October 27, 1939

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In the Interests of die Jewish People

By At* SEGA!.

. NUDISTS I believe the wave of anti-Semlti8m ia the United States is subsiding to the innocuous desuetude into which all such movements JKtiUsreu aut SCCUIHI CUU> Mai" Mallei uo January 31. 1911. at eventually fall in the United OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FEIDAY, OCTOBER 27, ;1939 ruBtfHce of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act ot March J. 1879 States. ' Mr. Hitlsr himself has accelerated its decline. To 99 per cent of Americans Mr. Hitler is a most noxious element in the world and anti-Semitism partakes of aim. Anti-Semitism rapidly ia becomRabbi David A. Goldsteia will ing as indecent as all tae other begin his seventh seasons of book savagery that civilized people asevenings Tuesday, October 31, at sociate with Hitler's name. It is 8 o'clock, with a review of John seen to be as false as the hypocSteinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath." Members of the local Jewish risy -which for sis years pretendcommunity are again assisting the During the coming season Rabr ed to be a bulwark agaiast ComOmaha Community Chest in its bi Goldstein plans to review "Days Student Reveals W o r k of O u r Years" by Pierre Van munism and finally sold out to it. Come From Areas Taken annual drive to raise funds for Klein, Mrs. On Behalf of member organizations. Yesterday E. J. Rubin, The hordes of racketeers who Paassen; "Inside Asia," by, John" By Soviet this group were guests at a tea berg. Guather; "Seasoned Timber-,'' by have been selling aati-Semitism • Fascists ference was to reconvene yester- ' Army at the Omaha City Mission. Dorothy Canfield; "America in for cash or for power have for Mrs. Julius Newman, captain; day (Thursday) At the State deMid-Passage," by Charles a n d the moment reduced their raucons CITY OVER-CROWDED Mrs. Sam Gilinsky is chairman Mrs. Fred Ellisan, Mrs. B.' A." Si- NOTE LINK TO REICH partment, after which American Mary Beard; and two books on voices to abashed whispers; their of the Jewish women's division. mon, Mrs. Horace Rosenblum-, Vice-chairman Myrdn <J.-TayJor Abraham Liacoln. embarrassment is like that of a Members of this division are: Mrs. David Greenberg, Mrs. AbeRecords of Silver Shirts was to make a personal report to Section 1 crooked butcher caught selling Say No P e r secution by Mrs. Max Canar and Mrs. Sam Greenberg. . . ,- " - . . . - . . President Roosevelt; . > Leader Seized by Steinberg are in charge of ticket rotten meat. Mrs. Fred Rosenstock, major; Reds; Institutions Mrs. Henry Greenberg, captain; The technical committee to conCommittee s a l e s . • . • • - . • : Mrs. Dave Rosenstock, assistant Hitler left them out on a limb Mrs. Louis Shrier, Mrs. S a m of President Closed major. when he took up with Stalin. He Washington (JTA) — T h e con- sider all phases Greenberg, Mrs. Ben Silberman, long-range settlement Washiagtoa (JTA) — Pressiag had taught them everything they By ALEXANDER WEIXER5IAX Mrs. Henry Monsky, captaia; Mrs. Russell Blumenthal, Miss ference of Intergovernmental Refc- Roosevelt's was headed < by .BoJiert its iaquiry into Nazi activities,' the knew about a world-wide Commuugee;Commtttee officersi this week program Kaunas (JTA) — Refugees ar- Mrs. Morris Mickiin, Mrs. Harry Helen Greenberg. Pell, State department expert qn Dies Committee in the past week nist conspiracy of Jews. All their riving from Wilno said that more Wolf, Mrs. David Goldstein, Mrs. turned its attention to President problems, .and included Section 3" " (1) questioned a . University of pamphlets and speeches carried thaa 120,000 Jews have flocked Jay Wright, Mrs. Milton AbraRoosevelt'B proposal for, a survey refugee Christopher Bramwell,' first secreMrs. Sam Appleman, . major; Washington student who revealed the influence of his teaching and to that city from Soviet-held areas hams, Mrs. I. Solrman. looking toward settlement of 10 of the British Embassy, and Mrs. Bernbardt Wolf, assistant how anti-Semitic propaganda here proved them to be apt pupils. to 20 million expected "war refu- tary of Poland and that thousands Mrs. Bert Hene, captain; Mrs. major. representative, of .the Netherlands is directed from Germaay, <2) gees in new territories, after actmore were pouring in. The influx S. K. Zevin, Mrs. Chester Heyn, Nazi defenders Mrs. Hubert Scanners, captain; ing on his plea. to "clear the Legation and French Embassy..l . Communism wa3 a Jewish plot rivalled that of Jews from Nazi- Mrs. M. I. Gordon, Mrs. Isidore Mrs. Ernest Nogg, Mrs. Sam Rob- obtained an order for the arrest Allies Concerned .' • of William Dudley Peiley, Silver decks" immediately of-the; two to against Christian society, they held territory ia Poland to areas iasoa, Mrs. II Chapman, Mrs. I. Shirt leader, and (3) subjected To Speak on Behalf of three (The New York Times reported hundred thousand pre-war said. (Coughlia gave a list of al- controlled by the Soviet forces. "Religious Emphasis Saltzman, Mrs. M. Greenberg, Miss Fritz KuEn, leader of the Gerrefugees by launchiagicoloaizatlon that the British arid French ^gov1 leged Russian Jewish Communi3t Among the refugees pouring Bea Sommer. Week" man-American Bund, to' further projects In the Phillppiaes a n d ernments were "deeply concerned ? -leaders to prove the Jewish con- into Wilno are large numbers of Mrs. Harry Shumow, captain; interrogation. about President Roosevelt's-refDomlaican Republic. , tent of Communism.) Nazism Polish intellectuals and members Mrs. Millard Speier, Mrs. .Ed RosAlvin Jobnsoa, chairman of the Following a recess of .more than erence to' the necessity to prepare : they said, .was a reaction, a de- of the middle classes. All accomoen, Mrs." Ed Schimmel, Mrs. Har- Richard T. Forbes, 25, Uaiver- 1939 Omaha Community. Chest a week, which, was occupied with for resettlement of ten to twenty fense-mechanism, against Commu- dations in the city were overold Brodkey." Mrs. Robert Rosen- sity of Washiagtoa studeat, who campaign, will occupy the pulpit informal discussions, studies by a million poBt-war refugees." \ The nism. They heiled Hitler a3 a de- crowded and most of the refugees with a companion joiaed the Ger-of the Bethel thai, Mrs. Louis Somberg. synagogue this eve- technical committee" and a lunch- statement was said to have caused tender of the Western world were destitute and starving. A Mrs. .Clarence Bergman, cap- man-Americaa Buad in Seattle, ning during, services.. Mr. John- e o n ' t o British officials of the "discomfiture" to tbe Allies, wno against this Jewish Communism. number of prominent Jewish lead- New Officers Elected a t tain: Mrs. Barkin, Mrs.. Edward presented to the Dies Committee a represented as feeling that committee in New York, the con-were ers were reported among those They had gone to bed with HitAbrahams, Mrs. Max Cohen, Mrs. graphic story of how the Nazi Meeting: Last one' of their, war objectives, was tier and suddenly he had pulled who had succeeded in reaching Ed Brodkey, Mrs. Sam Rachmaa. Propaganda Iastitute ia Hamburg, the elimination of racialism,' makWeek N covers off and left them cold Wilno. Mrs. Maaning Haadler, captaia; Germany, directs anti-Semitism in ing forced emigration unnecesHitler had taken Stalin into bed They include former Senator Harry Roseafeld, Mrs. Joethe United States. Forbes and his sary. The Allieft'-governments Ephraim L. Marks was named Mrs. and there they all lay together— Rafael Szerezewski, Senator Rabbi companion, whose name was withWeinberg, Mrs. Fred Rosenstock, also felt that the President's rei Stalin, Hitler, Coughlin, Peiley, Isaac Rubenstein of Warsaw; president of the Zionist Organiza- Mrs. Dave Goldman, Mrs. Samheld, joined the Bund while, comarks- on this score "may hare Kuhn, Edmondson and True. It Isaac Giterman, director of the tion of Omaha at the regular Josephson, Mrs. Alfred Mayer, operating, with the Customs Burpermitted the. assumption1 in Gerheld last week. Mr. Marks Mrs. Harold Farber. was dreadfully embarrassing to be Warsaw office of the Joint Diseau and the Seattle offices of tbe many that he endorsed Hitler's caught publicly in this way, to be tribution Committee; I. M. Neuthesis that emigration may be Mrs. Moe Bercovici, captain; Federal Bureau of Investigation. found in bed with Stalin and t mann, editor of the Warsaw YidThey obtained entree to inner lorced." .Diplomatic circles said Mrs. Hymie Ferer, Mrs. David lie there uncovered while Hitler dish newspaper Haint; the ZionLocal Lodge Plans for Informal representations over; the Cohen, Mrs. Samuel Swartz, Mrs. Bund circles because Forbes' comand Stalin hogged the blanket. ist-Revisionist leaders Spector and statement bad^been -made. - Myron Elmer Gross, Mr3. Lester Lapldus. panion had been fluaked in a hisRegional Conclave tory eourse by Dr. Ernest Levy, Coughlia and hi3 Amaricaa Szofman; Deputy Simon Zeidmaa C. Taylor was- understood to be Section 3 oh Nov. 1 9 '. bed-fellows haven't been saying of Warsaw, and a aumber of bankseeking an appointment with the Mrs. Morris Linsman, major; refugee German-Jewish professor much if anything about Jews and ers and industrialists from Warat tbe University of Washington, President to iron out the misunMrs. David Blacker, assistant. Communism since; -when yoa aresaw and Lodz. Rabbi Isaiah Rackoysky; spirit- derstanding- neld in -diplomatic Mrs. Milton Mayper, captain; and. had subsequently ;quarreled caught in the wrong bed there ual leader of the tJnited'Orthodox circles to have been created No Anti-Semitism by. bis Mrs. Phil Giliasky, Mrs. Samuel violently with the professor. Isn't much to do except to keep Congregations of Omaha, was .statement.) Tha refugees said that there •• 'l Wall, Mrs. Abe Veager, Mrs. M. Appointed Agent atill and thiak of ways to get outwere ao signs of anti-Semitism ia guest speaker a t the regular meet- ' The President's proposal to -ex- A. "Veager. > Forbes' companion was then in. a hurry. ing of Omaha lodge No. 354 of pand the committee's .scope so Russe-Poland but added that the Mrs. L. G. Gross, captaia; Mrs. approached by Otto Klaas, HamB'nai B'rita Monday night at vastly bad come as a-distinct sur-t So the recently current anti- Jewish situation was grave beAl Berger, Mrs. J. Rosenblatt, burg-American agent' at Seattle, the ' Jewish Community- Center. prise to tbe foreign delegates - ; -^ Semitism ha3 lapsed into silence. cause the Soviet authorities were Mrs. Gerald Gross, Mrs. Louis and' began to receive propaganda The meeting was held in the lodge Chairman' Lord- Winter ton and-DiIts promoters probably are trying confiscating property, machinery, Lipp, Mrs. Saia Platt. from Germany. Forbes room with approximately 200 per- rector Sir Herbert' Emerson >x>l to think fast as to what to say materials and bank deposits. They Mrs. Bea Shapiro, captain; Mrs. material his companion became alarmsons attending. . Britain and the French,- Argennext, but in a horribly changing said that community activities had Harold Pollock. Mrs. Jack Mel- said ed at tbe contents of the pamphtine, Brasilian< and Netherlands ' world even taa swiftest thinking een paralyzed aad that Jewisa cher, Mrs. Mai Shapiro, Mrs. Jack lets In his talk on ."Traditional Reand the two youths placed the diplomatic representatives ' w h o is overtaken by the aest moment'3 irgaaiaatioas were ao loager Marer, Mrs.. M. .Krupp.. sponsibilities" .Rabbi. Rackovsky before the F . B. L auctioning. their govMrs. Arthur Goldsteia, captain; •whole matter outlined what be considered to be immediately'cabled'to y ageats eacoiiraged them h gi t u t i Advices from Wilno denied reHitler himself has given them Mrs. Morris Stalmaster, .Mis.. Al- Federal' the • traditional problems > with ernments for further instructions.to go forward .with, their' correscue. Stalin having- become Ms :urrent,reports that S e n a t o r fred. Frank- Mrs. Alfred Fiedler, .which Jewry.-Is now-confronted, Johnson. He was* quick.to take" Judqy" o3.es- Schorr, CMef Rabbi of Mrs. Leo Barman. -.:•.- -.'••.•'.... pondence and investigation"; / , . ; •pointing out that too much; stress will speak on "Religious -'Ein- is placed on insignificant' matters f. CosHmaaism; it'te-aoCT "Warsaw," aad been executed by the Mrs. Sam - Theodore, captain; '_•' Forbes told.the" committee that on V V i " hi being ob- arid* Ttofc—«BOTig£t" 3eiress-=**iMli.eoi~ ** Jewish "democracy." But you Na2is. Rabbi Schorr was~stated t o IatTOdnfe. h MrsT Xieo ~ MHfler,- Mrs. ~ "Leon?ed to BundJeadera'PaulStoll and erved in all churches'and syna- jnasis>a»d naraJy.eaonsb.time |a aa6Il3ra«vd4,S J uader arrest i a .Soviet-held «an't get-away with that, ia tha (Continued on page %.\ Harry Lechner through. Dallas United ;^States where everybody W8W, together with. Deputy Emil given ,to, t&& Jtoportaai*£i»bl6mB iotneJ'S0;000,'refugees wh Marks Johasoa* Seattle Jew-baiter, "who ;ogues.- " : . : / ' > . v - , / , d8fflocraey eaine Sere- on ;ommersteia and editor N. Szwalrelating; to, tae.Jawisn.xellsion.ana' foufld. teinporaryteinporary aaveiiilaSwtoi aaveiii-l As*l>ar{ .yjx.ta"e' observance of its traditions.- : was also director of a youth, surthe Mayflower;..,It is -really-quite e of the Polish-language Jewish succeeds Rabbi David "Ai Gold-j . • - . • * • ; c iiiad* i , * th the Mthfeflnjl8' Methfeflanjl8,'Belgiiiai vey coaducted by the Natioaal •Religious' 'Emp-has^.-Week"- a aggravating to think of something ewspaper Nasz Przeglad. stein. : and t h e Scandinavian countries. P l a n f o r Conference moment of silence" will'be includYouth Administration. It was learaed authoritatively Dew to say about Jews. Other officers named were: Dr. ; The condition' of these refugees, • Plans -for ,fhe -coming -Southd during which a silent 'prayer bat all persoas resident in the They were assigned, Forbes said, Philip Sher, honorary president; Need New l i n e Regional convention to was described.-as-'"desperate *tnd ilno district on July 20, 1920,Nathan S. Yaffe, first vice-presito spread anti-Semitic propaganda rill' be ' said for. the "safety' of western: "Were I inclined to be helpful be held < here * to: Omaha, spon- urgent"- and I f was* decided- that [empcracy, the* Welfare ,61' the among the 10,000 students at the •to the frustrated promoters of will be considered Lithuanian cit- dent; Harry L. Sommer, second sored by the local lodge, were an- they'would be'given priority--in ick; ihfe.poor, .the neglected chilUniversity of Washington by disWnti-Semltism in the United States izens. Those who have moved into vice-president, and Salewin Michhome* nounce* by. 'Alfred ^Fiedler, chair- "the" location of -permanent ren, and the success of the Comi would advise them to take up a the district since that date will nick, secretary. Joe Tretiak was Noted Statesman to Open tributing literature which came • l ' The ;aU-day meeting which l a n d s . : • from Oscar C. Pfaus, ia charge of munity Chest campaign. ' .- ..','.'•.-• man.; •new line altogether. I recall that e treated as foreigners but will re-elected treasurer for the 20 th Center Forum • The committee decided to transMr. .Johnson, who heads this is expected to draw delegates from the American, Canadian and Irish term. Jong ago when wooden nutmeg3 ie permitted to remain. Council Bluffs,; Lincoln and "poft'as many of-the refugees ao Series sections of the Deutscher Fichte- year's drive, is president "of thethe. BO longer were saleable the woodMembers named to the execuBund in Hamburg. Another of Livestock National /banki ' He is Sioux City lodges will"-be held on posslblcr from ttb .neutral naUohs men nutmeg trade took up goldtive committee are: Mai Barish, r<r> Marley, deputy speaker ot their jobs was to heckle Dr. Har-a former president of the Omaha Sunday, November i9,*at the Jew- to. other havens through infiltra* bricks to sell; when the bottom David Freeman, Abe Gendler, J . theLord tlon a n d • settlement projects. 1 House of Lords aad old Laski, who was then lecturiag hamber of Commerce and hasish Community Center.dropped out of the market for Lintzmaa, Philip Klntzaick, Louis chief British Opening event on the program Small " t o k e n groups" Will be re Opposition Whip, "Will open at the university. jeen "active in all. civic ~etitergold bricks the quick-witted salesE. Lipp, Rabbi David A. Gold- the curreat Center Forum series • - ' . ..'. : . will be the business meeting of ceived from- each of these- nations, Forbes trapped Pfaus into dis- rises. • . * men went to selling the Brooklyn stein, Rabbi David H. Wice, Rabbi oa Tuesday, November the region which promises to-be and transported to thePhllippinES 7. He will tributing a copy of the Benjamin Bridge to this person and that. Isaiah Rackovsky, M. Levensoa, speak the most important one in tne his- and' t n e -Dominican -Republic. oa "Europe—1939." • Franklin forgeries, the witness reMorris Friedel, Heary Moasky, By similar adjustment to new tory of the-region.. -This will be These projects will-be financed by. Lord Marley has just completed vealed. Forbes sent Pfaus a copy Dr. I. Daasky aad Dave Stein. conditions tbe purveyors of antia reorganization meeting and a - ' (Continued on i a g e ' 7.) , - • a survey of conditions ia South of the forgery which he had Far-reaching plans are beiag Africa and other places recomSemitism may be able to keep on new constitution; and by-laws will changed ia several places, and made for this year's activities. A going; with a new line of goods. be submitted for adoption. Harry The annual Chesed Shel Emes membership campaign is in prog- mended in tne British colonies within fifteen dayB received from d a m thinking that something may B. Cohen, past president of the aad dominions for settlement by Germany the changed..' copy ia Jbe done about nudista. Nudist3 dinner will be held on Sunday ress, the objective of which is Jewish Omaha lodge, who.is president of refugees. Upon landing pamphlet form. .It was headlined fere in a conspiracy to expose the evening, November 5. Nathan S. 500 active members for the Zioa- in the United the Southwestern region; will preStates, he went to "A Real Case Against the Jews." tinman form ...In its nakedness; Yaffa will be toastniaster of the ist organization. side. Election of -new of Hcera for Washington lor the IntergovernRabbi Isaiah Rackovsky •*hey are internationalists. For, if evening. Dies was told by the witness coming year will also be held. mental conference on Refugees. William L. Holzman of Omaha, theAn ithey succeed in their cause and will be guest speaker. that he had seen i a the Home of open-forum will bo conFor many years he has served Jack Shields, Silver Shirt leader Dr. h Sternhill of Council Bluffs, program of Jewish music will everybody ia the world goea beApresented as chairmaa of the ParUameatary ia Seattle, a veritable arsenal and Louis B. Finkelstein of Lin-ducted, startiag-at: 3 p. mi. and, Cantor E. Selltz, naked, it will be seen that all accompanied by according-to tentative^ plans, Ben Council of the ORT. by his daughter, which Shields said he was ready coln will participate in the'dis- 2. Glass, i secretary of District people of all races aad re^gions Shirley. Officer in Marines to use. A letter from William cussions to be held.this week-eiid Grand: lodge No. 6, of Chicago, ind nationalities are pretty much Tha - "HarveBt -Dance," '"sponEducated at Marlborough and Kunze, pres3-agent for the Ger-in. St. Paul, at the sixth annual No appeal for fuads will be ftllke. This will make for interwill lead the discussion. A ban-•Bored- by the' Women's fiivisioa, the Royal Naval College at Greenmads at this dinner. West Central States Regional conman-American Bund, was presentttatlonalism and all that. wich, Lord Marley served as an ed in evidence. One line read: ference of _the Council of Jewish quet at the Center, at 6:30 p. m.,will take place • this - Saturday The nudist international can be Reservations may be made by officer in the Royal Marines until "We are trying desperately to Federations and-Welfare Funds. with Mr. Glass as guest speaker might in tbe- Jewish Community calling members of the commitie as frlghtfal as the Jewish 1920 when, he retired from service bring about an American nationa- 'Delegates to. the conference will will climax and bring Uo a close •Center. This affair-Is- th6 -Womtee: Mrs. J . Nitz, chairman, WE International and many a person the convention program.. •• en's division's - first -important to devote his time to the Labor Tickets have gone on sale for 498S; Mrs. J. Finkel, HA 1930; (Continued on page 7.") coasider ' the problems involved rho "has been giving money to -function for'-the year. • party. Siace 1930 he has led the lecture to be given by Erika Mrs.. S. Fish, WE 5257, and Mrs. and, methods developed da.the inpat down the Jews will be happy ' Music will be furnished by Gary Mann under the auspiees of the bis party in tbe Upper House. He tegration of refugees, into Amerito contribute to something new, J. Caait, WE 0177. Gross's •popular orchestra. - Apr Temple Israel Sisterhood on Jan-was lord-ia-waitiag 'to K i n g can life, and the experience of tee hating nudists. •propriate -decorations-planned-by uary 6. Because of the limited George-V from 1930 to 1931 and local communities In-tire co-ordiNudists aren't popular anyway, a-special committee,'-consisting.-of seating capacity of the Central was also nnder-secretary of war. natlon or civic-protective- efforts. Host people kaow taelr aakeii Mrs. Jack Cohen. Mrs. M^yer Bebr High Auditorium, only fifteen In the spring of 1937 L o r d Milton P. Fireston, St. PauL todies are horrible to looS at t er • and Mrs.»David' Blacker, JJWUI hundred tickets will be sold. Marley spoke in Omaha to workpresident of the regional organido alj they can to conceal them furniah the bacbgroaad- tor t b e Miss Mann is a daughter of the ers in tbe Jewish Philanthropies zation, will preside at opening and and make them presentable to the r famed German author, Thomas Campaign. His lecture tour, this Rome (JTA ) — The Interior dance. Formal or Informal dress closing sessions. world. They can easily be made - - . -Mann, and is an author ia her season, was scheduled before the Ministry stated that 2.801 Jews may-be*-worn. to hate people who want them to The committee in charge of the have been granted exemption from The Junior Activities' program owa right. She has writtea 'School outbreak of the war. take their clothes off and expose racial legislation for services to dance consists- of the following: was successfully launched by the for Barbarians," a survey of the themselves ia the sunlight. The Jewish Operetta compaay Nazi educational system, and "Esthe fatherland. Other applications Mrs. Sam" Wolf, chairman, and Jewish Community Center last I, myself, do not like nudist will preseat its last performance for exception, making a total ot Mesdamea Isadore Abramson, Harwith the opening of classes cape to Life', the story of the Ger•who would deprive me of my week in Omaha on Sunday evening at man emigres who have fled the ry DuBoff.-DavId-Brodfcey, David 8,641, are under consideration. Ballroom dancing, tap-dancing, clothing which is all I have to in the Jewish Community Center, Hitler regime. Haadicrafts, Rhythm Exemptions'are granted on the Goldman, Jack Kaufman; Cy SUgive me aa appearance of dignity. dramatics, starting at 8:30. For its final photography, etc. All these When she appeared in Omaha following grounds* (1) Families ver, I. M. Weiner,. Moe Bercbvic!, Nobody would read my column 1 band, production the group has chosen are directed by experi- last spring with her father, Erika having members killed in t h e Nathan Nogg, Howard-Milder, Abe By popular request the Center it were known how I really look activities "Itzig Seeks a Bride." eaced and capable staff members. Mann was received with great acLibyan, World, Et h o p 1 an and Pradell, Iz Weiner, Elmer Gross,. Players will again present Clifbefore I am dressed. This is a three-act musical All children's activities are in-claim. A former student of Max Omaha is being represented at melodrama with a number of new ford - Odets play oa Jewish life, Spanish wars and in service for Ernest • Nogg,. William Feller. I give this suggestion with n and planned so that at Reinhardt, she had beea an act-the national convention of Hadas- Yiddish soags. • . • '. "Awake and Sing." The play will the Fascist cause; (2) Soldiers Aaron Rips, Irvin 1-evin, J . J.thought of profit to myself, tegrated close of the season a complete ress ia Germany. sah by Mrs. M. D. Brodky, presiopenf on Monday, November 20, mutilated" dr. I n vaTided In" tbeGreenberg, Harry Trnstln, 'Ben' though there may be millions ia the Members of the cast are: Abe will be presented at the Tickets are sixty cents and axedent of the local chapter; Mrs. and continue through Tuesday and above wars, volunteers and hold- Shapiro, William Racusin, Abe it for those who may be lookia program Spring Club Festival. available a t Matthews Book store, Morris Franklin, Mrs. Ben Brodky Zwaig, Dorothy Zwaig, N e l l i e Wednesday nights, November 21 ers of military cUstlnctlonsr (3) Venger, Sam Swartz, Meyer Beber. for a new hate to sell now tha Children's Green, Louis Green and Hymie Registrations are still being acDrug Co., c r from aad Mrs. Anaa Romm of New Persons who were members of the Jack Cohen, David -Blacker, Xonis and 22. tbe market for "anti-Semitism-ap- cepted for the various activities. Unitt-Docekal any member of the Temple Israel York, a former presideat of the Birnbaum. Fascist Party before t h e end of Alberts, ~ Mike. .Freeman, • Michae* Members of the cast for this pears to be in a slump. There The • presentation "last" Sunday 193.4, (ji) Members of the Flume Kruplnsfey, J . .11. Erman,' Albert Omaha group. The first Children's Mass pro- Sisterhood. presentation are Martha Himmelpower in it; for even only a mil- gram received with enthusiasm bj Legion;' (5) Persons wno render- Newman-, Sam Beber .and Mlaa will take place this mornThe conventioa started Sunday was stein, Rebecca Kirshenbaum, "Million nudist-baiters would make : at. 10 o'clock in the auditor• -- : evening ia New York with aa im- the audience. ton Altschuler, Joe Sacks,- Earl ed; exceptional service, to Italy; Blanche ZImtnan. - - sizeable party for a demagogue.-1 iag ium of the Jewish Community (6) Parents land close relatives posing list of speakers. "Among Siegel, Joe Cohen, Joe Horastein, start with. Center. A motion picture, Little those scheduled to address the Sam Kaplan, and Irwin. Zweiback. of .'Jews: in the above categories. Nudist-Baiting Men, especially produced for chilIt is estimated that half of the sessioas were: Mrs. Moses P. EpMrs. Herman Jahr is directing It seems to me t&at nudist-bait dren, will be shown. the play. Center members are ad-Italian Jews fall in the above catThe eighteenth aanual father stein, Dr. Solomon Goldman, Mrs. inK is a perfect substitute for Jew mitted to U^ese productions free egories, but a' considerable proporand son banquet is scheduled to Edward Jacobs, Pierre van Paasbaiting. - -The cause against th< evening, Novem- of charge.., :, tion refrained from applying for be held on Sunday evening, No- sen, Miss Nell Ziff, Mayor La- berOn1,Wednesday Chicago (JTA) —-The"Chicago nudists has just the same axaoun members of the Women's exemption.' . ;' ; r - vember 2S, according to an an- Gnardia, Rabbi Israel Goldstein, Gym classes leader 'of the Sliver Shirts, Dr.; of truth, in it as the cause- aga" of the Jewish ComSirs. S. W, Halpria, as well as nouncement issued by Dr. Philip Homer ' H. Maers, has. b£ea ~ arthe Jews which is to 3ay ao-truth munity Center will stage.the sec- RABBI WICE TO GIVE rested with ~ two ' associates for NAZIS DEMAND a t alL Tlie.'ad-vantage of having . A. get-acquainted evening was Sher, chairmaa of the social serv- many others. LAST OF LECTORES oad all-women's gym fest at t h a cause without any truth- ia- it ia given by the special arrangements ice committee. LAND SEIZURE questioning a b o u t terrorism Center gymnasium. against prominent Jewish busiThis communal gathering is Lodge for Refugees that you don't nave to prove any- committee of the United Orthodox Rabbi David^H. Wice will give The first-gym f est, held last J thing. . Congregations yesterday to honor sponsored annually by tbe FedBudapest (JTA)—The newspa- nessmen. • • • • his final lecture Tuesday night in spring, proved, popular with t h e eration for Jewish Service and the New York (JTA)—A lodge exThey were to be questioned on The nudists, naked "as they are, Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky. per Magyar sag, orgaa of the Hunthe series he has been presenting Center women. The program thi clusively for German Jewish imMembers of the committee in Omaha lodge of B'nai B'rith. are even weaker taan the Jews garian Nazis, demanded confisca- Tuesday by t h e 'police 'and ' Fedaffairs. The social service committee ia migraats aa3 been established by year will feature several athletic onAcurrent ofwho even where they have lost charge were: Jack Epstein, chairtion of several-hundred thousand eral Bureau t 'of * Investigation. large number has been presJ a musical variety motion ficials after plate glass windows-: everything else still have a few man, Harry Levinson, Harry Mag- now engaged ia planning an in- the Grand Lodge of tbe Free Sons events, acres owned or rented by Jews. ent at each of the discussions. The and a-Major Bowes Vaot tbe Gqldblatt Brothers' d«|Jarf-rags on taeir baeka. The weaker aamin, Morris Burstein, Sidney teresting program for this occa- of Israel. The new unit, called picture, Review. .Refreshments will series was presented under the It accused the government of ment s t o r e branch ' had . the minority taat i3 attacked, the Epstein, Sam Epstein, M. Katz- sion. Fathers and sons are urged Freedom Lodge, started with 70 riety weakness in handling the Jewish auspices of the Temple Israel Sisbroken.' " • -• more are the victories t&at- can beman, Dave Crounse, and O. S. Bel- ta reserve this evening for the members and aims to tamiliarize be served after the program. and land problems. terhood. ' Members may invite guests. the refugees with Amwrifsan life. get-together. (Coatisued on page S-)

Goldstein to DIES PRESSES Rabbi Open Book Series Refugee Workers Ready for Annual Chest Drive INQUIRY INTO NAZTGROUPS

Discuss All Phases of the Emigration Problem











Plan for Father and Son Banquet

Ortlaodox Groups Honor New Rabbi




Women's Gym Best to Be Held Nov. 1

Leader of Chicago, _\• - Silver Shifts Held



be special brackets on which to spirit will militate against a Christian young man trying, to rest feet and skis. ; The new Bald mountain cabin get up in the world. It will hurt is being erected at the end of unit his father the more to observe two ot the lift, at an-elevation ot how little the boy cares ,wh3.t the 7,876 feet. It will be a combina- world thinks of him for. enterNew York (JTA) — Myron C. School of Music has organized a Taylor, American vice-chairman London (JTA) — Marshal Jo- sive improvement program a t this tion shelter hut, restaurant and taining these ideas.) AIZEMBEM.C, Correspondent Rhythm Band which' meets each of the Inter-gorerninenTal Comall-year-round sports playground, tjliservatpry, the main portion of ; Yet I thank you for your tribFriday afternoon from 4:15 to mittee oa Refugees, haa been se- sef Pilsudski's widow, one of the which includes construction o t a which will be octagonal and en- ute.to Jewish spirit •which you 5:15 at the Jewish Community lected by ^a interfalth committee Polis'h' refugees here, declared gigantic new ski lift, a new com- tirely glassed in. In the center will regard the as worthy to keep on goCenter. Mr. Shumate supplies the that the first building hit in "the be a large four-sided fireplace, bination mountain cabin, restaurART CLASS HOLDS of 60 members to receive the 1939 ing, in the world, endowing sucInstruments which are simple and medal for Promotion ot Better Nazi aerial bombardment of War- ant and observatory, and four new and out-of-doors-there will: be cessive generations of people with FIRST SESSIONS the children are-taught timing and Understanding terraces, for sun b'athing and dinskiers' chalets, is now well under between Christian saw was a Jewish hospital. -"Thfj patience, justice, compassion. I rhythm L n music, by participating ing. ' '.. ;' way and will bs completed in time Miss Evelyn Ashley, of the \V. in a band of rhythm instruments. and Jew in America, awarded an- bombers flew low," she faid, "and shall put this all in the paper in what the management anticiorder that Jews themselves may The drawing and painting class P. A. Recreation Department, in- IMr. Shnmate ia accompanied each nually by The American Hebrew it could not have been ai? 'error.' " for pates will bo Sun Valley's greatfeel inspired with respect for their will start a new project nest week. structed her first eta33 in Arts Friday by.Mrs. Grace Smith on the magazine, it was announced by Strengthen Defenses est and most osciting winter ueaown spirits. ' Mr. Leo Rich, the instructor, will and Crafts Wednesday afternoon piano. All children between the Joseph C. Biben, editor and pub- In an interview with the Even- son. ing Standard, Mme. Pil«udski acgive a ten minute talk on a spec- at 4:15. The class decideu on cel- ages of ten and fifteen are urged lisher of the weekly. You see. Theosopbist-lady, a ; London (WNS) — Active steps ialized form of art which ne will luloid rings as its first project. The award, whicn will be made cused Chancellor Hitler cf hypocThe new lift is being built on have to attend. lot of us don't know our own been taken for the defense risy in having military honor3 Plans are being made for metal Illustrate himself by paintings during the celebration of Thuj Bald mountain, one of Idaho'd strategic points alons the Pal- worth and quite forget our inherir tapping, leather tooling, brass and and drawings. American Hebrew's 60th anniver- paid at her late husband's tomb highest peaks, and will attain.a of estine coast, the Jerusalem cor- tance. And, indeed, there are sary in December, is accompanied in Krakow. 9,200 foot level, thus making ski- respondent This class ia conducted for chil- copper work and lamp making latWorld Affairs some Jews of whom I wonder: of Great Britain and with the following citation: "Being certain from November 15 to dren between the ages of five and er in the season. This clas3 ia open the Bast reported. . -.•_,•-,.- -.- Where are the fine things they cause of his completely unselfish April 15. The lift, one of tfeejongten and simple themes within the to all boys of school age/ were supposed to get with their To Clarify Status Dr. Hawthorn, of Morningside* effort to find havens for Christian esr in the world, is being conrange of children are used. The Jewish spirits? (Perhaps in the" College, spoke on-Neutrality Tuesand Jewish refugees from Nazi in three units or stages) membership oE this class is now reincarnation they got hold of the Bucharest (WNS) — The Min-structed day night before the World Af- persecution and because thi3 efthe total length to the summit befourteen and we are looking forwrong souls.) fairs group. Mr.. Marvin Klas3 pre- fort so dramatized the value of istry of Justice has issued a de- ing more than 11,500 feet ward to an increased enrollment Reading this, they may say: sided at an open forum which fol- Christian-Jewish cooperation that cree requiring definite clarifica•within the next few weeks. tion of the status of Jews deprived Passengers will change lifts at lowed this lecture. , "There may be something in this a greater bond was created be- of (Continued from page 1.)', citizenship during the recent the end of each stage, the trip reincarnation. It would be hell The new lending Library has Dr. Hawthorn's next lecture will tween C h r i s t i a n and Jew; in naturalization revision. Although fiom Wood River canyon bottom words he had learned that Jews to hand my soul down to some opened this welt at the Jewialt be held at the Jewish .Community America." denationalized Jews were called to the summit requiring about were-people to-be set apart; yet innocent child. I had better look On behalf of the Jewish Com- Community Center. Jr. Hadassah Center, November 7th at which up for service -when mobilization twenty minutes. Chairs on .the p.ew he. invites Jews. to his father's after it and make it really Jewmunity Center, we wish to ex- ia sponsoring this project. Soma time ha will talk on the most curSolomon Pinto, a Connecticut orders were Issued, the • decree lift will be equipped with newly house and insists that Jews be ish." ••..-.. press our sincere appreciation of the latest books can be ob- rently discussed issue at that time. Jew, was one of the original mem- does not specify how the problem designed windbreaks:, extending employed In his father's industry. (Copyright, 1939. by Seven Arts to the lyre Club who so grac- tained here. will be solved. from head to feet, and there will (You'can see how a Jewish bers of the Order of Cincinnati. iously presented the Center Feature Syndicate) . V Included among the selections Children's Theatre with an R. C. A. Victrola-Radio are " R e b e c c a , " "The Rain9 combination, and to the Coun- Came," "Grapes of Wrath," "All cil of Jewish Women for the This and Heaven Too," "My Son, Twenty-niare children are now gift of a Wurlltzer Spinnet pi- My Son" and more than a hundred enrolled- in the Children's Theatre ano. other equally popular books. The which meets each Sunday afterThe deep interest iu the wel- library is open every afternoon noon at 2:30 under the direction fare of our Center, as indicated and evening that the Center ia of Mrs. Leon Mars. Children are by these thoughtful gifts, is in- open. Miss Rose Levine is gener- taught creative dramatics ia this class. deed gratifying. We know that al chairman of the library. .The entire production, direction both, these gifts will add much and staging ia planned by the to the pleasure of all particiDramatic Croup children themselves and it has pating in Center activities. 3 . N. GKUESKIN, Prea. Fed- | The Intermediate D r a m a t i c proven to be a very successful outlet for creative work by these eration. group will hold its monthly social children. DOROTHY MEItr.TN, Sup't. ji meeting at t h e Jewish Community Jewish Community Center. Center Saturday night in t h e form

Madame Pilsudski New Improvements DesignateTaylor Organize 'New Hospital for Made at Sun Valley for Amity Medal Says Rhythm. Band Jews First Target Mr. Shumate of -the • Shumate Sun Velley, Idaho — An exten-

Drawingand PaintingClass

Lending "LibraryOpens at Center

A. Z. A. News

of a dancing party from 7:30 to 9. Mrs. Leon Marx, their director will chaperone the party.

Cantor A. Pliskin Mack in Sioux City


Orthodox Synagogues

Friday night services will begin at 5:45 and Saturday mornings services will be held at 9 o'clock.

A25A is starting a new project which will be a vocational guidPatronize Our Advertisers ance survey as a part of the Youth Council Exposition. The soMILTON R. FROHM, Atty. cial service committee, advised by j Cantor A. Pliskin returned to 1004 Omaha Nat'L Bank Bids. Dr. F. Epstein, is in charge of this j Sioux City after having officiated project. The object of this under- at a Chicago . NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON synagogue for the PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF taking ia to determine the num-high holiday services. F INAL ADMINISTRATION A C ber and types of jobs open to COUNT. Cantor Pliskin also officiated Jewish youth iu thia part of the together with Rabbi Goldstein and country. In the County Court of Douglas Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz at the Nebraska. ' The A. 2. A. religious commit- Kalin-Lipman wedding last Sua- County, la the matter of the Estata of tee haa made plans for all mem- day. Iarael London, deceased. bers to attend both the 511. Sinai All persons interested in said matter ara hereby notified tliat oa tha and Shaare Zion synagogues on 3rd day of October 1339, Milton R. Shaare Zion alternate Friday nights. Frofim filed a petition in said CounBert Bergen is in charge of the ty Court, prayng that his final adFriday evening services will be- ministration account filed herein be athletic news. Ke has completed and allowed, and that ha be arrangements with the Sioux City gin at 3 o'clock. Rabbi H. R. Rab- sett'ed from his trust as Execuboard of education to have train- inowitz will speak and Cantor discharged tor and that a hearing will be had ing facilities at the North Junior Pernick and the choir will chant on sa!d petition before said. Court on the Friday evening services. the 23th day of October. 1939, and that fl. S. gym. Junior-Congregation will meet if you faE! to appear before said Court A. Z. A. debaters* and orators on the said 2Sta day of October 1939 tinder the direction of Coach Irv- at 10:30 on Saturday morning. at 9 o'elocit A. iL, and .contest said ing Luntn- are preparing their petition, tiie Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a detopics for the A. Z. A. regional Mu3sc Class cree of heirship, and make soch othconvention to be held some time er and- further .orders, allowances and in December. Bill Dimsdale is in decrees, as to this Coart may seem Victoria selections and p!ano charge of the social service com- selections played by Mis3 Edwarda proper, to tha end that all matters pertaining said estata may be finmittee and is working with the Meta, will illustrate her lecture on ally settledto and determined. youth council. music interpretation a t the, Jew, . BKYCB • CRAWFORD. ish Community Center Tuesday, 10-6-39-3t County Judge. October 24th, from 8 to 9', IRVIN'C. LEVIN Much enthusiasm for this course 4ES Brandeia Theater was indicated at the first meeting NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION of the season which waa held two ' The Youth Council Meeting was weeks ago. Ia tha County Court of Douglas iheld at the Jewish Community County, Nebraska:" In the Matter of the Kstaia of Center last night at 7:30. Plans Grady Johnson, Deceased. lor the year's activities were disJOB WANTED All persona interested in said estata CUBfled. Donald Davia was appointare hereby notified that a. petitfon haa ed chairman of the paper drive (The Jewish Press presents in been filed in said Court alleging t!iat died leaving no last ^rhlch will be sponsored by the this space the name of a worthy said deceased seeking e m p loyment. •will and1 praying for administration .Youth Council throughout" the individual Anyone wishing- to get in touch upon his estate, and that a hearing

Each Week brings you a Complete Coverage of News of deep significance to each and -.*> rrtvr.-j! f -'* ^ i i ^ */i-

, ~ -t

keep Up YOUR

tfouth Council T)isaisses Plans


Mr. Sovel Heshelow, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Schindler. Miss Lois Novltaky, ' Mr. Harold Orueskin, Miss Prances Ducoffe and Miss Dorothy Merlin will attend a conference, of Youth Councils ia St. iJPaul* October 29th. Patronize Our Advertisers

ion S-'


with the individual please call Dorothy Merlin at the Jewish Community Center.

"will be had on said petition before said court on the 4th day of November, 1339, arid' that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 4th A girl with three years elerk- day of-November, 1939,. at 9 o'clock Ing experience desires a . job. A. M. to contest said petition, the She has also had experience ia Court may grant the same and grant bookkeeping and typewriting, administration . of' said estate to Pauline Johnson or some other suitis ambitious, energetic "and cap- able person and proceed to a settleable. ment thereof. EHYC3 CRAWFQR2V 10-13-33-36. .County

" *

Ant Wl ma toh ,it thai M a mi HhUn •» * •fopat oath paek.. i

ST&EJSH tips Vaundrfj9lop—sRe«« «iroog?t two fatbits e l

: f



If you haven't already paid your 1939 subscription, doit today - - - H your children are not subscribers,--give them a subscription as an appreciated gift - -- If your neighbor is a nonsubscriber, make sure he is added to the Jewish Press Family,

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BFnSmRW mmnow


Page 7


I. M. has a charming wile and Rumania to see what he can do Arrest Rioters JEWISH CALENDAR , . Sends F u n d s t o Palestine! two lovely blond daughters, twins about helping the Polish Jewish Sofia (WNS) -7- Semi-official of nine . . . A welcome visitor to refugees . . . Marshall Fisher, 3New York (JTA) — The Pio1939-40 — 5699-5700 sources here revealed that the JTA offices in N'Yawk was year-old son of Mendel (JNF) neer Women's r Organization haa newB one hundred and eighteen particFi3her, is convalescing nicely from Dr. Asher Isaacs, editor of the,| By JOS SOLOMQNOW . cabled $15,000 to its sister organ,,,,,, „., .,...••,,,...••.,it.,. Tliurs.. Dec. 7 t,,,,,,., ipants in last week's anti-Jewish American Jewish Outlook of Pitta- a major operation . . . Mendel ization in Palestine, the Working excesses e# have been arrested and says the boy has virtually taken burgh and Pittsburgh TJ. ecoaoniFast of Esther ....................................................... Sat., March/23 Women's Council, for immediate Seam Stanvilngs interned on the grounds of instiist . . . Peters i3 very happy to charge of the hospital, acting as li p use in behalf of refugees, especial.......'....................,........... Sun., March 24 ly women and girls arriving from gating disorders to create disunity see that he still has a following assistant superintendent . . . The Purim i) 3 .387 Kwpire Cleaners the Bulgarian people. The . . . Whenever ha doubts it, ha is word i3 out that the Palestine Passover Tues., April 23 Poland. The money will be used among eiiqirot cinb same source mirrored the governdisillusionedfcythe simple process Pavilion will be doing business 9 a .ecso to assist the refugees in their ad........ :.. Sun., May 26justment to life in Palestine by ment's determination . to quash Smith Motors (Continued from page 1.) of maiiag a mistake . . The boaer as usual if and when the NewLag B'Omer . 7 3 .437 Sluier Paint & Glass York. World's Fair reopens next this time "was referring in a re7 8 .487 , there ..:/Wed., June 32 training them for various trader further disorders. State Coal & Gas there will no doubt be need for cent colyum to Rebelikah Kohut, year . . . Only a matter of $75,000 Shevuoth ij f work in addition to that e e Wardrobes in stands between the Pavilion and Fast of Tammuz Tues, July 23 arid for agricultural work. On November 5, 17G7. the Mar430 rwhich •who just observed her 75th birth8 9 .430 coraes within the scope of Pioneer Uniform Co. realization of its sponsors' hopes Tisha B'Ab .......,~ quis de Monteyuard wrote to Louis day and who is quite ill, as the „ „ Tues., Aug. 13 Red Cross policy and Settlement Founded Tretiaks responai- widow of the late George Alexan- . . . The appeal campaigns next XIV of France that it was necesbility." League Records year will again be under the aus- ••Fast observed on previous Thursday. sary to the welfare of the city of der Kohut . . . Everybody knows, High Game, P . Steinberg, 355; pices' cf the U. J. A., our funds Jerusalem (JTA1 — A small Slrasburg that Herz Cerfbeer be of course, and practically everyTALMUD Berlla Holds Up Plaas Wardrobes, 913. reports . . . What he doesholders' intensive a g r I c u 1 tural permitted to dwell in the city. has taken occasion to re- expert High Series, Weifcs, 828; Em- Paris (JTA)—From Red Cross body n't report, however, is that there settlement called Kfar Fell* War- Hitherto Jews had not been permind us, that Mrs. Kobut was the plre*. 8430. "Weep for the living mourners, hot for the dead. circles here it International was 'earaad Red t i a t i widow of George's father, Alexaa- is. an explosion brewing in organburg, in memory of the American mitted residence there. plans of the Ten High Averages izational life that may have reperJe*rfati philanthropist,, -was estab, .Fekhaan, 133; P . lished" Monday without'ceremony She was the step- cussions all along the campaign Crass to contact iarailiea ia Po- der Kohut Sir John Simon,,, a. Jamaican; None are responsible for their words in time of grief. *7»j O. Sc&apiro, ITT; Ti by-_J5 Jewish workers who occu- was the first Jew to practice at Sca3 for their relatives* abroad mother oi George, to whom the front. 178} P . Satawtan, ti<3; F first volume of the Universal Jewpied a site two kilometers south have not j e t materialised because the common-law bar in London. (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele107; 8. Cona, 132; Msr&a, 131; tha Berlin authorities have so far ish Encyclopedia is being dediof Beer Tuyia colony. Trust not thyself till the day of thy death. graphic Agency, Inc.) Morgan, 159; and Sfan&es-t, 130. cated . . . Pat Frank, the JTA's not permitted the relief organisaThe Jewish community of Sofia, He who makes the sorrowful rejoice will partake of life The top fiva leads' standings tion to resume any activities in Washington chief, deserves a Bulgaria, is known to date from Aid Polish Relief Refugees Leave remained unchanged attar Tues- German occupied territory. The frank pat on the back for his very everlasting. before the.year 811. day night's kegttag, with Empire H d Cros3 is, however, compiling entertaining short short story Geneva (JTA) — Forty-three Stockholm" (WNS) '—An interCleaners, Cliquot Club Eskimos 15sts of sought-for families with about a dollar bill in a recent Jewish refugees, most of them "When the wine is in, the secret is out. denominational committee to as- In 1240 Nathan ben Joseph enand Smith Motors wiaaiag two the hope cf starting work in the issue of Collier's Weekly . . There from Germany and Czecho-Slovasist refugees from Poland has gaged in a debate with the Bishop games aj»ieee. Wardrobes won two occupied territory sooa. is talk of Leo Wolfsohn, leader of kia and a few from Poland, have of Poitiers. been organized here. to remain on the bottom, but The sun will set without thy assistance. Rumanian Jewshere, going to left for Palestine via Trieste. Meanwhile, the International with toe coaipaay of two ethers Red Cross is establishing an oftliis tima, tha Tretiaka and Pio-fice in Denmark far distribution neer of parcel and correspondence to war prisoners in all countries inTwo records were brok- volved in the war, while the Danen, Paul Steinberg hanging uj> a ish branch of the Y. M C. A. is game of 255 to nose out G. Scha- completing preparations to assist piro'a mark by one pin, and Stein- refugees from Poland. berg's Wardrobes rolling U3 a high game of 912, which will probably stay for a while. Smith Motors also beat the Empires' previous mark of 845 with an S55 game.

J. C. C Bowling


The Empires, without any 500 bowlQtg, led by Mayerowich's 484, took two from a cold State Coal team. Fleishman ran secoad wita 46S. Phil Katsman aad the highest series of the match, S46, followed —— 110 pins back — by Dave Cohn with 436. Special feature of WAJl STOB.Y: The world is inthe State Coals was Sam Kata- debted to Walter Winchell's Girl man's doggy 3S5. Friday for this story at the espense of a military man who reThe CHquot Club Eskimos took cently was much ia the public eye two handily from the Tretiaks, . . . An American just back from George Schapiro showing the way Warsaw said that during the wttli a niee 561. YafJe's 473 washeight of the Nazi bombardment second best. he heard another American ask a Polish soldier the nearest and Ftldman came out for his first quickest way to safety This night of J. C. C. bowling this sea- was the reply: "Two blocks down, son and took the spotlight with a turn to tha left and follow SmigSSI to lead the average parade ly-Pddz!" . . . with a juicy 185. Pill and Krants, •with 471 and 437 respectively STYLE NOTE: The war has Seethe held next positions. precipitated quite a controversy among the orthodox Jews in Lon"Doc" Morgan'3 493 and Loudon . . . Ona wing maintains that Klein's 4 80 were tops for tha carrying a gasmask on the SabSmith Motors, who won two from bath constitutes a violation of the the Sarier Paints. Dave Reiss had Sabbath . . . The opposition cona pretty 221 in the third game to tends that the "nikuach nefesh". . W i f *•* aSI It the big game of S5S. principle (saving: of a soul in time BEAUTY SAIA2I of danger) supersedes the sanc2d Floor-Securitlea Bldg. <?»ptain Weitz joined the es-".tity -of the Sabbath . . . AT O332 clttBlve doggy group with a 439 series for the losing Shriers, hia SEA YARN: Our waterproof grip goiag completely wild snooper jwhispers that the ship'3. surgeon'-on fiie liner Athenia, a total. Midge ShuSert which -was torpedoed off Scotland up the team with. 431. by the Nazis, wa3 Dr Albert Sharan eminent Jewish gynecolHottest contest of the evening mau, ogist of Glasgow . . . Dr. Shannan, was the Wardrobe-Pioneer Uni- who 27t3i and L Streets among those rescued, form match. Edged out by 19 wa3 -was making his annual holiday Alway* a Fine' Variety of pins In the first game, Paul Stein- trip and at the same time was reberg led his inspired Wardrobes lieving the permanent ship surFRESH FISH AND with the league record of 255 in SEAFOODS DAILY the second game, and t i e team geon . . . Also the Finest < kept marking to pile up a scratch SHORTS NOTE: If Presy Henry STEAK and CH1OCQ3 total of 912. Steinberg finished with a 595 Monsky tarns op at a B'nai BMth ' DINNERS one of these nighta wita' aad the team with 23 94, both togs banquet tonsils so sore that Berate Postal PRIVATE DINING ROOMS for the evening. The third game has to sab for Ijisn oa the xostrnsn, AVAILABLE v u won by 50 pins. Marks was pat it down to football . . . For the team's second with 524. his SrasJcy son Hubert, who stands MX 4774 for HeservstiO3S3 ia Ma Ma stockinged uns k Captain Fiedler'3 Pioneer Uni- six>feet-two depii IIs a varsity it gEard ea forms rolled smoothly, led by S. derpinning. Conn's 553, but wers held back tha Nebraska eleven that recently . r? -i"^°^i^—•'iTr^iiN by two 380 series in a fight for Iiaaded mighty Minnesota a trimdOK, besides happening to catch a ming . . . Aside to" Postal: Will cellar team on it3 hot night. Bur- you please ascertain whether Huroughs followed Cohn with a 453. bert is related to Ioeroy Monsky of 'Bama Kose Bowl fame? . . . Cleaned end Pressad The league-1 e a d i n g Empire 3 GAKMEJiTS FO33 51.CO VERSATILITY: There haa been Cleaners tangle with second-place laclaaia.^ Hats, Drapes, Smith Motors next Tuesday ia considerable comment, on the ~ex. Sweaters, etc. what promises to be the hardast t r e m e versatility displayed by Wide Pick-Up and Delivery fi«ht of the night. The Wardrobes youag German Jewish refugees in City AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE irtit attempt to win from the Cli- this country . . . "We offer a study auot Club Eskimos to pull them in versatility t h a t will be h a r d t o Into a tie. Shrier Paint3 and State beat, i n t h e person of one J e r e Coals will have to decide their miah Hescheles, a new employe in CLEAfiSHS present tie, aad ona of the contes- tha New York office of t h e J T A , I5©S P®k& AVOWS tants in the Pioneer-Tretiak match and a n immigrant from Poland by way of t h e Pisa U. Medical school CAU. tm^lSY 3317 will pull out of the cellar.

For Your Fall Hair Style FRANCO ARTISTS




Johnny's €afe

in Italy . . . J e r r y 13 t h e a u t h o r of an interesting w a r novel in Yiddish, n o t y e t p u b l ^ i s d . . . H a ha3 written articles for t h e Yiddiah press . . . Ha ia al30 weU-eeasldered a s a poet . . . His l a n guages iada-de Italian, Hsbreir, • By English and Yiddish . . . On top of all this, ha is a n accomplished fiddler . . . And, for good measThe wrestling team of the Jew- ure, h e is something of a movie ish Community Center started actor, having appeared briefly as th« season workouts Thursday, a violinist in the current Yiddish October 19 at S p. in. The team film. Die Kliatshe . . . •: • '

•will be tutored again by Doe F»ler this year, and worKout3 are MISH-MASH: Israel Mereaaiagoing to be held twice a week it sky, Palestine labor leader who possible. just arrived in this country • I t you have ever wrestled or has a six-month stay, is an affable had aspirations to gartalie in the for who will be very much, sport, join the Center team and gentleman by all who meet him . . . . obtain the excellent bui'd-up that liked his many worries at the wrestling gives every muscle in Aciong moment are the fact that he has tha body. had no word as to the fate cf his Handball • father in Soviet-held!-terriHandball tournamsnta are slat- aged tory and his brother, who' Bradsd to start Monday, October 23rd in which fell to the'Nazis In ,both the A aad B classes for in Cracow, the early days cf the war . . . stogies and doubles. The pre-sea— so* handball tournament offers an excellent chance for everyone 100, Sigma Alpha Mu, Omaha to get in shape for the tourna- Jobbing Coaipaay, Turner's Wildcats, aad a team being crgaaized ments later on. Those who hare signed up in by Ray Shapiro. The sis team league from all inthe singles class A include: Jake Adler, Mas Turner, Jaka Sehrieb- dications of those practicing so far man. Marshall Geller, .David Goid- looks like' there ia goiag to ba some very fast competition this war», and Harmaa Cotansaaa. The Class B'3 Include Joe Lag- season. Volley Ball man, Is Navak, Harry Splesal. Both tha Center Women a M Bill Woollaon, Walter Kurs, Soskin, Morris Rosen, Hy Tamia, Men's Volley Ball tsasia emerged victorious in their regular weekly Joa Freedmaa, aad Ban Kutler. league g^raes. The wciaen downed Basketball contract biaak3 are the Omaha Athletic club women now available for all managers in three straight gaaea out at who ha»e teams that expect to Florence gym last Tuesday evencompete in either of tha pre-sea- ing, while the men spikers of the SOD leagues. Teams expecting to "J" took all three contests from partake of the pre-seasoa league the 0 . A. C in tha Ak-Sar-Ben competition are A. %. A. 1 and city volley ball league.


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. • •. : ^ - : ; • j from New York . . . An indicatldn f i r m . . . Ladles' H6e!s, leather pr that Italy plans to remain on the IJTERARY NOTES Composition . . . . \ Beautifully sidelines in the "^ar is a cable Shalom Aech's book "The Nasairom Rome to Harry Mendel, pro- rene," a Book-oMhe-Montfa selec- INVESTIGATE OUR COMPLETE moter of the six-day bike races In tion -which will be out. In a few SHOE REBUILDING SERVICES! Finished New York . . . The cable urges greeks, will arouse a great deal Mendel to engage as many Italian of controversy . . . Aech believes racers as he can use . . . Discount that the <3hrlstlan spiritual leadIncluding the advance announcements that ership Is much more tolerant than •Sam. Masarsfe-jsrill leetura in .thisthe Jewish,- and -desa&'t-lKjsitate " ~ " Shirts country this season Masaryk is to say so in his book . . The Jewstaying in Europe, where diplo- ish Dally Forward, Yiddish daUy matic activities for Csechoslovak- which-publishes-moat-of Asch'8 ian independence are in full swing works, didn't print this,novel in It's Topcoat tuna . . . The most popular song In Lon- the original Yiddish/ on . t h e Adel'I. lbs. . . . Imported aad don today is entitled "Even Hit- grounds that It's top religious'... Domestic fabrics each her Had a Mother" . . . At the Pierre van Paasseh haa written time of Chamberlain's Munich the titles for "That They Way1 aro in. SEE . . . surrender It was banned in Eng- Live," the strongest anti-war film land, but now even the censorv ever produced anywhere . .'You'll ship office in Old Lunnon is hum- hear more about this film soon ming it . . . The refrain of the . Some wag suggests that the TAILOR German army's favorite marching film on the life of Dr. Ehrlich. 322 SO. SStft ST. song is "Today We Own Germany, now In process of manufacture, Tomorrow All the World" . . The should be released under the title AT 0280 OS 5473 C3C3 ne&e!t Towc? forthcoming diaries of the late Hl-Yo Salvarsan" . . . Ramsey MacDonald will have the "benefit" or his son Malcolm's ABOUT PEOPIiB Prince von Starhemberg, former editing . . . The reason why Joachim von Rlbbentrop c6uld not get leader of the Austrian Fascist along with some members of Lon- army, now in exile la Paris, ia a don society had nothing to do permanent guest In the homo of Nationally Advertised Brands of Watches, with politics . . . In pre-Nasd days an Austrian Jew, one Herr Mandl forgotRlbbentrop was a champagne . . . Mandl, in case you've 1 . Jewelry and §U<verware, . : salesman, and quite a number of ten, was Hedy Lamarr'a first" husband . . . Notice to organisation his English customers never forgave him the vile quality of MRleaders: Don't insist on Dr. "Wise 2401 visiting your communltlea this wares . . . year . . . The doctors have decreed THIS AND THAT that America's busiest Jewish Robert Quillen, columnist lu leader needs a rest badly, a d several Southern papers, declared must limit his ochedule . . ."We're the other day that "there's some- afraid that Charlie Chaplin wll thing fishy about *Nordic superi- npt-appear oa tho "Night o: ority* if 85,000,000 Germans can't Stars" program a t Madison Square survive competition with 400,000 Garden, as had" been hoped . Jews without using guns" . ,. Win- This, because his film, "The Die chell reports a sign on a New tator," requires retakes and wll Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ham '. Chicken . . . Mustard York Ninth Avenue beanery which not bo finished on schedule Greens, Navy Bsana . -. . reads: "Believe it or not, but weCongrats to Maxie Rosenbloom' Com Broad, Gweet Potadont hate anybody" . . . The $50,.- one-time llsht-heavywelght world to Pie—Peach and Lemon champion, and now successful 00& bail money for Fritz Kuhn didn't come from the rank and file screen cctor, on achieving the of the German-American Bund . . state ot a benedict . . . Tha new It came In a few lump sums from Mrs.' Rosonblooa is the forme Thosoas J . Casojr, Prcs. some "business friends" pf the MurieL Faeder . . „ Bernard K. Harry fM. ll H. 24lh JA Marcus, who went to jail afte Nazi fuehrer . . . The Dies Combis Bank of United States w& mittee might look Into this . ©pen -4 P. Hl<—4 A. M Although Kuhn's trial had been closed nine years ago, has staged a comeback in business . . . Marset before Judge Saul Strelt ot General Sessions it will be presid cus was one ot the victims of a ed over by another Judge . . . hysteria asaiast bankers . . . HI Streit himself asked for the bank actually has already p U You Are Invited to Visit andInspect change, because of his non-Aryan back 12 % per cent to the deposiism . . . Isaac Carmel, of the tors . . . In other words. It was the Beautiful American Jewish Congress organl In a better financial condition zation department, has this to saj than many of the. banks* tha of the English, French and Ger-stayed open . . , Maroua ia a fightman views on freedom . . , The er, and deserves ouccess '• . . Now Englishman, he says, treats liber- York's Jit, Sinai Hospital rccenU; ty as a man treats his wife . . had a vanishing patient mystery He makes no fuss about her, bu which has now been* solved . let any one dare attack her andThe hero of the mystery was noa he rises to fight in her defense other than Harpo Mars; T?hp el . . . . The more romantic French ter a throat operation quSstly d '.Wo* Health and Beauty's man treats liberty aa he would hi appeared, being unable to st the silence the doctors' force* sweetheart . . The Germans, how V'-.,RbULBR-'SKATS a t ever, treat freedom as a man upon him . . . Lulse Ralner, y o u ! be happy to kcow, has n c treats his mother-in-law . . . f o u n d accommodations on flfESY iFAitit^lM I/EGAIi BRIEFS steamer that will briajj her t When Justice Frankfurter was this country, and soca will bo in in England recently he was-enter Hollywood again. Lodieo-SOc tained at a banquet attended by ^Copyright, 1939, by Sevea Art y . -and . .Friday famous British barristers . . . In Featuro Syndicate) Sc&ool Mtee-2Sc their speeches none of them _ School IdeatifUatioo agreed on how maay Justices th Sunday Matisieo - • 20c U. S. Supreme Court actually has of the Jewish Jsous* . . . In order to impress them with of Pcrtiltono wcro for many cea Skates" th® correct number once and fo eratlona physicians to tlte G 4010 W®M®M3 St. all Frankfurter finally told them zasa family.


J.C.C. Sports)

One HIIHefi Paris 1st Siaels Since 1S32

There are nine members in our By PHTXEAS 3. CIRON upreme Court — nine, the same s on your cricket teams" . . . BEHIND THE FRONT Letter-writera in Hitler-domin- The Cincinnati law firm of Cohen ated Central Enrope have found nd Mack, formed 4? years ago a new way to evade the censor- iy former. B'nai B'rith prery Ai' Messages providing a red M. Cohen and Common Pleas ship clue to the real situation In the 'udge Alfred Mack, has to change ileich are written on the reverse ts name," because of a ruling by iide or the stamp . . . Several of the American Bar Association 219 So. l©th St., AT 9200 :he best-known foreign correspon- Towning on the retention- of a [ents of American newspapers are udge's name in a law firm . . . HALF :oming back to this country . . . Mack had retired from the firm SOLES They've discovered that the real n 1930, when he was appointed Men, women war news and other such informa- o the bench, but had asljea Cohea tion has had to he relayed to them o keep his name in that of the and children

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OILS 2,ICO-F©y3!JD SH1LL—Uncle Sam, giving semi-public demonstration of latest war weapons, let guests inspect this huge I6-Tnch coast defense gun, at proving grounds, Aberdeen, M d . Guests later watched the big fellow hurf a 2,100-pound shell more than.25 miles. Force of blast shook Aberdeen as if hurricane had struck it, with trees bending to concussion.




BILLIONS OF 'MM—This girl wears remarkable new eye-testing instrument developed by American Optical Co., in Southbridgo, Mass., laboratory. Containing only 36 lenses, it permits 61,060386,816 prescriptions for glasses. , .


V i-v

?.1C3H?J W i T C H ^ T — H e l e n Parrisli, lovety film actress, getting rsady for Halloween celebration in Hollywood, pre<?ar3% Hiis cos.tum«s t'<v her roU as witch. Film colony plans foycus ee!abration for Ail-hailow Eve.

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I / TO iESIST—Finland's foreign minister t Eljes Erkko, who asserted in radio broadcast that his nation would resist Soviet dictation. As result, Finland stepped up preparations to fight.

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23 YSASS—Compfefing 25th year on bench of United States Supreme Court • is Associafo Justice James C.McReynelds. Ha is shown in Washington as ha attended court on that day* Justice McReynolds is 77; appointed by President Wilson.


717O DOGS —Senator Robert La Follette of Wisconsin, left, against arms embargo repeal, and Senator Robert A. Taft o f Ohio, for tho repeal, chat amiably during interval in Senate i session

CA11IES MASK TOO—Arriving at House o f Commons, London, is Sir John Anderson, left, British Air Raid Precautions Minister. Like all Londoners he carries his gas mask. British may have more immediate usa for masks than formerly, if Fuehrer Hitler makes good his warning to wage merciless war.

> "SO I 3A!5 TO mil"—Russians and Germans meet in Poland. Ar letr, rwo Soviet soldiers from tank corps chat with Nazi solJiiirs af erne of J-he advance points where the two armies met near the partition Sine in conquered Poland.





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P A T 1 O L — Hitherto unpublished picture passed by British censor shows British destroyers a n d reconnaissance planes hunting down German U-boats, somewhere at sea off British coast. Winston Churchill recently paid high tribute to Britain's sea and air forces.






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cerpj. Lov/3r Isft, woman ^t5® throng Melbourne To\/a Hc!I to ; > n '.^-sca's dofsnse rsglstsr. Upsar r l r ^ t , b!.~ sfo'aJcra Is fcoding raan In csrnzz. This A _ ; ; ! j rs2.s hfs arws full. Lower right, KlIJS-

2QY PO2 i/iSH — : Spanishborn Dr. Antonio Longoria e? Cleveland, who said he had destroyed his • "death-ray" ma. chins, which hs.-successfully perfected in.j934, so if cosifd


V/A!TS R5®2ufS—^Difficult moment in a so]dier*s life is when he takes !»avss of his loved ones, as this British Tommie is doing, befors hs entrains for the war front. Looking natty in his uniform, JIG says gead-bya to his wifo and baby. Onlytho Fates kn h is !n sroro fsr ih:s fcistily in ?

THE JEWISH PEESS—FBIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1989 inaliaaaX intercession s e r v f e s s making quite a hit with the memdaughter, Mr, and Ucs. ha»B bee« Intarodaaed ar the Oi& bers of the organization as well aa Sherman. Sending Money to CBesrch to Hove., new? Brighton, with outsiders. These dolls are Europe being made under the direction of Liberal RaibM Ite-Lemle setCELEBRATES Mrs. Harold S. Barish, We. 5542, in® for tise Jew&n feaominatton. Ma*ey Loadoni cele&meU hex The Hebrew immigrant Aid Louis Hartz, son of Mrs. E*. -who will take orders at $1 each Connaerrtrag t h e innovatfet, tT d t eighteenth. g Sam day at s- the vicar of on and the proceeds will go for the Society announces that it has Hartz, has Deen awarcted the Bon- dancing party for eighteen the church stressed coucompleted a r r a n g e ments to aparte Scholarship at Harvard Medical Fund. that the striking feature of a ples. send American dollars to Eur- University. psiesst - ibadi rahbi ioia!to estenlafi. MAHJOXG TORNAMKSTDuring two separate dessert ope, (except Poland) and PalTMs EC&oiarsfiip Is ??ren p ? the churcli from tne r,?stry "wag With the new enthusiasm shown estine, and Benevolent Marks ally to luncheons held in Her home Mrs. and orange. t h the student who haB the a tru» case- of th* a w e t i ' t ' J ELEWITX-WEST Dave Finkel was hostess to the for the playing of Man Jong the BETROTHAL TOLD to Germany. highest academic standing in the GestHSs-ta esnsnsoss members of tiie Hadaisah Tele- Hadassah Milk Fund Committee Miss Pear! West, daughter of People wishing to cend reMr. aad Mrs. Louis Mcskcrvitz department of Govetrtn&nt at Mr. aad Mrs. Sam West or Denver, announce the engagement of their phone Committee. Mrs. Finkel i3 is sponsoring a tournament to be mittances may do BO through, Harvard- Hart* is a asnior at the became the bride of Mr. Ai M. Ele- daughter, Edna Lorraine, to Sam- 'chairman of the Committee for held Monday, November 6th on the local Jewish Community University. ' Oar witz of Minneapolis, sou of Mr. uel Elatt, son of Mr. Julius Blatt. ' calling members of the organiza- the 10th floor of the Branded Center. Store. Funds derived from this afand Mrs. Sam Elewitz d Omaha, TS.3 cosple plan to ho married j tion lor special events, Mrs. Sam fair will go to feeding milk to Tuesday evening at the Beth Ham- oa xNovember *"""™v— 2 '"*6. Davis is Co-Chairman. edroah Kagodel Synagogue in The following women will coin- kindergarten children and others Denver, nabbi C, H. Kauvar per- AXXOUXCE BAR 51ITZVAH pose the Telephone Committee for in Palestine who otherwise would formed tne ceremony before an Mr. "and Mrs. Sani".DavTa an- j mt h ie 1939-1940 season: Mrs. Hy-not get any milk during the day. altar decorated with huckleberry, uoaaca ..ths_J3ar JMItzv/it'JL.cf tSfilC l ? ^- B e l m a n , Mrs.^ Dave Bern- This is their only milk refreshment during the day. All women ferns, and palms. ; son, Harvey Leonard, on Satur- stein, Mrs. Sam '""'" Mrs. "~~ O. ~ S. ~ Belzer, ~ ' " " to The bride's gown was of egg- day "morning, October 21, at S Brown, Mrs. Louis Kohl, Miss are asked to tnra their reservation SERVECSS ' tine eceae of shell slipper satin with tight bo- o'clock at the Bath fctaniedrpsn Bertha Ellis, Mrs. Morris Frie- In to the Chairman, Mrs. Arthur The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tbere tras SB attendatsceot orrer Goldstein, At. 3953 or her Co-United Orthodox congregations dice and a low V-neck. Tt.e sleeve3 Hagodel Synagogue, 2 9th and den, Mrs. Simon Goreliek, Mrs. Chairman, Mrs. Dave Brodkey, announce a bake sale which trill oas hun&x&d a t set-tfeea fast Fri-cofdins t Max Givot, and Mrs. Abe Green•were short and puf'ud. She wore Bart streets. W-tft» S^sesas tsfi GL 0343. Bridge and bingo will take place at the Brandeis StoTd day s t the Cfeerra B'nat Yiarffsl Tteesd'a? by Cecil at lace mitts and earrifid a bouquet , wtiere Satbi Carl Friends and relatives have been baum. be played as usual. EoS Gal£ <a tte Others are Mrs. Reuben Harris, on November 8. of Calta lilies. spo&c ca "Caiaisbtis and" invited tg attend. Mrs. Jacob Lieb, Mrs. H. Noddle, Lucille West, si3ter of the bride, Mrs. G. Bernstein Is' c&airmao Ths AM at IM 3ev>Mt People-' in Cross- ta Uteffgfes; Cem&tstfas Mrs. Phil Ringle, Mrs. Sain Roeh•was maid of honor. Sne wore a EXGAGEHEVT A>'SOL5CEI> in charge of the sals and Mrs, D. Use Dlssavcry of America." ma_a, Mrs. Dave Hoberisan, Mrs. slipper > satin gown nf ashes of Kranz ia co-chairman. Members Tonight Rabbi Castle wiH dlsMr. and Mrs. Mas L'a&tiasky ot Edw. Simon, Mrs. Nathan Simon, affpitosfmateljr frtf jjeusass of the committee in cbarga are eves -Tit*--Jewish. Carfe DweHers roses. Her gown also had short Lincoln the engagement ^virs. Harry Crounse, Mrs. Leon Mrs. M. Katzmaa, Mrs. S. Epsteia, puffed sleeves and a gathered bo- of their announce ia the SaJsara." Serviees will be- fdg&er t&ss t&e daughter, Itc-balyn, to : Menfielson, Mrs. Sam Krantz, Mrs. and Mrs. M. Bnrstein. dice. She carried a bouquet of gin prosptly at 8 p. a. .The Children's Theater of the Ctass w a s Iem&&ex& ia American Beauty roses. jl i 3 o a o J The Ladies Auxiliary la also asJewish Community Center Will Belief o©erati;oas ia. ftt* past year I M sisting the men's group with plsna en Bridesmaids wore Mrs. Isadore p ^ l n i a n ot Lincoln" M i and Mrs. Joe Levinsky. Sam ' °P » under the direction ot Mrs. for a Father and Son baagcet the Beit Cram osBfeia Jffi£* |j E 1 e w itz, sisier-m-iaw of t he fcas been a great increase czrrxe& is a member of | Also there will be Mrs. j Herman Jahr, an Sunday, October which will take place on Tues- ia There By every stages ofi lie BMSoa, fgroom; Mrs. George Qeifen, sister tin regular Sundzf School Sorority and | 22, at 2 p. ni. Ia accordance with day, November 14. ifte type* ef of the groom; Mrs. Sol Xevine, of Phi eta Kappa. Classes. TMs year's attendance is the progressive educational meththe result l a xaast Mrs. A. Hoffman, Mrs. B. Pollock, and. Miss Jerry Snyder, both cousAt the next iasetlng of the Asslargs? tb&n tb&i of any other * Xo data ha3 been set lor the I Mrs. M H. Saltzman, Mrs. Phil ods children Trill enjoy the best la iliary a panel discussion will t a t s year l a tbs Msiary ot tbe Coaneii •was t h e same," Siawsaa ins of the bride. wedding. I Katz, Mrs. Irving Rubinaw, Mrs. plays suited to their age and abU- place as & feature of the meetingf S&sy Setooi. ' eat. "Patterning. t&& Mrs. Elewitz's gown was of teal I Harry Lipsey, Mrs. Irvja Hober- ity. Mrs. Zable, chairman fa charge of blue tafteta trimmed in Dubonnet far tb& year will fn- period of resctte, Cross trccSsess I man, Mrs. Jake Rasnick, Mrs. Joe They will receive fundamental programs, is in charge cf this dis- elcds Lecaa K&teltn&s, Marilyn boxsslsg, K d C velvet. Mrs. G^X.sn was gowned MOVE TO BES 3IOIXES o* rsearf y every y Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Cahan and ; Bernstein, Mrs. J.oe Lagruan, Mrs. training in natural expression and cussion. The subject •will be, SalKiastB, Audrey Teipn^r, Betty in tbt in light blue trimmed in DubonI ~itemt*£ net velvet. Mrs. Levine was in Mrs. B. Freshman have, moved to.', Meyer Raben and Mr3. A. Fried- by actual participating in the pro- "Jews and the Second World Rae llttbtry, aad B^&bt Castle, t « dfe-feeartensd t'zmfSIc* tnefr Borne* fa minaf, tfaeJr duction of plays, will acquire War." maroon taffeta trimmed in gold Des Moines, Iowa, where. Mr. Ca- | man.'' lleea Rosenberg is llnsie Bircetor. teg; s s J essential bomebatd poise and self-confidence. RegisOCTOEEK MKEX1XG and Miss Snyder in Peach taffeta. han will manage a clothing store. | destroyed, or damagedfeeyomSr&| The first meting of the Hadas- tration fee for members is f 1.00. JThe bridesmaids carried talisman pair aad the wseenataXy m tot lum Handicraft Club yoses. AXXOl'XCE BIRTH I sab. year will be held at 2 p. m. Due- to the death of Mr. Meyer the? were to reests&TfaS tbeoThe Jewish Community Center 31 r. aad Mrs. Robert Hooper, an- t Wednesday, October 25 at the Isadore Elewuz was his brothpp, t l » father of Mra. Harry -And despite fke i&et ttsatt ier's best man. Joe West, Sol Lev- •nounce the birth of a son on Tues- Jewish Community Center. A Handicraft club, under the direcCherniss, the new president of the seivesAt a meeting ol the Ro-Noh last year's disasteis occatTBd alboard meeting at 12:30 will pro- tion of Mrs. Meyer Beber, ine, Louis Bloom, and Bernard j day at St. Joseph hospital, local chapter of Senior Hadassah, Fraternity held at the aome of meet oa Sunday^ October. 22, at Z Vice-Presfdent Leonard Boaaberg the Sadassab Itmcheon trtxieh vras most erery othet &&y. the vast ceed the regular meeting. gnyder were ushers. \ *— array of Eed Cross vofs&teets $ p. m. Here, children will be given The feature of the meeting will last Sunday afternoon, the follow- scheduled for Wednesday, October The bride's mother wore a j Kiatntt T)&ltH ±CLU experts uters sbfe to roar be devoted to Youth Aliyah activ- an opportunity to develop their ing men were pledged into' Jto- 1», has been postponed ttntil nest Btreet-length gown of heavy black <-'*A*'*" " » - ' * " **•* terfally assist every {assay ouafsle ities. Mrs. Julius Stein will be ] creative ability through the med- Noh: BiU Finkle of North High month. crepe. Her corsage was of talisto bear its burdens wtthoat outNeiv honors have ben coming to : chairman for the Youth Aliyah lum of soap sculpture, "weaving, School, and Jiih Frledmsn, Wllman roses. The groom's mother's side Itelp," Slceam gown was of black crepe with gold members of Sigma Delta Tau. j discussion and participation. Mrs. clay modelling, and other artistic liard Friedman, Bill Raifel, Leon- AGVWES ACBB1 trim. She also wore a talisman Aronita Daskovsky, freshman, was I A . D. Frank Program Chairman processes. Registration fee is a $1; ard Steinberg, and Leonard "WeinA meeting: of the AgaS&z Achim asked to join the Lincoln Sym- | and Mrs. Phineas Wintroub Corose corsage. er all of Central High School. Lodge was held Tbars_jfy erenKhyttan Bead 1 present an original A reception and dinner were - ^ - orchestra. At the beginning . ,j chairman will ~ —-« The Jewish Community Center In order to increase and pro- ing. t h wa awarded ! i l DA of tlla heia immediately following the semester she was awarded ! piayiett entitled "H AD A S S A H Rhythm Band for children 5 to S mote the activities of the fraterna scholarship in music and two j J A K C H E S Those, taking will meet on Monday, October 23, ity, President Sheldon Bernstein ceremony. weeks ago she became a member i part in the skit will be Mrs.- Irvin at 4 p. m. under the direcitlon of Eari3 C-ITA) — Accompanied The nest regular meeting ol the appointed several eommlttess. After a wedding trip through of the University orchestra. | H. Stein, Chairman of the Hadas- Mrs. Abe Fellman. Through musi- Leonard Boasberg was, earned B'nai B'rttb Lodge wili be held by Baron Robert de Kottischlld, Colorado and Nebraska th* couple Miriam Rubnitz i3 a member of | sah Play producing Group, Mrs. cal play, children learn a keen chairman ot the Cnltnral Commit- Md Premier Wladislaw Sikoie>ki of the "Will be temporarily at hotne at the the cast of "Our Town," the first ! Irvin C. Levin, Mrs. Moe Razniek, sense of rhythm and mnsical pat- tee, assisting him are George SchPolish. G o venuaent-ia-cxilo atFrancis Drake Hotel in Minneaplay to bo presented by the "Uni- I Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, Mrs. Hen- terns. The Center will furnish the olnick aad Staart Frarikel. The tended special services for Poland polis, Minn. YISEES versity Players. ! ry Kiekes, and Mrs. Russell Blu- required instruments. Registration Athletic committee has Allan held in the Great Synagogue Sere, For her traveling costume, the f Seima Hill, president cf Tassels, ; fee is | 1 . of a soft *«>Biank as chairman, and Irving London ( J T A ) — IcterdcnoiQ- :l/ '&sns bride wore black accordion-pleatMembers of the Josior Departwomen's pep organization, tooa; I All members of the organlzaMalashock, Sidney G r e e n bamn, ment of Gr&ca P r e s b y t e r l a n ed knit with black antpJope accesDancing Classes baby Rs«o part in the presentation cf Pep j tion are asked to attend the meetsories. Dancing classes for children will and Darwin Marcos. The Social Church Sunday school visited the Queen and Yell King at the first j j n 5 a n ( i those who are delinquent lanrfekin itet ssatn* f o committee has in addition to Cfcerra B'txal Ylsroel Syna^osue meet on Friday, October 20, at 4 football game. Miriam Kubnitz is dues are reminded to see the p. m. at the Jewish Commanity chairman Phillip Eisenstatt, Joe Sttnday afternaoa, where Kabbi BOMOSECKS KETCIIS t&eepeti Castle explained services and worCenter, under the direction of BolKer and Stanley Feltntan. Dr. and Mrs. Philip Romoneck \ co-chairman of the Tassel Balloon financial secretaries. dri YOUTH AllXAH TEA. recently returned from a medical j ,3?: , . . „ „„ .. . . _ r -, , , . • Miss Rosalie Alberts, who will Sheldon Bernstein and Phillip ship and the uses ot various arg Following the regular, meeting teach tap and interpretive danc- Eisenstatt are the Rft-Nob repre- ticles in the S y s convention they attended in Chif o r k i n g on the Ti Tv C A. ixfcofd ' nance drive are Marian Stettheim- a tea. will bs served by Mrs. Julius ing. Classes will be limited in size ao teng feaaia for Pupils of tbft department were sentatives to the Kenna Table of ! or, Ceaevieve Stein, and Miriam stein and her Youth Aliyah comaccompanied by their teachers and Jewish Yoath. vrzsr... ssd a dst^t i Bubni:z. Selma Hill is en the ese- j mittee. All members are cordiallv individualized instruction and the Mrs. Jobs Brooks, department su.VISITS RELATIV i invited to attend this festive teacher's personal attentionto own bsesusa fbsy p&riatea&eat; Joha Jcssup, generMrs. Louts Abrahamson of St. \ ctttive board. Marjory Lipp ia society reporter event. Free Consulal superintendent, and Harry EatPaul, Minn., arrived hern Sunday The registration fee is 12. w a s h so Sbssyfifbiy. SHABBOTH e&is, cssictsst J morning to be the guest .of her far the Daily Xehraskan, reporttsUoa by ExF b 3 d b •ing-social -items for-four-social4~-Tta"6H"eg-Snaftbota g T O u p s Abo in qlmom Fal •brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and •Everything ia -la"readiness'lor pert throughout the United States have the initial meeting of the Jewish Mra. Julius Sherman. While here fraternities on casijtiae s f s n 5 Lady Attend»». ^ . a ^ u . - w n attended «.,™. uw the _ An hour_ dance was given last i dnpUcated the Oneg Shabboth Community Center Photography Tables are betas tasde up for Mr. and Mra. I. Hositeky of AuMrs. Abraharnson ant. .Women;3 League regianai confer- Saturday - f t - T h e fte^en « - , gatherinss in Palestine. The _spon- Club on Monday evening, October the Mahjdng Tonnsainest to be burn, Nebraska visited to Council Clote SeclUsn—•M^aflsef ence. She will remain until Mon- tertained the actives at their first taaeous effusion of spirit — really 23, at 7 p. m. Mr. Royce Kent, ex- given hy the Children's Milk fund Bluffs with relatives Sunday. spread Sunday night. chasidic in nature cannct be des- pert photographer, will direct the of Hadassah on Hcnfiay, Koreinday. Taking part in the* initiation of cribed in -words. Suffice it to say club's varied activities. ber 6, at the Branded tenth floor. IS SIOUX CITX Alpha Lambda Delta, ^cholaatic that it epitomizes, the joy the TalSpecial tables will be set aside GUESTS OF PARENTS ...Registration fee for members is lira. Sarah Gillnslcy spent the honorary, are Sarah Miller, Paulmud enjoin*s us to derive from 5 1 . ' - • - • - - - • Mr. Nate Sherman of Chicago • •: • for bridge and bingo. week end visiting'in Sfonx City a t ine Schwartz, and Jeanr.ette PolI the Sabbath and- fulfills the obMrs. Julius Newman is chair- the home of her son-in-law and spent the week end visiting •with In all the above classes a fee Jiia parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Julius onaky. This ia a special initiation ligation to give part of the day of six dollars is charged non- man of the Milk Fund and Mrs. at which time Miss Helen Hos-p, to learning. Sherman. Further information re- Arthnr-Goldstein is co-chairman. YOUR INSURANCE new dean of women, will be initi- | Many people who have return- members; ;arding all classes may be gotten ate(i I ed to this country from Palestine by calling the office of the Jewish ETEAST A vocational discussion group ] have moved to introduce this ommunity Center, Ja. 13 6S. Miss Evelyn Kaiman is visiting VICE-PRESIDENT Hospital find in New York. V/a3hingfon, Balti- was sponsored by Gamma Alpha j meaningful activity into oar JewSick Ksom The first of a series of sewing Chi, advertising honorary. Jean\ ish community life h«re The PIRANCB more, and other eastern centers. tappllea sessions sponsored by the Omaha nette Polonsky is president of this \ Omaha Chapter ,'ot Hadassah has Miss Kaimaa, who also went to g r o u p section of the National Connctl of - ^ j entertained One*" Shabbcth' gathChicago as a del3ga,t« to the NaReprtaectlng 21 strong Companies ' ~ j erings for some years past and .First of a new series of ex- Jewish Juniors will meet on Wedtional Convention o£ Jewish JunA Complete insurance Service nesday, October 25, at S p. m. at ! truly observe the traditional Sab- change diners held annually beCALL AT Ita ot WA £150 • iors, plans to bo gone five weeks. the home of Rose Mayerowlch, "THE SETTLEMENT COUNTS" bath atmosphere. The Chairman tween the Nebraska chapter of Phono Atlantis CB2B 4514 So. 22nd street. Sigma Delta Tau sorority and the of the group Mrs. M. F. Levenson Junior Hadassah will hold a and her two co-chairman, Mrs. Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha The sewing groops are mailing in tae Lecture formal dance at the Hotel Paxton Sunday at 2: nail of the Jc;lya Memorial three on December 27, the proceeds to Leon Fellman and Mrs. .Lawrence Mu was held last night when 14 toilet article bags for immigrants &>und films on New YorK. City will be added to the organization's Gross have planned some very in- members of the fraternity house sent to Ellis Island. Atl girls inhad dinner at the sorority house terested are asked to call Ma. spiring programs. be shown. At 3:30 Lsater G. Sid-Palestinian fund. Humor" will be discus- and ten girls were the. guests of, 2900. dall will doijver a "Chalk Talk" Beginning Monday, October 30 sed"Jewish by Mr. Arthur Rapport dur- the fraternity for dinner. in the Loc:ura II.L;'. A recorded and on every other HoaCay thereNext Thursday evening will a t after. Rabbi David A. Goldstein ing the first Oneg Shabboth .gathorgan prcgrani v.-i!l be mark the beginning of a new ser4 o'clock in ins-Concert Hall. At \%v{n conduct culturai c l a s 3 e t for at the home of MVS. Julius ies of fireside discussions oa top•4:30 the Omaha Music Teachers this group. and Cere- ! ics of Jewish interest. The fireAssociation v,-ill pr^sant its Young Collections of side discussions have been sponArtists program in the Lecture preparation for the Junior HadasThe dr£pcd sored for several years by the that he was scheduled to give for Hall. sah Scholarship taa. s sad THRILLiHG iiMMVERSARY Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha goes with i t a busthe Eethsl organization tome time Ruth Friedman, program "chairoary R i i n j , Mu and feature a talk by somes f!« and femintnliy of man, appointed a committee which ago. All members of Hadassah are prominent Jewish leader in Linly tiaaignsd &nd priead SAVQiGS ON asked to come to the Ones Shabwith soad e!d«fasEioa« Women's 1 1 l a e l t u i e s Esther Siege:-;,-, fh:s fssWonofela PfiH cola. Nest Thursday Kabbl Harry both gathering. A largemembers attendance nd moderatlos. Mizrachi Heard llabbi I. i B o r d y ' P e s s y Friedman. Gertrude \ This year Hadassah is also in- A. Jolt will speak. Shirred top end beauOruch, and Helen Vv'hitebook. Coaweaient Terma Caa Bo Rackovsky speak at the urganisa- i This week & new chapter room The next regular meeting will augurating a new routine in re- was il a4 KO Estra tifu'Jy fiahhed Jntcrier tion'B tirst luncheon meeting last completed ia the chapter Cost "Wednesday. Tbanlis we; e extendbers of most of the leading Jew- house. The room which is larger wifh t w o conjpsrfprogram is planned and all girls ed Mrs. A. G. "Weinstein, chairish -women's groups' throughout than the old chapter room is don-j monts 7.50 man or the f.tfair. Mrs: M. Arbit- interested^in Junior Hadassah will the city will be specially invited to in knotty pine. Indirect lighting JS ' "' • man and Mrs. A. Scnwaczkia as- be welcomed. attend different g a t h e r i n g s featured throughout the room. Acceiiory B E T — J» sisted. throughout the year. The special Second Ploo? Jh .; Appreciation was also given to guests for the month of October Patronize Our Advertisers MTS. J..Tret::iU who Monday.afterwill be the members of the. Counnoon gave a successful _ benefit Another meeting of the M-enor- cil of Jewish Yv'omen. bridge for tho organization. The chairman of the Oneg ah Chapter of the Young Judea Plans are cow going forward , was held at the Jewish Coinmun- Shabboth and the Hadassah orTWO IMPORTANT for a luncheoujnec-tins od_Novem-i ity Center-on October 10. Plans ganization extend a personal inviber 14 when Sirs. Bessie Gotsfeld i were m for a card party and tation to all* members ot the CounVALUE GROUPS! of Palestine will speak. Mts. Gots- j drawin __„. which will be held at cU of Jewish Women to attend feld was jr:?,Lrura'.;ncal of the s t i e Jewish Communitv Center. the Oneg Shabboth. If anyone defounding of the Beih Zeiroth ' Next Tuesday night the Omaha j sire's further information they are Girl's Schools. Community Chest Flayers will ! requestedT to call Mrs. M. F. Levpresent a thirty niiaute skit for enson, Tv a. OSSO. | the members of the Menorah H M O BO1XS j Chapter of the Yung Judea. The Hadassah Nurse Dolls ara

Louts Hartz Wins Harvard Honors

United Orthodox Auxiliary

J. C. C. Children's Activities


New Foltsh'Premier . . Attends Synagogue









_ .



Make Vp Tables For Tournament


Junior Council


Sigma Alpha Mu





Women's hlizrachi


Young Judea

.Kitckea tuats By Mrs. David "I. Kew

Graham OratUi.'r Cif»n» Pie :. 16 graham crafkers 3, teaspoon i'lc-u;, •% cup soi'ienoj buiii.';' % cup sugar 1 teaspoon eiatuimon Roll craclcera line, coinoine with the remaininj; ingredi<-:nta, mis thoroughly, press ^ of mixture firmly in layer u£ aa S inch pie Slate. Filling: 2 tablespoons eornstarch % cup sugar Vi. teaspooa salt 2 cups scalded milk 3 yolks beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla Cook in double boUer 15 miniates 'stirring fveciuently, blend a I little of this mixture wiflj the eg:,' , yolks. Return to Jouijle. boiler, stir and oopk •-.-n-.W t~s* are set, | about 2 miaul-, a, add vaidlla and t pour in cra<'*i?r crust. Serve cold i with whip eream. I

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Page 4

j 3

1 j

1 \ •ii


Boston Italian daily, "La Notkia" has been a constant foe ci racist doctrines not only in Italy but wherever found. To "La Notizia" General BaJbo has dispatched a letter. 4iI EabM fEe5s2©?a enjoy reading the editorials in your esteemed paper, which gives UBt-iSi-ibD i£Vi«V ^ J J I D A ¥ A t CMAMA. NE3RA3KA, 3K TH3 J33WS33 P32E3 PUBLISHING COMPANY ma an esaet idea of the opinions and reactions of the Italians C2U GE3P OF . . . . S2.S3 living ia Massachusetts. Of particular interest I found your cos* •UBSCR ls*TIOtVS>KiCSS. Una «aa«AQVi£i*ri3ISiCa MAT23 ?(.}f»NI3MED CM APPUCATiQN ment on racial issues, and I must truthfully say your views er£ B DITOHIAS. Oi^Sr'.Ci-s 3Sa 3 iSAMOSta THlSATHB 3U15.DINQ shared by many of us here in the kingdom." . 144 (SIOUX CiTV OWtCS—sS£Wl3H COMMUNITY C E M T S 3 .3—4SS4 3 0 . 2'STH 3 T S E 3 T This is an amazing statement to come from one so high is OAYJO 3LACsars Saaiaesa aad MaaasJns SdStor a esail book, USONASD NATHA2J • • • • . Sditor Fascist circles. It eomea too late to repair the great damage t i y i aad ^ a t H e t t y RASEH Contributes Sditor dona by Italy's ridiculous racial laws, but it may point to & bat"l&S. T&s ©rlgiaai Gefsaaa has KA331 TH3OSOa3 SI. L3W33 » • • Bcoli Sci'tor ter day for the victims of a shameful episode in Italian histoS7* rasisred lato SagSiah «rhlcl»

phaslzes the need for unrelentIttg efforts to preserve democratic and to protect Our free , Oetobk 22—A. Z. A., J. C. C, 2 p. EL j Otaaha He- traditioB* nation from the impact of philosbrew C!ab, 3. C. C, S p . Q . ; Jewish Operetta, J. C C, 8 p, ta. ophies fncontpatiblo -with the concept, of a race of Monday, October* 23 — Woinen's Division Luncheon, J. C. American free men. To the accomplish0,, 12:30 p. in.; I. W.Q., J. 0, C, 8 p. ta.j Sewing Class, J.'C. C, ment ot this objective the B'nal B'rith lias dedicated itself." 1 sSO p. ia. O f l th that B B'na! B'rith, Tuesday, October 24 — Young Jadea, J. C. C, 7:30 p>. a . j represents " a Cross section 01 tEe American Jewisb commuWorld Affairs, Temple Israel, S.'p, ia/. • •' olty," realizes the "blessings of Wednesday, October 25 — I "W. 0., S, C. C^ 8 p^cv; Danc- peace and the tragic conseauences of -war," Mr. JMonsky said, "the ing Class, J. C. C, 3 p.m. B'nai B'ritb in. America joins with Thursday, October 26- — Cooking. Classes, J. C. C, 5:30 p. m. tfca great roaos of the American ia tha fervent prayer and Satcrday, October 28 — Womett's Division Dance, 3T.'C, C, public that 3\KANC 33 3LACK3EI • * Society Sditor gly EUftafb and a gMer deour coantry may be light to read d@5H3 ita tragic • Sioas City Correspondent 9:30 p. ffl. S10K3S3 A132N33HC3 lieprt cat ot T?ar." ttasso. TM traasiatc? is escepDOSOT • Course!] SlufSa CorrespGndest "Aealttst tho contrast o£ war in tisssiiy gtftsa. 1 ne?& that th& cth.es \&u&s, patriotic Americans By Sabbi Frederick Cola society i s d eihss eretipa ^rlU call laact teeog&i£d as a living creed tho truths propounded as selfI have just returned from attending tha Eegional Confer- fha Btwjf is lagtfabl? ttaglf evident in the Declaration of In' Ix ne\v3 from Palestine is to be considered reliable, the ence of tha Union of American Hebrew Congregation held ia asd, tasagh pl&csd la t!io eta oi dependence," na said. "We pledge oaf full devotion to the cause of Arab-Jaw ish conflict ia finally being liquidated under tlie exi- Kansas City, Missouri. It was the second of such Conferences iM gjacfsa Ia«uisitioa, t t a Hi' peace in America." casttify, It ia p&taii&flf cufgencies of war. Despite th.0 barrage of anti-British, propaganda ia the Mid-West, the first having been held ia Oss.s,ha, zhbuttssatls jrcsit. Ofid Htssdsed ieiziMh iafia, Warning tbat "propaganda, that l m been descending on tiia Near Eaat, tlie Arab popula- two years ago. The Osiaha Conference,was such a success that «sil#4 iftstz ib&tt n$.nv® tends, •Wbetber racketeer sponsored or i&d haads e! a feaad ef ctiaulotcd," that attempts to dition gives every indication, of preferring British to Nazi siastars. it was an' inspiration for further Conferences, tha seeoisd having fell tlatatrtia tin to eefl tnsm ia The Ujost eiabarr^sing story ifi were reopeiie?! to tlss ptrbite, vide Americans, to set c 1 a s B Tlie war has brought a halt to Naai propaganda, and Ifca3y, fear- been just concluded in Kansas City.Egrptl&ii ilard. ess?keta, Tbe years is about to break {at may- smoas tho tit&t allowed i&sfd &g&ln&t CI&SB, group against group oS Veaka feScua xkc-za and be has already Broken By thd was a polito Ja&aoe^a gentleman, and religion, against religion, ful of losing tier position of neutrality, lias also, temporarily at - Successful as the first Conference was the Secossi probstl set teea tte&. his v/lle, and three year old son "threatens our unity and vitality" time you t&&& this) about, & memleast, give tip her pretensions as "Protactcr of Islam." feat raise? , ber (A tha White House secre- . . . Guards noticed tfiat ifte Jap- and "la a menace to th<? peace and deeper into the situation • in Judaism and into an analysis cf with tecssssisa ia Kasl Ger- tariat vftogQ <jf£-tha^fecord wctds aaeso carried &n expensive movte security of our nation," Mf. MonTlie doora of Palestine liava enea more been re-opened to Judaism itself. No doubt the critical condition' ot its world Bai?& h&SA in & issaas? #tefy bit &%& few days ago very Hearts' pre- Causers, sad. tlica sa«? ttt&t bis cliy quoted *.om a reecnt speech refugees, and illegal immigrants are no longer being thrown affecting most profoundly and vitally tha condition el «JWa cipitated as i&teroatfon&l inci- \7it6 ®&& mmipal&U&g &a. exps by the Rev. Bernard Shell, auxildent. In the wefda cf 6ns ^7hit6 dV6 candid cseier"a-,,. They eaan« iary Bishop Of tho Catholic Archbacli upon tho largess of tha sea, but permitted entry. No and Judaism throtJghotit the world was tha causa of tins, ft t?ss Houso corres^oadent, "he alttlCSt tc^cd over £o auectfoa tto couple, dioccso of Chicago, to emphasize find trhllo they -were taiEifls, taey tlxe danger of attempts to force tragic scenes are being re-eaaated witliia. sight of the Holy Land. as though it were recognised that Judaism's position is SO desp l upheaval, at- C4ufi4d a pea<J5J" dfat cotfeed the toddler decisions on problems of national to put iat* <&&?&$ its etao- Tho president's confidant took Much of this peace lias come from the recognition of a com- perata in this' c^ueial condition of the world that extra p-aisa the whole scene— interest by unworthy propaganda , I!i3 b05^3 £2'J UltS, thO it upo:i hlmssif to tell (off tha and by appeals to thg emotions of a- broivnte. mon danger and an absolute necessity to co-operate. The Pales- must be taken in the endeavor to understand it and the saest fattb 6ad tSs d&uSt0 cf tbsse boya, record) what lift W6u!d do if h& men. tine Arabs are in no position to challenge British authority, searching examination be made for remedies to cure or allay 63 tBsy er& €sfrisd forcibly on were in tho same position as a secQuotes Bishop Shfil their dangerous and terrible jour* retary to & cort^la EorepNSail chanshould they so desire, for Britain has given up all ideas of ap- the ilia and misfortunes menacing Judaism today. A basics af- fiey. Thg ^hysieat suffering of collor, generally rocogniicd as Mr. McmsRy quoted Bishop Shell as saying; peasement and will take dsastia measures to curb any opposi- firmation was nade that unless there were Jews there could th«sa lads, &B it is ilescfs,' p&Ua Adolf Hitler. He wdnld, ho said, "It is not time for slogans and lnslsaifksE.es when compared &snd up a trill balloon" CEid&c the tion to its present policies, unpopular they may be. The rebel- be no Judaisn. Judaism was no abstraction: it was the reiigiots into emotional outbursts. The deciitith the tuottzons -iaefitai find President of tho tfaitcd States to sion as to the wise course to follion has seemingly worn itself out before the appropriate time of Jews of which they were not only the devotees but the ssltltftitl fcgdsy. E2ssi?Uosally -well mediate the Eiuropean war. tfoderlow in foreign affaire Is an amazstand, he wouldn't ask that. Me'd handled is thd scopticssia that to strike had eome. bearers and representatives. With the wholesale destruction of afflicts the yeat&s, &s& the doabts Just "balloon' that lid signi aat ingly complicated business and de* * # _• pends o& a sensitive balance of y Jews in so many countries, in Poland now and in Sonth-Easi- h f S 8SS21! ttisa, ernsing tftelr that. knowledge pt a thousand factors, f la theiJsslv£3 atJd ia JcdsAll this wad told to a certain A new danger has appeared on the horizion, only faintly, era Europe, as well aa in Germany, and their repression if not which few men have. The devls-"*?, to W&v6f. Osis «ifea dares to few of the White aaese correing ot a course of action in such but nevertheless esiata. Thara ia grave fear felt in all Near suppression in so many countries, Judaism itself was gravely speculate, eioud,. of course, that spondents fa strictest c6nfid(3&c«3, circumstances is a gift of a statesto eaSraUfcsd to baptisn in. fiad la a fe^ ai£Stit«a It t?as fieEastern circles that Hussia may attempt to extend her sphere threatened, through ruthless, annihilating physical force, not h~d man. It is derived, as the Vatican S^S.la,,hs trCald hs no® j i lag whispered tip oti capital hill, newspaper cayo, front 'concrete ex'of influence into tlw Arab countries, into Persia, into Afghanis- to'speak of hostile, challenging ideologies. More important than" pssc'# slid dignity" and gad its the state Cssartment press perience.' rood, and after £ llttla vliiio tan, and possibly even into India. Garrisons are being re-inforeed ever was it. to preserve and transmit Judaism through adequate is this tM reward tut on, D» O.—^Wfefit 6a9 "It is not something to be dea633 t* jTud&isai aad , longer it •W&J heard oa Wall atreet pu In many couotfiea of fined in all British protectorates, mandates, and colonies in case such and earnest education of the Jewish youth. (One of the dele- sad ••gioaJd eil enr EUiUnng b® and the sfocg aatket wsrerca Eatoga by cmotio&al charlatans who won't hzppea Mfo If tyo hare become statesmen over night viihonl puip&s&i" Alas,' erratically". be so. gates was so concerned ha passionately maintained that only by tnake sure that ovit detaocricy is and wUosa unctuous voices betray il d f £ i By this tfae It wfis «adiy dis- a Teal democracy, 6n& tot everyNeither Jaws nor Arabs look forward with any pleasure to the education of non-Jewish youth as to the real charaetef of directed t&i* afa old cdtaplaiiit to torted. -TSera ara ceftalo tepott- one, not just for a few, & democ- & first urge to bear themselves, no : matter whoso thought they con- -> • Such an eventuality. The possibility is also present that Turkey Judaism and inculcation of the principles of justied asd right- God, &n& tba iffoild.. Wot only" Aoers who say that the White fidtlSG racy in -frlileh everybody Is free vey. You know what—and whom-: (not Hitler) tried to pet np & and everybody Is f«?afou» fof the Jews &ik diffJealt qeestiess f*« — although under present coreumstances this seems a remote e&usness by Jewish Rabbis without which he pessimistically de- gafdins tiiair faW afid saffering, trial billooa. Tncre aro others rights of everybody elm?, not Just —1 mean." possibility — might be brought into Sussiaa influence and prod- clared all else had hitherto absolutely failed and was bound bat today fill ifrbd love fr^edma rtbo claia that th» reporters fail- being Interested fa your Ot?n Tne B'nal B'rith presiflent also x*rlzd decency, fill the good ed to observe tne confid^ncd ro- rights and in your own welfare Cltdd Bishop Shell aa saying that ded into imperial ambitions, which would mean an attempt to to fail could salvation come — not realizing the Utopian &&&and afid tho ilobld asS, triy saoald the poscd m then, a&d should be but in the preservation of and tho "in the depths of the titanic strugregain her lost Arab empire. wholly impractical and impossible nature of his plan). forces of etil tTihrsph *— evea saiaaarily dealt trlth. Anyway, welfare of the whole democracy." gle across the water many at- .' for a tmr hoars, W&sEsiagtdfl atilv- Mra. Frsn&Un D. Roosevelt told tempts will bo made to turn our tisoega It ba for s aocisat? Should Bufcssia. feel impelled to measad Mtasolini as "Protjos&et&d vftubtttet tbe 1,200 worsen &t the first birthday minorities a&glnst one another, to A moat excellent paper was read on the history 6f Jewish Tfis csM*st i1iin§ s man can ered—afid turn all of them against our leadtector of Islam" ib would aaean that Jewish and Moslem religious historians and & brilliant analysis made of the character of do is accent fels destiny stdcally. President was goiag to bseo&e lUnCUeOn of the WOffiSO'S AtlXil- enr, and to destroy those slender the m.ediatof of Earo^o's war. Aad tbat U6lda fdf tils Jew. Tfsete lafy Of ArgO Lodge of B'ndi bonds of the united will of a free instiutions would i'aoa a common foe. There is no doubt that their several conceptions of Jewish history, in the attempt to &&•> is' Ed egcaje frota J6*!ah destiny^ people. Those who preach race Russia would peso aj the liberator of ilws Arab masses from eertaia by a nest saieatifia survey the best method of teaching1 •^id ydaftt ^Sd de«£t3 fco l d In ordinary times, vrtt&t the B'rith. hatred and intolerance among us et&&v ceafldaat bad to £&? ,txts. Roosevelt shared tpeakins in their enslavement by tho Mcaqtxa. SIcreovar, txniess Ecssia. suc- Jawisb. Mstcry, with a viaw of knowing- jest what ssonld ba ef eaestsstfT' t* Jedafeta, &» & -world at war aro traitors h&vo C3c£53 CxsSh CS£n- honors with Henry Monslsy, prcsi- to each a' felllfig' asswe? Bf & out lonely; democracy. They fisnt cf S'nai S'ritS» -who voiced ceeds ia aeeonrolialimgj another qtdck a&cut iaea ,t'ii3 peasantry tacght, wiat tha real character of Jewish history was. Ths t J l , bat la'tHesa tie&ll£h days, oaca ij our moral unity. Theyr «f taa c«rt&>- & pica that the tteitsd Ut&t&s a a ytaenacs might be "rescued feotn Soa-Ism*"- wMeli Bussia has always favcred ecEclusioa seemed to be that it was "God-iatosicsSed" e!iSfe!s« A Jet? p d t& nsjslaes fes i-cpt out "of war &u6 plcdgtd dlvido our precious strength. -No*ccia. It rcflactc-3 CSS flfltf man can bo both honest and in? $(£SS3 CO? «€Cdfbranded as an inatmsiint oi British imperialism. sttitade ol a city triers tfee tho 126,009 tambera of the great telligent to uss tha terra applied by Novalis to Spinoza ia Hsu of a bet- ity ia tQnV£zsi6H, tliJ* fetse? t&o if ho professes to want Jewish cervica organisation and least whisper ss&&3 & shudder 1 This, aven more thsxi Germany, ha3 beesrao the tallying ter , as esprssaiag? tha momentous character of the role of the "Ants" co&tesisea, sad i o c that caa bo felt fro&i caa cad of its affiliates "to full devotiea to to safeguard peace in America at the same time he preaches the relates a s fatfi?fcsti2|; force in tha Near Eaat. Piilestina'j 1329 riota xvsre to a largg Sevr; that it iJ diviaa, of the most sacred character, with nest S he sylra&ia Avenea to t!:o ether, tho catssa of pgaca in America." kind of racial hatred which has front l l s ctec yo Tha First Lady admitted, that where erea ifao "estessloaa et «actent provoked by Ccramtrairf agents sent among tlia Arab saered cbjacts in vi&vr, via, tha perfection of all htnasnity, in-* Uade? Heary. S "there ars a good many people its destroyed peace everywhere," la the Co&gresslos&lB'flal B'rith Cross Section population. Moat at Palestine^ Eussian Jewa ara fugitives from spired by tha over-mastering conception of a Holy God back from the Inqaisitloa, be and a a y ba regard^ as po- this country to whom democracy parents submitted to baptism. In- Eeoofd doea not mean a great deal" and tential dynamite. Hailing Bishop Shell's address . jCommunism, many having endured imprisonment for their de- of all history, of tha whole cosmos, of all life, of Whom the stead of $£&cs or security tliey ''this is a deep concoTn for us to- aa "a forthright, courageous and found increas'yotkra to Zionist principles. It's a Etrange thtas, but the day. Therefore each one of us most significant statement," Mr. Jew has been "chosen" not in the sense of any privilege but sai a t i l s t d t&ey afid opposition .from articles tho "estcasioaa cf has a grave responsibility, not Monsky concluded by asserting Colonial-Secretary • McDonald may express gratitude for entrusted with, the momentous and portenticus duty which be- in What actually hap- remarks"among all that might be terfiied only to their own particular group that "we at B'nai B'rith represent tttat-tbey ceased to be "pro-<3esnnsa" tisually ihia new Arab-Jewish amity, but lie has dona nothing for its comes his destiny, cf being the consecrated representative, the pened come from but to democracy, td the country a cross section of the American of tha Jewish commu- Coagressnlfeii are anti-Semi- a? a whole, find to the ideals on Jewish community, one of the .achievement, Arabs and Jewj are suddenly realizing that not suffering and even sacrificed Servant, the "partner with God" nity, bat w'sre not accepted by the tic Take Rep.who Thorkelson, which it tf&S founded." Asserting minority groups described by The Christian aims, of Montana, (orJacob only have they differences, but also many problems in common. in working cut here upon earth and bringing into ultimate, CSristiasg. take vliat is left that "much of what happened to Bishop Shell. We represent a tSsofetically, to convert the Jev?. of after William Dudley Pel- the world has come through fear," people which has historically been 'At this moment it ia tha eexnmcn problems that must be settled. fruitful, blessed realisation the highest ideals- of human per* Eat trhen he Succeeds, the old ley him Is finished). Roossvelt said "that -wo consecrated to the ideal of peace. taired continues and often even And in settling their common problems they may also learn to faction'aad hsnaa happiness. Judaism should be explained set- Increases. Our young hero coa- Even as the White House an- Mrs. must, if we possibly can, keep & peoplo which is the inheritor of that an alien cnbnariito fear oat of our country. We can tho prophetic tradition of peace 3ettle their differences. so xnxeh as s philosophy with principles and dogmas, as a his- tiatiea to relate how his converted nounced and- Baptized parents -were execut- was Seen fuelling from two tank' Only do t&at by jealously "watch- and good will." tory extending from tha first Jew Abraham to the present time. ed for "relapsing," how their ers off the Florida coast, Hep. ing for tho rights ot all the Peo- Ufa. ROOsOvGlt and Mr. Monsky were guests of honor at the birthsaid: "Germany, not ple." Comuraiumlfcy Cbaa* Judaism is sot so much a 'civilization' as it is a life — the life projterty w a s confiscated, and Thor&elson hotsr, after ha was freed from an haviiES colonies, h&a no place Emphasizes American Trcdltica day luncheon of tha At go AuxilPreparations have already been started for tlio Omaha of the Jawisli people — and a way of life, not only for Jews rttijust imprisonment, he found w^sre her raiders can take OQ Mra. Roosevelt's call tor a iary Of B'nal B'rith, which inor obtain repairs." '' broadening of our democracy fol- stalled its new officers following Community Chest driva which ia to open on October 30. Tha but for all people. Unbroken Unity for four thousand years con- himself a miserable pauper. "Wfeen supaliea Filled with ideas by the discred- lowed Mr. I.lonftliy's assertion that the principal addresses. Mrs. ths Jews saved hlci, ha returaed Community Chest has been Omaha's answer to the nseda'of the stitutes the Misery and therefore thS character of the Jew. Joyously td jnAaistt. ited Pelley, Thorkelson sends "the paramount Importance of Morris Gewirz, retiring president,^ presented Mr. Monsky with n \ city aa well as a solution to tha eha-os and confusion that sur- It was tha belief of many present. that this exposition of the Baptlsa ISST«3 s .permanent through his daily attacks; printed peace and unity in : America em- check for $500, half of the auxilfree ta the Congressional Record, rounded philanthropic enterprise ia pre-Ohest days. Jaw and of Judaism was essentially synonymous with Keform sear on the spirit. After many and tries to portray tho Jews £3 iary's pledge toward the newly established B'nai B'rith Hiilei Exthis brave boy who under- "the invisible government." Tha Chest has ably co-ordinated various social agencies, Judaism's conception and teaching of Judaism as a 'Mission' years, tension unit at the University of went great suffering for his faith removing hap-haaard givias aad initiating efficiency. No long- cf which every Jew should look upon himself as a missionary. la Still aertar&ea fey test tragic In the memory of the oldest InMaryland. Mrs. Herman W. Hertzberg is the new president. Mrs. Ho tells Bis anxiety habitant of tha House Ptesa Galer ia the public plagued at different times to aid tha individual It h a momentous thing to be a Jew, as well as an extraordinary €S$<*rMsee. Heary Morgeathau, jr.* is honto ens of ttt& elders.-wha quiets lory (and soms have shaved thotd member organizations. Instead a unified fund-raising campaign privilege, a sublime honor. orary president of the auxiliary. his fears sad assures Mm tt&t for thirty years and more) there Mrs. Charles Goldsmith was chair"you are still & Jew. Compulsdfy aarer was a Coagfgasman "taken is being conducted. No longer is the less aggressive agency made According to Eabbi Gordon of St. Louis, who delivered the cJsscga et i&tth la lavalia accord- for Temple man of tho luncheon committee a ride" aa Ham Fiflh waa takto suffer, for the judgment is now on work accomplished, and climactic address at the evening banquet, the chief thing the ing to our law." Only now do en by Virginia's statesman-U&o Tonight at service. W, B*. cozad, and Mrs. Maurice Bisgyer headed of the C o u n c i l ot the program committee. geafis and • SSrsnlty return, find the allocation is therefore made en a much fairer basis. . •-. president Jew has to teach the world today is "Mercy", which the world ail dsabta tsaaigh. The taemory Woodrua. Churches, wilt occupy the pulpit The erratic Fish, who trfcSThe need is always great. ?ha amount each contributor needs most of all in this tiras which is so merciless and so cf Ms teaporsry apostasy Is palsy-walsy -with Von Rlbben- of Temple Israel. . montfns servlcea bogives is in no way equal to tha gced done. Our contributions brutally creel. The merciless treatment of the Jew in all agea wssbed away". trop and Hitler juat prior to the elaSaturday at 11. flit-s small bat esceediagly mor- outbreak of war, and whose sugare small indeed, when compared with the huge sums we spend has made the Jew classic and especially inspired teacher of The fourth ot Rabbi David H. &&d tin6ly boas, espresslag gested thirty-day armistice now Wice'a lectures on tha present on. our personal pleasures. Yet that sum, small or large, often mercy. With him it is not an academic or a perfunctory but a ias the fears and hopes of tbbse Jews bears tho tills "Fish's foily.M world cittjation trill Us held Tccaare enduring the Hitler op- made one fatal mistake. tJp un- day ovenlng. means the difference between life and painful existence. most vital' matter, advocated with the heart's blood. He 'knows who pression, will inspire many of us til the time he sailed for Europe, The Community Chest renders generous and effective as- tha heart of a stranger, for he has been' — and still is in so to a it&sh Mdedieatioa to Jadatsa he was regarded, aad regarded B e t h El and.^rc«9sesrfetSaa to Jewish, life. himself, aa the House's premier ' '• sistance to the Federation of Jewish Service. For that reason — many countries regarded and treated as — 'a stranger.' Rabbi David A. Goldstein -will ' New York (JTA) — In accordTh'a readeXcloses the volume With Isolationist. His meddling brought this dyoning on theV'Qrcat- ance with a suggestion of Secreas well as many otliei'3 — it has just demands upon the Jewish Ths Conference concluded on the high and comforting note the~cGavietioii that when accepted, down upoa his head tb© -wrath spcafe eot Institation in Jewish 'Lite," tary of State Cordell Hall, steps Community. Moreover the drive is a civic enterprise given to that though the Jew's sufferings today are perhaps greater Judaism giv^l strength and ioy, of Woodrum. 'Saturday moraing services at have been taken to obtain admisa pea<is of E^ind and soul that Woodrum reviewed Fish's recassisting all regardless of creed. oa the other side, chapter and tho Beth El Synagogue besin at 9 sion into American m e d i c a l than they have ever been in the entire period of the Jew's transcends, that triumphs over the ord ', ' ' schools of 400 Americans students verse'. He •'recalled the data when o'clock. of tho body. We pride ourselves on our liberties here in America, and centuries-long History of Suffering, the fact that he suffers is b Next weak tho Beth El Synas<5- whose studies In Scottish Representative Fisn called Gerwe take the greatest pride in the fact that without coercion wa proof that he lives, and his living is pledge and promise and many's claims "Just," aad ro- guo will co-operate with the com- schools were interrupted by the membered Fish's statemeatt. "I munity in observing Spiritual Em- outbreak of war, and it 13 believed are able to solve problems that face- the general public. This opportunity of the ultimate removal of all suffering and all tbat tho problem will receive fafavor liquidation of tho Verealllet phasis Weak. is the way we care for those in need and provide institutions that causes of further suffering. " vorable consideration at the antreaty ia tha East." • ' tt sounded strange comiag frosa <0rfckcdos -'Congregations nual meeting of deans of Amerienlarge the opportunity for all. The Community Chest gives t h e United Orthodox Congrega- can medical colleges to bo held in the lip's of aa isolationist. . • best opportunity for us to express our deep regard for this tradithem off in their youthful aga ^—> Finally Woodrum etsrtcd on tions will start Friday evening Cincinnati on October 23, a comtion. Fish's organisaiica for "psaqs"— services at 8 o'clock this; evening. mittee ot tbe students announced. concerning him the passage read3: The students, many of whom an erg&nfcatioa for t7hlcH Fish This will be the first time that And thou shalt know that there aad 33 other members of .the; Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky has con- aro Jewish, had protested against is peace in thy tent. Rabbi Blazer said: "In tha fuAmsterdam (JTA)—The news* Botiso solicited fends. Said Wood- j ducted the late Friday evening tha State Department's refusal to ture all the professional men will !paper Tslegriiaf reported t h a i rum:- "Ho'has set up aad is.coa- j services since he assumed his du- grant them passports, ana Secretary Hull had 6ugge3t>!d that "a become farmers." Geraan plasa for tlie establlsh- ductia§ a propaganda racket that • ties here. Far from the balconies and squares of Rome, a once-popular makes the utility outfit end Doc Hd will speak on "You and I". committee of experienced and Inr&eiU of a Jewish territory in tha When Rob etered a path (h-e-f Italian hero was sent several years ago to eool his heel* — if it i s'-^a Mra thy tween fields), and saw the ears southeastern p a r t of 'Poland 'iownsead look" llko &IMsrs." . t h e service vlll bo followed by-a terested persons abould make " i t , nor give waving, he used to say: "Tcss a?ound Lublin were taking' shape. . To Fish's defeftsa rushed Schaf- forum at the synagogue, daring every effort to work out with the can be said one can eool his heels in Libya. We refer to General —i increase. T&e K l e u t s . Kattefdamscne er of Wisconsin. You'll hear more which the- congfegatfoa w»U bo In- American Medical association and yourself (be aa proad as Italo Balbo whose spectacular crossing of the Atlantic at tha "o tby tents, O wilt), trading In business yields fCoursnt repsrted frsci Berlin'that about Schafer ss'tleis rolls on, vited to ask questions Of tho Rab- thd. Bureau of Education and any Elmilar bodies v/hlcu could be head of a-largo aeroplane squadron made Mm a figure famed in j the Geriaaa government was plan- but at present his chief claim to bi. 3 i , O Israel! more profits than tboa dost." helpful" a plan tor admission of fame is that, according to testin^ that blesiniag to lfiipsse-a special military • Tea -t?iU'.bo serves by IM LaO.« America. - Rabbi Popa said: "Hars provisc^r^e^ be every ions of your' OTTO productioa, asi! I tax 1upon Jews oa t i e ground that mony before the Dies commutes, 163'AoxiHary ot tho Vnttcd Ortu- the s t u d e n t s into American schools. he addressed the Blind and similGeneral Balbo'a loyalty to the Fascist regimes has seeiain; '-tor .••. ••'- '• do not buy it even though it ws.y s tlieS 4o not esrvs In t h e ' a m y , ar organisations when he was run- o ^ d s C o n g r e g a t i o n s . . :' from •wbloli tbey ars barred under ••. ^Pha Talmud stufi7 Stotsp ottfea Accordingly, a commutes was •* v. 1 "^ersana fa c-st the same pries, becaesa yoa ly never been questioned. But his approval of certain of i | tlie s,ati-3s*."rtsli Ntiresberg 1 laws. ning for office. United Orthodox Consregationa formed and the Interior Departi I. a * the small can have t h e a 'on yoar tafsis policies has oftaa bean withheld. Ea rma sent away because of As WoofiruEi ^ojated • out, all held its first, sacstiag -oti Wetoea- ment's O f f i c e of Education, k , •<«. siall not •while they are fresh. Bat house- j The tas •will amount to 5 per east j of tlielr total property, it -was eheeks . for Fish's : organisation day, October. 18, at .tha Gohgrsga- through Commissioner John W. s."° c ny man. his popularity as Mussolini permits r*o popular heroes in Italy— hold'goods—buy ready made and t said. . yrere sx&dp payable to Walter V.tioa B«Hh llataedrosli UagoSel, Sttidebaker and Dr. Wall on John, d E o t spin." ; He j <2° but ana and that himself. As Governor of Libya, General Balbo , Oo *• lias communicated with the A. M. Meanwhile, a s . a y ' 3 » t I s Is iieyaolds, .treasurer *£-'-taei Outfit, 19th'and .Surt fisttrests. . • . , • ^ «v himself, Rabbi Popa said: "Be always scbsals •wfif a rsporte4 to fcs who by a strange' coincidence hapTliis group -laeets dvery Wed* A. urging it to take cognisance of has ignored the racial laws of Italy. \ and ^n more than ready to. bay laad, . but lia care- ! liulldiisga takfea at at is, Bsflin Ler pened', to'be Fish's essrstary. aesSsy at 8'5."m."B,nS'l3'-c*pen to tne problem. The students' "Comful ft-itn i Bat now General Balbo has gone further and openly ea-; ^f~^ your aatritaosial affair. othsr cities -to. boitsa evacusaa all tr!ie hafS sufficient . back- taittee of Action" is preparing to Go s3o-«n. a step •wfeea yoa ffi,?s frdm Aacliea, DaesseWotf s a d Hsre's a-story that 'won't Isesi*. to gsrtlcipat© la' tie sttidy. make a fall statement ot the probpressed himself publicly on the matter of Italian Baeism. The i 1^1 a ~-< ~ 3 i t* to marry chc-osiasr i i " ottss' I&TZS .Hblaslaad centers. • L ti&cli6vski?Js.ia.eiiai'sa. • lem ct tho octofcc? £2 nccttaG


Tli© Second Regional Conference


ffeipis i


Balbo and Anti-Samitisim

I the Bible and Taixr




Page S.

erized by. exceptional simplicity; spread*. One of the most import- served In the Colonial Army. was 'noteworthy for a prayer for ant of these addresses was made Nevertheless,, Rabbi Gershojoi the- new^.government which.' w,a s in-St. Paul's Chapel in August of Mendes Seixas waB an "acknowln^in'.the -painful,-throes; of or- 1 8 0 0 . , ; i - - . . - " > i . . • . ' . _ ;•..•' . . ; .-., edged leader In the New York ganization. Blessings were ini community, as witness his parSmall Community . oked' on" "his Excellency' the ticipation In Us activities and hisThata. Jew ahouuld have ,been 'resident and .the Delegates of torical occasions. It is thus no he' United States in Congress' as^ so honored in aJday when: Jews wonder that on Ms death he was comprised so small a part of our lembled;' on "his E xc'.e 1 l'ency, widely mourned and great cone o r g e Washington, Captain population'' is ' a tribute- to the; cern-was- lelt over his successor. man;, : The,. J§wigh; population "'in' : General': and- Commander-in-chief He lies buried in the Old Bowf ' the\ Federals army ' of -these America ;was'<limlted'.'to ..several ery Cemetery, (wliere are bnrledV Itates; on ' his : Excellency the communities, notably' New York, the remains of 16 Jewish .VetA Composite Picture of Clifford Odets resident and t h e v nohorable Philadelphia, Charleston ,a n d erans who fought in the Revolumembers of hte General Assembly Richmond. The" Newport Jewish War,) On Jils tombstone pf this commonwealth, and of all community had already dimin- tionary Inscription: kings and potentates1 in ' alliance ished following ' the termination- is theHERE LIES BURIED AjlY list of major contributors 1th North America. ' . . ' . . . . \* •* of the Revolution War.• of futility rather than of They seem, rather, to be ot an The venerable, honored, !eametl» to ! tft» current American drama amples Rabbi Seixas concluded his asfrustration. Their inadequacy of emasculated and decadent breed; would include Clifford Odet3 mind and spirit would be a3 blunt as though from their loins no ociation with Congregation MiK- ; According to Rabbi Selxag* own, reverent and distinguished Rabbi there were - about 3 5X) • Gershom Mendes Seixas, who was among the first names. Though in, .a perfect,as ia an imperfect ight and- no spirit could be forthvah-Israel on March 23, '1-784, in :: estimate, : many of hia individual plays have world. In the", clouds of "oratory coming. But whatever strength rder -to return to the city ot, iiis sduls connected-vrith his congrfe-! 4he faithful, and sivect singer ot 50; oth'ers «In our Congregation for SO years, to been sharply clawed by the critics that ataam from Ma dialogue, Odets has ia plotting situations, nativity. Shortly thereafter, he gatlon~:and possibly : at the time of their production, Odets gives the impression of In- n developing a social theme and was appointed a member of the New -York- City.- In Pennsylvania this year of his Jublleo ho rethe net impression he seems to termingling personal "with cosmic in relating effects to. causes finds oard, of Reseats pf Kings CoJ- there were only from 80 to 100 turned to bis Inheritance and .to have registered i3 that of a fluent, handicaps.' ege, soon to be known -as C6- families, about 30 of whom resid- his family, ana departed this life ts most extended elaboration in umbia College. When in 1787, ed-In Philadelphia.•;South' Caro- on Tuesday, and was bnried on dynamic, cerebral interpreter of a Thus, Joe Bonaparte of "Gold- 'Awake and Sing." n, act of the legislature .created a lina had a- large 1 Jewish-: popular Wednesday the 7th of Taramnz certain section of middle class en Boy* is not suffering from, an "Till the Day I Die," is diets' oard, of trustees; Rabbi Seixas tlpn, about a thousand, of whom' in. the year 5576. "The man who life. system primarily but dramatization of the Nazi story was appointed to the board,: a some 700 resided In Charleston. the Lord chooscth Holy Js he." "Whether his success is based economic confusion of purpose. n Germany. The characters do - -• • - « ost he held until he resigned in In addition, some ^0 Jewish fam- (Nrim, XVI, 7) on the novelty of the themes with from a he might have made }ust not emerge above the plane which 815, Just a year before his deatlj.. tlles resided in Richmond. The; From the Jewish. which he deals or on the sound Trained, He was the only Hebrew member rest of the Jewish'^ppulation was of writing by outstanding -Veteran.): eraftstnaasbip o£ his playwritiag as much money a3 a violinist as years f the Board of Trustees during scattered. In -1818, Mordecal M. observers have settled as the is easier to determine from "Sis he could have a bozer. the 19th centyry. Noah estimated a Jewish populaPlays of Clifford Odets," with | Cleo Singer, in "Rocket to the norm. Ludwie von Stiegllta (1778tion in the United States at about 1S43), "Golden Boy" which the modern library has Moon," 13 nothing more than a a German Jew, introduced Invited by Washington young girl trying to find her way 3,000.' • And >lt Uureported; that In "Paradise Lost," we have launched its new series of clothIt was fitting and proper that out of this small population, more steam, navigation between Lue,-«»^2C\5a,, ^ *»«»•• to life and an outlet for sexual the Jewish family of the Bronx bound books. Rabbi Seixas should have been than 150 Jewish War Veterans beck and St. Petersburg. expression. To surround her with invited to participate in the servIf one were to pigeon-liole the the dramaturgy of an Ophelia i3 once again. But instead of an inices attendant upon the Inaugural 33-year-old dramatist, he would to reduce the social dream to the effectual and well meaning grand>f George Washington. He was ha termed the lyrical trumpeter level of the Keystone cops. More- father we have Leo Gordon, father a loyal patriot and * devout-folot class revolt. Regardless of the over, no one ha3 yet reasonably of the house, whom we find, at lower of the Father of bis counframework of his play an.d the contended that the sexual impulse the end, shouting "awake and try. On November 26, 1789, he" environment of hia character, he will be modified under any form sing," although in more euphemFOR ALL TYPES OF OIL BURNERS istic prose than that. Julie Gorhappily acceded'-to Washington's is engaged in describing the origof state. request and became the first rabdon, the dying son, i3 now interin Of social consciousness in hia The six plays in the Modern preted as capitalism failing to see bi to deliver a Thanksgiving serhero ox heroine. Do hia abilites as Library i book are: "Waiting for its own imminent death. But if mon. - I t was so well received that a writer measure up to the gen- Lefty," "Awake Sing," "Till that is the symbolism which Odets It was repriuted as a pamphlet uine profundity o£ hia mission? the Day I- Die," and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt cuts a birthday cake for B'nai "Paradise Lost," intended he has failed as comselling at one shilling. The Daily Are his thought processes suffi- "Golden Boy" and "Rocket to the pletely with Julie as with Ben, B'rith as Henry Monsky of Omaha, president of B'nai B'rith Gazette of December 23, 1789, ciently clarified to make his plays Moon." announced the publication of the the athlete, who gets himself shot a lasting stimulus to social proPlays to death because he cannot face looks on at a luncheon tendered by the "Women's. Auxiliary of pamphlet the following day. The •Onr'Fuel" Oils are refined so as to give the best gress? said in part; . ' : "Waiting for Lefty" is the one- life. performance possible in. your burner. Argo Lodge of B'nai B'rith in "Washington on the occasion pf advertisement" Coiner of Phrases "This excellent . discourse (to which probably the whole Our Fuel OUsjw© high in B. T.U. (heat units) As a coiner of prose, Odet3 aetdr "Golden Boy" Is today the darl- the Auxiliary's first birthday and B'nai B'rith's ,96th. which is annexed the order of the country has seen by thi3 time, at content, which assures yon of economical burner operfrequently reminds one of a 5 service), the first of, the kind in those communities where ing of the movies. In it Joe Bonaation. They are d e a n , uniform-quality oils that have and 10 cent store clerk who be- least parte, the Italian violinist-boxer, ever preached in English in this a taxi-strike and its inevitability . been laboratory, tested. Don't experiment with, fuel gins to spout the phrases she has are not contraband. Perhaps of must decide between his two abil- when he "was but 5 years old. Up- rather than "continuing it as a State is highly deserving the atoils .* - You'll get heating comfort from the fuel oil heard from a college professor. all the plays of Odets, this series ities. The movies save him and on the death of the Rev. Joseph Tory organization. This question tention of every pious reader . you buy from the Milder Oil Company. There are moments of sheer poe- of tableaux has swifter tempo, Lorna oMon. The play sends both Jessurun Pinto in 1766, the only was fiercely debated and families whether Jew or Christian as it try that do not hear the analysis more resonant ideas, more cred- racing to death. Neither ending one mentioned as his successor were split as a result of it. Be- breathes nothing but pure moral, -,. . • of reason but are self-justifying ible characters. Confronted "with a really makes much difference, for was the 21-year-old Gershom fore he left N e w York, Rabbi ty and devotion.* Mendes Seixas. Owing to his- Seixas, stripped the synagogue of In their imaginative quality. problem in action, Odeta aas re- Odets has not made their fate youth, however, he was not for- all Its religious essentials so. that RECORDED MISTERED DELIVERY As a result of his association At other times the sterotyping solved it without resort to the by- tuggingly significant. mally inducted as Hazan of the It was almost impossible to hold •with the trustees of • Columbia is as banal as the dialogue in one paths of character which only enIn "Rocket to the Moon," Dr. congregation until two years lat- services. He then retired to University, an almost entirely of the lesser pulp magazines. One tangle him. Stark, the dentist, finds a regur- er. During the interval, he was Stamford," Connecticut, where he Episcopalian body, Rabbi Seixas could forgive Odets if only his lived until 1780 when he moved became well known: outside of "Waiting for Lefty" is also*the itation of his will-to-live through on trial as "acting Hazan." verbiage were an authentic .re- most youthful secretary, Cleo to Philadelphia and officiated as Jewish circles. From time to credibly "American" of his his production of the folk, who people productions, Although the Revolution was to minister of the Mikvah Israel' time, he was invited to preach in for the social scene Singer. break the continuity of his rabhis scenes, in the same way that has the elements p u l p i t s of his Christian of universality As plays, Odets' dramas are as binate, Rabbi Seixas started a Congregation of that city. In the one recognizes the inevitability of and the specific method of revolt moving and carry as much sub- ministry in 1766 that was to last Philadelphia, Rabbi Seixas par- friends, undoubtedly the first rabthe prose of John Steinbeck. 13 directly related to -unknown stance as those of probably any 50 years until his death on July ticipated in laying the corner- bi to *"d'ilirp In thii p-oid-Tvill But Odets" clerks, taxi drivers techniques. stones and the dedication of syna- pr*." ii v l i r l i i i o » • ) i \ i i ' American, not even excepting 2, 1816, at the age of 71. and merchants use the perfumed gogue located on the north side Though Odets has expressed a O'Neill. That seems a strange verDr. Seixas w a s an ardent language of the library at the for "Paradise Lost" dict after the series of minimiza- patriot and it was at his insis- of Cherry street near Third street. most disconcerting moments. Al- preference was erected at an outlay of (saying that has "a depth of tions which comprise this review. tence that Congregation Shearith It . •ways one is under the impression perception, a it "eighteen hundred and fifteen web of sensory imBut if Odets is disappointing It is Israel closed in. August of 1776 pounds, current money ot Pennthat an Odets character, at least pressions and a level of both per- because, since Elmer Rice and rather than continue under, the sylvania.' The synagogue on June these who have the dramatist'3 sonal and social experience not al- Maxwell Anderson, he is the first protection of the British. In his 16, 1782, and consecrated on Sepsympathy, speaks prissily. lotted to the other plays here"), recruit to playwriting who has on that occasion, Rabbi tember 13 th of that year. Perhaps the most serious defect thi3 particular playgoer and read- had a mission to perform but who sermon Seixas dwelt upon the fact that of Odets" writing is that he can- er prefers "Awake and Sing." It has lacked the skill to write more this might probably be the last Opening Service ' 1 not reproduce the exact flavor of i3 the model for the others. than, audieace worthy plays. service ever held upon that.hisopening service," charachis people's tali. Whether the toric spot. Some will remember it a3 the Odets wants to "do good." But name ^tw Leo Gordon, Mr.in which John' Garfield, lie can't. Ha has possibly--wanted The young rabbi .actively, par• parte or Bessie Berger, each is vehicle then. Jules, attracted inovia atticipated the preliminaries that FOR RENT—Room in Jewto. steer, between the doctrinaire actually a Yiddish character, tention'in the role of Halph,'the and the critically - acceptable. preceded in the Revolution. - ^ e per- ish ' home for one or • two speaking with the inflection and grandson wao presumably found When audiences leave his theater, sonally addressed -* y * •**• • ' - •,«%>-. •"*?*'¥ &• • - — i himself to the background of a lower mid- "liberation" -when'his granStata- they may remember scenes and every member of the congrega- young men, ,WA 1035.. , 'I * 1 ^ *^** * J fc ' ' "hj «». ~v? - ^ > ^ •'r h i *, ^ . * *f*i •. * dle class citizen of the Bronx who er committed suicide. Within, the characters but they are not stir- tion on the subject of "closing it was brought to America from staffy warmth of a Bronx home red tty purpose. Pew other draEurope at an early age or whose are revealed the sacrificing, pos- matists have wanted to propagan* * "i * v * -fjv » — * • V • • - * *• " * * • * - • • •'« . . . . . . . - « 1 ,4 «. . « * ,^ . American background wa3 ac- sessive mother, tha inconsequen- dize their playgoers. Odets seems quired largely on East side. tial father, and the children who to have dedicated his talent3 to For those acquainted with the need as much to escape from their the end that the social struggle type, the lapses axe easy to bridge parents a3 from their outer en- may be speeded. On that basis he and the thoughts moving the sta- vironment. must be judged. ccato speech may be inferred None of the characters, not 1939 by Seven Arts But are the characters of Clifford even Ralph, has heroic substance. (Copyrighted, Feature Syndicate.) Odets as American, or as univer•m f j sal, as those, for example, of Eugene O'Neill? i " * _ Far less skilled than even Arthur Kober in recreating the special language of the Bronx, Odets ha3 used his lolks as symbols and not as convincingly real personalities always explicable. The one hundred aad fiftieth Significance in New York on January As to Odets' significance to the anniversary of the inauguration 14, Born 1745, the fifth of seven chilot George "Washington as the first drama of social revolt, his friend dren of Isaac Mendes and Rachel president of the United States was and director, Harold Clurman, Seixas, the youngster who was to has provided a series of introduc- celebrated this year on Sunday, participate in the inauguration of April 30. To mark the occasion, tions to the plays which the draGeorge Washington could trace matist regards as most clearly President Roosevelt came to New his American ancestry back to York to officially open the New analyzing his purposes. "The so1705 when Moses Levy, nis macial connotations of the play im- York World's Fair. ternal grandfather came to New American Jewry, vitally conplicit throughout—and often set York. cerned in the commemoration of forth in: word3—are present in the The father of Rabbi Seixas, any and all landmarks in the • form of a certain overtone or at- evolution of democracy, finds Isaac Mendes Seixas, was born in titude rather than a3 inevitable particular historical interest in Lisbon in 1708 and came to this dramatic conclusions following the occasion because Rabbi Ger- country about the year 1730. A logically from t h e clear premises shom Mende3 Seixa3 "was one- of merchant, Isaac Mendes Seixas of the plot.. Clifford Odet3 i3 a clergymen who participated in came" to America by way of the poet of the decaying middle class 14 the ceremonies. To Barbados. He married Rachel with revolutionary yearnings and Jewry,inaugural Rabbi Seixas' participation Levy in 1741. convictions; he is not yet the ma- is symbolic.of the part Early Training played by ture playright of a new world or us in the founding of the United As a youngster Rabbi Seixas a aew consciousness."' _..: States of Amerlea.. -Certainly^ no showed an early, disposition toOdets reveals both his maturity man more dramatically illustrates wards the synagogue, it being reand hia\perspectlve most wisely in the depth of Jewish roots in the corded that he read a portion of permitting Clurman thus realisti- soil of America. the prayers at Shearith Israel cally to assay his talents in terms of aspirations and hia functions in terms of intentions. "Awake and sing ye that dwell In dust, and the earth, shall cast out the dead," grandfather Jacob tells his family in "Awake and Sing," quoting fom Isaiah. In that adjuration is found the keynote a t Clifford Odets in his approach to the middle class revolution. It la his weakness as wel! a3 his Btrength, for often lyric boister: ousness and inchoate vaporiags are allowed to substitute for logical realization of "the inadequacy of the social system and the method of correcting it. . The philosophy of Clifford Nebraska Power Company Home Service Demonstrators Odets is as simple as the minds of- his characters: The average juan ia not given the opportunity far maximum creative expression Youll be glad you cam© to the Cookand for maximum enjoyment of the resources produced by hi3 labor. The possibility of remedying School. Youll get lots of new ideas, lag that situation is bound up •with the identification of the innew recipes, new. short cute to ^better. ••. dividual- wth the mass, so that ther combined strength may reeooMng. Skillful demonstrators will ex*" mora the injustices aad inequalities of an outaaodel social ecoplain everything thoroughly,-: and will • •nomic structure. Not Clear answer your questions about' cooldng . But Odet3 is sever clear in his own mind what form the revand homemaMsjcj.. Be sur© to ; attend. ': olution shall take-nor i3 he conGIVE TO THE COMMOHIT? CHEST CRMB&Xm vincing as to the causes- which have brought illainination to the '"•,! OCTOBES23—HOVEMBEB 10 intellect of his' characters. One "frequently -wonders whether Odeta has not centU3ed, inadequate personalities with taadeqjuge opportunities. So many., of his sharactara are. i r r i t a t e s ' ex-

Happy Birthday,.Says First Lady




By Henry Mentor






• * ' •








Gershom Seixas


By Henry .W» Levy


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P HEBHTS 81 t i l l



©£ t h e Polish Jews -22s?

I cluiiing tha vrifo aad childres of time.3. But in addtiion to that, air, Mozes was subjected to brutie S ol-- tal treatment by an official of the Ia the attac&a on smaller iah towaa tha Ios3 of Jawi3h.. lives Press Department of the Polish <Ioa after A Siamtwiag jearaey •w&a everywaara irary high. Tha Foreign Office. Tha official, to tjie HuBjaalaa isoatSar. 2a populatioa, chiefly Jewish, of whose namd is given as Mr. tba following article, lie relates whola towns lika Lukaw, Siedlica LescMnsky, ordered Mozea and the tragic «S«wis2i slcte ®J the complatsly aaaihilatsd by hi3 family to leave the overwar la j bcmbins. ~ Dr. Feiaer, a crowded train, threatening "to leading Je-wish figure- was the throw them, all out from the runfirst civilian-.killed- by a- Ceraan ning train/'• it ia tha uahaypy lot of &a oa ±ha first.day. oJ .tha • Finally -he forced them out. Jaws. to bear always tie t>isssr ia Tanmhow They would all have been left ia near part of aay mtafortuaa or bardsn tha open Poiesia fields had not that comes to a asuatry. la this Warsaw. an officer who traveled ia tha Tragedy aaort, brutal, relentless war GerJLeaiiera same train, Colonel Chelae, adPolish Jewry many mada on Po2aaii far snora Tha tragedy mitted them to another compartJaws wera killed, maimed, muti- waa fully shared by its. lleaders. d ment. After day3 of travel, taa latea 3a tha 4easely populated Vary few of tho Jewish notables .Moze3 family managed to reach Jewish districts al Warsaw, Lwow managed to esca,;?* aad still fawer Krsemieniec, some sixty miles Lodss, LubJIa Daa ia the sparsely wars fortunate enough to crosa frcra. the Ku3Sian frostier. When populated aon-J^wish quarters or taa froatier into Rumania as-' was tha place wa3 also bombarded by in tae Polisli villages. The Jew- dona by the entire Poliah Govern. the Germans they hired a cart and ish quarters of Nalowki, Zmoesa, meat and almost all officials. horse and left for the Rumanian NowoMpW to Warsaw -ware al- Nothing wa3 gregared 'for tie ev- border. I saw them last ia Krsmost eosajjlattsiy destroyed by Ger- acuation of tae civilians, still less emieniec. man bombs aaJ 3hellins. German for t i e evacuation of jQWs.-Hsnce Uaablo to Beacfii Frontier artillery wantonly shelled taa 93 per csat of tae Jews "were, left It ia however doubtful whether • streets inhabited Sy Jaws hilling at t i e jaercy of tha enemy bombs they managed to reach tha border thousands every day. Complete and iavasiers. ' ia time, bef ora the occupation of annihilation of tha Jawiah popuTha "Warsaw Beth-da refused the Russian troops. More than 40 lation waa tha Gar Emm aim. to leave tha capital. All its mem- Jewish. Journalists, publicists, Squally tragic was the fata of bers are believed to have been writers, poet3, including members Jawa to Craeow. Tna Jewiah. quar- MISed in tie 34-day siega in'which ter of Kasimir waa the first to the Jaws fousht heroically togethsutler from German air raids. In er with other sections of tha pogLublin, a. city with aosae 30,000 ulace. Of tie prominent Jews who Jaws, taa first German bombs managed to l&ava in tima wera killed 72 people of whosa 31 -weta Dr. Hindes, the well-known SionJewish women ^nd chiidran, in- ist, taa two brotasra Ssereszewjlti, the Senator aad the banker, Mr. Ju3tica S'rieda, the Consul for Paraguay, Mr. ShesMn, Jabotinsky's nominee for Poland, and Dr. Jtoamarin. Zionist leader aad head of tho Jswi3h. Co-Operative Societies ia Poland. In this briUiaat description y A very limited number of other ot the seder ia the ancient By IRVING Jewish leaders. Including Leon Temple in Jerusalem at which Altar, head of taa IJIAS and Mr. ladustrial improvement througa- Mai3el, president of taa Kahillah, Stag Joseph, descendant cf Davout laa eouatry is exjaetad ta be also managed to leave Warsaw ia vid, presided, Fraaa "Werfel, the reflaetail at thaatra bos-offices ia time. Moat of tas Buadist leaders world-fasaoos Jewish novelist about slaty days, accord! as to ia Warsaw .and... tods, like tha gives us a Etever-tss-lbeforgettea. asseutivaa of major circuits oper- Kabila of thoaa towns, refused to iplctare of tha age-Ies3 cereatia^ nationally. Ogiaioa -at tae- leave, however, aad- stayed oa to mony. Tttia article is aa esatra executives ia that if the pres- co-operate ia the defense. tracfc frczn Mr. \7erieTs novel ent general basiaesa upswing aoala Wilao most of tie personali- " H B A B K E 3T TJXTO SHE tlaues. taeatra grosses 3&ou!d atart ahovriaa? increases ia a faw ties, especially taoae of taa YIVO VOICE", aad is presented fey weeSa, or as aooa aa woriara, be- (Yiddi3Ji Scieatiiic Inatituta) ra- special arraageiaeBt ' between iau reemployed, have had a chance saaiaad till tie l33t to look after Sir. Werfel's publishers," THE to eatea ap with tha deprsssioa. tha treaaurera of J3wi3h culture VISING PKBSS, and Use SEV- This should occur early ia Ce- they collected. EN AKTS FSA3TUKS SYNDI. Met leaders CATS. , —EUITOB In my Ions wanderinss over Jia Associated Psreaa survey, Poland intaa attempt to reach anada gmblio last •waek, ahowad tha Humaaian border' I'-iaet-'-a • This day wa3 a day cf honour, that ©ssoaomiata ia various parta saaU auaiaer of- taa JswiaS. lead- a day when tha Lord rejoiced in a2 taa country baliova tha Uaiisd era trying to do -tha saaa, hut His ancient- Temple. How -escitad Stataa £3 eat-arfag ea a substan- most of thorn I mat hia mother had bean! Sha had hertial business recovery period Dr. Hiadaa intmsaceasffully. 2iawao •waera aa self coma to aw-akea aim.- Aad her •wasoh m%s' last tot aoma tiaie. aacaped tosataer -with his family. 5rida waa well-founded. Of all tha V It Keema that wa? • eoadifamilies of tha prigsthood. which Laakisis niora liSa a akalstoa taaa iaTa eontributc&d to tha upa hustan h&ta$K -Dr. • Soaaiaria, af->.dwelt in the country roundabout uya, a. tisalthy domsatla tar--aavlas 11Isasa k"Ijoslsafd«d-'- for bat did not sanre in tha Temple, sit'^atisa aaa 5s timas, s?a3* -t?ytSg'"ta» gSt s* visa at' iSalesscayki, eat sen who iad been chosen for T/a submit tMa !a£srenat!on' to waara ae arrive* on- th»-'15th. of special distinction.' Sf*au2eys af this ecluma, moat ©2 September after inumerable hardHis father's family, however, whom, ura Snow,, ara enterprising, ships and dangers.-With Mm was was one of tha oldest in Judaa resourceful, wlde-awako aad 05- Dr. Hesaaiess, editor of the Jew- and Benjamin, reacMas back to portuaity-wiae. Bos - office re- ish daily "Chwtla" .of Lwow, com- tha holy epoch as far as Abiathar, ceipts in reseat "wse&a aav$ Seen pietaly broken aad':destltut3.-i- ' ' tha exile, a3 far as Eli, the. Priest unusually robust aad tra all Snow of. Shilsis, S3 fa? as Moses aad ViTita taeir tra9-sje7otlo&'::t6"taa Aarca themselves. • •-.-••; that conditions at taa b.o. mirror the general public's economic Jewish cause, the leaders" of-the had today beea selectbudgptbook. Opportunity, it i3 Joint Distrilsution Committee did ed Jaremiah to filia post of honour at the said, kaocljs but oace. So set not laava "Warsaw w^oa tha Gov- ed to fill a peat of honour at tha yourselves attuned to the times, ernment departed from the capital haps to serve at the Klag'a fable. dear readers, because, liia tha oa September 5. Their fate is The young man's heart beat loudloan cows of Paaraoa'a dream, tha taarafora unknown. In Salesaczy- ly, for it waa filled with a great leaa years of the depresaioa ara ki, aowevar, people said that Di- joy of anticipation. With his scheduled for a fade-out walla the rector Gitsrmaa and one or two whola soul ha loved the sacred gets a elose-uj? of the re- otaers maaaged to depart from festivals &3d ceremonial, when tae period. Warsaw la tiaie. - - - - -. tires flowed, tha lamps shone, the Opdeal e£' J.'TS. A.harps, trtta»pet3, and drums exult* Tsrrlbla -was. taa ordeal r l l U v e s J ed, and taa people came together Studio head3 have put the baa : on heavy dramatic stuff such as through by Mr. Manael Moaea, with rejoieias aa they united in "Tha 014 Maid" and "Stanley aad haad of the Warsaw branch of tne tha Covenant cf the Lord. Livingston" because of tha de- Jawiah Telagraphic Agency. ToThe fsast had began. Rows'of mand for aolita cornedSes. Tha gather with hl3 wiJa, two childrsa Levite3 aad pries'tg oj tae jtrtm background of war will •and three members of his staff, serviag order wars hurryias alons change tha cycle to light comadlea he left tha Polish capital ia the lowest tha tables with diuhes aad pitch•which may be tha keynote o£ the train ia which Poliah Hish State ers. the most ininuta attennext cycle. Tha people, curious- Officials and State documents tion With ta detail observance of ly, wanna laugh. were evacuated. The. train aad all tha laws .tha and caaauet aad been tha pasaangers Sa it waj.boaad prepared • 6y the priests who, purA aew adaptation «f "Disraeli"* for Lublin, fisad .33 tha temporary saias their various duties, had is being prepared for production capital. But it aevar reached its slaughtered tha aaimal3, let tha this season. Lawrsnca Olivier will dsstiaatioa. blood drais oat, cut them up, and atar ia tha aouad version of tha Garmaa bombers bombarded divided tha food intended for tha pietura originally mada famous by tha train mora than a dosan guests from tae portion of tha G«ors« "Siaraeii" Arliua. saaay years Warsaw <leafc ot 45s0 Manchester

of taa Jewish papers Moment,. God of all youth and vitality in and observed in the city in acHajnt, TJazer Express, Das Jo-1 the universe. The least defect, tbe cordance with the commandment dishe-Voiksblat and the Neue slightest siga' of decay, the taint ot tee Lord. Are the people eating Vciksseitung of Warsaw, who af- ot a worm ia the flesh of a fruit, bitter herbs? Have the doorposts ter traveling for days in tha was regarded by Him a3 a mes- and the lintels beea sprinkled shadow of German bombers, man- senger of Death, And although He with twigs of hyssop?" Without waiting for an answer aged to come near the Kumanian Himself had set Death as the suborder, did not succeed in cross- preme power over the world, yet Josiab suddenly turned round and, ins and were caught by the in- He designated that which it had though several goblets were altouched as unclean, defiling, and ready standing in front of •him, he vading Russians. unacceptable. pointed at the one in the hand ot Among them wa3 Bernard SingJeremiah. The latter half filled it, Priests er/ well-known Jewish publicist as he had been Instructed, with and a cousin of I, J. Singer, the As the priests hastened from the dark-red wine and handed it noted author. Mr. Moses too, .like guest to gueat, it could be seen to the King. Josiah gazed into the thousands of other Jewish refu- that they were not unaffected by face of the youth from Anathoth gees from Kattawiee, Lodz, Pos- the agitation of the occasion and with look in his eyes. nan, Warsaw and Lublin, who at- the strain of the preparations in Then ahefar-away drank the wine. tempted to reach the Rumanian which they had beea engaged. If (Copyright by The Viking) border is believed to have fallen they had been Ies3 numerous, or into the hands of the Russians their organization less e x a c t , who occupied that part* of Polish, many of the younger and less skilful ones would have lost their territory. The number of Jewish refugees heads. ' . -.=-. ". :Jeremiah stood next to Hananen the road3 leading to taa eastBy HELEN EIGMOND. era and southeastern borders of iaa behind the King's caalr. He a able to let hia weak eyes roam Poland reached into hundreds of thousands. All roads wera over the hazy scene of the great Hollywood—"The Great Comcrowded. But very few of them feast, for hia services had not yet mandment," now being released is ever managed to reach safety. beea needed. He and his neighbor a biblical story on the theme of re each holding a goblet of gold Christ . . . b u t told In a way to Thousands of Jewish women and children died on tha reati3 of in the left band and an unsealed offset a little of the anti-Setoitism epidemics, famine, exhaustion or eathenware pitcher in the right. generated by the Hitlers, the were killed by jrarsuing German The wine had been specially press- Coughlins, et al. The directorial ed for the King. That in Haaan- hand of Irving Pichel invests the bombers. iah's pitcher was light golden in Polish authorities refused pass- color, aad that in Jeremiah's was picture with beauty ana • great ness. Maurice Moscovitch plays aa ports and Rumanian visas were blood-red. important role impressively. al3O not aa easy matter, although ot the King lay a pile the Rumanian authorities were of laflatfront ualeavened barley cakes. Strange . . . a few days before much more humane to Jews and He took the uppermost cake and other Polish refugees than wera broke it in four pieces. The.first his death Carl Laemmle wrote a tha Jugoslaves or Bulgarians who he handed to Hamutal, the second friend that he was quite well . categorically refused visas to to Shaphan, the third to the com- and that during unprecedented Jews, even transit visas. mander ot his bodyguard, whose heat wave he was keeping cool in his air-condltiond room. name was Maaseiah. His son, Junior, aad daughter, The last piece of the cake he sent over to the child Mattanlah, Rosabello, are reported prostrat; who at once pushed it between ed from the shock. the teeth of hl3 brown playmate, The reissue of "AH Quiet on the dancing Ebed-melech. Josiah's own way of eating was very hasty. the Western Front" Is to have a Perhaps he knew of the ancient prologue and an epilogue pertintraditioa which recommended that ent to present political conditions food oa this evening should be . . . pertinent, that is, today . . eatea quickly. For the children of who knows tomorrow? Israel had devoured their food hurriedly before they set out uaDid you know that Nicholas Lord and the quota allowed to Hl3 der the miraculous guidance of Schenck worked his way up from the Lord to cross the Red Sea. errand boy in'-a drug store to servants. King's hastiness, however, pharmacist with a store of his Yet this had not been enough. The was not due to this old tradition. own . . . and never falls each year for in the comprehensive ordering He was all impatience — perhaps to renew his license? * of those things which linked tha because of a consuming urge to crown of heaven with the centre activity, That Chico Mars is rated fifperhaps because of a se- teenth of the earth there must be nothing cret uaeasiness. among the first hundred The emotioas of overlooked or forgotten. Even the the soas of David were volatile. bridge experts of this country. first-fruits of the field, the vegThat Max Reinhardt's Salzburg rejoicing with God had etables, fruits, spices, and savoury Josiah's castle was selected as a home for turned to a suddea restlessaesa< ingredients of the meal had to be For some time he had "beea drum- deserving Nazi musicians? inspected and examined before ming That Sammy Cohen aad James on the table with his kaucthey could be accepted. kles. Thea he called down to Cagney will spar in Yiddish in 1 "The Fighting 69th" . . . and that The whole of creation was bas- Shaphan: Cagney will probably be the wined en the distinction between "Has everything been done nah! Jimmy learned the language what was good aad what was evil, what was clean and waa.t was un- which is ordained by the Law? •when a boy on the East Side. clean, what wa3 permitted aad Let nothing came between the That all Russian pictures have what wa3 forbidden. By means of Lord and me! What are we wait- been banned In France? Edict of this distinctloa man ia his uncer- ing for? Let tha reading begin!" the .French government following Ahlkam, the King's private sec- the dissolution of the Communist tainty acquired directioa and a retary, seemed to have been wait- p a r t y . sense of proportion.. ." '•"• for this command, for-"ha Several Temple offices oad beea ing handed the scroll at once to his instituted solely for the purpose of "Gone with the Wind" Is in the Shaphan unrolled ; it carewatching with holy scrupulousness father. bag—or.ia the caa-^cut down fully without paying any heed to over this separatioa, •which coa- the Impatieace of the King, and to three hours and forty minutes ceraed everything ia the universe began In a low and droning voice: . . . (briag your owa. lunch). both great aad small. In the fav"Observe the month "of Abi&, David Selznlck rates-an Academy oured inoath cf Nisan- growth was and the' Passover mito the • Endurance Award—htli jjleture -Is more thaa luxuriant, but not ev- Xord'Seepthy Go3: for in the the longest in the making, longery plant, not every fruit wa3 month of Abib Lord thy est in the running, longest In the equal before the Lord, as by an God brought theet&a you won't see It uaincomprehensible p redestination Egypt by night." forth out of waiting—-for tll Thankfgiving. not all men were equal ia His "No, not that!" the King Intersight. End of an Epoch: Thosa flashyrupted Shaphan brusquely. "That Feane?, rue, aad coriander, field Is not what I wantn^want lokno jcolored shirts ot Boris Morros mustard asidwhatever else grew whether everything is being done will be no more. Boris decided freely and could be eaten by man, were different, ia their relation to God, from the cultivated vege•FREE! Aa Espert Counsellor on Room Arrangement tables. No early cucumber, ao pumpkin resembled another in it$ sacrificial value, aad every single olive, tiny &3 it might be, had first to be tested to see that it was worthy. For Adonai Blohim was the exUSS OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN—-FARNAltt AT 82ND clusive Lord of all that lived, the

sover By Franz Werfel

Bioaey, that ds>B(32i •wivSJd* J ~ - a i . a j Hays «»£SSc*s.'* (Copyright, 2939. by Savea Art» Feature Syndicata)

Because of the great popularity of the cooking school conducted at the Omaha Food Show at the City Auditorium this west, arrange* menta have been made by the Nebraska Power Company to continue these cooking school's throughout October in the neighborhood theatres in all parts of the city. Cyrilla Jordan a p d N o r a la Weekes, home economics experts of the power company's Home Service department, will demonstrate the preparation of many types of food and give interesting and valuable information to homemakers on a variety of bomemaking Bubjects. ' ,' ' Schedule of those to follow duping the month are: : '. : \' ;;;Sil5'.pV m., October 24, Nebraska Power Co. Service Headquart* ers, Forty-third and, Leavenworth streets. . ,: 2:15 p. m., October 26, Rose« land Theatre. South Omaha. ••-•-.• 2:15 p. m., October 31, Fon» tenelle Park Pavilion. • : ..

Simon Dubnow to Come to New York (JTA) — Simon Dnb. now, the noted Polish Jewish his* torlan, who was iavlted t>y the Jewish National Worker^ Alliance ^o come to "the'TJnlted States haa received a n ' American visa from tfie consulate in Riga, according to a cable received by the alliance. '••• •-' ' - . ..•-.• :.•--. .Prof. TJubnow cabled the alliance expressing thanks for the Invitation to come hfire". Oftlcialft of the organizatlbn arft awaiting notification as to the date when the historian will leave Riga; A large reception- is planned whep he arrives here. "• • ' -

- Although- "The Dictator?' remains Production No. 6 in interoffice communique, progress Is being made. Sydney Chaplin haa been signed to. co-direct with Charlie'. . . unprecedented move as Charlie always directs himself. It is reported that the comedian has BO perfected the Impersonation that bis Teutonic garble is Indistinguishable from Hltlerian rantiag—yet he'll speak not one real German word! Groucho, cornered by an autografiead sigaed "Grouacho' Kitjses." When questioned he explaiaed, "That's okay; They've Go to Soviet Area . . just worked out a merger on the basis ot two Rite brothers for one Moscow (WNS) —<• According: Marx." to reports received here I from White Russia, many thousands of Jews are escaping from' persecuHillel Estenaion Units tion in Nazi-controlled Poland by . Washington QTA) — Expan- fleeing across the frontier-Into sion ot the scope of the B'nal the new Soviet White Russia. The B'rlth Hillel Foundations through city of Blalystolc is said • to have establishment of extension units had its population almost doubled . , at 18 American colleges and uni- by the sudden influx. versities, in line -with a program of exteasioa service approved last January by the national executive committee ot B'nai B'rlth, was announced by Henry Monsky, president of B'nai B'rith aad chairman of the National Hillel Commission.

Honor Veterans Sofia (WNS) — Four Jews, honored for their roles In tho Balkan-and European wars, w e r e among six war veterans decorated here on the occasion of the anni.yery : ot King Boris accession to the throne.. - .-. »• :** . ""- , -. .

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Al Sebacat, erstwhile ball-player turned camie, Jsa3 a deal panciiag for a series ot comedy aport shorts with Psta Smith do'iag tha •diaJogua. Sobacat baa entertained f aaa ia pra-gaaaa aatie3 in tha lajt 20 World 3ariaa aad duria;r tha regular auasoa ^ariorsuu in ha.ll jarka from eoaat ta coast Ha startad tha ball park routina with Mek Altrock, but has worksd aloaa the saat aavea years.

,OH0 of taa 4131 ia S i ^ j U r j Brothere I.<?:4S-J, "AS th- Circus,'* Mils tha ila^a «»*fic9. Groucho ii trailing f u u,tai..i JW.300 W133 ha aees 1 trrr/ > -I aid a 0 3 <val. l«t ia iw.* a - .A. A..jr i

Knlckknacks: The Jack Bennys are expecting a second baby from the cradle in Illinois. In the current disagreemnt with her bosses, it is revealed that Hody LaMarr's salary is in the lower stellar brackets—?.76O a week., 1"British radlq comics are fiavjng^a' 'Fmrqribus spree, "being permitted f'ree rein "on Hitler gags which; were' heretofore' censored. Sweden"'. 'J' . Ia Its anxiety to remain neutral . . . bars the showing of "Confessions of a Nazi Spy.": A spark Is still alight between the. .George Jessels . . . They were seen together at a Hollywood cafe. At the -premiere of. ''Elizabeth and Essex," Warners'"introduced . a slgnograph . . . labor-saving device for stars. It reproduces thirty signatures as the celeb traces one autograph. .,","'

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The Hayes offieo ia ia receipt of a latter from Newark's Mayor Slleastain who ia plenty steamed «p beeauaa of aa allesad ruraor that Columbia piaa3 to aa!ia & film entitled "Tha Tramp from Newark" aa a seauol to "Goldea Boy," Clifford C4at3 braineUlM. Columbia aaid tha rumor waa lalae. but Mayor Silanateia naverthaleas complaiaed, saylag: "Newark haa no traaspa, mala or Jemala."

From Laa Vaga3 comes ts<3 startling newa that Masio "Slapaia" Ro39Bbloom, ft^htar, actor, afcgat elub awaa? aad Cieero'3 oaly successor, has jolaad tho raaka of tha beac^liat3. Mariel ^asdar oi N*<? ' i a r l is tha youas lady <ii .uva's At

they were unbecoming a dignified exec, now that he's laid down his orchestral baton tor a seat in a producer's chair. Hence . . . and forthwith - . . the famous shirts, each; bearing the signature of ' a genuine Morros, will' be sold at auction. Outside the Brown Derby had gathered the usual crowd of gawkers and gapers. A 'woman whispered excitedly, "Oh, there'a SlapBle Masie Rosenbloom!" "Where? where?"- asked her companion. "Who ar^ they?"

ANKLETS, an elastldzed susde pomp that s your foot like a glove. Open toe sJyls. 1/1.75 Black or brown. HOSTEHSE, a hi3h CKt tia with 4 eyetets cliabfc^ up your instep. Hijh hteli. BIzcls suet's for 75 dressy eecasieaa . . .


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