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Lisbon (JTA)—New anti-Jewish legislation" in Spain will be one of the results of the recent Spanish - Axis talke, en Italian broadcast in Spanish (predicted. The broadcast.'referred to a possible measure 'fobridding marriages between Jews and Christiana and concluded-with a statement blaming' Jewa "for the most war the world baa ever seen."
Bssth El Women to Atlf :&:! SEi
A di'le^ftlioii of Oi-u-lia woimen will leave Uundiiy »»oiiiiiif? lo r.ttt'iia the.rJi«U.tf.t IffftJo.jal Vonveutloa of (he V/oitica'd Lcr.^K^ of tho United Byi!fi.';<j;;u« at i>: a Moincs, Wovetrtbrr JO, I I , urwl i5:. ltabbi Da via A, Coldstoin v.ill bo one oi' (he ^vinci^al tpc :ii (,ir. tit tbo cmiVrr-ic •. Otln r £jp<va' o. ,i imJini.! j?,-.i P Alb.it <;orf<" " Alilillf'-'lJOli.', 1^1". UvcJyJ: i'Tri'lti : • i of Mndi'-uii, X/lr,., Ilvi. f<toj) 1,-i--; of PJii]:i(i(;IphI.'i; a n d K a b b i J r . J u U
eorve on the executive committee. > At>tbc Mil'./aukee incctlne Paul JVcret, executive director of the .Omaha Jev/inh Community Ccn• tor,- read a paper on "Problems In jvelfaro Fund Administration." i Etta Frl.(:uh attended thp institute held r,t tho cunf jrenco under the auspice:! of the I National Refugee Servics. p^nrvr *n-us r\ n n n p. |\Hf£7 l
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Tho Po'slo Kion, Branch 51, Jewish National Workers Alliance, will hold a carnival and basaar all day Sunday, November £7, at the Community Center. ; Many valuable articles vrill bo feold at bargain prices. Strictly Zcosher metis will be served from noon on. •' Members of -thb commlttco In fchargo include: Mas Goldstein, M. Hinken, G. Soiraf, r.nd Blanche Radinvoshi. !'
Gf Jews of Greece
• Rabbi Da\hl H. Wico T.III this Cveuins nt regular4< Temple Israel cervices ' id':.:us3 T h c Colorful oE tho Jovrlsu Comxnunltie^ in the Novrcst Arena oi the V/ar." He \ill s»»c?.lc specifically oi' tuo Gre;-!: commuaiUc:\ Four years ai;o JiaT&i WJce, vhlle ciTT, tnur of 2v.r.;.-;-;c and tho Near Er."i, viaitad ia Athens, whero no sucl tho ior.dov,-; o£ tho Grecir.n Jewish community;
v&i v\i
Predict Mew Curbs . : For Jews in Spain
convention, T h e organizational taeetiug &nd first convention of ,this group was held in Omaha Seven years ago. Philip Klutzniclc, former president of the region, continues to
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'•To Hold Conference re Next '
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Nadich oi Chicafio. Omaha dolesatcs include: r.Ier,dames David Greenborg, David Sherman, Uavld Cohen, Sarah Pi'ohm, Arthur Colm, . Reuben Kulakofulty, Iloso Kramer, David Goldstein, Al Wohlncr, D. A. Simon, Moo Katelman, J. II. KulaIcifsky, Max Cohen, Jacob Blank, E. Meyer, 'M. Brodkey, Sam Rico, Herman Cohen, Aaron Edgar, and Jacob Kahz. . . . Others v/ishing to go should call Mrs. Jack Kaufman, HA 09C2 immediately. A chartered bua will leave the Beth El Qynagoguo at 11 o'clock, Sunday morning, for Dca Moincs.
The Ileth 131 Men'n club ia planning a "Kick-OH" ntarT dinner at G:GO this Monday, November 11, at the Hill hotel. On the program ivill be entertainment and cards. There will bo no npcakery. Tho committee in charge includes: Milton Prdhm, Dr. David C. P l a t t, Arthur Cohn, Leon Gvaets," John Rosenblatt, Abncr Kaiman and Joe Solomonovr.' Tickets may be purchased, from any member of thia committee.
To Dedicate T&rdi at Beth El On Sunday evening, November , I,Ir. Abo Zlotky of Fremont will present tho Both El Synagogue with a' new Refer Tor'ah in memory o£ his late wife, Minnie The Tor.ih will bo dedicated with appropriate traditional- services. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will deliver an addveaa and Cantor Aaron Edgar and the choir \il\i officiate. An invitation has been extended tho public' S.-rali ycricira, before lior .reconvt. ?,":!oa to Jud'u.'m, v/r.d Doar. Anna CAm'iMt'o, rflated to over hal£ ot tho PortUEucac Mobility,
Tine l « o till f>e iii <I*i« this evening a t tl ; Bj'j«8gog«if, I0iglit<i...
Speaker on For o in •
<l>.tpIsrael sd €lil
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cego etrftcts, &t & p. ui.~, in the local obsiirvimva of A. '£. A. fiohh&th.
will 'on F£ s ( !sei« 12, , t » : A brunt id, J ." t
The public will be welcomed by the A. 55. A. and the synagogue. Alephs of -Mo'lher Chapter 1 and Sam Beber Chapter 100 will join Cantor A. Schwalczkin a n d Rabbi Isaiah' Rackoveky .in the chanting and presentation of the Service. Sam Cooper, winner of the national essay contest sponsored by tho Auxiliary of tho Veterans of Foreign Wars, will d(-livf*r h i a prlze-wlnnine esr.ay, "The Heneiits of Democracy." Justin l'rirsman will apeak on "-Jews Facing Conscription." Rabbi Rackoveky will neldrpsu the congregation OJI "Tho ThouBhts ot Youth and Its Problems." Aleph Norman Turk pi, in addition to the cliantlng of the Kiddush, will elng Beveral tiolos.
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Vavticlii3ttlei Special A. V>. A. praters will be jUven by Alcphn TIIHr.n Our.i' and
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I J n r o l d Kj)!j|i-ui. 'j'ho f>;<> \\i\\', v.- vvi c j will bo !>n:,c •>''-•• "J.. A1 • •; I * *
t:lo'r;!:>" r:'rvlcc-'i hy Akphc Cordon r.I.tiv.olln nnd Jack Jk-ru'su. LO'.UH ICats and Ciordon l^nxoJin :tre in charge of nrranrTmcntn. Rabbi Ruckovcky has assisted in the formulating of plans. Refreshments will be terved after a service by tho following committee: Tho Misses l t u t h Hoscnsteln, Etta Garelick, Gloria Wollt, Evelyn Wolk, Marion Wolpa, Muriel Goldberg and Mrs. Joseph Cuss.
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HM I I o t u tor of Dr. Bachar, who is one of the most popular speakers on the lecture platform, has appeared its. Omaha on a number of occasions. He conducted an in»tituto for the Beth El synagogue and besides speaking on tho Community Forum, lectured before tho Towns Hall Forum at the Joslyn Memorial. A native of New Y o r lc, Dr. Sachar was educated at Washington and Harvard universities and took his graduate work at Cambridge University in i'Jngland. , 1 He was pi'ofe-ssor of •Kuropeaa ' bjfitory at the. University of «il1 nolr when ho vr s ; nni'ici r,itio"r?
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i > .. Cincinnati (3VA)-—C!«Jn,'{ i t . I. J * i ^ E * v I '.(1th Mumiil cCfUM-iiknt Rt the lio'l Gib'ion, rltcndfd ?>y itcr.i'ly 1,000 ilolt'Kf.le.':, IlKtJiw.! nti re-elect" Mrs. Wijvitl <le f;oLi Pool o£ Now York as ju'eriilestf, 4-i'optod resolutions calllit;; for aid to Ilvit- Many sln pintl to I ho IV.!c;;thio Juwh.li hotuclnnd r.nd imiilpint'iitort t l i o ixnolctionr; by a|»provsit:; IitsdvtJ t l a s 51,C«».«00 to tinztieo hi- • Atlwna, Cirt.-re (<JVA)—~,T u,-?'h tensified HtctllrRl, Yc\ttli AHynti qwai'ioi'.) of K.-.1o:»i<-n nt.ct <I.fs J' • other worlc In tlio Holy Lsnd. Faml loif'it of i'orfu win* r.i1-.>"" Vlco-presidentn include I.I i n a tho objceOvf- Eniuibi'i! !>(v !>'"*'• i Jullict N. Honjamin, Mrs. Sundel ,'wlat»r;s, it v/f i i i v ^ ' i t ^ I:'1;^ f »4 s Donieer and Mra. Robert Gzold of week r.'» th« G I V " ' J I >k(>"K !l - l Nev; York City, Mrs. Harry Berk- their f.'mdy tf.'.Mriea t» in inman of Chicago and Mrc. I. M. vasipti wS'*c!i !•) tr.tV.cJ i& It-'^J Golden of San Francisco. Mrs. A. Patetls/o ::?K! the flew S'-a' t •';'} P. Schoolman was elected nation- Sts gor.l. al secretary and Mru. Samuel J. .Tho Jo\vifi!t qunrter of M o r k i Rosensohn, national t r e a s n r c r . ~ t h o port city v/hieli contfJns tit > The new office of recording sec- great r.injoiitj" rf Or<-cco'!j nnrrs rotary wac given to Mrn. Emanuol thfen 70,000 ;j<\.'fi—va'1 ra;,i?;?'ff Ilalpern of New York City, prc- althouL'h it rctt'uncd no %ff"U)i.j v i o u o 1 y national membership military objectrwi, sicorfdnfr to chairman. an account [ji%rcr, by Lo-'i." P.f-i icv Resolutions pledcing full sup- of Chicsco, T/ho c:i".!O licro froi» tho bolcasuerod cit/. "ITaiy v^i.-s (Conlinucd on Page 11.) killed In tho nnn-07.- r/rrcH-. terraced on tho Iiill'id". At kaM one synaroruo v.m hH." Ono bonb landed iioar a J.->vIsh ecbool v/hsch war, !>:inc u x : l as an interuraent c o n t e r foi" • Italian?.
The Temple Israel Men's club will hold a stag Wednesday evening, November 13, at G:30 at tho Temple. A number of committees have been at work arranging the affair and an unusual program Is promised by Louis E. Lipp, president of tho Men's club. A turkey dinner is to bo cerved. Reservations are 85 cents per plate. Paul Itlotcky is chairman of tho committee in charge of food arrangements and is being assisted by Joe Popper, "Archie Jacobs, It vry officially stated th:'t tho pave liialac and Harold Parber. Jewlali Dcction or Co.-fi', caio? Tho committeo on stunts a n t! city.-of tho inland o.' t!ie c a i n O games i3 under tho chairmanship name, vras one o." t ' s c plrcci of Richard Hitler. Members o£ The annual card party and dej?>lsrtr;. So-this committee are Hilton Maypor, ai-rt-lunchoon tponsored by t h o bombed by Fascist > Wan-en Ackerman and I. I. Sols- Dcborrh society will bo held Tucn- e'ral • persons •, cro reported c]•:;,;!. and injrrccl. man. dny, November 1", fit thft Jo\/iali "While tho uioio th.in 70,000 Community Center, c-tartinn at 1 A new 'membership class will Jews ot Civecf* joinitl In the iisY-t be introduced at tho stag. Mem- p. m. AH p r o p e l s vrill bo used for her inrtct-ia'lC'P.cf, r e p o r t a bers of, the membership, committee for the .idvaiifcmr-j'-t o t Jewiaa from Jesusplcm raUl that Iim.* include: L. Gordon Gross, chair- learning In O^Kih". drcdsi o£ Grc.c J<JVS in Tnkslh o man, and William Feiler, Dr. ArMrM. ~bitx I-'i-c;:-.l:i», chairman v;orc bc-h;;!n;: tho Grcok eoi:=> thur Greoue, Lloyd Malashock of the card j'nrty, reports a rec- aulato tht-ro '»ri:*i o:fcio to jo ; 'i and Bon Shapiro. ord ri*ciu:.>:ico | u expected and tho Groel: ;>rray. Dr.thKsJaeai f' tt csprc:. ?d her fii-pvccialioa to Greece's residence to tho Itali":"1 Other eomnlttees announced by has tl o.~,'j who Iiavo GO i.raciou^ly re- iavr/.:ic-u va*, cziC to fcj t,T/ccr-ir.^ s Mr. Lipp arc tho synagogue r.c- sponded. the "Near East, tiviiies committee arid tha pubr-Icmb'err. oi <.ho coumittoc R> licity and. uolico cor.imltteo. Bon • Brodkey in chairman of tho for- aiEtini: r.Irj. rj-GJ'itda arc: llczLav/c :nos I'. X'j;»c!cln, Vr-\& Uroxni, mer and is bein» csalsted by Harh. Kal -r-1, Pr.r.t :jp.,le;n, J. P£p.I:c-«, old Clterniack, Joseph Goldvarc, Zur'clf Dr. Herman- Jahr rnd'JuUus No^;- li. irrtsmau, Oliarlea l',a:-r., H, li. Dixra r>t".lo , mau. Joe Jr.cobs.bea^- Uv pub- V/dTSStcin, I.r. ,*. O o h o n , 73. will t o r.ppHcd in He':;! licity r;roup "ivlio.TS aiomboro in- Crouii; ?, :t-'.'ti'-e! Colr'.n, 3idaej v.r-:3?: t:u»Icr instruct 1 -'v cludo Ejlv.-ftrt! Clir,fton'f Horace ctelpian ?.uC i!. Bnrrtcin, e c ; . Ronenblum, Jiayniond SUbar and Urn. J. Bcruaiein is presiuoat Ifarvey Lron. of the Deborph society.
1 *
&a& ot JE giving £3 generously &s I s.iai Be a ii;au wiia KLCWS tiiat upon 183? , to tke present UR re in . his • i\ -d. Mr. li lavti iv hem of tl;e elile to tLa vs.rkiug drives, iii euii- I hi'iii h a s b>i;:<cii Efc-i s liiaiiditte otbeea a tJstr ict ' J ad g e of tke fi ;t> C ! ',: \ j r 'J til it ate •UghG at the fully going to synagogue c;n soiue i resyLfUtiiiiiij* for all Ids i>tcple. Foos •th J udit •ial d h trie c cf Ne£E. He fcays, What wror.g I do i& m.zd<i hrBZ• \ i &t Si- i i'C'.U. of the iHjHri-ays. a b l a m e fctidiist ray. buihren. ' li i iS b mt He; "%V :-.S C :f 5.E h OfiU.06;r fciid f. Ue A. ii eriCc aiity 0 jt:-ii >ifed £ IICC -ful I .a stage of ILe ' I t "Vff.s i n ii-is i i i o t J tLiit I •vi'eiH I Therefore, noibnjg that f do thz.ll C£Ii, him 5 a ^d Do U ex.ti ildic the tiir;.e during to tke Rush HabliOiiab service. I I fcerve as & retreads agaiast Item. liar E.SSOC iatic •as. Ue vv as V jitfcd Be a man who does not tat Liia- S t & t e s Itfct eree is a ki'iiptcy whie •i t<iXpaj 3 t< U id P<ry defolded jay Lutds and: Uicwgiat rett)ii«jUiiy t u use whole natter of sfelf apsrt either .in fear or infrom ISO ! to 1S&7, siid ( M i i ) ' Al- ii ii<ir ent taxe with'i'U t Ii6£.vy iaI>i o i U 1 o i l k i If . 1 i i at ir easara being Jewka: Wliai tor? Way GOpride of r&ce or religion. Kaov,' tera> >y of:tke City of Oil!&lib- froia U ret t p i-Kiilt ies tj l I ) , „ ' t - l ! u ' t c If « «ulo 'that you Lave certain lights to llilO to 1918 He s ;i la- •/ ir,- h ilpt d L e& s of Oaiat a real 1 keep tills up? I t E _ ; y being J e v I J d m i ^ L ! fc I I t > n w( L f give and that these lights, joined strut tor i 1 C 'eig.ttoi 1 Li.W se;.hoci id ;>ers> jaal y i Opel'* y owners pay tag very important? to 1806 s.id v £ •i a pro- ti tcir tax es a (id bro ti ;lit h 1 more The trumyets stfeiiiCd finally to with the lights that other w.ku from it « . i.i tll'lt U _ \ u s i l l give the answers. I icust caa- have, must in time dispell this fessv r of la% in th at 1in ive rsity t l tan BOO t i i on sand Sollai s into t'l i I ! WIJIIJ j t ' 5 1 *i i t f] fesa thi,t It may have beea cliilsi- darkness. froia 1SG ) to 1&I9. H e 3 in- the IJOMt l a s ( «nty t i easui yGet up and walk with all men siruc lor of law at th t !( >i li,J t o t i i ' U f a L « l Ot y isli.ia tie to have been influenced M i . K laver i aels ti iat h s past e tiia t O i the Be not a uiau who fOUE ding (it the Ci elgti to n Law 63 ieai e in th e lee is. latur 3 qualI , ) )<• t o (il^< V^l t ' ( f U t C l by the voice of trtmitels. I should, of good will, 1 lLw.> t J i ( i e <*I 1 I K u l . i J V*. 1 v at my age, he aaieaaWe rather wraps himself ia the folds of re-ECEG A. I It iv as a £*">ein \> e l c [ the ifies him for EJ othe ' term. „ ^^^. to the "voices of rabbis. Yet theligious exclu£ivertes,s. Know that State Keg [slat are of t h e tai .e of you have no separate part ia, the Nebr a&ka, IS18. Da vid Fran ks was a member of The voice of Israel had beeu a trumpets moved me as tke voice He has also been a member of t l i e Pennsylvania assembly ia lamentation; these n e w voices of no rabbi has l« . t h e reeeiit world and forget t the idea that you'are differentthe following beards: O m a h a 1748. were a valorous challenge. I wy- years. self could feel t h a t being a Jew In the trumpets there was no This ia w h a t the trumpets Welfare Board/ Omaha Planning WI' might be wore than a sitting in sobbing, no Kighiiig but only a seemed t o ' tay lo me on Rosh Board and State Planning Board,, Hashonah, Ibou&h they said it He has always been interested i a | | sack cloth and ashes. 1 felt that riiigiug cii-ll to get up out of tlie I, a Jew, should be going places. ashes and be a Jew in the sense much wore bravely and beautiful- good roads and was, for a numI was vaguely aware of some Hew of a man who is no beggar for ly. It raay sound like heresy to ber of years, a member of the Bay that* every once in awhile board of directors of the Omaha Siuai to be ascended. mercy and justice. trumpets should be substituted Auto club, now the Cornhuslter Some o fi e said to me afterIf I have been a sniveler at the ward: "For the moment I felt £3 wailing wall tho trumpets made for rabbis' voices in synagogues. Motor club. Yet I must be mindful t h a t if being a Jew had to do with me ashamed. If I have b e e n trumpets' voices1 may mean difsomething like a crusade." doubting whether there is a n yferent things to o t h e r people. (Though I suppose crusade isn't meaning in being Jewish — wethe word he. should have used, sidea its implications of persecu- Some people may say: "How eloconsidering its remote historic tion—these trumpets gave me a quent is the trumpet's voice. I t I should keep on standing imconnotations.) feeling that I am the inhabitant Hut that's what one could feel, of something much lovelier than movably at my wailing w a l l Sam Klaver, attorney at lu\/ certainly means to say to Hie that and candidate for re-election to in the brave suminoni|tg of thea charnel house. trumpets. Being a Jew had be- If I were to translate what the wrapped in my talith. I mutit the state legislature from t h « come largely a pain; this was a trumpets said I might put it in bravely stand at my wailing Sixth district, is confident of rewall." election solely on his legislatho joyous cali lo get up and walk these words: (Copyright, 19 40, by Seven Arts and be. courageous. Al» Vl.Kll'.'tXIE Timid little man! Cowering in Feature Syndicate.) Jicivtk-al Thoughts the darkness of his little corner! To tell the truth, I have been Lltfle man nursing his pain. As giving myself to same heretical if it wore the only pain in the TO CAS1" A VOTCI thoughts on the matter of being world. Little man bleating his n Jew. At my age I should have right to live. As if life were lived John A. Itiue was born on a it all definitely settled for good only for defense—liko the lives farm in Dodge county, Nebraska, and fold my hands and wait for of sheep that are concerned., only December 23, 1879. His parents the reward that is in store for the with keeping away from wolves. were pioneers and came to Nepious. Is this pa iii all you have in braska in an early day, his father A fellow as old as I (though I 'our heart? Nothing else? Have coming in 1874 to Dodgo county, am not really as, old as I make 'on no light for this darkness? and his mother coining in 1809. out) shouldn't have a doubt. Yet lave you lived these 2,000 years lie received his legal education ICICJQ 10 ¥EAKS' tragic- and bewildering e v e n t s only to be this little man whoin the University of Michigan, inake sophomores of old hands at rembles lit the shadows? This graduating t h e r e in 1900, a t HELD • H A S ' EVj being Jewish who thought t h e y ittle man who resides beside a which time he received his degree PUBLIC OFFICE Were graduated long ago. of LLB. n'ave. There have been moments, inWithout Fear He immediately entered Into deed, when I have petulantly said Get up and go and be the manthe practice of law, started practhat I am tired of being Jewish. who brought the Law from Sinai ticing in Omaha in September, ABVEIST8SKMENT Not that I have thought of being and who once spoke with the voice 1900, and has been at all times anything else; I was just tired. of prophets and who lived through since that time engaged in t h e \ Tired of being the whipped boy, the travail of 2,000 years becau.se practice of law in tho state of Netired of pain, tired or reading :ie knew a good way of life. braska, except f r o m January, that I am a pariah about whom something must be done, tired of IM>111 It'At, ADYUHTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVEnTISEMUNT being forever on the defensive, tired of meetings in which we brood and talk about our problems, tired of answering detainers who' are like people who might ask: whether I beat my wife and how often. I didn't knpw what to do about my being so tired. I couldn't run away from what I was, even if I wanted to. If being a Jew is a '. racial identity, I .couldn't change 'DEMOCRAT FOR' LJ\ : \ that, I couldn't, for example, be a Scotchman" instead of a Jew. If being Jewish is only a religious I,«, He will keep us out oi war. identity, I couldn't escape t h e Jewish pain by being something '%• He will save America from national else religiously — A Christian, a Mohammedan or a Buddhist. ,,,-.. ' : ''bankruptcy. • '• .. r d U f ICAT ADVEIWISEMENf So I have just sat with folded hands and 'have' l<ept on being a "::;"• S. ••Ho will protect.your social'security.-' Jew in the only ways that Judaism is being practiced in these times—in-lamentations,' in having . # . >He will make jobs, and end unemmeetings to denounce defamers, C'i
Sam Klaver- Runs on Legislature Record
John A. Uine
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Omaha boped to set an ammunition plant to obtain a few moro jote for our'unemployed.
"EILSCT Vosis" P r
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. .plpyment..' " p s He .will speed up national' defense*'
• .0.'-, He will bring about national unity: "-"':'' : "-?axid e n d c l a s s s t r i f e .
• ;-.fflu: He will restof©-'confidence a n d ere-;: Washington, p . C , Oct. 22 (AP) r-Tho war department announced Eimsaa City polltleal usatoday a smaU arras ammunitipn plant would be constructed In the ckina fosat us ©pi of this ono jnat ifco tbay forced tfca V. B. Euvicinity of Kansas City, Mo. K3B oi Eoa-Js t o move frosia Tho exac^ site hag not boon ce- Ooiaba to H Iccted, and details of tno coztr expected to total several millicna q2 Illliii IllS.fil .• dollars, 'vsre'ro" withheld. Negotiations aro ia progress now, tho department eald, for construction §Z vho plant, Which will bo built $n& ^{.•orited by clviUana, on t\ coic rrti!3 fixed foe basfi. " City, "> £6 El
Ml® p r o s p e r i t y .
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; '• ©a: • H© w i l l c l e a n u p t h e political rack- • •.•; ••••' • ••©teens''and crooked m a c h i n e s . .- Z. •' ; ©a;_H© w M protest IS© Ire©-. •-
- s y s t e m . [ . ' . " ' • '••• • . -
H© will Bd^b'Democracy\
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^»v contractor, said tpaay |io.% jeeQ Authorissa by 150 war "' p&rtment to r^Rort a gd thous^» u acre el{# near Weldoa Spnugr, *# ! f "»'*'b6en seicetea for 6 n e w * '
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Hollywootl betwcea Dictatoi" llyaktl cod tl»e Jewish Bsrbcr is parcly colacl deatal." With this taradoxica; opener, "The Great Dictator" pro ceeds to unfold the raost brillianJ caricature of Chaplin's career. Written . . . directed . . . produced .. . . and acted by Chaplin tlie'fllia was three and a half years in the making from germination of the idea, to completion of the synchronized celluloid a slow process of -writing, rejecting, reshaping, reshootlng. Critic are disagreed on its merit . • Bome adjudge it the comic's greatest . . . others, expecting lavish settings, wrote sourly.
The film has ©ae its very essence, woven of trcgcdy, ia not conducive to tackle*1. Tit® comedy, ullrx-ioco thoush It fa, tents Mttc? to Ifco licf.st. 1'h« satire, fnrkivo nnd scintillating, is too remindful of woe. J t i.J, to
c. n. Monday am! Tuesday I-lttos Reeerved for Private "Parties to tba Worts ef Onr Hew Ma
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"ASK VOUfi eRQCEH F0E1 MEADOW COtD PRO0UCTO" fflgsggamCT&^iagass&s
The cast is exeellcat tlirougliout. Charlie was horn for the part—In age, build, complexion, and mustache, ho ia tho Fuehrer. Paulette Goddarfi, as tho little Jewish w a s h - tyoman, forgets glamor and ACTS. Fino gerforiaanco of Maurice Moscovtch adds a sad aote . . . it vim hio laot \rork. Easily identifablo arc Billy Gilbert a3 Hering and Henry Daniell as Gartltsch. Jack Oakie Is so Ilk© "Doochy" Jio could double (with both chins) for him anywhere. Highlights: Chaplin's Geraasja gibberish haranguing t i r e members of tS»o BOB&IO Cmc3. Ilia tlanco wife tho world. Tho clioos^ by coin of a iaca to blot? t&e pclccc. Tha okavfos scene fa rhythm to a Kralmis' Rliapcfta Clins'lio's cuptein ppcccli, cntUn, the picture on s serious note,'Is pica for tolerance of rJl races, colors, etcn'Z% a psaxei* for hntnanlty, for a free world, for wiping oat of grecil, for more happiness In li
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S ctasls ©f fflsi£a£icdl Lt2cai©silalo Ia feclaj srcfetisecd a t aavlffigo off « o 2
The story treats of tho p 0 o.r Jew, the sfaetto dweller, not of the Ktofesional or scientist Jew as in preTiotis anti-Nasi thciaca. Not cut out by accepted Filmtown patierno, t h e picture ia unique . . , and Chaplin remains ths unsurpassed master of pantomime. £Mcli3ht:
1 3 G DGGTT t TTB<ttW 10 ¥ O 5I0E BTI
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cvct? iifld ••buffer" . « no es> r.f«l to jewels . . . .no g MIcrs » . » EO seats reserved* liircio not Hie best . . . bi,*> r.ceiKtoaiea to crciviB£ lets cs«I ralDfog a stir, sat in the hcaclicwcd Ifcslr niarcon 3i"ite, witli fed tempers cud c3c'jlawa. It'o NOT a riollywcctl to
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On appearance of Nazi propaganda films la a dcraatown theater, owner o£ tho building Iocacd CCti oa Patre 12.) "N
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ABOUT Jacob Itidi
pteted ~a stories . Hebrew Jewish lei1 I .t Fro&i Jtt. i a J
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ut the 1'iyiug CcL. c-1 it ' 1J Utf * w AMiui t o a ^ i y t t Ljf'^a Airtk- tJcLLiv. - t ita l.oil. A» o«fi them J and eppu Jc * . . . Ho \ 1 t « bifc t*lia, vho Ci.u.0 to i^Jc t'iti, uhder tho Uour, but i o &( Ui cf.=^w . . , li' '•'i c . t ft t Ui," y 1'Ulhdv.li'iU (JTA)—A waited t v o h(>ut^, tLitv. 1 & J U , L« u l CM nation Committee but tliere \ias t o i!, u < f it i . . t, . . . . \ ^ f tl fu th t it i out •.Obviously whtt Le L'* w, «i«*t t' 4 d-ls tf fa i t t OX ti.e trek lcic-l La be ti i.L_ L real poi&on but " i u . " ! W (<. , f J Cl His told «s witk Uf. A. U. V/. Re cbl .cu i a ' eukstUute) . . . lie K J I _l tit: t U,v « t it t!,yj '11 I It (I to do it r u t u l (WitiAdn t a d Dr. L'riitH lie would Laio to hud ..• a crfLir i l l cstfsi A us cLainiau of tlt<* laeaus tthticv.itl. to <•*! Mi Wetuto tit. L i<-» l'«* fi-4 Kl* tl e plei£ ^OtUUtittfab, It WaS eU« » -. . Jjo he got out of bed, went to every ciitie ia lite world were opa hardware store, taught a rope, posed to it . . . I believe that it Bounced" by J. Solis-Colien, jr., -s w e o t, \ i.\c( „£' hee liiia h o t .
and returning home, hanged him- was more Iraii&rtaat to make the congregation president. The anself . . . But the regs snapped and epeeeli at tfee end tliaa to keep niversary will bs marked with, a lie only injured kitasell slig'htly the little barter strictly In cliar- program of special events frobi . . . For it was sot a real rope, actcj" . . . ffeat final speech is Noveiaher 27 to December 1. The Spanish - Portugueeo conbut "ERSATZ" . . . There seemed the most sublime aad Btrongest to be no escas>e from this vale o£ iaiietatent of tl>6 Ifssl : regime gregation is rich ia historic traditears . . . But lie was determined, ever put on tlte ecreea . . . We're tion. Haym Oaloraon was among its e a r l y memlisre. Benjamin and lie had aa inspiration —- he with you, Charlie . . . Franklin coatributed . fuEds for would denounce 'Hitler . . . That, the building1 of a synagogue. The lie felt, would bring Mia uvllt congregation treasures, a letter and sure death . . . With fecui frota George Washington. anticipation he darted from t U o f fioiis-e. and rusliiog ap to a flonui i j ^ t AI'K-.W l . j ^ f t l a • . . We w e Trooper, yelled, "Bovm witti .Fil- i ic!i><:,2 t o i'r is^Jii Liywsa for it Police Arrest 20 ler" . . . The- Ste«a T r o o p e r Bucharest Sepiiardim looked at him kingly, and putting ff.a Of fifaf, J«js? liiS.fe^l liK3*4.Il a linger to Itis Hgs, eald: "Oh-sln, not sa loud . . . It a,aytvo% should II a ^laiili-* to vL.lt the fuiued Bucharest (JTA) — T w o a t y overhear it. 111feeesiapelJed to iA'lenili,t CiC*}' fcitClES^ii. Aft-CI" Spanish Jews were arrested la a arrest you aud tfiess dirty d ogu iticny \tcel s Ci- ILei,a uzSly vl&'ts, 'aid by Iroa Guards a&d polleo oa don't deserve thla service." . . . the i Srt's kiuiiscs' fti&lly vi,cut to the Sephardlc club. All except Yes sir, the Oteria Trooper, too, tct) IPh-Niilr, crti fij'oU'gtiied t o were released. The uolieo was not genuine, but "ERSATZ" (iff.i £o±' hit uc^J! I* i-'s roK&tcnt two eiscd 293,15© lei found ,ia tho . . . Seeing that all Ma attempts i'ltciiriij lloau <*f Is i a fcicntillc possession oC the Jews. at suicide were futile, the Aryan , ilMnsr.;I«t . , . "Oh, not sst all," Kin- Tho two men detained, Do Hay© gave up all thought of ecU-de- stein e s u m l her. " I enjoy her and Anton Rafael, were aeetissil struction . . . And, since he wasI visits verf ESUCII, find wo get of directing CommtiaiKt propagancompelled, to live, lie thought lie ,6lcBig well" . , . "Llestff?" oskesl da aotoag the Jewish pogulatiati might as well try to enjoy lilts . . . the lady. "IclBEt what t e a 'you find of Bucharest and o£ haviug "ombSo he walked Isto a restaurant a' tittle elgli;t-|*ear-ol# girt lisve in versive" leaflets in thoir possesand ordered a full-course dinner comtaosi?" . . . . "A great deal," at the timo of tho raid. TIio . . . But that killed him outright Einstein explained. "I love tho sion raidera all 20 to give v® . . . What he got was "ERSATZ." jelly beans she brings mo — and all theirforced money and open a uzte site loves tho %Trsj I do her arith-and hand over Ita contents as naetlc lessons." -, . well.
-•• • NASTY RUT 2RUE The Nazis refer to the New Eu- f The other day, at tlie home 'of - ~Meyer' Weisgal,• S&toTt Irishman rope they are going to establish was i n t r o d u c e d to Dorothy after the war as NEUROPA . . . Thompson . •.: -.. I>sjrptliy...loolce?! The people living under H c r r liiiii over and then' smiled broad- Hitler's r e g i m e will be called ly . . . "Ai'cn't'yon the man vtho NEUROTICS, we presume . . . We advised me about 19 years ago to don't like the reports of how Willforget all about journalism and kie campaign managers are inget married?" . . . America's first timidating some prominent Jews lady of journalism hart remem- in small towns to vote for the Rel>erccl correctly . . .Nineteen years publican candidate . . . These high ago when she was traveling to pressure gentlemen insist that it Europe on the same'boat with the its the duty of the leaders of tho , HENRY. J . DiaAL American delegation, to the World Jewish communities to come out Zionist Congress,. eho cslced Mr. publicly for Roosevelt's opponent Upoa being la'terriowcd abotat Irishman's • aslviss oa Iiow to break in order to demonstrate that the into newspaper work . . . Tho'edi- Jews are not voting en bloc for Henry J. .Seal's qualifications fe? tor of the Jewish Morjiiag .Fosir- the President . . . That kind of District Judge prominent cltissaa nal told her . . . "Forget it aad procedure smaclcB of black - jack Henry Beal la a very capable find yourself' a good 'husband." methods . . . and it really creates . . . Dorothy, proceeded to Loscfon, a. Jewish issue, which does not lawyer and will nialto an excel. sold herself to' the ~ International exist'. . . There are'plenty of Jews lent .District Judge.—Mas FrocNews Scf?ice &s. an esperfc - oa who will bo voting Republican in Msu attorney. SHonisni and got. her'., first nsws- tt»l3 campaign . . . They are en- Having known Henry Beal in* titled to their views . . . But they tlmately for 20 years and icnow' paper job to cover the ing his Qualifications, I recommend supporting him for District Judge- — Sam Bpotein, Bpstoln Theaters Corp. Henry Seal's vrldo esperioBCS and deep understanding:, m a k e htm one of the outstanding nominees for District Judge. — David B. Gross, joweler. I have knovra Heary Boa! iatlmately for 30 years and. I cuts v/ell acauainted with his record during the World War. I from a letter written 24, 1913, to Henry J. Beal GoYornor Keith Novilje: "I T?ritag thin letter GO that raay have come outward token ©H the country's appreciation of your eorTlce. Tho President desires that I extend to you as e: "Sion o£ his gratitude, aad I you to knot/ that I poraoaally appreciate tho part you played to uphold Kebraoka's good record." I feel that erery sos'3 Answlccn -- I BLKO-T&KO Codfessft off eltisea and especially AEicrlCiQ L o e l o n men, chould support Henry J. Beal for District Judge. •—Farley Young, Charter Xfotafe3t_ Americas liSjIoa Pcsl 17o. S. Henry Scsl fc OSQ of tfco Scat pto£c23ofJ oa tho faculty nail Sa well sj?is!!Cie3 for the position of District J u d g e . — llarbcrl • W. F i Fischer, former wcratary, TTaitcrcitjr ot Otaahi tat? Sclicclj—»A«£7.
lESilll H. PflLXO
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GSfSIB 03 ISflJ f\m trt-Urfua
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THE i f V/i^i-i t r i:"-'i
• Friday, H&vemticr 1, IS40
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r* u i o t t « city t> live iii Denver, C I , a. t e fuU'e Co »i i-^i a 4v,2 is i io- Ik. L it t cf t~Sti.il it J t b«- - i e _ t € 2 1 I ! I J ' i Wi. C Cf Z! t, j | L 0 S t ^ 1 ' ^ 1 I II. J i
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1 ut c, L „! b J £ ^ , cJ i '• 'The J. C. C Pi'e-set;sc-a B ^ i t t ,rL , _ „ , ^ , ii ball league will gel imderw&y tiiu | C t I f' N ' i t 1 k ^ r JL Sunday at 2; 15 p. m. At the New York (WHS)—The Jour| '1 fc i> it 1 < L « H Tl '. time this column -went to pres. nalists' Defense Fund, organized 1 11 \ <t ^ J V i ! O'L 1 tl ' five teams had entered the pre-to raise funds for the defense of tr t t ( t Jt 1 ( I , Tl ii season league. Friday evening is Herschel Grynszpan, now report- I? c i ei f i t £ «. u * l u ' u t *a J 1' £ )l f- J , ^ C H t l6 1c t f. a ( I I \ < c t Ifc ! i \\ It 11, v. U v. the deadline. edly awaiting- trie! in Berlin for I j d .it i n u c in i, c a S ' . . / s is Schedule: the slaying of a Nazi "consular at, A. SB. A. No. JGO vs. K.'A.A. tache in Paris in 1938, which con- to in« handicap, Mtie aolb to ktt from being completely shut out. "Mose" Frankiiii, one of the No. 1—2:15. tains I7..107, will be given to & Sam i.-ffcfzniati was top man for veterans of the Jewish Bowling • Iiincoln Tavern vs. Adk-ris Bak- fund for French refugees when the losers with his 498 series, leagues, who hart retired for a ery—3: IB. the young Polish Jew's fate is while Abe F-tldman was right be- ehort while, will take Oscar's Pi 'i'uti vs.-bye. finally determined, according to
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hind him with his 41*1 series. Inon'the State Coal team and Dorothy Thompson, head of thecidentally it can be mentioned place will make his debut with the Coal If another team enters before group. here that the losers failed.to get men next week. Friday evening they will play at Before Grynszpan was turned at least oiie "500" series for the 4:15 against the A. P. T. over to the Gestapo Ly official)? of third straight week. '•'Snoop" reports that certain the Petain regime, the fund remen can't take it. Well that's ceived $4 0,203.24, the writer said. As it looks right now the' AdI'n the second match of the eve- just to bad, for they will have to lers' team Is the one to beat, they Of ...this sum, 127,750 was disning, the league leading 'Pioneer have "Aukie" Yaffe, ex-Nebraska tributed to organizations for theUniforms kept up their winning lake it or leave it. relief of refugee^ in accordance U. flash; J i m m y Burroughs, ways by taking two oat of three The Wardrobes have sprung' a Chuck Korney, ex-Drake star; Sol with the decision to spend no games from lite Clicquot C l u b new "Doggie" on the league when .tuo_ Yaffe, Henry Iliekes, Harold Pol- more than §12,500 on. Grynsz- Eskimos, wh oare the co-holders Frank Brook stein took the "Bogpan's defense. lack, Ben Kutler and Art Adler. Eskimos, who are the co-holders gib" position two weeks hi a row The irony of this match is that as a result of hie miserable 404 the co-holders of the cellar posi- Eeries. The Lincoln Tavern five will I l!£ U U AL. . U l i S.E, - ' . ' M present a formidable club in Max tion had to spot the league leadT u r n e r , Stan Passer, II e r t i ers three pins in each game.. Harold Pollack, who two weeks iSelches, Mart Soref, Jake Adler, The Uniform boys won the first ago set a new league low record By SAM.ZWEIBACK Bonny Golding, Sam Ruderman, game by the substantial ma.rgiti of "8'i," came back this week 1 /I l 1 . ' I I I 1 Morrie Adler and Norm llosenof 64 pins and the last game by with a nice 459 series. STANBirJOS OF TEAMS thal. 68 pins, while losing the middle W . ' L. Pet. "Dr." D. C. Platt is in a slump, Pioneer Uniforms . . . . . . . . . IT JO .630game by 75 pins. il) as can be verified by this week's , 1 b 12 .556 The Mother Chapter will also The Wardrobes Siiiitll Motor Co.' 15 12 .556 In this match Leo Weitz, the scores, which s h o w two 140 present a good clulj but young Empire . . . . . . . . . . 12 15 .444 and green in experience. T h e Cliciiuot Cleaners Eskimos . . . . . < . , . . 11 18 .407anchor man for the leaders, took games. members are Morris lluderman, State Coal and Gas . . . . . . . . I t IS .407 top honors with his 556 series, Al Fiedler just can get out of Haskall Colin, M a s Kirschenmade up of games of 209, 168 the "Doggie" position. t>auni, Ed Gerber, Marvin RichA couple of changes took place and 179. Insist f.i i. ktlt-E' i,-*i/ ards; Abe Baurh and Marvin Gi- in the league standings in the Morrle Fine of the winners was and M"iuj/ t . ' U t o t*y 1 "Tony" Cohn is still the most linsky. Jewish Boys "Bowling league re- hia runner-up with his 512 series. s t a t e f-tiT.'t'jiyt.» t'cj t.i reliable "Strait Ball" artist in sulting in a tie for second place ctu^Ii.^l.iCL.'i.V ( »v f -^ i- J Sol Yaffe, who, incidentally, is , AlkV« ft'ilij The Sam Beber Chapter will and a.-two-way tie for the cellar 'present an all-veteran lineup with position after the s m o k e hadthe most improved bowler in the Mike I^andman, Melvin Levine, cleared away after the bowling re- league during the past five weeks, 1 11; ?Sam and Lou Slutsky, Norman sults were tabulated this week. kept up hia high shooting, when he turned in a 534 series for the Kuklin, Harold Epstein, P a u l In the feature match of the eve- losers, made up of games of 182, Mann, Ben Miller and Morris L j .A: ning, the Smith Motor boya put si 169 and 183. Hichlin. .' stop to the Wardrobe's winning Elmer Greenberg was the run-bSiS Jc f i r u i l y streak by taking two out of "three ner-up with his series of 527, , • - ...HANDBALL games from the Clothiers. rort made up of games of 174, 182 The Class B Pre-season Handdouble win by the Autonien and 171. ball tournament games are in putThe c t u f o H I O'sc tvii teams in a two-way tie • their third round. In s e c o n d for both second place in the league In the last match of the evefound matches: hing, the Empire Cleaners stepped • Kutler-Yaffo downed Fromkin- standings. of the cellar position by takIlichards, 21-19, 19-21, 21-18. In this match, "Tony" Cohn, out ing two out of three games from Wolk-'Golding b e a t Isaacsonthe "Hapless" State Coal outfit. ghapiro, 21-22, 21-12. L-i t f ; t v i , j f'4?' i:E;;eCLt>; In this match Captain Lee HurKurs - Iloeaeu defeated Nuvp.kwmmi wieh finally came in to his own Fidman by default. by setting a new league single Dr. A. Faier-Skolnik beat KUtsseries record, when ho shot a big kee-Ricklin by default. 610 series, made up of games of 210, 161 and a big finish of 239. jll •VOLLEYBALL TAKr VALUATioVjS Maybe this score will keep Lee The new volleyball system inup near tho leaders, where he troduced by the Athletic departWar Veteran (Continued from Page 1.) rightfully belongs. Hank Coren, ment is finding favor with t h e business men to such an- extent of the small community, youth the anchor nian of the winners, that the classes are jam packed. and unemployment, welfare fund was the second high man on his Ai. ABVI The new: system has the beginners administration, refugee problems, team, with his 549 series. classes on Tuesday, Wednesday effects of the war on overseas and Thursday at 12:3(K to 1:30,needs, and the, role of tho junior The "Hapless" State Coal outand the varsity classeson Monday or youth division. • . fit were topped by 'their anchor and Friday same time. Calisthenman, Phil Katzraan, who came Many Expected GEOG ics are given'every noon. More than 200 lay and profes- through with a 515 series, mado sional leaders in Jewish Welfare up of games of 168, 177 and 170. Michael Friedsam was quarter- and Community activity from ten Dave Cohn Trao - the runner - up *]-.,,,^v r^i-j ^ /"'ri' master general of the New York states are expected. Prominent with his 480 series. State Guard during the World authorities from many fields will The Coal boys are losing one of address the gathering,* .: >. War. One of the most vitar questions their bowlers, as Oscar MayoroPOLITICAL facing Jewry is the effect of the\vich, their lead-off man, is leavwar situation on overseas needs AHVERTIBE5IENI and problems. Henry Montor, ex.^^.^ ecutive director o£ the United Palestine Appeal, and Moses A. Leavitt, secretary of the Joint Distribution Committee, will address tho conference on the present situation of European Jewry. , Nathan M.: Steli\ of Milwaukee, president of the West Central States Regional Conference, vflll address the opening session on problems and adjustment of Jewish Communal organizations in the region during the past year.
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5 with Ft. Bordy, Joe Bern- i presided at tke presidents and ofgtein, Sara Steinberg, HeradJie \ iicers luiicheon. HerscKman, Max Givot, Charles j Irvin F 1!
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£ES tu gala HOJU'Among t i t Nelkos, kt. LevicL, Bi!- IJo.u- s,; b u n k o iJii.taelsteiri, CK-tiit.; l u t h Ltlaiu, Couni.il bSvfffc; ki>dh U w . 1 1 6 Omaha; S»-h.a k . i i t u , tji«..-ta i&Iar.e; Gfcu.fcvjc.it. Stein, O^chu, and the alui..uuc ttlviuor, t» c 11 / tMiltkr of Oi t aha. AdditkftK.1 Uouoio fcCtiv(«,l. tu Theta aluitiiti v h e u J</t,^i>ltii.e s tIlubnitz, '«&, ws> pp siEtant tdifof ot the 'iaiih, Delta T&u's hi-sunna! 'iut, The appoint uitut to tlib u£ makes Mitt. Hubuitz & the Suineuifc Cuuucil of Delta, Tail. One of I'leta'UiapJer'ti ( t u i i - r members, Heliitcu VoJLu Lu<»; H! of Portland, On,., v&b'tntcj (..*> ! at a dinner at tho'chapter Li»u, 0 on Wednesday nigfit. The Linctulik Alumnae Leas uu entertained Mrh. Witfetntttiii, the the Cornliu.sKer' hotel •' on Eatur-
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dn, chairman of tli« Deborah society's annual fc ' i ( C » ) l i l'« i-Q, card party, reports very encouragiag gregfets with ticket Bales. The card party is scheduled- to he Iifeld Noveaii.tr 12 ^.t- the Jewish Coii'tuittisity Ceater. Council "All those' interested in t h e ' ifttt of the progress of J e w i s.h education Sectioa of the amoag ckildren in Omaha should' of Jewiaii Juniors, was attend," according to Mrs. Fromhu&itor of the Midwest kte. ': ' ' •;"',•" at tlie Conference held Tickets for the card parfy 'may fn Lit/. ue o:Jh.ii,«,i Horn Ilia. Fromkin, IIA t6VJ. zd
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e.uCn, j7c>t )> i '/, L/ t< ( «a_ I-n'fd id t"( c '.v. ^ e t i n .
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hsab City, ai.d lfi£. hi i i t . ,€..«'!.»d, 111. Vhciuo of tLa co.i'vuiti&ii vtn: 0 t o IJ./yi,« b t i I . T \ L*. t.i«: ou t i c uhc A. I). iii-l»fcr iii. .'(ics t, * 1 His. u-in, Youth Any. 1 -L&iri c\ y ia
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"Junior (Council in tLe Wlild ot tin.
V,C LIAi. ' WA
4A iVJi
"Jitaut iii. the '1, delegates •day. - ; " • ' ' iove budgets o t a l i i u UA1' , '00 .'for-- the ,.:, child'welgroup's ' h i i! t "Junior 'are, HihocA • /, •;, emergency The' Junior Hadas'sah held a ceding, ici'it.' (it<», liuid reclamameeting Monday, October- 28, at ion and rcfuL < 0 v ! ucation work.
house-mother,' at a luncheon at :
Q of ili< . H .lislpry.' of i i >U will" be y ' t j t'» .
the Jewish Community Center. Feature of the evening was en11. JJ, O. ' • : • i.;i\i. Aithur L. tertainment by 'Bob-Hall, who is II.. M. O. ia b«>Llnning .to line , appearing- at the Hotel • Fonte- up its>:activities foi the year and president; Mrp. • Clarence nc renelle. in this way allows, openings for man, corresponding !,eeretaiy; Genieve Stein was named sports women who wirh to make their .Mro. Sam V/erthiemer, jr., record1 chairman. A bowling league is ive-and-cet money. Under, the ing secretary;.-und Mrs. David being organized and .will start.on direction-of--Mrsr-Louis Albert Rbyenstock, treasurer. The local Sunday, November 10, from 2 bpoks of tickets will be^ ready to •Kroup has ti, mfcinberrhip of moro to 4 . '. , .." . ..•:• •' •.. . distribute at .the."next meeting on "than- 200 and has been"affiliated A hospitality committee w a s the raffle of an electric stove with NFTS :;ince 1917. formed in order-that •-the - glrla which will be draVn at the March' Well known as as speaker, Mrs. may get. acquainted with e a c h meeting. ": - _ Relnhart is a pact president of the other. Members of this commitMrs. F. II; Roddy is chairman Isaac II. Wiso Temple Sisterhood tee are Libby Ruback, Frances and. Mrs. William Pollack isco- of Cincinnati. Formerly chairman Osoff, Frances Bcrkowitz a n d hairman of a card, mah-jongg, of the Program Cimmittee of her Bernlce Robinson. ". '. ' ." and bingo party to be 'given at local Sisterhood, Mrs. Iteinhart in A supper meeting of the board he" Brandeis tea room on Tues-; now Chairman ot the Program was held preceding the meeting, day, January. 7,' 1941: Admission Committee of the Ohio Gtato Fedat .which time three of the regu- tickets™ will be 50 cents and a. eration of Temple Sisterhoods, a unit of NFTS. -• lar members'were present. They dessert;hiijch' will be served. were Harriet* Saltzman, Shirley. The *' rummage, sales wiU.be Spar and Ruth Stein. . The five started soon under the direction Youtli A l i y a h , announces the girls who are invited to attend of Mra. Reuben Bordy, who is chairmen of the Minyanim'groupa. the next board meeting are Ger- sending forth an appeal to the There are Mrs. J. Blank with Mra. trude Rubinstein, Antte Z a g e r, entire membership to get in touch Arthur CJohn, Mrs. Harry KulaShirley Sellz, Lee Fellman a n d with her if they have any old kofsky, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mra. Dorothy Bernstein. clothes, shoes or bric-a-brac'about Dave SteUi and Mrs. Julius Stein. ; Reservations up to 30 from tho the house which is ot no use to Chairmen regular membership are b e i n g them but far ioo good to throw The chairmen ;of Youth Aliyah taken for the next supper meqt; away. Those who wish to have 1 1 ing and those girls interested in these garments picked up can call groups ape: -Mesdamc3 Leo Ab• attending are asked to call Mary Mrs. Bordy at WA 56BG. ; ramson, William Raduzlner, Al : Wohlner, A. Ro.ffmau, Dayo_ Rp, Arbitman, KE 229C, n o t later than Sunday, November 10. • YOUTH ALIYAH < It is apparent that -HadassaU's Tho following girls have Volunteered to go out on the Jewish work for Youth Aliyah must conNational Fund Drive on Sundayi tinue and* be expanded in the year November 3 : .Genevleve S t e In, ahead. . Those" mefllbers of MinPauline Schwartz, Shirley S p a r , yanim groups who have been con- i " Elaine P r a n k , -Shirley Barish, .tributlng funds Tor children jiow' Pearl Rtchhian, Dorothy EU.a u, in Palestine'br-'for those who" are 1 Marcella Scissors; Mary Arbitman, 'about"to go; witt naturally COIK Joaepiiine : Rubnitz* Berniqe- Rob- tlnue- their payments thvotighout inron* Shreda Osoff, Alice Sua- the" -twoTyear period covered • by man. Pearl Lipsey, Mbby Jtuback their respective pledges. •' In .adMarion Ciayman, Rebecca Kirsh dition, ' i t fa :hoped,'"that many .enbaum, Betty.Abramson, Shirley new Minyanim groups will be Sellz, Rose Kirshenbaum" a n d formed, not- only for children still to arrive in Palestine but for Harriet SaltEmau. . , A'special meeting is being, held those refugees and native-born Tuesday,. November 5, • at: which Palestinians wiio"are" now also to time Mr?.-Ezra Shapiro of-Cleve- receive the benefits of the Youth land v/lH-be KueSt. speaker. Mrs. Aliyah education scheme. Shapiro is coming, direct from the At a timo when the attention nrtional, convention and will Jiavc of the world \a focused upon the ' • women tell' ua ttilc— a very important mersarto for the untold ruffering and destruction members of the" Junior Hadassah. coming in the wako of the war, they change off with differAll nirlsfore urged to" attend. The the men and women of. thits counmeeting is called for 7:4'5.~ " try have given primary consideraent otudo, add furc oi: tailored tion to the plirht of the children. necessaries, depending on tho . • It ic A the universal feeling that TJeta special' steps mu3t be taken to -ocpGlion.-" You'll find- tliio •' .Lincoln.-(Special)—Lart week- conserve the lives • arid tho wellend, Alpha Theta chapter of Zeta. b'einc of a future "generation. techniquervror!:s v;oll for you, : Beta Tan, played'host to 25 broth- Those Vv'ho-haro applied this prinera from Omega chapter of Mis-ciple "' through support .of t h e too. Try owning ct least one- - ' souri. On Saturday night a suc- Youth Aliyah-movement must feel the need and urgency of continued cessful house-party was held with Paul Sr.rgcnt nhirtv/nict drcco. ' •' demotion- to tho -cciucG' of Jev.ioli over 75 persons attending.Zeta JBcta Tau's -Leonard Mus- youth, which ceeka rescue and reDldci: 'end fall- cilorai Junicst itJn bas been making Quite a name birth in P.ilertlne. ^ •. Ifrs. Julius Stein, chairman of for hinic;l£ as a member of the rizsa-'j) to. Yi^-iczyXsx 'ci2C3.'"varrity.football team this season r 12 to 4f~Iicif oisss 121 to 24D,.' " Man;? of' tho "brothers 'plan :to aCtciu! -tho. Nebraska-Oklahoma r foqtMlL same' to be.plnyedat Nor1 ' TUC'V tor.iorvp',7 afternoon.-- - ~ Irv : :ul{.shccL-, Euwcrfi-Ec Mil q: ii.-r, T?&>>- PaP.T-r and -3d K:~. U. £3. Fat. c ™Lsc": hr.ve been named net * V G I t / p . Tv 0. infantry. Yi*o CiVtfc Ssjuid 'also hna tv;o ;*OT "?f~~ rs riembcrs with the r ii-.'-r'* «£' 1'A Ilalachoc'c and Sid ; r - r "?.'. 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'-'" l;::p l 'n,i Grim en M .Denvc1*, C'ili'.l •' * 'iecic'l treasurer o? the I- ill-".' t • ?-.noiort' unit recently f<r.«tH'l -'.i '<-':i~ University, of 2'r~
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Fri<£*y, November 1, 1S4O
Temple Sisterhood
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Sinai 'Club
miTLNGlfERE : ?lra) Mas Balotln and daughter, dances, of- Providence, R. I., , rtro vis-siting at the home of Mr. iin4-.Jire.-Hy Fisher. Mrs. Baloita-ltfjs beeir "extensively, entertain24j "Jvclyn Abyama - Is recovering •frc*a en. emergency appendectomy - at" iho' Nicholas -Sena- -hospital. ! ?lr. - ahft Mrs. .Jake Simon of -Lrs Ahgelc3 visited h'era e-tt route homo from the cast with Mr. :amd ,Mvs. II. 3Frieden"and Mr. and Mrs. Max Stadia. Tf'Tffi"
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O -Management of- Real Estate °a-Snle Ol O "Morti f fi Tho- Gpoateat'Value T7o" Offer - - "> Our Custosscro lo •
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As an Institution- Engaged' in tho
i-i t-r p^^kJife , j
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; MizracHi Women. •
ANNOUNCE BIRTH Itfr. find Mrs. Sam Minsberg ot The next meeting of the ,M1?The. regular meeting of t h e Los Angeles announce . tho birth 1 rachl Women's oryanization vlll Sinai club was called to order last of a daughter, Carol Eileen, on be held Wednesday, November 20, Tuesday evening; at the Jewish October 6. Mrs. Minsberg is the a ' luncheon meeting open to former Dorothy Glicken of Oma-Community Center by Gary Land- at members and their friends. . A man, president. A share of the proceeds of thespeaker will come from the nadrawing held Sunday was turned tional office in New York for thin Ii BETROTHAL meeting. • over to charity. . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scholnlek Guests at the meeting w e r e Sunday announced the engago- Mickey.Balaban of Council Bluffs, Members of t h a orG ment of their daughter, Selma, to Ann .liotheiiberg of Bt. Joseph, are still working on lite J. N. I1', Sam Friedman, son of Mr. and Mo., and George Welse. • box collections. Beeuuue of the Mrs. E. Friedman. critical situation In Europe, more No date has been set for t h e land purchases are needed to care wedding. for the unprecedented refugee influx. Land is available for purANNOUNCE BAR•. MJLTZVAll.' ' The monthly Beth El Auxiliary chase at this time. . Mr. and Mrs. Max Baumer an- Board meeting will be held Monnounce the Bar Mltzvah of their day, November 4, at 1 p. in. at son, Sol, Saturday, November 2, the home ot Mrs. Dave Cohn, 113 at 9 a. m. at the B'nai Israel syna- South Fifty-fifth street. gogue, Eighteenth and Chicago A d e s s e r t-luncheonls to be streets. Friends and relatives are served. „ invited to attend the Eervice. Mrs. 3. 3. Greenberg will servo A family dinner will be given a,G Mrs, Cohn's. co-hostess. Mrs. by'Mr. arid Mrs. Baumev in their David Greenberg, president of the son's honor on Sunday, November auxiliary, urges all board mem3, at the J3'nai IsraeLsynngogue, bers to attend. STO MEMPHIS ^ " '" " .Lddieo, Free Loan lira. 'Victor M. £anz left .last Friday for" Memphis; Tenn.,- to visit lier Bon, Stuart. SBo will be A regular meeting of the Ladies gosie about threo weehD. " ^ " ' Ffeo "Loan - society will c"o held Wednesday, November G, at 2' p. m. at the Jewish Community Cen.ANNOUNCE BAR RIITZVAH _ Zlt.' and - Sirs- Harry Monovitz ter. fof Fremont announce the- B a r y»litevali of .their .son. Irvin, on •FtoTem&er 9, at the .Synagogue of the Frfembrit Hebrew society.
r 0' ii. O S
rl Cut F ' s 11 o & t tt An uiruEKcliy fine bock review i ti ' Ai-fa.IL will be heard L-y tieiabers of ike 710,] fctt€r . tv f ft Temple Israti Sifcterlioca at tneir meetlag on- Monday, November i, at 1 p. m. Mis. Jnm.es HeVot will f/f J H i 8 c f J c C O" 1 J » c^ review "The Faiaily," by Kiale,a I " elf Le efl Sltft I ij>.at f v .. .^ y i hi Fe<lorov&. The bock is toptitg •Wfclt fcJtv' * I t / ( t . i . t » ! f u. the best selitr list aac was awardKUJLLV-MEVKHriOX VVKIKMN<i TO WIXTEIt II'J CA1A£OR1,IA u ^ «i 3 f- i ) u b &ocitty LiHftu t< ? ( , ) ! » in i f t ' I ed the $10,060 Atlaatie priae. Mr. alii Mrs. Nate VtifciUEb. are SET FOR NOV." 10 will Lcia a » J u t t < *-a t t c tiag t>f The Sisterhood will have &6 leaving Mcnday to spend the winMiss Libbye Meyerson, daughCU li Jfctlfc-'jt O t<- C* ter of Mr. and Mrs. Uoodnian ter in Los Angeles. Their daugh- guests at Ibis meeting the followf p ' o n > 1 . I t , < u », et ^ I If <t lit" C t ' t j fcltCi Meyerson, will become the bride ter, Mrs. Albert Simons, of Losing new members: Mes.daia.es S. 4- C^ t L ».ti o? Maynard" L. Kully of Hastings, Aegeies, who Ms been visiting B. Boster, Edward • Brodkey, M. D. Brodbey, Harry "Davis, M a x them for the past five weeks will r Bon .of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kuliy, , if i t . H iitC iie. « i t l , i v/o it u aL.ff l£< t^ L u Dienetfrey, Alan Ferer, SLewtal also of that city, on Simday, No- accompany them. I(. l i i l t j , Mili L ^ e I Cl i (iWt i t Glllnsky, Paul Grossman, Joseph veiuber 10. The marriage will ttufc Uitwt (it led l y H. Jacobs, Lawrence Jacobs, H. tak« place at, the Black stone ho- FE»ERS LEAVli FOll 'Jit.. L Ks-.tlt.ff fe j.iCt o t j t of B. Jaffe, Millard Kxassie, Pbilip otLy Lf.cjf^t tel. to the tKu t iLi« i HOME Lazerpwltz,.. Ilarry Levy, H a r r y alb <a«£.idii Dinner for 6a persons will be mm Mrs. David P. Feder and daugh- Jjowenstein, Lester Marcus, liav© following the ceremony: ter, AHeen Phyllis, are leaving Newman, Leo.Ho:%, ) ; ' i i y PertNovember 3 to. make their future m'eter)'' L,awreE£t I'lr.U'.ti". Jfurry ANNOUNCE I5NGAGEMEKT. home in Des Moines. They.will Rieh,; Sidney • Ec .., .':- is ~t.ft.t•Mr;-and Mrs. A. Sackheim of jeia Mr./.Feder who has., been and Harry \^»!.-. Chicago, 111., announce the en- gone, for' the past 'month,''. The gagement of their daughter,. Mar» Fed era have taken an. apartment •.The luncheon, {•; o,i"— u-t EU; cella Brena, to Mr. Sidney J. at the Commodore Hotel <2r Des p e r y i o n bfMn.. inei, -who 'will bafc!.r.**" -t>V the <}6yBe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Good- Moines. • ~ following, commfittfc.:' IJc:.«'.u./>-i.s inau Coften of Omaha. * • • . • • ; ' I. 'ilosenthal,' Lt;Ji« i:«ri uuoal, Mrs. Goodman Cohen has Juet H O N O R B O N ' Mr. and. Mrs. Sain Gendelmaa Sarah Zeiin,'Leo Jtt .cr.tbfcl, Jaiie "returned from'Chicago, where she was a house guest of the Sack- entertained at a reception on Sun- Slo&burg,- Abe Iiiotr.fty, L o u i s Kay,'Ilyinie-Milder,' II* iry'\Viliuday . afternoon, October 20, in heiihs. ' honor of the Bar Mltzvah of tlielr Bky and Paul Motel'y. : ; • K^fieryati'oHs way )>'i;'j>hont:d to Bon, Milton."" A dinner for put-of-" Mr. Jtndr Mrs. G. Rosenberg of town guests was held later in the Mrs.* I. ilosenthal, WA. 0f»US>. Hastings annouace the engage- evening. inettt ot their daughter, Bella, to of ' Mrs. -Dave I ' .iuo'b. George Grund of Des Moines, Ia. CONVALESCING,' •• • tli©'Temple If i ' hl:A<i:i Mr. Grund is the son of Mrs. Anna Mrs. Max Pirscli Is' convalescing hold an 'cl«c(S * !>a?ty en the Leah Grund. ' at St. Joseph' hospital, where on ijiglit of tne (I- Vo,, f r o m & M183 Rosenberg la affiliated Saturday she underwent an opera- o'clock on at ti f "' --itle.- / . s -with a Hastings retail clothing tion. . B.istlng•'will Jo ITi!.. T-ouis JSoiustore. Mr. Orund la associated mers, Mra. Ed iyJio-iboreu1, Mrs. •With "The Iowa Jewish Ne'ws" of SURPKISE PAICTS Joe Jacobs and IIIK. Archie JacJ)es Moines. Previous to his reA surprise*party was given Sun- o b s i •' •' '. • turn to Des Moines he was asso- day in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sam : A buffet supper will be served. ciated with tho "Wall Street Jour- Richman on the occasion of their Admission is to be 50 cents. Bingo Bftlf* in New York and "The Chis i l v e r wedding anniversary by and cards- will follow. Couples cago Journal of Commerce^' ; thQir _son-in-la_w and daughter, are invited to attend. The wedding -will take place.In Mr. and Mrs. Dah.Gordman. the early winter.
V*, •
Girl Scouts
•"Q OUF muny Mends and patrons v/o prevent
Managing Director @i AlterationsIII OUH ^'ODIHM IJEN'O
The importance 'of clothing that Ii properly fitted cannot bs. over«sttmated. To this end we have eagaged 'tho services of Mr. P. t>L Ifcmttn, v/Iio is rccosnlscd ao 'cso of /imsdGfi'o leading authorities' on tl?c t i '6£ modern Mr. Hnmlin has"had over 29 'yodxn practical experience Ia cemp cf tho forcmo.it stores in tlic United Stctcs. He, Hrjnlin wilLbs en ova cUihhiQ floor at all-times, where-he will giyc you hiG_persqaaI? eirpcrt attnzittdn. HIG pleacins pcrcoiiolity rkc! Iil3;aiexi::;1t knowledge of moaaa''e^otaisfj vi1,? brino;. The - Ncbrssfec cratlics'1 nlcp •kieGr-sr thepsrlcetieac-5 ^r.vh*t^rito •our desire .and'out1 itotr ;?iJiiiii>3'i to
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eoi)ifcrtiiij5 words. Tlieir lot is to be hard &nd il I Htt «t }'!'/«, I< v » I , Utlfl TALMUD By avia'tioo, doubtless Mr. we fcjiov/ it. But it is the task -cf free humanity Rabbi Abobu said, "He who Lindbergh means military aviaThe world has become quite inured, to tha kpte- to dedicate itself to keeping alive the ideals of causes his neighbor to do a mer- tion. . . . facie of provocative border incidents, loud- wall- isuinsiiHariarnsni, the hope of progress. itorious &ct, * is considered by
T h e W a rS p r e a d s
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ing in the controlled press of the dictator nations, and then an invasion of a small country which 1*astried to keep out of the current Euroseau coni'lict. True to form, tlu-i Italian armies have been pouring .across Albania into Greece in an attempt to establish Italian control in the eastern end of tl;.g * Mediterranean. This attack is no surprise.' -When Italy invacea. Albania, long before the outbread at the present conflict, it was quite apparent that'Mussolini.^as phiuiiing an eventual foray into the eastern Mediterranean. We shall probably eooa he hearing that the war was started to return the Islands ©f Die Aegean hack to their rightful owner because from the thirteenth to sixteenth centuries Venetian crusaders ruled from Naxos. No one overlooks' the great strategic importance of the Aegean islands. In the sixteenth century the Jewish ducal house of Mendes-Nasi v/as granted feudal rights to the Grecian Archipelago by the Turkish Sultan so that it could harass French shipping in Egyptian waters until t h e French debt was repaid. It is quite evident, that Greece is not the ultimate objective—nor Turkey. Italy seeks to clear the way to the rich oil reserves of Irau and to free herself from the Mediterranean where she has • become a prisoner. She, too, wants to harass shipping in Egyptian waters—this time the powerful British fleet based at Alexandria. Greece's attempts to maintain strict neutrality have all been in vain. She has not been saved by her declaration no more than were Holland and Belgium and Norway and Luxenbourg. The dictators know no such thing as neutrality. What blocks -their ambitions is ruthlessly put aside.
A Question of Diplomacy
scripture as if lie himself has done it." .Itahbi Simon said, "The impulse of man, a child and a woman, should always the left hand reply (if deserving), but. the right hand shall always invite." Rabbi Jochanan said, "Come and see how severe is the force of robbery, for although the generation of the flood had committed all bind of crimes, nevertheless, their evil decree was not sealed until they stretched oat their hand to commit robbery." Noah sent forts* a raven (Genesis 8.7) Itesh Lakish said, "The r a v e n gave Noafa a victorious argument, 'Thy master hates me for He said, 'Prom the clean fowl shalt thout take fn seven and from tlio unclean only two, and Ihou hatest nie, BO thou leaves alone the species which th on hast seven and sendest from a species -which thou hast only two. If I am killed by accident, would not the world be lacking a creature of my species?' So he seat forth a dovo and the dove came in to him at the evening and lo in her mouth an olive-leaf." Rabbi Bleazar said, "The dove said before the Holy One, Sovereign of the Universe, Let my food be bitter as an olive-leaf, but given at Thy hand, rather than that sweet as honey, and given by frail man."
Mr. Lindbergh continued back in 1930: "We, the heirs ot Kur-ftptrasi c«l. tare, at a oa the verge of a disastrous war, a war within ©sir own fftfjidly of B&tioKS, a was' whivli wi!I reduce the EtreBgOj «ud «Iesti'oy the treasarcs ot the vvliite race, a wtf wlclel» asay even lead to tlio ead of OHI1 ti¥sJiasiiiit>ji« ABd while we (St&M iioi.sed for battle, oriental guns IU'O turning weslwawi, Asia presses tow&i«is ws cm (lie Ihtsslfesi lioi'der, RI'1 for. elgn races stir l-eatlcssly."
The evidence uncovtred by tho Dies Coiniziittee In relatiou to Fascist activities in thia country is proving extremely embarrassing to the State dep'avtment. Not that any of its members have been associated with subversive, elements, but the reve•latioiis Biade before'the Dies Committee, if published, fflsay stir an international hornets' nest •whoso reverhations •will be loud and long... Except for Ger|nan activities preceding our eutraece into the first vforld war, there is'no preceWe wonder whether Jews are dent for the flagrant violation of .diplomatic imlisted as orientals by Col. LindHtunity that is now being practiced'by the legally bergh. The following quotation is enlightening. conwtituted representatives o£ Genaany awd Italy, and.to a lesser degree, Japan. 'Because of their "It is tinao to turn from our diplomatic status, these people are immune to any quarrels and to build our white ramparts again. This alliance with legal measures, and therefore this government can foreign races means nothing b u t only ask their removal. death to us. It Is our turn t o The embassies and consulates of the totalitarian guard our heritage from Mongol nations are such hot-beds of intrigue, it is imand Persian and Moor, before.wo become engulfed in a limitless possible for the State department to avert its eyes foreign sea. Our civilization demuch longer. But at the same time this governpends on a united strength ainong ment is not overly-anxious to antagonize these naourselves; on a strength too great for foreign armies to challenge; tions. «If we ship home the accredited diplomats, 011 a Western Wall of race and international procedure dictates that o u r s too arms which can hold baclt either shall be returned. Germany would like nothing a Genghis Khan or the infiltration of inferior blood; on an E n g better than to see the complete removal of Amerilish fleet, a German air force, a can consulates from the conquered territory. The French army, an American nation, American State department stubbornly k e e p s standing together as guardians of agents wherever possible for they are the only conour common heritage, sharing strength, dividing influence." tact with continental Europe at t h i | time. But it may be well for our officials to realize In- this paragraph please note that what is happening in Europe is not quite as that before Hitter had ever spokimportant as what is happening at home. The en; of » "Western Wai!,"' LindItalian, Japanese and German agencies are doing bergh said " a Western Wall of race' a n d . nruis which can Hold thejr utmost to break the morale of tho American After a Century and .a back cither'a Genghis Khan or t h e people, to render them defenseless. There is Some By PAT FRANK infiltration of inferior Wood . . . " As was to be expected, with the French gov- evidence that sabotage in major industries may be Who does tke (uturo American J. T. A. Washington . ernment at Vichy so subservient to the desires of traced to embassy: activity. Fuehrer (according to t h e brain , 'Press Bareaa the Nazi conquerors, it would not be long before boys of t h e Axis a s quoted in tho To ignore the activities of these so-called diploChicago Doily News) mean by •.'ina Gallic version of the Nuremberg laws were adopt- mats is to perform a disservice and while there ferior blood?" Wasliington. ed. Preliminary measures were adopted but final- are times we think Congressman Dies may be a he meau3 me and men You may not have noticed it, likeI suppose Jy a complete law has been issued and the Jews little hasty in his desire lor publicity, there are me.' but John T. Whitaker the Chicago of France now are reduced to the level of the Jews times when public- opinion m u s t bo mustered Daily News correspondent in of Germany. It is'interesting to note that in PoRome, put his finger on a very against an obvious evil. land, Czecho-Slovakia, Holland, Norway, Belgium, sensitive situation in a story he cabled during the latter part of Denmark and Luxembourg, the German officials Buried near the end of ..••••' • ••' October. have introduced the racial legislation, not even the M e d i c a l > L e a v e s tho story he said: puppet governments. ' As traditionally Jewish as the Rabbinate itself ©ear Sir: . • In the days b e f o r e the full occupation of is the practice, of medicine, although when ono Har .Sinai Congregation in Bal"It is' optimistically felt hero Czecho-Slovakia, the Prague government was In a hears of the limiting of Jewish students in medical that Col. Cliarien Lindbcrgli'a timore is making preparations" for tho celebration pi it^ . ono hunposition similar to the one at Vichy. But that school—nCl because of inability but only origin— point of view must prevail wits- dredth anniversary. Thia celebramately in Aniericr.. Asia quf.vlcra feeble government refused to give in to the ordern it becomes apparent the world is not aware of the tion ;iyill bo a magnificent symbol pn'cdlct, moreover, a great poliof its master. But France, which until June bold- fact. tical career for Lindbergh. Ao <he of liberty and freedom in t h o ly proclaimed its motto, "Liberty, Equality, and Jewish doctors throughout the world have not new, order X-aivta I'.oia and tlio American democracy, and a great Fraternity," has groveled more shamelessly at the only been good doctors, but they have been good democracies dlnsppcnr, they' feel testimonial to living liberal .Judaism on those shores. , . feet of the conqueror. Jews as well and the interest they havo maintained that Liridbcrch mifjlit hecazao a We ask your help in these prepprcsWcat-dictBtor in a changing What the reaction of the French people is, \ve, in. Jewish life has been o£ Inestimable to us. As Aincricn of the fctnrc. arations. Wo asli all people who may havo documents or reminisas yet, have no way of knowing. But it is knows an expression of their devotion to Judaism, Anjericences bearing upon the life of "Theso viev,-a are the views .of can doctors each year publish "Medical Leaves," that General do Gi.UTUo.has substantial support in axi3 quarters, o£ course, and not Har Sinai Congregation to loan both sections of France. Arms ised in the battlo the profits of which are devoted.to Zionist projects. of your correspondent who mere- them to our Historical Commitpgainst Germany have not been .surrendered and It is an .interesting work, dealing with spe- ly tries to report them for what tee. Write HO your personal memorls, cend UQ your o l d family lie hidden for the opportune moment when tha cifically Jewish medical problems, with great Jew- they aro worth.." notes or records. We promises French people will rise against' G e r m a n y and ish medical [personalities. To view'the Jewish to talco meticulous care of v/hatWe <io not think v.o are g s against their traitorous leaders. -world from the standpoint of the physician ics an overboard when we cay the view cver material is sent U3, and to For propaganda purposes" Leon Blum i3 given unusual experience. What 13 amazing is the fact point oi tho Asia powers on Mr. return it as it was Dent. Please help U3 in our' effort to the personal blame for the Jewish laws. But such these men who write for "Medical Leaves" are not Iiicdbergh's poteatialltica as a fntiiro dictator o£ tltc U. S. may% strike that licyhoto of hope ao is pure bunk. • If there had been no Leon Blum, limited in their view. have /something to «3o • with 5Is . wo prepare tho saga ot a synain all probability the Rothschilds would have been To enumerate .the contents of such a book is Iiindbcrgh's recent broailcast. It gogue in America. blamed; and if there had been no Rothschilds, tlio quite impossible, but one finiahec it with a height- may clco explain tlio actioao of Tho Rabbia, the Board, and tho ignorant Jewish masses would be held responsible. ened understanding of the individuals that con- tha Arncrlcnn "Olivcudcn not," One Hundredth Anniversary Comaided by'Mr. Vfilliau R. Ci-rMs, mittee o£ Har Sinai express their To France'had been given the honor a century stitute our tribe—whether it be a race or.religion who Vi'ns unflercecrciary of Stale deep thanks to you. and a half ago of first liberating the European —and a deeper appreciation of the medical men under Mr. Herbert Hoover ard I3BV/MIB L. ISRAEL. who 13 r>o bloated v.'ith the idea fs from the notorious devices designed to 1m- it has produced. of Fcscisni that ho cancoi contr.Sn himself. 1'coplo lir»vo scid "Narrow Views vs. Wide Prosthr.t Kr. CMtlo v.-rote r,3r. lAail- Antl'Jewisli Decrees rso of the pects." ac?i*ti'a Kjecctica »ut vro doubt Cause Belgrade Fdot : this,' l)ecai:?o Mr. London (JTA) —- Tho clilldraa 3cth E! Belgrade (WNS) — Scores of o£ the Norcood Jewish' orpliandso clir.ntcr in Mela Hnaipf. As Al polico patrolled BelEradc univerRabbi David A. Goldstein ..>vill aro besinains to think that Gosr' Temple S?ufih says, "Let -03 loo!i at tlse sity tollofilw; ft clash between ins'o bozubcro liavo * special inspeak this evening at services on rccorJ." A. I/. Heinhart, executive secrepro-Naci students and progressive Btructioas to pursue • thcia. students over the anti-Semitic lestary of the National federation "Judaism, Our American Heritage 1 In the November, 1939, issue of At tho beginnlns 0? the v/r.: the ialalfon anaonnced by Yugoslavia. T of Temple Brotherhoods, will oc- and the Vote," childroa v, 0 r o evacuated to a tho Renders' Digcit, I.Ir. Lind- Twenty-fivo Btudento w e r e incupy the pulpit of Temple Israel homo in i>. south coast towc. Later barih not only branded hiiaselt jured In the fight. • tlioy \7SVQ Biiltteu "ol3sv;licra ovr- as a dicelplo of-Hitler's policy of ihiz evening. Tlio progressive stndentfi V7ero Nest vetsli .at Friday ovenino IBG to eno'Eiy aorlr.I activit£o~. Bat racioia, he alao branded himself demonstratinc at the university cervices, Juctin, ton <si illr, r.nci t?io Wr.d f:icT3 cave teovy ao roct as a r/av-inonger, r. term vrhich in protest -against the anti-Jewish T.Ira, ps.vl-1 llzrtltz, v i l ! c h a n t nn« recently honihod a i-ciicol .in lie doubtless throws around like decrees when tho pro-Nazi eleu. <& c. a basketball when among Ms per;":-; evening at services Rnbbi Kiddtioh In observance of iris-3a? tlsat iovra Yrherc U)ey met flr.uy. r.or.nl friends. And'so, herewith, ments'attempted to disperse t h e fov tuition. Tiiolr placa of resir.litsvah, v/bioir t?.I:c3 place on >! r.-.-.ctovsliy wilt spealc at .: v.'O jive some quotations from an group. dence liar; accn c'-atirful :\r?An. Sabbath moruing, November 9. i;'i;.'.S Israel synagogue on
Fxids.y, Koveniier I, 1040-
. J* C. C^Orckestra Concertmaster Tau Delia. Sigma met last Sunday to disoEsy new lsfciiiL-era. Formal initiation atd tea will be h&ld on Sunday, November S, Friday evening services of t£e at 2 o'clock at the h o ra e of ika diifceiioa of M i s s U. O. C. will take place at Con- Pauline Falk. _ Pledges aad uiejaDor&tliy Efcepiierd, coaeert daaegregation B'uai Israel, Eighteenth bers will receive club gitis. er, tii-e Ceziter ItaE.ee Stuato will and Chicago, &,t 8 o'clock. Rabbi o&eu ttis ktleistfiiiu, Kavesiiter lt Isaiah Rackovski will epeak oa ni 8:30, Iastruetiaa will be of"Narro.w Views vs. Wiae ProsSigma Alpha Mn fered ia LKHet, tap arid ihytltiaies pects." for children bstweea the ages &f Liacola (Special) — Plans for S feE'itt 15. Saturday morning Raht-i Hac- tlie first orctt-fctra B-s,rty of the BaactEg affords &n kovsky will epesit at Congrega- year for the Kebrss4,a cLaiiter of &£i"pc*rtuii.ity f&r the tion Beth Hainedrosh Hagodol, Blgiiia Alpha Mu we-ie recently of &0I&8 find cooraiBs.tloe, espeNineteenth and Bart, ou the por- made. The party is planted -fe-r cially when it is tauclit ia t h e tion of the week, November i>, following tbe Iowamodern way, which e-raph&slaea Nebraska game. BlaHB.ihM ia OBS creative expressioa. "Today, wa Regular Sunday morning serv- of the biggest games of the year, &¥Otd Elyliz&d daaeiBg," s t a t e d ices will take place at B'nal Israel a large number of alumni of SigIV!'!B3 Shepherd, "and t&ach cliilsynagogue.this Sunday at. 9. ma Oiaicroa Is expected for t h e €reu to us© the entire ?j&dy in* week-end and the party. Cards stead of just arias and legs. 'This have already been teat out to tbe iu tlie difference between the oldThe Adult Hebrew Study Group aluciBl of this chapter. er and the newer ballet," will resume sessions oa Monday, . At a mass meeting of the newChildren will learn to interpret November 4, at 8 p. in. The group ly founded Ilillel extension unit, muBieal patterns la terms • of jueets at the rabbi's-study. Eight- which was held last Quuiay night rhythmic uaovement, and, ia time, eenth and Chicago. There will &t the university's studeut union, they will bo able to • create their !>e an opening for a few more stu- Ben Novicoff, secretary for the exown routines -and dances. dents this year. Those interested tengion and also eschequer of tlie The dancing' iitetructor, M i e s call JA 0887 to make arrange- Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha Dorothy Shepherd, is a graduate ments. Mu, spoke on the scheduled. proat Omaha .university, where eh& gram . for • tb& year. ' This Ilillel studied wider ituth Diamond and The Talmud Study group will extension' unit la uuder the 8(1appeared with the Orcliesis (Jro«p meet on Wednesday, November 6, vlsorship of Uabbl Harry A. Jolt, at toe Joslyn Memorial -ia their at 8 p. in. Studying under the who ia & member of this fraannual recitals. She lias als® Rabbi's direction, the group meeta ternity. ( taught Modern dancing at the at Beth llainedrosh II6 g o A o 1 Sigttia Omicron had the pleefswell-known Forest Acres Camp every Wednesday eveaiag. ure of entertalaieg a number of for Gfrls, In Maine, and at presguests before and alter the Misent teaches in the public schools. V. O. O. souri game which was-held this Parents are urged to avail The annual U. O. C. Sisterhood past week-end. Among the guesta themselves of this opportunity to Pake eals will take place this year of honor Tfere 'Jimmy Haiamergive their children dancing ia- • on Wednesday, November 6» • at stien, natioaal executive "secretary Btructloa in the Center's modern the Brandeis'Store,' Becsues ©f h e r outstanding of a group of sixty musicians who dance etudio. For further inforfor Sigma Alpha Mu, aa<l Harry Mrs. ». B. Efsteto la • taking B.'Cohen, the vlce-eupreiiao, prior work as a-member of. the Jewish laeet every Monday.night for rethe plaes at lira.- 3. Berasteia, of the national fraternity. Also Community Ceater Llttl© Bym- hearsals. 'Preparations are now mation, call Jackson 1366. . who Is recovering froia a recent present were a group of 10 trat- plaoay orchestra, Mary Jeaanetto betog la&di© for a coacert, which Illness,-as chairman of the eater- ers from tua Missouri chapter of Brown (pictured above) h&s beea is eoon to bo given. Wolf, l i r a . Phyllis Oerelick and prise. Mrs. Al Monovlts of Omaha, &&d Sigma Alpha Me. Following tho chosen coacertmEster. She is one Mrs. Joe Marks of Santa • Monica* game a gniolcer war held at the Cal. chapter house. The Migrachi'-'organization ©£ Burial was at Golden Hill cemechapter will attead en taara Omaha had Its first Melavek Mai- theThe tery. . ' . . . . . student services, wkieii wi|) lea meeting on'Saturday/October be held at the Orthodox syna26,. at Beth Hamedrosb. H&godol. gogue this Friday night. Tho Belli El Junior Oi©it* A large pereeatage of the mem- services be conducted by Rabbers attended and the Women's bi Harrywill Uleeto ©a Wednesdays A. Jolt. Mlzraehl were guests at t l i e Further honors were fcestcwe€ meeting. A complete report of upoa The Beth El Junior choir meeta Nebraska chapter of Full time eraploymest to two bers of the community, to rement' every Wedneeday evening for retho activities' ot* tho MIsracM of Sigma the Alpha Mu by the recant apthe preceding year was given, tlso pointment of N o r m a n Harris, people, and part-time employment ber the Thrift Ohop when they hearsals at the (Synagogue. "This' to eavea pooglo wes mads passlMo plan to dispose of articles a n & group consists ®t boys'aad. girls committees' reports w e r e rea- Gtaato, tho university's Mea's through the establishment of tlio items no longer aeeded. ilered, and elections held. Tho Activitiestopoint of high school age.This board Thrift Shop, reported iflra. RayArticles may bo brought to the ' Application for admission to following wero 'chosen as officers lias Jurisdiction board, over all raen's acmond Silbar, chairman ©f t h e Thrift Shop, at 607 North Six- tho cuolr should be taaele to Can* for the Mizraehl for the coming tivities. Thrift Shop eomsaitteo of the teenth street. If difficult-to bring tor Aaron Edgar. , year: S. Ravits, president; J o o •• . Women's division. ' , ., articles down, a'call to Jacksoa Morgan, vice-president; Castor A. Started aa a rehabilitation proj- 1360 will bring someone to pick Schwaczkln, secretary, and . N. Rhodesia Hoaore Patroalso Our Afivcrticoro. ect for unemployed In June, 1940, it up. Wilfson, treasurer. the Thrift- Shop hao made consld^ j 8 A. M. ts J-l erable-progress 1E the last f i r o eww months. It Is being operated by Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia people who several mouths a g o (JTA) -— Tho recent celebration were without employment. by the people of Southern RhoFuneral services wero hold Sun"Sfio CJSCSSS3 of tho ThHtt Bhop desia of tho Golden Jubilee of! tho project is «S.u'e to tlie witole-laesst- day afternoon for Harry Asorin, colony recalls that 'there was a ed cooperation ...ensl interest ©f 60, Who died Saturday after a goodly sprinkling'of Jews among merat»es*a of 'oni» commtmttyi" -ntst* long illness. He had returned the early pioneers o t Rhodesia. ed Mrs. 'Silbar.. "Daily,- tho 'Ekrlii from the Mayo Clinic tho provlouo Long before the occupation of SItop recelyeS bamdlea of clottilug w e e k . -• • . • Masljonaland, Jews were among no loage? ace&d, piecea of fur*' (Continued from Page 1.) An Omaha grocer for 30 years, the traders and adventurers who sm.A mfecelleaeoaa Items Mr. Azorin-was active In the Omaa diversion to draw attention from penetrated into the domain of tiltore, which .hate reealo value. • All ha Hetail Grocers' association, the the failure 'thus far of the ^at- King Lobengula and made the llaese iteras -a M are. sef sired . by on? Omaha Hebrew club, tho JeY/loa OU MUD tt W BriZOsOBy SOU tempted conquest of England,* first white contacts with the eotm- ©vrn Ehiflft Bhop employees e n d Community Center, tho O m a h a . TO,000 Jews in'(Monica.- .''• i : ; put Into ecllinn shape.'? Dramatic Unit, the B'nat B'rlth, Tho, Jews of Greeca rallied the Mlzrachl and tho B'nai Israel Through the Thrift Shop, clothwholeheartedly to the support of ing ia also made available to synagogue. the government of the It i n-g Surviving him are: A con. Dr. needy families cared for by t h e George II, which lias been, one of Louis Asorin of • Columbia, Ga,, Jewish Federation. , '•'•Navy Continuing the moat liberal in'couth-eastern Mrs. Silbar appeals to all meia- and four -daughters, lira. Gam Europe ia its treatment of tho The secretary of the navy, tho Jews. The Greek army of 100,000, Try which ?!&a mobilised swiftly to Honorable Frank ICHOS, today meet the invaders following re- made the following statement rejection of a threo-Iiour ultima- garding enlistment in the United tum. Includes a proportionately States navy: large number o£ JOT'J, a m o n g "I have been informed by the 73 «>t> , ' / them aine Jewleh officers. iaape'etor of recruiting, NortheastGreece's largest Jewish popula- ern division with headquarters in uL-u tion, 70,000 Borsoas, la ia Saloni- New York City, that there ia an ca (Thessaleaiki), important port apparent misunderstanding on tho city oa the Gulf of Thcosaloai&i. part of those citizens who have The authorities ia recent years registered for Selectivo Service. Iiave shown great toleration to- Many have the mistaken idea that wards tho lews, ctspportiasr Jew- onco they have registered,- they ish schools, allottag fuucta for, ro- can no longer voluntarily enlist in liousing ia the Jewish au&rter aad the navy. Such is riot the case, other social service. Host of the and the navy department ha3 is^-£ Greek Iowa ar© extremely poor, sued the following instructions to except for a few prosperous mer- the reeruftiag service: chants. They fcavo a loag and "'When applicants who a r e r ing. I'll gaa '$ CABS didn't ceed die right distinguished history to Qreeee. elicible for Selective Service proL'.-:,-f of febricsnt ia the njjJ/ will bs dcae exsttlj cs Greece's-attitude taxratih the seat themaelves, and are qualified mended by sis tsatwftsttarer. /;/(?« and at the right tktt, Jewa was recently essv&czzd. hy£5 'desirable applicants' in accordGeorge Kirlmis, governor geaoral ance with 'Instructions for the I'll guarantee else fob so fce tnsnaS:£tur«3 wcuMa't spc&d of Macedonia, who declared in s Bocruiting Service of the Uaited in sctijScKiy co'yoa—cr cic*5y KCl coney pun»-»s tubricstisa &.iy or-rs E5j™nr f:? sr^ cr.3 a .} spece'i at a JewlsL ccLool: States Navy,' tho local board, seback. Aod I'll guarscswe co systems on tlsita—sad SlxUf 05.S tis J':ss E>ssc2 fty 10 . 1 "We love you as much cs tho lective service, should be Informrccj fcc'jK. CciTscf, C^fsSa;". q I I ticzld cat spend so cudt ticjc Christian eMlclrc-n. Wo fie cot ed of their names, cad t&ccey dc-.'e!op:R3 |art «t:a make distinctis>SB amoas Grcsk " 'OMcors-in-efcarge of recruit- 1 \ txtfr,? I'lcii cf osls cci grec;;s Oi!s and Gtosscs. Yes—yescitiseas of di££c?cs.t faiths. J&cr- lag' ctationa aro authorised to cafor cccU csnlcalar 05c Ish soldiers are cztTlns aefis? tho list (first oalistmeats for aim can pay cere—bat you csn's Greek colors sn<l aro jrea^j to years, rc-SEllDtments"four years), gcj aorci y sacrifice their lives £ot tho fctaor- Immediately without" sosazd to land.. Your co-reli^loalsts la old any existing quota, ang applicant Cfreeeo are dlstinguislitag them- •who baa already been fully qualiselves in all ths liberal profos- fied and is called by a local board, olons. You- may rest sssured that fslestire esrrlco, for Induction. p.f? rer, Try o« Mi 8 the JOWB of this country aro ca- lato tho CIEOS forces'." loyinc and will always enjoy eesaTlio navy oxpecto to oallsfc apC^LCL"^ C'J;'! plete equality of e|?Il, moral utxd prcsimately D.000- men ia Octol*sr P other rights.' Lore of country la aafl aa cqcal auiafcer ia Novoiaall we demand.'.' ber.
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Zurich (JTA)—A Polish J e w Haiiarfya I hud seea twice before; Skavfci Man o a t s before, named Kroaesiberg lias been BCIIfour years' iuiprieoii* just after i t was founded two tsaced'.to Bieat on a charge cf wearing a It's hard to persuade most lis- 'When lie took his second fliug stages, cut 'tot-fora -very long we years ago. The ira-ntformatloii ot suit resembling the uniform cf the woodea stockade es.d bar- ail V). !'!. mau (W«al elite feuaul), teners to the radio that the "In-at tka 'tioofc. v-orld, after a period will be hearing more about it. Mk.<m Jfob formation Please" program len't as assistant professor of E-Hglf&a, racks of IJiiavci Zion ihto a t u i i - t i c I.iU)ja>Ui.E>t8dt ZfcHunB", Lodz Fadiman wowld not accept a iag village, -with tlie e p i ^ a uf iurehearsed. At least, they eay, F&d- lie found the gates more nearly iman, who after ail does have the afar, and in almost less .time than similar job, because, lie says, he teusive market gardeaiufc aroai»d questions in advaaee, can figure it takes to tell tlie tale, .he wasdoesn't want to be "typed" as a it, was a good thing to toe. TLe out his bright remarks before the editor-in-chief for Simea and Sch-finis-master. More thaa aBytWfig change in HaUariya 'was let.- fcL-.ccf curtain rises. Hut no, For the uster. He lias not lacked gainful else, lie'd Hire to &o a master-of- tacular, and it was a little i c r cereruoElea Job on a variety pro- turbiag to note how the populatruth of the matter is that Clif- employment siiiee thatv day. On New Y©s ke* grain. He'd like to be an actor, tion had grown. It would I s doton "Kip" Fadimaii spends less time on "Information p l e a s e " He joined the staff of the ultra- too, aad'lio thinks it would to a plo-rable if OKP eettl&iuciits of .than he does on almost aay of his sophieticated New Yorker raaga- lot of fan to do aoBis writing in suiallholdere were turned int< numerous other activities. siae in 1984 and he still carries Hollywood, but at present there suburban areas. We iaus,t add lie doesn't eVen have a hand in aa at that stand, reviewing eoiae- is BO msii about it. After all, tlte laud as. well us bulldiBL^ deciding which questions shall bs tha&i ss raaHy as twenty-live or man's only 36. When you're 3d, I caw for tlse 8ret time JMloa need aad which shall not. That's thirty books a week. He -writes, healthy, -wealthy, wiea and happir done by a permanent staff, mem- 6a occasion, for such iuagazin.es aa ly married, t h e r e shouldn't be aad • Hanita. I had read, of ; t , . ! ft.,;--* U f . !.'...J course, KIHCII about .tlieir foundabers of which also do all the re-Stage, Harper's B a z a a r , and mueli raeii about aaythiftg. search necessary to determine the Yogue. He is at the moment writ- TIi© year h&toxB last Clifton tion. Tho reality was s s goad as validity of the questions and theins aa authoritative tome oa bis traveled between 30,009 end 40,-tits record. Here v?aa tho real correctness of the given answers. favorite s u b j e c t •— cheese; A 000 miles lecturing. This year be- pioaeer spirit a t work, the trae
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An hour before the show goes cheese-lover of toe » e a r-fanatic cauee of. Ms broadcasts Ms mile- Ilalatziiut. ] I t : n i t u I.-IICCMIJ on the air, Fadiiaan cheeks over type, Fadimau has for years teas age record will Hot fca so large, breathes tho cplrit of utlvcutuie. It Tfill take eoma of his the questions, which have been compiling sots oa tha seven hun- but still typed Jn convenient card form, dred known varitiea of cheeses, time.5 Whatever time ia left trill merely to familiarize himself with and -when his book is published it bo shared araosig elieee©, teaais, their order and importance. He promises to .be the last word on ptag-Bftng aad blcycliag. Of his bicycling . Clifton- is rather proud. makes no attempt to dope out ad-the subject~~the very last. vance witticisms. He couldn't.If he Radio rather awea Mr. Fadiman Not so..very <!ong ago he'bicycled •wanted to, in most cases, for what in its potent university, and he the length of Long.Island (come be says must depend on w h a t finds it thoroughly exciting. He 145 miles) in a <tay and a halt.Messrs. Kieran, Levant and Adams docs not consider that the indus- Although tMs Is' no record,: M gay first. try would collapse if he or "In-considers it "pretty good for aa Doubting Thomases would have formation Please" should be tak-old man."' fcheir doubts resolved if they could en off the air, but he does insist F o r his co-vrotters on t h e spend fifteen or twenty minutes that the program has had one"Wise Men's Hour," Fadimaa Ixas with the man. For Clifton "Kip" highly beneficial effect on broad- a genuine, high regard. As.a thorFadiman doesn't need advance no- casting in general: it has proved oughly well-informed gentleman tice. Ilia mind is geared to fast ac- that the United States listening himself, iio appreciates the almost tion, la fact, "Kip" Fadiraan is public can absorb, and like, a so- incredible range of Jolin Kleran'B probably the brightest young man called "highbrow" program. knowledge, end lie considers P. fen the air today. When "Information Please" was P. A. one o£ the gentlest and kindfirst proposed, r a d i o big-shots est man alive, despite ilia •worthy's , ,. To start at tho beginning, let's moaned bitterly against it. No- rather dour exterior. get that nickname straight. It body would listen to such stuff, He conoiders G e n o r a l Hugh ueem3 that when Fadiman was a they said. The tremendous, wal- Johnson to nave been tlie best mere babe, he was highly suscept- loping success of "Information guest expert ever to appear on tbo ible to hiccoughs, and when he Please" changed all that. Of hia program. He wouldn't name the hiccoughed, he made a sound like part in forcing that knowledge on worst. "klp-kip-kip."- H i s worried but program sponsors, F a d i m a n ia (Copyright 1940 By Sevon Arts \, amused p a r e n t s started calling justly proud. There is even a litFeature Syndicate.) him "Kip" forthwith, and "Kip" he has been ever since to his intimates. For Kieran, Adams and Levant, are definitely Fadiman'a friends despite the cutting wit with which he. weekly badgcra them. T r u e enough, he takes an impish pleasure in besting them at what is, after all, their own game, but that's in the books, of rulea. They are supposed to be fast thinkers, Prof. RIorm&Bi ! and they're just that. They're cup:-J_i^ ^\\«_^. posed to be smart —and well, if Edstoi-'a Note: The antho? i s eamo freedom aa in those happy you have heard the program you well Iutown ns Hie fncaiubcat years of the last decade. Above can answer that. of tho Ciiaii' of InterarAiois.il all, human contacts aro renewed Clifton Fadiman was born in TUiIallor:? at the Hebrew Unl- between Jews and Arabs. Wo ^ oir. New York City on May "15, 1904. vct-oity of Jerusalem. "Foe a must hold on to these contacts . H e was educated for many years number of years ho vww Attor- and seek to develop them into at the expense of the state. End ney Genera! of (ho Palestine genuine cooperation. P e a n c h later attended, at intervals, Col- Government. Sinco tlio out- ' seemed to bo in a fresh oense a umbia University, which he claims brcif; of tho woe hig ecrvlcca feast of liberty. -T r ho used largely as a buBiness of- imvc been rctafiiesi by the BritI made one excursion through fice and his main activities dur- ish government in itn Ministry, the country, from Tel Aviv to ing this period entailed the get- of Economic Warlarc. Haifa and then up north, to .Nating of a livelihood. He talked himself into hi3 first job when ho It was nearly a year since 1 nariya and H.inita, back to Haifa was fifteen years bit!; he started had been in Erots Israel. I could and Zichron Jacob, ,and froai a\ newspaper when he was still In only bo hero two weeks, but in there to Jerusalem. It couudo high rchool, and he never made that time I could note striking lc-E3 than $1,000 a y e a r while changes and deevlopment. One of vorking his way through college, tho wonderful thing3 about Pal- FOB R53NT —Nice room for Phi Beta Kappa and cum laude at estine is that, whether in peace lady. C32-i Csvrftsd. WE OSSD • t h a t . •••". " . . . - • . . • • • or in war, in times of unrest or Busy Young Elan of tranqnility, things are always In short, Clifton h a s always moving. The most significant lscou a bright and busy y o u n g change Gince last yearTOOtho FOB R3NT— TARTI. Today he still prefers to be freedom of movement. Thoa on© room. r.zid Idtchen, in fccrati!cKO\m as a businessman. And in needed a permit to go to any ful home. IRcely fcraiGlieic.sober truth, that's what he is: a place; there were barriers on erliSTGo %TiniloT?s. __ Gas, Iseat, u$3 man in the word business. cry road; patrols stopped tho car t £ 1 l i& Li L^'v_j LJ \J ,Word3 are Fadiman's s t o c k in every £ew miles. Thin tlnio 1 U. COKitt, \ 7 E C3G7. irado — words oral or written, yrov&a light, humorous, facetious, moved about Palestine witli the
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or heavy, ponderous and full of nr'avo import. He delivers his product in any form, in any one of four languages, and, in any length from one hundred Words to one hundred thousand. Wls«.n ho was a student at' Colr-abl.t University, Fadiman held .-". incredible variety of jobs. He ',-•5 i> vriter, a mail-sorter in :a i :" post office,- an assistant < { -'iJilTorsity library. Ho hired !•; *- " c a t at five dollars an hour r / ' 'to? t i various well-to-do j?->V.'T*"- "jf P i acquaintance. f\~i ;>* 'rizino subscriptions ,'•'.* • \.iv lijolt reviews. During 3 t - " tyict vacations he managed
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Friday, November 1 , 1040
and life Is tr&gic&lly real, so real thistles. Many a marriage -has that a misstep is rarely if ever gone on the rocks because-of-seforgives. Ta$ appearance of this rious misunderstanding • oa tkls book is a welcome- dgu, aad testi- point. fies to the new climate of opinion T h o u g h analyzing aianiago now prev&ilicg <uaong us. from a sociological aagle the a.uikor is cognisant cf the Jewish Kew K&qiGikSi&ttities la the. first chapter "The Crisis aspect of' the problems he is dealin Marriage and tlie Family," the ing witli. What' Judaism has to author notes a few symptoms of Buy about 'marriage, the family, the crisis, namely, the increasing family limitation, divorce, and indisappearance of the home as anter-marriage is » stated clearly, economic uait, tiis restlessness Gf though hi a highly abbreviated men, etc. To these causes are at- form. Nevertheles, it should help tributable tlie shocking increase correct the ridiculously false imNOTE: Abrs-iia m traditional spirit aad folk-poetry; red and majestic. Those melodies in the divorce rate, the breaking pressions current in many places Goldberg, t h e well-known journ- his mind wa.s deeply steeped in wliicli have a mystic strain bring up of the home, or at least its concerning the doctrines of. Juda•list and Zionist leader, prc-seiii popular tales &n.d fancies. about the forgetfuluess of daily tiisintergr&tion. The home and ism touching women in general la the following articlefeniHuiiK Goldfaden was spared tlie strug- cares. tlie family are obviously no longer and the family and loarriagVin ttatlng word picture of the father gle with fanaticism wliich so many Goldfaden's melodies belong to the important pillars of civiliza- particular. of tlie Yiddish theatre, Abr&h& of his contemporaries were com- this .genre. They are characterized tion and society they once were. Those who have recently marGoldfadeu, whose hundredth KIIB pelled to endure. Contrary to cus-by.Jewish earnestness and melan- To remedy this serious situation, ried will find this book helpful. versary is h e i n g observed this tom, his parents aided him in thecholy as well as illumined by theto correct the crisis, a fresh ap- It will provide the proper ifeental year. attainment of a modern education, glow of the Jewish hope. The sha- proach to marriage and its prob- attitude, which is as important so that he had the opportunity of dow of the gloom and the -isigb of lems are necessary. A new apand sometimes even more imporIt is one hundred years since attending first a local school and longing and weeping and laughter precation of the responsibilities tant than the physical one for Abraham Goldfaden, folk poet and then the rabbinical school in Zhit- have been combined into a touch- of married life must dawn upon successful marital life. founder of the Yiddish theatre, tomir. Goldfadeu had not suffer- ing harmony. The effect o£ histhose who undertake the venture. was born. He embarked upon his ed any persecutions at the hands lyrics on the Jewish masses was The newlyweds or those con' STATUS career as a dramatist after he had of fanatics and he was therefore therefore profound. templating matrimony will profit left his native Ukraine and hadfree from any personal animus After arriving In Rumania, and from the frank discussion of a "If Jews are persecuted aa proceeded to Rumania, where in towards these bigots. becoming aware of the success of few of. the more vexing problems 187G he organized the first YidIt appears that i t was in thehis lyrics among his people he hit whin make or break a union, such exiled, then the enemies of all dish theatrical troupe in Jewish rabbinical school that the young upon the idea of writing dramas as what marriage should do formankind are in the ascendancy. life. It produced his plays exclu- Goldfaden became infected w i t h for the s t a g e . The motivating the partners; what preparations If Jews are secure, then enlightsively and toured with them with that virus and joined the ranks of force behind Goldfaden's decision are requisite; what is the function enment and peace prevail. Thi^,. enormous success t h r o u g h the the ardent fighters for light and was then the wish to serve tlie of the family; the family budget, is due to the fact that the essen- ' tial nature of Judaism is demo* Jewish settlements in Russia and freedom. Haskalah. His one objective was etc. cratic. Its first teaching is the .Rumania. the enlightenment of the pooi* IgThe chapter on chastity and Respect for Ilaskulah fatherhood of God and the bronorant people, to preach to them fidelity Is to be particularly recGoldfaden was 'not merely a In his earl/ poems we note his ommended. Many preposterous no- therhood of man. Consequently playwright, but a producer, stage profound respect for the Haskalah from behind the footlights. tions have been assld'ously spread those who despise brotherhood designer, director and manager as Enlightenment and his sympathy by the zealous and irresponsible and religious noble teachings a t Goldfaden .became tlie founder well. Of the operettas for which with it in its battle against fana^ apostles of sex freedom. The tack the world's teacher of lovof the Yiddish theatre, and therehe is best known he wrote the lj» ticism. But more than anything arics and the music, displaying par- else these "verses w e r e infused by gave additional power to thechapter* adequately refutes these ing kindness and justice." —Jtabbi Ilyman Hchftclitcl, ticular talent as composer. Many with his ardent love for his suf-Haskalah. The , establishment of dangerous and false notions. To W«\st Knd Rynagpgue, of his songs so captured the pub-fering people. Probably for tliis tho Yiddish playhouse which ex- expect a marriage to bring happiNew York. lio fancy that they became popu- reason one fails to find in these erted an influence even In its ear- ness where promiscuity Is the rule lar folk songs, being hummed'In poems that hatred of "the Wind liest and crudest form on the Jew- is like expecting roses to grow constitutes in itself a in the soil fit only for thorns and Patronize Our Advertisers. many lands to this very day. fanatics," and the contempt for ish masses, in the annals of the culHis plays have continued to en- the "rebels against light" which chapter tural history of the Jewish peoJoy a popularity among Yiddish one meets in the Writings of hisple. Groat indeed were the deserts theatre goers of every taste. Even contemporaries. On tho contrary, of "Goldfadcm the Founder." the sophisticated delight in hisone finds in his poetry a note of Goldfaden was the first man to dreams where they find a golden compassion for tho deluded people vein of folk poetry. who are forced to live in tho dark- devote himself exclusively to the Soul of True Poet nes, prevented, l i k e tho blind, Yiddish stage. Though a number IWIAHA Goldfaden gloried first and fore f r o m enjoying the blessing of of Yiddish dramas h a d indeed .most "la-.the..-soul of a true folk God's light. One finds, as well a been previously composed t h e y poet. Therein he resembled his -healthy Jewish humor, which cul- were literary, or "closet", dramas THE 'JEWISH contemporary Blikum Zunzer, but minates in a cheerful optimism, and not at all intended for the he possessed a far greater passion, born of the deep conviction that boards. The sole exception was Joseph" (the Sale of a deeper mood and a finer sense the Jew is destined to write yet "Mechirath Joseph), a comedy, which had of humor. His soul, nourished in another bright. page in the book been acted by amateurs on Purim the rich soil of the life of1 theof his history. • for ages previous. Goldfaden was common folk, drew its broad inIt is true that these little lyrics really the first to write for the spiration out-of their shadowed have not attained {.ho stature of stage, availing himself of iW techand at time brilliantly illuminated real poetry. They were penned, nique. He was thus a creator in s PIr.y past'and from the mood and poe-however,' in the spirit of a people tho true sense of the word. try of the present full of inspiration and spring from a warm heart and a suffering soul. • -^l^ffMiaMlisaiiB S l i d yIi^l/4BilL It was pure accident that directed Goldfaden into the p a t h of the Goldfaden has both a discerndrama. His interest in the stage ing eye for nature as well as a stemmed not from his primary sincere loyo' for it. One fails to endowment as folk-poet, but rath- find any lyric especially devoted By Rabbi Theodore Levvla er from his experience and ed-to the praise of the fanner and ucation as a^folk-teacher, as well rural life. However, one docs not THE MEANING OF-MARRIAGE as from his familiarity with trie feel his love for bucolic living and AAD FOUNDATIONS 'OP, THE Ideas of the milieu in which he a yearning for its charms. In his e:3@ p.m.. • • • > •• lived; These currents stirred his dramas, as in his lyrics he paints FAMILY. (A Jewish Interpretation) soul, though they never became pictures of nature with a master SYDNEY. ,E. GOIJMTKIN integrated. . hand. IMoch'Publishing Company, A©R,1ISS1@M - - Sds': ' : - . . . • :.•' Goldfaden made his initial apGoldfaden-is the product of a 05 Pages. pearance' in literature w i t h "the region in which nature is both ferDr. Sydney E. Goldstein, the Hebrew booklet entitled "Zizim tile and yielding as well a s beau- author this small and helpful U-prochim" (Blossoms nnd Flow- tiful.; a section in which the Jew- volume of . N O T © — F i n a l . Broadcast 'of •'Presidential,Candion -marriage, lias . been ers).''His first literary attempt ish villages are rich in lusli mea- Associate'Rabbi of tlie Freo Syndates f r o m tSie Stage of- tiio •manifested • his inclination to de-dows and green trees, in fieldsagogue for' many years. Since Dr. velop the folk_-legends of both the and forests and colorful land- Goldstein's special field has been remote and recent past. scapes; of a region in which the that of social service, his. conThere is little poetry^in that Jews, estranged from n a t u r e clusions as embodied in this book book, but we already note the un- though they are, cannot remain should be of help to the newly mistakable signs of his folk na- altogether ; indifferent to t h e married and to those contemplatture. The halting, imitative Bibli- balmy scents of springtime or toing marriage. The volume's simcal style, conceived ^in. the form the harvest songs of the peasant. plicity of style and method of set by the didactic poet Adam Ha- The melodies of the children of presentation nialfes it admirable Icohen-Lebensohn, though artfully the soil would now and again pen- for our young people, many of well developed, does not allow the etrate into the Jewish home and whom are confused and. bewilauthor to. spread/fully the wings even into the synagogue while the dered by the new and racial theof his primitive imagination or tothe men were a t prayer, and ories of sex. immerse himself in the clear wat- would not infrequently cause The youth-of our land is just ers of the childish fancy that he their thoughts to stray from their beginning to recover .from the GO dearly loves. But his soft tones worship. One' hears the echo of madiiess owhich has .raged so a o m e h off, penetrates into the' these melodies which' thrilled fiercely around the tabooed sub1 (1ATI8HAL"PURK">»» ARKANSAS. hearts . of men. In . his song of Goldfaden in his- early youth in ject of sex. Many of the radical H&w yau can rsgsjlii fi#o!lh end pep In the ' the lyrics and poems of his ma"David and Beth Sheva," the poet doctrines concerning sex freedom - royal way! Both* IAII14efftiveteeotfieaKng . -like the .moon peeps through the ture yeras. i®|.W -^ and the "folly" of repression have <^«-4 maze -of dense foliage, catches a Springs! G«t reKsf Irc.n RSrvous and cf3tn;4 Leaped Into Popularity done tremendous damage, and a glimpse of the erring c o u p l e , ailmcnfi • end ct <no sams iimo enfsy ihs Goldfaden's lyrics leaped into lot if it irreparable. Many a Euxuiiss cf a rso! ousdsor vocation* ridingt •winks to. them knowingly and popularity almost at once. This young life has been wrecked by hiking, JijWng ond g s l f i n g - o porodfsa of murmurs softly and mischievous^- was no daubt aided considerably these fantastic theories and irhsalsh and hsppinoss, . . ' ly, "Oh, fie/this is forbidden!" by the music that Goldfaden him- responsible preachers, a m o n g Stay o» tUa b«auti!ul EASTMAN ttatct! EB[S» In one of these early Hebrew self composed to accompany these whom Bertrand Russell'--takes tha r.'j;-;i o ! its vc;! pjivsio psA-end t'so poema he introduces: the chorus, poerns.. We shall, not enter upon leading place. Only in recent C9»ven!raea e l i:s ifes! Iseoibn! SOO !<jr;3 the controversies as to whether years has a measure of sanity reand appears to us not a s a soliesmfoiisb's tssms, ecsiomi.c! K't%ttomtZ . tary poet but as one. accompanied there is a; genuine . Jewish music turned to us/arid both young and V.'rirs for rittatial CocUsis-Wf-Wn! E. CAVtS, fc$3 or not. Some melodies aind airs old have learned to speafk and by the meistersingers. commune with the Jewish soul, think of sex and marriage not in One of t h e People Shortly after "Zizim U'proch- and strike a responsive chord, sac- theoretical terino but realistically, im", a collection o£ popular songs entitled "Yiddel" appeared. In |, IIO T-E It 'A M B B.A T H S this collection ho also displayed all the qualitie3 of a folk-poet.
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Goldfaden was one of the people — the son of a worker. Hi3 father v/as a watchmaker, but was nevertheless a man of learning. Ho had been reared in a far-off patriarchal hamlet in which tho Jewish mode of living v/as well nifjli uninfluenced hy outside currents and tho ticsuo oC organic Jewisli lifo was nourished by the vibrant elements' of the ancient bloodstream. The poetic soul of y o u n g Goldfaden embraced the
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It c V . 1 j f i u i , a->ii(r t> t The Sioux i'lfy I.M K K ii^iOil Final arrangements, an? being «if '• tb^dtanij ot i n il» u i o IJi ..nil l i i . I uiitip I'Vin, 29C9 'made for fiie Junior Hadassali attnouttr.es tlit O K n u j , ot a iitw <t 1 i ) tl, I'« l i i s t u i i s uov» t-uijyitif t n A i tone i-«ii j>iv«< , i win u i t t d t h e Curd Party and Style if how -which beghiiier's t-Lb^ o« ' J o ; <i=.y, 0 hill It Itlll' (t df tlMllbi, i ' l t ^ ' l t fo!<iii-p i . i i i n f t f;t tSitii daugh"will be held on Monday evening, tober 28. ik h Cla 3 » til ' ( . M n ) by U r , h'jiil \, i t t k b , tf Lliltoa. October 2{ith at 8:15 p. n\., in the In fairnefcsj to ">(« (>\,t <lni l a - I , i i - ! In,, f o a i i ( 'n ,. o Martin Hotel Hall Koorn. ' drea, part-iit1- &K iMj'a !> it f i' t ' . t l m i , UP 'ha * l i t ' L'^um H I " $ fit, U v i ' u i i l l f d i t a , v i ( t - fjiur^li't, LOU of i l l t.ud M i s . iTof-kiu, 3 716 Jngle&ide v\\\\ limit K ft >y ' l i e t i c - - Si! h* IK Id tut, K. ' jj.d i <-.. d, i>t, a-1 at id ' l< I 4 y , j>^.(itThe style show is being pre- isfer the new v OJI Sunday afternoon, Oc( ty Ai ( t.ld t u n , Ufc,. m i . in order to i ie ( K t f i t c iuisented by the following firiH»: a n J toai (It t i u , « y o t <.«<..li it.oiitu The cJuis is sponsoring a Youth tober 27, at 3 o'clock at the Hotel Mazie's, Dresses; Davidson Bros., tioiial burden of trying to adjust at 1:30. Millinery; and Hudsost Bay Furthemselves in a class that is al- A group on Social Legiiilalion Council Dance to be held ai theMayJ'air. The ceremony will be ready several lessons- ahead in its will hold discussions the third J. C U. on November 11. Besides for the immediate family. Rabbi Co., fur coats. the social activities, the club is II. It. Habinowltz and Cantor PerAttesting ifae chairman, Nelle cew studies. Monday of each month «t 12:15carrying- on an extensive athletic iiieif will officiate. The Hebrew School Classes at a luncheon meeting. Sinykin, are Goltiie Lehman, program with many new activiMiss Dorothy Dikel will sing AtinabtlSe Kmleln, •'Harriet Hos- meet daily from four to eight p. All groups are open to any enblooni, liluma .Merlin, Fraucis in., following a maximum curri- woman interested. Further infor- ties in sight for the future. "Because." Nadorf, Lucille Kruiiiek, Sophie culum ranging all the way from mation may be gotten by calling The bride will wear an afterFranklin, Sophie Shstsky, t'Jara, elementary reading" to the study Mrs. Sam Bhulkln, 7-1000. noon dress of whisper blue crepe. bvorkin, Marcella Altiuan, Doro- of the Talmud. The matching turban is a pleated LOST thy Merlin, Sarelta Kringsten, halo from which will fall a veil Fan Uosofsky, Sally Weinstein A cowbell was lost at the of delicate net of the same color. and Eva Borlusi. carnival last week. Anyone Her corsage will be of orchids. The models are: Harriet'RosenThe Young people's League having any information conThe bride's mother, Mrs. Philbloom, Harettsi Kringsten, Annaheld its regular bi-weekly meet- cerning it please call Joe Ciold- lip Fein, will wear a Black crepe bell e Eiidein, Lucille Kronick, ing Sunday evening in tite social stein. dress with jet trim. Her corsage Mary Rosofsky, Eva Borkin, hall of Shajire Zion Synagogue. will be gardenias, Mrs. George Clara Dvorkia, Fan Itosofaky, A large crowd turned out to hear (irueskin, mother of the groom, Ruth Wigodsky, Betty and Doris will wear a,black crepe dress with The next meeting of Hadassali a very enlightening address by Mr. Marx, aqua bead trim. Her corsage will will take place on Tuesday, Oc- John W. Carey, Managing Editor tober 29, at 1:30 at the Jewish of the Sioux City Journal, whose The Youth Council is planning be of roses. Community Center in the form of topic was "Jewish Youth in thesomething wove! and interesting Invitations have been isued for ;tetn of a dessert luncheon. Mrs. Milton Present World Crisis." for November 10 and request that the reception which will follow Mushkin is chairman of the After the intellectual part of the date be kept open. Watch immediately after the ceremony. brive luncheon. the meeting a social hour was for further announcements. ' After a week's honeymoon the were Mrs. M. N. London is program held and refreshments couple will be at home at 2959 chairman. The meeting will be served. Stone Park Boulevard. • Adult Education! Rabbi David A. Goldatein of the dedicated to the late Misa Alice At tiie next regular meeting to Adult Education classes will be Beth Kl Synagogue o£ Omaha, will Seligberg. Participating in the be held November 3rd, a very fine Jacob Curiel, an Amsterdam on Tuesday and Thursday review the current popular hook, program will be Mrs. h. J Kap- program has been arranged with held afternoon from 2:30 to 8:30 as Jew, was the nephew of Fran"How Green Is My Valley" by lan, Mrs. Morey Lipscliutz, and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. VanEaton Richard Lewellyn, on November Miss Goldie Lehman. Cantor Mor- showing the pictures they recent- well as in the evening for those cisco de Vittoria, Archbishop ot 12. ris Pernick" will recite tho mely filmed while in Florida. These unahle to attend evening classes. Mexico. Rabbi Goldstein is well-knowu morial prayer. The invocation will pictures have been shown to varI CMTK'Af. A»V~>li'!i;Mi;NT throughout the Middle-West for be given by Mrs. James Gang. ious local organizations and have the excellence of hig book reviews. Mrs. Jack Robinson will preside beeu very enthusiastically reover the meeting, leaving the ceived. In view of the fact that same evening to attend the Ilad- this is an exceptionally firie proYoung Judea A new Young Judea Club has assah convention being held in gram, the public is cordially inbeen formed under the leadership Cincinnati, October 30, at tho vited to attend. of Mrs. Bam Cohen. At the first Gibson Hotel. L\^^..Swic/.s Cr meeting held at the home of Dorothy Merlin, Annabelle Satin was ..ehosen,,presldent, Doris Grueskin, ":"'&', Z'.'A/liEirtesiitaed -full force vice-president; Betty Bain, secretary; Rachel Ginsberg, treasurer . , , ; . . ' . Q f ;•-,.;'•' The Buds of Sharon have elect- again and Is under full swinx. and Anne Kanofsky, reporter. A ed officers for the coming, year. The president has appointed COJ-V name for tho club has not yetThe officers are President, Lor- mittee heads for the Five Fold bpen chosen. raine Shindler; Vice-president, and Fall Program. Frledell Sacks; Secretary, Estello The Sports Department has beProstok; Treasurer, Hesaie Sper- gan its activities with the first ling. Their leader Is Miss Sarah basketball practice held last MonBadoff. ' day. The coaches are Dr. Bergen LEGAL NOTICE AS TO MEASUEE TO BE VOTED* Last week the Buds of Sharon and Sid Baumstein. The social program will begin had a Succoth Party. The hostess, UPON NOVEMBER 5, 1940 es were Doris Itivin, Irene Gor- its activities with the National A. don, Marilyn Fish and Harriet Z. A. Sabbath which will be obThe following amendment to the Constitution of the State of Neserved on November 8, at the Cheaen. Shaare Zion Synagogue. Partici- braska will be submitted to the electors of this State for approval on This week the Buds ot Sharon re:? ' are going to be visitors of thepants in the program will l>e an- rejection a t the genoral election to be held November 5, 1940: Journal. Last Tuesday the group nounced next week. The execu- iBe it Enacted by ths FeopU of the State of Nebraska: took a trip through the Metz tive meeting was held t h i s Wednesday. The next general Bakery. Section 1. That Sec. 1, Article VII, Constitution of the state ofl meeting will be- on Wednesday, Nebraska, 1875, and the several - amendments thereto, including the October 30. amendments proposed by tho Constitutional Convention of 1919-1920, Hebrew Class and adopted a t the special election held on the 21st day of September^ 1920, ba smended to read sg follows J •: The center will sponsor a beShaare Zion ginners Hebrew Class starting on "Sec. 1. The Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorney, The first of the late Friday General, and Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, under thai Wednesday, October 30. direction of the Lefticlature, constitute a board of commissioners, for the cale, leasing, and neneral management of all 1c nds- and funds set } apart for educational pisrposcs, and for the investment of school funds, '{cur»«2er:o CF in such manner as may bz presented by law," lJ ' TAi: VALUATIONS Sec. 2. That en additional cection bo inserted in Article XVII,) Constitution of Nebraska, to be known and numbered as follows*. War Veteran "Sec. 11. This amendment (19-iO) shall bo nclf-exeeutinry, mid I after it becomes effective, all statutes and laws und provisions of this Constitution referring to the present Borud of Fducaliona! Lands and Funds shall mean and include, v/hile in effect, caid board of commissionHID KM PAnit m» era? the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, tin constituted hereby; (low you ecsn fOQain fsso!:!) and pep In tha and this amendment shall bo in full forca and ta3;o effect on the iin,t royel vvcv! Qai!<3 in fho ef?$tvss;;n9 t',3e','rr3 Thursday after the first Tuesday in Jr.nuary, 1941."
Youth Coeecil
Boole Review Mere
A, Z. A* News
Muds of Sharon
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weseft t5 Ihs 47 csvfifnmop.l-sy.'isrvisod Met Springs! Gcs rc'isf !rcr,\ nsivsKt end erc s ''' J oi!m«n!s-CRES at tho sana ilaa enjs'/sho tuKuriet of a reel euidaof vecaCion-riJln^, iiiklno, fishing end gfSiiiig.o porctiis* cJ !i5o'[li and heppinest. Siay ct shs bciv!»v! CASTMAM fie:;:! fr.;c.y ths fj'ji'it sf iis vast privrfs parft- cn^ !'i3 tenveniinsj cf I!J ideal !s«.fiorii 130 lsf£9 <o(n!crtsbla iscrf.i, ecsnaffiUjI rc!i2«,frc!iif2.
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Sec. 3. That a t the ccncral election in November, 1940, th«ra shall ha submitted to the electors of the state- o£ Nebraska^ for ;;',>proval or rejection upon a ballot separate from that upon which the namca of candidates appear, the following amendment to the Constitution which is hereby proposed by-tho Lo£irlalure; end the amendment aforesaid shall be published once ouch v/cck for four vrecks in at leas*, one "lofral-newspaper in each county -where a le^al nov/spaper is published immediately preceding uaid election. Said ballot for the submission of said proposed amendment shnll ba in the following forw: PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT
cnciiv "'1 H °
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"FOR • an amendment to the Constitution of tho statc^ of Nebraska amending Section 1, Article VII, and Article XVII, cna providing that the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, from the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1041, ba a member of the board of commissioners, commonly known na the Board of Educational Lands and Funds-mid providing thnt nr.id amendment shall bo eftccavo| on-tho first Thursday after the first Tuesaay m January,, 1941, andl "AGAINST nn amendment to the Constitution of the state of Ko-i br:.sl;a j m =ndin S Section 1, Article, VII, and Article XVII, and projjia; '•)- *J-"1 th- Punerir.trndGnt oi" Public Instruction shall, from .the fus^. Th'i'r-dr.v p.ft'-'the first Tuesday in January. 1341, bo o mombor o£ !h. boaru cf cMnnuV.3iunc.ni, commonly known as tho Board of IMIMaJ=TI"1 ir-nC": tniCi Funun and providing that naid nmendment shrji L p';«i,itc i = t i n -iKt Vhuwday after the first Tuesday m January, ' .
' --
HARRY E. SWAWSON, Secretary of Sleta J