de Rothsfrcsiiiig pliiage at the' Center j the United States. two high-ranking >. S. S. men thechild invited his companions to made known the lady's true Iden- and Dewey. tbese h-ot unccEfort&ble ! cus ir> rrcves er i ir diapereM. Two w o m e n share the meals which were being tity. A patrol-wagon arrired beI days. . In response to numerous ques- crowd 'f fore the cowards could escape. iab'e To:;.t!or. made the Blgn of the cross. A few provided for him by a restaurant. tions abput present conditions in minutes : later a police-wagon ar- The little Jew, however, prayed Without troubling to bear the po- "The schedule for Ssaaday, July "Vienna, I have set down thlB rived to take the rabbi and his all; day and fasted. He could eat lice officer's apology, the l a d y SO, is as follows: f The Jews-cf Mosul are E&ifi to.'coiiJ... 1* '-«< small group ot short incidents. Wife away. The young priest wip- neither the prison-fare nor Roths- bundled all of the women into her A. Z. A. No. 100 vs. A. 2. Ai No. be t h e fieBcenfiant& e l Assyrian j thf r..s 1 v j " ,'' 7 • E v i i ' t. These true experiences seem, in ed his face, .and disappeared as child's food( because it was notcar and took her place next to t t a captives brought -from Palestine | " U i ' r i f ; ; - i i i'i ' i v r r r ! - r .- my opinion at least, to show more Sigma Alpha Ma vs. I/earen- by t h e Armenian King TigrsiiiE | tair eel, ;'. tn / Cy i"- . : . " • • • • ' • • ' kosher. His daily diet consisted chauffeur in front. clearly than mere, description the quietly as he had come. The nest day four handscrae S. worth Market—S2afl snd Dewey. I I I . fO? E l C j C ' ^ r l . " of black bread, water and prayA Walk in the Cemetery •Purgatory into which the once gay : — — — — • — ' er, and each day he reported to A. officers presented themselves . Vienna has been tfansiormed . . . The public parks of "Vienna are the examining Judicial board. at the lady's residence with aa The Rabbi ana the Priest well-known tor their beautiful enormous bunch of rossa. She re- The J. C. C. Junior boys swimFinally one day he was brought AB I -walked along a street in landscaping, and the beaches are up for examination. "Well," ex- fused to see them and sent them mere well representea last LeopoldBtadt one Friday evening, equally excellent. In all p u b l i c claimed the Nazi leader, "What the following message: "I ehalj Sundaywere "afternoon cat at the Krag not receive the gentlemen — not pars pool, a blistering heat oppressed the places, however, the following pa- do you-want!" when they participated because they made me scrub the city. My eyes came to rest upon card is posted: "Entry to Jews the first annual Novice Swim "I beg your pardon, Command- street, but because they and those in an old house before which an al- is stricty prohibited by law!" Meet. All cf the Center repremost biblical scene was representThe scorching heat by mid-Aug- ant, but I do not understand why in their command have insultfed sentatives placed, and w e r e ed. An old Jewish man with white ust hung heavily upon the .city, I should be held prisoner. I am a the women of Vienna. I a n hap-awarded ribbons in their respecbeard was standing on the corner. making almost unbearable the destitute Torah writer who sells py that it has been possible for rae Near him, amid a heap qf odd- stench in the poverty-s t r 1 c k en Hebrew prayer-books, p r a y e r - to demonstrate my sympathy anci tive classes. Bucky C-reeaberg lead the J. shaped little bundles, set hia wile, streets and houses of the Ghetto. robes and 'tzites' (prayer shawl unity with these u n f o r t unate C. C. contingent when 'he easily a pathetically wrinkled old worn- Nevertheless, because of the pre-fringes). I have never cheated an women." breezed hoae a winner in the an in a spotlessly clean dress and sent religious dlscriminaton, it 'Aryan' customer, because I have Intermediate boys' 25-r£.rd breasta email white bonnet. was impossible tQ make use of only a strictly Jewish' clientele. I The Orthodox RabM Passes S stroke. In the never employed an 'Aryan' same event IsaLess than an hour before, three the beaches or the «parks. The have meat on Hitler because I cannot afford dora Friedman placed t h i r d . ruffians who came in quest of Jews came to a mutual agreement servant, do so. Please let me out, be- The writer of these lines was Bucky's time fcr t!:Ss event was gold, silver and other valuables and decided to open the cemeter- to cause my wife and child are dying given an opportunity to speak 14.6 seconds. Young Greenberg 'had thrown tha old couple out of ies. with a remarkable rabbi in Eur- also competed in aa event for There, as least, they could come of hunger." their home. Although their sole ope. Upon being questioned about older boys open to''those, who are The S. S. officer had a sense of and go, freely -and without intertreasure consisted of an old-fashhis opinion of Hitler, the rabbi 17 and over. This event was the humor and turned to his sneering ioned silver candelabra, even that ference. Wooden benchfes were made the following startling re- 50-yard breast-stroke. Bucky colleague: "Free this man and was wrested from the two old peo- placed upon the graves; the grass ply: "Hitler is a great n a n . Heplaced second in this event, besend another Jew to take his place ple and they themselves were for- which covered the graves made has made 35 million Jews out of ing beaten by a tall lanky youth an excellent playground for the in the prison-cell. Give him a let- 15 million, and has led the faith- by the name of Strangelin. a Tech cibly ejected from their home. As twilight began to settle oa children. There would be no anger ter stating that he is the one and less and disloyal back to their old High aquatic star. The winners' the city, the old rabbi donned his in the souls of the forefathers only respectable Jew in 'Vienna!" belief." time for this event was Si.Z secprayer vestments and, amid the that the descendants found sanconds. Greeaberg's was S4.4 sec. A Lady Scrubs the Street laughter and derision of the heck- tuary upon their ashes. onds, two-tenths of a second slowOne morning anti-Fascist symling crowd, began to pray. Ane af- . Every afternoon about five er which is eqnivilant to about a ter another, young H i 1 1 ^ r i t es o'clock the exodus from the Ghet- bols were discovered to have been foot, showing you bow close the Theft ffe* «cca£ ffceJ strolled past and spat upon the to begins. Jewish mothers, with chalked upon the steps of a tomb. race really was. Two other beys Toward noon of that day when S. praying Jew. the proud bearing of martyrs, who earned their J. C. C. numeral Never once did he interrupt push their baby carriages or walk S. and S. A. men noticed the in- J. C. C. SOFTBALL LEAGUE by placing in a recognised A. A. communion with his God to wipe side by side with their young scription, they hurriedly provided TJ. meet, were Haroia Moser and STANDINGS scrub-pails and forced five wellhis spattered face. In fact, no ones. The current of human souls wt feoek for Alden Lincoln. Harold placed Team. Won. Lost. known Jewish women to set to complete was his spiritual abs- flows until all of the Jewish cemethird in the 25-yard back-stroke Eeeces* finest *• work washing it off. Breslow Ac to Glass . . .10 1 for Junior A boys, and fourth in traction that the filth and muck teries are filled to capacity. Many ics c f The public was greatly amused Leavenworth Market . . 8 of the street never even penetrat- times the traffic is so dense that 1 the 25-yard free-style. For Junior ed the threshold of his conscious- it closely resembles the 5 o'clock when suddenly a very elegantly S. A. M ..6 3 B boys, Alden Lincoln paddled his subway "rush" in New York! An clad lady stopped and shook her A. Z. A. (100) ness. Suddenly silence reigned. .. S 8 way to a third place in the 25..2 8 ya.rd back-stroke. A powerful, young'priest push- 6dd picture of the Vienna we once head in disapproval of the scene. A. Z. A. (1) . ed his way through the crowd. knew and loved as the most "gem- "Perhaps you do not like i t ? " c;j'n;= rc-vrs asked on of the Na2ls. Tests of Pool The Breslow Ar.io Glass conTaking a handkerchief from hla Utlich" city in the world . . . "No," she answered quietly, "I tinues to lead in tne J. C. C. SoftA certificate cf analysis of the pocket he carefully wiped the old rabbi's face. The crowd," momen- "The .Oae 4ind Only Respectable definitely do not like it!" Anger- ball league. Last week t t e Auto sample of swimming pool water ed by her retort, another S. A. Glassmen defeated the A. Z. A. received frora the Jewish Com" tarily stunned by this extraordinJew!" ary scene, remained silent. The Believe it or not, the Hitlerites man exclaimed, "Well, get busy No. 100 in a wild game by the munity Center, by the United Laboratories, rates the Center wanext moment, however, pandeni' themselves deemed one Jew wor-tuen, and start scrubbing also! score of 21 to 11. onium was let loose; • thy of the above title! After the She replied with a emile, "I'd be The victors accounted for all ter in an excellent condition. This Cries and shouts of "Servant Anschluss the wealthiest Jews, delighted, but I have no rags." their runs In a Ripley "Believe Ii test was taken on July 24, with of the Jews!" "Soldier of Schus- leading Catholics and members of "Use your dress!" shouted the or Not Fashion," scoring sis runs a class of 40 girls in the chniBg;" "Satan* of ftomeJ" fill- the Schuschnigg party were put man brutally. Without a word the lady did as ed the air. A few moments later into .prison. In one of the prison " the,face of the priest also wfca cells. in Dachau there sat Baron she was ordered. Thrusting her completely bespattered. With the Louis de Rothschild, a Hungarian fine garment in the dirty water, saintly expression of a martyr, tha Journalist who had never been she knelt down and began to v&sfc

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* * ' ^ *

THE JEWISH PRESS—FEU)AY, JULY 28, 1939 study the Tovsh." Thus Rabbi toward Zionism -was another tie. j Jochanan returned to his studies, Had they a strong cultural bond R ] t.nd Ilpha enEREecl in business* to the rest of world Jewry, this | ! By the time Uptis. returned (from exodus from their v e r y selves j f I a.' business t^ip) Kabbi Jochanan could not have happened. Just j 5 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA,. BY i became the chief of the college. Ey Dr. E", a •ffiiw fancy one-tenth of Poland's Jews 1 i •JUNG'S AXSYFER THE JEWISH PRESS PUB1JSHING COMPANY I Ths scholars afccrvrards said t « embracing Christianity! The very The readers may remember my thought is inconceivably absurd. ; Ilpha: "-It rot; hadst stayed with SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Ono Year • . • •:. "Reply to Jung" in connection The same may be said of Ameri us and had continued to study tho : ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION with the interview which Hearst's ican Jewry. No matter what the . . , „ ,„ ! Torah. v;e would have made yoa EDITORIAL. OFFICE: €03 8RANDEI3 THEATER BUILDING ace correspondent, Knickerbock- I circumstances, those Jews who • axy son, be wise, sin a make mt \ SIOUX CITV OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER t h e c t i e f o f a _ c o : l e g e .» T o p r o v e heart glad, that I may answer er, reported in the Cosmopolitan j i the culture and tradition | eave • PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—J504 SO. S4TH STREET magazine of some months ago. of their People are the first to be- him who taunteth rae. |' thai; he if still v, great scholar, be DAVID BliACKEE ' • ' » - Business and llanagirig Edito: The interview en dictators was come Presbyterians, Methodists, Th© wicked flee when no max. Inir.E: Mm PI? If up or. the mast ©t a LEONARD NATHAN • «- •• Edlto: something of a sensation, and was j Unitarians, or Chris'tan Scientists. pursueth, but the righteous are ship ?,n<3 said: "'L^et anybody ask me any lav- and i£ I do not show RABBI FREDERICK COHN Contributing Edito: widely publicized. The Yiddish-speaking Jew, though ! secure as a young hon. the origin o£ the law, I shall fait In my analysis, I pointed out i b e be an atheist, will stick to his RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS a - Book Edito: A po man who oppresseth down from the mast of the some of Dr. Jung's fallacies, and i j the midst of danger, and gnns n the weak is like e sweeping rain FRANCES BLACKER ; » Society Edito: into the wr-.tcr."' in a letter incorporated one or j especially then. which leavett no food. MORRIS AIZENBERG « > » • • Sioux City Corresponden two of my arguments. The famous Polish Jewry is a Maginot line He who augmentetfc. D(!)ROTHE SALTZMAN o » ' - Council Bluffs Corresponden: psychiatrist, w r o t e a defense i j n itself; and a"s in ancient Sparta, i stance t y interest and •which begins, "You don't seem to | every man is a brick. Would that gathereih It for him understand my humorous style. o t h e r Jewries emulated its ex- gracious to the poor. However the anti-Semitic groups may seemingly prosper, When I speak of infallibility (re- ample, as in the case of the Jewt ferring to Hitler) nobody would ish s t u d e n t s , who resistantly Rabbi Ami said: At the request of the Inter-Governmental Committee on they are nevertheless awakening in the hearts of thinking take it au pied de la lettre." stand through every lecture in all The whole letter is most inter- the Polish institutions of higher of a man is not answerfc Refugees, President Roosevelt is calling a special meeting of Christians grave concern. Each week hears more voices raised esting - >~ f in that it gives a new angle learning rather than sit on the he puts his whole soul iric t '' the committee's executives at the "White-House early in. Sep against the injustices of the world, against the evils of hatred, to the original interview, but, "ghetto" B/abbi Jochanan said: • Flr.r benches reserved for not withheld except for FTCL r e the situation, it would them. tember. This committee, better known by the name of th against this unconcerned sowing of discord among fellow-men. considering as promise publicly to p * ~ r l r be just as well not to give the gist Down in the heart of the South, in Atlanta, the Baptists Summer Reading French town where first it met, Evian, has spent over a year of the letter. ity, and then do not fulf.l- t j t r VMost readers assume that ser- promise." Only a few sentences will sufin trying to unravel the multitude of problems that have re- of the world have convened. Not only have they expressed ious reading must be deferred to fice to give us an inkling of Ilpha and Rabbi sulted from the policy of discrimination instituted by Hitler disapproval of anti-Semitism and condemned governments prac- Jung's meaning. "You entirely the winter months. Indeed, out-j studied the Torah togetl «•' T r ticing it, but they have challenged for the first time one of the forget that even the German has side of the newspaper, very little were in very poor circurr"and his cohorts. ^ most p o w e r f u l unconscious reading is done during July and and even want o£ iooc. Sc nation's most disgusting practices, Jim-Crowism. Negro Bap- awhich -'. • "When President Roosevelt called the first conference, Gerv reis summing up in direct August. said: "Let us rise and £ ~ to the number of Ger- There are books, however, j business, thereby ma nrr.- rcr many had only recently swallowed Austria and the situation.of tists, instead of being shunted to balconies or side seat, sat proportion man subjects. Even those Ger- which, while light in content, are j what is written (Deut. 15.4) 'In-! Vienna -was horrifying the civilized world; ;The refugee prob among their white brethren. mans who do not agree with Hit- serious of purpose; and as such j deed there should be no needy j At the other extreme of the nation, Detroit, the Unitarians ler at all share the psychology of I should recommend Clara Leis- man among you.' They betook I lem was bad onough then, but since it has been aggravated by his believers, nolens volens, be- er's little anthology of Nazi utter- themselves and sat down beneath I KEUYS ST£V SAFE LOKGEft have started their own campaign against injustice, picking the cause Germany's occupation of Memel and Czecho-Slovakia, Musso they are of the same stock. under the appropriate title £ nu n s a f e wail and ate their" meal" , automobile capital because here Charles Coughlin has made Several of my German and Swiss ances lini's antf-Semitic decrees, and Hungary's racial discrimination. Lunacy Becomes Us" ( (Liveright, [S o o a t w 0 a n g e l s a p p e e r e d f E n d j g, colleagues have observed the $1.25) an illustrated collection his headquarters. Not far away, in Milwaukee, the Catholic of Moreover Poland and Roumania are still carrying on" policies dreams of patients about Hitler: extracts from the speeches and Rabbi Jochanan heard one o. ! them say to the other: "Let us I A Archbishop has condemned those who by half-truths seek to As far as the Crisis in September writings aimed at forcing the Jews out of their economic life. " of Nazi leaders, and The throw the wall down K?OE them ! 5 those dreams were favorable to awaken hatred. There is no doubt as to just what person the German Reich and Americans of and kill them, for they are about j _^ „ , ^^5 _ _ Mak«s The work of the committee has been slow. It is no easy task Hitler without exception. Among the dreamers were Jews and oth- German Origin (Oxford Univer- to neglect eternal life (study) y ! ^ M I* f' 1 F to find homes in a world inflamed with false nationalisms and prelate referred. sity Press, $1.50), a collection of people consciously most hostile and busy themselves with temporThe current wave of Anti-Semitism has been cruel and un- er imperiled by economic distress. The point has been reached to him. It didn't matter, in their facsimiles together with t h e i r ary life (business). But the other translations, showing conclusively dreams Hitler appeared in a very just. It has left in its wake destruction and ruin. But if, from where private agencies are about to throw up the sponge. It angel replied: "Let them alone, favorable form. Only recently, i. the designs of Hitler and his reg- for CAPSTOL AVE. there is one of them whom has become virtually impossible for the Jews of the world to it will arise, like a Phoenix, a new understanding of peoples, it e'., within the last 3 months, I my- ime on the United States and oth- the time will succor, and vill er American countries. Fill have not been totally in vain. People who never before Welner care vfor their distressed number. Of the world's fifteen million self have observed a number of It is information such as this shortly become great." Rabbi bothered to analyze their prejudices are today considering but Ilpba decidedly h unfavorable dreams, I that must be disseminated ariorg Jews, three million are in poverty in Poland, three million are }?*!!— ^ e _ b e ( : n informed of j the educated classes, and let us did not, and the former asked: in Russia, three-quarters of a million are persecuted in Ger- their actions. The problems of social relationship between peo- *?~ some from other sources." "" j not be worried over the pusillan- "Did.the master hear anything?" Shock many close to a million are in Roumania, a quarter of a million ples of various religions and races have never before been givimous complaints that Jews are "Nay, I heard nothing," was the The information that some Jews inciting the people against the reply. So Rabbi Jochanan thought. are in the Protectorate of Moravia-Bohemia, seven hundred en such prominence. have favorable dreams about HitIt is a sacred obligation to "Because I heard, it and Ilpha did There are new currents abroad in the world today. "We ler will come to most of us as a Nazis. . thousand scattered throughout poverty-stricken Asiatic nations. bring to the attention of thenot, in all probability I am the f the shock, even if dreams are the ex- world the avowed purpose of Nazi one to whom time will succor. lie sai( t o In other words help must come from the United States, may wail and decry some of these currents. But there are oth- pression of the unconscious, and aK™,stonrju8r«»rao i J f*% "X *™ back -consida cheats ie l Britain, France, the.Argentine, and the small numbers;in the ers which may bring closer the salvation of mankind. not the conscious mind; but is hurl abuses at us when we do cot • return ^ " t *« there not a Jewish saying, "A j allow ourselves to become their ' Scandinavian nations, the lowlands and Switzerland. This is an Yiddishe neshomeh kon men nit | prey, so "crimaniacs" (not in impossible burden. " - . ' . . opshatzen," i. e., "You can't over- I Webster's Dictionary) raise the estimate soul?" of p e r s e c u t i o n (nebblfcr) (nebbif) o. 0 o '"&' By RABBI FREDERICK (JOHN I have aaJewish suspicion from what cry when their g a m e Is tempered I have heard and read about cer'The Clothing Comer of Cnizh&" Do you know what it is to be alone? Have you ever had with. And the great tragedy of it To grapple with this seemingly impossible job, the Evian tain Jewish refugees that some- is that there are so many committee has been studying every possibility. A million dollar that terrible feeling? I t is one of the most devastating in all wbere in their inferiority Cham- j who h fall ll for their crocodile tears they harbor a sneaking ad- j among our seK-complac-t corporation to co-ordinate the work of governments and refu- •the world. "What a skiff, a tiny skiff, must feel, if it could feel, ber, citimiration for Hitler. I know of i zenerv. gees organizations has been founded. "While the work of this in the midst of the boundless ocean, that the lonely heart feels Jews who regard the former cor- Another light book, ihough. heaporal, upon vhora destiny smiled; vy in happenings, is a historical pping agency is not as yet completely clear, it will in no way aid the in the Sea of Life. It is an infinite emptiness. as a geat man. Had Republican novef,f "Th "The Shi h p Hope, by The Bible says, wisely, "It is not good for man to be ip of Hope," by Reich nor act as a medium of ransom-payment. Germany not been so stupid, the Fuben Rothgiesser of (Jewish Pubman would hare been an inmate alone." Man is a social animal. He is born in society, lives in Society S1.50) "which, The British government has proposed that members of the of a prison cell at this time, and lication intended for adolescents, Evian conference agree to assist the private agencies in the it; and to have that society removed, to live or be alone the world's sorrow would hare though makes interesting pabulum for been comparatively slight today. there is nothing that approaches it in horror, like finding onegrown-ups too. Yv'ith the refugee transfer of refugees and that the governments appropriate I am not one whit convinced by ships at present plying the seven funds. Already smaller nations as Holland, Belgium, and Swit- self lost in a vast, dark wood. One is seized with an infinite Jung's rejoinder; and I hope that seas in search, of a haven for their the founder of the Analytic School lire cargo, seemingly more worth' zerland have taken over the care of the. majority of the exiles. terror. will cot have to change his mind less than even sand or gravel, Hawthorne has a story, "Fanshawe" which' shows the' fate about So far the only constructive portion of the group's work Hitler's so-called infallibil- what could be more - poignantly if the Swastika — heaven for- timely than this Ship of Hope, has been in the fact that funds have been raised for trial set- that overtook one that tried to remove himself from intercourse ity, bid a it does, d i h tb» bears down on the brave d eeaal 1i in ng g , as with tlement in the highlands of British Guiana, which according to with his fellows. He suffered utter deterioration and ruination cavn du peaceful Swiss peop'.F.; people; since since strange experiences of 100 boys, r^fni ouiss sn-.« •ne,™',. «.*,,,.„ -ir • A A i•,-, i • f it • ' " pcweiui A N tho New York Times, "some believe may offer limitless capacity man is meant to live with his fellows; only then can he attain | Appeaser from their natives homes No. l is still in power driven in Great Britain. in Spain during the fifteenth cenfor the absorption of refugees." As may be surmised, Dr. Jung's tury, and after countless mishaps ! his fullest development, the complete realization of his nature. O O O Q • ' tt l i i t d a detailed d i l d reply finally released in Venice' elicited Otherwise, like a plant untended, he withers and dies. He needs letter me, which contained among •••- At the present time two more groups are surveying pos- the proximity and influence of others like himself. Deprived of from other things the following: "As sibilities for settlement. In the Dominican republic, where the them he stifles for lack of the necessary atmosphere, the oxy- to the admiration which the masses feel for Hitler, is it not com' government offered space for twenty-nine thousand families, gen of humanity, parable to the great thrill which adolescents receive at a movie .two hundred men are being sent at the first group to survey "Two are tetter than one" says the Bible. "If the one falls, when witness Jesse Jaine's or the possibilities.' The Roosevelt commission studying the Philip- the other can raise him up." "Mutual aid" was found by Krop- some they other r o b b e r ' s exploits? pine offer gives hope that ten thousand may be settled on Miu- otkin to be as great a factor in evolution as. competition and Surely that is no criterion. Success in "putting something over, is p o S e t s U p Office ,danao. , . the extremest individualism. Neitzsche was wrong in thinking always followed by admiration, G e s t a-•to Spar Mass especially where the stunt is asAs yet there seems no abatement in the refugee problem. that 'aristocratic radicalism' could produce the "Superman." sociated with one's own. When Migration 140,000. persons migrated from Greater Germany last year and If he is to arise at all, not in the sense of the blonde beast but Hitler will be downed, and for London (JTA) — A Jewish esall his 'infallibility' I know his similar or perhaps a larger number will leave within the next of the superior individual—superior physically, intellectually time will coxae before very long, odus from ths "protectorate'" of • -twelve months. Each day makes the situation more acute. and morally—he must be the product- of society,, to produee the same masses wil lose no sleep Bohemia-Moravia is expected a« a or tears. Isn't it the story of prize result of the opening of an "of•'•: •' Germany has done everything possible to balk the work of eventually, the super-humanity. The finest individual grows in bouts, toreador battles, or the an- ficial e ta i g r a t i on bureau ia ' the committee, although it has signified its willingness to send the richest social soil. of the cient Roman arena spectacles? Prague g under the direction direct unreasonableness of the mas- Gestapo. Establishment of the the Therefore a man dare not cut himself off from his fellows. The .^representative to the "White House to answer questions. ses is taken for granted. bureau indicates a c o m p l e t e As Browning so beautifully expressed it in "Paracelsus," the '. There is no alternative to the work of the Evian group. change in the Gestapo's emigra"Hitler's peculiar mentality, in tion policy in the "protectorate," -.They must succeed for failure can mean the destricution of spiritual drama of the ambitious, aspiring student who was being satisfied at first with some where a Te m taert hitherto conquests and then wanting more ? ? ° 10,0 ^ 00 persons ready to sacrifice-all to attain what he thought the highest millions of lives r—more than fell on the battlefields of the Is not so peculiar after all. Every had. '"f.s^essfuiiy applied f o r ;last war. As the conscience of the civilized world, it has a duty, individual development: youngster has that mentality. Ev- emigration permits. for e Palm ieacR Suit Simultaneously with opening of ? : ery crook, every hold-up man has "Someone there must be to cast your glory for its success will show-the totalitarians the" methods of the a similar change of attitude after the Gestapo office a Jewish emiexpects e light shade ens ?, light ' To share your rapture with." he gets his wish gratified. The gration bureau was started to coI democratic nations. . 'Give him a finger and operate with the former. Given ofTherefore the tragic fate of being berefet, of being depriv- proverb, weight . . . He's right eborf ths vfeight he'll want the whole hand,' char- ficial recognition, the Jewish of! fice will include a special departed of intimate companionship of friend or loved one: of being acterizes the attitude. of tlie Palestine Emigration —baf when 'ii comes is cobr he lias his "After all, Hitler's strength is ment Office and ths Prague Jewish "No fault was to be found with their work. All were excel- alone in the Infinite Universe, or with one's own infinite soul. due only to fact that he could Community's emigration bureau. This feeling has been beautifully expressed by the lovely poem cause a good deal of trouble, just choice of handsome shades—"deep, medlent* and conscientious artists." The Jewish emigration bureau as the bank robber who threatens of the "Shell upon a Mountain-Top:" " will be entrusted with tasks simThus the management of the Budapest Opera Company to bomb bank and all unless the ium end light , „ , The important thing "Upon a mountain-top far from the sea money is passed to him; and also ilar to those of the newly organ' appended the list of thirty-seven singers, dancers, and musicized Reichsvereinigur-g in Berlin, to the.vacillation and mutual disI found a shell to esk lor Isians, who were dismissed under the terms of Hungary's new trust of the leaders of certain de- namely:_ (1) Organizing Jewish emigration from the "protectorAnd to my listening ear the lonely thing, .•'•-. mocracies. racial laws. • ate" involving negotiations with "Of course Hitler will be re- foreign Ever a song of ocean seemed to sing, governments; (2) taking "Excellent and Conscientious Artists." In some countries membered ia h i s t o r y , So was school system view of the fact Ever a tale of ocean seemed to tell, Nero, Caligula, John the Cruel of that Jews arc in ' this ia.the only criterion of an artist. But in other, less civilized no longer admitted Russia, and others of that brand." to German and Czech And as the shell, far from its native home schools; (3) i-nations, ability and performance no longer count. One must The Religious Migration in Italy establishing a Jewish community Sang of the sea by night and day, The wholesale conversion of over private Jewish schools and • he born properly. One's blood corpuscles.must be investigated, Jews in Italy will sadden millions So, 0 my home, ' welfare work for all . one's antecedents known before he or she can work. of Jews. Mor than one-tenth of ™?*™« throughout the "proSo, O my home, though, leagues • and leagues away all Italian Undoubtedly most of these men and women have been to tectorate." were have embraced Christianity, withMy soul sings of thee. Jloraviaa Office J naturally gifted. Through years of study—for singers and mu".'I ^ —En: in the past year. It will be recallA branch of the Jewish emigra] These are not the exact words, but reproduced freely and ed that during the Inquisition in sicians and dancers are not made over-night — they developed tion office will be established at \ fhfs famous fr«;ss~ Spain and other countries, the these talents, looking with hope only to the day when they all too inadequately from memory. mass conversion reached a greater Bruenn for Moravian Jews. The May God fill all lonely hearts with gladness from above, figure, yet the Jews continued to emigration office will work along garment. would perform on the great stage of the Budapest Opeia, one the lines of that established in survive. all sad spirits with divine consolation. May God help humanity Vienna. The Gestapo has ordered of the best in Europe. To realize their goal they endured the We know fall well that prac- Dr. Franz Yv'eidmann to go to heart-ache and discouragement that artistic achievement de- to the realization of the highest ideals, sorrow and sighing, tically none of the neophytes have Vienna to study organization of changed their faith out of conviclonging and yearning be no more; evil be forever blotted out by there. mands before they had their chance. tion, that many of them will eith- the-office a general meeting return to Judaism or discard of Bfeanwhi!e, ... Most of these dismissed had served in their positions for good, and joy and happiness reign throughout the earth. God er lthe Zionist district committee their nev,r religion, once they are " f «i™^ ™^ici c o m m i e cure the loneliness of all hearts with light from above, with „„ '< „ . ' • >and , ' "as „ heard a report by the Palestine •many years. They had evidently entertained and pleased their or,4t° on fToa free fterritory again; Office stating that 1,108 Jews audiences, or else they would never: have been- permitted to ove from the heart of Infinite Compassion, so that the sobbing fo the rest, let us bear in mind jwould emigrate to Palestine withA that as the barber tells us, after I if the soul's sea be stilled, its waves of anxiety and pain be perform this long. the nest few weeks. The Jewish a shampoo, only the dead hairs | in community at Nachod had been ach .: Then because a rotten political system decrees- thus, these :almed; that life's retreating tide, the ebb of hopes here, 'the fall oat. forced to turn over its sycairogue Italian Jewry has been more or passion and the pain of finite hearts that yearn' be the the municipality, which will niett and women are thrown- to the mercies of theworld. No nfinite 1 less assimilated for centuries. In to transform it into a municipal 4 lull tide on yonder shore, flowing through the illimitable years, the arts and sciences, in the army f, .t«-t' --,•,-,,,. longer is there a place in Europe for them to perform. Already a and navy, in industry and finance, j * • ^ " °-the great opera houses of Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Milan, Borne, joming to rest at last on the bosom of the eternal God. its members were second to none j v „ of the world's Jewries, but as I Man saeks Naples, have given their quota of dismissed artists to the capJews they were third - raters. A j itals of Europe. . : CCKKHCT ATrAT.Si FOK. ANO WOSIEJT formal religion was all that at- ! | a s a -genera! work, . 1939-40—.5699-5700 -;.• There is absolutely no adventage to be derived from such losh Hashanah tached tfcerj to their fellow-Jews, ij p r e s $ . Ecs 70. „ Thurs., Sept 14 Possibly a sympathetic attitude •

action. Last Sunday's World-Herald carried a long story on the disaster that has overtaken the German film industry. Once.the most brilliant in Europe, threatening to overtake Hollywood, it is today in a Nickelodeon state. Here too there was ruthless dismissal of artists and technicians with the result that fewer 'Aryan' artists are employed and the German audience has been robbed of suitable pictures since foreign importations are forbidden. Nothing is a sadder comment on the European civilization than the management's simple tale, "No fault was to be found with their work. All were excellent and conscientious artists." And thus the singers and dancers who thrilled Budapest are consoled.



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The New Fellowship

. The President's Conference


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} Excellent and Conscientious Artists


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lgisi Parents,

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: p- Jack Sigal of Los Angels:, JJ , president of the Cedars of LieDanon auxiliary of the B'nai B'rith, has been visiting her parents. Sir. . Given Prior to and 3Ixs. Philip Goldberg. ' Her'Sailing for 2d.rs. Sigal hopes to re-organize ] the local B'nai B'rith auxiliary during her stay here. Hits. David -A. Goldstein, who ^Besides i e r parents she has • D4f aher cousins, i> is-.sailing on August J to attend been U==JJ. the me Sguest u»i u a uuuiina,

aBBTOES^EO-KE HONORED 33x8. Harold Sloch entertained :a ipariy -nf17 at a Tilah Jong and at. t h e Shanghai I n n last Evening in .honor of two ict, Miss Huth Dee Sloch lilerriam Fiedler. :anu

BEXOKKS. EEOM SEW SGKK .Hr. and 3Irs. Sam iNovak and son, Harold, xetaraed last week from a n extended motor tour ,1 . , ,-,_•,,,,,..,.,. _.t,^ 5_ which included the JSew» York World's Pair. They have been Congress, Tras iionared at a:iuncii- j Council fluffs,-.Mr. and 3Irs. Iss- j ^ , ° ^ r ^TT3i:f!? 'fc*1??I^ !Sa'ffirs? i s ; c < tr n gone tor the past sis weeks. iiorris Uariiinan. ' j Months now, tnis reporter has : STOPS HEKB IFBOM CHICAGO Last week i l r . and Mrs. Srown jb e e a . ^ ^ A t ) ^ s l ? ^ . n i s . a ^ ! entertained at a dinner for 4 0 i - ^ i interview, m e best n e c o U J : ••; "Mr a n d :Hrs. Z. '21. ."Baker stopped in 3Uchard Uuback nf IDennison, la,, and "Mrs. Jack Omaha last week while xeturning guests in honor of Mrs. Sigal. !? T r ^ J f ^ ^ l ^ ^ _ ? ^ t ^ T Saylsn nl Omaha l a v e TBturned to her -home i n Denver after an .lilrs. Sigal will remain in Oina- Q ' A b n e i 6 ' a i ^ i G " " ^ ""- i v " : ha all. d tthat Irnm a motor trip t o Chicago, eastern trip -which included a visit ha until Xabor day. rthey visited their Bister,, t o the JSew Tork "World's Pair. Goidbers. he of th= flying -grey k Sirinsky. lilrs. Si Sirinlocks, the chenibic snile and the rthB ionnsr Shirley 'Buhack the silver tongue; Ab has become of Omaha. e E-warts nf "Waithill, a - v e r i t a ' b i e wiH-o'-the-wisp. Jsfeb., has been visiting relatives .By Arlsne Things, Peters said to himself, in Omaha. JBACK 5ERO3I IOWA had come to a pretty pass when 3Htrs. -Henry 33ehnont and daughGoldberg couldn't be cornered for Dear Suzy Q: returned this a evr OX VACATION -ter, Just had a letter • from S T Dla , ^t t a t '""ords Gn this and a ievr Jrom JEfepleton, la., where they Bam Horn left last week tar a. cousin in Holland who Temarks i — especially at a time were rthe guests nf the J D l a two-week vacation at Xake Charthat they probably -wear more i ii^ e ^ i s •••AillTltflWTTI'R' levnix, "wooden shoes in America, since i '—~ it has become a fad, than they I Clirnas of what was fast beccmtCOTESINS CLTIB TISHING CHICAGO do now in Holland. Guess the ', ing an impossible situation came .-•• Mrs. 3H. "JPreiden Trill Entertain Peggy Priedman, daughter of fad is .rather dying out though, j last week, when the worn went ^JJB ^Cousins club a t the home of Dr. and 3Irs. 3 . T. Priedman, is Too bad, but it's a relief not to j out. that Ab was about to sail for 2isr daughter, ."Sirs. Jack liuttbeg, •visiting :in Chicago. Prom there h a v e t o hunt up a carpenter ! the Geneva battle-of-th.e-ce2.tur3" ^Carter Xaike Club, 3SIQ. nn shB will go to Boston. every time a j i e c e of wood i Congress. The time had come for , .August 2. cracks! ; desperate tactics and the £.. t"? GOES TO Am .going down to the depot j were Tesorteti to. A posse was Mrs. .Hattie Hathan left last tomorrow to meet Laura Golden, ; sent out with instructions to capA t 2:: 30 in t h e lecture hall nf Sunday -morning ior Scottshlttfi, who is coming from Chicago to ; ture our will-o'-the-whrsp a n d airs. UavM A. Goldstein ifhe .Joalyn Memorial a sound lilm, Neb., where she will visit her visit her cousin, Betty Tamoff, ; bring him in dead or alive, •THanijhuTia;" will he shown. .An daughter, Sirs. Harry IHushall. eon at the Slackstone hotel "by.for_Ta lew ^ weeks. . •organ rprpgram at duo-art records members of 'the local Hadassah I -^^t ^J"5- J - Pisher, formerly i The posse finally caught up •mm ~b& "heard at 4 -p. .m. in the SOKORETX EKTEKTANS Eu and the Beth :E1 ausiliary ' l i vbi ny Isaacson of Omaha, who is : with Ab, just short of gangplank •concert hall. in The Sigma Delta Tau sorority Mrs. Goldstein was presented S California now. She \ time, roped him and dragged ^ ' nf the University of owa enter- •with a 17-jewel wrist watch en- saia her son, Marshall, who is IS, j .to our JTA lair high above -ch? COAST plays .in illarty Melnick's orches- j suE-scorcheu streets of Times TS XEATE tained a t a luncheon Wednesday crusted with diamonds by those , :and lilrs. Julius Newman afternoon. who attended. -The presentation tra. She left ior home Tuesday, | Square. and daughter, Harriett, are leavX H. Hula- taking with her Harold Bernstein ; Ab looked unusually we was made by ztng Sunday morning for an exof Council Bluffs and Marvin \ brown as a Japanese beetle, but kofsky. -tour of the "West Coast. Chosen as a representative of Isaacson of Des aioines, wbo goes ii there was something about him y "will stop a t Xos Angeles, to the Congress, Mrs. to TJ. S. C. and who formerly j that seemed different. There In conjunction with the Boris Hadassah Ban tErancisco and San Diego. En I that about him that suggested Goldstein will leave this week- went to TJniversitv of Iowa. \ route they -plan t o "visit Salt i a k e D. Bogen iive-Iold and full pro- end ior 'New Tork and -will sail Pauline Bosenbaum left Satur- ' calm, peace, quist, restfulness. \City and SouTder Dam. They will gram, the mother Chapter nf A. "Wednesday aboard the President day Ior Texas and j\Ielvin Berko- ! Somehow or another, m also spend some time Tvith "Mrs. 2. A. has chosen live advisors to Harding with -Mrs. IMauTice Silver- Tritz is in Seattle. Dorothy Camel j cause of his .flying locks, our irnJTewman's hrother and sister-in- sponsor t h e five iihases nl t h e man of Minneapolis, ^Northwestern and Helen Greenberg are back j pression of him was always one of law. 3Hr. and .Mrs. iLouis Snader, g Regional president of Hadassah. irom their trip to California. One j storm and strife — ah, that was Bt their Orange Hanch in the San Theiadvisors and their commit- If conditions permit, Sirs. Gold- nice-thing about traveling west j it, his hair: ^Fernando ^Valley. tees are: stein will go -to Palestine inune- ifa t hha t ^'^^ >'°u tell someone j) Social committee: ipo-asor, 3o<? diately after the adjournment of | 7 ? i ^ ™ . ^ £ ? _ 9 = ^ ' ^ t l ^ S j Believe it or not. Ab's hair was X TEXP introduce you as Miss So and So i combed almost flat, so that not a Solomonow; chairman, Stan Tur- the Congress. OK SOI HSx. and Mrs. Mas UJovak are kel, Al lagman, TheD. Cohen piace. I t "was "Mrs. 31. D . Brodkey, president who is visiting here from the : strand was out leaving IMonday on a anotor trip Harry Goldstein and X.ouis Blum- nf the local Hadassah, and -Sirs. east. From then on you tell \ most annoying. The matter was -which will take them t o Kansas kin. Al WohlneT, president of the 3 e t h everybody you are from the east ! tactfully mentioned and, wits one Cultural: Spnnsar, I r v Wezel- HI, wrerfi In charge of arrange- and it's a lot of fun—until you j swoop of his eloquent fist. GoldCity, Hot Springs, Ark., and OSJew Orleans, Xa. They plan t o he man; chairman, .Leonard Slar- ments for the luncheon. Eeserva- make the remark to a visitor from | berg obliged, roughed up his .locks golis; "Warner Pxohman, Gordnn tions were taken by "Blrs. J a c k New ToTk! .gone about three weeks.• and immediately looked- himself. Mrs. Harold Bloch — former}}"! "Well," deters Breathed in re.Accompanying them vrill b e Margolin, Xazier Sieger and Xceaa- Uaufman. axd BoasbergDottle 'Kips — entertained last; jjef, "now ire C2E tslk. TTfcs Ittrs. l^ovak'3 saother, :mrs. musical selections -were isnAthletic: Sponsor, Art Eobin- dered by Cantor Aaron Edgar, week for her sister-in-law, Sabe. i you Imow ana wtxt's goin; 2tubenstsin. son: chairman, Sam Huderman, assisted by JSrs. ^Esther Iieaf Du- who became 3Llrs. Harold IPerle- I happen at G-eneva?" and. Harris Underman, Keve jEar- Snff. yesterday, and for IJerriam GUEST JVIort Borsf sud 3 o b Piedler, who will be Mrs. Abe Hi. ana Tars. J. TFhite had as soon. •, their "fionse gnest 31r, Irvrin Social servica: Sponsor, Satvsy Hplaii is In tvvm zr-a T^~ nt ol :P±tflaaslpIiia., 3»o. 3Ir. X,n±Eof X.enn; nTinimnnn. Harry GoDiiuinabeen staying with Betty HosezsHaparted last -week ictr Viig iomfi. er, Stanley Silvennan, X e o n blatt. Sne'Il gro back to .Starrs; Brown, 3fonnan Tnx&el and City Sunday. Bemie Haligman of !EO OKOBO7JI "Pollowing their weekly xe- Siour City IDD, has been Tisiting The 3Hisses Xallian and JPearl Heligion: B i p o a s D f , Dr. A. heaTsal "Monday evening, .members Gordon TVIaTgolin. Hear t h a ~ IHrieduiaii are -leaving Sunday ior r nf -the Jewish Community Center Sherman and 3 e r t '3=rPaier; chairman, I r v l H i a k e Okoboji. i i t t l e Symphony orchestra will gan of the same town, were here tell_ iLazere, -Leopara Tuesday and Wednesfisy. Bobart ^PCTelmaVt anol Hichard hold their iirst party. TISTT TEhe orchestra, -which lias been 13id .you know that Stuart Simx. and U r s . GUorriB IBeB Df y .organized .far only a short period, and Irving 2IalasbDci: zze Kansas City, .mo., ^-isited -their One ntiier advisor has been giv- has oO members. Al ^ihkel con- jmon a t Qkoboji until the first, of Auparents, TVTT- and .TSIrs. J. White, en the position of sponsoring the gust? Saw Harriet Kewman the this past week. Sirs. Bell is the linance committee. He is A.rt flucts the group. other day who says she is leavSormeT Dorothy "White. Grossman and is aided by Caairing Sunflay for a three-week visit i nran Ed Stein and Hlort Sctref, tD the west coast. Sounas like ' Phil Shoolin, Xeonard Herman jilarris lurshenbauin. 3TRO3I JULT SO Hope you answer me soon. Other committees appDintefl by Monday, 3aly 30. Affectionately yours, Aieph Go del i.eo Shfirman and "W D x k n a - n ' s Xaan, S -p. ia.» AEEESE. the ^executive board are as iol- "Rooms C and D, Jewish Communlows: Telephone, H a s KixHhen- ity Center. The Jews of Mauritania were haum, chairman; Robert Silver- . Orchestra xehearsal, S -p. tn., man, l^ee White, Eeve Tsirsbffrn- auditorium, Jewish Community by law of 7SS forced to contribute young women to the Calip'n's Any old dresses, shoes, n a t s , bamn, ^Richard .ZlDtaky; jnember- Center. harem. suits, Etc., are gratefully being ship, Justin Priesman, chairman; "Wednesday, August 2. picked up by t t e Sammage com- Jerome Grossman, Kornxan Hahn, 1 W.. O., S Sp. jn., Hoom C .ana* inittee nf Hadassah which is 'head- Gordon aiargolin, -&lvin Hertz- D, Jewish. Community Center. berg; B'nai B'rith Co-nperation, Thnrsilay, August 3 . sd by airs. Eubin Bordy, "WA Irv Wnhlner,' chairman; Justin 5 Go 6. -All Hadassah onenibers are ^Hriesman, Boy Scouts, S p. m., lodge .Morris A i b i t j a a n , Teminded to save adds and ends ^altih Turkel room, Jewish Connntmity Center. and Irv .Nngg. i o r the "Rummagers." Also namEd I D committees are: Almost half of the ^Medical ^ quota is ^raised _in this man- lOMtzsr, Jerome Grossman, edi-nfl all bundles, large or tor, Justin Priesman, Morris 3iuderman, HaskeU Cohen, i e B This evening at S p . in. the ^rnall, will gratefully be utflizea "Wbite; iiroperty, Hail Shnolip.; Junior A.. Z. _A- .1 laembership into cash by H i s . Boray and her : Junior A. Z. A.., Stan Turkel, cDmniittfie, consisting of .Albert i committee. "" chairman; Irv -Hogg, IHaskell Co- •W-hite, Sobby Herzaff, Harvey And nTrw THrs. Harold S. 3arisii comes to t h e Iront asking all ien, Haskell Lazere and I r v Hoffman and Bobby Promkin, will meet at "White's home to disSadassah ^nembers to please save "Wohlner. Alter the committees Tvere an- cuss a membership drive in SepIS anagaaines i o r iier. .As a raptain nounced : st the Tuesday meetin > tember. ior the Jiledical Pund, Jilrs. Sarish The next -meeting of the chapexpects ID xaise her quota an this Harry Goodbinder was elected Hound Table xepresentative. ter -will be ".held on August S a t manner. TIXDHB Tvto to hhave 7.:SO at the Jewish Community .zine hunHlea are asked t o call the Center. chairman immediately, WE 554J2. During the lunchsan, TVlrs. JiL gave a t .her liome lor jfl. P t g The Pioneer "Women "will -hold l d i l t their the Jiedical l-'und captains last annual lamily picnic at ElmA .regular meeiing of the Xafiies all jlans for the coming wood j a r i on Sunaay, July 23, Pree i o a n society will be .held discussed, jilethoos-for at 2 p . an. on "Wednesday, August 2,, a t 2 r i s i g iuaiis TTTETO Tevealed so All members and their Sriends 3P. in. a t the Jewish" Community rthat •.members "who desire t o "give have been invited t o crime. Games Center. or g s t " 55 aurins the year to the have been planned and prizes will All xaembers iEve been nrgsd1 S . M. O. -would be able t o do sa be given away. to attend. in order to receive an invitation to the Donor Xomcheon -which climaxes activities tor the year in the spring.

-Letters to a Coed

A. Z. A. 1

X -C. C Orchestra to HoM Tarty

Community Calendar

JnnioT- A. Z. A. 1 .

JHaneer Women

xoroca-SXIXAH triiDUsarids nf children ihave :al•j-eaiiy been taken out nf Central Surope throush tbs Hadassah Tou£h Aliyah and have .startea ' life anew in Palestine. Thousands are now in camps jprovi&fia by the Touth Aliyah. committee i n England, Prance, Belgium and Switzerlann. These children Ere xeady to enter Palestine, visas .nave :been granted, they;are -complEtins their jrfiliminary training period and are -vrsry anxious t o get .-started. Punds are 33roxrided thinagh ,lhe Hadassah 3Tnnth .Aliyah. Mrs. Julius Stein, cteinnan ql tiie Ornalia Hadansah Touth Ali7ah, at3SiStsd -by Sirs. Irvin C. X>evin, CD-chairman, are ilormiilatiog pilaus -fm- tbje coming .season. -A luncheon will be 2i"v:em lor Tfouth Jjiyah captains 'by the chairman during the -mifldls of August.

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GROWS UP—Friend of everybody in resort city of Barnogat, N. J., is "Barnegaf Pots," orphan door roseuod three years ago from a forest fire by Raymond Backitf. Here Pete, grown to maturity, takes his afternoon nap on a Backitt bed. Ezra, the Boekitt.cat, moves in for a siesta too.


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THE COHDER—Frequent dashes between Soviet and Japanese troops on Mongolian border foster further strained relations between the two nations. Here cro Raj$icn frontier guerds at an observation post on tho border.

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recently mcca the esserticn ihii thrr? v r - f I* fo 15 "charming ycung n c s " in the Fec-p-f! fc~vice who night have cspirefiffrj f c - t h e r^rr*cratic Prcsidenfia! nomination in I?4C. Ncti'"c!ly this aroused Ccngrcssione! ccnner*. Fc!:?iceS observers spiEctletcd on who iihey rnicHt be c r c everttaelfy seJected I I nernes, with ihs.% cf Pressdent Roosevelt himself arthe !2+h. The i I ether possibiiitles are, moving clockwise I r o n upper


HE GETS A MOUTHFUL—One of the prominent speakers at the Mora! Rearmament rally at the Hollywood, Cal., Bowl was Bunny Austin, British Davis Cup tennis star—^after finishing dinner.


k "v: V k r F'rsrp'c Sec<;";fy /,c;-rsm>-l-fJ\"- r f r ' v - MfN!>*•{. A+tc Attorney ^ T r p " f ' FrrH- h'r-p^v S^-p^r 5pr~ptp-y Co Hi;", ir'.-?-',?- f . f r - r v ^ - h r - p : / i~ if.krs, Sup-crpe C©i;-f vrusAice ^'Ili'trr C. Dou«?!ps, Solicifor G^crs^-r! r ,rb?-* K. .%-,-.Ucir,, AVf)>-if.iilture " Secreiar-y Ht?r% A. "*','£ I««ric.f, ^orfmtster Genere! Jemes A , P-«~>e*. C o m m f v t Secretary Kii-rv Kc^klns end Fede«.l Lot.!, administrator Jesss H. Jenes.

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PERFECT GII1TLEMAM—After presenting his purse to Queen Mother Mary, at a garden party at St. James Palace, Lonc*«n, this youngster nearly falls over, in making his elaborate bow. Party was for benefit of Child Welfare Council.

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"TRAGIC PtlOeOSSION — Following recent Japanese air raid that devastated Chengfu, China, such scenes as this occurred. Chinese inhabitants are bearing coffins through streets to take care of more than 500 slain. ..


SWIM SUIT — Lovely Marls WriKon takes timo off from a forthcoming Hollywood p i c ture fo test tho sea at a California beach. She's wearing a tailored blue and whifo gingham swim suit.






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— Jcmcs M. Larjdis, dcen ef Harvard l e v school, as he presided £* 0 0 pcricficn hearing cf Ktrry Sricges. West Ceasf f i b e r leader, at San Frer-cisco. Much car.fiictir.g festimosy has been given. 1

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i??3t'S CrtBAM—Hero's aid for tho coifcr who carries hh SEARCHING THE RUiMS—Ruins of Chengtu, China, are hardly cool from firos that raged for hours after Japanese air raid, before inhabitants ara back to search for anything of. value remain* faa from iheir homes. Bits of glass, iron or other metals can readily bo sold



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.in oiijisi' By BEATRICE K. BEAUBIASCii In view of Great Britain's rerecent pronouncement to halt Immigration Into Palestine for a six months' period beginning October 1st, this stirring article on the achievements of children at the Meier Shefeyah village in the Jewish National Hflmeland is both interesting and poignant, —EDITOR-

. * •

in social rehabilitation. The 300 graduates of ths irstitctlbn and the many more to cone should be regarded as persons reclaimed for society, made useful members of that society. And beyond that, they should ba thought of as future mothers and fathers who will rear their children as normal, intelligent, well-balanced ; parents should. ! Thus from tea educational aad j sociological points of view, Meier Enfeyah, tucked In the -tins of ancient Samaria, far from the urban centers of Palestina and very far from-the centers of learning of Europe and America, nevertheless, measured by ths best stand- J ards, holds a high rank as a ; school, a home, a cooperative BO- | cial community and participant in the creation of a Jewish National Home. (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

KcNutt Bizvlzv£- Rzzimz Re:; f , V

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new character at the hands of the hood, usually in the c o 1 o nies. TO F r youthful settlers. Where former About 300 boys and girls have • c "_"f adult colonists failed in their en- been graduated in 14 years.. deavors, most of them f l e e i n g Democratic Base from the difficult country, a hand- "The self-governing organization ful of children, -with most their of the village has a broad demolabor, enthusiasm and devotion cratic base. At the head is the built up one of the loveliest com- General Executive C o m m ittee, atr. i munities in the land. comprised of five members and Underprivileged the principal of the institution. The.village is primarily for un-Every member of the committee is "When Henrietta Szold, founder f Haiiassah, said r e c e n t l y . derprivileged children. Those are in charge of a specified activity-— Would that there -were at least accepted as candidates who have social affairs, health and cloththree Meier Shfeyahs in- Pales- no parents or cannot lead normal ing, work, internal affairs of the -ert r — o c:' tine," Bhe cupped into.that earn- lives because of consumptive or village . and sports. Each of the est -wish an estimate of one of the insane persons in their families, four classes of the school has its r~ most unique colonies In a land of or who, for economic or other rea- own committee for its affairs, many unusual social communities. sons, h a v e no homes. Healthy and there is one charge of activi r F-: Meier Shfeyah is a children's boys and girls, from the age ofities ot the graduates' club. c' ic The cultural committee plans Tillage, set on a hillside in Sam- ten upwards who have finished Former tcated rt ""* .' aria, towered by Mt. Ephraim, aot f o u r classes of an elementary such functions as lectures, motion Cosuaissioner to the Philippines, j presented him by the Z ewisii many miles from the port city of school are admitted. pictures entertainments, holiday Paul V. McSTctt, now Federal j ngee' Comasittee Wlies he left h * Haifa. One of the interesting feaThe children are enrolled as celebrations,' competitions, conSecurity 'Administrator, showing j post' e,t Manila to retEffl to tte (Continued, from Page 1) tures of the community is that Palestinians, but. in reality they certs and exhibitions. It superSenator Jacob Weiss (right) the ! United States.f — evi 3 the program of daily living, work, are a conglomeration of peoples. vises the Music'Society, y, the radio could aDsorb at most 500 families play, study and government is They come from all corners of the committee and the editing the h over a period of many years and Indianapolis, Isd. — Progress I h „ _ i£ is & close £rie- I ^'- c*~-tconducted by the children them- world, belong to different ethnic printing of the village weekly only at a per family cost of plans for large-scale Jewish Jevrisa j oJ McNutt's. During part o£ J,Icselves. .. groups and bring their own cus- magazine Kefareinu (Our Vil-as high as $5,000 to $7,000. Immigration to the Island of Min- Nutt's four years as governor ol. The village is maintained and toms and traditions -with them. lage.) danao in the Philippines, ana ! Indiana, Senator Weiss was r-retiOther Areas r* developed by Junior Hadassah, Seventy languages a n d dialects news of the 5 00 Jewish refugees The Music Society supervises a irv Sir Herbert also reported that the Young Women's Zionist Or- are represented by the 300 boys symphony orchestra of fifty playthe International Jewish Colonihomes Manila., who have ta ganization of America, •which, an- and girls already graduated and ers and a" choir comprised of of the Islands, were fiis-1 ff" *"r" ; nually raises 535,000 for its Bup- the 150 now living at the village. nearly all of the children of the zation Society, which was founded capitol cussed here last week by former' * eSl - eu aDOi~1last year by the Netherlands port. • Last year Meier Shfeyah. open- village. It arranges periodic con- banker, Daniel Wolf, was investi- High Commissioner Paul V. Mc- ing ths democratic party in Ten: house, Governor KcXutt l s i r r l r * In addition, Junior Hadassah ed its doors to European refugee certs given in the village and in gating the possibilities of Dutch Nutt and Senator Jacob Weiss, ,I tipper s y, "Is he i youth. New buildings were erectother • colonies of the neighbor- juiana and New Caledonia, the the man who arranged the origi- j " maintains Pardess Anna, a citrus farm for g r a d u a t e s of Meier ed, and facilities extended to ac-hood. It also collects phonograph atter with the active approval of nal proposals which have led to j . „ Shfeyah, and the Henrietta Szold comodate the first group of arriv- records. the present arrangement through j B l O H C i a ^ the French Government. School, of Nursing, (in cooperation als, twenty-five boys and girls wnich Mindanao may heroine one ' There is a special nature study •with Senior Hadassali). and par-from Rumania. With a subsidy circle, the members of which" New York, (JTA)—Statements ot the largest Jewish territorial ticipates in the Y o u tJti Aliyah from Senior Hadassah, the junior study the flora and fauna, the praising the work of the Inter- colonies in. the world. 3 r'i • movenrent for the settling of ref- organisation is now erecting more birds, Insects and animals of the governmental Refugee Committee Monday, July 31, is the fie&dHaving visited Minanao by ugee children in Palestine, and in structures to house another group countryside, and climatic and geo- and expressing satisfaction that | plane, for payment of the last half McNutt told Senator Weiss the Jewish National Fund. For all of twenty-five^ refugee children, logical conditions. The. General the new Co-ordinating Foundation ' that the " L. Island is the most fertile j °* 1 S S 9r e a i estate taxes, TV. Its activities Junior Hadassah. this who are expected to arrive in the Executive Committee appoints li- will not be-used to finance ex- of all the Philippines group and i Pierpoint, presicent o^ the i t kyear raised §94,000. early fall. brarians -whose duty it is to take ports from "any country" were has vast stores ol untouched inin- j elation ol _O m &.& &. .axpayi ^ _ *-•: Begun Dnring "War The children at Meier Shfeyah caYe of all matters connected with issued by James G. McDonald, eral wealth "Almost anv crop ; warned readers oi c~is jjtper. Meier Shfeyah had its begin- study *lalf a day and work half a the library and order books, with chairman of the President's Ad- can be raised on Mindanao, and i t ' After, August 1, said property .; ill" nings in the World War. Of all day in the various agricultural the aid of the teacher-adviser. The visory Committee on Refugees, has a very fine climate," he sts.t-' taxes become delinquent ana star, J^ - . ^ . FV .. the tragic • heritages of the warbranches of the community. No library now contains more than and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, a mem- ed. "The Jewish Refueee Cos- i drawing 7 per cent interest until .-^V~ that fell to the lot of Palestine adults serve the children, since 1,500 books. ber of the committee. mittee of Manila which I or- \ paid. Mr. Pierpoint wwiiec. perhaps the most poignant was they themselves are responsible The General Executive CommitMcDonald said: ""The n e w s ganized has sent a committee | Readers of t h i s paper ^ saso the large number of orphans. for all services and work. The tee meets once a week and pre-from London that the interested there to investigate its potentials : should check on po^EiOiS CieiinMore than 4,500 of them, some small adult staff is concerned only pares a detailed report of its acrgovernments associated -with the ties, and its report was very en- i quent persona, taxes at this a - c . Palestinians, some from surround- •with guiding and instructing the tivities for submission to the vil-Intergovernmental Committee are ! couraging. Now we are waiting i Interest is cane ing countries, became the charges young children. lage advisory committee, the lat-facing anew In a realistic spirit' for the report cf' the commission ancuer^* 'taxes, vbot^ jpcr-cri^aTiu " " ;" of a sorely-tried community. ter consisting of class representa- the possibilities of fuller govern- of experts sent cy Johns Hopkins ; real estate, as of March. ISL.. ' "Work and School • Among the m a n y orphanages } The unpaid tax .5, however, bEr.r Work Is important not only pe- tives, graduates and instructors. ment co-operation in the settle- n-niiro-r=it-r." founded at that time by the Pal- cause it prepares the children for Twice a year the whole village ment of refugees from Germany university. I i PET cent interest Ivvm March. the Refugee ComSpeaking of estine Orphan Committee was one the conditions prevalent in the holds a meeting at -which basic is encouraging. Heartening also jm i t t ' 1SS7, to date of pern-Tnt. Governor McNutt showed established in Meier Shfeyah, a country, but because it transforms problems of the community are is the -f .- - r r 1 Senator Weiss the leather-en-1 Baron de Kothschild colony. The a non-homogeneous group Into a discussed and the Executive Com- don that the Co-ordinating 1 c a s e d p a r c n E l e r . t that was pre-i F Is-**:., "Meier" • referred to the founder United, harmonious, cooperative mittee elected. dation, an interdenominational ^ ,«. vg le't "Mi-iiilti. of the house of Rothschild" —- community of young people. In Meier Shfeyah is an outstand- and non-sectarian body, has been Be ted h i •a** Moier Anschel-Rothschild, while ths numerous branches of the ing example of a modern, progres- established by private organiza- It -was signed by President Ales j • Jjjlcyah was a derivation from an farm every child can find the sive ' education community. The tions and individuals to co-oper- Frieder of -the Cincinnati Fried- j Arabic term meaning "health." niche most suited to his inclina- combination of study and actual ate with other private and public ers, leaflins Jewish industrialists | With-two housssa mercasEts In 1825 the Palestine Orphan tions, cart dissolve the sense of in- experience; the wide latitude giv- bodies in facilitating orderly emi- of Manila. The resolution, op- : expected fror lalf a dozen elates. i which is a portrait of Me- j Omaha's gala Committee liquidated its activities feriority a n d develop self-re- en the children to develop inter- gration from the Reich. As was . . ... , . i > u u painted by a refugee artist, J val — Merchants* Ti.ll 11 i.. r k C uni Meier Shf eyah was taken over liance, assurance and a feeling ests that conform to their inclinto be assumed, this foundation t l a u d e d McNutt'for "your sympa-!: TTeet—-wul open Ar.£iist 71, se-.f.. by Junior Hadassah. of equality. Every .one finds some- ations; the development of self- will be used to-finance es- thetir, unfallinp cordins to Jerry S. AlexB.ne.er, That the Secretary of : u n ! j e r E tandirg. f ln reliance through responsibility; " ^ not Under the American organiza- thing: in which he can excel. ™. ^•rconatrr.' support'and -irnidance," and called , chairman o£ the Omaha'ChtBiber tion, Meier Shfeyah became the There are eight e l e m e n t a r y activities in typical occupations A W i t e f^t1 ^f- TZS £ r 0 : a attention to "the -^ork you have j of Commerce csmcJ.tes in chtrge. ,... first institution in the country to classes in the school, conforming of the larger, maturer society of TLondon that the .British Govern.-! ' . - - - . . for us aa^. .A follow a new education method to the scheme ot-the'Education •which the cnilSren will eventually nient nas recognised the fact that -one "So far," ilcNutt explained, i £2.' ® firms, jCj^ert- _F.na n^TV.-„ T by creating a society of children Department of the Knesetb. Israel become a part —• all of these fac- the problem of the refugee is not tors directed toward cooperative a problem for private citizens and "the Islands have taken in E00 : factunng coccerr.s wui he fcos^s who were to be trained on the (organized Jewish community.) refugees and every one: to the visitors. eis g soil and who were to build their After the children finish school, and mutually helpful living are a private organizations alone, but JJewish s.nfi up-to-tne mirnte own community according to their which is usually at the age of 14, splendid preparation for continu- one for governments as well, is of them through the co-operation f merchancise will be^the principal special needs and with a view of they remain in the village for an- ed individual growth and for in-indeed gratifying. The work of of the fine Jewish community of " o p et witu training themselves to become in- other two _years as graduates and telligent participation In the in-the governments represented at the Philippines, is at work at self- '. attraction rosrara the visiting dependent workers and useful cit- hold responsible positions, such as creasingly complex social, politi- the Intergovernmental Comsiittee supporting work. As soon as room j' house' pro^raT•ee for Eights ol outizens of the country. the concentration of v a r i o u s cal and economic life of a modern conference is n o w progressing is made for more,' he continued, retailers. i ti.r e r t a i E t a e n t are rapidly and the establishment of "new exiles are brougtt in with- ; standing e Abandoned, rock strewn, arid branches of work in their own country. \ P-anne^. land, its only natural endowment hands and the guidance of the As a contribution to the devel- a foundation to implement t h e out any visa difficulty." Administrator McNutt told Sena p l e t h o r a of scorpions and younger children. These gradu- opment of Palestine f r o m the work of bringing about orderly snakes, Meier. Shf eyah received a ates work eight .hours a day, but viewpoint of huma^n values, Meier rather than chaotic emigration ator Weiss that the figure ot 10,- K. U. C. Share £=. Ctla twice a week they have two half Shfeyah has no parallel among should have a salutary effect. I 000 has been tentatively mendays free for study. They assem- other Institutions of the country. wish to call particular attention tioned in discussions about Minble in their club every evening for It is the only horned-school in Pal to the authoritative statement danao. That cumber, he. ex- Kew Tork (JTA) — T"r; I"-discussions, debates, and lectures estine for underprivileged, child- from Liondon that no money of plained is only preliminary and brew TTnion College or C . Z : . L M . oi agriculture and" social prob- ren. What it does is actually to the foundation will be used in would be the first wavs only. Eow : will receive ?£OE,GO tr-";- t ; - f lems. re-make these children; it leads order to finance the transfer of many Mindanao would finally ab- ; cf the will left t y -AdolC Ad C While still in the village the them along an entirely differen goods from the Reich. Happily sorb rests,-he said, on what the .late publisher o£ the I". 1 ! Ths Ochs eEtate war T graduates effect contact with var- path from ' the one they would this meets objections that have first group is able to do. Senator Weiss, who last year j 512,211,522, ECCorSing to a ious organizations or with em- most likely follow if left to live been urged upon assumptions was president of the Indianapolis : appraisal filed tere left weefe, ployers, and by personal endeavor under the conditions fr6in which now laid to rest." Zionist District, is a member ot j or with the assistance of some in- Meier Shfeyah removes them. the National Administration, of Patronise Ocr Advertisers stitution obtain work for a liveliThe institution i s a unique ex Patronize Our Advertisers (Continued from Page 1) radio priest's intolerant and vacillating course. A g a i n Father ;JCoughlin proves that he can hand »it out but he can't take it!



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Archbishop "Writes Jews Milwaukee (JTA)—Slandering of Jews by "certain Individuals, who to gain and hold a popular audience, degrade themselves and abuse the trust reposed in them by misquoting, half-quoting and actually insinuating untruths" has been denounced by : Archbishop Samuel A. Stritch; member of the Administrative Board ot the National Catholic Welfare Conference and Archbishop of Milwaukee, in a letter to Rabbi Joseph Xi. Baron. . "Now it is all too true," h e wrote, /'that your people have been the victim in our day of a •wicked movement which distorts truth and gilds falsehood." In this Jews have the sympathy of Catholics, declared Archbishop Stritch, for "Catholics too are the victims of vile propaganda and a very hatred of truth." He ex.— iorted sane men to "keep c o o l \ heads" in the face of nefarious ' propaganda, and guide public opinion in safe channels pointing out that in .the end "truth does, conquer." . : . Wellesley, Mass. (JTA) — Attacks on other groups, "perhaps the Catholics next, and then certain Protestant sects," would follow the "growing" anti-Jewish movement in the United States 11 it should be allowed to con"tinue. Dr. John Stewart Burgess, of Temple University, told the Summer Institute for Social v Progress at Wellesley. New York: (JTA)' — A commission of seven Lutheran theologians adopted the general position that racial differences must be recognized, with the qualification that such differences afford - no ground on which to justify racial prejudice on the part or •Christianity. The theologians held -that Christianity always must be ^concerned with justice for all.


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Page 8

| taken out of the country by Jew-? and Polish Commissioners-Gener- Catholic authorities . . . Assistant District of New York, a birdie vate golf course there . . . ish emigrants. Arts al to the Fair are very sympa- Attorney General Thurman Ar- chirps . . . If you want to see (Copyright, 1939, by Sever, FeEti.ro ?;'i"'.'ot i - ^ thetic to the" Palestine Pavilion nold's incipient campaign egainst what the nest generation cf I FOREIGN FIELDS and interested in its success T . . . monopolies is known in Washing- American Jewish leaders will look j '. Vrants Arrive by Air Now that the headlines ar< Both have visited the Erets Israel ion as ' t i e "Brandeis. •Crusade," like, take a peek at the young- i screaming out the stories of t h exhibit several times . . . That the name deriving from the fact sters at the Cejwin Camps at j discovery of Nazi espionage in handsome, distinguished - looking that the forner Justice was onePort Jervis. which are run by the I •P ashington, N. Y. (JTA) MORRIS AIZENBERG, Corroopondcnt France and of the guidance of doorman at the Palestine Pavilion of the original champions of the Central Jewish Institute cf New j —-f,, • -ct two quota immigrants "a- foreign power" in the so- is a former German movie star Sherman Anti-Trust Act . . . "It York . . . Among the campers', in j r • '. - the flight from Europe called "Irish" bombings in Lon-and scenario writer . . . Non-Ary- Is Almost Too Late" will be the addition to the younger daughter ! "• - - raerican Clipper, Dr. and don, may we mention that we told anism is the reason for his change title of a book by Arthur Mayer, of A. P. Schoolman, director of; :.,.;•?. ."ules Boruchowitz, arrived you so long ago? . . . The forth of occupation -. . Next week you'll urbanely sophisticated owner of the Institute, are the offspring of , here from Antwerp, Belgium, last coming Herschel Grynszpan tria! be able to purchase, at your fav- New York's chief horror-dispen- the Jewish National Fund's Men- j Budapest (JTA) — A plan pro- week. in Paris will have a tragically lu orite bookshop, Elias Newman's ser, the. Rialto Theatre . . . May- del Fisher, Cincinnati's Rabbi | viding for the repatriation of dicrous angle . . . The Nazis will beautiful little volume on "Art in er's book will deaFwith the theme Samuel Wohl. Pioneer Vv'omsn ed- ;Hungarians living in the United in exchange for Kr.nganan Patronize Our Advertisers try to prove that Polish Jews are Palestine" . . , . Newman, who isof democracy versus dictatorship itor Sara Feder, Zionist Educa- i States is to be broached at Washbetter treated in the Reich than the art director of the Palestine from a novel aspect . . . Sara Fos, tional Director Jacob Golub, Que- \Jews • The Hebrew School picnic -will Last Wednesday n i g h t th in Poland . .' • That 50-year-old Pavilion, has done a swell job in former publicity wizard of the bee Provincial Parliament Mem- j ington by the Budapest govern- | <A'EBB, PF.BER, KLUTZNICK & ment, it was indicated. The govbe held at Shore Acres onp Mon- Junior Hadassah held an installa- steamer ; KEi-LEY, Attys. "Dora" which, left the presenting the; works and bi- Helena Rubinstein outfit, is pre-ber Louis Fitch and our genial! ernment newspaper Hefto anday, August 7. The picnic will tion dinner at the West hotel in Netherlands with 500 r e f u g e e s paring a sensational movie idea ographies of Palestinian artists to i M.-ITSCE CF DISSOLUTION OF ex-boss Joe Brainin . . . Semi a j nounced that the plan was under begin at 4 , and will continue honor of the incoming officers. destination unknown—last week that' will make more of E. bang Eharnova, dramatic contraUo of jconsideration by the Hungarian I iV. VENGER & SONS, INC. through the evening. Everyone Mrs. Jack Roblnaon installed the bids fair to become another St. the American public . . . than the "March of Time" shorts the Chicago Civic Opera, is the iinterior ministry. is to bring their own picnic bas- officers. R u t h Grueskin wa Louis case unless Britain open THIS' AND THAT I KNOWN ALL, MEN BY THESE wife of the Windy City's Zionist ] The project, which has been kets and lunches. Ice cream and chairman of the dinner. Did you see Stanley High's fins the gates of Palestine . . ' . British ' TUfTTa- the meeting- of the stockI. T. Feingold . . . John Lehman, ! soft drinks will be furnished by here before, received holders of is;. Veneer & Sons, Inc., The incoming officers are Dena Jews are growing worried -ver expose of anti-Semitism in the ABOUT PEOPLE son of the Empire State's Cover- j s'uggested the committee. There will be New York's chief probation ofJuly issue of Loob? . . . "The ' heir: ar ;h<= office of the corporanew impetus with the arrival in absolutely no solicitations or raf- Baron, president; Rose. Sperling, the increase in anti-Semitism in Voice" is the name of the newficer, Irving W. Halpern, once nor, is developing into an expert j Budapest cf a delegation of £5 ' ,-iiihti<>r. o>>. the 3"tW day of December. fles of any kind. Cards and danc- first vice-president; Esther Mir- their country, and tend to heed paper that • has made its appear- wanted to become a newspaper- potato peeler this summer, at the iHungarians now living in the luns. p,i viilch a P. of the stockholders ; ivf-f r"-es«?nt and vntins. a resolution-J ing will furnish "later entertain- kin, second vice-president; Gisela the warning sounded by some ance in New York under the aus- man . . . That lie would ha\re Plattsmouth Citizens Military j United States. Pill, recording secretary; J a n Parliamentary circles that any ap| was iinaiiiimiHsiy a'ioined that th« " ment. . Training Camp . . . New York'? j ro•.•povatioi' rease to cio business •••.' been a good one is proved by the Lebowitz, corresponding secre addition to the Jewish pices of the Committee of CathIt is expected the foreign minis- i st'Ch Sanitation Department, which has ' The object of the picnic Is to tary, and Rose Cohen, treasurer. preciable p.nt": thp.t t'ne same be dissolved; olics to Fight Anti-Semitism . . . fine, minutely detailed probation transformed the late Otto H. ;try will submit concrete proposals : Hcovrdinply, population would strengthen the tuitiee of Bueh action of liquidate the deficit of the He-Those installed on the board of hands of the anti-Semitic agita- One of its features is a page of reports he tarns in to the General : at Washington. According to , :!IP cliss-oiuMon. "C said M. V'enger & country estate into a raca- j brew School. Mr. A. M. Davis Is directors are Ruth Grueskin, Rose tors . . . answers td specific anti-Jewish Sessions judges to guide them in Kahn's i Sons, Inc.. is h»rebv piven. ' . ' . ' ' . Hefto. the scheme would call for tion home for its workers, has j the general chairman of the af- Bashefkin, Goldie Lehman a n d WARCASTS ": i M. VENC-EK & RONS, INC. libels pubished in Father Cough- determining sentence . . . David special arrangements to per-| the initial exchange of American ! MAX VENGER. fair. Those serving as the chair- Esther Erinberg. lin's "Social Justice" . . , T h e Schenker of the S. E. C. will soon made Hungarians possessing funds or li.ttesf: •MOSES By A. VRNGER, mit Gilbert Kahn to use the primen are: B. Baron, chairman of It's the German army which is answers came from well-known be U. S. Attorney for the Eastern property, to equalize the capital T-H-R0-4t. Secretary. publicity; H. Shlloff, chairman of pulling against war in the Reich the food' arrangements, and M. . * • . The generals know what's Llpschutz, game chairman. what, and the Axis powers couldThe men who sold tickets for n't possibly win . ... But of course the picnic and helped raise the they haven't a thing against funds for the Hebrew School a r e : whatever "peaceful penetration" J Kalin, E. N. Grueskin, R. H. .Osltszziss Hitler can get away with in EastEmlein, M. Seff, A. H. Baron, ern Europe and the Balkans . . . Louis Kaplan, Joe Gorchow, M. B'NAl B'KITH A regular meeting of the B'nal Good news for .delegates to the Llpschutz, Max Falk, H. Shiloff B'rith lodge was held Monday, Zionist Congress at Geneva Is a, and B. Baron. " • , . confidential note we've received July 24, at the Eagles Hall, from Pierre van Paassen, now abroad, to the effect that there'll AGUDUS ACHBI no war this year . . . The most The next meeting of the Agu- pessimistic of the other experts Services will begin tonight at dus Achim -will be on Thursday, prognosticate that there won't be the Orthodox synagogues at 7:45. August 3. a war until Fall a t the earliest Morning services will begin at 9 . . . " An interesting sidelight is o'clock. Rabbi S. Bolotnikov will EIJMS CLUB provided by the fact that finanspeak in the morning at the Beth A breakfast given In -honor of cial circles are hinting that genAbraham synagogue. Miss Arlene Swartz of Walthill, eral disarmament would >esult in Neb., who was visiting here last serious "economic dislocations' NOTICE week, was held last Friday at Ki- that would - necessitate "broad wanls Point by the Elims club. market readjustments" . . . In Anyone having any old clothes Following the breakfast, mem- plain English, high finance, while or furniture is urged to either bers of the Elims club were en- not underestimating the advanbring them to the Jewish Com- tertained at a swimming party. tages of peace, doesn't mind war munity Center or to call there. clouds in the • offing . . .k • TO CALIFORNIA JEWS ABROAD Mr. Nate Gillnsky has left for Did you know that since the Los Angeles to join Mrs. Gilinsky issuance of the last British White and son, Philip Howard; They plan to return here in Paper twelve new Jewish settlements have been established in • Miss "Margaret Shulkin, daugh- early fall. Palestine? . . Arab national leadter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shulkin, :rs, who are turning to Hitler for 3314 Jones street, will be married IN CHICAGO in their campaign for "mare Jack.Wolpa left last Friday for aid Sunday to David Singer, son of room"—by which they mean the a short visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. I. Singer. The marcomplete stoppage of Jewish imriage ceremony will take place at migration to Palestine—are liable 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. RETURN HOME to mind that their new ally Is Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bernstein planning M. K. Lifson, 152i Penn avenue to use Arab territory to North, Minneapolis, Minn. Rabbi and children, Donald and Jean, provide "more room" for himself H. R. Rabinowitz will officiate. have returned to their home in . . A story is going the rounds Following the ceremony there Chicago after visiting for a week about an American news photogwill be a dinner for the immediate with Mr. and Mrs. Max Conn and rapher, a non-Aryan, who was Mr. and Mrs. Abe Leibovitz. family. iven an assignment in Rome . . . Due to. the new laws in the MusFORT DODGE GUEST Mrs. T. Epstein," 815 Twentyland the camera man. Miss Lucille Abramson of Fort so-bound second street, has returned from was arrested a number of times, a 10-day vacation from Fargo, N. Dodge, la., is visiting friends in his non-Aryanism being" very obD., where she has been visiting Council Bluffs and Omaha. vious . . . And was released when her daughter, the former Dorothy showed the gendarmes a picRETURNS FROM DES MOINES he Epstein: ture of himself taken with F . D. Mr. Jules Eisenberg arrived R . n o f long before . 4 . " Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Baron home Sunday, after a week's'visit DEPARTMENT of Cheyenne, Wyo., former Sioux in Des Moines. Mrs. Eisenberg FELICITATIONS ^Congratulations to Magistrate Cityans. visited here with Mrs. and daughter, Debra, are remain- Anna on her election Leah Baron and after a several ing there for a few weeks more. to theMoskowitz vice presidency of the Nadays' visit in Sioux City and Martional Association of Women shalltown, la., drove in to Chi-WAS IN DES MOINES . . . And to Reuben cago, together with Mrs. Leah Marian Katelman spent the Lawyers Baron, and are visiting there with first of this week visiting in Des Brainin, dean of Hebrew: letters, on the- achievements of his two ' Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldstein. Moines. gnandsons-in-law . . . Lawrence Baxt, who married Judith Brain. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Robinow and RETURNED TO W A L T H H I I J Ortenberg of Monteral a couple children spent last week in Min- A . r l e n e Swartz of Walthill, in years ago, has received his Ph. neapolis. Mr. Robinow has re- Neb., who -was the guest of Miss of in chemistry at the Imperial tnrned to Sioux City. Mrs. Robi- Bette Lee Harris last week, has D,ollege of'London, England, and now and the children will remain returned home. She also visited In Minneapolis for several weeks a few days with relatives in will shortly depart for a post in ran, no less . . . And Ben ShecOmaha. visiting relatives there. ;er, husband of Amita Brainin chuller, has been admitted to the Mr. and Mrs. AbeJacobson are WAUKEGAN VISITORS bar, and will now begin to pracmoving to Chicago,*where they Mr., and Mrs. Meyer Oberman tice law in Montreal . . * of Waukegan, 111., .visited for a plan to make their home. ' few days last week at the homes FAIR AFFAIRS Mr. Harry Chesen of New York of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scholnick It's said that Governor Lehman, City is visiting here with Mr. and of. Omaha rand Mrs. Nellie Brown. likes Billy Rose's World's Fair Mrs. I. Chesen, 2110 Jackson Aquacade show so much that he street. RETURNED Mr. .and Mrs. L. ,H. Katelman saw it three times . . . But, as far Mrs. B. Blecher and children. have returned from St. Louis, as we know, he hasn't yet found "Judith and Louis, • have returned Mo., where they attended the fu- time to visit the Palestine Favilto Sioux City after a five-week neral- of Mrs. Katelman's mother, on even once . . . The Rumanian visit with relatives In New York Mrs. Sol Gross, who died Sunday City. after a five-week illness.

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Miss Elaine B r o d k e y , 3244 CALLED HOME iV Jackson street, has returned after Mrs. Jules Sholdar and daugha'three-week visit in Omaha with ters, Sandra and Barbara, of Chi( Continued from, Page _1) cago who have been guests at the ner sister, Mrs. Max Resnicli. home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Stein- has become lull-or barking dogs, Miss Anna Pill, 1710 Douglas berg, were called home Monday laughing hyenas and- hissing street, is spending the week at because of the death of Mrs. makes. . . . Gull Lake, Minn., with Rabbi and Sholdar's father-in-law, Mr. David Where to Start Sholdar of .Chicago. Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz. Yes, where to start? Should J go first to St. Albans, W. Va., Herbert Levine, son of Mr. and where the head Knight of , the Mrs. Ralph Levine, 1421 Center amelia abides? Or to the town street, will celebrate his bar mitza North Carolina Inhabited by vah this Saturday morning at the he chief ot fhe Silver Shirts? Or Beth Abraham synagogue. Kaunas (JTA) — An attempt to Moseley? Or should I march a band of 50 Memel storm with Christian banners in Royal Eva Peskin of East Orange, N. by troopers to stage a pogrom in the Oak which is": the well-known J., Is spending several weeks with Lithuanian village of Kretinga suburb of Detroit? Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldberg and was foiled by vigilant bodyguards. I know, some. Christian banners Mr. and Mrs. R. Stein, 1117 Court The Nazis, attempting to cross the !tak.en from the Gospels) I could street. . ' border at Bajorl, told the guards :arry there; I would march they were Lithuanians who wantHelen Marsh returned after a ed to attend the funeral of a lit- round and 'round with them: ACCUSE; ISO MAN WROXQweek's visit 1n Walsenborg, Colo. tle girl assertedly killed by Jews FULLY. • •' Her cousin, Anna Lisa Bain of at Kretinga. JUDGE NOT SHAT YE BE "Walsenberg, returned with her. Investigation showed there had NOT JUDGED: FOR WITH Pearl M y e r s o n of Council been no murder and that the al- WHAT J VD G E M B N T 1'S Bluffs. la., visited Anabelle Em- leged mourners were disguised JUDGE YE S H A L L BE ' lein, 3401 Nebraska street, over storm troopers plotting a pogrom. JUDGED. the week-end. THOU SHALT LOVE THY Shortage of Chaplainr, NEIGHBOR AS THXSKLF. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Cohen and " I would. march around until Johannesburg (JTA)—A sharp Coughlin came out to help me ton, Barton, 1123 Twenty-fourth Street, spent last week-end in Des increase in the number of Jews in carry my banners high. I' would the military reserve forces of the let him carry the one that said,1 Moines visiting -with friends. Union of South Africa has resultr 'Accuse no man., wrongfully/ 4 Miss Ruth Rice returned after ed in a shortage of Jewish chap- [These are the words that were a two-week visit in Omaha with lains, it was learned. : aid at the river Jordan tho day friends. The shortage was made known fesus went there with tho multlin a letter by General J . Jf. Coll- ude to be baptised by John.) Betty and Doris Marx have re- yer. Director of R e s e r v e s , td But I prefer to leave all this turned after a month's visit in Board of Deputies of South Afri- to the many fine Christians who Chicago,- Richmond, Ind., and can Jews. The General's request must be es troubled as I to seo Terre Haute, Ind. Their cousin, for more chaplains was turned the good name of the Gentiles beBetty Louise Wolf of Terre Haute, over to the rabbinate, which will smirched by the words and needs Ind., returned with them and Is shortly submit a list of candi- if numbers >of them. As ray Gen. s visiting here for several weeks. dates. ,'ile reader E. B. S. says, coaching certainly is tho matter The Buds of Hadassah Young H. Licht will attend: and teach ith them and something surely Judean group will hold an out-them new Palestinian songs and hould be done about them. door meeting next Wednesday aft- dances which she learned at the ; Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts ernoon at Grandview park. Mrs. Young Judean convention. Feature Syndicate)

Lith Border Guards Halt Nazi Pogrorhists

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