In the Interests of the . * Jewish People
By 4L 8KOA2,
WHAT'S . 4- Christian minister called on me and apoka of the war and what it ia doing to his faith of which unti' sow he was so sure. . . . VOL.XVI—Np.49 &Meitxi MM Efevuua Cla** Mali Mattel un January 31. 1331. at He is the pastor of a surburban OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1939 tvtufflca at * Hnaha. N»braska. onder tha Act of March 3« 1S79 congregation. Harold doubts come slithering into his study even among the books of theology -which in the past had made everything clear to Mm. He waa brought up to believe in a personal God; this is to say, a God who cared about people and Registrations" are now being noted even the sparrow's f a l l . . . A large enrollment is expected taken at the Jewish Community VBnt I'm not so sure of a personfor the high school dancing class Center for cooking and sewing al God now. I have argued with which will be held Wednesday, classes to be conducted beginning mjselt: Yes, there is a personal October IS, at 4 p. m. at the JewMonday, October 23. God bet people haven't •given Him ish Community Center. In response to numerous rea chance. Everything would be Jews Usable t o Evacuate Miss Eosalie Alberts, instrucquests, Mrs. Otto Wiese has been all right if they gave Him a Warsaw Before tor, has just returned from the secured lo teach sewing and Mrs. chance. convention of Dancing Masters of Surrender Germany Helen Kilbonrn to 'give instrucAmerica and is anxious to demon• "Then I ask, if there is a personal tion in cooking. ""there will be a God—God the Father—why does DOUBT SCHORR DEAD strate the latest and newest dance RUMOR LONG CURRENT nominal registration lee of fifty routines. not He give people a chance. Most cents for non-members and twenSamuel Thaviu, concert master Registration fee for members of the people who suffer this war cents for mem hers. For if the Kansas City Symphony or. . . the little people . . . most of Count Zaleski Says No of the Center is only 51. For non- Would Probably Transfer ty-five further information call the Jewhestra, will present a lecture reReich Jews Onto members the tuition will be $6. those who are dying in it had nothDefinite News of ish Community Center, JA 1366. ital at the 22nd annual convenFor further information call the ing to do with making the world Reservation Chief Rabbi :ion of the Nebraska Music TeachJewish Community Center, JA they live hr Most of them did give Delegates from seven statesers association which is to meet 1366. God a chance; most of them were Paris ( J T A ) . — Chancellor By BORIS SMOLAR will gather here on Sunday, for" lere on October 25 ah.i 26. kindly and neighborly. They had J. T. A. Chief European CorresAdolf Hitler intends to set up 3 the annual conference of .the Mr. Thaviu was formerly; first no greater ambition than to bring "Jewish ghetto province" on forpondent iolinist -ot the Chicago Symphony up their children in the way they Midwest Branch of xhe "Worn-, mer Polish soil in which all Jews Paris {JTA How American orchestra and second violinist of should go. They were happy to of the Reich, Danzig and the Coren's League of /the U n i t e d relief should be extended to war Mischa Mtschakoff's string quarbe let alone and to let others ^ridor would be concentrated, inSynagogues. The Auxiliary ofrefugees from Poland is outlined tette., . -.;••. • alone, to live and to let live. They formed sources said this week afin a plan prepared by Anthony J. the Beth El Synagogue will bedidn't want this war." ' Vernon C. Bennett, organist a t ter the Fuehrer's Reichstag speech Organize Group to Aid Dresel Biddle, United States AmTemple Israel, i s . secretary-treasthe host to the out-of-town del-, proposing "regulation" of the Religious Crisis bassador to Poland, which was k Civilian Victims of urer of t h e Nebraska Music'TeachJewish question and reshuffling of A lot of believing people—Jews dispatched by airmail to President egatipns. . es association. • War ' and Christians—are being troub- Roosevelt with a view to reaching 3,000 to Leave Trieste; populations. ' Mrs: David Gr&enbarg, chairled by the same doubts. Religion him prior to the opening of the man, of the conference, announcesIllegal Entries The proposed Jewish region, It New York (JTA) — The Comla In a crisis that will become Washington conference on refuplans have been completed and was said here, would emulate the mission for Polish Relief, Inc., Permitted more aeute as the war piles up gees on Oct. 16. sessions will be held at the Blackanti-Jewish methods of Tsarist newly formed organization to :i the dead in ever bigger heaps, as stone hotel. - : ' • ' ; ' Geneva (JTA)—Arrangements Russia, where Jews were restrict- raise funds in the United States As the plan was dispatched, more Warsaws are ground to dust, The first gathering will.»takeed to living in a "pale of settlehave been made for transportaadvices reached Polish circles in and administer relief to Polish aa more and more women, chilplace Sunday evening. Feature of • Paris that at least a quarter of a tion of the approximately 3,000 ment" in certain sections of Rus- civilians along the lines of the dren and the aged perish. the program will be a symposium," Jewish refugees for whom t h e sia and were forbidden to enter Hoover mission in Belgium durmillion Jews remained in "Warsaw Wars used to be an affiliation during the German occupation, un- British government has issued cities in the interior. "The Bible as a Living Force ining the last war, was informed that the. clergy could make all able to evacuate for lack of trans- Palestine immigration views, as Amerlcan ." Democracy." ParticiSome of Hitler's advisers, it was that one of the most serious,prob- Chesed bhet tines right with the people at home. portation and now subjected to re- well as for those holding visas pating will be Rabbi Monroe -LeaSponsor Three stated.have suggested to him the lems it faced was the "lost refuThe battlefields were far away e w e d vens of Des Molnes, Rev. Thomas under the last Palestine immigra- isolation of the Jews in Galicia, gees" in Poland. b h N i Events in the distance they could be h terrorism *>y the Nazis. Niven of the First Presbyterian tion schedule, the Jewish Agency but since Galieia is now under " t o ^ r S ? S t sacrifi- A Birec^ -o-at^^eived^y announced. Victor J. Podoski, Polish conchurch, and Mrs. David 'Aronson Soviet control, this s u g g e stion sul general in Canada, visited the Mrs. Louis Neveleff,cpresident of Minneapolis. Mrs. Joseph Gorclal altars on which men beautiThe Agency confirmed in an may be applied to some other sec- commission's offices before leav- of the Chesed Shel Emes, • andon, regional president, wili.pre1^ tally laid down their lives for Cod through a neutral country estabof Nazi-occupied territory. It ing for Montreal after his return nounces that three outstanding Dr. Morris Adlcr Bide. : -^ and country. The dead soldiers lished that the American consul- official communique the report tion clear that with more than 2,- from Poland and declared that programs nave been ananged for were translated souls marchin-g ate and the offices of the Amer- from Paris that the British con- is Monday Sessions ican Jewish Joint Distribution sulate in Trieste would issue the 000,000 Polish Jews on his hands, many refugees .had fled from he year's activities ot the orgorgeously off to Walhalla. Musical selections will be preHitler cannot speak of forced Committee in Warsaw had been trains and other vehicles under approximately 3,000 visas to Jews ganization. But the divine beauty of war is sented by' Cantor Aaron Edgar emigration, as he did with German bombardment ana run off The first event will be a dinner not to be seen in cities in which completely demolished by N a z i from Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Jewish with Mrs.'Abe Fellman a t the. Bratislava and other German- the German Jews, who -numbered into the Polish countryside, and he .held on .Sunday- evening, women and children die by bombs bombs. piano. Mrs. J. J. Green berg andJews in Warsaw Terrorized dominated territories, in co-opera- approximately a half million, in- now could not be traced. Podoski November 5. Mrs. J.- Nits, is and the fragments of innocents Mrs. Moe Venger will be in charge The Polish information reach- tion with the Palestine office in formed sources declared. said that his own mother and chairman and is being assisted by strew the street3 The mother of the informal reception which Hitler's Reichstag speech may ter, who were on the Polish For- Mrs. "J. Chait, Mrs. S. Fish and kneeling beside the body of her ing Paris regarding the fate of the Trieste. will immediately follow. child must wonder about God who Jews in Warsaw said that the maRecipients of the visas are Jews be the precursor to shipping all eign Office train, were ,lost after Mra. J. FinkeL The proceeds of . Tbe Monday morning business notices even the fall of the spar- jority of the estimated Jewish who received their Palestine im- German Jews eastward into a half- the train had been bombed four the dinner. will be used' to pay Jewish Shop-Keepera Flee session will include a talk on' row, as was said in the Book. The population of 350,000 were unable migration certificates prior to the Jewish and half-Polish Reich pro- times in the course of a three-day off the obligations., incurred in Before Soviet "Claiming Our Inheritance," by connection with buying the new steeple of the church has fallen to exacuata because trains were outbreak of the war but were un- tectorate centering around War- trip through Poland. Mrs. H. R. Rosenthal of St. PauL Army . These "lost refugees,"- whose sanitary equipment' and furnishIn the same heap of rubble with not running and other means of ahla to obtain the visas in Ger-saw, according to indications from Mrs. Robert Glazer of Mason City, the brothel: the bomb destroyed transportation were virutally par- many because of difficulties re- Berlin reported by the Havas number Podoski did(nc>t attempt ings,-which were badly needed at Bucharest (JTA) — U n i t e d la., and Mrs. Herman Licht oC News Agency in an Amsterdam to estimate, added to a problem the Chesed Shel Ernes. tbe saint who was just and com- lyied by Army confiscation of all sulting from the war. Sioux City will take part in tba dispatch. Hitler's address was re- of "probably upward of 700,000" Tie second event will take States Vice-Consul William Mor- discussion following. Mrs. David passionate and by the same blast vehicles. Arrange Transportation ton reported that near-famine congarded as evidence that a sort of persons homeless in Poland, with place on Monday', 'December 4. Satisfactory transportation artore apart the body of the arroNow, under the Nazi regime, prevailed in areas . occu- Sherman of Omaha, vice-president gant exploiter. Their blood min- the Jews are reported to be under- rangements have been made with Jewish state subordinated to a cold weather approaching, and This will be the annual - card ditions pied by the Red Army as a re- of the region, will preside. German protectorate was in prosdose to 100,000* refugees in going renewed terrorism as the party' and win be directed by Mrs. the Adriatica Steamship company gles. sult of flight of Polish shopkeepA Friendship, luncheon, will be. Tne divinity ascribed to war Nazis try to play the Poles against by H. Barlass, director of the Jew- pect for the middle Vistula, Havas neighboring neutral countries, ac- J.'Goldberg. Assisting her.will ers, imany.. of .them Jewish, into held Monday noon at the Jewish cording to the commission's esti- be .Mrs. B. Garrup.' co-chairman, the Jews through radio and other ish Agency's immigration depart- said. TPyVfut no sense at all when war mates. It was estimated that there and;. Mrs. J. Kaplan, Mrs. H.Rumania before, advancing -Soviet Community Center. Music will be umored comes to the city and throws ev- propaganda outlets, using the ar-ment, who remained in Geneva Jtrops.. Morton had been stationed furnished by tbe ;Sloux. City; s e c The official Belga (Belgian) were '50,000 in Rumania, 20,000 Azorin and Mr"s.'T. Sherman.' erybody into the holocaust. The guments that the Germans will after last August's Zionist ConIn Warsaw and arrived;here.after tlon. Songs written by Mrs. S. H* solid old foundations of religion "polonize" Poland and see to it gress to settle complications in Agency reported from Berlin that to 30,000; in Hungary, 11,000 in j . i Talking Picture ^ . . ; spending st week in- eastern > P Shuliln will be iheacdx.pnd Mrs. crack, as bombs rain from s&ies that "the Jews no longer exploit connection with emigration to the .German- Government intends Lithuania and 3,000 in/Latvia*. land. . _ ";_-i__...3 ; ^ . . :' _ • •Herman-Licit will.lead. Vocal Palestine. " The line -will use sev- to establish a region reserved*: ex- •?•• Paui-Saperr-director ^of-tl to whtdneopla have looked tor the' Polish people," .He.safd Soviet "officiala"at Za- selections will he erven, by Captor to e given on Reporting in a radio broadcast eral ships to transport to Pales- clusively for Polish Jews and ish Y."M." C. ,&f,, has been • ap-~ talking g picttfre p g o salvation. > b 4. •; Mrs." Wil- loszcyki posted .placards advising Morris Eernick. : . i , , . I am of the generation whose on the large number of Jewish tine the 3,000, as well as others eventually transfer German Jews pointed .director'of the commis- Sunday, February : ; .Formal Dinner , J sion's work in- Rumania and "Wil- liam ' Milder 13 chairman of this the'public to "remain* calm; con- : religious faith never wa3 chall- suicides in "Warsaw, Nazi announc- entitled to enter Palestine under there. tinue your work ; and open • yonr . Principal speaker at'the • ••'"-. • ' :'„ ' (The Associated Press quoted liam C. McDonald, borrowed from affair. enged In the younger portion of ers said that "in this way thethe immigration schedule. The signs said the zloty dinner to be. given Monday evuour live*. We know God for a cer- Jewish problem in Poland is be- Not the least of the complica- "an authorized source" in Berlin Waxren Brothers of Boston, was • The Chesed Shel Emes, now in shops.", would serve for currency on an ning at the Blackstone hotel will preparing to leave for Warsaw ginning to be solved automaticalits 18th year, maintains the only as stating that Hitler was thinktainty. He waa the One who had tions encountered by the Agency even basis with the ruble. "Bnt be . Rabbi. Morris • Adler ot the. from Zurich, Switzerland, Imme> •communalfuneral • home • in -the ing about a Jewish reservation to do with the goodness of the ly. in aiding those holding the immiThe information reaching Po- gration certificates was the fact within the Polish State where not diately to' represent the commis- trnited States. It keepa up a dig- most of the businessmen,',' Morton Shaarey.Zedek Congregation, Der world which comforted us well. "had already fled into Ru- trolt. Rabbi Adler is a graduate He seemed implicit in the bu-lisa circles here emphasizes that that the war has resulted in only Polish and German Jews sion in the Polish capital, it was nified modern building, which has said, mania before the.arrival of Soviet of the College of tbe City ot New i spirit which then was march- Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda has sharply increased steamship fares could live, but Jews from other announced by Maurice Pate, sec- recently been improved with ex- troops, and food began to,give out York, and of the Teachers Insticellent sanitary fadlities. These ing : from progress to progress not affected the Polish population to Palestine. The steamships will lands. It was pointed out that this retary of the commlsEicu. The commission has received modern facilities were made, pos- On September 20 my partyT could tute of, the Jewish Theological Big wars had become only the aad that many Poles are helping sail from Trieste on dates to be reservation, which would be modonly; four pieces ot bread, Seminary.^ Following his graduar remote memories of old men, like Jews in Warsaw to hide from Nazi announced as the arrangements eled somewhat after the American authorization from the State De- sible through the co-operation of obtain (Continued on page 1.) partment to raise funds in this theentire Jewish Community,.and which we shared with : stranded tion from tbe seminary in 1935 he, G.A.R. veterans or veterans of (Continued on page 8.) are completed by the Agency. • occupied: the pulpit ot Temple country for Polish civilian relief Mr; Louis Margolin was' instru- newspapermen." tne Franco-Prussian war who had The vice-consul' also told how Emann-El of Buffalo before gomental in installing the proper Pate said. settled among us 4,892 "Illegals" Entered in Two Soviet officials received delega- ing to his present post In 1938. facilities. Reassurance Montlis tions ot .workers and peasants, Mrs. Dorothy Lastgarten Rlefees Super' Praises Jews' Aid Everybody was sure that for As .a communal agency, the London (JTA) — A total of 4,niany'of them Jewish; to decide of Des Molnes, violinist, will preBucharest (JTA) -— The servtbe world every tomorrow was Chesed 'Shet .Emes hap always 892 illegal immigrants entered who should remain in Poland and sent a musical-program at tbe ices rendered by Jeivs to Poland made* provision for proper, burial going to be better than today; Palestine between August and , . during the thia certainty was something that were highly rites for destitute. Jews. . Officers .who s'hould be transported to the dinner. September 30, Commons was int interior of the Soviet Union. Tuesday an installation .lunchpraised by Paul Super, former of ' the organization " are: . M r s . bad come to take on the characformed by Colonial Secretary Mal: eon is to be held a t the Blacknational secretary of the Polish Louis Neveleff, president;' Mrs. ter of a divine ordination. colm MacDonald. None was turned , - . : • ' ,'lieaYe Suwalki • -, • stone hotel. A-tour o£ the city T. M. C. A. and now Bucharest Jacob Milder, vice-president; Mrs. One bad personal sorrows, bat back to sea, MacDonald declared. Kaunas . (JTA) — G e r m a n will follow. Mrs. Arthur Cohen' representative of ifr? American Harry R.' Milder, treasurer; Mrs. in the Kaddi3h there waa com- Plans are in full swing for the The Colonial Secretary announced • plete assurance of the might, the launching of the program of Jun- also a general improvement in the The Jewish Community Center Commission for Polish Refugees. Isadore Soskin, financial secre- troops have occupied, the >Polish and Miss Blanche Zimman are majesty, the wisdom of the Most ior Activities for the children in Palestine situation since the out-will again sponsor a local Towni In an interview with the J. T. A., tary, and Mrs. "Julius G. Chait, city of Suwalki, which is situated supervising the lnnchcbu and Mrs. Hall discussion group beginning Super also paid tribute to the aid corresponding secretary. ; : • between East Prnssia and 'Lithu- Harry .Malashock is in charge of> Htgh who cared about every one's the community. break of war. ; Thursday, October 19, at 8 p. m. given by Rumanian, Hungarian ania, and whose '• population is the tour.pain and in good time gave healThe first children's activity will He said: "There ha3 been an in the downstairs lounge. largely r Jewish. Advices, from and Lithuanian Jews to Polish" Mrs. Morris Katleman 1B in ing and made everything right. meet on Friday, October 20, at 3 mprovement in the security situThis is one of several thousand refugees regardless of their reSuwalki said: tbe Jewish popula- charge of registrations for the Sven the last great war did no p. m., under the direction of Miss ation in Palestine, although intion,; dreading-Nazi ru|e, tried to conference and > urges all local Injury to the old faith. War then Rosalie Alberts. Registration fee stances of lawless activity by Arab groups w h i c h meet weekly ligion. escape with_tbe retiring Russian- delegates to register early. . : •till was only a holy devotion on for the children's dancing classes terrorists still occur from time to throughout the country • to listen In view of these facts, Mr. troops.The city is just 'inside battlefields and the dead who will he $2 for members. Tuition time. Generally both Arab and to the broadcast of America's Super said, 'I don't see how any 8 1 Town Meeting of the Air. At the he-N * area under the new-Gerwere brought home carried the fee for non-members will be f 6. Jewish sections of the community conclusion of the broadcast at Pole could i ever be anti-Semitic man-Soviet partition of Poland. saintly aura of crusaders. (PeoOn Sunday, October 22, the have ranged themselves behind 9:30, the Center group will take again or leave the Jews in disMeetings throughout W h 11 e ple were believing then, in a war Children's theater, directed by this country in the present emertress." Russia and Polish Ukraine prothat bad made the world safe for Mrs. Herman Jahr, and the Hand- _;ency and have shown every de- up the discussion and . continue f o r a nh o u r . • - - . - • claimed liquidation of the Ziondemocracy, in a war fought to craft club, directed by Mrs. Meyer sire to co-operate with us in the Last season was the Center's The annual In-Gathering of the ist .movement and the Bund, Jewend all wars.) In that war women Beber, will meet at 2 p. m. The successful prosecution of t h e first experience in maintaining a Needlework Guild will take place ish Socialist'party. The Wilno m*& children: were respected and Rhythm Band, directed by Mrs.war.' group around this program. The on October 18, 19 and 20 a t the radio station is continuing broadtbe great cities stood and their Abe Fellman, will be organized at Town Meeting proved popular and Central Congregational churchv casts addressed to Jews,'; describe towera kept on pointing to God.4 p. m. on October 22. Mr. Royce the attendance warranted repetiThe Needlework Guild collects ing the -.favorable treatment of In fact, after that war there Kent will direct the Photography tion of this activity again this clothing for needy persons.T..'.Hrs. Jews under. Russian rule.:.'•:•.•: •; • Leaders of Jewish welfare accame a great rush of building elub which will meet for the first year. B. A. Simon is president of the Jewish, novelists ,'• in Moscow tivity In Omaha :nnd Lincoln wili' synagogues and churches . . mil- time at 7 p. m._on Monday, Octosection that supplies the Family have dispatched a delegation to take, a prominent role in the sixth The question to be broadcast is lion dollar edifices. Pyrean mar- ber 23. Welfare Department" of the Fed-White Russia and the Ukraine to annual meeting of the West Cen—"What are the real issues in ble altars . . . and the clergy States Regional conference of Registration fee for each acthe European war?" Radio speakorganize Jewish : cultural,i activi- tral thanked God that religion still Riga (JTA) — That section ol eration of Jewish Service."-.---• the.Council of Jewish Federations tivity except dancing is $1. Tuiers will be John Gunther, J. Cooke ties. The delegation,: beaded by stood deeply founded, despite Mrs. W. - Racnsin and Mrs. R. Polish Jewry which has come un Allen and Anne O'Hare McCor- der Russian rule must be con- Wright are assistants of the sec- Peres. Malkish and Dov Bergel- and Welfare Funds, to be held In that much else in the world had tion for non-members is $6 for St. Paul, Minn;, October 28-2S, It each activity. For further inmick. Admission is free. For been badly shaken. (There wer' sidered completely lost to the Jew- tion. Section directors are: Mes- man, has "arrived in Wilno. was announced yesterday by Rabformation call the Jewish Comfurther information call the JewThe material position of the bi Harry S. Margolls, Temple Mt.. some, however, who said that r.Rabbi David A. Goldstein of the ish people, Prof. Simon Dubnow, dames I. Brown, munity Center, JA 13SS. ish Community Center, JA 1366. Ugioa could not survive anotLer Beth El synagogue has been apfamous historian, declared her'e in R. Bofdy. William Boasberg. B. Jews in the occupied territories Zion, St. Paul, chairman of the great war.) D. Brodkey, D. Blacker, F. Brod- Is reported acute, witb "most of program committee. pointed a member of two of the an interview with the J. T. A. national committees of the RabTo, the pass of another -;reat is difficult to forecast wnat t b key, Sam Cohen, M. Davis,: S. Ep- them jobless and suffering from • Philip Klutznick, a former prea-: . .:.'•...• binical Assembly of America. He war religion, together wUii all fate of Polish Jewry will be, h stein, I. Fielder, H. P. Farber, J. a shortage-ot~foodV;:; ident of the regional organization, J. Prleden, H. Ferer and J. Goldwill serve on the convention comother decencies, has come, and said. " and a, member of tho executive:: •" ;" : •;-. .", mittee and the social Justice comconscientious men and women are Prof. Dubnow charged thai w a r e . "' •. • committee this year, will serve as being troubled on account of the Because of the obligation for mittee. world democracy had taken n Also .Mesdames J., Goodbinder. chairman of the resolutions comold faith. They wonder what to foreign-born to assume eitiaenThe convention committee will the fight against National Sociaf- L. Graetz, Albert Louis, S. Gross, mittee. Louis B. Flnkelstein of believe in such a world. ship, particularly at this time, the act for the 300 rabbis of the Rabism too late. The fight, he said, M. Jacobs, M. Lineman, William Lincoln will participate in the disCouncil of Jewish Women is of- binical Assembly in planning the W&at Men Will Say should have been begun in 1933, A- Levey. J. Lipsey, J. Marer, M. Rabbi Morton Berman of Tem- cussion on civic-protective activiI am one of them. With no fering its assistance to those in- annual conference. The social In failing to recognize that the Milder, H. Milder. J. Newman, Al ple Isaiah Israel, Chicago, will be ties. arrogance of opinion I look at the terested in acquiring their papers. justice committee studies social Jewish women's groups will anti-Jewish campaign of the Nazis Newman, S. Olander, J. Rosen- in Omaha on Wednesday .evening; William Holzman; president. structure of religion in the cur- Citizenship classes are now be- problems and general conditions start sewing for the American Red was the first stage in a drive to thaL . J. Stein, D. Sherman,: S. November 8. to address meeting Omaha for Jewish rent earthquake; I just wonder. ing held throughout the city for throughout the country and rep-Cross Monday morning at 9:30 at annihilate democracy, the democ- Steinberg, Ed Simon, D. Stein. L sponsored by the Omaha Zionist Services, Federation Is vice-president ef tho : After it's ail over, after tha dead those anxious to become citizens. resents the rabbis of the assembly the Jewish Community Center. racies made a "grave error.'.* Sherman, N. Turner, H.; Venger, district. The meeting Is sched- regional organization. Nebraska have been counted, after all the Anyone who desires information in recommending community ac- The sewing groups will continue The second stage in the drive, S. Venger, L. Singer and Misses uled for the Jewish Community members of the ' executive and ruin of everything that wa3 de-is asked to call Mrs. Harry Mala- tion. to meet every day. he said, was destruction of the R. Cooper and Blanche Zimman. Center. • - ' plan and scope committees,; in adcent and beautiful, what will men shock, WA 8338, or Mrs. I. WeinAnnouncement ef this appointSewing machines in good condi- smaller powers. Now, the third Rabbi Berman bas just returned dition to Mr. Klulznlck, are Morsay about their synagogues and er, HA S925. ment was made from the national tion are needed and aiiyone will- stage, the attack on .the great from Europe, where .be attended ris Jacobs and Harry'A. Wolf of churches? The Council has had wide ex- office of the Rabbinical Assembly ing to lend her machine is asked powers, has been reached and it the World Zionist. Congress. Ho Omaha; Mr, Flnkelstein, Al Sp6ler" ' What wlil be left of religious perience in citizenship work. at the Jewish Theological Semi- to call the office of thfc Jewish will be the task of these powers brings first-band information ot and Harry Simon of Lincoln; ' ' faith; What comfort will they nary of New York by Dr. MaxCommunity Center. to restore peace. Jewa^ Dr. Dtxbthe situation.abroad. find in theologies which •dreadful Arst, assembly president. H o n o r A&sdsesrThose interested in knitting now declared, must use all their . Admission Is free and the meet- Disavow Anti-Semitism events have repudiated? After eight years ot giacfously influence to help realization of Amsterdam (WNS) — A. Asmay go to the Red Cross rooms ing is open to tbe public. Johannesburg {WNS) — 'Diapresidios over the destinies of the I should be greatly worried scher,' known aa the "grand old this task. , • • ? • • on the seventh floor of the Branavowal of tbe anti-Semitic policy* about this were i a minister of man of Dutch Jewry," was hon- Considering Income Tax deis store. Dr. Dabnow stated that Great Jewish.Community Center, office. and racial appeal of D. F. Malan's" Jew or Christian. I ored on the occasion of his 80 th Garments made by the Red Britain, Prance and the United May Tucker,' Center. administra- POSTPONE MEETING religion Jerusalem (JTA") -— Imposition "purified" Nationalists, a semimight, were I big enough, call to- birthday, which occurred on Sep- of an income tax to make up for Cross will be sent to the devastat- States were the last hope of tive secretary,'is today leaving for OF B'NAIB'RITH fascist organisation, was made by gether the clergy of all faitiu: tember 17, with the presentation a decline in customs and the war- ed areas of Poland. Mrs. R. Kul- Jewry. Apart from these, he said. Washington, D. C. The B'aal B'rith meeting sched- ex-Premier J. B. M. Hertsog, dfr* Miss Tucker has accepted a po"Well, gentlemen, what is thera of the Great Silver Medal of the time restriction of grants-in-aid akofsky is In charge of the Redthere is the smaller ray-—Palestine. After the destruction ot sition with the "United States Vet- uled tor Monday has been post- fining bis position at 4 meeting-, left for us to preach? Our differ- City of Amsterdam. The award, by the United Kingdom is being Cross work at the Center. of Us constituents who followed, ing theologies have been badly presented by the city's burgomas- considered by the Palestine govPolish Jewry, Dr. Dubnow- de- erans administration . and will poned until October 23. An outstanding speaker-will be him In tne party split over the. shaken by events. Our various ter, is considered the city's most ernment, it was officially* anTbe • Congregation of Sidney, I dared, Palestine Jewry acquired make ber future, home in the war issue. • ' > featured a t that meeting. distinguished medal for service. capital. (Continued on page 8.) nounced. •great importance. Australia, dates from 1817.
Ballroom Dancing Class to Begin at Center Wednesday
Take Registrations For Center'Sewing, Cooking Classes
amuel Thaviu to Appear in Omaha
Conservative Group to Open. Regional Conference Oil Sunday
Aid Foreign Born Acquire Citizenship
RabbiBermdnU>.^ Address Zionists
May Tucker Leaves ForWashington D. C.
trustees, Joe Katelman, Max Har- Pledge Class of the Phi Epsilon teered to assist the Omaha, Comris, and Herman Fried. Pi Fraternity. munity Chest in raising tho 5553,The nest regular meeting of the 417 needed. Synagogue will take> place Wed-, FROM CHICAGO . Contributions to the fund are nesday, October 11. installation of Shirley Holdowsky was elected Jack Wolpah returned Saturday allocated according to n e e d s The name of Charles E. Starr officers and initiation of candi- to Chicago after spending several among the participating welfare president of the Jr. Sub Deb club ©altsmsa dates will be held. • at their last meeting in ..the .home days here. Formerly of Council and character building agencies of Omaha was on the b o o k s MORRIS AIZENBER& Ccsr Refreshments will be served. of the retiring president, Miss TAI3ITJD TOKAH by. a budget •among those listed as .Republican Bluffs, he has mad« his home in upon recommendation 1 Helen Marsh. Toby Nadler wa3 Chicago for the past few months. committee appointed by the board candidates for the State Hallway At the regular- Talmud Torah elected vice-president. Esther Ba- meeting-held Monday evening at RUMMAGE SALE of governors. Responsible busi- Commission. Starr completed his gun was elected secretary, Minnie the Synagogue, the following ofness and civic leaders serve with filing late with the secretary of ••• Mrs. Etta Yudelson , has an- IN "KANSAS CITY state. ,."• • Holdowsky, treasurer and Flor- ficers were reflected: President, nounced the date of ihe annual Mr.-. Jack Steinberg left Mon- experts on this committee. " f havo long been of the opinence Levitan, reporter. Ben Kubby; Vice president, Mor- Rummage Bale, to De October 16, day with her '•Mother, 'Mrs. A. Ma All accounts are supervised an-i ion," Starr Bald, "that tho Railris Grossman; secretary, Sam 1?, and 18; the place tias not as lin.and tier -laughter, .Uanne for audited by a firm of certified pub- way Commission has need of an Kansas City, Missouri. Or. Hadassah will hold an out-Sachs; financial secretary, Mrs. yet been definitely decided. lic accountants, and the books of A native of England, Mrs. Sarah Mrs. Steinberg -ind j«mno will the Chest are open for inspection, experienced civil engineer and a Kroloff, 54, 14U5 W. Sixth street, door brunch on Sunday, Oct. 15th. Sarah Gilinsfcy; treasurer, Sam iiVeryone will please collect old wiio has bad a broad general died Saturday *a a hospital here Esther Mirkin, social chairman, Rosenthat; board of diiectors, L. clothing, nousenold goods, etc., to return in a few weeks while Mrs. A. complete statement ol expen- man Tho sixth annual Jewish carn- following a three-week illness. wil) be in charge. Malin wiJl remiin indefinitely. ditures for 1»3'J and for the knowledge of matters that ar& H. Katelman, Abe Bear, Mrs. picked up later. ival, sponsored by the Intereluli Bora in Liverpool in ISS-t, Mrs. money being raised in Ihis cam- I constantly b e f o r e the CommlsSuralsiy, Mrs. Etta Yudelson, and ' .. ...'••'•" council will be held Wednesday, Kroloff came to Sioux City 37 paign, for 1940 is on tile in the jsion."* Mrs. M. Grossman. E'UMS CLUB NoVeniber 15, at the Auditorium. years ago. She and Sam Kroloff j Mr. Starr, a resident of NebrasCommunity Chest office, 736 The E-'lims Club will meet SatPlans are beingr made for a The executive board of the coun- were married in Chicago in 1904. World-Herald building. Payments j k a for 37 years, is a civil engi- . Dance to be held during the latter urday at the home of Audrey Telpcil haa appointed Lester C. David- She was a member o£ the Shaare from the Chest are made by the neer and his-work has taken him ner. • . • < • part of January. son and. Mrs. Sol Novitaky as Zion synagogue. treasurer.Casper Y. Offutt, only into several foreign countries. * (Continued from page 1.)] chairmen of the event. upon "authorization by the budget Chairman in charge Is Mrs. Etta Besides her husband, Mrs. Kro-of this court is that you sliall be Yudelson. Mrs. Saul Suvala&y is WEEK END GUESTS This year's carnival will be en- loff is survived by two sons, Mas executed Commentary on Pact iSf The 1939-40 campaign or the committee. by a firing squad for letMr. and Mrs. David Samuels of co-chairman. . titled Border Town, and will carry and Archie, and one daughter, ting enemies live." Omaha Community Chest will Leavenworth, Kansas, visited last open on October 30, under' the out an atmosphere of early wes- Mrs. Irving Levich, alt of Sioux Refugees Offer Unit Parts (JTA) — The Yiddish I stand joyously against the CHSVRA B'NAI YISROEIi week end at the home oi Mr. and leadership of Alvin E. Johnson tern frontier life. "Many new and City; five si3ters, Mrs. Matt Dob- wall. daily, Die Neie Presse, suspended I am about to escape it, all Interesting novelties are being rofsky of Sioux City, Mrs. Jake . . . today's terrors and the more Members of the Chevra B'nai Mrs. Abe Bear. They were en and with the sponsorship of leadLondon JTA) — The War Of-publication this week because of a planned for Border Town," said Bobrofslty of Upland,. Cal., Mrs.frightful terrors of the tomorrows Yisroel Synagogue held their reg- route home from a trip to Alaska, ers of business, church, industry fice has under consideration an shortage of funds and a lack of Washington, and California.. Mr. Davidson. "There will be num- S. Goldsmith of Venice, Cal., come- . . but many of my en-ular meeting Sunday. and labor. offer'by a group of "Jewish refu- subscribers. The paper, which had erous games, merchandise booths, H. Hulman of Liverpool and Mrs.emies I have condemned to live Contributions will be sought in gees from central Europe to or- appeared in Paris for about eix The election of officers held at food concessions, and dancing to J. Cohen of Chicago and two bro- . . . "Ready! Aim! Fire!" Omaha from business and profes- ganize and equip an arm-aircraft years, had a following similar to that time, resulted as follows: PHI EPSILON PI both modern and old time music." thers, Harry Helfet of Chicago George Brown, student at the sional people, employee groups unit. The offer was transmitted in that of the New York Morning President, S. Shyken; vice presiThey bury me in a nameless behalf of the refugees by Col.Freiheit (Yiddish Communist dalThe Interclub council represents and Leon Helfet of South Africa. grave where I shall wait for his-dent, H. Saltzman; secretary, O. University of Iowa has been elect- and housewives. Some 3,500 persons have volun- Josiah Wedgwood, Laboc M. P. ly). . all the Jewish organisations in the Funeral services were held at tory to judge me: History will Hochman; treasurer,-. Dave Fox; ed Secretary Treasurer of the city, and every member organisa- 2:30 p. m. last Sunday afternoon honor me as the prophet-soldier tion U cooperating and participat- at the Shaare Zion synagogue. or set> me besides Ghengis Khan ing in the carnival. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowits officiated. as one of the cruelest of soldiers Assisting Mr. Davidson and The burial took place at the Floyd who punished his enemies by letMrs. Novitsky as committee chair- cemetery. The Butledge funeral ting them live. men are: Herman Levy, publicity; home had charge of the arrange- (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) Milton Bplstein, A. M. Davis, L. ments. J. Kaplan and Sam Cohen, advertising, and Miss Bertha Berger, secretary. Miss Edwarda Metz of the Morningside College Conservatory Rabbi David H. Wice was wil conduct the first lecture in a course in Music Appreciation named a member of the commitTuesday night at the Jewish Com- tee sponsoring the lecture to be munity Center. She will interpret given Sunday afternoon at 3 familar music and illustrate her o'clock at the First Congregationwith piano selections and al church by Kirby Page, wellThe Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare lectures records. The second sis weeks of known lecturer and writer. Dr. Zion synagogues will hold its next her course be devoted to in- Page, who comes under the ausmeting on Tuesday, October 10th, terpretation will pices of the Nebraska Peace Counof operas. at 1:30 at the social hall of the cil, will speak on "How Can AmerMiss Metz is a concert pianist ica Stay Out of War?" ' synagogue in the form of an open meeting and tea. Dr. Page is a contributing ediIn vocation will be given bv Mrs. The childrens theatre group tor of the Christian Century and meets every Sunday afternoon at Sol Seff. Mrs. L. J. Kar-laa will from 1926 to 1934 edited the preside over a brief ousinesa meet- 2:30. The instructor is Mrs. Leon "World Tomorrow." Marx. ing. Mrs. Maurice Ruben will introduce Mrs. H. R. Kabinowitz STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, Drawing and painting far childwho will present the following MANAGEMENT, ETC., OF program; Cantor Morris Pernick ren is taught every Sunday afterTHE JEWISH PRESS will present a sroup of songs ac- noon at 3:30 by Leo Rich. Required by the Act of Congress of March 3, 1933. companied by Miss Sarah Sadoff. Statement for October 1, 1939; pubIntermediate dramatics have Rabbi David Goldstein of Omaha •weekly at Omaha, Nebraska. will present a boolj review of chosen a 3 act play to be produc- lished Editor, Leonard Nathan; publisher "Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck. ed soon. The cast will be announc- and owner, David Blacker; known stockholders, mortgagees, other secui> Rabbi Goldstein has been conduct- ed at a later date. ity holders holding 1 per cent or more ing a book review sessions for the of bonds, mortgages and other securlast 7 years which are attended ities, none. by a large number of women. (Signed) Leonard Nathan. Sworn to and subscribed before me Chairmen for the tea arc Mrs. this 21st day of September, 1339. Joe Levtne and Mrs. Mike Gr.ueFrank Ackeiman, akin. They will be assisted by Notary Public. Mr. and Mrs. A. Liberman, 1115 Mesdames Ben Seckt, Robt. Sack3, 11th. street,. announced the. ap- (Commission expires July 9, 1943.) A. H. Baron and Mort Lewin. proaching October 8th marriage of MILTON R. FROHM, Atty. Mrs. Frank Margolin and Mrs. 1004 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldcj. daughter, Miss Bernice LibMyer Shubb are in charge of dec- their ennan, to Abe Polikov, son' of Mr. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON oration arrangements. and Mrs. E. Poiikov of Omaha, FOR SETTLEMENT O F All Jewish organisations have the wedding ceremony to be in the PETITION FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACDeen invited to attend. COUNT. study of Rabbi H. R. Rabinowita here. A noonday dinner for mem- Ia the County Court of bers of both families will precede County. Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate of the 2 o'clock nuptial service. Open London, deceased. house from 3 to 6 o'clock will fol- Israel All persons interested in said matlow. ter are hereby notified, that on the 3rd day of October 1339, Milton R. The fall semester of Hebrew Miss Liberman has chosen a Frohm filed a petition in said CounSchool will begin on October 9th. dress of steel blue shade as her ty Court, prayns that hia final adParents should see that their chil- wedding gown. Accessories will be ministration account filed herein be dren from the ages of 7 and up of rust color and her corsage bou- settled and allowed, and that he be from his trust as ExecuBre registered by that time. quet of orchids. After a wedding discharged tor and that a, hearing will be had A new class for beginners will trip, they will reside at 1521 N.on said petition before said Court on H~ be organized. It is the duty of ev- 20 th street, Omaha. the 2Sth day of October 1939, and that if you fail to appear before said Court «ry Jewish parent not to delay in said 28th day of October 1939 the matter of Jewish education. Mr. aad Mrs. A. Newman of Om- on 9the o'clock A. II.. and contest said Our greatest weapon in these aha announced the engagement of a.% petition, the Court may grant the troubled times :s the education of their daughter, Miss Babe New- prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship. and make such othour children. The community man, to Leon Dobrof3ky, son of er and further orders, allowances and prides itself on its fine .Hebrew Mr. and Mrs. N. Dobrofsky, 1304 decrees, aa to this Court may seem BChool and the opportunities it af- W. Fourth street Their wedding proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finfords ought not be overlooked. will be a winter event. ally settled and determined. Make arrangements for your cb.ilBRTCB CRAWFORD. Bren by registering them now.. Miss Elizabeth Radman of Oxnaha spent the Torn Kippur holiday here in the.home of Miss Frances Rutstein, 314 ISth streets.
Charles Starr Files for Railway Commission
Hold-Rites for hits. S. Kroloff
Annual Thrive of Community^ Chest Opens October 30
J. C. C. News
Kirby Page Will Speak on Sunday
ewish Press
Each Week brings you a Complete Coverage of News of deep significance to each and every Jew* •".'."*
Keep Up YOUR Subscription
Begin Registrations for Hebreiv School
County Judge.
^ l
If you haven't already paid your 1939 subscript 3 tion, do it today - * - If your children are not subscribers,, give them a subscription as an ap* / preciated gtft - *- If your neighbor is a non- subscriber, make sure he is added to the Jew*. \ ish Press Family*
F THE JEWISH PRESS, DEDICATED & TO JEWRY, OFFERS . . • 'L''/" ^ Comprehensive covering of local, national anH lift* / .; ternational Jewish news of all types. f-:y*' • Interpretative editorial policy which keeps tHei i, ?-.*•» >i -. reader abreast of the latest developmens in Jewish life. • Educational features which broaden the base of . Jewish culture. • Local columns covering sports, the Jewish calendar of events, religious, social and fraternal doings, and organizational activities.
• National columns by famed authors . . . in both serious and light vein. • In short, a paper devoted to the ideals of Judaism and Jewish progress. For Information on Your Subscription, Call
PI ain
In the Interests of the Jewish People
- WHAT'S • A. Christian minister called on me and spoke of the war and what it is doing to Ms faith of whicli until now he was ao sure. He is the pastor of a surburbaa congregation. Harold doubts come slithering into his study evea among the books of theology which in the past had made everything clear to him. He was brought up to believe in a personal God; this ia to say, a God who cared about people and noted even the sparrow's f a l l . . . '.'But I'm not so sure of a personal God now. I have argued with myself: Yes, there i3 a personal God but people haven't given Him. & chance. Everything would be all right if they gave Him a ehance. > ''Then I ask, if there is a personal . God—God the Father—why does aot He give people a chance. Most of the people who suffer this war . . . the little people . . . most o£ those Who are dying in it had nothing to do with making the world they live in- Most of them did give God a chance; most of them were
tut Btcotm CUu>» Man Matter os> January 3i. 1331, at ce ut Omaha. N»bra3ka. under tho Act of March 3. 1879
Ballroom Dancing Class to Begin at Center Wednesday
to Evacuate Warsaw Before Surrender
DOUBT SCHORR DEAD Count Zaleski Says No Definite News of Chief Rabbi
A large enrollment is expected for the high school dancing class which will be held Wednesday, October 18, at 4 p. m. at the Jewlah Community Center. Miss Rosalie Alberta, instructor, has just returned from the convention of Dancing Masters of America and is anxious to demonstrate the latest and newest dance routines. Registration fee lor members of the Center is only 51. For nonmembers the tuition will be $6. For further information call the Jewish Community Center, JA 1365.
VOL. ~JL VI—NO. 45* .
Registrations REPORT HITLER Take For Center'Sewing, Cooking Classes PLANS POLISH AREA Germany RUMOR LONG CURRENT Would Probably Transfer Reich Jews Onto Reservation
Registrations' are now being aken at, the Jewish Community Center for cooking and sewing lasses to be conducted beginning ionday, October 23. In response . to numerous reluests, Mrs. Otto Wiese has been secured to teach sewing and Mrs. Helen Kilbourn to 'give instruction in cooking. 'There will be a lominal registration fee of fifty :ents for non-members and twenSamuel Thaviu, concert master y-f ive cents for mem hers. For of the Kansas City Symphony orfurther information call the Jew- chestra, will present a lecture resh Community Center, JA 1366. cital at,the 22nd annual convention of the Nebraska Musjc Teacher? association which is to meet here on October 25 and 26. . Mr. Thaviu was formerly first violinist of the Chicago Symphony rchestra and second violinist of Mischa Mischakoff's string quartette. . Vernpn C. Bennett, organist a.t, Organize Group to Aid Temple Israel,: is , secretary-treasCivilian Victims of urer of the Nebraska Music'Teachers association. War
Samuel Thaviu to Appear in Omaha
Conservative Group to Open Regional Conference Oti Sunday ' Delegates from seven statea*
(JTA) — Chancellor will gather here on Sunday, for" Jer intends t" set up A, Clue? Eurppcsit tlie annual conference of .the: no greater ambition than to bring "Jewish ghetto province" on forpendent up their children in the way they Midwest Branch of the Worn-: mer Polish soil in which all Jews Paris {JTA How American should go. They were happy to of the Reich, Danzig ami the Cor6n's League of -the U n i t e d relief should be extended to war be let alone and to let others ridor would be concentrated, inSynagogues. The Auxiliary ofrefugees from Poland is outlined alone, to live and to let live. They formed sources said this week afin a plan prepared by Anthony J . thc Beth El Synagogue will, be: didn't want thia war:" ter the Fuehrer's Reichstag speech Dresel Blddle, United States Amthe host to the out-of-town del-, - Keligioua Crisis proposing "regulation" of the to Poland, which was A lot of believing people—Jews bassador Jewish question and reshuffling of egations. • • <.• dispatched by airmail to President and Christians—are being troub- Roosevelt with a view to reaching 3,000 to Leave Trieste; populations. Mrs: David Groenberg, choir*1 led by the same doubts. Religion him prior to the opening of the man of the conference, announcesThe proposed Jewish region, it Illegal Entries Is In a crisis that will become Washington conference on refuNew York (JTA) —.The Complans have been completed andas said here, would emulate the mission more acute as the war piles up gees on Oct. 16. tor Polish Relief, Inc.,' sesslons will be held at tbe Black-' Permitted tnti-Jewi3h methods of Tsarist newly formed organization to the dead in ever bigger heaps, as stone hotel. '•• • ' Geneva (JTA)—Arrangements lussia, where Jews were restrict- aise funds in tho United States As the plan was dispatched, more Warsaws are ground to dust, The first gathering will,,take' have been made for transporta- d to living in a "pale of settle- ind administer relief to Polish advices reached Polish circles in chilaa more and more women, place Sunday evening. Feature of" Paris that at least a quarter of a tion of the approximately 3,000 ment" in certain sections of Rus- civilians along the lines of the dren and the aged perish. the program will be a symposium,' Jewish refugees for whom t h e ia and were forbidden to enter Hoover mission in Belgium , durmillion Jews remained in Warsaw Wars used to be an affiliation during the German occupation, un- British government has issued ities in the interior. The Bible as a Living' Force in' ing the last war, was informed £nat the. clergy could make all able to evacuate for lack ot trans- Palestine immigration views, as American Democracy." Particl-J Chesed Shel femes .Will Some of Hitler's advisers, It was that one of the most serious, probright with the people at home. portation and now subjected to re- well as for those holding visas pating will be Rabbi Monrob-Irff stated,have suggested to him tho ems it faced was the "lost refuSponsor Three The battlefields were far away newed terrorism by the Nazis. vens of Des Moines, Rev. Thomas' under the last Palestine immigra- solation of the Jews in Galicia, gees" in Poland. and In the distance they could be Events NIven of the First Presbyterian Direct information received by tion schedule, the Jewish Agency ut since Galicia is now under Victor J. Podoski, Polish conmade to look like bright sacrifichurch, and Mrs. David Aronson. announced. A m b a s s a d o r Biddle in Paris oviet control, this s u g g e stion ul general in Canada, visited the clal altars on which men beautiMrs. Louis Neveleff,epresident of Minneapolis. Mrs. Joseph: Gorthrough a neutral country estabmay be applied to some other secThe Agency confirmed in an commission's offices before leav- of the Chesed- Shel Ernes, anfully laid down their lives for God don, regional president, will, pre* and country. The dead soldiers lished that the American consul- official communique the report ion of Nazi-occupied territory. It ing for Montreal after fcis return nounces that three outstanding Dr. Morris Adlcr side. .'" ' ate and the offices of the Amers clear that with more than 2,from Paris that the British confrom Poland and declared that were translated souls marching have been ananged for Monday Sessions ! ican Jewish Joint Distribution sulate in Trieste would issue the 00,000 Polish Jews on his hands, many refugees . had fled from programs gorgeously off to Walhalla. the year's activities ot the orin Warsaw had been approximately 3,000 visas to Jews Hitler cannot speak of forced trains and other vehicles under ganization. Musical selections will .be preBut the divine beauty of war is Committee demolished by N a z i from Berlin, Vienna, Prague, ewish emigration, as he did with sented by ' Cantor Aaron Edgar erman bombardment ana run off not to be seen in cities in which completely The first event will be a dinner with Mrs/ Abe Fellman at the, Bratislava and other German- he German Jews, who numbered into the Polish countryside, and to be .held on .Sunday- evening, 'women and children die by bombs bombs. piano. Mrs. J. J . Greenberg and Jews in Warsaw Terrorized dominated territories, in co-opera- pproximately a half million, in- now could not be traced. Podoski November 5. Mrs. J.- Nitz. is and the fragments of innocents Mrs. Moe Venger will be ia charge The Polish information reach- tion with the Palestine office in ormed sources declared. said that his own mother and sis-: chairman and is bein; assisted by •trew the streets The mother of 'the informal reception which kneeling beside the body of her ing Paris regarding the fate of the | Trieste. Hitler's Reichstag speech may er, who were on the Polish For- Mrs. J. Chait, Mrs. S. Fish and will-immediately follow. child must wonder about God who Jews in Warsaw said that the maRecipients of the visas are Jews e the precursor to shipping all iign Office train, were .lost after Mrs'. J. Finkel. The proceeds of The Monday morning business notices even the fall of the spar- jority of the estimated Jewish who received their Palestine im- German Jews eastward Into a half- he train had been bombed four the dinner, will be use'd'to pay Jewish Shop-Keepers Flee session will Include a, talk on row, as was said in the Book. The population of 350,000 were unable migration certificates prior to the ewish and half-Polish Reich pro- :imes in the course of a three-day off the obligations incurred In Before Soviet "Claiming Our Inheritance," by steeple of the church has fallen to exaeuate because trains were outbreak of the war but were un- ectorate centering around War- rip through Poland. connection with buying the new Mrs. H. R. Rosenthal of St. PauL ' Army In the same heap of rubble with not running and other means of able to obtain the visas in Ger- aw, according to indications from These "lost refugees," • whose sanitary equipment' and furnishMrs. Robert Glazer of Mason; City,' the brothel; the bomb destroyed transportation were virutally par- many because of difficulties re- Berlin reported by the Havas number Podoski did,not attempt ings,: which were badly needed a t U n i t e d Ia., and Mrs. Herman" Licht of the saint who was just and com- lyzed by Army confiscation of all sulting from the war. Bucharest (JTA) News Agency in an Amsterdam to estimate, added' to a problem the Chesed Shel Ernes. Sioux City will take part In the passionate and by the same blast vehicles. dispatch. Hitler's address was re- f "probably upward of 700,000" Arrange Transportation The second evept will take States VIce-Consul William Mor- discussion following. Mrs. DavidNow, under the Nazi regime, ton reported that near-famine contore apart the body of the arrogarded as evidence that a sort of persons homeless in Poland, with place on Monday, "December 4. Satisfactory transportation argant exploiter. Their blood mln- the Jews are reported to be under- rangements have been made with ewish state subordinated to a cold weather approaching, and This will be the annual card ditions . prevailed < in areas ; occu- Sherman of Omaha, vice-president of tho region, "will preside. ; ' '. going renewed terrorism as the glee. the Adriatica Steamship company lerman protectorate was in pros- close, to 100,000 refugees In party' and will be directed by Mrs. pied by the Red Army as a re- . A Friendship, luncheon, wii} be! Nazis try to play the Poles against sult of flight of PoliBh shopkeeppect for the middle Vistula, Havas neighboring -neutral countries, acdivinity ascribed to war J . ' Goldberg. Assisting her will The by H. Bar lass, director of the Jewcording to the commission's esti- be Mrs. B, Garrup, co-chairman, ers, J many of them Jewish, into held Monday noon a t tbe Jewish, makes no sense at all when war the Jews through radio and other ish Agency's immigration depart- said. mates. It was estimated that there and ' Mrs. J.' Kaplan,' Mrs. H. Rumania before advancing Soviet community Center. Music will be comes to the city and throws ev- propaganda outlets, using the ar- ment, who remained In Geneva Long Rumored guments that the Germans will jtrops.. Morton had been stationed furnished by the .Sioux. City; p e c !were"50,000 in Rumania!, 20,000 Azorln and Mfs.' T. Sherman. erybody ..into the holocaust. The after last August's Zionist ConThe official Belga (Belgian) in Warsaw and arrived, bere after tlon. j Songs-written by Mrs. 8. H* solid old foundations of religion "polonize" Poland and see to it gress to settle complications In Agency reported from Berlin that to 30,000 in Hungary, 11,000 in Shulkln will be ieatdx god Mrs.. . Talking Picture ± . . spending' A -week in.- eastern crack, as bombs rain from skiea that "the Jews no longer exploit connection with, emigration to the .German- Government intends Lithuania, and 3,000 in Latvia'. ,, : t o whleirTjeopla have looked lor the" Polish people." H e r m n -Ucbt U c h t,w e , a d . , ; .Vocal _ Palestine. " The line will use sev- to' establish a region: reserved* ex- f Paul Super (-director cf 4ae- P,ol- T?hird. -ieature-TEiJLJus-a .Jewish, land. ., _: , Keporting in a radio broadcast eral ships t o transport to Pales- clusively for Polish Jews and Ish Y. M. C. (A(.,j has been ap- talking pictu're to be, given on He.safd Soviet"ofHciaiB."at Za- selections will be Captop salvation. . ! , • . . > I of the generation whose on the large number of Jewish tine the 3,000, as well as others eventually transfer German Jews pointed - director tof the commis- Suriday, February 4. . Mrs. Wil- loszcyki posted .placards..advising Morris Eernick. sion's work in-Rumania and Wil- liam ' Milder Is chairman' of this the'public to "remain> calm, con- , .Formal Dinner . i religious faith never was chall- suicides in Warsaw, Nazi announc- entitled to enter Palestine under there. tinue your work and open your Principal speaker at:the fprma^ enged In the younger portion of ers said that "in this way the the immigration schedule. Press quoted liam C. McDonald borrowed from affair. (The Associated • The Chesed Shel Erne's, now in shops.". The signs said the zloty dinner to be given Monday eveour live*. We know God for a cer- Jewish problem in Poland is beNot the least of the complica- "an authorized source" in Berlin Warren Brothers of Boston, was tainty. He was the One who had ginning to be solved automatical- tions encountered by the Agency as stating that Hitler was think- preparing to leave for Warsaw its 18th year, maintains the only would eerve for currency on an ning at the Blackstono hotel will ',-: t o do with the goodaes3 of the ly. in aiding those holding the immi- ing about a Jewish reservation "rom Zurich,, Switzerland, imme- •communal- funeral • homfe in -the even basis with the ruble. "But be Rabbi«. Morris Adler ot the. •*, The information reaching Po- gration certificates was the fact within the Polish State where not diately to' represent the commis- tlnlted States. It keeps up a dig- most of the businessmen.'.' Morton Shaarey. Zedek .Congregation, Deworld which comforted us well. He seemed implicit in the hu- lish circles here emphasises that that the war ha3 resulted In only Polish and German Jews sion in the Polish capital, It was nified modern building, which has said, "had already fled Into Ru- troit. Rabbi Adler is a graduate man spirit which then was march- Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda has sharply increased steamship fares could live, but Jew3 from other announced by Maurice Pate, sec- recently been improved with ex- mania before the arrival of Soviet ot the College of the Clt> of New ', cellent sanitary facilities. These troops, and food oegan to,give o u t York and of the Teachers Insti-: '••' ing from progress to progress. not affected the Polish population to Palestine. The steamships will lands. It was pointed out that this retary of the commission. Big' wars had become only the and that many Poles are helping sail from Trieste on dates to be reservation, which would be modThe commission has received modern facilities were made pos- On September- 20 my party could tute of. the Jewish Theological- "! through the co-oberatibn of .obtain only: four pieces of bread Seminary.^ Following his graduaremote memories of old men, like Jews in Warsaw to hide from Nazi announced a3 the arrangements eled somewhat after the American authorization from the State De- sible : (Continued on page 7.) G.A.R. veterana or veterans of partment to raise funds in this the entire Jewish Community,.and which we shared with atranded tion'from the seminary in 1935 he (Continued on page 8.) are completed by the Agency. occupied the pulpit o£ Temple the Franco-Prussian war who had country for Polish civilian relief, Mr. Louis Margolin was instru- newspapermen." menta> in installing the proper settled among us The vice-consul- also told bow Emanu-El of Buffalo before, goPate said. 4,883 "Ulesals" Entered in Two facilities. Soviet officials received delega- ing to his present post lu 1038. , Reassurance Months Everybody was sure that for Mrs.'Dorothy Lustgurten Rie"kcs Super Praises Jews' Aid London (JTA) — A total of 4,Aa ,a communal agency, the tions of .workers and peasants the world every tomorrow was Bucharest (JTA) — The serv- Chesed 'She! Kme3 hap always many'of them Jewish, to decide ot Des Moines, violinist, will prer 892 illegal immigrants entered going to be better than today; ices rendered by Jews to Poland made "provision for proper, burial who should remain in Poland and sent a musical program at the' Palestine between August and thiafeertainty was something that . . during the ^ar, were highly rites' for destitute Jews. . Officers .who should be transported to the dinner. . '. . September 30, Commons was inhad come to take on the characpraised by Paul Super, : former of the organization are: Mrs. Interior of the Soviet Union. Tuesday an installation .lunch;formed by Colonial Secretary Malter of a divine ordination. national secretary of the Polish Louis Neveleff, president; Mrs. eon is t o be held at tho Blackcolm MacDonald. None was turned Leave Suvvalkl One had personal sorrows, but Y. M. C. A. and now Bucharest Jacob Milder, vice-president; Mrs. stone hotel. A- tour ot the. city back to sea, MacDonald declared. Kaunas (JTA) —r- G e r m a n will follow. Mrs. Arthur, Cohen In the Kaddish there was comrepresentative of thg American Plans are in full swing for the The Colonial Secretary announced The Jewish Community Center ommission for Polish Refugees. Harry R."Milder, treasurer; Mrs. troops have occupied, the • Polish and Miss Blanche Zimman are • pleta assurance of the might, the launching of the program of Jun- also a general improvement in the Isadore Soskin, financial secremajesty, the wisdom of the Most ior Activities for the children in Palestine situation since the out- will again sponsor a local Town In an interview with the J. T. A., tary, and Mrs. 'Julius G. Chalt, city of SuwalKi .which is situated supervising the luncheon and Mrs. Hall discussion group beginning Super also paid tribute to the aid between East Prussia and Lithu- Harry Malashock is in charge of High who cared about every one's the community. break of war. Thursday, October 19, at 8 p. m. given by Rumanian, Hungarian corresponding secretary. ania, and whose ' population . is the tour. pain and in good time gave heal.. > . The first children's activity will He said: "There has been an in the downstairs lounge. largely Jewish. Advices: from ing and made everything right. meet on Friday, October 20, at 3 improvement in the security situand Lithuanian Jew3 to Polish' Mrs. Morris Katleman Is in This i3 one of several thousand refugees regardless of their reSuwalkl said' tbe Jewish popula- charge of registrations for the Bven the last great war did no p. m., under the direction of Miss ation in Palestine, although inmeet weekly ligion. tion, dreading -Nazi ru(e, tried to conference and urges all -, local injury to the old faith. War then Rosalie Alberts. Registration fee stances of lawless activity by Arab roups w h i c h escape with, the retiring Russian delegates to register early. . •till was only a holy devotion on tor the children's dancing classes terrorists still occur from time to throughout the country • to listen ; In view of these facts, Mr. troops. The city is just 'inside battlefields and the dead who will be $2 for members. Tuition time. Generally both Arab and to the broadcast of America's Super said, 'I don't see how any Town Meeting of the Air. At the tbe Nazi area under the new Gerwere brought home carried the fee for non-members will be $6. Jewish sections of the community conclusion of the broadcast at Pole could i ever be anti-Semitic man-Soviet partition of Poland. saintly aura of crusaders. (Peoagain or leave the Jewti in dishave ranged themselves behind On Sunday,October 22, the ple were believing then In a war Children's theater, directed by this country In the present emer- 9:30, the Center group will take tress." Meetings throughout W h i t e up the . discussion and . continue that had made the world safe for Mrs. Herman Jahr, and the Hand- gency and have shown every deRussia and Polish Ukraine profor an'hour. democracy, in a war fought to craft club, directed by Mrs. Meyer sire to co-operate with us in the claimed liquidation of the ZionLast season was the Center's The annual In-Gathering of the ist movement and the Bund, Jewend all wars.) In that war women Beber, will meet at 2 p. m. The successful prosecution of t h e first experience in maintaining Needlework Guild will take place ish Socialist • party. The Wllno and children) were respected and Rhythm Band, directed by Mrs. war." group around this program. The on October 18, 10 and 20 at the radio station is continuing broadthe great cities stood and their Abe Fellman, will be organized at Town Meeting proved popular and Central Congregational church. casts addressed to Jews, describtowers kept on pointing to God. 4 p. m. on October 22. Mr. Royce the attendance warranted repetiThe Needlework Guild collects ing the favorable treatment o In fact, after that war there will direct the Photography - Leaders of Jewish -welfare action of this activity again this clothing for needy persons.' *. Mrs. Jews under.Russian rule. came a great rush of building Kent club which will meet for the first in Omaha .and Lincoln wlH year. B. A. Simon Is president ot the synagogues and churches . . mil- time at 7 p. m._on Monday, OctoJewish novelists • in Moscow tivity section that supplies the Family have dispatched a delegation to take, a prominent role iu the sixth' lion dollar edifices. Pyreaa mar- ber 23. The question to be broadcast is Welfare Department of the Fed- White Russia and the Ukraine to annual meeting of tho West Cenble altars . . . and the clergy •"What are the real issues in Registration fee for each acStates-Regional conference of thanked God that religion still the European war?" Radio speakorganize-. Jewish cultural activi- tral Riga (JTA) — That section of eration of Jewish Service. tivity except dancing is ) 1 . Tuithe,Council of Jewish Federations ' stood deeply founded, despite ers will be John Gunther, J. Cooke Polish Jewry which has come unties. The delegation, beaded by Mrs, W. Racusin and Mrs. R. that much else in the world had tion for non-members ia $6 for Allen and Anne O'Hare McCbr- der Russian rule must bo con- Wright are assistants of the sec- Perez. Malkish and Dov Bergel and Welfare Funds, to be. held in St. Paul, Minn., October 28-29, i t been badly shaken. (There wer' each activity. For further Inmick. Admission is free. For sidered completely lost t o t h e Jew- tion. Section directors are:-Mes- man, has 'arrived in Wilno. was announced yesterday by R a b - . some, however, who said that re- formation call the Jewish Comfurther information call the Jew ish people, Prof. Simon Dubnow, dames I. Abrahamson, R. Brown, Rabbi David A. Goldstein of the The material position of the ligion could not survive anotLer munity Center, JA 1366. Beth El synagogue has been ap- ish Community Center, JA 1366 famous historian, declared here in R. Bordy, William Boa&berg, B. Jews in the occupied territories bi Harry S. Margolls, Temple Mt._ " Zlon, St. Paul, chairman of the ' great war.) pointed a member of two of the an interview with the J. T. A. It D. Brodkey, V. Blacker, F. Brod- is reported acute, with ~mos»;'/o program committee. To the pass of another -;reat national committees of the Rabis difficult to forecast what the key, Sam Cohen, M. Davis, S* Ep- them jobless and suffering from Philip Klutznick, a former p r e s war religion, together wUa all binical Assembly of America. He fate ot Polish Jewry will be, he stein, I. Fielder, H. P. Farber, J. a shortage of food. ident of the regional organization, • other decencies, has come, and will serve on the convention com' J. Frleden, H. Ferer and J: Goldsaid.. and a. member of tho executive:, conscientious men and women are mittee and the social Justice comProf. Dubnow charged tha ware. committee this year, will serve as being troubled on account of the Because of the obligation for mittee. world democracy had taken up Also , Mesdame3 J., Goodbinder, chairman of 'the resolutions comold .faith. They wonder what to foreign-born to assume citizenThe convention committee wil the fight against National Social L. Graetz, Albert Louis, S. Gross, mittee. Louis B. Finkelstein of believe in such a world. ship, particularly at this time, the act for the 300 rabbi3 of the Rabism too late. The fight, he said M. Jacobs, M. Llnsman, William Lincoln will participate in the disWhat Men Will Say Council of Jewish Women is of- binical Assembly in planning the should have been begun in 1933 A. Levey, J. Lipsey, J. Marer, M. Rabbi Morton Berman of Tem- cusslon on civic-protective activiI am one of them. With no fering it3 assistance to those in- annual conference. The social In failing to recognize that the Milder, H. Milder, J. Newman, Al ple Isaiah Israel, Chicago, will be ties. , arrogance of opinion I look at the terested in acquiring their papers. justice committee studies social Jewish women's groups will anti-Jewish campaign of the Nazis Newman, S. Olander, J. Rosen•William - Holzman; president, structure of religion in the curCitizenship classes are now be- problems and general conditions start sewing for the American Red was the first stage in a drive to thai, J. Stein, D. Sherman,' S. In Omaha on Wednesday evening, rent earthquake; I just wonder. ing held throughout the city for throughout the country and rep- Cross Monday morning at 9:30 at annihilate democracy, the democ- Steinberg, Ed Simon, D. Stein, I. November 8, to address meeting Omaha Federation for Jewish' sponsored by the Omaha Zionist Services, is vice-president of tho After it's all over, after the dead those anxious to become citizens. resents the rabbi3 of tho assembly the Jewish Community Center. racies made a "grave error." Sherman, N. Turner,' H. Venger, district. -The meeting is Sched- regional organisation. Nebraska • have been counted, after all the Anyone who desires information in recommending community ac- The sewing groups will continue The second stage in the drive, S. Venger, L. Singer and Misses uled for the Jewish Community members of the executive- and ruin, of everything that was de- is asked to call Mrs. Harry Mala- tion. to meet every day. he said, was destruction of the R. Cooper and Blanche Zimman. Center.• ' : plan and scope committees; In adcent and beautiful, what will men shock, WA 6333, or Mrs. I. Weia« « i. , Announcement of this appointSewing machines in good condl smaller powers. Now, the third Rabbi Berman has Just returned dition to Mr. Klutznick, ara Morsay about their synagogues and er, HA 6925. ment was made from the national tion are-needed and anyone will- stage, the attack on. the great from Europe,,where .he attended ris Jacobs and Harry'A. Wolf of churches? The Council has had wide es- office of the Rabbinical Assembly ing to lend her machine is asked powers, has been reached and it the World Zionist Congress. H Omaha; Mr. Finkelstein, Al Speier ' What wlil be left of religious perience in citizenship work. at the Jewish Theological Semi- to call the office of tht> Jewish will be the task of. these powers brings first-band Information o and Harry Simon of L.Incolrr. - ' faita? What comfort will they nary of New York by Dr. Max Community Center. to restore peace. Jews, Dr. Dubtbe situation .abroad. find ia theologies which dreadful Arzt, assembly president. Honor AssdierThose interested in knitting now declared, must use all their • Admission is free and the meeteveata have repudiated? Disavow Anti-Semitism, Amsterdam (WNS) — A. AsAfter eight years of giaofously influence to help realization of may go to the Red Cross room; Ing Is open-to tbe public. I should be greatly worried scher. known as the "grand old Johannesburg.<WNS) i—'Bl«K presiding over the destinies of the on the seventh floor of the Bran this task. ConsideringIncome Tax about this were 1 a minister of man ot Dutch Jewry," was honavowal of the anti-SemlUo policy'.' dels store. Dr. Dubnow stated that Great Jewish Community Center office. and racial appeal of D. F . MalanV Jew or Christian. I ored on the occasion of his 80th religion Garments made by the Re- Britain, France and the United May Tucker, ' Center. administra- POSTPONE MEETING Jerusalem (JTA) — Imposition might, were I big enough, call to- birthday, which occurred on Sep- of an income tax to make up for Cross will be sent to the devastat- States were the last hope of tive secretary, is today leaving for "purified" Nationalists, a semiOF B'NAIB'RITH fascist organization, was made by ~'gdlher the clergy of all faiths: tember 17, with taa presentation a decline in customs ajid the war- ed areas ot Poland. Mrs. R. Kul- Jewry. Apart from these, he said, Washington, D . C. "Well, gentlemen, what ia there of the Great Silver Medal of the time restriction of grants-in-al akofsky is in charge of the Red there is the smaller ray—PalesThe B'nal B'rith meeting sched- ex-Premler J.' B. M. Hertsog, &€-' *" Miss Tucker has accepted a poleft for us to preach? Our differ- City of Amsterdam. The award. by the United Kingdom is bein Cross work at the Center. tine. After the destruction of sition with the "United .States Vet- uled for Monday has been post- fining his position at a meeting' of his constituents who followed; iag theologies have been badly J presented by the city's burgomas- considered by the Palestine gov Polish Jewry, Dr. Dubnow. de- erans administration and will poned until October 23. ahaken by events. Our various I ter, is considered the city's most ernment, it was officially* anAn outstanding speaker, will b him in the party' Bplit over tho. The Congregation of Sidney, clared, Palestine Jewry acquired make her -future; home in the war Issue. • ' .' ' (Continued on paga 8.) [distinguished medal for service. featured at that meeting. great importance. capital. nounced. Australia, dates from 1817. By BOKJSSMOLAR
Aid Foreign Born Acquire Citizenship
Rabbi Berman to. . Address Zionists
May Tucker Leaves ' For Washington D. C.
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(Continued from
- 1
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F32XBIAXA i right." approved Hitler . . . "BsThe lata Dr. SismunJ. Fraud's j causa t i e Zzxta -wsra traitors," pessimism -with regard to Jewish, j eoatributad another youasstar . . . affairs, which created such a fur- | "Hscellant," commented t i e Fuehore araoa^ readers of his recent" rsr . . . Then another little Soy book oa ilosea, really waa aa old stood a? ta give his theory . . . and eoasistant strsai in t h e "Sscause el t i e Jewish generals," i founder o£ modern psychoanalysis ha announced . . . Hitler's brow . . Evidence ai tills is revealed eaj-lt^aed . . . "Oersaay &ad sa , ii two perioaai letters prissd hy Jew's! gsnarais," a a reproved . . • ouis lUU-aabers, esacrttiYs and "1 "kae-w that," said the little reliterary editor o£ the Universal | aiist . . . "I meant tha J3Wi3a seaJewish Sueyelopediu, taa first of era!a oa tha oti side" . . . j •wbed-a tan volumes ia about to be ABOCT PEOPLE issued ia New Yor!i . . . A decade It's high time that seins of tie; aso iUuanbers, then aa editor cf Tvauid-ija £CH3ci3S3iEr3 cf Holly-' Tiie American Hebr-sT, Iial ccca- wood tao!£ notice ef t i e greatest; . sioa t J IriTi'2 ?r9U>.i to partici- ot Suropean actors, now ia. their j p a t e in a symposium oa the Jew- town locking for a job . . . His i .- ish question, but Papa Fraud re- aaaa ia Albert Bassertaan, and | "It's Al-.v:iy3 Pair \Tiali2r," B plied: "1 am no aiora an adherent j he's aa Aryan L5 . Si.'(»i «* I Z2C& Trill siow for tha O of the Je'Viaa religion tiiaa of any j against Hitler . rank, j co^nacnity Ciest, i a s beea •erritother . ; . Reference to till your columns might crea ness among your leaders tie pest of Professor of Tieatridaunted, RiUenber.s then Freud to reconsider, and advised cal Scieaca at t i e UaiT«rsity of him that the President of the U. Scraaton, a Catlolic iastitutioa cf tor a2& coapessr. Arrt-rtas frora 3. would be amoag thasa reprs- learatsg . •. . S21S3 Caatcr wiU ,Vienna, he won his first Araeri'recognition wHea hs n e t Roxy stuied. ia t i e sysapesiirzi . . . Bat not ia ieard cs tie radio tits! d oa i i a Freud, ao rsspectar of r a n i biuat- ! j-sar because he refuses to giva ! la 1911. Risy bestowed ly wroca baeix: Ma independence aad ius rigit two titles: "Musical Director and President Herbert C. Koov3? to express i i ,-^ a «. v* i ^ j ^ ^ , p«=tar - - - farmer for ability, i B But tta among your contributors near t» Msheart . . George' Jes-' latter far shovrainsiip.
amount -was on display at the roceat Miami convention.
Freed of, Slandering • AntlSemitzc Editor
HISH-MASH: You may be interested to know that in the first six months of 1939, Palestine ixnZunich. (WNS) — Declaring ported 20,536 fcilos Of castor oil that the defendant's criticism of Also, 116 camels were import-' the plaintiff had been justifies in ed in the sarae period, at about view of the deliberately defamaT. _ A. -, Correopondcsit 535 a head . . . A n d 109 donkeys, tory anti-Semitic articles publish" Also Mis&ing; in - .-. t about $40 the head . . . Juliea Copenhagen (JTA) — I. Schen- ed by the plaintiff, the Zurich Poland Bavivter, French • film producer ker, Polish Americas business Court of Appeal confirmed a deciwao was aeelatoed tor the insight of a District Court in acquittParis UTA) T— Efforts to lo- tnan, has arrived here in a uerve- sion into Jewish life ha shovred in Uis cate shatt«red state after spending six ing a correspondent of the Israe}Alendel Mozes, chief of the picture, "The Golem," has taken tsche Wochenblatt who had been bureau of the Jewish months In Nazi-jails under "pro- charged New York erities by storm with a Warsaw with slander for an attective custody." Schenker, who Telegraphic Agency, as well as i. sew filra which opened at the Giterjaan and other directors of as en route, to New York, said tack on H. L. Servattaz. editor of Filmarte, "The Ead of a Day" the Joint Distribution Committeo he had, been arrested by thfe Ges- an anti-Somitic periodical. .William Guggenheim, the ServattaE was- ordered by the Poland, have so far been fruit- tapo . when the. N a z i a. seised copper maa, ha3 turned his hand in less. Neither Anthony J. Drexei Czecho-Slovakia. AlthouEh hd hafl iourt to pay ihe trial costsaad. to song writing end is doing Biddle, United States ambassador proper credentials, including a compensation to - the defendant rather •well at it, according to all to Poland, nor Leoa Alter, War- permit to cross the trontief, he and a t the eatne time threw'out a reports . . . Sophie Tucker, tha saw representative of the HIAS- fraa. stripped at his baggage and civil claim for c o m p e n s a t i o n red-hot mamma of the footlights, ICA -Emigration association, tibth $3,000 in American .And other brought by the anti-Semite. > revealed recently' that she nas of whom reached Paris last week, currency. . . joined Mrs. Stephen S. Wise in. a. had any information on the where"I tvus put la prison, deprived movement against intolerance... abouts of these persons. • of my passport, Beaten anfl tor- feibgraphy of CblumbUli rss to cists, ?arc3t-Tcrcher "From now on," she Eaid, "I'm by the Gestapo, who forced going to use all lay spare time to A telegram from aiga Eald that tured Associations and otiier organisaNew York' (JTA) .—] The first me to. that President bring a little love into the world" Mozes and the rest, of the J. T. Rooseveltdeclare tions. Booklas3 aay ba sd biography of Cplumbu3 ever to be was Jet/lfeh and an lnby calling Comaonlty Ctest b.ead- . . A newspaper headline reads t A. staff in Warsaw evacuated the Sult to the American democratic printed, which ia to bo found in Polish capital on September 5. on saarters, WB 4378. "4-Sentenced for Picldns Pocket3 a government train In the diree« constitution," Echenlier continued. the iMrst Polyglot Psalter, ia being in Synagogue oa Yozn Kippur." tioa ot Lublin. (MJOZC3 cabled Ho said he was released after re- exhibited at the Jewish TfiepiogI' . . Pickpockets who expected to shortly thereafter that he had peated intervention by the Amer- cal Seminary. The Psalter was sot evacuated -with the rest Of tha Had anything In worshippers' reached Krzemienice, near the Ru- ican authorities in Berlin and" es- idited by Bishop Augustinlud corted by a guard, vrhose fare' he JustiniaQi in Genoa In 1516, and poptilatioa, it vts.3 reported tere. pockets on Yota Kippur ougnt to manian frontier.) have their heads examined . . • v/as obliged to pay, to the Ger- prints the psalmB in parallel-colA letter received by y a Jew trora And any Jew, -srhese pocket ia". suc- The wire added that they were man capital. The American Con- uinhs of HebraW, Latin, Arabic, ss ia the Saar said: id cessfully a relatie relative picked on that- day de- "probably interned in Rumania." sulate at Berlin then cent him to Chaldean and Greek, with marI do not think, we shall see each it ether agaia. Everybody is leaving CoL William Hay- This, however, was improbable be- Copenhagen, providing him with ginal notations in Latia. cause many people.ln Paris whose fare and hotel expenses. I l (th here except B'nal Israel (the soas vrard, -who took a Negro regiment relatives escaped from Poland to , Schenker tola correspondents to France during the first "World War. is toying with the idea of Rumania have received telegrams he intended to sue the German raising a Jewish legion . . . This troza them giving their addresses, government in the American story is making the rounds in while no such- telegrams waa re- courts for recovery of his property and heavy damages^ Refugee Row . i . A fish peddler ceived from Mozes. On September 4, Mozes in a in Danzig toured the streets Ehoating, "Nice fat herrteg, 40 broadcast carried to the United pfennig—fat as Goering." . . Ar- States by the National Broadcastrested, he was sent to jail lor tvr6 ing company, described the effects weeks . . . Upon his release, ha of the first German bombard*, continued to sell his fish, this ments. He has been head of the time.however, shoutlag, "Nice fat J. T. A-'s Warsaw bureau for more herring, 40 pfeanig! Fat as two than 15 years. weeks ago." . . . He sold out in Compile Information London (JTA) — The Board jig time The Association ot Polish Jews of Deputies of British Jews heia In France, In co-operation with a special meeting to act on a plan SCOOP: Tha Bremen is not in the Red Cross, has begun compila- to entrust emergency powers to Uaraansk, Russia . . . Neither is tion of information on the •where- the various committee chairmen, it ia a British port . . . It is tied abouts of Jews in Poland whose enabling them to carry on the up to a dock ia the Harlem River, fate was unknown. Instructions board's work if It proves imposNew York . . . At least aa old mud made public by the association ad- sible to hold meetings during the scow bearing the name of the vised persons seeking their rela- war. • . • Nazi liner that has vanished is tives ia,Poland to submit to the A special "Nasi War Intercesplacidly riding the waves ia the organisation's office the last ad- sion. Prayer" was issued by Dr. heart of New York . . Seeing it dress of .the etfssing relative. Joseph 'H. Hertz, chief rabbi of there, while all the world was Red Cross will then make the British Empife, recited in all Washiastoa (JTA) — leaders an The wondering what happened to its effort to establish the person's synagogues on September 30 la namesake, gave Arthur "Weyne', of the American Red Cross, who present whereabouts. How • long connection with the national Sum former roving reporter for the sailed for Europe on Monday, it may take to find a Bought per- day of prayer. plan to co-operate -with the Joint son is not stated, but It ia asJewish Day, quits a start. that Britain entered Distribution Committee In coping sumed that it •©•ill require several theStressing war to "rescue a guiltless na•with the refugee problem. Inten- weeks. tion from a strong aggressor," thG NAMES: Tha saea who are'ia sified by the war. Ernest J. prayer asks the Almighty to "banona "way or- another connected Swift, Red Cross vice-chairman in ish envy and. causa less hatred with the current war Lave names charge of. foreign operations and Edits New Periodical from the hearts of people. Renew that are rather significant . . . head of the delegation, conferred Our expert oa cognomens, Alepli with Paul Basrwald, chairman of New York (—TA) — A new within them the spirit of Jnstic& (Poet) Katz points to the war- the J. D. C , and it /was agreed Hebrew monthly entitled BiUaron and humanity, and all the children like character of the names borne that the two Organizations would (Stronghold) will appear this of God Btall dwell eafe from' unby Hitler, Molototf, Stalin, Muss- keep in close contact in a mutual month under the editorship . of charitablenes3 and persecution." olial and Hore-Beliska . . . Take effort to aid tho suffering thou- Prof. Chain - Tschernowitz, t h e t a m t out of Hitler, the hammer sands la Europe. writer and BcJvolar, In association Grant Visa cat of aiolotoff, the steel out of a" group of HeDrsw. TTritera Riga (JTA) — The SovIetT/6Norman H. Davis, Bed Cross Stalin,-the muscle out of Mussola America.' I t -vrill .include gatlon here has granted 24 transsaid that the most dire departiaents lini and the sword out of Hore- chairman, oa philosophy, EChor- it visas to Latvian citizens to prodistress at present.-was la Poland Belisha (spelled Horeb-Elisha. it a n d in neighboring countries arship, literature, current events ceed to Palestine via Odessa. Ilore f aad Z^ol grants are expected to'follow. i v *4 ' 4. J f c -from--Poland-. Eli3ha") aad you. would have' a eeseeatrated. pretty peaceful sounding lot of Secretary- oi * War gentlemen at that. Harry."Wcedri&g. at a flag-raising
ready new i Ecriptioas. ilost of tae credit for zoa, R once again sougat piay by Clara Bootne {she's the jclassical nusic is due-iiia . . . hi3 T to enlisc Freud'3 eoansel togsther \ m t i o r of "TS.3 Yv o=iea") goes to with that oi hosts cf other later- Dr. Otta Prezilnssr, fonaerly of baton -was the Iirst_lo~£lavata tha nationally influential minds . . . Vienna, where ha -was associated motion picture through. Eiiisic. But Professor Freud's character- with Mas Kainhards. . . . Whea Jack Beany, on. a vacation ia istic handwriting, under data of MGil refused to pay Ben Heaht August ii, 19 32, reflected the | Ju,300 a waeli, on tha groan £S I Xew York, was roused late one same unwavering pessimism . j that such a salary was too hi. j , e j night to aaswer a lons-distanee "Notwithstanding my sympathy | accepted a contract at 130,000*"" a caiL Sleepily lie recognised M3 for our people," he wrote, "1 must j scenario . . . "He •wrote the scen- six-year-cld. Joaa "srho just called eoafess an inability to aid you ia aries for "I^at Frsedcsi IU33" and to tell Da-idykins all ahoat the tae guidance a n d stimulation "Lady e£ the Tropics" in exactly circus - - collect! •which you seek to 'jrins to theai five •weeia. which makaa hJ3 eom(Copyrighted by Jewish Teleiu these times of stress. It is sot rensat:ca $20,0-30 a -week . .-Irvgraphic Agency, Inc.) antence waa in 13.2 Ja"ee, undefeatsd Olympic my line <ihis ser always ice-skating champion, has acceptSngHsh) . . . My aideavors ea havc been negatively critical, con- j ed the- job of press agsat for the ducive to the shat'.irias cf pet il- ; sons of Liherty . . . lusions and oiierins nothing that (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts is helpful to the masses" . . . ' Feature Syndicate) >X>REIGN ECHOSS yu nonce Did vu notice mac that m in ail this Sumanian turmoil nothin vas | heard o£ Magda Lepeseu? . . . Apparently she's sale, but the story goes that the reason no attempt aaa been made oa her life is that (Coatiaaed froa page 1.) she has twelve doubles who look Hollywood—Since it has beea Jews. The real purpose soon beaad dress exactly lili-a her . . . So the unhreakahie policy of Charlie came obvious -when Nati authorstriking is the resemblance between the fwelv- pseudo-LupescTd3 ! Chaplin-never, to reissue any of ities notified central Jewish bodand Magda herself that even the | his eld prints, -we're -wondering ies that they should expect the best-informed frequenters of the j vrhat will be tha outcome of Lon- possibility cf aa. announcement court no longer know which ia \ Ian newspaper renuests that he calling all Jews, men and v o a e a •who . . . It's hard to -believe, 5jut i allow hia fiima aaada i a tha 1913 alike, to do forced labor. those in the know whisper that I era to oe shown in England . . . The Swiss daily Der. Band reDr. Hjalmar Schacht, former head they particularly want "Shoulder ports that the Gestapo hss ^c-rfeof the German Reichsbank, now Arms." Chaplin, realizing the tre- ed out a detailed plaa of diTidtag in India, is financial advisor to ' mendcj-a3 stride motion, pictures the entire Jewish, population into the Banli of England at a salary have made in the last tweaty labor battalions supervised by S. , years, would rather not expose S. raea (elite gruarfis). The aewsof $110,000 per year . . idingihis' earner" •sfo'rl 'la ti.3"':rs2TSre paTser-ed-da--that-the-fata of the Hitler claims that, he is by the international law regula- somparisoa cf inodera fi!ns. Caly Jewish women is so far uainowa. -tions governing warfare he for- a few old Ciiapiineacj-aea ars ever However, reports from Scandiaavgets, among other things, that seea azaia . . . and over these i s iaa countries declare that raany Jewish girls have already beea those rules prohioit racial or re- has no owner jurisdiction. ceremony oseaing tee annual Bed : sent to .unknown destinations for ligious discrimination in the treatBOOS: Something of a disap-,-«csid that the Ameriforced labor. ment of prisoners . . . The fact :3 Paul iluni finishes a scene in pointment, although interesting, can Red Cress would carry on its "Ghetto" Air Raid Sieltsra that Polish Jewish prisoners are which he aska rhetorically, "What 13 James T. Farrell's little book worfc "witnout regard for religilie Petit Parisiea said in a Zurtfeated much worse by the-Xasi3 j has-civilisation learned in 2,000 belief, political thought or so thinly fietionizlng tee ous than are the aon-Jewisn Poles . . | years?" And from a portable ich dispatch that Jews ia Germany ever Entitled racial v'ineraberanip." ; business CougWia Neai O"Hara, who knows what radio set comes a commentator's would have to go to special shel- "Tommy Gallagher's Crusade" he's talking about, confides that vcice,' "Civilisation has learned ters ia the event of air raid3, no (Viking Press, $1) the book tells Malcolm. ilacDonald, England's nothing fa 2,000 years! "That's matter where they resided, ia or- briefly the story of a CoughliniteColonial Secretary, is N e v i i l e i the first trans-atlantic echo I ever der to segregate, thera from "Ar- touga, a ne'er-do-'well \yho pedyans." The Zurich- correspondent dles the radio priest's magazine, Chamberlain's pet, and the o.nly j heard," remarked the director. also reported that th.3 Geriaaa participates In breaking up red member of the Cabinet who en- j Bucharest (JTA) — Differences joys the unbrella man's lull con- j Groucho plaisaed aa extensive Government was now discussing a meetings, street assaults on Jews have arisSn between Polish and project to permit Jews ta buy in and winds up with a broad yellow iidence . . . Which means that vacation - - a trip to Burope war refugees from Poland, MacDonald was playing Charaber- war aijuashed that. Nest he con- stores only during separata hours streak showing prominently after Jewish to reports from Cerlain'3 game at the time of .the sidered South America . . . di3- or to establish special stores a .taste of an opponent's smashing according nauti, Jassy, Botosuni and other Whits Paper on Palestine . . . Th-a taace and laci cJ iafomation Si- marked "for Jews only." These fistIn the book, Coughlin is Rumanian cities. Suropeaa censorship, which' ia boshed that. .Now he's thiakin. plans, the dispatch Baid, were mo- Moylan, Polish refugees definitely re"Social Justice" becomes tivated by a desire to conserve the very rigid even in the democratic j of "a ride to Catalina Island, ju3t fuse to deal -with Jews and ara 'Christian Justice." . . . The bulk cf food supplies for "Ary€Qaatrie3 these days, suppressed j off the coast of Los Angeles. But tactics of ths Coughlinites, their boycotting: Jewish stores and resans." b story of the attempt of five he'll probably settle for a rowboat the picketing of the radio taurants. At the same time, many Parallel -with the introdactioa slogans, German pursuit planes to shoot trip around Vfastlake Park. station that barred the priests Jews who called at Polish con« Chleo, however, did manage to of forced labor for Jews, the Ger- Sunday down the Swedish plane in which talks, the rallies at which Bulates in Rumania to hare their the Thomas ilann family was get away to a local spa. Oa arriv- man authorities issued instruc- anti-Jewish is openly passports prolonged, havo been ins he noticed a little old man tions to all Germaa export firms preached-—allviolence traveling to London . \ . are pnngently re- deprived of their passports altostaring 4UIS2lcaUy.~ At last .tha to approach ilissiiss'si Je^rfah repAXI> THAT space of 97 gether and rendered stateless, unWe hope you didn't miss the I Haht cf reccsnitioa came to the resentatives abroad asd induse lated Sa the brief Hoylan, however. able to enter other countries from * news story about the savins of the] man's face. He marched up to them to resume their licenses for remains short a very vague picture in Rumania. • Toraa of Passaic's Tsiapla i)mai- the comedian . . . poked aa accus- oasdlias Germaa experts. This We -wonder the uel, "which recently waa destroj-ed ing finger under hia ncs de- step w&3 saicl to have bsea taS< Henry Abraham Stern, an aposdidn't undertake to by fire . . . The man who saved clared, "You're one cf the JIarses because of Gersiaay*s- desperats directParr.ell his powers of.characteriza- tate Jew, went to Ethiopia to conneed of foreign currency. it waa Father William V. Dunn, "Cun't argue!" . and hurtoward him, rather than foc- vert the Falasha to Christianity. pastor of the nearby St. Nicholas ried away. Reports from Amsterdam and tion using them upon p the callow, futile He was imprisoned by King TheoRoman Catholic Church . . . f a Ssriea said toe order to reiS3ta.t3 One of dore and a British force tras sent ther Dunn suffarsd severe burns Such are tha idiosyncrasies cf Jewish commercial repressatativs3 ppeddler of his sheet oa the arm . . . Hollywood has a our weather it aiay be snowing in abroad \>s,s part of a .drive-pro- the strong points of the book is to rescue him. aumber ot poier clubs w.hera I sunny Calif whan this rolls off the elaimed in Germany under the slo- the sympathetic portrayal of many of the high-salaried screaa ! press . . . but currently aa ail- gan, "Esport Uader AH Circum- Tommy's pareat3 aad brothers, all actors, directors and producers Stime h e a t record i3 retarding stances!" because the Nazi3 -were of wliom are wise to Tammy. piay weekly . . The "kitty," -which J begiaaias to feel tha piaca ef tha •HEPERCUSSIONS: The reperamounts to big money, is used to I At Walter Waaser'3 lot, -with Allied bloekade. The Amsterdam. cussions the Soviet-Nazi pact hrius refugees into this country thermometers dancing from 100 I report ad-ded that Germaa -espart- have beeacfrather sharp aloag the . . . "Address Caiao'wa," that 1 2 3 degrees, the cft-derided ers -were • offerias merchandise to Fleet Street . There jem of anti-Xasi literature, will pools are a scdaand, the Netherlands, at 50 Yiddish have been numerous resignations tie produced in play form thi3 I and act just a msvia per cent less than pra-trar prlos3 and EC-rae drastic shake-ups. year . . . Sca'.Iions to these advo- At Leon Schlesinssr's cartoon fas- and trsre'. ready to sell ia great cates oi tha embargo whose prop- tory, employes turned night into J quantities '"even articles aaeded ia CONVENTION: The 1940 eoaWHOLESALE aganda in Jewish circles ia based day by reporting at 3 p. m. aad j Germany. ventioa of the Jewish w a r Vetereu the argument that ihd iiftias O Cassises . .© Cigars idalgit . At II. G, To' counteract espansioa of Ger- ans 'will be held in Boston because ai the embargo would mean tha M. a temperature oi 103 ia ona inaa trade abroad, asti-Nazi boy- the State Legislature of' MassaO Tobacco Q Pipes entry of the V. S. into the war, j ot the cutting rooms set off the cott organisations in France are chessets has mads available $5,© Foisntaia Supplies and that the final result of our j sprinkler system, and flooded the , preesatly working O Beverages _ a -wcrld- 000 in cash to the J. W. V. . . In participation ia the war •will -will be a I room with a fast foot of watsr. watsr id propaganda d schema to too fact, a certified cheek for this j wide great disillusionment in which the I 1 conducted ia all neutral countries Jews will become sea?egoat3 . . . | Gnata-y News: Qua ef Holly- I with a view to coiabatiss Germaa Why do some of the psychoaaa- S-wood's indoor sports V2.S .shc-aiaj ids aloss tha lines being lollowlists who privately state that Hit- i the Continental Theatre, strisilj }'ed by boycott organisations in tha ier shows all the symptoms of in- catering to the Nasi trade, and in- United States. sanity refuse to -writs their opin- quiring when would they be playTo Be Used for 'War Dciies Put Into Good Working Order, Are Offered at So'a for publication? . . . Gne ol ing "Confsssioas of a Xasi Spy?" Berne (JTA) — Der Band quotthese medical top-aotchers refused Answers have not been record-ad ed Berlin sources S3 statins that $5,000 for an article oa this •were . j German Gemaa police authorities authori theme . . . Lecaard Lyons tails •We hear that one o£ the chief | planning to XXSB Jew3 ia us that the speeches of Count wave-casters t iia Jersey J Git i I Gity - is I building, mopping ap after air 4-tuba Philco,.tab!3 5-tube' Crcsley, Jerzy Fotocki, Polish Ambassador ;'veibotea-'_t3-meaticaHerr Adolf | raids, .tsnildins fortifications aad model. - . . . . . . . . . to the V. S., are so swell because tabls model.._.»,.7.50 -Ca- the ether ha is s i s - other duties connected with war. t h e y are written by Dorothy ply the German Chancellor. Berlin Jewish leaders were _ ... 6-tuba Majestic, 5-teba Aetna, table Thompson . . . Now that' they are said When a star waa called tar war \ to have volunteered the sarviees cabinet-model .'. . Eiod-al, short vsave 9.IS© celebrating some sort of 3 jubilee J duty, hi3 movie xncsul is said to cf ti.ei? pespls in aa effort to ania the movie industry it might be ! have wired Hitler to "pleasa shoot ticipate the German move aad 11-tube PMleoAH Wave, • table model . ; . . 2 remembered that "Cohen at Cone arou-id the aetor"! avoid its worst rigors. The offer, 14 Used Uaffios not la 'prorldag er£er EB. W3 ALSO CFi Island" was tha first K-systchowever, Was rejected. aly tEsrul for their cases or parts, cr fer esperirtentscomedy ever made .. . Ted XJcyd parodies as a Stalin Acting under wid-3 powsrs 1 ties. Ta be scid strictly "as is" at, szsh............ GKSGUS Clip's . i theme song: "Just Ifaiotoff and grantad Mra as Deputy af latsrGoing the rounds is a story i me, aaJ Adolph naliag . three: io? aiiaistar T^iihalra Frici, Pclise which, if not; axaetly brand-new, | y.-s'rs happy ia our R'Sd Hea-ea:" Chiaf K-aisrich Hisiialer reportedia worth repeating hecaase it fits ! ly deeilad to group tha Jswa ia Very CcnveniSnt TBEMS—Small Fin^ics Claarge in so "well with tha sreaeat Earo- I Slassied? S o eaa knows why different labor fcrmaticra sacordpean situation . . . Hitler, it ap- \. . . but ilasia's option wasn't i2g to age. All Je'ws at present are pears, visited a B-ariia classroom : picked ap . . . aad- altar he was required to fee off the streets by aad asked the 1'tila Xaais whether i such a walloping success, too! S p. ra. they knew why Germany lost the j Jews Left Eehiad .la' Saar last war . . . "Because the Jews j Film., radio, and musical worlds Arcsterdaia (JTA) — The 500 made bad gn-aa a.nd ammunition," j suffered a great loss ia tha recent, Jews living in the Saar region, -ried one Naztl p u p i l . . . "That's | death of Huso. RieseafeM, diree- ' so^r aadsr French attack, vrera
'Film Folk
Pago 7
Poles in Rumanm.' JBoycotting Jews
scsz Is a now ra.ts'g.g s t5 ^ 3! 2sus viiia ^os? ecr rsEs va, I .(iU
.nun -Haw-your cheap' elcc&2c»4y_Jto_CTCa_ cheaper. Beginning ^ i t h you? Octobsr : bill* you as® ealoylng n©w-low.e? ©leefeic rales vMck eHsel..oV©2f • family ia Omaha a&& Cornell Blnlfe., 'JSecMe Senfic© isssd • dtsria^ Soplembtr» cmd.Billod durlag.0s!ober#. Is cl t h s ao"S7 lows? rates. • • • •
EflOf 1S0D8
This teta redueHoa makes savings o!. mor© ihtm 045Q<COO-caa&udUy ©vallabl© to S5JI00 fGstfienSdl ^ d S^OO cemmei> esal cns!omcs# I n c l u d i n g schools*, churches* hospllala and cliantablo inin Omaka and Ceite'dl Bluffs* n mesi'ibbmes Ss. equal Io ' 6 month's FEES ©lestnclty. ^itli elesMcltf even cheaper you esn Bvo' evea B@lfgr.: Lei elecMc
y Esrdca lake over yoisrhard work. Join llio cQfcff ia eo=!cr Hvlng. Ghsap olccfeisll'/ gives Y O U &<2"dom fconi long • e! t e ! l . . . moro cmokeo timo fo? . . cl s ec^l cl
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sILS — Tals Interesting picture passed by British and Frenct"! censors skows a company of French se!«isrs on bicycles toward tha •front lines, " s o m e w h a r a in Fra.iee." Noia that they shars tha read with an artiSbry ectllr that appears to bs advasdag with thscn.
* '^ -
TOMMIES IU PRANCE—Complaints that England,is slow in sending troops to France are refuted by this radio picture, passed by French and British censors, showing Tommies disembarking from troopship. Name of French port was, of courso, deleted by the censors.
EJECTS V/A!I—Mrs. Jessphina Mair of Van Nuys, Cal., with son Gecrga, 10, ona of two sons she forbids to go to war. She has dspositsd notarized indictment of war-^-as mass murder by "lying diplomats"—with County Recorder.
fA-\' »v
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1OSS F1V2 Y2XJ5 ^JdS—Expressing satisfaeflcn with operation of New Y*>r!c ?c!Icii Dspart.Tiant, Mdyor La Ga3rdia, Saft, swears In Commissioii^r La».vis J. VaSiinrine lor aaothef fivayear term, j t sjEary of $ 12,500. Ccnmlssisner Valentine is boss of New York's 20tCCC b ' . u j J
"~i «1~
RAID — London air raid warden all dressed up for a gas attack.Full equipment includes warning rattle he swing's with right h a n d . W h i s t l e , hung around his neck, is blown as warning, up to time he has to . don the mask.
HOW TO BOMB—Unique picture taken in New York shows a bombardier, lying on his stomach, on floor of plane, about to drop bomb from Wright attack bomber. He is looking through' sight, at left, at target 10,000 feet below. His right hand is about to release a 1.110-pound bomb.
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THSY'RI ?C3 ^S?lAL-~Sena>ers T^m ConnalSy, left, of Tssas, and Elbert D. TSomjj o? tJta'.i, as they attended meeting of tha Senate Foreign ReEations Commitiea in Washington. 3oth Democrats, they're for jrms embargo repea!.
SV/SM SW2T — Mary Martin, that fIBfe Southern ga! who used to slag " M y Heart Ba!o;igs to Daddy," on Broadway, displays her new swlrci salt, at a Holiyweod resort. Mofa tha suspenders errect.
r~r-c C n A ! ' ! HOA1D—Preparing for long war, Germans store food supplies in many unusual places. German censor passed this picture showing workman utilising gymnasium, "somewhere in Germany," as storehouse for grain.
<. -Ks.r "?^ <•-
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A.ItI'.^l 1
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—Rajeciicn of peace offer from Hitler leads European military efassrvars to beiiave aa wtll attempt to terrorisa Britain with aeriai bombardments, possibly from S<*!gian bases. Hera ara two huga Nazi bombers. Junkers Ju34 at top and HeinUl Hal!!, bottom
^.1 A^'iitill—Overhead
bombing for Navy on football
•Hs!dv/IIS ba dons in part this season by.Ralph Anderson, who's: crashir.g the UT.O is p r i s f i r s scrirrtmsgo abo%*e. He's the chap wha riddbd Metro D-s.r'j with p^s?cs la%i season.
*i'' W^J-^
BlITCH AFF2EH5NSiyE-.!f Europe's war becomes extensive both in time and in area, The Netherlands may play an important role. Over its terrain may march combatant armies. Already, the nation of dikes and windmills has prepared concrete and steel blockhouses on the German border, really an extension of the Bel-
gian Line, in turn an extension of the French uiaginot Line. Here'are defense scenes.^ Upper, left, upended steel beams pop up to impede wsr engines over a border bridge. Lower left, a border trench. Upper right, gun crew eoverQ road leading to Germany. Lower right, camouflaged underground fortification. Dlstr. by United Feature Syndicate, E
•Junior Hadassah • - * Cultural Group
Sigma Alpha Mu -
First party of the year to be givea by Sigma Omicroa chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu will be held at the ciapter house tomorrow night when members, «1"*™irn. and friends of the Nebraska chapter will gather to celebrate with visiting members of the fraternity ESGAG13IENT AX'XOUXCED from Minnesota after the MinneOa September 13 Miss Ana Sir. aad Mrs. A. Newiaan aasota-Nebraska game. Ooodbinder, dasghtar of Mrs. aouaes t i e engagement of their Sarah Goodbinder, became" the daughter. Babe, to Mr. S Always having taken a prominbride of Louis Neaeamaa, soa of j rofaky of Sioux City, sea cf Mr. ent part in campus activities, SigMrs. Celia 'Nesearaaa o£ Kansas | aad Mrs. N. "Dcbrcfsky cf that ma Omicron members are once City, Mo. ! city. again, this year, figuring prominently ia campus affairs. Arthur The ceremony tooS place at | Hill, Lincoln, Is serving as busthe Adasa Yeshurea synagogue, I H2Gax<AXI> COtTCTST 4 iness manager of the Daily Newith Rabbi- Nataaa Feidiaaa of- ' Buffet diaaera are being held braskan, aad is'a, member of the ficiatiag. every Thursday night at the dowaInnocents, society, men's senior Attending the brids -was her tawa clabrooais of t i e Highland honorary. Norman Bordy. Omaha uncle aad aunt, Sir. aad Mrs. . Country Club ia the Pastaa Hotel. was this week appointed to the Jacob Goodbinder. Mr. aad Mrs. j Blaga paries ars to be held oa j guest speaker of the evening and varsity cheer leading ssjuad. NorSamuel Nerenberg, cousins of the j Mondays. related her experiences during her man Harris, Omaha, Is "serving as bride, attended the groom. recast trip to Europe aad t i e a news editor of the Dally NebrasThe couple will reside in Oma- contribution to thought ia the Zionist, coaveatica. kan a member of the rally comha. world today through Freud, Eiamittee, and Com Cobs, men's pep atein, aad others •will be reviewed. organizations. TO WISTISS DJ CAIIFOSXIA The ehairiaaa tor orgaaiaatioa o* Mr. aad Mrs. Xata Wiesasaa this coarse will be Mrs. Lou Kohl Ben Novicoff, Lincoln, and Phil The local chapter of t i e WomMiss Bessie GoMwsre will leave on Monday, October 3, aad the Ca-Chairmaa "will be Mr3. en's Kantor, Sioux City, are oa the Misracii shares with t i e naby motor for Los Angeles and Slas Givot. Ur. and Mrs. Jacob Gold ware business staff of the Daily Nehrastional board the ..Joy ia the acPalm Springs, Ca!., wiere they i announce t i e engagement of their kan, and Morton Margolin, Omacomplishments of Hana Bat-BarAnother outstanding coarse will will ta&a u? their residence lor ha, Is a reporter oa the staff of be cf Jsrsd "by Miss Klaiaiaa of the j nkh. Haaa i3 a concrete esamjle daughter, Bessie, to Leonard H. that paper. Ben, Morton, Bernard the winter. Gould, Boa of Mr. aad Mrs. H. R. While ia Loa Angelea they will Jewish Community Center of the ' of the work of the Beth" Selroth Gould. The aanouaceaeat was Epstein, Omaha, and Melvln Tanvialt their daughter, Sirs. Albert "Bevelapjneat or Rebirth of Mod- ia Jerusalem. made Sunday sight at a family nenbaum, Omaha, -were, pledged Bora. Haaa Weiaer, she fled Ger- dinner at the Goldware home. last week to Corn Cobs. Melvin Simons, the lags ia Traaslation." The actual many aad was received by tae was awarded a' commission as a man -of Miss Goldware atteaded Crelghreadings ia translation will take Jerusalem Beth Zeiroth -where acsecond Ueutenant in the regiment, _, Slaee followed by discussion. Mrs. cording ta custom, of Eretz Israel ton University and Mr. Gould the and Morton aad Melvin have takBLtfcTH Bavid C. Platt i3 chairmaa assist- changed her nama to Hana Bat- College cf t i e City of Detroit. No wedding date has bsea set. en active part ia the reorganizaMr. and Mrs. Harry Friedman ^ *sy "\ji^, Arfhu~ Foiaai Barukh. I a two years she learned tion of Alpha Phi Omega, national announce the birth f a saa Sat-j . . ^ ^ ^ j ^ i 3 ^ Hebrew; did so well ia her studies World service fraternity. Brday sumung, at at. Joseph bes- | T 3 d a y , , a M a 3 r e t e s i T e detailed that upon her gradaatiaa she wa3 Chairmen of house committees pitaL I analysis of Jewish life, stressiag givea a two-year scholarship at the coming year were appointThe pledges of Tieta chapter of for the Pratt Institute ia New York. j t i e iaipact of reeeat rciitical aad last week by Irvin Taffe, presHEBE Sigma Delta Tau have elected ed _ . _ socio-eeoaomic forces upon it, with 1 T i e wciaea of Palestine paid her They are: Phil Bordy, SilvMrs. Aaron Anne Arbitman, presideat; Rose ident, er Creek, athletic; Bud Kalin, Richards^ o £ o S a a | a r 9 . e x a 3 2 l i a atiaa be of tgiven i e historical by Mr.I passage. Sie arrived in New York in Goldstein, treasurer; M a r j o r i e Sioux City, financial; Norman ., editor of the July of 193S aad immediately at- Lipp, secretary; and Sarena Brav- Green. Norfolk, book; Norman _ . . , , •.'ewish. Press. Mrs. Laaar Kaplan tended English classes taught by ennaa, assistant house manager. Bordy, house; Floyd Conn, Tarplans to T i e sciolarsiip cap for t i e sec- kio, Missouri, and Stanley Mayper, remain beer several ^ c > , a i r = i a a a s s i s t e d by Mrs. Ger- t i e W. P. A. Ia September s i e weeks. eatared t i e Pratt Institute tak- ond semester of the- last school Omaha, co-social chairmen; Irvin | aid Grcs3. ing post-graduate courses ia in- year was awarded to Sarah Miller. Yaffe, Omaha, scholarship; Har"The Orieatation of Hadassah S MEMOBXili Sarah is also the oaly freshman old Turkle, Lincoln, cultural; &tartias at^SO^Suaday ia tae i Projects Course" will be givea for stitutional management and dieteties. Sie has just entered her! registered ia the College of Law 1 Harris, faction; Staaley Leetura Hail of the Joalya Me- those new members wso wish to secoad year at the school. Upon t l l i s year. Kuth Sobe! received the Norman and Morton Margolin, jnorial a series of pictarea dealia learn about the orgaaizatioa they cospletioa of her studies, she scholarship improvement bracelet Mayper character; Morton Margolin, edij have joined aad the other memCiarlestoB, W b return to Beth Seirota to be- for the greatest improvement last tor of the house paper, and Melta ©aSs a detailed will f- and Waaiiagtoa will be aiowa. At bers who gin her work there as a teacher. year. vin Tannenbaum, business manaS:30 ia tie Lecture Hall Park stady by Mrs. Hoe Rasaiek. At the annual Temple reception ger. Hana ia oaa example cf the Commissioner Roy N. Towl will Tia Oaeg Siabboti Group will work cf the Womea'3 Miirachi ia last Friday nigit, J,eannette .PolJoe Razaick, Omaha, was apspeak oa "Conflicting Para Uses." continue oasky spoke along with the presi- pointed as heretofore with a var- Palestine, tie source of ia president of t i e pledge A piano recital by Sliaa Svelya ied program. dents of Sigma Alpha Ma and tioa for tie members here ia their group i a 3 a3 class; while Phil Kantor was apFaulk, with aa organ accompaa- t i e eiairaiaa Tiia Zeta Beta Tau fraternities. Open tirelass efforts to rai3e funds for M. i\ Leveapointed secretary, and Joe Beliment by Edward Berryaiaa, will aoa, aad Mrs.Mrs. house was held last Saturday at xnont, tie five projects. Omaha, was appointed trea"be given at 4 o'clock in tie Can- t i e Co-Ciairaiaa.L. Gordca Gross which time the new students had Mrs. Joe Tueimaa, ciairmaa of surer. cert hall. At 4:30 ilias Mary an opportunity to become acHeview Group will rummage sales, piaaa immediate- quainted. Louise Baker cf Lincoln will pre- j Taa Book chairman will be aa- ly after the Succoth holiday tie •ent a 'cello recital ia the Lectara | coatiaue, th^ Miriam Eubaita was awarded a first of tie nuarsage sales. These shortly. Hall. prize for being the high salesman The" surrtval of tis Jew Ia ! sales are a source of iacome aad At 7:30 Miss Charlotte Carr, di- tie World Today" which will be anyone having clothes and ether of tie day ia tie Tassel drive tor Due to the Succoth holiday the rector Of Chicago's famed Hall tie secoad Course this year will salable articles to donate la earn- the sale of University Players tic- regular meeting-' of the Pioneer y House, will deliver aa address unkets. Women was postponed until this g y Sirs. Bavid A. Gold- estly requested to call Sirs. J. der the auspices of taa Nebraska bee givea Tucimaa, AT 7552, or Mrs. Aaron coming Tuesday, October 10. stein. It will include a study aad Conference for Social The meeting will take place at I an analysis of eaiaacipatioa, tie Kats, JA 4084. Mrs. A. Sciwacskin has select2 o'clock at the Jewish Communi most revoluntionary Bienomanoii The United Orthodox Congrega-. ity Center. of Jewish life ia modern times, ed her committee for J. N. F. box All members have been urged aad a study of tie origin aad de- coUactioaa whieh will take place tiona Ladies Auxiliary held It3 first meeting of the season last to attend as important business velopment cf iZoniat ideology a3 on Sunday, October S. Tuesday at t i e Congregation B'nai Tree Vurtbstsea will be discussed. wall aa practical achievements in Mrs. B. 'Weinberg, J. N. P. Israel. Palestine aad tia position of tie Tea was served following the Jaw ia tie Uaitad States and tie chairmaa, reports the following Mary C. SfraakSa meeting. Mrs. S. Fish was in varyiag piilosepiies offered by tree purchases: Mrs. A. Schwacskin ia memory charge of the social hour. for tie off otier i solution l : - The first afafir of tie Hadaa- tie" • Among those-who furnished reproblem. Tie Chair of her parents. feah year for tie benefit o* tie man of tie group will be Mrs. S. Mrs. Paul Rosen ia memory of freshments were: Mesdames A. Hadassai Medical Orgaaisatioa J. Plotiia assisted by Mr3. Her- her husband/ ' Glickman, "William Peszner, Dol>rill be given in tie form of a Eea- man Coin. Mrs. Basiye 'Vviatroab in mem- goff, J. Kirsehman, H. Soskin, M. •ert Bridge Luncieon oa tie 10th Falk, L. Rosenblatt N. "Wolfson, If there are enough members in'j ory_cf her brother. floor of tne Braadeis Stores. Mon- Hadassai t i a t are interested a Mrs. A. G. Weiastein Ia honor J. Goldberg. H. Azorin, Z. Zlot,«iay, October 9th under tie di- Hebrew Claas and a Bible Cla3S of i e r graadaugiter, Natalie kin, Ben Kahn, A. Cohen, M. ireetion of lira. Dave Shernxan. Katzxaaa, N. Levinson Sam Glazer, Jcaa. will be orgaaised. Bridge, Bingo aad Mah N. Zucker, aad P. Sherman. v Drawiag Tie lecture course t i a t Mrs. •will be played. All women are David A. Goldstein had planned to Mrs. E. Weiaberg and Mrs. M. asked to attend aad male up give will be presented at Hadas- Brodkey, co-chairmen of a drawtables. For furtier informatioa s a i meetings during the coming ing to be aaaoaaced at a later After tlselr third Conseccall the chairman, Mrs. Sherman, year. Furtier details will siortly date, report tiat*tickets for the utive se&son a t tTse HapHa. 2976. affair are selling rapidly. be anaoaaced. py Hollow Country Club Mrs. Mas Araitmaa aad Mrs. On Monday, October 9 th, will Sophie Rotikop report many resalso be t i e first day of t i e Haervations are being made for t i e • d a n a h Rummage Sale. All womluacieoa aad bridge to be held at aad HIS ORCHESTRA : en who have rummage bandies Tia first regular meeting of t i e t i e iome of Mrs. J. Tretiak oa : tbat have not yet been picked up Cieaed Shal Ernes will taka place Monday, October 16. are now accepting en' are asked to call t i e cha!ri&aa, on Monday, October 9, at 2 p. m. Mrs. B. Laytin, telepioae chairS&semeats for parties, Mrs. R. Bordy. Wa. 5353. at t i e Jewish Funeral Home, 1912 man, will take reservations for t i e dances, social events. • '; CUI/TCRAI. ACTTVITtES Cumiag street. membership luncheon at t i e JewIn timea lika tiese clear thinkA special report will be given ish Community Center oa "WedFOR INFORMATION: tag and aa analytical approach at this tiiae. A3 this is to be a very nesday, October IS. WA 1 9 5 3 8 3 2 N. 4 7 St' a r e esentlal to t i e uaderstaadiag important meeting, members iave of any.problera and wa sursiy eaa- b<&ea urged to attaad. Patroniaa Our Advertisers Bot hope to cope with t i e complexities of current Jewish life ; jrlthout them. Stace no Jawisi • {woman can afford to isolate her• Belt from Jewish problems, it is : hoped that every member of Hajdaasah will waat to participate ^actively in t i e edacat'oa program that Is being planned for t i e comYou* 11 wear a chubby this fall! iasyear. • During a luacieoa meetiag held You* U wear a chubby all winter! . Monday at tie iome of tie Sda; cation Chairmaa, Mrs. Morris M. You* U wear a ehnbby next spring! Franklin all plans for tie coming :were outlined. It is tie plan of You'Jl wear a citobby with everything! '. the Education Bepartaieat ia Ha, dassah this year that ail members will want to become active partls'*' ipantfl ia group3 iaviag a defiaita program directed not only to Jewish survival, but also to tie preservation of democracy. During tie nest -week viestion.' alre cards -will be mailed ta all members of tae organisation asking them to register for at least one study group for tie coming year. All members are reqested to fill them in carefully aad return them as requested. Aaycae who desires to joia a study group ia requested '"to call tia Education chairman, Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, Gl. 2357. Recent events in Europe havs convinced us taat Jews caaaat Burvive ia a society organised en other tiaa democratic priaciples. Our program, therefore, must make explicit tie funeUons aad , ideals of a democratic society. { Moreover, it must he.ip point tae j way toward positive rather tiaa j defensive Jewish tivins. Wa are j a people with a riea intellectual ' and cultural aeritago, a tradition of high morality aad iafinita powers of endurance. Only through education caa we re-gvalnata our culture and our traditions la i terms of tie highest tdsais of current BC-ciety. The Omaia Sdaeatioa Coramittee of Hadaasai therefore of.srs a number of courses designed ta meet tne needs outiiaed above. The regular meeting of the Jaaior Hadassah Cultural Groap wa3 held oa Monday might, September 25, at the Jewish Community Center. Plans were mads for a membership campaign. -Miss Ruth Cooper will head this campaign. Assisting her will be: Helen Smith, Frances Osoff, Bertha Greeaberg, Betty Taraoff, Betty Rosen, Mildred Laytia, Sylvia Lentz, Lillian Moncvitz, Lois Barish, Judith Levenson and Bather Shapiro. Bertha Slutsky was elected parliaiaeatariaa aad will serve oa the board. •Sirs. David A. Goldstein
Sigma Delta Tau
Fioneer Women
Federation for Jewish Service SXO.WEB /FtrXD COKTBXBU-
The Federation for Jewish Service acknowledges the receipt of the following Flower Fund Contributions during. the months of August and September: . In memory of Mrs. Esther Goldberg, from the Holzman family, and H. A. Wolf Company. Inc. . In memory of Mrs. Sam Feldenheimer: from Dave and Fred Roseastock. In memory of Mrs. Lena Mandelsoa: from Dr. and Mrs. \ . Greenberg and family, Mrs. d. Greenberg, Dr. Sam Ureenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Louis fllller, Mr. and' Mrs. Max L. Holzman, Mr. "William L. Holzman, Mrs. Samuel Nathan. Mr. and Mrs. Dave KoEenstoek and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock and family; Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher, Mr. and Mrs. HaiTY L. "Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry. A. "Wolf. In memory of Mildred Levy Holsman: from Mrs. Daniel L. Korn, and Mrs. Morris Levy. In memory of Herman Kehfeld: from Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Holzman and Mr. William L. Holzman. In memory of Edward .Slater: from Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wott. In memory 3f Herman Oswald: from Dave and Fred Rosenstock.
ing are:.Mrs. E. A. Mejer, Mrs. Sam Raff el. Mm. L "W. Rosenblatt, Mrs. Jack ilelcher, Mrs. Jack .Bramson, Mrs. Harry Rochman. Mrs. Max Davis, and Mrs. John Faier. The officers of the Auxiliary for the coming year are; .Mrs. Al Woblaer, president; SJrs. Abe Venger, vice president; Mrs. Leon Graetz. s e c ond vice-president; Mrs. Louis Louis Sogolow, treasurer ; Mrs- Heary Belmont, recording secretary; Mrs. Morris Arkin, corresponding secretary; Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, financial secretary; Mrs. I. Abramsoa, auditor; Mrs. William* Alberts, historian; and Mrs. Dave Sherman, Parliamentarian.
Girl Scouts
The Jewish Community Center Girl Scont Troop No. 4 has- increased its membership to .20 alert and active girls. Practically the entire troop Baa passed the tenderfoot rank and all are- hard at work a t secondclass activities. .This troop meets every Friday afternoon a t 3:45, at the Jewish Community Center, under *, the leadership of Miss JacQuelice Lcffiaswell. Patrol leaders are: Mrleno Dansky. Phyllis Freed, End Lillian Staenberg. ; v Because of the Jewisn IioU&iys. the. troop will not meet this FWday. Instead, the girls «fll 6aM a picnic lunch in ElmwocsJ Bark on Saturday afternoon. A bf Interesting games, scooting Vl'adeck 6 SO-E, Junior Branch and outdoor fun has b l of the Workmen's Circle, io at ths present time conducting a drive for new members. ' A party was held on Sunday, October 1, at the home of Mr. and Collections of Mrs. H. Wintroub. Harry Lerner gave an interesting talk on the purpose and Ideals cf the organWedding and isation. Mrs. H. Reuben, accompanied by Mrs. L. Peizner, presented a vocal solo. A violin solo «ritb pood o l 3 f was played by Hiss Freda Sher- ed cjoderatioti. man. Bingo and bridge followed Coaveniont Tcrrna. C&a the program. • Arranged s t X*Jo E Among: the other actlvitiea Cost planned for fortbeomias meetinss are a talk on • Neutrality and & Hallowe'en prcgratn. Anyone Interested in the organisation is asked to call Harry Lerner. GL S05G or Herbert Wintronb At, 7855.
Vladeck 690-E
Beth El Auxiliary
. The first regular meeting Of the Beth £1 Auxiliary will be held at the Jewish Community Center on "Wednesday, October 11, at 12 o'clock. A Continental' breakfast will be served. This novel meal will consist of a combination of dishes served in England, France, and Switzerland. The opening meeting of the year will be featured by a presentation of the years program of activities. The newly-organized Choric Art group will make its first-appearance. Reservations for the breakfast may be phoned to Mrs. Jack Kaufman, Mrs. T. A. Tully, or Mrs. Nathan Turner. Hostesses for the October meetYOUR INSURANCE BROKER V1CE-PRESIOENT
Orthodox Auxiliary
Chesed Shel Ernes
One of t i e main courses will be one presented ay Mr. Arthur Sapport oa "Jewish Contribution to Civilization Titrougi S««?i>ce, Phil- j osophy, Medicine, Etc." Actual |
Jack Swanson
Representing 21 Strong Compamei A Coftipleta lnsuranca Service CALL AT 7CS7 cr WA &1£3 "THE SETTLEMENT COUNTS"
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Page 4
Harvard Marks Anniversary of Sholbm Aleichem
yille, ! Ia., president; Morris Sirota t of Dorchester, Mass., vice-president; Bernice Bordy of Omaha, secretary, and Bernard Hurwits of Waukee, Ia., treasurer. At the econd meeting Sylvia Bucksbaum of Marshailltown was elected cor. Sy DS. THEODORE N. LEWIS Cambridge, Mas3. (JTA)- i The J_~ u ^Jl - .. ZZ responding secretary. anniversaries of Sholom Aleichem E&lbbi, Psrcsressiio SynagogEs, Brooklyn, N. Y. The Hlllel club will give a re- and Joel Linietzky, famous Yid< ; v ..87 »i ception Sunday in Iowa Union riv- dish humorists, were celebrated at "PERISH THE JEW (A CXINI- tributing to the victim heinous er room from 3 to 5 p. m. intro- Cantabrigia Hall at a meeting Eurcpo^a peace cannot rest oa the policies and needs of one Ii TBBAEM.EKT OF AK2I. and horrible crimes. ducing Rabbi and Mrs. Kertzer to sponsored by the Harvard Yiddish The author bltingly contrasts the Jewish residents of Iowa and Book Fund Committee. The comsi~j2. HcJiry W ecttsiived a. confsderaticu of nations, bat it -was SEMITISM BY DAVID GOtDEEBG. BLOCH PUBLISHING CO. he high professions of the Chris- surrounding states and the Jewish mittee is a permanent organizaa aosfocirition tliat was obviously an sistrtnaent of French §2.50. 282 PAGES. tian Church, both Catholic and student body. tion which has set ras its function Protestant, but especially the for- Plans are being mado for an the purchase of Yiddish books for f;??.!™ pclley. Stcope needs peaee'badly. England and France An iKdispeasable falsehood for mer, with its practises. He shows extensive program of religious, the Harvard university library. wj,zi ii and Gerstany is more than ansiocs, for it. "Without artti-Sensitisnt and Its exponents again and Christianity dramatic, debating, musical and i ?:: X JO ^J .''' at the meeting includthe conteatloa t&at hatred of has persistently violated the noble social activities for the coming ed Speakers Keyes D. Metcalf, director of jeace its ecniinent will degenerate into a barbarism from which is tie Jew is a natural anud Inevitdoctrines proclaimed from thous• SIcus City year. Friday evening services will library; Dennis S. able, phenomenon, that it is a ands of pulpits. Compare the be inaugurated and a graduate the Harvard librarJan-in-chlef of the Caaacil Bluffs Ccrrsa»oa(iaat is has only too recently emerged. JAi.r-liA.Nt spontaneous expression of bostility. teaching of the humble Jew of league for faculty members and Dooley, Massachusetts state library, and oa the part of a majority against Nazareth which so-called Christ- graduate students is being organ- Dr.'A. A. Roback, psychologist and a minority deemed dangerous, ians have accepted, -with the codes ized. author who is a member of the harmful, and alien. This unfound- and standards they follow! Tho committee., Mr. Metcalt praised ed thesis, and dangerous doctrine author's graphic picture of organBy. BABSX FESBBSIO^ COH2I _ Tlia completion of the Jewish Commiraity Center has recently received spirited sup- ized Christianity under the.Csar, J. T. A. Bulletin Banned Dr. Roback for his efforts in augport from the pea of Hillaire BelParis (JTA) — The dally Ger- menting the Yiddish book collecyears ago marked tlia begiaaing c£ a sew epoch ia Omaha Jewcorruption, of its greed and It is the avowed purpose of Great Britain and France to loe, the English Catholic writer. ofustitsfor man issued by the Paris tion at Harvard. power, sins from which ish life. JPOT tlia first tkaa t l w diverse elements of the Jewish "end Hiilerisa." "We believe they are sincere in that. "We are L13se all of hi3 clan, he neverthe- the Roman Catholic Church In officebulletin of the Jewish Telegraphic Marc Aurel Stein, an Hungarcoounonity had the opportunity of meeting en cotnsaoa ground. going en to the end," declared Churchill, head of the Admiralty, less persists in professing friend- many lands is not entirely free, Agency has been banned from ship for Israel, to demonstrate an-indictment which is Hungary. The Hungarian postal ian Jew, was in 1888 appointed For the first -fciam a unified cultural program was being offered who may soon "be Prise 'Minister. -The will of the Allies seems which he employs a Jewish secre- constitute both shameful and unanswerable. authorities charged that the bul-registrar of the University of Puntary and even dedicates to her his %q the Jewish public. the chapter "Alas My Sorry letin was full of aihtl-Nazi propa- jab at Lahore, India. inasorable. "All power to them!" esalaims every right-thinking calumniating voluiao "The Jews." In Tenants," Tolstoy speaks his mind ganda and consequently prejudicThere is hardly a Jaw ia the city of Omaha who does sot at just-feeling man. Against Belloc and the prepos- concerning the church and its ial to the country's neutrality. Patronize Our Advertisers tsrous claim that anti-Semitism is grievous and many sins, sins, one time o? another diaringj .the year avail hiaaeix c£ the faciliThe Jew rejoiaes a t the prospect of "Hitlerism" being de- spontaneously g e n e r a t e d . Dr. which incidentally, are driving ties of the Jewish Community Center, If it is not the forma ser- stroyed, why should he cot? He is Hitlerism's chief victim. He Goldberg aims hia arrows with mankind to the fatal embrace of ies or the draaiaiia presentations os issrsly a club-iaeetiag*, is is has been mads to suffer most. Not only the Jews of Germany, great skill and irrefutable logic. ommuniszn or Fascism. Instead Ha piles up mountains of evidence of leading courageously, Church 3tae gym or swimaing pooL who have been so outrageously treated, robbed, murdered, to prove that anti-Semitism never follows cowardly, to its own detribeen, as it is not today, eith- ment and to that of the millions The CenttJ? program had been designed to laeludd all types exiled, deprived of every human right: but every Jew through- has er spontaneous or natural, but on who trust its guidance. 'pi interest and the eoming season will see an expansion o£ Cen- out the world has been damaged, in reputation, m security, in the contrary, that it is, and always has been, an artificial poison inThe author must be censured ,ter activities. Educational classes ara held for those interested added financial burdens, in peace of mind. "Hitlerisin" is the troduced into society by particu- for unpardonably confusing the |n self-improvement. Forma, discussions, musical evenings, most monstrous evil of the aodern world. The Jew, a3 the larly vicious and contemptible concept of the "Chosen People" creatures. as it has been accepted In Jewish elubs for every age ara offered. protagonist of the right, as the ons who has given tha moral thought and literature with the Tha extreme and cruel measures Nazi doctrine of race superiority. For children a unique and well-ronadad program ia being idealas to the world, whose rols is the proclaimer of the right The B o y s ' Clothing the Medieval Church enactHere he falls to the low and W o r l d under o n e Initiated thia year. And for a los;j ihaa now the needs of Jewish and whose mission is bound up with the triumph of the right ^hich ed against the* Jew and which are brutish level of the anti-Semites roof! Featuring one youth have been provided in the activities of the .Sound -Table throughout the earth is naturally interested supremely: not briefly considered, are sufficient who delight to misinterpret and of America's largest evidence that the masse3 were to distort this central Idea in Juto speak of his own personal interest, in the wiping out of this '§£ Jewish youth. sever seriously antagonistic. showings. The styles daism. To the Jew this doctrine us evil from off the face of the earth. At a critical period in Jewish, life, the Jewish Community Tha Church enforced, or com- speaks not of privilege, .but of rethe boys want . . . the sponsibility. It is difficult to unvalues every mother "What can the-Jew dot It were a pity if lie could do noth- pelled the State to enforce, op- derstand jSenter has performed a tremendous serviea to the eoiasKaity. how an intelligent Jew pressive and inhuman decrees, appreciates. kf, a ahasaM confession and esanpla of impoteses. The Jews frequently ia face of strong oppo- can be guilty of so serious and only has it provided social and cultural facilities. But is sition, and with threats and force. grotesque an error. Dr. Goldberg been an instrument for tha preservation of these valttes that ars fifteen snHEen strong (or weak, depending upoa how we re- During the Middle Ages, anti- ought to know that the Jewish to Judaism. Bscept 1ST the synagogue, gard then). The Jews are universally acknowledged to be able Semitism was d e c r e e d from concept has absolutely nothing in lave given and never was the spon- common with that which tho Nazis it has done more to maintain Jewish morale in the face of people, to possess brains, to a degree even above the average. "above," taneous manifestation Jew baitera have made so infamous. The two are worlds apart and to make itisheartening news, than any other factor. Thai? history, not to speak of their natural endowment, the claim It to have been. them identical is a grave sin. The fact that anti-Semitism reThe Jewish Community Center maintains a constructive vicissitudes they have undergone, tha dangers they have enQuite speculative and rather quires a perpetual crusade, that policy that ia certainly worthy o f community^support."ItsTees the bf"drnary""miii""""""aad™&woinaTi misleading is the discussion of the are nominal in the light of services offered. Without it, Jewish have made them use their -wits asd cultivate and stimulate their must be repeatedly Indoctrinated tiresome question as to whether this poison is incontestable the Jews constitute a race, a peolife in Omaha would be thin and meaningless indeed. intellect, and exert all their powers in an imwonted degree. with proof that the phenomenon ia nei- ple, or a nation. A brilliant essay A membership driva is sow being held to enroll 3 larger Tha fact that the Jew has survived the persecutions, the tor- ther natural nor spontaneous but by ex-Justice Brandels, on "Jewthe contrary, exceedingly arti- ish Nationality" will help resolve aumber of persons in Center activities. The Center is not a pri- 2132.13 and tha injustices of the ages, is proof positive that he on ficial generated by bigots, sadists the author's doubts and. incidentvate enterprise nor aa individual project. I t is a community reh.ow to adjust himself, to adapt himself to tha most and demagogues, and' charlatans. ally clear his thinking. Nail Germany proves concluFor those who seek a sharp dissponsibility and as much has just demands on every individual. untoward, the most unpromising, the most distressing and dis- sively not only the foul purposes cussion of anti-Semitism where I t is dependent on the support of each Jew. To' give your sup- heartening circumstances. No Jew, however great his supposed of anti-Semitism, b'ut its coercive, the- author, gives blow for blow, unpopular, character. The German this book will prove stimulating. port is to strengthen the foundation of Jewish, existence, A prida and conceit, would go to the length, of declaring, £3 does masses have not risen against the And in the long run this method •"membership ia the Center ia a*4 Investment that yields immea- Nathaniel Shaler, erstwhile Professor at Harvard University, Jew, despite their rulers. Left to of dealing with the Jew baiter themselves, without the ever pre- may bo more effective than the >*3urable profits. a scientist ©f tlia most risoroxis sort, purely fa aa absolutely sent driva and compulsion of tha practice of caution and politeobjective seisstifie spirit, In his book on "Ths Nsighibor," 'the Nazi regime, tha German people nes3 which savages evaluate as Would bs as friendly, as tolerant, •weakness and retreat. The volume Jew must ba -considered tlis Mglisst species of t i towards the Sew a3 any other closes on a note of justifiable opgroup. It 13 the "government" Peace proposals frura Berlin persist. The European diplo- Mest estravagaat praise, it -would seeia. Yet it eet&es l i e s tha Mch imposes the "Nueremberg timism. Progress and democracy are certain to triumph, and when ^ scene is astir with rumors of terms and counter-proposals. careful lips cf a natural scientist. If th© Jew is thus superior, Laws," which is robbing and op-they do, the Jew will be freed pressing t i e Jews—not the peofrom his tribulations at least the |The time is ripe for peace—except for two very definite eircum- or if the statasent is only partially true, surely such a superior ple, v latter will be mitigated. It it's new Ws Aere—-Smart new double-breasted being should H > e able to cope suecesfully with whatever adjstanees. The war began because the western democracies wers sport-back or single-breasted sport-back models. la seeklog to justify their vile verse cirssmstances may he ia his immediate environs eat. Ap- accusations and viler behavior :pick of Hitler's efforts to dictate Europeaa policies by keeping The colors as smart as the styles . . . new greens, against Israel, anti-Semites de^h continent in a state of crisis; the sole war objective cf tha plying this to the matter ia hand fifteen million Jews, ia all light new browns, new greys, new fancy blues. Sizes to dwell upon the so-called countries, with exceptional, even brilliant abilities, -with'intel10 to 20. Jewish "sias." They-blissfuIIy ig'British government has been the downfall of the Hitler regime. nore the obstinate fact that many lectual power, with powers of other kir.ds; a people not fabuOther JBoys* Twa Long Pants Suits j, Hitler should want peace. His polices have been as much a. of these shortcomings and pecullously rich as is so foolishly believed eves by their friends and $11.75 to $18 iarities are due to the malice, the [casualty of the war as Poland. Hia first and main accomplishTemple hatred, tha cruelty of their enmaliciously asserted by their enemies, but nevertheless, en acment was not the conquest of new territories, but the bringing This evening at services Rabbi He3 who perpetually scheme and David H. Wice will Bpeak' on of Russia aiora definitely in tha European picture. The S a d count of their thrift, industry and hos-asty on tha whole coa- plot evil against them. A World of Why did tha Jew in the Middle "Sigmund Freud-—His Life a n d lArmy now stands much closer to German territory than it did a fortably well-off; possessed, too, of influence in one way or Works." New Styles in another; such a people should not he helpless in a crisis: such Ages resort to usury, to tax farmmonth ago when there was peace. ing? Because tha Church and the Saturday morning services begin at 11. a people should ha able to do its part in putting an e j " s < 3 to evil, State closed all honorable pursuits Moreover, regardless of how well Germany appears to be to him. Hounded, confined in in helping the progress cf the right and just, the good • and standing the teas of the crisis, internally she ia weaker thaa Beth E! compulsory gettoes, denied all actrue — particularly since that is its historic role, its "divine" cess to culture and light, can they At services tonight Rabbi David any other nation. The soldiers of her ally, Slovakia, admittedly be blamed for lack of good breed- A. Goldstein will speak on "Berefused to light. According to rumors emanating from compar- (or superlatively human) mission. ing, or social grace? It is-tbe old, ginnings."' Cantor Aaron Edgar What can the Jew do ? Ha ean lend all the force of his old, story of the criminal seeking and the Beth El choir will conatively reliable scurcea, high-ranking officers opposed thi3 venIf ifs new it's here—The new double-breasted to justify his guilt and sin by at- duct the service. ture and the mysterious death cf voa Fritseh adds credence to intellectual, moral, spiritual as well as material and physical drape . . . the new 3-button drape m o d e l . . . the new tweeds and stripes in sparkling greens, new stories. And if the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia is not might to the destruction of the evil, to the safe-guarding and " browns, snappy tans, blues and grays. Sizes 32 In an actual state of rebellion, aa reported ia Leaden, it is known tha triumph of the right. "Keinove evil from thy midst" is the Froaa October S—to October 12 to 38. to be dissatisfied and can be considered a liability at so crit- iajaaatica ia his book of Deuteronomy. The Jew should reSUNDAY, OCTOBER 8. Other Students' Suits $18.50 to $30 ical a juncture now thai its strategic importances is no longer joice is all efforts made on behalf of the right, and lend his Hebrew Club: 3 p. m., Lodge Room, Jewish Community Center. utmost assistance, by word, and act, by vote, b y argument, by pi interest. Girl'Scouts: 3 p. ra.. Club room, German shipping has been swept froza the seas and Gsr- sousssl, to the triumph of the right, to the vindication of the Jewish Community Center. Students' ZIPPER lined BIBLS MONDAY, OCTOBER 9 iaan trade has been reduced to aero. Sven if Eussia supplies just, ths brave, the noble, the magnanimous,, the good and Tho stranger that sojourneth Orchestra Rehearsal: 8 p; m., .Germany, such aid ia certaktly suspect. Neither France no? true. with you shall be unto you as the Auditorium, Jewish Community you, and thou Center. England ever propagandised against tha Naaia as did the BusThat Ssvr is a coward that does not come out openly for home-bore'among Double Duly-'—All in One shalt love him as thyself. Workman's Loan: 8 p. m.. siaus. The motion picture;" ^Professor M a a b e k " which had the right: that because of "expediency," of fear, of a base timeAnd ye shall hallow the fiftieth Rooms C. & D, Jewish Community . been made in Russia, was not permitted to. be shown in England serving caution fails to speak the word that would help the year and proclaim liberty through- Center. out the land unto all the inhabi- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10 or France because of its violent attack on Nazi policies. right or refrains from taking sides boldly, unequivocally, with tants thereof; it shall be a jubilee Pioneer Women: 2 p. m., Rooms unto you, and ye shall return ev- C & D, Jewish Community Center. No more worry about "Is he dressed warm How many times Hitler ha3 armouneed iris designs on the those who are on the side of right, of justice and of truth! ery man unto his possession. Choir: 8 p. m., Rooms K'.& L, enough?" The zipper is the answer. Smart new "'Not fey might, or by force, but by My spirit", saith the Russian Ukraine, the bread-basket of the Soviets. If alliance If thou sell aught unto thy Jewish Community Center. :: Bal models in browns, greens, blues, tans and neighbor or buy of thy neighbor, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11 arises between Germany and Suasia it will not be founded c s Lord. 3y the might of the encouraging word — by the force of fancy mixtures. Sizes 16 to 22. 7 " thou shalt not wrong one an- Beth El Auxiliary: 1; p. m. helpful and heroic co-operation — can the Jew help the cav,Sis other. mutual respect nor trust. * Lodge Room, Jewish Community Other Zipper Lined Coats $18 to $25 I£ thy brother becomes poor Center. There is really no good reason why Moscow should of Sight and Justice — tha Cause of Great Britain and France and his means fail with thee, then Bas-A-Ml Bridge Party: 8 p. m., strengthen Germany except for possible advantages of the — the Gauss of Democracy, of Freedom, of Humanity •— the thou shalt u p h o l d him, as a Lodge Room, Jewish Community Boys' Wool Sweatero stranger and a settler shall we Center. Boys' Warm • moment. Uussia has nothing to gain by an alliance with England Jew's' Causa — the Causa of tha "World and of Civilisation. live with thee. , ?2.S5 I. W. O.: 8 p. m., Rooms C & D, and France, but by playing Germany's game she has added "Who should evidence "God's spirit" if not tha Jew, in Mackinaws ' . TALMUD Jewish Community Center. Boys' Kaynee Shirts Rabbi Jochanan a r o s e and THURSDAY, OCTOBEii13 territory and extended her influence—at Germany's expense. whom God has placed His spirit to abide in his seed and his S e e T h e . Nebraska's kissed Rabbi Blazer upon his Choir: 8 p. m., Rooriis K &-L, great showing . . . smart Even if Germany can depend on Russian resources, she seed's seed, from olden times forth forever. -Spirit is indeed head, and said, Blessed be the Jewish Community Center. * Boys' Wool Slacks new plaids in green, $3.75 Boy Scouts: 8 p. m.. Lodge lias no assurance that Eussian supply is enough to take care of mere powerful than the most powerful armies. It inspires them Lord of Israel who hath, given to our father Abraham a son like brown, tan, blue comher wants and she is faced with the fact that Russian trans- with power. It endows them with unconquerable might. Spirit R. Elazar ben Arch, who is able Room, Jewish Community Center. Boys' Kaynee Polo binations. Sizes'8'to 20. is the T. N. T. of the soul, moral dynamite, compounded of the to understand and lecture on the portation ia almost beyond repair. Shirts, 9 5 c lact o f t h e Divlne CJj i? ariot t'mt Boys' Tweeduroy N cf "NoM*s wax 5 There are some who perform well, . . . I. Knickers $2.S5 : i r T : * God's absolute, glorious and. infallible Truth. Tn that but do-not lecture well. You, howTilOJ 1 O:her Wsrzi _u i \ e\er, expound well and dost perSfaeeduroy Long J5.9SI to z'~n, I ,'ael, and all that espouse Israel's Cause must conquer. form well. Happy axe thou, our and on! \ to Circ v P t $ 3 9 5 L r ' J ^ b s . s o craven hut that he will do his absolute duty father Abraham, from whom hath a revivii ^ Boys* Wool Knickers come forth R. Elazar. The Philo council at the UniiT" J" TJ olrcTESstasce that nay arise in these critical, crucial, of Lac Le_i Boys* All-Wool The daughter o£ Acher (who versity of Iowa has changed tho made bad use of his learning) name of Philo club, Jewish stuLeague J Lumber Jackets Boys' New Fall Caps eaiae to EoSsbland asked him for dent organization,- to Hlllei club. the spix> food. Ks said to her, "Whose affiliating itseif with •- the B'naS 8>5c daughter art thou." "I a a tlia B'rith Hillel foundation as an exThe Fall Hat f or daughter ol Aeher," she . replied. tension unit. Bernica Bdfdy. of despair J . "Him" $1.95 Sizes 8 to 20. i— a i*-* A=d i.3 said to her, "Is tbere still Oinabs has been named secretary. lSS3-dO — 5S99-5700 . Boys' Own Store—FoBrtS EToo? left of Ms children in the iaatram * • • The Hillel foundation is ths . . . 3 , 0 w» "Kobbi," sha said, "retsesiber his leading national organization do- }| \ ful nut \. '. Tcraa, o,3d ssot Ms deeds." There-** voted to-cultural, reHsious, and ... Tlnsrs., Bee. upon a lire came down and cre^t social worl: among Jewl3h Btu- < i uliariea v i around the seat of Kobfci* thea fients at American universities. Esther .... Sat, Mere!: BabM Morris N. Kertzer,- proJ^^TJUWS tbc33~Ivc3 tiroujJi it fer^or la-the-'school of religion, previor coimnci APPAREL FOB HEN (the Tcr,,>.) sro towered ihi.c, •mil t-rve-as-director oE activities. ij League vi J I O> c s: 1- I *.£ „ s fleeted" at .tho- first ™ pf Iha' Hillel .council iarraif ? tlsraas^ remedy Arnold Leviae of Ceatert i i i r u-o c l it given no eiaaes to grow, and finally embalmed as a, relia of Nizsteenth century liberalism. '7i.3iev.2r ths govsrEaents of Europe thought of the LJ3JU3 ih.2 people wsra solidly tahind it. In a free democracy, l i i j Z^^ljird, whsn a vot3 "was taken, sisety per ceat of the popuZatic^L balloted ia support of League policies. « © « o
' f
* *v
i.. ,n.i
Smart Suits 50
Gems of A© Bible
Community Calendar
By Henry Montor
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Bikur Choiim
able guidance and personal super- average by from four to eleven 01 spoiled a cinch' 600 series. Brown followed with 484. vision of Mrs. Robert "Wolf. . pins during the series. Badminton is now being played The Bikur Chollm Rummago A special meeting of the' Bas-a- Sale In the Center, proving very popu- . The Cllquot Club Eskimos were Al Fiedler's Pioneer Uniforms will be opened for business ml was held last Tuesday evening. lar with everybody. no seasy competition, "Doc"' Platt slipped a bit on-, totals, "Tony" on Monday, October 9, at 818 -N. October 3, at the Jewish CommunAn outstanding volley ball team rolling a big 615,series,- the:only Cohn's 449 holding top spot. 16th St. composed entirely of grandmoth- one of the night's bdwllng. His Their two losses to Shrlers left ity Center. Chairmen In charge ot the sale ers i3 now meeting at the Center. pad,showed 166-246^203.' Aided them alone at the bottom of the.' Five new members were added are Mrs. J. Chait, Mrs! I. Kaplan, your, reporter preThe "G" maw team, as it is call- by Yaffe's 514 and Georgle Seha- itandings but to the Bas-a-ml roll. They are: Mrs. S. Pish, and Mrs. 3. Gold1 ed, plays good ball, and we wager piro's 500, the match was hot dicts it will be of short duration. Bernlce Silverman, Selma Schol- berg. the team can beat any other one throughout. nlck, Harriette Saylan, Charlotte . . . Anyone with bundles to be callof its kind In the country. Next week's matches find the Mayer, and Sylvia White. ed for is asked to call one of the J. C. C. BOWXIXG Cliquot Club Eskimos out to rePlans for the first annual.card above persons.' The. Wardrobes started slowly Smith Motors on the top party, which is to be held on OctoC. C. Keglers pried the bowl- but warmed up fast' to put two place For decades idealism has" ob- former member of the Executive ing and in cooperative housing. IngJ.lid bracket; Empire .Cleaners'scrapber 11, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish off the keg last, week when wins away before Smith MotorsInvestigate Germans scured the realism of Montesquieu with the Wardrobes to hold Community Center under the -the Communist International, Having won the confidence of they o p e n e d their eight-team hit their stride to take the last ping' ' London (WNS) — The Ministry who said that the laws that are of its lead; State Coal taking its chairmanship, of Elaine Lagman, league affair at the Ak-Sai>Ben game by a wide margin. Paul not written a balanced bio- President Roosevelt by his tact of Information recently announced made are less important than the has with tlie. Pioneer; Uni- are being- completed. and.'skill, Hiliman became a mem- alleys. From now on Little and Steinberg, led the winners with chances that special courts have been esmen who administer them. It graphy. onns, and Tretiaks and Shrier The following girls are* on the Big Potato Steinbergs, the Bowl580, Marks running next with a Paints fighting for a higher spot It is sharp, relentless, ferociou3~. ber of t h e National Recovery tablished by the Home Office to needed the surgical savagery of serving committees: Louis Say Ian,*| When the gains made by ing twins, will be . trying for 483 "for his first series in the in the standings. the Nazi-Soviet pact to reveal to But it is nonetheless both fascin- Board. Bernlce Silverman, Louise Milieu, deal with Germans and Austrians league this year. Steinberg rolled in the NRA seemed to dis- strikes with nothing to spare. a naive world once agaia that ating and convincing. To Souvar- labor Connie Meyer, Selma Scholnick, now In England. Twenty-three jurappear, Hiliman joined forces Also a great number of Center 213 and 209, slipping to a 158 in principles are the temporary pegs iae the history of Stalin is the with Sylvia White, and ChaTlotte May- ists were 'appointed to the London Teams have had some changes Lewis and others to build members have started a Sunday the third game. court which will decide whether on which men hang their person- record of a careerist who has the industrial er. n i personnel and are now fairly union. He has been morning league rolling at • the German nationals are to be placed alities, to he discarded as the oc- wrecked friends, followers, a an influence in evenly matched. President Sam Many door prizes have been docasion requires. Not since Mach- whole ideology in order to ad- tisan League. Labor's Non-Par- •Twentieth Century. Leading rollNo 500 marks developed in the Katzman announces that new gab- nated by Omaha firms. Refresh- Into concentration centers ..tor ers are Al Mayer, A. H. Brodkey, vance his personal interest. iavelli codified political skulldugSmith Motors five, "Doe" Mor- erdine shirts are oeing made up ments will follow the drawing of their own protection or—as in the Henri Barbusse; Isaac Don Le- . Soule has defined four ideas as and Joe Rice. gery has the world been so viogan's 478 leading the group. With and the league ts set for a fast and the door prizes.' Tickets for the case o f many anti-Nazi refugees • lently shaken by the realisation vine, Easad-Bey have been among dominant in Hillman's union polkegling continuing as in the last successful season. card party may be purchased from —-merely paroled.- that power tolerates no rules lor those who have attempted a bio- icy. These are: (1) impartial game for the Smith, an 831, they any member of the club. graphy of the Soviet leader. Only chairmanship as vital for effectuits attainment. may remain in front consistently, In the middle of the eighteenth Woman w a a t a cleaning that by Barbusse conceived of ation of labor agreements; (2) and bear close watching. The Portuguese edict of 15G8 work by day—^all Jewish century, the Brazilian sugar inII those who followed Hitler in Stalin as the logical successor of never relax the struggle to win dustry underwent a crisis because forbidding Marannos to settle in Community Center Boreas his . denunciation of Bolshevism Lenin. Barbusse wrota less a bio- non-union fields to collective barBy JOE SOLOMONOW Phil Katzman's State Coals so many Maranno sugar planters Brazil was repealed after the Bra- of Vocational Guidance. JA and Judaism £ind themselves dis- graphy than a eulogy. gaining and industrial governdrove easily to win a pair from the had been sent to stand trial before zilian Marannos paid the regent a 1 3 6 6 . illusioned by his •williagness to Because it was fulsome it-lost ment; (3) the full resources of Team Standings Tretiaks d e s p i t e the leading sum equivalent, of $714,000. tolerate what he falsely termed j fOrce7~¥c"upvariuVFcses "none"©! well-organised fields m u s t be W I Pet. scores coming from the losers. the Inquisition of Lisbon. available to aid the organisation Empire Cleaaers 6 3 .667 Lloyd" Batik topped the winners i_^ consternation *_ ••-^ H.u3sia, thers is j i,j S effectiveness because of his of workers not enjoying collective equal among those 6 3 .667 with a 464, Phil Katzman running bitterness. Names, places, bargaining; (4) never surrender Smith Motors •who visualized Stalin as the sym- evident 6 3 .667 close with 461; dates, facts are piled mountain- the main objectives before they State Coal & Gas bol of a Messianic world in pro- high Cliquot Club .Eskimos 5 4 .556 to justify bis accusations, his arc achieved. cess o£ construction. MEN! A GREAT AMIfUCAM BUY! im©VM Sinier Paint & Glass 5 4 .556 Tretiaks had two leaders in Pill interpretations. • Certainly there aas been for Hitler and Stalin represent Car- Tretiaks 3 6 .833 with 481 and Sam Steinberg with It was Stalin who said, "The many liberals a volcanic upheaval times have passed when great lyle's conception of the "heroes' Wardrobes 3 6 .333 471. PHI, bowling his first league COAST TO COAST! SHOWM ONLY AT BRANDEIS iii the foundations oi their world men were the chief makers o£ who make history through their Pioneer Uniform Co. 2 7 .223 series, looked good as a consistent outlook because they had blindly history." September, 1939, proved personalities. Genghis Khan, Altopper. Xieagce Records used Russia as the touchstone for that Stalin was as obtrusively, exander the Great, Frederick the High Game, G. Schapiro, 254; economic and social advancement. modest as Souvarine accuses him Great were also "heroes." The Empires, Weitz continued to lead the 840. r „ Not only will there be an inten- of being. Whatever may have hope that'man has that history is High Series, Weltz, 629; Empires, league and the Shrier Paints with sification of anti-liberalism be- been the motivation of his alli- an evolutionary process, that he 2,450. his consistent IS6 average, spilleause of the Russian betrayal of ance with Hitler—and only a pas- may increasingly succeed la dea series of closely-contest- ing 562 pins, the only 500 series the democracies but a deepening sionate hope for the victory of feating his environment is based, edAfter matches Tuesday night, the of the match with the Pioneers. A o£ cynicism among many who had the democracies maS;e3 even a however, on the careers of such Smith Motors retained top spot in game of 148 between a 213 and persuaded themselves that parti- wisp of doubt of his sincerity men as Hillman. a three-way tie with Empire cipation in the social and econ- toward Hitler tenable — he has And Hiliman also strengthens and State Coal. Holding omic struggle was justified by the succeeded in giving a complexion the belief in evolution as opposed Cleaners Over second position are Cliquot Club prospect of progress. to world polities that it has not to revolution as the guide to prog- Eskimos and Shrier Paints. ©no had since the days of the Holy Three New Bocks ress. The revolutions of Hitler Tretiaks and Wardrobes fell Three books that have just ap- Roman Empire. If ideas and not and Stalin seem to end with noth- into Million a tie for third, with Pioneers peared emphasise that the charac- men are the "chief maiers of his- ing more tangible than the deifi- in the cellar position. All three Parts ter of men is more important than tory," does Stalin endorse Souvar- cation of a personality. winners won but two games;— their ideologies. The volumes are: ine'3 contention that Bolshevism (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts Empire Cleaners, State Coals ar_d "Hitler Is No Fool," by Karl Bil- and fascism are interchangeable Feature Syndicate) the Wardrobes. Stock linger (Modern Age Books), "Sta- terms? lm" by Boris Souvariae (Alliance Sidney yjilmmi Sines 1SS2 . Fleishman and Zlotky, with.503 Book Corp.), and "Sidney HillIn the shadows of Hitler and and 500 respectively, 3et the pace man" by George Soule (Macmil- Stalin, Sidney Hiliman is an in- ] for the Empires, who beat their lan Co.). significant figure. Ha not only | VALUIS YOU'LL HAVg TO GO FAR previous high game and high serThat the extensive articles on has no identifying insignia; he j By Stanley Silverman ies records in the league, taking BEPAIU .WORKS Hitler and the various editions of doesn't even have an automobile I TO EQUAL IN SUITS STYLES* BY two from the Eskimos. Every Ilia "Mein Kampr" have not ex- to his name. But he has never- ' member of the team raised 1 120Q-3 Douslas AT 2525 V O I i E T BALXi hausted the possibilities of aaaly- j theiess impressed hi3 personality A fast J. C. C. volley ball team sia la amply proved in the well- on millions of men and helped written, well-printed, fifty cent shape the economic progress of managed by Les Burkeuroad will be entered in the City Volley Ball book by Billinger. America. League. The tentative starting For those who haven't the The book by George Soule date for the league is October 11. patience to wade through the hun- should net have been called "Sid- The Ak-Sar-Ben league the better dredB of pages of mystical verbi- ney Hillman," for it is really not of the two this year, includes the age by Hitler there is no more ja character study of the labor , , . „ „ , . . v .t.. t. . ,, ! M C Ateam skillful and summary but rather an evaluation ^ aad the Benson. ' Omaha AthleUc club. team than that ofsatisfactory Billinger. But even ; iofe a der the methods he used to ad- ia addition to theCommunity Center team.. more valuable is the interpreta- vance labor'3 cause. The Jewish Community Center tion he gives to obscure points, Born in Russia on March 23, tlie contrast or the comparison he 1SS7, Hiliman. went through the will also be represented ia beta of provides between the public utter- usual Jewish education until he the "women Tolley ball leagues. League game3 are scheduled lor Typteelfy American cloihss fSaf Aenre wen a ances and actions of Hitler sines was sixteen, when began secne became Chancellor of Germany retlj to taka Kassian lessons. At Wednesday night ia the various pleee off boner 3a $&Q well dressed confers el and' the systematic program he set-j 18 lie took part in Koviad*3 dem- gyms ia the. city.. 'Woman. And. men leagues • will be played off i a t i e nation by fEa Insurious weolens, fite high down during his imprisonment at onstration of 1905 against the evening so plan to attend Landsberg. grcdo eus?era-ltko po^erns ~ and their so* Czar and wa3 sent to prison, for same and see the Center's flashy volley The Nazi-Soviet pact represents sis months. ball players in. action. psriorify in Hi. gxclesivo vriih us In'Omaha.' a reversal of Hitler doctrine that On August 10, 1907, tie arrived All men. and women, raeiaben Billinger did not predict, far FOR ALL BUILDS 35 TO 46 "Meia Kampf" consistently preached a rapproachment with England and the destruction of Russia. But j clerk at $ S a week. His career as touch with Leslie Burkenrcad or Shop—FoBrth Floor Lee Grossman. even the embrace of the hammer ja labor leader may be said to have HAXDBAIJL. and sickle may be only an irrelev- begun in 1909 when he got a job information concerning the ancy rather than a repudiation of as a cutter in the Hart, Schaffner preFor season handball doubles see t h e essential Hitler purpose: and Mars clothing factory. bulletin board in the -locker -which is ultimata domination of First as a representative of the the room. Get your Partner and sign PEAK VALUES IN SPORTING HEW STYLES'. the world. The phrase sounds j workers ia that plant, as a con- up now! magniloquent, but Billinger, _wUh j ciliator between employer a n d AVKESTUXG . his calm, logical summary of the jlaborers; later as a Union organRegular workouts in -wrestling man and his idea3, malies the izer; in 1914 as Chief Clerk of prospect real and awesome and the Cloakmakers" Joint Board, a will start very soon. Tha team sot a cheap slur invented by aa job. which brought him to New will be tutored by Doc Faier, Sheff and "Ruffy". Silberman. enemy in war-time. i York; and then as First President Katskee, A combination of leather.osd wool fhat ts The class will meet on Thursday Hitler's Power i of the newly-formed United Garin the Auditorium from 8 to practice! as it is smart. Leather slesves, "When Hitler came to power, | ment Workers, Hiliman revealed night those Junkers w&o assisted his increasing strength of personality. 9:30. v/eel body v/tfh knit cuffs and botJcras. MeCENTER FACILITIES progress believed that he -would He was trusted by the workers Regular formal gym classes weight, in blue, green orLred. 35 to 42 become their tool. Some Jews and respected by the employers. •wishfully thought that the respon- Essentially George Soule's book is opened Monday. All classes were sibilities of state administration | a summary of the principles when well attended. The various groups Mea*s Shop—Poart3» H e a r STOP YOU would dilute his anti-Semitism. animated Hillnian and won the include the women class in the Morning, and ther. business girls But these assumptions of Hitler'3 regard of • those with whom he QUICICEO class in the evening. cupidity or leniency have been cams in contact. For information on the Center more tnaa liquidated. As Labor Leader Facilities call the Center athletic Despite six years of Hitler, Today Hillmaa is still head of office. Attention! An extra special there are many in this world, in- taa Amalgamated Clothing "Work- gym class for Jewish women is to ^ cluding vast numbers in the Unit- ers, a position in. which he has be held Tuesday, October ed States, who have faith that been a powerful factor in the de- 10. Thestarting class will be under the Hitler will stay within his orbit. velopment of the CIO. But HillThey refuse to concede that the man ha3 been generally accepted ultimate range of that orbit ia as a liberal who is never too firm BENT —- 3 furnished every spot on earth. Apparently to permit slow advancement -when FOR and kitchen —• heat* England and France, who helped feasible and never too weak to rooms electricity, water, and telecreate and then maintain Hitler, allow retreat from labor's gain. are. now beginning to see the con- He ha3 pioneered ia labor baiik- phone. WE 3 5 2 7 . sequences, first of their aTariciou3 arrogance and later of their poIN MtWB SHOES THAT OWMFASHiptiED; litical maladroitness. FREEl An Expert Counsellor on Room Billinger is a liberal, a Socialist. He has faith in the German people and their power to live at peace with the world, if other nalions will assist in its resurrec" tion. But aa long aa Hitler ia in. power, his menace to Oermany USE OUR EASY PAYMENT PhSM—FAESi&M AT 22OT and to the world must not be minimized by underestimates o£ !S A SMART NiW FASHIOH POOT^IOTS THAT Ws insatiable lust for power or his stubborn will to achieve it. BS SWEEPING THi COUNTRY FOR FALL WEAR! A reader of "Hitler Is No Fool"]! makes plausible any program upon •which Hitler might launch and, MM. TYPES OF OIL BURNERS despite omission of reference to 1 it, makes credible the most amaziug political upset of modern hisCarl Rfekes tory. Stalinist Methods j The Dutch devised a The Secretary of the Comma- ' nist Party of the U. S. S. R. has lag method ©f e@r@fisE!y finis!h« never charted his course as meticulously aa Hitler did in "Meia fig expensive eastern: 'msi© Kampf." Today a careful reading Fo? your protection we liaire equipped c a r fuel oil of speeches made in the past debests, Koiv this ted sfsla'flotracks with RECORDIXG FUEL OIL METERS. No cade might, on reconsideration, more gnessizg Sow nsaay gsllons yoa have scteaHy give an inkling of the possibility Isfi Is Y©ors In foeqvy, of accepting the swastika. received. Sow, when yea buy fuel oil yoa can get a But, oa tha whole, Stalin ha3 shsss. printed meter receipt that gives you an accurate fig* been no leas enigmatic than hi3 •are, sSiowtegj Cie correct namber cf gallons delivered! eyes aad his silences. One need Yoa Sasow alssest to the drop how ranch oil went into not be a Trotsiyist to be fully MS aware of the methods ha used to your storage 't seize and hold power ia the days Hea's SSoes—FoErtsJ F!osr that followed Leaia's contemptuous and fearful reference to hi3 egoism and incompetence. For a far-reaching and detailed study of tha personality of the Tcae la U . S . Tire Program Every Friday a t Communist dictator and of the times which produced him, one 7 O'clock KFAB needa to read Boris Souvarine's "Stalia." The author, a French
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, OCTOBER -6, 1939 threatens to break his own pro-
jves." On the great plains of Einstein of Leaven\70rta aed to tee ~Ught ot conditions i a Enrops duction record through United inzzs, In a battle for the cause Leavenworth he cams a t ths cos- whlea have precipitated s strict Artists for the film studios fiscal cZ liberty, • Hebrew tronis vere elosion of the war. T&e follow- censorship of news, pictures and year with lilae pictures Brows, with his fosr ssaa, Only' feesri. • " • • " ing year, however, fcs went to ; motion - pictures. . Wetesr, and another follower, left recently Goldwyn threatened to This comprehensive and timely Salina County where he lived TLe encounter ended in victory the main party and as they rods suspend all production unless he away, Brawn revealed to the par- for Bro-K-n, and Pate and his men thereafter. In subsequent years film story gives tzs a clear under- were given only grade "A" stories standing of the vital role played fce was Land Office Clerfe, Postty his intentions of stri&iag fear •wers taken prisoners. They were from which to wort. p . g, H into the heart3 of all ot Kansas' celd for three days until rescne'd master, member of the school by the British. Navy In the defense yelled so loud, he got.his way of the BritlsU Empire aad in the board, and a director of the State t y a party o£ militia. pro-s'avary settlers. Afier the "Battle cf B l a c k Board of .Charities and the Kan-strategy of the Allies l a their war I*wrese8 would be avenged. Eddie Cantor claims the record The threats to the free-soiler3 s c i " Brown organized in August sas Historical Society. He wasagainst Nazi Germany. for long distance taiicab rides | would v.av?feeturned to tae sro-cf 1&5S a band of Kansas Regu- also known as one of the leading slare people. The slavery ques- lars. Eondl and Benjamin cad opponents of the strong Kansas The life story of Cart l^eramle, 150 miles to be e x a c t . , . The tion. Brown aad decided, coaM ao both Joined thi3 company, which prohibition element. Sr., who died a t the age of 72 In comedian, who has recently signed leaser fee settled by debates in altogether included only thirtyBondi lived well Into this cen- his home In Beverly Hills about a new contract, has been appearing as guest artist with little Lenl tae Federal congress. The deci- five men, bat Weiner went on to tury and was the last survivor of beea recruited troza t i e Missouri sion to isaka Kansas slave or tree Louisiana where h s had trasiEes3. the nine thousand boys who hadthree yeara after he retired.: a s Lynn a t t h e Fort Worth Caaa president of Universal Films," fe elesisat and; ths threat of force •was not to 03 settled through Eonfil had gone -with Weiner as made up the Viennese Academic an absorbiag tale of the iinmi- Manana. - ••..-.. (Jaeld-id the eiSiseria of La-wteaos | legislativa means. Brown tad de- far as Leavenworth, bat soon re- Legion. grant boy who came to American • Their engagement concluded, not ta resist what was actnisaily, tided upon, desperate moves ta rid turned to his claim. they set out for Hollywood. AH The John Brown episode 13 one deed3 !by the esajtsaest cf ths
By Leoiaard Mailaaia From 1S94, KaB»as-Kebj»32.a Act, to t i e outbreak of t a e Civil War, t i e territory of Kasis&ii ^ a a ec-a» Yalaed Sy civil sisifa ores' iisa slavery question.
lino t a part'dputa Ja taa first Kansas election. 3 y their intarfc-rsaca XJ.2.03.3 -weal jjro-slave. j?cs;> of la-**3 -were ijaase.! to iaraper t i e aaaae cf taa j a; least, ysderal authority. The Abolitionists. Svea the expression I ally, tacaga sail^taatJy free soil, of Abolitionist: sentiaaat was da- j turned ovsr ta t i e marshal! the tawrasy was J'-iisia 2rotta, c'arei a Sigh estate.' OUB« to Kaaaa* &> aaawe? Sohst Srewa _ c* violence of tho g«>aia.vo faraway ia ap3tata Xev Yorls, aa left ta.a city wlta his nsent wltSi i&j sswortl. ..Ija Joan Brown, already pledged to pease, taa marshal! •was mat by lil» followers were tares in a lisijraiioa of tha slaves aad Jones' cf Bottg'as County, sa* Jews who Js»J nettled <sa a I the aiclitiaa of slavery, 'W a 3 Sierit'2 far several ci&itn a c t lar froas Srowa'a J tiacalns fugitive aegroea ta farm Kansas, wio nad nsrita ia u? till nowheadquarters la i j ia a rigorous northern cliraata. He had beea givea refuse ia Lawisn Jiad rescued an aad beea alleged, re ace. Tie
shores In search, of opportunity, Kansas of the border ruffians, On August'30, 1856, four hun- of the most tragic In American atsd found here the fulfillment of went well as far as Ynma, where washouts held up the train for •f6s Fctts^atorals Siasssera dred slavery men attacked • the history. Brown had his defenders. his ambitions and aspirations. First tha group went to the town of Osawatomie, hoping thus Emerson, Thoreau, Dr. Howe, From poverty he rose to riches, twelve hours.. Cantor was due caSin cf tha Shennaa brothers, to bring to an end the power of Theodore Parker and others of following a pattern of. bi3 ownback in Hollywood at 8:30 that whose degradations in tbe asish- the fanatical John Brown. With the great New England Transcen- creation. In the crowded years evening for a special program. He bcrhood wera well-fenowa. One thirty men, including Bondi and dentalista mourned him as a mar- of a busy life and vast experience, hailed a taxi and rode to San was shot here. Nest the small Benjamin, Brown rashed to the tyr. But to the South he will al- he built a film empire, after his Diego, where: he and Hiss Lynn party called at the horaea of the rescue of the town. Fifty of the ways remain the murderous fa- own design, and he leaves an in- boarded a plane for Hollywood. Dcy!e3, poor whites from Tesne- pro-slavery men -were grounded natic that first preached only the delible mark of enterprise and Leal, following In the footstep* of see, bat prs-slava ia sentiment. id thirty-one killed in the on-sword would end slavery. showmanship In the motion pic- Deanna Durbin, appeared as honor guest on the Cantor program. Here the father and two sons wera slaught. To him it had -been a great ture industry. , slain without being given tha cause and to bis three Jewish Tits town of Osawatomle, howLaemmle possessed to the ntold man, nased Braa3oa, from slightest opportunity or defending ever, wss burned, and one oflieutenants it was the cause of most the ability to judge the re- Chico Marx has received offiJoaea, alter the aaeriif iad arrest- theraselvss. Before the party had Brown's sons killed. After this freedom. turns in large production invest- cial nolce from New York that he ed aim for tareateaiag a Raf£ian finished Its bloody work, another Brown left Kansas for a while ments, an instinctive sense which ' is No. 5 nmons the country's best that had gone unsuniaaed after man, 'Wil^l33on, by name, cad bat In 185S he returned under the he followed even, in the face of bridge players . ... but we happen fcrutaUy marisrias a free-3oil fallen victim to Browa'a fanatic- name of Shubal Morgan and ordiscouraging - market prospects to know that the other, three playslavery. Joan Browa ssldatias the northern settlers. man. ism. ganized a military company which From such faith is" his own jadg- ers who; eat In with, ,i»ljn, were nama, a IMblo-qyotln; 'ree soli emigrants were kspt Joaes niaiaelf was a border man this time included Weiner, who Whea on the nest morning fanatical fur? !., „ raent sprang a long list of films Groueho, Harpo and Zeppo. Hoy/ .3 so that t i e slava aad la ti-3 collusion sarrcandins Boadi, returning from the claim, had returned from the deep south, the. Marx Brothers broke -Into which were boxoffice winners. tae aoadaga of human, aoula. U'ta " ba assured cf coa- tae eJiictlcua at this tiae aad be- arrived at the cabin of John bat not the other two Kansas hla Not long ago he initiated a show business is revealed in a lita ancestors, who wars bamed ia trol. Tiair eabbis wera Being eosie sSerilf cf tha county. Strons Brown, Weiner informed him ofJews. By IRVING SOHDERS charity foundation for refugees tle booklet entitled "Fugitives Snglaad aa "eadora of the He£or- burned aad taair svldanea pclat3 ta t i e fact that the murders, b a t did aot say who Station, aa baild dedicated d d t d airnseif i i f from Germany and be personally From a Straight .Jacket," written the attack on Laurence nad been did ths actual killing. Sosna of subsequent career and fate aad aia family to his cause, and iu provided for about 200 unfort- by Joseph M. (for ;;mlnimum). tour of als stalwart 3oa3, planned in advance. Erea a3 tae Brown's followers implicated Wei- of The Choosing suitable pictures for John Brown is part of the sad '•"'"_ ' ' ' ' ;""y-'; : • / •.' taa light to tvoc tau lowly southwhom be brought here G a t e s . who has been described by history of the Civil War period. the kiddles 13 a task for repro- unates In choosing between. the Marx ern negro, ha achieved aia martyrfrom his German: birthplace in senatives of the Daughters of the Browa'a sons 03 a "big, His daring raid on Harpers Ferry dom. Wurtemberg. T h e Brothers and a well-knOTO.blacksavage,, bloodthirsty who In Virginia, by which he hoped t o American Revolution, the Interna- Laupheim, y Austrian Now consigned to a comparational Federation o f ' Catholic blood ties with b^s borne town face comedian, :tbe score of.four k t f inspire a slave uprising, resulted could not ba kept out of any actively unimportant place in Amerl u m n a e , the M o t i o n Pic- were strong throughout his life, to one vra3 too strong since the the be- cessible fight." in his capture and execution. As A ican folklore, Joaa Browa waa ture Department of the Fed- and tor many years he passed a backer argued that "It's as plain church bells In the northern states Boadl, writing la later years of ouca a very real pcrsoa, whose aderation of Women's Clubs, Par- vacation period annually in Ger- as daylight that it's a better deal Y»Tita his pessa Sheriff Joaes incident for a Saliaa paper, tolled and Abolitionists held mem- ent Magazine. Girl Scouts, Boy many—a pilgrimage that ended to get four men at $200 than just venturea struck tear into taa •August .Band!, Jacob 3sajami3, entered Lawrance, deraaaded the the orial meetings, John Browa as a remarked that the new3 did not Scouts, Russell Sage Foundation, only with the rise ot Hltlerism. one a t the same price." And there heart of ev«ry slavo-holder. Ta aad Theodore Weiaar. cf all arm3, and then displease him. Ha was astonished martyr departed this earth. and various motion picture organ- against which be protested as a you are. tae south Browi was rebel aad • 2oadi, at ihiki l i s a a 701123 surrender Harpers Ferry a caanoa on taa "5*ree- when ha wa3 told of tha events, izations . . Final commitments generous contributor of funds for brigand. To the AboliUoniats a•£ 1 man just in his twenties, aad beea turned Stata Hotal." At thi3 juncture aa but tha mea killed "were of the None of his three Jewish fol- for six short (Copyright, 1939, J>y. SerealArU subjects for the lit-various refugee projects. aa waa a hero aad HiiaiSy a. mat- , . m3u . Uberal ideaa ia .Vien- \ iat«rval ci coaiic-cpera eveata oc- same stock aa the James broth- lowers were iavolved in the Har-tle laddies and lassios will be Feature. Syndicate ) tyr. Ha saw aimaelf a:i Instru-1 * f* Enigmatic Samuel Goldwyn nativs3 c2 [ eurr-sd. • To the amsi3enieat of tha ers." Tha Doyle3 and William pers; Ferry raid, but all three made by the appointees of sundry meat of God. and aa he called tor \ : Sherman be accused of having Aa-1 gathered citisenry, tha first ball played an active part in the disascivic and women's groups who, In " "cause * ' " ! Prasae, had settled. Youns Aa-i those who believed • iu vaia from tag caaaoa landed oa broken into tha home3 of numer- trous Civil War of which Kansas the past four years, have provided to follow him, three -w't he^r-l !S U 3 t w a j 3 e a t t 0 t a a Academy aad shot ous free-soil peoples. had beea a warning. tha roof and •withoutdoias aay a successful program of matinee and .longside'Ma. ia hi ^ » 1 V ^ * JZSfo?'* u " ^ harm relied eft. Tae second did a Kansaa ".i\. \r"-»•,";!-,-!| J! received a dasaiea!' Tedacatioa. Opinions oi tlsa Siassacro Benjamin,,-1^3 with the 11thfeatures for children in theaters campaign, they I di had seen service with tha farmed practically ao damaga and powder Mised emotions received word Kansas for three years and died throughout the country. Vienna acadatalc legica, whica placed under tha building had lit- of this series of killlag3 which ia 18S6. Bondi was on November ri-1 comprised ntae thousand Austrian tle effect. In tiio yatir 1334 ihe two terri came ta be Known a3 the "Fotta- 1, 1861, mustered in as first serWhtn Omaha Shops tcith Confidents d N b l toriea 5tudeat3. Finally tha hotel -wa3 set oa watomia Massacres." Even ia Os- geant of Company K, 5 th Kansas Theater-goers will have an op•wera thrown open to settlement. Oa aa Fottawatccai lira aad tha mob went oa its busi- awatomia itself, headquarters of cavalry. He was wounded In sev-portunity this month to sea a Ifatl conditiona been relatively tha failure of the upris- ness of plundering Lawrence. No tha Browns, the leader and hi3eral engagements. "March of Time" short entitled aormaS, thia would aot have "oeea ingAltar cf '43, Ilia 30 maay liberal house escaped and after damaging cohorts were denounced &3 "foul Prior to the firing on Fort Sum- "The Battle of England," espea signal for uau oi! the bloodiest murderers." Tha South clamored the presses o£ Abolitionist publid Geaiila Jewish DktinguUM* ter, Bondi had married Henrietta cially significant at this time In apiaodea ia Uutaaa history. Bat a u left 2urope aad cations, the slave-men, who hadfor Brown's blood. Yet his destae United States was at tae time j 3 e tt f ' ,tha " f Soadfa ^Ui perate action did have the desired entered under the guiae of Federat that tiaaa "lasued by aa ia3ue that seemed j! ^ed ia at. effect of halting the activities of " havea for Germaa refugees. al authority, left. the Border Ruffians, temporarily to have no jolution—slavery. Settlesienta Kisa Boadi least. After all, these MlssourCompromise ^ j faVoTved "in~ Missouri political eaTha settlers around tha Potta- at ians were not going to riaS; their By tha •watomia had for soaia tinia beea ••- c o o i a r o m ^ a i \ j - ; 3 t j a g i a the cauaa oi t i e Beaton in a causa in which they ready for aay sa'oh. eventuality. necks had little interest for fsw of tha Military -' companies had b e.e a intruders slave fcrsaed,'. aad Weiaer, who waa snil- holders. w e r e actually .-' .. ea br tha territory aorta of 3J itaatly free-soil^ of fared to furnisa far Missouri. 20" waa to Sa fraa aoiJ. Tha aa-I Soil" Ia May of 1353 with. Jacob all necessary provisions aa Ms coa- Oswald" Garrison Villard, grands years aaw tha slave <siuea- Bsnjaziin, another St. Louia Jew, triBatloa to the abclltionist cause. son of a noted abolitionist and l t d Bondi estaaliahed hiaisell oa the Weiaer, Boadi, and Jacobs cad the biographer of Brown, however t i o a unfortunately •i'asaa aad beau added lo tha Mosquito Branca of taa Potta- Joined H. H. Tv"UHai23 and that a I r e s tha attitude: "If ha <st ala^a atatos* whila tha aorta •watomie Creek. Two year3 later Patta-watomie- rifles and t h e y (Brown) deserves to lire l a t i s SS'otestad aad aortUariiCra'rafuasd tie otlia« of _&<*• Sondi .family started far thi t!jreat2nad town. tcry, it is aot becansa cf Ma crizl, to pay tasca. CaHfornia aad en-wera settled oa a elaim aear Qrse- Alte? a march, of cnly threa miles gruesome, reprehensible acts c= Ths crhphasis is tered the union as ireo soi!. ^y wers-net Sy^Browa aad tha tha Pottawatosjla' b a t .despite c a y p ' u t b r and "r • 2a New England them." • • " • . . Osawatomie Hitla'3. femininity ca tsat gained a t Aa tha xaea rested in caiap, wonderful colon trembled lost taa day arrive watomie, the two Jaws wsat ta news "waa Srousat that Lawrence The Pottawatomleisoifisat end b e a u t i f u l the baiaaee oi powar ia the call oa a Germaa neighbor, H-aary had beea sacied. They -were too the conclusion..' Events wera fabrics on new Vultetf States Senaca should lie Sherraaa, who lived four miles late. At alraost tha same time an- not reach their bloody climax is. dressmaker deto t a a nortaern atatea. away. Svidently aot ia aa acs-other messenger rode ap to tell to "Black Jack," Ths tails and figure . t such » tiniia come tae ia-pitatile mood, Sherraaa warned then* that the Shermans had beea tha battle.of a t Prairie City,-• another flattering f i t . . 3titutiou of alavary, ajjou •waicb, Baadi that it waa known thraujh- going ta tha houses of frea-soilers settlera soil center, felt theinsslvea We feave all of 'tha 3outa waa buildins its econ- out th3 region that ha was a free- aad taraatsains to clean them out free' threatened by a large force <s£ these combined omy, waa doomed. soiler aad if he were aot careful of Kansas. Bondi with a man border mea uafier a Captain' Pate, in this one dress To forestall what waa now be-he might be lynched. known aa "Old Kill-Devil" Austin who ia the meantime had capof y Sarj recognized aa aa inevitable The reputation oi Sherntan aad Immediately rods back to tha two of Brown's sons. Oa crepe giving yott conflict between the two groups Ma brothers, Bondi and Benjania claim on the Pottawatomia and tured night of May 31, 1856, Pate the soft gathered of • atatea, it waa finally agreed goon learned, was aot taa beat. found that the ataro had been tha on the prairie near a neckline and the upon by the Xaasas-Nvstn-aslta Act Thsy wera allied with tha worst Slandered aad Benjaiaia's family camped small stream called "Blaclt Jack" new psnel elrirt. tSat tho Miaaosirl of tha border element and after aad disappeared, evidently seek- and plundered t a e settlement of should tio nullitled aad tne tarri- repeat3d thrsat3 by this pro-slave ing tha protection of a free-soil Palmyra. He then intended to go toi-y designated ire<i by.ita terms, element, Sondi aad JacoQ3 dacid- settlement. Bondi was therefore on to Prairie City. should now havo it3 own ijay to seek tha safety oi a larger not a participant in tha notorious Brown a i d his followers, going to iuturo atatuu. no that ooti free-saoil aettlameat, fiva miiss ejsiaeda known aa taa "Fottawa- to the protection of tha threattomia Massacre," waich e v e n shies would havq equal chaaco ths nortawsst of taeir claiai3. ened town, came upon Pate a t his territory had been cut into, two they met John Browa'3 son, Fred- Browa'a stauacaest apoIog!3t3 camp ca-the Blacfc Jack and tha have found it difficult to defend. regioaa — Kaaaaa and Nebraska. erleli, who ia liaa wltn a policy three-hour encounter on t h i s Touth/xJ Wotttetfa Sttopr-Tkltd Floor lAwreaca Avenged Xutn-aaka, lyiuj; ta ilia aorlli waa laid down by tha alder Brown ta stream is Stnown by tha came (-•oncedod ivea tii'i'ttary, but ia protect all threatened frae-BOilers, Tha events up to this time had, "The Battle of Black Jack." Itansaa taa altaatlon becama so returned with taasn. cf course, arouaad tha followers though battle 13 a somewhat pom.•?ravo tnat it Is now said tha Civil "Zho T!ireo Sleet BrOTra of Browa to raver aaat. The waa- pous term for what was a small War actually begaa there aad SitrSa-j tha ausiaer tha Jewish pluader o* Lawreaca added to hand-to-hand clash between two aas-aod i!or taa now territory tha aettiera cad ampla opportunity to toa the feeUns3 sf the free-soilers. To band3 of mea. Iz&jln titia "Uluudia.i ICaaaaj." become actiuaiatad with Browa'3 climax the series of episode, news 'She Battle ©f BlacSs Jack To oSreuinveat tha intantlon of four aoau, but it waa aot until was brought that Senator Suasnsr A3 Bondi and Weiner followed taa Xaaaaa-Nabraaaa Act, ths the election __ called &y taa fres- of Maasacausatts, a aaro of tha up tha Mil to attack tha Aaoiitionlata of Boston, t h & i-r j acilers'for their "own territorial A5olition!3t3, Sad feeea attacksd Erown camp of the Missouriass Boafii ftiuka grow tag aluca taa pasiia^a ooaveatioa that they met tha great ia the halls ot congress Isy Rep-called bask, "Nu, waa melnea Sia 01 tha Oiiioua i^a^iiive ijSava Law, Joha Srown hiaiaelf. resantativa Brcok3 of South Caro- Jetit?" orasta.Saad a Ma3iiachuu<stiii Hmilina. ' It was not only in Kans From Weiner came t h s reply, srant Aia Society to further "freeIa tha fail tha two settlers oa that n e n wsra led to dasjerata "Wa3 soil ich meinen? Sof odea soil" occupation ia Kaaaaa. the Mosquito were joined by Theot5eEti»;ii!ieiii iii liitlsaaj dora Wsinar, who had agreed with. Walla tho tJoutheraera attam^t- Jacotjs to infest 3afaa taouiand set- dcllara la a Kaaaaa tradias pcaS. similar aotioa to j tlemcat in tha new territory, taay Soon aftar Weiaar'a arrival Boadl were handicapped by a number ct returned to St. Louis. considorationu. Xaasaa was aotthos3 wlntsr soath3 avidantly suited to alava labor. Nor wera Sheraaa had oa several occasions tha aouthern alava-noldars ia a Invaded the new trading scst, and 3?O3itioa to disposta o'C their largo on at ioast one, ha and Welasr laud-holdiuijs and mtarata ioi' tha engaged ia combat. aalio oi theu* priauiplos. TUo souta 3o3di arrived bacJs oa tha claim was at a further disadvantage by the day tha new towa at Lawrnot aavSns mauui'acturhig tawaa euce, a free-soil settiautaat, waa and urban csatara wit'a ssceaa threatened by tha 3iava grotip unpopulations that couid ba outfitted der the guiaa of fadaraJ authority. rnsri'Ujiisy, aad with taa promiaa Oa May 31, 135>3, tha UaSt3d of fraa laad aaat" westward. States maraUall appeared with a To rasaedy its obvioua poaaa of aavea auadred n a n oa a tagea, southern landholdara, it aill above tha city and was charged, wars eaHatins taa the 3urreadar of a auniber of ire services of tha dregs of Missouri. stata raea -who were chargad, uaCulled "Bordar Ituffiaaa" thaao' sier tha pro-slay-a laws oi Kaasas. Miaaourlaau poured over tha atata with higa ar*tw<33. Tha s had
Hollywood.. erry Go-Round
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Gcmo In and cc© "tills full slzo cotisolo
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Leas Ik*2*. tasoKJi tad tiatwAta t a J tt.s cew 'uay vtiU k »• that s lha S^ure Artist Mc-Jd rives yen! Theflowinggrace »> ea eaaibfiiJ \,:Ch Wife csa* tnd X»M««» e dS-is-ess fouadatlca d cftif csrtetisafciiity ef a two.sleis g-.n..<£ii, «6 y IdveLul curves. Thi L a b iciittiabie frr <;u!c!i disn** fl ir easy hs-nderia;. There is aa An'.a Model i"<>r fvcrj- ^ *i Let this famous stylist <ktvi«:*&lrcv6 "svliil Ai4T-iiiT
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