September 29, 1939

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Plain Talk

In the Interests of the Jewish People



ONE BOAT IX A SXOBM Mr. Segal ivio these many years haa been writing- pieces about Jewish affairs suddenly finda he is not much interested in Jews anyxumeieu un faecuiia uias>» Mali AlaUssi un January 31, 1831, at more, la the former times they fosUttfice. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Aet of March 3. 1S79 seemed to him to be an. especially intresting people and lie gave them freely of his laughter aad bis tears. Mr. Segal (himself a Jew) felt lie belonged to some special world j in 'which there were special things to worry about. In the general "world people had all the common pains of making a living, bringing up their children, quarrfils with Having arrived in Omaha in their wives, love affairs. The time to conduct the services lor Jewish world carried all these the High Holidays, Babbi Isaiah , pates and its own besides, it was Keg-sster for W a r Service Raekovsky has been installed as at Request of a cosmos all its own. new spiritual leader of the United At times Mr. Segal envied the Agency Orthodox Congregations. general world which had only tie j Rabbi Raekovsky comes to Omwell-known, time-tried troubles to INCOME TAX LEVIED aha from Worcester, Mass., where bear. He looked enviously at his neighbor, Mr. lleGuire, who had liothing more to worry about than High Cosmsalssioner Seeks his seven children; Mr. Segal his Peace Between Two children, too but he was always Factions conscious of being the bearer of some yoke of special destiny as By ROMAX SLOBOD1X •well. J. T. A. Staff Correspondent To Mr. McGuire people like HitJerusalem (JTA) — It was anler were afflictions that had to do nounced officially that 135,000 only with Jews. This didn't trou- Jews have registered for war servble Mr. McGuire niaeh, , even .,, i, ice in response to a ioint call ise 13 a man oi good wul. sued t&e Jewls]J A for McGuire knew that Jews were P a l e s t i n e a a d t h s J e w i s l l National \ "S oldI hands at suuerins affliction | C o a n c i L T h e v o l u a t e e r s . of whom l lt and were, g ^ ^ , * ,° 1100,000 are men, comprise 85 per] % , « * * •



Third Place in 'National Contest an orthodox congregation in PJ tucket, Rhode Island. In addition, to his k ^ duties, Rabbi Raekovsky is vicepresident of the Rabbinical Council of America and is on'the Executive of Mizrachi Organization of America. He was also a member of the executive committee of the New England Region of the Zionist Organization. Ordained in 1929, Rabbi Raekovsky had received his religious training in Palestine and at the "Yeshivah College in New York. He also attended New York University and the College of the City of New York. His lather, Rabbi Solomon Raekovsky, was lecturer in Talmud at Yeshivah college and a brother is a rabbi in Syracuse, New York.



>ead dish


PEASANTS AID' JEWS Arrangements Are Being Made to Take Care of Refugees Paris (JTA) — Religious Jews* participating in Warsaw's defense gathered on the barricades for the observance of • Yom Kippur. Old Bearded men in long kaftans and yarmelkes, who had been digging trenches under German bombardment, were released from active defense -work for Yom Kippur, but •were obliged to remain at the front since their homes and syn-

He read about Hitler driving j ^ ; s ° i a e . ^ j a w i j f population i "• Jewish children out of t,ermaii>, | o £ th H j L a n d t o U l 48 0,000. JEWISH GENERAL TCTT.T^n but (if he thought about the matPinchas Rutenberg, newly-elect- ., i ter %t all) he was sure that Hitler ed president of the Jewish Xa- \"j 'pllt -•* Brussels (JTA) -—' General would trouble his children. tional Couneil proclaimed a Bernard Mond, only Jewish Mr. McGuire s children would su-- v e r s a l g r a d e d i n c o n i e tax for Paigeneral in the Polish army and fer only the ordinary aUments Uke | e s t . a e , s 4 ~ 0 ] 0 0 0 J e w s _ T S e t a x > mumps, coughs tootJaehes and, ;n w 3 g d e e ! a r e d i g designed to inFinal Services Are to Be commander of the Kattowice garrison, was killed leading a God forbid! scarlet fever, perhaps. . c r e a s e e E 1 p l o y m e n t . e n courage Held in Local bayonet charge, according to a But now all this has changed p r o d u e t l o n f j g a t speculation and Synagogues Rabbi Isaiah Raekovsky Bucharest dispatch to the newsand the McGuires. tae Smiths, the paper L'Independence Beige. Joneses and the Arbuthnots have j issioner Sir Harold t he was rabbi of tbe East Side services for Suceoth will The Gestapo, Ge'rihah secret bound up Previous beClosing l»een boun p m one Dunaie- oi -A l f r e d M a c 5 i i e a a e i Went on the jjOrthodox congregation. gg observed in all local congrega- police, has arrested thousands destiny h l l d f destiny with with tae tae begai begai ,, . anpeal to Arabs to that he was spiritual leader of tions nest week. The festival will of Jews in Lodz and executed and all together they are under conclude with Simchas Torah next hundreds of them,' the report, ferences. Reviewing the latest the butcher s kmle. Friday at which time the cycle of 4 said. The Germ'anVwere particyery EE . Mr. Mr McGuire xs the reading of the law will be ularly irritated by the heroism a i l w a r d e v e i C pmeats, Sir worried as he reads tae news on . . said; T M g J s QQ t i m e f o r completed and a new one started. -of the Polish. Jewish soldiers, the bus these mornings. His trou- | f e a d s a n ( , v e n d e t t a a n d a s e a r e i l Rabbi Isaiah Raekovsky will which evoked a special tribute Wed eyes grope m tae dark, ^ s t j 1 U c a l c a p i t a l j b u t f o r the conduct the services of the TJnit- from Marshal Edward Smiglyas Mr. Segals eyes ^ e groped ^..^ differences so ed Orthodox Congregations. He Rydz, Polish " c'o'mmander-intnese several years past. I I . J j . -] harshwill speak on Thursday. October t-me m U j g a t e chief, it was stated. Gture wonders where it a all gocomplete 5, at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagoh del just before the Memorial servCharge. New York Pair ing to hit next. He is troubled to | . . n a Palestine s ec Wad about doings m Kussw were in ruins. ice. Friday, Simchas Torah, he Wad about Kussw ana , ^ s with Disorderly suppose theydoings reailymgo mar,hia= ial a n d h e a p . Side by side with them, the will be at the B'nai Israel syna, e emealg of t h e pop_ l e d tj> together . . Huler and bta.,J. | Conduct l d children of the .religious schools gogue. to curtail imThe final Suceoth services, will in their long coats were helping New York (JTA> — Seventy- take place at Temple Israel Wed- dig trenches in the front lines. five-day workhouse terms were nesday e v e n i n g at 5:30 and These children make up 30 per meted out to Ralph Ninfo, 29- Thursday morning at 11 o'clock:. cent of the- so-called "Children's have _ Traiaed for "War handsome young people and His To implement its reorganiza- year-old son of an American LaServices at the Beth El will be- Battalion" which is active in the son James (who is the oldest) tion program, Sir Harold declared bor party member of the city gin Wednesday evening at Sun- defense of the beleaguered Polish •will be in the university next year. required the fullest of council, and Joseph Leveque, 49, down. The Thursday momizig ser- capital. o ^o to die on acon disorderly conduct charges vice will start st 9 a. m. with YizThe old Jews, -while digging arising from soapbox speeches at about 10. The Simchas trenches, r e c i t e d psalms and, iments of political animosities Yeg, it used to be an untroubled which "if continued would seem urging violence against Jews. kor service "will be held on chanted "Vidui," the confessionvista for the McGuires, what with to welcome suicide." The High j They • said they planned to con- Torah Thursday night at 7 and Friday, al prayer said, before death. They Mr.- McGuire's modest but solid Commissioner said he was not j tinne a hunger strike which they morning at 9. met each exploding tiomb with a success in his business, what wiih concerned-whether •asygroTip for- f launched ia jail last jsaouted, J;.Shima,IiaxQel!2_C*!Hear.. "Us happy children. mally accepts the White Paper, O Israel" — prayer recited in time Magistrate Curran, la sentenchut with general economic safety ing- the pair, said: 'This country of distress). They were AVite reand material well-being. He exconciled to. death after the days dedicated to freedom of speech, Joneses and the Arbuthnots, Mr. pressed the hope, however, that is of Nazi siege- -with insufficient freedom of religion and of the Segal can work up no special in- cooperation in "this sphere may press, food and sleepless nights, . but the proper boundaries terest in the travail of Jews. It's bring a general concord." Tbonsands Die . . . j can be exceeded. .r a drifting, leaky boat in a thickPalestine will be able to make Paris (JTA) Thousands of Kow with the world "on fire, it ening storm and where are we all Jewish dead and dying lie in the Igotng, Mr. MeGuir.e? Me must a substantial contribution to Brit- is not safe to say some things. streets of Polish towns razed by [stick bravely together in our ain's fighting forces in a general The people who call themselves the German invasion with none to mobilization. Prom among the the Christian Front and the Chris'boat, Mr. McGuire. The Rev. J. R. Perkins o£ Counattend them, according to Polish ,'* Mr. Segal has no more hearj to 46.0,000 Jews in Holy Land, it is | tjajj Mobiliers are dragging Chris- cil Bluffs, Ia., will address the official information collected for •cry out any special pain of Jews estimated that 50,000 men could ! tianity througha the dust. They members ot Temple Israel Sister- the Jewish Telegraphic. Agency in the storm. There special be put under arms, all of whom jd 0 not speak for Christianity." Councilman Salvatore Ninfo has hood at opening meeting Of the c o r r e s p o n dent and delivered pain anymore. Mr. Segal, lament- have military experience and year to be held at 1 o'clock Mon- through the Polish - Embassy in ing for the Jews, would sound ri- would require a minimum of disavowed his son's activities, de- day, October 3, at Temple Israel. Paris. Following is a digest of the claring he would like to see the 'dicnlous . . . li&e a man blowin training. The meeting will be preceded by Polish survey of the Jewish asThe British authorities in Jer'a little tin whistle amid t h e usalem and London are . fully youth spend the rest of his life a luncheon held in the vestry pect of the situation: '; in jail. The Bronx County Ad.crash of chaos. Thousands of Jewish dead bodaware of this possibility and are j visory committee of the American rooms of the Temple. The meetBombs on All ^ . j , - giving _:__•__ .4. reportedly it earnest* con- Labor party adopted a resolution ing itself will be held in the beau- ies were rotting in cities wiped redecorated Temple, where out by Nazi bombings. Similarly, • The Nazi bombs fell on Chris(Continued on page 7.) reaffirming faith in Ninfo's devo- atifully fruit laden sukkah will be lotian and Jewish children alike ia (Continued on page 7.) tion to civil and religious liberty cated. Poland and the Nazi machine rolland condemning the fomenting of ed over Jews and Endeks as well. Mrs. Hubert Sommer will act bigotry and intolerance. : (The Endeks were Polish people "Some parents mourn t h e i r as chairman of the meeting which •who had no use for Jews at all.) children! when they lose them," will be opened- with a prayer ~by The Nazi guns ground the cruciNinfo said at the meeting "Oth- Mrs. Carl Fnrth. Mrs. Esther Leaf fix in the Polish church and the ers mourn them while they are DuBoff will play several organ Torah in the synagogue in one still alive. My wife and I have numbers. Mr. David Goldman, neap of rubble. the great misfortune to be in the president of Temple Israel, will Mr. Segal does not gloat thai. bring greetiags to the members. ! latter category." Jews now have a vast company in Rev. Perkins, who will give the their misery. It was bad enouga Tjmm-i Tablf of principal address, was formerly i n Jewish ] •when Jews alone were suffering .,,? ,, .. warden at the Iowa State peniFor ts first special meeting of - 7he affUcTfon of persecutors; the the You will hold its nrst supper tentiary. Since entering the min- the year the Omaha Hebrew Club at the Jewish Community j crime is now against all mankind meeting istry, he has achieved the reputa- •will on Sunday, October 1, at 3 and the weeping of Christian and Center on Tuesday evening, Octo- ! tion of. a true liberal and a keen o'clock present the Jewish Com' Jew is one voice of lamentation ber 3 at 6:30. munity Center, Little Symphony ; student of social affairs. Following the dinner, the group : 1 The price of the luncheon will Orchestra in a concert of Jewish will make definite plans for the ' be 35 cents. Mrs. David Rosen- folk melodies.' Among the proYet et he dares hope that people ; year's program. Amo are: a forstock is chairman of the luncheon The orchestra, which has as ll come to see that suffering is i Jects bemg considered to see that suffering sufering is i come to committee. Assisting her will be membefs over thirty talented S . This is to say that h t this hi || um._a J o c a ^ r a t o n c a l ^ontest._ a the "Wom- Mesdames Samuel Wertheimer, young Omahans. is under the dithe Jewish Com- 1 Milton Livingston, Morton Degen, rection of Al Finkel. On the ocaniinously adopt- ! Saza Jcsephson and Fred Rosen- casion of previous appearances the as its main pro- stcck and Miss Hazel Degen. Res- orchestra has won enthusiastic acyear. In under- ervations may be made by calling claim. Mrs. Al Finkel will play a dead children Officers of the Round Table I taking this project, the women ex- the Temple office,. Atlantic 2S 84. number of piano solos. with, the dead children o£ the Jews Included on the program will be and the pain of their mothers are: -Morris Arbitman. president; pressed great enthusiasm in the several speakers who will discuss «rnRp to God ^ one lamentation ! Irving Nogg, vice-president; Ber- program of varied activities ofthe present European conflict. Rewitn. the the voices voices of oil our our mothers mothers Ij tha Slutzfcy, secretary; and Char- fered by the Camp. freshments will be served followIt was decided to set aside one and Death reaped us all with one | lotte Nogg, treasurer. ing the meeting. day during the year to be known ythe. We were ail one. I scythe. We were ail one." I This meeting is open only to j as Camp Jay-C-C Day to popularYes, says Mr. Segal, if such en- | JsodOTe members of the Hebrew Club. : iae the work of the Camp. Y Mr Segal lightenment comes outifofsuthis r I Mrs. Joe Rice, president of the will not all be senselessly in vain; j j-ri • «-. j£f i "Women's vvomens Division, .Division, is appointing a | The Jewish National Fund colit will be a dazzling vindication | of God. I day, October 8. Every home in X^'illCUgO SZUJJ J committee, which willundertaking. assume the j lection in _ Omaha will begin Sunresponsibility of this New Prayer Omaha having a National Fund Isadore Richlin, who has just Mr. Segal has been troubled Eox will be visited. New boxes about God those past few weeks, returned to Chicago after spe will also be distributed. as has many another believing | lag the past month with his paraa fias rnanv Four organizations are taking man Bel^ev'ng people whose faith | ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Richlin, has part in the collection. The four Prague. (JTA) — Restrictive ia founded on a God of wisdom } oeen named an Assistant Research and justice and mercy and loving- j Professor in ^Chemistry at the Uni- The first meeting of the Ladies chairmen of these organiaztions measures locally enforced against for Jewish National Fund are as the Jews in Bohemia-Moravia are kindness have been wondering: j versity of Chicago. Auxiliary of the United Orthodox fellows: Mrs. Jacob Kaufman of revealed in the Neae Tag, organ Mr. Richlin has completed re- Congregations Where is the ineffable mercy aad ~~~o>~au.^^ , , ^ . be .,*. ^ , ^ ~^. will held on the Senior Hadassah, Miss Edith ot the" Protectorate officials. Ths loving-kindness in which we have ( search for his thesis aad wu! be Tuesday, October 3. Rabbi Isaiah Whitebook of the Junior Hadas- Storm Troop leader Emil Sladek, believed? Where is the hand of j awarded his Doctor of Philosophy K a c t o v s k y > n e M r orthodox spirit- sah, Mrs. Abraham Schwaczkin of newly appointed police chief of IgGod that executsth righteousness | degree m Chemistry in December, ju a l i e a d e r w i l l b e g^^t ot h o n o r the Mizrachi, and Mrs. Sam Fell- lau, has ordered the conspicuous and acts of justice for all taat are | ^ _ ^ J ^ * ^ ; ^ ^ J ^ ^ ° l and will speak. man of the Pioneer Women's or- marking of all Jewish businesses, ODDPessed as we have read in our j here and entered the University of Mrs. Sidney Epstein is chairman. ganization. • . law offices and surgeries as a seprayer books. I Chicago in 19 33. of-the tea which is to follow tbe Jewish National Fund dur- gregation measure., On the eve ot Rosa Hashonah ! meeting. Mrs. Sara Katzmas "will ingThe 19*S provided land for the The Moravian Provincial pawnI assist her. Mr, Segal read it in his prayer | \y OtherS establishment of 12 new settle- shop' at Bruenn has announced book: "O L,ord, on this eve of the ments, and in addition contributed that only "Aryans" will be admittNew Year, we thiak of the mercies Nazis Seized ia Algiers to the initial cost of laying roads ed to auctions during the month without number that Thou hast in Palestine. Moreover, the Jew- of September. Those wishing to shown us during . _ ^ e ages . . . The Jewish National Workers Algiers (JTA) — Nazi propa- i Ish National Fund continued their attend must submit documentary Thou hast ever been our refuge j Alliance, Poale Zion, will hold a sandists coming from Ceuta and {afforestation activity and in 193S proof of their "Aryan" origin. The aad support." al of 3SS.000 trees were Goedios district administration Mr. Segal found jhas prohibited Jews from entering nted in Palestine. sailed by iraBious doa_ "Aryan".barber shops. At Rafconwere certainly unbecoming in the Delegates to the district con-j leaders said the Arab population Joseph Simon, a pioneer Port- itz, Jews have been banned from holy hour. How Ions must maa- venticn at Rock Island and-thej-was determined to live on. good land. Ore., resident, was in 1S77 seven- restaurants and cafes, the Icind wait for these mercies'. Howl national convention at Toronto j terms with the Jews. They es- \ elected a member of the town municipal library and public baths many must perish before the hand will-be elected at this meeting. All j press indignation at Nazi intri- council. In 1903 he went to-the except those specifically reserved (Continued on page 8.) [ members are asked to be present. Igues. [United Slates Senate, for Jews.



Si*. I-If.





Named to Univ.


aa-1 Orthodox Auxiliary Will Meet Tuesday

to Meet Tuesday



VOL. XVI—No. 47

"Washington—The B'nai B'rith Brevities, published by the Omaha Lodge No. 354 of B'nai B'rltb, won third place in the national contest to select the best bulletins published by B'nai B'rith lodges and their auxiliaries, according to an announcement here at B'nai B'rith headquarters. Competing in Division A of the contest, open to bulletin in the printed class,- the B'nai B'rith Brevities wa^ awarded third place on the basis of typograph, editorial ' content and service to the lodge. First place went to the B'nai B'rith Bulletin, published by San Francisco Lodge No. 21. Harvey R. Leon is editor of the B'nai B'rith Brevities. Dr. Leon Fellman is president of the Omaha Lodge No. 354. '

For- Mem To N a m e Campaign Brisk Ticket Sale for Rabbi Wice's Chairman Next "Lectures Reported Week

A brisk ticket sale was reported at a meeting o£ workers Monday morning at Templo Israel in conection with the lecture series Rabbi' David Wice will give on Behind the World's Headlines." Headed by Mrs. Harry Trnstin and Mrs. Sam Gillnsky, a committee of 25 members or the Sisterhood, sponsors of the series, have distributed the tickets. An audience of 400ris anticipated. Commenting on current events. Rabbi Wice will begin the series, Tuesday, October 3, at 8:15 p. m., in the Temple auditorium. There will be five lectures in the series. admissions will be Bold at Report Reich Seeking Re- Single, the door. turn of Skilled Planned before the European Refugees situation had developed into actual war, the lecture series takes Budapest (JTA) — Jews in on new significance in the light Germany with special skills have of developments- of the past week. besn returned to public jobs or Rabbi Wice states. given new ones, the newspaper Magyar Nemzet reported. They wear badges with the letters WWJ standing for "W i r t s c h a f tlica Wertvoller Jude" (Economically Valuable Jew), the paper said. Nazi Party members are nnder orders not to associate with these Jews outside working hours. London (JTA) T— The Star characterized as a "new cyncical version of "return home, all •will be forgiven,' "the current appeals by Nazi consulates- to emigrated Jewish doctors and engir>°ers - to return to Germany. In an article captioned, "Germany Needs the Jew," the Star said: "(The, Nazis) little know the people on -whom they have been heaping persecution and insult if they think they will respond to a new cynical "version of 'return home' all will be forgiven:* The Jews are not people of short memories. The fact that the Nazis ^ ^ . f Jielp them prosecute the war is'no iridacement, bnt is very opportune.' I can only see in this ridiculous announcement new evidence-thatblack, error is as- stupid- as it: is blind. Nothing could save a Government-so. besotted with hatred that it does not realize what its hatred must look like to all normal men." . It was reported that 200 worldfamous refugee scientists in England would refuse Hitler's invitation. '~

P l a n s for the membership campaign for the Jewish Community Center were completed after the meeting of the executive committee Tuesday night, according to an - announcement issued by William L. -Holzman, president of the Center. , 'The.'ehairman of the campaign will be announced next week. In the meantime, the objectives of the campaign were set at obtaining as large a family membership as possible. Family Membership WHB the new policy ol the Center in force, a policy under which every member of the family may participate in the Center activities without additional charges, it is expected that the response to. the campaign will be unusually favorable. ' The Family Membership Includes husband, -wife and all chil-. dren up to the age of 21. Activities planned by the Center mafee provision for all ages. The Family Membership affiliation identifies the entire family with the Jewish Community Center and Motion Picture on Haym forms an essential base of support, J. C. C. Opportunities Solomon to Be Centered within the building of Shown the Jewish Community Center are First regular meeting of the a large jnumber of clubs and oryear of the Omaha B'nai B'rith ganizations all concerned with the lodge No. 354 will be held Mon- thought of bettering the status of day, Oetober 2, .in the Jewish American JewT7. These groups Community Center lodge room. cater to .many .diverse interests The meeting will begin promptly and, help develop the individual members culturally, physically at 8 p. m. Written reports will be given and educationally. ^ The Center .faculties provide an by all chairmen of standing committees. Much preliminary" work, excellent opportunity, for all achas been done by all chairmen tivities.' All. shades o,f Jewish during the summer and their ten- though^ and practice find a vrtxrktative plans ^vill be presented to ing t)asjs, pi uni£y ^at the' Center. all members of the lodge for ap-

In addition to tha business ol the evening, a program of movies has been, arranged and •will; be presented. Arrangements. have been made for the showing- of some current- war news picture? illustrating the latest activities In the European war on all fronts, and a two-reel technicolor film of the life o£ Haym Solomon, a Jew who lived during the Revolutionary War. ,. The part of the man, who was one of the linanciers of. the An\erican revolutionary forces, will be taken' by Claude Rains, well-: known Hollywood movie star. All meetings of the lodge "will be held on the. first and third Mondays of each month. In order to add variety to the meetings, tentative plans of the program committee call for one business meeting on the first Monday and one entertainment meeting which Invitations have been extended will be held on the third Monday. to the membership of all local Orthodox congregations to attend a '"Simhat Beth Hashoevah" observance at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Eighteenth and Chicago, on Monday.evening at. 8 o'clock. This celebration is held some evening during the week of Suceoth and symbolically represents the ceremony held in the Temple of Jerusalem as a day of rejoicing when the Choirs ot the Levites The annual congregation dinsang and the Priests poured a ner-and election of synagogue oflibation upon the altar. ficers will be'held Tuesday, Octor Cantor A. Schwaczkin will pre- ber 3, at 6:30 at the Jewish Comsent a program of liturgical muCenter. sic and members of the congrega- munity ; Principal address of the evening tion will participate in the serv- Will" be given by Mrs. David'; A. ice. Rabbi Isaiah Raekovsky wil who will relate her exspeak on the meaning of the occa- Goldstein periences in.wrar-torn Europe. sion. Reservations for the dinner Mrs. S. Fish and her committee may be made by calling" Mrs. Jack will serve refreshments at the so- Kaufman, Ha. 0962, Mrs. T. A. cial hour which will be held in the Tally, Ha. 7248, or Mrs. Nathan Sukltah. ' . Turner. At. 1129. Present officers of the Congregation are: P r e e i d e ' n t , David Greenberg; 1st vice-president, Arthur A. Cohn, 2nd vice-president. Dr. M. Margolin; saeretary. Hi Shrier; and treasurer," B. A. Simon. •"'"'" Evelyn and Gloria Wolk- were named twin "Sweethearts", of A. Z. ,A. at the annual Achar Hataimis dance held Saturday night at the Jewish Community Center. The .annual Suceoth tea'given Other candidates for the honor were:' LaBrina Herzolf. Connie by the Bikur Cbolim Society will Herzoff and Nonna Seldin. .The be held Monday afternoon at 2 victors were chosen by vote of o'clock at the Jewish Community ; C e n t e r . ''••••_.. ,' , those present at the dance. . ". • At a special meeting of A. Z. A. Rabbi Nathan Feldman will be 1. sponsors of the dance,' it '.was principal speaker on the afterannounced, the affair was a fi- noon's progrim. Mrs. H." Belmont nancial success. The -next meet- will present • several vocal selecing of tl^e, chapter will be held on tions. Mrs. Al Finkel will accomOctober 4. panyher.:" : ".Reports of the past year's activities will be given at this meetMussolini Hits Jews/ Ing. Members of the organization Bologna, Italy (JTA) — An un- and their friends have been invitrelenting attitude toward the ed. Jews was indicated by Premier Benito Mussolini in his speech to Near East Lands Confer Cairo (JTA) — A conference of a group of Fascist party chiefs here. In his opening remarks, Near Eastern countries, including Mussolini declared that it wa,s Palestine, Syria, Lebanon Egypt, necessary to put .an end to the ac- Iraq arid the Sudan, was -reporttivities of all "remaining Free ed to be taking place in Alesanmasons, Jews and friends of for- dia to discuss wartime trade arrangements. eign lands."



wen TWINS t k'M, Si

Bikur Cholim to Hold Annual Ted

Attondey -General Talks to Employes of a i Department Washington (JTA) — A warning against the effects of-intolerance upon ddmocracy was sounded by Attorney General Frank Murphy addressing employes ot the Department of Justice on the occasion of the department's 159th anniversary. v '"The "world has been racked for many years by waves of intolerance that have destroyed tho rights of minorities In other lands and reached right into'• our own midst," Murphy declared. / "We are told by some that the way to recovery.and peace is to crush one group.or another that supposedly is to blame for our troubles. There is nothing for us in such a course but sorrow and tragedy. America waa not built to its- present greatness by intolerance, and we will not solve our present troubles by. intolerance. We are one people—no matter bow /many races and religtons; and nations that make up our population. But we will remain one people only as long as •we religiously and meticulously prbtectthe rights and liberties of every individual and group among us." • . _• Tho attorney general sounded a veiled warning to- Nazi-type organizations as he said: "We d<a not need: to close our eyes'to-the fact" that certain elements in our midst may be willing to use the protection of'those very principles of eflual Justice and equal rights to all to promote and foster a system which under the principles themselves will be destroyed. I/do not believe we would serSe democracy by-, standing siieafand apathetic while the ageartsof autocracy and subversive x^fements plan a n d scheme "jWtfl- work to establish a system that would mean the end of democracy" and freedom and equal rights for all. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, anil freedom of religion — can and must be preserved."

Jew Is First So. African Casualty Johannesburg. (JTA) — South » Africa learned that its first war victim was Harold Rosofs&y, Jewish air pilot who was killed ia action on the western front. Jlosofsky was a resident of Johannesburg. He went to England three years ago and was-given a commission in the Royal Air Force, y The Board of Deputies of South African Jews has begun eompilntion of a list ot Jewish aliens volunteering for national service, announcing at the same time LhataUens were not eligible for service In the regular defense forces. "'




everal weeks.-En route he visited .he'' towns- of Siedllce, Lublin, ogues and to avoid speaking lanor a day at Iowa City. ."••.,- Kalisz and others with large Jew^ :uages other than French. sh populations have been, "com- Chief Rabbi Isaye Schwartz deRETURNED, • . •' ' pletely obliterated" by N a z i clared In a manifesto: "France Ileene Rosenberg has - returned bombs. The same thing has hap- and the Allies have done all to pened to central streets ia Lwow. arrest the shadow of war.- The iora a visit in Des Moiaes. tsasa Jews are confident that the EternZIZ, CKwajjwsdJsS ; Air conditioning, called the ANXOUNCSJ BIRTH ' • • Rumania Controls Refugee Influx al will aid them. This confidence •{Continued from page l.y HABAS3AK Depression' industry because It Bucharest (JTA) — Regula- is emphasized by giving all the Mr. and Mrs. Mike Davidson, Members of the Senior Hadaahas been active on a large scale sah -were entertained Thursday at 3 2 2 Ave. F. Announce the birth tions for the strict control'of the Jews can in the interior of France vised them to go to Cherbourg only since 5689, made great as well as at the front liaes. May from where the Aquitania, oa refugee influx from Polish w a r a X o'clock dessert luncheon, held •I a son. on' Tuesday, September strides In Omaha during .the past zoaes were announced by the Ru- God protect our gallant soldiers which they had passage was sch- year. at the Chieftain Hotel ia honor •9. Forty-one installations were and their chiefs. May He protect eduled to sail. manian government. A five-point of Mrs. Nats Gilinsky who is leavcompleted during 5699, according France and her Allies so that At Cherbourg Mrs. Goldstein control system was outlined as ing early nest week with Mr. Gil-ANNOUNCE :BXKXH ' right, justice and freedom may found the French taking the situa- to records of the Nebraska Power insky and sea, PMHp Howard, for Mr. and Mrs. Leon Franbel an- follows: and the reign of violence tion very philosophically. "Ca Company. Lo3 Angeles, Calif., where they nounce the'birth'of a son,'Steven (1) Asylum will be accorded triumph cease forever." . s'arrangera" — it will arrange G. M. Sebree, president: of the •will make their home. R., on September 1. children aad wounded who make The • National Council of JewThe home of Rath Weiner was Jewish-volunteers and war vet- itself, they kept tolling frighten- Western Air Conditioning Comtheir way iato Rumania;1 (2) All The committee in charge of the ish Women has been fortunate ia the setting £or a tea glveu by t i e -••-.••.•• foreign, troops aad military for- erans organized their own syna- ing Americans. Staying in the Nor- pany, an Omaha concern repreaffair included the following: Mrs. I N C H I C A G O members of A. \V. 11. in honor Qt securing the services of Ruth Neu- I. Sterahill; chairman; Mrs. RichNorman Rcsenthal is visiting in mations crosslag the frontier will gogue service, presenting a color- man countryside outside of Cher- senting the Baker Ice Machine haus, lecturer and-new3 commentheir newly elected pledges. Apbe disarmed and assigned lodg- ful picture of men in uniforms bourg, the Zionist delegates were Company, supplied a substantial ard Gordon, Mrs. Mas Steinberg, Chicago for an indefinite term, • pointments were la the club coK tator for its opening meeting, Oc- Mrs. M. Grossman, Mrs. Milton ings until the end of hostilities; praying on the New Year before treated with particular hospitality portion of all the air conditioning tober 2nd. ors, blue and gold. Those sledged Mrs. B. Yudelsca, Mrs. FRO31 (3) Persons holding political po- departing. Amoag them were and special meaus were arranged tonaage installed here during this The meeting will be Suecoth tea Yudelson, to the organization are Barbara J. M. Mcscovitz. Mrs. Abe Bear, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cohen and sitions will be obliged to live in numerous officers of the regular for those who would not eat non-year Mr. Sebree said that ho feels.y kosher food. Davis, Betty Baia, Jean Shubb, a£ the Jewish Community Center Mrs. Leo Meyerses, Mrs. Bea ion, Floyd, cf Tarkio, Missouri specially indicated localities aad Army. the most significant air condition*! Dorris Kaplan aad Doris Grue- and all guest3 are welcome. ing trend in Omaha Is marked by \ Services throughout Paris were Telsner and Mrs. Herman Krause. pent the holidays last week with to refraia from all public activCherbourg Harbor Closed Mrs. Neuhaus was formerly the skin. After a ona month pledgethe number of office buildings guest of honor was present- Mrs. Cohen's sister, •• Mrs. Rose ity; (4) Private citizens are for- marked by pledges of special doAs they awaited their sailing now enjoying cool comfort. ship, these girls will become ac- Assistant Att'y general of the ed The nations to aid the families of men Kramer.. bidden to eater Rumaaia; (5) with a diamond "Hadassah state of Colorado and drafted the date, word was received that all tives. President'" pin. Forces sufficieat to eaforce these who have been mobilized or trans-Atlantic service from Cher"The City National Bank BuildA new advisor, Mias Sylvia Her- minimum wage law of Colorado. IN FAIRBURY measures will be placed at the wounded in action. Baron Robert bourg had been discontinued, and ing, the Keanedy Building, and zoff, haa been electsd to succeed Spending a short time last week disposal of Iaterior Undersecre- de Rothschild, prominent philanJTNIOS HA3X1SSAH were ordered to Le various private offices such as the Miss Frances Kalia. Lois Novitsky ia Fairbury, Nebraska were Mrs. tary Gabriel Marinesco, who will thropist and Jewish leader who is Americans Havre to catch boats home. The Division Headquarters of Safeway was general chairman of the tea The local Junior Hadassah will Rae Etta Ross, Miss Sylvia Ross, personally himself in the military service, superiatead their aptrip from Cherbourg, which is Stores and of the Socony-Vacuum and Marjorie Welnbers was prohold its first regular meeting of and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross and plication. donated 75,000 fraacs for t h e hardy more than sixty miles in Oil Company illustrate the.polnt,"' gram chairman. •hi} 3eascn on Monday, September on, Jerry Alien. They were guests families of alien Jews who have distance, took over twenty hours.' Mr. Sebree said. "And the retail 25. The meeting is to be held at at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Mil- Paris (JTA) — Large numbers volunteered. The sum Is to be The new officers elected for the Twice during the night trains had stores also are fast finding out the Synagogue, and will begin toa Greenberg. coming year are: Betty Mosow, distributed through the Federathat air conditioning pays. Illusof war refugees from Poland, to be changed. president; Marjorie W e iabers, The B'nai 3'rith will sponsor promptly at S p . m , trations during past year include especially Galicia, are concentrat- tion of Jewish Societies, which There were no conductors on Philips Department Store; Eastvice president; Bubbles Pill, sec- its annual Yom ICippur Dance at Rase Mendelson will give a FROM ANITA ed on the Rumanian frontier and represents immigrant Jews. board, no porters •— and many retary: Loia Novitsky, treasurer; the Mania Hotel on Saturday short address to the meeting. Ida man Kodak Store, and two LigHere for the High Holidays were hundreds of them have been addrunks. Nor was there any food. gett drug stores." Lorraine Bailin, reporter; Kae night from 9:30 p. in. to 1 a. m. Gittie is chairman in charge. Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Madufl of mitted to Rumaaia, accordiag to Mrs. Goldstein, as the sole memKaplan, sergeant at arms. Thl3 is a very important meet- Anita, Chairman, oi general arrangeinformation received ia Polish ofIa. ber of her party that spoke French Omaha hotels have long had cool ments is Arnold Baron. Assisting ing, aad all members are urged to ficial circles here. Camps are bewas sent out on foraging tripa in public rooms, bars, and restaurattend. him are Earl Kline and Meyer ing established for those admitrailroad stations that were no ants, bat . air-conditioned guest Shubb. Jack Greenberg i3 ticket ted and they will be kept there By JOE SOLOMONOW L longer marked. In one station as rooms'are a newer step. The Pax.chairman. ualess they receive financial reCBUVKA B'NAI XISRO3SI* she and a young Virginian sought toa installed Baker air conditionlief from abroad which would Yom. Kippur Services will start Team Standings to get food, the air-raid signal ing for 120 rooms during the last guarantee them from becoming Friday at S p. m. Kol Nidre: Friyear. " . . : : Per. was sounded. public burdens during their stay day, 6 p s m., Saturday morning: State Coal and Gas 8 O 1.000 In Le Havre Americans were "Residence cooling Is lagging a Conimitttses were j'aooeji 1J1' Lhe in Rumania. 7 a. m., Yiskor: Saturday, 10 a. -f Cliquot Club Eskimos .667 warned not to take English boats bit behind,' Mr. Sebree Baid. "But 2nd annual Monte Carlo might to m. A similar situation prevails on Pontiac Motors 1 .667 as word had just been received of most new houses now being built be held Sept. 30th at the Bellevue. the Latvian and Lithuanian fron- Tretiaks 1 .667 the sinking of the Athenia. Finally have a heating arrangement that The committee members are as tiers. Refugees having visas for The Young Judean Cardoaa Empire Cleaners .333 arrangements were made to sail can be switched to air condition' : 1 follows: Mesdames Morris Rubin, Group held elections last Sunday E'IDIS CIX3 the United States or foreign pass- Pioneer Clothing .833 on the U. S. liner, Washington. ing without much expense. • Marilyn Saltzman wa3 . hostess 1 Mike Grueskin, Myer Shubb, Dave afternoon. Bobby Lipschutz was '(Continued from page I.)] ports have no difficulty in being Shrier Paint and Glass 1 2 .333 As the ship sailed, from Le Havre, Albert, Sam Kaplan, Mas Mush- elected president, Howard Lebo- to the members of the E'lisns Club admitted temporarily into the Wardrobe O 3 .000 the air-raid siren again was heard kin, Phil Sherman, Jules Laderer, witz, vice president, Earl Pollack, Saturday at a get-to-together or wounded relatives in window- Baltic lands. Individual high game, George and the entire harbor was thrown Sol Grouick. Abe Baron, Harold secretary, Ben Polaykoff, treasur- meeting held at her h o a e . Michi- ess, bomb-shattered trains stalled Schapiro 254; Individual high into complete darkness. The liner Itothnian, Vick Masey, Morri3 Las- er and Louis Chesen, sergeant of gan Poker furnished the evening's oa the line between. "Wilao and •' •••'• series, George Schapiro, 580; kept Tts lights doused all along ensky, Nathan Goldis and James arms. Sdtlie Saligman was chosen entertainment. Lido. Other large groups in simTeam High game, Cliquot Club, the French coast. Gang. ilar plight were observed 50 kiloyouth council representative and (Continued from Page I ) 813; Team high series, State The proceeds will go to the ref- Marvin Marsh wa3 chosen as pub- SCOTERS' CONVENTION meters beyond the Wilno-Lido Saw "Courageous** . though we were dedicated to ugee children's aid fund. Admis- licity manager. Coal and Gas, 3316. Among the local grocers to at- iae, toward Baranowichi, where At Southampton war conditions brotherhood and. love. sion is 50 cents per person. A tend the Iowa State Grocers' Con- the trackage had been, destroyed were plainly visible. Mine-sweepInstallation services will be vention, cash door prize will be given. The Heated competition began Tues- ers could be seen in the harbor • T h e r e will be a new world to held at Ses Moines San- by Nazi air raiders. heldjointly with the other Young Winner must be present to qualify. day evening in the anaual J. C. C. and at anchor was the ill-fated build on today's ruin and I, the Refugees Stranded Judeaa groups. All boys between !ay, Monday, and Tuesday, were minister, must make the minds of Bowling League. Eight teams air-craft carrier "Courageous." Mr. Max Steinberg, Mr. Joe Got3Ruiz returned to Riga after an the ages of 11 and 14 are eligihla people ready against that time — again this year will bowl on Tues-; diner, Mr. Sam Meyerson, Mr. unsuccessful effort to reach southAll during the trip home the for membership providing they Herman Meyerson, and Mr. and ern Poland or the Russian fronday night of each week at the Afc- liner was gaily lighted so feat to build not with blind hate but ars qualified. Sar-Ben alleys. Mrs. Nate Nogg. tier. Leaving Riga on Septemthere would be no mistaking its with such understanding af shall (Coatlnued from page 1.)' ber 12, Ruiz crossed through WilTwo new teams are numbered identity. American flags, were know' how to erect a temple of no and Lido, but was forced to tion," the prayer states. "Its among the eight this year, the painted in conspicuous places and lasting brotherhood in which God NO-HOST PASTIES A no-host dinner given in hon- turn back because the Baraao- ruler3 proclaim the idolatry of Pioaeers and the Tretiaks. Many a spotlight played on the flag at shall abide. • ' AH this has been rambling but • The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare or of Nate Gilinsky was; held Tues- wichi line had been destroyed. race and blood. Strife, desola- new faces, some of whom appear the mast-head. Zion synagogue held iis first meetday at the Chieftain jHotsl. The Returning oa the following day, tioa and destruction are in their to be real "dark horses" were to . Mrs. Goldstein related that the there is nothing to do but ramble ins at a luncheon held ia the sodinner was followed by a stag he found the line cut north of they violate the bouadaries be seea spilling the wood in the sentiments of the entire boat were and. grope and stumble 1 this, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Friedman, party, also held at the Chieftain. Lido and finally made his way paths; cial hall of the synagogue synaggu last of natloas and the way of peace alleys. expressed by an aristocratic Vir- the darkest of hours. During the Mr. Gilinsky was presented with back hy means of a peasant cart they know not." ginia lady who in reply to the past hour I hare kept the world Monday. Mrs. L. J. Kaplan pre- 1321 Vvr Palmer avenue, aaaouncg after the greatest difficulty, passa Diamond Manorah pin. George Schapiro came through purser's routine question of how tuned out. It has been exquisitely Ia a New Year message. Rabbi sided with 120 attending. ed the engagement of their daughThe program had Miss Sarah ter, Miss Ruth Claire Friedman, Guests, besides the honoree in- ins through Wilao just before declared that aoae would in what was supposed to be (and long she intended to remain in the quiet in the peace of this hospital Sad off presenting several musical to Lester Davidson, Bellevue Apt3. cluded Jack Fos, Milton Yudel- the bombardment by German war- Hertz respoa-d more wholeheartedly to was for 90 per cent of the boys) United States, said she was "never room, but I know very well that numbers accompanied by Miss Ro- Miss Friedman is a graduate of son, Coilman Yudelson, Al Fos, planes. a very rough opening night. Start- going to poke her head out again." shortly my curiosity (like PanBritain's call than the Jews. sanna Dikel; 2 violin numbers' Central High School. Mr. David- Leon Fraakel; Dr. Julius Moscoing easy, he sandwiched a 254 for Mrs. Goldstein landed on Mon- dora's) will tempt me to open Ruiz said lie saw thousaads of •were presented by students from son, al3o a Central H. S. grad. vitz, Dr. I. Sternhill. Dr. O. Green- Jewish refugees stranded ia trains a big 57S to lead the Cliquots. day and came directly home. She this little box again and I shall Gas Masks in Hand, French Jews Morningside and Mrs. Jules Led- studied at Leland Stanford Uni- berg, Mas Harris, Marvin Bookey, or trudging through towns, many Phil Katzman ran a close second had sailed on August 2 on the S. S. fall into crashing chaos again. Pray for Allied Victory erer presented a comical skit. versity, Northwestern University, Leo Krasne, Millard Krasne, and of which were still burning. He President Harding. (JTA) — The majority of for the State Coals with a 563. Mrs. Morris Ruben waa program and the "University of Michigan. Albert- Krasne,- all -of•-—Council saw numerous bodies along t h e itsParis (Copyright 1939 by. Seven Arts males in (military "uniforms chairman, Mrs. Ben Shindler, lie is a member of Phi Sigma Del- Bluffs, and Dr. Abe Feldman, Dr. tracks, mostly of aged Jewish fighting Feature Syndicate.) ,_ I "Dogs" too numerous to menPatronize Our Advertisers for the Republic, French xuenu chairman, Mrs. M. Shubb ta fraternity. They have not set Leo Fellman, and Dr. A. Green- men, women aad children. Jewry gathered in synagogues for tion were among the group of 47 ana Mrs. F. Margolin were in the data for their wedding. berg of Omaha. Flotillas of Nazi bombers were NeV Year services, gas mask in opening night keglers. The boys and N. Got-I their wedding. reported bv military soiirnag in _one^hand and prayerbook in the claim they were holding down -birthday cake and tlia and M. Sherman were in gift were given Dr. Stsrnhill. T)e systematically~~ralding town, other, ana offered prayefs~ro"f~tBf charge of dining room decorations. Miss Rose Goldsman, teacher of Arrangements were made by and refugeee trains. In the ab victory of the Allies. play. the Sious City Hebrew School for Leon Frankal and Al Fos. sence of anti-aircraft and other "With government permission, - The top ten average were the the past two years, will leave Sundefenses, the raiders were said all synagogues were open, t h e following: Schapiro, 196; P. day for Los Anegeles, California A no-host party wa3 also held to be literally massacring the popair raid precautions being Katzman, 187; Krantz, 169; N. where she expect3 to make her Thursday in Mr. Giliasky'a honor. ulation of towas, many of which usual taken. Crowded as never before, Brown, 16S; Doc Morgan, 162; permanent home. This stag party was held at the are predominantly Jewish. the synagogues presented a pic- Weitz, 162; S. Cohn, 159; FiedMiss Goldsnian who had prev- Chieftain Hotel. Sam Tarashonsky, 43, 1301 S y a a g ogues in Krzemienice ture of aged men, wives and moth- ler, 155; P. Steiaberg, 154; iously taught in Los Angeles will Tierce street, Sioux City taxicab Simon Steinberg had charge of Dubno, Baraaowichi and other ers praying uader dim lights for Greeaberg, 152. owner, was fatally injured last continue the teaching cf Hebrew arrangements. Volhynian towns were bombed re- their soas aad husbaads on the upon her arrival tare. Tuesday morning when his cab peatedly duriag Rosh Hashoaah battlefield and for their children, Refugees Land In Tel Aviv collided head on with a car in TO UNIVERSITY OF IOWA services. Services w'ere held la most of whom have beea evacuTel Aviv (JTA) — A group, of Dr. and Mrs. M. Grossman, 1715 front of the Stock Yards baseball Several students have left to those town3 because they were ated into the interior. 364 Jewish refugees from Poland Nebraska street, returned after take up studies at the University considered- ia safe Polish zones, park. Jewish leaders issued the slog- aad Czechoslovakia were under Mr. Tarashonsky, resident of spending the holidays with their of Iowa, Iowa City. Included since they were near the Russiaa an: "The entire Jewish nation detention following their arrival Sioux City for the last 40 years, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross- among them are George Brown, frontier. The synagogues were prays on Rosh Hashonah for the here. They were being held pendwas born in Milwaukee, Wiscon- mau of Chicago. Benny Kutlsr, Arnold Lincoln, crowded with thassaads of Jews victory of France and the Allies ing a Government decision as to sin and Irwin Maduff of Anita, Iowa. aad, accordiag to information aad for the destructioa of Hitler- their disposition The refugees arThe Bplurum Club elected Sam reaching here, the number of ism." The Paris rabbinate is- rived ia five lifeboats towed by a Survivors of Mr. Tarashonsky killed and wounded in the raid: sued aa appeal to the Jewish pop- sailing vessel. They were reportinclude his widow, Sarah; a son, Heeger, Buddy Bailin, and Jack UNIVESSITY OF NEBRASKA Kreuger a3 new members. . Sheldon; his mother, Mrs. Win. Among the students to enter ia reached "very large" proportions. ulatioa not to gather in groups ed to have beea transferred from 'larashonsky; a.nd two brothers, their Freshman year at the Uni- According to. the same sources, on the street in front of syaa- a steamer off shore. Charlotte Borashevsky of Chi- versity of Nebraska at Lincoln are Myer and George, all of Sioux cago is visiting here with her parCity. Harold Bernstein and Irving Coents, Mr. and Mrs. "W. Borashev- hen. sky. WERE HESS Jesse Slutsky returned after aa Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz and The Shaare Zion synagogue will attended visit ia the South. family of Harian, lowa-spent Rosa hold services this afternoon at 12:45 and Kol Nidre services toThe Dramatic Club met last Hashonah here. night at t>:l5 p. m. Cantor Per- week aad appointed a temporary nick and Choir will chant the ser- social committee composed of Sov- KETUKXEO HOME Mr.' and Mrs. Abe Marcus and vices. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowita •will al Heshelow, George Feinberg and YNAILS WTH*CELLOPHANS speak on the topic "The Spiritual >ena Baron to make arrange- daughters, Beverly and Darline, of Blackout." Saturday morning ser- ments'for the party to be given for Auburn, Nebraska, have returned PACKS! vices will begin at 3:30 to 10:30 the purpose of stimulating iater- home after spending the holiday^ here. ' with an intermission from 10:30 est ia the group. to 10:45. Rabbi will speak in the The officers of the Dramatic jworniag on the topic "Back to :roup are: Eeubea Cohea, presi- FROM SHSNANBOAH Mrs. Julius Baron, .and son of Your Tents Oh Israel" immediate- dent; Joe Goldstein, vice presily preceeding the memorial ser- dent; Rosabella Wigodsky, secre- Shenandoah visited here last vices. tary and Sari Novich a3 treasurer. week. Suecoth services will begin at 6 HERS FOS HOLIDAYS o'clock on Wednesday evening and L Prolbea AntiMr. and Mrs. Bea Cohea and at 3:30 on Thursday and Friday daughters of Karlan, Iowa are Sesaitlasn morning. Habbi will preach seralso among those to visit here mons at the morning services. ana Philadelphia (JTA)—Agents of during the holidays. • There will be a succah for the conthe Federal Bureau of Investigavenience of ail the worshippers. The Sunday School held its first tion told newspaper men that RETURNED sessions last Sunday morning. Philadelphia was a center of pro- The Misses Lillian and Bookes Food protection is important tho 7007 "round. Mrs. JI. Licht is superintendant Nazi aad anti-Semitic propagan- Kushner have returned to WashThere ia no oH-saason for food spoilage. and the faculty consists of Doro- da. The agents disclosed that "at ington, D. C , after ••vialtias-for thy Dike!, registrar and Shirley least seven" Army and National two weeks with their parents, Mr. Guard officers, including a Brig- and Mrs. R, Ksshaer. • Fein, Esther Srinbers Lucille who is a public high Healthful food protection iseasy witha modem Mushkin, Eunice Okin, Rose Mer- adier-General teacher, regularly attended TO CHICAGO lin. Rosanna Dikel, Arnold Baron school Electric Refrigerator. Electric Hsfrigeratioo qhraa meetings of the German-American - Melvya Brown has left for CM aud Morris Aizenberg. Buad. you dependable food storage in any season cago where ha plans.-to visit les

Baker Ice Co. Aids MRS. GOLDSTEIN AvT'Coriditioning RETURNS HOME Installation Here

Annual Wnisi B'rith Dance to Be Meld

Tomorrow ~Ni'ghi

J. C C Bowling



Young Judeans Hold Election


ULlJo LuAbiLUii

Sioux City an Is Fatally Injured



Shaare Zion


becaaso it raaiatain3 steady, eyen temperature . . . automatically.

Orthodox Synagogues Kol Nldre services will start tonight at the orthodox synagogues at t>:15 aad morning services 3 o'clock. Ilahbi S. I. Beslotnikov will speak at 30ti tiie eveaing aad morning services as tho Tiphereth Israel synagogue. Succoth services will begia TVeUaesday o v a s i n j at S:30. ilurisiag aervlcen Y/111 be held Thursday aad Friday mornings at 3:30. JKabbi S. Boioiaikov will speak on Thursday aioraiag ai Belli Abraham syaasos-ue aa<i oa Friday morning at the Adas Teshureu synagogue.


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Sss your dealer today. Learn how easily yoa can buy an Electric Refrigerator on a convenient monthly payment plan.


Morton Kayiun, 3, son of 3,1 i*. \ aad M'ts. Israel Kaplan,. 15O\5 S;> ! fec-cca street l.s In St. Viacent's hcs- j pttal following a severs leg iajury j t

ELECTRICITY. IS CHEAP. &4'$ff «-*«sfe; "S«»3iv an* Mat("ss«s" with Artio Shaw's Orchestra ! n. 2. cf. fti


, SSS2




Page 7

THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBEB 22.1939 the Rue da la Vietclre. He supmittee, which functioned through* ut the l&at war, recognizes all too ported by his means, by hia Inwell the vaatness of the new probfluence, and by Ma voloa not only lems created by the present cathe form of worship to which he tastrophe. A3 ia tha previous 1 wa3 attached, but every other. He war, it will undoubtedly be necessary and desirable tor all relief saw no inconsistency la this, but agencies to co-operate ta the full(Continued from pa-ge 2.) nrfher thought it part of a genest passible extent, and the Joint eral duty to aid all earnest JewB Distribution Committee, as be- some of the French landscape who were endeavoring to .mainfore, ia prepared to offer the full- painters of distinction. tain their religious life to carry est possible co-operation with all He loved to walk, more espe- on these efforts In their own way. (Continued from saga 1.) ether relief groups regardless of cially where there was green . He was a constant reader of d(Stense, and eo-operative finan- race or creed. With respect ta about, through Central Park *n the Bible and took every occasion cial efforts. All three plaaa en- the entire program, tha Joint New York, through t i e woods in to impress its importance upon visage tlie establishment of eo- Distribution Committee is initiat- t i e Adirondacks, and tirough the Jewish people. Time and operatlve relations with tJi« agen- ing discussions on these matters the Bois in Paris. again, when addressiag an audicies engaged ia extraordinary and with ni&ay organizations includence ia a hall devoted to Jewish In the summer months, when normal relief activities for Jaws ing the American Red Cross aad his family was away In t i e Adir- purposes, he would begin by askin foreign lands, and preparation the American Friends Service oadacks, and i e had to go to the ing whether they had a Bible befor the preservation of t i e ri3ht3 Committee. city, the Lotus Club was has fav- cause he wished to begin his adof Jews la foreign laada and ia "Conscious of the everwhelmTesort because he loved to dress by reading from it; and if Palestine. Under all t i e plans lg tragedy which i3 bringing orite see the charming pictures and they possessed nose, he gave the enlarsemaat of t i e mam»5er- ruin and death to millions of our meet the painters and art lovers ship of t i e General Jewish Coun- fellow-Jaws, the Joint Distribu- who came to that famous club. cil is anticipated to permit t i e tion Committee ia exerting every He combined asceticism and inclusion of a greater number o2 possible effort to discover what- good taste in the matter of food. representatives i i a n are now ever means may be useful to faring Hs "5^as a complete teetotaler and part thereof." relief and assistance to them. never tasted a drop of alcoiol in More than ever before, the Jsint iia life, but it siould be. remarked Statement ky 3. D. C. Distribution Committee, which la After a special meeting of its pursuing its historic mission of parenthetically t i a t i e was opofficers on Sunday night, t i e J. alleviating suffering, needs the posed to t i e Eigiteenti AmendD. C. issues} t i e following state- fullest suport of all men whose ment to t i e Constitution, and ment 'With respect to t i e over- hearts are moved by today's trag- firmly believed that it should not seas situation and ita program of ie events. Tha burden which has iave been tiere, and even t i a t it assistance: heretofore rested on the J o i n t was not lawfully there. He never used tobacco in any "Wall in advance of ti« oat- Distribution Committee has been break of hostilities, t i e Joint Dis- great. In this enormous crisis form, but he always had cigars tribution Comaiittae took steps to which challenges us all, the Joint and cigarettes at his house for organise ita affairs abroad in such Distribution Committee must look t i e use of his friends and associa way ,aa to be atsla to render to all groups for support and for ates. His morning meal, and very often his luncheon, were simple maadmnni service •wierever t i e active co-operation. but when he sat down to demands might arise. A staff of "The Joint Distribution Com- fares, dine, he the taste of a gourAmerican citiaens, ander t i e di- mittee issues this brief prelimi- met, andhad no one could select a rectorship of Morris C. Troper, nary statement and will continue menu with more discrimination is therefore available for such ae- to keep the Jewish communities tivities and in such acmes aa t i e periodically informed of all the than he. situation may require. Plans are efforts it ia underta&ing." Bad Correspondent •well under way to establish Joint While a good letter writer, he Tygel, executive director Distribution Committee offices in of Zeligr the Federation of Polish Jews, was a bad correspondent. His mail those neutral countries from explained ehaptars of the was all opened personally and -which the most effective relief Federation that throughout tha Unit- presumably read. So much of it work will be possible ed States will ba. allowed to en- a3 he deemed urgent he answered "Close contact i a s been main- rage in soliciting and receiving (sometimes on odd scraps Of tained with t i e Council for Ger- :ontrSbution3 for U3e in Poland, waste paper) and the rest was man J«wry in London, with t i e provided they conform with the stacked up in heap upon various Jewish Colonization Association, rulinss of the State Department desks, there to remain until his \witb the Hicem, and with t i e as contained in tha permit issued vacation. In the summertime, ti i organizai .(^representatives off tthe to the Federation. The funds from his place at Saranac Lake, tions through which the Joint raised by the Emergency Cam- he wrote many letters from his Distribution Committee has here- paign Committee will be used for own hand in reply to the corretofore operated ia the refugee "medical aid and assistance and spondence which had accumulated countries — Holland, Switzerland, for food and clothing to relieve during the winter. . Belgium; in Hungary and ia human suffering" in Poland. He was a good story-teller, and Tha Polish Ambassador to the did not mind telling a story on Italy; and with tha relief a n d philanthropic committees ia Cen- United States, Count Jerzy Po- himself. Here is one: He had an tacki, was to address the open- important case to argue before tral Europe. "In Poland, a Central Emer- ing session of the third biennial the Supreme Court of the United gency Conunittee headed by Pro- world conference of t i e Federa- States, and was allotted what he fessor (llosea) Schorr has efJeet- tions of Polish Jaws at the Hotel considered a very short time. H« ed communication with us ia New Astor. Ha was to speai by tele- felt that he could not make all YorS; and practically all the com- phone from the Polish Embassy the points or even give afl the mittees overseas aave cabled our in. Washington. The sessions were headings that he wanted to sire, New York headquarters directly opened by Benjamin Winter, so, relying upon his years of to inform us of their urgent re- president, and addresses were to standing, he thought i e might quirements. Most of thise com- be made by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, overstep his time. After he had Tygel and others. mittees hare already been pro- F i gone on about five or six minutes vided with emergency funds beyond the allotted period. Mr. us. Chief Justice White leaned over, "With tha situation changing looked at hi3 watch, and said: ao rapidly, it ia impossible ta "Mr. Marshall, one of the most nounoe aay long range program unpleasant duties presented to "Washington (JTA) — "Tie the Head of this Court is that he at this time, hut our representatives abroad are in constant touca refugee problem will have to be sometimes is obliged to shut off solved, .and I hope some steps-are ffi«r light" -T-with the • authorities- "la- their taken when the Intergovernmen^countries aa well aa with repre- tal Deeply Keligions Committee meets in "Washing/ sentatives of the United States ton in October," Mrs. Kocsevelt Ha wa3 of a profoundly regovernment who have been of said a her press conference fol- ligious nature, and during his resgi»eat assistance' and who have. lowing her return to the capital. idence in New York, was a memia aevara! instances, advised us Sie expressed satisfaction that the ber and Trustee and, for a numconcerning: the conditions in varPresident of Temple will go on despite t i e ber of years.He ious countries. This friendly and ecaierenee always strove to Emanu-El. co-operative attitude of the Unit- war. a gTeat institution make this O r g a n i z a t idn of the Good ed States representatives over- Neighbor Committee on the Em- which, while maintaining its own seas Is greatly appreciated. Tha igra and the Community, with well-establisbed lines of condnet, Joint Distribution Committee ha3 Mrs. Roosevelt aa honorary chair- siould be hospitable and helpfnl consnlted the Department of State man, was announced in New York to every kind of Jewisi religious w i t h respect to its activities by the chairman, Dr. John L. El- work. abroad so that its entirs program liott, senior leader of t i e New Nothing that wa3 Jewisi was may be consistent with the policy York Society for Ethical Culture. alien to him. When away for the of our own government. T h e summer at hi3 country home, he State Department has manifested conducted his own religious servThe Emperor Severus in 202 a most sympathetic understanding prohibited the conversion of his ices, and during hi3 long stay at of its problems. subjects to Christianity and Juda- Paris in 1919, he rarely missed a service at the great synagogue in "Th«» Joint Distribution. Com- ism.





JEWISH CHAPLAIN Confiscate Radios FOR DUTCH ARM? Belonging to Jews

tine, should be united and bad given hia approval. His name will remain a distinguished one In toe annals of the Bar of New York State and of the United States. He will be remembered for his championship of the American forests and of all America's natural resources, but above and beyond this, be bus written himself into Jewish history, and In the long and noble annals of the Jewish people, there. will always, be a place for the name of Louis Marshall. (Copyright, 1933. by Seven Art? Feature Syndicate) ;

Amsterdam (Haras) — German police have seized all radio sets owned by Jews in the Prussian town of Buende after a number of persons were arrested while listening to a foreign broadcast In tbp home of a 3&w, press die-' patches from Germany caid. Reports indicated that the Reich's drive to suppress foreign propaganda was being rapidly intensified, with violators arrested in ever-Increasing numbers.

The Jews were brought to Shumla in Bulgaria by the Turkish pasha whose pious physician refused to go where there was no of the Jewish Agency In Pales- Jewish congregation.

Samuel Edward Shrimski, &n Australian Jew, was a pioneer of New Zealand In 18 8 5 and was appointed a life member of the Upper House of Parliament,

some good, sound advice In very; straightforward language as to their neglect of their "greatest heritage. Louis Marshall died In Zurich, Switzerland, on September 11, 1929. He had completed his part of the labor connected with the initiation of the Enlarged Jewish Agency for Palestine. He had attended two sessions of the members of the Executive Council and field representatives of the Joint Distribution Committee, hearing reports and planning the future work of that Committee. He had considered caref ullr the proposal that so far as America was concerned at least, the gathering of funds for these two purposes, that of foreign relief in Europe, and

.Amsterdam (JTA) ^ - A Jewish chaplain has been resigned t o the Netherlands Army tor the first time. He is Rabbi J. H. ,Duenner, of Amsterdam. f&bb.t Duehner was jointly selected for the post by the Council of Dutch Chief Rabbis and the t-xeculve committee of the Union of AShkenazio Communities. . All " remittances to ths Flower Fund or the Federation far Jewish "Service should be 'sent 'to the

101 N6.



.. .For For Your Family... For the Jewish Youth of Omaha.

>_;~ ' «s



• • :- V v>-JOIN'Tlffi

These Features Make Your Membership MVorthuMlei CENTER FORUM


A group of she outstanding programs, bring to Omaha eminent authorities and speakers of note.

"Kirs. Roosevelt Mopes Refugees Be Aided



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:; r

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Basketball* handball, boxing, wrest" ling,,badminton, dancing aid others*

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.* »

1 1

Free service on given by Vocational G u i d a n c e Bureau.

-\ •;"•"»' J * J

,» /



The Center houses a great number of clubs for youth and adults. ' ~\"





Monthly dances in congenial surroundings, sponsored by Round Table' "Jewish Youth. See iHs complet© modern rels*igerator . . . then

£ T H E V a LU E ! «&e new Wastifighouse HAS ^VSHYTHIHGl A paceiaaker ia latest fc&£ssrss, ia Xitdten-jS'oved ccasvenieiics sad detniright mennamyi There's -distinctive beaaty ia every list. 3f»W and iatprovwd storage fadStfei put yocr HtcJssa mmthw a&s&i with, this sdestiEs &ew



CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES Fourteen clubs for children, directed . by outstanding leaders; five entertain-* • ments of high caliber.



exercise and health building sport*

mwgm : '-V

Hie Center Orchestra and Choral Society, for pleasure and enjoyment,4 an opportunity to further musical interest.


'".-'/''• i;."'^'- '•


AH tiiese features ia c a n re&igaratar; new TRUS-TSMP Cold Control, facida i x a e * food temperatures; new MSATKKKPER. now 50% larger; fast STJ£>£R TSKZZSR, wiih t i e capacity for ice and desserts, piss estra space for fessaa storage; aH-metal EJSCT-O-CUB2 trays. Bu2t-ia HUMISRAWEK. with, sliding HasriigJass Tcjp; aew faH-wiflth ADJUSTO - SHELVES; famous 2CGNO3SX22H Sealed-in WwfuTniwn . . . 20 isczzxs out ef 23 it asss no esxrssf at a l l (Certified } 8—&•

ttnr 1939 WssSs&shoza® Sio&sls,








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DSl FUEHRER IH LODZ—German Fuehrer Hitler, left, receives salute of his troops as he reviews detachment in the captured Polish city of Lodz. Nazis were reported drawing supplies and ammunition from this and other industrial centers in Poland, in sweeping drive.


OJwlIN BOriSIaS—Like everyone else in London, as city awaits possible Nazi air raids, these policewomen carry gas masks. A!so added to their equipment are steel helmets. Smiles seem to discount any apprehension, as they patrol beats.



ti Q

YOUTH IN THE A!U — War's firs* demand is always upon Hie young men of any naffon, but especially ara the vivacity and cock-surednsss of youth called upon for fighting in the air. Here are typical youngsters who form the aarial backbone of iha warring armies. Top, young aviators, efevi!-inay-eare members of the French

Air Force. Left canter, keen, alert but ftoughtfui German boys ready to fly pursuit bombers. Right center, young pilots leaving Melbourne, Australia, for England. Bottom, cadets of the British Royal Air Force, who may already be in British Royal Air Fores, line up for duty.






BATHS SANDBAGGED—London officials turned the Caledonian Road baths Into a first-aid station, and then bolstered the building with sandbags, as above, against air raids.




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ASSAULTS C ^ A Y H S H — Gloria Swanson, former movie star, herself of Swedish descent although born in Chicago, attacks a crayfish at Swedish restaurant, a t N e w York Fair. She's dining w i t h John S. Young, left, radio director. .

V -,

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WSSTSUN ?E?O^T—.Map shows action a!eng the Western Front, as French contitiued th<sir drive toward Saarbrutscken (larga ^rrow! and rich Saar Basin. Paris reported small gains northeast of Sirche (small ar.ov/1.


i •.


VSA2 LOSID — General Viscount Sort, recently appointed eommander-in-cnief of tho British field forces, by King George. He comes from line of fighting men in service 800 years.





, , \


DLOCECADER — In new ar rangement of French Cabinet S e n a t o r G e o r g e s Pernot, b U d S f •4


partial charge ade against Germany.


•• . .



g sponsoring the idea.




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F«S33U."I5 H3GK'—High bbod pressure of Bob Pastor, New York hisvyweifhi schocu!cd fa most Joo Louis at Detroit, Sept. 20, wss expected to b : e.'ly torapcrary. He was pronounced fit c£herw:£3, ci frai.nrag carr.p In Crij'ifsJSi Mich.

SV/1TZG3LAMD ARMS TO©—This scons fn-Geneva show? members of the Swlssarmy f akiag parf in mobilization, presumably in anticipation of any emergency. Their equipment Is placed in neat pitas for Inspection as they await directions for what to do next. Disl?. tej United FeatEse Syndicate* Zza.;

Page 5


This will not be the case if tho are making rugs, needlepoint, fatigue Is muscular. candlewicking, knitting and emAttention Center Physical broidering. Instruction is given Two new alephs, Aleph Ernest Department Members in all forms of handicraft work. Alexander and Aleph Marvin GilOne of the most complete and If anyone desires to join they may insky, were formally initiated into diversified Center athletic prodo so by calling the chairman, the secrets of the Mother Chapter _rams has b e e n arranged by Mrs. Harold S. Barish, We. 5542. of A. Z. A. "by Aleph Godol Leo Physical Director Lee Grossman, This group meets the first and Sherman. They will now go on a for the coming year Many new' third Tuesdays of each month and six months probationary period, games and activities will be inthe members raise their Donor which time they will enjoy augurated this year. The fall gym luncheon money in this manner. MAIiLKT-GROSS HONOR BKIDE-TO-BE The Center Women's Division during the full rights of an A. Z. A. and swimming prograta will go . Mr. David B. Gross announces The Misses Esther an-d Ann Polwill mark its first important au- member. The new alephs and the into effect Monday, October 2. J. N. F . the marriage of his daughter, Na- lay entertained r.t a Miscellaneous All holders of Jewish National tumn affair on Saturday, October chapter were addressed by Advis- The time schedule and activities, omi, to Herhert M. Malley, son of shower for Hannah Meyerson, a Fund Blue Boxes are reminded 28, when it sponsors its annual or Wezelman on the subject of will be-published in" next week's Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malley of bride-to-be, on Wednesday, SepA. Z. A. Press. Classes are being arranged that a collection drive will begin "Harvest Dance." . tember 6. There were twenty-eight St. Louis. The marriage took place the first part of October. The date Aleph Irv Nogg won over Rich- for housewives in the morning,, : guests at the affair. The evening on August 19 in Berkeley, CalThis function promises to be will be shortly announced. All Zlotky and Stan Turkel in an business and professional men at was spent in playing bridge and ifornia. of the outstanding social ard holders of the boxes are asked to one 18-hole golf tournment at Elm- noon, children in the afternoon, Mrs. Malley attended the Uni-bingo. events of the fall season, accordand business girls and senior men deposit special funds for the Yom ing to Mrs. Sam Wolf, Chairman wood Park, last Sunday. Prizes were won by Lillian versity of Omaha. Mr. Malley is a Kippur charity donation. Mrs. Toby Silverman of Los in the evenings. For further ingraduate of the University of Cal- Monovitz, Adeline Tatelman, Mrs. of the affair. Angeles addressed Mother Chap- formation in regard to the CenBess Nepomnick De Porte, and ifornia. Th2 music will V3 furnished by ter on the subject of the Los An- ter g^ort program call the Jewish . The couple are residing at 2091 Dorothy Blau. Community. Center athletic deGary( Gerald Gross's well-known geles Sanatorium. California street in Berkeley. • and popular band). Formal or in- Aleph Harry Goldstein was partment. formal dress may be worn. Climaxing its summer activities elected the new Aleph Shotare. [VISITORS RETURN and the annual University of Ne- The decorations will be handled Mrs. M. S. Shure and Mr. and braska fraternity rush week, Sig- by Mrs. Jack Cohen, Mrs. Meyer Acknowledge Gift of Mrs. Bernard Cronick of Minnema Omicron •chapter of Sigma Al- Beber, and Mrs. David Blacker. apolis, and Mr. and Mrs. H. HeimBooks Mrs. Sam Wolf is Chairman of pha Mu, last Monday at midnight, Detroit (JTA) — Radio Station ovits and daughter, Sandra, of the committee in charge of arpledged sixteen Jewish young men Chicago, have departed for their The library of the Jewish Com- CKLW of Detroit and Windsor, rangements; Mrs. Milton Mayper setting them on the road to beannounced that" in view of homes after visiting here with munity Center has gratefully Ont., coming active members of the is Co-chairman. Canada'3 declaration of war Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Feldman. The first Hadassah meeting of acknowledged the contribution of fraternity. The other members of the comagainst Germany the broadcasts the year 1939-1940 to be held valuable books by Mrs. Charles sponsored by Charles E. CoughThis newly pledged group, the mittee are: Mesdames Isadore Schimmel. 2 p. m. Tuesday, September 2 6th JOSIA'N MEMORIAL Hn's Social Justice magazine have argest group of boys ever pledg- Abramson, Harry DuBoff," David the Jewish Community Center A sound film on the Orient, at been cancelled. ;d in the history of the Nebraska Brodkey, David Goldman, Jack be a special meeting to close "Slumbering Giant" will be shown will Kaufman, Cy Silver, I. M. Weiner, hapter, includes: Bernard EpIt was stated here that the stabusiness for last year, elect the at 2:30 in the Lecture Hall of the executive committee and to select Moe Bercovici, Nathan Nogg, tein, Omaha; Paul Crounse, Omtion apparently regarded CoughJoslyn Memorial. At 3:30 in the delegates to the National ConvenHoward Milder, Abe Pradell, Iz iha; Robert C. Cohn, Sioux City; lin broadcasts as pro-German. Lecture hall Francis T. B. Martin tion which will be held in New Weiner, Elmer Gross, Ernest oe Raznick, Omaha; Bob Bram•will speak on "A Message of the York City the latter part of Ocon, Omaha; Harvey AVine, Oma-Nogg, William Feiler, Aaron Rips, Important Time to Exercise Is European Art Galleries." A 4 tober. A board meeting at 12:30 AYhen Too Busy a: Ted Rothkop, Omaha; Sid Irvin Levin, J. J. Greenberg, Haro'clock organ recital will be given will precede the regular meeting. ry Trustin, Ben Shapiro, William VVachtel, New York; Phil Kantor, by Orson White. Assisiting will be The most important time of all Sioux City; Roland Lewis, Oma- Racusin, Abe Venger, S a m The feature of the meeting will Erving Gerlat, pianist. Readers of the JewiBh Press ha; Jesse Younger, New York; Swartz, Meyer. Beber, Jack Cohen, for the busy man to-take recrea- owing be an address by Mrs. David A. delinquent real estate taxes Charles Shindler, Omaha; and David Blacker, Louis Alberts, tive exercises is when he has no are "being Goldstein, who has returned from warned that an intenMike Freeman, Michael Krupin- time for it, declares Dr. Dudley Irving Friedman, Omaha. RECUPERATING her exciting trip to Europe, the sive drive on unpaid property Added dignity was lent to the sky, J. M. Erman, Albert New- B. Reed in a recent issue of taxes . Miss Libby Dolgoff is recuper- Zionist Congress and the war will start October. 1, accordccasion of formal pledging by the man, Sam Beber and Miss Blanche "Hygeia." ating at the Methodist hospital area. All members- of Hadassah "If he is so driven by this and Jtng to the civic tax campaign" comresence at the ceremony of five Zlmman. "where she underwent an appen- are more than anxious to hear that he doesn't have a minute for mittee. f the thirteen original founders dectomy. about her adventure. A tea will For that reason, persons owing such unnecessary fol-de-rol it is of the Nebraska chapter. Harry B. be served at the close of the meetback taxes are urged by Alfred almost essential that he take the ~ohen, one of the original foundng by Mrs. E. A. Meyer and her OBSERVES .BIRTHDAY time if he wishes his next day's C. Kennedy, committee chairman, ers of the Nebraska chapter and Harriet Taub celebrated her committee. and his next -week's work to be to get their tax accounts paid up present Vice-Supreme Prior of the twelfth birthday at a Theater parYOUTH ALIYAH before that time. Kennedy emphaefficient/' says the author. national fraternity, told the new Mrs. Julius Stein, Youth Aliyah ty Sunday, September 17. Twelve sized the importance of the "tax The Girl Scouts will resume A most desirable time for this pledges of the responsibilities they / guests were present. Following the chairman of the Omaha Chapter their activity with their opening type of recreation is when the baTgairi" law,.which expires soon. would assume upon b e c o m i n g * show, the children returned to the of Hadassah, learned here today identified as members of a Jewish meeting on Sunday, September potential exerciser is nervously that despite war conditions and Taub home for a lawn social. fraternity, and stressed the im- 24, at 3 o'clock, at the Jewish tired. Many a man, at the close rumors that emigration from Gerof a particularly trying day, feels portance of living as good citizens Community Center. many has ceased, 77 Jewish chilMISS GASPAR LEAVES The new troop leader will be too tired to do anything but throw and good Jews. Miss Thelma Gaspar left Tues- dren holding certificates for PalMiss Pearl West Miss Jacqueline Leffingwell, who himself on a couch and wait for Collections of Unique day for Rochester, N. Y., where estine were permitted to leave With the addition of sixteen has had considerable experience as the night. Diamond Engncetnenti On Tuesday evening, October to-be, and Dorothy Geffen, niece she -will attend the Eastman Germany under the auspices of the Nebraska undergraduate a scout leader. But If his weariness is from Wedding and AnniverSchool of Music. Miss Gaspar was the Youth Aliyah (immigration) 17, Miss Pearl B. West, daughter of the bridegroom, will be flower men, A definite meeting day will be chapter is now larger than ever nervous work, many a man has sary Rings, individualgraduated from the Eastman movement, according to a cable of Mr. and Mrs. Sam West of Den- girls. and a program for the found that physical recreation rever, . will become the bride of Mr. A reception for the immediate before since its founding on the determined ly designed and priced School last June and has been received here yesterday. year set up. campus. Three of the boys listed moves his fatigue and makes a with good old-fashionawarded a full fellowship for the The children between the ages Al M. Elewitz, son of Mr. andfamilies and guests is planned for above, Charles Shindler, Jesse new man of him for the evening. Sam Elewitz, at the Beth Sunday, October 15, at the West forthcoming year. of 15 and 17 were placed aboard Mrs^ . ed moderation. Younger, and Lloyd Kronick, home. Many pre-nuptial parties Hamedrosh Hagodel Synagogue in an unnamed Italian steamer at Convenient Termo Can Bo are being held for the bride-elect were repledged. Corsages Tor the Trieste, Italy, last week. They Denver. RETURNS TO SCHOOL Arranged at No Extra Among the red letter occasions Achar Hataunls Dance Maid of honor will be Miss Lu- here in Omaha, where she has Miss Arlene Solomon left "Wed- are expected to arrive momentarThe first regular Bas-A-MI meetCoat made her home for the past three of the past week, highlighted in ing for the new year was held nesday for Boulder wiiere she will ily at either the Tel Aviv or Haifa cille West, sister of the bride-elect. years. GARDENIAS, 5 0 c EACH Numerous affairs are being the minds of the returning mem- last Tuesday evening, September Mrs. Isadore Elewitz, Mrs. George attend the University of Colorado. harbors in Palestine. in her honor in Denver bers of Sigma Omicron chapter, An additional 47 children also Geffen, Mrs. Sol Levine, and Miss planned at the home of Zell Abramson. Bemis Parfo Floral Shop during the week preceding the was the improved appearance of 19, The holding certificates for entrance Jerry Snyder will be bridesmaids. nuptials. E. A. " E d " Sihoberg, Prop. ARRIVES FROM WEST now officers for this year the chapter house. During the Miss Ann Lintzman arrived to- into Palestine were permitted to Mrs. Elewitz and Mrs. Geffen are are: president, Charlotte Nogg; HA 6704 33rd and Cumlng summer months the inside of the Following the ceremony the day from Los Angeles to visit her depart from Germany last week. residents of Omaha and will visit newlyweds house was redecorated. New furn- vice president, Elaine Lagman; WE DELIVER will vacation in Coloin Denver a week before and a They arrived in Denmark yesterparents,-Mr. and Mrs. J. LintzLouise Miller; treasurrado and Nebraska for a week be- iture for the study, living, and secretary, man. She plans to remain here day where they will be given tem- week after the nuptials. sleeping rooms was purchased. er, Mrs. Louis Singer; reporter & fore going to Minneapolis where Mr. Isadore Elewitz will be his porary shelter until steamship three weeks. One of the outstanding improve- historian, Diana Lagman; Round connections from the Holy Land brother's best man. Ushers will be they will make their home. ments was the installation of an table representatives, R o s a l i e Sol Levine, Joe West, Louis Bloom An alumnus of Creighton Unican be made for them. Tuchman and Louise Miller. KESUMNG IN SIOUX C U T : and Bernard Snyder,. all of Den- versity, Mr. Elewitz has been mak- indirect lighting system in some The cable stated further that Mr. and Mrs." Julius Altman, The first big affair scheduled to parts of the chapter house. ver. ing his home in Minneapolis for and daughter, Marcella, are now there were "good hopes for the raise money for charitable purOfficers -who will serve to lead the past several months. Joy West, sister of the bridemaking their home in Sioux City. evacuation of 300 more German will be a card .party to be the chapter during the coming poses Jewish children shortly." held- on the eleventh of October year are: Irvin Yaffe, Omaha, The information about the tables immediately. Those wish- Mrs. Lawrence A, Jacobs, Mrs. Prior; Sidney Kalin, Sioux City, at the Jewish Community Center. BACK FROM CHICAGO ; Miss Selma Scholnick has re- movements of the young people ing further information may call Lazar Kaplan, Mrs. Wm. Lazere, Exchequer; Norman Harris, Oma Elaine Lagman Is chairman of the Iturned after a two weeks visit was cabled to Hadassah by Mrs. the chairman, Ha. 2976. Mrs. Harry Ldpsey, Mrs. M. F . ha. Recorder; Norman Bordy, Om- affair with Mrs. Louis Singer as,with friends and relatives in Wau- Eva Michaelis-Stern of London, Levenson, Mrs. Henry Riekes, aha, Assistant Exchequer and Mor sisting. Heading the door-prize RUMMAGE Xegan and Chicago. During her head of the central bureau of the committee is Rosalie Tuchman asMrs. Abe Hoffman', Mrs. A. S. ton Margolin, Omaha, Historian. The Rummage Sale which will Rubnitz, Btmy Miss Scholnick was exten- Youth Aliyah movement which sisted by Evelyn Greenbaum, Conand Mrs. Dave Stein. Are TOPS in the has transferred a total of 5,000 be held during October is in need sively entertained. nie Meyer, and Zell Abramson. In DUES Jewish boys and girls to Pales- of old clothes, shoes, hats, and charge of tickets are Esther ShapWorld o! Fashion iro and Frances Rubin. HERE TO ATTEND WEDDING tine since 1934. Hadassah is the all odd brie-a-brae. The commitOne of the nxpst successful tee in charge of picking up the sole agency for the movement in Mrs. Alfred Auster of New York drives has been waged this past Tickets may be purchased from According to a n nouncemen and Value! bundles is headed by Mrs. R. Bor- summer under the capable direc- made is in Omaha to attend the Pollay- this country. by Mrs. A. Katz, presiden any member of the club. Other dy. The following women may be Quick action by the YouthMeyerson wedding October 8. tion of Mrs. B. A. Simon on the of the Women's Mizrachi, the fol plans are being fomulated for fuMrs. Auster is a cousin of Miss Aliyah workers who are stationed called for service on the Rum-collection of dues. With the as- lowing women will r e p r e s e n ' ture events. mage: . . sistance of her committee she is the organization in the box colHannah Meyerson, the bride-to-be, in 19 countries haa permitted the still trying to attain the 100%lections of the Jewish National and is a house guest at the Meyer- steady departure of more than Mrs. I. Grossman—Ha. 7153 YOUR INSURANCE BROKER 5000 Jewish children from Greatson home. Mrs. Sara Altschuler—Gl. 47 60. paid up membership for 193 8- Fund; Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, chairer Germany, Czechia and Poland 19 39. All members who are de- man, and Mesdames A. Lay tan, J, Mrs. Wm. Alberts—At. 0379. since the beginning of this year. Mrs. Dave B. Conn—Wa. 6611. linquent are asked to get in Tretiak, A. G. Weinstein, G. BrodVICE-PRESIDENT Other cables received by HaMrs. A. D. Frank—Wa. 9200. touch with Mrs. B. A. Simon, Gl. key, D. Linzman, E. Weinberg dassah this ..week revealed that CITY FirmracE AHD> Mrs. Jake Goodbin-dei" — Gl. 102S and make arrangements for N. Levinson, J . Abrahamson, M, 400 of these boys and girls nave 3115. the payment. Arbitman, B. Handler, S. Rothkop, given temporary refuse in Mrs. S. J. Plotkin—Ha. 6903. MAGAZINES D. Crounse, and A. Katz. Representing 21 Strong Companies At a meeting held of the Junior been training schools opened in EngA Completa Insurance Service MEMBERSHIP Old magazines will be collected Wools, crepes, velvets Hadassah Cultural Group this land. They are now housed near The Women's Mizrachi is alsi CALL AT 7667 or WA 5150 The Membership Committee Is this fall and winter and sold for planning a luncheon to be held a week, the following officers were Ashford, in Kent; in Gwreeh Caswith the popular bustle " T H E SETTLEMENT COUNTS" elected for the coming year: Shir- tle, North Wales, and in Whitting- hard at work under the leader- the benefit of the Hadassah Medi- the home of Mrs. J. Tretiak. backa, s w i n g skirts, ship of Mrs. Wm. Polack with a cal Organization. Mrs. Harold S. ley Barish, President: Betty SorCastle, the home of the late city wide drive. All Omaha wo- Barish, We. 5542, Chairman of shirred slesves, one and '\.«-f. Vice President; Edith. WMte- hame Arthur Balfour, author of men .should become Hadassah this project, may be called to have two piece] styles . . . brook, 2nd Vice President; Jo- Lord the Balfour Declaration, in East members this next year. Those magazine bundles picked up. sephine Rubnitz, Corresponding Lothian, d r e s s y and tailored. Scotland. Forty-one were HANDICRAFT Secretary; Rosalie Alberts, Re- permitted to enter Yugoslavia and who are on the committee are Metallic t r i m s . . , The Handicraft Group met cording Secretary; and Louise 76 were taken in by the Swedish Mrs. Mike Freeman, Co-Chairman, braids.-hows! Mrs. Ben Brodkey, Mrs. Harold Tuesday, September 19, at the Miller, Treasurer. authorities, wito have opened a S. Barish, Mrs. J. J. Friedman, home of Mrs. Win. Alberts. DesMiss Barisli announced the camp outside of Stockholm. Mrs. Max Givot, Mrs. A. Hofner, sert Lunch was served. Members names of all committee chairmen There are still some 1,200 chilwho Will also serve on the Board. dren Grand selection of sizes living in warring counThey are as follows: Betty Soref, tries now whom Palestine- certifiPnnd Raising; Edith Whitebook, cates to 12 to 20 . . . 38 to 48 were issued under the last Jewish National Fund; Ruth immigration 16\ to 241 schedule. They will Friedman, Program: Ruth Coopsent to the Jewish National er, Membership; Bee Eisemaa, be within the next lew Herzbergs—Fifth Floor Palestinian; Ethelyn Kulalsoisky, Home months. Junior Representative to Senior "The war has caused many neuHadassah; Minnie Yaffee and Mir- tral • to offer voluntaryiam Fiedler, Telephone; Pearl refugecountries to Jew3," said Mrs. Moses LipBey; Young Judea; Frances P. Epstein, National Hadassah Berkowitz, Youth Aliyah; Libby in her wire. "The TiBhberg, Round Table; Helen President, Aliyah movement assures Greenberg, Publicity; Helen Ellis, Youth the maintenance and education of Paid Up Membership Affair. Jewish children in Palestine for Rabbi David Goldstein deliv- from two to five years and we ered a brief address. Mrs. Jack are eager to move them to the Bramson, Seaior Advisor and Holy Land as soon as possible. Mrs. Brodkey, President of Senior There we know they will be safe Hadassah also spoke. among their own people and able Is Our Reputation At a Board meeting held Thurs- to forget the harrowing experiday night, a series of varied events ences which began for them long That's why we offer the •were mapped out for the coming before war was actually declared.*• BEST VALUES that season. These plans will be pre- Mrs. Julius Stein and her Comoney can buy . . . at sented and discussed- at the nest Chairman of Youth Aliyah work WHAT EVER p r i c e Tegular meeting which will be i a Omaha, Mrs. Irvin C Levin you p a y . . . held Monday night, September 25. ^ t a a t a l l activities for the benAll girls interested in joining will efit of this project continue be welcome at this nest meetin stronger than ever. Those who wish to endow this fund may do so by calling Mrs. Julius Stein, Gl. 1948, or Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, A regular social meeting of the Gl. 2515. H. M. O. •Young Peoples Branch of the The first activity of the year Workmen's Circle, Vladeck, GOOIS, "was held Sunday afternoon at for the benefit of the Hadassah the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Medical Organization will be the Bridge Party to be given hy Mrs. IWine. Sherman on October 9 th fla Here's black, with a contrast of color, brilliant Plans were discussed for the Cave 10th floor of the Bran-deis bunco party to be held on October the jewel, or metal that makes Black flattering to all Those who wish may also Lavish furs used to give 1. This party will also include a Stores. play Ma-Jong. A Dessert-Lunca . . . a touch cf youth that robs black of none of Its you1 that elegant l o o k . . . musical program and an interest- will be served to those attending.. plastrons, yokes, panels, ing speaker. Each member has suave sophistication . . . it's a fashion for day and flattering sailor, shawl been invited to bring- a guest. Everyone is reminded to make up night, for everywhere! See our brilliant ^ i £ G E or rippling collars. Lester Pezzner and Harry Leraer V'J are co-chairmen of the entertaincollection of Bright Black Dresses et plQ™ Coasi fo Coast Others to $250 ment committee. At Sunday's meeting Boris "WinHerzbergs Fourth Floor Other Fall Dresses, $5.95 *o $49^95 troub was elected a member of the : Privat cars, share expense basis •executive committee aad Marion to all'points. FULLY iNSURED. Winer was 'named reporter.


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2007 Faraam ..

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Page 4

THE JEWISH PEESS-pPRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1939 , the academic halls, now lie dead, fighting for the nation that denied them their very self-respect? • Poland never once asked her Jews to live for Poland. She never sought to aid them in pushing off shackles of the Czarist. conquerors. But there came the day when she called them to her standards to die. a a®

ti !

thrown 1 Only then can mankind make the divine adjustment to enduring happiness, to secure peace! Qemo o f ill© Blbl© Arthur Clough's poem, "Say Not, the Struggle Nought Availeth," seems to express the spirit of the fateful times through PU8t-!3M!iD SVS.-3Y FRIDAY A t OMAHA. NS3RA3KA, 3V By Dr. PkOI? Bb&r TUI3 JSWISH PX2S3 PU3U3HIJ-IQ COMPANY which -we are passing: PBHC3. C n a v a a r . . . . . . §2.50 Say not, the struggle nought availeth, BIBLE K A T S 3 F U K N I 3 H t s » O N APPL.3CATJQN And a stranger shalt thou not The labour and the wounds are vain, CSs S23 3 R A N O E I 3 T H E A T E R S U J L D I N G Wrong, neither shalt thou oppress The enemy faints not, nor faileth, The Poland of 1919 to 1939 lived a vile life. I t robbed its aioux enrv OR-SCE—JHWSSH COMMUNITY CENTSS him, f<ir ye were strangers In the New York - (JTA) — United States Senator James J. Davis of s»KINT SHOP AOO«!£33—4S34 SO. 24TH STP8EST ibid as things have been they remain. land of Egypt. neighbors. Vilna and Teschen rest uneasily on its conscience, for CAVIO speaking at the ConThou shait not utter a fale re- Pennsylvania, » - - Business and Maaastas Editor they were ill-gotten gains. It formed a "Camp of National Unity" Day exercises at the port; put not thy hand with'the stitution . . . . . . . iSditcr Fair, pleaded for- toleraIU.331 J 7 S 3 D 3 K I C S C O H N If hopes were dupe3, fears may be liars; «,• wicked to be an unrighteous wit- World's . . . C o n t r i b a U a g S i l l i e r to strengthen a small ruling class, to lay even lower not only tion and protection of minorities. ness. SU.331 T S 1 2 0 B O X 3 N . L 3 W I S It may be, in yon smoke concealed, ' "In a day when as Americans . . . . B o o k S i l l i e r suffering minorities but its own poverty-stricken,. oppressed Thou shalt not follow a multiare seeking in every possible S S 3LACK.3R . ' . . Society S u i t o r peasantry. Yonr comrades chase e'en now the fliers, - •> •-,... tude to do evil; neither shalt thou we way keep our country free 3 A13SN323HQ - "S l o u s City C o r r e s p o n d e n t bear witness in a cause to turn from to And, but for you, possess the field. - :* • • war, it is well that we reThis is no attempt to justify either Germany or Russia. 3DOaOT! I 3 SAL.T3MAN aside after a multitude to prevent mind ourselves Council B l u t J a C o r r e s p o n d e n t of the glorious Justice. _ They have cast stones without being free of sin. They have principles of toleration and balFor while the tired waves, vainly breaking, TALMUD anced government which are set seized upon Poland's worst crimes merely to rationalize their Said. Roba; "This is what peo- forth In these charter of our libSeem here no painful inch to gain, . own iniquities. ple say: A zuz for pleasure is not erty (the Constiuttion)," Sena-* i i ever a world needed a day to consider its sins, it is at this ® ® @ to be obtained, but a zuz for tor Davis declared. "For these are Far back, through creeks and inlets making, ira;*i« .hour in which, we live. The chaos that engulfs .is all is trouble can be easily found." Our the principles which have constiComes silent, flooding in, the main. -Poland will rise again. I t always lias. Its people have a Rabbis were taught that the "fol- tuted the abiding protection for ilia iiii'ecfc result; of .false promises, broken pledges, lies and lowing three things the Holy One, the rights of minority groups in ^treachery. Within the past twenty-five years the so-called states- dominant courage not easily subdued. Not Russian knout or praised be He, laments daily: For our land, permitting them to live And not by eastern windows only, him who has the opportunity to peaceably here without surrendmen ox the world Jiave been guilty of every conceivable sin Prussian arrogance conquered its spirit nor partitioned its soul When daylight comes, comes in the light, study; the Torah every day andering their rights as free citizens in the eighteenth century. Like the Phoenix it will rise again against man and God. And today these unholy mistakes are does not, for him whose circum- in onr republic; to differ with In front, the sun climbs slow, bow slowly, from its ashes. But let Poland's final hours of this one period oi stances do not allow him to study their neighbors according to their their toll of innocent blood. But westward, look, the land is bright. but who nevertheless does study, individual consciences.' • life be an example to the rest of the world—Germany included. and for a chief of a congregation fortunately for the Jew there is one day of the year when It is the victim of its own betrayal, the betrayal of ideals that Commemorative exercises in who conducts himself haughtily celebration of the 152nd annihe can turn his eyes from the world, momentarily avert his at- conceived it. Heroism and courage were in corporated into its towards his congregation. versary of the adoption of the' tention from the insanities and follies that characterize our gen- foundation stones, but these were as sand because Poland had Robbi and Rabbi Chiya upon Constitution were arranged by coming to a city asked if there Jewish c o m m u n i t y centers eration, look away from the sins and failings of other men overlooked justice. . were a scholar there whom they throughout the country. and governments. I t is a day he considers the wrongs he has could visit. They were told there was a scholar, but he was blind. committed and seeks to atone, humble and penitent. By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS Said Chiya to Robbi: "you as Rabbi, Progressive Synagogue, Brooklyn. N. Y. The Day of Atonement is not a day for the rationalization chief remain here, so as not to By RABBI FREDERICK COHN lower your dignity, and I. wilt see of one's mistakes, it is not a day on which one seeks to evade him." Robbi however, insisted, JEWISH PERIODICAIiS Boys Town, Neb., — Boys Townhave already appeared allow one Evolution is the law of life. And the law of evolution is one's sins; but to recognize those that have been committed and and went with him. When they during the sumer has been a mec-< Jewish periodicals in America to predict that the Contemporary were departing, the blind scholar adjustment. Technically it is called "natural selection," and is play a large and very significant Jewish Record will in the near to atone for them. I t is a day of solemn introspection. ca for tourists During the first 1& said: "You have come to see a in American Jewish life. future become one of the leading countenance that can be seen, but days of Sept. visitors from every We are becoming more convinced with each suceeding dis- the mechanism by which in "the struggle for existence" which role Anglo-Jewish journals, quarter- periodicals in the country. It cannot see. Therefore (my wish state In he union, save West Viraster how right the sages of ancient Israel were. "We are wit- evolution posits the "fit survive." ly, monthly, bi-weekly and week- should be found in every library. Is that) ye deserve to see theginia, Delaware, North Carolina Tennessee were registered at All life is, indeed, adjustment: as Herbert Spencer, the ly are read by more Jews than The departments, "Chronicles" countenance which sees all butand nesses to the hopelessness and futility of social revolutions or Jewish books. A few exercise a and "Day by Day Record of cannot be seen." Robbi then' said the Home. great social changes that leave nothing but catastrophe in great philosopher of evolution, expressed it, "the adjustment of wide influence. Other visitors were registered Events" give a comprehensive and to R. Chiya: "Had I listened to then* aiia-Jit. Each revolution, each new change results in added inner relations to outer relations." The Mehorah Journal is pre- accurate analysis of Jewish hap- you not to visit him I would not from Honolulu, Sidney, Australia, Belgrade, Yugoslovia; and many eminent amongst Jewish periodi- penings throughout the world. have received this blessing." disorder, creates new problems, enthrones injustice, and buries Canadian points. • ., ... Man has continually to adjust himself in the most ordinary cals. From a literary point of Also of interest is the department peace. People are realizing — and perhaps it may even be too matters as well as in the most important and vital. Life is con- view it is in a class by itself. It Recent Publications and Periodicals which lists everything that late — that without the development of individual conscience tinual adjustment to circumstances. Life is continually chang- appears four times a year under has appeared in print during the FREE! An Expert Counsellor on Room Arrangement the able editorship of Henry Hor- two month period pertaining to \v-3 are lost. ing, change is the law of life, nothing remains the same; not witz. Its contributions invariably the Jew and Judaism. Though the One hears of Moral Re-armaments, of spiritual revivals of only not for a long time but hardly for a moment. The balance are of a high order, and come periodical Is published in the infrom reputable authors. Its pages one sort or another. They are all indicative of the same thing, of the status quo is upset every second. Instability characterizes deal both with questions . touch- terest of the Jew, it is strictly : scientific. of the individual's attempt to purify himself so that he, at all things. Only the dead are stable, though decomposition and ing Judaism and Jewish cultural Many cities in the United States and with themes of a more least, can stand with clean hands and heart in the eyes of the disintegration take place even in seemingly lifeless, inert mat- values, USE OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN—7A5INAM AT 22ND general nature. The historical and which contain large Jewish popLord. ter. The universe is alive, therefore there is ceaseless change. biographical material, an import- ulations boast of their own weeklies. In Omaha, The Jewish Tomorrow the Jews of the world will stand in their syna- And those who can adjust themselves to continual change live, ant feature of almost every issue Press serves well the needs of the Js of unusual interest, and exceedgogues provided their synagogues have not been ground to 'survive'. Those who cannot do so, whether organisms or living ingly worthwhile. The Menorah Jewish community. It is one of the best edited of Anglo-Jewish ruin by German guns—in humble penitence.. They are not con- beings, fall by the wayside. Effective adjustment is a sign of i3 a credit to Jewish letters in weeklies. Its news, the special America, and American Jews may features, and the editorial page cerned with any wrongs done against them, they ate not con- fitness. It is the essence of success. Inability to adjust spells justly be proud of it. it high rank. Jews in the A magazine that I deem to begive cerned with the errors and failings of governments. They are failure, defeat, death. mid-West can find no better of great influence and even greatseeking forgiveness for the wrongs they have done, for whatever The world at the present moment is called upon for a tre- er promise is the bi-weekly called source of Jewish Information than "The Reconstructionist" publish- the Omaha Jewish Press. evil they have committed. mendous adjustment. Mighty forces are breaking down the ed These journals of opinion make by the Society for the AdvanceThis is no day of meaningless ritual, of stilted form. I t is present condition of affairs. The dogs of war, at last unleashed, ment of Judaism in America. It a distinct contribution to Ameria Jay of awesome reality, a day dedicated to the conscience of are running and tearing. One knows not what they will devour is the organ of Dr. Mordecai M. can Jewish life and thought. A Kaplan and. his disciples, a vigor- Jew who wants to keep himself the individual." " '., '.' ' . . , ; " .;." :•_?*: ^ or destroy. The guns of war are crashing and nations and gov- ous and energetic company of fully and correctly informed of i J the Jewish scene, will do well to ernments fall. Bombs destroy cities and civilizations. The bal- Jews who interpret Judaism as a invest a few dollars in one, or civilization and seek to make Juance of such peace as there was is upset. The whole world daism adequate- for their fellow more of these intriguing publicaAmerican Jews. The "Reconstruc- tions. It is wise to do so at the Post-mortems in the best of circumstances are tragically fu- threatens to be in confusion and choas. Dread war is upon us, tionist" is fearless and outspok- beginning of the ear. It" is for tile. The obituary of Poland has been-sung many times before, and the face of everything is changed. Mightier changes will en, and in t t e brief period of its this reason that I begin my colexistence haa won an important umn this year with a brief sumand though today all may seem lost, the country has an uncanny ensue. Mankind, the nations, will be called upon for momentous and unique place in Jewish life. mary of our periodicals. No Jewfaculty for resurrecting its national existence. But whatever the adjustments. Even now the nations are aligning themselves one "The Reconstructionist Papers" ish home can afford to be without 'i outcome of the present conflict, it is definite one phase of Polish way or another and will be called upon for more definite align- published by Behrman's and con- one or more. taining some of the more importnational life is dead—the sorry and sorrowful period of 1919 ments as things developed. For the moment the world is dazed. ant articles ttiat have appeared in Yet there is already going on, not merely arming of the peoples the "Reconstructionist," is a volto 1339. ume of permanent significance. One hesitates to agree with a savage invader, to give cred- which has long been taking place, but the adjustment of "pre"The Jewish Frontier" is the ence to a statement utilised as the pretest for a cowardly in- paredness", ox neutrality", of the revoking of neutrality, of theorgan of the P a 1 e s tine labor Convert Your Topcoat: 1 vasion that brands Sussia, this time with incontrovertible evi- convening , of Congresses in special session, newly-constructed group in America, and appears Money Into a Neio World Its chief interest is PalCabinets, calling of advisory committees, ultimatums, actual monthly. dence, a vulture nation, like Germany and Italy. estine and the building of the of Comfort a « • Note ,c: declarations of war, Grim "War itself as a last, necessary un- Jewish National Homeland in jus* * * tice and righteousness. It is a Poland as a 'nation was a tragic failure. In its death throes, evadable adjustment, to end the intolerable condition of affairs, virile periodical. Especially inNew York (JTA) — An exhibit its incomparable and wonderful heroism brought to it the re-through horrible war to bring about peace, to end the constant triguing are the contributions ofof books and original charts anaChaim Green'oerg, one of its edi-lyzing the scientific and democraspect and admiration of the world. Had its twenty years of exis- menace to- peace, to terminate a condition of chronic anxiety tors, whose logic and style are tic truths about race and race and insecurity, to destroy if may be, those evil forces and perirresistable and whose love for prejudice was opened in the Hall tence "been characterised by the same spirit of sacrifice, Poland of Science and Education of the sons that threaten to destroy the world if they are not destroyed. Palestine and devotion to the New would not today be the prey of a conqueror. York World's Fair this week cause ot social justice are magby Dr. Gerald Wendt, the Fair's Ii . Poland was conceived in a beautiful" ideal—the self-deter- Terrific, tragic adjustments must be made in the days ahead nificent. „ of science and education, •A "Opinion i3 a monthly, exceed- director miuation of subject peoples. Ita rebirth, was accomplished by a ca the part of all. None can escape adjustments large or smalL and Prof. Franz Boas, world reingly difficult to classify. It is in war fought for the preservation oi man's highest liberties. Be- There is no "isolation" against that" fundamental law of the a large sense the personal organ nowned expert on racial questions. The exhibit was prepared by of Dr. Stephen S. "Wise. If it has hind the new nation was a tradition of courage and heroism, of •universe. any particular field in which it the American Committee for Deover a century of stalwart resistance to tyrannical rule. There is one "adjustment" that mankind should learn to Is conspicuous It is that of Jewish mocracy and Intellectual Freedom as a feature ot its American Re"Within a short time Poland was tacitly considered a tragic make, and ~bj which it would escape so much misery and sor-apologetics. However, it does not discovery Week program. The confine itself to thi3 alone. Its committee announced that similar mistake. Forty per cent of its people were not of Polish, stock. row: the adjustment to the moral. All else man tries except pages stoutly defend and expound exhibits will be set up in hundreds Instead o£ trying to cope with its -minority problem intelligent- that. To all else nations devote themselves,—gigantic armament, the "whole program and philoso- of college and general book stores, phy of Dr. "Wise. It Is a provoca- libraries and class rooms throughly, aa did Czecho-Slovaliia, in. ways designed to give them some subtle and mendacious diplomacy, lying propaganda, reliance tive and stimulating journal of out the country, as part ot its measure of justice, Poland began a systematic, semi-official on vast natural and economic resources^—to all but '"morality." opinion. One of its regular and campaign "to lay bare the sources striking features is a monthly campaign to oust her subject peoples from participation in the The simplest of all is ignored, rejected, flquted, sneered at, jeer- contribution from the pen of the of prejudice' which t h r e a t e n American democratic institutions. economic life oi: the country. ed at,.ridiculed as weakness, as utter futile. "Wnereas it is the renowned, John Haynes Holmes. Poland's position was extremely unfortunate. On one side only true adjustment for laek of which, "the times are out of The Jewish Quarterly Review, published In Philadelphia by the was Kussiau communism; on the other soon wa3 to fee Hitler. joint," civilization creaks and crashes, the world becomes a Dropsle College, concerns itself Instead of trying to co-ordinate her national life as %vouid have Red Sea of Blood. The Israelites of old crossed the Red Seaexclusively with Jewish scholarSept. 24 to Sept. 26 ship. It ranks very hlght In acaappeared intelligent, she sowed the seeds of her own disintegra- to the Land of Promise beyond. Mankind will never attain true demic circles: Its erudite articles Sunday, September 34. A. Z. A. No. 100, 2 p. m.. tion. We know best of the outrages against the Jews, because peace and happiness tmtil it makes the infallible adjustment of dealing with the history, the tra- Rooms C and D, Jewish Commudition, and literature of Israel, nity Center. they struck closest home and because of their particular savag- righteousness. All history, and the present times particularly, are exceeding valuable and of Hebrew club, 3 p. m,, lodge ery. But othei' minorities have suffered. The Ukrainians, who prove the truth of the Prophet's words: "There is no peace to permanent worth. To Its pages room, Jewish Community Cenregularly Jewish and ter. were o.£ the same religious faith, whb at least had that one bond the wicked. The work of righteousness shall be peace and the contribute Christian scholars. Those anxious Monday, September 25. of unity, were miserably mistreated. v to keep abreast of the newest deeffect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever." Orchestra rehearsal, 8 p. m., velopments In the field of Jewish auditorium, Jewish Community Polish Jewry has suffered racial discrimination, religious Let mankind gird itself to make, at whatever cost, the learning and scholarship find the Center. ; persecution and economic ostracism. In a nation where the Jew- heroic adjustment of righteousness, in the coming contest, if it Jewish Quarterly Indispensable. Workman's Loan, 8 p. m., The New Palestine is the. organ Rooms C and D, Jewish Commuish population is-over ten per cent, not one Jew has distinguish- is not already upon us, in which wicked men and criminal naof the Zionist organization of nity Center. ed himself, though American Jews of Polish extraction have tions seek for whatever reason, of greed, or ambition or lust of iZonist organization of Amer- fuesday, September 26. They maynot be obtainable at this price later. Senior Hadassah tea, 2 p. m., contributed nobly to cur national life siaee the days of Haym for power, to perperate fiendish cruelty, to make aggression not ica. Despite, its definitely "propagandist character, it is an impor- lodge room, Jewish Community You'll be glad that we suggested this way to get Salomon. Outside of a small Jewish representation" in the Polish only upon the weak and helpless but upon the fundamental tant weekly, publishing articles of Center. this value sensation in topcoats. A $5 deposit Sejm, not one Jaw occupied a government post of even minor laws of morality itself, let the slogan be the stirring cry of the literary merit and containing ImInformation concerning importance. Polish Jewry, the largest in Europe, lived on thewarriors for truth and justice and righteousness of old," Arise, portant will hold it for you until you want it. the development of Jewish Palesalma thrown ii by America. tine which the general press, ne-g0 Lord, and let Thine enemies be scattered! Let those who hate leets. An important feature of the Yet wliea Germany struck the Jews answered Poland's call. Thee..flee before Thee!" The enemies of the good are the en-magazine is the weekly column of Kaunas (JTA) — Joseph Fink, Be sure to see these startling new value They might have reminded Warsaw that two million out of the emies of God! .Those who hate and maltreat man, hate and Ludwig Lewishohrs, always stim- Jewish journalist who was arrestulating and challenging. ed in 1937 by the German Govdevelopments in zipper lined convertible three million Jews were without means of livelihood, forced vilify Ms Maker. The right must triumph! Svil must be overThe latest and most unique ernment and in May, 1939, was into poverty 'by a delibetate governmental poliey. They might publication, one which fills a long sentenced to eight years' ImprisTopcoats . . . tvide range for choice NOW, felt need is the "Contemporary onment for "incitement against iiave recalled the pogxoraa of very recent date. BresS-Litovsk— Jewish Record," published by the Germany in the sforeign press," tragic city—how long ago wa3 it that it was the" scene of vioAmerican Jewish Committee. Its has been released.' 1939-40 — 5699-5700 chief distinction lies in ths fact Fink, who is a Lithuanian citlence against; the Jews, violence culminating ia a rnisaber of Yora Kippur Sat., Sept. 23 that it is a record of contempor- izen and has acted as correspon"brutal murders 1 Polish Jewry might have recalled the fight cf 1st day of Succoth Thurs., Sept. 28 ary Jewish life. Ths scientific, his- dent for the Jewish Morning Jourof New York and other Jewish Jem than a year ago when Polish anti-Semites gleefully aeeom- Simehath Torah Fri., Oct. 6 torian and those who are anxious nal to obtain an authentic picture of newspapers, has been exchanged „IChanukah Thurs., Deo. 7 piialied their plans-for separating Jews in the institutions of present dsy 'IJewish experience, for a German prisoner in Lithus CORRECT APPAREL 'FOR IIEW AKD Fasi of Esther , ........ Sat.,:March S3 •will iind this magazine indispen- ania, after intervention by the learning. How many of those foreed to stand ia humiliation ia ,. SUB.S March 24 sable. . The several issues which Lithuanian authorities.

and TalmBcT ;


Day of Atonement


art ••i»a


Boystown Mecca for U. S. Tourists




"Famous for Fine Furniture*'



Polish Tragedy









Nebraska's Double* Duty Convertible




Community Calendar

Zipper Removable Lining * • •

Jewish Journalist Freed by Germany



y ..Caste 8"


. Deaths

A. Z. A. to Choose "Sweetheart*

, , '.' Gus Berg


By William Rosenwald• In this article Mr. Kosenwalnl, President of the National CiKsrdiluting Committee fond describes the work of tibia adjast« ment of refugees coming ta the • United States —SUITOR.

\ V~


Gus Berg, 66; died on Wednesday evening. September 13, at his home after, an, lllaesa. ot & week. Mr. Berg had been a blacksmith in Omaha for the past forty-three years.' ,',, ..' ...." .' ; *"''. =.--,.. .-. Surviving him are.* his wife, Dora; two nono, Dttve of Otaaha and Jake of Los AngeleB; and two dauffhtefs, Eva and Dorothy of Omaha , , ..: ,..,.;-. , ' Funeral services were, held at the Jewish Funeral home. 'Bujrlal was at Fisher farm. ••-'•'••••-•

boring European countries. Anoth- :hine as their only capital, but Peters is A pacifist. Me aber 10,000 havs gone to Shanghai he expansion of the business rehors destruction, devastation and several thousands more to 1 tiag frgm tha new process they and .. *.^'•',,*. the rage of vrorM conflict. \ .-A Australia. ave used, has made necessary the It might be said that ho folThrough the immigration and roduction of two more machines lows a policy of no beats, no - i colonisation work furthered by ahose output is constantly ex- rates, Mrs. Louis Rosenblum no terrors. Ta« oaly milx*~? .•Funeral: eerylcea were, hold on During tha past sis tragic yea?3 the United Palestine Appeal, re- anding. itary comsnasid he has ever Ia Memphis, Tenn., a products Monday tor Mrs. Hattlo Hosenmany of the thousands who wera settlement of more than 60,000 is "Colsuaaists Right." ompany formed by refugees has heeded bium, 82, who died on Sunday. driven trom their homes by racial was made possible in Palestine. Aad since, what with th© carFor those who have come to legua to employ several Americ- rent Eurojseaa scrap, a war Mrs, Soflonblum had resided In persecution uader the Nazi regiaia .. > ^ , ans in a new process " of food thia country, every facility was Omana for fifty years. in Germany, have found a havaa column seems to be invested, extended for rapid adjustment to [reparation. Surviving her aro: sons,. Sam in every part of the world. ho hies tarnea over the Jd> to A German process of plastic someone with a little more and Joo .of Omaha;. daughters, For a great number of these American Ufa through the reof tha National Coordin- aint manufacture is now being Mrs. Sarah Froh'mv Mrs. M, Prleshelpless immigrants, aid provided sources Committee Fund, toe Thus tallowed at a new plant in New thirst tot blood. man, Mra Morris Chlakln, alt ot through the Joint Distribution ating these thres organizations, fork City, founded by immigrants Omaha, and Mra. A. P. Kendis Committee was vital ia tha sola- have WAR LEXICON fuad-raiaing e f f o r t s are smploying additional American laof LOB Angeles; eight grandchildion of the vexing problem of flatt- whose Wars aren't fought any more furnished by George Johnson and One ot the above pictured contesContestants for the honor are: in the 1939 United Jew- ior. ren, and one great /grand-child; ing a refuge. Approsimaely 130,- combined like when we were & boy. Mod- tants trill be chosen "Sweetheart Connie Meyer, LaBrlna Hereoft, his orchestra. The committed in sh Appeal for Refugees and OverBurial was at Pleasant Hill. . A publisher of scientific books 000 refugees have been enabled seas ern military and political strategy charge of this dance1B headed by of A.,Z. A." a t the annual Achar Ruth Selden and Gloria and EveNeed3, dealt with the major n Germany, whose family had to maintain themselves ia neigh- iha3es has tossed the accepted terminP. A. G > Irving Nogg, assisted by Hataunis dance to be given tolyn Wolk. The "Sweetheart" is of the refugee problem. een in the publishing business Mre. Celia Melcher : ' iato discard and given new morrow night at the Jewish Corn- selected by the popular vote Ot Stan Turkel, Mort Soref, Norman Complicating the already severe or generations, ha3 now taken up ology Mrs. Oella Melcher, 71, died meanings to old words. A reHatm. Dick Zlotfty. Justin Prtea:risis in the lives of hundreds of ere the work he was forced to vised vocabulary ot warwords is unity Center by Mother Chapter those attending the dance. , Sunday morning after an illness znan, and Morris Arbitman. f A. Z. A. Music tor the affair is being thousands of victims of persecu- jive up abroad. A plaat ia New the obvious need ot tha day. To ot the past two years; > i ' i ' Hollywood tion in Central and Eastern. Eur- ork is working with an increas- get the thins started, we are hapSurviving her are a daughter, ha3 beea the closing of doors ing staff ia the manufacture of py to make the first' coatriauion contain military objectives, tor the threshold to find the house friend's house executing a tlank- Mrs. B. Newman; three sons, Baal, Mcrry-Go-Royncl ope in ail parts of the world. Although atent indicating devices, aad a a a small -way: all you know, so let's bomb it ia complete darkness. The movement,," said the tot,, and Jack and George ; and four grand* many refugees look to the United manufacturer who formerly made anyway, nlcht wahr? greeted us with an apologetic added quickly: "You'll have to children. . . .•:-, .By IRVING SONBERS tates as their haven, this country ki3 in Austria, i3 sow producing excuse ma.- We're having gensmile. • Funeral services were held SunAggressloa—An act committed ry ha3 admitted only a small num- hem in tha United States. ' Torpedo (German) — An ex- "The children are having a eral staff consultations in-the bed* day afternoon at the Jewish Fun> by a weaker nation in withholdThe war has provided the best ber, and that uader the restrictive eral.Home. Burial wasl at KlBho'r plosive missile which a govern- blackout," she said. "But come, room,", ,aad .he was gone. The men and women who come ing territory froia a stronger powpossible break for Metro's "Thun- laws which have guided American o the United States, we have We turned to 'Barbara, aged ?, Farm cemetery. ' ""< meat fires into' Its own ships, I'll lead you Into the dining room.' er. (See also provocation.) der Afloat," a submarine chasing Emigration policy for the past ;een, have devoted their lives to killing its own subjects, with the " Tripping over the umbrella who seemed to be removed from story, and for Charlie ChapUa'3 fifteen years. he pursuit of those skills which — The extinguishing obvious intent of gaining sym- Etaad, we asked with* a little irri- the hostilities. She was playing t l...\?i f^Jr "The Dictator" — if, he can manThe admission of refugees ha3 nee made Germany, Austria and ot Blackout tation: "Why don't you Bpanlc.the on the floor with some torn-rags. lights ia & given city because iathy abroad. age to shoot it here before the come under the terms of the Na-Czecho-Slovakia kids and put the lights on?" center of spe- the glare hurts the eyes of enemy "What, are you dblnff, Barshooting 3tops over there. In tional Origins Act of 1924, ascialized crafts. the They come to us aviators. Popular among the poor "Can't," she replied, feeling bara?" we asked, with an ;effort — ( l ) Armed conflict what he had considered hi3 final amended in 1929. But, neverthe- with their iatelligence, their cour• along the wall. "The children at being pleasant. ' waged without declaration. and among young lovers. script, Chaplin — as a Jawi3h less, there ha3 been discussion of and their resourcefulness un2) Declaration accompanied by made the fuse-box a military ob- ; "I'm in: charge ot the base hos« tailor who doubles for Hitler — this subject ia some quarters age mpaired. It i3 important to rejective and.bombarded our power pital," she said curtly. was to have averted a war by which has had a tendency to ig- all that they were expelled not Democracy—A form ot political very little armed conflict. • supply." By this time our hoateea had double-crossing Der Adolf at an nore the basic fact3 and this ha3 because they were paupers or ia- administration which government "Well, suppose I run down and reappeared, a dim shadow in the international pow-wow. Now he'll served to confuse some sections of ompetent3, but for the very rea- heads systematically undermine WAR INVADES THE HOME probably turn the picture into a he general public. What are the lon that they were successful. tor years by concessions to its For those good souls who arebuy a couple of fuses," we sug-doorway. , • '. . • : • tragedy and cheat the little tailor :acts? enemies until they are dragged trying to keep the European, con- gested.' "You must be starved," s h e The work of helping tha newof his triumph. And if Italy rewar, whereupon they becotae flict away from our shores, I am "Sorry," said the Mrs. "Thesaid. . '^Dinner will bet nerved la For the six and one-ha3f year omers adjust themselves to their into mains on its good behavior, the period its avowed chief defenders. unhappy to report that the war children have ruled that fuses a minute. Ot course, you know from July 1, 1932 through representation of Mussolini also December 3a, 1933, the total of new evlroament is carried on spirit has already invaded Amer- are war supplies and will torpedo the children'are only allowing ua hrough a well-integrated prowill be toned down. ica in the form of military .lan- any transport attempting to land to serve wartime, rations.". She Encirclemeait — (German) The Jernian immigration to this coun- raza uader the direction of tha act of other nations in uniting to guage. What with battle reports them." gave an embarrassed laugh. ry ha3 been only 65,404. If the Co-ordinating Commit- halt the natural expansion ot a monopolizing our front pages and We arrived, with bruised shins, ''Say, what is thia?" we asked, Harry Conn, Columbia Pictures number of 35,404 is reduced by National ee, which coacertt3 itself with all radio broadcasts, people these ia the dining room. Two dimwith' mounting anger.: "WJdo runs prexy, announced that his studio the 22,332 Germans who return- phases of adjustment. Courses ia great nation. Not to be used to . ••:-, , contemplates no change in pro- ad to Germany from July 1, 1932English asd in citizenship arts be- denote the surrounding of a weak- days conduct ordinary coaversa- caudles lit the table. Trying to this houBe?'.' recover our usual amiability, we duction. In 3pite of the war sit- through December 30 of last year, ing conducted. Social and com-er nation la pursuance ot nation- tioas like generals. al destiny. The other evening we were la- asked one of the children where * Nicholas I 'Of '.Russia in 1887 uation in Europe, he said, "wa the total net immigration from activities are promoted, aad • vited out to the home of friends the oldest so:v was. began settling Jews on farms in are not pulling' in any horna. A3 Germany becomes only 43,042 aa munal recreational ' opportunities a r e ' ': "Oh, Bob's over, at his girl Siberia.-" - " ' ' " ' Froat—A rapidly moving line for dinner. We walked across a matter of fact we plan a bigger average of 6,622 persons each opea. Local committees h a v e denoting the point at which an schedule for the coming season." year. been organized for thia wort in i i a forces rest tor the night. He was of the opinion that one Thia small annual average since many communities throughout the SAYS: of the effects of the war will bo couatry aad their co-operatioa Jews — ( German) (1 > During a change in the trend of atories. the Third Reich was established with the National Co-ordinating compares with the average of 30,peacetime, a terra of contempt and awd so© 452 people who came to the Unit- Committee has proved most help- derogation applied to a scapegoat War pictures are now consid- ed ful. Every facility is offered for people taaried tor destruction; a States from Germany in each ered hot for the b. o. One of of the thirteen years 1919 to the rapid integration of tha Immiparasitic people unable to do any them, and the first to be re- 1932 before the rise of Nazism. grants into Americaa life. Its©! ONLY oito useful work. leased, is Columbia's "U-Boat In other words, aa average of aB1 car Under the guidance. of trained (3) Daring wartime, a term'Omaha* 29," a drama of espionage and four times as many immigrants TJ-Boat warfare, and as thrilling- came here from Germany before social workers aad leaders ot applied to compatriots useful as broad vision tha process ot edu- physicians, laborers, etc.; a peoly timely as today's headlines. Hitler aa after Hitler. cating new immigrants to tha best ple desanrias of consideration as Based upon our national popu- a American citizenship becomes a military aid. Samuel Goldwyn has tempor- lation of 130,000,000, the 1933no more difficult than ia the days arily postponed production of net from all coun- of great waves of newcomers to Uviag E c c s n — ( l ) Whatever "Raffles," in which David Niven tries immigration the United States repre- our shores. territory a nation wishes to anis starred. With the call to the sentedtoless .springs, chae4-1000 of one per At this moment when the en- nex. colors Imminent for Niven, a lieu- cent of ourthan population. •[ ergy aad the intelligence ot the (2) (Rare) Parlor. tenant in the British Army ReSurely the absorption of such a United States are betas called iato serves, Goldwyn announced that Neutrality — ( l ) w h a t a. small production will proceed as soon small fraction could not possibly play to meet truly pressing emeras a stellar substitute has been represent any threat to the jobs gencies la many fields, it should nation declares when It hates the : e l l m l n a t i p n i ; . : ©ft a l l ,'•. of Americans. The number of pobe relatively easy — graated the guts ot a belligerent but Is scared pigned for Nlven'3 role. tential wageearners is further re- devotioa of all men ot good Trill to say so. • to solve the comparatively • y o u r • 'oar-.-vB' -."Fioafi- [I (2) What an axis nation deWarner Brothers ictures, in it3 duced when one remembers that reply to Frits Kuhn's $5,000,000 more than half, or from 37,500 to minor problem which the entrance clares when It wants to help a a damage suit arising from the link- 50,000 of the immigrant were of a few thousand newcomera may ally but wants to continue being ing of the German - American children, married women, aged raise. The situation call3 only for able to buy supplies abroad. I* ///.'/S'/' ,'s "'?' (3) "What a great overseas the German government people, or other non-wage earners. tolerance, fairness and sympathy. This leaves a relatively small (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts tion declares when It detests an in the picture "Confessions of a Features Syndicate.) invader bat waats to keep out of Nazi Spy," asserted: "The Bund number who came here to take up the mesa. and Its members are active mili- aa independent existence. Thi3 recital of figures takes ao Council to Fight Hitlerism tant propagandists of Nazi ideolNoa-Aggresaloa—A pact signed ogy, and endorse and actively sup- aecouat of the highly importaat port and would plant and pro-fact that tha refugeea represent New York (JTA) — The Non- as a preliminary to aggression. one of the finest immigration pagate in the United States the Sectarian Anti-Nazi League has Opea City—A city which may •undemocratic principles of Adolf stocks ever to have come to thia announced formation of a Councountry. Surveys taken amoag Hitler, and are, therefore, discil of Orgaaizatioas for the purrepresentative groups of them loyal to the United States and pose of combining tha forces of abuse the rights and privileges of show that oaly 3 per cent have Americaa democratic organizahad no formal schooling aad 8 3 their American citizenship. tions with those of foreign-born per cent were graduates of ele- American citizens of Ctech, SloA two-reel film, "So They May mentary schools. Approximately vak, Polish, French, British, Ger- Jewish Books and All Live," depicting the Ufa of Jew- 14 per ceat had college degrees. maa aad Austriaa aatioa&lities to Other Religious Articles Tha benefits which thesa peo- fight Nazism in the United .States ish children in Poland, will soon Decaiur WE 2327 through the American Jewish ple can bring to U3 are immeaJ o i n t Distribution Committee, surably. All of U3 are already Aa aati-Semitic play written by R*f!gl<Jua artists liks machstlrlm American agency aiding distressed aware of tha magnificent contri- Karl Sessa was ia 1815 prohibited with JcwrUh and Engtlth translation*, prayer bookt, taleUm, cltlt Jews overseas. The film, taken bution to our culture mada by Al- from production by the police of and wool of th« best rlnoi, «te. in Poland just prior to the out-bert Eiasteia, T h o m a s Mann, several German cities. Heiarich Brueniag, Arnold Schobreak of the war, ia being rushed Rtm*mb*r *!so to plies ycur or. to completion in laboratories in eaherg, Stefan Zweig, Mas Rein* A goldea key aow on display cur with m« fsr an «trea and a hardt, and Emil Lederer. Theaa in the Cathedral of Seville was a luiev that It bafng ImUorUel by me New York. The sound track will artts>lcra«i. Kosher ess?, be partly English and partly Yid- men,. and many others who are gift of the city's Jews to Ferdia- from Year erecting Carta. dish with Engli3h titles. Many lost-to Germany, have demonstrat- and III of Castile in 1240. of the scenes depicted are now in ed tof the world onca agaia that America ia a country built by the war area. maay peoples and many race3. Tha advantages the refugees Loudest snicker echoing from the Russo-German pact was Eng- bring are more tangible and more land's approval given a Soviet- immediate than in the fields of made picture called "rofessor arts alone. Many economists conMamlock." The film originally sider the immigrants an importaat had been withheld from exhibi- factor ia the return of prosperity, OAaa «&st'B, tion because it was so bitterly Ia English, for example, the entraace of 11,000 refugees wa3 dianti-Nazi. rectly responsible for the creation at" So-What shorts: George Jes- of 15,000 jobs. The same expansel's peace offering gift to Nornia sion of industrial development has T'S colossal:;. Talmadge was a gorgaou3 dia- occurred in Holland and Australit's stupendous mond necklace. He's carrying the ia, aad scores of instances of es Mt B nusreiatted torch for her and makes no secre tabliahmeat of new industries have been recorded ia this couaof it. tsdi" ilBttroipSa tg&LWB : Fmetis BOA vscrsa RMSIC EYE and even t h e s e ' The Ritz Brothers have taken try as well. -eaSsy... . - ••••••. .: The skills which the refugaes a contract release — instead o Hollywood words' another picture for $60,000—and bring to thia country ars especial>HSH for giant value aren't emphatic enough to ly notable because they are ia are heading back to vaudeville. Paulette Goddard (Mrs. Charlie fields where American industry telt you what a whale of a bargdn thia Chaplin) is supposed to be th has never beea fully developed. For many years Germany led the mighty RCA Victor triumph ia! object for a kidnap plot; she has been going about with body- world in photographic equipment, The cabinet of Model K-80 literally4asand tha exodus ot experts h a s guards. The same violin repertoire tha served to build up ia thia country zle3 with beauty! I t is « 3/8* high, M r earns Dave Rublnoff thousands 0 a quality production .of photowide, 1411/1&' deep. Its tone ia beyond dollars on tha radio, stage and graphic materials which bid3 fair acreen won and lost him ?1.49 as to equal and surpass Geraiaa procompare! Its features will thrill you—for a blind street-fiddler. Rubinoff duction. Case histories of German they provide radio performance that Kite a bet Police Chief Quinn of San specialists in photography who Francisco he could collect $10 have begun agaia in this country new peak of perfection! And look at that an hour, disguised as a musical caa be multiplied maay-fold. On price! Come early—and take advantage outstanding record concerns a ref©r srsaai! SShiSdrsst ead then had beggar. Ha failed to turn over Ms meager collection ugee who ha3 built ua a photoof this unprecedented offer while i t lasts! graphic historical service whlca as part of the wager. gives a complete history ia photoIa additloa to the above, this tremendous radio velae t&tn For Ensr tMfo psrfejiaansa-RSA Visli? ReS'i td&a Bobjby Breen, who will be made you many othet fedtuieil Thc»t include rbetal tubsa, puah-putl Into a manly youngster if it kills graphs of any subject desired. Th output, 3-poiat h;£!» frecrJtcc7 teas control, (mesmatie tcAa him, has a fight with a 200-pound service, which does act duplicate compessatioa, automatic volume esatiot any other Americaa enterprise, bully in his next picture. was first established ia Geraiaay Jack Benny, scheduled to start aad has beea hlghSy successful ia his next Paramount assignment early in October, plans to fly to it3 transplantation here. Detroit for the Loui3-Pastor fight Several German immigraats September 20. From there ha will have established a glovg factory go to Chicago to na. c. at the ia Chicago which now employ American Legion convention. approximately 150 Chieagoasa, (Copyright, 1339, by Seven Arts Tfeey same to the Halted States in I • - Feature Syndicate.) 11937 with oaa glove-making ma-| ssss u



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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1939 ot the Joint Distribution Commit- Theological Seminary of America In .1917, been convinced that the which, joined with the Zionist Or- becoming more friendly and com* tee which had headquarters there at the time of the re-organization movement for the resettlement of ganizatlon, would be representa- paniable with hosts ot men. And Palestine held Within itaelt the tive of the Jewish communities of he repaid this charming lady with for some months, and even assist- of that institution in 1901, at ed in the purchase from the Amer- once accepting the chairmanship promise of any great practical re- the entire world, to unite Zloniste a love and devotion worthy of the and non-Zionists in the upbuild- pen of Borne great medieval poet ican military stores of larga quan- Of its Executive Committee, and sult. . ing of Palestine both as a safe when romantic love was supposed Not Zionist tities of overcoats, boots, and in 1905, the chairmanship of its He never became a member of and pleasant country in which to to be the principal - business of woolen socks to be sent Into Po- board. He watched every detail land during that abnormally cold of this institution throughout this the Zionist Organization, but was dwell and as a center of Jewish life; and she deserved it! whole period. " •'•'-- willing to help Palestine, writing cultural and religious renaissance. winter and spring. Simple Tastes The last public act ot hiB great The giving of a mere list of "While I am willing to give Belief of Rassiaa Jewry Marshall was a man of frugal the Jewi3h Educational Institu- shekels in the plural, t am notlife was to append his name to From 1919 on, he interested tions both local to New York and yet able to pay a shekel." But the constitution of the enlarged and simple personal taste3 and himself particularly in the relief national, which had his interest even prior to the Balfour Declara- Jewish Agency which to hitn never got over the habits Of econof the Jews of Russia, not be-and support, would serve no point tion, he had interested himself in meant not only the prospect of omy which had been forced upon cause he had any predilection ia the rehabilitation ot Palestine, him in hla youth. It was a diffiSfanday, gepfcm&t tha Bar. 'fheaa aarly briafa, al- Court oa heha.ll of t i e rights of favor of tha Jew3 in one country in stressing his devotion to 'the two projects In Palestine. but a united. effort of the Je\Vs cult thing to persuade him that whole cause. But at least, there uu-ked tha tewih ass One waa the Technical Institute most hoy!sh compositions, -must tn.e Catholic Church in Oregon. as against another, but because must be mentioned two more— at Haifa, and the other, the Jew- of the world In the carrying oh of a new suit of clothes or a new I the death of Laula Marshals, hava been logical and ooaviacias: Ha argued it principally upoa JewisH leader &i 5ua argasieat3; 'otherwise, lie would the grouad of the rigbt3 of par- ne felt that, owing tq the lact Use Educational Alliance in Newish Agricultural Experiment Sta- all worthy Jewish projects. He hat waa hot totally uncessary. He wore the old-fashioned congress Xo conuueinorate sJie an- HOE hava • contiausd to raceiva or- ents to direct the education of that for three or four years cotn- York City, ot which he was a di- tion. The Technical Institu.e was happy in this accomplish- gaiters which have almost dis.» pilgrimage to hia •dera for theas from men older- their own children so long as thanvunicatioa with Russia had been rector, und the general movement brought great difficulties Which ment. appeared from the memory * of .^......JWSitleHJ Fields Ceme. than he. William C. Baser was educational requirements of the impossible, America ought to toward the establishment 'of finally resulted In the resignation man. lie never owned a horse and up to the Jews of Russia Young Men's Hebrew Associa- of the American members of the i'-ry. New "STorfc, was organized one of tha lawyers who esaaiined ] schools - to which' these children inake Shortly after Marshall's coming carriage.' or later, an automobile, what she had not been able to do tions. He was ona of those who Curatorium and the Agricultural to New York, in 18D4, he and asttJef the joist allspices of Mr. Marshall for admission to thawere sent suet the standards set for them during the intervening early realized that Jewish educa- Experiment Station Which was Judge Sulrberger had a talk,-and and never. took a cab when a VongsegaUoa Ssaaitu-Si of New Bar. He was 30 impressed with. up 'by the State or Municipality. years'. tion coald not stop with childhood started with very high hopes, thie Judge, who waa a confirmed street car could be found. X^rk, iha Amerlcaa Jewish hiai that Txo had him coma to Ms The Supreme Court of the United However, this simplicity of Not the least important of Mar- end that something must be done came to an end because of thebachelor. 6ald to Marshall: "Now, ' V&MWiilttee, and G»e Jewish office, and the day ho was ad-Statas rendered a decision ia shall's services to hi3 people waa with the adolescent and growing war. The Teehnlcum, as it is Louis, if you stick to your work taste and economy did not carry "Tfteologleal Seminary o* Amor- mitted to the Bar, Marshal! be- favor of his'contention. his defense of them when vilified boy girl; but his interest was not called, is still in existence. <ea. ISepreseatsttivea of aiS casxa a partaer in Ruger's firm. and don't marry one ot those Itself throughout all his interests. He had a fine collection of paintIt i3 not possible in the course or maligned. The keen power of simply local to New York in this , of Jewish life pastietWhen, In 1017. Great Britain damned society wotn^n In Newings, Not very long thereafter, Mr. of tals sketch, nor necessary, to analysis, superb argumentative regard. exclusively landscapes, and York, you'll have a great career in thia tribute. The fol- Kugar became Chief Justice of the pledged itself to facilitate the espossessed a good example of albefore yon." £ memoir hy 3Jr. At'tler, Court of Appeals, the highest write the history of all tha great ability, and vigorous literary style tablishment ot a national home "When a National Council was every famous Amerlcaa his ivlead and successor aa court of New York and the lawJewish causes to which Marshall which he employed on the many started by which it was sought for the Jewish people, he thought On May 6, 1895, Mr. Marshall most painter of his time, as .well as occasions he was called upon to ' yrcgldeivt of the American Jew- firm became Jsnney, Broods and devoted himself. One of the most denounce that the undertaking came within married Pibjrence t<owenBtein. a anti-Jewish propaganda to unite these Young Men's and the realm of practicability and ha very charming young lady who notable wa3 with regard to tha •'-ahCommittee, is based1 OH HJS- Marshall. As scon aa ha had been termination (Continued on page 7.) —and, especially after tha war,Young Women's Hebrew Associa- advised the American Jewish.' seemed to the critical eye of jud?a of the Treaty of IS"2 ierial compiled by U* . Adler admitted to tha Bar, ha became with Russia, because of Russia's these were frequent—made tions, and kindred organizations, his after t!»e tieath oi 52r. active in the Courts and had ar-refusal to recognise the American letters and speeches against such he became one of the members of Committee to give it cordial Sulzberger originally, to belong to the group that he had anathemthat Council; and later, at the recognition. gued aiora cases ia tha Appellate passport except when it suited agitation classics in their field. outbreak of the War, when it be- It was his firm conclusion that atized. It was not long before the Court3 before he was thirty, than her to do so. After exhausting The Dearborn Independent and hecame a great friend of Louis Marshall waa born ia tha average lawysr would hava all kinds of dioloaiatlc negotia- the support which its proprietor, came necessary to greatly "enlarge It was the solemn duty of the Judge work and extend ita benefits Jews of the world to aid the un- Mrs. Marshall, and time and a^racuse, Naxv York, oa Deceia- in another decade. tions ovsr a period of forty year3; Mr. Henry Ford, one of the rich- this she used to twit him with >«E* 14. 1353, the fJn of Jacob Many stories are .told of how it and finding that these were fu- est men of the world, gave to the to the many thousands of young dertaking of the resettlement of again, early advice to her husband Xarahall, a uativa oi' Wuerteui- came about that Loui3 Marshall tile, largely because in the last steady stream ot calumny against men who went into the army and the Jews in Palestine, and h# his inquire whether she had been >«rg, fl-eruiaay. Ilia father tat- left Syracuse, which waa so dear analysis foreign trade waa deemed the Jewish people, caused him in-navy, he became a member of the once said at a notable gathering and a drag upon his career; and InGO. ESth ur-Uad to t i e United States in to him, and aaigratad to Naw superior to American rights, it tense concern and great sorrow. new board, known as the Jewish at the house ot Oscar S. Straus deed shfe nevef was. that they should do this even if •..$13, tiia year which marked the York, but it ia not inipossibla that Was finally decided to take this A week after this paper began its Welfare Board. AT 4 2 8 8 She merged her life absolutely These labors and many more they had doubts about its econnvgiuuiug of the wave of migra- the strong impression that tie cauaa to the people through Con- campaign against the Jews of WHOLESALE with him. She had a direct Intion from Germany following the raade usoa' Judse Mayer Su'a- gress. America and of the world, he sent on behalf of Jewish learning and omic success. O Candies ' O Cigara fluence on his public career BeHis point of view was that the .-.'tljura of the •revolutionary snovo- herser and the Judge's frienda telegram of vigorous protect to education he regarded as ancillary O Tobacco O Pipoo Founded. Jewish Committee cause he was high-tempered and to Judaism—and in spite of thfe nations of the world having made •iiiiuta of 1343. ship with Mr. Randolph. GusseraO Fountain Sappliea . was one of tha found- Henry Ford. fact that during the greater part it possible for a portion of theat times stormy, while she was a Q Mia mother left Geraiaay Iu heimar, had sometMnj to do witi ersMarshall Bevor&ges Thereafter, he engaged in mo3t of hi3 grown-up life he had toJewish people to settle upon their soothing and restraining influence of tha American Jewish Com:-i33 and after a seventy-two Marshall remoxml to New York mittee. painstaking study to trace the deal with a Judaism split up into ancestral soil and there rebuild which undoubtedly aided him in He served as a loyal aid and Ma entry into, tha well-estzbjays' voyage ia a sailing ahiy, its first President, Maysr Snlz- origin of the so-called Protocols m3ny fragments and elements, he a home, it would be nothing short :•»arrived in America. His parent3 lished firm which then became to berger, tha latter's retire- of the Elders of Zion, the ridicu- was never a party man so far as of disgrace to the Jewish people •jvaatually aettled ia tha hardy Gugsenheimer, ITatermyer, and ment inuntil 1912, -when, without lous libel oa which many of these things Jewish were concerned. He the world over, especially those jiud vlaoroua city of Syracuse. Marshal!. :eat!oa and without hesitation, articles were based. He collected saw no incongruity ia being Pres- comfortably situated In America; ::i<s family lived the Mi's of many It is not tha purpose of thia Marshall elected his succes- material; he had rare books ident of Temple Emanu-El and If they should abstain simply be•Jtwiah families who migrated to sketch, to follow MarshaU'3 legal sor. Hiswas en behalf of the photographed, not for the purpose Chairman of the Board of the cause they were not sure of eco;.L!t» United States — tha father career, and tha write? is incap- Committeework was constant. It was of publishing a memorandum or Jewish Theological Seminary—he nomic success. iiowly building up a business to able of appraising it, but it is with him every day, aad even to book, but to inform, himself. It is was a true liberal, respecting evAided Zionists •nitf&ort hia wife ana children— well known that ha did become a summarize it would far esceed a great pity that he never had ery man's opinion, the actual em. Because he held these views, -!V3 mother rearing tha family, •great lawyer, that he had a deep the limits of thi3 skatch. the -time to put together this On the bodiment of Schechter's happy he took careful and methodical .lidini* Sn the business, aad both understanding of the fundaaieat3 other aand, to pas3 this over in whole story in the clear, logical phrase, Catholic • Israel. steps, in cooperation with th>j are known everyToI'iiUig to keep alive a. spirit of of the law, that his services wers a sentence or two, would give but and Illuminating manner, of Hi3 last great contribution to World Zionist Organization, first Judaism. in requisition in hundreds of im- an imperfect picture of the last which he was capable. where for s a f e the Jewish cause was in connec- through the appointment of a It would seam that his mother portant eases, largely ia later twenty years of hi3 life. In season and out of season, he tion with Palestine. Always cher- Palestine survey Commission with 3xerciaed the greatest influence stages before Court3 of Appeal continued with this subject, and His first public act as President mileage. Your size >;.t lormtns tha boy's character, for and befora the Suprema Court of of the Committee waa in Janu- it was one of the gratifications of ishing a deep sentiment for thewhich be ardently labored, and Holy Land, he had not, until the later through the negotiations for lo her the son referred time aaJ the United States. his life that in 1927, Mr. Ford at the close of the Balis here time of the Balfour Declaration the establishment of a body The important point is that al- ary, 1913, j.' She had a fine taate for Wars, when ha sddre3S3d confessed that he had been misnturatui'e, especially for German most coincident with M3 removal fcan Wilson on behalf of theled; that he wa3 "deeply mortiiitorature, and was oi a deeply to New York and his entry into a President Jewish population whidi might fied that thi3 journal . . . had very, busy Ufa in" a very busy pro- be V«sl!giou3 nature. Let us save you transferred from one Balkan been made the medium for resurSinn Hears—9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Telep&ono AT 7334 Aai old friend. Henry Wollmau, fession, he became an aetivs mem- State to another in view of a recting exploded fictions'! and' ber of the Jewish Community, deria* given an outline of these money with these meeting of delegates and ambas- that he would do anything *in his «arly days. Marshall went to thevoting, to the causa of the Jewish sadors which was being held in power to make amends for this people, ona cannot say-his spare Seventh Ward Public School of extra safe, extra London at that time. YiTitb. bills calumny. .Syracuse and to ita high school; time for ha had none, but much to, restrict immigration, with Dlsli&ed Political Clabs of Ma tima which he might othermileage tires. iii addition, he aad his sisters athardships suffered by immigrants One of his pet aversions was tended German a a at Hebrew wi39 hava given to more gainful and with difficulties experienced Jewish political clubs which -••'hoola after nubile school "hours. occupation or to procuring a lit- by aliens in naturalization pro- spring up from time to time unThere waa no grind ot poverty, erary reputation among the maai- ceedings he was constantly em- der, unwise influences in heated of Control ton her3 of o a Bar. hat no luxury. ployed. elections. He approved of politi1 Studied J-s»w cal clabs feutv denounced ._-them .little Money; fa ; Cerl Allusion i a a been -laaiia t'» t i e •Witaia ' a. ".faw days "attar the when they were'Hebrew RepubliShortly after" leaving .tha high outbreak of the 'World War, Marschool, when he waa stlli hut a fact that Marshall, wiles well on shall racogniasag that nearly two- can Clubs or Hebrew Democratic -'outh, he began the study of law, toward middle Ufa, learned to thirds of the Jew3 of the world Clubs holding that: "We Jews esin accordance with the fashion of read Yiddish well. Ha defended w«re situated within the Euro- pecially owe a duty to ourselves ihat day, in a lawyers office, that the Yiddish newspaper aad in sev- pean "War Sone, realized that to occupy a. dignified attitude of Nathaniel B. Smith. Ona oferal, .the Foreign Press against great efforts must be made for toward public questions — not to iho- things that he did when ha the attacks of the one hundred thMr relief. But the first aetual cheapen our name, not to permit •-.vaj ia this office was to zealously per cent Americans,, on the call came to him, aa President of it to be dragged through the mud react all tha books, avan tha old-ground that it waa only through the American Jewish Committee, of ward politics. It should have eat dad dustiest ones and those thia Foreign Press that tha im-from Palestine, aad hi3 prompt to 113 a sacred connotation and at» longer ia use. Whenever there migrant could get some idea of. action upon that occasion, in con- should not be "placed in danger Two-way strefeh, tubular knit nas! nothing else to da, he read, America and American Institu- junction with Jacob H. Schlff aad of being soiled and contaminand having gotten everything out tions'. ated." . with the Provisional Zionist Orgirdle! that keep you comOn ona occasion, during tha ganisation, resulted in the formaof Mr, Smith's library that ha He wa3 particularly concerned fortable whtlo they control. thought ha could, ha would i?o World War, when it waa prepcasd tion oi the American Jewish. Re- about the religious schools conovar in his apare time to theto suspend a Y14di3h newspaper lief Committee cf which he ba-gregational Sliss and styles for Iftho and communal, and (and it may be remarked paren- cama. President. Court of Appeals' library. powerfully aided the' movements young figures, medium sizes Later, ha entered tha Lawthetically, a Yiddish newspaper.1 Prom that time on, he never looking to the preparation of wellSchool of Columbia University in which, up to that time, had Seen ceised and more mature figures. M3 activity in the gather- trained teachers for such schools; New Y o r k City. "Professor unfriendly to Marshall) on theing of funds he recognized the fact that new for the relief of sufUwigtit." writes Mr. Wollmaa, ground that it wa3 opposing tha ferers of tha war, wherever they methods were desirable and, to "waa tha head of that school. All draft or wa3 otherwise unpatri- might be. fie travelled far andthis end, lent hi3 support to the those who aver wars students un- otic, Marshall went to Washing- wide; he addressed gatherings in establishment of the Bureau of der Professor Dwight say that ha ton and gave his personal guarpart of t i e country and Jewish Education; he interested •waa a genius. Ke aooa cams to antee to the Postmaster General every with superhuman strength himself in the religious education regard Louis Marshall as a genius. that he would read every editor- labored in a causa which resulted in the of Jewish girls which in various ial which appeared in tha paper, Often, when Professor Dwight reof more than eighty sections of the community had cited a principle at law that waa aad, if thara wa3 anything un- •gathering cf dollars. But be waabeen woefully neglected. This negreferred to in a reported case in patriotic in it, he would report miliiosa not alone concerned, about tho lect had specially attracted the this state (Navv YoTlt). ha would it to the Department. attention of his wife, and after of the fund. call on young Marshall to tell the Ha waa fully appreciative of gathering Ha was a member of the. Joint her death, he devoted a considerFBB TIBE THAT STOPS 4 TO 2 2 3 E7I2CT Q1DICHEE1* «laaa tha aam* of the case, tha the difficulties inherent in the sum of money to the estabbooli and page whara it was to presence • o£ tan million. Negroes Distribution Committee and. in-able lishment of schools for the Jew^e found, which our young ia a white population, largely terested himself ia every part of ish education of girls in New York He had a good knowlulumed knight always did." settled within states where they it3 work. o£ conditions in Eastern City, which he named in her memAfcave* Piatie girdle. Firm At that time, the full law had once been slaves. Nevertha- edge and a discriminating Judg- ory, "The Florence Marshall two-way stretch with deeoursa at Columbia covered two Jes3, he .recognized that this W33 Europe Schools." ment in trying to remedy thei tachable crotch ef Swami M yadVB. Marshall did them both in ona portioa of tha pogulation "While Ms duty ia Pari3 in 1919 Jewish Edacatioa ehth that you can wash oua. After leaving the Lawwhich had not coma to America was with the Peace Conference, He associated himseif With the Come iit Today! Make the dramatic every night. 14-in. size, MO School, ha returned to Syracuse oi ita own free will; that i t had oae-rninuti, xvet-glass demonstrs•whera he entered a law office, and suffered great degradatiou; and Ita gave Eiiich. Usaa to the work Board of Directors of tha Jewiah that a special duty was imposed at tha age of • twenty-two, ha waa titin. Secforyourself ho v/ tiesklddci Right, Girdle tailored to oa ilia whits people of the United admitted to tha Bar. RoyalMastersaHbrdprotectJoatylth give lots of wear and a niceStates to protect and to aid taia Thia formal statement of hi3 Iy controlled figure, Soft quicker stops... coctrol of skids oa education would he incomplete people who, hut for the grsed a i d elastic bound top. Shaped tHe siippsriest of xtct pavements. without adding to it the branches economic necessity of tha white ia front for ease, in action. •of knowledge "which he apparent- man, would have remained conSasll, medium, large. 12, at res ly taught htajaeli, for maay man tent upon their' native soil in. 14. 16-inch lengths..... 1JO of his period went directly from Africa. high school into the study of law, Aad so, oa various occasions, wSth l Ikasr aad still managed to obtain a he appeared at Y/ashiagtan to armalsra lor O rounded cultivation which may g\m before tha Supreme Court •well he envied 5y those of onecases regarding tha civil rights of generation who have t h a ' addi- the Negroe3 of America, to whom Knii Undetueor Section—Main Floor tional advaataga <>i four years at ha frequently gave counsel aad Visit our new targe plane preliminary training at collage. advice. It is not unnatural that and lot uo show ydti our Ha knew German well — this on various occasions and after Ma BSV» eqiiipment which ia no doubt partly from tha home, death, the National Association for hts mother always preferred for the advancement of Colored capable 0f fetroadina Or German speech a a d German People paid idm. especial tribut-3. trd)C£&|)piD0 &Qy Si£o .c£ir or hooka. Ha also knew French well It may be, because i a was a Jaw truck tiro. and could speak both languages, aa-d waa aware of th<j oppression Your worn out tiros skill' "siot aimply in ordinary conversa- to which minorities ara 'subject, tion, but maSte public addresses that he took up tha cause oi the fully rebuilt with now tiro in them wtth correctness aad Xagro 33 iadaed he did that of anti-ckic! treads, adding •Thai"i Ke liad a jood thou&ando 6f aaio, ceo- \ nomlcol htiles. (r -tv> j.too h t i J. fail1 oi ai3 aotvbla a g a lat:r 3iia^3 aa ladlcatlng Ms constant j fie I iT'SJ jra*l n of Xus- "vatchf jlie33 oa behalf of reliK-wi V gious liberty aad of Ms fsar oi to tie Jafrijijsjiaac si tie Stats ""ts oo-. ilii he v o a .ia rights oi gar-sals aa-d








act n sa laierveaor ia tha sul uv. t i( i^xodi 3ioua i. brought, by certain clJiseaa of jsiU-n^u ! J.-14 ."-,'3 ii ;v <eirr -orCregea f l o wsra S s a a a CatScstl i*U'j t losrieaja w w acqu.rad Ucs, aga.i3t thv3 Stata of Oregon. iju""»r»j > i j "'(•a,? J £ ji^jij^i

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it appea.,-3, iiad pa^jed a law reia..^aj m : ill ca.Ilren si a -B-sr: i.a agj aao ilJi xt^snd t i e saMis icaoo'i X.IJL t i a ; all other 3ehoola As 'rte Sew "Toi-it Statutes did ia the Stata should be outlawed. not >:>ctRmt him to practiea until 'The courta of Oregon . ha-ii sasMa formal sadmisBioa, for a while I taiaed thia Act, aad aa a ^ e a l i a J before ha waa. A full fJedgad At- j been taken to t i e Supreme Court tora&y ha used to write briefs for i of the United States. Marshall arniea who had been admitted to gaed thia case la the Supreme siiy

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Sheer whifa "hankies with hand relied hems . . beaisfifbi hand, cm* breidsred kerchiefs . . Exqylsifo white "hand* feerehrafs with catered •or - mosaic-:'insets • eppljqus. Sfiifd pastels.





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316 09, Tuna -in U. S. Tire Program Every Friday at 1 O'clock KFAB -

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