December 22, 1939

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-Rain Talk

• - In the Interests of the Jewish Feople


CHRISTMAS GHESTIXGS 1 Slave been thiaiing -what to glva for Christmas to Christians I care most about. TSiosa I care most about may lie exceedingly grateful for the luminous dust of u «ix«a O a » Alail SJaitei en January 21. at TOL. XVH-rNo. 7OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22,193£>- -. uf Oniatia. Nebraska. under thn Act of M » " i i t i e Star of Bethlehem which, after mueii research, I have discovered. It has always been a matter o" conjecture what became of this Star after it liad led the Three "Wise ifea to the raaaser, accordYork (JTA)— One of t i e | New York (WNS)—Ittamar ing to tae Christinas story. The most spectacular volunteer'workI Ben-Avi, editor cf the Palestine Star never has been seen by aay ers for the Finnish Belie! fund, is ' Daily Herald and other newspaoaa siaee, although men of good Jack Pollard,- Finnish-born Jew, pers in the Near East, arrived will have searched the heavens for who is secretary of the Garage here and will conduct a lecture 'it for two thousand years. Washers and Polishers union. He tour in this country. After three personally .sold f 1,000 in *"""-»t<i (Even now good men hunt for years, he declared, the Arab terror Soviets Fraaeistla. Estimate 250,000 D e a d sect Certificates Valid New to a benefit, contributed -' .r;: 41, hoping that its flame may yet is subsiding and the moderate ^ ^ A n o t h e r Sis. •'. • Demands Regfar hi German Area- • his own, got 75 member, Arab and Jews are preparing a kindle a daaaliag light by which union to do secretarial truce. mankind shall be led out of the t fS;: y ~~*IlS.-' • ..• • '. of Poland Refugees the fund's office, and - "sa^— _ current darimess of the world.) He added that they hope to hasn't begun yet to "really go to" For, as I gather, the Star was .^ ? ^viiEESSAIL^ KAUNAS ASKING AID j work out a permanent peace by ISSUED BY CONGRESS work." means of a canton system similar more than an astronomical body..! Something of its nature may beLarge Number of Polish to the Swiss idea. The plan, he Numerous Restrictions c s . Why all this, activity? ' "You S e v e r a l N~e ~yr I n d u s t r i e s see," ne says, "I was born in Helsaid, is not radically dissimilar to understood from an apocryphal New York , (JTA)—RepresentaResidents of • S t a r t e d b y Czech Jews Affected sinki in 1885 and I know; the peothe British proposals,, bnt the Btory I have heard about it. It ive William Irving Sirovich" died Reich • • ple there. No other land has besnby Order "-....'', ./.Emigres"'- ' •.'-.. Junday Jews do not want any plan forced seems that in the course of folat his home of a heart atas sweet to my race as has Pinon them. • • ' As the third presentation on it<5. lowing the Star to Bethlehem, the i at the age of 57. In addl. London - (JTA)—It waB under- tack land. This is t i e first opportunity By BORIS SMOLAfl eries of special programs for chilThree Wise . _ „ „ . Men ,„»„ stopped , ^ = u in~ the « «| v P a r i s ( J T A ) — R u s s i a has ion to serving In congress for 13 I have had to do'sdnfething for tood here that as a:result of ne- .ears, he was also a physician ren, the Jewish Community CenJTA Chief European deaert to rest. When they were brought pressure against Lithuthem." • • • • . " • • ; ' " gotiations Palestine High Commiser will on Friday morning, Demaking ready to start "again they a a 2 ^ t 0 . ex^e} . a l i refugees considCorrespondent ioner Sir Harold A. MacMIcnael and playwrigh't. ember 29, sponsor an unusual looked np into the heavens, but, ered "harmful" to Soviet interParis (JTA)—An \ estimated Born in York, Pa., in 1882, he has agreed to extend.the validity uppet show. The program will lo! the Star which had guided ests, it was learned from official 250,000 Jews have been wiped out ;ved In New York city since the nnused immigration certificates tart promptly at 10:30 a. m. them was not there; and they report reaching the Polish govby military operations, executions, ige of 6. In 190G he began medi'rom the entry schedule which exThe first half of the show wJH were distressed for they know not ernment-in-exile. A special comdisease and starvation in .Nazi Poired at the end of September. cal practice on the lower East ell the story of "Little Black mission from Moscow which visit"which way to turn. land, the World Jewish Congress Jide, was superintendent of PeoThe certificates-are now valid unThen, amid taeir distress at be- ed Kaunas presented the Lithu-} ple's hospital from 1911 and be- ambo." Life-like p u p p e t s ia _ . c h a r g e d in a "Jewish White r 'March 1. • ing lost in the desert, one of them anian government with the follow- M a s s e d t o R e p r e s e n t J e w s j Book." The document, which recame commissioner of child "wel- torybook costumes will take the Siegfried "Hoofien,' -director , of fare in 1919. In 192G he was arts of the story's characters. "bethought himseli of their camels. ing demands: cords anti-Jewish barbarism since Government The second part ot the program "Our camels have not t a d to (1) Preparation for the Soviet outbreak of the war, is accom- Noted German Educator he Anglo-Palestine bank, ha3 dis- ilected to congress. in Esile enssed "with treasury and colonial ill consist of the following: "The drink," he explained and, quite j authorities of a complete list ef panied by five pages of documentMayor LaGuardia, on learning '•To Speak This " . iffice officials the amelioration of >f his death, declared that "the ?ink Fairy," "Hansel and Gretel,'' forgetting his own troubling he all refugees from Poland who are Paris (JTA)—The Polish gov- ary evidence. The 15-page record alestine's economic position. He :lty has lost a fine citizen and the Wilfred the Clown, and Pinkie, 'Evening. * hastened to a water-hole to fetch not Lithuanian citizens; (2) a ban ernment-in-exile has named Dr. contains t h e darkest narration •was said to have discussed the jountry a statesman." Sirovich, .he Elephant", "Jack-in-the-Bos", on residence of Polish refugees in Ignaey Schwartzbard,,Zionist lead- ever known in Jewish history.water for the camels. sections of Lithuania -where Soviet er and former Sejm deputy, as the The White Book reveals for the This evening a t services Dr. ossibility of restoring financial who was not married, is survived 'Gypsiana", "Gogo, the Monkey", In Water Fail Pink and 31ue" (dancers), ""Mr; He ran to and fro many times j military forces.are stationed; <3) Jewish, member of the Polish Na- first time, among other things, Herman "Weil, professor of mathe- .rrangements cancelled after the >y two sisters. and science at Nebraska outbreak of the war, such as the Bones". "Tin Soldier and Little to fetch enough water for theexpulsion of all Polish ,£ tional Council, newly-created Po- that after the Munich' bomb -at- matics "el" Aviv municipal loan, rarions Central college at Central•: City, 'aper Doll", "Sur-Realism", and camels, even while the other two and other immigrants who might lish parliament of which Ignace tempt on Chancellor. Hitler's life grants and subsidies for economic The Whatchamacallit". franctically searched the heavens be considered harmful to Soviet Paderewski is the president. the Nazi leaders completed plans will occupy the pulpit of the Beth ; developments and also governfor the Star. But suddenly the one interests. for large-scale- anti-Jewish -po- El Synagogue. Special Series *•' Dr. Schwartzbard, who will repBefore coming to this country. ment assistance to meet the preswho was carrying water to the Socialists Affected HfisS: Marjorie Shanafelt of the I resent Jewish national minority groms throughout the Reich but Dr. Weil was associated with Jew- mt situation hy aid along such camels exclaimed, "I have leund suddenly cancelled them upon the ^Iany Jewiah refugees known to University of Nebraska is directin the council, escaped ish 'educational circles in Prank- ines as shipping, the scarcity of it! I have found it ia this water "be unfriendly to the Soviets, par- interests ing the puppet show. from Poland to Rumania in theadvice of the Soviet ambassador. lort-am-Maln. in .Germany. - A -na- which has • seriously affected Palpail!" Other charges .contained in -the ticularly Socialists, will be affect- early days of the war. The Polish This series of programs has tive of Alsace, he wag educated "at estine" citrus exportation. They looked and in the water ed by the last-named demand, government has Invited him todocument are: eea designed to meet the partic1. More than 500" Jews are the Universities of • SCarburs and pail from which a camel was with which Lithuania will be come here from Bucharest. Reservation Covers Area ular interests of children. They . • . - • . - • . COO Sail still under arrest in Germany W u e r z b u r g . . ; . ; drinking they found the reflection forced to comply. The position of of 5,000 Square liebermsn Vice-President are .scheduled for school holidays ' He was an instructor In the Geneva (JTA)—A transport of in connection with the SIuBich 1 8 6 One of the vice-presidents of : : ^ward S^S^^vfi ! ^ese"Jewish"refugees Ts"precari! Miles and have enjoyed an exceptionally Realgymirasiuin in Frankfort, pro- 500 Jews from Germany, Austria, blast; : •' -to the skie"^'! and^"^ there^*"^ stood f "arge attendance. fessor of education at the "Jueil- and Czechoslovakia, for -whom im«.<»• t« again, ..* » -*~a °with " " O u s ^ gijvgg they a r e sandwiched be- the council is Dr. Herman Lieberthe Star in-«» accordance 2. Numerous Jews In the old London (JTA) —The Jewish Because of the widespread intween Nazi Germany and Soviet man, onetime leader of the Polish Keich have beent- tasprisoned in isches Lehrhaus," bead of tha migration certificates were Issned the reflection in the water ; Socialist party and stormy petrel Then the two Wise Men said: JRussia and, if expelled, would of Polish politics who was exiled concentration camps and exe-Teachers Training Institute,, and before the. outbreak of the war, "reservation" in the Lublin area erest displayed In the programs, instructor at the "Phllanthropin," ailed for Palestine from Trieste, of-Poland covers an area of ap- he Center has been encouraged "By this compassion of our broth- have nowhere to go because Lat- in 1926. cntetl since hostilities b^gan; • Germany's -oldest Jewish h i g h taly, aboard the steamship Gal- proximately 5,000 square miles, .o continue the series. via, third country bordering Lither, who was mindful of our camels j uania 3. All Palestinian citizens in and also under Soviet clem- f Jewish organizations nave proaccording to a map published in and Junior college. ilee. • :• Admission to the puppet show even in the niomen of oar own j r^ation""ls""determ^iie"d"n o t"To tested against an article in the Germany hare been imprisoned school He was also president of-the "With -no representatives of the .he -Ostdeutscher Beobachter, a will be fifteen cents for person*? and their families interned ia a distress, we have found this Star ja d m i t a n y refugees from Lithu- newspaper Glos Polski,, organ of p p g Nazi organ. Jewish Y o u t h Organisation In Palestine administration, present. Berlin hotel, where they are benot members of the Jewish Comagain. anian soil. the exiled Polish government. In ing provided with..-food,fey.the Frankfort." After the coming of % is considered unlikely that tha The area Is bounded on themunity Center. As c u s t o m a r j 'This story greatly aided me in j ""^TreTeeing trouble for many of ,whieh . . ^ ^ "Warsaw . , ^ ~ - Jews .,....- were - ~ - referred . — ~ the $Tazis, Dr. Weil was impris- current 37th session of the League south by the- San river and Russo- members of the Center will bo my researches of the further his- ]t h e refugees, the Lithuanian ggov- to as "Asiatics." Thepprotest d de- American embassy; / erman frontier oh the east by the admitted without charge. tory of the Star after the Three 4. Jews are prohibited* from-' oned at the Buechenwald concen- df Nations Council will take up a clared that the article, containin . . . . number of. Jewish petitions on the Bug river, on the west by the VlsWise Men were through, with it. ernment has appealed to the govappearing in fee streets after 9 tration camp. The two previous programs took numerous anti-Jewish references, In December, 193S, he wasquestion of Palestine immigration; ula river and the northern line The Star, I argued, seems to have ernments of the United States, p. m.; .•• • . • r ' runs through the Pulawy district ilace on the Teachers Convention granted a post-doetral scholarship -had spiritual a3 well a3 astron- Sweden, Denmark and Norway to directly contradicted the official 5. The food siiaattaa f o r and the Thanksgiving vanorth- of the town of -Pnlawy, holiday .New Industries omical significance. After thinking accept some of the thousands of praise by Polish cabinet members • Jews in {Serrasny 3jas: become at the University of Iowa, and a cation. now in Lithuania. (Accord- for Jewish heroism in Warsaw cotastropihic as they ^re-forbid' few. months later accepted his Jerusalem (JTA)—Despite the crosses the Bystrea river 12 miles on the matter this way and that, iesilea to Kaunas dispatch yestert aK tlea to •.acqtsire.. certain, foajs present post at .Nebraska Central, •war-strained economic situation, south of the city of Lublin, reachI came to the folio win revela- day, the Scandinavian countries during the Nazi seige. a Quaker institution. ar. industries are being estab- Ing the River Wlepras and turning lions: Yerlc {JTA)—The Polish which sasy stSl he bc3™&£nwith* have tamed down the request. lished in Palestine to sapply.-home southeast toward the" Bug; rtter. After the Star had lad thaexplaining they were preoccajiied consulate general announced that osst ratios cartSs hs mJ.a-. 'j*vs; •markets-and to make -use of the Tee -Polish population 'living Three Wise Men to Bethlehem it with the problem of caring 6. .Bsnzig Jews s»re fort* l^cn Dr. Henry Kosmarin, Polish. 3ewcountry's ^resources. The lateat enwithin the^e boandaries,- the itator <ftM-Ko*-continue on its-.course, ;ia-!-j t b t 1 s i - Te a3e>- 'an d' -ftsmer-depa: tyr tnrefugees.") •" ""*" ' "" l l h d l d d : accordance with astronomical orbare S>eea orcieredi the Polish parliament, sas been i~flb&i'pji factory for t h e mannfactnre of ferred-.'to ethnograpliically" JPolisfl dtnatlon. It had other functions in appointed Polish consul general in to leave fke city by Jnirncry Admits 200 Exiles fine steel prodncts under patented territories included in the goverthe world. There were other stars t, t840. Saunas (JTA)—Acceding to a Jerusalem. Dr. Bosmarin, who left Warsaw,-" "while the Jews In Arzay FigBtmg for processes .of ODr, Kli&er, a Czech norship/ of. enough to show men the way for 7. Sevrs ia Tienna are given ; Bucharest for Palestine l a s t -population w i l l ' be mmigrant.- Site of the factory ia t h e i r feet to go from hers to plea by a delegation of Jewish month, will assume his duties Jan- three-day prison terms as "mild France Observe there-; the Star of Bethlehem leaders. Interior JMinisher Sktieas nary 1, 1940. punishment" for appearing oa Elected President of the 2mek Zebulon. Another factory, transferred .to'Russia. 1 which will make vinegar fromcitpermitted entry of 200 Suwalki Attempt at Destruction Chanukah muats how men the way of life. the street after 4 p. in.; rns products, will be.establishea According 'to official Polish Iowa-Nebraska So, in fact, the Star dissolved. Jaws, mainly women and children, S. Austrian police are systey a t M e g e d . • . r: •••• • ' . '"-• ' who had been espelled from the quarters the settlement of Jews in Somewhere In France (JTA)-^It dissolved into the finest dust matically raiding street cars, Region Czech Jews are establishing- a the -"reservation" -continues "in a The tones.of the Marseillaise, thf "which, the wind took up and-has Nazi-lield Polish city into a nobasses, and automobiles ia & calculated to destroy them 2seeh' national anthem and "Btfji been carrying about The world man's-land near the Lithuanian bast for Jews; . . Rabbi David A. Goldstein was fish curing plant at Haifa similar at pnysieaDy." T h e same sources ikvah," Jewish national meleiiffi? ever since. It ia luminous dust, so border • and had - been suffering 9. Jews in Eohemia-Mors-ria elected president of the Iowa-Ne- to plants already in existence T fine that it does not irritate any horribly from the freezing weathare forbidden to appear on the braska Zionist Region at the con-Nathania and ' Tel Aviv. . A newstate that the position of the Jews mingled at a Chanukah celebragoods factory has been ;set In t h e German-becupled territory tion, "arranged for Jewish soldiers eyes into which it falls. From er. T h e government, it was streets after noon; a baa on ference held'last Sunday in Desleather up at Tel Arir Hy. dssTv Jewsi who is becoming1 m OT e unbearable in the Czech Legion by the Fedtime to time it gets into -the eyes learned, will .discuss with Gertheir use of street cars was re- Moines. He succeeds Jack Wolfe hops Washington, D. C. — American to reraptureforelgn markets daily. Throughout the country eration of Czechoslovak Jews * in of men and they become aware of many the question of repatriating Jewry, having seen millions of its scinded when the Czech popula- of Des Moines. Epbralm Marks :: t h e y formerly -supplied from Jews are deprived of all civil France. 300 Wilno Jews arrested or in•_• . it by reason of brighter vission^ helpless co-religionists in Central tion demonstrated its sympathy was named a member of the exe- Czechoslovakia. .•. . • • I ' terned in the Reich. rights and protection of the law. More thap, G00 Jewish soldiers What Is Seen by boycotting that mode of cutive committee. and Eastern Europe crushed in A- general prohibition against and many French and Czech hfgh They see a world of peace and Principal speaker at the confer? the wake of the tide of Nazi ag- transportation. Soviet Liquidates Jewish trading: has been imposed on JewB, military officers participated in Justice and by the light of the Star The White Book also charges ence was Rabbi Solomon Goldman, gression which has engulfed the Conimsmity who are only allowed to do man- the ceremonies, according to :a they strive up the mountainside. of Austria, Czechoslovak- that Jews seeking to emigrate president of the Zionist Organizaual work. Jewish communique Issued today. ' They see the travail of the op- London (JTA) — A disbarred peoples from the "protectorate" are forced tion, who explained the position of and Poland, cannot but share in Warsaw are not colChanukah candles were lit. The pressed and by the light of the lawyer. Dr. Fabian, has been en- ia (Continued on page 8.) Palestine in the present war Bitua1 universal feeling of outrage lect rents or ^withdraw bank de- field rabbi of the Czech Legion Star they go to lift them up outtrusted with liquidation of the the tion. Rabbi Goldstein was a lunchagainst Russia's brutal and unpro(Continued on page S.) posits. spoke ot the heroism of the Macof the darkness. j eon speaker. . . \ voked invasion of Finland, Henry ; .Czechoslovak circles here report cabls and expressed the hope that They see the iniquity oX the op1 ' Resolutions Monsky, president of B'nai B'rith that Karbus; head of the Gestapo Czechoslovakia 'would be liberatpressors and the light of the Star J Several resolutions were passed largest national Jewish organizaIs Slovakia, has left Bratislava for ed from the Nazis Just as the flames to wrath in their eyes. JUUDJI uAihli and sent on to the national organtion in the United States, said yesLublin t o organize a campaign Maccabis liberated Palestine from They discovered Christainity ization.. One asked that future terday in announcing a contributhe Syro-Greeks. ...'.' and by the light of the Star they Zionist congresses be held in oth- . Einal arrangements .have been against the Jews there. tion of $1,000 from B'nai B'rith see that Christianity is a way of er parts of the country than that completed for the winter dance to to the Finnish Relief Fund, Inc. London (JTA)—Unity between life that has to do with loving Atlantic seaboard as that Zionist be given Wednesday ^evening, De"The violation of Finland," Mr. Czechs and Jews in fighting Hitkindness and with dealing justly interest wonld be s t i m u 1 a t e d cember 27, by the. Omaha chapter Monsky said, "j.s another act in of Junior JBadassah." The dance lerlsm was stressed by Jan JIcsand with all the beatitudes. the tragedy being written oy the Mrs. Nathan Mantel was named throughout the country and that will .be held at the Paxton note: aryk, former Czechoslovak minisYet the dust of the Star is not middle western and western Zionchairman of t h e committee i n j Nazi-Fascist-Communist dlctatorand music will~T>e furnished bj ter to Britain and son of tbc realone for Christian eyes. It gets ists could have greater voice in charge of t h e Erika Mann lecture " ships, a tragedy in which the Jews Gary and his orchestra. • public's first president, when -ho into the eyes of a Jew who by its Judge Harry SI. Fisher of Chi- of Germany were cast as the first which will be given a t t h e Central national policies. The ticket sale is going "well was presented with a Bible by the light becomes aware that hig owncago, member of the executive of victims. Another resolution -suggested High auditorium on Saturday eveNew. York (JTA) — It-was reAs a concrete token of its pain is not exclusive in the world. the Zionist Organization of Amer- sympathy-with and desire to be of ning, J a n u a r y 6, u n d e r - t h e a u s - the formation of regions through- according to "Betty Hosen, tickei1 ported, this week that the rem-Federation • of Czechoslovak Jews He sees ttiat he is only one of tite ica, will be speaker at 3 meeting assistance to the suffering Fin- pices of t h e Temple Israel Sister- out the country to promote a wid- chairman/ and with the ejccellen nants of the German-American at a benefit concert for refugees added «ntertainment furnished by in the Phoenix theater." multitude of the oppressed of to he held here on Sanfiay, Janu- nish non-combatant victims of ag- hood. • ' " ' • er basis ^for democratic action. the Chez Paree -floor show, the Bund, whose leader Fritz Kuhh. "We are victims of a bloody and mankind. He goes with all menary 14, under the auspices of the gression, B'nai B'rith, representOver four hundred persons atis in. Sine Sing, would combine Assisting h e r will b e Mesdames dance •-promises to be/>ne of the deceitful man for no crime eseept who have this light to find the local Zionist district. tended the banquet 'held Sunday with the Christian Mobilizers, and At the same time a sound pic- ing a cross section of the Ameri- Sam Appieman, Sani Wertheimer, evening! Delegates from twenty- gayest of the winter season. that we lived in an exposed part way to Jerusalem which is the way announce a mew program aban- of sr., Harry Trnstin, Sam Robinson, can Jewish community. Is contriture on Palestine, "Sanctuary" 1 All proceeds of the dance go for Europe," Masaryk said. to a more just and lovely world. buting $1,000 to the Finnish Re- A. Greenberg, Philip Roinoneck, three communities 'irf Iowa and the building of Palestine. Projects d o n i n g anti-Communism for a "The Jews are his victims. Tliey Thus the Star shows men thewill be shown. Sam Berkowitz, Sam Gilinsky, Nebraska attended the Conference which will "be . Benefited include frankly anti-Jewish drive.. lief Fund, Inc. for the purchase Judge Fisher Is one of the counsona and daughters of a proud •way even to this hour and, a3 I • • , Other developments regarding are and shipment of food, clothing Berhardt Wolf, P h i l Gilinsky, M a s sessions. •' Meyer Shfeyah children's village, race. I do not wish to return to C inow^hrSuan. may seelhe | £^^g ^ B'Sh^rt and antlrSemittsm were: medical relief supplies to Pin- Fromkin, Ben Silver, Leo Ungar, maintained solely by Junior Hamy country .unless the Jews reSam Wertheimer, j r . , I . . I . Solz(1) A nation-wide alarm was is- turn dassah;: then "nurses training horn lift to the lips of the despised and At the present time ha is touring land." with me. " Czechs and Jewe, man, J o e Weinberg, Bert Hene, sued by Sheriff L a u r e n ce E The B'nai B'rith contribution the country in the interest of the of . the Rothschlid-Hadassah "uni to the lips of these who thirst for united, will confront this bloody, William Feller. B . A . Simon, J u Brown of Asheville, N. C , .asking came from Its Emergency Relief Zionist organization. versity hospital;' and. P a r d e s: justice and eompasion. deceitful man. 1 win devote myAbrahamson, Morris Jacobs, Committees have been appointr Fund, which throughout the or-lius Anna, a vocational training schoo for the arrest of William Dudley self to everything my father left So, aa I make ready for ChristM. Bernstein, Jack Cohen, and Pelley, head of the Silver. Shirts, ganization's S 6-year history has to make the plans for this for youth. . mas gifts, I as'£ myself, what shall me and to your cause." lent'1 aid and sustenance to victims Mollie Cohen. - Ticket chairman Betty Rosen who-Is wanted by the Bunchnibe I give to the Christians I care for meeting. County, N. C, Grand Jury. • Also Mesdames Leon Fellman, of . natural and man-made disashas as. members of her commitmost? They don't need neckties | (2) Mayor Harry J. Thpurot, of ters, both in war and in peace, in J . J . Friedman, Max L . Holzman, tee Lois Barlsh, Ruth Friedmani and cigars ara only things that "»?>>•?• n i ill Dave Goldman, M. I . Gordon, Daevery corner of the world withft ¥ (Hi Helen Greenberg, Mary Kaplan Union ;City, N. J., who i3 leading fall to ashes. I shall give them out regard to race, creed or color. vid WIce, M. E . Handler, Xrouis Goodman Meyerson was elected Rebecca 'Kirschenbaum,'. Charlottt a campaign to drive the German this star dust. In the past 50 years the B'nai Kulakofsky, Sam Leon, Jlilton president of the B'nai 'Abraham Nogg, Shreda Osoff, Esther Sing- American Bund out of Ms city, A lT5sh charged t h a t ' German-Americans B'rith Emergency Relief Fund has Mayper, Fred Rosenstoek, Dave lodge at the election of officers er, and Alice Sassman., It is not difficult to he had. Oae in "Union City were being intimi contributed fl,000,000 for the re-Rosenstock, H. Z. Rosenfeld, H e r - held Sunday at the Congregation makes a devout "wi3h: "I want dated for tbeir refusal to join the lief of victims of saeh. disasters, bert Sommer, Isidor Ziegler, a n d of Israel auditorium, Twenty-fifth Paris (JTA) — The Internahandful of Stardust . . . 'To my Bund and their relatives in thi tional Red Cross a n n o u n c e d and J streets. Mr. Joe Rice, president of theas the Chicago Fire of 1871, the L Weiner. lehem." Then he reaches into a Others assisting a r e the Misses Reich'were being persecuted. through the Joint D 1 s t r i bution Other officers: sunbeam and -closes hi3 iand on Glaad-O-Lac Company, was named yellow fever epidemic that ravag- lone Duffy, Hazel" Degen, Eliza{3') Two New York courts In* Committee that it has finaHy comA. Jacobson, vice-president; N. It. There is the bright sunbeam of vice-president of the Animal and ed the Soath in the 1870's, the beth H a r t , Rita Mantel, Helen posed jail terms for anti-Semitic pleted arrangements for transmisBeber, secretary; S a m Kraft, tlv.3 December mornin in my Poultry Foundation of America at Galveston flood of 19.00, the SanSommer, and Blanche Zimman. soap-box speeches on James Sar sion ot -mail from the United treasurer; Lieb "Wolfspn, Harry the convention held last week in Francisco, Florida, Santa Barbara, •window. My hand grasps Tickets c a n be obtained from Dworsky, and N. Perelman, trusdelis, 29, whose criminal record States and other countries to-both Japanese a n d Chilean earth: I Irnow my hand now is full of Bes Moinas. 02 quakes, tha Ohio and Mississippi any of t h e members of t h e com- tees. '•. . . ' . • •'' ."•'•' • On Tuesday, January, s . tb includes sentences for unlawfu Nazi aqd Soviet Poland. The artie s^rdusT oT^eMen^^ev^i^^i^^fff^^.f?^^, mittee or a t t h e Blackstone hotel, and drunken driving. ;OnL rangements climased s e v e r a l as I aaj sure of all realities such mannfacturers of medicines for Valley floods, Balkan and World Lonjs Sommers Grocery, the J e w - On the board of appeals are Center Forum will, present Susi entry court sentenced Mm to 30 days In weeks of negotiations with the aa lovsns-Sinilnesa and com-pas- live stock and poultry. Represent- War sufferers. Its most recent ish Community Center, Unitt-Do- Harry Fiaderamn, A. Epstein, and Kiebael, p i a a i s t-narrator, ari< Jail, the'-otiter to 38-days. • . iGerman and Soviet authorities. sfaa, justice and rightemiaas^s. atives from ail the agricultural contribution was 51,000 to thecekal ~ s. Co., a n d Matthews Ben Martin. Inner guard is L. Maurice Friedman, baritone, in a "Wolf son. Transmission of letters to resi* 'Cavalcade of Jewish Music." This Stardust is more real than states attended the Des Moinea American Red Cross for the relief of Polish war refugees. dents of Upper Silesia, Pomcranla. The installation will :take piao ' Hunt.- Propagandists meeting. Book Store. The program will in elude exam ; gunpowder. Poi<sen and Lods districts will be Sunday, December 3K A special pie's of Jewish music from ancfen Mr. Eice is one of the Sounders I raise my arm and scatter the program has been. arranged and times to the present day.- Brussels (JTA)—Tie Belgian by ordinary inail since these provt»as«iti!l of starrdast . , . ' To my o? the organisations aad for severrefreshments will be served. All Tids will" be tlie^ third of ihj authorities are trying to establish inces are considered integral parts Stardust iin your -eyes, al years was a. member of its members are orgsd to. attend. Center. Forum's cultural eeriea the Identity of Nazi agents who Of the Reich. Residents in other geatlemea'** . . . Yet I s a aware board of directors. Admission will be frea to member: posing as Belgians, are continuing sections of Nazi Poland will reiiat tae eyes of my Ciirlstiaas ^ • .j •of. the Jewish.Conuauaity Center, to" feed Belgian intellectuals with ceive their mall through the GerTwo Jewish s t u d e n t s were tsbslasce to Ffelaad izienda Ions ago eaagit gsztis ot T h e Council Bluffs Talmud Writers-. anti-Semitic and Nazi propns&ticla man Itctl Cross, to tv-hlch it v.-IH be among the thirty-five Earned on Torah dance will be Held on Sunthis luminous dust and bright with, j Daring the ICth century Con- The propaganda is published In forwarded by the 1. 12. C. fa a vision it glvss: otherwise they I New York (JTA)—The Jewish Tuesday to the National Honor day, January 28, at the Essies'! New Tcrk (JTA)—The Perei The I. R. C. said that all letters Veterans of tne Usitad States Society at North. High. They are ballroom, .19 North Main street, Vereln, Jewish "writers"; organiza- stantinople bad the largest Jew- French ia Antwerp and mailed eoaliS sot fee jay friends. For* must be-limited to 25 words and from there. ish ccnuauaity in T Christmas 1 give them tils dast {announced launching .of a eam- Irving Harris and Hnta. Klain. , pg tion, has launched a campaign f oi fiicsic win -"be famished by Fredmust be strictly personal. In sevMrs. Ben Silver, who was formpaign for faads to purchase an funds to aid Jewish refss^s vttltdie .Ebeaer's orchestra. : to replenish taeir Kg-nts. d i J f l - -*n»- Jewi&a* phyelciaB,, Gugliel- Abraham Farissol (1451-1525) eral instances, the snnouDCenseut head of the Latin department Games; of all kinds will be pro-i ers i a Europe. The J i l b But should I Tajsesa&er only ambulance for Finland as an "ex- erly said, replies are already being reaay friends at C&ristnsas? &ere pression of American Jewry's sjm- at North, presented the mew mem- viaed for taosa who do not e0-operatissrln:.t& mo ds Portaleoni, sms fajlghted an Avisnonese, was the first Jew- ceived In Geneva h? th I . B» C ish geographer. bers of the Society. by Kiss Ferdinand ot Kaples, to dance. patSy" with -tas Finnish, idrivs. {Coatiaaed a S

\lttamar Ben»Avi to 'Lecture in U. S.

F.iririish Jew heads " •" QncMan Campaign


! u








• " ' * ' * " ' * • - • ' • . '









Third of Series lo be Repr, Sirovich Presented on Dies in New York Dec. 29


TO mi

xi a

ISTL'JS 0/1 &'], 14

'North High Honor Co. fluffs Talmud Society • Two Totah Plans Dance,





T i e Women's League of Sbaare JSloa will have its monthly aieet*iiii on December 19. A founder's •iiiy program at wMela ti>a founder, Mrs. J. Kaufman, and t i e jfiarter members will be lioa-srvd luisi been arranged. Mrs. S. •'•.?.» Shulkia is the caairmaa of the jrogram. Cantor M. Peraicli 'will recite $=•}« memorial for the deceased jskii'ter jntjjn&ers. Mrs. Sarali "•V'jlnersraff, daughter OH Mi*, and *»lrs. Sam Wainer, will present a 3>Dup o£ follis songs. This is tie X7ih birthday of tie V/omea'a *,^agao. There will be a large -*m-thday cake for the occasion. "every past president will light rd,i)diea symbolic o£ tha j'ears of .">«r servjee. A song was written especially for thSs occasion by Air*. S. H. ShulUiu and will be -.mug by the group during the vuudla lighting ceremony. The invocation will be given by Airs. .'Java Ginsberg. There will be a jiiit portraying t i e first meeting •jil the group 17 years ago. The meeting will be in the form a I a luncheon. Mrs. L. J. Kaplan will preside over a short business meeting. The meeting will conclude by bavins a picture ta^en »ii all the presidents up to date. .Mrs. Morey Lipsehits and Mrs. lilllton Mushkin are co-chairmen for the luncheon.

Hadassaa will have its Oaeg Shabbat Saturday afternoon at 3:30 at the "home of Mrs. ? r a n i Spstaia, 2323 Sun8et Circle.. A most interesting program ha3 been arranged in connection with, the birthday of Henrietta Szold, the founder of Hadassaa, who will be 79 years of age. A biography .of her Ufa and a review.of her various aeconjplishaient3 will be given by Mrs. A. I. Sacks. Current eveat3 will be given by Mrs. Ii, J. Kaplan. A questionnaire oi Hadassah, activities will be led by Mrs. Albert Goldstein. Community singing will be led by Miss Sarah. Sadoff. Mrs. Fraak Spstein and Mrs. Louis Agranoff are oo-chairmen. Hefresaments will be served at the close of the session.

(Contlaned Sroa Pass Ona) number o2 ma cad thought of. the tragedy that mast ba Ms to descead-frosa Ma Hebrew Olysnpaa to become aa editor of a provincial Yiddish daily. A few mentis late? I was- to leava for Cambrians,. and at the farewell gatheriaj, Reuben Brainla1 wa3 the c&airsian; and what a gracious- aad inspirias address he thaa delivered ia my behalf. All the greater pity then that I should be sssable to be caa of the • participants ia hia sead-eff to eternity. A - misunderstanding •' (I h a d thought then that lie was ignoring my letters in regard to my- articles) which followed only several weeSs after my leaving Montreal brought about car estrangement over more than a quarter o2 a century, to be sura only a minor tragedy, yet not without it3 sting. For mora than 25 years wa had not crossed one another's path.

and the Bight of M3 native town, as -well a3 the possibilities which loomed for a great many of us, of a Jewish Republic being established, clear of all conflict with neighboring : peoples, filled him with a genuine enthusiasm for the Idea cf .Biro-BIdjan. Ha became the patron saint of the Jewish communists; and paradoxically, the Morning Preiheit honored his memory mora fittingly than even tha newspaper to which he had been a regular contributor -until his dying day.. Wa3 Reuben Brainin. a communist? • I have before me his letter dated February 14, 19 3 8,' In which ha writes, "I, too, do not belong to the Communist party, but I sympathize with It3 better members" (mlt di bessers fun zey"). Weather the Soviet-Nazi pact disillusioned him or not I have not ascertained, but I can hazard the guess that he was deeply disappointed, even if. ho did not make a demonstration of hi3 feelings in the m a t t e r . . . . " . ' Thu3, have I attempted to throw a ray of light on tha situation. Reuben Brainin .was no Saul turned to Paul. He was no turncoat or renegade. There was a conjecture of circumstances, both external and internal, which led him to believe that his transition was a progression from'-a checkmated position to a life of activity.

Memel Ruling Sought

ANH-N. . By-JACK •The. past six years have witnessed- several valiant efforts -on the part of theatrical producers to bring to the stage an anti-Nazi play. Tha efforts,-it .is sad to relate, were still-born. The matter assumed national importance and was discussed In print by our outstanding, drama writers. Whatever the causes for the failures of past efforts, it is gratifying to report, that such a play has at long last reached out stage. "Margin for Error,"*Eow current at the Plymouth Theatre, has proven an instantaneous box flee success. • Claire Boothe, whose sensational comedy "The Women" was something of a national cause celebra for two years, and whose "Kiss the Boys Goodbye." still is playing about the country, has written ^'Margin for Error." Having writtefi a devastating exposa of'our upper crust ladies, of veneraous gossip In the powder rooms, the gyms and beauty parlors with a pen dipped in vitriol, and having ridiculed columnists and movie actresses with southern drawls. Miss Boothe turns her keen mind and keeaer scalpel to the Nazis and Mr. Hitler's stooges ia the United States. Frankly starting out as a mystery thriller, "Margin for Error" emerges as one of the most hilarious comedies seen in our theatre in many years. Nazi Consul The play deals with a German consul, who entertains illusions of grandeur and asserts flatly that he get3 his inspirations from the Eama sources as Hitler—out of nothing. Baumer, the consul, as played by Otto li. Preminger, who also directed the play, emerges as a

Only recently did I learn of thereal nature of fci3 disability, and was watting for an opportunity to writa Mm. That opportunity came when I found in hi3 greetings en the occasion of the Keneder Adler's Jubilee a very warm expression of my associations with him Jr. Meidasscih aad a y work. I wrotei him at once expressing- my appreciation, to Hold Dance and his prompt reply revealed that he had beea keeping up with my Junior Hadassah will hava its odest career, aad had been planannual dance on Sunday, Decem- ning to writa ma, and that my ber 2-1, at the Bellevue apart- letter w a s to him a "geistigs ments. Jimmy Lewi3 and bis or- :eshehenls." chestra will furnish music from It now seemed a3 i? both of U3 9:30 to 12:30. Dress is optional. wera ansious to make up for the Miss Rose Sashefkin and Rutli lost quarter of a century. Reuben Grueskin are co-ciiainrten. Brainin'3 letters, received within the last year cr so are touching (Continued froa Page One) documeats of a reflective soul, aad contain naclj of value to hi3 ing, establishing a residue which future biographer, particularly tha constitutes nourishing cattle fodportions dealing •fWth tha project- der. Tha juice can be converted Young ed publication, of his complete into alcohol. Thi3 is suggested as l JIDASA Choral Gravity possible outlet for 3,000,000 The Council Bluffs Young JuOa my last trip to New York, acases, yielding 2,000 ton3 of alA girls Young JuJean choral | daea will hold its next meeting iarly this year, I resolved to see group has been organised under at the home of Ethel Gordon, S0-i him, but wa3 told t>y some leading cohol, which is two-third3 mdre tile direction of Cantor M. Per- | Roosevelt avenue, at 3 p. m. on Hebrew authors ia New -Y-ork than Palestine's yearly consumption, but it is hoped the surplus 2iick. The girls choral group is Sunday, December 17. whom I mildly reproved for not will be saleable for war purposes. .from the clubs led by Mrs. A. S. All girls between the ages at calling on their eminent colleague Another promising outlet is use Goldstein, Miss Rosaima XHkel 10 and 15 ara cordially invited to that the presence of friends tendoraage peel a3 raw material and Miss Sarah Sadoif. ed- to embarrass him. My tele- o2 attend. for acetone, important for the Cantor Pernick is at present phone call, however, brought an making of explosives according to "preparing 'thia group- to perform JCNIOB HAM.5SAH emphatic invitation. the process devised by Dr. "Welz"or Senior and Junior Hadassah. A board meeting oi the Junior Touching Meeting mann during the last war. Other Hadassah was held Monday eveA3 I entered and shock hand3, by-product use include manufacning at the home of Lorraine his little finger brushed against ture of insulating material, plasJr. Mcdassah Meyerson. Members named to the corner of hia eye; and a seeth- tics, medicines and also converAll paid-up -members of Junior the committee for the Senior Ha- ing calmnes3 23 how I could de- sion cf peel Into a poison gas ab' ' ' .'Hadassah will be the guests o£ dassah Minstrel show are: Leona scribe his expression. It wa3 20 sorbent for gas masks. Florence longer the bubbling, buoyant, eleifie chapter at a luncheon Sun- Xateiman, chairman; The war ha3 brought to a head day afternoon at Scrlbbens T Meyerson, Lorraine M e y erson, gant Brainin, accentuating ai3 tha difficulties of tbs under-capShop. The chairman of the party Betty Kubby and Doris Friedman. words -with energetic yet graoefal italised citrus industry so that toTha next regular meeting will gestures. T8 Esther Mirkiu. Assisting will day hardly any grower is solvent. There lay a xauta spokesman for Optimists say that if the growers Se tha membership committee be held on • Monday, January S. A new treasurer will be elected at a whole generation. The contro•wiiich. ia headed by Miss Goldie aad shippers get together and cothat time to succeed Sylvia Sngel- versialist at Sioaist Congresses, ordinate their activities, the Inman. tha lecturer, the haranguer of come from the exported portion small groups, the anecdotali3t— of tha crop would not fee far beRepresenting Sioux City a t the they -were all sent up in ih® lamed low that obtained in previous J u n i o r Hadassah regional coaferbody; lor Kejibea Brainia -was act years lor the entire crop. •ance itx St. Louis will ae H o s e 3, writs? alone. 5. N. P . lacoraa Sperling, -vice-president of t h e , __ SAM LSVEKB ' Speech tra3 as necessary ta M:a J i o u s City chapter. : Tha conferA2 ideal arrangement would be ' As 'tis a Jewish policeman who as it is to aa crater. .WJiaa £3 something on the pattern of the solves the mystery of the murder ence will be December 24 and 25. had to carry en a conversation Ijy California Citrus Exchange, pool- : cf the Germaa Consul in Clare, lain* Nell Zlff, national president JJIJJUJ pointin;? ta letters ca an alphabet, ing tha exporting of the entire Boothe's uew comedy hit, "Hargia ©t Junior Hadasaah, will also athe wa3 lika a hound Prometheus crop. The Palestine Government is For Error." the conference. Brooklyn Prater laaia to struggling fsr iia liberty, or like promoting an agreement between a rare violin -with two cf lfcj Arab and Jewish growers and ex- composite figure of a Nazi, emCombat "Chriatiaa Mt. Sinai strings gutted 'beyond repair. porters, but while the Jews deall the evil, the conai, That possibly accounted for the mand 67 per cent of the export bodying Services will begin tonight at vanca and cruelty of a Hitlerite. air of resignation and helplessness % Kabbi Albert 3. Goldstein will New York (JTA) — The Brook- which hi3 exterior assumed. In- quota, representing Ia3t ' year's He is revealed as a crook of the speak on. "Open Secrets of Suc- lyn Church and Mission ^ d e r a - wardly he wa3 far from frustrat- proportion, tha Arabs demand 45 worst sort, who to further his perper cent. sress." sonal interests is ready to sacrition bas intensified its campaign His • comments wera pointed Disaster to the citrus Industry fice hia wife. • against the Christian Front iy ed. out, not only alas, in a literal naming the Front'3 eight constitu- sense, but alao -figuratively. He would be more telling to the Jews A'more villainous character on ent organizations and calling upon could still dictate to an efficient than to the Arabs. Jewish' citrus our stage has not been seen siace grove3 have an estimated value of the iafamous "Barber of Fleet all Protestants to repudiate them secretary, -who caught the muffled $50,000,000, even at present deFriday night services will be- as "un-Christian." sounds, Ms ever stimulating arti- pressed levels. Three thousand Street." With her usual deftaess gin at 3 tonight with C a n t o r A meeting of the federation'3 Boothe makes use of a front Pernick and the choir chanting commission on public welfare, cles and interesting memoirs. It growers with their families and Miss page item of some months ago, •s>je services. Ilabbi H. H. Ilabi- headed by Rev. 'Sen ?. "Wylaad, was little short of heroism-to con- 20,000 workers are dependent on when a popular m a y o r of an aowita will speak 0x1 "The Life voted to send to all Protestant tinue writing under the circum- the groves. American metropolis a s s Igaed stances, when it -was not a matter y£ Solomon Saechter." On. the other hand, the Jewish Jewish policeman to guard a Gerministers and others in. Brooklyn Junior Congregation will begin and elsewhere a resolution con- cf actual necessity to him. National Fund had a net Income man Consul. It wa3 a pleasant surprise to Saturday morning at 13:45. of 5560,00 for the year ended demning the Christian Front to_Th e event brought pleasant Cantor Morris Perniei baa a gether with an appeal to preach Cad on my leaving that he -was Sept. 30, the highest in its his- grins to millioas of faces in tnis ijiass of youug boys that ara being that true Americanism, creates un- able to get off the bed' and escort tory,1 It has been announced by J. country, aad so Miss Boothe has me to the door. I promised to call •-trained to act as junior cantors. ity, not "racial and religions hat- again on my nest trip' to New N. s . headquarters here. The sum presented us with Just; such a sitallows for deduction of expendi- uation, and in her unique manner red." York, and ha -was pleased. The ture by overseas offices. The ma- wrote The components, of t i e Front letter, some of the most hilarious Skating-which. I received subsejor increase was in the United lines ever presented to an actor. named ia the resolution are: the The Youth Council ia conjunc- Social Justice Distributors Clubs, tiently is a monument of apprecia- States, where £381,000 or 64 per The actor whose good fortune it tion with the Dramatic club will the Crusaders for Americaaism, tion, poignant in it3 implication, cent of the entire Income, was is to play that grateful role Is nold a skating party at the Biga- the American Nationalists, the and revelatory of the. real Reuben raised. Great Britain and the Brit- none other thaa Sam Levene, a ;Iuu 011 Tuesday evening, Decem- American Patriots, the Citizens' Brainin whom. many, knew only ish Empire contributed £95.000. talented and likeable young artist, ber 2 8. Alter the evening's skat- Protective League, the Christian perhaps as a charming personality, English-speaking countries t h u s who ha3 endeared himself to playing ia over, everyone is invited to Mabiiizers, the German-American but ' -whose deeper strata were accounted for 81 per cent of the goers for his excluclatingly funny come to the Jewisa Community Business League and the German- bared but to few, who had the entira income of the J. N. F . characterisations ia "Three Men privilege cf coming into more intenter for refreahaieuts and ia- American Bund. on a Horse," and "Having a Woatimate contact w i t l him, or whose :;orrna! dancing. derful Time." Farley !Lea«l3 Protest essence he had seized intuitively Ticketa are 31 cenu and mav This development came after a3 cf a .keeping wits hi3 The audience at the Plymouth *je purchased from Youth Council Postmaster General Jame3 A. Partook this young Jewish actor to exacting expectations. w-r Dramatic club members. ley, ia aa address to 500 persons it3 Hitler-hatiag heart aad apThe jEuigma . attending a dinner of the "Washplauded him thunderously after It -would be a serious lacuna to ington Heights and Inwood Co- omit every speech. from my kaleidoscopic reordinating Committee in Behalf view the The Jewish Cop which has nonNew York (JTA) — The Pion- KSam Leveae plays the role of Services will begin tonight at of Persecuted Minorities, bad de- plussed soquestion prominent Jews eer Women's Organization ani : i 5 and la tha morning as. 9 at nounced the Christian Front and —Brainin'a many activities on. behalf of nounced this week that it has cab- Moe Finkelstein whose uapleasaat •;.:ie Orthodox dynaaogues. Rabbi Mobiliaers. left -wing organizations. It almost led ?5,009 to Palestine as part of duty it Is to guard the German .5. Boloaikov.-will speak in the "How my blood boils," Farley a proverbial irony, iht3 It3 annual budget for the work of Consul, and when, during the .-inn-mug at tha Adas Yeshurua ' declared, "when I bear the adjec- became apparent abandon o£ hi3 old ideals the Palestine ."Working "Women's play, this same consul is murI tive 'Christian' used by these or- of Hebrew and Zion and espousing dered, Levene rises to unprecdentganisations, the Christian Front a cause which was' definitely ini- Council. In • tha event of • war in ed heights of histrioaic performthe Near Bast, when Jewish men and Christian Mobiliaers, which mical to traditional Judaism and ance. thus insult the gentle Jesus who its official language,-as .•well a3 in Palestine may possibly be callAs one drama critic remarked: ed-up-for war service, plans are preached love for all mankind. its political aspiration. "The perfect murder is a mystery Ibeing made for women to take Their members haven't been here The puaala 13 in reality not one the places of men in trade and ag- comedy," aad it is'iateresting to long or they would have heard of peculiar to cur deceased • litter- riculture. A tsesinnins in this di- observe that rarely has the murMr, and Mrs. Marvi n Xrockk the Know Nothings." ateur. It involves the complexities rection has: beea made by the der of a human being oa the Speaking before a capacity aud- of human. nature ia general; and Council, according to a report're- stage beea greeted with greater )-; 1'it'i Sixth street, are vsait-with relatives ia ?ort Wortb, ience at the Brooklyn Academy of from a ' psychological standpoint ceived here by the Pioneer Wom- •glee. The glee ia heighteaed all Music on the subject of "Catholic- is quits understandable. during the second half of the play en's Organisation. ism and the World Crisis," the when Sam Leveae, as Moe FinHauben Brainia, amiable as he • Since the outbreak cf the war, keisteia, speaks his mind about . Tlerjuau Kubru and Bernard Rev. Dr. Sdrnuad A. Walsh. S. J. pollock have left for Tulea, Okla., Vice-President of Georgetown Uni- was socially;, was a dominating the Youth Aliyah movement has Nazis, fuehrers, big aad little, and personality. He had been accu3- been able to remove 2S7 Jewish Incidentally, solves the mystery of •vhet'o i'iiey ara residing. versity, deplored the "sowing of tomsd to receiving, homage ia children holding certificates for who murdered the consul. This hatred'* among races and classes every center1 r he visited.' Ha re- entrance into • Palestine directly worthy, it seems, was stabbed, !" -, > li'll > J ^10 I t C l HI thia country •wiea aaitv ia " t i e garded himself >J and played the from Germany to Italy, where •" ' otl 1^ J d .-1 "U d \ j ^ t ».oi imperative duty of the hour." aad poisoned, which gives part cf a "Naai,"" or even "Nabi," they were permitted to embark shot i - to i e K i t * u * i n b e r -! you an iiea of the affectioa felt Father Walsh warned that "tha brooking 2.3 . opposition, from M3 for the Holy Land. Hada3sah rei iJ 3 i ' . o i e by the aeveral characters ia the cult of hatred is one of tlia most associates. ported today. One hundred thirty- Flay. Tfasre is Bert Lytell, as a noxious manifestations of thia deCnaa settled, Jioweverv aad in sine German children and adolesmoralised age and has in some tha grsat ecsnzopclis, i a £032.3 cents • sailed from • Trieste early Kazi-fcatSag American physician, 1.1 v i a In tha -words of Walter Winquarters been alevaied to a State leadership was also a matter this month aad are expected to ch;!!, speaks not alone Ms mind principle." It should be resolutely that of specialisation, and . &egan to arrive shortly in either Tel Aviv • "> Id 1 , excluded from the United States, ziDni Hitlsr and fcis barbaric rerebel against being treated like a or Haifa. . . . . S-jre, but seems to speak out be added. Sidnay Eillrsan, prssidsat of tiis v l a t ' s ia the minds of every llbAmalgamated d e t a i n s .Workers I! of America, issued a messags sm- crty-IoTing, tj-rar.t-ha.tiE3 AmeriParis (JTA) —- An appeal for 'WJxea, th-arefora, A a a r l c a a phasiaias t i e role cf Palestine ia can; 3!rj.:sT73iI Fletcher, as the t of BCeledea eagage*! ia. rameeting t i e refuses groblsia sad liei work lot ih.a 3Y8iie2i Army resstag tits valca of tlae l^-n.^.-t, was brcadeaat hy Cli!e£ RabM-Ia- fa,?e l!i propasasaa for tia Asro-1 a! Ccnterescs for PsJesti:2e"to~£e i ... •• 1 1 ayo Schwarta on the w-'g-"^i naS.sld • ia Wajisicttea ,ca -Jan. 6 ! ice tional hookas. The 3old?er-->'of ?•>« 1 - t AIHed Armies, " he sa id, "ara fo? president o2 ib@- Jar/i-h Mghtiag to sava the !>woi-li- fcoa •sniissyaa.a a cutla d ssri-aps, too, sp'vd a a j for Palestine,,' ' "will; ; £s ' 11 tareatsaed barb aria in. ' S22SS Cf JlCBO?.


consul's secretary, "whose grandmother is proven to have been a

Supply N e e d s o f Allied and Neutral Nations

Jewess; Philip Coolldge, as the Jerusalem, (JTA) — Palestine Tain, foppish American fuehrer, has become the chief source of aping Adolf, aad Leif Ericson as potash supply to the Allies and a columnist; coatribute to a per- neutral countries, it was stated fectly performed play. here by M. Novemeysky/ managEnjoyable Evening ing director of •. the Palestine The solution of the murSer Potash, Ltd. mystery, which is the crux of the Novomeysky explained t h a t secoad half of the play, must, be- German, Russian and Polish potcause, of: a program note reauest ash were out of the market and be kept sub-rosa, • and • since this the Spanish mines had not been request was all drama restored since the Civil War, writers, I caa do no more than while the French mines were too state that you cannot possibly con- near the western front. Because ceive of a more profitable or. en- of this situation, Novomeysky joyable evening -in the theatre. said, a five-year program of deThe drama critics In the New veloping the Palestine potash York newspapers, and all over works will now be carried out In the; country, hailed "Margin for half the time or less. Error", with paeans of praise. He has revealed that- several Leading off was Walter WInchell. himself- no mean hater of Hitler new substances have been pro? and Nazism.. "Margin.for Error, duced which include chlorine my favorite play" is his latest ut- caustic soda, caustic potash, a terance • and. judging by the reac- bleaching p6wder which is useful tion • of the general public, thl3 for treatment of mustard gas play has already become a favor- b'urns, magnesium salts a n d ite with thousands of playgoers mixed fertilizers. and bids fair to •" stay several Prices Vp months. _. Novomeysky said that exports Aati-Nazi organizations, •: espe- were 35 per cent higher than last cially, have singled out "Margin year and would probably increase for Error" as a play to see. re- still more.' peatedly. A noted Yiddish critic Forty-three new "industrial and Informed his readers that, an eve- commercial undertakings were ning with "Margin for Error"- is registered in Palestine in the first not only an enjoyable evening in- two weeks of November. Ninethe theatre but affords SSli-Nazlff teen new attorneys were admitted an opportunity to indulge •' in an to the Palestine bar in the same orgy of Hitler-hating. period. This form, of amusement is beA new oil refining plant which ing indulged in by many thous- will about half the 2,000,ands who are availing themselves 000 .handle tons of crude oil brought anof this opportunity. Men and women who follow the headlines fair- nually from Iraq In the Iraq Pely closely will have little difficulty troleum Company pipeline has bein identifying- the Mayor who gun production here. The largest ambulance in Palcaused the world to chuckle by assigning a Jewish policeman to estine has been placed in service watch over the safety of a German by the Hadassah Medical Center. I t was • donated by the family of consul. The city in question will be Dr. Ira Kaplan, head of the canrecognized with equal ease. Police cer department at Bellevue hosCommissioner Louis Valentine of pital, in New York. A film deNew York City is permitted to in- picting the Palestine activities of dulge in some chest-puffing with the Hadassah medical organizapardonable pride, for Sam Levene tion has been completed here. The in the role of policeman Moe Fin- film, produced by Lazar Duenner, kelstein is easily a composite por- shows scenes In hospitals, clinics, trait of most of "Valentine's finest. nurseries and child welfare sta(Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts tions In Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, TiFeature Syndicate) berias, Safed, Meir Shefaya and

Kaunas (JTA) — Faced with the danger of becoming German subjects through loss of Lithuanian citizenship, 110 Memel Jewish families have collectively petitioned the Lithuanian government ;to .leaver.the decision as to their citizenship •> to the Hague Tribunal.' The petitioners declared they desired to remain loyal Lithuanians. MeineUarid was taken over by Germany f r o m Lithuania last spring.. J. J. FRIEDMAN, Atty. . 740 First National BanK Bldg. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF F I N A L A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACC O U N T . •;. . ; -.-•• •' 1 •':••'••.:': •;.•'•

In tiie County Court of Douglaa County. Nebraska. :. In the matter of the estate of Meyer Coren. Deceased.: All persons Interested in Bald matter are hereby notified that on the 6th day of December, .1939, Henry Coren filed a petition in said County Court, praylns that his final adminis'.ratlon account filed herein be settled . and allowed, and he be discharged from his trust as administrator and that a.hearing wjll be had on said petition before said Court on the 30th day of December, 1939. and that If you tail to appear before said Court on the said 30th day of December. 1939, at 9 o'clock A. 1L, and contest said petition, the Court .iiay grant the prayer of said petition, "enter a- decree of helrship, and make such other, and further orders, allowances and decreesi as to this Court may seem proper, to.the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. BRTCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. 12-8-39. 3T. EPHRAIM L. MARKS and REED, RAMACCIOTTI, ROBINSON a n *

; HRUSKA, Attorney« S05-918 First National Bank Bldg. LEGAL NOTICE In th'e Municipal Court of the City of Omaha, Nebraska. • To: Blanche Baum, Non-resident, De. Xendant: ' ' Notice is hereby given thpit pursuant to orders of attachment and gar* nisbment Issued by tho Municipal Court of tho City, of' Omaha, .Nebraska, In an action 'pending- therein, •wherein Dr. A. P. Overgaard Is plaintiff and Blanche Baum is defendant, to recover the sum of $75.00 and costs, William Byron was ordered b y ' t h e court to pay Into court-as garnlshee the sum. o£ $27.32, same to be held pending- the outcome of said suit. Said: case-was continued for trial to tho 20th day of December, 1339 at the^hour of 9 o'clock A.-M. ; " DR. A. P. OVERGAAKD, 12-l-39-3t Plaintiff.


Alien Registration Law Held Illegal Rumanian Jews 'Aid Loan

Bucharest (JTA) — GovernScranton, Pa., (JTA)—Penn. ment circles have . voiced appresylvania's new law requiring reg- ciation of large subscriptions by istration of aliens has been de- j Jews to the new Rumanian declared unconstitutional by the fense loan, declaring they recogUnited States District Court here. nized the importance of Jewish According to the new law all per. contributions to -success of the sons not citizens, with tQw excep- loan.

Bo. ' '• .


O Candies -OCigara O Tobacco O Pipeo P Fountain Supplies O Beverages

tions, were to register with, the State Department of Labor and Industry and they were to carry identification cards. The District Court upheld the contention of Bernard Davidowitz and Vinceze Travigiliana, both of Philadelphia, that the measure was class legislation and violated the constitutiou-1 guarantees of personal freedom.









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JXXC. Sports By


Basketball Regular season basketball Trill •tart Sunday, December 17, ia the J. C. C. Senior league. Six teams hava already si^aad uji with % possibility of a seventh team. The teams are Omaha Jobbing Co., A. Z. A. No. 1 and No. 100. S. A. M., A. P. T., Breslow Auto • Glass and Midwest Auto Parts. The regular junior "basketball league will start Thursday, De'cemner SI. It is essential t i a t the managers of the tea;aa in the Junior league turn ia t i e contracts to Lee Grossman, physical director, by Tuesday, December 19, II such a league is to be formed. The J. C. C. physical department plana on forming a girls* basketball team from among' the business girls* glass. The girJs' team -will compete ia the newly formed YWCA league. Mare information will be given latar after the league ia- formed. , -. ^ Umdb&ll Pre-seasoa handball singles are progressing . rapidly ia both classes. Kutler won two straight from Freedaian, 21-12 aad 21-15, to get in the Class 3 semi-finals. The winner between Cooperraaa and Spiegal will play Kutler tor .the Class 3 championship. . Ton can still sign up far the regular season handball tourneys on the bulletin board ia the lociar room. Center /activities •• Football pictures of the I'ziiversity of Nebraska will be shown Monday, December 13. The pictures will be shown by ths university's traclt coach, 2d Weir. Admission to the movies ia free. A wonderful Chanukah gift was given to Mrs. Robert Wolf a by the women's jym class -which meets on Tuesday and Thursday • in appreciation of her wars as teaoher of the class. Both J. C. C. volleyball t3ant3 were successful la their games on the home court 3ast "Wednesday night. The •woman's team, defeated easily the Omaha Walking club team three straight by the score of 15-0, 15-2 aad 13-3. The J. C, C. men also won three straight paced by Abe Brodiey aad Le3 Burkenroad. The Ceater men defeated the Y. 31. C. A. last Wednesday in rwo out of 'three gameB to go in to a tie for the league leadership. The Center ia soon going to offer a Red Cross cla3S in lirst aid. The'class will be taught by Georsre Gates, swimming instructor. All center members interested in taking this interesting course should se§ Lee Grossman.

with. 493. ' "Doc" Platt was next Bromberger and Maurice Mendelwith 434. solin . . . Tba total difference la pins for the series o£ the two tsaiB3 -was MISH-MASH: L J. Singer, oar 19 pins Wardrobe -way. favorite novelist, mads his first visit to ta.9 JTA offices the other Paul Steinberg's 517, second day . . . Dr. A. j . Eongy has high in" the league Tuesday, was turned thumbs. down on the Mas the highest series in the match. Steizer project of a Jewish mediMark3 was second best for the cal school . . . Gabriel Heatter, Wardrobes with. 479. the radio commentator, S3 a brother-in-law of esec. direc. After tlve straight -weeks d vic- Isaac It. Asofsky of the HIAS . . . tory, the Empires -were taken to H1AS, by the way, ha3 a new the' cleaners by Salts. Motors to guest these days . . . In tha perlose two. The match wa.3 a hot- son of Theodor Hersl's niece, a ly contested one, with small mar- recent arrival in New Tors . . . sins deciding-, all three games. Other HIAS guests include two Jack Melcher led hl3 Empires children, brothers, who fion't with a 495 and Flsishmaa's 463 speak the same language . . . The followed. elder one speaks German and the younger, 10, who was taken to Sam Morgan showed the way Amsterdam, four year3 ago, speaks for the revived Smiths with a Dutch . . . They're joining their 4 94 aeries; Klein, had a 474. parents in Colorado and, it we These hoys have an aroused know children, within a very few spirit that may make a lot of weeks will be understanding each trouble for the leaders ia the ether fluently - - in American . . . weeks following. That most rabid of all anti-Jewish rags in this country, the NationalA poor second gains totaling ist American, ia having (tsk, tak) only 6.5 5 cost the state Coal3 a financial difficulties . . . And has complete sweep in their match had to skip an issue . . . May It with the Shrier Paints. The other have many more skips from now two games were taken handily, Phil Katzman heading the team with a 516. Rube Brown ran second with a 441. The Shriers were bolstered' by Weitz's 475 and Norm Brown's 4S7.

representatives in the house. The from- any application of existing sole reason tor the contest, to put laws. . , "... it bluntly, is that Mr. Roosevelt Pies has taken cognizance of

and his intimate advisors do not trust Representative Martin-,Dies. A legislative program drafted on the basis of the committee's findings and under the influence ol its- report will be only disguised anti-labor and unti-liberal legislation, new dealers charge. A continuation ot the committee, it is claimed,.will place Dies and his conservative colleagues in a position t o continue their sniping at the new deal in an effort to .aid conservatives: in their fight for party control at the 1940 democratic convention. • On his part Dies says any political aspect of his investigation has been purely incidental and constitutes proof that he has been interested only in un-American activities. He is equally diBtrustful of the federal government's drive against' subversive elements as new dealers are of his. The Texan has frequently voiced the allegation that the government has failed to co-operate with the House probe and that it leans over backward to protect Communists and other extreme left •wingers

the basis of tho attack -which, will bo -launched against any leglsla-. tive program lie will seek to have enacted by congress and in recent statements has s t r e s s e d his avowed belief that such legislation should be enacted with scrupulous regard for fundamental liberties. The whole fight will ba strictly an inside affair designed to beep the House from considering any •part of Dies' future program. If the proposal to continue the committee gets before the House, the battle will be lost for the new dealers because few congressmen will vote against it in view of the widespread popularity t i e probe grou^ has attained. . The fight over the legislative program will center in House and penate committees considering various legislative phases of it where a strong effort to substitute an administration program for that outlined by Dies will be made.

London {JTA) — Re-employment of about 8,000 refugee domestic workers wno lost tnelr3obs in' connection with the evacuation of large cities has. been rendered more difficult by a new Home Office order requiring ^emBloyers' i o obtain confirmation In wiltiBg from the; local labor exchange that Britisb-labor is unavailable before" engaging a refugee domestic worker. : . • -...-: '•. :-.•:,-. • 1. Refugee domestic workers thus lose their previous equal status wltn British labor, while pn.^ae other hand. they are allowed - to seek employment In other.tlian. domestic occupations if British labor is unavailable. Labor permits are -generally granted- only t o refugees exempted: from the special enemy aliens' restrictions by tne Allied-tribunal. - , Proof t h a t British domestic When Ravenna - decided to join workers were' unobtainable was the Republic of Venice, it demand- originally demanded only In j cases ed Jews be sent to open banks for where applications were made to poor residents. bring new refugees to, England.

"When the Eskimos and Pioneers tangle nest Tuesday, a. real howling; session should be on.tap. The latter, after new hope following their three-game win, will be out for a second straight, and the Eskimos, having gained the top spot, will be struggling to hold The Smith Motor-State C o a l inateh will find some real bowling as welJ, as both showed some nice work in the past two weeks. The other ieader. Empire Cleaners, will meet a slipping team in the Shriers, and should have .no trouble maintaining its leadership. Tha last contest is the TretiakWardrobe go to split up a fourth place tie. This group ot games will finish the first half of the league'3 season with a fair record, there being a difference of only seven games between the top and bottom in standings, and no team under a 40 per cent winning percentage.

irtOXY: A young man was standing just off the sidewalk en Sixth Avenue, New York, one fine TEAM STAVDIXGS afternoon not long- ago . . . "When W. 3L. Pet. suddenly a car parked alongside Clicquot C. Eskiin's.23 23 .59O backed u? . . . Just as the car was Empire Cleaners -.33 3 3 .590 about to strike the young man SUlte Coftl & Gaa..21 13 .533 down ia sis trac&3, a hand Smith Motors 30 19 .513 reached out, grabbed aim by the Wardrobes 18 21 .433 coat collar and jerked him to : •- Tra*ikfcs 13 21 .432 safety . . . The youth out of dan'• Shrier Paint IT S3 .430 ger, his rescuer rushed furiously iMemeer Uniform Co.18 23 .410 around to tha driver and began berating him . . . "You 1 UBACrS IUSCORBS Jew!" he roared, "that's the ' H i g h Game — P. Steinberg, trouble with you foreigners!" . . . 235; Wardrobes, SM3Or words to that effect . . When High Series — Leo Weitz, calm was restored, the young «53; Stotiaks, 2,343. man, somewhat flushed, walked a wa3's down the street • with b.i3 TOP TEX AVS51AGE3 rescuer . , . "You know," lie said, Feldm&n, 132; Wefts, 1S1; r "I'm grateful for being saved, but G. Schapiro, 173; P. Steinberg;, as an American, I despise an anti.;. 17«; P. Hatzraaa. 173; S. Semite. Anyone condemning a Cohn, 330; Zireibaefc, 135; j person because of hi3 raes is bsPlatt. 184; Marks, 101; S. neath contempt." . . . "Oh," the " Katzman, 139. rescuer remonstrated, "I'm nat an anti-Semite. It's just these .'Tuesday n i g h t brought no monsrels w.ho call themselves Startling exhibitions ot individual Jaws and have ao right to, who • jbovllng in. the J. C. C. league, spoil it for real Jews." . . . P, S. fcat. it did witness some unexpect- The young man who had been ed ''events in the manner of team saved by this non-philosaoits, to displays of handiwork. give him the benefit of a rather As a result, t h e Sskimos big doubt, was Martin Panzer, climbed into a first place tie with handsome Anglo-Jewish editor the- Empires after winning two and eontrib to tha better lit'ry from the Wardrobes, whiie the mag-s . . . Cleaners lost two to the Smith Motor gang. TMa also served to This story is beboost the Smiths from fourth to ingANECDOTE: about the late Bob Marthird place. The State Coals shalltold the late Justice Cardoso climbed a aotch also through a , . . and Bob was always a favorite two-game victory over the Shriers, with the famed jurist, who confcnrt into second place. sidered him a "ray of sunshine" Tne Tret:ak3 lost some more . . . Asked about young Marshall's ground after a complete blaak at well-known radicalism one day, the- hands of the ones lowly Pi- Cardoso replied.- "I admire his oneers, • who, although remaining courage, but he can't convert me at the bottom of the league, because I'm afraid I'm. set in my Changed the margin from three ways" . . . grumes down to just one same behind. . BOOK: Tha title of "SufferOstensibly iaapi?ed by the re- ance Is the Badge," the history turn of $, long-lost eaotain ia the of world Jewry since 1914 by person of AI Fiedlsr, th9 Pioneers Dr. Abram L. Sachar, national diturned in tha finest record of the rector of B'cai B'rita's Hillel #vening by taking three straight Foundations, 23 taken from the games from .the Tretiaka, -who famous speech by Shylock . . .'In Shakesj>eare'3 "The Merchant cf were definitely cold. . With two of the victories by Venice," in case you've forgotten over 145-pin marsias, the Pioneers aetamad to indicate their VETERAN: Speaker after unwillingness to remain ia tha cellar spot -much longer. "Tan?" .weaker %ot up in tha Hotel Astor CJohn led the t e a m with the the other night to voice tribute •league's highest series for t h e to Col. Maurice Simmoas, foundnight, a 55 5, and the team held er and first eommander-ia-cMef the series record as well with a of the Jewish War Veterans of tha 2,335.Unitad States, on the occasion of Second high was Pollack, with a t3sti3ionial reception given Ida. a 403. The team had high game by Manhattan P o s t . l , daddy post of the org-aaiaation . . . All got with 851. goodly rounds of apsla^se . . » Suets shining lights as Peidaian, But the spfiaSar who brought tha the leaigue leader, turned ia a , rafters dow_a was a Catholic vetsmall -173 to lead the TretiaSs. 1 eran of the "Civil "War, Thexnas H. followed by Sam Steinberg's 447. i Striieh, New York Stata Coss* A Jot of averages took a terrific noadsr ef t i a G.&. B. . . . isrka ia a a e r a 93 years young . . . t'dm'bla on tha latter iaara. And who ssoks w i t i t h s B2ar& In a eiasa match, t i e Clicquot and the vigor of a stripling in his Club boys, after being: hehisd coa- fifties . . . The sedate old- Aster sisteB'tty ia the first game, fia- &a,3 seMcm heard sceh applause .fshed stroag for a fjTe-pin win, aa rung cut when Steiteh sat easne back in tha second gama to down . . . H0 stole the show from •wia by 28 $iw, but took a beat- 3 dossn other orators, who Integ ia-.tba third aad last £-y 47 cluded sseh, silver tosgum ss- Ben pins. Gftorge Srfiaptaj ^2.3 Mgh ShaUeeS, Ed Burmaa, Judge By JOE SOLOftJONOW

on . . . Congrats to. whoever it was who got up Junior Hadassah's 1939 year book, "Tha "Work of Our Hands" . . . It's a superswell job . . . The head of one of the lesser tolerance groups reports lie was recently visited by Ralph Ninfp, youth who got into By PAT FRANK a jam because of-his anti-Semitic J. *T. A. Washington, agitation . . . Young Ninfo, he said, offered to give up his ChrisPress Bureau tian Front activities if the tolerance group could, get him' back "WASHINGTON. his job with the International Ladles Garment Workers' Union The Dies committee has wound . . - The tolerance leader said he up its important hearings and is showed him the door . . . (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- currently- preparing- its -report to be .submitted to the next regular graphic Agency, Inc.) session of congress. This report will ..cite' the evidence "uncovered Kaunas Ousts Reporter in the second year of the House probe of tin-American activities as Kaunas (JTA) -r- The Lithu- justification' for two moves-i—enanian authorities have expelled actment of a legislative program Moses Oraech, correspondent of designed to curtail the freedom the Jewish Daily Forward of with which subversive influences New York. Orzech was arrested work and the continuation of the on charges of having sent "false committee for an indefinite peand tendentious" cables. (In New riod with greatly increased apYork, the Forward attributed the propriations. expulsion to Soviet pressure on A vigorous behind-the-scenes Lithuania.) battle will undoubtedly be waged in the House on both issues. The fight will be waged by new deal Patronize f>ur Advertisers

. . . During the last two years of his life Brainin, having lost his WAR GAGS voice, dictated his writings by Punchline we can't nelp passing spelling out each word on an alont "The Third Keich -will stand phabet chart with a pointer . . . Jpr a tbonsand years-,*' says Hitler His favorite music was Bizet's . . . Well, if it can stand for Hit- opera, "Carmen," and the two ler it" can stand for anything . . • authors he admired most were RoThe Three Stooges are reported to main Holland and Thomas Mann De planning a picture, to be titled . . . H e p r e f e r r e d re-reading "Apes ot Wrath," -which -will take Mann's "Magic Mountain" time off Hitler, Goering and Goebbels and again to reading any of the . ' . . Germany's foremost aviation German a"uthor's contemporaries. society is still called the Lilienthal IiETERABY NOTES Gesellschaft faer LuftfahrtfoerdMajor Francis Yeats-Brown, auerung, and no less a personage thor of "European Jungle," just than General Kesselring only last published in this country, baa an summer cited' Otto Lilienthal as outlook strange for a British army one of the heroes ot aviation to- officer . . . The book glorifies Hitgether v 11 h such fiimon-pure ler's heroism during the -world "Aryans" as Baron von Richtho- war of 1914-1918, defends Bafen . . . It's an open secret that dolf'a rape of Austria and aska if Hitler -were to resign today in ] that no inore Jewg'Jte allowed to favcrr of Gpering' the British~sov- enter England , . , The ZipnistB, ernmeat -would immediately make he says, should be given Zionist peace .•wit h the Nazis, letting them passports and be barred from any keep Danzig and the Polish Cor- part in the political life of .Great ridor . . » Did you know that be- Britain . . . And it you want to fore Hitler made the swastika un- know who Major Yeats-Brown, is, popular, that- ancient good-luck we'll tell you that he's the "worldsymbol -was used on the military famous; author pf "Lives of a airplanes of Finland? . . . Don't Bengal-Lancer" . t . The.cocktail be surprised if steel bed springs party which Alfred Strelsln; tenare verboten in Naziland before dered to Sholem Asch had another long . . . German radio fans eager guest of honor, too . ^ . He was to find trays and means of listen- Amram Schienfeld, a u t h o r of ing in on ' short-wave broadcasts "You and Heredity," also a Bookfrom .America, have discovered of-the-Montih selection..:. > Marthat such springs make perfect vin Lowenthal ia now working on antennae for their receiving sets his .first novel . » . Rumor, has it . , ' , It's not permitted to portray that Ludwig Lewlsohn ia -contemHitler in a serious play in London plating a third marriage... - Listed nowadays, but it's perfectly all as dialogue director of "Swingin' right with the authorities to show the Dream," Benny .Goodman's him as a comic figure . ••• Latest jazzed-up version of Shakespeare wisecrack to come out of Italy, as plus Mendelssohn, is Philip Xoeb W. L. White in the . . ... It's only fair to state that New York Post, suggests: "Now Loeb objected -vehemently, pointthat S.ignor Hitler has allied Ger- ed out that the "Dream" lines are many with the Soviets, perhaps he the work of William of Avon . . . will give Europe peace by marry- M-G-M, which owns the screen ing and settling down to a quiet rights to the anti-Naal best-selling domestic life with some nice girl novel, "Escape," is thinking of from a good Jewish family" . . . producing it on Broadway in play In Italy, White adds, the enforce- form before screening i t . . . Masie ment pf the anti-Jewish laws in- Rosenbloom, boxer a n d ecreen troduced last year is conspicuous player, is now at work on his first by its absence . . . Blanca Holmes, book, with screenland as h i s Hollywood's favorite astrologer, theme . . i• . -. • predicts, among other things, that ECHOES Hitler is good lor another year MUSICAL was Bruno Walter; himself and a half, and that he may die noItmean shakes as a conductor, by drinking poison slipped him •who discovered Lelnsdorf, b y a g i r l . . . You'll be able to test th© MetropolitanErich Opera's n e w her accuracy next November, an- Wagnerian conductor, Salzburg other of her prophecies being that five years ago . . . A at considerate President Eoosevelt will run for a hotel guest Is pianist Moritz Kothird term and be elected . . . s e n t h a l . . . Fearing that his many YOU SHOUM> KNOW hours of daily practice might anThe Zionists are burning up be- noy his neighbors, he takes a cause of the recent radio speech dummy keyboard with him on his in which Rabbi Morris Lazaron travels . . . Designated as t h e warned American Jews to have world's best party guests by none nothing to do with the forthcom- other than Dorothy Thompson Is ing visit of Dr. Chaim Weizmann Pianists Ania Dorfmann '.J. . . . It's . . . The Baltimore rabbi s a i d true that musical renditions by that the Jews of this country can- your favorite screen stars are not afford to get mixed up with usually the work of st&ndrins, but the political ramifications of po- Paul Muni is an exception to the litical Zionism at this time-.-. . rule . . . When you see him playDid you know that there is a He- ing the violin in "We Are Not brew Braille alphabet, created for Alonei" it's no trick, but actually the use of those blind people who so . . .Muni is an accomplished can read only Yiddish or Hebrew? violinist, having studied the ' ! . . . It was the Jewish Braille Re- strument for years . . . Did you view which, formulated it and know that Drama Critic; George brought about its official adoption Jean Nathan is an excellent pia in 1936 . . - . Too bad Frederick ist?-.-; ". He is scheduled to giva Lonsdale's play "Foreigners" is a public performance , at t h e doomed to have only a brief ca- Drama Critics' Circla dinner late reer on Broadway . . . I t ' s unques- this month . . ^Soon to reach your tionably the strongest indictment ears is a new 'Bong entitled "I of anti-Semitism ever seen on the Dance Alone" and authored by a American stage . . . newcomer to Tin-Pan' Alley, ona BKAEflNIAKA Herbert Baker . .>. JEJe's the son The late Reuben. Brainin, who of Belle Baker, and a.student at •vras the dean of Hebrew litera- Yale s ,-. Belle "is 'one tsf the pubture in this country, left enough lishers of the sons, her. partner "In manuscript material to fill more the enterprise being Benny Goodthan. 5,000 printed book pages man . .;>.- .-. -.•-•: :.: :': . -.-. ' . . . . It consists of his diaries, • Frits Slandl, • w h o osea -'"w which he called "My Contempora- Hedy. Laaiarr's huahand, and who ries" . . . If they were to be pub* ia EOW in this country ou- a, eoalished now they would most prob- fidentlal. mission' coaneeted witli ably beeons the most controver- ths purcliaco cf ravr saatc-risils'ior d may ccca xrt'l document in Jev-ish literature By PHINEAS J. BIRON







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y Phora® — JA 7SS© l^lht P3i«S3—JA 7 2 0 3 BjiliWESTEfl © 0 . 2i & Jtessa® $


Jg Proofs to Chooss "From



Men, women and children Ladles' Heels, Leather or Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INVESTIGATE OUR COMPLETE SHOE REBUILDING SERVICES!

Extra ' sood fit ,snd cstra , fea«, tesres at no extra cost. -

if cSeslmsl, S©s each.



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TtfatiowaUy Advertised Bmnds o: :



• Jewelry <®n&_ Sili/erware

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-- ST.'


• •



Beef, Ports, Mutton, Hssa Chicken . . , MuetarcJ Greens, Navy Deans . „ ' . Corn Bread, Gwcet Pcia. to Pla—Peach and Lesson

07 U. 24&

m COsS

Gpea 4 P. L!*—£ A. Mm

Are Invited to Visit and Inspect the Beautiful

Jen. 1st, rieservcsS for Prlvata Skato to tlso Music af Our 'How HaiSmaai Organ High School Kitea«2Sc •with Sc!iool ItlontifuctJoia Sunday M&iiaaa - - 2Oc "Where ©soaks Skates"

E3 OT "




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ks-ss, lacfeg better- of yscr.

15. S. SEKI 2?5?!sS

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cses U= hoSdar of ffcf©a E-sffesaltsHss.'' "





Cfccrfos (Cbssck).Fcns&e, Wiscsssia-Univ., reaSdng'miler.

JoaLouis.DoJroif.v/erfdhofivyi v/eigh? cfcamploa siaco.l937.::.'

HORSE RACING FOOTBALL AlfredG.Vcndcrbi!?, Jr.,prosNile KinnicEt, Iowa U.f unaniidssif ielmont,Pimlicotracks. . mojss AH-Sfcr choice of year.



WK.-7 5.

BARRIER—Caricature shows Lieut. Colonel Philip B. Fleming, army officer temporarily banned as Wage-Hour Administrator by IS70 statute passed to prevent President Grant frpm packing Federal service wlHi friends.



I. it


INIMY IM ©sfvl?!©?—So'ma by land and some by sea is how Germany watches for.possible approach of the enemy. Here are German soldiers scanning the sea for the enemy, at-a German lookout-post-covering an unidentified portion-of the German Baltic coast. Through powerful glasses observers' wait_to pick up seaplanes or ships. .Passed by German censor.



WHITS HOKS1 CAL13—Only prasHcal change from previous years in Chrisi'mas greeting card to be sent from White House by President and Mrs. Roosavsit this season is the year. Old homestead ar too cjrrias spot of color.




AIE DRILL—Sweden views with alarm Russian invasion into Finland. Here Prince Gustaf Adolf, without mask, elde,sJ son .of Swedish Crown Prince, holds air raid drill for servants, at his residence, Haga castle, near Stockholm.

V' •


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I! AT EAaS — Helen Hayes, ^ y popular p p star-of current rent l ^Ladies ^Ld and Gentlemen." takes time off to dine Broadway play, and smoka cigarette with husband, Charles'MacArthur, author and playwright, in Sort Room of New York's Waldorf-Astoria.



> -

» j « ^

P5CK THI953221M—One of fhess is to be-chosen-queen of :-| 940Roses, Pasadena, Cal. All "are are from':Pasadena-. from:Pasadena Tournament, of Roses,' .Junior College. From left, fop: Margaret Huntiey, Dorothy Levinsoa, Maniyn Welksr; center,..Elayne Bilbo, Junette;Duebbert; bottom, Edith Hickmau and Dixia Stromeyer. ; •

ITS VALUE, 53,500,030—If any husband has difficulty in selecting Christmas present for his wife, here's a suggestion. Wilburn D. Cobb, left, owner, and Victor A. Lambert of New York are weighing famous Pearl of Allah, valued at $3',500',OOP/P^SJ—It arrived at jeweler's in an armored car.





FORGIVE OUR PSDTS — Republican National Chairman John Hamilton, Executive Committeeman John W. Martin and General Counsel Henry P. Fletiher meet in Washington to discuss wiping out Republican debt of $700,0001 from 1936 campaign.

*v- 'rs.~--i • \

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w& , . TOM2 il-illT -Da.imark, iska alt Scaadr.iav'as •.'S3 W,.'B a Ma ^ , . . . . . i. ^ ? ? f " f , Russian invasion jf . maanwh.Ia prapanng far aay svenfaaaf-y, hard are Dar.Ii.i scfdi^rs finding cover near 3 n dasl^Rf-Sravo markssj by Iiugo fsmfcsfena8 dwrsng rsceai army.raaaeavsrs^ il

SH£?":::O S^LY-ySp^rc 5*£.' Ls-^r'fe Molchior and charming • wifsXJFrc'tsnarrJvs-at;;-'rv Ye-JpssteSce laden with Christ-' m a s ' s;fts.-They're .cistsl.pba,."Do Your Mailing Early." _ ' " . » . . , "

FOaBMAf.l'BASISfESSS—Lika many.colleges these';days;-Fordhdm University turns from ball to basketbaiL• Hero are five Fordham sophomores that ero netters. Fro^i Icftz-.John'Carr'oll^FrankJxIimaszewskl, Bob Sherry,;Clinton-puanfrill and Dick ~"'



Peg© 8



Junior Hadassah ,The nest meeting of the Junior Hadassah will be held Monday, December 18. This -will be the last regular meeting before the dance on December 27. At the last meeting held Monay evening, Herbert Baum spoke n the situation in Germany. The Regional conference will be held in St. Louis on December 4 an-d 25. Shirley Barish and Rebecca Kirshenbaum are delegates. Other members planning to go are Betty Tarnoff, Gertrude Orach, and Alice Susman.

By INEZ lu RAZXICK "Medical work is of greater The Omaha chapter ot Junior importance -this year than ever Hadassah will hold its winter before," said Mrs. M. M. Barisa dance oa Wednesday evening, Deia Bpeatias of the H. M. O. accember 57, in the tallroom'of the tivities. "Since the quota has PXBGJSON-JACOSOW Paxton. hotel. Music for this, the been increased there has been a Helen Joan. Smith, daugitAt a quiet ceermony held last greater flow of refugees into Palorganization's first party of the t«r of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sunday evening, December 10, at estine, consequently, more funds winter, will be furnished by Gary Smith, became the bride, of Mr. the Blackstone hotel, Miss Berniee must be raised to meet the Inand his orchestra. X*.' Olander of Los Angeles, sou Jaeobow, daughter cf Mr. and creasing demand." Hadassan gives During the intermission guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Olaaiier of Mrs. Sam Jacobow, became t h e Americas women diverse ways of will be entertained hy the Chez The bride of Mr. Rudolph Pidgeon of meeting this increased demand that elty, on December Paree floor show. marriage eeremony wa3 performed Des Moines, soa of Mr. and Mrs. and urges them to fulfill the deTicket chairman ia Betty Rose. By Kabbt David A. Goldstein at Sam Pidgeoa of that city. sire of Hadassah in the "healing Members of her committee are the Hotel Paxtoa in tie presence Only members of the immediate of their people." Helen Greenbers, Charlotte Nogs. of the immediate families. family were present. Lois Barish. Ruth Friedman, Alice Drawing tickets are beginning Tbo bride'3 only attendant waa The couple were attended by to be sold with an eye to filling Esther Singer, Shreda Over 300 tromen attended the Susman, Rath Cooper. Joel Lerner waa the groom'3 brothers-in-law and the deflating coffers of H. M. O. Osoff, Mary Kaplan, and Rebecca annual card party sponsored by beat nan. sisters, Mr. and Mrs. A. Raehman First prize is $100 and second the Deborah society Tuesday aft- Kirshenbaum. Following the ceremony a din- and Mr. aa<3 Mrs. Hoffman. prize is $50. Those wishing to Admission to the dance is $1 ernoon. This was one of the most ner was served for "the family. Mr. and Sirs. Pidgeoa will re- raise their money for tie- donor per couple and tickets may bo obsuccessful events in many years. The couple left for California side in Des Moines. luncheon in this way can do so Mrs. H. Noddle was chairman ol tained from any member ot Junior on their wedding trip, visiting in <.« Before her marriage the bride by selling a book of tickets. Call Hadassah. the affair. U Mi Mexico andd at tb.o Grand was extensively entertained by Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, HA 3771, for Proceeds of this affair will be In keeping with a policy of sevMrs. Rudolph Pidgeoa Canyon en route. They will re- many friends. further information about these y used to further national Junior eral years, the Deborah society id In I L tickets.' lid* Los Angeles. Mrs. Rudolph Pidgeon -was Miss will entertain the History and Re- Hadassah w o r k in Palestine. WEES-ENB VISITORS Beraice Jacobow, daughter of Mr. ligion department of the City Tal- Among these projects are the Heir Those wishing to raise medical TO BE HONOHEI> O> Mrs. Sam Bell and daughters, Shfeyaa children's village, t h e money by helping in the and Mrs. Sam Jacobow, before her mud Torah at a Chanukah party Nurse's AHNIVKRSARY Rath and Edna, of Kansas City fund Training school of the sale to be held in Jan- marriage to Mr. Pidgeon, eon of Sunday morning. A program will RothschildMr. and Mrs. Joseph Hay kin spent the week-end as guests of rummage University uary can get in touch with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pidgeon of Des be presented by the children of hospital, andHadassah will be honored on their farty- Mr. and Mrs. J. White and Mr. Reuben the Pardes Onna. Moines. The wedding took place the department. Each child will Bordy, WA 565S, or Mrs. fiftli wedding anniversary at a re- and Mrs. I. Freedman and son, H. Belmont. Be sure to save old Sunday evening at the Blackstoae be given "Chanukah Gelt" by the ception to be held this Sunday, Marvin Stuart. organization. clothing and miscellaneous ar- hotel. December 17, from 3 to 6, at the ticles and let the committee know home of their son-in-law and TO VISIT HERB your rummage bundles can Miss Esther Faier of Washing- when daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel The. next meeting of the Tau be picked up. H. Stern, 342 N. 35th Ave. No in. ton, D. C, plans to visit in OmaDelta sorority - will he held on Cultural Activities Lincoln (Special) — A g a i n ha with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. vitations are being issued. Recent high school graduates Sunday, December 17, at 5 p. m., At the home of Mrs. Stanley Sigma Delta Tau has scored in constitute the membership of the at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. Haykin, residents Sam Faier, from December 23 Brown, 430S Walnut street, Mr. scholarship. At the annual Pan- Kayos clul?. Mis3 Lena ZollotThe Tau Delta, for girls in high of Omaha for over thirty years, through the first week of January. Leonard Nathan will continue his Tea, Theta chapter at the uchea, program chairman, an- school, has an active membership are the parents of four children: series of lectures on "Jewish Af- hellenic Nebraska w a s nounces plans are being made for of some 20 girls. The first projDairfd J. of Washington, D. C; fairs in tha World Today" nest Universitythe of cup for second place an •unusual event in the near fu- ect of this club was participation Mr*. Lester J. Goldman of Sioux Friday, December 22, at 1:45 p. awarded among sororities on the campus. ture. in Stage Nite under the auspices City, Harry J. and Mrs. Stern of Sam Beber chapter will hold its m. Last week Mr.. Nathan com- Sigma Delta Tau has had a cup Following a s h o r t business of the Round Table of Jewish Omaha. Tbey also have six nest meeting Sunday, December petently analyzed the History of every year since its founding on meeting scheduled for Sunday, Youth with which this sorority is grandchildren. 17, at 2 o'clock. At that time an'1 Anti-Semitism to an appreciative the campus. December 17. at 2 p. m., the affiliated. election to determine the officers audience in the home of Mrs. Last week, Sarah. B. Millar, Russel Blamenthal. Those who Wall Lake, Ia., was one of the Rayos club will adjourn to the HOME FBQM SCHOOL for the nest term will be held. Hiss Lee White, who is now atA. Z. A. 100 participated ia the would like to attend these lec- 14 students elected to Phi Beta Center tea dance. tending the University of Illinois annaal Stage Night presented by tures should call the chairman, Kappa. At the fall election only at Champaign, will arrive tomor- the Round Table. The skit, a Mrs. -Lazar Kaplan, WA 1937, or students wto have fulfilled Arts The Gamma Tau, a club for rerow mornins to spend tha holiday satire on the feelin of tbe "Old the co-chairman, Mrs. Gerald and Science requirements f o r cent high school graduates, meets season with her parents, Mr. and South" toward the North, wa3 to Gross, WA 3282. graduation aad who have an averTwo hundred bids have been every other Wednesday night at The next meeting of the book age above 90 were chosen. MonMrs. J. White. be enacted by Milton Guss, Morris for the IT. T. sorority an- the Jewish Community Center. Riehlin, Malcolm Trachtenberg, review group will be held this day night a formal dinner in hon- issued At the meeting to be held on winter formal. The dance TEMPLE YOU>"G Leo Alperaon, and Harold Spstela. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. or of Miss Miller was held at the nual will be held on December 24, at Wednesday, December 20, the pro? GROUP The evening waa made memorable Sam Wolf, 1701 South Sixty-first chapter house. Place cards "were the Music Box from 9:30 until gram will feature novelty numbers with Mrs. Irving Hober- cut ia the form of the Phi Beta 12:80, The Young People's Group of by the presence of Ben Barkia, the !ravenue, aan as and all invitations must by Miss Pauline Ritkin. assistant executive secretary of Inco-hostess. Mrs. Joe LagTemple Israel will meet on Thurs. Kappa key. The committee in be presented The club is an affiliate of the at the door. man will review "A Peculiar day, ttecember 21, at tha tome of ternatioaal A. Z, A., who is tourcharge consisted of P a u l i n e Round Table of Jewish Youth. Earl Hill's orchestra will play. Treasure," by Edna Ferbert, with Rabbi Wice. ! iag tae country visiting various Schwartz, Omaha, chairman; SelMrs. William Lipsman giving ma Zveitel, Grand Island, and On the bid committee are Joyce I chapters. Greenberg, Reva Bordy. Sally something about the author. Mrs. Sylvia Katzman, Omaha. 1 As a part of the program at tha MOJUS FROM CHINA Gross, Delores Sklar, B e 11 e Schriebman will direct'the curHelene Albert, Omaha, has been Fred Blau, who has been sta- last meeting, Mr. Herbert Baum rent events. Mrs. David B. Coha chosen to represent the sorority Brockman, Esther Fox, Phyliss tioned with the TJ. S. aavy ia told of experiences ia a Nasi con- is chairman. Milder, Betty Bordy, S h i r l e y as candidate for the title of "beau- Davis and Temette "Wright. China, has been visiting Ma par- centration c a m p . The consensus of opinion of the Alephs present ty queen." The "queen" is anents,' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hornnounced in tha university annual, stein. He plans to leave here on was that the talk was one of the "The Cornhusker," which is pubDecember 2 5 for San Francisco. moat interesting ever given before a. chapter gathering. ia the spring. (Special) :— Sponsored lished Aleph Abe Resniek h a s an- byLincoln Mrs. W i l l i a m Seeliafreund, FROM KANSAS CITY The Omaha section of the Nathe Alpha Theta alumni, a Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bell of nounced the speakers at the Sab- barn dance wa3 held over Thanks- patroness of the sorority, enter- tional Council of Jewish Juniors bath services to be held December Kansas City are visiting their pargiving vacation for all members tained the chapter at a buffet is sponsoring Bible classes for Its ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. White. Mrs. 29. Joe Guss will give the intro- of Zeta Beta Tau. A complete supper at her home. Last Tues- members every Tuesday. These Bell is the former Dorothy Jeaa ductory address, Abe Resnick will turnout insured the success of tha day night a Chanukah party was classes are proving popular with speak oa "WWlher American Ju- occasion which featured an eight- held at which the girls exchanged members. White. daism," Frank Pirsch will relate piece orchestra from the Music gifts. Miriam Rubnits, Shirley are now being made for "Wisdom from tha Bible," and Eox and food and drink for all. Epstein, both of Omaha; Marjorie thePlans VISITING IN CHICAGO breakfast to be given in JanMilton Gass will speak oa the North Platte, and Rhoda uary. A committee is in airing Mrs. Haskall Cohan ia visiting "Bill James Lipsey was notified last Lipp, of Rights." Krasae, Council Bluffs, vere la in. Chicago with friends and relaof his appointment to Theta charge. A basket of food . and plans for this affair. The Century basketball team is weekaa The Junior Council is anxious honorary pre-medieal or- toys were sent to a needy lamflytives. ta. begin tha regular season nest Na, to have more girls join in plans ganisation, which elects as its for Sunday at the J. C. C. gym. ProsChanukah. and activities. Persons interested members--those ' students whose .VISITING PARENTS for a successful season are scholastic Hill, Lincoln, Is In charge are invited to the next meeting. attainments have made of Selma Mrs. Milton Sinn of Kewanee, pects better than they have been for a general arrangements for the III., is visiting at tha home of great many years. Aleph. Ben Kut- them worthy of this honor. With Elans complete to move annual Mortar Board party. her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Ben- ler has reached the finals of the into the new house oa or around jamin Green. Class B handball tournament and this week-end, a brief descriptioa is expected to win tha championThe pioneer Women's organizaof the premises would not be out HOME FROM HOSPITAL ship. tion announces that preparations of order. Built of stoae blocks Mr. Henry Epstein, who spent The Alpha Gamma Chi sororithis three-story building demon- ty of the University of Omaha are now being made for the anthe last three weeks at the Luthnual bazaar to be held at the Jewstrates the latest ia architectural eran hospital, is now at home. He played aa important part in ish Community Center on March development.. Huge leaded win- has ia receiving visitors. many of the school activities. Last week it was incorrectly Through, the medium of talks, dows set ia each corner of the Pauline Rosenbaum, president The drawing for the electric stated in the Jewish Pres3 that meetings and practical laboratory house together with a partition of of the sorority, has received the stove will he held at the regular it waB Mrs. Epstein who had work in the Center's photography glass brick tend to give the im- distinction of being elected to the meeting on Tuesday, January 2, been ill. room, the Photography club is de- pression of a modernistic struc- national "Who's Who Among Col- at the Jewish Community Cenveloping much interest in the art ture. The interior is done in peach lege Students," and •was also a ter. All members holding stubs with eggplant trim and the dining ANNOUNCE BIRTH of modern picture-taking. caadidate for Homecoming Princ- are requested to be present at This club meets every Monday room, gaming room, and chapter ess. Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Resnick this meeting. room are done ia knotty pine. announce the birth of a daughter, at 7:30 p. m. at the Jewi3h ComEtta Soiref has been pledged by Eleanor Joan, on Monday, Decem- munity Center.# Under the leadthe 16th century the Jews the Feathers organization, the of Until ber 4, at St. Catherine's hospital. ership of Mr.' Royce Kent, the Egypt dated all documents acuniversity pep club, and will ba Mrs. Resnick is the former Zella members of thi3 hobby clab have honored at an all school convoca- cording to the Seleucidan era. been constructing their own pinCherniss. A drawing for aa electric cofhole cameras, developing their fee set, which was donated by tion for her high scholastic own print3, and in general find- Mrs. S. Riekes, and for an electric staading. 8. A. f.L MOTHER'S CLUB Beauty's Sake. Also a new member of Feathers The Sigma 41pha Ma Mother's | incaT S °e urat what happens when tha casserole, which has been given is Vicki Lerner, who has been Club will meet at a 1 o'clock | ?, , _S Uei !' the Nebraska Power Co'., will AH wbo are interested in thi3 by luncheon on Tuesday, December be neld by the Ladies' Free Loan made Round Table Representafascinating pastime are invited to 1 TO 4 P0UMDS tive, Historian and alternate to 19, at the Regis hotel. the Center Photography club. society at the March meeting. the Inter-Sorority Council. Mrs. A. Tannenbanm and Mrs: join Mrs. William Byron i3 chairmaa For further information call the One hundred fifty bids were isJulius Chait will be hostesses. of the drawing. Her committee Jewish Community Ceatar. includes: Mesdames S. Fish, A. sued for the annual pledge dance, - Salon : JO6IAN 'MEMORIAL Wolf, G. Berg, J. Milder. S. Mia "The Toddle," which was held at Sunday at 3:15 ia tha concert kin, Joe Ban, L. Firestone. J. the University of Omaha auditoriIndividual Mafr Styles hall qf the Joslyn Memorial a Spiegal, H. Resaiek, William Kuk- um Saturday evening, December PHONE . The next meeting cf tbe Wom2. Heading the committee was Christmas song festival will be lia, S. Schneider, and N. Levinson. given by the choirs and children's en's Miarachi will be held oa Tickets may be obtained by call- Etta Soiref,' assisted by Pledges choruses of the Missouri Synod Wednesday, December 20. Thi3 is ing Mrs. Byron, JA 4124. Al Fredell Stillman and Delores earner 31st Ave Sk Lutheran churches of Omaha. A the first business meeting of the members are urged to co-operate Lustgarten. sound film, 'Passion Play," will season aad a number of import- to. make the drawing a success. Many other plans are being forbe given at 2:30 ia the lecture ant reports on the work of the A board meeting will be held mulated for future activities and hall. A 3:30 lecture will be givsn organization will ba discussed. Monday, December 18, at 2 p. m., social functions in which the Alby Dr. Francis L. Bouquet. At Members have been urged to at- at the Mogil home, 2012 North pha Gamma Chi sorority will par4 o'clock a Christmas program tend. Tweaty-second street. ticipate. will be given by tha Folk Arts Tha local chapter is co-operatsociety of the Social Settlement. ing with the national organization A Young Artists program will be in providing fund3 for the emersponsored by tha Omaha Music gency conditions that have arisen Teachers association at 4:30 in ia Palestine due to the war situathe lecture hall. tion. Adam S. Bennion will speak at Benefit b r i d g e s are beina; 8 o'clock at the Town Hall Forum J planned to raise funds for the j on **Tha Romancfl of Business." Women'3 MizracM projects. oroi^eta. Womea'3 Mizrachi

Deborah Society

Tau Delta

Sigma Delta Tau

U. $. i l l l l HITS LOWEST POINT

Junior Hadassah Dance to Be Held Dec. 21 at "Paxton

Kayos Club

A. Z. A. 100

New York (JTA) — The present decade has seen the lowest rate of immigration since 1831 to 1840, according to statistics presented In a special issue of the magazine Social Work T o d a y , which refutes a 11 o g ations that European unrest has spurred a flood of immigrants to this country. A total of 457,075 immigrants entered the United States from 1931 to 1939. the magazine reports from Labor Department statistics, as compared to 600,000 in the fourth decade ot the nineteenth century. The issue, prepared under the editorship of a leading Protestant, Catholic and Jew, urges maintenance of the traditional American hospitality to the immigrant, "a tradition upon which her (America's) greatness was built." The editors are Dr. John P. Boland, chairman of the State Labor Relations Board; Dr. B d u a r d C. L i n d e m a n , of the New York School of Social Work, and Harry L. Lurie, director ot the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. The New York Times declared editorially that "anti-alien campaigns of whatever nature are a sickening traversty of Americanism." It added: "We can contribute nothing of more value to a sick" world than proof that men and women of different racial ori-

gins can get along together peaceably and democratically." The ed-£ itorial was in connection with thejj appointment of President Emeri-^ tus William Allan Ifeilson as cochairman of a committee of 100 sponsors for the fourth annual conference of the American Com-». mlttee for Protection ot Foreign Born in Washington next March 2. YOUR INSURANCE BROKER '



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Fletsn Tnttn s i SALT'S pjjonofor

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cnUd Portrait BpedaBst

13815 Farnam


^ E 1C3S|

Gamma Tau

U. T. Sorority

Zeta Beta Tau

Junior Council

Doesn't any more descHHe event than Hi® word you an i

Alpha Gamma Chi

Pioneer Women



Photography Club

Savings to aa Much ao

Ladies Free Loan

Women's Mizrachi


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Few fifts wculd { i n a zaaa greater pleasure tLaa a pieeo ol railly £39 lofg&ge. Tha Harissaaa Boadstreeicr LoHi . two salts -wrinkle-freo en kaBSJ&re, plus a gsceretzs arsnfal of other apparel aa j tcsessories. Tha Harfmsoa ^siH asssre hisz of ystsr

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in a gorgeous array of patterns


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Quick actioa oa your part md^ns that you'll get the BEST values ia theso U?Q upeat Value groups. Nelly Doa wools aad rayen crepsa la such variety it would be difficult NOT to find the dr©as you want! , Buy for yourself . • • and for Chisteas uifts! ' ,

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THE JEWISH PEES8—FBIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1939 forth and said: "He shall enter



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A World of Appeals


Editor Editor Sditot EMHcr

Society IMHOI Sious City

to all of Britain's peace desiands esaept the actual overthrow and rest in peace." •; Community Calendar Rabbi Popa said: "A man of the Hitler government. If suah be the case, England will should never be a judge, to decide : . • . • Sunday,. December 17 * . ' " . ' ; ' ' : . . . ; undoubtedly grant such terms, feeeausa the British government a case for his intimata -Jrlends, nor to an enemy. He should not City Talmud Torah, Program—9 a. m., J . C. C. objects to Hitler only on the grounds he has disturbed its own 3y .Rabbi .Ticedera Lewis be judge to an intimate friend beTea Dance—3 to 5 p . m., J . C. C. peace of raiad. cause he will never find any cause THB MAGAZINE WORLD . Eayos Club—3 p . m., J . C. C. against him, and he should not be Tha United States has become But should Hitler make peace on such terms it will take Tau Belta Sorority—3 p . m . , J . C . C . judge to an enemy because he will as center of •world Jewry, and some fancy explaining to make the Germans understand why .herefore, of Judaism. .The Euronot be able to eee his defense New York Operetta Company—5 p. m., J. O C. clearly." Csecho-Slovalda and Poland have been re-created as independ- eaa schools and academies where Monday, December 18 • Abaye said: "The reason why he Torah was taught for cenent nations. some scholars are beloved by :urles and Jewish learning cultiWomen's Division, Luncheon—1 p. m., J. C. C. their townspeople ia not because vated are now closed, and the * # • , University of Nebraska Football Movie—7:30 p. m.> J. C. C. they consider them superior to who made these acadOutside of a fear of Russia, the warring nations must also scholars themselves but because they do Workmen's Loan—8 p. m., J. C. C. iinies famous are dispersed to the not rebuke them for not performconsider their own internal financial situation. None of these !our corners of the earth. B'nai B'rith—8:30 p. in,,. J. 0. C. ing Heavenly duties." Even Polish Jewry which has countries had recovered from the effects of the first war before een Rabbi Chiya was tutor to the during the last decade the Wednesday, December 20 they had embarked on another. All o£ them were feeling the rinciple refuge for the Torah is children of Resh Lokesh, and once Women Mizrachi—2 p. m., J. C. C. he absented himself from his strain of the economic situation which had been aggravated by rapidly disintegrating; those who Gamma Tau Sorority—8 p. m.,'J. C.C. duties for/three days. On his rewent to Russia being spiritually continual international crises and eshorbitant rearmament pro- doomed, and the greater number turn he was questioned as to the International Workmen's; Order—8 p. m., j . C. C. reasons for his being absent, and under the Nazi rule destined to To list events, and to avoid conflicts, please call the grams. he replied: "My father left me a utter and • ruthless annihilation. Jewish Community Center-—Jackson 1366. The longer the war continues, the riper will be the plum The enormous European Jewish grapevine, and in the three days I gathered nine hundred clusters for Eussia to pick, for internal chaos will follow a long, drawn- tragedy places upon the American ews a burden and an inescapable many a passage in Koheleth and Marsel-GriUi write3 bn "The Role of grapes, and I have yet left out conflict. The nations need p e a c e now and need it moral obligation, to save, a n d Job. A recently discovered book of the Jews In Modern Italy" more than half of the grapes free transmit, the Torah. Unless Amer- in the archives of Rome, dating which though sad should prove for anyone to gather them." more than Hitler. Instructive to our "universalist Thereupon Resh Lokesh remark-

\\\: have come to live in a world of appeals. Every v?liere about us are the voices of the helpless begging for aid. Not a •Uay goes by but that pathetic letters, from authoritative organisations, send requests for funds Tor the snhappy of son.e faraway place. ;can Jews make it possible for from the 16th century, enables Dr. scholars and for the schools to Attillo Milano to provide an inti- Jews; Isadore S. Meyer in "A ed to him: "Hadst thou not been As Jews we are quite accustomed to these requests. Bat the unction and flourish on Ameri- mate view of a family of Jewish Fount of American Democracy" so negligent losing time in the "demands upon us have gone beyond any expectancy. The de-The Lesson of the Years ;an soil, the Torah -may be for-bankers, their success and fail- tells of the first national Thanks* instruction of my children It ures, the range of their business giving day sermon preached by would have yielded even more." ;otten. vastation of Uurope after the first world war, and the subseBy EAB3I FBEDSBIOX COHN Rev. Gershom Seixas at the Synaactivities, their methods, etc. This peculiar fate of the Torah, quent years of readjustment put a heavy tax on Jewish eom. gogue In New York and traces the iae of exile and migration, and a Under "Critical Notices" Prof. The "vision" of the Prophets was not fore-sight but forth- fate identical with that of Israel, Joseph Reider gives us a compre- Influence of Hebrew law and cul!niunities. Then came 1933 and with it the complete distiategraand tradition upon the early speaking. They were the inspired champions of righteousness. is one of the permanent and in-hensive summary of recent publi- ture ;tum oi eomununues. Now with the devastation of Fathers. effably tragic characteristics of cations in tbe field of Biblical lit.eastern Europe, the largest J wish population in Europe has They "predicted" not individual events, least o£ all in the far-Jewish life. The destruction of erature. The EngliBh volumes be The United States ha3 become jbcen completely uprooted. off future, but uttered the dicta of an eternal righteousness. Jewries has always been accom- reviews include "Hebrew Origins," a haven of refuge not only for by the destruction of Jew- by T. J. Meek; Robertson's "On Jews, but for the Torah. And this New York ( J T A ) — At a The need is enormous. Xot only is it necessary to do what They spoke for justice and for God: in their own times and for panied ish schools and academies. ThO3e tha Track of the Exodus;" a com- fact Increases our obligation Im- luncheon meeting attended by wo can to keep those who are homeless alive, but preparations their own tinxes, in relation to imniediately-^occuring events. at Sura, Nehardea, and Pumbe- mentary of the book of Ezekiel by measurably to support and main- members of the American ORT in Babylon during second, Q. A. Cooke published in two vol- tain adequate the cause of Jewish Federation board, Senator Jamos |inust be made for the future. Institutions of religious educa- They were the statesmen, the moral statesmen, of their day; ditha third, fourth, and fifth centuries umes by Scribner'B in the famous learning In America. M. Mead was presented as new i Uou have in many eases been transferred to Lithuania. they addressed themselves to the problems of their day, with eased to exist when Babylonian International Commentary series: chairman of ORT United States Buttenwieser's "The Psalms" and Congressional Committee.' In accan we avert our eyes from the tragedies of other pco- which the future was, of course, bound up—for the seeds of ewry was destroyed. In similar fashion are the great Driver's "Problems of the Hebrew cepting the appointment Senator Gems o£ the Bible ples. Tlu- Jewish fijiijinunitjes of Europe are the victims s o t the future are ia the deeds of the present. Therefore they were European academies being uproot- Verbal System." Dr. Julius H. Mead, who has been active in oronly oi" au'.i-Senii'iihiu, but, with other peoples share the fate cf so concerned with the immediate present, to bring about an ed today, and yielding their places Greenstone reviews at length "The ganization work for ORT In tbe and Talmud American schools, which are to- Linda R. Miller Memorial VoW past, explained that he himself those who are not in a position to match force with force. We ideal future. They foresaw the time "when Justice would flow to By Dr. PMIip Sher day charged with the task of pre-umes," but In my opinion fails to had suggested bis name as a memcannot pretend only our own exist—that, millions of Chinese like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream"—therefore serving and enhancing the Torah. pay sufficient tribute to Dr. Eneber of the committee. The preservation of Jewish cul- low who contributed so decisively He said: "If we find an opporBIBLE are not dyln^; we cannot close our cars to the appeals of a j they were so insistent that justice should be dose in the imme- ture and religious life, is every bit towards the development of this tunity to serve an association that feminine Maecenas. Be of good courage, and let us Is in harmony with the policies gallant Finland. diate present, on the part of all and for the sake of all. They as important as the salvation of Jews. Tha latter duty must not prove strong for our people, and advocated by the President and Those interested in J e w i s h America. We have our trials rebuked kings for injustice, as Elijah, rebuked Ahab in the become V\ e a;1'.: lortmiate her; so engrossing as to cause scholarship will delight with this for the cities of our God, and the Senator Wagner it is not a burden aiid tribulations, it is true, u n J our occasional unhappincss. matter cf Naboth's vineyard. Oh for aa Elijah today to de-us to forget the former. October number of the Jewish Lord will do that which seems to to do so. It adds to tbe Bum total New Monthly H i m g o o d . ' • • - . of the more general contribution Quarterly. But we still have our homes, we still retain some measure of nounce the robbers and aggressors of today who rob peoples David said: Now the child Is we are able to make for the entire The launching of BItzaron, a The autumn issue of the Mensecurity. We do not live in dally fear of airplanes that will of their countries, whole nations of their land and independence new Hebrew monthly under the rah Journal has just appeared, dead, wherefore should I fast? American nation. I am e n t i r e l y drop bombs i:pon everything that belongs to us. Our families and freedom! Oh for a modern prophet to confront and blast uidance, and editorial direction, and the reader will find much that Can I bring him back again? I privileged to participate in the aff Dr. .Chaim Tchernwitz, or as will interest and delight him. shall go to him, but he will not fairs of ORT and to Interpret It to ai'o not soya:'atod. Our e^ies have not become cities without a R u s s i a , a Germany, an Italy, and a Japan! Had we more of my colleagues In the United States he is known, Rav Tzair, is there- Marie Syrkin's description of Ali- return to me. The God who is my work - - in Congress." children. V.\- still l.'.-ai- laughter hi the streets. W e still hear the moral spirit of the prophets of old in this 'advanced, 'pro- fore a welcomed event in the Jew- ah Beth, a term applied to "illeI take refuge. My shield and ish academic world and one which Palestine immigration is one Himsalvation, childish voices. my high tower, and gressive' day we should not be suffering from its frightful should receive most generous fi- gal" of the most fascinating stories I my - V»'1K.II V. C are i'o: money to assist, thia is small sacri- evils that are plunging a whole world into war. The prophets nancial support. In these dark have ever read. Just why themy refuge. Install— In my distress I called upon the iieo : indeed, v. hc:i v.e consider the demands upou other peoples. "visioned" peace, but they told us the way to peace, the only days a new Hebrew monthly, and mandatory power should persist Lord, and out of His tempte He O Finest particularly of the high caliber of in placing so many obstacles in Wa are asked only for money. • Yv'e arc not asked to. give up way, without whicli peaee h impossible—and will forever re- Bitzaron should bring faith and the path of these harried Jews heard my voice, and my cry* did qp enter into His ear. oiU' families and our homes—nor our lives. Not one country main impossible—righteousness! without which all efforts are cotirage and hope to all. The aim who seek refuge in Palestine reGiving You Natural Tone of the editor, and his hopes, are mains a mystery and a crime. ReQuality and Coverages outside this lxni!sphcre is free of fear. Hundreds of millions vain, wars, even victorious wars, leading to new wars: an high. Bitsaron will provide a ve- striction or not, the Jewa circutnAt the moment when Robbi wa3 Special System for Stage for the Jewish scholars of ent the rules a n d reach the dying he lifted up his ten fingers of hv.:nai» be -little nc:i who seek only peace and security eternal vicious circle; whereas "the work of righteousness would hicle the world to publish their literary, borders of the Holy Land in fairly and said: "Sovereign of the Uni- Shows and Taverns. Permanent installations — live in cj:i-ti.:iit apprehension, spend their every minute in be peace, and the effect of righteousness—quietness and secur- cultural and religious creations lacge numbers. Mr. Joseph L. verse, It ia known and revealed to .'or .Rentals . and thereby bring enrichment, inThee that with my ten fingers I ,. contributes a fine statethft very shadow oil death. ity forever!" struction, and inspiration to world Cohen have labored unceasingly In the 'Our Business Is SOUND' ment from London on "The Zion" It. is only II)M!!CY we are asked to give. Surely in this world The prophets spoke o£ "the latter days." "We have a sect Israel. The language medium,. He- ist Congress and War Policy." Torah and did not enjoy the weirdbrew, t h e language of Israel, profit In so much as my little th;tt isn't very niucl:. that call3 itself the Latter Day Saints (to be distinguished froai unites all Jewries, irrespective of Henry Llepmann writes an his-ly finger. May it therefore pleaoo torical tale on "David of Luenethe Mormons which Vardia Fisher i a his great novel, "The country, climate, and civilisation, burg," one of the most moving Thee that I shall rest In peace." and particularly Jewish scholars. eople The Children of God," does not do, and therefore has aroused tbe The first issue of Bitzaron is a and tragic stories I ever read. Whereupon a Heavenly voice t?ent P ? • In that a:Ta of Germany called the "Old Keich '—the pre- wrath and the protests of tha "true followers oi Joseph Smith") magnificent achievement. It ofHiiler Germany—there were a half million Jews in 1933. They but the "saints" in these latter day3, are few and far-between. fers stimulating reading matter for every taste, and reading mat1SS3SKB SE3ESSS3S3E3 v/ere oi' all ago groups and lived comparatively normal lives. We abound, not in "saints" but in sinners,- on a huge, colossal, ter that possesses the quality of permanent value. The style is -•• Today, alter seven years of persecution and degradation, national, scale: therefore the world's woes! therefore the horfluid and simple, avoiding those Open Saturday Nigftt Until 8:30 there remain in that particular region but 185,000 Jews, of rible wars! complicated combinations of Hebrew and Latin, or Hebrew and wlvom 77,000 are men and 10S,000 are women. A large proporNineteen Hundred and Thirty-Nine is about to end. "What terms that mystify tion of this number are very old. The young people were the has been the "harvest" cf this year? It has been a sad year, Anglo-Saxon, the reader and interfere with bis first to leave, in the hope they could begin new lives in far full of bitterness and sorrow, of infinite tragedy, of endless pleasure. Whenever the material She'll Wear is highly scientific and the new of the globe. Young children have been removed. despair. "What has been the "Harvest" of all1 the years? "We Hebrew terminology is strange, as and Cherish The birth-rate is sauaM, for the couples, who would call it "civilisation." Is it a civilization we may be proud off in the case of Dr. Touroff's illuminating a r t i c l e on psychic under normal conditions have accounted Tor the population in- Should we not rather hang our heads in shame f That man Phenomena, the English equivacrease, have migrated. Those that do remain are not seeking after these centuries of "civilization" including religion, in some lent is given in parenthesis. to.propagate in this atmojphere of misery. The death ra*:e is form or'other all over the world, has only succeeded in pro- Dr. Solomon Goldman contributes an interesting article on his from Tbe Nebraska large, for there are many suicides. Inadequate medical atten- ducing a "harvest" of barbarism, of suffering and grief. Man recent visit to Palestine and his tion is responsible for its toll. Moreover the German Jews no is "the heir of all the ages." But what has he inherited f "What impression of the World Zionist Congress. His comments, upon the longer have a will to live. 13 his "heredity t" He has "sown the wind and reaped the whirl- disastrous divisiveness of PalesHad the i'oruier rate of emigration continued, it would have wind!" He has "sown in tears" but not yet "reaped in joy.' tine Jewry, and the internal bickerings between political parties, been a matter or two or three years until the entire Jewish The only "sheaves" he has brought with him are spears of are exceedingly significant and j.opulaiu';) would have left. However the emigration was cruelty, injustice, persecution and hate, loads of evil of every timely. . This proneness to facparty strife is one of the slowed down as other areas of persecution were added. With sort. The optimistic Browning has called man 'the heir of hopes tional, infest fatal weaknesses of our peothe war, emigration from the Reich has come to a virtual stand- too fair to turn out false." We sincerely hope so; that the ple In every land, and one of the causes of Jewish helplessstill, although some are still able to leave via Italy or Holland. hopes of earth's noblest and best, the world's true prophets of basic ness. lixxt ii:e a m i of refuge lias diminished. every race and clime by their very "hopes" will inspire their Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan, of New .Even at the slow rate of emigration, within a short tune fellows sunk in misery and crime, to do the hopeful deeds, the York, writes a challenging interpretation of the ideals of democGermany will be rid of her Jews. Hitler will be able to point dseds that have ia them the seeds of a better, a nobler humanity. racy, one which deserves careful with prul^ to one accomplishment. These "hopes" must hot "turn out false," or humanity is lost, aad wide reading. Dr. Joseph Reider of Philadeland inhumanity, brutishsess and slaughter will again turn the phia contributes a comprehensive A' IN world into a jungle, and the civilisation that we have will re- analysis of American J e w i s h He emphasizes that (.ilmiiue-riugs of peace are once more apparent in a war- vert into the dark wood where lurks every savage instinct, the scholarship. the United States has become the center of Jewish learning a n d torn work!. 'The rumors will eventually be denied, the proposal? prowling beeast of every ferocious act, of every barbarians Jewish scholars. He laments the huuimarily rejected by one belligerent er another. But it is lack of adequate finapcial support cruelty. for Jewish academies. He conapparent that the present stalemate en the western front canLet our "hopes" "turn out" true, by our helping to snake demns those Jewish pseudo-scholnot go on forever. them true, by espousing the righeeous act, as individuals, na- ars, with a peculiar bent towards iJerma-.iy went into this war secure in the belief of a Kus. casuistry who dalight to unearth tions aad tha world. minor and frequently fictitious shut ;ieul t-ality. She is now probably prayiag to be saved from Then "tha harvest of the years" will be a harvest of bless- errors, in the hope of establishing her friend rather than her enemies. "What the terms of the their extravagant and frequently ing and of peaee. The "visions" of the prophets of God will spurious claims to scholarly emiuusian-German agreement were still has the world guessing, have become the blessed reality of men, of all men, without nence. but ic is very evident Stalin deals the hands and the cards were The editor himself writes two distinction of race, country, condition or creed. Man lias so articles dealing with "The Politi:i!K:rked. The very encirclement that Nazis cried against has A. Chalk Etripsd flannel Robs . . . grand much still to learn! But the first lesson—and the last—still is cal and Economic State of Palesfor lounginir. Ptafc or blus. 12-20. been accomplished under the guise of friendship. Sooner tins in Ezra's Time" and another, Other Flannel Robes from ?5.G5 up. what Job learned, even with infinite suffering, that "the fear of •with Jewish intellectuals in Odest he unholy alliance would double-cross the later one party the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and to depart from evi sa who initiated the Haskalali B. Quilted rayon satin Robs. Floral patotlK'i". It now looks like the hooked-cross is getting the doubl Movement, v/liich shaped Jewish tern on pinU or blue background. Sisea is understanding." thinking in a marked and decisive 12-20. Other CJuiltedRo^ea S10.S5 tsp. cross. way. • • The war iu Finland has created new uneasiness in the HaicU C Eyelet «n%roidered Slip xrith The first issue of Bitsaron Ortlaodos flounce, sires 32 to 42. Tearcsa..,. rna:;e3 delightful and profitable —• and in Italy. Neither country has any desire to see a de£( reading. I hope and pray that the •will be no late servica promise contained in the initial uti.>eraey such as Finland's continue. Neither has been free of D. Floral print Nisatio . . „ rayon satSa. this evening of the United Ortho- number Dainty as a flower. SS^ts S2 to 40» •% will be gloriously fulfilled ilia same siii aa Russia. But neither is artsious to see Russia, dps Con-jregatioas. in succeeding issues, aad that the E.Mk3 Swank ^ „ i'k-aly established ia the little nation. To Germany it will mean Toaisit at services Rabbi David Friday, December 20, has bcoa magazine will enjoy a conspicuous striped patterns. Sirca 32 to PerUifiSsia has gained another foothold in her eneireloiueut policy. H. Wice will sgaak oa "Twenty- designated A. Z. A. Sabbath and and long career. fect for tha ollc^fcta fjtrl»»»»»» fiva Years of European Relief." will be dedicated to college youth. Quarterly Review The Baltic will become a Eussiaa lake and the Scandinavian This will be a report of Ms trip Ths October number of Jewish F.Chcnillo Bed JQc!st3 . . > saft ta the J. 15. C. conJsreiice. The Children's service will be Quarterly Review, highly regardcountries will ia all possibility become Soviet satellites. warm.. . . pink cr Kuc. Ssutil* Saturday morning services at held tomorrow morning at 10 ed in all academic circles, con'um or l Italy's* great display of magnanimity, her furnishing of air- t i e Temple b-esia at 11. o'clock at the Congregation B'nal taics sayeral original and interestIsrael. Meyer Halprin will be cas- ins contributions. Dr. Armand Sid J&tket planes and munitions, is based en the thesis that if the wa? ia Otbst Giit Sosssctioss: Velvet Housecoat, Furrie Robs, Ctesilh JJe&s tor, Liseola. Klaver will review Kaaeaka writes ' a critical essay Bats El prolonged, it will delay Sussia's entrance iata Tiia. eveaias £t services Babbj current events, Bernard Wolfspa upon one of the most popular f,igA. GoMsteia will speak "Op will recite tfea Portion of the wse&, ures in Talmudic literature, Hillel, rich G^riuaay at war, Italy has successfully eap-1 J*-> ana Biia Byron -will read Train Hs shatters many a popular t>®< tuped the Balkan and nas marked out the area as h.5r Aarsn. "Sdsar and the Beta SI the Prophets. list and gives a fresh and sal' eatifically more aceurits appralfa own sphere oi* influence. But Jtussia has been casting jealous choir -will ecn&tMt ti.3 service. B.3caus3 cf Ms respect for t i a of this great te.acbeiv Dr. Rebsri celebrated Ratslsi Joseph Sara- Gcrdis writes illuainatingly oa glances in that threclicxi. Kast gossi, the MooaxaxaQdah fov^raor the intricate subject of "Quota* Xe:-:t week Dr. Herman Weil of * » * Nebraska Central cell-is® will of Sited contributed two-tlilrds tidas ia Wisdom Literature, d a r at services. of Ms salary. , I t has been suggested that Germany is willing to acquiesce ifyiag t i e test and meaaJ^S • o.





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Page 3


towards his fellow-men; .whenever by his experience on both sides of munity to the values of the.totali- i many,". ' •which for the -last. two his time may come, will leave the tbe Atlantic a3 investigator and tarian s t a t e s — represented by years has been circulating in that. world better than when he found, writer, by his position of secre- their indifference "to freedom of :6untry: . •• it. He indeed is a success.", tary and chief investigator for the the mind, the sanctity of: human . Conservative Group Senate munitions committee, and life and by t h e indignities they One. thing is clear—and that is h i s widespread experience as inflict upon personality. A faith Important — that its.leaders are Synagogue Defaced •worker and lecturer, the author and confidence in our own-values not socialists or communists, but •writes with a quiet assurance that will enable us t o recapture, the. actually conservative Germans of Glasgow (JTA) — A synagogue render his •words doubly impres- woria for our way of life." .. the upper classes.. They are opin the Giffnock district of Glassive. gow was refaced by the painting Action, rather than a static: >fased to Hitler not in the name Need Sense of Values faith in democracy is the author's of socialist ideology, but in the Raleigh, N . C . ' ( J T A ) — Jews of .14 swastikas on its walls. • PoHis warning to America is that advice; between "a strong state name 6t . elementary humanism of Raleigh have paid tribute to lice were conducting aninvestigawe seem to be on the same path with its dangers of Fascism and a n d- civilization against Hitler Bishop Eugene J. McGuinness for t i d n . . •-• • ' • • • - : '•By Martha Nenmark .;-::. taken by the Fascist countries of weak state jwith dangers of Fas- gangsterism. It defends German his "generous and never-to-bf. Europe. All about him, he sees which has .been . trodden forgotten gesture of good-will in That, the Hitlerian theory o£ an j even though they jumps and starts, such confusions indications of conditions that gave cism',' there is only the choice of. honor, offering a home for 200 refugee upon ruthlessly by the Hazis. Aryan race is utterly childish a n i jaaregroup—since the strong state. This choice lies compounded of 'diverse peochildren at. Nazareth Orphanage.*' SMITH'S soienttflcally completely erroneous ples, they are undoubtedly more should have been avoided by a encouragement to the Pascistic with Americans, and the time to To ' this party "belong many The* Bishop, :in offering to accept haa been demonstrated over and homogeneous than many other clear statement at the beginning demagogues of Italy and Ger- choose is near at hand. Catholic and Protestant clerics, STEAK HOUSE many. The defense against Fas- ; "March of Fascism" should be republicans, f o r m e r aristocrats 200 Jewish children on passage of e n r again ia the public prints groups; and their neighbors do of any proposition. Many pertinent facets of the cism in this country, Mr. Raush- read the. Wagner-Rogers bill, had ex15:2 HOWARD ST. during these past few eventful consider them as one. and absorbed by ail who be^and even, high military men in subject are inconclusive.- The au- enbush advises is: pressed willingness to allow .them months and years. But the very lieve in and wish to preserve the Hitler's army. This can be seen Tne fact that Jews who have for thor touches too lightly on theALL GIRL BAND "A rediscovery of a sense of people who scoff at Nazi aathropo- generations way of things. It is not from the journal. No article had to be ministered to by a rabbi. lived in any country ories of sex abnormalities. In dis- values about human personality American The congregations Beth Or and logieal idealogy all too frequently show all the only a book, but a manual of dehe name of the .author. EveryFeaturing: physical character- cussing the modus Vivendi of the and dignity. Only a profound con- mocracy. continue aententiously to speak of istics of the other hing is anonymous. The spirit of Beth Jacob inserted a' full-page inhabitants of determination of sex, which he advertisement in .The Bulletin of MITZI MURPHY viction and determination to give the Jewish or Semitic race. the journal is throughout demothat country bears out the find- lays exclusively to functioning of reality to equality and fraternity (Copyright. 1939, by Seven Arts cratic, .he Catholic Laymen's Association Ds Luxe. Entertainer and from every line one In a comprehensive, simplified ings : Prof. Bca3 that environ- chromosomes, he disregards alto- as well as liberty will give us imDancing Nightly, 8 till Feature Syndicate.) can see that the authors of theof G e o rgia captioned "Success"chapter on Race, the author of ment of may do a great deal to alter gether recent experiments that* and declaring: "Heis indeed, a '. 'X n. m'. : " arious contributions are inter"You and Heredity," by Amram features, and of course actions. tend to indicate that the acid or •- Famoun smith Steaks twined with everything that goes success who has acquired the reScbelnfeld a n d Dr. Morton D. Amram Scaeinfeld introduces a alkaline condition of the mother spect of his neighhor. who "has on in Germany. Schweitzer (Frederick A. Stokes fantasy in illustration that would is apparently a determining facand Fried Chicken Company) gives an exceedingly fill any good Nazi soul with pro- tor. In general, however, both exThe articles give much informa- found the love of little children, Mixed Drinks • > 2 0 c clear and absorbing demonstration. found horror: ion oh the economic and social and w h o, through his charities position and conclusions are most Cocktail Hour Any Timo of the fallacy of the latter misconconditions and also a picture of satisfactorily presented. Environment ception. Having first explained the actual moods among the vari"If a child fathered by Adolf It is the author's program for the 'scientific theory o£ race, he Hitler," ous sections of the German popuhe suggests, "were by then traces the origin of the -word some whimsy of fate exchanged omorrow which will find t h e lation. Aryan—a term coined in the lat- at birth with a child of a Jewish clearest echo in the heart of the That the party has followers In ter halt of the 19th century by a, rabbi, and each were' reared un- reader, who will find—perhaps to he army can he gathered from a Zechariah Schuster German philologist, Prof, ypied- wittingly by the wrong father, in his surprise — that according to brief notice which appeared in the rieh. Max Mueller, who because of all likelihood Hitler's child would ;enetic findings sterilization is Translated from.the Yiddish Tag by Harry Msndelson latest number of the. journal, not in any way to be considered a early misunderstanding of his sci- grow up to be 'Jewish' in temwhich appeared shortly after the entific terminology wrote in IS S3: perament, beSavier a n d social cure-all for such diseases as inThe text of the latest mani- lestroy the enemy of His holy outbreak of the war: sanity, or indeed for many heredi" I have declared again and again viewpoint, and the rabbi'3 child festo of the German Liberty "We never mentioned t h e aw,.that He again bring the na- friends, that it I say Aryan I mean neither would be goose-stepping, storm- tary diseases. The program of party gives us a stirring and in- :ions who sacrificed themtogether and let them beIt's so eosy — eugenics is one of environment blood nor hones, nor hair, nor trooping and 'Heil-Hitlering' with spiring picture of the passion- come one in their defense of their selves for freedom in Germany. and selection, as well as heredity; so inexpensive skull; I mean simply those who the most rabid of the 'Aryans.' " ate hunger for freedom and We couldn't do> it, for fear of and often selection of a specific peace of those Germans that are most sacred possessions: In their endangering others. Bnt now speak an Aryan language." The io go pieces by The temptation is to hie away respect for' law and justice, in mate outweighs hereditary influlanguages designated by Prof. from the international scene to carrying on their struggle, to . executioner's fist has deheir respect of one for the other, the Mueller as Aryan were Celtic, discover the wondrous processes, ence of the other, because of the tile face of the most barbaric scended with insane barbarism LUXURIOUS or the sanctity of every human upon onr ranks and many of Teutonic, Italic, Hellenic, Alban- as set forth in "You and Hered- differing actions of dominant and terror, by bombarding t h e >eing, faith in each other's word, recessive genes. ian, Armenian, Indo-lranian, and ity,'' that go into making up each minds of their countrymen pe- md devotion and- friendship to our best comrades fell victims Finally, the program for tomorthe Balto-Slavonic group. with spiritual bombs, rthers. of the. murderers of German potential bit of cannon fodder. row touches on the possibilities of riodically .. , . . . . • • ' • • . •-. . freedom: Friends and comrades Mr. Scheinfeld then explains This vitally interesting and pains- eutelegenesis (artificial insemina- proclamations and manifestos. Mo need lo "hole in" let the holiday season when Obligations of all classes and! particularly why there cannot be a Semitic taking study ought to be required tion) as a proposal to combat —H. M. you can "go pieces and do things" Ihio easy, modem Chamberlain has declared: "We inrmy officers, to whom, exactly race, any more than there can be reading for all dictators. wayl Worm, oj-condilicned Super-Coaches can help sterility. Such possibilities are not ntend no harm to the : • German as it is to all of us, Germany an Aryan race; for the word Semyou do your Cirisiraea shopping conveniently and GOD PROTECT US! But because of its very youth yet included in any formal eneople, but.we can no longer live is everything and Hitler is a itic also refers to a large family the science of genetics is peculiar- enics program, but the work inexpensively — tcia you homo lor Chnstaas end "War! It is Hitler's war! His of languages, among them He- ly vulnerable to international and goes on and may some day revo- ascent has been a plague to the with Nazism/' If that declaration charlatan and degenerate. Haw' Yea'c — lo oul-cl-lown parties — all at arco=obligates England, it also burdens "We remember y o u , dear ias'.y low lores that lecvo ycu extra dollars to spend brew. Nor could a precise termi- political machinations. The first lutionize prevailing concepts re- German people—his collapse will us with obligations. comrades, and assure you to on gifts end holiday iun. nologist speak of a Jewish race, attempt at a comprehensive theory garding marriage and sexual mor- be cause for great joy for all of We cannot fight for Hitlerism, considering the fact that the origmankind. For his war he tried to but against it. We will struggle, carry out that have evolution did not appear until ality. craved to realize and to guarFrequent Daily ScLefinlcs Offer Extra Convenience! inal mixture of Eurasiatics ab- of enslave and crush our people for 1S09; it was in 1859 that Charles Artificial insemination has ocsorbed Woods of every type in the Darwin published his "Origin of casionally been practiced success- six years. He has wasted the na- for a free and respectable Ger- antee with your lives. On many iherf tripj you can go and return Ita many, for a' Germany which is j=m» da». Aik yoi.r local Union Pacific bui «gen» course of centuries of troubled Species," marking tae "turning fully in the human field; but it tion's wealth in preparing for this "GERMANY'S FREIHEIT!" about dollar-iaving feres and handy leaving times. purged of N a z i s m , for the wanderings. war, even proudly proclaims' that point in scientific thought and the was only at the beginning of the Deutschland of our forefathers, From these words two things lie has spent 90 billion marks No Physical Characteristics beginning of the modern experi- month of November just passed, for the honest and eternal Ger- become evident: Firsts that at the Since even the physical charac- mental approach to biographical that the first test-tube rabbit— even before the war begun.. many. . ; : ' outbreak of .the war, the Gestapo teristics which are sometimes be- problems;" and it was IS 6 6 be- having neither a father nor a Ninety billion! This was the The hour of Hitler and -his murdered many persons whom it lieved to distinguish Jews from fore Gregor Mendel promulgated mother in the accepted sense of burden of debts which we took Brown bands has struck! suspects of being against the Nazi other people have repeatedly been his theory of inheritance on the the words—was displayed at New upon ourselves in the course of regime; secondly, many army May God protect all the nations demonstrated to be neither exclu- basis of which Darwin's theory of York's Academy of Medicine by four horrible war-years and which nd destroy the enemy of' man- officers were andthat are in the unsive to nor universal among them, evolution by inheritance of ac-Dr. Gregory Pincus of Clarke uni- afterwards brought upon us infla- kind!" derground anti-Nazi movement. what then is it that constitutes a quired characteristics was many who had conducted his ex-tion and national ruin. Hitler na3 All the proclamations and maniJew, making him recognizable to years'later discarded by geneti- versity, thrown upon us the same fearful perimentation at Harvard. Shaw's festos of the Liberty party are LIBERTYPARTY so-called anti-Semites as one to be cists in favor of evolution by mu- "Methusaleh" prophecy seems on burden in four peace years. It "Englishmen and Jews planted 'written with such flaming passion segregated ? must have the same catastrophictation. the verge of fulfillment. each word explodes like- a ally destructive results as thethe bomb in the Munich Beergar- that This appears to remain a quesScience of Genetics en," declared the Nazis. "Ger- bomb. Years later, when the world war-debt which was never liquition that neither geneticists nor The infancy of the science of "MARCH OF FASCISM" mans,' genuine patriotic Germans, will marvel at how Germany could anthropologists can answer more genetics has- never been more The world accepts Fascism as a dated. This Hitler knew. All his itself to the Nazis, the satisfactorily or with greater ex- clearly demonstrated than in the reality embodied in the personali- willing and base helpers knew planted the bomb and they are submit Store Hours 9:30 A. M.,ti 8:30 P. M. proud of it,", proclaimed, the il- bombardment at the German peoactitude than the veriest tyro. contempt for its scientific proc- ties of individuals who rule. the this. G e r m a n Liberty party ple's" minds by the Liberty party Tel. AT 7234 There is a growing tendency to esses shown by the Stalinist dele- totalitarian states. "We "know Their running toward war is in legal will serve as" the most powerful look to cultural factors—"the ef- gates to the great congress of vaguely the conditions that nur- essence an escape from responsi- through its secret station. This witness, fects of common, religion, tradi- geneticists at Edinburgh which tured its rise to pre-eminence, but bility. But they will not escape it! party take3 u'pon itself the entire many. that there is another Gertions, training, habits and to some was disrupted, before the proceed- we think of these conditions only War! Mankind looks with ter- responsibility tor the attempt at About a year ago, shortly after extent diet; similarities in soeial ings opened, by the war crisis a t in terms of Hitler and Mussolini. rified eyes upon the wild creature assassination of- Hitler, and it the bloody and destructive popromises that it will not '_ rest , experience, reactions to oppres- the end of last August. .• savagely pursues i t . - I t Stephen Raushenbush, in h i which s it has wiped out Hitlerism. groms, the party flooded"'all. of sion and other influences." But even though the papers and "March of Fascism (Yale Univer- hears the terrifying neighing of until Who is this German Liberty Germany with" protests against the But that too obviously does not treatises prepared for the congress sity Press) traces the rise of Fas- the horses of the Apocalyptic ridGerman vandals- and proclaimed tell the whole story. And in con- have thus not yet seen the light cism in. Germany and Italy, and ers. And no one knows what.-will party? Of whom does it consist? -to world that the German nasideration of the obvious limita- of day, event3 of the months pre- sound3 a warning to Americans be our fate in weeks, months or How does it carry on its work? tiontheis tions of all explanations, scientific ceding had made plain the atti- that the same dangers lurk ia oar years to come. Never has a war It is an underground illegal or- acts. • ashamed of the Hunnish ;ahization,. which m a d e itself or .otherwise, offered to date, tude of the current Russian ideol- own system. been started with such irresponsi- known That clerics play a' role in the about four years ago when there may be some justification in ogy—as magnificently contemptubility and with such false and thousands Propaganda, "big money," imof German citizens and party can be seen from the re•peaking of the Jewish people as ous of the verified findings of perialism, are merely contribut- cynical justification. correspondents f o u n d in their ligious tone which often permeWorld in Flames what it considers an infant science ing factors to an overthrow of a boxes anti-Nazi leaflets wita ates, the clarion calls of the party The Reichstag incendiaries now mail ripe, for kicking around as Hitler democratic state. The fundamental h e signature German Liberty to the struggle for freedom and ever was of the theories of an-factors involved are unemploy- have thrown t h e world into tparty. From that time leaflets human rights. Though we don't thropology. ment, the lack of a' decent living flames; This time there is no that signature have period know who is at the head of it The Mendelian. theory of hered- wage, and the loss in significance doubt as to who is guilty of war- with appeared in Hltlerland. The and how it carries on its noble ity {which incidentally has been of the words "life, liberty, and tha making. It is clear to the whole ically of the party later penetrated and courageous work, it deserves somewhat modified with the pass- pursuit of happiness." A nation world that there is only one guilty voice German homes by means of t h our deep gratitude and our greating years) has been officially dis- with the constitutional right of one: Hitler! radio station, which told est admiration. carded- by Kremlin followers as freedom must also provide the me- Hitler, the liar and degenerate, mobile the truth about conditions in Geris the criminal who wants to drag subversive negation of Marxian chanics of achieving this end. In many and constantly stirred tin our land and the world to destrucpolitical theories—a process rem- Italy, the weakness of the demopopulation to. opposition to th< FOR QUICKC SERVWE. tion as he descends to oblivion. iniscent of the trial, some years cratic state, the promise of ecoregime. ' •• : ago, of a country school teacher nomic betterment gave impetus to He will go down in history as a Hitler AND FINE QUALITY The party surrounded itsel who had explained the theory of Mussolini's promise of a veritable charlatan and pervert, and in the with such thick, secret walls that evolution to his pupils in Dayton. paradise of employment and work- history book3 of Germany the even anti-Hitler spheres outside rule-of-might of the Nazis will be This book, the avowed purpose er's rights. do not know who is of which ia to give you an apIn Hitler's Germany, the unrest the most shameful and the sad- of.Germany at the head of this group. I have proximate idea of what sort of off- and revolt of a people against the dest chapter. We, Germans, who hate Hitler- talked with reputable German pospring you may expect, given cer- humiliation of t h e Versailles emigres who are in close tain characteristics in yourself and treaty, the depression and its ac- ism, are in a desperate spiritual litical with Germany, but they your mate, is a fascinating work c o m p aaying suffering prepared situation. We love our Father- touch themselves know nothing about written in simple and informative the way for the leader and his land and we love our misled peo- the party, except what eventually language by a layman for laymen, glory-shouting. Hitler needed his ple. We do not deny nor minimize reaches Co. through the proclaassisted in the genetic sections by strong-arm b r o w n shirts, his the guilt, which we carry on the mations them and manifestos of the 2 6 2 4 Ed Creighton Ave. Dr. Schweitzer, research geneticist waves of terrorism, but more than path to war. The guilt lies in our party in the journal the party pubat the medical college of Cornell that he needed the fertile soil of weakness,, in not being able to lishes in England, "The Real Geruniversity. a discontent and economic unrest free ourselves of t h e Brown The four color plates and 75for his seeds of Fascism. He plague. For a long time we have drawings, maps and diagrams are found these in post-war Germany. been suffering the punishment of in the main excellent and easily Kaushenbush does h i s most our weakness, and now it presses understood. They are amazingly powerful writing in his chapters upon us more heavily, becansa "we -- -cs lucid because of omission of de-dealing with the threat of Fascism have to look .upon the Nazi pestails; yet these same omissions of to the United States. His style tilence threatening all decent peoillustration and test may some- is matter of fact and removed ple and nations. But we pralsi times, because of very oversimpli- from any emotional outbursts of the Lord for having put mankind fication, lead the unwary astray. warning and bitterness. Remark- against the enemy and hater of Criminal Tendencies ably well equipped for this work mankind. We beg of God that he In the matter of criminal tendencies, for example, Mr. Scheinfeld first gives tae positive impression that these can be inherited; it is not till 10 pages later that he comes to the conclusion that crimes of all descriptions are matter of mores. Since the lay19O1 Farnam AT 44SS aman, for whom this book is inGIFTS THAT SAY "PERSONALLY YOURS" ©PEN EVENSNS3 tended, reads hurriedly and in



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THE JEWISH PEESS—PEIDAY, DECEMBER 15,1939 •. tion picture on Palestine to OmaOne day Rudolph got up enough ha during tho month of January eearage to invite her to bis mator February. inee performance. She sisied Mm out of the cast as "tha one with the beard," bat showed so special enthusiasm. He was further piqued when she didA crowd of 200 enthusiastic New York (JTA) — The Rev. Three prizes were awarded n't wait at the stage-door with tie rest of his-admirers. Her in- James M. Gillis, editor of The Wednesday night at the seventh Zionists witnessed the snowing of Correctly a j^^^H^ difference increased his ardor . . . Catholic World, has espressed the annual Stage Nits held under the the film "Tel Aviv" on Thursday, Finished and she, a bit of a coquette, knew hope that "in those countries now auspices of the Round Table of December 7, at the JewiBh Com-? Mo - Extra it well. la two weeks they were writhing under the heel of dicta- Jewish Youth. Cherso ' engaged. In a month they were tors, there were another family Winners were: Junior Hadas- munlty Center under the auspices of Maccabees to fling their chal- sah, first place; Theta Lambda, of the local Zionist district. married. for Thenceforth, Rudolph n e v e r lenge into the face of the mad rul- second place; and Bas-a-ml, third The picture presented the beau- Pickup Newport M ©£ Teaxo Syria played a show without her. Ha ers who demand that all peoples place. ty and pageantry of this greatest end, always put her in a bos nest to shall bow the head, bend the knee, Judges for Stage Kite were all Jewish cities, "Tel Aviv." Delivery Three hundred years ago, a Jewssh families, aaoaa them the ia tha great govennneat ma- tha stage . . . watched her reac- prostrate themselves and offer in- Ephraim Marks, Mrs. Ben Shapiro of After the showing of the picainail group of pioneers, fai&aed iotseaea, who flee! ireai the Span- chine." t i o n s. "Huh-hurramphI" s h e cense to the State aa God." and Satewyn Michniclc. ture, the program committee of With the spirit al Cod, feeetfom S 3 a - Portuguese Inquisition to "Christians, and e s p e c i a l l y Leo Sherman, master. of cere- the Zionist District announced To this President George Wa3h- would cough, a signal that his CLEANER& ami liberty, founded the city ai Rhode I3tand freedom. T h e s e Catholics, are inheritors of the voice waa too low. He relied on monies, served as chairman of the that negotiations are in progress stoa replied: funddamental religious principles her judgment . . . naver accepted Newport. Ia this splendid arti- families could live a3 Jews abroad Stage Nite committee. Members to bring another outstanding mo"Tha eitizea3 of the United cle Ea&bi Cutsieia presents to© only iSdcratly, at the danger of loa- States of America have a right to a role without consulting her. He of the Jews," declared Father Gll- of the committee were: Rosalie lis in a NBC broadcast under the gave command performances for lancinating story oi the birth txs their lives when found out. Tuchman, Shirley Barifih, Lester applaud themselves for having Kaiser and other royalty . . . auspices of the National Council Lazere. Margaret- Rundell and and development of a commaSo deep waa the impression of jivsn to siaaiiad esaiaplss of aa the of Catholic Men, adding that the nlty founded >)u t h e noble the necessity for aeerecy in ob- enlarged aad liberal policy; a pol- travelled over Europe . . received Florence Tatieman. . American ti'atiitioiiis* anil ideala serving; tha Jewish religion that icy -worthy oiJ iaitation. All pos- sifts from princes. He always por- Old Testament heroes "are our Over five hundred persons at'j of reSigloua Slberty ami 5samaa out oil habit, scsaa ot the Jewish sess aliia liberty of conscience aad trayed heavy dramatic r o l e s . own." tended. there t$ No Substitute for Style and Quality brotherhood. —'JCH3 HSUITOffi. women who caas hera from In- immunities of citizenship. It ia "None of this shimmy stuff for He expressed the hope that the him," she quips. In one play ha Maccabees' "example of ancient now no more that toleratioa is quisition to Freedom, as they heroism will stir s o m e modern The comiujf oi! taa Jawa to walked the street3 of Newport, spoken of a3 if it wa3 by tha in- was seven different characters! When Jdseph waa born, their hero to arise and to fling Into the Rhode Island 'orms one ot tha they would tall their rosaries dalgenca of 02a class of people most fascinating stories In Ameri- while they repeated their Hebrew that aaother enjoyed the esercisea joy Wa3 complete. The proud fa- teeth of the mad leaders of our can and Jewish hiatory. It waa prayers. of their inhsreat natural right3. ther paraded the streets with the own day that stirring challenge: only 19 years after tins aetilameat For happily the government of the child. "Pepe" was a mischievous •Although all nations obey (the New York, (JTA)—Three o£ the coloay, iix t i e year 1353, Most outstanding ciJ tse33 ref- United States, which gives to big- little prankster. Once he wrought tyrant and worship him) I and my more than a. century before t i e ugees was Aaraa Lopeu, who with- otry ao sanction, to persecution havoc in a grocery . . . put rice in sons and my brethren will obey causes with which he was activeAmerieaa Revolution,• that a group in a short waiia became known a3 ao assistance, requires only that tha barley, and created other fan- the law of our fathers . . . With ly identified during his life were Oi Jewish refugees'-froni thi* In- the "Merchant Priace of Narw- they who live under its protection, cy nixes. Another time he entered Uatathias we life up our voice and Mined beneficiaries in the will, of quisition, 15 families in all, who port," aad who, with his estaasivo should dsiasaa themselves aa good a toy shop . . . declared he was cry aloud, 'Although all nations Robert Marshall, chief ot tho Diwere tossed by taa stormy wavea commercial activities, that estaad- citisens, ia giving it on ail 'occa- "von Herr Schildkraut der Sohn" obey King Antiochus — or any vision of Recreation and Land of . . and bought everything in sight. other pseudo-god •— we will obey the United States Forestry Servof tna high seas, found a haven ed to all the fotlr corners of the sions their effectual support." the law of our fathers.'" ot refuga oa the shores of the At- world, brought to Newport il3 ice, who died last month at the These words will forever re- And Papa paid and paid. lantic, in the city of Xewport. age of 37. Rudolph would make a musi"Golden Sra." This Aaron Lcpea main aa immortal testimony to Marshall, the son of the late Here they wera welcomed and i3 salJ to have itaen the largest the greatness-of spirit and liberal- cian of tha boy . . . bought a fine Lonia Marshall, left practically received. For, aa early aa 1-317. anlp-owner and m a r c h a n t la ity of the Founder of our Coun- violin, . . . arranged for lessons the:coda ot laws ot t i e eoloay Rhode Island, having acquired en- try. They are symbolic o? our with Miseha Elman'a teacher. But his entire estate, valued at "more ooncluded with the words, taat: tira or part ownership to ever a noble American traditions and Pepe was more often caught hidthan $20,000," for the preservaing behind the scenery, watching: principles of democracy, religious "All neu may walk aa thai? con- iuuJred vessels. tion of wilderness conditions, in Amsterdam, (JTA)—Police oi actors than at his violin. At last sciences persuade them, every one Tha first thias thijse refugsea, equality and human brotherhood. America, preservation of civil gave in to the inevitable The Hague confiscated the cur- liberties in the name oi hia Cod." !ed by Aaron Lop'sa, contemplated Tae3e words were addressed in .Rudolph and for education In ecorent issue of the anti-Semitic fort. . the boy's real talents was unThese 15 Jewiuh families, tha upon their arrival in Newport, Was 1790, to the Hebrew coagregatlon mistakable. At 18, Joseph made n i s h 11 y Mlsthoorn (Foghorn), nomic conditions. His will vraa nucleus ot tha prosperous Jewtsli tha erection of a sanctuary dedi- ia Newport, now known a3 the his first stage appearance, and published by an anti-Jewish or- filed for probate in Surrogate's community ot Newport immediate- cated to tha God of thai? fathers, Touro Synagogue. affiliated with Col. Ul. Court. Ia the word3 of the poet (Laa- Rudolph admonished him "not to ganization ly before tha American Revolu- a synagogue where they m?sht rich Fleischauer's "World Servget the swelled head." At 81, Joarus): freely chant t h e i r psalmodies, tion, founded a. congregation to played with his father in ice" of Erfurt, Gerniany. The •Worship God according to tha dic- commune with, their Gad, aad Xathlesa the sacred shriae i3 holy seph "The Lost Son" under Max Rein- action followed the call of a delpractiea the rites of which they yet tates of their cousctenees, and hardt's direction. Several times egation of Jewish leaders upon wera deorived in tha laad of their With its lone floors where refthey called tasa congregation, symfather and son. appeared together Prof. Dr. P. S. Gerbrandy, Miniserent feet once trod bolically, Yeshuat Y Israel—Salva- birth. Collections of Unique on the stage, but only once In the ter of Justice, to urge energetic And when this beautiful 3yna- Tali® off year shoes, as by' the films—la tion- of Israel." Diamond EnrjOEOqieEJt, . "Kins of Kings." measures to check growing mani. In 1377, the Jewish community j gogua, a miaiatura ot the Templa Weddin0 and AnnJvorfestations of anti-Semitism. Before the snystsry of death Of Newport purchased a plot of I in Jerusalem, with it3 beautiful eary Riajja, Individtiol* In 1920 the Schildkrautg came aad God. land for a burial ground, -which is columns, the many-branched eaaly designed, end i d America. Papa and Pepe attendpreserved to this very day. and dalabra suspended from the domed (Copyright, 1939, by Seven Arts to with good otd'f ed school to perfect their English. Feature Syndicate.) 13: now located at the vary begin- blua ceilins, aad tha awe-inspiring Thera Edward G. Robinson, also ed moderation. ning of the famous Bellevuo ave- architectural desists, was. dedicata student, became their g o o d Convenient Term; Can Be nue, which at .tnat time ivaa ed on December 2, 17 53, In the friend. Rudolph joined the YidArranged at No Estra - . presence of all tha dignitaries of named Jew street. Montreal, (JTA)—The Canadish Art Group where he first tha colouy, Dr. Sara Stiles, a Coat •>• Cosmopolitan City dian Jewish Year Book for 1939knew and admired Paul Muni. Jo^ , l n the spirit of freedom and Christian diviae, and later presiseph west with the New York 1940 was published here under dent ot Yala university, recorded: gQuality the city at Newyort j My E22LIEN 2IGMQiSI> Theatre Guild, achieving a record the editorship ofVladlmir Gross"The order aad decorum, tha SWth it, the Jewish community. for those days, a run of 708 per- man, author and journalist. The harmony aad aolamaity of tha mund so, in 1729, whan the famou3 sic, together with a haadaame asformances in "Liliom." volume, paper-bound and containHollywood—In a modest feouaa Qgllah philosopher, Dean Beri- sembly, ia aa edifice taa most per- Sear the Hollywood hills . . amid Then suddenly - - Papa was ing 352 pages, includes articles S'ey, arrived Sn Newport, ae la fect of t i e Templa Msd ia Amer- fadad sloriea and esqaisita mem- gone. And she sits alone. on the history of Canadian Jewry, noted aa-having uaid: "Tha town ica, splendidly Illuminated, could ories . . . sit3 a merry little whitePepe . . . now married . . . biographies of prominent Cana- A Camp ^urtjlont Sup*f Newport it) tha most thriving not but raise ia the mind a faint haired woman, with rosy cheeks, comes to see her sometimes . . . dian a survey of world |ltaoe in America iov b)gaes3." idea of the majesty aad grandeur eyea that shine like fireflies, and shows her new make-ups for hi3 Jewry Jews, by Jacob LestchlnsUy, sta- pert doslsRQd to LSF¥ ""*" "Bigness" waa not solely la of tha ancient Jewiah worship a mind impish, with flashing wit. pictures. But mostly she lives in tistical tables and a chronological •and HOL9-HEAVY'AD» economic and commercial pur- mentioned ia Scripture." She i3 Brna Siniidkraut . . . Kn- the Yesterdays. Sbe hoards a bos- record of Jewish world developtults of tho island, but equally 30, But it waa not destined that tha dolph'a widow . . . affectionately ful of dry- brown-edged newspaper ments in the past year. The Jew* fit religious, cultural and aociai called "the Mama ttom Holly- clippings. She ha3 never been on ish population of Canada, aa of Iterpriaea, in whioh Jaw and ntm- city oi Nawport should long enjoy wood." a sound stage . . . nor has ever t s s 1932 census, 13 listed as 155,sw allka. shared and made theii* k3 soldea era., and tha Jewish community its house oi worship. Her hoasa is crowded with ma- seen Pepe before the cameras. 351, or 1.51 per cant of the total. jjwi-atributlon. Free Coasulaientcs of her two great Iove3 - - "They" feel it would tax h e r ia noteworthy that when strength, on a table near at hand tation by EsRudolph and Joseph "Papa" When tha revolution eaina, a Pedro Fernandez do Alcandete, l»can Berkeley founded the "Paiimore than a decaiio altar tha and "Pepe." Portraits oS Papa as lies a little pile of telegrams of canon and treasurer of ths Cathe• $*»phical Society for the Ps-oaio- little ins Lear . . . Papa aa Shylocls which she is very proud - - con- dral of Cordova, was burned by of tha synagogue, tha . .-KMOif Knowledge and Virtue, t>y eoaaecratioa of Newport enthusiastically . Pepe aa Lilies, aa Peer Gynt gratulations to the "Mama from the Inquisition as & Judaizer. •;• 3?"ree Conversation," orjaafaed to Jaws ant. ia tha patriotic cause. . all the hundred-ahd-ona poss3 Hollywood" on her recent birth•'«. n_ia e n a 3 "Divinity, Philosophy, aatistad Isaacs, who later had the that ara tha threads of an actor's day - - all from prominent cinem'.. SSorallty and History," a ohron- Moses honor to eatartaSa George Wash- Ufa. Ia a corner stands a niagnifi- alites. She loves write-ups as much •• -peter- records: "The Qualtar, tha ington f?©O BEST BOYS lil< JUS Some; Abradant cent ebony piano, gift to Papa aa.a glamour star . . . i3 eager to 3S» . 'Bajjtlat aad tha fh-ai supporter o£ Isaacs, ia Solomon David from the Ival3er. A china-closet S3 read everything written about her. J|h& Church of anglaad main- Sarsedaa, -AbrahaaiRophae, • FISH • Some inontfa3 ago she collapsed a d Moses filled with preeiou3 old dishes, Sained each h i 3 part; hut the Seisaa a n d others, ajoined tha decorated with pictures of Papa, from a heart attack . . . was given . 'Quaker preacher and the Jewish fiijhtiau forces. Other3 contribut- Pepe, and herself - - when they up by the doctors. At the hoapiial arabbl, alike tenacious of their money, ammunition, boats aad wera all very young. Tha library she joked, "What hotel is this? Inc. irulea and doctrine, listened re- ed even cannons to tha revolutionary ia lined with hundreds ot yellow- 13 it expensive?" Today her redspectfully to tha preaching ot cause. Aad when the British ap- ing books "to Papa" and about apple cheeks bespeak the spirit PHONE 'Berkeley." proached Newport, t h e Jewish him. The dlnins-roora 13 weighted within. She looks chipper as a };". And when this Philosophical ao- community; dispersed. down with a ponderous set o* sparrow. s „ 'clety waa succeeded hy "tha Rad"The Mama from Hollywood" Tha synagogue, accordia^ to carved furniture, waiah accompanSic!: •iwood Library, among tha fouad- tradition, ied tha Schild'trauts everywhere. will never grow old even If she S was used a3 a hospital .*rs,. members and contributors by tha British when they Invaded "An antique," 3he ?ay3, then twin- lives to be a hundred! were the Jewa oi tha commuaity. tha city. After they left, the state kles, "I, too, am an antique," but ; '•It. ia significant that ia tho ax- legislature, tha supreme court aad you know she doesn't believe it. Arts. Olds*. hlbltion of the earliest collection tha town couacil mat ia tha preShe apologises, "You will esPhono. ATfantle. S i i 3 j«(f books in that library today, ciaats oi tha Newport syaagegus. coca mina Engliaea, plees3 - - It la . !%re found many Hebrew texts, Jacob Kerschman not,so—so—," and t i e interview After tha war, maiy ot tha Jew3 among t h e m , the philosophic Funeral services were held oa to tha city, but unfortu- proceeds in an amusing blend of ..treatise "Mateti Dan' by the dis- returned Tuesday at the Jewiah Funeral nately, Aaron Lope2, oa whom all English and German. . 'tlnjfuiehed rabbi aad philosopher, hope revival waa placed, mat She points to Papa's photograph Home for Jacob Kerschnian, 74, - iHaham David Niet, which wa3 the with for aa accideatal death, a n d - - his last and best. "Ach, ya, a vrho died oa Monday. of Naphtaly Hart Myers. Surviving him are his wife, tha city of Newport aor so soot man," she sighs. "Thirty•TJ Aa early aa 17 05. the JeW3 of neither Jewish coaimuaity ever rs- nine years married not just Llbby; three daughters, Mrs. DorTjlhode Island introduced in the tha married . . . talrty-niae year3 hap- othy Wlntroub and MIsa Clara *Col.Qny the mauufactura oi' soap. Saiaed tha Importance they held py Cvprcft - CaSsio - P^o Kerschman of Omaha, and Mrs. . . . happy." •SFh-ey established . foundries of before tha revolutfoa. It waa destined, however, that It all began when Cupid . . . In Saia Bronstein of Los Angeles; a V/urtitcsr Sj and iron. They worked a3 eteraai memorial remain from tae guise of a janitor . . . seiged son, Philip, of Lea Angeles, and and in every capaci- aa 10 grandchildren. those daya. taa da3hiag youag Rudolph ta help the growth of the city Tliero Is real economy in buying as fine Mr. Kerschman had for inany la 1790, George Washiastea, as meet tha couatry miss, lust coma a Piano cs yavsv poclietbook permits. For, president of the United States to Visaaa. Both lived in tha same, years been active ia local Jewish '•' In the 1740"3 the Hivera fam- tha measured by its louse? life, scptsrlor perAmerica, visited Newport aad apartment building, aad Rudolph's affairs. ;lly introduced the spemaceti in- oil formance and hlsher resale value, the synagogue. Upon this occa- discreet Inquiries through the jan- Burial waa &t Golden Hill •duatry in the colony. In 1733 tha tha bctto? instrument fa your best Investment. sion ha waa addressed by Moses itor -were not disdained by Erna. etary.. general assembly granted a II- Seisas, tha warden oil the syaaAt Kospe's, home of the celebrated MMon cenaa to Moses Lopea for tha man-. sogae, Ia tha follawias wordis: d Zlastlln, you will find seven great makes ufaetitre of potash. In 17 31, James to select from. Specially featured for "Permit the children ot the •jLucena introduced the maaufao- stoclt this t of Abraham to approach yon " tttre of Caatiie soap. And aa early with cordial affection aad esteem .'aa l'?82, Dr. Francis Lucena^prac- for your persoa aad merits, aad tieed medicine in the city of New- to joia with oar fellow eitiasas ia t givsna i h services free to welcoming you to Newport. •port, •itjae needy. r Official Metropolitan Grand Opera •*w 33M3gtim'3 Reply Co. Sensationally "Deprived as weheretofore «] Commercial occupations did not low in price '..... been of the invaluable'rights ''prevent the Jaxvs from ifervins ia bavs frea citiaeaa, wa ao.w (with a 'the armed forces of the colony. of of gratitude to tha Al-jfaoob Judiih served in the Trench deep aen3a Eispenser of All Svaata) vtod Indian war. Michael laaaca miiiacy a goverameat erected by • volunteered in the caaa^alga of behold A dainty new model to' this trtily great, tha majesty of tha peopla, a gov.•;i775, and Isaac Moses marched ia eraaieat iisake—ideal for which givea to big-otry no :tlio company of Captain J. Whit- sanction, to persecution no assistspace ? •pis in 1757. aace, but soaarou3!y affording ta :•'•.-. Thus in Newport, tha Jew aa<l all liberty of sonsciaace aad iaithe non-Jtsw, though worshipping niuaitiea of eitisaaahip, daemias A SCS? Ei« iKa sskea spastsliag jast Il&e saviag ans3 gives y©» ell :;separately ia different forma aad : ot whatever nation, &s sstlefasElca iasi «sss ef sslsi lisas yea gel from saoaey in the bssk. Meeting todayts demand tor high languages^ had tha same aspira- everyone, I In small compass. KlmbftU^bade A aew rswf pually caaia very Ettte sad it proSSaJs yotar whole iavest•"' tiojiB, and suet oa a basis* of tiiiual- tongue, or language, equal parts " stud " ! Sty in the street, in tha home, ia m e a t . . . ass! JQ'HS aalMactlcsa sassl psi&e kx ita E-eaaly Js slie tacit • Jhd dub, at the library, ia the MSeirsl iaEure-sl t&at saassey «aa eara. FOR YOUR \ .factory, on tha vessels and la the If «o'S£? sss&i 13 geSJjssg old is saayfeeesptesive to wait. Lei 6». look re. "la the army aad ia tae aa• II over 23»J isSsow yc-a how liSSl-3 a caw Bird roof weald cesi aad how In a Spinet-type - pHaao. Pull' scale, good3 feaa&astaa I* wenlsl Imsk* ¥ e Jiave h&H a lot of rooSag experience sad \a t'aa middle of tfta 13ta -oeatone. .A valuer hard to f^flfit* ' >?r the fanw ot Newport attractwa Bibs! real's becaosa we Sssow Isaw laii&faHy they are equal. 1'eir only. A ;o iti siic"? i T.AIIY ''a ;cr ssa'J'3 szt'i wa hsrs *jea tow weE tisSy z-srve. We caa shsiw yoa a type fa? ef stf tustt d hzsus, for everv Sasls asisi evei»y budget. Taka ©541? CttiBJ Anucasti Dawn—Easy Teress aslvlea sasi y©ss eaa iestgsl alwsst r^cSisg fee a .; j| 'Wrlta us e&oiat OUT sew special rtssoitahla jfbr easy payment out of hsss a : : VOCALJST || T J p r i g l i t t o r sctioala ' ' '—•'' FaSS ESTIMATES OH CALL Muafa Daily at ;v : :




Marshall Will Aids Tree Conservation

Anti-Semitic Paper Seized by Dutch


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