In the Interests of the JeivisK People FROM BE© Well, I did come through my operation and am writing this on a hospital bed where I wait for my abdomen to knit together tut Second .\ia.:t filauei «a January 31. 193S, at again. VOL: XVI—No. 46 •OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1939 Hustofflee. of Omaha, Nebraska, urtc1t»r the Act of March 3 1873 I am enjoying my convalescence •which ia a dreamy, lazy state of being. I am even a bit regretful that within a week I must leave this and return to the far from happy world that I came from. AH I visually know of the outer world is framed withia-the area of my window: A lovely blue sky . . . white clouds that look Observance of Yom K|ppur, the The following schedule of servlike flocks of sheep » . . a wide most holy day in the Hebrew Cal- ices is bein ""^served in local clump of trees. ndar, will begin this evening in houses of w Organisations all houses of worship. The Day yThis would be all of the outer J e w i s h Many Die as Wilno RaidOKXHO? "'^S.. ' world I knew were it not for the of Atonement, as it is also known, Rally to Aid ed by Reich BombThe ser:_ "~* radio at my bedside. 1 have time s a day of fasting and prayer and Stricken begin in Orti:s>» ing Planes will last until sundown tomorrow. and again said, No, I shall not 6:30. Rabbi I. R<ivi» listen to the damned thing, but I One of the three festivals, which speak at the Beth Haaii^ LACK MEDICAL AID STATEMENTS ISSUED were evolved from an ancient au- Hagodel Synagogue. retain a recollection of the world " as I before I came into tumn harvest feast, Yom Kippur With the coming of Fall, the On Saturday .morning the f>ervthe peace of this hospital; I am Emergency Faisd Already was marked with great ceremony ce will begin at 7 a. m. At 10:30 Rumania. Outlines Rules Jewish Vocational Guidance Burbeing tantalized by curosity to in the -days' of the second temple. eau of the Jewish Community for Refugee Released by there will be a memorial service A week was spent in preparation with what happened to it. Center again offers vocational special praj-ers for those killInflux J. D. C. for the services, which were conThings seemed to be ging very counselling to the Jewish youth of d in Palestine daring the past ducted only by the High Priest An intensive campaign to iii- without its Center. The Center to[badly when I retired from the the city. year and for those who Iiave died By DAXIEL L. SCHOKS By .PERCY WINNER f Israel. » ' ;world nearly two weeks ago and n the current European conflict. The Bureau, whiph is a service crease the membership of the day is taken for granted, but it is New York (JTA) — American Jews from all parts of the Prayers for peace will also be ofso, even in the tranquility of this Jewish organizations are rallying Riga, Latvia (JTA) — Panic activity of the Center, assisted a Jewish Community Center will important to review the needs Jiospltal I remain concerned with all their resources to cope with the world,.made a pilgrimage to fered. among Wilno's Jewish population number - of Jewish youths with be held shortly, announced Wil- j which the Center serves. "To begin with, the Center pro.what's going on. (The world real- the plight of the beleaguered Jaws the temple' in Jerusalem in order greatly contributed to the carn- their vocational problems during liam L. Holzman, Center'PresRackovsky will speaS at age vides a gathering .place for all resulting from a series of air he past year. These problems inly isn't worth a man's troubling in the war areas of Europe. Or- to participate in this ceremony of theRabbi Congregation B'nal Israel just raids by 18 Nazi bombers, accord'especially of one who is away ganizations have acted "as fol- fasting and prayer for a New Year before clude choice.of a vocation, infor- ident. T h i s campaign, which Jews, whatever their religious, sothe Memorial Service. of life. ing to details reaching here. Jrom it all in a soft bed that can lows: mation about vocational training coincides with, the thirteenth cial or political views may be. At 5 p. in. Rabbi Rackovsky After the destruction of the "The Center furnishes excellJ>e so manipulated as to ccmfort In the almost total absence of school, and discussion of in- anniversary of the Center, is of (1) The General Jewish Coun- Second Temple, there was no will speak at the Congregation authoritative control, scores of and every convolution of his body.) dividual abilities and aptitudes, great Importance, since the Center ent educational and cultural opcil, holding a special two-day ses- longer a central place at which Beth Hainedrosb. Hagodel. thousands of refugees from the as well as an analysis of local em- depends upon memberships for its portunities for Jews of all ages So every -once in awhile I dis- sion to consider "the present special ceremonies were held. But TEMPLE ISRAEL in the form of classes, lectures, war zones were trudging t h e ployment opportunities. activities. ' i cover myself tuning into the emergency situation," discussed in synagogues wherever Jews were forums, clubs, discussion groups The Kol Nidre service at Temple night long to the Latvian frontier Personal counselling . appointdreadful world that I shouldn't three plans for enlarged action settled, the prayers that had made Israel "For the past twelve years," and the like. will begin this evening at where they were being turned ments may be made by calling the ba listening to. In fact I tuned ia and co-operation among organiza- up the temple services were recit- 8p.n. Mr. Holzman stated, "The Juswish back at rifle and bayonet point. Center—Jackson 1366. "The Center provides physiat 7 o'clock this morning, at the tions engaged in Jewish relief and ed. Each individual said his own Community C e n t e r has become cal recreational facilities for Tomorrow morning the service Entrance to Poland from Latvia defense and intensification of acrecognized by all as the only allmoment of my awakening. The prayers asking for forgiveness and will begin at 9:45 The Children's was likewise impossible. Jewish boys and girls, men and. inclusive Jewish institution in our women, in which to develox*' C o l u m b i a System's man wag tivities. Another meeting will be for another year of good life. Refugees arriving" here from service Is scheduled to start at held October 1. In the interim, city. For many years, it .has pro- healthy and wholesome bodies. epeaking: "At 5 o'clock this 12:45 and the Memorial Service Warsaw via Lithuania reported vided a home for all Jewish organjnorning," he was saying, "Prime the plans will be referred to the "The Center makes possible a will be held at approximately that the heaviest casualties occonstituent organizations—Amerizations in the community and a place for Jewish. youth, whero Minister Chamberlain announced 3:45. The Xeilch service will take curred In Jewish quarters during ican Jewish Committee, American focal point for all .Jewish activi- they may spend their leisure that England was at war with the recent bombardments of the place at about 4:30. Jewish Congress, B'nai Brith and ties. Every Omaha-Jew. is justly time in a' wholesome environGermany." Polish capital* Rabbi David H. Wice will conJewish Labor Committee. In any proud of the Center and of its con- ment; where they may come for Shock Felt The 18 Nazi bombers "swooped duct the service. Mr. "William I*' tribution in making our commun- counsel and guidance; where My mind should have been con- event," the Council will be enwithout warning on Wilno. They Hoizman will be in charge of the the progressive Jewish com- -they1 meet and find companion"ditioned to receive this. At the larged to include other organizarained more than 200 explosive ChUdren's Classes Now ity children's service. munity it is." time I retired from the world all tions. ship; and where they may beBeing Organized and Incendiary bombs on the city. BETH EL (2) The J o i n t Distribution Fills Many Needs' * - . . come conscious of their Jewish the evil in it was pointing to war. The Beth El Synagogue will be- The thickly populated Jewish . at Center Chief Rabbi Orders Kol Committee has rushed emergency "It is difficult to conceive," Mr. heritage and responsibilities. JThe dreadful sounds of approachgin the Kol Kidre service this quarters were hardest hit in the Nidre Service Holzman continued, "how- our ing calamity had been coming to funds to the Jewish central emerevening at 6: SO. Rabbi David A. raids. "And, finally, the Center has An unusually large program for gency committee in Poland and Jewish community could get along Cancelled my ears by, radio even until 9 Horrible carnage was reported children Is being offered for the Goldstein will speak at the service proved to be the unifying force iu elsewhere in Europe. The J. D. C. o'clock last night. Yet now as I tonight on "How We Save and Re* among Jewish children, women coming season by the Jewish Comthe Jewish community. In the has obtained t he "sympathetic By VICTOR M. BIENSTOCK heard it . . . "War! War!" . . and aged. The planes were said munity Center. In addition to deem Ourselves." light of world conditions affecting understanding" of the State DeI felt a shock of horror on ac- partment for its work in Europe, to have dived close to the streets Tomorrow morning's service will our people, there was never a the regular classes, a number of Dr. Joseph London (JTA) count of the .millions of the in the Jewish quarters, machinegreater need for. cooperative acnew activities are being organized H. Hertz, chief rabbi of the Brit- begin at 8:80 with Yizkor at an announcement said, and ha3 gunning fleeing pedestrians and .who must die. All this may get opened discussions looking toward ish Empire, ordered Jewish High about 10:30. Rabbi Goldstein's tion andharmony. for the first time this year. rid of Hitler iut their corpses co-operation with the American Holiday services drastically cur- sermon will be Olives that Bless leaving hundreds dead and woundA Children's Theater will meet Membership Advantages ed in their wake. ."will make tbe beaped-up altar on Red Cress, the American Friend3 tailed because of the war and is- and Inspire." on Sundays at 2 p. m. under the "The Center is an institution for /Synagogues -Burn •which ha shall perish. We had Service Committee and other sued instructions to synagogues direction of Mrs. Herman Jahr. the entire family. Thp needs and A number of synagogues a n d This activity will offer an oppoi-been saying all these months that groups. on what to do in the event of an interests of all members of the New Committees Appointscores- of houses were in flames tunity for the development of the only way to be rid of Hitler family are carefully planned and (3) The Emergency Campaign air raid during the prayers. from the incendiary bombs. Medi- poise, self-confidence and expresed by President was by war; it was easy to say Committee of the Federation of In case of an air raid, minprovided for. The new policy of cal attention was lacking and the sion. The presentation of an anthat. But now it was war and the Polish Jews in America has re- isters were to advise those living the "Center, which makes all Us Fellman greatest panic prevailed among nual play will culminate the work earth became sickly fluid as by ceived State Department permis- near the synagogue to return, to activities open without charges to the city's extremely- poor Jews, of the group. an earthquake. War which had sion to raise funds for the relief their homes and to announce to Plans are going forward for a its membership, is an added adr/ho make up a large proportion Dancing classes for children be- complete and very active program vantage to the members. !>een an easy word on the lips of war Poland, Sam- the others the location of the nearof Wilno's population. The nortween .the ages of 4 and 14 will for the coming year for members Suddenly took the form of young uel Untermyer, chairman of the est air raid shelters. It was also "The Adults and youths find excorpses oa battlefields, of ehiid- emergency committee announced, suggested that large notices be OSE Plans Medical Units mal population of Wilno is about be given every 'Friday afternoon of B'nai B'rith lodge No. 354 with cellent meetings rooms,,a splendil 200,000, but it is estimated that from. 3 until 5:30.. Kosalie Al^ Xen shattered on the streets. for Eastern. and M. Maldwin Fertig has ae- posted 'at entrances to synathis figure has risen to about berts will instruct' these.' classes. tho appointment of standing com- Forum Series, a Theater Series, There used to be a Jewish pro- ceptad the chairmanship of the gogues listing the. nearest sheltmittees by Dr, Leon Fellmani pres- and Orchestra and Choral Society, Europe j300,000 as a result of. the.lnfluj: educational clubs and classes, a ident^ '••'/ ibleui, as I remembered. It was al- campaign's executive-committee."- e r s — " .•--.. •'-. . ....,., -..... .„.-. -.„., of-war -refugees, ^t~ leasfhalt of '.••;' ' :r*w_.: H a n d c r a f t . : . .. •;•-^ -; The General Jewish Council is"For obvious reasons," the injwaya on our minds and almost Mrs. 'Meyer" Beber will~direct~a ' Some ot'tne commltte'eiriippolrit- •wen-equipped physical education Paris (JTA) — American Jew- whom are Jewish'. 'everything that want on seemed sued the following statement aft- structions state, "old men, •wom- ish doctors and nurses -will be . Juan Ruiz, Brazilian diplomat, Handcraft club, also scheduled to ed in June r functioned through- department. ' en and children should say their asked to volunteer for service in returned from Poland with heart- meet- on Sunday afternoons at- 2.. out the summer months arid "pro"The children have a completa related to it. But now this paia er it3 meeting: "The General Jewish Council prayers at home on the High Fes- two special medical and first aid rending: talea'of the flight of war Instruction will be given in clay- vided the lodge : with much suni- program of recreational and charJia3 gone.- swallowed up by the universal suffering that has eta- comprising tbe American Jewish tivals." units being planned by the World refugees, a majority, of whonr ap- mode'lllng, - soap sculpture, - wood- mer activity. The Breadbreakere acterTbuilding activities of their under the direction of Chairmen own. A group of clubs,.developing The Kol Nidrei services on Yom OSE, Jewish health society which parently were Jewish. Ruiz said work and basketry. .' " . , braced all mankind. I should be Committee, the American Jewish Meeting also on Sunday. after- Jerry Gross and Lawrence Gross the " creativity of children,' mass ashamed to raise up my own lit- Congress, B'nai B'rith and Jewish Kippur eve September 22 were operates in Eastern Europe. The he had seen 1,000 Jewish refugees tle voice of Jewish lamentation in Labor Committee, completed a cancelled altogether, while the units will be sent to Poland. Plans stranded without food, many of noons at 2 will be" a Rhythm Band met ever Thursday noon at the entertainments ot. high caliber, session last eve- Neilah service was advanced to for formation of the medical corps them wounded or paralyzed with for children, 5 to 8 years of age, Elks Club with a large number of will serve the needs of the childpresence of this vast tragedy. special two-day y alied to consider consider an hour before the actual end of were mapped by "leaders of the shock, beside the bodies of killed under the direction of Mrs. Abe members present each week to ren of the Center memberships. (Hitler has just mentioned j ? ia g ((Sunday), >• ccalled to i ] discuss current and future lodge Fellman. "The Center's Physical Educa'.Jews in one of his proclamations. P multitude of problems aria- Yom Kippur fast. The New Year OSE here in co-operation with the (Coutinued on page 8.) . : ': • tion Department, with its splendid .. On Wednesday a special class business., war ha3 something to do• sng out of the present emergency service concluded a half hour be- Swedish Red Cross. situation. It was the unanimous fore the official blackout. in ballroom and social dancing The outstanding event of the gymnasium and swimming pool, A delegation of Polish Jew;wittt a "Jewish-democratic" con- agreement of all those present Air Raid Instructions will be given by Miss Alberts for summer program was the B'nai health clubs for men and women, ish leaders in Paris is being orspiracy, he said, but I didn't get that the emergencies of the presWith Germany and Britain ganized to go to the Unted States young people of high school age. B'rith picnic held at.Krug park handball courts, and a, wide, prot m m e n tt r e c l u i r e a n iatensifl threatening unrestricted aerial to consult with American Jewish The Boy Scout troop will con- on August 6. Approximately half gram ot sports, ia of great importent Wht-r S th^Tesh scar^n ° " warfare, the Board of Deputies relief organizations on methods tinue meeting on Thursday eve- of the lodge's membership was ance in preserving the good health of British Jews also issued a cir- of aiding the war refugees. MemThe collection of contributions nings under the leadership of Jay present. A program, of contests and-well-being of its membership. cular to all synagogues with in- bers of tbe delegation have been from the Jewish National Fund Weisman. A Girl Scout troop were conducted by Alfred Fiedler, Larger Membership Needed Kabbi ^ f h a s ^ u t beon at - of «?** * the defense of the rights Jews. structions to be followed in the informed by the American Con- Boxes in Omaha begins Sunday; meets on Sunday afternoons. To make the Center's work chairman, and his committee conSly bedside and while he sat here "After a considerable discus- event of air raids during serv- sulate here that they will be giv- October S. A Junior Horseback Riding club sisting of Daniel Lintzman . and more effective; a larger memberlie was called to the telephone to sion, three concrete plans were ices. ship Is needed. It ia the incomo •Senior Hadassah, the Mizrachl, Is also planned under the direc- Joe Solomonow. . en visas since the Polish Embassy receive word of the sudden death presented preliminary to a spefrom m e m b e r s h i p fees which Immediately the warning sirens intervened on their behalf with and the Pioneer Women are the tion of an expert instructor. New Committees ot on& of his congregation. He cial meeting- of the General Jew- are heard, services must stop, the United States Ambassador Wil- three organizations which are Mr. Arthur Rapport will direct Committees appointed by Dr. makes many of its activities postame back shaking, his head sad- ish Council which has been sum- instructions said. In addition, liam C, Bullitt. a Children's Choral group on Fellman are: Americanization and sible. sponsoring this collection. ly. The dead man was a fine gen- moned for October 1 in New York worshippers should not congreAnyone wbo has not a Jewish Sundays at 2 p. m. Music appre- Immigration, Donald Brodkey; This year's campaign lor new Join Legion tleman whom I knew well, but City, for tbe purpose of reacbin gate in groups near the syna- , The delegation is expected to National Fund Box in his home ciation will be taught in connec- Program, Alfred Fiedler; .Bread- members will concentrate on Famcouldn't feel sorry for one dying a -decision with respect thereto. gogues and should, before leaving include breadbreakers, Jerry Gross and ily Memberships. Tho Family Carol Sachs, noted War- and would like to obtain one tion with these activities.* The fortnight's intervarl w a s their homes, make sure that the in this most tragic hour. The ' Photography club which Lawrence Gross; publicity and Membership is the one which insaw Jewish industrialist who was should do so by calling Mrs. I. agreed upon in order to permit "Rabbi," I said, "isn't it more windows are covered and the stranded in Vichy when the war Dansky, Ha. 1656. was last year received so success- brevities, Harold Zellnsky; mem- cludes all members of the family, pity for us who must stay in the the constituent organizations to lights dimmed. fully will also continue this year. bership and" conservation, Milton husband and wife and all children broke out; ex-Senator Rabbi Rupresent the plans for the con•world and watch all this — to see "For the -duration of the war, binstein, who was stranded in Registration for these classes Frohm; social service, Dr. Philip up to twenty-one years of age. Sells Jews' Furniture sideration of their governing the unfolding of horror en horror it is strongly urged that top-hats Belgium; Emil Schmorak, Polish London (JTA) — The Daily may be made at the office of the Sher and Salewin Michnick; bud- With many activities planned lor bodies and to be instructed there—to suffer these fears — to keep get and finance, Alfred EYank; the entire family, it is tho aim to should not be worn for syna- Zionist leader; Engineer Anshell Sketch reported that among the Jewish Community Center. looking Into black darkness. Bles- upon. anti-defamation, William Holz- enroll memberships on a family gogue,' the instructions added. Reiss, director of the Palestine miscellaneous- goods offered by "The plans call for the assumpsed are the dead, you might say, man; house, Harry DuBoff; rit- basis.. Meanwhile, because of the dif- office in Poland; Dr. L. "Ullmann, Germany to Neutral countries as ".'.:• tion of greater responsibility on ficulties involved in supplyin welfare worker, and M. Appen- barter for food and raw materials since they are spared all this." ual, Alfred Frank; v o c a t t onal Complete information as to camguidance, Dave Boden; A. Z. A., paign dates and campaign organiThe rabbi didn't argue the the part of the General Jewish kosher food for thousands of Jew- schlak, chief editor of the Polish- are immense quantities of second Dr. I Dansky; Charitable Organi- zation will be announced shortly. point. This a e o o n d world war Council in the direction and ex- ish children among the half mil- language Jewish newspaper Nasz hand furniture left behind by zations, Dr. A. Greenberg. , must make a difficult intellectual ecution of activities relating to lion evacuated from L o n d o n , Przeglad. The campaign for new members is Jewish refugees. Chief Rabbi Hertz announced that struggle far rabbis and other (Continued on page 7.) At an executive committee meet- an. important event'in our com"in a national emergency such as clergymen. Haw can they justify Ing held at the home of.Dr.-"Fell- munity as it will demonstrate tbe' at present, all that is required of an all-merciful God who is the man, all chairmen reported that solidarity of the community In them is to refrain from eating fortheir committees had done consid- support of an institution which is Fathe- of all. And where is bidde.. meats and shellfish." erable work on the coming year's of benefit to the entire communJesus? Were I a minister I The Chief Rabbi also ordered "Today,is History" is the title program which will be presented ity.;. "• • .. ' -."."' •-••••••• should feel I had fallen into fua special prayer of supplication of the first of.the series of lec- at the first meeting of the lodge, tility in a world which had befor Britain's victory in the war, tures on world events to be given Monday, Octobr 2. Indications ate come uninhabitable for people to be recited at every Sabbath by Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus on consec- that the highlight activity of the who still believed in loving kindfestival after the prayer for the utive Tuesday mornings at 10:30 fall program will be the regional ness and compassion and justice. After a head-long flight from a King. "A spirit of perrerseness starting on October 17. convention in Omaha to be spon(I wish I could keep on stayour own internal problems. The has come over a renowned na- Europe convulsed by war, Mrs. inherent decency of European The Omaha Council of Jewish sored by the local lodge. ing la this hospital which is like David A. Goldstein, who had been (Continaed on page 8.) The opening service for Succoth Women is* on,e. of .the co-sponsors Chairman ol the convention some remote island where only attending the World Zionist Con- peoples mast ultimately reas- of the project along with the is Alfred Fiedler. According to kindness abides and only gentle wil) be held at the Beta £2 Synsert itself or let Europe die." gress in Geneva at the time of the agogue this Wednesday evening at of F e d e r a t e d Church tenative arrangements made the -:f,'- Arrangements have been made, hands reach out to serve. But, The work of-the Zionist. Con- Council outbreak of hostilities, Wednesday S o'clock. Rabbi David A. GoldWomen, The Y o u n g Women's convention will be held here dur- according to anouncement by the alas, shortly I will have to leave stein returned to Omaha firmly convinc- gress was of course overshadowed Christian Alliance, and the Uni- ing the month ol November. Rep- Jewish Community Center, wherewill preach an appropriate it and go back to the stinking Succoth sermon. Canter Aaron Eded that America must adopt an is- and considerably modified by the tarian Alliance. resentatives of lodges in Lincoln, by children from 5 to 16 years of •world.) outbreak of the war. All during gar and the Beth SI Choir will olationist standpoint. Mrs. A. D. Frank and Mrs. Phil Council Bluffs, Sioux City and age may attend horseback riding Yet were I a minister I might lead the service. the period of the meeting, there "Despite my sentiment as a Gilinsky are In charge of ticket Omaha will be here for the annual classes. take myself aside (perhaps to the Following: the service the conSew, a member of the group so was those urging early adjourn- sales for the Council: In addition regional'conclave. -• Miss Cleq Gates, one of Omautter peacefalaess of some hos- gregation will go into the Succah, ment, and finally the sessions The Succoth services o? Temple hideously mistreated by Hitler were brought to a premature con- to all members of the Council - Luncheons Continue .••'. ha's finest riding insrtuctors, has pital room) and try to think the which ha3 been decorated by the board, members of a special ticket Israel will begin "Wednesday even- and his rotten gang, despite niy The Breadbreakers luncheons been engaged to take charge o£ •whole thing out. women of tbe Auxiliary, for Kid- ing at 7:30. A congregational sympathy for France, I am an . clusion on August 24. committee include: Mrs. Harold will continue to be held each the class. Children may arrange By the following day the deleYes, I might say, perhaps it dush. Mrs. Julius Abraham- Thursday at the Elks club and all with the Center office to make up dinner will precede the service. £ uncompromising isolationist," were' in headlong flight at- Abrahams, isn't God's fault. God, ia fact, lias Thursday morning the service pageant will be given during the Mrs. Goldstein said npori' ner"re» gates Mrs. lodge members who desire to be their, own parties, of four or five, k Mrs. Sam : Appleman, tempting to reach their homes or son, not beea here yet. Wa have leapt will begin at 9. A special service service by tba cnilden of the re- turn. Sam Berkowltz, Mrs. Harold Far- notified should-contact either Jer- the maximum number in a class. seaports before actual fighting Him among the stars or locked uy will be conducted at 10:30 by the ligious school. "War cannot cleanse- the broke out. In a train that was a ber, Mrs. Meyer Freeman, Mrs. ry-Gross or Lawrence Gross. •/' Groups will meet at the Flor. in our marble altars or imprison- Junior Congregation. Max Holzman, Mrs. Fred RosenThe ceremony of three genera- plagtie-spot Europe. It can only mass Officers o£ the lodge^ for tbe ence Riding Academyr 9202 No. • of screaming hysteria, Mrs. stock, ed in the cold type of prayer Nest Friday evening services tions will also be observed at this breed more wars as soon as Mrs. Howard Milder, Airs. coming.year are: Dr. Leon Foil- 30th street and ride in Hummel books. will again be held at S. Alter serv- time. Participating will be Mrs. aaother generation grows up Goldstein left Geneva for Paris. \ Harry Rosenfeld, Mrs. Harry man, president; first vice presi- Park on Sundays and after school. Refugees in Flight Too aidiiy Creeds . ices the congregation will again S. Sommar, her daughter Mrs. Phil to carry oa homicidal hatred. Trusti-n, Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz,' and dent, Alfred Fiedler; second vice A nominal fee of fifty cents per "From then on until we arrived Mrs. Herman Kully. u oE EiK Perhaps we need to bring Him enter the Succah. And as fop saving democracy, Gilinsky, and her granddaughter president, Milton Frohm;. record- lesson or 52.90.fora s r ° P down to the earth to walk among Philip, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pattie Gilinsky. we saw the last vestiges of de- In New York we were refugees in The suceeding lectures in the lessons Is charged.'. Horses used ing secretary, Joseph Solomonow; flight," Mrs. .Goldstein said of men la the image of justice an.d Fox, •will chant the Kiddush as Children entering the religiou* mocratic control disappear in herself series will be entitled: "Postscript financial secretary Salewin Mich- at Camp-Jay-C-C are available for and those Zionist delegates' Dart of the celebratioa of his Ear So t h e r e may be France as tae was? machine took school will be'consecrated during compassion, : with whom she traveled. Sharing of 19X4"; "What is Truth"; nick; treasurer, Nathan Yaffe; the classes. something I 2ii for me, a rainiatsr, Mitzvah whieh is to take place en the pageant. Those who will par- control. Tlhe same dreadful the, compartment in the train to "Ethics in the Modern State"; and Warden, Harvey Leon; guardian, To date the following have regSaturday morning, September 30. ticipate in this ceremony are: Kay transformation took ' place in Paris with Maurice Samuel, who "Who Will Build Tomorrow?" Alfred Frank; monitor, Harry Co- istered for the.classes: Judy Alto do amid tba ruizi of the world. I can be a sort a* prophet carryGoldman, Elinor Rosenstock, Jim- England. Britaia's sins have hen; trustees, M o r r i s Shapiro, berts, Betty Cohh, Delore3 Colin, Copenhagen (JTO) — Forty- my Farber, Jodie Feiler, Alice come, home to be visited upon took out his typewriter, stuffed ing the banners of a better world Algiers (JTA) — Nazi propa- William Weiner and Arthur Co- Sylvia Bernstein, Arleno Dansky, his ears -with cotton,-and calmly : seven Jewish children arrived here Jean Giliasky, Pattia Giiinsky, her." here and sow. • "••• : • - • - ' , . J" ' '• • . : Martin Faier,- Phyllis Greenberg, writing despatches- for. his gandists coming from Ceuta and hen. "OMIT American boys cannot. began But I muse not go marching from Germany under the auspices Betty Jahr, Richard Eomonek, Tetuan were arrested for having Arnold Kaiman, Dave Rice, Doa wrapped ia tlia separata robes of of the Youth Aliyaa mcveseat. David Sclsman, David Pcsley, Sal- be permitted to" die for such a newspapers. in their possession huge QuantiRice, MMard Margolin, Miriam The Jewish congregation o£ Paris, when they arrived that my' owa creed. TIsat'3 beea tie Another. 200 are expected to ar- ly Lou Solomon, Alien Marer, Lar- dabioas issue. Europe is a sick tles of propaganda material. Mos- Belgrade, Jugo-Slavia, was organ- Dansky, Dorothy Romonok, Dorevening, was deserted. Ths next hell of it . . . everyone of us rive at an early date. Their de- ry Pollack, Jerry Brodkey • and old etas. We mast • forget that " lem leaders said the Arab popula- ized in 1530 by Don Joseph Nast. othy Rosenberg, Phyllis Weiner, every American in becoming a morning the Americans went to tion was determined', to live oa ^wrapped in our creedal jealousies- parture from tbe Reich has been Teddy Schimmel. and Myrna Kaiman. the embassy where they met Post. . . making dissension and hate inad.3 possible by .the intervention Thursday morning the service United States citizeii repudiated master General Farley, who ad- good terms with the Jews. They Further information may be Four; of Seville's synagogues of ths Danish Women's League for will take place .at 11. A Succah Enrope. Oar best work" in the expressed indignation at Nazi in- were Sri 130G converted into gotten at tao office o£ the Jewish Peace and Freedom. (Continued on page 3.) service of democracy is to solve has ben Use Temple. trigues. (Ccntinued on page 8.) Community Center. churches.
Yom Kip1
Vocational Guidance Is Offered by Center
J.N.R Plans Box Collections Oct. 8
TO um w
New To Maintain
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A MR. and MRS. BEN A. ABKA;" HAMSON and family, 2135 Ave. C, Council Bluffs, la., extend their best wishes to all their relatives aad friends for a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. MR. and MK3. S'KAXK R. ACK33RMAN wish their relatives aad friends a New Year of Happiness. MISS RUTH ALLEN of- Cleveland, Ohio, wishes all her friends and former associates a Hanpy aad Prosperous New Year.
MOTHER CHAPTER of A. Z. A. extends New Year greetings to the Jewish Community of Oma! ha.
B A very happy and prosperous-New Year to the honorable officers of Chevra B'nai Yisroel of Council Bluffs and all the Jews in Council Bluffs, together with all the Jews in the world. • The RABBI and MRS. BARBAKOV.
MR. and SIRS. 31. M. BARISH and family, 912 Jlercer Park Road, wish their friends aad relatives a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
Jin. and 3JIKS. SASI SSBEK aad family extend New Year greetings to all their friends.
MRS. M. BROOKEY and son, EDWARD, 3322 Webster, t a k e this means of extending greetings aad hearty good wishes for a- Happy aad Prosperous Year to their friends far and near.
CStS wlshsa 3 Eapjy aad Prosperous Nsw Year to all tieir members, families aad friaads. MB. aa--l MBS. D A - V I D H . BSOWN," their son, RAYMOND, and daughter, FRANCES JEAN, offer best wishes'for a Happy New Year to their relatives aad friends.
c MB. and MRS. M. £ . CHAPMAN and chiSdrea, BERNARD and HELEN • JAXE, extend • heart- : iest greetiags "of the New Year to their relatives aad friends.
MS. and 3ISS. 1>. H. CHSRXISS and family, 3935 North 22nd street, wish their relatives aad friends Health, Happiness and Prosperity in the coming year.
MR.. ABE COHSN asd family, 39$'North 33tb Are., extend to their triads smcera wis-ies for a Happy N< 7 Year. MB. and MRS. ASS COOPER aad family wish their relatives and friends Health, Happiness and Prosperity in tie coning- year, •
MR. and MRS. SAVE COHN a n t children, JULIUS and GSBBT, 113 So. 55 th St., -wish tieir-relatives and friends a Happy aad Prosperous New Year.
DR. and MRS. O. S. SENSES and son, 552 South 55th, extend heartiest New Year Greetings to their relatives and friends.
MR. atid MRs>. jTIJL'S BISNO, Washington. D. C. wish their Omaha friends a Happy N e w Year.
MR. and MRS. DAVIS BLACKER and family extend to all their friends a n d relatives their • heartiest wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Y,ear. MR. and MSS. HARRY BLACKER and son, XORISIX, wish their relatives aad friends a Year oil Health and Happiness. MR. ana MRS. I. BLACKER and family extend to all their friends and relatives b e s t wishes to? a Happy aad Pros. perous New Year.
DAUGHTERS OF ISRAEL LADIES' A2I> SOCIETY of the Jewish Did People's Home wish - the Jewish peonle of Omaha a year of Health, Wealth and Happiness.
SIR. and MRS. MAX DAVIDSON, 3011 Lincoln Blvd., extend to their relatives and friends sincere wishes £cr a Happy New Year.
M3SS BOSS DAVHJ5ON of Loa Angeles, CaL, extends to her relatives and friends New Year greetings.
MR. HARRY DWORSKY of .Allen -Furniture wishes h i s friends a Happy and Prosper-
MR. and MRS. HABUY'FRIEDMAX, and son,. HABOLD. MARSHALL, extend .to all.their relatives and friends best wisbe3 for a Happy New Year.
'DB. and MRS. BENJAMIN T. FB1EDMAN and family Y,isa to esiend t o their frienda best •wishes for a H^ppy- and Prosperous New Year.
MS. aad MRS, XATB/GIMXSKX wish their friends both far and near a Happy and Prosperoas New Year.
DR. and )UIS. MORRIS R. BibAi'S-iEK of Wichita, Kansas, extend to all their u-iends and relatives best wishes for a Happy ai-1,1 Pi-osoeroas New Year. MR. a Ml and i i relate es foi d
tae r \ 3h-
MR. and SKIS. il.SN BKODSE1 and family extant! heartiest' wishes to ;.heir relatives ami friends for a Happv aad Prosperous New Year.
MB. and MRS. SAM FAIER and . DR; 'SAMUEL 2. FAIEX extend to all their relatives aadfrJea-ds best wishes for a Happy New Year. BAES2 X. F3LBMAN estends "best wishes for a Year of • Health, Happiness - and Prosperity to his T@l3.Uvea, friends, members of the Adasa YesSariin eonzrssation, members of the Vaad, and to fh-3 entire Jewish comai'inity. New Year Greetings from-'MEYKB FRIEBEL aad family, 4313 ". California street.
BIB. and MRS. NATE HOBWICH, and son, JUSTIN, wish t h e i=r friends both far and near a Happy aad Prosperous New Year.
MBS. CLARA ROBWITZ extends to her relatives and friends heartiest greetings- for a year of Health, Wealth and Happiness.
MB. • mi .MRS.- MORRIS E. i; JACOBS and. daughter-wish to espress to . their relatives and friends best -yfishes for a. Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MB. srtd 5SIS. DAVID . and family extend to their friends and relatives sincere wishes for a joyous New Year.
KABBI and JIESJ. DAVID GOLDSTEIN and sons, JONATHAN, JSSEHY and ALSXAXDSR, extend to all their friends • best wishes for a New Year of-Happiness.
31B and 3 IBS. MAX GOLDSTEIN, their son, HAR2ty, and danshtsr, 1 KOSS, 323 North Thirty. fifth avenue, • take this sneaascf estending g r e e t i n g s asd hearty good wishes for a Hap• py and Prosperous • New Year to their friends near and far.
BIS. asd 3IKS. SHEOLLY GOOD3IAN and iFRAXKIB of San Aaionio, Texas estend to t h e i r " friends sincere- wishes for a Happy New Year;
R . and MBS. M. I. GORDON.extend to all thstr .friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. DR. and MBS. A. GR8ENBERG, a n d daughters, BEVERLY. RENEE,- and PHYLISS, extend their heartiest greetings for the New Year to their relatives and friends. SIR. . asd MBS. J . 3. GREEXBEKG and children, L E E JANS and BAKTON, extend to their friends' asd relatives sincere wishes for a. Happy New Year. • BABBE"-'. H. GRODINSKY, 2833 Davenport street, extends, his best wishes to his relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous Ne¥»* Year. MB. WILLIAM G B O D I N S S 2 •wishes all his friends a Happy and Prosperc-a3 New Year.
ous New Year.
MISS LIB'S!" BLACKER of Los Angeles, Cai., wishes her relatives and friends a Happy aad Prosperous New Year.
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MB. and MBS. CMASLES GUSS, 1437 North ISth, take • this means cf esteadins greetings and hearty good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year to their friends far asd near.
MB. and MBS. W. HAHN of the Public Coal Company take this means of - extending greetings and hearty good1 wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year to their friends far and near.
MR. aad MSS. A. HESSBEKti , estead to ail their relatives and friends heartfelt greetings for the New Year.
BIB. and MRS. I. KAPLAN, 2211 Maple Street wish their friends both far and near a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
.MB. and MRS. MAX .KIRSHENBAUM and family wish their friends health, happiness, and prosperity for the coming year.
JUBS."'A.-MAZIE. wishes her Omar ha vand" Sioux City friends and . relatives '• a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ' •
SIR. and. MBS. GOODMAN MEYERSON and family, 2118 I 1 street, • with their relatives•.and friends a New -Year of Health and Happiness. • • , ••_
MB. and MRS. HERMAN MEYEBSON -and' family of Council • Bluffs wish their', happiness, and prosperity in the coming year.
MR. and MRS. JOE MORGAN and family take this- means of extending greetings and hearty good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year to their friends far and near. •
SIRS. BAILEY KBASNE,- 519 Oakland • Avenue, Council Bluffs, extends to all of her relatives and friends best wishes' for a Happy and. Prosperous New Year.
MB. aad 31ES. 'REUBEN KULAKOFSKY wish- their m a n y friends and. relatives a Happy • New Year. • • -1
THE 'LABOR LYCEUM ASSOCI• ATION officers and hoard of directors send their.New Year's greetings : to all stockholders and-occupants of-the building •wishing them a Happy/ and Prosperous New- Year. —o—
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SHE -LADIES AUXILIARY' OF •THE WORKMEN'S C I B CL'E BK. 173 take's this opportunity of wishing, all their friends a Happy -and Prosperous' N e w .. Year.... ':
MRS. MINNIE LA-PIDIJS. and son, KABL, estead ..their r heartiest best wishes, to. all for a- Happy New Year.
MR. end MHS. KIVIX LEVIN, 510 So4tn Fifty-fifth, wish their frionds loth far and near A Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MR. end 31HS. ZOh Z.'SXilA and family. 4SCS DDUSJCS ttrcot, estend to tbo J c ' i - h people'of Ocjabs. their best vlJj.?s fr.r a year of Health, Wealth and
MR. and MRS. B. A. SIMON, 611 North Fiftieth street, wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Prolperous New Year.
MR., and MRS. LESTER SIMON and sons, ALLAN DAVID, FREDDIE JOE, and STEPHEN • HARLEY, extend to all their relatives and friends b e s t wishes for a Happy New Year.
'MB. and MRS HARRY STEINBERG and family. 111 South Thirty-fourth street, wish their friends and relatives Health, Happiness and Prosperity in the coming year.
MR. and MRS. JACK STEINBERG and family of Council Bluffs •wish their friends and relatives health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year.
SIB... and; MRS, SAMUEL NATHAN and son, LEONARD, • ex» ignd to their, friends sincere wishe for a Happy New. Year.
MR. and MB3.-SAM KLAVEB and son, LINCOLN, w i s h t h e i r •friends, and relatives a Happy and Prosperous "New Year.
MB. -and .MRS. .PHILIP M. KLtrrSNICK and BSTTi* LIT extend their best wishes- to • their friends • and relatives for-. . a year of Health, Happiness ' and Prosperity.
MB. Bftd MRS. DAVID SHUJiERT •, and children SARI and SAMMY, of'.Council; Bluffs wish their friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MB. and MRS. J. TRETIAK, and family t wish their friends and .relatives both far and near a ; Happy and Prosperous New Year. DB. and MJS.".DAVID-'C..'PLAT3?. take this means of estendin'g greetings and h e a r t y good •wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year to their friends far and near... , -: ,
SIR. and MRS.' MARK.POLONSK.Y and • family wish . their friends both far and near a, Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MR. and MRS. HARRY TRUSTIN and family estend to their relatives and friends sincere wishes for .a Happy New Year.
MR. and" MRS.'ABE VENGER' wish their friends both far and near a Happy and Prosperous New Year. -
MR., and MRS..- W. A.and daughter, NAN, estend heartiest greetings for the New Year to their relatives andfriends. ". •
MR, and MRS.- 31. 'A. VENG.EK •." and son, JERRY, estend to their many friends and rela"• : tives sincere wishes for a Happy New Year.
MR.. and. MRS. ;: HYMAN RICHAEDS and • family wish•• -their. . friends heatthl-.-.- happiness and prosperity in the coming year.
MR. and MRS. MAX VENGEU, 950 Pennsylvania Avenuei Miami Beach, Florida, wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MB.-and .MBS.'- S A M : ROSEN-. TH4L and family, 1730-Third-• v avenue, ..Council- Bluffs, Iowa, estend their best wishes to ; ail their relatives-• and-: friends fora year of Health, Wealth and ' Happiness.
•MR. and MRS."PAUL VERBT and children, CARRY and LINDA, estend to their friends sincere wishes for a Happy Neaw Year.
DR. and MBS. A. S. RUBNITZ, 'and family, 5204 California street,. estend best wishes for the coming year to all their relatives and friends.
'MB. and .MRS.. H. A. WOLF estend to their relatives and friends best wishes, for Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MR. as.d MBS. CHAS. SALTZMAf, and family of -Council Bluffs r.ish their relatives and fiiesda i Happy and Prosperous New Year.
SIR. -ami MRS. HYMIE ZORIN=.SKY and family, 4ISl-'Wakcly _ Street, extend best wishes to ' their friends and relativcu for a year of Health, Happiness, and Prosperity.
:;. cr.j fir.ij. rcoiiRf:: S K I , X K S a™d C3n.s extend to their friends clneo"? wishes fcr a. Happy New Year.
CLANCKK and I. B. Z1MMAN wish, their many friends a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year.
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57tO—Thnrsa^y, Septcraosr 34, i9£
Juan Hifeues accomplished stituted an auto da fo against tho her rescue. Thrdugh the Sultan's Jews in Avignon, the Tarkisls Jewish physician, Moise Haiaon, Jev/s -were Irsed on the intercesthe Sultan was prevailed upon to sion of the Sultan and escaped sena an ambassador demanding boiling in oil or conscription as Gracia'a release -; to Turkey. She galley aiaves which was the la to ! In the family circle and home, the heritage of Israel has been preserved. To those who was Ireed afed arrived in Ferrara, of tlie Jews of other nations. It European haven for Mar-•wras Donna Gracia Trho sussrested i in 5699 announced their marriages through the colnmns of the JEWISH PRESS, we extend another ranos,_in 1S49. ^Brianda and her the Jewish boycott of tlie Papal ' cur'heartiest cossjratuiiations.' • •• ,• • •••-..• .:-.-• .••_•.-.._.. '• .• . s i i e n T O i i i s i e ; -were port"-decreed" -by .the RabbiuSoil expelled Irom Venice lor refusing College of Safed. "the only Iruovn: "hss Ether Paiizck and Di*. Ben Goldware Miss Gertrude Miroff and Mr. Charles Susman to be Christians, and they effected example of coercive measures tak f i s 3se»- Newman ar.d Mr. Lesn Stone Miss Gertrude Canar and Mr. Bernard Zevltz a reconciliation -Frith Donna Gracia en ay tao-Jews in the course of P a Ann and Mr. Ban Blait Miss M. Anne Welsman and Mr. A. Eel. Slmans their long history" -until tiie asjThe following article slcit in Ferrara. ... r _a EIU EaSie Kornsy and Mr. A. B. Sshioff Miss Sylvia Glventsr and Mr. Ab4 GoidbErg Juturs fscte j and tare possible Os j Palestine threatens tioa against the Russian pogroms wltl» the role of PaJestine as i _s LliiSast Fri«2tsassp a i d Dr. Harcia Btsm Miss Ann Fsllraaii and ftSr. A6e Slutstey siriaia ] gratica or oTer'oO.OOO Je-^s In FerrafaD o-naa 'Gracla's r>i»- °earl MsnsSsy and Mr, Marvin Polofeof Mlso Anna Ka=nit atsd Mr. ASse,Eer»ard Ttlles Otthe ISOQ's. for refugees 'i!iAii jali> V a Rsva Gorsiiek isrsd Mr. t-ouis Sins"" -Miss Marian Psrimuttep and Mr. Pi\U Kutlsp aarrisa'Juan s e n t and t i e halting cf the up-hays come there since IS33. "i ^ Minnie Seiner and Mr. t s u i s A. Ru'ain . Kiss EHnor SacKs and f4r. Lson -Msndslssn Donna Gracia also obtained The 2act fiat 38 ae-w setti-ag baa, accepted -the f ;3 SauUtt Kay artd Mr. • Lawrsp.cs Welnsweij Mis3 Sarah Rifkfn and Mr. Albert O. Rtieijen Jevrisb name of Joseph Kasi; and Tiberias and seven other Paleseats iave already estabHome. been Miss Dorothy Jean Whita and Mr. =fWarris Be!l Miss Marjorle Garber and Mr. Samuel Kaplan Out oi ail the vnisery which has her niece, Gracia Benveniste, tinian cities for Jewish colonisa^liss Ultilan Rsnsa and Mr. William Gaspar Miss Msrion Chcrncy ana Mr.- Julian Nathan I^eiiaissuiice listed during this period, is ia11 bauilea tiie Jewiaa people la t i e tion in 1565. Ber agents startea u Eaa 'Csrsrjman ar.a Mr. tsen J. Kraft F»5iss June Goetx and Fred Crits married SaiaueKK&si.. Ia addition iJ> beiay: tlia greatpast six years, one shining miracle Miss Muriel Kraane ana'Mr.' Davli! 'Sernstain •• silt" and- -%7ooi . -industries there. M ss Lsona Fried and Mr. Philip Mulnick i ish agricultural colonisation can ' In the Court offeriarapbetry, est force for a Jewisi renaissance, in Jewish lite has emerged. l a Miss Dorothy Gresn and Mr. Max Csffstein Miss Ruth White and Mr. Irving Freedmsn This Renaissance matriarch tiled j very successfully be continued philosophy, medicine, astronomy Palestine has also been the sicst Miss Helen Stain and Mr. Harry Babendure l>.<? midst of the greatest catas*t!-s MaiUs Nude!ir.3n ant3 Mr. Morris J. i-ipp in her 58th year in CoiistaaUj Where Arab disorders were calcuMiss, Etta Camel and Mr. Maxwell RcsEnblatt and otaer sciences .flourished, powerful spiritual inspiration to Miss UlIHan Ste'.er a"si Mr. Joseph W. Harris trophe Palestine appeared oa tlie nople, and the lovfely medallion Miss Ruth Leltsovici ana Mr. Sol Click • | lated to retard Jewish progress, | Miss Fiorenca Gilinsky and Mr. Rulssll J. Elumenthal and several •worfes lilie the famous the Jewish people ia its hoar of Jswisii horizon not merely as tils Miss Jeanette Coltoff and Mr. Hy Rueben Miss Ruth Romm and OP. Hsroid J . Barksr I the Jewish community turned de-j "Bible of Ferrara" were dedicated in the Semiiiary Museum vrlll embodiment oi an idealistic dream j disheartening distress, Miss Rose Wintroub and Mr. Milton S. Frankle Miss ZsISa Heien Chemisa and Mr. Henry Rezniek ; feat into victory and entered new j to Donna Gracia. But freedom serve to keep fresh the memory i In the past three years, the Miss Doris Mokofsky and Mr. Morris KGom Miss Ethel StDisr and Mr. Msa Grossman x imt as tlie world's foremost, haven for the - Jews -eras too precarious of her prodigious acltfeveta^nts cf Palestine, fighting the | fields of endeavor in order to Miss Tina Altsehuier and Mr. Eugene Schneider Miss Leah Jan Netzorg and Mr. Sol Stine \i?.T expressed Je^vs. As t hj Jews e Miss irene Mirewitz ana Mr. Sidney Feintech in Europe, and in 1552 with a for her people. j very forces which are seeking to I maintain and strengthen its ecoMiss Evelyn Rimmerman and Mr. Samuel lJaht iragerty of the collapse cf the Miss Sess Kirshenhaum and Mr.S Sam Shyken Miss Lillian Shubert and Mr. IrvlngWiemveg suite of five hundred Spanish and I undermine their Jewish brethren ! nomic structure. The building of Jewish community la Germany Miss Friedn Liatscwitz and Mr. a m N °vak Jewish port at Tel Aviv is a Miss Aciels Catts and Mr. Israel Hornsteln Italian Jews, Donna Gracia comOnly man's •vrictedhess may crashed upon t'ie consciousness of'(throughout the world, stood their |i the Miss Bess Staimastsr and Mr. Mart Ashsr Miss Rose Gold and Mr. Albert Rice example of the indomitpleted her voyage to Constanti- easily becoiae all men's cart?. Miss t-iiiian Koom and Kr. Charlss U!eb the world, immediate Jemaada forj ground heroically. In the cour- | notable Miss Rcsalyn Rosen and Mr, Harvey R. Leon able spirit of the Jewish commuMiss Eva Marcus and Mr. Thomas Ivener nople and vras welcomed by Sulei—Pnblilius Syrus.' a refuge pressed upon tlie Ions- • ageons struggle which they have nity in Palestine. Miss Ruth Lee Bloch and Mr. Harold Perelman Miss Charlotte Skiar and Mr. Arthur Adier man II as a princess royal. range plans for t i a creation o£ aI carried • en to safeguard themMiss Marian Weinberg and Mr. Myman Gosslck Misa Mlnda Friedman «nd Mr. Isadora Ulbsrman, | selves aad in the development of From the very beginning of ti's _ Miss Liberty Cooper and Dr. A. D. Faiar Jtj'wis?! National -S-Ioni'3. Mi33 Dssrathy Cnsit and Ur. Henry Relksa For the remaining 16 years of Time to me this truth has tauEbt i the Jewish National Home, these j disorders, the Jews cf Palestins ' Miss' Edith Ostravich and Mr. Arthur MS33 2vs!yn WaKjjnbErg and Dr. Harry C V/elnberg her life. Donna Gracia devoted CTls a treasure worth reveclins)t Palestine, since 1333, "has been ! Jewish pioneers have imbued j were not merely struggling to i fterdftlf to Jewish works and toMore offend by want of thought called upou to siaet and with- | Jews everywhere with a new preserve their ownrights,b u t tiie aid of her co-religionists in Than from want ot feeling. ; atood tlie severest test ia its his-i spirit of hopefulness and cptia- struggling to protect the rights .. , -rr-Charlea Swain. Europe. Some of ,ths schools and tory wkii a program of absorption. lism. It is true that in Palestine of Jews in other lands, who had I n spite oi, h e r housa'e .com- synagogues founded by Ber are and settlement -wiiicS, as we all j today the Jewish eonnnuaitj' lacss. to evacuate their homeland to mercial" prosperity, Donna Gracia still in active use in ConstantiThe rery substances of tUG t a know today, enabled 200,000 Jews | serious difficulties. But there come to Palestine and to start y e a r n e d t o live i n a country where nople today. bitioiis'la merely tfte shadow ot a. from Germany, Austria, Poland, i they -srlll defsnd themselves and anew and thus share in tha reshe could be a J e w , a n d s h e s e t In 1556 when P.ope'Paul IV in- dream.-7-Sh.aliespeare. Rumania, Hungary, Caeeiio-Slo- jwith honor. building of Jewish life. out f o r Constantinople i n 1547 vstkia and other lands to find a Betiirn to Soil •with h e r sister, Briaa&a .Me$dez. | Tha Jew who stands guard over permanent home. Brianda resented t h e will of h e r j a coioay in Palestine, stands The rebuilding of Palestine lias Palestine has gone ' forward ia i guard over the entire Jewish peo- been accompanied by a remarkhusband, Di,ogo, -which h a d left ita dual role as homeland and ] pie. Any attempt to destroy that able record cf tha rebuilding of t h e " m a n a g e m e n t of t h e Nasi refuge, rallying to its support all i spirit of pioneering and heroism Jawish economic and cultural patThe story of a great Eenais- Slendes, -was imprisoned to elicit house t o Donna Gracia a n d Brianshades or Jewish opinion in t i |ewill snuff out the last spark of terns. The emphasis on establish- sance lady is recalled to mind t y da's daughter, Gracia Benveniste, taalis of opening up sreatar op- | iaiijbi and hopa in hundreds of ing large sections oi the popula- the preseatatSoa. tils summer of a more funds for the w a r s of and she therefore' exposed Donna portunities for colonisation a n d | thousands of Jews who Ernst help- tion on the soil has brought about in Venseonomio development. Tiie test ' lessly cringe before the might of a unique restratification, in which i bronze medallion of Donna GiacU Charles V. the Antwerp Burghers G ^ a c u to the •• • nan Jews J P W aare n . ^ T i?TiT>» OT, Nasi to the Museum oi the Jfew- sent a long statement in his de- r e ttoday which it •weathered in the first ; thair oppressors in European 120 120,030 living on isa Theological Seminary ot AmerDonna Gracia, who bad refence and i n defence of t h e other eiaergeacy ia 19 33, established its ; lands. the soil in Palestine and only eapaeity to cope w i d the emer- i Tha present situation in Pales- 40,000 are engaged in. industry. ica, at Broadway and 122nd street Siarranos of Antwerp, a s produc- sumed her. Jewish ;name.of. Ber tive a n d Titually useiul citissns. atrice da Luna, was imprisoned, gency oi the present which ia far' tine represents a challenge to tha It is the pioneer of the soil who in New Tor& City. greater than ever before. I Jews of America. Despite tha is the backbone of the Jewish na- • The medallion, two and a half A Jewry, united in promoting j disturbances of the last t w o tional hems, •who made possible inches in diameter, shows the the upbuilding of Palestine, will I years, the . Jew3 of Palestine haTe the creation of a well-salanced nrotile hfead ot a. Beautiful -woman be BO less unixed ia the mobiliaa- j on many occasions demonstrated | social and cultural society. Men in Italian dress of the 16 th cen-Nftioii at its moral resources to rs-[their unswerving determination to i and women who had never before tury. It is inscribed with the Hist the whittling do\v:i cf Jewish [carry on tha arduous tasis • dreamed about farsiins have been name Gracia 'Nasi in Hebrew rights iti Palestine through the i construction. They have over- I retrained and placed upon t h e characters. abrogation of the J 1 coma insurmountable hardshipsj soil and with extraordinary suc- The letter " P " en the sleeve j cess. has led scholars to ascribe t h e V La The return to the soil is cfmedallion' ta either • Pastorinp of poignant significance for the Jew-Sienna or Giovani-Paoli Poggini i ish people at this moment. There of J'errara. The medallion T7 a s I are many thousands of Jews scat- discovered in t h e Cabinet of Represented by 1 tered throughout the world who Coins and Medals in Paris in j hope to find a haven in Palestine W. A. SMITH, Manager. 1838. It has been presented to \ J ~y«, , where they may once again walk the Seminary Museum by Mme. 'I. Elewits, A&iU. Mgr. with head erect and spirits high Alice Fernand-Halphen of Paris, W." W; Wintroub,and d i s p r o v e the every-ready together with her monograph enAsst. Mgr. ' L. Trachtenbsrg charge that is constantly leveled titled "Gracia Meadesia - N a s i" Tiie SUCCESS of yoissr f u r n i s a b s g scaessse H. Handler . B. Rechter.. . ! at our people that they can never published in 1929. BabM Louis d o e s n o t d e p e n d taposi t l i e c o s t l i n e s s cf tiie C. Nichols . . R. .Marer' ' * N. Newman of New York City ce successful farmers. I The unique colonisation record introduced Mme. Fernand - Hal' of Palestine during the past two phen to the Seminary Museum. b i l i t y . T h e color, ths t e x t u r e , tfce d e s i g n , t l i e decades is the "best proot that it The lady ot the medallion pors c a l e of tlia p a t t e r n , t i t s size of t h e r u g a s . d must continue as a major center trait- may be - either Gracia Ment h e b u l k of eacli p i e c e cf fiarmtura a r e t i e of refuge in the present crisis. | a as « a or" her niece, Graeia Benf a c t o r s of m a j o r i m p o r t a n c e . F o r massy y e a r s No Jew, Zionist or non-Zionist, j-yeniste, both of the lamoas Nasi will claim that Palestine alone' family. It is probably the niece t h i s s t o r s h a s I s s i s t s d tlaat e a c h d e p a r t m e n t | can solve the Jewish refugee prob- who is portrayed "aged 18 years," \ les. But all -will agree that -with- as the inscription further records. t i i e fiirsIsMn^ 1 aird decoratia.g 1 proMsra. c a a j out Palestine, the Jewish refuges. : : I problem will ha insaperable. b e s o l v e d t o t h e e s i s l c s i a r ' a s a t i s f a c t i o n hy The Nasi family -were -well j All pcssiila havans in ether in Lisbon in ths 16th cenjart3 cf tha world must be es-tury as Spanish ilarrcnos^—Spanand Prosperity • • •-- • piorei. All opportunities for ref-ish and Pcrtugucsa Jews who had pirsn^ in \ avary Bno of ihti ' ' s t o r e before th.s ipurclia.s.3 i j | asss settlement must be carefully outwardly submitted to Catholicgrsesfu! Eepisussa Csm}>*t» "^s el^jtfa stmpSicifjf of do; studied. Tha immediate pessi- ism. The Nasi3 had achieved high -H» recant Kirk 'c*fattorn, A ^ S n la *Ks 'Klrft SfarShg Sea '' biUties at hand for large scale place in the- Spanish Court and la this way C'^^toi^a i»e f i l n s i j of „.,: . ». j Cen Diih fSskss it doubly ap« ssttlanient in Palestine are -with- commerce. Donna Gracia rras choicegracious *>t to Kspnd er^ p e s fs n s _f c r i a sJftOronytea> tha world. No territory which with one daughter, Pveyna, Donna sell. Diatft. 5", taiglrt 3 " . Owa fabls. B!a«>. S%\ I,
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Sincere'Wishes for a Healthy and [ • • • Prosperous Year
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Best Wishes for .a Most Happy and. Prosperous New Year
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The help of professional decorators, fcr •which th.ere is r.o c i a r j a whatsoever, is available t a all "who feel t h e used of e s p e r t advice. A trip thrcuijh oar i^cdel rooms and furnished houses will b e a pleasure t h a t will p a y
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ha3 IO date been proposed for ref- Grccia dsvotad her -wealth to atugee colonization can offer im- tempts to forestall the introducmediate opportunities for imme- tion of ths Inquisition into Portudiits settlement. gal. Yvith renewed persecution Relates Slanders It 13 not a mere coincidence c£ the Jews uniar the Edict of that in a period of greatest trial Charles V, she removed her family for the Jewish people in Central Europe, pressure ha3 been exert- ranos were The baniins and commercial ed upon Great Britain practically i to throttle the development cf the house of Nasi was re-established j Jewish national horns. In recent a3 head cf the branches .throughi months ths dictators of Europe out Europe. Donna Gracia was lhave singled out Palestine for held in favor by Queen Marie of I nimble attach in their bellicose Hungary, Regent of ths L o w | speeches because Palestine repre- Countries and sister of Charles T. sents the most forceful refutation 1 Donna_ Gracia's nephew, J u a n i Migues. was the companion of ! Maximilian, brother of the e n i peror, and had served Henry II, | lung of France. ! When one of the family, Diogo
At Assmanh*s you will find every new fall style creation in Twesd,-Worsted, Cheviot, Herringbone, Flannel... both domestic -and imported.' First Showing . . . Now
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of the bcaele^s slanders they have Other Ssl heaped upon the Jewish people. 2 4 2 3 Dasit Prcsarvatisn cl Jewish risht3 «.VS 3327 in Palestine becomes, therefore, a Ka'.^Jou'a articies like machzsirint problem net only for Jews in Palwiin Jawtsh and En-!lsh trar.slaestine'but for Jewry everywhere tions, pray»p isosks, taleism, siik z?>3 wsal sf tf*s E;sst rinos, etc. since it is tha focus of the greatr^imim-ssr a!aa ta ptacs ycur or- ', est constructive activity on the dsi- wish ma far an esrog and a ', part cf the Jew3 in a , period of laiav t"-2t :j hatnj importedfcyme I tie greatest destructive activity frsm Sreti-Ssrasi. Kosher soap. i-iinsd at Jew3 no matter where Nsw Y*ar Gre»t>rt3 Cards. 1 they are.
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' ixJe wish all our friends and patrons and ail the Jewish people—a year; of jieaith, happiness and prosperity.
iRst bre.i-el -i -•?--* JJO, 'ill" :T "Z'.JI Ills h.23 a hz£j?t?-zz2 of OB \lej S "z'.i^l _'..'..;;,..." ii.JI J.1.!.^ . . . yocr '^ms '.III rTil-LIj tell jou 1IJ<I «--.! ZJl'.a: I~.\\ 1121 c^rrlei ca in ziahlz trallLicn. Order -i c^rs -M ^ ^ ^ .__J'~I—is? z~ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ~^ 2
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3 Pig® 0
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5700—Thursday* September 14, 1939
a.l eynaE6suc-3 ia too city of Wilsioa. of .faith, so-anJs lihe a read- isiiaed vith Hebraic EaorsI thiak- and women, young and old. , One aa adviaiuc the people not to fast m a r v e l s to see the changes ies. oJ t i e crsci oi 2lzscs llciciiaj. His inspiration for the Lib•r on Yom lilppur. •••I r . osid-33, %Thioh ia r3ci*;cd daily i2 erty E=H inscription in 1753 csnie wrought in these people by life * "Knov/lngr however,. how rethe Book c£ LeYilicug ."Pro- in Jewish Palestine. luctant they would bo to follow When 1 saw the Pavilion's diness of Gad; Gca'a Providosse; claim lisexu' throughout the land, his written advico he, on the moral duties; t"^.e lfl>ju?rtaUty cz unto all ths inhabitants thereof.'1 rector and creator, Meyer W. morning of the Cay of atonement tia . spirit; f£7<*ar<i"; aad . £uaisa- Tie progressive, statesman, Thomr Weisgai, I could hardly, find words nieat. Tha proainsat positlsss as. Hooter.of .Cpnnseticut, w a s to thank ...him •_ for wh^t he has When the frightful cholera epi- at- one of the most solemn mocccqpied hj sucJj rasa, sjssi their stailarly .influenced; .aa. in .turn done. Had it not been "for him, demic Vas~ raging through east- ments of tne service, ascended speeches, and wriiiass, .T.'hic3i. qfe- ha' asii.his colleaguee influenced this exhibit could not have been ern Europe (10th century) t h e the reader's desk. built even with millions of dol-sainted liabW Israel ga.lanter inAfter addressing a. few sentainad tea -widest aearing,' vastly thousands, . . . . . . . chahsed the thiakiag of t h e ' A distinsuished . A.m e r i c a n lars. It was his determination sisted that the synagogue be used tences to'-the congregation in times. They thus broadcast Jew- statesiaaji. fiummarised- this when and euergetie labor which erected temporarily aa a hospital a n d which M coinmandea tttem to folX ish thought aad popularized the he wrote, "In the spirit and es-the Payllibn. He it Was who pro- poor-hbiise. , low his osanipie, he .produced 111 thta chnpte? ivom " O sence or our.Constitution,' the In-vided" the tremendous' organizing Hebrew Bible.. This became the Jewish point o! view. VVIieh his ' suggestion was opsome eflbeis and >vine;; ppronounced StOf?lY' a new and aopa fluence of. the, Hebrew Comnion- ability needed for this task, and posed by the coihinunal leaders, them*, atfi e n a For Hsraaa liberty IrtatUatiaaa were predicated ca bddia of New Unglan'd legislation, om'HIpe olAaiei'leaH Jew:ial» E *, •nrealth was paraniQunt, in that it his achievement is one for which Salanter. lost his temper arid In the blessing It is through such means that Puritan Xieaders fcopy, iHsblisihed mutes.* iSe a Tha Pilgrim Fathers were fol- the Bible becaias the fountain- was. . . . in it3elt-a..divine prece- Jews everywhere oWe him ' deep terrapting his address in., thedfanli. One cart faardl? greatest of t i a PuriIt Tf;i3 pled <>f the ildiiH Eiiueitt head whence the leadership of thedent for a pure democracy.'!. That gratitude. . That lie gained the synagogue, he pointed his finger What moral courafi© atld f blB.ry , Oliver Cresivwsll, lowed by the Puritans. ofSalS.a?er Revolution drew its strength in is., way the. famous.. English.:his- collaboration of the finest Jew- at the president of. the congrega- entiuslasm tha famoug .Diitaa jsought-to rear the sew commonwho received from Ltlfl a actiOh jLo6i;je> So, iS of IVsai B'? d & ' Hk6 Battling for human liberty. Roger torian,. W. E. .H. Leclty, .declared, ish artists in the preparation of tion, ti man djstinguished. tor (Juired wealth' ia exactly the same form to whom obedience to th<3^ Tofah h bd llabbj llanasaer ben Israel &al»i>i Tasay eoudenses the the exhibit proves his great abil- learning and piety, and cried out: aa did ancient Israel earing its Williams, who !mew Hebrew and in irords •. Quoted,. by President ity. He j was the highest duty . ' ' • " • • • . . . . " re^ulnjiitid' Ho' Je'fy-T ta EagSaid, 40 years -wandering Ii the Wilder- liad mastered ths Bible, was thus Cooiidge, May 3, 1925; "Hebraic "You \fill have to anirnrer to,the convinced that, many .a p8t"Boii <;volutioii. la the whence they aad beea esi'ad Slica ness under tha leadership ' of ths founder of the liberty of con-mortar .cemented the foundations An excellent idea of Welsgal's, Lord for the Buffering of t i eweakened by iasting would fiave it should be added, was the build- poor. 12y J, cu t i e o2 Sliaasaeii baa Moatep. .-Code after Coda ia thescience, the -lather, -of - religious of American Democracy." fallen a victim id tlje frightful idraei. It wiia PtiHeana aad Puri- early settlements w'a3 talcsS from. freedom, in his colony, -Ehode Ts- (Copyright, 1939, by B'nai B'rith ing of the Cafe Tel Aviv in con- God much rather prefers His disease^ and that in making : Jewish aid In the discovery of ; tan lilvbaj taut made pcasiSla ilia junction with the Pavilion. There News Service.) Isold 01 Levitiosis Land. Wiiliaa Penn Tva3 another to be used as a sleeping pie eat on the great Itest he saved;^ Beu.America ia significant. Jewish j guests can feel at home" and en-House ra-afltry of Eu3!aad by- Jewa. T!ia teroaosay. . This is- true of t i e place by ''Motel the Carpenter" many, lives. , . : :; . ; Vioneers In the settlement a n d ] .; " joy wholesome arid delicious food — Conaeetteai Code, tiia Ma33aeh'jdisreputable homeless .begcommercial development of t h a i Others, however..did,.opt fihafo at moderate prices. " "It ia really gar a— a q;.sarti3i' oeatury earlier had setts- Colony, l i e Plymouth Colthan as apM.ce of worhis conviction pi theriecesj3ityof "^ fascinating to sea entire families ship by you." cay Code cl h: tha iuflucuce of Hebraic ideas in shaped- t i e essential aatara of tile gathered around the tables in the Not Ibiig after this . incident, dispensing-with..tne.Mast and ijB; It is curious to find cri^iiial Colonies. *.ae> founding of the new republic"! main <!&??? room or on the out-Salahter went to the home of thewas severely censured:by: tliem", aad civil laws drawn f r o m door terrace of the CafeTel'AViv, not only for syhat.hQ.dld, bat also ill by far tiie most weighty eoa- j t;ea 4_?a:;/ ikaacj _ _ SiMa sources. Tlie Puritans Y. cat topping the spiritual 'delights of man tie bad offended to ask for-for having -assumed the. authority iritustiua made by tha Jews to j Tha i'urJtaau liaisd *d:3.;~3 aad fai'U&r thaa that. Their political Schwartz the" Pavilion with the physical giveness. At another time dur- belonging to the official leaders I'M r!;sd and advancement oi! the ! Itlassiiip. They derived, ihia feosn constitutions were founded ca ing the epidemic Salanter decid- of the community. pleasure of" good Jewish food. Usiltsd 3tatii;i. j t'13 Bi'ji*3. y~eai it tSay learned Hebraw jurisprudence. . Tks very Maarlce .Schwartz, beloved by the White Paper, are going ed, after consulting a number of (Copyright, i9S9, by Seven Arts It Ciia be I'eadily understood < that only C-ud was Kins. jTroai iGria of govararaect T*"a3 deduced The. New. York World's Pair is forward with strengthened resoludoctors, that St rvbuld be dangprinat Jewish miolloetiiaA iafhioaca j it they are's the eeaYietioa thai a from tha Mosaic law.. . la. soiae exponent c£ Jewish dtainatic the finest international exposition Feature Syndicate.) ,art, here relates his impressions tion toward their goal, but testi- the world has ever seen. Only ous for. the community to fast on in tha early day a oi our country i Dcd 3a"-r'ira.r2!2»it can ba ao otaer fies to tha awakening,of the Jewof ths Palestine Pavilion at the the Day of Atonement. could not hx's'o been widespread. I than a government by God. Aad could have produced such • Simon Wolf Spijofisberser do S ish soul. People wlio- have long America Ia the first place, there were only j tha f iittsra oi such, a State waa alsioai ialf of tlie ordinances World's Fair.—SHE a Fair; and we Jews have.every Many other rabbis in the com•s'-ara.taiaa almost T»crd for Y, * orfi was the first Jew .to . be stood alooJ. from Zionism now are .•several thousand Jewa livja-j ill j cSearSy outlined to the ivord of reason to rejoice that we are BO munity were inclined to agree dirsctljr from tt>3 Hebrew Sarinraised to the Hungarain nobility joining ia the fight for Palestine, worthily represented there. If Chamberlain and MacDpnald the CoSouies. In the yeeoad pSaee, jG-ud: "She li-ioievt Bihle. with . Salanter -but none of them by Franz Joseph I. • .-;.-.-. and Lord Halifax were to see thefor they feel that our spiritual '•/cry few oi; them were cultural or j Exactly tlie same idea3 dasil- tares. .. • AH those who helped Meyer had tile courage to anftQungo the What is true of Iaw3 aad legal Palestine Pavilion - at the N e-w center lies there. • • rspiritual leaders. They had aotinant in. Puritaa Snglaad were Weisgai accomplish, this gigantic dispensation publicly. Salanter, Sir Alexander Schomberg (1716Seniso of Vitality ageaeies is likewise true of re-York World's Fair they might very long in the new land. ' paramount ia Puritan New E: This is why Jews from every task deserve congratulation. The who held no official post at the1804), an English Jew, authored TSiay onlv begun to breathe the j laud. The colonists took the aaaie Ii5i3ii3 iastituticas. Sams Puri- Mash a little at .the thought ef American Jewish time, afflsed sinnouncements In a sea-manuel for the'British cavy. liolydays and festivals were their vaunted White .Paper. They American city and even from for- leaders of the ail" oi freedom which nutares in- of thfcii- children from Hebrew ^ a liolydays' grasped the signifiwrit. Kveii the most cumbarsoEia rcotad ia the Jswish tradition. would realise that their appease- eign lands are flocking to see thecommunity aad moral eapaeiiy. of the Palestine Pavilion in Feast of is ment of the . Arab world cannot Palestine Pavilion. They -come cance Aad yet the Impress o£ Hebrew names oi the Bible are not un-Th F t f Booths, h Suskos, Sk these times of struggle for freemake the Jew give up his most not only to . view the splendid immediate inspiration for the cultiire on tha formation of Amur- j common amass theas: Zerubteabel, [ dom, and ali contributed to this /iag holiday. Like Sak- cherished dream, a dream now building and its glorious exhibits labor . studies were ica. is the very of love. The matwelous exactually In process of realization. —all of them built in Palestinekos. Tiianissiyiag Bay is both a for American spirit. It wad primarily prevalent. It wa3 a requisite hibit they built will go-dowa- in q No matterwhat brew will seethe bat to renew their own. courage harvest feast and a day of gratithat de- i?ur!tai uiiaiatai's. It was amaaj i!ie Hebrew sjei Jewish history. But far more jfnuneJ the face and mind of the the first languages the mastery oi tado to God, the givar oi all good in the British cauldron, Palestine and strengthen their faith in thefortunate than posterity, who will will in any event remain the Jewultimate outcome of the struggle, Colonies. Almost every Ameri- which was compulsory at Harvard and Sustainer of life. be able only to read of the beauNational Home. -Not merely that now faces the Jewish people. ties can institution, religious, legal, and Yale. The Puritans revered H e b r a i c Influence, however, ish of the Palestine Pavilion, are because the Jew3 want this, bat A powerful sense of vitality per- we who 3ioral, was affected by Hebrew •the Bible. They lived It caasa. ia not only "-with' the pious can see with bur own eyes because all the peoples inthe vades--this Pavilion. -One feels this vital expression of Jewish lure. The daily lives oi the eolon- permeated every corner and noo-i Pi! irisia aiid Puritans. By world know in their hearts from lats were saturated by t h a t o£ their daily thought and activ- strange turn of events Jewish earliest childhood that the land that there, in Erets Israel, life creative capacity, . . . g ity. Hebraic thought was thus ideas wsre Introduced by two dif-where the Bible vi-as created is is full of rich rewards—not only (Copyright, 1930, by Seven Arts spirit. The most casual survey at i built into the heart of e a r l y ferent, almost opposing groups. the land of the People of thethe transformation of marshes inFeature Syndicate.) to fertile fields and fragrant garAmerican pioneer life reveals American life. C ths oaa haad were the devout Book. dens, but the rehabilitation of the tilts. The bases o£ the Ufa of Inaeparately Halted with t h a | adherents of Christianity, like the Patronize Our Advertisers. America ara shown to rest on the Puritan stress of sovarnment Puritans. O21 the other hand ware The Bible is our written con- people themselves, Jewisti mea Hebraic ideaa that are also the baaed on tlie word of God, is tae the liberal relifioaisLs, almost tract for the land where e,very oi aui" national ganiua. smpsaaia of Law aad Liberty. frae-thiakers. The greatest among stone and tree and blade of grass of the United States is The Pilgrims case ta our shores tha.22 was" the famous author of testifies to our. claim, where every 2oni'Hish*e proof oi tueae fasts. primarily ia quest of freedom to "The Age of Raasc-a" aad "Com-hill and every valley has been The earliest settlers of N e w worship God in the light of their mon Sease," Thomas Paiae. This fructified with Jewish blood and ".Sngland were the Puritans. The conscience. They spoke of thata- writar and thinlter probably In- revitalized ty the Jewish spirit. i'uadaruental character oi America selves 3.3 the children of ilaeacsd tha miad of ilevolutioa- Our most embittered foe cannot x'rom those early days unto our They desisaatad the thea K135 at ary America mars than any other stand on the soil of Eretz Israel time was, in the aiairs, faahioaed England,- Pharaoh. The Atlantic patriot. Joined with him were without realizing that this is JewTHESE NEW SEASON HITS! . FliotieWE620O. 3y them. And the Puritans were Ocean. wa3 to them the Rgd Sea. distinguished men like Thomas ish soil, Jewish, not by "purchase suffused by Hebraism. Their slant America was the promised Jefferson aad Benjamin Franklin. alone, but by immemorial tradiComing Soon to the Purchases can also be made from this following o£ thought, their outlook upoa T'aey saw t as ra-aaaattion. Though the Klesars. .ChamBeists. Authorised S-W Dealers lira, their Saith, their conduct and in j ::i av-sry. detail the vary &?a.2ia berlain and MacDosald deny our ' i a s e architects, of thought Jilaradtar, their everyday Ufa: all 01 Israel's aisodua frora right to Palestine, the facts still eai?,^ ieir themaeIve-3 Deista. The?itJ-e. A Mort H. W. Engles Lbr.'.Co. were centered around the baada^e. OMAHA. • . . - - T. 8701 assaatial difference from Ortho- stand' to contradict them. M. 30 l>rew Bible. 15 ia understandable why t h e y dox Chrlstiaaa wa3 their belief in In the Jewish Palestine Pavilion Barker'Eiroo.' ' 7 Phono ICE 4321 Because of the Bible they were \ established New England law, a c t a God aa revealed hj nature, by the true facts come clearly and • "GOLDEN. BOY" interested in the people of t h e j after t h * model o2 their horaeiand scientific esamination oi the Jini- unmistakably 'to" the fore. Even C." C . • Jolihooh Hard* 14OS Douglas St. BARBARA STANWYCK—-WILLIAM HOLDEN Bible. Many ot their leaders and j across the sea, a a t u?oa the Eag- verse, rathar than the God of from' a distance, as socn -as one ' "-wave S t o r e ' Phono JA 47S0 . moulders oi thought Icaew t h e : lish Constitution, They took in- Christian thaclagy. They were glimpses the Menorah that sur606S Military Ave. ' "NURSE--EDITH"" CAVELL" Layton Hardv/are langtiaga of the Bible, the Hebrew 1 stead page after page from the .cic&sly. linisd. to a larss sroap si mounts _ its . slender jgwer, o n e '\ Phone WA 0141 •• -. . - : . . . , - , ..-..ANNA HEAGLE' ' • •' S t o r e - ' .-. •' . . ' • - progressive Christians who-, called senses that here is a Pavilion ; ZZ.& . W a o E i n e t o n .themselves Theisia. Uppermost which, requires no inscription such C6uncii-'Bitl#f6.',: "DUST BE MY 0SSTINY" .: ' among them were James Madison as tha other buildings at the Fair P h o n o MA 1 7 S 7 JOHN GARFIELD—PRISCJLLA LANE and John Adams. need. E. A. Nielsen UpholAll" these famous leaders aad Christians and Jews altke know steriag Co. Farfners Ltamlser & "FiFTH"Av5SUE GIRL" the views they propounded were that it is the light of the Menorah 1913 Cuming Street Cqal Co. deeply affected by Jewish. -Ideas wkieli has guided the Je%7 through Phone JA 3822 318 -East Broadway I and the Hebrew moral outlook. the centuries, through*, times of Geo. J. S&ebilsky Phone Council Bluffs j They underscored the belief in the | peace and eras of struggle, a.3 the "MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINCtQN" 2409 "L" Street •* j unity of God. They gave promi- pillar of divine fire :guided their . 25S4 . JEAN ARTHUR—JAMES STEWART Phone MA 2996 •i |a.ence to tha Keoreisr doctrine of forefathers of old. S; W&Hp&p&ir Co. the ethical life, as implied by the Small g ware.Farnam" ^t .HardWest "ABE LINCOLN IN -ILLINOIS" Masonic Temple asistency of 3 moral Sovereign The Palestine Pavilion is small- 3926'Farnam Street Phono Council Bluffa of the Universe. Striking simi- er and by far less pretentious RAYMOND MASSEY Phone HA 2167 2721 . larities are discerned in t h e i r than tha mighty buildings of the WALT- -DISNEY'S great world powers, but the mafaith, and that ef Jewish sages. PHONE US . . . WE DELIVER . • • "PINOeCHIO"The 13 articles of faith of chinations of Hiilerism and Cham1 Maimonides, t h e noted Jewish berlainism have brought about a "THE HUNCHBACK. OF NOTRE DAME" ~e? theconstantly growing interest in this scholarcentury, - as philosopher 112th are reiterated al- eghibit on the part of both Jews "CHARLES LAUGHTON most verbatim by exponents of exhibit on the part, of both Jews these religious views. Benjamin Every nation is deeply conFrani&i samma?L£i23 Sis coniss- cerned over tha outcome of the
J \
British Palestine policy, for Palestine 13 a land holy to Christians even more-than-to «Tew3. .For us it means the hope' of freedom for Babbi Joshua best HananJah tormented Jews in lands of persnee made a journey to Home. secution; .for them It ia the holy WMIe thera lie -s-as told that ground ; where tha feet of Jesus iimaagst the captives from Jerus- onee walked. •a.Un thars Tra3 a child with Srigbt I went through the Pavilion ayea, whosa features were atriktngly beautiful. "When R. Joshua with a group that included a num•went to the prison he addressed ber of Christians, all of them as tha- - child • with a • vsrsa from fasciuated. as any Jew by the exIsaiah: Who gave Jacob for a hibit* from the Holy Land. On spoil and Israel to the robbers." their faces I saw reverence and When the child answered by even awe;, called lorth by that Continuing, ths .second half of tha mystic .aura, which (surrounds ths verse, It. JC3&Tia"1was so delighted land whence stem., the. Tea CO:JIthat he determined to ransotn tha maadinents/ the supreme moral boy regardl2S3 o. cost and tz law which today so many elements said: "I am sure the boy will ~TS attempting to abrogate. 'grow *J? ta is z. taaoiar in IsPe.rhap? the most moving sight rael." And so i : iap^enad. as one vra.t2h.e3 the thousands of visitors straa.ra.in3 through, ths Pavilion is tha visib!e joy that fills the hearts of Jewish children as they proudly view the achievements d ii=ir heroic brethren ia Palestine, or ga_s solemnly at tha most stirrins of all the exhibits, f3 the model of the Temple of Solot~ .%.%* jjj 2uilt by the architect Jacob aftsr years' of research, 7 O HT »jj1 Jehtida it thrills old and young alike with i;a beauty snd faithfulness of de•„? o r tail, riany of as feel that this TCZIT-IA model alone is sufficient a -a justification for- the entire Fair. To enumerate all the artistic "^ *r^ f** "\ i ^ * * P%I-* 4 £r'_i':it3 that fill the Pavilica w e l d take too long. Every E->ok is 2, bit of history csme »live rath the brsath cf the modorn Jeviss Homeland. Every photograph c7-a:=::=j or status infuses yo^r
The Captive Child
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May the New Year see a fcric^Uanins of ' tha facrizoas of peace and understanding; for Israel and all mankind.
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"Page 5
Year's Edition—THE 3EWISS PSBSS-Sssa HasHchaH 5700—Thursday, September 14; 1939
lem still to solved) and the Iout, on orders from Berlin, the sphere is, o£ course,. only a ' beis.-usually' th*-most-ornate angels when, he came to receive increasingly Torah., •work of eliminating the Jsws ginning. The Nazis proceed to thepart of the synagogue. Its archi- the able iateraatioa: al situation. The angels protested to God from the Free City and to organ- cold-blooded, cruel destruction of tectural form varies. Often it- is "a that the Torah was too precious .Aggression hy Nazi Gsraiany, ise excesses, during trhieh scores the entire Bansls-Jewish comnrapursued witb ever increasing bold- of Jews "were wounded. Further nity. Evacuation plans •were ruth- large wooden chest, raised up an object to be given to dwellers ness wbich culminated in Septem- deTelopments followed at an accel- lessly carried out. Bobbed of allfrom the floor..of the'synagogue of the earth. Oonly celerliaPbeings knew its worth. Moses antheir possessions, the Danzig Jews so as to be in the view of .all. ber -with the annexation of Sude- erated pace. swered them,'"'written in tho tealand, giving Poland the On November 24th, the Nureni- were farced to zander all over the The museum of the Jewish Thesame time an opportunity of xe-burs laws -were introduced and a world. Now, nothing is left ofcjlte ological Seminary of America i n Torah: 'Thou shalt havo no other incorporatins in her territory the registration of Jewish property on Danzig community but a small re- New York has on display the sim-gods.' Is there perchance idolaOlsa district, -was a strong- im-German lines was carried out. minder anxious for an opportu- ple 13th century wooden Ark Dr. ters among ye, that ye need tho It is written: 'Remember pale towards a new foreign policy "Gleichschaltnns" in the Jewish nity to escape. Solomon Schechter recovered from i Torah? the Sabbath day to keep it holy.* and is bound to have its effect the Genizah at Cairo, and tile Is there perchance The year 5 83 3 among Renaissance Ark presented in you that j e are iirwork stormiest of the 1451 by the Duke of Urbino to Torah? It is written: need Jewry. 'Honor thy the Jewish -community -there. father aud mother.' Have and ye perMore frequently, however, espe- chance parents that ye are in of hop need cially in modern synagogues, the moments of the Torah?" The angels thereArk is built into a recess of the •when gave up their opposition to front wall, where it is ornament- upon Polish the delivery oC'tue Torah into the ed with columns, cornices and hands of the children of. Israel. and a half million souls sresslon. In tha light of: those arches. To the angels, the Torah could sink iato_ an abyss cf .lesrada- pla and pregnant •wensen. -were many months their entire •welfare events, a number'of contradictory activities ware centered around drives through the fields and tion, enslavement aad extarmiaaWe see then that not only is be only an object of ceremony. facts and developments cf the last the assistance to the unfortunate tioa. And then tiara Y I S a sud-woods by brutal Nazi tormentors synagogue ceremony " connected To the Jews itycould be that, too, year are becoming more clear. den ebanse, cpeninj new pros- and sadistic Gestapo men. These refugees. with the Torah scroll, but! even but much more,—a guide to life. a "clean" animal made into durElections In speaking of the influence of Every section" cf Polish Jewry pects ia spita of inevitable suffer- painful events have made a deep synagogue architecture as well. able parchment through special the Torah in Jewish life, we usuStrong hope for a.' change in and lasting impression upon the participated in this work -which ings and sacrifices. It has never been forgotten that (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts chemical preparations may be ally refer to its .value as ethical the political system of the counextended' to the remotest Jewish Feature Syndicate) Jewish population ia Poland. the Torah stands for much more used. Every page must be ruled and moral doctrine, as history, as . . try v,-as given by the dissolution j settlements in the country. J ii "boBs-Tva Ones more it became evident | than just use in ceremony. The with a stylus, and the writing, literature. Seldom do we consider attjt in September, 19SS, of -the Polish 'sympathy and most helpful Salvador Yaez, a .Lisbon Mar"has always been regarded during tnr ^ t ^ f ^ i - h S L - ^ f ' d eStoonszya. tie bor-tude shown towards the unfortu- Sejm. Bat the electoral regula- the role of the Torah scroll itself. doiie only -with;, a reed or goose- Torah iano, was page of the Papal nunr t o w a w the e r e name racst cf ftes as primarily a Book by which the quill pen, must be in the best Yet the Torah is the most sacred tions having remained uhmodi° «*«- nate victims o£ the Xazi regime ty aad of ae'prosresshra faj^s I c r t,e e a w e ~ . .• • •'.''•-. Jew is to live. Nothing illustrates cio. has by the Polish peasantry and •work- fied, both the National-Democratic ceremonial object we Jews pos- black ink. " in FoJaad ara very closelv bound ? e c o r n e s " e O.concentrated, this more forcefully than the i f sess, and simply as a ceremonial Dried tendons of "clean" beasts =" remgee suf- ing-classes in the different vil- and the democratic opposition reup with each other. In the face 'ir3 .n 3 ?J 1y ^ ^ beautiful rabbinic legend of the A Jev/ish settlement existed'ia o£ tisa wave of Nazi barbarism i V ^ i ~ ' Ot^er trasic epi- lages on the Polish. German bor- fused to ta"ke part in the elec- object it has had a tremendous are the threads used in sewing controversy Moses had with the in the fourteenth century. influence on the life and thought the sheets of the scroll together, to rood aad enslave ' sodes of refuses martyrdom all der, as well as at Zbonszyn, must tions. Of the Jewish parties, the of our people. and the finely carved rollers are General Zionists, group A, the the world,. on the "high seas also be gratefully recorded. t < » „ J. ^ 3 truth has over Poale Zion and the Bund abOften we may hear expressed fastened to both ends of the comy r ^>a.a 3'» ,Vi.+ S a a ; i i n t i l e ports, ai many points Excesses """' I of the frontiers between different The year 5 599 started with stained from voting. The General the idea that attachment to thepleted scroll. Zionists, group B, however, the physical symbol of an ideal deih» j t n-ir 1.. ^ t_3 year -was [countries and in "no man's land-" anti-Jewish The Rabbis, commenting on the excesses in the uniMisrachists, Revisionists and Agu- tracts from the ideal itself. But verse "'This is my God and I will a.L.J J.' . i L t ,r defend taa | American Jews -were the first versities which have become &1dists went to the poll, and five what a mistaken notion this i s ! adorn him" (Exodus XV, 2) say: ia. t ' jaai^^t a ..aoli3 oa its } to stretch cut their hands ta the mast a tradition of Polish univer- Jewish deputies were elected. i ^ i •=»--t"'j^ and by the j sorely-tried and desperate de- .i sity True it is that occasionally a 'Adorn thyself before Him in the n life, and with an increased •CUJ i i a t, en at the end of Iportees, during- these tragic-days symbol usurps the place fulfillment of precepts. Make a j anti-Jewish boycott, which reach- At the end of February, the physical oi the ideal it was supposed to beautiful scroll of the Law, and ed its highest point before the Ozen leader, Colonel W.enda, pro- represent. But what happens more write it with fine ink, a fine reedHigh Festivals. In September, a claimed in the Sejxn a program of often is' that respect and venera- pen, and a skilled penman, and series of anti-Jewish excesses be- "emigration and organic dejudai- tion for a symbol lead to an ap-wrap it about with beautiful zation." At the same time, a ruthgan in Lida, Ostrowiec and a %7i . 1 of the ideal itself. A silks." . "•••"/. number of other towns and town- less war was waged upon the preciation Jewish university youth, which child first learns to love the To- Costly ornaments and accessoships. rah merely as a ceremonial obcontinued its heroic resistance, reries are therefore usually part of Bomb-throwing "was organised fusing to be forced into a ghetto. ject. As he grows older, he learns the Torah scroll. A strip of silk by mysterious plotters, choosing At Ltvow where the Jew-baiters to revere and live by the ideals girdles the scrolti A bag-like covsuch objects as the B'nai B'rith had adopted particularly brutal of the Torah all the more easily ering — the "mantle,"—-usually lodges in Warsaw and Cracow. methods, three Jewish students because of his attachment to themade of expensive material, covers Propaganda for ousting the Jews were murdered in a most bestial physical symbol. it. A. breastplate, a pointer, and from the legal, medical and other way. Every section of public opina crown, all of silver or gold as Jewish history and literature liberal professions was intensi- ion in Poland, except Enaefes and reveal the fact that respect for the a rule, adorn the mantle and the fied. The general atmosphere be- Naras, of course, joined in an in• of the Torah goes hand top of the rollers. ? came more and more tense, espe- dignant protest against these out- teachings Breastplates vary in design. All in hand with its veneration as an cially for the Jews. rages and the Government was object of ceremony. Anyone the of them, however, usually have forced to take repressive measIdeological pressure from beleast familiar with Rabbinic and engravings of figures of lions or yond the western frontier •was on ures against the centers of sav-medieval Jewish writing knows eagles. Often a miniature ark, agery and moral decline. the increase. There were numerthat the study of the Torah is with doors in the shape of the ous projects for anti-Jewish legal Following a memorandum sub- the highest of virtues. As thetwo tablets of the law, are found restrictions, as well as "ingenu- mitted by the Xiwow university Mishnah phrases it, "The 'study in the center of the breastplate. ous" or sarcastic plans, how toprofessors, eighteen students as- of the Torah is equal to them The breastplate is suspended over get rid o£ tha Jews more quickly, sociations were dissolved in June. all." The scholar stands above the the center of the scroll by chains cynically and brutally. This cruUnder the pressure o£ a wide- king and the priest. At the same reaching from the • top of the sade was conducted from two dif-spread anti-Semitic press cam- time, among no religious group rollers. ferent quarters, which often tried paign, the Government, at the end do we find so much reverence atMost impressive of all the ornaInvites Comparison with AH Others not to let themselves he outdone of. November, proceeded to close tached to the physical object ments is the "crown," which is a by each otter in their efforts to down the 3'nai B'rith lodges in which is studied—the Torah, the coronet of gilded silver or gold to persecute the Jsws. Poland. During the same month, Book itself—as we do among the which many tiny bells are attached. Usually the Hebrew inscripOn the one hand, there is thea, Jewish Colonization Committee Jews. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED tion meaning "crown of the law" National Democratic Party and was set up to promote Jewish Fled "With ToraJi is engraved on a plate in the 'the Nara Party, which preach mass emigration, particularly the . WINES "When we see pictures of Jews ' openly the cynical theory of "zoo- emigration o* refugees, from Po- fleeing from pogroms and ter-crown. The origin of the crown {logical anti-Semitism," closely land. rors, it is always with the Torah is interesting. Originally, a crown connected with Hitlerism. In December, a decree was is-clutched closely to their breasts. of silver or gold was placed on -•On the other side, there is thesued to deprive of their citizen- Of all objects to be saved, it is the head of him who was called up to read the last section of the •"Oson," or Camp cf National ship rights Polish subjects resid- the most precious. In the Tali Unity, which is opposed to "so-ing, abroad, if they had lost touch mudic account of Titus' destruc- Torah on the festival of- Sinchat i ological" methods as contrary to with Poland. Thousands o£ Polish tion of the Temple, legend can Torah. Later, the crown was | Polish traditions. It. stands for the Jews living abroad were affect- find no higher climax to the transferred to the scroll itself.' Ark for Scroll ' economic- and cultural estermina- ed by the decree. At the end ofdrama of .wanton Roman desecraFebruary, 1939, a proposal to pro- tion and Jewish suffering than The scroll, when not being read, ti^n of theJews by means hibit entirely Jewish ritual slaugh- to relate .that Titus pierced the is kept in the Ark of the Law, "Pclc-niiing" all the, spheres/ -Tins'- Rosfa Haahonals • economic and cultural life and inter -was introduced in the Sejm. Torah and blood flowed from it. records" the .-,Fifty-Sev'1 particular the liberal professions. As a protest against this bill; a Martyrs, whose memory is. best This policy of. elimination is consumers' strike was successful- held in the Jewish mind, are enth hundred milestone I ca'oilated to lead to increased ly organized by the Jews of Po-those who died together with the oa the long road of Island, who for sixteen days ab1 Jewish emigration from-Poland Torah. rael's history . . . Fifty1 and to the gradual liquidation of stained from eating any meat "What is more touching than seven hundred years of dishes. I t i e Polish Jewish community. the story ^of Rabbi Hananiah ben loyalty to deep-rooted// ' Opposition to Anti-Seiaitissa Cfassge i a Sentiment Teradin, who, wrapped by the Roi j National Democrats and the The German annexation of mans in a scroll of the Law and principles . . Fifty-seven^ i Government Camp cf National Czechoslovakia marked a complete" placed on a pyre of green brushhundred years dedicatj | Unity are opposed tiy the demo- change o£ the political situation wood, replied to the despair of ed to the highest idaala I eratic forces including the PPS In Poland. A wave of ardent pa-. his daughter: " I should indeed and-' aspirations of the | (Polish Socialist Party), the trade triotism swept over the. country, despair were I alone burned; but f | unions, the Peasants' Party and uniting all sections of the popu- since the scroll of the Torah is human race. in I the Democratic Party -which, lation in a determined effort to burning with me, the Power that I though numerically weak, is dis-resist Nazi aggression. will avenge the offense against j-playing a very energetic activity. At the same time, anti-Semitic the law will avenge me also." And | /The democratic camp, not yetagitation was to some extent soft- to the query of his disciples This ' year THOMSEN FURRIERS mark lias bean ! united in a solidly organized aloe, pedalled. At the end of March, "Master, what seest thou?" he '.thirty-five years .under the' same manageSUMS FLOWERS: ! is s in some of its sections, not however, the Sejm passed a lawanswered, " I see the parchment ment . . . thirty-five years. of continuous | altogether free of emigraiiosist providing for the gradual aboli- burning; but the Itters fly upARE' : : devotion to high business standards' . . . i tendencies. It, however, wages en tion of the Jewish ritual slaugh- ward." coming increase • I a-large scale an ideological and ter of animals until the end of It is little wonder then, to thirty-five years of: catering* to Omaha ALWAYS FRESH! I political fight against its political 1942. learn that a whole section of the tastes and presenting to the Omaha pub! adversaries and is determined in The law has not as yet been Shulchan Aruch is devoted to lic the finest of furs . . . | its opposition to the anti-Semitie adopted by the Senate. AntWew- laws dealing with the writing and crasade in any form. ish tendencies -also found expres- the care of a scroll of the Torah. . The labor groups have been sion in a bill regulating the status The very writing of it is a sacred : particularly active in this respect, of the chambers of artisans. act. The scribe -who writes t h e j Their opposition to the anti-Sem- Adopted in June, the bill aims at Torah. must prepare himself for itic movement found an expres- the "dejudaiaation" of artisan- his sacred function by proper mesion in a special enlightment cam- ship. Thi3 can also ' be seen ia ditation beforehand. He must expaign undertaken by them and in the demand for the exclusion of ercise the most scrupulous care a number of resolutions. the Jews from the legal and en-to insure t h s exact reproduction gineering profassions, put forward of the traditional test. 'A correct 'Qmaiia's Sisop of Quality Political life in Poland is in-in resolutions adopted: by- the vari- copy must always lie before him, and Service" fluenced decisively by a number ous professional associations. and he may not .write even a.sinof factors such as its - geographOn the other hand, public opin- gle word from memory. Every, i c a l situation between its power- ion in Poland realized more clear- word must be pronounced, before 1S21 Faraam } f ul neighbors in the east and inly that the anti-Semites "were de- it is put down. i tL-3 west, the high percentage of riving benefits from Nazi GerSsiles for •Writing ' • JA 4909 '1 national minorities living •within many and that the . snti-Semitic Even. the scroll itsell on which Poland's frontiers, serious social movement was merely a tool in the -writing is done must be of a ecnfl-ccs (an acute agrarian prob- the hands of t h e ' German Prop- special -nature* Only the skin of aganda Minister. In May, the "Stuermer" and a : number of German daily newspapers ' and films were banned by tha Polish authorities and later' the close association between the Katowice anti-Semitie paper- "Sslonska \ Prawda" and Julias .Streicher was unmasked. . i ;, Everywhere in - Poland " a • conflict cf tendencies'can be noticed. Everywhere there i3 lack of clarity and political uncertainty. In July, ths Council ,b£ the Bndeli Party proclaimed the necessity, cf „-*, continuing the anti-Jewish light FRED A. SS.OW, Llana^er and • ihs • semi-official "Gasstt•polaka" mads1 it clear that the Government's: Jewish policy, aiming at t h s emigration of . a considerable part of Poland's Jewish .population, has net been altered. HA?.*tY A. SMITH Tha Polish Jews took an active . part in the raising cf an air defence loan by the Polish Government. Although official figures,
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Pases 3
r, September 14,19S9
Page 4
ib tao feSghent posslblo limit arid with regard to his instinctive ent'' pqlicy, --may, not • bo • strong that meaas-rnoro,Trorl:,'iaor& Ttg.tiers enough. AptTthat Is •'something prophecy. The White [ Paper is, hatred. The gainst :race was growing...Observers pointed •llanca and much less > Bleep. But cut that tins feeling was-, partly American J e l v i s h Committee to uss his own expression, only whiea, under vail; circumstances,caused by t i e fact that thera was lauaclied a widii campaign for sup- 'Chaloimesl" prevented."- . • ' '•well the danger awaiting UD int a tendency c? j o a s isolationists port of democracy. But this optimism is purely un- " THE PEOPLE'S IIAKD- • ' • particular should' tao 'Whito PaAlthough tlisre Tvas an increase warranted," I ventured, "Let. ua to Masie the Ja?/s for the santiper "policy--be'•implemented ever* Yesterday I m e t G . . ieat in the United States for in-tin anti-Semitism-in-some parts of not minimize the fact that tuo | the country, the natioa neverthe- new Palestine Policy is -a. reai lives in one of- the large kvutsoth Ia part." tsrveatioa agaisBt Germany. in tlie Eniek. He seldom, comes "And the fight for land?" Tlis rise in a^ti-Semitisra called less regained hostile to Nasism. danger." ; . . '. / o Jerusalem- and it is long eince "What yjB can do'is tills: WG fcitit. coanter-ca^spaigns u a i J e r -T3sa German-Am'ericaa Bund fared "It is. Though in another manhad seen, him last. ,He',is. a must ses "to i t that not an inck t&a battle-cry that bigotry agaiast badly ia the course of the past • . of land in Jewish hands is left the Jews •was an attack on Amer- year. • despite a large "Washihg- ner than most think. Some time happy fellow. ' ; a new idea was introduced iean. The Friends of Democracy, j ton's Birttoday "Well, what do your people say unsettled or : uhtllled, -wberever t y rally" y •which, if held ago into politics. One began speak» Faced -with a Sro Council Agaiast . Intolerance, • the is New Y York. Its leader, •F Frits -it may happen 'to• be. And •&& k I l d i t ing of the "nuisance value" of a to the White Paper?" Tasked. ! a i o a r i tna Geraraa liner St. ILeu'a ati-Seiuitiaiis i t "Everybody - in Jerusalem asks must buy up whatever is offered Catholic Committee to Fight AntiKufcn, was Indicted in New -York j Starred frcra. Cuba, faced return to meats political group or of a given situJewry hi t'.id vi the same question," he replied, us. Nothins "will hinder as setand similar organiza- for embezzlement. Bund groups Heidi, it was tlia J. 2 . C. American pu ic opinion im- I. Semiiism eifortst to Jaai- i! tSivj iioas cams into beiag •with the faced increasing opposition, by ation. These create no immediate visibly irritated. "They say'very ed tling, building or making our wind! provided ths funds that pressed itselS o danger but are able noticeably to British offi the flood ot Jewish catastro- j ma;Ie it possible to find asylaai . tttle; there Isn't much- t o ; say. land fruitful. Not even the govI fight against anti-semitlsm as oas American'Legionnaires and others o during tie hinder or disturb development. all over the country. phe abroad aad to i'escuiag visj- j for them elsewhere ia Surcpe. After three years of unrest, durj toric crisis for the F That is where our opposition to ng which great claims were made ernment! The Jewish' National tiaia of tiiti dalase. Fund land —- ."our laud — we .serieaa Ssacticsa ta jpogs-esiis ] isa lioKtelaad. Last October, "when the White Paper comes in." on our energy, vigilance: and shall defend with all ths means Eaeh new paaaa of t-ia iiijtoric : p-r ritaia was repcrted to b "How do you mean that?" nerves, a time has come when we part, tna tasit e£ crisis for >a« aewis^i people found t ^^\ *-*y^ • Jewish Sm:xljratl< l 1 a ,>*.•,_ jins to halt "Like this: The White Paper must intensify our energy and ef- at our'disposal!" the Jewish e a m muaity ia this j j was ma "And how do you believe 16 policy cannot be carried out. No forts. The fight against the White ,_y couatry ready to respond with its ! ivillall end?" one views it with favor, neither Paper will be hard and long. We resources o£ cuet'.3y, Ju:iJa aa "We believe that It is fundawe, nor the Arabs, nor the serious know that a great part of it will aresiiije. Tha year 5i593 imida i o mentally a question of time. Tha student of political thought In iaci-easias!? apparent taat Ameri fall upon us, the agricultural set- White 1 \ Paper policy is impossible, England. la spite of that they tlements. ;We have foreseen that ca has become tha "oai?s oi worl will try to carry it through. And and made our preparations ac- but it'-will, last;, till the atmosJewry ami tliat tie responsibility phere clears., Meanv/hlle It spells IS » ? that means that we shall have to cordingly." for Jewiali survival will rest in 7 for us: Struggle and endurance.** £ij invest a great deal of energy in Urjo meitaura on tha bread ghoul-'• ed" at tlie excesses. Secretary -of "And how do you mean to com, o , r ,rt a , ^ ~aTii*c r«=it»-an unnecessary defensive conflict. Jers o£ the moro tDan four million | Interior Earold L. Iciss daa j au7tt tMs"aatiSn>s S e r ^ t l a ; Wheth,er;the Jewish community iah rule. But 'we went in spite Reciting the Psalms alone will bat the White Paper?" ' " . .-. ssd you caujsot ,.u«en.can iaws. jail Hitlers « ! ' » « f ^ | t l e J e w i s i M l i o n i l l o E e . "We see it like this: The Yis- should intervene on behalf, of itn in what a stats o2 iadigsatloa of all. We-began to rebuild the not help. We must not only say liuv's fight against the White PaBut we must reply with per lies essentially In-the loosen- members 'arrested-for crimes was ia Cei-siauv, t i e G- a i- a a a Jaws | ad, t i e State Deparcmeat was . TH:s unprecedanted- motoihsa- aatl excitement ive are. Please land. The Turks? Chaloisnes! 'No!* ;ur»pa tf.wjaiviuu eves toward ! .mick to Sack Max tip. Relatioas | ticn 01 public opinion vrhich. prov- write at once: What does PaJ- Then the war broke out . . . Je- action as well. There will be a ng of existing relations-'with' gov- a question'on; which not all Jewish leaders agreed. A 17th cenmal Pasha . . . And again t h e difficult political struggle which incsr brethrea in tils country, j witi tjo Haici reacaed a aew j ea enective m October did not estiaa say?" the • least tury . Rabbi protests against atsame dirge: 'Now all our hopes will demand tremendous energy. ernment by permitting : y waea the VvMts Chamberlaia ordered t i e ilow; tie pogroms led President succeed in May possible revenue to ' flow into its tempts to gain clemency. Ha Were a censor to esamine all are destroyed!' - But two years Paper Brovidiag for establishment h It is here that the real danger Coffers. In practice 'that means writes:"- "I emphatically protest later our hopes -were fulfilled . . . lies: This struggle may deflect a' drastic replacement' of imports against the custom of our comThe Balfour Declaration . . . " energies from our work of con- by our own products. Hence, we munal leaders of. purchasing the "Also Chaloiines!" the f i r s t struction. It will take a certain fchall have to raise our production freedom of Jewish criminals. young man breaks in hotly. time, perhaps a long time, before Father Abraham's the White Paper reduces itself to "No __ 003 Jews massed ia a demonstra- ask some people picked out at "Poland, subject to a Jess spectacueyes light up, "Even though you absurdity. Then, everything will lar but aardty less cruel persecu- •Wer'ean Jaws in. t i e Kaica. Pres- J tioa agaiast the White Paper. Tha random. might'stick to that opinion. The depend : upon the position in ideat H.ooseveit'3 administration j convention of the Zionist Orgaaition than tae Jews oi Geriaanj', "CHAJLOniES" Balfour Declaration states t h e which we, at that moment, find aad &eeoKia the conscience of the ! zatioa cf America m New York .tnada it clear taat they airtaed Father Abraham is 76. His same as the Bible:, 'Israel shall ourselves. jii [ reaffirmed the American Zionists* ou Amerieau Js wry. iv r > i; spirit is still fresh and bis eye return.' And that is not 'ChaloiWe must be much stronger la tho credit of t i e j The horror at the event3 !a Ger- determination to proceed •with the clear, although he may be some- mes'." ' than we are today; under no cirof the Jewish hosseJews tliat, although l:i- I many — ao unanimous that t i e what unsteady on nis legs. Three "Yes. But something must be cumstances must we be budged, Gallup poll found 3 4 per cent o£ \ creasing anti-Semitism here sa»' hours o£ parading -with a demon- done to keep it from becoming even the slightest, from our posithem a home iront ou which to Americana eoademaiag tha Naai j Ia«rease ia Anti-Semitissi stration through the streets of Cbaloimes!" tion. itght, their orgauiaed life was da- persecution, 85 per eeat favoring ' Partly as a reaction to foreign Jerusalem have not proved too The White Paper is,, in a. cer"We must work!" And father voted largely to succoring their an aati-Germaa boycott — regismuch for him, for, on. returning, tsred Itseii more concretely ia events, there was a marked in- ha sits down in his small garden Abraham clenches his fist, "and tain sense, really Chaloimes; it l33i>leo3 coreligionists abroad. crease in anti-Jawish agitation ia not bother about Chaloimes! Let will pass like a bad dream, yet it moYes to aid'refugees. President Overseas AUi with a book in his hand. them write White Papers in Lon- remains a great danger ard we the tourist the United States. The incitement Tba s?*eat crisis welded Amari- Kacsevelt extended In some cases took the fora, of "I too have protested, in my don; and yellow and green if they shall have to combat it: And here of Gerraaa i-:t'a Jewi'y'a three major national visas of a number violence. In >Tew York there were own fashion," he remarks with a •will! Paper is patient! It is too the old man was instinctively tuad-raisius bodies, the Joint Bis- Jews in taia country. A bill was a series of attacli3 on Jews by cunning wink. "I recited t h e written: 'Israel shall return! right: We must work, double and tiibutlon Committee, United Pal- introduced in Congress toy Sena- Coushlinises in some of which the Psalms." treble our efforts and develop Everything else is Ghaloimes!" tiitiaa Appeal and National Coord- tor Robert F. "Wagner and Rsprs- victims were stabbed and wound"But something you do •what w'e have in spite of ail obTHE REAL DANGER inatiiis Committee ior UaEugees, seaative Sdita N. Rogers. for ad- ed. Damage to Jewish property into :i united campaign. The 'Jnit-j mission og 20,000 refasee child- was reported m Philadelphia. In every day, Fattier Abraham." I left in the company of a stacles; we must safeguard what "True; but today-I sought mo young man who had not taken we have and acquire more. Baltimore and Delaware educauaprecodented response to a atas-j opposition of the aati-i'msaisratiea tional institutions there occurred out part in the discussion. He is an We shall have to go the limit. with Ishael's triumph over its authority on international poli- Pray serin a aeed. j bloc at the Capitol. A movement incidents in which God that Jewry abroad unJewish stu- enemies. And my eye looks down tics. . • jot under way to provide sc^elar- dents were allegedly branded. • . - . derstand that! ' They are our reupon my enemies v^ho, with their •which the job "of facilHatin-j ! sains for refusees ia . Ani-arioaa "Could the matter be viewed serves, and we shall need them to The -various anti-Seaiitia leaders evil decrees, have' again exalted A m e r i c a n Ilia in tie face o£ I colleges. so simply as the old man sees it," the last man and , to the l a s t became more, open in their incitethe absorption oi re£ugee3 into | Americans deep sympathy with ment. Charles B. CougMin, "the he began after we had walked pound. Then and only then is "Will the P s a l m s help us some distance . in silence. "But there no fear that the White Pamouiitiisg auti-reiugea aentiment, I the slight oi the jserseuutsd Jews radio priest," abandoned Ms veils j against the Wcite Paper?" asks id il l l d inn-aendos pad charged Jews -with he has no idea of the complicaendure. The danger is into j . N National wass, uaradoxically, llefugea Service, ita luiictioaa by a definita uadereurreat.of anti- financins Communism. His organ, a young man to whom it Is evi- tions in modern political events. per that we, at the decisive moment righly centralised. n addition to refugee sentiment. A poll by Nor- Social Justice, which became a dent that Father Abraham • does Strange enough, lie is quite right following the collapse of the presths three largest drives, there I tuna Magazine found 33 per cent modal of a Jew-baiting; sheet, isras not appreciate tha gravity of the situation. The old fellow throws voters .opposing any peddled en street corners. •were a "host of other campaigns, | o2 Americaa 1 Mia a glaace: reflecting American Jewry's sym- ! increase in iaimlgratios. q-jotas. In Naw Yorlr,.his baeiers form"I'll tell yoa something, young pat*:.y wsth their brethren. The | Oa the contrary, the "past year witITb Immigrant Aid Societ Inessed a series of drastic measures ed a "Christian Front" which'be- man. The White Paper is only sought §1,300,000, tas Federatioa iasainsc aliens. The Wasaer-Sog-j gaa- orgaaiaiag a boycott of Jew- •Chaloimes'." of Polisii Jew a a similar amount, i srs "bill, as raentioaed before, ea- isa stores. His supporters also "Chaloimes' means "dreams." T*ie refuses sliips Taaderras couatsrsd strons- opposition.- Th® picketed Radio . Station WMCA, But -when Father Abraham utters which had barred Ms speeches. across t i e aeas m search of liav- i House passed a series of bills aisathe word, it signifies' estremest _ alierta. 'Senator Tlie organizer of the picketing, nullity. "Chaloimes" is not argu- j | g one Allen. Zol!, -was. indicted for taxed | Ravnolda sponsored able. When Father Abraham dubs j attempting to estort $7,500 Irora something ."Chaloimes," the mat! the owner of the station. ter is ttaished; it's the end. The Investigation, of the Hoase "But the White Paper destroys Ccmraittae oa Un-American ActiT- all our hopes," another young, headed by Martin Dies of man breaks in. T^sas, brought to- light many of "Indeed! It destroys y o u r * -3 Machinations cf anti-Semitic hopes, does it? Well, it doesn't i groups. Figuring in this probe was "j 7 destroy mine!" And he points to |j Major-General George Van Horn the "Behold, he that keep?|Moseley, retired, who. eraerged eth Bible: Israel shall neither slumber [ ——Between—— I! during the year a3 ens of the 11 leading Jew-baiters. In addition, nor sleep." "xind -what do you imagine is | i Jacob Thorkelscn of Montana 'be=5ll | carae the ne-w spolcesman for anti- coming nest?" "I imagine nothing. I am, | ; Semitisra oa the floor of Congress. There 'was a small undercurrent thank God, DO politician. Nor cf anti-Seraitism in last Novem- prophet. But I have a very good 102 South 10th St. ber's elections, but it -pra3 repud- memory. And I remember well J iated at the polls. Herbert- K. Leh- what Palestine was like when I I man was re-elected Governor o£ first came here 50 years ago. 1 New • York, albeit by a narrow Then they said it was madness marsiB, ia aa election In. which to go to Palestine . nothing ng anti-Semitism, p l a y e d a part. could be done there under TurkPayne Ratner, the butt of aa-aatiJa'A'ish caaipaisn . because he is 35S No. Green St. 130 No. 8th.St. half-Jewish, n e v e r t heles3 was elected Governor of Kansas. Ths Rev. Gerald Winrod, Kansa3 antiSemite, was trounced in 3i!3 cqntsst fas? the Sepublican senatorial nomination. There -wa3 no doubt that antiSemitism "wa3 . increasing ia this country. Fortune Magazine found H. A. ZZSlUCJi, Prop. that one-third cf the American J>
K lcetzel
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It "was formerly a' custom at Sabbath morning services for one c. the officials to proclaim'to-the eoagresation that certaia articles hai been stalsn or lost, and that any Tcrshicper who knew anyi | thing cZ ths property must give instant information to the authorities. Lest artloiss ivare jublicly cried in tha synagogue and a threat cf esccmmanicaticn hur.3 o','s; all who withheld information. Likswisa It was an ancient ni in scms place3 for t h e ish to anno-jnee every Saty ths rosnlza cf law suits, 3.2.1 to ir.2om the congregation osrtaii properties Were in
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New Years Saitiqn—THB JEWISH PRESS—Sosli Hash'onaH 57jG0-^TlrarsSa3r,-September 14*1939'
eaase aa a "Chalatsali" in a eo-! accepted approach, of. the graa- friends. Many of the Arab vil- land. Tho drram of tho Shoiarini colonyy -where she iroA-1mariaa asa etymologist, p yg, -and lagers come to the settlement ask? (watchmen) will ba rcalia&fi. d hand h i her jjbrings bi tH wordd Home H h user ing to be allowed.. to nelp, ed with- heart and •untiltHa to the Tin are Lut a handful ol a c^iall force. .... In. th.e death. . Her last boolc, "Brand as a vital daily d h are. number, cays the man from ^ ^ J lucked Frdn ths Fire," i s a forward of this • volsjnss, Dr. .GoldIn the building of the road and Givath TJichael. At this very moook of poems, published by the berg gives a glimpse' of his. cMMr bridges to Dafnehy Arab villager ment tho'juiEda of oxir brethren 1 1 *H f>4 «*** -*J»«* Publication Society, sia- hood and the infiaeacsa which his along -. the Una were invited to ara wandering over tho fcao of ere, highly emotional, steeped in Jewish upbriaging had on Ma fied- participate, and glady-did so. The the globe, seeking Q pieco of land. he hopes and dreaias of her peb- i a t l o a to sroids aad their Import: pay was liberal, such as the poor We live, in a period -when fronEDITOR'S XOTE—She Jew•' • d brief dissas-ja co*npal!ia.g, honest stcry "9 and the love 0* Zion. Two American Jewesses znerU villagers had never before known. tlera aro torn down and peoples ish .Telegraphic agency a ad Uca?" A cleai Dr. Claude G. Montefiore was the laurel wreath., Xfas biography, Sttminer Evening aad its soiu- iac! a2 faaietment of the brutality Washington (WNS) — RecogJewish 4*res3 sixain preseat a sioa of t i e prc are torn up; v/here then ia thn Here is one" of tie* oldest vet- limit, to Israel's suffering? We nizing tho importance of even cumprehen&ivo review &£ t Ji e tion. Sir J a i a Kopa Simpaon" of tha Naai regime; P a e l a ,n eminent English scholar, raeia- '.'Lillian Wald: Crusader a n d Neighbor," by Robert Duffus, J3 a Frankaa's "The Devil We Know," er of a famous family, a pbiianerani, with.a map in his hand. re going up to the frontier to nioro aggressive acquisition o£ year's litems-y -output by a a d "Bet'iigees" is a provisional redefinitive life of tha Jewish Js.n& He is the Hu&htar, or headman, 6w the eeed of now life; vhlio land ia Palestine because of 1fc2 about Jews fey Miss ¥ a a a y port at a survey under l i e atsa- a modern story of a self-conscious .hropist and world leader of lib- Addatas, t h s founder.of the Btory. eral Judaism. Shortly before his Jaw; Brnsf Harthern's Wo vclof the. new_, settlement. . Dafneb, thera cow the coed of death, fio- imminent threat of changed staGolilstfin, of the S-aston Li- pices cf t i e Royal Institute c! laSettlement. Edna Ferber's be; esplain's, is eight .kilometers truction and torture in tho con- tus, tho Central Administrative brary, aa oatitausling aatlicritj" teraatioaal Affairs. '-The Rsfn- i anas, "Going Home" and "Hcraa eath the world observed his SOth Street "A Peculiar Treasure" is: a fraak, irthday. A posthumous, monuentratlon camp. Let us not for- Board of B'naii B'rlth has authorOH dUilitiea. gee3 in tha Uaitad States," by |j at . Last," . •written from personal mental worlc, "An Antholgy of timely, colorful .picture of the in- away, as the crpwflJeEuHarold rieli3, is a FOlaraa which ' i m P r e s s i Q J l s in Palestine, related labMnicaI"Frcse ""Writings,''" Ms tegration processes of American Dasreir, a kilometer-and-a-half, et this tonight, as we celebrate. ised the purchase of §25,000 with simplicity and freedom froia farther aorth. He. Jusows t h e Is the celebration not only worth. of debenture notes of a" The past year lias seen a num- gives. a very ccraplsts, objective rancor. een underwritten by his friehds life over a period of half a cen- •whola area, every village a n d if It thpsa who aro actually partlci- 51,060,600 Issue floated by the ber of notable works with which aad Impartial piatara of Aaierltury. ,s a memorial. every river. tlng, or for, tho. people of Gail- Jewish K&ticnal Fund in thf6 itefegee literature Jew3 and non-Jews allies 31 a y eaa fcaiaisratioa ia the tight of Religious books for ihe young Dr. Mose3 Gaster, a contempoeo or even for: the Ylsiiub, but country to eupplement its incouie Tha refagaa literature A summer's evening descends •well become acquainted. To. even this country's law and tili. The rary of Herzl, died recently at and other classes crowd thetnand to taEtq up Important options attempt aa • analysis a a j selection special number of t i e Survey to the coatrilsutioE3 by msa and he age of S3. He was born in selves in with excellent material pon Kfar Gileadi, hidden in the or tho whole. Jewish people, no on Palestine land secured prior to feiattsr where they be, ezelaitns women -who belong to the Unimountains. In ths square before of the worthvbila is a formidable G r a p h i c , "Cal " H T America, lumania, but waa exiled and emj- which . it .Is impossible to detail the i£suatiC3 of tha White Paper," taslt, siace more than 13,000 •viiicii springs from t i e editors' versity ia Exile. . Chief of thesR, xated to England where he we.3 here. Suffice It, however, to say the IIOUBO stands a long line of .noiher. And not only that, but it was announced here' this wee'; books were published la G r e a t concern with persecutions cf Jew- perhaps, 13 the world figure A1-. Fpointed Professor in Slavic Lit- that Professor Louis Finkelstein's trucks, laden for tomorrovr. Mea nother rung, in the ladder of ajir by Henry Monsfcy, President of Britain alone, and 243 publish- ish people and others in. Germany, bert Eiaaiein, not -alone for hia rature at Oxford, and later be- two volumes, "The Pharisees" are wait their turn for supper. Oiif- truggle for our rights in' this B'nal B'rlth. ers in America who issued fiv» or I contains articles and cartDcna by theory of relativity and Its im- ame the Haham of the Spanish destined to be an indispensable siae, guarns are being appointed. ountry. We are prepared to face. Mr. Monslty explained that fn plications in an ever-changing ,nd Portuguese Congregation in tool to tha scholar; a collection There are light signals froa ivery obstacle — we have no almore books in 1933 totaled 3,225 I important •world fisur-33 •who buying these Jewish National items. opinions ara destined to go d ose world, "but for the simplicity and jondon. of delightful legends and stories Metullah. The trees behind the ernative! .. . . , ". Fund notes, tho B'aal B'rith \va3 humanity of the s a n himself ia liousa' rustle like a { l o w i n g Some cooks, "however, are so •as t i e sistory of oiir times. His activities and accomplish- adapted from HeBrew and Arabic stream. The Epeechea aie over. "We manifestins once again its desire nis relationship to Zionism a n d ments A cow moos. Keen air. timely and direct that they must In the field of' scholarship sources is a lovely voluias by Fiction and biosrapSy, too, re- •world affairs at large. have ploughed and "'sown, b a t to aid the Jewish National Fund be cited. For example, there are: flect tha woes of tna refugee. A are far-reaching, but his research Hayylm Bialik—-"And It. Cama to HIII3. Anfl silence. . ave not reaped," the chorus Tha commemoration of his n the field of folklore was mon-Pass." In the "Jewish ContribuDown, to Tel Hal for the gen- reaks out in Bong. And then, in v/hat now is a very necessary Louis Adairne's "America and the mere sasgastlve ia2d*al of ihms project, just as tho B'nal B'rith. Refugees," a summary of t n e j titles are: "The Fishsiass," by 60th birthday last March brought umental. He was working on a tion to Civilization," Cecil Both eral counting of heads aad apstormy Hora dance In the din* did previously, in 19SC, manifest attempts to elucidate and evalu- portioning of work. The Huleli problem as it affects the United" ' H. W. Kats, tae story. 9f r- Jew- a • flood of gratifying articles olume of Isaac Abravanel itfi support of tco J. N. F. pro£ram iah are destined in the future his Influence on Sabbatai Zevl, ate the* snare of the -Jew. in the waters lie before us. s w a m p B g hall. States. Israel B. Brodie's "T h e ish family on tna Austrian fronthrough the pledge of §100,000.' of . European culture. sparkling la the distance. IsoRefugee Problem and Palestine" tier in the World War; " T h e to lead to bigger things on "Bin* and Menasha beh Israel,-who In- evolution because Song Is good ior the lated lights in the Beduln tenta. lose Warrena, noted Swedish poe- Next to Haddtwnah's $75,000 cubconcerns tils Near Ease. Dorothy Mortal Storio," by Phyllis 3nt- steinlana." Perhaps the most-6at> duced Cromwell to allow the And s e r t ption, B'nal B'rltii's is tho spirit, well illustrated, with full Silently we. pass before the etatue ess, 1821-1878, was a Jewess. standing recent biography of the ews to rs-enter England. A Gastlarcest to date. Thompson, tiat fearless modern j tome, a tragsdj of a iouseioM piano accompaniment—-songs for of the memorial Lion to Trunia a a Is H. Gordon Garhedian's r Memorial "Volume which includAmazon, ivno figiita with w o r d dlTided against itself because-o* holidays,. ceremonies and every peldor waich, during all fts yeara d contributions by world-famous first settled In Warsaw in and pen for minority groups, has Nazi machinations; "All That "Albert Sinsteln, Maker of UniPatronize Our Advertisers. on guard here, has uot witnessed he 13th century. "Refugees AJJ.*- hv o C-^"-*- 1 - Matters," by Petsr Mendelssohn, verses," an intriguing and read- cholars, was Issued on the oc- Jewish occasion. order and harThought and asion of his SOta birthday. such a scene as this. More than able study. Coatrfbutions .. mony are germane to health and 300 are being counted, more than It is difficult to summarize in Toung In comparison with the living. Reading furnishes the 500 have come to look on: brief the works published and in process by members of the Uni- ,ge. of these gentlemen, Isaac mind with materials of •knowlThere are only a few hours to versity in Exile. It is well to loldberg passed away at the age edge. It is thinking that makes daybreak. No sleep tonight. Ail note, however, the published list f 50, at the height of a versatile what we read '.oufs. "Education are assembled under the heavens, of famous refugee scholars forced and prolific literary career. His begins the gentleman," But, inter- on the mats, to hear the speakers. p r o g u and esting reading, good company and from universities" in" Europe now scholarship was prodigious Let us remember, says the first i His reflection are influences for speaker, those who dreamt of Galon the faculty of the Hebrew uni- his range of writing amasing. which Jewish boundless good posthumous . volume, "The Wonversity. From" this list, -which ilee's revival but were not "privcovers education in every depart- der of Words," deviates from the Book Week aims to stimulate. ileged to see it. He mentions ment, we hers naaie only tha fall names, a long list of them. Then professors: he closes: Kemember that Hie first (Galilean settlements1 h a y e Haaoea' Albeck, . History of •"• ' : •'.•'". THESE PROlSycfS ' ' -: steadfastly maintained good relaHalaknan; Martin' Biiber, Social : tions with their neighbors. It is Philosophy; Ladislaus Farias, © MILLER'S COBN F L A M S ' -f DROME- . -" for you to continue that tradiPhysical Chemistry; A. H. Fraenfc.'^> %';\0 "K-!(? tion. , . kel, Pure Mathematics; Julius ' . . DART" DATES' ' ..©MILLER'S .WHEAT. : . Another VeteranGuttmann, Jewish Philosophy; Another veteran, from Ludwig Halberstaedter, Radiol-FLAKES © STALEY'S SIHUP -.>BOR-. Hashahar: For us it is a double ogy; .Hichard Koebner, Modem DEN'S .SILVER COW,'MILK;'" '©:BAB'O' '• eelebration. For 20 years we History; Harry N. Torcsyner, HeEditor's Xote—In the early behind. More weeding out. have felt our loneliness and isola* brew Laasjaage; Gotthold "Weil, • ^"rriGiMPSdM" CHGCOhktE-fAMhTE'B. tion, flay in flay out. Now we Arabic and Turkish Philology, part of Slay, when rumors flew Let us mis with the crowd. : are to have Jewish neighbors. and Director of the University l i - fast sad thick as to the probMILK - © NONE • SUCH MIKCE -.MEAT ' Here is the stalwart settlsr brary;. Ernst. Wertiieiiner, Path- able ccateat of the Cham'&er- from Kir David "the father" Time -is Short, the hoar is grave. lsta "White Paper, Eretz Israel's .6 "JUHKET" • R E N U E f T ' PECJD^CT$'' * ological Physiology; B e r n a r d of stockade and watch-tower set- We must be up and doing. And pioneers blazed a new trail ia tlements. He will supervise the the first of ouf tasks, naturally, Zondeli, Gynecology. © MAGIC-WASHER • -; -O CURTISSA,BABY- .; At the Hebre-w Union College the northern part of ihe Jew- work tomorrow. And there the is to drain the Hulen. in_ Cincinnati, a Jewish College of ish Hosseland, Galilee. There, A young speaker is bard put to 'commander' of Hanita. Esperir •: RUTH AMD-BUTtERFiNGERS # WitCfl^' •" ' Exile is being planned for refu- ia the vicinity of what was once enee must be exploited to the full ezprecs Ills'joy at being privileged ' . G R A P E J U I C E . •' • / ::::/; . . : ; • • - . ;••••;•; gee professors, teachers a n d fasaons ia •fe-Kis'h Mstory as in the new settlement. The men to live in so stormy an epocli. "We scholars. Plans are being drawn Daimeh, the Jewish "National Of Kfar Gileadi are foremost in are all prepared,, hm asserts, to for a 10-year campaign cf spirit- Fund bad acquired a month. this respect;. they havs passed •make sacrifices, ready to -underual education uafier the joint earlier a tract of 12,000 duii- through the hard school of Gali- take aaytaiik. We know.the.ex-: sponsorship cf the Hebrew Union nams. Upon these Keren Kaye- lee and know its soil, landscape, tent Of the responsibility placed college and the Union of Hehrew meth laafis, the first of a chain conditions and neighbors.. upon us and we shall do our best of Jewish settlements under thfi Congregations. This action, No enmity here—no fear. Yon not. to disappoint oar country and general siaiae "Mesadath Meiia" ly ths result of persecution, in might believe you're in another people. .'' " Central Europe, indicates that tha hem" (Bastion of Menahemj-., environment altogether. Here Jew Tomorrow, & new land cosies center of Jewish culture a n d in triiate to aienahem Ussishto light, says the ; neit speaker, reets Arab aed Arab greets kia, the veteran Zionist leader You,.i>as3 ^by^.the^yiltsgejj . . q g a n_d , abun^aiic^ pjt".,_.i_-_. _ .__ scholarship, is gradu and- World Presdeat-«f ..iis.k "to the United States. "queach "the thirst "arid" good;" fat Keren Kayemeth, was ests2>i .the'rbad? and'ieel y6u"are among presidential Messages lished. She writer of this arAll these academic absorptions KJj in the event 5jf [ naturally involve Christian-Je'w- ticle, a participant h hppd i b d i t iv st 1 ish relationships. The - literature w h i h he describes, depicts viv•which these relationships reflect idly the Galilean scene on that is either optimistically healthy, or day and the vigor and the emodestructively subversive. Whether tion with which the pioneers •we label these manifestations by •went forth to erect new basFrosn any of the "isms" matter? little. tions of Jewish strength in tha They are either anti-Semitic in es- Kozth. n sence, or, they are good-will aims Once again we are going up to of humanly motivated individuals, It was encouraging, for ex- Galilee to continue the chain of ample, to read the recent mes- settlesaents begun with Hanita sages of President Roosevelt per- and Khirbet Semakh. Our car taining to the world of Jewish travels swiftly along the road this affairs and to consider at i h e ealy summer's .morning: Sharonsame time that other presidents Haifa, Haifa-Tiberias, Tiberisstoo have had amiable relation- Jletulla. Near Tiberias signs meet us of ships with their Jewish country men. For - example, there are th< the. activity to take place on the historic letters of George Wash- morrow. A lorry laden with ington and Abraham Lincoln' boards and a plough, beds and association, with ths Jew has been mattresses, and young men a n d well compiled by Esaanael Hertz women clinging to the sides a n d Is "Lincoln and the Synagogue,' among the bundles. A second "The Hidden Lincoln," and "Lin- lorry, breathing and snorting,. is leaded with a water tank acd coln TalSs." This year the 50th anniversary collapsible huts. And on top of Li L 1 u a u ; ,j of the death of Sir Lsurene all these, armed young men in CJ.igia.nt merits Jewish attention. khaki and the lately adopted Here was a Christian who gav< brown beret as part of the regalia of himself and of his purse inos of our ghaffirs, without whom the generously for Jewish coloniza- Palestinian countryside no longer seems complete tion ia Palestine. Our objective now is Dafneb When we read. Qlivg Shreraer,' "A Letter on the Jew," written and Khan-e-Duweir, close by the some 30 years ago, we are jerkec northern frontier, at the northern into attention at the sameness p: end cf the Huleh and near tha events; anti-Semitism raa amuck foot of Meant Hennon. To the at that time, too. This letter i north stands white-capped Herwell worth rereading in the ligfa xnen, to ths west the Hills ®Z Naphtali, aad to the east t h e I of subsequent world affairs. Mountain of Jaulan in TransStatesmen The role of Christian peace- Jordan. At the foot of t h e s e maker, however, must be accred- hills, three kilometers f r o m ited to His Holiness, Pope Piu, Dafneh is the eastern frontier of XL Here vas a great Christian, the country. Never before has Tiberias seen naming ins aigiiest gifts of hits ehsreh. who put peace p bove such an outwardly calm, a a d Ff£$ as ths dr... everything, probably hecattse he motley crowd as descended upon l i i i ^ i i • that's American Radio (j esenpluled tha g r e a t e s t of it that day. There were men I Christ's teachings, "Love thy from Tel Aviv aad Halifa, from | neishber Z2 thyself." As a great Ness Ziona and Kfar Sabi, and ifiEelre-? scholar, .he wa3 too con- from ail the Jordan Valley settleS'versant with the history of this ments. Not all who wanted to I, ralnority group and its role in go to Galilee were privileged, to | | c-iilaatica to stand by without do so: Ths future builders of the new settlement are picked and ITH tiste ttaas-i-obls vaica i lifti h.3 vciie i ia i protest. T h hs brfts 7£>u O.a icdto featiir?i of death of the Pose, -whom world chosen, with an eye to past ex1310 today. I t Ixas Push-buttoa TunJewry sincerely mourned, leada perience. Two froia a settlenspnt ing for 6 stations* Full Vision fierias to comment ters on the receat and cse from a town. Yet it was sontai Dial* "PWg-in" for'Yictrola : ; cr Television Att&ehtaeatf; Power " aiaise of so-saa noted Jewish lit- a long train that set out from . ^ • ::fand;Frespgfity 7.":•::•—• the central meeting point n e a r line Antenna... noPcstexmd antenna cr ground needed & 12* E!ectro-DyKathan Ca.r- yyeleth Hashafear to Kfar Gileasli, nainic Speaker* Zlsa? olhsr great dozo of the Supreme Court v»'as where the night was ta lie spent* features that vfll give yoa taora Sa Tli-a courtyard of Kfar Gileadi pErformancs lor your money novr... an 'Jz&Ai e -i^aenoan, a Jew, a and for years to come. Come in today. at j ^ r ^ t aa-2 a legal philos- is a jumble cf implements a,nd : T'hico -rsrks will remain a jnateriala: There lie the steie*j.rsnt sc-atriksatioa to law: tons • cf two giaat watch-towers As a li:tcr=.t:sr, hi3 -writings ia for the settlement, walls of huts his 4'ZJI.~T as! Litsrat-are'* remaia in a pile, bundles of fencing, s.i- azii'.s ai Iltsrary style— boards, machines and tools, 'bas; , 3 1 a a r and beautifully kets and tins. Heaps and heaps of tkesi — ready for loading'. TIse Crowd " . The lata Jess: impter was aa For finer radio petfonsatset { 717 Ia the crowded hat you cannot j BE YOURS FOR ardent Zionist, setess cf. note MAY TRU distinguish between the young ' aad a Hadasaa s, belovad by Y2ARS TO COME THIS NEW Y all. Bora; ia Anisrsca, raised ia. a blood and the veteran, settler ausi Kanry CcHck Sam Cclicls ihosie deleted of all traditional guest.- Tiisra are representatives of the. National Institutions a n d Eilaism, sia had isoTsd is a. rare^ -SBl-i* t if 2ere« coa- water,, electricity, seaarity B B d sscsillation. Strange-! survey experts. And in another sis heard ths call of room, a veritable struggle for esto Palestiae " and isteace: Who is to go up ' a n d thera dedicated Her" life""to the where? And who is to remain
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Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—•& osli Haskonali 5700—Thursday, September 14, 1'939
aew opportunities Of employment munity which had a aoble tradiiiisir last raeagre funds as passage for native populations. I am told tion of democracy and communal Eionay from HaasJjarg, Bresis?• -»'•" that In England the admission of service.: fcavea, Gdynia, Coastaasa, and 1 dozens of other European ports oa J ,! refugees was directly responsible The power of resistance which, j fie Baltic, the Slack Sea, and the for giving jobs to 15,000 unem- has enabled the Jewish people to lli.KtarraaeaB. Ia tlelr desparaployed. ' "; survive for thousands of years is V,c:-., th'-sy souslit refuge in South a direct outgrowth of Jewish adAs one of the former citizens America, in Africa, China aad befenco to the Biblical doctrines of,Germany Who have been for< Australia. Some were accepted by 3'S the year past Profes- mental structure of modern civili- lunate leave that coun- on the relationships among men. European coaatries. More entersor Albert Einsteia, one of the zation. For the Jews in America try, I know I can speak for my In these years ot affliction o u r ed Palestine. ^ ^ -««* j * | <%*<& - *», *»* 'foremost scientists and it represents a grave responsibil- fellow refugees, both here and in readiness to help one another IR. ^ X-L-* But tia world wa3 by so cieasa "world's F a t h e r of Relativity,'" pat. ity — Q responsibility which they other countries, when I glva being put to an especially- severe prepared to absorb all the refuevents of woyM^iaai" gees who Yv'are bains thrust out cf Eslfie LIs w o r k at Prinee- must meet with imagination and thanks to the democracies of the test. Bach of us must personally; importance have oeearKi! 3 a [ thai? efface ias everywhere beea deati of a Germany embassy of- Central Sarose. Ports Virere clos- j tea university to address the sacrifice through tha instrument world Jor the splendid manner in face this test, thatfremay stand iritis tl»a wast year. Ia | the aasia. Tlse Jew ia tie lands of j ficial killed in Paris by a refugee ed to the relussa shiss froni G-ar- people of t h i s , country over of the United Jewish Appeal for which they have received us. it ao"well as our tethers did bemany instances Jewish com- i Kaai supremacy lias beea systama- I youth, a? >jaai;23d aatl-Js-wlai via- maay. Latia American countries j a coast-to-coast nettrork.' Ua- Refugees and Overseas Needs in fore uts. We have no other jnepns I tieally desrivod oJ itia seana of lenca brolca oat la thst ScIeS. We, all of us, owe a debt of munities have beea swegit along of self-defense than our solidarity aakad for guarantees of nxaisten- I jje? the auspices of the United which the Joint Distribution Comhi tha ciii'i'enl; ol u^ys-easioa. livelihood; ha i3 faced with thai Mora liaa five S c a r e d syaago- aace. At tiraes ei'en proffered Jewish Appeal for Refugees mittee, the United Palestine Ap- gratitude to our new countries, /.nd our knowledge that the cause iaeaeapabia alternative o2 emiixra- j sues wars destroys^, JawSsi eecs and each and every one of us Is and Overse23 Needs, of which peal and the National Co-ordinattie j taries desacratsd comis and • fetis-bonds were deasaed insufficient. he is feossorary caainnsa, P r o ing Committee Fund are • com- doing the utmost to show our for which we are suffering is a t!on or extaroiia&tion. Eselusion acts were passed. Tha • . jinesa buildiasa wrscksd. Nearly gratitude by the quality of our momentous end sacred ,:ause. Forces! Biigraeoa fessor Einstein, who has beea bined. aiscasaea t i e exacts of &a E u r hearts of goveraraeata had bardI urge my listeners to support Forced emigration h i s bean every able-bodied mals Jaw from eaed toward t i a Siosi8les3. The actlre ia • the woi-isl Jewish contributions to tho economic, soopean crisis OilfeeJeivisEi For more than two decades the cial and cultural work of the the United Jewish Appeal with all made tlia spearhead cf anti-Jswish ! 13 to 60 was imprisoned. t'oa 'SI3I- mU caase and has dedicated hi'a life bara west up. Immigration barJoint Distribution Committee and the energies at their Command, I action ia c-srraany and tha iarri- ] Oa Novassber 12th a series of riers rcisa to l n s u r m o u n tabla aad geiites to the service of hu« the United Palestine Appeal have countries In which we reside. that we may rescue our persecut; h a a s e a j toriaa she ha3 swallowed u? in her I decrees waa published, fiaiag " " ' of the Eiaa aid ead enlightenmentt de- been the foremost American agenThe iui\530t of th_ „ - - , Increase ed brethren from their peril and cf Garsiaay as a wacle .02a in livered thJs memorable mes- cies providing for rescuing Jews wrought during tho past year ia I di-ira to the Sast. Yat tha probes calamltouB distress, and l o a d billion Eiarlo; ordering thsra to "No more,' their officials int i e It Is, however, a source of gravsage SHE EDITOB. Via snao of iHurooe baa beaa fait | ot emigration ia not solved by t i pay for th& damages doae by taa from distress and need in Central est concern that the ranks of the them to a better future. Thus Tioat 'j^enlv bv the J^.vlah people, j houndJas oi Js^vs. Th d i rioters, estimated at another bil- sisted, as the steamers asked to and Eastern Europe. The Joint it men, women aad put ia with their human cargoes. As Gdraiaay's drive far "living | f" thousands are being constantly In- you will have an active share In "' > £ Today I address myself to theDistribution Committee has help- refugees space" broke through tha bound- •. aildrea into Dverloaded refuses lion, aad confiscating all insur- Tha odyssey of today's Jewi3h creased. The developments of the averting the danger that now ed oppressed Jews in Europe ariess of smaller countries, the liv- jships has nieaat ihi widening c£ ance claims for tha daaas-s. J-SY»-- wanderers is a story of privation, Jews of the United States and to maintain past week have added several threatens all mankind, thedanger their existenca and preIsi orsaaisatioaa w 9 r e closed dsapair, aad t i e tantalising, hope- all s e n who in their thoughts hundred thousand potential ref- of a reversion to the barbarism of serve their communal and rsltgcendias tne expanded borders of down aad tS-air fund3 blocked. By dsstroyiEa saqueac© cf stubborn and &<ze&a still follow the guiding ugees f r o m Czecho - Slovakia. ages long past. dliCk-nl. stars of humanity and justice. All ious institutions. In many Euro- Again we are confronted of ilia Jewish position ; the Third Raich aad reaching out January t i a economic aad eem- refusals at every port of call. with a pean countries the Joint Distribumsisal Ufa of German Jewry was of you kcow that a particularly Xo Maa's Land in tha past year In Central aad ) to t i e remotest corners of the Patronise .Our•Advertisers;major tragedy for a Jewish comtion Committee made possible the complataly ailtad. heavy responsibility rests tvpon ua ICasleru Sart»pe will indicate that | aarta. No Iss3 movias than tha fats ot in these times, and I beg of you continuation of the economic and Jrfv,-.-i iiava biian subjected to tie j Tha rer^aa slip, drifting from Cs3aeailoa of Ufa these wanderers was tha plight of (iouhid daa-^era oil N.tai infiltra-1 port to pert, i3 an cinnipfeseat iaTha dislocation of JawJaa Ufa the thousands left to roans tha no- to listen to my words as earnestly educational life of Jewish communities and supported them iu tioa'ar Invasion, for'aveu If Great- j dietsaeat of the new barbarism in Csaeiesiofal'a upaa Nasi oa-raan'3 lands ca. tha borders of Ger- as I speak to you. The history of the persecutions their desperate struggle- against er Germany does not succeed j which 13 seesias to uadersaiaa oujatioa f a 11 0 wad tha familiar Ei2,ay, Poland, and i'ormar Cz6chopoverty and disease. Ufa everywhera I pattern o£ driving Jaws from ov- ElovakSa. Espelled from Germany, which the Jewish people has had wholly in imposing it3 ru;a upon I J^wian li The United Palestine Appeal ft of t i etaey could naither return nor to suffer is almost Inconceivably nove on to tha land acros3 tha long. Yet the war that la beinx has promoted the rebuilding of doo- frcntiar. Their homes during tha waged against us in Central Eu- Palestine and the immigration past fall and winter were open rope today falls into a special and settlement there of. tens of removed from tha Nurtrinas over thousands of Jews from lands of laws, it irresistibla fields and ditches whera protec- category of its own. The political upheavals in g has brought with In the past we were persecuted oppression. In Palestine Jewish o r.suid was the onrusn of ope have beea accompanied, 3tap pres3urd for adaption of tha racial tion from tha winds and the enow sail might ia tie year basin-' by steo, by new act3 o! terror j thaori-23 of Germany. The Asia 'was afforded only ^y patched-up despite the fact that we were the pioneers have established a JewJast Saptamfter that Jewish | against .' 3wa. T&a first dismani- jartnar, Italy, ereatsd a doubla taata stuff 3d and furnished with people-of the Bible; today, how- ish community of 450,000 souls numbering hundreds | beraieat ever, it is just because wa are tha which has given broad scope to Caecho-Slcvakia, last 3 ! ^ 2 i by instituting aatl-Jswiaa straw. sud- jj Septesiber affected nearly 100,- legislatloa. Not ealy the aativa of thousands of peonla In tha midst of these grave set- people of the Book that we areth© creative powers of the Jewish J f d to G denly swept into tha maeiatroin off j 000 Jew3 transferred G-ermany, Jewish population, hat also t i 3 backs European Jewry Ua3 leased persecuted. The aim Is to exter- people. This has been achieved racial hatred. To cha 350,000 Jaws i Hungary, aad Polaad. Lata ia Oc- relujaas who had aattled In Italy heavily upon tha Joint Distribu- minate not only ourselves, but to at a time when the Ilbel3 of antibtill in Old tieruiany and tha 200, jtober some 13,000 Jaws cf Poliish to escaaa parssoatfon wars isisssd- tion Committee for assistanca and destroy, together with us, t h a t Semitism threaten to undermine 000 in former Austria were adusHl j nationality wera ruthlessly driven jataly affected. Jliay were esgell- rehabilitation. Through funds re- spirit expressed in the Bible and the morale of the Jewish people Aquila-Court aa victims of the now Xazi racial-! from Germany over tha ?Cii3h ed, aad thousands aiora gaassr- ceived as its 3hare of the nation- in Christianity which made pos- in various parts of Europe. l a sible the rlsa of civilisation In Palestine the homeless wanderers iswi another 300,000 in Csec&o-jj border. But the climas to tna wi=la casipaisn of tea United Jewised ay tha coaIi3catiO3i of Iswish Slovaitia, some 50,000 ia Italy, j paign of brutality came on NoTem^ progerty. have turned to tha soil. They ish Appeal for Eefagees and Over- General and Northern Europe. and nearly halt' a million ia Hua-! bar 10th, when arson, looting, aad j * " HuaTary also, last 3Iay, passed seas Needs, tal3 agency was enaolIf this aim ia achieved Europe have overcome many hardships aary. | arrests swept Germaay ia aa ua- |a severs" "Jaw-taw" waici eat3 ed to answer the insistent distress will become a barren waste. For with outstanding courage and To Jews crushed The nisithody oi iutroduoing ra- j preegdeaied pogrom. j jewisi participation ia Huagariaa cali3 from raany parts of the human community life c a n n o t persyerance. law may have differed, but • On tha pretast of ins tha ecanarnio aad urofassional acttTi- world. long endure on a basis of crude in the dark corners of Europe, cant. The first aatiFor tha Jews of Germany, tha force, brutality, terror and hate. Palestine holds forth the hope of ti33 ta 8 Only understanding for o u rspiritual and physical salvation. u = ».^^ btll.-passed t i e preceding Joint Distribution Committee ha3 ' Refugee Class • ' • May, had tirowa 50,303 Jews grown increasingly important as neighbors, Justice in our dealings ] ^ I , ^.^.»j.i-C1 upoa taa connuaity for support. tha agency for facilitating emigra- and willingness to help our felOne of the most tragic aspects T&e seccsd, Immeasurably aore tion and maintaining communal low men can give human society of the. oppression of Jews a n d drastic, will seoa reduce sosia institutions for those who still re- pera-anenee and assure security other groups has been the creai 33 Years cf Quality Shoo Repair.-. 300,00^ to helpless dependaacs main. For the imperiled Jewry of for. the individual. Neither .in- tion of a refugee class. Many japea outside assistance. Czeche-Siovakia, the Joint Distri- telligence nor inventions nor in- distinguished men In science, art 1 Wiile Nazism add3 new terri- bution Committee helped to light- stitutions can serve as substitutes and literature have been driven \ tory to t i e area cf aaii-Jewiai- en tha burden of economic aad ra- for these most vital part3 of edu • frotn the lands which they enj-i., j -i - ^ Leather or Suedo ! ae33, tae Jews of Eastara Sur- cial eselusion. In Hungary — af- cation. riched with their talents. Way ii| I one coatlaua to live 'aader eoadi- ter the adoption of the 6 per cent JACK KAIMAM Modern TragedyIn a period of economic decline , tfc-is of widespread dLserimiaa- law — the initiative of the Joint Many Jewish communities have these fedles have within them the , t ^ j . Taa boycott, tSs uoTesaeat Distribution Committee bore fruit far "Poloaizatioa" o£ cornserce, in the formation of a Central Re- been uprooted in the wake of the possibilities for reviving economic M"i,a3tt3 beaches" ia tiaiversitisa, lief Committee whose vital task is present upheaval in Europe. Hun- and cultural efforts; many of OMAHA AT ©4S1 1612 Harncy I j pressure apoa Jews to eraigrats, the preservation cf c o m munity dreds of thousands of men, wom- these refugees are highly skilled en and children have bean driven experts in industry and science. ' I eii^rt3 at aati-Jewiali lesislatioa, life. from their homes and made toThey have a valuable contribution ! I -nd vigorous attacSa upon Jaws Work of J. D. C, wander in despair over the high- to make to the progress of the <; ia t i e prsss azd ca tbe radio, are Throughout the areas or pres- ways of the world. world. aow cciaaoa J20tor3 ia J-a-w420 So. 13'th Si. HA 0443 •']'i>/ x2.'a. Ufa ia Pclaad. Eeoaomlc rs-sure in Europe, the J. D. C. ha3 The tragedy of the Jewish peoThey are in a position to repay been at hand, ministering, coun-1 strlctioas bave loas beea pnactlaed seling, assisting. To meet the chal- ple today 13 a tragedy which re- hospitality with new economic delenge of anti-Sessitiesa • in Poland, dacts a challenge to the funda- velopment and the opening up of - i i s^offadiis violeaca still it encouraged Jewish home indusout •wieraver estr-amist elanient3 try, craftsmanship, and factory Sam t i e njjer aand. • work. Its free loan societies and Similarly in Ettintaala, wliere agencies of economic aid were Ve Spaclallisa I. SJO 000 Jews liva in chronic pov- particularly a c t i v e , readjusting erty, t i e manses ta Jaw!3!i sur- Jewish esistence and a s s u ri n S vival is increasingly sotent. De- Jewish survival under arduous ecnitiOaaUaatioa ot Jaw3 goes on at onomie stress. It ha3 carried on 212 PiJfcers an ala-iaias pace, and 250,000 extensive work among the harasface esculsion froa trade3 and sed Jews of Rumania, strengthenBlinds professions a3 "alieaa." ing those institutions which protect their threatened rights. Gravity of Sicsstiion These !are tne focal - points ot When 13,000 Jews were herded ant»-Sami d32i in Europe, tout en across tha German border into the . " • ^ ^J i.2iJ, ic AT-lande 3488 .1224 So. 20th St. t i i 3-aripS.ery ara small areas cf backward Polish village of SbcaHAism — Daasig, Mstnel, Lita- syn Ia3t O c t o b e r , it was the uania, LatTia — wlsicS. typify on a prompt aid of the J. D. C. rush; ART SMITH, Sole Prop. ' recognisable scale ilia problem. from Warsaw which saved the dewilch aa3 a s s a a e d world-wide Dortees from epidemic and starvaA i"" J-S33 :: . 1012'Faraani St. significance. tion. Taa gravity d the r e f u g e e Whan the S. S. St. Louis was auestion ha3 during the past year turned away from Cuba with its mmmzMmzjSteiswzFiiipQiffi, assumed increasing importance ss 907 Jewish refugee passengers this pressure far emigration hay last June, the J. D. C. wa3 instrufrustrated all efforts a t systeaa- mental in furnishing the necessary Just si Short Drive from Whero You Are tic evacuation. Baring tha past guarantees so that they might retwelve aiantlis mars than 140,000 ceive temporary refugee in BelJaws iave laft Naziland, in ln-gium, England, France and Holcreasinsly frequaat smarts ai panic land. emisratioa wScsa a o a a oraiisnt WHOLESALE PACKERS OF The funds of the J. D. C, whose ware t i e esta&lisJsnsant cf no1939 campaign is combined with U.''S»"Governmeht Inspected, Graded and atan's-iaad and eatwgaacy transit those of tha United. Palestine Apcamps, and t i e sise of tie refugee peal and National Coordinating Branded Meats snip. Comaittse Fund, Inc., are employ' 49TH and CENTER STS. • • ' . The exodus from Germany was ed as subventions to refugee comCHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN, • far more difficult in. 5699 than in mittees in democratic lands of 38th and "M" Sto. R3A-rI:ot-'S2SC previous years. Many of tha ref- Western Europe. They help to : ' ' Sp&csallsisig i a . • WS SPSC5ALI2E IN ITALIAN AND AMS11SCAN DISHZ3 U3S53 left t i e country hurriedly, support the mord than 10,000 CMnesa • Dishes, 'Chicken and Steak Dinners. tSreatsned witli iaprisonnent in Jewish refugees who Have gone to lsi>Oi Lisavesswofttia 3£. . . A'l 2 1 ^ 3 Afternoon Bridge Luncheons and Parties eoncantratioa cata.?-3 if tiey te- Shanghai in the past year. *nained. Some were p h y s i cally • • ' ' fa? All-6eeasio&3. The vast p r o b l ems of relief, daliped over the borders; rar3ly refugee' aid, retaining and resetOpen 12:00 Mooa to 2 : 0 0 A. M. -J possession at legal doeumeats tlement confront American Jewry FREE DELIVERY'- - WA SSOO ' ' T/i-jn woald regalariza their stay, wth great, responsibilities. In the tnsy have faced enormous baa'ards measure we isset thaaa respOEaiia seesiing to remain. Tsilitlaa will ws give strength ana . - . ' • ' " • " • • • . f r o m ' . Those who. left Germany during stimulus to t i e flowering of arecant moncas ware, in additiaa, well-rounded communal life for tha poorest of the refugees who all Jews in these United States. hava departed siacs taa advent of Hitler. 'T^cse.wia had net lost ta-3 When the celebrated Melt or buli of taair pessessicaa by taaRothenburg (13th century) was Manufacturers' and Distributors November decrees ware fa-reed ta cast into arisen bis followers Imleave taeci behind when they left mediately Sat about raisins the' the country. Thus even people large suzi " c d ? d ts? M3 rancor;!. who aad baan comparatively well Tha rafeil rro\ld not avail himself c! tha oil.? t j ha*»o lilriuali reoff weat cat oi Gar ly peii-iilass. Tie Jswa of former isaaed in itzz n a n m r becaujo fce Austria, wia &ad aevar . attained feared I the economic position of Canaan i dangerouj ;rc:cl2r.t "•' 2 e r 0 b v Jewry, wars e q u a l l y sovertysine.1 In i.z2 cf roady cash would liiTj1 iz CJ.~7 tim; cf it. j Nebr Ti3 traffic In .j p s Svsry tJ ^; Vnz' nccdcl money OMAHA PHONE JA 43Q1 srs becataa aa incrsaaiasly prcflt| I able business as thousands e£ acta'ala <z,l .:\r tlia ranso t any cost to
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