y In the Interests of the Jewish People
Coming Back My triends, the Theosophistlady, assures me that 1 "will come back and live on the earth again ia a new body after this one has SCLUKU Claaa Wall Mallei uii January 3t, 1331, a t died. (Reincarnation is the belief OMAHA,--"NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 193D rusttitfice. uf Omaha. N*bntsRa, under the Act of March 3, 1S79 oi the Theosophists.) Yes, I say to the Theosophistlady, the immortality you offer is more desrable than others. For example, I see no point in iny ghost living eternally in idleness even, in the best possible of heavens. An everlasting existence withMrs. David A. Goldstein of Omout anything to do! No! Mrs. Ben Silver was elected aha addressed the opening meetIf I am to have everlasting life president of District 20 oi the Naing of the Fremont chapter of HaI should rather come back to the tional Federation of Temple Sisdassah held at the home of Mrs. earth and live it. There are so terhoods at the regional meeting Mose Krasne of Fremont. Fortymany things I should like to do held last week end in Kansas City, over if I could. So many regrets! Report Is Submitted t o Mo. Intimate German;—-Might five persons "were present at the Rounded - up nseeting, including members and So many mistakes! Camps; Work Long Intergovernmental. Mrs. J. J. Singer of D:es Moines, Impede Jew : -,.,/"^ '-"-•-from Columbus, Norfolk, It would be very comforting to formerly of Omaha, was named Hours . -• Farley' be allowed to do it all over in the second vice-president of the disAgencie? '" "-"•** Play Try-Quts ; , ,n discussed the sitlight of lessons I have learned. trict. NUMBER EXECUTED and related her exBut have I learned my lessons? GROUP HOLDS MEETING Mrs. Silver ia a former president SUPPLIES Try-outs for the Center Play-. fen*.-^ ~" Europe at the outWouldn't I be the same blunderof the Temple Israel Sisterhood er1 first production of the seaNuremberg Laws Are In- son will be held Sunday afterins fool again, going back to the President Addresses Ses- and is the present president of the Roosevelt Asks All Work reak of~tii.__jonflict. same fires in which I burned my A tea, carrying out a blue and troduced into Polish Omaha Section of the National sion Opening Be Co-ordinated noon at 2 o'cloqk in Ihe audifingers the last time, falling into ehite scheme representing the orCouncil of Jewish Women. torium of the Jewish CommunSilesis Conference During War New officers for. the Mid-wee!.the same holes? ganization's colors, featured the ity Center. : egion of the Women's League ol lose of the afternoon. A center- By ALEXANDER WEIXERMAN Besides, do I really want to The play chosen Is, Edward By PAT FRANK Washington (JTA)—An expert he United Synagogue of America liece of blue and white l.aby pomlive again? What for? What Kaunas, Lithuania (JTA) — : Wooll's popular three-act pro- were elected at the closing.sesioms and crystal candelabra with What does this world contain to commission's report favoring setWashington (JTA) — T h e duction, MLibel." onditions akin to slavery have ions of the second annual confertempt me back to it? To be sure tlement of refugees m the PhilipAmerican Red Cross will co- lue tapers served as decorations een imposed by the Germans upnce held in Omaha Sunday, Monin the tea table. the dahlias are growing beautiful pine Islands was submitted to the operate with the American Jewish n Jews in the occupied Polish conference of officers o f the Inday, and Tuesday. this autumn and what days, are Joint Distribution Committee in trea near the Lithuanian frontergovernmental Committee on more lovely than October's. The bringing aid to the suffering thouMrs. L. B. Schwartz of Mlnhofe* ier, it was reported here. '•.. serenity of October mornings Refugees, opening Tuesday at the sands in Poland, Chairman Norolis was named new president. White House. ., The invaders are rounding up Varied Program to "wrapped in mystical haze,- the perman H. Davis told newsmen. Others serving are: Mrs. Leonard 11 Jews, including rat bis, and fection of October nights. The report was considered last Hochenberg of Des Moines, first Offered During Davis intimated that the J. D. placing them in special camps Friday by a meeting of President vice-president; Mrs. Lee D. EJeellg If Ufa on earth were all OctoC. would find its work, handiWinter •where they are organized into Roosevelt's advisory committee on f ICansas City, Mo., second vicebers it might be worth coming capped in Poland because of the work groups. Cruelly treated and political refugees in Xew York president; Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsliy back to, hut lift on earth also An educational program for German occupation attd that the badly fed, the Jews are forced to preliminary to being forwarded contains Hitlers and cruel arrogadults will form an important seg- question of co-operation would bo fiabbi Rackovsky. to B e work 16 hours, daily in loads and Center to Sponsor Special of Omaha, third vice-president; Mrs. Morris Plgur of Minneapolis', ance and powerful explosives that to the conference here. of activities during the cur-discussed by American Red Cross fields. Illness is rife among the Manuel Quezon, president of the ment Guest Speaker Affair Next Friday, ecretary; and Mrs. Herman Conn The Theosophist-lady replies observers now in Geneva. ent year, it is announced by the risoners, who have insufficient f St. Paul, treasurer. > out children that have been Philippine Commonwealth, indi- ewish Community Center. These observers, h;; said, will -Monday Morning . ,. clothing forthe cold weather, and brought up by so much pain. No, cated before the experts' commissoon meet with Walter Hartmann. Mrs. Joseph Gordon of Minneamany deaths are reported. This program is in response to I don't think I want to live it allsion sailed from Manila last March numerous requests for the forma- ol the German Red Cross, in Next Friday, October 27, at 10 polis, retiring president; installed Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky, rabbi Sentenced to Death that the government was agreeover. Geneva. The German Red Cross, a., m. the Jewish Community Cenhe new officers., f the United Orthodox CongregaMany Jews, including women, able to accepting refugee immi- ion of interest group3 and clas- which at first refused aid from ions Must Return of Omaha, will be guest have been sentenced to death on ter Vill hold the first of its ser- Eight-one 'out-of-town delegates;es. The variety of the subjects gration if the commission found Anyway, I am a Jew and why scheduled for the first semester the American relief agency, has speaker at the regular meeting of charges of sabotage aud murder es of unusual programs designed representing fourteen congregashould a Jew care to start all over j the Commonwealth couid support ncludes music, Jewish history and now changed its position, Mr. B'nai B'rith Monday, October 23, f Germans. Property held by or- especially for children. All these tions in eleven cities of the state3 them. At the time "ie mentioned to be Jewish after death has given iterature, world affairs, child psy- Davis said", and is accepting medi- at the Jewish Community Center. janizations has ' been confiscated events will fall' on school holi- of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Mln.-. •" him blessed rest. Nothing has a figure of 10,000 as the number hology, and home arts. cal supplies lor wounded Polish The meeting will take place in the and all synagogues, that escaped days, next Friday being the second nesota, North Dakota, South' Dahe believed the islands could acchanged for Jews in 2000 years, lodge room and will start at 8:15 the Nazi bombardments have been day of the annual teacher's con- kota, and Kansas, were present Mrs. Otto Wiese will conduct a soldiers. commodate. vention. . ' ....'•.' except, perhaps, for the worse. 1 Appropriate 91,000,000 losed. p. m. at the sessions" which opened Sunsewing and designing group on Washington, (JTA) — Current prefer to stay in my grave and The program will feature a mo- day evening at the Blnckstone. - i Topic of Rabbi Rackovsky'a Monday evenings, at 7:30. Stu- Davis announced that §1,000,Jews in the town of Suwalki refugee work must not be abanenjoy its perfect oblivion. attending this class will 0 00 has already been appropriated talk will be "Traditional Respon- have been evicted- from the few tion picture of Louis May Alcott's The first discussion was devotdoned, but indeed all its efforts dents Paftence!" earn how to create personalized for relief in war-torn sections of sibilities." Rabbi Rackovsky came houses left standing, which have famous and beloved story, "Little ed to the "Bible As a Living that precisely because I am a Jew must be redoubled. President styles, cutting, remodeling, fitting Europe and that voluntary dis- to Omaha in time to conduct High been taken over by the troops, and Men" which "since its publication Force in American Democracy." I should come back, I must come Roosevelt told otricers of the In- and sewing, and general dress de- tributions were being received for Holiday services. the entire population, largely Jew- seventy years ago has enthralled Participating in • the discussion specified and unspecified counback. Tha world needs Jews. The ter-governmental Committee on signing. • He formerly was rabbi of the were the Rev. Thomas R. Nlren ish, is suffering from hunger. readers, young and old alike* tries. He.said that large quanti- East Side Orthodox congregation Members of community ruling spirits of Jew3 are needed for Refugees as they convened at a of the First Presbyterian Church, Town Hall of the Air Special Program ; ties of medical supplies, blankets patience and philosophy and jus-White House luncheon Tuesday. in Boston, and at the present bodies and the leaders ct political Rabbi Monroe Levens of, Dea Miss Blanche Kleixnan will On the same program will be a Moines,. At the same time he held out again direct a discussion group and clothing were already on the time is vice president of the Rab- parties have been arrested and tice and compassion, she says. and Mrs. David Aronson special short feature, '"Run Away hope on refugee immigration by ocean. But it i3 by no oieaaa certain binical Council of America, and is transported to an unknown destiof , Minneapolis.- The speakers which will listen to the broadcast Blackie." There will be a short saying: "Active steps have been that when I come' back to the In connection with the J. D. C. on the executive committee of the nation." Many who attempted to the need. of utilizing .the' of "America's Town Meeting of musical-program and refreshments stressed earth to live here again I will re- taken to begin actual settlement, the Air". This class provides an work in Poland, Davis expressed Mizrachl organization. He was teachings of the Torah to matoa escape to Lithuania were caught will be served. made possible by the generous atturn to the body of a Jew. My life today happier.* . opportunity for one to keep the hope that practical difficulties also a member of theexecutive In presenting this program, the spirit, indeed, may endow some titude of the Dominican Govern- abreast of world affairs and towould be surmounted. He said ommittee of the New England at the- frontier by German solAt the Monday morning session diers. Jewish Community Center feels it ment and the Government of the aryan German %vho, by reason of participate in a discussion follow- that 5,000 blankets and 30,000 Region of the . Zionist QrganizaMrs. H. R. Rosenthal of St..Paul, Adding to unbearable condiis making an Important contribumy soul being in him, may turn Philippine Commonwealth. This, I ing the broadcast. This group will suits of underwear nave already on. tions In' the occupied territories is tion to the cultural development Mrs. Robert Glazer of Mason City. out to be a patient man among hope, is the forerunner of many meet the first and third Thursdays been dispatched for Polish refuThis • is the second meeting of a strong recrudescence of Polish of and Mrs. Herman Licht of the children of. the community. Iowa, other similar projects in other na- of the month. arrogant brutes. gees who have reached other coun- the local B'nai B'rith lodge and anti-Semitism. In ' • some areas, Sioux City, .Iowa, spoko. on. tha Experts ini education . agree that "We are all just people togeth- tions." Mr. Arthur Rapport will present tries and who are desperately in while Rabbi Rackovsky's talk ia anti-Jewish excesses are reported one ojt the great lacks of the pre- general subject "Claiming Our InThe President made the awe-an interesting course' of special need of warm clothing. er," he may say, "and why should the feature of the evening, busi- to have, occurred. Jewish apart- sent time care, programs suitable heritance." . , we be impatient with other races some estimate of between tea and appeal to lovers of music. In an TVarn of Suffering' ness will be transacted previous to ments have been:-demollshed and for the; entertainment of children. Mrs;. RosentbaJ discussed the and nations and attempt to push twenty million homeless refugees informal atmosphere, fine recordWarning that "human suffer- the speech. .Plans for the'South- sale'of food to'-Jews' has,-been re- . Admission ,-will be free to. Cen- need) of an adult.edUcatlQnel pro' them off tha earth? We mast let confronting the world by the time ings of lasting value will be play- ing will become more appalling" western '-- Regional c o n t e'-r e nee fused. ; " '•-.. •' !-.':. ter, members. vNo"n-m§mhEsra, VlA gram, stressing the fact t h t t i " the war is'ended." Other people live, too. Patience. ed and interpreted to the1 jjroup. if the war continues, President "which is to" be held -here on No•we have" lost tne emotional ^^Anti-Jewish lJaws in : jlhaxgedJflfteencejaj^iAdul & j)ecaxgdJltee>,jj^i -Attending the.luncheon*---Bttt" by- •tkiB/ • •my^Sear-v'i'heos©TMs-"groTrp" wilf meetrtKe secuntF Boisseyelirjerged-ta—a-statement •^xafer*9-Tmi=feB-filBcu"sseaCJefnatKfrRumtoiaT3 p who accgmpan3%xhildrei -j^i\V be Amba3sadors from tha Argentine, alogy to discover which of his that the work of voluntary .relief was reliably ; learned that, the admitted, without charge, provid- on an intellectual i>biat-lady, ha (I shall call him Brazil and France, Secretary of and fourth Thursday of the month. agencies be completely co-ordinatReich has put into effect in Polish ing they iire'members.of the Cen- er .spoke on-the. problems that face The cooking class will be taught State Hull, Lord Winterton, chair(•Manfred von Baldur) will at once ed in order to avoid duplication.of the Jews in the, small-community Silesia "all ,the laws now being: en- ter. by Mrs. Helen Kilbourn, on Thurs.become a marked man among the man of the Intergovernmental effort and waste in effecting rewhere the diverse" elements1 of Juforced in Germany, especially the days, at 5:45. Dietary laws will be Other programs will be held on daism prevent jsryans. They will say he. talks like Committee; Sir Herbert Emerson, lie? in the war zones. any effective organrigorous anti-Semitic measures observed. future school holidays. m. Jew. They will search his gene- director; Undersecretary of State The statement, drafted by the ization. . ,i AH Jewish shops have " been Additional groups and instrucalogy to discover which of hisSumner Welles, American ViceState Department, 'pointed out In her paper Mrs. Llcht pointed closed. No Jew has the right to grandmothers was Jewish; they Chairman Myron C. Taylor, the tors will be announced shortly. that while the United States was out the difficulties that have ariscarry on. trade or even sell his •Will search everywhere, never sus- Minister from the Netherlands and For additional information please neutral in the present European en from a too rapid and.too.eagJames G. McDonald, chairman of call the Educational Department conflict, "I am sure we cannot Women's Division Opens property. Automobilss and radios pecting it's my ghost in him. er assimilation of the predominbelonging-to Jews have been con of the Jewish Community Center, be indifferent to the suffering inNevertheless, he will yield noth- the President's Advisory Commit- Ja. Season Monday ant non-Jewish culture. fiscatedi In order to circumvent 1366. . • ing. Hi3 Jewish spirit will tell tee on Refugees. flicted upon the peoples of the At the formal banquet held At Noon this, many Jews gave-their, auto Former Belgian Premier Paul him that it's all right to suffer. war-torn countries, particularly Monday evening Rabbi Morris Admobiles to Polish friends as outAh, Manfred von Baldur, after van Zeeland, president of the Coupon the helpless women and chiller of Detroit spoko on the "probThe first meeting of the year of right gifts. your head has been made bloody ordinating foundation, failed to dren." New York (JTA)—Immigration lems facing Jews in America. We the Women's Division will take The Nazi authorities have comreach these shores in time to atby the first stone the other stones ,The president continued: "It is place on Monday at 12; 30 at thepelled the Jews to do the work o to Palestine, whether quota., or are faced with the problem,of dethat fall won't hurt so much. The tend the opening of the refugee traditional that the American peo- Jewish Community Center, Mrs. cleaning up the damage caused by extra-quota, has continued unin- pletion of the Jewish heritage. conference. He was esepected more stones that hit you, the less ple should wish, after providing in Joe M. Rice, president, announces. German air raids and bombard- terruptedly, in. the current crisis Rabbi Adler pointed out. So mucji the paia. Be brave, Manfred von Wednesday. lull measure for the support of This meeting will inaugurate the ments. It is the Jews who.are and is a source of "the greatest of the tradition is lost in passing New York (JTA) — A long Baldur. (This his experienced o u r necessary charitable en- season's activties, and it is expect- filling the shell holes and bomb satisfaction and encouragement to it on from .one generation "to au-Washington (JTA) — Ameri- deavors at home, to extend maJewish spirit will tell Manfred von memorandum on the legal posi. ,i the Palestine Jewish community,' pther. tion of refugees and stateless per- cans were called upon not to for- terial aid to the helpless victim; ed that a lqrge attendance will be craters and sweeping the wreck- Israel Mereminsky, general secre- ' Delegates to the conference were Baldur.) oh hand. age of shattered buildings. Severe sons who are refused residence get Hitler's record of religious of war abroad. With the conCompassionate tary of the Palestine Jewish La- taken on a tour of the city on A luncheon will be served in penalties await all who refuse o bor He will preach compassion in rights in European countries ha persecution and racial atrocities tinuance of war, human suffering connection Federation (Hlstadruth) de-; Tuesday. An'open house was held with the meeting. Folwho work too slowly, it was said. the moat aryan places . . . "Jews b e e n submitted to President as Senator Edward R. Burke of will become more appalling and lowing a short business meeting, clar'ed upon his arrival from Paris by Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Gold,are our brothers and why should Roosevelt and delegates to theNebraska spoke in the senate and (Continued on page 7.). ou the United States liner Wash- stein following the tour. the women will have an opportun'yre tear Poles to pieces since they White House conference on refu threw his "weight towards repeal iugton. . Mrs. David Greenbcrg of Omaity to spend the afternoon in of the arms embargo. Barke, iare our brothers as well. The pain gees by the Committ&e for the Mereminsky," who is a member ha was chairman of the convenBridge and Mah Jong. ,bf a Pole ia no less than the suf- Defense of Rights of the Jews in often a critic of the administraof the Zionist General Council and tion committee. Plsns for the "Harvest Dance' Bering of a German and the hun- Central and Eastern .Europe in tion, said that neither keeping nor who remained in Europe after the Next year's -conference will be to be held on Saturday night, Ocjger of a Jewish child afflicts him Paris, it was announced today repealing the embargo could be Zionist Corigress/Is here for a six- held in Des Moines, Iowa.' The tober 2 8. at the Jewish CommunDr. Boris Gourevitch and the Rev. called neutral but that he could i»o leas." month' stay during which .he -v Women's League represents, the ity Center have been completed f He will have other speeches to Henry Smith Leiper submitted the see "no justification on a n y co-operate in all projects designed auxiliary organizations of Conseraccording to Mrs. Sam Wolf, ground for permitting a law to memorandum on behalf of t h < give but there will be no time for to further the work of the Hlsr vative synagogues. chairman. A very fine orchestra stand that favors Hitler." committee. them. Speeches for justice and tadruth ,and the .Ylshub as a has been engaged, and plans for a Senator Burke quoted the Pope Lord Marley, British Laboriti ijfor peace, speeches for righteous'• • ' f-ine decorative background have Rabbi Frederick Conn,, repre- whole. ness and fair dealing. His plea member of theHouse of Lord as damning the religious persecuDuring his stay, he will also been made. With the assistance of sented the Omaha Jewish com tions in Germany, and then he jtor compassion will have made it and chairman of the British ParThe Jewish Operetta Company active committee, the outmunity at a testimonial dinnei endeavor to establish improved !jcertain to every conscious aryan liamentary Council of ORT, a rwent on to say: "In determining will appear Sunday evening, Oc- an social event of the sea given Tuesday night at the Fon-contact between the American that there is something Jewish in rived here on the S. S. Washin_ whether we shall continue a law tober 22, at 8:30 p. m. at the standing son is in store for the commun- tenelle Hotel to honor Francis P Jewish community and Palestine ton for a lecture tour in America that favors Hitlerisin we can Jewish Community Center In theity. • • " . . . Matthews,"new supreme knight ol during the crisis and to strengthen Genealogical researches failed It was believed he would attend properly consider the attitude and play "Back to His People." Provides Funds the Knights of Columbus, Catho relations between the, two com-to discover any Jewish, -grand- the Washington refugee confer conduct of those who direct that The story of the operetta tells munitles.^ During the past year, the Wom- lie iraternal organization. movement t o w a r d minority mother influencing, the thought ence. an assimilated Jew who reTrouble Linked to Nazis en's Division has done much to In his speech, Rabbi Cohn regroups, particularly the Jews. The of and heart of Manfred von Baldur; to the fold of his fathers. improve the appearance of th called how a t : Omaha's pionee - Commenting on the question of story of recent and repeated turns even back to the time of FrederMembers of the cast iriclud Jewish Community Center Build- good-will meeting Mr. Matthewi Immigration itt an Interview with The' local Council of Jev/lsh atrocities is so fresh in our minds such ick the Great Ma grandmathers well known figures of theIng. It provided the funds with spoke, at Temple Israel. He;v the J . T. A.; Mer^ininsky ex- Women will-be In charge of Mrs. that further proof is unnecessary. were all aryan. Yet his treason stage as Abe Zwaig, Dor- which the Center was enabled to then a young attorney of brilHan pressed conviction that the rate Ruth Neuhaus' second lecture Of I give only this brief statement Yiddish to everything aryan ia evidence othy Zwaig, Nellie Green, Loui, redecorate the rooms on th-. and extent of Jewish immigration • a' series on International Relapromise. - . from an outstanding American enough that he is possessed of a Green, and Hymie Birnbaum. to the Holy Land depended both tions. • The lecture is scheduled "ground floor. A General Lounge, citizen whose sources oi informaRabbi Cohn also told how elevJewish spirit. The group will broadcast a pro- with comfortable furniture was en years ago when he was in"on the; means and t h t efforts for Tuesday.morning1 at 10:30 fa tion are complete and whose verManfred von Ealdur's Jewish gram of Jewish songs over Radic made available on the first floor, Rome a letter from Mr. Matthews that the . Ylshub itself can putthe Brandeis Store auditorium. spirit leads him but to the chopConsiderable publicity in Call acity is above question. He said: Station W. O. W. Sunday morn- and and oiganize it. the old check-room was redec- arranged an' audience with the forward to absorb The Council is sponsoring the ft ping block. His head is posted fornia newspapers has been given I " 'The sufferings of the Jews ing from 10:45 to 11 a. m. He added: Xf American Jewry series In co-operation-. wtth.. the orated and converted into addilate Pope Piux XI. ;: - Unter den Linden. A sign under the controversy occasioned by Ir- in Germany have been so horrible, tional meeting space. . . can put forth efforts in behalf JY. W. C. A., the Omaha Federated it: "Manfred von Baldur, executed vin Stalmaster's decision against so terrifying, so diabolical, that of the Yishub commensurate with Council of Church Women and The new main project of the for Jewish ideas treasonable to a "quickie" strike called by a San no man-of sensibility would ever the efforts of the 100,000 Hlstad- the Unitarian Alliance. Women's Division is the support dare make a public recital of the Reich." Pedro longshoremen'3 union. ruth members in absorbing the Mrs. Ben Silver will preside at of the Camp Jay-C-C. The Wom* No, my dear Theosophist-lady, I I Stalmaster, a former Omahan, them'." immigrants, then Palestine could Tuesday's.session. Mrs. Max Holzen's Division has underwritten the can not approve of my Jewish who is arbitrator between the San Burke told an applauding senreadily be prepared as a center tnan, Mrs. Milton Mayper, * Mrs. operating deficit, and is now makghost returning to the earth agaia Pedro Waterfront Employers as- ate: "It is my contention that Funeral services were held Tues- for the immigration . of the Jew-M. Katleman and Mrs. B e n ing plans for the expansion of th< and again and getting young men sociation and the International traditional American policy does -' ; Shapiro will usher. Mrs. A. D. camp program and facilities. J day afternoon at the Jewish fun- ish masses." .,\ like Manfred von Baldur in. bad.Longshoremen's union, decided not require •us to pursue a course Commenting on the war, theFrank, Mrs. PhU Gilinsky and Camp Committee will shortly b eral home for Myer Lipp, 66, who It will be just a nuisance to who- the refusal of a union to pass of silence in the face of barbaric appointed to supervise the'.plan- died Monday morning at his home labor leader said that the world Mrs. Manuel Grodlnsky are in ever gets it. It will trouble him through a Chinese picket line was outrages systematically perpetratafter an illness of two years. now had an ^opportunity to seecharge of ticket sale?. ning of the 1940 Camp Season. about other people and their illegal and ordered a week's sus- ed upon helpless minorities anyA resident of Omaha for thethat the three and a naif years of The Center Forum wil open its Last Tuesday Mrs. Neuhaus pains. It will send him flaming pension of the strikers. where on earth. Never in the his- annual series on Tuesday evening past thirty-six years, TVIr.'Lipp wa3 terrorism In Palestine were not spoke on "Today Is History-" • In . against all manner of injustice, The strikers appealed the de-tory of this country has there been November 7, when the Rt. Honora charter member of the Con-the result of Zionist "Infiltration her discussion Mrs. N e ' n h a u . s such as poverty and slums and cision to Secretary of Labor Fran- any hesitation to denounce such able Lord Dudley Marley. Opposi gregation of Israel, South Omaha, and; activities but were "definitely warned "we cannot accept war as social inequality; so that he will ces Perkins, who upheld Stalmas- persecution and atrocities,." and until the Synagogue acquired linked to the efforts of the-same inevitable." "She went-on "to eay tion leader of the British House be considered scarcely respect- ter's ruling. However, Wayne L. The British policy in Palestine of Lords speaks. i ts ; building,. services were for totalitarian powers which: today that in tlmes llke the3o "we canable. Morris, arbiter of the Pacific was held up as an example of W. F. Cbzad, president of th< three and a half yeara conducted are at war with the democratic not Indulge :ire 'fear o* despair. Lord Marley. arrived in this Fiery Radical Coast water-front, over-ruled the perfidy as Senator Ciars. of Idaho country last week to attend the Omaha Council of Churches, wil in his home.. :powers."; -. :•' - ; ' ' : • . , _ -..':_'• .-..'..-. ; • Clear thinking Is essential to keep He will be called a Communist penalties but did order the long- fought against repeal of the arms Inter-governmental Conference o. occupy the pulpit of Temple Is He was active in many Jewish us out of any conflict." and his father (who may be ashoremen to load the ship. When embargo. Refugees called by P r e s i d e n rael this evening. Mr. Cozad wil organizations including the Ohia"great industrialist and an elder in the men again refused, Morse, un- Charging that Britain's record Roosevelt. Originally scheduled t speak on behalf of "Religious Em ha Hebrew^ Club, the B.'cal B'rith, RABBI WQLFGOtD TO one of the best churches) may able to enforce his decision, re-of aggression and of racial and re- speak on the events leading t phasis Week" and will discuss th and the Labor Lyceum. • VISIT IN OMAHA RABBI GOLDSTEIN disown him. His father will be signed. ligious persecution was no better war. Lord Marley will discuss th relation, .of. the teachings of th . Surviving are: his wife; Lena; S£»fcAKS AT YORK. dreadfully puzzled as lie considers church and synagogue to the com- three daughters, Mrs. Eva L. Kon- The Mizrachi organization ot The Los Angeles papers have than Germany's, Clark shouted: situation as is. how a child of his became pos- been unanimous in upholding Stal- "The British in Palestine first munity. Tuesday night Rabbi DavI<I "A. Omaha has received word that' ecky of: Omahai Mrs. H e r m a n As chairman of the commute' sessed of such ideas. He had master's decision and say unless made promises to the Arabs, and to aid refugees.and chairman foi Mr. Cozad was formerly presi- .Wise of Chicago, :nnA Mrs. H. X. Rabbi %Volfgold will soon visit Goldstein spoke before six hunbrought him up so ca'refully in it is enforced labor relations on then made promises to the Jews, the past eight years of the Parlia- dent of the Northwestern Bell Cherniss of Council Bluffs; three here. Rabbi Wolfgold is a resident dred persons a,t. a meeting held the most fashionable schools. the Pacific water-front are on then when the Arabs sot too hut mentary Advisory Council for the Telephone Company and has been sons, Loui3 EL of Omaha; Pr» of Palestine and is a member of at the First Methodist Cburch of for them they broke these prom- aid of Jewish minorities in Eaa active in Omaha religious circles. Frank of Kimball, Nebr., •;•;: and, the- World Executive of ths Bllz- York; Nebraska. ,, •> He may like Jews, though hia. their way back to chaos. ises." .•••-.. } people meticulously isolated him George of Kansas City, Mp.;.-and rachi Organization. Rabbi Goldstein spoke on the tern Europe, he has frequently from Jews during his childhood. Lorenzo da Ponte, an Italian Further details regarding the "Eternal "Conflict." The meeting," traveled in the areas to which aid Manuel Phillips, a New Yorlc five grandchildren. Without being told in so \ \ny Jew, composed the libretti for Jonas N. Phillips was acting was extended and which are nowJew, was assistant surgeon of the Burial was at Pleasant Hill visit will be announced in .the near was sponsored by the Fine Arts Society of Yorlr. . • , '- • . (Continued on page 8.) Mozart's operas. future. mayor of New York in 1S57. 'in the zone of German conquest, j United States navy 1809-1824. cemetery.
Fremont Hadassah Hears Talk by Mrs. David A. Goldstein
Temple Sisterhoods . Name Mrs. Silver : District
Minneapolis Woman Is Chosen as New^ \ President
Rites for Myer lApp HeM Tuesday
Speak at Temple
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V 1 ; i The oyv'niiig meetiii^. of the S'aai B'rSth Forum will be held on Tuesday, October 13 with Mrs. !Avla C. Sciiulmau as spealcar. She .•will talk on "Tia Jawistt Post-sjei'tyi to iSsila," 3ira. Shulmaa was educated at i i a Univeraity or Cincinnati, Uaiyersity of Chicago and Nortiwestera. Slia also studied at the Hebrew Ualoa college in Cincinnati ios? four years. She has traveled extensively in Hurope and the near .east. She nad many interesting experiences in Palestine, where sne .-worlied in a Collective. Mrs. Shulman'3 visit3 to Democracies in Suropa gave her first-hand information upon changing scenes in .tha nations all over the world. Tnere will h& no admission ipharge for this lecture.
FRIDAY NIGHT SERVICES ~ Kabbi Carl Ca3tle has arranged to have regular Friday night services at the synagogue, beginning tonight at S p. m. Everyone .is welcome to attend. Tonight the topic of the rabbi's sermon will be "Columbus and the Part the Jewish People Played At a board meeting oi the Na- in the Discovery of America." tional Council of Jewish Women held recently at the home of Mrs. S. N. Grueslan, delegates "were AGCTSfS ACHIM The nest regular meeting of selected for the North Central Regional convention being held the Assidus Achiin lodge will be October 12 and 13 in Chicago held at the Sagles hall Thursday, October 19. Haight3. Mrs. Sol Novitsky and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin will represent the TALMTO SOKAH Due to an error in 3ast week's Sioux City section. The theme 4 of the conference is "Council—a edition, the officers of the Talmud force tor social betterment." Torah will again be printed. They Many interesting speakers will are as follows: President, Ben Kubbyj vice-president, M o r r i s participate. It was also voted by the board Grossman; secretary, Sam Sacks; to purchase a piano for the Jew- financial secretary, Mrs. Sarah ish Community Center this year Gilinsky; treasurer, Sam Rosenthai; board of directors, L. H. as a special project. Katelinan, Morris Hoffman, Abe Bear, Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, Mrs. Etta Yudelson and Mrs. M. Grossman.
Young Jizdean Group Molds Rally at J. C. C.
CHSVRA B'XAI YISROEI, At the regular meeting of the synagogue organization held Wednesday evening, the installation of officers aad initiation o£ new members was held.
All the Young Judean groups' of the city held a rally last night at the Jewish Community Center. Guest speaker for th-3 eveningwas Rabbi Goldstein o£ Mt. Sinai. Caator Pernick led the community singing-. This was followed The first meeting of this season by Palestinian dancias1. A good RCTOIAGS SALE for the Intermediate Dramatic time was had by $.11.. The annual rummage sale sponclub waa held October 2 at the sored by the Talmud Torah is to Jewish Community Center. be lield Monday, Tuesday a n d Wednesday, October 1G, 17 and Tryouta were held for the new ©lay entitled "A Heady Mada An outdoor brunch will be held IS, at 722 West Broadway. • Family." The cast is a;- follows: this coming Sunday, October 15, The committee is as follows: Sammy Heeger, Betty Bain, Gloria for 4II Junior Hadassah members Mrs. Stta Yudelson, chairman; Novitsky, Sandy Baron, Jeanne and those girls desirous ei becom- Mrs. Joe Scharf, Mrs. Charles Shubb, Burton Liyriiiiitz, Irene ing members. All will meet at Saltzinan, Mrs. Mas Steinberg, Levltsky, Doris Grueskin, Anna- the Jewish Community Center at Mrs. Sam Sacks, Mrs. Sarah Gilinbelle Satin and Harold Slotsky. 11 a. m. sky, Jlrs. Rose Kramer and Mrs. The play will be given after the All girls who have not made L. H. Xatelrnan. first of the year. If due to an error on the part reservations please call Jan LeboThe Dramatic group has as wich at 572 56. Chairman for the of the committee, anyone has not their leader Mrs. Leon Marx. been called, please call Mrs. affair is Esther Mirkin. Yudalson, 5 345, and all merchanOn October IS at S:30 p. m. dise will be picked up. the 'opening meeting of the season will be held ia the form of a A. Z. A.- • Hollywood premier. The super Jukus Sires and Bill Sires, both colossal gigantic expose of what of Glenwood, la., have applied for goes on underneath. Complete in- Imembership into A. 2. A. 7. formation as to whose who and | The Senior Hadaasah will hold what's what and how they got. The meeting was hald Tuesday their next meeting at a luncheon that way. Rose Sperling is in j at the home of Lestar F to be given on Wednesday, Oeto- charge 01 the program. fcer 13, at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Jack RETURNED Robinson will preside. Mrs. H. Jack Stsinberg and daughChairmen or committees ap- ter,Mrs. R. Rabinowita is the program Jeanne, have returned from pointed thus far are: Rose Sper- j a short stay in chairman for the afternoon. Kansas City, Mo. ling, program chairman; Esther On the program Cantor Morris Mirkin, social committee; Elaiae Pernick will render several selecTO IV tions, Mrs.-Albert-Goldatein, wife Mashlnn, Jewish National Fund; Mrs. Jules Sisenberg and daughGoldie Lehman, membership; Eoof Rabbi CSoidateJn of Mt. Sinai ter, Bebra", "who have been visitsanaa Dikel, Youth Aliyah. .Temple, .will give a book review, ing for several days in Des Moines and Mrs'. 'M. M. London will lead with Mrs. Sisenberg's parents", Mr. community singing, accompanied and Mrs. I. Gilin'skyi are expected J>y IVfra. Masie. home Sunday. Luncheon chairman is Mrs. Sam Shulkia. Mrs. Victor Masie and • jMra. Frank "Epsteia are in charge Bab "idelsaa. lelt Monday czx Miss Francis Kalin, daughter of of table decoration;?. All HadasUrs.J: Kalin, 3820 Jack- a meter trip ID LCS Angeles. He saa members are urged to bring Mr.'and son street, will be married to Mr. will remain i s California for a gue'ata who are non-members. Bernard H. Lip'man, son of Mr. mcnth'3 vi3i:. and Mrs. S. Lipman, S12 12th street, this Sunday, October 15, at szovx CITY 7:30 p. m. at the Warrior hoMr. Abe Leibovitz r e t u r n e d tel. Rabbi S. Bolotnikcv and Thursday, after spending a fewRabbi Albert Goldstein will of- days vUitins in Sious City, ficiate jointly. Tha wedding is for relaties and a few intimate IN" rOHMA Mrs. L. K. Cohen and daughOver 200 people attended the friends. Mr. Sidney Kalin, brother of ter, Claribel, have left for an inLadles' Auxiliary tea at which Rabbi Goldstein presented a book the bride, will be the best man. definite stay in Lcs Angelas. Xevlew. Cantor Pernick sang a Miss Blossom Kalin, cousin of the group of aoug3, accompanied by bride, will be the maid of honor. nani Misa Sarah Sadoff. Mrs. L. J. The ushers will be Bernard PassMr. and Mrs. George Krasne Kaplan presided and Mrs. H. R. man and Irving Passman, cousins and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein Rabln-owita introduced the pro- of the groom. Sram. . Election of delegates for t h e Mr. Jake Levin, 1413 Myrtle Southwestern Region conference street, and Miss Minnie Victor, of Conservative Sist-srhooda will 1403 Grandview, will be married I take place. The conference will at the home of Rabbi S. Solotnibe held in Omaha at the Biack- iov, 207 14th street, this Sunday Btone hotel on October 15, 13 artamoon at 5 o'clock. Following and 17. Anyone wishing to at- the ceremony there will be a sup°tend the conference olease ca'l per served at the Jewish Communty Center for friends and relMrs. -A.-Kroloft. atives.
Jr» Hadassah News
Shamrz Zian
have returned from a week's .stay at Sscelsior Springs. •
Community - Chest . \Delinquent' Tax- . ^.; Show^ Anti-Nazi •'Needs: Pointed Out Drive Continued Film in Moscow '. ...'hy Alvin': Johnson "Headers* of the Jewish Press are New York (JTA) — Contradic-
IN SIOUX CITY -- Mrs. G. Mazie has been visiting for the past two weeks with relatives end fric:id3 in Sfcas City. . ; '"Under many other forms of government,'giving'Is voluntary in hame'vonty; '• here, tha individual must decide for himself what ia a fair measure of his obligation to his less fortunate fellow-men," Alvin B. Johnson, general chairman; of the 1939-40 Ccmmunity Chest campaign told members of Ills campaign committee last week. Declaring- it- was the • committee's opinion "the Community Chest is the American way of ex(Continued from Page 1) pressing, the community's democJohnson said. We have evIndian reservations, would .fee racy," ery conviction that if our, contrilarger than Palestine and have at butors .can be made to. understand least 3,000,000 inhabitants at tba the situation, our.hopes for a subbeginning.) stantial increase over.last,year's Rumors that Germany was con- giving -rein be realized and the sidering establishment of a Jewish needs of our less fortunate brothstate have been current for sev- ers "will be more adequately met." eral weeks. On Sept. 13, its ".ofThis year's Chest campaign Ocficial German news agency issued tober SO-November 10 will seek a report proposing "removal" of 1553,414 a minimum. "This tothe Polish Jewish population. On tal is in as no. based on the Sept. 19 the semi-official Belgrade needs of the sense agencies was a newspaper Vreme reported that pragmatic conclusion but based on Germany intended to establish a it.was believed might reaJewish state in Galicia, to which what sonably be expected as a minimum all Jews of GeTiaan territories support',". Johnson- explained. would be sent. On Oct. 3 the Berlin correspondent of the Chicago Tribune reported that Hitler ha<i instructed his raen to prepare the creation of "a Jewlsli state of "Warsaw where There is still time to enter the he plans to settle all the Jews bJ his realm." The latter report was high school radio essay contest, sponsored by the Nebraska Tuberdenied in Berlin. culosis Association ana the AuxAsks Settlement iliary o£ the Nebraska State MediIn his address, Hitler called for cal Association, for the ontry date settlement of the minorities ques- has been changed from October 10 tion in eastern and southeastern to October 20. Europe, through "resettlement of Ai; entries for this special edunationalities," and liquidation of cational feature of the 1939 the Jewish problem. "A solution Christmas Seal campaign must be o£ the minority problems should made with the Nebraska Tubercube achieved not only in the east losis '"• Association, 400 Paxton of Europe but alsq in the south- Building, Omaha, Nebraska, and east of the continent," Hitler de- essays'must be, mailed to that asclared. "In this connection, an atnot later than November tempt should be made to bring sociation about the adjustment and regula-: 15, as contest closes on November 20. ' •' _ tionof the Jewish.problem." "Youth's Appeal for Protection Soviet Russia and ~ Germany Against Tuberculosis" is the essay have decided jointly upon a divi- subject. Public and parochial high sion of conquered Poland "aicng school pupils throughout the state strictly ethnological lines," he as- are eligible. S e v e r a l Omaha serted, "and whenever it becomes schools will participate. necessary, we shall report to a reshuffling and resettling .of sections o£ the population in order to accomplish this end." The "most important task" arisStockholm (JTA) —.With the ing from the collapse of the Polish State, the Reichsfaehrer said, Royal Family in attendance, the is the "resettlement of nationali- opera,-"Kathrin," by the Austrianties in such a manner that the pro- Jewish composer, Erich Wolfgang cess ultimately result3 In better Korngold, was given its -world dividing lines." The. east and premier here and was enthusiassouth of Europe "is to a large ex- tically received. tent filled with splinters of tha • A capacity audience, including German nationality," he said, ant! King Gustaf V, his brother, Crown "a resettlement should be under- Prince Gu^taf "Albert,; ana" the taken so . as .to remove at least Princess Royal, witnessed the perpart of the material for European formance'at the Royal 'Opera. conflict." Hitler also reiterated accusaIRVIN c. LEVIN < tions that "Jewish influence" was 433 Brandels Theater Bldg. dominant among the cirele3 .that NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION •wished continuation, cl the "war with Germany. He charged that In . the ' County Court of Dougfcis only "international Jewish capita- County. Nebraska: In ; the Matter of the "Estate of lists and their journalistic mouthJohnson, Deceased. pieces" were interested in ccatla- Grady All persons interested in said estate uins t i e "tloody clash, between are hereby notified that a petition has been filed-in said Court alleging that nations. said deceased died leaving no last One cf Hitler's usual gibes at willand praying for administration British rule over Palestine was upon his estate, and that a hearing included in fcis speech. "The wes- will be had on said petition before court on the 4th d^y of Novemtern powers," ha .said, "by no said 1SC9, and that if they fail to apmeans have proven their skill in ber, pear at said Court on the faid -4 th restoring order in territories en- day of November,. 193D, at 9 o'clock trusted to their care, as for in- A. JL to contest- said- petition, the may Krant the same and grant stance in Palestine. Gsmaay v a s Court* administration of sa!d estate to more successful in. Czechoslo- Pauline Johnson or" some other suitvakia." able person and proceed to a settle-
Still Time to Enter Radio Essay Contest
urged to pay their delinquent real tions in the Soviet policy w;ith reestate taxes now before the an- gard to the Nazis, particularly on nual public sale, starting November 6, oi all property.in Douglas the question of anti-Semitism, were cited in a Moscow dispatch County owing taxes. "Taxpayers wil save themselves to the New York Titnea. The dispatch reported that "Pro- (Copyright, .1939, by Seven Art money, time and a great deal of embarrassment by squaring their fessor Mamlock," film depicting Feature Syndicate.) tax accounts now," Alfred C. Ken- the horrors of Nazi ant! Semltlsm nedy, general chairman of the was on display at the aRttcultural MILTON R. FROHM, Atty. civic tax campaign, told Ihe Jew- exposition In Moscow.. The film 1004 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. ish Press. "Furthermore, they will has been barred in Moscow theaNOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON be paying their share, aa good cit- tres since conclusion ot tht SovietFOR SETTLEMENT OF izens." Nazi agreement. Posters advertis- PETITION FINAL ADMINISTRATION AC, » At the real estate Bale, the ing the picture,-the dispatch said, COUNT. county treasurer sells tax certif- "are one of the firat things to in the County Court of Douglas icates on all properties on which strike the eye of visitors from all County. Nebraska. ., " ; he gets a bid equal to the amount corners of the Soviet Union." In the matter of the Estate of At the same time, the corres- Israel London, deceased. , '• .. of taxes, interest and costs. These persons Interested In said matcertificates, purchased hy both in- pondent pointed out, tun Moscow terAllare hereby notified that on tho dividuals and firms for Investment press published at. considerable 3rd day of October: 1939, Milton It*; Frohm filed a,petition in said Counpurposes, start drawing seveh per length the Reichstag speech of ty Court, prayng- that hla final adChancellor Hitler, including his ministration cent interest at once. account' filed herein be reference to the neces3iiv of solv- settled and allowed, and that he- be ing the "Jewish question," des- discharged from his trust as Execucribed by the dispatch a? a "par- tor and that a hearing will be had said petition before said Court on ticularly unpalatable suggestion on the 28th day of October 1939, and that for the people .ot the Soviet UnIf you fail to appear before said Court on the said 28th day of October 193? ion." ':""". ' ;
Lord Winterton to Confer with Jews on Refugee Aid
Washington (JTA) — L o r d Winterton of Britain, chairman of the Intergovernmental Refugee Committee, will meet leaders of Jewish and Christian organizations in New York interested in refugees when he comes to the United States to attend the White House conference on refugees,' ft was disclosed. He will remain for a few days at the Long Island estate of Myron C; Taylor, American vice-chairman of the Intergovernmental Committee. Sir Herbert Emerson, director of the committee, will come directly to New York and will probably be the guest of Robert Pell, State Department technical advis* or on refugee problems. Paul van Zeeland. president of the Coordinating Foundation, will also come to Washington.
Patronize Our Advertisers
at 9 o'clock A. I t . and contest said
petition, the Court may grant .the prayer of said petition, enter a.' decree of heirshlp. and make such other and further; orders, allowances and deciees, aa to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be fin(Continued from page 1.)' ally settled and determined BUYCE CRAWFORD. "heavens have been pulled down • . County Judge. with the,steepies that the bombs 10-6-39-3t
wrecked. Our peoples' faiths are shattered with much else that was beautiful in the world. "Well, then, what is left for us to preach?" Some one might arise to answer this: "Yes, we : have something left even amid all the rnin. Still standing are the • fundamental teachings of all our religions: justice, compassion, loving-kindness, the doing of good. This we still have and we have it in common. In justice, compassion.* loving kindness 4 and the doing of good Is God enough for us. "Let these be the God we
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y y Hears Net*; Opera by Korngold
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to have ihe newest, the znoat becoming fashions whether she / wear* size 3Q or oise 40. We've studied fashion from the~t nature woman's angle, and our careful selections-are distinctive . . . exhilarating . . . elegant—good but giddy. And we haven't stopped with dresses, coato and hats . . . .we've women's lingerie, women's houserobes . . . interesting: jewelry . . . and we're especially successful in corseting the ma-
ture woman's figure . . BEAUTIFULLY.
ment thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, I0-13-39-3t.
• . • • ' •
Sidney Laaere, son of M~ and Mrs. Moe Lazere, celebrated ir'a --•ar Mitayah last Saturday at the Tiphereth Israel synagogue. Kab2i S. Eolotaikovv Rabbi H. a . Kabinowitz, Kabbi Brown aad Mr". i'rani Margolia all speka.' Rsi.reshaient3 were served.
The first Friday evening service of tha year will atari, tonight s*t 8 o'clock. Rabbi Harold Gordon, of Waterloo will be the guest speaker. Tonight ia known a3 hospitality - night as aa attempt ia inade t o get all newcomers, visitors aad newly wedded couples to Donald Slasoa cf Sia«an C?t^ attend.. A Teceptlpa will be .given will celebrate Ma Bar Sliiavai t ^ s in the social halt' in their honor Saturday at the Tiphe"°fh r^-,.^ tallowing tha service.. synagogue. Rabbi S. BclctaiiTov will spealr. 31?. and Mrs. Abe Junior Congregation will 'meet iiaaon, the boy's Barents, wiion Saturday morning at 13:3a. serve refreshments ia t i e social Rabbi Gordon will be the guest -tuii foilcwms the services. •\inor"T speaker, •• tha out-of-town guests will ha sfr" ^ d :ars. H. M. Hicaards of Mason The • first Oaeg Shabata will •fee held at the Some of Dr. aaci Mm. Joa Krigsten, tS3:2{i Pierce street. Mrs. 'aiiltg Kri'jstan ^s co-hosteaa. iis-3. \ . ?/' r>3»0'-', •will preside. Ilabbi Karekf Ctord of Waierloo wUi be. the guest
preach; in these men stltt; believe as men of one faith. Let this be. our one religion .in our separate houses. God Bhall be all the goodness that is Iff the heart and the will of man." (This may be the personal God about -whose real existence people are wondering A God that springs from all that is good In the personality-of man.)
C o u n t y
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Page 7
Calling all maulers, rasters and •woman is held on Thursday morn-' statement said. "Naturally," no ceed with the organization of the tain a post a s investigator for the jia jitaa experts! The Center is ing at 11 o'clock. All members one can know today what tomor- four principal departments of the committee while being associated ~i-^—3 .• contemplating a varsity wrestling interested should sea Lee Gross- row will bring. But one thing Is Institute: The economic - statisti- with Pelley, whose affairs were . . . . clear—that t o make direct con- cal, the historical; the philological probed by the committee. .. team this falL Tfes wrestling man. Meanwhile, Attorney General tact with Wilno and that Wilno and that of psychology and .pedateam plans to practice two Bights 5 i J ' * 4 Frank Murphy, at a press confershould resume its place as a world gogy. a week in the Center auditorium. ence; ' warned "conspicuous agents center of Yiddish scientific activiwho airsa&y signed up an JOGS "1 Lea Gresssan, physical director jjThose otforeign.governments" that they ties, is out of question, at least J J the bulletin board la the locker W . I . Pet. of the Jewish Community Csatsr, I room include sneh names as Her3 were under constant surveillance for the time oeing. Binj»ii'e Cleaners . . . S •tii57 announces the addition of Mrs.! shel Wolfson, S i s e r Cohen, Ed by the Federal Bureau of InvestiCU^uot Club Ksliiuics 7 5 .533 To Publish Book Robert Wolfs as a specialist in j Kaklin and Abe Bsrgsan. Plan gation, and "we will take action Smith Motors . . * 3 .533 "The American Branch of .'the women's physical education. For to join the -wrestling team and a t the appropriate iiine^" These (Continued from Page 1) ii Shrier Paint .£• Glass.. «s Yiddish Scientific Institute, which .500 information on the great variety learn the art of self defense. agents. Murphy said, have^'made has during all these years been State Coal aad Cas. a7 .500 arrest. It is added, however, that of classes taught by Mrs. Wolfe .. a the country "sick and tired of Headquarters of Yiddish the main support of the center .417 Pioac-es* Vaiiorni Co... 3 their activities, and we;"re body in WHno, has passed resoluWashington (JTA) -r- The Dis- ing Scientific Group Tretialss Activities are huiainiag at the . 5 7 .417 i something must ae dam to bring call the Center athletic effice. them;" tions at several of itF meetings to trict of Columbia Grand Jury this J., C. C. in the new fall season Wardrobe . . 4 S .S33 1 immediate relief since in no ocShifted The basketball season is here that has just started. Forty buaithe effect that the Institute, built week indicted Fraser S. Gardner, l j cupied city do the Jews suffer as at last with all players awaiting 'nes3 girls reported for the first New York (JTA) — World up •with so much devotion^ and aide of Silver Shirt leader Wil- Barred by City Council 3I=Sh game, G. Schayu-o, 254; Teatly as in Warsaw. the pre-season league play. The ! elass of the season. This elasa headquarters of t h e Yiddish material sacrifice, must not in-liam Dudley Pelley, on two perliuijiii'es, 343. I>es5t Schorr Executed players are now taking regular for business girls meet etery Mon- Scientific Institute have been es- terrupt its activity under any cir-jury counts arising from GardBudapest (JTA)—Senator Em-; High series, Weita, 623; EmCount August ZalesJsi, Polish workouts m a k i n g themselves day and Wednesday at S p. la.tablished temporarily in New York cumstances. America, which is ner's testimony before the Dies anuel Loew, aged chiel. rabbi •of pires, 2,-l3Q. Foreign Minister, expressed doubt tough for the season's play. Tha j Another class for saatron wosaea and the organisation's work •will now the largest Jewish community Committee investigating un-Amer- Szeged, has been stricken from In the world, must at least temican activities. . pre-season senior league starts irmr-e Cleaners crept into the j over reports published abroad t meets every Monday, Wednesday Sa conducted by the institute's the list of members "or the muDistrict Attorney David Pine nicipal council on'the batsis of tha • - in - a ' that Senator Mcses Schorr, Chief play Sunday, October 29, while [and Friday rooming. • Seducing American section,, it was an-porarily-take-over the work and lead alone Tuesday night become the world center.of the : the junior pre-season league starts made arrangements to place Gardesgrclses, volley ball and swim* nounced. The institute's eenter Yiddish Scientific Institute." two-game win over the Wardrobes Rabbi of Warsaw and principal ner .under arrest.immediately and Hungarian anti-Jewish law. - . h a d play Tuesday, November 7'. ming make up the activity ol-tals •was in Wilno, Poland, which -was and squeezed tha Smith Motors leader of the Polish subjected to bombardment durIt has been arranged to con-hold him pending receipt of a class. . . . out of first into a two-way tie been executed by the Nazis. ' Theearliest ekistliig portrait; of / ing the German invasion and istinue publication ol the Yivo- 515,000 bond. Monday, October 15, marks the At the same time, Count Salgwith the ClUiuot Club Eskimos a Jew Is one done; :in 'l^iZZ- bj> The indictment of Gardner, now occupied by the Soviet Army. Bleter, organ of the Institute, and FLASH! The Jewish Comsmslsi revealed that -when the Polish starting date of the pre-seasoa for second place honors. Rembrandt. ' '••/•'" • ; Washington anti-Semitic "legislato prepare for publication a book, "According to the information nity Center physical department Smith Motors dropped two to Government retreated frcni War- handball tournament. The comv- i tive research expert," was the" first "The Jews in Poland," to'show In our possession, to date no tha Eskimos. Shining light of saw to Rumania, Prof. Schorr was petition is for both A and B now offers tap dancing. T h e criminal action to grow put .of the the contributions made by the Naphtali: Phillips ' (b.' 1773)^ the matches was the Pioneer Uni- invited to join the official party, classes. There is still a chance, classes for business girls are tonann baa been done to t h e YidDies committee's investigation. He form-Stats Coal contest. Pioneers but declined, declaring: "As long so sign up now and get in on thebe neld^on Monday evenings a t 7 dish Scientific Institute when the Jews of Poland in various fields is charged •with attempting to-bb^- published a New York newspaper,' "The National Advocate." o'clock, while the class for matron Itussian army occupied WUno," a of Jewish life in general; to protaking all three to go into a fourth 33 I am the head of Polish Jewry tournament.
ill uOufi UlLUU
place tia with Tretia^3, who won two from the Shrier Paints. The latter dropped to a tia ior third with the State Coals, and the "Wardrobes wound up alone in the
cellar. All positions in the league are being held by one-game margins, so anything can aa^pen as the schedule continues onward. Sam Zlotky's 503 series was the spark plus in. the Empires" victory, which came very close to defeat in the third game, when two pins decided the match. Leo Blacker's 4f8 and Fleishman's 457 took nest honors. Highest series of the match was Paul Steinberg's 559 lor the losing "Wardrobes. Marks and Cooperman followed far aehind with 448 and 444, respectively. Georgia Schapiro, still finding the pocket consistently, led t h e not Club Ssitimos with a 57 5 Cliquot and had high game of the evenlng with a big 23 5. Ben Shapi-
453 was next. The team eked out its second win by four pins after a 140-pin margin in the first •which was won with S24, the evening's high game. The losers, Smith Motors, were paced by ''Doc" Morgan with 511, •who seemed to he the only hot Smith bowler, nest best being Sam Epstein's 413.
Burroughs and 3. Colin were tops on tne Pioneer Uniform team in its three-game win over Slate Coal. They -were tied at 472. Your reporter's prediction that this team bears watching -was borne out forcibly in this match. The victory in each game was narrow, margins being 10, 14 and 16 pins.' Fiedler ran a close second with -
Phil Katzman caught an even 200 in hi3 middle game to total 518 for his series, topping the State Coals. Lloyd Sank followed •wita 465. Big things ai& expected again this year from this team, which so- far has lacked that little extra push. The Tretiaka. led by Captain Pill, came from behind to win their last game by 14 pins and took two from the Shrier Paints. Pill was high with 4 33. Fine not far behind with 450. Weitz dropped into a slump •with a lowly 47 3 to lose a bit off his average and run second to "Midge" Shukert, who hit 503. The Shriers are still comers and have a nicely balanced combination.
I cannot leave Polish soil, on •which millions of Jews remain." The Jewiah leader left Warsaw, but did not leave Poland, the Foreign Minister said. Two daughters of Prof. Schorr who recently arrived in Paris from Poland told this correspondent that they -were entirely unaware of their father's w h e r e a b outs. They said that many families had been separated in the frantic evacuation under German bombardment- The daughters declared that measures taken to ascertain their father's whereabouts had so far been fruitless because the circumstances of the evacuation made it virtually impossible to locate even the closest relatives. The report published In a New Tori Yiddish newspaper that Prof. Schorr had been executed •was questioned among circles here in contact with Jewish refugees •who succeeded in escaping from Poland to Rumania. These circles pointed out that if anything happened to the Chief Rabbi, who according to Count Zalesai remained on Polish soil, then no correspondent or individual broad was likely to learn about it since there had been no contact with the oeeupied zones, not even from neutral countries. The International Red Cross has only now begun to negotiate for permission to eontact these zones to locate sought for families. Members of "Warsaw Beth Bia
Believed Slain London (JTA) — All members of the Warsaw Beth Din, high rabbinical court, were believed to have been killed during the Gersiege, it was declared by refugees from Poland who reached London. The rabbis refused to leave Warsaw, declaring ii .was their duty to remain. Complete annihilation of the Jews in Poland was the aim of the Nazi invaders, eye-witnesses to the war~"tolct-the--J. T. A. They said Jewish districts had been persistently and heavily bombed and shelled, and Jewish casualties had been out of proportion. The number of Jews killed and maimed in the densely populated Nalewki, Smocza and Xowolipki Jewish quarters of Warsaw, which were almost completely destroyed, was far greater proportionately than elsewhere, it was said. The Jewish quarter of Krakow received the brunt -of the first. air attacks in that city. The first bomb in Lublin killed 72 persons, of j whom 61 were Jewish women and children. The loss o£ Jewish lives in smaller towns everywhere was Mgh. Jewish, towns like Lukow and Siedliee were completely annihilated, according to the survivors.
Shirts have been ordered and will be on deck fop use before the end of the month. The league ia planning entrance iato the Red C r o w n . Handicap tournament ' which will be run off the first of the year. Heal enthusiasm and close conH. G. Wells, tests are expected to feature nest j noted author, when informed of week's contests. The schedule: j rj r . Sigmand Freud'3 death, esEmpire Cleaners vs. State Coal pressed keen regret that the famand Gas, Shrier Paint and Glass ous scientist's "passionate desire vs. Smith Motors, Cliquot Club to become a British, citizen had Eskimos vs. Tretiak.3, and Pio-not been satisfied. neers vs. the "Wardrobe. A number of us," he said "did
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all we could to satisfy that desire, > ton Tea g for it was a great honor to Britain. I Weitz, f?9;. G, Schapiro, 175; we were unable to do it. All that I * P. Steinberg, 17 4; P. Katzman, wa3 necessary was a small private \ 'i 16S; Platt, 157; Shukert, 162; bill which could have been passed j« Morgan, 153; Pill, 153; N. Brown, I in half an hoar with the consent 11 156; S. Cohn, 153. \ of the Government, but is was sot | done. I am estraordinarly sorry j that it couldn't be dene." All newspapers here published I editorials eulogizing Prof. Freud, i whom the News Chronicle termed j the "greatest scientist of his age." j All commented on the Nazi perseRSPAI.7 ' cution which drove him. in the last year of his life, into esila. Sir 1S0S-S Dcsiglss William Bragg, president of the Royal Society, declared that Er. London (JTA) — Confidence Freud "was very greatly respectia the ultimate victory cf the Al- ed and wa3 an honorfid memher lied arms was Expressed here by of the Royal Society. Britain was Dr. Chaim. Weiamann, president \ delighted to help him when he of the Jewish Agency for Pales- j w a 3 i n difficulties as* tine, in an address aefore the ese- JJJT=S iisi.' cutiva eouncil of the British Zion~" L. isi Federation. i feria cooperation in the war, repReviewing tha work of the:
Servlea ca Tras&s in hears dally, esss-pt Sssa.
Bay Pheaa — JA 7SSSI Is 1 "! A Urn-
zphsd Today "or/ IJElsn Viayl
resented the views not only of World Zionist Executive since the i resen Congress at Geneva on the eve of I Zionists the world over but also
48 Proofs to Choose From
tha war, Dr. Weizmann said thai •f the overwhelming majority e i he aad his colleagues were deter- Jewry whieh was determined ta mined that "out of the present help the democracies ia tha strugnazidom. hour ot distress, a new chapter SteT against - a S e Y - Maurice Perlzweis 3hoa3d be written in Jewish his- | tory." ll-s voiced confidence that outlined the special task3 cf tha the Britiah Zionists would do all World Jawish Congress In the preSih Raor in their power to support tha sent emergency. struggle of the Allies aad at the same time continue ta aid the j Philip Phillips, a 3 eyr cf Palestine Jewish community. i Charleston, was president of the
Reporting oa political activities j Alahama state convention (1S37). Prof. Sells Brodstsky stressed the importance of the new American Isaac Pinto, a Datrn Sephardi, Zionist committee aad declared captained the Jewish company that Dr. Weizmann's letter to which ia 1712 defended Savanna Prime Minister Chain Seriain, of- in Surinam against the French.
a bagful of flash bulbs, and was By PHIKEAS 3. BIBON taken to a police station on susINSIDE BOPS picion of being an I. R. A. agent We "wish American city editors . . . But he was released when, •wouldn't tall for those fake re- under third-degree examination, ports concerning Hitler's intention he broke down apd confessed that of establishing a Jewish State in his father was a rabbi . . . Poland . . . They're all part of a LOOK AlfB LAUGH systematic Nazi propaganda atBest Hitler joke of the week, tempt to solt-pedal and camou- culled from Walter Winchell, is flage anti-Jewish atrocities per- the following . . A drunk was petrated by the Naxis in Poland leaning against. the bar and shout, . Pierre Tan Paassen, who's ing: "Hitler is a horses neck!" back In this country, tells us . . A bystander knocked the glass something tnat no foreign corre- out of the shouter's hand . . The spondent h&s spilled in the press latter poured himself another so far . . . Namely, that Great drink and repeated, at the top of Britain ia sending loads of troops his lungs: " I still say Hitler is a and fliers to the Near East, for horse's neck!" . .'..This time he all the world as if she -were ex- ot socked so.hard that he was pecting It to become a war front knocked to the floor . . He looked before very long . . . Don't be up at his assailant and indignantsurprised if Herbert C. Hoover ly asked: "Say, where am I—in jets the job of international re- ennany?" . . . "No, suh," •was lief nead", tfcft post lie so success- the r e p l y . . . ' "You're In Kentucky fully handled after the -world war —and we have a "lot of respect . The American edition of Hit- for horses here!" . . . ler's "Mfiin Keimpf" is enjoying ABOUT PEOPLE _. _ . - __, : bigger sales since the book nas' The reason why Prince and bfeen banned in Germany- . . . Princess.-. Hubertus Zu 'LpgwehWe're not Mdding—since the stein rushed to this country is signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact because they want-their-child to "Mein. Kampf" has been with- be born an . . Don't be drawn from circulation in Nazi- misled whenAmerican you see news photos land . . .'This because it served as showing Herbert - enjoying a constant reminder to the Ger-life a t a night clubKlotz table . . . He man people that the Fuehrer can is no 'playboy, as you -can judge be -wrong . . . All of which re- from his 520,000 gift to vicminds iis of the crack current tims of. the S. S. Athenla the disaster among the hungry Germans of the . Mas Reinhardt, who successReich: "If we had half as much to fully an- Academy of eat ~.as -we have to swallotr we'4 Actingconducted Hollywood last season, be leading a4 marvelous life" . . . Is beingin urged to 'open .such a DOVT MISS THIS . school in New York . . . . Note to Foreign- affairs - gossipers may dramatic editors: Elia Kkzan, the have missed' a- scoop vhen:they talented Group Theatre 'director, overlooked a classified ad which who is usually referred to as Neal O*Hara discovered "In" theGreek-Turkish, is a landsmann of Seattle, Waaa., Times . . . I t read: ours . . . Richard Tauber, the "Exjserienced Austrian papernang- German Jewish opera singer, is er and painter, at liberty shortly interned in" South Africa, becausa ... "Will accept Gentile employ- there he is still considered a Germeat . , . 1313 Doorn . . Adolf" man . . . . Otto Klemperer, the . . Bat Dr. Heinrich Gruening, brilliant German Jewish conducformer Chancellor of Germany, tor, Is at the Deaconess Hospital, doesn't seeai very optimistic about Boston . . . He underwent a most aa imminent changa for the bet-dangerous operation i o r brain ter in tae Keich government . . . tumor, and still Is in a very, very He has just accepted an appoint- serious condition . . . Congratulaent as permanent Professor of tions to Gregory Bronsky for i i s Goverasent a t Harvard Univer- splendid translation of the lyricg sity . . . There's quite a difference in the recently published "Songs between, the Canadian and U. S. of New Russia" . . • Paul' Muni, attitudes toward Hitler . . . On who Is now in New York prepartha campus cf Montreal's McGlll ing for a Broadway show, is reUniversity the students set Hit-covering from an attack of the ler's effigy on. fire the other day jaundice He doesn't Enow how. . . Jn Boston a sandwich man he caught it, but suspects his made up Ilka Hitler walks in front "Good Earth" make-up ..... . Just of a isovie liouse carrying boards to prove that he's not stuck up— proclaiming tha bouse unfair . . . "which we knew all along anyway "Thsy're paying more attention -went backstage after Ma to 'The Rains Came' than to me," —Paul rice Schwarta's recent Yiddish. tae pseudo-Hitler plaintively in- Art Theatre premiere and shook forms the world . . . Mayor La with many ot his former Gaardia is reported to have made hands colleagues . . . Bob Rice, son of a joeular prosisa to the President Elmer, "Street Scene" playwright, that he'll make no more cracks has married Terry Harris, the at Hitler . . . La Guardia's refor- Television Girl at the New Yorli mation is In line with the rigid World's Fair . . . That widely neutrality atmosphere -w h I c h publicized B i l l y Rose-Eleanor Washington is trying to maintain Holm marriage may never take . . . Have you seea the latest car- place . . . Al Jolson will soon toon sheet, featuring four pigs see'h in a new movie, after a long and challenging you to find the absence from the scteen . . . fifth?.. . ..If you fold.the sheet (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts la a certain .way the four little Feature Syndicate) \ pigs combine to form the face of lbs big Badolf . . . T S i L XOUB PIUENBS Get Soviet Transit Visas Rosen Tours, pioneer Palestine London (JTA)— Another group shipping agents, 'will soon inaugcr&te a food •package service to of Palestinians in Latvia have Palestine . . . Not that there is been granted Russian transit visas any real danger of famine In the and are Bailing from O'dessa on Jewish National Homeland as yet October 19 for Haifa, it -was re. . . But because of. tae curtail- ported here. cisat. of -all, European exports .to Palestine certain essentials, such To Make' Home Here as Hoar -znS ssgsr and canned goofia, are getting very scarce in New York ( J T A ) — Oskar Palestine . . . S-Uot Ellsofen, Pal- Gruen, editor of the Juedische cstias Payilloa photographer, has Presszentrale, Swiss hews agency, jBst retarnea {roia two aoaths* has arrived in the United States camera srorfi; in Europe . . . When Trhers he'will make his permanen fa I*B3.doa he accidentally dropped home.
DOLES Men, women and children Ladies' Heels, Leather or Composition INVESTIGATE OUR COMPLETE SHOE REBUILDING SERVICES!
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Gentleraen-35e; • Woilneoday and Friday High School Kilea-2Sc with School Idcatifi(.&tion Sunday Llati'neo - - 20c "V/hara Onsaha SItatca"
•55 \
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_-.- / „
a vJ,'.
•VIS J^r l-i v- ~-,r ^.v-Jtfe*
MIGHTY ENGINEERING—-West wing of Grand Coulee power plant, which will house generators larger even than those at Boulder Dam. This wing of the mighty power plant will be completed r ahead of its twin on the east bank of Columbia river, in Washington State. . i -•
HNS HAVIN — During Na=i "Blitzkrieg" drive hfo Poland, many Polish soldiers fled across border into Hungary. This view, taken at a railway depot in Budapest, shows Polish soldiers eating at a field kitchen set up by Hungarian g o v e r n m e n t . Picture was passed by British censor and radioed from London.
Si ©3 EI5S!—Radio picture flashed from Berlin shows Fuehrer Hitler addressing Reichstag and giving peace terms. In "final" bid for peace he proposed a conference or alternative of "'triumph of destruction."
\ t
Lithuania gloomily viewed Russian demands brought back from Moscow by her foreign minister, Juozas Urbsys, above. Belief was expressed that Russia planned to dominate this Baltic nation.
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ST VJ23322—Survsy to finJ loag-sst wadded coupla in Slates .jives palm to Wr. and Mrs. Gasrcje M. Gobea of Lucas, Iowa, married 73 years.-They hava not been separated a day or night since marriage-at time of Civil War.
I # • •
ANTI-NAZI—Something for use against the Nazis on the Western Front is this light tank, being unloaded at an undisclosed encampment, somewhere in France. Picture passed by French censor. Tank precedes infantry advance.
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S2A MlGHT—lmpressiva view of tho British cruiser Sydney leading His Majesty's ships Leander and Hobariyin Jervis Bay, Australia. Britain's Australian fleet, now on patrol duty, may sse heavy service later.
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113—Sean in Now Yor!c Yjiilo^s iugotrt, durLi«j in MJW York, wara ISjbii R.j*h, tsft, former pljysr, , on bench 3i pacjEysii vistlm. L^u, ai sap.lal.i of la "
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..s,-J—\liss osatfiz Sans ca .Maria, Co!ombiaa cota«3 cjusaa, fatad by tadepert-
»• s > 1 V . - . .
:crt33 eampalga ccnfsranes In i, Ore, Shs will ba r.a-
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Vs:5Y RCK2i3-U?-^Onco a year the wild round-ufJ. Top, picking out the best after they, ponies of Ocrsceke and Cape Lookout Islands, were corralled. Loft center, Stanley V/ahab, aN. G.i are roancad up, brsadod and the bost era principal ovmor, descended from a shipwrockod sold en tha mainland vo cccorfia good mounts. Arab sailor. Right, a stallion goes bossrk and: They oro desccnuanis of horses that have swum bites and kicks at others. Lower left, everybody csficre- from wrecked ships and havo degen- helps, even this housewife who's shooing them cratcd fcscaa:o of zpzrzo vegetation among the Into corral. Right, two girl owners watching; sar.d tar.3:.. Hors are scenes from a recent for their brands and now colts.
THE JEWISH PEESS—FBIDAY, OCTOBES 13, 1939 man" . . . little in stature, big in to exhibit permanently at the Los deeds. Aside from organized char- Angeles art emporium. Word reity to -which he contributed gen- ceived from Charles Boyer. who Once agaia Sigma Omicron The next Ones Shabbolh of the erously . . . ho maintained private was In Europe when war broke At a meeting held last Friday night at the home ai Norman Chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu was Pioneer Women -will bt held to- channels that he enjoyed so much, out, Informs that he went Into New York (JTA — Chancellor Bleicher, president of the Phi ranked among the leaders in the I morrow at the home of Mrs. II. He retained some 200 people on a t h t French army Sept 3rd 'Scoutu Hitler's program for solution at Beta Epsilon fraternity, Morris race for first in scholarship among A. Adelschtein, 2310 No. 21st St. personal pay-roll. He brought over of the Air' offers Julius Tannen, jt h e minorities Question In Europe Arhitman, law school treshman, Nebraska's 23 social fraternities. Mr. Judah Wolfson, gues: speaker, I and cared for many refugees from old-time comedian, a leading part, brought forth sarcastic comment and Haseall Lazere, sophomore in Last weefc Sigma Omicron chap- will talk on the_ 'Plight of thf \ his native village, Laubheim. All The well-known Chaplin iip-brnsh daring a ronudtable discussion- by the college of commerce, accounts j ter was named as second place Polish Jews." A reading will be are provided for in his will. All assamos unexpected lmpr-itance in two Senators and a Congressman and finance, "were unaminously I winner for the second semester given by Mrs. G. Soref, and Mrs.hfci servants, some oE whom had "The Dictator" . . . hence he or- l o v e r a n _MBC network following POULAY-M33YERSO.N K£EB-HAE1US J. Raznick will lead the singing been with him thirty years, were dered six identical mustachios thB Reichstag speech. Miss L,eota Harris, daughter of I Miss Hannah Meyerson, daush- elected and pledged into the fra- of last year. remembered. His personal secre- from the Max Factor factory. EdDuring the first semester the ot Palestinian melodies. Representative Peter Jarman .oi Mr. and Mrs. Nathan 'Harris oi 1 ter of Mr. aad Mrs. Gooaiaaa iley- ternity. Tea and social hour will fol- tary is to he kept on thb payroll ward Robinson must go in for hir- Alabama, declaring he was''"toActive plan3 are being made at Nebraska chapter placed first in Hock island, 111., Sunday aiter- erson, became the oride of Philfor one year niter his death. for Dr. Ehr-pressed" with Hitler's "great mod« noon became the bride of Loyal lip Pollay, sou of Mrs. Gussie the present time in regara to rush- the organization scholarship rat- low. sute adornment published twice a year by the Mrs. I. Raznik, chairman of the Laemnile's rise from a poor im- lich" he'll have _ jaw fringe from esty and with hi3 rcturences to E. Keir of Davenport, la., son of i Pollay, at a ceremony performed ing and pledging of incoming stu- ing, of Student Affairs. During gift fond, announces a contribu- migrant to a power In the film in- ear to ear. Sign glimpsed on th*» minority treatment, war mongers, Mr. David Keir of Sioux City. Mr. j at the Meyersoa home at 2 p. m. dents at Creighton. Tha fratern- Dean last five years Sigma Omicron tion to the Sefer Ha-Yeled from dustry is a rather familiar Etory. Boulevard: "Irish Linens."Closed and so forth," said: "Now, about Keir is a grandson of Mr. and i Sunday, October S. Rabbi David ity expects to have a boom year. the the treatment of minorities, bow The Alumni Council at their chapter has placed first in tha Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fox in honor He was a pioneer of the movie for Yom Kippur." Mrs. Bernard Gross of Omaha. I A. Goldstein officiated. can TO feel toward sucb refermeeting announced that ten- rating sis times and second in the of the Bar Mttsvah of their: son, business fought tor it The marriage was performed j ^he bride's gown was of white last rating tour times. Philip. ences on his part when wo thinskept It alive when the trusts were by Rabbi Solomon Lev Han aad jsijpper satin ahd lace," cat on ative plans for a pledge Hollywood would be a longof his horrible treatment of th« throttling it. And so in reverence First party of the year was All Jewish National 3'"und comto be held the first weei Rabbi Lewis Lerner at the home j princess lines. Her fall skirt fell faced town these daya If it were- pocfr Jewish people." and respect the Industry will regiven last Saturday in celebramittees have been urged to comvember were being maae. of the bride's parents in Roci ji n t o a two-yard train. Her tulle n't lor the Goldwyna. the RatoHs, member him. • tion of Nebraska's victory over plete box collections as soon as Present officers ar<>: Norman iBland. ;v e ji ixa-d. a cap of seed p<-arls and and the Rosenblooms . . no week Abraham and David Pinto were Alumni, inends and possible. is complete without a gun oi un- founders Following the ceremony a re- jw a s edged in lace. She carried a Bleicher, president; Irvlug Mittle- Minnesota. members of the chapter turned of the Sephardic comStrange quirks of late: Irving maa, vice-president, and Lester conscious wit from one" of them. ception was held at the Harper j bousjuet of bride's roses. out to make the event one of the Thalberg, who got his tirsl cuancu munity of Rotterdam. «»• J, i bride ,_ . , ..„., „_. , i Lazere, secretary-treasurer. Hoaae. j Attending the represented affairs in recent in the film business at> secretary Attending the bride v a swho her S a a W e i n s t e i i i , who. has been best Omahans attending me wedding js i s ter, Miss Lihby Meyerson Idling with a pair of .handcuffs years. Several alumni and memto Carl JLaemmle, died during tne were: Mr. and Mrs. Gross, Mrs. w o r e pO wder-blue taffeta trimmed pep marshal at Creighton for the bers of the Minnesota chapter of .While Nebraska is still con- week, of Yom Kippur jubt as did used in his picture, Slapsie Maxie past few years, has again been Sigma Alpha Mu were guests of gratulating itself on iis win over his Richard Wright, Mrs. D. Cohn and (i a r e d velvet, with matchin benefactor. AIBO, tht greatest playfully slipped them over Jane daughter, Barbara, and Mr. and jc e a s O ries. She carried a colonial appointedby the faculty to this the Nebraska chapter over the Minnesota last week-end, mem- picture Laemmle ever pioduced, Wyman's wrists'. They • snapped Collections of Unique important job as pep marshal and Mrs. Irving^Cohn. bers of Alpha Theta aie- pointing "AH Quiet on the Western Front,' shut j bouejuet of red roses. week-end. . wouldn't come off Diamond Engagement* The new Mrs.Keir attended Marty Liebeskind of New York, head cheerleader. with pride to its stellar football Maxie ^moaned, "I didn't tnow is now being reissued to counterCulminating a year's work on player, Hubert Monsky. who disWedding and Annivnr* Norman chairman Bleicher, oFlhe°sc"hoihaving beea Angustana college, waeru she wascousin of the groom, was best j fectedTs they were loaded!" act the contagion of war. the business staff of th* Awgwan, se oory Rings, individoat* affiliated with Pi Kappa Delta, man. Storming out of a story conferarship committee of the inter- campus humor magazine, Melvin tinguished himself^in the game. national forensic fraternity. Mr. ly designed aad priced James Lipsey was elected as ince, Ratof f threatened, "A-11 Mrs. Meyerson chose a dress of "A People That ShaU Hot Die," Pan Hellenic Council, Tannenbaum, Omaha, was last with good old-fasbioD* Kair is a graduate of the Univer- I black lace 'for her daughter's wed- fraternity secretary for the enming year. Yiddish film produced in Europe, •-right. . . I'm not saying a word is now actively engaged in deweek appointed assistant business Bity of Iowa law scLool. He ia ! ding, ed moderation. He replaces Samuel Davidson, who is to be released hare for showings Mrs. Pollay. mother of termining the scholastic record of manager of that publication. I'm just telling >on -vot I associated with the Bureau was unable to retnrn to school in October. | the bridegroom, was in royal blue e v e r y fraternity mail on the ink!" Convenient Terms Can Be Jesse Younger, New York, is Analysis in Davenport. lace. Both wore gardenia cor- Creighton campus. Arranged at No Estra now a member of the varsity band, this year. sages. Dr. David Feldman and Mrs. Since Leila Hyams retired from Maxie was beard ar.king the Cost Dr. Abe Fellman and Dr. M. H. and next week will try out lor a Mr. Nate Hurowitz sang, accom- BTOdkey, who are the faculty rep- position of oboe player with the Feldman were guests Tuesday eve- the flickers to a life of domestic 1 cameraman to "please shoot the Aanouncemen| haa been made ip a l l ied by Miss Eleanor Cohen. resentatives, have pledged their newly organized Lincoln sym- ning for dinner, after which bliss, her Dad, John Hyams, carof the marriage of Miss Blanche | A reception for several hundred whole support to the fraternity phony orchestra. Jesse plays the Dr. Feldman held a round-table ries on the tradition. He-is Been scene so my good ear faces the * flanxer of Kansas City, Mo., to g a e s t s was held at the Meyerson for the coming year. discussion on the present war situ- in small roles . . . most recent was :amera." clarinet in the varsity band. Parry L. Laadnaaa, son ui Mr. and home, following the ceremony. ation and its probable outcome. (Copyright by Jewish Telein "Housekeeper's Daughter." Norman Bleicher and Lester stars of the chapter jars, lu Landman oi Omaha. | Out-of-town guests wera Mr. Lazere have been appointed a3 the areAthletic The brothers took an active part graphic Agency, Inc.) Phil Bordy, Silver Creek and The ceremony took place on ja a c j i I r s > _iifre<i Auster of New Insiders claim that Eddie Canrepresentatives to the Lloyd Kronick, Sioux City, who in the discussion. The house has Sunday, October 1, in Kansas City. York, Sain and Morris Meyerson fraternity's Bousd Table of Jewish Youth. are members of the first and sec-on its program for the future sev- tor would still be with his air JThe couple will reside there. of California, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bleicher was selected to become ond freshmaa football teams, re- eral members of the faculty who sponsor had he agreed to give up HoHeassl j Meyer of Knorville, Mr. and Mrs. chairman of the dance committee spectively.. Kronick has a l s o will conduct similar discussions. his off-the-radio anti-Nazi activiBsslssss I P. Hurowitz of Alcester, S. D., and Lazere is a member of the played one season of varsity baseties. Woasoa's Mr. and Mrs. E. Hill of Liu- !M r s - s . K r a mer of Iron Nation. S. stage night committee. ball with the university team. Ladies Free Loan (Coin announce the marriage oi | D-> N a t e Hurowitz ot Pender Cinema Slivers: "The Dictator's tbetr daughter, Gertrude Dorothy, i N e b . , S. Hurowitz of Vermillion Lullaby," u satire, has been proA board meeting of the Ladies to 2>r. David S. Dana of Kansas ;. s_ Di> a n ( J j j n a a d Mrs _ W i s o t ol Free Loan society will be held on duced by Imperial Pictures. EdCity. Mo. The marriage took j sious City Monday, October 16, at 2 p. m. ward Robinson, the art philan-r place in. Kansas City on tjeptem- | Followin? a honeymoou trip to The long awaited rollei skating Two i m p o r t a n t events are at the home of S. Mcgll, 2022 thropist, has lent three of his toer 30 at the home of Kabbi Denver, Colo., the young couple party will be held next Monday scheduled by the Women's Miz- North Twenty-second. famous paintings to the Sew £ork Samuel S. Mayerberg. evening, October 16, at the West rachi for the coming week — the' will live in Omaha. World's Fair, two to the Frisco Mrs. Dann is a graduate of Farnam rink. So successful was Card Party on Monday and the Fair, and is mulling over pieces Omission Bryn Mawr college and a mem-i ANNOUNCE SXGAGE5IENT a similar affair last yeai that it first Tegular luncheon meeting on ber of Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. Danu was decided to make the roller Wednesday. Mr. andMisaiouri, Mrs. Victor Viener the of ! skating party an annual event. The name of Al Wcvbiner was 1B « sraduate of the University of Carthage, announce Rabbi I. Rackovsky will be Michigan and Columbia. He is a engagement of their daughter, t Music will be furnished by one guest speaker at the luncheon omitted from the list of members A Camp Surgical Supleading Kansas City radiologist Bernice, of Washington, D. C , to i ot the largest organs in town, and which will start at 1 o'clock. Mem- of the newly elected beard of di- port and Bodice Typo and is a member of the Phi Delta ;L e u n ^.^s s o n of°j as a part of the entertainment, bers of the organization and their rectors of the Beth El synagogue Braissisre designed a a d Mrs_ Epailon fraternity. | H . M a r k s o f t h i a city _ Alumnus Harold ZeUnsky a n d friends have been invited. This published in last week's Jewish « 9 lift and hold heavy Press. No date has been chosen for thexVleph Harold^ Oruch will give a event marks the opening meeting ANSOCNCE BAR M1TZVAH demonstration*^ of the finer points of the year. Abdominal Flesh wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Wintronh | of skating. Mrs. A. G. Wein3tein and her announce the Bar Mitzvah of their i Admission will be 25 cents a committee will be in charge of the BOO, Richard Lewis, on Saturday j person. luncheon. Free Consulmorning at the Beth El SynagoAt the last meeting of Sam Card Party tation by ExBeber Chapter No. 100 it was de- Mrs. Joseph Tretiak will preBy HELEN ZIGMOND gropert Trained cided to form a bowling league. side at the card party which is to A reception will bt held at By Four teams, consisting of five be given on Monday at her home, Uidy Attendhome on Sunday from 2 to 5. No Hollywood—"Uncle. Carl" players each, will bowl every-other 3004 Lincoln Boulevard at one C. Franklin cards are being issued. ant. how many eyes were moist and Sunday for a prize to be awarded o'clock, for the benefit of the Out-of-town guesis e s pected were heavy a t news of his 'alestine projects under the aus- hearts ate: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fraaiile "Song of the Valley," by Scho- by the chapter. death. Indicative of the simplclty In preparation for the coming pices of the Women's Mizrachi. of DeB Moines; Mr. and Mrs. L.lem Asch, will be reviewed by Krawitz and Mr. William Win- Mrs. Moe Haznick for the Book basketball season, a practice was Prizes will be offered and lunch- and goodness of Carl Laemmle troub of Kansas City, Mo.; andReview Cultural group "Wednes- held ia the Jewish Ccxasranity son is to be served. Admission to were t h e types of people who Mr. and Mrs. James Corenman of day, October 19, during a dessert Center gym Tuesday night. The the affair is fifty eents. Mrs. Max came to say a last farewell . . . two thousand friends from many Sioux City, Iowa. Consjssny luncheon to be held at the home team will be hampered this sea- Arbitman and Mrs. Sophie Roth- walks of life . . . here a laborer of Mrs. Dave B. Cohn, 5205 Chi- son beeause of the loss of such kop, as chairman and co-chairman . . . there a technician. . . . there Ins. S. A. M. MOTHES'is CIXB chairinaii. Mrs. Dave stalwarts as Jack Ep3tein, Man- of the. Card Party committee, are, an -old-time actor,- now "an extra. for uel Himelstein, Roland Lewis and assisting Mrs. Tretiak. They were the "little felloes" Physicians', the S. A. M. Mother'3 Club will be the afternoon. Harry Fox. However, Alephs NorBenefitting from the card party whom he had helped along a Nurses', held on Tuesday, October 17, at man Kuklin, Irving Forbes, MilHospital and will be the Beth Zeirolh Bchool in Anyone desiring further infor- ton Saylan and Ben Kutler, vetrough road. Top execs attended, the home of Mrs. R. Bordy, 5840 Jerusalem and the Meshek PoalSick Room mation concerning the group and X«eavenworth street. Luncheon will its activities is asked to call the ie r a n s ot several years, are espect- oth, a training = farm school for too but there was a distinct Supplies lack of flash and finery noted.in _t>e aerved at 1 o'clock. Palestinian girls. chairman, WA 6 811. ' ed to be bolstered by some promHollywood. "Uncle Carl" would Officers are to be elected at this ising youngsters. Coming up from Rummage Sale The first meeting of the year have wanted it. time. New members will be iavitArts Elds. Omaha Plans are going forward for the notRabbi the group on "Jewish Affairs the second team wi!l be Harold Magnin described him as 5ed to the meeting. Mrs. H. Eisen- for Epstein, Ben Miller and Leonard Rummage Sale which is another the "little Pfiona ATlarttic SS2S in the World Today" to be given man who was a big fetatt will preside. source of the organization's inby Mr. Leonard Nathan will be Lewis. The purpose of an athletic pro- come. Mrs. Joe Tuchman is chairheld today. Mrs. Lazar Kaplan ?>_DICATE -MONUMENT and Mrs. Gerald Gross are co- gram for Century chapter is the man of the sale and has asked A monument to M. ilarkovitz hostesses for the afternoon. participation of all Alephs in some those having clothes or other sal-will be dedicated at Pleasant Hill able articles to call her at At. The Jewish National Fund Com- form of sport. ^Cemetery on Sunday, October 15, mittee 7552. of Hadassah is continuing it 11a.m. | on the drive until all cards in- Hadassah Milk Fund I eluded on the J. N. F. list have Daughters of Israel Sponsors Touraamest BIKTIi been called on. Mrs. Jack KaufAid Society r. man is chairman ct tha Jewish The Hadassah Milk Fund will man announce the birth of a National Fund for Hadassah. All sponsor a mahjong tournament at Invites Yoa to A meeting of the Daughters of daughter on Tuesday evening at who have boxes that have not the Brandeis store, tenth floor Israel Aid society will be held on the Immanuel hospital. been emptied are requested t& auditorium, on Monday, Novern- Tuesday, October 17, at 2 p. m. Avail Yourself of the Advantages of Oar call-the chairman, HA 0982. ber 6. RBTUKN TO OMAHA The Hadaasah year for 1939- Bridge and bingo will also be at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Green- 194 0 will begin with the first played. Reservations loi the afT>erK have returned to Omaha ait- •meeti Patronize Our Advertisers i a October. All members «• a two-year stay in New York. ,w h o a ° g d e l i n < i n e n t in t w d a e s fair may be made with Mrs. ArrThey will again make their home fQJ.tUe p r e v i 0 U 3 y e a r 3 r e r e s i i a a . thur Goldstein, AT 3953, or Mrs . YOUR INSURANCE RROKER at tne i.ogan. - d t 0 c l e a r t b e l r d u f t g t ? f o r a t l l e Dave Brodkey, GL 0343. I first meeting. Tha first meeting Ask Pay on Pledges CIXS i of the year will be Wednesday, VICE-PRESIDENT ENTERTAINS \ October 26. Rabbi I. Rackovsky has reCITY FMAPICE ABID The Wednehday club enterquested all those who on Shemini I CO. .talned at the home of Mrs. Dave j 7 . TT J ' 1 Azareth pledged money to the I gjncola in honor of Mrs. Meyer j JtiniOT tliUUtSSHh Rabbinical Seminary oi America, j Representing 21 Strong Companies A Complete Insurance Servica faUevy and Mrs. Sam Wilman. Brooklyn, to bring their donations j based OR a fine sslectbn of CALL AT 7SS7 or WA 5150 to him a t the B'nai Israel synaj XEAVE FOK COAST "THE SETTLEMENT COUNTS" ' A regular meeting of the Jun- gogue as soon as possible. Traditional and Contemporary Mr. and Mrs. Hay Kahn and eon, Larry, left Tnursday morn- ior Hadassah Cultural group was held Monday night at the Jewish |Jng for Los Angeles and the west !toaat. They plan to be gone sev- Community Center. Plans are being made for a joint dixtner with ieral -weeks. the Senior Hadassah at which time -ape, 2rabiricS the Junior group will be formally JOSI.TS' MEMORIAL sound filmia to belecture shown Suncharter. andayA at 2:30 the hall i presented Rabbi with Davidits Goldstein erij of the Joslyn Memorial will de- nounced at the meeting that he pict the life of the "Igorote," a will hold special cultural classes primitive people of the Philip- for this group. It was also votad aperi pines. At 3:30 in the lecture hall that two delegates be sent to the Robert Huffman will speak on Regional convention in December. "Black and White Illustrations." The membership drive is still An organ recital will bo given at being carried on by Kuth Cooper o service offsrlsg eiitansive 4 o'clock in the concert hall by and her committee. Plans for a -.Wools and crepes cut magnificently . . . in Martin W. Bush. Assisting him paid-up membership a££aii will be rjreeps of black and the rich fall colors. Designed to T._ •will be Kichard E. Duncan, violin- presented at the nest meeting by t t ist. Helen Ellis. give you fashion perfection through the, win-
Phi Beta Epsilon.
Sigma Alpha Mu
Hitler for Minorities
Pioneer Women
Zeta Beta Tau
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Our Film Folk
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French Room
o Jem m- WaJc " Wo Je Century f\eprcdudlon5
'Ifesf's easf—Ws feists ilCl KilSPIISl'7 QVQi!sb!s ot modest prlcss Cisiiires know ihui • ssissiJ f&af ssass Sis* Kriipisi la s r ersc3 — gad •sr'sa
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Page 4
life has been devoted to the plight of three million hapless in- the terrific 'destruction' war would entail. As tho' he cared Community dividuals whose government was intent on their extermination. a whit for the destruction of human beings whom he has brutal- Gems of "the'Bible OCTOBER 15 XO OCTOBER 20> • "Whatever the fata of Babbi Senator Sehorr, he will be re-ly and cynically murdered and tortured and mangled by the Sunday, October-15. / ~v, aisci Talmud Hebrew club, 3 p. m., RoomU . • • • . . " • membered as the man who did not flee in the face of disaster, millions! svaav ..-asOAY At ©MAHA, Nisaa By Dr. Philip Sher C and D, Jewish Community Ceh-. There is one 'destruction' he forgot to mention and that but had .faith and cevsrage to share the fate of his people. ter. ;if. 5.S3 BU88CBIPTSON is—his own! The world is bent on that now, the noblest men A. z. A. No. 1, 3 p. m.. RoomsBIBLE and women'and nations, righteous, God-fearing, peace-loving Only take heed to thyself, and K and L, Jewish Community Cen-^Cardinal . !* keep thy soul diligently, lest thou ter. SIOUX CITY O^S'fCS—dS October 16. , ;." Cardinal Mundelein last Friday was laid to rest with all and compassionate—and because of that very fact—on the forget the things which thine eyes Monday, Beth-El Midwest Regional Con-; and lest they depart from tie aasient pomp and splendor of the ritual of the Koman elimination of Hitler and all the vile, dastardly, diabolical, saw, DAVID ference luncheon, 12:16 p.' mi, thy heart all the days of thy life, . . . Scliicr Catholic church. But the honors paid him were more than sadistic, and monstrous evil he stands for. but make them known unto thy auditorium, Jewish Community<y The world is learning, however tardily," that the only children, and thy children's chil- Center. CcatrSitttlas iSdltar just the usual homage .given a prelate of the church, for the RABBI FKSDBaics COHM B'nai B'rith, 8 p. m., lodge* dren. SSOS Sdttar RABBI THSOUOrlS N. 1J3WI3 'peace' that is a.real peace, is the peace of righteousness, the Jewish Community Center.*, And thou shalt love the Lord room, Scciat? Sdiia? influence of the distinguished Cardinal, the mid-west's first, peace that follows righteousness and that can come from rightOrchestra rehearsal, • 8 p. mi,'' the God with all thy heart and extended beyond the bonds of his own church. Cit? MOKRI3 Al2EN3Srta Jewish- Community. with all thy soul, an'd with all thy auditorium, Center. , ' The voice of the western Cardinal was the first to be eousness, and in no other way; the only peace that eiidures, or might. DOROTH.S SALT22 October 17. •, raised in denunciation cf the tactics and "racist" doctrines cf that can endure. 'There is no peace to the wicked saith my And He afflicted thee, and suf- Tuesday, Choir, 8 -p. m., Rooms K an3God—or from the wicked! 'The wicked are like the sea, when fered thee to hunger, and fed thee L, Jewish Community Center. •; the totalitarian states. Even before the Nazis had began their Hitler's "Jewish Siat©*' with manna whi-ch ihou knowest Wednesday, October 18. it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and filth.' The Peace ,'• and which thy fathers knew Hitler will solve the Jewisli problem. Hitler will en.d Israel's onslaught on the Church in Germany, Cardinal Mundelein had of Hitler is an Ocean of Blood, a wild welter of misery, for not Mlzrachi Women's luncheon, lwr not, "that He might make thee p. m., lodge room, Jewish' ConvO woes. Having taken under Ms protective wing approximately already made his now-famous remarks on the -"Austrian Paper- Germany, for Europe, for all this world. To which the nations know that man doth not live by munity Center. ' ':j*l hanger" who wasn't even a good one at that. bread only, but' everything that a fifth of world Jewry, and having divided up a raw sicre witis I. W. O., 8 p. m., Rooms C anC of the world, and all good men and women everywhere, have proceedeth out of the mouth of D, Jewish Community Center. •''-' At a critical moment in the history of the Church, when bis newly acquired crony, Joseph. Stalin, der Fuehrer now in- Father Coughlin appeared on the scene as a menace to the tradi- said with grim, deadly resolution, echoing,the words of the the Lord dost man livs. Thursday, October 10. tends to create a "reservation." on. wMel the Jews of Central tion o£ America, it was Cardinal Mundelein who expressed the Divine Creator and all-righteous Ruler of the universe: "So Boy Scouts, 8 p. m., Rooms: G and H, Jewish Community CenEurope will be placed as his wards and Stalin's—ranch as the position of the Church and made it clear that' Coughlin was far shalt thou come, and no further! And here shall thy proud Rob took leave of u. Chiya and ter. the latter said to him. -'May the American Indian:} are the wards of the United States govern- speaiing for himself alone. waves be stayed!" Choir, S p. m.. Rooms K and; Merciful save thee from toe things that are worse than death." (Is L, Jewish Community Center. ,v ment. As a friend of humanity—in an era when humanity needs there then a thing that Is worse Friday, October 20. Without any consideration of tlie motives beMnd tlie offer, what few friends it has—Cardinal Mundelein will be missed. struggle for existence, and yet has than death?" Rob asked himGirl Scouts, 3 p. m.,-Rooms C never actually discontinued publi- self.) He proceeded to look into and D, Jewish Community Center. it is merely enough, to aontsiaplata the offar on its face value— His passing at this particular moment is a distinct loss and the cation. the matter until he found the pasEuropean Jewry ibein;j handed over to two anea, Adolf Hitler Jews of the world join the members of Cardinal Mundelein's What is the secret of this affec- sage (Bcc) "And I find as more tion which many thousands of bitter than death the bad woand Joseph Stalin. Oa^s would stamp cut the Jews, the other own church, in expressing sincere regrets. A Weekly Snrrcy ol People Yiddish readers, including your man." Rob was often aunoyed by sad Icleas merely Judaism. One would santillata their bodies, the other columnist, bear toward this an- his wife, so that when be asked By A. A. ROBACK archist weekly? First of all, there her to prepare lentils for him, she merely their souls. would prepare small peas for him,
The Peace of Hitler
is a tradition behind this medium. and when he asked for peas, she Its first editor, the poet David Temple By SAB3I FB1D1EICS COHH. A friend ha3 Just called me up Edelstadt, was one of the gentlest would prepare lentils. When his "Beware of the Naais briagiajj gift" is a -warning that need son, Chiya, grew up, his father This evening at services Rabbi via long distance to tell me that of souls in creation. sent the orders to his wife to prenot bo re-itaratsd here. The word of Adolf Hitler has become Hitler offers peace! . H. WIce will discuss "The he bad picked np a London broadHis stirring poems, "My Testa- pare his meals through the son. David Present Status of Eastern and cast announcing the fact that Sig- ment" SQ meaningless that, two European nations ars resorting to war and "We Are Plagued and The son used to reverse the or- Central European The Nasi-Greeks come bearing gifts. Jewry." . mund Freud was no more with us. Driven," were Rattle hymns for ders, and thus the result, was just rather than risk another treaty with him. Saturday morning services beMore than once did some one It is the kind of peace the prophet alludes to when he says, of exploited w o r k e r s what Rob wanted. "Thy mother gin at 11 o'clock. "When Hitler 3poke last week, it was as a man anxious for "Peaae, peaee when there is no peace." Who can trust any of say to me, "Did you know that millions throughout Europe and America. Improved herself," Rob once re^ lecture series at the TemFreud . . . " and while I was anecdotes of his sweet dis- marked to his son.' To which the pleThe peace, because .Hitler needs peace and needs 'it quickly. The Hitler's offers! We have his own word for it in his book Dr. will continue through Octolistening, with bated breath, for The position, his meekness, his willson replied: "I caused it, because , quasi-allianee with Sussia has been a wind-fall to Stalin at the "Msin Sampf" that his word is never to be taken at its face the rest of the sentence, it turned ingness to suffer for a cause which I had reversed the order3." Where- ber oa Tuesdays. out that Freud, according to the was dear to him, should be col- upon Rob said to him, "This ia expense of Germany. So far the western democracies havs lest value, that falsehood is to be employed as a direct means of newspapers, was ill, had underBeth El and published apart from what people say—'thy own der frothing by this peculiar alliance, escept the active support of propaganda, the more colossal- and breath-taking the lies the gone another operation, or suf- lected will teach thee sense.' . At services this evening the new fered a heart attack. This time the bis works. How different Edel- scendants thou shalt not.do so any prayerbooks contributed by mel ' Kussia. Of course, a menace has been, unleashed, bus Hitler better as more adapted to gaining the ends desired. one monosyllabic word "died" stadt was from the ordinary con- However, more, because it is said (Jer. 9.4) bers of the synagogue wlli bd dec ception of an anarchist. brought forth a gasp. has been the first victim. Hiss influence in tha Baltie lias teen have taught their tongue cated. Rabbi David A. Gbldsteln Hitler ha3 some other end in view than peace. Perhaps You expect a letter froin the Incidentally, S o v i e t Russia; —'They speak on a "Llvlnjg Ptayerf seriously curtailed. which has placed all anarchists in to speak falsehood, they weary will man any day. You write a post- dungeons or has liquidated them, themselves' to commit iniquity.' " book." Cantor Aaron Edgar and he desires peace now as a breathing-spell, as a respite in which The offer of a Jewish state was a concession to world the choir will lead the service. script on the Freud controversy nevertheless brought o u t an Richard, son of Mr. and Mr$. Rabbi Chiya was often vexed days before. You send him "academic" edition of Edelstadt's opinion. No longer is Eitler the arch-persecutor of the Jews. to meditate and concoct and better carry out some further aa few book. You receive indirect re- •works, doctored according to par- by his wife. Nevertheless when Phineas Wintroub, will chant Klddeviltry, to prepetrate some diabolical act, as perhaps the He is their savior. He is offering them a territory of their own. he found anything suitable for dush in celebration of his Bar gards from someone who had just ty lines. seizure of Soumania, or Hungary, one knows not what. . her, he would buy it and bring it Mitzvah. seen him as his car was stopping The Freie Arbeiter Stimme was Perhaps Hitler is not quite ready to" cope fully with Great in the traffic and thought of him a free tribune for all who had to. her. When Rob said to him: Saturday morning services beIf there is a Jewish problem in Surope, it is because of Britain and France and he wishes to gain further time. Pet- ss "still a fine old fellow" - - and something to say. It has always "Behold, she is annoying the mat- gin at 9:30. Mr. and Mrs. Phineas word "died" tells you that had a literary family which any ter, and why yet bring her pres- Wintroub invite members of the Hitler and his like. Anti-Semitism as a political device had haps for all his boasting and trueulence he realizes that to aanlittle He answered: "It is suffi- congregation and their friendsyto eternity is between you; that newspaper feel proud'of; ents?" cient they make a home for me, attend the service and partake of seemingly run its course except in a few backward countries. conquer Austria and Czeeho-Slovakia and even Poland is one no longer will you enjoy deciph- and what could is more, hardly any our children, and keep us IKiddush in honor of their son's his severe Teutonic script, Kussia, the great anti-Semitic nation of pre-war Europe, was thing, to conquer Great Britain and France is another. Hit- ering was ever paid for his con- raise on the straight path." . that no longer will you read any- writer Bar Mitzvah after the service. tributions; and the list of its conanti-Semitic no longer. The echoes of the Dreyfus case in ler's peace would be no peace; at best it would be but an thing new from his steeled, if not, tributors might form a Who's steel pen, that no longer will he France had died away. of Yiddish writers. FREE! An Expert Counsellor on Room Arrangement armistiee. Any yielding en the part of the Allies to Hitler's be able to defend himself against Who Three dollars per article would the avalanche of criticism because Hitler was the one that renewed the propaganda campaign insincere and hypocritical proposals would be a pusillanimous he dared to speak his mind - - in sometimes be the honorarium in against the Jews. Money was poured into nations to re-awaken and despicable surrender. It would cover those nations with short that a man who ha3 influ- special cases. In spite of these the F.A.S. is one latent anti-Seraitia feeling. Hitler Tvas the one that exiled contempt. It would be another Munich with results following enced his times culturally more circumstances, than any man of his century, and of the most interesting Jewish [hundreds and thousands of Jews and iarew them into t i e Iap3 even worse than those of Munich. "Famous for Fine Furniture*9 ono of tha two greatest Jews of weeklies I know. One of its chief * cur day, is now a name ia his- supporters was the late Dr. Michof European countries already beset with multitudes o£ probUSE OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAM—FABtrJAIti A? 22P|p We hope President Eoosevelt will not be misled into inter- tory. Pious Jews may see- retri- ael Cohen, who was said to. have lems. been a millionaire during the bution in hi3 demise, because of vening again. Not only should his o%vn self-respect prevent de-Judaizing of Mose3, but the boom years. Under Schusshnig, anti-Semitism in. Austria was at, low Mrs from treating with a Government that insultingly disdains his cause of his death is a much sim- What singles out the Freie Ar'§bb. Nazi agitators and propaganda alone were responsible for answering- or even acknowledging his communications; the pler matter. beiter Stimme is the esprit de corps, the idealism of its readers attacks on the Jews. Czeeho-Slovakia was virtually free of world's highest interests demand that he refrain out of sentiLast Tears and the sincerity of its writers. anti-Semitism. Italy, despite a dictatorship, treated its Jaws mental or humanitarian reasons that we fully 'understand and Sigmund Freud had passed his Sometimes the very same writer, year, and could not only a hand on a daily, when he as equals and admitted them freely into party and governmental sympathise with from volunteering his own or his Government's eighty-third have lived much longer; what writes for the F.A.S., brings forth 'circles. Hungary had recovered from its Tv'hite Terror of 1919. services to act as mediator in a dispute which does not only with his years of palate trouble a poem, an article or a short story - a form of cancer - - his humil- which is quite different from his Once Hitler came to power all this ended. Austria was concern England and France but the whole world, America -iating experiences when the Nazis wont. . Incorporated into the • Saich with the tragic pogroms that included. We feel confident that he will not permit the Dicta- occupied Austria, his exile, all this A former editor of the Freie a multitude of activities Arbeiter Stimme, Mr. Frumkin, in shocked the world. Czeeho-Slovakia wa3 made a protectorate tor to throw dust in hi3 eyes, or in the eyes of the nations, with amidst as head of a world movement, yet reviewing my Curiosities of Yidand anti-Semitism was imposed upon the population—as it wa3 the hope of blinding them, of creating confusion and chaos, so rare are men of his calibre, dish Literature was disappointed you invent all sorts of pos- not to find any mention of the soon to be in Italy. Nasi influences in Hungary fanned the and through the smoke-screen thus created advance to the pro- that sibilities, such as the longevity o£ F.A.S. in that book. The truth of iflames of hatred. Hitler had created the problem. Even far- secution of his nefarious purposes. his mother, for a century of life. the matter is that I had this item He was skeptical when I sug- in the page proofs: "Probably the away Palestine fell victim. And in America, traditional home We applaud the position of the honored and influential gested the celebration of 50 years most literary Yiddish weekly in of tolerance, propaganda made the mails heavy, psychoanalysis. It was a writ- America is the Freie Arbeiter prelate Bishop Manning of New York, who from Ms pulpit of ten smile, if one could conceive it. Stimme," etc., but just then there » m m ••» publicly and courageously and unequivocally declared that I asked him once to write his au- was talk of its ceasing publicaAVhen the Jewish problem is solved in Europe, it will not Great Britain and France must be aided in every way in their tobiography, since his little.sketch tion; and I was impelled to omit the history of psychoanalysis is the item. be on a reservation under the joint control of athaisie Russia heroia championship, at such cost of blood and wealth and of altogether too scant for the pur- Fortunately, this weekly has and atheistic Germany, The Jews, from the time of the emanci- whatever frightful sacrifices may be required, of the just and pose; but he was intent on pro- grown since in prestige and in something conservative. content and its anniversary should pation period, have sought to be valuable citizens of the nations right in the holy determination to annihilate the unholy Hitler. ducing , His last book was not likely to interest every Jew as a landmark add much to his fame. Hia repuin which they lived. Zionist aspirations were wea-£ indeed in There are times, says this peace-loving, noble man of God, in American Jewish culture, even tation will rest on his earlier though its future is by no means snost Central European countries, particularly la Germany, .when, force, however regretable, is necessary and justifiable— works in which he has revolution- assured. It has educated two genpsychology. I shall not re- erations of readers, enlightening where the Jews were not only Germans, but militant ones. to meet and master other force used in the destruction of man's ized peat here my estimate of his con- and giving them an orientation. The Jewish problem was not provoked by the Jews. Htra- highest ideals and every interest of decency, of true culture, tribution, since I have, done this Ever since the Soviet regime has in several books, particularly in begun to stifle free speech, the jdreds of thousands went beyond the expectations of citizenship of human civilization. Jewish Influence id M o d e r n Freie Arbeiter Stimme has steadand became assiaiiliated. Today their offspring, with only a which somewhat irked fastly and relentlessly opposed Much nobler and more practical in his stand-point than Thought, because he could not recon- Communism, even though, true to fraction of Jewish blood and complete ignorance cf a Jewish that of tha sentimental, unrealistic and really absurd Fosdick, him, cile my criticism of his views with its principle, it did not decline to tradition are proscribed by law. my rating of him as a genius. A print defenses of the Soviets, ofwho would have us wait until the Nazis have almost destroyed genius, nevertheless was in the ten eposing these defenses all the "When the Jewish problem, ia. Europe is solved, it will he everything and then step in and on the ruins try to construct a opinion he cf many of his opponents, more vigorously. . solved with the rest of Europe's problems cf injustice—most superior world. notably the late William McDoug(Copyrighted by Jewish Teleall, foremost of the English-speakof which can be laid at the door of the Nazis. Nona of tiiesa graphic Agency, Inc.) I have no patienee, either, with the stand of the World- ing- psychologists. problems would be difficult to solve if they would be faced Herald which in a recent editorial decries the outspoken, honest Freud has left thousands upon Permit Emigration © YouncLeyes may bs as badly Injured by with courage and determination. But they are not faced and denunciations by Senator Norx-is of the Nazis as 'murderous thousands of disciples, followers to whom his word is gospel. The poor light as older ones. ScHool cMlslsen the result is chaos and tragedy. Amsterdam (WNS) — Emigrafoes'and Ms open advocacy of help of every kind to Great tragedy is that he has not left a tion of German Jewish children espsciclly nesd good HgHt !o? the closs yretk' Britain and France as the momentary guardians and defenders successor. His daughter, Anna, of to England will be permitted by they are requited to do crt home. Provido course, will carry on in a circum- the Gestapo (German secret poof tha world's highest interests. Who' should stand for the scribed field. It takes a man of lice) if the British government children with I. E. S.* Better Sight Lcsaps. vision, of iron nerves, allows their entry into England, The fate of Senator 3Icses Sehorr, Chief Babbi of Poland, right and true if not the responsible statesmen, we have put inundimined oHe'nacity, and intrepid imaginato representatives of 13 still something of a myatary. Eaports fjoa reputable sources high office to be the storm-petrols and not the cowardly time- tion to achieve what Freud has according the Children's Refugee Committee His lucid style, his Ga- of Amsterdam who, following claim he was among the leading Jews shot by the Nazis upon servers earing only for 'expediency' and 'diplomacy,' of our achieved. •©Bit • exposition, his thorough-go- their return from Berlin, distheir entrance into "Warsaw, But official Polish circles in Paris highest welfare, dependent as we well know upon the welfare onlc iagness - - all combined in the closed the attitude of the Gestapo 1 I. E. S.* Junior Floor. Lamp (parchment still express doubt a3 to the execution or the venerable rabbi. of the entire world? Should a Hitler be allowed to say all he same person - - will not be found officials whom they had iaterfor decades. chide) ......... . „.„ „ j j ©. vievred in Germany. But one definite bit of information reveals hi:a as a hero pleases, and a Goering and a Goebbels and not our own high- We know that a great Jew has 1.-Pic-It-Up Lamp... of such magnitude as to put the Polish leaders" to shame. Tha minded statesmen and noble moral personalities, because of fallen. We see no one to replace Beth For.. him. His glorious name will re- Girl 19 wishes salos-worh— Polish government in Paris has told how Sabbi Sehcx? refcssd fear they may offend this one or that one, or lead their country main emblazoned on the escutch- 2 years university, experi1 I. E. S.* Junior Floor Lamp (silk to flee Poland when he was offered the QDOcrtunity. As long into honorable magnanimous paths instead of into the putrid eon of civilisation when his ma- enced. Apply Baraaa of Voligners and persecutors will be cational Guidance, Jewish 1 I. E. S.* TafolQ Lamp...."..*... as lie was Chief Rabbi and as long a3 Jews resnained hi-Poland, alleys of chicanery and intrigue and tergiversation ami coivard- mentioned only in the histories as Community Canter JA 1368 he would not leave. ly and contemptible silence! the- unspeakable Nazis, the vanBoth For..m........__..SSS.| of the twentieth century. This contrasts rather strangely with the supposedly lieroiu A George Bernard Shaw in his cabled hai-angue Las notdals THE FBEIB ARBEJTEB For Rent—-3 downstairs 'Approved by Illuminating Engineers Society.' STBIME Polish leaders, including the head cf the array, who bolted over helped the cause of right and justice any, but just its opposite. rooms. Nicely furnishedIn a few days a remarkable anthe border while the populace still was holding out against tha His paradoses, however brilliant and 'artistic' but play into niversary will take place in Yid- Heat supplied. AT 6112. invaders. Smigly-Bida, the military ecmtnan&r, at worst would the hands of Hitler. " We cannot help feeling it is the irate dish journalism. A libertarian, in reality means anarchishave been interned. As a gsnsrai rule tha Mgli-ranking of- Irishman who speaks who cannot rid himself of that hate at which tic, weekly is to become' forty For Rent Clean, furnished ficials are treated with the ecstasies of war. f!i3 bottom'of his heart for England; yea, and the owner of years old. It is not only the old- room for yoang man- Menls Yiddish weekly in the United optional. Near car and Not so a Chief HabM. Tha "Masi So'veraaisEtt reeomiaea so vast wealtli who, for all his proletarian pretensions, is a capi- est States, if not in the world, but it Creighton U. AT 113O. chivalry, no conduct in the treatment a£ tlie Jffs% and ihi Chief talist at heart who fiercely resents the diminution of his huge happens to be the go-cart of hunof Yiddish writers. In fact Eabbi of Poland could expeet s.o quarts? i r e s Ms ccaqusrors. iaeoisa by the increasing taxes imposed by the prosecution of dreds there ia scarcely a Yiddish writer FOR RENT 3 furnished If Eabbi Schorr is dead, and we pray hi is not, eoneltsaion the war and the vital protection oj England's welfare, her who did not at soiae time or an- rooms and kitchen Live EVEN.BETTER—Elecfricitv Is EVEN CHEAPER other contribute to the columns electricity, water, and heat, has come to an heroic career. As a member of the PoHsli Senate very existence. / telecf the Frele Arbeiter Stimme, phone. WE 3527.. he lias been the champion of the Jet? and thair spokesman. His Hitler hpyoeritically pleads foij peaee on the grounds of which for many years has had a 1
: f
. / • '
[The Courage of RaBEI Sc3i©rr
?. # '
that, instead of yielding to de- j aad right from their jobs, and beBUDAPEST. or hysteria, they are "car- ing squeezed out of the profesAnti-Jewi3h. measures, v e r y rying oa" as though conditions "ons. much, more severe and far-reach- •were not far from normal. It ia These "purges" a r e taking ing than those now being applied true, of course, that thus far there place either in anticipation of the or even contemplated in "old" has been no physical violence entrance into effect of provisions Hungary, are being put into ef- against the Jews of Hungary. of the May, 1939, law, oz in a de fect with heart-rending effects in But there ha3 decidedly been a facto extension of its rte jure rethe recently acquired Carpathospecies of "war of nerves" during quirements or possibilities. BeRusaiaa region of the country the past sis months with the Jaws tweea 300 and 400 journalists elinaiaatioa of have already been dismissed, and t i e economic Ufa of I next autumn nearly all the rethe region, rather than restriction I »,.».__-.__ weapon against the maining journalists, with some ei>BiV8 of Jewish activities to proportions - •*»>=800.000 Jews aad 400,t>GO former special exceptions, will meet the of the totals, Is the goal of these Jews aad children of miied mar- same fate. Similarly all actors, measures which bear down most riages who are no longer legally singers, musicians and theatrical heavily on scores of thousands of employes connected with state inconsidered Gentiles. men, women and children already j stitutions such as the Royal Opera In the most desperate circumThe pressure h a s , naturally, House, will be discharged. stances. been greatest in Budapest where Although lawyers are not as diIn the former Slovak territorrectly affected by the law, they the Jewish population of 200,000 ies ceded to Hungary after the are being made the vietims of a Munich Pact a year ago. there are represents nearly one-fifth of the curious application of il_ Legal about 80,000 Jews, -while in for- total. And in Budapest, anti-Jewrepresentatives of companies are mer Ruthenia, taiea over this ish propaganda flourishes. being considered "employes," and Small Migration Spring, there are approximately since the sums paid to "employes" 75,000. For the most part, these Anti-Semites have made much who are Jews is restricted by law, Jews are ^extremely poor—timber of an alleged large-scale influx of the lawyers are being driven out workers in the villages aad coun- foreign Jew3, but the £act is that of practice. Large-scale dismistryside, and laborers, small shop- ia the entire territory of Hungary,
sals are going on steadily and are transforming the numerous clausua into a nallus elausus. But the irony of the situation ia the fact that very many at the jobs- from which the Jews are being driven are remaining vacant because competent . and trained non-Jews are not available to fill them. Even the more moderate of the anti-Semites are forced to admit this fact. In the suburban town of Ujpest, for example, five Jewish doctors who were dismissed from the municipal hospital, were taken back and asked to work on a day-to-day basis b&cause no non-Jewish substitutes could be found. In the same town,, all the Jewish municipal employes were replaced by non-Jews moved up from lower brackets in which, however, the posts were left vacant because no substitutes were available. The head of the hospital service in Budapest has declared that this year there are only 300 available to fill posts, compared with, a normal average of 1,000. Many towns are now entirely without doctors, many country districts without veterinaries. In some cases application of the restrictive law has caused serious economic dislocations affecting non-Jews. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
keepers and artisans in the tawa.3.1 there are only between IS,000 and
20,000 Jews of. non-Huagarian naStarving Accustomed for generations, in- tionality—a trivial proportion of deed in some cases for centuries, the total. to ekeing out a penurious liveliSince the anschluss of Austria hood under almost unbelievably with Germany, there has been a primitive conditions, entirely out- sma'l immigration of refugees side of all political groupings and from Germany, Austria and Czechresigned with almost feudal sim- oslovakia, but they are allowed to plicity to their Jot, the great mass remain here only temporarily of these Jews are now either on while awaiting visas to other the verge of starvation, or liter- countries.^ And of 4,000 now here, ally starving, despite outside ef- 2,500 are beiag cared for entirely j by Jewish committees either in lorts to help them. Although there is a great short- Hungary or abroad. Anti-Semitss also have mada a age of laborers needed for t i e ambitious program of national de- propaganda talking point of the fense public works, such aa strat- charge that the Jews, while repegic military roads, mapped out resenting 5 per cent of the total by the new Hungarian authorities population, have had 25 per cent in the region, the Jaws are not of the total income. But trustworthy statistics show that the 'allowed to work. No explanation or attempted real ineorne figure has been about justification of the system of total 11 per cent economic strangulation of these It is true that while more than innocent human beings i3 given, half o£ the total Hungarian popuThey are not accused of being j lation has been occupied in agrianti-Hungarian, or o£ being too i cultural pursuits, only of 1 per rich, or too greedy, or too influ- , cent of the Jews have so enential or dangerously competitive gaged. Only 1 per cent Lave been •with the rest at the population. domestic servants; 1\« per cent No Naai-type propaganda is spread unskilled laborers; 1 per cent about them. mine workers; 3 per cent civil The fact that their coming ua- i servants. But, on the otaer hand, der the Hungarian flag boosts the only 9 per cent have been capitalratio of Jews to the total popula- ists. The balk of the Jewish poption of the whole nation from 5 ulation has been ia tae profesto 6 percent is the only charge sional, lower middle and middle against them. And ia their fate, classes, a3 the following figures the Jews of "old" Hungary sea a j suggest: artisans, 471 trade, terrifying warning of what, may finance industry % happen in the "old" country in 20%; medicine a n d sanitary the not-distant future. 33%; legal 4 1 % ; literature and In "old" Hungary, the restric- a r't 2 a % ; engineering 30%; tive laws permit Jew3 to retain— chemistry and pharmacy 4 5 % ; up to various time limits—such sundry intellectual pursuits 1 3 % . legally acquired privileges aa the These ars the proportions repreright to trade, or to exercise a sented by the Jews to the' total profession. la practice, of course, number ia eachet the enamaratsd the application of the laws, even fields. In "old" Hungary, h^3 gone far Anti-Semitic propagandists in beyond the letter of the laws. the country have been responsible No iegal Protection for the formula: "Anyone" "who Bui in Carpatho-Russia, or Up- owns more than five arpents of per Hungary, as it is now called, land is a Jew," but the fact i3 there ia not even such nominal that the total Jewish holdings legal protection for the Jews. In amount only to 400,000 arpents, addition to the ordinary laborers, which, under the new laws, 'will hundreds of Jewish doctors, law- be gradually expropriated. About
FRANKLY It is upon a hazardous journey that the officers of the Intergovernmental Committee ou Refugees embark when they sail from unnamed Europe ports this week. To reach these shores they aave to dodge Nazi submarines and air Geet3, and after they arrive they will be faced with as tangled and ticklish a problem as any group of statesmen would care to encounter. For it is an awful fact that there i3 no nation on earth, at the- moment, which will open its doors in humanity to the hundreds of thousands who have been
great tribute to the strength of | chological pressure, but because ^character of the Hungarian Jews ' Jews are being discharged left
118.000 paid up members (you become a member by subscribing to "his magazine. The Vindicator, for §1). The Vindicators claim they are opposed "to all 'isms except Americanism." This week, for the first time—so far as this correspondent remembers — they took a crack at Nazi-ism. The Vindicator said it thought Fritz Kuhn ought to be deported. There Is a complete unanimity among bundsmen, Coughlinites, and their ilk on the type of letter to write Congress. Arid there are always the charges that the Jews want a war, and that all Jews are for repeal of. the embargo., It just naturally ain't so. There is as much disagreement on the neutrality act among Americans of Jewish faith as ampng Americans who are Presbyterians, Baptists, or Holy Rollers. For instance, eight organizations held a meeting here last week to protest against lifting the embargo. One of them, World Peaceways, has Mrs. Estelle Sternberger as executive : director, many Jews are members. The W a r - Resisters League, another of these, organizations protesting against lifting the embargo,' has Rabbi. Sidney Goldstein, associated with Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, as -a guiding spirit. — • -
inittee chairman; and Sir Herbert Emerson, the dynamo of a man who is the committee's director. The President "will speak, and they will listen. ' . ... And there is one-thing he is. almost certain to say: "Fiad a country with a heart!" • After that is done, there are ways of settling the : refugees in new homes. True, it will be difficult. It will' require funds and tact and- a powerful, driving frill. But it can be done—it that country is found.
When Lord Winterton arrives, driven from their homes and and who now fine this he'll stay for a few days with Mr. big earth too small to shelter Taylor at his Long Island, estate. them. Sir Herbert •will come straight to This ia the first problem of the Washington, and in all likelihood officers of the committee—where will be the guest of Robert Pell, is there one land where compas- the State Department's technical advisor on refugee problems. Van sion and pity are not dead? The meeting in Washington will Zeeland will also come to Washopen October IS at the White ington. House, and on that day, according In New York, Lord Winterton to the plans of the State Depart- will meet the leaders of Jewish ment, President Roosevelt will ad- and Gentile organizations pecudrass them. What he says Tsrill j liarly interest in refugee probshape the destiny of this commit- lems. tee, and in turn of all the homeless of Europe. Facing the PresiSpeaking of refugees. Senator dent around a table will be such Bob Reynolds, of North Carolina, men as Myron C. Taylor, the for- who see3 the overthrow of the remer steel king, now, in the warm public if 20,000 refugee children afternoon of his life, devoting his are allowed to enter this country energies to humanity; Paul Tan in the space of two years, has just Zeeland, the former Belgian Pre- opened a new headquarters for his mier; Lord Winterton, t i a com- organization, T i e Vindicators,
ian Jewish "menace." And it i3 a I year, not merely because of pay-
peanuts, had two'lean weeks, and mobbed the tourists . after t i e gates were first opened . . .* A million tourists visited t i e public rooms of the White House in t i e three summer montia . . . and added to the' expense of- government by -wearing twenty pounds of wax off t i e floors daily, and grooving through a new set of carpets . . . I heard two very old, and very cynical reporters talking in the House Press.Gallery t i e other day, after t i e news that British planes bad flown over Berlin, and hadn't dropped bombs'. "Why do they risk the lives of pilots?" asked one. "They're practicing upv for tie_ next war," iasped the other . . . As a matter of fact, the British were testing out the Berlin air defenses . . . and found them not nearlv as good as the ones 'around London.
. This indicates that the Vindicators are thriving. They claim
(Copyrighted by Jewish, Tele- graphic Agency, Inc.)
Soviet Paper Opens Drive on Chassidism
American Jews'are Americans, don't answer to the dictates of a foreign Fuehrer, pledge allegiance only to the United States. But can you say as much for those who hate the Jews? Now you take, the case of James True, the Washington Jew-hater who publishes Industrial Control Reports. There is a little item in his current issue which ought to be interesting to the Dies Committee. It says: "We received a radiogram from Berlin on the 21st, as did several others here who.'are promoting Americanism. It was signed by Orville Good and reads: .'If you want world* peace oppose any change of- your, neutrality ' law. Fight off British propaganda and subversive influence."" Haw! . • EX PASSANT— The- White House grounds are open to the public again, presumably because F.D.U. told the Secret Service he thought it was un-American to keep tbe gates closed . . . the White Hrmse.pi<-' ons. and squirrels, who fatten on
Moscow (JTA) — Bezbozhnlk, official organ of the anti-religious movement in Soviet Russia, demands in its current issue the uprooting of Ciassldism among the Jews in tie. Polish territory .occupied by t i e Red Army. 'Ciassidisra most be rooted out in this territory, "just like -wild grass," t i e periodical declares. • > • Another article .in t i e same paper Is devoted chiefly to attacking Baal Shem Tov' as" t i e 'father of the "CbassicHc sect and speaks vehemently aaginst the Sadegorer Rebbe, famous -Chassidic leader,1 and others, 'terming them "remnants of the most influential reactionary forces among t i e Jews'.".
Soup - Kitchens.
been given the two races; t i e opportunity to live and worfc together peaceably will be v translated * Into an agreed solution which will satisfy boti sides." Zionistdlfferenceswiti Britain, particularly over; t i e "Wnite PaLondon (JTA)^—-An indica- per, iave been "set aside until tion of the semi-official view that, victory of' the Allied Ppwera Is the fntnre of Palestine is not toassured," it was declared edibe regarded as rigidly fixed by t i e torially by the New-Judea,- organ Wilte Paper of last May is given of t i e World Zionist Organization. in t i e current issue of G r e a t Britain and the East, Colonial'OfEnd Religious Instruction fice moutipiece. Declaring tiat t i e present upity of Arabs and Jews against Hit- ' Moscow Havas) — The Soviet lerism may one day be translate'd authorities have stopped religious into an "agreed solution" for t i e •education in t i e Jewisi sciools of future of t i e country^ an editorial. t i e newly-occupied territories of In the magazine asserts: "Tie Pollsi White.Russia and the Pofuture of Palestine, until a fewAlih Ukraine. T i e teaching of Heweeks ago t i e subject" of the day* "brew i a s been replaced by instrucwiich iad produced t i e bitterest tion in the Ukrainian and Wilte division not only in Palestine but Russian tongues. outside It, . ias become. tor ' t i e In the Sixth Century t i e Roman moment a question of little more than academic concern. Let'us community of Sicily, complained iope tiat wien. peace is /again to>tie Pope of the cruelties being; restored tQ t i e "world, t i e inter- perpetrated o n ' t i e Jews by t i e val for reflectlonwhici will iave island's Cbristia l population. • .
- •- i - V» S.,T i i\e s are known every-, where for s a f e ! mileage. Your size, is here - - Let us save ' you
Paris (WNS - r .Tie Federation of Jewisi Societies iere an- money with these' nounced that free soup kitchens are now 'serving approximately 31- extra safe, extra 000 Jews.-For tbose families nnable to attend t i e free soup kitch- mileage tires. ens, arrangements iave been made by the Jewish Societies lor. t i e issuance of cards witi wnichfreB provisions -may' be * obtained at neigiboriood Jewisi stores. <
Prinz Gets Newark Post Newark, N. J. (JTA) — Dr. Joachim Prinz, former Berlin rabbi, was named rabbi of tbe Coni gregation B'nai Abraham, ~ the j.largest synagogue in the city .and ! one of the biggest in the country. He succeeds Rabbi Julius Sflberfeld, who. i a s resigned after 40 years as iead of t i e Bynagogue.
'-'••'•'••' Beyond
One and Two WmJust an Old Soak9' Since We Got Our New
NEBRASKA'S OWN : ., #.It's greet to liars plenty of hot water twanty-four hcisis a day—you con too •;;'*riih a a AUTOMATIC GAS WATER /HEATER. No mora stoir-cllinbiag, no ' - more waiting—plenty o! hot water when0Tor you want it! Easy tems . . ..easy to install... start eajoying this modem NOW1 -. ''
I*. OMAHA .§£0pta &r. CHICAGO 8:15asn . Observatica-lonaso car, salca.-Bedroom car. Pullmans, cislsg car, casir car. Lr. Omaha 8:13 a a Jlz.^QiiGjgo 7:55 p a OlwKvatioiblsaaga car, PsUirara (Standard and Tourisr!), diaisg car, dttir ear, coftckaa.
Lv. Ossaha.. S:10ssa Ar, Chicago...... 6;C0 a a JnHsaas {-say ba occupied at & cigo vx&l ":C0 am}, Tbangs .skdagcsr.
buys an Automatic
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' Piwma ASsatie 6831
Our B\iying Far in Advance-'Gives' You Values
yers, shop-keepers, artisans, trade- j 50 per cent of the houses in the men, industrialists have been driv- city of Budapest are still—temen out of the callings during the porarily—in the hands of Jews, last few months. Five thousand but the explanation is merely that •whole families of the middle cla3s Jewish enterprises has been rehave been deprived of their live- sponsible in the last generation or lihood. And a further "revision, two for the development and modscheduled to take place on Oc- j emization of housing in the captober 3, is expected to reduce this j ital. claas to the horrible statU3 of the ) Propaganda Fear starving: laborers and peasants. j Propaganda aad fear of t i e fnThe spectacle of these events in j fare are not the only - problems Upper Hungary ia constantly be- I the Jews have had to face. Three fore the Jews of "old" Hungary, thousand Jewish emigrants left though, of course, the press does during the second half of 1938. not report the facts and special- and about twice that number •will ises in the mythos of a Carpath- leave during the first half of tils
here in Washington. It's right behind the Supreme Court Building, and cost 120,000.
OCTOBER 33, 1939
Every money saving m e t h o d known in clothes making and selling is applied by The Nebraska in its buying and marketing system for your benefitl
Every man finds. his individual style, size, proportion, model and fabric in The Nebraska's great variety of new Fall styles to every man satisfaction! '
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Each one of our 21 clothing salesmen sells as much merchandise as many an Individual clothing store sells!: This 'vast volume of sales enables The Nebraska to bay end sell en a volume basis to give yon utmost value I
° Smart Worsted and Twist Soils 0 Fancy Patterns and Stripes 0 Novelty Bough Finish Suits @ Year-Round Sturdy Fabrics Solid Color Conservative Suits
THB JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1939 oat his arms . ; . "A pound of but- Knaust, a former employee of ter ia placed in one hand, a pound Propaganda Monster Goebbels, of bacon in the other . . The makes a few revelations in the C\«'~A blindfold is then whipped off . . . October issue of Red Book' Maga.Si And the man drops dead of aston- zine titat should.be of interest to ishment . . . Congressman Dies ... . . Among other interesting facts she relates, HEALTH NOTE: The war is re-is that all information about the sponsible for new ailments . . . To Jews in Germany and the exiles wit, Flashlamp Bulge and Gas-is kept in a section of the ministry's archives numbered 13 . . . mask Hip . . . 'JCIiese past few months) a r e (Copyrighter by Jewish Tele2icnist3. (Group A)' still dcmLiatVicious anti-Jewish propaganda memorable ones in Clio light oi graphic Agency, Inc.) BOOK REVIEW: A disturbing ed the scene in spite of miner disoften' resulting in riots h a s been Jewish as well a s world history. little volume is Odon von Horagreements. The major dif.Ssrenees conducted daily in many sections But t h e e r a of constant chuage vath's "A Child of Our Time" in which we live ajaJies acces- which transcended all group lines in New; York- City. The situation (Dial Press) . . . In a brusque sary aow a n d then ciia sasnmar« raaged about the type of/resis- was sufficiently grave' to attract style that heightens the- story's iyjug oi what actuals;,' kaa taisasi tance to be -undertaken against the the attention bt t h e liberal secular drama, von Horvath tells the bitplace during a given get-sod. By British policy. V/Mie the Congress and religious press, which warned ter saga of a nameless youth in special arrangements with t h e went oa record as unanimously' .of the impending lawlessness and Fuehrerland . . . A youth who editors oi tint Contemporary opposed, to .any 'compromise.,ia possible bloodshed. has little in the way of illusions .A 'possible test of strength in . . . Who has been eariy separated Jewish Second, Seven Ai'ta a n d Palestine at the expense o£. Je'y1'aa Jewish T'Xaa 5riu^ you tMa • iah rights, developments. " ia the the. form '-of a street parade of t h e from any he may have held . . . timely resume a£ Jewish world international - situation .'.were iu ."Christian.. F r o n t " scheduled for Yet a youth who gropes for an the foreground of attention. ' Saturday, August-19, was averted ideal to cherish and who dies a events. Emphasis.was laid by all. sides when F a t h e r Cbughlin advised his cheerless death after having lived —-THJ3 • KOI'TOBt. Take on the temporary nature of the followers to give it u p . The New a brief and empty life . . . Hunger Exiled Officials City police and judiciary, led to theft-.. . Then came service Steps to Wipe Out It is a3 yet too early today to present day British policy as con- York a%vare of t h e implication of such in the army . . . A uniform, food, comprehend the full extent oi the trasted -with the identity of inter- unbridled Reich. Laws . propaganda began t o service as a "volunteer" in the tragedy which lias overtaken tha ests of Jews with those of the take more vigorous measures to forces crushing one of Fuehrerworld. The conflict has but start- democracies-, which, w^uld bring a "prevent -disorders. change in tha relationship; of the ed. It is now known.. land's little "ia-the-way" neigh- PLEDGE EQUAL RIGHTS Mandatory to the-Jewish National . "While t h e unexpected announce- bors, medal3 for valor, a wounded But the tragedy which lias over- Home in Palestine". The Congress- m e n t of thevNazi-Soviet rapproch- arm sustained ia a vain attempt Czech Ambassador Calls taken the millions of people in the after a short session. ement- h a s heen. a source of sur- to rescue the captain who knowCitizens in France war zone us well as the 3,500,000 adjourned Many participants - from Polaad prise to t h e entire world, it seems ingly walked into a spitting maJews iu Poland aud the S00,000 and to Army to liava been even more shocking other countries were strandJews in Germany and her posses- ed. The sessions of the Jewish to the-Naai a n d anti-Jewish p r o - chine-gun, an affair with the capsions is sufficiently great to defy Agency were indefinitely postpon- pagandists who have built most of tain's widow, release from the Paris (JTA) — Steps to wipe the imagination and stir the deep ed because of the commencement their nefarious structure of villifl- army when the wound fails to out anti-Jewish legislation in Poheal, search for a job, hunt for a land and former Czechoslovakia sympathy of those who 3till be- of hostilities. eation a n d argument on t h e sim- vanished female face that once lieve ia mercy, justice and the ple Nazi precedent of identifying had captured his fancy, murder will shortly be undertaken by the Effects of War protection o£ the wealt. Jews with Communism. in the course of the hunt, then esiled leaders of those two conScarcely two mouths before HitThe war is likely to affect prodeath on a park bench, oi a com- quered nations, it was learned./ Of -..equal: untsnahility today is ler's aggression: against Poland, foundly the destiny of tae Jewish bination of starvation and sheer Negotiations toward that end, Herr Hans Zieglar, a ranliing ai- National Home in' Palestine: Im- the.' -far-crtta-:.-.slogan of "Jewish hopelessness . . . "A Child of Our looking forward to the collapse of ficial in the Propaganda Ministry, mediately upon its outbreak, Dr. war mengering" in t h e face of t h e Time" is as topical as today's war the Nazis regimes in the two emphasized, according is a dis- Chai:n Weismann assured Great unmistakable Nazi acts o£ aggresheadlines and fills the gaps left in countries, will be initiated this patch by the Jewish Telegraphic Britain in a letter to Prim© Min- sion. "What new arguments antibetween Jewish groups and Agency, in his book entitled *'Ju- i later Neville Chamberlain of the Jewish sropaganda will ssek out the cables from Berlin . . . More week ex-President Eduard Benes of cleu und der Weltltrieg," that one j readiness oi the Jews ia Palestine are aa yet u n i n o w n . Perhaps t h e than merely a literary achieve- Czechoslovakia Premier Wlaof the worth-while results of the ' to join Great Britain in defense of clue was given by Hitler in his ment, it is a human document of dislaw Sikorski and of the Polish Govcoming would war would he the their common interests, notwith- blaming of tn'e. w a r upon "Jewish a mad age. ernment in exile. annihilation or the six .million standing the differences regard- democracy." The conferences are expected to Jewa in East and Central Europe. ing the Palestine policy of t i e MISH-MASH: The J.D.C. holds be climaxed by issuance of special Other warnings o£ the same dire Government. State Department permit No. 100 decrees both by Premier Sikorski character have been uttered by The Prime Minister expressed for operations in belligerent coun- and Dr. Benes ordering restoraNazi officials and publications for his gratitude upon his acceptance tries . . . You ought to know that tion of complete equality of rights the past several years. of this offer. Thus an avenue for it was a Jew who pioneered the for Jews when their countries rerenewed cooperation between the Vmler Xazi Rule art of camouflage in the last war gain their independence. Today, two-thirds of the Jewish Mandatory and the Jev<*3 wa3 re~ Meanwhile, Premier Sikorski —the late Solomon J. Solomon, population in Poland is under .opened. The initiation oi' a moveR. A., the portrait painter . . . He went on the air with an address Nazi occupation. Even the infre- ment for the organization of a rose to the rank of lieut.-col. in assuring "justice to all sons of quent dispatches from the war Jewish Legion ia Palestine for the the British Royal Engineers, after Poland without distinction," a3 to front indicate that the Jews were protection of the country was the having joined the Artists' Rifles race or religion. At the same time, the two fold victim ol! Nazi hatred I first stop in the new rapprocheas a private . . . His work is be- a manifesto proclaiming equality and retaliation, first as citizens of ment. This recalled the experiing carried on in this war by hi3 of rights for yall irrespective pf Poland, and secondly, as Jews. ences during the last war. nephew, G. B. Solomon . . A book origin or faith.was issued by Dr. The Nazi propaganda machinery Influential British public opinis feverishly at work in an erfort ion urged a modification of Gov- WAR NOTSS: Wonder when that is likely to create quite a stir Stefan Osusky, former.Czech Amto drive a wedge between the ernment policy. The result was the Mussolini will start warbling this is the forthcoming biography of bassador to Paris. Czech Cabinet Jews and the Poles. abandonment of tha closed door popular song to Hitler: "I Can Julius Rosenwald, titled, "The One of the purposes of Dr. Iu Hue with its set policy, pur- policy. It is reported that in the Get 1 Along- Without You Very Life of a Practical Humanitarian," sued before the hostilities com- second week after the war began, •Well * . . . Speaking of popular by M. R. Werner, published by Benes' presence In Paris, it was menced, Naai propaganda attempts the doors of Palestine were re- songs, was it Hitler or Stalin who Harper's . . . The well-known Jew- learned, is to negotiate for the to convince the Poles that their opened with an eye to its military first began . crooning, "Let's Get ish painter Mane Katz, who re- creation of a cabinet in exile simenemy ia the Jew and not the defense. The Arabs, too. declared Together" . . . Aleph (Poet) Katz cently exhibited in this country, ilar to that recently set up by the Naai aggressor. At the same time, their readiness to cooperate with rightly points out that from Mu- is now wearing a French army Poles. Recognition of the Cabinet an er'forc is made to portray the the democracies. "With this, a new- nich to making a munch of Po- uniform . . . The prematurely would be sought from all those Polish civilian resistance as stem- phase opened in the history of land was only a matter of poising gray-haired little artist is acting governments who refused to acming mainly, from Jews, in order Palestine, the full consequences of out an eye . . . And Librarian Al as an interpreter in a recruiting knowledge Germany's occupation to justify' wanton retaliation and which cannot as yet be-appraised. Katien wi3hes'it known that the office . . . Yehudi Menuhin is now of Czecho-Slovakia. Kefagees • ..'..Red.symbol'should now be called a father . . . The girl-child has goad the German soldiers and civOne of Dr. Benes' first actions the hammer and swasickle . . . A been named Zamira, which in Rus- upon creation of such a governilian population to more frightful The refugee problem as it had song that x a s popular among antiacts. sion stands for peace and, in He- ment, this correspondent was inexisted in the paat six years aaa in the last war has. now- brew, appropriately enough, for formed, will be the issuance.of a Frequent bombardments of Po- undergone a fundamental change. Germans been: revived . . . It is titled lish towns have heeu directed in With every conquest Sy Germany, Deutschlasd ueber Dalles (tsover- song . . . Alfred M. Cohen, hon. decree invalidating all the antimany eases at the Jewish quart- a new wave of potential refugees ty) . . . Tha Nazi Foreign Minis- presy of B'nai B'rith, will prob- Jewish laws Introduced ia the ers. Polish. Jews knew that their ia springing up. Many Polish Jewa ter, wa are informed, is adv? spell- ably get a record flood of birth- protectorage of Bohemia-Moravia yary existence ia at stalls- ia this. and •aoaJsJasa are-. attempting to ing his name Blb'aectroff . . And day cards on Oct. 19 . . . When he since the German occupation. war. l"or the part of Polaad, oc- flee into Hungary ..'Hamaaia, Lith- the 'Estonian capital - Tallian is enters the ranks" of distinguished ' The 'first- step in this direction cupied by the Naais, there may ha uania and Latvia. having a little difficulty getting octogenarians . . . Did you know was"-taken by Dr. Osusky. In his a puppet government, Slovak In most cases refugees are Sept used to the idea of spelling it that Jabotinsky, stormy petrel of manifesto, which constituted a style, pending a fchange in fortune. out. The war situation has almost with an S a3 the first letter . . . Zionism, is rated a fine transla- call to all Czech citizens to join " For Jewa there is but death, made it impossible for Jew3 to tor of poetry . . . Among his best- the Czech army now in process of if you knock the !• known exile and persecution. Nor ia there leave Germany. Able-bodied men Incidentally, translations are those of formation in France. Emphasizout of Stalin you get a red stata. any escape for them. It the nat- and women have been conscripted Bialik and Poe . . . Both of whom ing the principle of equality for tera established by the U. S. S~ R. in the army's labor battalions cr he did ia Russian . . . Elisabeth all Czech citizens, Dr. Osusky dewill "De ioSlowed in the regions oc- given other work. THAT MAN AGAIN: Sept. 1, cupied by the Russian forces, Jews In the light of these new devel- writes Vic .Slenstock from .Loniu these localities win face perse- opments, the established isroce- don, did something for the longcution for their religious beliefs, dures are severely handicapped. suffering British public . . . It L^ F Sionist activities and democratic Some hope is seen in the fact that made open season on the B. B. C. sympathies. the leadership of the Intergovern- for Hitler jokes . . Aad you ought A a was not the ease in the last | mental Refugee Committee is still to hear what they say and sing war, in which the Jaws of Ger- j'determined to carry on its activi- about the Ole Narsty now . . . Armany shed blood for the glory oi j ties regardless of the changed sit- thur "Askey reports that he is the grateful "Vateriand," they are j uaticn. training 5,000 parrots to fly to held there today as Hostages to be-i The conference called hy the Berchtesgaden and sing: "I'll be come again the scapegoats in the 1 President of the United States .will glad -when you're dead" . . . After event of the dei'eat of the Nazi meet ia Washington on October 5. that, says Aakey,-the birds will forced. The very continuation of the con-fly over- Hitler . . . There's also sideration .of the refugee problem the story about the electrician Palestine Problem The problem of Palestine has j as one of international concern who .made a fortune . . . Ha got at*'».ined a new completion against 1 and solution is of hope ia these a contract -to floodlight Goering's stomach. this background of the new world I bleak days. situation. It continued to loom - - Coughitnlarge until the. outbreak oi hostilThe period under review has GESTAPO GAG: This one, acities. It was evident from the iit- witnessed a rise in tha activities cording to a recent London radioteraitces and. actions of the. Colon- of Father Coughlin and the vari- cast, i3 faeiag whispered arouad ial Minister, Mr. Malcolm Mae- j ous groups under his control or ; Berlin . . . The Gestapo has found Eonaid, that the British Govern- I influences, loosely handed under : a. new Tray to carry cat the death ment was determined to put Into I the name of • "Chrl3tiaa Front" sentence-. . . A sentenced man is effect the measures outlined in. j aad "The Christian M^bilizsrs." blindfolded and ordered to stretch the White Paper, and to break tha resistance of the Jewish, cornmunity. This waa reflected ia the suspension oi Jewish immigration. into Palestine dut-iug the six months beginning October 1,. 1939 as a retaliation for the continuous stream of "illegal" immigration oi German, and othe.r refu-
clared: "Every citizen is obliged proof of their gullibility being purchased for film production to remain loyal to the Czecho^ their willingness to buy commun- must ;be carefully, checked by the. Slovak Republic and to serve her. ist propaganda motion pictures, national culture ..bureau"tor eleEverybody without distinction has the proceeds of which were used ments inimical to Nazi Ideology... •• the same duties, but also the same to finance Russian activities in The: reissue of "AU.ulet on the rights. Everybody ts-equal be- this country. • Western Front"-has been given a " fore the law. Thus, no discrimiaddiRoosevelt, vice-president new screen technique by-.tile 1 nation shall prevail among our of James Samuel Goldwyn Productions, tion of a'prologue and an epilogue citizens. We shall not allow racial Is slated speak in Chicago-on appropriate to the current Euroorigin, nationality, religious or po- November to13. He will be one of pean situation. Some peace tails litical belief to be held against the speakers presented this fall hos also been included, which alanybody." by the Lecture Forum of the together makes it a" stirring docSimilar references to equality Sinai Temple. "Motion Pictures— ument..'." '• . are contained in a manilesto un- Entertainment or Propaganda?" The making of this picture wa3;. der preparation by the Sikorski will be his subject. ' one of the highlights in the career : m government. The manifesto, deFreemasons and "non-Aryans" of CarHaemmle, whose death the . I I signed for distribution to Poles industry mourns.- ••':•• Carl'-i throughout the world, will contain have been virtually banned from niovie jr. produced the fUrn.- •<• several paragraphs • declaring that the Czecho-Slovakian film Indus-; Laemmle, New York premiere In 1931 all citizens of Poland are equal" try under rules which are corre- The truly a.gala occasion. irrespective of race, nationality or lated with-the regulations "in force was Laemmle's last official inter--for the German Industry. The religion. . Prague Ministry of Trade has view, as president of Universal, promulgated a numger of rules was given in the spring of 1936< ' covering distribution, exhibition He v;as 69 then—and he Bald: and ^ production. No films can be "I'm going to take it easy, now." ;. It was not long after that a shown in Czech-Slovaklan' theaters in which a "non-Aryan" has young, man, out of the theater opthe leading role. Films in which erating field, took over the helm "non-Aryans" participate in^any of Universal.That young man is ••' By IRVING SONPERS form cannot receive the apprvoal Nate Blumberg, president, who of the Film Advisory Board of the hardly over a year after taking Board of Trade, which supervises brought the organization Legislation banning the exhibi- distribution and exhibition. Such over, from a losing company: to a proftion of any war picture, news or films also will not receive any itable one. : features, may be introduced i n government recognition" or sub- (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arta Congress as a supplement* tor the sidy. Another rule Is that stories Feature Syndicate1.) ", / : pending neutrality legislation, although It was made plain that the legislation will not be passed un-. til after the neutrality bill has been fully developed and the sentiment of the country expressed. It was not explained, however, FOR ALL TVPEG OF OGL as to how the ban would: be enforced or how a Governmeht-cohr trolled 'censorship beard would operate. The prohibition would be extended to foreign pictures and might be expanded to cover propaganda pictures from abroad, regardless of whether or not' they shewed war scenes. Since a proposal involving a We have on our staff trained, capable burner -mecensorship of films would arouse chanics, instantly available to our customers a t all the resentment of the radio and boars—-day or night*—Sundays, and holidays! These press, fearing they might be next ' mechanics have been trained to service your burner i n to be muzzled, it Is not likely that accordance with / t h e manufacturer's Instructions. Congress will give this proposal Twenty-four hour service. serious consideration. Congressmen, on the whole, would never endorse an ostrich-like attitude REICORSSE) wheh they would have to adopt under the proposal. The Dies Committee Investigating un-American activities at open sessions in Washington was told n testimony given by Dr. D, H. Dubrowsky, former Soviet agent who cut loose from the Reds in NIGHT PHONE QL 1935, that the Soviet government has played upon the credulity of the American people, not the least
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Je\v3 were heartened "by tae publication of the resort of the League of Nations Permanent Mandates Commission, four of whose seven members declared the "White Paper au unmistakable violation of the terms of the Mandate, Ia the meantime, attention waa shifted to Geneva where the Tweiviy-ih'st Biermal World. 2iouist Congress waa opened oa Auguat S3.
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