In the Interests of the Jewish People
A "Weekly Survey of People • and
KSXXJEY BHAIXXX— 1AST OF TSK MOHICANS A stack of books is before ma Kotcrea a s Second C U u Ala!! Slauei uo January 31. 1321. at VOL.XvTI—No.CT OMAHA, NEBEASKA,'PRIDAT, DECEMBER 15, 1939 to be reviewed. Many issues of fostofflcg. of Omaha. N*brasKa. under tbe Act of Marcb S. 1879 '.'he day wait lor comment. I had .nought that for a few weeks at .east there would be a lull in the ictivities of the Man with the Scythe, but. Hitler's Chief seems '.o Save, been •working feverishly, Try-oujts for the next proThe collegiate spirit "will reign lot only abroad on a saper-wholeduction of the Center Players at the Jewish Community Center sale scale, but even, ia •peaceful will be held on Sunday, DeSunday afternoon, December 17. Sew York. Our leaders ia the cember 17, a t 3 o'clock at the vhen a new series of tea dances iterary field particularly have Jewish Community Center, acis inaugurated for yonng people Deen removed by the fuehrer's cording to announcement made of high school and college age. senior partner. by •Miff*""*-"1''--Shapiro, chairman The dance will he held in the Cultural Losses o£ the* . """*—"itlc ComCitrus Growers Facing In but a scant few days, Jewish N o ' D e c i s i o n s Affecting auditorium from, 3 to 5, immedi- Break Up Meeting Called mittee ^ Crisis as Markets by Nazis in Policy Have.Been ately folio-wing. • the basketball :ulture has sustained the loss of Closed game. Refreshments w i l l be Prague llolssaye Olgin, Communist leadTaken that, when Uie river freeses'OvEr served. sr; Alexander Harkavy, Amerilar m y s t e r y _ more Jews will be sent to Lublin Miss Rosalie Alberts, Center sanizer of a million Jews through WAR HALTS SHIPPING Night of January 16." ""' -—--^ AIDED BY CIVILIANS NO IMPLEMENTATION dancing instructor, wilflie on the to be forced:to.cross on the Ice Ms English boots aad at the same .As a large cast is necessary, I into Soviet Poland. ".' :ime conserver and promoter of Immigration P r o v i s i o n s floor to mix the crowd and toReporfc Czechs Still Refuse . the Dramatic Com mittee has IScientists Seek New Uses : Congress-Appeal demonstrate t h e latest dance :he Yiddish languages; aad Reuexpressed a desire for new peo-.I For Surplus of The : World_ Jewish CongTess Being Rigorously to Co-operate in steps. ben Brainin. pie to appear lor try-outs, I Oranges executive committee adopted •& Admission to the tea dance will Enforced Of course there were other leadJew-Baiting resolution appealing to the civile be 10 cents per ""personBy BORIS SMOI/AB srs la various fields whose obituJerusalem (JTA) — The risized world to take .action against Paris (JTA) — Le Temps reJ. T. A. Chief European iries could claim space ia this eolLondon, (JTA)—It was learned ing cost of living in Palestine is barbaric treatment of Jews in.-Poported that the Czech authorities Correspondent amn. There is Abraham Koth- authoritatively that the British indicated by a survey showing that land a n d . establishment of" thai had prohibited an anti-Jewish itein, one of the legendary 26 Government has taken no deciParis, (JTA —Reliable sources living costs in Tel Aviv, largest '"reservation." "The Jews-o£ tb.o meeting called by the Czech Nazi . laints. and by a curious quip of sion affecting the Palestine White declared this week that the Nazi city in the land, increased by 9.1 world reject Vlth revulsion, and organization. Camp of National late., father of the notorious gara- Paper policy since outbreak of per cent since the outbreak of the project for a Jewish "reserva- Indignation the inadmiBsible'proSocialist Czechs, in Prague oa 9ler and racketeer who met histhe war. The official view is that tion" in the Lublin district of Powar. text of the Reich Government." November SO. leath in foul play. the Government is committed to The investigation, made by the land bad turned out to be only a that it will solve the Jewish probWhat a disquisition might he the White Paper policy and is When a number of Czech pretext for removing Jews to this Statistics Department of the Jewlem in this way,"' the protest written on this version of "fathers determined to carry it out, but Nazis crowded into a meeting Agency Executive, covered 220 district and then expelling them said. "We have no doubt that md sons," when we reflect that actual implementation has been Iowa-Nebraska R e g i o n hall, despite the ban, and shouted, Three-Day. Conference to ish into Soviet Poland. families throughout the country, the civilized Tvorld will also rs« Be Held Here Rothstein senior, for many years, delayed because of the war. "Out with the Jews" and "Long to Hear Rabbi including 61 in Tel Aviv, but BO These sources said that almost ject these decisions of tho-presin spite of his position as an in- It is understood here that any Live Hitler!" the Czech police, in April 80 per cent of the Jews from Bo- t_t German Government/* ••far only the result for this city dustrialist, was extolled hy the change from this official view aided by the local population, inhas been publishable. The survey hemia-Moravia and Vienna who proletariat, that he furthermore could only follow a decision by The executive also a d d r e s s e d ^ The 1940 District Six conventervened and dispersed the gath* A delegation of Omahans will made in connection •with a n had been sent to Lublin w.ere refused to sue his debtors daring the Prime Minister or the Warattend the Iowa-Nebraska Zionist ering. German elite guards who tion of the Aleph Zadik Aleph was letter to Polish Premier -WladlsJ forced by the Nazis to cross the agreement between the Manufac:he early depression, and although On this score, it is re- Conference to he held in Des attempted to arrest several Czech will be held in Omaha, April 7, S turers* Association and the Tel San Elver into' the Soviet terri- law. Slkora'ki Btating that tno iie was in consequence financially Cabinet. 9, under t h e joint sponsor- Aviv Labor Council to j>ay indus- tory. This explains, it was said, Jews recognized the exiled'Polish understood that the Gov-Moines, December 17. Delegates policemen were attacked by theand ruined, undertook to pay his debts liably of Mother Chapter No. 1 and trial workers a cost of living al- jwhy the Soviet authorities last Cabinet as the sole authority over^ has given assurances are being invited from all Zion- crowds before they succeeded ia ship to his own creditors. "One in a ernment districts in Nebraska and Iowa delivering these policemen to the Sam Beber Chapter No. 100, ac- lowance. week began erecting a barbed- the Lnblin district and calling at*; million'" is a designation whicn that it would consult Opposition ist cording to an announcement made to form an Iowa-Nebraska region. Gestapo. According to the report, food barricade on their side of tention to the .Jews' indign%tlgn leaders before taking further nrould scarcely do him justice. this week by the Supreme Ad- prices increased 12.4 per cent, wire over the ""reservation" project a s Dr. Solomon Goldman, president the San. steps, particularly in view of the There is no doubt, however, visory Council. well as" Jewish sympathy for .aH* of the Zionist Organization of clothing and footwear 28.6 per Czech Blocking Agitation fact that the League of Nations This information coincided with that the name which compels atIrving Nogg of A. Z. A. 1 and cent, while other categories - in- an - independent report in the Polish sufferers, regardlesses -'pt will be the principal New York, (JTA)—The former YalB iention"today"is'Reuben"BrainTn, i c . ° u n c i ! has-been unable to con-America, Richards of A. Z. A. 100creased only slightly or not at all. newspaper Paris-Midi that hun- race and religion. • .i" speaker. editor-in-chief of a Prague daily sider the policy. whose death seals a whole epoch. have been selected as general coThe Omaha delegation to the who has arrived in New York; reA report received fey • tb.9 Condreds of Jewish men and women, This is considered a definitely Brainin was called "Bean of Heconference will be headed by Rab- ported that attempts to arouse chairmen of the convention by Tel Aviv (JTA) — As a re- nclnding aged and sick, who had gress regarding t h e Lublin'"res-• brew Literature," but I believe encouraging development, since bi David A. Goldstein and Philip anti-SeJnitism in the Protectorate their respective chapters. sult otprevailing economic con- been taken to Lublin from various ervation" said that the German that it would be more apt to refer I the Opposition is strongly sym- Klutzniek, Over SO A. Z. A. chapters in past district presi- have failed "and steps against ditions, the Union of School- parts of the Reich were com- Government intended to publish to him as the "Last of the Mohi- i pathetic to the Zionists and would dents: Eparaim eight states, Nebraska, Iowa, Illipresent Jews have been taken only by the children's Parents has decided pelled by the Gestapo a t gun's soon a map of the area entitled :ans." The men who constituted not support the • White Paper pol- president; Joseph Marks, nois, North Dakota, South. DakoTretiak, treas- Nazi Protector's office after the to increase from 2,000 to 5,000 point to cross the Soviet frontier. "Jehudah," to signify t h a t It was t i i s circle, Peretz Smolenskin, icy if given an opportunity to urer, and Sal Michnick, ta, " Minnesota, Wisconsin and secretary- Czech Government has refused to the number of free meals its These Jews have been met with a Jewish territory. Ths' mapMoses Lilienblani. David Frish- press their views. Zionists anxieMichigan, will be represented by Mr. Klutznick and Mr. Marks act," according to a news bulleman, seem to be of a remote age. ties, however, are not yet re- will delegates and teams In the big- distributes to needy children in gunfire Irom the Soviet side, would show the territory as hav-. participate in the conference Paris-Midi eaid. I t is expected ing an area of abont 1,000 square h Brainin was like a trunk which lijved. Zionist circles believe sessions. The former will sneak tin issued by the American gest convention sponsored by any kilometers, bounded by the Sap., grew into a branch that looked j that Colonial Secretary Malcolm on local fuad-raising activities, Friends of Czeeho-Slovakia. The union appealed to variindividual chapters. and Vistula Rivera on the "west over into a new vista. The editor also said that every District finals in debate, ora- ous Jewish institutions for sup! -UacDonald is anxious to imple- and the latter will give a short reand by the Soviet frontier on thb Journalistic Pattern ment the policy further, notably port oa the activities of the local street in the cities and every vil- tory and basketball "Will be held port on the ground that it could east. Many stereotyped phrases havs ia connection with regulation of districtlage "has its group of Czech pa- with the winners of winter r e - not carry out the plan alone. The Teport aBsertea- that ts<s been used in, the eulogies by writ- land sales. All persons interested In the triots, closely organized to resist gional ' tournaments competing. Besides this union, Hadassab. ers of all shades. There is, of The Zionists are 'deeply con- Zionist movement have "been in- the invader. Neither Jews, for- District winners will be entered in provides free meals, but not plan for the "Jewish terlrtory^ 5ourse, the new hackneyed statehad been decided upon a t the eigners, nor those previously the 1940 national A. Z. A. tour- enough to meet present needs. vited to attend the conference, prominent ment that he introduced the Euro- cerned over the rigorous enforce- j and last meeting between Reich Forin political life are naments. In addition to tournaare asked to telephone Mr. ments of immigration provisions pean style into Hebrew writing. o f t h s eign Minister Joachim von RlbAT 0729, or Mr. Marks, permitted in the organisation in ment finals and district business With a citrus crop estimated a t There is" natuVally'the^alltision^To ! White Paper and the un- Michnick, SI00, if they desire extra pas- order to reduce the risk of detec- sessions, the three-day convention 12,000,000 cases of ripening and Noted Viennese Violinist bentrop and.Premier Vyacheslav hiB double tragedy—the physical | responsive attitude met in nego- JA will have a complete social pro- the shipping season opening, most Mold toft of Soviet Russia," in Will Be Featured »nd I tiations for the extension, of eer- sengers or wish, a rids to Destion by the Gestapo," lie said. and th» the sniritiia]. spiritual. gram, including a dance, banquet of J-he. scientific-ability and busMoscow. 'ThG plan was later elabMoines. tificaies from the previous sched• on Ptogram This ia the journalistic pattern, and luncheon. orated in Berlin, it was said, •with -2few Edict iness aenznen. of Palestine is now :, ule which had been assigned to which certainly does not reveal Over, 400 Alephs are expected the result that the following fourLondon, <JTA)—-Czech circles pn oranges.. .. • the real Brainin, who was both Polish emigrants but not used j The second quarterly meeting point program was lonnulftted: to participate in the convention. concentrated Xo Foreign Market • here report that to defeat refusal p t more and less than he Is generally because ot the war. the Women's division will take ^ll_33i£Jlrst_to t a l e n t to\Lnb_. I t is feared, tuat 50 per. -cent of b ths_ h Cseclis_tp l by ,,keep_ th represented., ta be, ...There were •- -The-- Jewish- Chronicle-said it place on^'Monday;December 18,"at] :iinwiil be all Jews front the Cor; of the crop cannot be marketed posHsf" in' •TQie. "Prague. German tragedies in Braiain's life that understood that daring the re1 o'clock, at the Jewish Commu- ridor, including- Gdynia. Posea aboard .because of war conditions. nity bank, Boehmlsche Diskontobank possibly his own family did notcent conversations between Prime Center, Mrs. Joe Rice, presiThe German, Austrian, CzechosloK a t t w i c e ; (2) next to be r e . and Kreditasstalt, t h e Nazi aurealize. The death of his accom- Minister Neville Chamberlain an i dent, announces. At tbls meeting, and vak a n d Polish markets, which tomoved are t h e Jews of yienna thorities have decreed that ell plished daughter, Miriam, Ph. E>.Labor M. P.'s Clement Attlee and the nomination committee will gether accounted " for a million submit the slate' of- officers l o r and other parts of Austria, a t ti of a Belgian university, was a Arthur Greenwood efforts were Czech savings banks must place cases a season, is now closed^ The the rate of 2&00 -weekly. Such speed blow from which he had never made to obtain relaxation of the Council Bluffs Hadassah 30 per cent of their deposits into new year. , . - turned United-Kingdom, which ordinarily out later, however, to 'fte completely recovered. Sponsors Event a t the bank as a "permanent investAn interesting feature of the British policy on Palestine along Personality ment." The money, it was stated, ostpone Amateur Night; buys 70 per,cent of the crop, now- quarterly meeting will be a violin impossible; (3) ; tha starting- -pt the following lines: Masonic Temple adays consumes less. Similarly, all will be csed to purchase Czech What does Reuben Brainin's by an outstanding Viennese systematic removal of Jews from to Show Football European countries are conserving recital Continuation of immigrareputation rest on? Hardly lias tion(1)and As the lighlig'ht of Its -winter and Jewish properties, eespeeially artist. Miss U l y Hudin. Miss the Bohemia-Moravia ProtectorPictures their foreign exchange balances immediate release of •certhis .question been broached by the activities season, t h e Council industrial concerns that the Nazis Rudin, -who received (her musical ate should be effected simultafor war purposes. 1 many who paid pen service to him. tificates withheld as punishment Bluffs Senior Hadassah will on wish passed into German hands. training in Vienna, is recognized neously "with t h e Trom- JUistris; A. regular meeting of Omaha Shipping is scarce and freight While it is true that his articles for ilieg-al immigration; (2) im-Sunday evening at S o'clock preas an able and successful concert (4) the latest to be renjovett odge of B'nai B'rith will ba Jfceld rates have shot up. The reappearand essays could fill at least 30 mediate release of all certificates sent a Minstrel show, "Holy Brussels, <JTA)—The German player with a remarkable talent should>bB the Jews of thc^Old Monday, December 18, at the Jewvolumes, he lacked t h e long- intended for refugees; (3) the Smoke," at the Masonic Temple newspaper Essener National Zei- ish Community Center. The meet- ance of, the Spanish crop is also for the violin. She will be ac-Reich. "•• ah adverse factor. nerredness to make a thorough Government's co-operation to- al-in Council Bluffs. The play has tung reports that a number of companied by Mrs. Abe Tellman, This plan, the report s a i l prong will start a t 7:30 p. m. in the Therefore, efforts are being Omaha pianist leviate the economic crisis in Pal- been written by Mrs. Ben Telpner. persons, mostly Jews, have been research on any subject. vided for completion of thB Teodge room. made to utilize a great part of estine by extension of public He was not a scholar, but he Abe Saltzman is director. A luncheon will"be serted in moval of all Jews to the Greater arrested in eastern Slovakia durThe Amateur night previously the crop in Palestine itself. The possessed something not to be works and loans; (4) assurance Members of the cast include: ing the last few days on charges cheduled connection with the meeting. A Reich by April 1, 1040.^Jt ap- " has been indefinitely Sieff Institute at Rehoboth, headthat nothing would be done to imfound among savants in general; Mrs. E. Ross, Mrs. M. Steinberg, of spreading "alarmist rumfirs" ostponed because of the lack of ed by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, has large attendance is expected at pears, however, that tbe Nazi ruland that is intuition. Few Jewish plement the White Paper in re- Mrs. B. Kubby, Sirs. B. Telp- under instructions of the British ntrants. If interest is revived, an devised a process tor mass squeez- the rally, and women are Tirged: ers have themselves realized the writers equalled him in that re- gard to administration or land ner, Mrs. M. Bobnick, Mrs. H.intelligence service. to make immediate reservations unfeaslbllity of such a rapid exattempt will be made to hold , (Continued.on page 8.) spect. He was a dilettante in the legislation; (5) a better under- Galpert, Mrs. B. Abramson, Mrs. I. by calling Jackson 1366. pulsion. Amateur night at a future date. best sense of the word; and he standing for Jewish defense serv- Moskovitz, Mrs. A. Leibovitz, Mrs. Performs Helpful Tasks So far, t h e report declared, Election of delegates for the was a striking personality. I often ices and quashing of sentences S. Lincoln, and Dorothe Saltzman. The Women's division nas had more than 5,000 Jews have treen district convention to be heldiere •wondered whether h i s distin- upon people training- for selfOthers taking part are Mesan active year and can point, to a shipped t o ' Lnblin from Vienna, n Omaha in July will take place guished appearance wa3 some- defense. dames A. Hoffman, J. Rosen, L. number of definite achievements. despite the determination of the Monday night. Plans for the comthing hereditary or whether it London, A. Bear, S. Suvalsky, L. The Chronicle said it was exA comfortable lounge room with ing oratory contest scheduled for Vienna Nazi authorities to have was the result of his constant hobnew furniture was made available tho city "Judenreln" by Februthat attempts of officials Meyerson, H. Pried, M. Harris, the first meeting in January will nobbing with notables in every pected S. Rosenthal. on the lobby floor. A new meetin London and Jerusalem to en•)e discussed. The oratory contest ary, 1940. The Jews in Berlinwalk of life. Dancers a r e Esther Brown, ing room, properly decorated," was have force the White Paper would not s sponsored jointly by the B'nai so far not been affected .by,= He gathered his honey from succeed, although it was impos- Bette Lee Harris, Marilyn Saltzalso added to the facilities of the the plan.; B'rith and the Bound Table of Jewish leaders In Ber- many sources; and his writings sible to fortell the actual results man, Ida Gittle, Dorothe SaltzCenter, for the convenience of the lin were recently ewish Youth. .» called to Gestabore the signs of a mellifluous of recent intervention. | man, Lucille Abrahamson, Maxine many groups meeting there. .The ^Sth anniversary of the Football Pictnres po headquarters to submit "Budgvartegatedness, reaching it3 satA brisk ticket sale is reported ' Leibovitz, and Beverly Steinberg. The new main project of" the founding, of the B'nai Abraham Feature of the Monday night ets and plans of activities for t h e uration point ia memoirs and biMaxine Leibovitz is directing the 'or the Erika Mann lecture which meeting will be the showing of lodge was celebrated Sunday eve- Women's division is the conduct next three years, v$iich Is "taken ography. He was a student of men \ a to be given on Saturday evedances.. of Camp Jay-C-Ca t Louisville, ning with a banquet a t the B'nai Nebraska university football rather than of books. There was to mean that they will bo permitEdith Bubb, Eileen Rosenberg, ning, January 6, at the Central the synagogue in South Omaha. Neb. The" Women's division has ted to conduct relief and emigraa touch of the gypsy in him ta High school auditorium under the pictures of the 1939 season. The Israel and Betty Grossman are members covered the deficit incurred in Approximately 2 5 0 m e m b e r s will be shown by Coach countervail his intellectual .purtion , work as hitherto for t h e of the trio. The piano accompani- auspices of the Temple Israel Sis- pictures friends were present to ob-the first year's operation of the next three years. suits; and this too might account terhood. Miss Mann will speak "Id Weir of Nebraska university and - »» ments will be played by Leo Meycamp, and has undertaken to proserve the silver anniversary. and will start promptly a t 7:30 for his magnetism, his animatedon "What Price Fascism." erson, Mrs. A. Saltzman, and Bert vide Camp Scholarships to enable Babbi I. Rackofsky gave the . ness, his roaming habits,, aad his Daughter of the distinguished P. m. Fitzgibbons. Mrs. M. Yudelson many children to have, summer imaginativeness, which sometimes The B'nai -B'rith and the Phy-featured address. writer, Thomas Mann, winner of and ,Jane Hoffman are prompters. vacation at camp, who otherwise Lieb Wolfson, past president, •would color his wide range of insical Education department of the Beatrice Krause, Frank Scott, the Nobel prize in literature, could not afford it. - A camp comformation. Community Center a r e was presented with a special i n mittee, Bert Fitzgibbons, and Adeline Erika Mann has carved out a ca- Jewish, ander the chairmanship of Dr. Herman Weil, formerly assignia ring in recognition of his jointly sponsoring . the pictures. Memoirs London are in charge of make-up. reer of her own as writer, actress The business session will follow outstanding- work for the organ- Mrs. Bernard, Fleisher, is in sociated with the educational orMany are the thoughts and rem- ganization of the Jewish commun- Mrs. R. Gordon is in charge of and lecturer. She has been one ization. He was also toastmaste charge of the project,, and it is 1 iniscences which crowd in upon ity of the outstanding leaders in the immediately after the showing of for properties, of Frankfurt-am-Main and now the evening . Various chapter expected that a better season will the pictures. my mind on the day when hi3 in- professor of Mathematics and Sci- Mrs. O. Greenherg and Mrs. M.anti-Fascist fight. be held in 1940 through the comembers were also honored. terment is taking place in my ence at tbe Nebraska Central Col- Yudelson are chairmen of the pre- At one time she "wrote travel operation of the Women's, .diviAddresses were given by "Nahome town. books, and-children's stories, but lege at Central City, will occupy sentation. sion. . . : than Perelman, president, a n d When still in breeches, I had the pulpit of the Beth El synagomore recently she has published .jDr.'Bayton E . HeckmanyassisGoodman Meyerson, vice presiknown of Brainin through the gue nest Friday evening, Decemtwo works, "School for Bartant professor In the Department dent. Entertainment "was also furHebrew library (Eiblioteka Ivrit) ber 22. barians" and "Escape to Lifel" of History and Government'at tho nished. to which my late brother was a A native of Alsace, Dr. Weil Last year Miss Mann made a University of Omaha, will spsa% The lodge contributed ?50 to subscriber. Somehow, the name i moved^wi7h "hVTarents'to brief appearance in Omaha at the subscriber. on:Buriday, December 17, at 2:'3O overseas refugees. Reuben Brainin possessed, for me I TOanv W h<^ A<!<««« c.= tato time her father lectured here. Beat a meeting of tho Workman's when Alsace -<r. was taken over Officers of the B'nai Abraham at least, an imposing sound. When many cause, of the reception given her Circle," Branch 690-E. The subject by the French and was educated l o d g e a r e : Nathan Perelman, Brainin first visited this country at the Universities of Warburg at that time, it was decided to of Dr. Heckman's discussion •sslll president? Goodman M e y1 e rson, and Montreal in 1910, I was de- j bring Miss Mann to give a lecture Funeral .services were held yes- be "How F a r Shall We Melton N. Beber, secrelighted, as the 19-year-old editor J In Frankfort he was professor The third of the Center's spe- vice-president; of her own. Tickets are 60 cents tary; Sam Kraft, treasurer; The terday morning at the Jewish Fu- America's^ Melting Pot." Tlio of the Keneder Adler, to be his ! cial programs for children will be and are on sale at the VnittHome: for Mrs. Rosa Beber, meeting, which is to take place-Bt I of aciult education at the "Juedguide. Docekal Drug Co., Matthews Book given on Friday morning, Decem- trustees include Lieb Wolfson, neral 63, mother of Sam Beber, promi-: the Labor Lyceum, 22nd* ©tea A Chanukah program- was pre- Store and Loais Sommers Gro- ber 29, promptly at 10:30. This Harry Dworsky and Sam Canar. HIB curiosity, for a man whoiache3 Lehrhaus" of which Martin nent Omaha attorney, and of .Dr. Clark streets, was originally -schBuber was director. He was also sented last Sunday evening . by cery. program will feature an unusual had traveled all over Europe, was | an * instructor Meyer Beber, well-known Omaha eduled for the evening. at the "Philanthrop- the yremont -chapter of HadasRabbi Rackovsky to astonishing. He was interested I T-7 puppet show directed by M i s s Dr. Heckman received his B,.Ai physician. Mrs. Beber died Tuessah. About 150 attended the aft 3ewish s c a o o l particularly t oo •=•"" T , ™ iJa"n1<d j j o l d e s„ see ^~™ how *^~ the Jewy Marjorie Shanafelt of the Univeri a Geraian Speak on Thursday day afternoon at Rochester, Minn., and Ph. D. degrees at Ohio Stkto fair, including members and their ish masses 1 ve; anu I directed j C o a l l a g t 0 l a i s c c u a t r y in sity of Nebraska. where she had undergone an oper- University where he specialised i a the cabby to take us to Led no no ! -~__ * . « « n , . JT ^_ De- guests from Omaha, Columbus, Such intriguing stories as "The Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will ation. the field of Public Opinion. Bej ceniber of 1938, he was granted a Walthill and Oakland. • address the Chevra'Kadish of the Pink Fairy," "Mr. Bones" and Lane, a long yard where a thou- post-doctral scholarship at the sides his position as a member, pi A resident of Omaha for ove* The program opened with comthe "Whachamacallit" will be Congregation B'nai Israel, Eightmunity singing, followed by an The Center Dramatic committee presented. Miss Shanafelt is well- eenth and Chicago streets, ThuTE- 30 years, Mrs. Beber had lived the History and Government' demight say, under one roof. The oaaie to the Xeoras&aand Central Col- impressive candle-lighting cere- has announced plans for a "Drafor the past three years in Lospartment, he IB also the TJclrerRioted guest alighted far a few lege, a Quaker institution. for tez life-like puppets as day evening, December, 21, at Angeles. She, had been active ID slty's debate coach. mony anci singing by the Hadas- matic Workshop" and Play-read- known minutes aad insisted oa qaestionas her-unusual presentations. 6:30. local Jewish affairs before movsah. children's choir. Two plays ing group. The purpose of the or- well ing, a la Peretz during his statisThe rabbi will speak on "Final ing to the coast. to this program will commemorating" the work of Hen- ganization trill be to read and dis- beAdmission tical survey, a buxsm Jewess on 10 cents for non-members. Rites." Other survivors are: Her huscuss current or well-known plays. Children rietta Ssold were given. . her family'3 mode of living. of Center members will band, L Beber of Los Angeles; Piano selections were played by The • membership of the group At McGill university, he interbe admitted without charge. Concert Sunday sons, David E. of Chicago, and Abner Verhin, accompanied by will be limited. Persons interested ested himself ia the library inJohn A. of Los Angeles;' two ^ _. at . _ idl- ,| This e v e n i n g at services at Micbael Sxasaa on ths castinets. in joining are asked to call the scriptions. His surprise . . a t Labor Lyceum daughters, Sadie and Jean of Los omatic knowledge "of Y i d d i s h I Templa Israel Rabbi David EL Sara Minfein cf Omaha sang a office of the Jewish Community Workers Alliance The Young People's group-'of The Ladies' auxiliary of the Angeles, and nine grandchildren. to Meet Sunday caused me to wonder -whether this j Wice will speak oa "Twenty-Flya group of Jewish songs. He wasCenter. Workmen's Circle, Branch 173, Pallbearers rrero: David -Gold- Temple Israel is planning a Yoqife Mrs; Bea Shapiro is chairman was merely a heau geste oa his j years of European Relief" ia accompanied Sy Mrs. David Kai The Jewish. National "Workers will sponsor a concert on Sunday, man, Henry Monsky, Philip Klutz- People's service • on Friday part. I was ingenuous then, aad i which lie will review the Joint vich. A xigadoo followed the of the Dramatic committee. Alliance, Poale Zion, will hold a December 17, .at tho Labor Ly- nick, David" Blacker, Harry Trns- ning, December 29. took it for granted that a Jewish Distribution Committee c o n f e.r- Chanakah supper. k tln, S. Rlekes, H a s Lerner and M. Members of the group In the ISth century, dnriag- a special meeting on Sunday, De- ceum, Twenty-second and eace held recently in Chicago. lad should know- Yiddish. the Esrvlce, ^ive. tho A V A. Venger. Isaac Abrabanel, the celebrated dispute at the University of Pa- cember 17, a t S p . m. a t the-Jew- streets. Rabbi Wice attended this Silver When he returned, in 1912, to and usher. usher. They They trill also • jtuimnMun u t p i mu iw»uui ^ . ( u -c~ »»iu. reul conwu-1 and Admission ,m toi tmhoe^concert Rabbi D A. uGoldstein assume the editorship of the same aaaiversary conference of the J. Portuguese statesman, in his olddua, the Venetian senate asked a ish Community Center. An election of officers^wJlIt tajha 25 cents^. It* will-start a t 8 ducted the service. Burial iras at j at a reception to be given newspaper, t a e Keneder Adler, a H. C. and ha will' report on ths age and in esile, -was often con- Jew, EHjai del HedigQ, to arbt trate. sulted by the Venetian senate. • itlng students. organisation's activities. 1 o'clock. held-at this -time. (Continued on page. 8.)^ tha Beth El cemetery.
Center Inaugurates Sunday Tea Dances
Eventually Are to Be Forced Into Russia
RKMEN'S Giffi, -E.TO
Dramatic Workshop Will Be Organized
'Rabbi Wice to Speak on JJD.C»
Temple Youth t& "_. Conduct Services'-;. on December' BB
taken "the splendid and consistent ters, Mrs. Steve Seldman, Mrs. position" that "no man "wlli^be Sam Steinberg, and three In New denied sustenance and .aid because York; two brothers, Morton and of race, creed-or origin," Governor Jacob; and his mother, Mrs. Sam Lehman declared in the address Lipsey, all of Omaha. read by Mrs, Lehman at the din- Burial w a s at Pleasant Hill ner meeting, at -which Max J. Ep- cemetery. stein of Chicago presided. • •
Woollcott to Speak Here on January 12
Junior Hadassah Dance December 24
The fame of the author is still The Junior Hadassah annual the surest brand of immortality dance will be held Sunday eveand while Alexander Woollcott ning, December 24, at the BelleCos•respondaat (Continued from page 1.) • 1vae has also won separate and disApartments ballroom. Jimmy J. J. FRIEDMAN, Atty. tinct acclaim as critic, radio com- refugee problem arose. The interLewis' orchestra will play for the licaders in .Many' Nations 740 First Nat onal Bank Bldg. mentator, and actor. It will be his governmental conferences of the dance, -which will fcegia at 3 until Praise J. D. C. books and articles perhaps by past two years, he said, had served12:30. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON (Continued from page I.) which he will be longest remem- to "educate" governments of the Paris (JTA)—More than'200 PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF Dress will " be optional. Cobered. The Town Crier will apmessages from Jewish leaders in FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACchairmen for this event are Rose valuation of Polish c u r r e n c y world. j all parts of Europe were received COUNT.' Bashefkin and Ruth Grueskin. throughout the occupied area. pear here on January 12 at Tech •"Governments," he asserted, With the German mark proclaim- High, under the auspices of Oma- are beginning to display a degree by the European office of the In tne County Court of ed as the recognized currency and ha Altrusa club. His subject will of interest which they did not do Joint Distribution Committeo in County, Nebraslca. the Polish zloty becoming value- be "The Confessions of a Dying in the early years. The govern- connection with the organization's • In the 'mutter of tho catato of A board meeting of Sisterhood 25th anniversary. Coming from Meyer Coren, • Deceased. Cantor Aaron I. Sdgar of the Hadassah. was held last Monday less, those persons f o r t u n a t e Newspaper Man." have bfought Into the pic- virtually every important Jewish All persons-interested In Bald matSeii El Synagogue of Omaha pre- at the home of Mrs. J. Kobinson. A l t h o u g h Mr.. Woollcott's ments enough to retain Polish money ter are hereby notified that on tho ture new, powerful, dynamic .persented x group oc Hebrew and Plans were discussed for the child during the invasion found them- "While Rome Burns," published sonalities, and have increasingly leader in a score of countries, 6th day of December, 1939, Henry Kuglish songs at the meeting of welfare luncheon to be held some four years ago, has sold the amaz- come to see that the refugee prob- these messages stressed the great Coren filed u petition in said County Miss Ruth Jeane Rice, daugh- selves unable to use it. work of salvation done by the J. Court, praylns that Ills final admlnthe Council of Jewish Womea time in December. Mrs. Morey ter of Mrs. Belle Rice, 1823 Epidemics Rage in 'Reservation* ing total of nearly 300,000 copies, lem reaches beyond the limits of D. C. for millions of needy Jews ls'.ratlon account filed herein be setheld last Monday afternoon at the Linscliuta is head of the child wel- Pierce street, is affianced to Nor- Amsterdam (JTA) — Eye-wit- at present he is known even more private charity and must be treat- In Europe up to the present and tled and allowed, and he bo disJewish Community Center. man A. Wasserraan of Omaha, ac- ness reports of conditions in the widely as- a radio commentator. ed accordingly." • • charged from his trust as admlnis- • fare work. , . its historic mission at a time of trator and that a hearing will be hail j His ether public runs into millions cording to an announcement last The me.e\u\s was held in the Lublin Jewish " r e s e r v a t ion" II was also voted to defray part Commenting on the effects up- unprecedented Jewish catastrophe. on said petition before said Court o a * ' form of a Chaivultaii tea with tlie of the expenses for those Young week by the mother cf bride-elect. which reached here said pneumon- and he is known almost as well the 30th day of December, 1339, and meiiora^ lighting services con- Judeaus going to the regional con- Their wedding date has not been ia, typhoid and dysentery were In England as in his own country. on the Jewish position of recent Outstanding among the mes- that if you (all to appear before said European developments, McDon- sages were those of Dr. Chaim Court on the said 30th day of Decemducted by the presidents of the vention. Mrs. Sam Bailin is chair- set. Both are Central High school spreading rapidly and-the few ald said: "The German-Husslan Welzmann, president of the World ber. 1939, at 0 o'clock A. M., and convarious women's organisations of man of the linen shower to be graduates. physicians on hand were unable alliance, followed in these later Zionist organization and, Jewish test said petition, the Court :nay this city and the wives of the held sometime in January. to check the epidemics. the prayer of said petition, endays by tbe Russian encroachment agency for Palestine; Barons Ed- srant Kabbis of the T-ainyle and the Mrs. J. Shindler, 1715 Nebraska ter a decree of heirshlp. and inakfl There are 54,000 Jews " from The next Hadassah Oneg- Shabon the Baltic provinces, and cul- ouard and Robert de Rothschild such other and further orders, allowSynagogues. They are as follows: bat will be held on Saturday, De- street, is visiting with relatives Bohemia-Moravia and other Nazi minating in the attack on Finland, of France; Sir Osmond d'AvIgdor ances and decrees, as to this Court Mrs. Albert Goldstein, wife of cember 13th at the home of Mrs. in Chicago. dominated lands now ia the Lubmust end for our period, at least Goldsmid of England, Prof. Wil- may seem proper, to the end that all Rabbi of St. Sinai Temple; Mrs. S r a s k Epstein, 2323 Sunset lin area, the report3 said. When pertaining to said estate may with all thinking men,and wom- liam E. Rappard of Switzerland, matters H. R. Uabinowita, wiia of the Circle. The Junior Hadassah Cultural thousands reached Lublin they be finally settled and determined. en, that false propaganda about URTCB CRAWFORD. ltabbi of Shaare Zion; Mrs. Sol I. and Senator Justin Godart of group met at S o'clock last Wed- were told there were BO accomothe Intimate interrelation of Juda- France. • Those from the variou Bolotnikov, wife of the Rabbi o£ nesday night with Rabbi and Mrs. dations for them and they were County Judfje. ism and Communism. Surely now Beth Abraham, and Tiphereth Jewish communities In Central 12^8-33. 3T.< H. R. Rabinowitz, 2207 McDon- sent hack 25 miles, forced to and henceforth, no man or woman Israel Synagogues. The presidents and Eastern Europe were touchald street. spend days and Eights In the fields EPHRAJM L. MARKS and REED, of intelligence, even if he lacks ing. are: Hadassah., Mrs. J. Kobiasoa; {Continued 1.) in a temperature of S degrees RAMACCIOTTI, ROBINSON and The Young Judaen groups will good will, can any longer believe Hebrew Mothers club, Mrs. Samcelebrate Chanukah at parties at A pancake party was held yes- above zero. HRUSKA, Attorneys are you concerned about ref- that the Jews and Communists 905-913 First National Bank Bldg. Bailin; Mt. Sinai Sisterhood, Mrs. the J.awish Community Center and terday" in the Jewish Community Sometimes even •women and 'Why Harry Bailin; Shaare Zion aux- at the home of L. Wainer at 202 Center hy a committee raising children were forced to sleep in ugees? I am an American "and my have anything in common." LEGAL. NOTICE Co-operation Needed iliary, Mrs. L. J. Kaplan; Council Thirteenth street, Saturday eve- funds far a home for. the aged. the open in near-zero weather. ancestors fought in the RevoluIn the Municipal Court of the City of Jewish "Women, Mrs. 3 . N. ning from 7:30 to 10. Serving was from 11 to 4 o'clock. Consequently there were many tion and I can't get a job. Why Pickett stressed tbe effective of Omaha, Nebraska. aren't you more concerned about Grueslsia. To: Blanche Baum, Non-resident, DeThe Cardoza, Kahonat, a n d Proceeds will increase funds for deaths from pneumonia. Residents of Omaha have only fendant: us? I should come first.' Now if co-operation of American relief The Chauuliah tea was prepared Buds of Sharon will have their the home. Jewish, men, including doctors the person writing to me Is actual- agencies of a l l creeds which two weeks In which to take adNotice is hereby given that jiursuby the chairmen of the iitchen, party at the Jewish Community and scientists, were put to work ly searching for a job I can un- "binds us all closer together in a vantage of the "tax bargain" law ant to orders of attachment and garMrs. Leo CharUen and Mrs. Archie Center. The mothers' committee, at carpentry, road-tjuildins and derstand it, because our particular common fellowship" in .the efforts cancelling Interest on delinquent nishment issued by the Municipal Court of the City of Omaha, NebrasKroloff and their committees. The headed by Mrs. Lester Heeger, menial tasks connected with the problem dwarfs everything else in to offset the devastating effect of real estate and personal taxes. ka. In - an action pending therein, honored guests for the afternoon will take charge of decorations camp, while women and children the world. persecution and war. Sponsors of the Civic Tax Cam- wherein Dr. A. P. Overgaard is plainwere the new brides and members and refreshments, and the leaders and Blanche Baum is defendant, were forced to work in the fields Hyman in reviewing the work paign reminded readers of the tiff recover Scores Pressure Groups the sum of $75.00 and costs, who were introduced by Mrs. Dave will supervise the evening's enter12 hours daily under armed guard. of the committee during the year, Jewish Press that the law expire to William Byron was ordered by tho 'But what I cannot understand Alberts. Mrs. Phillip Sherman in- tainment which will consist of Items to appear in the Council "Inattentiveness at work" and is the 'patriotic' organization or declared that Jews were facing December 31. It's the last chance court td pay into court as garnishee troduced Cantor Edgar. games, dancing and Chanukah Bluffs column cf t h e "Jewish other alleged offenses were punthe "greatest crisis in Jewish his- delinquent taxpayers have to save tho sum of $27.32, same to be held singing. The Chanukah theme will Press" must be sent to 609 Bran- ished as in German concentration group of people that gets together tory." He s a i d , "Twenty-five money by paying up back taxes pending the outcome of said suit. c?se was continued for trial to be carried throughout. Leaders deis Theater building, Omaha, by camps — by flogging, solitary and prints documents such as this. years ago, the J. D. C. was born now, said Alfred C. Kennedy, cam- Said the 20th day of December. 193D a t of these groups are Morris Aizen- Wednesday evening. Short items confinement and a semi-starvation J t costs money to do that and to out of the world war. Today the paign chairman. . tho hour of 9 o'clock A. II. berg, Mrs. L. Mosow and Sarah may be phoned, to AT 1450 also by diet. Several men were shot while distribute it and much money is magnitude of the present disaster, DR. A. P. OVERGAArtD. Kennedy pointed out that delinFriday night services will begin Sadoff. Wednesday noon. Phone charges trying to escape and others were back of it. And it has a very im- the sheer tragedy of the number Plaintiff. quent taxpayers are saving from 12-1-39-3L portant address — 70 Park Aveat 8 o'clock with Cantor Pernick may be reversed. severely punished when captured, nue. I don't happen to know who of Jews affected, the outspoken 10 t o ' 6 0 per cent of their tax The Kerzl, Buds of Hadassah and the choir chanting the serv- and Sharon groups will hold their the reports said. it is, but if you ^have an office determination of the German au- bills by paying up now. After Deices, llabbi II. R. Ilabinowita will party at the L. Werner home. HADASSAH there it must cost something. It is thorities to dispose of their Jew- cember 31, all interest and penalp r e a c h a Chanukah sermon, Leaders of these groups are Mar- The Council Bluffs Senior Haheaded 'American Jobs for Amer- ish population as rapidly as pos- ties will again be added to unpaid "Light the Dream of the Jew." vin Xlass, Kosanna Dikel, and dassah will hold a 1 o'clock,desican Citizens. The American Peo- sible, present almost immeasur- tax accounts, he.warned. Junior Congregation will begin Mrs. Albert Goldstein, who will be sert luncheon at the Synagogue ple Demand . . .' and It goes down able difficulties in the way of orSaturday morning at 10:45. Host in charge of the evening's enter- on .Wednesday, December 13. derly plans and programs." the usual line. Brass, Bronze, Aluminum, will be Mr. Louis Epstein in honor tainment. Chanukah gifts will be exchanged. Dr. Wise stressed that it was "Now, I think we should conSoft Groy Iron and Semi* of the birth of a .granddaughter. (Continued from pass 1.)', An educational forurn will be providential that in this time of Steel Castings, Wood and On Saturday afternoon at 3 presented with Rabbi Carl Castle Nazi triumph grows as Jews tax cern ourselves deeply with con- crisis the American Jewish comHarry I. Lipsey tinuing to solve our problems in Metal Patterns and Saab Orchestra o'clock the monthly Ones Shabbat as guest peaker. munity h a d reached maturity. themselves in e v e r - increasing Funeral services were held on Weights carried in stock. will take place at the home of Mrs. H. Galpert la chairman of amount for the succor of the vic- this country. But we have an ob- "We Jews today," he said, "esTuesday, November 28, at the ligation as citizens in a world, Bronze and Cast Iron Mrs. Milton Mushkin with Mrs. M. Mr. Shumate of the Shumate the December program. pecially the Jews of America, have tims while their institutions at Jewish Funeral Home for Harry and we have an obligation beLipschuta as co-hostess.. On the School of Music, is interested in Grilles a Specialty. home languish. cause we are a great democracy grown up into a'mature and I be- I. Lipsey, 36, who died. Tuesday program there will be current organizing a boys' and girls' or- YOOTG JUDEA . lieve a sustaining community. It at a local hospital after a brief 27t!r-and Cicrtha Sts. The absorption of their minds and because we have riches in events by the members, an ad- chestra at the Center. Any boy or The Young Judea group teld be an act of Providence that illness. dress on Chitivakah by Salameth girl who plays an instrument is its second meeting on Sunday, is in measures of defense; a Jew's many ways, not just in money but may our maturity is being tested toC5AS523 Surviving him are: his wife, Bereskin, and,.the singing of Chan- urged to register at the Center December 3, at the home of. Bab- mind is on Coughlin, Kuhn, Pelley in resources of people and of land day, being tested by forces so vigukah songs !ed by Cantor Morris within the next week for this or- bette Goodman. • —the devils of his demonology; which we still can develop for the orous that they will decide wheth- Faye; a daughter, Joyce; his sisof many people. And having chestra. Pernick. Harriet Kubby, president, ap- the voices of his prophets are for- good that we do owe something to the er we are qualified to continue, or The Sunday school m conjuncpointed the following committees: gotten as be bends' Ms ears to the unfortunate whether our presence in this counFREE! An Expert Counsellor on Roota Arrangement of the earth. tion with the Hebrew school will Keren Hanoar or the Scouting Mephistophelian a c c e n t s of a Appreciation try Is merely a fortunate accident, "I cannot help feelingthat the present a Chanukah program on M o' v e ment, Babbette Goodman, Coughlin. and that we have neither the qualtype of fear which cornea to the Sunday at 'i o'clock. Parents are The story of the opera "Madame Pearl Richards, and Elaine MeyerThe question Is not what will actual person who is hungry and ity nor the courage nor the spiritcordially invited to attend. soa; publicity, Esther Sacks; J. N. ual endowments to continue as a Butterfly" •will be discussed by A play will be presented. Raci- Miss Bdwarda Metz at Music Ap- P., Shirley Krause, Eileen Gots- become of us but what will wo who cannot find work is perfectly special Jewish "community In the be like after this is all over? One understandable. But the type of tations and singing will constitute preciation Tuesday night at 8, diner, Marcia Tepperman; calling, world." " the resfof the program. Refresh- with illustrated selections from Evelyn Greenberg, Juna London, may fairly guess what will be- fear which comes because you come of us: We will not die, since have so'much that you are afraid American organizations engaged ments will be served. USE'OUR-EASY PAY&1EMT PLAN—FARMAM AT 22ND and Shirley Perlmutter, and prothe opera on the piano and vicworse than Hitler could not S of losing it — that is something in war relief work overseas have gram, Mary Lee Gilinsky. trola. us In former times. But if we are that we had better guard against. The crganizatios has decided men in whom no spiritual mean- That is something we may well be For the nest two months, Miss Mats will use as her subjects for to collect Ivory Soap wrappers ing remains it will not have been called to account for . . . • Osydol box tops to help raise worth while to have saved ourTwo hundred people w e r a her Music Appreciation classes, and "Throughout the country fear money for its projects. Anyone selves. thrilled at the first formal pre- popular operas. These operas will liking is growing, unreasoning fear and to help is a3ked to call any be illustrated with musical selecsentation of the Center Players at The problem is how the Ameri- prejudice, and it is being fed one of the following girls: Elaine the Jewish Community Center tions. Everyone interested in. at- Mayerson. can Jew may guard his own spir- through all kinds of sources . . . 4S23; Shirley Krause, j tending is urged to come. There Monday evening. The three one5352-W; S h i r l e y Perlmutter, itual identity even while he taxes we don't know from where b u t . . . act plays presented received a is no admission charge. 2200-J, and Evelyn Graeaberg, hi3 purse and his energies to suc- it is high time we faced the realvery enthusiastic response from cor the existence of his brethren ity." 4308. the audience. abroad, or s f a n & s watchful The matter of a naine for the The Center Players will hold group was also discussed. The against the current devils. It is a 1919 to 1925. In 1927, he was try-outs Monday night tar three Wednesday evening, December president appointed the following matter for the serious considera- named consul for The Netherlands more one-act plays to be presented to suggest names for tion of the national Jewish or- in Jerusalem. in six weeks. All those interested 13, the Junior Hadassah, in con- committee the group to vote on: Eleanor ganisations. •Born in Haarlem, The Netherin taking part in these plays are junction with Young Judea, will Passer, Eileen Gotsdiaer, and.Bablands, Van Vriesland was a well urged to be present at that time. hold its next meeting at the Jew- bette Goodman. Mr. Segal regretted he had not known attorney, practicing for It is expected that these plays will ish Community Center. This will An. interesting program w a s $150 to spare with •which to buy many years in Holland before be even better than those pre- be a Chanultah meeting. In keep- planned by Shirley Perlmutter. sented December 1, which were ing with the holiday, Cantor Mor- The nest meeting will be held on the English translation of the coming to Palestine. He was a ris Pernick will lead the group in Talmud. He refers others who brother-in-law of Siegfried Hoofeo successfully presented. December 17, at the home of may have the $150 easily at hand ien, manager of the Anglo-Palessongs. The paid-up membership party Ethel Gordon, 604 Roosevelt ave- to the valiant publisher, the Scon- tine Bank. Cultural Group will be held on December 19. nue, at 2 p . m . cino Press of London, England. Ail girl3 between the ages of The new Talmud i3 the work of Patronize Our Advertisers who has not paid her Mrs. II. 11. llauinowitz enter- Everyone dues is urged to do so at the 10 and 15 years of age are invit- the leading Jewish scholars c* tained the cultural group of Jun- nest ed to attend. meeting. Europe and America. ior Hadassah at her home at a (Copyright; 1939. by Seven Arts Chanukah party Wednesday eveJUNIOR HADASSAH' Feature Syndicate.) ning. Rabbi Itabiuowitz gave his QUALITY \ The Council Bluffs Junior Hasecond of a series of lectures on dassah. will liold its next meeting "Jewish C u 3 t o m 3 and Cereon Monday, December 11, at S monies." An informal 3ocial evep. in., at t!ie home of Lorraine ning followed. The Hebrew Mothers associa- Meyerson, 600 Roosevelt avenue. tion will have a meeting in the Chanukah gifts will be exchanged. form of a membership tea on SISTERHOOD PLANS Ida Hoffman will review "Days Tel Avlr (JTA) — Siegfried Tuesday, December 12, at the of Our Years,'' by Pierre van Adolf Van Vriesland, prominent ANNUAL BAZAAR Jewish Community Center. On the Paassen. Zionist leader, general manager cf J The Mt. Sinai Sisterhood is to program is Rabbi Albert GoldRefreshments •will be served. tbe Port of Tel Aviv and general hold their annual bazaar on Wed- stein, as main speaker. Miss Gisela manager.of Palestine Potash, Ltd., i nesday, December 13, at the social Pill will render a musical selecdied Monday. He isras 53. He -was hail of the Temple. Luncheon and tion. £324 Ed Creishton Avc. a member and treasurer - of the dinner will be served. The public Mrs. Sam Bailin will preside World Zionist Executive from I J 3 is invited. over the meeting. Mrs. Phillip Sherman is program chairman. Amsterdam (JTA) — The Jewish, population c£ tbe Old-Reich, including the Sudetenland, has dropped from 500,000 in 1333 to Chanukah services will be held 135,000 as of Oct. 1 this year, actonight starting at S o'clock. Rab- cording to a repprt in the Jued- n bi Albert S. Goldstein will deliver iscae Nacitrichtenblatt, the only 1 ) w ] • 1 a sermon entitled "Dedication to remaining Jewish, newspaper in Germany. What?" \LJ a \J o u u The children's Chanukah proThe report is based en data gram will take place at 3 o'clock compiled by the Reieksvereinigung - - • U. S. T i r e s ? on Sunday afternoon. About 50 tier Juden in Deutschland, Of tha children are in the program. It 1S5,000 reraainiag German J&ws, are known every- { will consist of plays, tableaux, only 77,000 are males and 10S,musical selections, instrumental 000 are females. Ninety thousand solos, exchange of gifts and recita- of the total live in Berlin. tions. Everyone is welcome. The report discloses that only 18 per cent of the Jewish population still possess property valued i s at mere tbaa 5,000 marks. T&e remainder iava all been reduced A N D YOUR Chanukah services will beg-'n j to poverty and tlie majority of OLD STOVE tonight at 4 : 4 5 a n d Saturday j them must be supported by Jew- ^et us 'save yoi \ morning a t 9 o'clock. Rabbi S. ish charity. money. willy tnese Bolotnikov will spealc in t h e morning. Patronise Our A d vert
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3Mik ASA
Young Judaean
Tax Law Expires on December 31st
Shaare 2ion
Paxton-Mftchell Co. Foundries
for Fine Furniture"
Center F
Junior Hadassah
Hebrew Mothers Membership Tea
Manager of Tel Aviv Port Dead
Jeivish Population of Reich 185,
Mount Sinai
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for safa
Orthodox Synagogues
i The Tiphereth Israel Synagogue i wdl hold its annual Chanukah j banquet on December 10. A nice p r o g r a m has b e e n arr^.i?Jd. Among the speakers w:Il i e K a ^ 3. Uolotnikov.
r^-.y:^^'^'"2P 1 . , L l3
'' ~i weekly rhythm ^arvl O v;_. ajaia be held Y-.-ii .jcala.-Iy aiter school •! j^-3-1 ags i3 uvz i-<i -!"•" *o bring their Ijr ilia -tarine Corps. a:.oni3s Our Advertiser*
at irea% Efedaeed Prfeo (As Illustrated) O
;L^i n r, \(iy\; .Li-"..
THE JEWISH PRESS—PEIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1939 victories over the State Coal gang, led by Meleher-with 490, followed by Blacker with 4S3. High series was registered by Phil ICatzman for the States with 518, and Sam Katzmaa tallied a 477.
as Louis Untermyei: and Rockwell Kent • . . Wonder whether he's had time lately to continue riding the hobby . . . A former major in. the Kaiser's army recently arSy Siaaley Silvermau rived in Kew York and had this to say about Fatso Goering, the Nazi No. 2 man, with whom he once had dinner: "Goering grafts Shrier Paints scored a direct hit SA3Lli USAGt'E on the Smith. Motors and took i from the Jews in a thoroughly retwo games in a close contest. prehensible manner, accepts gratStarting off slowly, the Shriers uities and drinks from them. I A. 2. A. 1 3 *> took the first, lost the second, and know the name of a Jewish gentleTiiBier'a WUilcati 3 2 came bac!i strong in the last game man who for a long while paid his b a r bill" . . . Waiter Wiscfcell A. 3. A. 1'Jt) 3 2 to win by a wide margin. this story about Leo Carrillo, Omaha Jobbing Co 3 — Leo \7eil2 piled up the biggest tells Midwest Aato Facts 1 4 total of the evening with a nice the lovable character actor of the Motxlj'q Eagles 0 3 320, including a big last game of movies, and his gardener, Pedro . . Pedro was showing Leo his 2 37. Ferer was second high with adopted baby . . . "Why, Pedro," A. 3. A. i, undefeated In five a 483. Leo exclaimed, "that's a little contests, annexed its second eoaSam Morgan was high for the Jewish baby, and you're Mexican! seeutive p re-season title last Sun- Smiths with SOS, Klein's 440 beflay by out-pointing the Turner ing the nest best. Morgan had a Didn't you mean to adopt a MexiWildcats, 33 to 31. Tall Irvin 203 game in the second match. can baby?" . . . "Oh, no!" Pedro replied with conviction, "Jewish Nogs sparked the at tacit for the children take care of their parents winners with 14 points. In the other match, between The Wildcats, A. 2. A. 100, and the "Wardrobes and Pioneers, the when they get old!" . . . the Omaha Jobbing Co. finished Linsman five warmed up fast and the season in a three-way tia for won t h e first two games, but Charles V was at one time second place. The Moody Eagles slipped badly in the third to lose tempted to permit the Spanish dropped their fifth consecutive by 25 pins. Paul Steinberg- was Marranos to return to Judaism on gams to the Midwest Auto Parts, high w i t h 545, followed by payment of 800,000 g o l d e n 29 to 22, and wound up in the Marks' 469. crowns. He was dissuaded by the cellar, one game behind the boys The Pioneers* topper was Seyfrom Council Bluffs. In the final mour Cohn w i t h 4S1, Elmer Grand Inquisitor. game the Omaha Jobbers rallied Greenberg next with 443. to defeat A. Z. A. 100, 2S to 22.
J.CC Sports
The regular season -will begin Sunday, December 17. Team managers should obtain player contracts from Lee Grossman, instructor o£ physical education, and hand them in by December 14. The Junior league will begin December 21. All contracts must be handed in by December IS. JCC wrestling classes -will reopen December 19, and continue every Tuesday thereafter, beginning at S:30 p. m. JCC matmen engage in dual meets with other centers as -well as elimination tournaments among themselves. All those interested in obtaining individual instruction in either elementary or advanced •wrestling should sign up with Lee Grossman. VOIXEYJSAIX The JCC men and women volleyball teams advanced into second place in t h e i r respective leagues as a result of their impressive victories Ia3t week. The men spikera defeated ter, 15-10, 15-4, and 12-15, and are now only one game behind Y. M. C. A., league leaders of the Ak-Sar-Ben loop. The women's volleyball sextet which climbed to second place in the Ladies' league is composed o£ Mesdames Lincoln, Cross, Benett, Danielson, Pardun, and Peilerson. Nest vreelt'3 games: Ak-Sar-Ben League—JCC Men's team vs. Y. M. C. A., Tuesday, December 12, at Y. M. C. A. Ladies' League—JCC vs. Benson Wednesday. December 13. IiAA"B3AIX Kutler, Freedman, and Spiegal advanced to the quarter-finals in the Cla=J3 B tournament this week. Teams' which have signed up for the Class B doubles are TretiakMaasdam, H. Spiegal-S. Freedinan, Kurs-S. S i m o n , L. Kurwitz-D. Reise, Cohen-Lagman, B. KutlerB, Scholuick, B. WoUsoa-H. llalashock, Garber-J. Spstien, H. EpBtlen-L. Lewis, and M. KichardsLandrnan. Those who have signed up for this Class A doubles are J. AdlerT u r n e r , Herman-Rossen, WlntrOub-Franklin, Faier-Corneman, S. Ban-J. Ban, Yafie-Geller, P. Bogondoff-Wieuar. OUTSIDE ACTIYITY Several members of the JCC have Seen making a name for themselves in high school basketball. Melvine Levine stood out above the rest this week with his outstanding performance for the Tech High quintet. Melvine is a regular for t h e, Maroons . . and promisea to go places this year, Al Lagman and bheldon aernstien are. members of the Central High basketball squad.
in the name of the Zionist Organization of America. Burial took place in the Shaar Nashomayim Cemetery. Active Brainin, pioneer Zionist, Hebraist and writer, died of a heart * at the home of his son, Final R i t e s for Noted stroke Joseph. He is survived by two Scholar Hsld ia sons, Joseph and Moses, the latMontreal ter living in M o n t real, and a daughter, Mrs. Bertha Schuller, Montreal (JTA) — The Jewish also of Montreal. community of Montreal, thousands After a long career of Zionist strong, paid final tribute to the and Hebraist activities,, Brainin memory of Reuben Brainin, noted visited Russia 13 years ago and Hebraist, author and pioneer Zion- became interested in the Soviet ist, who died in New York on Nor. agricultural colonization of Jews. 30 at the age of 77. From ten a. This interest brought him into m. to one p. m., his body lay in controversy in recent years with. state at the Hebrew Educational erstwhile Zionist associates. At the Institute. The Jewish Peoples Li- time of his death he was engaged brary, which Britain t o n nded, in preparing his " C o l l e c t e'd supplied the guard of honor. Works," three volumes of which The funeral service was con- have already appeared, and also ducted by Rabbi Herman Abram- contributed articles to The Day. Hebraist owitz, of the Shaar Hashomayim Born in Ladi, Russia, on March Congregation, and funeral orations were delivered by Michael 15, 1862, Brainin received a traGarter, I. Rabinowltch, editor of ditional Jewish eQueation and also the Canadian Jewish Eagle, a post academic training in the Univeronce held by Brainin, and Dr. sities of Vienna and Berlin. He Samuel Margoshes, editor of the was credited -with having introducNew York Jewish Day, who spoke ed European literary, standards
place of Palestine in meeting t t s into Hebrew •writlnB. He discoverneeds of refugees for immediate, ed and encouraged many who sublarge-scale and permanent &orne3. sequently became leading Hebrew Speakers, besides Dr. Weiswriters. In Berlin, lis established mann. will include Dr. Kurt Bluma society for reviving Hebrew as enfeld, president of the Gentian a conversational language, and Jewish Settlers Association In also edited Hebrew publications Palestine and director of the Palin Berlin and Warsaw. estine Foundation Fund, and Or. Coming to the United States in Geors Lapdauer, member ol tbe 1910,.Brainin led the Hebrew revival here and founded the'HistaNew York (JTA) — The Na- Executive Committee, of tho Jewdrnth. Ivrith, Hebrew cultural or- tional Conference for Palestine ish National Council of Palestine. ganization. Between- 1912 and will be held at.-the-.Hotel .May- The conference will be gin o& Sat1917 he was editor of the Cana- flower Jan. G and 7. it was an- urday evening. Other sessions will dian Jewish Eagle in Montreal and nounced by Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, be held on S u n d a y morning, of several monthly and "weekly United Palestine Appeal chairman. luncheon, afternoon and evening, publications. Returning to the The-guest -of .honor .will be -Dr. closing w i t h a banquet 6t the •. . . . United States in 1917, he served Chaim Weizmann, president of the Hotel Mayflower. as editor of the Hebrew publica- Jewish Agency for Palestine, who tion, Hatoren, and was for many: will fly to the United States from Seek Return of JRefngjeea years honorary • vice-president of London. ' . . . . , the Zionist Organization of AmerKaunas (JTA) — The LithuanHundreds of leaders from every ica. • Visiting Palestine at the age section of the United States •will ian Government is n e g otiating of 64, he was given an enthusias- attend the sessions whose main •with Germany for the return to tic reception. objects'are: (1) to review the German territory of several.t&oa^, growth of Jewish enterprise in sand Jews from the Suwalkl disBanned from Vienna Palestine, despite • economic and trict of Poland -who were expelled Streets political handicaps; (2)-to mobil- into the "no-man's land" on & Brussels (JTA) — The Jews ize . enlarged. resources for the Lithuanian frontier. in Vienna have been forbidden to maintenance of,: the machinery The first Hebrew press in appear in the streets after four p. which is "basic to the existence of m. and are allowed to enter shops a Jewish community of 500,000 Prague was - established- la . 1593 only between the boura of one in Palestine; and (3) to center at- by Gerson Kohn, a member o£ t&e tention upon the i n c omparable Soncino family. and three p." m. "
Nest week's contests promise some real action, with the Empire Cleaners tangling with Smith Motors, who should be due • for a couple of winners; Shrier Paint3 and State Coals meet: tap Tretiaks engage the Pioneers, who should start climbing pretty soon, and the Clicquot Club Eskimos match against the Wardrobes.
G2STAPO GAG: Gestaporidden Heilland, we are reliably informed, the Reiehans. h a v e slightly altered an age-old expresOut of respect for- the dread Gestapo chieftain, the trembling Teutons now exclaim, Acb. Hnnmler! POS51 "Xiet us have some sea food," Said Moscow to Berlin. So Adolf ate a tad-Pole And Joseph grabbed a. H a a . —DANIEL L. SCHORR. LITERARY BLUNTNSSS: Sholem Asch, author of "The Nazarene," which Friend Roback iia3 somewhat unfeelingly if wittily dubbed the Gospel of St. Sholem, is new a commuter . . . Having settled himself in a cosy home in Stanford, Conn., some 25 miles outside of the Mg . city_,_.. . Not long after he started commuting, ha was subjected to an experience known to every veteran rider of the suburban railways . . . The bubbling bore of the commuters' This one happened to coach pp be, our informant tells as, a shirt manufacturer .Who, h a v i n g breakfasted well and feeling In an expansive mood, settled himself to the new and unsuspecting commuter and opened a conversation . . . During ffbicli he asked Asch's na.313 and occupation and, •when informed, showed no glint of recognition, but launched merrily inio a tale of shirts, shirts, and m o r e shirts, ad nauseam . . . When the train pulled in, the manufacturer b a d e Asch good-bye, ending with the customary, "Hope I'll be seeing you again" which Asch, getting in his first , words throughout'th-a trip, crushj l n s l y r e t O rted: "And whv should jx w a a t t 0 s e e Y o u again?" . . .
DRAMA NOTE: If you want to have the time of your life when i you make that winter visit to New | York, buy yourself a pair on the aisle for "'New Pins and Needles," the g a r m e n t workers' sizzling satire in words and music on this woozv old world of ours . . . As barbed, crisp and funny as the ;TEAM SXAXUIXG6J W. L. Pet. | previous editions, the newest proEmpire Cleaners 22 14 .611 duction by the pins-and-needlers Clicquot Club Esfe 21 15 .583 is still absolute tops in adult muState Coal and Gas. . .19 17 -52S sical entertainment along t h e TretiakH 13 IS .5C1O main stem . , . The best of the Smith Motors 18 18 .500 old numbers, including the' "Red Wardrobe 17 19 .472 Mikado" a n d the "Five Little Shrfer Paint and Gl.. .13 20 .44* Angels of Peace," have been rePioneer Uniform Co... 13 a s .301 tained and revised to square with the latest headlines of the day . . . The Angels, f o r example, IJSAGUE RECORDS High game: P. Steinberg, 255; were formerly four, Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain and Hirohito Wardrobes, 912. High series: l e o Weitz, 853; . . . They have sprouted a new pair of wings, Joe Sialin'a . . . Tretlaks, 2,643. An added, and unscheduled attraction which may or may not be reTOP 10 AVERAGES ' Feldman, 187; Weifct, 1S3; G. peated, was a glimpse of Dave DuScbapiro, 175>; P. Steiaberg. 173; biaslry. I. L. G. \V. IT. prexy, ankZweiback, 174; P. Katzsnaa, 173; ling down the aisle with a satisS. CiAn, 184; Platt, 134; Marks, fied grin on his amiable face 1«1; S. S Katzinan, K 130. 30 Probably, as one critics remarked to his companions, counting the •Empire Cleaners maintained | pins and needles in the house. their league leadership in l a s t Tueaday'3 session, but by a slim-j M1SH-MASH: Credit your cormer margin than ever, with the | respondent with another fulfilled CHcguot Club Eskimos closing in;' prediction . . . Shortly after following by just one game. George Backer bought the-N. Y. The Tretiaks slipped back- into Post, Peters predicted that Bollin p fourth place after losing two, and Kirby, the cartoonist, and HeyState CoaJs slipped a notch. The i wood Broun, the columnist, would bottom positions remained t h e soon he added to the Post staff . . . Kirby joined the paper three same. weeks later . . . Now Broun's ad. The hottest match was the Clic- dition to the staff has been anquot Club-Tretialc c o n t e s t , in nounced, as of December 15 . . . ^ the Bki Eskimos took k all ll th three j All Backer needs BOW to complete by nice margins, with some nice j that famous literary galaxy of iaa came totals. • old New York World is Frank. Sulgame totals A 54-pla handicap didn't do any livan and Alec w oclcott, sinca F. ] harm, a a d they piled sip the -P. A., Samuel Chotzinoff, Kirb?,'| night's' highest series with games and Broun are already ia t i e fall; ih' hih Backer 23 swiftly ra-ereatis,: of 781-S92-S70 for a total of 2,;rary charm and spirit c* MS. Two team members of the the with 500'9, joae of New York's greatest newsKBtimos easae thr Watt with 5-il a n d Sehapiro j papers . . . Running through th-3 files the other day "we easxa across Wlta 539. The losers, Tretialia, led ths se- an age-warn clip reporting that ries battle with Sweibacli'a 543, James X. Rosenberg, J. D. C. leadatd Feldtnan and Kraatz had 531 er and prominent attorney, was exhibiting Ma paintings, at t i e and 507, respectively. Ehrlich Galleries . . . His work The ISsapir* Claaaers took two has feeea praised by such experts
ugee, young Erich Lelnsdorf, 'who had been Bodanzky's assistant HOT S . If Erich mates good he may Does 3enito Mussolini know become the permanent Wagnerian that -way back in the middle ol conductor of the Opera . . . Did the last century on© Bendetto you know, by the way, that FredMusolino, author o£ an Italian erick Schorr or the Metropolitan book on Jerusalem and the Jew- is the son or a chaaan? . . . And ish people, wrote to the then Brit- that the original name of Emish Prime Minister, Lord Palmers- manuel List was Lieblich? . «... ton, suggesting the establishment The Palestine Hebrew press is inol a Jewish state in Palestine? dignant at Violinist Yehudi Menu. . . The New York Post's Sam- hin, who used to be the pride of uel Grafton explains the absence the Yishub because he is the son ol a big Nazi offensive on the of a graduate of the Tel Aviv Western front by the fact that gymnasium . . . It seems t h a t "there is a shortage of pushovers Menuhin is displaying Marranoin Europe" . . . Probably this is like tendencies, having given his the reason i.hy the German gen- infant daughter the name Zamira, erals defied Hitler's orders to which in Hebrew means ''music," push through Holland and Switz- but having told reporters that the erland i n t o France . . . Ex- name is Russian for "peace" » . . Premier Paul van Zeeland ol Bel- Our researches on the subject, in-, gium, who came to this country cidentally, indicate that the Busas counsel for the International sian -word for Peace is "mir," and Refugee- Conference,' says__that not "Zainira" . _ _^_ .... ^ Hitler is so badly -off financially tii at, a two-year war will finish, Flash—Dr. Welzmann's visit to him . . . Now German Consul. General Fritz Weidemann of San this country may be canceled at Francisco has declared that he the last moment, because he's doesn't like the Bund . . .Which busy in bis chemical laboratory makes it unanimous . . . In the on a most important war task for Munich beer-hall bombing,, say the' completion of -which the Britthe Broadway wags, Hitler turned ish government is anxiously wait, out to be "the little man who ing . . . There's . serious t a l k wasn't there . . . While J o h n about the launching of a national Chapman claims that Hitler ser- Anglo-Jewish picture "weekly of enades England with that good the feame style and format as Life old song, ^'You're Mined, All . . . The publisher will be a refMined" . ' . ". One of t h e best ugee whose brilliant business reccracks" of the week is to be cred- ord in Latvia inspires confidence ited to Hal Frank, who in Digest . . . And there are rumors that Magazine epitomizes t h e Nazi Zionist President Solomon Goldmotto as "the ends justify the man "will do his utmost, In the meanness" . . . That American last few months of nia last term, magazine article which will quote to p u t through, some drastic Alfred Duff-Cooper to the effect changes in the executive branch that if Hitler had not attacked of the Z. Q. A. national office Poland Britain would have been . . . We were a bit too, hasty ready to accept Nazi peace condi- about the success of the palfour tions may embarrass Mr. Cham- Players when we wrote our advance notice of their premiere berlain no little . . . last week . . . The truth is that DRAMATIC NEWS group needs a lot of schoolThe famous ring which the -this and, above all. less primitive great German actor August. Iff- ing direction . . . Have we ever told land, who flourished in the early you that the HIAS is quietly and 19 th century, willed to "the most without fanfare doing a swell job outstanding German actor of each in helping refugees run the gauntsucceeding generation" is in Hol- let of red tape on their arrival in lywood now, adorning^ the 'finger New . . . HIAS represent, ol refugee mummer Albert Bas- ativesYork? meet every incoming ship, sermann . . . Clark Gable's an- and have saved many a newcomcestors w e r e Germans called er the unpleasantness of a few GoebbeV but there's 1x0 connec- days' detention at Ellis Island tion with Gabby Joe, thank heav- . . . An impressive- monument to en . . . Eddie Davis, who now the memory of the late Harry •L. helps write George White's "Scan- Glucksman, unforgettable director dals," was a cab driver until Ed- of the Jewish Welfare Board and die Cantor gave him a hand up swell guy, will be unveiled this . . . In his last week's "New amonth . . . York Novelette" Winchell tells the story of a Paramount talent ABOUT PEOPLE ' scout who lost his 30b some years Scotch t h e lumor that the ago . . .Times b e c a m e very "Ethel Vance", who wrote the hard for him, his wife and child best-seller "Escape" is our own left him, he had to live vrith his Vicki Baum . . . When the story brother oa the latter's tiny in- reached her Miss Baum regretfulcome . . . But this year he got ly shook her head and sighed: "I the backing for a play which is didn't write it, bnt I wish I had rapidly making him a rich man . . . Zionist Louis Segal had the . . . Winchell didn't mention his thrill, the other week-end, of pername, but no-harm can come if sonally presenting P r e s i d e n t we tell you that the hero of this Roosevelt with one of the new true story is Oscar Serlin, and pick-proof Segal locks . . . Dr. tha play is "Life with Father." Nlssim Tourotf is leaving for PalMUSICAL WHISPERS estine in March, to be the liead The musical sensation of this of the education department of season will be Chemjo Vinaver's tho" Hebrew university . . . The chorus of 30 male' voices . , . intrigues that .tried to keep him The liturgical music, Jewish and away have collapsed . . . Moisnon-Jewish, that makes up their say'e Olgin, late editor-in-chief of repertory is something new for the Freihcit, Yiddish' Communist American concert-goers . . . The daily, loved the plastic arts" more else outside of his lives of the two musicians Anton than anything : and Nicholas Rubinstein are the party •'. . . Sholem Aseb, who has t h e m e of Catherine Drinker moved into his-newly purchased Bowne's cew book, "Free Artist" home near Stamford, Conn., is . . . The tragic death of Artur learning how to drive a car . . . Bodanzky, famed conductor, just He's not going to do any writing before ^the opening of the current for a full year . . . Metropolitan Opera season meant a break for a German Jewish refPatronize Our Advertisers FSIS33AS J . BIBOS
BEAUTY SALON Floor Secowtlea ATlantie 0332
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J. C&soy, Asslstcni
You Are Invited to Visit and Inspect the Beautiful
For Health crad Beauty's Sake
Dance to t h e Music of Our Net? Haesino*jd IVednfesday and y High School Nitos-25c with School Jdeatlf it alion Sunday Matinee - - 20c "WBere Omaha gkateo" • 4OEG PAH^AfJl ST.
Per a Peliclosss SiS if^i Crec{sfs§t
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HIJSS A![l THAHSPORTATIOM—Russian troop carrier designed to transport soldiers across wide distances, that probably is being used in Finnish campaign. Eight compartments are built in lower wing that provide for 14 men. Swift mobilization is gained with fleet of such planes.
ISH LSABil—New problems develop for Finnish President Kyosti Kaliio,. as government reorganization takes place. Ha is seen at left, after inspecting nation's White Guard a t Helsinki. Army Commander General Hugo Osterman, right.
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panel, general oSce. Lsft, Boy Scouts bring in some of tha mall. Right, card-indexing names. Polish names mast be eiassiiied according to first three fatten and clerk glances at alphabet on wall to co-erdinata tlrad mind. Bottom, classifying nationalities with colored cards, which also must be pissed in alphabetical order.
i. i • ; !
1CS7 HUMANS—rrom 3.GCO fa 6.CCO inquiries are received dally at the International Red Cross Bureau of War Information established in former quarters of the League of Nations at Geneva* • Switzerland. Bureau seeks to locate war pris| aners for relatives and transmits money or par ' eels to prisoners or interned rsfagaes. Tor. Jap
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IH FINNISH,CAPITAL—Railroad station in Finland's capital of Helsinki, in zone of bombardment by Russian fliers, although structure had not been reported damaged.
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A LITTLE-PUSH — Georga fTwinidetoes) Selkirk, New York Yankees outfielder, gives ball a push toward tha eup. on golf links in St. Petersburg, Fla. He arrived ia advance of most of club, at training quarters opening its March.
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,„...„. „. ...„ —...aziiig new rapid-fire gun tor i.ifjntryRtan. Rirla-
saen5drd,iJ'i recently scored 402weapon. hits in a minuta at 230 yards with XJr. automatic
— Scandinavians feared for safety of Jan Sibelius, Finn regarded as greatest living c o m p o s e r . Somo bolieved he had been killed during Soviet air raids on Finn capital, Helsinki.
52C2ETARY — British War Secretary Leslie Hore-Seiisha becomes somewhat of a mystery man as fighting on Western Fraat b^ias to standstill. Ha probably knsws answers to
COMIvTiLIE—About 35,000 bushels of North Louisiana pino cones aro necessary to furnish seeds for vast reforestation project in Kistachie National Forest. Cone harvest now is m progress by CCC enrollees.
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Women's Division Mn and Mrs. B. Meyer to Meet Dec, 18 Mark Golden Anniversary
Deborah Society
Council Mrs. Mike Freeman was elected vice-president' of the Council o£ Jewish Women to be in charge of Social Service. A group of women of the Council- under the chairmanship, of Mrs: Sam Josephson held a luncheon at which each guest contributed fifty'cents to purchase Chanukah gifts for under-privileged children. The toys are being distributed during Chanukah.
The annual card party sponsored by the Deborah Society will be held on Tuesday, December 12, at 1 p. m. A dessert luncheon will be served. Mrs. H. Noddlo is chairman of ticket sales and Mrs. ;D. Crounse, co-chairman. *' . Mrs. Sam. Epstein is. chairman of the service and decorating coin-" mittee and is being assisted by the following: Mesdames L. Neveleff, L. Epstein, S. Epstein, J. Gold-; ware, M. Cohen, M. Bursteln, Meyer Katzman. W. Milder. M. KatE-' man, N. Levinson, and A. Finkle, • Mrs. J. Bernstein is presldentof the Deborah Society and Mra.'; C. S. Ross Is secretary. ;.,
By MRS. MORRIS RAZNICK The Tegular meeting of t h e Cultural activity is intensely Women's division will take place sought after by the majority of Monday, December 18, at 1 Thanksgiving day marked the tfrs. Harry Perlici, Burton and on the Hadassah membership and the k>lden p. m., at the Jewish Community Wedding anniversary of education department has provid- Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer, Omaha Beth Jeane; Mr. Edwin Meyer, Center, Mrs. Ruth Rice, president, ed a large schedule for itself this residents for the past 52 years, Mr. Sidney Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. announces. KUKS-REGEXBOGEN year at the various homes and Cy Silver, Mr. and Mrs. M. Blank, A very interesting program is Mr, and Mrs. J. Abramson anMrs. R. Regenbogen of Los An- meeting places throughout the but because of the illness of Mr, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, Mr. being planned for this meeting, Meyer, the festive gathering orignounce t h e marriage of their geles, Calif., announces the mar- city. md Mrs. Aaron Richards of San will be followed by lunchnally planned could not be held. Jose, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Sea- which daughter. Rose, to Mr. Irving F. riage of her daughter, Yetta, to Mrs. Morris Franklin, educa- Instead, eon. relatives and friends re- mon Kay of San Jose. Heyman, son o£ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harry Kurs, formerly of Omaha. tional chairman, has provided an It is expected that the nominaHeynian of Chicago. The wedding The wedding took place on No- educational program to suit tire membered the day by contributing Others are Mr. and Mrs. Max tions for the officers of the organplace of the regular Decemtook place the evening of Novem- vember 23. The couple will re- tastes and minds of the most fas- generous amounts to "buy a Men- Kaplan, Mr. a n d Mrs. Samuel ization will be submitted at this berInmeeting, "an open board meetorah for the contemplated Beth El Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. ber 4 at the home of the groom's side in Los Angeles. tidious. Hadassah members are Synagogue building. meeting. T h e program of the ing will bs held on Tuesday, Deparents. Roddy, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sogo- meeting announced invthe cember 26, at 10:30 at the Jewish urged to join at least one cultural Gifts "Mrs. Heynian was attended by GUJNSKY-POSTER low, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaufman, next issue of the Jewish Press. Community Center. All members group in the American program of Contributions were made by the Miss Sarah German, formerly of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Poster an- the Zionist movement. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tully, Mr. and During the past year the Wom- of the Council are invjfed to atfollowing: Mr. and Mrs. J. Gross Mrs. Jack Lutbeg, Mr. and Mrs. en's Omaha. The -wedding ceremony nounce t h e marriage of their STEAK . division has sponsored Camp tend. The next regular meeting is The second book review of the and Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer •waa followed by a buffet dinner. daughter, Lillie, to Mr. Ben Gil- year was held in the home of Mrs. M. Freiden, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jay-C-C, the newest activity in the to be held in January. HOUSE Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Out-of-town g u e s t s included insky of Council Bluffs. Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. I. Dansky, Mr. community, and has recently ap1512 Howard—J A 9849 Samuel E. Kaiman with Mrs. MeyMrs. Harry Abramson and sons, The couple will reside in Coun- er Linda as co-hostess. Mrs. Sid- Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gross, and Mrs. Joe Goidware, Mr. and pointed a committee which is to Mass Ousters Illegal Mr. and Mrs. B. Gross and chil. JANE BREWER and the bride's brothers, Mas, cil-Bluffs. ney Feldman capably reviewed dren, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ziev of San Mrs. Morris Katelman, Mr. and supervise the activities of the OMAHA'S OWN Bucharest "(JTA) — Mass exMorris, and Einer Abramson of Mrs. Harry Trustin, Mr. and Mrs. Camp. "Mr. Emmanuel," by Louis Gold- Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. R. KulALL HER FRIENQS pulsion . of Jewish lawyers from WELCOMES Omaha. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Featuring Entertainment by ulius Stein, and Mr. and Mrs. ing. It is th,e policy of this group bar associations in such cities as The couple will make their Mr. Morris White announces the which is now beginning its third akofsky, Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee, ack Bramson. TOMMY LEYDON TRIO Jassy, Botosani, Galatz and Pialome in Chicago. engagement of bis daughter, Syl- successful year, to allow its mem- Mr. and Mrs. Sheff Katskee, Mr. Also Mr. and Mrs. Harry BravNightly Except Sunday tra-Neamti, were criticized by G. via, to Louis Chatzky, son of Mr. bers the choice of book and each and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky. iroff, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Venger, Perieteann, president of the RuAlso Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Muskin, An interesting Junior-Hadassah 6:30 till 8:00, 10 till 12:30 and Mrs. Herman Chatzky of BETROTHAL AAXOUXCED book is reviewed by one of the Leonard and Stewart; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stein, Mr. and was held on Monday night manian Bar Association, as conSAME GOOD FOOD Mr. and Mrs. Max Singer an- Denver. members. This procedure has been Mrs. J. Blank and Allan, Mr. and Mrs. David Sherman, Mrs. J. Ad^ class ALWAYS T H E SANVE at the Jewish Community Center. traryto provisions of the Jaw. Miss White attended the Uni- very popular. ler, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cohn; nounce the engagement of their Mrs. E. A. Meyer, Connie, and and Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, Rabbi David A. Goldstein began daughter, Esther, to Dr. Leo L. versity of Omaha, and Mr. Chatznest meeting will be held Teddy; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mey- Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Raffel, Mr. and the study course on Jewish cusDiamond of Cincinnati, Ohio, son ky is a graduate of the Utiiversity at The the home of Mrs. Sam Wolf, er, Bobby and Michael; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boster, Mr. and • Mrs. toms. et Mr. and Mrs. W. Diamond o£ of Denver, school of commerce. 1701 South Sixty-first avenue, Junior Hadassah's entry for Silbar, Mr. a n d Mrs. Max Omaha.* with Mrs. Sidney Feldman as co- be around to finish np the collec- Ray Johen, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Erman, Stage Night will be an original Miss Singer attended Creighton hostess. Mrs. Joe Lagman will tion of boxes sometime next week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Cohen, Mr. s k i t entitled, "On Trial," by •university. Dr. Diamond attended i review Edna Ferber's "A Peculiar and Mrs. A. L. Wohlner, Mr. and Elaine Lagman. Creighton. university a n d is a Finance Treasure," w i t h Mrs. William A capacity attendance filled the Tickets for the dance, which is graduate of the University of Ne- vestry room of the B'nai B'rith Lipsman giving something of the Mrs. B. A. Simon wishes to an- Mrs. Abe Roffman, Mr. and Mrs. braska school of medicine. He is Israel. Synagogue for the annual author's life. Mrs. Louis Schreib- nounce that there will be a paid- I. Levin, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Lipsey, to be given December 27, are on affiliated with, the Phi Beta Epsi- Chanukah dinner of the Sister- man •will direct current events. up membership party as Boon as and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frieden. •sale and may be purchased from any Junior Hadassah member. Children loa fraternity. At the present hood Tuesday. Dinner was served The meetings are held the third the drive for dues is over. EveryThe next business meeting will Mr. and Mrs. Meyer have seven time Dr. Diamond is resident phy- by a committee consisting of Mrs. Wednesday of each month. Mrs one is urged to get in touch with and 10 grandchildren. he held on December 11 at the sician at the Cincinnati Jewish L. > Xeveleff, Mrs. D. E. Epstein, David B. Cohen is chairman. Mr3. Simon, GL 1028, to pay up children children are Mrs. A. R. Mus- Jewish Community Center. hospital. their dues as quickly as possible. The !i Mrs. Sam Epstein, Mrs. Louis Ep, Oneg Shabbotb. kin, Mrs. J. Blank, Mrs. H. PerNo wedding date nas been ;s t e i n > a n d Mrs _ H M a r c u s . Only those members whose dues At the home of Mrs. Leon Felllick, and Sidney, Ernest, Lester, chosen. Senior Girl Scouts The regular meeting of the Sis- man, 2017 N o r t h Fifty-third have been paid up through 1939 and Edwin Meyer. Grandchildren will have their name3 in the year terhood was conducted after the street, Mr. Paul Veret will speak are Leonard and Stewart Muskin, The Senior Girl Scout Troop, AXKOUKCE ENGAGEMEXT ! dinner. Reports were read the on the refugee problem construc- book which is beginning to be Dorothy Silver, Allan Blank, Conp r s were ead on n the sponsored by the Jewish Commun. Mrs. Rae Beeson announces the various activities. It was also de- tively pointing out what is pos- worked upon. nie and Teddie Meyer, Bobby and Center for girls J.5 to 18, is engagement of her daughter, Bet- ctded to change the naiae of the sible for them in a n d out o Michael Meyer, .and Burton and ity ty, to Phil Laserowitz, son of Mi-. organization from Ladies' Auxil- shredded Europe, especially as planning to hold its first weinerBeth Jean Perlick. and Mrs. Arthur Laserovitz. roast and hike on Sunday, Deiary to Sisterhood. concerns their entering Psflestine. cember 17, Instead of December .Both Miss Beeson and Mr. Las- At the conclusion of 'the meetA community sing will be held 10, as previously announced. erowitz are graduates of the Uni- ing. R a b b i Isajali Rackovsky afterward. The Oneg Shabbpth A successful benefit bridge was The troop, whose membership versity of Nebraska. Miss Beeson spoke on the problems which face begins at 2:30 on Saturday with given Tuesday by members of the was a member of the Sigma Delta the .organization and stressed the Mrs. Lawrence Gross as hostess Women's Mizrachl at the home of Alumni, active members, and quota has already been reached, Tau sorority, and Mr. Laserowitz j need for strength in disregarding and Mrs. Morris Franklin assist- Mrs. H. Dolgoff. The organization pledges of Sigma Omicron chapter is entering upon an extensive prowas affiliated with" Zeta Beta ' Tau. tha difficulties that may arise. ing: The chairman, Mrs. M. F. has extended its thanks to Mrs. of Sigma Alpha Mu •will hold a gram of folk dancing, literary disAnnouncement was made at a "The Maccabean spirit is the need Levinson, urges everyone to come. Dolgoff for her hospitality. banquet at the Cornhusker Hotel cussion, and outdoor activities. "The response and co-operation in Lincoln tomorrow night to cele- •This program points toward the family dinner given by Mrs. C. of our people today as much as Other Cultural Activities Fisher of Waterloo, Iowa, and of the days gone by." Mr. Arthur Rapport will soon of members and friends has been brate, the thirteenth anniversary development of leadership within Miss Henrietta Kohn at the PaxAfter the close of the meeting, begin his series of lectures at the gratifying a n d the sum raised of the founding of the chapter on the troop and is being developed ton Hotel. the drawing was held for the Mah J e w i s h Community Center on Tuesday will help meet the. emer- the University, of Nebraska cam- by the girls to meet their interest not only in scouting but also in A January wedding is being Jong. Games were played by 'Jewish Contribution to Civiliza- gency existing at the present time pus. planned. members of the Sisterhood and tion through Science, Philosophy, in Palestine," Mrs. A. Katz, presiPlans for the annual Founder's leadership training. their husbands. Day banquet are especially lavish Medicine, etc." Those wishing to dent, stated. Mrs. Joe Tuchman and Mrs this year, for the year marks the J MEMORIAL join this group can get in touch A Caanukah dinner was served with the chairman, Mrs. Lou Kohl, Jophie Rothkop have closed a suc- "Bar-Mitzvah" of the Nebraska Two sound films, "Death Day'' and "Churches and Cathedrals" Thursday evening by the organ- HA 2719, or the co-chairman, Mrs. :essful rummage sale and a de- chapter. A special edition of the The Jewish Community Center ailed report will be given at the "Sigma Omicronicle," chapter pawill be shown at 2:30 Sunday in ization for the children of the City Max Givot, WA 2970. per has been published for the oc- Symphony Orchestra which is dithe Lecture hall of the Joslyn Me- Talmud Torah. The children had Mrs. David A. Goldstein is be- ext meeting. rected by Mr. Al Finkle, has been The next meeting of the organ- casion. morial. At 3:30 Miss Mary.Elisa- a pleasant evening with games and ginning her second snccessful seMembers and pledges attended invited to play in Council Bluffs beth' Howser will give an illus- songs, Hebrew and English recita- ries on "Jewish Survival in the zation will be held on Wednesday, on Sunday, December 17, at 8 p. trated lecture on "The Madonna tions, lighting of the Chanufeah World Today" next Tuesday at the December 20. This will be-the a Thanksgiving party, sponsored m. The occasion Is the presentalight, and. the distribution of the J e w i s h Community C e n t e r first business meeting of the sea- by the Omaha alumni club, on in Famous pictures." of a play under the auspices A 4[ o'clock organ recital will dreidlach. Place cards were in. promptly at 1:15. Mr3. S. J . Plot- on. Many reports will be given Thanksgiving eve at the Black- tion the local chaper of Hadassah. be given in the Concert hall by the form of dredel. kin is chairman of the group and md the work of the organization stone Hotel last weet^ Last Friday of Daring its one year of existence The following committee of those wishing to join should get liscussed. Members are urged to the Omaha Alumni club and the ' Martin W. Bush, assisted by Miss actives held a luncheon in honor the Center Orchestra has grown mothers served the children: Mrs. in touch with her at HA 6903. >e present. Evelyn Smith, pianist. Members of the organization of Felix Yager, past national pres- consistently and has developed The 14th annual Christmas con- M. Cohen, Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mrs. Mrs. Herman Cohen .is co-chairhave been asked to follow the ex- ident at the Regis Hotel in Oma- an excellent repertoire. cert will be given at S:15 in the Meyer Katzman, Mrs. J . Razniek, man, GL 26S4. The orchestra meets for rehearConcert hall by the music depart- Mrs. David Feldman, Mrs. D. Den- - A course especially organized ample of those who have been ha. Last Wednesday night two mem- sal every Monday night at 8 p. m., ment of North High school under enberg, Mrs. D. B. Epstein, and for all new members is the "Ori- hostesses at benefit bridges. bers of the chapter, Harold Tur- at the Jewish Community Center. the direction of Elizabeth Hutchi- •Mrs. J t K s e r , .• ' - . . ^ . - . ' - ,-.•,-'-• entation of Hadassah" pupject. kel and Ben Novicoff.^both of Lin- Interested musicians-are invited The Rabbi addressed the chil- All 142 new members are most son Freeman, Mary Silver, and coln, tried out for positions on the to call the Center for further indren briefly on the significance of cordially invited. However, those Samuel Thomas. University of Nebraska debate formation. the occasion. older members w i o feel that they The regular meeting of the Tau team. Last night Paul Crounse, BECUPERATIXG need brushing up on the aims and Mrs. S. Lerner, who was strickwork of Hadassah are also urged Delta Sorority was held at the Omaha, competed with a group of en with, pneumonia while visiting to come. Mrs. Morris Razniek will ewish Community Center on Sun- other freshmen for the Long deher daughter, Mrs. Tillie Olsen of the various projects and day, December 3, at 3 p. m. Af- bate trophy, annually awarded to regular, meeting of the Beth discuss San Francisco, is now recuperat- El AAuxiliary current events from the home of- ter the business meeting, Martha. the best freshman debater in the will be held at the fice will be a feature. " ing "at a San Francisco hospital. Jewish Community The date on iusman, program chairman pre- University. Center, Wedsented the following girls in an nesday. December 13, at 1 p. m. •which the group will meet will be jntertaining program: M i c k e y Our Hew Cream ForTHANKSGIVING GUESTS later. Mrs. Morris board meeting will take place announced oldberg, Conine Wohlner an Miss Elaine Kaiman of Los An- at Anoon. Franklin will take the names of mula F^leJts Away Exgeles spent the Thanksgiving holi- Luncheon will be served prompt- those who wish to belong, GL Rita Magzamin. cess Fat in a StimuRita Magzamin was elected Parday at the home of Miss Helene ly at 1 o'clock by t h e following 2857. Collections of Unique in place of Ida Eplating and Healthful Alberts. Both girls are students One very interesting course to liamentarian Diamond Engagement, Mrs. Isadore Abramwho submitted her resignaat ..the University of Nebraska hostesses: be presented this year will be on stein manner. Wedding and Anniverson, Mrs. Leon Fellman, Mrs. Har•Where they are members of Sigma ry Frankel, Mrs. Leo Adler, Mrs. "The Development or Rebirth of tion. 2 Hour- Steam f&assase sary Rings, individualThe Tau Delta Sorority is planDelta Tau sorority. Included Rose Kramer, Mrs. Ben Youseni, Modern Hebrew Literature and ning social and cultural events for ly designed and priced Special Introductory Offer and Mr3. Joseph Freeman. All Readings in Translation," by Miss the year. The first major event •with good old-fashion* RECUP ERAT1N G members are urged to make their Blanche Kleimen of the Jewish "You've chosen Nelly Don ed moderation. . Mrs. Henry Epstein is recuper- luncheon reservations with Mrs. Community Center. Mrs. David will be participation in Stage-Nite ^ Treatments wM Convenient Terms Can Be ating at the Lutheran hospital Jack Kaufman Ha. 09 62, Mrs. T. Cahn Piatt, GL 5053, is chairman, sponsored by the Round Table of . dresses for years, so I know Arranged at No Extra from an operation performed two A. Tully Ha. 724S or Mrs. Nath- assisted by Mrs. Arthur Romm, Jewish Youth with which the is affiliated. weeks; ago. She is receiving vis- an Turner At. 1129. Cost GL 50S4. This will be at the group The next regular meeting of the itors. I haven't 'missed* on this The Program will consist of a Jewish Community Center on the Tau Delta Sorority will be held at first and third Tuesday's of the Candle Lighting Ceremony, entitlhe Jewish Community Center on TEMPLE SVPPER CLUB Phono HA 5237 "The ilenorah of Redediea- month. gift. You're right about The Temple Israel Supper club ed Mr. Leonard Nathan is giving a Sunday, December 17, at 3 p. m. N. W. Corner 31st Ave. tion" and will be led by the past will meet Wednesday evening, De- presidents of the Beth El Auxili- series in the study of "Jewish Afand Dodge Patronize Our Advertisers their beautiful fit, lovely cember 13. fairs in the World Today;" the ary an,d the present officers. next meeting will be Friday at A feature of the'afteraoon will •ANNOUNCE BIRTH prints, becoming l i n e s . . . be a dramatic presentation of 1:45 at the home of Mrs. Russel Mr.'and Mrs. Arthur Snyder of "The life and Poems of Emma Blumenthal, 145 North ThirtyStore Hears: 9:30 A. M. fa 5:33 P. M—-Telephone AT 7334 Hutchinson, Kan., announce the Lazarus" by Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf fourth street, with Mrs. Lazar I tried this one on myself, birth of a daughter on December in collaboration with, the Choric Kaplan presiding and Mrs. Gerald 4. Mrs. Snyder is the former Ruth Arts Group. Mrs. Sam Stern is pro- Gross assisting. and if it had been for a n y Wilinsky of Omaha. Mrs. Harold Barish wishes it gram Chairman. known that she has made up a Members are asked to bring an Mr. and Mrs. Irving Freedxnan one less important than gift for the annual few more of those dolls that are announce the birth of a son, Sat- inexpensive so much in demand and can fill Gift exchange. urday, December 2, at the Meth- Cbanukah The Beth El children attending more orders. They would make you* I know I couldn't have odifit hospital. .Mrs. Freedmaa is Sabbath School or Talmud Torah particularly lovely Chanukah gifts the former Ruth White. will be entertained at a Chanukaa for the children and at the same parted with itT / party, December 9- They are in- time serve a most worthy cause. vited to come tc services at 11 Call WE 5542 for-your dolL Jewish National Fund o'clock. Luncheon will be served Dovelora Feather-Wefglst, AH Wool Worsted especially,' with conditions A Tegular meeting of the Bikur in the Class Rooms by a Mothers theNow they are in war-torn Eu; Cholim society will be held on Club headed by Mrs. David Cohn. ropeway it is so important that land Monday at 2 o'clock at the Jew- After lunch the children will ga- be bought in Palestine and it is ish^ Community Center. A board ther in the auditorium. through Jewish National Fund meeting -will be held at 1. Rabbi boxes that this will be made posIsaiah Rackovsky will speak on sible. The J. N. F. committee wil "Our Problems o f Today." The organization has expressed its last regular meeting held its appreciation to the community at At Jewish Community Center Camp Ss&rgisaS S a p for its co-operation in the draw- on the Sunday, December 3, the Rayos ing of the silver service. p e r l d e s i g n s ^ t o . LIFT Club made plans for a social getto-gether to be held in two weeks. and HOLD HEAVY 0 Soft flattery in NdJy Son cxJualvt YOU* INSURANCE BROKER j This club, which is composed of FLESH. primvoilc. Nary, trice. Mnr,.hfcc)Li2-44. girls who have graduated from high school within the past two ; 2.98 lliey bare the four prime facyears has been recently organized. V1CE-PRESSDENT tors of style, quality, workProgram Chairman, Miss Lena •..'CITY F I N A N C E AMT) Free ConsulZoilotuchen announces that an unmanship, comfort. Widei circutation by Exusual treat is in store for memlar floor length skirts, smooth b—Nelly Dos Ndktta (EnJa rayon) m -';.::: INSURANCE co. bers at the next meeting, Decempert Trained hips, high waist and broad Representing 21 Strong Companies feminine, easy-totstar liaa. Sbdc bnranv ber 17. -tady Attend?1 A:Complete Irisurancs Service raised shoulders. Zipper and «sxindWu& 1241 ' .._ CALL AT 7667 OP WA 5150 ant. wrap models. In cherry, bluePatronize Our Advertisers •*THC SETTLEMENT COUNTS" . 6.50
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Page 4
Chazars,. the-Jewish tribe that once flourished on the Caspian and accounts for a large proportion of today's Jews. Because it has been a decent, law-abiding nation, we Americans are not well-acquainted with it. In its tragedy we learn ii» i i V i a v CKIOAY A? OMAHA, NS3rlA.}KA, 3Y that its capital is one of the most beautiful and up-to-date in JEWISH FaSSS PUBUSHINQ COSIFANU P W i C l a . O r i a Y a a r . . . » « » • the world; we learn that it is far advanced on the road of social II3INQ HATE3 FURNISHED ON APPUCATSON , reform. And we learn that it is the victim of an unjustified " 'SDITORIAL OFFICE! 303 SRANDEI3 THSATSB 3UJ5.OINQ attack. Oaly the Nazis can see reason for this wanton destruca l O U l CITV OFFICE—JEWISH OOMSWUNITV CS.NTS3 PRINT SHOs* A0DR&&3—iiW4 BO. 24TH 3TBSST tion of human beings and cities. Germany, alone of all the naDAVID 3 L A C K 3 S . . . SualaeiJa a a d i l a a a s l a g Billot tions in Europe, condones the act. .110 N A T H A N . . . . . . . SJditCl To the courage of Finland, the world pays homage and FUSDSllICXi COHN . . . Contributes Sditsr T111S0D0R3 N. L 3 W I 3 • . « S o o l i S d i t s r rallies to its cause in the fashion we are permitted—moral sup31-4 S H •• Society E d i t o r port, aid to' its Ked Cross. The cunning and deception of Russia J1OUSIS A 1 3 S N 3 3 R Q S i o u s City C o r r e s j s o a d a n t will not conquer a people fighting for their homes. They can DOIIOTHIO 3 A L T 3 M A N • C o u a c U BlufJ3 C o r r e a p o a d e Q t impose nothing more than a temporary yoke.
The Promise of tise Future "The- devil's intention," the Polish Foreign minister in exile, August Ziileski, has termed the Lublin "reservation." "The natural opposition of authoritative Jewish leaders to the Lublin 'reservation' is a self-understood matter," Count Zaleski declared. "This is a malicious plan aiming to provoke the Polish population against the Jews and simultaneously creating a spirit of depression among the Jews themselves." Had Count Zaleski spoken thus six months ago, it would have, sounded a little like the pot calling the kettle black, because the present Polish government with headquarters at Angers is made up oi members o£ the notorious Camp of National Unity, the group that up until the very invasion by Germany was constantly speaking; of Poland's "three million excess Jews." The avowed intention o£ the Camp of National Unity was to exile Jews, to hound them from the country by every sort oi: pressure—and they did not stop short of murder as the wave of pogroms oi' l'JoiJ-37 proved. If their measures were a little less drastic than the Reich's, this shortcoming must be laid to the German reputation for thoroughness. Those are the "excess" Jews who have now been enrolled in the Palish army lighting in France. Those are the Jews for whom there was no place in their homeland and for whom there was nothing but emigration. *
Now Poland weeps for her Jews. The Polish army leaders express great indignation at the German practice of bombing the synagogues during the High Holy days. They speak now with tears of the heroism of its Jews who labored even on the Sabbath to build defenses. They denounce Nazi persecution. Tlie diplomatic representatives in foreign countries' have been instructed by Count Zaleski to drop their "former attitudes" regarding Jews. They are no longer to be harassed abroad as they had once been by their government at home. "In the free Poland, the Jews will enjoy equal rights granted to all citizens, without racial or religious distinction," the foreign minister has promised.. This was the promise and the hope of 1919. These were the same words uttered to the Jews and because of them they rose to the support of the infant republic, only to endure twenty years of disappointment and misery. All the rights Poland now promises the Jews had before —on paper. Even as the exiled government announces its good faith, Jews in Wilno were subjected to the brutality of the Polish Endeks. * # * * However at such a time we will not question the sincerity of the Polish government. A war, a catastrophic war,, has convinced the Polish leaders their Jewish policy was wrong, the creation of a false "Jewish problem" was an insult to three million citizens, who, Avhen the real test came, responded and suffered. , • • Once it was thought that nothing worse could happen to the Jews of Poland, that they had tasted the dregs of misery. But evidently such was not the case. But sharing their misery is all Poland. Jews and Poles both wear badges now, to impress on them their inferior status. The only difference is that the Polisii badge has a red cross on it. We can do nothing now but put our trust in Count Zaleski's words. We have no choice but to hope he speaks the voice of a future Poland. There won't be three million Jews in a reconstituted nation, because how many have been murdered ho one knows, how many have fallen victim to epidemics is still to be learned. Thus Polish Jewry is paying for hope in the"future.
Vision and Revision By EABBI FREDERICK COHN
It has been said "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Vision is a pre-requisite to all fruitful action. First the dream, then the dream's realization. In this sense vision becomes the most practical of the fac-" ulties of man. The great men, after all, have been the great visionaries, the "seers," who because they saw, and saw in advance, inaugurated the great eras, and the resounding deeds that have gone echoing and re-echoing down the corridors of time. It may even be said that nothing great was ever achieved without the deed being preceded by the idea; the thing, by the great revolutionary thought. "Beware," said Emerson, "when God lets loose a thinker on the earth." He lets loose the deeds that transform the world. Great as is vision, re-vision is also equally great and equally necessary and indispensable. The vision itself has to be* revised, for the sake of clearer vision. All the great Revolutions have been revisions; revisions of existing forms of society, of political institutions, of modes of thought, action, and belief. The revisions have been revolutions, and the revolutions have been revisions. The world at the present time is undergoing a great revision. This is due mainly to the growth of science, and only partially to education. John Dewey has shown ia his book, just published, "Freedom and Culture," that a nation can be highly educated, as Germany, and yet not be proof against the greatest re-actionarism and the most incredible actions. Yet mental growth, and above all, experience, develop that maturity and changed condition that bring about revision in. one's thoughts, acts, and life. Otherwise the world would remain in the same old rut. Otherwise there would be no progress of any sort. And there would be no hope for the correction of present evils by the removal of prejudice, error, and the grossest ignorance. It is amazing, and discouraging, how men cling to the most ancient notions, to fixed beliefs, to obstinate opinions, to long dispfoven. statements, to exploded theories, to what are pure (or impure) legends, to absolute inventions in "history," to degrading superstitions and incredible dogmas in religion, in both belief and practice. There is need here of radical revision of mankind of its outgrown, outworn ideas, conventions, and absurdities. The old vision must give way to the newer vision, as we change glasses at different periods of our life, to conserve and improve our sight. Therefore there must be, if not periodic, frequent revision, a mark of the growing mind. Mankind will have to revise many of its ideas and practices if it is to inaugurate a higher civilization, and a better world; one free from the terrific injustice that is the cause of such wide-spread suffering and misery; one that will rid the world of the horrors and barbarism of war; one that will lay firm the foundation of a universal and an enduring peace. IMPROVED MORAL SIGHT AND DEEPER RELIGIpUS INSIGHT ARE THE DESIDERATA! Theology will have to give way to religion. Hoary and blind custom to enlightened ethics. Hide-bound conservatism to a sane liberalism. Obscurantism and obfuscation to emancipated reason. Darkness to lightAfter midnight, the morn. Prevision would be the most wonderful vision. But in lieu of that revision, however painful; atoning for past errors and mistakes; baleful sins, cruel crims. "We issue books in revised editions. Even the Sacred Scriptures have been, in translation, ''Revised." Let us have a Revised Humanity, as free from error and evil as possible. For this we must look to Men of Vision who however scorned and derided, branded as "visionaries" by those who are themselves purblind, are nevertheless the benefactors of the race, the "Idealists" who lead mankind up from the low, dull, befogged levels, up to the sun-kissed, God-blessed heights of the Ideal; —the Good, the True, the Beautiful!
. '
•' By PAT FRANK •; J. T. A. Washington Press Bureau
Sunday, December 10 City Talmud Torah, Graduation—10 a. m./ J. C. C. Tan Delta Sorority—3 p.m., J. C. C • ,Omaha Hebrew Club—3 p. m., J. C. C. A. Z. A. No. 100—3 p. m., JVC. C. . • Beth El, Rigadoo—3 p. m. and on, Central Club.
presidency. Who
Certainly a man can't do himself verymuch harm, in this country, by smashing away a t Communism and Nazism and Fascism. "He's agin the devil, ain't he?" Incidentally, one of the paragraphs in his Madison Square Garden speech shouldn't be overlooked.. He crjed: ••.','. "We declare that any man who under any pretext p r e a c h e s , spreads or encourages — directly or indirectly, openly or secretly— race, religious, or class hatred Is unrAmerlcan!" You can't be any plainer than that!
Monday, December 11 , WASHINGTON Bikur Cholim—2 p. m., J. C. C. Ludwig Lewlsohn, the novelist; AVorkmen's Loan—8 p. m., J..C. C. .f». made a speech here the other day. Among other things he said that Tuesday, December 12 . the German occupation of Poland Deborah Society, Card Party-r-1 p. m., J. C.C. is "a catastrophe unparalleled in the history of the Jewish people.''.: Book Review, Rabbi Goldstein—-8 p. m., J. C. C. . Slowly but certainly the terrible National Worker's Alliance—S p. xa., J. C. C. ". impact of what Is happening to. the backbone of Jewry in eastern Wednesday, December 13 Europe is being felt in the United Beth El Auxiliary, Luncheon—1 p. m., J. C. C. . , States. In a single blow the 1,500,000 Jews in Nazi-dominated PoStage Nite, Round Table—8 p.m., J. C. C. ' ," land have been reduced to a.statIndependent Workmen's Order—8 p. m., J. C. C. us somewhat worse -than slavery. Paris (JTA) — Fritz l.penerThe slaves in ancient Rome had To list events, and to avoid conflicts, please call the Jewish Beda, popular Viennese writer and one thing in their favor. They librettist-collaborator of the comwere valuable as chattels. The Community Center—Jackson 1366. poser Franz Lehar, has committRoman masters cared for them, ed suicide In the Buchenwald conjust as an American farmer cares would probably be on a war basis, which will be followed <by similar centration camp, it was reliably for his live stock. right now . . . Fortunately (as rallies from one end of the coun- learned'here. The writer, who was The slaves that are being creat- least for the - Russians) they're try to the. other, is viewed as a 56 years old, had been held in the ed in Poland are of no value to some thousands of miles away, ex- bid by the Texas Tornado for na- Nazi camp since the occupation of .-••:•'... the Germans. The Polish Jew can- cept where Siberia almost touches tional political recognition . . . Vienna last year. • . . . . . Dies -will almost certainly run for Efforts by Lehar, who reportnot, help but hate the chains that Alaska . •. . the Senate when-he sees the op- edly has influence with Chancelhave been thrust upon him. So his The White House — The sug- portunity, say the smart fellows lor Adolf Hitler, to secure his relot is the most terrible that any lease were unsuccessful. Loenerhuman being has faced within his- gestion, Indirectly made- and on up pn«the Hill. Beda was greatly interested in toric times. It is upoa the verge one knows exactly by whom, that : That opportunity p r o b a b l y Jewish sports activities, having of hopelessness. * • the two big parties push back The Nazis despise the Poles, and their conventions to July or Au- won't come until 1943,.when'the for many years been president of they hate the Jews,.and when the gust, is viewed by the more as- term of Morris Sheppard, dean of the Vienna Maccabl, Jewish sports : two are combined in the person tute students of third termology Congress by virtue of a longer association. of a Polish Jew thrown to the as pretty positive proof that the continuous membership than anymercy of the S. S. trooper, then President hasn't yet made up his one else, expires. : indeed civilization rolls back five mind and awaits further developthousand years, and you view the ments in Europe before announc- • ' Meanwhile, Dies is building imraw spectacle of the ruthless-des- ing ' whether he'll run again . . . posing political fences,, on a naHome for Funerals Some even go further, and say wide scale, and if and when he truction of a whole people. that the suggestion is a good enters the Senate he will have the Established 1906 ' , that affairs in Europe same sort of recognition as Huey What is going on within the hunch'reach a critical stage until Long — as a .state politician from Interior of Poland the best auth- won't midsummer . . . They base this the South whose influence extends COMPLETE SERVICp orities in Washington—-the .men statement on the well known fact far beyond the borders of his^tswn in important government posts: that : President Roosevelt knows bailiwick. • AT NOMINAL COST ' . . with a hundred lines of informa- more-about foreign relations and tion — have been unable to defin- world conditions than any other Of course, Martin may be shootitely discover. FARNAM a t 33RD : ing for something big sooner than But from what they have been American . . . 1943, but exactly to TVhat j o b he able to learn, from the stories that Capitol Hill — Martin Dies' aspires," on-one . seems to know. have crept from" beyond this new Pale, they predict that at the end speech a t Madison Square Garden, Maybe the tall Texan thinks in of this winter there may be half a •million Jews less in Poland. In imminent prospect is a slaughter of the weak and the old, and the strong and the young—by disease and starvation. "the Nazis have let the four horsemen out of the corral, in Poland, to roam as they will, unchecked by any of the bridles of civilization. And the news from Lodz and Warsaw of typhus epidemics raging in the Jewish ghettos is only the first of what inevitably must come.
Collaborator of Lehar Is Suicide
Hulse & Riepen
HA 1226 ,
What can save those people? You ask this, .and I have asked it. I've asked a dozen or more men, not Jews, who know what is going on in Poland. They say that so long as the Black Shrits and the Brown Shirts patrol the streets of Poland there is little likelihood that help sent from America can be, of real widespread aid. There is only one answer. Either the Nazis are driven from Poland, or civilization in Eastern Europe limps back through ' the ages until it comes" to a period that was black, and when men were half beasts. It is interesting to note that Mr. Lewisohn declares that Palestine alone offers some hope for the millions of destitute Jews in Europe, and that sooner or later political action must make Palestine the .real homeland of the Jew. He said Palestine can provide homes for 8,000,000 people through intensified agriculture. Despite restrictions and troubles with the Arabs, he pointed out. 34,000 Jews entered Palestine last year and there found permanent homes. AROU>T> THE TOWN The State Department — Now that the Russians have decided to swarm over Finland, they will find American public opinion more deeply stirred by a sense of outrage than by any single act since Belgium felt the Kaiser's heel, say the men with their fingers upon the pulse of American public opinTo the growing list of small nations fighting for their very ion . . . The United States has for existence is now added another. Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, Ethitwenty years regarded Finland as a "poor but honest man in a house opia, Albania, Poland—and at the present time, Finland. The full of sly thieves and gamblers," last, unlike the others, has fallen victim not to Fascist aggresone diplomat says . . . Finland is "that guy who pays his debts." sion, not' to the Fascist state, but to one that parades under . . . The very idea of Russia tramanother name and practices its rapacity in the name o£ "depling on Finland boils the blood of roost of Washington . . . and mocracy and the rule of the people." •were the sons of R. Chisda, one of if : Russia . was as close to the It makes no difference to the victims of air-raids that Russia whom -would allow Ida servant to United States as, say, Mexico, we eat befors lie himself dined, and prides itself on the treatment of its minorities and does not the othsr Troulfi not permit Ms t •H K ^-v^^*S 4 (^S^r!r ; share the Nazi concept of inferior peoples. Finland was a., deservant to eat until ho hiraselt By Dr. Philip Slier had dined. With the one -who almocracy and its social program was certainly farther advanced lowed his servant to eat first, Elithan the much-publicized "progress" of the Soviets, jah ased to converse, but •with the one who -would not allow his servThe people of small nations are being deprived of their Saul said to David: Thou a r t •ant to eat before he himself had very rights of existence. Wilson's doctrine of the self-determina- more righteous than I, for than dined, Elijah did not converse. hast rendered unto me good, Our Rabbis -were taught (Exd. tion of peoples" is being flaunted under the pagan philosophy whereas I have rendered unto thee 23.S) "And thou shalt taSe no evil. : that none but the strong should live. The Zionists, in the face bribe." This does not pretend to "I a a distressed • for thee, a y mean bribe of •; money only; but of present conditions, must drop the fallacious argument, if brother Jonathan. Very pleasant even 'bribe of anything . . . as it they have not already done so, that once nationhood is acquired, hast thoa tseea unto n e . "Wonder- happened once that Sanisel was ful wa3 thy love to d e , surpassing crossing the river on a ferryboat. the J.ews of the world will assume new status. the love of •women.'* A n a s gave him his hand to preIn a world where force is the only recognized law, where Thy beauty, O Israel, upon thy vent him from falling. "What," place is slain. Now are the said Samuel, "Can I. do for you for anarchy prevails, there is no security. The smaller nations fall high mighty talle'a. .• your kindness?" The man replied: victims to the larger; the larger quarrel over their ill-gotten "I have a lawsuit before thee." Chaniaa had a-poor irsaa "I become disqualified from pregains. Once Sussia and Germany were to accomplish their imhis neighborhood to .whom he siding as a judge in thy lawsuit," perialist; aims, iz would not be long before.they would be at in was accustomed to send fear zus- replied Samuel. ira on every Saturday eve. Once each other's throats. ha sent It through hi3 wife, •who Finland has.occupied a unique position ia the family of returned "with the noaey saying: Ahnansi • hezider nations, in America wo know of it only as the single nation cf "Ha does not. need it." Upon R. Shaaina'a Question: "What, have Europe that has discharged its financial obligations. Chanee you seen that makes you tMak Home (JTA) — At a constituhas put it in the position where it was able to niaka it3 pay- so?" she replied: " I heard he isras tional session of the 18 councillors • ©a what will you dine, -with of the Union of Jewish Commun\ incuts. But when the country might have defaulted, as the asked the s!3ver outfit {vessels!, er -with ities ia Italy,. Dr. Dante Almsjssi. others had done, without any-pmitivs measures being taken to t i e gold outfit?*' Whereupon F,. Cavalipr Of the Grand. Cress of j . •- . - Chaaiaa said: ''This is what R.. the Italian. Crown asd former preenforce collection, it did act. Jochaaan raeaat -when he said; fect of several-Italian prcvizies, Bui even had Finland been among the defaulters, it still "Coma let -as he thaa!s:£ul to the i was formally iaducted as ths liaad fraudulent poor, for if not. for1 of ajasited italiaa Jewrv. would have a claim upon the conscience of the world. As Jews them we would have "feeea com- | . The 62-year-old Jsmcli leader : we Siysipathiza with its plight. Unlike Poland where the Jews mitting sSa every day for act -fi-a- I if ill servs as Bresident cf ti.3 tTnp tfes until: tSien nest qxuxZTS^zdzX ias sufficient far t>3 poor." " j Jewish •eaiagress ia 1342 Hs BU3BahM Jcalraa said: "Ha whoconstituted approximately ten per cent of the opul p tioa, FinI 'eeeds 'Sortaer • Naval CBZ&Z&S&ZL&T \ closes hia eyes to charity is. >»»•t SK!r8 bl laad lias only a iniiikculo Jewish population, probably not xa-or | siderefi a3 if Its .serves idols. ;'•• ! Federiso ! Jarach, at Milaa, who than, two tiiosisAJid persons. 'Ilia Finns arc related to th.3 i !4 liarl aad Eabbl PWa^lias, J
Another Victim
terms of the knows?
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Page 8
Omaha as~ "Graduation Week- dek, - foremost graphologist of the: For the second time since tak- 'Over the Rainbow," written for server at his father's broadcasts, after Which he goes home, arEnd," in honor of the graduation, last decade,, disclosing merely the ing charge of this column, I nave •Wizard of Oz." ranges the playroom, a n d ' reof five students from the City ige and sex, in accordance with to make a slight correction^ and Talmud Torah. The'graduates, will :he general requirements of the again it was a rabbi, and again of That 60th anniversary dinner enacts "Big Town" to- the nearbe the guests of the United Ortho- rt. The brief delineation which a Chicago Temple, who, called my onoring Gus Edwards has hadcollapse of the house and its ocdox Congregations at the late follows' (it would have been more attention to the inaccuracy. In a mrtful consequences. The vet-cupants. ilaborate but Dr. Saudek was ov- truly flattering letter, too glow- iran showman attended the gala services this evening. Front office at the Burbank Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will erburdened at the time, and in ing to quote, Rabbi David Grau- iffair after a siege of Illness.. . . By VICTOR M. BIENSTOCK' speak on "Jewish Scholarship." 1930, I little realized how much bart points out that the lines danced and enjoyed the merri- plant called a contract player. (JTA Staff Correspondent) The service will be followed by a pain one must take wifn a script) which I said I adapted' from Ro- ment with the best of them .-. . The maid; answering JJue phone, wanted to know who was calling. reception to be given toy the Sis-is rather interesting because the senfeld were Frug's. The original and now is suffering a relapse. LONDON. • . ' • • • generation, the question of religterhood of the V. O. C. to the profile of Dr. Singer is objective- l i n e s "Warner Brothers," was the rethe worst period in contemporary One of the knottiest problems ious and racial minorities will ly drawn in a few strokes; and we graduates and their families-as ply. Still in the dark, she asked, "Git di toite oid takhrikhim Which faced the peace-makers af- come before a peace conference Jeirish history. must remember that to Dr. SauLike the RItzes, Jack Benny "Which one?" well as all those at the service. ter the first World War was the wbkh will seek, in the words of Git di lebedike 'broit dek the initials I. S., male, 70, refers his horses "across t h e THE WHITE PAPER, question of protection of racial the Ei Hish Foreign Secretary, to. are indeed from Frug's "Hot Rak- board." Forced to meet the ani- Michael Scrvetus, who was The British government, pubSabbath morning all the chil- could mean very little. " and religious minorities in the bring hmones," a poem which is known being "a new world . . . lishing its -White Paper on the dren of the City Talmud Torah mals on an equal foot—-er, „ sit- burned by Calvin for his Unitarian I. S., 70 new order to emerge from the •\vhiuh into even to those who have only a will enlist the cooperation, treatment of German Nationals in are invited to participate in the Highly cultured, idealistic man, smattering of Yiddish literature: ting, as the hero of "Buck Benny doctrines, is believed to ^ have •war. The Allied Powers thought of all peoples on a basis of human Germany, prefaced its documents regular services of the Congrega- zealous, social, courageous, enter- and they had solved this by inserting equality, self-respect I can scarcely understand why tides Again," Benny has a whop- studied with several Spanish" Marand mutual confirming the frightful persecu- tion B'nai Israel. Rabbi Rackov- prising, versatile and self-confi- I should solemn clauses in the various trea- tolerance." associate such typically >ing headache . . . not to mention' ranos. tion, of Jews and others in Ger- sky will speak on "Duty and Dedi- dent. ties and in the constitutions of the Frugain lines with Rosenfeld, un- ither pains. Before mounting the many by an apology for its revel- cation." Musaf services will be Because of his inborn optimism less it was because I had been earsome beast, he handed a letIn the struggle over the estabV. S. of Europe new States g u a r a n t eeing the What shape this new world will ations, explained that it had done conducted by Erwin Witkin, one he sometimes overdoes things, but reading Rosenf eld's poetry the er to the director "for Mary," his lishment, of the. Portuguese , .Inrights of all citizens regardless o£ • quisition, the. king at one time detake is the subject of many dis- so because the Nazis persisted in of the graduates. Leonard Potash he always means good and his ac-evening before writing my column ife—just in case! race or creed. cided to found a national church cussio&K, plans and proposals to- accusing the British of similar will read from the Prophets. After tions are inspired by benevolence, on "The Art of Philanthropy." With ona or two exceptions, day. The most popular scheme ad- atrocities in South Africa many the services the mothers of the enthusiasm, idealism and goodindependent of Rome. * The "second point of criticism Ray of.Sunshine: In an effort these clauses uniformly failed of vanced is for a "United States -pi years ago. " "• ' graduates will hold a reception heartedness. deals with my attribution to Reb to eliminate elements which cause their purpose. One of Britain's Europe," in which each State At the age of 70 his energy and Nakhem Bratzlaver of pleading It explained that it had not pub- for the children of the Talmud Fernando Coutinho, Bishop of discord and racial hatreds, one of Algarvia, ablest administrators discussing would surrender some of its sov-lished previously the .damning re- Torah. ivacity are certainly striking. and Diogo Pinheiro, r with God in behalf of the Jews. the local musicians' unions , exrecently a specific question, now ereign rights to a central author- ports contained in the White PaBoundless Optimism While it is true, as Rabbi Grau- jects to adopt a plan which will Bishop of Funchal, fought the.inexercising the British Cabinet ity.. The one thing which is note- bart points out, that Reb Levi per because cf the effect such troduction of the Inuisi,tion into Sunday morning services will commented: Clement Attlee, leader of the publication would have had on take place as usual at the Congre- worthy in his handwriting, as I Isaac Berditchever would remon- iissolve any organization of mu- Portugal. "Our. experience in Europe British Labour Party, has set out Anglo-German relations. it, is the unusual muscu- trate with the Lord concerning sicians based on racial creed. gation B'nai Israel. The services analyze shows that you cannot guarantee a six-point program on which the lar, control, his.freedom from in- the virtues o£ the Jewish common Poland in the Middle Ages was Neutral observers here agreed start at 9 a. ra. and are followed the position of the minorities new F.srope should be established. that if any apology was forthcom- by a study group in Bible. hibition, his facility of sweep. It folk, and it would have been betScreenings: Joseph Schildkraut the only country in Europe where merely by nialdng an entry into His principles include the right of ing it. should have been for not is easy to conclude that we have ter to mention his name rather as acquired the rights to the a converted Jew could return to fundamental law to that effect. all nations great or small to live publishing this information earlbefore us the handwriting of one than that of Reb Nakhmen Bratz- iddish opera, "Bar Kochba," and Judaism without fear of death. The Wednesday afternoon study That has broken down everywhere and develop their own character- ier, particularly at a time when whose self-confidence is bouhd- aver in this connection, the two slans to produce it on, a local group for women will meet again and the only way of guaranteeing istic civilization provided they tfo the Nazis were screaming about less, and whose resourcefulness Shassidic saints have been known itage. The chapter on Cellu- WANTED — Position f o r young this Wednesday at 2. Following the position of minorities is some- not thereby infringe the rights of the alleged persecution of Sudeand vigor may vie with these to share in common this maternal oidia in Arthur Kober's tome, woman graduate of Hlflh School the introductory lecture on the how or other there should be an others, the abandonment of a.?- ten Germans by Czechoslovakia — qualities in an ambitious man half attitude toward the Jewish people. 'Pardon Me for Pointing," is and Business School. Dignified, Bible which Rabbi Rackovsky outside ultimate control which is gress>ion and the use of armed allegations which dared not imhis age. • . , • capable, of developIn conclusion i t is gratifying to aid to be a rib-tickler . ...-Noel responsible, gave at the opening session, the ment into an exceptional office asable to intervene on their be- force, and recognition of the pute aetions to the Czechs _ oneI have heard some strong epi- know that I have such scholarly Madison . . . still in London . . . sistant. actual work will begin at this Can take Shorthand but half." right3 of national, racial and re-tenth as horrible as those proven coming meeting. The course is thets applied to him, such as "ego- and critical readers. Would there •elays an English barber's sign, prefers otherforms of office work. Silesiaa Protection ligious minorities. to have been perpetrated by the conducted in Yiddish so that all tist," "self-seeking," "conceited," were many more of them to keep 'Hair Raids Inside." Royal trap-, VAN SANT SCHOOL of BUSINESS The Jews, in practice, found or two minor Jewish lead- a vigilant eye on the statements •ings: Jack Warner, while in the JA 5830 He goes further and explains Nazis themselves on German na- those who find Yiddish easier are by one this to be the case during the how he thinks the3e principles tionals in concentration camps of invited ers, v publicists or editors; b u t / l (no matter how incidental) made iast, purchased a flivver de luxe, to attend. There is antwenty years or so following tn« can be brought into effect. He the Third Reich — or at the time other course, which will be con-believe they were unjust to this column; forthat would be car fabricated lor the C r o w n World War. In only one case was would create international mach- when the Nazis cried that they ducted in English, being planned. Possibly a personal clash on a an indication that it is read at- rince of Denmark. That antecause which claimed their atten- tentively and with care. / there effective e n f o r cement of | i a e r y p 0 S 3 e ssed of overwhelming had to march into Poland to prodiluvian, epic, "1.000,000 B. C." tion either positively or negativeminority protection provisions and js t r e ngth and abolish national air- tect German nationals from Powill be dubbed in every language ly resulted in such bias. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telethat _was in the famous Bernheim f o r c e s a a d g ^ i e s larger than are , .lish „ „ mobs whose activities, _, even in the civilized world except GerDr. Singer might be described petition affair based on the Po- jr e q u i r e d t 0 m a intaia internal or- I as described by Dr. Goebbels, were graphic Agency, Inc.) man and Italian . . *. no box-ofllsii—irftTinan Silesia SifRSia convention_ i * * ; J *„ ••-.•„ i.-^., *„ T ». -*-»_** convention. as • a practical idealist. He, of der. Coming down to specific as nothing compared, to what Britfice? . . . or no civilization? In the great majority of other causes of national strife, he would ish Consular authorities confirm course, had his own interest in Laren Maazel, the 9-year-old symcases of violation of rights of Jews defer till later exact definition of took place in the Third Reich durmind at all times, but the fact phony conductor, may be inked Surrey of People protected by minorities clauses, it boundaries and frontiers. was that -whatever he undertook ing the November pogroms last j A Weeklyand ca a contract soon. Alfred NewIdeas wds found, particularly in recent happened to be in a cultural or '"Adjustments of boundaries, year. man is trying a novel idea in muY years, that little could be expect- and even, where necessary and idealistic realm; and that the one The German wireless — in its By A. A. ROBACK sical scoring . . . 15 whistlers By HELEN ZIGMOND ed unless certain of the Great praticable, just and p e a c e f u l foreign language broadcasts — achievement alone, the Jewish Enwill fill in the harmony for the Powers interested tnemselves in transfers of population could be jhas attacked the White Paper as cyclopedia, which IsraeL Zangwill, "Bine Bird" orchestration. • Thethe case and applied a form of effected through the internation-; a plagiarism from the "Brown Isidor Singer — Forgotten Man among others, regarded as the Hollywood—did you know . . . next cinemania for the T h r e f i In 1930, I was surprised to re- reatest Jewish monument since pressure on the State concerned al authority," the Labor leader ! Book of- the Hitler Terror,'* conThat 25 years ago BlosBom Seenot exactly envisaged in the min- declares. "In some instances there j veaiently forgetting that most of ceive a letter in longhand from the Talmud, entitled him to recog- ly was a vaudeville beadliner, Stooges will he titled, "Good-bye, Dr. Isidor Sin-ger, projector and Mr. ChumpB." Wishful thinking: orities clauses. might have to be provision for a j the events reported in the White managing editor of the Jewish nition as a pillar of modern Jewry. pulling down a weekly stipend of -A marquee glitters, "All Quiet on Efforts were made to secure measure of local autonomy. An Explanation Necessary i Paper took place years after pub- Encyclopedia which began in ?650? the Western Front." creation of a League of Nations All the greater wonder, then, "The Jewish problem, which lication of that book. That about the same time Ed•Permanent Minorities Commis- concerns so many States, can only It has thus far made BO at-media res, witfiout introduction or and pity, that a champion of the die Cantor was playing a duo act sion, similar in composition and be settled by international ac- tempt to refute any part of the preliminaries. Jewish cause in Austria, Italy, Most every week 5-year-old "Your Jewish Influence," he France, and the .United States, a with Lee, rating only $175 in Manny Robinson is e keen pbfunction to the Mandates Com- tion." evidence contained in the White wrote, his pay envelope? "is a chef d'oeuvre in the mission, to which aggrieved minskillful combatant against antiThere must be, Mr. Attlee de- Paper beyond attacking the Yerthe same bill appeared orities would have the right to clare3, "recognition of the rights [acity of the Jews whose state- truest sense of the word. How Semitism, a publicist of genuine the"That.on Bakers, Ben and Phil, many copies have you sold? In ability, a literary promoter almost doingtwo access. This plan was de-of national, racial and religious i meats are included. Despite any a double for $125 per? 1882, I sold 4,000 copies of my unique in his generation, a fascinfeated by States subject to minor- minorities. "While so far as possi- I suspicion that may prevail in any first pn y p That 10 years ago John Garbook by sending it to 6,000 inating personality whose brilliant ities clauses which saw it as an ble every State should be left free neutral regarding the "Ketrinim" with a "Postanweihelped to enliven many a field, then "Jules," performed in infringement of their sovereignty. to manage its internal affairs, motives couatries behind publication of .the sung" and request to return it 'if flashes gathering, that such a representa- the first cast of Gertrude Berg's With the diminution in authority there is a common interest in the White Paper at this time, there not wanted.' -. tive of Judaism Its many facets "The Goldbergs?" and prestige of the League, tai3 prevention of oppression and in must be general of the For J1.00 (they hated to make should remain in That Luther Adler, Sylvia Sidwithout sol much plan Vkas gradually abandoned by the recognition of the rights of authenticity andacceptance veracity of the the return package) 4,000 'sacri- as an obituary notice, and ney's mister, signed his first acthat its proponents, and action on be- individuals. evidence it contains. ficed' themselves. "When I told even the Contemporary Jewish tor's contract at the age o£ 10, half of minorities was confined to "Where there are racial minorthe story to Dr. Adolf Jellinek Record and the American Jewish and served his apprenticeship diplomatic protests. ities in any State, there must be who told me his woes re his mok-Year Book should not be able to with' his father, the late Jacob some effective authority by an inher sephorim, who returned to exact date of his death. Adler? Now, for the second time in a ternational body over the rights of Religious Services him after the 'Leipziger Messe recordthe Had Dr. Singer been the secrethe individual State." Harold Arlen, one of Hollymore volumes than he gave him tary of the Malbish Arumim Soto dispose of, he roared but added ciety in Little Rock or Walla wood's youngest Jewish composMr. Attlee's outline of the new v Beth .El 'as the Chief Rabbi of Vienna I Walla, the Jewish press would ers, is the proud recipient ot an world to come into being. after first naturally can't dp that,' and I have carried a t least an item re- award from the American Society: At services tonight the the second World War does not graduation from the Beth El Talthe "demise of the prom- of Composers and Publishers for go so far as the projects of many mud Torah will take place. Har- quick as a flash (retorted) 'Then porting inent leader" etc.; but the manthe best song of the year ^ - his or the advocates of European fed- old, son of Dr. and Mrs. Morris don't complain.' *' who had done more than anyone A l i t t l e Gossip eralism or world union to whom Margolin is the first to fulfill the Dr. Singer, in a footnote, ex else to bring before the world the Lord Halifax pointedly addressed requirements necessary for gradI N E X P E N S I V E , YES, BUT SHE'LL LOVI Jew's contribution, is so dead to • . . ' N L ' S O M I T ' • some of his remarks in a recent uation. The next graduation will plains that when he asked Dr. American Jewry that research has Jellinek how it was possible for broadcast. not take place for two years. him to have more copies returned to be instituted to determine the DEALER IN JEWISH BOOKS More Than Paper Plan Needed Rome (JTA) — Lieut. Bruno An inspiring and interesting than he had given the dealer, th date and the circumstances of his AND OTHER RELIGIOUS The British Foreign Secretary program will feature the service. reply was "The "ganeV puts death. Jegi. counsellor of the Union of ARTICLES Jewish Communiiies of Italy, has reminded these advocates of fedOn Saturday morning the child- Guedemann's unsold copies in my fecelred his Gold Medal brevet eralism that it would take more ren of the Beth El Sabbath School pack," and then goes on to say 2 4 2 9 Decatur St. WE 3 5 2 7 Thanks to Rabbi Graubart from the War Office. The medal than a paper plan or the good in- and Talmud Torah will gather for and Guedemann that Jellinek itself, it is understood, will be pre- tentions of one or two nations to service at 11. After services lunchANNOUNCEMENT sented to Jesi by Premier Benito achieve the desired goal. No oneeon will be served. Following the "were not on the best terms— two Rabbonim in the same KeI -will out all the Chanukah Mussolini on the first public oc- today, he pointed out, could fore- luncheon a children's party will It's a Wife Saver articlesclose at greatly reduced prices. hilla." casion. tell under what conditions the take place. $ I have a good selection of Chanu-. I am not quoting the whole letand a money Saver! kah Lamps made from brass, silBeing in possession of the bre-war would end or what materials ter which just brims with energy, ver plated and- chromium plated. Tet, however, Jesi is authorized to would be to hand for the reconTemple helpful suggestions, allusion, hal I will sell every one at almost coat enjoy all the privileges of a Gold struction cf a new world. ••Ready t o PAIR and with every purchase I Win This evening at services Rabbi. AND completed sentences; but it i "We are,"- he said, "defending Medal bearer. The Gold Medal is give a. box of Chaaukah Candies H. Wice will deliver a enough to gain an idea'' of thi Iron Service given for the most outstanding the rights of nations to live their David and a booklet containing the hissermon "Light — a man's tempo at'the age of seventy. tory of Chanukah ABSOLUTELY military valor under fire and is own lives . . . We are . . . fight- Chanukah Symbol of Jewish survival. His French, German and Hebrew FREE. ' Make Christmas as merry as Costs !Less Than nearly always awarded posthum- ing to maintain the rule of law Potent Saturday morning services at Home Washing ously. To receive one while still and the quality of mercy in deal- Temple Israel take place at 11 phrases, which spiced his letter can be . . .with one or all I have only a limited number of were characteristic of his cosmoAMERICAN MADE living is an honor perhaps incom- ings between man. and man ando'clock. each kind—therefore I advise every of these gay Kayser gloves. politanism. ' one contemplating to buy one, to parable to military decorations in in the great. society, of civilized A' smart 4-boHon For no one ever has too t a k e .advantage .of • .my. .offer Graphological Analysis v any other county. States . . . The new world that t l i p o n that goei WHILE THEY LAST. many gloves! The "hands" Orthodox It was the most unrevealing we seek will enlist the cooperation Only 100 living Italian heroes tiBywherel | ,QQ The coming week-end will be portion — a few lines — of thi are- important this season have received the medal since it3 of all peoples on a basis of human Chanukah Cards 15c Dozen Sport typcl • inception. These fought in the equality, self-respect and mutual known to the Orthodox Jews of letter which I sent to Robert Sau WE 1234 so see that she has the most Ethiopian campaign of 1898, thetolerance . . ." important "touch. Libyan campaign, the World War, But Lord Halifax, unfortunatethe Ethopian conquest and the ly, could not proceed to state how Spanish WTar. Bearers of this rare this new world would t>e brought award are always referred to as about or how the human equality, Medaglia de'Oro. They receive self-respect and mutual tolerance "MADAMO1SELLE honors above a general, even could be assured in. the post-war ©IFT" 12-button though they may hold the rank world. with pinked asides ol private. They enjoy all the privThis problem, of grave concern cad tops. B l a c k , ileges of a senator, can enter any to. everyone, is "'a life and death ministry unannounced, visit -the Question to the Jews who have in white. |,so Kins and Duce almost as a rela- the last twenty years witnessed chamois... fl tive, travel on all trains free and the degeneration of>«an era which oa ships and planes for only a offered them the promise of freesmall fraction of the fare. dom, equality and tolerance, into
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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, PBCEMBER 8/1989 Jsh among Jews actually live In a hope aad faith and vision. Tltcy Ghetto, though it is Invisible, and i wfll be happier creatures and trit&out bolts. Tha author taliea stronger richer personalities If Raderman, program tha bal! by the horn and removes they TrfH succeed in matefns "The chairmanETsrs of the Varieties Club anIrons the term the odious associa- Answer" of Ludwig Lewisohn nbsnees that a special party jg beions which have'given it a pecul- their answer. ing planned by the committee and arly repulsive character, associatrill be held within the next two ion3 which have also made the weeks. This event promises to be word Jew a term of opprobrium, a even more successful then the symbgl for the unpleasant and reparty held November 26. pellant. Denmark Is a Ghetto, — The next resnlar meetlcs 6t bowlins The Varieties Club invites any our author Insists, accurately and Sam Beber Chapter 100 t?Ill b& interested business or professional Justly. And 13 not England a Ghet- held Sunday, December 10, a t the girl to contact Center for into for Englishmen, and France a J e w i s h Community Center at formation abouttbe it activities. This Ghetto lor Frenchmen, and Hol- 2:30. Business relative to the organization affords -Jya wide range and a Ghetto for the Dutch? The sponsoring ot the District 6 con- of varied programs and social getBMTOll'B NOTKJ Tho Lister? treasures. Ka had gono so far »•» (Dodicatloii) should bo kept by truth Is the "galath" has so vention -will be discussed. togethers to tbe business girl. To and spirit of ono off the ai«ss t-j sat foot i.i tho Holy of Holies. faithful Jaws at this season every damaged our personality, caused chapter's scrappy quin- date, members have enjoyed a beloved holidays Sa &a Jt-wssa such disintegration in our soul3 tetCentury Tha thin;; finally reached tha year, for all time. lost a thrilling game to the v/einer-roast, a bowling party, a ralemJar, KansitiSiIta'a, which !ju?3tin;j point in 3 3'i B, C. K. that we have grown ashamed of Omaha Jobber's last Sunday. The chummy sapper, and a talk on tho the most natural and human of inal reckoning runs from !?«•» 7 throa^fi i-i, when Aatiochua bad been engagLesend of tho Wghta was 28 to 22 -with "Art of Make-Up." tendencies, namely, for people Jiaa been captured ia this £ ed in oaa of the periodic and not In later tiaaea tlnera grow up tho the more experienced team on the with like traditions, memories and r»y Kabfti M?er ». 'Krf:>««. aausual Syriaa campaigns against •eautliul and Jasillaf le-sead that end of the score. Although history to dwell together, BO that tong £iri£>t«>, a fjrusiaat.) oi t'i-a Jew- Egypt. This tisie, though Antla- only a ssiall cnisa of oil could bo finished tied for 8econd in tbe ?v they can find spiritual satisfacchas bad triumphed, tha power of found with which to reStladla tho league, the great imtion and strength from common Pre-Seasoh rising Home aasertad itaelf, and Tetnplo Maaorah, hut, tniraculousprovement displayed by the team m hopes, common aspirations, and portends a highly euccessful sea««uo (IJ. 3.) Jewish Center. Aatiuch.u3 wa3 obligad lanomlal- \j, it buracd for eight days, till common Ideals. The "galuth" haa son vmh the district championously ID wiiidraw Ms farcoa. now holy oil could be prepared. created within us self-contempt, A 5itHt> girl -who bad lived all A false rsport reached JerusaIt is ia keopiag with that legas a" goal. self-hate, causing many of us to ship Shanghai (JTA) — The Shang- bar Ufa In FaJeutina casna ta lem that Antlociiua had been kill- end, aad^wiih tha historical rodsdPlans for the A. Z. A. 100 Sabyearn for, and take pride in bath hai Committee for German RefuAinarica for a vlatt Iiliit ytnl?, Ia ed. FJshtlm;? broka out, aad llen- icatioa of tha Temple, that Jaws are taking shape rapidly By DSS. THEODOSS N. LEWIS friendships with non-Jews, friend- under the direction of Aleph Abe gees has started organizing groups U(«'.oinbar. Toward tao end of th's alaii3, Antiochua' lataat puppet obacrva annually ei,?lit days of ships which aro invariably inhar- Resnick. The selection of spaak- of prospective settlers tor the Rabbi, a, Brooklyn, N. Y. month Christmas ducoraliona wars High Prie3t was driven out of tho Tha daily prayer Is monious, and less satisfying than Philippine island of Slindanao, aiuch In evidence. And across tlio Tum-jlf!. The Klnir, auilen aad bit- augnioatsd with a brief account with those of one's own kind. Let ra will be announced at t h e where colonization la to be launchstreet Cruui thu huma whera 3ho ter over hiu forced retreat from of tho llaccabean triumph over meeting next Sunday. not be terrified at the horrible ed under a plan approved by the was staying, tha Httla Jewish girl 3ijyp£, ga?a vent ta his anger on paganism (Al haNislm). THE ANSWER BY LUDWIQ attempts to escape Jewlshnesa, us which tho author rebukes, none word Ghetto. All nations and peo- • Tryouts for the debate team to Intergovernmental Committee on aiVxt a huso Chriatmaa tree tarii- the jaws. Jerusalem was eatared Tho customs of gift-giving, par- KKW1MOHJM, T PUB- ia represent Sam Beber chapter will quite ss absudly comic aa the ples live in Ghettos. We need a Refugees. lluntly lit up with electrics candles on a Babbata day (when no Jew- ticularly llanultkah Gelt, is wide- ,I»HIXO COMPANY, NSW YORK device resorted to by tho Viennese new pride In ourselves, a new self- be held in the immediate future. and elaborataly decorated. Bho ish resistance would bo offered); spread, and tha typical Haauk&ab. —3-42 PAG13S. So far,-750 applicants. IncludThose who have expressed a derespect and self-esteem. And once Socialist Karl Kautsky, and, his ruanod in to tell hor aiothor — its inhabitants were butchered, dish of potato-pan cakes (Latlcea) I do not recall whan 1 read a American fellow assimilatlonlst we achieve these the absurd and sire to participate are Alephs Yale ing both single men and heads of "*rna, Irua, euina see ttia beautiful eaptWea Tvsre carried oft into sla- and tha traditional Hatttskkah top- book with as keen delight as I Richards, Milton Cuss, Walter families, have registered -with the ChaiHikiyti across tho atreut!" very, and tho city's fortU5c»tion3 aplnaing gaine, tha Dreidel, testi- did this. The contents ara Quita Dr. Maurico Fiahbein, who bliss- unwarranted fear of the Ghetto Grenberg, Leonard Le^rls, a n d committee for settlement in Minwill vanish. fully maintain that because Jews Tho Chaiuiklyot (ilanauSxkah wero destroyed. familiar. Ths mcasaga is that fy ta tha popularity of this reli. Max Osterman. In addition to. the danao. The committee began the not a race, they therefore do a'KuKiralw) of To! Aviv, whar-3 which Lewlsohn haa been preach- aro ioua a-id sationat holiday, two debaters chosen, aft Aleph to registration after r e c e i v i n g a Of all the divers explanations Impcsition of lJel5a!cn not exist. By a stroke of-the pen aha had ltvud, aro justly famous. But tha meat important observ- as to American JeWs for two de- they a n n i h ilato world Jewry! for anti-Semitism and its causes, represent the chapter in oratory Btatement from the World Jewish 3u* th'3 worst of tha puawh- anco Ny Jewish honio u without Its of Ilaaukkah. ia aso its most cades. And yet the defense of Jupsychoanalytical one, advanced will bo selected. Tho3e who have Congress. Huuutikah ligMa, and tho hugo sxeal. waa to follow: Antiochua, beautiful ceremony, tha lighting daism and of Jewish valuca, pas- What nonsense great mlnda can the by Lewisohn and derived from indicated their desire to orate are Dr. Kurt Marx, secretary of the liil'ita overhead can bo seen from eager to weld hin kingdom into a of candlea ot lanipa of oil in tho sionato and eloquent, which S3 give expression to when they are Freud Is tho most authentic and Abe Resaick and Jack Epstein. committee, has left for Manila to uvery t'uniur ol Van city, brllllasit- ntrons unit, well-organ.aad polit* Ijoma, 030 of the first evening, found in these pages 13 thrilling— obliged to defend an indefensible penetrating. The elementary roots discuss the plan with the Jewish thesia, one which they require to lv prochii-nitij; tha festival of tha ically aad powerful from tha mil- two tha nest, and increasing until beyond words. Refugee Committee there, and bolster up their spirits, and to ra- of hatred for the Jew lie in the Javvn and commanding tha attan- itary standpoint, had been aanoyyeltow candlea or oil lamps The plea for Jewishnesa !s re- tionalize their apostasy and their fact that the Jew constitutes for also possibilities for exporting to tlon of all to the ulorloua story ot cii at tho rafuaal of aosna J-aw-a to flicker in tha Jewish homo oa the nforccd by logks and argument, disloyalty. In the eyes of Gentiles the non-Jew an object of taboo, the Philippines goods manufacturActjuJesca in tha outward ixiatii- taut erenlng of Hanulckah. The Omaha Section of the Naand presented so convincingly that Jewa are Jews, no matter how which according to Freud Is an ed by Jewish refugees in Shang*5t may ha yalil U\ut It all be- fs3tatiou3 oi Syrian unity, that is, tional Council of Jewish Juniors They tell a tale of rei!g!ou3 object both sacred and accursed, .t should convert even tha most hai. A large collection of samples 3un with Alexander Ihu Urpaf, on-3 tha refusal oC Jaws ta givo up Idealism that brought national bigoted, tha most sinful, in Israel. vociferously their existence Is hated and envied, feared and lust- is planning a large breakfast for has already been shipped to Man<>f biatory'a moul favored charact- their religious practices ia lavor solidarity. Through religioua and Appalling it ia that tho mighty ruled out, scientifically. a date In January. ed after. Hatred and envy, fear ila. er*. Tha fat«;i amlled cm him, and of Urcek hoattieniam. The benefit -bridge given Wedfervor, t h e r e cama truths which Lewiaohn so beauLewishon Is keenly awaro how and lust, an ambivalence which is 1 si a short tuno 1 Alo.'tar.idi>r found Aceordingly, an edict was is- tha military victoriea nccessary'to tifully eat3 forth, truths •which difficult It is for the average fundamentally human, but which nesday was a huge success. By Royal Edict of March, 1507, hlmaeli Hi« rutiM of iiio world of sued which demanded tho accept- Insure rotisious fruodom. Bible classes are held weekly. the Marranoa of Portugal were have been vindicated a thousand American Jew to reject the spur- In the Nazis has attained its uttiln time; but any p.nsy and over- ance of the Greek religion by all It is necessary that all girls pay given equality with Christians and When tha tala of Hanukkah ia times in the record of Jewish ex- ious freedom o t the so called most pernicious development. And Indulgent lift? led to au early tho nationalities ia tho kingdom, told, tho usual ending i3 tha rs- perience, and most shockingly in emancipation. Slaves always pre- the author exultingly-and right- their dubs and it is hoped that permitted the right ot emigration. tho purpoeo being; to hammer cut dadicatioa of tba Tcmpla and for our days, should hava to bo prochains to freedom; it is part eously assures us that "No Jew the next meeting will see a hunThera had not. b«>en tlmo io eon- all national differences aad, fash- nial Syrian consent to Jawiah re' claimed repeatedly to a gonara- fer of human inertia. And yet because need feel humiliated by the Ger- dred per cent paid-up membership. ion a united and homogeneous auliilatn Alpsamlwr'a eimiiuesta and li^ious freedom. Eat tha Jewish tioa of presumably intelligent he loves hJs people, even the way- man persecution; no Jew need be FOR YOUR people. Tho edict wa3 aimed diorganist) Mitt empire) on a pontiiiaKing Theodoric of Verona orstruggle against Syria actually Jews and Jewesses. What Is even ward, with a fervent love does he •wounded by it in his personal or rectly at the Jowrs. sint and aolld buaia, Tim emnlra for soma twenty-throo njora appalling ia the obstinate jeseech and plead that they re- raclall self-esteem. The more they dered the citizens of Ravenna to Antioi'hua had been referred to continued waa divided unions? Alexander's years loader, until Simon, broth- fact that in our country thero are turn to Judaism, and find peace degrade us, the more they show rebuild the synagogue which they by hi:? opponents, not aa Epihanes sonoralai For soma time littles Palmany Jews, prominent, and distiner of Judas, wrested from t' security. The program of Jew- their desire to exalt us. We aro had destroyed (519). estine was a trophy, now possessed (the God aiado Manifest), hut as crestfallen Syrians complete poll- guished who turn a deaf ear to the and sh which Lewisohn elabor- made taboo - - accursed and sacby tile ByrUim*, now by tha Eijyjt- Spimauea (the JIad). His now tical iadepandanca for Judoa, ta claims of Judaism, who refuse to ates life is concrete and specific. In red, accursed because they feel in and lans. Dut by tho year 193 3. 0. 13., policy Bccmoil to justify the 142 3 . C. E. modify their non-Jewl3h ways, to includes the rebuilding of Pales- some deep sense that we are sacI'ali-'Htlnn wua definitely a part QZ ehar?e3 of hia opponents. For tho Noto It tha red and will not have it BO. They a b a n d o n t h e i r non-Jewish His Orcheotra Colna vtoto struck by a triumtine, where Jewish life, will be cruelty with which hia edict was phant tha Sclauold kingdom of Gyria. Tittle for Soiaa of them are thoughts and. ideals, who so on normalized, and which, once es- lust after us, after our minds and Featuring carried out hi Palestine could not atlU inJudea. bodieB, almost unto death. They living undisturbed their cowardexistence, tha first coins tablished under an international Children'* Thore had been a gradual In- but outrugo religious susceptibil- minted hy Jaws, and inscribed ly, servile Iive3, aa if nothing haa guarantee, will enhance Jewish dare not see us, study with us, Christiana filtration of Greek customs into ities and arouao every iiwtinct of with the legend, ainons othara, happened to Jewry, and to the dignity and self-respect through- love us. They dare not. We must Music Dally at Gift Photos J'nleatino siiu't* Alexander's day. national preservation. world at large. It is this self de- out the Diaspora. Tho cultivation be taboo to them . . ." LuncheonVOCALIST Dinner and Supper "To tha redemption of 2ioa." Tho Tempts was dedicated to Alexander, iiimsolf a pupil of the ception which ia heartrending and of Hebrew and the study of HeS^gilificahcts Ri'i'at ArUstotSj, had roaolvad to Jupiter. Unclean, animals wero ofThe reader will find stimulating brew literature are imperative, as Wa may understand tha s!sa!?i- alarming and frightful. vri'i tlia world not only for Greelc fared aa sacrifices. Tha altar was cahce is the return to religion, and Lew- and profitable comments on many Hanukkah if wo ask ourTho thread that gives this vol- isohn fri'ii but for GrceEc culture aa drenched with tho blood-of awSae. selves ofwhy is deeply religious with a intriguing subjects, 'which today tha usual tailing of Jaws wera farced publicly to des- tha HaauSckah story avoids tha ac- ume unity and coherence i3 the mystical fervor. No redemption ia occupy the thoughts of Jews and !i!s vl'iSona of a magnificent em- ecrate tha Sabbath aad to violate count oi Jewish, political iadepon- ever recurrent, and all important, conceivable without God and the non-Jews: the Russian norm of r v'" \ with a Homogeneous Greek their religious law. Scrolls ot the dence, woa naay years after the conviction that the Jaw can find Torah. Judaism demands loyalty assimilation, the illusion of the salvation only in being a Jew, and Utopia, the question of ci!" uvi>, were cut i?aort by hia Torah were torn to shreds. Those ot the Tetnple. Why never in trying to ba or becoming to God, to Torah and to Jewish Communist the establishment of a Hebrew <. nth. Tho attractions at tho who reslatad or objected wera redadication nationality, which of course is utdo we not calabrato the triumph 01.2S and up somethlg else. Defiantly doe3 the <..••>>.'it way of lifvs, however, with meeciloBsly dona to death, aad no of Jewi3U armSos that achieved terly different from the political University in the United States, WE 10S6 3815 Fansass li i enir>ha*>i;j on material things torture was aparsd. Aa tha Booi political freodoa? Way do %vo us- author proclaim tho inalienable concept of "nation," a distinction for which. Lewisohn pleads ferir-d material beauty, aad with its of Maccabees expressed it. "There ually ead tha story u-ith tha ae- duty of American Jew3 to insist brilliantly expounded by es-Jus- vently and with great logic: are r r\l achievements la tho realms vftxa great wrath upon all Israel." count of tlia imrHicatioa of tha not only upon equal rights, but tica Brandeis, and to which the the Jews a race?; the qualities equivalent rights, rights to livo of Jewish literature; tae ideology of aclenco and Jitoraturts philoNo one had auapectad that honorably and proudly and truth- author refers frequently. of Jewish rebirth, etc. sophy anil art, had drawn tha thin;;3 would so s o i a r . S^roni tha Tamplis? Tna an3-cvs53 not far to seek hearts and minds of the popula- dee& reservoirs of jawluh cosiaoi- Tha Jewish people never attached fully, in briaf, Jewiahly. Where One of the most terrifying words This volume contains the ripest tions conquered by tho Greeks. ence there walled up aa indigna- much importance to political or these rights are denied, where the amongst Jews Is the term "Ghet- fruit of Lewishohn'a thinking, exJaw ia given freedom and civic Judea was no exception. A wltola tion that knew no bounds, military strength. For them tha emancipation for a price, feaaely, to." It ia hurled at any ohe who pressed in moving and beautiful "party", of Hellenists had grown rebellioa began. important aspect of tha Maeca- that he repudiate his heritage and advocates the study of Hebrew prose. Those who share his views up, who consciously endeavored iV>oclt!on bean stru33i& was tite attainment tradition and culture he la betas champions Palestine, and an in- will find pleasure and. strength to adopt. Greets customs and manThe leaders of tha rebellioa of freedom, particularly deceived. For a mess of pottage tensive program of Jewish life. therein. Those who do accept his ners. They wera more or Ies3 voti- wero the priest Mattathias tho the religious aaauranca of tUo Jewish Idea he is asked to sacrifice the Integ- These are charged with wishing to philosophy of Jewish life should emently opposed by a "party" of Haanionean, aad his fiva sona. ct right force the Jews back into the Ghet- ponder and study the volume with living would coati&ttd —i rity of his spirit and soul. Pietists, who recognlaod the at- Judaa tho Maccabea (the Ham- would continao to. Those who make the accusa earnestness and great care. In its iadced a3 Ions a tractions Hellenism held out to merer) quickly assumed the aotiva mankind lived. Tha The author repeatedly asserts, tion forget that even the most as pages they will find healing balm Java of Mae tho mind and tan body, but who command. He realised that tha cabeaa toi<S3 f«lt that they \vere and proves, that there is no es- similated Jews and the least Jew for their frustration, and fresh, refused to accept a way of life struggle would be aa unequal one. figh tins act only for the'right to cape from Judaism. Verily, Judathat held HUte attraction for the Even with alt those who flocked worship freely. They fslt they ism aad Jewishaess are moat conaoul; which wan indeed Inferior to hia command, his army num- wera fighting far jU3tlce ia gen-1 spicuous and torturing in the cases to tho Jewiah way of life In tha bered only a few thousand men. eral, for frcedaa aa a uaiversa a? those gifted aad talented Jew? realm o{ religion attvl ethics. But Judas and hia » e a kaew human ideal. who delude themselves with the They looked with horror at tho tha hills aad passes of Judea. Ia false belief that they have achievBecause of its close parallels Oreek civilisation which had not one of the most remarkable ed t i e impossible that they hava with our otvn day, thia •wholyet learned a lesson already fir al- tary feats ol all time, tha small removed from their life and story should glra ua cosnfort lr ly entrenched S;\ tho Jewish way Jewish army succeeded in thought, frora their subconscious, our troubled tiinea, both as Ja of thlnkiht? — that man's* greatest army after army sent by AatSoall and every trace of Jewishness. and aa men. T5i3 Jewish assimilagood is attainable only through a cUuia. A decisive victary agala3t For this clan, as for their spiritual . conacloua effort to follow a God- overwhelaiiaij numbers was woa tScnist teadaaciea of our day are godfather H«lme, Judaism is a sirailar ia larga degree to th given and tJod-direct>!d moral law. at 12:iiiaaua; thia quiottly *olS To make it a blessing, Hxjll5r.i3t tasdanci'Ss of Maccabean misfortune. Jews who had been used to a doea source of strength and joy, Jujad co trine of the sanctity aad dignity band were now able to reas'a Jerdaism must be affirmed Joyously, of human beings, could not but usalem. accepted enthusiastically, even as preserve Judaisci is not a recoil with loathing fwm a doThey entered tho city in tri- to our forefathers did at Sinai generate Hellenism that held hu- umph, hut were overwhelmed wStii oas. On? ancestors met the •with its body cf ethics, coda ot man life chea;> and that bent hu- srlef at the deplorabta «ond!tlea leta aad eoa<itiered it; so too will morals, religious philosophy and man efforts to a pursuit of physl- in which they found the Temple we. tradition. Sa:a* St&ty cal rather than spiritual happi- They set resolutely ta work, howBut tSsre ia an even ncra cc-ni Of all the vain and ridiculaua ness. ever, aad quickly cleansed t i e Temple g r o u n d s , courts, aad buildings. They destroyed tlta deaopposition Ejetween the two ecrated altar aad built a new eas. > \ groups did not come t*> a They throw out the idola and t"a^ head until an unibltiouu and frustrated Syrlaii itfat,.? forced tho isNew holy vessel wera prepared. sue. Aa a matter ot* fact, tha Jew- Three years to the day from tha ish Hellenist.) had been «jnjoyia,j tiasa oi ita deaecration. tHi Toma not ittconijidtn'abto ti'lum^U ovei- ple was rededicated to God in solJews who desired to manuaki t i e emn ceremony on the 2 5th day o£ custom oC theii* fathers. TCi'dev. in tile year 185 B. C. S. Th»> lk'ilonui.3 had *JOI n ea- Tho lamjM of the Ta-iip'.e wore aad^.d^d Wf VM "si \x. nee IV t'"*>ijha \i?3, who had Aa ei^Itt da/ y^ajt of UXd^casold the 11! 4*1 i'jiv-ithood to tton flu kept, with prarer aad 5<?l^, aad 1 aad in Jenxalv a aad •" 7 Moreover, it was j it at IU oouiily :i>**«v u.^v^j a ad Us <>d that t l , j y^iti'.al ci j.Ia." s parallel between the anstory and today's situation. straggSe ia conteiaporary fcaman history Is betweea the foreo f physical strength and Ksilitary night g oa the one hand, and bed l off inorween the fores of ideals y on the other. It is alasost identical ia nature with that of Jews and Syrians 100 yea/a ago. Ths position of fso Jew S3 the sttme. Two mllksia •igo wo were tha last lino oJ resisaacw to a spiritual regimentation •which -would have robbed tha world of tha sublime teachings of he prophets, which would hare ;atised a reversion to heathenism und a degradation of tho human spirit. Today tha Jow feas been made the symbol of all that la best in human life; our struggle ia the
Varieties dub
rtiggla of desocrscy, of tmtls, of freedsin. Tne enesi!e3 of the Jew hare undertaken to stamp eat all religious doctrine based on Jewish teaching, and to estsnninate ths Jew aa the teacher of etaics and decent living. As In the ancient world, struggling against mad Antloehus, so too today, straggling against inad totalitarianism, it ta a noble role that the Jew is called upon to play. Ths ancient struggle was won, and itss lesson gives us comfort. Tho spirit triumphed 2100 years ago, over tho force of military night. So, wo may be sure, it will again, in our own day. In the words of the prophet, tne.les"Not bby sscn is made clear: "N strength, g , nor byy power, p , but by i My spirit, saithh the Lord of Hosts."
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