August 4, 1939

Page 1


•* 4<



vcsis of the Jciv f.h Peopl VACATION NOTES Here I am on my vacation •which. I am spending at home. I TegaTd home the best place to go for vacation. My previous experience of vacations has taught me there is no place as delightful as one's own .home. I recall last year's motor trip. We had been to New York to "Washington, had • been up and down the mountains of the Virginias, had come back at last to our own driveway and to our own porch. There stood the wide. easy chairs welcoming .me. I threw myself into one of them. • "At last!"' I exclaimed. "At last—what?" my wife asked. "At last I've found the pleasure I've been'hunting these past three •weeks." In the three weeks I hadn't sat in any chair that so deliciously embraced me; I had seen no trees as luxuriant as those on my own lawn. (All the trees I had seen were' strangers that ran swiftly away as I drove my at 60 miles an hour.) The wind was whispering in iny trees and I distinctly understood what they were saying: "Yes, Mr.

Kntered aa Second Class Hall Matter on January 31, 1931. at fostoffice. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879


to U. S- Life t? Be Heard ova YS i The Jewish co^ ic •..;: i development cC A ~ r r . ; r t '> t v . ' ! be revievred tcr^crrcv ct " c cloc'.. : A. Z. A. teams. i over TT0W on the weekly pro- \ making arranfements for .what t i gram devoted to the part various ] promises to b Uy-contcsted i r . ' r . c D o s a l d Refuses t o racial groups iiave played in j clash. America. ! " ~ ' Llodify Entry Prize' Tee program is sponsored by Rules The entire .... I the Creighton University of the T voted to contests,- „ air, under the direction of Dr. Ed- L races, for men, women ^^-, RETARY ADAMANT win Pals of the Department o: ren. Prizes,, donated byy Iccs.1 :_. _. Speech. This program was origchants, will be awarded tte vrli:-1 p a i _ c j . ; r i e Authorities Cap- inally heard during the winter months over the Department or ^ ners. ture Ascther Ship Interior b r o a d c a s t entitled, ^ Tickets for free rides will be Off Coast "American's All, 1 rn ra i g r a nt's- J distributed to those a 11 ending, j All." 1 Special rates will be in effect for Refusal to tthe h swimming i g p Included will be sketches from ; pool and dancing. I London (JTA) The picnic grove has been reserv- : relax in l i any -vray the severe re- the lives of Kaym Salomon, L.Ued for the B'nai B'rith. Those at- strictioas on Jewish, immigration lian Wald, Xatiian Strauss, Samtending will bring their own bas- into Palestine contained in the uel Gocpers and other prominent n White Paper was voiced in Com- American Jevs. kets. > Drawing for the .door prizes "will mons by Colonial Secretary sialbe held at 7 p. m. From S:30 colm MacDonald. on through the evening, there will Eleanor Rathbone, Indepent- ,„_,,._, , ,. be dancing, with contests for Jit-j dent, had asked that elderly ref-i 5 [ 1 ' - I • * [ 1 ugees be admitted outside the regterbugs and Waltzers. - Members of the committee in ular quota. "There would not re- ! charge" of arrangements include: sult any growth in the Jewish Al Fiedler, Ben Kushner, Joe Sol- birthrate in Palestine," she nrg- j ed, "nor economic competition, ' omonow, Dr. Leon Fellman, and Dan Lintzman. nor financial burden for the state. Several Sentenced fcr 1^- r

Half of Bohemian Jewry Ordered to Leave Within Year

20,684 EMIGRATED Austrian Provinces Also Demand Non-Aryans Depart

^L. XVI—No. 39


Promising a full day of good fun for all, the local B'nal E'rith lodge is sponsoring its first annual picnic this Sunday, August 6, at Krug Park. This all-day outing is open to the general public. Tickets have been distributed to B'nai B'rith members. Others may get their tickets at the gate of the park. The opening event on a busy day's schedule is the baseball game to be played at 1:30 between the B'nai B'rith and the


London (JTA) — At least 70,300 Jews, half of the Jewish population of Bohemia-Moravia must emigrate from the "Protectorate" within a y e a r , under an order from the Gestapo to the Jewish Community EmigraSegal, at least you've derived a tion Office, according to reports bit o£ wisdom from this ,2,000- :rom Prague. Hundreds of Jews milfi journey. However, next year lined up in front ol the Jewish To Start Annual Club Play you'll probably go wandering aim- Town Hall in Maisel Street to apSunday; Auction lessly on another long trip. You're ply for emigration permits. Golfers just a damfool, Mr. Segal. OccaAccording to figures just pubsionally you get some wisdom but lished by the Government's StatisPlay in the annual Highland never use it very long." tical Office, 24,131 individuals, Country club : golf tournament Stay-at-Home including 20,684 Jews emigrated will start this Sunday. At a stag nor militarv threat to the Arabs." | •, , _.* ^ negative "No," I replied, "I'm taking no between October, 193S, and July held Tuesday e v e n i n g players Cl MacDonald's negative was catej j;eT—l*-'"22^ gorical. " I c a n n o t contemplate trip next year. I stay home." 1,19.39. \ were auctioned off. Top bid was any modification of the policy re,.- So here I 1am at home for my Three Departments for Irvin Ziegman, Creighton Paris (JTA) — The authoritiesgarding immigration set forth in vacation — a sage faithful to a Prep golf star, who brought in Three emigration departments have disclosed the arrest and jailtlie White Paper." '.gleam of wisdom he caught a-year have been opened simultaneously ?90. a French anti-Semitic writ"Is the Colonial S e c r e t ary ing of a g o . ••" the Prague Jewish CommunPierre Clementi, £9, for ar Defending champion, Richard aware," Miss Rathbone persisted, er, - Not to have to unpack: and pack ity, as follows: (1) dealing with Hiller, in the anti-Jewish publicasold for $85, and Dick "that the Jewish, colonies are fac- article again, to sleep in one's own bed, emigration to all countries except Gordonwas tion, 3->e Pc-?'— c ( T 1- e P^rc ._$75. Morris Ferer Govemmeiit Continuing ed with the cold choice of bring- pine) not to have to plan ("Where are Palestine, (2) emigration to Pal- served asfor a^ e ^ : r t r : .1 e auctioneer. ing in aged persons faced with source Po'irr we going tomorrow?")„ to awak- estine directed by the Palestine Drive Against Both of t1-" lie <-n^ r~" -"^v> <Pairings in the tournament destitution and misery, or bringen in one's own bed to the com- Office of the Zionist Organization, are: Jews, Arabs ing in young adult immigrants forting feeling that he doesn't and (3) dealing with emigration CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT who would be of economic value offices an. £ res. have to get up and go to work of persons not belonging to the Jerusalem (JTA) — Casualties "^""CT" C Richard Hiller vs. Lloyd Mfllato the colony? And would what I I ter a sear"! and:then to doze till 10 A. M., to Kultusgemeinde, such as convert- shock; fcro-jprt Lester Simons vs. Izzy and arrests mounted this week in suggest not do something to con- s : loaf through the • day- that's a ed Jews and freethinkers. 1 E § judge, Schlaifer; Marvin Treller vs. the three-sided conflict a m o n g ^ .. vacation! The community is also taking Louis Hiller; Oay Malashack ' vs. British, Jews and A r a b s . Sis solidate world opinion?" MacDon- j To go downtown and to idle over the functions ot the HIAS- Moe Greenberg; Irvin Ziegman Arabs were slain and 14S Jews aid countered:. "All these consid-1 ran , L . ° r ~T"r"" a e through the tamiliar streets of ICA E m i g r a t i o n Association, vs. Phil liasser; Leo Nogg -vs. were arrested. were I n e ±a i uQ '| erations borne in and mindmany "whenothers "we decided one's own town where everybody which has been officially dissolv- Xiloyd Friedman; Dick Gordon vs. opment ir t" r c^e — Following the murder of a Jewon this policy." else is running,.to stop and talk ed in the "Protectorate." paign a'gr ~~t prti-Jr-s =•^ . n Harold Farbsr; Dr. H. Rich vs. ish settler, Michael Adin, at Men_3.'Q Modification T •with people "with whom at' other r After a visit to Vienna by Dr. achamia near Kinereth, t h r e e Milder. Tom Williams, Laborite, inter- ment "wh c I t-a ^ T times one hasn't more than a min- Franz Weidmann, general secrenearby. posed: "Does not the suggestion sentences a~ c . r e s . ^ ' Arabs were shot dead PRESIDENTS FLIGHT ute to exchange notes about the tary of the Prague community, C i U r LLion ° s l l eo t t Cssii "l \ ' C * ^ " / c M. E. Chapman TS. LOH Som- Their killing was officially attrl- ta question bv JXiss Rathbone in; jp cillor weather, to be a happy loafer contact has been established beub buted to Jews and subsequently j j general immif . V - V ' ^l _~ ll' berg; Allan Kohan vs. Ed Malan o v a y v i t a t e t h e among one's working friends. tween the P r a g u e and Vienna CC1UJ .: / ~" i. "„ policy? -Will -Will not not the the Col- i ^. r a t ion nolicv? ("How nice," I say,, "to be free Jewish emigration offices. It is shock; Sam "VFertheimer, jr., vs. three Tiberias Jews were detained Egration, Kay; Harry Malashock vs. for interrogation. onial Secretary reconsider his pol- i nis collab^-r — •when everybody you know hoped that common emigration Harry r-fp T">- Zr Government, forces, p r e ssing icy for the first year, as these chained to his desk.") ^ will be devised and carried Ernie Ncgg; Ed Rosen vs. Abe plans At the scrr= ^.—c tl Venger; Paul Blotcky vs. Warren their drive against Jewish extrem- aged -people would not be a burSome people I meet tell me I *nf Ackerman; M. E. Handler vs. ists, announced the arrest of 4S den 'on Palestinians or Arabs?" ities in A^as, re tl -IT should have-gone to New York The Slovak Government has is- Sam Horn; Maurice Micklin vs. Zionist-Kevisionists in Tel-Aviv. MacDonald replied: "The sngges- launched E.I . " C S; to see the World of Tomorrow at sued a decree limiting the number Al Mayer. In addition, police and t r o o p s tion would 'involve modification the Fair. Oh, I reply, I am trying Jewish physicians permitted to lets poster EL ' c - - T^" A pay-off stag will be l e l d in raided southern Jewish towns, ar- of the poilcy decided on, and. in distribute:"1 " "~". ^ c\to escape the world of today and practice to four per cent.of the resting 48 at Petach Tikvah, 34 my original" answer I said I conld two weeks with the losers of the what sense does it make to run total number of physicians Tegisaway to the world of tomorrow? tered in the Medical Chamber on match between the presidents and at Rishon-lc-Zicn and 15 at He- rot co-temp:;te any such modifi- ' tlZ. „. .' Is the world" of" tomorrow going June. 30,.;Aboi;r "T~~^'"'^ ' to be any better?- In the world Jewish physician: — ~^-* " iccntXil nrrnn of t~o Pct^:— Tilt" of tomorrow they are going to to prr vah setttlers and also the local George Lambert, tasi. British cas- i - * " " — - c . ' 1J. " . • l a v e a far better traffic mechan- be allowed Doctors 3 :zH council's legal arms reserve. ualties in" Palestine during the I the Peep ism (according to one of the fair's The Jewish phj; _.', _ns will be last seven years nave been as fol- j at Kurem - " i exhibits) and people will be able permitted to practi^j c:.iy - t cerBritish. Flsht Arabs to get much-faster from-liere to tain addresses to t i -rr.1 by the British troops were there. So what? have killed three Arab Interior Ministry, v.-hieL 13 also wounded two othe "World of Tomorrow authorized to torbid Jewish docclashes with the last Tn the world of tomorrow tele- tors to treat "Aryan" will enable me, while I si Jewish doctors ere also deprived Catholic Laccr "Leader ized. tBrrorist bands still ncll.n; ' out in Palestine. One band ' i n my living room; to see the of their' votes iri the- 7.1 e d ical said to include 200 rebels armrJ , Cincinnati Reds playing a world Chamber: Before the Nasi dominwith modera weapons, fig'u-'.'n" , series game with the Yanks in ation of Slovakia, Jewish physictire banner of-the Arab £u- : New "York. So what? ians were, encouraged to settle in Atlanta (JTA) — The World undsr ; to have I z~ >-!.. c But in the world of tomorrow the country -because of the short- Baptist Alliancej closing its sixth preme Committee in t i e hill ccun- ; j Peuple's - .. - ,-. I ; try north of Haifa. Tte s;=cnd, •will people know how to ge age of doctors. : t ' annual congress, adopted without was said to comprise -r El Ivis along with each other any bette Meanwhile, the! German and dissenting vote aong its 10,000 p than they do in the world of to- Czech Fascist press demanded the delegates a declaration • against sain" raiders fanatical 1 undyingtrifc;sl".cly day? Will social science catch up dismissal of Laufe'n an "honorary racialism. "This congress deplores men pledged to "an ! PellepoijTV - - " - with the physical sciences? The Aryan" who a few. weeks ago was and condemns as a violation of war against.the Jews in the low| time on "' " machinery of the world of tomor- appointed as an announcer for the the law of God the Heavenly Fa- lan'ds near "HeSrcn. Warsaw (JTA) — The tragedy Fifty graduates and staff memrow will create more and mori Czech broadcasting system be- ther, all racial animosity and evto r wealth, but will it know how to cause of his "special merits for ery form of oppression or unfair bers of the Boys A g r i c u l tural of a 67-year eld German Jew. Is- ' issue cf r sac -Gotzler, ^rha was driven four i iS School at Mikve Israel 'established distribute it? Will its machinery discrimination toward the Jews, .n chain eculture." times a c r o s s t i e Belch-Polish a" small holders' settlement near be smothered by an outpouring of Police in Pilsen ordered display toward colored people, or toward be called K£ar Ketter, frontier and beaten was disclosed -wealth it doesn't know how ti De Ps "of' signs "Jewish "Enterprise," in subject races in any part of the in memory of Charles N-stter, prts- in an official- repor distribute? Polisa i .; world," the declaration said. the German and Czech languages ininent French Jew and founder frontier guards to hsadquarters. I am- not interested" In th Jewish shops. In Prague, of Mikve-Israel. k "World of Tomorrow at New Yori in all(Continued New York (JTA) — "Antion page 7.) unless it can show me somethin Semitism is an important part of . Yielding to a. plea by Chief that will really be worth havin a wide conspiracy to destroy .the Kabbi Isaac Herzog, SO Jewish tomorrow—something of justice, liberties of the American people," prisoners at the SarEfecd concenof peaceful progress, of a fair sowarned John "Brophy, national di- tration camp called off their hunby .Pclisi. frontier guards, jj cial deal. For my vacation: I prerector of the C. I. O., in an ap- ger strike, taking food for the back fer to sit in this vacuum that inpeal for labor's support of the .first time i n sis days. Ending of •whereupon ae was beaten-'by Ger- !i ment on sulates me from the world of to Committee of Catholics to Fight the strike followed long negotia- mans" and again forced across tas 1st nevr J Eevereiy tions between Jewish circles and border. day. At least in this vacuum Anti-Semitism. This was repeated four times, j know' where to find my tooth "Anti-Semitism, like every oth- the authorities. Fifty relatives of after which Gotsler. covered, with j brush which I am always leavin er form of racism and minority the Sarafend p r i s o n e r s had blood, was bandaged iy Polisl i eci as ar at hotels" On .those vacations in hatred, has a real place in the launched a sympathy h u n g e r guards. When the Germans, called i f ^ j ; ^ " ^ which I go searching for pleasure plans of undemocratic, un-Ameri- strike in the Great Synagogue at William L. Holzman has been " o tsier " i »i"" L ^"E L." the world. rrived, G can forces seeking to dominate Tel-Aviv over the week end. The by the Poles, .arrived. appointed a member of the ComIt's really very pleasant. From mittee on the 1940 General As- our social and political life," he Sarafend strike was precipitated fainted and was turned over n n - | : _ r ^ ' afar a newsboy shouts and it may sembly Program of the Council of said. "It is spread in America to- by the Government's action in ex- conscious, to-the Nazis. be he is shouting a coup at Dan Jewish Federations and Welfare day for a definite and .carefully tending for another sis months zig.but I don't care. This tumul Funds, it was announced by Sid- plotted purpose. His declaration the -expired one-year term of a is like distant surf beating on m ney Hollander of Baltimore, pres- appears in the September issue of Jerusalem Revisionist. sequestered island; I shall hav ident of the Council. Five Jews, four- of them womThe Voice, published by the Comnothing to do with it. en, were wounded when a 'truck The Council is an association of mittee of Catholics. on which they'were riding struck I am Interested more in the 171 Jewish federations, welfare Appeals to Iia Gnardia ,_ 1 two squirrels that operate on my funds, and community councils in Mayor Fibrella H. La Guardia a terrorist-planted lasd mine be• lawn. They get along without 13S cities in the United States has been urged by L. M. Birk- tween' Mishtaar Kaemek and Kaany strife as '. they go about the and Canada. head, national Director of Friends mak David.' Two of the women processes of-their economy. It's rge Henry Monsky is a member of of Democracy, Inc. to call a City were 'seriously' injured. A a rich "world full of acorns and the organization's Board of Di- Hall Conference of religious, so- crowd of Sabbath Trcrsnipp-ers at •. " ~ - - < Jack Cohen, prominent Lincoln :' crcvoked they are content with a fair divi- rectors. cial and civic leaders for the *psir- the Walling Wail ' v e r e paniced. Et fon e"t ~- •* ^ slon between them as they store pose of developing a community stricken by-: tiie • explosion of a attorney and B'nai B'rith wort; •up against the winter. program, to meet "a dangerous bomb in a nearby empty Arab er, will speak at ths rEst raeff.t-jti' nibiti-rrchil uu Elmer (he's the bigger one) situation" created by more than courtyard. There were no casual- ing of J-anior A. S. A. No. 1 on I gronp cf - -' Tuesday —emng, A^igTist s , a t „-=>'-><;* - - - v ^ _ makes no effort at all to accumu50 anti-democratic groups now ac- ties. • late a pile at the expense of Law7:30. tive in New York; 1 v e n t xlarr.rr" L" rence, who looks sickly and feeble Mr. Co an, " 2 . 0 is a p a s t p r e s i - \ carn."*is.i-r"r~ The plea was made in a letter , to me; he lets Lawrence gather dent of ~ ^, • , i ---*• •-•- — c a i B ' r i t a l e d g e of L i n - j " " is to the Mayor in which Birkhead acorns in accordance with his reported on' a survey hia organtUTQ&QcCCiSt \ coin, and the Southwestern He-I ^ ^.^T—-..;-> Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld was namneeds. ' ed a member of National Feder- isation has just completed of antiIn this happy world I abide ation of Temple Sisterhoods' Com- democratic groups and organizaT The regular broadcast cf the | ^"H3 speak on the topic, " during these three weeks without mittee on Religious Estension, ac- tions in New York, some of whose Round Table of Chris- ' jn t^=> ^ u t U r C " p . *. Omaha having to shave every morning. cording to an announcement made leaders it was' stated, have already tians and Jews will be "hear Z tr <• Jewish Problem at the Cincinnati headquarters of made plans to organize a private afternoon at 5 p. m. ever rnaio ~s c . c .. «Yet, having come this far, I am- the' organization. army "with the threat of blood- station KOIL. aware that the readers must be shed in the streets of New York The National Committee on ReBeriously aggravated to find noth- ligious Estension sponsors Sister- City, if necessarj', to achieve their - Psrticip?.ting as narrators T , 1 be: Ban Danbaum, Je~i3t; 1 CIcn j V*: ' ing Jewish in all this. From a hood activities in visiting families subversive aims.7' • Cunningham, esectstive seer " ^r1. ' m1"-.columnist in the Jewish press they remote from Jewish groups and of the Omaha Junior Chamber of | expect columns ot Jewish signifi- stimulating religious education of Nuns'Granted Degrees- Commerce, Protestant, anc Dr. I cance; they expect a Jewish col- children in such families. Hush..M.cDoneIl, Catholic. umnist to rub . salt into their • ..New..YorkTWNS) — In a spe' _____ ; wounds every week; they are c cial commencement ceremony two Denationalise Jews probably asking, "Nu, Segal, what ; Hints" a-; nuns of the Congregation of the has your vacation to do with the Warsaw (WNS) —Fifty-eight Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood, London (WIsS)—Accnsin- t ~ r Jewish problem? What connection is there between your squirrels Polish citizens living abroad, most li.. I., "were .graduated, this week Jews of conducting an "at - t 1 and anti-Semitism? And you men- of them Jews, v.-ere denationalised the -tab-oratory School of •whispering catapaign," Der ' *""- *" tion your toothbrush. What has by the government which pub- the- Jewish Hospital-of-Brooklyn. riff,' official organ cf Eeicb. I"" •>-iu that got to do with the White lished the list here. Included are This-.was - the first time that the a Blisister Gosbbels. 1 zPaper and everything else that 22 residents in the United States, Jewish'.Hospital-had given' train- at tfe&'pdssibility of a;i2«-pc ins and diplomas to' -members of 4 ails us? The house is afire, you eight in Palestine, 10 in France, against the Jeivs of Germ: "\ a...Roman. Catholic Sisterhood. I (Continued on page 8.) it.T,rsre act stopped, . and 17 in other countries.

Li A



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V J W I U ^ ' C L.J. L.X =-J .U. j












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Nat'L Sisterhood Federation Chooses , •Mrs. -H. Rosenfeld

I o .'„


Page 2

Masine Van Patten aad Lee Jane merely In consideration of a cer- posaj of such as desired to bake tain woman who would heat her their bread, without comfienMfe* Oreenberg. Also last Monday morning three oven and then place it at the dis- tion. worsen from the morning cwiraniSsg class passed their Necessary requirements for American lied Cross certificates. They are Mesdarnes Susan Hawkins, Frances Weishartinger and Hermine Goldberg.


Bucky Greenberg and Norraan Polonsky are both working out regularly, learning, the holiie, carries, acd various li£e saving methods for their American Red Cross Junior Life Saving emblem.


making of the map of Europe at TO infinitely preferable to those Versailles represented the high- if the axis powers—not alone est level of statesmanship or evpn rom "the point of view of Jews an adequate understanding of iut for all mankind. Let us assume that a war takes ethnic groupings. Because, the Allied Powers have made grudg-' >laco. On© cannot contemplate ing admissions of their errors, the the extirpation of the axis powere bellowing of Germany for the re- without equally recognizing that etoratlon of status seems all the other nations will be drawn Into By Of. Phutp Shot more belligerent. he vortex of disaster. All the :ains that Jewa have made as . .... England , BIBLE It is fashionable among JeWB >eaceful citizens; whatever rights Go not forth hastily to strive, to speak of England as the great hey have established as civil and bulwark of democracy. Jews say lolltlcal entities must be swept Young and old alike were forced to flee from the onrush of N»d lest thc-u know not what to do in that they must do .nothing to em- .way in the holocaust of violence. power bs Germany occupied dismembered Czecho-Slovakia. Sheltered the end thereof, when thy neighNations In despair, economlcal- temporarily in tents and huts, they were removed to more permanent bor hath put thee to shame. barrass England, for that would weaken the power which is the y suffocated, physically exhaust- homes through the assistance of the Joint Distrtliiisioja Committee, A word fitly spol-en is like ed, might well become even eas- •which has combined its fund-raising efforts with the United Palestine apples of gold in settings of silirustee of civilization. It is contended by some that d er prey to the ever-present anti- Appeal and the National Coordinating Committee Fusid, Inc., ia the ver. strong front by Great Britain Semites who see a Jewish hand United Jewish Appeal for Refugees ond Overseas Needs. As vapours and wind without might have -prevented the des- n every shadow. Jews—like all rain, so is he who bcasteth himpoliation of Ethiopia, the destruc- jitizens—must suffer war. But self of a Jalse gift. tion Of Austria, the bleeding of hey will suffer doubly—as they lost a.Junior boys breast stroke As cold waters to a faint soul, iave in peace. Spain, the demolition of Czechoevent in three years of competi- so is good news even from a far slovakia, the ruination of China. What Hope country. tion. But mighty England, thinking It is .fashionable to be heroic; TALMUD Other entries from the Jewish sub.specie aeternltatis and not o exclaim that dictatorship and Bea Ai&i said: "That by thy ommunlty Center who placed in merely in terms of current head- lemocracy must come to grips for SOFTBALL IiEAGUE the City A. A. U. meet were Isa- own nc.ine thou shalt be called, lines, has seen fit to exercise.her he determination of mastery. But STANDINGS dore Friedman, who captured a and that people will finally seat eto power with extreme caution. he evils that fester on the EuroTeam. Won. Lost. third place in the breast stroke thee ia the place which th6u de» Despite provocation that might Jean body politic can only be in- Breslow Auto Glass 10 event. Nbrraan Polonsky, w h o servest, and thine thou wilt alhave made the pre-chamberlain ensified, not healed by war. Few Leavenworth Market 9 copped a fourth place in the Jun- ways receive, for it is a rule that British Jlon, roar furiously, it is doubt that the burdens riveted on S. A. M a ior boys 50-yard free tyle, and a one n a n cannot touch that which still possible for Mr. Hudson to Germany on Versailles and the in— S A. Z. A. (1) fourth place in the 50-yard back Is designated for another, and one discuss a $5,000,000,000 loan ability, of the democrats to bring 3 A. 2. A. (100) troke, Louis Blurakin was awafd- terra of office does not touch with German officials. Regard- heir country out of the depresd first place in the men's fancy upon its successor even by & less of the affronts tendered Brit- sion hastened the victory o£ hair's breadth." diving. SOFTBALL ain in Tientsin, she entered into Nazism. It happened that a pestilence %"*""• ••••• T w o I n t e r p r e t a t i o n s an agreement with Tokyo Which, The Leavenworth Market softEngland and France could have raged ia Sura, but in the neighi-t'~r There can be only two lnter- it carried to its last conclusion, ballers, gained a game on. t a e Last Wednesday evening t h e borhood where flab resided the 'v-*prstations of the value of war. must mean the eventual expulsion lelped before. Must the world league leading Breslow A u t o Jewish Community Center na- pestilence was not prevalent. The o\v be broken into shambles, be•* 'The one is Mussolini's, who thinks of Britain from the Far East. ause a handful of statesmen Glass ten, tijf virtue of their win tatorlum was kept busy, when townsmen concluded that this was recurrent conflict essential to A few days.ago Colonial Secre- stubbornly insisted on their wis- over the S. A. M. club, as the over 25 business girls passed because of the special merits of '"purge the dross and intensify the virility in man. The other believes ary MacDonald chlded Jews in a dom long after facts had proved Breslow's were idle drawing a their American Red Cross begin- Rsb, but In a dream they were '""that a resort to arms is permis- speech In the Hoiibe of Commons. therwise? These same statesmen bys 3n last Sunday's- schedule. ners and intermediates swimming told that this would be but a small object wherewith to dem' ' ' slble only when every other pos- He felt the Jews ought to be —even today-—refuse to budge to The Markets. defeated the Sam- and diving tests. onstrate Rab's merits and that sibility of mediation has failed grateful to Great Britain for the avert the catagtropes which, be- mies by the score of 17 to 7. Those who were successful are and military struggle is essential friendship she has shown to Jews muse of their rigidity, may ulThe fraternity group got' off on as follows: In the beginners tests, this was so In consideration of to preserve certain fundamentals. In England" and elsewhere. Is tol- timately lead to war. There ia no the right foot and were leading Dorothy Olsen, Masine Van Pat- the merits of a mas who lencs What is it in the world situa- erance now interpreted as the war—-but thirty-two nations of by the score of 5 to 0, while the ten, Martye Lea Byron, Rose Ban, his hoe and other gigging tools tion that would seem to make quality of not ,. persecuting the the world refuse to perform any boys up Leavenworth way were Lorraine Bergen, Pearl Schneider, used for burial, without compenwar, as understood In the second Jews? Taking MacDonald's ob- arge-scale act of generosity for slow In starting. A big fourth Naomi Wolfson, Lorene Zaruba, sation. In the city of Darogrott, interpretation, inescapable? From, servation as a reflection of the ;he refugees. ' Will these nations inning for the victors when they Eva Klmniel, Helen Klnkenoa, tae residing place of Rabbi Huns, the point of view of Jews, there British Empire mentality Irritated e more soft-hearted after the de- cornered 11 scores in the fourth Helen Canfield, Lee Jane Green- there was a great conflagration ih evident an increasing strength by any obstacle to its imperial In- li Station of war? inning proved tb be the down fall berg, Shirley Chasen, Virginia but in the neighborhood where in Europe for the principle of terests, why should Jews feel that There may be war. Probably •for the club team. Bemis, Harriet Shaffer, Lucille Rabbi Huna lived the fire did net anti-Semitism. Germany and its war may be the solution to any there will be—because madness Paul Steinberg started for the Russall, Arleae Dansky, Thelma reach. It was thought that It WE.E appendages are no longer habit- of their grave ilia? and Btubborness are not concilia- Markets, but, gave way in t h e Rush and Bernlce Novak. Those on account of the merits of Rabti able for Jews. tory partners. But history has not fourth inning to Millard Sfgal, who passed tbeir intermediate Huna that the' neighborhood T,-as Dictators and Democracy That dictatorship is the fruit roved that war is the solvent of who hurled his club to a win. tests are as follows: Martye Lea spared. But they were told in a Rumania and Hungary are movThe A. 2. A. No. 1 defeated the Byron, • Helen Canfielfi, P e a r l fireani that this would be but a. ing swiftly in that direction. Po- of misguided democracy is the 11s. Jews who, in * their dark emblt- Century Chapter of A. Z. A. by Schneider, Naomi Wolfson, Dor- small recognition f o r Rabbi If.nd is not too pleasant to con- theory woven by Poliakoff. To template. But the existence of ac- him dictatorship is the Bupreme :erment, hops that Reason will the score of 1 to 2, and stepped othy Olsen, Lorraine Bergen, Hana's Tserlts £.cd that it -r>ity~ anti-Semitic forces in •• these expression of democracy. "Indeed, rlumph through the battle be- iip a notch til the J. 0. C. softH d is not new, even thbugh we say, dictatorship should be a tween imperialisms are merely ball league standings. Sam Rur effectiveness 1B unprecedent- democratic monopoly, because aiming tor the extinction of their derman went the full route for ^ c J . "What is striking and territy- only people conscious of their race. The answer to the dilemma the Mother Chapter and pitched S-gjSs i3 that the new .anti-Semitism rights and duties can be allowed of today may seem to be that no effectively at all times. ^ taken on a missionary char- to surrender them, If only for a' other course than war la recogtime and for a definite purpose. nizable. Education, culture, reilNext week's schedule will find Where Oa&hs Shops With Confidence In Germany, Russia and Italy, ;loh seem, to fcive lost their ef- the league leading Breslows clashZ?' .it .wants'to Impose the .doctrine v^v.upon the whole world ahd is'pre- he claims, dictatorship was trans- ficacy. But if they have no pow- ing with the.S. A. M.'s out at the Svr'jared to spend vast sums'and formed into tyranny. For this he ers of vitality and West Elmwood lot, while, the You're Certain cf Quality &*energies in order to make the blames the so-called democratic -—what reason remains to believe two teams who _were successful When You Buy This , j^?iiniverse unlivable for the Jew. powers because they did not co- that an enervating war will in- the last time, namely the A. 2. ^ S i n e e Hitler and- the axis powers operate with and encourage the vigorate them? \ •• • A. No. 1 and the Leavenworth committed to the doctrine democratic elements in those othMarket, will do battle with their the world is unsafe for them er countries. (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts war dubs at the 32nd and Dewey __ every last Jew has been Feature Syndicate) diamond. Poiiakoff is merely giving point Cfi&radicated, one might: assume SILVER FOX ' C^rjHiat the.only solution would be to the obvious fact that the world Schedule for n e x t Sunday's •=pine destruction' of the military dilemma cannot be discussed games, August 6: DYED RACCOON •—Sight of Germany, Italy and merely in terms of black and Breslow Auto Glass -vs; Sigma 3? Japan for the elimination of the white. The savagery of colonial •Alpha Mu——West Elm-wood. "5j.most potent sources of anti-Semi- acquisition and exploitation 1B not a unilateral vice. The passion for v-' tism. . A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Leavenworth market outlets and natural re£tos-i Jewish Interests New Tork, (JTA)—The New Market—32nd and Dewey. sources is not limited to one i?i,gr War or peace? In wilch direc- grasping power. York Supreme Court had under SWIMMING **itidn do Jewish Interests lie? consideration this week an appliTragic Results - t ' ^ ' I t - l 9 t r u e t n a t between five Bucky Greenbsrg again led the cation by the Central Hanover Lei Out Saccooa dy«d td reIf a war is initiated, it can be Bank and Trust Company to use Junior, boys breast Etrokers by "• 6nd BIX million people face spreadsemble silver fox becosaes oat ing devastation now. But it must helpful to civilization (if war is the income from a §50.000 trust winning the 50-yard Junior boys ialso be remembered that the lot ever helpful to civilization) only fund set up in 1923 by the late breast stroke event last Sunday in of the season's psptilsr furs. £sof these people before the last if there are two seta of contrast- I-.udwlgVogels.teln for relief ot the City A. A. U. swimming meet Miracles have been performed ing principles, one unt&intedly •JfWorld War was better. There are held at Krug park. This Sunday, refugees from Germany. to take aw^y the estrStae bulky >;?iiundrds of thousands of Jews ex- true, the other indubitably false. will enter in the Junior The fund, established In mem- Bueky effect. Also conies in £§-isds •>i- Belled or about to be expelled It Britain were ready to yield the boys breast stroke event in the vrJSlrom their native lands without colonies she seized from Germany ory of Mr. • Vogelstein's parents State meet tb be held at the Krug length st $175.00. i^-an alternative ot a : welcoming after the War; if ehe were pre- Heinemann and Rosa Vogelstein pool, on August IS. " was to be used for philanthropic oicountry accepting them in mass pared to share markets on which Greenberg will represent Furt $6S f» $550 would the fate of these and she has a stranglehold; would purposes inside Germany."with, theYoung City of Omaha,' and the Midbe more stable following these concessions represent a re- out any distinction as to nation- western association <xt Rea Oak, S&zll deposit fields C6at. consequences of an interna- treat before violence or merely an ality, political party and la. TO date, Bueky has never b6 acknowledgement of previous vio- gioa." '}'.• tionaT conflict? The bank's petition Is accom*.*••/: What can war profit the Jews! lence? ~~}'-MThe only conceivable answer Is That Great Britain will not panied by a letter signed by the Call O« Poirl'that their already weak position fight unless her own political and four surviving trustees of the Sketched from N Vogelstein Foundation and the J^jAVould be further Undermined and economic powers are directly en• Attics » Kitchens • Bastmenta heirs of the grantor, explaining j*;'the economic and political secur- dangered is every day's • R6-roof ln& • insulatisn 'Air Cooled Fat Sslca—THri Floe? er ,ity they have gained in a century news dispatches. No one is naive that *it was Impossible for a Jew• Re.siding ish charity to assist Christians in •i;might be further imperilled in enough to. believe that the preHO OOYiii. PAYRIESNT Eaiy Monthly Payments *.<thqse lands in which democracy cious values ot culture, the his- Germany now without "unpleas antness" to the recipient, or to *.ls still a vital force. toric achievements of. civilisation &• Nicholas 6ts> JA E0J3 "Will the state of the Jews be are the treasures • moving Great administer the trust in the splri - improved if Erig'and-France-Po- Britain to; action. It cannot be in which it was founded. '• , land- contest with Germany-Italy, denied, however, that with all her . Japan the hegemony of t h e selfish interests, Great Britain world? When- spiritual leaders represents certain tenets which If They're Hard to Please—Ssrvo Met* .-"speak of the Great Armaggedon, they visualize a ; battle to the death between the forces of Evil and of Righteousness. Leaving PRIVATELY owned c a r s aside tor the moment the obvious and passenaors desiring to difference in attitude toward the travel on share expanse Jews as between the aggression basis phone .CAast t6 Coast Auto Travel Bureau. HA and the anti-aggression, powers, It 5600, 200? Farnam. • Destinis not clear that the latter art ation and accident Inauranea without sully the champions o on all passengers. Righteousness. • . . Few will- contend t*>at the reTwo recent news Items set the stage. One of them reported that a speafcer for the British Union of Fascists exclaimed recently in London that ."when the next war is : oyer there will not be enough telegraph poles in England to hold Jewish necks." The other, stated that Julius Dtreieaer had called a conference of" scientific Jew-baiters and told them that Jews throughout the world could be destroyed in three years 11 a campaign were sedulously fostered to convince the nations that the Jews, alone are responsible for war. It is possible that despair-laden people, whether they be Jews or Christians, may see in war the last resort to rescue civilization from its traducers. But .if there ; is any evidence on the attitude of Jews on the subject ot war, it would point to a negative and not an affirmative position. •••' Reflections on the Jewish stake in peace or war are stimulated by two recent volumes analyzing the '•• background of world events—the only perspective from which the Jewish position may be judged. ' One ia "Inside Asia" (Harper & Bros.) by John Gunther; the other "'Europe in the Fourth Di^';*menslon" (Appletc-n-Century) by -;-;y. PoliakoK (Augur). '•

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: * *<—' ssn sc it r she taught mathematics. Later, relying upon the fact that very very nnch nch is. is she became. Jin instructor in the few persons is-ere Klansinen at reaeon st if" rerrr-r-* High School - of Jasper, Missouri. heart. . tires c* Anpr'cr.r Alter her marriage, she became In spite Of hideous propaganda no Bposllic rlas cl active: in Council -wnrk,. serving posters, depicting the very lovely present and de£er.u. as President of the Houston Sec* Mrs. Goldman -with a nose that tion, as President of the Tesas would have made Cyrano's or State Conference, as a member" even Pinocchio'a seem insignifiof the Board of Directors, and fi- cant; in spite of scurrilous antiPicked for the ysresldec resldecc ci | leaders, ecueE/; nally as Vice-President and Pres- Semitic +t»iirB. that.year- ia Hous! the amaiE^sated Citr ton, brought both the largest vote ident of the National organiza| Hu er CcIIs£? el and the most decisivs victory that tion. ' . . : jit"8 E t-"t l^ite Ithe stats had ever seen. Shortly after Mrs. Goldman 1 we've Mrs came to Texas and became a mem-1 - Goldman and the forces of ber oi the Board of Education, I dece&cy triumphed. It is stated by ' World's r&.r posa. srize a couple the. Klan moved into the Lone Texans who were on the spot that of EiBEthE ago, is niece cf the the rout of the Klan in that local TififliEli post Kichael Tcrt'l F.THI. From a wealth . of experience, j tar State. The organisation gain- election gave the citizens of the like his ancestors ia sadist Ssssriaj. this young falestinlaa blows £ resd pipe EreatgrEudfiS-usrhter cl tfce ranging from, actual advantages d a foothold in the political life state that new courage and new <o cal! the cattle from pasture. Ke is one of 150 childrea vho iivs ia Mais the as a progressive educator in the^ eath grip. Within a short time, faith In democratic p r o c e s ses Ehfeyah, the self-govemlag chiSirea's village in Pa'estiae nsaiEtairsad by Juaiss famous Tzzdiik. of EaSin, Keifeti; Chais. . . . If rcE want to realise Klan-riddeh State of Texas to the very major office was Klan con- which ultimately led to disband- .Hsdfiaah, the Ycusj Vosisa'j Soaisi Orgaaizitica cf Aiacrijs. leadership Of 65,000 American rolled. . I how time 'lies ;ust ing the hooded order. women, Mrs. Maurice L. Goldman, The State Legislature could President of the National Council lave transformed Itself Into a Ku During Mrs. Goldman's years of of Jewish "Women, has evolved a Klux Klan Konklave at a mo- service on the School Board, she ney "Wallach cf the code of action for present day ment's notice. Jewish merchants was instrumental in setting up a isa Goaniittee is celebrating his i complete Junior High School. New Jewry. ; tent b •wedging £ nniTersarj" this T vere boycotted. The Klan con- building were erected and new "You cannot fight against the trolled the - State Judiciary to plans were introduced at the same * nis? Cinci&ai£iti£.n %'Tio EiOvr heads forces of bigotry and intolerance,'' uch a. extent that Jewish lawyers time. "We'ceased;" she said, "to cue of New York''E iinsst schools i says Mrs. Goldman. "Anti-Semites ;Onsidered it advisable to choose t e a c h merely the material set bad settlement for their clients forth in books and began to devel- BTISIOREO ABROAD are. not open to conviction. They .bllEfeed E "Bet-ij _K o i r a big poster bearing the inscrip- cf spee are what they are for emotional rather than risk a trial in Klau- op minds. "We discarded education ter Spc>ecn H o s e Ef.ccr Course" j ^C-^TE, Is. there anything to this.big tion, "Gentiles Are Welcome." for •the benefit of those • who vcr.lfi ; or economic reasons and all argu- ridden courts. by rote in favor oj stimulating reciprocal trade . deal between OPINIONS BIFFEB ments for minority rights or for Schools Aloof Tbere'E something fishy about like to use her method isit live \i° intellectual curiosity and a desire Nasiland a n d . Rumania, which simple truth and justice fall oil There, was only one phase of to know. Of course, there was gives Germany 50,000 carloads of twenty-year-old University of Cal- too far awty to attend her classdeaf ears. . ommunity life that the hooded much opposition by the conserva- Rumanian wheat? i vere s Tnose who ifornia graduates William Bara- es. It is Hiss ![Conner who is "Fighting against bigotry nev- Tder had not been able to touch tive elements in the community. favor the Rublee plan asd ap- well Curts . . . Young Bill spent eoachis.E Ilia Kodes. z.ti& John I T>riKor,i er payB," Mrs. Goldman t e l l s — the school system. -With covet- The new system was on probation prove of the J. D. C. turning a month in a Kail jail for insult( Council members in 350 Sections us eyes, the organization watch- but it was not long before its mer- over §1,000,000 for that purpose ing Hitler . . . Now, back in this ers In the revue "From Vienna," j in the intricacies of Eufrlifch proj ' throughout the country; "Fight d the local School Board, and fi- its Were acknowledged and its should read the news from Dan- country, he sings the praises of : r far the things that keep anti-Sem- nall laid their plans for complete permanence assured." zig carefully . . . Here is a glar- his jailors for the treatment they ounciatioa . . . Yes, it's trae— j. you're never *• going C-" f-y-titism from flourishing. Only fight- ontrol. ing example of how . Jews, even j aaccordesi b m i U C U LL±L*± . . . ^ And s - u u . When r* ±x*L.*j. i a~ *re»w Through these experiences in Ing for such things as justice, Since the Klan was -convinced Texas as well as from observa- when they follow to the letter tae porter asked Mra about the beat- Libby n d n a n V zxili. rct fcCn Peace and democracy can . bring hat i t could' win any elective of- tions-in received, other places and in other Kazis* instructions oa the trans- i n g the allows crcr a positive victory."" • . fice .in the state, its first step \va3 emergencies, Mrs. Goldman has fer of their holdings, are still plied that he hadn't been beaten Orientation .o induct the Legislature to pass gathered a practical and valuable made the victims cf special de- up very badly . . . A different re- ESSfe Cantor will never be E.1 The National Council of Jewish L bill throwing the personnel of philosophy which she 1B- today crees that ,iob them of their law- action is that of Greg-or Simer, to play his OWE fciogrE in the i fc."^' "r fr r*"'r brr1 •Women has for Its major purpose he School Board open to papular putting at the service of the mem- ful percentage of the money tbey former headmaster o£ the Ameri- movies unless .he settles the jL»iiil*ii. fc-'!' the orientation of Jewish women election. Having a c c o mplished bers of the National Council of were compelled to turn in to tne can School at Berlin, •wtio t a s tate, TTtich JaoISe Nazis . _ - "We don't know how come back to this country ' i n t o the "American scene. One of his f i r st objective, it- became Jewish Women. jSdfiie's life , . the polities! indepen- good its cardinal - principles - is its en-their .boast that soon there would . When asked to define ca She •advises them repeatedly to compatible "wasta a chaste Jroxs feJE Kr. Koi! dence of Denmark and Norway is during and even militant faith in not be a Jewish teacher or a Jew- ignore the difference between American forces of bigotry and with the decision of the govern-educational prOcesses-T-long term ish employee in any school in the reactionthe democracy acfi German Nazidom roles, and is trying to jiirira&ili and to concentrate their ments of. these two countries to he delivered this nifty: "Kere, his producer to east Mia as planning for •wise and mature ac- entire State of Texas. efforts on organising the yet untion •>-*• Tather than the emotional Thoughtful parents were wor- organized elements in the com- ban "Warner Brothers' "Confes- when" you' ~hear~7ootsteps at the j the Ripper . . . Peter doesn't t n c vr keepers ciosefi t of a Naai Spy" . . No movies ddoor at 6 approach through which all prob- xled — they did not want their munity 6a. m. iit t h t the th |j that his bsss, tMSTy-erti£l'fe-C£EU-r that TwestietTb-Gestixfy- protest etrifee Ef;; that need inspiration and sions showing Hitler or Mussolini are lems appear in terms of back- children educated by thin-lipped leadership. If y< IFC-3 t a s decides to discocticrte of the SanjEfe of She is equally certain tas arrived to ground and personal experiences. men. with warped vision. Liberal today that the 1939 vintage of permitted to be screened in Mex- bear a knock at 6 a. m. in a home j his X.; .Following out this theory, mem- citizens were aroused, at last •— purveyors of hate are no more ico . . . Italy, on the other hand, in Germany you Inss your family 1 O. K. any film scenes de- gooa-bye, because the Gestapo is "barsi -of Council in all Sectiona are they saw a real menace to freeBut, she will tell you doesn't picting labor strikes . . . .studying Peace, Social Legislation dom and democracy In Klan-£on- reasonable. paying you a visit." { that in the last analysis only a and Contemporary, Jewish Affairs trolled education. A committee of few people are attracted to isms. HEAB .YE . FORECAST to the end that they may he in- citizens called on Mrs. GolQmah, A tew prognostications on the j democracy ia to trumph, our An interesting report reaches V formed and ready to act for com-the woman member -who had' done If duty is to reach the' large us that Cardinal Gasparri, pre- "World Zionist. Congress opening \ munal betterment and the welfare so much to liberalize the school first groups that are as yet untouched fect of the . Supreme Tribunal o* on A-cgtist 16th: P r o s the of the nation. system and begged, her. .to save by* the problem but who are po- the Apostolic Signature of E.ojse, day of the Congress Jewish us In response to the urgent need education in Houston by- heading tentially honest thinking, loyal is. coming here to put a stop to paper correspondents will cable | ol the present situation. Council an ahti-Klan ticket for, President Americans. Father Coughlin's increasing fie-home the inside dope oa Dr. Tv'eiz- j has been_.forcsd. to use a major of the Board of Education.. lusions of grandeur . . The mys-mann's definite decision to resign . part of its energies and funds to _ It was almost a hopeless task. (Copyright. 1939 By Seven Arts tery of who is financing Sougli- from the presidency of the World ] carry oh.its Service to Foreign The Klan had ndt.lostaa election lln's radio time is becoming thick- Zionist Organisation Feature Syndicate.) Bpro..JFor.._thirty-five jears, the for years. They were organized to . . . Ha has contracted for tion of whether Weizrnass organizationr has met all boats, the—hilt, - ^hey,. had money, loud daily quarter and half tour per- possibly reconsider will be the has helped clear" away technical voices, and "what they could not iods on almost fifty stations . . . focal pciut of every newspaper re- j | difficulties for those detained .at gain by reason,.they accomplished In order to circumvent the newport on the conclave . . . The Sis- | § Ellis Island, and has helped to hrough fear and Intimidation. radio code that prohibits dissem- Coy is that although Tv"ei integrate the -newcomer-into life Conscious of all thesa things, Mrs. ination of "racial" propaganda, is a very tired man in feis Goldman, teacher and educator, in America. Coughlin books his time through ths efforts to coax wife and mother, weighed every his Social Justice organization • . sitties It •was natural, since Council stay on at the helm of the aspect of the problem. •was already -working i n the field Rome (JTA)—Premier Benito Ths New . York Post's ship of state will be EucecE:fr and had the necessary machinery She knew it would be a hard Mussolini's Popolo ditalia, in one Lore inows what he's here will be plenty of and. techniques a t its command fight, probably a dirty one. She of the first extended Italian com- about "WTien he claims that inors about a reconciliation -sriih 11 : that it was called upon' to expand recognized the fact that she would ments on Britain's new Palestini the Italian Fascists are going in and intensify that service to meet be inviting slanderous attacks if policy, declared in an article o: for the organization of Italians in the preesnt emergency. she accepted the nomination as. a its Palestine correspondent tha America in a big way, ths State Rent Room witli hr:a According to • Mrs. Goldman Jewish woman fighting the Klan. the policy would not. solve the Department had better take no- For bests. Board sf desired. KA Service to Foreign B o r n gives She thought of the possible effects problem because the Arabs were tice Believe it or not, there •4017. 31S37 Lincoln Blvd. Council a dual role. Its program upon her family. thinking only of getting rid o: Ere 1,500 German clubs in New may be divided 4nto two parts — As she herself puts it, "There ihe Jews and the Jews only o: York . . . but not all of them are •what we do for our own people were three thousand reasons for subjugating the Arabs. Nazi in their. leanings . . . •who must find a place to live, saying no, but there are times The article, which Was given THIS AND THAT frets from persecution and hatred. when convenience, personal likC3 considerable prominence, spoke o and y h a t Council does as a group and dislikes, must be side tracked an alleged declaration of wa:about European markets for its Elderly man desires and room in Strictly Kocier of enlightened women to make to accomplish an end. This seem- against Britain by the Jews ant. , located them mora secure in their loya ed to be one of them. Reluctantly, noted approvingly that the British film products communities, to enrich life, and I consented with the proviso that were inclined to look less favor- brothers of Columbia are making gogue. Bos help safeguard American democ the rest of the ticket should be ably on the Jews than hitherto, two versions Of "Golden Boy," cue Press. '. racy. •worth fighting for." but asserted that .the Jews held being toned down to the extent substituting the word "anarCampaign Posit Experience the threat over the British tha: chism" for the terra.. "Fascism For this last objective, Mrs What happened in the city of they were able to do more dam in tha version intended for Goldman borrows heavily from Houston has become a matter of age in a "day than the Arabs ha used domestic consumption - . . Interher past experiences -when, as ahistory. Mrs. Goldman worked out done in three years. esting statistics: Out of the 38,- hcotework cr . member of the School J3oard . o a practical campaign.' She began 000,000 immigrants who landed 23, Jewish Press. Houston, Texas, she aroused t b by arousing all the elements in In order to help their fellow at Ellis Island .between 1S20 and decent elements of the community the community that had a poten* s at the time of the expulsion fully a sisth remained in to nefarious .workings of the Klan tial honest approach but were not from Spain, the 'Jews of Corfu and The ultra-kcsher and eventually led the fight which yet awakened to. the problem. She Candia Bold the gold from their resulted In complete rout of th spoke at labor m e e t i n g s , in synagogue ornaments. York City features in its iorces of bigotry and, hate. churches, w o m e n ' s clubs and , A graduate of the University o men's fraternal groups. Leaving Missouri, Mrs. Goldman joined th the Klan severely alone, she conlaculty oi her Alma Mater when centrated on the average citizen,

One of the most brilliant fig* urea in national Jewish life is Mrs. Maurice Ii. Goldman, President Of the national Council oi Jewish Women, whose career as educator, wttc, m o t h e r and leader among women actively engaged in endeavors of peace, jnstice And • democracy is xe•rlewed in tho hops that the ideals to which she has aeaicatefl herself tnay fierce'to inspire all 'women interested in maintaining the cherished principles of American life. •—EDITOR.





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Maslne'Van Patten and Lee Jane merely la consiSeration of a cer- posal of Fticb as desired to tain woman who would heat her their', without c Qreenberg. Also last Monday morning thrca cvCn S.T&. tben pipce it Ft fir t",?vrotnen from the morEiag swisatulag class passed their necessary requirements for American Sed Cross certificates. Tbey are Mesdaines Susan Hawkins, Frances Weishartinger and Hermine Goldberg. Bucky Greenberg &r.d Norman Polonsky are both, "'orkiiig out regularly, learaing the holds, carries, and various life saving methods for tfieir American Red Cross Junior Life Saving emblem.

By HENRY MONTOR . Two recent news Items set the making of the map of Europe at stage. Versailles represented the highOne of them reported that a est level of statesmanship or even . speaker for the British Union of] an adequate understanding of Fascists exclaimed recently in, ethnic groupings. Because, the London that "when the next war Allied Powers have madegrudg-' is7 over there will not be enough | ing admissions of their errors, the telegraph poles in ' England to bellowing of Germany for the rehold Jewish necks." storation of status seems all tho , The other stated that Julius more belligerent. Ctrfcicaer had called a conference . .England . . o£Kscientltic Jew-baiters and told It is fashionable among Jews them that Jews throughout the world could be destroyed in three to speak of England as the great ~ years if a campaign were sedu- bulwark of democracy. Jews say lously fostered to convince tha that they must db nothing to emnations that the Jews alone are barrass England, for that would weaken the power which is the responsible for war. trustee of civilization. it is possible that despair-laden It is contended by some that a people, whether they be Jews or strong front by Great Britain Christians, may see in war the might have "prevented the deslast resort to rescue civilization poliation of Ethiopia, the destrucfrom its traducera. But if there tion of Austria, the bleeding of is any evidence ori the attitude Spain, the demolition of Czechoof Jews on the subject of war, it slovakia, the ruination. of China. - would point to a negative and not But mighty England, thinking \\ an affirmativei position. sub ."specie aeternltatis and not ':''•• Reflections on the Jewish stake merely in terma of current headin peace or war are stimulated by lines, has seen fit to exercise her ..: '• two recent volumes analyzing the veto power with extreme caution. background of world events—the Despite provocation that might •only perspective from which the Jewish position may be judged. have made the pre-Chamberlaln . One is "Inside Asia" (Harper & British lion roar furiously, it 1B Bros.) by John Gunther; the oth- still possible for Mr. Hudson to er, "Europe in the Fourth Di- discuss a $5,000,000,000 loan Regard'£; "mansion" (Appleton-Century) by with .German officials. less of the affronts tendered Brit--"Y.FoliafcoH (Augur). : ain in Tientsin, she entered into %**";'•. . Iwo Interpretations' •JiC-V There can be'only two Inter- an agreement with Tokyo which, ^:-pretations of the value of war. If carried to its last conclusion, ' 'The one is Mussolini's, Who thinks must mean the eventual expulsion recurrent conflict essential to of Britain from the Far East. A few days.ago Colonial Secre'"purge the dross and intensify- the virility in man.-The other believes tary MacDonald chided Jews in a ^fthat a resort to arm's is permis- speech in the House of Commons. ' ' sible only when every other pos- He felt the Jews ought to be sibility of mediation has .failed grateful to Great Britain for the and military struggle is essential friendship she has shown to JewB to preserve certain fundamentals. in England" and elsewhere. Is tolWhat is it in the world situa- erance now interpreted as the tion that would seem to make quality of not . persecuting the •war, as understood in the second Jews? Taking MacDonald's obinterpretation, inescapable? From, servation as a reflection of the the point of view of Jews, there British Einpire mentality irritated is evident an increasing Strength by any obstacle to its Imperial inla Europe for the principle of terests, why ehould .Ttrwa feel that iintl-Seruitism. Germany and its war may .be the solution to any appendages are no longer habit- of their grave ills? . _ able for Jews. Dictators and Democracy Rumania and Hungary are movThat dictatorship is the fruit ing swiftly in that direction. Po- of misguided democracy is the land is. not too pleasant to con- theory woven by Poliakoff. To template. But the existence of ac- him dictatorship Is the- supreme anti-Semitic forces in-these expression of democracy. "Indeed, is not new, even though we say, dictatorship should be a ir effectiveness is unprecedent- democratic monopoly, because b c d . 'What ia striking and territy- only people conscious of their •^SfiiS is that the new.anti-Semitism rights and duties can be allowed %rffcp taken on a missionary char- to surrender them, If only for a time and for a definite purpose. -jSactsr. •"..••.-• • . •'. . ' •' •;•" ,'A .wants to Impose the doctrine In Germany, Russia and Italy, : !?..ujion the whole world and is pre- he claims, dictatorship was trans'v'jparSd to Bpend vast sums and formed into tyranny. For this he ^•energies in order to make the blames the so-called democratic J»?Universe unlivable for the Jew. powers because they did not coS?-Sinee Hitler and- the axis powers operate with and encourage the •irSfa committed to the doctrine democratic elements in those oth: jsitnat the world is unsafe for them er countries. gj l t Jew J h b gja every last has been Poliakoff is merely giving point Caeiadicated, one ' might assume ££giat the only solution would he to tho obvious fact that the world ;±=£he destruction of the military dilemma cannot be discussed •"might of Germany, Italy and merely in terms of black and Ir' Japan for the elimination of the white. The savagery of colonial 3c. most potent sources of anti-Semi- acquisition and exploitation is not a unilateral vice. The passion for **' tism. market outlets and natural reJewish Interests ifrp War or peace? In which direc- sources is not limited to one grasping power. .'•i'tion do Jewish interests lie? Tragic Results •£H:i It is- true that between five If a war is initiated, It can be "-"and six million people face spreading: devastation now. But it must helpful to civilization (if -war ia i also be remembered that the lot ever helpful to civilization) only i?~ot these people -before the last if. there are two Beta of contrast""*""*--'•* War was better. There are ing principles, one untalntedly of thousands ot Jews ex- true, the other indubitably false. or about to be expelled If Britain were ready to yield the tvtrom. their native lands without colonies she seized from Germany jji-a'n alternative of a welcoming after the War; if she were prec* ^country accepting them in mass. pared to share markets on which l^EBut would the, fate of these and she has a stranglehold; would Jb-Others be more stable following these concessions represent a re>r;-Jthe consequences of an interna- treat before violence or merely an Si-ilonal conflict? acknowledgement of previous vioi^-- "What can war profit the Jews! lence? . r.ij-The only conceivable answer is That Great Britain will not "iHthat their already weak position • 'jr.* would be further dndermlhed and fight unless her own political and *:<'the economic and political secur- economic powers are directly en>£-;ity they have gained in a century dangered is every day's •jrmight be further imperilled In news dispatches. No on© is naive *<thoBe lands in which democracy enough to bellevfe that the precious values of culture, the hisv'is still a vital force. toric achievements ot civilization : Will the state of the Jews ba are the treasures moving Great - v improved if Eng'and-France-P6- Britain to action. It cannot be land contest with Germany-Italy- denied, however, that with all her Japan the hegemony of t h e selfish Interests, Great Britain •world? "When - spiritual leaders /-speak of the Great Armaggedon, represents certain tenets which 1 .l ' they visualize a battle to the ; death between the forces of Evil * and - of Righteousness. Leaving PRIVATELY owned c a p * » aside tor the moment the obvious and passengers desiring to ' ; difference in attitude toward the travel on share expanso basis phone Coa&t to Caaat j Jews as between the aggression Auto Travel Bureau. HA * and the anti-aggression, powers, it S600, £007 Farnatn. % Destin; is not .clear that the latter are ation and accident Insurance on all passengers. * without sully the champions of ' * Righteousness. . • . J?ev/ will- contend t>>at the re•

are Infinitely preferable to those of the axis powers—not alone from "the point of.view of Jews but for all mankind. Let us assume that a war takes place. One cannot contemplate the extirpation of the axis powers without equally recognizing that other nations will be drawn into the vortex ot disaster. All tho jains that Jews have made as peaceful citizens; whatever rights they have established as civil and political entities must be swept away in the holocaust of violence. Nations In despair, economically suffocated, physically exhausted, might svell become even easier prey to the ever-present antiSSmltfis who see a Jewish hand in every shadow. Jews—r-Hke all citizens—must suffer -war. But they will Buffer doubly—as they have in peace. What Hope It is .fashionable to be heroic; to exclaim that dictatorship and democracy must come to grlp3 for the determination ot mastery. But the evils that fester on the European body politic can only be intensified, not healed, by war. Pew doubt that the burdens riveted on fermany on Versailles and the inability of the democrats to bring their country out of the depression hastened the victory of Nazism. England and France could have helped before. Must the world

now be broken into shambles, because a handful of statesmen

stubbornly insisted on their wisdom long after facts had proved otherwise? These same statesmen —even today-—refuse to budge to avert the catagtropes which, because of their rigidity, may ultimately lead to war. There is no war—but thirty-two nations of the world refuse to perform any large-scale act of generosity lor the refugees." Will these nations be more soft-hearted after the debilitation of war? There, may be war. Probably there will be—because madness and Btubborness are not conciliatory partners. But history has not proved that war is the solvent of ills. : Jews who, in their dark embltterment, hope that Reason will triumph through the battle between, imperialisma are merely aiming fop the extinction of their race. The answer to the dilemma of today may seem to be that no other course than war ia recognizable. Education, culture, religion seem to : Have lost their efficacy. But if they Jiave no powers of vitality and —what reason remains to believe that an enervating war will invigorate them? \

Gems of the Bible arid Talmud By Dr. Philip She? BIBLE Go not forth haBtily to etrive, Young end old alike were forced to flee frosn the onrush of Nazi lest th5u know net what to do in power las Germany occupied dismembered Czecho-Slovakia. Slielleredl the end thereof, when thy neightemporarily in tents and huts, they were removed ta more permanent bor hath put thee to shame. homes through the assistance of the Joint Distribution Committee, A word fitly 6pol.en is like hih h its fund-raising:g: efforts with the United Palestine which has COtnbirscd O te apples of go!d in settings of Sild the h Notional N i l Coordinating C d i i C i F d Inc., I h Appeal and Committee Fund, in the ver. United Jewish Appeal for Refugee* end Overseas Needs. . As vapours afid wind without rain, so is he who bosstfetn himself of a false gift. lost a Junior boys breast stroke As cold waters to a faint soul, event in three years of competi- so is good news even from a tar tion. country. Other entries from the Jewish Ben Azai eaid: "That by thy Community Center who placed in SOFTBALl/ the City A. A. U. meet were Isa- own name thou shalt bs called, STANDINGS dore Friedman, who captured a and that people will finally seat Won. Lost. third place in the breast stroke thee In the place which thou dett&ta. Breslow Auto Glass 10 event. Norman Polonsky, w h o servest, a,nS taine thou wilt alO Leavemvorth Market copped a fourth place in the Jun- ways receive, for it »s a rule that 6 S. A. M. .... ior boys BO-yard free tyle, and a one man cannot touch that which 3 A. Z. A. (I) ..... fourth place in the 50-yard back is designated for another, and one 3 A. Z. A. (100) troke, Louis Blurakin was award- term of office doss not touch ed first place in the men's fancy upon its successor even by a hair's breadth." SOFXBAlili diving. It happened that a pestilence The Leavenworth Market softraged in Sura, but in the neighballers, gained a game on t h e Last "Wednesday evening t h e league leading Breslow A u t o Jewish Comrn&nHy Center na- borhood where ftafe resided the Glass ten, riy virtue .of their win tatorium was kept busy, when pestilence was not prevalent. The over the 3. A. M. club, as the over 25 business girls passed townsmen concluded that this Breslow's were idle drawing a their American Red Cross begin* because of the special merits Of bye In last Sunday's" schedule. ners and intermediates swimming Rab, but ia a drearri tiiey were told that this would be but a The Markets defeated the Sam- and diving tests. Email object wherewith to demmies by thescore of 17 to 7. Those •vrho were successful are onstrate Rab's merits antj that The fraternity group got' off ofi as follows: In the beginners tests, this was so in consideration of the right foot and -were leading Dorothy Olsen, Msxine Van Pat- the merits of a a a a who Icr.ds by the score of 5 to 0, while the ten, Martye Lea Byron, Rose Ban, his hoe and other digging tods boys up Leavenworth •way were Lorraine Bergen, Pearl Schneider, used for burial, witbout cor^rrnslow in starting. A big fourth Naomi "Wollson, Lorene Zaruta, sation. In the city of Daro-rcth, inning for the victors when they Eva Klmmel, Helen KInkenon, the residing place of Rabbi Kuna. cornered 11 scores in the fourth Helen Canfield, Lee Jane Green- there was a great Confls.grLt;cn inning proved to be the down fall berg, Shirley Chasen, Virginia but in the neighborhood where for the club team. Bemis, Harriet Shaffer, Lucille Rabfcl Huna lived ttie fire fiid ret Paul Steinberg started for the Russell, Arlcne Dansky, Thelma reach. It was thought taat it r:z.s Markets, but, gave way in t h e Rush and Bernice Novak. Those on account of tbe merits of Rabbi fourth inning to Millard Sigal, who passed their intermediate Huna that the' neighborhood ves who hurled his club to a win. tests are &S follows: Martye Lea spared. But they were told in E. The A. 2. A. No. 1 defeated the Byron, Helen Canfield, P e a r l dream tbat this would be but c SctM Century Chapter Of A. Z. A. by Schneider, Naomi Wolfeon, Dor- small recognition f o r the score ot 7 to 2, and stepped othy Olsen, Lorraiae Bergen, Huna's merits anci that it v£,s up a notch in the J. C. C. softball league standings. Sam Ruderman went the full route for the Mother Chapter a.nd pitched effectively at all times.


Next week's schedule •will find the league leading Breslows clashing /with the.S. A. M.'s out at the West Elmwood lot, while, the two teams who .were successful the last time, namely the A. 2. A. No. 1 and the Leavenworth Market, will do battle with their (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts war clubs at the 32nd and Dewey Feature Syndicate) diamond.

X7here On&bst Shops With Confidence You're Certnia of Quality When You Buy This Label

Gddcrest SILVER FOX •'

Schedule for n e x t Sunday's games, August 6: Breslow Auto Glass vs: Sigma -Alpha Mu—West Elm-wood. A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Ijeaventrorth New York, (JTA)—The New Market—S2nd and Dewey, York Supreme Court had under SWIMMING consideration this T?eek an appliBucky Oreenberg again led the cation by the Central Hanover Bank and Trust company to nsa Junior boys breast strikers by the income from a $50,000 trust winning the 50-yard Junior boys fund set up in 1923 by the late breast stroke event last Sunday in Ludwig Vogelstein for relief of the City A. A. U. swimming meet held at Rrug park.. This Sunday, refugees from Germany. The fund, established In mem- Bucky will enter in the Junior ory of Mr.»Vogelstein's parents, boys breast stroke event In the Heinemann and Rosa Vogelstein, State meet to be held at the Krug was to be used for philanthropic pool, on August 13. Young Greenberg will represent purposes .inside Germany ."without any distinction as to nation- the City of Omaha,' and the Midality, political party and -relit, •weStern association <xt Red Oak, la. To date, Bucky has never gioa." The bank's petition is accompanied by a letter signed by the Call Us Perfour surviving trustees of th<s Vogelstein Foundation and the • Attie* • Kitenena o 063iments heirs of the grantor, explaining • Re-reoflng • insulation Ridi that it was impossible for a, JewRiding ish charity to assist Christians in NO t>OWN. PAYK1EMT Germany now without "unpleasEasy Monthly Payment* antness" to the recipient, Or to fllCKLIfi LOKI a CO. administer the tru&t in the spirit KIfi 15th & Nlensias Sts. J A E0C3 In which it was founded.

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Page 8

THE JEWISfi PEESS—FBIBAY, AUGUST 4,1939 tie Revisionist* tz.t the

set-up the


"World ZICT^+L*

. Dr Et£pli£ t£pli£_ ZZ.

w i l l fcs p r o m n r c O

Bzi tha

By BEATRICE IC BEAUM&SCH One of the most brilliant flg» area in national Jetvish life 19. Mrs. Maurice Xt. Goldman, President at the National Council 61 Jewish Women, tvfiosa cares? as educator, wife; m o t h e r &nd leader among women actively engaged in endeavors o£ peace, justice and • democracy Is reviewed in the hops tiiat the ideftls to which she has dedicated herself tbay fierve to inspire all women interested in maintaining the cherished principles of American life. —EDITOR. From a wealth of experience, ranging from, actual advantages .'as-, a progressive educator in the Klah-rlddeh State' of Texas to the leadership of S5,000 American •women, Mrtf. Maurice L. Goldman, President of the National. Council of Jewish "Women, has evolved.a code of action for present day Jewry. - ' ' "Yon cannot fight against ths1 forces o£ bigotry -and Intolerance,' Bays Mrs. Goldman. "Anti-Semites are not open to conviction. They are what they are for emotional or economic reasons and all arguments ior minority rights or for simple truth and justice fall on deaf ears. ; - "lighting against bigotry never pays," Mrs. Goldman t e l l s Council members in 350 Sections throughout the country. "'Fight for the things that keep anti-Semitism front flourishing. Only fighting for such things as justice, Peace and democracy can bring a positive victory." Orientation The National Council of Jewish TflTomen has for its major purpose the orientation of Jewish women , into the-American scene. One of its cardinal principles - is its enduring ana even militant faith in

she taught mathematics. Later* she became an. instructor in.the High School of Jasper, Missouri. After- her marriage, .she became active, in Council "wjork,. serving as President of the Houston Section, as President of the Texas State Conference, as : u member of the Board of Directors, and finally as. Vice-president and President of the Kational organization. . • '. . . . Shortly after Mrs. Goldman came to Texas and became a member of the Board of Education, the. Klan moved into the I«6ne Star State. The organization gaind a. foothold in the political life death grip. "Within a short time, every major office was Klan conxolled. The State Legislature could

have transformed Itself into a Ku Klux Klan Konklava at a moment'B notice. Jewish merchants were boycotted. The Klan controlled the - State Judiciary to mch a extent that Jewish lawyers considered it advisable to choose a bad settlement for their clients rather than risk a trial in Klahridden courts.

relying upon the fact that very few persons were Klansnien at heart. . I n spite .Of hideous propaganda posters,. depicting the very lovely Mrs. Goldman, frith a nose that would have made Cyrano's or even Pinocehio's seem insignificant; in spite of scurrilous antiSemitic talks* that year in Houston, brought both the largest veto and tha most decisive victory that the state had ever seen. Mrs. Goldman and the forces' of decency triumphed. It is stated by Texaas who were on the spot that the rout of the Klan In that local election .gave the citizens of the state that new courage and new faith in democratic p r o c e s ses which ultimately led to disbanding the hooded order. During Mrs. Goldman's years of service on the School Board, she was instrumental in setting up complete Junior High School. New building were erected and new plans were introduced at the same time. "We'eeased," she said, "to t e a c h merely the material set forth in books and began to develop minds. We discarded education by rote in iavor of stimulating intellectual curiosity and a desire to know. Of course, there w much opposition by the conservative elements in the community. The new system, was an probation but it was not long before its merits vrere acknowledged and its permanence assured." Through these experiences in Texas as well as from observations in other places and in other emergencies, Mrs. Goldman has gathered a practical and valuable philosophy which she is- today putting at the service of the members of the National Council of Jewish Women. She advises them repeatedly to Ignore the forces of bigotry and


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j As iv~ although it's t\ : Ftrrr-r:i seat to £.a reason beisg ilcl ir~ ~fr-';~rirtives c* America:. C c r . i z . k ' < ao Epecific piar ^f Ihdr cvr, tr prasEEt Z,XL& deferc

ABOUT PEOPLr ^EiEes KcDor.r";. ' r ~ r r r 1" -i: Cominissioiier far T.r". I ~c r :. :• 1°ins picked for its T; : c cc^c: c[ the ELEialgarsEte^. C C:, i:;e csJ


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It's a bit lats ,r " • - C-- \-r~ we're just Cisc-r—••-" f^'" • P' ~ Iievison, Trfco »f, ftst fl.C.f World's Pair POL=L r r . i c i. cci_: : o* months ago. s L i " c i ' tl.: hike his sacestors ia cncsirt ScrSErii^ tiis ycass ?alest:r:gn bicm £ res* pipe •to cssil the cattle from pestnre. He is one of 150 chiliirea who live is Meisf Shleytlj, the setf-govemiag thildrca's village ia Pa'estiae raainlain&3 fcy Jucioi .Kadaaah, the Youa^ 'Worata's Zionist Orgaaizatioa cf Ainerisa.


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the £res,tEr£-B1'.~ri-'-r"'?- c ' J•^* farnoi:s TsadSit r" ".f.'.r Vf -^ Chaiin . . . If ;VE T-^-T tc - : z r how time Hies ;ust 7"-^£" c* zthe fact that ; cvi.Hi."'-o-'k * ' — ana, far that T^VJ^T,

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ney "Wallach ol t.Ls Ar:c:.caT: J e v ish Committee is cclcj-xt^g \ .: tenth vredSisg £,r»r:T"€~Ecr'1' tl s month . . . J a r ? r i r r r e - , il"f ' r - - ' zaer Cinciimatirr. T I O r r r T s u r one of N « T York's i^e*-.. f^:oc^ speech, has 7'u.y,-:Lcc £. ' . - > • a big poster bearing the inscrip- cf RXUIORED ABROAD F ^ * i ' 7 ter Speech Ko~e r.id11- C ; u ~ . ' Is there anything to this big tion, "Gentiles Are "Welcome." for the benefit cl Vz.:-z v he v cv i. _r t" reciprocal trade . deal bstween OPINIONS DIFFER Schools Aloof There's something fishy about like to use ii£" ZL Naziland a n d Rumania, "which There-was only one- phase • of gives Germany 50,000 carloads of twenty-year-old University of Cal- too far tv:z.y to community life that the hooded Those -who ifornia graduates William. Bard- es. It is Rumanian wheat? ching : order had not been able to touch oe'er favor the R.u.blee plan and ap- well Curts . . . Young Bill spent j coacnin — the school system. With covetprove of the J. D. C, turning a montn In a Nazi jail for insult-' "»-•"•"«'ous eyes, the organization watchthe revut rc=z \ __£;.:_' over 11,000,000 for that purpose ing Hitler NOT, back ic this a ed the local School Board, and fishould read tbe Dews from Dan- country, he sings the praises at \ i the r^ J_ZC -il - j nal 1 laid their plans for complete "-- — *— zig carefully . . . Here is a glar- his jailors for the treatment they j sunciatios &everai Jevrs v-reve tx-poi'let. control. ing example, of how.Jews, even accorded Mm . . . Anfi tfben a re- you're p.erer • going to hear our Live been avi'eslec Tui eun'/ L.ibiT Helffiaa -warble torch songs Since the Klan was .convinced asked him about the beat•when they follow to the letter the She's going in for that it could win any elective ofNazis' instructions oa the trans- ing he received, he sweetly rei the- lev: a" fice in the state, its first step wa3 fer of their holdin are still plied that fce cadn't been beaten serious craraa 12 a fcig to induct the Legislature to pass A different re- Eddie Cantor Till never be able Kt&ncefi" «Tc'-v"s hftf- t'ct.p.1 made the victims of special de- up very badly a bill throwing the personnel of crees that j o b them of their law- action is that of Gresor Siner, to pl&Y tlf- cvrn biogTs.phj" ia the- their "Arysn1" jnF.iCp hp.C... . , he -School Board open to. popular ful percentage of the money they former headmaster of the Ameri- movies; unless he ssttlss the legs,! puefl to tbe E.KtbcritieE ior election. Having accomplished were compelled to turn in to the can School at Berlin, vrho has iclaims of the David Freedican ea- cia! pBrc'is. 7t).stfP.i or m this f i r st objective, it became hich holds the co?rri£iit there cat?.?. *h» E.rrep?p. Nazis . . , "We don't know how come back to this country for State, their boast that soon there would When asked to defiae I on dtie's li-e . . . Peter L.orre compatible the political indepen- good not ba a Jewish teacher or a Jewdence of Denmark and Norway is the difference bet^reen American wants & change from his Kr. Koto -educational processes—ions term sh employee in any school in the reaction and to concentrate their with the decision of the govern- democracy and German Xasidoia roles, aad ia tlyStiE to pfirtuaSs : ~ planning tor wise ana mature ac- entire State of Tesas. Ji'-.-'R cast tiro as Jacfe efforts on organizing the yet un- ments o l these two countries to he delivered this nifty: "Here, tis profiueer tion _•*-:- rather than the emptional Ir Thoughtful parents were wor- organized -elements In the com- ban "Warner Brothers' "Confes- when you hear footsteps at the the Ripper . . . Peter Soestt't taow j keepers clopeg. tbe'r approach through which all. prob- r i e d — they did not want their sions of a Nazi Spy" . . No movies door at 6 a. m. it means that the that t i s boss, Twcctieib.-CeE.tuiT ! protest etritee af-aiua i h s munity that need Inspiration and lems appear in terms of back- children educated by thin-lipped sho-wing Hitler or Mussolini are milkman has arrived . . . If you Fos. has decided to diBCOEtiBiie I of the Sanjak o£ Al« ground and personal experiences. men with warped vision. Liberal leadership. She is equally certain permitted to be screened in Mex- hear a knock at 6 a. m. in a home his .Koto series. Trance to Tu-tf today-that the 1939 vintage of Following out this theory, mem- citizens were aroussd. at last :— ico . . . Italy, on the other hand, in Gerraany you kiBS your tarsil;of Council iii all Sections are they saw a real menace to free- purveyors of hate are no more doesn't O. K. any film sceses de- good-bye, because the Gestapo is j j&tudying Peace, Social Legislation dom and democracy in Klan-con- reasonable. But, she will tell you picting labor strikes . . . paying you a visit." i and Contemporary. Jewish Affairs trolled education. A committee of that in the last analysis only a HSAB XE . . . . . FORECAST I to the end that they may be in- citizens called on Mrs. Goldman, few people are attracted to isms A few prognostications oa the ] An interesting report reaches t formed and ready to act for com- the woman member who had' done If democracy is to trumph, our World Zionist Congress opening ' first duty is to reach the" large us that Cardinal Gasparri, premnnal betterment and the welfare so, much to liberalize the school groups that are as yet untouched fect of the Supreme Tribunal of oa August 16th: From the first of the nation. system and begged, her to save by> th© problem but who are po- the Apostolic Signature of E o o e , day of the Congress JsTriEli ESTEIn response to the urgent need education in Houston by heading! tentially honest thinking, loyal ia. coming here to put a stop to papcr correspondents -will cable of the present situation, Council an anti-Klan ticfeet for. President Americans. Father Coughlin's increasing de- home the inside dope oa Dr. vveizhas beeu..lQrced, to use a major of the Board of Education. lusions of grandeur The mys- mann's definite decision to resign . p a r t 01 its energies and funds to It Tras almost a hopeless task. (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts tery of vrho is financlag Sough- from the presidency c£ the World cftrry oh its Service to Foreign The-Klan had not.lost, an election Feature Syndicate.) lin's radio time is becorsdns thick- Zionist Organisation . . The quesB.brn* .JSTor-thirty-five years, the for years. They were organised to . . . He has caatra.ete& Ior tion of •whether YTeizmaan nigfet organization has met all -boats, ther_hilt.~;They;;_ had. money, loud daily Quarter and half hoar per- possibly reeor.El£er •will be the | has helped clear'away technical voices, and what "they could not iods on almost fifty stations . . . focal point or every newspaper re- ( difficulties for those detained .at gain by reason, they accomplished I n . order to circumvent the netr port en ths conclave . . . Ths I T - i Ellis Island^ and has helped to through fear, and intimidation. radio code that prohibits dissem- Coy is that although "Weisser:: t integrate the newcomer • into life Conscious of all thesa things, Mrs. ination, of "racial" propaganda, is a very tired man in his ~icdio j in America. Goldman, teacher and educator, Goughlin books his time through sixties the efforts to coas him to t It was natural, since Council wife and mother, weighed every his Social Justice organization . . stay on at the helm of the Sicu".?t ; was -already working in the field aspect of the problem. Rpme (JTA)—Premier Benito Ths New York Post's Ludwig ship of state Trill be suctesrrnl • and had the necessary machinery She knew it would be a hard Mussolini's Popolo d'ltalla, in one Lore knervrs •what he's talking . . . There will be plenty oZ ru- r mors about a reconciliation v : t i \ and techniques at its. command, fight, probably a dirty one. She of the first extended Italian comWhen he claims that :that it was called upon to expand recognized the fact that she would ments on Britain's new Palestini about the Italian Fascists are goiag in and intensify that service to meet be inviting slanderous attacks if policy, declared in an article o for the organisation of Italians in the preesnt emergency. she accepted the nomination as. a its Palestine correspondent tha America in a big way, t i e State For Rent Room vrith t w a : According to • Mrs. Goldman Jewish woman fighting the Klan. the policy would, not. solve the Department. had better take nobeds. Board if desired. KA Service to Foreign B o r n gives She thought of the possible effects problem because the Arabs were Believe it or not, there tice 4017. 3107 Lincoln BIv£. Conncil a dual role. Its program upon her family. thinking only of getting rid of are 1,500 German clubs in New may be divided Into two parts •— As she herself puts it, "There the Jews and the Jews only o: York . . . but cot all of them are what we do for our own people were three thousand reasons for subjugating the Arabs. Nazi in their leanings . . . •who must find a place to live eaying no, but there are times "The- article, which was given THIS AND XHA.T ;freb from persecution and hatred; when convenience, personal likes considerable prominence, spoke of EMerly raan desires Hollywood still has illusions and what Council does as a group and dislikes, must be side tracked an alleged declaration of war about European markets lor its end! room in Strictly Kesier of enlightened women to make to accomplish an end. This seem- against Britain by the Jews and S . The Cohn home, located them more secure in their, loya ed to be one of them. Reluctantly, noted approvingly that the British film products gog"aae. — Bex communities, to enrich life, and I consented with the proviso that were inclined to look less favor- brothers of Columbia are making help safeguard American democ the rest of the ticket should be ably on the Jews than hitherto, two versions of "Golden Boy," one Press. being toned down to the extent worth fighting for." but asserted that the Jews held of substituting the word "anar,racy. Past Experience Campaign the threat over the British that chism" for the . term "Fascism" What happened in the-city of they were able to do more dam used in the version intended for For this last objective, Mrs, Goldman borrows heavily from Houston has become a matter of age in a day than the Arabs ha domestic consumption . . . Inter- RespcnsiMe her past experiences when, as a history. Mrs. Goldman worked out done in three years. esting statistics: Out of the 3S,houcewerk cr ceokiitr- "Zc-x member of the School Board/o & practical campaign.' She began 000,000 immigrants -who landed 23, ic-wrisli press. ' Houston, Texas, she aroused the by arousing all the elements in In order to help their .fellow at Ellis Island between 1SS0 and decent elements of the community the community that had a poten- Jews at the time of the expulsion 1930 fully a sixth remained ia to nefarious workings of the Klan tial honest approach but were not from Spain, the -Jews of Corfu and New York-. . . The ultra-kosher and eventually led the fight which yet awakened to, the problem. She Candia sbld the gold from their Poliakoff Hestauraat in JC e vr resulted in complete rout of thi spoke at labor m e e t i n g s , in synagogue ornaments. York City, features in its window churches, w o m e n ' s clubs and forces of bigotry and hate. , • ' , A graduate of the University o men's fraternal groups. Leaving Missouri, Mrs. Goldman joined thi the Klan severely alone, she confaculty of her Alma Mater where centrated on the average >citizen,



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THE JEWISH PKESS—FRIDAY, 'AUGUST 4,1939 to shed their blood in the struggle the Yiddish "men" can be render- Community Calendar in prison and: fined five hundred francs. A second, a member of for Polish liberation. The therae ed. a newspaper staff, was sentenced to a month and fineda simThere is a more subtle point to is romantic; even the treatment AUGUST 6 SL smacks of idealism, yet the de- make. In the translation oJ ddia- i ; 1 ilar amount.. Ilebre le speaker Room. scription is realistic in even" ce- logue t h e EtEtlTS Of Jev:inh Community Center, Anti-Semitism has been used as a cloak in France for ir- A Weekly Surrey of Peoplo tail. In Polish Yv'oods may be re- must always be taken into considPUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, BY eration. An ignorant cook, e. £., THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY garded as a Polish novel, too, ic and Ideas ridentist propaganda among the inhabitants of Alsace-Lorraine. v. o r K m. n s Lioan, 8 p. ttt, here I a certain respect; for the inci- | would hardly say Jewish Commun* SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Ono Year » .• . . . • Rooms C& In this guise the Germans are attempting to undermine the By A. A. ROBACK ' dents and dialogue reveal much j stand 'w a g g i n g my "tongue, ' APVEHTISINQ RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION rather use such itr Center. of the Polish spirit, its loftiness j Would slie French position in the reconquered territories and to bring Orchestra Rehearsal, S p. til. or "chewEDITORIAL OFFICE: 609 BRANDEIQ THEATER BUILDING as well as its liability. j words IN POLISH WOODS about a period of strife Auditorium. Jewish C o mmunitj; OIOUX CITY OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Many are the passages which a | ing the rag?" Nor would an SSMore than once had I asked myPRINT SHOP ADDRESS—5504 SO. 24TH STREET The French law, and similar laws in other countries are self why Opatoshu's chef d'oeuvre, | reviewer would like to quote. In I year-old man address a y o u n g Center. S. A. No, 100. S p. m. Koomg DAVID BLACKER - . Business and Managing Editor not only protection to the Jews. In fact, one may doubt their In Poilishe Velder (Jewish Publi- rny Peretz: Psychologist of Liter- j man as "uncle," even if the Yid- G A. & H. Jewish Community Cen» : ature, I speak of "thought-sta| dish original should be "fetter." , cation Society, §2.50) which apLEONARD NATHAN Editor tions" in the great writer's works,- He would rather call him "young ]j '„,,:,•,J „,. „ ._„, _ RABBI FREDERICK COHN . Contributing Editor efficacy as far as the, Jewish, population is concerned because peared in 1921, has not been which compel us to pause and re- i fellow" or just "fellow." ^ - ^ - ^ ' ^>-^-»translated into English. Were it out of existence. But ! A. i j . A. No. 1, S p. m., Room$ flABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS o " . - . Book Editor anti-Semitic feeling cannot be legislated not for the fact that several of fleet. In Opatoshu's chief novel j A few cases of slight in-acenra- iC & D, ewish Community Center, 4 ^RANCPS BLACKER « Society Editor anti-Semitism in the hands of Nazi Germany has become a Asch's novels, and a few plays vre have similar stations; for Op- j cy, in spite of the tendency to IitSPAY, AUGUST 9 MORRIS AIZENBERG ? Sioux City Correspondent technique for greasing the way to further Nazi encroachments. and stories by other Yiddish writ- atoshu, even in fiction, cannot j eralness, occur, e. g. "zikh samI. "VC. O. S p. m.. Rooms C & B , free himself from the philosophj raen" is "to take poison (page 4) PDROTHB SALTZMAN « •> Council Bluffs Correspondent The French law was designed primarily to protect itself "rather ers, had been published in an ical views and angles English version, the old answer '. of the Haggada, viz., "We were occurred to him in than the Jews. odgg For this reason slaves," could apply in this case, days. the Rivers of Babylon Center* It is time all nations recognized the true purpose of this too. Since, however, the hand- can make little appeal readers who run. To the serious- 12 2) may be misunderstood. The •' By coincidence, Vincent Sheean's newest book, "Not Peace new wave of anti-Semitism that Germany has stirred up. Itsmaid (Yiddish) had b e c o m e minded, h o w e v e r , In Polish sense TO SEIZE PROPERTY is "It would be a sin to emancipated, more or less, we "Vy"oods, will come as a treat. Opat"but a Sword," was published the same week as President place of origin cannot be doubted because there is a strange should have to loot elsewhere for oshu has contrived to weave into complain." | Dr.risi?; fJTA.) — The NazJ Koosevelt called for a White House conference with the Eviau similarity in charges raised to those coming from the notorious the reason. „ , Yv'hat surprised me especially | controlled Dpnzig Sena.t,e has pas&« When on a rare "flying" trip ish these 400 pages Jew- however, was that Isaac Goldberg j ed a bill euthorizing confiscation committee. There is challenge to that forthcoming conference "Welt-Dienst." history which,episodes because of of their the sensible critic, hater of shams, to Boston, Mr. Opatoshu paid me vivid treatment, will mean more in! the book, for contained in this remarkable study of our It is not only a matter of justice that the Jewish population a surprise visit one Sunday after- for the youth than whole history and admirer of the folk-spirit, of Jewish enterprises, houses and should have allow himself to subalmost my first remark to times is a chapter aptly entitled, "By the Rivers of Babylon." be given relief from the constant barrage of vicious lies and noon, mit to the snobbishness of assimhim was in the form of this ques- books as such. Significant Dialogue •- The chapter opens with the Evian conference and closes on malicious propaganda. Self-preservation demands that the state tion. "Tell me, why is it that your ilating good Yiddish locutions in- eel by Jewish living abroad. Th9 stead of writing them phonetical- decree became effective Tuesday, There are observations made by Poilishe Velder, although renderthe .same theme. Sandwiched between are snatches of the terror guard against this obvious Nazi device. ed into German, Polish, Russian, Joseph Shtral, 'Yelenski, Kahane, ly. I could -understand the transPatronize Our Advertisers being faced by European Jewry, particularly the Jews of the Ukrainian, Hebrew, and I believe Mordkhe, which are very ger- literation of hassid, if there were into French (in a periodical) is mane in the present world-chaos diacritic marks or accents, but Reich. Sheean, who knew Vienna and its gracious aristocratic Americanism unfamiliar to the English-speak- and abject plight of the Jew. I even if we let this word pass, Jewry, was puzzled by the manifestations of official anti-Semicannot resist reproducing a frag- why "sephardize" Y'iddish terms ing Jew?" By RABBI PEEDEBICK COHKF tism. It seemed to take a sadistic delight in picking out utterMr. Opatoshu looked pensive, ment of dialogue between the like "Khevre" as I-Iebrah (KadI am, for a while, a resident of Concord, Massachusetts. as if he wanted to recall some- aged Y o s s e l (Shtral) and his isha) (SSO) or "Bal Shem Tov1' ly harmless cases for attack. He remember one incident,: in thing, and then said falteringly, young wife, Felicia, who- was be- as Baal Shem Tob. Why writr particularly, that of a pregnant woman, who fainted on a street I am having the rare privilege of breathing the same air that with an almost helpless shrug, "I ginning to be drawn into the Po- "Sadfiik" or "Mizvah," when n~ one pronounces it that way ir don't know." The contrast be- lish uprising circle. and was taken to the Municipal rather than the Jewish hospital Emerson breathed, walking the same streets, viewing the same tween "The Count? interrupted her either Yiddish or English. While the rapid tempo in which where she would have received free treatment. Because she scenes of country-side, fields, farms and river. I expect soon to he usually speaks, his tempermen- husband. "What is he doing here the phrase "Sholom Aleicem" (p. take a walk to Walden Pond, of which Thoreau, who made it tal gusto, and the quiet subdued in Kotzk? He's from Galicia, isn't 182) is neither Yiddish nor liecould not pay she was imprisoned. brew, nor good red herring. II in w h i c h he uttered the he?" famous, said so delightfully that "God gave it a commission to tone ; words, "I don't know," seemed "Surely you know what lie's do- Dr. Goldberg had only known how He witnessed what he termed 'a subtle and moral degrada- be the only Waldon Pond in the world." I have just come from almost he had been inveigled by his Jucomical. here?" tion' of everyone concerned. Ethical standards have been com- viewing the Alcott home, in a room of which Thoreau died. I Smell the "Woods'" on the ing"He wants to drive the Rus- daistic mentors! On the other hand, it is ever, sians out. That's it, isn't i t ? " Telephone pletely wiped out by the Nazis. Funds collected from Eeich I am anticipating shortly to visit Wayside which Hawthorne more astonishing that the namf Nearly two decades elapsed be"Is that a crime?" Jews for their poor are diverted by the Nazis into other chan- made famous, in the tower of which built for privacy, he wrote fore I recieved an intimation that "It's madness.' of the greatest Polish poet, Mickiewicz, should appear in the book nels. Robbery by the stormtroopers is overlooked by the state. many of his romances; and the Old Manse, but a stone's throw the novel which has brought Opa- "It all depends.' toshu in the front rank of Yid"I was talking yesterday to as Mitskevitch, which is almost a? , away from where I am living where h,e wrote "Mosses from an dish fiction writers was being Rudnitski. He lost two sons in the bad as phoneticizing Chopin to , To Sheean, Evian was plain mockery. There was a sym- Old Manse," and where he spent those happy years of his early Englished. It was when the late first rebellion. He is Goldberg called me up once ion. The peasants bolism in the activities of the croupier at the casino which the married life. Concord does not need to have any mountains Isaac ly disturbed over such a slip. and asked me where the Lipovetz he says." I T YOU, It would not be fair to conclude delegates seemed to prefer to the somber conference halls. around it, like the white mountains around Bethlehem, .New forests "were situated, and also "Kahane says," beg&n Felicia, the rexiew witbont congratulatiiir the meaning of "Shlaien." "that even i£ the rebelSheean missed the opening meeting because the famous Doc- Hampshire.-One is inspired here by 'the mountain atmosphere' Meanwhile, Opatoshu had pub- smiling, lion doesn't succeed, it should the Jewish Publication Society or. tors, Neumann and Loewenherze, who came as representatives lished fourteen volumes in Yid- nevertheless be attempted. Defeat j bringing out the noovel of Sir. as Hawthorne expressed it, referring^specifically to Emerson, ace of the dish and had established himself would make it all the more beaa- I OptashU, • on its cnou of Viennese Jewry, were denied entrance oh the ground—bitter Makes translator, to whom Yiddish literas one of the five foremost Yid- tiful, all the more tragic . . . " of 'the lofty thought' of those that lived here, that wrote and irony—there was no room. To Dr. Loewenherze he gave his dish novel'sts, the other four be"Oh, Ka-ha-nc," said Yossel, ture owes so much, because of his wrought here, in little, quiet, peaceful, well-named Concord, the ing Sholem Asch, David Berglson, pronouncing the name with mock- many efforts to acquaint the non- ', press card. world with Yiddish pro- j Weimar of America, the literary shrine of America's greatest Zalmen Schneour and I J. Singer. ing deliberation. "That's big talk. Jewish A. Famous Quintet :• When he did finally gain admittance, he realized the secret writers, where not only New England but America 'flowered' He says too, that now, since Konie fiuctions, and finally on the at- i one of this quinquevirate has freed itself of the Pope, Jer- tractive Etyle in which the book | of the croupier's appeal. The meeting smelled to high heaven most beautifully, the refining influence of which is still felt in hasEach his own characteristics and usalem will be delivered also, and has been gotten out. The book de- i from tainted goodness. Delegates rose and expressed their pro- the old, historic town, where everything is so neat, orderly and idiosyncrasies. Asch's imaginative be returned to the Jews. It's a signing (paper stzd binding in- j " and colorful romanticism good thing he doesn't add that the j eluded) is in no way inferior to found sympathy with the persecuted Jews of the Reich, and superior^ wher»-even the commercial section has refused to besweep are not to be found among the Jews must organize and wrest it | tlie handsome editions g then went on to tell why their nations could not admit any other four. Berglson's impression- by themselves from the Turk.".. ! °ut fcy the best publishing houser vulgarized;-where, though, one hears, too, the inevitable jazz ism and personification of the en"Yoa make fun of everything." i l n t h e Suited States and, what ' refugees. There was no serious attempt to alleviate the tragic vironment cannot be mistaken in "I'm in earnest," he insisted, more, at a lower price. oh thetiDiquitibuS.radiOjthe fine music of the town-band as I condition, and in Sheean's opinion, not one single Jew has thus anyone else's writings, Singer's taking Felicia by the hsnd. heard it dast night oil "the village green, is preferred, though Professor Sylvester, although dramatic plots and dynamic inter"We Jews are a strange peofar been aided by the Evian group. .distinguish him f r o m ple. Either we stand aloof alto- considered the leading- mathemathey.did. $t&yv to:-the.immeasurable delight of the crowd as- relations ; Representatives of. democracies lamented that the en-sembled which honked its applause from the very autoa parked each of his colleagues. gether, or else we plunge in with tician of his day, could not be But Opatoshu and Schneour heart and soul, so deep that we awarded a Cambridge degree betrance of large numbers of Jews would result in wide-spread around, tlie.;catc.hx/"BeerBarreL Polka 1") Concord is modern seem cause lie was. a .lew. to. stand out more as Per- break our neck!" anti-Semitic feeling,-in this-admission Sheean saw only a con- and modernizedi yet proud of its fine traditions and historic me- ets's successors, in that their por- "It's a matter of youth," said trayals are done in black ' and Felicia, smiling. "Were- you any fession of weakness. He ridicules this fear because neither in white; and while Schheour per- different?" morials. There are many grave-yards in Concord, right in the Czarist Russia nor Nazi Germany were the pogroms spontanhaps has the edge on Opatoshu •>'ow he felt played out, old, very center, of the town ("Sleepy Hollow," where Emerson, as regards the pure narrative, Op- decrepit, and afraid to let Feliceous uprisings, but were invariably officially organized, Hawthorne, Thoreau, and the Alcotts lie buried, is not faratoshu's prose sets him above any Iia see. He fondled her, as if she : Of course, he contends, there is a moderate anti-Semitism away); for Concord is an old town, founded September 12, of his contemporaries in Yiddish: were his daughter, and -begged literature, every phrase appears j off. in all nations, but the Jews have become used to this. 1635. It just celebrated its;Tercentenary. Earliest to be a solid block hewn out of | "You'll have to excuse me, FelThis expression of foreign opinion had no effect on Ger-well as literary memories, are connected with this remarkable his Lipovetz oaks. His style is vig- icia, I'ra not quite myself today. orous, red-blooded, one might say. You go to our guests, I'll retire." many and since Munich, the Nazis are even less affected by There is little repetition or cir- • Or suppose we take as a brief little town. Here the first battle of the American Revolution world indignation. But since the pogroms of November 10 they, cumlocution; for in addition to sample the conclusion w h i c h his literary creativenes, he pos- Mordkne had come to—Motdkhe, have come to fear the opinion of the Germans themselves, who was fought. Almost at my back door is 'the rude bridge that sesses linguistic ability and sets who saved the cross after . two arched the flood' where was 'fired the shot heard around the for the first time expressed resentment at what was happening. great store by precise expression. priests held it in succession and world,' where stands the renowned Daniel Chester French's The late I. M. Wajs.enberg, fell one after another, mowed ' « O 4 « Sabfe-ftyt* (his marble statue of the classic Emerson is in the exquisite Kolinsky whose .vjerbal plasticity and trid- down by the Cossack's bullets, . Righteous indignation, such as expressed by Sheean, is remensionalism, s u r eness of aim, Mordkhe who brought the cross Concord Public Library) statue of "The Minute Man" stands $195 and depiction of prolatarian vi- to a dying Polish boy's lips. freshing. We have become inured to anti-Semitism, particularly guard, as it were, over 'American liberties, to be defended at a tality have scarcely been equalled No logger did he aslc himself that brand which comes in the guise of friendly advice. Most in Yiddish literature, • might eas- what he was doing here. He unJews believe and fear that too many refugees will incite the moment's notice as against whatever foe, as in the glorious days ily have been the peer of the derstood now that the slain priest, five mentioned, closely approxi- and the 'corpse whom he had justpopulation to increased anti-Semitism and result in undermining of early America. mating Opatoshu's style, had not buried in the. snow, had not falMine has been the inestimable privilege of visiting this h i s personal quirks, on which len for their brothers. The broththe positional of allJews. both a novel and psychological ers had-not accepted these sacri:-•'". Sheean speaks out. He describes huge tracts of land con- summer also Plymouth, Massachusetts, where the.Pilgrims land- treatise could be written, warped fices. Like hungry wolves they ed and where I gazed in rapture at the immortal -Rock'; Proyhis original talent and blighted had dashed into the night, wreaktrolled by the democracies — the United States, the British ing vengeance for the good that incetown, in whose beautiful harbor they signed, before landing, his literary promise. dominions and colonies, Prance. these people had wished to do for It is customary, in a review, to So far it has been easier to let the suffering suffer. This the famous Compact in the Mayflower; the Adams Mansion, in present the plot. "In P o l i s h them, and perhaps for the blows does not stand out be- that they had received from the September, when the delegates gather in Washington, it will Quincy, home of two American Presidents, the second and the Woods" cause of its intricate plot; and landowners, and' for their wives sixth; father and • son, John and John Quincy, great patt>6 to their credit that they cease expressing sympathy and act the last paragraph will be a dis- and children. riots, immortal Americans; Marshfield, where dwelt the colos- appointment to the average read- The tragedy of stupidity is here - on the simple program they claim to have evolved. who will think of the situation brought out in all its stark and sal Daniel Webster, eloquent and inspired orator of the ideals er, between two lovers described here universal terribleness. of America with his (words so internationally timely, though as an anti-Climas: It is a bit curious that the third Silent Defiance . . KP"WB M. Fall sm£ WlBter Fi^ alas! "unheeded, at present) "Liberty and Union, now and for- He arose from the bed, and pro- part of Opatoshu's trilogy is still ceeded on tip-toe to Felicia's door, in the process of gestation. AlAgainst brute force there is little struggle. One can put up ever/one and inseparable I" I have also been sojourning in Prov- where he paused. It -was closed. though there is always danger in an heroic effort against a tyrant, but this usually futile, as has idence, ; Rhode Island, with its memories of Roger Williams, He did not know that Felicia lay such delayed parturition that the there awake. That every limb of embryo turns into, what medical been shown in Germany. The Nazis, now at the height of their founder and inspirer of religious liberty ia America. hers was weeping in the dark. man call, a lithopedion, that is a each was waiting for "stone baby," one feels from Oppower, stop at nothing to inflict their will. Until that happy New England is the shrine of our political liberties, as well Blindfolded, a miracle, deaf to each other's atoshu's progressive, and ' even j day when their disintegration becomes apparent, the defiance as of our most exalted literary ideals. Americans (perhaps on weeping, •unknowingly p a s s i n g buoyant literary carriage, that j must be silent and subtle, it must not arouse a counter-attack. their way to the New York Fair) should indeed visit it and ob- each other by . . . this third part will be forthcom- I might have come from one ing in the form of an autohio- j - The Czechs have perfected this technique. Their struggle tain a re-infusion.of patriotism, a 'new birth' of Americanism. of This I Samuel Richardson's sentimen- graphical novel. is for freedom was lone and unceasing and they did not forget. Such a 'blood transfusion,' a rfi-stirring of our patriotic blood tal novels, or at best from the About the Translation | sturdier fiction of Thomas Hardy, A few words must be said about j 'At the opera they rise when the orchestra plays some'beloved to vital, energetic action, would not hurt us: it would immense- where fate seems to be forever the translation. The late Dr. Gold- ! -,«. < ^>* X.^v-.f .Czech folk melody. Their monuments to national heroes, are ly oenefit us: perhaps even prove pur salvation in these days playing hide-and-seek w i t h the berg tad no easy task. Tlie booli j teems with Yiddish, idioms, Cab- j periodically decorated with wreathes. Now in the churches when democracy is derided, freedom flouted, the rights of man poor mortals. But after all, the shoddiest" story balistic phrases, and Khassifiic al- \ this Fell , . . ior hsih ds^-= their prayers are devoted to relief from their oppressors. outrageously violated, injustice, cruelty, barbarism rampant. in a tabloid paper may lure us lusions. In spite of this, the trans- j tfrse "end crering wecr. lator has succeeded in turning out j with its ever grippingly trite hapThe Viennese are acquiring this same technique, and thePerhaps we might be inspired to other refreshing acts as that penings. Is not every detective a smooth piece of work." some- | A li'tle longer thsi last capital of former Austria has begun showing its defiance'by of- our Government the other day in giving notice of the sever- story an exemplification of this thing which any Gentile reader ! will not look down upon as sa' crhankering for sameness in the the same method. Although the body of Chancellor DoUfuss was ance of commercial treaty relations with Japan. Perhaps we ing cf a foreign tang. Tie aut^T of novelty? secretly removed from its sarcophagus in Memorial, church to a might be stimulated to take some such similar action, long over- guise Qualities has probably been of great ar^ -of the Kovel simple grave in the cemetery, its place is known. Every night due, against insolent, criminal Nazi Germany. We ought to No, it is in the remarkable de- tance in this connection. It i* a in the delineations of I faithful rendering too; at ti—cs those faithful to the memory of the Austrian republic — such "reach up for the stars;" as emblazoned on our banner of liber- scriptions, :ach of the characters, the tragic j altogether too literal. as it was under Dollfuss — cover the grave with flowers. The ty and written in the very sky of God. Mars came very near the figure of Keb Mende'e, the Kotzk j .If I enter a few slight cfc;~cthe sad picture of the high- lions, it is not fcy' any means :~ other day while the Nazis honored his murderers, hundreds other night, and war has repeatedly threatened, but only brave Rabbi, minded Joseph SMral, who allows order to criticize the tr&nslat - r . stealthily crept to the cemetery and soon the grave was strewn action on the part of righteous nations such as we have every his young wife to amuse herself which unfortunately could not be as best she could, while he is ab- personally defended, biit rather ..o with bouquets. reason to believe, from its history and its ideals, our beloved sorbed IK his Hebrew translation dwell on a point which concc.ic of Faust, the almost heroic Mord- j translations Iron the Yiddish, is j Against such action, there is little the Nazis can do. They America really is, can effectively avert world-chaos and the khe, and the •whole gallery of Po- jgeneral. can make occasional arrests, but newer methods of showing de- sinking of civilization into darkest night. The red planet is out- lish patriots, peasant, landowners, It is raj- belief that there are fiance are invented. This is a type of rebellion that cannot be shone by the myriad centres of radiant light, made the symbol Jewish theoreticians, internation- very few Yiddish phrases and exal crackpots, in addition to a few for which an equivalent crushed, that grows, calmly awaiting a day of weakness when in Judaism's beautiful Kaddish-prayer, of heavenly peace in the female characters delicately limn- pressions cannot be found in another cul- j j si ean strike with effect. ed. ture language, ^"ithemt resorting [J breast of man. In Polish Woods is the first part to E. literal translation. Thus in-jj Yet, by travel, or. through earnest reflection at tome, let of a trilogy "wcicn, together with j steaa of "s, health to him," I ' secjuel "XSS3," gives us a gra-j should have said, 'nay te thrive.' :©• us obtain and achieve a re-birth o£ Americanism or that spirit its sm ptsio account of the period o£ tliG ; Similarly " i s evil era" may often .• Teeth have been put in the new Tteneh law,to curb anti- that has made our country glorious; that America may remain, Polish fisht for independence, as ba rendered, "knocte en TOOCT." . The frequent use of the -words £.3 the decline of the KkassiSemitic incitement, and already two of the -nation's leading anti- for immemorial ages, and under God, maker of all the world, well dic movement. Here we become j "a, body" for the i in p e r sonal Semites Bs-ve been imprisoned as a result. One, a municipal a universal.Ameriea—"the land of tlie free, and the home of acquainted with the aspirations j "cae," or passive c o n struct ion, of the Poles, their erratic attitude strikes rise also as a trifle stilted. de Pellepois, has been condemned to three months the brave!" toward the Jews, who were ready Tiiere Ere various "prsys in <•'-


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film producers have the courage Jews BhouW not concern t h e TTnU,to fight against the wrongs they | e<J States. But it. was on Jan. 31, see in the world about them. !lSS5, thai Senator Borah himself I At the last meeting "of Junior However, I was trained for the introduced a resolution calling OR A. Z. A. 1, Irving Wohlner, advi- stage. I feel that I could learn to : iliit Government ic nc FPTp.piMngr sor, installed the Idle TC ing offi- know it far LeLLsr tlum I vil*. eve" ' ^hmii tl"!P •pct^pfrv.* inp n? Cf-t.hPcers: Bob" Lasers resident; Dan know the screen. Tertapp that is ]:pc; $^ INTpyi^o. 3-1??? -^P 1 conBt.ry o r : Seii?ior Uorsb changed if. t'copei Tvatzman, vice-president; Norman lust a lack within myself. With the selection of new of! lour '-cart': Penieps the Pfnmtor Polonsky, secretary; N c r n a n j ficers and chairmen of the various ' will get f t f i- n a to c-xrisuunK standing committees, the Beth El Wohlner, treasurer; Bernard Joa-j <-j)0 j i.-|.e Hollywood? Auxiliary has assured itself oJ a ish and Erwin Witkin, sergeants- | From a residential siandpoii; PEBELMA K-BLOCH LEON-ROSEN ! highly successful year. -t-arms, and Harvey Roffms-E, re- j a n i~ee&i &l place to brin?; v.r « Miss Ruth Lee Bloch, daugh-« Miss Rosalyn Eosen, daughter The newly-elected officers are: Harvey Leoiij Stanley ilr (he is a. proud new iptn.en, of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob. Rosen, be- ter of. .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph pioch, porte President, Mrs. A. "Wohlner; vieej Turkel, Irving Wohlner and Eas-to enjoy every advantage of. ?. came the bride of Harvey Ray-- became the bride of Harold Perel\%c L-ca iresident, Mrs. Abe Venger; Seckell Lazere are advisors. mond Leon, son of ~ilr. and, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ben mellow climate, to work end to ond -Vice-p r e s i dent, Mrs. Leoa j Plans for a membership drive j play. Its stimulating v a 1 u e is Sam J. Leon, Sunday afternoon, Perelman, on Thursday evening. raetz; treasurer,. Mrs. Lou Sogo' were made at a meeting held at | something else. Here it is so easy at a ceremony performed at the July 27, at the Fontenelle hotel. : low; Recording secretary, Mrs. | the home cf the meinberEliip com-j to relax, to let the wo"!tl go h'"- T,ptp pi- tuefct - '. . SOPIP <i-par bride's home. Rahhi David H. Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiatBelonglncs JU'iTiedbpacked. Henry Beliaont; c o n espondicg I mittee's chairman, Albert White, j j I'm not the sort who likef to lo". Wlce and Rabhi David A. Gold- ed at the ceremony. secretary, Mrs. Morris Arfein; fishall ; The rapid beat (u i.hs heart be belfi | F.rounfl. For reason The bride's gown was of white, stein officiated. nancial secretary, Mrs. 1. w . RoSt Tie 7:?0Best p. El, Tr.ssCsSXi Acgrcst S, I alTarr. lore the challenge of Xev -.'. Uike E drum aloui, iLe road. The ceremony •was performed hammered taffeta, with a large senblatt; ^auditor, Mrs. I. Atsranat the Jewish Co—mcmty Center, i York — its rush and bustle line ;' The t x i k ' t YOdC. under a flower-covered canopy in circular train. A finger-tip veil son; historian, Mrs. William Al- j ' j the constant striving o2 ils peofront of the fireplace flanked on fell from a tiara of see pearls. bert; and Parliamentarian, Mrs.! | pie. -r^ither side by candelabra. An Attending the bride was Mrs. Dave Sherman. "What Co I want from T-Iol'y- Kother. lei v.s go home f archway of candles led from the Irvin Gross Cohn. Robert PerelThe officers plus the sis direci wood? Nothing more, nothing less stairway to the canopy. man' was his brother's best man. tors compose the executive board. | than 1 want from life itself. Ac "vpi? ro?d clopfi v.ol go home. The bride's gown was of white A family, dinner followed t h e Directors are: Mrs. Sam Altsuler, I opportunity to learn, to earn, a The exile's ro?d. net with, a fitted-bodice jacket of ceremony. The couple will reside Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, Mrs. J. J. i chance to live peacefully with rr.y angel-skin lace..Her elbow-length at the Mount Vernon apartments Freiden, Mrs. S. Frohm, Mrs. J. ^".nce to GO Black Blurted fascists! miiy. a chance \ vrife and veil was, caught at the top with upon returning from their wed- Mr. and Mrs. J. Fregger an- ieb, Mrs William Raduziner, ana Fixed b-yenetp! legible that may serve Hollywood — Options come and j something a cluster^bf fresh gardenias. She ding trip. he past president, Mrs. J a c o b nounce the engagement of their are more in. go . . . but John Garfield remains j i jj jp those v.-ho 0 e carried a bouquet of gardenias Soldier with the whip! daughter, Lorraine Rose,. to Mr. Blank. ciEemabounfi. Eis contract v a s | n e e fl Of help ths.n I. The.t is what The exile's road . . . ' and orange blossoms. Mrs. Wohlner has named the RETURNS HOME drawn tritJi a special stipulation j i wani. iixmi Hollywood. Julius R. Kaplan of San Pedro, * Miss Betty Rosen, sister of the Mrs. Sidney Feintech of D e s Cal., son of Mrs. Joe L. Kaplan, ollowing committee chairmen; — on vhicii he insisted — t h a t ! "But then — I'd want the same We kne-v" iv. veil . . , bride, was the only attendant. Moines, la., returned home after of Missouri Valley, la. Beth-EloGrams, Mrs. Nathan Horhe be allowed leave for one play if I lived ia any other place, It goes cn:-r the rieRert sand. wich; Budget, Mrs. J. J. GreenHer gown was of ice-blue taffeta, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a year ..on Broadway. Tens- far Miss Fregger is a graduate of Hollywood has t r e a t ed me Ov<?~ the Alps, pky high, berg, Mrs. Moe Katleman, and and she carried a of baby Herman Mirowitz. lie hasn't taken advantage of it i . except for Central High school and attended Mrs, Dave Sherman, co-chairmen; well . pink roses and blue delphinium. . . . hasn't forsaken the klisgss . . j wonderfully £is . _ _ ffor hi ais unexpected enthe University of Omaha. Mr. Community Co-operation, Mrs. J. or £ Henry Greenberg was best man. JOSLYN MEMORIAL . seems to look more favorably on. I try into the mazes of this BirsEge. Kaplan graduated from Creightoh Malashock; Council Bluffs, Mrs. Sirs. Hyman Belman, accompanied his film career. | beVildering activ ty — Av.thor2:30 in the lecture hall of university, where he was a mem- Nathan Nogg; Courtesy, Mrs. Leo by Mrs. Jay Malashock, sang. Fol- theAtJoslyn l.egJOit Bnt let him speak tor hiraself . . i Etipj" Memorial a s o u n d ber of the Phi Beta Epsilon fra- Adler and Mrs. Rose Kramer, colowing the ceremony a dinner was film, "Throne John Garfieia Liooks at Eo;3f-wood ' ternity: of the_Gods," an chairmen. Soat. uH'A) —-• Aiembere of "Why is it," he asks, "that evserved for the two families. COI-UTTLE Note: It is evident that account of the ascent of'the Him- "No date has been set for t h e Education, -Mrs. Aaron Edgar; ery-actor in Hollywood vdtn even after a year in this flittering, the EiLlg-'Rvian I.eEion, a.ccoutredl The couple left on a six-week alayan mountain, Jong Song* by wedding. ift Fund, Mrs. Herman Cohn a modicum cf success is supposed glamorous, incredible r.lovisicv.E. •wedding trip by motor, during the Dyrenfurth expedition, will be and Mrs| R. Kulakofsky, co-chairto be a writer? A writer who has John remains the moclest."honest, inc those vorp hy the Nazi stortn •which they will visit the National shown. men; House, Mrs. William Eolof Mrs. Esther Goldberg, mother something to say . . . a writer level-headed young fellow he ws.? . troopers, this week began to make parks, the Pacific northwest, Los A 4 o'clock organ recital will of Ralph Goldberg. lack and Mrs. A. Hoffman, co•with" a • message of success, of on arrival. Deep in his heart he provacstive appf?p.rani?es. n\ the Angeles and San Francisco. be given in the concert hall by Pi Lambda P h i . Fraternity chairmen; Membership, Mrs. J. world reform, or of just plain en- | still believes that il he ever fov- I streetr of So'ia r-rul. o-'.her cities, They will reside in Omaha. Miss Esther. Leaf. Assisting her through Willard Smith, president H. Kulakofsky and Mrs. Arthur i tertainment. t t i t Some S man, some wo- ' the poverty from which he 'gi'-ing the liitlpr Pfihue. will be Margaret Shotwell, pianist. in jnemory of Irving Beitel. o h n, co-chairmen; Mid-West ! man, has a bit of luck beyond the rose "he will never be what he ENTERTAINS FOR GUEST ^ ^ .^^„ Mrs. Morris Frieden, Mrs. John League Conference, Mrs. D a v e average and immediately people ; 'Miss Martha Zusman has as her ANNOUNCE BIRTH reenberg and Miss Blanche 2imFrleden in. memory of Mrs..A. want to hear what n& has to say. . guest,' Miss Marian Novak of man; Motor Corps, Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. William Singer Zlotky of Fremont, Neb. Why? I don't Snow. T h a t old r rr r r.f r ;'v Palls City; Neb., •who arrived on announce the birth of a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cahan and Malashock. adage about the rasn and the * -•• r F- •"-(-» * c - - ~r I. V E L r *• I i Program, Mrs. Samuel Stern Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Franklin house-trap, perhaps, but in this ™T Diane Jean, on July 26 at t h e \ e' , z ' and Mrs. Meyer Beber, co-chair•', "Miss Zusman entertained her Clarkson hospital. in memory of Ann Hahn. I case the world beats a path to the tk \ 1 LI 7 °imen; Publicity, Mrs. Irvin Levin; Wguest at a house party Tuesday RUMAGE j actor's door not for his own spec^evening. ' The guests included: LEAVE FOR EAST The 'Hadassah Rummage Com- Sabbath School, Mrs. Dave Cohn i ialty, but for a commodity unand Mrs. William Alberts, coHarriett Geifman. Zelda "Wise- Mr. and Mrs. Ben-Kushner are mittee headed by Mrs. R. Bordy - " f j known - to him — a commodity I . I 1 r* man, Harold Sherman, Martin leaving this week-end to visit rel- reminds all women .who will fail chairmen; Services, Mrs. E. Meyi called writing. : 1" , s: - • New " vc-k •-; Goodman, Irwin Harris and David atives in Philadelphia and N e wclean early this year because of ers; Sick-visiting, Mrs. Julius "All right. Now we're in the " F C . - "i the early holiday season to set Stein;. Student, Mrs. Harry FranBeber. • ring at the same weights . . . . Lhe Se-r .€ ; h r t 1r r York. aside rummage items of clothes, fcel; Talmud Torah, Mrs. Leo AbMiss Novak rplans to remain in we've instructions from, the ref- had rotrirp *r r'i- v "h Mrs. Jack s h o e s , hats, suits, furniture, ramson; Telephone, Omaha a week. eree . . . and the bout is on. I nstiOr's irferrr".«=s •<• TO NEW YORK and all other odd bric-a- Kaufman, Mrs. T. A. Tully, and have ben asked to write in answ- i r c c r c i f . ^ i this vecl. r Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Fellman are dishes brac and-call WA 5656 for bundle Mrs. N. T u r n e r , co-chairmen; er to some questions. I shall try E'.rtc of for" •""""? f T • BACK FROM VACATION leaving Sunday for three weeks picking Ways and M e a n s , Mrs. Jacob up. Mrs. Harvey to do so. has ir.r rcrseruflor c'2 in New York City. • Old magazines will also be Blank and Mrs. Dave Stein. Missvacationing Lee Fellman, who Mrs. Harvey Raymond Leon was been in the east, for utilized this year by Mrs. Harold Miss Rosalyn Rosen, daughter of "Hollywood, until I allowed myj the last seven weeks, , returned OKOBOJI Barish and her committee. MagMr. and Mrs. Jacob Rosen, before self to be torn away from. the. New i r;r e~er',, T ' r ' e ~~ "V- r-ii-=- •-•' home on Wednesday after visiting ATMrs. Malashock is vaca- azine bundles will be picked up her marriage' Sunday.''Mr. 'Leon York theatre, was a field .quite ! s sreerh c"ef'""C''.ng 'i~ e~'K"~~ relatives in Chicago, Niagara tioning Harry at Lake Okoboji. and prepared for sale. All funds is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam. J. unfamiliar to me. But don't take j or, f~rrs, Eifw-ln L.. ,"rr'?= r ^ r " ; Falls, Rockaway and New York. derived from this activity will go Leon. the word "torn" too seriously. Ac- ! ;T editcr r ' ;he Nev T r- L ",r~rs. She also attended the New York VISITING DAUGHTER -T^Tfi- ^, I- t . » for the Hadassah Medical organiBy Arlene Solomon tually it didn't take much time ' ECid ^ •world's fair. • ; :r. hi? f r r , : ; - , , f T r ?,, i: ' •c vrr Mrs. Ethel Solomonow is in Los . Miss Fellman will resume her kids are. I'll bet your brother is or persuasion to get me to sign cr_e po'rt Prr" or where she is visiting her zation. HAND CRAFT my contract. with Warner Broth- cry TCUF. hrve •"£• >c ;• —. -"e c »studies at the University of Oma- Angeles, Dear Suzy Q: tickled pink about-going. daughter, Mrs. Ben Rudner. ers. The opportunity to work with A new group has been started ha this fall. I have just about come to the Was told that Meyer Finkel one of the majors in the industry cls*"ed that v e hrc r c J i r .>- i o under the leadership of Mrs. Har- conclusion that every other per- just got back, from Kansas City. vl".h tr c irterr.rl T'")"'r.r- r" «"old S. Barish to do handcraft son has a birthday in August. Also heard that the • Frank kids . . . to share the enjoyment of DEPART FOR HOME C cov.rtr work. Members will raise their Well, I guess it's just as nice a —Muriel and Elaine—spent the their knowledge ..-,-'» to i s ; a cog Dr. and Mrs. Irvin Sternhill loci in one of .the bigger wheels , .. . donor luncheon money in this and daughter, Frieda Helene, reto became a year older in week-end in Fort Dodge. is snethln-g not to be'tossed' off th£t manner. This group will meet on month turned to their home in Mason as any of the other eleven. Do you know Etta Sugerman is casually. - the first and third Tuesdays of .• •• • City, la., after visiting at the It's really too bad about Jeanne each month. Members belonging Rubenstein. I hear she •was visiting here from California? . "However, I-had no high expechome of their parents, Mr. and Shirley Spar and Adeline Tatelare making tugs, knitting, crowhen I started west for a horse the other man. are in-MuscaUne,.Ia., for, a ttactiocs Mrs. A.. Shapiro. .' ... . h r o l e c £ _Mickey. ..the cheting, sewing and doing all day and from quite badly injured. It's couple.of coupleof weeks and. and will stay, stay a L™ L ^ types of hand work. There is Although most activities withs iii cc iii a.n, a.n, in in r . . ^ accidents like this -which make :mu s IS CHICAGO bf h competent . instruction so that in Hadassah ceased functioning while in Des Moines before they • . . me very happy I am not living in DaTIE:hters A t t a a t tilne x h a ' Mrs. J. Tuchman and daughter, during the summer months many those that do not know how can come home. idea Mickey would be such a EmoEJlaine, are' visiting friends' and groups and committees have been learn. There is room within this the horse and buggy days. Well, kiddo, write soon a: ,ker — -or. such'a. defeatist ["hatl Ruth Falk, after spending one more nest time. relatives in Chicago. They \rtll industriously working to g e t group for a few more women. .came later. week of her vacation having her remain about-a month. Affectionately yours, things lined up for the coming Anyone interested can call Mrs. tonsils out, is spending her secBarish, WE 5542. ARLEXE"As an actcr, do- I prefer the season. ond week in Des Moines, rrraking HOLD OUTING •screen "to the stage? No. Bet 11committee, DUES up for lost time. Members of the Alpha Gamma headed have ,far mor,e ; regar.d for the | T h e by membership Mrs. Max Cohen, will to that Sylvia Epstein is goChi sorority held an outing et meet shortly to discuss the • pre- payMembers are again screen than when I first arrived. their 1938-1939 duesurged to Mrs ingHear to Sioux City for the weekPeony park last Sunday. I now see that one may have the season Campaign. B. A. Simon, who has been very end. Thelma Gaspar has been "Hadassah does more for its busy this summer trying to get in Colorado for a couple of weeks VISITING HERE'. members than members _ do for a 100 per cent paid-up memberBudapest (JTA) — In a "move Mr. Harry- Chatzkey of Denver Hadassah," said Mrs. M. D. Brod- ship. Those who want to have and Richard and Beverly Zlotky designed to save the nation's mois the guest' of relatives in Oma-key, president, in encouraging the her call for check may call GL and their mom. and pop just got tion picture industry, virtually back from there, where one day ha. He intends to remain a week. membership committee this year. 1028. they ran into Norman Ripps. It's crippled by the ouster of all JewShe added, that self development YOUTH ALIYAH to unexpectedly meet some- ish producers and actors under in Hadassah is greatly strengthMrs. Julius Stein, chairman, as- fun one from your own city, miles the anti-Semitic .legislation, the ; ened.


Junior" A, Z. A. -1"

Mrs. A. Wohlner Named Head- of -. Beth El Auxiliary.

" " • •



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Letters to a Coed


Hungary Acts to Save Film Industry

Non-Hadassah members are all invited to join this year. To those who are not familiar with the By Mrs. David BL Newxnaa work of Hadassah the following will give them a clear idea: SUGGESTIONS FOR SANDWICH HADASSAH'S AIMS -.. FILLINGS In America: To foster Zionist 1) Grated carrot mixed with ideals through Jewish education. In Palestine: 1. To promote enough mayonnaise to moisten. 2) Chopped egg, sardine and public, health through development of preventive and curative Mayonnaise. 3) Chopped cold beef, olives, medical institutions and- services in the • cities and rural districts, and Russian dressing. culminating in the Rothschlld4) Peanut butter and jelly. 5): Chopped chicken, pickle rel- Hadassah-University Hospital and School. 2. Land redempish mixed with enough mayon- Medical tion and afforestation through the naise to moisten. . Jewish National Fund. 3. Im6) Hard cooked eggs, tuna fish m igration and colonization and mayonnaise to moisten, add through the Youth Aliyah movelemon juice. ment. Names of non-Hadassah memCAKE FROSTXNGS Chibcolate Whip Cream Frosting bers can be turned over to Mrs. will see to it that Use 5 tablespoons cocoa,. 1/3 Max Cohen.who are personally interviewed. cups powdered sugar, 1% table- they spoons hot water, ri cup cream, 2 Call GL 2602. GIFT FUND ' "• ' teaspoons vanilla, add more sugar The H a d a s s a h Gift Fund if necessary. through Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chairman, announce the following Orange Cream Frosting Juice and rind of 1 orange, 2 trees: The Saturday Night club in cup sugar, memory of Mrs. Minda Ruback, p tablespoons flour, hi cream. mother of Mrs. M. David Miller. 2 yolks, or 1 egg, cup whip Mix all the ingredients together Mrs. Julius Stein in memory of except the cream and cook in Mrs. Esther Goldberg, mother of double boiler until thick and Ralph Goldberg. ^ cold add the whip cream Mrs. M. D. Brodkey in memory *and fold in orange mixture. of Mrs. Esther Goldberg, mother of Ralph Goldberg. BAKED HALD3UT IN' TO5IATO Mrs. M. M. Barish in memory : . ' SAUCE • 2 lbs. halibut

fir 2 cups tomatoes •' 1 cup water • 1 onion chopped and browned ; 3 cloves . % tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon flour 1 teaspoon salt ' . % teaspoon pepper Combine tomatoes, water, oniAT $202 ons, cloves, and sugar. Cook 15 WHOLESALE minutes. Melt butter and flour, O Caadie3 - O Cijrars stir in hot mixture, add salt and .' ©Tobacco O Pipes pepper, put in a pyrex baking ©Foaataia Sapplios dish, add fish, bake 35 minutes. OB Remove to platter, garnish with parsley.

sisted by Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, are Government ruled that SO per c e n t o f a11 f e a t l l r e making plans for a luncheon to away Irom home. Pictures an" h a s been in! 30 per cent of the supporting be given for the Youth Aliyah proHadassah chairman during the California since the beginning of gram in Hunga'rian cinema theathe summer and report has- it tres must be produced abroad promiddle of August. that she is having a double .super vided they have been synchroniz- I London (WNS) — A total o time. Florence Leaf of Dunlap, ed here. 622,700 pounds (about $2,500,- la., was in town at the beginning 000) was contributed to the Lord of the week, staying with Doris Patronise Our Advertisers Baldwin Fund for Refugees. Fut- Gilinsky. ure donations to the fund, which Did I tell you that Esther closed this week, will be turned Schwartz, of Fort Worth, Tex., over to the Christian Council for has been visiting here? Also, Refugees and the Council for Ger did you know that Adolph LaySIXTEENTH ef HARNEY . man Jewry. tin was in Arkansas? The junior counsellors f o r From;,! 8 9 4-9 8 George W. Och Camp Jay-C-C are more excited was mayor of Chattanooga, Tenn about leaving, I think, than the

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THEY SHALL NOT PASS—Little Holland, conscious of tho over-present threat of war in Europq, i i preparing her bordors. against attack by aggressors. Hero is a frontier bridge whero an antitank barrier has been erected. Nearby highways are barred by tank traps.









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HONETMOONQS ABROAD—MyrI Aldermen end his brids, Ruth Etting, redio singer, in London on & belated honeymoon. Miss Etting's former husband, Martin Snyder, is in a California prison for 20 years for attempted murder of Alderman.



ROYAL LOQESRS g spectators watching a swimming exhibition at •ihe D£rfmcath Royal Nevd Co!Iece in Dertmouth, England, receriiy, were Eriiain's rcycl Left to right: Princess Elisabeth, a friend, Princess Margaret Rose, King G-ccrge Queen Elizabeth.




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RA6E PAWS—This was a gala occasion for Carol Ann, right, when her foster-fathsr, Wallace Boory, film star, took her and her friend, Diano tvjanter, to tho- races at Hollywood Park.

CHAIRMAN — A. D. Lewis, named by his brother, CIO Chieftain John L. Lewis, as chairman of the United Construction Workers Organizing Committee, in Washington. Formation of new CIO organization is a challenge to the building trades unions, backbone of the A. F. of L.




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was first licertea conTricr'cUi! piir^


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DUCHESS lMSPSCTS—Wearlng a uniform that gives her tho imposing title Lady-Superinfendent-in-Chief for Y/ales, ths Duchass of Kent presents awards to the St. John ombiilsnce corps at Cardiff, after oath of allegiance.

ROLLS 'CM — New feo ct bowling in Hollywood is in tended to keep fi!n f i l n players payers in fit physical condition. Here is Jens Wymais, chosen by west coast bowlers es ihz

ilcsi- "pin" girl.

crroe f 5rr « rj5r. J r r h r - r r • ,-i-r, t'fies, A'Arti Kcirrirn'r.f H -.^f DV?r.^;j r.:.. ,« ',o->'{ r«i v'* c>>.'f F T ilrJe c* rsfirr.'! d - f r c i - r ; ' f'h'v' c ' . i r - . o r i'A v im^nc j . i r .12 «"fcc* F c ^ u - i r V - r f ^<-\-v v ~ . - , rr--<•'- * ' !«• ^r,>,, S,-,. TT c

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AIR DIRTHeAY — United States Army Air Corps obsorvos its 30th birthday dri Aug. 2, for on that date tho Army purchased its first snJii^ary airpland from fho Wright brothers. Pi$fur>j5 abovo, by Air Corps photographorsi ti-aphkalfy chow fho progress moda. Top, V/ri^rl airplane at Fort Myor, Va., July 27, 1909. Loft to right: Lieutenant Benjamin D. sFcuIoIs. recently retired as Major General,

Chief of tho Air. Corps; V/ilbu? Wright; Licatc.iant Frank P. Lahm, now a colono!, and Orv!!!o Wright. Lower Isli, historic pisfarc rho«.v3 firrt oacnlno gun ovo? carried by a piano. Ccpfeln C. DoF. Charsdlcr holds it, at loft, et Celloco Park," M d f Juno 7, 19!2. Lieutenant Stoy V. Kirtland, rocontly roflrad «s Air Cnr^s ccbi^Jj is pilot. Right: Squacron of mss!~rn Lining pursuit pianos passes in revie%r.

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drop in mefiical school enroll-1 Semites from ali ever the world.


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By DR. FRANK KINGBON • President, The University of:Newark

,: - - • F • . =-. , . . , . . « . ,,.,{. t o • rvt It? re UT..: (Continued from page ,1.) "Is not this a heavy British sacs. i ..r. : n r > i ' p n t i One oi the most inspiring stimulating- opinions. It has often rifles to settle the Jews in Pales(That veteran of Ansia-Jew.' -" v '.'• ',admirable groups whoso been said that we cannot legislate tine?" Lambert demanded. Gre- ish Journalism, Bernard Postal, purpose it la to ahslyzi antl peopsl into morality, is this true? gory Mander, Liberal, bounced to who is now publicity director throw light on truth in current Father Ahem of Weston College his feet. "How. many Jews wsra of the B'aai BMth, has teltea : v : • -•: .-., 1 , i , - v o f n. sontroveisial Issues, is tho tVil- and Dr. Samuel McCrea Cavert, killed fighting for us in the World eoispsssica on *Jiv Peters and • w : 1 ,• • .- -: •• - . , . , . 1 - t 1 \\ve> relieved him of his eolnssijsar . UamstovVn institnte, this, year general secretary of the Federal War?" he demanded. Survey Council of the Churches of Christ raish-mashlag for oaa vrcek. dedicated to the. snbject "Clti* rf• i-', ."iv.:-:: - ; -...-'' 1 • The Royal Institute of Interna- PAP vrfll be back next J ) 2?nahip and liells'-oa*11 Partld- in. America, Will match wits on : v-:a. ;.I r ' . r ; : =: ; , ^ T V ; iv ••-.'••Affairs, in a surrey entitl/fpaiing in the discussions wiil the topic: "Methods of Tratelat- .lonal I-.-?- r - v i * ', • f -, ..- T . , . 0 t h e "Britain and Palestine," ex* V bs outstanding representatives ihg Moral Teaching into Legisla- dressed By BEE^ARD POSTAL : J.f. f r <.'?•?• ' * , ! V , - F o " -.', r ,"<v Ii the opinion that the Brit:- . .- . • , ", • ; -. i v !-•- i-^r. i n of all fields.- oJL endeavor, and tion." The program for another sh Government's proposals for r . e i ' . c i r e ir. '.hs- VrKeC t , r •i)r. Frank Kingdon, who in this morning shows Bishop.McConnell uture policy in Palestine w e r e IT'S A FACT - n 1 , t h e f p : . r . ' . r r^vr:" : r : { V r •• General George Van H o r n brle£ article presents & general ct New York, Father Stephens of ot final but merely the outline er.[ crr.T \.i ?~.y 7T"7". ~ " r ,"1 - ',';.' v ; . - ; ,- > < i r r \ ' r r i resume ol the Institnte, will Richmond and Rabbi Gordis of >t a new policy which, like its Moseley, who's running Father New York tickling "The Church Coughlln a close racs for the title j submit a daily news summary iredecessors. would be modified number otifi antiof the events .which take place and Economic Reform." iy the development of ideas and of "American's can't explain to his Cur- _ ;,. : . . : .j ,' . 5 v , , ; : p . i i i a Even the difficult problem of evnts both within and without Semite," r there—THE EMTOfL crrr.irut..i. cs v c-ul.. . c ,'rent running mates now i t £apr"~ : , ' . ; • -. . ; - J . . , . it.,-fit religion and education, of the re- 'alestine. pened that just a year' ago tie Russia says: "Religion is a lation of the churches to the -The survey criticized "Zionist made an anti-Nazi speech from .E-Ic'iir.F' r=i~V:.r.r t " P r tL"r ' r r r . " • r "Vj"?* ' <. 7* •** ;» r i "iv i ' f v ?*• ^"t^T" drug and people must be curea schools, will not ba avbldsd, for delusiveness, both economic and the pulpit of The Temple, a Jew- I i i r v r =•-." T'cr r..> f? r - . ~ - r '- '-; -r.-of the habit of taking it." Ger-two mamijigs will be devoted to ultural," for p r e v e n t ing the_ ish congregation in Atlanta,! ; if v r'" *"" 1. ". '- T 1 *~-» v I . I ; *'so'consist Arabs from appreciating the ad-* many Says: "Religion must serve it. These hours will not : . Spiritual leafier o£ Georgia tno nation and we chaU lores it wholly, of set speeches, for all antages . of Palestine's greater The is Rabbi David Marx, to do so." Italy says: "Religion morning' programs are Concluded rasperlty. "Prosperity alone does whomTemple rr;.i * -1 - . ; Moseley attacked as a tra| larger rrc must comes to terms v/itb. the with forums ih which all may 6ot appeal to the Arabs as a final ducer of American Flas,* while Governmentfeowe insist on a con- ehare. argument in favor of Jewish im- testifyingthe before the Dies ComPowerful groups have arisen in migration," it saidcordat." Spain lias said: "Eellmittee . . . Certain Maryland , \ gioa can be a rallying cry for pas- thi3 country frbm tlz&e ,\o time, Ship captured beaches whose e&traacea firont on sions in a Civil war." What does urging that we. cannot succeed as Haifa JTA) — It was officially state highways, are refusing -to the United States sayt . : a people until we bury all our re^ Announced that the s. S. Color- permit automobilists to use tha The Institute of Human Rela- llgious and cultural divisions in ado, flying the Panama flag, Was roads if they are "noil-Aryans" Si !_ ' , ' • ! i i i '' . tions at WUliamsto-svn -will try to fcome uniform patterns of wor- aptured with 373 Jewish illegal . . . Didja hear about the PennJ h I ' l ; ' • 1 , . » • •^" • i . '* find the answer- It will be held ship . and behavior. We. have migrants aboard by the C o a s t sylvania mountain resort wUicU at Williams College from August among us those who doubt the 3uard off Herali&h and brought advertises: "Altitudes 1,000 ffeet; 27 to September 1, and will de- possibility of building a united ,o Haifa. .' too high for Jews'.' . . . uTA 1 — ?,-t V." The Assize Court in Jaffa acvote itself to the topic: "Citizen- cation out of diocese groups. The ship and Religion." Catholics, concluding session of the Institute quitted 17 members of the crew Protestants and Jewa will partici- will consider this assertion. Gov- of the Greek steamship Liesel, C. J. T. The initials stand for. "Confedpate under" the auspices of theernor William H. Vandferbilt of arrested last month on charges of jlort-cr. National Conference of Christians Rhode Island and Professor Ar- abetting illegal entry to Palestine eration of Jewish Territories," a thur H. Compton of Chicago Uni- of Jewish' refugees. One of the new and perhaps the most cockllas;., e c ' l i P E r.J' V i-?~<c ' " - ' ;• and Jews. eyed colonization scheme of them i ».= cr.s ci U.? v e n t L I •.,.• L "Has the Catholic Church a versity, Nobel Prize winner in Jewish passengers, a former ship's all, which is being pushed by the testified that the Gesta^program for the American State?" physics anda co-chairman -of the captain, 1 1 had herded the Jews aboard new Maccabeus Club of London coOe-! ." E i r VI.F •• * I ;T s This is a query on many lips, and National Conference of Christians po 1 . . . The K. M. C. recognizes that he ship at gun's point. It was also and Jews, will be tha speakers. t I , r c u c t c i i i\:i r r - ' r ? groups of our fellow-citizens are Palestine must be the spiritual pointed out that the British Coast Important issues, intelligent in earnest about -what it implies. Guard had seized the ship outside home of Jewry, but since all Jews The Institute will give all a presentation of views, clashes of Palestine's waters. The can't be settled in one territory, chance to ask their own questions opinion, democratic fellowship in captain wasterritorial s e n t e need to nine it proposes that there be a federIn the midst of the Arab terror' tine became so v.:1;.-; to '.'rtrt X"!..-.;'/ -, -, - '. . u . 7 } " ' '< I ' ' of men who know. "What do the agreeable surroundings, Ameri- months imprisonment ation of J e w i s h territories in Palestine, J e w i s h industry tlsdes tixt and fined r crrUruc tc crc Jews want to do in America?" A cans facing American problems— 1,000 pounds. throughout the world, the center there is not only maintaining its ti:?rr: fver vhrr. t:'£.r.E'crrci to lot of people are asking this ques- these are the ingredients of the state and capital city to be in the previous position, but is even ex- other EritisS posseEsaons. tion and a good many are giving Williamst,6wn Institute. They are British Empire and under the panding. One of the most strikAs a result. Oktva blades are compounded into an enlightening /-SL what they think aTe the answers. patronage of a member of the ing examples of this is the phe- now being sold in £0 countiien experiencs of democracy at work. Wiliiainstown gives everybody the British royal family . . . {Imag- nomenal growth of the Otava including the United States. TJrc chance to find out for himself. In old New England the town ine Alaska, Eiro-Bidjan, Guiana. rasor blade factory established by rhoto above Ehows t i e exterirAnn Hahn "Do the Protestants think they meeting rediscovers itself in thiB the Philippines, Rhodesia, etc., Gerrnan refugees. of the Okava f&ctorr £t Anne Hahn, 28, died Monday r~ 1-e?own America?" Again, here is an event, and everyone who shares all in ona family of states!) . . . Oddly enougli the growth in le-Sion. The photo below is t afternoon at a local hospital after inquiry each may pursue for him- in it comes away with a larger If you're still interested in this popularity of Okava blades has j close-up of tbe autoattic racl -, plan it would make such Jewish. been helped by the disturbances. | ing ia£t:hir.e for Ms.Ses brougtl self through the minds of repre- mind and a more persistent hope. an illness of eight weeks. She had been active in many notables as Bergson, Einstein and British troops on duty in Pales-' to Palestine by refugees. sentatives of t h e Protestant (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts A.VE. Jewish organizations, including Freud joint presidents, and Haile bodies. . Feature Syndicate) Junior Hadassah, Junior Council, Selassie and Eduard Benes, as Open Forum Junior Vaad, and the J. N. F. " ' T i"\*T r symbols of defeated peoples of men for boys of their faitts . . . Ilsually such questions as those Surviving Miss Hahn are: herour age, honorary presidents . . . Which reminds me that my boss, are asked in whispers, and their mother, Mrs. Etta Hahn, and twoThe federation would be governed Henry Monsky, has been a trusanswers are framed in terms of -1 t £ •; brothers, Fred and Dave. by a senate and by councils made tee of Boystown for nany years, the: particular interests of special • • I T ' i J ; ' \' Funeral were' held up of representatives of political, as well as a close friend afid ad•** \>f-'-\ groups. Indeed, some timorous Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish economic and cultural organiza- viser of Father Flanagan . . . LlLL^.i U lt k U u l i v souls. may say that they should Funeral Home. Burial was at the tions . . . The capital city would Didja know that the only statue not be dragged into the light for olden Hill cemetery. be the the home of a new aadto religious liberty in the New fear of_^ creating misunderstandreorganized-League of Nations . . World stands in Fairniount Park, i n g . T h e glory of the Williams¥fithcut Jcxrisli Jews everywhere -would be givea Phfiafielpnia, the gilt - of B'sai Mrs. L. Ruback . town Institute' this year is that B'rith to the people of the t'aited an opportunity to accept citizenFuneral services were held on it £"3.3 the courage to explore in in the Federation . . If they States in 1ST6 npon the centenJuly 20 for Mrs. L. Ruback, who ship the open light of day Surmises declined they would not be re-nial of American independence. (Continued from page 1.) New Tork {JTA) — Aithoujl died at a local hospital after a garded as and Speculations that have hithJews, but as citizer.s •lucre thaa 47 per cent of the »T€v> erto concealed themselves in the German-sponsored "Czech Ar- ong illness. Mrs. Ruback had of the countries where they now ish physician in tbs Cnitefi Ststfee yan Union" ordered police to fur- been a resident of Omaha for live . . . (Aren't they that now AXIS GREASE shadows and half-lights. An American diplomatic officer practice in New York Etate. wiih and who but anti-Semites would "prevented Can democracy stand such re- nish Jewish firms with placards twenty-seven years. two of England's nost the bulk ccncsntrEted on the Atout their "non-Aryan" Surviving her are: one daugh- have it any other way?l . . . The role treatment? This, too, will be pointing ownership. Police were also re- ter, Mrs. David Miller, one Sister, territories belonging to the pro- famous and wealthiest Jews from lantic seaboard bstwein BtMimirt discussed In a daily forum on quested to keep Jews out of all Mrs. G. Epstein of New York, and posed federation would be given taking punches at a Nazi emis- and Boston, there are rr.ore than "Propaganda—^Good and Bad— during the refugee negotia- 4C0 communities in the country restaurants, cafes and two grandchildren. complete autonomy by the na-sary for Democracy/' Representatives "Aryan" tions . . . Catholic priests in a vrith a population c± 10,COO or public baths. Services were held at the Jewtions from whom territory is acof the press, of education, of the and other health resorts ish Funeral Home^-Burial was at quired and would pay annual fed- number of small towns in Italy. more which' hava no Jewish phyradio, of the moving picture, and in Spa3 including Moaena, Ferrara. Ales- ticia.ns, according to «. prelimithe "Protectorate" and in Sude- Pleasant Hill cemetery. eral dues . . . v of business will participate. No tenland are facing economic sandrio and Pitigliano, are fiern- nary survey of the- J.'efiical Comruin. punches will be pulled. onstratltg their sympathy with mittee on Research released by The Marienbad Epa management Mrs. Himon Goldberg No one can doubt this when applied f6r a second time to the tbs Jews in a novel manner . . . the Conference c~ Jewish EelaTAKE IT FROM 5IE Mrs. Esther Goldberg, 75, died •men like Heywood Broun, TJ. S. Nazi district leader for modineaSines the new Italian racial law Two of the biggfest national Education Commissioner John W. tion of the regulations regarding Saturday at the lioine of her son, Jewish organizations, both ^ittt excludes Jewisi children, these tiOTlf. 1B Studebaker, Waltar Wangef, Rus- Jewish visitors. It was officially Ralph B. Goldberg, after a long headauarters in New Tork, are children, in many 5tsa.ll to-wus, Eurvtj-, vrtirh She had been residing on j sell Davenport of Fortune, Freda announced *tnat Bix Jewish com- illness. are deprived of all secular educa, coast and had only recently casting around for new executive tion . . . To deal Witt this £ituE Studies, s qu&rterly jouraa KitChwey of The Nation, Frank- munities in Sudetenlahd, includ- the heads . . . One of them is a •wo- tion. Catholic priests in these lished t y the Conference., reprfelin DUnham of N. B. C Sterling ing Leitmeritz and Komotau, and returned to Omaha. Funeral services vrere held Mon- men's Eroiip . . . Rabbi Joseph Email towns have beg-cn to teach nssite B^EI£ cf the liadinee ef a Fisher of C. B. S. and Harold also about 50 synagogues; Jewish day .at the Je-wish Funeral Horn* Baron of Milwaukee is complet- the Jewish children, aad are even Lasswell will take part. , women's orginzations, charitable -been enRabbi David H. Wice officia- ing an anthology of all the philo- giving them instruction in Hfebrew •Egad for the pist litis thre? re&re la The forum has the bsst leader- groups, Zionist associations, Jew- with Semltic utterances of the great . . . What is still more remarkable ting. Burial was at Golden Hill ship available in its chairman, ish schools and burial societies Cemetery. . and near-great in every countrj- is the fact that tbe priests are a Kt-a£y of J"=ws in mefiicice in the Unites States. Dr. Jacob A . Gold, Clyde Miller, who ;uns the Insti- had dissolved. . . . . As soon as Father Flanagan's Acting as pallbearers were: A. rlor Propaganda Analysis, Austrian Province Ousts All Jews L. Kaplan, Paul Elotcky, Murray Boystown gets enough money to teaching the Jewish children t h e berg is secretary t>Z the commitBible in the Jewish spirit . . . tee, whose Kicnbers iaclufle Drs. forum will operate from "Vienna (Havas) — All Jews Schlossburg, I. M. Weiner, Frank build a new Catholic chapel he Yiddish included amors . the A. A. Brill, Aaron Erewn, Heti4:45 to G p. m. daily, and every remaining in Styria were ordered Hollander, and Jacob Motz. will turn the present into a non- courses is in foreign languages ben L., A. J. Kangy. Kfcufdelegate Will have a chance to to leave the province before Aug. denominational center for services which are given for Ger-tnaa Eciiiivek. I. S. Tfechfcler ind attend and participate. by Protestant and Jewish clergy- man army being 1, according to an order issued by officers by the Naci Patronize Our Advertisers Problems . provincial authorities in Graz. Beministry of war . . . The YiucLisli la censorship of the radio too fore Anschluss about 5,000 Jews \-LiifomzlSe is included because In the event lived in Styria, and there was a liiga a price to pay for the silencof a Nazi invasion of .Poland and _ The increase thriving Jewish community In ing Of certain voices that have a Rnmania the German -officers will wide popular appeal and seem to Graz. Jews dispossessed t h e r e have to deal with Yiddish-Sneak- - * were expected to find succor from York cVTicae^r some, people to be proclaiming ing Jews . . . doctrines that are dangerous to the Jewish Community in Vienna certain groups within the coun- until they could leave the coun Ne-R- GrleatE) bmve 1EID, 1 li t <, (Copyrighted by Jewish Teletry? Ought we to allow organi- try. survey diseases, parrill-fe the \v-\ graphic Agency, Ice.) Styria was the second Austrian zations with foreign origins to :n the Jewish poptlatios speak freely in America? If we province to order complete espul c this country since that yes.r. ' -; do, should they be allowed, to sion Of Jews. The first was Car*'It is of EiEHii'isa.ncs t s note," , •wear uniforms that remind us of iathla, -which'two months ago was army uniforms abroad? Is It a known to have reduced its Jew Jewist physIciEiiE prticiicinff if ! good thii*l for democracy to give ish. population to fewer than 20. I A thousand' Viennese Jeffs lef ASU iOik UiO in IE ft G?a£>fl ' Communists, Fascists and Nazis a for Italy. Though planning to stay from 87 ~pcl-;ra' pt^rc^ «n -ty>&\ free platform? Lcitsd Btstes, cieat in Csssafls-j la the press of our land free, only long enough, to obtain perTork (JTA) — Jascha 77 European medical schoclK. ! or is it subservient to certain mission to enter the United States. Eeifetz. the violinist, -won the The vide distrifcutioi; hs.s, la part i forces Within our national life? Great Britain or other countrie unanimous plaudits of Xew"'Vorft at least. cxT'Sjent^- b-en ct>-=-s's ! whose wating lists their name What is propaganda, and howon movie and. racsic critics for hisbr tlie fiifacuItiEE JE'ri-ii'Ett'a^riTfi! | are registered, the emigrants have it -work? Thes! ! performance in his f i r s t film, hars ErpsT'.srfSa. in g--*r':n" eel-1 f had from $25 to $50 each deposissues will be raised. They c.v. v ! "They Shall" Have S!as;c," proin Italian banks for living ex' will emerge not merely for 1theited j dueed by Samuel GoldwyTi, trhiofc penses. Despite Italy's o f f i c ial salte or argument, but because t -.? j had its Nevr York preEaiere Et the their Ovrn corasiucities cr even in | I the group would answers are Important to Ahe anti-Semitism, j Eivoli last week before a dittifiEreceive a warm welcome there, v w, C S£S£< •whole future of our American in- competent sources, here believed, ^ . j / ^ ^ f „ ^^E-^^-^S Di I.3-CVC-S I stitutions. since their expenditures will go a Next Monday Heiftez -will be the timber of iewi? In addition to this forum the little way toward filling Hocketcompeting Trith his o—n picture EtccentB and Institute will have regular ses- books left empty by tho failure ol -when he plays -with the Ne-w Tork sions botu morning and eve ng, this year's tourist trade. Philharmonic Symphony Orchss- the enrvey notes ths.t and discussion groups on the tra at the Le-srisoiE Stadiur.-,. vai ious phases of the larger London ( J T A ) — The 1,00 "They Shall Have Kusic" cen- 1B21. "Ths. result or restrio-! topics. One evening will be de-Viennese Jews admitted to Ital, ters about a m-asic school for poor in T r p voted, for example, to "The pending reemigration entered th * ^^J children on Ne-vr York's Icwer tivs S/.urnl^sl^T t)c' ^r^ r * "' J Church and Civil Liberties." . clcdes. "isjtB T?ses"Et"lsk« k prc-j country under a private schem East Side, said to "have besa. su;Thla meeting will be addressed and not as the result of any agreeBested cy the Chatham PsrtiotiEte cscreass *s th" EEJB-I by Frank Murphy, Attorney Gen- ment between the Rome and BerSchool, nf -which George Backer eral of the United States; Presi- lin Government, the Rome corresIn satij- Ee£Sc&.i ecS^ols fbsrsi GC> cheap. is one of the trustees. dent Henry Noble HacCracken of pondent of the Times reported. Goia-sryn is now slantiiEg a r,ew has fctss &r; UEtlf-icIal, ifccuf;h e t I Vaasar College and Fannie Hurst, A Dutch organization heade film 1called "The Great Music Festhe novelist. On another evening by M. Guldameester arranged fo: tival ' for -which, lie said, "1 inPresident Frank Porter Graham their emigration, providing the: A "Eis.rl.:ei tS'dJue" is t r t ' c l ' tend to tiring some cf the ,*rrep-t of the University of North Caro- with sums ranging irosi 5 pound artists cZ SwirC"r>ei -**-'S;rt^"*"^-r*lv lina, President 3eorge N. Sbuster to 20 pounds each, instead of tin those who have no place taw in of Hunter College, and Rabbi usual ten marks permitted for -which to espr&ss ILenselrss, to Joshua Loth Liebman of Chicago German emigrants. Their permits Hl will talk about the relation of line to reside in Italy are valid for perchurch and synagogue to Commu- iods ranging from one to three Fascism and Democracy, months, but can be extended in These are only examples. The certain cases to sis months, it was Baeharest iSTA) — Official Ths yocngesi victims of th* 'intensive Nazi drive aj-alas* ihs Jrs«» •' • • . other evenings are dBBicnea-! to e a i d . : • . . - ehmm ss they arrived Er.slsnd with th-eir belosagxajpa ia tise equally live topics in the hands pocches isy their side. Thosssands of chlldrea Etsii jss GerrasEy lack to J ol just a3 eminent men. Friedrich Julius Stahl, a con the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and •Overafias Rseda fia.Slisir 18SS. Of "ths 2,7*9 perecac"Vho ... .Morning Discussion . ;; • •. vert, was .-a leader la-the Ge only hops of s-ssoue." The mornings prbaiisa eauilly reactionary-movement of 1S48. jioi, c-sly'SC vers ^svs. ;










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Page 8 iz.s s.s: guardian o* that" bloody propaganda. Energetic ts t e p e nothing with It save attach a brufrontier snd the hardy souls who against such incitement were detaly crippling amendment." ' Exbraved its danger. The regiment manded by L'HuTnanite in pubpressing ,the hope that 'President left the West for serrice in Cuba, listing the document. Roosevelt's conference with the t i e Philippines end on the MexiEvian committee's directorate In (Continued from Page 1) "Ce!" proposes \v thiF • docucan Eorder, but returned and. took ment to In F?e.nce a cenSeptember may coordinate and might say, and he worries about speed up : the ref u'gee work, the Etation at Fort Crook, Nebraska, tr&i oT.A£'s.r;:isfc,tior. vor E-..nvi'S€-iri1cic MORRIS AIZENBERG, Correspondent bis toothbrush!" in 1?22, -where it has reaaUcefi propr.rc-r.fif. feeaaefi by e. "FuehrNews cited the Wagner-Rogers Well, that brings up a matter: bill, as "one swift, concrete and since.. er" eciitiefl *c isRiie orclers to al! In the cool of last evening I was constructive piece of refugee reAt the present time the major- stii-Seirnles in the corntry. This sitting on my porch thoroughly lief work;" The Mirror listed six ity of the members of the regi- acti-Semitie prcpagancliat, "Cel" enjoying my vacation. Yes, I was ways in which the United States, ir.ent are young men from Omaha vri'cs, tr.ust v.oi, look like a saying, this is the ideal way . . . If it "wished to hear the pitiful and the towns, villages s,nd fs.rms Fascist or p. Nfisi, but rplher like just to retire within one's own call of distress from the persecutof Eastern Nebraska and Western an honest Frenchm&ts. arses should (Each week the J e w i s h , shell, so to say . . . to be a man could help the refIowa. Press will present in this space away from the world and all its ed in Europe," : be. P.Me even to f.pi>ear as. a Jew the qualifications of some wor- aggravations . . . to hear no clam- ugees. if eircuTisst&Bcer shoiiid warrant Mrs. Eleanor Jloosevelt devoted thy individual seeking employ- or but only the whispering of the sccc £.E EppeRranne, It is no Joseph Trumpeldor Sperling of rnent. Anyone interested please her nationally syndicated column, longer acy iise. "Cel" continues, Jerusalem, Palestine is on his way call Dorothy Merlin at the winds in my favorite trees. "My Day,'1 to a discussion of the to s;boi:t: "DOVE vith the Jews!" to Sioux City for an extended Jewish Community Center.) Then in the gathering dusk I pamphlet;' Refugee^Facts, recentRather it is r.ecessary to shout: visit. He is 18 years old and in saw a stranger coming up the ly issued by the American Friends Girl, experienced in office "I,ong, like the Jcv-e'! Down with Palestine was one of the Jewish work and retail selling wants a walk to my doorway. (Quakers) Service C o m mittee. Frer.chmer>." Such slogans postNational Guard. He served .as Job. Is in need of employment. "I have come," he explained, She declared that "immigrants i ec. or painted or, -vails would pro-, •watchman in several outlying vilwill contribute to our well-being "on a very important matter." • I fiuce the required reaction '.front » lages, and also in Jerusalem;(What could be more important as. have similar groups in • our I the mob. < . He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. than this perfection of peace that past history. They seem to be, in Ed Sperling of Jerusalem. Mr. Ed the main, a group of valuable citI was enjoying?) -Paris JTA) — Instructions to Sperling is a former Sioux City I hope that you will obtain Patror.ize Our Advertisers use more subtle tactics in spread"1 have come to speak to you izens.pamphlet resident, leaving here for Palesand read it in full, ! ir.g enti-Sernitism in France have about Coughlin. What are we do- this CrowsJs Jwiforc ens of the -foretjps cs~s'siL::e» in Germany sesiir.a tine in 191S to serve in the Jewfor I cannot give you in this short bees ' issues to f ollc-vrers of Mu- VVEfE, PEFER. KUL'TZNICK * ing about Coughlin? Nothing! column make application f©r enijgrailsora,' shear oialy hope. Esraigratioa eld is ish Foreign Legion. all the facts it contains." nicipal Councillor L.ou5.s. Darciner It's time we were doing somenss^e possiMe'by fsjrads of'the tJEsites! Jewish'Appeal for E f KF.iuL.EV, Attys, Joseph Sperling is-coming here A letter to the New York slate end Overseas Nee^s, Axszeetszn Jewry'* sreaJesi siisgl® h fie Pellepoix,- -who is being held thing and that's what I came to NOTICE Or DJSSOi-UTION OF to visit with his relatives, Sam, Chamber tot Commerce calling for trial uncer the lavr forbidding speak to you about." f ' ' • ' Dave and Morris Sperling and A. Z. A. M. VCNCER S, SONS, INC. upon its'.members to repudiate E"ti-Je-vrish s.git&tion, according It -seems you just can't hide Mrs. L. Chesen and Mrs. J. Goldto a document reproduced by the KNOWN A 1.1, KEN EX THESE A regular meeting of.the Coun- away, if you are Jew. Besides, the report on "Conquest by" Imberg.. PRESENTS: of its special flailj- 1/Hunis.nite. cil Bluffs chapter of A. Z. A. was my wife has been troubling me migration'.' of the old regiments of the AmerI That P-t the mpetinp of the stocktee on Immigration and naturalThe document, signed by "Cel," . . .."You mean you're going to | holders of M. Veneer & Sons, inc., held Tuesday evening at the home ican Army. It was first" organized pseudonym of a French anti- ou!y held a?; the office oC the corpora* hide out in this house for three ization, made public by the of Vernon Fitch. in 1812 and fought throughout OB the 30th day of December, Semitic jotirnE.!ist, proposes cen- tier, weeks? Not going anywhere? New York section of the American the second war •with.England. It tralizatioB 1938. ec vhich all of the Btocktioldere of anti-Seinitic propa- were CHEVKA B'NAl YISROEIi What kind of a vacation is this?" Committee for Democracy and Inpresent and voting, p. vesolution participatedintwenty-four enServices will be held tonight Colonel' George F. N. Dailey, gagements of the Civil Tv'Er. After ganda 5n France end the employ- vras unenSmouEly Rdoptec- that ihe A meeting of synagogue mem- (Copyright, 1939, by. Seven. Arts tellectual-Freedom. The letter received the additional sponsorship at 7:45 and tomorrow morning at bers was held Wednesday. Prepcorpora«!or. cease to do business PB jaect of suci tactics as ircpersonFeature Syndicate) Cornm'aEdicg Officer, 17th Infanof eighth eminent scientists and try, extends s - h e a r t y < welcome the ""Civil. War t i e regluseEt -was I atioa o£ Jews in order to foment such; ths.t the game !JK dissolved; 8:30 in the orthodox synagogues. arations , for the coming Jewish accordingly, notice c" Fiich p.ctlon of historians. Rabbi S. Bolotnikov will speak at holidays were. 'discussed, to -the -pub!ic to visit Fort Crook ordered West and served in the | feeling against them. The news- the <3issoiuifori of. sai<; M. \enger & the Adath Yeshurin synagogue for Dakotas, Montana,' Colorado, and I paper L'Ordre reported that the Sons. Inc., is h«»rehy piven, on the occasion of the Seventeenth the morning services. Asser jCevy was the first Jew Infantry's second annual Visitors Nebraska, and was continuously authorities were convinced of the AGUDUS ACHIM A:, TONGHR £* POMS INC. engaged in I n d i a n Warfare; authenticity of the document s.Ed Attest: MOSES A. VF/NGF/R. to own laid in what is now New Day, Sunday, August 6, 1839. The Agudus Achim lodge met By MAX VENGEK. York City. The Seventeenth Infantry is one builfling roads, carrying mail, act- •were determined to suppress such 7-14-39-4t. Thursday evening at the Eagles Secretary.. hall. Twenty-five years ago telephone "V *v vi v. TAIiMUD TORAH men who had designed and constructed the first transcontinental A Talmud T.orah meeting is Mr. and Mrs. I. Levitsky, 808 18th; street, announce the engage- scheduled for Monday, August 6, telephone line from New York'to San Francisco by way of Omaha ment and approaching mai'rlage at the synagogue. waited anxiously as the first teleof their daughter, Beatrice to Naphone conversation was about to than .Cohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. B'NAI B'RITH " .; The next meeting of the B'nai pass over the new line. E. Cobn of Cedar Rapids, la. Mr. Involved was not only the actuGohn attended the- University of B'rith lodge will be held Monday, al stringing of wires across the Iowa and is a member of the Phi August 14. continent but also the developEpsilon Pi fraternity. ment of amplifiers and other enThere will be an announcement E'lJMS CliTJB An E'lims meeting was held gineering features which would party luncheon next Monday afternoon, August 7th, at the War- Thursday at the home of Beatrice mean that distance would no longer-be a barrier to the extent of Krause.. " .. rior hotel. . telephone c o m munication. The • -A -— first call was put through. The GUEST Miss Goldie Levin, daughter of CHICAGOAN A guest at the home of Mrs. line worked. It was a success. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Lovin, 110S Etta Yudelson . is Shirley FriedTwo hundred men, in seven Iowa street and George Maccoby man of Chicago. She has been cities, who had a part in planning of Portland, Oregon were married visiting her'e for several days, and or building the first line in 1914 last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. plans to remain until the end of celebrated the 25th anniversary The ' wedding took place',: in the the summer. Friday afternoon, July 28. They . . home of the bride's sister, Mrs. w e r e assembled at New York, A. L. Black, 3130 29th Ave. Mr. . \ Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago, Maccoby is the son of Mrs. Ethel TO ATTEND WEDDING Miss Ethel Cohen of Los An- Omaha, Denver and San FrancisMaccoby of Portland. geles, Cal., and formerly of Couu- co. Bluffs, arrived here early WedThe Omaha group included 13 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Galinsky, cil While here she will at-' "men from Nebraska and Iowa who 2301 Jackson street announced nesday. Passer-Reuben wedding. took part in the construction of the engagement of their daugh- tend the is visiting at the home of the first line. The Omaha meeting ters, Dr. Delia Galinsky to Dr. herShe parents, Mr. and Mrs. David was held in the telephone buildHans Wachtel, son of Dr. and Cohen. ing with R. J. Hdpley, vice presiMrs. Fritz Wachtel of Chicago. dent of the Northwestern Bell Company, as master of ceremonTO WASHINGTON Mrs. Lillian Romerowsky, formKatelman left Saturday ies. er Sioux City Hebrew School tea- forMarian D. C , where she at the Omaha meeting cher ,and brother Abraham, and will Washington, take-a civil service position. who. had a part in the building of t)r. and~MrsI Moses Zelesky, all of Several farewell parties were the first line were A. L. AnderChicago, spent the week end' in son, W. B. T. Belt, R. H. Fair, C. the home of Mrs. Rose Pill, en- given in her honor. . ' • M. Harden, P. K. Harlan, S. B. route to the Black Hills and .YelHughes, R. Y. Hyde, R. A. LandIN CALIFORNIA lowstone Park. Harold Bernstein left last Fri- ers, J. L. McCollister and Paul H. day for California, where he is Patton of Omaha and L. P. BoMrs. Joe Shindler, 1724 Ham-visiting line and Henry Yost of Sioux City with relatives. ilton, streets, held a tea at the and Ray Carter of Davenport, la. home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.'RasIn addition several telephone ofCHICAGO VISITORS kin. 3022 Stone Park Blvd. in ficials were present.. For more than two weeks Mr. honor of the coming marriage of and Mrs. Harold Krelstein and lier daughter, Ethel to Dr. Sidney Bergen. Over 150 guests -were son, Richard Lee, of Chicago have present. The wedding date has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Krelstein's parents,- Mr. and Mrs. been set for September 3. Morris Brandeis. Mr. Krelstein returned home F. E. Smith, assistant generalA daughter was born last Sun- early this week, while Mrs. Krel- manager of the Nebraska Power day to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein, stein and Richard Lee are plancompany for the past ~10 years, 1219 Jennings street. ning to remain for several weeks, was elected vice-president of the company, according to an anMrs. D. Rissman and daughters, nouncement Tuesday by J ; E. Elaine and Vernice have been IN SIOUX CITY visiting for the past month In tb.9 Spending the .day in Sioux City Davidson, president. home of Mrs. Max Merlin, sister last Sunday were Mrs. A. LeiboBorn in Macedonia, la., where of Mrs, Rissman. Mrs. Rissman vltz, Maxine Leibovitz. Eugene he spent his boyhood and was Telpner and Meyer Stelnman. and daughters, will d e p a r t for graduated from high school, Mr. their home in Chicago tomorrow Smith entered the electrical utilRETURNED TO ENGIiAND night. ity field as a lineman with the Mrs. Maurice Kleinberg of Liv- Red Oak Electric company at Red Miss Charlotte Levin entertain- erpool, England, left for her home Oak, la. ed 70 guests last Sunday night in Tuesday, after spending t w o After working as a lineman two South Ravine Park at a picnic weeks with her parents, Mr. and years he entered the school of Mrs. William Tennenbaum. dinner. electrical engineering at I o w a En route home, she will meet State college at Ames, la. Folher husband. Rabbi M a u r i c e "Miss M a r y R o s o fsky, 1100 lowing his graduation in 1912 he Jackson street will leave for Chi- Kleinberg,- who has been visiting came to Omaha, where he was with relatives In Louisville, Ky. employed by the old Omaha Eleccago, * Saturday night to spend a tric Light and Power company. week with relatives and friends. GUESTS' • ' : He remained in Omaha two Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passer a r e Mrs. Chas. Raskin, 3022 Stone years when he accepted a posihosts to a number, of out-of-town Park Blvd., will e n t e rtaln 16 tion as local manager of the Red guests at a ,1 o'clock luncheon to- relatives who are here to attend Oak Electric company at Oakmorrow in honor of the approach- the marriage of their daughter, land, la. In 1916 he was transing marriage of her niecer/Mlss> Thelma, to Mr. Ronald* Reuben. ferred to a similar post at PlattsEthel Shindler to Dr. S. D. Ber- Included among, them are Mr. mouth, Neb., where he remained gen. Appointments will be in, bri- Oscar Green of Pittsburg, Pa.; until ^1918 when he joined the dal colors of dubonnet and blue. Sylvia Jane Ressnier of Louis- Nebraska Power company in OmaMr. and Mrs.—— Ky.; Mrs. Rose Ressnier of ha as assistant engineer. The afternoon will be spent at ville, , tb«ir friends both f&r Louisville, Ky.; expected tomorbridge and man jong. In 1923 Mr. Smith was made row are Mr. and Mrs. Lou Goldand &$s.r A Ma chief engineer of the company and berg of St. Paul, Minn. Prcsjsss-otis ICew Year. - Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin served in that capacity until, two and family are spending several years ago. In 1928 he was electMr. ar.d * > s . WAS IN DES MOINES weeks at Lake Okoboji. ed assistant g e n e r a l manager 1 Collman Yudelson visited last which position he has held up to cslfi to George Shindler, George Fein- week-end with friends in D e s the present time. berg and Reuben Cohen are spend- Moines. ' tor a Kc.-jr7 r*cw Year. ing a week at Lake Okoboji. Mr. A M r . end CT.&ZZvo, ' Zro. E Jack Merlin and Bennie Lebowltz are visiting in Denver for a •week. tag ysc.?. A party was given on July 26th New York WNS)—Two recent by the Lanceligh® Club for Mrs. si.t Sep-. "Wigodsky, 1007 Jones street, in advertisements of the German New York Newspapers take honor of the birth of the first Railroads Information Service, 'Ask Refugee Children grandchild. Mrs. H. M. Singer was carried in a New: York morning 1 Be Admitted chairman of arrangements. All newspaper, were attempts to distribute iJazl propaganda in the members were present. New York (JTA) — T h r e e United States through the mepy a n d r»< ? n ' e w s p a pers, the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller dium of advertising, the American metropolitan Yftar to tirlr Herald-Tribune/ the Daily News C o u n c i l Against Propaganda and family will leave for Chicago through Dr. Albert Parry, re- and the Daily Mirror, published Saturday night. search director for the Council, editorial comment on the refugee situation, all three agreeing on . Miss Ida Edelman left to attend charged here. According to Dr. Parry, an .ad- the urgency of Congress passing the summer school session at Minvertisement of the German Rail- the Wagner-Rogers bill, for adnesota University. roads appearing in the New York mission of 20,000 children from Germany In two years, in ca» 1 TRII Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosenblum H e r a 1 4 Tribune on June 15, amended form. • and Harriet and Milton left for a claiming that "Americans Prefer Praising the'trork of tlie Intrip to the west which includes Germany," was based on an apRefugee* Comthe San Francisco Worlds Fair. parent falsification of statistics. tergovernmental mittee, the -Herald Tribune deThey will return to Sioux City in clared Americans.could not effort* the early part of-September. Dak. vfsited h e r e for the past to talk "too loudly' about the week. with •- S h e ? raaa Sperling, "savagery" of nations rcspor.-ibic miss Tillie Tessler of Omaha. 1704 Pierce street. ".-. for the'refugee• situation "r r ion-1Nebr. is visiting here with Mrs. as BO simple and. innocuous c i-i~aNathan Cohen, 2218 Jones street. Francis Berg of Omaha, Nebr- sure as the'Wagner Mil . . . etlll is visiting here -with her cousin, languishes . in .the o •t X, T.-JUCI. o Jo'Abraham of "Elk Point, So. Ruth Rice. . ia the course o£ '--c-lxr li?.a dcza


M f/

• li

Sunday--Visitors Day ,at Fort 'Crook

Orthodox Synagogues

Observe Opening of Transcontinental Telephone System

Rosh Hashonah Greetings Through the Columns of

ew In

"New, Vice-President of Nebraska Power


ER 13

,-. ,.




Scores Propaganda in Advertising of German Mdilroads


Your greeting problem is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relstiYes and friend®-a Happy New Year • ••. Ho dangrcr of the-embarrassrnent of forgetting someone • • . no trouble * « . tins©.and money

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