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Plain Talk Alt
In the Interests of ike Jewish. People
ANCESTORS A postcard from a genelogical research society informs ma that for cae dollar I eaa buy "a complete history ot the Segal family." Not only that: I will also be supsinumsa tm aecuua d a * * Mall Mailer on Jaxiuai? 'it, 1331, a t Foatofflec. of Omaha. N»braska. under the Act of March 3. 1S79 VOL. SVH—No. 4 OMAHA. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. DECEMBER!, 1939 plied with a coat of arms based upon tlie valor of my revolutionary ancestors and t i e sturdy characters which they manifested as pioneers of the West. Look, X say to my wife, "we have revolutionary ancestors and a coat The seventh annual presentatof arms. S ion of Stage Night will be offerAt last, she exclaims, we can d by the Round Table of Jewish <go places. Youth on Wednesday, December Go places, my dear! We have Observance of the Chanukah brings a message^ of courage, for 13, in the auditorium of the Jewarrived! holiday will begin Wednesday eve- the world's first martyrs for freeish Community Center. As in prevUntil this njomein I had bening, December 6, in homes and ious years, this "gala entertainof conscience were the follieved that I was nobody with no Movable Property Already synagogues throughout the world. dom ment •will bring together some 20 owers of the Maccabees. tear. Palestine Political ancestors worth speaking of. I ! Candles, one additional on each of Expropriated by youth organizations in a tournaChanukah opens on the 25 of have always fait so inadequate in j the eight successive evenings, win Lislev, Truce Coming ment of dramatics, skits, and oneGovernment the anniversary of the rethe presence of revolutionary de- i I be lit to commemorate the etera- edication of the Temple in Jeract plays. to End scendants. ] i al spirit of ancient faith. . The Committee in charge of the The story ia told in the One evening I was in raised j INTENSIFY AGITATION i Chanukab remembers the al- usalem. Stage Night consists of the followBoots of the Maccabees. COMMONS QUESTIONS most miraculous rescue of the Special Chanukah affairs have company, so to speak, and after | ; ing: Leo Sherman, Chairman;' a few cocktails had been had, a S t a r t C a m p a i g n A g a i n s t Jewish people of Palestine from been J Shirley Barish, Lester L a z e r e, arranged by all local synaDavid Ben Gurion Confers Margaret Ruhdell, Florence TatelSyrian oppression in the year 1S5 gogues. Jewish lady became gushy over Jews Sent to Lublin B. C. Under the leadership of Juthe ancestry of one of the other man, .and Rosalie Tuchman. •with MacDonald Temple Reservation j das Maccabeaus, the ancient Jews guests. He was, indeed, a gentleAdmission to the Stage Night Children of the Religious School Since the -war unleashed its in London For its second speaker of: the I drove out the pagan invaders and if Temple Israel will hold their man who could trace himself back will be 10 cents per-person. fury in Europe, many have By BOKIS SMOLAR, to toe time of Cromwell. His peo! rededicated themselves to their Chanukah celebration on Thurswanted to know- how this new1 current' series, the;Center Forum London (JTA) — Zionist cirJ. T. A. Chief European ple had heen in the American | faith. day afternoon, December 7, at situation will affect the activi- will on Tuesday, December 5,. -precles - are increasingly perturbed Correspondent revolution. The ^luiv-^rv*—-~~. _ . i n e lighting iignuiig of vi candles canaies recalls 3:45. ties of overseas agencies, -which sent Rabbi Milton Steinberg, leer over the British Government's at"It is wonderful to have so Paris ((JTA) J T ) — Following exare doing emergency'.. relief turer and author." Rabbi SteinbergBeth El t h e s t o r y o f ttLe g m a l l l a m p titude on Palestine, seeing Inw much' background," she said. " I propriatiou of all movable Je w -jkept alight in the Temple during Chanukah party will be held creasing indications of its intenwork in Europe and Palestine will speak on "American-Jewry— allthemovable alight in the TempleBurning forA children leel I'm really nobody." ishopriatiou propertyof in Reich, Je t h e-jkept | t & e Maecabean struggle. of the Beth El Sab- tion f o proceed with the White Paand which are supported by the Its'Future/* : Humble Beginnings Nazi authorities have started seiz- j o £ t h e i i g n t s signifies that belief bath school and Talmud Torah per policy despite the war. Jewish Philanthropies. in the dignity of man is still a live Saturday, Decembe; 9. Following A graduate pf. Columbia Univer• These organizations, ' t h e ' always thought ure of Jewish owned houses and- and myself indications are evidencpotent force in the world. that I had only the most humble other immovable property sity and the Jewish Theological he service at 11 o'clock a special d These Joint Distribution Committee, by the Government's continued Season's Activities Begin the United Palestine Appeal, Seminary, Rabbi Steinberg has beTo martyrs of today Chankah Chanukah luncheon w i l l be beginnings. My very remots fore- | confiscation is carried out under to permit refugee settlefather -was Abraham, a nomad of S a law authorizing seizure:e to served. The party will follow the refusal •with * Chanukah the Hebrew Immigrant Aid'So- cqme known as one,of the leading ment in Palestine, the rejection of luncheon. •whom I know only that he spoke property of elements ciety, the ORT Federation, rabbis and thinkers. • Frolic offers for the creation of Jewish law. He is the author of "The Makto 'God, according to the story. the German state. This Orthodox have been called upon to supply' war units and the present reporting of the Modern .Jew", which He»lived In a tent and, apparent- when issued ia Slay, 1933, stated The auxiliary of the U n i t e d ed intention to implement the tremendous funds for immedi"The Hound Table of. Jewish ly, had no fixed abode, like those that it was aimed against t h e Orthodox Congregations has intransfer provisions of the Youth, a constituent of the Fed- ate relief, shelter and food for received ."' high recommendations vited the children of the C i t y land old houses in Massachusetts property of Communist organizaeration for Jewish Service, Trill women, children and old peoWhite Paper. Talmud Torah to a Chanukah par•which, as I drive through, always tions. sponsor its first city-wide dance of ple. Relief is being given daily Concern is felt that the tacit ty which will take place on ThursThe German official gazette, makem e feel that I am a transitruce on the White Paper, existing the season on Sunday evening, De- to millions of refugees whose day, December 7. Reichsanzeiger, received ent In the world. , Deutsche _ since outbreak of the war. is be-cember 3..at the'Jewish Commun- sole support comes from these After the lighting of Chanukah ing terminated by the Govern- ity Center Auditorium. agencies. If others have in their families j in Paris via neutral countries, candles by one of the children, a ment which, it is believed, intends remote lieutenants who were at! puhlish.es a list ot confiscated JewEach year, for the past several Money Is needed daily to dinner will be served. This will to proceed with implementing the years, the Hound Table was. re- keep Yorktown, all I can say is that I ish property under this'law. The the soup kitchens going, my forefather Abraham spoke to | paper specifies that those listed Grand Lodge No.. 6 Plans be followed by a series of games, policy despite the fact that there sponsible for a series of dances and to provide shelter and care. distribution of dreidlach and exGod . . . "Yes," I say, in an effort j are Jews, adding that some of •which were sponsored for all the "s no opportunity for the League Convention During ,The pledges made to the overchange of gifts. Chanukah songs Council to. enlarge my importance, "it was I them are now abroad. to consider the situation. youth, of the .city.. These dances seas agencies make their work Summer will be sung by the children and H * ' f -f lie.who discovered God." ! A telegram was received in are attended by hundreds of young possible. Rabbi I. Rackovsky will speak to Ignore Provision ]. But this makes no impression | Paris from Vienna through a neupeople, and have proved to be sucIn view of the above facts, it Omaha lodge No. 354 of B'nai them on the meaning of ChanuJewish circles are unable to On- a man whose forefather was I tral country appealing for theB'rith in bringing together all is important that every subhas been awarded the 1940 kah. The committee in charge comprehend .the Government's at- cessful a corporal in the battle of the I sending of $200,000 for emigra- convention groups In Jewish Youth. the Jewish Philanof District G r a n d of arrangements includes: Mrs. M. titude in allocating large sums for Boyne or a sergeant at Waterloo, j tion of several hundred Viennese Lodge No. 6, according to Dr. Cohen, Mrs. J . Bernstein, Mrs. .This year, the dances -will fea- scriber to meet his obligation. Only recently I met a man who j Jews., many of them holders of Leon Fellman, president of the Meyer Katzman, Mrs. J . Raznick, aid of Polish refugees, including ture the Music by Gary. The oc- thropies The war situation has increased told me that his greac-great-great American visas, who face the al- Omaha lodge, who received notice Mrs. David Feldman, Mrs. D. Den- Jews/but in not willing to permit casion of the dance -will be The the needs of overseas agencies settlement of these Polish Jewish Chanukah .Spirit, and the audigrandfather was the boy who ternatives of emigration or re-of this award Tuesday. #$ enberg, Mrs. D. B. Epstein and refugees in Palestine under the immediate cash, torium wjll be especially.decorated for stood on the street in Philadel- moval to the Lublin "Jewish reserairs. F . Komisar. ;' The Executive Committee is The convention will take place ¥. provision in the White Paper-for /*•*¥ in appropriate motifs.phia and gave the signal for the vation." Their fear of removal on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, that an Emergency admission of 25,000- refugees. Center . members are admitted announcing Liberty Bell to ring on the first j to Lublin wa3 increased by a cam- July 7, S and 9. This is the first It is understood that the recent free to these dances, while non- Collection Campaign of all Fourth of July. Thus I am al- paign against Jews in the "reserin 22 years that the Omaha visit here of David Ben Gurion, members pay a nominal fee of pledges which are now in ar"waya being made aware of my ua- vation" opened by German news- time lodge will sponsor the district chairman of the Jerusalem Execu- S1.00 for the season's .four dances. rears will be held shortly. It •worthiness by people making big papers which charged that t h e convention. Delegates from lodges tive of the Jewish Agency, during Stags are admitted for 40 cents appeals to every .subscriber to claims for their ancestors. I Jews already shipped there j in eight states and four provinces which he conferred with Colonial per dance, .plus i h e season ticket. remit the past due payments to With what feeble courage I j conducting themselves of Canada will attend. Secretary Malcolm MacDonald, Tickets have already been mailed enable the Jewish Philanthrocould muster, I said: "Weil, my vocative manner. Philip Klutznick, member of failed to obtain anything to allay to the Center Members, "while .the pies to forward the funds to the people struck the first recorded Want Jews' Destruction the Omaha lodge, and at present Ilnbbi Milton-Steinberg Jewish apprehensions. various. Round Table Representa- overseas agencies. blow for liberty. This waa in Leading this campaign the first vice-president of the dis- Request Local Groups to In this .hour of dire need A Government spokesman astives are busily ^engaged in' the the Silesian newspaper, Schlesi- trict and chairman of the district Egypt from the Book-of-the-Month Club gyp -where they were slaves." sured the House of Commons that selling of tickets .to non-members. for ..immediate funds, every sub- and Name Members the Religious Book Club. In But the man, entirely unim- ache Zeitung, which declared that committee on membership and scriber must meet an obligation Britain had no present intention " . f Dance Committee of Board. . this book he traced the factors pressed, kept talking about his an- "the Germany army must wipe conservation, will be elevated to of forcingthe White Paper which is as sacred as life Itself. The Dance Committee for the which made possibles the survival cestor who gave the signal to ring out the Jews -with an iron broom the office of president of the disthe League of Nations, af- year '• consists of the following; A call, was issued by Mr. "Wil-through of the Jew and :thB,.; Influencs the Liberty Bell: "Ha was only a also from the Lublin district," trict at this convention, succeedjter receivng a Laborite warning liam L.:HoIzmant; j)res.ideJlt_Qtith,e "fist^raising-Hhe- question- it-Gen- Norman Bleicher, Chairman; Shel?which. created his grespnt charactboy-of -12T "SOU might.-say "ha ia-SMI* other, .^azi japers-.strsssed.. ia g~ Aaron- firocck -ot -Chicago. •: Bernstein.'Led GoldsmithV'Jl Other Omaha B'nai B'rith mem- Federation for Jewish •Service, to eva would "cause a shock the don" the one who gave the start to that the Jews in Lublin must be salie Wertheimer and Harry GooHdestroyed by disease and cold dur- bers who have, served as presi- all local organizations affiliated world over." . jHe'is, at'.present, spiritual leadeverything." binder. . . . , ./ ing the -winter by preventing dent of the district include Henry with the federation, to elect their career ia tlia er of the Park ''Avenue: Synagogue Foreign Undersecretary Richard After my a checkered The Round. Table of Jewish desert people came to Sinai -warm clothing from, reaching Monsky, now international B'nai representatives to the 1940 board A. Butler said there was no quesin New York. Recently he was apYouth.is a federation of all Jew•where the Tan Commandments them. B'rith president; Sain Leon and ot governors of the federation. Jioinled lecturer in homiletlcs at of raising the ' Palestine or ish Youth Organizations in the "The board of governors of the tion •were given to them. One of my The question of how to reach Dr. A. Greenberg. the Jewish, Theological Seminary. Paper issue at' the next sesIt attempts to hring federation," Mr. Holzman stated, White ancestors was close by Moses when these Jews, as well as those in Hip ' first "novel, . "As a Driven sion of the Leagues Mandate Com- community. together .all groups, and partici"consists of representatives of other parts of Nazi occupied Poi e came down from the mountain j Leaf" -will he published early in mission. He pointed out that since pates in all activities of the Fedevery adult Jewish organization land, with winter clothing a n d and said to him, as he looked at . ...\"...v the Council was not meeting there eration for Jewish Service. The Film t o Be Presented a t 1940. in tha community. Each organi•warm bedding Is at present occuthe two tablets: "What have you was no question of the Palestine primary object of the Round -Table • Zionist Meeting: -. Admission to Center Forum leczation is entitled to at least one pyingthe attention of Jewish and there?" brought np. tures- js free to members, of the : representative on the board of issue's being is to train the young- people for . r , Thursday "A good way of life," Hoses re- non-sectarian relief organizations Commons Debate Jewish Community Center. governors, and to additional repleadership in the community. _ in Europe, including the J o i n t plied brusquely. The Palestine question had been resentatives, one for each addiThe officers of the Round Table •'Tel Aviv," a technicolor film i My ancestor said . . . these were Distribution Committee and the injected into a debate regarding tional 100 members, or major are: Morris Arhitman, President; of Palestine; will be shown at an '"his very words . . . "Do you really American Red Cross. the functioning of the League by Irving Nogg, Vice-President; Ber- open meeting of the Zionist DisIn a cable to the J. V). C. in Plans for 1940 Season fraction thereof. ithink people want a good way o£ Philip Noel Baker, Laborite, -who tha Slutzky, Secretary; and Char- trict of Omaha,,Thursday evening, "Through the hoard of gover- expressed the hope that the Brit'lite?'* I feel this was an. authen- New York, Morris C. Troper, the Made at First -, December 7, a t 8:15 a t the Jewnors," Mr. Holzman continued, ish Government would not try to lotte Nogg, Treasurer. tic ancestor of mine, for it is pre- organization's European director, Meeting About 20 organizations are af- ish Community Center. The meet"all Jewish groups in the com- force the White Paper through the cisely what I would have said emphasized that vast shipments ing-will be open to the public and munity interested in preserving forthcoming neutralised "bastard filiated -with the Round Table". .tinder the circumstances. But my of winter clothing and blankets The Camp Committee of the Jewish communal life are-partici- Assembly" admission will be free. : of the League. ancestor's propinquity to the Ten from America would be necessary, Women's (JTA) —- A program Division had its first pants in the affairs of the federaAlso on the program of the of•Jerusalem" Commandments never had served declaring "the matter is urgent meeting on "We remember the circumindustrial development of PalWednesday, Novemtion. In this manner, the board meeting -will be Joseph Rapp, forto elevate me socially in the least. and cannot be delayed." announced by the Jewber 22, presided over by Mrs. Ber- ot governors represents a true stances in which the Paper wa; merly a prominent young attorney estine.was It meana a lot more for an ancesStern measures to punish the nard L. Fleisher, Chairman. prepared and the report on i t by ish Agency. Dr. Emil Schmorak. cross-section of the entire Jew- the in Vienna, who will tell of his es'tor to have been a village council- sharing of toed l>y Germans with Mandates Commission," Bakof the Agency's economic The Camp Committee, which ish community." cape from Austria during the director man, as I shall show. Jews in the Reich are'threatened will er said. "It would be playing fast department, issued an appeal to have supervision over this Organizations are requested to darkest days of the Hitler regime.' ~hy the Vienna edition of Chancel- community project, discussed the Son of Revelation and loose with the sacred prinJewish capitalists here to encour.' Awhile ago I met a Son of the lor Hitler's Voelkiseher Beobaeh- experiences of the 1939 Camp Sea- elect immediately their represen- ciple of international obligations New York (JTA) — An attempt 'The motion picture, "Tel Aviv," age industry by Investing a part tatives to the 1940 board of govis said to be the best picture dealfor which we are fighting this war to. reach a basis for joint fundj'Ainerican Revolution who was ter, chief organ of the Nazi party. son. The Committee decided that of the £15,000,0*00 o r £16,000,to endeavor to do any such thing. raising in the United States was ing with Palestine yet- produced. 000 deposited in banks. 'telling me about his revolutionary Warning "Aryans" against per- the same site be rented for the ernors. The following organizations are It is particularly striking, accordIt -would cause- a shock the world '.forefather who, after the battles mitting themselves "to be in1940 Season, and that greater Details of the-program. Involvwith the federation and over, not least in the United discussed at a conference of eight ing to notices It has received in j<he was second lieutenant), emi- fluenced by money or kind words care be taken in making the plans affiliated o r g a n i z ations dealing the east, because it reproduces all ing establishment of 125 new facentitled to representatives on the States, and still further damage national grated to the west and came to which they get from Jews," the early in advance. with refugee and overseas needs the varied scenery of Palestine In tories, -which will give . employboard of governors: Cincinnati and became a village Beobachter predicts severe action in New York on Nov. 11, called by natural colors. The Camp Committee, is was Beth El Synagogue, Beth El our moral credit there." ment to 6,000 to 8,000 workertr ., against both "Aryans" and Jews brought ^Councilman. Arthur Lourie. political secrethe board of directors of the out, will aim to secure as Synagogue Auxiliary, Beth Hawere revealed here iiy Agency tary of the Jewish Agency, left on j "He was the one who intro- involved. For the most part the. picture Council-of Jewish Federations and large a number of Camp ScholarTreasurer -Eliezer Kaplan. The Hagodol Congregation the S. S. Statenuam for New York "The only way Jews should be ships as possible, to enable many medroshCholim, i'duced the first ordinance to reguwith -Tel Aviv and its envi- program;'. Kaplan revealed • In an B'nai Abraham in connection with the forthcom Welfare Funds, it is disclosed by deals late the length of women's skirts," treated, is the way formulated by children to spend a week or two Bikur rons, showing the rise of the AllNotes and News, the Council's orinterview -with Palestine and the of South Omaha, B'nai ing visit to the United States o he said. "He was also the author (Field-Marshall Hermann) Goer- at camp, who otherwise could not Lodge Jewish city and .portraying the Middle' East; -will be put into er-' gan. B'rith, B'nai Jacob Synagogue Dr. Chaim Weizmann. Dr. Weiztot the measure to limit the speed iag- in hi3 public address in Vi-afford it. new industrial development of the feet by a newly-created "supreme/ Compeer Chapter Ivre, Congrega"The meeting was called," the has not yet fixed the date o publication ot horses in the streets to three enna in a single word—out!" the . economic council.''-.-;The program" It was also decided that a spec- tion Adas Yeshurun, Congregation mann state, "in response to city. his departure or bis route, but expaper asserts. jniles an hour." Members of all Omaha organiza- will entail an investment ol SI,-' ial committee determine the cost B'nai Israel, Congregation of pects to be in America by the end the desires of local welfare funds I felt thoroughly abashed. My throughout the country as ex-tions interested in Palestine and .750,000. The projected factories, Growing starvation among Jews I of maintaining a camper, in order B'nai Israel Synagogue of South of December at the latest. pressed at regional conferences of the problems being faced, by Ger- he said, will be chiefly in the field -people didn't get to town till the in Nazi occupied Poland is indi- to determine the fees for next Omaha, Council of Jewish Womearly eighties and were peddlers cated in reports reaching Paris summer. en, Daughters of "Israel Aid Sothe Council in recent months. Res- man emigres- are being issued of textiles and pharmaceutics. ior awhile and lived obscurely in olutions have been passed in sev- special Invitations to attend the Various plans for raising Camp ciety, Deborah Society, Highland Kaplan revealed that tho Agen(Continued oa page S.) a tenement house. Yet I felt I eral regions urging continuation meeting, according to Ephraim L. cy Executive has already granted Scholarships were suggested, and Country Club, Jewish Nationa" ought for the saks of my own of the United Jewish Appeal in Marks, president of the local Zion- a credit of £100,000 to industry referred to a Special committee on Workers Alliance, Junior Council standing say aoinethia^ about my Junior Hadassah, Labor Lyceum 1940 and its expansion to include ist district. Camp Scholarships. -with which to buy -raw materials other overseas agencies. : ancestral dignities, however meaThe Camp Committee consists Association, Ladies' Free Loan and another credit of £170,000 to ger. of the following: Mesdames B. L. Society, Ladies" Golden Hill Sovarious bodies to assure an ade"Those who attended were the "My people gave the ordinances Fleisher, chairman, Sam Beber ciety, Medical Advisory Board Quate"food supply for the PalesJoint Distribution C o mmittee. The Annual Card Party ot the of the Ten Conanandiiieata to the Oscar Belzer, Jacob Bernstein. J Mizrachi Organization, Mizrachi ChesedShel Ernes will be held on United Palestine Appeal, National tine Jewish community. He said ;world," I said with what show of Blank, Abe Brodkey, Morris Bur- Women, Omaha Hebrew Camp o Monday, December 4, at 1 in th Refugee Service, ORT, HIAS, Jewthat £700,000 was needed for urpride I could make. But he quickstein, J. E. Cohen, Arthur Conn Modern Woodmen, Omaha Hebrew Jewish Community Center, Mrs ish Telegraphic Agency, National gent public works that would proClub, Pioneer Women's Club An important business.meeting |D a v e C o a r i i D a T S Epstein, ly put me in my place by saying vide employment for 6,000 p2rLabor Committee for Palestine Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Senior Louis Neveleff, President, an- and American Friends of the HeGreenberg J. that his forefather was elected to of Omaha lodge oof B nai B'rith 1 G o i d m a U r A b e Greenberg, sons. : .• nounced. Hadassah, Temple Israel, Temple the first Ohio Legislature and was brew University. Representatives Holzman. Morris Additional ;Teature3 are being Greenberg, SECOXB SHIP "Our Committee consisting o of the national agencies and mem- planned for the annual- Beth El the one who introduced the first in the Jewish Community Center Jacobs, Sam Josephson, M. Katie- Israel Sisterhood, Thorpean Ath Haifa (JTA) —• A second Itallaw to imprison debtors . . . "Yes, lodge room, starting at 8:15 p. m. man, A. Katz, J. H. Kulakofsky, letic Club, Vaad Auxiliary, United Mrs. J. Goldberg, Chairman, -Mrs, bers of the Council's board consid- Rigadoo which is to be given on Matters which mast be approv- Wm. Lazere, J. Malashock, Morris Orthodox Congregations, V a a d Sam Wolf, : Associate Chairman, ered two proposals put forth by Sunday, December 10, at the Cen- ian ship arrived here bringing to that's the kind of law we ought to Men's Club, Women's Division and Mrs. Wm. Milder, Mrs. H. R. the Council: the development of 608 the number of Jewish im-nihave now," he said. "There are ed by the lodge membership in- Micklin, Henry Monsky, L. Neve- Workmen's Circle 173, Work- Milder, Mrs. J . Milder, Mrs. J. more thorough-going and effective tral Club under the auspices of granls with entry certificates whi» clude the ratification of the con- leff, H. A. Newman, Jules M. . too many dead-beats loose." the Beth El Auxiliary. Circle 172, Ladies' auxil Finkel, Mrs. • S. Fish, Mrs. J.consultation between the agenreached h.ere within, two dayd. He looked big with pride at the stitution of the Southwest Region- Newman, Joe Rice, Sam Robin men's • Workmen's According to a n n o uncemerit. The Circle 25S, A Chait, Mrs. I. Kaplan, Mrs. L. Ep- cies In planning and carrying ont immigrants include 150 ch'ldWisdom of his ancestor. What had al Council which was approved son, Chas. Sekiminel, Ben Silver iary; made by Mrs. J. Blank, general Z. A. No. 1 and A. Z. A. No.. 100 stein and Mrs. S. Epstein,"ha, their respective functions, and an ren, 62 of them from German teraccepted at the business ses- j u s t e i H a , T n i s t l n < A b e 1 to speak of? My people had and chairman of arrangements, the" worked hard to plan an unusua' attempt to reach a basis for joint of the council last Sunday. Venger, M. Venger, Al. Wohlner, - • . si enacted the Ten Commandments sion Store" will:be directed ritories. event," Mrs. Neveleff stated. This will be cicne by all the par- H.-A. Wolf and Miss Blanch Zimfund-raising in the United States, "Country which nobody minds anyway. by Mr. Ben Perelman. ticipatias lodges of the "region in man. A dessert luncheon will precede at least for organized welfare fund 7 TALMUD TORAH TO inglorious Ueaths A cafeteria supper -will' be servthe card party. There will be a communities." order to make the constitution So it goes. People tell saa of valid ed by the Beth El women under aad legal. GRADUATE FIVE door prize, and lovely table .prizes. their forefathers who died glorithe chairmanship of Mrs. Julius Three delegates will also be "We hope that the Jewish ComThe City Talmud Torah an ously in baiti<5 but I have only elected Stein. Feature of the evening wiJI to represent Oniaha B'nai munity will support us in this pronounces that graduation exercise; my ancestors who were ignomin- B'rith lodge at a meeting of repbe the drawing for the roaster: A Geneva (JTA) -—Marian Sarah ject," indicated Mrs. Neveleff. will be held on Sunday, December ously executed by fire. They tell resentatives of all region lodges large number of door prizes are Leichter, -Viennese Jewess v»ho is "For eighteen years our oganiza10, at 10:30 for five of the stu sue of ancestors who died on which also being offered. second Bulletin of the serving.a prison term .because slittion has been working on behalf -will take place sometime j deats of the Talmud Torah. Jiorseback charging lor kiag and before January Admission to the affair will be was secretary of a labor union of an important need, maintaining 1, 1340 in accord- Round Table ha3 been mailed to Rev. Arthur A. Brooks, minister twenty-five The exercises will take place a country, but my people died in ance with a motion cents. .Tickets are bealso passed at all the members of the various the Jewish Community Center. the only Communal Funeral Home of the First Methodist Church, ing sold by all members of . the under the former regime, asked an •wretched massacres far their the regional business session. A groups affiliated with the Round Further details will be announced in the United States. During the will occupy the pulpit of the Beth Auxiliary. A gift will be given "Aryan" woman friend to take Torah. No panoply c£ glory, no program -will be presented "past year.the organization served El Synagogue this evening at servcare of her children until she* was under Table of Jewish Youth. next week"banaers waving, no trumpets. the direction of Program ChairThe Bulletin contains a resume poor and rich alike. Our building ices. He will speak on "Let Us each child attending. released. .They just died. of general activities of the Round As a result, it was reported Troin Shanghai (JTA)—The French has teen renovated and we incur- Give Thanks." man Alfred Fiedler. I am told by a friead of aa anVienna, Mrs. Lichter's term-was The annual B'nai B'rith Ama- Table as well as its constituent Municipal Council here has de- red considerable expense in meetAttends Conference Before coming to Omaha Dr. cestor of his who kept the first teur Night program will be con- groups. increased by seven months, the cided to refuse building permits ing all the sanitary requirements." Brooks was pastor of St. Paul's The Bulletin Committee of the or trading licesses to all persons Rabbi David H. Wice is attend- friend was s e n t e n c e d to tv,-.> "I still ducted oa Monday, December IS saloon in Cincinnati The community at large is in-church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Prev3iave ia my house one of his pew- ia the Jewish Community Center Round Table consists of the'fol- in the French concession with vited to attend this affair. ious to that he had decupled pul- ing the special conference called months' imprisonment for agreeiter tankards. It is one of the most auditorium. Those wishing to parLee Jane Greenberg, German passports pending an infor this -week-end by tho Joint ing to take care of the children pits in Lincoln and Des.Moines. cherished things in my house." Before the migration of the ticipate should contact Alfred chairman; Phil Eisenstatt, Joy vestigation aimed at making a He attended Baker University. Distribution C o m m i t t e c . The and the prison matron received -i I told him I still have my great-j Fiedler, program chairman who is Greenberg, Bess Lefitz and Louise distinction between bonafide refu- German Jews, the Jews of Poland Cornell College, and the Univer- meeting is being held at the. Stan : ten-month term tor delivering the Miller. message. dard Club in Chicago. spoke a Ruthenian dialect. gees and German agents. (Continued on page 8.). jia charge of the affair. sity of Chicago.
Round Table Plans for "Stage Night"
A Statement by the Jewish, Philanthropies
Center Forum Plans to • Present Noted Rabbi
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Hound Table'Issues Bulletin to Members
Dr. Brooks Will Speak at Beth El
Jail*Aryan Woman for Aiding Children
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rohrlicli, of Maywood, 111., announce the engament cZ their d a u g h t e r , Marillya, to Mr. Sovel Heshelow, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Heshelow, 1024 Iowa street. An engagement party was held ia Maywood last week.
jy ,iJJ:l 'I The Sioux City Unit o£ Junior Hadassali, tbe Youus Women's Zionist Organisation oi America, appointed Miss Eeua Baron, President of tao local unit to represent Sioux City at tae sixteenth annual national convention oi the organization, being held at the Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore, Sid., from November 23 to 2-3. Miss Baron wilt be among 1,300 wao will attend the convention. 'The urogram oi' the sessions has •been "arranged with a view to centering discussion on two main prolema. These are: What program of action should American Jewish youth adopt to advance the practice oi democracy? What should American Youth do to further the upbuilding o£ a Jewish Homeland in Palestine as a center of Jewish Creative effort?
:.'.EEn::s TO hi li£LD C1G, 4 Cantor Aaron I. Edgar -win sing for the Council of Jewish Women's meeting on Monday, December 4, at the Jewish Community Center. The meeting will he in the form of a Chanulcah Tea for new members and brides. Mrs. Philip Sherman and Mrs. Cave Albert, chairmen of the Membership Committee will conduct the meeting. Cantor Edsar, who is the Cantor of the Beth SI Synagogue of Omaha, Nebraska, will sing a variety oi? Hebrew and English songs iu "keeping with the.theme of the meeting. He will he accompanied hy Mrs. Abe Fellman. ' There will also be a Chanuiah Lighting service conducted by the presidents of the various Women's organizations in the city; Mrs. Goldstein. Mrs. Ilahinowita, Mrs. BolotniUov, Mrs. H. Bailin. Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. L. J. Kaplan, and Mrs. S. N. Gruesltia. Everyone is invited . to attend this meeting.
J. C. C. News The Ballroom Dancing Class will again be held Saturday evening at 7 at the Jewish Community Center. Competent instructors have been obtained and all children of Junior High age are welcome to attend. Kings, door knockers and tie racks have been chosen as the projects of the Arts and Crafts
Class which meets at the Jewish Community Center each YvTednesday after school. All children ars urged to come. The Rhythm Band, under the Instruction of Mr. James Shumate of the Shumate School of Music, will meet as usual on Friday, after school. Simple instruments are used to teach the children the art of timing and rhythm in music. A Harmonica Corps is being organized in conjunction with this group. Ail children are welcome.
YOUTH COUNCIL TO BEGIN PAPER DRIVE Collection of paper will begin the first week iu December. Everyone has been contacted and asked to save paper for this drive. The various clubs are competing for the prize which will be a beautiful placque, to be hung at the Center, with the club'3 name on it.
DRAMATIC CLUB The Center Players will present three one act plays on Monday, December 4th. These plays are under the direction of Mr. AVHlarrt Greene. Further details will be found in a later issue of the Jewish Press.
Orthodox Friday evening services will begin at the Orthodox synagogue at 5 and Saturday morning at 9. Ilabbi Sol I. Bolotnikov will speak during the morning service at the Adas Yasliuran Synagogue.
HE3REW MOTHERS The Hebrew Mothers Association decided to give a galloping tea on Chamikan, December 11. Mrs. Sam Mailia is president of the organization.
J. N. F. Flag Day Junior HaJassah. will hold its annual Jewish National Fund Flag Bay on Sunday morning, November 2 8. Miss 321ain Mushkin ia in eha'jfe. Breakfast will be served for all volunteers at the Jewish Community Center at 3.
Senior Kadassali will hold 5t3 ne:xt meeting Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Sam rihulkin ia program chairman. Mrs. Lester Heeger is to read the invocation. Mrs. Jack Robinson, the president, will give iier couvaatioa report. A <3e«s?rt !uneaeon "will be served at 1:3J. . SiliiS Sarah Sadoi'f will sing several vocal solos, to ba accompanied by Miss Hosana Dike} at the piano. M'.ss Veiiaa Beecaen •will gife a dramatisation oi* Jea-
alo Saanpter's- poems.
Jews in Italy are profiting at t h a \ 4 expense of • those Ia the Reich in the matter of American visas. \ Many quota numbers' Which notmally would have "been destined for Jews -In;Germany, but which the United. , States -Consulate in Berlin" is'finding impossible to asThose of Foreign Origin sign unde.r 'existing condtlons, are Being Ousted by -,-• '' being' transferred to the American. Consulate,- in'Napjes.; It is to be Police expected <that | Polish ; Jews resid'.(Continued from page. Ining abroad willprofit in'a similar Rome (JTA) . - ^ After a long manner although no information and Turkey1 as well have empowered the cause of the Al-respite, Italian police authorities on that score is'to.be had as yet. lies reminds them that after all have resumed their drive against .. According..)to!, unverified- info'rthe great democratic powers stand foreign Jews. More than 200 Ger- matfon,. Polish; Jews as "well as for things the Arabs themselves man and .Polish refugees have al- German Jews •wlU-be,permitted tn cherish • and they can be counted ready received e&pulsion orders cross into Germany if expelled upon to allow them more room accompanied,. in , most instances, from Italy,. Fjfonx; the Nazi border for national expression' and devel- by railroad, tickets to Tarviso, on they will) be transported to tfie opment than a world dominated the German border. Jewish/ "reservatlbn" In the Lubby Nazi Ideals, the correspondent 1 In neariy - all. casese, the refu- lin area of German-theld Poland.;;
Open house will be held at the bride's home from 3 to 6. No invitations have been issued. After a short wedding trip, the couple will reside in Waiting.
A meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary was held Tuesday at a dessert luncheon held in the Shaare Sioa Synagogue. More than one hundred women were present. "The Lessen of the Bay" was read by Mrs. Jules Ledarer, a Thanlisgivins psalm from the Bible. In accordance with the resolutions passed by the National office of the Women's League of the United Synagogues, the name of the Sioux City Ladles Auxiliary to Shaare Zion ha3 been changed to the Women's League of Shaare 3ion. The program Tuesday, was the re-enaotins of the Mid-West C o n f e r e n c e of the Women's League held in. Omaha. A piano was given to the Auxiliary for the Cantor's room, hy Mrs. S. H. Mosow, and a friend donated two velvet cloths for the pulpit. Mrs. Sam Weiner gave a cabinet for the use o£ the choir. 'Mrs. L. J. Kaplan presided at the meeting. Five new members attended. Hostesses were Mrs. Joe Kutoher and Mrs. Henry Sherman. •
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This weelt the W. B. J. had a Ping Pong Tournament. The winner was to be declared the champion and to meet all comers at the Center. The Vice-President, Bernard Haligman, was in charge of the program. The club has beea devoting most of the week to gethering paper for the Youth Council Paper Drive.
A Weekly Survey ©I Peoplo aad Ideas Ey A. A. KOBACS When Asch's Tillim Yid ("Salvation" is the English title) appear serially, I had a hunch, if psychologists are allowed to have such things, that one of these days Asch "would join the army of scholars and novelists, many of them Jews, who have been intrigued by the personality of Jesus. Asch'a "The Nazarene" has succeeded in calling forth a storm of controversy. The Jewish Daily Forward, which for decades has brought out Asch's writings serially, this time declined _to print the novel; and at any rate, from a material point of view, for a good reason. The Book-of-the-Month Club, on the other hand, selected it as the prize novel on its list. Either of these opposed reactions proves nothing. Mr. Cahan, editor of the Forward, may be wrong in classifying it as religious expression rather than literature; for religious sentiments, as embodied in the Psalms, may for all the fine prose and chiarcscure effects it exhibits, may not have chosen it, were it not for the tribute paid to the figurehead of Christianity by the foremost Jewish novelist. The Kealist Becomes a Phantasist
Literary criticism is not my domain; and should I undertake to review Asch's latest volume, it would take several Panorama arFriday night services will begin ticles to do justice to the subat S o'clock with Cantor Perniek ject, but from what I have gleanand the choir chanting the serv- ed thus far, I should prefer Asch's ices. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz "will earliest work, A Shtedtel, with its speak on "Thanksgiving, Pilgrims charming spontaneity and pastel tints, or his romantic KiddusR and Refugees." Hashed. Junior Congregation services This does not mean that Asch will begin at 10:45 S a t u r day morning. Candy will be distribut- has not grown as an artist, but ed to the children by Mr. aad Mrs. that, as in every process of deEli Robinow in honor of their son, velopment, there is a something that is lost with age. A certain Avrom'a birthday. artificiality is "bound to creep in; flair for adjustment is A committee on leather's and and Asch's detectable, if nof visible Son's decided to hold a banquet perhaps the naked eye, ia this on Sunday evening, December 3, through. at 6 at tha Shaare Sion. Synago- production. Asch, as an imaginative mind, gue. Mr. Abe Sadoff is general surely can envisage himself as an chairman. impartial observer living in GaliTwo Bible Study Groups have lee nearly two thousand years been organized hy the Ladies Aux- ago; and so frequently have his ilary at the Shaare Zion Synago- dramatized novels been subjected gue which meet •with the Kahhi to modern technique, like revolvon Thursday inorniags and Thurs- ing stages and lighting devices, day afternoons ia the home of the that he has now reversed the individual members. Any one who tables, and used some of that very wishes to join, please call Mrs. technique in. "writing "The Nazarene." L. J. Kaplan. Shadowy Technique Asch presents us "with incarnations of the Nazarene'a contemporaries; he filters his episodes through the perverted brain of a Charlatan; he discovers for us the Miss Ruth Claire Friedman, gospel or memoirs of the sorriest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. symbol in Christendom — Judas Friedman, 1621 W. Palmer Ave- Iscariot. nue, became the bride of Lester hood in Frankfurtam-Main and C. Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. tilled before our eyes may be Abe Davidson, Bellevne Apart- characterized as the Gospel of St. ments, at 8:30 o'clock, Sunday Sholem; for Mr. Asch in his quest evening, in the ballroom of the of new adventures in time and in Bellevue apartments. The service, place, has become an illustration to which 2 00 relatives and friends of William Jame's "Varieties of were invited, preceded a recep- Religious Experience." tion and dancing. Those who are familiar with symbolic story The wedding party stood be- Asch's exquisite neath a floral canopy decorated "In a Carnival Night" will probawith complementing shades of bly discern that the deus es mapink and flanked with palms and china principle is not foreign to ferns. Rabbi Albert S. Goldstein Asch, for whom Yeshu has had a read the service. Mr. Friedman deep fascination, but that while gave his daughter in marriage. previously the artist brought him Piaao and violin music were heard to Home from Golgotha, he has during the ceremony and after- now made a pilgrimage to him in wards an orchestra played for Galilee. • THE FREO> DIARY—A dancing. The bride's attendants FICTIOX were Mrs. Herman Slotsky as maA letter from Miss Anna Freud, tron of honor and Miss Min Tuchman of Omaha, maid of honor. reveals a few facts which may interest my readers. Among other Milton Bolstein was groomsman. thing3, she writes with reference ITor her wedding gown. Miss to her famous father: Friedman chose a model of ivory "We had &I30 all fioped that his taffeta, having an even hemline to life here in England, would be the floor, outlined with appliqued very inach longer. It ceiild. have ivory velvet. The same trimming Seen that way it the cancer he was used at the bodice and the suffered from had not suddenly dress had a sweetheart neckline become very much more malignand short, puffed sleeves. Her bri- ant. " dal veil ,of fingertip length fall In connection with the reportfrom a tiara of seed pearls and she carried white roses and lilies ed diary in which the late scientist of the valley in a shower bouauet. was said to have commented en events of the day and even disMrs. Slotsky wore a taffeta cussed Hitler, it may . be worthdress of periwinkle blua and a while to mention that the story headress of pink rosebuds to apparently is another canard — match the flowers of her colonial and one of many "which Fretid in nosegay. Miss Tuchman wore a fu- his lifetime would find himself scia taffeta gown against which under the necessity of denying ia her bandeau and nosegay of pale private letters, which rarely servpink, roses were an effective color ed to spike the allegations. contrast. Miss Freud, referring to • my Assisting at the reception "were suggestion, "writes. Mrs. Mike Rice, Miss Idell ShapThe ramev about memoirs of his iro, Miss Rosena Kosberg, Miss on events of the day has no basis Sarah Margolin of Omaha and oi truth. It got spread somehow Miss Leah Rose Newman, Mrs. in newspapers. I do not kaow from Friedman wore a crepe gown of where it started. He never wrote ,. i blue and corsage bouquet of garaJxjut current events; also of denias. Mrs. Davidson's dress was course, 1 vronSsS never edit "what of gold color and her flowars, he himself had not meant for puborchids. lication.. Mr. Davidson and hta Tjri.is " The handwriting, Incidentally, motored south for a. trip of sev- resembles her father's; and Miss eral weeks. Her traveling g en- Fre.ud's Knglish. ia remarkably semble "was oi gp grape col , mink fluent for one who lias lived in ti trimmed and her hat and 'bag of an English-speaking country such
Shaare Zion
grape shade wlta black slippers and gloves. Upon their return, the couple will reside "aere.
Miss Mary Hanin. daughter of Mrs. M. Hanin, 1523 Cook, -will become the bride of !.Ir, Itoyer -Arkovich, o2 "Whitin?, sen o: Sir, and Mrs. S. Arkovich, 1117 Iowa, at the home oi Habbl Sol 1. Bolotniliov, at 2 o'clock, TIte bride's dress will fee of Madonna blue with dubertnet accessories. Her corsage will be of gardenias.
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states. ' '•-•.• A total- of 158 Jewish boys'and girls from European 1 war zones have been placed In 22 Palestine settlements during the past month it was announced, by the Youth Allyah Center. A group of 132 sailed from Trieste on Oct. 7 and a second unit of 26 embarked at Marseilles on Nov." 7. -Groups totalling 260, meanwhile, are receivinjrtralning-for emigration to Palestine in such • countries of trainsit as England - and are expected to leave sometime next month. , «
The Greeks found a name for Thanksgiving week, November 26 them, and a good came, too. They to 30, Inclusive. called thesa beautiful flowers Egypt, Iraq to Ask-Amnesty The show will < also feature' sevChrysanthemums, tha Greek for Cairo (JTA) —Representatives "Golden Flower," and few flow- eral unusual exhibits including a of Egypt and Iraq nave • agreed beautiful Stephanotis, a plant that ers can trace their ancestry back to ask the British Government for so far. Chrysanthemums are.na- is native to Madagascar and ,isamnesty for. Arab prisoners in literally covered with large, snowy tives of Persia, eastern Asia and Palestine. The a g r e e ment was northern Africa. They are thewhite flowers. The beauty and reached in the course of conversararity of this plant promise to national flower of Japan, and for tions on the Palestine problem, more than 3,000 years both Japan make it one of the most interest- but diplomatic steps toward ating exhibits of the Festival. This and China have cultivated them year a live lemon tree and an taining the request'have been deextensively. orange tree from California "will ferred until the decision has been Today, there are more than 150 also included. Laden with communicated to the ex-Mufti of varieties of Chrysanthemums in fruit, be these trees will be especial- Jerusalem, now an exile in Baghmany colors—white, yellow, ma- ly interesting to those'who have dad. genta, lavender and variegated never seen them It was reported that' the congrowing. Many shades, and their improvement In varieties of orchids ferees decided to defer, action on will also lend the last few years has made them exotic charm to help make the British White Paper until afthe most popular fall bloom we their this the most colorful Festival ter the war. have. yet held. Cope with Problems This year, the Ninth Annual Tel Aviv (JTA) — EstablishForest Lawn Chrysanthemum FesT. Hilton Fonda, general man- ment of an office for-Palestine tival affords another opportunity ager of the Forest Lawn Cemetery trade in New York was discussed to see these stately flowers at association, has announced that at a meeting of representatives of their best. . Between 10,000 and hours will be from 10 a. m. to 6 Jewish national i n s t i t u t i ons, 12,000 "mums" are now matur- p. m. each day. No admission is banks and trade organizations ing and will be displayed at' the charged and everyone is cordially called to discuss plans for promotForest Laura Conservatory during invited to attend. ing exports to America.' Eliezer as tlie outside •world "was concerned, and he "was still in the prime of life, when he succumbed to an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Fuld's a s s o c 1 a tion "with Louis Bamberger, whose sister he married, dates from the time "when he called upon the latter on a Sunday, in February, 1S93, in response to a note "Which Mr. Bamberger left at his home, but which the maid had not brought to Mr. Fuld't attention. Mr. Fuld's business philosophy has been told in a number of magazine interviews. It is typical of the man who spent his early boyhood in Frankfurtam-Main and from the age of 12 to 16 received a schooling in the United States. 'IfvraS" not until ha joined Mr. Bamberger that he really found himself. We are reminded of the beautiful verse in Psalms, "How good and how sweet is the dwelling of brothers in harmony," wlien we think of the permanent friendship which only grew with time between these' men whose names became household worlds, at first because of the merchandising methods which thep adopted, and afterwards as symbols of planned philanthropy.
(Continued from page-1.) escaped to the Soviet area was described by a J. D. C. staff member who has just completed a tour of the Soviet zone in a telegram from Wilno. The telegram outlined the situation as follows: The half million homeless Jews include 300,000 massed in Lwow, 120,000 in the Galician provinces, 60,000 in Bialystok, 60,000 in Rovno and 40,000 in. Lutzk and Kowel. They comprise SO per cent of all refugees from Nazi Poland. Migration from the German area to the Soviet zone continues, but the Soviet authorities are beginning to introduce difficulties for the migrants, explaining that the problem is becoming too large to be handled. The Soviet authorities are permitting organization of local Telief committees and for the time being are not hindering their activities, including the raising of funds for the maintenance of kitchens, which is being done with the assistance of the J. D. C. In Lwow, the authorities are co-operating in distributing food freely to refugees, but resources are limited. Food is also available for payment in Polish zlotys, but tens of thousands are penniless and need food and clothing. Thousands of deaths are certain if winter clothing is not delivered by foreign relief organizations since it is impossible to obtain clothing supplies in Russia. In Bialystok the authorities arc feeding 20,000 Jewish refugees daily but this Is inadeuate. A large-scale relief program for the feeding and clothing of Jewish refugees In Wilna and needy local Jews there, has beea completed by Morris.-C. Troper, J. D. C. European director, and transmitted to the J.. T>: C. in New York; following receipt of . detailed : information by European headuarters of the organization from its representatives in Wilno,
Kaplan, treasurer of the Jewish Agency, urged American Jews to increase their support for the upbuilding of Palestine. Meanwhile, High. Commissioner Sir Harold A. MacMichael received a joint, delegation of Arab and Jewish citrus growers in Jerusalem to discuss the new season's problems and the question of a Government subsidy for citrus production, made e x c l u s i v e l y through the Jewish N a ti o n a 1 Council, Robert E. H. Crosbie, District Commissioner for Lydda, has informed the Rishon-1«"-Zion local council, which had asked financial aid to cope with unemployment and other dfficultles. The statement is regarded as having some politieil importance since the local councils of Jewish villages, generally representing middle-class farmers, had refused to send representatives to the Jewish National Council^ thus blocking President Pirichas Ruttenberg's efforts to.; establish political solidarity in the Jewish community. The local councils had demanded much greater representation than was offered them.
gees Involved resided in seaport cities such; as Naples, Genoa, Trieste and San Remo. This fact is thought significant of the Italian Government's intention of either discouraging or completely eliminating concentration of refugees near strategic naval points. In past months, refugees in Italy have tended to settle in seaport cities either to await their turn in the American quota or because of the instinctive feeling it instills of proxmity to happier shores. Many against whom expulsion action has been taken are converging towards -Rome in the hopes of receiving stay extensions from the Interior Military Ministry. Others have used their free tickets to Tarviso. Also teing attracted to Rome are numerous other • refugees expected a smiHar fate but hoping to avoid' it by' change -of residence to-the capital. For the moment, the refugee situation here is somewhat more tranquil than in. other Italian cities. Especially sad is the plight of the more recently arrived contingent of German refugees, in Trieste. Genoa and Naples.- Many were able to enter Italy by producing ship tickets; to the -United States on Italian lines,' which had been purchased in Germany. Since the outbreak of the' war. however, these tickets have" not been honored by the Italian shipping companies. Some of the refugees-had purchased ticKetsrin* Germany as it .was .the only means of leaving, the war zone and entering Italy, although they had not yet been called Into .the United States' quota for immigration. More than 100 others in. a similar plight, but already in possession of American visas, have, had their invalidated tckets exchanged for valid ones through, the intervention of the HIAS-ICA Emigration ' Association. • " , .;.'--.••• : ' • " • . ' " . Because of the . war,.. /German
(Continued from'page l.)V ; : can not."hold' a man's "interes? nourished on such fare alone." So B'nal B'rlth (without diminishing its world-wide service) has undertaken : to make every lodge dynamic In Its community — every lodgo a vigorous power house -servlne the Jewish "life around i t ; ' To this end Mr/Bisgyer's brochure contains a chapter' suggesting programs' of -Jewish content for lodges, a bhapter on how t o make the actiivties and the Importance of a B'iai B'rith lodge known to its community, a chapter on how to integrate the national projects of B'nai B'rith into the programs of lodges. > All this, it seems to me, will make a Ben B'rith an active participant in; a local job instead Of being 'merely a dues-payer who feels himself acquitted because M3 dues are contributing to: the farflung projects of B'nai B'rith. .7 (Copyright 1939 By Seven Arfe,. Feature Syndicate.) IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney 480 Brandefs Theater'Bldg.
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In the .Matter of .the Estate <?f Grady Johnson, Deceased:. Notice is Hereby Given:- That »lie creditors of the-'said deceased will meet the administratrix of ^ s a l_d estate,-, hefore me, .County Judge of Douglas County. "Nebraska, at ' the County Court Room, in said County, on' the 2nd day of January, 1940," and on the; 2nd day of March, 1940,- at .9 o'clock A. St.. eaeh day, for the purpose of" presenting their claims for examination, - adjustment • and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors, to.present their claims, isom the 2nd day of December, 193D. • ""• •'.-:-. .'BETCE "CRAAVFORD. ll T 10-39^3t.:,. ~ County Judge.
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HERBERT Z. KAPLAN, A t / Sound Maxims 529 First National Bank Bldg. Felix Fuld's principles were exTN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF pressed in the following words: DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. If there is one thing we have . In re Guardianship of Louis Katz, learned in these years it how lita tle we know about anything. But BoS° r '34S N o . 255. .ORDER T O SHOW CAUSE. ' YV« had to go ahead aad learn as On reading the petition, duly veriwe went. It is the same now. Evfied, of Sarah Katz, guardian of the ery morning brings a new day Jar estate of Louis Katz, minor, duly learning- When we can't reason a filed herein for license to sell the following described real estate, to-wlt: thing out, wo go ahead and do South one-half of Lot Seven. Block something. To do nothing is the Eighteen. In E. V. Smith's Addition, easiest thing iu the world. AnyOmaha, Nebraska, (1623 North Twenone can manage that. Bat to keep ty-first Street), it appearing from said petition that i t would be for the active means the overcoming of benefit of said minor if, said, real inertia, which is the main thing estate should be sold and the prothat holds everyone bade from ceeds thereof put out a t interest. progress. IT IS ORDERED that the n e i t of kin of said minor and all persons InSome people do not understand, terested In his estate appear before and you cannot make them believe the Honorable John" Rine, Judge of the District Court of Douglas County, that you have to be honest as a Nebraska, on the 4th day of Decemprotection. If you happen to be ber, 1939, to show cause, if any there born honest, you're lucky. Sonje of be, why license should not be grantus are. Eat leaving out all ethical ed to said Sarah Katz, guardian, to sell said estate for the purposes set considerations look at the practical end. Xo matter what yora> inf rth ° " JUDGE DINEEN, clination may be, you will have to , Judge of the District Court. adopt honesty if you are- going ll-17-39-3t. to succeed, as an individual or as a merchant. Yoa can't "be honest EPHRAIM L. MARKS, and REED. RAMACCIOTTI, ROBINSON without losing at times, and itoat & HRU SKA, Attorneys is what takes backbone. 'Almost 805 First National Bank B everyone starts oat "with the inten- w h e r e t h e J . D . C . o p e n e d a n o f tion of being honest, but some slip f i c e . LEGAL NOTICE •.••.:.: :-.••-•: • • - In the Municipal Court of the City off the track. The program includes sub- of Omaha. Nebraska. Thoroughgoing Consideration stantial expenditures for the emiTo: Ella A. Solomon,"Non-resident, It would take too much space gration of several hundred Polish Defendant: Notice is hereby given that purto enumerate tBe organizations of prospective chalutzim from"Wilno suant to an order of attachment and which Felix Fuld was a director to Palestine. Normal Jewish pop- garnishment Issued b y the Municipal or to yhieb. he had contributed ulation of 60,000 in Wilno is now Court of the City of Omaha. Nebrasconsiderable amounts of money. diminished by K»;000: c h i e f 1 y ka, in an action pending therein, The Beth Israel Hospital alone youths who emigrated to Russia," •wherein Merle E. MeDermott. was and Ella A. Solomon and received a-quarter of million dol- but is augmented' by 25,000 ar- plaintiff others were defendants, to recover lars. rivals, of whom half need, relief. the sum of J112.91 and costs. W. D. This gift was instrumental in Among the refugees in Wilno are Trotter was ordered by the court to pay Into court as garnishes the sum raising not only the million dol- yeshiva students, chalutzim, jour- of $33.25, same, to be held pending lars "which Mr. Fuld asked as a nalists and communal workers. the outcome of said suit. Said case condition of his donation, but acwas continued for- trial to the 20th The J. D. C; has enabled a tually of :Sl,S5C,000.-Further, he local committee to. establish ten day of December, 1939, at the.hour of 9 o'clock A. M; expressed the -wish that at least kitchens and also, a home for MERLE B. McDERMOTT. 60 per cent of the total number refugee intellectuals, but the feed- ll-10-S9-3t. , Plaintiff. of beds be set aside for those who ing alone of the needy' refugee could not afford to pay the regu- requires, for the period ending in REED, RAMACCIOTTI, ROBINSON, & HRU SKA and EPHRAIM L. lar charges, or indeed who are un- December, at least §60,000, not MARKS, Attys. " able to pay at all. to speak of clothing and the car912 First Nat'i. Bank Bldg. Even the Yiddish collection In ing for at least 30,000 locaLWilthe Harvard University Library np Jews who are not refugees but NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas owes it to him that the authors are in dire need of food- and County. Nebraska: as well represented by complete clothing. '. . In the Matter" of of the Estate of sets. Not knowing that he was The economic situation of the Robert Koenck. Deceased. very ill'in-1020, I asked hint to Wiino • Jews is aggravated by All persons interested in said e a short time. Her father, it is not supplement his gift by $75.00 to these" factors:': (1) The govern- tata are hereby notified that a petition has been • filed in said Court algenerally known, o c c a g i o p a l l y enable t i e library to buy' a few ment's plans for economic reconleging that said deceased died leaving would "write a card in 'English, new sets. On his deathbed he sign- struction • in Wilno are proceed- no last "Will and praying for adminiseven "before his departure from ed the .check, aad had it sent. Of ing niore slowly than was antici- tration upon bis estate; and' that a yienna. His stay in England with i such mettle was the man who-gave pated. "(2): Several 'hundVed Jew- hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 9th day of relatives, while a boy, explains 4 modestly and. cordially, T.'Mle yet ish shops were damaged in recent December, 193S, and that if they fall this facility. | making sure that Ms coatrS'au- I anti-Semitic disorders: (3) Theto appear a t said Court on the said j tio23 would bring resultn, '.and 1 devaluation of. the Polish zloty 8th day of December, I9S9, a t 0 o'clock-A. i t to contest said petition, I f is iard to believe tliat ten i serva ths. avowed-purpose. ': I prevents the opening of "stores and the Court may grant the same and years ha?s elapsed since the meri factories. (4)' Artisans *• have no errant administration of said estate chant prinfiu, Felix Fuld, depart- j trSeJeiv:; o t Castile were si?ed T3.W.Eiaterlals, (5) The white col- to Hattle Koenck or some other suitperson and proceed to a settle j by ths ArelibialiOt} oH'Tolerio fires lar .classes and unusually large able ment thereof. beeause lie was cut dt practically < expulsion ;anfi blunder by Idas Al- TL«i£-.hera of professionals are sufBRXCE CRAWFORD. without warning, at least so fax- i fossa XI. 11-17-33-St County Judge. fering from' unemployment.
Your Thanksgiving dinner will bo moro appetizing . . . jnoro delicious . • . cooked in a modem Hectic Range. Eleclric cookery seate the savory Iuicos in; does nol cook thsm out. You will havo snore time for other meal preparation duties, too, when you cook the electric way. This important meal of the year will be easier . . . will taste better . . . cooked in a modem Electric Range.
THE JEWISH PEESS—FBJDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1939 Pionser Uniform five that saaa.3 to be oa Its -way up agaia.
TEAM STANSIXGS W. L. Pet. Empire Cleaners . . 13 13 M&» Clicquot C. Sski's. 17 13 .587 Tretiaks 15 15 JS&® State Coal Jfc Gas. .13 15 .30O Smith Motors 13 15 .30® The Wardrobe . . . . 1-1 13 .437 Shrier Faint 14 13 .437 Pioneer X-'niform Co. 12 13 .400 LEAGUE HIECORBS High Game — I \ Steinberg, 255; Wardrobes, 913. High Series — Leo IV e i t z, 033; Tretialis, 2,340. TOi» TEX AV.EIi.lCES Feldman, 133; Weitz, 131; G. Sehapim, 150; P. Steinberg, 177; P. ICatamaa, 172; Zweiback, 171; S. Cohn,"'l<34{ PSatt, 134; Marks, 182; Yaffe, 130. Two league records -were scattered and sizzling scores developed in the J. C. C. league matcn.es last Tuesday night. Several changes also resulted ia team standings, by virtue of some bad upsets.
All la all, t i e r s should be soma bowling that will -warm the heart3 of the old-timers, assi causa some close score-cheeking.
beea prepared for over a year The cables request affidavit^ Ukraine and White Russia has •with, firm intentions and with a caused an unprecedented output permitting them to immigrate to site in Ethiopia. I know full well of books, leaflets and posters in Bolivia and steamship tickets. that the Asnericaa people and Mrs. Sarah Priesman the Yiddish language .describing The affidavits can be obtained their president have never failed Funeral services were held on the life of the Jewa in the Soviet easily, bnf. the poorer-Jews find to serve humanity." Sunday at the Jewish, Funeral Union. it impossible to pay for steamship The campaign against the Zion- I ssage, which LaB risen greatly A J. T. A. dispatch from Rome home for Mrs. Sarah Priesman, New York (JTA)—The Interdeclared growing alarm was felt S5, who died on Friday at a local national P r o p h e tic conference, ist Organization and the Bund since the outbreak of the war. la Jewish circles there over Gilde- hospital. She had been a resident meeting at the Calvary Baptist (Polish Jewish labor party) conmeester's negotiations with the of Omaha for the past 56 years. church, heard a prophecy that all tinue unabated in the Yiddish Surviving her are: Three Eons,- the Jews would return to Pales- press. An article in Der Stern ac' "Washington (JTA) — Official Italian government for settling and •Washington will ignore the mes- 30,000 refugees in the Lake Maurice, Harry and Ben of Oma- tine, also that the Roman Empire cuses Zionists of encouraging v sage to President Roosevelt cf Tsana region cf Ethiopia because lia; and four daughters, Mrs. Bar-would be recreated and a great aiding Col. Josef -Beck, former Frank Tan GOdemeester, Butch it waa felt that if the plan fell ney Feinstein of Omaha, Mrs. northern federation arise which Polish Foreign Minister, in his mission to London before the war ; Paris (JTA) —The' Ministry^ or president of the International through, the Italian government Richard Shlaes of Chicago, Mrs. would clash in the Holy Land. Committee to Aid Jewish Emi- would vent its disappointment on Julius Johnson of Logan, Ia., and The prophecy was made by the for the purpose of "getting rid of Agriculture has given Its approval gres, asking for aid in floating a the Italian Jews, while if the Mrs. Rose Frieden of Los An- Rev. Dr. Donald G. Barnhouse of a superfluous million P o l i s h to a -project. for ; removal of a Jews." : • number of refugees from Intern* $50,000,000 bond issue in the scheme succeeded it might de- geles, Calif. Philadelphia, who said the return United Stales to finance a coloni- velop iato a "Jewish reservatioa" ment camps to farms for use a$, Burial was at Pleasant Hill of the Jews to Palestine and the zation project in Ethiopia, a similar to that planned oy Ger-eemetery. labor replacements for farmhands • creation of the two empires were scarce close to the White House many in the Lublin region of Ponow serving In the French army. the three inevitable eventualities said. GS'&emeester's record and land. Support of the plan was anErail Umann predicted in the Scriptures which his alleged connections with the nounced in a letter to La BicnAn Amsterdam J. T. A. dispatch would come to pass before the reWord was received here of the Gestapo in Vienna are well known said Jewish circles In Vienna had death on Wednesday of Emil turn of Christ and Armaggedon, Frahcalse, association pn>« . Nazi Reseri/afcio.n venue to the State department, it was evidenced distrust of GUdemees- Uaann, 39, of Los Angeles. Mr. to be followed by the millenium. moting exchange of s t u d o n t o said. among nations, which is 6ponG0r* ter's activities because t h e y Umann, who wa3 a frequent visiLa Paz, Bolivia (JTA)—More ing- the project. The letter promGUdemeester's message to the feared he was a tool of the Ges- tor here, was a brother of Mrs. thau 300 cablegrams: have . been ised the. Agriculture Mlnlstry'd president said: "I speak to you tapo. George Sherman of Omaha. received by Jews here within a full co-operation In carrying oat ia the name of teas of thousands He had been ill for the past week from relatives in Germany the project and pat at the assowho are convinced that only col- • Aaron Hart David (1812-1887) several weeks. urging that they j e rescued be- ciation's disposal the services of onization on a large scale can was governor of the College of Moscow (JTA) The Soviet cause they are threatened, with its experts. finally guarantee that the Jewa Meir Alguades, chief rabbi of may keep clear out of pogroms. Physicians and Surgeons of Lower Castile, was physician to his mon- occupation of the densely-populat- removal to the projected Jewish ed Jewish, districts of Western "reservation" in Nazi Poland. Plans for such colonization have Canada. arch, Henry III. Patronize Our Advertisers
SEXIO3S PRS-SSASOX BASXETBJUL&i STAX3JIXGS W. L. A. Z. A. 1 3 0 A. S. A. 100 2 1 .Omaha .Jobhiag Co. . . 2 1 Tamer's WUdcata . . . . 3 1 Moody Bag'es 0 3 MMwest Aato Parts . . 0 3
Reich Jews Seek to Be Saved from
Entering its third week of play, the pre-seascn basketball tourney finds the A. Z. A. 1 still oa top with, three straight wing. In the same teat Sunday the Mather Chapter beat Moody'a Eagles by a score Qi 2? to 19. "Stretch" Soref starred for t i e A. Z. A.'s by making 20 cf the 27 points. A. 2. A. Century taaia -won its second game whea it defeated Turner's Wildcat3 to the score of 23 to 22, Laadmaa making 18 of the winner's Boiat3. Omaha Jobbing outeeeresi the Midwest Auto Parts, t i e Council Bluffs team, by 29-13. I. Bos^y and Bennet did the high scoring for the Jobbers. .
Soviet Campaigns Against Zionism
vention work, are not Red C-OS3 Seals. Both the National Tuberculosis association aad the American Red Cross are especially anxious that there should be no confusion about this. Christmas Seal3 entirely support tuberculosis control. The public is asked to The Tretiak team will bear aid the Rsd Cross from Armistice watching from now on. It ap- day to Thanksgiving by annual pears to have gained a strength roll call memberships. During the "World War and far which is going to hurtle the team Tight at the top bracket of the 10 years previous, the Seal was known aa the "Red Cross Seal" \eagne. because the American Red Cross * In the other match between the loaned its emblem and its name Pioneer Uniform boys and t h e to the Seals sold by the National Shrier Paints, the former started T u b e r c u l o s i s association for a climb out of the bottom posi- health work. Ia 1920, by mutual agreement, tion "by winning its first two g a m e s ia six weeks, despite the alliance between the two orWeitz's flashy series for the los- ganisations was dissolved. Siaca ers. S Cottn was. hjgh man -with then the double-barred cross has 581: Elmer Green berg shooting appeared on all the National a 5S11 to take second honors. Tuberculosis Association Seals, "Tony' had two 205 games ia his which are now known as "Tuberculosis Christmas- Seals." There series. are no longer ia the United States Weitz letl the Shrier five with aay "Red Cress Seals."
BEAUTY SALON Sad Floe? Securities ATiaatie O332
and L Always * Tina Variety of
SEAFOODS DAILY Also the Fineit
&1A 4 7 7 4 for Reservations
i *-->»'l diTu'ge some - * - aia standings. The ^auM, ^ '"• °~> may liad the t o u ' i * -» J- a rejuvenated u Clieq-aot Club U.4 J ujs U -<s v L J I . J 3
Smith Mo-
Stockholm (JTA) — Nineteen Jewish refugees cf Latvian, Sstitonian aad Polish nationality, arrived at a Swedish port abroad a frail, uaseaworthy motor beat, wars sernjiitad to raaiaia t'sro fiays for prs?isiQni3.g aa-3 then were escorted to the limit of territorial waters by a Swedish coast guard vessel.
<.'!' tLi 3 la-i its fill o£ , u i . i _ > wOkiag for re->^> *"•=> >. will attempt >> aiotH->r *uag ia the j ' *JH H th a win over Don Samuel ben Meir Aliavi iii' Pdiito. And the State was confidante of King Pedro of * MI>» I'gat
Castile (1350-69).
Steels Siraea 1S32 12 .WOS33SS DsssagSss AT- s?!S«l
48 Proofs to Choose From I5SS1S
§1.00 VP Heeasssry
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Men, women and children Ladles' Heels, Leather cr Composition INVESTIGATE OUR COMPLETE SHOE REBUILDING SERVICES!
Dand2e.- PZeEs (Up £s © a (No cpsh. anfl usury discount with Economy Shirt Serrfcs) JCou need send no other item? to Kimball t o Us© Economy Shirt Service.
Extra tooi fit ana extra features st so extra cost.
•II s
Biscuit S©»
The State Coals were paced with a pretty 302 series by Phil Katzman. which was the match high. His games were 20S-159233. Sam Katzmaa followed with 503.
Refugees Arrlvs
the daytime and pinochle at night, with bridge for the ladles . . . WAR BtJIIiETIKS "The American-Friends of PalesThe crime ot the ages Is being tine" is really another name lor BUSINESS SCHOOL comltted by those experts, the the Revisionist wing of the AmerNazis, in Poland . . . Because re- ican Zionists . . . There's a great lief -work there migh help the sit- deal of anxiety in official Zionist uation of the Polish Jews the circles because the British ColonGerman authorities have refused ial Office is preparing to revive School of the proffered aid of the Quakers Its determination to push through . . . Even the blackout can have the White Paper of last May and BUSINESS a silver lining . . . In Berlin peo- to specify the regions in which ple have been finding antirHitler Jews will not be able to buy land CO-ED19CAT1OMAL handbills in their pockets after in Palestine . . . Welzmann will - ALL YEA®—DAY AND bumping into strangers in the arrive on our shores via Clipper EVEKIMQ dark streets . . . Hitler's next the first week of December, and stunt will be a call for repatria- will be. given a mass welcome at R"cr.th!y Enrollment • tion of Germans living in all parts Madison Square Garden . . . StrenStsnsSard Cora-ass of the world . . . If you want to ous — but, we predict, unsuccesskno-w ho-w ne-ws of the outer -world ful — efforts will be made to get IONE C. DUFFY, Owner ocassionally tricklls into censor- former Justice Louis D. Brandeis 2 0 7 S. SSSi 3A SS3O ridden Naziland you'll be interest- to participate in the meeting . . . ed to hear ot the latest subterfuge . . . It -was an American DRAMATIC DEVELOPMENTS friend of a German who thought A play within a play is the -up-the plan of sending over cho- story of Rudolph Forster,-non-Arcolate-coated marshmallow bars yan, who once was Germany's with a message stuffed inside the most beloved stage and screen fillings, and this procedure has character actor . . . On one of become quite popular . . . One of Reinhardt's recent birthdays he its advantages is that the censor sent the Professor a cable saying is sure to get indigestion from that although the Hottentots (of having to eat so many marshmal- Germany) don't like him he still S low bars . . . remains the greatest German thea-i fcr YOU SHOULD SXOW" trical figure . . . That cable spellThe official mastermind of the ed Forster's finish . . . Now he is German propaganda campaign in playing the role of a refugee docthis country is one Heinz Beler, tor in Sidney Kingsley's new play, who was sent here by Goebbels to called "The World We Make" . . . be what he enphemlstieally calls And you ought to know also that WO®. "director of the German Library the splendid sets for this play O-iSay %¥&©!$ Wheat of Information" . . . Soon It will were designed by Harry Homer, Flakes—At YOST Grocer come out that Fritz Kuhn had a another refugee artist, who is one secret meeting with the Kev. Ger- of Reinhardt's discoveries and ald Winrod, Kansas anti-Semite, who promises to become America's two years ago to map out that un- greatest theatrical designer . . . American campaign plans which The tale of ex-Viennese Lionel Winrod so aggressively sponsored Royce (formerly Reiss) comes to . . . Mas Reinhardt was greatly us from Jimmy Fidler . . . When Ycur Crssar for pained recently to learn that the the Nazis came in he assumed the famous Salaburg castle which used name of Kaspar Brandboffer and to be his served as the meeting- became a popular stage star . . . TEEZERS-GRAHA&18 ' place of Nazi and Soviet delegates So he thought he'd teach the Listen to Foaier May's last summer for a conference that Naals that race doesn't count, re"Man on the Street" pro- resulted in that notorious p a c t . . . vealed his non-Aryanism — and gram and you will under- Most appropriate Chanukah gift got thrown into a concentration stand w h y Barmettlex's we can suggest is a slender but camp for his pains . .-. Finally he Cookies and Crackers are funny picture book published by was released and went to Hollythe best. Hillman-Curl and entitled "Kee- wood, where be now specialises in dle" . . . It describes, in color- playing parts portraying Prussian cartoons, Hitler's rise and decline, army officers . . . Metro-Goldwyn-until on the last page he ends up Mayer is going Into the caviar busas a louse being sauashed between iness, Hollywood scouts report. . . the thumb and forefinger of civil- It seems that fish-eggs are the ization . . . And if you do your only valuables the Russians had Chanukah shopping in New York to offer in exchange for tho Garbo don't forget to patronize the sale film "Ninotchka" — and M-G-M of refugee a r t and handicrafts in accepted the deal . . . And don't the Empire State Building . . . forget that "Ninotchka" pokes fun That Munich time-bomb, claims at the whole Stalin o u t f i t . . . Kurt the Broadway wags, was flown Weill, the refugee composer has over from England hidden in the turned innovator by introducing Truck Hosdqaariers folds of Chamberlain's umbrella. into a stage show a new type of COURT RECORD electric organ, the novachord . . . ServSca en Trucks Ia oar Walter Wlnchell, who did a swell job reporting the Fritz ABOUT PEOPLE felly, except San. Kuhn trial, gleefully observed that Soviet Ambassador Constantin Pfsons — JA 7SSO one day the prosecutor accidental-1 Oumansky, who has just returned called the Nutzi fuehrer "Kohn to this country, is being snubbed t Zhor.2—JA 7233 ly . . . Wincbell predicts that if socially by official Washington . . Kuhn is sentenced to a prison . Nan-Aryan Constantin-could easterm the warden of the jail will ily bear this, because he is the be the chief sufferer . . . It seems studious type, preferring bis pipe that when Kuhn recently was con- and a book . . . But what burns fined in the Tombs the prisoners him up is the fact that he has in his cell row vigorously and to maintain friendly contact with vociferously protested against his the Nazi Embassy crowd . . . Edpresence in their vicinity . . . . ward M. M. Warburg, son of the When the jurors for the Kuhn late Felix M. Warburg and himtrial were being chosen, incident- self active in philanthropic and ally, one of the important ques- cultural affairs from morn to tions that determined their sutt- night — it was he who'sponsored ability concerned Winchell's col- the American Ballet some years umn . . . The defense didn't wel- ago — will soon be married to come Walter's faithful readers . , Mrs. Mary Whelan Currier, one JEWISH XEWS • ' • • of the editors of Vogue . . . Our Don't be surprised Ulbe'HIAS deep sympathy to Mrs. Sadie Aband OUT will be part of the Unit- rams of New York, whoso eon, Chisistn Sacdirielws . . Beer ed Jewish Appeal nest year . . . Sidney Spier, died last week . . . Family. Uiassrs, A t This continent is gains to have its Sydney was the young press agent El2 I& S' I Boom far Karttes-BaaeiGeta. first Alpine Jewish winter resort who did more than all his prej 0?sa S3 Kara to 3 A. M. when the Hotel Vermont at Ste. decessors to make Billy Rose fam| Sn» SeZtrerr F.A £SCtt Agathe des Honts in Canada's ous . . . He planted the stories Laurentian Mountains opens its about Billy's marriage to Eleanor winter season this year . . •. Fea-Holm In the newspapers while he tured activities will be • skiing in lay seriously ill in the hospital. -.
Christmas Seals Now Being - Sold
Return of .Jews to Palestine, Parley of Prophets Told
Emigres Work on Farms in France
Empire Cleaners climbed oa top ot the league standings after a hard fought snatch aad threa victories over the previous leaders, the Clicquot CiaS SsMsios, who dropped to sacond place. The Wardrobes took three from the former aeeoad place Smith Motors, to place the latter in a tie Sunday's games find the folfor third witi Tretiai3 and t i e lowing matches scheduled: OmaState Coal and Gas. ha Jobbing vs. Turner's Wildcats; The Tretia&s won two from the A. Z. A. 1 vs. Midwest Auto State Coals. l a the ©tier match, Parts; Moody'3 Eagles V3. A. 2. A. the Pioneers gleaned two gaaiea 100. The games will be played from the Shrier Paint aad Glass ia the above order at 2:15, 3:15 team to reduce the Sliriers to a and 4:15. tie for fourth witi the Wardrobes, bat t i e Pioneers are still Before play can start in the '" two games tram getting out o£ the Junior pre-seaaon tournament the cellar position. League will have to find another team. Any organisation or group \ Weitz, bowling -with beautiful of boys who would like to enter a /accuracy Tuesday night, came team should get in touch with close to the prise 700 class when Lee Grossman, Center physical lie ahot 249-212-192 for a new director. record aeries of 553. A had deHandball cision in the tbird game kept him Play in the pre-aeason handdowa to what was still a topball doubles tournament ended notch mark. The Tretiaks, with new blood with Baa and Baa winning in and excellent form, saot 319-S5S- Class A over Yaffe and Schxieb863 for the new team series mark man by a default. In Class B Kutler and Skolnlck of 2,540, nearly 100 pins above the previoua Siirier mark. Weitz defeated Garber and Isaacson. replaced his own former record Volleyball of 629. The mea'3 volleyball t e a m played the Benson team at the The outstanding match was the Benson Community Center last Clicuot Club - Empire Cleaners week, taking all three games to fray, with tbe latter •winning all the tuna of 15-3, 15-11 and 15-8. t'.iree from tne leaders. J a c k The Center is now leading in the T'ev?her shot t i e high aeries of Ak league, the fastest league in T, \ 7 for the Empires, with Mayero- the city, with 10 wins and only v.' > second with a 433. two losses. Alter winning the first two The nest volleyball games -will . -,s by vrjde margins, the 2ski- be held at the Center nest Wed•••' T forced their victors in the nesday evening whea the J. C. C. t ' 1 game, eked out by but 23 women play t i e South Center S02222 .aai-tha. J*. C. _C.-tae_a.jlay the Omaha Athletic Clnb- tsasa. % The only 200 game in the match -was bowled by George Schapiro for the losing Eskimos, a 203 ia Vernon Wintroub has S e e a the first game. Ki3 series was working out regularly at the Jewthe highest of the Empires, a 520, ish Community Center in preparafollowed by Taffe*3 471. tion for the city Golden Gloves novice championships to be held The "Wardrobes followed t h e ia the middle of January. Empire Cleaner example and took Lee Grossmaa plans to have three straight from the Smith Mo- Vernon as the Jewish Community tors, who are rapidly losing a fast Center, entry for the fights. striae set earlier ia the season, when they led the league. This match aaada sis straight George Gates, Center swimming losses for the Smiths. Paul Stein- instructor, has passed the followberg was high with a 533 far the ing ia their beginning Bed Cross Wardrobes, second was Ceoper- testa: Stanley Feitmaa, S a m mau'3 413. Steinberg scored aa Schwartz, Tala Halperin, Aaron even 200 ia his middle game lor Haanick, Marvin Zernof3ky, Stanthe only 200 score o£ the mateh. ley Kaha, Sdward Cohn, Phylli3 Chapman, Lea Perroae, Madeliae The Smith Motor crew -was vary Perrone, Minnie Kolaick, Sarah weali, seemingly unable at aay Kolaiek, Marine Beanet, Ida Eptime to get under way. Tops for steia, Clara Diakel, Elinor Cohen. the group was Lou Klein's 411, Velma Perry and Mrs. G. Plumwith Sam Morgan taking a 415. mer. Three series ia the 300 group M. B. Silverman and Vivian forced the team dowa badly. Hart passed tests ia the intermediate class. J The closest match of the evening, and the best consistent During the past week the Cenbowling was between the Stats tar pool was again given "excelCoals and the Tretiais. All games lent" rating by the United Laboraof both teams were ia the S00 tories. class. The Tretiaka won their two games by margia3 of 31 pins and four pins. The Tretiak3 boastsd of four 500 aeries; Faldmaa'3 high of 569, Zweiback with 533, S a m Christmas Seals, which will be Steinberg with 503, and Fine, 504. Peldman shot the only 200 game, sold from Thanksgiving u n t i l Christmas for tuberculosis preon the nose.
833, and Xormaa Brown's 492 was second best.
TAILOS 322 CO. £Sth ST. 0QG5 fiedicfc Tower
Nationally Advertised Brands of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware
AY 3522 Beef, Pork. Mutton, H Chicken . . , Mustard Greens, Navy Beans . . Corn Bread, Sweet Ppta. to Pie—Peach end Lemon
% OiLSS Wk 2 Themes 3. Casey, Pros. Efsrry F.I. Kcrchrasrtn,
JJ E F S07 H. Open <3 P . LI
A. r.l.
You Are Invited to Visit and Inspect the Beautiful
For Health and Beauty's Sake ROLLER SCIATB s t
Gentlcmcn-35c; Wednesday and Friday . Hish School Nites.25c witli ScLool Idcntif is atiots Sunday Matinee - . 20c "Where Omaha Skates" ST.
(ho Opcsfng c? Oncto's Only 24-Hoar Optleel Service "KTJfre Good G'a&scs Cojt'Effis»*» •OPTICAL SERVICE Stanley
2O3.S32sfcrJ HA 1973 ' Kifo
SAAR VALLEY—-German soldiers cautiously enter unidentified town in Saar Valley, past factory destroyed by French bombardment, after French withdrew. Nazis are expectant of mines, set by French, that might blow up at any moment. Picture passed by German censor. PHoto by Movietone News.
T^ RESTLESS A&OiCANS—Winter in northern climates puts many Americans on wheels again. Here ar© John Horst, retired hardware merchant of Crown Point, Ind., and wife, ready for fishing at Orlando, Fla., trailer camp.
r ASL>,Vf MSN2S 52A-— In 1922 Unfed Sfafss Army was given charge of ail •and-centrcSl&d .nines and recently 3 ue.iijnslraHosi at iatss* Jypes i f niliias was held or? CM Point Comfort, V j . Hers jrt* scenes train that demottsfratcon. f^p, 4<3-uien mirtiis EaaetsJ aboard a/my ml ASp'anter, Gen^rjl J . 2vl. Schoneld. Larr cenfar.
mino raad^r to go overboard. Right center. close-up of the ratne about to be dropped. Sa-Hom, soldier examines 43-Iach mines at submarine mine depot at Old Point Comfort. Larger mines ara used in swift currents. Explosion of mines, constructed of galvanized Iron, is controlled from land.
: '?*•
ALLIED CAUSE THEIRS—Line of volunteers, mostly Arabs, wait qutside Jerusalem district ofFices to-enlist for service with Allies. Jewish agency reports 135,000 Jews enlisted "en bloc."
I - --1
"4 •*""••• ' " K > « 1IJ. ?
Fboto by Paths Hews.
HO UC22 \7A!t—German soldiers who won't be required to fighfr in tb© war again. They're prisoners in a British internment camp somewhere in England. They'll bo there for war's duration."
AIH GISIL — Helen Crlenkovich» 1939's American woman diving champion, of San Francisco, takes i tk flying f l i course in i classes sponsored by Civil Aeronautics Authority. She's pretty by land or air.
•r : A
JOY—-N-.jsecT j f Sriirlsh Nava! Air Arm school, where sjdinen dr? Jf3 raughtto taught to «y 3y a? a-s gunaars and sissssrvers sbsarvers in fleet's j b i e : smitten fleets ----- ! *»" . • < >i • ... x't ijtrv?ce, isi Ceprtordi StsdcnoucjiTr. He a!s© litres to ~ fiv. — Pichjrs p p j i s e J by by 3riHi,:i 3riHi,:i censer ' censer.
C1Y VO72—Governor Leon C. -Phillips o f Oklahoma w h o stirrsd Kp eentrov3rsy by favo r i n g special e l e c t i o n on T cu^st o" reDea'i-'a stata's S u s r oa 5 - ' o a O l rv.paa.mg stata S J— | a W i ] n f o r s e since !907.
GOLD 114 GSOSG1A—Pan of gold taken from century-old Calhoun mine near Dahlonega, Ga. Believed exhausted, mine now produces ore assayed at $60,000 a ton, from 2-inch vein so rich i t looks like ribbon of yellow metal.
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Hi's a dry htmss'f. '
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f>5rc5*'.K^ c!a'«/n s!Ihsuif}3 atMary/ - M - j a i a n , N. Y., as Helen Hughes, s, his., and Kaihri.fj NJcsl, Montclair, N. J., get archery a far :pn.tg taur.icy I s bo hzH et csl
Cr.'l5^3, •**<»
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DUSY EO17L Reputed busiest football stadium in United States is Orango Bowl at Miami. Fla., where as many as four games e weefe aro played, among high schools and colleges. Hero's capacity crowd of more than 32,000. High point of year is New Year's infersectional game. Bicte. bjr OEitsa Foetus G^c5iostes £23,
Page 5
Odets? Drama Wins;' Favor of Audience
they are averse to association with Hebrews. Under the circumstances' we feel it our 'duty to advise those of that faith that it would be uttr pleasant for them to spend their vacation at the T r o w b r l d g e Farm."" ' • . <. "
Our Film Folk
him, Maxle erred, "The feeling is neutral, I'm sure."
In his portrayal of Dr. Ehrlich, Jdward Robinson must smoke'ciOver 350 women attended the By HELEN ZIGMOND gars incessantly. .But.cigars have annual membership luncheon of a way of dwindling!.' Hence,'- to the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. Hollywood •— What is a war avoid photographing one "take" Present were 143 new members who were guests of the organizaThe Center Players' revival of AVIATION NOTE: The two G- propaganda . filn\? A new local with a long cigar and the next tion. Mrs. A. D. Frank presided. Clifford Odets' drama, "Awake to the unique talents of the var- men of" the Zionist movement— group called Associated Film Aud- with a stub, a gadget was inventKAVICH-KR ASN E FBANX-FORMAX Cantor Aaron Edgar led the and Sing", Monday, Tuesday, and ious members of the-, cast. Goldman, and Goldstein..— are iences, whose stated purpose is ed to measure the partially smokOutstanding performances were hanging up- flying records for films for peace and for the pres- ed stogies. Five hundred new;' 61 • The marriage of Miss Edythe Mrs. Sam Forman announces community singing. Mrs. Abe Wednesday nights, proved that ervation of our democracy, seems ropos will be chopped to different Krasne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the approaching marriage of her Fellman was accompanist. Mrs. the group is maintaining .the turned in by Martha Himmelstein their successors'to shoot at . I. Krasne o£ Oakland, Nebr., tools daughter, Annette, to Max Frank, William Polack, who brought in standards that have won it the as the harassed mother; Ilebecca Both have covered more mileage a rbit muddled as to what is a lengths. Now each time the camplace on Sunday, November IS), at son o£ Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Frank, the largest number of new mem- reputation of being the best ama- Kirshenbaum as the ill-tempered by air than any half dozen of peace-making film. "Confessions era focuses, Robinson can pick the home of the bride's parents on Sunday, November 26. The bers to join the organization in teur theatrical aggregation in the Hennie; Joseph Saks as Jake, the their predecessors put together,. . of a Nazi Spy" t h e y h a i l as one to the last measure and literphilosophical grandfather; and . Inc s^antally, when Dr. Chaim strenghening" the fight for democ- ally take up where he left off. , in Oakland. Sixty persons were ceremony will take place at the one year, gave the welcoming ad- city. rving Zweiback as the embittered present. Rabbi David A. Goldstein home of Rabbi David A. Goldstein. dress. The response was given Weizmann, Jewish Agency presi- racy . . . whereas, "Hitler —: This interpretation of the life , and Cantor Aaron Edgar performA Lin-o-type: Gregory Rutbtf A reception for friends and'rel- by Mrs. Henry Riekes, Mrs. Dave of an economically hard-pressed, Moe Axelrod. dent,, makes that December trip Beast of Berlin" they brand as Joseph Hornstein in the role of to • the United States, there are hate- f o m e n t i n g , war-inciting. and his Reno-vating wife, Leoned the ceremony. atives will be held at 7 o'clock, Bernstein and Mrs. Russel Blum- trouble-beset Jewish family of the ^Berger; Irving Nogg as good grounds for the. belief that Even the Hays office withheld the tovitch, attended a party with The* bride was gowned ia pastel Sunday, at the bride's home, 2210 enthal. Bronx was particularly well-suited Myron Ralph, "Jack Saylan as Sam Fein- it won't be via the steamer route purity seal from the latter be- their respective lawyers! Hedy Lapink net cut on the new lines with N. 16. No invitations have been isMrs. II. D. Brodkey and Mrs. ichreiber, J. L. Cohen as Uncle . . .The Zionist leader's two.sons cause of the title alone. Marr is shaking the dust of Talkie tight waistline and lull skirt. She sued. Morris Franklin then gave their Morty, and Samuel Kaplan all are seeing service with the British Apparently N e a t r a lity and Town to do a play next motith. •wore a fingertip veil of the same convention reports in which they made notable contributions to the material as her gown and a tiara ENGAGEMENT TOLD One of them in the air Peace are themselves controver- Pierre Van Paasen wrote the Enarmy stated that the membership of success of the play. sial terms. As one speaker said, glish titles for "That They May i ot seed pearls. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kaplan of Hadassah has now reached 115,corps" Mrs. Herman Jahr directed the "I'm neutral. I don't care who Live," a picture made in France %.. Josephine Rubnits of Omaha Avoca, Iowa, announce the en- 000 women. just before the outbreak of hostil•was maid of honor. Her gown was gagement of their daughter, Rose, The Jewish Community Center roduction. DIPLOMATIC NOTE: The word kills HiHer!" They were impressed with the announces the organization of a The Jewish Community Little is out that Soviet Ambassador ities, and a smashing indictment of blue chiffon with p u f f e d of Omaha, to William Abrahams, Paul Muni is still tops among of this mass murder called wnr, sleeves, tight waistline, and full son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ahra- strength and ability of the Ha- Senior Girl Scout Troop for girls Symphony Orchestra under the di- Ivan Maisky is still very red-faced dassah and Zionist Leadership and over 15 interested in the scouting rection of Al Finkel presented a over an unguarded reply he made screen actors — with or without skirt. Sylvia Joy Krasne was flow- hani3 of Lincoln. the unity of American Jewish irogram of musical selections be- to London newsmen who called a chin fringe.'. Only a moustache Don »Judah was treasurer-Sner girl and Frank Morgan, Jr., No wedding date has been chos- womanhood. Among the many program. Senior troops are the ore the play and between acts. •was ring-bearer. most recent progressive phase^of for his reaction the night the news hids his identity in ''We Are Not chiefto King Fernand of Portuen. highlights of the convention was scouting and the Center is among Two more plays are planned by was flashed that the German-Rus- Alone" . . . yet so completely is gal. Miss Marion Harding played the the address by Rabbi Goldman. the first to organize such a group the Center Players. One.will be a sian agreement had been signed . . his personality merged with that piano and Miss Hanson sang "Oh, MRS. GOTTSFKLD LEAVES "Dress Rehearsal," a play with- in Omaha. mystery drama. The other will be . "Don't believe it," he snapped of Dr. Newcome, the small town Promise Me" and "At Dawning.1' . Mrs. Bessie Gottsfeld of Palespresented by Mrs. Thronton' Wilder's prize-winning over the phone, "it's just Nazi English doctor, that he is unrecYOUR INSURANCE BROKER After their wedding trip the tine, who came here as the guest in a play, was T At the first meeting held on ognizable. The time is 1914, outpropaganda." couple will be at home at the of the local Women's Slizrachi, Phineas W introub with the fol- Monday, November 20, members drama, "Our Town." lowing taking part Mesdames I. break of World War I. He is a King Apartments in fremont. left last Thursday,"November 16, Levin, Irving Stein, Ray Silbar, discussed the ten fields of activiself-effacing, preoccupied fellow* ORNITHOLOGY NOTE: Joseph MANAGER ties which scouting offers and deafter .a stay of several days. While Louis Alberts, Bernhard Wolf, Letfwich will not be flattered to unconscious of the g a t h e r i n g ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT CITY FINANCE AND in Omaha Mrs. Gottsfeld wa3 the David Platt and P. Wintroub. . cided to build their program clouds. Wbpn they burst thunderaround the fields of literature and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith guest of Mrs. J. Tretiak. A rapid ticket sale Is reported hear that his anthology of Yiddish ously about him, his personal sufINSURANCE CO. New Members dramatics, and out-of-door activi- or the annual Card Party of the poetry, "The Golden Peacock^* is fering is forgotten in his castlgaannounce the engagement of their Mrs., Gottsfeld volunteers her Representing 21 Strong ' daughter, Helen, to Alfred Olan- time to the Women's Mizrachi and Deborah Society. .This affair is being sold in tbe ornithological de- tiori of - war-mongers. "You who The following new members ties. Companies partment ot a big Fifth Avenue der of Los Angeles, son of Mr. pays her own traveling expenses. were received into the organizaLee Jane Greenberg was elected planned for December 12 and will are in authority . . . who are reA Complete Insurance Service and Mrs. Sam Olander. chairman, Margaret Rundell, as- OUow a dessert luncheon. A door bookshop . . . She will visit on the west coast tion : spensible for all this killing.. . CALL AT 7667 or WA 5150 Mr. Olander is a graduate of before returning to New York, Mesdames Arthur Adler, Louis sistant chairman, and H e 1 y n e prize will be given. you learned nothing in 2,MISH-MASH: Dr. Joseph Rosen, have "The Settlement Counts" the University of Southern Cali- from where she will sail for Pal- Abramson, Jacob Abramson. Har- Wohlner, scribe. The next meeting Those interested in getting tic000 years. fornia, where he was affiliated estine. old Bloom, Ray Bronstein, Harriet will be announced in the near fu- 'kets for the card party, may do so Agro-Joint president, is back from a two-month colonization survey •with the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. Brown, David Bernstein, Morris ture. by calling Mrs. H. Noddle, generWhich brings to- mind the line A Camp Surgical Sup"south of the border -^- down Announcement of the engagement Brick, Max Beslow, Louis Binal chairman. from the "Roaring Twenties:" "A port and Bodice Type Samuel Coldwas made at a family dinner last stein, Harry Bush, Arnold Baron, Mrs. J. Bernstein is president Mexico way." . patriot is a guy who is always Sunday. Russel Blumenthal, Jacob Brookof the Deborah Society and Mrs. smith of Chicago has been named willing to lay. down your life for Braissiere d e si g n ed secretary of the U. J. A.'s allo. S. Ross is secretary. The wedding will take place on Nebraska chapter of Sigma Al- stein, Harold Block, Edith Cohn, his country." to lift and hold heavy cation committee . . . Did you noA large benefit bridge is being Edna Cohn, Goodman Cohn. December 3 at the Fontenelle ho- pha Mu thi3 week took its fourth tice that it was a Jewish doctor tel in the presence of the Imme- straight match to win the league Also Mesdames Frieda Cher- planned by members of the WomAbdominal Flesh Speaking of war . . . the Battle who has been carrying on successdiate families. championship in the intra-mural niss. Rose Cohn, Henry Cooper, en's Mizrachi to be held at the of Whiskers raged in Jolly wood ful experiments looking toward home of Mrs. H. Dolgoff, 2441 vo'ley hall tournament, sponsored Michael Cohn, Isaac Dologoff, A. the elimination ot trichinosis, the this week. Wires.burned . . . exeach fall by the University. The Diamond, David Forman, Mollie Bauman, on Tuesday, December Free ConsulANNOUNCE BAR M1TZVAH pork disease? . . . Paul van Zee- pletives bounced . . . a l l because Gpldwyn loaned Actor Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swartz an- team went through the tourna- Fogel, Isadore Forbes, Abe Fair, 5. Mrs. Dolgoff will be hostess tation by Exland, cx-premier of Belgium and nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their ment undefeated beating teams Elizabeth Fried, Morris Fisher, for the occasion. Mrs. M. Arbit•president of the Coordinating (with whiskers) to Edgar Selwyn. pert Trained Selwyn wanted the actor shaved son, Sidney, at the Beth Hame- from some of the largest fraterni- Leo Fried, Sam Epstein, M. Fire- man is chairman of the card party Foundation, has opened an office ^ady Attendstone, Joe Freeman, A. Friedman, committee and Mrs. Sophie Rothdrosh Hagodel Synagogue on No- ties on the campus. in the Rockefeller Center . . . He . . ." Goldwyn wouldn't destroy the kop is her co-chairman. Morton Friedlander, Leon Gross, ant. vember 30 at 7:30 a. m. In all twelve games of the ser- A. Gendler. speaks a meticulous English with foliage. Blared Selwyn, "You give The rummage sale is still beA reception will be held in the ies the team lost only one game the most charming of French ac- me Brennan without whiskers, or Others are Mesdames David B. ing held and bundles of salable evening from 5 to S p. m. at the in the first match. Teams which cents . . , There's a frantic hunt jive me back the last half of my Swartz home, 3001 Hascall St. No have been defeated represented Gross, Max Gross, Hyman Golden- old clothes are desired. Mrs. J. for Jewish ancestors on. the part name . you took .25 years invitations have been issued. Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Gamma berg* Sidney Goldberg, Joe Horn- Tuchman, Mrs. A. Katz and Mrs. of Yugoslav Germans . . . Who are Indian giver!" biazeu Gold Delta, Chi Phi, and Alpha Gamma stein, Harry D. Haykin, Cecil E. Weinberg are in charge of the trying to "non-Aryanize" themSurgical ASTRONOMICAL NOTE: The Izenstatt, Dave Katz, Adolph Kapsale. Those double-edged axes: RusRho. The Sigma Alpha Mu team selves to avoid repatriation to the DINNER PARTY stars did their blinkingest besc lan, William Kaimen. Sam Krantz, Company sia's handshake with Germany and The local group has mailed an is one of two teams left ia all five Reich . . . The Leeds (EngA dinner party was given at Klein, Boris Korney, Hen- additional check to the national at the U. P. A.'s annual Night ot land) Inc. Lodge of the B'nai elvet glove for Japan have boomthe home of Mrs. A. Dansky in Los leagues of the tournament which Morris ry Krasne, Hyman Kraft, Eddie office to take care of the emer- Stars One of the most mov- B'rith has acquired - the nick- eranged on her film industry. Forhas not yet lost a match. When Angeles last Sunday in honor of ng moments, in an evening cramBenjamin Kahn, S a m gency conditions occasioned by the bidden to "go to town" on-their the marriage of her granddaugh- the champions of the other Kaplan, Phytictana*. They pet hates, producers face an acuto Katzman, Phil Katzman, William conflict abroad. Previously the med with emotion was the brief name ot "moonshiners" N tines'. ter, Edythe Krasne, to D a v i d leagues are determined they will Lipsman. came by it because they fell into appearance of Lou Gehrig, the itory shortage. They will have to Hospital ana Omaha chapter had sent on the meet the Sigma Alpha Mu team Kavich. the practice of avoiding blackout noted ball star who was incapaciSick Room Mesdames Ben Lustgarten, Max check for its regular project. urn to biographies for material. Among the guests were: Dr. and to decide the tournament cham- Lashinsky, difficulties by meeting only on Supplie» tated by illness . . . There were D a n i e l Lintzman, 'Pon my silk hat! Rosey. RosenMrs. Nathan Dansky and son; Mr. pionship. many moist eyes in the crowd moonlit nights . . . Speaking of bloom attended the opera this Lipp, Louis Meister, Sam Six men of Sigma Alpha Mu Louis and Mrs. Sam Dansky and son, B'naf B'rith, research being conwhen he murmured into' the mike Manvitz, David Mann, David Manweek. His excuse was, "I'm a vulMrs. Frank Krasne, and Mrs. Celia were honored recently when mili- vitz, "I'm glad to be here "where no ducted in connection with the or- ture for culture!" On being introMarks, Benjamin Medical Arts BIdg. Omaha tary promotions for the coming Minkin,Mamie Simon. ganization's 100th anniversary; in And The regular meeting of the Tau bombs are falling." Esther Malashock, Robert duced to a debu-tanta, who exPhone ATlantle 5825 year were announced by the com- Marer. Ben 1943 has brought to light a numNewman, Sam S. New- Delta Sorority was held at the Luise Rainer, radiant cinemalite, claimed she was pleased to mee' mandant of the University regi- man, Schulem ANNOUNCE BIRTH drew a big laugh when she char- ber of interesting facts . . . One of Jewish Community Center, SunNewman, Leo Nogg, Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Tuch- ment. Melvin Tannenbaum, Oma- Morris Oberman, Isadore Ober- day, November 19. In addition to acterized Germany as a "refugee which is that Temple Emanu-El man announce the birth of a son ha, was promoted to the rank of man, Sam Pepper, Phillip Ringle. the other officers, Ida Epstein was from civilization." Dick Pow- of New York City borrowed 52,000 back in 1844 from the Ziou on Tuesday, November 21, at the a second lieutenant. Paul Crounse, ell singing a song in Yiddish elected Parliamentarian and MicMesdames Roy Roffman, Sam Store Hour*—?HO A. M. t o 5:30 P. M. Telephone AT 7334 Methodist hospital., Mrs. Tuchman Omaha, was promoted to the rank Rosen, M. H. Rosenberg, Sam I. key Goldberg, reporter. For Stage Jascha Heifetz recalling the "good Lodge (defunct), the second in of- a-first sergeanU Joe. Kaznick, Rothenberg,< L. Rubenstein, Ar- Night the members decided upon bid 'days when all the Murphys the city is the former Clara Kaplan. -' y at the- time . . - . I t Omaha, was made a sergeant, and thur Rubin, Sam Rachman, Peter an original skit written by Mickey cast their votes for a Goldvogel." Murice Jacobs, genial secretary of Stanley Mayper and Harvey Wine Richards, Henry Riekes, P a u l Goldberg. VACATIONING IN EAST . And Little Flower LaGuardia the Jewish Publication ; Society, Mrs. J. Goodbinder is vacation- of Omaha, and Ben Novicoff, of Rosen, Abe Slushy, Max Singer. This club offers an Interesting giving a lively imitation of a Mas- who schadchaned the recent merLincoln, were made corporals. Ing in New York, Boston, PhilaMorris Singer, Sam Siporin, Irvin and varied program to girls of ter of Ceremonies caressing the ger of the Jewish Chautauqua SoWith a vacation less than a delphia, and Washington, D. C. high school age, and is sponsored mike . . . All contributed to one ciety and the National Federation ^members of sterna Schneiderman, J- Schneider, „ . „ . . . George <-..„_«,„ c h P r m M . Louis Mor- by the Jewish Community Center. of the starriest performances in Of -Temple Brotherhoods . . . VicWhile in Washington she will visit week away,. memoers or sigma Scholnick, Sherman, Mor with her son, Hyman Goodbinder. Omicron chapter of Sigma Alpha ris Stalmaster, Sam Steinberg, A. The following are the new mem- the series of U. P. A. benefit tor Chenkin, the singing actor, is very ill .•'. . The .staff of-the JewMrs. Goodbinder plans to be Mu are looking forward to the an- Shaffer, Louis Singer, Nathan bers of the Tau Delta Sorority: dazzlers . . . nual Thanksgiving party, sponsorish Welfare Board surprlse-partigone until January 1. Bessie Kaplan, Ruth Rosinsky, Turner, MTuritz, A. Tenenbaum, ed by the Omaha Alumni Club, ed their new, exec, dire'e. Dr. CRIMINOLOGY NOTE: The Na- Louis Betty Kraft, Nioma Pezzner, Rose Nathan Veitzer. .' . . A formal instalwhich will be held in Omaha on RETURNS FROM EAST tion publishes the following from lation Kraft, Epstein, Rita Magzamin, Ida EpMesdames Ben Waldman, Wildinner is being planned . . . 29. stein, Phyllis Katz, Mickey Gold- a prospectus issued by the Trow- Jean Jaffe, Mrs. B. Balaban of Council November liam Wolfe, Hyman Zorinsky, Amember of the Jewish Tomorrow, alumni and friends S. Zalkin, Irving Hoberman, Hy- berg, Sheila G o r e l i c k , Joyce bridge Farm, a New York resort:" Bluffs returned Monday evening from a trip to New York City, of the chapter will be the guests man Rothman and Alfred Sophir. Marks, Annette Forbes, Marion "The Civil Rights law does not Day's .editorial; staff,' is back, at her New York desk after a fourwhere she visited her son, Bernie. of the chapter at a house party Lipsman, Marilyn Adler, Florence allow us to refuse aecomodations year sojourn in the'Holy Land . . Oneg Shabboth Before returning she spent time to be held in the chapter house Cohen, Rosalie Wasserman, Jean to anyone on account of religious . During which time she wTOte a The second Oneg Shabboth will in Boston and Chicago, where she following the Oklahoma game to- be held December 9 at the home Greenfield and Rose Silver. belief, but we have a regular pat- full- length blography-of the •Weizmorrow afternoon. The party, was extensively entertained. ronage who reserve the same mann family . , . of Mrs. Leon Fellman. Paul Veret which will be the second of the Her daughter, Mickee, who acrooms from year to year and they • \ will discuss the "Refugee Prob_ _ i—; _' ' year, promises to be a gay affair, companfed her, returned Thursconstitute the society of the place. and a prelude to a Thanksgiving lem." A Jew. named Samuel was treaday night. For reasons we cannot understand holiday which is being looked forThe Omaha Section of the Na- and find impossible to explain. surer of Ferdinand IV of Aragon. ward too. JOSI/VN MEMORIAL tional Council of Jewish Juniors Maybe our buyer of Men of the Nebraska chapter , Three sound films on France will hold its annual card party on »ill be shown at 2:30 Sunday in who were singly honored this The Oneg Shabboth of the Lad- Wednesday, December 6, at-8 p. Men's Furnishings the Lecture Hall of the Joslyn I week were Arthur Hill, Lincoln, ies Auxiliary of tbe United Orth- m. at tbe Jewish Community CenIs a HYPNOTIST Memorial. At 3:30 Mrs. George aad Bernard Epstein, Omaha. Ar- odox Congregations will take ter. Collections of Unique Neuhaus will lecture on "World" thur was appointed to the position place tomorrow at 2 o'clock at the Door prizes will be offered and Diamond Engagement, Affairs." A 4 o'clock organ re- of secretary of the men's point home of Mrs. Morri3 Segal, 145 refreshments served. Admission to J By Mrs. David SL Newnaa Wedding and. Annivercital will be given by Miss Esther board, a body which governs the N. 33rd St All members ol the the card party is thirty-five cents. sary Rings, individualCHOCOLATE SOUFFLE Leaf. Assisting her will be Mil- activities of all men students. Ber- organization have been invited. The Bible Classes sponsored by ly designed and; priced Cook 1 cup milk, pinch salt, dred Claire Freadrich, soprano, nard was made a first team mem- Rabbi I. Rackovsky will speak on t,he Junior Council "will start the with good old-fashionber of the freshman wrestling and Margaret Lindgren, accom"The Status of Women in Jewish week of December 26. Those de- 2 squares bitter chocolate in dousquad when he defeated all of his History." ed moderation. ' panist. siring further Information on ble boiler. When hot and chocolate competitors in the preliminary Convenient Terms Can Be Plans for the December Chanu- <hese classes are asked to call is melted add 2. level tablespoons tryout. flour dissolved. Cook 10 minutes. Arranged at.No Extra . kah dinner are progressing stead- Toby Hertzberg, Ja. 1659. Because of an error made last ily. The affair is scheduled to take Cream 4 tablespoons sugar, and Cost . week the name of Norman Bordy place on December 5. Husbands 4 tablespoons butter, add yolks ot Mrs. Edward J. Steiner, mid- was left out of the list of mem- will be guests of their wives at the 4~eggs beaten. Pour over chocoweatern regional advisor of Sigma bers of the chapter who went to dinner. late mixture and cook 11 minutes, One of .the manufacturers from whom we buy fine underDelta Tau, visited the chapter Missouri for the Missouri-NebrasA meeting of the Rayos club remove from fire and when cold At the January meeting of the wear, each year sets aside ail the shtirt lengths of his best house last week. During her stay ka same. Norman is from Omaha. Auxiliary, Rabbi Rackovsky will was held Sunday at 3 o'clock a add whites of eggs beaten stiffly. a pre-Thankssiving spread was fabrics for our Mr. Eldund. A t the end of a season, ha review "The Nazarene" by Sholem the Jewish Community Center. Bake in a pan set in hot water. given. Officers were elected at that time. Vanilla sauce: 1 small cup sugmakes them up into shorts—and WHAT shorts . . . W e Asch. Thursday evening the Lincoln Mrs.. Max Rosen is chairman of Those chosen to serve are: Marion ar, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tableg e t the whole kit and kiboodle. Why; he doesn't sell alums and patronesess attended a Wolpa, president; Lena Zollo- spoon butter,, 2 tablespoons cold p them t o some of his other customers around the country, Thanksgiving will be the tlieme the Mah Jong project. dinner at the chapter house hontuchen, vice-president; H e l e n water. % pint b i i g water. 1 p boiling of the next meeting of the Council oring Mrs. Steiner. we don't know—and don't care, as long as Mr. Eklund . Hornstein, secretary and report- teaspoon vanilla. Mix sugar and d The pledge party this year was of Jewish Women, Monday at 1 er; Shirley Cohn, corresponding flour, add cold water, boiling wakeeps on getting them. ' oa the theme of a "Farm Hop," p. m. at the Jewish Community secretary; Dorothy Blau, treas ter or milk, cook until, thick, reThe house was decorated in the Center. A radio r e - b r o a d c a s t urer, and Friedell Stillman, Round move, from fire and add vanilla. TfeegVe Wonderful Shorts . . . m atyle of a barn with pumpkins, "Americans All, Immigrants All,"' Table representative. The first meeting of the Councornstalks, and bales of hay. interpreting, the Jewish immiIt was decided to adopt a con Made ot Fine Shirting Fabrics Prizes for'the best costume were grant, will be presented through cil Bluffs Young Judaea was held stitution at the next meeting given to Miriam Rubnitz and Cal the courtesy of Creighton TJaiver- last Sunday at the home of Betty which will be held on December 3. Saks. The following officers were sity. Menzer. Normally they would sell for 75c to 31.50. and a Money Saver! elected A vice-president in charge cf elected: Harriett Kubby, presiSylvia Katzman Oar price for' thls'~once-a-year>eveBt b president of one of the freshman social service will be elected at dent; Eleanor Passer, vice-president; Betty Saks, secretary and to Tf. W. C. A. groups. Helene Albert the meeting. Hostesses for the l u n c h eon Ethel Gordon, treasurer. The Pioneer Women Oneg Shab and Sylvia Epstein are members of Iron Service Miss Rose Mendelson and Mrs. both will be held at the home o: tit*'Rifle Club and the Horseback which will precede the program will be members of the peace, civ- Milton Yudelson are the advisors. Mrs. E. Reiss, 2114 Burdette. riding club. Costs Less Than i A report on the Seventh Nav "Marian Stettheimer sang a solo ic, and legislative committees. The next regular meeting will be Home Washing a.t the second annual union vesper They are: Mesdames A. B. Frank, held at 2 o'clock, Sunday, Decem- tional Conference of the Pionee Service held at the Calvary Evan- Phil Gilinsky, Harry Rosenfeld, ber 3, at the home "of Bobbitte Women's organization will be given by Mrs. J. Fellman. Mrs. •«eUcal church. Aronita Daskovsky Howard Milder, Fred Rosenstock, Goodman. All girls between the ages of 10 J. Kaplan will present a reading. played the violin with the Lincoln Max Holzman, Mike Freeman, Symphony last Monday, at which Harold Farber, Harold Abrahams, and 15 are cordially invited to Community staging will be. led by 5orae of tfie/r otfier ^ootf points are 'Mrs. J. Raznick. v'SJnw M a Krehm, p i a n i st, was Sam Berkowitz. Harry Trustin. attend. and Julius A b r a h amson. The , -ipMsst artist. * Elastic insert or tie side waist bands. luncheon will follow a board meetHA 0 ing. S1 6331 Scovil indestructible snaps . . . no buttons. 9 The Council is sponsoring a class Pot I cms on Light or Dark Backgrounds. •h current afafirs which will hold its first meeting on November 2S Sizes 28 fo 46. at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. • . Shop Phil Gilinsky with Mrs. A. B. Frank as co-hostess... Coiffure Creation and Styling Junior Hadasaah Athletic shirts woven of soft, mercerized lislo. Priced as An important meeting of the For Appointment lot regularly Junior Hadassah will be held on November 27 at the Jewish Com- PHONE JAS3SS munity Center. At that time, Kilpdtrtck's Men's Section—Main Floor 105 So. ISth tickets for the dance will go on sale. All members are urged to Farnam AT 4485 attend. OPEN EVENINGS
Organise Senior Girl Scout Troop
Sigma Alpha Mu
Women's Mferacfu
eiween ioy
Tau Delta
Junior Council
Orthodox Auxiliary
| Kitchen Chats
©ifei'Scag of
Sigma Delta Tau
. Is flie reason we f Mills so
Rayos Club
Council Bluffs Young Judaea
It's a Wife Saver
Pioneer Women
2 pairs 1.15
.Morris Beauty
Uiiiiei*i;lti!*ts hy
Tiae Religions Interpretation of Life
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Eayos Club—3 p. in., J. C. C. The only real interpretation of life is the religious interprei A . MSSRASS4A, Omaha Hebrew Club—3 p . m . , J . C. C. tation. All others fall short, far too short. The coverlet does PACTS ABOUT FICTIONS CONTel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) Father and Son Banquet—6:30 p. m. J. C. C —The government is undertaking CESNING THE JEW. AST! DBFnot fit the bed. They are inadequate, do not cover all "the to stimulate vegetable growing In _^ -L. . <«.- J_J> J.4 APPUCATiCN AJiATIOJT LEAGUE OF B'NAI MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27 facts, do not take account of all the phenomena. They leave B'KITH OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Palestine, and has already disCouncil of Jewish Women—Luncheon, 1 p m., J. C. C. tributed 250,000 bulbs, roots and The anti-Defamation League out the soul, which is the soul of all. "What is a body without l wJ n Hw.MiTV,C2MTSa seed from the Agricultural Ex"Workmen's Loan—8 p. m., J. C. C. headed by Mr. Richard J. Gud?-« JO. : 4 T I 3TR5ST a soul? It is a corpse, define "soul" as you may. Be it what stadt-is rendering valiant service periment station at Acre. Another DAVID BLACK3R. -" TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Business and Manasins Sdlter it may-it is halt-a-mlllion caulflower plants to the Jewish cause in America. tSOMAUD NAT1L1N . . and scores of thousands of cabBook Review, Rabbi David Goldstein—8 p. m., J. C C. Mr. Gutstadt Is equipped for this . . . . SdStcr "Yet the foustais-light of all car day, a master light bage plants are now being dis3JiB31 y a i s o s a i e s COHN difficult task, as few men are. • - ' Contributing Editor tributed. The government has WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 And in recent years his tasks and rUBBl T1I3ODOIU3 N. L3WIS of aH cvx seeing." " « • Back SditSJ announced that expert instrucgrown by leaps "and bounds, and Independent WorKmen's Order—8 p. m.. J. C. C. ^JSAKCffiS SLACSSa » » Scciaty 2diS,or tion will be given to people wishWithout recognition of the soul, all is dark. We grope the work of the League haa M0KIU3 aiSSNBERO - • " ing to develop vacant lots as - S1QU3 City Correspondent blindly in a world of blackness, a world without one star. In for THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 39 / 1 obvious reasons. truck gardens, and a movement is assist speakers and write rn Council Sluiia Correspondent he firmament of soul shine the stars of hope and faith. What to To Thanksgiving: , on foot to plant as many availpresent the ca.ao for tho Jow able sites as possible. would life be without them'? We could not live. Hope and authoritatively tho League luis isFilDDAY, DECEMBER I sued a series of leaflets, interestThe Jerusalem Jewish CommuXhe Full Force of Tyranny Children's Program—10 a. m., J. C. C faith are religious values, and. give life a religious meaning. ing and well written, dealing with nity is taking a similar interest On Chechoslovakia these past few days has heen. visited Science does not know them except as data. But.it does not such questions as tho myth of in encouraging such cultivation, dominance; Tno truth one persists in doing so, to the RESCUE REFUGEES so as -to make inhabitants selfthe full fored of Nazi brutality. Even. Germany has felt it neces- ;iva due weight to these data. An explanation of life without Jewish about the Protocols of tho Wise dlmtdvantagc of the Jew,. we supporting in the supply of vegeFROM SUNKEN LINER sary to issue an apology for its drastic action in executing a the spiritual factor is like "Hamlet" with Hamlet left out. I t Men of Zion; The Ritual Murder should tnitko proper reply and detables. Aryan and Nordic myth; London (JTA) — Thirteen Gernumber of students who dared raise their voice in a plea for is the spiritual that gives life all its significance. We are souls charge; fact of his own internaWith a view to utilizing all Hitler's Communism Unmasked; clarc'tho tional connections, his allegiance man and Austrian refugees among means of Jewish industrial profreedom. The so-called Protectorate of Boheiaia-Moravia is in partaking of the Infinite Soul, sparks of the Central Light of jtc, which constitute tho chief to a foreign authority, which im- the survivors of the Netherlands duction, the Industry and Trade stock in trade of anti-Semitoa. poses rebellion, a premature rebellion it may be, but the limit of Existence. Our life may be only a candle, but it illumines the This a discipline as vigorous and liner Simon Boliyar, sunk by a department of the Jewish Agency valuable material and factual as absolute as that of the Com-mine in the North Sea, were con- Executive has ordered an enumerGiech patience lias been reached. data has now been gathered Into mmediate environing distance. Religion sheds its rays into the muniat International. The interna- fined in a hospital in Sf, Barthol- ation of all idle industrial maone volume. As a ready reference Vainly sacrificed to save the peace of Europe, the Czechs heart. All beautiful poetry, all divine emotions, have their book it is in a class by itself, and tional Jew is a figment of a dis- mew. chinery in Jewish factories and or a wicked mind. The In- In view of the fact that they elsewhere. Rational planning is • have up until now passively resisted the demoralizing influ- srigins there. It directs our steps, "a lamp unto our feet, a both speaker and writer will have eased, Catholic Church is an technically landed without permis- to be developed for the utilizato refer to it frequently, ternational ence of the Nazis. They have avoided actual clashes with their light upon all our path." Morality is the gift of religion. Re- occasion present reality In world af- sion the refugees cannot leave tion of such machinery. and always with great profit. Tho over ono which plays a large role the hospital until the immigration '.masters' but they have refused to give more than lip-service to ligion, like Moses, conies* down from its Mt. Sinai bearing the League deserves sincere praise for fairs, in International politics and, as in authorities and police are satisfied Three Jews, Sigismund Kaufsplendid addition to the liter- tho recent Spanish the tyrannical demands of the conquerors. Silently flowers have tables of the Law in its arms. Whatever significance the moral this Civil War, to that the papers are in order. To man, Mortiz Pinner, and Lewis ature of Jewish apologeties. put It mildly, a questionable one. most of them new papers will be Dembitz, were delegates to the been placed on the statues of Czech leaders in the long fight has in hujnan history (all too little, alas! thus far!) is the direct issued since they lost everything, Chicago Republican convention As much as I deeply appreciate We might as well recognize that for human freedom. At the opera tears have been shed as influence of religion. We mean true religion, not those counter- the work of the League, I am of- Coughlin will never drop his anti- including passports. that nominated Abraham Lincoln. Czech anthems were played. Even this passive resistance has feits and travesties of religion that disgrace religion, belittle it, ten beset by ugly suspicions con- Semitism, since no substitute will cerning the effectiveness of the pay such rich premiums. The brought the wrath oi Germany upon them. Thousands have and cause it to be disesteemed by earnest, truly religious souls. program pursued by it, and theCatholic hierarchy alone can silbeen shipped from the Protectorate to concentration camps in Jarnestness is religion, as are honesty and truth. A so-called several other agencies that are en- ence him, and must. And" once the gaged in Jewish d e f e n s e . The charges that Coughlin bring3 Germany while the rest of the nation has been imprisoned with- religion that is not true is irreligious and immoral: for truth work ia done in timidity, with ex- against the Jew are turned against cessive caution, and in atmos- the Roman Church, the Bishops in its own borders. None may leave, no one may enter. is a moral quality- and all that does not possess it is to that phere of unreality. There is en- will take action. Inhabitants of a land that has known the fullest freedom, extent immoral. Religion's good name should not have to tirely too much intellectual effort Of course this program involves to convince the public that Jews the Czechs were not apt to accept the repressive measures de- suffer because so much that is irreligious and anti-religious, are not Communists* do not use the risk of a l i e n a t i n g many creed for them. No Jew can ever forget the heroic resistance flagrantly and eriminally immoral, has been connected with it. Chritsian blood, do not conspire friendly Catholics. These well into destroy Christian civilization, tentioned Catholics are impotent of the Czechs to the anti-Jewisb. laws. Religion should be purged of all these base elements. Some do not monopolize the world's in Catholic circles' and do not offset the great evil CoughHn does In its many centuries Bohemia has known many martyrs. have been what they thought "irreligious," but as some one has wealth, etc. to the Jew . and to democracy. Its long history is the history oi' a fight for freedom. The recent said "out of religion," because of truly religious considerations. Instead of relying on the appeal Only fearless speaking by • Jews to reason, which is weaker than events in Prague and other centers reveal that the Czechs are Religion is too important a matter to be so unjustly treated and emotion, instead of* seeking un- will compel the Bishops to discipline this renegade priest, to do determined to throw off the yoke of Germany and reconstitute to have its true character aspersed and its influence under- ceasingly to persuade the masses something substantial t o w a rds of our integrity and virtue and ending his Fascist activities. the country as an independent state dedicated to the high ideals mined. It is the supreme thing in life. It gives true significance loyalty anew program, and policy There is risk in this method of preached by Masaryk and Benes.' to life, without which life is mere existence... Life must be are needed. . Timidity should give course. But is there not infinitely way to boldness and agrressive- greater risk in the method of "apinterpreted—and lived—from the highest point of view which, ness. Knowing as we do that anti- peasement" which we have been in Spinoza's phrase, is the "point of view of the Eternal." We Semitism is fundamentally an pursuing, and which has merely A New Status for the "Jewish Ancestor" • instrument of reaction, subsidized made our enemies more bold and are more than ephemera. And life is more than what we super- and pushed forward by the bigoted stronger. If we have to go down For sevjn years a distinct liability, the Jewish ancestor has who fear and dread social in defeat, at least let us do so like suddenly blossomed into an asset. Five hundred thousand Ger- ficially read in the head-lines of the newspapers.. As Emerson tories reform, it behooves us to throw men, and put up a good stiff fight mans living in Jugo-Slavia are reportedly in panic as they said, "The times are the masquerade of the Eternities." His- in our lot with those groups, bod- before we yield. and individuals who seek to search genealogical records to find the necessary Jewish ances- tory is Destiny. As Schiller said, "The history of the world is ies, is of course not a criticsave democracy by making the ec- ismThis any one particular goodtors to make them "Non-Aryans" and save them from repatria- the judgment of the world." Every day is Judgment Day. onomic lot of the average Amer- will of agency, but of the timidity ican happier and more secure. We tion by the Reich. and even cowardice We cannot take life too seriously. There is nothing more should strive with other forward and folly characterizes the program Prom the moment Hitler came to power in Germany, a serious. The greatest "business" is the business of living. We looking groups to remove those which policy of all Jewish defense ills that are responsible for and Jew in the family tree was virtually a death warrant. That re- are busy about it every moment of our lives. Even in our idle- social bodies in the United States. This dictatorship and for racial antag- dissatisfaction which I am voicing mote forebear could prevent one from attending school, from ness we are busy—busy with idle living. Life exacts the best onism. We must support openly is shared I know, by the great and zealously social and political marrying certain persons, from being seen with, one's friends, and the most from "us. Religion demands that we live nobly and economic liberalism. This fact, mass of American Jews who sense inadequacy and the failure of from even making a living. One's ancestors -were disinterred to and fully and faithfully, in accordance with our own highest our powerful and wealthy Jews ig- the our struggle with our enemies, nore. While contributing generplague. In shame one Hungarian prime minister resigned be- standards—which religion has placed in our soul. The ideal ctEsly to good-will movements, and who are deeply disturbed by cause not all his vehemence against the Jews could hide the fact is a conception of religion. The world's greatest religionists they also battle for the preserva- the rising tide of anti-Semitism. tion of the status-quo, and oppose hia great-grandfather had lacked foresight regarding- his birth. have been, idealists, and all idealists, whether they know it or bitterly those necessary social and A new policy of Germany has changed all that. The des-not, are. religionists: concerned with t h e highest. The Highest economic reforms which alone can democracy from collapse, Religious Services cendants of Germans who in past generations migrated to other is another name for God. By whatever path, we come around save and the Jew from doom. PreachEuropean countries are now being collected together and re- to the Truth of Truths, the truth that gives "truth" its basis, ing good will in an,atmosphere of Beth El luctantly returned to the Fatherland. Without being consulted its content, and its character—the Supreme truth in the uni-reaction is futile. At services this evening Rabbi An example of Jewish timidity on the matter, Baltic Germans have been loaded onto -waiting verse—the truth of a Supreme God. and cowardice is our dealing with David A. Goldstein's sermon will ships and sent to German ports ostensibly-in "time to become Your every purchase that is a This Catholic priest is be "The Voice of Jacob versus the Only the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. But Coughlin. doing more to poison the Amer- Hand of Esau. — To "Which Will settlers in the newly-conquered areas. multiple of $2.50 entitles you to a fool can give only a foolish "interpretation of the universe." ican mind against the Jew, to or- Go the Victory." Jugo-Slavia'.s Germans have had enough time to consider ganize and consolidate Jewish an Appreciation Certificate. Next Week: -, Utmost wisdom is required for this. Wisdom and Religion are hate, to make "the non-Jew conwhat the return to Germany will mean. Living in a country at Next Friday evening the Beth synonomous. Wisdom is distinct from mere knowledge. As scious of a non-existent Jewish El Synagogue will conduct a specpeace, profit ting from its neutrality, these Germans are not For example . ... the purchase of in America, than any Thanksgiving service. The Rev. Tennyson so truly sang, "Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers." problem other individual. It is this Roman ial anxious to exchange their security for the unfortunate life of Arthur A. Brooks, minister of One may be a walking encyclopedia of "Knowledge" and yetpriest who is chiefly responsible Dr. a $25 suit gives you $2.50 in Certhe First Methodist Church will straved Reich Germans. They have no desire to assist in a policy for the dangerous proportions and not have attained the elements of wisdom/ Such a one is still alarming expressions anti-Semit- give the sermon. tificates—a $50 purchase gives of dubious conquest. in the kindergarten of the school of life. The diploma from ism has assumed; advocacy of the Temple . To prevent this eventuality a half million Germans are in organization of anti-Semyou S5 in Certificates—-a $2.50 life's • true University must have written -upon it the word boycott, at services Rabbi David itic Fronts masquerading under H.Tonight search of a Jewish ancestor for the Reich wants only "Aryans." Wice will review Shblem Asch's "Wisdom." It must be sealed with the sentence, "The fear of false disguise, picketing of Jewish latest purchase gives you a 25c Certifibook, "The Nazarene." 31 is most unusual, this disinterring of family skeletons. The the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is under- stores, even assaults upon Jews. Jewish ancestor is now the savior of the family. In the face of this fierce attack, cate and so on throughout the Orthodox standing." what have the American Jews This evening the. services will done? Nothing. We continue to The religious, moral, spiritual interpretation of life is the eulogize store.* democracy, tolerance and be dedicated to the opening of a Lithuania-—European "White Spjot" only true, soul-satisfying, heart-appeasing, mind and intellect- the American way of life. We de- library being built up by the Unitnounce anti-Semitism and Nazism ed Orthodox Congregations. The These Certificates are redeemable •When.a government does not want anti-Semitism, it finds crowning interpretation of life. . in broad, general and in unim- library at present contains" apways and means to prevent it. Lithuania, in the throes of domesin merchandise in any departpressive terms; we hold more and proximately a hundred volumes denars besides t h a t of h e r father- larger good-will meetings; but we of Jewish interest. . It is hoped tic and foreign crises, has been able to maintain order in the ment of our store up to and inRabbi Jochanan then scrupulously and cowardly refrain that these books will be particuface of recent agitation and it has done so without repressive Gems of the Bible in-law." burst into tears a n d said: "Happy from placing the responsibility for larly useful for the faculty as well cluding December 30, .1939. are ye, Israel. As long a s ye per- CoughHn where it belongs — at as the students of the. Religious measures of any kind. Nor was force utilized untilthe annexa• and' Talmud form the will of God no nation o r the doors of the Roman Church, School and the City T a l m u d tion of Wilno when Polish Endeks in the city attempted to stir people can oppress thee, b u t when and its Bishops, who tolerate Torah. By ' Dr. Philip Shar ye fail t o perform t h e will, of God Coughlin and allow him to preach up trouble as they had been accustomed to doing in Poland. The subject of Rabbi I. Rackye a r e delivered into t h e hands of the hersey of racial hatred. The ovsky's address for the occasion Rather than considering the rioters as political agitators, the BXBUS Church alone can curb "and silence a humiliating nation and not only will be "Books by Which Our not exceedingly proud into t h e hands of a humiliating thi3 despicable. priest-demagogue. Lithuanian government did what Poland should have done years t a lMultiply Lived." Following the i ; let not arrogance come o u t nation, but also into t h e hands of We should courageously challenge People service a social will be held. Mrs. before and meted out treatment usually given rioters. Lithuania of your mouth. the Bishops of the Roman Cathbeasts of t h e humiliating n a Sidney Epstein will be in charge. Tney that h a d plentiful liave the Bid then Nakdimon ben olic Church. We should demand to does not consider pillaging of Jewish homes the privilege of hired Junior Congregation out themselves for bread, tion." not give a n y charity? Be- know why they permit the organThe services of the City Talmud A sweeping offer like this is simply Keyond and they that were hungry have, Guryon certain political groups. hold, we were t a u g h t in a Barai- ization of Catholics into anti-Sem- Torah will take -place at the Conitic Fronts, why they allow Caththa: I t was said of Nakdimon ben Lithuania inherited a Jewish problem from Czarist Russia ceased. comparison with any store-wide offering gregation B'nai Israel Saturday He will keep t h e feet of His when he left his house to olics to preach a boycott, and to morning. but unlike its now unfortunate neighbor, Poland, decided to holy ones, but the wicked shall Guryon 1 you've ever heard of; This means an exconduct a crusade of hatred, Irwin Witkin and Meyer Halput to silence i a darkness, for go to college t o study t h e entire against the "Jew. The Bishops of employ intelligence in the handling of this problem. Anti-Semitic be kin will "of Hciate as cantors. Irnot by strength shall m a a prevail. road would be spread out with the traordinary extra special advantage for you American hierarchy should be win Witkin will also act as readwoolens, which the poor peoagitation was not encouraged nor were Jews subjected to gov- Ha riaeth up t h e poor out of t h e fine called to account for their failure ple used to fold up behind him er of the Torah. Leonard Potash on everything you buy at The Nebraska durdust. H 3 lifteth up , the needy for their own use. to proscribe the "Catholic" Front; /will, recite the prophetic portion. eriimantal decrees aimed at eliminating them from every sphere from t h e dunghill t o make them to proscribe other Jerry Greenberg will speak on the ing our 53rd Anniversary Event. If you wish, I will interpret this for their failure sit with princes and inherit t h e of life. which they find im- portion of the week, and Fay Edel that first ho did it only for hi-! literature throne of .glory. and Indecent;, for their fail- will discuss current events. Moshe No repressive measures were employed and feeble attempt; own honor, secondly, he did not moral . '• TALMUD to prohibit its sale by Catho- Kidis will speak on the prophetic at economic discrimination were frowned upon. As a result of • Rabbi Jochaaan was once rid- give enough charity according to ure lics on public streets -— a sale in- message. Many Are Using These on a donkey with his disciples his means. variably accompanied by provocathis enlightened policy the whole country ha3 prospered. Lithu- ing Mrs. David Silverman will act following.. He saw a young woman tion and insult to decent, lawCertificates to Purchase hostess to^the children during ania's Jews have fitted into a normal life and are intensely pa- picking barley out of t h e dung of Italy Abolishes abiding citizens. The Bishops of as the social hour.' a a' Arabian's cattle. When she Christmas Gifts* the Catholic church owe it to the triotic. observed h i m , she covered herself American Jews and to the AmeriFamed Rag Market with h e r hair, stood u p and said: Last Friday in the absence of With Wilno's incorporation into Lithuania, a new era can people to take drastic action Rabbi Rackovsky, who attended a "Oh, Rabbi, assist m e . " "Whose against Coughlin and his "Cathofaces the city, one which has an estreraely large percentage of daughter a r t t h o u ? " h e asked. She Rome (JfTA) .The interna- lic" Front, if they are in earnest Mizrachi conference in Chicago, answered: " I a m the-daughter of tionally famous Wednesday "rag the services were conducted by Jewish inhabitants. Even under Polish rule, Wilno Jewry deNaMiaicn bea Guryon." The R a b - market" in Rome's Carapo di about crushing racism, as their Judah Wolfson. ' Mr. I. Morgenresolutions profess. veloped a cultural tradition. A n n e x a t i o n to L i t h u a n i a bi then asked her what h a d be- Fiori ha3 been suppressed as bestern spoke on a modern interprecome of h e r father's money. She ing "too typically Jewish." For means a new life for the Jewish inhabitants of the city. In the matter of battling Cough- tation of the portion of the week. "13 there not a sayin in- many decades, pushcarts aad stalls lin, a new. type, of warfare, more The Baltic nations are facing estremely dificult months.. replied: Jerusalem ,"The salt (means of laden with junk, or antiques con- bold and aggressive, is necessary. REFUGEE-CORPS SHOP ON A'TRANSFER Their geographical position places them between twin evils. For- preservation) of wealth is through gregated every Wednesday in When he screams about the inbeasvolence?', and my father was about a dozen alleys in the Cam-ternational Jew, we should .forciLondon (JTA) — Special refutuaataly they are not subjected to internal dissension. Those not charitable enough." H s .then po di Fiori*district. bly proclaim that he together with gee companies of the new Army Few Contract Lines Exeepted " T e been a tourist land- all Catholics and -priests, - belong Pioneer Corps are being formed who may be called upon to defend them can do so with convic- asked. what became of her father- • They ha% 1 in-law's money. " A h , " she replied, mark ia Rome. 'Actually about to the most poi? ertal inter national in one of the refugee internment tion. "ana desiroj'ed t h e other." " R a b - 50 per ceat of, the 500 stalls were organisation iiv ths -world, with a camps of the great numbi," she continued, "-dost thou n o t operated by Jews. It is believed ruler'at'Rome, who has represent- ber ofbecause refugees asking to join. The soldiers right; the kings are heroes. remember signing ray marriage that the market will be reopened atives in every country • of ths Every effort is made to" conceal contract?'! After a "slight purge." •vrorld, asd. who insists upoa. su- the identity of refugee volunteers Turning" to his ' disciples, h s Jews in Italian universities preme allegiance. :and absolute to prevent Nazi reprisals against CORRi-CT APPAREX FOE. KEN AND WOMEN Lift is lent, death is the creditor. said:. "When I signed her mar- have been segregated for esaral- B i b E i s s i o n . A Roman priest their relatives living in Germany. riaga contract her father save her j nations, taking them after the should "be .the very last to menSilence is good for wise men; how much, more for fools. a dowry of one. million golden | "Aryans" have completed theirs. tion internationalism. And 'when Patronize Our Advertisers ~JL ^, ,.*
What It Means to Get The Nebraska's,
It's mighty important.to you... all over our store'we:are giving valu. able-53rd: Anniversary..Apprecia* tion'Certificates'with purchases.
Page 3
Thanksgiving and Prayer" the first of its kind to be published in New York. President •Washington's choice of the last Thursday of November was erratically followed until 1853,' -vrtiea President Lincoln's proclamatioa of a n a t i o n a - l
Thanksgiving day w a s .issued. From that time on, the holiday, a Puritan celebration founded upon Hebraie tradition, became an integral part of ourmatioaal culture. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
«!.j-Li^i*A. .X,JL^OhV^ IF^LJIL, jr''jLJLJL
By ISIDORE S. MEYER EDITOR'S XOTE: Whether you are celebrating Nov. 23 or ,. Xov. SO—or both—as Thanksgiving Day, the following article on the Hebraic influence iii the origin of this great Americas holiday will prove of interest. It is a condensation from an article in the Xov.-Dec. issue of the Contemporary Jewish Kecordt organ of the American Jewish Committee, and is published here by special arrangement with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
ple niay say (among the thousness in a desert way; ands of Israll) When the Lord They found no city of habiJ. T. A. WASHINGTON NEWS BUREAU brought agauie the captivitle of tation. 2ion, we were like them that 5. Hungry and thirsty, dreame Psa: 123.1 (sic). The Their souls fainted in them. about reached the end ot his rope, Washington. Lord Hath done greate things 6. Then they cried onto the but hanged if X know on which XOXES OS A WAR for us, whereof we rejoyce, v. Lord in their trouble. The Array has been speculating scaffold he'll finally hang him3. They that sow La teares, And he answered them out as to what Hitler's secret weapon self." shall reap in joye. They wente of their distresses. may be, and they have about weeping, and carried precioos 7. And He led them by n. reached the conclusion that it's a Now that Secretary Hull has seetie, bat they shall retarne straight way, flying bomb, radio-controlled. :one hunting down in Georgia, it with joye, and bring their That they might go to a city They got the first hint of it isn't likely that the United States sheaves, v. 5, 8. Doe do yon not of habitation. when American businessmen vis- will ever send a cable to Hitler now see the fruit of your la8. Let them give *ft»wV« onto ited an exhibition of plastics, In congratulating him on escaping bours, O all yee servants of the the Lord for His mercy. Berlin, and saw there what ap- the Munich bomb - - as most of lord? that have saffered for And for His wonderfal works peared to be a tiny, stream-lined the other neutral ptowers nave The Hebraic influence is dis- his truth, aistj have been faithto the children of men: airplane, constructed entirely of done. While Hull is away, Sumner cernible in tile original of Thanks- ful witnesses of the same, and 9. For He bath satisfied the plastics. "Without a crew, and Welles is in charge down at the giving, which was first observed ye little handfull amongst the longing soul. loaded with explosives, this fly- State Department, and the tall Mr. in the New English Canaan by t i e rest, the least amongst the And the hungry soul He hath ing bomb, with some hundreds of Welles heartily despises the dictaPilgrim Fathers in the autumn of thousands of Israll? You have filled \rtth. good. its destructive brothers, could be tors. 1621 as a harvest festival. not only had a seede time, but from the very beginning directed against an enemy city This harvest festival may have many of yon have seene the of Thus, the Plymouth Plantation's his- from a regulation size bombing Nothing much, has been said had some kinship with the Har- joyefall Harvest; should yon ory the Hebraic concept of plane flying high beyond the reach about it in the general press, but . vest Home, the holiday celebrated not then rejoyse . . . *» Thanksgiving took deep root. The of anti-aircraft fire. A better name the Red Cross and the Quaker rein England, but the religious sigThe Pilgrims, did, indeed, have Pilgrims, appreciating the close than a flying bomb might be a lief organizations have run into nificance and subsequent continu- much be thankful for after all parallel between their experiences flying torpedo. no end ol trouble trying to save ance of the Puritan Thanksgiving their to and hardships. and those of the Hebrews, gave That these explosive - loaded, the lives of Polish children, and waB undoubtedly based on the his- These wanderings refugees from religious in- thanks to God in the same spirit radio-controlled torpedoes could the sick, homeless, or wounded torical experiences of the Hebrews. tolerance had been, as Bradford and practically in the same words. cause tremendous damage — the adults in that part of Poland domThe Pilgrims1 familiarity with wrote, They, too, were the redeemed, first time they were used — Isn't inated by the NaziB. the Old Testament, the frequent hunted and persecuted on every The organizations quickly disparallels they drew between them- side, so as their farmer afflic- and when after a year of straggle doubted. But an elderly officer, selves and the Children of Israel, tions were but as fJea-bitings in and hardship in their new land, familiar with the experiments, covered that they could distribute they were granted a bounteous said that the radio wave lengths relief only through German hands, and their frequent quotation of comparison with these which harvest, it was but natural that on which the directional beams and in that case all Jews would Eibical passages referring direct- now came upon them. For some their thoughts Bhould turn to the operate could be discovered—and be excluded—even tiny children in ly to a harvest festival of thanis- were taken and clapt up in g render him then jammed. As a matter of fact want of milk. giging are evidences too signifi- prison, others had their houses Lord that they might Both organizations promptly recant to be ignored. Thus, the be- besett and watcht night and <Jay thanks with the first fruits of they might even be turned back on Berlin. A brainless bomb can't fused to send provisions into Poginnings of Thanksgiving after the and hardly escaped their hands; their new land. tell a German radio beam from a land on such a basis, and negotiaHistory of Holiday harvest, as described by Governor and the most were faine to flie Founded upon this sound his- British one. tions are now going on In Berlin, "William Bradford in hiH historic and leave their houses and habwhereby the Red Cross and the account of the Plymouth Planta- itations and the means of their torical and spiritual tradition, the "It is not probable," my Army Quakers hope to aid humanity tion, go back to festivals still cel- livelihood. Yet these and many custom of an autumnal Thanksgivebrated by Jews according to the other sharper things which af- ing continued throughout the co- friend said, "that the Germans without Nazi-imposed discriminalonial period of American history. have anything that the Allies tion. The Germans will agree, "in Hebrew Scriptures. terward- befell them, were no 1630 to 1680 a day of ap- haven't got. If the Germans have principle," to allowing American The Pilgrims were completely other than they looked for, and From was frequently ob- a plastic flying bomb, you can bet medical and food supplies to go to familiar with the. ancient Hebrew therefore were the better pre- preciation After 16S0, Massachu- that the British either have one— all. Bnt they won't agree to allow harvest festival, Sukitoth, the pared to bear them by the as- served. setts made it an annual event, or don't want one." Americans to oversee the distribuFeast of Tabernacles or the Feast sistajace of Gods grace and while sister colonies followed the tion, to make sure that the Nazis of Ingathering. John Robinson, spirite. Yet seeing themselves custom at intervals. Hitler's experimental and re- go through with it. their pastor.made extended refer- thus molested, and that there During the Revolutionary per- search laboratories have been If the deadlock isn't broken, the ences to this Jewish holiday as it was no hope of their continu- iod, the Continental Congress also playing with tremendously high- Red Cross and. the Quakers may •was observed in Ezra's times and ance titer, by a joynte censente set days of Thanksgiving. It pitched sound waves, too, the have to withhold all relief from found In it a deeply religious sig- they resolved to goe into the wasaside not until October 3, 1789, Army has learned. From a great nificance. Low Countries wher they heard however, 168 years after the orig- machine, the size of a hydroelec- Poland. They've encountered no was freedome of Heligion for inal Pilgrim festival, that the first tric dynamo, they have sent out such trouble in distribution to Biblical Basis The festival 01 Sukkoth is based all men . . . national Thanksgiving Day, to be sound waves higher than the huon Deuteronomy 16:13-15, and is If further evidence were needed held on the last Thursday in No- man ear can perceive, and have \ FOR YOUR described in Leviticus 23:39-43 in to show how the impetus for the vember, was proclaimed by Pres- splintered quarter inch wood with the following manner: Puritan Thanksgiving was derived ident George Washington at the the machine at twenty-five feet. Howbeit on the fifteenth day directly from, the tralitional He- request of Congress from the cap- But on the face of it, it isn't a STARTING TUESDAY, of the seventh month, when ye braic observance, verses men- ital in New York. He summoned practical "death ray" for wartime NOVEMBER 2 8 t have gathered in the fruits of tioned by Bradford in a prayer the American people to reader use. The British and French armthe land, ye shall keep the feast meeting voicing thanks for the the Almighty ies aren't going to place themof the Ix>rd seven days; on the safe arrival of the Pilgrims in our sincere and Inmiii* rtnM>Tr«selves, one company at a time and first day shall be a solemn rest, 1620 provide it. - for His Sand care and protec- twenty-five feet from the ponderand on the eighth day shall he The first eleven verses of Deu- tion of the people of tibia coun- ous piece of equipment, and it's His Orchestra » solemn rest. And ye ahaU take teronomy 25 describe how the try previous to their becotmisg too unwieldy to move around. Featuring yon on the first day the fruit first fruits of the land are to be a nation; ior the sigs»l and The Army's esperts on grand of goodly trees, branches of the brdught to the temple as manifold mercies and the favor- strategy are frankly surprised at palm-trees, and boughs of thick Thanksgiving at the Feast of aisle interposition of His proviVOCALIST trees, and willows of the brook, Shabuoth (Pentecost) or First dence in the coarse »y»i coacln- - Hitler's failure to strike a real Music Dally at and ye shall rejoice before the " Fruit3. They also contain one ol sioa cf the lafis war; for ths blow, up until now. Such- is the 1 peculiar Nazi setup that each" day Luncheon Dinner and.Supper Xiord your God seven days . . . the earliest formal prayers in the great degree of tranquillity, Te shall dwell in booths seven Jewish ritual and are recited an- onion and plenty which, we have that goes by without a decisive days; all that are homeborn in nually in the Haggadah on the since enjoyed; for the peacable Nazi victory brings a bit more to ternal dissension within Germany. Israel shall dwell in booths; eve of Passover and 'rational manner in which "Hitler can have but one more that your generations may Jtaow Furthermore, the oldest Mid- we have been enabled to estab- easy victory," but said, "and that that I made the children of Is- r a s h, containing pre-rabbinic lish constitutions of governrael to dwell in booths, when I ideal3 and which is still to be ment for our safety and happi- over Holland. But such a victory would completely lose for him brought them out ol the land found in the Passover Haggadah, ness and particularly the na- whatever friends he has In the . $1.25 and up of Egypt. is the commentary to verses 5-S tional one now lately instituted; other neutral nations. He's just According to for the civil and. religions libUndoubtedly Governor Bradford of this chapter. was thoroughly familiar with thi3 Professor Louis Finkelstein of the erty with which we are blessed, Biblical injunction. His preface to Jewish Theological Seminary o and the means we nave of achi3 History of the Plymouth Plan- America, "the passage was ob- quiring and diffusing usefu tation, usually omitted from pub- viously selected as basis for the knowledge; and in general for lished versions of the book, re- Midrash because it was part of the all the great and various favors ,^t»4 veals the extent of his knowledge confession recited each year by the which he has pleased to confer of the Hebrew language and cus- piigrini3, and was, therefore, well upon us. "V toms, and forms the Biblical text known by the people. In view of tae Jewish, tradition upon which that work is based. Even people who could not of Thanksgiving, it is not surprisGovernor Bradford's preface is In- read every part of Scripture with ing- that this proclamatioa was enea3e could recall this passage; thusiastically received by the Revtroduced with the words: Though I am grown aged, yet and those who had no books could erend Gershein Hend.es Seiias, a I have liad a longing desire, to recite it by heart." V* trustee of Columbia College, and Classic Song see with my owae eyes somethe minister of the Spaaish-Por7 also l noted by Brad- tuguese Jewish community in New Psalm 10 7, thing of that most ancient language and holy tongue, in which. ford in his prayer, is the classic York. On.November 26, 1789, he Jl. the Law and the oracles of God song of Thanksgiving, like the delivered "A Religious Discourse were write; and in which Cod, Jews, the Pilgrims saw in this agreeable to the Proclamation ot and angels, spake to the holy psalm on account of their own the President of the United States wanderings and of their deliver- to be observed as a Day of Public patriarchs of old time; and what names were given to things ance from bondage. The follow#v from the creation. Aad though ing first nine verses of the psalm, I cannot attaine to much here- of which Bradford paraphrased Refined Jewish lady wishes in, yet I am refreshed to have the first, second, fourth, fifth, to help -with hoEiowork in I*"; seen some glimpse hereof; (as and eighth, show why the Pilgrims exchange for room—-in [im< Moyses saw the land of Can- felt such close kinshia with the ily of adults — ref ereneea nan afarr of) my aime and de- ancient Hebrews; exciias.jed. Bex 15. Jewish 1. *O give thanks nnto the Lord, sire is, to see how the wordes t K Press. for He is good. and phrases lye in the holy For Hia mercy ertdareth for te.vte; and to discerne someever.' what ot the same for my owne contente. 3. So let the redeemed of the Trada Isadsn skies for mellow Lord say. Bradford includes twenty-five '."""i. 1512 Howard—JA S343 ' Whom He hath redeemed biblical passages in the Hebrew " t - J "• from the hand of the adveroriginal together with an English J A & 3 IBISlIWiEU sary; OMAHA'S OWN I translation as well as a HebrewWELCOMES ALL HER FRIENDS Engish vocabulary of several hun- 3. And gathered them ont of Featuring Entertainment by the lands, dred words. The entire history itTO333IY LEYDO31 TK5O snow ciovels forfepwftTipar&sols • From the east and from the self, it must be remembered, is west, Nightly Except Sunday replete with references to, and ; i , your sieaia-lieated abode for From the north and from the verses from, the Old Testament. G:33 till 3:00,20 till £2:30 sea. Understood Hebraic Spirit the sus-dreselied out-of-doors. SAME GOOD FOOD Although Governor Bradford's 4. They wandered la the wilderALWAYS THE SAME knowledge of Hebrew was so limFast, luxurious, air-condiiiOnsd ited that he felt compelled to apol\ ogize for it, the Bibical passages trains via t i e Burlington and con11 fa 1 and the words he chose for his J necting lines wHsk you away from preface and vocabulary as well as I FOH ALL TYPES OF OIL the thoughts and hopes they esice and snow in no time at alL • pressed, are remarkable as esaini ples of his understanding ot the I Winter tourist fares (sea adjoining Hebraic spirit. i column) are temptingly low, qM Many of the quoted passages j are to be found in the Siddur, the safe, dependable travel By rail traditional Hebrew daily prayerbook. Far instance, the prayer allows you precious ©rfra days ia Saturn Limit Satu made upon entering- the syna- , 3DDa7» D 6 Mft Yon can always get clean, suitable fael oil fie* gogue begins, "But I in the mul- j tL.2 glorious SsutMasd. M.83 s5415 Sivered to yoar home instantly. There's s o sach thiag 6130 titude of Thy mercies will come | 70'.20 77.10 7 8 0 as a long wait for delivery we Isaadla yotar ersier into Thy house." Bradford used 87.80 «4S.15 SS.1S Q immediately! Ha«ma . . . 103.40 this and also such passages as, 117.E3 St. i>«S£isbsr*r A large fleet of trucks is always re«3y to repJea6S.E3 33 30 "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of W ? k 3 & 74 10 B4.43 ish your supply ol fuel oil. Ton need constant Jseat hosts"; "Innocent in hands and limit 25 iSkyj; 60 day 1<»Jt J«i» in roar home to protect the healths ©1 your family. B8Q pure in hearts"; and "It is better You can depend on us for yoxjr fael oil saspply. Farnasa at 19th Street to trust iu the Lord thaa to trust fesr to in princes," ail of which are faoSSier systems J. W. SHAK?E, Gea'i Agent
Polish refugees in Rumania and Hungary, where the authorities have cooperated in every way possible. • •
Link Growth of Anti-Catholicism to Anti-Semites
New York Federation of Churches is understood to; be considering tailing a similar stand. ,
Levy Solomons, a Montreal Jew,: was expelled by the British for. Coughlin apparently is making New Yorfe OJTA) — An article aiding the American, cause during a tjid for the membership of the Christian MobUizers, the anti- describing the growth of anti- the Revolution. Semitic organization headed by Catholic propaganda as part of JoGeph McWilliams. He turned the anti-Semitic drive in the Unitdown a Coughlin benefit check ed 'States is featured in the NoHulse & Riepen handed him by the" Mobilizers, and vember issue of the Voice, organ then' in a long letter said that of the Committee of Catholics for Home for Funerals ninety percent of that organiza- Human Rights. tion consisted of "fine people." He The-16-page tabloid also, con.Established 1906 doesn't like the leadership because tains articles entitled "Catholics of its Bundit affiliations. Down Defend Bill of Rights" and "Latowards the end of the letter he bor Fights Anti-Semitism." ' COMPLETE SERVICE says: The Christian Front was de- AT NOMINAL COST "Now I do not want you to lose nounced for its "destructive influences" in spreading "racial and faith in our cause . . . " religious hatreds" in a statement A mutual cause, Coughlin? JFARNAM a t 33RD (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- issued by the Brooklyn Church and. Mission Federation, repregraphic Agency, Inc.) HA 1226 senting most Protestant congregations in Brooklyn. The Greater Patronize Our Advertisers
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miliar- and eiose to the ieart at traditional Judaism. When he refsrs to Thanksgiving, he quotes, significantly,, from I Psalm 125. which Jews have used j since time immemorial to iatro- I duce grace after meals on festival j days and on the Sabbath. The following is an excerpt, in which the I Biblical quotations are under- f scored: j la this case, these poore peo-
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Pa»a 2
Women Bach Drive , Against Intolerance
'winking wonder." The eternal lem. Jewish scene thus constantly shifts Special emphasis has been and and changes like the colors in a 3 being placed on the necessity kaladelscope. for making technical surveys cf all possible haven3. Palestine, (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts •New York (JTA)—-The Counhowever, continues to be omitted cil Against Intolerance in AmerFeature Syndicate.) from the discussions. Nevertaeica has held a nation-wide NaBy The Editors Of ess, a most interesting developtional Seal Week, aided by more ARY JEWISH Rl ment ^-as the formal offer by tfee than 200 women's organizations, Doslaican GoYerssteat, conniaaimed at raising funds to carry 'f lie past few months liavo in the Belgrade newspaper *Vrera8' 133,030 Jaws, eighty-five per cent nicated to James N. Kosenoerg, on an educational c a m p a i g n been a period of constant oa September 19. of the adult male population; and president of the Agro-Joint, to against intolerance. change, recording even greats? The official seal in the camIt gained iyide currency a2tar unity with the Revisionists has permit immediate trial settlements of 500 refugees in that Republic misfortune in the hlstary til Hitler's Reichstag address ef Oc- finally been achieved. paign is & painting of "The Spirit without the usual head tax 'Of maukiutl — and fuu'tlcuLu'ly ill tober S, ia which he called far The Vaad Lena! has also proAnnapolis, Md. — Jewish relig- of Tolerance" by McClelland Barthat of tlie Jew. In tMs charged. the "regulation ot 'the Jewish, claimed a universal graduated in- $500, an-d other concessions. ious services for the Jewisli mid- clay, for which Katharine Hepataiosphere, however,, it ia nec- problem" as a part o£ general re- come tax for the Yisauv. With Similar projects in tne Philipshipmen at the United States Na- burn posed. The primary objecessary now ami then to sum- 3hu*f!l3g of Europe's minorities. the entire country on a war foot- pine Islands and perhap3 elseval Academy are being held for tive ot the drive is increased dismarize what actually 'has taken Tha special region for Jews now ing, resulting in the disruption of where are envisaged, although the first time in the 91-year his- tribution of the 'teachers' manplace during a given perio*j. Ey seems to be the area around Lub- normal export and import trade, British Guiana has for tba tiins tory of the famous naval training ual, "An American Answer to In&t>i?clal iii'rsiasenieuta with tlie lin ia tha Southeastern part of Palestine's ecosomy will be faced being been ruled out. school through a project launched tolerance." editors of the Coatemporary PoSaad. Belief Work with serious difficulties, the soluby the Annapolis Lodge of B'nai Jewish ftecoitJ, Sevea Arts ami Thousands of Jews, most of tion of which will require the co- American relief organizations, B'rith. accrdlng to an announceKing Joao I of Portugal in a deJewish l*ress bring you iiua them from Vienna and some from operation of Jews, Arabs and Brit- especially J. D. C. and HIAS, are ment by S. Milton Kotzth, presi- cree of 1392 forbade forcible contimely resume ol Jewish world the Bohemia-Moravia Protector- ish on an unprecedented scale. responding admirably to the emerdent. versions. events. Ref agee Situation gency demands overseas but are ate, ara already reported to have All midshipmen being permitted The war has naturally seriously faced with *he necessity for in• been shipped there, with additionto attend any house of worship Despite"*tlje paucity of reliable al traialoads to follow. affected the refuses situation. creased support by American Jews they choose on Sunday mornings, their facilities are to Seep pace iiewa from ths invaded Polish Humors were also current that France and England have inevit- if their only free time, the Annapoareas, it is now possible to obtain tha German-Soviet pact aad the ably had to relinquish the larger with tha dire needs abroad "Zionlis Lodge has arranged with Rabbi ii fairly accurate but general pic- Nazi need of man-power have re- part of the burden which they ist organizations are also keeping Eliezer Cohen, spiritual leader of ture ot the fata suffered, by Polish sulted in a lessening of anti-Semi- had hitherto assumed, passing up a high level of activity in their the Congregation Kneseth Israel, Jewry during tlie first two rnontlis tism in Germany and Czeeho-Slo- much of the responsibility on to efforts for Palestine upbulidlng. "Nothing jnakes me more proud life membership card in Aleph to hold a special Sunday morning OE the war. The outstaadiag event, vakia. The opposite.however, is those neutral countries willing to The protective organizations to be a Ben B'rlth than the fact Zadlk Aleph. B'nai B'rlth Youth service in the. synagogue every of course, has been tha partition true. Jews o£ Greater Germany help. constituting the General Jewish that I belong to an organization organization, from Sidney Kus- week for the Jewish middies, unof Poland aad, with it, the dia- between the ages of la and 55 sas so. asua s i . They have stopped all re-emi- Council have held several import- of American citizens that stands wona of Dayton, Ohio, treasurer der the sponsorship of the Lodge* meinberuieut and dissolution of have been drafted for forced labor, gration of refugees now within ant meetings in order to consider for Aiaerlcanisin, that preaches of B'nai B'rlth, chairman of its Previously, there was no Jewish the aeeond largest Jewish conimu- and aiany of them shissed to Po- their borders, as wall as farther plans for sreatei coordination of and practices Americanism and national Americanism committee service .in Annapolis on Sunday, WHOLESALE uity in the world, which, for cen- land. immigration from Germany. They effort. An. unusually significant whose whole program of activity and member of the Supreme Ad- since the synagogue. Is an OthoO Candies . O Cigare turies has been the fountain-head O Tobacco O Pipes Jewish communal activities have have thus far been unable to avail development in ths .life of the is permeated by love of country," visory Council of Aleph Zadik dox congregation. of Jewish learning aad tradition. themselves of the willingness of Jewish community was tha ona said Eddie Cantor as he received a Aleph. O Fountain Supplies Tha 40 Jewish midshipmen atDuring the all-too-brief life of been further curtailed, aad finan- the refugees to serve in the allied million dollar grant made by the O Bevoragep tend the special Sunday service tho Polish Republic, 'despite the cial and economic restrictions armies. Friedsaaj Foundation .for an exin a body, marching from the Navpy Innovation for the younger xapple with the lethargy and Jnij-uarautecs ot tlie Minorities tightened. For instance, the last of religious educatloa for In France, aliens, refugees and tension ertia of the people, but their ef- al Academy to the synagogue In Treaty, the League of Nations a:i<i installment at 20% of the vosi the Jewish youth of New Yorj£ generation. Democracy in the communal life orts are fust "bright intervals In dress uniform and in naval forma* tlm Polish Constitution, the Jew- Rath "atonement fine" was in- others, are interned in special City. exists in the shape of elections to a cloudy weather" — as English tlon. To the participants, the servish population were denied lull reased ia 25% ia a vaia attempt casips, although many are serving As regards anti-Semitism, there the board of trustees of the syna- weather experts would say—and ice is known as a "synagogue parthe Foreign Legion. England has been a sharp decline in the i3 attempting to separate refugees gogues. Though microscopic in result in the slough and,stalemate ty" since "church party" is the s from enemy aliens and utilize street meetings a New York City. number, the Jews have made their' of all communal enterprises and traditional name for all midshipFurthermore, anti-Semitic groups their services in some way. impress and have profoundly in- projects. Such Is the anomalous men's religious services. eel all the obligations of citisen Progress ha3 nevertheless been such as the Bund, the Silver Shirts fluenced the progress ol the cos- state of affairs, and improvement The "synagogue party" launcht)UH> with the utmost patriotic fer- I the present war-tiaxe rationing of and the Christian Mobilizers have s necessarily tardy among east- ed by B'nai B'rith is the tirst exvor, and in the brief struggle food, aad tha Nazi authorities ars made. Germany continues to per- been under the severe scrutiny of mopolitan city. pression of Jewish interest by Rangoon has been presented ern people. against th'e German invasion, their I mailing it difficult for Jaws to re- mit Jews to emigrate; Palestine government authorities such as : continues to receive them; and with beautiful parks by Jewish Jewish midshipmen since the The Jews in Burma live on corsufferings equalled and evea sur- j oeiva their 3hare of provisions. la Vienna, for instance, certaia transit facilities in the European tha Dies Committee, the Depart- "merchant princes," who are gen- dial terms with the gay and care- Naval Academy was opened in passed those of their Christian hours of tha day have been al- countries have been relaxed some- ment of Justice, and the New York erous contributors to public funds, free Burmese people, and have es- 1S48. Jewish students at St. compatriots. District Attorney's office. and have granted liberal endow- tablished pood relationship with John's College, also located in An'residing iu the_ thickly popu- lotted to them for the purchase what. However, the most hopeful At the present time, Fritz Kuhn ments to the new and imposing he new British-protected Burmese napolis, attend the services too. of tha period ha3 been the lated eeutei'3 ot Warsaw, Lodz, i of food supplies. From the Pro- event in "Washington in October and "William Dudley Pelley are University of Rangoon. The great government. Owing to their sparse Institution of this services comes Lwow, iraliow~ Lublin and other j tectorate have come _ reports of meeting under tha scrutiny of the law. artery road which bisects the city numbers, the Jews are unable to four years after the appointment cities, a disproportionately large anti-Jewish riots, which are re- of the officers of the Intergovern- The radio activities of Father from north to south" is named elect a representative either to of the first official Jewish chapnumber of Jews were among the vealed a3 the attempts of Nazi ele- mental Refu-g.ee Committee, called Coughlin are expected to suffer "Judah Ezekiel Street" (a typical the legislative assembly or to the lain for the Jewish cadets attendfirst victims of the Naai bom- ments to malce Jews scapegoats by President Boosevelt. The President had suggested a severe curtailment as a result biblical name) in honor of an municipal corporation. The Brit- ing the United States Military bardment resulting in the eoni- for the recent Czech anti-Nasi outths recently adopted^code of early Jewish building pioneer. sh governor, however, is sympa- Academy at West Point, New yleta destruction of large purts of breaks. Nazi propaganda contin- that the refugee situation be con- of National Association orSroad-J tbests citit Until two decades ago, the Jews thetic to Jewish needs, and usu- York. Also, according to ues ta label Jews as the provclsers sidered from two angles—th< tha casters. In his periodical, "Social . . 3-wltness accounts, Jewish quar- of the war, with "Jewish democ- short-range problem involving the were pre-eminent in economic life, ally nominates a Jewish merchant tiii'3- were singled out for special racy" instead of "Jewish Commu- several hundreds of thousands of Justice," however, Father Cough- but their antiquated methods of to serve Jewish interests in the lin has given no indications of attention by German planes and nism" as their instrument. The refugees now in Europe and the transacting business fell into des- citv council. artillery. Including eiviiiaas, the mysterious attempt to assasinate far-reaching one involving inil- letting up in his anti-Jewish prop- uetude, a n d consequently they Though the communal record is Jewish war dead has been esti- Hitler has aroused the fear of a iona of the prospective war refu- aganda and has even continued to have receded from their heights in unstimui&ting, individual J e w s New York (JTA) — Rabbi mated as over 300,000, or about repetition of the November, 1933, gees. But actual discussion was repeat tha lie of Jews and commu- the commercial sphere, due to iave had Inspiring public careers. linally narrowed down to a con- nism, more ridiculous than ever their inability to adjust themselves Several Jews have been the recip- David de Sola Pool, president ot one - tenth of Poland's pre-war massacres. Synagogue Council ot Amersideration of the immediate prob- in tha light of recent event3. Jewish population. to modern methods. The large ients of signal honors for their the Hungarian l a w has asserted that "if the segment of the people, being un- services to the country and its ica, No doubt responding to a eoaJt'opulatUm Division churches allow themselves to join skilled In any trade or craftsman- people. Uased on the pre-war Jewish tiuued Nazi pressure, tha Hungar•,•'•-" a clamorous propaganda for war, ship still live under grinding povpopulation of 3,200,000, the par- ian Government has recently beThree Jews are the proud posunder a fine statement of erty and eke out a pitiable ex- sessors of the Kaisar I-Hihd silver even tition of Poland by Germany and gun to enforce its second, aatiidealism, the spiritual life of istence. Soviet RiiHSia gave to the former Jewiah law with, such severity as medals, and the city of Bassein America will have to develop deabout 2,000,000 and to the latter to deprive tens of thousands of Secular education is on the as- has had the unusual experience of spite the clergy and churches." about 1,200,000 Jews. Several Jewa of all means of livelihood cendent and with characteristic having a progressive Jewish mayor Dr. Pool, speaking in a ipanel hd e hundred thousand were subse-I and to force them to seek relief avidity "for knowledge, scores of in the person of Mr. R. A. Raphael discussion before the- women's tiu«iitly re»orted to have fled into at the hand3 of a steadily "weaieiiyoung men and women graduate for three successive terms of of- seminar group of the Jewish ThoSee it today...at tUd Soviet" areas to escape Naai j ins Jewish community. annually from high schools, and fice. elogical Seminary, said, that "the In Italy there seems to be an colleges, and become clerks, salesThe majority of Jews, being terrorism. menace to spiritual life in Amermea and stenographers. A Jewfeh economically unstable, have been ica is.not from Hitler.and Stalin In addition, about 50,300 are attenuation ia the d-scrisiisiation school, which ia subsidized by the unable to contribute materially to but from tendencies making for residents of the city o£ Wilao against the Jewish population. Aagovernment,-caters to the needs ot the succor of the hounded Jewish secular materialism and the worwhich was ceded to Lithuania by aouacecaeat has been made that AT the poor elements. Most ot the refugees -from the reich. They ship of force." the Soviets; included iu the city 2,3-00 Jewa have been ese EVENINGS people are proficient in the use have, however, evinced keen symwere also about 25,000 Jewish from the provision.3 of t i e raci3t Kabfoi Xicvi, stow visiting this \ land of smiling people, fond el of the English language, which pathy and understanding for the 'war refugees. Current estimates, laws because of exceptional ser- country, tMa brief, inand bright colors, feasts together with Burmese, constitutes score ofrefugees who have settled therefore, would place tha Jewish vice to the couatry and the Fas- teresting jsregeat3 sketch of Ms pecpla flowers the two official languages of the in Rangoon on their own.initiaand festivals." population of the German and cist caase. ia India. Bora ia Hin&sstaa, tive. This step is looked upon as an lUissian zones of occupation at Some copper-colored Jews Jrom couatry. ha graduated witi Mgli honors Recently. Mr. Edmund de RothsIndividualists about 1,700,000 and 1,400,000 re- indication of the desire of the gov- tram YesMva college to New Cochin, and Bene-Israel Iron the child of London, toured Burma on Jews in Burma are ardent spectively. Thus about 2,300,000 ernment to be lenient ia the en- York and reterced t a India to Bombay coast comprise the reforcement of the decrees, espethough constructive activities behalf of relief organizations in J3W8 are now under Nasi rule. Chief Rabbi «iesignea ot mainder of the Jewish population. iata, a r e Intermittent. ; A quarterly England, and made tentative plans 'Dramatic descriptions h a v e cially -ia view of tha unpopularity become Jttithvi* Jewry — fee firet or» Ksligioa Persisted called "The Jewish Review" made for establishing a few hundred refreached this country of the inde- of anti-Semitism with the Italian. daiaed rabbi cf India ia taa last scribable sufferings of Jews in the people. The likelihood is that ad- 3,0C0 years.—-Taa Sditor. In spite ot rampant ignorance its appearance In 1935 but be- ugees in that distant land of Nazi occupied area. According, to •dtional thousands will be further of Jewish, values, the mystic re- came defunct after its fourth iseye-witness reports from Warsaw exempted. Another event which, ligious mood esMbits itself per- sue. After repeated attempts, efBurma—once termed' "Further sistently, and i3 inextricably in- forts to maintain a social club and other pari3 of Poland, virtu- has been interpreted as an addially the entire Jewish population tional indication of Italy's chang- India"—formerly tha largest prov- tertwined with every phase of hu- failed due to the fact that little ot this area Ss threatened with ex- ing attitude to Nazi Germany was ince of the Indian Empire, was man endaavor in the eas't. Many encouragement was given by the tinction through starvation, ex- the recent shakeup of the Italian separated from India and consti- superstitions are deep-rooted ia elders. posure, and oppression. Hundreds cabinet and of high party offi- tuted a separata territory in 1937. the Oriental interpretation b ! JuIt is a sad commentary that the Among the varied types of peoples daism. o£ thousands are homelesa and cials. young people whq attend the fawandering. Such prominent pro-Nazi3 a3 who dwell in Burma, 1,500 Jews vorite horse racea on the Sabbath Communal life revolves.around afternoon, assemble in the synaThe present Jewish population Aehille Scaracci, Secretary Gener- have settled mostly in Rangoon, the two synagogues, "Tha Masof Warsaw has increased to 50 0,- al -of the Fascist Party, and Dino the capital a n d chief seaport. gogues for the purpose "of compart>00 as compared to 300,000 before Alfieri, Minister for Popular Cul- (Rangoon-Yangon in B u r m e s e meah Yeshua" (Sprouting of Sal- ing notes on the results ol betvation) whica toasts of a charter l?ie war, with approximately 30% ture, have been removed from means tha "end of war.") Stray tins in those games. All efforts to of them in urgent need of help. To their present positions and have "minyanim" are also found in granted in IS57 by the East India organize these 1,500 Jews have Company a n d the "Beth El" tile desperate lack of food and been replaced by more moderate Mandalay, Moulmein, and Bassein. ea<ied in the sands of sterility, for shelter were added massacres, Italians. From historical documents we founded 33 recently as li)32. The the rugged individualism of the mass arrests, destruction and eonPalestine 2324 Ed Crefetsten Ave. learn that the last Burmese King former is situated in the midst of oriental Jew dies hard. of Jewish-owned properWith the Mediterranean regioa Thebaw transacted business with a all the hub of an eastern bazaar. Young visionaries endeavor to These synagogues- possess valty, dissolution of Jewish institu- thus far untouched by tha direct few- Jewish diamond traders in his tions, imposition o£ lines and effact3 of the European conflict, splendid thousand-hailed butterfly uable, estates which, -when rented, forced labor, requisitioning of pri- and Great Britain immersed ia the palaca in ancient Mandaiay. The provide the main revenue required vate possessions, aad other re- Hitler war, thera has beea a dis- preponderant number of Jews in for their espensesi such a3 upstrictions and cruelties. tinct, if temporary, improvement Burma are tha descendants of keep, salaries, and" charity disJews have been barred from all in tha Palestine situation. those Jews who emigrated from tributions to the Indigent. possibilities of earning a Hving, Jiouist political oposition to the the Ottoman Smpire in 1S30. Seat rentals are unknown in and thoa« who still have some j Mandatory Power is for tha presSven today tha older genera- the east generally. There In EO p .sieaua are forbidden to possess ent submerged. bd Britain has per- tion tenaciously cling to their recognized spiritual leadership aad more than 2,000 zlotys (about mitted some regular immigration long-flowing, whita Arabic robes religious. activities are dominated 5400) In baini deposits or to malie to the Holy Land, as witnessed by and multi-huad jackets; tha rauc- by octogsnarian Chazanlia asd any purchases without official per- her recent granting of 2,930 viaaa ous and nasalised notea ot tha Schochetim. Sermon3 in English mission. Arabic language ars heard i to refugees. She has even made and their introduction no attempt to stop the "illegal1 many Jewish homas in this "happy would prove a profitable and 3iapHeroic and unparalleled relief immigration of refugees. There iiforts have aeeu extended by J. baa also been a marked decline ia L>. 0. officials in Warsaw aad .\rab terrorism and AraD-Jawi3h .! Tiber cities to provide food aad hostilities. Terrorism may dimin•••J i;ioihing to these victims. Tha J. ish still further in view of the I X). C. Warsaw bureau functioned French G-overnment'3 decision not laimeTruiHddly throughout the Co tolerate anti-Palestinian activterrible month-long siege oi that ity in Lebanon. tflty and is now furnishing the The Mufti has fled that countryvnly relief available to the suffer- aad ail Palestinians now residing; ing civilian Jewish population. | ia Syria aad Lebanon Save been Also, in :ooperatioa with the | ordered to return to Palestine. In Hod Cross and the American-or- ' fact, tho present time S3 U. S. T £ r ;.;ani-od .\on-Sectanau Con\mittae upon by many as especially ausior Polish Ueiief, the J. D. C. is picious for a renewal of genuine HOW furnishing assistance to the at Arab-Jewish, amity whsr® for s a f e uioutiauda ot refugees iu the court- I aad cooperation, ia view of tht xr!>is bordering on Poiaad. I frequently reiterated loyalty o: _ . YOWL A trip on tola Cno nev7 traia lamoro than w Litae ia Known about ths Jewa i the entire Palestinian population a Journey by rail, It's a thrilling experience. ia uiu Russian occupied area. The: 13" SCHEDULE .-eat Z3s.-it.jin. ThcSo teaturca assure every possible travclhave, however, escaped from Naiii Ina convenlenca: New exterior beauty . . . ywi-seeutioii, although, iu common concreteYLSVLUV has already taiaa £B2£3 tr.8;fl4£!3 New Interior luxury . . . Now oiippr••.•i::> aie rest oi tha population, j strength and resources ia oHns ' 1 1 6 2 5 8 3 powcred Dlccel motorn . . . Exquisitely ;.!<>< art stiffenafi from dii'e tacit of vaa. Britain. Tie joint appeal appointed bincr - Cocktail Loun go . . . <:1 luod. c-lothiny; aud shelter. The I by tha Jewisli ••tJSpalr CKSspc i'uiu in store for Jewish commu-! Vaad Leumi i 10:41pm Ar. Co. Bluffs Observation Car . . . Improved reclining war vai.misers scat Chair C a r s , . . Latest typo Pullmans isaJ and religious institutions, Lv. 12:£3 am ia tna regi3;riil 7:57 pm Ar. De3 Moines .Uioutsts, iiuadists, aad .others aaawith roomettes, doubla bedrooms, comLy, 3:13 asn !.Uema to Soviet ideology, can be partments and oect!ona\ ,.« StewardcsaiftKplr.'. Osaia U 12:1323 Nursa Servlco . . . No Estra Fare. i'nvseen judjjiiis from the past aetiouii oi the Soviet regime. U11:01p For. infozpistion, reservation! and tickets consult o Available reports iadicata .thai arrests of Polish Jewish leaders hiive beea uiadv:, religious instiE. H. WILLIAMS. Gsn'l. Agent Paas'r Uept. AU accoramedatitms, bosh suliaiiis cloaad, propaganda harPultniaa deeping car dad Rock Island Lines ci'sir car, arc r.tge:! against "traitors" aad "raLcfcsJoa fc'ac&cafs bring ouf white ac701: Woodmen of the World DldOd la aeuouanvia" &o;juu. cessaries. Wo intcrprcf tho ErifisJs Oinaha, Nebr. P-ione Jackson 6558 Jewish State tnssi h jrnsrf fc!acs crcps The varauittsni reyom that Gerwith dhhf v.H v.-Ht3 h hsz tr C many was yianala^ the establishsequin trim. ment oi a'.special Jowish region jvs I'oinvid have, according to tha latest despatches, passed beyond =:ii' s*ia:je of rumor. This plan, it wVn be "recalled, was first reported
.die'Cantor-Becomes Life Member of AZA
Rabbi Pool Warns on War Propaganda
are known
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