In the Interests of the Jewish People
J2SWISH SOLBIEK At least Jews aren't killing Jaws in, tMs war; for the German J»ws have been deprived of the doubtful privilege of being soldiers for Germany. ma ttocuna Clou Mali Matter oa January 3U 1331. at VOJLi. A V J — J N O . 48. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1930 So when a Polish Jew fires his rifle at a German he is sure that it is no kinsman of Ma who is going to be killed; a French or Notice to Organizations English Jew may feel comforted: • "Well, anyway, it isn't a Jew I The Jewish Community Cenbayonetted through the belly." ter desires to call to the atten(Our rabbi pointed out in a tion of all organizations the sermon recently that in the last Paris (JTA) — The continental fact that it maintains a Com-, war Jews were killing Jews all dition of the London Daily Mail munity, Calendar for the purover Europe.') reports that about 160 Jewish and pose of clearing the dates \>f But I guess it really doesn't atholic passengers on the Polish events scheduled in the commake any difference to a Jew liner Pilsudski liave been landed munity, whether or not at the teat tae man he has to kill is not Dispatch Says Sixteen at a British port. Provision for Center Actt» All Between Ages of 1 6 ^er. of his own faith and blood. I their accomodation has been made Young Eminent Jews Have j-ganizations planning to and 55 Interned in should myself, were I a French by local Catholic and Jewish com.duct affairs are urged to Been Executed Listed Special Camps Jewish, soldier or Englishman, feel munities. aking refugees out of Germany. their dates with the rather sorry for the German soldLeading members of the ComThe passengers were on their office. CONFISCATE PROPERTY S. S. MEN IN CHARGE ier through whose heart I had to mittee explained, to this corresway from Poland to the United CLASSES START OCT. 20 This will help prevent conput my bayonet. pondent that with Britain and States when the war broke out. flicts in the arrangements of France -at- war. with , Germany, "This fellow seems to be about Red Araay Arresting Labor British destroyers convoyed the Registrations Now Being affairs and the difficulties that Shops of Slovak Jews Are these Allied countries did not30 years old," I might say, "just Pilsudski to the part. Some ScanAnd Religious Given to Returned attend such unfortunate occurTaken at Center wish their representatives to .have dinavian and American passengers old enough to have made a fair rences. Soldiers Leaders Office any'dealing with German officials, left the vessel upon its arrival, start in life . . . has several chilTo clear dates, and to regParis (JTA)— Far-reaching re- even on the question of rescuing the Poles, among whom were dren, no doubt . . . he could be ister the, date on which an New York (JTA) — Senator but By BORIS SMOLAR organization of the work of the The fall program for children Jews from the Reich. useful in the world for many Moses-Schorr, Chief Rabbi of 40 women, were cared for by the will open officially at the Jewish event is planned, call Jackson J. T. A. Chief European Corres- Intergovernmental Committee on It was added that Lord, Winter^ years to come if I didn't kill him Warsaw, was among 16 Jewish line. 1366. pondent Refugees is expected by the BritCenter on Friday, Octon, British chairman of the Cony1 . . . he's a German who probably religious leaders arrested and esThe passengers included seven Community Paris (JTA) — All Jews beish and French Governments to at 3 o'clock when Miss hasn't any use for me, a Jew . . . ecuted by the Nazis, the Jewish doctors, two dentists and a num- ober 20,Alberts tween the ages of 16 and 55 be effected at the committee's mittee. Sir Herbert Emerson, will conduct the but I guess I shouldn't make or- Morning Journal reported in a ber of students who have express- Rosalie throughout Germany and Slovak- conference scheduled to be held British director, and Senator Henfirst dancing class. phans of his children . . I should- London dispatch quoting Prague ed a desire to join the Polish Lea have been drafted for forced at the White House in Washing- ri Berenger, French vice-chairThese dancing classes will t>e n't punish them No! I'll just sources. Among prominent Jewish gion which is being formed here. held from 3 to 5:30 every Friday abor and sent to special camps, ton on Oct. 16 and 17 at the call man, would have to resign from bash him on the head with the leaders killed in the bombing of while Jewish shops all over Slov- of President Roosevelt, it was the body if it were to continue and will provide the children an butt of my rifle and knock him Polish cities was Senator Jakob akia have been seized by the Gov- learned. It is Intended that the any direct or Indirect Tiegotiatlons opportunity to develop poise, unconscious to save my own li£e, Trockenheim, according to the ernment and turned over to sold- Intergovernmental Committee no with Germany, and the commitgrace, and self-confidence. Miss and let the matter go at that." newspaper. iers returning from the Polish longer deal, with the problem of tee's seat would then have to be Alberts will teach interpretative moved from London. ' '. ; So I leave him alive but insenfront as reward for their particiThe dispatch said that many and tap dancing to children from Bible oa the battlefield. I gloat Jewish religious leaders, Bundists pation in the war. Continue Interest ~ . 4 to 14 years of age. Outline Activities Pro- I n f o r m a t i o n to this effect at the exquisite irony of it: I, the (members of the -Jewish labor On the-other hand, it was emThe "Children's Theater" under Jewish soldier, have saved a Ger- party) and laborita Zionists were gram at Meeting on phasized here that the British and reached Paris from Bratislava and the direction of Mrs. Herman Jahr man for his children! French Governments would conTuesday from Switzerland and Scandinavamong those arrested in Lwow by New Synagogue - Officers will begin its activities on Sunday, Nothing from War tinue to take an. active interest'In ian countries, substantiating an. the Red Army of occupation. It October 22. Children in this class As a new and tragic'period the Committee and participate, as Elected at Annual It I were only sure that I, the also reported the Yiddish poets will learn to express themselves • The Round Table of Jewish announcement on the French opens history of man- hitherto in its executive body it soldier, could help make a better Samuel Imber and Ber Horowitz Meeting naturally in plays written especial- Youth outlined its program of ac- radio that the entire Jewish pop- kind —-ina the of momentous the Committee restricted" its ac•world out of this by killing every were shot dead while trying to esly for them. tivities at the first supper meeting ulation in the Reich had been In- significanceperiod for our own fu- tivities to solving the problem of one who obstructs my way, I could cape from the Red3 to the HunArthnr A. Cohn was named new of the year which was held Tues- terned in camps for forced labor. ture — we turn Handicraft for strength refugees already outside Germany with the happy sense of one garian border. president of the Beth El SynagoInformation from r'eliable In the Handicraft Club, which day evening at the Jewish Comresolution to our ancient and' to seeking territories, for •who was cutting a path for a joysources said that the Nazi author- and Paris (JTA) — Broadcasts by gue at the annual meeting held Is to be conducted by Mrs. Meyer munity Center. spiritual treasures. In. the unous human destiny. ' Polish partisans from secret shortThe calendar of activities, which ities had been preparing for the certainties and -anxieties of the their permanent settlement. Beber, children will have the opYes, I would say, these must wave radio stations in GermanRecommendations along these was adopted; calls for a dance in mobilization of Jews, including present we look for light from portunity to create artistic objects die for the future of the race, to occupied territory give a dramatic lines will be submitted to Presiin clay modelling, soap sculpture, October, Stage-Nite in November, women, for forced labor by order- the beacon of our past. say nothing of the good of Jews. picture of the annihilation of the dent Roosevelt by Emerson, as diwoodwork, and basketry. This a dance in December, an Oratori- ing Jewish communities throughFour thousand years .of creaI shall not withhold my bayonet Jews in all towns taken by the group will meet for the first time cal and Debate tournament in Jan- out the Reich to distribute spec- tive history, of struggle and rector of the Committee, and( a from any breast, my bullet from N a z i f o r c e s _ D e t a i l 3 gi V e n i a suggestion will be made that If uary, a dance in February, the ial questionnaire to all Jewish on October 22. any heart. I have a messianic mis- | D r o a d c a s t 3 follow: Purim Carnival in March, and a men and women between the ages suffering and achievement, are the President is interested in res^The Photography Club for chilan asset of incalculable value sion to wash out all the evil of dren directed by Mr. Royce Forum and Regional debate in of 16 and 55 to be filled out and for individual and group. For, cuing persecuted "non-Aryans" Taken the world with the blood of men from the Reich and its occupied' submitted to the local authorities Kent, Monday evening at 7, begin- April. in times of danger and trial, territories he will have to estabI kill." The Nazi rulers, comprising for "for statistical purposes." ning October 23. An affiliation fee to cover adonly those individuals and na- lish a new body for that purpose, But I know very well from the the most part S. S. men (blackSpecial Registration Under the direction of Mrs. Abe ministrative expenses was adopttions can Jive with courage and composed of representatives oi earlier war that nothing good will shirted elite guards) are requisiAn announcement to this effect ed, and each club in the Round Fellman, children between the dignity whose spiritual roots neutral countries and led by come from this war, even if by tioning all property of Jews who was also published in the NaziTable will be assessed a nominal age3 of 5 to 3 Swill be given the are sunk'deep in the soil of the my help it is won. The millions left the towns prior to the Ger• controlled Jewish publication in past, whose souls are nourish- American-delegates. . opportunity to develop an apprec- amount. of the dead will be better off than man occupation. At the same time, Xeaders Sail Berlin, Das Juedische Nachrichiation of harmony, music, and Committee Members ed by a great tradtion. the millions surviving in a devas- they are levying heavy "contribuWashington (JTA) — S i r Herrythm. The "Rhythm Band" will Morris Arbitman, president, ap- tenblatt. Puzzled over the meantated world . . . better off than tions" from those Jews who reJewish Parents! Make your bert Emerson and ex-Premier ing of this special Jewish regismeet at 4 p. m. on M-. ndays beginpointed the following representaX, If I come through this, to live in mained. children conscious of the four Paul van Zeeland ^of Belgium; ning October 23. tives to the functional committees tration, many Jews believed it was Every Jew is under orders, on a world in which civilization ha3 years of "Jewish his- president of the Coordinating The clubs for children are BO of the Federation for Jewish Serv- conducted for the purpose of al- thousand . withered and the millions hunger j pain of death, to turn in all gold, tory! Make them aware of the Foundation, will attend the White arranged as to enable them to ice: B6rtha Slutzky, Bureau of lotting special food rations for glorious spiritual burden their >end new demagogues arise to lead i silverware and brassware, includHouse conference x>£ the Inter(Continued on page 7«). take advantage' of the gym and Jewish. Education; C h a r 1 o t te ing even brass doorknobs. No Jew fathers liavp carried triumtrustrated peoples to new wars. •governmental Refugee 'Committee, swim classes at the Center. A reg- Nogg, Family Welfare Committee; phantly through the fires and It was announced by Robert; Pell, | Yes! That's an idea! I, the is permitted to buy food. Jewish istration, fee of one dollar is Irving Nogg,' Center Committee; community leaders are held as floods of the past, through -wars State Department technical AdIJewiah soldier, shall let every Gercharged for all dubs except the and Morris Arbitman, executive and upheavals, through, perse- visor on refugee; problems." • man whom I might kill live in- hostages, and many of them cave • dancing class for -which, the fee is committee. Other appointments cutions and terrors. • stead. I shall let Mm live and in been shot. Synagogues and ofI t had been previously announctwo dollars. will be 'announced at a later date. this way get my revenge. He fices of Jewish, institutions iavs Fortify your'children with ed that-liord Wlnterton .'"' Norm ail Bleicher' was 'Earn shall survive for the dreadful been, converted Into .stables and r JL Coha. i bgji J t a ^ h i k t ;coiai; to -Washington-r aIrmas~df~tfx&3ance~ eomffiHtee •world to come after thi3 war, for quarters for troops. our sa~ES3 - and p r o p h e , Department conld nofc say- wten Tuesday night at the Jewish Comand will "be' assisted by Sheldon Women living Ia Poland, parthe crash of civilization, for the their courage, that ilowed iroja the British, French anfi Belgian Bernstein, Harry Goodbinder, Leo Beth r El- Auxiliary dark age that will envelope minds ticularly Jewesses, are being driv- munity Center. Mr. Cohn succeeds faith in a divine purpose. " • 'delegates1 would sail, and it was Goldsmith, and Rosalie Wertheiand hearts. I shall let him live for en to the front to peel potatoes, David Greenberg. intimated that : n6. announcement :.; Jewish: Parental," Let. your Committee in Other officers named are; Drmer. work in the field kitchens and do that. children learn what the.' Jewish would be made of their; sailing Members of the Bulletin. ComCharge i i saved my first German for Ms laundry work for the German M. Margolin, first vice-president; genius has contributed: to the because of the war conditions. Moe Venger, second vice-presimittee are: Lee Jane Greenberg, forces, while thousands of Jewish family, but that was an act of my progress of humanity. Let them • Secretary Cordell Hull stated dent; Al Fiedler, secretary; and chairman; Joy Greenberg, Bess men have been dragged away to According to announcement compassion; after this I shall save above all, appreciate. the pro- through the /State Department Instruction in Cooking, B. A. Simon treasurer. Lefiti, Phil Eisenstatt, and Louise unknown destinations to workmen made by Mrs. Max. Canar, chairGermans in order that they may found harmony- that reigns be- press section> that the conference Members of the executive board Miller. man, and Mrs. Sam Steinberg, co- teen the spirit and traditions Sewing Offered survive for t i e darkness alter t i e fortifications. definitely /would be held and that are: Mrs. J. Blank, Mrs. A. WoMThe committee in charge oi chairman, all final arrangements Peasants Help ."war. No German shall die whom of America and the teachings in. all possibility Its actions*would By Center ner, Harry Steinberg, Meyer Stein, Stage-Nite includes: Leo Sherman, have been made for the evening Poles, not as badly treated a3 tl can spare. That shall be my reof their faith. be strengthened by the presence, the Jews, are secretly sharing-. Harry Trustin, R. I. Bordy, A. D In response to numerous re- chairman; Rosalie Tuchman, Shir- Book Reviews to be given by Rabyenge. • The week, beginning OctoBer of Emerson and Yan Zeeland. ThaFrank, Elmer Gross Philip Klutzley Barish, Lester Lazere, Margarbi David A. Goldstein at the JewQuests, the Jewish Community 8, Is to be a period 'when the Department's announcement iraa I come to a German in a shell food with the Jews, and many R. H. Kooper, Irvin C. Lev- Center will this season sponsor et Rundell, and Florence Tattle- ish Community Center. message . of Jewish education made to quiet rumors that the itole and he raises his hand3 ia Polish peasants are adopting Jew- Iiick, in, Harry Malashock, Jack Marer man. ish children whose parents were Cooking and Sewing Classes parThe series will open on October should- reach the heart and meeting would be cancelled.. It is supplication . . . "Kamerad"* 31 when Rabbi Goldstein discusses mind of every Jewish parent. known that several members of "Yes, mein Herr, I'm going to killed or taken away by the Nazis. Gail Margolin, William _ Racusin, ticularly for business girls. Joe Rice, and Dave Stein. Jews in Warsaw were committJohn Steinbeck's book, "Grapes of let you live." During the WEEK Jewish the President's Advisory ComBeginning Monday, October 23, Feature of the evening was a Wrath." "Kamerad, you are so good!" ing suicide in large numbers rathparents are to enroll their chil- mittee on Political Refugees had class in sewing and designing talk by Mrs. David A. Goldstein a Assisting Mrs. Canar will be the dren ;in Jewish r e l i g i o u s presented reports e x p r e s s i n g will meet at 7:30 p. m. at the J. "Live, live, it's all right with er than fall into the Germans' who descirbed her experiences at following committee: Mesdames schools. The solemn festivals doubt as to the wisdom ot holdsue," I laugh- "You shall live lor hands, these reports d e c l a r e d . the World Zionist Congress and C. C, regularly, under the direcMany ware saifl to be jumping William Alberts, Joe Block. Dave that fall -within the period and ing the meeting at this, time.-' tion of Mrs. Helen Wiese. everything that's to come." into the Vistula River or leaping her escape from war-torn Europe. Cohn, John Faier, A. D.. Frank, that, leave no Jewish heart un- Guiana Project Postponed ' Another Trench Girls trill have the opportunity Sam Frohm J. J. Greenberg, J. H. touched, should make Jewish I come to a German in a trench, ont of buildings. to remodel or make whatever they London (JTA) — The British Kulakofsty, Moe Linsman, Ernie parents keenly aware of' this Guiana refugee French newspapers a d v i s e d my hand grenade raised, ready for wish. The coarse will also feature Beth El Auxiliary to Be Nogg, settlement proI. W. Rosenblatt, Have Jewish front-fighters i n t h e obligation. ills death, but I withhold it. discussions on modern styling and ject, which had been originally Host to Regional Sherman, Harry Silvennan, Sam French to adept French-sounding The ancient command, "Thou "Go on and live, mein Herr." designing. to start in the Fall, Bas Theodore, Abe Venger Al Wohln- shaft teach them diligently un- scheduled names to avoid mistreatment in Conference \ **I thank you, iamerad!" been temporarily suspended,. CdmA cooking class will also be coner. and Sam Zlotky. the event of capture by the Gerto thy children," assumes at mons was informed by Colonial, "Go on and live aad live . . . ducted every Thursday evening at Also Mesdames Sam Jacobs, this moment a new; significance Secretary Malcolm' Ma cD oniM." live for the world to come! I am mans. L'Oeuvre recalled that durPreliminary indications point to 5:30, beginning October 26 under Louis Alberts, Jake Blank, David and a new urgency. the Boldier who punishes his en- ing the last war the same proceOutbreak* of the war, MacDonald the direction of Mrs. Helen Kil- an unusually large attendance at Bernstein, Arthur Cohn, . Mike emies with life. I will not let you dure was adopted by the Alsatians. P H t t l P M. KIiUTZJJICK, the second annual conference of said, had caused postponement of bournu die." Chairman Bureau of Jewish plans by voluntary organizations the Midwest Branch of the Wom- Freaman, Gerald Gross, J. J. Frieden, Lazere Kavich, Morris A complete xaeal will he pre- Education. Yet my compassion may lead 4"*.esablish a corporation for exeThe Mizrachi organization's first pared every Thursday in accord- ens League of the United Synago- Katleman, Julius • Stein, Dave toe to certain compromises in the cution of the project. M'lave Malke of the season will ance with Jewish dietary laws. Nu- gues of America at which the Beth Stein, Sam Raffel, B. A. Simon ease of some Germans in whom I The county of Hertfordshire Has be held tomorrow evening at 8 trition and table etiquette will be El Auxiliary will be host begin- David Brodkey Sam Stern and iind congenial philosophers. I cerning October 15 at the Blackstone decided to permit a limited numo'clock at the B'nai Israel Syna- discussed, as well. Miss Bess Bernstein. tainly can't withhold death from Hotel. ber ot admissions of Jewish and gogue, 18th and Chicago streets. Registrations for both classes Other books to be reviewed by a wounded German who says to Reservations for the Friendship other- refugees to s e c o n d a r y Officers for the coming year are now being accepted. There Rabbi Goldstein are: "Days of jae: "Mein Herr, be so good as to schools. will be elected at this time. Im- will be only a nominal registra- Luncheon on October 16 and at Our Years", by Pierre van Paas. shoot me, To what good will it the Installation Luncheon -on Ocportant discussions will also be tion fee for each course. "be for me to live in t i e darkness tober 17 will be limited to two sen; "Inside Asia", by John GunGlasgow (JTA) — The Aberheard in the coarse of the meetthat is to come after all this. I've hundred local delegates. There- ther; "Seasoned Timber", by Dordeen- Committee for Non-Aryan ing. New York (WNSl — The fuotiy Canfield; "America- in Midbeen waiting here for some enemy fore persons interested in attendand Jewish Refugees has Issued a. Rabbi I. Rackovsky, new Orthture of mankind will be determinMrs. R. Kulakotsky has "been set to come and kill me," ing are urged to make their res- Passage" by Charles and Mary of Instructions for refugees odox spiritual leader, will Be prin**I am the Jewish soldier who ed not by politicians but by scien- cipal speaker. ervations early with the Beth El Beard; and two books on Abra- named by Mrs. Willis. H. Taylor, explaining police regulations govham Lincoln. production chairman of the newly- erning enemy, aliens and warning destroys his enemies cruelly with tists. Dr. Bernhard Zeadek, head Reservations c o m mittee, Mrs All members of the Mizrachi and of the hormone research laboraorganized emergency uiiit of the the gift of life. You must live." Jack Kaufman, Mrs. T. A. Tully, any activity likely; to the Women's Mizrachi have been Omaha-Douglas County Red Cross against The German looks with. envious tory of the Rothschild-Hadassah'- invited to attend. and Mrs. Sam Turner. arouse suspicion. ' '- Iliiiversity Hospital and Medical unit, to organize local Jewish, eyes at the dead heaped all about -The Beth El puppeteers, which SehooL on Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem, groupa to sew garments and medThe Jewish National Workers will be a feature of the Friendship "They said at a reception tendered to He plead3 him Johannesburg {JTA) — Theical supplies for European war Alliance, Poall Zlon, will hold its luncheon, will make their second nave peace, Mein Herr. They have him and Dr. LMwig HaJberstaedSouth African Central Commutes first literary meeting oi the searefugees.". appearance. The puppet play entbe horescaped everything . of German Refugees issued a. director of the cancer departson on Sunday; October 8, at 7 p. titled "SabTjath Comes to the Isrors of the time that ia and the ter, The Council of Jewish Women, statement renewing its pledge of ment of the same center by the m. at the Jewish Community Cengreater horrors of the times to national board of Hadassah. raelsons" was written, produced the Beth El Auxiliary, the Temple loyalty to the Union and expresster. • be. Be so good . . ." and directed by Mrs. Mike FreeIsrael Sisterhood, Hadassah, and ing a desire to serve the country "Whatever the political outThe musical program will feaI relent. My wall-aimed bullet man. the Jewish Community Center in the same way as citizens.-The come of the present war, the sciture Mr. E. Selltz, Mr. H. Mirowitz E him iostaat release. Women's Division have already committee bas established a regisMrs. Freeman has organized and Plans are being made by the and entific spirit will never be obliterMiss Shirley Selltz. - trained an able group of young The Jewish Community Center signified their ;; intention of co- ter of male refugees • willing to Court Martial Omaha Round Table of Christians H. Bondarin will present a read- people in this work. The puppe- announces dancing classes for operating. But it becomes, kaown ia my ated in man,"' Dr. Sen&ek said. and Jews for a public meeting on serve. "In democratic countries and even and J. Radinowski will dis- teers are: Geraldine Berstein, Sal high school students under the Company that I am a soldier who October 24 when the Des Moine ing Sewing will start neit week at in countries where the scientist is lets enemies live and before the "Good Will Team" will appea; cuss the present world situation. ly Gross, Freda Riekes, Ruth instruction of Miss Rosalie Alberts the Jewish Community Center and court martial I am accused: "He made to conform to enforced ideas here. Members of this team are Chairman of the evening will be Rosenstein, Belle Sommers, Pear beginning Wednesday, October 18 an appeal has ben' made for the of procedure dictated by the state, Morgenstern. at four o'clock. , said to enemies, live! live! And Sommers, and Helene Wohlner.Rabbi Eugens Mannheim, Fathe I. Luncheon loan of sewing machines. Childwill be served at Miss Alberts has just returned ren's garments have been cut by he laughed. Even when he had the laboratory will remain the Robert Walsh of Dowling College The vocal parts will be taken by hayen of the objective mind and about 8 o'clock. from the Convention of Dancing his bayonet at an enemy's breast Shirley Alberts, Corrine Wohlner, and Rev. Dr. Stoddard Lane o the Red Cross and are ready for The Jewish Vocational Guidance he said to him, live! and laughed. the humanitarian spirit." Richard - Newman, and Selwyn Masters of America and Js prepar- sewing. Dr. SondeS and Dr. Halhersta- Plymouth Congregational church Bureau now offers the youth Of, ed to teach the latest dance rouI am asked to say something Roffman. Arrangements are also unde Persons willing to -volunteer our community Vocation Counsellbefore the sentence of the court edter were of the opinion that discussion for a Joint ThanksgivCostumes are by Mrs. William tines. Palestine would continue Its work The Center invites 'the Jewish are asked to call any of the above ing at the Center. Boys and git-la is imposed. Alberts and Mrs. E. A. Meyers. ing service at the Joslyn Memora haven for refugees mentioned organizations or the "Yea, I let them life. I let of buildiag Cantor Aaron Edgar arranged the boys and girls of this community Jewish Community Center. Groups of high school and college are inJewish culture in the face of ial on November 29. In charge oi vited to avail themselves of this to take advantage of this opporthem live for the horrors of the and musical score. * The Council of Jewish Women this program are Rev Thomas S. tunity for an enjoyable hour of are also sewing a t the Brandeis service. peace which will be more dread- opposition and war. Bowdern, S. J., of Creighton Uni is again offering its assistance to store. The Bureau.offers .guidance In ful to bear than the horrors of Belfast (JTA) — The . Irish dancing Instruction. versity: Rev. A. L. Cole, pastor o foreign-born who are anxious to tnterperting 1 n t e r e sts, abilities, Registration fee for Center this war. This is my revenge on OMAHANS TO ATTEND the First Christian Church, and become American Citizens. The News reported from Shangha aptitudes along vocation and promy enemies. I punish them with ILA.H.C. CONVENTION Rabbi David H. Wice of Tempi Council has had long years of ex- that the Catholic Church is taking members is 51.00 for the course. HARRY TRUSTIN AIDS - '. life." For further information. Call > .' RED CROSS DRIVE fessional lines. a leading role in aiding "nonperience in Citizenship work. Israel. For-further information call the But the commandant replies A number of. members of TemCitizenship classes are now be- Aryan" refugees and has placed the Center — Ja. 1366. Thursday noon Wiilard Johnson that it's all against the rules of ple Israel will attend the Regional of Des Moines, lowa-Nebraslia sec- ing held at C'eatral High School at their disposal a school buildCity Commissioner Harry Trus-' Jewish Community Center, Ja. •warfare to destroy enemies by let- Conference of the Union of Amer- retary of the National Conference on Tuesday and Thursdays from 7 ing belonging to the Sacred Heart tin was named -chairman of the 1366. Harold Hirseh Dies ting them live. He reads the man- ican Hebrew Congregations which of Christians and Jews, addressed to 9, Lake School on Tuesdays Parish at Hongkew. special gifts division for the Amerual of arms which distinctly tells is to be held ia Kansas City, Mo., the Omaha affiliate at the Y. W. from 1 to 3, ana the Social SettleThe Church is also organizing Stockbridge, Mass. (JTA). — ican Red Cross drive .which will Aid Refugee Hunt how a good soldier aims his bay- October 14, 13, and IS. i ment Wednesday and Friday from English classes for Jewish refu- Harold Hirseh, Atlanta attorney open on November 20. Riga (JTA) — The . Latvian!c. A. onet at the heart or bowels of the Delegates will attend from Negees and has opened an employ- and counsel for the Coca Cola < The Douglas county quota has Red Cross has helped a group, of. 7 to 3. enemy, how by accurate aim he braska. Iowa, Kansas and MisOn September 13, 10S4, the Anyone desiring further infor- ment bureau, the News reported company, died at the Austen Fox been raised from fifteen thousand Jewish seminary students and must send a bullet through the souri. Theme of the convention Jews of Speyer were ordered to ation is asked T.o call Mrs. Harry The finding of suitable lodgings Riggs Foundation, where he had tp twenty thousand members. American citizens. Including-. 20 ~ 'The sentence will be "The Synagogue in Mod- pay an annual tax to keep up a Malashock, Wai. 633S, or-Sirs. "L for the refugees was also said to been a patient for several weeks. Cecil W. Slocum is general chair- Jews, to establish a bureau, to help enemy's brains man. era Jewish Life. local monastery. be among its activities. His age was 57. (Continued on page 3.) M. Weiner, Ha. 6S25. locate missing refugees.
Passengers Aboard Polish Liner Find Haven in England
Conference Is Called at White House for Oct. 16, 17
^ ^ ^ ^ *
Proclaim Jewish Education Week
Offer Vocational Guidance at Center
Council Aids Those Seeking Citizenship
Page 8
Name New Hebrew School Teacher
Miss Rachel Bernstein of New York has accepted an Invitation to join the faculty of the Sioux City Hebrew School. She will arrive in Sious City October 8. .She has been teaching for the past 10 years in Hebrew schools in Youngstown, Ohio, and St. Paul, Minn.
MORRIS AIZENBERG, Correspondent;
sales to date have reached a total of nearly five hundred. The following committees are In- charge of this event: General chairmen, Mrs. Max Rosenstock and Mrs, Morey Weil; ticket chairman, Mrs. Adolph Rosenfeld, and floor committee, Mesdames A. H. Baron, Harold Rothman, Maurice Rubin, Jules Lederer, Sol Kronick, Jack Lassman, M. Lasensky, Emil Levich, Sam Kaplan, Nathan Goldis, Dave Hurwitz, Phil Sherman, Meyer Shubb, Dave Albert, A. M. Grueskin, Johanna Marx, Vic Mazle, Max Mushkin and Miss Ruth Marx.
Ruth Neuhai23, well-known lecurer, will be the guest speaker at the opening meeting-of the Sioux City chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women. This meeting is to be a Succoth :ea and will be held at the Jewish Community Center on Monday, October 2» at 1:30 p. m. Members and guests will be welcome. Mrs. Neuhaus will be introduced by Mrs. A. H. Baron and will speak on "Today Is History." A graduate of the University ot Denver and the University of Colorado Law School, Mrs. Neuhaus was formerly assistant attorney Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Kos;eneral of Colorado. The Sioux City Section of the berg, 3025 Jennings street, anShe conducts a weekly discus- National Council of Jewish Wom- nounced the engagement of their sion group in Omaha and 13 giv- en will hold Its annual Monte daughter, Miss Margaret Kosberg, .ng a series of lectures on inter- Carlo night on Saturday evening, to Sidney C. Baumsten. son of national relations and world prob- September 30, at 3:30 in the Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baumsten. ems under the joint auspices of Bellevue ballroom. This outstand- The marriage will take place Octoseveral leading women's groups. ing affair i3 held to raise funds ber 22 in the Kosberg home. Both Miss Kosberg and her fiance are Hostesses at the tea table will for the relief of the children who Central High school graduates. be Mrs. H. R. Rabinowita, Mrs. S. are victims of Nazi Germany. For the past two weeks the Bolotnikov and Mrs. Albert Goldstein. The invocation will be giv- committee in charge has been Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lasensky en by Mrs. Rabinowitz. Chairman working on the affair and ticketand family have returned from for table arrangements is Jirs. Emil Levich, with Mrs. Aba Epstein-as co-chairman. > The kitchen committee of 15 is headed - by Mrs. Leo Chaiken. Mrs. A- Kroloff is co-chairman.
The Mt. Sinai Sisterhood will The season's activities are of- hold a luncheon at the Mt. Sinai fically opening thi3 week at the annex oa Friday, October 6, at Jewish Community Center. There 1 o'clock. This will be the first has-been a record registration for meeting of the new year for the all .classes and groups. Registra- sisterhood. tion will remain open for the next The business meeting will be two weeks. One of the most pop- presided over by Mrs. H a r r y ular classes this year, as indicated Bailin, president. The chairman by a registration, will be World of the program for the day i3 Affairs and News Analysis. This Mrs. Ben Kalin. Will be a lecture and open forum on alternate Tuesdays. Dr. Haw- The invocation will be given thorne of Morningside college will by Mrs. Sam. Pickus. The proconduct this course. The first gram will consist of a cello solo meeting will be held Tuesday, by Miss Gisela Pill, a three-minute talk on the life of Rebecca October 3, at 7:30. Gratz by Mrs. Meyor Levitt. The The Children's Theater, direct- main speaker will be Mrs. Eugene ed by Mrs. Leon Marx, meets each Mannheimer, wife of Rabbi MannSunday at 2:30 at the Jewish of Des Moines. She is Community Center. In this class heirner president of the Women's club of boys and girls from the ages of 5 to 12 are taught creative dra- Des Moinea. The luncheon chairmen are Mrs. matics and direct a Little Theater A. J. Galinsky and Mrs. Hyman of their own. Leo Rich, talented artist, "will Fishgall. head the class of drawing, painting and arts and crafts at the Center each Sunday afternoon trom 3:30 to 4:30. Registration Succoth services at the Orthoior this class will be held Sunday, dox synagogues will start at 6:30. October 1. This age group will Wednesday evening. Services wili be limited from 5 to 12 years. start at 8:30 Thursday and FriThe Elementary and Conversamorning3. The Eplurum club held installa- dayRabbi tional Hebrew class met for it3 S. I. Bolotnikor will defirst meeting Monday night at 8. tion of officers last night a t the liver sermon at the Beth AbraThis class has an enrollment of Jewish Community Center. The ham asynagogue morn12 and registration will Temain officers who were installed are ing. On Friday Thursday morning he will open for one more week. Rabbi Milton Masie, president: Sid Gold- speak the Adas Yeshuren synaAlbert S. Goldstein is the instruc- berg, vice-president; Milton Ros- ogue.atHa will deliver his Saturtor in Hebrew. enblum, secretary; Jack Mosow, day morning sermon at the Tiptreasurer; Sherman Sperling, reUnder the sponsorship of the hereth Israel synagogue. Council of Jewish Women, classes porter, and Bernie Lehman, serMemorial services next Thursin reading, writing, English and geant-at-arms. day will be delivered by Rabbi Americanization for the foreignThere was both a formal and Bolotnikov at the Tiphereth Israel born will be-held each Tuesday informal installation of officers. synagogue. and Thursday from 7:30 until 9. The guest speaker was Mr. Arnold Miss- Ruth Marx, a faculty mem- Baron. The new advisor of the ber of the Webster school, will club is Jack Greenberg. JOB WANTED again supervise the Adult Education at the Center. Assisting her (The Jewish Press presents In this space a worthwhile indias co-chairman is Mrs. A. I. Sacks. vidual seeking employment. AnyRegistration for these classes will one wishing to employ or get in he held Tuesday, October 3, at touch with the person, please c&U, .7:30. r>orothy Merlin at the Jewish Community Center.) Mrs. Leon Marx will direct an Young girl, experienced la Intermediate group ranging from clerking, seeks work. Can also the ages of 12 to 15 in dramatic The Junior Hadassah will hold do office work, typing and art. The initial meeting of this a membership tea on Sunday aft- shorthand. Is ambitious, energroup will be Wednesday at 4. ernoon, October 1, at the J. C. C. getie and capable. A professor from the Morning- Esther Mirkin and Rose Sperling Bide Conservatory is being secured are co-chairmen. to conduct a class in music interThe program will consist of a pretation and appreciation. The cello solo by Miss Gisela Pill, a date of registration for this class trumpet solo by Harold Shulkin will be announced later. and a skit by Mrs. Jules Lederer. Contract Bridge and Mah Jong The main speaker of the tea will classes are being organized with be Mrs. Dorothy Rissen of Des [(Continued from page 1.)} Ethel Baron teaching Contract Moines. Bridge and the Misses 3ernice Mrs. Jack Robinson and Miss of God is made visible to the inGalinsky and Dorothy London in- Dena Baron, presidents of the two nocent and i3 turned against the structing in Mah Jong. Hadassah organizations, will pour wicked? The bodies of the chilThe initial meeting of the Youth the tea. dren are shattered by the power Council which is the organization Chairman of the nrembership of the arrogant* composed of all youth groups in drive which will get underway So Mr. Segal made a prayer ot the city, met Tuesday evening, with this tea is Miss Goldie Leh- his own: O Lord God, give us September 26, to discuss plans for man. quickly a sign that thieves and the coming year. murderers shall not prevail in tha An American Lending Library world. If they do, whit can men NOTICE •will be opened at the Jewish Combelieve of Thee, O God? And what munity Center, October 15. Junior will these s y n a g o g u e s and Please mail all news to MorHadassah i3 sponsoring thi3 lichurches mean to men? And yet, brary, which will be open every ris Aizenberg in care of the O Lord, it will not be enough that Jewish Community Center. If atternoon except Saturday, and the wicked are laid low. Grant every evening except Friday and this is impossible please call on that from their common suffering Saturday. Plans are being made Tuesday after 5:3O p . m. All men will learn their essential unfor the organization of an adult news to appear in the Friday ity; so that it may at least be said edition must be in the preced- that with the lives of its youth tap dancing group. mankind purchased a bit of unRegistration for ballroom danc- ing Tuesday. derstanding. ing will be held at the Jewish Community Center at 4 Sunday. City School of Music will be the (Copyright 1939 by Seven Arts Miss Hazel Bergh of the Sioux director of this class. Feature Syndicate.)
Society News
NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given! that on tha first 'lay of July, 1939, the total outstanding ^ecui'ed nnd unsecured indebtedri«Es of Louis Finocchlaro, Incorporated, a Nebraska corporation with its principal place of business in Omaha. Nebraska, was $2,280.15." LOUIS FINOCCHIARO, , 9-29-39-lt. President
Beirut (JTA) — Prayers foi an Allied victory in the European war were said in all mosques of the'Near East. Ignatius Cardinal and the Grand Mufti of the Lean dthe Grand Muft! of the Lebanese Republic were among the NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Miss Gussie Brown'of Oakland, many religious and civil leaders Notice is hereby given that on the Cal., is visiting here with Mr. and adding their pledges of loyalty to first day of January, 1939, the total Mrs. Sam Kaplan, 3122 Jackson France. outstanding secured and unsecured instreet, for about three weeks. The Mufti said he spoke for the debtedness nf Finocchiaro Brothers, entire Moslem world, which he Incorporated, a Nebraska corporation with its princtpal place of business in in Mr. and Mrs. L. Silver of described as revolted by "aggres- "Omaha, Nebraska, was none. against a people whose only Laurel, Neb., visited here over sion L. FINOCCHIARO, crime is their refusal to bow to 9-29-3'J-lt. President the holiday week-end. oppression." • Miss Elaine Legman of Omaha Employment wanted-—young visited here over the week-end Librarian Dies man, 26. 4 years experiwith friends. ence in advertising and Miamai Beach, Fla. (JTA) — merchandising. College The Dramatic club will hold a Edward D. Coleman, for the past graduate. Call Bureau of hard-time' party at the Shelter eight years librarian of the Amer- Vocational Guidance. . JewHouse October 12. ican Jewish Historical Society ish Community Center.' JA died of a heart attack at Miami 1366. ; Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Krasne Beach, where he was spending his
Miss Esther Wutkin, who has been residing in Seattle, Wash., for the past several years, is visiting here with relatives a n d friends.
Offers ;
paily diyiden3s m^Ha|^i^|H £
Health • • * and Culture »^ III >gram A well balanced for young Serving every member of the family
Pray for Allies in Near East M.osques
vacation.' Coleman, who was 48, was born In Lithuania and was educated at Harvard ^University, He contributed to publication ,of the Society and was tbje author of several book's. •-
wish Community Center
Orthodox Services
L03 Angeles and are planning to and daughter, Joan, of Omaha, reside here. and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Raskin and daughter, Janet, of Sioux Mr. and Mrs. Horace Greenberg Falls, S. D., were holiday guests of Minneapolis spent the holiday In the home of Mrs. J. Zelinsky. week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B» Orlikoff, 1117 Vill avenue. Mrs. Greenberg is the former Lillian Orlikoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Orlikoff.
|||:i^^ S?5S?:
FOR CHILDREN Ri'ssiNe^ivinr
14 AcnvmES INCLUDING ;^it^=i|^^i^pdlpSiSiiS^'
JEWISH MEMBERSHIP RATES - DOUBLE • M CEUOPJi!.4l3i""-Ji : .i-::5 ?.£>>3LE-QUICK! ' {CeMdnfclMMferlMMIMaato
.ON THE AIR «v«ry wash: "Melody and «fla«In*ss" with Artia Shaw'* -Orchestra, US© Ustwosft
Page 1
l i s t Reasons for
Regis Cafe Now Open to Public
• •
Payment" ol Taxes
ment mada by Harley G. Hoor- Famed Mefugee postmaster. , e | ead. This occasion is being taken as Author Is Dead reminder to" "Write Today to -Charles Sundall; aThojS8 Away/' . .• .
New York <WNS) —- Rr. RichCharles B. BaadaU, state direcToo many people,- regretfully It is also to remind the public Completing its extensive reenough, look upon the payment ot tor ot toe.Nebraska Brewers and it the services being offered by ard A. Bermann, Anstriaa retabooks and a Biodaling project", Hots! Regis last *s something to be avoided.Beer Distributors Committee, will .he United State postal service gee, author of muny : week opened the doors of E.egis To their way of thinldnsi only submit.-.» parsonai report on thewoich is the coaaecting link be- former director of the American.: prbgrela ot the industry's Eelf- tweea large metropolitan centers Guild for German Cultttral "FreeCafe, tha smart new dining room "sacktrs" pay taxeson tae second floor of the hotel. The Jewish Press •wishes to regulatory frosratn la Nebraska and small w a y s i d e hamlets dom, died of a heart attack At Saratoga Spriags, N. Y. Ho was Crowds on opening day were . . . I mate the following observations: to the third annual convention of throughout the country. • EG years-old. • maintained throughout t i e week, Setek t o I n t e r n a t i o n a l i z e j n & t j ^ tax-shirker who over- th* IJnlted Brewers' Indosstrial Ffiahdatioa in Ksw York City, OcDr. Bermann received his edu(Continued from page 1.) according to Arthur C. Grcsse, looks entirely the fundamental Anti-Seautie . _" ' " Cable ' $ p cation a t the University ot £>rasfne manager of the acteL reason for taxes. He fails to rfr- tober 4th. many aged Jews, women aad chil- general and; Vienna,, becoming a journaThe convention-.-will, give Mr. New York (JTA) Junior Ha"With t i e opening of t i e resalize how maea comfort of living, PUN: i l was Danny Schorr who Beliefs dren who were wounded by airtaurant, tha Segia Hotel eemtsany list in Berlin tor the Tagebiatt, Eandall an opportunity to meet dassah has cabled IS.DOQ as a -many c o B T « a ieaces are deserves credit for one of the raiders wno followed refugees concluded a inotieraizatica project b and exchange views VJIUJ directors Yom Kippur gift t o three educa- Following Ancchluss Dr. Berinann tax-supported brightest cracks to emerge from g ware lying along tha roads in a that involved t i e expenditure o£ of the "cMan up or close up" pro- tional Institutions ia Palestine— was arrested and came t o ' this he European tragedy . . He points I doc?naesof dying ataie with the inva&iias nior<3 than $33,300, Work has the sponsored by the Founda- Meier Shfeyah, a childrea'a vil- country after his release In AnSut that the Communists can't | £ ™« ks-shirlter ksshirlter ddrives car grains German foroea pay lag no attantiaa been in process since^ May 1, jecu arf« tion in other states. Their reports lage near Haifa, PardessAnna, a mst, 1938. Surviving are a broth-t ioM i hese ideological l a j m " a n y m o r e t h a t R l l s s i a a n dd Q Ca to them. In Warsaw, Jaws aad by exM.o n ^ H ! •ab cflM Mj mr eaam a t a m a e d b y will ba a hlEhltgijt ot the all-day citrus farm tor-ihe graduates of er. Robert Berinann of Prague j Germany are poles apart . . . On plained in- a long artiela are ••-, Henri de KeriUis in his newspaby M c^ateT~wlth~Tai~ income. Mem^ ^ meatihs at the Waldorf-Astoria the children's village," and the and two Bisters, be other hand, it might well be were bur Hotel. Foundation officers and di- Henrietta Szold School ot Nursiag te Ep <111 said that the newest European « i t ° f • , ,. . . bers of his family enjoy picnics in Patronize Our Advertisers hurriedly will be elected tor the en- in Jerusalem. axis is a pole with Hitler at one "The Nazi revolution *ot .only par^j owned and 2aaleUiiie4 by a rectors that the "rasence of t i e corpses suing year. rpeting .. end and Stalin at the other . . . attacks modern political ideas, t^-s^pported government. l>ay s&ould not result ia Infsetioua disIn tae lower lobby, the White And one wonders whether the but also the modem spiritual • „ . h e s e and- property ease. Inn and Diana Cocktail puppet state Germany and Russia Hunger prevailed in Warsaw Horse KerMis " " , , are proteetsd by police and lire Have undergone complete are planning to carve out of Po5 sinca no food supplies could be de- Lounge and now Sid for an land will be properly classified as wishes to destroy all the isoral departments dependent on taxeg livered ia view of the constant renovation, even greater 3hare of Omaha's poletarian - - without tee "r** . . . values of the JudeD-ChrisUan civ- t o r as&eep. t a s e s biing b i d eervGerman bombardment. The situaThey nave long keen Also, Danny Schorr wants to know ilization and it belisv«3 that the i c e 3 j , ^ otherwise coulfl not &£ tion was reaching suea a tion was r*aeaiug suea a poiaijir-"——=-• — whether it wasn't Premier Molot- Jewish religion, in particular, is fOrd. October 1 to 7 Ba$ beea deslg of despairhad thatstarved when mothers and i among; vous inthe the most city. popular reades- oft who described Russia's in- the most vulnerable because of Its children fer several natfid "NAUonal letter writing vasion of Poland as just another PAVMO3T days they risked their lives ta Soviet Polar Expedition . Week," according to anhoancte Jewish religion means merely to search ia streets under bombardapply the methods which served ment for anything edible. J^wa BLACXOUT: When Danny was the Nazi3 so wsll ia Germany, and aon-Jaws shased what tood bringing up reinforcements for namely, the methods of destroywas obtainable, which Peters last week, with his dandy ing the weakest and the most vulmostly of leftovers from military column on a new war glossary, nerable enemies at first." field kitchens. Ti2i«ee Reasons he defined a blackout as "the exBomb Synagogue M. Kerillis sets forth three rea-1 isguishing of lights in a given Vladimir-Volynsk, w h i c h is city because the glare hurts the sons explaining why the Na*ia close to t i e Soviet-Palish froneyes of enemy aviators," adding keep up a steady end persistent tier, wa3 entirely destroyed by that it was "popular among the internal and external flow or German aerial bombardment. l d " poor and among young lovers" (Coatinuad from page 1.) iropaganda — a so-called city waa convened into ashes and if words and nerves." hundreds of Jaw3 wers lying dead sideration. Jewish troops could re- The deflation was prophetic First, the Nazis want their alin the streets. This wa3 tae sec- siaerauon. jewian iruupa cumu i=- > dispateh days toldlater, of aan curfew being lies to have a common enemy ond raid on Vladimir-Yolynsk, the lieve British forcesitself, of the job of Several Amsterdam juardias Palestine probably imposed on German youths bewith them, namely the Jews. Secprevious one having been made on in collaboration with locally raisKosh Hashonah when bombs razed ed Arab fighting corps. They cause of the "ultra-romantic" use ond, anti-Semitism is a means to a large synagogue while Jew3 could also provide a reserve from of the blackout . . . break the national unity of demwere inside praying. It is believed which reinforcements could be ocratic countries. Third, Gerthat several hundred bodies are Ejuickly drawn for the British THREAT: Latest threat heard many regards the "assimilation" still under t i e synagogue's ruins. armies guarding the borders of along Broadway: "If you don't of the Jews in England, Prance, Tens of thousands of Jews were Egypt and the Sudan if the occa- give me plenty of lebeasraum, I'll Holland and, to a lesser degree, black you out with a blitzkrieg" in the United States as a refuta•wandering over roads and in the tion ot her own doctrines ot anti<»oods along Valhynia, Polesia, There ia, therefore, a high proafid "Wilno suburbs, tramping in bability that war in the East Semitism. muddy fields under heavy rains would bring into action a Jewish ITNDERSTATEMENT: For the M. Kerillis points to the imand under Nasi aerial bombard- army on a very much larger scale year's best understatement, we portant positions held by Jews ment. Lika frightened sheep they than the Jewish Legion which give you a passage from the New throughout history, naming: Disran, many of tnem in tae wrong fought effectively in the ranks of Year's message by Chief Rabbi J . raeli, Prime Minister of England; directions, falling under Nasi ma- General Alianby'3 army in the H. Hera of Englaad . . . "A spirit Herbert H. Lehman, Governor of chine-guns and bomb3. Not much id "War. The backbone of such of perverseness," he said, "has the State of New York; Leslie chance for escape was left ior an aray Here-Belisha, Minister of War for would consist of the pre- come over a renowned nation" . them, since all countries neigh- sent Jewish Great Britain; M. Georges Mansecurity farces in boring Poland closed their fron- Palestine. Including Minister in the present NAZIMANIA: T h e s e stories del, all categories tiers to refugees. on aetive duty and in reserve, have been told before, but don't French government. Commissars las tailed Germany regards these striking these number at present nearly stop us even it you have heard Polish advices said Nazi com- 20,000 men. All are trained and them . . . They're worth repeat- examples and others as dangermissars nave been installed in ev- most have been on active duty ing . . . In a strip of no-man's- ous for her ideological doctrines. ery Jewish enterprise left un- here and in Europe, having re- land between the Swiss and Ger- especially so far as an internal touched by t i e German bombard- ceived during tneir period of serv- man frontiers recently, Swiss propaganda is concerned. if. ment of Polish cities. The same ice intansive training from British officials found a large basket of Kerillis concluded that antisources said that the Nazi admingarbage . . . The basket had been Semitism is nothing but a premen. istration in occupied Polish towns military put there by Germans during the lude to an unrelenting w a r : There is an additional reservoir was refusing food to Jews. more than 80,000 Jewish men night, with an insulting note on against Catholicism a n d . tradiPunishment, including death, of Nest morning, the Ger-tional Protestantism, which are between t i e ages of 18 and 40, of j tO p waa reported being meted out forwaom large proportion, perhaps ' mans found in its place a basket disliked by the Nazis as much a s every anti-Nazi utterance. The 33,000 ahave performed service in of bntter With.the message: "Each Judaism because they are imbued Germans were said to be taking European armies. Given instruc- nation gives of its best" . . . Hit- with the Biblical spirit. over tha sS.ops and homes of Jews tors and equipment, Jews ler, anxious • to know what his wao fled before t i e advancing i could therefore quicklythe into people thought of him for plungNazi army. T i e Polish peasants j the .fiald a force. JEliose get morale ing -Germany- into wax, disguissd were declared "to be -displaying would be raised to the highest Mmself and toured the cafes of sympathy witi the Jaws, g§- pitan by the knowledge that they j^erUn". . . Encountering a workE g B pitch by the g B w.__y feeding those wno were unJjthe cafes, Hitable to obtain rations. Many wers osa 0 fighting for_Nasissn. their national iler 2 asked him: "What do you and against homeless Jews were being shelter- home Taere would be" no lack of good think of Hitler?" . . . The labored by t i e peasants, who also help- officers for such a force. Among er put his fingers to his lips . . . ed many otiers to escape over the tae refugees arriving in Palestine Looked around the cafe furtivefrontiers into neighboring neutral during the past year and more, ly . . . Convinced that he wouldcountries. and notably among the illegal im- n't be overheard, he leaned over Passaic, N. J. {JTA) — An unNews through Polish channels migrants, nave been hundreds of and whispered: "Well, do you usual act of heroism bespeaking also revealed that all Jews in former officers in the erstwhile know, I rather like him." . . . nterfaith cooperation was recorfiGdynia, German-occupied Polish Czecaos'ovaiian and A u s t r ian | d here this week when a priest port, had been interned aad that armies, some of high rank and i MISH-MASH: Danton Walker, entered a synagogue amid a ragmany Jewish, children wiose par- many experts in special fields, Y. Daily News columnist,, gives .ng fire in an effort to save the , eats nad been killed or separated such as army fliers, military en- N. this for what it is worth: Sefer Torah (Scroll of the Law) ;: ware left without care. Polish gineers, cnaaical warfare espert3 you Litvinoff and Kaganovicn, and sacred vestments. soldiers imd been feeding the ohil- and technicians of various types. "Both the last two Jews holding importThe deed was performed by the l drea before the Naai occupation, The a r a y with widen General ant positions the Soviet Gov- Rev. William V. Dusn, pastor of \ it wa3 said, while Jewish nurses Allentsy coaguered Palestine and ernment, areinnow — o*_n,,>., on Stalin's St. Nicholas Church, when Temple ^ _ . v _ bad %.„,! been <,„,»„ caring naTinrr for fnr 'them them *who Syria numbered at its greatest •wars now at the front. It was es-strength little more than 100,000 death list" - . The first- volume Emanuel, Passaic's largest synaJ tlmated by Polish sources that aad daring most of the campaign of the Universal Jewish Encylo- gogue and until 16 years ago the 1 wMch will be out of the home of the Old North Reformed "several hundred a day" of these between 60,000 aad 70,000 while pedia, bindery soon, is dedicated to tha Church, was razed by a fire attri* children were dying. the combined Turkish and German late George Alexander Kohut . . . buted to defective wiring, causing ' High tribute to Jewish soldiers troopa opposing him hardly ex- Whose wi-dow, the famed Rebekah 5100,000 damage. and officers participating in the eeeded 50,000 at any one time. Xohut, recently hold Editor Louis The pastor was one of the first defense of the beleaguered Polish Tae military potentialities of j to reach the flaming building. capital was paid in a statement is- the Palestine Arabs cannot be ac- j With several other men he entersued by the Polish Embassy. Tae curately estimated. Tfiey would Shnbassy said it bad received an probably not supply much mater- first volume was delivered to her ed it in an effort to save the holy •appeal from Warsaw urging that ial for the regular fighting serv- . . . Mrs. Kohut, who on Sept. 9 objects. They did rescue some ifeod and medical relief be rush- ices, but in their own special field was 75 years old, has been ill relics, but were forced to come out ed "for Jews aad Poles who ara ol desert raiding, they would un- . . Ben Hanft, of the United Jew- of the building quickly. ish Appeal publicityy staff, tells heroically defending t a e capital." furni3a England with this one . . . A refugee, couple of «O»TO0 Hefusees Reach. Jtamaaia valuable .. auxiliaries as they did their acquaintance appeared in Reports reaching here said at tha last war under the leader- tae neighborhood one day proudleast §0,000 war rejusaaa from In of Colonel Lkwrenee. Despite JT or evening fashions, Pcr^s looked backward thig season— Poland, about naif of them Jaw- ship ' """ ? f"-t"_L_ J !; r ^ i The^neighbors alf j^theredTaround ' ish, have found their way into Ru- the in the past, a swing of finding so many varied silhouettes that at t^is year's. Ball > mania and many other thousands populace toward Britain ia seen, "Nu," was the question, "is it a I have been admitted to Hungary sentiment no two women need look alike . . . escept for t&eir sjnaJLl Busting with | and Lithuania. All ware reported particularly if the war should ex- she or a he?" . pride, the couple as with one I t o be in urgent need of relief. The tsnd to the east. eorested waists. That nitjht, tli§ des^nt ladies T?H1 wear silk f plight of thousands on the Ru- Proposal for a joint Arab-Jew- voice, replied: "He, she, who cares New York (WNS) — The artiCongrats to Jersey clinging to elassip, $et*lptusred lin?3 . . , ewatliing chifmanian frontier was said to be ca- iaa" force for the defense of Pal-j l ^ *a~*cT£en t t a s t r o p h i c . Without food and shel- estine, which has bean semi- of- Louis Minsky, editor of Religious ficial cultivation of the virus ot fons . . . coygr-yp crepfes lookipg» •srieljqdly worldly -r» and ficially put forward in London, rabies which promises a superior News Service, who has just joined ter for days, women, children and , aged were reported to be spending has been received sympathetically the ranks of the benedicts . . . accine treatment of persons bittheir direct opposite, lo^-pnt, full-skirted picture dresses... ' their nights under the open sky, in Jewish quarters. There is no Mrs. Minsky was his secretary. ten by mad dogs or other rabid question of conscription in Pales- Roberta Salinger animals, was reported in a paper I anxiously awaiting relief. Condolences . stiff brocades and airy bouffant nete - - . vTpol evening • Arrangements to aid war refu- tine, which is a mandated terri- to Rabbi Moses J. S. Abels,.of the presented by Dr. Israel J. Kligler On tha Jewish side, how-American Jewish Committee staff, of the Hebrew University ol Jercoats and velvet wraps, ^ e faa^e them all-^but picked our gees have been made witi tits var- tory. a call for volunteers, backed who has just lost his 23-year-old usalem at the Third International ,1 ioua governaieata bordering Po- ever, •velvet favorites to sketch for yon, t i e Jewish Agency for Pales- daughter, Mrs. Judith Harriet Microbiological Congress, meeting laud by the World .Jewish Con- by tine and other Jewish institutions, ere. • • •' ' Mrs. Eshbaek was gress and tne OSS, Jswisa health would bring &n immediate nas3 Fishback a talented artist, having won the Dr. Kligler, head of the depiaftsociety. The OSS salci its -organi- response. George Bellows Memorial Award ment of Hygiene and Bacteriology zation had started feeding of eMi- Violence continued despite the for a painting when she was only of the Hebrew University, based . drea and adult refugees oa thewar emergency. A Jew, Emanuel 12 . . . The captain of the Har- his report upon a series of experi|BaItie-Palish frontiers, especially HIGHT BLUE VELVET—a woman's drfisa on 33, and hi3 Arab com- Zion, flagship of the Palestine ments conducted in the laborator/along the Lithuanian border, Kaprussky, were killed wnen a cart in Maritime Lloyd, was once master ies of the University in cooperafluid lines . . . skirt fullness placed losr at the where a majority of the war refu- panion wMch tney were riding struck a of a big Nazi liner, the Columbus tion with Dr. Haas Bernkopf, also gees are Jews. back. Sketched fetenter tap 22.78 landmine near Kfar Ssold. One . . . Who lost his job when the of Hebrew University. The Congress said it was sur-British, soldier was killed and Nazis came to power because, alIn a paper read before the Conveying the refugee situation on <three were wounded when a mili- though a Catholic, he had a Jew- gress, Dr. N. H. Swellengrebel, ot the Latvian, Lithuanian, Hangar- j tary patrol engaged in Arab band / K-ow, the Amsterdam, said that Dutch Guig I4.GS 4 ^ ^ to look new and ish grandfather . iaa and Kumanian frontiers. It iat Alguebeiha near Jerusalem. ana is not at present a suitable captain has beccjme a convert to declared that it haa secured peryoung over a blacl velvet pietiire dress. Judaism and, according to Dr. colonization ground for Jewish mission for the investigation frasn S. Solomon, an English Samuel Margoshes in an interview refugees. "Any attempt to settle Sketched top right . " . . . . . . ' . . . ^ 7 5 the respective governments, which Jew, was attorney-general of Fiji with Br. Bernard Berger, the whites in areas where malaria ia promised to aid t i e Congress reji- frosa 1S75-95. Jewish line's representative, has rife and where, they are bound to reflsntatives ia taeir survey. compete with "African people' is' tamed intensely religious. The Joist Distribution Commitiitt.eil ts a 1 Vabiaa L. Solomon was in 1899 bound to be a total failure,1* Br. tee has organised a permanent (Copyrighted by Jewish TeleSwellengrebel said, "unless either l l i i TP leaves waist, buttoned anS committee here, representing Jew- named premier of South. Aush Agency, Inc.) the malaria is reduced significantish group's from various countries, tralia. l? left 19.83 bright as gold. i ly or there is enforced segregation to dal with relief for their needy MIZRACHI WOMEN TO of the two groups of people. to "laadsleit" in Paris. Fifty thous- 33 many frsa kitchen a3 possibla. BUILD FARM SCHOOL eliminate competition b e t and, francs nave been allotted by A similar apseal has beea. issued them." ^ Vktama the 3. D. G. a3 an initial fund for in. Brussels .by a specially farmthis committee, which will begia ed casnzoittaa of lecal Jewisi lead- • New T o r i {JTA) — Pledging a fullness of thi ialHI s k i r t . . . ecitftM"v I policy of expaasion of its projects Washington (JTA) by opening free kitelieaa 33..I hj ers.s. tlon to tb.3 United States has bodice. Sketched lower right . . . . . . "in this trirse of travail" in Palextending aid ta various profesJlspresentatives of the HIAS- estine, tha MiaraeM Women's Or- to a standstill and it ia net sionals, including writers aad ac-ICA • Srsigr^tion Association ia gasizaties of America, at a recep- that visas isill ba issafd tors, who nave been thrown out Rumania, Latvia aad Luiaanaa the Stats Department of work as a result of the war. ! have stated registration at Jew- tion in t i e Hotel Pennsylvania for September, its delegates to the recent Woirld said. The American' ambaesEdorn The Federation oZ Jewish So- ish war rsfugses i r o n Poland Zionist Congress, decided to pro- in Paris and Leaden asked that cieties, representative bod7 of who feave relatives in the United ceed immediately the build- visas for immigrants be held up Jewish immigrants, has issued an States. Tbe registration was stated ing of a Central with Training Farm until all American citizens abroad \ appeal to all its member groups to ba the first move in efforts to are evacuated from the European I Ho institute self-taxation ta ea- bring t i e refugees in contact with , School for Keligious Youth near danger zones. | [Petaeh Tikvah. able the Federation ta maiaiaia relatives abroad.
"National Letter . Writiag Week * to Open Tomorrow
©irililalit gowtt and wrajj lashicms that society columns next week
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UO1 3SATSN© I K S B&3TC&-—Despite assertion b y Nazi Propaganda M i n i s t e r Paul Joseph G o e b bels In Berlin t h a t G e r m a n y has no intention o f sending army through The Netherlands, t h e D u t c h do n o t mean t o be caught n a p p i n g . H e r e are recruits registering f o r t h e a r m y i a A m s t e r d a m .
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i P1OTSCTIOH—As rapidly as possible France is . tecting her monuments against possible Nazi air raids. Here is how the tomb of Marshal Ferdinand Foch, near that of Napoleon In Les Invalides, is being boarded up. \ - ' ~~!
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RICE F C a C H D N A — A n n u a l " S o w ! o ! R i c e " parties wilt b e held throughout United States week o f O c t . 30 f o r relief o f Chinese civilians. Here, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, national chairman a? United C o u n c i ! f o r C i v i l i a n Elslief in China, discusses in N e w York plans f o r parties, w i t h TaElulah 3asikhead, Broadway star, w h o heads t h e a t r i c a l division.
COME! — Let the Nazis come, is the attitude of these steel-helmeted and gasmasked soldiers stationed at an anti-aircraft post in the suburbs of London. Picture was passed for publication by the British War Office. Sandbags are arranged for protection to men and guns from bursting bombs. j&^w™~wt
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ST2]CuS:-l—Pierce Bufler.Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, whosa condition at Garfield hospital, Washington, was reported by his physician as "not entirely satisfactory." The Associate; Justice was said to be suffering from a bladder ai!ment. Justice Butler,73,was rumored considering retirement from the Supreme Court before it convenes in October. He was appointed In 1923 by President Harding and is one of court's conservatives.
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JUST CLEAN FUi^i—-This picture might symbolize attitude of some European nations, but it's really of *wo of the.44 sled dogs that will go with Admiral Byrd on his Antarctic expedition. They are shown at a farm in Seattle.
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SSY-f.S2N?—Mo, they're Benedictine monks trying out their gas masks while strolling through grounds of their monastery at Buckfast Abbey, Devon, England. Men of the cloth are subject to war gas the same as civilians.
GENERAL — Radio picture from London shows Duke of Windsor in new uniform as Major General. He is already in France as member of British Expeditionary Forces. New jobpays $20 a Jay.
THEIR BOY—Paul V. McNutt, Federal Security Administrator, mentioned as possible candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination, receives visit at French Lick Springs from his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McNutt of Martinsville, Ind. Occasion was Indiana Democratic editorial rally in his honor. •if
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IJJJi G^I'iTZri—Ur.Ivenity oF California football teara th!s sryascn «s cr>o of ration's fop-flight units. Here is
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.. w....... ..-ASV VO 1-SC55?—British censor lot this picture ho son* froth London, shssv/lng women, y vslHng in Hno to enlist la ths V/omsn's Auxiliary Air Force.Their dufios v/iilincludo tndfor fcsflng"H and other ground work, ss well as routine in Air Force offices. i BKr. 6? Unite! F
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THB JEWISH P&ES3—3TUDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1939 a Joxtnne in ISnslanfl Trtth his sncrwB £he BtrenEtb of- power, poll-: old XL S. .A. -.on-the next £Ba-golni Toice. Iitrnie IB. Iflayer's norse, •vessel. . ties i n HoUywoocL Conniernoise, paia -§14 Xox $2 the T i e first meeting ol t h e P i - ! JJeHqy i s on a talent • XdlE's lighter moments: Forced othex day - - . nnfl Jjoniee fiidn*t oneer "Women's organization was l u n t lor new' screen material tor 'to. scrap all footage shot on "Saf-nave a penny on Tumi Languidly, "held on Tcssday, September 12, Sis Tinit a t 33. G. 32. - Cnttins••or-' Hes" teeanBE " o l Ttevia "SiXveit'sleisurely Chaplin- continues cm at the Jewish CommunitF Center. Mrs. A. D. Frank and "Sirs. PhU By IRVIKG BONDERS 3rDthErs a t ±he' Cirens" Ball ±0 England. israBsetl Sammy "Ti.e DidatDr" . . . . budget, -oneThe following officers "were j Gilinsky win he among assistants •was complsted this "week rmaking g Golflwyn groans, ^'And 3iere 1 jxm rmfUmifvhnif jnUlion flollars in elected a t this time: Mrs. X 3tor| at the tea to be given "by Mrs. SOUNB lignres. it H l E CDnmntnigne Ucu V i 2. sssx on my iandsi it iJDSsiHe l o r LEE-DJ and MB cigar I Earie Stiles' lor chairmen and. or- genslern, frna.Tir.iaI secretary; Mrs. In a comment an the possible ef- ID lobk over t i e seript of Ms next -VNNOCNCE CVS 5I1T2VAH • In this scxambleil •« orld with its A3fXOUNCE BJUX MIIZTAH ! ganiation presidents who are sell- Ed Heiches, xecordir,g seexetaxy; leets ol t h e European "wax anplctnre, "ZXegt&a. Girl.1" HbsBribloom -win aiever mad Mr. and Mrs. Fred Creenbers political metamorpnoHes, an Mr, and Mrs. Leo Fox announce j ins tickets lor the Puith Keutans Sirs. 3tL Glickniajx, treasurer, and production, Murray crown i n n anemory contest. (Copyriglit., IB S3, l)y Seven Arts announce the Eaj' Miisvaii of Liieir the Ear Miizvah of their sea, Hectare series, sponsored this year Mrs. O. S. Bsizer, pcblicity. advertisement in Tenice, Italy, stDiie, in charge of -world-wide On 1lieset\of s. tliree^gnaTter-mil-' Feature Syndicate.) Committee chairmen appointed operations lor United Artists, deson, Jerome, at 9:3 tomorrow at Philip, on Saturday morning at j by the Council ol Federated ElizaTueth Bergner a s T picture, lie "blew up- "balfynooed the B'nai Jacob Synagogue, iMih the Beth El Synagogues. All ; Church. "Women, the T. "W. C A_ are: Mrs. J . Kazniak, cultural; clared that "motion jxictnres are the ""German DnseJ " time after lime In MB Une&. "Tha and Kicholas. No invitations are jj friends and relatives are inTited to ' Council of Jewish "Women and TJn- Mrs. J . Feldman, Jewish "National as Tital an adjunct tD ^everyday iirectar nstea -wiat -was the tron- Did you know ihnt Mas PleischFund; Mrs. S. Oktn., ways and living as the Tiasic necessities-" If i d d rell jj attend. | itarian Alliance. Deing issued. All friends and We. :*'Oli, tnat's the -vray it always er, JIDW jirDdncins L Goldstein, bazaar; :so why are the exhibitors sgnalk1 Mrs. Roy Marshall, general are invited. 1-work k Travels" i n cartoon lorm, lii is.""" inoanea "Map'*, " wnen 1 ins? jEIGi-IL-lNB CorXTKV C1XTB ! chairman, has appointed Sirs. Mrs. S. in B p.ictnreEl" membership; Mrs. once a cartoonist on the Bxookl-fn Mr. and Mrs. George IL SherThe First Bullet dinner of the : ilamiel Grodinsky, chairman for I. Kaplan, telephone, U j •EELES SISSOKD and Mrs. One exhibitor in :Tvew Tork nas man .announce the Ear ilitzvah of | Highland Country Club's winter admissions to bp sold at the Sam Epstein, hospital. The Teason Tony Martin left coltheir son, Melvin Jay, at the B'nai I season was to have been heliflasi i door. The series starts Tuesday taken to -double-talk, Trhat -with Hollywood — Taleska Gert is lege ^ - .. and "by xe quest.. . . w a s Two of Mas B.einhardr& lormIsrael Synagogue Saturday, Oeto- night at the Paxton hotel Club- i morning, October 17, at 10:20 at Mrs. S. Oknn and Mrs. J. Feld- xhe Tirar and selling problems -conW€ e a "jmn-Aryan" fugitive., ^ she is that lie -was cauglit playing jazz er anipHS in Enxoue. Sedy Lallarr D«r 7, at 9:30. Friends and rela- rooms. Ulah Jong, the Brandeis store to continue on | *»* f tihaeea delegates to the fmnting liim. Asked t o -what lie one of Enrope's most famons on the .chapel orgaiu That -was ihe bridge, and Joseph Schildkrnut, met lor tives nave been invited to attend. Eingo "were on the eveniaj s pro- i t i l e succeeding five Tuesdays. national convention -which as t o-attributed recent had business, Ms charaEtET the first time uuriBg tne filmlns dancers , „ . looks\have decisive moment of Ms <caTeer; be held at the Hotel Pennsylvania gram. terse and -very snecinct Teply -was, bean Twitten about her, ibDOks i Mrs. ^Nenhaus has announced in S e r Tort, OclDber 15-13. of *'Lady of the TropiCB." HE3SS IXJK HOLIDAYS "Had ! that her lectures will not be conSnipplngs: Sidney Skolsky -rewhic3i now liave the distinction of .MlBsAnne Silverman of Chicago COCSINS CLt"B Hewer Esay Solly Tiolinsfcy, an actor . — | cerned so much with the progress being burned in Germany . . . she turns t o the fourth estate -with a -visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday, October 1, has been set Add communigne No. 77 C— is a forerunner of the Txnfle fresnly-inked HoUywoDfl' eolnmn. most of 4he time ""between picm°et on !D f l h e ?"esent European eoaOasSolomon S i l v e r m a n , and her j The Cousins Club aside as the annmJ flower day (from the Hollywood front, which Daniel Fronman, -wio -was con-tures" - - . became so noxaa •v.-iCh October 4, at the ; *? •brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Wednesday, must underlie the drive. On this date committees lias never considerBd handsome SchDop school olfla.TiriiTig.Toull people constantly inquiring about Mrs. Ben Eisenberg, during the home of the A. Perlmatter's, 13 S | next peace. Her opening topic -will •will call upon Omaha Jewry and Arinif as 3. possible jnvenile lead). see lier i n ner iirst American pic- neclefi -vrith movies in their cradle "his status o l tanjiloyment onat ne days, lias ceilfibrated Ms eigbty5 4 th. turfi holidays. i be "Today is :History." the organization has asked that The film colony made .a move to eigMh "birthaay. Arthur -"Street Ihad a sign made, XEadins; "SoUy they be courteously received. capitalize on the European SingET" Tracy Is said to nave caxn- Vlolinsky,, /Genans." England's Dan on "Professor Mrs, Harry Trusiin, Mrs. Dave E3ETCKKS FKOM COAST by re-issuing some of the battle Mamiock," anti-Nazi film, -was Stein, Mrs. Morris Segal, Mrs. Mrs. .L. Keveleff has returned The first Ones Shabboth -will "be pictures that nave been Mts in Sroai California where she spent Ben Yousem, Mrs. Phil Rosenheld on Satuxdav, September 'ZQ, past years- Half a dozen stndios lifted AFTEfi. t h e German-E.ns3D The local chapter of the the past three and a half months. blatt, Mrs. S. Frohm and Mrs. were pulling old films out of the rapprochement. C o a t u i x e n t l y , at the home of en's Mizrachi will inaugurate an Nathan Simon.. dusty files and giving them test "Professor Mamlnck^ -was Teplacstreet. 1434 North Eighteenth For the women who do not play j intensive program for the coming JUTKfOlTNCE BffiTH cultural chair- Tims in studio theaters. Most fa- sa at tlie "World's Fair Enssian Mx. and Mrs. Sam Sacks an- bridge or inajong. there will be j year with a luncheon on "Wednes- man, will be in charge of the pro- mous of the films sxe "AH Qniet Pavilion -with "Lenin of 1917." nounce the birth of a son, Aron ia bing-o game. All women are ! day, October I S , a t the Jewish gram. Mr. I. Morgenstern will be on the "Western Front" and ""The Management iowever, 3t George, on Thursday, September | asked to be sure and attend be- | Community Center. This will be Eoad Back," based on the twowas a routine program change speaker. cause all proceeds will go lor the j the first meeting of the year, and This Oneg Shabboth will be Erich Maria Bemargue novels. liaving n o connection with the 14, at the Clai-tson hospital. I benefit of the Hadassah Medical Iiixe luncheon will be open to mem- dedicated to ths Saccoth holiday. Eeich-Soviet ion-aggression paet. MEMORIAL Organization. For any additional bers and their friends. W. B. stndio is xn a pickle over Mrs. A. G. "Weinstein, chairman Three sound films will be shown j information call the chairman, a pending "colossal" deal -with Hollywood War Jitters: Ernst i for this affair, will select her comat 2; 30 Sunday in the Lecture the U. S. S. U.. Same weeks, ago Lubitsehs tEn-month-old liaby and i mitiee. Hall of the Joslyn Memorial. RtLssian film officials inquired its nurse -were xescned from the Jewish National Fund i Two days prior to the memberTheta Chapter of Sigma Delta about "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" torpedoed Athenia . . . LuhitsclTs Tbeae ^ietures are: "London," Ail women are urged to give Monday. Octo- Tau announces the pledging of for Unssia. Arrangements -were -wife is in England. Edward G. Cathedi-al Towns," and generously to the committees cole r afi> 16,aa±1 o clock luncheon and \ eleven new girls. girl The pledges are made to send, a print t o Moscow. Hobinson, -wife, and sonny jnst of Kent." Miss Lena ~D. lecting money from lhe J. -K- F . | bher Wileox of Farmingrton, N. IU.. will blue boxes when the drive starts ] bridge will be held at the name j Eelene Albert, Anns Arbitman, Ent in view D! the Nazi-Soviet got intD iDme port as the "wax _ B-ose Goldstein, anti-aggression pact, on "The History and Heaa- October S. Mrs. Jack Kaufman 1 of Mrs. Joseph Tretiak, 3004 Lra- i Sylvia Epstein, gong sonnded. Director Michael : coin Blvd. far farthe t h e benefit "benefit of of one tras !•Bemice Tismira Himmeistein, -wiTri-r^o Sylvia Katz- undecided aoont shipping Curtiz' corrugated brow is due lestine projects. man, all of Omaha; Sereva BravBrav print. Ko American films nave jl o W D r r y about XElatives in nearly UUa ae ee er r t ti iee An Organ recital will be given „ ,, „ v, r-<-r •• i e a i e r s h i p of its j er i e a i e r s h i p of its j erman of Grand Island; .Aronita been bought by Unssia since Chaxf Th w naxts ol Europe. After five M r s Aaron AaronKatz, K a tt hteh| Da | D k k of f H l Elaine E "by Esther Leaf at 4 o'clock. As- Money from the Hadasaah G u t , p r eessiiddeenntt, Mrs. lie Chaplin's "Modern Times." weeks of cruises abroad. Director sisting her will be Eerniee DughEddie Buzzell returns nappily i« 1-•*r Walsh, pianist. Incidentally, Charlie Chaplin's TTliegville. The safe docking o "Production l^o. 6," also xeferxed tne Queen Mary bxonght Barry Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chairman .of hDme for adolescent girls; com- j Pauline Schwartz was elected to as "The Great Dictator," saw "Warner iome - , . and he almost the Hadassah Gift. Fund, an- pletian and maintenance of the. j historian lor this cominc -year a spurt of activity this past-week- didnt board iex! lilnch -vroxxied pleaan j historian for this coming year, j end with the signing of Maurice noimces the following conmbu- :B e t h 2 e l r o U l ^ T e lA v i T . biifld- w h i l e ^ r i e y Polsky w ™ e r ? r ^ Moscovicn, Max Davidson, .Esther speculation about Charles -Boyer, tions K since r,n,,, ,™«the T»* laRT PrRBB an- i ^ ^ m a i a t f i n a l i e e f l m a i o r ^ j j ^ a ^ ^ ^ a n d S y l v ^ l : e ? Miehelson and others' t o support who was at Antibes -when the nounceme-iit: French -mnbf|j?^tirm call -went the star, Panlelte Goddard. Mrs. Herman out. Louis B. Mayer, greatly concerned over the whexeabouts of Harry and Jack Cbhn, president NDrma ShearET until he learned Don Friedman, father y ^ and vice-president, respectively, of •*"W.e build our strength on theI Morris Wohiuer. that she nad four boat resrvations of a Beth Chalutzoth. Columbia ""Pictures, have volun^personalities of the Jewish peothe University of Nebraska for exThe Thursday afternoon group and -would come back on the first tarily slashed their own salaries ple,"" stated .Mrs. David A. Gold- in memory cf Mr. Don Frieden, The Kational Women's Mizraehi cellence in violin. She is also a =c_f5tsd the jjuota for j member of the Tniversity Orches- by one-third. The Cohn frexes one available. PTDdncer Sat Goldstein-speaking before 4 00 Hadas- rather of Sirs. Morris "Wohlner. j ^ e LuiiiiLLLa stone debarked in England . . trees to be planted j tra. Elaine Kaiman is a new eah womea during the special Mr. and Mrs. Albert Newman in ; a ^ F^abbi Meyer Berlin Forest, i member of the Great Cathedral agreed to the reduction in their took one sguint \s.t ±he meeting held by the organization memory of Mrs. Lena Mendelson. ;i *nsalaries during the period of emerproject tha J . j Choir which sang at the t^orld gency which Ihsy feel the motion . . . and embarked I ox the % Tuesday, in the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center. She at Kew Tork this summer. picture industry is facing. Miriam Suhnia played in the described a few of the personali"YOUH I T I J S U R A J J C E BBOKEB Minyon Group No. 4 in memory ties .of the many countries rep- ol Mr. Don Friedman, lather of Brodkey, are particularly active, i qquartet at s. a tea a given g e n by by tthe h e new Eddie Cantor's deals to return Mrs. Mp~r Arhitman a n d Mrs. j j Dean e W of Women, Miss Helen Hasp, to the air -are definitely cold fox resented during the "World Zloa- I Mrs. Men-is "Wohlner. kop have pledged j T Thursday. h d S l ist Congress held in Geneva be- f Friends of Ann MeichSx in Sophie E.othkop Selma Hill assisted, the moment. Instead of inanguVI CE-T»RES!I>ENT themselves t o greater effort ±0 I fore the outbreak of the war. also lead the xating B. new xafiio enow, the CIT¥ FIMISJSO | memory of Mrs. Meleher's mother, ! f-nyfii mainten-|| table discussion on on salesmanship comedian will take a number of "The delegates at the Congress bcildills Ceiia Melcher. mSPHUMSE COha ChapChap \\a t t iieM Mortar Board student ^.etiv- performers -who appeared -with represented the Jewish will to Mrs. a c e q a o t a s j G r -^2 Omaha Mrs. Mfilvin Plrekin and Mrs. J. ater. Every woman wio ttii e] ! ; 9 t E i attends td Mm in Ms lormBr series on a pper- Representing 21 Strong Companies d ei conference Saturday. th.eir f ^ f -WK ^ thrilled ^ V ^ the l ~assembly - l^U inMmemoryJK CpmplBSB insurance fiBrwice benefit affairs helps in t h s up, - Friedeii ^ eiet£r. cf c n building of the Jewish Xational encircledcalendars C A J - I T A T 7ES7 o r W A S15U •: with June 2Bth_ sanal appearance' opening in red were used as place' 'was dtnxing the opening of the somewhere in thetour,, east in abDnt -THE BETTt^RTENT Mr._ and ilr^-^- Hahn in mem- homeland and through these pro- cards at Monday night's dinner. tWD -weeks. sessions to know that the three Ann Hahn. j jects is helping to provide a home The occasion was the .announce^ frpgrilffl of the gavel by Ussiachkin, ory o; Tea Hostesses ; for refugee girls. ment -of the pin hanging of Selma president of the Jewish National The sixth jnrnTia.1 "KigM of the meeting Tuesday ) Zveitel of Grand Island to Edward Stars," theatrical benefit for the Fund, nad been made with the the'During Social Committee, under the i Cnait, S. A. M., at Omaha. same .gavel used by Theodore settlement of Jewish refugees in . Hsrzd on tne occasion of the open- | supervision ol Mrs. E. A. Meyer, Palestine, vrill be neld November | chairman; Mrs. Saxa Kaffel and 3BB of tiw first Zionist Congress. 13 in New Tork City, by arrangeOn September 19, the Menorah | I Mrs. 1. W. "Kosenblatt, co-chairment with the United Jewish ApMrs. Goldstein explained that peal. Nathan Straus, udministxaalthough the Congress knew war i man. tea was served at a beauti- Chapter of the Young Jndea held ful autumn colored table of yel-j its second meeting since the openZeta Beta Tau "began the new tor of the United States Housing •\rafc imminent, that lives were j I low, brown and white. Hostesses ; ing of the fall program and ad| school year with the largest nouse Authority, is chairman. Some of a.t stake, that many of the dele- j for the afternoon -were Mrs. Isa•mission of new members. in its Mstoxy. Sixteen npperdass- ths stars wno axe expected t o sates "would never be back again, | -Dedicated to andmdudisis mfko are The first meeting took place :at \ men returned and on the evening -volunteer again this 3reax ,are: t h a t a n "w-ere courageous and j dore A brains on, Mrs. Max Arbil"sseHng disiinciion and 'the Teaciy to carry on the work in jman. Mrs. Herman Auerbaen, Mrs. j the home of Bernice Crounae, at ! of the twenty-fiftix f ouxteen new Panl Muni, Geoxge M. CDnan, ~K3ie Smith, Edward G. B D "b i n s o n, J=pite of all obstacles. She went j aymaa Eelinan, Mrs. Simon Gore- i which time aew members were m^n were i^ed^ed l o o t " '.• [ ' : ' • ; ' " familiar " . . .the . . rules . -i Stuart Simon = > of Omaha, Morris EDpMe Tucker, -Orson "Welles, Irvwith of •:on to tell how the Congress ' lick. Mrs. Joe Goldware. Mrs. S. ' made A. Blticher, Mrs. Bertha Ellis, the club, and the club's plans for j Kirshenbaum of Omaha, Ixxing ing Berlin and others. fibo^wed the strength of the JewCoben of Council Bluffs, Raymond ish people, throughout the world iMrs. Al Fiedier. Mrs. Harry the future. In spite of ail hindrance and hew•' Fra'nkel, Mrs. Morris Friedel and ; The second meeting took place ! Grimes of Denver, Carl Milder of The following direct guote j at the Jewish Community Center i Omaha, Edward Milder of Omaha, the delegates received renewed j Mrs. 3. »Geif man. comes to us "via the iisual pubion September 19. The feature , Harold Bernstein of Council strength from one anotheri_ „ , /-^, , . j of the evening was a lecture on j Bluffs, Gorman Smeerin of "Wood- licity channels, a n a concerns Other reports heard during the , jCHISit X^VUu M l I modern Palestine by Miss Blanche bine, Iowa, Caliain Menzer of Jascha Heifetz: "1 -was scared stiff meeting from Mrs. William PolI first xepoxted to Mx. GoldxLaided | Eleiman, social director of theCreston, Iowa, Kabert "White, Bar- "when lack, membership chairman, who -wyn*B stnSiD. Somenow ox other, Jewish Community Center. Hiss Ian Stndna, Bernard Altsulex, -Breed all non-members to join 1 -was calmex dnring the German La Paz, Bolivia (JTA) The Kleiman also spake on the Young Sheldon TC?rr.fT-;;?-ri v.nfj Irving Mal- invasion of Anstxia .and the, stutmnKjdiaiely. and from Mrs. Eeuashock all of Omaha. j Judea and what it means as a !ben Kulak of sky, who explained Authorities have promised officdent riots in Bnenaxest.'" This Pxesident of the class is Stuart Siboat tbe B.ed Cross knitting and ials cf the Cireula Israelita, only | national organization. same meeting plans ^ e r e Simon, treasurer 3s Harold Bernsewing circles being organised by Jewish communal center in Lai At the made for a hangnet possibly to stein, and Secretary is Jxving Mal. Mrs. J. M. Ermamand Mrs. A. S.Paz. to investigate a raid on the ,, Id .at After their third Coasec* S in nonor ashock. After pledging a stag "vras ^Itnbnitz for the benefit of Polish held lax the new mEn. •scar Bufferers. •py Hallow Country Club At present the Chapter is at air and the 20 0 persons present | Marcia Finer, former reporter, Sirs, tiberiusm Party or the club, resigned "because of i tB be held Monday. October it, : and held for several hours Seven newly-arrived immigrants j son, a new member, was named j .new house." 1 p. m., on the Brandeis 10th aadHIS ORCHESTRA' 'ODOT -under the direction of Mrs. among those detained were held to the vacant position. Opens Office Dave Sherman will have the fol-fox a day. No reason for the raid B3TB narw i Dr. Morris E. Boitstein anlowing women as hostesses: Mrs. was announced. nounces the opening of his modSen Fjsher, Mrs. Anna Hofner, social ereali. Francisco de Siiva y Solis, MarMTS. Max Canar, Mrs. Henry Solig, At an installation tea neld at ern dental office, 417 City NaMrs. Morris Katelman. Mrs. Har- quis de Montfort-, who was mili- the Jewish Community Center, the tional Bank building, for the genTOR IKFOSMATIONi . xy Braviroff, Mrs. Morris Friedsn, tary commander of Leopold I, following officers were installed eral practice of dentistry. %A 1359 S32 H, 47 St. Mrs. David Greenberg, Mrs. Harry settled in Antwerp as a profes- by tbe Omaha Section of the .NaPrlesman, Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, sing Je^-. | tional Council of Jewish Juniors* Patronize Our Axrvextisexs | Harriet "Wolsky, president; Toby Hertzberg, vice-president; Helen Castleman, second vice-president; Evelyn Trn.irrtp.Ti, reporting secretary; Marian Strauss, corresponding secretary; Kuth Goldstein, f! treasurer; Belle. H. Green, xeporta ex, and PeaTl Friedman, auSitox. j Beard members are.: Eila ManI tel, Trniisn Keiser, and Bess BernI1 ste^n. J1 The next meeting will be ield I on Sunday, October 1. Plans for j , tne coming season win be disenss*' ed at that time. j Lillian Keiser and Earriet "Wolj sty have been ciiosen as delegates ' F a xiey i.os!:er -SAUU^S, , to the Eleventh Biennal Cunfex- , \ eace of the national Council whieb. j 5! will take place at ths Palmer ' j House la Chicago, October 15 "to t S S a E S S&LESS J 13. Gertrude Guss .and C.elia Eieh- ' Faaicy Kosher, lh: i ards have beea named alternates, i
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which. Polish Jewry has sacrificed itself conies under the Communist ban.- Zionism is a criminal offense. Religious liberty is supposedly preserved by the new Soviet constitution, but that constitution was undoubtedly a gesture at the time of the By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS "peace, front" negotiations. Rabbi, Progressive Synagogue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Unssiam Jewry has been forced to pay the price Jews have refused to pay for two thousand years. It is unlikely that 'A CO3IPANION TO THE BI- division of the Bible, the Scripture Polish Jewry will do so without struggle. BLE," BY A B R A H A M J. reading in the Synagogue on the
FELDMAN, BEHRMAN'S JEW- Sabbaths and holidays, are a few ISH BOOK H O U S E . 174 of the significant themes which PAGES. §1.50. occupy the nest two chapters. Chapters eight to 12 analyze By EABBI FEEDUMCX COHN ' Jews take a peculiar delight the specific contents of the Bible. and pride in the Bible, and justly The author adheres to the tradiWill the Arms Embargo Bill be repealed? so. This foremost literary treas- tional division, Torah, Neviim and of mankind ia the exclusive Kesuvim, dealing with each volOne thing is certain, America should do all it can to "de- ure handiwork of the Jews. No mat- ume in these three groups. It is feat Hitlerism." If a revised Neutrality Bill will help to ac- ter from what angle one views the a superb piece of summarizing. Bible, it is without a parallel. These chapters will reveal to the complish this" so much the better. Call it "neutrality" or not, Its influence is both world wide "uninitiated the actual, con tents of that does not matter. There is something higher than "neutral- and permanent. Our ethics and each Biblical Book. Death came last week to Signmnd Freud. Thus ended the ity" and that Is right and justice. We cannot be neutral in morals, our conceptions of Deity The Bible has been translated, and our religious beliefs, our so- of course, into practically every career of the one man of our generation who was entitled to matters of righteousness, there is no such thing as moral cial and political ideals are de- language used by man to express the hoaor or being called "great." Preud, who fathered the neutrality. In moral matters we have to take sides—on the rived chiefly from this Book of his thoughts., The more important of these translations, both Jewentirely new science of psychoanalysis, finished a storm-ridden side of morality. Moral men and women have no choice in Books. ish and Christian,' are discussed It is deplorable that Israel, decareer ia the comparative peace of a London, suburb. But his the matter. Let politicians and statesmen debate and decide nominated "The People of the in the 13th chapter. The 14th last years were not removed from the conflict that raged about whether the proposed amendment of the present bill makes for Book" is today so woefully in- deals with ''Bibles with Unique different towards it. It is meager Names," and explains the origin him fox* over a half century. "neutrality" or not. Nazi Germany and Italy and their sym- consolation that the Christian is of Coverdales, King James' VerAn octogenarian usually has some expectation of passing pathisers say it does not. That would seem to favor the Bill. as guilty in this regard as is the sion, Cromwell's Bibles, Mikro's Jew. It does not remedy a truly Gedolos, etc. The closing chapthe final years in peace, if not in actual senilitude. Not so One as inexpert in technical political and legal matters as the tragic situation. Throughout the ter is a catalogue of the many Freud. Last year saw him go into exile; this year saw the pub- writer would say that in all essential respects it is formally ages Israel found spiritual nour- Biblical phrases which have beand strength in the Bible. come part and parcel of our daily lication of his amazing volume, "Moses and Monotheism." Even neutral. If it works out differently it can't be helped. Any ishment It is the very' basis of Judaism speech and idiom, many of which as he entered his ninth decade of life he retained his extraor- bill, even the present Arms Embargo bill, would work out some and of Jewish ideals. That it is we use ,regularly without knowdisappearing from the in- ing their original source. dinary mental faculties and revealed a daring and imagination way, and not with absolute neutrality. There is no such thing. rapidly tellectual and spiritual life of I do not know of any single Jews, constitutes an enor- volume which contains so much usually associated with youth. It is all the better if it works out on the side of Justice and modern mous tragedy. solid information about the Bible, # # • • Righteousness—of Great Britain and France, if you will, since Rabbi Feldman, the author of in so attractive and easily digesA native of Moravia, Freud was a child of four when these are undoubtedly (only a blindly fanatic Nazi partisan "A Companion to the Bible," has tible a form as does this. It is a much and always with in- "must" book for every Jewish brought to Vienna, the city he endowed with a, new glory in would deny it) on the side of righteousness and justice, the up- written sight, clarity and precision. I home and school. If used with .its political decadence. In this autobiography he wrote: "My holders of democracy, of freedom and humanity in the present doubt whether any of his pre- any measure of frequency,. I am books will serve as mag- confident that it will help to inparents were Jews and I remained a Jew." Many of his col- crisis, when the Cause of Democracy is at stake, when the Dic- vious nificently as this. Certainly, none crease love for, and knowledge of, laborators, after witnessing Freud's activities, have felt that tators have joined forces to destroy it, when Communism and will answer so deep a need as the Bible. Rabbi Feldman has this, his latest, which will as- placed all under obligation to him, Psychoanalysis could only have been developed by a Jew. Nazism and Fascism have formed an Unholy Alliance, a Stalin suredly become an indispensable and particularly those who are Hia method demanded an extraordinary power of self-analysis. striking hands with a Hitler, his erstwhile deadliest foe, and a aid to Bible students. Like every engaged in the task of Jewish great work, be it in literature, education. And the book is peculDiscrimination at the University, he wrote, prepared him for contemptible Mussolini lurking in the alley of doubt, ready to music, or art, the Bible is not iarly appropriate for the Simchas his destiny—to belong to the opposition and be poscribed. His go along with his fellow-gangsters if his interests seem to point easy. Before one can understand Tora season. pages, appreciate its spirit, career demanded hardiness that would withstand withering that way. This is no time for academic or even political dis- it3 master its message, one must criticisms. cussion or inaction. Of eourse, America wants to "keep out of faithfully devote to the volume and patient hours of study, Research in the field of psychology intrigued him and as war." Every nation wants to, or should want to, or should long must discipline himself rigorousA. A. ROBACK a young physician he was introduced into this comparatively want to badly enough to adopt such measures or pursue such ly. To render this preliminary less difficult a n d new field. Intense study resulted in the publication of his courses of justice and of righteousness even in political mat- preparation simpler is the aim of Rabbi Feld- A POSTSCRIPT ON THE FREUD CONTROVERSY theories in the field of Sex. Because he discussed the subject ters, that would insure against the bringing on of war. They n a n - one which he fulfills splenwith unwonted candor, ha became an object: of great wrath. that 'sow the wind' must expect to 'reap the whirlwind!' They didly. With this handy and sim(This article was received beple volume, accessible to all, ig- fore word had come of Freud's The work! was emerging from the silence of the Victorian Age. that cut of selfishness or short-sightedness or stubborn ignor- norance of the Bible becomes un- death in ^London.) ance or petty meanness refuse to co-operate in matters of peace- pardonable. Freud'a work was damned as pornography. In addition to general facts, the The severe criticism of Freud Unfortunately by its very subject matter, Freud's work ful, international prudence, to say the least, must .expect the reader will f i n d information still continues in the press, but appealled to popular tastes. Other phases of science would be storm of national chaos and sinful wilfulness to break over their which every • Jew should possess what is disheartening is the comfor the good of his own soul. A plete unfairness of the controverpassed without apparent interest. Not so Psycho-Analysis. It heads! study of this small book will re- sy. In many instances, it is apveal the tremendous role the Bible parent that critics have not taken became a fad and eventually a cult. Persons without proper America must do all in its power, by ways material and has played in shaping the destiny the pains to read Freud's book on •background in either medicine or psychology began discussing of mankind and of Israel, and Moses and Monotheism. Still fewmoral, to help the Cause of Democracy of which it is the great- will make it easier for the modern er journalists have understood Freud with the authority of experts. Jew to appreciate the great and Freud's position. est example and the supreme embodiment, else it belies its Schools arose—for Freud, against Freud. Schisms among abiding contribution Israel has A Boston weekly takes me to made to the thought, to the ideals task Freud's followers took place. Through It all Freud worked whole history and tradition, the object of its existence, and and editorially for coming to the to the religion of mankind. its ideals political and. humanitarian which brought it into defense of the psychoanalyst in with unconcern. Ha examined criticism of his work and The first chapter deals, as it clumsy a t t a c k against modified hia theories where necessary. The multitude or doc- being and for which, those who established it shed their blood naturally should, with the ques- "his Moses." I should like to make a and were ready to give their all. It is not only Great Britain tion "What Is the Bible?" In few important points clear in this trines palmed oft' in his name pained him, and he was eventually and France who are threatened. America, including all the addition to answering this con- connection, and shall state them moved to protest. stant query, other matters are concisely. Americas (and the World-America to be) is threatened! Its dealt with, such as, "The MasorDeath lias taken Freud, but he has left the world an very existence, not merely political and moral but physical, is ah;" (1) Freud set forth his theory "The Method of Punctuathe Egyptian origin of Moses enormous legacy. The bulk of his work may be disproved in ia jeopardy. Its own. self-interest not to speak of the higher tion;" the religious character of on several years aso. The recent the book, etc. In "Why Should the years to come, but Freud was the pioneer and without his motives'of the protection and preservation of civilization's well- the Bible Be Read?" the author book includes the two chapters alpublished as articles. courage Psycho-Analysis would not have progressed. the richness of the Bible ready . (2) Freud never attacked the being seemingly entrusted to its care, should prompt it to spare indicates and its enormous educational He is symbolic of his age—the flight of the intellectuals. no means, in this crucial hour, to throw its tremendous moral value. In the next chapter, "The person of Moses. Is it an attack Columbus to assert that he was The great German mind exiled by the political state. Yet he and material might, on the side of those who have already taken Influence of the Bible," the auth- on hot an Italian but a Spaniard, a or shows how western thought is will live as the one commanding figure of the age that gave heroic measures in the defense of—their own interests, if you saturated with Biblical teaching Portuguese, or a Jew? him no peace. Freud worked in realms that transcended time please—but none the less of righteousness and justice, ci free- and doctrine. The Bible has af(3) Freud has not claimed cerfected and enriched every type of tainty for his theory. He merely and space. He worked neither for Jews nor Germans nor dom- and humanity, of democracy and true political and social moral and spiritual endeavor, and, has presented the situation in a English nor Americans, but for human beings. Neither insults progress and civilization which the course of an onward-march- of ocurse, is the parent to. the light which may serve to revise two great daughter religions of the accepted version. His book of ius enemies nor the condemnation of the ignorant swayed ing history in its fateful web has involved and enmeshed with Judaism, Christianity and Mo- deals not so much with Moses,tas him from his purpose. Such as he tried to stay the forces of these. "If this be propaganda make the most ox it!" It Is the hammedanism. with the factors which enter into tradition and which disintegration that have seized Europe, and if Europe continues higher propaganda, the propaganda of righteousness, and not The "Canon" or the process by_ historical must be taken cognizance of eswhich the Biblical books were se- pecially in our own it will be because of such as Freud and not his traducers. time. If anythe propaganda of hell, of fiendish and devilish men who stop lected from a large variety of one wishes to believe the available volumes, the various Biblical and post-Biblicalthat account at no crime to accomplish their nefarious and Machiavellian Jewish and Christian "Bibles," the of Moses is true to the letter, he g $&& Seeds of purposes I is of course entitled to his belief. When the Communist regime established itself in Europe, (4) I have never subscribed to Again we exclaim 'Delenda est I' But now the leading and Freud's view of Moses. What I twenty-two years ago, it proclaimed the doctrine of the world most humane nations' of the world have taken that cry as the maintained was that there was a revolution. Communism, its disciples boasted, would feed on rallying cry not merely of their diplomacy, but as the formula possibility of Freud's conception being correct; that we should take 'dissatisfaction; it would thrive on discontent. The ensuing around which they marshall their mighty engines of war, on his arguments into consideration. By Dr* years saw a partial abandonment of thi3 avowed intention, My own criticism of Freud was, land, en sea, and in the air, backed by the determination to by no means, mild. particularly when the world economic collapse intensified the suffer and even to die in the defense o£ mankind's holiest BIBLE (5) The ridiculing of Freud's activities of the supposedly-rivarfaseists. meet thine enemy's ox hypothesis on the ground that the treasures, and to wipe a monstrous evil from off the face of or Ifhisthou donkey going astray, thou founder of Psychoanalysis knows The great hope of the Communists—and Communism has tlia earth. • shall surely bring it back to. him neither Hebrew nor Eyptian, and never made any secret of it—has been a war bet%veen the soagain. is therefore incompetent to form And shall America remain casuistic-ally 'neutral?' If thou see the donkey of him an- opinion as to the origin of called* capitalist nations. With modern instruments of destruchateth thee lying under its Moses, is, from a scientific point . tion, war was bound to result in chaos and catastrophe. In the . Lowell's stirring words must again serve us in this hour: •who burden, thou shaltforbear to pass of view, preposterous. His suppo"Ones to every s a a and nation ccztes the moment to decide, yuin of European civilisation, Russia saw its great opportunity by him; thou shalt surely release sition is not based on philological grounds alone. ' • In tha strife of Truth and Falsehood, for tha good or evil it with him. and patiently waited the day.: One might as well say a century 3f thou at all take thy neighsids; bor's garment out to pledge) thou from now that a statement to the That day has come. Scale great ea'xse, God's new Messiah, offering each-tie shalt restore it unto him before effect that Stalin' is a Georgian * # * # amounts to a dastardly attack on the sun goeth down. blccsi cr blight, the man; and besides, the originTALMUD When Russia was on the defensive, when it feared that it 3?art3 tha goats upon tha left hand, and the sheep upon the Rabbi J. Joshua was standing ator of such a statement happens would be the victim of Nazi aggression, it was willing to signify before the emperor, when an in- to know neither the Georgian nor fidel who stood by showed him by the Russian language. And for its intention of aligning itself with the western states. The And tha choice goes by forsver 'twist that darkness and sign of his hand: "A people'from goodness sake, let no one of my "democratic peace front" was a product of the Russian imaginawhom God had turned away His readers get the idea that I am face." Rabbi Joshua showed him comparing Stalin to Moses. tion. with his hand that "God's hand STRONG CASE AGAINST FREUD Later as it became evident that Britain would answer GerDr. Trude Weiss Rosmarin's us." "fksj have rights who da«re maintain them; we are traitors is Tstill'over h e emperor asked Rabbi The Hebrew Moses is a vigorous many's challenge to protect her hegemony of Europe, Russia to s'dr sires, Jeshua: "Do you know what the critique of Freud's latest book. . was willing to sell her status to the Nazis. Hitler has paid plenty Sxnetharing in their holy ashes Freedom's new-lit altar-fires, infidel has shown you with his It is scholarly, pungent and in the hand?" He replied: "Yes, he main, to the point, but she too for "Russiaii neutrality. 'New occasions, teach new dstias; Time siaks3 ancient good- showed me a people from whom makes much of Freud's ignorance Moreover by breaking down the peace front, by r e f g God had turned away His face." of Hebrew and Egyptian antiqui"And what have you shown him ties. Freud's Moses and Monoto throw her weight on the side of the allies, Bussia is assured Tltey IE'JS* upard still, and onward, who would keep abreast with your hand?" "I showed him theism would still be a valuable of the European holocaust for which she has waited. that God's hand is still protect- treatise, even if his two popularly e£ Trails; interesting contentions, i. e., the ing us." «* * .* * I»o, 'Issfors 5 ' 23 glsaaa tha camp-fires! we otzrselves mast Egyptian origin of Moses and of The emperor then asked the inWhat ia to be the final result no one can say. ;The Eurofidel: "What have you shown Monotheism should both be erroRabbi Joshua?" "I showed him neous. Even if Freud takes her pean conflict is a war of the unpredictables. Of immediate conLatach. our JIayflower and steer boldly through the des- that a people from whom God has advice and retracts his statements cern to us is the fata of Poland's three million Jews who are to turned away His face." "And (he has been constantly changing para-te tdstsr sea, what did he show you?" The in- his views progressively) this be divided 'csetweea Nasi Germany and Communist Bussia. ITe-r attempt the Future's portal with ths Fast's blecd- j fidel replied that he did not know. standpoint will be essentially the ' The emperor thereupon said: same. She strongly, condemns Sussia solved lier Taxing Jewish problem (which, bad been rastsd ksy." * • "Should a man who does not Freud's implication that the Jews created by tlic fearisi regime) by making both Judaism and I know what is shown him. by a killed Jesus. I don't think it will sign dare to raise his hand in the make much difference to the Jews anti-Semitism illegal. The solution of the problem..-was dispresence of an Emperor?" He whether or not Freud has made solution. As a result Russian Jewry has been lost. faux pas or not. The Chrisforthwith ordered the infidel's this tians who were intent upon sad1939-40 — 5699-57CO The same fata awaits the Jaws of Poland. They have been ' execution. Rabbi Res& Lokesh said: "Vvrho- dling • the • Jews with all sorts of the most Orthodox in Europe. They have endured tremendous' irsciiatb. Tcrah „. FrL, Oct. 6 i ever per\'erts the judgment of a blood and poison libels, even to suffering to preserve their identity as Jews and it is unlikely m ' •*< r»^ T stranger is considered as if he the extent of. causing the first lanrs., O€^. I ' w o u i a pervert the judgment, of and the present World War. will they-will take well to tha Sussiaa policy. All the ideals for V-s not care £ toot whether the RoSat., March 23 lie. DAVID SLAGK3K « 3a3!a333 33d Maaas^S Sdltos LHONAHD NATHAN » -. • » . Sditar RABBI B'BaDaaiCS: COH3J . . . ContrSutias SdSiar RA3B1 TH3CBOE3 N. LI3WI3 « . . . Sceli Editor FRANCES BliACKSH ' • • Sccisiy Sditor MOSRI3 AI3EN332G . - ? Sious City Correspondent DORQTHS SALESMAN - - • Council Sluffa Correspondent
.The Great Man Dies
Gems of the' Bible . and Talmud
mans or the Jews" had a greater share in the .killing. After all, no one bothers to excoriate or to punish the Italians physically because their, ancestors actually crucified Jesus. Any decent and intelligent person will know enough to abide by the alleged last or nearly last statement of him whom they are trying to avenge. "Forgive them, for they knew not what they do." • When Stalin liquidates all who do not agree with him, when Hitler purges the Reich of every freedom-loving individual, and the axe severs the head from the rest of the body in every case of suspected disloyalty to the World's Public Enemy No. A-l,. when Franco causes the execution of thousands of republicans each week, when thousands of innocent civilians are mowed down by the death-raining bombs of a ruthless invader, can the hostility .of the Jewish rulers two thousand years ago to a revolutionary whom they did not recognize as a God or Son of God, call forth any censure? Any one who could bring himself to criticize, let alone attack, a Jew living today for some act which his supposed ancestors presumably committed thousands of years ago, is either an imbecile or a hoodlum, or both. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
Psycho-Analysis Fourider Spent Last Years in Exile London (JTA) —• Little more than a year after his arrival from Vienna as an exile from Nazi Austria, Prof. Slgmund Freud, world renowned founder of psychoanalysis, died here last Saturday night at the age of 83. He had been ill during most of his brief residence in England. His death brought to an end a career that had left its indelible mark on the thought, habits and language of the entire civilized world. Freud's body was cremated in a private ceremony on Tuesday. Anna Freud, daughter of the Austrian psychoanalyst, may edit and publish his views on the mentality of Adolf Hitler. She was her fathers jeloest collaborator. The scientists's son, Martin, said his Father died in a coma, but that "his spirit was unbroken by his long illness and even his migration from Vienna at the age of 82." Latest Work The originator of countless new theories in the field of psychology which plunged the scientific world into bitter controversy, Dr. Freud died while the echoes of his latest venture in upsetting preconceived beliefs — his volume on "Moses and Monotheism" — were still resounding in his ears. This work, prepared while still in Vienna and published after his arrival in London turned the light of his psychological methods on the origins of Judaism and related question. His contentions that Moses was an Egyptian, that he was murdered by the Jews in the Wilderness, that a second Moses gave to the Jews the teaching of Jehovah, that religion in general is analagous to a neurosis in the individual have' precipitated endless controversy. Known as a Viennese, Dr. Freud was born a Moravian in the town of Freiburg, on May 6, 1856. He took his medical degree, at the University of Vienna; on the faculty of which he was later to become Professor Extraordinary in Neuropathology and where he was to experience his first major contact with anti-Semitism. Writing of this period of his life, later, Dr. Freud said: "My. parents were Jews and I have remained a Jew myself. I have reason to believe that my father's family were settled for a long time on the Rhine; that as a result of persecution of the . Jews during the fourteenth and fifteenth century, they fled eastward and that in the course of the nineteenth century, they migrated back from Lithuania through Galicia into German Austria. "When in 1873 I first joined the University (of Vienna), I was met by some appreciable disappointments. Above all I found I was exepcted to feel myself inferior and an alien because I was a Jew. I refused absolutely to do the first of these things. I have never been able, to see why I should feel ashamed of my. descent, or, as people were beginning to say, of my race. I put up without much regret with my nonadmission to the community; for it seemed to me that in spite qf this exclusion an active fellow worker could not fail to find some nook or cranny In the framework; of humanity. Last Years Disturbed "These first impressions at the University, however, had one consequence which was afterwards to prove important, for at an early age I was made familiar with* the fate of being in the opposition and of being put under .the ban of the compact majority. The foundations were thus laid for a certain degree of independence of judgment." - Dr. Frued's last years were disturbed by more violent manifestations of anti-Semitism, including the Nazi pogroms in Germany and his own experiences with the Nazis after the Anschluss. When he sought to leave Vienna, upon the urgings of his friends, the Nazi authorities refused to let him go. Finally, permission to leave was granted, but only upon the reported payment of a ransom which organizations of psychoanalysts In the United States, France, England and elsewhere were Instrumental in raising. During his last months in Vienna, according
Religious Services Beth El
Services at the Beth El Synagogue will begin this evening at 8 o'clock. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will speak on "A GentleCynic Looks at Life." Saturday morning services will begin at 9:30.
Temple Tonight at services Rabbi David H. Wice will base his sermon on John Steinbeck's latest novel, "Grapes of Wrath." . Services on Saturday will begin at 11 a. m:
Orthodox The late Friday evening services will not begin at the Orthodox Congregations until after Succoth.
Community Calendar OCTOBER 1, TO OCTOBER 4 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 Junior Council, 2 p. m., Lodge Room, Jewish Community Chest. Hebrew Club (concert), 3 p. m'., Auditorium, Jewish Community Center. ' National Worker Alliance (social), 5 p. in., Rooms C and D, Jewisb Community Center. Monday, October 3 Bikur Choim Tea, 2 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community Center. . B'nai B'rith, 8 p. m., lodge room, Jewish Community Center. Workman's Loan, 8 p. m.r Rooms C and D, Jewish CommU' nity Center. . Tuesday, October 3. Pioneer Women, 2 p. n>., Rooms C and D, Jewish Community Center. Round Table Dinner, 6 p. m., Rooms C and D, Jewish Community Center. Beth El Dinner, 6:30 p. m., auditorium, Jewish Community Center. . . Wednesday, October 4 Ladies Free Loan, 1 p. m., Rooms C and D, Jewish Community Center.
"We Have Not Yet Lost All" By Mrs. William Gray Hard work, all our abilities employed— All our strength used — We must try again To save Zion* Fpr two thousands years we have been driven From land to land Everywhere a stranger. We gave the best our lives had to offer But we carried the guilt for everyone's sorrow If gold lacked in a nation we were blamed. Under kings and despots, Harsh and tyrannical, We gave our lives. We were driven into ghettos And burned in flames • And sold as slaves. And now again % The wanderer's staff Is in our hand. Fathers . . . mothers . . . The white haired And the newly born. . Robbed of every right. Without bread, The story is told again. We have not yet lost all We have life To work hard To save our homeland Zion.
GOH0M1C MPAGT OF W R AT F AGENCY Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency) —« Additional preparations for effectively meeting the emergency which war has imposed upon the economic structure of Palestine, were c o n s i d e r e d at meetings of the Executive ol the Jewish Agency and of Jewish municipal officials. • The meeting of the Agency Executive was attended by most of the members, who have returned from Geneva. Present were : David ben Gurion, chairman; Menahem M. TJssishkin, president of the Jewish National Fund; • Moshe » Shertock, head of the political department of the Agency; Eliezer Kaplan, treasurer; Dr. Isaac Gruenbaum; Dr. Werner Senator; Rabbi Johuda L. Fishman; Ella- • hu Dobkin; Rabbi Jacob Shapiro, as well as Isaac ben Zyl, .president of the Vaad Leumi (Jewish National Council.) Patronize Our Advertisers to friends, ho remained in seclusion in his five-room apartment "dreading insults if he emerged —because he ia a Jew." ; Among the countless honors heaped upon Dr. Freud in his later years was the Goethe prize for his contributions to philosophy, awarded in 1930. The prize at that tlmo was deemed the greatest scientific and literary distinction in Germany. New words that Dr. Freud's theories contributed to the English language Included such as these, which have now attained common usage: "Complex, inhibition, neurosis, psychosis, repression, resistance and transferance."
Pags S ,
THE JEWISH PRESS—FEIBAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1939 vreelcs previously, might iave been -resarfled as t i e end of tne religions year. ': TJuli&e Pesadi, another noliday M i was originally a nature festival, bat yMch lias survived as an occasion vrnen it is a duty to instruct children la an elaborate ceremonial closely connected v i t a oar religions history, Succoth has retained mtteii of its original character of rejoicing over t i e narvest.
MARJOIUE A. WYLER As Sueeoth. the Feast of Tabernacles, approaches we see on every aide symbols which remind UB of onr agricultural ancestors. It 1B true that the Hebrew scriptures and various later commentators have supplied us -with a wide variety of fanciful interpretations of the ceremonies associated with the fastival, but its Beason, and the joyous spirit even today pervades the holiday leave no doubt that it must originally nave been associated with tbe reaping of a plentiful harvest. There ia, for example, the SsiSii a h itself, the booth in •which it is decreed that the men must eat their meals during the seven days of the festival, la ancient times, and throughout Eastern Europe even today, it was customary "or each family to build such a booth, although in America the difficulties of urban living have made this practice comparatively rare. Today there is usually but one booth, erected in the yard or on the roof of the synagogue, and this aerves as the symbol of the festival period for all the Jews in the community.
plenty which is frequently associated with it. What eould be more fit tins than that, after the harvest ha.3 been gathered ia, we should erect a booth trimmed with the fruits of the field and open to the sky, and should, -within this booth, eat our meals and thank God for the bounty which has provided us with food far the -winter ahead? "Yet in suite of the evident relation of the festival -with the ancient thanksgiving of all agricultural peoples, there have been many other explanations proffered ot the symbolism of the Sui&ah, and each of these adds to our understanding of the festival.
ing at the home ot Yeraon ntch. Several prospective were present.
movx cnrs&s OFFICIATES Cantor Meyer Schulman of Sioux City led the services ol Eosh Hashonah and Tom ££ippur for the Chevra B'nai Tisroel with satisfaction to the entire Congregation. Succoth sen-ices will be held Wednesday at 6:30 p. m., Thursday at G:30 -p. m., and Friday at 8:30 a. m. • ' Election of officers of the Chevra B'nai Tisroel will be held Sunday. October 1 at 3 p. m.
ial centers.' None oZ the colonists has been internsnr by the authorities.
EFFECT OF WAR ON BEFUBEE PRIME E "Washington (JTA) — The conference of the Intergovernmental
Committee on Refugees at ice •White House next month will have as the first point on its agenda the outlining of the entire European refugee problem in the light of the radically changed conditions bronght about by the war, it was announced. In preparation for the conference, the committee is receiving reports from South American countries making clear their positions on immigration, the State Department said. Some of these countries have indicated that they can accept limited immigration ol refugees engaged in • certain professions, such .as medicine and engineering. Other countries would regard favorably the immigration ol agriculturists, provided they were well eguipped with funds to purchase land and machinery.
New Tork (JTA) — The boarn of directors of the American OUT Federation through its president, George Backer, issued a statement in connection with a meeting called for September 27 for further consideration of the European emergency. '"The precise situation in Poland cannot be known for some time to come," it said. "The extent,to which OET can continue functioning there obviously depenas on how widely normal pursuits will be resumed in the effected areaB."
trimmed, their color, their shape, and their aroma. Other Symbols Another custom associated with tha Sueeoth festival is that of the OX STATE BOARD •wreath., made np of the At the State Grocers' Convenlulab (branch of palm leaves), SENIOR HAPASSAH the ethrcg (citron), three sprigs A meeting and dessert lunch- tion held last -week at Des Moines. of myrtle, and two willow twigs. eon lor the various program Max Steinberg was reelected to New Tork (JTA) -— The preFor thia bouquet again we End a chairmen of Hadassah meetings serve on the Executive Commitsent European conflict will have wealth of explanations. lor the year was held last Wed- tee of the Iowa State Board ol important repercussions on GerAccording to some, the plants nesday at the home ol Mrs. Nate Directors for the next three year many's automobile exports and are shown to God as a prayer for Nogg, Program cGairm&n for the term. will greatly -increase exports' of rain, according to others the four year. Mrs. ^Sajn P^offman is " comotor venicles from this country GUESTS species represent Abraham, Isaac, chairman. to Latin America, according to a Guests this week at the home Jacob, and Joseph, while to still At the meeting besides the nosreport released by Dr. Joseph others they represent the four tess were: the Mesdames Louis ol Mr. and Mrs. JMax Steinberg Tenenbaum, chairman of the Joint claEse3 of our people. Cohen, Sichard Gordon, H. Gal- were Mr. and Mrs. Michael Green, Boycott Council The citron, with both taste and pert. Herman Krause, Ernest Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weinstein and "The war in Europe, which, as According; to the Pentateuch, arcma, symbolizes the Jew "who Ross, Sam Gross, Herman Maro- daughters, Evelyn and CeciUe, and a result of the blockade, will comthe booth ia erected as a memorial taows the Torah and performs witz, Ben Kubby, Saul Suvalsky, Miss Inis Miller, all of Seattle. of the days whan the Israelites good deeds. The palm tree, pro- Harry Chemiss, Nate Gilinsky, Washington. London (JTA) — Paul van Zee- pletely nullify Germany's inroads wandered in the desert and lived during the date, which has taste Sam Roffman, and M. Grossman. land, president of the Coordinat- into the Latin American markets ing Foundation, nas arrived here will at the same time give great in tents. Philo and Maimonides but no aroma, represents the Jew to discuss the future of thB foun- impetus to the export of American have claimed that the booth has who knows the Torah bixt fails TA1MTD TOSAH dation's work on behalf of Jewish motor vehicles "to these counbeen prescribed far the harvest to perform good deeds. Similarly Plans are being made for the refugees in the light Df war condi- tries," he said. festival in order to remind the the myrtle, which has aroma and annual Rummage Sale, sponsored tions. wealthy, in the midst of their j no taste, and the willow which has by the local Talmud Torah organUrges Tolerance plenty, of the hardships of pov- neither, symbolize respectively the isation. Jew who performs good deeds al- London (JTA)—A radio broaderty. Mrs. Etta Tudelson is head of New Tork (WNS) — Loyalty; he does not know the the committee in charge. Ancast from the illegal German In ordering this interpretation, though and txte Jew who neither nouncement of the date and place Days in the Churches, Synagogues "freedom station" listed "ten comscholars were of Torah, these and Temples, September 30 and mandments" to "the German peocourse aware of the fact that the knows the Torah nor acts upon win be made later. 1, take on a deeply patrio-" Decoration of ple in opposition to the Hitler festival is one of joy for all eco- its precepts. Everyone is urged to collect all October tic as well as religious signifiregime; including the admonition The Sukfeah is built of pine nomic strata. There is attached j All of these explanations are items that may be salable. cance this year, it was declared by to make no racial discrimination branches, and the roof is BO con- to it no symbol of suffering or j fanciful to some degree, but the the National Committee for Heligand regard Jews as human beings. structed that the sky can be seen poverty other than those which symbols remain, representing to JT1XIOS HADASSAH and Welfare Recovery, sponthrough it. Inside and outside, such an interpretation might lead U3 perhaps more than anything The first regular Junior Hadas^ ion the booth ie festooned with fruits us to conjure up in our own else the wealth and variety of the sah meeting of the season was sor of this annual go-to-church movement. ol every kind, reminding us most minds. As at our Thanksgiving, harvest. The four are still essen- held Monday at the Synagogue. Paris (JTA) •— Work of the "Loyalty Days this year should World ORT Federation, organizaforcibly of our American feast of and in other lall festivals ail over tial to the services on Suceoth; Chairman in charge was Ida be a call to prayer and reconseereThanksgiving, and the horn of the world, the feeling seems rath- the lulab is still shaken in the Gittle. Rose Hendelson addressed tion for the retraining of Jews in er to be that God's bounteous har- synagogue to accompany the reci- the meeting, and a reading was tion to the cause of world peace, eastern Europe, in the Baltic as well as a reaffirmation ol our countries and Rumania has not vest has provided plenty for all tation of certain passages from given by Lorraine Meyerson. Brass, Bronze, Aluminum, faiths," said the state- been affected by the war -and is of MB children, and the poor Hillel, and Jews still beat willow Several means of fund-raising respective Soft Grey Iron and Semiment. branches on the seventh day of were discussed. continuing normally, it was learntherefore rejoice with the rich. Steel Castings, Wood and President Roosevelt has Btrons- ed from telegrams to the ORT the festival. Meta! Patterns and Sash ly endorsed observance ol Loyalty is a ritual headquarters here. TALMUD TQKAH Today the beating "Weights carried ID stockDays. In a letter sent from, the The spirit of joy which preaccompaniment ior certain of the The ORT announced that its The Center fall and winter gym A meeting and election of officBronze - and Cast Iron schedule goes into effect Monday, vails has not prevented other rab- prayer on Roshanah Kabbah., and ers for the Talmud Torah organi- White House to Dr. E. Graham agricultural colony in the Paris Grilles a Specialty. Wilson, chairman of the Execubis from explaining that we build after the service many of the consuburb of Chelles, -where a numOctober "2. Classes have been arzation •will be held on Monday, Oetive Committee for Religion and booths to remind us that Jews gregants take home their bare ber of Austrian refugees are settlranged for all groups. This year tber 2 at the Synagogue. 27th ana E2ar£&a Sis. Recovery, the President ed, has not been affected by the the physical department will lay are the eternal wanderers, living twigs, to be put aside and saved A report of pledges made on Welfare wrote: everywhere as if in booths, and for the annual search for leaven, general isolation of former Gerstress on corrective exercises and Tom Kippur will be given at this "There never has been 3. time man and Austrian citizens in Bpecindividual workouts, as well as that the Sukkah is thus a sym- preceding the week of Passover. meeting. in our history when there was a bol of the transient quality of Most Important Holiday group for any Plans for the various activities g r o pb instruction i n o n y of its Although Succoth follows upon will be discussed. All members are deeper need for calling our people members. Those not desiring to | Jewish life everywhere. to faith in religion than the preengage in clasB work, but who There is, finally, an interesting the High Holy Days, there was a ged to attend. would like to have personal at- modern esplanation of the fes- time when it was itself the most Besides his Hebrew School and sent moment. In contemporary tention and supervision, should tival, which tells us that we eat important festival of the Jewish nday School classes, Rabbi Cas- conflict between nations and races get in touch with Physical Direc- in tents during the holiday to re- year. It was the day for pilgrim- ,le is starting a Wednesday Bible and their philosophies of human tor, Lee Grossman, and make the mind us that we must put our ages to Jerusalem, and, to a peo- chooL All Jewish children, re- society, we must keep undimmed necessary arrangements. faith not in walls of stone and ple primarily agricultural in their gardless of whether or not they our perspective on s p i r i t u a 1 | steel, but in God, who provides interests, it exceeded in import- .ttend Sunday School or Hebrew values." The schedule of classes for this for us. In pr3t.chins this explana- ance the other agricultural tear chool, • are welcome to attend. Patronize Our Advertisers They are to be dismissed from coming fall and winter are as lol- tion the rabbi3 are wont to point tivals. The old year ended when the heir public school classes lor IOWB: Morning women, Monday out that the Sukkah, with its inand Wednesday, 9:45 a. m., slen- substantial roof, through which harvest had been safely gathered these lessons. Middle-aged man 'wants derizing and figure control clas- the stars may be seen or the rain in and stored away. The new year A. Z. A. •work as -watchman, laborer, ses. 10:15 a. m., volley hall, 11 may fall,- :Sria-g3._SB -closer- to- na- began when God had been thankor any similar -work. Rndolph passed, and j A meeting of the local A. Z. A. a. m., swimming. Tuesday and ture, and 'thus to complete depen- ed for the harvest just i importunedd for f the h year Chapter was held Tuesday even- Mendel. 6O2 W. 17th St. Thursday at 10 a. m., special J dence on God, than we are ever His h peoples, Jewish womens classes which will i likely to come in our urban ex- ahead. A3 with other when the- Jews became less an include gym work, games and ex- j istence. agricultural people, the festival erciBea, followed by a 45 miaate Although this interpretation is of the new year gradually was •disswim. evidently modsrn, and gives no ex- sociated from the harvest -festival. Every noon at 12, business and planation of the building of SnkBut strangely, one evidence of professional men will meet on the i.ahs outside of the skyscraper the former ition of the two eities of today or the over-crowdgym floor for calisthenics and volsurvives in the ceremony attended ghettos of the middle ages, it ley ball play. In the afternoon ant upon Simchat Torah. On this starting at i, on Monday and is in many ways satisfying to us. day of rejoieing over the Torah It is probable, for example, that it is customary to finish the anWednesday, junior rirls will be in the gym till 4:40 p. m., tnen to to many of the city children, the nual cycle of the heading of the Natatorium for swiming instruc- SuiSah brings the first intimation Pentateuch, and to turn immedition from 4:45 p. m. until 5:20 that there is an annual harvest, ately back to the first chapter, to p. m., while on the same hours. and that the plenty of that har- begin the cycle once more. S7S7S 4 TO the junior boys will meet on Tues- vest, for which, on this festival, there is still a connection we thani God, bears a direct rela- in Thus days and Thursday. Jewish ceremony between the In the evenings on Monday and tionship to" the amount and price harvest and the end of the natur"Wednesday starting at 6 p. m., the of the food offered for sale by the the finishing oi the popular business girls gym classes neighborhood gTOcer. .„„a f Torah, •which, were it not for Further, it is enlightening •will meet, while the swimming "" °- Rosh Hashonah, celebrated a lew pool will be open from 6 B. m. all of jis to come, daring the festival week, to such a place as the to 9 p. m. on the above nights. All remittance* to the Flower On Tuesday and Thursday even- Jewish Theological Seminary of Corns in ^aJgyHSake the dramatic Fund nf the Federation tor Jewings, the intermediate boys and America, where we -stand in the one-misnte, -wet-glass demooscrs* ish Service should be lent ta the Benior men have the use 'of the j grass-grown quadrangs and comgym for basketball practice, gym 1 Pare the architectural virtues of | Royal Masters efiord protscnon vrilh •work., individual evereises, and the Seminary buildings with the ' quicks; stops . . . control of sHds oa volley ball play. Wrestling will be simple Sukiah, made beautiful by JSIP/ISil SERVICE the slzppsrifist ox wet p held in the Auditorium Thursday othe vital perfection of the fruits Omaha, Nebr. nights from 7:30 to 9:30. On Fri- l the field -with which it is i 131 No. 2Sth St. day we find the matron women lAskfor a Free "TicmtmstTtztiotia engaging in volleyball play from 10 a. m. until 11 a. m., also those who care to swim may do so from 11 a. m. until noon. The Health club group club eomes on the floor for volleyball play at 12 noon. Sunday finds a vary busy send active day at the Center with the gym and swimming pool for boys, men, ""girls", ana women, from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Block Reich Trade in iMthu-Arnerica
Eilolsln HoodOood Green . brilliant red of tho feather on Robin Hood's cap . . . ths'rTch groen of Sherwood Forest . . brought together as quite the smartest color scheme of tha year.
Paxion-Miiciiell Co. Foundries
g 'started H vn$ his Ro'bm Wosrd Rod lipstick and rouge ', combined !iera w\';h pewdsr puff epd pevsfder dispenser in" s Robia' Ho«d Sress .".§3 -
Peek Into a Home that's
mileage, Your size is Here
A new activity ha3 been inaugurated in the Center physical department which has pravea popalar throughout the country, and Center athletic authorities feel that the Center members will take to the game of Badminton in a big tray. Gym sports and activities included in addition to badminton, are basketball, volleyball, hosing, •wrestling, tumbling, roller skatIng, tap daneiag, reducing eie?jises and calisthenics. The Jewish Community Center was again awarded the Midwestern A. A. U. handball championship to be played on the Center courts. The dates for the Midwestern A. A. U. affair will not be aoaounced until after the National A. A. V. meeting which will be held in Miami, Florida in December. The reason for waiting until after the national meeting to set the dates for the Center A. A. V. amateur handball classic, ia because arrangements have been made to send the winners of the Midwestern A. A. II. championship to the National A. A."C. handball tournament. Whan and where the national handball tournament will be held, also will be determined at the 34iaa>i HjsetiasSo in short, all J. C. C. handbailers are urged to get in shape for the Midwestern handball play, by entering tie Center pre-aeaaon and regular aeasoa tournament as there ia a real trip lor the successful haadb&il artists who emerges • ietorioua ia the Midwestern A. A. ". competition.
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LT. Om&ha jlx. Chicago..•
Lv. Osslsa.. .•
dining eai, cJiair cars, cccrtaii Iscaga.
Pallsssas izasy be ccccsad si d a g o ssSl 3:00 ass), tamg» tfrniTig car, chafe ess. . 12:43 Ea HS
Tea'd £a3 fiao "xlghi \2a3T o£ *sa -.. ,... JIgh! Swl 5ai xffii cn2y plasSifczl fcet so*l end light in fs» %bs&3 ol e teaa. For card taSIa or easy by ea LE.S. Sdd^a Izxsp et fixss-Bglit zssdeL -
-&sl scaaa s s s a sasia fen . . . tlacs •gss&sa -pisiasSoa iron e^esiKBa . . ' . . . 'hsjps- cH ITT»^ fees ayes ESS "better et fiso oad ei a floy- Fot rsca er Mtchsa, S2vensd Bawl HSZD3. tesapfc slsadss, irfag Seasr 'light—Sstter. SigJu to s JiHy. *A "Lists Mstar .measures Egfct cs jEsauotely e» a fcsr=ms.s!eT measures isaperaiura. ' . . ~ .• •
S£RV1C& CITT SD1 S. 1S& Si.
Shan* JLtlaiitie ©31
Tone ia V, S. TIr© Prograsa Every Friday a t 1 O'clock KFAB
Page 2
to be held at Chest Agencies durby our own Non-Sectarian Antiing the week of October 23. Nazi League . . . The London paWalter S. feyrne, chairman of per used its front page for a the speakers' bureau is planning "Wanted Dead or Alive" circular meetings of bis group during the on Hitler . . . Ttse columnista have week of September 25. Quo hunit all wrong when they imply that dred men and women will serve Professor Haushofer i3 a sort of on the speakers' committee bring- t J. T. A. WASHINGTON NEWS BUREAU anonymous brain trust for Hitler aad not merely hostile feeling, tinned, "'"• a tyje of misconduct . . . The Professor is none other ing to Omaha the story- of work Johannesburg* from overseas and is thaa the General Haashofer whose Had it been the intention of the that Chest, agencies are doing. Anti-Semitic propaganda activ- laiv to maks the promotion of hos- detrimental to peace, and good WASHINGTON the Library of Congress. Guarding Byrnes committee has available works on military strategy throw ities ia the mandated territory oi tile feeling an, he argued, government in t i e territory, as Belgrade (JTA) -— A report also sound slide films, skits and The Dies un-Amerlean Com- the main entrance are two polite more illumination on the details South-West Africa have been giv- the term "Vyaaddigheid" would contemplated by the ordinance. mittee Is hopping mad about the uniformed policement. In the hat Germany Intends to sat up an oa& hour programs furnished en a serious set-baelr aa a result hava been used. Ha also attacked There ia a very small Jewish com- cf Hitler's future moves than even antics of William Dudley Pelley, driveway the chauffeurs of cab- autonomous Jewish State in Gal- fall by men stsd •vrotnen'a division of ' the Nazi chiefs "Mein Kampf" of the conviction o£ General Slaa- such a law 33 being incompatible munity ia tha Territory. "We who cta was published by the coialinet members jostle for place with the Vebrusfes Poorer Company. anti-Semitic publisher, who nie Maritz on charges oi promot- with t i e mandats, siace it would have lived here for years know . . . We have it from a pretty re- ohethe official Yugoslav h e u S p a p e r subpoena serv- ordinary taxi drivers. ing hostility between races ia vio- be contrary to the principle cf them all. Maritz a3ks us to apply liable source that within the near r3 hascommittee's Vreme. A Bucharest dispatch did The White House is no biding been as elusive as a ill future there will be an open lation of the law o£ the Territory. conscience embodied ia It. place for the President, and this the state would be established in to them a passage in his book breach between the Kins of Italy the-wisp. Marltai, a£ter a -week-long trial, agreement with the new Polish This contention was refuted by which describes Jewish doctors as and Mussolini . . . Emji Jannings, While Chairman Martin Dlas, fine tradition — that the White Government planned by German?. •was found guilty of violation, or Sir.Justice Hoester who ruled House belongs td the people as 'taking Christian lives,' Jewish adthe great German screen actor, he lanky Tesan, has thundered tha law by publication of a book, that the clause ia question ia the vocates as 'interfering in tha maas the President— goes back The correspondent cald the lews "My Lewe aad Strewe," ia which iiiandata specifically excluded lo- chinery of the Stats and getting has completely surrendered to the for his men to bring Pelley ltl, well to the days of Andrew Jackson. would have full control of tha auhe repeated allegations against cal ordinances for the mainten- Christians under thefr yoke.' He i3 now in Pelley has managed to serve the After bis inaugratlon, Jackson in- tonomous region, to which all ike Nazi ideology _ .:, L&lvis. (JTA} —Herbert the Jews based on the so-called ance of peace. As regards the conbninitteemen with damage suits "Tas book," the Attorney Gen- charge of all theater and cinema totalling $3,000,000 — that is, a vited all Washington, from Sena- Jews of Germany, Bohemia, WOT* Kline, Hew York film producer "Protocols o£ the Eldera of 2ioa" tention by the Attorney-General avia, Austria and the occupied who directed "Crisis," the picture activities in the Reich, and part tors to day laborer, into the eral pointed out, "would be read and was sentenced to payment of that failure to consult authoritaand parcel of the great propagan- half million each. In addition, he White House to celebrate. So they portions of Poland would bo which depleted the Sudeten crisis, a line of £7 5 or nine months im- tive material was an evidence of not only by Afriiaaaers bat also da machine that is supposed to swamped Dies' home district had a party, and split open kegs by Germans, and contained such Ms arrived here with his wife prisonment. the defendant's intention to cre- iaflamraable material as could keep up the German morale dur- with pamphlets and tjoo&lets at- of wine, and wrecked the polishT h e after a harrowing cix-day trip on STOCKHOLM (JTA) aeklng tha Congressman to a ed floors, and walked out with all Ruaso-German Unlike the trial at Grahams- ate feelings of hostility, tha pre- conceivably lead to a po-gTOia. It ing the war . . . bargain provides a refugee train from Warsaw durtown a few years ago •when the siding judge pointsd out that was not tha fault of the book, that LISTEN TO THIS point where the Dies, supporters, the cakes and cheeses that had for extensive relaxation 61. antt- ing: which they were almost conquestion of the validity of the "the mental attitude of the indi- this had not occurred. The Jews down in Beaumont, Texas, have been sent as inaugural presents. Jewish measures in Germany, ac- ttnonsly under fire from Nazi air Appalling is the information "Protocols" was the chief issue, vidual towards the Jewish ques- were a minority who had no gov- supplied ' • •• - -4 Drew Pearson and been advising Dies to take some Everyone had a good time, and cording to the newspaper, Nya raiders. tha Windhoek Ht3h Court reject- tion or problem is influenced more ernment which could intervene on Robert Allen, Jackson didn't complain. Washington's action. Kline said - he had been making Daglight Allehanda. The paper ed as "inadmissible" testimony by personal conviction or belief their behalf and protect them. most reliable snoopsters Up until now, the members oi . They There was a new article of fur- published an interview with a a documentary film in the Polish offered by the Public Prosecutor, thaa by scientific evidence and Anti-Semitism wa3 the method, of insist that an American. .firm the committee investigating un- niture is In the President's great German traveling salesman who Corridor when the war broke out. proof, a3 is the case ia political Attorney General P. 13. J. XoseAiaerkan activities haven't cared the bully." that large numbers of Jews Throughout the trip from Warlargely responsible for the treoval office today — a huge BOW, to prove the falsity of state- aad religious Questions." g -war said much whether Pelley was brought Taese views ware sustained by Nazi air fleet . . . That had beeh released from concentre saw, which normally takes 28 k i ments contained ia the book, and map. Someone inks in — •with This opinion was amply sus- the court. Passing sentence on firm, they say, has been shipping inor not. But now they -want to camps to work at tasks of hours, the train was repeatedly declined the offer of Sir. G. 3ar- tained red ink — the progress of tipn by the stubborn attitude MariSz, Justice Hoeaier said: bombed by Nazi planes, which also plane engines to the Nazis for the talk to him — personally. The blood military necessity. on, general secretary of the South. shown by the German advance across Poilaritz throughout tha used machine guns, and small Act *o Crash Hostility last five or sis years, ia total dis- best dope is, that Pelley ha3 a land. But strangely, not nearly aa Africau Jewish Board of Depu- trial. He stood Ms prejudices rapid-fire cannon on the fleeing "Tha matter contained in the regard of Secretary Hall's privata hideout somewhere In Montana, ties, to advance evidence that the even when his by much of Poland 19 wiped jff In statements had book ia an excellent example of request that American firms re- tola "where he has beea penning imssenfeers whenever the train book waa largely a reproduction been clearly revealed contra- filthy, venomous and contemp- frain from selling such products his hew diatribes, and shipping fed as the news dispatches indistopped and on the t r a p p e d of an anti-Semitic pamphlet pub- dicting each other. He as g p refused to tible racial propaganda, and the to Germanyy wounded passengers unable to them east to his Asheville presses. cate. Either the President Isn't Mrs. Charlca §fccrn ' lished in Canada under the title, recognize plainly established fact3 Court has no doubt that it was keeping right up to the news •— leave the cars. Don't think for The process servers nailed all a moment that the incident of, tha "The Key to the Mystery." Mrs. Jennie Stern, 55, died and, posing as a martyr who had written with the deliberate object sinking of the Athenia belongs to the members of the committee or he knows more than we do. The issue before the court, con- to "intervene when things are goSunday at her home after a long NOTES ON A WAB: encouraging b a d feelings the dead and buried past The when they arrived after a noon sequently, was not the truth or ing on around me, which are like- of bat- Illness. She had been a resident towards the Jewish race." State Department will yet be "They're fighting these recess. Only Congressman Starne3 falsity o£ the allegations con- ly to cause the bloodshed of my complains an Army officer, of Omaha for the past forty-eight heard from in a sharp protest to of Alabama, w a s late. W h e n tles," tained in the volume ia question, people," proved himself a docile "on a five-day, iorty-hour The "Windhoek trial aroused yearB. Staraes arrived, the process servGermany Attorney General but the intention oi! the author discipline of Nazi propaganda. her hu&band. basis" . . . Far the first time since considerable attention throughout : Prank Murphy's declaration that er poked the notice of the suit at Surviving are: in circulating the allegations. The .Decision Charles; two sons, Dr. Harold of 1918, the bridges across the Po South Africa, not only because of foreign agents engaged in espionhim. "I don't waat that," drawled verdict of the court was that the Omaha and Josoph Of Chicago; A further attempt wa3 made by the personality of General Maritz age will no longer find this coun- tha southerner, refusing ^c take tomac are guarded they're defendant had sought to promote the defense to justify anti-Semitic but because cf it3 exposure of the the only arteries southward from two sisters, Mrs. Jake Raduzlner hostility between the races of j action by the claim that the Jews extent of Nazi propaganda activi- try a happy hunting ground seems it. "Get out of here." the police aren't and Mrs. Louis Haduilner; and South-West Africa. In reaching its j were not to be regarded as a race ties in the former German col- rather strange to us, in view of "If Pelley comes down into my Washington anything about it, but they one grandson. verdict, the. court clarified the in tae legal sense. This argument ony. Nazi agents had been in- the circumstance that F r i t z District," says Starnes, "I'll know saying Funeral services were held Monhave put extra officers on "short meaning of the ordinance under was rejected by the Court which creasingly active in the territory Kuan's activities are entirely un- how to take care of him." day at the Jewish Funeral Home. French and beats" around the hampered . . . Danton Walker, . which the action was brought and also ruled out a statement hy one in recent years, and increasing Kelngee Plans British Embassies . . an extra Burial was at Golden Hill. ; established the precedent to be of the ehief witnesses, Mr. Sarcn, apprehension had been felt in New York columnist, claims that Hunted down like wild beasts, guard was stationed at the GerLitvinoff and Kaganovich, two followed in similar cases in the who declared that unfortunately South Africa lest the Union's seof even a 'strip of land man Embassy two weeks ago, afbigshots, are now on Stal- deprived future. on which to die, the plight of the ter a young Pole was caught outthere was a feeling of anti-Semi- curity be challenged froza there. Soviet in's death list We doubt it, European r e f u g e e — Jew and side, waiting with a rock In his Warlike .-lots tism in South Africa and that Anti-Semitic propaganda activWalker . . . Gentile alike — -will grow pro- hand and a razor In his pocket. Counsel for the defense con- anti-Semites made no distiction ities in South-West Africa have Mr. PEOPLE gressively worse as the -war goes tended in the course of the trial between Jews who were observant been recognised a3 oae of the Nazi ABOUT Both the Washington and the Charlie Chaplin's film. "The that the term "vyandelikheid" aad those who were not. With "officers" chosen. Commethods to create strife and dis- Dictator," is going to be out soon, oa, State Department officials New York press ignored the state • used in the Afrikaaa text of the sension in the territory and to we're promised . . . Its three prin- fear. The two questions which the ment of Benjamin Gltlow before munity Chest leaders are rapidly law implied actual warlike acts The Attorney-General after hav- weaken its connection with the cipal characters are called Ade- State Department is eager to the Dies committee . concernin: completing the recruiting of a solve, just at present are: ing disproved one after the other British Empire. the small number of Jews in the volunteer army of 3,500 solicitors noid Hinkly, Herring (that'3 for the seventeenth annual Chest the allegations eontaiaed in the 1. Will the British government Communist party Armed with tha Windhoek Goering) and Gasolini . . . Claire not deliber- for campaign, October 30 to Novemdefendant's book that Jews owned Court's interpretation of the crim- Booth's nest play will be about go through with Its original pro- ately, however There was ber 10. tha ne\vspapera and theatres ia inal law and supported now by the Bund, and she intends calling posal of the thirty-two governSouth Africa, that all gold wa3 ia increased aati - Nazi sentiment it "Blockhead" . . . It is true that ments represented in the Inter- much more sensational news tha one of the outstanding efforts Gitlow, a Jew, and form- being put forth this year is visitthe haad3 of the Jews and so among the general population, the Bert Lahr, the screen comedian, governmental Committee on Ref- day erly the party leader In the Unitr forth, summed up the case for the South-West African authorities was bora in Yorkville of German ugees contributing, on a fiftyation of agencies by all workers. States, told me: ''Any Jew who Industrial leader, Harold LoMar Crown as follows: will, in future, be able to move stock fifty basis, to find for them new ed TEAM STANDINGS but Bert ia very much remains a Communist now that has been taking his firm captains "Maritz has sent a Franken- more effectively to crash anti- against the Nazis, and during the homes? W. !<. Pet. Hitler is tied up with Stalin is monster into the world and racial propaganda activities in world war served in the IT. S. 2. What is to be done about the only paying dues to cut his own and majors on tours for over a OHquot Club Sskiuws 5 1 .833 stein week. Mrs. Bernard Wiokham, Smith Motor* 3 1 .83JJ now says that he will not take the the territory whether directed Navy Luise Rainer is now a refugees now in France and Eng- throat . . . " women's division leader, has planKuipire Cleaners . . . -I 12 .837 responsibility for t h e conse- against the Jews or any other refugee in Switzerland, preferring land, who face internment there Up at the State Departmen ned a &eriC3 of division meetings staying there to making bad pic- for the duration of the war? Shriev Paint ^ Glass 3 3 .500 quences. Anti-Semitism," he con- group of the population. they say the internal affairs o: The State Department is pretty Palestine have quieted down, day tures in Hollywood . . . Our best State JCoal and G a s . . 3 3 .500 wishes for a speedy recovery to pessimistic about both problems. by day, since the war started . Tit-tlalM . 3 4 .333 OCT. 3rd Mrs. Felix Frankfurter, wife of It fears that Gerat Britain will The Arabs, faced with the war Pioneer Uniform Co. 1 3 .1(37 the Supreme Court Justice, who i3 not see fit to Invest hard cash, crisis, are becoming f r i e n d l y . . . . . . . . IS .137 OCT. 4th reported, to be suffering from.-a jst at the present, to care for the again with Great Britain, and o rare malady that she contracted refugees. It would like to find a course the Jews In Palestine are IJ3AGCS SlSCOitES T«IS Bernard Barueh, now haven for the thousands of Ger- enlisting. lligti Game —— G. abroad recuperating in Saratoga Springs, man refugees now^ encamped In 234; iiiuyii-e!*, 343. Look Magazine's layout on Fa will be in tip-tcp shape again, be- England. It would mean fewer ther High Series — IVefc, a2 Coughlin and his satellites 3SS S©. -tSffa-St. WAS BASS mouths to feed, In the war emerthe beginning of hostilities" . . . fore the winter is too far adEmpires, 3,373. Is causing a good deal of discusgency. But no country — not even vanced . . . Rabbi Albert G. Baum 3 These restles3 astrologers who GAGGING ON WAR . Several in the .Capital Averages and team standings are forever making predictions This is funny even if it Isn't of Congregation Gemiliuth Chas- the United States — has offered sion WHOLESALE questions asked by Dies, at hi to open Its doors to these countchanged rapidly after Tuesday's about Hitler claim that his chart true . . . The story is going around sodim of Alexandria, La., wants committee's hearings, have led to O Coadiajj O Ciqarp bowling, which, although, not shows that just a3 he wa3 made that the great Russian dancer, his people to take an interest in less men without a country. the belief that Coughlin will b O Tobacco O&li spectacular, was far above the by an old man—Hindenburg, who Nijinsky, who for years has been the affairs of their Catholic felYou can't put your foot Into called to testily . . . and asked to OFoantQtn standard set last week. After the made him Chancellor—he will be confined in a Swiss insane asylum, low citizens, and with that end the White House grounds without O Qevoraijeo smolia had cleared, the State Coals defeated by one — Chamberlain, was showing definite signs of re- in view recently had a copy of being at once conscious of the explain from whence come his had dropped to a tie tor third, who now is waging war against covery until his wife tried to ex- "Catholic Action of the South," hapgy difference between this na- funds, and anti-Semitic material with Cliquot Slub aad •Smith Mo- him . . . Now you see what fore- plain tha new war situation to official organ of the New Orleans tion and possibly all others. Tourtors tied for tha top position, each sight Secretary Ickes showed him . . . After listening to her Archdiocese, sent to every mem- ists saunter in and out as casually •winning three games, tae former when he refused to sell helium to exposition of the present line-up ber of hi3 temple . . . If you want is if the portals were those of from the State Coals and the lat- the German Zeppelin makers . . . Nijinsky is said to have suffered to hear Heifetz free of charge see ter from the Tretiaks. He aiost probably saved thousands a violent relapse . . . Then there's whether you h3ve a friend who sympathy to Rabbi Moses J. S. Empire Cleaners took three of Polish lives . . . Those in the the tale of the American tourist lives near hi3 Greenwich Village from the Pioneer Uniforms for know insist that France will give who, in Berlin, asked a govern- hideaway His neighbors, It's Abels of the American Jewish second place honors, the Pioneers the Germans an awful shellacking ment official how far Rumania said, always invite their friends Committee, whose daughter, the dropping into a tie tor the bottom on the Western front by means of was . . . "About two incidents when Jascha is due. to practice gifted painter, Judith Harriet with the incumbent Wardrobes. the new French tank3, which can away" was the Nazi's reply . . . his music . . . What happened to Fishbach, died recently . . . Mrs. feels peeved because the Sons and Daughters of th Fishbach was instructor in Arts Tretiaks held fourth place. Uniform Hoelih p ride roughshod over the pillboxes Winchell Chamberlain ignored his sugges- Jewish War Veterans, an orgfani and Crafts at Temple B e t h that are supposed to stop them lib "gridOrdinary Winter Elohim, Brooklyn . . . One of her Weita hit his stride in leading . . . A Canadian Jawi3h Legion tion on how the official test of zation which a year ago claimed a paintings hangs in the Carnegie his Shrier Pahus with a big S2i) was membership of tea to fifteen thou The most important problems in beating yotsr almost formed, but then some Great Britain's declaration of a Institute in Pittsburgh . . . ie eiU ba rfrpbcaj withoat eoitiiic MB aei'ios, 13(!-215-13S, threatening oi the sand? One of the reasons wh (Copyright, 19S9, by Seven Arts o esqt ^a Jewish leaders in the Do- state of war should read home during the coming winter months ia ©von Tha t && etsted la to;^w«ai«; iSchapiro's top game of 25-i. decided that Jaw3 should phrase "war against Germany" i3 Hank Greenberg, Detroit slugger, Feature Syndicate.) temperature, uniform temperature that will His second game showed nine minion all wrong, says Walter, insisting did so poorly in the last series in enlist in the regular expeditionary strikes. Competition from the prevent colds and most of the floor draft. British and Canadian that "war against Adolf Hitler" New York i3 that instead of adWardrobes was stiff, the two force The Bettendorf Automatic Oil Burner will, rehowever, were ready to would have been much more ac- hering to strict training rules he Cosst to Coast Shrier wins being eked out by 18 officials, The German reaction spent all his spare time watchin a distinct Jewish unit in curate lieve you of all home heatinfe -vforrieB «waB will and 5-pin margins. Paul Stein- accept the electric news sign that runs to the announcement that Goertha British forces . . . Just to Travel berg led the losers with a -491 prove do it a t a minimum low cost. around the Times Building . ing will step into Hitler's shoes once mere that there is no aeries. PHvat ears, share expense basis limit to Nazi stupidity the Furore if aad when Adolf gats what's Paul Muni ha3 pledged himself tc recently approached the Kev. comias to him is that Goering will stay away from Hollywood this ts all points. FULLY INSURED. Smpii-e Cleaners took three M a r t i n Niemoeller, Protestant have a hard tima climbing into winter . . . He hopes to ba In a S0S7 Farnam HA 5600 f r o m .Pioneer Uniforms with rebel against the Nazi regime, Hitler's paats . . . All of which Broadway play . . . Our sinceres Fleishman's 41i leading the way, with the reminds us that a former Eurosuggestion that the pasand aided by an S7-pin handicap tor resume naval career and pean correspondent, very well inper game. Pioneers were paced become a his - boat commander formed, recently whispered In our by "Tony" Conn with a 432, high again, a3 in U the 1914-18 war . . . ear that Goering is the only high oi the match. Neimoeller, however, preferred to Naai official who is All of hia teammates were ia stay in the concentration camp Hitler's anti-Jewish, policy ^srp4«fd t o elva you jokfe, »ure « the -100 bracket, and our predic- that has been his home for sev- THE LOW-DOWN «W K f e a a t fen pwet «t $a tion ia that this team is destined eral years . . . Incidentally, if HitThat stunt which brought inrglsctro-Prtt jnper for greater heights before the sea- ler retains any doubts as to where ternational publicity to a.London 501 by !d» i son's end. h T ^ • the sympathies of moat Americana newspaper really was originated "Doc" Plait's Eskimos worked j " 6 *? th® p , r e ° e n t %°?a™ % i ? n ' t ainootalv to win two from tha « - t h e f d u 4 ° ' Ha™, Lieckhoff forleaving nest -weeS: for leaders. State Coal. Vaffe'a 523 mer Nai ambassador to the U. S. COITPUS west coast—waat reliable young was tops, with Platt'a -io7 boost- . . . Reporting to Badolf on Amer- maa expenses-paid. ing Ma average a bit of 17 pins. ican feelings toward Germany Mast driver—all have A-l References — . the „„„ Ceickhoff is reported to have said Georgia Schapiro performed the United State3 will join Ke. 5181. most consistent bowling o£ the tthat le with three 115 games. * Allies within three moatis of evening Cantata ?hil Katznian dropped to a 4 7 1 series or the Stata Coal'3 D'nai Israel y g g by Sam leader, crowded a bit bit by TaM© S u p p l y Lloat Co. 3.233. Haiaiuan's liSS. Mymlo RIsJsards Ko. 3 2 The Smith Motor boys crept P i Plotctiy iato a Li** for first by squeezing song two wiiia from tho Tretiali3 by 12 Eaaca alaa with Blvd. 32>s-<--'> ^ r = » sa and ^ 1-pin margins, and winning"j«r MAS" of iho third ia a walk. . Ivleia was "S yaw fiown ia front with a 4i56, followed Go Esom" closely by Smith's 4J5. Krantz'3 •i'j>7 was best in the match and SSSsa elllSrea fesa eaJ frsf AtfQ. topped the losers. IE© Qo. . J. Cooper
Chest Preparing for Annual Drive
• As the league goes into the third week next Tuesday, observers report that great changes can be expected, both as to individual oerformartces aad team standings. The only major change reported definitely i'J the contemplated sale of a Bates grip bail by Norsnaa Brown. See Brown far further detiula.
E 317TI CO-S
ef i i o taSsSa, serva KcsSSaggfa
Oax Etei
e a i ereas&y-fjjey crssila la sad hsvs
Class Starass Dr. ©. S. Oelzor Lcaib ppctela
So. Ho. IGCh Ct 3©S No. SO
"£©£* TEN AVK3.1GS3 ests, 1S-8- I*. ICasaman, It. Schrttm-o, I?O; ILsraatz, ITS ; 11att, itii$i Belief, Iti2; Brown, ICO; B. Culm, 280;' Steinberg, 150; Xalfe
tl.U$*t « ,
•>«. J-