November 17, 1939

Page 1

Plain Talk

In the Interests of the Jewish People


SCAXDAi I have heard of a certain scandal in the Orthodox community of our town.- I must, writs about i*-, particularly because it is a Pleasure jo turn to gossip in a time when there are so many | dreadful things to oppress the \

S«S«.-UIIU v.uLas aiuii a i a u e i uQ January 3u 12131. at fQBtoffice, ot Omaha. Nebraska, jinder th» Xft <%t Mon»h s is?«i




(Only today I have been read- | ing the British Whita Paper on the sadistic cruelties in the German concentration camps. Just I yesterday I read of the Polish pogrooiists making free with the Jews in Wiino which is no\.r a^ain in Lithuania. I had hoped the! adversity might make civilized \ people out of Poles.) j Munich

Aid Boys Town to Honor Monsfcy

Explosion Signal

Odets moving drama of New York Jewish life, will open the Center Players season Monday night, November 20. The play will continue through Wednesday evening. Center members "will be admitted without charge. A musical program will also be given by the J. C. C. Symphony orchestra. The play, which attracted wide j attention here several years ago, is being revived by popular rei quest. It is considered the out-

standing work of on most promising plr

^ncentration Camps E s -

Philadelphia — A cheek for ?300 in honor of Henry Monsky, president of B'nai B'rith and for 20 years a member of the board of trustees of Boys Town, famous community for homeless yonth outside of Omaha, Neb., was presented to Father Edward J. Flanagan, founder and director of Boya Town, by the B'nai B'rith Women's Council of Philadelphia, whose second annual forum he addressed at Town HalL Mr. Monsky, and Father Flanagan have been close personal friends for many years. '..- More than 1,500 persons, about half of them non-Jews, i n c l a d ing representatives of many Philadelphia Catholic societies, heard Father Flanagan speak on "Youth of Today." He was introduced by Rabbi William H. Finesbrlber or Temple Keneseth Israel. Mrs. Benjamin Friedman, chairman of the council's forum committee, presided. Mrs. J. P. Morrison is president of the council. • '. .. :'...••

famed New York*" . Yes, I shall talk up this scan- j For Pillaging- of JiV-r%"**JM»*hed a t with John Garfield in thedal in our Orthodox life. But j Houses Lublin role, "Awake and Sing," with no revilement do I report j "•is-, iaries for the past eight years. on Broadway several seasons bethis gossip which I have heard. At present, as secretary of the fore going on tour. PLAiwVIASS TRANSFER I am only telling the story as it THOUSANDS ARRESTED district, he is in charge ot 103 came to me from the mouth of j Clever Dialogue lodges In eight states and four Population in Fear Warsaw Jews Fleeing to Pinkus Ginsberg who had it from | provinces of Canada. Although simple in plot, the * Interment in Eliezer Katzenelenbogen. who ac- I Area In Fear Visiting B'nai B'rith members play is noted for its clever chartually saw Sloshe Kun entering j are expected from Lincoln. Sioux Camps Of Pogrom acter studies and its quicklythe Forest Theater on the Sab- i City and Council B I u 11 s, tho It tells the moving dialogue. Omaha Lodge No. 354 of B'nai lodges in these cities together bath. ! By BORIS S31OLAK Paris (JTA Jews are fleeing story of a small New York family B'rith will be host to the South- with the Omaha lodge constitutSabbath Walk ' JTA Chief European trying to adjust to its economic Vienna and hiding to avoid rewest Regional* conference Sunday, ing the Southwest Region. moval to the projected Jewish situation. Correspondent November 19. at the' Jewish ComEliezer Katzenelenbogen was j Mrs. Herman Jahr is directing "reservation" in the Lublin area All Day Program munity Center. " .', " taking his walk on a Sabbath af- | Paris (JTA) — Berlin advices of Nazi-occupied Poland, it was the production. An all day program for memBen Z. Glass, executive secreteraoon, a3 he always does on Sab- I reaching here via Amsterdam said Scandinavian Members of the cast are: Joe reported through tary' of District Grand;Lodge No. bers , and'.their wives has been bath afternoons when the weather j anti-Jewish violence has broken Sacks, Joe Hornstein, Joe Cohen, countries. Special concentration G of Chicago, will be the principal arranged under the direction of is good. This was a Sabbath af- I out in many parts of Germany as Earl Siegal, Irvin Zweiback, Sam camps have already been estabAlfred Fiedler, conference ctaalri October Ob d that th ternoon in so good a result of the attempted assasinaKaplan, Irving Nogg, . Rebecca lished within the "reservation" , man. The conclave will open at Mr. Katzenelenbogen could see tion of Chancellor Adolf Hitler at j Kirshenbaum, Jack Saylan and where about 8,000 Jews are kept ' noon Sunday with registration in God in the bright, warm sunlight. Munich. Nazi bands shouting j isolated behind barbed-wire, ; reMartha Himmelstein. (the Jewish Community Center H— Mr. Katzenelenbogen was sure "British Agents!" were reported Rabbi Israel Goldman to j I brary. At 1 p. m., the regular When "Awake and Sing" was ports said. Speak Tonight at God was walking with him. In j f° l>e pillaging and demolishing I business session of the region will first presented by the Center Plans have been laid in Berlin this Presence he grave his heart j Jewish homes throughout the 'start, with Harry B. Cohen, past Players local reviewers character- to force between 400,000 and Services and mind to all the praises he I ^eich. Thousands of houses were president of the Omaha lodge and ized it as one of the best amateur 465,000 Jews from the Reicli— s id t 0 i a T e This evening at services KabhS theatrical productions could think of: How wonderful j ? *>een raided by the president of the '.region, presiding. to have including 65,000 from Vienna sa is Israel M. Goldman of Temple was God who gives days like this. I - J Important items on tbeagenda been seen in Omaha. alone—to.move to Lublin, it was Emanu-El, Providence, R. I., will He was wonderful even when the At. the same time, more than of the business meeting include Two more plays, one of which declared. In order to avoid scenes, 4,000 Jews and S.00O Catholic the approval of a new constitution will be "Oar Town," will be pre- the Nazis in Vienna do not perweather was bad and the storm | Socialists and Monarchists were blew. He had given the Sabbath and by-laws which were drawn uy h sented durin the forthcoming mit family members of expelled j reported to have been arrested in even In the first days of the uni- I connection with the blast. Acby a committee consisting of Alseason. Jews to come to the train when verse, fred Fiedler of Omaha, Herman they leave. j cording to the same sources, the Ginsberg of Lincoln and Louis verse i atmosphere was worse than it was Each Jew is "permitted to take Katlemari of Council Bluffs, and rested. | a year ago when the full Nazi with him 300 marks in Polish the nomination of a general comMr. Katzenelenbogen. ,could , . . - not , i fury burst upon the German Jews zlotys, certain tools, two suits of mitteeman to replace Nathan GICentral American Repubbut help feel th special divinity; i n retaliation for the assassination working clothes, one winter coat, linsky of Council Bluffs, who reof the Sabbath on a day like this. in Paris of a German Embassy lic Announces Ban one pair of shoes, four suits of signed and moved from tills reIn his long life he had known official, Ernst •v-om Rath, by a underwear, a dozen handkerchiefs on Jews gion. The nominee selected at cold, blustery Sabbaths and even young Polish Jew. and four pairs of socks. this session will be ^recommended in such days he could perceive Flee WarsawFear Concentration Camps ; New York (WNS)—A formal to the president of" District "6 for Jewish Agency Surprised Many Jews, in Warsaw, fearing protest has been lodged with the the grandeur of God who gives The entire Jewish population• election. the storm as well as the sunlight; was said to be in dread of com- j by New Reports of pogroms, are fleeing to the "reseruatemala Minister to the United but this October day was the per- mitment to concentration camps, j Open Forum vation" under the impression that States against the recent action L Government fection of His work. at least safety, awaits them there, of the. Repnblic of Guatemala in a measure which Gestapo officials | "What Can a Regional B'nni < ' ' 1 • Ben Z. Glass In the midst of these medita- have stated w-.ould prevent future according to authentic informa- barring Jews from the country. t1 B'rith Council Do*" will be the London (JTA) — The British tion received here from the Pol- In making known the action taktions he came by the Forest The- assassination attempts. speaker for the conclave. Mr. topic of an open forum to be government intends to proceed ish capital. The fear of excesses An order to all Jewish commuater and that which he saw there conducted at 3 p. m. in the Cenen by the American Jewish Conwith implementation of the Pales- was aroused, it was said, by Nazi gress Dr. Stephen S.. Wise, presi- Glass, active in B'nai B'rith work ter lodgeroom. Ben Z. Glass will struck the bright light of this nities in the Reich to submit lists for the past 15 years, has been a tine White Paper to a degree not i / " " 1 incitement. of the Polish populaSabbath's peace from his eyes. It j of their members to the Gestapo dent, pointed out that restricture member- of the district general lead the discussion.' anticipated by Zionist leaders be- tion tq_ violence. _Nazi agitators of Jews includes tourists. was as if darkness had fallen en j has been issued by Heinrich Re- committee for six years and has Activity for wives of visitins 1 cause of the war, it was reported. were reported to be nslng the food Jewish life. I Himmler, head of German police stricture against J e w s Is con- been in charge of junior auxil- B'nai B'rith men while the bum?; This was believed to be the reason shortage to agitate against the firmed by the Honorable Adrian Into the Theater ''• forces, it was reported from Berness session and open forum ara for the sudden airplane trip to Jews, blaming alleged Jewish food, Recinos, minister of Guatemala, going on includes a tour of the Whom should he see entering | l i a v i a Switzerland. It was not London of David Ben Gurion, hoarding for the shortage^ ' in a communication addressed to Joslyn Memorial starting a t ' l p. the theater but Moshe Kun? It i known whether the G e s t a p o chairman of the Jewish Agency Sabbi Isrjel 31. Goldman m. and a tea at the home of Dr. Polish labor groups were com- Dr. Wise, in which he declares: was happy for Mosha Kun that wished the information for posexecutive in Jerusalem. Leon Fellman,. president of the "According to existing regulabating the anti-Jewish' propaganhis back was turned on Mr. Katz- sible action against the Jews in speak at the Beth El synagogue Jewish Agency cireles here conOmaha lodge, which will begin at da with" pro-Jewish and. anti-Nazi tions, the immigration of Jews to enelenbogen would have turned connection "with the Munich bomb- on "Jews in Times of Crisis." nected Ben Gnrion's "visit primari3 p. m. T n e committee in charge propaganda, ifewas said, but were the Repnblic of Guatemala Is reupon him with a fullness o" ra- ] ing, or for the .transfer cf Jews Kabbi Goldman Is a graduate ly with the combating of the gov•d c i 3333 S.) of arrangements' consists of Mrs, stricted. There are no restricproaches: "Moshe Kun . . . YT-I' ' of the Jewish Theological sem- ernment's decision banning Jew- not able to check' the mounting Uonsrfor temporary visitors and Leon Fellman, Mrs. Alfred Flodincitement against Jews. Fearing _ . . *. On Shabbos!" inary, where fee was a classmate ish'immigration for six. month's, ler, Mrs.'Alfred Frank and Mrs. tourists. The government, how_exc.esses__and ".already havingTjo'st " ' "Bn1t'*'3Joshe ICitn was --^uic^.y* -ot EaMn Bavid A. -Goldstein.'- .He from -Oetober-to -»-est- -MarE-h,--a}— r ever, "reserres-taer'figTrr'fif^ertenatheirhomes and stofl^througB swallowed up by the darkness of , is vice-president of the Khoda Is- though an immigration schedule Final event-of'the program and the rtisas or tourist permits, in the theater and Mr. ICatzsneloj- 1 land Ministers union and is lec- for non-Jews was issued, and also Nazi expropriation, many Jews. view of: the fact "that certain perthe. climax; 4t the day's activities (Continued on page 8.) 'hogen went his way horriolyl turer in the extension division of the refusal of the authorities to will'-be the bantiuet starting at sons have entered the country as 'troubled about what was coming I Brown university. At present, he transfer certificates from the last Washington {JTA}— Refusal of 6 p . m. in the. Jewish Community transients or tourists and have over Jewish life. Even iloshe K i a j is making a tour of the country. , Jewish schedule which were not the German government to Center auditorium. Ben S. G!a«3 remained there illegally." was Deing destroyed by the dread- [ Tomorrow afternoon R a b b i used by recipients stranded in EuThe Republic of Guatemala is inclusion of Jews ,in plans for •will be .principal speaker on tho •ful earthquake that was shaking Goldman will be the guest of the rope by the war. a member of the Intergoverninent-. Quaker relief In Poland has re- program L which trill consist o f th» world. Holy men were fallfirst Oneg Shabboth of the Beth Anticipate Development al Refugee Committee for Politi- sulted, in a hitch in negotiations talks by the four presidents oi ing into the abyss with holy El auxiliary at the home of Mrs. On Friday morning, December Jewish quarters here have not of the American. Friends Service the participating lodges, and a cal Refugees. thing?. Leo Waxenberg, 3925 Dewey ave1, at 10 o'clock, the Jewish Comreceived any suggestion that legCommittee in Berlin, The Nazis model A. 2 . A. First Degree, forAddress Communication nue. It was bad enough that the munity Center will sponsor the islation to implement the con"Upon receipt of confirmation of have, however, apparently yielded mal initiation given to new memRabbi David A. Goldstein of Assisting Mrs. Waxenberg at young men were coming to schu! second of its series of unusual stitutional clauses of Britain's Congregation Beth El of this city the present edict barring Jews, a to demands for impartial relief as bers,, to be given by members of t h e OQeS Shabboth will be: Mes-. Palestine policy, providing for has contributed an only for jahrzelt, bad enough that programs designed especially for j the degree team of Sam Beber article on communication was addressed to far as children are concerned. the grandchildren of Mr. Katzen- children. There is no public school Tdames j Max Canar, Elmer Gross, eventual establishment of an in- "What Jewish E q u i p ment We the Guatemalan envoy in the UnitClarence E. Pickett, director of chapter-of Omahsu Banquet toast•• Segal, Lazier Kavich, dependent state with a one-third elenbogen's most pious contem- on that day because of the ed States expressing astonishment the Friends' Service Committ&e, master will be Harry B. Cohen. Gerald Gross ana Samuel Jacobs. Jewish minority, will be intro- Oought to Give the Bar Mitzvah that an American Republic should told the J. T. A. Washington buporaries were being married by i Thanksgiving vacation. General committee In charge o£ or Confirmand" to the volume of duced soon and have been given to Proceedings of the Rabbinical As- associate itself with the practices reau by telephone from Phila- the conference,, which is hcadd Reform rabbis (Goyim!), bad ! An interesting movie prepared understand that the government sembly of America, -enough that the kaddish-sayers j especially for children and a pro1933-193S, of a government which has evoked delphia that the Quaker relief by Alfred Fiedler as chairman, is not dealing with the ex-Mufti just published by the •weren't wearing their phylacteries j gram of shorts will be the feature Editorial the condemnation of the entire organization had refused to con- includes Milton Frohm. bancuet; of Jerusalem, Arab extremist Committee of the Assembly,. tinue relief operations in Poland Alfred Frank, reception; Harold civilized world. at the morning service even on j oi lha entertainment leader, who recently announced the rare days of jahrzeit. And I The Center presents this prc~ The communication further ex- unless it could be administered Zelinsky, publicity; Joe SolomoThe volume covers six annual acceptance of the policy. SDW that he' should have lived to sram for children in the hope that meetings of the Rabbinical As- pressed the hope that the govern- without regard to race and re- now, registration; Dan Lintzinan, Important developments were sembly, the association of three ment of Guatemala would take ligion. Pickett said that Quaker entertainment; Harry DuBoff, arsee this—Moshe Kun in the the- i n i h i s manner an important contribution is being made for -wholeanticipated, however, in view of hundred Conservative Rabbis in immediate action to rescind this relier work in Poland had been rangements, and Louis Lipp, vicsater on the Sabbath. s0lne recreation and entertainthe speech on Palestine by ex- this country and Canada, and con- regulation and to- "dissociate it- stalled for several weeks because chalrman. Mosbe Kun whom he alwavs • " !' ment for children. The program Premier Nuri Pasha es-Said of tains over five hundred pages. self from practices which cannot of the insistence of the Nazis that had regarded a3 one of the zadik. Iraq, who declared in Baghdad im! Moshe Kun who was always has been approved by the NationSubjects of general interest to but place the Republic of Guate- all supplies be distributed through Vatican City (JTA) — An im- that as soon as the immigration the laymen included in the Pro- mala outside the circle of demo- Nazi channels. the first in the schul even on the al Congress of Parents and Teachers. plied admonition to Detroit "ra- question was settled Britain would ceedings are objectives of Jewish cratic naions." " T h i s meant that Jews would bittereBt mornings! Admission will be free to Cen- dio priest" Charles E. Coughlin, find no difficulty in establishing Education in America, methods be excluded'from "receiving aid," It was not that it was a sin to ter members. Non-members will warning against abuse of the an independent state in Palestine. he said. "We would xtot accept go to theater on the Sabbath, be charged an admission fee of "marvelous invention" of radio, Nuri Pasha is meeting AH Maher of confronting anti-Jewish movethis." " of Hitlerism in though Mr. Katzenelenbogen. It .10 cents. Adults accompanying is contained in the encyclical let- Pasha" chief of the Egyptian cab- ments, effects Ready to Aid : was good for a Jew to give him- children will be admitted free if ter addressed by Pope Pius XII inet, In Cairo in regard to Pales- America, and the problem of the There is "a great deal of dis"free lance" rabbis. There are self to simple pleasures on the Center members. to the American Catholic hierar- tine. tress in Warsaw, according to a memorial addresses discussing'the Sabbath, if in these pleasures he chy on the occasion of its 150 th cable received-by the Quaker orwork of Professor Jacob Hoschanperformed no toil hi violation of anniversary. ganization ifrbm Homer T. MorThe 18th annual father and son der, Theodore Herzl, Rabbi Abel Polish Jews Mourned the Sabbath commandment. Although Coughlin Is not reA literary meeting of the Jew- ris, its Berlin representative, who banquet sponsored jointly by the Hirsch, Professor Morris D. Le"Wizard of Oz" ferr to by name, informed circles Jerusalem (JTA) — Orthodox vine^ the Reverend Joshua A. ish National Workers Alliance, reached Amsterdam. Morris cabled Jewish Federation and • the ...OmaBut that Moshe Kun should be indicated that one passage in the Jews observed a day or prayers Joffe, and Rabbi Morris Lichten- Poali Zion, will be held on Sun- that the Nazi forces of occupation ha B'nai B'rith will bo held Simgiving himself to such frivolity on encyclical clearly pointed to the and mourning for Polish Jewry. stein. Reports on committee activ- day, November 19, at the Jewish were-making no attempt to ' aid day evening, November 2G. The the Sabbath! Mr. KatzenelenboDetroit cleric. The passage reads: Inhabitants of the Warsaw Jew- ities in the fields of Jewish law, Community Center. Supper will starving or sick Jews, although affair is held- to bring -together gen. had observed the sign on the they, were attempting to care for fathers and sons to stimulate a "We have learned with not lit- ish colony here prayed with other social justice, adult education and be served at 7 p. m. theater's front: "Wizard of Oz." : tle joy that your press is a sturdy sections of Jewry at the Wailing other matters of contemporary inspirit of fellowship.' Chairman of the evening will other Polish citizens. That Mosha Kun should go to see champion of Catholic principles, Wall. Negotiations have been resumed The program is designed to be be Dr. O. Belzer. Mr. H. Bondarin terest are included. that the Marconi radio — whose this Oa on a day whn God- was willgive a-reading, and Mr. Har- between the Quaker organization of interest to < both fathers and The organization of a. camp voice is heard in an instant around walking on these streets. ry Crounse will report on the pro- and Nazi officials, Morris cabled, sons. Movies will conclude the Wasn't God enough for a good committee to supervise the plan- the world — marvelous invention ceedings of the district convention with the Nazis appearently yield- evening. Reservations are now being ac3ew? Who was this Oz? Moshe ning of Camp Jay-C-C for the and eloquent imags of the aposheld at Rock Island on November ing to a few of the Quaker demands that relier be given to all cepted at the office ot the Jewish ' ' Kua goea to consort with Oz in 1940 season has been announced tolic faith, that embraces all man4 and 5. the theater on a Sabbath when by Mrs. Joe Rice, president of the kind — is frequently and advanMr. E. Seltz and Mr. H. Miro- alike.. The Friends' Service Com- Community Center. The cost per witz, accompanied by S h;i r 1 ey mittee is ready to begin distribu- plate is 00 cents for fathers and good Jews like Mr. Katzenelen- Women's Division of the Jewish tageously put to use in Insure the widest possible promulSeltz, will present the musical tion of cod liver "oil and milk 40 cents for sons. bogen walked with God on the Community Center. Mrs. Bernard Fleisher has been gation of all that concerns the Dr. Philip, Sher is chairman of program. Community singing wilt among children in. .stricken Polish street. Ai, yai, yai, what was it The work of adjusting the girl areas if the Nazis will allow Jew- the social service committee of be led by Mrs. J. Raznlck. all coming to when Oz was taking appointed chairman of the coia- church. We commend the good ac- from the traditionally Orthodox ual problems of the pupils. ish children as well as non-Jews the federation. At the present time there are a good Jew away from God on miitee. A meeting of the com- complished. But let those who ful- Jewish household to the Palesmittee will take place on Monday fill this ministry be careful to ad- tinian scene wa3 described by Mrs. 300 resident and non-resident puto receive this aid, Pickett said. the Sabbath? •'• -Further representatives of - the Yet this was not the worst sin morning, November 2 0, at 10:30 here to the directives of the teach- Bessie Gottsfeld, a resident of pils in the schools in Tel Aviv American Friends'- Service Comof Moshe Kun. This was not a sin at the Jewish Community Cen- ing church, even when they ex- Palestine and one of the found- and Jerusalem. A third school plain and promote what pertains ers o£ the famed Beth Zeiroth is now being built in Haifa and mittee sailed for: Europe from that was in the laws, an-d Moshe ter. Camp Jay-C-C held its first sea- to the social problem; forgetful schools, who Tuesday and Wed- another training farm has been New York, A three-man mission, Kun might be forgiven for this son last summer at Camp Hard- of personal gain, despising ..popu- nesday visited Omaha as the guest established. representing the Commission for wera it not for a matter more ing near Louisville. The camp ' larity, impartial, let them speak of the local Women's Mizrachi Polish Relief, left "-on.'•the Italian "In spite of the terror in Palesgrievous altogether. Even a good operated with a weekly enroll- i 'as from God, before God, .in chapter. liner Bex for Berlin^ to complete The next meeting of the Temple tine work has not stopped. BuildThe Junior Activities DepartJew In a moment of forgetfulness meat of 50 children and proved Christ.' " negotiations with the "German govThe first Beth Zeiroth school ing is going on. The Jewish com- Israel Supper Club will be held ernment, f Two of its .members ment of the Jewish Community might give his eyes to Os instead to he a vital summer activity. Center, announces that tho childwas organized to give Palestinian munity has erected a monument Monday' evening, November 20. of to God on the Sabbath; a man It is hoped that under the sa-, This :group i3 made up of young are -Quaker5,. J ; Edgard Rhoads ren enrolled in the various rfnba girls training in domestic science to its desire to persevere." can't always stand on the top- pervision of the camp committee "couples who are members of the and Arthur-Gamble; the third be- will present an-operetta after the Former New Yorfeer and agriculture and at the same most peak of bearing a zadik and further progress -will become posing Frederic C. Walcott, treasurer first of .the-.year. Participating ia time to give them a thoroughly Mrs". Got£sfeld is herself a for- Temple. Mr. Katzenelenhogen could re- sible. The committee will out-.: At the last meeting on Novem- Of the commission.; this presentation -will bo members l religions education. After the mer resident of New York and member rare times when he him-i line the plans and .methods of ber S Prof. H. 'Williams-of • the of the Handcraft Club, tho RhyA mass meeting to discuss the the Seattle. As one of the organizers persecutions Germany eelf had let his head l;e turned I operation and will be of invala-. . . „ thm Band, the Dramatics Classes, schools started taking European of the Women's Mizrachi in this University of Omaha addressed SYNAGOGUES MARK h by frivolity. Yes, he could for-{able assistance to the camp per- consequences of the Puisso-Ger..'• ..-'••. • POGROM ANNIVERSARY and the Dancing Classes. girls who came to the country country, she became interested in t h e g r o n p . give Moshe Kua for looking atjsonneL m-n paet w g The High School group of the - Parents are urged to enroll poorly equipped for their life in the problems of Palestine and Oz instead of at God - - on the ..Sab- i I evening, November 21,, at S:30 Palestine. Special training is now eight years ago went there to live. Temple ia meeting Sunday evenParis (JTA)—Jewish commu- their children in one of these aca t the Labor Lyceum, 22nd ings "under the leadership oi Mr. bath. P. nities In various parts oi Europe tivities* Under the direction of being given in poultry raisins and She was Impressed by the great and Clark streets. . But Mafilja Kun Sad commuted held special synagogue services on trained and experienced leaders, gardening. need of vocational training for and' Mrs. Slelvin Barkon. Sponsoring organizations are: a sia against the law that was Saturday to. mark the first anni- children In each of these clubs Spirit nal Problem the young people of Palestine and | Workmen's Circle, Branch 173, not to be forgiven . . . Ai, yai, Seek 3500,000 versary of the German pogroms have the opportunity to develop "A large number of religious was able to interest the Women's |25S and 690; Ladies Auxiliary, yai" . . . Mr. Katzenelsnobgren New York (JTA) — $500,000 of November 10 during which self-expression and creative abilJews have been expelled from Mizrachi in establishing vocation. Philip Klutzaiek, Omaha attor-j Branch 173; Pioneer Women and '' pressed his thumb and index: Ea- ney, was named a member of the i the Jewish National Workers Al- Germany,"' Mrs. Gottsfeld ex- al schools that would work with a campaign to aid victims of perse- more than V00 synagogues in th? ity. This Is in accordance with proger together and waved them Board plained. j cution in Poland and elsewhere Reich were destroyed."The impact of their ! religious approach. of Governors of the newly-! liance, Poali Zion. thiB way and tSat, as he always organized Midwest Section of- the Speeches will be made in Yid- experiences has had a damaging j Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Gotts- was launched at a In Switzerland, special meetings gressive educational trends of' toJewish. "Welfare Board. did when he dish, and English. ' • effect upon the religious outlook j feld spoke to a well attended sponsored by the Jewish Labor were arranged by • local Jewish day which stress the 'sfenlficance *'If," he said, "Moshe Kun. en-j The Jewish Welfare Board- iscreative and life of the youth of this luncheon meeting of the local committee at the Manhattan Cen- communities t h r o u g h o u t the ot self-expression as a tered this theater on the Sabbath, j the central co-ordinating'body of Isaac de Rocamore. confessor group." The teachers at the I Women's Mizrachi in the main |ter, attended by 2,000 delegates week. Similar gathering's were outlet for childbood experiences. how did he get in? He must have j Jewish C o m m u n i t y Centers to the Empress of Austria, in 1643! schools are specially fitted to deat I auditorium of the. Jewish Co:n- i of labor and fraternal organiza- scheduled in Belgium, the Nether- For further Information call tho Jewish Community Center. {Continued oa page S.) ''throughout the country. became reconverted to Judaism. with the psychological and spirit-' munity Center. lands and France. tions.


Ben Z. Glass Will Be Principal Speaker Sunday


FS0B31M 0;iDEC,1




Educational Work Told

Offer Integrated Junior Activities Program,at Center-

Labor Groups to ' Hold Mass Meeting



Orthodox Synagogues


Friday evening services will, begin at the Othodes, synagogues at 5:15 aad Saturday morning-at 9 .o'clock. Rabbi S. Bolotaikov will sseak ia tha morning at the Beth Abraham synagogue.



J vj — «

Sr, 'Hadmsah to Hold Card Party

perial :Gold;: 2 sets No. 3800 Trojan 1 dz. N o . 1008 "Champagne, Tan andCedar; 1 No. B 4 ft. G In. Redwood; 1 No. B 5 ft. Cedar; 1 No. E'HHC 2 ft. and Nickel; 1 set No. 660 Orzn. and Light'-Orange. 328 yards No. 2335 Silver,. Eggshell, 6 in. Cedar; 1 No. B HHC 3 ft. RedSilver; 3 sets No. . 1170 Trojan and Nickel; 20 seta No. 11 Spartan Silver Ivory, Flesh, and-Orange Gimp: 878 wood; 1 No". B HHC 3 ft. Cedar: 1 Lacq.;. 2 sets No.! 5300 Dark Walnut and Bras3.y -.-•-":• . The following 'casket corners: 20. sets NQ. 11 Spartan Silver Lacq.; 2 sets No. 5300 Dark Walnut and Brass; 1-set NoJ 26 Roman Sun Tan: 4 sets No. SS Jap. Silver: 3 seta " No. X41D Jap. Silver; 1 set No. 26 Roman Butler; 2 sets No. 29 Roman Butler; 2 sets No. 30 Roman Silver; 1 set 1 No. 71. Sprayed Silver;11 set No. 3d Shaded Silver;- 3 sets • No. 20 Nun-Tar, ami Silver; 4 sets No. ;20 Copper and C"Pperine; 7 sets No; 39 Silver and Coppertone; 1 set No. 37 Non-Tar, and Spartan Butler; 2 sets No. 42 Copper and Copperine: 1 set No. 31 Non-Tar, and B!ena. Coppai-; 2 sets No. 28 Antique Silver.

Society 1

yards No. 2334 Silver, Eggshell, Ivory, No.'B HHC 3 ft. 6 In. Redwood: 1 No. Flesh Gimp; ' 1349 ' yards No. 2330 B HHC 4 ft. Cedar; 1 N o . . B HHC 4 Ivory, Grey, Orchid and Light Orange ft 6 in. Cedar; 1 No. B HHC 5 ft. Gltnp; 663 yards. No. 2301, Ivory. Sil- Cedar; 1 No.. B . H H C 5 f t Cedar ver Gimp; 72 yards No. 9369 Color Wide; 1 No. D HHC 3 ft. Redwood; B-37; 654 yards.No. 3058 Color: No. 2; 1 No. D 'HHC 3 ft. 6 in. Redwood: 278 yards No; A522 ivory; 288 yards 1 No, D HHC 4 ft. G in. Redwood; 6 No. 290 Color 1025; 205 yards No. 2305 No 00 2 ft. fi- tn.-Redwood; 5 No. B White: "100 yards No. 2352 Gold nnd 2 fi. Redwood: 4 No. B 2 ft. 6 In.Silver Gimp; 637 yards No. 2310 Silver Redwood: 16 No. B 3 ft. Redwood; 23 and Ivory Gimp: 23 No. 5 Biue. Ivory, No. B 2 ft. B In.- Cedar: 7 No. B

Grey and Orchid Cap ornaments; 22

HHC .1 ft. lledwuod; 12 No. B HHC

No. 3'J Rlue, Ivory, Grey and Orchid tt. 6 in. Cedar; 16 No. B HHC 4 ft. Cap Ornaments; 23 No. 29 Rlue, Ivory, 3 Cedar; 11 No. B 4 ft. 6 in. Cedar: 6 The Hadassah card party witli Mrs. M. Hanin, 1623 Cook St., Grey and Orchid Cap Ornaments. No B HHC 5 ft. Cedar; 2 No. II Mrs. M. A. Weiner and Mrs. B. announces the engagement of her The following small made-up cask- HHC 5 ft. Redwood; 13 No. D 4 ft. Calfand as chairmen will be given ets, all of which are lined: 1 No Wi.Cednr: 11 No." D 4 ft. 6 In. UfdworK]; Mary, to Mr. Mayer Ar.The final arrangements are be- at the Jewish Community on Wed- daughter, slzn 2 ft. fi In.; 1 No. 002H size. 2 It.: 14 No. D 5 ft. Hedwood: ti No. n 5 Jiovicii, of Whiting, son of Mr. • made £or (.he Carnival whieii nesday evening. November 22. 2 No. 0f>2<> size 2 ft. fi in.; 1 No, «ii2l> ft. Cedar; 2 No. b^3 ft. 6 in. Cedar; and Mrs. S. Arkovich, 1117 Iowa size 3 ft. 6 in.; 1 No. 0i>2» size 4 fi.: Will be lield, Wednesday evening. Nsw Inisrnatfcital mu!t!-sts? metro delivery truck. The following 'crucifixes: 10S No 1 No. 0020 siZR 4 ft. C In.; t No. H>2ti 2 No. 7 6 ft.'3 in. Round End Statec; A large attendance is desired street. The wedding date has not • Kovetnber 15, at the Auditorium. so it is requested that everyone been set. B25 Spartan Silver; 1 No. 66 Saxon size 2 ft.: 1 No. 1020 size 2 ft. 6 in.; 4 No. A-34K 6 ft. 9 In.x24 n. Square International" Harvester c o m - tthe %-ton, each available in .two Gold; 5 No. B26 Crystal and Gold- 1 No. 1020 size 3 ft.; 1 No. 1020 size State; I No. A-34K C ft. 9,in.x22 in.; All of the organizations are giv- plan to reserve that evening for A-34K 6 ft. 6 in.x22 in.! 3 No, pany is offering for 1940 its most wheelbases and - a. large selection tone; 16 No. 67 Crystal and Goldtoue: 3 ft. 6 in.: 1 No. 1020 size 4 ft.; 1 3C-4No. ing their whole-hearted coopera- this event. Proceeds will go for 6 ft. 3 in.x26 in. Octagon; 1 No. 5 No. 019PF Wood; 2 No. OS Sprayed complete line of true&s, according Mr. Joe Cohen of Sioux City was of body types. The Model D30, No. 1020 size 4 ft. 6 in.; 1 No. KIS7 A-34 6 ft. 6 In.x26 in. State:-Cedar; ' tioji to sep that this ia the "great- the' Hadassah medical organizaBronze; 2 No. OS Sprayed Silver: 3 married last week in Des Moines to Ray O. Johnson, truck manager 1^-ton, D35, 1%-2-ton, D40, two No. 67 Antique Silver: 4 No. S3 An- size 2 ft. 6 In.: 1 No. 35 HC size 4 ft. 1 No. A-34 6 ft. 6 in.x26 in.: 1 No. • e$t" Caralival ever given iu Sioux tion. 6 in.; 1 No. 1535 size 4 ft.; 1 No. 0020 A-34 6 ft. 9 in.x28 in. Cedar State: 1 to Anne Kaplan of Des Moiass. for the company, Fifteenth and to three-ton and D50, three to tique Silver; 2 No. 89 Ven. Bronze: 24 sze City. 5 ft.; i No. 1020 size 5 ft.; 1 No. No. A-34 6 ft. 9 In.x30 In.; 7 No. A-34 275 Marble and Gold; 12 No. 275 -.•••• They will make their home there. Jones streets. four-ton sizes are available in No. 6 ft. 9 In.x29 In. Cedar Octagon: 1 .With tae theme of "BorderEbony and Silver: 6 No. 230 Onyx 35 HC size 5 ft. "With-oufD-500 and-DR-700 four different wheelbases a n d and Gold; 36 No. 255 Marble and Gold; The following made-up caskets, al No. C-4 6 ft. 6 In.x28 In. Cedar Octown," there will be an atmostagon; S No. F-l 6 ft. 3" in.x24 In.; of which are unlined: 1 No. 1037 size 2 No. 85 Gold; 3 No. 150 Trojan Gold, Mrs. Jack Robinson, the pres- series- in our heavy duty line, and with two-speed axles. phere of the "good old days", oi f t 6 in.: 1 No- 1037 eize 4 ft.; 1 No. 5 No. F-4, HHC 6 ft. 3 in. Redwood; The heavy duty 3%-4%-ton 2 No. 070 Sprayed Silver: 2 No. SI 3103? ident of Sr. Hadassah, has return- our new half and one-ton Metro the ten gallon hats, cowboys, anesize 4 ft. 6 in.: 1 No. B size 2 ft.; 5 No. 1700 6 f t 3 in. Redwood; 6 No. Bronze: 13 No. 12 Media Sil- 1 No. TIT ed after a trip of two week3 to job, new improvements, in. engi- D60 and DR60; four to sis-ton Venetian B size 2 ft. 6 In.; 1 No. B size 1768 6 ft. 3 In. Redwood; 5 No". 1763 'eyed Joe'3 saloon, and many other ver; 1 No. S3 Sprayed Gold. neering and styling are present3 ft.; 1 No. B size 3 ft. 6 in.: 1 No. B 6 ft. 3 Jn. Redwood; 4 No. A-34 6 ft. DR70 and five to seven and oneNew York where she attended the aovel ideas. The great Hggresaum, The following name plates: 12 No, size 4 1 No. B size * ft. 6 in.: 1 3 In. Redwood; 15 No. A-34 6 ft. 3 in. ed," Johnson said. half ton A-8 are also standard 013 Elco Silver: 9 No. 106 Antique No. 35ft.; National Hadassah Convention. the. tails of the town will be there. HC size 3 ft.: 2 No. 35 HC size Redwood; 3 No. 1762 6 ft.'3- In; RedOther models are the Model Dmodels and available. ia .'four Silver; 12 No. 3D Old Silver; 3 No 3 ft. 6 in.; 1 "No. 35 HC size 4 ft.; wood; 6 No. B-2 HHC 6 f t 3 In. There-will be entertainment for As was announced in this paper 231 Antique Silver; 9 No. N12 Spartan 1 No. 1037 size 5 ft.; 1 "No. B size 5 ft Redwo'od: 5 No. C-4 HHC 6 ft. 3 in. • ..,'•• the children. "Bring the whole last weelc the Youth Council PapMrs.. Sam Lipman entertained and D5 in the %-ton, the D15 in wheelbases. Silver; 6 No. N12 Rest in Peace SparThe following casket interiors: '1.836 Redwood; 2 No. 1766 HP 6. f t 3 In. family and don't misa the best en- er Drive ia in full swing. Every for her daughter-in-law, a recent tan Silver; 6 No. N12 Mother Spartan yards Figured Atilla: 2.327 yards Plain Redwood; 1 No. C-4 HP 6 ft. 3 In. tertainment of the year," says family is being contacted by phone bride, Mrs. Bernard Lipman at a Missouri, where they plan to visit Rufina, a third century Smyrna Silver; 12 N12 At Rest Spartan Silver: Atllla; 3.988 yards Princess Twil Redwood; 2 No. 1766 LC 6 f t 3 (n. No. N3 At Rest Spartan Silver: 9 Ivory. Silver aii(| Light Orange: 1.741 R e d w o o d ; 1 No. F-4 HP 6 ft. 3 Lester Davidson, chairman of the or by postal cards to remind them party at the Jewish Community for several days. Jewess, is the only"woman known 36 • No. 211 Non-Tar.; 57 No. 238 A. X yards Richmond. Ivory. Silver am' in. Redwood; 2 No. 1763 HP/ 6 f t Carnival. to have held the title "ruler of the Enamel: 12 Ivory Sacred Hearts. that the paper drive i3 now in Center Wednesday evening. Flesh: 466'. yards Crystal, Ivory and 3 In. Redwood: 2 No. 670 HHC 6 ft. progress. synagogue." The table appointments were IX FAH5BCBY. The following metal caskets, all of Grey; 1.443 yards Brocadero, Sliver "3 in. Redwood; 1 State 6 f t 3 In. : Which are lined: 1 No. 6192 Sliver and Tan, Ivory and Silver. No. 40;Cedar; 1 No. 7 HHC 6 ft. 3 In. RedCollections of paper will begin in blue and gold, the bride's col- , Miss Sylvia Ross h a s been visitPale Bronze; 1 No. C162 Pol. Silver- 209 yards Lustre Orange: 1.027' yards wood; 1 State 6 f t 3 in. Redwood; X the first week in December and ors. Out. of town guests were Mrs. ing since Sunday in Fairbury, Ne-. EPHRAIM L; MARKS, and ette: 1 No. 6187 Pol. Sllverette; 1 No Rose of Sharon, Orchid, Flesh. Silver X State 6 ft. 3 in. Redwood; 1 No. .Due to conflicting dates tho close as quickly as possible. The H. Harlow of Storsa .Lake and braska -with h e r brother-in-law REED, RAMACCIOTTI, ROBINSON M-15 Blend Coppertone; 3" No. M-I4 Tan a n d Light Orange; 820 yards 670 HP 6 f t 3 in. Redwood; 1 No. Mrs. Stone of Minneapolis. The and sister, Mr^.and Mrs. Milton & HRUSKA, Attorneys various clubs are to c o m p e t e Blend Coppertone; 1 No. M-14 Silver Camay; 1.919 yards Empress Twill A-34K HP 6 ft; 3 in. Redwood; 1 No. ' ;W[orid Affairs and Music AppreciS05 First NatlonalBank Bldg. Lustre; 2 No. 520 Silver Gunmetal Ivory, Light Orchid. Tan, Grey and FI LC 6 ft. 3 In.x24 in; Redwood; ation dates were each postponed against each other for the award evenings entartammeat was bridge, Greenberg. Miss "Ross is expected Sealer; 2.Major Silver; 1 No. 6187 Pol. Orange; 23 yards Bobby Crepe Silver 1 No. CC4 HHC 6 f t 3 In.x28 In. to r e t u r n t h e latter p a r t of t h e one week. Nest Tuesday evening which will be given to the club and Mah Joag. LEGAL NOTICE ' Coppertone; 1 Nu. 9S02 Silver; 1 82 yards Majestic Flesh; 110 yards Redwood: 1 No. C-4 HP 6 ft. 3 ln.x •week. . • that does the most to make the Chapel Coppertone; 1 No. 12340 Silver; Cloverleaf Dobby Grey: 167 , yards 26 In. Redwood; 1 No. A034 HHC 6 In the Municipal Court of the City at eight o'clock Miss Edwarda 1 No. 64S7 Palm Gold; 1 Unlined No. Laurel Floral.-Grey and Flesh; 2.093 f t 3 !n.x24 in. Cedar; 1 No. C-4 6 tU paper drive a success. of Omaha, Nebraska. Miss Rena Marco, daughter cf Metz of the MorningsiJe ConservTo: Ella A. So'omon, Non-resident, 467 Dull Oak Casket. yards Gotham. Ivory and Grey; 453 3 In.x22 in. Redwood; 1 No. C-4 HHC To raise f u n d s to keep the Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Marco of VISITED' IX CHICAGO atory of Music will continue her Defendant: The following cloth covered cask- yard's Suede Crepe; Ivory/ Light Or- 6 ft. 3 In.x22 in. Redwood; 1 No: C-4 lectures which have proven so youth program at its height in Chicago, was married last Sunday Meyer Steinman, a visitor hero Notice is hereby siven that pur- ets; 1 No. 1763 HP Silver E Crepe; 1 ange and Grey;.'- 70 -yards Alpine, HHC 6 ft. 3 in.x26 in. Redwood; 1 l^o. popular on "What to Listen for Sioux City is the ambition of the afternoon at the Shoreland hotel, from Winnipeg, Canada, h a s r e -suajit to an.order of attachment and No. 1725 HHC No. 420 Sliver Piush;'1 Flesh." Orange and Dark' Sand; 4.010 A-34 HHC 6 f t 6 In.x24 in.-Redwood; issued by the Municipal No. 1762 LC Silver E Crepe; 1 No. C-4 yards Victory, Ivory. Grey, Tan. Or-1 No. Fi HP 6 ft. 3 In.x24in. RedIn '.Muaic." Hereafter, Miss Jleta | Youth Council and for this rea- Chicago to Isadore J. Rocklin, son turned from a short stay in ChN garnishment Court of the City of Omaha, Nebras- HHC No. 420 Silver Plush; 1 No. 1763 chid, Blue,- Flesh;. Orange; 358 yards wood; 1 F4 HHC 6 ft. 3 In.x24 In. ;wlll talk on alternate Tuesdays. j son the paper drive is being spon- of. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rocklin, 3227 cago. ka, in an action pending therein, LC Silver E Crepe Mattress: 1 No MajesLic Ivory; 71 yards. Lela Moire Redwood; 1 No. C-4 HP 6 ft. 6 ln.x wherein Merle E. McDermott. was C-4 HHC No. 269 Mouse Plush Un- Silver, Eggshell: 39 yards Moreen Sil- 22 in. Redwood; 1 No. C-4 HHC 5 f t • Pr. Hawthorne will address the sored by them. Last year the Jennings street. Mr. and Mrs. Rocklin, Miss Marplaintiff and Klla A.- Solomon and lined: 1 No. 1745 HHC Silver Emb ver; 77 yards No. 79-Satin Color No. 1 6 In. Redwood: 1 No". C-4 HP 5 f f 6 "World Affairs group again on Sioux City Youth Council adNew Optical Shop others were defendants, to recover Moleskin Mattieass; 1 No. 1777 HP and No. 27; 90 yards Alvin Silver and in. Redwood; 1 No. 1763 LC 5 f t 6 In. Tuesday November -1st, and on vanced the program of all youth ion Rocklin, Mrs. Dave Hurwitz the sum of $112.91 and costs, W. D. Silver Emb. Moleskin; 1 No. 1712 Ivory; 69 yards Rubana Orchid and Redwood; 1 No. 1766 HP 5 f t 6 in. Frank ".Sparkle" Adams a n d Trotter each alternate Tuesday after that organizations in the city and this and Mrs. A. Silverberg of Sioux was ordered by the court to HHC Silver Emb. Moleskin; 1 No. 1762 Light Grey: '65 yards Art Sllk:: 23 Redwood; 1 No. "670 H P 6 f t 6 In. date. It i3 hoped that the attend- year are mailing an earnest at- City, with Mrs. Albert Herzoff of Stanley Matous in the optical pay Into court as garnishee the sum LC Silver A Crepe; 1 Nu. 1721 HHC yards Bon Rose Crepa; _l.$80 yards Redwood; 1 No. 652 HHC 6 f t , 3 $32.25, same to be held pending- Pearl Plush; 1 No. C-4 HHC No. 311 Klton TwlUt 351 yards,.Malta" Satin; in. Redwood; 1 No. 330 H P . 6 f t 3 In. ance will be steadily increased at tempt to surpass last years record. "TVatertown, S. D. -were in Chicago business in Omaha lor sis and of eight years have opened a new the outcome of said suit. Said case Stone; -1 No. 1768 LC Silver Emb 6.33 yards -Kenwood; Ti!?9;,yards' Colum- Redwood; -40 No. F-4 6 ft,;3 in. Redfor the ceremony. these lectures as they are exwas continued for trial to the 20th Moleskin; 2 No. 170U LC Silver A bia, Orchid; Champagne'.incCJTawnr970 wood; 25 No. A-34K 6 ti. 3^14. RedComplimenting Miss Ruth Fried- optical shop at 203 Sunderland day of December, 1939, at the hour Crepe; tremely interesting and informa1 No. 1700 LC Steel A'Crepe -yards' Beverly': TrelMs;'•'"Flesh.:'^IJfter. building. man, bride-elect, Miss Miriam of 3 o'ctQClc A. 3.1. Ivory -ana Tan;- 826 yaros~Belmont:''40 'wood;' 26 States 6 ft. 3 in. .Redwood; tive. A forum, which follows 3 No. 1768 LC Sliver A Crepe: 1 No yard3 Cairo;, 1,109 yards Ennls. Silver '4 Oct. 6 f t 3 in. Redwood; 17 No. 6T« Blank, 401 Sioux apartments, enMERLE ;B. M C D E R M O T T , these lectures, is conducted by 1763 LC Steel E Crepe; 1 No. B-.2 and Ivory; yprds • Clavln' Ivory, 6 f t 3 in. Round End; 10 States 6 -ft. ll-10-39-3t. Plaintiff. tertained last Wednesday night in HHC Silver Regent BC: 1. No. A-34 Silver. - Rose1,091. JSJarvln Klass. Dr. Hawthorne anTan apA Moselle; 140 3 In. Flush: 14 States 6 f t 3 In.; 42 HHC Steel E BC Unlined; 1 No. 670 yards «hirr: 109 the Vogue room of the West hotel swers questions and helps stimuyards Crystal Velvet; ^To.. F - l 6 f t 3 in.: E0 No. 20-6 f t 3 WeSb,. Beber, Klutznick & Kelley, HP Stone E BC Unlined; 1 No. A - l l There is to be a joint Ones for immediate friends and relayards Rego; • 3v400 yards Satlh in.; 33 No. F - l .6 f t 3 in. l a t e thought along p e r t i n e n t Attorneys HHC Black Broadcloth Unlined; 1 No. 731 1 Shabbat session of Sr. Hadassah Twill, Ivory 'and; LlEht Oranee; fiS - Also, the following accounts receivtives. The hours were spent playquestion of the day. 200 Service Life Building C-4 HHC Steel E BC Unlined; 1 No. and the Shaare Zion Auxiliary to- ing mahjong and bridge followed NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE C70 HP Steel EE B. C ; 1 No.- C70 yards-Da'niar; 51 yardS Fairfax; 3.068 able due'and owing to Omaha Casket yardi Century" Ivory,-Flesh Silver-and Co., to'wit: ; . . . " : I •' • Jewish residents of Omaha are SALE morrow, at 2:30 at the CommunHHC Steel Emberton B. C. Unlined ; Mr. James Shumate, of the ity Center. Mrs. I. H. Levine of by a late luncheon appointed in being reminded, by sponsors of Notice 13 hereby given that at 10:00 1 No. 1S53" HP Steel Plain .. Doeskin Light Orange; 81 yards Carol; 129 . Ahrendts Mortuary, Farnanv Nebr., yards -Tloyal-' Crepe Eggshell, ' Ivory S140.S5: Paul Alberding Estate. HarShumate School of Music, ha3 an- Pittsburgh who has resided in the bride-elect's ehesea. colors, the Civic Tax Campaign, that they a. in. on the ISth day of November, Unlined; 1 No. 1853 HP Steel Plain and Silver; .57; yards Marqulss-Jilgh vard, Nebr.. $187-50; I. T. Amack & 1339, at the place of business of the Doeskin Unlined; 1 No. C-4 HHC r nounced that he will present those Palestine for several years and blue and gold. have less than SO days in which Omaha Casket Co. at 1214-16 Howard Black Broadcloth Unlined; 1 No, C-4 Orange, Ivory-and Wihetbnis;-27 yards Son. Red Cloud, Nebr., $256.10: A. \V. t>oys and girls that attend the also in England will speais;. Imperial: 12..Cap Ornajnents, Blue and /.naerson. Stanton, l<?wa, $236.05: C. to take advantage of the "Tax Street in Omaha. Nebraska, there will HHC Steel New Colonial Cloth; 1 Pink; 63 Flower Cap Ornaments; Wild A. Baker, Holdrege, Nebr.. J1.491J9; Jthythm band classes on Friday be sold at public auction to the highEternity Couch; 1 No. A l l HHC No bargain" law cancelling interest Holdrege, N . J . ; in Sngland Mrs. I. Levest bidder for cash the following de- 206 Silver Piush Unlined. 6 ft. 3 in. R 6 s e, R6sebuds, • Rosewreath; : 119 Banse " afternoon consistently, three free ineWhile L H l t N Nebr, b Lee, • Hartlngton;: on unpaid delinquent personal and Flowers, Large "Wreaths, Spray, Smal' was very active in the Zionist > scribed personal property: x24 in.; 1 No. 1752 HHC No. 420 Blue lessons at his School on any in- organisational work. She also was l $502.51; Bassett : Hdwe. and S Supply 25 Wreaths, Rosebuds; 80 yards Gimp $ real estate taxes. The law expires Silver: 1 No. 1820 HHC No. 420 Silver 1 Wyandot Warrior 13-Guage Silver Co.r Bassett, Nebr., $350.10; Baumert strument they might choose to Grey a n d 'Orchid; 46 . yards Net, December 31. Wrinkle Vault: 4 Wyandot Chief 19 Piush; 1 No. 1766 HP Silver Emb. Honeysuckle 'and: Orchid; "242 yards & Bognar, Howells. Neb., $33.95; M.coutstanding member of the play. The Rhythm Band plans to an Guage Grey with Gold Trim Vaults; 1 Moleskin; 1 No. 175S ' HHC Silver Braid; Pink; Grey, "White/" Tan, IQr- Connaha.-Alberding-Bauman.. G r a n d "'.Delinquent taxpayers are urged Hadassah delegation to the World Broadclay; 1 No. 1714 HHC No. 269 chid and Gold; '3,503 • yarda Fringe, Island, Nebr., J36.00; Becker Furnievolve into an amateur orchestra Congress in 1937. Standard Green-Gold Vault. aot to wait until the last minute Clark The following casket handles: 10 Steel Plush: 1 No. 1715 HHC No. 423 Ivory,- Silver, ; Flesh'/" Orange, Orchid, ture Store; Hornlck, Iowa,.$6.00;.Beni in, a few months. Mr. Howard Lerush to take advantage of this Silver Plush; 1 No. 175S.HHC No. 311 sets No. 6030 Art. Silver; 3 sets No. son : & • Person, _ Central • City, 1 Nebr., .t>owich is the Concert Maestro of TORAH la-w," declared. Alfred C. Kennedy, G02J Saxon Silver; 1 s^t No. 834F Sil- Marie Antoinette; 1 No. 1S49. HHC Pink, Rose Tail and Champagne: 204 $i,01i CbttsV'.-'X" rBerbeticlt ^Estate, the group. A regular meeting of the Tal- general campaign chairman. "Now veroid; 4 sets 970 Etr. Silver Lacq.; Cedar Webster; 1 No. 1879 HHC Stee" yards'TasESlls Ivory Twist; p1 sef^Tail Spaldlng,:Nebr.^- 536.00; EP JT. Boyens. Broadcloth; 1 No. 1827" Stratford; i yards'TasESlls Ivory Twist; 1 mud Torah was held Monday at is the time to square your tax ac- SO.sets No. S65F Etf. Silver Lacq.; 24 No. Plainview, NKbf., 52.50; H-'G. Brauer, 1850: silver Racketta: 1 NA 1863 ored casket interior set N o . 69-95; J Polt, Nebr., J2.00;'WiU.-Brooks, Elsets No. S230114' Shd.' Buller Spartan the Synagogue. The annual Carn- count." • Mrs. Leon Mars will cast the Lacq.; .98. sets No.. S2»00Cl 'Sprayed Bronze Lan,dor; .1 No. 1899 Platinum Tailored casket'; Interior 'sets, , No. gin, : Nebr.. 54.04; Carey Funeral ival and Dance sponsored by the jf'Wizard of Oz" Sunday atfernoon. Kennedy reminded," readers of Butler No. 2 Slidg.; 2 sets No. 1558 Pompien; 1 No. 1866" Platinum Lan- 66-95r 2 Tailored casket interior sets, Home, Council Bluffs, Idwa," 5223.56; At-"-the regular meeting of the The Hebrew Mothers Association Talmud Tcrah. is to be held on the Jewish Press t h a i delinquent Sprayed' Silver;' "6 sets No. X1608 dbr- 1 No. 1730 Rose Stanley; 1 -No. No.1 21539-440; 2 Tailored- casket in- Casey;& Timm, Auburn, Neb., 520.00; Sprayed.. .Silver; .43 sets No. S6S0 1724 Cedar Roma Velour; 1 No. 170S terior sets, - N o . ; 438-75; 2 -Tailored TT. C. Christensea^v St. '•'• Paut"' Nebr., the third or fourth-*Sun(iay in DeChildren's Theatre. will have a joint meeting with the taxpayers daily are saving from Sprayed Silver; 7.sets No. S704B Eleo Cedar Pelham; 1 No. 1755 Cedar -Al- casket;Interior sets, Nb^l9Sl{ Sl'Orna-i JlISiOT-; Jtoy B.? Coe,ODavi* City, men on Tuesday night, Nov. 14, cember. 10 to SO percent of their tax bill Silver; 3 sets No. 9970 Sprayed Pale deti; 1 No". 1747 Platinum Plymouth; merits; N o . 652, Orchid;"^ Ornaments. Nebr., $10.00; Colorado Casket C o . N o . 1727 SlateWaverJy; 1 No.. 1731 No. BS3/ 5Vhlte;•"'..?8,: Ornaments^; N o . Denver, Cold.. ?152.51r CutI8r-5'uneral_ Rich, will. give a. fifteen at -the .-Shaara ...Zlan- synagogue. Rabbi Carl Castle has reported He-suggested-that Peach; 2 sets No. 9055 Eieo Silver; 3 lAmythyst Toronto. '-.•'-.ssts No. 112 Sprayed Silver a r i d Minute chailc talk to the Drawing I Mrs. P. Sherman is p r o g r a n an' enrollment oJ fiity-five stuS7R',''-O.rc&ldi ; Grey,J-:aiid '-White:" G7 Home. Co'uocir Bluffs, IowaivS2.183.65; 1,set No. 112 Sprayed CopperDow & Clark, Elwood. Nebr.." 535.75; uid Painting Glass at the Center | chairman. On the program will be dents in the Sunday school classes tain that delinquent tax accounts, Nickel; 338 yards No. 420 Platinum Plush; Orriamentsi Nf>.- 360, Grey, White, "Or- Johnson tone; 1 set No. .7500 Pale Beach Shad& Lawson, Omaha. :Nebr.. chid. Blua and Pink;' S3 Tassels, No. t 3:30 Sunday afternoon. I a panel discussion. The Hebrew and thirty-fire students i s -his on both, real estate" aad personal ed; 4 Eat3 No. 1320 Colonial Silver; 1 SO; yards No. 420 Mouse Plush; 57 324, Flesh,. Champagne, Orchid., Ivory, 51,232.40; • R. . Emerson,. Lexington, The Ballroom Dancing class lias j School from the viewpoints of the daily Hebrew "school classes. Tha belongings, are paid "before the set -No. SS33 Spartan Butler and yards.No. 420 Steel Piush; 52" yards Silver; Nebr.. $35.00; Eustis^Icrc.. Co.. E u s 13S Tassells, N o . 306, Orange; Nickel; 12 sets No. 11G3 Russian Sil- Roman Veloup Platinum; 101 yards £39 Rbsetfes, • No. 7U White, Silver, tis. Nebr.. 530.19; :T. J..Finn & Son. now a total registration of 40 stu-] teacher, parent and child. Mrs. attendance, so outnumbers that oi ead of- the year. No. 275 Doric Velour; 56 yards Roma ver; 3 s e w N o 1263 Bronza and CopGreeley,- Neh.; 51Q9.10;: Gass' Funeral dents. Plan3 are being made to | Sam Balin will conduct a brief other years, that It will be necesSteel;-53 yards Roma Velour Oi-chlA- a n d T a n j ' S2 r Rosettes.- Noi Hofne, Payment of tases. K e n n e d y per; 2 sets No. 13527 Spanish Elco Velour Columbus, Nebr.iv5233.25; John 150%, Blue aiid Flesh; 185 Rosettes; Wintone; 104 yards No. 420 Blue Silthe class into two groups. business meeting. Singing, discus- sary to provide enough seats for pointed Small T>lhk; 75 yards Rlb- A, Gentleman,-: Omaha, • Nebr.. 5867.1 ?; oat, fulfills every person's Silver; l set.No. 13767 Spartan Butler ver; 49 yards Steel Jasper: 18 .yards No':-15034 l ! ^{Permanent instructors will be an- sion and refreshments will con- an extra room. Shaded: 3 seta No. 6214 Spartan TuGeo; E . Hamilton. Orchard..: Nebr.. bon'ff /S -S i n ^^B luu ee aannd d® ® n k;; 207 yard's" civic obligation to kelp support tone Silver Lacq.; 5 sets Circle Spar- Regent Lt. Grey; 54 yards , Black bon'f 2077 yard's" yard 5821.20; R . : B . Hanks, Wausa, Nebr, Siounced next week. For the pre- clude the meeting. "Satin Ivoryr IS^yariJs Pyra- $236.18; Broadcloth: 9 yards Steel Embsrton; Jacquard J J P Omaha's schools, parks, streets, tan B-jtler and Nickel; 1 set Savoy Floyd Hardy, Missouri"Valley, sent the group meets at 7 o'clock dark. Oxford; 42 yards Co- mid Silver; 245 yards Riveria, Ivory, SHO1V police and fire protection. The tax Spartan Butler and Nickel; 47 sets 10 yards 5297.20; D. R. Harvey, Lyons. B C; 466 yards Silver A Crepe; Rosetan,.Grey: 106 yards Plaza, Sil- Iowa, Kt the Center each Thursday evenDecember 17 i3 the date set for shirker is -letting Ms friends and No. 11S3 Trojan .Silver; - 43 . sets No. lonial Iowa. ~514.75; Havel & Houser, Willag. 1153 Pol. Trojan; 1 set No. 1171 Tro- 346. yards Silver E Crepe; 94 yards. ver • and Ivory; 62 yards Congress ber; Nebr.. 5130.00; Heafey & Heafey. the Hadassah Minstrel Show to be neighbors pay his share. . " jan and Nickel;. 1 set No. 1171 Elco Steel E Crepe; 10 yards Potomac. Crepe Silver; 62 yards Velvet Frappe Omaha. -Nebr., $1,633.34; Heafey & held at the Masonic Temple. The and Imp. Gold; 3 s e t s N o . 5200 Ebony Champagne: 13 yards Russet Rovell; Light Orange and; Pearl;- 54 yards Heafey* South Omaha, Nebr.; - 514.70; Transportation is provided by Jewish Community Center Symand Nickel; 2 sets No. 1200 Pol. Toj. 12 : yards Black A. Crepe; 7 yards Falrfleld Rose". Cedar". aiid* Horizon P.. M. Hert. Oakland^ Iowa, ;539.50; R. school bua for those children and Marble; 6 sets No.' 1200 Pol. Black E Crepe; 6 yards Silver Bam- Blue; 21 yards "Viceroy' Russet' and A.: HlUiard, Corning, Iowa,- 56.48; phony Orchestra will furnish, mu46 yards'Dover;lieaf R u s t and HiscoxvFuneral, Home, Wayne, Nebr , The Tiphereth Israel synagogue sic for the entire show. Champ, and Marble; 5 sets No. 1272 boo; 335 yards White Lambskin; GO Orchldj ] 1 1 having no way of getting home. Pol. Trojan and Pol. Gunmetal; 4 sets yards Steel fmli. Mole; 2S9 yards Sil- Silver } .-}^"l yards" Glacier: 33 yards $411.90; Hoffmann Mortuary, ,Omaha. held its annual election of officers New "Way Dovel, Cream Beige and Nebr., $106.00: E . E . Hopping^ Beaver ver Emb. Blole; 53 yards; No. ' 206 Tickets are now available at 50 No. 6300 Pc!. Steel Gray; 2 sets No. last week. 31. Lazerowitz was re6309 Pol. : Goldstone; 3 sets No. 4608 Moss Rose Piush; 394 yards White I v o r y ; . ; - - ' • . • • - - ' . •:'.. - - — ; - . - ' _ •• < . ; • • City, Nebr.. 5142.00; Horton .Funt-inl elected president, M. Reznick was cents. Lambskin; 269 yards P^ain Steel Mole; The following g casket et^Inierors; ^nieor; 1 1V Vee e Home, Plattsmouth. Nebr., $619.44: F. •Melville H. Taylor, 428 Lincoln Ebony and. Nickel; 6 sets No. 4608 117 yards Plain Silver Mole; 50 yards ory-Victor'; 1 Ivory-.Victorj'; 1- Ve Vee IIvory: Richmond; G. Hutchins, Frankln, Nebr., $90.(10; Cobalt and Nickel;-2 sets No. B700 The W. E. J.'3 have resumed re-elected vice-president, D. CoBlvd., is now exclusive dealer for Pol. HELD AT Pol. Trojan; 3 seta No. 5700 Pol." Billmore; 275 yards Light Blue Steel; 1 Vee Ivbry BelVldere;'"l Vee" Ivory H. Ii. Hunt/ Palisade, 1 Nebr.. $802.91: hen was elected secretary and Ed jtheir meetings after 3 months the Timm Air Stoker, which has Champagne; 3 sets Zephyr . Spanish 24 yards No. 269 Slate; 32 yards No. Brocadero; 1 - V e e Ivory Empress; 1 Iowa; coffin Co., Dubuque, Iowa. Shaffon was re-elected treasurer. fcuromer vacation. recently been put ca. the market Silver; .2 sets No. 1128 Trojan and 420 Blue Silver; 264 yards No. 2S9 Vee tGrey Victory; 2 Vee Grey-Rich- 5110.13; Johnston-Salanitro, Omaha. A special meeting was held Those appointed to serve as Monday evening at the Synagogue. after three years of intensive Nickel; 2' sets No. 4300 Trojan and Platinum Plush; 35 yards No. 263 mond; 1 Vee Grey. Rose of Sharon; 1 Nebr., -Elections were held. Those chos51,439.38:.C. E Johnston. WauNSckel; 1 set No. 570 Champagne and Steel Plush; 29 yards Silver.Broad- Vee Grey Brocadero; 1 "W Ivory. Vic- neta, Nebr., 5803.81; Johnson Funerul fen. ifor off leers were: Ronald Dav-board of directors are: Jake Shatesting. . ' . ' • clay; 62 yards Pink Lambskin; 42 tory; 1 W Grey Victory;-2 W Light iHomei Hamburg. Iowa,. $282:50; KenRabbi I. Rackovsky of Omaha Copper; S sets No. 4608 PoL Cobalt: }>,;.president, Bernard Haligman , piro, A. N. Shuliia, A. Saitlin, S. gave a short address, which was The Timm Air Stoker is an au- 12 sets No. 450 Spanish Silver; 5 sets yards Cedar Esses; 44 yards Coral Orange Victory; 1- NeW: WP:' Cream nedy Funeral "Home, St. Edwards. M. vice-president, Hubert Fried- | Reese, H. Gelfand, S. Moskowitz, followed by a message from Rab'bi tomatic draft regulator that keeps No. 27S, PoL Trojan and Marble; 9 Manvell; 20 yards Lavender and Sil- :Vfctory; -• I s NEW • WI>' ^r^atii 1 Beverly Nebr., 57.00; Frank Koloiich, Omaha. s sets No. £73 Pol. Champagne and ver Seminole; 951 yards Pattern No. Trellis; l; N e w W P M n £ Majeittc;" 1 Nebr.. 54,737.64; Franlc Kovanda, TaiBin-secretary, Eugene Sherman, | S. Samson, R. Heraoff, I. Levin, Wolf " Gold of New Yorki who coal furnaces uniformly warm. • 10 sets No.'540 PoL Trojan 43; 16 yard3 Plain Silver Mole; 19 New W P Cream Princess; r N e w "WP ble Rock, Nebr., 5739.95; E . J. La.treasurer and Leonard Stein, sgt. P. Rubin and Sam Baker. Those spoke for over an hour on the Installation is exceeding reason- Marble; and Nickel; 6..sets No. 540 PoL Tro- yards Plain-Steel Mole; 15. yards Cor- Light Orange Richmond; ^"'New "WP Borde. Gretna, Nebr., $70.00; Lanijena t a r m s . Dr. L. London is advisor cho3en to serve as honorary ex- problems of the Jewish'people. able. By regulation of neat, room jan-Blend; 4,sets No.-5700T PoL Tro- ona Cedar; 70 yards Rose Silver Bre- Grey Richmond; 1 New. W P Grey feld Brothers. Earlins. Iowa, $966.s)G; - yards Arcola* Platinum: -29 Princess:, 1 N e w W P Victory; 1 Old Lvnsston Brothers, Hastings, Nebr.. president are; S: Lipman, H. LaaOf *he club. temperatures are kept at a. uni- jan and G-umaetal; 10 sets No. 5800 ton; 48 Rabbi Gold, chairman of the Breton Platinum; 8 yards Toupe W P Ivory-.Richmond; "1 Old W P Grey $938.71; t.i sPormal and informal initiations arowitz and A. N. Shulkin. Mr. P. Mizrachi "World Executive, made form temperature and fire hazards Pol." Trojan and Gunmetal; l s e t No. yards Luhrs Funeral Home. ImCoronado; .70 yards , No... 211 Steel Victory; ,1 .Old. WP ^Pipk Lustre; 1 perial, Nebr., 1S37 Llaeflo Imperial Elco Blue; 1 set $28.50;- Mansfield Fujirere held within the last two ICopperstein was again chosen as a plea to establish Palestine as a are reduced. Plush; 34 yards Horizon Blue Selvin; Cloverleaf- ivory Centuary; .1 Clover- neral No. 5500 Spanish . Silver; 10 sets No. Home, Hamburg. Iowa.^ 562.00: Iwgeks. ..Those new members Ini- cantor and reader of the law. An- National home for the Jewish race 300X • Spanish, Silver; l s e t No. 5000X 15 yards Stratford Cambridge Grey; leaf Ivory Richmond; 1 Cloverleaf Grey Marcy Funeral Home, Ashlahd, Nebr.. tiated" were: Milton Glazer, Wally nual reports and figures were giv- "as a model for the balance of the Ant. Sliver; 1 set No.'5330 Mo: Dark 36 yards No. 269 Orchid Piush; 14 I\'pry Richmond; .1 Cloyerleaf Grey 534.10; Mattes Furniture Co., Odebolt, Walnut and Brass; 2 sets No. 5300 yards Cedar Alden: No. 206 Pearl Cerituary; 1 Cloverleal Grey Rayon Iowa, 523.00; F . H. McFadden. Audu3friedman, Edward.Shindler, Mar- en. A program was given follow- world to look upon S3, something MO Gray Oak and Nickel; 1 set No. Plush; 22 yards S i l v e r Alden: 8 Satin; 1 D454-Grey Cairo; 2 No. C440 bon. Iowa, 524.00; Meta Mortuary, tilt Osnowita, Albert Goldstein, ing the election. Rabbi S. Bolot- worth while' for humanity. The .1 York". Nebr.. 57.00; Meyers-Vodra F u » 5300 MO Mahogany and. Nickel; 2 sets yards Roma Velour Platinum; .25 Flesli Rayon -Twill; 1 Ivory Luster; r O0lds,tein, Herbert 'Holland and nikov spoke. Refreshments were Rabbi returned recently from the No. 1179 Trojan and Nickel; 5 sets yards Steel Selvin; 47 yards Platinum Ivory Richmond: 1 No. Cli Grey -ust- neral Home, .Aurora, Nebr.. $39.75: Landor; 113 yards No. 275 White served. Phillip Schlaifer. The meetings er; l ' N o . CL'Grey Pyramid; I • Vee Mincks Funeral H o m e . Beatrice. No. 539 Pow. Blue and Nickel; 3 sets Zionist Congress and the Mizrachi n N c e l ; 3 sets Plush: 139 yards No. 311 Marie .An- Ivory Chapel; 1 No. 1710 Ivory Dobby; Nebr.. $417.63; Ray J. Smith, • West '(Continued from page 1.)] are held.every Tuesday night. An world conference in Geneva, and No. 4332B. Silver Bronze Enamel;- 2 toinette Plush; 197 yards No. 269 Sun- 3 No. 1711- Grey Princess; 3 No. 1711Point. Nebr.; $14.15; E. T. Beushauinteresting program ia planned for Plush; 81 yard3 No. 206 Moss Rose Ivory Princess;. 2 No. 1712 Grey Rich- sen. Ldup City. Nebr.. $12.75;; J. H. in hi3 lifetime has traveled esten- sures "except the. aynagosne. His sets No. 4392B.Star. Bronze and Ant tan each meeting. Silver;, 2'sets'-No. 4S2D Light A S Plush;. 84 yards No. 206 Tea .Rose mond:. 1 No." 1716 Ivory Princessfr 1 O'Callaghan Jr., Fullerton, Nebr., sively, visiting most of the Euro- days were all drudging toil and Enamel; PlUEh; 79-yards No. 206 Bisque; 13 No.' 716 Ivory Beverly Trellis; 1 No. 526.00; Ohde Funeral Home, Manning. S seta No. S62D :• Cham. the only joy.- he knew was SfcalJ- Enamel and Non.-Tar.; 5 sets No. yards No. 20G Peach Plush; 34 yards 1716 Ivory Victory; 1 No. 1716 Grey Iowa,. 5908.70; Olerich Company, Lake Friday night services will begin pean countries. bcs. I have made the good life* I 942D Enamel Tan Shaded; 1 set "No. Ashes.of Roses Plush; 30 yards Cedar Princess;, 1" No., 1717 .Ivory .Camay; l View, Iowa. $80 00; Olesen Mortuary. at i o'clock with Cantor Perniek •. The Mizraehi ia a branch o£ the remember ho-w every penny count- 3109 Butler & Bum. Silver; 2 set3 No. Aurora; 13 yards No. 205 Baby Blue No. 1724 Grey. Richmond; 2 N o . 1*25Gothenburg, Nebr.', 51.83r.64;' J. L. the choir chanting the'serv- Zionist organisation." • • 5053 Med. Silver a«d Non-Tar.; 29 Plush; 12 yard3 No. 206 Cream Plush; Ivory Richmond; ' 3 No. "1725 Grey .Olson, Stromsburg, Nebr., $88.75 BenJ. Following Rabbi Gold's'talk, a' ed in-our-house, but I throw $50 set3 .ce3. Rabbi H. R. RaMnowitz will No. 305 Black Plush; 139 Richmond; 1 No. 1725 Light Orange No. X3S2 Roman Butler; 1 set set 71 yards Genoa, Nebr.. $15.00; C. -W. No. 269 Fawn Plush; 72 yards Richmond: 2 No. 1726- Grey Richmond; Person, ZJL'.X on the subject "Anti-Semit- local chapter of the Mizrachi or- on'the dice table and-think notn- No. X « 9 Jap. Silver;./ 12 set3 No. N yards Peters, Millard, Nebr.", $321.0p; F. J. ias of it. How "wonderfully everyX3S7 Roman Butler Lacq.; 30 sets No. No: 206 Rose Bloom Plush; 20 yards 1 No. 1734 Ivory Victory; 1. No. 1758 Potter, Neola. Iowa, $732.37; E. n . ganization was formed. -.>:n and the War." 389 Roman Butler Lacq.: 24 pets Ivanhoe Dove; 13 yards Sea Foam Ivory Lustre; 2 No. 1758 Ivory Vic- Resseguie, Madison. Nebr.. $92.00; Mr. O. Hochman was chairman thins has'turned out." Janior Congregation s e r v i c e s Nc* X3SD Roman Silver; 5 Eets No. Stanley; 28 yards White Persia; 16 tory; 2' No. 1775 Grey Richmond;. 4 Nuckolls Mortuary. Falrbury. Nebr., : The rahbl -was depressed about of the program. A large attendv :i begin at 10:45 S a t u r d a y X363 Roman Silver a n i Non-Tar.; 1 yards Orchid Largdon; IS -yards iro.'1745 Ivory-Richmond; 2 No. 1745$185.25; W. L. Relck, Walnut, Iowa. the -whole thing. Hehad been a ance was present. No. 353 Romas,' Butter; 6 sets No, Bronze Langdon; 23 yards Platinum Grey Richmond: 1 No. 1743 Ivory 575.00: E. E . Sandoz, Verdigre, Nebr.. •-•iiornins. Mr. and Mrs. Morris faithful . servant of the timeless X393 Roman Silver; 5 aets'No.' X-J84 Lansdon; 43 .yards Lincoln Wisteria; Princess; 1 No. 1740 Gre.y Vee Rose of $2,697.98: Shull & Son, RIverton, Iowa. will be hosts. Robert 26 yards Cedar Trellis; 20 yards Rose Sharon; 2' No.' 1869 Grey WP Pyra- S22.00; Sievert Funeral Home, Charier 1! faith for a long .time. He remem- Jap. Silver; 60 -sets No: X411 Spar. Cedar will read the torah and JTXIOS HADASSAH Vetva Poppy; 11 yards Carlton mid;- 3; No. 1741 Ivory Richmond;' 2 Oak, Iowa, $330.37; St.: Mary Magda*Cobalt-and Silver; 132 sets No. X401 bered • the tine of the fathers who A special meeting cf the Junior Roman EntSer-Lacq.; 14 sets.No. 131 Cedar and Black:- 37 yards French No. 17*1 Grey Richmond; 1 No. 1741lene's Church. Omaha. Nebr., 53.50; -a:-l Pollack will be the cantor. •were faithful. Yet' be. -was still Rose Toronto; 26 yards Silver Reflec- Grey Princess; 2 No. 1815 Grey Rich- Staskiewicz Brothers, Omaha, Nebr., Roman Silver; 19 sats No. 229 Shd -». bible study group under the Hadassah was held last Thursday enough to he-eager to do Brz. Si!vej| 9 sets No. 121 .Roman tion; 11 yards Platinum-Jewette; .22 mond; 1 No. ^1815 Grey!Richmond; 1 $2,SS6.50; Stevenson Merc. Co., College riooiees of the Ladies Auxiliary at the home of Miss Miriam Saks. young yards Velva Mahogany:. .26 1819 G r e y Lustre; l,Nu;-..iS20 Grey about it, but he looked Braes Tone; 9 sets No. 121 Roman yards PlatinumPoppy Iowa, 5918.16; F. J..Strain, Toronto; 19 yards Richmond; t No. 1S20-,Lt. - Orange Springs. LJ meeting regularly every Thurs- This meeting was held- in order something Silver; 41 set-, No. 121 Roman- Silver; Shelby,; Nebr., 5B.00; H. E . Swanson. tired. ' • . . . 2 seta No. 3000 Shd. Silver; 4 sets No. Bisque Arcadia: 21 yards Nishol Lin- Majestic: 1 No. 1S21 Ivory Richmond: Omaha, Nebr.. $95.00: E. F. Tonsing, day afternoon with the Rabbi in to distribute tickets for the mo'"What can'he done?" he-asked. 44(30 Spray Silver Pdw. Blue Shd.: 4 coln; 7 yards Platinum Whorl; 14 1 No. 182t Grey Richmond; 1 No. 1822Syracuse, Nebr., $31.25; Truhlsen - le homes of the members of the tion picture, "Honeymoon is. Bali" CeSar Webster: 7 yards .Mole Lt. Orange Victory; 1 Wo, 1823 Ivory Brothers. Herman, Nebr., $56.75: ValI didn't knoij,\ except that if I sets' No. 4430 Co~per;one;• 1 set 'No. yards '•'.U3. The book Ecclesxastas 13 now which ia to be sponsored $y the 3134 Non-Tar, and Blend Cop.; 3 sets Poppy Polychrome; 12 yards Platinum Rayon Twill; 4, No.- 18,35 Ivory- RichFurniture Co., Valentine. Nebr., studied. The first meeting local chapter of Junior Hadassah. wrota seiaethias about the matter No." 5709 Non-Tar-ft-Sp. Butler; 3 sets Chromium Plymouth: 11 yards French mond; 2 No. 1835 Grey Richmond: I entino 400.00: G. A. Vaolland. .Hastings. Stanley; 13 yards Rosebloom No. 18S5:Lt. Orange Richmond; 2 No. Nebr., ^j.' c place in the home of Mrs. P. at laa Strand Theater on- Novem- la this column some' one, .here aad No. 2033 Non/Tar. and Silver Wrin- Rose 5174.00; WeUs Concrete Vault there, might ha persuaded to loolc kle: 2- sats No.--2033- Cop.. and Cop- Trellis; 13 yprds Steet Aurora; 29 1844 Ivory Richmond; 1 No. 186] Ivory 2o.. Omaha. Nebr., $39.60; G. E. ^'.ierma.n. The second meeting will ber 23, 27, 23, and 2D. Cedar Pelham: 20 yards Plat- Victory: 1 No. 1862 Ivory Ccntuary: 1 W e m p l e . Pa.lmyra, at himself ia the .rairror: "So this perine; 2 sets No. 2S00 Ova.1 Sprayed yards Nebr.. $221.35; :.».l'i-3 place in the home of- Mrs. inum Pompeian; IS yards Pink Web- No.-1SS4- Ivory Richmond; 1 No. 18S4Wlieeler & Company, Griswold' Silver; ' 30..sets No.;210(1' Spraj-ed ' SilIowa, is I?-No it is cot I. i f is a harle- ver: 1 set No.. JSOO-Antique Silver: 12 ster: 22 yards Slate Pelham; 36 yards Grey-Richmond: 1 No. 1S84 Ivory VicI X SERVICES ::. 11. Rabinowita. $610.00; Wheeler & McKay.GrlswoW. raask making • believe that Goldtone Belgrade:' 30 yards Silver N 4 S 0 0 ' O 1 d Rabbi Carl Castle • has chosen quia tory: 2 No. -1850 Ivory . Richmond: I ,. . ., . . , , 1 sets No. « 0 0 Ovjil Sprayed Silver; Arcadia; 21 yards: Steel Dorset; 21 Iowa. $720.85; A. Whitney. Craig. NWP Majestic Overslzs; 1 N W P 5104.00; WlWberser Furniture for discussion at Synagogue Serv- the one under It 13 pjirsums the i 4 ssls N'o. <S."00 B'ended Sprayed Cop.-* yards.Blue Lorranie: 23 yards Islchnl Richmond,Oversize: 2 Nq. 1035 3 f t Nebr., p ; S fetaa No;" ; S300 .Blended B e d Copper; Cpper; Iyanfloe.; 17-yards Store; Sidney. Iowa. '540.60:"Wilson* j per; ; ices tonight, "The Experiences of gacd life." Cedar Berkeley: 9 Ivory: 1 No, 1025 4 ft. Ivory: 2^. Nu. 3 sets Mo. C380-C Copper and Cham- yards Nassau Wintone; 20 yards Ben. ville Furniture Co.. V^ilsronville, Nehr., tie Man Who' Was Dead." 1035 4 ft. B in. Ivori'; 1 No. 1H35 S tt; $16.00; T h o - W l l b e Ssrvice, Wausa. 2 sets-No.' 168ft Shaded S'lver; Mc*_; "33 va.'-C'i Toronto Amethyst: Ivory; 1 No. 35 3 ft. Ivory: 1 No. 33Nebr (Copyright 1933 .Bv'Seven Arts Dagae,; J*. Hadassah will hold its 12 ».ets No. 1433 Oval Spartan Silver; Ell , -?37 50 W L Vcunan.. Logan, IS'J prtc >? Nitre Eraid, C lbs No 14 IVory; 1 No. 35 4 ft.: 6 in. Ivory low.'. $4,591 10 '-;•. .; monthly meeting Sunday, Nov. 12, S'LBIS CIAT3 • - *~ : ; ; • s r - v a s " ' c - L ^ C T , B'u™ Thicks. S 1' - No 16 31ue Taekb- 14 ft. No Vo 5 ft l\ory: 1 No 35 3 ft. 6 17 "*v ' M i 0 = p - ? u x t-iher, 1 fcet 7' ,.,•* Korao l i b G u - 2 bolt<> Cot- in Pink, 1 N'o 33 4 ft PinK- 1 N'o -u "! o'clock at the Jewish ComA meeting'and party ""VJU The "-lie of Raid properly will -tnlse "\ - ' Cc 'ei s_ Coi cri"e, 4 Eet3 ton, 223 No C743 Illngrf ?»inel Holder, 1333 CL 2 ff G In Ivorj. 1 No 133r> _n r.iity Center. There will be very Tuesday svenins for racr^bi ,-s o; 1RV!N Z LEV'S Atte-r.y pi ice under ,inil by virtue of a chattel %'•> C L i X-I-I'T." and ^tz'l i ; I c e S.'\ H< .d T »lt=: C18 No i.iijiortant business taken up and the '3'Jims Club at the L:i -% 1 t >'o Zi i 3 - jved "*ne- C " i netai holaers; 2S2 firos^ Screv s; CL 3 ft. Ivory: 1 No. 1335 CL 3 rt. .6 m rtg:a<jt gi\en by Omaha Casket Co, In I%otv, 1 No 13o'3 Cl. 4'ft Pink. 1 a:! members are urged ta attand. Eett-3 Lee Harris. "• 3^7 C3..: rVite-c-s, 237 No C000 No 133> CL .", ft fi In Pmlc. 1 No. to IA ui A Slmones, taid mortgase wns made on the 14th dav of January, N "Mrs. I. H. Levine oi Pittsburgh jPollowinsE the busine^j r 1020 2 ft Itorj: 2 No. 1C20 2 ft C In 19S9, and i.-is filed in the office of jv- •'. be guest apealcsr and Cantor Ins, 2iieMsan Ruirisiy l \ t « y , 2 No ICO 3 ft." Ivory, 3 No the Oountj CIcil- of Doufln"3: County, r S"3"No!' KSCia'ct''sl Sheets, 300 State 1020 3 ft. S In !-vor>. 1 No 1020 4 ft '" ' «1«i on the 30th day of January, •"urris Perniek will lead the group t i e evening's diversion I \ o r j ' 2 No 1C:O 4 ft. 6 in Kory. This ca!e I"! to foreclnsa; said -.i Palestinian sougs. Esther rtifir- were v-oa by Ssthar B-_ T*f— fj'3 -. tig- p.rdlw 7 dz No 1. . . . In tho amount of S7.30O 75. 'C.A, social o'Uairinan, is ia charge Marilyn Saltzraan. Tho folio- Ine shell-? E No.t c e t h r r wi'h Interest at tho .rate ,6f CC"1 ».!].»•-, Ore ini ppd Chimp=.Enp; -J . eti'esavnenta. All members are 1"'. "I. Nu 1-C." , riesh '-.d White; X20 2 ft Certar. 4 No 0020 2 ft 6 m "< p»- cent p r annum from the' <14'fe 1J o. No, "1 ii^rj-, S uz No 150 Redv»ood:.l'No 002i> Ce^ ir 2 ft. 0 in , . f "'id mortgacre find additions!, costs id to brng guests. Tv^.i. ' J_ Nc\ '2 Steel r i d Ivorj; ,i No C^O 3 ft . 2 No OM0 3 ft. C In Ipiiincd In connection \v»th this fore« 1 i 5I:ss Beatrice Krause T Cr y - I'D Steel, 40 ds Xo WOCC Cedcr, 2 No 0020 4 ft Cedar: S N'o.closure The t-xiJ riprtr^sor. Kas d'e:luta Oruesltin and Rose Bash- I early this w«ek from a " '•" i <•*. V • c s No KIT CC20 4 ft 0 in Cedar, 2 Xo. 0020 Cc Jar f lulted in the1 pijmont of f ltd Ttwrtt i have been aroouitdJ • coI\orj •_ _ N'o ; r 0 S i l v e r , t.. s'"it •; ft ; 1 No D 2 ft Ii«c2-ood; 2 No D ra-re r u n ini'l no -uit or other, pro*' C i . " -> - " - a O ' i r "-"»i c, fi a N o 'i ft G in P.fdv,ood; 1 No D 3 ft. ii.i hen of the aiuinii) danea 'o ft hv.- lia-i been 'nstitutftd So ""?Ii'1 - i >- 1- ^ r , l ' <_~ " o IDio T*-I'\ -x)"!, 1 No D 4 ft, Ccd-r, "1 No said dt bt or any p i i t thereof. h.-lcl December J-ifa at the D i tt 0 I.i r."ii ooJ; J No. 4 2 ft C C LOUIS A. bf '—" llevjs Apt. Ballroom. I 3.I1-3. JJ. H. Katsliuan : - - ' . J ( J. .„ Ui. C^l I . o i l . " 4 ' w tiZ n. r^d.-o-J. 1 No. D 5 ft CC tlortgaKee, 1 " '.,c-, C£ L-' P-< i.e T-tid No B 2 ff R""1wOoJ, 2 JNO H 2 ft. 6 Bv Webb, Beher, ICIut:nIrl: & K£lley, i ren, Avrcss- and Harr in Rtducod. I Ko. B 3 ft. Cedar: 1 1^ i: "2 c» No 1 "! l\o\\, Zi d a Hln Attornejs ' Our Advertisera I Tuesday eveaias for fc... I"o. 117 ViS'-s, 1 C: No. IC'7 O^^id, No. 3 3 ft. € in. Cedar; 1 No. B i ft. 10-27-3C—3 T.




To Mold Joint Oneg Shabbai


Tax' Law Expires on December 31


Plan Joint School eting Tuesday


Tiphereih Israel Elects Officers

Taylor Agent for . Timm Air Stoker

,,-.W. E. J.Ne«*


Shaave Zion

i 'It

i t

i <, .' (

I •

h Hadassah





This league 'will play en Thurs: day nights as it did last year. ! Cmgbton to Give • WKSSTLXSG Leadership Course Due to the many conflicts that ceeur from time to tiae, wrestling for a free 12-week eetrrsa .vcrkouis and classs- will be held in-Plaas adult leadersliis^stsdy ascler en Monday nights at 3:3-3. The direction of Sev. Join C. Kawe, classes taught by Doc Faier are S. J., acted authority ca ~.farbanproving very iaterestlag for all raral sociologieal problems, was tiosa participating. aanaitaaed today by Crejgitoa II you bars seYsr tried -wrestl- university. Tie coarsa will opea Stata Coal & € a s . . . 13 11 .54S. ing, 7"u 'will never taow o* tieXovember 13 ia Eoom 133 ol t i e Stirler F» sS Glass. .11 13 .453 enjoyment aad interest it creates. Cregitoa •university adainistraTretiaTia 1* 1 - i • * i ? Wrestlias depeada oa the ahili- tioa buildins. 10 1 1 .417 ti>ij of the individual, aad Ma tacInasmuch as earollmeat ia t i e ha . . 0 13 -373 tics to cope with every possible free course -will be limited to 50 happening, la ether sports one aiay get by oa tae playing of his persons. Father Fwa-sre urged today aayone iaterested ia the High Gaaie — I\ Stslabers, team raatss, but ia -wreEtlias aU that coarse set ia touch with him at rests with tae individual. 355; Wardrobes, 312. Dace at Creightsn university.' •: VOULSY BAIX ' High Series—Leo 'U'eita, 4S2O; Each Monday evening ieetare la t i e Ak-Sar-Sen, tie fastest Shrter Paint, 2,433. of the two rasa's leagues this year, period -will raa from S to 9:30'p. tie Center teaaa wil play Baasaa's ia., Father Raws said. The forinal TOP SSS AV22IU.GE3 teaia at Bsnson, YTedaesday, No- grou? discussion topic will be: Fefcfeaaa, 1:25; G. S<s!ia!2ij?c, vember 15. Tie Center's iaam ia "Economic Methods and Social 178; P. Steia&ef3, 177; Waits, tie women's leagiie wil play tie Welfare . to Prepare Adults for 175; 1*. ILS,KSK23, 2.3-3; Flaii,- O. A. C. Sippers at tie Ceater also Leadership ia their Communities." 135; 3. Cofaia. 134; ? 2 i , 131; oa "Wsdaesday night. - T i e following topics, Father Marks, 3<J0; ilifj-gsa, 133. Rawe said, will constitute the maIt is act certain, bat tiers is terial for the discussions: 1. The All four leaders ia the league 3ome tali cl changing tie dates blueprints for a better social orwoa two games Taasday sight to | of tie above ga:aes becaase cf t i e der; 2. Some problems of democracy today: 3. New approaches to keep all team standing station- first Gmaia isockey game. ary as the league s-wi2g3 into tlra second round. T5sa ClicqtiDta woa two from the Sirler Faints, 'Smith Motors from the Pioneers, Bmjire Cleaners from, t i e Tretiais and State Coal from t i e "Wardrobes. Tie aveaiag'3 snatches ware fairly t a in a, Ceorga Schapiro heaetiag t i e league with a nies 537 aeriea. Top laam aeries was t i e Clicquot Club, 3,350, aad nigh team game was t i e State Coal's S70. The Clicquot C 1 a b Eskimos "were Jar from cold once they passed tiw first game, -which they lost to t i e Shriers by 43 pias. Second aad tiiird games were won by 133 aad 133-pin margins, not•withstandins a baadicap o£ 22 Dins. Schapiro had two 200 games ia hia bis serie3 of 537 and Yafle came through witl a 200 ia ifs series, a 504 for second honors.

solutions; 4. Problems in modern distribution aad eHeetiYe solution; 5. the multiplication of productive homes and the family usa ot new appliances; 6. homesteading, new style. Tbe course, Father Rawe said,' is designed especially' for young married persons, industrial employes, landers and farm leaders.

And "Ninotchka" is a tonic for the brain cells. As someone remarked, "It raises Ernst Lubitseh another "aotehka!" The Lubitseh "touch" develops into a satirical wallop a t Russia and its communism, with a few digs at capitalism thrown in. Liberal sentiment "having lately dissected idealism from Russia, the film proves a laugh fest for the intelligentsia. ' Melvyn Douglas . . " . ' the Fascist-fighter . . . is ironically cast as a Count of the Czar's regime. Oh, yes . . . and Garbo stars.


Hollywood — If only Chamberlain •woolsj take an option oa the Parses, he'd have t i e Nutzis begging for peace . . . peace at any price . . . just please call off those "mishugeaer"' Marsea. Imagine Groucio matciing word for word, moustache for moustache, until Der Fuehrer is even more deranged (if that were possible) . . . faacy Cisco poking Goering's medals, "Thassa no gooda, Boss" . . . and picture Harpo chasing Striking Hollywood like a left Himmler over the Siegfried line! hook " was 'Mazie Bosenbloom'B ..FailiajE that solution. "T b e whirlwind marriage. His mate is consumer problems and elfective Manes at the Circus" is a wel- the last person one would espect

Tie Pre-seasoa handball tcurnaseat is BOW ia tie seiai-fiaals. Ia olas3 A Baa aad Baa defeated Adler aad Turner; Coreasiaa aad Teper beat Boggy aad Siegal; Talfe aad Scireibraaa vroa on a default from Klatznlck and Feldmaa. Gellsr aad Weiaer defeated Sigal aad Soriaslti 13-21, 21-1, and 21-20. la tie last same Geller and "VVaiaer eaiaa ahead from 6-1$ to win. Tie aeaU-finalista ia class B are as follows: Kutlsr aad Skolaick, G-arber aad Isaacson, and Berastaia aad Berssaa. Tie Singles touraaaieat ia Class A aad B starts tiis coaiiag- weei.

Horseback." a Czeeho-Slovaklan j Wort." Next day Grade, a willfilm Bald to be a fierce Indictment g but wild, motorist, stepped against war. Both Warners and oa the gas Instead of tho brata Louis U. are racing to set Ben- . . . tore down the fence, sign end jamin Franklin on the screen. Ed- alL George has clvea up Art. r Cornered by Mae West and W. ward Robinson would have tho (Copyrighted by Jewish TeleC. Fields, bis co-stars, little Lester stellar role at Warnera; Graphic Agency, Inc.) ' • Cowan, the producer, was verbally bombarded. Bach out-yelled Tony Martin (of the BrotherSwastikas In Glasgow the other demanding what they hood) once was a, demonstrator Glasgow (JTA) — I m m e n s e wanted to do In the picture! Aft«r of vacuum cleaners, carpet uweeythe battle, someone found Cowaa ers,' and what-bave-you in a de« swastikas were scrawled on Glaslimp and listless . . . asked how partment store. There ought to gow shop-windows in what T/aa he felt. "Just like Poland," be bs a moral there about leading a taken to be an attempt at anticlean life . '. . but it eludes us st Semitic incitement here, ia one gasped. •. .. . Etret alone 41 windows were daubthe momented. Jolm Mi'novern, Independent First we have "Angels With Dirty, Faces'* . . .now conies, Mary Livingstone hied herself Laborite M. P. for SbeUIeBtob, "Angels Wash Their Faces." An- to a place where friends were who saw some of the s Was til; as, rumored to be getting smart described the action as "deplorother Hays' clean-US? ' , . ' clothes at bargain prices. "Sbe able"' and said he planned to menSigns of .winter: Arthur Caesar, looked over the stock . . . asked tion It in Parliament. haviag given the moths notice tb the price -of the dresses . . . was move, decorates the Boulevard told they ranged from SI00 to Book for Nev/porfe " I&aycr $125. .Quickly she assumed a with his nayy-blue beret. Newport, R. I. (JTA) — Mayor haughty air, swept out ot thb bhop Henry B. Wheeler reecived, for Current Cinema Crop: "Dis- with. "Oh my dear, I never, never tho City of Newport, a copy of raeli" pops up again . . . not the pay less than 5150 for my gowns." the new book, "Aaron Lopes and George Arliss'version / . * but an Judab Touro, a Refugee And a earlier period in Disraeli's life George Burns, fed up with au- Son of a Refugee," by Dr. Morrto when England- faced-a problem toists continually running into his A. Gulsleln. rabbi of the 281similar to her present one. Carl fence, decided to do something year-old Touro Synagogue, at a Iiaemmle (no longer"Junior") about it . . . . w e n t t o work paint- ceremony held at the Newport owns the rights to - "Skeleton.on ing a sign, "Danger, Men at Jewish Community Center.


- it m



or Your Fall Hair Style

ml) h



sssna Enrollment Cea-sss . IONS C. DUFFY, Owner 2 0 1 3. SS4& M S1S0 oi<t'*'Sie:-sv«i,A ^



Listea to Foster May's "Mass oa t&e Siraet" prosrara aasS you, -will uadersiaad Tar In y Barraettler'a Cookies &st! Crackers are t i e beat.

Cusaings, Bawes,

Fillmore, Garden, HamilUndoubtedly tie hottest match Duady, ton, Jsffarson, KirabaTl Lancaster, for aext -week trill be iet^sea NacSoUs, Platte, Saunders, tie State Caal aad Clianuot Club SeottsbluM,PoiS, SiousEakiajoa, aaJ aaay change tie top Sasays . . aad . limited to SO-3 words positioa.3. Tie other league lead-, . . . must be mailed to t i e, Smith Motors, meet tie Tre-braska Tuberculosis tiaks; Eiaaira Cleaners mis with 400 Pastas n-i.:d_2 Association, O( C=:aia, Nathe Pioneers, and tie Sirier Paints tangle with tie Ward- 13, as cc\t2st ccce3 ^n 'T^rsni robes. .,._ ' 20. Cnl 5- JZ.^ZZZXJ frors e a i i i seiocl -B:U be accc^t^d. "Yoxi A3?eal 1ST Prctsct^ca. Against Teberculosia" 13 ths essay sublet cf tiis spaciil scUviatanal feature of tie association's 1933 C&rist3ia.3 Seal campaign. A cciasiittee cf t i e Nebraska Stata Medical Association Auxiliary -will juiiss t i e essays and select t i e tirae lyisnars, who will i e awarded caai prize3 of ?10 for first place.; S3, s-aoend, and $2.50, third. Ia. addition a silver cu? will ba presented to t i e winning school by t i e Nebraska Stats Medical Association. T/iaaers will broadcast tieir essays over radio station WOW ia Oxsa'aa abcat Deceaber 4. SspeaS53, taeliiiias bus or train lara to OiSaha, will &a si^-sn any out?iat-s winner by tha NsibrasSa TE^ berculosia Association. Sirs. H. TJ. Baasoa sf CaiUnd, is servi=3 as chairman of th-a radio ccnt-sst for t i e Auxiliary of the M-sbraska State Medical Association.

Intermarriage was forbiddea by law ia Sweden unta IS S3-

Servisa 03 TrasSas !a CESShears dally, ©ssspf Sara. Sines I.

48 Proofs to Choose | From. 3S:N "a us

*• - "

• O-Kay WSssla V/haaS Raises—HA Vcar Grccer.

Tubereulcsia Association and th« Cajstaia Paul Stsinbers led hisAuxiliary of the Nebraska Stats be3 with a topper cf S17, Medical Asaociatiaa. aad Marks iad a 430. This is aaotier taaai tiat bears -watch- Tie counties include,. Ijesides ing, aad will be capabla of bis E-ouslas, Becae, Bart, Baa Batta, thiags before t i e season i3 over. B-dilar, Cssiar, Cherry, Clay, Ciey-

Pre-seasca haaiehall sot under way last Sunday for t i e sis team seaior league. A. 3. A. 1 took the A. 3. A. 100 by a 2-i-li) score in taa £irsc game; t i e Omaha Joabing team Seat Sloody'a Eagles 33-13; and Turner's XVildcata ovsrseored the M i d w e s t Aato Parts taa:a 2 3-13. Tie seaaea'3 first p!ay *oun-l all of t i e taama 3a i.iirly esssUaat shape. Gassea ssc-iaclalad tor aest Suaday ara A. Z. A., i V3. Omaha JaKia.3 Commas, A. 3. A. 133 TS Midwest A'Jto Fart3, aad llaodT'3 Eagles ?s. Turner's Wildcatst. Taa> 'first garae starta at 2:13 p. Ha., aJiiusiioa ha'mz true, hei'a all turn cut for tad Sunday sraaies, and wall sea 3033 mighty fine basketball. All ssatries for tie. junior league in pre-season basketball must be ia by Thursday, Naveai&er IS.

Maxie to choose — Muriel Pa der was a child psychologist, speaks French, and is easy on the optics besides. .

Many "J" laeaibera, boys, men, girls, aad women, are working and iave passed American Red Cress Stvim tests ia t i e Ceater taak during tie past days.' Tie flna clea? sparkling waters of t i e Ceater Pool ars always kept at a terap^ratiire at 7S dasress.

T h e Sarier Paints' captala. Waits, led aia team witb. S54 with consistsat ISO games. A paoi cf 3mall scores brousat tie teaai's! LI I I I . 1 total3 down, aa tie sataes pra- <: greased. -Morrie Pranilia'a 412-f was nest iigie-st sccra. [ Tae Smith Motors started tisir matei ia a weali fasitoa tvlut 715, aad yet woa tie first £3.ZL3 1 by over a hundred piaa from t i e | See the (Continued from, pjige 1.) baaemeat Pioaeers. Tia second satse was e&ed oat Lithuania aaa tie rest must reby only 10 pins, aad, although turn to Poland. Jewiah organisatheir third game was tie highest tions have aeat food and clothins total. 815, taa Pioneers earns bacS: \ta the • Jews in tie "no-nan'sstrong aad piled up 3=33 far a jlasd." decisive -victory in that same. Sapatriatkm 22a^isiess«i Blat3;Ser, borro^reil Srosi tha London {JTA) — R e f u g e e s Empires for a aight, led the group from Poland now leered in "Wilno 2<£ Floar Sees^iSles BMs. with 511, Saai Spstein close be- will he ssaectsd ta return •whea AT O332 hind with 537. wa? aonditioas no leaser exist, well Inferiasd quarters liers said. The oaly - 200 games ia tha j It ia^aet anticipated, Jiawaver, tiat matea. -were 'bowlssi' "by"the iosias j- they wilT'Be' forcsd to'TStsrrn t s Pioneers, a 211 by Caan'.^tad a't P-alaad until ceaditiens ar-s n^ra 206 by Greanbers. G-rsenbers 3<J3 | ar Ias3 aoratallzed aad they rua witn a 471, Cohn. ahoetia^ £ •4-33 no risk ia returning Tae refulor second. The team waa 2ashy geea'estimated ta number 33,033, in its last gaaia and ia still a are mostly Jews. It is. espectei 27a sad L C threat for t i e league leaders as that they will ie maintained, durAiways a Fins Variety of additional ganiaa giys them a lit- ing their sojourn in Wilno, by retle, more accuracy and consis- lief orsa-aiaatisas, such as tie Red FI2SSS3 F!SM JIMS tency. Cress, taa Jaiat Distribution- cCaDAILY raittea aad others. Aiao tha Finest Ozsiie Mayerowich paced tha The Lithuanian G o v e mment Empire Cleaners in Us win over will act a«t prscipitatsly ia incorssd CKSCKSM the Tretjaka with a series of 51S. poratiag tie Tv'ilao district, nswly DJK3SERS Hi3 last game, 207, waa the oaly acquired frora SoTiat Russia, into PRIVATE DINING ROOMS 200 game ia tie match. Captain the Lithuanian State, it was said. 'AVA1UA3LE Jack Meioaer followed -with 4T4. The G-qvemmaat faces two jsrobThe team won its first aad third lama, ia addition ta t i e rslusee 4174 for games by fair marsias, bat. iaiisd 4\iesticn: in its seeond gaaia to loaa by 73 (1) Tie r-spai? cffiazaagsatram. pins. basaiias aad the lass of machinff-iffiEigifl ery and esiuismeat taken ta RusSam Staiaberg'a 531 waa high sia, by tie rsti-ias Soviet farce_3, for tie losers, who had tiraa 3^0 TMs problem 13 sxainly econcmio aeries to coatand with. S"iae had aad ia sow beias studied ny Sis a nlea 433 la placa secoad. Liti'aaaiaa auticxiaa. (2) Tia srei'atn c" the larss Polish minState Coal, leading ia Its first crity resentful of t i e Lithuanian 3 game by 70 piaa, found tie galas occu?atioa. Tiis is held to repreluding Hats, Drapea, rough aa taa game entsreti the aeat a senoua jsoliiical asd sectirSweaters, e t c ' last frame aad ated out its first ity question. •victory over tie T/ardrobes by City Wife PSck.Uts and Delivery only 19 2ina. At NO ASSlTiONAi. CHARGE • The second gaaie was a walius/ia&eaway, over a iandrsd plaa, hut Fart in Coatsst they weaUaned ia tivi third' to CLI losa by 50 piaa to t i e V/ardrobe Thirty-foar '• high schools in 752. Pail Katsaiaii led tie match ! t-wenty-fi-re -will ba repreaces with 513. Lloyd Bans iad ths |sented in t i eccsunties statewide essay connext best, a 453. teat sponsored by t i e Nehraaia

By Staaley Sil»araa«ti

come relief from war worry. It contains their usual howling hilarity. Highlights are Groucho's soag,'."Lydia, .tlie Tzttoed Lady" . . ' . CilcoV piaao-playins . . . Harpo's harping . . . and tae shot of Groaeio, in a quandary as to how to get a purse reposing in a lady's bosom, s t r e s s i n g Mmself to the audience, "There ought to be seme "way to get that money •without offending the Hays' office!" . '

Page 7

i far P2r*Se»-ISminiae!a. J3 Wooa fc>__2. 4 ? : 5 I -

WAR ECHOES " ' ' • your list of the horrors of modern warfare: British radio comedians are now permitted to take cracks at Hitler,.'.'. Inside information trickling out of Ger-' many over the s u b-t e r r anean grapevine is to the effect thatNJthe higher military leaders of the Nazis are getting fed up with Hitler's intereference in purely military affairs . . - : Sir Neville Henderson, pre-war British ambassador to Germany trho kno-w^ what he's talking ahont, intimates that Julius Streicner may- be a muchmalismed man . . . Sir Nevlle says that many of the anti-Jewish cruelties 'commonly Escribed to Stretcher were personally ordered by Badotf . ; . ' . ' Believe-lt-or-not department: That wide-open mon'thpieee of Nazism, the -Voelkische SeobacMeTt «till,bellows that Ger-. many is a land of justice . . . Oitr favorite trit among the commentators, - Harry HerBhfleld, uttered a nifty the other flay when he waa told of the report that Hitler'-, is. suffering from a recurrence of his old threat disease . . . "There's nothing wrong with Hitler that a funeral can't fix" was Harry's retort . . . HOS1B KEWS. • .'..'• The reason why the Refugee Conference at V a s h i n gton is something of Ta flop is because the French and British governments take the stand that after the war the minorities in Central and Eastern Europe will no longer have to seek a placs of refuge • •. -. As a matter of fact, so convinced are tha Allies that before long the Hitler government will be a thing of ths .past, that they believe that as soon as the war is over many ef the refugees who are now lookins for a home will be rushing back to Germany . . . Don't lay any bets on Hitler's death becoming; the biggest news story in the history of American., newspaperdosn . . . I t he "should die while still riding high his obituary in the- Times will be- seven columns long, and no more . . . It's all prepared" . . '. What "we personally; hops for i s a two-line item buried among the -ads in, say 19S0. saying :.*'Adol! Hitler who once fooled a lot of people died in his Eadded cell."-. - . That new Brooklyn daily which. Johannes Steel and A Spiro are reported to be launching ia, we are told, intended primarily as an election sheet, and not pro-Bopsevelt -either . . .. ^?he news that tha names of ail Father CotighUn's affiliates ^will be changed to-include the words: "•worker" and "American" is interesting indeed . . . It reminds us of the fact that the full name of tha Kazi party 3s "Nationalist Socialist Ger&an Workers' Party'".

picture into Germany territory instead of propaganda leaflets . " . . By showing them what they're missing that'll stop them from fighting, he claims . . . YOU SHOULD KKOW When the whole story, of the Joint Distribution' Committee's work in these days of crisis will be told you'll realize that its leaders deserve a whole bouquet of orchids tor one of the swellest jobs' of refugee reconstruction ever done . . . Jacob Epstein's Bust of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, which was presented to Dr., Wise by his friends, will adorn the library ot the Jewisji Institute of Beliglon . . . To those-who ask why he isn't taking the "bust home, Dr. Wise explains: "Two Wise faces in one house .would be too much for any family to bear" .-..., Justice Irving XiehmanV speech at the closing dinner of the Palestine Pavilion irra&a a -strongly- Zionistic impression-. . . The non-Zionist lead-' er feels "deeply annoyed because the Beftssee Conference at Washington didn't mention Palestine as a possible refuge . . . Nobel-Prise winner Thomas Mann visited only two pavilions at the New York World's Fair — the Soviet Pavilion-ion-i-the-bpenlng 4ay.of the esposltSon, an-d the Palestine Pavilion on:its closing day . . . T ^ s t the American Jewish Congress needs Is that rare article, a.good f und-raiEing director . « F I L M

B E P T . "




The now. Disraeli film that Hollywood is planning will studiedly ignore the "great statesman's efforts to Temove the religious disabilities against Catholics and Jews esisiting in England in his day . . . The powers that be have decided that this is no time to remind the publio of such matters . . . Greta Garbo has been picked' to" play, a comedy and her rola will be that of a woman Nazi' Official .'-.. .'If you see ths iilsn "A People Eternal," and you hear Conrad. Veldt the well-known esGerman — now British -— fflm' star, speak Yiddish, don't think, yon'ro dreaming . •.. It's a British-, produced movie, with Yil4i& di losue dubbed in . . .

J Virtuoso Emanuel Fenermann,

who possesses the last 'cello made by tha great Italian master Stradivarius, reserves an extra Pullman chair or Berth for the instrument whenever ho most travel by"train... It's insarea for §S5.— 00.0 ... . -.-Mrs. Thomas Mann's first name is Ivatia . .;.. And al-' though somo of her society Jrjgnds consider'it hishly undignified she always signs it that way • ' . . Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, who's'one of the hardestworking member? of .President Roosevelt's Cabinet, i n v a r i a b l y eats lunch in his office . . ". He There's something tragic about; feels ce can't spare the time to tio pc-^sra w£ici the Polish trav-; go out . . . Dolat put .'any stock el agency in New Xerk still fea-' in those''hopeful riuaors that are tcr_s, invr-ias." Asnisricans to visit •ho-H!,; being-whispered about that its "j-lctcrs^-'e -shd flourishing Sfi.olfem. • Asch'fi.. new". Ispok, "The ccmtry ^ . . Don't inis3 the Beceai-,; Nasarehe," will win him'the Nobel tcr issua cf Trne=Story Masasine' Prise . . . Mas • Eeinhardt'B'first . .-.Helen Yoorbs who testified grandchild will be not only Amerbefore the. Dies-Committee, tells j ican ba£ Hollywood-born'. ; . His more than -she • ever told before son Wolfgang 13 the anticipating about her experiences in a Bund father . .- - Stella Adler, daughter camp . . . And will the faces of of the late Jacob P. Adler, is goths Nazi followers of Frtiz Kuhn ing to be 'married- to Mark Lawba red when, .they read Helen's rence, the actor . . i To J"rancine confessions! I .-. The Larrimore, Afiler's niece^ will go cf New York's East 86th street the honor of stardoia in Sinclair are launching a vigorous publicity Lewis*-new play,.".. Leslie Howcampaign to clear their district ard's son, Ronald, is in aetive serof t&e pro-Nasi .stigma' bestowed Tios in the British aayy - . . Conon it by tha noisy Bund adherents Bratylations to H e n del Fisher, . . . T«TMcli reminds us of Walter general director of the Jewish NaWinchelTs new game for the Bund tional Puna, on tua r-ecayery1 of — tae Kuiia-Klus-IQKn . . . J i n - his £«n . . . Lire. Ic;cp!i" CchUd* n y r u l e r , -p-Sisly cyaaicatsi Hol- kra-at, tho fesantlfut tSosiIo -wJCc ©f lyr,-ocd colmaist surgests that Hua^ipli ScMHkraut's sen, la sa British S'cra drop BLt&y Ls^asrr's to ba vcry.c'ck . .

ISO aao so, 'i@sh at., AT Men, women onfl children Ladies' Heels,-Leather or Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INVESTIGATE OUR COMPLETE SHOE. REBUILDING SERVICES!

'It's Topcoat tisaa . . . Imported d Domestic f^brica aro in.. SEE . . •

(Uo cssh fiscl ,-witli Economy Y<m need send to Kimball to SMit Ssrrlce.

S22'CO. CSC3

carry- disceaBit GMrt ScrricsJ no other itebts Uso Economy

'.'.C B. S473.

National^ Adviaiised Midnds 'of Watches^

Dcsf, Pork, Mutton*, Nsm Chicken . . . ".luctsrcj Grccr.s, Navy Cosns . . , Corn tsread, Cvvsst P i to Pie—Peach end l

.... / f H H l . .-•

Marry O .

Are Invited to

Ifealtis and Bcaaty'o . Salts SENATE - o t fj« Opttnlcg.Bt:

.©pHcsl 'Swifleo.',-'.. . -.':w,- -. Gopa Glajssa Csst S*ss

y and y Sc&oo! IKtes-SSc School {dtsatifivatiozt • - 20e 33 Ufi

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SIXTSSN-I^CHEt—While European .war, orders that,may total-'$*! .O'OO.OOO.OOO probably will be placed in the.United States, es resuJtoT-arms embargo repeal, Britain's own factories continue to rush her demands. Hera's a 16-inchf naval gun being machined in a British ordnance works.



E2,TK.'P.?55S^—\YJ?ether it's-Koy. 23 or 3ttyou celebrate_jjs_. TBin^SiaivlRq Day^-=or":&oth-i-tfe?a eresome pri'me-whlteJufkeys-: laiTaafSg'fcCtHa tabja. "Anna Louise Watson-of 'ftencliriTcJc r SpriAjs'.looks ovor thi$~So5jtheru Indiana flock. ' : - \ v ; - . -.;





IS IT COi11TiABAf<19?—Contraband control officer in undisclosed French seaport checks cargo of neutral vessel, to ascertain if it is contraband. Many such cargoes are confiscated.




IN HONCRSS 31C.1Y—Efforts ^o ssf th« world at peace by ii^hKti^ a WJI* "to enJ wars" s^em futile, In view ol presanKJjy Javelopmea^s. 3u^ Armistice Day still brings Hs renewed benediction for the men who gave ihair lives and to those who still sailer. Top paiiai shows fha Tamb of the Unknown Soldier i.i Arlington Na*:cnal Cemetery — "Isi hodoreJ glory an American

Soldier known bat to God." Canter Salt, gaa crew of D bartary, 105th ragtmaat Field ArritSvary, 75th Division, after firing last shot, at Etraye, Francs. Right center, cress marking graye of Hugh McXenna, in 3el!ea*j Wood cetnetsry, who was k!!!sd on Armistice Day. Bottom, "Monsieur Georges" has a museum of war relics around his cottage in the Zone Rouge.



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C O 3 C©?:?2K5*3CS—War probbm might be settled asy minute naw by this London trio. From left: Winston,Churchill, Fi?st Lord of Admiralty; Sir John Simen, Chancellor-of Exchequer, and Sir John GiUmour, Shipping Minister.

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REPLY — Priest Tiso who recently became President of Nazi Slovakia, sent, a message of homage to Pope Pius. But ha sent a similar message to Hitler and the Pope is believed offended and not to reply.

ICES C M l ^ l i — B e l i t t a Jepson Turner, 16, British ice-skating star who arrived in New York recently, gets into action on a New York rink. She-won highest European award, Gold Medal test, when she was only 10 years old.



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?A'slla£B DAS^tiZi—Exclusivo picture -from French Front shows two hpslcy French poilus beldifig; tattered banner fhey found in German Vlilago captured during recent drive Into German territory, VilJags was deserted by Nazis-ahoad of sJriyoi French censor-passod picture. . BIstr.-by Uoitsd-Cestoro SynSloate, T&s.


THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1939 Judith Epstein (now ex-president) Wilno and filed the story of the man into a gossip monger by siraas she master-ol-cermonied the ply exchanging the respective colhas, ^overtaken banquet Then again, it was Jewry, after wandering through umn headings At least one The Varieties Club, sponsored The Deborah Society will hold probably the simple unaffected Poland seven weeks . . . The story, unit of the SteubenSociety g Steuben-Society by the Jewish Community Center its next meeting on Tuesday, No- fervor of the ladies in toto as they by the by, might well have been given convincing proof that it will for business girls, will hold Us vember 14, at 2 o'clock at the proclaimed their love for Rabbi captioned Mozes in the Wilder- have none of Nazi racialism . . •. next meeting at the Center Wed- Jewish Community Center. Plans Stephen S. Wise and Palestine by Tbo General Custer unit recently nesday, November 15, at 6:30 p. will be made at that time for the pledging to buy thousands of trees ness announced its endorsement ot Sidm. This meeting will be in the annual card party. for a forest in his name . . * • . . LIT'RY NOTE: The.latest Brit- ney Tartikoff, a JeVfr as Judge for form of a chummy snpper. Miss Mrs. J. Bernstein is president Whatever it was that did it. Pap- ish White Book is again mis- the sixth municipal court district Eva May Ruderman, program and Mrs. C. S. Ross, secretary of py Peters fell head over heela named. . . The last, one, many peo- in Brooklyn . . . ENGAGEMENT AXXOUXCED MISS SALTZMAX'S chairman, announces that an en- the Deborah Society. Mr. and Mrs. Isador Ziegler ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED with a group of women whom he ple felt, should have been called tertaining and interesting evening announce the engagement of their finds lovely in person, refreshing tbo Black Book Tlie engagement of Miss BorThis one, has been arranged. daughter, Miss Louise "eanna oi othe Saltaman, daughter of Mr. In manner, indomitable in spirit, which recounts the sadistic torThe Varieties Club offers a wide energetic la action, intelligent and tures visited upon inmates of Nazi Chicago, to Leo Rossmaa Gross and Mrs. Charle3 Saltzinaa of range of activities to business completely self-sacrificing in apof Chicago, son oi Mrs. Benjamin Couacil Bluffs, to Mr. Alfred camps, should bo By Mra. Wm. Gray girls. It is an informal organizaThe Rummage Sale conducted proach and entirely successful in concentration Gross of Selma, Ala. Sokol, son of Mr. and Mra. L called the Blood Book • < •' tion headed by a program commitby the Women's Mlzrachi opened Mias Ziegler, wio is a gradu- Sokol, of Omaha, was announced In strangest irony. their goal If Pappy tee which plans programs and Monday at 816 No. 16th St. Mrs.attaining had his way he'd turn over all Together wo stand. ate ef Wellesley college, attended Tuesday evening at a birthday MISH-MASH: That Rome shakeevents of all kinds. Anyone interJoe Tuchman and Mrs. A. G. Jewish organizations extant to Ha- up. Ed. Kleinlerer, our former The Poles and v/o Jews the School for Social Service Ad- dinner given in Miss Saltsman's ested is invited to join this group. Weinstein are in charge. dassah control and let the chips To defend the land. ministration at the University oj honor. For further information call the Members of the organization fly where they may . . . And Pap-Rome correspondent feels may Miss Saltaaian ia a graduate of Chicago. Mr. Gross attended Vanwell make tho racial laws a dead Jewish Commnnlty Center, Jackhaving bundles are asked to leave py isn't a Zionist, either . . . But yesterday we . « e r b i 11 university, Nashville, the Abraham Lincoln High school, They won't be openly Were son 1366. them at the store. letter spat on and driven. •Tenn.. and is a graduate of the Couacil Bluffs. Her fiance atrepealed, they'll simply bo forgotUniversity of Chicago law school. tended the Lea Angeles Art instiBANQUET S I D E L I G H T S : ten . . . A cousin of Ed's, incident- To be free of the Jews He ia a member of the Zeta Beta tute after his graduation from Among.things Peters enjoyed at ally, is the wife of Corrado Pav- Tho Poles prayed to heaven the Sioux City Central H i g h Tau fraternity. the banquet beside the chicken . . ollni, who .is brother to Alessandro Mrs. Wise's stage whisper to Pavolini, the new Minister of Pop- And now together we march The wedding 13 planned for the school. The Tau Delta Sigma, a newly A regular meeting of the Bikur .orating No defiaita wedding plaa3 hays S. S. to "finish up Steve, ular Culture,. . . She is Aliza Rle- To the front Hno of battle latter part of December. organized sorority for girls of Cholim Society will be held Monpour out our blood been made. high school age, sponsored by the day, November 13, at 2 o'clock or you'll delay the planting of the ti, who conies from one of the And Like slaughtered cattle most distinguished Jewish familJewish Community Center, held That not-too-chaste at the Jewish Community Center. trees." BETROTHAL TOLD GOUMJN-POSXJBR kis3 S. s; gave Mrs. Herman Shulies in Ancona-. . . The Minister's its second meeting on Sunday, The drawing will take place at Mrs. Rose Glazer announces Mr. and Mrs. Sam Poster anHadassah treasurer vrho father tea professor of Sanskrit Our men dig trenches. November 5, at the Center. this meeting. Members are re- man, toe engagement of her daughter. nounce made the foreat-pre.sentation at Florence University, and one of Oh, they dig a grave the marriage of their The following o f f i c ers were quested to bring tickets and stubs. Alias Mollye Glaaer. to Mr. Elmer daughter, Toby, to Mr. Howard v say the death prayer elected: President, Harriet GeifWise's neutrality his most Intimate friends is. Prof. And speech "I Dr. Plans will be m a d e for a slogan: Rimerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Golden, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. To make them brave. don't care whether Umberto Casuto. professor of Seman. Vice President, Martha ZusJewish show. • Morris Rimerman. France or England wins the final mitics at the came school Th Golden of Chicago. man, Secretary, Betty Kuklin, The No wedding data has been set. victory." . . . H i s reference to Minister has traveled widely in In strangest irony Tha marriage took place on Treasurer, Pauline Falk, and SerMrs. Al M. Elewlia Junior Hadassah Mrs. Epstein as "the incarnation eastern Europe, has many con- Together we die. geant at Arms, Etta Marcus. The October 2S. The couple will reof the best in Hadassah." . . . The tacts among Jewish intellectuals The Poles and we Jews ANNOUNCE BETROTHAL president appointed a . program side in Chicago. A former Omahan and a recent A regular meeting of Junior revelation that Mrs. Wise was re- and Mr. and Mrs. M. Speckter ancommittee consisting of Martha is known to be something of a Together wo lie. bride is Mrs. Al M. Elewitz, who Zusman, chairman, Lenore Simon, Hadassah will be held Monday sponsible for getting the former nounce the engagement of their AA'XOUXCE EXGAGEVISXT • philosemlte . .,Bernie Postal, re- Our loved ones wander was Miss Pearl B. West before Corinne Wohlner, and Jeannette evening at 7:45 at the Jewish Palestine High Commissioner Sir plying to a .recent daughter, Adeline, o£ Washington, aside, reports Mr. and Mrs. . Abraham Radher marriage on the evening of Community Center. Mrs. I. H. Arthur Grenf ell W a u c hope to that Leroy Monsky, former AI1- Hand in hand D. C , formerly of Omaha, to SidTuritz. man annouee the engagement of October 17 in the Beth HaiaeLevin of Pittsburgh, Pa., will be build a good road up the side ot Amerlcan at Alabama, and Hubert Through the coldness and rain ney L. Snelder o^ Miami, Florida, This committee will plan a var- guest speaker. their daughter, Elizabeth, to Ben drosh Hagodol synagogue in Den- iety the Mt. of Olives to the Jewish Monsky, footballing son of the Of a desolate land. eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sneider. of programs for the year Apelson of Sioux City, Ia. ver, Colo. Plans are going ahead for the cemetery Mjss Speckter attended tbe XJaiwhich will include several social Daniel Persky, tho B'nai B'rith Prexy, are cousin . . The newly weds sojourned in and cultural activities. Junior Hadassah annual winter Hebrew journalist, winning a bet '. Jerome Frank, -we hear, has de- Robert de Reddinge, an English yersity of Omaha where she waa No wedding date has been set. Colorado and Nebraska for two formal which will be held De- at the press table on the vintage cided to give up his proposed book Dominican, in 1275 became a eona member of Alpha Gamma Chi Girls interested in this club are cember weeks following their wedding be- asked 27 at the Paxton hoteL sorority. Mr. Sneider is a graduof a certain Jewish. Russian en- on integration of the Jew into vert to Judaism. His case is beto call the Jewish Communfore departing for Minneapolis, ity Center for further information. ate of Oglethorpe University iu cyclopedia Lou Rlttehberg the Ameican scen Condol- lieved to have been one of ih« scene. Minn., where they are making New members are invited to come Georgia, At present he is attendproudly unveiling a gorgeous pre- encesAmerican t o , George Joel, editor of principal causes of the expulsion Sheldon K a u f m a n set the ing the National Law School in freshman an example by hi3 ap- their home at the Hotel Francis to the next meeting which will be view eopy of the new Universal Dial Press on the death of his of tho Jews from England. Drake. .Washington. Jewish Encyclopedia . . . Mrs. held on Sunday, November 19, at Dr. Samuel • Jurovlcs, to Pershing Rifles and The wedding will take place ou pointment Mrs. Elewitz i3 the daughter 3 p. m. After this meeting memWise, after seeing the Rabbi kiss mother Hebrew scholar formerly of Berthe Crack Squad, an honorary December 23 in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Sam West of bership will be limited beeause of Mrs. Shulman, opening her brief lin, has recently arrived and is A Camp Surgical Supmilitary organization. The Crack of talk -with "I rise with mingled trying to interest someone in pub- port and Bodies Typa Denver, and Mr. Elewitz Is the the size of the club. Squad in particular is composed emotion of pride and jealousy." lishing a bible in Hebrew . . . He ANNOCXCE 311T2VAH of those men who have attained son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elewitz . . . Ah, a great gang, Hadassah— is deeply annoyed py the fact that Brafsstero d © si g B ed . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofslcy a high degree of proficiency in of Omaha. Ged bless 'em . . . there are no Hebrew bibles extant to lift and hold Heavy announce the Bas Mitavah of their the manual of arms. in this country that have not been daughter, Ruth, this evening at Robert Cohen received his apThe Cultural group of the OmaANTIQUE NOTE: The JTA of- priftted from plates supplied by Abdominal the Beth El synagogue. pointment a3 first lieutenant in ha Section of the National Counfice was Tisited the other day by the British Bible Society, a non• Mr. and Mrs. Kulakofsky will the e n g i n earing corps as did Girl Scout Troop No. 4 o f t h e cil of Jewish Junior met Tuesday a lovejy old couple from Warsaw Jewish institution . . . The Boston receive at the synagogue in honor Leonard Priedel in the Infantry Free Consul, . . .Benjamin Mintz^ the well- Jewish A d v o c a t e has turned of their daughter. No invitations Division and Irvin Sherman ia Jewish Community Center will evening with Rabbi Isaiah RackBOOK REVIEW hold a Court of Awards on Sun- ovsky as guest speaker. known antique dealer and former whimsical . . . Last week the tatlon by Exhave been issued. the Artillery. Robert Cohen also day, Some say that Asch November 12, at 3 p. m. at The formal dance will be held chairman of the Jewish National make-up editor turned Peters Into pert Trained was elected as secretary of the the Center. Was rather rash Dolores Cohn will tomorrow night at 9 p. m. A good Fund (n Poland, and his wife.. a rabbi and Rabbi Louis I. NewSociety of American Military Sa- preside as mistress VISITS WOODBINE L.ady AttendTo write "The Nazarene," of ceremonies orchestra, a fortune teller, and an The Mlntzes are currently display gineers. Bat as tor me Miss Doris Gilinsky spent the and will introduce the various enjoyable evening all are promisant ing their beautiful' collection of •week-end visiting in Woodbine, j In the recent campus election, speakers. Members of the troop ed. Paid-up members and their esIt gives me glee Jewish ceremonial objects •—"evla. Ernest Wiatroub played a great -will present a skit entitled "The corts are eligible to attend. To state the book is keen erything for the Jew from his part in tha campaign for the Lib- Spirit of Scouting." following Girls interested in attending the Birthday to his death day" — at Collections of Unique RETURN FROM ROCK ISLAND* eral 'Faction. Bue to his efforts, the program, tea will be served. sewing group on November 15 are LOVE STORY: This week's col* the Jewish Theological Seminary Diamond Engagetaept, Mrs. J. Fregger and daughter, the majority of campus officers, Mrs. Arthur Cohn and Mrs. David asked to call Leah Oberaan. Wa. yum was to be devoted largely to . . . The collection, incidentally, is Lorraine, returned last week-end running under the Liberal baa- Blacker will pour tea. The mem- 1407. The group will meet at her comment on Sholem Asch's novel for sale as a unit (500 pieces) but Wedding and Anniverfrom Rock Island, where Miss xer, were elected. Leading the bers of the troop will act as host- home, 431S Dodge, at 8 p. m. sary Ringd, individual* "The Nazarene" (Putman) . , . the price puts i t beyond the reach Compsmg STegger was entertained in honor j rally Monday night Ernie spoke esses. Which, as far as this impression- of any tyit the wealthiest of colly desigood and priced Inc. of her engagement to Julius R. j for the candidates at the various able reader has read of it, Is just with good old-fashionTwenty-seven Girl Scouts of . Mr. lectors or institutions Kaplan. • . j sorority houses visited. about the finest thing within covTroop No. 4 enjoyed an overed moderation. Mintz refuses to break up the colPhysicians1, Fifteen of tha brothers return- night hike at C^mp Jay-C-C in era these days . . . But we were lection, although he has had sev- Convenient Terma Can Bo Nurses', ANNOUNCE BIRTH "' ed from last week's trip ot Mis- Louisville last week-end. The About 300 members and friends sidetracked . . . By some. 85,000 eral Hoftpit&l and attractive offers for a numArr&ntjed at Mo Estra Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wayne souri for the game and reported hike proved to be a most enjoy- attended the Annual Dinner of •women . . . With -whom we have ber of Sick' fJopm the items . . . Coaft announce the birth of a 3on, an excellent time wa3 had by all able and successful event, beeause the Chesed Shel Ernes, held on collectively fallen in love . . • . Supplies Philip, at St. Joseph hoapital on regardless of the fact that Nebra- It afforded the girls a new out-Sunday night. This was the larg- Theyy are the -women nt Sadassafc BIBLICAL NOTE: The Pulitzer ska wasn't as successful as usual. door experience. est attendance. November 2. . . Whom we have suddenly forei-sn correspondence Mr. Nathan Yaffe was toast- covered to be as charming, person- Prls© for • Mrs. Wayne is the former 3eu- Alpha Theta ean now announce While at camp, the scouts laid Aits B!ds. Omaha <Jo ViOr^f t h a i he ' 1 the completion of the ejEterior of COu < J laa 'hiked and cooked over an master of the annual, occasion.. able and lovable a group ot gala Phono ATtantlc CS23 T its new house. Work has begus in trails, Mozf, .ip J Tn\ '— — — open fire. Skits -were presented Reports indicated that the organ- as we have ever fallen in love with to our own l'Td"*l tjrp>d Mr. and Mrs. Irving Greene an- earnest on the interior and the by each of the six patrols. Bach isation con tinned to perform an (g y) p (again collectively) It hapnounce the birth of a son, Sunday entire third floor is plastered with girl also passed at least one test An address was delivered by Rab- pened at the Hotel Aator banquet operations continuing both for a merit badge while at camp.. bi Isaiah Rakovsky. The Annual climaxing the 25th annual conven] morning, November 5, at the the night and day so that the mem'Methodist hospital. for this activity, as well important service to the commun- tion of the women's Zionist organbers may move in by Thanksgiv- as Awards l ization It wasn't the excellent for other achievements, will be ity. Music for the dinner wa3 furn- food that did it, either presented at the Court of Awards , Mr. and Mrs. Karl Lagman an- ing. Per* • i i •—.) r\ \f —« to be held on Sunday, November ished by Cantor E. Seltz, who was haps it was the presence at the jDounce the birth of. a daughter on 3-.—*~s j • . tcherc good clothes cost less, hi d h t press table of Niana Bfownstone, daughter, ;Thursday, November 2, at the 12. The troop at present has a accompanied by his Shirley. strikingly handsome, raven-hairLutheran hospital. long waiting list and plans are ed, dark-eyed and efficient pubUc* Mrs. Irving Benolken, local ar- being made for the formation of • . juol inside the 16th Street ity agent for Hadassah . . . Oy JOSLYN MEMORIAL Ladies Free Loan tiat, spoke Monday at the regular a Brownie Girl Scout Pack to ormaybe it was the simple charm At 2:30 Sunday in the Lecture meeting of the Templa Israel Sis- ganize the younger girls who are Hall of the Joslyn Memorial three terhood on "Our Stats Through interested in scouting. A board meeting of the Ladies and the sparkling wit of President, entrance and Dotcn! Use your ,. .- .. . — r » . >, •'•; i. • '"> sound- films on Hawaii will be Artist's Eyes." The talk was ilFree Loan Society will be held i shown. A lecture on "Hamlin lustrated by special colored slides Wednesday, November 15, at 2 p. YOUR INSURANCE BROKER Garland — Pioneer and Back- prepared by Miss Dorothy Hansea m. at the home of S. Mogil, 2012 Herzberg charge account! trailer" will be given by Dr. H. of the Joslyn Memorial. No. 22nd St. At a meeting of the Auxiliary VICE-PRESIDENT H. Waggoner at 0:30. At 4 o'clock Mrs. Richard K. Einstein openan organ recital will be given by ed the meeting with a prayer. of the United Orthodox CongregaAcknowledgement CITY FlitAffCE Martin W. Bush. Assisting will be Mrs. J. J. Klein presented a selec- tions, it wa3 decided that the '-INSURANCE' CO, -. Miss Peggy Kennedy, violinist, tion entitled, "Why Jews are Like organisation undertake superviThe Center Library acknowand Miss Evelyn Smith, accompan- This." Program chairman was sion of the social part o£ the serv- ledges with thanks the gift from Representing 21 Strong Companle* for the children of the City A~Complete Insiiranci Eervlco iat. Mrs. David H. Wice. Mrs. B. L. ices Junior Council of Omaha," Talmud Torah which takes place the CAUL AT 7657 or WA B1«J Wolf presided at the business at "Tha Brothers Ashkenazi" ty I. J "THE SETTLEMENT COUNT the B'nai Israel synagogue. HONORED AT WKLLESLEX meeting and reported on the dis- Mrs. Singer. Dave Crounse is chairman Miss Beth Kulakofsky, who i3 trict meeting*-of the National Fedattending Wellesley college, waa j eratian ot Temple S i s terhoods of this activity. For the first one of the five freshman chosen h e i a r e c e ntly in Kansas City. At Sabbath, November 11, Mrs. N. to serve on the college Publicity that meeting the Temple - Israel Levinson will be hostess. The* auxiliary also announced a Board. This group send3 news re- Si3terhood was honored by the leases to hometown newspapers. election of one oi it3 members contribution of $10 to the Jewish Fund through, the WomMrs. Ben Silver a3 district presi- National en's Mlzrachi for the perpetuaBAR MITZVAH dent. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raanick anPreceding the meeting a lunch- tion of the name of the late Mrs. nounce the Bar Mitavah of their eon was served by a committee R. Schwaczkin. Mrs. Schwaczkin's son, Aaron, tomorrow, November headed by Mra. Mollie Cohen. As- name will be inscribed in the 11, at 10 a. m. at the Beth El sisting her were Mesdames M. I. Golden Book. . . You ffon'f Love.a At the meeting the panel disSynagogue. Gordon, Fred Eiikan, Fanny B. cussion on "Jew3 and the Sec. . You Haven'* Boon Welling A reception will bo held Sun- Kuh, Harry Shumow, and B. L. ond World War" was held. Mrs. day, November 12, at 3021 So.Wolf. for a Hare €oaf Vela®! Louis Zabel was chairman. Mrs. 32nd St., from 3 to i> and from Sidney Katlesnan and Mrs. David 7 to 9. Friends and relatives are Katleman • participated. cordially invited. Congregation of Israel

Recant Bride •

Varieties Club



Women's tAvorachi

Tau Delta Sigma

Bikur Cholim

Zeta Beta Tau

Junior Council

Girl Scouts


Chesed Shel Ernes



Orthodox Auxiliary


* * ***# (Q W O "*-* W •

Kitchen Chats By Mrs. David 51. Newisia APPLE FRITTERS :. 1 cup flour. 1 teaspoon baliias powder. 2 tablespoons sugar. ^4 teaspoon, salt. 1 egg. % cup milk. 3 apples. Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, salt. Add apples, chopped, then beaten egg and milk. Drop la hot Crisco, serve with sauce: 1 cup brown sugar. 1 tablespoon Hour. 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup boiling wata.". i/a teaspoon vunilU. Cook 3 t 5 minates.


The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Congregation of Israel will hold its first meeting of the season on Monday, November 13, at 2 p. m. in the club rooms of the synagogue, Twsnty-fifth and J streets. All members are urged to attend as plans for future activities will be made at this time. A social hour and tea will follow the meeting.

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non-Zionist, called Palestine "a ion's most precious treasures, have compelled others to resort soul reveal the true greatness of symbol of the Jews' resolute will naa, and the grandeur of that ;o it. . • . . , t0 live until a better day, which Germany which is now so brutalmust come." When will men really learn that "War is a relic of bar- ly *suppressed. Alas, they also' reDr. Mann -was presented with veal the gullibility of an Infinite arism! That it is -wholesala murder, that all war is Civil number of Intelligent men who a Palestinian Bible, and Dr. Wise PUSUIiSHSD SVSPtY PWIOAY A t OMAHA. NEBRASKA, 3Y "War, that in war man rise3 up as Cain in the field and kills trusted the word of a madman, Paris (JTA) — French news- with a bust of himself by Jacob •SWM JEWISH PSSS3 PUBLISHING COMPANY Orthodox and for which error Europe is papers reported that all " Jews, Epstein. Other speakers were 0819 hel, his "brother! All war is fratricidal. All shedding of now paying an enormous price in aUIS3CI«!f»T!ON At the late service this even- oles and political prisoners in Dr. Israel Goldstein, who presid! !ood in war is sinning against our own blood! All mangling human blood and in destruction Ing Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will the German concentration camps ed, Lpula LlpBky and Meyer W. speak oa,"Peace, War, and theof Dachau, Oranlenburg and Pa-Weisgal. B£0ITO«(Ai. CS»*!sSS! SS9 8 » A N D £ i 3 T H S A T S a SUtLDINQ ol moral values. "••'.': f flesh ia war is the mangling—tearing and torturing—of our Jews." - - • : •• - • •.-.WOUX CITY OFPJCE—J2WI3H COMMUNITY CSNTSa penburg were being forced to pro>\va flesh. All killing in war is suicide! Moral as well as duce poison gas. The camps have DAVID BLACKSa » Buaiaeaa a a i MaaagSas Sdltsr The City Talmud Torah serv- been transformed into "prohibitiysical suicide, the killing of our own ideals, of the highest ices for children are held every ed cities," the reports said. USONASa NATHAN . . . . . . . Sditas of-civilisation, of our noblest aspirations,-of our Saturday morning at 10 o'clock At the same time, reports said, RABBI FSSDSSIICS COHM Ccatributiaa S&iter at the Congregation B'nai Israel, Jews in Nazi-occupied G a 11 c i a New York (JTA)-—-Organiza• • • Bees Sditcr humanitarian conceptions! RABBI THSUS0I13 N. L3WI3 » • • Eighteenth and Chicago streets. were undergoing tortures. In the •. Soelai? Editor FRANCES Bi*ACiesa Mr. Judah L. Wolf son is in township of Sanok, the entire tion of a non-sectarian group com"Thou shalt sot Mil" is a precept man shall yet learn and approximately 25 organizcharge. Sious City Corresseadeat practice. Life is sacred. It is, divinely mysterious. It is the MORR13 Ai32N3S2Sa « - » Jewish population was forced out prising ations of refugees,in this country These, services are followed by by the Nazis to do street labor in D0&0TH3 3ALT3MAN - • • Coaacil Bluffs a membership of about 15,ource and foundation of continued existence. It is the silken the discussion of current events their underwear in cold weather, with 000 was announced by Dr. Man-" and a social hour at which reit was reported, later being forced :ord, so tenuous, so tender, that holds the jewels of all our tred George, German- Jewish jourO r g a n ize Movement to freshments are served. All chil- to bathe in the frigid water of the naliBt. tThe oys, tha pearls of all that is so infinitely precious, the sapphires dren are invited and welcome. local river. Large numbers of Jews Register Property • The purpose of the group, to be This week Irving Witkln will were forced to do road-building Exactly what Germany is planning with her so-callad Jew- of all our flaming sorrows. What infinite folly, as well as Seized. act as cantor; Leonard Potash work under the severest treatment known as the "Immigrants' ConMi state • in the region, sear Lublia still remains to be seen. atuous madness, to sever the cord of life, in unnecessary, will read the Torah, and Lincoln on the road between Radomsko ference 1939," was stated to be co-ordination of the: component FRANCE T O ASSIST and Miechov, it was reported. Klaver will deliver the sermon. Poles living in th« district are being uprooted from ancestral killing I organizations f o r common tasks homps and rutMessly shipped off to other Polish, districts. and for the general representation Oae day man will learn to do away with war through By BORIS SMOLAR Temple of their varied interests. The conOa the other hand Jews from various places in the Eeich associations of 'understanding, through leagues of friendship, Tonight at Bervlces Rabbi David T. A. Chlet European Corres> ference will co-operate 'With existH. Wise will discuss as his serand the Protactorats of Bohemia-Moravia are packed on cattle hrough union and eo-operation instead of senseless division, ing- American refugee-aid; groups. ponderit •• mon "The Armistice Comes • of Members of the executive committrains and carried to Lublin. Originally only Jews of Polish needless widening of rifts, intensifying and inflaming of hates, Paris (JTA) An organized Age." New York (JTA) — Conviction tee include Mme. Irene Harand, origin were to be transplanted, but passports no longer show rivalries and suspicions; in bridging all chasms with love, in movement for registration of Jewthat the Jewish Palestine Pavil- founder of the World Movement Beth El property confiscated by the This evening at services, Ruth, ion at the World's Fair will be Against Race Hatred Dr. Wilfred place of origin and whole communities from Moravia, some ostsring and strengthening of mutual appreciation, deepening ish Nasis either in the Reich or in oc- daughter Mr. and Mrs. J. H. reopened next year was expressed C. Huelse, chairman, a n d Dr. cupied Poland, looking to repara- Kulakotskyofwill very ancient, have been, removed to the Lublin area. human sympathy, buttressing.the solidarity of mankind. become Bas Mltz- by Dr. Stephen S. Wise at a din- George. tions after the war is ended, was vah. She will participate in the ner in the Fair Administration The purpose a£ this reservation as told in German papers Soaa day there shall be a real '"Armistice Day;" when aunched here, 'stimulated by pub- service and read special selections In 1882 twenty families of winding up the pavilion's ication of a decree in the French from the Bible in Hebrew and building Jews organized the colony of Cre-. is that the Reich seeks a bu£f«r state en its eastern frontier. arms will be truly stacked; when instead of conyerting junk Official activities for the season. About Gazette ' o r d e r i n g all mieux in South Dakota, 75 Jewish leaders were present. But of what strategic value is such a state if ii3 inhabitants and scrap iron aad metals into munitions and instruments of Frenchmen forced to leave Ger- English. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will Guests of honor were Thomas many to register their war losses are so opposed to Germany they would not he at all Icathe to destruction—and human bodies into junk and the flowers of against the Reich with a special deliver the sermon and Cantor Mann, th'«. author, who declared For Rent-—two farnUhed being the gateway for an Invading army? our youth into cannon-fodder—as the inspired Hebrew prophet office established at the French 'Aaron Edgar will lead the service. that Nazi anti-Semitism "signifies rooms, kitchenette, heat, Aaron Leon, son of Mr. andan assault upon Christianity it- electricity, water, telephone Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mrs. J. Raznick, will chant Kld- self," and Judge Irving Lehman, provided. The primary reason for this "reservation" — regardless of said centuries ago: "Swords shall be beaten into plough-shares WE 3527. It 13 estimated that there are dush In observance of his Barwho, while terming himself a official explanations — is to counter-act the world-wide repug- and spears into pruniag-hooks," the implements of death into n France more than 20,000" Jew- MItzvah. • nance oec'asioned by Germany's brutal pogromist policy. The ;he instruments and instrumentalities of life, of a nobler, a ish refugees from Germany whose After the service Mr. and Mrs. fortunes, were seized by the Nazi will receive in honor Nazis can now point out to the world how well they treat the richer, a more satisfying existence: plenty and prosperity the regime and it is pointed out that Kulakofsky of their daughter. the case of France against Gercrowning blessings ol a universal and enduring peace. Jews found within their borders. They have 3et aside a fine piece many in the matter of reparations "When the dram shall throb no longer, and the battle jpf territory where Jews can go, where they will elect their own will be greatly strengthened if all Saturday morning services will the property of Polish, Czech and 9:45.'Aaron Raznick will jpidminsstrative officials and live a life of cultural autonomy. f l a p fea furled. German Jews who were compelled lead the service. Mr. and Mrs. to flee the Reich is added to the Raznick will receive the congre"la fee PariSauiest of Han, the Federation of the It will likewise serve 33 an excellent piece of propaganda in claims of French citizens-against gation at Kiddush after the servWerld." the Moalem world where the German agents can -say to the ice in honor of their son's Bar Germany. MItzvah. 'Arabs, "we offer the Jews land without the necessity o£ theisr A statement Issued by organizaNext "Week tions interested in securing reparXba Nebraska's Boys* Store Is tmOsr ea obligation to interfering with the national ambitions of the people of Main,," Next Friday evening Rabbi Isations from Germany for confisi- rael t&a boys of this community to serve the known best M. Goldman of Temple EmmanOf almost equal importance, the region will he a "reservoir" cated or destroyed Jewish proper- uel. Providence, R. I., will be the quality at lowest possOsga prica. That's Nebraska ty emphasizes that the claims of speaker at services. leadership. lor.the Jews of Germany, Austria, tha Protectorate, and PoGerman citizens against France land. Despoiled of their possessions, denied the very means of total more than those of French By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS citizens against Germany, since a livelihood, these Jaws can no longer emigrate. Ships, like the pnly a small number of FrenchB, Brooklyn, N. Y. "St. Loujs" cannot ba sent abroad to dump refugees in other men resided in the Reich. Plan Work on Farms lands. It is necessary to get the Jews-out of the sight of the •I "WAS IX 3PS53SQN" (The Sap- Christianity and of Judaism, and Meanwhile, negotiations have people of the Keich, for there are Germans who cannot see a By Or. Philip She? pressed letters of Imprisoned promises to eliminate these de- been started between the French Pastors). With laterp?etatiiOB3 cadent influences from Germany, authorities and the ORT, organi% people die of starvation — even though their treatment is an by C&arlea S. Ma«Fafflaad. if and -when he should be in pow- zation for Jewish vocational trainofficial government poliey. To Lublin, now go the Jews who in BIBLE KLEMDfG H. RETELL COM- er. This contempt for Christian- ing, for utilization of the large For the poor shall never cease ity receives a pseudo-philosophi- number of Jewish refugees In PANY, 108 PAGES. peacetime would have been forced over the borders. cal basis at the hands of the lead- France for agricultural work, to, put of the land. Therefore I-comConsidering the Nazi policies of the past seven years, nothing theoretician of National ao- assist French farmers whose labor mand thee, saying: . "Thou shalt This tooofc i3 restarkabia for ing but +he very worst can be esspected of any Germaa plan several reasons. First, and pre-cialiam, Alfred Rosenberg, who hands have been mobilized. Suc- surely open thy ihand unto thy villifies the Christian faith and cessful experiments were conduct- poor and needy brother in thy e= ia regarding the Jews. "Whatever the announced intention of eminenUy, it ia a record of mar- besmirches to martyra and heroes, ed this month by the ORT In or-land." tyrdom for conscieaea sake. The ganizing refugee women and Justice shalt thou pursue, that Hitler in providing this area for Jewish settlement, to the Jews heroism of tha imprisoned- Ger- not sparing even the person of Khhers at $11.75 to $18 to help In harvesting thou mayest live and inherit the man miaiatsps, tha authors cf Jesu3. To have expected these youngsters it can only mean further degradation. land, which the Lord giveth thee. these letters, their defiance of Hit- neurotics to save Christianity was grapes In French wineyards. Every smart ,new 1940 ?"-"• Thou shalt not remove thy ler, at enormous sacrifice to them- tha sheerest folly. The Nazi reThe French authorities are unstyle in single and douselves, and to their dear ones, tes- gime Is inherestly anti-Christian derstood to be very sympathetic neighbor's landmark which they ble-breasted sport back tifies to th« divine ia man. Notand cannot tolerate an institution towards the ORT agricultural pro- of old times have set in thine InHitler, but they, represent Ger- •which recognizes allegiance, to a ject, especially since It would help heritance which thou shalt inherit models . . . new greens, On November 11, 1918, a war-weary world turned from its many at its hest and neblesi. Ger- moral law, which values right and solve the problem of the many in the land. browns, blueB, grays . . . That which is gone out of thy truth a3 supreme ends. Dr. Macthousands of Jewish refugees still Ofgy of killing to reconstruction. It wa3 not merely a task of many 13 betas re&senied by the solid and fancy mixturei. lips thou shalt observe and do. agony and tears and suffering of farland, concludes, alas, too late, held in French isolation centers. TALMUD jNjbuilding areas devasted by guns, but of adjusting the entire these, her noblest sons. Sizes 10 to 20. that "Nazi policies are like those The negotiations, which were in"The Jewish nation Is recogA second, and lesser, reason for of hated Soviet Russia, except that itiated by Dr. Leon Bramson, social system, of adapting a continent to conditions occasioned the importance of this volains ia in Russia there 13 far more hon- chairman of the xeceutive commit- nized by three characteristic feajby the conflict. But Europe had been willing to make ts sacri- the confession of Dr. Macfarland, esty in the effort to exterpate tee of the World ORT Union, were tures. They are merciful, chaste, fices because the hope persisted that from the chaos would grow .mplieit in this book, that the pol- Christianity." So heavily did thebeing supported by French states- and charitable. Whoever possesses icy of appeasement and concilia- fear of Communism rest on themen, and it was believed that they these characteristic features it is Nebraska • new era of understanding, would arise a new age of eternal tion which he and others advocat- German pastors, that they flocked would be successful, thus bring- befitting to associate with, but whoever possesses not these charing relief to the interned refugees, in large numbers to the Nazi ed when. Hitler tooS power ha3 peace. STUDENT SUITS proven a tragic failure. Tha es-standard and heralded the victory who will be put on probation in acteristic features, it is npt approThe anniversary of Armistice Day, tomorrow, is a sad re- sentially ayil character of Hitler of Hitler as a victory for Chris- the ORT's charge. priate to associate with." Britain Frees 1,000 Refugees Rabbi Ishmael in the name of memberance of a time when the world entertained hopes and and of tha Nasi movement was tianity. Alas, they know better London (JTA) — Seven aliens his father said: "He who prays underestimated.'The brutality and now, to their great sorrow! dreams for a better life. A war to end all war had been fought savagery'of Hitler'3 gangsters did Religious people in Germany, tribunals are now conducting should fix his eyes downward and to save democracy. Yet the very same battlefields that saw the not destroy confidence in Hitler and out, may well prida them- hearings at Camp Kitchener, the his heart upwards." and his pledges. In view of the selves on the fact that Christian- derelict training quarters of the Meantime, Robbi entered the list conflict have again been converted into areas of strife. fate cf the Jews, let alone that ity alone has defied Hitler suc- last war which were rebuilt as a college. Those who were slight of All the ideals which promised so much have crashed and a which befell great scientists, polit- cessfully, that the church alone refugee center and now house 3,- stature went quickly and occupied 500 male exile3 from Germany their seats. Rabbi Ishmael, howical leaders, universities and their people once more grimly face the spectre of destruction — again precious libraries, and the entire has not been co-ordinatd. Every who are undergoing training for ever being stout, kept on walking other agency has succumbed to re-ealgratlon. More than l.OQO Whereupon Abden, a disciple of not only of cities, but of social gains, of security. The last war intallectural life cf the country, the Brown avalanche, politics. refugees have already p a s s e d Robbi, remarked: "Who is he that in view of all this, how any ono Sizes 32 to 38 © instead of bringing peace upset an entire world and rather than could anticipate fairness or mod- parties, labor unions, universities^ through the courts, freed of the forces his way over the heads of al, yielded, excepting the church. "enemy alien" stigma and formalthe holy people?" "This is I, IshSolving problems created more than had every been dreamed of. eration mast forever reiaaln a RsHgioa resists heroically the dialy classified as "refugees from mael, the son of R. Jossi who mystery. Knowing tha methods Europe has no illusions about the present conflict. I t Hitler employed to conquer power bolical efforts of Nazidom to sab- Nazi persecution." Novfsihe Tims came to study the Torah from erdiaate it to the state, and its Robbi" was the reply. " to Choose gordidness becomes more apparent with each succeeding day. —assassination a n d uabridled leader. And to defy the latter The refugees themselves rebuilt falsehood—it S3 amazing that so Rabbi Josi says: "Whoever says Senator Borah was right whan he called it a "phoney" war, many, iacludlag Dr. Macfarland, means to endure not only degra- the camp, which had fallen to but intolerable- suffering. ruins in the past 20 years. They that he cares for nothing else exwere taken in by this extraordin- dation, because it is a phoney war, much phonier than he knows. This small book brings a mov- laid out gardens aad recreation cept to study the Torah will not ary aad. ruthless demagogue. One Germany's greatest ally at the moment is Kussia, though wonders How kindly and hasaana ing messaga from these bravs grounds and are now engaged in be rewarded even for the studyand of the Torah." Because the who are carrying on thabuilding ^workshops for training ing not because Kussia may send supplies or even arms, but be-?individuals could restrain thelx* spirits passage says (Deut 5. 1 ) : "That a*>ger aad coatrol their passions battle of God against Nazism purposes. ye may learn them, and that ye cause the western democracies cannot permit Germany to be apeak of . appeasement, and The Gestapo has arrested hunmay observe them whoever obdreds _of them and driven theia to understanding of Nazism. It is weakened too much, for Sussia is seeking a weak Germany to Free Nazi Agitator serves to do them will be rewardprison's and concentration camps just this illusion, this patience ed for studying, but whoever does gain foothold in western Europe. with tha sola purpose of breafcwith Hitler aad the belief that Oslo, Norway (JTA) — A court not observe to practice them wir ing their will, and compelling Unless the war end3 soon and is brought to a successful given tfcne he would quiet and has unanimously a c q u itted the not be rewarded even for study? control Ma turbulent followers, thssn to surrender. Their only conclusion by the allies, the world will present a strange appear which are responsible for hi3 pres- offence is loyalty to the dictate; pro-Nazi journalist Alf Amble of ing." charges of inciting one section of A beautiful wife Is her husY o u n g America can ent enormous power and grave of conscience, and to "God. And the population against another by band's ance should the peace ever come. and prolongs his have real choice of they endure their lot stoically. posting antiTJewish placards all days todelight danger to our civilization. Turn away thy The twenty years past have been just an armistice. There coats this Fall from When opa of them was asked by over Oslo last December. It ruled eyes fromtwofold. a coquette, lest thou be Sis years ago Hitler W33 inconzipper l i n e d double has been no real peace at any time and until that, day when sequential and could have been a local prison chaplain "Brother that the posters could not impress caught in her net, and abstain duty coats to heavy ara you ir- prison, he" count or incite Norwegians since a Jew- thyself from drinking wine or power politics are discarded there can be no peace. Millions easily destroyed, without harm to why winter weight overered by inquiring, "brother why ish problem was non-existent in beer even with her husband, be Germany or any other people. Now coats. Full belt, Bal of men died in vain in the four years between 1914 and 1918. his destruction threatens to in- are you out of prison?" Norway. cause through the handsome apmodels, Belt Backs. pearance of a beautiful woman On this Armistice may the statesmen dedicate themselves to see- volve the whole of civilisation. We In these* days of moral confuSizes 12 to 22. Rabbi Leopold Rockenstein rose many were destroyed, and nura have allowed him to grow tresasn- sioa aad chaos it 13 a mighty; ing that the fighting1 men of today do not perish for a false dausiy Other Topcoats and powerful, to acquire mas- consolation, a genuine strength'-- to the rank of Lieutenant, in, Kos- erous were thus killed through her. Overcoats $1S to $25 tery over daagaroua weapons and eaiag of the moral fiber, 'to dis- suth's army of liberation. cause. millions of blind followers so that cover individuals who" of thei? Select from Complete Selections today he threatens to destroy all own free wi]l and for the saJi'a .at of us, unl&33 his widest ambition conscience, suffer the very toria satisfied. ments of hell. Thesa imprisoned In seeking to discover the rea- church leaders -write or their Saturday, fTovember 11 'By BJLBSI FSSBEEICK COHN The warm coat the boys want for ' son for the extraordinary leaiency loneliness, of their enforced idieJunior Council, Paid-Up Membership Dance—9 p. m., Cen towards one who flc^uted the very Sess, of their concern aud sorrow tral Chib. school v/sar . . . colorful plaids, • It is stil! "Armistice Day." basis of our social system, one is for thsir dear ones, of their confull belt, four pockets. Sizes 6 to"18. Sunday, November 12 Not merely its anniversary, but the day itself. drivea 'to the conclusion that Dr. tinued interest In, ^and appreciaGamma Tan—1, p. in., J. C. C. Maefarlaad and many other inOther $7.50 to $14.50 "Armistice" means "stack arms." The arms are "stacked fluential persons believed Hitler tion of the lojTalty ^of, tfto^r parHayes Club—3 p. ni.. J. C. C. iahoners. Nona yields to despair; momentarily, hesitatingly. More significant is it that the arm, to be the oaly alternative to Stal- none doubts -the ultimate outcome Boys' Wool Knickers Girl Scouts, Tea—3 to 5 p. in., J. C. C. Boys' Leather Belts • • Fearing. Red Bolshevism of tad conflict. The imprison$1.95 to $3.75 are piled up, they have been accumulating ever since "Armistice inism. 50c to 91.OO Omaha Hebrew Club—3 p. m., J. C. C. . . more than a plague, they simply ment interpreted as a supreme Monday, November 13 Day," they have been used in battle, in wars, no less wars be-; glossed over the crimes and sav- test ofisfaith, Boys' Wool Sweaters Boys' Fall Hatq as testimony to the agery of tha Brown variant. This religious truths C5S.SS to 35.00 Bikur Choh'n—2 p. m., J. C. C. qi.65 to 53.50 cause not called wars, sot "declared," but wars nevertheless, Is they pro£es3. tha oaly plausible explanation Workmen's Loan—8 p. m., J. C. C. Boys' Kaynee Shirts The letters make, touching teadBoys' Fall Caps because there has been fighting, wounding, bloody slaughter, that eaa, account for tb.e attitude ' Tues4n>y,'Kovenib8r 14 79oto$1.45 ln^, aad strong ia tha teaiptatloa Goo to $1.45 of t&3 Briifalv aad French Scries death; in Spain, in Ethopia, in Poland, and now on the Western who pasagered and coddled Hitler to'-Quote', at'length. One paster MizraeiM Women, Luncheon—1 p. ia., J. C. C. Boys' Bibbed Stockings Boys' Wool Book Review, Kabbi David Goldstein—8 p. m., J. C. C. Front, desultory as yet, as also oa the sea, and ia the air; hn%for sis long y^ars, isakiag' Was writes witis "immovable eoavfe35c £32.95 to 07.50 ttoa "that : God has .soin© great • • - . - • ' so powerful that, ha constitutes Wednesday, iloveaibor 15 perhaps increasingly, perhaps soon terrifically, perhaps with today a major threat, not oaly to plan to Vork out through u s ; " Bo?i* Oarn Sfere—Footh Floer .' ' Deborah Society—2 p. m., J. C. C. Irsedos, but ths safety o£ their r,- finds spiritual blessing the full horror of actual, destructive, aaailiilatiag war. Varieties Club, 'Chummy Supper—6 :S0 p. ni., J. C. C. ewa interests, sad countries. -Haw ia prison degradation; another, "Let us iiavs pea^e," all the great, food men ol ths pas!defrauded teey must feel! He who that the day pf y ia too o 6jw»rt j . -Thursday, Tfovs^liv 1G promised to remain the bulwark —Is prfaoa: aad d yet.-aabtiisr. bti toto and of the present havo said, and here we havs War I .Town Hall—S p. 3a,. J. C. C. against Bolshevism is today ths forms Ma :dear dnm that "God Ctidir—S p. m., J. C. C. jts the blame? A tremendous guilt rests upon their shoulders, Instrument ef It3 spread. WSat sustains bias aad peraita so syttit Boy Scouts—8 p. m., J. C. C. CORREC- AZViREL FOR MEN A*JD WOMEN of sadnsss to eater his call." those who have invoked the red demon of war, and have eoia- irony! *So list events, asd to avoid conflicts, please call the Jewish Eitler 4 Taess sacred outsoqr&ss, Jrdsa pelled others,, if ouly m self-defense, or ia defense of civiHak' aatiy statss 3 Miter iatrsa cf tia vary fieptS.3 of tfca 11322ca UcmswraiSy Cenlsr, jadssoa 1SCS. u^rWinTf^ilii'm-irJ-r-i


Retch JevUs Used in Manufacture of Poison Gases

"New Refugee Group Organized in, U. S,

Judge Lehman, Mann Honored at Pavilion


Gems of the Bib!® and Talmud

A" Day Of

Armistice Day

Boys' Two Long Pails


'_ Community Calendar




main an essentially: religious pea-- berculous children and those pre- executive secretary, Greater Not7 Tork City F e d e r a t i o n o£ pie ; it '-will, always- uphold !'.that- dis'posed to the disease. Tho Eight. and- Forty has since Churches; Dorothy, Canfiold Fishirinclple, and/therefore, the demicra,tic:,fprp.'of'government. " • ts inception concentrated much of er, author; Dean Ned H. Dear' In' order' to maintain these two its-philanthropic work on aid toborn'New York University; Gilj srinclplea i t is-necessary that we handicapped f children,: particular- bert Seldes, author; Dr. Everett •espect the • right ; of each t o his ythe children of World ;War vet- R. Clinchy, director, tho~ National orm of .religion., Thia does not erans. For many years the Nation- Conference of C h r i s tlans :an'd Thomas W. Currle, Jr., Unean that we need, nor Indeed al Jewish Hospital has been a ben- Jews; Theological Seminary; Kathhould,-water do^n oar.rown faith eficiary' "of this charity for theion Sheeran, president, Newman :o, reach a' least.' common denom- maintenance of its Children's Di- ryn vision. An entire ward of seven Club, Barnard College; ,and Prof. nator of"religious belief. Quite * ! ' Carlton J. H. Hayes, Columbia :he ? contrary^ • by strengthening beds for children has been dedicat- University, ' j , • who .presided. . . • • ur.-own belief while at- the came ed by the Auxiliary at the Hospital and it has no"w dedicated two Th» following article Is a time respecting the cohvictipns of other beds in another ward. In chapter from Mr. Straus' bceS, are times when not csly - is so I and needs, "to be inculcated in 1 thers we' shall •' beco*ne • moreaddition, many of the local Chap"Religious* Liberty aasl Beaioo progress made but long stretab.esI every ggeneration." ; ck andready .to protect,the ters of the organizations make inracy,'* jnst published by Wl|- are torn up, cr faulty- ceastracDefinition' 'of S*ei3gion •ight of each tp. believe as he dein ' total" eolla?£a "of 1 lett, Clark & Co. My. Straps, a tion-result3 *Fb.a definitions of religion are ires.' We-have had recent proof dividual gifts to the Institution. . efforts that have: taken genera- various, co-chalrajaa of the National tions but ona t i a t so far as it Child patients at the. National in Germany, Spain aqd Mexico i to'.build. •' " joss Trill be, I th. !aS, Conference oi Ciufistiaas aa*i - It ha3 hat the time- to;protect our own Jewish Hospital, like adult paseen' found by centuries Je^»j, la aoiesl tor Ms ecatri&a- oi experience that the social en- might bs put as fellows: Relis'.oa I rights is when another person's tients, obtain free treatment reBerne, Switzerland ( J T A ) — • gardless of religious denominatUms to the cause, of better mi- gineering -wMch gives t i e best re- Is man's belief in a power upon jI rights are threatened: c . tion. One of the foremost tuberr The drastic shake-up of "the Italderstaatiiag among t!la racial, sults uses truly .religious ideal3 wMea ha depends, to which ha is 1 Tb.ere.lg much loose talk of the culosis institutions in the country, ian Government and Fascist Party religious and cultural groups ot a3 a foundation, builds . up.. the obligated, and with which he n a y espohslblllty;of dictatorship's re- caripg for .more than 800 pa-organs by Premier Benlto. Muscommune,, together. with the ac-I America.—THS.SS1TOB. readied with the materials" of tivities arising from" the belief. >lacing' democracy ' everywhere, tients annually from all starts of solini, ousting pro-Germans memeducation and surfaces it "with ven_ in. this country. . But .there the Union, the Hospital has never bers, was interpreted throughout Similarly, a definition of deT2ie baais of aa.y eflort to bring the civilised arts. FaSs. material? s one' thing 'of which" J am .cer- accepted a fee. It's motto upheld Europe as a blow to the Romeabout mutual understanding is a are often used instead of the real mocracy might be: A democracy tain- — that countries whichire- for forty years, is "None may en-Berlin axis and thus, Indirectly, fraak. recognition tbat each group thinj, and fly-by-night methods is a community of- people which LEFT to EIGHT: Dr. A. L. Sactiar, national director of the main- _. trujy jrellgiQus-minded can ter who- can pay - ^ Nonecan pay to the Fascist racial policy. does and should develop tha ideal3 are"sonietlhi33-offered in place of sets up a "government of the peoAmong those eliminated wero •B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations; Prof, E. Chatwcey Baldwin of b© made, into totalitarian who enter." and cultures best fitted to itself. ions-time educational techniques. ple, . by the people ana l o r the tates. -True iellgion means'firsf. Achille Starace, secretary-general people" to maintain • and develop and tbat bavins dona so it caaBut in each case we "get.bad-rethe University of Illinois, a hon^Jenr whose suggestion 16 years >f all an sin'divldual .responsibilily of the Fascist party, and DIno the " liberties and social obligajoin with other groups to bring sults. . ' - ' . o> our .fellow • man, and requires Alfieri, Minister of Popular Culago inspired the establishment, of the Hillel Foundations; and tions on -which they agree through : about a. progressively better and wo;' corollaries: First,' that. we tijre, both of whom were associThus •;- in ', some area3 " in. the majority action. It-, trill be' seen Isaac Kuhh, of Champaign, Illinois,.who^aS;-the<b/ finer counry with a truly great must • respect-: our' fellow- man's ated with the anti-Jewish cam* world today dialactical "material- from these two definitions'' that civilization. Alfieri.wfLs snecceded, per* .".the point of- view, aqd, second, that ^.for.Ism' and'pajan superstitions' are the outstanding Quality. 13'the in- Hillel i n i t s early years, pore,;,oyeri haps significantly, by Deputy Alea« thi3" respect cannot ' exist when - la accordance -with, one of thebeing substituted for religious dividual relationship,' in one to ? scope of the Hillel Foundations through.the opening" of •extensandro Pavbllnl, -whoso • brother, the-'straltjacket-of subservience fundamental principles -- of this belief," while- instead of patient, God, in tha other, to his fellow : Corrado, married Into a Jewish country, from its very Inception honest and .-worthwhile education, man. * - - sion units at 18 universities in addition to the.fuli-fledged foun7 p one "man's ylesTpoint-is put on family. ' : very other man'8 chest. aa a nation, eaeh of us h.a.3 theresort- i3 'had" to loaded propaThis fact is cf the greatest posdations maintained by B'nai B'rith through^ its Wider Scope at Starace, now transferred to tho right' to worship a3 be may seeganda and demagogic appeal to : Heligion "and "democracy- go New York fJTA) — Pleas to post of chief of staff of tho Fai> fit. Many of as have gone a step passion. Tha chief danger of our sible importance because it-points 12 other "universities. . • • , , • . . . hand in.hand, each protects and Americans to preserve differences, cist Militia, issued the party's offurther; namely, we assert that times i3 that instead of the firm out at once the relation between complements ;the .other,.,-each promote-good will and cooperation ficial declaration of \rar against religion arid democracy, a n d not only is . this tho individual's better understand!:!: gives tha /actor which brings platform. Soon It Is evident that relationship with God.' That re- helps to /bring' about a ' better; among all faiths and groups, de- the Jews on July 2S, 1938,-and right, but that the encouragement road ha3 come upon a treach- about the, result that in a real the school and university must lationship is intensely individual- finer life for all'decent-men and velop religious principles and ex-the five-point program of Italian o£ varieties of cultural groups mankind stretch of suspicions and democracy real religion can flour- be controlled. Finally it is clear istic in concept. "My relationship women..-': ' - ^ — " ' • , . • tend democracy in community and racism on Aug. 12, 1938. He was like the Catholic, the Protestant erous hatreds between nations, races, ish .happily.and without curtail- that the church, teaching through with God, your-experience or my national life, were voiced! by lead- prominently identified with tho and the Jewish, is to the best in- schools of economic philosophies, ment or hindrance. I t is qnly I the home its concept of love and experience in relation with God; ing-'representatives' of various pro-Nazi elements in'Italy and in terest of the nation. and religions cultures. walks of life, at a dinner sympos- October, 1937, entertained Julius when en.the one fraud democracy the dignity of the individual, will implies a . specific", rrelatibnsfilp About 2 5 or 30 years ago IsEcostomfc -Well-Being • ium, a t the Hotel Astor, held un- Streicher, G- e r m a n Jew-baiter, tends towards autocracy that re- undermine the dictator's hold with our fellow men. For the rael 2aagwi!l thia counIn the promotion -of -whole- ligion feels the pinch, .or on theeven after he has all the other basis of religion is the fatherder' the" auspices of the National while the latter was visiting l a try a beautiful and poetic ideal some human relations - there are other when religion tends to con- avenues of education under con- hood of God and the brotherhood Conference of C h r i s t i a n s and Rome. in the rarase "the melting pot." three' principles that seem funda- trol government that democracy trol, so that his next-step- is-to of man. Fundamentally this is Jews-This phrase, at least as it was mental to Americans. One'has to comes in conflict with" it. . outlaw the teachings of Christian- the foundation of true democracy Among the speakers who disinterpreted in the minds at many, do with tha economic -well-being In any other form of govern- ity and Judaism, and to,attempt —the feeling that since we are cussed the theme, "The Ameribrought about a false idea. Many of air the . citizenry. . A desired ment, brothers .and have; ,the same democracy there Is a a substitute -which identifies the can Community," were: Dr. Robfelt tbat "melting pot" meant stata of human ; relations cannot naturalexcept conflict between real re- deity with the state just as infather we must strive for the ert "M. Maclver, professor of Philthat every group should, under be maintained .when the. economic ligion and greatest good for all members of Denver : > — Ceremonies marking osophy • and> Sociology,; Columbia forces. early history the ruler was identhe fire of American Ufa, bsseeurity of,any.-large number of History has governmental ' . the family.many illustrations of tified as the deity. .-.--. - another year_o£-.charitable -work University; Wendell L. Willkie. liquefied in a mass and then cast citizens is .disestablished. fact, - and • Professor Carlton ' This conflict does not arise in The totalitarian state starts out in behalf of tuberculous children president, C o m m o n w e a l t h and into a single type. This is a 'mis- The- experience of every, coizn- this J. H. Hayes, has pointed cut tha? a democracy, for there the ethi- with the idea that the state is of all faiths by the National Eight Southern- Corporation; J o s e p h conception. try-teaches-that under the stress •expessive nationalism - inevitably supreme, and the individual is and Forty, honor -group . of theSchlossberg, s e c xetary-treasurer, -for Allow me to use an illustra- oi too • tryiag - circumstances the results ia curtailment of religious cal concepts of religion have a merely a servant of the institu- American Legion Auxiliary, were Amalgamated Clothing Workers fair opportunity for growth and held^at the National Jewish Hostion from my own business. It is normal health •' of the body politic rights and.freedom of conscience'. ofAmerica; Dr.-Arthur H. CompDelivered can, sway the .people, _who_ia.turn tion, a cog in the-political ,ma- pital at Denver -when the organi- ton, Nobel Prize winner. Univera process known as smelting- and breaks dawn. • When-a. time.,of It caiiiitt brook man's inReligion7ls-"in essence the rela- control the government. • On the QUALITY dedicated Its. ninth bed forsity of Chicago; Rev. Michael J . refining-. Vva take va.-r.iou3 lead economic' "stress arrives, -humanity tion of the-individual to his con- other hand if the church organi- dependence of thought iri-""any di- zatjpfl children at the ^Hospital, oh' Tuesores and minerals from all parts gropes for a- -way. oat. Often men science Adhern, S. J., Weston College, through God. Therefore zation should in turn become.cor- rection! But to the truly re- day/ . . - " ' • ' • • ' "-.--' of the earth, smelt them in a fur- and women -will grasp a a y will-o'"Mass., Rabbi Samuel H. IVE S234 individual seeks Ms spiritual rupt and forgetful of its duties, ligious person the state is not Mrs. Thelma E. Bailey, of Bir- Weston, Goldenson, T e m p l e Emanu-El, and refine them, in a pot,the-wisp; " some, will follow any the tbe ' absolute standard of value, -well-being and ethical conception then caat bars of pig lead, leader who i3 forceful and makes not from a state but from God di- as it has at times done in theas one dictator claims. Freedom mingham, Michigan, Eight and New York; Dr. Robert W. Searle, aaoh ona identically t i e same a3 great promises. Tribal'fears and rectly or through the instrumen- past, it would discover that un- of the human spirit is incom- ForQr National - President during der the freedom of the individual the; past year;; officiated at ~ the the other. Before setting this hatreds are indulged in. tality aad interpretation of thein a democracy it would bs un-patible with enslavement by a event, presenting to Samuel SchaFRBE1 An Espert Coansellor on Room exact sameness, this uniformity, Under such-circumstances nor- church. totalitarian state. So long as man able to hold its members and eler, Executive Secretary of* the we must remove all the gold and mal, coo! judgments oecme rare. Governments Jealoiss. therefore would find itself re- maintains a religious concept he Hospital,-funds for the maintensilver, i. a., the .precious, metals. People revert easily to the primi- - .All fonss will not submit to the will of ance of another bed-for a tuber of government except buked. 1 tive passions. They look fr a la the s way, i£ -we -were to those who govern the state, espedemocracy are more or less jealchild. The' institution, oldtry to mold ~everyone in this scapegoat for their ills. The pagan ous of this allegiance of man to Democracy Is based upon the cially if that will goes against his culous est national non-sectarian hospital individual as the unit; so is recountry to the s a a e pattern -we idea of human sacrifices, shaaged "- They, therefore, attempt ; effort of religion i3 conception of.what is right or lor-the free care :of the tafcenuishould have to remove the preci- in- form-but'"with itie -old -super- to control it one tray or t i e oth- ligion. The 1 wrong. lous:poor in t h e country, mainby teaching and example to make SASY:'PAYiy!Enr FUifi—Ftwmm AT ous elements of individual initia- stitions hehind It, rises to demand er, in former times, this, attempt tains two special -building; for, tuResponsibility tive and individual idealism. This setribatiea, • and. .at -su?h' time3 took, the form of an effort to con- each person finer. Democracy's It Is perfectly logical therefore misconception of the melting pot they may be led to" hatrsd against trol- tha church' itself; Just as the effort is to give to each person that the dictator sees in true re- opportunity and more :>i^a 13 isa "oasis of STicii- narrow other .groaps of "jteopla ebureh, besoming jealous- of- the gTeater comforts so that he, jaay attain a ligion a challenge to his power : state's eeatrol of" men's secular" t i S ' f d i f f s; so owposIt-9 ia -their : higher standard'of .living. The and attempts' to substitute t i e purposes but so alike Sometimes". tMs'pa33iotr results actions, attempted to control t i e one on the spiritual, the other on Ideal of the all-powerful, all state. . • . " v.i metisotir as Ka ICi-ax S'aaisai in war against other • countries, the material plane is'interestel in righteous state for the Ideal o. J J J communism. The finer ideal .sometimes ; in-. 3jairads bet-ween • These conflicts resulted la.many the individual, 'believing that each the all - powerful, all - righteous i?r t i e advancement of humanity groups or classes witab -bring wars, and it vrss not until the person ' is cf very great import- God. In the past religion caused ".a to permit liberty. to. .tie -is- "about violent-, revolutions, but great sweep of democratic ideal3 ance. the downfall of the idea of the dividual aaci to his- -grciriJ-,-an&-at jmost often it results • in the per-in' the eighteenth century wa3 undivine right of kings; the dictaEach relies on making progress tor sees in free religion the mos -i* sa^ie t!3«-to- ;GO:; two things: I secution- of • sesie" siiaeriSy : group der way that it was realised that Stera Kc=rei 9:30 A.' M. So' S:S3 P. M. Tclitplioca 22S4 towards its objective through in1) to promote, cooperative com-1 within tha natkm by-^a eo'ihbina-' tha separation of church aad state powerful threat to the Idea of th< s, da-J{2) t o e d' . tica of other groups.-~ dividual, not through mass ac- divine right of the state. *" brough about man's true freedom. ata for mutual understandin A degree of economic security Today this struggle is renewed tion. With this as a fundamental Dictatorships will fail and their Intolerance Root, of Evil for all is necessary, it satisfactory as dictators of the right or left concept, religion and democracy downfall will be due to the fore "Man's inhumanity" to. man is human relations are worked find themselves unable to dom-are complementary end mutually 1 irgely traceable to interyoup la- j out. When thia is secured' i_ inate their subject citizens unless helpful. Together they give prom- of the religious ideal. For the expression of religion reaad actual hatred..Since j tolerance asd • hata, eaasct" even they can force them to take their ise of a better world. That which free quires an environment of freetad dawa of history wars, intsr- ta.zsjorarily aiaks bead-way.. threatens democracy threatens reideals, and ethics -from the -dictadom. Civilized man demands thi Jkjjine strife, cruelties in human instead of from their own ligion, and conversely an attack right to seek his own religiou relationship have been awinc to . A second American principle-is tors upon religion will soon result in i ffreat extent to niisunderstand- democracy. Wa have in' t i e last consciences or from- the church. some other form of government concept and will not for long These dictators realize that the than democracy. There is no brook interference. •-•l i aad eayy between groups, and few years seen : the' old liberal xi.s si true unfortunately.both as ideals definitely challenged' in ethical teachings of religion ara doubt that the relationship of the These United States w e r e b peoples of different races many parts, of t i e world. - Ia such opposed to their very purpose. two is harmonious and comple- founded on the basis of man's primary responsibility to his conas between peoples of theplaces a party dictatorsMp is sub- They are striving for complete mentary. domination over the people, espescience. Our- country has mainrace but diff-aring- in other stituted f o r human rights, Democracies and li'reedoin cially " the youth. They realize -spectis. aften in religion. If we will take a casual glance tained that ideal, and if we retotalitarian siraitjackat Ssr that the principle of brotherly Largely a s to t i e religious m'ocracy. ' . ._„„ 0. ••-»,• ~v-« lava "as" a corollary, of the father- at the world situation today as hatreds and persecutions in the j placently - sit~¥aek~ail*T£r3*''th hood" - of • God maSes men and depicted in dispassionate surveys 01 i World this country wag col-1 pesitics thai everything *w*n b eb&- women think' of justice a n d of such organizations as the Forj^ized. - aad when its people J com© • better, and' better-a3 time mercy. Thi3 dees not' fit -with eign Policy association and outa government of their own on. their necessity of domination by lined in articles by well informed •h^y did so with'the very definite goes i3"almost as bad to take such farce, the sacrifice not only of correspondents, there is no doubt ideal of making it a nation, where an Itattitude' as to be actively en- life if neeessary for the. purposes that religion is most freely espeople of different views aad gaged as part of tha anti-dem of state but constant sacrifice of ercised in those countries having traditions could aot live ia har-craie ioreea. Ws the most democratic forms of govmust take conmony but also, by putting into structive action. People of all re- the right, of the individual' even ernment, and least. freely where to think independently of the will the common pot t i e Best of their ligions, cf all parties and. all there is greatest centralization of •Jraditions and ideals, bring forth movements, among free men, mast of tha leader. power in one man or in a small .The dictator must have absoa great nation dedicated to "the realize the importance ef the group of men. highest ideal3 of equal opportunity democratic method in a period cf lute control at all times over each This Is not surprising. I t Is In person, in the state.. It does not Cor all aad of service ro humanity. social crisis. accordance with the experience of suffice that this control, BO matBy and large thia has succeedhistory and with the philosophies A third American principle for ed, although admittedly there human relations has to do with ter how complete- it may be, and principles involved. should be'change. Achave been shortcomings and fail- religions freedom, coupled .with a Heligion is in essence man's quired first by persuasion it Is ures. 5"roni time to time" more or rarity among all-citizens-with reretained by foree, and the fear less well organised e£fort3 have gard to the-dignities, rights and been made ia tSis country to eom. responsibilities of citizenship. We that this force might become inbat these fundamental ideals, but know tha fundamental ideal- cf sufficient drives him. to • control always they have petered out. religion is espressed- both in Juda. every source that may mold, the However, tbey have left behind ism and Christianity in the spirit- mind'or will. FCSI . Sesalts tbem a residue which lias influ- ual equality of man before God enced, either consciously or un-and the brotherhood cf man. . At first this results in seizure consciously, large groups of peocf the organs of public opinion— While for more thanfive thouple. the pres3, tha radio,. the lectors sand years these ideals have been Tia National Conference of promulgated by prophet3 " a n d Christians and Jews -wa3 formed teachers, and far almost-half this -with a view to taking positive ac- time the "VSTesiara -world ha3 given TH2 WORLD'S TIZiSST tion—aot negatively id sat lip sarvics to • taao,. all too ra?e!y manifestations cf 111 will b. they .".as&aally. -• dominated a haveniaaa conduct. .. .. . '-i ^foupa that maie up AmeriJ I own 'country .was' founded ca, but to stress t'Ze positive 3id3. onOar ideals, with' the "result aaa that la. to educate people to thethat.these rlii lib become A bssufifJ c o s t . . . a mest remariabls v a l u e . . . fhs dofachabb SYGT2T.T fear-skia icsrf of silky sab!e-dyed Kolinsky mighl- easily ccsf, if As a boy I had seared into a y tolerance' and - intsr'sroap .apr^«beugkf ssps'rately, almost ffis pries cf tho entire coat. Black J l j J tbe for proper coverage -sad consequences of raciai elation that bn the-.Whole has Jerssieefh-tvRst woolen, -fiffsd vt'Ah graceful easo and certain flattery d~id rsli^ious hatred -whea I lived maatad. our people. Bat we now tons quality. For/Stores, , t o yoar figta-s . . . A coat that is ever so dressy and distinctive ^1 Turkey and saw seme of theknow that. this' tradition needs to Schools, BzUs&szss, Orli-u'ts .->£ the Armenian massa. , > yet prsdicd fcr comfort end its becoming lines. chestras ama Tavenis. l a - . cres. It 13 dreadful to know that ba repeated • eyer and "over-again ter-office • cottna today aaong people who beast of j ; fpagggs""« p g g their culture and civilisation • the j ' | •?-•%"' For real Ansplifj-tEg- that CE?1 Cislsss only -dizfareace between their ae- -! S; •i'Vi' QUMVhuSP EiOglcal Time to Day deliver 1OE(3 'aasj dear-tioa aad that of the Tur!t3 33 f years 3^0 Is that the Xasis Save it© a rei!iiieJ aad diabolical farm of cruelty " which supplements tha J Ssf'i G»«y lifss' -aa Ld-a.-a. J cruelties inflicted by uneducated i -- / : mobs, ?,'s mast see to1 it that-ao i ftei-i.illifai *.. « strje'n horror could svsr bii crsaa. J - \ Mfj Efsro-'s Beputafea isz Q u a l i f y . B /"""Ml ' ~\ 3laat;ici fa ibis eototr? agaiast j ' FcnMsa . . !ndividuclit7 csd Vcdub • . • is any sroup. '. I uai am ««, 5pn> jfn • .;•"% *•; _Ycu? ifc'arcmeo oi a sstlsfsciCJY Tha- road to risht human reJa-] -sisals 0*a. J t-oas -s the highway of human |.| «•»?«% Dz'.iar Ceaf Scsf Isa—Soecs 3 PfseP understanding. It has been ia ' ""' ^ the course of construction for a A ? -2SS0 long- -Usae. • Unfortunately there

.anxnng1 - w iaer : scope - for-: is nai. Hillel Foundations







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Page 9



Navigation, Marlne-En- until the rising Christian cltiea o t ally a t Benny Goodman, whose _j Radio-operating, and Venice and Genoa, t h e march of iirst date a t the.Jibuse in question Boat-building, thus turning out the crusaders and the inquisition was the signal for jitterbugs to ' u n w i l d over the place. The dears THi I deck officers and seamen, marine put an end t o it. This wiU explain the Popes* •Imply h a d . a marvelous time for engineers, -wireless operators and complaint about Jewish skippers: heniselves. boat "builders. .:.'.:..;"••.: "* • Now you may ask and rightly: This will explain the presence of ,, "Will Jews make good sailors?" many Jews a t the Nautical Acad-' tThe newly" produced- motion pic- Food Ministry Provides i I You all know there were no Jew-emy of Sagres-hear Cape St. Vin- ture, -VHitler — Beast of- Berlin," - Rationing for i i isn farmers • and today we- have cent established by Prince Henry has been banned from New York ; I achieved a fine rugged type of of Portugal called THE NAVIGA- State by the. division of motion Orthodox 1 UP, ISai?«Iia, S-Jxeeter of t true farmer, -who has wrested fruit TOR, in the first quarter of" the pictures of the New York EducaI and tie- great potentialities initer- is Mrs. Borchard, daughter-in-law of the famous elder Mrs, BorHaifa" SJ&aeiesti ScSseoi, who S S eat ia It. and crops from stony arid Pales- XVth- century. The J'ews were tional Department. Irwin^Esmond, London (JTA) — The question tin© by sheer devotion arid •whose looked upon as the experts in car- director of the division, described of the kosher meat supply when cently asltlressesl ti»e One It was then, at the time of t i e ehard. of Hamburg, whesa name' tography," orTKrutlcal map-making: the picture as "inhuman." ia still- a household word in • ship-1 sons are still on the land. bat {Joy *>sf i JliSi rationing-is introduced in Britain •Jaffa Strike, that the full value This will explain why Jews fiThe picture was produced by an has .been the subject of.'negotiasion of i a e ot our stalwart Salonika 3t-3%re- ping circles i s London's HaymarWe had no Jewish masons, yet nanced Columbus! expedition to Tiual Convention of | dc-rea aad longshoremen was-, ap-ket, vvio togetaer with, liar husit was Jewish •workers who •••were America;, andi the presence of Jew3 independent company, represent- tion between Ministry of Food arid band is- ruanias the Atjd Navigais now on i» ti'tiai "Siaia t o i predated ky the whole Yisauv. tion invited-to build and did build the in his • i i r s t . boat, as well. as the atives of which said an appeal the Board of Affairs for/Sfiechlta Company. Yen thus see that ' | Tli^ir importation iato Palastiaa Women Palace of Emir Abdullah in Am-presence of .Jews among the early wqpld be taken to the State (kosher slaughter). •' a very real share in Board of Regents. This is the first SIS- j i a d been daa to the foresight of this- newsava , .man. We are today -without quesThe board has communicated In i h e West Indies. The motion picture produced/ here .task of S a j Abba Hushi, Secretary of the His-'•deajJticn .pioneering | Ition the best road builders.In Pal- settlers - 1TOR. Jews. were"."in% the" shipping, busi- dealing with the European war to with every Jewish community in ©£ 'tha. Sea. . tadruti. ia Haifa." ' '• : ., ,, I [estlne. " . ,-•'•?•' ness and played an important part fell the censor's authority. During the country, established its preSitsstiea Today Our ghaffirim or watchmen in needs and notified the minisThey iad. Sail a i a r d time'as? ' Soine years' If 1 were to name oaa single ago I came to this the World War a motion picture, cise ave stuck to their guns and are the science of Navigation. , try of their requirements. The man who aaa !<aat iiapatas t-3 the3ertins themselves *n the commu- country trying to gaia support for "Kaiser—Beast ot Berlin", was Thuff i t is only a few hundred _uccessfully patrolling the couni3 understood totoeseekmovement •«5iaasseit to Jay among nity aad gainins respect la spiia a project cfi training personnel for and shown In this coun- ministry try. There has hardly been a loss years t h a t separate u s from the produced ing to do everything possible to the Jews c£ Palestine," and -which of xneir uniquely competent per- maritime careers. That W33 ia try. .-' ; .",•'••• . ' times when we took an active part f life or craft among the Tel meet.the Jewish needs, but obI call a movement BACK TO T S 3 formance of services. 1933, hut pricr to the above'menivtv lightermen and they often in maritime • exploits. We' thereviously cannot guarantee that the Their- availability at the Haifa tioned SSA, I wouM not Jock for iiai strike aad tae developfore may look hopefully into the According to the Nation, the kosher food supply will be^ mainwork in very rough seas. And we among ,tha pioneer aaaa and wo- Port at this crucial moment as- ments •within PaJestine herself, lave reason to be encouraged future. W e may within the next news from* the western front thla tained. men who tritstl ia vaia to turn sured beta the Government and my arguments were the same then s?hen watching the progress 'of generation regain the place held past week disclosed that cold, rain have Jawa both in I'aleaiino and in the the Yisauv that tae Arass stood • figures : and • vegetarians: &e'small score of Jewish flsher- by the great. Phoenicians and once and snow have slowed down a l ' theJews privilege of obtaining; an exGaluth to maritime activities— no chance oj paralysia^ the Haifa as acw, only statistical again become famous a s Bailors. action almost to a waltz. With the" tra ration us enamerata have caansed aen in the Haifa Bay, and Naharharbor as well as Jaffa's. In Tel of butter or margarine rather TV-SUM 1 iJOiat to a. man well j strict censorship being- applied to Instead of ham and bacon. t h e m : - •• a, and Athlit. • taown to h h j all Tiews emanatWg from t h e wes1. Our" rsssttlaraeat of tae land Fight MosleyitesColonial Typa gained foxtern front this bit of information does "nof-follow the Sines of-the Meanwhile, Sir Oswald Mosley's It is from -this element of secthe Hamaa ot P , evidently comes from' " a source British Union of Fascists has been 12 tribes of.Israel, wild settled andCTwo Companies nd generation in real work that to His ISmlneuea Kaj' Aaiia- el close t o the weather bureau." The two existing Jewish ship- conquered-: tae Mils, Jordan Valley having increasingly rough going. are draw the best types for our Hussein!, ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, ping companies which had been and.: Traasjordania. - l a ' fee iirst Judging from the loudness of A Fascist parade, was broken" np •who. If the reports ara true, i3 atmore or less tga.orad, new sprang .chapter QI Judges ia Cie Bible you Irving Levitas, formerly educa- ailors and fishermen. The type Sam Leven's clothes it is-appar- in London by crowds of.hostile this moment en route to Germany into prominence, and paved the will see that ii'those days we were .ioaal director of the Kansas City 3 in many respects not that genent that of the seven, little tail- Britishers. 1 Mosley!a anti-Semitic By IRVING SONDERS to consult hia Mend Adolf Hitler. way toward landing 'goo&3 and unable,,to conquer asd settle the ewish Community Center, who rally known a3 "Jewish." It reors who worked on his new 3ults propaganda was d e n o u need, aa has been named cultural director embles more closely the colonial HaJ' Arala did more taward passengers at Tel Aviv Port. These coastal plains. •••'"• six were d r u n k . ; "merely a smokescreen. for other s kki s th the J Jews iin Palestine aeaIt really happened in a theatre: aea two companies, tha Palestine MarToday t i e reversed. sf the Aleph Zadik Aleph, B'nai ;ype found in mid-western United objectives" i n t h e current Issue, ol tates or Canada, or Australia. eoaseious than any other living itime Lloyd, and tha Atid Naviga- ?heisit3" o£ oar present day set- 'rith Youth organization. Freedom of speech, press radio The Guardian; Church ot England person. You ail linow what char- tion Coaipany both have earned I tlement in Paiesifsa resembles They are empiric, active, have and assorted catcalls, hollers and weekly. "We deplore the unchrisacterizes Hamman throughout our taa gratitude of t i e Yianuv and' that of s u r cousin's, the Phoenimuch endurance, are hard work- hoots brought about the legality tian and uncharitable spirit," the history—ais tear "lest we multi- are now on the way ta increasing cians, rather taan that of t i e an-_dsa of-the Nautical School. There ng, good at sports, and outstand- of the Bronx cheer in a theater. paper adds, "which would etir up ply.'* So three years ago on a taeir capital both through Pales- cient Hebrews. 'This is our first was no faltn cere that Jaw3 would ngly unselfish. These young men A patron, annoyed by two worn ill-wll) against the Jews as such, alte good sailors. However, you Friday morniag ha left the heights tinian and out3ida sources. fact of cardinal importance. We now know what happened a few ack the ambition to escel, to rate en who talked out loud and made at. any time and most when they of Jerusalem and want dowa to Tha His-tadruth, sensitive to ev- dwell on t i e coast aad have a rel- months after I left America, I nev- irst; perhaps they lack polish, discomforting noise during a show are suffering the bitterest misforpreach his aennou at the Mosque ery new development in t i e eoan- atively-large coastline. but they willingly accept discip- gave them the Bronx cheer. "They tunes and the cruellest persecuer thought that I personally would of Jaffa. line. This has been proven to the had bjsn arrested. l u court t h e 2. T*";e>inay ••be restricted in'ac- owe so much, to Haj' Amin. try, sent out it3 representatives tion in their sad history.'? He took great care that all the and collected funds for a company liriag land in Palestine, but the And while we in the Maritime work with the Haganah, or Self- judge asked the plaintiffs wheth A firm specializing-in'"deconBahareeyaii — boat-neat, lighter- of it3 owa, the Naeashon Maritime sea. is.- limitless and is open to us league were discussing ways and Def.ense Corp. and Capt. Wingate er or not they were familiar with "London (WNS)'..— In spite..o tamination" suits now occupies who assisted the Jews In this work the sound of the expression' and the recent Nazi-Soviet pact, dis- the . premises of the:, abandoned men, aad longshoremen—of Jaffa Company. The Jewish Agency, fol- a3 to everybody else. means c-f insuring the developV&H should be ureseut thers. His lowing; the sti? of awakanlag, es3. (a) It is estimated that since ment of our tnew Nautical School, s full of praise for our Palestine the mechanics thereof. I t was soon trust of.the Soviet peoples for the bookshop formerly o p fixated by ads—as is Capt. Miller. waa a hard taalc. Ka "wanted to tablished a special Marina Depart- the World "War we spent 155 mil-help evident that not only were they Nazi regime is apparent in spite British Union of Fascists' on Fetcama from an unexpected win them for his plan to cut oft ment which undertook, experi- lion dollars on passengers and quarter. And there is an historical rea- inexperienced in the method of r e - of official •'• Soviet. ..rajb.-"' - -•- -^- —- ter Lane here; \- •'-••. .'.:-. News cf Palestine's enthe Jews la Palestine from Jewish ments in fishing- and looked for gooda transportation. son to lend us courage. It seems thusiasm for sea going trades that-not so long ago we as a peo- producing t h e noisy vibrations but with Nazi authorities,;/ centres abroad, to starve out theways and meaa3 of coming- to the (b) In c-ne year, 193 15 mil- reached some ,very influential ple were quite a significant factor also were unfamiliar with its man- Ev/dence ;v^of thT^Se;^ t ¥ ms ent : .1 Jn. 10ft5;"e-Jewish- community J :- I Jewish population ot Tsl Aviv aad assistance of shipping as we" aslion dollars were . spent by ifold interpretations.; - - „- - <-• • \r\ among "tMe "Rtissfen;"maisse? was y the quarters in London. its hinterland, aad to stop Jewish training maritime personnel. n maritime life. Simultaneously Th e case against. -' -the •; Brons; drsclbsfd In Kten1bUlJfqlTpwi_n| the of -Rouen : followed'-.-its^iPfptectoxv^S- " f* Jewish .Goaaiauaity alcae ca transThey were impressed with, the with the general awakening of sea The sea begaa" to take hold of portation o* passensera and car- phenomenal growth ot the Palescheerleader was dismissed by t h e return'of the Turkish immigration. "envdy'from William of Normandy, to,England. C among us, a scientific magistrate who defended the pa-rMoscow." A<icordlng;to the'Turkish the Bahareeyah the imagination of tha Yi3huv, goes. g tine Maritime League, the bulld- raindedness" And though f knew that their prosperity came and almost overnight a new. pop- (c) Haifa'3 total tonnage of Im- ng of Tel Aviv Port and the research was undertaken by Pro-tron's right to freedom of speech official Hitler, and Stalin are at According to some historians Jews lived J n Rumania .before i t s |fessor Naaam Slusch, whose the from aad through the Jews, yet ular and democratic organization ports, aad assorts lias reached tha «dds over < the Jewish problem conquest by. the Romans,. ]:. o-f a, nautical school. BOOK OF THE SEA is soon to beand expression. Banzai! HaJ' 'AsMia'a power of persuasion, sprang up spontaneously into.ex- level cf- Trieste. created by^ Tha idea of the Jews returning y the' lail of Poland and or possibly his hlat of the terror istence. I refer to the Palestine ... {£).• Tilni ot the shipping pos- to the sea fired their imagination, published by the Palestine Mari- An Albany, N. Y. court.retur**.-: the millions who" of Polislf to come overcame their common Maritime League,, in Hebrew;- sibilities if durias-.tae citrus-sea- and they expressed willingness to time League. ed a decision that an exhibitor ls dom The results are startling. Prof. not liable to a patron who ispijsh-J; find:;themselves'«turder"'Nazi sense. They agreed to enter upon CH3VSL, TAMI L3IS3A2L., ."Its- soa 'ot 1937-33 PalesSJse paid in assist us In this pioneer endeavor. . - W *r7i-~ : ' r - '-•"•-••"'•.& • UJ the famous Jaifa Strike and suc-membership soon ran into thous- freight "far t i e carriage o-f fruit Soon taroush the efforts of raySlusch ha3 found among other rec- cd over a balcony railing onto ±he^ -tnatlorf. •The Soviet regime-Is; against th ords left by Popes as late as the ands and were drawn not only cessfully ©araly^ed activities -of and sasajas matsriala scma 8 jood friends, Mr. "Wellesley Aron orchestra below nor to .'those o n establishment of a ghetto state ia " STEAK HOUSE from coastal towns,, but from jaillica dollars, at which 60%, cr of London and Tel Aviv, a power- 11th century, complaints t h a t whom the patron lands..Theatre Poland,- according to the Turkish that, sort. £512 KcvcrcS—JA 9C<J0 Christians must travel on ships of the rural districts as well. Today 5 million dollars ws3 paid by Ijsw- ful British Committee of tbe PalEmergeacy Met operators, the court ruled, r e a - official, Stalin preferring to send NIhfi Jews, of unbelievers. And almost overnight the Yia-the Palestine Maritime League ia isa shippers to foreisn co-apanies. estine Maritime Lea-gue was called sonably could not be expected to" the Polish, and Galiciaa.'Jews to Musle'.and Etitsrtalnment by Now this fact Is of great signifi- anticipate persons falling, froia the Blro-Bidjan huv from Dan to Bearalieba ae- 14=000 strong. Their aiai ia ta re- . (a) .And Sow iaas a t a is the .nto being. where they would b f.lcIocIicB'~ Trio etme se&miud&l. Tha inestimable vive interest in sea faring and to share cff ZiVfisHi-•• shippers: enly Oa oar London Committee sit cance. Who were those Jewish mezzanine a a d dropping oa per-^given an; opportunity to, strength rp3v-cases c u t ©f a total of Jews and non-Jews and I wonder skippers about whom the Popes sons seated below.'_"_. ' v '...; :"" e.n tthe SpvietrSubsldlaed eaat»Rus t value of the sea suddenly dawaed stimulate the growth of maritlaia upon them aad they recognised activity in the Jewish commaalty. 3,O(Ji?;aO0 cases-snipped.-by Jew- whether in any other instance complained? Blan.;provincev .-. . .•?>••! ish...growers were carried oa Jew- rentiles have gone out to solicit The .whole world knows about the sea as a "demarcation lias for G r a d e Allen, comedienne 'and .- Thg .Turkish-, diplomatic Jurtie our great seafaring cousins whom them between Ill's aad death. The Palestine ilaritirae Leasae ish. 3M33... I leave it to yourself fusds.for and a Jewish enterprise in the Greeks called Phoenicians, inventor, lias ' finally developed j i i l de that .many, y religious g t . i l i tb.a b catastrophic Almost o.veraisht Jawa- h founded, on the 3th d Jaae, ta posi an i-onorary capacity. p p three peerless aids1 to Quaking spiritual Jewish J d had d bbeen leaders, ;were acarealy avara &t their laag 1337, and organised on ao-a-pap- tioa ef.'taa'citru3 while they themselves aad ourit i d t iadastiy v/hea to flood t h e market. They taken to Moscow: a n d detained, al Members ot Committee xnlleaga ©£ coast lino, who siaver tiaaa. Iti&a aader the aagla ©if t i e ccafrcatscl with-. th& selve3 called them Sidonltes. Ac-asoon y r e : The Dunk Cup, named after thmigiljt Is expected t h a t the.5ov On c u r London Committee sit cording i 5 fnvestingf money in Jewish Agency and tha : "Vaad at oStainin^ siipa for'transportato HerodetB3 and Phoenmaritime anterpriaest, vtho- aaaw Leumi, its membership being open tion cf oranges t i e war. Lord Teyniam, President of theician fleet circumnavigated Africa Grade, with' small bracelets for 1 ^ ^Qteicnmeniti.wllj fe^jas&them holdlnsthrea dry doughnuts ^ n d famous. British Lifeboat Savinj ;^sa3 ._ ... . . ...... a. b&aeS. a t taa «ad of to3tha the Jewish peenls2Si3,^&oVg£p'~^w^saSa^ESggs^t^rsessibilt- Scciaty, Ccamsnder Bishop,.: .Sec- as early as the VUth century B. C._ g dunking operations; tae-CUng- lust 'Allenby'-Street, tbes&r'tcr sweats o£ 'he 23th Zionist Congress' a"dopt-|"ties_are_ja3t"as eacouraiias. - Their great Tarshish ships, " t i e Fost Doushaut, "equipped-TrUh a _ _-. All retary-of the.Navy League•-•whos'e jtSfte sea In terms at boats and ships ad a resolution recognizing tae local fiaaercaea (30 <£ Arabs) president i3 Lord Lloyd of D0I0-. Sast-Indiamea ' o f the'" ancient hook that hangs-over, t&o-rta ,o£ joit" ports and sailors. Witiia a very landsfi.ia 1933, 1500 tsn3 cf fish. bran, Major Bustard, our Honor- •world excelled those t>f the.Greeks the cap'; and La Scupper AutomaLeague ag tna public organ cf •hort tiasa Jewish idealism and •maritime work in Palestine and 3 a t Palestine imported 5,030 tons ary Secretary, a prominent ship- both in speed and equipment." tlque, a coffee cup made of doughcfeative ea<ji'S5f.- 'being fasi&aed abroad. of ..fisa-- • That Cafciag <rff Palea- per; Edward Baron, the tobacco You:know your Bible and have nut ingredients . . . Drink the cofW-ird. tllvi aaii prOdlltSSd than one year alter HaJ* tia'e i s a gee<d business s s i3 3 proved p o e d magnate; Lady Reading, Com- followed the joint expeditions of rsaulta. Aiain's famous speech in - JaXfa, b y the fact that year in and year manders Kenneth Cohen and Gold- King Hiram of Sidon and ourfee then eat the soup. . 1 Onea again the Yisauv proved the Palestine Maritime League out Italian 'Cabins trawlers have rich, both Jewish naval officers King Solomon from Etzion Gever, Plans to curb efferyeoceat jitterthat it can rise to meet a great neld its first National Three Cay j. plied tneir trade off our coast, 3 and others. today's Akkaba to Ophir on thebugs who disturb "patrons., with emergency, i t closed its ranlt3 southern part of the Red Sea. on board. the" Palestine'[ > It is through the efforts of this their antics are being al^ed, ,ne. -.. .• — ••• ia6nth3 ia tae year briaglns-taeir .following tha lead of tbe Jewish. Conference Lloyd'3 Jawi3n steamer Phoenicians gotiations_havlng been - decided 'Agency pressed its 'demands for a Maritime catch to our cities, despite the committee that the only Jewis! HAR ZION, and halfway between historical "We know'from all We .Jewish port and obtained Govern- Haifa and Cyprus, it constituted duty imposed upon them. And in nautical school has been recogupon because oae of. the. better records that this cooperation bement permission to erect it itself as a body, elected it3 siaeu- regard to fishing TO bardly nized by the British Government known houses ia New York City tween Phoenicians and Hebrews allegedly "Invited and encouraged through its own resources. reached tha desirable limit of and granted privileges equal to continued tive headed by Mr. S. Toliowsky, for centuries, and after •• In one memorable week Palesof the best nautical schools y o u n g s t e r s to cut up on the up its program of activity, consumption. A country which those the destruction of the Phoenician thought that it was good publictine herself raised almost one mil- drew imports 13,000 ;tOE3 of meat to of England. and unanimously in an atmoslion dollars tnrougn subscription provide " fcfodstuffa rich in - pro- "We owe to them the procuring Navy and of their colonial power ity." The finger is pointed especto "shares" which were neither phere of great enthusiasm decided teins coa'3ume3 only 5 kilos of fish of the services, as Head of ourand.Empire, they were drawn ever to launch its first project: Taa marketable nor brought ia interper- -head•• (waica could easily be- Department of Navigation, o closer to the Hebrews. att. Long lines of enthusiastic Haifa Nautical School, the first come a cheaper substitute source Capt. K. Stevenson Miller, R. N. At the end of the pre-Christian nautical school of ite kind ia. tha the Phoenicians used o u r AlJews, Sephardim aad AahkenasR. who holds an extra master'! era cf Tprctsina) while phabet, our sacred literature, and itn, young and old, waited before history of tae Jewish people. certificate and who has had grea 1 . S. A. per capital constaanCertain individual w o m e n rites of worship- They iaterta« banUa to turn over good ia 13 MI03; Eollaad 2 3 experience in training cadets with our Home SOT Funeralo married freely. The Phoenicians King's pounds f o r worthless strangely enough, more than the tipn the New Zealand Shipping Com Sillcs; Saglaad, 27 MI03; Normen, hava been associated with way, 33 kilssg; Japan, 50 «:2o; «to«res. thus did not disappear from t h e Established 1906 pany and Capt. Miller will conduc face of the earth, they were to a It i3 as • '. Within a year after setting out theae •Jxdevelopments. ' "f" his courses in Navigation in HeWe could therefore look forforesight and intuition ara ward within the nest decade brew. large extent, absorbed by t h e Heto create its own outlet to the < COMPLETE SER¥ICE brews and assimilated. . tea, the J e w i s h community toward developin the fisMa pg Mw Moreover, through the efforts 1 ia Mrs. Henrietta Diamond wno It would follow that t h e dethrough ita own funds and its own AT NOMINAL COST trade to the point where it would of the British committee we re Hbor completed the Tel Aviv Port. came sorna years ago to vi3it Pal- bringg in 10,000-12.000 tens of eeived -a munificent gift of thi scendants of those Phoenicians of , estine from Sngland and became Tyre, Sidon, and Carthage, having A. magnificent achievement since employmen barquentine-rigged CAP P1LAR a; lost their political and military ih Jewish workers nave never befors fired by t i e juxtaposition of theffish, to a tand leastwould 3,000 f!3hennen ia a training ship for our school h FARNAM a t 33RD two ideas, Jew3—aea. built ports. scute 500 small and large crafts, This ship was presented by Dr, s and intermise"d with the Armed with films and projector .:".. Significance F-ersossel Richard Seligman and his family Hebrews, continued their mercan: : ' To visualise the significance of she west from country to country But taa first prerequisite of this of London. Under the captaincy tile and maritime trades for genthl» important Jewish enterprise selling her i-dea and helping the great development 13 trained per- of his son, Mr. Adrian Seligman erations throughout t h e dark age3,' l%t me present to you aoina facts wori of the Sebulun Seafaring So- sonnel. Jiist a3 we would not have tbe Cap Pilar has circuinnavigat .'concerning the Tel Aviv port at ciety, -which iaa muea ia..c'ammc'j£ •beea-able to administer our vital ed the globe. She was fcnrserly >the end of the second year 1333. with the IT. S. A. sea-scout3;:'"-". . work in hospitals and health work employed in fishing off the Greai X? There i3 Lady Reading,- wbo without our nurses training cen Banks of New Foundland. Tfc •During this year .819 ships entered the port; grasped'tie situation immediately tsrs, and without the availability vessel 13 no-w being equipped with "13,000 pasaensera were landed; and caaa ta Mr3. Diamond's aid, of thousands of well trained pay two auxiliary motors and outfit' 150,000 tons ©if cars* were im- and later becama the leading SiCians. ted with a new synagogue an" ported; eloaa i® 2,«KJO,aeo member cf the British. Committee I ssa probably a poor propagaa accommodations fdr 40 eadats. ot dtrnaftmitWCK of tae Palestine Maritime League. dl3t and I failed in my attempt: Our nautical school la fully pro •«' quarter ol QXQ total Tbere was Goldle Meysrsoa, well to interest n y frfsasis hsra i s ta< fas-sioaal. It has four departnic ' ment). known in. this country,-selling her ffiW shares to establish the ; Sha'd m&er;ba called''crbozrowsr than a •'•• And wbeu to theae figures ia added the fact that all the worts Nac&3hoa Company, and taere ia •%3- n .But lust tho Sams; she's committing a crim© in the Tel Aviv port, that ia por-Guata, stfumpf, that company's terage, lighterage, stevedoring aad manasiag director in Haifa. a^ai2st^her-.'hus&and's; ©yeslgbt ,by. taMng tho ' boat-building ia done bv Jews, and There ia Mrs. Bernard Eoaens£»i W k^ii I O W that Tel j blatt, wiosa name G3RTEUDS is 150-\7a'tl bulb oui ci his roadiug lamp! Und .some attached ta one -of our loveliest CTS3 «""¥» one can appreciate it boats in Haifa harbor, and taere

By DT» SMomo .




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the' situation'won'tfeamuch improired when ho with "a- ^ w a t t s r fern the' halL- '•".,"


Forlhere's aright"esa IJUHJ for-over?lamp• C2 • fixtaro.'.''Cheek your lamps end tsictures todcF*"' Protsct eyesight -'I»7, making; "euro -the'io'a, c&-:.~. less! 109 to 150 watld total. In overy' lesap. uses! •'• • !cs reading or .deso.ceelng.-:.'"• ;'.' ;•...' •;.' '..-.,,:'

.#%„ itiasc from f slffi^lsgpwf© international. Harvester bulMs three p: tbat deapjt tha Europeaa '" advaaca taais?

;^p,J | | S I | | tlight trucks with 6-cyHsdar engines in |; iylftftSgiSi ^"P sizes. This ensblss yo« to choose an K 8lliii*S:$| laternatiojsal Truck in' tHe Vz-ton to 1%-- j.3|il|3||||||| ton'fieid for siasxinm'm tseHbrraance aad |» iSift'Sftsffi.ecoaoniy for yoer-wofR.-lf you isaul ca- i lil||F P^M p&Cify loads. 'most'Hf Me Jims you'will £ Wfi0'-'.^JSM ^ s a t the standard full-psnyer eagiae. If |j iSIISSIiiiPf'lyoar loads are £2ake"ff<J-1'-' 5ii|jl||SSis| qaen£ stops, it'may hs.-io your 'advantage p l l p i S I S i l t o ' choose th'e HD-lY4*'ea0ibe.'.-.the $ ||S|J|ii|latetaisfiofiaI "Eeaiismjt.Shf. Come'in |j HiiHiilllll 3!td 1st as recoKitnsaa • the besfeasaaa v

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