November 24, 1939

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish-People 3LEXGTH OF SPEECHES l a a brochure ou programs for B'ljai B'ritb. lodges, Maurice Bis•Syer,' executive secretary of B'nai B'rith, takes up a matter that is aiilBiKU &a SsecuiiO Ci&ia SiiU Mattel en Jauuary 31. 1931. a t frequently on my mind: How long VOL. XVII—No.'3 fosnrfftre. of (irnaha. Nebraska. Meier the Act of March 3. 1373 01IAKA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1939 should a speech be? This is a distressing problem, particularly to Jaws, since they are being called upon more than any other group to listen to speeches. O Others practically have only Rabbi David A. Goldstein will their ministers to listen to. and give the third in his series of indeed, they don't have to listen book reviews on Tuesday evening, to them. They can take their minNovember 2S. Members of all religious faiths enting the Jewish, Protestant, isters or leave them a-oue. The book chosen for review is will unite ia a city-wide. Thanks- md Catholic groups will be heard.. A Jew'a mail summons him t j I John Gunther's "Inside Asia." giving service to be held Wednes- Those on this team are Henry' speeches every day. He opens his Rabbi Goldstein has previously reNasi-Held Areas day evening, November 29, at 8 tlonsky, international president of tnormug mail: He is informed ho viewed "Grapes o£ Wrath" and o'clock at the Jeslyn Memorial. must certainly come to hear the "Days of Our Years." :he B'nai B'rith; and Professo This special service is being sponspeaking that is to be done under dwin Puls and Professor "Wi.. Proportion sored by the Omaha Round Table Liam. Sternberg, both of Creightca the auspices of the United Jewish of the National Conference of University. Appeal. EARLY DEADLINE WILNO AID MAPPED Christians and Jews. There there is a card: "Cone! On the program preceding the Because of the Thanksgiving Addresses by members of the Come! Listen to Your Duty in will ber organ selection Fear Britain to Implement 500,000 la Soviet Poland Inter-Faith Good-Will team repre- iyddresses holiday the "Jewish Press" will Palestine." Esther Leaf; the invocation by White Paper The German refugee committee go to press a day early, AH Under Care of Dr. A. L. Cole of the First Chrisis having a meeting, says another copy to be inserted In the issue Policy tian Church; songs by the a capJ. D. C. notice, and he is expected to be of December 1 must be in the Next Friday morning, December lla choir of South High School there . . . "Speaking! A treat you of fice of the "Jewish Press" by at 10 the Jewish Community directed by Miss Mabel Shipherd; London (JTA) — Dr. Cbaim Paris (JTA)—Bread and warm will never forget!" Tuesday, Xovcrabcr 2S, at 5 Center will present tiio second of and a responsive reading led by Weizmann, president of the Jewclothing for nearly 1,500,000 Still other cards requide his o'clock. its programs arranged especially' Rabbi David H. Wice of Temple ish h Agency, y is planning p g to visit presence at the Poale Zion aad hungry Jews in Nazi Poland and for children. The" Center Junior, Report 30,000 Seized; srael. the United gtates early in Decemwinter clothing for 500,000 homethe Mizracai; the OUT want3 him Programs have been, designed to Rev. Thomas S. Bowdern, S% J.v ber for a stay of three or four 1,000 Court Martialed less Jewish refugees under the to be present on a certain evening meet the needs of many parents, if Creighton university, will give months in connection with politin Poland ; and he must surely be at the He- Soviet occupation is the need of who find difficulty in providing he benediction. ical and fund raising activities, the hour, according to' a "reasonbrew school to hear what the suitable entertainment for their J. G. Masters, secretary-director it was learned. ably complete and accurate sumBy BORIS SMOLAR great and eloquent Rabbi Poindexchildren. f the Omaha Round Table of David Ben Gurion, chairman of J. T. A. Chief European Correster ia going to say on Jewish ed- mary" of the situation of the Louis Hitler Will Be Toast- Ihristians and Jews will preside. the Agency's Jerusalem Executive The Center alms to present pondent Polish Jews received here, The ucation. wholesome and pleasant programs' who arrived from Palestine, was summary revealed: master at Annual Paris (JTA) — Le Soir reportSummons to Conscience for the children of its membership extensively discussing general ed that 30,000 persons have been Dinner A million and a half Jews in With a Jew it is not as with as. part of Its many services^ Since Palestine p r o b l e m s with Dr. arrested in Poland and about 1,ethers' who may light-heartedly Poland came under the Nazi ocWeizmann. H has given the Agen- 000 of them court-martialled for Milton Steinberg to Speak there- will be no public school on • ,toss every meeting notice into cupation and 2.0-00,000 under the The eighteenth annual City-wide Friday, a large attendance is excy leader a detailed report on the protesting against the Nazi proAt Center Tuesday, their wasterbaskets. A Jew fells a Soviet, the latter including 500,- Father and. Son banquet sponsorpected. present situation in Palestine. ject for establishment of a "Jewsummons to his conscience when 000. homeless .refugees from Ger- ed by the Social Service CommitDecember 5 Meanwhile Agency leaders here The program will feature the. ish reservation" in the Lublin man occupied western Poland. he looks at a notice calling him tee of the Jewish Federation and are chiefly concerned with the area. The wave of protests .has motion •picture, "Robinson CruNearly 5 0 per cent of all Jewish the Omaha B'nai B'rith, will be to a speech. Rabbi Milton Steinberg, noted immigration question, particularsoe". In addition there 'will bo resulted in severe "conflict be"This," lie muses. 'may be populated townships in Nazi Po- held this Sunday evening at 6 Regional Meeting Took ly as it applies to the Polish ref- tween General von Rundstadt, lecturer, and author, will be sec- "Hansel and Gretel" and a carSomething against Hitler. This land have been demolished by o'clock, at the Jewish Community ond speaker on the Center Forum ugee'problem, and also the atti- German military governor of Potoon comedy. Following tho Place Last Center. Bpeech may blow him up. It is cer- bombing. tude of the British Government in land, and Dr. Hans Frank, Nazi Series Tuesday* December 5., At showing of the pictures, communSunday tainly my duty to be there." that time he will speak on "The The bombing and fighting reLouis Hiller, prominent Omaha refusing a schedule for the cur.-civil governor, the Teport said. ity singing will beheld. The faithfulness of Jews in at- sulted in about 20.000 Jewish business man, will be toastraaster Modern Jew in t Times of Crisis." rent six-month period, although In presenting the program, the tending speeches certainly entitles casualties in Warsaw alone. The of the evening. Dr. Leon. Fellman, According to Le Soir, Genera! Approximately 150 B'nai B'rith it is issuing a non-Jewish scheAt present, spiritual, leader of them to the mercy <*£ the speakers.present mortality among Jews in president of the Omaha lodge* of members and wives attended the dule, despite the pressing urgen» Rundstadt complained that the the Park Avenue Synagogue In Jewish Community Center feels After a week of listening night Warsaw averages 100 daily as B'nai B'rith, will deliver the mes- annual Southwest Regional con- cy of the refugee problem. forced arrival of Jews in the Lub- New York, Rabbi Steinberg is one it is making an important contriin and night out, a Jew is grate- compared with 10 before the war. sage for the fathers. lin district coupled with the ex- of the best known religious lead- bution" to the cultural developerence here in Omaha Sunday, A proposal that the Colonial ful for Friday when immemorial The Jewish population of "War- Robert Newman will recite the November 19, at the Jewish Com- Office grant a special Palestine pulsion of Polish peasants from ers in the country. He was born ment of the children of the comcustom allows him to remain in saw, numbering 300,000 after the invocation; Lincoln Klaver will re- munity Center. Omaha lodge was immigration schedule for refu- ths area created a double crisis, in Rochester, N. Y., and attended munity. The programs have been the sanctuary of his home. There evacuation, is now nearly a half spond for the sons; and Stewart host for the conclave. but Dr. Frank insisted on carry- Columbia University where he re- approved by the National Congress, gees from Poland, made by the Ing of Parents and Teachers. he may listen to his wife or not million, owing to the influx of Franklin will pronounce the beneout Reichsfuehrer Adolph Hit- ceived highest honors. • ;• Agudath Israel organization to Sir Out-of-towners came from Linas he pleases. ler's orders, ordering mass arAdmission to the program will refugees from nearby demolished diction. Francis Humphries, Foreign Ofcoln, Neb., and Council Bluffs, On his graduation • from the I hear frequent complaints about towns, of whom 400,000, or SO rests of those protesting. be free to Center members. Nonfice director of Polish relief acla., to attend the all-day conclave. Jewish Theological Seminary he Community Singing Speakers taking advantage of per cent, are urgently in need of The clash of opinion reached occupied a pulpit in Indianapolis, members will be charged an adof the day's activities tivities, has not been accepted by Jews' devotion to speeches. (.1 my-relief. Cantor Aaron Edgar, assisted by Highlight was the banquet Sunday evening the British Government, Sir Fran- the point where General Rund- later going to New York. He is mission fee of ten cents. will lead the his son, Rafael, • aeli seldom go to listen to any; I Danger of Epidemics cis informed H. A. Goodman, sec- stadt sent an indignant memoran- also lecturer in Homlletics at the Other Activities singing Movies will be at 6:30 p. m. in the Center audi- retary toss the aotice cards at my waste Similar want and poverty pre- community of the Agudath Israel. It dum to Berlin warning that the Jewish Theological Seminary. torium. Principal speaker was shown at the end of the program. 7n addition to the series of probas&et.) Listeners tell me of be- vails also among the Jews in proLublin project was leading to Z. Glass, executive secretary was pointed out in connection Rabbi Steinberg is a frequent grams being given on school holl- • Reservations for the affair are Ben ing made to surfer almost to mad- vincial towns, reaching unprecemoral and economic catastrophe of District Grand Lodge No. 6 of with the proposal that the quescontributor to leading periodicals days, the Center is also sponsoring ness by the length of speeches. dented dimensions. Jews have forty cents a plate for the sons !hicago. tion of illegal immigration had and arousing strong anti-German and is the author of a book, "The an integrated activities program Yet Jews can take it; tomorrow been driven out of numerous and sixty cents for fathers. The feelings among the Poles. Dr. Other speakers on the program raised difficulties. Making of the Modern Jews." His for. children. Under the direction evening a Jew who suffered a long townships and their property pil- office of the Jewish Community- included Frank, terming this memorandum Henry Monsky, internaFear Policy speech tonight will be back for laged. Special levies hare been Center is taking all reservations. tional B'nai "a revolutionary document," de- novel, "As a Driven Leaf'-' Is sche- of Mrs. Herman Jahr, those enB'rith president; Dr. Reynold's News r e p o r t e d : nounced Dramatic Group are Members of the "Social Service more. Rundstadt as a duled for publication early in the rolled in the imposed on. the Jewish populaGreenberg, past president of "World Jewish opinion is alarmed friend ofGeneral already in1 rehearsal for the spring. ' General Werner von This brings us to what Mr. Bis- tion. Jews suffer greatly frota committee include Dr. Philip Sher, A. Omaha lodge and past presi- at indications that the British Fritsch", who was killed durins Admission to Forum lectures is sentation of a children's play engyer says about all this: "As for disabilities to which they are sub- chairman: Isadore A b r a m son, the of the district, and Df. Leon Governement is pressing ahead the Polish war, and demanded free to members of the Jewish titled "Fly-Away Jack." This the length of an address before a jected. In addition to starvation, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Dr. Leon dent president of the Omaha with,the Palestine plan to set up group meets every Sunday at 2 p. withdrawal from Po- Community Center. mass or heterogenous group, i t is a formidable danger of epidemics Fellman, Dr. M. I. Gordon, Wil- Fellman, Harry B. Cohen was toast- an independent Arab state with Rundstadt's m.'; ' ' ..'••••.: . . land. doubtful whether any speaker but i3 developing among the Jewish, liam L. Holzman, Philip M. Klutz- lodge. '- ' the Jews in a. permanent minor; nick, Sale-win Miehnick, Leo Ro-master. the most uausual ma'ce3 any fur- inhabitants. Meanwhile. Jews from Vienna Mrs: Meyer Beber, leader of the Also on the "program was a ity." The Palestine pojicy envisagRabbi David H. "W'ice, ther impression after on hour. Handicraft Club, is teaching a All Jewish institutions in "War- senthal, First Degree ceremony, -.the 'for-ed serious curtailment, of Jewish were continuing' to arrive in LubRabbi David A. Goldstein,. Rabbi That should be the maximum and variety ..of craft /work, including •saw hav'3 suspended, their, aetrsi: EialInitiation of the_ A]gp_h..JZadJk, immlsratiQn_and._stpppage of'.Jew- lin-without means-and almost the whole evening" program should ties and the Joint Distribution I.'-Kael£OTsky, -and "Mrs. H . withaut'cTOthiKgranbeinrTlaced &oa'p;caryiffgr:*eavliigraii'd' pointish land settlement, the paper Alepa, junior erder of B'nai Wolf. aot run more t"iar> two hours," he Committee ia the only institution ing. This groups meets every SunB'rith, ;ivea by members of the said, and "that policy is now in in the so-called "training camps. writes. ' Suicide Wave day at 1:30. caring, on the spot, for as many Omaha Sam Beber chapter. Memfull swing." " •' ' ' ' • A vota at thanks is due Mr. unfortunates as possible by mainThe Paris press was full of deThe Rhythm hand, which meets bers of the degree team are WalCommenting on improved condi; Bisgyer Zor bringing the matter taining 50 kitchen distributing scriptlons of persecution of Jews To Erect New Buildings; every Monday at' 4 p. m'., under ter Greenberg, Yale Richards, tions In Palestine, the Jerusalem up, for ao one, as far as I know, 12,000 free meal3 daily, distributthe direction of, Mrs. Abe FellHarold Slutzkin and Joe Guss. correspondent- of The Times de- and Catholics in Germany, emphaExpand Scope ever before has publicly attempted ing as much warm, clothing as sizing that it was Hitler's aim to man, will begin to use tho differBusiness Session clared that the majority of Palesto put any ceiling on the flights possible to sufferers, feeding chilof Work drive at least 20 per cent of the ent instruments especially designAt the business session Harry tine Arabs are reasonably content of speakers. But I must disagree dren and orphans, helping evacuentire world Jewish population ed to develop an appreciation and B. Cohen of Omaha was nominatto cooperate with the British Gov•with Mr. Bisgyer on the maximum ated refugees who wish to return Jerusalem (JTA) — A broad musical patterns. ed for the position of general ernament on the basis of the or about 3,000,000, to Lublin and length of a speech. predicting that 2,000,000 Jews war-time expansion program, for to their home towns and organizEvery Friday from 3:30 to ~>, committeeman for this region reWhite Paper. The p r o m p t ness An hour is far too much. After ing relief also in the cities outplacing Nathan Gilinsky of Coun- with which all neighboring Arab would be exiled to this area by the Hebrew University in Jerusa- Miss Rosalie Albert conducts Win 20 minutes I (on the infrequent side Warsaw. April, 1940. In Warsaw Jews were lem, including erection of new Children's Dancing. Classes, (Continued on page; S.) .. The annual Beth El Rigadoo cil Bluffs. The name of Harry B. occasion I permit myself to lisforbidden to enter restaurants and buildings, has been outlined in a In small grouns "children n~e Situation in Soviet Poland will be recommended to ten to a speech) begin to let my The desperate situation of the will be held Sunday, December Cohen, use street cars or autobusses. broacast by Salmon Schoekenr taught tap and I n t e r pretr.tiv'3 the president of the district for mind wander over the meeting more than 500,000 Jewish refu- 10, at the Central club. This will election A wave of Jewish suicides was honorary treasurer and chairman dancing to develop rhythm, grace to this position. A new hall out into the street to the cor- gees from Nazi Poland w h o be an all-day carnival beginning constitution reported from Germany via Zurich of the University's executive coun- and poise. and by-laws w a s at 2 p. m. Mrs. J. Blank is genner cafa where I am going- to get as a consequence of new anti- cil. (Continued, on page S.) . Other activities Include the Phoeral chairman of arrangements adopted at the session. a drinli as 3oon as I can slip out; Jewish measures taken by the A feature of the program is the tography Club,, whose members Immediately following the confor the affair. to Ginsberg who, as I heard only ^ Nazis after the bombing attempt early erection of a building to have recently completed the '•onFeature of the evening will be clusion of business, an open forthat day, said he didn't like my i L. on Chancellor Adolf Hitler's life house part of the faculty of hur struction of their own Pin Hole um on the topic, "What Can a a cafeteria supper served by the column. What does he know about | JJ Ai in Munich. It was estimated that inanities, especially the Institute cameras. Regional B'nai B'rith Council Beth El women under the chairliterature? Eoes his beins a sue- j more than 200 Jews, inc'ndinp en- of Jewish Studies, to be followed Further Information .on t'i"KR Do?" was lead by Ben Z. Glass. manship-of Mrs. Julius Stein, cesstul real estate operator make j tire familes, had taken their lives by an archaelogical museum near- activities can be gotten by calling Mr. Glass pointed out the duties large number of prizes will be him a literary critic? I'll tell him in^Berlin and Vienna. ly as large as the medical school the-Jewish Community Center, Ja. Bucharest (JTA) given away during the evening. of the council and ways and Funeral something nest time I see him. It was also reported through atop Mt. Scopus. 1306. means of its functioning to the services were held Monday for London (JTA)—Scotland Yard Mrs. John Faier is in charge of Waaders that in retaliation for the Competition for designs for the has sent out orders to all dectives the sale of tickets for the draw- best interests of all its member Senator Jakob Isaac Niemirower, Zurich bombing black-uniformed S. S Thus my mind wanders from and humanities bullring, which will lodges. policemen in London to be on ing of a roaster. chief rabbi of Bucharest and printhe subject after the first 20 min- the lookout window-cutters as Program for wives of visiting cipal leader of the Rumanian guards in a number of towns had carry the name of Sol Rosenr Parents are urged to bring utes of speaking; at the half-hour a result of for instituted massacres of Jews and bloom, late Pittsburgh philanthrothe slashing of win- children as a special gift is to be members included a tour of Jos- Jews, who died last Friday of point I doze. I nod and descend apparently organized by an given each child. lyn Memorial and a tea later in aneurysm (dilation of the ar- Catholics. Mass arrests of Jews pist, will close at the end of this to'deep slumber. My plea is for dows, gang, which has been the afternoon at the home of Dr. teries) after a strenuous day's and Catholics were said to be con- months Erection of the building, Insomniacs who are unable to anti-Jewish tinuing and those Jews not arrest- at an estimated cost of £10.000. continuing in some London disLeon Fellman. Chairman of the work. He was 67 years old. ' sleep through a long speech and tricts. in the past two days were told will begin immediately thereafter. conference was Alfred Fiedler, asMembers of the Jewish com- ed for those who regard it as simStudents Arrive London fJTA)—Neville'-i sisted by Alfred Frank, Joe Solo- munity paid their last respects to they would all be exiled to the Charges that an "anti-Semitic ple courtesy to stay awake. PerSchocken revealed that the uni- p.nnounced his resignation P I prr»"monow, Milton Frohm, Harold Rabbi Niemirower on Sunday as Lublin Jewish "reservation" in sonally, I believe not the least and pro-Nazi" body "here was enversity had expected 1,100 stu-i^ent of. the .Bonrd'Of Dmiin^* Zelinsky., Harry DuBoff, Daniel bis body state in the Great Poland. courtesy is due any speaker who gaged In treasonable activities "Within two months not a sin- dents for the new term, but th* of British.Jews, a post wlijc'i 1"? Lintzman and Louis Lipp. In Temple. Rumanian Jews were tortures his audience beyond 20 were voiced in Commons by Sir charge of the women's program deeply affected by a British gle Jew will remain in the Reich,' outbreak of war prevented Poles has held: since Jammrv. If),"?:?. John Anderson, secretary of state minutes. was a committee consisting of Broadcasting company eulogy of a high Nazi official was nuoted from leaving their country and Laski told a meeting of the bo^Tl • The speaker who knows enough for Home Security. Mrs. Leon Fellman, Mrs. Alfred the chief rabbi in the Rumanian as having announced in Berlin also held UD Germans, Austrlans that be was resigning for profes"We have a!l had some evi, to stop at the twentieth minute The reports coming via Zurich and Czechs for the time being. O»- sional-;-reasons. He In n promiFiedler, Mrs. Alfred Frank and language. • dence," Sir John said, "of the. at most leaves his audience thanksaid 50,000 Jews throughout Ger- the other hand, he pointed out, a nent attorrey. holding Hie ra^k Mrs. Harry DuBoff. The Jewish community was power and effect of Nazi propaA record attendance marked the ful at having met a man who has The next regular meeting of plunged into mourning over his many had been ordered to appear number of Italians hsve arrived of King's Counsellor. - Tim resitattained the sum of human wis- ganda, asd there are, in this annual Father and Son banquet the Omaha lodge is scheduled for death at a time when he was ac-at local railway stations within and the number of Palestinian nation wilt tnlte effect at the n^xt country, propagandists for the given on Thursday, November 16 dom: He knows how much ia students is also Increasing. He an- meeting of the board two weeks Monday, December 4, at the Jew- tive in organizing relief for war 24 hours for a mass removal. Nazi cause. A certain body, wellby the Brotherhood of the United «nough. kf arrests and executions of nounced that among 130 member* hence. ish Community Center. A pro- refugees from Poland and was I. who do know how much of known to be anti-Semitic and pro- Orthodox Congregations. RepreJews in Bohemia, spurred by an of the research and teaching staff Laskl's stewardship anything is enough now must drop Nazi, has given instructions to its senatives of four generations par- gram is being planned for this slated to head a new central Jew- order of the Nazi Protector in were 50 refugees, including Ital- with the most critical period in meeting. ish body planneii by the governthis subject and take up the mat-members that each member is to ticipated in the affair. '•.:: • of modern Jewry. ment as the ©egal representative Prague for dismissal of all Jewish ians.- _ Mr. J. Finkel «as introduced as ter that I really meant to talk turn himself into a rumor mongemployees from private enter '. Schocken reported that the Laakl mentioned the 25tb anof the Rumanian Jews.. about. In this B'nai B'rith broch- er a3 a channel for verbal propa- the great-grand-father. Mr. 51 Venerated by the Jews and re- prises in Bohemia-Morravia, were foundations have been laid for niversary of the establish merit of . ure* edited by Mr. Bisgyer, I find ganda a g a i n s t the evacuation Katzman spoke of the difficulties spected in government circles, reported via ' neutral countries medical and agricultural faculties, the Joint Distribution ComrniU^e which the older generation faces something new in B'nai B'rith and scheme. Rabbi Niemirower was fearless in The number of arrested Jews was while the faculties of science and on. December 2 and expressed tlin "It was suggested that if this due to the fact that youth refuses a considerable improvement, ia protesting against anti-Semitic re- Kiven, as "many hundreds" and the humanities were considering warmest congratulations of t h e propaganda could be put about, to recognize that it was age who fact. strictions and he frequently inter- the number of, those executed in expansion. Referring to the medi- board. As a Ben B'rith myself I have evacuated people would go back built the foundation upon which Speaking or the Defense Comviewed with the government the last few days was estimated cal center, he 'expressed the hope sometimes felt that being a Ben to London and an important the ambitions and the hopes o that. the.future would sep increas- mittee's activities, Laski declared against contemplated anti-Jewish in the dozens. B'rith. had nothing much to do measure taken in the interests of children and grandchildren can foundfng groups, the -Hadassah that/anti-Semitic forces in Engmeasures. His position as the •with my own Jewish life. This is the civil population would be de- possibly be realized." ed cooperation with two of the land were clearly pro-Nazi and outstanding leader of the RuMr. Arthur Goldstein spoke as to say, I wasn't getting much out feated. Finally it was stated in and the American Jewish Physic- were using "fifth column" tactics To raise funds for the H. M. O.,manian Jews made him the target these instructions that once this the representative of the fathers, o£ it for myself. for treache.ry and' treason, trying lans Committee. had happened a surprise attack and Harvey Burstein responded the Council Bluffs Hadassah will of a would-be assassin's bullets • More Than Biies-Payer In view of the destruction of to make it thought ' that Jews I, as a Ben B'rith joined with might bring the Jews to" their for the sons. Dr. I. Dansky told on Sunday evening, December 17, on January 11, 1936, when a rea group of humorous Yiddish and present a minstrel show at the ligious fanatic named A u r e l Dr. Lyman H. Harris, associate European Jewry, the speaker said.' alone were, responsible for tho some 75,000 others, was a sort of knees." English stories. Larry Finkel led Council Bluffs Masonic Temple. Jonescu, said to have been incited professor of. History at the Uni the university; was Intensifying its outbreak and continuation of..•th*. Jewish missionary in the world, The show is being directed by by anti-Semites, fired three shots versity of Omaha, will speak ai efforts to draw a larger number war. He reported that everything^., the gathering in community sin going about helping others Jews Mrs. Ben Telpner and Mr. Abeat him outside his home, wound- 2:30 at the Labor Lyceum. 22nd of students from the west, especi- was being done to counter the ing. Al Finkel was at the piano. everywhere. I was doing someing him slightly in the hip. and Clark ..street, on "Issues o ally the United States. Stressing Fascist campaign of scratching An address by Rabbi Isaiah Saltansan. thing about young Jews in_ the A large cast will participate in the New World War. His talk'i! the university's duty to rescue the Jewish windows and urged peoRackovsky concluded the affair. universities by giving them Hillel being sponsored by Branch 690 o scattered and endangered spiritual ple noticing such vandalism to reHe spoke of the need for a true the production. Members of HaFoundation; iu B'nai B'rith Antithe English-speaking division of treasures of eastern and central port it Immediately to the author-. understanding of the essence o dassah are in charge and tickets Defamation League I was fighting Europe, Scbocken declared that Hies. the Workmen's Circle. the dragon at aat-Sensitism; I was An editorial, "To Slake the Jewish traditions and a minimi are now on sale. "Fun and relaxation" is promisDr, Harris is chairman of the erection of a museum of Jewish helping Jews get out oi concen- World Safe for Democracy — Not zation of pomp and ceremony Society Science i n t r o d uctory antiquities would be "symbolic al tratiou camps in Germany; I was Again," written by Howard Sher- which have been raised to import- ed by the organisation. Boy Scout Troop 62 of the this hour." doing my portion ia Palestine; i man, fourteen-year-old soa of ance. ish Comunity Center held an over- course at the University and has Jack Epstein was chairman ant! traveled' extensively in Europe. •was, aa a Ben B'rith, in the farMorris Sherman of Chicago, fornight hike at Camp Jay-C-C last •' flung activities oL1 the order. merly of Omaha, wa3 printed as Henry Magzamin was toastmaster. week end. The group hiked, held The meeting will be open to the R a b b i • G o l d s t e i n Will • . ' • It was really very noble of me an Armistice Day feature in thn • • t, S p e a k a t ..Grand', I s l a n d • Allen Kohan, Omaha newspaa cook-out, and spent a pleasant public. 15 Slain in Lodz perman, was elected vice-eorato be paying my dues for no bene- "Alton Evening Telegraph" of Altime at the camp. fit of my own but only to serve ton,. Illinois. •. Wilno (JTA) — It was learne Ira Stanley Epstein, 7-year-old Rabbi David A. Goldstein of the marider of the District American Jay Weisman, Scout Master, was TVoper t o Legion of Honor The editorial originally appeared here that the Gestapo raided th son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ep- assisted by the following: Dr. A. distant people who were ct my Beth El Synagogue will give the Legion a t a convention held last faith. ladeed, B'nai B'rith ha3 in the "Shrapnel" student publi- Cafe Astoria in the Polish, city of j stein, represented Castelar school Faier, Abe Resniek, Milton Kon- . Paris (JTA) — Morris C. Trop Thanksgiving sermon at a union week in Elkborn, Neb. been the only fratarnal order that cation of the Western Military Lod3, arrested 30 Jews and sub- in a variety show held at South ecky, Lawrence Epstein, and Gale er, European director of the Join service to be held on Thursday in This district includes the Amerhaa been so apart from serving it- Academy where young Sherman ia setjuestly shot 15. The survivors j High school on November 16. . -'• Cooper. ican Legion posts in Douglas, Distribution C o m m i t t e e , was Grand Island, Nebraska. a student. He is a grandson of Mr. were ordered to bury the victims | He played an accordion numself. The service i3 being sponsored Washington and Sarpy '• counties; Transportation was furnished warded the Cross of ttie Legion of Yet, as Mr. Bisgyer says, you and Mrs. Julius Sherman of Oma- and then were taken away to an j ber entitled "Kapasa Band" and through th courtesy of Mr. Harry Honor in recognition of his lead by all the Protestant churches of Kohan, succeeds Emil Stahmer, ha. . . . . . who became district conmiander. "Grand Island. crship in relief activities. Trustin and Mr. Sol Graetz. • (Continued on page S.) unknown destination. I an acrobatic routine.

Rabbi Goldstein to Give Book Review

ThanJisgivhig Service




Second, in the Series of Special Events At Center

ir y Uii


Dr. Harris to Talk at hahor Lyceum

Alton Paper Prints Editorial Written by Former Ounahan

Boy Scop.ts Hold" OveT'Night Hike

'K.ohan: Named to

Stanley Epstein in Variety Shoiv


a ^



Cii MORRIS AIZSNDZ3C, Cjrsre3jperadenfc

STUDYfiBOUPTO £1 Oil i.j Tie study group of the NationDr. David Tauueubauni, wellknown lecturer, who has recently al Council of Jewish Women unreturned from Palestine after a der the direction of Rabbi H. R. long study on the economic, po- RaMnowita will meet on Monday, litical and social conditions ia the November 20, at 1:30 at the home Jewish Homeland, is to speak to- of Mrs. A. N. Grueskin, 3527 Jennight at the Shaare 2lon syna- nings street. Mrs. Joe Friedman gogue. He is also scheduled to will giva a paper on customs conspeak tor a joint Slonist Youth nected with birth. rally to be held at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday at 2:30. Dr. David Tannenbauai is maltnight services will being a transcontinental tour oa be- ginFriday 3 o'clock with Cantor Perhalf of the Jewish National. Fund nickatand the choir chanting the of America. | He is to meet with services. The guest speaker for the leaders of the Jawish Nation- the evening 'will be Dr. David al Fund in this community and Tannenbaum. •with other leaders to discuaa th® Junior Congregation services present situation in Palestine and will begin at 10:45 Saturday particularly the problems arising morning. out of the war. Dr. Tannenbaum is a graduate of the Hebrew Teacher3 seminary of Jerusalem. He studied at tha University of Denver and received bis post graduate worS at Columbia university. He also received a Kabbinical degree from the Rabbi Issac Elhanan Theological semHereafter items to appear in inary. Council Staff3 column of Dr. Tannenbaum Is a former the ''Jewish Press" must' be vice-president of Youns Judea, the seat to S09 Srandela Theater was associate treasurer and mem- Building, by "Wednesber of the executive committee of day noon. Omaha, Short, items may be the Zionist Organization of Amer- pSiofied to Atlantic also by ioa. and also served as chairman Wednesday n o o n1-tSO . Phone of the New York City Zionist charges may S>e reversed. Council. *-

Shaare Zion


J.-C.C. News

The ballroom dancing ola33 will meet on Saturday evening at 7 o'elock at the Jewish Community Center. All children of Junior High age are welcome to attend.

HADASSAH MINSTREL SHOW A brisk sale of tickets has been reported for the Hadassah Minstrel show, which is to be held Sunday, December 17. This promises to be great entertainment. One of the highlights ia the romance between . Sister Cleepa and Brother Hogg-Fat. Don't miss it!

(Continued From Page 1.)' to the projected Jewish "reservation" in the Lublin district of Poland. However, French press and radio predicted g r a v e events ahead for the Reich Jews as a result of the attempt on Hitler's life. The Pari3 radio emphasized that the Gestapo might use the Munich explosion as a pretext for s t r i k i n g the strongest b l o w against the Jews they have yet experienced in the Reich. Predict Doom of Jews Pari3 newspapers asked: "What did November 10, 1938, bring and what will November 10, 1939, bring?" Newspapers Quoted the German press to show that an atmosphere cf terrorism, chiefly against the Jews, wa3 b e i n g worked up in the Reich and that many Nazi papers were going out of their way to remind readers of last year's events in order to prepare the ground for a similar development now. German newspapers • w h i c h reached Paris through neutral countries carried denials of reports that Germany was inviting Jews back to the Reich as elements needed for her economy. Emphasizing that Hitler had long ago predicted the doom of the Jews if a world war came, these papers reported that. Jews dismissed from their jobs and under existing Reich laws entitled to several weeks' severance p a y might be ordered to refund this compensation, no matter when they had received it. The Frankische Tageszeitung, personal organ of Julius Streicher, reproduced at length violent antiJewish speeches delivered by Streicher since O c t o b e r 16 throughout Franconia Tinder the slogan, "Germany's Victory Would Spell the Death of the Jewish Nation." The paper also carries photographs of Streicher addressing mass meetings, thus apparently contradicting reports that he had been under arrest until several days ago.

Extensive plans- are now Tinder way for making the ninth annual Forest Lawn Chrysanthemum festival, November 26 to 30, inclusive, even finer than those held in the past. Between 10,000 and 12,000 "mums," in about 40 different varieties, will be represented in the show. They- are now being groomed for "their debut at the Forest Lawn greenhouse. Other outstanding • features cf this year's festival will include a beautiful Stephanotis, one of nature's rarest bloom3. The plant, a native of Madagascar, has large, showy white flowers, and since opportunities for seeing this unusual plant are rare, it fs expected to create great interest among this year's visitors. The festival will also** offer'the usual display of gorgeous orchids in. many varieties, as well • as a living orange tree and lemon tree brought from California and loaded with fruit. ; The festival attracts nearly 30,000 persons every year, according to T. Hiltoir Fonda, general manager of the Forest Lawn Cemetery association. No admission Is charged, and the public is invited to attend. •. *..-".-

(Continued from 'Page l.f were seeking safety^by moving; to Lublin. .• : Although Polish government circles here are pleased with opposition of Jews ia America and elsewhere to tfie "reservation" project, the government itself has so far taken no stand on tho plan, whlch-lsr regarded as nothing more than a maneuver' to Incite Poles against Jews, it was said, "We do not even know as yet what the so-called frontiers of this Jewish reservation are," Polish quarters said. . ' The Lublin district is able to provide agricultural projects for all Its inhabitants, so that while in other sections of Poland, especially Warsaw, eventual hunger is1 unavoidable, this may not be the case In the Lublin, area. Wi2no <JTA) — T h e Jewish housing problem 13 growing more complicated and anxiety is rising, although the anticipated formal order for segregation of Jews in a ghetto has not yet been Issued. The influx of.Poles into Warsaw from Pomerania, Poznan' a n d Silesia is growing because of the Nazi actions . to Germanize. the western provinces: by setting .Baltic Germans <• there. The purely Christian quarters of Warsaw are overflowing; hence the anxiety, of the Jews since Jewish residents of some houses, even -' in • Jewish quarters, have been ordered to vacate. ' Jews residing In 21 Krochmalna street were ordered to vacate within 10 days. When they asked •where to go, they received the reply; "The Vistula is big enough." Hundreds of Jewish and -. Polish families have also been evicted' from their apartments ia the Warsaw suburb of Praga, to make room for German families evacuated from Hanover.

Tuberculosis' Seals on Sale Nov. 30 Plans are practically complete for the distribution of 22 million Christmas Seals in the 33rd annual campaign for funds to finance the -work of the Nebraska Tuberculosis association. The drive will be launched on November 30, d e s i g n a t e d as Thanksgiving day in this state by Governor R. L. Cochran. It will be continued through Christmas. Approximately 200 chairmen, many of them county superintendents, "will conduct the campaign through the rural communities. School children enrolled in the rural schools of Nebraska •will play an important part in the Christmas Seal drive. Letters have been prepared by the county superintendent for distribution by the children, who "will act as "messengers." By this means, each family In the community, will be given the opportunity to, buy Seals to aid the Nebraska association in its efforts to bring health to all. The association points with pride to the fact that the state's tuberculosis death rate is the lowest in the nation. Last year the tuberculosis death rate was 15.9 per hundred thousand population. National average ia 48.6 per hundred thousand population. Absence of large, over-crowded cities, and the rural population contribute to the state'3 high standing.

The arts and craft class which meets on Wednesday after school has chosen to make tie rack3 and A. 3. A. 7 door knockers as taeir next projA regular meeting of the Counects. cil Bluffs chapter of A. Z. A. was \ The last Debra niisetmg was held Tuesday evening at the home held at the home of Rose Basaef- of Vernon Fitch. It was decided to postpone the kln, 3110 Jones. Election of officers took place. President, Sylvia annual turkey raffle, usually held '(Ccatiiraed from page 1.)'/ Borshevsky; secretary, Anne Her- Thanksgiving time, until the end man; treasurer, Rosabelle Wigod- of December. The coming winter had a ticket. And if he had a aky: reporter, Rose Bashefkia. convention was discussed also. ticket by what means did he obThe next meeting will be held at Advisor Abe KaSelman spoke and tain it? He must have paid for stressed attendance at Friday evethe home of Sylvia Heraoff. ning services. He mentioned, too, it. And if he paid for it with plans for a greater A. 3. A.-B'nai money, ha must have carried on The Young Judean Council met 3'rith co-operation. the Sabbath ia his pocket a suffilast Monday night at the J. C. C. cient amount of money to buy the Advisor Maltz was present ai At the meeting methods of taking ticket. And if he carried money In new members and al3o mesas the meeting, on the Sabbath Moshe Kun broke Plans are h&ing mad* for the •of-giving points according to t i e one of the Sabbath laws ordained me*it system were discussed. Dor- chapter to participate in the an- by the Most High, blessed be He." nual "Stage Night," sponsored by othy Dikel, president, presided. t i e Round Table of Jewish Youth, Carrying Money on Sabbath of which A. Z. A. is a member. It seemed certain that Moshe ,. Orthodox The local chapter won first place Kun had carried money on the in the last year'3 "Stage Night." Sabbath, and Mr. KatzeneleaboRecent developments'.in appliFriday evening services will beThe next meeting will take gen that evening in the schul ances for heating -with gas briag gin at the Orthodox synagogue at place at the home of Jack Lincoln could regard him only with those new advantages to the builder of 6 o'clock and Saturday morning on November 2S. cold glances that he reserved for a small home; they reduce the at 9 o'clock. Rabbi S. Bolotnikov Reformers and other backsliders cost of building the house and at •will speak in the morning at the from the true faith. the same time provide increased f S'KITH Tiphereth Israel synagogue. His "Good evening," said Moshe comfort with low operating cost, A regular meeting of the B'nai topic will be "Jacob, Symbol of Kun, but Mr. Katzenelenbogen according to "W. J. Barber, assistB'rith lodge was held Monday. the Jew." ant general manager of the Metrodid not reply. "What have I done to you?" politan Utilities District.: AOTSUS ACHOI Formerly, all house heating The Agudus Achim lodge met asked Moshe Kun. "Ask rather what you have equipment had to be located in Thursday evening. done to God," answered Mr. Katz- the basement. Distinctly new types enelenbogen with averted eye3, of heaters invented for other and JUNIOR HADASSAH different locations than the baseThe Council Bluffs Junior Ha- he could not look at him. Mr. and Mrs. M. Reznek, S12 dassah will hold it3 next meeting ment save the expense of excava"What have I done to God?" "W. Ninth street, announced the Monday, November 20, at 8 p. m. Then Mr. Katzenelenbogen told tion which always adds materially engagement of their daughter, This meeting is to be held at the him what lie had seen with his to the cost of any house. Gertrude, to Ralph F. Xraaetz, home of Betty Rae Kubby. own eyes. "You carried money A vertical gas heater, for exBon of Mr. and Mrs. J. Krazeta of A very interesting program has on the Sabbath to buy the ticket. ample, may be installed in a comMinneapolis. The wedding data been arranged in which Mrs. Thi3 is what you did to God." partment or a c l o s e t on the has not been set. Miss Reznek is Bavid A. Goldstein of Omaha will "I carried money on the Sab- ground floor. This attractive, a graduate of Central High school. speak. AH members are urged to bath? I? It Is like saying I ate of compact cabinet heater offers a attend this meeting. a pig. Mr. Katzeaelenbogen, mind system of small home heating Mr. and Mrs. Abraham "Radthat is spreading rapidly throughFurther plaas are being made your words." man of Omaha announce the en- for the ticket sale of "Honeyout the country. How It Was Done gagement of their daughter, Sllze- moon in Bali," which is to be As radical a departure in ga3 you bought the ticket and , beth, to Mr. Ben Apelson of Sious shown at the Strand theater No- to "But buy the ticket you must have heating equipment is the attle City. No date haa been set for vember 23, 27, 23 and 29. furnace which likewise reduces carried money on the Sabbath." the wedding. The bride-to-be is "Chochem! Did I have to buy construction costs of the small an Omaha Central High school FRIDAY SERVICES the ticket on the Sabbath? I house because It saves both the graduate. Rabbi Carl Castle has chosen bought it on Friday. I went to cost of basement excavation aad for Ma topic to discuss at services the theater on Friday and bousrht the cost of a chimney. An attic Miss Bertha Newman, daughter Friday, "The Jewish Spirit." He it." location merely requires a simple of Mr. and Mrs. A. Newman of will also speak en " M a d a m Mr. Katzenelenbogen turned the form of vent, and the heater is Omaha, and Leon Dabrofsky, son Curie." fullness o£ h i s wrath against equipped with a down-discharge of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dabrofsky, iloshe Kun: "Then you carried instead of an up-charge to circu1304 "W. Fourth street, were mar- TO ATTEND'CONVE5TIOX: the ticket on the Sabbath! On late the heat. Tied last Sunday afternoon in Miss Marian Katelman of Wash- the S,abbath you carried a ticket! Omaha. ington, D. C, and formerly of Apikores! Goy!" Edward Cohen was three times After a two-week honeymoon Council Bluffs, ha3 been chosen "Mr. Katzenelenbogen, you are elected mayor of Melbourne, Austhey will reside in the Castle as a delegate to represent the going tralia. ' • .. ' . - . • ' too far. You'll be sorry, Mr. apartments. Council Bluffs chapter, at the Katzenelenbogen. Did I have to Junior Hadassah convention which carry the ticket on the Sabbath? Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kaplan, 3230 13 to be held November 23, 24 No! I bought the ticket on FriStone Park boulevard, will hold and 25 at Baltimore, Md. day and gave it to the ticket-taker open house tomorrow night from on Friday. I said to him, 'Please, 8 to 11 in honor of their 20th RETURNED save this for me till Saturday.' " •wedding anniversary. Mrs. A. Malin has returned to Mr. Katzenelenbogen, hearing the home of her son-in-law and Dr. and Mrs. Louis Btasdale, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack this, could only admire the way who were married recently in Steinberg, after visiting for sev- of a good Jew who so makes ready Qmaha, have returned from a eral weeks with relatives in Kan- for the Sabbath that no sin shall be upon him whatever. He could wedding trip to Mexico and are sas City. feel Jewish life was safe after all. at home at 2 LaSalle street. Yet stories do get around, and HOME from mouth to taouth even innoMiss Annabelle Emlein haa reMrs. L. H. Katelman and chil- cence like Moshe Kun'a becomes turned after an extended vi3it in dren, Avrom and Harriett, have scandal and iniquity. Eadikim the east, where she visited with, returned from a few days' visit cluck their tongues as he passes relatives. in St. Louis, Mo. by . . . tsk! tsk! tsk! This Is written to set Moshe Kua right. . Mrs. Sam Shulkin and Mrs. . . RETURNED (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts Rubinstein gave a joint card party Feature Syndicate.) Mrs. G. Mazie has returned from at the former's home last Thurs- a stay at Sioux City. During her day. The proceeds will go to the sis-week stay there, she Tva3 exJews ware permitted to hold refunds of the Home of the Aged. tsnsively entertained by friends ligious services In Copenhagen as and relatives. eariyas 1634, bat sermons were Aid China forbiddsa. • Montreal (JTA) —> Benjamin Wylie, director and general manMrs. George Steinberg left Tuesager of the South Chfna Morning day for aa extended visit in Hot Post and Hong Kong telegraph, Springs, Ark., • and PhoenJs, Aria. declared in. an interview that "the .rehabilitation of Jewish refugees YOUN may hava tremendously important A Young Judsan groap is besignificance on the whole lite of ing organized la Council Bluffs. China." He said: "I believe that The first -meeting will be held tney will properly industrialise Sunday at 2:30 at .the home ot the country; that they will taach Betty Saks. Officers will be the'Chinese any number of skilled elected. . WHOi-ESALS manufacturing processes." Girls between S£J and 15 ar"j Caasiiaa .© Cig eligible to Join and are iavited to I Mark Raphael, an apostate Jew, attsad tai3 meeting. Hose MeaTabacco © pjp was consulted by 3£enry VIII on delaon ia advisor o£ the group. T&nntmia Supplies the legality of -hi3 marriage to AT 44C3 ?atrcn.*39 C u r Advertisers Anna Iioteya. OPSJI CYCKSKQS


Urge ; Registration J \ for' 1940 Election

Chrysanthemum Festival'to Open on November 26

New Developments - . in Gas Furnaces

Union Pacific Reduces Rates Further reduction in round trip coach fares on the Union Pacific railroad effective December 15 •was announced today by W. S. Basinger, passenger traffic manager of the Union Paclfic.The drop, effective on all western railroads, is from 1.9 cents per mile to 1.8 cents which is approximately a difference of 5 per cent in the price of a ticket. • • '.'This^reduction in fares is to encourage more holiday traffic," said Mr. Basinger. "The Union Pacific is hopeful that public res-jsnss to this offer "Will resnltiur this lower rate being made permanent." - . . * ' • •

A request for'voters-to register for next year's election-has.been .made In * the; followingjfcbmmunl cation': Isued. by Antpn \J.: Election Cornmissiorier: •* .'• • I estimate' that ^'there' are,' proxlmatelyl2i000 to 15,000rvot ers In the City of Oinahalwjio hav't either moved from'obe'residenc{ to another, who ;have \moyed* Ihtc the City, becomej of age or: chang ed their, name, ^Bince .the "•list-refections, and: they* must- therefor register : before they ^-wllpibe'-> permitted to vote"at the coming- elections. '-_ . • A; ' f ./• ; » Next year the : National, Stab and County Primary will be' hejc on April 9, 1940. The . registra tlons for thl3 primary w i i r l on March 29, 1940. Filings for: all; public of flee: close on February 29, 1940. Thl also applies ;to Delegates to ,th County Conventions. ' • ' While you '. are * in > the- Couri House getting-your •- driver's license why not stop in at the Election Of ftee*and -register.- - * On January 1, 19-iO,"'Jypu..wiI receive a notice for your automobilelicense plates, therefore "when you are in the Court House to get IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney 4S9 Brandela Theater B l d J PROBATE NOTICE': In - the Matter of •". tho .Estate' o! Grady Johnson, Deceased:' Notice is Hereby Given:? That th creditors - of • the: said deceased- wil meet . the administratrix •: or- s a i l «state, before-nie, County: Judge o Douglas County, Nebraska, at ' the County, Court -"Room, In. said •"County on the 2nd.<Jay~of Januanr,: IMO^'-anr on the 2nd day. of March.-1940, at o'clock A. St., each day, for the'purpose of presenting: their., claims, foi examination, r adjustment .and..-'allowance. Three months are ? allowed foi the creditors. to present thefr claims, from the-2nd day of December.^ 1939. BUrCE CRAWFORD.* ' ll-10-39-3t. . . . . County. Judge. HERBERT Z . KAPLAN,;Atty. 529 First National Bank Bldg.

IN THE. DISTRICT CODRT OP DOUGLAS COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In re Guardianship of".lionls..Kati, a Minor. \ Doc. 34S No. 255. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. . On .reading the petition, duly verl fled, of Sarah Katz, guardian of th estate of'«Louis Katz,. minor, duly filed herein for llcenseto sell the- fol lowing described real estate, to-wit South one-half of Lot Seven;-Block Eighteen, In E. V. Smith's Addition Omaha, Nebraska, (1623 North Twen ty-first Street), it appearing from said petition that it. would be ; for the benefit of said-'minor if said rea estate should be sold and the pro ceeas thereof*, put? out at interest. • IT IS ORDERED that the next «: kin of said minor and all persons in terested in his estate appear heforu the Honorable John Rlne, Judge ;o< the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska,..on_t!h.e,.4thjga.y of.-December, 1939, to show cause, if "any there be, why license should not be.granted to said Sarah Eats, guardian, to sell said estate for the- purposes set forth. --. -'.-'-.. - . • ' - . JUDGE DINEEJ?. Judge of the District Court. ll-17-39-3t. •:...•,

your.plates why not stop In at the Election Office and'register. All, persons who have become naturalized and have never before,the City of Omaha should register now and they must bring, their naturalization papers with thfem/becajiise we must see •these papers1 to know what Court and the date they were issued. : Anytime you are-in the Court House,' if. you are not properly registered; why not register NOW and : save yourself an extra trip.' "5ye can* give you prompt service and * do 'It' more* economically.


In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: In the llatter' of" of the Estate of Robert .Koenck, Deceased. All persons interested In said estate are hereby'-notified.- that a petition'has been filed inr said.Court alleging that gaia deceased died leaving no last'will and'praying for admlnls.' tratlon upon -his estate, and that a, hearing will; be.had, on said petition before- said court-on the 9th day of December, 1939, arid that it they fall to appear at • said ; Court on the said 9th day of December, 1939, at 9 o'cJoek "A. M. to contest said petition,The'.oldest7Jewish community the Court may grant the same and; grant "administration of said estata In.EuroijB is in Rome. to Hattie Koenck -or. some other s'i<table person and proceed to a settlement thereof. EPHRAIM l_. MARKS, and BRTCB CRAWFORD, I REED; RAMACCIOTTI, ROBINSON ll-17-39-3t --• &-HRUSKA, Attorneys County Judge. -4 805 Flrrt National Bank Bldfl. Patronize Our Advertisers ••"••_' LEGAL NOTICE In the •'Municipal. Court of the City of Omaha, -Nebraska. To: 'Ella' A. Solomon, Non-resident, ' ": " ef ee nd nt t Notice is hereby given that purHome for Funerals suant-, to ran order of attachment and garnishment issued by. the Municipal Establiahed 1906 Court of the City of Omaha, Nebraska,- in an • action pending therein, wherein Merle E. StcDermott, was plaintiff and Ella A. Solomon and COMPLETE SERVICE otherti were defendants, to recover the'sum of $1X2.91 and costs, W. D, AT NOMINAL COST Trotter was ordered by the court to pay into court, as garnlshee flie sum of J33-25,- - 8ame • to be held pending the outcome of said euit. Said case FARNAM at 33RD •was. continued' for' trial, to the 20th day of December,.1939, at-the hour of 9 o'elock A.UL . MERLE E. JIcDERMOTT. 11-10-39-St.;. .'••; Plaintiff.

Hulse •&. Riepen

. HA 1226


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Society News



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' t < ^ ^ :

-,<^<r^t. ... Home work Is good work with plenty, of ' colt, glcre-froo light. AnewLES.* Bolter Sight Lamp, ©quipped with ih©right^so bulb, will let your children dp hos^o work In less time without'dangerous, eye-" ;; strcdn. Tests prove that any seeing task Is easier with odequat©, diHused light* See th© mcmy beautiful Bettor Sight-study lamps and tablo lamps on display . today. ; '."**. * Approved by Illuminating Engineers Society

As ' Heat :,Ftows- - SllentSy ¥mm This. teasing. deafer :. Youreyes and ears tell you there's no fan, no moving parts, yet your hand on top feels the force behind the billows of wannth pouring out! Where others require electricity and moving parts, Coleman uses the exclusive HBATFLOW principle to pour heat through your rooms. R$al circulation, 57JS more

warm air—silent and without draft! : See this heater. Note its; beautiful lines, the sparkling: flame jewel, the heat reflectordoors that give you radiant', heat right whert you want i t Our Coleman heaters are real buys! Several sizes in dude a beautiful twin burner' console. Come in!


OTHERS of @13'

S ^ ®


Wr&o w i l l Evesy Purehaso of Heater


By J O S SOLOMONOW TEAS! STANDINGS W. L. Clicquot C. Eski's.17 10 Empire Cleaners . . 1 5 13 ! Smith Motors 15 12 State Coal & Gas. -14 13 Shrier Paint 13 14 Tretiaks 13 14 Wardrobe 11 13 Pioneer Uniform . . I d IT

•C.C* Sports By Stanley

French Reject Protest Listing of Grynszpan Plea Religion on Tags of to Enter Army English Soldiers

Paris (JTA) — The French London JTA) — Specification J. C. C. BASKETBALL LEAGUE courts have rejected a plea by of religion on the identity discs Team Standings Hersefcel Gryns2pan, young assas- borne by soldiers has resulted in .aao W. L. sin of a German Embassy secre- representations to the War Office. .35« A. Z. A. 1 . . a 0 tary, that he be released from The wisdom of clearly identifying .35C> prison for the duration of theJews, thousands -of whom are in Turner's Wildcats 2 0 war so that he could join the Po- the British army, is questioned In .519 .-131 A. Z. A. ICO 1 1 lish Legion. Grynszpan had prom- the representations. It is pointed .481 Omaha Jobbing Co. . . . . 1 1 ised that he would return and face out that a Jewish soldier, if takes .407 Midwest Auto Parts . . . . O 2 trial at the end of the "war. Thepirsoner, might fare worse than Moody Eagles O 2 trial cannot be held until the war members of the Christian faith. I A. Z. A. 1, last year'3 pre-season is over since the complainant is a A plan to evacuate Jewish LEAGUE RECORDS champion, is again holding the German, the father of the slain children in special hostels to enHigh Came — 1*. Steinberg, lead with Turner's Wildcats. In diplomat, Ernst vom Rath. able them to live in a Jewish at* 255; Wardrobes, 912. Sunday's games \A.. Z. A. 1 raosphere is now being worked High Series—I.eo Weitz, 62!); last The court also rejected a plea beat the Omaha Jobbing 26.-15. by Grynszpan's uncle, Abraham. out by the hostels committee of Shrser Paint, £,453. A. Z. A. 100 led the Midwest Auto for a parole so that ha could join the Agudath Israel's war emerParts 26-13, while Turner's Wild- the Foreign Legion. It affirmed a gency committee, which is compilTOP TEN AVERAGES cats edged Moody's Eagles by sis-rnonth sentence imposed on ing a register or children -whose Feltlaaajj, 135; G. Schapiro, 21-17. 181; Weitz, 177; P. Steinberg, for harboring his nephew af- parents are willing to send them This Sunday'3 games are be- him 177; P. Jiatziuan, IBS; Platt, ter the assassination, and he was to such hostels. tween A. Z. A. 100 and Turner's 166; Zweibac-U, 134; Marks, Wildcats; Omaha Jobbing and committeed to prison. 1»2; Pill, l t t l ; S. Cohn, 131. Joseph • Salvador, the noted Midwest Auto Parts, and A. Z. The Bordeaux families of Grad- French was born of' a 1 vs. Moody's Eagles. The is and Rodrigues. according to Catholic historian, ; After an evening oi generally A. mother and Jewish father first game starts at 2:15 p. m. ;low bowling, the Clicquot Club family history, migrated to Spain and waa buried in a protestant Eskimos emerged alone, ia the at the time of the Bar Cochba re- cemetery with the rabbi ofNimes HANDBALL leadership o£ the league, through bellion. , ' -' officiating. a two-game win over the State Now that the pre-season doubles Coals. Smith Motors, previously tournament is coming near it3 in a tie for first, slid to second end, the pairings tor the pre-seaplace after losing three straight son. singles are now ready. In the Class A. J. Ban drew a bye, to the Tretiaks. Sigal TTS. Turner, Riekes TS. Dr. * Empires held onto a tie for A. D. Faier, Wiatroub vs. Siegel, second with two victories over tae Corenman, bye; S. Baa TS. SkolPioneer Uniform squad. S t a t e nick, Yaffe, bye; Garber vs. Coals dropped from second to | Katzman, Geller, bye; A. Epstain third, and the Shriers, although vs. Rossen, J. Adler vs. Goldware, •winning two from the "Wardrobes, I. Boggy vs. Teper, P. Boggy vs. •went to fourth in a tie with the Pollack, Burroughs, bye; Novak vs. W. Smith, Schriebman, bye. Tretiaks. In Class B we have Tretiak vs. Leading light in individual ex- j Ziegmaa in the preliminary; the hibitions was George Schapiro's winner playing Len Gould; Gendbig 617 series, coming wthm 13 ler vs. Kutler; Kurs vs. Herman; pins of beating Weitz's high of winner of Ferer and Freeman vs. (j29. The Shriers had high, team j; winner of A. Adler and series with a total of 2,431, and I Soskin vs. H. Temin; -winner beihe Shrier Paints' 90S was the j tween Coopermaa and Wolfson vs. Sacks; winner of Isaacson and top team game of the evening. Irv Cohen vs. J. Lagrnan, and The first team to win all three Gen&elman vs. Spiegal. games since October 31 was the Tbe finalists ia the pre-season Tretiaks, who toclc a clean sweep over the Smith Motors, whose doubles tournament played off bowling was disastrous to t h e Tuesday night are Ban and Ban, who defeated Corenman and Dr. team's nice previous lead. . With a high game of 7S1. the Faier 21-12, 21-12, and SchriebTretiaks managed to take all three man and Yaffe over Geller and BUSINESS SCHOOL games handily. The Smiths hit Weiner 13-21, 21-17, 21-17. Dr. a high of 6 7 9. Kranta was high Faier took the place of Teper at for. the winners with P23, fol-the last miaute because Teper belowed by ZweibacK's 492, a nice I came a proud daddy just a fewstart for Sammy, who has re- j b.ours before the game, Sehool of joined the league after a long BlfSIMESS VOLLEYBALL absence. See the Twenty-six business girls have CO-EDUCATIOIIAL Sam Epstein, with 4 54 was signed up for the newly organized ALL YEAH—DAY AKD highest man on the Smith team, evening volleyball league. Play iwho somehow couldn't get upstarted last Wednesday. EVE11HQ The Morning Y/oinen volleyball their usual steam. 'Doc" Morgan, tlte usual leader, ran second artists defeated taa Omaha Athletic Club women at the O. A. C. with a 43a. last Tuesday night ia the Ladies' IONE C« DUFFY, Owner The league leading Clicquot City league by the scores of 15-3, 2d Floor Securities S. l©th' JA had a total of 43 pins less 15.3, 15-1. The following 'woiaAT 0332 *"i?n the stat-a Coals; the latter j en played "Wednesday _against_tlie 'h'-d the highest • game, S4S. andO. A. C.: - Meadasies yat the Eskimos took two games, coin, Bennett, MarsS, Daaielsoa r.:ost!y accounted for by Schap- and Pedersan. iro'3 S17 series, assisted nicely Sew Staff Meoibe? by ^oth Platt and Yaffe, vritS SIS George Gates haa been appointand 5 0 3, -respectively. Sehapiro ed swimming instructor at the Had a 203 and 21S with 195 in | Jewish Community Center. Mr. 27th and L Streets .the middle. j Gates is a Senior Red Cross es! aminer as well as water safety A Swayj a Fins Variety cf '• Phil Katzman led the losers \ instructor. Under Ha guidance :-wlth 54S, Sam Katzman nest with I and supervision many youngsters . FRESH FISH A«D '511. The only 200 game in the and adults will be able to pass SEAFOODS DAILY group was Phil's 201 in the sec- Red Cross swimming tests. Also tha Finest ond game. STEAK and CHICKEN Lee Grossman, Center physical Not one 500 series showed its ] director, believes that all Center DiNMEHS face in the Empire Cleaners-Pi- i basketball players should have a PRIVATE DINING ROOMS oneer Uniform match. Leader for thorough knowledge of the basAVAILABLE • the Empires in its two-game win ketball rules. With this in mind O-Kay Wholo '.•was Sam Slotky with 454. Capt. Mr. Grossman ia nest Tuesday f»1A 4774 for Yossr ©roeer ; Melcher garnered a 445 for sec- j evening, November 21, starting a • ond honors. Top game in the weekly "Rules Interpretation Bas'. match waa 7 65 for the Pioneers ketball Clinic." All Junior and Senior baaket; in the first game. ball players who would like to Jim Burroughs led the Pioneers j acquaint themselves with new ru.1sli Year Crcssr for ; and had high series for the match i ings and interpretations for this • with 474. Capt. S. Cohn slipped j year's basketball are asked to at- O c^n:.:sr V badly to come in with a low 39?. i tend. ) i>eenberg followed Burroughs •3 CA38SSESHTS FOK S i . 0 0 ^ 1 th -14.1. The team had the high- f"W § Listen to Foster M«iy*« ,-st series of the match by 52 pins. * - * * g Hats, Drapes, "Man on the Street" proSweaters, etc. gram you •will under-City Wide Plck-Us> and Deiivery '• Sbi-ier Paints, paced by a a31 stand w h y Baxmetller'a AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE ;j-» the part of Xeo Waits, took Cookies and Crackers are •Tieir tivo games from the Wardtha best. ilH I L I H i LSI ^ rubes by 54 and 105 pin margins. Beirut, L e b a n o n (JTA) — .I.i the last game, they nearly lopped the high team game by Members of the exiled., Palestine rolling 9 0 3, just four pins short Arab High Committee disclosed of the Wardrobe's record game. that Iraq had officially advised .•Norman Brown was second best London at acceptance, of the pro•with 503. Weitz's ton game was posals contained m the British White Paper by the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amirt el Husseini, lierbie Marks led the Ward- who is now in Irati(The Egyptian Premier last robes with 520. followed by Paul 'Steiaberg's oli. The team had week announced that he had reai a niee 2,332 scratch series, and ceived letters indicating Husseini's two SOi) games, but the speed of acceptance of the British plan, InTruck lieaslqaarters the Shriers in the pinches kept volving establishment at an indeSarvies an Troe&s in otsr them to one win out of the match. pendent Palestine state, and addParts Is naw available 24 ed that negotiations were afoot hours «-2l'y, except Sue. In The headliner cm nest week's to grant amnesty for the Palestine or in prison, schedule, and a game worth Arabs nowtoinaesiie Stoclt Cairo dispatch to -watching ia the opinion of your according: Slerce 2 £32 f'observer is the Empire Cleaneri- The Times of London.) Phone—JA 72S3 The Arab leaders told a Havas Vliequot Club Eskimos match, which may have a lot of effect on News Agency correspondent that ."the future standings. The Smith the proposals were made to the WOfiXS 'Motors will ei'gasa the \Vard- various independent Arab governCO. robr-s; State Coal meets t h e ments of the N e a r East. The Janes OfliaHA Egyptian and Iran Governments Tretiaks, who appear to be real 'coiners, and the Sprier Paints will approved them after ascertaining the ex-Mufti and the Arab • take on the Pioneers, who appear that High - Committee found them a to be. about ready to put on some satisfactory oi their steam to pull out 01 the it was said. basis for agreement, ceilar of tae league. Pet.

For Your Fall Hair Style





'••1 2 1 !V

Warburg BetrotKed



Colonial Trust Loses

""' 'N>\v Yor't (JTA 1—Edward M. j Johanaeaburg (JTA) — Tha '•' M.' Warburg, Jewish leader, phil- Jewish Colonial Trust has lost aa : antlii-o&i-st and patron o£ the arts. action befora the South African •vHI be married cm December 6 Supreme Court to obtain immefiiatel ? whatever fua-is irosi t i e tlv ~ xia.-.-v waelaa Curr'er of this i cif,,* j't" %Vas announced by Mrs. I 400,000 pounds Albert Nathaa ea• • Joan P. "Williams oi Mariin, Tex., ! T 3 t a a r e now needed for aanaal l&'• 'snolaer' of the bride-to-be. War- ! Sacies — said t a amount to mp-

The flaw WHtosi Wayl

48 Proofs to Choose From


sad Stsis^ SSsscrs


Cdoteeo Ssadwtehe* . .' fieer I

Herzbsrgs sryD Sth FSeor

Bmssela {JTA}—The Belgium j OMesi Evacsee ' authorities have banned for an [ Loadoa (JTA) — Erstaia's old• jndefiaiie period taa Cerraaa. aats- j est evacuee ia reported ia be 104• Sismitia weekly Eer Stusrnar, pa?»- ! year-old Leah Skurnik, a Jewess, :.liahed by JulSys Streicher in Kur- j wbe is now living ia Southport ' embers, and the Belgian Fascist j with more titan 4 3 otier iamatss paper. Pays 'Reel, organ of the j of the Manchester Rome for Aged i aacl Incurable Jews. jiaa ILsxist


Cpea SS Saa» to % A. M. Frea i^SSwry WA SSJ9

AT 334S

££MT£H S4.


D a v i d Augustus Rosenthal York to consider a Broadway show was co-authored by D o r o t h y is scheduled to play opposite SI(1812-75) became a convert to . . . and to forget. Thompson and Fritz Kortner. One mone Simon In the "Gibson Girls," Catholicism and Is credited with can understand Korther's deep a New York musical. George BrentBobby Breen is retiring -from appreciation of t h e American" and James Cagney were overheard creating the high standards of the the screen! * Well, for two years at struggle for freedom . . . he was in the commlBsary carrying- on: a German Catholic press. least — while nature takes Its one of Germany's greatest actors rapid conversation In Yiddish! course—bis voice Is already a t . . . now a fugitive from It? Fury. Jack Ross was Carl Laemmle's that uncertain stage. He'll go to right hand man, secretary arid military school in the winters and for 14 years! Laemmle As a ballyhoo stunt. Producer companion 3~udy dramatics in the summers. provided that his faithful emBoris Morros had ash trays made ployee Then, for a film comeback. retained on,the;pay roll up to represent a Russian bear for onebe year after his death. SamBy HELEN ZSGMOND . . . sent them all over the world Oy! Soch oxcitement over a uel, . . . note the formal .touch tiny mite of humanity! Appointed to exhibitors and press .'. . seemed .... . Goldwyn was awarded tho Hollywood—Did you know that photographer to His Highness, like a good Idea. .But by the time Bear State Veterans* citizenship the first time Tony Martin ap- Aunt Marjorie Cantor' daily films they reached England and France, medal for his "exemplary citizenStalin's legions had swept into ship, his kindness to servicemen, peared in pictures he was only a every grimace and grin of the new Poland . . . and Russian bears and. his contribution .of patriotic stand-in-for someone else's voice? bambino and rushes the reels via were as .welcome aa IT-boats! ' The real singer didn't photograph air mail to Grandpa Eddie. films." Yoohoo! •Warner Brothers! well . . . so Tony mouthed the Eddie now modifies one of his aciion for the camera. Cuff-Notes: Again Hedy may be old gags. "If you want a boy",shelved by her alma mater . . . Shooting a'•"Four Wives" secall Western Union" is revised to "It's no surprise," quips Arthur "It you want a boy, call Dr. Ir- retakes and retouches on "I Take quence In Which John Garfleld Woman" are halted until her appears as a ghost, Director Curtlz Franklin, "that Hitler and Stalin ving Ress!" • . • This salary claims are settled. You was hard to please. "The flret It have teamed up so well . . . when yet see Dolly Haas before vaa good — the last, phooey!" two heels meet they always Exclusive Edition: Chaplin gift- may they have to bring her In on a "Why,. Mike." reproved John, click!" - " ed 12 of his friends with photo- wheel-chair. Currently -she has "you , know. I'm a ghost. Y o n graphs of himself as "The DicIn the Jolson-Keeler rift, con- tator," but neither bribes nor the leading femme role in "Heart should have more respect for the sensus tis that too much In-law threats can secure a print for pub- of Darkness" . . . she hopes it's dead." "All right. Tbeez time not another Indian gift. Paul eet ees fine., Now ve make a CIQSinterference, caused the static. lication. Mimi's performance In "TTey Lar^ er-up.'.' "Right now before Innch?" Sympathy looms large for Jolson "Dawn's Early Light," a caval- go" Is up to Muni standard . '. . complained the actor, "I'm i u n since he was especially generous, even contributing sums t o hercade of American history, recent- his first footlight Job in years. gry." '•Eeemposslble!" retaliated family's church. Al left for New ly purchased by Louis B. Mayer, Michael Loring, the cantor's son, Curtlz. "Ghosts don't eat!"

litical advisers, is recognized In French circles as one of the world's greatest authorities on SHOE An indleitlon that the Berlin- Syria . . . And the French, who Rome axis is breaking down Is used to . have a mandate over seen in the frantic efforts of Syria, ought to know . . . AmeriGoebbels' propaganda department can Zionist circles view as a serito convince the Germans that it ous breach of discipline that arain't so . . . Gabby Joe ia flood- ticle by Elihn Stone, recently pubing Germany w i t h , postcards lished in the Jewish Morning SIS So. 16th St., AT 020.0 showing Hitler and Mussolini arm Journal, In which he uses' undipin arm . . . Bat "we're inclined to lomatic language in speaking of HALF. believe Danton Walker, -who pre- the President of the Zionist OrSOLES diets that Mussolini is going to ganization of America . , . D o n ' t Men, women come out openly on the side of be surprised if Mr. Stone gets a , and children the Allies -within five weeks . . . public calling-down . . . PcUEBdS Th dignified London Times, suc- LAUGH DEPARTMENT Ladles' Heels, Leather o r ' Composition cumbing to the strain, recently featured the headline "How Hit- If you want to laughs at Hitler ler Is Egged On" over a story don't miss Sam Levene's perform- INVESTIGATE OUR COMPLETE describing the Fuehrer's latest ance as Officer Finkelsteln in SHOE REBUILDING SERVICES) furoTe—an egg diet . . . Most Clare Boothe's "Margin for Ercelebrated casualty of London's ror." the new stage hit with Islackouts to date is: .one Mr. which Henry Luce's wife has Steiner, whom you know as Les- started off this season . . . From lie Howard . . . He suffered a Sidney Skolsky comes the tale of couple of broken bones In anthe Berlin Jew whoso shop was ©53LY U 1> A IB. automobile crash in a' darkened Invaded by the Gestapo . . While street . . . A n d what book da you the Nazis were beating up their' V/ecS. Gn!y: Ad:?!, lbs. CVz<s It's Topcoat time think is the current best-seller in victim, his parrot, perched high France? . . . It's that old collec- above their reach, kept up a run-, . . . Imported and All ning fire of derogatory comment tion of prophecies by the sixDomestic fabrics Irajte& Chfrts teenth-century Jewish physician on the Fuehrer and his cohorts I? desired, SQc each* are in. SEE . . . and astrologer Michel Nostradam- . . . Finally the Nazis, having had their fill of fun with the Jew, us . . . It seems that Nostradamus prdicted that some timB in thestarted after the bird . . . Moaned twentieth century destruction the victim of assault and battery: TAILOR would come to Paris through the "But if you catch him, remember air from the East—and the that the views he expresses are 322 GO. ISth ST. A? ©SS9 French want to know all the de- his own, and not mine." s OSGS ' ' RedlcSi Tower tails . . . Very disturbing are the ABOUT PEOPLE rumors going the rounds about It!s Jimmy Fidler who discovthe reason' w h y ex-President ered that the design In the ?ienes of Czechoslovakia is being wrought iron gates of the late cold-shouldered in British diplo- Carl Laemmle's Hollywood estate matic circles . . . SEE S I M O N A N D 9 A V B : O M > v ' : .:' 13 dominated by two huge swasOP ALL THXXGS tikas . . . But don't get us wrong Nationally Advertised Brands of Wutches, The general staffs of. various -f—Laemmle w a s perhaps t h e Jewelry and Silverware European countries are all agog most vehement anti-Nazi In the about the success of Dr. Gregory movie colony . . Kobert K. Straus, Plncus in producing a fatherless sen of the late United StatesAmrabbit, we hear . . . Washington bassador to France, and great- 2 4 0 1 DOUGLAS ST. Is buzz-buzzing that Roosevelt nephew of Oscar Straus, who was will accept a third term only if a member of Teddy Roosevelt's by the time the Democratic Na- Cabinet, Is a big success in New tional Convention rolls around York's municipal politics, having Hitler still Is threatening Europe just been reelected as a Council—and, indirectly, the United man . . .Which reminds us that States . . . There's an ever-deep- George Backer, who did not run nlng mystery about that trip of for reelection to the Council, is Max Schmeltag to these United now being mentioned as a posStates—which, by the way, hassible candidate for the New York Beer, Pork, Mutton, M?m not been confirmed as we write mayoralty . . ' . I t was no-lass a Chicken . , . Mustard Greens, Navy Beans this . . . Some claim that Schmel- personage than Justice Felix Corn Bread, Sweet P ing Is trying to escape from the Frankfurter who staged a reconto Pie—Peach and clutches of the Nazis : . . Others ciliation between' Eddie Cantor and-Maury Maverick, the stormy insist that his coming is a Nazi plot, the plan being to iise him petrel of Texas'. . . And 'it. took a Thomas J . Casey, Pros. as a good-will ambassador for newspaper reprter to reveal the Germany In the same- manner ds fact that Mrs. Herbert H. Leh171. 2307 W. 24i& JA the French are preparing to use man, wife of New York's goverAssistant Open 4 P . f.l.—4 A. TX Charles Boyer for their team . . . nor, i3 not only tan accomplished Fran Thomsen, beautiful wife of pianist, but a talented composer the German charge d'affaires at of songs . . . In line with the Washington, gets little opportu- quality of the picture "Mr. Smjth nity to exhibit her pulchritude Goes to Washington" is the pubnowadays . . . The Capital's social licity campaign In its behalf by You Are Invited to Visit and Inspect whirl passes her by, nothing Ger- Columbia Pictures . .Much credit for this Is due to our own Maurman being popular . . , the Beautiful ice ^ Bergman, Columbia's director YOU SHOrLD KNOW publicity, who, however, Insists An urgent appeal for helo has. of oa giving all the laurels to Nathbeen received by Dr. A. J. I^risty an Splngold, the dynamic vice from the Palestine Jewish Medi- president of the organization . . . cal Association . . . Due to Hitler, That Indefatigable couple, the Lee et al., the rumber of Jewish phv- L. Levingers are working harder sScians in Palestine has increased than ever these . , , Rabbi from 390 in 1933 to over 2,500 Lcvinger Is doingdays of For Health and Beauty's today . . . Hundreds of them can- Judah Pi Benjamin ainbiography addition to Sake not get their licenses to practice. hi3 history of B'nal B'rith, and either because they entered the his wife, Elma Eorlich Levinger, ROLLER GliATE Qt country illegally or for other rea- V* writing the life story of Emma sons-. . .Something must be done Lazarus . . . Jules Bache, the WEST FAE3NAK3 to help these unemployed doctors banker and financier, is ill at the tbo Ogccfng I- Palestine survive V-. . The J.New York Medical Center, and s On.'jf 24>Hoor D. C. or the U. P. A. or both Optical Stsntlea best to the presence of R ; Lad!es*30e should look Into the matter and reappnda "\\Tun Goid GUases Coei t his granddaughter, Mrs. Warren Wednesday and Friday find a solution . . . Those who Peshing . . . I t is-true that the OPTICAL Kigh School NitGo-25c believe that the trouble with Pal- Ludwlg Lewlsohns are each .going with School IdcntiHi ation estine Is that the Zionists don't their own s Spa way . . . The war may Sunday. Elatinee - - 20c Btstdty known anything about A r a b s bring Elisabeth Bergner to Broad, 253 should know that Leopard Stein, way this year, in "The Boy David* .'•Where Omaha Siiiatca" who for m^ny yeats 'was one of y MA 1973 'Mis M 3B22 b > f . i ST.Dr. Wcismann's most valued poBy PHDfKAS J . BIRON

EMPiftf: i


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BOMBS HIT THEM—-Chinese reported that 21 of their planes flew over Hankow and destroyed nearly 100 Japanese planes. Japanese denied this, asserting that Chinese planes succeeded only In wounding many civilians. Here are some of "the Chinese wounded, awaiting surgical attention*


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EYE SORE — Gutzon Borglum's statue of President Woodrow Wilson that Naxis are reported to have removed from Pcznan (Posen), Poland, as an "artistic eye sore." Statue was sponsored by former Premier Paderewski, pianist.







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ARCTIC NEI©HSOKS — Captain Rabart Bartlett, veteran explorer, Is known as tha "Arctic Commuter," so many trips has ha mada to tha frozen North. Hera ara scenes takan during his -recent voyage. Top, Captain lab's ship, the Effle M. Morrtssey, passes dose to a huge icsberg. Note the nafural-faridga formation, with the archway at tha ship's prow, Caater Salt,









aa Eskimo woman gratefully accepts a tailormade cigarette and a light from a crew member. Right, typical Eskimo gentleman. Bottom, Eskimo children play with a Titter of pups. Dogs are as valuable to the Eskimo as a farmer's horse and are early trained to put! sledges and hunt Polar bear. Scenes were taken near easi coasr of ©rsenland.









OM DUTCH 0ORDIE—Gats in fence that separates Dutch town of Kerkrade from German town of Strazs, on border of anxious Holland. Dutch and German customs inspectors and guards are chatting. , ^




>% t





AT raOUT—Mafer Genera! tha Duko of Windsor, right, listens to explanations by French cfFicer of tactical war moves, somewhere en French Front. Not® snow on uniforms and upturned collars, indicating intense cold. I '



4 ' ^;-:?r 4



1 (X" r ' ^ W^^&H^S&.'V.J* ^° ** ^j^H

TO BAG A ^AI3—Picrur* pasb^d by French censor shows French guncrew, somt-whdra In rrartce, on rha alert for possible visit o? Nazi airplanes. Gun is ana of tha most modern French antsaircraft defense pieces.

arriyaS in NewYorkwas Princess Amarjit cf KapurthaSa, who married second son of immensely rich Maharajah of Kapurthala of India. She was a former Seorg| a n princess.

RICH MAH—Jose Lazaro, of Madrid, one of richest land* owners in Spain, who arrived recently in New York. Presumed Franco backer, he said he had come to America "to > get a little peace."

AWAY mOM HOLLYWOOD—After three years of marriage, Dick Powell and Joan Blondell run away from Hollywoodscreen duties for honeymoon trip to Niagara. They're shown dining out in Empire Room of Waldorf-Astoria, New York City.

- A T S! ." i

RUSSIA?! Finns say

9 S?SAHL4S—Cassia contl.iuas fa i*m..H©? naval tevsr ba p^m-fred. T'la-se b°g gans ire abaari ihs Xc

., ->..

©a F'.i.nlsfi

WaUer 5dfa, left, lormor Ambassador to rrasio, i«d Leaaari A?ssr, AHsrtfc City rnsrchart, rctern from s^sss*:fa! hi.R*!pg e«jd:Hoa into salt marshss near Haw Jersey

I i SSCE S©M©SATOiAfED—Close-up pictures of Premier Mussolini m@ no longer received, following reports his features show illness and strain of his position. This on® shows him congratts» laiadl by Minister of Justice Count Din® Grand?, fight, on 17th Faseist anniversary.


Pacre 5


Sigma Alpha Mu

Pi Lambda Phi

Girl Scouts

On Wednesday, November S, at Easily defeating three of the Girl Scout Troop No. 4, sponstrongest fraternities on the Ne- an alumni-active smoker held at sored- by the Jewish: Community the Paxton hotel, Chi chapter ac| braska cainpus in the intra-mural Center, held an Autumn Tea and j volleyball tournament, S i g m a cepted as pledges five new men. Court of Awards, on* Sunday afWith the pledging of these men, j Oiuicron chapter of Sigma Alpha | ternoon, November 12 at the Cenj Ma now holds the position of the | as is its custom, the chapter an- ter. . ....:•.-.. :;. ' . ' • • nounced its program for the 1939j favorite for championship in the I Delores Cohn, a member of the : EFSTEIX-0L.1N D ; RABEX-FIEDLER league. Oaly one more team must j 1940 year. troop, presided &s. Mi s t r e s s of Miss Sophie Gland, daughter ol | Miss M e r r i a m Joy Fiedler, ! be beaten to win the coveted j The pledges, all Omaha men, ^eremonies,-. and announced the Mr. and Mrs. Morns Gland, be- j daughter of Mr. a n d Mrs. I. | championship. The team repre- are pursuing courses in three di- followins program: Remarks ou came the bride of Harry I. Ep- j Fiedler, became the bride of Mr. senting the Nebraska chapter of visions of the university, and are Scouting, by Miss : Geneve-Hotelstein, son of Mr. Henry Epsteia, j Abe Raben, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Sigma Alpha Mu is, to date, the well represented In campus activi- ling: "the Spirit of Scooting," a at a ceremony performed in the j David Raben, on Sunday after- only unbeaten team left in com- ties. They are: Leonard Kula- skit. presented. J>y the troop: with Congregation of Israel synagogue, j noon. at the home of _. her „„. parents. r ^ . ^ ^ . petition in. the league. A. T. O-, j kofsky, a Kemper Military Acad- the following girls participating.' Twenty-fifth and J streets, onj Rabbis David A. Goldstein and | Phi Gamma Delta and Alpha emy graduate, freshman in com- Phyllis Wohlner, Arlene Dansky, Sunday, ^November 12, at 7 p. m. Isaiah Rackovsky and Cantor A. j Gamma Rho are the fraternities merce, a member of the advanced Charlotte Sommer, Louise Bolker, Rabbi David A. Goldstein of- Schwaczkin officiated. ! which have been beaten by the | R. O. T, C. corps, and a-'freshman Natalie Plotkin, Gertrude Rosenficiated, assisted by Cantor Aaron debater; Norman Lincoln, Central blatt, Donna Bernstein, Jeanne The candelight ceremony was I Sigma Alpha Mu team. Edgar. graduate, pre-med student, fresh- Blacker, . Phyllis Studna," Arlene t " " £ £ " v> • » n ' performed P e r f o r n l e ( i under a canopy of a j Practicing every night in the man debater; Stanley Turkel, Cen- Kershman, Helen Reznick, Rita • The bride wore an eggsnea i floral design of white pompoms I university coliseum a r e Irvin >- saUa gown fashioned on princess j banked with palms and flanked Yaffe, Bob Bramson and Charles tral graduate, pre-med student, Plotkin, Sally Marer, Dorothy insert in length imisrih veil VPII i ..._ _.-.i _= -. , - . . i -- - -- lines, with a. a ffingertip ' Sheldon Bernstein, and Kathleen Vann. on either side by candelabra. ! Shindler of Omaha, who are out member of Corchestra; e n t r a l graduate, and carried a bouquet oi white The bride wore an ivory moire for varsity and freshman basket- Waxenberg, Miss-Jackie Leffingwell, Troop in commerce, and Ern^ pom poms. gown fashioned on empire lines. ball. Irv is out for the varsity freshman T Miss Frances Gland, sister of Her veil was of tulle and her team. He is a returning letter- est W ohl, finished prep work in Leader, commented briefly on the the bride, was her only attendant. tiara of white ostrich plumes. man. The other two are out for Connecticut, dentistry freshman, nature of Girl Scout Awards and invested the' following girls of Pledge president. She wore a flesh satin gown and I she" caVried freshman honors. Tenderfoot Rank: Sarah Berg*" J ~~ ^ """ ' ! gardenias and lilies of the valley Active members of Chi chapter man, Donna Bernstein, Dorothy of Sigma Omiare already this quarter receiving Blacker, Louise Bolker, Fay Edel, brother of coveted honors. Mel Sommer was Arlene Kershman, J o s e^p h i n e best man. Mrs. Joseph Lagruan and Mrs. j weeks ago to visit the Missouri one of the nine applicants chosen Koom, SaDy Marer, Natalie PlotMrs. D. H. Shuikia of Sioux from a list of several hundred to City, Ia., sister of the bride, sang Louis Riklin were her attendants. | chapter of the fraternity and to serve an interneship at the Cedars kin, Rita Plotkin, Helen Reznick, and was accompanied at the piano They wore identical dresses of ! attend the Nebraska-Missouri foot- of Lebanon hospital in Los An- Gerturde Rosenblatt, Ann: Shrago, Phyllis Studna, Kathleen Vann, by Al Finkel and Miss Freda Sher- moire on empire lines, one of j ball game. Those who attended geles. Doris W e i n b e r g , and Marian I dubonnet and the other turquoise. ! the game were Irv Yaffe and Stanman OB the violin. Edward Cohn, a member of the Larry Shulkin was ring bearer, jI Their old-fashioned bouquets were j ley y Mayper, y p , Omaha, and Bud advanced R. O. T. C. corps, has Weinstein. Class Rank was awardand Elaine Ravitz flower girl. .' of American Beauty roses and Kalin, Sioux City. been pledged, together with Leon- ed Secqnd to the following: Judy Alberts, Immediately following the cere- i w h * t e sweet peas. | Several members of Sigma Onii- ard Kiilakofsky, to Phalanx, na- Donna Bernstein, Dorothy Blackp |. ^ _ , eer ree p g p J o e er, Jeanne Blacker, Delores Cohn, l l s sl l le er rs s 3 whis AA AA s w we er re ebrother mony a in reception was held hill for ail | b. e s^t ' me arn -Raben_»-a chapter ofhonors Sigmathis Alpha «Mu tional military fraternity. the rreeeDtion -- ""ii ,wcron awarded awarded week. ecepuou a a U 0of 1 b l l Riklin, J°^!!^ ! Fiedler, Louis Sydney iiHenryy Greenber ger, Grand Island, Soshnick, a varsity debater, has Arlene Dansky, Phyllis J r e e d , yy a membership key from l Finkel. jj was this week initiated into Sigma received Greenberg, Arlene KershFeinich and Harold Out-of-town guests were, from F Delta Sigma Rho, honorary de- Phyllis Music was played by Al Finkel, Gamma Epsilon, geology honman, Sally Marer, Natalie Plotkin, Sioux City, la., Mr. and Mrs. A. pianist, and Joseph Lagman and bating fraternity. orary. Arthur Hill, Lincoln, was Rita Plotkin, Helen Reznick, GerShulkin, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sliul- J o s e p b Willard Smith, as president of trude this week elected vice-president Rosenblatt, Phyllis Studna, Kin, and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. SnuL- i Hornstein, violinists. the Pan-Hellenic Council, is . suMrs. Fiedler wore a black crepe j of Beta Gamma Rho, debate honHarriet Kathleen Vann, kin and sons, Jerry and Larry. Dr. preparations for the Doris W Taub, e i n b e r g , and Marian and Mrs. S. E. Ravitz and daugh- clinner dress with white pearl j orary. Bernard Epstein, Omaha, pervising the neckline. 1 for Pan-Hel Ball to be held at the Weinstein. ters, Harriett and Elaine, from , beading , forming . , ,The , , is now a staff - photographer Phipnsrn- Mr and Mrs M fiendler i srooin s mother wore a royal blue i the "Cornhusker Countryman," Paxton en November 25. The Mrs. A. Cohn and Mrs. I. Danfrom O t t n l w l l a " a n d " M w n d Ic™ dinner dress. Both had official publication of the agri- Pan-Hel will be the last formal sky poured tea. affair for the chapter prior to M r r "HarrV tlavitz from Shenan- i o r s a s e s o t w h l t e sardemas. j cultural college. doab, Ia. ! A reception ^ ^ followed the cere- [ Last Sunday members of the the convention to be held in Pittsburgh. Preparations are now un"V Before her marriage Miss Oland ! mony. Assisting at the reception Nebraska chapter observed a time der way to make this the finest honored custom when the annual were Mesdames Meyer Raben, Jos\ was extensively entertained by the eph Katz, Sydney Feintch, Louis | freshman—active football game of Pi Lambda Phi's 45 convenThe Varieties Club, sponsored following: Mrs. Harry Janger, Singer, A. A. Fiedler and Misses j was held. The active team beat tions. by the Jewish Community Center Miss Etta Tatelman. Miss Rose Mary Kaplan, Kosina Kozberg, | the freshmen 20-12. for business girls, held a.n inforMrs. Sana Epstein, Mrs. Friedman, Blossom Kalin j Second in tbe series of fireside mal chummy supper at the Center Whiteman, Miss Ida Fine, Dorotby Sherman. chats, dealing with topics of JewWednesday evening, November 15. im Sniff. Mrs. William EpOut-of-town guests included: ish interest, sponsored by the The program featured a most inThe Rayos Club, for recent high steliw Mrs. Harry Levitan, Mrs. iy Mrs. Phillip Ellis of Fort Worth, j chapter, was held last week when chool graduates, held its second teresting talk by Miss D. Hicks, Kohl berg of Mil- | Professor q. H. Patterson of the meeting on Sunday, November 10, manager of the cosmetics departHarold Siegel and Miss Frances | - « ; . Oland. - and.1 Mrs. -»T__ Ben T, 'department of philosophy of the at the Jewish Community Center. ment of Herzbergs. In her talk i waukee, Wis.; Mr. After a short wedding trip, t h e ; , , . , . , University of Nebraska spoke on Dorothy Blau, t e m p orary on "The Art of Make-Up," Miss yoifllg eouple will reside at tbe ' M m s m of Milwaukee; Mr. and "Religion in the World Today." Miss chairman, appointed the following Hicks demonstrated- various types j ley, of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. The meeting was held in the chapSt. Mary's apartments. constitutional committee.: L e n a of make-up and their proper ap! I. Ciiintz of Atlantic, la.; Mr. and ter house. ollotuchen, Chairman, Shirley plication. KAVICH-XRASXK ! Mrs. Sydney Feiiuch of Des The evening was planned by iohn, Helen Hornstein, and Rose Miss Eva May Ruderman, proGoldman. After concluding their business, gram chairman. The next meeting, R and Mrs. I. Krasne of Oa °senthal of Sioux City. which will be held In two weeks, Xeb., will become tbe bride of Members of the local Women's the girls adjourned to the Girl will feature another interesting Mr. David S. Kavich, son of Mr. iBETROTHAL TOLD Mizrachi heard Mrs. Bessie Gotts- Scout Tea for the afternoon. The program of a different type. Busnext meeting will be held Sunday, J. Kavich of Fremont. feld, founder of the Beth Zeiroth Julius AbrahamNovember 19, at 3 p. m., at the iness girls interested in this orThe ceremony will be performed schools, speak at a luncheon meetthe engagement of ganization are asked to call the Jewish Community Center. at the Krasne home in Oakland Lin Zell, to Mr. ing at the Jewish Community CenJewish Community Center for furThi3 club, winch is sponsored by Rabbi David A. Goldstein and . ter Tuesday afternoon. Rabbi I. _ . . . son of Mr. and Cantor Aaron Edgar. The bride- j Mrs. J. Kaplan of Red Oak, Ia. Rackovsky also spoke at the meet- by the Education Department ol ther information. the Jewish Community Center, has, elect has been extensively enterBoth Miss Abrahamson and her ing. tained at affairs given in Oma- fiance are graduates of Omaha Mrs. A. G. Weinstein was gen- as its purpose social and cultural ha, Council Bluffs and Fremont. | high schools. Miss Abrabamson eral chairman of the luncheon and activities to meet the interests o£ recent high school, g r a d u.a tes. ! also attended the Chicago Art In- was assisted by Mrs. N. Levinson Membership The Gamma Tau Sorority sponis still open, and girls and Mrs. M. Arbitman. Mrs. B. s A3JNOCSCE EXGAGEMEXT stitute. sored, the Jewish Community CenInterested in this club are .a.?ked : Jlr. and Mrs. Charles Endeliaan No wedding-date'has been sst. [-Chait and Mrs. B. Xiaytin had to call the Jewish Community- ter for girls who have graduated of Council Bluffs announce the The couple will be entertained been in charge of the telephone Center, Jackson 1366, for furth- from high school within the past engagement of their daughter, at a family dinner Sunday eve- committee. two years, held a meeting Sunday, Sylvia, to Mr. Al Schwartz, son ning. In "the absence of Mrs. A, Katz, er information. November 10, at the Center. Miss of Mr, and Mrs. William Sch-wartzwho was ill, Mrs. Ben Handler, Tillie Sklar was elected temporDaughters of Israel program chairman, presided. | S. A. M. MOTHER'S CXCB ary chairman and appointed the AXNOl'XCE BIRTH Aid Society I New officers were elected by following the stage-nite commitMr. and Mrs. Nathan Wolk an- I the Sigma Alpha Mu Mother's tee: Betty Abramson, Chairman, nounce the birth of a daughter, club at its last meeting. Mrs. A regular meeting of the Daugh- Ida Batt, and Marian Clayman. Channyne Cele, November 11 at I Rueben Bordy was named presiof Israel Aid society will be -The next meeting will be held A series of parties are being ters St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Wolk j dent; Mrs. Harry Eisenstatt, seeheld on Tuesday, November 21, Wednesday evening, N o v e m b e r planned by the Ways and Means is the former Miss Fay Kagan of j retary - treasurer; Mrs. Carl at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Old Peo- 22, at 7 p. m. at the Jewish ComToronto, Canada. j Riekes, flower chairman, and Mrs. committee Of tbe Ladies' Auxil- ple's Home. munity Center. Girls interested in iary of tbe Union of Orthodox ! Julius Chait, corresponding secRabbi I. Rackovsky will be this club are asked to call JackMr. and Mrs. Sam Teper an- | retary. Congregations. The first was son 1366 for further information. nounce the birth of a daughter I Tbe following new members given by Mrs. A. Brookstein on guest speaker. Tuesday, Kovember 14, at th.e I were presented: Mesdaines I. Raz- Monday, November 13. Others follow according to schedule. Clartson hospital. i nick, J. B. Crounse, J. Bramson, will Mrs. Mas Chasen, who is in ! H. A. Belmont, J. Wine. S o l Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weiner of D. B. Epstein part of her workers.. The sale ot veraber 8, at tbe Methodist hospi- I The next meeting will be held tickets is progressing steadily. The tal. Mrs. Weiner is the former 1 on TuesdSy, November 21, at the drawing is to take place at a | Hotel Regis. Mrs. B. Chait and Chanukah dinner celebration on Esther SUverman. ! Mrs. M. Rosenstein will be host- December a, at which time the i esses. JOSLl'N MEMORIAL men will be the guests of the At 2:30 Sunday in tbe lecture Ladies' Auxiliary. ball of the Joslyn Memorial three j HIGHLAND COUNTRY CLUB sound films on the West Indies j Bingo games are held every Patronize Our Advertisers will be shown. At 3:30 Harry j Monday evening at the Highland S. Byrne will speak ou "Some Country club's downtown clubYOUR INSURANCE BROKER Interesting Facts About High- rooms in the Paxton. These have ways of the World." A program j proven oce" of the most popular of recorded organ music will be features on the club's winter proVICE-PRESIDENT given at 4 o'clock in tbe concert | gram. ball. The Omaha Music Teachers CITY FSHAilCE association will sponsor a Young LEAVES FOR XEW YORK IHSUHAiiCE CO. Artists program at 4:30 in tbe j i i s s Ann Zalk left Wednesday Representing 21 Strong Companies lecture hall. Tbe Town Hall For- I for a vacation ia New York. A Complete Insurance Service um at 8 o'clock will present RowCALL AT 7667 or WA 5150 ' The synagogue of Richmond, land Haynes speaking ou "Things "THE SETTLEMENT COUNTS" Va., was organized in 1791. War Can't KilL"

Varieties Club

Kayos Club

Women's JS/Lizjachi

Gamma Tau

Beth H Auxiliary ,

initiation commute. Gordon Mar"golin''has-become tbe new chairman of the membership commitThe first Beth-'El iAux.Uiary •'.A regular meeting of the Junior; tee. Oneg Shabhothi of ;the ;year will Hadassah was held at the Jewiih ^ b e "Kibitzer" staff has been be .held tomorrow afternoon at Community Center on Monday jeorganized. with AJeph Sopbfer 2:30 at the ndine of ;Mr«. L'eo1 evening. The group; was privi- Jerome Grossman, editor-in-chief, Wasenberg, 3925 Dewey avenue. leged to hear Mrs. I. H. I^evin, a with Harry Goldstein, Gordon Rabbi Israel M. Goldman-of member of the-national board of Margolin.. Stanley Silverman and Providence, R. I., will'-be-\guestj Hadassah, who spoke.on progress Haskell Cohen as members of the speaker. Hostesses assisting Mrs.. in Palestine. Waxenherg will '.he:"""Mesdames • Beports o n v t h e dance to be editorial' staff. Max Cahar, Elmer Gross, .Lfeonard held December 27•• at. the Paxton Leone WolJenberg, an Italian were given by Betty Hoseh, ticket Segal, Lazier KaTich,: .Gerald chairman, and Mary1 Arbitmadi Jew, served as Minister of FiGross and Samuel ^Jacobs. ':\ At a meeting held--on,Monday advertising chairman. Miss Ros- nance. at the home of .Mrs. ;j,"? Blank, en's.. committee includes:. Alyce chairman of the Higafloo commit- Susman, Esther Singer, Shreda A Camp Surgical Suptee, final plans for the. Rigadoo Osoffi" Charlotte Nogg. Rebecca port and Bodice Type were drafted. This annual' affair Kirshenbaum, Lois Barish, Mary is scheduled to be held on :Sun-. Kaplan. Peggy . Friedman "ana" Braissiere d e si g n ed Helen Greenberg. day, December 10, at the Centra! Miss Arbitman named the fol- to lift and-hold heavy club. •' lowing to assist with advertising: Abdominal Flesh Lois Gilinsky,. Rose Paperny, Josephine Rubnitz, Ethelyn KulaKofsky, Babe Margolin, Frances FFree ConsulThe drawing sponsored by the Bordy,, Frances Osotf,. Bernice tjon by ExFriedel, Mildred Laytin and Sylvia Bikur Cholim society ^has heen a pert Trained great success, according to an Falk, Dance tickets go on sale announcement issued by Mrs. November 27. dy Attend- Jtabbi David A. Goldstein will rouis Neveleff, president. ant. conduct the first cultural class on The committee in charge was headed by Mrs. S. Fish, chairman, Monday, November. 20, at 8 and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt, co-chair- -o'clock .at the Jewish Community Center. A board meeting will be man. At its last meeting the Bikur held ' immediately following the Surgical "hollm society voted its annual c l a s s . ' • • ' iledse to the Omaha Community Company Chest and to the Red Cross. Inc. The society has been engaged in an important piece of health work • At the regular Tuesday meetPhysicians-.. and has co-operated with the Fed- ing •: of Mother chapter, Aleph Nurses'. eration for Jewish Service in Godol Leo Sherman appointed sevHospital ana maintaining h e a l t h standards eral new committees. Ralph Tur'- Sick Room Supplies'. among the. underprivileged of the feel was named to succeed Irv community. Nogg as chairman of the religious committee. Nogg lias become an Medical Arts Btdg. Omaha alumni of the chapter. . Norman Turkel was appointed Phone ATIantic SS25 A record class of 113 members chairman of the newly tjrganizedwill be inducted at the annual Hadassah membership luncheon which will take place on Wednesday, November 22. at 12:30. Mrs. A. D. Frank, program chairman, and her co-chairman, Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, has arranged a fine program for the occasion. Mrs. William Polock, membership chairman, •will welcome new memhers, and Mrs. Henry Riekes, Mrs. Russel Blumenthal and Mrs. Leo Nogg will respond. Community singing wiil be.led by. Cantor Aaron Edgar. HighDon't miss this poplights of the national convention, ular food eventl See which recently took place in New our large selection York, will be given by Mrs. M. D. Brodkey and Mrs. Morris- Frankof the markets* finin. The program will conclude est fresh fruits and with "Dress Rehearsal," a play vegetables! Offered within a play, directed by Mrs. P. Wintroub. Mrs. A. D. Frank at remarkably loir will preside. prices!

Junior'Hadassah .

Bikur Cholim

A.Z. A. 1


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Orthodox Auxiliary





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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1939 with him. If it were another "Reichstag Fire," as so many authorities believe, it shows how desperate Hitler must be.




ti <S




Community Calendar v

valor on the battlefield. Jews are not often soldiers of fortune, but once they know what • they are fighting ,for," they are second t<J none .in warfare. That is why they have yielded so many revolutionaries in Czarist Russia, -courting death at. an age when they should have been courting sweethearts.^ The report from Paris that 18,000 Jews had enlisted in the various foreign legions in France, and of these 9,000 in the Polish legipn alone, should make it clear once and for all that the spirit of Beter which astonished the ancient Romans is still with us. In Palestine/ the Jewish Sbomrim (colonist watchman) taught the Arab terrorists a permanent lesson long before the British troopr, quelled' the disturbances.

Sunday, November 19 B'nai B'rith, Regional Conference—1 p. m., J. C. C. By Rabbi .Theodore -Lewis LifeV Sacred Mystery Tau Delta Sigma—3 p.m., J. C..-C.BLISHED iVSiS^Y S-KlDAV A t OMAHA, NS3RASKA, 3V "JfHSJ J3WISH PKSSS PUBLISHING C O M N Y Omaha Hebrew Club—3 p. m., J. C. C. JEWS AND WORLD AFFAIRS, By SABBI FREDERICK COHH HARRY K. KESSLER, BLOCH B'nai B'rith, Regional Dinner—6 p. m.,' J. C. C. i P T l O N P R I C £ . O s t s Yeas. . . . . . PUBLISHING COMPANY—152 ADVERTISING RAT S3 FURNt3HSD CM APPLICATION What a confused thing is life! With its comings and goMonday, November 20 . PAGES. EDITORIAL O F R C 2 : 88S 3«A^SDgS3 T H S A T S a Temple Israel Supper Club—7 p. m., Temple Israel. ; ngs, its bewildering events tossed up like mighty waves in the SIOUX CITY OFFICE-JEWISH COMMUNITV CENTE3 S»KINT 3HOi» AQORtiSS—»504 S»O. 24TH STRSST depends on luck, "Awake and Sing," Center Players—8 p. m., J. C. C. Ocean of Life! Has life any meaning ? We must believe it has; sayEverything the sages, including the Torah DAVID BLACIOBK . . . Busiaeaa and MaaagJa^ Sditor Workmen's Loan—8 p. m., J. C. C. / ', ' Sdttsr or else, it is, indeed, 'an idiot's gibber,' 'sound and fury signify- in the Ark. This study of JewUBQNARD NATHAN ish life in Germany, Austria, Po"" . Tuesday, November 21 Contributing Editor ing nothing.' It must have significance, or we are not rational land, Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary, RABBI FXUBDSKICK COHN "Awake and Sing," Center Players—8 p. m., J. C.'C. r ', ' Book Kilter beings, nothing in life would really matter, we might just as Russia, etc., has appeared several RABBI THSOCOaS N. U3W13 Society Editor well do one thing or another as all are equally senseless, and all months too late to be useful. So F&ANCSJS BLACJiSIi Wednesday, November 22 radically has the international Sious City Correspondent MORKIS A13SNSSKG • scenes changed in the last 60 days Hadassah Luncheon—p. m., J. C. C. * "'-.'• life is chaos, o'er which God's word has not yet sounded, comD0ROTH3 SAL.T3I&1N •» • . . Council Bluffs Correspondent that quite a large portion of the Gamma Tau—7 p. m., J. C, C. manding order. contents is already obsolete. Any "Awake and Sing," Center Players—8 p. m., J. C. C , ' " Either there is a God or there is not. Either a Divine volume on international affairs will share a similar fate. "Only Improvement Can Be Expected" Thursday, November 23 Providence rules the Universe or life is wholly irrational, and The material, intended f o r Freedom • ' To the periodical "Liberty—a Magazine of Religious Free- all action is paralyzed at the source. Music Hour—8 p. m., J. C. C. 3 schools and educational instituBoy Scouts—8 p. m., J. C. C. not altogether satisfacdom," we were first indebted for a new view regarding RuBy MRS. WILLIAM GRAY Browning said of life that 'it means intensely and it means tions, isThe work is sketchy and Choir—8 p. m., J. C. 'C. -- Freedom is :; manian religious policy. "It is a wonderful thing," the writer ;ood.' The longer we live, the more we are absolutely convinced tory. superficial. The author is unsun and rain To list events, and to avoid conflicts, please call the Jewish The states, "to see the spirit and freedom and democracy develop- that life is divinely ordered. It even takes on a supernatural usually cautious and avoids comTo make the • green grass : . mittment. An illustration of this Community Center, Jackson 1366. Grow again. • ;•".• ', . ing in Rumania." iharacter. How else explain these events and happenings that indescision is the discussion on Biro-Bidjan. •••. While it is still impossible for most intelligent human seem absolutely isolated, altogether unrelated to one another, If freedom w"ere.-: held a prisoner by the Reds in The author cannot make up his The wide, world over ;' . Lwow.) beings to become so rapturous over what the writer calls "com- and yet dove-tail into remarkable connections, so that there is mind whether or not to approve Mankind -would bloom ' > .\:;\ The venerable Rabbi Grodzenplete liberty of conscience," it is encouraging to note that the unity, not only in a small number of phenomena but in those the experimeot. It is difficult to Like a field of clover v, ski of Wilno similarly refused to determine whether his sympathies situation in a country notoriously anti-Semitic is finally im- ;stending over months.and years. Often we are led to exclaim, are with Palestine or with Rusleave his beloved city and flock, In word freedom' ^ .; A Weekly Survey of People although he well knew that unproving. According to Prof. Silvu Dragomir, Rumanian Min- 'Surely God is in this place and I knew it not!" We are shocked sia. Though he implies, and apand Ideas Fashions a rose .• ;: • der the Soviet regime, his calling parently realizes, that Russia has ; More beautiful t h a n " , " • , / ^ v ' ister for National Minorities, "The high point in the anti- into a sudden realization of God, certain experiences become reneged on her pledge to estabwould now make him persona By A. A. UOBACK The rose bush k n o w s ; ' ; : : . ; ; grata. a Jewish Republic in BiroJawish policy of our country is past and Jews can expect only uncanny, we discern a Divine Hand inaugurating and directing; lish All these episodes prove, deBidjan, he fails to say so. Since f a c e t r a n s f i g u r e d " . "',.•-.-i •-••:>-'i improvement in their situation." ike Moses at the burning bush we come face to face with God! the entire project, so dear to the JEWS OX THE BATTLEFIELD spite the ranting of Jew-baiters A* With the consciences deinand hearts of Jewish Communists and to the contrary, that the Jews are This is a welcome contrast to the short-lived but not for- If we should marvel and deny that God would concern Himself wealthy assimilationists alike, for There has long been a popular attached to the soil they live on Is only seen "'"TAK"V: '-'V. v r r: gotten regime of the late Octaviaa Goga. Rumania under the with, humble, insignificant individuals, like ourselves, we must identical reasons, has been liqui- belief, unfortunately shared by and to the country which they • In a fair,free land • : this omission is unpardon- many of their own kind, that Jew3 have made their home. unexpectedly capable leadership of King Carol is revealing a remember that we need not presumptuously think that God dated, W h e n t h es o u l I s q u i e t : - ^ able. What he should have done made poor soldiers, that they were PARALLELS new maturity. Not long ago a government spokesman said is concerning Himself with us alone. He is at the same time was to emphasize the folly of at- not valiant on the battlefield. There were many Polish heroes. W i t h n o s i n s d o n e . • ; : . - , The wonderful work • • : Jewish mass settlements Sometimes this legend was sym- to be sure, however we account "The Jews must be forgotten." And Rumanian Jewry was :oneerning Himself with others—with all others—and that tempting outside of Palestine, with Biro- pathetically traced to the aversion for Of peace i s begun .-. • '•„; ; / V :.,;.- :., Marshal Smigly-Rydz's abanas a shining example. In- of blood so pronounced in the quite content to slip into oblivion. makes the Unity of the Divine Plan. Everything is related and Bidjan stead of being yigorpusly frank, Jew. At other times, physical doning the army and escaping to fascist tyrants \ iHowever negotiations are now being conducted with ^Jew- inter-related. How else explain those marvelous happenings in Mr. Kessler concludes the chap- cowardice "was said to be a trait Rumania. We cannot forget the O Of hideous birth v••'•y'\-.;•''---..'• bravery of the mayor of Warsaw, ter With the impression that the Be gone; and freedom will-.-• ish groups for a centralised board to deal with specific Jewish our own life, where everything seems to work together for a of intellectuals, whose bodies will issue of Biro-Bidjan is yet unde- not stand the wear and tear of Pan Stefan Starzynski, who stuck Soothe t h e earth. .. ; . to his guns and to the radio till problems. This group will include the leading Jewish religious definite, a pre-destined end? We discern God in our own lives; cided, which is, to say the least, warfare. the garrison was compelled to surand political leaders. As the first step in its new policy, the all the more is He in the life of the Whole. This is what is contrary to fact. It has been frequently pointed render in order to save the civilout that Jews have produced no Install— government has declared war on the Iron Guard, which has meant by Divine Providence, by those who recognize a theistic That the author is entirely too great generals or admirals. The ians from utter annihilation, and lenient towards Soviet Russia bethen reportedly took his own life, The World's Finest included violent anti-Semitism in its reactionary policy of ter- interpretation of the universe. And there must be that interpre- comes obvious from a statement only associations you could hear so as not to fall into the hands Sound Equipment on page 83 to the effect that "The in many circles were "Jews and of the Nazi foes. ror and assassination. The government is supervising the ad-tation, or else it has no interpretation or meaning at alL Giving You Natural Tone status of the Jews in Soviet Rus- Finance," "Jews and Business," is an epic event worthy of ministration of certain discriminatory laws to see that local Quality and Coverage. The longer we live, the more we recognize the sacredly mys- sia is superior to that in Ger- "Jews, and Revolution," and per- a That great poem- or sonata by a many, Poland, Rumania and Hun- haps more graciously "'Jews and future Mlckiewlcz or Chopin. The Special System for Stage .Officials do not overstep their authority. In a great many cases terious character of existence. We are filled with awe, andgary." I seriously question wheth- Science" or "Jews and Art," and Shows anil Taverns. however, were by no means Je\ys dismissed from t h e i r positions tmder the "numerus life takes on a momentous solemnity. It also furnishes the er the Jews in the last three "Jews in Religion." I have yet Jews, Permanent Installations inferior in their approach to the named countries would agree with to find a chapter in the various enemy. In fact, the Polish foror Rentals clausus" have been rehired. ground for endless hope. The good may happen as well as such judgment. I am convinced eulogistic books on the Jews en- mer premier cited Jewish bravery 'Our Business Is SOUND' On the other hand the discriminatory legislation has notwhat we call evil, which may only be good in disguise, seem- that the Polish Jews would rather titled "Jews as Warriors." in the highest terms during the endure oppression and be at libbeen repealled. Sxhorbitant taxes have been placed on im-ingly base metal to be transmitted by God's divine alchemy into erty fateful month of September. A REVELATION to maintain and visit their Sound Equipment Co. SOLDIERS FOR A CAUSE poverished communities. Most profassional. groups have been purest gold—the dross of all sorrow and misfortune burned synagogues, to keep the Sabbath, The 1914 World War was an £012 Fsrnam AT 2551 Only now have the Poles come to educate their children in Juda- eye - opener to the Jews themforced to dismiss Jewish officers. Despite the constitutional away by the sanctifying fires of human suffering. "Leave the ism, to speak Hebrew, to attend selves. Not only did the Jews of- to see their mistake about Jewish guarantees of full rights to minorities and religious liberty, the fire ashes" says the noble Browning, 'what survives is gold!' Zionist meetings and to assist in fer a larger percentage of fightrebuilding of Palestine, than ers than "the general population -government still insists on retaining these laws on the feeble 'God tries us as silver is tried' says our blessed Bible. He hasthe FREE I An Expert C o u n s e l l o r o n R o o m A r r a n g e m e n t || to live in Soviet Russia, where in every country engaged in the "grounds the Iron. Guardists will accuse the government of be- not yet attained a true conception of life be he ever so much a not only is anti-Semitism pro- contest, but Jewish generals and but also every basic Jew- other officers distinguished them• ing "Pro-Jewish" should the Jews be given, the .rights they professor even of 'philosophy' at however re-nowned a univer- hibited, ish activity, with Zionism and He- selves out, of all proportion to brew, even being branded as coun- their number. supposedly possess. sity, who has not probed to the depths of life, who comports ter-revolutionary. To imply that I myself was surprised to learn ^Famous for Fine Furniture" "We ask the Jews for the time being to liave patience," himself In the shallows, who is correspondingly superficial, who the Jews would escape physical that there were so many Jewish at any price, even that generals and colonels in the alUSE OUR EASY PAYE3EMT PLAN—FARNAIV1 AT 22ND Prof. Dragomii- has said. l a a Europe where Jewish, survival is content with. Ms fleeting sensations, failing" to realize there suffering of abandoning their religion, faith armies. Of course, there were is everywhere tlrreatened the Jews of Uumania will be patient must be a deeper ground, which even a prof ounder 'philosophy' and ideals is to imply that the lied no Jewish officers in the German of today values naught but army — the basis for the wellas they have been patient since the country wa3 granted its calls 'metaphysics,' which, whatever its designation, is religion, Jew security of the flesh. This is utjoke that the Jewish genindependence. The situation in. Rumania is bad, but it is some- and the eternal and infallible source and basis of religion, terly untrue of the majority of known erals lost the war for the GerStore Hoars—9:30 A. M. fe 5:30 P. M. Telephone AT 7334 the Jews of Poland and of Rou- mans. True it was, nevertheless, thing .new for 3 government to offer such hopes. which however falteringly and imperfectly lisps the word mania, and of world Jewry at that the man who determined the large. Such a contention is an outcome of the 1914 war was "God!" insult to the Jewish past, and a General Monash, the CommanderAs Hamlet so-truly said, "There are more things in heaven A Proplaet and a Prophecy . •' serious reflection upon contem- in-chief of the Australian Anzacs, Jewry. Simply because the who in peace time was an engiHitler'3 clairvoyant powers have often been commented and earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of in your philosophy." porary Jews of Soviet Russia are spared neer and vice-principal of the UniT&ey're Beady; to WeasrS upon. His statement that an alliance between Germany and We need not dream. We need but experience. To live is to oppression and pogroms is does versity of Melbourne, and whose not follow that they are free from Heinrich Graetz, wrote the and Carried would mean, the Reich's death-knell, is coming unconi- experience, and that is knowledge at first hand and not from all vexation and grief and trouble. uncle, famous History of the Jews. la Stack fdrtably close to actuality. Capitulation to Moscow by the dusty books, and the still dustier theorizing of vapid 'philos- Their spiritual agony is every bit A KECOKD OP BRAVERY as real as the physical agony of Nazis in the recognition of a "racially-conscious" Communist ophers.' their- German and Polish brethI don't know how anti-Semites Life is infinitely sacred, or it has no meaning at all. party in the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia is symptomatic eren, and, in all likelihood, more would explain the thousands of Distinguished Service Orders, VicAnd its mysterious saeredness extends beyond the tomb, fatal to Judaism. o£ the German situation. The profundity of the series of Sussotoria Crosses, Croix de la Guerre, \ '• • The author's generosity towards Iron Crosses and Congressional German moves is becoming increasingly evident, not only by in life's crowning mystery of death. the German people for having remedals awarded to Jews in the "For in that sleep qf death what dreams may come conditions in the region of the Baltic but within Germany itself. sisted Hitler for a decade or more first World War. Nor does it ' When we have shuffled off this mortal coil • .. is misplaced. Is not this specious The talk about "Conflict of ideologies" was a good slogan matter. The facts are on record heroism vitiated by their shame- and speak for themselves. Must give us pause." but without foundation. The Prussian Junkers were weaned ful surrender and abject submisThe p r e s e n t World War, That 'pause' is the soul's reverend hush before the trans- sion during the last six years? It through from the Hohenzollern cause to the Nazis hy the promise of the scarce begun, already ofis .true that a people should not protection from the encroachments of Communism. Hinden- cendent mystery o£ life, illumined by the golden rays of an all- be indicted for the sins of a few. fers examples of Jewish heroism Yet who can help feel that there and self-sacrifice which rival anyburg opened the way for Hitler when der Fuehrer promised the seeing, an all-loving, a Divine Providence. is some fatal defect in a nation thing known in the past. We: Nazis would not break up the East Prussian estates. Now these as intellectual and as gifted as shall not dwell on the fact that keep up with him. 'Have not your the German and which tolerates a the first institution to be bombed lajxd-owners find themselves in an uncomfortable position with Rabbis said that sorrow ruins your government of gangsters, gang- in Poland, according to the testihealth?' the non-Jew asked, •where- sters which Germans have, in a mony of the widow of the late the "Had" menace nearer than ever. Gems, of' Ha© Bible upon the Jew replied: 'This re- large measure, chosen of their Marshal Pilsudski, was a Jewish Communism until very recently was a convenient "foogey': fers only'to new-tidings, and the own will. children's home, in Otwock, and • "" destruction of the Temple 13 aa Jewish tots were the first to be ioi' Hitler. Ilia very reason for existence was. the fact ha-was That Reformed Judaism was old story.' " .. _ blown into bits, or that the first devised to minimize the differthe self-appointed leader in the crusade' against Communis: of a bomb in Lodz was a ences between Christianity and victim Jew and that the Jews suffered Britain's policy of appeasement was to a large extent based en - Bible • Judaism is an unworthy and shal- from enemy callousness most. Thou Shalt not oppress a hired low criticism, and one that is .the fact that the Nazis were willing to block the western expanBut when we learn that the servant vrho is poor and needy, simply not true. To attribute to sion of the Russian ideology. whether hs fee ot thy brethren or Reform, even by implication, the only Polish general to die in the wave of apostasy that followed Polish shambles was the com- The Czechs were denounced a3 Conmmnista aad thair land a stranger.:.: ' Moses Mendelsohn's death is again mander of Kattowice (Krakow, in la the same -day thou shalt not invaded on this pretense. Persecution of the Jews was ration- give unfair. Dr. Mordecai Kaplain has later reports), General'Mond (a him his wages before the Tempi® long ago refuted this unfounded relative-of Lord Melchett), who alised on the grounds the Jews were Communists and -German sun set3, for he is poor and his At services this evening at S charge and shown that the very led his troops in a bayonet charge depends' ca Ws pay. propaganda throughout the world W33 based on this Us. Father UfaThou Shalt not pervert the jus- Rabbi David H. Wice -will speak reverse is true, namely, that it on the invading Nazis, we canon "Witch-Hunttog Never Dies.' saved many from baptism. And not help recalling the feats of Coughlin attempted to justify the pogroms of last November by tice due to a stranger. Saturday morning services at the for quite obvious reasons. There Berek Joselewicz, in a previous Talmud . showing Nazism was a reaction to Communism. held at 11. , is much in Reform that merits era. We are taught in a Baraitha: Temple areNext Week criticism and condemnation — but And these are the people who It is significant that Hitler no longer refsra to "Jewish. la the former years the burial ex- Nest Friday eveningR a b b i these popular accusations have no were represented as foreigners to were so extravagant that - Communism" as the source of all evil. Now it is "Jewish, capi- peases Poland, of whom the country had they affected the relatives more Wice will review Sholem Asch's place in any reputable work. Those who seek elementary a million tpo many'. . . I t may talism" and the "Jewish democracies" on which lie must war. than the incident o£ death, and newest boo&, "The Nazarene." facts about Jewish life in Ger- sound amusing, but i t . is more consequently they would abandon * * # » many, Poland, Roumania, Hun- symbolic than amusing, that u the dead body and run away— . Beth El Austria, Italy and Russia, 114-year-old Jew, Ellas Fastinger, Lord Maiiey in his recent speech at the Center Forum until Kabban Gamaliel canie and This evening Rabbi Israel M. gary, etc., prior to September 1, 1939, enlisted for work at the front. set the example of .disregarding 'pointed out just what the Russian alliance has meant for Ger the custom through himself when Goldman of Providence, R. I.» will find them in this small booii. The clerk could not believe it chapters on Palestine and the when the bearded patriarch gave many. Neither England nor France have so far been greatly according to his request they bur- will be guest speaker at the Beth The United States are helpful but also the year of his birth" as 1825. him in a linen shroud. There- El synagogue. affected by its terms. Only Germany haa been the victim, for Jiad He said he had fought through too sketchy." • ::" upon the public also became acLOG SSZE STOCKIMGS many wars in his long life, and Next Week in giving Russia a free hand in the Baltic she has-suffered a customed to-burying their dead in that had -he been on the sunny Nest Friday evening at servlinea shroud3. Map Aid . major diplomatic disaster. German hegemony in. the Baltic "And now," said Rabbi Popa, ices Rabbi Goldstein's sermon side of the century mark, he Belfe-Sharmeers tooSt made to order . . . buf you have actually taken up has been lost and undoubtedly for all time. The German land- "the dead are' buried in canvas topis will be "The Voice of Jacob Washington (JTA) —Technical would can get them right away . . i We carry those value." Versus the Hand of Esau—To and financial facilities to assist combatant duty. about a zus owners of the Baltic states, who were notoriously pro-Nazi, shrouds lovely flatterers jn stock ..•» in your own Jeg size Which Will Go the Victory." ' RABBIS AS HEROES (Now ws need a Rabban Gamaliel European immigrants seeking perhave lost their lands and"the East Prussian Junkers view with to reduce the espense of the grave, Moreover, our spiritual leaders manent homes in the 'Western . . . ready for you to step out any time in prettier wiica is feard for the poor people.) Hemisphere will be considered by have shown the qualities of the Orthodox ' alarm the situation they had so earnestly fought. Y lags! Individually sized for every lag in width at the Second Regional Conference general. It was Count Zaleski, la, the college of Rabbi IshSirs. M. Rosenstein will act as But greater thaa these outside factors, is the effect the raael it was taught: "Why is the hostess for the children's services of American States opening at new Polish foreign minister, now well as length. Kilpatrick's exclusively. ' ^ auricle of the ear hard, and the at the Congregation B'nai Israel Havana on Nov. 21, it' was an- in France, who on hearing of the ' Communist alliance is having inside Germany. To the radical lobule soft? la case one hears un- tomorrow morning. Among the nounced by the W a s h i n g t o n reported execution by the Nazis wing of the Naais—the beefsteak Nazis as they have often "been becoming thing3 he should be able participants the Chief Rabbi of Warsaw, in the service this branch of the International Labor of and former Senator ' . . . _ • • " • • professor ta placs ths lobule into it and Saturday will be Elka Byron, who Office.' , 'lulled—the alignment of the two states enjoys some popularity, present Moses" Schorr, told the story of from heariag such things. will speak on the portion of the the great bulk of the people no doubt fsel.rather uneasy Rabbi Jochanan said: "Sorrow week; Arlene Dansky, who will Salem Shaloam David, one-time Professor Schorr's devotion to his Bslle-SHarmoer "Strain Ease" Stockings. . . . . / • • . . . p r . ? 1.35 . a person's heath. There d i s c u s s the message of the secretary of the Magen David Syn- community: ' at finding their enemy of long-standing now a besom friend.. ruins were a Jew aad a non-Jew who prophet, and Eunice Newberg, agogue in Bombay, was a Chinese When the Polish cabinet deYour Foot Siza Hal o tJambcr, Yoor tsg Stss a flaraa , v The explosion in tlie Munich beer hall—whether an at- were walking together on .the road, who will speak on current events. who had become a convert to cided to flee from Poland- into iSIV . . . tor smalls : ; QUCtli$$ . . . for tails : . and the latter could not Seep Rumania, Rabbi Schorr •vvas iutempted assassination of Hitler or by Hitler—reveals that Ger- pace with the Jew. He reminded .The citizens of. Ratisbon dories Judaism. vited to accompany its members, MOSITS . . . for middlings CLASSIC . . . for plumps , jaaiiy is not united, that the morale is a breaking point regard- the Je-sr of the destruction of the the crusades, according to an old Ezekiel Hart was ip 1S07 elect- but he steadfastly refused, saying : ' ''; Kilpatrick's Hosiery Section—Main Floor Thia - caused the Jew to chronicle, "desired to honor their ed to the Canadian legislature, but his place was with his people less of"activity on the front. If an attempt was made on Hitler's Temple. breathe a long suffering sigh, but city by forbidding the persecution could not take his seat because of Poland. (At latest reports, Rabbi i, it shows to what ingenuity his enemies cart go to do away hi3 coinpanioa was still unable to of the Jews." ' • Schorr was stated to bo alive but the path.

— ™


, SGVE3EEER 37,11939 but also a TOST injuring his "voice awhile :lt :1B-when "his country was -really in Grearty assumed the command jol. J*oiti-Jewish Bonk" decipherable as the -voice nf xiaxty changing, .the studio tfecitkefl 3U>1 ~0bB Brigade. . Ufor ^was -this .the of it. exMhitors inXormins Bnfl. On S^ehrnary ;^S, 38.64, "3Ic"to to insist on his appearance .before JPmrr -months later .he was jraviParis '<JTA) — Tke Prench stick to production. Gxoarty Issued an order relative the cameras. moted -to the rank of sergeant. authorities have banned the aut»Exactly a fyear Jater he was to .the resignation of Greenhut. "Semitic book "lia Guerre JuiveT' I t does full justice to Grefinhut .Al Ssadlfir, hrotisex nf -M-G-3Ts Word irom Chicago discloses made a captain—-the commanding and I s worthy of quotation "Juire: '(The Jewish ^War), by Paul .FeiSi Sea-dler, just xetujneil from a that Tanny Brice"s $750,000 suit nHiEBT off Company K, K2nd Illioff Com donnst, from l^rench 'tcrTttory. "^Captain JToseph 3". Greenhnt J"erdonnet is one of the French h l l i jt h l ti against -20th Century-Fax iias nois !lnfantry. S. S. Borimjnen. :En Toitte to been sent back to the state suBefore this "time he had seen - _ ,. Juiving tentierea liia reaig- propaganda announcers on the Puerto .Rieo, the small cruise hoat 5r2nie court and that arguments service through all the campaigns -nutian, is....- -reliesctl^ar tlnty .Naai radio station at Stuttgart caught in the same imrrieans in the case are expected ;immedi- in Kentucky and Tennessee of ;as adjirtant'gencral -ol XLbi« and was called the "traitor of t .the h S. 5 S. S CPid that struct s.t&s. I t all dates baet to the General Ulysses Grant, who was Brigade, and iientenant Huxltilf • Stuttgart" hy Premier Daladier in BaxdiEg. T i e :passengers TBoeat flicker "Rose of Washing- later to became chief of staff df MuIIer is juinaunced us "bis suc- his latest radio ispeech. trapped in the salon lor two days ton Square," a too factual repre- the Union Annies and, still later, cessor In -parting vvitii •• Captain Schwarta. creator and Greenhut, ,the-cnlonel commandand three nights. Among them sentation nf the lives of -Fanny president of the United States. -jttxector of the Yiddish Art thea- Jluni of the cinema, Tras a later | JscMel may hare been a strote •was a young; Tr^n who was rreadtes It was at the Battle Df I " o i t ing -feels it tiotii .a fluty and a j Jerusalem f\VNB-;P.alcor Agenarrival. Brice and ^Nieky Arnstein, accordi of genius. "ter, recently announced tiie eele1. all a book. Donaldson, under Grant, t h a t Tileasure in ijexu- testimony to jcy)--—Beginning-NovembDr : One is tempted to pause a while l'lays of Merit Imtlon of 20 years of the exI Gresnhut received his first ser- Iiih- diligence, zeal anil ''fidelity : [ Jews in Palestine .able to do so There iras & sadden lurch and ing to Miss Brice. istence of this Art theater. This I ious wound af the war. The bat- in the performance of Jiis duty. I aTe being callednpon to puy emerTne objects ai' the new theater Tnriter joins in extending suitable were the creation of a new art in "We told you that Gregory Hat- ; tie was at its height and the nio- ill the office, as well as 'in the. I gency tases, on graduated scale;*. seat and •whirled across the xoom. will iiave to •wait for a more Xalicitaiions to Mr. Schwartz and the Yiddish theater and a As he whirled, he caught a. off. while directing "Day-Time ment called for a quick assault Held, aua lie regrets to sec so *I which'are ipart of the "Vaad Leiimi ol the ynungr man's hook. Wife," had occasion to get down upon the fort held by the Con- excellent and brave an officer J program to enable the Jev,'is"h with deep gratitude hails his cur- I repertoire. Briefly, the Irving on all fours and growl like a dog. federates. Greenhut accepted the as Captain -Greerihut leave his I community to meet the emcrgen.'and Jtedhoff's Tent production of "Salvation," ; piaee theater dedicated itself .to Schwartz as the horse dealer, an-l It j cy situation. Even if we didn't tell j o u , the assignment a n d stormed the which the indefatigable director the production of plays having other well-etched cameD in his "'The Surricane.' fact remains that he did. Since it enemy's position. He fell in the dmnxatized from Snolern Asch's literary merit. The opening or j vast gallery of stemoraale "To be read on dress rparadc aovel nf that name. Babby Breen is retiring from is almost impossible tD cue a n r maneuver. "The fail of the fort Tto the tropps Xoday. theater was not an auspicious ] tious. pictures for the nest two years dog "to growl at the proper time, a few hours later was credited This newest production is an the a-Wife "Saver oue . "By order of .Captain SIc. ! Others who save line psrfnnn- tD attend a military academy .dur- Hatoff insisted that he himself largely tD Greenhuf.s exploit. His Greartv;" accomplishment meriting the high"The Man and Sis Shadow," a ances are A Tin a Appel, Berta Gerwould pinch-hit for the canine. ing the regular school year and wound, howBver, necessitated .his est praise, and firmly fixes the a..H3soipy Savorl] melodrama by Z. Libin, had little aten, Mark Scirweid and Isidore study drama in New Ynrk during (Copyright, 1939. by Seven .Arts! moval to a hospital. "Yiddish Art theater as a cultural rfi to recommend it to the more dis.Cashier, veterans of the "Yiddish the summers. Rather than xiak ! 3IcGrearty's, ^lullers. Smiths. .factor, not only in Yiddish comFeature Syndicate.). { n Campaign SonUier criminatin'g Yiddish playgoes and Art theater aad the Schwartz comall foushl munal life, bin in the theatrical After receiving iiis captaincy Joneses, .Pederseus . caused considerable adverse crit- pany of players. .Finally we rest world as well. llran Servics and upon recovering from his with Greenhut tD preserve the icism among the intellectuals. with iliriam Hissel. This young . 'Mr. Schwartz started his career wound he served under Generals Union in 18 6 4. Schwartz evidently realized his 1 lady campletaly entrances "the • BE TL director two years prior to It was the same kind of team, Buraside, Booker and Meade in error and immediately awterwards | audience with her superb acting. the establishing ai the Yiddish the entire "Virginia campaign. Aft- drawing its members from the far put on Peretz Hirschbein's "A ' She is only a trifle ever 20 A r t theater. The y e a r 1917 er Gettysburg Greenhut was trans- corners of the earth, that had cruVarvorfehn Vinkel." j years of age hut she will speedily marked his emergence as a diferred to the staff of Brigade ated the Dnion in 177C. This marked the upward trend ; reach great heights, and if Broadrector and the Irving Place theaTie-same kind of team, of tlii.s Commander Seeker. -His rank ter, formerly occupied by a Ger- of Schwartz and his theater. That j way doesn't wake tip and kidnap and the following season saw the j her, or the lilm people abduct The scene is the field at Get- was rapid and deserving. His en- under Becker was adjutant-gen- there :is no doubt, will carry the man group, housed his venture. eral of the Brigade. .In this ca- Great American Tradition steadil> production of several important | her to Hollywood, then the Yid- tysburg where one cf the fiercest -Par his acting g r o u p Mr. plays among them being Gorki's ! dish theater is ±n be "congratulated and most important battles of the listment, it is interestng to note, pacity he saw duty at Cbatia- forward Unto -the future. Schwartz recruited most of the "N i g h t Lodging," B i m k o's i upon the possession tat an actress, Civil "War was fought. I t is the was the Eeeond one from Chcago. g jjnooga, Jiission Jiidge. lookout younger members of tae profes- "Thieves," Gogol*s "The Inspec-j who at the tender age of .20 carT occasion of the dedication Q X a This American Son of Israel like ^Mountain and Xnosvllle. sion ".including such shining lights tor General," Hirshbeins "Biack-i ries off beautifulJy so important H564 :both monument to the .memory of the so many of his brothers did not Then in of the Yiddish theater as Jacob smith's Daughter," P i n s k y's i an assignment. hesitate to place -his life at the j Greenhut "and iHeciar xesigned soldiers of Illinois who gave their Ben-Ami, Celia Adler, Berta Ger- "Devious Paths of Love." Oscar I Maurice Schwartz, who in the lives an that great battle. The service tjf his country at a time from active-service. General ilestea, Anna Appel, Lazar FTeed Wilde's "Ideal Husband," G. B. j past may have sulked in his tent year is IS 91 and the moment

Twenty Years of the By JACK CHARASH




and the late Jechiel Goldsmith i ^ w ' s '"MTBT WarrenV Prates- ! and grumbled about charry credit | resents "the" culmination of years Mum Weiaenrruend, now the Paul; ^ m „ s t r i l l d b e r g . s - r ^ e Father" I and glory, Tnay "now rest content- of effort asd tireless enterprise | and I. X.. Peretz's "The Golden ! ed. He has reached maturity as on the part of three men — three Chain." ia director; he retains iiis 3>erpu- Imen who themselves i a d gone An imposing list for one direc- f larity as a leading actor on the j through the historic struggle. tor, hut these plays paved the way Yiddish stage and he can face the j These three men were eppainl-

ees oi the governor ol the state i fnr the creation of the Yiddish future tully confident Art "theater, which assumed fore- ! ing the high level of art in the of Illinois. Their efforts oToaany years were bearing fruit on. that most Ttmfr in the Yiddish as well Yiddish theater. .(Copyright, 1339, by Seven Arts September 3rd, in 1S91, as many as in the American theater. Feature Syndicate.) thousands of veterans g"fl -citifilch Record H « M I I I I ill lia. L i v i n g i n Tatar zens converged toward the idsThe 20 years of its existence toric field tD jiay tribate to I t e nf S o v i e t A n n y were not always marked by either heroes -of IlUnois. March artistic or material success.- HowOf the three men, one ^will aieever, a Burvey of the past years liver the dedicatory address. B e •Kishinev, Rumania (JTA) reveals a record rich in accomrises irxxsi his seat on the dais and possible invasion of plishments. During these Tears moves to the front of the rplat•troops in this province of 3 e .Maurice Schwartz, now grown to By .IRVING SONB525 form. His voice is even and firm xabia, which formerly was a part full stature as a director, proi and a hush falls over the satire • jriif 3tuBsia, hautgs o v e r •Rjnvrs^r?ii duced upwards ol A 30 plays, xep.field as ite continues. At i&e like a nightmart. Tesenting the world's most famous ! In a statement to the "Christian finish a burst uf enthusiasm Science llonitor" which sought '!Tnis correspondent arrived here writers. sweeps the gathering. The apttb 'find that Huoiani&n officiahs, ThTiist ranges from Goldfaden ! comment in answer to Washington plause i s as much for the man .as Prank Capra declared chances, were speedily to Shakespeare. Included are • criticism, criticism Prank Capra declared for the occasion and the address. •evacuating their families into the I plays by Russian, Polish, French, that "air. Smith Goes to "Washing- Here is a popular hero speaking -«•-" J." i- j German, ~ Austrian and Spanish ton" .is designed to "idealize for his dead comrades. intsriDT. Following their example, the hanks and larger commercial j writers. Outstanding the "Dyb- American democracy, not to atIllinois Hero •establishments were transferring j'buk," "Yoshe Kalb," and "Broth- tack it." His name is Joseph 3P. GreEn-' The producer furihsr .asserted their reserves and merchandise to : ers AsiiiLenazi." hut, captain in the "Dnion Armies Bucharest, while the richer tnhab- i There were mar,y more but we i thai "To the many -books and d.urms the Civil "War. I plays written about "Washington itants, fearing a sudden Soviet en- ', -rasntten these because it was xa Captain •try, were hurriedly liijuidatins these plays that Schwartz really j n o out prosiinently on .thiB xoster .of "Both Ttrar 4 u Bouses" their property and moving to saf-; grew ot onlv did i- "?? J"",^" • " " * " ^ " :w to to maturity. JN' .Not only did h e r o ^ of the Civil "War. THinnjg er provinces. i.h* reveal rp.v«.i greater tn-mJ nir^tr,™! directorial "n^TL gual- i ^ ^ a 1 1 cunsresssien thcusht enozish ol T>^~^ "to jtl&ce Poverty Stricken his name well up near the top ai BBasarabian tp-wrss, remainins "These plays also co- "Kine QM Hfia" jnaae -a travesty the Jist of those names engraved with nnty the poorest of the populonger xuns than _asy .Ttre- of CUT sacred SupTeme Court, yet into "the jsonumeat at Gettyshircglation, are thickly populated with ; -yjous Xicidish production. no senatorial wrath was .heaped For JIB faug-ht at Getty^mrg, JBWB living in mia- | shoulder to shoulder with iiis men They established new records :-et?y. Thousands who over-night • for popularity and marked the upon it. three -whole days — July a, because a very mild .mo- ior hwre lost their livelihood because i first instance of a play manias 2, 3 in 1S63—never relinquishing tion sistare comes along soggest•oS the hurried liquidation of the :a fuij season. „ Kalb" .„ ^_ — his vigil throughout the length at Toshe coiieatRblishments where tUey were | tinued far two aeaaons and was iag tSars are s, lew political the battle. ; chicaneries, a few senators beemployed, are without even bread. ; successfully "ev vec I t was in April of IS 61 that lie Similarly placed are the artisans j T i e 2Oth "year of the Yiddish come Jmt and bothered. The pic- had enlisted in the 12th Illinois ture is simply a plea for the Goldlrom whom no one is ordering ;A r t t a e a l e r brings another craJSTn fan try as a jirivate. 'TTTB auiything because of the • uneer- • atiaation by Director Schwartz. .en xiule tD be used in politics as career as a soldier was not to he well as in other human relations." tainty o± the situation, and amali j T n e p l a y JB tTam saolem Asch'B marked with any xaamiie jnllitary traders who have suddenly been in o v < i i called "Salvation," and is a exploits. His xise in :the ranks Xoticeabls cooling of jrelationcut off from credits because no dramatization of the gifted au- j 5,.^™.l t _ , _ i _ Gsrtaauy, one believes that loans will be thor's "Thilnn TTid." In every re- j s hS i ^ T i j g f repaid if the Soviets should oe- spect this p l a y iu For Soat——iive raain is equal to -Mussolini cabinet -shakaup which eupy this territory. Schwartz's former creations. In saw pro-Nazi officials transferred era house. J-iimiaircd or miAlways a province where hunfurnislieil. .Heaaonalsle, JA to lesser positions, d a y re-estabj ger prevailed amons xhe Jewish . direction has strengthened it coalish United States iilza negotia-1 oicrr. and Russian populations, owin T o i-aiderabiy. tions with Italy. ! the "romaiiization" m e a s u r e s New Plaj Italian theaters are described as which inflicted special restrictions Director could .not j needing at least 2a0 isatures per ' , Schwartz . . on the non-Kuniuniaiis, this is now , have made a happier choice tor a | v e a r °t w n j ^ i t D a i v 1 0 0 ean be studies, m t h economical!:,'The eky popula- vehicle than Asch's deeply stirring: j ^ ^ f l b y ^UYS tion, which consists mostly of novel. One might withjsome jus- ; British, French, German sad Pohampexea, the Jewa is in need of cha-rv nariie- U C e a 3 s e r t ^ . ( t i l a t 'Salvation .is [Ush production haapexed, •iew-8, in w ueeu oi ciia-i^.'., ^umi. somewaat dilato^v in getting un- ] only strong screen fare xesaaining i to provide the additional 150 fsameans livelihood exists ulatiy of free_ kitchens^ siace no d a r w a y _ t h a t * Jechiel is not A similar situation prevails in brought oa as the young Tabai i tures,T woaid have to came from Bukqvina. where teas of thou- sooner. This writer frankly ad- j the L aitefi States.


Hollywood Merry-G o-H ou ad

sands of Jews reside, since it is fearsd that once the Soviets begin .marching across Sumaitiaii soil :tiwy will not be satisfied with Bessarabia, but may also enter Butevisa, if not proceed farther.

S s i d y ' a Ujsess S h o p Saidy's Linen Shop is now in its new location at 130.2 Douglas atreet and will handle a complete stock of fine imported linens. novelties and handkerchifs. Ibices are reasonable.

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s i z s . ..• Bf very cheery Scotch plaid anfl iloml alg) coverings 'with natural or C D 1 0 S 2 D 1 anafces it possible iar yon to do "wnnyour "nplmlstered itrmiture st a tiny-erpensE. Do ime p&ce in ihe jdaid, the other in ihE iLoral if you wisii. IS'ang Chairs -will h e slightly higher.

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This Iteaiitgul 1539 m o a d Soper ixss JJJL fhe ieaturss you Twant i n yntir gas Tangs. I n face df xisii^ gss Tange prices, t h s IJtilitics District •is offering this Soper a t arssfically reauced jsriras, away hslow the regular EsUing •price. During JIavembsr you ran get "this new Uqpgr inr $7320 ^an3 your rild stove. If you wish the District's liberal paymaat plan, -there i s 3 Email lliitiitiDijal carrying charge. See "this ."modern . .homcinalEETTs 'fielight s t mss. ISice 3uclu3es .installation and .free -service.

- - - U. S. T i r e s mre known everywhere for s a f e affiHeagre. Your size is Isere •

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mits, however, while much saof pare that oi Saivaticir Accaraing to "Boxcffice," 3osthe first Fisiiis," nevertheless a rnuK ! f i d T a i a t J ^ y i a s tfaas far eertsin every momant of it A R reaches tremendous d r a m a• t ""* i c : pictures be extended .in oriiEr ID hi!i^hts in tae second half of the i give ihe distributors, better hreak. play. It Is here that Schwartz i There was some agraaaieat in rises above any former directorial i various Quarters throughout the effort in his career. The ^inal j scenes are deeply stirring. | Haurice Schwartz, in addition ; to other disunguiaiiing atiain-1 ments, has developed a keen sense j of casting. Ensagtag young 'LeD-j ; Puchs lor the important role ol j




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Page 2

and Agrlppa, creators tory, who had finally met up with could, when necessity' demanded, Blitzkrieg, it now turns out, will when the Munich, beer hall was Augustus of the imperial Rome..whose being bombed? . . . ; be stretched out to five years . . . the expedition while on patrol be stern. On one occasion the glories Mussolini Is always preachduty. The letter was forwarded photographer had used his rifle Which is an awful long time tor LOVE STORY: A visitor from ing, maintained very friendly reo Philadelphia and printed in the for a walking stick a n d had a flash of lightning to last . . . with the Jews . . . A n d that 'Philadelphia Bulletin" with the plugged the bore with snow so But then the Nazis are such mar- Poland, a dentist'named Dr. Lenl lations troublesome • enemies iditor's note that this word allays that it would have been of no use vels with Ersatz, maybe they'va Naldus Yudevlch, was watching a their'.most gone and Invented a rubber light- recent performance of Maurice were the Germans , . . • ,•;.;• ears that the Fremont expedition had he needed it. (Copyrighted by Jewish-Teleproduction of ...the had met with mishap. The entire way the expedition ning flash that will stretch out Schwartz's graphic Agency, Inc.) Asch masterpiece "SalvaYet even as the east was rejoic- was in the hostile Indian country much longer than the real thing Sholem' tion" . . . In the audience that ing at once more hearing from of the Pawnee, Sioux, and Cosame night happened to be Prof. the explorer—who was a popular manches, and momentarily attacks Albert Einstein . . . When she hero to most Americans — the were expected. Fremont expressed DRAMA NOTE: Our Ersatz drafor -the first time when he party was enduring even greater great displeasure at Carvalho's matic critic came,back from "Mar- saw • iui from his seat to take a, bow Mrs. E. D. Seldin hardships. As the depths of de- carelessness under the circum- gin for Error," the new play by arose -wi . . . So impressed was she with spair were reached, Carvalho re- stances. Mrs. E. D. Seldin of Denver, a . Clare Boothe which pokes pithy his crown of flying grey IOCKS i'o Solwion X. Carvalho, a whea he agreed to accompany the = et the general direction of the lates how he turned to prayer and former resident of Omaha, died But Fremont could also be sym- fun at the Nazis, all abubble with Al main group. A heavy wind was in his anguish recited the words pathetic and understanding. At enthusiasm . . . She reports a bril- and his serene face, we are in- On Wednesday, November 8, folJew of Charleston, goen the explorer. formed, that Bhe couldn't sleep blowing and either their shots or of the Psalmist: "Hungry and the time the expedition was en- liant performance by Sam Levene all that night for thinking about lowing ah operation. honor of being the first man to "A half hour previously « tic Surviving are: Her husband; eat photograph the far west. A tia- any one &a<l suggested to me the the answering shots were swept thirsty their soul fainteth within countering, its worst hardships, as Patrolman FlnUelsteln, who t h e m . . . fjueriiotyyist, he accompanied three daughters, Bernice, Alice probability of say undertaking away, for they heard no answer. them, and they crie'd unto the the leader ate by himself, not from has been assigned to guard the The men spent an uneasy night Lord their trouble and He deliv- snobbery as his enemies accused, German Consul . . . And that the General Joh» C. 5*reiuont's fifth and Bonnie; a sister, Mrs. Ben an over-land journey to CaliMISH-MASH: Some enterpris- Klaiman of Omaha, and a brothfornia even over the emigrant huddled around a small camp fire. ered them out of their distresses." but so the men could feel free to man who plays the role of Otto toj expedition ad official photographer, tbe firat official photog* * • road, I 3hoald have replied Already winter winds were sweepspeak their minds without his re- B. Horst, the American Nazi ing Anglo-Jewish newspaper that er, Harry Dyosin of Omaha. Her pU rapher, attached to any sort at ing down from the mountains. Fuehrer, is a dead ringer tor may be looking for an editor has mother, two brothers and three there were no inducements sufHaving gone without food for th expedition. Moreover they had now entered 48 hours, the expedition finally straining presence. Fritz (Blltzkrelg) Kuhn, who la an excellent opportunity to acquire sisfers live in Homel, Russia. ficiently p o w e r f u l to have • • • 'ey . Following is an account of hostile Indian territory and in on February 8, 1854, stumbled on trial in, New York for tak- a man of ' distinguished abilities tempted! me," CanralEio wrote of The funeral service was held Of himself Carvalho tells noth- now nc Carvalho's adventures as he rethis country were in no position to into a small Mormon settlement, ing money that wasn't "hisn" . . . . . . H e is Reinhold Herz, who was November 9 in Denver. the interview with. Fremont, ing. He records the events leading th lated them in an Jnterestiag defend themselves against an ata first-rate newspaper man in It may be recalled, incidentally, which took place on Augost 22 Parowan, on the Nevada line. Ti tack by a raiding party. However, Here they were "given food and up to the photographer's joining that a cop named Flnkelstein Germany, having been a frequent oi 1333. "Incidents oi Travel la Funds for Defense the expedition and refers to his tai volume, in the morning Carvalho was able was In charge of a de- contributor on contemporary JewBy signing up with Fremont shelter a n d after several days the Far West With Col. Trefor such adventure, actually Helsinki, Finland (JTA) — A | inont'9 Last Sixpedition." tail of police assigned to guard ish affairs to su^h former periodCarvalho became not only the first to contact Fremont and the small took on enough supplies to last inexperience he makes no mention of past committee here has raised German Consulate in New as tb« Juo'lUrhe R"ndsr.hau Jewish man to photograph the west, but party joined up with the main until they would reach the des- but activities or refers to future plans. the a fund of 500,000 Finnish marks York after the November pogroms was actually the first official phothe T«r««»Mt'sehes • Fpmlllentination. •oup. • In tlie fall oi the year 1353 The Baltimore city directory list- in Germany a year ago . . . a voluntary Jewish contribuhlatt . . .Although only two years as tioionel (later General) John C. tographer ever attached to an exEncounters With Indians To Salt Lake City ed a Carv&lho Daguerrotype studio tion to the defense of the counpedition of any sort. The nest year tn tbeTTnltoii PteteR. he has masFremont set out on his fifth exBut Carvalho was in such a until 1860. The unexpected atDespite skepticism of fellow try. The money has already been fered th» EngHRh language . . . turned pedition o£ exploration into tha Ear Roger Fenton, an Englishman, artist3 that Daguerrotypes from weakened condition f r o m the tachment to the Fremont expediCLINICAL NOTE: The death in It over to the Finnish defense joined the British forces fighting was Alenh (POETl Katz who western pavt of the United State3. were absolutely im- hardships of the past weeks, he tion was undoubtedly the great New York of Prof. Heinrich Neu- suggested that the current anti- ministry. Jewish firms through.3 Four times previously Fremont in the Crimea as the first official mountain-tops ossible, Carvalho decided to make could not leave with the expedi- moment of his life and that ex- mann, the world famed specialist war hit at the Filmarte Theater out Finland have donated large W ] had ventured into the vast un- war photographer and Ms pictures .he who numbered the great of the In New York b° prefaced by a additional sums for the same purattempt. Fremont was so in- tion and was taken to Salt Lake perience alone he records.' atl Kuown, the wilderness which had are the oldest extant. lity in a wagon by a group of world among his patients, recalls erested in the experiment that he pose. : Because of its natural beauty, oni been purchased a half century At the time the fifth expedition Mormons going to a conference. Ed Kleinlerer, our f o r m e r ^notation from Fzektel (Chanter . a t ; earlier from France and recently was organized, there was some insisted on accompanying Carvalho He spent two months in the Mor- the region Fremont traversed is to 37) . . . The title. "That They Rome correspondent, an interestMa increased by the territorial ac- question as to whether or not Car- up a mountainside, helping with mon capital photographing the today one of the most photo- ing anecdote . . . It concerns Count May Live," was taken from the graphed in the world. Whole atq quisitions o£ the Mexican war. valho would go. For one thing a he equipment. sect's dignitaries, including the Ciano, II Duce's son-in-law and Ezeklel ouote. which nffords a books filled with scenes have been * • • leoj famed Brigham Young. striking and effective introThis particular expedition was photographer with a newer methpublished and find a ready mar- Foreign Minister . . . Who. dur- very Throughout the region, Fremont od of taking pictures was considduction to the film . . . Cafe Royal organized for the express purpose ing a visit to Vienna before the In May of 1854 Fremont and ket. Every travel agency lures in! a£ studying the region in deep ered, but Fremont eventually de- made it a matter of policy never his party reached San Francisco, to scenic playgrounds Anschluss, came to Dr Neumann pociety was taken aback.the other \ winter to ascertain the practicabil- cided the Dagruerrotype wa3 better o appear in person when Indians, their destination. At about the vacationists by pictures of western mountains. for treatment of a throat ailment day "when the Garrulous.One sudparticularly unfriendly Indians, same time Carvalho, with a party ity of building a railroad through suited to his need3. But Carvalho's pictures, primitive . . . The> treatment required con- denly mpde his appearance after were received in camp. This re- of 23 Mormon missionaries bound Departure the country, v/hether the condias they might have been, were the siderable time . . , Ciano couldn't a long absence in Palestine . . . Tui tions sulted in an aura of mystery surFellow artista also warned Caro£ the winter aeaaon would for the "Sandwich" islands, left first to record photographically arrange to stay that long In Vi- He had a gas mask slung on his valho that he would encounter in- rounding the man. and the Indians Salt Lake for California. such an undertaking. the great American outdoors, the enna . . . So upon his return to shoulder . . . Prompting one way came to refer to him as the "Great dai permit difficulties. Not only Rome, he arranged to have the to remark that it was the other ' Now that the United States had surmountable grandeur of the far west. The Fremont party then . reaptain." Carvalho was usually aai extended the terrtain difficult to phospecialist invited to lecture at diners who should be so equipped its frontiers to the Pa- was turned to New York via t h e ;he go-between on these occatn« cific the question tograph, but the winter weather Rome University eo that he could . . : . A visitor to the JTA offices a transcon- would Isthmusthian railroad—by boat to sions, carrying messages to Frein* tinental railroad of he agaia3t the use of his be treated by him during his stay the other day was Dr. Immanuel had provoked equipment. Isthmus of Panama a n d tivi discussion in political That in some respects mont and his replies back to the the . . . Fate, however, in the person Velikoyaky of Palestine, editor of and finan- they were right through the jungle by the railroad chieftains. i3 revealed by Carof the Horrid Housepainter, in- the Scripta AcademIca,HIeroeolycial circles and congress had in valho'3 description built to accommodate the gold at one Once when a group of suspicious tervened . . . Vienna was "Ansch- mitana, who is here on a mission March of 1S52 set aside appropri- time while suffering how However, there was evifrom frozen _tah3 appeared in camp, Carvalho seekers. lussed," and with it Neumann wa3 to organize a world association of ations for the survey of three dently a short halt in Los Angeles Jat! routes leading from tae valley at feet and hand3 and having gone was delegated by Fremont to dem- because in 1854 the tiny Jewish jailed . .. Ciano had to content Jewish scientists and scholars . . . food for 24 hours, ha onstrate the efficacy of the new himself with treatment by a spe- The mission has the backing of there, on the sugges^ i the Mississippi to the Pacific without made pictures oi the wild country. Colt revolvers, -which members cf community cialist of the home-grown variety Dr. Chaim Welzmann, himself a coast. tion of Carvalho, organized a bethe expedition carried. His ex- nevolent society. . . And, who knows, maybe the scientist of no little renown . . . * » • 1 Fremont, with a long record of treatment wasn't successful and Another visitor was Attorney. ReuThe expedition left Westpcrt cellent marksmanship carried the successful explorations to h i s Once back in New York Freweight, and the Indians Ciano holds it against Hitler to ben Goldman, of Rochester, N. Y., credit, felt himseli: tae person best Landing, now Kansas City, in Sep- desired had rode in with demands left mont was anxious to work with this day . . . Wonder whether the an officer of the Jewish Welfare suited for such an undertaking. tember of 1S53 with 22 members who Carvalho in finishing the plates. without any further threats. handsome Count has an alibi for Fund of that city . . . One of, our I With the financial assistance of in the party. Of this number 10 It is believed that he contemplatHardships . the night of November 8, 1939, favorite historians points out that af h i s distinguished father-in-law, were Delaware Indians, who, aced a careful history of the expediHISTORICAL NOTE: It looks During the crossing of Utah, the tions with Carvalho'a illustrations Jet Senator Beutois of Missouri, who cording to Carvalho, idolised Freto this peerless peerer into the ati had large holdings in the west, he mont. As the party started aeros3 party encountered horrible hard- accomjjanying the text. B u t a future as If the Munich blast will fitted out an expedition of his the Great Plains, Fremont became ships. Five years previously Fre- whole set of circumstances in- go into the history books alongey ill and was forced to return to St. mont had attempted an espedi- tervened and the projected book own. side of the Munich pact . . . ' Louis for medical treatment, while ion in the winter, and had been was never to make its appearance. * least Interesting Expedition men marked time in Kansas. forced to turn back before reachThis was to be the last, and ac- the Mora tragic than Fremont's NAZI PRAYER: The blast that the mountains. But nothin cording to his biographer, Allen j Soon after he rejoined them at ing on that previous expedition com- failure to record his adventure Jnst missed obliterating the pact Nevins, the least interesting of their encampment. (for he had done thi3 for the other Fremont had traveled this same pared to the difficulties that now expeditions) ,was the loss of the recalls the story of a prayer lesNow in Our New Location DEMONSTRATION Fremont,'3 expeditions. However, son given, according to The NaNevins goes on, at least one cir- route in 1543-49, but under mora beset them. photographs. WTiat happened to tion, by a German mother to her TODAY The weather- turned estremely> tham has become a mystery. None cumstance gave color to this ex- favorable weather conditions. Carvalho'3 photographic equip- severe and though the party had remain and, of course, the plates child . . . End your nightly praycursion—the work done by Soler, the mother ordered, by saying: omon N. Carvalho, who not only ment, bulky and cumbersome, was been -well-stocked with supplies, cave disappeared, or disintegrated. "Thank God for Adolf Hitler" . . . Complete new stock of fine imported , x and photographed t i e not popular with tha party. At they soon faced a food shortage. Thus ended the epoch of Fre- The child dutifully obeyed . . . ml sketched linens, novelties and handkerchiefo. the very start a great deal -of it Finally the men were forced to mont's western country for the first time, western explorations. Two But one night she turned in beW but also wrote an interesting ac- was dropped and broken, prob- kill some of the horses and all after cis return from Cali- wilderment to her parent a n d ably deliberately, by the mule portions' of- t h e animal3 "were years ftt count of Ms travels. he was nominated a3 the asked: "How will I end my praywho regarded the baggage eaten. Soup was made from the fornia ESOS Farnam AT A-1 • 1 • His description of the expedi- drivers Republican party'3 first candidate ers if Hitler dies?" . . "Oh," reentrals, and liver, heart, and stoma3 excess for the difficult journey B01 'tlou and his graphic account of they faced. for the presidency of the United plied the mother, "just say, Thank OPEN EVENINGS ach were prepared in one fashion States. During the civil war he God" . . . . dec Fremont's work a3 leader has been But Carvalho was an ingenious or another to stave off starvation. served of special value to historians. as a general in the northdiv Moreover Fremont confided to Carvalho Carvalho'3 "Incidents of fallow. He repaired most of the ern army. BO? fear3 that the men might be rePROPHETIC N O T E : If the Travel and Adventure in the Far broken material and re-packed it. duced to cannibalism as had hapHorrid Howler of Heil-land hapWest with Col. Fremont's Last Sx~ * » • The publication of Carvalho's M Sedition" is the sole source of into have read a classic reOn November 23, Carvalho re- pened on some otheT expedition of book, however, was an event of pened mark by the Hungarian statesformation, regarding this venture. lates, after photographing and which he had once read. For More Quality and More Style For a long time fears were felt extreme importance, because it not man, Count von Bethlen, he may • * • sketching a Cheyenne Indian vil1 only graphically describes the ex- be thinking, with the echoes of in the east thatFremont wa3 lost, Carvalho was a n a t i v e of lage, he started with the party the Charleston, 3. C, where the Car- into the mountains. Carvalho had, that be and his party had per- pedition, but paints an interesting that blast In his ears, that the valhos were one of the most prom- during the pauae among the Chey- ished in the treacherous passes. and useful picture of Fremont. year'has already turned to 1940 inent oi' the Portuguese-Jewish ennea, won great acclaim as a No travelers nor emigrant trains Malicious charges had been spread . . . Von Bethlen, it may be refamilies. At the time of Carvalho'3 Medicine Man as the Indiana gazed had encountered him. He had put questioning Fremont's fitness on called, some time ago voiced the following prediction . . . In 1938, ,1 birth Charleston possessed t h e in wonder as he "burned water."' in at none of the settlements along thi3 and previous occasions and said, it will be difficult to be jtho largest and most important Jew- In reality he was lighting an al- the way—wherever there might efforts were made to discredit hi3 he <f NEVER SPLITS UNDER THEARMSl ish community in America. Here cohol heater to warm some neces- have been settlements ia tbia re- work by attacks upon his person. a Jew . '. In 1939, he continued, it wil be difficult to be a soldier mota country. la tribute to Fremont's leaderthe first reformed congregation sary chemicals. tf NEVER RIPS AT THE SEAMS! ship, Carvalho wrote: "I know of . . . But In 1940, he wound up, it Word from Carvaiiio .Carvalho lost •a fiad been organized in 1S35 and The first word from the ex- no other man to whom I would will be difficult to be a German • David Nunez Carvalho was named As they approached the Rockies, if NEVER TEARS AT THE POCKETS! the reader of the Reform Society Fremont sent Carvalho out to get pedition wa3 a letter written by have trusted my life under simviews of Huarfano Butts (where Carvalho and given to Colonel ilar circumstances." snfti of Israelites. if NEVER SAGS AT THE SEAT! Fremont, Carvalho s h o w e d , Fremont himself h a d been later Carvalho suggested a statue Babbit, secretary of Utah terriMETEOROGICAL NOTE: The raised in Charleston, and it 1s of Fremont be erected should a t probable the friendship of the two transcontinental railroad ever be mon dates from this time. The ex- built over this route). With the plorer was a particular hero o£ the photographer w e n t two more inhabitants of the city, and on sev- white men and two of the Delaeral occasions they had presented wares. him with tokens of their esteem. After finishing: their work and Interview With Fremont tin; taking barometric readings, the CarvalUo was evidently an artist small party fired their rifles to Phi i»f some ability and had, become proficient as a Daguerrotypist, an expert in an early form of photog?1 raphy that was then enjoying 1512 Howard—JA 9349 great vogue. He owned a Daguer'otype studio in Baltimore where JANE BREWER A SIZE FOR EVERYONE! he lived with his wife, two chilOMAHA'S OWN dren, and his parents. WELCOMES ALL. HER PHIEND3 Featuring Entertainment by . * The decision to accompany tha expedition took place in New York EHMY LEYBOIS TK1O dfter an interview with Fremont. Nightly Except 3unclay Having had absolutely no experitUi 3s©®, -1© till S2;3© you ever need sterling;—now la tha time to buy. Look at ence with life in the open, CarvalSAME GOOD FOOD this patters—read taesa prices. "Komiine" is a design beautiho couldn't even saddle a horse ALWAYS THE 3AME fulljr finisisEsl cf solid silver cf extra heavy w e l g b t . . . wMcn wiE never fee "oat cf style."




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