August 18, 1939

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In the 1ni CTC$Is of tlteT

By. &l> OEGAXi

Picket Line I am always hearing it said by critics that the Jews are a "different"1 people; by which Is meant Kntercd cj Second Class Mali Matter on January 21. 1331. at OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1933 that' they are not like their neghHostoTflce. of Omaha. N»braska. under the Act of March 3, 1S79 bors, ' : r Yet I, find it horribly irritating Morris E. Jacobs at times to discover how much AZA1 Plans Achar like Mr. Babbitt they are. Not to Speak onRound Hataunis Dance that I have any right to expect Jews to be any better than the Table Bxoadcasil simple clay of which all -people The annual Achar Hataunis are madle; if there are many Babdance sponsored by A. Z. A. 1 Morris E. Jacobs will be Jewish bitts among the Gentiles, there will be held at the Jewish Comnarrator en the weekly, program certainly should be proportionate munity. Center on Tom Kippur sponsored fcy the Omaha Round number of them among the Jews. night, September 23. Table of Christians and Jews .crrer This is all in accordance with the For the past month the dance -~dio station KOIL this evening constitution, the laws and the orcommittee has been busy prepar~*~-Vclock. : Last week- Donald Ee*gis.n Premier President dinances of human nature. . . Provincials Given Twelve ing for the biggest A. Z. A', dance Zionists Seek * ""•'*-'i.;--, "~"?* - Jewish represenla: Boycotted i Months to Change of the year. One of the best But I am forever being haunted S?.•••,',"'''' roadcast. dance orchestras in the city is_ beLines by my early Jewish . education Residence '"'•••"/O.J. .-epreseutative t h i s ing procured fOT this affair. which taught .me that-exceptional atct.-,... "'* .11 be Dr. Edmund M. Climax of the evening -will be conduct is to be expected of Jews FEAR WAR STOPAGE Walsh7"'as~-^tan! professor of med- STUDY IS COMPLETED because as a people they have liv- SEEK STRICT CONTROL the choosing of the "Sweetheart icine at the Creighton University ed so long and have had so much Believe Government t o ,of A. Z. A." from a" number of Include Aviation, in Talks School of Medicine. William L. Brochure Urges Governcomely contestants.; experience and because the rest Byrne, former president of t h e at Conference in Replace Them -with of the. world is- so very critical of znei ts Provide Funds 'Junior Chamber of Commerce, for Refugees Jews. . . " • ' • • ; • . . • ' • ' ' Geneva Germans will speak for the Protestants.

Conference h C' in Gene*-? r \JT


* 9 ^/\-A

"• AvOwu'

GENEVA Bemused oy this instruction, I It was an- ito formulc e London (JTA) feel distressed to see Jews behavGeneva (JTA) — Plans to dePrague (JTA) — In a' drestic nounced officially that ex-Premier | mitting i' e s ing like Mr. Babbitt. Mr. Babbitt, move to put the entire Czech velop a large Jewish- merchant Paul van 2eeland of Belgium has :Palestine r i for instance, certainly would take Jewish p o p n l ation under the marine in Che'Mediterranean -with accepted ths presidency of the Go- j the matter up -with' the trustees strictest control and to speed its the Palestine Jewish port of Tel crfiinEtlng: FotircEtJon, group re-j of his church if the minister gave j emigration, the Gestapo has orAviv as a base will be taken up cently formed to facilitate emi- | r.icipal Thea^e a sermon in fcehaU of sharecrop- dered all Jews to evacuate provinin Geneva- during the Zionist Congration of refugees from Ger- !several H r u ' pers ' or other people like them;' cial- cities and move to' Prague Rabbi Goldstein t o Con- gress a t a special conference callmany. all pares t l 1J Mr, Babbitt would threaten to re- within.the next twelve months. ed by the Palestine Maritime duct Seventh Season sign. . • League. ' The ke'r- P I - p r <-t* Nansed to. Labor Ministry; The Foundation issued the £61j The order was served upon Dr. of Reviews lowing communiQue: "As r.ntici-! the 13Titis 1- ^ The .plans call for replacement • . Anti-Semitic Groups • No Money Emil Kafka, president of the pated ia the announcement made •! sounded "b* "^~ to a certain extent of Italian ships "A minister," -he would say, Prague Jewish Community, and .Condemned Rabbi David" A. Goldstein of at the meeting of the Intergovern- president Oi "should "know his proper place," other Jewish leaders by" Storm the. Beth El synagogue will again which have.3>een carrying passengby .which Mr. Babbitt would mean Troop Leader. Eichman, head of give a course of six book-review- ers and cargo to Palestine on a La Pas (JTA) — The tolerance mental Committee for Kefugees i that the minister's position is that the Gestapo Emigration Office for evenings at the Jewish Commun- large scale and which are now be- of President German Busch's gov- on July 20, a corporation has "been j cording: to r ^ ' c - r e formed under the title,-"The Co-! erely. criti"»-Pi ih-" ing ' boycotted -by Jews. T i e conof "attorney speaking to heaven for Jews. It affects all Jews without Center under the auspices of ference will be devoted not only ernment has been evidenced by a o r d i s a t i ng Foundation.* The j and appe" fu c Mr. Babbitt's soul. Mr. Babbitt exception, including children, aged ity the synagogue • auxiliary. to maritime problems but to ques- Government newspaper's''demand Council' of Management of the ;voricl to -'\- tr •> has had a good thing of it on and the.ailing. Rabbi Goldstein started h i s tions of Jewish" aviation. for action against anti-Semitic ag- Foundation has invited Paul van •plight, of J^v t r IP i earth and wants the same thing in Informed quarters believe the book evenings in 1933 and due With Jewish passengers boycott- itators, the granting of p'enaisc o^e to become executive pres- j sing Briir r t11 ' heaven. popularity has ing Italian steamers and with Jeworder was prompted by to their city-wide doors to e^ e *e .' A Much like Mr. Babbitt are some evacuation considerations: (1) continued the series each Beason ish citrus exporters alone paying livia and the appointment of j invitation has been accepted. The pvation. ! of the Jewish citizens of our city the following Nazis want, to concentrate the since then. Jews to important posts in the ^ < more than 55,000,000 to foreign ' temporary offices of the Founda- ; Detern: ci r ••which, among other noble Jewish The Jews in a single city to make posLabor Ministry. • . . ""Grapes of "Wrath," by J o h n tion are 'at SEE King William i plan for e l>\-\ n "" institutions, has the Hebrew "Dn- sible the strictest control and to Steinbeck, will open the series on companies, this year for shipping The newspaper La Nacion de~ion College. These citizens have carry out anti-Semitic measures Tuesday, October 31. On Novem- fruit abroad, leaders of the Pales- manded that the police put an end Street, London." j pencler.t F< ' " ire = been' resisting' appeals in behalf more energetically; (2) the Nazis ber 14, Rabbi Goldstein will dis- tine Maritime League, which is to ' anti-Jewish incitement carried Xe%v Brochure j of t h e Union of -American Hebrew consider the Jews to b3 an ele-cuss Pierre Van Paassen's "Days supported financially and morally on ,by anti-Semitic youths in the Sir .John Hope Simpson's tro- j Congregations whose current cam- ment supporting Czech aspirations of Our Years." The review of by the Jewish Agency, feel that streets. The agitation is an insult chure, "F^efugees," just issued hy j paign I commended here recently. and are therefore anxious to move "Inside Asia," by John Gunther, there are -great possibilities for to the-country, the paper said ed- the Royal,.Institute of Intemation- ; • "No," they say, "none of "our them out of Czech towns especial- will be heard on November 28, establishment of an efficient Jew- itorially. :The e d i t o r i a l , was al. Affairs, dre^r editorial com- ; money will go to an organization ly and to replace them with Ger- and that on "Seasoned Timber," ish merchant marine of adequate prompted by recent actions- of j merit. The Daily Telegraph assert- i - that supports a rabbinical college man settlers; (3) the evacuation by Dorothy Canfield, on Decem- size. youths, in entering Jewish cafes, | ed that large scale settlement in ; •whose students have been pickets will serve to check future mani- ber 12. §130,000,000 Spent refusing to pay their checks and j "comparatively empty lends over- ] in a strike." festations of sympathy for the The fifth review will take place It is estimated that since the in some cases . threatening Jews I seas Is the only way to their re-! «- _ : I t seems that awhile ago there Jews by the Czechs, such as re-on January 16, 1940, w h e n "World War the Jewish community with violence.. j establishment as prosperous, con- i -"^ • •• • •was a "certain strike in the city: cently took place in Iglau. I tented citizens." I Charles and Llary Beard's much- has spent §130,000,000 lor transPermit Kosier Slaughter Clerks had walked outi Clerks. of discussed "America in Mid-Pas- portation of passengers and goods t eAlv!,re Permission to. slaughter cattle I The Times agreed with Sir [ Provoke Despair all people! Clerks are supposed to The Gestapo action provoked sage" will be analyzed. For thefrom and to Palestina, most of according to the Jewish ritual was John's conclusion that both the j he patient and take everything; despair among Czech Jewry. The sixth and final of the Book Eve- which traffic was carried by Ital- granted by ' the Government on rescue and settlement of refugees :; i clerks, above all other working Jewish Community im- nings, Rabbi Goldstein will dis- ian lines. In recent months alone application. of the Jewish Center were beyond the resources of pri- anc people, are expected to be polite, Prague set about the-huge task cuss two books on Abraham Lin- Palestine Jews spent $15,000,000 a-nd-butcher, shop was .opened. .The vate organizations. "But the resto smile -when they have tooth- mediately action' led -one newspaper to con-cue work," the editorial added, the Co oa r r a n g i n g ' to shelter the coln, "Abe Lincoln in Illinois," for sea transportation. aches, to speak softly to the cus- of The Jewish leaders sponsoring demn kosher, slaughter as unhyot wait. As Simpson says. throngs of provincial Jews expect- by Robert E. Sherwood, and "Abe tomer who deserves a sock in the ed the establishment of a mercantile gienic and unhuznanitarian.. Pre- \ continued adherence to the prin- j£ t,e r . to arrive here shortly. Eich- Lincoln," by Carl Sandburg. - nose, "but these clerks rudely had man, rapporteur on Jewish affairs Mrs. Max' Canar and Mrs. Sammarine therefore feel certain of viously, only fowl was slaughter- ciple of dealing with the refugees ogone on strike.' in Austria who was largely res- Steinberg are in charge of' the its financial success. The possibil- ed according to Hebrew, ritual. case hy case that the victim c o - i ~ » c ^ I F ^I e *_ o - It was wintertime and the strik- ponsible for anti-Jewish brutali- ticket sales. ity of a world war "which should President .Buseh. has approved some day will 'be in a concentra- h - ^^ r i l - 7 -i >=• ' ; ing • girls conldn't: keep on. picket-- ties there, was recently appointed isolate Palestine .and produce a the .nominations .of .Dr. .Rudolfo tion camp or in his srrave. r r r g £ " r n ^e c " P i t " ; i n g and carrying banners all dayrapporteur regarding Jewish emifood shortage there is also being Pomerantz' and Georg .Frlsdland" OKers Ad-rice i n the horrid weather. A. girl's fgration froin= t h e - "protectorate'-' iJtaken.. into consifieratiaafeytboss er as-directors of i h e new Soda', In his brochure, which trscss toes freeze In the ceaseless'framp^ and. henceforth will spend three organizing 'the conference. ' "V i i ^ i T i W Security-Department c ^ the Labor rowth of ths rsfugree problem. ing up and down in front of. the days weekly -in Vienna and four During last _ September'^ jwar j jfihistry. They'vill "have the task | sfnoe""the'*interiis.tionsl.crisis la• place; 'the 'wind gnaws her bones in Prague. • scare t h s Jewish- community, of of organizing a system of social September, Sir John declsres tha* 3E "IDEV cease •which are not protected hy the. He considers t h a t ' a t least 70,Palestine found itself confronted security for -Bolivian laborers, in- a provisional refuge for some 10CPersian lamb, t h e mink or otter. (500 Jews must leave the "protec•with a grave problem of assuring cluding the establishment of sick- 000 new refugees now in v.-estern Marching Theologians an adequate' supply of food and aid foundations sad other insti- European countries and the err torate" within a year and has statSo a number of the Hebrew Un- ed President Moved to Action ra-w materials. tutions. Dr. Poraerantz is a refu- gration of BO.CT-O temporary resithat "Austrian methods" will ion College's students took it be adopted If-the quota is not In time of peace ships of 27 na- gee from Czecho-Slovakia, a form- dents are the most urgent probby Suicide of upon themselves: They " w o u l d tions call at Palestine ports, but er instructor of "'mathematics at lems, requiring speedy solution at To satisfy Eichmann, a t Langera help the girls to picket, to-carry reached. in -wartime, leaders of the mari- Prague University. The Agricul- the present time. least 200 Jews must leave the will look for • t h e banners, to suffer the weather provinces daily for Prague. Sileague believe, this -would ture Ministry has also engaged Sir John, who is director of tbp structive s t s Chicago (JTA) — Moved by time • in their stead through part of the multaneously, a t least 200 Jews not be the case and there exists two refugee experts. Institute's Refugee Survey, reccirthe suicide plunge from a hotel day. For part of each day these must leave Prague for abroad. danger that in time of crisis niends esamination of the poss window of a Czech refugee woman aPalestine 'students put" away the 'ahstracmight not even have a bility of creating on an internsThe Prague Jewish Community and her two children, President . tions- o£ Jewish ; philosophy and will-be tional basis a pool, or .pools, in'-i made responsible for theRoosevelt has promised to extend small commercial fleet to serve took up living a portion, of themaintenance •which refugees provided with simof those arriving the temporary visas of refugees the community's most essential •current life by marching with ban- from the provinces, ple identification papers, can to the provision in the United States until they requirements. ners at the street corners. "With these thoughts in mind, poured merely to save their lives of hostels, food kitchens, etc. Thecan find permanent homes in this This was regarded as a scanda- order or their reason until they can h° means'the complete ruin of country or elsewhere, according to the league was founded during the lous performance by some. These an estimated^ dealt with on the "case system ' 60,000 Jews, many Representative Adolph J. Sabath, last Zionist Congress in 1S37 and /said that students for the rabbin- of whose families The cost of these camps, he poin = lived in Czech- who saw the President in "Wash- will bring forward at the current •ate should mind their own bus-ia for centuries. The Congress recommendations for exout, would hare to be borne in Jews of Bud-ington.'. iness. And what was. their bus- weis have already received pansion of Jewish navigation and part by Government funds, whir an orThe senior member of the 1 iness? "Well, first of all it (Continued on page 7.) London (WNS) — Expressing j might be Euscribsfi in some agreed (Continued on page 7.) House and chairman of its Rules looli respectable at all times. Since the belief that the Jews will grow j proportion to p o p u I a tion and Committee, in a letter to the Jew"', in time they would be rabbis they in numbers and strength in Pal-I-wealth of cooperating countries. ish Daily Courier, said that the . ;Tnust learn to carry the' respectai estine despite the British White President had expressed himself r- bility of all Israel. • -.Paper, Prime Minister Earaon de as deeply moved by the suicide of . They asked; What was Judaism Valera told Dr. Israel Goldstein, Mrs. A"dela Langer with her two € x r^c, -,; coming to when its. future rabbis president of the Jewish National children and had promised to do tro c i •were so far from the lofty, fun cFund of America, during a visit everything within the limits of .-'-; tion of religion as to go marching of the American Rabbi to the existing laws to prevent. the re; ;with strikers? Prime Minister's office in Dublin, The Jewish National "Workers currence of such tragedies. SaPerplexing Question that he was sympathetic with Alliance, Poali Zion,. reports its bath's letter, as translated from 1 To be pickets on the streets, to annual picnic held last Sunday a t the Yiddish version -published by Zionist aspirations in the Koly \U '.'carry banners for striking shop- Krug park was a great success. The Deborah society will hold Land. the local newspaper, follows: : girls was not in line with the dig- Norman Berg was winner of the its annual picnic for the children Dr. Goldstein' said he had conPresident Affected nity that was required of young set of silver offered by the or- "Last Saturday morning, a t a of the City Talmud Torah and veyed to the Irish leader the im- Foynes, Ireland (JTA">— Death ; men who were going to be rabbis. ganization. Appreciation has been conference school on "Wednesday, which I had with the Sunday • This wasn't anything like the aris- extended to all those who co- President, before September G, at Fontenelle park. prepared to shoulder their part of believed this wec-i: to hare been ; I had a chance tocratic elevation the best people operated with the "Workers Al- to speak to him about the unfort• oiua Oil Games will be played and prizes the responsibility for the material, the fate of two New Tort ama- ! he tireaii cov •n of ii - felt as on Yom K i p p u r they liance. awarded. Lunch will be served moral and political support of the' teur aviators, Alex Loeb, 2 2. and unate suicide of Mrs. Langer with marched down the . center aisles have been reminded her two children,, the President, to the children by the coianiittee Jewish National Hone, and that I Dick Decker, 2Z, who attempted ra. of their temples, as they inserted to Members Americans as a whole were dlsap- > to fly their old monoplane. "Shaa special meeting to bedeeply moved, expressed his sym-in charge. themselves in the ancestral pews heldattend Chairman of the picnic is Mrs. pointed hy the "White Paper and 1 Is—," from Canada to Ireland this Tuesday, "August 22, at pathy and regret over the tragic ' -which had come to them- from the Jewish Community Center, occurrence. The President told me Hyman Noddle. Co-chairrnea will were sympathetic to the Zionist J with the hops of continuing <on to their fathers' fathers' fathers.' starting at-8:30 p. m. that he would do all in his power, be Mrs. Dave Cronnse and Mrs.cause. 'Dr.. Goldstein was on his j Palestine." 'And, besides, what would Gentiles I f F. 5CF: and, of course, withili the limits Michael Cohn. Members of theway to Geneva-to attend World I All hope for the aviators was say to see Jewish students m'arch'" VI! assisting committee a r e : Mrs. Zionist Congress. ' i given up as days passed since of the law, to help those unfortunii Wi't ' ing in a picket line? ix ate people who are in a similar Morris Burstein, Mrs. Judah "Wolf• .'' Others laughed lightly at the son, Mrs. Charles Ross, Mrs. A. The United States Senate in I situation. He severely criticized ; whole thing: Yes, these said, let the conditions responsible for Schwaczkin, Mrs. A-. Kate, Mrs. J. 1851 refused to Tatify a treaty! ": the embryonic rabbis have; their Finkel, Mrs. N. G. Cohen and 'Mrs. with Switzerland because of per- j such tragedies. l u n while they may. I n no long Eva Konecky. secation of - ths Jews. | "He spared me the necessity of -time these boys would be talcing The week of August 28 has been asking him that all those refugees V -T-* -v ; "up the yoke of congregations set aside by the Beth El Talmud who are now in this country on for r r ->-& c ^ • •which would attempt to direct Torah for registration and ar-temporary' visas should be per-their minds and hearts. ("'Rabbi rangement of classes. All children, mitted to remain in the United Arrowsmith, you shouldn't be sowho plan to attend the Talmud States until a way is found to enoutspoken. Jews must be careful" Torah during the coming year, are able them to remain permanent. . . Rabbi Poindexter, don't you asked to report in the morning: of ly on a legal basis or until such think you were to radical in your someday next week at the Talmud time as preparations are made in sermon this morning? "We should Torah, 480S D a v e n port. The other countries where they may • be carefuL") ' will open on September 5. settle. ' ~ Four cabins at Camp Jay-C-C, Sure, let these.boys have their Information regarding the Beth "I regret very much that the Tuesday evening conducted "stunt Epstein, Chucky Beher, Jonathan j Ejou s e¥; hour of freedom.. El Talmud Torah may be gotten news of the Langer tragedy with campers designing Goldstein, Donald "Vann and Mer-j- ' Many of us saw something of afrom Mr. Jacob Kahz, principal, reached me only a few hours be- night," , | State own costumes from snch vin Chesler. ' fulfillment of Judaism in the ban-Mrs. Leo Abramson, Dr. M. Mar-fore Congress adjourned' and be- their As their part of the proErrara | t izee: = materials as straw, newspapers, nerbearing Seminarians. It wasgolin, or Rabbi David A. Gold- fore I "had a chance to Introduce cardboard Mt. Lst-asoa , Cabin prese-te*. I i 2 and crepe paper. rather dazzling to look at upcom- stein. ' • • . • . - ' . • . a resolution enabling all those "Ferdinand, the Bull.". Arieae \ ^~ Kinneret Cabin presented a buring rabbis caring about the humwith~ temporary visas to. remain lesQue on camp life entitled, DanEky, Josephine K3e;man, Gerblest of strangers, taking up their in until new arrange- "Camp Jay-C-C Makes the News da Ha"en, JeanEe.Els.cksr, F a v burdens; enduring some hardships ments are made for them. In the Reel." Participating in the stunt Edel, Charlotte Sonmer, Phyliss I have made an urgent were: Harley Eeber, Richard Se- Freed, Bella Sonuaer ana Elsa.r C c • in their stead. • ' "• 'Roumanian Jewrymeantime, request .that the temporary visas gal, Michael Kulakofsky, Jeremy LoeTres-Stein were members cf the j This was good education lor fu' ; Bucharest (JTA) — Jews who of the unfortunates should be es- Goldstein, Martin Nereaberg, Mil- cast. • • ture rabbis — better even than the profundities of their books, have been deprived of their Ru- tended EO that they may remain ton Koneeky and Morton Margobetter than the course of-homile-; manian citizenship will have to here." drcn ro: lin. tics which teaches them how topay 1,000,000 lei annually in "Tom, the Piper's Sea" was the place alien tases in the city of .Czcmopreach. .This seemed a n applicafor t h e t h i r d : - . _Report Streiclier 111 - offering of Nes Siona. Martha tion oi religion to the common wits alone. The minimum per capRosenblatt, Bernice Sctnrner, Dita ita, tas^ia about 2,000 lei. life. It contained the compassion • London (WNS) — "The Lead- Loewenstein, D o r r ' s Lerenson, The situation in the provinces er," that is of the Jewish, spirit.' a London weekly, reported Barbara Blacker, Helen "Weicberg in this respect is even worse. this week Good Religious Training that Julius Streicher, arid Rita Plotkin tool: part. (To be sure, picketing never Many denaturalised Jews in Rad-violent anti-Semite and German •Xhird ITeek . had been a part of the service of auti have been arrested because high-priest of anti-Semitism in Kirj-ath Anavim Cabin presentthe clergy, Jewish or Christian. they were' unable to pay the tas. Nuremberg, is seriously ill" and ed'a sketch, "Ths Painless DentThe service of the clergy generally They face the prospect of forced has undergone five operations. ist" or "Life on the Sahara Deshad had to do with arranging for labor on public works projects, a t News 'of his illness i s censored i j ert." Taking part were S a n safe places in paradise for idues- the lowest vrage scale, to pay off Germany. ••:• "•; ' "Weinstein, Alan Elans, the;tax debt.. (Continued on page 3.)




Beth El Talmud Torah 'Enrollment Opens August 28









Page 2

The first Jewish hospiU! in tit* One of the first Jewish actors "Irving Syndler & Son." The last She's Mrs. Paul Muni in i»rlyate in America was Aaron J. Phillspfe United States, Mount Sinai, WU gong wrlttca by the team of Gor- life. established Its 1882. rasde his debut In 1S1B. don and Kevel belora they parted A nutberger is a tid-bit at the was "This Is the Beginning o£ the End" . . . they've been col- local drivp-in stands. Gcrarno By HELEN 236K0ND laborating partners since 1933. Mars describes it: "A nntberger Paul Muni is living at the studio consists cf a loaf of bread cut in Hollywood — Leon Schlesingsr, during his current chore . . . two, inside of which is placed a rodueer of "Merrte Melodie" car- after dicae? h<* returns to the set hamburger, nuts, tomato, lettuce, oons, reminds me somehow ot and rehearses all alone the next picallili, bacon, cheese, cole slavr, 'Diamond" Jim Brady . . . not day's scenes tor "We Are Notand any other odds and ends that :hat he wears flashy rocks . . . Alone." Bert Lahr thinks the happen to be lying around. It t's his Jovial air, his radiant joy- reason business has fallen off at takes two men to carry it to your Mlving. the picture houses-Is that every- table. Only two people living could wrap their mouths around He came to Hollywood In 1922 one HAS a set of dishes! '.' Nazi propaganda has be«omb hat the Nasls welcome the conit 19 necessary to refute Nazi . . .supplied art titles to film it—Joe E. Brown and Martha 1 the grave concern of peoples stant screen of Jewish apologetics. slanders, thess refutations must producers Raye!" . . . got interested in p producer P h i l „*: throughout tho world. This de- They have discounted Its effective- be supplemented by a constant ex- cartoons through Jack Warner's Goldstone is one of Hollywood's (Copyrighted by Jewish Teleceltfnl, artful method of dis- ness in advance and through it posure of Nazi ambitions. Jews do suggestion to parody tunes. saost charitable persons. Recent. graphic Agency, Inc.) \- sominating falsehood, employed hop© to accomplish two ot their not have to Invent *;the protocols In 1930, with a staff hit of 36, he Of the Wise Men of Germany." made the first "LosSney. Tune." ly deeded SSSO.000 worth of propmajor aim's. In the firat place v:. by tho Reich in Its ttaci desire fo? conquest abroad, threatens to the Baarte Conssaptive apologetics makes it pos- Hitler's "Mein Kampf," Rosen- . . now employs more than 200 erties i^tho peace and security Of entire Jewish berg's "Mythus" and the whole people. His studio ia perhaps the Home in a gesture to help the iible for tho Nazis to disguise *' nations. It. most ko fought — heir plans for world domination cesspool of Nasi literature preach only ona in Hollywood w h e r e institution pay cit the mortgages. •f but in a manner which can bD destruction of humanistic cula "local" war against the Jews the knows the boss, and j •effectively achieved only though as ture, the undermining of modem everybody Bucharest (JTA)—Judges prealone, a war which they hope to The Witchelllsm. "flickers," a true understanding of its na- make other people believe does western civilisation and the en-the boss knows everybody, down to the least important. He .makes dates back to an old vaude act siding over courts in the city of ture. In thia study the author not concern them. slavement ot nations under Nazi a. practice ot handing out the sal- done by Weber and Fields. They Piatra-Neamti served notice this presents what ho belleyeg la tho world domination. ary checks personally and speak- called It the Plickerscope, a take- week that they would not recog"Wherever the Nazis seek a 1 answer to that malicious mechThis type of counter-attack will ing, with each employee. off on the crudeness of movies in nise the recent decision by the si anism known aa Nasi propagan- foothold their .first thrust is frequently prove more effective city's Chamber of Lawyers to ezHis studio has Just discovered the 1890's. |! da. SHE EDITOR. against Jews. Their propaganda than a direct of Nazi a new method of producing extraclufie the chamber's Jewish memmachine at the same time at- slanders, whichrefutation best only con- ordinarily beautiful backgrounds bers from practice. tempts to lull the suspicions ot centrate attentionaton Carl Laeamle was once eman issue at by use ot oils Instead of water; Army strategists and generals ther people by proclaiming. that The judges informed J e v is h ployed as a farmhand in Iowa, lawyers 'discovered long ago that a strong ews are the trouble-makers while exactly the time that the Nazis colors^ The pride of his pen-and- but by the decision told to feed the pigs he that theyaffected ^attack 18 the best method of de- ;hoy themselves really wish to live deslr6. It is of course Impossible ink actors la Porky, the stuttering quit when • would be admitted to tho job. to 6et down definite rules for the aEO. By •waiting tor the eaemy n peace with everybody. their courts £.s hitherto. Tteir acford tola counter-atta'cK may as- Pig. ._ approach y o u r territory you tioa was taken, it vras stated with Schlesinger ia a business man, Nasls have constantly made this sume. This depends on many cirTwo favorite quadrupeds in the Ipormlt him to decide when and accusation against Jews in the not an artist . . . say& the only Hollywood endurance race a r e the approval cf Justice Minister cumstances. The principle how•where the battle will tafeo place. United States. They have no amhe can draw is' tinder a col- Chaplin's "Dictator" a n d Sels- Victor .lanandi. not be lost eight Ot. line He can choo&a his own manner ot bitions on tho American contin- ever should News of the Piatra-Ne&ratl Jurumn of figures. Claims one Hol- nlc&'s Coming Election "C-oae-witb-the-'Wind." Lat- ists* move prompted Jewish lawattack, thereby d i c t a t i n g the nt they say, and were it not for lywood record . . . is married 30 ter, .feetara the. caaeras, is forging yers in Jassy and slSeforms of your defense. When you the fact that the Jews were drivLet us take as an example a years to the same witel ahead by a neck while "Dictator" where, who had been deprived of attack, however, you become the ing, America into war, they could situation which is not yet acute i master ot the situation and force maintain the friendliest relations but which may, In due time, be- A,torrid ruby without a set-shied, at the lenses end returned the ' right to practice by local the enemy to fight the way you with the United States Govern- come serious.'Because.of.the in- ting is Hedy LaMarr. Having to the chambers, to apply to the Justice want him to. , ' ; • « » ment. Against such propaganda, ternational situation, as well as zoomed to etardom in an equaMinister for restoration ot thftlr the social \\ad economic position Jews have been unable to MI- defense alone is not sufficient. Bslla Finkel Is eeribusly con- rights. torial atmosphere, she's hencebt tbi3 country, the presidential low this elementary rule of strateOnly halt the task ot defense campaign of 1940 promises to beforth typed to the esottc. "Lady sidering a screen debut . . . sha Most of the southern Jewish gy in the war which the Nasls ot the Tropics," her current ve- should have EO difficulty getting accomplished by proving over a very bitter one. - have waged against theta for al»la over again that Jews aro a There is no doubt that the Nazis hicle, is appropriate enough, but in- considering her stage experi- cosununitles were ruined by the most seven years. Unwillingly, and ence and i s ? film connection. Civil War. "Ju»t w*it till I leatn to tzuk cr<sr It! Th«tl W U they have been forced into a one- peace-loving people and further- and their agents in America will somehow she's become too "civisided struggle with a government more do not and cannot determine tan the flame Under the political lised" to be primitive. She's surreally have &11 tfee Roberts, pr&imctm we wahtl" passingly beautiful, but acting foreign policy of the Ameri- cauldron with their propaganda. - that ia armed to the teotn and the Government. It must be sup- Naturally they,will try to focus honors go to Joseph Schildkraut, which naa enslaved a nation ot can the villain . . . a polished oriental eighty million people. Opposed to plemented by publicising tho tact attention on the Jewish question. villain, so much- in character that thia mighty power stands the scat- that when the Nasls say Jews, They will undoubtedly use Jewtered JewiBh people, d i v i d e d they really mean the entire popu- baiting tactics In their efforts to we , looked . twice at the credit among themselves into many par- alien of the United States.... . . defeat one political group and sheet to check his identity. It's time producers gave more serious ties and groups, each a e- e k l n g Their insidious tactics are di-elect another. consideration to this actor . . . some way by which all Jewfi can rected toward making America That the Hitlerites are already survive, without encroaching upon mpotont to interfere with their preparing for the 1940 campaign having long ago left behind his the rights of other human beings. plans, rather than towara debas- can be seen from the numerous Juvenile leads, he is more and When Qmiht Stops With Confidence more coming -into the Musi class Unprepared tor war and com- ng the tow million Jews in the articles on this subject which are for characterisations, pliys as pelled by the unscrupulousness United States. They want to cap- appearing in the Nazi press. There and brutality of an enemy who ture tho A m e r i c a n markets 1B every reason to believe that many different people as he plays does not hesitate to apply all abrOaH, to weaken the American they will attempt to make the parts.

By Zachanah Shuofcsr

Rumanian Judges Rebuff Bar Growf>


means at his command in waging people through internal istrife and Jewish iBBue paramount and in Bis war of extermination, Jews thereby destroy American democ- this way contuse the minds of the Maxie Rosenbloom appeared on have been forced into a purely de- racy. voters. It the Nasis have their the set the other day wearing Coanter Attack . iehslve position. Their only weaway all issues will be settled on goggles. When asked why the It is these truthful and powerpon is the truth. Yet in tho face the basis of pro. or anti-Jewish. Bpscs, he answered, " I got anful defensive tactici* that Ameriof the enemy's attack, mere .refutagonism!" It will require considerable tact can Jews must employ. In this tation is not enough. For almost and .Skill-on tho part ot Jewish the entire period of this Bavon way, what the Nails doalro to beleaders not to be caught In the A line o' type or two: • Frlta years' war, Jews have been tiept considered only a Jewish issue bo- trap which, Nazis are prepar- Feld will have a meaty role in "A busy refuting the scurrilous lies comets a subject ot vital concern ing- for them.the America has not yet Day at tho Circus." Irving Sindand brassn -slanders which were for all Americans. • arrived at a stags where Jewish ler, prop man famous for getting spread all over the world. It has Frequent polls of public opinion problems have anything whatever his name In pictures, has scored proved an almost'hopeless teak. have shown that the average to do with national elections. his latest screen credit . . . in The lie that is scotched In bnaAmerican P r o a I d ent Jews like all other citizens will Intermesso," TTlth a Swedish setcountry springs up again' In an- Roosevelt'sendorsed action in recalling the vote according to their conven- ting, a stbre sign will herald, other i the Blander that is buried American Ambassador to Germany tions and .sympathies. today may bo re&\}we«G& la allattor the November pogroms. At To meet this situation It should positions cannot assume the - ofits viclousness tomorrow. >•:..' the same- time, However, he was be made clear that when the Nazis tenfelve, : Exposure of: FraucT;'.- *•, can a t least be good aganst entering into any alliances and their henchmen point to theenough they to form their ., The • Infamous "protocols ot with tho European democracies Jews, they inject a foreign Issue Ilne3 of strategists defense in the bast posZion" present' andescollent ex- lined up against Nasi Germany. Into a purely American election. sible fashion. ample of this situation. Tremen- The average American does not Everyone should be made award dous efforts and large amounts of want war. . ot the tact that effort to stir money were expended to expose Tho Nasta, however come to up a Jewish issue is simply a this obvious fraud. Jew and Chris* this average American and say to mask used by the. Nazis to cover PRIVATELY owned e ft r • tian alike have repeatedly at- him: "You aro certainly right In up their attack, upon the best Inand passengers ccslrinj to nounced It, Nevertheless no\? de- your opinion. America should re- terest of all the American people travt! on' chsre expensa nunciations ot this hydra-headed main neutral. Your interests are basis phono Coast-t» Coast Jews as citizens with equa Auto Travel Bureau. HA lie must be made each year. After definitely against collective, secur- rights and responsibilities, must 5S30, SOS? .Fannara. ..Destinhistorians, Bcholars and courta ot ity. There is only one group In not be\ tricked Into helping the atlon end accident insurance law have repeatedly condemned on all p E i i a country that desires It and Nasi cdnvfert the 1940 election •tiie "Protocols" as a diabolical your ia tho Jew." into a pro or antl-Jewish cam invention, a Father Coughlin dis- that Tho truth of the matter is that paign. If Jowa by virtue of their covers them anew and prints them there Is not united Jewish opinion in ettehso in his magazine. on collective Becartty or any othThe same situation exists with er American policy. T h e r e at© regard to. the ritual murder, libels, many American oltisena ot all retho Talmud falsifications, the leg- llgloua beliefs who, in good faith, ends about a Jewish conspiracy, are strong advocates of Isolation. the accusation that all Jews: are But to counter the Nasi charge communist and at the name time simply by spreading this obvious SUITS Aft® PLAl^ international bankers. It is in-truth Is not enough. It is als,© neadeed paradoxical that Jews must e&sary to show that this sudden defend themselves agataBt' these propaganda tor poaca 13 only malicious lies with the truth but- Nasi ot their methods Ot weakentressed .by objective facta and sta- ono ing a nation's defenses against (OUR 9TAF4DAOS CLEAMINQ) tistics. In a more rational world their aggressive ambitions. the tables would hava been reSuspicion Cast FREE p'mi'VP AC:D DELIVERY versed a long time ago. • Tho psychological reaction to De3plto the tact that JOWB have JewiBh apologetics further aids teen driven into this unfavorable propaganda. Eventually ~ defensive position, it does not fol- thd*Na£i that man suspicion upon low that they must always tight himself whocasts continues to shout: in the exact place and moment de- "I am not a thief, am not a child cided upon by their enemleS. Even, murderer, 1 am, Inot a' highway ia a war of defense ther© are robber." many kinds ot weapons. It Is often Nasi propaganda is aimed to possible to damage the enemy call thia very reaction. It more effectively by- an indirect seeks for put Jews on the bench thrust than by attempting to bear of theto accused and to beep them. the full brunt ot his frontal atbusy answering libels and slandtack. ers.. -Stasis Wko The truth properly employed is

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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1939 place oa the Etepi of the Newport Tosro Synagogue, a New Eaglaad architectural gesn, •with, the iNe-wport Artillery lisg'imeat. in Colosiai costuiaa acting zs color guard. Horace T.. Caiili, IiS2tcss,£tNewport, K. L (JTA) — Ds- governor cf Kassacicsstts; ©cvcenfiants of George Wasfciagtoa, eraor Vaafieruilt c£ Rbo£s IsBeajasaln Franklin, Soger Wil- land; Frantlia B&che . Kusting-« liams and Jofca Clark will gather n Fxsulilia; «?aines P. la Wstoria Newport oa AugtiSt 10 fo? presantaiion to teat city of a Afiaras, rJoe-pfesifiest or Brows n o n u a e n t dsiilcatea to taa university; Dr. - David fie Sola foanders of religious liberty, first Pool, presidsat cJ the Sys&gBEUa established on this continent ia Council cf Aseriea; IsafiDte S. Worth, national coaoasfiter o£ the state of Rhode Island. Jewish War Veterans; Johs This monument will be present- the Schiff,; grandson of ths i&J&OES ed to the city of Newport by the philanthropist, ssd other persons local Jewish eongresalioa, estab- of national importance -will rpesk lished in 165S when 15 Je-srish at the dedication eereraonies. families arrived Iron the West The aoE-aineat, & eiaple -threeform part of the ladies, and colorful Newport Tercentenary sided pyramid, sevea. feet h i g t, celebrations which have 'been go- made o£ Rhode Islanfl field EtcSE, will contain a brosze tablet oa lag oa all .s&miner. which is inscribed the seal wblch Direct Descendants the people of Ne-WT)ort sad PortsW. Selden Washington and El- mouth adopted ia 1640. It will :s.tlon iron ward Jonas Phillips, direct de- bear the fsaous scendants of George Washington the Chartsr or King Charles ia end Rabbi Moses Seiras, Trill T 1S63: "That all asd every perenact a famous scene of.•. 17! son and persons may, frost d at all. ll tymes Lsre« when they read the eschaage of to tyme messages between the First Presi- after, freslye £^3 fullye fcavs f dent and Setsas, leafier of ths eajoye his asd thslre cwae JudgeJewish congregation, on the occa- ments and consciences in natters sion of Washington's visit to that of religious coacsmmeats." city. Patronize Our Advertisers. The re-enactment will t a k e

-August'20tfc la an Important aa human beings and as genteel, local philanthropists are date ia the .life of Lillian Wda ation they were regarded. But it happy to continue the benefacAnd In the history.; of American such was Jacob and Hra. Schiff trho which seem to them a modhealth. On that day, fifty yeaxu provided a great measure of help tions substitute for the coin to ago, She entered the New York for the Henry Street Settlement, ern Hospital to study nursing and to which is today headed by John Charon. How. many social, .workers in launch upon a career that was to Schiff, a grandson. America,.even in 1939, data to tell make her one of tho Cpuhtry'fl Wald'a life is important their largest donora that shabbily ^ outstanding-mimsn and one1 ot its as Ifa Miss symbol it Is because her ca- low wagea contribute iaore to def distinguished benefactors. . reer was dedicated to causes rath- linquency than all their money Like- others _whosB; period- of er than to effects. It was hot her can cure; how many -Social Workcreative activity haa • subsided, purposo to gloss over and ease the era would dare actively to esLillian Wald is today an inf luenca injustices of ah economic and so- poufio mass unionization as 6ns rather, than merely a person, her cial isyfctem but to' remove the avenue for the improvement of life-work reflected consciously at fcoufces of the ifijustices. Thus, standards of living; how many sounconsciously in the activities and there were few spheres of public cial works would be permitted to otrivinea o£ hundreds! of qthera action which did not win her con- attack municipal politicians and wha.JiavQ gone on;from where she cern and active participation if reactionary real estate Interests left off ;or who are now beginning for their blocking of decent housto be conducted. to execute the programs -which. crusades werePacifist ing programs? she envisaged" decades' ago. . .'. • Before America entered the Work f Tha 32ryear. old social -worker The paunch-soothing n o t i o n la especially significant in 1939 as World War, she labored hard in a symbol of the crusader,. as a the Union against Militarism to that Jewish social workers have reminder of the obstacles that persuade Congress and the Presi- greater, opportunities for such eshave been surmounted and of the dent of the futility of war. Busing presslon than non-Jewish colcourage. which IS Required if oth- ths. War itself ehe was equally un- leagues IS not particularly borne er barriers are to be removed. It willing to concede that the slaugh- out the country, Jewish social 1B from.that point of view that ii. ter of the battlefield would con- workers. are dreadfully underpaid L. Duffus presents "Lillian Wald" clusively justify tha war. Often and disgracefully underrated by (Macmlllaii Co.) wisely refrained then, aa today, she was labelled men and women who haven't a from too much of "the detail that pro-German, pacifist, Socialist and fraction of their passion for social can be learnea from Mlsa Wald's Communist.- None of the appela- improvement or of their cultural own two books on the Henry tions deterred her from going for- and intellectual equipment. Street S e t t l e m e n t which she ward with her program. Typical of the peonage in which founded and the epocha through , How much her thinking -was tnost Jewish social workers are synonymous: with New Deal achwhich it survived. _, , _ ... still held is the horror with which ievements of the '30s ia evident in many of the large contributors Among Jewish women In Amer- a letter which she wrote in 1919 still regard the movement for soica, Msa Wald baa only one par- to. Julius Rosenwald. It was after cial staff unionization. The wearallel: Henrietta Ssold, who at the tho failure of an industrial con- isome bogey 13 trotted out that age of 78, is still carrying on in ference called by President Wilson charity funds cannot be dealt with Palestine the tasks to Which her that she summarized some of her in the same way as business funds. v compatriot gave herself in iho lat- own viawa on the. relations be- The results 13 that few social T t*r part of tho nineteenth and the tween capital and labor. workers have old aga assistance, first-three decades of the twen- - She believed (1) in the use of unemployment compensation or an ascertained cost of family sub-; Social security benefits. Their own tieth" century. -• sisterica a t a healthy American - Cincinnati Bora standard as a basis-for wage fix- prospects are a travesty on ihe Born in Cincinnati on March ation; (2) in social need rather social progress which they are 10, 1867, there^were few environ- than individual profit as the guid- supposed to be spurring. The hundreds of philanthropic mental Inducements for Lillian ing rule in any industrial .situaWald to Intrude upon the despair tion; (3) in the limitation of Jews who profess admiration for and the miBery in which ahe hours; (4) in an adequate com- Lillian Wald are tarnishing her spent most of her life. Tha Polish- mission systematically to review achievements by the medieval German stock of which sha c;ime industrial relations and condi- stodginess with which they Aplived an easy, gracious life,- kh<5w- tions; and (5) full rights for proach their local standards of 60Jng bat little of. economic- diffi- trade organisation and the power cial service. They still regard culties and nothing whatever of of unions to bargain collectively feeding the poor and clothing the naked as ths primary ingredient* the adjustment problems of poor with employers. . ... of a social welfare program inImmigrant Jews. , i In 1932 and again in 1936 She stead of merely tho least imporThe Wald family, - Inhabiting tant phases of s broad-range various course Of ec-; was asked to state her preference scheme to eradicate the sources of onomic pursuit, spent most of Lil- for the Presidency. Each time she nalnutritioa, needleia d i s e ase, lian's early years in Rochester. was warned that ad the head of early death and Despite lacfc of Incentive, she dar- an institution ".' requiring public onomic slavery- cultural and ec, ed to seek a career. On August 20, support she might allenata friends Jews, as well as Americans in 1889 she began a nursing course it- she made a public statement. that was to lead her. to a- study But sho brushed these objecttoaa general, have yet to profit from aside and vigorously espoused the the lessons of ths life c Lillian of ills of maa and of mnnklnd. cause of Soosevelt, even though In the yeara that, followed, her there Were some who criticised her Wald which are, essentially: that same, together with that of Jane and withdrew contributions to an the democratic system can ba preserved through the guarantee cf \ Addams, Became identified with ! ;to tho p"oor. equal opportunity; Ana that equal r -every prosressivo'-rocisar0r:to"'ease institution Ohce again,'eho.believedd that t h t her h opportunity is .a p&ra&a that xe" the burdens of th&pooTj to xe- duty lay with the mpvemeat to Quires implementation, in every Tnove the causes, of their poverty* remove the causes ot poverty and eapect of life for every ssgiaent to widen the horizon <st their op? miBery. . •_ • of Society. jortunitiea.:. Ambus, the numerSnbject.-oi Attack ous achievements-to- her-—credit Tho status that Miss Wald haa tare: the establishment of ths first [independent public health nursing achieved in the public mind is, •service, through what later be- Unfortunately however, purely a came kno-cta A3 the Henry Street personal. tributeL and not an acYork (JTA) — The. work Of the contribu• Settlement; tho stimulation of ac- knowledgement that the social worker:has of modern Palestinian, artists - ; ceptanco t)f the first p u b 11 cly tion and can make to the devel- \vent c-n eshlbit at the Palestlno • maintainsd eahoor ..nutalns. sys- made Pavilion at the World's Fair thi3 of American life. l tern: and -responsibility ior the opment Once accused of being a revolu- •weeti. Three portrait basts by Jat establishment by the Federal Gov- tionary, remarked that her ac- cob Epstein, of- London, are in• ernment of the National Child- tivities she were 'largely responsible cluded in tha eshiMtioa in recos'. reh's Bureau. ~ the prevention of revolution. cition of his service in tha Jew• Emma Goldman, another Roch- tor There is still no widespread rec- isn Legion, which helped the Brit• ester girl, had once dismissed set- ognition of that truth, as can be ish aniay in its cbaquest of ths l tlement work by describing it as witnessed by the numerous Well- Hdiy Laud. • "teaching the poor to eat with-a to-do Jews In the Bait and South • fork. fork." The —life of -- .Lillian Wald particularly 'Whoas a 11 a c k s on I vt&s devoted to everything else but President Koosevelt are hot less For Resit—20SI Isarel. 7• making the poor aware of their venomous that tha" oaes levelled Eiodcm. Stoker. by other well-fixed Americans. • social failings. '. To Henry Street In a large number, of cases, the HA 2 1 7 3 . ; In 1893, Lillian Wald came to Jewish social wbrker of today is » the East Side, not for a superfic- all too frequently regarded as ? lal glance at the poverty and Bor- having no more important func- For.Boas—-Sbrb reoai ' row but to become part of its tion than "teaching the poor to 2211 I structure so that as "a neighbor,' eat With a fork." Rare is the specAT 6112. I ahe might share with other neigh- ial worker who is. given unlimited •; bora in improving their general opportunity to display his or Tier • .lot. Accordingly she moved into creative capacity In dealing not Lovely roosa for tvra J the squalor of the East Side, first with c o n o e q u o n ces but with business sirla. .3013 Lin; »t 2272 Jefferison Street and then cauass. Ap loag c.3 the Interest in » At 255 Henry Street. tha gravest social Ills remains coln Bl*a. A t 6772." • 1 Tenement conditions, sweat• ihop labor, tuberculosis, prostituI tlon, sewage, playsrounds and, • above all, child health, -were tho < object of. her intensive devotion jj and labor. Aggressive in her intori eat but never harshly militant In J the methods which she used to • gain her objectives, Lillian Wald j registered success because she: was < frequently as persuasive with poll Iticians as with the man and-womj". en among whom she lived. • She never b 1 u d g eoned, only I pleaded; The support-that was » forthcoming to enable her to deal • with the Immigrant population of I the East Side, predominantly JewJ lsh, emanated from J4w and Gen* • tiles alike. It is notable that Mies J Wald never considered that tho • people ehe was working for and V among were Jews or Irish or '^Italian. • ; They needed care and cooper-


tut the 2>&v«awerth "If&rket, his cttcMag w&e felsc oiit* Thm *cfe«5?sV tm- pest. Acjrssst SO:

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At S£u(S £.a£ De-re?-, t i e A. E No. ICO upset tfe* eeccafi jslacs Market, by a 10 to 4 victorr. with S Mts aa«!l i error, -wKiie the .tiar-


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too tano^ for the tfesveEvcertfe Elsggers, vtll® Kcrmsa Kutlia'e fclttirg was crtEtaufiias for the A, S. A. beys. I2 Tretisk baetcr for j t i e Onafea Jcfefeers !B etill the etar

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Your £rct &»*d from fa©s-is to nlghi i* reody for you y • . • et planned for eollogw bu Shop out wsx s@rca large Soozg for lb« dofhot Chat wlB at cmt collegel

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Dresses Costs . . . HcrsbcrcjE fourth Oocr. Born cha ia Eersbctsa Sils flocr Jisasr Shsp,




* Page




THE-JEWISH PBESS—FRIDAY,-AUGUST 18", 1939 their recently-won rights snatched away from. them. They have no stomach for the fate of the Czechs. Already incidents have ccurred. In theaters references to democracy or to the demoA Weekly Survey ot People ratic powers are greeted with tumultous applause while newssad Ideas eels of the dictators are lustily booed. By A. A. ROBACK All over the continent this repugnance to the distasteful doctrines of Nazism is being expressed. The army of opposiHUBBUB AROUND FRETO tion is grpwing and an encirclement of a hateful ideology is THE If all the reviews written thus eing accomplished. Democracy is on the march in Europe. far on Freud's Moses and Monowere laid end to end they In the face of disaster revealling its strength. It may fall theism would make three miles of newsvictim to the machinations of diplomats; it may even be the paper columns. It may be only a wild guess, bnt I have read a first casualty of a war. But it is there. No triumph of Ger- good many reviews of Freud's latmany, no matter how great, will eradicate it. est book, after mine was written:

a Freud or anyone else •wrest feia from our hall of fame, might have been of the very recslcitr&st stuff w h i c h caused Hoses to throw up his hands in despair at the stiff-necked and fractions


Gems erf the Bi

As to Monotheism, while I believe the Jews should receive the in cis c Ee vrfeo trus ieth VtlOSO credit for clinging to the ifiea and V."£,1kToronto (WNS) — Alderman t-s.t spreading it to the far comers of heart is fool; iiE.ll Stev.-s.ri Smith charged Belgian 'J, he E escape. the earth, it is, to put it nsildly, ethEewise"; v:hs ' gireth unto the poor Baron with disseminating naive for anyone to suppose that shall not lack, but he who fcideth rcti-Semiiism in St. Agathe, Quethe conception originated with his eyes shall have many s. curse. bec, and that "the latest manifesMoses or, indeed any one person, ts.tions ft anti-Semitism are diWhen the wicked rise, E«n rectly Jew or Egyptian. It is a menCF.used by HitJer hirelings hide themselves, but he who tal process of gradual growth and who pis.7" or. local prejudice to rnaketh t&ste to be rich shall not probably of s collective rat&er ra.ise high the a n t i - C a n a d i a n be than individual character. flame of racisra and hatred." and I am satisfied with my own. IF. a speech to his constituents It was interesting to see how Rabbi Abba Ben Co' said: PLEASE fo'3cv-ing his nomination, Aldermany newspaper writers who are Most likely the American Com- "Frcis this vre see-that • . .. . America and Israel man ...Smith said that the antinot acquainted w i t h Freud's mittee for Democracy and Intel- an ignorant man comes Jev-ish demonstrations in St» •:teachings and who are even less lectual Freedom, under the lead- first with his opinion." By EABBI PEEDEBIOK COHK .The: Palestine Merchant Marine Agathe recently can be attributed -. familiar -with Biblical criticism ership of the venerable F r a n z Rabbi Elazar said: "When the Better than any resistance to the British White Paper has Though New England-born, I am interested in New Eng- were ready to make out of Freud Boas, has undertaken a laudable Holy One, praised be He, decrees to the activities of the Baron Amwho is not only ignorant task in pointing specifically to greatness for a man, it is Jor himpin. "This foreign fascist," said been the Zionist decision to build a merchant marine. Not only land not merely as a New Englander. I am interested in New aof dotard "operates Nazi propaganthe subject but almost devoid the misuse of the terra "race" ia and his descendants to the end of Smith, is the decision worthy of commendation, but the fact that con- England as an American.. Here the foundations of America of sense. da from, the Domaine D'Esterel American textbooks; but as Jews all generations," (Because he is End rimer his influence local prostruction, rather than futile destruction, is to be the keynote of were laid. Here the seeds of Americanism were planted, the Freud had anticipated t h e we must be on guard lest th® gain a great believer in heredity.) Nazis E.nfi anti-Semites are atis not offset by a commensurate but he writes that none of Raba said: Longevity, fertility tempting to force Jewish resiZionist policy is gratifying. • "tree of liberty," the majestic oak, proof against all storms, storm loss. This is a time when people these attacks had gotten under wealth do cot depend on vir-dents ie sell their holdings for Palestine is a maritime nation, dependent on the sea. In whose branches o'erspread our "whole country, beneath whose his skin. It seems as if my own are prone to hang on words, and and tue but rather on luck. This is ridiculously Email amounts." review did not please him either, forget that the word is only a illustrated by the case of KabW ancient times the Phoenician sailors went as far as the island enchanting leaves millions of the earth's oppressed and down- although Alderman Smith concluded that thus far, I think it was conventional symbol referring to and Es-bbi Cnisda, both of whom "It is essential for the well-being of Ceylon off the coast of India and carried settlers to Carthage trodden have found refreshing shade, secure shelter, inspiration the most sympathetic. The some- a concept, a mental construct. were great and righteous men. of the vfioie Canadian people that what unusual brevity of his letand Cadiz and even to Britain. and encouragement for most useful lives, a scene and center ter may have been due to the The term "race" for certain Still, Rabbi Cfcisda died e.t the the Dominion government immedage of 52, while Rabba filed at Jews has always had a slightly Already a fishing fleet has been organized with Jewish for the world's greatest, most productive and beneficent activ- condition of his health, about off-color meaning. Professor Boas the age of 40. In the house of iate';- investigate this rat-hole of which goes under the fishermen from the Danzig region, opening the possibilities of ity. New England, with her early settlements, her charming which he complained and which, himself has educated a whole gen- Rabbi Chisfia there were 60 wed-intrigue recnt newspaper reports show, eration of anthropologists, many dings while in the house of Kab- name of the Domaine D'Esterel, as veil as the charge that Werner a great new industry. become aggravated. villages and towns, that later became thriving cities, scattered of them Jews, to look upon the ba there were 6 0 deaths. In the I-Iaac is the importer of racial Since the time of the Balfour declaration, Italy has been all over her broad acres in beautiful meadows, by lake, stream An Important Issue term "race," when applied to the house of Rabbi Chisfia. there was strife in the Laurentians." There is one type of criticism Jewish people, as a misnomer. fine white bread, that even the the great carrier of Palestine traffic. Her ships plied the >r brooklet, or nestling among he,r quiet and serene hills, was which I have both seen in print The Nazi ideology has only dogs did not care for, vrfcile in Jews v.-ere on the muster roll Mediterranean lanes as proudly as Roman tiremes in the days he veritable cradle and nursery of Americanism, and sent her and heard espresed verbally, and served to re-enforce the Boas the house of Rabba there was not of soldiers and sailors sent from because it involves an important sufficient barley bread for t h e when a Procurator ruled the Roman province. Passengers were ions and daughters all over this broad land, till they had peo- issue far more concrete than the school in that the dangers of adHolland to New Amsterdam in to any doctrine have been informed by signs that Italy was a supporter of the Jewish pled the whole continent, planting everywhere the seeds of a remote speculation about Moses' herence Raba said: Three things I 16S£. brought into bold relief. To anyorigin, I want to deal with it one who believed that the Jews prayed to heaven to grant me. National Home. Mussolini and his Fascist cohorts were con- sturdy, a staunch, a loyal and a fearless Americanism, till the her, even though very cursorily. Two "were granted, the third one tributors to the Jewish National Fund and were inscribed in furthest West as well as the remotest South (even though after The objection is, to wit: T h a t were a race, the almost obvious not. I prayed for the wisdom of answer would be "Oh, so you are Freud had no business, at this the Golden Book. Rabbi Huna, and the riches of ! _' J / . a tragic conflict) Kansas and Nebraska and California as well time of Jewish suffering, to be- on the side of Hitler?" But when Italy introduced her racial'laws, Jewish shippers is Georgia, Florida and Texas, became the home of the Ameri- ittle the great contribution of I can undesrtand how a per- Rabbi Chisda, which were grantfectly good word should acquire ed to me, but the modesty of Rabthe Jews in religion; and that in utilized other lines and passengers sailed from more hospitable can spirit,- upheld and. defended by her sons, each state a star denying ths Jewish birth of a malodorous sense. At the time bi Ben Huns was denied me. r\rv:;- r . -VOCTH TIRES'. ports. Unfortunately no other nation has a, large enough in the glorious galaxy of the indissoluable Union of freedom, Moses, he was playing into t h e of the World War, any reference 1 , « , _ - , . _,IN FOR to culture was bound to arouse y Cs.k€nd.£r N ~ " T ; V — . ~ -•ft-£ merchant marine in the Mediterranean to accommodate the justice and humanity, the world's supreme and universally in- hands of the Nazis. suspicion, because Kultur was asKfeUYSl As I have intimated, Freud increasing Palestine exports. with Germany, just as at ipiring Democracy. FBC»! At'GXJST 21 TO' needs" no defenders. At 82, hesociated present, per contra, the very menAnother factor influenced the Zionists in their decision. AUGUST 24 can stand on his own feet, or betAnd as a Jew I find myself a doubly enthusiastic Amerition of this word would be sufter perhaps, on his own brains. ficient to throw a Nazi underling} During the recent war scare it became evident that Palestine, can: For I cannot forget,'I cannot but recall with humhlist It is th© principle behind the 1 o a E, g p. m.. without its own merchant marine was liable to isolation since and most grateful pride, that the ideals of America are thecavil which needs examining, re- or chieftain into a white rage. Rooms C and D, Jewish Ossmui!The great problem for most the nations involved in the crisis immediately tpok their ships ideals of the Jew. "What the Jew advocated from earliest gardless of whether Freud or any- people — and therein the out-ity Center. one else is the victim. Orchestra rehearsal, S p. in., out of the danger zone and left the country without means of times has here in. America become realized and embodied in To begin with, the statement standing mind shows its value— auditorium, Jewish Communit: is to discern between two ideas transportation. • .•'••-. Moses was an Egyptian was which are superficially similar Center. government and institutions. The Jew has stood for liberty that made before the Nazis came to and yet at bottom are vastly CiiA. 2. A. No. IOC, E p. i n , To remedy these various evils, Palestine has, already started ever since Moses in the name of the Eternal God bade a power. A revered Jewish think- ferent.. The distinction which I Rooms G and H, Jewish Communtraining schools under the direction of experienced seamen. haraoii to let His oppressed people "go." The seal of the Jew's r, no less than Ahad Ha-Arn, had have in mind is exemplified by ity Center. created a furore a numTuesday, Angnst £2. The ill-fortune of Italian racial doctrines will be turned to ac-love of freedom and of his espousal of the highest moral and already ber of years ago by his assertioa. the terms Racialism and Racisra. Choir, g p. m., Rooms K s.ncl complishment in Palestine. At one time in Jewish history, only humanitarian ideals is stamped on America's sacred emblem, that Moses never existed, and no By racialism is rasant the View L, Jewish Community Center. one who knew anything about He- that there are racial stocks such A. 2. A. No; 1, E p. m., Rooms sailors were allowed to sing at their work.. Before long the the Liberty-Bell which bears engraved upon it Israel's words brew literature would question as the Slavs, the Celts, the Jews, C and D, Jewish CorcmiiEitr Cenhappy voices of Jewish sailors will be echoing over the sea, for 'Proclaim-liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants the loyalty or sincerity of Ahad etc. It is c^uite a harmless doc- ter Ha-Arn, even if we should regard trine, even if we suppose that some there the Zionists will have their next victory. Makes thereof- that was a proclamation "heard round the world!" his opinion as ill-advised. Workman's Circle, S p. m., club races have reached s higher development than others;- and it room. Jewish Community Center. Israel's-moral fervor and religious spirit were disseminated all Science and Nationalism I. W. O., E p. K . , Booms C T h e S t a r s in T h e i r C o u r s e s ' ;'.'.'/ before us is this: may be sound enough, even if we over this country by the intrepid Puritans and those who car- Theaquestion scientist time Ms conclu- ell concede that pure races exist and D, Jewish Conimunitr CerEurope has many times in her history beenruledby the ried their earnest and conscientious spirit in their brave Must ter. sions so as not to disturb the no more than pure milk. stars. One needn't be a believer in astrology to realize the breasts as pioneers and moulders" and fashioners; of a great, equilibrium of his co-religionists . I consider myself racially a Bey Scout, S p. ra., : Lodge : :^T ; . - , ;.-;'TC. co-nationals? Does patriotism Jew, but I may have Nordic genes tremendous importance of planetary movements, for because expanding and most puissant nation. Americanism and Judaism or room, Jewish Coscnunity Center. in rae after all, while a so-called come before the goal of science? of the implicit faith of some rulers in their astrologers, the stars are one in heart and in exalted purpose. Judaism will have My answer is an emphatic no. Gentile whose great-grandfather Choir, S p. m.. Rooms K anf had been converted to Christianity" L," Jewish Community Center. have come to exercise a profound influence in the coriduct of nobly triumphed when her ideals of democracy—first and fun- Naturally, scientists should be may '• '- ' • 5 be more Semitic 'than I ani guarded about the validity of European affairs. Nostradamus, the most famous of all court damentally stated in her cardinal doctrine of the One God,their conclusions and not blurt racially. In fact, I know of quite . Eight Philadelphia Jews vrerc | among those who signed the nor- ' out an emotional reaction under a number of such cases. astrologers, would have felt very, much at home, even in this • Until, however, we have ths Importation Resolution oZ 1765. ' implying "with logical andirunevadable inevitability the sisterthe guise of science. It is in that day of modern science, this era of "triumphant reason." Trt$ DODGE respect that Charles Darwin man- facts to the contrary, a Jew and truth of the brotherhood and equal dignity of all men—will In the code of Law of the co"a non-Jew will have to be conifested his greatness. In any ease, According to latest stories from abroad, the fate of millions the truth, as we see it, sidered as members of different ony of N-ew Kaven. (ICE6) there of persons is hanging on the horoscopes cast by Hitler's astrol- have been realized, as in America, so throughout the world, however, is above any class or race con- cultural groups. That difference are 10 T references to the Olc" ,— destined to become as the profoundest students, of political ogers. Like the witches of "Macbeth" they are stirring up the siderations. E l s e we become does not, • however, imply that Testament. evolution firmly believe, the United States of free, righteous, cousins — kin to the Nazis, who Jews are superior or inferior to cauldron. September has allegedly been chosen as the fateful in their perversity subordinate all others, mentally or physically. month, and European affairs are to mark time until the happy commonwealths, however today they may be known as science to their particular r a c e The real sore in the world is nations, races or peoples, engaged in incessant strife and doctrine. racism, which holds cot only that propitious date. , , race is the salt cf the earth Let us take a few instances in one Meanwhile all Europe" is experiencing a 'war of nerves,' rivalry, through misunderstanding, suspicion and fear today order all the others are anything to expose the working of and' engaged-in hating and seeking to annihilate one another, or from scum to dung, but naturally Germany included, for the fluctuation of the stars and the the ordinary mind, even of cer- that the super-race, is that of the resultant confusion of orders has reduced the army command rule in individual mastery—tomorrow, through the power of tain Jewish college people. racists,' who in this case happen • Taking Our Own Medicine Israel's invincible ideals to-be united in love, peace and blessto be the Nazis, Fascists, and Falto a disorganized state of complete anxiety. Columbus has bsen claimed by angists. ing. :•-•••-. Italy, Spain and Portugal, respecThe shadow of the Middle Ages has been cast: over, Europe. For spirit is after all the supreme thing in the world. It tively. Suppose an Italian his- There is' a vast difference beNot only has there been a rejection of every civilized nicety, torian promulgated his evidence tween racialism and racists; and but the rulers have .become the prey of superstition and was Emerson's sublime and unique spirituality that gave him to the effect that Columbus was the two ere not to be confused. are not a.race and net ascendancy: over all- his fellow Concordians and New Eng-a Spaniard, or even a Jew, as has If the Jews charlatanry. a sect, : nor a nation, then irhat been, indeed, conceded to be the are they? Should some other suitOne cannot discuss the European situation intelligently be- landers, gifted and brilliant as they were, and made him thecase. ' designation be found to label Would not, by that token, the able cause it is no longer intelligible. Hitler may clamor for Danzig, Prophet of America, the highest representative and embodi- Italians particular group we call Jews, have a perfect right to the ment as. he was the supreme product of her ideas and ideals, attend the synayet at the same time really be preparing to force a showdown display their indignation and re- whetheronthey Tom Kippur or not, I in the Balkans, to extend his influence, including his anti- making him the very Genius of America. Hereto America was gard the scholar as a semi-trai- gogue may discard the terra "race" in indebted to Israel: For the prophet Zachariah, an anticipatory tor? And if a German musician this particular instance, but unSemitism upon the unwilling Jugo-Slavians. were to point out the bombastic til then I have no alternative. Emerson, with his matter-dissolving and world-problem-solving and ego-conscious nature of WagWhat is intelligible is that the forces of superstition and (Copyrighted by Jewish Telener's music, would he not, on the graphic Agency, inc.) evil are guiding a nation, that the fate of Europe has been enunciation "Not by might or by force but by My spirit," saith same principle, be guilty of treathe Lord, laid the foundation of all subsequent spirituality. son and merit the opprobrium of given over to supernatural claims, whose reliability is yet to Spirit is the most powerful thing in the world. It is em- his country-men? Reel Cross Planning be proven. A miscalculation on the part of an "astrologer5 'Ah," I can hear someone say, bodied in Israel and America. Through Israel and America may result in wholesale calamity. To this has our "scientific" "but that's different." Yes, the Membership Drive under the "God of the spirits of; all flesh, it shall ultimately difference consists in whose ox is epoch come. Thus the progress of civilization marches on. gored, or what foot the shoe is Ellsworth ?£oser, E s e c c tive gloriously triumph throughout the earth." on. Vice-president of the U n i t e d States National Bank, will serve Comparing the English ~ [The Triumph of Democracy • Let us get this straight As. as Chairman of the liarge I.iexrLast September at Munich, the pessimists predicted the Community Chest Englishman would not be likely berships and special Gifts Divito make a fuss over the fact that sion for the Red Cross Roll Calll I end of Democracy. The triumph of the Nazis in dictating the to Open Campaign someone in the British Isles is this fall. terms of their peace foreshadowed an extension of Totalitarian In announcing that Mr. J.Ios£7 on October 30th trying to prove the non-English descent of, let us say, William had consented to head this imporinfluence, an increase of Nazi prestige. The bloodless conquest Shapespeare or William Eyrd. He tant cosamittee, Genera,! Roll Call The seventeenth annual Comwas to go on and was to capture minds and to crush under foot munity might laugh up his sleeve, but he Chairman, Cecil W. Slocum.. reCheat campaign will open n would not become resentful. The vealed the Large Membership &n>; all those who still respected the concepts of human liberty and October 30th for a ten day perreason is that the English have Special Gifts Group will be the iod for a quota "which is being de• « •. dignity. York (JTA) — No evi-no national inferiority complex. first of the eight divisions tc termined by a budget committee d cNew swing into the task of obtaining n c e s of anti-Semitism were Instead a resentment has been awakened in the hearts of headed by Casper Y. Offut. Last They constantly hear it said in the course of a 2,000- that if it were not for the Scots, 15,000 members for ths Douslsmost Europeans, and for the first time they are beginning to year the workers raised §520,- found mile tour of the midwest, W. L..the Welsh, and the Irish in th?ir County Chapter, AEfiricES Red White declared in a New York "midst, have deep respect for the ideals of democracy. Germany her 150.29. the country would just be Cross. 1 Alvin E. Johnson, general chair- Post column •written from Emporswamped in mediocrity, and the "The results obtained t r this self is plagued: byv those staunch defenders of freedom who man of this years campaign, -will ia, Kansas. The son of William the efforts of more than Allen White compared New York curious part is that they never utilize every opportunity to express their disfavor with the direct i : Only hat esperr cr~ cr<r\«f the featherweight 3,000 volunteer -workers who will "liberals" who speak of rising make any attempt to impugn this hat o£ smartness. ..» ^ :. ". : t ,c;'s are expert Cfaftt* regime. Black-outs have been canceled in Vienna becaus solicit contributions from firms anti-Jewish feeling in America to rather emphatic intimation, just tasa and Nebrr*,.,„ c *„..• LV.ios featherweights and individuals. For the first time a "man who, in a crowded thea- as a millionaire will not be espeanti-Nazi posters have made their appearance under the pro in twelve years the Board of Gov- tre, rises to scream that all are in cially agitateg because someone Call vrill get off to a Hrlnc st^rt. will bs yours or. f -". „ ^ ^^ -Jae sew fall colors: questions ttie extent of his -wealth. tection of the inkly blackness. ernors of th© Chest and the Cam-imminent peril." . All sections of Oin&lia aad at It is the parvenu, the middle class Committee will handle the ' "I haven't said there is no population groups are rspreEsnla In the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia, no opportunity is paign routine organisation. and do with- anti-Semitism in this country,' person that snay become Incensed in a lO-taeinbsr Euvisorj- to'.r at any insinuation o£ ccsnp-aratjrs permitted to slip by. Even the signs designed to set aside th out any outside campaign assis- the wrlterdeclared. "I didn't can\v'ill' 1 * 1 "^"^11 fjcl t j j ^ . T^fwTC^rP Or"""7" poverty. vass the Racquet Club and can't Jews are covered over by expressions of sympathy and when tance. T£e Jews need never worry- Committee. Ths Advisers Boarc Committee Chairmen named by honestly r e p o r t on ths Deep tllO character in a play expressed the sentiment, "Jews are hu Johnson to date include: Mrs- South or the West Coast. But if about the possibility of losing Bernard Wickaam, Chairman of. there were a rising tide some of prestig© over the 'annexation of c u e follows: man," loud applause greeted the actor. "~" . - , Women's Division, Harold t). Le-It would be trickling down the up- EQEie one great man to another Mace K, Bro-rs, ". K. Kareicr Now aligning itself with those forces opposed to Nazism is ?ilar, chairman of the Industrial per Mississippi basin; a few drops people. ' Instead of basking in the Saaj W. RernoSds. William A Clarence L. Landers, would have s p o t t e d the hi_ glory of three thousand years ago, Sawteil, William J. Coad, AHe Jugo-Slavia which may be the nest nation to be pulled int Division; •vre should do mueli better to acchairman of the Business Divi- plains, and I found none. Maybe v^vT" the Totalitarian sphere of influence. Here the interests of th sion: Morris E. Jacobs, .chairman they heard my motor roaring over quaint ourselves with tas tower- C. Frastr-r, Kenrr Kossfcy sad 3r. ,. * f d Division; and Frank T. the hill and their anti-Seraitls: ing Je^rs of yesteryear today Elvrood A. Rovrsey. A^is powers clash, an.d here their doctrines clash with the senti Publicity t.l B. Martia, chairman of the Initial rolled up and stuck away hehlx and their achievements.. Rabbi Frederick. Coin is ssi CO", ments of the people. The Jugo-Slayians mean to express theii Gifts Division. The Federation for the store." 11 Every ags has its Mosss, biit teiT of Ifce Dosfiss County cs Jewish Service, is one of the agen"distance leads CBCiia-DttaeEt to opposition to Fascist doctrines. ' . cies receiving . funds J r o a the Julius Fleisehxaan was in ISO5 the view." The same superU t i U d d people, they have no desire to C h e s t , ^ •'•• ' •'•- •. . . aSorsrs ot Koses, so sisalous lest Patroaias Our mayor of Cincinnati. V*. £.:









They're Ready





1B; 3S39 •m







•>£ i s

Diie T=-3siple Xs~

ititit". nning a danc-e C B ; zntT77 Club I c r -Stnxcl a^ eveHin 5, Bepteraber '- n ~2•lEsic "vrill be cl "try /-Il3 Ch JX TT.T 2S CTCB estrs air:" •fro m "tie Ciisz ^are^r fleer i

"Quzy -Sue: To iorrDfr a phrase rrom -ihe iumjy ipapers, i t mrould he i u n -to Tviite to :you iin 3leversia. II could start mit with "Affectionataiy wi] '-CHOOSES Tickets :/£CT tils aifai" are 3IiSB 3Urth .Hagsamin, daughter and :Hrs. Xonis "Witkin an- [-yours," and close "Kith 'Dear do! 1ST per couple and E : '- t'f 1UZ.Tjof 3Ir. ana airs. Abraham JJaszathe 3 a r .Hitzvah of their Suzy Q,"- but "Prhen i t comes to min, Jias chosen vQctobsr 3L5 a s son, JErwin, on .Saturday, August saying, Uenvjsr, Saturdsy night ;chx.sea at tii- Terrcle c " ice. ;— OH/. XtTw i-io^rs cf the the date of "tor marriage ±o Allie 3.9, at~fhe -B'jiai Jacob Synagogue, .Marion Strauss lelt for, 3 s.ti" .. or the "line. .And ;a.t the at trr the •£V"'SHiZ ^. '^- the Cause -the and 3Ixs. 24th -anil Nicholas Streets. IBabenanre, son nl sentence ends iin a jpreposition. Ane JBaben&urB xtZ 35-emnnt. •will :chant :the service beJeepers! Bimply everyone Js i n n i n g a t S a. an. !" m*, •«*>, -rr Tout nf :to\cn! ITnmorroT/ S s t i •**> ^*$; P*:,'*7 ^ ^ w", r .All :friends a n d :relatives Eeva :and ".ISelda Cherniss beard canlially "invited to attend "the ser-Mrs. X. Xipchitz and xLaughter, i: - 'Mir iiB" « a ; the tnLin ior "the lair in .Hie TTES! i t 3Iarjorie, .have rratunisa :to "their ices.-ND Jnvitations Jiave ieen is- Tthere they Trill breath California sued. j 'JiDme .in 35nrtb 3?latte after -cisttair tfor trro vresks. Gniug east -ins 3 D Omaha -lax the ;past .several L L1 i. 'ii & ii '•<&• i ilit Cv tomorroTT, a s i a r a s Cbicagt), a r s WEEK HEUCD -'G.LLKSXS -weeks. yraaces and Jean !Hubeastein and Mr. and 3Irs.-_A. Sax :had a s their iolks. their -week find guests 3 I r . a n d TO? H O A C T Jack Jiranstein is in California ISIrs. "V. :Nufeld a n d 3 t r . y and Xouise Cohen j u s t returned 3Ir.r jiirs. -Bichard j3tushall Df Scottshlttff, .Kelrraska. ^Harriet Xerwin 3sft Saturday "from "there. ^Shirley iPolsky of ilnr ILDB Anseles, California, T Idncoln Tras in tawn ever Ihe BEE&ICT TOE. CQLOItilDO :thgy iintend :1D .make t h e i r -home. •week-end and Sylvia Xotman, who jilrs. N a t h a n Perelman and chil- is also of Xincoln, b^^ been the dren, 3Jarxy a n d -Rosalie, left :iast •hhouse guest of Sylvia "Weiner. ek i o r Xoveland a n d -Denver, :3.0-iin rtne iecture S a i l of Colo. 33ver aotice iio-w fhe Tninute 3 n route they visited -in you're tfhe Jnsjyn jilemorial, a sound .film introduced to an out-of<4 -Hastings, 3flaiifl %of JPerils" will shown. tovni visitor, you :immediately say, '^Horseneek Talley! "Why I :knorr i .someonfi :irom there. l\D-sr -vvbat ^ /possessions i n 1. JPsaTlman l e l t -inr Xos j s "the name? Oh yes, do you 3tarth Sea. and aaol-livelihood -lbs hardy irom :peo- .Angeles t o ' visit i e r daughter, fcno-w someone by the name of -wiest 3 I i s . 3 . 3D. -Kfindis. S h e -will be eorge?" It's about this time ttbst :nn£rienaiy gone Inr jf our anonibs. that : ihe -p-isitor gives up iryins g ;D espliiin '.he knovrs :mors than -Jn /the" •Concert ^Hall a t =4 VISXHIING !EEBE . BUS George in Sarseneck and ad"3jy Jliss ^Esther T^p-ryf, "A"3>r. and ilTs.IEdTvara-Alberts of ae doesnt know everyone i n listing "Jier -will i e lUiss Virginia Cincinnati, Ohio, a r e visiting Ur. mits, , xontralto, :and jQrs. J . Alberts" parents, 3Ir. and 3Irs. "H. his iome town. Xouise rNathanson, TrhD sues to A rtalented pianist, who :has ': tion and coniucte . .Jrihrrerm,, accompanist. ie xeccraAlberts. xroa TJ, ;is -risitmg "Zell -Abraham- been -pursuing .her musical studies ; ings. san, 3 -am told. AISD -heard that and winning musical Jionors 3incc j 330UXH Student of xlaab iilarjorifi 'Krasne camg .in irom leaving here TO -years ago, . *SChs 3flisses ^Dorothy ana Selen - . has tj ^After x ^ having cnnpletea h e r ] aEfarnstem :lelt Monday iox a sbort alifornia a "week :agD and that ! returned home /for a short visit. [ -studies at the Chicago JIusical j in Bions 3nalls, Soatb-Dakota, . g g rihe Jail sncial juarioTifi IRosenhlum of "Kansas laiiss Tda Xustgarten, now a xesi- \ rcollege with "Tludolph Gans, 3IT. -and 3Irs. .Bam Xjght. season of .mother Chapter was a !ity ty is :here. I dent of Berkeley, Cal., is t i e sum -su ; Xustgsrten Trent to Berkeley to !MTB. Hiisi-t Us Tthe -^tanner h 3Iy cousin, Jackie Xou Sean, mer guest nf iier parents, Sir. and •• -fe -with .smoker ihelil a t the inniE of Stan Tro Colorado Bprings has stopped |3lrs. 3l S X t Springs .has Sen Xustgarten. Turirel, -aiswly elected chairman i has bsconie iamous in .musical /far a visit with-us on her way of the social xommittee, SaturdaT | circles i o r .his discovery i c a naw back /from Jiew 'York, where they night. 3EBEZEEOEET n dt e a c n i l i s "technique. fe^^:^ ? _ ? ^ ? ^ ? : I! piano This affair is expected :to pre-ask-eaTte if "we^d'autoohTl^ r. and jilrs. Julius Originally -a concert ior her fifibnt I ZDetroit, :ilicbigan, areNainum nl cede >a iong chain of social Bvents and electric lights out thisaway. y .Tecital, Js planned far .itest fllr. Tuxab was scheduled to make 25atman-B irrpthsr and sister- in the near .future. As this -was 3Iet 3!va3yn Jacobs of .Sious, , .. ., , .. , . . . . . st .. as .ais .Sious .ai , IMr. and ."Mrs. 3=tenry Btilis. the largest affair :in "the jncmth ity the other aisht a a d - E a ^ issason, under me-.tutelage of the :i.his Am-exicaa aebut .just .a "to Temain iin Omalia of August i t -met ^with an unosual- •y.lvia ".Kelson, "Who Tras .in /from 3 nl •ylvia kelson ^ h o TTOS in irnm l ^ ^ ^ ^ - I } ^Following ^ P » her f • debut :f «^; iBecause , countrj- of entered the w nhe r ^ was his naticaaiity, ly large .touraout of almost rthe t. 'Joseph. Xou "VVoods rrf Ues age, 5Iiss Xust- ' and l nf "mother Chapter, Eevexal tour "whose ialeness developed, JS2CNOHNCE 3HRTH alumni, ;advisors, and alephs nf will/include Omaha. the technique that has won aim a 3Hr- and ;3Irs. Xouis Shafton uf Chapter 3.00. ; ' answer -you immediately jiHiiynHnrij jXowa, 'iornisr -Omahans, nine years previous to her world-wide reputation as a teachAlter an =eventfiil evening barainmunce ihe -birth ol a daughter, hecued rribs, :an omusual treat for and .more nest time.. departure,- she "was a student of er of piano. "In "Vienna llr. jRaab .Affectionately :youTS, .11, a t :±he jilethndist i o s - a smoker, Tvere. served. The ^herCecil tBerrymau, Omaha piano in- had studiea with Iteschetizky, ..SHE structor. I n 1S29 she was winner Paderewski's teacher. hEt then served ivas flecorated 3Irs. Saiu Bsber ana 3Irs. Philip S. Am going .to the Junior of the competitive scholarship cT•with the .name "AZA" ior -the Hadassah's 5et-Together Tuesday iieTed~"by iludolph ~Gzsz~ famed .^i'^tzaick will be hostesses at a 3EO occasion. . Everyone -will be -"there " !I pianist . . . - and . . - .head |™Kical tea to be giren on TVs*conductor and t 3terriam ^Eirshfinbaum a s H E softball season /night. !of the Chicago "Musical coltsse. >nestej, ^USUSL oO frcra o -.o o and .everyone .is. "welcome. 3»artea Saturday -for mother Chapter flayed the 3 I E S ~ ^-p. in., at _U.TS. P-sbsr.s iionie, TO h "will i iher IDW Auto team, winners -of t h eabout -that oiest time,-too. 3he 31. \C., h . Early Seniors ! honor .Miss Xustcanen. Sharing J. C. C. league, -Sunday -morning. SUUttB. ISIothsT Chapter -played valiantly j She had -won her -first .piano ;: honors "will be Sirs. ".J.IES JUekes. H35JB3VES .FOIL CHICAGO a t -the age of 14 wi.en former -violinist. Dorothy ^ustErarten. and -iorced rthe 3restow :team into •honors was swarded a special .medal-sire at; the \ well-known 3VIiss 3Rosalis Alberts "Jfilt xrstra innings betore -finally bDf?- "The "Women's .jllizrachi "held a j the Nebraska TMusic Teachers con- I "Mrs. Paekes, who like 'her =^tsr ; laayaiight inr .Chicago. T tng .its ".head :in riefsat. lias w o n cu-LL-ici.2Ta>3i.£ a c c i a i m . -was ° f VEntiau \in Xiacoln. ;uccess£ul benefit bridge a t the S'reparatums a r e ; swiftly lieing home xif jSIrs. X. "Preenman. ; TProthe -Youngest solaist ever to aT»i T d e if f or t h e annual Achar ZHat- ceeds Jfrom the affair will '.be used ' As a student at ths "University -pear with '.the Qmana SnnTiiDnT launis dance t o be "held on Tom on -behalf of t h e 3 e t h IZeiroth of Omaha she composed music to i orciiestr -Mrs. Xena -same tim-" the aance :com- Girls Schools.-. iin 3tochester, PDems written by Selene liIa-arEt, i ^ i s t P _ - v r a s E T r athe r i g l i *=•» sckalar'known -poetess. IsiTippin 'caicaro^ "Srs."5iekes Tron mittee. HSxs. A . 3Satz, -president, "has . _h'?1!^:a "violin .saholarship with Jaennas asked all those- Tv'ho might ihavE j .»aica j jjoraan, -concErt-sastEr • cf t h e bundles /for /the Hummage Sale,minriie "^itb-Xevin, g graduated at to save/them. The "Hummage.Bale s h e ..Bymphon-j- crciestrs.. AftjChicago ^iianist,' is /to be .'.held after -the Sigh. Soly XS, she received higirest cosnrs er stuciyinE Tritr. n iiicasro in Ciiic A s nf. .its ;.Social Service -End ^usst -of 31rs. | in Alpha .Hho Tau, iinEorarjdays. Ulrs. ,JDB TUG Pitts and at -his -studio in J'izz program A. 3 . A_ 35o. 100 lias t h n . 31TH. Xsvin i s the another ? 3ITS.. Sophie Hothkop-will oe chair- sical society, and was named TO JSIHES., she Tetirmed. to Chicago a^ jctt 33vBlyn Xevin 3>avis, cancert- unaertakea' iiie -.completion of so- men of this- event. Phi 3eta "Kappa, scholastic .±ra- a student of Uischa Hiscrakcf;, licitations m the "3outh Division 3nistress tit rthe "Women's Bym/Mrs. 3H. "Weinbers, chairman of temity. present concert-master ox t i s of the ^Rhilanthxopies. tP.efiiing j h o q y OrehEatra. • .. Tinsier student dE-ys in Chi- ; Chicago symphony. that every sent -possible nnust "be the Jewish ^National "Fund Tree /reminds -members /that the I,- | jBolh sisters have appeared .in xaised "tlo :mest "the ;ever increasing 1 aeeds, Sam "Beber ChapteT has de- J. "JK. 3 . be a-ememberefl on. spe- j 500 competition conducted by a I concerts and .recitals in Cnica.—o isicai ; and. its -sub-arn-s. .T/OT a number cidEd i o continuB the campaign cial Ticcasions, in honor of "hirths, I leading oil /firm Ior a until every pledge card iis allied and /-weddings, and in /memory' of | cam-position to b -played. departed xelatives, World's Tair eshibit. Sesides | froin Draaha, they .frequently ecunut. composing the music, "Sliss XIUST- ] t-ibuted taeir services to local srAleph Xeonard Xewis, speaking 3*atroniza Our AdvertissT3. garten scored .for t i e orchestra- i ganizations. 3n behalf of -the -Social Service committee, pointed But a t cthe last OVBT ImEEting ^that about one: -huadrjea y :solicitations i ± _,„ Cnok .until soft, /remove and 3>lts, .chop /fine. Cool. Afid /% cups i e aaade. "With characteristic eag /3Ugar, % /cup chopped "walnuts, jerness ths alephs wished start 333Ui-i2 o-sg whites beaten- /stiff., Avurk limmediately. Aleph Xeo .A> J m r r Unto a bakefl /pastry shell •person, ochairman xif rthe nommit/ana'thake 2T) /minutes a t ~350 '" tee, •distributed the mileage cards, and the .-making xif .contacts start."^When/ready *o ^a.. . . - . • ' iTeh4p •Joseph Sasa, Aleph Godol of :the Chapter, -was chairman nf the Tuuth IDivision -campaign in trhich '•& gesgB 'Stiffly "beaten many alephs -vrere active -last i ocnrnstarch Sprins. .. ' :•% rtesspnnn baking Tobias Cohen -was ipermitted ., 3. oatp ssukar enter the TlniveTsity ru* .Srahkfort • C3ttiiblESpoDtiB inXETS. & salt •'




given ;ana "bake 3Bix i ovsn. Cbdl and ia She amfl -tfUl mrp milk, 2 :yolkB ool '4 B ilouT, fi tablespoons 3Ugn . <Gook in double iioiler until i -add d ithlck, 3emovfi irom iiire, 3Ulla,'iieat - until cold, a a a ^ tabletrpunriK •ytijj •cream. ^Pni lEweetsn« a "whip verprrro on 'its? Jayer,

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PLENTY POP* SALAD—If Majej- Aaron E. Carpenter, Philadelphia sportsmen, planned tuna fish salad for lunch, ho ccught plenty. Tho big fish weighs 590 pounds, taken after en hour and a half, off the New Jersey coast.


ATTACKED — This huge tank is rumbling on its way t o "attack" Washington, in vest arrsy maneuvers. It's part of equipment e l regular £rsr.y men fron Fort Meede, Me., find Fort Eeivcir, Ve., vhs take part of "enemy" cgair-st National Guerdsnen oelerding the nation's capitel. Infantrymen followed the tank.


- PboJos br Santa Fe Railway.

ltO@SKINS.WiLl. DANCE—Once more the red chant, compete in sports and engage in strange man mat;es obeisance to his gods. What is said pagan rites before audiences of white brothers. to be America's most colorful and spectacular' * Here are scenes in anticipation of the event. Indian show, the annual Inter-Tribal Indian Coro- Upper left," dancers on way to a rite. Right, monial, in which 40 tribes will take part, is Arapoho caller summons his men. Lower loft, scheduled to be held in Gallup, N. M., Aug. Indian belle with unique headdress. Right, 17-20. For four days the Indians will danco, squaws and bucks in native beaded deerskin.




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6UDAMS--Here are three members of the Australian Davis Cup tennis squad that defeated the Cubans in singles at Soabright, N. J. Left to right: Jack Crawford, John Bromwich and Captain Harry C. Hopman.









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girl g is Erersda JcyfC, y , v h j ; Has tto [save [ U i icff C I l University r.ia * t Los Ar.'gslst tfjd £i£t e job. Secerning a commercial model, she was noticed by £ (tlrrs scout £rd new shs's e ccrscr In rts navies.



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POLISH HARVEST— Priso oars of grain woven Into wreaths ere carried by PoHsh children in happy Doiynkl festival procession, to celebrato Jliis surataer's bounteous crop. Parade of -harvesters and glsencrs includes $ay music.

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OU MISSION — British Admiral, Sir Reginald PlunkettErnle-Erle-Drax, who heads the British mission to Moscow that has begun negotiations for-a three-power mutual aid pact among Britain, Franco and Russia. British and French mission arriving were greeted by delegation of Soviet army officers*






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hz VJ0KK0U7.BY Pil©MY—Lou Ambars is supposed to bo \n ?rainino at Ccrmcl, N. Y., for hit cccr.a in StcUbcrg, © G croons icLuLcpc championship bouf with Honry Armstrong, on Aug. 22, in New York. Bu'r iJ looks as. if ha liod Col. Gcr.cird V/aHi3=? van KrcasiJtcish fk-.y maneuvered Trainer Whitty Bimstoin, laft, ape! Manager A! Weill into cbing ihe heavy work. will «ot lighiSy Iced them info war.

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! p6tt, since they art not

?vpn retUalte, by hpitfif at HEAB •££ o tho lata JCT/IES ctatesaan . . . The late^ Israel Fttedkin, pub- he present owner of Hugenden, lisher of the Jewish M o r n i n g . H. Abbey, has donated to the Journal who just passed on,: t?as Dlsraell&n Sbciety of London tho (Continued from page 1.) seriously considering the: estab- manor houee and. 100 acres of ir i ''• lishing of a. big English daily . , . laad to iserve as ths memorial. . . der from the Gestapo to move, to Maurice Samuel may take a Ilying -n endowment tund will shortly "Tague within A few days. Sirai- DEFINITION: "What," OES reftri» to Eurobe and Palestine and Q.rained ana the property, then ar orders are expected tb be is- ugee asked his brother refugee, eh come back with a very important converted into a . -.. ued in orther provincial cities 'is the difference between an cptihoritly. book -. , . Jtjsl - Iiipsky, youngest Disraeli and his wife are both mist and a pessimist?" . . . Said of Louis Llpsky'a eons, Is back aurisd at Hugenden.. . .Bobby Is- Meanwhile, the G e s t app has .he b. r. without a moment's hesfrom Oxford, England, with a rael and-partner won tho .British •Dispelled th© .-Prague Stock Ex- itations."A pessimist is a Gergreat Seal t>t that British eavoir .mateur ball-room dancing chain- panse and Corn Sschange to disr iaan Jetr now living in the Uniti PJ t cvr-.r faire...... The Hablrna theatre ilonshlp. . . . T h e crowd, of Bpee- miss all Jewish employees. Der ed States, an optimist is a Germay coine-to America alter all lor atora booed a German couple off Neue Tag, organ of Reich Pro- man Jew in a Nail concentration a eeafcoTi o£ It Palestinian.. reper- .he floor but cheered Israel, who tector Konstantin von Neurath. camp." . . . Anntory. . . . . That. article in last never dances without & tiny gold demands that Jewish brokers and messuiah on his keyring.. . . Philvisitors be ex c 1 u d ed from the ing on tbe hicti seas ror efve?fu •week's New Republic on the JewEXPANSION: T h e Aaeriean v-sEts. The reiEEees bo&rGPu '.'.fee ish army in Palestine tells only p, Klutznick the new first vice- Prague Bourse. Jewish Coniiaittee •will shortly president of B'nai, B'rith District P&rata at ConE;tansa. Huniuiivla, halfthfe tale . . . Those N..Y. -. Nazi storm troopers have yisit- open an office In Boston . . . "Number 6 is the first alumnufc of policemen "who' "wers much too ! Cofistaii-a (\"K$.) — Komeieos d several Prague cafes, ordering Henry -(Hank) Levy, member cf AZA, the Junior B'nai B'rith, to nonchalant about disturbances by i Jewjj continued to pour into this; Jewish guests out, but the propri- the New York staff and a iorraer In the wake of Nasi ©ccujsaijca of J be a. District official . . . Every ,«.-(,. jr.UP Coughlinltes will get a little suri seaport Trith. the i a i t i Siorse oi head of B'nai B'rith itors showed themselves anxious JTA man, will bo In charge. . . . • new refugees fied to the border* prise from the Police Commission- department ' ' -1-F,r?.e calls Henry Monsky by his first o assure the Jewish guests that .PICTURES: Keep your peepers seeking er before- long . . . seekrag some escape frcsa' frcsa'th« ;n;.o P&IeB.;ir,e._ ittCj.rp.,,..,..,^ •'-^;" |;,-,,. -li:lc,U>v t.tu'i *{cm f,: the name . . . And he returns the com- the storm troopers had acted on peeled NOTE OF. THANKS .' ' \ ;.- . pliment for "Underground," Yv'&r- Nnrembere reels! laws of Germaaj-. Oa Eas fressicrfi <&£* foaai tlieia- e r ^ w l eailea Vith lj-(-_ ^1 : s f I6 - f f i=f5 RIK>-/1V df»-!<;. . . . Dowager Queen Mary heir .own Initiative and had cot ner Brothers filra soon selves in No Mam's Land — refasei cass-y ir.ia SKEW ecosiriss. msm t'ca* > retnm^. J£o?e ttar: . Cl --'ous,: I' T,;,r j : s f r v . p , . - c , P . , , , e v - f ;*1 in . Orchids to. Bernard Postal, for- of England is quite an authority informed the proprietors in ad- to be put In anti-Nasi production . . . A bidden to return So ths bos&ea &ey had left fcebshd. Seeaw. lite them j Jewp erri^ed by special train*. s.nt |Vl-e t , ( , ance. Csech cafe owners strongmer colleague on the Seven Arts on Jewish restivala . . . In her who has read the script staff and no-w big publicity chief ambus collection of art objects ly disapproved of the Na2l action, friend It's just about the hottest of the B'nal B'rlth, tor Beading UB are many Celebrated examples of declaring Jews had always been thinks that has yet been screened thejtbllbwlng Items., which maKe Jewish religiou& art, including a welcome and would soon be able thing up the rest ol this column . . . . He number of valuable Haggadahs . . Ut.- visit the cafes again when in Hollywood's war oa Totalitaria . . Its theme Is based 6n the made impossible for yours ttuly to The umpire of a recent baseball things took a new turn. radio broadcasts that have get af/ay aad cool oil In tho shade jame between S h r 1 n e r B «.nd Beport "Ghetto" Laws Planned secret baffled the Kails for years . . . of the palra trees surrouhdins the K&ights of Columbus for a trophy London (JTA) — Regulations John Garfieia Will have the leadPalestine Pavillba at the Wbrld'o offered by a "Wichita Jewish mer- providing for separation of Jews ing role Another film to look Fair . . . So here goes B. P.'s chant was named Paul Fair . ,. from non-Jews in the social life forward .to. . is the one fiepicUag e detEinefi at Hf-ila. fcer cer-1 I i:i*' .'„ Morris Duparc who Bas fust, re- of tha "protectorate" are under the tragedy of the refugee ships signed-from, the. secretaryship of consideration by the Bohemian . . Based on the "St. Louis" epi|ffiLr«™£ ir. crr.rh, r . " - A big scheme . connected •with the Anglo-Jewish A s s o c iation, provincial government office, it .sode, the film is tentatively titled refugees is believed to. hs the real must have set 66Se iSfld of record was reported by the P r a g e r ''Bound . . . It was reason for.. Postmaster; General for continuous Jewish communal Aosnd, organ of Reich Protector producedforInNo-wheres" Paramount stuFarley's trip to Europe, during service . . . He was with that or- Konstantin von Neurath. The pro- dios in Paristhe-and Incorporates •which he visited Germany and Po- ganization for 63 years - . - He "ected measures provided., separaacttfal scenes aboard tho "St. land . . . Je\7B who try to pass as also served pn the staff of the tion of Jews and non-Jews in res- some . . . The JDC, as this Aryans are no novelty, 6ut offic- London Jewish Chronicle for 52 taurants, cafes, bars, r e a d i n g Louis" reported last week, will ers of Jewish emigration softie- years . . .Duparc is 87, and the rooms and similar public places. column use it in its campaign . . . Boris ties in many Eoropean cities now dean of the London' Jewish com- "Wherever possible, such p l a c e s Smolar, JTA's chief European report that they are often ap- munity . . . will T>e obliged to install special correspondent, had a hand In proached by Aryans iron* dictatorrooms for the exclusive use of preparation of the film . . . ridden states who want to emi- (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts Jews. grato and therefore attempt to Feature Syndicate.) Existence of the "ghetto" rooms LUCK: M. J. Merlin, Atlanta pass aa Jews . . . The Italian govaccording to the Abend, will have merchant and father of JTA emernment has decided to sell to an to bs announced in a conspicuous ployee Edith, recently returned American museum Michelangelo's manner both outside and inside from an extended trip abroad famous statne of Moses, because the establishment providing them. during which he visited many Euthis world-renowned piece of art Special rooms and special hours ropean countries and Palestine is regarded as not being In accord for Jews will also be introduced . . . Back In Atlanta, he" invested with Italy's new anti-Jewish polin all public baths, the newspap- two bits in a raffle ticket and advertised on the cover but was ping in Palestine. It is taking & j icy . . . Hungarian Jews, who er said. won—a round trip to the New nowhere to be seen on the in- census of Jewish seamen in var- j were .probably more anti-ZJonist ifl 61 C2echs attending a performance York World's Fair . . . *- .«r 1- r than any other Jewish community side . . . The ..Anti-Nasi League ions countries. It is training Jew- i of Elmer Rice's play, "Street in the world, were among the is starting its Christmas shopping isb aviators in Poland and groups j (VMV Scene," in the Prague People's HEADLINE: The. Jewish Baily , early . . . And has discovered, to of Jewish fishermen at Gdynia., j most hitter opponents or Heral, Theater greeted with a burst of Forward published a London ctory j its gratification, that Christmas near Danzig, the statement sare. ] whom they regarded as a danger(Continued from, page 1.) applause the .line, "After all, Jews reporting Julius Streicher, porro- Tree ornaments being sold in this ous revolutionary . . . Maybe they the last two years. The report are human beings." The Times re- grapher estraordinary and Mgh country this year are supplied are sorry now . . . At any rate . 1 deals at length with the general Tel Aviv (JTA)— A new trainported the line has been removed priest of Nazi anti-Semitism, ill largely from non-Reich sources in they., ought to be after, reading situation in Palestine during the from the play at the advice of the . . . Under this headline: "Noth- contrast to previous years . . . ing ship for Jewish sailors, the what he wrote In 1903 to a Hungarlan friend: I would have been last two years and with air phases iech police observer on duty in ing trivial, we hope." . •. . Belgium is getting the lion's share Cfcaisa Arlosc-roff. named lor tie . . prepared to renounce- the Hungar- of Jewish life there. It tells the the theater;. of the former German trafis in Palestine labor leader who was ian Jews If I were sure that their story of herculean labor, under Jewish.. shops -which handle a COURTESY: The Old Masters this field . . . Did you kaov that assassinate^ six years ago, has patriotism would save them Irom constant danger, that went into large part ot the retail trade in Arts building at the World's Fair the first swastika was tie He- been launched by -the sea division the anti-Semitic disaster . . . I am the upbuilding work; ot the her* the country districts of Bohemia- was selling prints of the old mas- brew letter "aleph," known as tha of the Eapoel Sports Association, oic sacrifices made by Jewish Moravia have not suffered any ap- ters reproduced 6n postcards . . . Big-Aleph . . . Boots you'll wast -Representatives of the GovernW, Pi not speculating in disaster . But it will befall the Hungarian •workers and defenders in laying preciable loss in business since the Among theto vere prtets of Ger- to read when they ccrae out Eext ment, the Jewish Agency, the Palw ^ t «*.-. Jews also In a brutal way . . . The the foundations for a new refuge erman occupation. The Times man origin T. . A~ spoiesmair *or month: "Tommy GaUssier-Amer- estine Federation cf Labor attendlater It will come, the more dis- lor tens of thousands ot Jews iia. Customers are not deterred the Anti-Nazi League called ths ican Storm. Trooper," by James T. ed the cereiSDnies, &i vhicfc the istrOUB It will be . . . The strong- hounded out of Europe. by the branding or these shops as matter to the attention of Robert Farrell . . -And "You're Kert— guests of i.oncT vere the v-lflcvr er the Jews -will.become, the more A check for $250,000 -was to be Jewish. In many instances the no- Washburn, an exhibit official, 6r- Anti-Semitism in the XT n 11 e &and children of Arlosoroff. harharous will be the outburst of presented to Menachem M. Ussish- tices "Jewish Shop" pasted on plainias to him tho res-Ecn for States," by Heywood Broun and Tfae ScTertEsent lias prohibited the disaster . . . There 13 no es» kln, world president of the Jewish windows, have been defaced with ths boycott on Nasi products . . . George Britt, authors cf the -well- Jewish, sparts boats en ths Filver cipd Ir6m i t . . . In the meantime National Fund, by Dr. Israel Gold slogans informing the owners that With the result that the cards Known "Christians Only" of sev- Yarkc* ,to go out to eea witfeoct •we <same, We who are the target stein, president of the American they need not worry. eral years back . . . are now no longer on sale . . . a p"ol'.'0a perniit. Tbe authorities J. N, P. Tho presentation was in for their Irony, and we build are eviilentlj' afrcii that the boats' (Copyrighted by Jewish Telethe name of friends of the Amerhome,' a fatherland for those who might help illegal immigrants enMISHiMASH: The late Abragraphic Agency, lac.) ican J. N. F . as a token of their today do not want to ta&e any noter the country. ham H. Friedland, poet and educonfidence in the future developtlee of us!" . . . That's what we cator, -was an infant prodigy . . . ment of Palestine and their detercall prophecy . . . At the age of 12 he tae-vr by mination to shoulder in the future THIS AND THAT heart seven tracts of the Gemoran ever greater share in the burrah . . . Joseph J. Schwartz, presi.A Baltimore Hebrew school tea- den of building the Jewish Nadent of the Jewish Social Welfare A) — The He-' cher has translated "God Bless tional Home. Conference ana former director fiai^y Kaboker reports that America" Into Hebrew, and his of the Brooklyn Federation, is Pre-Congress Meetings pulpla sing it in Hebrew at the Non-cooperation noiv assistant secretary to the J. with the Britopening of every class session . . ish Government in retaliation tor New York (JTA)—Two youths D. C. . . . He is acting executive . Dr. A. L. Sachar, national direc- it3 decree halting Jewish Immigra- who entered the synagogue of director • during ths absencS- in tor of ths B'nal- B'rith Hillel tion into Palestine for elx months Congregation A n a v e t h Israel, .Europe of Joseph C. Hyxfes . . . Foundations, is readying an an- beginning Oct. 1 was urged by Brooklyn, and disturbed evening Nat Belth, JDC publicity direcnouncement on Hillel expansion Rabbi < Melr Berlin, of Palestine, services by shouting, "Hurrah for tor, is eajoying a t-wo-treek rest (Continued from page 1.) that Will ha big news . . . Which honorary president the Mii- the Nazis!" and "Where is Rabbi at his summer cottage in Peefc- aviation* in Palestine. reminds us that R a b b i Morris rachi Organization, ot at the relig- Wiss?" were saved from Jail sen- BM11, N. Y., and Fancy Adler- The league already counts 1KertSer, now director of Hillel at ious Zionist organization's tences for disorderly, cond.uct stsin, .also, of the JDC staff, has members in Palestine. It has!,, the University of Alabama, 1B be- conference, attended by moreworld than when the congregation votea to just returned from, a vacation in a000small fleet of merchant siips ! |i ing- shifted-to the Hillel extension 100 delegates. the Adiroafiacks . . . Vic Biearecommend leniency tor them. and a nautical school in Eaifa si t at the University of Iowa . . . A pre-Congress conference of stOcJc, JTA foreign ne-rrs chief, After they had pleaded guilty, with courses in navijrstion, ms-|fij He'll toe replaced at Alabama by Mapai, Palestine Zionist labor Magistrate George H. Folwell put returned to Europe a f t e r a chanlcs, ship-building and wireless jfj Rabbi Sandmel, now assistant to the month's fur!6ugh here . . . On discussed, behind closed them on six months' probation, telegraphy. -Head cf the nE.Tiga-iil Rabbi David Marx of Atlanta . . . party, the question of Jewish mi- saying: "There is too much Jew- the boat to New York, Tic met tion departEent Is a former Brit-11 , "Wonder -why the National Council doors, William Saroyan, the playwright gration, demanding that Palestine baiting going on in this country. ish naval captain-and Jewish ca-jjB ', of Young Israel tried to get It- be given priority in schemes for I am going to cooperate in putting and author . . . Saroyan thought dets are now undersoins training 11! , self incorporated by Congress . . . refugee Vic should be ."put in a cage" although not a stop to It. You two should have on British and Jewisli steamers, 11| ' A bill .to the effect Was sponsor- opposingsettlement, to other known better than to have g6ne as the only European correspon- the fetatement declares. The league j |ij ed by Congressman Sol Bloom . . . countries. immigration dent not -wTiting a booS . . . S. urged thg ob- into a synagogue and to have dishas also developed coastal ship-' l,|jrB'nai B'ritn is patribtic 6ven with- viating of Speakers wasted effort over fan- turbed the cervices. It had been J. "Woolf, the famous artist-iatcrout tealizlns it . . . Memoa ad- tastic territorial schemes and also niy Intention to give you a jail vie-wer of thfe N. Y. Tiiaes, has dressed to President Henry Monforced e v a c u a tion term, but I am informed by this sketched and interviewed nearly Bky are on bin© paper . . . memos condemned complainant that his congrega- 300 notables for the Times ia the li>T others 6n white paper . . . from European countries. dozen years . . . His first And inter-office communications Another pre-Congress confer- tion voted to request that you not past subject "was the redoubtgo on a pinkish-red sheet, the ence was held by the Women's In- he sent to Jail. I'm going to put noted able G. B. Shads', -who at first combination making tip the na- ternational Zionist Organization, you on six months* probation and, wanted cliarga Woolf $3,750 tional colors . . . David Yellln, attended 1>y 120 delegates. Brand- If you disobey in the slighest de- an hour to posing as na artists past president of B'nai B'rith's ing : M&cDonald ' its. "& O d d era gres the instructions of the proba- model . . for . The American Hebrew Palestinian district is due here Pharaoh," speakers spared no tion olticer will be brought be- r«ceatly put out a. mystery issue in ths tall at the head or a dele- words in denunciation of the Brit- fore xne and I will give you a stiff . , . Ths rtystery was to find an gation of Palestinian B'nai B'rith ish policy on Palestine. Women sentence In th© workhouse." article by Art&ur T. Well on Senlea'dfers . . . throughout the world wera called ator" Robert Reynolds, "wlilclj. 'vas upon to combat British efforts "to Oar Advertisers. convert Palestine into a new ghet* Mrs. j . W. Harrell ol "Waco to? and.,u m s . ufiea.taat t Texas, has made a most >,.•*"> < V f ? ,JP J& Y'Z' gift to the,National Jewish hos- Jewish reply to Britain should be ;- pital in Denver in memory of her the sending of more capital and late husband. Prof. J. W. Harrer more immigrants to the Holy of Baylor University . . . Although Land. FOR VISITS neither Prof. Harrell nor his wife are Jewish, the latter sent 5100 Japanese Exclude i to tae hospital to establish a kadShanghai Refugees disbi memorial in the name of her ?!? r" husband, who had been a patienf Shanghai (JTA)— Ths Japanthere. ••-.. Dr. A. L. Sachar is reading proof on his new book,-a swel ese naval authorities, . declaring „.„_ Hstal fessBaSa ts fas s f e s f e s csss 1 f-C egaht. history of post-war Jewry they .wore; acting.upon.ths.requ< assid CB& «aasrt^aateE»'c32s5s"_ef & s s!iii']Ia, 1 ..... He's hoping the map of Eur- of .the Jewish Refugee Commit *i«» «s3 «s fla«?«» c-J riJs-^Msd ope tpbn't &s changed before.his tea here, a n n o uheed that new opuS goes to press . •„ . He's al- Jewish ^refugees will i o t bs perready had to rewrite It twice . . mitted to reside or worli In the And Babhl Lee J. Levihger o Japaness . defenss . sector of ths Colambns Is doing the research Shanghai International Son 6. •4*3 on a history or B'nal B'ritb . . The ban will go into effect Ang, Louis Gdlalflg's best-selling nove 21. A spokesman explained tha; "Mr.. EinanUBl" will be filmed . the Japanese zone already shel . Mra. Paul Muni is credited with ters-15,000 refugees, the maxiarousing moviedom's interest in mum the territory can accdmodato this book^ . . A drama based on in the present "exceptional cirthe fate of it German-Jewish ref- cumstances." ugee la being authored by Clare : All Joreign.. consuls -lsave t)s Booth, playwright-wife of Henry advised • ot the step which' ts.Luce, publisher of Time Magazih create legal.difficulties the concession statute Lcr- D ; . . - Rabbi J. B. Cohen of New beeausa I i does not provide for limitation o; Yotk cannot claim to ba the 0&I3 Immigration. living Jew with the initial "2T :'i« V. • » . Dr. George X Trimble of St. 1 For failure to attend tb.s Sals: •• f LOUIB City Hospital answers to bath service/ the community a '' the name Of Sausa . . . ?.*<x PERSONALLY BPI3ilSlH6 ',,- • Avigsoa iapofisa:s Ha© cpss.a itr jaetabers, part ot the fine soics Hufeenden Manor, ths esiits o .: Benjamin Dlsraali, 1•Witt soon..-ha into t&a charity fund. (Ifith cea••:. turned into fe psrsaas ' """' ' '~




Most Envied



Page 8

Arthur, of Highland Park, 111., nings street, honoring her niece. arid Mr. Michael Green of Seattle, Appointments were in the bridWash., who w e r e traveling al shades of dubonett and blue. through here ea route west. Monday-evening, Mrs. Abe Lefkovitz entertained in her home, 1916 Isabella. 25 guests spent the eveRETURNED . . ' • ning at bridge and man jong. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner and MORRIS A1ZENBERG, A no hostess party was given TALMUD TOBAH son and daughter, Ya.le and EiTuesday evening in the Sioux Tea A reception held in honor of leen, arrived hone last Friday, Shop by a group of 20 friends of Rabbi C. K. Castle of Chicago, after spending two weeks at Lake Miss Shindler. Bridge and mah whose services have been con- Okoboji. jong was the diversion. Mrs. Jake tracted as Hebrew and Sunday Shindler and Mrs. M. Grossman school teacher in the Bluffs for entertained jointly in courtesy to coming year, has. been planned NEW YORK VISKQK Melvya Shraeger. of 'New York Miss Shindler at a Wednesday by the Talmud Torah for August luncheon in their home,; 1715 Ne- 29. Everyone is invited to at- City visited last week at the home of Mrs. Nellie. Brown. braska street. . , tend. Y Sioux City Chapter 12 of A. Z. The First Christian Church unit; Miss Esther Mirkin will enterThe Rabbi is expected here in FROM WEST A. held Its semi-annual election ed with the Mt. Sinai Temple and tain 16 guests at a party for Miss the ' near future. Committees for HOME Mrs. Ben Gershun and . daughmeeting at the Jewish Commun- participated in a joint service last Shindler -on the 23rd of August. the reception will be announced ter, Shirley, have returned from ity Center, Wednesday' August. 9. Sunday morning in honor of Rab- Mrs. Abe Friedman has reserv- ater. .' : a trip to California. They also Toby Schindler was ,r e e 1 e c t ed bi Theodore N. Lewis who will ed Monday the 28th of August for visited in Salt Lake City, Utah, Aleph Godol; Hubert Friedman leave August.20 to become the a dinner party. : B'NAI B'BITH and Reno, Neveda. They spent .•was elected Aleph S'gan; Sheldon minister of the Progressive "SynHere ' for Miss Shindler's preA regular meeting of the local days at Lake'Tahoe, and Singer, Aleph Mazkir; Jack Mos- agogue of Brooklyn, N. Y. nuptial ntertainment is Mrs. A.B'nai B'rith Lodge was held at several at the San Francisco World's Fair, ovr, Aleph Gisbor; Bert Bergen, Rev. Xoren E. Lair of the First Wiseman of Fargo, No. Dak, Eagles hall Monday. The next and then to Los Angeles, where Aleph Shotare Godol; Raymond Church and Rabbi Lewis both meeting will be on August 28. they spent three weeks. Greetfberg, -"Assistant; Sherman preached short sermons. Their Miss Rose Kozberg of Los. An"Friends from Schuyler, Neb., Sperling, Chaplain. topics, respectively, were The geles, daughter of Mrs. Sarah motored with them. AGUDtTS ACHIM i The executive committee with Privilege of Fellowship and Jew-Kozberg, 3257 Jennings street and The Agudus Achim Lodge held the assistance of Aleph Godol ish Christian Relations. Louis Goldstone, son of Mr. anda meeting last night at the Eagles The auditorium of the church Mrs. Henry Goldstone of Los Anm sioux CITY . •Schindler appointed the following Hall. committees: Cultural, S h e l d o n was filled to capacity. Norman and Herbert Rosenthal geles were married on Aug. 12. Singer and Sherman Sperling; spent last -week-end visiting with The bride is a Central High School ANXIVERSABY' PARTT Athletic, Don Davis and Bert Bergraduate and "Mr. Goldstone is a Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roffman friends in Sioux City. gen; Social, Ray Greenberg; Soformer student of the University celebrated their tenth wedding RETURNED HOME cial Service, Harold Grueakin; of Nebraska. They reside at 1516 anniversary Wednesday evening Mrs. William Rothstein left Miss Jean Shindler, daughter N. Hobat St., Los Anegeles. . . Religious, Calmon. Levich; Memat a surprise party given them by Sunday for her home in St. Joof Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shindler will bership, Sid Goldberg. several relatives and friends, and seph, Mo., after visiting for ten An elaborate installation of of- be married to Dr. Al Aronow, son Mrs. S. I. Bolotnikov returned arranged, by Mr. Sain Sacks. An days at the t o n e of her parents, of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Aronow of •fleers was held yesterday. At the after a two week visit with her anniversary gift was presented Mr. and Mrs. San Meyerson. " ceremony the officers and • mem- Des Moines, la., at 4 o'clock this brother, Rev. N. Goldwaser at them. bers renewed their vows to their coming Sunday at the Shaare Chicago and Benton Harbor, Mich. HOME FKO31 LAKES Zipn synagogue. Rabbi H. R. RabChapter and Judaism. Bob Endel.m&n and'Julius BernEN ROUTE WEST inbwitz and- Cantor Pernick will • Miss Annette Forman of Oma- Guests this week- at the Maxstein returned early 'this week officiate. from Lake'Okoboji, where they ha, Nebr. is spending the week The platform of the synagogue with Miss S h i r l e y Fein, 2959 Steinberg residence were Mr. andspent several days. Mrs. Henry Dubin .and s o n , will be decorated with palms and Stone Park Blvd. the aisle will be covered with white cloth. The bride will wear Rose Sperling and her brother The Hebrew • School children a gown of. crepe Belaine gowned and sister-in-law, Mr. and .Mrs. will, have a picnic next: Wednes- by .Kalmour.. • day morning at 9:30 a. m. at Riv- The attendants for the wedding Paul Sperling departed Wedneserside park. The teachers in will be: maid of honqr, Miss Nor- day for a weeks visit with friends : charge are Rabbi ^Jfacob Brown ma Aronow, sister of the groom; and relatives. and Miss .Rose'Goldsman. , - : best man, Charles Shindler,'brothMiss Rosalie Sacks-is Visiting Refreshments will be. served by er of the bride; the attendants : the Hebrew Mothers Club. Prizes will be Mrs. Rose Shindler, grand- here with her parents. Miss Sacks will be awarded to the winners of mother of the bride-to-be, who is taking nurses training a f t h e :the races,and games that are held. will march at the front of the Michael Re'ese hospital. procession together with her broMr. and Mrs, Harry Wigodsky ther, Mr. Herman Ozer of Newark, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Oppen- of Yankton, So. Dak. entertained heimer of Des Moines, grandpar- 60 guests at a-dinner Sunday eve-•» • ents of the groom. Mr. and Mrs.ning at the Shaare Zion synagogue. The dinner was given in honMr. Solomon Stein, 54 years of Ben Shindler and Mr. and Mrs. S. or of their 25th wedding anniage, died last week in a hospital J. Aronow will then follow. : versary. The maid of honor will carry in Elizabeth, New Jersey of an a nosegay of assorted flowers. The infection in his foot. Dr.-Morris Bernstein will open The sole survivor is Mrs. S. bride will carry a white bible with up an office next Monday at 1121 . •, Stein, wife of the deceased. Mr. a corsage of orchids. Badgerow Bldg. Dr. Bernstein is a Following the ceremony there graduate Stein was a resident of Sioux City of Central High School until about six months ago when will be a. family dinner in the so- and Iowa University. cial hall, of the Shaare Ziori synahe moved to Elizabeth. gogue. ' . Anneliese Bain has left for Immediately after the dinner lierMiss Home in walsenberg, Colo, Address Changes there will be a reception which will continue throughout the eve-after spending the past month in the honie 6f Mr. and Mrs. Isadore - The Center keeps a perpetual ning. ' census of the Jewish population The couple will take a 2 week Marsh. and residence in Sioux City. It wedding trip northward and then Mrs. Phillip Sherman and son, would be very much appreciated will make their home at 1336 Eugene, 1704 Douglas St., have If anyone knowing of any new-12th street in Des Moines. for Excelsior Springs for comers or removals or changes of After Sept. 1 Dr. AL-Aronow departed address would call and inform the a months visit.


Hebrew School to Hold Picnic

HAS HOUSE GUEST at the home of his brother-in-law er happy to observe that the stuBette Lee Harris arrived home and sister, Mr. End Mrs. J a c k dents were learning the lessons of the School of Applied Religion). Sunday after spending a week Steinberg. (Copyright IP39 By Seven Arts visiting in Fremont, Neb. ReturnFes.lure Syndicate.) ing with her, was Beverly Krasne of Fremont. ' A 1 o'clock lEEcheoE for J2, "given in honor of Miss Krasne, ws.s held Thursday at the Karris home. The afternoon -was Page 1) {Continued Jr spent at bridge. Mrs. Js,eefc paring people, ^ith speaking to Funeral services were held God for tbem in the cbaste acLEAVING Mrs. Al Lavin ac& children, cents of the King James version.) Tuesday mo.rcing at the Jewish . Tbis, it seemefi- to me, v-asFixnerat home tor Mrs, Esther Marilyn. Francice and Michael of Chicago, who have spent the -past something new ace fine in relig- I.Iollie Finkenstein vrho fliec. MonE£X weeks visiting at the home ions serving. I bid those vrho feel day at s. local hospital. Sirs. Finof Mrs. Lavjn's brother-in-law and they can't let any of their money | kenstein hac been an Omalia resisister, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Abrahanir go to the support of such relig- jdent for forty years, soa, are returning today to their ion to come, close EEC! warm v.v in| Surviving: her are: three flaughhome. During their visit, they tie slew of this new kind o£ Jud-I ters. "Irs. Harry Sluts'.ky o£ Oma-' have "been extensively entertained aism. It is' really a. vrz.rm, living j ba, Mrs. Eva. Woods of WRUB&U, by relatives and friends in Coun- rabbinical college in.which, young men lift their eyeE to lock at the j Wisconsin, and Mrs. Sur Finkencil Bluffs and Omaha. Mrs. Lavin was formerly Miss troubled kumEE alfai-s beyond jstein of Cleveland; and five sons, the bald heads, of their profes- Morris cf Cleveland; Harry nnd Rose Racvtsin of Osaha. sors; .it is a deserving' Union of Abe of Nevr York City; smd JoAmerican Hebrew Congregations seph and Louis of Oinalm. IX CALIFORNIA ' by whose aid prophet-like roiing Burial was at. Pleasant 3?.JI1. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Krasne and rabbis are projected into the Mrs. Albert Krasne have left tor irorld. a inosith's visit in California. NOTICE O^ DISSOLUTION OF ' The -Eiuder.ts offered a sample BIACKEK PRINTING COMPANY of the religion o£ social action FROM LOS ANGELES Mrs. Mary Siegel cf Los As- that Judaism vrill have-to be if it ! KNOW AT..L, 3T THESE geles, Cal., has been visiting' for [ is to t a r e any meaning in the jj P R E S E N T S : That e,f. the meeting of tho «t?oekmodern world. the past fire .wests at t i e hose jj holders ni Blacker Printing- Company of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. (A similar incident occurred j duly held at the o'i'.ce o: the corporaBrown. Mrs. Brown honored her awhile back among the Epsicopal- tion on the 30th tiay o.C December, 1S3S. at: which all of the ptockholdere guest last Thursday at a luncheon isns •who in our city hare E school ves-tpresent and voting, p. resolution for SO, held at her home. Bridge o* applied relielci! in which their was unanimously atlopip^. that the furnished the afternoon's diver- studetts for the clergy get the co^rorp.tion ce?.^e tc do b!i^rce?« p.s end that the SPTIIF- be dissolved; sion. i social significance of religion. such accordingly, notice o" KV-CV'. act'on of Mrs. Siegel plans to reisain j Tfcey stiicj7 in the slums, the jails, the dissolution of saio. Bl^ck^i' P r i n t ' the courts and the hospitals. Sev- ins: Comr-ar*-" i^ h^r-'"<v f;ivpTs here until Labor Day. eral cf the students marched in s, Ey DAVID BLACKER. picket line and were arrested. EnVISITED HEKE nt, Mr. Harry Mallin of Kansas lightened Episcopalians were not By . J. SMITH, Secretary. City, Mo., was a guest this veek ashamed of them; they were rath- 8-11-39-4C.

Former Resident of Sioux City Dies

Rosh Hashonah Greetings f TKrowgK the COIMHWS of

center."' •".-*•—".



' ~

Orthodox Synagogues Services will be held tonight at 7:30 and in the morning at 9 o'clock. Rabbi S. Bolotnikov will spealrat the morning services of the Beth Abraham synagogue.:

JOB WANTED (Each week The Jewish Press will present in - this space the qualifications of some worthy individual seeking employment- Anyone Interested, please call Dorothy Merlin at the Jewish Community Center.)

Elderly man, age 60, in good physical condition, capable of doing stockroom work or night watchman is in. urgent need of employment.

•trill hpgin nig prartinp.


A dinner dance and reception was given on "Wednesday, August 9th for Miss Beatrice Levitzky in honor of. her coming marriage to Mr. Nathan Cohen of Cedar Bapids. The hosts for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. E. Cohen. The party took place at the Roosevelt hotel in Cedar Rapids. There will be a luncheon given this afternoon at the Oasis honoring Miss Levitzky. The luncheon Is being given by friends.

* Word has been received, l a Sioux City of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldstein of Chicago, HI. Miss Goldstein Is a former Sioux Cityan. and a daughter of Mrs. Leah


Baron of Sioux City.

Sid Goldberg returned after a five weeks trip to the East.

Pope Discusses AntiSemitism

Continuing* the prenuptlal e ^ New York (JTA) — Pope Pius tertainment for Miss Ethel Shind- has held a long private audience ler, were several parties given with Prof. Giorgio del Vecchio, this week. ousted Jewish rector of Rome ' M r . and Mrs. Wm. Sherman University, during which the Ponwere hosts to six couples at a din- tiff was understood to have shown ner in their home on Sunday hon- keen interest in the anti-Semitic oring Miss Shindler :aria" her fi- problem, on which he asked deance Dr. S. Bergen. Mrs. Louis tailed information, according to a Shindler was hostess at a 1 o'clock New York Time3 dispatch from luncheon in her home, 2009 Jen- R o m e . • • • ' • .

In Our



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