In the Interests of the Jeu.
MV OPERATION 1 have just made a date ior an operation in the hospital. <I don't think it's a very serious operation.) In former times I • Entered as Second Class Mall Hatter on January 21. 1931. at OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FEIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1939 J f t o f f l f Omaha. Nebraska^ under the Act of March 8. 1879 "would have been jittery about going t o : a hospital for an operation. I would have trembled to .consider the hazards of death; to leave this earth seemed the worst thing that could happen to a man. A m o n g the many activities It was rather a lovely place. sponsored by the Jewish CommuEverybody was sure that every nity Center is the newly organised tomorrow was- going to be better I Riding club for ctiidren who &tthan today for the world. Of I tended Camp Jay-C-C and for course, people had their own Next Wednesday evening, Sep1 others who are interested. trobbles . . . . toothaches and fih tember 13, Jews throughout the Classes will be held every aftnancial problems and divorces . . . serious aspects of life and world will assemble in their synaj ernoon after school and. on Sunbut human society as a whole was First Group of Congress gogues to observe the Jewish New moral responsibility of the ;;,. Var Sec days. Riders will meet at the marching forward to a good desYear, Rosh Hashonah. Thi d . Jewish Florence Stables, 82 02 N o r t h . Delegates Land in Services are scheduled for all tiny, it seemed. (Mankind alis traditionally "tne* anniversary of Thirteieth street, and ride for one c*-w, JSR3 New York ready could behold the outlines of local -synagogues. the creation. hour in Hummel park. Tfce fee the temple). The holiday is observed for two I will be 50 cents. AID GOVERNMENT Tomorrow would bring us one EXPECTING 'NEW DEAL' days among Orthodox and Con- The Rosh Hashonah service will Miss Cleo Gates, who was a, day closer to the temple, everyservative Jews. Keform Jewry begin at Temple I member of the camp staff, will be All news items for t e x t l\ Communities Forsi Debody was certain. The news of Believe ! riding instructor. Further in- J week's issue of TI-1E J ELVISH | ' "White Paper observes but one day. day evening at 8 the world never was anything to fense Cossiaittees All | formation may be gotten at the PRESS must be in the office j Unlike other Jewish festivals, ices on Thursday will start at 10 Now to Be Scrapped' •worry about. . A crazy woman i office of the Jewish Community bi' noon on llond?.'-. Sepierti- i; the holy days which .start the a. m. Shabbos Shuvah services Over Poland by Britain killed a : French editor and that i Center. ber 11. ' New Year are not related to prim- are scheduled for Friday eveniEg ;; meant nothing to anybody, exitive nature holidays or identified at S and Saturday morning at 11. Chief of J. T. A. ITETSSTV Bureau Next week's paper will bt ; j By DANIEL 1.. SCHORR cept for the juicy morsels of scanwith any historic event. I one day earlier bees-use 01 the ' I "Warsaw (JTA) — Despite Nazi dal that would come out of the ORTHODOX SYNAGOGUES New York (JTA) — After a assurances ,tha,t open towns would New Year E.nd vill inc'ucip 7? :< The New Year is regarded as a Jrial. The opening service of the High not be bombed, a number of five-day voyage marked by night- day of self-examination, selfpages o£ specially vrlLLeu leaThe Titanic.'sank on its first ly "black-outs" and tension over criticism and self-judgment.- -On Holy days will be held at the B'nai towns in the Warsaw district have iures. I: voyage but that gave only an the war crisis, the first group of this day every human being is Israel synagogue on Wednesday. been subjected to repeated aerial Ixour's pain; it had nowJng to do some 40 American delegates to to search -the record of his past evening at 7 o'clock. Thursday bombings by tire Germans. Ancng with social destiny: At ' Kitty the Geneva Zionist Congress re- life, to judge his actions a n d morning the-service will begin at towns suffering heaviest damage Hawk the Wrights made their turned Monday on the British lin- deeds of -the past year, and to 7 a. m. At 10 a. in. Rabbi I. from the Nazi air raids are the refirst flight and to those who er Queen Mary with a message make sincere resolution to turn Ractovsky will speak at the B'nai j sorts of Podkowa., Lesna, Brwinow "We'll Rerne~fcer" thought of the first airplane as that the Zionists were united in from wrong-doing and sinfulness Israel synagogue. nisi Office Paper I and the township of Pruszkol, all anything more than a plaything it support of the democracies and in the year to come. On Friday morning Rabbi Rack- j of which have large Jewish popuFledges •was a sig^of the bright, •wonder- expected a Palestine Jewish. State ovsky Tvill speak at 10 a. in. at lations. A number of villages outThe New Year a n d the Day of the ful new world that we were ap- to emerge from the present conCongregation Beth Harnedrosls side the .Warsaw district have also | London (JTA) — Great Britain Atonement which' occurs 10 days • proaching. • • Hagodel. flict. been raided by German warplanes. |a n Q the East, unofficial monthlater are known as "The Days of Bigotry No More During the High Holy Days Many children tave been killed | piece of the Colonial Office, voiced The belief that the White Paf n r i N( To be a, Jew was no special per was scrapped and that Jewish Cantor A. SchwaczMn will con- J in the raids. A hospits.1 train I the Britisk grovemment's gratitude Jewish .pain. Only Russia was making aid in defense of Palestine would duct all services1 at the Congrega-'j loaded with wounded was also I to the Zionists for sinking dif'p£ anti-Semitism a vicious social bring concessions to the Zionists tion B'nai Israel. bombed from the air. The city ferences ever Palestine policy and practice, but 'for the victims there was expressed in interviews by j of Czestocbows, in southwestern pledging support to Britain in the jwas escape. America still had BETHEL I Poland, wfcicn was captured "by international crisis. of the delegation, who inJerusalem f JTA") — E.eeistrs- ! p . * ^ ^ 'frontiers and plenty of room and leaders Rabbi David A. Goldstein will j the German forces and "reportedly cluded Dr. Solomon Goldman of Commenting editorially on the tion of all Jewish men and worn-! or''V{, |" to America they came and made speak on "Why We'Have Hope" ! recaptured by the Polish army, . 'Jovely lives. Anti-Semitism was Chicago, president of the Zionist at the opening service oi'Rosli'*-•*- - - •• -•• - .declaration at the recent World en between the eges of IS End j a ~ e r t a Jewish •population of 27,_000. Congress by President 50 for national service was &n- | y-{;j. P Scarcely a word we knew. Per- Organization of America; David Hashonah Wednesday evening at Thousands_ of Jews and non-Jews j; Zionist chain Weizniann that the J Jews nonnced after a joint meeting of Labor Had secution of r a c e and religion Wertheim, secretary of the Poale Compulsory 8 o'clock. Thursday morning the e. personnel *"" fled the city before the German j stand behind Britain, the periodi- executives of the Jewish Arencj; seemed buried with the bones of Zion-Zeire Zion; Mrs. Moses P. service will begin at S with the Begun Early in occupation. • • • • ' — . . . The Join'i. I CEI said: "This statesmanlike note Epstein, president of Hadassah; and Jewish National CourseC. 'the Torquemadas. reading of the Torah at 9:15. Two hundred Jews who were on which tbe conference ended is • August Rabbi "Wolf Gold, president of the Those enlisting will he iippr] There eeem,ed plenty of room in The title of Rabbi Goldstein's to emigrate to Palestine cancelled •worthy of the leaders of Sionisin 'V the woria which by then seemed World Mizrachi Executive; Abrasermon will be "Tha Conflict Tliat i their departure. _ the j (1) for security nurposes EBC IT 1 Amsterdam (JTA) — Compuland they may be assured that ham Goldberg of New York, j to re-rider the British, army in ±o have been'equitably divided; ! A Jewish Telegraphic Agency | British'pecple will not'iorgef tlieir employment of abled-bodied Is Eternal." the occasional reports of unrest in Elihu D. Stone of Boston a n d sory young Jews and Jewesses on man- Friday morning the service wul j correspondent visited the Jewish attitude in this hour of destiny." I Palestine any necessary Gssisi:- declared it s EI the Balkans troubled only the his- Judge Harry Fisher of Chicago. I ance, it was stated. further tiauls begin at S. At this time Rabbi < quarters of Warsaw, inhabited by | Referring Similar sentiments were ex- ual labor projects in Germany, Goldstein will speak on "The j approximately 3 50.000, w h i c h ! assistance i. to Jewish offers of | The Jewish Agency issued B. ,1PV"F oT i r e w torians. Balkan peoples were sup-' which beganearly in August, is .ance in Palestine, the ediposed ' to be the good-natured, pressed by Rabbi Israel Goldstein, now proceeding on a large scale, Greatest Defense & Person May j were.among the hardest hit in the 1 torial sa'd: fce said that sword-bearing, brawling folks we president of the Jewish National and people. to telephonic informa- Have. series of Nazi air raids since Ger- nothing less was expected, will | to the British a: learned to know in comic operas Fund, and Rabbi Abba Hillel Sil- according land urging discipline and na- -j. tion -from Berlin. A first installmany invaded Poland. Two houses he understood that this comment like "The Chocolate Soldier;" ver of -Cleveland, chairman of the ment of SO employes of the Ber"In this pnipr. ; ^ , in the Jewish suburb of . Kolo were , ._ intended as the highest ccm- | tional service. they could never do any damage. United Palestine_ Appeal, arriving lin Jewish Community has been i grency, Palestine Jewry rn v s t : ' | completely destroyed by bombs, jpliment to the Jewish race." The Yes, it was a pleasant world next' day on the United States drafted for manual labor projects, Ten persons were killed and SO i editorial stands in sharp dlsiinc- ! maintain p. triple front." the j !,and we knew Europe only as a liner President Roosevelt. Like including r o a d - building, house otaers wounded. Bombs dropped!tion to tfce same paper's attitude \ statement said, "for defence of !| 1 i ' , f'ftO place to which more fortunate the others, they had experienced construction for men. factory 1 hy Nazi fliers on the stiDcrb of j toward the .Tews in recent ir-o^ths.! the Jewish homeland, the secur- t , paople. went for vacation a n d great difficulties in obtaining work in the garment industry for killed eight 'Jewish, or- 1 when it was strongly critical of I ity ci the Jewish peo;;le and Liitv1 'c e brought back fine linens as gifts steamship passage. A large num- -women. phans, two Jews and two Jewesses j the Jews' refusal to accept Erit- I rietcry oJ F.fitted lilm.pirc." 1£ . •for relatives and friends. An oper- ber of American. Zionists had not Of 35Q Kulturbund — Jewish j Tee p.dded thef. orppsi- j 0. and wounded Iain's new Palestine policy. ation, however minor, was a mat- yet arrived and were expected on Until','All Americans Quit A total ofSO. ] tioE to Britain's new Palestine j _-. 100 boinljs were cultural association employes, Tie periodical's Palestine corter to worry about; it would have the French liner He de Prance • 'War Zone Refugees dropped on Warsaw alone during respondent, discussi~s that coun- | policy was cot directed asf-insL i e . 26 have been taken as a first inbeen dreadful to wake- up andand other ships. I Britain itself. \ Q the first raids. Tie city of Lubstallment ior manual labor. OfMust Wait miss the great future. ; Center Snifts lin WES bobbed Saturday, with SO try's position, urged io7i3s.tiOE of ficials of the Kulturbund were NOTT a3 I make ready for my ' Met by joyou3 relatives a n d notified by the' Nail authorities I Paris (JTA) The Arserican persons killed, 'ia'clbding five. cr:i- a iocs! militia composed of Britoperation, 1 am conscious-of-310 friends on the 'crowded Cuhard that „., ^ , British, * , , , - = , ,within it niay -Tj'ecoiae -r.eeessa?y-~toi . . . i o . i . ±^i J l u u "has" practically discon- •dren,-' ;"E.-nd' 5 5 o t h e r s _ ' s e r i o a s i y , fey for„ =service the > troubling at all. Not that I am pier, the Zionists, on the Queen commandeer the sole Jewish thea- Consulate tinued issuance of immraigration wounded. Many Jews were among ! country and declared the pr reject fond of operations. I wish Hitler Mary told of their difficulties In ter in Berlin to billet 300 soldiers, visas to refugee applicants, while the casualties. There were many ' was consicLeration t y tns had this operation in my place. arranging steamship p a s s a g e but this step has not yet been the number of refugees and other Jewish victims also in Saturday's From the time of a previous oper- from crisis-stricken Europe. After taken. 1 air raids of Brest, Rzeszow, Raaliens registering as volunteers Meanwhile, Jewish Agency of- I Si! Heroic! A, r-'iEcft.'ichp?! ir ?• \ ation, long ago, I remember the receiving American embassy asdom and Cracow. Warsaw -was ficials w-ere Besting through all ! broadcast ttvthe country \r- wMcl; i Wages Same for the French army mounted to post-anaesthetic nausea, the pain surances that they would be evacThe drafted Jewish workers are such proportions that the recruit- bombed eight times in all on Sat- possible channels to arrange i he defined the issr.e of the v s r in my back which I was told was uated by an American battleship being paid the came rate as "Ary- ing offices begged some of the ap- urday. transportation home for the Pales- i as civilization E. p s i r: g t. briue a consequence of lying on the if necessary, they waited at the ans"and are being treated the plicants to return in three or four Sejm Cheers Jews tiTien s,r.d Polish delegates to thei force. "I ViEve receded m ? r-. y ; .operating table. I remember beA special session of the Sejm Congress in Geneva, stranded by i protestations of Icya'ty,'" Sir H"?- ; 'ing under strict orders to lie flat French port of Nacqueville from same, although they are kept seg- days. At the American Consulate, it cheered a declaration by Jewish the interruption in communica"- j old declared, "bin to the xnc.r.y •on my back for a -week, though August 26 to 30 and finally em- regated and work separately. The !my whole being desired to turn barked for a voyage during which advent of forced labor for young- was explained that discontinuance I parliamentarians _ that the Jewish j tions. The Agency hoped to he | hoping: for selfish advaEt&ge from ' they listened anxiously to radio er members of the community is of visas stemmed from the fact population w i t h o u t exception j able to place 20 or SC Palestinian- I Europe's turmoil I poinl ont thst i ipver. . a n d observed rigid an event of considerable import- that under the present circum- stood ready to make all sacrifices j on each neutral liner proceeding j weak peoples csT-nn!. r-Iy ov. f But I find I am not In the least bulletins ance from the economic viewthe Consulate was chiefly to ensure Poland's victory in her j through the Mediterranean from I brutal clique v.-hosfi v-Etc^wprciE i worried about not waking up or "black-out" restrictions, not even point, because it may help to take stances 1 in having American war with Germany. ! 1 Marseille. D a v i d Ben Gurion, j are force faithlessness.'" leaving the earth by reason of being able to smoke on deck at some of the strain off the heavily interested citizens secure places on steamers Zbonzsya, Polish frontier, town j chairman ct the Jewish Agency's j Sir Harold appealed tp cli peoother operational circum- night. to the United States. It was em- which until last week was the site | Palestine - Executive, was aboard j pies in Palestine ic sink their tiliIn interviews with Zionist lead- burdened Jewish communities. istance. I feel quite indifferent. Reich Propaganda Ministry phasized to this correspondent at of a large Jewish refugee camp, the liner .City of Cairo, en oute : ferences. He Baid steps had been i".por. i n r pv. •fTo be ejected suddenly and un-ers of all factions, three salient hasThe ice. Bestck totally prohibited the activi- the Consulate that- women a n d has been recaptured by the Polish to Palestine from Pdarseille. i taken to safeguard ?-fce interests 'jceremoniously from the current points emerged: (1) The Zionists and world ties of the Kulturbund, closing its children would be the first aided forces, it was announced- by the Kany of the Polish Zionists who J or all communities. jworld does not look like the worst tried to return to "Warsaw thrpnirh ; Ecm? 1,C CC C??ch ?rv\?.}-. F.?.Jewry are virtually unanimous in theater and cinema and assuming by the consular authorities to re- Polish radio. ihat could happen to a man. control of its treasury- The Kul- turn to America. Jewish communities throughout Italy were turned hack at t h e ! servicemen here beer, cs'ipd to (Continued on page 7.) Death Welcome turbund's treasury was almost Next will come American males Poland formed co-ordinating state Italian frontier and came to Paris to the Csecb const'.! gev."What il a man doesn't wake up empty because 20,000 marks had and only when the Consulate is defense committees to co-operate and London, seeking a route I| report here in connection v-iib. (be to look at a world of which Hitler been distributed to employes as a sure that all Americans who want- with the authorities. All Jewish through' the Scancir.avian coun- | eral •world-wide prepE,ratioEs to raisfe is the master. At this moment precautionary measure. ed to return to the United States groups, including rabbinical, Zion- tries. The almost total disruption ;e Czech army to fight Germany. this seems to be the dreadful cliist, labor and youth organisations, At the same time, the Propaof regular passenger services dehave been enabled to do so, will max of political and military pro| The moment-war was declared ganda Ministry ordered the Jue-issuance of quota visas be re- r e s p o n d e d enthusiastically to layed their departure. , pesseB that have been going on i asrainst Germany, the British r a President Ignace Moscicki's manidisches Nachrichtenblatt, German sumed on a normal pre-war basis. ^ d u r i n g the recent month. This festo calling upon the nation to Jewry's only newspaper, reduced Two Months Period morning (this Is being written The~ Consulate estimated that resist Germany's invasion. All p£ about two weeks ahead of publiThe work of the Arts and Crafts to four pages to appear on Tuescation) I woke ' u p in a world class of Camp Jay-C-C is now on days and Fridays, instead of the it may take a minimum of t w o the bodies published appeals to ver the German Con.Ev.tate here. \ ^ which Tiad come suddenly to a display in the library of the Jew- former 12 to 16 pages, and inti- months before all Americans who | their memberships . t o co-operate rhile Jewish crowds cheered. i '*' turn of history. The large, black ish Community Center. T h i s mated possible further reduction desire it are back in the United with tbe government in every way 1 / I 1 * { \ j A wave of enthusiasm «ov iii'JL- i sh population's headlines left me stunned as by a group, under the direction of Mrs. in size, perhaps total suspension. States. Thus, for the nest two and voiced the Telephonic contact between the months there are hardly a n y determination to make every sacfilow between the eyes. Germany Meyer Beber. •worked on baskets, ft pr?*i rifice in defense of the nation. and Russia had .agreed and Hitler trays, coasters'and. other objects. Netherlands and German Jewish chances for immigration visas. W'»»U«Ba. I tart, . I French newspapers report the was free to go places . . . to go Tne work of the following chil- organizations and individuals was and- challenge the current dren is being exhibited: Jeanne suddenly and inexplicably termi- rush of alien volunteers to the renated. The disruption was inter- cruiting offices. Le Matin especivilization to humble France Blacker, wastebasket; Dita Loew-and England . . to raise his fist, enstein, fruitbasket; Chucky Beb- preted here as a prohibition on cially draws attention to the "inill hois to the distant westward and er, flowerbasket; Barbara Black- all German-Jewish contacts with numberable aliens who are bethe outside world. Ordinary tele- sieging the {recruiting stations as rvices a threaten this hemisphere and aller, Arlene Dansky, Elsa Loewen- phone service between Holland candidates for uniforms." stein, Lee Jane Greenberg and that we cherish-here. Germany was normal, but Active in organizing Polish What could stop him now?-£ng- Donald Vann, coasters; Arthur and at Berlin and Cologne Jews in France for defense is the FinaX plans for the Annual i Rabbi Da-rid A. Goldstein' and i Jand? France? They had been Epstein, Dita Loewenstein, Buddy exchanges served notice on callers that they strengthening him in ail these Beber, Michael Kulakofsky and were forbidden to connect t h e Federation of Polish Jews. The Achar Hataunis dance, sponsored {Cantor Aaron Edsrar will officiate. | Federation issued E. communiQue by Mother Chapter No. 1 of A. S. ! Mr. I.Iendelson vill be present for years and now they stood trem- Eve Chesler, tiles; Martha Rosenhave been laid. Highlighting j those who . wish individual serv- | 1? bling before the creature of their "blatt and Harley Beber, book- numbers of Jewish organizations. announcing that many aged Jews, A., Ik including a septuagenarian, have this affair will be the contest for ! foes. own making. It was the darkest ends; Phyllis Freed and Manfred put themselves at t h e gov- choosing the "Sweetheart of Oxna- J in event of rain, perrices will ; v; morning in the life-time even of Siegler, ash trays; Phyllis Freed, ernment's disposal. While other ha A. Z. A." The dance commit- I be postponed until tfce follcwing ; u the oldest citizen but most people Arlene Dansky. Barbara Blacker, ii aliens are obliged to purchase gas tee has chosen the following girls I Sunday. •were scarcely mindful of tragedy Elsa LoewenBtein, Dita Lowenmasks, French authorities have as nominees for this coveted lion- i If Jailing on civilization. The talk stein and Michael Kulakofsky, 1 informed the Federation that Pol- or: La Brina Herzoff. Norraan-i f S f p f p f t ' r f f l ^ .:r i Y i ^ fiMtT '• v,•was mostly of the Cincinnati Reds trays. ish Jews in Paris will be given Selden, Connie Meyers and Gloria : MS | P |S-H t f i \U Hi, Hi 1 P I r= blanking the Phillies and extendMichael Kulakofsky, Dick Segal, the masks without, charge. The and Evelyn ^Volk. The Sweet- ! ^ ^ H-Ust-- <*•** k W « t * U , r. ing their lead to 4% games. Bunny Sommer and Jeremy GoldRegistration -for the Sabbath Federation is also mobilizing Jew- heart will be ciosen by popular | ff p | ? f | T * ^ f fr'ftrf! 1 f T>rr$ • '.'. (The girl at my right in the bus stein, vases; Norman Rosenblatt, women for passive defense ac- vote iof those attending the fiance. | fHSn-ih-f l4r fil't'l^f. A4;! ^V -i "was telling her friend of the fur-Helen Resnick, B u d d y Beber, school will take place Sunday ish especially for work in The dance this year will be held j ^ " t U t e i » ••a l t l b * *"**t t W ; ^ coat she had bought in the August Herschel "Wolfson, Joan Robinson, morning at 10 o'clock at the Jew- tivities, C » ••-V.'c. hc factories where the man power ish Community Center. Parents at the Jewish Comsiunity Center I : c" sale. The woman across the aisle Marty Faier, Bunny Sommer, civi; vi has been mobilized. must accompany their children at which will be especially decorated 1 Mrs. Bernard TTelf, presicent of ; ° •was reciting some recipe for sal-Josie Kleiman and Dicky Segal, the t i m e o l registration. Actual for this affair, on Tom Kipper | the Temple Israel Sisterhood, ED- \ : ad.) . • •• wall tiles. classes will begin on Saturday night, September 23. at 9:30. ! Bounces that final plans have bean \ The New Pact morning. September IS. Tickets for this affair may he j completed for the dance which is ; _, But these were younger people. purchased from any A. S. A. 1 ! to be teld at tee KiphlanS Conn- ' r| The Beth El Hebrew school It morning to wake up in member- or any member of the j try C u b this Sunday evening.:^ began its sessions on Tuesday, for people who long ago looked at advisory board. George Johnson [September 1C. i ',•, September 5. Dr. Morris Margothe increasing dawn and were sure lin, chairman of the school board, i and his orchestra will provide ths | Tie guests will be entertair.efi i , of a wrorld growing inevitably betreports that €5 children have been The Congregation B'nai Jacob, jmV!B i c ter. Long ago the biggest cracker enrolled in the school. factory in our town proclaimed its 24th and Nicholas streets, an- | _ •, ,^ Mr. Sol Kahz is again teaching nounces that ail persons who de- \ ReU&gTL Mendel' Selz and Abraham Epassurance of this in a slogan MVGWTi tO in the school. The school will which It painted on all its wagons: stein have been engaged as cansire the same seats for the New | TT j T continue to enroll pupils until the "The, "World is Growing Better," tors for the High Holy days at the Year, must make arrangements »„_,„ before „„„,„ uSelicoth. rtr ft E Congregation of B'nai Israel in Succoth Holiday. Further infor- , for them ciiiiWU_ but finally it rubbed it out. mation may be gotten by calling The synagogue also announces Hitler was marching to blood- South Omaha. Reuben Brown was elected pres- pp- coi Seats for the holidays are avail- Dr. Margolin. AT 75S5, or Miss that all" those attending Rosh , ident of the grand lodge of the less-victories. The granaries and oil and'minerals of Russia were able at moderate prices, and more Rosenblatt, s e c r e t a r y of the Hashonah services must h a v e j Ivre Club at the convention held at his command for boundless war details may be obtained from A. school, JA 79S7 or GL 4502. The their tickets with them. j last week end in Sioux City. PI Jacobson, Goodman Meyerson or school meets at 4SO8 Davenport. Selicoth services will start to- Feldnian also of Omalia was namor for peace infliced by force. Harry Dworsky. morrow night at midnight, Caa- ed secretary-treasurer. Hitler and Stalin! David Traatman Dead tor Lewitsky will conduct t h e Members of the Ivre clubs of (I am wondering how my ComHenry Ward Beecher, famed service. ' Sioux City, Ses Moinss, Lincoln, jnunist friends are going to rationProtestant minister, in .18 7 1 Beachwood, N. J. (WNS) — alize this sellout, what virtue they I and Oraana attended ths an-nsl. Sir Felix SercoE, a Danzig Jew, convertios. Omaha WES choser. EE will discover in Stalin lying down preached a long eulogy of t h e David Trautman, vice-president Jews at the time of the first inand secretary of the Federation was in IS01 appointed physician the site of the 1340 raeetir-Swith . Hitler, what higher . purstance of discrimination against of Polish Jews in America for 20 extraordinary to Edward VII of Mr. Brown succeeds J&ck Go'd| the Jews at Saratoga, N. Y. (Coutiuued on page S.) years, died here age of 71. England. siaitfi of Sioux €ity.
Center Organizes 'New Riding Class *&
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B'nai Jacob Tells • Policy for Tickets for Rosh Mashonah \
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the rri*w*
.Page 2
gees from- Germany who ere still support. In Vienna, there were tle or no capital, and a large perhere &re reported in a pitiful conmany poor Jews, chiefly among centage of ordinary working peothose who had arrived during the ple wieh no accumulated reserves dition, since the OovernmeEt has World War and the early post- at all. closed down the Jewish relief w a r years. But until the AnschHence, it will be quite imposcommittee for refugees and they luss, the Jews were able to ac- sible for Hungarian Jewry to colBy Percy Winner are penniless. Many are living on | Amsterdam (JTA) Jewish cumulate reserves abroad. .lect the money needed to train In Hungary, there are perhaps. emigrant youths, to provide them house-to-house beggar;-. For iiv-j circles here feared serious reprisa dozen or so very wealthy fam- minmal funds, and to pay their ing quarters large groups buddlejals Rgainsi the Jews in Germany, .-..;. HUNGARY are. responsible whereas the re- know that there is no future fo ilies, for the most part "Christian travelling expenses. And, even Italian I In one room or vslk the street? s.t. j particular!;.' Zionist leaders, as a verse Is true. them either in Hungary or abroa Jews," baptized many years ago, more Important, it will not be posRome (JTA) — The EDITOR'S NOTE: Tl|Is is the As a result of the law, capital as professional people are choos- there are perhaps 20,000 families sible to feed and house t h o s e authorities have begun mass ar- J nigt i result of the formation of a Jew. first of a new Jewish Telegra- investments have almost com- ing new 'trades and callings, and In easy circumstances, but the Jews, remaining in Hungary, who rests of foreign Jews in northern Hundreds of Jews who moved ii s l , 2erio£ in Falestine to aid Britphic , Agency weekly feature. pletely stopped tlie French border in the hope since Jewish fin- learning them with courage an overwhelming majority are 'little' are doomed by the law to lose ev- Italy, throwing some into prison Foreign News Letter, ; to which anciers and industrialists have no spirit. a*. N a t i o n of serious develop. people — such as artisans, trad- ery possibility of earning their for not leaving the country and contributors will include Vic- reason to increase or even coninto France hare beer, ordered, by menu? v/as seen in German broadj Since, quite apart -from the rereleasing others who were able tor M. Bienstock, Boris Smolar, tinue their investments. Building strictions in foreign countries, or- ers, small shopkeepers — with lit- daily bread. the Italian border authorities to : casts emphasising an alleged nato prove that they were prepared Percy Winner, Roman Slobodin activity is at; a standstill. Many ganized emigration Is made imposi vpve off serious ri iindiguadi to depart. Eight Jews seized in evacuate the area. Trapped and j don-vice and other JTA correspondents industries, motion pictures, for ex- sible by the lack of foreign curtion In the Reich. without the relief committee to Turin are reported to have been in various 'parts' of the world. ample, are in the same fix.' A broadcast from Cologne rerency, the young emigrate as inescorted to the German border. advise them, their attempts to The column will appear regularported outbreaks of violence by In September, two of the im-dividuals,- or they try to arrangi leave Italy are hopelessly unorNo further information concern•• • • n ly in the Jewish Press. portant theatres in Budapest will for their departure. If they can, ing their fate has been received. gaclsed EEd futile. At the same !: Jews against Germans in Palesa probably close because their di- they will leave this land of thel The nearly 4,000 Jewish refu- time, the Government continues ' tine. The broadcast asserted that " BUDAPEST. rectors, being Jews, must retire. fathers for good and all. And, in to insist that they must emigrate, j mobs from the all-Jewish city of b: Additional and more d r a s t i c The result will be unemployment preparation, they are learning new A group of nearly 100 almost JTei Aviv destroyed the whole Gertake possession And it the succeeded in escaping into a new j man colony ot Ssrona and that the 31 anti-Jewish activities in Hungary for hundreds of non-Jews. Similar trades; young men are becoming in the fourth grade . . . Get it? . . . CRISIS ECHOES Jewish National Fund had more life by embarking on the Conte j leader o? the colony, Wuertemn) are anticipated in Budapest not examples can be multiplied by themechanics, young women masmoney it could even now get first- di Savoia in Naples as immigrants j berg, v-ss forced to escape in an Recent developments in Europe THIS AND THAT ai only because of constant and in-score. seues. . A French film based on the class land for new developments to America, only to be disembark- J Italian airplane. lead Westbrook to predict that nj creasing German influence and Rearmament Boom • Despite the restrictions, emigrastory of the St. Louis refugee ship . . . Despite the strict movie cen- e& in Genoa when orders vrere is-1 A pressure "but because the antiStill, on the other hand, there tion is going on not only of the Berlin will find it necessary to has just been finished in Paris sorship in Palestine a large numH Jewish law of May, 1939, has fail- is a species of boom based on the young but of skilled and able in- change its Aryan theory . . . He | v-s inhabited Sens In France . . . The approximately 15 rabbis ber of Nazi films are shown, ap- Ipor<t s t 0 »**« ™ 1 | ed to accomplish its purposes. expenditure by the Government of dustrial workers such as chemical •expects the Nazis to declare that among as essrly es the sixth century. the American delegates to parently with the blessing of the j The Hungarian ruling classes large sums on rearmament and electrical and textile engineers the Japanese are not Oriental i hoped to use the. law — the sec- public works connected with na- Many are leaving their jobs with- Aryans, as heretofore, but Orient- the Zionist Congress last week authorities In the recent j ond blow a t th&-Jewish popula- tional defense. Sqme industries, out waiting to be discharged in al Jews, as conclusively proved by were cabling frantic appeals to Haifa-Tel Aviv boat race & Jew FREE! An Expert Arrangement their friends in this country to use navigating a sloop rig crossed the j tlon, complementing and intensify- therefore, are doing quite well—-. order to concentrate their energies the name of their new prime mintheir influence to get them accomSf ing the restrictive provisions of temporarily. line a winner Our idea • on preparing for a new life some- ister, Nobuyuki Abe . . . Orchids modations on American etearaers, finish if the first law of May, 1938 —? as to Dorothy Thompson for her re-so that they'd have a chance to be of the height of cruelty is what where else -in the world. n a means of attaining three ends. The eventual collapse of this cent column entitled "Ecrasez back in time for the Holy Days was. recently done to a German 9 * First, as a means of holding in synthetic boomlet is the second l'lnfame" . . . In it she calls the . . . Here's hoping that by the Jew . . . He was granted a capiThe effect of this exodus is al- German talist visa to enter Palestine, bet S check the violent type of German- horn of the dilemma: if the Nazis chancellor "an arsonist, inspired anti-Semitism w h i ch take over, the Jews will be per-ready being felt in Hungary in the a liar, a murderer, a blackmailer time this appears in print most his children, 8 and 10 years old, USE'OUR EAST r&riSEKT pu?6--F/WIUMII AT 22ND were refused admission by the •would provoke such, open out- secuted as a matter of course; If form of such declines as a fallin; and a thief" . . . At another point of them will be back . . , off of 14,000,000 pengoes during PALESTINE POUCH British Administration . . . bursts of violence as-these which the Nazis don't take over, and the the last semester in the exporta- she says: "Everybody knows that Did you know that while New ABOUT PEOPLE are taking place in Bratislava, war danger should by some mir- tion of highly finished goods. At this 'government' rules by a cam- York Not very popular among t h e acle be dismissed, thereby pricksweltered the other day, Slovakia. the same time, the countries which arilla and a Pretorian Guard of ••••• S e c o n d , a s a m e a n s of d i v e r t i n g ing the boom bubble, the Jews receive these skilled workers will finks, thugs, informers, terrorists with the thermometer hovering leading ladies of screenland is around the 90-degree mark and Ingrid Bergman, David Selznick's the attention of the Hungarian would undoubtedly be made the probably. benefit. and professional liars" ' • . '. Then the humidity running it a dead latest discovery population from the grave, unsolv- scapegoats. She just NEVER BEFORE AT II PRICES! Agricultural Techniques there is her epigrammatic inter- heat, the maximum temperature passed special technicolor tests ed social and economic problems, ' In Hungary itself — excepting This is particularly true of ag- preation of c r r e n t events: in Tel Aviv was only 77 degrees? with flying colors — which Is particularly the long-delayed prob- the newly acquired area — «-the techniques. During the "Whatever the governments may . . . Ahmed Hussein, leader of the something that few of the femilem of agrarian reform. most serious effect of the Mayricultural forty years, it has been Jew- saw in their diplomatic letters, the E g y p t i a n Green Shirts, has nine stars can do . . . Sophie TuckThird, as a means of providing 1939 law has been psychological. past science, skill and labor which people of the world are becoming urgently appealed to Hitler to be-er, who is holding out against the the youns men of the nation with It is true that hundreds of per-ish have transformed elements of the a posse oh a man-hunt"".. . These those jobs in all branches of the sons have, lost their jobs. It is primitive, come a Moslem you entire 4-A combination in a cursystem of political know-it-alls, Drew Pear- join the. ranks of the'Unless national economy from which true that many more will be Hungarian patriarchal Faithful," rent actors' union fight, is gainsen and Robert S. Allen, authors agriculture into effeciqueezed out by the slow economic tive competitors of the most ad- of the syndicated column "Wash- writes Ahmed, "your cause is ing the admiration of those who iews are being dispossessed. strangulation method. It Is true vanced «jTXazi • P r o p a g a n d a foreign agricultural pro- ington Merry-Go-Round," insist lost" . . . What do you think the know why she is doing it . . . Al;•! Despite the', law, German propa- that thousands of young men and ducers. Expropriation of the Jew- that the Nazis have definite mili- Tel Aviv movies were featuring though Ralph Whitehead, her associate, has been accused of havg a n d a -is increasingly successful, women see their future destroyed. ish landed property and the drivduring the European crisis? ary superiority over France and Answer: ing misused funds, she says: "Unrjr t h e general election • this But it is also true that shops, ing of all Jews from the land England The American movie . . . Did you, by the way, "Love and Hisses," with Walter til they prove that he's guilty I Spring, t h e official Nazi group :ommerciaj houses and manufac- will send to other countries vast Von 33 seats i n t h s H o u s e of Dep- turing plants," owned or operated stores of accumulated skill in notice the bad press Josef Vis- Winchell. . . Latest statistics from will stand by him" Benno uties, a n d t h e affiliated Nazi by Jews, are still functioning — such fields as cattle raising and saronivick Dzhugashvili is getting the Holy Land insist that its Jew- Schneider is returning to his old these days? . . . In case you didn't g r o u p s I S seats, while t h e Social temporarily. Members of the pro- fruit culture. love, the Artef Theater, and this notice, just look and see what ish population numbers 422,000 season Democrats who h a d held 12 seats, fessions are still permitted to earn will direct "Baal Shem" . . Jewish live births during a our dally paper has to say about In essence, the Jewish problem won only f iVe. A t present, t h e non- a living. Emigration is still pos. Marlene Dietrich has juet rerecent t h r e e - month period in Hungary amounts to a race Stalin—who is tho same guy . . . Nazi Opposition group holds only sible -— subject of course, to seramounted to 2,655, while Moslem turned from an European trip 22 seats in contrast with 5 1 f o r ous difficulties such as the re-against time. At the moment, MISTY MYSTICISM live births in the same period which was a flop . . . She tried things are certainly not as bad as the Nazis and' 230 for t h e " H u n - itrictions on immigrations in othOne of the better known coltotaled 11,779 . . . The first three to get her mother and sister out garian Life" (Government) P a r - >r countries, the need for money they are in Germany and Austria, umnists recently regaled his read- months of 1939 saw 734 diverces of Naziland", but Hitler refused to ty, including 12 Clerical m e m b e r s o finance the journeys, and thebut the law of May, 1939, will, ers with the following "mystic" in Palestine, 586 Jewish and 14Sgive them their passports . . . a n d 3 8 representatives of newly refusal of the Hungarian Govern- when, it applies with full vigor calculations . . . Thomas Masaryk, as you know, is a pure Moslem One of the most Marlene, acuired Upper H u n g a r y . ment to permit an emigrant to during the next few years, create he points out, .was 1850 profitable Aryan, but has never disguised industries in Eretz Isa material situation which may be and became president of the Czech Social a n d economic discontent take more than about §15 with even worse. rael is the publishing field . . . her dislike of the Nazis . . . with "BRAKE -ACTON" TREAD him. The Assistance Bureau of the is rising; a n d with it a n anti-SemRepublic In 1918 He gov- Even the Dwlr Company, founded (Copyright, 1.939, by Seven Arts When the law is fully in effect erned Feature Syndicate.) itism more frank a n d wide-spread 'ewish Community has bad an for 17 years, and retired at with money collected by the lato t h a n ever before. T h u s far, t h e .verage of 10,000 applications for and when Jewish families by the the age of S5 . . . Adding all these Dr. Shmaryanu L e v i n e from p s a s a n t r y i s n o t profoundly affect- emigration every month this year, thousand begin to lose their liveli- numbers you get 3870, which, American and Canadian Jews, aned by t h e new type of. anti-Jewish with a record of only several hun- hoods every week, a desperate sit- when divided by 2, gives you nounced a profit of almost ?10,feeling, b u t In t h e towns b o t a the, dred successful cases each month. uation will arise unless some solu- 1935, the year he resigned . . . 000 for the 193S fiscal year . . . PRIVATELY owned e a r . Life goes on, but In the shadow tion is found in the meantime. The Wilhelm II of Germany, again, and passengers tfeslnng to middle a n d working classes a r e Don't let anybody kid you — of the economic grave so far as travel on share expense danger lies in part In the differbecoming increasingly infected. basis phone Coest to Coast Jews are concerned. The anti- ence in the economic-structure of was born in IS59, and his reign there's plenty of Jewish land in Perhaps the- most disturbing fact the Auto Travel Bureau. HA He reigned Palestine that could be developed law already <• provides forHungarian Jewry as compared began in 1SSS 5530, £007 F.srnam. Destinis the spread of German-inspired Jewish and inexorable extinction 'of with that of Germany and Austria. for ^30 years, abdicating - at the if the B r i t i s h administration stion and accident insurance anti-Jewish feeling among the ilow age of 59 . . . Add all these num- would stop Arabs from interfering ill normal Jewish political, ecoSmall Traders working classes. ' on s!> passengers. bers and you get 3836, which you when t h s rightful owners, who tomic and cutural activities, and Not only is the Social' Democra- to one can tell what the m'or-\ I n Germany, there were rela- divide by 2 to get 1918, the year paid high prices for it, try to tively few poor Jews. The Jewish tic Party a mere shadow of its for- ow will bring. • - . . . . . By he Kaiser fled Germany Community, one of the best organ- way mer self, but large numbers of of rousing false hopes the ized in the world, was able to trained and politically literate then cites the case of until November 14, 1938, columnist working men are turning a symHitler, who was born in 1889 and Yet under the threat of a fate function pathetic ear toward German prop- n some ways more catastrophic to help Jews without means of rose to power in 1933 . . . Toaganda. day, at the age of 50, he has been :han that of the Jews in Germany the Fuehrer for six years . . . The Nor has the law been a suc- md Austria, the youth of HunWhere Omaiia Shops With Confidence total of these numbers is 3878, cesful diversion so far as the so- arian Jewry faces the future with half of which is 1939 . . . What cial and economic problems are courage and fortitude dramaticFRO3I SEPTEMBER 10 TO we.want to point out Is that this concerned. The sentiment in favor illy contrasting with the deepenSEPTE3IBER 15 last sentence is necessarily true, «J reform is growing, and in pro- ng hopelessness of their elders. jven though it doesn't indicate portion as it grows, the dominant There is a profound difference Sunday, September 10. Ujramatlcatlu tit. lew Junior Council, 2:30 p. m., Hitler's early demise or other reclasses are trying increasingly to etween the attitude of the young rftake it seem that, not they, but leople and the attitude of the old- lodge room, Jewish Community moval Because what you're the Jews stand in the way. !r generation which, imbued with Center. ictually doing in any of these culj;; No Jobs Provided Hebrew club, 3 p: m., Rooms iulations Is the following (we'll he Hungarian spirit and deeply V Moreover, the dispossessing of •ooted in this soil, was terribly C and D, Jewish Community Cen- ;ake the case of Masaryk, because ff;ews from positions has not pro- if fended by the wave of unjust, ter. e like him best) . . . You take iwfled Jobs for non-Jewish. Hungar- mdeserved discrimination against Monday, September 1 1 . his birth-date, 1850, add on to It hem. There are plain signs of desWorkman's L o a n , 8 p. m., his age on his 10th anniversary ians for the simple reason that £he number of available men, >air and defeatism among older Rooms C and D, Jewish Commu- in the Czech presidency, 78, which nity Center. for the vacated jobs, is eople. gives you 1928, the year of his Thus, on the one hand, A. Z. A. No. 100, 8 p. m.. Booms Oth anniversary Nothing Left And you &iany young relatively untrained "For me," said a man who had G and H, Jewish Community Cen- take the year his presidency begtungarlans are out in the cold; >een a respected journalist lor ter. gan, 1918, and add on to it the jBfhile, on the other hand, in many wenty years, "there is nothing Tuesday, September 12. ength of his rule at the time of Compartments of industry not only eft but to die. When'a Jew loses Choir, 8 p. m., Rooms K and L, hat anniversary, 10 years, which Ss there no unemployment but jobs Us job in Hungary now, it is the Jewish Community Center. igain naturally gives you 1928 "ape seeking men — as is the case md, or at least the beginning of Wednesday, September I S . . So that the sum of all these 1939 '$ Quicker Stepping Safety Device 4n Germany. he end. The road leads down and Eve 6f Rosh Hashonah. igures must inevitably be twice >ut. I live. I work. I eat. But I . . Thursday, September 14. j * The Jews who have been driv1928, or 3856 . . . All of which . Endorsed By Ccr Engineers , en out cannot be replaced because ,m not alive, and I await only the Rosh Hashonah. means that what is involved here the available skilled men are nd." Friday, September 15. isn't occult science, but simple • QUICKER STOPPING "BRAKE-ACTION"' Reeded''elsewhere'— for the army Rosh Hashonah. But the younger Jews -have a irlthmetic, the kind you learned swhich is being built up to a war juite different, indeed a BtartlingT R E A D . . . 250C CS4TB flrippieg ed|e« O{NMB n p the imtaat Jfooting, and, for example, to ad-y different attitude which in fts brakes ere epplieU... grip an £ hold the roeiS.., stop care quicker, iiniriister the newly acquired re- freshness and optimism seems far •traighter, safcir ess even Sfes slipperiest »£ wst p«\^jsmenti. jgions in the north. more American than European. - A similar contradiction can beHaving undergone anti-Semitic OSS5S MORE NON-SKID TREAD MILES {observed in Industry In general, pressure since their early . childjln some branches, there is a fev- ood, they are used to it. They © CHOSEN FOR AMERICA'S FINEST W4M CARS jerish "war boom" with capacity .re fed up, but not beaten by it. •production. In other branches, Plucky Jewish girls with high ©ENGINEERED TO MATCH NEW CAR^things are close to a standstill. chool diplomas are emigrating |The anti-Jewish law has made ec- eekly by' the dozens to England PERFORMANCE ' ' " '' ' ' tonomic matters worse, but, as us-and the British Dominions as do'ual in such situations, propagan- mestic servants. Young lawyers, da, makes it appear that the Jews medical students, engineers who
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Page 8
Refugees Volunteer to Assist French
ated the refufrePF a'ter a reci'ept io S i l i p - i w i rrr-p> <~-. L*vi£.ue r" I ; .n"i' 5 : - '-• form " s : o r f ti f
*fI l i P
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Paris (WNS) —• VTjifciE a few ,'.'-hourB after the opening of e, recruiting bureau for Jewish immi- ITParis (JTA) — C h a n c e l lor I grants living ic Paris, £E>C reiluAdolf Hitler, in his appeal to the pees t e d registered for serriee In German people, blaiaed the "Jewthe French sers-ice. Jerusalem (WNS) — The PalLondon (JTA) — The British ish plutocratic and democratic upThe office, one of those estabovernment wil immediately re- per crust"-for the Allies' declara- estine government •ras relaxing its lished fc.r the Federation c* Assorestriction on Jewish immigration ciations of Jewish W&r Veterans view the cases of all Germans and if poetry 1s the crystallation ol a seven-reel movie. His produced artists of such variety Austrians residing in England, tion of war against the Reich. because of the Internationa* situ- and Volunteers of France, reportemotion, then the political .car-. watching are more revelatory of and quality; one doefc not refer; Home Secretary Sir John Ander"The German people know," he ation and allowing refegess to en-\ ed that hundreds ol Jews have al-toon is the epitome o£ reason. drawings foibles, the vices and the of course, to the Europeans who son declared in announcing in said "that the British people as a ter in order that Palestine's de- 1 ready registered although there The most impressive proof ia the of our age than all the have recently established them- ommons the measures to be tak-•whole cannot be made responsible fense forces might b* strengthen- I has been no pressure on refugees found in David Low, "whose subtly cruelties exposes that have been printed. In selves in Palestine such as Her-en regarding aliens. A large pro- for all this. It is that Jewish plu- ed. Kelcgees entering the country by the French authorities for ensavage disembowellings of tha fact, David Low eludes the ulti- mann Struck (since 1922), Jakob portion of the Germans now in and democratic upper are being interred in the Sarafenfi listment. It is believed that the statemen and ideas of the last mate in adjectives. In "A Cartoon Stelnhardt, Wolfgang Meyer-Mich- England are refugees, and there tocratic which, in all peoples of the concentration .camp EEIS released cumber of volunteering; nondecade have been made available History of Our Times," every ael, E. Luftglass, Herman Kahn, is a general desire to avoid treat- crust world, desires to se only obedient | French Jews already runs into t . a t a cheap price under the title reader with two dollars can furn- Ludwig Jonas, Joseph Budke and ing as enemies those who areslaves and which hates oar new when their states is clarified. Meanwhile the government ad- i several thousands. f "A Cartoon History o£ Our Times" ish himself with the most fascina- Aron-Bronstein. Those who were friendly to the country which of- Reich because it sees In it a model assumed control of & (Simon & Schuster). ting, dependable and comprehen- either born in or are integrally a fered them asylum, the new Home for social work which it fears be- ministration large number cf products throcghNot all the historians and com-sive narrative of 1929-39 that has part of Palestine include such per- Secretary stated. cause it might prove contagious out the eenctrr. Including petrol- POLES SEKD CZECH mentators of the era in which we been offered to a literate genera- sonalities as Zeeve Ben Zvi, Moshe eum products, coal, wood, whekt, JEWS TO INTERIOR The Home Office a n n ounced also in their country." Zitfer, Anna Ticho, wife of the live have so concisely and memor- tion. flour, meat and better, as a prethat the Aliens Law has been In his reply to Britain's ultimacelebrated ophthalmologist, A. M. ably summed up the events which London (WNS) — Seven hunArt of a more formal kind is by an order-in-conncil tum demanding German with- cautionary meas-ure because of the dred have slowly worn away not mere- reported upon by Elias Newman Sternschuss, Avigdod Stematzky, amended Jewish refugees in Poland crisis. Hoarding and profiteering requiring all enemy aliens over drawal from Poland, -Hitler said: Paldi, Arie Navon, Cartoonist of '- ly the hope but actually the de-in "Art in Palestine" (Siebel Comfrom Czecho-Slovakia have been 16 years of age to report immed- "The German Government is not were rnafie pncisbable offenses. Davar, Moshe Mokadi, Mordecai . sire of millions of human beings pany, New York). Newman, an transferred from border areas iniately to the police. The order forfor peace, at least that peace American who went to. Palestine Levanon, Leopold Krakauer, Aha- bids Germans and Austrians to willing to tolerate coadifiitions to the interior according to word similar to those now existing in The Semitic Museum of Har- received from the reflection ot •which Hitler would impose upon and became completely imbued ron Halevy and Nahum Gutman. change their residence without Palestine, which is a British proPalestine Painting the universe. • with the spirit and the aspirations vard was founded by Jacob Scniff. Csecho-Slovak Jews which evacuprior approval of the police, to tectorate." The nerve-wracking struggle of of the country, has been the out- Painting in Palestine has prob- travel more than five miles from the past month is eloquently etch- standing and most consistent am- lems peculiar to its light and cli-their residence without permit or ed in the pen and ink of David bassador of Palestine art to the mate and even Europeans who to be absent from their residence Low, as he describes a group of United States. Prepared in con- have mastered technique in their for more than 24 hoars without European statesmen huddled in nection -with the Palestine Pavil- particular media have found them- reporting to the nearest police staone corner, while at the opposite on at the New York World's Fair, selves seriously disorganized upon tion. attractive arts and crafts coming to Palestine. Until recent end stands-the puny, simian fig- whose It includes German and Aushe arranged, Newman's years French art has exerted a ure of Hitler. The caption, repre- display trian refugees, while . refugees book presents for the first time predominant Influence on the senting the challenge to Hitler to the personalities who are giving from former Czecho-Slovakia are the fear-stricken statesmen, is: substance to Palestine's cultural younger painters. But there are apparently affected only by the evidences that as the Jewish pop"How much will you give me not ulation grows larger and the poli- general regulations for aliens. to kick your pant for, say, twenty- development. That Palestine through the ages tical and economic tasks more serfive years?" Rome (JTA) — The extremist artists too are drawing Equally brilliant is the cartoon has been the source of inspiration iouc, the newspaper II Resto del Carlino to the scene and substance entitled "Britain's new defense," of artists of all races and coun- closer attributed the "improvement" in ol Palestine' life. Palestine a r t is •which shows a thick wall that has tries is the- theme Upon which not Soviet policy to a parge of. the yet distinctive. But sufficient Newman launches his introducbeen breached completely. Where Jews by Joseph Stalin and attrihas been revealed to permit hope tion. He leads up to the preesnt the solid rocks, used to be there buted democratic policy in France, a genuine contribution can be - now hangs a thin strip of paper day when natives of Palestine and that England and the United States to made to world art. mmigrants and refugees from on which is written "I will be control by Jews. "If we have to Elias Newman has placed the good, (signed) . A d o l f Hitler," many lands have congregated in take up arms, enrs will be a Fas«| Chamberlain and H a l i f a x are sufficient number to warrant a English-reading public in his debt cist war, proletarian and antidescription- of their work and an by what he has done in "Art in shown peacefully rolling a ball of evaluation Semitic, and •we promise that the of their worth. Palestine" and by the unflagging London (WNS) — O f f i c i a l Jew •will pay dearly for the bloodtwine while the sheep gambol with Art in oils, etchings, water col- zeal with which year after year he sources said the White House con- shed he has caused," the paper Sir John Simon. ors, sculpture, woodcuts, draw- has brought to these shores an in- ference on refugees called by said editorially. More Informative knowledge of the menPesident Roosevelt has been deWhile heavier tomes may seem ings, pottery, jewelry, stage and creasing "President Roosevelt is of Jewwomen of Palestine who inferred because of the international .more scholarly, the thin but plen- costume design is touched upon and own way with brush, pencil, situation. Meanwhile M y r o n C. ish origin and vainly seeks to hide HENRY tiful and well-edited book by Lowby Newman in MB comprehensive their or chisel are pioneers. Taylor, American vice-chairman of his real war-iaongering sentiments is actually more informative, en- biographical sketches. It is to be crayon F o r £!•«~ r r he did not have any (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts the Intergovernmental Refugee by sending pathetic appeals to the ~ compassing with the sketch of a Tegretted thatfor Feature Syndicate.) Committee, has left for the Unit- heads of states. By his personal the inclusion of ©ff o«r v tijjure or a caption the heart of opportunity ed States after final meetings action he has envenomed relawhose development -the heart of the major incidents architecture, tions wita Germany and Italy, as •with Sir Herbert Emersoa, direchas formed one of the most re•wMch have made world history. tor of the committee, Paul van witness the restrictions on Italian markable if occasionally bliarre - " Low, who is the cartoonist for facets of'Palestine's progress in Zeeland, president of the Coordin- exports to the United States, BO the .London Evening Standard, the past two dedades. that the totalitarian states know ating Foundation and others. catect "WhOBe publisher, Lord Beaverhim for their bitterest enemy." According to newspaper reports Cultural Development f brook, is one of the most reactionGerman Embassy officials were ary leaders of Britain, has shown Leaving aside the obvious fact 5. advising German Jews in England a-universality of interest .un- that Newman as the colleague and London (JTA) — The presiden- to return to the Reich. "We have .equalled by an American cartoon- friend of most of the artists whom SITUATION WANTED ist. There are other draftsmen he describes is compelled to be cy of the New Zionist Organiza- advised all German citizens to retion issued a message to world turn home," one official was quot•who, as the_froht page news -war- more descriptive than critical, (Each week The Jewish Press •will present in this space t h e rants, have evoked the spirit of "Art in Palestine" is nevertheless Jewry declaring that the Jewish ed as saying, Vand if It happens nation's place was on all fronts that there are Jews among them, qualifications of some •worthy inthe news by the skill of their car- a welcome introduction to the dividual s e e k i n g employment. icatures or by the pertinence of scores of personalities who, in re- where Poland, Britain and France well, they are still German citi- Anyone interested is asked to call would fight for the "foundation zens, and after all there are many their headings or captions. But cent years In Palestine or in EurShirley Barish a t t h e Je^wlsh Community Center). Low stands apart from und above opean countries, have been grow- of society." The Jewish youth "of Jews in Germany." Poland should remember, in dyall of them, because he is, in es- ing to artistic maturity.Girl 20—Higa school gradsence, the statesman, of the car-. -Whether it be the iatralons Ru- ing for Poland, that they will enuate—irants secretarial wort— Seneca, the Roman philosopher, sure the" life'of Poland, the rer toon. An outstanding 'student of bin ; or the modest but • talented birth of Palestine as a Jewish criticized the Jews because their knows shorthand, type—PBX f .- — , •World affairs, he follows riot the Mrs. Anna Ticho, the pioneering state and the triumph of truth, Sabbath resulted in the waste of operator—dictaphone operator. one-seventh of their lives. guidance of a doctrinaire editor or Israel Paldi or the more academic the message said. Lishansky, Palestine has an promptings off a Bati colony publisher hut Vladimir Jabotlnsky, president which in accomplishThe store of Jesse Seligman, a passion for wjjxld order and san-art of the organization, telegraphed Bavarian Jew, was the only buildments as well as in strivings has ity. President Mosclckl of Poland asto escape in the San Francisco correctly, Low isas high a ratio.of achievement as that Poland's resolve sav- ing If I recall fire of 1851. somehow related to Maxim Litvin- the little country has in every serting ed Europe and praying for God's off, whom Stalin so quietly en- other field of endeavor. blessing to Poland, President Mostombed in order to prepare for the It is to be hoped that Newman clckl, Marshal Edward Rydz-Smig- Situation Wanted —— ExperNazi-Soviet alliance which has so may eventually receive the finan- ly and ienced young man want* sharply altered all interpretations cial and critical stimulation to de- creeds. Poland's soldiers of all vrork in meat or' grocery . of the past and so many forecasts velop his present slight volume New York (JTA) — The New department. Saturday only. of the future. Some of the car-so that a larger canvas may beZionist of America Best of references. Box 10 toons Involving Russia, insofar as provided for many of the brilliant declared Organization a statement that if Jewish Press. they affect European, peace, seem personalities which Palestine art the BritishinGovernment proclaim' dated and yet, because they are has developed or disclosed. ed Palestine on both sides of the the keys to history, they explain Harry Sacher, brusque but uni- Jordan &a a Jewish State Jews in .much to those who seek for even quely efficient British f o r m e r neutral countries would volunteer For Rent Room in home the slightest reason in the mad-member of the Zionist Executive, in far larger numbers than during belonging to elderly couple ness of the Fascist-Communist once wrote a long article deplor- the last war, to form a "Jewish —near bath. Hot •water. pact. ing the attention and funds being army" which would fight on any WE O53S. A cartoon of eaTly>1938 shows heaped upon cultural development front to which it would be called. sitting' on a seething in Palestine. He felt that the volcano, while Litvinoff, standing foundations of the land • should Seligman In 1838 be- For Rent—Furnished house at the fcW of it with a hose cap- first be made secure. He was not Joseph secretary to Judge Packer, 6 rooms. 2 9 1 1 Iiard St. tioned "Litvinoff's volunteer fire disparaging art: merely emphasiz- came of the Lehigh Valley HA 2 1 7 3 . brigade," is told by the British ing economics. His feeling is one president Prime Minister. "Sorry, but we that has been shared by many. line. \~ don't warn tn turn our fingers." Certainly it cannot be said that A cartoon of the Munich era the national instiutions of Palesshows Hitler, Chamberlain, Dalad- tine or leading individuals have ier and Mussolini stiffly seated been too encouraging in their pat•while Stalin, twirling his mustache ronage. True, thoughts have had and smirking, remarks: "What, to be elsewhere in the past hectic no chair for me?" decade. Like. Movies lu view of this environment, Looking at a cartoon by David I therefore, It is all the more reXow is as completely satisfying as Imarkable that Palestine itself has
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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1939 not forget that the democratic a dens ex machina . . . &n& avert! covery of America and of those countries have not been without the greatest catastrophe in bis-! rights which from the beginning ! of Us history have made its name fault and that they were making ry. At any rate, a war for Germany the symbol of liberty. Let this pacts with Hitler without causing week be the orension for celebratso much as a murmur, that Rus- means not only fighting r s f reaffirming the principles sia strenously opposed the Munich j France and P o l a n d , but Che ing PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT ORSAMA, NEQHA3KA, DY Pact, that furthermore she was Czechs, the AuFtriEns, p.nfi Ger- of Ame**io?r Democracy, in a THB JEWISH PRESS FTOMSSING C0HFAK5? net treated courteous!}' by Cham- msrj OWT? tt-Ns?.i elements s? solemn resolve to secure for all CUOGCRiPTiON PRICE, Ona Vear •-•••• • • . . C2.C0 berlain, that she has always to ' *s part in the the jchtbiiants of these United ADVERTISING RATES FVRNI8MED ON APPUICATION fear the possibility that a British- ' game JS not 'uilj clear. Better, j States tiie necessary conditions for Germany pact would bring her ; even if the fighting forces on the jlife itself; liberty and equal rights EDITORIAL OPFIGEl C83 ORANDEIG T H E A T E R BUILDING icto a state of dangerous isoia- j ivr0 Ejces should be about evenly ; for all. regardless of color, creed, . SIOUX CITY OFFICE—•JEWIGM COMMUNITY C E N T E R tion - - in other words, the same [balanced, the difference in the *i-.i political eorvictiop. or national PRINT CHOP ADDBEOO—JIM CO. 24TH S T R E E T attitude of distrust operated here jn a E C ial situation and ike morale j o-ir5n." DAVID BLACKER • • • Business and Managing Editor ing with marriage relations, e. g., as among barbarian tribes. j between the aggressors snd the LEONARD NATHAN . . . r . • Editor a man marrying his stepdaughter, There was a time, not so long- j defensive countries is such that; or his daughter-in-law. He is a ago, when the USSR offered to j the defense scale "kicks the i RABBI FREDERICK COHN . * - - Contributing EditoT to Ids own son, or defend Czechoslovakia against RABBI TSEODORB N. W5WIS « Boon Editor Startling revelations have been the characteristic of the grandfather father-in-law to himself, etc. German invasion, bat when Po- beam." FRANCES BLACKER - .•• • Society Editor Dies Committee, but the most startling of all has been the These relations become too inland chose to close its borders for MORRIS AIZENBERG « • - Stous City, Correspondent volved for the ordinary mind. The such assistance to a helpless state, testimony of one witness that William Dudley Pelley, the Silver treaty between Nazi Germany and DOROTHB SA1/TZMAN * .• • • ' Council Blulla Correspondent. little dreaming perhaps that its Russia promises to be one turn might be next. By MRS. WILLIAM GRAY Shirt leader, is waxing wealthy from profits on anti-Semitic Soviet of these complicated puzzles Khad-Gadia literature and that ten per cent of his income is derived from which none of us may solv®. Paris WNf) — Advices from I lie and wonder In this 'House-tbat-Hitler built' From Berlin revealed that anti-Jewish For one thing we find that Jews who willingly subscribe to his filth. where . . . how far feeling has beguc to show marked .' A quarter of a century has passed since the nations of the USSR has joined the Anti-Comin- affair, we come upon the old Came the might and thunder For a long time there has been a joke current about the signs of abatement because of the tern axis, but the Anti-Cosnintern Khad-Gadia sequence. It was not Now under a star world first aligned themselves for one of the bloodiest wars in such a nursery fairy story, after declaration of war. Although the pact has been, drawn up against The international .. political history. Less than twenty-one years of peace have intervened. Jew who read anti-Semitic literature because the Jew was Soviet Russia, therefore Soviet all. general Nazi press has not ceased From where did it rush game in recent years, which any Russia has joined a pact against Its vicious propaganda against the —if such could be called peace—since that war and the begin- always pictured as a super-human. But this is not the reason itself. Well, for that matter is it hour now may turn Europe into . A wild bird in night air . . . Jews, claiming that the present that Jews can be counted among Pelley's subscribers. the hush any more absurd than her selling a shambles, reminds us once more j Breaking ning of another. In the interval a suffering world should have crisis is attributable to the mai h e t T S S B v e e t a n d fair The Jewish subscription list consists of one hundred per manganese to Kazi Germany, of the coming o£ the Angel cf | chinations of "international Jewavailed itself of the opportunity to consider the havoc wrought. • . knowing full well that it is like- Death who slew the slaughterer A .! e a E ry," there is, however, eveo r incent morbid minds. These people are deriving satisfaction from ? dream . ly to be put to use In the produc- that killed the ox that - - struck j / In a world-of reason and logic, ways would .have been devised dication that the German populatheir pain and the pain of their brethren. They are paradoixcal- tion of ammunition against the the dog which bit the cat that ate I Sliver wings . . man made light. tion is cold to any further vio-for ending forever the tragedy of needless bloodshed. he kid, etc. It would be interest-' The propeller can scream very vendor. lence against the Jews remaining Is it any less reasonable than ing from a psychological angle, i Like a bird in cruel flight. Today instead European civilization stands at the brink. ly subsidizing anti-Semitism to satisfy a masochistic tendency. in the Reich. to ascertain the feelings cf the • There are evidently Jews who feel life would not be worthselling oil to Italy in her EthioM the bombing planes are grinding into shambles the great It is said that some Germans pian campaign? I propose then Czechs, who when hard pressed It is gone, again the shine of the while without anti-Semitism. It is intensely gratifying to them have shown open sympathy to the stars the coining of a new term the hy Hitler, were served warning by capitals, dyeing the great architectural achievements of the past Jews because of the circumstances for that -department the Poles and the Hungarians to Thee stillness of nignt with the blood of innocents, they are also sounding the death- to whisper it about to their neighbor that so-and-so is an anti- Nazcornintern to which they have been reduced. of both countries which is to be cede large tracts of territory, j And 1 cannot think of it glories or Semite. It is a matter of great satisfaction to realize he is in charge of solidifying the rela- otherwise they would be attacked. Ration cards have been distribmars knell of everything the little man has held precious. uted to all German citizens, those How different t h e picture In its flight. a member of a people who are important enough to be" the tions between the Nazis and the distributed to the Jews being yelmight have been had the Poles Communists. objects of a form of warfare. low in color. come to the aid of a sister repubIronies of 1D39 It would be* much simpler if the demarcation between right Rather than spending their money on such filth, it would It Is difficult to label just what lic which had risen out of the and evil was not so obvious. It would be simpler still if those be better for these Jews to use it for an examination by a had transpired recently after a same circumstances and was of Refngees Deported good deal of conspiring. It doss the same general stock? Certainnations; who have reluctantly taken up* the sword were standing psychiatrist. Their minds are affected and it''would be well not Amsterdam (WNS)—The dombelong to the frolics or the ly the world would have sympa- j inant Nazi faction was said to be before the bar of justice with clean hands, wholly innocent of for them to find the seat of th6 trouble. vanities. Even to class it under thized more •genuinely with the eager to use Jews in national Poles in their hour of distress, the follies would understate it; the events of the past years. services, according to advices from for every move or rather, failure had Poland not taken advantage to move, on the part of the demo- of Czechoslovakia's plight a year Will Stress U. S. Tradi- Berlin which revealed that the Not France, not England, not Poland are guiltless. The majority of Nazi officials were opcratic countries since Hitler's for- ago. Until statesmen and governtion of Liberty and way for Hitler had been paved by the vindictive action of posed to anti-Jewish violence as tification of the Rhine was a folly ments operate with the instruTo quote Dorothy Thompson, the first casualties of the compounded of stupidity; and as ments of individual morality and Equality injurious tc Nazi prestige abroad, France. In France and England there were elements of the to scandals, it is a word too tame are guided by the principles of especially in the United States. ' population willing to meet Hitler's terms and extend his in- present conflict have, been two obnoxious doctrines that have to employ after the non-interven- justice, there can never be any New York ( J T A ) — A procla- Another fp-ciior.. favored the retion pact with regard to Spain. hope of universal peace. The great mation setting aside t h e •week.of newal of pogroms in order to show fluence. England's ruling class could say the Nazis Had saved been plaguing American peace of mind for the past few years— We have exhausted all the revue surprise to me is that at least tfc- October $ as American. Rediscov- contempt ior foreign opinion. Communism and Fascism. Numerically neither was strong. ' Europe from Bolshevism. Now they have awakened to find the labels. lesser states do not learn their ery Week, to be dedicated to all Ali.houg.-h jtio popular feeling Ideologically they made little headway. In the main each has Perhaps the most appropriate lesson and still indulge in the the Communist menace closer. peoples who have created against ttie Jews was evident ia "dog-eat-dog" policy. America's traditions of liberty End the capital, it vas feared that the designation is, after all. the anHitler could have been stopped had the financial marts of thrived on hating the other. Today they find themselves in cient Greek figure of speech The Wolf Pleads for Justice j equality, was issued by the Amer- FPtUiment. widespread in something of a position of amity. I t is no longer the purpose "Ironla." There are, naturally, Hitler's letter to Daladier is a ican Committee for Democracy Ithe Keich. might lead to anti-Jewthe world been able to Bee beyond their interest rate; he could degrees of Irony; and the affiliaindication that the man j and Intellectual Freedom. excesses foT lack of other outhave been stopped if the suppliers of war materials in the so- of the Nazi party to arouse the world against Russian Com- tion of the red and the brown, clear knows that he can bluff no long- j The proclamation has already munism. The Communists cannot be the most vociferous in the the Hani-Sick and the Swastika er. In ex-Kin-? Zog's language, j received the endorsement of man:* \ Polish oi'lioals here were said * called democratic nations had refused to sell him instruments belongs to those historical ironies the "mad dog" is coming to tis | prominent public officials, cfcurch-•: to be expeilir.s all German Jewish damnation of Nazism because the Kremlin has extended the of war. Hitler would never have been if the League _of Nawhich at times make us feel that senses and the "d •—d fools" I men, and educators — including j re'npeesjv the Netherlands found there were some evil principle, are beginning to see light. Before j Governor M. Clifford Townsend of j without passports. Men and worntions had been permitted to enforce its articles to perpetuate hand of friendship. enjoying a grand spectacle at the these words are in print, j Indiana, Governor K. T. Jones o£ •en ere being tracked down day The past week has seen the withdrawal of almost the enexpense of the human ants on this lighted match may touch the the justice; or failing to prevent his appearance on the world scene, &y- j Arizona, Professors Robert A. ! and night jr.. every section of the little planet. tire Jewish membership of Communist organizations or affiliates the League covenant could have been implemented to meet acts of Attitudes namite keg; and yet at the last i Miiiitan and -Harold C, Urev, F.nd | cou.r.tH" those caught are beminute some excuse may b be found of the Communist party. The number of Jews who became TheTheTransformation f d : R e v. Samuel McCres. Cavert, I forced across the border into of force while Germany was still in a weakened condition. Soviet Nazi pact affords us on the part of the aggressors ! Bishop Alexander Ms.rx of Pitts- IIing German; in spile of desperate reCommunists has, of course, been greatly exaggerated. The an interesting experiment in so(perhaps through the mediation i burgh and President George ^ ' i ! - ii sistance from Ike refugees. Never in the history of the world has there been a greater cial psychology. How expediency Mussolini). jiard rrasler of the Colorado ZteXt desire for peace—and less of it. No country furthered the cause entire party membership was ninety thousand. Outside of New changes the whole aspect of of Hitler's plea to Daladier has iC o 3 I e g e o « Education. things! This sequel is one of the York the strongholds were in centers where there were few praised by Kaltenborn ana Declaring that our traditions: for which the people clamored.- Everywhere methods were most eloquent commentaries on been others as shrewd and sincere. This Jews. r i s f c t s « a r e " o n c e a g a i n being ck&lthe rottenness of our whole intaken to stifle this desire. In Republican Germany when "All IS not evident to me. Let me put | l e n g e d fcv p o v : e r ful foes of ecualternational political system. It is unfair to say that because of this number all Jews matter in plain language. A iu £ n f i fo^T. fcotb 6 t tome'and Quiet on the "Western Front" was released, measures were taken and All Once the pact became a fait the had been making a prac- j l r 0 P ! V ,. t *. T O r ;g-j, ^terni^g tc r.rrb have Buffered. .The Commuc^t Jewish' bogey was too good for accompli, to beep people from the; theater. In France responsible leaders the minions of both Hit- hijacker Other tice to attack tradespeople on the 8flreedora Articles of speech and ' scIJrsjre. • and Stalin began to change road and despoil them cf their denounced any feeling for peace as unpatriotic and in England the Nazis to use in their attacks on the Jews and for the pur- ler their tune, at least the words of wares. On' one occasion the hi- through false racial theories, and : WE SS27 attempts to deny to the ! the then Prince of Wales, who had known war, added his voice pose of justifying their own pogroms. If not a single Jew had the tune. Suddenly Fritz Kuhn jacker was solemnly warned that through tike ro^chpreiclm four: sr and his gang became aware of the on the very nest occasion, the foreign born and alien the et;r.s.l ; been a Communist the charge would have persisted. We could to those denouncing pacifists. Only when war seemed imfact that it was not communism leaders of the guild •would fight protection of the laws, the proelp- , Jo wish and Nioks : ' taiftism, milk j a n d v?*>o* o ? r, h&ni finoBF etc. minent, when the utter cruelty of it became apparent was there have poured wrath upon the heads of these wayward souls, as as such that was repugnant to him without fail if he persisted m&tion states: the decent world but internation- in Ms practice. "Be it therefore proclaimed-that, \ some groups have: done, but Judaism does not impose itself a reversal of sentiment—and then too late. If this great upal communism. It is like voicing the anniversary of the discovery i The . hijacker, armed to one's feeling of hatred not against teeth, surge of pacifism had been allowed to express itself, there would upon its erring children. casae out to the bear, but against the cubs this one time he Association with these Communist organizations meant the that roam around. be no war today. way - - just this o abandonment of everything for which Judaism stood. It meant Earl Browder, on the other the blood will fall on their The people of England were almost unanimously in back hand, has just as unexpectedly for making him use his weapons. of the League of Nations, but the policy of the British govern- they must deny the fundamental principles of religion; it meant seen a great light, namely that They ought to be glad and thanknon-aggression and trade ful that he did not hijack ire ''ment was to support the League only when the interests of they could not identify themselves with Zionism, which the the treaty will serve to strengthen Communists have always damned as an ally of British im- the world peace and encourage leaders, as he might have liked -• Great Britain and the rulings of the League were parallel. do; and besides whatever robperialism. It meant they were associating with an organiza- Poland in her stand against H;t- to he has carried out, he has . . " . • • . o o « # ler. The ancient rabbinical doc- beries done absolutely without bloodtion that condoned tyranny, injustice, and the shedding of tor who invented the phrase But invective and denunciation will not bring back the (This is a downright false"M'taer Sheretz b'kan ta-amim" shed. because the annexation of peace. The monster, Hitler, created by the injustices of Ver- innocent blood. (i. e. making a reptile 'kosher' hood, and of Czechoslovakia has The ultimate goal which dangled in the far-away future by advancing 150 reasons) could Austria sailles, has turned upon its masters. War began the minute cost the lives of thousands in the certainly not have chosen a betof prison deaths, arbitrary Adolph Hitler stepped into power,, The pogroms—cold, white, was to be reached only by a difficult road which the Com- ter example than the Browder- form shootings, -and suicides, reaching munists and their fellow-travelers preferred to ignore. This Kuhn legltimstization process. or bloody—were the steps of actual warfare. In 1933 the Nazis even into this country) &rs To mention" Browder in the should they not be thankful that were not in a position to take on any outside enemies so they was incompatible with Judaism and those Jews who went to same breath as Kuhn is pretty he has saved them the trouble of Communism were turn-coats of the most tragic kind. hard on the former, I know, but deciding what to do. for ^ concentrated on the Jews. .....' this one instance they seem to whether to oppose him, since it Now that" "their eyes have been opened to the organiza- in converge to the same center, al- was a sleek job, ia other words, It was a war, like all of Hitler's wars, based on lies. The tions with which they associated themselves, perhaps they will though from different.directions. he pulled a fast one on them? . Jews have published reams of apologetics to show that Hitler The periodic denunciations of be more cautious in future ventures of the sort. There are ladies and gentlemen, the? '•.falsified their position, but even in this country some noble the Reds by Goebbels will now is Yes, what the letter to Daladier certain standards of ethical relations. The Ten Commandments cease; or at least they may be dito. He has n o t h i n g souls have taken it upon themselves to defend him. And when rected at the Trotskists alone; amounts the brave French. It is the Jews ceased to be important enough, he turned upon Chris- is one. If we judge social movements and revolutionary move- and now possibly all Jews will be against terrible Poles who will cot ments by these standards, we may.find ourselves less apt to re-grouped by the loud speaker those give him Danzig and the Corridrr, tianity. of Nazidom as Trotskists. As to without arbitration, that he canearlier statements made by Goeb- not endure. He warred upon Austria for four years. He warred upon hurl ourselves into the cause of every demagogue. bels and Hitler about Stalin and Long ago the Prophets of Israel realized there was to be no He further speaks of the tolerthe Czechs—again with the most vicious of lies. And Prime the present Commissars, we may salvation in the mere change of sdciety unless each individual ance he has shown in not demandexpect the usual explanation "Nit Minister Chamberlain to silence him gave him part of the counikh hob es gezogt, a Hunt hot es ing Alsace and Lorraine. (C/_, of that society was willing to improve himself. no? Just wait and see, if he gets try and he took the rest. Now Hitler has turned upon his good gebulen." Danzig. Two years ago he o r > One result of the new pact, we wanted friend Poland. Less than a year ago in the Berlin Sportspalast, peace, but the children of Aaron the Sudeten area). He st.i; fervently hope, will. not be an may not have peace because they when in frenzy and .hysteria he denounced the Czecjhs, he paused anti-Jewish infection in the Kreia- keeps talking about the grievances Gesno o§ do not want to do what Aaron lin. The personal influence which of the Versailles .Treaty, as if Gerin his madness to sing the praises of Poland's rulers. Eleven did." has brought on the anti-Semitic many were not larger now thrn . Rabbi Chaya. said: "The Torab. tide in Italy, will not be wielded at the time the World War brcke ' months later Warsaw was bombed. itself is,a trusted witness to testi- in the case of the Soviet-Nazi out. . 0 7 Dvw Shcs For six years the Nazis have demanded the admiratio%of fy on behalf of Its students as to agreement, yet I have no doubt How can any commentator say who practices what he studies, and that Hitler's venom and his that it was a shrewd letter, cr the1 world because they alone have stood up as the enemies of who does not." BIBLE unique arrogance will go so far that it was in "the least sincere? "Communism. They warred on the Jews because they were The man of as to burrow" through unofficial If Hitler, the man whose avowed blood hateth him channels into the Soviet govern- philosophy .is to propagate lies ar.c. allegedly Communists. They demanded the dismemberment of who 1B sincere, and as for the upment circles, so as to put the Jews the bigger the lie the-better, so Er they seek his life. . Czecho-Slovakia because it was the instrument of Moscow. They right at a disadvantage. to befuddle the masses — if such If a ruler hearkeneth to falsean individual is sincere, t.h~r. sent arms to Spain to fight the Bolshevist menace. Today Ger- hood, all his servants are wicked. The World's a Dance We may have long Eince ac- "Lepke" Buchalter is sincere, a r i The rod and reproof glveth wismany signs pacts with Russia and tells how the Kremlin under- dom, cepted the conclusion that the Dillinger was a font of honesty. but a child left to himself V C _.i "•World's a Stage," but for our Perhaps Kaltenbore -means tt?t stands her plight. causeth shame to his mother. statement (uirtshtains gezogt) the Hitler's appeal was what worncWhen- the wicked are increased, world seems to be a dance, with a call "cute." transgression increaseth, but the constant change of partners. How When Hitler tells Daladier President Roosevelt haB not asked us to remain neutral in righteous shall gase upon their else can it be, when there 5s cot Poland's cause will be lost is E-<fall. thought—as President Wilson so foolishly did. Americans hate a grain of sincerity in all the case, he is simply trying to p1..'.*. TALMUD New York (JTA) — The Feder- pacts an-d treaties? Whether they the wool over the eyes of a whc'.i everything Hitler stands for. There is no adjective to describe Rabbi Jonotban said: "Woe to ation of Polish Jews in America are for ten, twenty, or thirty world, just ss when he made tl-t the scholars who study the law, announced that it has called meetyears, they are only scraps of astounding ,him. He is, as General Hugh Johnson aptly put it, "a looney and have no faith in God." statement that " E E " ings of its constituent groups paper. clear-sighted statesmen ia • Eurwith a hole where his conscience should bo." . A scholar whose Inside does not throughout the country "to take When governments ..i-e run on ~r K with his outside (who the necessary -measures to help the basis of what is enthusiastic- ope" believe that all his rapaciCwi ;;•.- But this is not our war. Had America's peace-terms been harmonisa sets were just. (We are they". Is not sincere) ia called a corrupt the Jews in Poland and to coop- ally called "realism," but what Goering,- Mussolini, and Ciar,r v . • accepted as was her aid in the first world war, Hitler might scholar. erate with all the local Polish fundamentally is nothing other if Hitler suffers def"rt Our Rabbis have been taught: groups in the respective territor; not have come to power. Our terraa were rejected because they A high priest on leaving the Tem- ies who are organizing for the de- than shady bargaining, without Certainly, the battlefield, Poland's inc"~the least scruples, such as an av- en s ple had besn accompanied by the fense of the Polish Republic." wore just. . " . erage individual would be weigh- pesdence is assured and Gerpopulace. The people obThe Federation has pledged it3 ed down with, what else could be many's fate is problematic. Hitler has warred on us through his propaganda devices entire serving the two great scholars support to a new central council, the consequence? I am often buttonholed by peoAmerica has been taking steps that already have crushed Schemaia and Abtalion, left -.the or Rada, formed to-coordinate efAn ordinary person of any de- ple who suppose that I know EC*S high priest Elone and accompan- forts in this country to help Po- cency, if he is rebuffed in his than they do about evestualitirr, this • petty conflict. France's borders are menaced by Hitler. ied the, two Rabbis. Later, when land. The organization is "ready overtures, will not make common e. g.,' whether there is going to l t She had an immediate stake in this conflict. Britain's empire the Rabbis came to take leave of to cooperate to the fullest extent cause with an outlaw. Soviet Rus- a war. Let me say that even Hitltthe high priest, he said to thorn: with all other, non-Jewish groups sia and Germany, however, al- doesn't know at the moment I r "-. ; is threatened by an expanding Reich. "May the children of tha heathens in America in defense of Poland's though sworn enemies, ab initio, writing this, whether the GOEH C; (because they were descendants of independence, in keeping with the run into each other's srms in fond will break out, bat if. it comes, : •'. King Sennacherits of Assyria) go pledge of support given by the embrace, at the first opportunity. have a hunch that it will not I Europe in all probability will soon bo a ruin. It will be in peace." They replied: "The Federation to the Polish Ambas- And now there is talk of Great protracted: for some German r:of the heathens may go sador last Wednesday," declared Britain turning to Japan for its triot, very likely in the army, reAmerica's task to bring her to recovery and sense. As;Jews children In peace, because they do what Executive Director'Zelig Tygel'.ia dancing' partner.alizing that this Is sot Gersss.!!'''? we have an immediate duty, for Polish Jewry is iu the theater Aaron the High priest did love a statement. In justice to the USSR, we must Itiiit Hitler's Y:Z-T - i l l step in r-
of-..conflict -and will have to be rehabilitated—though Polish Jewry has been an object of American charity since the Polish government itself began warring on it. A Weekly Surrey of People What the weeks will bring we do not know. But the future sad. Ideas in terms of years is no longer a secret. Twenty-five years ago By A. A. EOEACK Foreign Secretary Grey of England sadly remarked, "The lamps are going out all over Europe." They were re-lit—temporarily. The fuel these last twenty-one years has burned low, indeed. The XazcoEointern End the Jews Of course we have all had one There may not be enough.left to re-light them again. or another puzzle put to us deal-
Jewish Subsidies to Anti-Semitism
The Aeroplane
It Has Come
. . ..
Casualties of the Conflict
' • < • . ' . -
: • •
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land the house record during hie s normal twins have a habit of icably peoples of various racial back and relax . . . you have an Polish-Jewish art players. 1 doing-r-a vote for one would then and ! recent F.ppean>.T>re at the local groups "live in the enjoyable tune-film before you. be a vote for both. Oof, now I am Farkyakarkus and a pal were jo llf . ' V 1lf>afrF _ p , l l l e d i n United States . . . muddled. 'Xou figure it outKsxis's Coat-of-Arms: Sir Rosdiscussing the relative merits o! a ] . , . , Harriet Shafer, Hannah T3anm enbloom's car is adorned with an and Rosalie Wertheimer could all MISH-MASH: Herbert. Selig- M. A. monogram flarkefi by bod- certain actor. "Well, be CIOPE li»vP !?n,000 ^oWf n-. emissions for be found i n ' Lincoln this weeka a a n , author of -"SLSce Against ies gloves! concrete opinions," o"r"e. J **i«> 1 | ' F " * 1 nd. Shirley Rosenblum was in Man," is summering in Maine . . . T Missouri and Miriam Rubnitz left ~~ ^ The • former JDC publicity direc- So-WhEt-Can-Tcn-Do Dept: Sid fE.l, "Teati," s elded 'r*l"'*, "'\<rii Sunday morning for a short visit tor's book is going well . . Dr. Skolsky proudly emerging from manentJy set!" < ' '^ ' _ ? 1 1 1 MUSICAL TEA. o Madison, Wis. Friedrich. Brodnitz, former press the "Wizard of Oz," his fonrSILVER-BURROUGHS Kevive.1: Ted "1= C ^: I " ! ' Mrs. Philip Klutznick and Mrs. Babe Milder and Joy Yousem The marriage o£ Miss B e t t y chief of the .Keichsvertretsng in i year-old daughter in tow, bent Happy'" Lewis Itrol e his cvi t ' Sam Beljer were hostesses on Burroughs, daughter of M r s. are already at school at Missouri, Berlin, has opesed a nedical of- "(j own to ask her how she liked it. Wednesday afternoon, August 30, Hazel Trissel, of Muncie, Ind., to .while Bernice Bordy has left for fice on Fifth Avenue, New Tork Her black curls shook emphaticalat a musical tea at which Miss Ida Mr. Theodore Silvers, son of Mr. Iowa, where this year she will BOOK REVIEW . . . The first Canadian Jewish ly, "KG, I didn't like it. Really, Lnstgarten, pianist, and Mrs. Max and Mrs. Meyer Silver of Sioux act as president for the S. D. T. Dot Thompson's "Let the Rec- Yearbook will be issued soon . . . Daddy, that's only a show for Riekes (Donothy Lustgarteh), vio- City, will take place • on Sunday chapter there. Ruth Seldin and ord Speak," Is Simply, as the Its editor is Vladimir Grossman, ! ciildr 1 X -« i linist, "were guests of honor. morning at 11:30 at the home of Libby Grossman of Council Bluffs Frenchies say, magnifies. former wirter for the N. T. JewP*will also attend Iowa. Mr. ana Mrs. Ben Silvers. LIT'RY NOTES: Don't miss the ish Day and European corresponNEWEST Among those present w e r e : They finally caught up' with Did you know, Suzy Q, t h a t Dorothy Thompson opus just pat dent for a Copenhagen daily Rahbi Frederick Conn will perMesdames Ben Lustgarten, Samj him — Arthur Freed, composer of A"" I •? uel Kiekes, Leo Fitch, C a r l form the ceremony. A dinner at Marcella Altman has moved to ut by Houghton Mitflin . . . The JDC has received a fills -de- imacy hit tunes, just received, from Sioux City with her family? Also, "Let the Record Speak," by the Riekes, . Barney Fink, Morton the Blackstone will follow. tis old school, the Alexandria Among the out-of-town guests have you heard that Elaine Tuch- gallant lady whose laugh at that in Poland It has been tenta- Academy ^-Richards, Henry Kiekes,- Meyer a musical scholarmonstrous rally of the Gennanman has returned from her trip expected are Mr. Silvers' parents; N. E. tively titled "So They May Live" Beber, Madeline Baer, Max Barship! merican Bund last Washington's to Chicago? Oh, you haven't heard Mr. and Mrs. William Gilinsky Al and will be released soon ish, JuliUB Bisno, David Blacker, Birthday was heard round the Richter, for five rears raailicg Off the Call-Board: Lionel Paul Blotcky, Abe Brodkey, Jack and children of Sioux City, and and you didn't know. Well, SUzy world, is a collection of some of room chief of the JTA, has gone Koyce, who gave an excellent perevidently you're just not the Cohen, Harry Duboff, A. D. Dunn, Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Haskin of Q, the Thompson "On the Record" y , g G observant type. Simply gobs next Tankton, S. D. in the stationery and printing busl i Harold Farber, Jack Farier, Wilcolumns that have been appearing .ness . . . Al is specializing in sir- j formance as a German general in time. liam Feiler, David Goldman, t a e Cavell epic, is being in the New York Herald Tribune Affectionately yours, ina51 paper with s large New York considered for "Safar."' Charles Haller a n d Manning ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED and other newspapers . . . Every inn ARLENE. Hersh Rosenfeld, of the Toscha Seidel, violin virtuoso, Handlers Mrs. Meyer Green announces i,-w* V»K j - . one of the columns is loaded -with P. S. There seems to be a DC publicity staff, has the is slated for "Balalaika." Also Mesdames Morris Jacobs, the engagement of her daughter, super abundance-of wild plums punch and virtually all of them ;nigue distinction of being the The riotous Ritzes will stagger Harry Kuiakof Bky, Isadora Levin- Phyllis, to Dr. Lewis J. Dlmsdale around in the country waiting to .re prophetic - - with prophesies nly man to translate into Yid- throcgi "Three Blind Dates" . . . son, Moe Linsman, Jack Marer, of Sioux City, Iowa, son of Mr. be picked—provided, of course, hat are daily being bora out in dish the full test of the Kalevala, it's a story of the employees of an Maurice Micklin, Henry Monsky, and Mrs. Joseph Dimsdale. a most startling manner . . . Miss he Finnish epic poem . . . He escort service. Miss Green attended Creighton the picker likeB plum jelly. Albert Neuman, Henry Newman Thompson's pen is lucid, crystal las donated laanuscripts of the University and the University of Jules Newman, Regtna Franklin clear and merciless in its assault translation to an exhibition in In tHe old days vchen radio paid Iowa and is a member of the SigPlace, Harold Pollack, "William on the ism-ologies, to coin a word Helsingfors, at the request of the actors off in soap, soup, and ma Delta Tau sorority. Dr. DimsRacusin, Joe Bice, Ben Silver, along with the Dies-WincfceH coin- innish Consul General in New movie V • ciggies (just an old ethereal cuaMorris Sogolow, Louis Somberg, dale is a graduate or the UniverFollowing up the successful ten- age of commucazism ork . . . .' Her toia),. Peter Lorre donated an Harry TniBtin, Leo "Waxenberg, sity of Iowa School of Medicine. nis tourney, of which Stan Turkel understanding of the Hitler methhour .to a now defunct air proHarry •••Wolf and Sam Wolf, and a member of the Phi Epsilon was champion, the Mother Chap- od and her ability to reduce it to gram. Forthwith . . . in due time the MisseB Nancy Hulst, Bess Pi social fraternity and Phi Delta ter Athletic committee is planning all of its frightening absurdities . . . a large case of soup arrived at Epsilon, medical fraternity. a golf tourney to be held this are unsurpassed Mitchell and Ida Neuman. Only once, his door. With lightning calculaSunday morning, September 10. apparently, has she been taken, in The program included: Sonata tion he selected ten cans . . . . Members who have signified their by the Hitler lie . . . Which hapIn G Major for violin and piano, packed them up . . . delivered Beth EL Auxiliary intention of vieing for the chappened to be the biggest of them Haydn; S o n a t a Appassionata, By HELEN SG1I0KD them, to "his agent with notation: ter championship will be notified — that Nazism and CommunBeethoven; Praeludium and Alle"This is your ten per cent!" , At a dessert luncheon given on by telephone who their opponents all ism were irreconcilable enemies gro, Pernanl-Kreisler; Hora Stac- Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Hollywood—Director Lew Landare. Plans and pairings are beIn an early column, Miss cato-Dinicia-Heifetz; 'Cello Study, Sam Steinberg for the Book ReJascfca Heie'etz was once comThompson forgot herself long rs crashed th film business when manded Chopin; the Little White Donkey, view committee and the heads of ing handled by Dick Zlotky. by a manager to use his With the advent of school, sev- enougi to predict that Hitler, fac- he and it were in their 'teens, ; famed Stradirarius Malaguena - Lemona; Hungarian the various projects, Mrs. J. for the even': Czardas, Hubay; Baal Shem, Ern- Blank, Ways and Means chairman eral members of Mother Chapter ed with a choice between .Britain anders often loitered outside the ing's concert. Resenting the intertudio when Flickerville was loand Russia, would choose the forwill leave town to go to univer. est Bloch. announced elaborate plans for the hi since he "could not choose" :ated at Fort Lee, New Jersey, fereace, Keifetz playedd on his friends and members of the Beth sity. Irving Wohlner, Bernie Ep- mer •acking his brain for a way to g-et j aluminum violin. None the wUer, the latter . . . But knowing Hitler stein, Morton Margolin, B o b El Auxiliary. k ANNOUNCE BIRTH will soon leave the chap- as she does from his "Mein n. One morning he watched till the manager complimented nim on " Mr.- and Mrs. Louis Appet of Mrs. Blank, and her co-chair- Bramson ter rolls. Phil Shoolin is moving Kampf," Miss Thompson probably Boon . . . noticed the company the beauty of bis tone. man, Mrs. Dave Stein, named the Miami Beach, Florida, announce T to Chicago and will become a was not in the least surprised that didn't come out for lunch . . . nor the birth of a daughter, Marsha following as heads of the financia member of A. Z. A. in that city. this prophecy went astray . . . At did any food, go in. Hastily he "Kol Nidre" is being lensed at Phyllis, on August 30. Mrs. Appet and social activities of the coming At the present time, the member- any rate she had lots of company. gathered all the small change in an eastern studio the film is the former Esther Horwitz of year: Yiddish movie to be shown ship committee is holding pledge will feature the Yiddishe Eande, his pockets purchased bread. in November, Mrs. Irvin C. Levin class for a new class of members, Omaha. CAMPAIGN: When the 1940 meat, and cheese at the corner Mrs. Appet's mother, Mrs. Clara and Mrs. Julius Stein co-chair- names of whom will be announced campaign converted the fooS of the New York divi- grocery . Horwitz, is now with her in Mi- men; "The Rigadoo" Chanukah in a short while. sion of the United Jewish Appeal into sandwiches . . . . announced carnival on December 10; The AnDIA M O N D S ami Beach. Ralph Turkel was named new opens, among the units not in the himself at the studio entrance as nual Dance, Mrs. Abe Venger and Everything' m o s t talked the "man with the company's Collections of Unique line-up will be the Federation of chairman of the B'nai B'rith CoMoe Venger, co-chairmen about in new silhouettes . . . BETPBNFBOJI MINNEAPOLIS Mrs. unch." Once iaside he quickly Jewish Philanthropic Societies . . operation committee to replace ' Diamond luncheon at the Blackstone tiny waists, skirt fullness in ':. Mrs. J. S. Kahz and daughter, the old his stock . . . then stayed . .And the N. Y. TJ. J. A., incidenIrving Wohlner. Contrary to past be in charge of Mrs. Arthur front, back or all-around. Miriam, have returned from a two will with" wide-eyed delight watching tally, is having a hard time findyears, the chapter voted to conCohen and Miss Blanche Zimman; Lavish use of furs . . . in months visit in Minneapolis with Radio the magic goings-on abOHt him. ing a campaign chairman for tinue to hold chapter meetings ly decigEetJ u e priced! Bailor collars, great plasPunch Boards,. Mrs. David Mrs. Kahz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman persistance finally got him trons, tuxedo fronts, remov•wills g-oo«5 eldi-fe»laioijand Mrs. M. Katleman, every other Tuesday night, instead 1940 . . . There appears to be a Such j . Shapiro. a job in the movies — as erran-d dearth of available leader materable jackets! Figure flattery co-chairmen, assisted by Mrs. Max of Sunday afternoons as was the boy! ial ' past custom. for every type! Cohen and Mrs. Sam Raffle. Terras Can Be MISS ALBERTS RETURNS Chapter interest is now mainly The Book Reviews which are to fi &i KB Eztra Miss Rosalie Alberts recently reconcentrating on the A n n u a l SPOKTS: James N. Rosenberg, OJhesr to SZSO part-fact-part-fiction account Cost "•' turned from Chicago where • she start on Tuesday, October 31 have Achar Hataunis dance, to be held JDC leader, was a moving spirit f AGus Edwards' life is the backMrs. Max Canar and Mrs. Sam Ke-zbergs fourth Floor attended the Normal School and Tom Kippur night, September 23. in the Labor Day sports fiesta ground for "The Starcnaker." Convention of the Chicago Associ- Steinberg as cochairmen. 'lans for this dance are being staged at Elizabethtown, N. Y., The remainder of the social handled by Chairman Stanley where the lawyer is summering. omehow we couldn't feel that , ation of Dancing Masters. Bing Crosby was Edwards — and Miss Alberts is now preparing events will consist of dinners to Turkel, and his able committee. vice versa. But if you disregard • to open her studio at the Music be held at the homes of various FICTION: Pat Frank, head of the incongruity of identity . . . sit' members. Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, Box on September 25. the new Washington bureau of the Mrs. Jack Bramson, Mrs. Harry JTA, is a successful shqrt story Trustin, and Mrs. J. M. Malashock BACK FROM COLORADO writer . . . His stories- appear in :: At the last meeting Leo Alper- Collier's Weekly . . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kahn and head-this group. son, chairman of the social servchildren and Mr. and Mrsl Abe CoNew Start Hecrs . . ^Acfssn SeSssdsit • Mrs. Al "Wohlner, president of ice committee, gave an encouraghen have returned from a visit in WAR: Morris C. Troper's wife f :3a A. IS. to B:S3 P. K.T-TctapiiSM AX 7S34 the Beth El Auxiliary, invites all ing report of the Philantrophies Pueblo, Colorado. refused to leave France when war members to an open board' meet- clean-up campaign. Of the 50 appeared imminent . . . She deing to be held on Monday, Septempeople solicited, 47 have given cided to stick it out with the SANDLER-KTTTEER ber IS, at Jewish community Cenpledges. T h e remaining cards Miss Minnie Kutler, daughter Their two chairman will be solicited • soon. Aleph JDC's of Mr. and Mrs. William Kutler ter at 1:30 p. m. however, were sent back Alperson also pointed out that children, waB married to Mitchell Sandier Mrs. Nathan Horwich wishes to Sam Beber chapter had done as to New York in the company of a of Chicago on Saturday evening, friend. August 12, at the home of Rabbi remind all the members that she much as possible in renovating will be happy to deliver Beth-El- the Center library. A. Z. A. 100 Leonard C. Mishkin of Chicago. DICTIONARY: Chaiin LieberThe couple will reside in Chi- Grams for all happy occasions. : has already contributed* a news- man, of the Jewish Daily Forpaper and magazine rack and cago. staff, is the author of a helped buy new Venetian blinds. ward's dictionary of Yiddish idiomatic Before more can be done with the RETURNS ITOOM COAST translated into Bnglish . project, the Jewish Community .phrases Mrs.' Harry Freshman has reIt is scheduled for early publica^enter must go ahead with its turned "from the coast where she tion . . . By Ariene Solomon share. has been visiting with her family for the past two months. As part of its work in sponsor' MISSION: A well-known Polish Dear Suzjr Q: ing the Jewish Boy Scout troop: Jewish journalist, who writes unLatest cliche—overhead l a s t chapter has designated sev der the pen name of Rey, is visitANNOUNCE BIRTH just try and put the eral Alephs, under the leadership ing these shores on an interesting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Neren- Saturday—"Well, yourself in" my false fingernails berg announce the birth of a son, and see how you'd feel then!" of Harold Slutzkin, to collec mission . . . Financed by a group equipment no longer in use by of writers in Poland, he is gathWilliam Alan, on August 29. What moderns these fools be. their owners for Scouts who can ering material for a book, to be Insportsnt . « < because JssfeIt was an elegant holiday while not afford to buy any. Severa; published in the Polish language, OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY it lasted, although it's a bit ironic uniforms ioa pats ihers, at tiie SeaS o.f have already been col Mr. and Mrs. Max Singer are when one realizes that the next designed to demonstrate how amthe list for fall! Short .iacket, entertaining." Sunday evening at national holiday coming up is "ected. eci suits . . . I3ng;-co"-.te£ Busts The next meeting will be held \ j h e i r home on the occasion of Armistice day. September 10. Future ' their 25th wedding anniversary. . . .. plain old tur-trimip.ecl I Visitors here from Sioux City Sunday, Fifty guests will be present at over the week-end included Les- meetings will be on Sundays beNo mstter v.-hr.t tj-pe fits incause most of the Alephs find i the dinner. ter and Bernard Lazere and Irv more to ;.'oar scheme o:f things . . . convenient. Lerner. Herb Horwitz of St. Louis it'E here! FROM EAST spent Sunday here, and Herbert Miss Ruth Hoberman returned Isaakson of Des Moines was in Boo British Fascists home after a six weeks* visit in town over Labor day. the east. Returning with her was London (WNS) — Three thouSo. l,E2i St. will be chosen her sister, Mrs. D. Greenberg, and A. Question—Who i sand members of the British Un Ke~zbe~gs Eir.ik Fleet Z. A. Sweetheart from among AT 4292 her niece, Judith, of Detroit. candidates La Brina Herzoff, Con- ion of Fascists, headed by Si WHOLESALE nie Meyers, Norma Seldin and the Oswald Mosley, were booed by D Ca&dies O Ci~ar ..JOSLTN MEMORIAL Wolk twins, Evalyn and Gloria? crowds that gathered as Fascist At 2:30 in the lecture hall of O Tobacco • O Pipes n lurched through the streets o Answer—To be given out the the Joslyn Memorial a sound film, night of the \2Srd at the A. Z. A. tlfc; west end of London. Six OFos&taia Supplies "Mothers of Nippon," will be 1 annual Yom Kippur Sweetheart tr,ickloads of policemen followe O Bever&jjea shown. A lecture by Robert Fred- dance. t i e parade. erick Lane on "Book Design andPersonally, I think it would be Designers" will be given in the lecture hall at 3:30. A concert much less confusing if the twins of Duo-Art organ records will be would run on a single ticket. 7( heard in .the concert hall at 4 Since' they look so much alike— o'clock. - •
A. Z. A. 1
Our Film Folk
$4995 $ 95
69 $ 95 89
A. Z. A. 100
Letters to a Coed
*; I
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•• Mr. and Mrs. H. Guss were at home at a tea on Sunday in honor of their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Demoratsky of Webster City, la. Other out-of-town guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ellis and Mr. and Mrs." Cohen of Lincoln.
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With the approach of the Holiday Season, our fish department is prepared to serve you the freshest of fish. We will clean, scale or- bone all. fish free of .charge..
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12 $ 00 15 Iff you vear sizes 35 to 48 . , . or JPiA to 24is . . . The Pta tinner- aViop is your lieaven! It's liTTiTis" of lacket &v.c one-piece sheer v*"o}s- , , - BT-« the new D i w r j - c.nfi PTCVRK rayon r-'-herzr Fifth F
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TO SAFelY—Fearful that London wili sufrer ihe (efe cl bornb-^o-r Foi-sh cvfies, authorities evacuate millions of metbers, clijleren anc invelies vrom tse c;tv?. This picture shows « patient being removed on a stretcher -from a city hospltel to « nearby viliecse. hl <?
KING CALLS —King George, left, shakes hands with Prime Minister Chamberlain on the steps of 10 Downing St., London, where His Majesty made a personal visit while the War Ministry and Admiralty were directing the mobilisation of England's army and navy.
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I WAR ZONE—Map shows the war zonejn Poland "end principal objectives of the German invasion by land and air. The opening air iraids were launched at Warsaw, Cracow, Czestochowa,. • Tczew, Lodz, and Gradziadz. From the south, German troops-struck at Czestochowa and Rybnic. Tho Polish aromunition dump at Westerplatte was shelled by the troopship Schleswig-Holstein.
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AuIirtTS—Dou-c!sj Fairberkf,
ST., the fomer film st«r, c'ccided, like many others, thet United States was a far safer plsce than Europe, so he-e he is on his arrival at Port Washington, L. I., on the Clipper.
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K9RNS OP WAP.—Many French cities, towns and villages have inSicllod sirens to call together the inhabitants of th© areas in c£so of air raids, such as this siren at Clermor.t, D'Oise.
LEAVES—Joseph Iipsk?t Pel. ish Ambassador to Berlin, who turned over his affairs to tho Swedish Ambassador and loft for homo. Whon tho, Nazi war machine rolled Poland and bombs were dropped on Polish cities, Lipsk! closod his desk and requested sold conduct from Germany to hi,a homeland. a tercet 15,03-D feet
fi"2B¥*6ali WAIT——Crown Prince Umberfo, who has joint chqrgo of Italy's army, reviews a
" w i ? ! C a D32"—Wearing for ihe Hrst i i n j in public his fie!c gray uniform, Adolf Hitier, arrow, is chovrn ?s h? macs' his fa'ofu! war speech before the Reichstag in Berlin. Hitler fold ths
from w»r,s;c, w!*:?h ^ c t
/JCS EVACtTATtO1^—Anne Bi;]l;*t, abcvf r ckuaKfer of U. S. Arsbesse-aor to Frcrce H'ii!>crr C. Eu!!"''!, is ej-sisilnc her father fc evecue^e families cf ihr Err.besjv- r-ief" frorr Pa^is. About 103 wcrnen end ch!'d"e^ have beev mavea»
Y—TheDuke of Windsor, center* m^kos merry at o charity ball in Cannes, France, just before'war broke out in Europe. The Duke, grinning broadly, has wrapped a table napkin about his head. He may return to England tor war work.
" ' . *
< ^
£ " C ' CC b"<"
"THE-JJbJWlfcLtiTKESS—FKTDAT, SEPTEMBER 8,1S39 ration -was caniffiivBfl. a n d "bam *ign mats well covered and a r e i -WHS fighting J a r confident of getting sweeping | flemDCTacy—--WE;hElieve:that-flEB- coverage 2Vs£Tn.£?ST" g during eariy stages D* ( j ^ J G 5 JLarSC g laration will mot only "receive Te- | t h e outbreak, 3,051 persons received aid ; Despite unprecedented adverse Th" Rv.?~v?r '•? ihp ci affirmation now but "also is im-1 plementation a t a-time -when pen-j Harry Conn, Columbia Pictures ;frcxn 9 Conrminutj- CSest Ag-ea-| faiisiness conditione. Bi't-sUIcnL Y. . buyiiir:'r Vipf. ~>r.~(^~<'iV;T' pies in t h e -wares nf j in-ex^-ret/crne'il "trtnn "England r e - ii=ies i a r e warring, i i tire lirst six -months a l s a s . \ "Tire public is besrfEnin? to rec- Ji. Jefiert ol the Union T^dac :Tir.or i;ir.rr 'v~ }~ *" 1 Chamberlain, lor justice a u t i ieently a n d ttrere doubt -tist j This -was levEaied in .a report * t3gi;ize the "value n* Coal Stokers against persecution. Tne 2ion- it Was a jittery crovro" Df Slow j being released this week from tiie as being" the "dost efficient cl all support given t i n : during the luis:. if1'. li.iir. tl^lT T-nr ninf-Ti ists i n t h e United States will un- business notables' he paced back ; Community Chest office to 73,000 automatic hes.tir.r devices ant; t>ryear sas rssniled in: [Hu;ll::- ri t!" in-^r^" 'T1^ to the good, old U. E. A.' He ex| Omahsns. ; derstand their special responsifar the most econoraicE.! in fuel 1. placiBC Union Paciiit ir ;he "Nc on? afilwn-n:? v (EDITOIl'B 3 J O T E — Pelley wasn't in Asheville, l)2CtS tD -prDdnce eight irrsde A j The Child CSTS Agencies serv- ! costs,'' accoraiBr to 13.E.TTT A. Cocolnnm serves -*o introtlnce 'Pat but "was probably somewhere in bility in this grave -hour." pictures this eomrns season forjed 795 cnildren, 104 ira married hen, part owner nf the Sonsehoid Frank, :new head of -the Wash- 'Montana. I t also turned nut thai Definite Policy ["British consumption. ; mothers. Gave tasiitutiona.1 care ; Utilities Co., •wiioiess.le X)istribuington bnrean of "the Jewish the -western .states a r e his strong£. iniprovenieiil. of r e I r ;. IOEF Amplifying :the statement in a n j i to 164 children, Xoster homes car- > tnrs in ..Nebraska., western Iowa, a'elegraphic .Agency. -His i n - Jiolds and that he's been having interview, D r . Goldman said that i .iii patrons iinfi ihr rnolic ir. Adolpn Zukor, rpioneer motion \*& £ » ^ 5 children and i&e Dzy ' teresting, .authoritative com- considerable correspondence with "the war and the prospects for a lil -.genefceiLCit lor 21 children, i ments irota t h e nstionls • capital a congressman .in the west. JBe- new world order — and therefore pictUTe leader c. KriiEtainini: F r. t i s ' P rto-p: tie is en: Slinnescta serving \ Yisitinccarad KITTEES lit?-'. ?oTT?Pnnf'v t?^Sie. will be ja weekly .feature in IThe :£ore t h e committse called luni,! for larger opportunities in Pales- as chairman •working: conditions for empicyes. Para- | . . man of ~the the huard of Para lts to s-- OL v.-inep «•.[=<• V&T?;. b u t Jewish ~Eress. P td T i e ne-r 1P4 C line or Fair- and at the same time assuring Pictures VTSS notified re-\T\t? tomes. Pre-scicsl healti IPelley had been daring them to tine over direction of abandonclinics exsnalnsa 4,7€E baiies. ijSHiis-r.Iorse Stokers is meeting holdenf of company securities Rr. price iio-esx roe55c""i! meats do it. ment of the "White Paper. T i e cently that he has bees d eiiiidrEE recsiv- with unusual public acceptance eguit&ble return upoc their irvesi• "WASHINGTON, This wasn't the only CQngress- Jews -would -be gravely disappoint- honorary doctor of motion picture care and medical throughout this entire territory. ment. 1 Shoved tiff -the -iront pages, :man with -wlinm "Pelley exchanges ed to learn -that "MacDonald (Brit- sciences by the Universite Lifere j J^_ " T o n : vine- «;P - h' ir 4. Susiainefi loyally, teamworS;, Sales considerably ahead of shoved o u t tif the headlines, views by mail, according to t h e ish colonial secretary) is still of de Academia Asiatica of India. At ssrvice. T i e Character agencies! previous years. There have been a skill and efficiency of the Union shoved clear "back into -the -want evidence, i u t their names were the opinion that the "Wiiite Paper the "same -time the famous ;prolarse number of Tarrtanfcs-MorBe Pacific personnel. S J > - i served '19,614 -children. ads by t h e impending sense of .mercifully -withheld. However, he is the last word in tne flestiny of ducer « a s ini-onned of Tne Welfare Agencies Fove S5P Stokers alreafiy installed in resiIr. its efforts to keep the. Union what, wines pointment to membership in i h e world conflict :has 'been t h e IDies talked by telephone — by a cur- Palestine!" families -planned service and re- dences and buildings tijis year and Pacific in the ioreiram oi Arneri- .a r e 'be?:" »or >"ovi." Committee, a n d yet rthe evidence ious coincidence Just as the Dies T h e feeling among the PalesUne i:F e d e T a t s ° a international des lief a 0ST ' t ^ ! Corns de Rechereches, also of I n - j - ' with t h e heating: season just ahead can railroads, the road, accordinf: produced before this .committee committee b e g a n investigating ,.Dr. zaz T , —,. mEi!y new installations are being to JSlr. Jeffers, will have ex2>enci- . ' -• ' on an emergency relief basis, wiia ; last -week of p particular interest •• •with someone in the sen-the "TiHhub would .be -with Great*• dia. |S2 transient families anU Z,uZS made ed during the year 1£SS alone the | AliSt*'&£%v>- *"' ' every-day. Britain in the -world struggle and ±o t h e Jews because .it EoncernEa'ate tiff ice building. "This some- the Xishub was zoating svery efbuIlDnilErv i unattached individuals xeceiving Art, society a n d sum of $15,000,000 for nev and: f^ry:T~I>' io:i saaals. In t,n s same j their .hitter anfl sworn jenfimies— .body nad anifnmliBtea telephone. o_l d~ p,a-l s~y .- . l . , = „ . . and m i n g l e d l i k e l i t t l e . . replaced equipment. •• ^"'~-"'"" ' " « fort -to be prepared t o meet t h e "The uranbeT, yon care, -to call, is has bean -sensational enough to 212 -agrea received care j n I emergency. And .1 believe that walsies a t t i e unveiling ol the IV. iPe«od land o n anybody'-S. P a g e One in U N C O t N "10344. : te Chairman Dies wants t h e D e - the Jews of the wnrld ivill he with ~B. mroductiDn, "Slapsie, r.Iasie," ; peaceful times. "N ort}vnii>-J ones S cocipietea t o , , the .first Jirst Tvorld world premiere ever jI I n t h e largest .air-cooled com- partment nf Justice to proceed the TishUb I n rths common s t r u g - perpetrated in the star's psrsonal- j raise between OctobST b S O and d J*o- \ SO Since the forma.! opening 01 its iri pri mittee TO om of thfi new House Of- against Pelley a s an "unregistered gle against harbaruan." Ho-wever, ly conducted rumme shoppe. The j member 10, funds needed by these | ^7iinamBtown, Mass (JTA) .Nazi -propaganda agent" and be- he warned that " t h e economy of 21 3 Dl i I newly remodeled store at11617 men! f before fice ic 3.uildins, s , -playing p y g star was .11 a x i e Rcssn-blctnri, j ^ ? ? ^ ^ ^ Z ^ J ^ ^ f ^ I i^s' Philip Bernstein of Hocheslieves that he can be xonvicted "the Xishub cannot withstand a ar. fn Jhr a .diminishing audience .as t h e -war iince he copied. Trerhatim, in his war -without t h e assistance of known in pnhilistic circles as Alvin S . Jtrhnson iE general chair- i ^^_^ spealiiiig a t a three-faith for- iyarnam street, Nortfcrur-. op.e5= to B 6 I T becotne the hE-vsTi for 110015- T:': Or the drive. news -captured t h e attention of publications, escerpts from official American Jewry and t h e British Rosenslap, a n d in hoss-racins cirum on peace s,t t h e 'Vris.lliams- j!has day luncliers. the Capital, Chairman "Martin jDies cles as the'bookies' best friend. t town Institute -of Human Relagovernment." New Tori (JTA) — Arnolt. tions, urged that leaders of all re-! PvCmodElinj: of ?-To"-t*n~i-p-~op.<;= It Tras a ni^ht of triuirrph for l>r. Goldman stressed that deministry. Chances of Pelley's • vm^ com-nlrtPG r.t v TOFT C" BKTTT' ba? ging i n t o t h e m f a i r s nf "Wllluim Bernstein, 3e-wish -.former owner j conviction under the act are slim, spite the war crisis the Congress 3IT. PcDsenbloom, vrho bicycled all , ii3 • thsr. twenty-five thousano- dollars. T - x n r Fi*.TTr>o~ ir :.";•< Dudley Pelley. around the place in his various i °* -Red Star and Arnold. Bensi they Tegara war as a sin and : had adopted a definite policy r e however, since it must be proved The new front is ol Georgian cie- t l e n i e r . t . T>~oTif>n ,t.i«Ti. "Ynh .can call Pelley t h e Ameri- that i e was paid by a foreign gov- garding the "White Paper and i a d capacities of film star, host, iead ! stein shipping lines, which were j : sign. Interior floor space has been contending- ia«; iC c' waiter, and target of a hundred j seised by the German govern-' those who -participate ia it." can Streicher, for off his presses, ernment. also Introduced important organig overseas vre^f 'T~<V^ t r K-'-.'i h»? t arrived i d on tth li Ni iecklers. All i e needed xras an- | Eiest, h e liner Nienw The fluty of the churches to ; increased ninety per cent. l t m s off in -Ashevile, H. C nill t i i -reforms, f -most of which other decision over Al Ettore to ] Amsterdam to make his p s n s a - world -peace. Rabbi i Much new equipment hae been possibilities o.r thr XBernstein anti-"S3mitic literature. That's how T ^Former Spiritualist coul Jioi be made public. make it 100 per cent comedy. luent residence here. He said he •said, is "to state publicly, clearly, j added, including "automatic cash- inveBtlnr DIOBE"- tt!5» Te,1 t.H?? refiihe mrakes mis living. There are things that stick in Other Zionists aboard the Queen gees -would be veicoroe.! ,. . j iatended to go back into the ship- ]courageously that they -will have ! iers" a t several counters. ^He miakes -a gaud living—some your miind after ryoWve listened to H a r y linclnded: Mr. and Mrs. A. not more traffic with war." He It was something different in j Ping business. Bernstein served \ $2iB,000 .in receipts .in "the last Barker irroduce the lowdown on K. rEpBtein of Chicago, ISIenfiel "M. an escape from the ! Q S 0-month term in a Hamburg-;warned that another general -war I Moses Seixas was in 1795 one Benjamin Mendw eight -years. But in the -years Pelley. His outgoing mail is 10 Fisher, Miss Kell Zlff, Mrs. David cpremieres, ±rtnn3.934 throughJl936, although per cent of all the mail sent out de Sola Pool, 3Iiss Pearl ZFranklin I auns dt Q m a r y solemnities of ermines j civil prison on charges of "trea- would deal E deathblow t o -relig- jof t h e iounderB of the .Newport one oT the founders of the New T o r t Block Exchange. IBank of Khode Island. ^ S k k a t s . I t was an esperi- son" and ' currency law ' - •violations, •--" Ire experienced a 3.o0 per cent in- tif Asheville, a city of 50,000 . . . of Chicago, Rabbi and Mrs. Joseph I ion. crease in business in the first six the government had to hiTe extra Xookstem, Daniel Prisch of In-1 m e ° t m theatrical psychatosy, a months of last yeaT, me only paid 1 clerks to handle it, and it was dianapolis, Mrs. Sol Rosenbloom ] modern versxon of t h e old Gilbert 5216 income las, and that's why estimated that 1,000,000 pieces of land her son, Charles, of P i t t s - [and Sullivan formula: "Let the •when the Dies committee gets literature -were shipped from the burgh, Habbi William Greenfield, punishment l i t the crime." through -with him, '.he'll be turned Pelley presses in a single year. Rabbi Abraham Granowltz, 2lorover ^o the Income "tax division Bis Silver Shirts organization, xls JSIargulies, Sarah l^eder, Isaac - :Night falls on Hollywood in Df the -treasury department. modelled after S i tier's 3 i t n r n Hamlin, Israel Chipkin, D r . i e o general, but not on Slapsie ilasie's j Ten rper Cent to-Jews Shirts, -tras huilt — according to Bonor of Chicago, Rabbi and Mrs. gin j e m t , which is ablaze with 1 B u t a most amazing or :amus- the committee investigator — to Julius Silberfeld, Rabbi and Mrs.searchlights and Burrounded by a i v Ing -hit of evidence cropped up in -provide -him with a mailing list Blumenthal of BDuston, Tes., Miss ssflDC mmrods. InV,tt eeaa^ l f autograph the plush car car- ; the committee .hearings. I t turns to which he selh? his booklets. . . Mi plush Marie Syrkin, Jacob Katzman, Eva Eva | | ? ?h e* e the ^valxei rug. i o c i out that about 10 per cent of his Ton can buy almost any sort of Berg B and F. Potash of Boston. 5!ii Jl know it is an- antique TSg be- ' literature goes to Jews. Robert j hoo^gt f ram t h e Pelley publica- This list is not complete. cause of t h e moth holes. On cue ) 33arker; a drawling southerneT ... . 11 youTTanttolearn how .side of the r u g is a table adorned j Tvho is probably t h e most efficient will head a l ;l ascwith smoked glasses, free of j Df the Dies committee's 'investiga-. ist^Nazi Army, it costs -2o cents charge. The idea is that the cus- • tors, was asked why. "Well," i e . B u t a iustory of Secretary of tomers m a y wear the glasses if | said, '1 suspect i t ' s thte -way. T h e the Interior Ickes sells for only "Mr. Rosenbloom's f itm a r t be- ; Jews -want to know what he's say- 10 cents ... . H e doesn't l i k e Ickes. I comes too brilliant for the naked j i n g about them." Before Pelley took up profesi eye. On the other side is a clinical j OX course, Pelley mimBelf-wasn't sional anti-Semitism, he was a By IRVING SO.KDERS ! table arrayed with mixing glasses ; on ;hand when t h e TDies committee spiritualist JPifteen people ! I and mottles of Boda bicarbonate, 1 hegam t o unravel mis financial af- bought stock in one of his original case of mal de -mer. fairs, -tangled as the -web of an companies, and 10 of them were ' . imminence of -war, -while this | untidy spider. I t turned out that women addicted t o spiritualism, is being written, a n d t h e accomThere is a feeling of anticipaJittery Reeling so evident the testimony showed ., .. . The panying in t h e iilm xMlony,. y i s n o t with- -tips Jn the -crowded little nigittery, date of his anti-Semitism correj i everybody waiting t o irsst' sponos t o t h e day tD the ascend- out reason inasmuch a s there a r e j sides from laffing, hut a e a a - ; ancy Df UitleT t o -power :as chan- no less than 75 actors, directors, i writers a n d '.technicians in S o l l yy- jj "while t h e public must This celhrr.-of .Germany,^. s_^_ 3 "wooa .subject subject tto o anilitary duty I*3 "something different in in first JJies committee -wishes it abroBil.. Practically every anajor I nights. It is a gimmick preraier had -more ;mf ormation about P e l JKumfaered '~"" tickets "' ' " a r e p a s s e d ley's relations with the INazi 3>rop- studio -would be hit hy an out-"" around and -who wins the cash aganda experts, but, of course, i t h j e a i in Europe. PrDmineut prize but Binnie Barnss. Jane is impossible tD secure such in- among the :111m colonists -waiting formation now . . . 3 t would also for- a call .from England are Cary Wyman wins t h e autouiDtiile. At like t o Iniow how Pelley escaped Grant, Ray Millard, Raymond least, it -was an automobile back with a suspended jail sentence Massey Charles Xaughton, David in 1906. I t s original red brow (Continued from page 1.) OliveT,, Hicharm h m j ^ a s furrowed with care and its after he -was found guilty of se- Niven, JSiiven "Laurence Laurence OliveT Hicham Btill "able ~to give and to organize curities frauds in North Carolina Greene, Brian AJUerne, G e o r g e honk showed distinct symptoms of asthma. There -was still a feelins Sanders, Boris :EaTlaff, E Buport a n d relief, a n d especially fivezyears ago. of anticipation -when t h e second Tto American Jews .und the AmerThe Dies committee was to Bre- Flynn and John Xoder. and last xeel started and ended, j i c a n ,3bint Uistrihution Commit- jjare i t s preliminary xeport on "Newsreel m e n were poised for The customers are still -waiting -tee. American ^!azis, and their supthe shot which -will send into ac- for the comedy t o start. this week . Then they'll "The .offices of the J . D- C. In porters, p , P a r i s are being flooded with TfiBut aft- tion crews whose work has been (Copyright, .1939, by Seven Arts t o Communism .Feature Syndicate.) erwards, they're coming hack to l m tbe course nf preparation l o r QuestBiaTaid.' -Mr. M. C. Troper, shift ^European Ehairman, a n d 31r. 3 . t h e -Na2h? because they feel t h e more than a ryear. Only m i n o r Stockholm (JTA)—Tie SwedC. -Hyman, executive director ol field of un-Americanism could-not shifts i n staff will he seeded to -the Joint Distribution Committee be a m o r e deadly ;green than i n cover t h e war unless it develops ish authorities deported IB refuin 3Mew Toxk, who I s on t h e Bpot this direction . . . . And don't take very quickly on a -wide scale on gees from Czecho-Slovakia who fronts. had arrived here nn a small J3si n lEurope today, .have been Pelley toD lightly . . . Dies said: many March of Time i a s several tonian sailing hoat. The refu.swamped -with appeals l o r imme- "Can you imagine a m a n like that with a million followers?" T t crews mow operating around the gees, jnost of whom are Jews, :diate aBshstance. that -potential -war zones. JNewsreel -were arrested immediately after "T-n xDnatant consultation with he may nave them. outfits such as T o s Movietone. they had been landed from the (Copyrighted by Jewish "Teleftess: -te the " K e w T o r k , with other Jewiah orPathe, iMetrotone, TTnlversai, p a r - boat on the Island of XTto in graphic Agency, Inc.) Sanizations a n d -with the repres.url th* amount and uthers mave all i o r Stockholm Bay. sentatives nf -the Jews in need, 1 l i r , Troper ;and 3Ir. JHyman have ^advised t h e J . D. C. im '.New 3 o t k of thB necessity of :immedlately .securing -funds, a t least dEor -the initial Biases of thu? confhigraSJ: ,tion, so as cto safeguard "the functions oof t h e -welfare and social organizations "which a r e -needed to -protect i h e iielpleEs actual and potential -Ylctims of the war iin all countrieB. (Continued tin page "In Tesponse, the J . D . C. has anade immeduite l u n d s avalUible, support of the allies i n t h e -pres-Tvithin t h e limits of :its .means, to ent war, Britain's Palestine policy : meet t h e meeds of at l e a s t the :having ibeen .submerged i n t h e •I ' ;' initial -stages of this emergency;" emergency. •Jervs Volunteer J o r Service (.2) Zionists ^expect Tlie Association of Jewish deal" fnr Palestine a s a ^ of T-Outh flrganizattons is imobiliz- the -war a n d -the emergence nf 31 g Jewish hoys .and girts of 3.4 Jewish state. I S ito send -them into :the fields (3) The United :States will me t o iielp with the harvest. T h e ac-xicie than ever a center of IZiontion, designed to help lill t h e :activittes -and American Jewry p a e. 1; c ni sntsrie created on t h e l a r m s by t h e gen--will be obliged t o miake xts?--rjld braid eral ^nobilization decree was -tak- dented contributions nf men, en with i h e approval ai the liihor mioney a n d -.moral strength. jmd ^agricultural Tninistries. Goldman Message -200 xefugee ,i>hy"Dr. Goldman issued -the IQIIDWsicians Ihave ^volunteered l o r gov- ing statement after concultation ernment service through tthe with Dther 2ionh?ts: P a r i s "lieadQuarters of -the DSB, "The i l s t Skinist Cor-gress, Jewish iealtfa sdctety. convened only rtwo -weete'ago ;in The Organization of Immigrant Geneva, seems just mow far :reJewish Touths issued .a declara- mioved from us. T h e jeataclysmic -tion -stating "that I t s membership events of t h e hist several days •was aware that I t s vplace a t this confront civilized -humanity -with -time was i n t h e .-ranks of t h e only tme issue — that of .French nation -which was fighting ing t h e victory of humanity over for justice, liberty a n d egual baTharism. T l h e 3ritish :a:nxi treatment. 1" ; h-. •** -&ench rpeople a r e lighting .for nil I • '.. '. Reports ±rnm Tunis a n d Algiars of us. Unless we a r e hadly iairild of t h e en-thusiastic iiatriofism lormed, mundreds of thousands.of heing- displayed by t h e JeiviHh will desert to the Allies. J • •jippulations there. I n Tunis. S i t l e r will go dowm to .ignomin^thousands of Jews a r e -besieging ious defeat, leaving behind only t h e STSCTuitlng offices to ehUst rior -the bleak -memories Df an evil -vrar service. "Their -number I s SD •nightmare. • l a r g e ;that t h e offices were un" T h e Zionist Congress, -.meeting cto liandle thein i n j m e ilay. -on the eve nf "war, asaui proved the Paris openings. Tlisy The entire F r e n c h press <&owii vn .your back hair. -Crtrn-ns are pleated t h a t Zionism "is guided by jjrinibeen iimpressed by t h e .attitude ciples a n d mot by t)T filitrreS, anfl uften srreep :into the air. See unr of rthe iimmigrants and tlieir Despite t h e injustice ^perpetrated stitdb-ior siiteli copies of originals "bj Sehisparelli, '" eagerness -to enlist. The netrs- on OUT tmovement by the recent IDescat, ATdlyneatrs. 3jgpHrs -emphasize :that mnong "White Paper on Palestine, we :m"those ."registering jfor voluntary sfcantly vdecided where our duty j seireice .are /many J e w s nf ^sll ipro- lies. 3a :the rpresent strugglt, ! •J? ieBsions and jjarticuiafjy feature :Zionists as alwiiys will be iound | y-£he story of a .fornier Austrian xm 'the Bide of humanity and civ' xablii -who Tappeared a t a xecmit- ilization. T h e rae-w struggle for •3ng -office -and -asked -tD Ihe rtaken: .'justice inspires "Zionists -with rei n t o :the Jlrench •'mewed mope. The 3alfDur Decla-
Union Yadfic TdQs \!Finocch.iar€} Stokers Handled lyy Gains of Past Year] OiSrc*^
Household Utilities
Hahhi Urges War Be Branded Sin
Ho I iy wood erry-Go-Round
J&erotbo BaUzrowi
!Y IV8I ••: ' At a business t session Monday afternoon Reuben Brown of Omaha was elected grand lodge president, to succeed Jack Goldsmith ot Sioux City. Other officers elected were Eli Evnen of Lincoln, first vice-preslr dent; Joseph Kaplan of D e s Moines, second vice - president: Archie Kroldff of Sioux City, third vice-president, and Phil Feldman of Omaha, secretary-treasurer. Omaha was selected as the site for the 1940 convention. An informal party was held on Monday night ending the two-day annual convention of the Ivre clubs of Sioux City, Des Moines, Lincoln and Omaha. The Monday night party was based on a west, ern theme with the hotel ballroom decorated in frontier style and those attending wearing "10 gallon" hats.
Orthodox Synagogues • Friday evening services will begin at 7 o'clock and Saturday morning services will be'held at 9 o'clock. Rabbi S. Bolotnikov will speak at the morning services of the Beth Abraham synagogue. The Beth Abraham synagogue has arranged to have C a n t o r Abraham Mlllard of Chicago for the High Holidays of Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur. Selicoth services will begin at 12 .midnight on Saturday, September 9.. The Tlphereth Israel congregation has arranged to have Cantor S . Karr, well-known Chicago cantor, for the High Holiday serv? ices. Selicoth services will be held at 12 midnight on Saturday, September 9.
Harry Cohen Dies Mr. Harry Cohen, 215 20th street, died last week after a several months illness. Mr. Cohen had been residing in Sioux City lor the past year and a half. Surviving are Mrs! Cohen and two children, Milton and Rose.
Buds of Hadassah Hold First Meeting , The Buds of Hadassah Young Judean club held their first meeting after the summer vacation Monday, August 30, at the Jewish Community Center, under t h e .supervision of the club's new advisor, Miss Rosanna Dikel. New officers were elected and the years*, social and cultural programs-were outlined: The following officers were elected: Bessie Lubman, president; Anne Gordon, vice-president; Sadie Schvid, secretary; Sylene: Skolovsky, treasurer; Betty Lesser, reporter, and Adaline Stern,. representative. .
AGUDUS ACH1M The Agudus Achim lodge will hold its' next regular meeting Dr. Louis J. Dimsdale, Martin ho- Thursday,. tel, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dims- Eagles hall.September 7, at the dale, 2023 Pierce street, at a reception Saturday evening in the B'NAIB'RITH Green home. Mr. and Mrs. DinisThe next meeting of the local dale and their son were among the guests present. The wedding B'nai B'rlth lodge will be held date has not been set as'yet. The next Monday evening. bride Is a former student of Creighton university and of the CHEVBA B'NAI YISROEL A business meeting for memUniversity of Iowa, and is a member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. bers of the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Dr. Dimsdale attended Morn- synagogue was held Wednesday. ingside college, is a graduate of the University: of Iowa medical TALMUD TORAH The Talmud Torah meeting, school and belongs to Phi Epsllon Pi social fraternity and to Phi originally scheduled for SeptemDelta Epsllon, honorary medical ber 4, has been postponed until Monday, September 18. fraternity.
Raymond Fisher of Western Reserve College in . Cleveland, Ohio, has received his masters degree and is here visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Fisher. He has accepted a position at the house of industries' in Philadelphia as a supervisor. Mr. Isadora Marsh and daughter, Miss Esther Marsh, spent the week-end in Minneapolis. Miss ROsabelle Wlgodsky spent the week-end In Norfolk, Neb.
RETURNED Douglas Kooier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kooier, has returned home from Chicago, where he spent eight weeks visiting , with relatives. FROM WASHINGTON The Misses Lillian-and Bookey Kushner, formerly of Council Bluffs, and now employed In Washington, D. C , are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kushner, 1900 South Sixth street. They arrived here Monday and plan to remain • for two weeks.
Jerry Cohen of Omaha spent the week-end in Sioux City visit- RESIDING HEBE ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Max Shostak and Max Cohen. family are again residing in Mr. and Blrs. Sam Ratner and Council Bluffs after an-/ absence family spent the week-end in Chi- of about a year. cago,. 111. . VISITED HERE , -. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sydney^Kaenig of Mr. Earl Novich returned after Davenport, spent a few days spending the week-end in Daven- last week la., visiting with friends port. here.
Wllliamstown I n s t itute Hears Advertising Executive Williamstown, Mass. (WNS) — Homer J. Buckley, Chicago advertising executive, told the Williamstpwn Institute of Human Relations last week that business was a factor in determining whether the United States would continue on the path of tolerance a n d brotherhood or would be torn by radical and religious animosities. "Promoters of racial and religious hatred are concentrating their energies to a large degree on winning over business men to their subervsive propaganda," he said in an address before the Institute. Mr. Buckley advocated an educational movement among business m e n with the following aims: "To expose the nature of propagandists of hatred and to show that these are anti-democratic and prorFascist elements, who, if they ever came to power in this country, would strangle business in the same manner as the Nazis have strangled it in Germany. "To convince business t h a t
Mrs. Jack Steinberg and chilPilgrimage to dren, Donald and Jean, and Mrs. Steinberg's mother, Mrs. A. Malin, "Marshall Gravereturned home Monday after visit-
New York(JTA) — A pilgrimmage to the grave of Louis Marshall's grave at Salem Field Cemetery, Long Island, on Sept. 11 was announced to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of the noted Jewish leader. The call for the pilgrimage was signed by Lewis L. Strauss, president of Temple Emanu-El; Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Sol. M. Stroock, chairman of the executive committee of the American Jewish Committee.
(Continued from Page 1) poses for the good of humanity they will perceive in it.) Hitler with-Stalin!. What becomes of the bright ideals of rapt young Communists as they see their god giving aid and comfort to the one whom they have been hating above all the creatures on the earth and the beasts in their holes under the earth and the reptiles in the sea? ••- " /Hitler has crashed the gates of western civilization and a little man standing at this turn of history can only raise his fist in helpless futility and .ask questions: Who is safe-now? What1 is safe? What will this eventually mean to me and to all the things I cherish? ' No, I do not feel in the least frightened by the approaching operation even though it is called major. The world, as it looks this morning, c e r t a i n l y is not one •worth holding fast to and. nothing good is going to be lost by one •who leaves it at this stage of its „ h i s t o r y . . - ";• • Yetil fully, expect to come out of the operation and to keep go-jng- in a world in which, I hope, impending events will not fall •with, the dreadful crash that seems imminent today. ' In fact, I hope to write my next 'Piece from my hospital bed and I pray for such a turn of events as will enable me to say, "Well, it's good to live in a world so lovely, -to descend into an anaesthetic and then to find everything had turned out beautifully while I slept." (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
so-called Christian organizations" on the streets of the city. Nevertheless, she and Arthur Robb, editor of "Editor and Publisher," who defended the policy of newspapers in this and similar Instances, agreed upon the general fairness of Arnerfcan newspapers. The press. Mr. Robb asserted, is the strongest bulwark the nation has against ideas under which it could not attain Thomas Jefferson's aim ot life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. At a session on "The Movies and Propagandizing," three prominent educators. Dr. Frank Kingdon, Dr. Edward Everett Clinchy and Professor Robert Lewis, of Glendale,. Cal., Junior. College, urged that the motion pictures become an instrument for t t i ^ strengthening of democratic principles. At an evening lecture on "The Church and Political and Economic Systems," Rabbi Joshua Liebman of Chicago said, "There can be no reconciliation between Israel and totalitarianism, between Judaism and tyranny " George N. Shuster, acting president of Hunter College, a Catholic speaker, reaffirmed faith in man himself as the basis of true liberty and true liberalism. Why Conghlin The Rev. Gregory Feige, formerly a professor of philosophy at Fordharn university, and now a writer for the Catholic press, won an ovation from hundreds of Protestant, Catholic and .Tewish members of the Williamstown Institute by his explanation of why
the Catholic church "countenances" Father Coughlin, and fey suggesting how a representative f r group of American might move to have him silenced. Father Feige, a member of the fi' Committee of Catholics for Human Rights, which bes been active in opposing anti-Semitism, spoke extemporaneously from tbe floor after a ciscussiou of propa- j Xew York (WNS) — The Artef ganda in America. In answer to j Theatre, considered the most armany requests made for an au- jfisUe Vidflish dramatic group in opening its twelfth thoritative "explanation" of Fath- I New York, SF 1 er Coughlin by one of the Cath- | season ear!; in October at the olic members, the Rev. Feise >l Mercury Theatre, Its new home pointed out that even tcouKh I lor li!r,0-4fi, with a production of Father Coughlin is a Cathoiic ; "C.'irton Street" described as an priest, yet when he spoke over [East Side saga comparable 10 the microphone or committed his i "Des.c End." private opinions to writings which i The piay lias been adapted by did not bear the imprimatur o£ ; Louis miller from the well-known his Bishop, then he was an Amer- j Jewish novel "Clinton Street," and ican citizen entitled to ail i. U e : is being staged by L>em Ward, who rights of an American citizen I directed " . . . one third ot a na- - i from the point of view of t h e i tson . . . " church. Cam&cle. Ousts Consul The only court of redress for Ottawa (JT.A)—A government. his critics, Father Feige said, was spokesman said Dr. Erich Winthe Archbishop of Detroit, and hi dels, German general to could act only on "cogent and Canada, will beconsul handed back bis compelling grounds," which mus! by the govtake into consideration Father ernment, removing Canadian his diplomatic Cougfclin's rights as a citizen. within the next few days "I believe," he added 'Uiat status unless he leaves in the meantime. decant public opinion rightly prehe continues to stay he will be sented and specifically presumed If QE an alien enemy. The to his Archbishor would natural- treated practice is for alien enemy conly have influence. This would sul generals to ask for passports have to be done by a representa- to return to their own cruntry tive group of citizens." when war occurs, but Windels has so far failed to do BO. Solrnon Mayer Schiller-Szinessy, an Hungarian rabbi, was also a The synagogue at Schlettstadt, professor at the Lutheran College of Eperies in Hungary Alsace, dates from 1387,
ing in Kansas City for two weeks. IN SIOUX CITY Mr. and Mrs. Nate Nogg spent the week-end at the Ivre Conclave, held at Sioux City. •
Rosh Hashonah Greetings
RETURNED HOME Mr. and Mrs. David Cetron have returned to their home in Davenport after a two-week stay here.
TO LEAVE Mr. and Mrs. Phil' Kutler of Omaha are leaving in t h e near future . to make their home in On August 3, 1899, when a fire Wichita, Kans. Mrs. Kutler was destroyed a monastery, that had formerly Miss Marian Perlmutter once been the old synagogue in of Council Bluffs. Segovia, Spain, It was officially proved by the -condition of the HOME FROM OKLAHOMA walls that the Jews had been Alvin Nogg has returned home falsely charged ot a desecration after spending two weeks visiting of the Host, for which the com- with relatives in Oklahoma City, munity was massacred Okla.
Through theColumnsof
e Jewish Press In Our
New Year's Edition
Sioux City relatives attended . the marriage of Miss Beatrice ;Levitzky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Levitzky, 808 18th street, and Nathan Cohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Cohn of Cedar Rapids. . The - wedding was held last Sunday afternoon • at the Blackstone hotel, Omaha. Rabbi David Goldstein officiated. A wedding dinner followed the-ceremony. . Mr. Cdhn and his bride are taking a two-week trip into Canada . after which they will be at home at • 605 Commonwealth apartments, Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Meyer Green of Omaha announced the betrothal of her daughter, Miss Phyllis Green, to
racial and religious hatred is a forerunner of class warfare and that they should suport movements which aim to foster good will in the community — including good will between capital and labor and between agriculture and industry." He shared the speaking platform with Fannie Hurst, novelist, who pointed out that "America has come into a gerat intellectual inheritance" through the immigration of such men as Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann, and Dr. Henry Noble MacCracken, p r e s i d e n t of Vassar College, who urged members of the institute "to make the church a more indispensable agent for human needs if they desire to sav.e it; and if they desire to save civil liberties to work directly in political ways, and not to mix the two efforts." Discuss Propaganda The institute also heard an address by the Rev. Edward L. Stephens, director of the Diocesan Missionary Fathers of Richmond, Va., who, speaking with Methodist Bishop Francis J. McConnell, of New York, and Dr. Robert Gordis, of the Jewish Theological Seminary.of America, said t h a t union membership was the worker's obligation "for the protection of his fellow man as well as society in general." At a session of the institute discussing propaganda, F r e d a KIrchwey, editor of "The Nation," charged New York newspapers with suppressing news of "growing violence instigated by followers of Father Coughlin and other
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Mr. and Mrs. wish their friends both far and near A Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mr. and Mrs. ——— and family extend to their friends sincere wishes for a Happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. — and Family wish their friends health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year. Mr. a n d t\'r*. •
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-take this means of extending greetings and hearty good wishes for A Happy a n d Prosperous Year to their friends far and near.
Your greeting problem is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relatives and friends a Happy New Year . . . No danger of the embarrassment of forgetting someone • • • no trouble . • .time and money saved. These greetings will be published in our Rosh Hashonah edition, September 13. The charge will be $2.00 for each greeting . . . Mail any of these forms, or phone your Greetings.