In the Interests of the Jewish People
Whits Paper From London Mr. Segal received a white paper t i e other day. He had been getting white patera ironi Germany right along. Klitereu MJ» bcwuuu «JUu»» Man Mattel uii January Si. 1331. at OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY; DECEMBER 8, 1939 Cms white paper attempted to foatotflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, trader the Act of March 3. 1S73 persuade him that Churchill sank t i e Atheuia. To Mr. Segal this seemed aa outgiving of the same Nazi mind that had thought up tha plan to burn the Reichstag in order to blame the fire on the Sunday tea dancing is the CenCommunists with whom Hitler ter's latest and newest activity for was to establish brotherly relahigh school boys and girls. Imtion? six years later. mediately following the basketball Another of the Nazi white pagame on Sunday, December 17,.at Speaking Tuesday evening at sh far • Tshilanthropic spirpers went to great length to dis3 p. m., the Center will stage the the Cenjer Forum en "The Psy- t, anr abuse American minds of t h e first tea dance of the year. chology of t h e Modern Jew," X • u s Mrs. Roosevelt S c o r es thought that Colonel General von Nazis Isolate GKetto With Rabbi Milton Steinberg of New Miss Kosalie Alberts, wellFritsch could have been murdered Wealthy Who Aid York, eloquently portrayed those explaine Qr~-^,. known and popular dancer, will Barbed-Wire by Nazis. It seems, according to forces that are components of the be on the floor to call dances and Prejudice Fence bi Jonah E. Wise, all ot New character the white paper, that the colonel Jewish personality, and he urged racial to mix the crowd. Delightful reews, like all western-v__^ *•' e York; Dr. Solomon Lowenstein of general was killed by enemy fire that Jews save those characteris- composite group, the freshments will be available withDENOUNCES FEARFUL New York, William Shroder of while doing patrol duty just as NO FOOD PERMITTED tics that are normally his. out charge during intermission. of many racial strains. Their Cincinnati, and Judge M. C. SIoss Private Schmidt or Private MetzAdmission to the tea dance will The speakerr divided the Jewish characteristics are partly the re- S a y s It's Time t o E d u c a t e of San Francisco. Joseph C. Hyger dies. (Oh, said Mr. Segal, it Many Die at 'Reservation' personality into the normal and sult of their heritage and partly be 10 cents for stags and 20 cents man, executive director, w a s Nation of Value appears that generals do not realfor couples. Boys and girls of high As Epidemics the abnormal and explained that the result of other factors of their named executive vice-chairman. ly die in bed. We may yet hear Of Emigres • school age are -extended a cordial the Jewish personality is condi- environment. Spread Abner Bregman of New York was invitation to drop into the Center of German generals dying under tioned by the forces of his own Chicago (JTA)—The Joint Dis- named associate treasurer and Dr. the other hand, according for two hours' of tea dancing. machine gun fire while digging New York (JTA)—Mrs. Eleanheritage as well as the forces of o On By BORIS SMOLAR tribution Committee concluded its Rabbi Steinberg, there is reJoseph J. Schwartz, assistant secRoosevelt last week denounced trenches.) an outside world. two-day 25th annual meeting on retary of t h e committee, wasgaled a complex of unhealthful or Paris (JTA) — Reports reachrich persons who financed antiThe component parts of a norSunday with election of Edward endencies that tend to unbalance refugee p r o p a g a n d a , warned But this white paper from Lonnamed secretary. Paris said that a half million mal Jewish personality Rabbi normal M. M. Marburg as co-chairman life. "Every Jew at times against mounting prejudice in the don had nothing to do with the ing AH members of the board of diJews in Warsaw, isolated in a Steinberg enumerated as: Ex- feels and chairman of the administrahimself unwanted by the so- United States and called for inwar. A3 Mr. Segal could see at ghetto behind barbed-wire, were treme intellectualism, the quality rectors and the executive committion committee, both newly-creatonce it was concerning itself with dying of slow starvation. Hemmed of non-violence, intensity of Jew- ciety of which he is a part. The tensified efforts to educate the naup for re-election were reed offices, and the naming "of a tee Jew feels himself insecure, de- tion about the value of refugees. timeless things while this war in by Nazi patrols, Jews watched named. In addition nine n e w number of leaders, of labor and names were pending on the tolerance of the She addressed a dinner at the Ho•\va3 only something of the hour. the food supplies within the ghetto the executive orthodox religious groups to vari- committee. added outside world for everything pree- tel Roosevelt. closing the Second In this white paper there seemed to disappear, with no food perThey David Duous, posts. More than 600 Jewish blnsky, Samuel A. are ous. Every Jew ha3 had occasion General Conference on the EmGoldsmith, eximplicit the idea that wars are mitted to enter so far and knowcommrinity leaders from all sec- ecutive director of the Jewish to feel his Jewishness has penal- igre and the Community sponsorincidents. Wars had been before ing that to seek food outside the tions of the United States and Charities of Chicago; Dr. J . J. zed him. As a result he tend3 to ed by the Good Neighbor Commitand the most powerful despots ghetto gates meant to be shot by Canada attended the conference, Golub of New York, Held, Harold dentify his Jewishness with frus- tee. had oppressed the earth awhile the' German patrols, according to Institutions of Learning, held at the Standard clnb here. tration and with the bitterness of F. LInder, Hirsh Manischewltz of.and had gone their ways and been the reports. Paul Baerwald of New York Cincinnati, Prof. Jerome Michael life." Charitable Agencies forgotten, like insects that live a The starvation was accompanied was re-elected. J. D. C. chairman, Consequently a large number of Philadelphia (JTA) — Mrs. of Columbia university, J u d g e Benefit brief hour. by a housing shortage since the Annual Chanukah Carni- Jews come to be ashamed of their Eleanor Roosevelt turned over James N. Hosenberg of New York Morris Rothenberg of New York., section assigned to the Jew was Between Lines was named chairman of the execbackground and seek to withdraw the ?l,000 she received as winval to Take Place at Twenty-seven European and utive committee, James H. Becker and Max M. Warburg of New The crash of their great vic- unable to house the half million, but are not accepted by non-Jew- ner of the 1939 Humanitarians Palestinian York. Central Club institutions of learntories were not even echoes in thp especially when a large number ish society. "On the fringe of Award to the American Friends ing and charitable endeavor have of Chicago, chairman of the NaThe following w e r e among world and the fields they ravaged of the houses had been damaged tional Council, a post formerly Jewish life there is a growing Final plans for the Beth El body of Jews who associate with Service Committee. The award already received their allotments held by Rosenberg, and Albert H. those added to the.board: Eddie during the German came to bloom a a ain and the paia sor demolished re made by The Humanitar- for the current year from the MeCantor and Paul Muni of Hollyjf S?? .port received here by Rigadoo, which is to be held Sun- Jews who do not associate with was they caused (.though it was un- iI jf ians, a volnntary non-sectarian shullochim Committee, according Lieberman of Philadelphia, named wood, day at the Central Club, have been Henry Monsky, president of the Federation of Jewish Societies vice-chairman of the National bearable at the hour it was sufJews," the rabbi said. organization, at the Benjamin completed, according to announceto an announcement issued by Is- Council. B'nai B'rith; Jacob Baskin and Jews who risked death to fered) had been assuaged by the ifrom If we feel the characteristics Franklin Hotel. The fund was ment made by the chairman, Mrs. Goldstein, Chairman of the the ghetto and escape from Re-elected vice-chairmen a r e Nathan Chanin of the Workmen's of a normal life are worthwhile, added to the 52,000 awarded to adore tressed anaesthesia that time pro- leave Meshullochim Committee. Poland said that as many, as 20 Jake Blank, and her co-chairman, we George Backer, David M. Bressler, Circle. Reuben Guskin ol the Hemust preserve them," t h e vides. Yes, today's agony would people the Friends Committee. Mrs. Dave Stein. This Committee is in charge of Alexander Kahn, Governor Leh- brew.. Actors union, Abraham be crowded in a urged. be healed, too, and Hitler would room inwould The doors of the Central Club speaker the distribution of funds allotted man, William Rosenwald and Rab- Miller ot: the New York Joint houses of the Warsaw Rabbi David A. Goldstein introbe only an evil name to scare will open at 3 o'lock sharp for Board of Amalgamated Clothing Speaking after Clarence E. Pic- annually by the Jewish Philanchildren with, and in good time j M a n V Jews, before being forced this annual Chaukah .program. So duced Rabbi Steinberg. Workers, Sidney J. AUen, Detroit;kett, secretary of the American thropies for the support of outdecent things would prevail on | i n t 0 t h e g h e t t 0 f r o m ot5ier War- that the family can stay until late Judge Maurice Bernon, Cleveland: Friends Service Committee, who standing,traditional institutions in Newton Bissinger, San Francisco; the earth. Is a w streets, had given their bus- a special cafeteria committee, had proposed a. Government loan Europe and Palestine. Thus far by Mrs. Julius Stein and Dr. Morris B , Cohen, New Yoriv: for refugee resettlement, Mrs. the amount of 11170.00 has been This was what Mr. Segal could iness enterprises to Polish friends headed read between the lines of the and acquaintances as they were Mrs. Reuben Bordy has been, formMax J. Epstein, Chicago; William Roosevelt also took occasion to divided against an allocation of •whit© paper from London, jit not permitted to take merchandise ed. Gefilte Fish, Blintzes, and K. Frank, Pittsburgh; • Leo H. stress that if the people wanted ?isoo.oo: seemed to admonish him that the with them into . the segregated Latkes will be on the evening's Helmerdinger. Philadelphia; Alsuch a thing enough to bring presImmediate Help Furnished menu. The Cafeteria will open a t bert D. Hutzler, Baltimore; Milton £ood way-of life was still ascend- area. The ghetto district was dessure on their congressmen they "The financial assistance ren5 and close at 9. Boston; Milton Kutz. Wiling the iiill of the Lord toward cribed as a vast camp of misery • Five door prises will be given. could obtain it. dered at this time was very time- Exercises to Be Held on Xatiri, mington; Charles J. Liebman, the sunrise. Men had departed and poverty. . • As the text for her remarks on ly," Mr. Goldstein stated, "for a Round Table Sponsoring The drawing for the electric roastSunday at the New Yorfc; Dr. David de Sola from it to go to the battles and Although the official reason for the subject of anti-alien propa- number of these i n s t i t u t i o n s will take place during the evenAnnual Event at Pool, New York. it seemed rather a lonely path for introduction of the ghetto was to er ganda the First Lady held up a found themselves on the verge of Center ing. A fifteen dollar Shirley TemCenter leaflet headed "American Jobs for closing up. According to authenthe moment. The white paper of- | prevent spread of a typhus epi- ple doll will be awarded to some Speakers h e a r d during the American Citizens," which, she tic reports furnished by the Najtered to give Mr. Segal directions demic said to be raging in the child. Every child attending; will Five students will be graduated meeting included Mrs. Herbert B . Jewish quarters, reports said that receive a Chanukah Gift. The seventh annual Stage-NIte said, bore the address 70 Park tional Council of Jewish Federa- from the City Talmud Torah on Lehman, who read an address by to, this good way. sponsored by the Round Table ©f Avenue. A -visit to the address tions, a number of the schools for- Sunday morning, December 10, a t Governor Lehman, "who was preI t had to do with a new Eng- uniformed Nazi storm troopers did Four hundred baskets of groclish translation of the Talmud in not hesitate to enter the quarter eries will be given away, as well Jewish Youth will be held at the disclosed that the sponsor ot the merly located in Poland transfer- 10:30 at exercises to be held a t vented "by state duties from 'atraid Jewish houses ia the Jewish Community Center on leaflet was Henry Winslow Brooks red their staffs and pupils- into the Jewish Community Center. tending; J a m e s G. McDonald, 32 volumes . . . "the grandeur and of finding valuables and as a radio and Agfa camera. Mrs. Wednesday, December 13, at S p. a 62-year-old industrial manage- Lithuania and continue their work The graduates are Rose Kirshen- chairman of the president's advisand wisdom, the philosophy and hope Dave Sherman and Mrs. Moe Kaclothing which they could take m. . ment engineer. unhampered, but under great fi- baum, Erwin Witkin, Leonard Po- ory committee. on political refuthe culture of our ancient race, away. tleman are members of the Gift Mrs." Roosevelt opened her nancial difficulties." This annual tournament spontash, Justin Ross, and Lincoln gees; Baerwaldj Rabbi Wise, Warenunciating the great principles Committee. New No-Man's Land sored by the twenty organizations speech by paying tribute to the. "Also, the Palestinian agencies Klaver. ; burg, Clarence E. Fickett, execu-. «f liberty and freedom for which A bingo game will start early affiliated with the Bound Table of v a r i o u s races making up this needed their allotments because Several thousand Jews fleeing iive : secretary . of - the American Philip Klutzniclc, chairman of t|te world today is struggling" -f-rn-m .. .German-occupied - - Poland ia the evening. Dancing will be Jewish Youth.p'r£se_5_is j y ^ country: " I sometimes think it is the economic crisis in Palestine is the Burejau of Jewish Education, Friends Service Committee; Joa",". r~and^would Mr.SegaVbuy'it." have "been barred from. Soviet ter- free. and guarantees an evening of "inn the little peoples who are'most making- their"•existence-difflcultr eph Ci-HymfiBi X^B,' C.-«xecutive . Mr. Segal felt exquisitely re- ritory and marooned in a narrow Members of the. Eigadoo com- and laughter in accordance with important," she said,, referring to And yet, these institutions are ex- sion. Among the speakers- "will be vice-chairman; Mrs. D a v i d H. freshed to find somebody in Eu- stretch of "no-man's-land," it was mittee are: Purchasing, Mrs. I. Round Table tradition. "the people who suffered greatly tremely important'in these days Ben Kailows^y,: president of the Levy, chairman .of the United rope offering the Talmud from; reported here. The Soviet aathor- W. Rosenblatt; Secretary, Mrs. T h e following organizations in the .past few .years"- as "the of stress and catastrophy which City Talmud Torah,. and Rabbi Jewish.;Appeal's -women's division; mong the bombs and the mines, i ities, which hitherto admitted ref- Jack Kaufman; Entrance tickets, will Harold F . Llnder ot New York, present either original or real backbone of our nation." engulfs Jewish life overseas. They Isaiah RackovBky. ,Thia white paper, as Mr. Segal ugees from the Nazi-held terri- Mrs. Arthur Cohn; Booth Decora- copyrighted Warns Against Prejudice Mrs. Myron IV Falk, honorary plays: U. T. carry on the. training of leaders Dr. Philip Sher will distribute and was aware, had come through tory, apparently closed the fron- tions, Mrs. Meyer Beber; Child- Sorority, "Aone-act Launching into the subject of Country Romance;" and the perpetuation ot the Jew- prizes and diplomas. This will be chairman ot tha J . D. C. junior aeas laden with explosives and in. tier because the Nazi anti-Semitic ren's Booth, Mrs. E. A. Meyer; Rayos Clnb, "Columbine"; prejudice, she declared: "We must ish spirit and tradition." the first occasion that a special division. jested by submarines to tell him measures had increased the num- Roaster, Mrs. John Faier. The en- Lambda, "Blondie"; YoungTheta Ju- not let ourselves be ruled by fear Committee Prevents Exploitation prize is to be given for proficiency - McDonald declared that governof this chart of the good way of bers of fleeing Jews to a point tire Beta El Junior Group are on daea, "Shades of Alexander Gra- in this country. We have seen that "The Meshullochim Committee in Bible study. This award is to ment assistanca on an internathe assisting Committee.-. life "moral reflections and where the Russians felt they could ham Bell"; A. Z. A. No. 1, "All happen in too many other coun- has also served our community in be known as the "Rabbi's Prize." tional scale for refugees from per- • Children under 12 -will be adno longer cope with the problem. apologues, maxims of worldly wisQuiet on the Western Front;" tries. And that is something that attempting to weed out all indisAfter the. ceremony the grad- secutlon and war was nearer to-, dom, metaphysical speculations, j Soviet border patrols were •re- mitted without charge. Bas-A-Mi, "Powder Box"; Tau sometime worries me — that we criminate appeals which generally uates will be the; guest of the day than at any time since the ported to be advising refugees ol tales of Israel's past, visions of its (Continued on page §.) Delta Sorority, "An Afternoon of will let fear, grip us and keep U3 follow Jewish catastrophies. Our Board of Education at a dinner future . . . a book of gems, a their sympathy with oppressed Bridge;" A. 2. A. No. 100, "Chis- from recognizing the good that Committee passes on the merits of to be given In their honor at the Jews but declaring that they were book of gold." eling on Chivalry"; A. Z. A. No. 7, has come to us and the good that these institutions and studies ob- Jewish Community Center. under strict orders not to permit Satisfaction "If Men Played Football as Wom- will come to us if we keep faith jective reports and prevents the Members of the board are Rabbi (The white papers from Ger- anyone to cross the frontier who en Might"; B'nos Beth El, "Just with our past. exploitation of our Jewish com"I can quite understand when I munity by unauthorized solicitors. I. Rackovsky, chairman; M. Katzmany had been trying to sell him could not comply with reQuireAnother Saturday"; Alpha Gamthe virtue of Hitler and the crim- ments. • Barred from the Soviet ma Chi, "I Came for the Rent": get a letter, as I often do, saying, "Organized in 1933, this Com- man, S.,Ravitz, N. Levinson, I. area, the rel'u; (Continued on page 8.) and Junior Hadassah, "On Trial." mittee undertook to d i s b u r s e Morgenstern, Dr. Philip Sher, Jtzdges funds allotted'to such agencies by Paul Veret,,- and Ben Kazlowsky. B'nai B'rith to Sponsor Following the graduation of the the Jewish Philanthropies. This Omaha lodge of B'nai B'rith Judges for Stage-Nite will ber Program on has'done away with individual Hebrew school. Rabbi • Rackovsky held its regular semi-monthly Mrs. Ben Shapiro. Mr. Ephraim announces the opening of. a high Dec. 18 collectors who -conducted numerbusiness -meeting Monday, Secern-] Marks and Dr. H. Hirschmarin. ous appeals for the support of school courBe lor the graduates, ber 4, in. thg Jewish. Community. Prizes will be awarded to the the earlier murders in the conwhich" will • jtneet three times a . All amateur singers, dancers, their particular institutions at the Center lodge' rToam. • •! winning clubs as follows: First centration camps m Germany. He iag f o o d a n d s l l e l t e r Contributing to the exodus from t u m b l e r s , acrobats, musicians, place, 55; second place, ?3, and high cost of collections and fund week: Sunday, 10 to 12; Tuesday, Business i transacted at t h e faund in them the smear of all raising.* Our Committee studies 3 to 5. -and Thursday, 3 to 5. meeting included the -election of N a z i P o iand was the Germans' de- mimics, or any entertainers will third place, ?2. t i e butcheries.) be given an opportunity to dis(Continued on page S.) the reports issued on these agenc- This is planned for a two-year pe- 13 members of the lodge who will Leo Sherman, chairman of the Mr. Segal could find a certain play their talents at the annual Stage-Nite committee, announces ies by the Council of Jewish Fed- riod, and" ?tbe graduates should serve as representatives of t h e satisfaction with being of the huB'nai B'rith Amateur Night Con- that 500 tickets have been diserations, and makes the alloca- have.covered sufficient ground in lodge on two committees. Named man race as he considered the Highlight of the winter.. activi- tions on this basis. In this way, Hebrew literature and learning by to the board ot governors of the tributed for this gala program white paper from London. Yes, he and that a capacity audience is ties of the Council Bluffs Hadas- our community is assured of an the time they are finished with Jewish Welfare Federation were Mr. Alfred Fiedler, said, this is something of the expected. Serving on this com- sah is the blackface Minstrel Show equitable distribution of funds, this c6urse to be ready for higher Dr. Leon Fellman, Alfred Fiedler, Omaha National Bank Bldg., spiritual character of people. They | mittee are the following: Shirley which is to be given Sunday eve- without an overhead cost, sending schools-of Hebrew, education. • Alfred Frank, Milton Frohm, Nate Omaha, Nebraska. can still see stars even while they December 17, at 8 p. m. at every penny allocated to the inFine, Harry DuBbff, and Harry B. Please enter my name as a Barish, Lester Lazere, Margaret ning, look anxiously in- the heavens for the Masonic Temple in Council stitutions. We co-operate with the Cohen. These men will represent contestant in the B'nai B'rith Rundell, Florence Tatleman and Bluffs. bombers. While they wait for Abe Saltzman is directing Palestine National Assembly and the lodge at the federation's anAmateur Night Contest. My act Rosalie Tuchman. sudden death they take steps to the Joint Distribution Committee nual meeting. -'•-•. Tickets for Stage-Nite may be the production. will consist of— offer me this book which will diDuring the course of the even- in the distribution of our funds." purchased at the door for 10c. Milton Frohm, Louis Lipp, and The Jewish National Workers rect me on the way of my life. ings entertainment a musical proWarns Against Appeals Donald Brodkey, elected Monday gram will be given by the Jewish (Mr. Segal does not believe Alliance, Poali Zion, will hold a "Our Committee wishes to call night, and Dr. Leon Fellman, AlCommunity Center Little Sym- the attention of the community much in the pride by which a man Chanukah observance on Tuesday, j (Indicate type of act.) fred Fiedler,'"and Jo?eph Solomphony Orchestra: under the direc- that many unauthorized solictors exalts his own group of the hu- December 12, at 7:45, at the Jewonow, chosen by virtue of their tion of Al Finkel. j*ian race as being better than an- ish Community Center. are likely to' call upon.members lodge offices, will represent Oma... I. Morgenstern will speak on Name Tickets for the affair can be of the community appealing for other. He thinks the only pride ha at the meeting of delegates the importance of Chanukah. Mr. j York (JTA) —^Representobtained from the General Chairthat is really worthy pride that H. Bondarin will read Shalom help in view of the crisis overseas. from Lincoln, Sioux City, Council ative, Martin Dies called for "a Address men. Mrs. Etta Yudelson, Phone Whenever an appeal is made, every man derives from his own Aleichem's Chanukah stories. Air. Bluffs, and Omaha at the confercrusade against the purveyors of 5645. and Mrs. Oscar Greenberg, please check this with the Chairself-respect and the merits of his Herman Mirowitz will chant the Officers of the Omaha Hebrew of Southwest region lodges. class, racial and religious hatred ence own character. He felt it was Chanukah service and sing special test on Monday, December IS, at Club were elected at the meeting Phone 4S0S. Tickets will also be man of the Committee or the Jew- and This meeting "will be conducted in the conspirators who are now on sale at the door the evening ish Philanthropies office, who are held Sunday afternoon at the Jewof the above-mentioned four something to the credit of the Chanukah songs. Communal sing- the Jewish Community Center. to subvert the Institutions one in a position to furnish authentic seeking cities sometimes this month in entire human race that amid the ing will be led by Mrs. J. Raznick. Cash prizes will be awarded to ish Community Center. Irvin C. of the performance. of our,country," in an address to Levin was re-elected presidenf of information on every- agencyr for 10,000' persons a f a Madison accordance with the ruling made crash of civilization there were Those desiring to attend are those winning first, second, or which an appeal is; made. The Me- Square Garden "Mass Meeting for at the1 Regional,Conference busistill men who were troubled about asked to call WE 1642 by Sunday, third place. Abner Kaiman, as the organization. shullochim Committee now assists America" last week. Other officers are: Sam Freed, ness session. November 13. spiritual values like the Talmud.) December 10. Morris Minkin will "Major Bowes," will be master ot institutions in Palestine, Lithuan- A report ot the Anti-Defamation ceremonies. Prize winners will be vice-president; I. Morgenstern, It was all rather pertinent to be chairman of the evening:. Americans fall short of their ia, Rumania and Hungary* and exdetermined by the applause of the secretary; and J o h n Feldman, league meeting in Chicago was what Mr. Seeal had lately been duty "if we hesitate to make treasurer. Mr. Feldman is now tends help in accordance with the audience. given by Philip Klutzniclr. The thinking about. He has wondered: needs of the individual agencies." known clearly and unmistakably program, conducted after Che conAn added feature of the pro- serving his thirty-eighth term as After this tra\ail, after the tragic our uncompromising opposition to Giles L. Zimmerman and Miss of business featured Harry gram will be the showing of the treasurer. business of defense is over will | that contemptible breed of fake clusion Trustees of the o r g anization Mildred Holmes of the ScatterRasmiissen, art .editor of The University at Nebraska football there be anything left of which patriots who mask their bigotry season pictures. The pictures are are: Sam Bloom, A. Richards, and good Hostel, West Branch, Ia., "World-Herald, -who gave a Jews can say, This is what we deand intolerance under the guise Omaha sponsored jointly by the Center C. Sharewits.' M. Blank, L. Mor- last week visited in Omaha. "Chalk Talk" consisting of drawfended and this is what we saved of patriotism and Americanism," The Seattergood Hostel was esPhysical Education Department gan, B. Gross, M. Teplitsky are the chairman of the House Com- Ings suggested by names of vari—this spiritual quality of being members of the Executive Board. tablished by the American Friends The first Round Table dance ol mittee on Un-American Activities ous lodge members. ApproximateT w o bulletins containing He- and the B'nai B'rith. Jewish, this way of life that is Service Committee (Quakers) to the season drew an enthusiastic Iy 100 members attended the All who are interested in enterbrew stories written and edited tailed Jewish. re-traln German refugees. The crowd to the Jewish Community declared. meeting. Ing should contact Alfred Fiedler, by the pupils of the Temple Israel Or will we have defended and The meeting was sponsored by work of the hostel started June 1. Center on Sunday evening, Dechairman of the affair, or should saved only our bodies — empty Hebrew School have been issued. send him the accompanying couabout 5 0 civic, patriotic* church Mr. Zimmerman is placement cember 3, for the "Chanukah Fro- and social organizations, includpeople who have nothing in par- Included in the bulletins are also pon. manager of the hostel and Miss lic." . cross-word puzzles and tbe American Region, Knights ticular left for which to live as Hebrew Holmes ia a member of the sta^f. The Center auditorium had been ing Tomorrow evening the Highof Columbus and several Jewish Jews. All thia trouble is scarcely pictures of Jewish interest. festively decorated by dance chairland Country club will inaugurate The Temple Israel Hebrew and marked the opening worth the pain if that is all that School, which is affiliated wita Ignaz Friedman in Norway its new dance floor at the downman N o r man Blelcher and bis groups, a nation-wide series of speeches •we will have saved. Fo» then the the committee, and music was furnish- of town clubrooms in the Paxton Oslo <JTA) — The famous PoBureau of Jewish Education, by Dies. Jews will have been destroyed as now has three classes which meet lish-Jewish pianist, Ignaz Fried- hotel. This is a new feature of ed by Gary's orchestra. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky of the Jews and our deal identity will each Wednesday afternoon and maa, foremost interpreter of Cho- the organization's program for the . The next Round Table • dance United Orthodox Congregations, be dead. will speak on Snuday, December Saturday morniag. The advanced pin, ia shortly settling in Norway. entertainment of Its members. The fourth of the book even- will be held in February. Details TO HOLD CONCERT What Is Needed 10, at 7:30 at tbe Labor Lyceum. class has begun the study of the Since Hitler's advent to power The entertainment committee is ings conducted by. Rabbi David A. will be announced later. AT LABOR LYCEUM Already the signs of spiritual "Book of Genesis" in the original Friedman lived in Switzerland and also making special plans for a Goldstein will be held Tuesday 22nd and Clark, on "Jewish Culcrumbling become evident. As Hebrew, and is also reading short later in Denmark, bat both coun- unique New Year party to be held evening, December 12, a t 8 o'clock Promotion The Auxiliary of the Workmen's ture in the Light ot Today." Jewa must give more and more stories especially designed for tries refused to extend his resi- Saturday n i g h t , December 30. at the Jewish Community Center. The talk is being sponsored by Marvin. Simon, eon of Mr. and Circle, Branch 173, is sponsoring ot their substance for the defense their interests and ability. Members of the entertainment dence permit. Rabbi Goldstein will discuss Mrs. Milton Simon, has been pro- a concert on Sunday, December Branch G90-E of the Workmen's of mere existence in the world, committee are Harold Farber, Dorothy CanUeld's latest book, moted to sergeant in the Central 17, at 8 p. m., at the Labor Ly- Circle. Rabbi Rackovsky -will Registrations for these classea the sustenance of their institu- can be made at the office of the Charges made against the Jews chairman; B e r n a r d Chapman, "Seasoned Timber." Two more High. School R. Q. T. C. and has ceum. Twenty-second and Clark speak in English. A forum will lol? low. The meeting is open to the tions become lesa and less. The Temple, Miss Blanche Kleiman i3 of Turkey had to be proved to th Lloyd Malashock, a n d "Warren book evenings will be held after been made a member of the Crack streets. public. (Continued on page 8.) instructor. Admission will be 25 cents. Sultan rather than local courts. this one. Squad. He is a Junior. Ackenmn.n..
Center to Sponsor Sunday Tea Dance
Forum Hears Analysis
Monsky Named N e w Member of Board
i sas
Representatives of Quaker Hostel for Refugees Visit Here
"Chanukah Frolic" Draws Large Crowd
Highland Dedicates Neii> Dance Floor
Rabbi Goldstein to Give Book Review
Rabbi Rackovsky To Speak Sunday ~ At Labor hyceum
Page 8
berg Laws, although not official- to finance and organize tbe migrawho know Sydney Moody, former radio specialist recently revealed j called by Earl Allen, chairman of ly proclaimed, are being rigorous- tion, under government orders. deputy chief secretary of the Pal- how the Gestapo track down Ger- the publicity committee. ly carried out all over Nazi Po- Forbidden to carry more than 30 estine government, •will not bemans listening illegally to foreign , The United States Census BurRelchsmarks each.-the Jews travel land. mystified at his sudden "exile" broadcasts . . . A n a z i station eau, desirous of obtaining an exact by stages. They make preliminary . . . Moody has been made colo- broadcasts the sound of bells or enumeration of Omaha's popnlaat transfer camps, one of nial secretary of Mauritius island other signals, he told a Variety tton and business has enlisted the 530,000 Slated for "Kcservation" halts which is at Nlsko, on the San aid of the Chamber in setting the reporter in Montreal, so that If . . . One of these cross-word puzBrussels (JTA) —-More than river -southeast of Lublin. . •', MORRIS AI2ENBERG, Correspondent zle toushies that diligent search somebody tunes ia on a foreign stage for the 1940 survey, to the 45,000 Jews, have been removed will locate as a speck in the In-station the parasite sound (sent end that citizens and other busito the "Jewish reservation" in dian ocean, from which he can al- over a frequency similar to that nessmen of Omaha may fully rePatronize Our Advertisers the Lublin district of Poland from alize the necessity for a true picused by the f s.) is the tipoff most yco-liQO to the islands to ¥^ JDebra Club various Reich territorie since Oc(Continued from-page 1.) which those Arab leaders were •which may lead the Gestapo to the ture. tober 17 and present Nazi, plans RAMACCIOTTI, ROBINSON, door of the offending listener . . . In a letter to Frank Fogarty, through variou neutral countries, call for increasing this number REED, The last meeting of the Debra oace exiled . . . &. H R U S K A and EPHRAIM L. Walter Winchell tips that one of commissioner of the local Cham- including Switzerland, the Neth- to about 530,000, according to re- ' Al'A'FfKS, Attys. club was held at the home of TOLERANCE NOTE: T h r e e those hatred outfits will soon j ber of Commerce, the Department erlands and the Scandinavian ports received here. • 912 First -NaVt. Bank Bldg. • fOI ill u£ Sylvia Haraoff, 1035 17th street. campaign to have tha Statue of nazi students, stranded here by of Commerce in asking aid'pointIt wa decided again this year to Deaths among Jews s The 45.000, most of whom hail removed "because of theI ed out that a full census report countries. NOTICE OF AOMINiSTRATION present a Thanksgiving basket to outbreak of the war, are learning Liberty are mounting daily, owing in large from Bohemia-Moravia, German In the County Court of Douglas poetry on it by a Jewess" . . . Or things about this business called from every individual-and busi- part to lack of food. a needy family. County, Nebraska: Poland and Vienna, are to be Plans are being formulated for tolerance which they evidently else have the poetry erased . . . ness firm has a direct influence In the Matter of of the' .Estate,' of joined by 150,000 from the ProIn the Lublin district, many are never heard about before . . . on the community's hope for new Koenek. 'Deceased. of .typhus and other dis- tectorate, 65,00.0 from Vienna, Robert The Center Art Players an- a formal dinner dance for Debra They were guests at a Y. M. C. A. '. All persona Interested In, said-esindustries, investments, payrolls dying 30,000 from Posen and West Prus-* eases, partly as a result of insufoouuce the presentation of their members and their guests, to be meeting of an inter-faith group of tate are" hereby, notified that a petiand residents. ficient nourishment. Potatoes are sia and 240,000 from the Reich tion haH been filed In said Court alfirst set of three ana-act plays at Siven ia January. The nest meet- Jews, Catholies, and Protestant3 leging that said deceased.died leaving . ing will be held at the home of Individual reports, it was point- the only food available, and a few proper, the reports said. the Jewish Community Center on . . . Which was being addressed no last will and praying for admlnls- I ed out, are confidential. They are are able to secure small portions Monday, December 4, at 8 p. m.Sarah Sad off. Inhabitants of the ^'reservatnition upon his estate, and that ,(k-/ by Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, direcavailable to'no other individual or of bread. S. S.* (Hitler's elite tion'' live under the orders of Dr.hearing will be had on said petition Tha plays have been under the tor of the National Conference of governmental agency except in* before said court on the 9th day of guard) men keep strict watch to general supervision of Mr. Willar-i Walther Frank, Nazi governor for Christians a n d Jews . . . The December, and that If they'fall prevent neighboring peasants from German Poland. Men under 70 to appear at1039, Greene, with members of t i e boys were seated near the dais Plans for the educational pro- broad statistical form. said Court on the' said delivering food to Jew. The lack group acting as co-directors. Such statistics, however, are years of age are at the state's 9th - day of December, 1939. a t 9 Friday night services will be- a n d were pointed out to Dr. gram of the Chamber of ComA.»M. to contest eald petition, The director and casta for the in at S o'clock witi Cantor Per- Clinchy by the chairman of the merce campaign in behalf of the available for businessmen as a of medical supplies adda to the orders for such work as road- o'clock the Court may Errant the same and . death toll. guide to marketing, to study busbuilding and swamp draining, plays are as follows: meeting . . . When Dr. Clinchy 1940 census will be' outlined at a nick and the choir chanting- the grant administration of said, estate Mass deaths of Jews are also while women under 45 must la- to "Silence Please," directed by services. Rabbi H. R. Rabino- finished his speech, he later told meeting of the Chamber's public- iness possibilities and to serve as Hattle Koeiick or some other.sulta basis for publicizing the advanbor in the fields. The work day reported from the ghettos in Warable person and proceed to. a settleIrvln Lunin and Sovel Heshelow, a Jewish meeting', he noticed with ity and speakers committee, early wits will talk oa the subject, r ment thereof. .: saw, Cracow and other centers. is 12 hours, with a half hour free has for its east. Rose Lavine, Y» ai- "Anti-Semitism and the War." pleasure that the three youths next week, T. H. Maenner, gener- tage of their own community. for lunch. According to the newspaper Le ter Woskoff, Rose Baahef!iiii and joined enthusiastically in the apal census committee chairman, anBRTCB CRAWFORD, The fathers and sons banquet Petit Parisien,. the Nazi NuremJewish communities are forced ll-I7-39-3t Lucille Goldberg. . . . "As if," he s a i d, nounced today. The meeting was County Judge. Patronize Our Advertisers will talra place December 3 at 6 plause "they had just been unburdened "Lady Be Brave," directed l>y p. m. a great weight and had seen the UeorgeShiudler and Earl Novich, Abe Sadoff is chairman and of light" . will be portrayed by Goldie Leh- A, Mr. H. Baron, toastrnaster. Mr. man, Art Brouston, Marvin Klaaa, Nathan Sadoff will represent the UosabeHe Wigodslry, Myroa Kee- fathers, George Shindler the sons, SHOPPING- NOTE: The prener and Sylvia Klas3. and Jimmy Sherman the grand- dominantly Jewish garment center "Lights" is directed by Maurice sons. Cantor Penned and a few- of New York opened its mouth in Raskin. Lucille Mushkin, Georse members of the choir will present shocked surprise the other day Members, Reuben Cohen, Sylvia a musical skit. Mrs. Sam Baillin when a truck, breezed through, the Priermau and Maurice Rasltia ia chairman. heart of it bearing large signs in oiake up the cast. red, white, and blue . . , Which read BUY CHRISTIAN F O E Tickets are 25 cents and may CHRISTMAS . . . »e purchased from Dramatic club members or at the door. Society A committee, representing the M I S H - M A S H : Habituees of Dramatic club, has built and preGreenwich Village cafes are amussented to the Center a complete ifrs. Anna Booliey of D e a ing themselves these days "by tossset of stage scenery and equipMoines announced the engage- ing darts at targets decorated with ment. Cm this committee are Walment of her daughter, B e t t y figures of Hitler . . . The game ter WosUoff, Cecil Piil and Irvia Louise, to Isadore Shindler, son is spreading to offices and homes JLunin. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shindler, 1715 . . . There'll be several changes in the officers' slate of the Joint Nebraska street. Distribution Committee, to be anMiss Bookey attended the Uni- nounced at the forthcoming 25th versity of California for two years meeting in Chicago . . . and now is attending the Univer- annual of the J. D. C , it's insity of Iowa a t Iowa City, where Speaking teresting, to note that its execushe is a member of Sigma Delta tive director, Joseph C. Hyman, is Tau sorority. just twice as old as the organizaMr. Shindler is a graduate of Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will sing the University of Iowa and is now tion itself,. . . He'll be reachin, the half century mark on Decemfor the Council of Jewish Worn- connected in the bakery business ber 14 . . . The building housing en's meeting on Monday, Decem- with his father He is a ehalutzim at the Cream Ridge, ber 4, at the Jewish Community member of Phi here. Epsilon Pi fra- N. J., training farm, burned down Center. The meeting will be in ternity. No [wedding date has recently, leaving the youths hometha form of a Chanukah Tea for less and many without even a new members and brides. Mrs. been set. shirt to their backs . . . Another Philip Sherman and Mrs. Dave AlMiss Elizabeth Radner, daugh- of the Sargon hoys of India has bert, chairmen of the Membership Committee, will conduct the meet- ter of Mr. And Mrs. Abraham gone a n d done it . . . Several Radner of Omaha, is affianced to months ago, Joe got hitched . . . ing. t ¥ Cantor Sdgar, who ia the Can- Ben Apelson, 1-111 McDonald Now, it's Dave, who married Sylvia- Fr-eedman of Rosbury, Mass. tor of the Beth El Synagogue of street. . a • Both couples are returnin Omaha, Nebraska, will sing a variety of Hebrew and English 3ongs The marriage of .'the former to Bombay in the near future, in keeping with the theme of the Mary Hanin, daughter of Mrs. M.where the Sargon boys operate the meeting. He will be accompanied Hanin, 1S23 Coolr. street, a n d Jewish Tribune < * . A Canadian t by Mrs. Abe Fellman. Meyer Arkovieh, son of Mr. and There will also be a Chanukah' Mrs. S. Arkovich, 1117 Iowa T - V Lighting: service conducted by the street, was solemnised at 2 o'clock presidents of the various Women's Sunday afternoon in the home of organizations in the city; Mrs. Rabbi S, Bolotniliov, -who officiGoldstein,'Mi's. Rabiaowitz, Mrs. ated. '(Continued from pasa •.•£, * • ' ? > * * BolotnikOT, Mrs. H. Bailin, Mrs. Open house followed in the J. Robinson, Mrs. L. J. Kaplan Hanin home, where Mrs. H. A.grandmother's candle-sticks b a n and Mrs. E. JJ. GraeaSiin. Haaiia, Mrs. S. Matz, Mrs. M. could see he was thinking that Everyone ia invited to attend "Wiener and Miss Lorraine Arko- candle-sticks were nothing you could drink out of. I might nave thi» meeting. Yieh assisted. him of something I had heard The bride- wore a dress of blue told from the rabbis: That I have from with dubonnet accessories and a my ancestors a vast inheritance corsage bouquet of white gar- of light. But I know that wouldn't denias. Friday evening services will bemake any impression on. a man After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. gin at the Orthodox synagogues who actually has in his possession at 5 and Saturday morning at 9 Arliovich will live in "Whiting, a snuffer with which his revoluo'clock-. Rabbi Sol I. Bolotnikov tionary forefather used to snuff Mrs. R. Pill returned from Chi"will speak in the morning at the out candle lights. cago, where she spent the week Beth Abraham synagogue. So, of course, I "was a happy There will be an annual Yat visiting her children. man when the postcard informed Kislov banquet December 3 at 7 me that revolutionary ancestors at the Beth Abraham synagogue. had been found for me and I could have them all for a dollar, including a coat of arms. BALLROOM DANCING But, asked rny cautious wife, The ballroom dancing class will are you sure you're getting a dolbe held Saturday evening from 7 lar's worth? till 9. A new ruling has been She, in fact, questioned whethpassed by the Center Youth Activer I had any revolutionary ancesities committee which provides tors . . . "How could you have that all activities for young peorevolutionary ancestors w h e n ple, under 15 years of age, adyour father didn't arrive here till journ by 9 in the evening. the eighties?" . . . She felt that there must be something screwy SUCCESS STORY: Not many in the claim of the genelogical WORLD AFFAIRS months ago, the public prints in research society that I had these, Dr. Hawthorne's next lecture New York, published a poignant if ancestors. What do you want for a dollar? on the headlines of today will be somewhat melodramatic f oto . . . held at the Jewish Community It showed a man prostrate, kissing T asked her. Center December 5 at 7:30, after the cement pavement on one of (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) ' which an open forum will be held. the huge piers that jut into the Hudson river . . . That man was a refugee demonstrating his gratiHERBERT Z. KAPLAN, Atty, 'Children'3 Theater tude at having been permitted to 529 First National Bank Bldg. the United States . . . That The membership of the Chil- enter IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP was Herman Leopold!, the DOUGLAS dren's theater will be closed until refugee COUNTY,* NEBRASKA. 1 famous Viennese comic . . . To'In re Guardianship of Louis Katz after the presentation of the pro- day, not nine months after his ara Minor. duction upon which they are net- rival, Leopold! may well be temptDoc. 3-13 No. 255. ORDER TO working, "The Wiaard of Oz." CAUSS. to repeat that osculatory mani- SHOW There are now 4 5 children en- ed On reading the petition, duly verifestation of gratitude with even fied, o£ Sarah Katz. guardian of the rolled. Membership will open increased . . . Broke then estate of Louis Katz, minor, duly again after the first of the year, and with fervor only his talent as his filed herein, for license to sell the folwhen plans for the next produc- capital, today described real estate, to-wit the never-say-die lowing tion will be made. South one-half of Lot Seven. Block comedian i 3 once more sitting on Kighteen, in E. V. Smith's Addition top of the world . . . With the Omaha, Nebraska, (1623 North TwenSchedule of aid of the Rosenwald Capital Out- ty-first Street), it appearing from said that it would be for the lay Fund w h i c h is operated petition benefit of said minor if said rea The Center wishes to announce through t h e National Refugee estate should be sold and the prothe permanent schedule of classes service, he opened the Cafe Alt ceeds thereof put out at interest. now being held at the Center: wien on E a s t Seven ty-n'atli IT IS ORDERED that the next of Adult Education—7:30, Mon- s t r e e t , Manhattan . . . Almost kin of said minor and all persons Inin his estate appear before day and Wednesday. from the start, the venture W33 a terested the Honorable John Kine, Jud^a o_ Beginners' Hebrew — S, Mon- success . . . It had succeeded in the District Court ot Douglas County, day. capturing the pre-nazi gaiety and Nebraska, on the 4th day of Decem1333, to show cause, if any 'there Advanced Hebrew—9, Monday. Gemuetlichkeit of V i e n n a . . . ber, be, why license should cot be grantThe food was prepared to aa epiSr. Dramatics—9, Monday. ed to said Sarah Katz, guardian, to nr taste • • • And Leopold! sell said estate for the purposes Eet Intermediate Dramatics — 4, i f* naa that rare combination of wit forth. Friday. JUDGE DINEEN, World Affairs—7:30, alternate and personality that scored an inJudge of tha District Courts stant appeal to all within sight of 11-17-39-St. Tuesdays. Music Appreciation — S, alter- hia beaming face and earshot of hisn e jocular voice . . . Net result: EPHRAIM L. MARKS and REED nate Tuesdays. * c j* f e S is an uproarious success • BAMACCiOTTI, ROBINSON and Rhythm Band—4, Friday. aturda HRUSKA, Attorneys y aight3, you can't Arts and Crafts—4, Wednesday 'c % * -Jt S05-913 First National Bank Bids. ©it get wxthia a block of it . . . That Children's Theater—2:30, SunBeing the night meat of the refuLEGAL NOTICE day. Municipal Court of the' City Drawing and Painting — 3:30 gees gather there . , . And it's In of the Omaha, Nebraska. almost equally aa difficult to find To: Bianche Sunday. Baum, Noa-resident, Deeijow room there oa weekday eve- fendant: . nings, when some of the loftiest Notice i3 hereby given that pursuYcmag Judaea of attachment and garbrows among the intelligentsia ant to orders issued by the Municipal and sassiety turn out to moo up nishment Court of tha City ol Omaha, NebrasEvery boy and girl should be a us Danubian atmosphere ka, in an action pending therein, member of a Young Judaean vherem Dr. A. P. O-vergaard is plaintii't and Blaneha Eaum Is defendant group! Anyone intex-ested in joiato recover the sum ot $75.00 and costs L E G A L NOTE: Headline— injr Young Judaea will please can Byron was ordered <jy the Dorothy Merlin at the Jewish Adultery Not Recognized by Nazi •\VitiIiim court to pay into court as garn5sbt«* Community Center and she will Court When Woman Involved U the sum o£ 527.B2, same to be held ' pemling the outcome of said suit I refer them to the proper group. Aryan Wife of Jew . . . The.Said was continued for trial to j have finally gotten arouad Join now ao that you will be nasas i wntias t h e s x 23th day of Dscemb-sr, • 1?33 at i i t t Command- the eligible to attend the convention ; ?,f! the hour nf 9 o'cSrwk A. M. ! tn Milwaukee December 23. DP., A, p. ovEUH.unr), • GEOGRAPHIC NOTE: T h o s e
Plan Educational Program for 1940 Census Reports
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I THE JEWISH PRESS—FMDAY, much in changing the leaders ot of his family's alienation from Ju- in the task so as not to invite any the league. A. Z. A. No. 1, the daism should be borne out, I still criticism of partiality. leader of the league, will play can see DO reason why his death Only Christians would particithe runnerup Turner's Wildcats at should have been so completely pate and in his animated and ebul2:15. The two teams tied for igaored, &3 if under a Nazi cen- lient manner he demonstrated how last, Jloody's Eagles and Midwest sorship. he would convince the -world of Auto Parts, will play at 3:15. TEAM STANDINGS' the accomplishment of the Jews A Kestless Soul Oisaha. Jobbing Co. will play A. by showing more samples in each W. L. Pet. S. A. No. 100. A three-way tie Isidor Singer was born in No- field; and introducing, as he alKin Dire Cleaners . . . . SO 13 .800for first may result from Sun- vember, 1859, la "Weisskirchea, ways did both in speech and in Moravia. After obtaiaing his doc-letters, a Hebrew i'retiaks 13 13 .345day's gaiaes. phrase here and torate, he founded a l i t e r a r y Clicqwot CIu& Eikijnca 13 15 .545 Handball he argued "Al akhas kama weekly ia Vienna, and soon after, there, State Coal & Ca3. . . .13 15 .543 (a fortiori) if the whole Smith Motoi-s 17 13 .515 Pre-season handball s i n g l e s he left for Paris, where he worked v'karaawere to told, etc. The 'Wardrobe 13 13 .453which started recently are prog- ia the press department of the story I did not realise that I had so Shrier Paint & Glasa..l4 li> .424ressing nicely. The following are a Preach Foreign Office. He next many letters froia Dr. Singer unPioner Uniform Co.. . 13 21 .334 list of those surviving the first founded a paper to cciabat Deur- til I started to •write this article round: In Class A, J. Ban, Sisal, mont's notorious Libre Parole. UL1CUS SIECOKDS and began to dig into my archives., Coreniaan, S. Ban, Yaffe, The restless young man. then High Game—P. Steinberg, 253; Garber, Geller, Rossen, J. Adler, Bold Proposal spent a few years ia Italy, aad TYardroijes, 312. finally settled in New Yorfe, where High Series—Leo IVeitz, 833;' Herman and Richards. As early as 1924, he wrote me la Class B, Gould, Tretiali. hs achieved success aa a proaioter "I propose the coasoldiation of 1'retikfe.s, 2,34iS. Gendler, Kutler, Hennas, Freedof cultural compilations, at the the 20 odd— 1 intentionally un•fOP TMN AVERAGES FelOmaa, 131; W-eitz, ISO;, KatsSee, Soskin, Temia, same time serving as an apologist derscored the previous • word — Sacks, Cooperraan, Cohen, Lagfor the Jews. in many volumes .Jewish weaklies . . . into one Schapiffo, 179; P. Steinberg, ITS; published ia German, French and strong paper a la London Jewish P. Statzsian, 173; Zweiback, 171; maa, Gendleman and Spiegal. Center Membership English. Chronicle of 20 to 25 years ago" S. Colm, 164; Flatt, 1«3; Marks, Over 62 persons became memHis Christians' Vindication of —a plan which he labelled "The itiii; 3. 'Staitenaa. 13d. bers of the Center during t h e the Jews (ia 4 volumes) I haven't Creation of a Jewish Press Syndiof November and were thus seen, but I remember his talking cate." The league had a sizzling ses- month to partake of the many about the project. It was to be an In subsequent letters he wantsion Tuesday alght, •with a couple enabled and iataresting activities. ambitious project ocenping a doz- ed me to undertake a work entitlof changes in the standings and varied or more volumes covering all ed "The Life of the Jewish Psyche a new record chalked up, not to Tha following are these who en the achievements of the Jews. He Throughout the Ages'1 or "Biomention some top individual joined this month: Albert Nepomniek, N a t h a n would not have any Jews engage Psychology ol the Jewish People." aeores. IMsiches, Sam Cohen, Yale Halperin, Sam Shrago, Abraham The hottest team of the group Baam, Beany Kifkia, B e t t y •was the fast-rising Tretiak .live, Payne, Sylvia Liadenbanm, Ruth "who piled up a total scratch score Woodward, Belle Ruderman, Norof 2,643 to top their last week's man Hahn, L-ester Bloom, Adele high record of 2,540. Estrada. Sandra Estrada, MarTheir three games -were S79- garet Belsky, Marshall Geller, S84-880. Sam Steinberg was t i e Melvia Rosenberg, Mas Freedm&a, shining light of the night'3 bowl- Mrs. B. J. Dross, Rosalie Alberts, ing with a juicy 63d series, the Daisy Crager, Mary Nussrallah second highest of the year. and Mrs. Michael Corcoran. Others are Mrs. Fred Elikan, The Tret.iaa3 took three from Doaald Bordy, Felber Maasdam, their Shrier rivals to climb into Meyer Rosenblatt, Morton Ferer, second position for a tie with the j Ida Batt, Jack Sandier, Ruth MeEskimos, who dropped two to the hean, Marion Paul, Bette Brockrevived Smith Motors, aad the aian, Diana Lagman, Marvin State Coals, who took three from. mon, Kathrya Shively, S aSim tae Pioneer Uniforms. The Em- Schwartz, Mar Breslow, Harold "ptre Cleaners held their lead by- Bordy, Paul ilann, Robert Schneitwo games with a two-game vrin der, Mrs. Frani L. Belsly and over the Wardrobes. Mrs. B. A. Mathaws. Also among those who joined Sam Steinberg led hi3 teammates in. an easy three-game vic- are Mrs. H. B. Bwall, Rosalie tory over the Shriers. The closest Cla3Tnan, Alma I». Buhler, Ilda margin was 90 pias. Sam's 530, Mai Pharri3, Peggy Flanagan, in conjunction vrith Peldman's Violet Nussrallah, Sadie Kelley, G18, and Fine's 523 and 2wei- Laura Kelly, Frank Ccnti, Hymie Tjack'a 517 made £ ne^y record. Epstein, Evelyn Spiegal, Frances Five 200 games were tallied by Segard, Marine Rifkin, Pauline BUSINESS SCHOOL Rifkin, Milton Katelman, Marvin the team. Bennett, Annette Forbes and Mrs. The Shrier's high series was Morris Sax. Wrestling See the Franco Artists Norman Browne's 530, Weitz The wrestling class is meeting scoring a 515. The fast pace o£ FOR YOUR HOLIDAY School of th« Tretiaks wa3 too much for regularly every Monday night at tn« Shrier gang, which couldn't 3:30. An interesting time as HAIRSTYLE BUSINESS get under way agaiast such odds. well as valuable exercise is gotten by all who attend. Doc Faier, CO-EDUCATIGMAL Phil Katzman led the State the coach of the class, says there ALL YEAR—DAY AUO are still some berths open oa the Coals with a 553 to win the match EVEStltIG against the Pioneers, still occupy- team, and all those interested Monthly Enrollment ing the bottom spot in the league. should see him. BEAUTY SALON Ot the three 'wins, one is a eon.Standard Courses '•-ited match, which has tem2nd Floor Securities • —ixily been credited to the IONE C. DUFFY, Owner L -? Coals, but may he changed. ATlaatic O332 f»07 &'19th JA 5CSS h the exception of the last J iil il/iii —.e, the match was close -ushout. Rube Brown had the A 'WeeMy Survey-ot People ?x; best score with 49 3. a d Ideas A. EOBACS By A. The Pioneers were led, as usual, by S. Cohn with an even 500, followed toy Elmer Greenberg'a 4S3. THE SINGER MZSTEKY (On the Occasion of Isidor SingZ7& end L Streets The leading Empires were away er's 80th Anniversary) to » fast start in their match with For months I have been trying Always a Fins Variety of ta« Wardrobes and gaiaed a lead to do a bit of detective work, in for •which they held till the closing connection with the death of the FRSSM FISH AMD minutes of the last game, which late Dr. Isidor Singer, but with SEAFOODS CJULY the Wardrobes won by 7 pins. practically no results. Detective Also the Finest Fleishman led the Cleaners stories almost invariably, I be•with 516 and Captain Melcher tal- lieve, ia such cases concentrate STEA't and CHSCKEH lied a 498. Fleishman's 22S was on the question: Who perpetrated the crime? the high game. ASK FOE PRIVATE DINING ROOMS In this instance, it is not a AVAILABLE Whole \¥heat Paul Steinberg hit 501 for the matter of. discovering the slayer; Yeur Grocer Wardrobes, with 44S by Cooper- for evidently the blame must be 4774 for ileservatiens man the nest best. Consistent attached exclusively to the Grim splits marred "what might have Reaper who, it must be said, wa3 been some big games in this rather kind to wait until Dr. match. Singer was 79, before "inviting" him (as they say ia Soviet parThe Clicquot Club Eskimos lance nowadays) for a rendezvous. Ask Vewr ©rocer for found the going rough against a What ha3 puzzled me is not Dr. Smith Motors team which came Singer's death, but the conspiracy back after two devastating weeks of silence, which greeted the deto win two Tuesday night. parture, of one of the most schoUsten to Foster May's In the first match, a slim vic- larly, dynamic, and versatile fig"Man oa tbe Street" protory of 11 pins was chalked up ures in American Jewry — the gram and you •will underfor the Smiths. The second game man who was responsible for the stand whjr Barmettler's •was a big 875 scratch, 921 with Jewish Encyclopedia and the Gerhandicap. The third game was man Classics, besides numerous Cookies and Crackers are •won by the Eskimos hy 21 pins. other ventures of a literary natha best. • . George Schapiro led with 497, Sol ture. TTaffe's 485 close behind. Starting At The End A few months ago I had asked A startling coincidence in scores a veritable human information rjns •was recorded by the Smiths when burjsau about Dr. Siager. He refour members of the*team, Klein., plied that so far as he knew, Dr. Stein, Morgan and Smith, all Singer was alive, although rarecounted with 4 30 series. They ly seen. A week or two later, in tied for the leadership of the May, aa obituary article appeared Smiths. on Dr. Singer ia The American Hebrew, stating that the man had Over Next week's matches will pit died in February. the Empires against the State It ia a long time, from February Coals in what should be a very to May, to register the decease of Track close match; the Clicquot Club the originator aad maaaging ediService on Trucks in our Eskimos meet the fast-coming tor of the Jewish Encyclopedia, Shop is ROW avaiSaMe 2 4 Tretiaks, with the latter t i e fa- considering, the fact that ae died ksvrs «JasJy, except Sun. vorite; the Slirier Paints tangle ia the heart of American Jewry with the Smith Motors, and the (perhaps someone will read a douStock Pioneer Uniform gaag mixe3 with ble meaaiag into this iaaoceat the Wardrobes. Slssea 1SS2 metaphor and receive a cue out !gj«4 Piioa©—JA 7 2 9 3 of it) and communicatioa facilities cannot be complained of. I then wrote to Mr. Panser,. »if-3 ! maaaging editor of the American REPAISK WORKS . Hebrew, who promised to obtain the information for me, but apBy Stanley S£l?ersjaii parently he was unsuccessful. : Other sources were just as un" .' 3. C. C. BASKETBALL fruitful. My writing to hi3 widowPrcSeason Standings brought forth no reply.' I ' ' Won Lost has inquired of the Bureau of A. %. A. Xo. 1 4 O even Vital Statistics in New York about Tlis I3aw Wilton Way! Turner's Wildcats 3 1 the circumstances of his inter• A.Z.A. Xo. 100 3 1 ment. At Harper's, with which he Omaha Jobbing Co 2 3 was associated for many years, Midwest Auto Parts no one seemed to know aaything : .'{Council Bluffs) . . . . O 4 about his last days. To this day Moody's Eagles O 4 the mystery has not beea cleared Coming rrora behind in - t a e up. PRICES pm&m .$1.00 U P cad remaining' seconds of the game CiOafeeo Ssnawieies . . Beer Singer would often Jocularthe league leader, A. 3. A. No. 1, ly Dr. refer to hia sobriquets. His "scia far Fartles-Eanqoets. .edged the rapidly improving Mid- Jewish Encyclopedia would ha C-^a 13 Rosa to 3' A. 51. vest auto parts tiy a score of 20- called the Wil l t Fres SSeB'jers OTA 5830 "Singer Slacaiae.** At I 3 19. This game illustrates how the office of Funk aad Wagaall3, even the teai33 are ia the pre- where he would appear e v e r y -STUSIO season league. three months to collect his royal- 5fit F!®or ' • ' • AT 3S4S CENTE& 5L *~» • The up and coming lads from ties on the Encyclopedia, he would the Century chapter of A. 3. A. be dabbed The Jewish Quarterly; out-scored Moody's Sagles to the and now, grimly enough, « e have tuna o£ 26-11, placing them la titled the present article. The a tie for secoad place. Turner's Singer Mystery. •Wildcats, • also tied for secoad Perhaps soras of my readers place, defeated Omaha Job- win be able to shed light on thla bing Co. team by a 3core of 1S-14. peculiar situation. Even graated Ness Sunday's games will do that the report — a mere rumor—
sports >
48 Proofs to Choose From
M I U l l MIH Ml • • I. HII>• III
t • — |1IMI
1, 1939
He suggested the cooperation of. Hyman stated, "that Miss Eman- families, since deprivation of citIsrael Zanawill, who "would be ttel's tine background in Jewish izenship imposes upon them the A-l for the writing of a 10 to 20affairs makes her extraordinarily status of aliens remaining in the page introduction. He is a big well equipped to be of help In country on sufferance, without the drawing card, and this introducoverseas work during, this critical tight to vTOrkand, in addition, tion together with the psychologiperiod. Our organization is grate- subject to a special levy. cal excerpts f orhis various, hooks ful for her selfless offer of servwill help along." New York (JTA) — Departure ice." Postpones Sessions In every one of Dr. Singer's let- of two Americans to serve on the Katzki has been a member t>f the J. D. C. staff in New York for ters, we find a fertile brain teem- overseas staff ol the Joint DistriGeneva (WNS-Palcor Agency) ing with projects. Even when he bution Committee was announced three years, acting as secretary of —The Permanent Mandates comits Committee on Refugee Aid in ha.d passed Ms seventieth year his by Joseph C. Hyman, executive dimission of the League of Nations, mind clicked as if he were in.the rector of the J.-D. "C: Miss Alice Europe. He will act as an assis- which was scheduled t o convene tant to Troper in the r e f u g e e prime of life; and his handwrit- B.. Emanuel and Herbert Katzki, here on November 17, has post• • '• poned Its session until December, ing was so remarkable in the only both of New York, sailed on the c o u n t r i e s . •-••'. ''• • letter I have of his in longhand, Conte di Savoia on Saturday, to it was" learned here.- - The interthat.I. sent it to my late friend, join the staff of Morris C. Troper, national situation was believed to D.r, Robert Saudek, for a grapho- chairman of the J. D. C. European be responsible for the postponelogicalanalysis, but this and other Executive Council. ment. - - •-• - ••*•: '• , -~ matters will form the basis ol an- Allss Emanuel, who for many other article which the subject of years was secretary to the late Gernonimo de Sante Fe, physicour sketch richly deserves, after Felix M. Warburg, former chairBucharest (JTA) — A total of ian to the Jew-baiting anti-pope. being so shamefully forgotten man of the J. D. C., has volunteer- 225^222 Jew's,- or more than SG Benedict XIII, was an apostate even during his lifetime, so much ed her services to wort witt the per cent of those examined, have so that his death was not even J. D. C: overseas staff. Through been deprived of Rumanian citimentioned in the press. her association with Mr. Warburg, zenship under the revision of natDavid David, a Canadian Jew, Miss Emanuei is intimately famil- uralization lists, according to ofiar with the many phases of J. D. ficial figures. Of the 617,396.ex- (1764-1824) was founder of the "Washington (JTA) —• Anti- C. activities and problems. She amined, 392,174 were accepted as Bank of Montreal. Semitism is "treaon to America," is also acquainted with many of Rumanian nationals. The total Two leading northern rabbis, according to Sinclair Lewis, the the leading European' personali- Jewish population is estimated at Morris Raphall and Isaac Lesser. novelist, interviewed by Bernard ties who are active in philanthro- 900,000. G. Richards in the December issue pic work in Europe. The action means economic ruin defended the .Institution of slavery of the National'Jewish Monthly. "There can be no question," Mr. for the 225,222 Jews and their before the Civil War.
225,222 Rumanian Jews Lose Rights
change to Klngsley . . . But the judge shouldn't have said that he was doing it to protect patients WAB ECHOES The best-selling Christmas toy- who might object to -treatment by in England this year is a combi- a Jewish doctor . . . The Fort nation of two •wooflen figures rep- Worth radio station-has not acresenting Prime Minister Cham- cepted Father Coughlin's offer berlain and Chancellor Hitler . . . for an hour's time . . » Elliot When the gadget is wound up Roosevelt, who owns the station, Chamberlain lfts his umbrella and has turned thumbs down . . . lits Hitler over the head . . . In YOU SHOtBLl) KNOW The greatest surprise the UnitFrance they have another version, a toy representing Hitler and ed Palestine Appeal's Night ot Goering as Don Quixote and San-Stars' yielded this year was Dick cho Panza tilting against the wind- Powell's rendition of a Yiddish mills of world public opinion . . . song ; . . His Arkansas accent was Have you heard that Winston no worse than that ol some of-our Churchill has donated his Kent rabbis . . . Samuel Blitz, execucountry' home to children who tive director of the New York U. have fled London to escape air P. A, and' •mastermind of / h e raids? . . . Most colorful reporting Night of Stars, chalked up another job done from Europe now is that sellout. . . While apparently none of W. L. White, who is on his way of the artists, with the possible to. BerUn-for^the New York Post exception of Mollie Picon, tnew . . .Military experts insist that just what theT)enefit'was for.-'all American-made planes outclass of them were convinced It was for those of Goering's squads in every a good cause . . . If we may make respect . . . The Nazis don't like a suggestion, it is that next year's the statement of Lazar Kagano- Night of Stars include on its provich, who is in charge of the gram aa address by Rabbi Silver, Soviet's oil resources, that Russia so that the evening will be defihas no oil for export to Germany nitely. Identified with Palestine . . . Pretty soon the Nazi press . . . Last week's premiere of will be reminding its readers that "Trial/* produced by the Balfour Kaganovich is a non-Aryan . . . Players, was a big success. Here's Princess Stefani Hohenlohe-Wal- a play that should be booked by -denburg-Schillingsfuerst, who hasZionist Districts throughout the just lost her case against Isord country . . . Its message on ArabRothermere in a suit that attract- Jewish-British relations in Paled international attention, is none estine, is. most effective . . . Louis other than the daughter of a non- Lipsky will be in California on Aryan Vienna lawyer named Rich- the day Weizmann is officially reter , . • Her. international Intri- ceived in New York . .:. It's just gues have made her notorious for a coincidence, though . . . quite some time, and London soIf former Governor Hoffman of ciety has regarded her as a tool New-Jersey will run against Asof Adolf Hitler . . . sistant Secretary of the Navy EdiKCHS'S COK5TKB son for the gubernatorial post of Circulated among the Nazis in his State, Attorney-General David this country for the purpose of Wilentz of N. J. will enter -the whitewashing Fuehrer Suhn is a fracaB—and will have. a good whispering campaign to the effect chance of becoming; the State's that the un-American Nazi chief- first Jewish governor . . . Abe tain is letting himself be pilloried Pickus of. Cleveland, whose hobby on, a charge of philandering in it is to telephone European statesorder to conceal the fact that men and volunteer political adBund money was used for pur- vice, might feel somewhat disilposes which cannot be made pub- lusioned if somebody -were to tell lic . . . But while it may be true him the truth—-that he has never that, as implied, he -used some of spoken to any of the great men be the money to pay off Nazi spies, thought were at the other end of the fact remains that Kuhn has the wire . . . All he ever reached been a notorious play-boy for was the second assistant secretariquite "some time . . . Much care a t . . . There are rumors that.Lauwas taken to see to it that not rence, Steinhardt, Sam Utermyer's a single non-Aryan had an offi- nephew, who is your Uncle Sam's cial function in connection with Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Kuhn's trial . . . Even the Jewish may resign in the near future . . . court attendants tactfully with- Hollywood Is trying to inveigle drew . . . Everything possible was Peirre van Paasaen into devoting done to crush the claim of Lawyer some time to writing for the Sabbatino, Kuhn's counsel, that screen . . . The bell-hop in the the Jews were railroading Fritz forthcoming film, "The Story ofto jail. . . Did you know that the Dr. Ehrlich," is Lbuis Adlon, son un-American Bund's membership of the famous Berlin hotel dynasty application blank includes the . . . He would father be a bellstatement, to which all applicants hop in Hollywood than a hotel must swear: "I am free of Jewish magnate in Naziland . . . Shalom or colored blood"? . . . On the Asch, whose book- "The Nazarene" fritz is Kuhn's Deutsche Weckruf, is steadily climbing into first place Nazi organ in this country, which on the best-seller lists,,is thinking is losing circulation at an "alarm- of undertaking an extensive Enging" rate . . . Its subscription list, lish lecture tour in this country which once boasted 25,000 names, . . . Here's a flash of good-, news for the kiddies . . . Eddie Cantor now is down to 4.0C0 . . . may be Robert Benchley's succesHAVE YOU HEARD? sor in his radio spot . . . Congrats Believe-It-Or-Not Ripley has to Martin Panzor, managing editor just discovered that the swastika of.The American. Hebrew, for his design comes from an old imple- chuckle-raiger on how to bring up ment used to Hndle fires . . . an Infant, in the .December EsWell, it hasn't changed much . quire . ' . . George Jessel'a • new It is still used to kindle f i r e s - vaudeville partner will be former fires of hatred among nations . . . Jimmy Walker of New York . "; . George Ross, New Tort columnist, The success of £helr team at'the reveals that the so-called "degen- Night of Stars convinced them erate" art (work of Jewish ar- that the combination, will click tists) which the Nazis had been . . ..The Palestinian dancer.Npami exhibiting In Germany as propa- Aleh-Leaf Is preparing the dance ganda against non-Aryans has ensemble for .Maurice Schwartz's been sold at open auction in forthcoming .musical. "If I Were Switzerland, with./the result that Rothschild" . . . Noami Is a very the Nazis have reaped a neat prof- talented Jerusalem - born: artist it . . . A Canadian judge recently (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts rejected the application of a Dr. . Feature Syndicate.) Abraham Ginsberg lor - a nameBy PHTNEiS J. BTEOI?
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i >
> SMOKE SCRElirJ—While French torpedo boats lay smoke screen, upper right background, on high seas, planes of the French navy fly high above them. Picture was taken somewhere at sea by direction of French Admiralty and passed by French censor. Boats act as cargoship escorts. -
* ,
IM MS>v3O2Y—Scene at Tomb of t h e Unknown Soldier in Rome, as high cSeialls paid tribute to the dead on Armistice Day. Crown Prince Humbert is at felt, beside PremissMussolim.Direetly behind Mussolini is his son-in-law and Foreign Secretary, Count Ga!leazo Ciano.
" •
ALL SCiiJiS U?— Dot! for a fighting man might seem odd, but this British Tommy would not leave London, en routs for embarkation point for France, without his little mascot. Eventually mascot will arrive at Western Front.
" A n © E L " — Mrs. Florenco Camp, who testified in New York court that Fritz Kuhn, Bund leader, talked of marriaco and called her his golden angel" in love notes. Kuhn is charged with -5heft of Bund funds, to ship her furniture*
TjLAClhO—With snor3 than SCO sob hears in jtr io heir credit, Jarbdrj Xibbee, 25, or Albany, N. Y., and San Did>jo, Ci!., wiS! have honor us first woman Instructor for Civs! Aeronautics Authorify. She wi!! teach class of young man at Rjnsi^lijvir Polytechnic Institute af Troy.
$$% KUSONEEIS — Red Cross workers at St. James's Palace, • , , . , . #• . . . , i • > r London, headquarters for organization, sort and pack parcels of wearing apparel to bo sent to British prisoners in Germany, Palace is royal residence in times of peace.
'•-•*•*> w • <--—^- • • " ~
I v
* : •
23AW3 JI2VV — Latest In the way of bathing suits is this rubber molded, non-skid mode! —AF rs>*(it 'I-J, \*?'j.iij Chuig-wei, s^iectad by •for ! 940, worn for first time at j J njw puppat Chinese Central Govaramenf 3t Tahiti Beach, Miami, Fla., by Mm, left, is General T^shizo iNS'shio, cismmanderElisabeth Nankivell, Miarai Jvipanese jrmy !n China. beauty.
D O S W KHA!0—Ma}or General the Duka of Gloucester, left, brother of King George of Britain, makes tour of front with Anthony Eden, British Dominions Secretary. Gloucester is special liaison dfneer between British and French.
2 1
SWi.53-—While European nations gas raasS:s by millions, America is Roi fciar.-g In rctsarch. Here ero scsnos from {ho Unr.ael StaJcs Army Chsmieal Warfare School c? Ecs-wcodl, hid., v/horo gas masks ero bc!p-3 perfected er.d production is sposded. Top, an Array rifleman tests a mask on the firing .«.<U..M.»V.>«W
w ?so ."y J * Jf jsit's rapwbi
arrived In ttv« cl the sovot T*/!^ ros-cs; tts g governatsn*, 35-3 wslcorss i xo £2 i F«rs8 F 9 is'shown i h iin center, with sape, -*'©, chief el Brazilian Air
tor (si™.! S~.rfr.j3 courss.
rang©. Left, George Price, senior inspector, tests lenses by dropping a metal bar on them. Right, girl fits anglo tubo to-hoodi Bottom, as« sembly room where lenses are fitted fo blank hoods. Jn tha school's testing leboratoricss masks ar© sub|ected to ell phases of chomiccl warfare, in vast preparedness program. tT. 67 Uol£e£ Featora
Senior Girl Scouts
Temple Sisterhood to Meet M.onday
Orthodox Auxiliary
F. J. Friedman', Mrs. Max Givot, Mrs. A. Hofner, Mrs. Lawrence Jacobs; Mrs. Lazar Kaplan, Mrs. At a meeting held Monday William Lazere, Mrs. ^ . " F . Levinnight, members of the Senior Girl "The war in Europe has made son, Mrs. Harry Lipsey, Mrs. HenScout troop made plans for their "Our Town, Our Health; How ry Reikes, Mrs. Abe Roffman, activities program. The girls plan Safe Is Omaha?" will be the title Youth Aliyah work more impor- Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, Mrs. Dave to devote their time mainly to of the address which Mr. Milton tant this year than ever before," itein and Mrs. Julius Stein. Folk-dancing, literature, and na- Shurr will give before the Temple says Mrs. Julius Stein in lining The motor corps was "made tip Projects Already Under ture study. Israel Sisterhood at its December up activities in Hadassah. "Thou- f Mrs. William Raduziner, Mrs. Way in Australia, sands of children are anxiously meeting to be held Monday, DeA wiener roast is planned for London CWNS):— The Federa-; lam Rosenberg and' Mrs. Harry j ALTO1AX-STRAUSS BLATT-MOSKOY1TZ awaiting their next in the evacuaPhilippines •Sunday, December 10, at Hummel cember 4, at the Temple. Mr. tion from the war-torn countries. lipsey. tion of Polish Jews'in Belgium a p At a candle-light ceremony, j Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strauss of Park. Shurr is executive secretary of the pealed to the German Consul-Gen-' Gift Fond Contributions Sunday evening, at the home of St. Paul, Minn., announce the doors to Palestine are open New York, (JTA>—Projects eral in Brussels for his coopera-f Girls between the age of 14 and Omaha-Douglas County Health The There have been many contribuher parents, Miss Edna Lorraine marriage of their daughter, Ruth, for these Youth Aliyah children, Council. for the resettlement of German tion in making- it possible. 1or theirV Moskovitz, daughter of Mr. and to Charles Altman, son of Mr. and IS are eligible for the Senior Girl visas are ready, but funds must ors to the Hadassah Gift • Fund Mrs. Louis Moskovitz, became the Sirs. Julius Altaian, on November Scouts. He is. one of the few men in the he made available," further add- o commemorate special events as refugees are being "vigorously kin In Nazi-occupied Poland 'to' mgagements, marriages, bar mitz- pushed" in the Philippines, Aus- emigrate to Belgium, it was learn* bride of Mr. Samuel Blatt, soa oi 12 in St. Paul. Rabbi Cohen of country specially trained for pub- ed Mrs. Stein. tralia and the Dominican Repub' c Mr. Julius Blatt. Rabbi David A. St. Paul officiated. lic health work. Through a sciMinyan groups are being or- ahs, births, etc. Mrs. M. F. Lev- lic and are already under way in ed here. Goldstein and Cantor Aaron Edentific approach to communal ganized and Youth Aliyah activi- inson, Gift Fund chairman, ac- the first two countries, Charles "• The Nazi counsul was. quoted as;. Among the out-oi-town guests gar officiated under a canopy of present at the ceremony were: saying that-he could not comply, The regular meeting of the Jun- health, he has discovered many ties will be intensified for the epts all contributions. ferns and white pompoms. Mrs. Levenson announces the J. Liebman, president of the Refu- with; the. request because Polish^ Mrs. Ben Bursteia. and Mr. and ior Hadassah was held on Monday amazing facts regarding Omaha, coining year. Minyan groups that gee Economic Corporation, reports The bride's gown was of White Mrs. Sam Elewitz of Omaha, Mr. night, November 27, at the JewPreceding Mr. Shurr*a address, are already functioning are: Min- 'ollowing contributors: in the' current issue of Notes and Jews would spread false . state-; A group of friends of Mrs. N. News, bridal satin featuring a sweetheart and Mrs. M. A. Levieh of Sioux ish Community Center. The meet- Mrs. J. M. Newman will symboli- yan group No. 1, chairman, Mrs. by the Council of ments about the Nazi regime iir neckline. The Ions sleeves were City, Mr. and Mrs. Al Bursteia of ng was opened •with, a reading by cally light- the Chanuka lights. Jake Blank: co-chairman, Mrs. Newman in memory of her moth- Jewish.published Federation and Welfare Poland ; and would" therefore ^eo« full and shirred at the shoulders, Kansas City, and Dorothy Strauss Helen Whltebook of the Twenty- Jewish Current Events will be pre- Art Cohen; No. 2, chairman, Mrs. '.T, Mrs. Celia Melchor. ' Funds. . .'. pardize Belgium's neutrality. "tightly fitted at the wrist, and of Chicago. Daniel and Louise Miller in sented by Mrs. Harold Brodkey. Harry Kulakofsky: No. 3, chairIt was further disclosed here, seventh Psalm. came to a point. The full skirt, of their mother, Mrs. In an article on "New Lands for that "Der Angrrifl," official orThe couple will reside St. Reports were made by Louise Mrs. Philip Romonek will be man, Mrs. Ruben Kulakofsky; No. memory attached to a fitted bodice swept Paul. Settlement." Liebman states that gan of Propaganda Minister Jo4, chairman, Mrs. Dave Stein; No. Helen Rn back.. chairman of the meeting. Miller, treasurer; Mary Arbitman, the floor in a short train. A tulle Katie Weinberg, Ray Marks. about 1,000 immigrants liave enadvertising chairman; Ruth CoopMrs. Sam Appleman and Mrs. 5, chairman, Mrs. B. A. Simon; Mrs. Leo Waxenberg, Mrs. Victor tered the Philippines in the past seph Goebbels, had^declared ediveil, banded with lace, fell knee- JOSLYX MEMORIAL No.s 6. and 7 are both evening torially that the spiritual strength; er, membership chairman, and Henry Newman are chairmen of length from a cluster of pearl anz, Mrs. Ben Posley, Mrs. Joe year under; a policy of selective of Polish Jews must be destroyed, At 2:30 in the lecture hall of Betty Rosen, ticket ehainnan. fhe thirty-five luncheon which groups, chairman, Mrs. Herman crown. Her houquet was of white the Joslyn Memorial three sound Tickets for the dance, which is to Meyers, Mrs. J. J. Friedman, Mrs. Immigration. . that Jewish religions, institutions; served prior to the meet- Cohen; No. 8, chairman, Mrs. Julicalla lilies. films will be shown. Dr. Leo V. be held December 27 at the Pas- ing. Assisting them will be Mes- us Stein; No. 9, chairman, Mrs. Louis Somner, Mrs. Dave Rosen, Acting; In cooperation with, the and their leaders must be rooted Mrs. Max Zelen. of Lincoln, sis- Jacks will speak at 3:30 in the ton, were distributed to all the dames Sam Leon, Harry Shumow Irvin Levin; No. 10, chairman, Mrs. Ed Schoenberger, Mrs. Dave American High Commissioner, the out, and that .Jews must be pre? Sherman, Mrs. Sam Pepper, Mrs. Philippine Government and local vented from wearing their tradK ter oC the bride, was matron of lecture hall on "Hanibal and the girls. Abe Goldstein, Nathan Mantel, J. Mrs. Max Givot. Berkqwitz, Mrs. Sam Fried- Jewish welfare agencies, the'Refu- tional religious garb. honor, and was gowned in pink German General Staff." A pro.',', The Youth Aliyah groups are Jake The dance tickets are now on M. Newman and Milton Mayper. mojre taffeta. Her veil was of gram of recorded organ music will sale and may be purchased from Mrs. B. L. Wolf will preside at headed by Mrs. Leo Abramson, man and Mrs. Isadore Sherman in gee Economic Corporation, he asAccording! to/an announcement baby blue tulle and was caught at be heard at 4. Paul F. Cadiaan any Junior Hadassah- member. The the business meeting to be held Mrs. Joe Bernstein, Mrs. Max memory of Mrs. Harry Fleisch- serts, embarked on a program un- issued by the Dentches Nachrict the head with a pink flower. She will give the Town Hall Forum proceeds of this dance will be immediately after the luncheon. ianar, Mrs. J. J. Friedman, Mrs. man. der which prospective migrants Bureau, life in NazlrOccupied Pof cirrled a bouquet of pink sweet- lecture at 8 o'clock. He will speak added to the organization's Pales- Reservations may be made by Max Fromkin, Miss Hermine Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Wintroub were chosen in Germany "on the land is now "normal". and the peas and yellow pompoms. on "America's Interest in the tinian fund for the support of the phoning the Temple office, AT Hershman, Mrs. •William Raduzl- In honor'of the bar mitzvah of basis of their ability to engage in campaign against the Polish Jews Miss Dorothy Zolluotuchen was European Crisis: Sidlines on Neu- Children's village, the nurses' 2884. occupations insufficiently repre- was necessary. Polish Jews, ac* ner, Mrs. Abe Roffman, Mrs. Sam their son, Richard Louis. maid of honor. Her gown, was of trality." cording to D. N. B., were 'snipersj David and Bernard Goldware sented in the Islands." Steinberg and Mrs. Albert Walner. training school, and a citrus farm Enthusiasm Is being shown by American Beauty nioire taffeta. and severe, measures had to b$ All those wishing to organize, n £onor of their mother's rein Palestine. Settlers are now being selected, all those handling tickets for the Her veil was of American tulle ; or join the Minyanim :overy. The committee on "Stage Nite" Liebman adds, for a colony on the adopted by authorities. Mann lecture which will be contribute, an4 caught at the head with a " * Mrs. Ed Treller in memory of island of Mindanao, land for or Youth Aliyah groups can get will submit its plans to the Round Erika held on January 6. A large numgold flower. She carried a bouThe Inquisition of Portugal was touch with Mrs. Julius Stein Mrs. Harry Fleischman. Table this week. which has already been bought by of tickets already have been in The annual card party sponsor*quet of Freda and American BeauMr. and Mrs. Harry Trustin In the Refugee Economic Corpora- temporarily suspended by a Papal or/and Mrs. Irvin Levin. Additional workers on the ad- ber sold in every section of the comty sweetpeas and lavendar pom- ed by the Omaha Section of the vertising committee are: Shirley , memory of Mrs. H. Fleischman. tion. A commission of American brief In 1532. Membership Luncheon National Council of Jewish Jun- Barish, Betty Soref, Ruth Fried- munity. poms. Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler in mem- government experts who investiA beautifully planned luncheon Ben Blatt, brother of the groom, iors will he held on Wednesday, man, Rosalie . Alberts, H e l e n gated the island at the request of for the new members of Hadas- ory of Mrs. Harry Fleischman. •was best man, and Sam Moskovitz, December 6, at the Jewish Com- Greenberg, Mildred Berkowitz and Mrs. L. Kneeter in memory of the Commonwealth of the Philipsah was given at the Jewish Combrother of the bride, was usher. munity Center. Bridge and bingo Rhoda Bernstein. her parents, Libe and Chavah pines has suggested the colonizamunity Center Wednesday, NoA reception was held following will be played and refreshments " The program for the evening tion of 10,000 refugees on a sevember 22. Not too much praise TurkeL Collections of Unique are to he served. The regular monthly meeting of the ceremony. Zelda and Leo Waxenberg and was the reading of "Address Unlected piece of land affording a bo given to Mrs. E. Meyer, Diamond Engagement Fifty door prizes are being of- known." Rebecca Kirshenhaum he Auxiliary of the "United Orth- can After a short wedding trip the Minnie Goldenberg in memory of pleasant climate suitable lor Westchairman, who in co-operation couple will make their home at fered. Wedding and Anniver* and Pearl Monsky presented the >dox Congregations will take place with her co-cliairmen, Mrs. I. W. Mrs: Harry Fleischman. ern people. on Tuesday. December 5. The Members of the door prize com- reading. the Kingborough apartments. sary Rings, individualMr. and Mrs. Albert Newman Rosenblatt and Mrs. Sam Raffel, In Australia, more than 500 mittee are: Evelyn Abrams, Koselly designed and priced The Cultural Class conducted meeting will be preceded by a did a praiseworthy job of deco- in memory of Mrs. Abraham refugees are already gainfully ocYOUNG PEOPLE'S GROUP a Handler, Una Gross, Rita Man- by Rabbi David A. Goldstein will Ihanukah dinner at •which the Schwaczkin. with good old-fashionThe Young People's group of tel, Ruth Marks, Rose Mayero- again meet on Monday, Decem- men will be the guests of their rating the tables with cranberries Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg cupied as farmers in New South ed moderation. and pumpkins. Those assisting Wales, Liebman reports. The projTemple Israel will meet next wich, and Hannah Gossick. wives. Convenient Terms Can Be ber 4, at the Jewish Community with the setting of the tables in memory of Mrs. Abraham ect has been sponsored by "Mutual Thursday evening, December 7, at Serving on the ticket commit- Center. After a brief meeting, games were: Mrs. Dave Bernstein, Mrs. Schwaczkin. Arranged at No Extra Farms Proprietary, Ltd.," set up Rabbi Wice's home. ee are: Gertrude Guss, chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Auerwill be played and an evening of Max Canar, Mrs. J. R. Cohen, Mrs. Cost in September, 1938, through the Una Gross, Sylvia "Werner, Rita ntertainment will follow. The Gerald Cross, Mrs. Lazar Kavich, bach in memory of Mrs. Abraham cooperation of the Refugee EcoSTEAK FRY Mantel, Doris Friedman, Sylvia drawing for the Man Jong will Mrs. William Polack, Mrs. Morris Schwaczkin. nomic Corporation and the AusMembers of the staff of Camp Lindenbaum, Ida Fine, and Ann take place. Raznick and Mrs. Max Resnick. Jay-C-C will hold a steak-fry to- Batt Elijah Levita, a German Jew, tralian Jewish Welfare Society. A chapter barn dance was held Mrs. Max Rosen, chairman of Heading those who served the was the Hebrew teacher of Cardi- The Society has established two morrow evening at the CommuniBertha Guss Is general chair- last night by A. Z. A. 100 at the he project, reports a whole-heartfarm training schools in tne. area. ty Center. A number of the form- man of the benefit. Tex Barn, 60 th and K streets. ed response, and it is hoped that tables was Mrs. Al Fidler and nal Egidio de Viterbo. er counsellors are coming from Admission is thirty-five cents. The dance was held in a hard- all who bought tickets will be pre- those who assisted were: Mrs. Al times theme, and a prize was sent to participate in the drawing. Berger, Mrs. Seymour Cohen, Mrs. Lincoln, where they attend the Sydney Epstein, Mrs". Joe Lagman, awarded for the best hard-times University, for the affair. The committee In charge of the Miss Cyril Leon; Mrs. David Cahn costume. dinner consists of: Mrs. Morris Platt, Mrs. Harold Pollock and COUSIXS CIXB Coach Pep Bogdanoff of t h e Mrs. Sam Epstein, Mrs. Mrs. Jack Raznick. Alpha Theta's new house, which Century basketball team has Te- Burstein, The Cousins Club will meet on Louis Epstein, Mrs. D. B. Epstein, ia near completion, is arousing turned to coach the eagers for the Mrs. H. Marcus, and Mrs.'I. Kap- Those members who aided in •Wednesday, December 6, at the the cooking were: Mrs. Ruben home of Mrs. Dave Finkel, 2731 much favorable comment on the sixth consecutive year. This year, an. Bordy, Mrs. Harry Cooper, Mrs. campus. Now tlfttt all the doors with the return of Jack Epstein, Vane St. L. Graetz, Mrs. Sam Rosenbaum and windows are in place, it has Norman Kuklin, Ben Kutler and and Mrs. B. A. Simon. RETURNS FROM CAMFORNIA begun to take its final form and Irving Forbes, and several new Orchids to Mrs. William Polack Mrs. Philip Romonek returned all the brothers are eagerly count- prospects, including Ben Miller, for doing the best job of bringhome after a three -weeks visit in ing the days until we can move Paul Mans, JlitehelLLandman and ing in new members that has ever in. That noteworthy event should Max Osterman, Coach Bogdanoff Southern California. Bucharest, Rumania (By Mail) been done in Hadassah. She has take place within the next two i3 expected to turn out one of the Stanislaw Czarnecki, a non- brought in 142 new members and weeks. best teams in recent years. MRS. YOUSEM VISITS and a refugee from Poland, although the membership lunchIt was with great pleasure that Mrs. Mose Yousem, former OmLast Sunday A. Z. A. 100s team Jew aban, has returned to her home in Alpha Theta played host to Rabbi defeated Moody's Eagles for the come to the HIAS-ICA registration eon is past, she feels that her Wichita after visiting here last Goldstein last week. The Rabbi's fourth successive victory In the office here with a fervent prayer duties will not be through until talk on education of yesterday and J. C. C. pre-season league. Their on his Hp&: Please, please! Let she has brought in every avail' week. today proved exceptionally inter- only defeat this season was the the American Jewish. HIAS help able member. One member whose esting as evidenced by the animat- first game of the league, which me find a friend of mine in the name arrived too late to-get on FROM WICHITA United States who may be able to last week's list is Mrs. Nathan Mr. and Mr3. Mai Greenberg of ed discussion which took place aft- they lost to A. Z. A. 1. "Wichita were Omaha visitors last erwards. On December 29, A. Z. A. 100 help me in my plight: Czarnecki Belzer. The. committee who deserves The house was well filled last will conduct services at the B'nai added that although he was not "week. week-end with the football fan3 Israel synagogue. Alephs will join a Jew he is fully aware that when credit along with Mrs. Polack is: from near and far. The most dis- in the choir, and present the eve- aid to refugees i3 concerned and Mrs. Harold Barish, Mrs. Ben ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacobow an- tant visitor wa3 a member of the ning's sermon. Although this is doing a fellow a good turn, Jews Brodkey, Mrs. Mike Freeman, Mrs. nounce the engagement of Mrs. Oklahoma hand, Nathan Lee, who not the regular A. Z. A. Sabbath, are always reliable. Particularly Jacobow's sister. Miss Sarah Taub is a member of Phi Beta Delta, the chapter is planning this chap- has he heard of the good, work ter Sabbath as a prelude to re- performed by the Jewish organiza- A Camp Surgical Sapof Hollywood, to Mr. Milton N. Oklahoma Jewish fraternity. Hozman, also of Hollywood. Miss peri designed to LIFT The freshman class was given turning to their former policy of tion known as HIA3. Taub formerly resided in Omaha. a party last Sunday night spon- attending Friday night services Asked for more particulars and HQLD HEAVY ABevery -week. No wedding date has been sored by the sophomore class. Czarnecki was at a loss. All he Guests of honor were Raymond chosen. Aleph Harold Nesselson, chair- knows is her name and her place Grimes, Denver pledge, and Mor- man of the cultural committee, of origin. The rest will have to be ris Kirshenhaum, Omaha pledge. has made the final call for ora- ascertained in the United States. RETURNS HOME tors, debaters and essayists, to The name of -his friend is Rosalja Mrs. Aaron Richards and son, Free Consulcompete in regional and district Janczewska who stems from Ruda Peter Michael, left Sunday evecompetition during the winter sea- Kochanowska, near Krakow. Whoning for their home in San Jose tation by Exson. Try-outs for the debate team ever knows of the whereabouts of Cal. They have been visiting for pert Trained the past seven weeks with Mrs. A benefit card party will be and for the chapter orator will Madam Janczewska is requested ^ady AttendRichards' parents, Mr. and Mrs. given by the Women's Mizrachi on begin immediately following the to communicate the information R e u b e n Kulakofsky, and her Tuesday, December 5, at the home next meeting, when Aleph Nessel- to the HIAS headquarters, 425 ant. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and of the hostess, Mrs. H. Dolgoff, son will outline the complete cul- Lafayette street, New York City. Mrs. A. H. Brodkey. 24 41 Bauman. Mrs. Dolgoff ha.3 tural program. extended an invitation to all mem-, During the past month, six new bers of the organization and their Alephs have been added to the friends. A dessert-luncheon will membership of Century chapter. Surgical be served at 1. These are Morris Richlin, Sam Mrs. M.Arbitman is chairman Beber, Iz Lewis, Max Osterman, Company The Current Events class sponsored, by the Peace and the Civic of the card party committee and. Mitchel Landman a n d S a m Inc. and Legislative committees of the Mrs. Sophie Rothkop is co-chair- Slutzky. man. Coiffure Creation Council of Jewish Women will Physicians', Mrs. J. Tnchnian and Mrs. Rothhold its first meeting on Tuesday, Nurses', and Stylins kop are still working on the rumHospital and December 5, at the home of Mrs. mage sale and hope to raise more Sick Room Philip Gilinsky. A dessert lunchSupplies money for Mizrachi projects. For Appointment Tickets are now on sale for the eon will be served at 1. Members of the organization annual card party given by the Mrs. Arthur Goldstein will lead PHONE JA 6398 the discussion. Mrs. Philip Gilin- have been asked to help the or- Deborah society. The affair will sky and Mrs. A. B. Frank are ganization's "emergency fund." take place on Tuesday, December 105 So. 18th Arts C!s§3. Omsha chairmen of the sponsoring com- Large supplies of food, clothing 12, and will follow a dessertand medicine have been sent to luncheon. Phone ATIsniic 5G25 mittees. Palestine to help care for the refMrs. Sam Epstein has been The class will meet on alternate ugees who have entered since the named chairman in charge of decTuesdays. outbreak of the war. orations. Mrs. H. Noddle is general chairman of the affair and Tree Fund Ladies Free Loan Mrs. E. Weinherg, chairman of is in charge of ticket sales. Mrs. J. Bernstein is president IT PAYS TO BUT the Jewish National Fund Tree Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will be donations, announces the follow- of the Deborah society and Mrs. THE S1DEWALL THAT guest speaker at a Chanukah tea ing contributions: C. S. Ross is secretary. 2. GREATER SHEERNESS to be given by the Ladies' Free Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tuchman in .Loan at the regular monthly honor of the marriage of their Jews were forbidden to settle in meeting on Wednesday, December son, Sol. Moscow after,, a large number oi 6, at 2 p. in. at the Jewish ComMrs. Eessie Gottsfeldt for the Russians were converted to Judamunity Center. ism in the fifteenth century. recovery of Mrs. A. Katz. All members and their friends Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosen ia honor have been urged to come. of the marriage of their daughter, Rosalyn. s^Sll'TlI STEAK Mr. and Mrs. E. Weinherg in Hiwil I m HOUSE honor o£ the iSarriage of their Modernize your home this easy way—We'!! daughter, Marian. 1512 Howard—JA 8849 he!p you finance it OMAHA'S OWN Mr. and Mrs. J. Abramson on 3. MORE ELASTICITY WELCOMES ALL HER FRIENDS the occasion of their 40th wedBy Sirs- David 5L Newaiaa { Featuring Entertainment by Sava in hecSng cosh, paint bit's and repairs. ding anniversary. TOMMY LEYDOfi TE1O Mrs. J. J. Frieden in memory Protect against the weather and increase home LE.MOS PUDDING Nightly Except Sunday of Mrs. Celia Melcher. value. The improved appearance costs nothing. 1 cup sugar Mrs. H. Slutsky in memory of ©:3£B til! §:©©, 10 till 12:3® 2 tablespoons Hour her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob SAME GOOD FOOD We hove a st-np'e, reasonable finans© plan ALWAYS THE SAME Finkelstein. 2 eggs separated 3 cup milk . OKAYED BY for easy payment out of income. Juice and rind of 1 lemon Mix sugar, flour, beaten e?g yolks, juice and rind of lemon: add milk and mix well. Fold in 4. COLOR FASTNESS COME IN OR CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES THE ONLY POLICED stiffly beaten egs -whiles, pour in ' H© DOWN PAYMENT — EASY TERMS a hating dish and set in a pan of SHEES IN THE WORLD hot -water and bake. VISIT T H E DISPLAYS AT Patronize Our Advertisers
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Page I Untold Suffering
•• •
Gems of the Bible
•In Ms weekly news-letter "Let's Talk It Over," Z. Tygel, Sunday, December 3 and Talmud executive secretary of the Federation of Polish Jews, himself Tau Delta Sorority—3 p. m., J. C. C. By Dr. Philip Sher t O EVERY HRlOAV AT OftUMA, NE3BA36CA, as. advocate of a Yiddish culture, remarks how he envies those Kayos Club—3 p. m., J. C. C. rma j'jiwiaa paass PUBLISHING COMPANY' Junior Council:—3 p. m., J. C. C. Jews who cannot read Yiddish, because they are not treated By PAT FRANK • Bible S2.30 £, Ooa yaar Omaha Hebrew Club—3 p. m., J. C. C. to the full details of the Polish. situation. The large Yiddish 5N APPLICATION The Lord said unto Samuel: J. T. A. Washington O SAT 2 3 FUITMSSHiED Round Table Dance—9 p. m., J. C. C. • ' "Look not on his countenance, nor dailies have devoted their columns to the gruesome accounts iri-!Ci£s »ua SjiAiVJDiii^ T M S A T 2 3 SU.'LDINQ Press Bureau on the height of his stature, bei l O U X CSTY OFi-iCe—JSWS3H COMMUNITY CSMT27S of rape and murder. Monday, December 4 cause I have rejected him, for it l»t-4tfMT SHOP A3DRS3S—4504 SO. 34TH STREET is not as man seeth, as man lookNews from Poland Is certainly not scarce although a great WASHINGTON Chesed Sbel Ernes Luncheon—1 p. m., J. C. C.~ • Business aad $131133103 Sditoi DAVID BLACKISH We were just wondering whetheth on the outward appearance B'nai B'rith—8 p. m., I) C. C. . . . . . . . Sditor deal of it is very unreliable. But even if one discounts ninety- er there were any other young LKONA JID NATHAN but t h e Lord looketh on the "Workmen's Loan—8 p. m., J. C. 0. ' , Coatrlbutiag Sdiior nine per cent, what is left reveals a Mdeousness of human na- men coming up to replace Bob heart.". IIA3B1 FUIDDimilCK COHN Marshall. Here was an American, i*3 N. LJ3WI3 <* Book Sditct ture that it is better not to publicize. - David said to Saul: After whom Tuesday, December 5of the Jewish faith, born in New is the king of Israel? after whom i CliSIi » » Society Editor Pioneer Women—2 p. m., J. C: C Nazi brutality has ceased to be news. The so-called veneer York, who was so passionately dost -thou pursue? after a dead OKlUS al3i:i)N3I£aa » » 'Sioux City Correspondent fond of the outdoors—of the condog? after a flea? , Hadassah, Literature Group—2 p. in., J. C. Cl , • * of civilization had peeled from them long ago, and for the past 0U0TH3 8ALT211AN • «• - Council Bluffs Correspondent servation of the great forests— The Lord therefore be the judge Center Forum, Kabbi Milton Steinberg—8 p. m., J. C. C. and decide between me and thee several years we have been treated to orgies of inhumanity that his program for the keeping of the eternal wilderness will be and plead my cause, and deliver that soimd like something from Dante's "Inferno." The Jews appreciated f o r generations to , Wednesday, December 6 me out of thy hand. ah - - 5700 come. of the middle ages once refused to discuss the Cossack massLadies' Free Loan Luncheon—lj). m., J. C. C. Talmud Frank C. Waldrop, in the "WashNo matter Iiow remote the origin of Jewish holidays, they acres, because they considered it blasphemous to speak thus cf Gamma Tau—7:30 p. m., J. C. C. Our Rabbis were taught: "If v, ington Times-Herald, w r o t e a Junior Council, Bridge—8 p. m., J. C. C. jiave the strange faculty of striking a decidedly modera note. men whom God had created in His image. one has no means and refuses to , i piece about Bob Marshall—who be supported by charity, he is to J * Independent Workmen's Order—8 p. m., J. C. C. was chief of the division of recrea.The observance of Chanukah at this particular moment when The Polish campaign gave full rein to the Nazi sadists. "War tion and lands for the forest servbe supported in the way of a loan the powers of Europe are at war in an attempt to stay the power is not supposed to reveal man's better nature; it is not expected ice which is thereafter to remain as a Thursday, December 7 and who was only 37 when he present." died suddenly here. Waldrop said: oz an avowedly pagan nation, makes the holiday very real. Omaha Zionist District—8 p. m., J. C. C. to bear any resemblance to a Sunday school picnic. But it has "He was no reckless amateur, Ukba had a poor man in To list events, and to avoid conflicts, please call the Jewish hisMar We are suddenly aware of what the Maccabeans fought for. cecn many hundreds of years since scenes such as are now for he studied at the New York vicinity for whom he used to put four zuzim in the slot underThey too were faced 'by a people interested only in greed and occurring in Poland have been witnessed. In the last war, lip-State College of Forestry and the Community Center—Jackson 1366. neath the doorway every dt\y. One Harvard Forest school, and won a conquest, seeking to impose strange gods on the Jaws in the service, at least, was given to most international laws regard- doctorate day the poor man said: "I will go f r o m Johns Hopkins and watch who does so much for university in plant physiology." Jiope of destroy lug their morality, for the religion of the Jews ing the treatment of non-combatants. me." Pn that day Mar Ukba was It might be a good thing if was a challenge to the despots of even that distant age. Considering the length of the Polish campaign, the casual- more of us emulated Bob Marshall detained until late, at the college, whereupon his wife accompanied At this time in history another conqueror seems intent on ties have been enormous. The ruthlessness of the invasion was aad foljpwed a profession like that him to the house of the poor man. 'destroying the Jews and everything for which they stand. What- to be expected, but not to the extent which informants have of forestry. As soon as the poor man noticed By DR." THEODORE N. LEWIS that they stooped downward as if ever the various excuses the Naais give for their persecution of revealed. Civilian centers were not spared in the Nazi drivfe. AROUJfD THE TOWN Rabbi, Progressive Synagogue, Brooklyn, N. Y. to put something in the slot, ho The White House —rThe presithe Jews, the fact remains that Hitler in his own words has said The Prussian military machine had no concern for individuals. went out to meet them. Mar Ukba dent's recent bantering remarks and his wife commenced to run he desires an end to Judaism because he hates its morality and In the region of Lublin the Poles have been uprooted to make on third term guessing has re- REBUILDING P A L E S T I N E perience, which they meet daily. from him until they entered a fireduced the corps of White House tiie expression ox that morality in Christianity. way for the Jews. Neither Pole nor Jew can expect mercy from correspondents to a state of mass BEX. 31. EDIDIN—348 PAGES It is not a bt of academic specu- place from which the fire had —BEHRSIAN'S JEWISH BOOK lation, or a theory. They know been put out. Why did they so In a war-torn world there is every inducement for thethe conqueror for Germany is determined that the Polish nation jitters. . . But the sagest of them HOUSE. and feel the consequences of the anxiously run away, because Rabare keeping quiet in print, and Jews to come to the worship of strange gods, to accept the will never again rise as it has in the past. Palestine is again playing a de- "golus," out of intimate contact. bi Jochanan said:."A man should saying privately, "I don't think force and false ideals of their enemies. Polish Jewry, the largest role in Jewish life. Until It, the "golus," stunts and dwarfs rather have . himself surrendered Selief agencies are not permitted to function, supposed- he's going to run again . . . peo- cisive the beginning of the second world spiritual longings, crushes reli- to be thrown into a furnace then ple don't joke about running for in Europe, has within the past few weeks been cruelly smashed. ly because the Reich does not want the Jews to share in this gious ideals and curtails often IO to put his neighbor to shame in the presidency — they only joke war, it has provided the chief the vanishing point the inalien- public.Thousands have perished. Synagogues have been ground to relief. In reality, Germany wants no observers on the scene when they're going to step out o£ haven of refuge for the oppressed able right to earn an honorable Ukba had a poor man in and hounded Jews of Nazi Gerdust. The iron heel of conquest endeavors to stamp out every because the campaign against Jew and Pole is so cruel that the t h e man-killing job" . . . and many. This fact alone invests the living in a dignified way, for self hisMar neighborhood to whom he was one man I knew said: "What will dependents. "What is so revolt- accustomed to send 400 zuzim beremnant of Judaism. Those who escaped the phj'sieal cruelty of world must not know of it. the country be like—without Mrs. small land with a unique impor- and tance. The Holy Land, however, ing and corrupting is the demand fore the Day of Atonement. Once Roosevelt?" the Germans have been given over, to Russia whieh will assume made upon Jews by ther pagan he sent it through his own son, Because of the greed and lust of one man, hundreds of The State Department — T h e looms large not only in the eyes persecutors that they be loyal to who returned "with the money, responsibility for their souls and use subtler methods for thousands have perished, other untold numbers have been tor- Lublin "reservation" has the Eu- of those who seek a refuge for the nation which degrades and op- saying: "He does not need it." division worried . . . our the body. It makes an equally presses them! In Poland, the Upon his-father's question: "What stamping out allegiance to a moral code. tured, families have been, separated perhaps for ever, people ropean abroad can't seem to find out powerful appeal to those who seek hounded and outraged Jew must hast thou seen that makes you Clianukah does not commemorate a military victory. I t does sent as refugees into inhospitable lands. is the glory of the men anything definite about the Ger- a refuge for the soul, a spiritual be a loyal Pole; in Rumania, a believe so?" the son replied: "I home. Palestine has given fresh
not glorify i'oi-ee. The story of the Maccabees tells how the faith of the Jews remained in the face of horrible catastrophe and a will to live persisted though all seemed lost. This is a holiday Thanksgiving that marks the re-dedication to Jewish ideals, to the firm beliefs By RABBI FRSDSSICK COHN that have sustained us in more serious catastrophes than even those of today. These are times that try men's souls, but we One thing at least we can be thankful for: that there are have been given the strength to continue if we so desire. not three Thanksgivings! How could we pay for three turkeys
man plans for the huge, barren loyal Rumanian, etc. It is now have seen that he was indulging Ghetto . . . Ominous news comes meaning and inspiration to the impossible for a Jew to be loyal himself in expensive old wine." to the department . . . the Jews Jewish adventure; and to the to no other culture and people "If he is used to such comfort," in Warsaw are being confined be- Jews it has brought fresh hope and land, outside of his own— remarked the father, "then he hind barbed-wire barricades . . . and courase. and this anamoly, this spiritual surely needs more." He doubled "so they can be found without In view of this extraordinary tragedy and injustice Zionism the amount and sent ft ^o him. He trouble when the pogroms start, I role of Palestine in modern Jew- seeks to remedy. In Palestine once felt happy and ordered that suppose," said one officials who ish life, it becomes necessary for alone has this spiritual ailment, the charitable accounts be brought has no love for the nazis. Jews to learn some of the fun- indigenous to the Diaspora, been before him, and when he found Capitol Hill — The peregrina- damental facts about the land and liquidated. There Jews are Jews, that the total amount written tions of Martin Dies, notably Ms about Jewish achievements there. without the necessity of professing was 7,000 Siam gold dinars, or for three Thanksgiving dinners in these straightened times f setting up the un-American com- "Rebuilding Palestine" fulfills a loyalty to an alien culture and there he exclaimed: "My provision ,1s this aim most adequately. It is an mittee for hearings in key cities, hateful tradition. In the Holy One "Thanksgiving Sheni" (second) as the orthodox Jew would have some of his colleagues wor- elementary treatise on "modern Land the Jew can live in dignity scanty, while the journey is a disone." He thereupon gave The dismay that has greeted Britain's alleged intention of probably think of it, is enough: as the Governor of Texas, orried . . . he's grabbing too much Jewish Palestine, touching upon and in freedom, without evasion, tant away to charity one-halt of his every phase of its rapid growth, glory, and when he asks for anembarrassment and heart-rending wealth. / implementing its last "White Paper" despite the opposition of some wag said, "One in honor of the Pilgrims, and one in honor other appropriation, lie may have both spiritual and physical, in sacrifices. Palestine normalizes t)ie League of Nations Mandates commission, reveals that the of President Roosevelt!" simple, clear, and in persuasive trouble . w . Alaska's representalife for the Jew. tive-without-a-vote, Mr. Dimond, words. I enthusiastically endorse Jows have not grasped the realities of the Palestine situation. A Thanksgiving festival is a nice festival, apart from the is the suggestion, and the implied flying to most of the towns and addition to bringing to a fi'Anyone who expected the Mandatory government to act in a delicious viands served thereon. The very idea of Thanksgiving villages in the territory, just now, plea, of Dr. Golub, the director of nalIn end the split personality of Religious Services the Zionist Organization, who in out sentiment on the prodifferent fashion was naive. the Jew, Palestine will, -when it is a noble one. It does credit to the human heart. Ingratitude feeling jected refugee colonies sponsored his introduction to the volume ex- is fully established as the JewishRemembering that it was the last war which- gave life to is all too common a human trait. "How sharper than a ser- by Secretary Ickes . . . Dimond, presses the hope that it will find homeland, serve the Diaspora by Temple the di-eani of a Jewish National Home, the Jews of Palestine pent's tooth it is, to have a thankless child!", said the exper- when he left Washington, frankly a place in every home and library. giving: Jewry a sense of dignity Rabbi Frederick Conn will speak doubted whether refugee coloniza- It should. For it will immeasur- and security and self-respect—bylast September forgave the accumulation of sins and grievances ienced Shakespeare: and the same applies to thanklessness in tion of Alaska, except possibly on ably, increase , understanding of increasing in each individual this evening at services on "The of the government and announced they were willing to eo-general. How base are those who receive favors and do not make a very .small scale, could be suc- Zionism and of the importance of pride, and appreciation of Jewish True Interpretation of Life." Palestine for world Jewry. The values. A Jewish homeland, witli . . . operate to the utmost in the defense not only of Palestine but the return even of appreciation, not to speak of gratitude! Yet cessful Beth El Embassy Row—The Polish em- book answers a multitude of international standing and presTWs evening the Rev. Dr. ArthUJC British Empire. Both Arabs and Jews forgot unfulfilled thankfulness is quite a common human quality. We say "Thank bassy has been getting most of its questions, and dissolves many tige and authority will make it news on what goes on in the in- doubts, about the practibility of impossible for any future maniac ur A. Brooks, minister of the First promises, overlooked betrayals. The Jews acted as though no you" for almost everything, the slightest attention, the smallest terior Of Poland from bulletins of the undertaking. to destroy entire Jewish communi- Methodist Church, will occupy the "White Paper" had been promulgated. courtesy. It has become a matter of ordinary politeness. That the J. T. A., Mr. Lepowski, the The book opens with a brief but ties, with none coming to their pulpit of the Beth EI synagogue. secretary, informs me . . . comprehensive statement about rescue. Palestine will liquidate • * • • is what prayer is at bottom, the saying of "I thank you" to the second Next Week their own means of direct com- the undying love for Palestine the "golus." Next week at services the Beth The "White Paper" was a gesture designed to conciliate One from whom we receive all the blessings of life. The heart of munication, of course, must pass which has always been a major What is most noteworthy about El Talmud Torah will hold its through Germany . . . The MenGreat Britain's Mohammedan subject peoples. I t was justified true prayer is thankfulness, not petition. We have always reason del Mozes stories were particularly feature of Jewish life, a love, that the volume is the enormous factu- first graduation. Harold, son of has become embodied in the song, al information it contains, con- Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin, as necessary in the face of a serious war threat. Harassed by to be thankful for things, not to ask and beg and implore. That impressive, he said . .' . liturgy, folkway and religious cus- cerning the country and its de- has fulfilled all requirements for The Navy Department—There's the totalitarian powers, Britain seemed in a tight spot and is all we can offer God, the Divine Source of all our blessings. going to be a shakeup of the ad- toms of Israel. Every important velopment; thanks to Jewish Ini- graduation from the school. occasion in the life of the individ- tiative, on all fronts^ including the needed the good-will of the two hundred million Moslems that What else can we give Him Who gives us all ? All that we give mirals that will rock the. keel, ual Jew was so arranged as to numerical one, the Yishuv has personally superintended by F. D. Orthodox to Him, in the last analysis we get from Him: like a child, giving R. . . . Reasonfof course, will be bring recollection of his ancestral grown from 55,000 In 1919 to live in lands bordering the famous 'life-line' to India. homeland. The tragic conse- 450,000 in 1939 and still conThe next two sermons to ba a gift to his parent, who is the one who pays the bill after all. the recently constructed tdpheavy The Jews of Palestine reluctantly accepted the aims of the quences of the dispersion intensi- tiues; the city of Tel Aviv; the delivered by Rabbi Isaiah. Rack. . . People say that fied the yearning for the return Hebrew language; the. relations ovsky at the late Friday evening paper, aims which nullified the BalCoui1 Declaration. The pro- As the Psalmist so beautifully and tenderly makes God say in destroyers the president knows more about to the Holy Land—a yearning re- with the Arabs; the .life of the services will treat.of Chanukah British Zionist leaders considered it their duty to support connection with the ancient practise of offering annual sacri- the navy than any of his admirals. corded in mournful accents by all pioneers; the types of colonies; and its meaning. • The first to be authentic poets and seers and and similar objects relative t o delivered this Friday ia entitled Britain at this critical moment. Protests on the part of some fices to Him: "If I were hungry, would I ask you? Behold the teachers of Israel. It is an indis- Palestine's growth are discussed "Greek and Hebrew Literature." opponents of the measure brought unprecedented harshness cattle on a thousand hills are Mine." All things everywhere are putable fact that devotion and clearly and forthrightly. Nothing The one to be delivered on the loyalty to the homeland have been, of importance or of interest Chanukah Sabbath will be enfrom the Mandatory government, A reign of terror was insti- God's, and' come from God, and in giving to Him we but give as they are today, essential and been omitted. titled "Chanukah — History Him His own. Should we not then have at least the ordinary tuted by tiie British despite the fact the majority of Jews had precious elements in Judaism. _• m The author emphasizes the Legend." Where this love is absent, Jewish -signified willingness to eo-opei ate even under so rank a be- politeness and say "I thank you" through the opportunity of The Saturday morning services is tenuous, a mere form grave responsibility which now prayer? How basely selfish is he who never once-says "I thank Baltimore (JTA) — Abandon- loyalty trayal of their ideals. of empty lip service. • Love for rests upon American Jewry, be- for children at the Congregation cause it constitutes the chief sup- B'nai Israel, ISth and Chicago With the outbreak of the war, the Arabs assured England you" for the innumerable blessings of life. That is one of the ment of the White Paper on Pal- Israel, for Torah and Judaism al- port of Palestine endeavor, alj streets, will take place as usual esine, "for the sake of the honor ways presupposed love for Palmain reasons for attending places of worship, to express our of their loyalty. Dislike the British government they may, nevof Great Britain," was urged In a estine. Where the latter is lack- other sources of income having, at 10 o'clock. Participants in this been entirely cut off, viz. Russia, week's services will be: Meyer ertheless they had no desire to exchange it for a Nazi one, gratitude to God through the medium of prayer, to cultivate resolution adopted by the Junior ing, the former is, too. My per-Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Halprin and Erwin Witkin, canHadassah in the annual conven- sonal observation of all types of the spirit of thankfulness. Worship is a demonstration of the particularly after the announcement of the German-Russian tion. Another resolution asked the Jews' convinces me, of the truth and only recently Poland. The fu- tors; Leonard Potash, reader of Inter-governmental Refugee Com- of this. Exceptions simply con- ture of Palestine rests upon the the Torah; Charlotte Katzman treaty. A drive to the East by a dynamis Russia would threaten grateful heart. shoulders of American Israel as and Eleanor Bernstein, current mittee to regard Palestine as a firm the fact. * it never did before: not only Moslem religious institutions but would mean an end events; Paul Gitlin, portion of Gratitude has long been cultivated' in Israel. That was country of ingress well prepared This yearning for Palestine, A glossary of Hebrew terms, a the week; Jerry Greenberg, Proof Zionism, for Russia has never concealed its deep dislike of the main reason for permitting animal sacrifice when Judaism to receive Jewish refugees, and often expressed fantastically, has group of beautiful and helpful ilphetic Portion. "to effect a policy that will open the Zionist movement. its practical realization lustrations, a series of maps and The services are conducted by in its general outlook had long progressed beyond that -crude the doors of Palestine to the har- received in the work of Theodore Herzel charts, a bibliography, and an inthe children of the City Talmud assed, expatriated Jews who are * # • • practice. It was a concession granted by Moses to training the clamoring and his associates, whose labors dex makes this book useful under Torah but are open to all children to enter." culminated in the Balfour dec- all circumstances. "^Rebuilding of elementary school age. Mrs. The war seemed to make the "Whit3 Paper" a dead issue. people in the giving of thanks to the one, only. "All sacrifices Miss Nell Ziff of New York was laration. . Since November 2nd, Palestine" will add to the underEpstein, will be hostess for The League had condemned its policies. Agitation in the Arab will be abolished," said the Rabbis — and they have been — unanimously elected for the third 1917, the small country so dear standing and love of our ancient Sam the social after the services. ', successive year national president. to all loyal Jews, has made rehomeland. It is a necessary book, world was dying for no longer were Fascist gold and Nazi "but the sacrifice of thanksgiving will never be abolished" — Elected vice presidents were Miss markable, t r u l y unbelievable one that will enrich • and Inspire On Sunday morning at 9 o'clock rifles being distributed to a rebellious element. The Arab and it has not yet — and we celebrate two of them here in. theGoldie Brenner of Newport News, strides, and in a manner superbly our American Jewish youth. regular services for young people Va., Miss Sylvia Brody of Akron, unique in the annals of man. revolt had worn itself thin. Jewish immigration continued. great, modem American Republic I Our American Thanksgiving, Ohio; Mrs. Claire' Gottfried Jawill take place at the CongregaThe conquest of the land by tion B'nai Israel, ISth and ChiThen announcement was made there was to be no new like so much that has entered into the highest civilization of the cobson of New York and Miss Es- Clialutzim. at great sacrifice concago streets. This is a regular ther Novick of Brooklyn. Miss immigration schedule and tiie British government intended to day — the current religion, the dominating moral ideals — are Brody and Mrs. Jacobson were re- stitutes an epic of heroic characweekly s e r v i c e conducted by younger people for themselves and elected. Miss Ernestine Kirschner ter. This story of intellectuals, a direct legacy of Israel. carry out the policy announced in the "Whits Paper." be followed by a study group of New York was elected secre- unaccustomed to physical toil, Washington (JTA) — Dr. David will As far as Britain is concerned the Jewish National Home transforming themselves i n t o Thanksgiving came to America through the Pilgrim Fath- tarj and Miss Dorothy Hines of "common laborers" and doing Lvovitch, vice-president of the of which Rabbi Rackovsky is in •-'... baa served its. purpose. Now an integral part of the famous ers, those Old Testament Christians, who were influenced by New York, treasurer. World ORT Union, conferred with charge. The 1,500 delegates and guests back-breaking work in a spirit of State Department officials on 'hfe-line' defenses, the Mandatory naov/s it can depend en the Israel's Thanksgiving Festival, the Feast of Succoth or Taber- from consecrated love for the Holy 41 states,-. meeting at the plans for retraining of thousands Lord Baltimore Hotel, at the open- Land will ever inspire and chal- of Jewish refugees. He later told Jewish population to maintain British hegemony. nacles, the Feast of the Harvest, and therefore of thanks for theing session, honored Miss Henriet- lenge Jewish youth. Only men the J. T. A. that plans were being It is impossible to fathom the workings of minds ia the. harvest. And we still offer thanks to God, on all occasions, and ta Szold, Baltimore-born leader of and women dedicated to a con- formulated for a pan-American ideal, the rebuilding of British colonial office. All sorts of reasons have been advanced not merely en the official Thanksgiving, for the harvest of the Youth Aliyah organization, on suming ORT conference at which .ORT New York (JTA) —The Cathher 79 th birthday and heard Dr. Palestine, could have done" what leaders from Latin A m e r i c a n olic War Veterans, Inc., will open for the announcement of the Bali'our Declaration, No doubt, Bal- blessings that are ours — life, love, joy, despite all the pains, Stephen S. Wise declare that true the Chalutzim did—astonishing countries would discuss the type a campaign among its posts to in' iionr himself \v;ia well-intended but his good intentions would disappointments, sorrows and losses of life. Mere life itself we A m e r i c a nism called upon the and heroic feats. training their respective gov- crease activity against "all forms The chapter entitled "Why Re-of American Jew "to give the utter.have been nothing had not the Balfour Declaration aided should be continually grateful for every moment of our lives— most of his loyalty to the estab- build Palestine?" is among one ernments would recommend for of class, religious and racial anfuture immigrants. tagonisms," Roy F. Dunn, nationJiritish imperial policy. As long as Jewish ideals and British the silken thread that holds the jewels of all our joys,- the lishment of a Jewish common- of the best.: It states the reasons '•:• He emphasized that ttiany Latin al vice commander, announced. for Zionism in most convincing American nationals wouldreceiya wealth in Palestine, a cause which national headquarters or int coincided the Zionist movement was aided. Evidently pearls cf all e-nr priceless blessings: "before the silver cord is means the furthering of the dem- manner; Only bigots can resist agriculturists but not physicians, the"The Catholic War Veterans, ne this simple and irrefutable stateloosed, and the golden bowl" that contains our blisses "is ocratic ideal." and "bankles's bankers," said, "will submit to all posts..a ave .served their purpose. ment, which history has confirmed lawyers since there professions were al- plan of activity against un-Amerwere nourished when Britain was broken at the fountain." only recently, and in harrowing Anti-Semites Convicted fashion. ready overcrowded. TlmTugb. the ieanism with --• the necessary ^In•• -. w! Ill a .lo ')J i ^'-OVLLICJ, a land of warring, half-civilized tribes. conferences it is hoped to ascer- structions as to the most effective Who is there that cannot say with Wordsworth particularIn Jewish thought the term tain exactly what occupational cat- method: to combat communism, Philadelphia (JTA)—Eight of Ttj^e Id^li ., .VJ .iiiu.'Lihjd hundreds of years before there was ly at this Thanksgiving season: 11 men accused of breaking up a "golus" • plays a- significant and egories of immigrants will be,wel- nazism and fascism. Our work for a British empire and they will esist when the British empire is tolerance meeting and of spread- large role. Our own assimila- comed in the Western Hemis- Americanism will not be restrict"Thanks to the Inman heart hy vfhitih. we live! ing anti-Semitie literature which tionist, as their German brethern phere. no more. The future ox Palestine is not dependent on Britain but ed to our own ranks, but will be Tkaziks to Its tea&srness, its: joys, its fears: terrorized Jewish merchants in before them, reject the term with xtended to other groups and ciron the Jews who have sacrificed to build new homes in an To me, the meanest flower.that blows caa givs thoughts West Philadelphia were f o u n d contempt and derision. The truth Jews were permitted to remain cles of endeavor." remains that for the masses of guilty by a jury in Quarter Sesin the city of Genoa for only three atmosphere of peace and justice. That do often Ma too deep for.tears!. Jews "golus" is a terrifying ex- days at a time. sions Court of inciting to riot. Patronize Our Advertisers
Its Purpose Has Been Served
Pan-American ORT Meeting Scheduled
Catholic Veterans to Fight Hatreds
j Page 8
the Congregation moved to Greene the depositors, mostly small trad- served in Warsaw streets is for a they asked where they were to go, Polish woman to ask a German they.were told, they mignt find Street, and later to £ 4 th street at ers, have lost their deposits. Broadway. Rabbi Henry Vidaver After confiscation of all.goods soldier or a Gestapo policeman another home in the Vistula, or succeeded Rabbi Raphall, and "was of Jewish leather, textile and lin- to give her the far coat worn by followed by Rabbi Henry S. Jaen wholesale stores, the authori- some Jewess. The Nazi usually Palestine. In fact, they might do" cobs, .who helped found the New ties have now seized all stocks orders the Jewess to take off her whatever they pleased. York Board of Jewish Ministers "The Germans are fraternizing of Jewish iron and'steel- dealers, coat which Tie hands over to the and the Jewish Theological -Semconcentrated in the Grzybow quar- Polish woman. Soldiers also some- with Poles, telling them Warsaw Wilno (JTA) — Mounting re- ter of Warsaw. The entire quarter times hand the packets they have would never have been laid waste inary. . ... on Jews and confisca- was surrounded by troops with taken away, from the Jews to any nor war been waged had It not Dr. Stephen S. Wise, now Rab-strictions tion of Jewish property in Nazi- machine-guns and the stocks were non-Jew they happen to meet who been for the. Jews. The Poles are bi of the Free Synagogue and occupied Poland were reported loaded on hundreds of waiting lor- only seldom returns i t to the Jew egged on to ^plundering with the President of the Jewish Institute here, ". after the departure of the German words, "Kill the Jews, it's to them ries. • of Religion, was Rabbi Jacobs' All property of the Lodzkl " ' you owe your misery." successor at B'nai Jeshurun which .Jews are forbidden to. use' a soldiers. Bank Depozytowy, Polish branch A Jewish woman who asked the by that tirae had moved to a new number of railway lines in Nazi The report goes on to relate of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, has One of the most interesting \ families of the city^such as the j tion. One of the first gifts reeeiv- Synagogue, at Madison Avenue been confiscated by the Nazis and Poland, although no formal pro- German soldiers for a written or- that while bread and soup are giv•der when they came to confiscate and 65th street. Dr. Wise occupied hibition has been issued. In some Institutions in Hie Jewish life ! Lehman, C o w a n , Bijur a n d j e d by the Elm Street Synagogue en free to the population daily in towns the local authorities even her goods, was slapped by the ser-_ 1C Warsaw squares, when Jews' of the United States unques- I Stroock families, the Congregation j was a valuable Hebrew Bible the B'nai Jeshurun pulpit for sevgeant in command of the soldiers," en years, resigning in 1900 to go forbid the Jews to enter railway porary asylum pending re-emigrationably is Congregation S'uai • has played a particularly promin- | -wnich the younger Salomon doturn tome they are chased away tion and at the outbreak of war stations. In Krakow, Jews have who said: "This is my written or- empty-handed. The report was Jeshurun of New York. It is i enj part in the past two decades, j nated to the new house of •wor- to Portland, Ore. der." been ordered to wear yellow The Ministers of the Congregathere were roughly 140,000 perthe Congregation that Modecai stated to have been prepared "on XJnder the spiritual guidance of j ship. Naz>s Incite Poles to Pogroms tion after Dr. Wise were Dr. Jo- sons In European countries out- badges, all have been forced to M. Xoah helped build: the Conunimpeachable information -which London (JTA) — Confirmation I Rabbi Israel Goldstein, who at ! Until a hundred years ago B'nai shave off their beards and Jewseph Asher, Rabbi Benjamin Tint- side Germany waiting to get gregation to which tiio younghas been received in official quarof J. T. A. reports regarding the present also serves as President i jeshurua had no ordained llinisish shops have been marked with ner and Dr. Judah L. Magnes, now visas to other places. In addition er Haym Salomon presented a o£ the Jewish National Fund in ters in- London. _ position of Jews in Nazi Poland ter, but was guided by lay leaders a six-pointed star. In many towns Chancellor.of the Hebrew Univer- there were between 50,000 and gift. It is the Congregation in America and. as Chairman of the. is contained in information" reand a Cantor, under the super- sity at Jerusalem; Dr. Magnes 60,000 persons who might be re- a Nazi pastime is to compel Jews which Br. Stephen S. Wise and Patronize Our Advertisers" . of the Palestine Pavilion vision of Chief Rabbi Solomon was succeeded by Rabbi Joel Blau, garded as permanently settled. In to greet the German _ military, ceived here in official quarters Dr. Judah L. Magnes preached; Board at the New York World's Fair, Herschell of London,, to •whom all who left the Congregation shortly England, for instance, out of a to- beating them up whether or not and quoted by the press. This reand architecturally its Temple •^i veals that 6,000 Gestapo agents is perhaps the nio=t impressive | the C o n g r e g a t i o n has been ; questions pertaining to religious before the completion of its pre- tal of 50,000 there -were probably they comply. have arrived in Warsaw. With the Evacuate Main Street in the world's largest metropo- brought into active participation j a w were submitted. In 1839 Ha- sent Synagogue in West 8Sth St. 20,000 who had permanent guarInstall— The Rabbi of B'nai Jeshurun antees from friends or relatives or All Jews and Poles have been aid of storm troopers, S. S. men in many Jewish causes. lis. zan Samuel M. Isaacs became the The World's Finest since 1918, when the new buildwho had obtained means of liveevacuated from Warsaw's princi- and German troops, the agents Side by side with Dr. Goldstein, f j Minister, but it was not until r s t The story of B'nai Jeshurun the President of the Congregation, "stirred up the Polish mob to Sound Equipment ing was dedicated, is Dr. Goldlihood. The latter included a large ten years later, when Rabbi Morpal street, Jerusalem Alley, which is an important chapter at his- Charles W. Endel has shared in Giving You Natural Tone stein. In its present Temple, which number of domestic servants. The faces the city's central railway start vindicative activities and the tory. Read about it in this in- its leadership and carried on its ris J. Raphall came to the B'nai is universally recognized as the same is true but on a smaller scale station. All inhabitant of the extermination of the Jewish popQuality and Coverage. teresting article. —EDITOR long tradition of service to the Jeshurun pulpit from Birming- most beautiful example of charac- for other countries. Special System for Stage ham, England, that the Congregastreet were ordered to leave with- ulation goes on with a speed nevcommunity. • teristic Semitic architecture and tion had its first actual Rabbi. Shows and Taverns* The above figures speak f o r in fifteen minutes. Their proper- er heard of before in the whole or . Tne second-oldest Jewi-'~: c Rabbi Raphall, who came of a decoration ever constructed in themselves. They are the best pos- ty, including clothes and linens, history." The report continues; Permanent Installations English and Dateh founders gregation in New York and the distinguished Swedish Jewish fam- America, the Congregation has sible tribute to the splendid work was confiscated for the use of Ger- "The Jewish population is forcThe Congregation was founded or Rentals seventh-oldest in this country ened to salvage every bit of metalily, wa3 known as one of the fore- grown very considerably in mem- of private organizations and vol- mans. 'Our Business Is SOUND' most scholars of his day. His ora- bership and has expanded its ac- untary workers and Xo the liberal In .Warsaw it is a daily occur- from the ruinB. and debris. They torical gifts won him nationwide tivities. It was this expansion of spirit and long co-operation of rence for a German soldier to ap- work in ten-hour shifts, for which fame, and it was he who was cho- activities and, in particular, the governments. They are also proach a Jew carrying some pac- they receive neither payment nor Sound Ecpipment Co. station Shearith Israel but wished zic Congregation to be organized to exchange its Sephardic ritual j sen to be the first Rabbi to open development of a large religious many great encouragement for the fu- ket, the contents of .which the food. Jews are evicted from their 1012 Farnam AT 2S5S in New York and the ninth Jew- for the Ashl-ceaazic form of wor- a session of Congress with prayer. school which necessitated the erec- ture despite liomes and given 15 minutes to the difficulties which soldier does not know, and take ish, religious community to be ship, more familiar to them. take away what they need. When tion of the sis-story Community It was in the House of Representit away. Another daily scene obthe war must inevitably create. founded in the United States. Israel, the second Jew- atives on February 1, IS60, that Center that ad joints the SynagoAlways a potent factor in the ishShearith Congregation to be established Rabbi Raphall delivered the open- gue and where a new generation life of the metropolitan Jewish ing prayer, the first Jew to whom of faithful members of B'nai Jeshin what is now the United States this community, and counting amon ~Z —the honor had been accorded. urun is being prepared to take its first was Yeshuath Israel its members some of the oldest of Newport, founded in 165S -=— place in the life of the CongregaRabbis From the Elm Street Synagogue tion and the community. had been the only Jewish Congregation in New York since 16SO. With, the growth of the city's population and the influx of North An Annual Event with a Reputation for Value Giving European Jews to whom the Span'A ish-Portuguese tradition was un•AH By HELEN Z1GM0XD accustomed, however, it was inevitable that an Ashkenazic Con4 Censors in Sus- gregation be founded. Hollywood Benjamin Jlorange, known to sex, England banned "Professor history as the inventor of oil silk, Mamlock" (anti-Nazi film made ia Russia, remember?) . . Reason: was a member of the little group •DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON QUALITY APPAREL ° It might cause hatred for Ger- which, headed by John I. Hart, EDITOR'S NOTE: The lead- number of permanent settlers many! Whose war is this, Jenkins, left Shearith Israel to form Con- ing role played by Palestine as from Germany,* which, of course, gregation B'nai Jeshurun. Rela- a haven for refugees is oat- includes persons of all religions, is or is it? tions between the mother and lined in the following statement' little short of the refugee figures Strange species this Homo Crit- daughter communities remained by the director of the Intergov- for Palestine. The existence of a icus: In cosmopolitan New York, most cordial, prominent members ernmental Committee on Refu- definite quota has been of great 'Hitler -Beast of Berlin" was of Shearith Israel giving much gees and League of Nations help in arranging regular emigrabarred . . . and was passed final- help to the B'nai Jesburun group. High Commissioner for Refu- tion from the other end. Among those who supported ! gees. ly when the tite was curtailed to TTntrimmed and fur-trimmed coats. In tweeds, needlepoints, soft boucles, fleeces.. . . Some trimmed Other Countries "Beasts of Berlin." Whereas ia the new Congregation w i t h o u t with skunk, Persian, squirrel,.raccoon, Jap mink and kolinsky. Juniors', Misses', women'a sizes. The countries of South America Pennsylvania, the Quaker state, ever joining it was Modecai M. Greatly reduced to 3 Low Price Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . the film was passed without a Noah, one of the outstanding fig- j I n a public statement made a have been very helpful. More so ures in the New York o£ the ear- few days ago I said that since 1933 indeed than the regulations or snip. ly nineteenth century. E d i t o r , from Greater Germany had found some would suggest for while reless than 240,000 refugees strictions have been imposed from "The Great Commandment," playwright and diplomat, Noah not One Group One Group One Group in countries of permanent time to time these have often landed by previewers as a beauti- successively held the posts of homes Reduced to . settlement, while another 160,000 Reduced to proved to be of a temporary charful idea for . religious tolerance, American Consul at Tunis under will be shelved because it is only President Madison, of High Sher- m round figures had been given acter. Moreover South America c o l ossal! Twentieth . C e n t u r y iff of New York and of Associate | temporary asylum in various coun- has been liberal in allowing the . Coat Salon—Third floor , bought the footage for scrappage Judge of the New York Court j tries. I have been asked by sev- entry of relatives of settlers al. . . and will remake the story into j of Sessions. Through his newspa- eral who are interested in the ready established and thus giving . per writings he wielded consider- question about the various coun- effect to a snowball element which up the rate of progress a super-stupendable. ! able influence, and his dramas, tries in which these unfortunate speeds have been able to start life once a sound beginning has been Don't brush it off — that top- some of which were highly suc- people made. ographic speck is Goldwyn Ariz- cessful, helped greatly in the es- afresh. Exact figures are difficult to Here also only a rough estimate ! It's Showman Sammy seor-! tablishment of the native Ameri- 5 i n s again Not to be satisfied with • iean theatre. Noah often spoke m j get, partly because some countries is possible but since 193^ tb.6 Included are . . . Mink-Dyed Muskrats, Goldcrest Seal-Dyed Coneys, Gray. Kidskins, felack Carai a street a river or even a moun- : the Elm Street Synagogue of B'nai 1 do not separate the immigration number of refugees permanently cul, Persian Paw, Dyed Skunk, Jap Mink, Blended Marmote and others. , • Stain, Sa'm bestows his tag on a : Jeshurun, and always stood ready j statistics for refugees from the established in South America can[•whole town It will be an authen- , to advise the new Congregation general figures for immigration, not be less than 50,000. Among while some countries do not pub- the British Dominions, and coltic old western spot with legally- ! whenever the occasion arose, 1 lish any figures at all, and partly onies the scheme by which AuSalomon's Gift 'elected city government . . . will One Group One Group One Group is to admit 15,000 persons i"be used as a permanent "location" Another famous name connected j because the process of immigra- stralia during a period of three years has Reduced to Reduced to Reduced to Bite with, ever-changing inhabi- wittt t i e early days of Congrega- j tion is continuous. made an excellent start before war tion B'nai Jeshurun is that of j But „ „ „ although „ „ „ „ „ precise ^..w^..™ figures ~--^—~~ tants. are broke out, and both Canada and Haym M. Salomon of Philadelphia jn o t VvailablT for* "each 'and' "every , Fur Salon—Third Floor . " Arthur Caesar, "off tzauros" son of. the famous Haym Salomon jc o t t n + r y the position of the main South Africa had made useful con•with his Brooklyn Bridge story, who was of such great assistance ir e c e j T i n g countries is known ap- I tributions. Apart from Palestine . _ „ . . A remarkable „, — .fea- i there nas been a steady flow into iw observes that it's easier to build to General Washington in the fi- pj-osimately. t h American A i Rl Revoluj t U re* oiTthe Qovement~has' been j| t h e B British colonies and these and oae man than to sell one to a nancing of the the manner in which nearly every j the dominions have taken at least Hollywood producer. country in the -world has been ! 12,000 durin the past two years willing to help, some on a large alone. Rochester, Jack Benny's blackGorgeous winter dresses of fine quality crepes and wools, taken from our higher priced stocks and The above are the chief conscale, some on a comparatively out, approached the "boss." Apreduced for this great event Dresses for all occasions. Broken sizes in Junior Misses', "Women's tributors outside Europe but alsmall one. "Very few .places have prehensive of southern prejudice and Waif. Sizes. though the contribution of other given no" help at all. against darkies, be asked if Benny countries has be^n relatively .small Appeal to Jews -would protect him when they Coming to particular countries, it amounts to a considerable numbroadcast from, Miami. "Sure," in the aggregate,. said Jack, "if you'll do the same ji | Palestine has naturally been the berThe Values to .Values to chief role of European lor me when we play Berlin!" i Seek New Techniques for . It country most favoredtoby refugees. countries, but a very important makes aa appeal the Jewish i 29.95, Now Attacks on race such as no other land can one, has been to provide a temGregori(ous) R.atoff works make; settlement projects have himself into a froth piloting bis Jews been in progress for many years actors through a scene. One day New York, (JTA)—New and and many of thev have attained a he exclaimed, "I veel show you GROUP OF 25 JUNIOR DRESSES QUICIC SERVICE BROKEN SIZES . . . VALUES TO 19.95—NOW. . . . vatch me. I'm an ahktor since A>surd twists of technique in anti- large measure of. success; much FINS QUALITY Semitic propaganda in the con_ Dress fiiiinn ThtrJ floor „ enterprise and very large amounts 16 . they call me the 'Mickey ! fusion caused by the Nazi-Soviet of capital have been devoted to its Kooney of Rawssia!' " I pact and the outbreak of war are development; and as families beTag-ends: At his night spot described by Nathanial H. Good- came established they were able First Quality! . they're introducing Slapsie-Maxie rich in the latest issue of the to assist relatives who came to as the Jewish Huckelberry Finn. Contemporary Jeivish R e c o r d , join them. The Breen family took out liabil- published by the American JewFor these and other reasons ity insurance as a precaution when ish Committee. The author ana- settlement in Palestine ha3 preBobby give a birthday party. Hm- lyzes publications of American sented less difficulty on the eco—such ockspinsible guests! Di- agitators linked to official Nazi nomic side than in any other counPairs rector Mervy LeEoy wins the 1939 | sources by the testimony of Mrs. try. Immigration has been on a Parent Magazine award for "Wiz- j Anna Sloane, Nazi agent, before large scale. It has been estimated for and 2S24 Ed Crelghton Ave. ard of Oz" as the best family pic- j the Dies Committee. that not less than 215,000 persons Reduced / ture of the year. "Gabby" in Mas I "Confronted with the coll apse of the Jewish faith have fo-und a to 3 and 4-Thread. NewDressmaker Suits, 3-pc. Fleicher's "Gulliver's Travels" is ! of their propaganda structure, home there since 193 3, but of expected to shoot to stardom after ] which was based upon an assumed course other countries besides est W i n t e r Shades. untrimmed suits. Values AH wool, warmly interlined. his first appearance. Hedwiga j enmity between Germany and Rus- Greater Germany have provided Sizes 8 i to 10£. Buyto $39.95. Broken sizes Sizes 3 to 16. Newest colors. , Reicber gleans a part in "Life of j sia and upon an alleged identity immigrants. . Now for Christmas. and colors. Dr. Ehrlich." Film salesmen in ! of Jews with communism," GoodPoland, Rumania and Hungary London are ursed to make as ! rich writes, "anti-Jewish agita- have sent large numbers. Greater Street Floor Tbjrd Floor CLEVER SNO-SUITS many bookings as possible on ! tors have combed through the deb- j Germany accounts for about onemoonlight nights due to the pre- ! ris and construed a new and equal- ! third of the total only, but even Values to vailing black-outs. Mark Helling-j ly fantastic version of anti-I so a contribution of approximately 514,98, Now.. Fin#l Clearance! SAMPLE LINGERIE er's "Roaring Twenties" scream-! Semitism." . i 70,000 has been of the greatest ario will be isued in book form, i I value in helping to meet the genNew Propaganda y Sizes -3 to 16 Years 125 Pair of Values to 'JL Which suggests . . . this dying eral situation. theme of com6.50, Now.. 3 OFF decade may well be dutbed "The jm a"Their nism directed fromJewish Russia was Next to Palestine the United Writhing Thirties," as we move j r i d i C U j o u s i n view of Russia's pact , mStates of America has been the JUNIOR HIGH FROCKS into the no doubt "Furious For- \ W ith the foremost enemy of Jews ' ost important contributor. The GROUP of SWEATERS yearly quota for permanent immities." in the world," he states, so they grants is nearly 2 8 , 0 0 0 - a n d Reduced to . ' Brush Wools, Sloppy Joes, ^» • / | have now adopted the new techI Slipovers. Reduced If) I »Q Warners received a letter from nique of depicting totalitarian when, following the Evian conferValues to 5:95 American Medical Practitioners states as "Christian" and democ- ence, full effect was given to this ''. ;. $ 2 and $ 3 ' / . . provision there was at once a taking to task those producers racies as "Jewish.." SPORTS JACKETS large demand for visas which still •who . portray doctors as viliians Broken Sizes end Colors It is therefore not unlikely, Mr. Broken Values to and borroi'-ttien. Pictures cited Goodrich thinks, that the future continues. Sizes and •were "Return of Dr. X" and "Dr. course of anti-Jewish propaganda, Exact figures are not available, 7.98, Now Cyclops." However, they for here, a3 in several other counColors tries,-the total includes a certain SMART JUNIOR FROCKS SMART BLOUSES number of temporary visitors, but tion9 in Ws Are Not Alone," the guise of a religious crusade. there i3 reason to. believe that the "Pasteur", and "Br. Ehrlich." in "If Values to 1038 Values to $538 is clear," he states. Column comment: "That's Right, "it is anything 108 Pair of that while anti-Semites disYou're Wrong." 76 76 agree in their rationalizations about the Nazi-Soviet pact there Stage-struck Youth: Directo:^ |' is Hulse &v Riepen no change in their attitude to'Arthur Lubin made his first thes- ward Jews." Most anti-Semitic Home for Funerals LINED SNO - SUITS pic appearance at the age of ._,. six i writers, he concludes, are now Special Croup of V months — the leadin >,,J Broken' sizes 12 to 15. laay « , ,a b a 2 d a n i a , ti,eiT e f f o r l 3 t o f i a d Values to 6.50 ' . Established 19O6 rled him across t i e stage. Values to §6.50, now JUNIOR FROCKS any reasons "for their antiDEMONSTRATION' Reduced to The scene ia ready for lishta | " . . ^l a m' o . . . '* COMPLETE' SERVICE Vanity Fair Lingerie Broken rscent TODAY and action . . . Edward RoMnson I _, ^ r « , attitude ot > - AT NOMINAL COST' Odds and Ends Gowns Sizes and is shown stndylns an old test on i F « i e r Coughun s weekly (Soeia ! 4 and Slips, <*| $J59 Colors chemistry. With serious mien he jbJ"=»-ee) indicates that Jews will. Values to §3.50 * I and takes up the "prop" book. Sudden- ja re e Jattacsed solely because thej i ! FARNAM at 33RD ew s , Fourth Floor , Street Floor ly the silence is rent with laughter i ' - T l l e technique would b e ! ; Street Floor , . . . the tome is entitled, "Th« i to emphasise the faith of individu- L {j Tralninsr and Racing of Toung : al Jews whatever their position Girls. Boston, 1S75." i and activity in life may be." O?EN EVSTSiDSGS
Our Film
Children's Wear
Douglas Coal Co.
Brod moor
HA 1228
THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1939 death of the living; it may mean Poles and Jews have been exa reaction, but it would make life pelled from the township of Lodzmore bearable and that is, after lawek, -renamed Leslau by the all, plain duty. Germans. Ia Ostrow-Bazowiecki Mrs. Morris Cfaipkin "In schcol-we learned the motto all the Jews have beea ordered to Mrs. Fannie Chipkia, 5G, died of the old Latins: 'Si Vis pacem, wear a yellow badge oa their over- Friday moraing at a local hospital para bellum.* (If you wish peace, coats. The Poles have also been after a long illness. perpare for war.) We w o u l d SisSsSKSS? ordered to wear a badge, coasistA resideat of Omaha for maay change it for cur purposes iato: ing of crossed red ribbons to dif- years Mrs. Chlpkin is survived by 'Si vi3 vitaia, para mortem.' (If ferentiate them from the Jews. her husband, Morris; three sisters, you wish to preserve life, presare In. the same towa all the Jewish Mrs. A. P. Kendls of South Pasafor death.)" males were taken for compulsory dena, Calif., and Mrs. Sarah work one day and freed only at Frohm and Mrs. M. V. Priesman Bern g 8 o'clock in the evening, although of Omaha; and two brothers, Sam Sigmund Freud was born oa the the curfew Imposed on the towa and Joe Roseablum. 6th day cf May, 1856, in Freiberg, began at 6 p. m. Whea returniag Moravia. He was graduated from services were held Sun>'o cultural Siistooej o? oiw as r e v o lutioaary ia their day. this tha knowledge that caly to the home, the Jews were fired upon dayFuaeral University of Vienna, asd afternooa at the Crosby-Carltimes will be complete without Without permitting it ia any way ray Jewish nature did I owa t i e studied physiology from 1S76 to from both sides of the street for sbn-Meyer Mortuary with Rabbi the mention of fee name of Sig- to encroach ea hia scientific ter- two qualities which aad become 1883 with the famous Ernst violating the curfew. David A. Goldstein and' Caator mumi Ji'reud who died a.t tiie rain, he confessed that he was Indispensable to a s oa my hard Brueka in "Vienna. In 1S33 ha The entire town of Wysoki Aaron Edgar officiating. Burial age of 83 in his exile lioma i a never particularly pessimistic- con- road. Because I was a Jaw 1 found went to the Pari3 Sorbonns and Mazowlecki has beea burned to was at Pleasaat Hill. England on Sept. 23. mankind: my3alf tree front many prejudices studied with the great psychiatrist the ground and not a single in16 23 debatable whether Ma cerning "It will .set through, if only be- which limited others in -the use of Charcot there. In 1886 be returnhabitant remains. Only 10 houses iitiltuenca on owif culture esr on cause Harry Rubin is an inevitable their intellect, aad being a Jaw, ed to Vienna. remain standing in the township ttsj'cholojjy ia the uiore pro- law ofdavelopmeat Funeral service were held last creation. Man could even I was prepared to eater cpposiUntil 1900 he practiced mediof Czyzew, notorious for the 1936 found. In thin, iiii'OKiiative ap- hasten aia owa evolution "by pro- tioa aad to renounce tae agree- cine in Vienna and then wrote morning at the Jewish pogrom which occurred there. In Friday .tk-1o the author present a brief, per Funeral Home for Harry Rubin, education. But it ia a quesment "witn the 'compact majority.' "The Interpretation of Dreams," Warsaw all radio sets owned by 'eoiuiJitciienalvo study of tlte niaa tion of generations, oi centuries. died the previous both Jews and Poles have been 64, who hadMr. "Tnu3 I became one of you, hardly noticed at the time. In •and ius work. Rubin had been This admitted, there ia no reason slxared your charitable aad naticn- 1910 the International Psychoanconfiscated. Only Germans and Wedaesday. ill at his home for the past year why man should remaia forever a al interests, woa friends aaong alytic Society wa3 organized and Reich citizens are permitted to aad a half. He was a resideat of criminal and a murdered with the you, aad influenced those few since that time, despite attack, have radios ia the former Polish Omaha The death, of Er. Sismund mind of a moron." for over forty years. the movement has grown and f>«capital. :?reud world-famous founder oi • Hi3 faith in the future of man- friead3 who had remained 'with veloped, reaching all part3 of the ' Surviving him are: his wife, modern psychoanalysis, leaves tlie kind, despite an anxiety over the me to eater oar organization. Rose; three sons, Morris of Omaworld and having a profound ef"Of course, it was aot a quesParis, (JTA) —Epidemics of •world of aeianee bereft of a great present plight of the world, reha, and Charles and Max of Cortion cf convincing you of my fect upon mankind. typhus among Jews in Warsaw, pus Christ!, Texas; three daughspiritual emancipator, Sismund mained" unshaken. Among students of Freud were teachings, but at a time whea noLodz and other localities ia Nazi Freud died at the age of eigatyters, Mrs. Sarah Coba and Anna Adier, Steckel, Ferencai and Poland were reported in a mes- of Omaha, and Mrs. Meyer Rach• hvea at his borne in. exile, Hamj- "The war (World War) proved body ia Surepe gave ear to me Jung, other notable scientists. His folaad I had act yet acquired di3sage from Warsaw brought here taat we absurdly over-estimated stead, Sngland. eiplea ia Vienna, you gave me yoar lowers number leading physicians Wearing gas-masks at play in their care before the outbreak of by Dr. Joseph Gottlieb, former ofsky of Dallas. A trail wisp of a man 3a Ms humanity," he declared in 1930. kindly all over the world. Among the best disposed attention. You one of the centers to which. Lon- war and now finds the war emer- editor of the Warsaw Yiddish •iAgtkty-sQconA year — patriarchal"Humanity na3 not fallen. It Patroaize Our Advertisers known ia America are Dr. A. A. don's child population has been gency seriously Impairing its fi- daily Momeat, who arrived in ijX appearance, with his horn-rim- couldn't fall. It has never started were my first audience." Brill, Dr. Smith Ely Jelliffe, Dr. evacuated in fear of air-raids, la the course of the "World med glasses, clipped white mous- to ascend the asrights! nancial resources. In the inset is Paris ea route to Palestiae. Dehe accepted aa occasioaal Bernard Gluck, Dr. L. P i e r c e these German-Jewish children are Julius tioha ami beard — Freud lay "Our 'culture' is only an imag- War, Schwab, president of the claring that "the epidemics are Clark, Dr. William A. White, Dr. among the 933'for whose maininvitation to speak ca various chiefly to starvatloa aad excritically ill on that fateful day ination and a veneer. Our primiDistrict Grand Lodge No. 15, due Leonard Bluiagart and others. tenance, bousing and education subjects. The thing uppermost in haustion," Dr. Gottlieb said that In March. 1933, when Adolf Hit- tive natures, our anti-social, beswhose cabled plea for help was in Lodz the disease was taking a Dr. Ernest Jones heads the psyB'nai B'rith this week cabled S3,most miad3 at the time formed the ler marched into Austria and ab- tial emotions, ara still just under Send any off the following In England. 000 to its British Grand lodge, promptly a n s w e r e d by B'nai heavy toll ia the poor Jewish secsorbed that nation into the Ger- the skin. During the war 'cultur- theme of one of his addresses be- choanalysts Men's Suits—-Hate—TopFreud visited the United States which assumed responsibility for fore aa Austrian lodge cf the B'rith. tioa known as Balut, while in aiaa Heidi. ed' men grew wild-eyed and slash- B'nai B'rith. He chose the grim In 1909, when be received aa honcoats: Ladies' P l a i n Warsaw it was spreading ia the lie was not immediately told of ed each other to bits. When the topic of "We aad Death." He orary L. L. D. degree from Clark Dresses—2 Pc. Suits - ghetto without any attempt by tho the coup, but lived to see his pass- government and the conventions frankly argued that our notions University, Worcester, Mass. He chology and the Ego-Analysis." Naiz authorities to check the epiport taSen by the Nazis, hia for- which W8 admit as our masters concerning death, naturally had was a prolific writer. Among the In 1937, when Freud was in the demic. . ruae confiscated, his books burn- gave the sign and said, 'There is undergone a radical change. Then outstanding books -which he wrote, eighties, it was announced that he Dr. Gottlieb revealed that his FOR. ed ami his publishing iiou3e de- an enemy,' we heaved a sigh of re- he -went on to say. had completed the two-volume and which have been translated wife was killed by the explosion stroyed. After weeks of difficult lief and ca3t overboard our fragtask of psychoanalyzing the Bible, into a dozen languages are "Stud"Ordinarily we treat death as of a Germaa bomb ia a Warsaw negotiations I^reud finally was ile repressions in order to lie, to something we do not wish to see ies About Hysteria," "The Inter- giving particular attention to street while she was administergranted permission to leave hia murder, rape and steal." : pretation of Dreams." "Psycho- Moses. A great deal of controversy at all; it simply does not exist for ing relief to victims of the bomThere was something distinctly us; we wish to kill death by sil- Pathology of E v e r y d a y Life," arose over hi3 latest book, "Moses nonie. with, its books aad Greek Lcundsrcrs d Clcattora Wilno, ( J T A ) — T h e Jewish bardment. He praised the work and Egyptian antiquities, and seek Jewish in the physical appearance ence. That tendency, of course, "Contributions to the Sexual and Monotheism," In which Freud a refu-je in Kngiaml with his wife oi Prof. Freud. He looked patri- cannot be followed without diffi- Theory," "Wit aad The Uncon- expressed the belief that Moses population of Lodz, second larg- of the Joiat Distributioa Commitand married daughter Anna, one archal, almost rabbinical. In con- culties. Death has a way of re- scious," "Totem and Taboo," "A was not a Jew, but an Egyptian est Polish city, which has been tee during the invasion and afteroi. the world's most noted psycho- versation his face would take on minding U3 cf its reality after all, General Introduction to Psycho- follower of the Pharoah Akhnae- renamed Neu Breslau by the ward, declaring it was the only analysts, aad a leading disciple oi the glow of a Talmudist who loves aad then we are shocked, and we analysis," "Beyond the Pleasure and that Judaism and Christianity Nazis, is on the verge of extinc- assistance available to the Warher iather, whose work she had best ta sit up night3 engaged ia find ourselves stricken with some- Principles," "Mass Psychology," alike were derived from Akhnae- tion. Of the formerly 230,000 saw Jews. The former editor said polemics over things of the spirit. thing we considered extraordin- "The I and the It," "Mass Psy- ton's sun-worship. Jews in the city only half are left that wnea he left Warsaw "there continued during hi3 illness. and these have been deprived of was the daager that relief activiThe, scientific •world in general There was also reflected in Ma ary. "We exclaim, 'How terrible!* ties will have to be temporarily every means of livelihood. was painfully and grudgingly slow luminous eyes the intense work- when we read of a fatal accident. in according Prof. Sigmund Freud ings of a high-powered brain, fond Death comes home to us with Their general position in many curtailed unless urgent financial that recognition which, paradox- of toying with profound ideas. He mere frightful reality when oae respects Is worse than that of the assistance arrives from abroad." ically enough, had Ions Seen his tooS great pride Jn the men. and of our, own relatives or close Jews in Warsaw, since the Lodz at the hands ot a vast lay public women who had been -his pupils friends' is stricken, but even then district has been annexed to Gerinfuenced — willy-nilly — by the aad who later became noted by we seem to think death is somemany and all Reich laws, includpower of psychoanalysis, which ha their own merit3, though they of- thing that Is like an accident, ing the "Aryan" legislation, are originated. But like Albert.Ein- ten differed radically from their and not tha sure fate of everyfunctioning. stein, hia illustrious co-religionist; teachers. A ghetto has been ordered for body. We. try to find an escuse was perhaps the greatest virtuoso One hundred years ago a bright Indianapolis ( J T A ) — A cruin another realm, Dr. Freud finalAloof from Jewish Matters for death, and we like to forget little boy of 10 years with long, of his generation; a3 a composer the Lodz Jews, accompanied by a sade for tolerance through t h e ly came to be perhaps the most Although somewhat aloof from that we will eventually have to curls and serious eyes sat he lacked the elements of a gen- specific prohibition on residence 11,593 Americaa Legioa posts widely discussed among contem- and reticent about matters Jew- pay nature's tribute ourselves. tangled himself down at the plaao In the ius. Rubinstein developed a new in two quarters of the city. Jews during 1940 was decided upon by porary scientists. ish, Freud tooS an increasingly Oh, we admit that we will have Park Theater of Mos- form which he called "sacred and Poles are obliged to walk on the Legioa's aational executive lu August, 1930, Freud received affirmative attitude toward Juda- to die, but tha day is far off, why Potrowski and played the Allegro from opera," but his work ia this form, the road whea they meet uni- committee. • '• the Goethe prize 'IOT the year, that ism. He made it clear, however, bother? Ask a Jew sisty years cow Concerto, the Andante such as "Moses," a seven-hour formed Germans. "Legal" and ilJeremiah Cross, retiring Amerisupreme German honor, awarded that he attached no political sig- old: 'Haw old are yc*u my friend?' Humiaeirs and four pieces by opera based on the Law Giver's legal robbery of property is going canism chairman, l a making t h e ny the city of Frankfort and con- nificance to the aspirations of the 'Sixty to a- hundred,' he "will re- of Thalberg life, did not survive the test of on, with Jews the principal vic- proposal, said: " T h e members of Liszt and Henselt. sidered at that time the greatest Jews wherever they may. dwell, ply. Our relation to death has a Field, "Loud applause followed," re- time, and he died while working tims, although numerous Poles are the American Legion, having scientific and literary distinction except insofar as they may be part strong influence en our lives. But ported t i e Moscow newspaper Ga- on his unflaished trilogy, "Caia also suffering. AH Jewish work- served "their country i a t i m e of in Germany. Illness prevented Ms anil parcel of the national life o£ when we eliminate death as a fac- latea, "and ers have been, dismissed from tex- war. now i a time of peace enlist universal wonder was and AbeL" country in which they happen to accepting the honor in person. tot, we deprive oar life's battle felt by the audience during the in- Perhaps, too, the element of his tile factories, which were recent- in this crusade for Xhe preservalive. Though handicapped by a ravly partly reopened. As in Warsaw, tion of justice, freedom, t r u t h a n d cf interest and depth. Our moods terval between each piece . . . by contributed to his un- Jews aging malady, this fearless, uaHe iwa3 conscious of the fast maka U3 cowardly;' when we try the ease •with which the child Jewishness are forbidden to procure new democracy — a n d we have aever happines3. Whea Anton was a compromising fathomer of our un- that the tardy recognition of his to avoid danger to U3 aad those artist overcame all difficulties, the clothes aad shoes, and Jewish tai- yet lost a fight." year old, his grandfather, Roman conscious and s u b c o n s c i o us achievements, as well a3 a more near us, our enly thought is: 'Who little fingers traveling over tha lors and shoemakers are allowed thoughts continued unrelentlessly or less general hostile attitude shall take the place of father, pianoforte keys with the greatest Rubinstein, had the whole family only to make repairs. of 60 members baptized because to plumb the secrets of our un- toward htm, were due in no small mother or son in case of death?' velocity, bringing forth a beautiof the pressure ot anti-Semitic deYOUR INSURANCE BROKER Cannot Flee known mental worlds. degree to his Jewish affiliations. war has changed all that: ful clear tone and at all times the crees. He grew up in the Russian Ilia was a storm centre of theor- In an essay written in 1927, lie we"The Desperately anxious to flee the cannot overlook death any necessary force, but the most won- Orthodox faith. He apparently ies 'which have been profoundly made franli allusion to this. the Jews have bean forbidden MANAGER more. Wa have to believe that derful thing of all was that the overcame the taint of his Jewish city, Instrumental in increasing our Not a3 intensely absorbed ta death is real. Primitive man re- child artist fully entered Into the ancestry—Czar Nicholas once em- to emigrate without special perknowledge of human conduct. The Palestine as is Einstein, Er. fused to "believe that death meant composer's idea and understood mission. All members of the forCITY'FINANCE AND' braced him and exclaimed. "How mer Jewish Community Council, controversies engendered by Dr. S^reud nevertheless viewed with the destruction of lira. At the bier his aim." is your excellency?" But the con- as well as numerous other Jewish Representing 21 Strong Kreud's contentions were often sympathy the rehabilitation of the of the laved one he invented spirCompanies Galatea wa3 sure that "the flict within him went on. acrimonious and far from clarify- Holy Land and was a member of its, saw the human being a dual leaders including Zionists and SoA Complete Insurance Service A few years before his death, cialists, have been detained by the ing in their consequences. But the Board of Trustees of the Ha- creation, body and soul, originally young artist will undoubtedly be CALL, AT 7667 or WA 5150 able to procure himself an honor- when he could have looked back Nazi authorities. Activities of the many o£ his "bitterest adversaries brew University. 4485 with several souls. In the memory able place ia the ranks of the Eu- with contentment on recognition Jewish Community have been con"The Settlement Counts" ultimately revised their criticisms To the meager data available his departed dear one he creat- ropean celebrities." The prodigy in his lifetime—something which fined to administration of the and bowed in acknowledgment be- concerning the Jewishnes3 of the of ed the form3 of existence for wa3 Anton Gregorievich Rubin- few composers a c h i e v e — the cemeteries and supplying of workiore the master's superior percep- lata Dr. Sigmund Freud, should which death is but the beginning tions. be added a significant letter writ- the idea of a future life after ap- stein, and ia subsequent years he founding of the St. Petersburg ers for removal of debris from procured himself aa "honorable Conservatory, his years as court the streets. Although the ComThe pivotal Tact of Dr, T>"rGud'3 ten by him in 1323. Dr. Freud parent death. place" indeed, becoming Russia's musician to Grand Duchess Helpsychological tenets was his insis- had been a member of the Vienna is supplying 700 Jews "Religion succeeded in making chief m u s i c i a n and famous ena, he Instead summed himself munity tence that the will, or desire, has Lodge of the I. O. B. B. since daily for debris removal, hunting this after-esiateace a valuable and up bitterly: throughout Europe—and America, a dominant effect on the processes IS97. In those day3 ha found it in the streets for labor conscripts "I appear quite illogical to my- continues daily. As in Warsaw, oi our thoughts. Re averred that difficult to obtain a hearing for perfect cne, against which earth- •where he toured ia 1872—as a ly lifa ia a mers preparation for piano -virtuoso. self. As regards life I am a rehuman beiugs are animals of will his then startling view3 an psyonly Jews are being taken, for the In maintaining its existing high standard ot liquor law enforearather than of reason. In terms choanalysia. But is lodge offer- the life after death. Our holy ment, the Nebraska Liquor Conunissioa carries out its responTae 100th anniversary of Ru- publican and a radical, while in forced labor. scriptures do not conform to that leas and lesa intricate and with ed, him a hospitable forum. sibility to our citizens. binstein's debut was marked in art I am a conservative and a Numerous suicides of Jews are conception. There i3 no guarantee a lucidity understandable by host3 November, coinciding with t h e despot . . . The Jews regard me reported from Warsaw. T h e In observing the 70th birthday In co-operating closely with the Commission through a tell* of laymen, he furnished the key of Dr. Freud, in 1928, the B'nai given; ca the contrary, we read: 110th anniversary of his birth as a Christian, the Christians look streets of Warsaw are covered 'Only the living praise God.' That policing program which cimo to Have beer sold under condito riddles in the forms of dreams B'ritb, sponsored a celebration on (November 16, 1829) and the on me as a Jew. For the Rus- with posters of a proclamation by standpoint can be considered one tions as wholesome as beer itself,.our industry carries oat iU and phantasies. that occasion. Tv'hile ha could not of the reasons why the Jewish re- 45th anniversary of his death (No- sians I am a German (he studied the Governor of Warsaw, Dr. Hans acknowledged social responsibility to our citizens. He solved mysteries that had personally attend, the famous vember 20, 1834).' The Columbia in Berlin and spent part of his Frank, holding the Jews responligioa could not take tha place of inil'fled the world for thousands healer of the human mind wrote Broadcasting company paid trib- youth there), for the Germans a sible for all the evils of the war. other religions after they had disIn avoiding tho comparatively t&vr retail outlets which permit of years. And, moreover, Freudian the following letter to his fellow ute to him on Tuesday with a pro- Russian. The classicists think me The brutal treatment of Jews by appeared. anti-social conditions, and in patronizing the thousands of law* a futurist, and the futurists a re- the Nazi authorities In small explanations have shed much- members: gram of his songs and piano inuslo "Nat only did the belief in a abiding outlets, oar citiiess carry oat their responsibility to needed Sight also on the ways of actionary. My conclusion is that I towns ia growing continually "I want to tall you haw I be- hereafter begin at the grave in and a talk by Catherine Drinker am uormul thinking. In addition to came themselves by ti)Os farther protecting their equity in Nebraska'* neither fish, flesb nor good red worse. Bowen, author of the newly puba Ben Brith and what I antiquity but also the fear of lished "Free Artist, the Story of herring—a pitiful individual." this, they have removed the eob- sought in your companionship. 130,000,000 beer industry. ' In Belechow, "near Warsaw, the death, and the first ethical com- Aatoa Rubinstein aad His Broth•webs from enigmas surrounding; local historic 500-year-old syna"It was in 1S35 that two strong mandment: "Than not kill,' personality, literature, mythology impressions united within me, reA reception was held last Sailors' School Espands gogue wag set afire while crowded and kindred fields of the intang- sulting in the same effect. On the can be traced to it. The last in- er." with worshippers. Several Jews junction gradually was extended week at the Beethoven Associaible. CHARLES E. SANDALL. Stale Director one hand, I had gained the first Haifa (WNS-Palcor Agency) — werp killed in attempting to esthe non-loved, to the stranger, tion ia New York w i t h Josef Psychoanalysis, as conceived by insight into the human sensual to 710 First National Bank Bldg. Lincoln, Nobr. finally even to the enemy. It Lhevinne playing his piano com- Despite war-time conditioas, a cape and many others were seriDr. Freud, was applied first aa a Ufa aad had seea many things aad noteworthy that we today take positions aad Dr. Walter Dam- new class was begun at tEe Haifa ously injured. The beadle of the method of treatment tor nervous which might disenchant, perhaps is Nautical school, whose students synagogue, who tried to save the the same position in regard to rosch, presiding. disorders. It has come to provide even frighten ona at tirst. On t i e death now total 65. Supported by the Scrolls of the Law, was ordered Idle a, Paradox more and more an interpretation other hand, the announcement of man. a3 that taken by primitive Rubinstein would have been funds of the Jewish Agency, the by the Nazis to dig a grave in of and contribution to anthropol- my unpleasant findings had the buried alive toogy, sociology, biography, history result that I lost the largest part "Between tha primitive n a n and happy at this form of tribute be- training school for maritime occu- which he was the Scrolls. and ethics. Such terms as the un- of my human relations. I felt lika the sub-conscious mind there is cause his most fervent wish was pations has been promised a con- gether with Yellow Badges conscious, complex, n e u rosi3, one who Is ostracised. In this great similarity. Our sub-consci- to gain fame as a composer, al- tribution toward its; 1940 budget Many Jews have been cruelly psychosis, repression, resistance, loneliness there awoke within ma ous mind is just as opposed to the though during his lifetime he was by the Hadassah of America. maltreated in the towns ot Piotrtransference aad libido have their the longing for a circle oJ select, conception of our own death, just better known as a pianist. His The Jesuit writer, John Baptis- kow and Demblln, where the life was the curious parados of a basis in psychoanalysis. high-minded men who would ac- as bloodthirsty in its attitude tow- man ta, was a grandson of the Hebrew Nazis have subjected them to the superficially, had everyThese Hashes of elucidation re- cept me in friendship in spite of ard the stranger, and duteous thing-who, most abominable tortures. All -which should make him grammarian, Elijah Levita. veal Professor Freud's eagerness my daring opinions. You? associa- about loved ones, as was the orig- happy—fame, money, friend3, a to simplify hia theories: tion was pointed out to me as a inal man. How far had we emanfamily life—yet wa3 not "The mind is an iceberg. It place where 3ueh men wsra -to he cipated ourselves from that prim- joyous itive conception! And yet — tha happy. Hoaio only one-seventh of it3 bulk found. war ha3 again caused tha reverHe fall short of happiness-beabovo water." "The fact that you were Jaws sion ta type; cace more we have cause he reached beyond the limits "Sex,'' he said, "is the root and could be only desirable to me, for gone back to the ideas of man's cf his abilities. As a pianist he ALL TYPES O7 OIL BURNER'S the fruit <md the blossom of the I myself was a Jew and-1 had al- infancy. The war teaches us onca tViii.i ot l i f O . . . " more to. become heroes who do not "Never i*essiiui«tSc believe ia tieir .own death; tal!3 However, be also viewed with us to kill tha stranger, the enemy, tender solicitude the physical onics it — not Irel.ef and to wish his death and de> i j w • ' i i ^h^. W o r l d W a * stractian, while it suggest to those i'd H i ' ' > ' -.> e T o o it: n s m i and not nations, pride, i.or I iava left behind to suffer withoat c o s alwa; s besn u unoiXv^-r J-2-I )<j i i w ; ! u i jdea j , , _nha .'a hucn reared ivthout T:V.j- plaint. -i )' i i ' t h e vo i liv'OUo i-Uii\'.? caa always get clean, suitable fuel oil deio'i, hat not without the rjsjujct 1 "War eannct be abolished. As oi iv Ji 3 t dd * be i U j ' t led livered to yonr home instantly. There's no sach thins 10" i-icae retjUi-aments ot human long as thers £3.'an economic conS3 a SOBS wait for delivery - - we faas»d!e your order OJ.tjra ca4l3«i "eoXcU.' ' I ' - J . - ' U " flict, as long as-thera is prejudice teimetltateSy! na-jual 3r ua I i a '3, I ^dz^-s?- among tha pacplea el tha earth y " °d to 3u?pr3o3, c o a l e r ag it 4--- there will be war. Under such cirA. large fleet of tracks la always ready to replena-sU'au.! and i ^ a s t , i- gn.2z^.& i-J. cumstances it may sot be amiss ish year supply of fuel oil. Yea neefl constant heat ^vd I in year heiae to protect the health of your fatally. ta give 4@&th lia place ia reality, Yea can depend oa ES toe J-OET fuel oil sapply. jdl aad S3 oar thoughts, and to listen brought ta the lr a ta the voice of oar uacanscic whom we Jews It i. "3ut there wera ; / D211VSC2Y ationa which, maia i ness of Judaism an »-3 :r;'3JFSiSSJ istible — many o\^ emotions, all the m mm® the less they wera zo vorda; and also tJ a" iciousnesa of aa i ei' .d eat «P waimoa with you .'t a construction oi V?a "And soon thei J was added a EOTH OT.
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