*nterea as Second Class Mail Matter on January 81, 1981, at Postottlce, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March S, 1879
JUSTICE DEPT. SEEKS 1NCITER' OF CONSPIRACY Coughlin Declares Sup port of "Christian Front" DIES ALSO ACCUSED 'Commonweal' Says Radio Priest Responsible for Plot
Finnish Chief Rabbi Issues Statement
XVII—No. 12
Hold Arab-Jewish Parley on Plight Of the 1 krus Crop
Helsinki (JTA) — The entire press published a message from Chief Rabbi Simon Federbusch to Jewish soldiers in the ' Finnish Army declaring that "this fight of defense is based on the ideals of the Hebrew prophets." Dr. Federbusch stressed the patriotism of Jewish youth and pointed out that numerous Jews had volunteered for front-line service. Recalling that the liberated Finland had granted equal rights to Jewish citizens, the message concluded by quoting Psalm 27 as follows: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Annual C. B. Talmud Torf'- Dance to Be of whom shall I be afraid? "When the wicked, even mine / unday enemies and my foes, come upon me to eat up my flesh, they stum£> mncil Bluffs TalThe a bled and fell. & Je will be held at "Though an host should en- the* ET * ? ,allroom, Council camp against me, my heart shall Bluffs/ $ ' lay evening, Janunot fear; though war should rise ary *' / will be furnished against me, in this will I be conener and hla orchesfident." f games are being ar,iose who do not -care RABBI GOLDSTEIN TO 'drawing for an elec* GIVE FINAL REVIEW will be held the night { ie. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will of thu The following committee is In give the last of his series of book evenings on Tuesday, January 30. charge of the affair: Mrs. E. At that time he will review Yudelson, general chairman; Mrs. "Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie S. Suvalsky, co-chairman; . Mr. Years," by Carl Sandburg, and Nate Nogg, Master of Ceremonies; "Abe Lincoln in Illinois," the Mrs. Leon Frankel, Printing; Mr. (Continued on Page 10) Robert Sherwood play.
PETACH TIKVAH, Palestine (JTA) — Amid scenes.of ArabJewish good will unprecedented in Palestine for many years, a convention of the Jewish Farmers Federation met to discuss conditions in the citrus i n d u s t r y . Among the 1,000 delegates attending the conference were 150 Arabs Rabbi Rackovsky to Be many of prominent families. Principal Speaker The meeting adopted resoluat Affair tions calling on the Palestine Government to push a relief program An early overflow of reservafor the citrus growers, including abolition of United Kingdom du- tlons augurs the success of the ties; extension of loans to help first annual banquet of the Unit* maintain groves; suspension of ed Orthodox Congregations of the land tai for groves; preven- Omaha to be held Sunday night tion of foreclosures and imprison- at 6:30 at the Jewish Community ment for debt; and regulation of Center. Due to the large early exports and shipping a r r a n g e - response, it was necessary to rements. The conviction was ex- fuse reservations received after pressed that if such a program Thursday and tickets will be rewere embarked upon'immediately, quired at the door. the present season could still be This favorable response was retrieved. taken by the committee in charge A delegation of seven Jews and as a spontaneous expression of seven Arabs, headed by S. Tolkowsky, general manager of the Jaffa Citrus Exchange in Tel Aviv, was appointed to interview the High Commissioner. The proceedings were bilingual and were filled with allusions to the importance-of cooperation and assurances of mutual esteem. The delegates were entertained by the veteran colonist Abraham Shapiro at a typical Arab outdoor barbecue of many whole aheep..
Washington (JTA)—Attorney General Robert H. Jackson declared this week that the Grand Jury Investigation of the alleged seditious conspiracy by 17 Christian Frontista in New York should produce "a clear identification of any persons or groups who have provoked or financed or otherwise conspired with these defendants." Such persons, the Attorney General said, "should be held responsible for their conduct if they have Violated or Induced the violation •f any Federal law." • The statements came after growing demands that the Justice Department investigate Fa ther Charles E. Coughlln's connection With the Christian Front activities and while the radio priest himself, In one of his weekly, broadcasts from Detroit, announced that "I do not disassociate myself" from the Front. Dies Denies Charge The Justice Department had received a petition signed by a number of New York educators and ' clergymen urging the Federal BuDivision of Jobs Proposed reau of Investigation to investlNew York (Special)—Faced Jerusalem (JTA) — A propos' gate Coughlin's affiliations with al for division of all available the Front. Signers of the peti- with suffering virtually unparal- Mark Completion through creation of a joint tion included Dr. Emery Shipler, leled in human history, the Joint of Biblical Book work employment bureau was mado at . Dr. John Haynes Holmes, Prof. Distribution Committee (J. D. €.), a session of the Jewlah National Frans Boas and Prof. Clyde Mil- the American agency for Jewish Completion of the Book of Gen- Council by David Remez, secretary relief abroad, lias readjusted its ler. 4-B class of the City of the Hlstadruth. . In a statement relayed from hla program to cope with starvation, esis by the Torah was marked last Remez promised that the HistaTexas sickbed to his office, Chair- epidemics, wholesale , expulsions, Talmud with a traditional celebra(Continued on Page 10) man Martin Dies of the House pogroms, and other tragic aspects night Committee on Un-American Activ- of the East European situation. tion. ities contended that testimony be- Two representatives of the J. D. . Parents of the members of the fore the committee led to the O. were killed during the bom- class were guests of honor and bardment of Warsaw when they heard an address by Rabbi Isaiah (Continued on Page 10) remained in the city to continue Rackovsky. . ' ' Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky Hostesses for the occasion were relief activities unity In the United Orthodox Con. Mrs. J. Tretiak, Mrs. Michael CohDespite the lack of government- en, Mrs. J. Flnkel and Mrs. Hygrega^ions in honoring... Ra»bt al cooperation, the J, D. C. has man Noddle. Mr. Wolf son is teachIsaiah Rackovsky who Will, .be tho Washington, D. C.—The 9Gth main speaker for the evening. Tho been able to establish food kitch- er of the class. • ens in Warsaw and is feeding fifTables were decorated with Pal- annual meeting of the Executive subject chosen by Rabbi Rackovty thousand persons dally. More estinian fruits in observance of Committee of B'nai B'rith, the sky for tho occasion is "Tho Meaning of Orthodoxy," Dr., A, A gold-headed cane was pre- than eighty per cent of remain- Chamisho Osor B'Shevat. governing body of tho oldest and Greenberg, president of tho Con' seated to Mr. Harry A. Wolf ing 1,250,000 Jews in Germanlargest national Jewish service or(Continued on Page 6) ' Tuesday upon the occasion of his occupied areas of Poland have ganization in the United States < retirement from the active chair- been reduced to beggary. Cloth' manshlps of the Jewish Free ing is being distributed and barbetween triennial conventions, ' Loan , Society and the Budget racks erected for homeless refuwill be held at Tampa, Florida, Committee of the Federation. gees with the money obtained February 4 and 5, according to Presentation was made Tuesday through fund-raising campaigns an announcement here by Henry •< afternoon at a special meeting of in the United States. Monsky, president of B'nai B'rlth. the Board of Directors of the Arrangements have been made At the annual meeting of the Federation for Jewish Service. Sam Beber, president of the Sufor the J. D. C. to co-operate with members of the I n d e p e n d e n t ' At the same time a resolution the American Red Cross once it preme Advisory Council of A. Z. For its fourth event of the cur"• extolling.'Mr. Wolf's work on be- begins operation in Poland, and Workmen's Loan Association, the A. Is the only other Omahan be- rent series, the Center Forum will following officers and d i r e ctors . half of the Federation was read with the entrance of the Belgian sides Mr. Monsky to serve on the present Jjudwig Lore, Foreign Ed. by Mr. Henry Monsky. Dr. Philip Red Cross into active Polish Re- were re-elected by acclamation: executive. itor of the New York Post, In a Lleb Wolf son, p r e s i d e n t ; Ben , Sher presented the cane, which discussion of "Behind the EuroMartin, vice-president; Goodman . (Continued on Page 5) Mr. Monsky's annual report, „ was inscribed with the words "A Meyerson, treasurer; Michael Co- summarizing B'nai B'rlth achieve- pean Cables -The World Today I grateful Jewish Community to a hen, secretary; and H. Dworsky, ments during 1939, will be the and Tomorrow," on Tuesday, Feb- Faithful.Leader." Famed London Meat H. Y. Fladerman, Ben Gorelick, highlight of the meeting. ruary 6, at the Jewish CommuniMr. Wolf has been active in Kraft, and Max Sacks. ty Center. Market Is Closed Sam Omaha Jewish communal affairs The membership of the associaMr. Lore has become world-re' for thirty-five years. He has head-? Act to Facilitate tion voted to donate one hundred nowned for his brilliant interpre,,' ed the Jewish Free Loan for fifLondon (JTA)—With the Govtoward the relief of the tations of international events, ,.'teen years and has been chairman ernment taking over control of dollars 'Agunah* Divorces Jewish war refugees. This is the and for his dally syndicated colr of the budget committee for ten meat supplies, the* Oldgate meat second time that the.organization umn, "Behind the Cables." In ad- years. Although lie has given up market, which for 400 years had donated for this cause within London (JTA) — A decision to dition he had contributed numer• the chairmanship of these two functioned as the center of the has time of the present crisis. facilitate Jewish religion divorces ous articles to. such magazines as , groups, he will still remain a London kosher meat Itrade, has theAnyone seeking Information refor the "agunah", wife who has The Nation, Harper's, Current closed down. member of the committee. garding'this organization may at- not heard from her husband in History, Foreign Affairs and The Most of the city's Jewish butch- tend one of the weekly meetings many; years, was announced by New Republic. . ers bad been supplied by the Old- which are held Tuesday evenings the Beth D i u, Jewish religious Local Variety Club gate market, from which hundreds from 7 to 9 o'clock in the audi- court.. tons of meat were delivered torium of the Congregation of Is-; The move,-taken to avoid the Rabbi Cohn to Speak Names New Officers ofweekly. In the future, the kosher rael, 25th and J streets. same "agunah" problem w h i ch a t Joslyn on Sunday ^ew officers were named last meat trade •will be conducted at arose from the last war, provides the Islington slaughterhouse. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will Sunday by the* Omaha tent of the forvthe signing of a declaration by Begin Second Term Variety Club, national theater's departing Jewish soldiers before speak on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 in the Lecture Ha'llof tha mena organization, at a dinner of Beth El School the Beth Din or a competent rab- Joslyn Program Sunday Memorial. dance held at the Fontenelle. bi and two witnesses. His topic will be 'The Harvest Registration of Bethel sabbath • Among.those n a m e d were: By this declaration the husSunday members of the History, school for .the.second term will be band* before his departure for war of the Years." Chief Barker, 3VI. S. Cohn of Council-Bluffs;-Second Assistant Chief and Religious Department of the opened on January 27. service, can give instructions for Barker,' Sam Epstein; Dough Guy, Talmud1 Torah will be served PalThe new term will begin Feb- divorce to go into effect four or Welsh Mayor Aids Exiles estinian fruits by the Deborah. SoM. S. Stern; and Property Master, ruary 2. Children entering kind- five -years after the date of the Cardiff, Wales , (JTA)-rTho ciety. Edward Shafton. ergarten in public school may reg- declaration, if at .that- time there Lord .Mayor announced that ho Harry M. .Shumow and E. N. A program will be given by the ister for the sabbath school kin- is no definite news as to hla being will launch a citizens'-appeal 0% Blazer were elected Canvasmen. Primary grade.. dergarten, . . •---• -"— alive w behalf ^of refugees-;.-'- •• i ;>'.". i- •
ering Overseas Taxes US. Agencies
Page 10
Friday. J*»uary 19, 1940
other day, complaining, "How can 1 finish the picture on time when I have to work with all these foreigners?" (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
THE CHALLENGE OF INTOLERANGI (Continued from page 2) spiritual values without which life would be a barren and brutish thing. : ...There are sonie_ things in this era of transition oil which we all cannot agree — some matters of national policy about which there We bound to be honest differences of opinion. -I But there is one Question of policy that should not and must pot divide us. Should it eventually 4o so, thp end of American democracy will not be far behind. •'• That policy is the creed of tolerance which for a century and a half has sustained civil liberty and representative government in this land. - There is no hope for us in turnIng away from that policy. And those who preach that we will prosper by doing so preach a black and destructive doctrine. They preach a doctrine that is the betrayal of everything that the Fathers of the Republic hoped and planned-for. They preach a philosophy that can bring nothing but hate and misery and ruin to this nation which has become great Only through harmony and mutual faith among those who built it. America Not Built by "Antist" America was not built by antiSemitism, on anti-Protestantism, or hatred for the Catholics, or by the fantastic doctrines of racial superiority that are practiced else•Rhere. America was built to greatness by a partnership of men and women who represent every race and nationality that inhabits the globe. The good things of life that you and I enjoy we owe not to Catholics alone, or Jews alone, or Englishmen or Irish alone— •We do not owe them to Aryans or, non-Aryans a l o n e , or to •flfhite or black alone — we owe them to all God's children of every color and nation and creed— tp all God's children whom He loves each alike with that same love which "passeth all understanding." What folly, what awful tragedy, what disloyalty, to talk of dissolving that God-Inspired partnership now when d e m o c r a c y needs it most! America's mission is not the propagation of hate. Our mission is that of helping to prove that only in peace and brotherhood will men find happiness on this earth. Our mission Is to show that by reasonable and peaceful means, men of different natures can build a common security in which justice, and liberty are d e n i e d to
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(Continued from page 3) Simon is chairman. Those belonging are Mrs. Jules M. Newman, Mrs. Jake Slosburg, Mrs. Leo Waxenberg, Mesdamea Joe Koom, Herman Dansky, Mrs. Henry A. Newman, and Mrs. J. A.-Gross. Also in Groups 6 and 7 headed by Mrs. Julius Stein and Mrs. Irvin C. Levin are Mrs. Aaron Win, Polack, Mrs. Moe Venger, Mrs Abe Venger, Mrs. Julius Stein, Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, Mrs. Morris Chait, Mrs. Joe Margules, Mrs. Sam Kaplan, Mrs. M. Perlis, Mrs. Joseph Tretlak, Mrs. A< S. Ilubenitz, Mrs. Sam Rice, Mrs. Louis Epstein, Mrs. David Miller, Mrs. Paul Veret, Mrs. S. Fellman, Mrs. Joe Rice, Mrs. Albert NewMrs. I. niuinkin, Mrs. Dave Conn, Mrs. Harry Belmont, and MrB. Irvin C. Levin. Those in Group No. 8 headed by Mrs. Herman Conn are Mrs. Carl Riekes, Mrs. M, F. Levenson, Mrs. Robert Noddle, Mrs. Sam Rosenberg, Mrs. S. J. Plotkin, Mrs. Mark Leon,, Mrs. Louii Greenberg, Mrs. I. Dansky, Mrs. Simon Bor'dy, Mrs. Reuben Bor» dy, Mrs. H. A. Resnlck, and Mrs, Harry Sommers. In Minyan No. 9 headed by Mrs. Herman Cohu are Mrs. S,' Shyken, Mrs. Abe Wolfspn, Mra, J. Lorkis, Mrs. Max Chaseh, Mra, Sam Tarnoff, Mrs. Abe Krants, Mrs. Herman Cohn, Mrs. Leo Traub, Mrs. D. Sllverman, and Mrs. J. Faulk. Additional Chairman for Youth Aliyah groups are Mrs. Max Givot, Mrs. Max Canar, Mrs. Sam Steinberg, Mrs. Max Fromkin, Mra. Irving Hoberman, Miss Hermine Hlrschman, Mrs. Leo Abramson, Mrs. Wm. Raduziner, Mrsi Albert Wohlner, Mrs. Abe Roftman, and Mrs. Joe Bernstein.
Gregory Itatoff began his Movietown . career as an unimportant actor in "Symphony of Six MilSunday, January 21 . , ' '" lion/' • . ; . ' • Original paintings created for Basketball Games — 2p. m., J . C. C. SPORT the production of "Gulliver's Tea Dance — 3 to 5 p. m., J. C: C. . . . . Travels" are to have a gallery exA. Z. A. No. 100 — 3 p. m., J." C. C ' ' hibition, in New York, and will be Let George Gates unit Omaha. Hebrew Club — 3 p. m., 3. C. C." available for purchase as Art . . . Lee Grossman, '. or what have you. Monday, January 22 ..... J. C. C. Instructors JEJrror In, direction: Felix Bres"Night of January 16", Cehteu Players — 8 p, m.^J. C..0. , sart, refugee comic . . . or vice HELP YOU B'nai B'rith •— 8 p. m., J. C. G. ;. ' versa, was having trouble keeping i Workmen's Loan ~ 8 p. m., J . C. C. ' •'•'*''. a monocle on during a "take." none, -Someone advised him to go to ; ""•To those who ask if we are ; :. ',-'.:" Tnesday, January 23 ' the make-up man for a little glue. •worthy of such an errand, let us "Night of January 16'*,. Center Players — 8 p. m:; J. C. C, Holly woods, Bressart give the answer of a nation unitwent to the property man, who ed in its friendship for those who Wednesday, January 24 • * dabbed 'the eye-piece with liquid are oppressed, disdainful of any cement. The result was most satSamisha Asar B'Shevat Program, Beth El—8:30 p. m., J. C. C. who would take away from us . . ; until time to remove the matchless b l e s s i n g of our "Behind the Headlines", Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus — 8 p. m., J. C. C. isfactory it, when it had to be painfully friendship for each other. Modern Woodmen's Circle;— 8 p.m., J. C. C. - pulled off. .
Independent Workmen's Order—- 8 p. m.*, J.*C. C,
Michael Curtiz, who is ever-
To list events and to avoid conflicts please call the Jewish more befogged in the English Community Center —- Jackson 1366. idiom, utters such gems as: "You
have an interesting part; you play a half-breathe." "You're a nopass for the theatre on 116thgoofl in this picture , . . you're a Street?" aheep In wool clothing.".; "He's kind who would in Strange suit:1 J. R. Levee,: citing the f (Continued from page 1.) the nose behind your back." It an-article which implies he is riot was.this neck-deep in By HELEN ZIGS1OND habitants of the Protectorate bethe father of Paulette Gofldard, Navajos same.Mike, out .in Arizona, ' who , tween the ages of 17 and 55, to is*8Ulng:'Collier's'.'Weekly. He de-j /fee held from January 15 and 30, Hollywood—Just for yonr in- clares iie is her lather; and thephoned the-studio-in despair the. lifter which those found ,f it for side information -, . : the first ap- statement is false. physical work would be sent to pointment made by. James Rooselabor camps. It. was believed that velt on forming his own film comBiggest shdck of !194O: v Jewa would be transported to Po- pany was to choose as his vice-! York film; critics' award to Samland and:Czechs would be used prexy "Henry Henigson, one of uel Goldwyn:'"• for,:*.."Wuth'erln^lor forced, labor behind the Ger-OUR best people. Heights'^ as -the top.-picture of man Army's front lines. 1 The Gestapo announced dissolu- • Sad is the passing of Charles' '39! Yes . ..They saw ^G\VTW'! tion of 123 Jewish communities in MIntz at' the age of 50. He was a One of our most eohscientious the Protectorate—some of them veteran figure in the film busithe oldest and richest in Europe ness, having begun under the constables stopped Harold Alien -—their assets to be converted by "Warner wing In -1915. In 1920for driving . through a red * light the Prague Jewish Community he entered the animated cartoon . , . aBiced the'routine questions. into cash with which to support field with "Felix, the Cat," and "Where do you live? What do you do?" "I'm a coinpser;" he ^anlegal and illegal immigration into continued swered. "Yeah," sneered the ^blueother countries. This will leave subjects. with numerous. ' •other •;• coat. "I suppose you wrdte'bver only 18 Jewish communities in the Rainbow'!" "That's right; I existence, which wiL be responsible Erstwhile pillar-scribe, P a u l did!" Finale . . » he got a ticket. for organizing the vast emigration with the Prague community to be Yawitz, has completed a screamInterludes: Sue Carol, -agent, held answerable to the Gestapo ario in .which Mischa Auer will for- all matters concerning the star. It's tagged, "They're All got Sue Carol, actress, a job as which should give radio guest star . . . but didn't Crazy" collect the customary ten per cent Bucharest (J T A) — Several you some idea from herself. ' thousand Jews in Vienna are beAdmission to the There's an Ernst Lubltsch actAnd long those lines ing held in an open-air sports stadium, where many are dying of Three Stooges are • staggering ing In ?'Magic Bullets" . . . but Conter'M he's not THE Lubitsch . . . n o r , exposure and ill treatment, ac- forth in "You Nazty Spy." * any relation. Just an extra eking cording to reliable reports. Most " of these Jews are Polish citizens A laugh with a tear: John Gar- out a living. Twenty-six. years ago Lasky, ld h h ' b l hasn't been iin close - or stateless. Their families are in- field, - formed, at an average rate of 50 filial touch with his father for a Goldwyn, pnd DeMiUe organized' FIRST- GlX.lil •weekly, to call at the 'stadium, long time, received a note from the Jesse Lasky Feature Play' him. "Dear produced ""Squaw •where they will be given the prls- Mm. "Dear John: I see by theCompany Amirs' Corpses on'payment of 300 < paper that you're a movie "utajr Man/' first- featuro ». film, • ever
Ar. St. Joseph, . . 11:28 am Ax. Kansas City . 12:50pm AT. S t . Louta
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WAR NOTES If you're one of those optimistic souls who think the war over In Europe is gradually petering out, take a squint at the President's new budget as submitted to Congress . . . You'll see that official Washington is expecting School of the worst .*. . The first real batBUSINESS tles, it is believed, will have the Balkans as their locale . . . We IN ITS 49th YEAR hope you haven't missed the imCOEDUCATIONAL plications of the replacement of ALL YEAR—DAY AND British War Minister Leslie HoreEVENING Belisha by blue-blooded Oliver Monthly Enrollment Stanley, son of the 17th Earl of Standard Courses Derby and long a member of the appeasement crowd . . . Canadian 1ONE C. DUFFY, Owner newspapers, you should know, 207 8. 19th JA 5 8 9 0 make no secret of the fact that it was because of his Jewishnesa that Hore-Belisha was let out . . . They also indicate that before long friend Chamberlain may institute a special censorship for Jewish newspapers '. .. . Usually soldiers in the field are sufficiently pepped up with patriotism to make it unnecessary for war propaganda to be carried on 'among them . . . But not 80 in Naziland . . . One of Gabby Joe Goebbels' chief jobs is to drum the nobility of Nazi war aims into the troops at the front * . . And if you want to know what his war propaganda is like we'll tell you that the Nazi broadcasters have ASK FOR been Informing their people that Americans believe that the AthO-Kay Whole Wheat enia was sunk on orders issued Flekss—At Your ©roeer by Winston Churchill . . . The Czechs, who constitute the weak point of Hitler's empire just as they helped .wreck the Hapsburg realm, have plenty o r reason to be sore at Germany . . . But what Acts Yoisr Srocer for annoys them most of all is that German visitors who coma into their country eat up the good TEEZERS-OltAHAMS . food for which Czechoslovakia has Listen to Foster May's Jong been famous, and which of "Man on the Street" pro* course, Nazis could not g e t : at gram and you will under* home . . . stand w h y BarmettlerV ILERB AND THERE Look for startling revelations Cookies and Crackers are on the Identity ol the Bund highthe best. er-ups, tho big business men and oven religious leaders who have been, supplying the Kuhu outfit with tho wherewithal for its unAmerican activities . . . James OE1AHA Wheeler-Hill, who long served as the Bund's national secretary, is now prepared to tell all . . . Blanca Holmes, Hollywood star-gazer, insists that the constellations Indicate that Hitler will continue to go strong during 1940, though <Joerlng -will gradually catch up with him in popularity . . . Have . Truck Jteadquarters' you observed, incidentally, that Service on Trucks In our it's Goering and not Hitler who Shop is now available ,24 is the center of the peace talk hours daily* except Sun. that occasionally rises over the war rumbles? . . , It's because the Day fPiQEB® —- JA Gestapo discovered Ills connection Night Phono—JA 7203 :with. a plot to, overthrow Hitler that Fritz Thyssen left Germany in such a hurry, they say in Switzerland . . . Behind the plot, which still is thickening, are, the surCO. vivors of the German world of t i g iSth a Jones business . . . BEFUGEE REFERENDUM German refugee intellectuals will be the beneficiaries o f tho manuscript sale to be held by the League of American writers . . . Among those who have donated manuscripts to he auctioned off a r e Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann, Pierre van Paassen and 1512 DOUGLAS ST. FOR.THE. BEST IN Louis Untermeyer . . . Hats off to conductor Erich Lelnsdorf, the PIANOS and RADIOS refugee who has stepped into the MUSICAL INSTflUf^ENTS shoes of the late Artur Bodanzky at the Metropolitan Opera . . . PICTURES and M When Be" got a raise recently the, first thing he did was to make inPriced to Fit Every. quiries on what -worthwhile charPurse ity most needed a contribution . . A new Viennese refugee revue is Small Monthly Payments being readied for Broadway, with. (Continued on page 12.)
Foot Health and Stylo Await You In
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Friday, January 19, 1840
Page &
Non-Jew Leads Jewish Chorus at HUM. Foundation Ey DSL THEODORE M. LEV/IS Rdbbi, Progressive Synagogue, Brooklyn, H. Y.
last meeting in the -home of Mrs. Joe LagiESu. 123 No. 33rd Street, oa Wdaesday, January 17th. The group enjoyed. Mr. Harry Mendel. son's presentation of his o w n unique collection ot "Whispered Wit in Germany," wilich he haa made a collection of throughout the past five years. Mrs. Jack liazaick was co-hostess and a dessert luncheon was served. Mrs. Dave Coliu is chairman of the group. The first meeting of the Orientation of Hadassah project will get under way at the home of Mrs. M. F. Levenson, 4819 FarKain St., Monday, January 29th, with Mrs. Morris Franklin as cohostesa. Mrs. Irving Forbes will be chairman of the group with Mrs. William Lipsman as cochairman. The sries of lectures will be given by Mrs. Morris Rae« nick. All new members are particularly urged to come for an insight into the comprehensive Inventiveness and achievement of one of the largest group of so* eiet/ women working for a single goal. A dessert luncheon will in served at l o'clock. All members are most cordially invited and should call Mrs. Morris Franklin, GL 2857, if interested.
MORALS -FOIt MODERNS, BY ioation of the actual coriteats. The BALPH HABAS, L. IV K I I I OWE first chapter cites a few examples PUBLISHING € OII FOKATIOK of prevalent, yet tolerated, dishonesty, of a morality in iilgh and NEW YOBK CITY. This is a simple book, exceed- respected places, where the old ingly easy to understand, and ex- gospel of getting all that the trafceedingly worthwhile. The subject fic will bear in money End pleamatter Is of au importance second sure, still prevails, and where life to none. Though many things are is naught but one indulgence after clamoring for attention the ques- another. The examples are taken tion of morality, or standards of at random from all fields of huhuman conduct, is of supreme man activity, personal and group, including that of big industry, significance. fails to see any wrong doFor, unless our minds are clear which here there can be no clarity and ing in the employment of spies. The second and third chapters no Integrity anywhere. Our crucial problem, the crucial problem of deal with the necessity and wisour generation and of our civili- dom of self-control and of moral zation, is one of morals, and noth- restraiat. We need a "Reflective Morality" a code of conduct based ing else. What is significant and unique upon intelligence. And any reasonMajor lloLert Hail (man in cen-; Missouri, is shown with members about this book is the manner In able person can easily arrange one which tbe author presents hia sub- for self and others. The problem ter of second row, a non-Jew who of the new choral group at the ject. Morality ceases to be a mat- is not how to distinguish right is one of the country's leading B'nai B'rlth Hillel Foundation of ter of abstruse theory and Involv- from wrong, but how to compel choral masters, having won the the University of Texas, which he ed speculation about ethics. It is our perverse and obdurate -wills Natioaal Inter-c o 11 e g I ate Glee is directing. He plans to include reduced to very elementary terms to do the good and shun the evil. Clubs championship seven years traditional Jewish musical materin a row as director of the Men's — to a consideration of right and Analysis of Economic Ills The aim of Mrs. B. A. Simoa Glee Club at the University o f ial in his programs. wrong, which all of. us know only The fourth chapter presents in is 100% paid up dues for 193f * too well but find it more conven- splendid fashion the ultimate subefore giving the paid-up party. ient to ignore. And the examples periority of democracy to dictatorShe urges t h a t every member the author employs are t a k e n ship. Tbe economic evils of our bring the past dues to the next from the common and daily af- day are analysed in the succeedReligious Services meeting or call her, GL 1028, and fairs of ordinary and troubled ing chapter. The author's fundashe will see that it Is picked up. By INEZ L. RAZNICK men and women. mental diagnosis of our economic All members should remember Beth El For-Moderns ills Is correct. Would that tbe torUnder the expert and enthus- that their names will not appear At services this evening Rabbi The hook is written primarily les would grasp the inescapable iastic leadership of MTB. J. Abra- in tbe year book unless their duet for moderns. For it is wo who are fact that unless the capitalistic David A. Goldstein will speak on confused and morally without a system is made more just and ef- "Ways of Meeting the Jewish hamson, the linen shower which are paid up through is to tako place on Wednesday, Problem." foundation. Supernatural s a n c- ficient it will be supplanted. Myron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hy- January 31, at the Jewish Com- Riihaiyat of Omar tiona no longer satisfy us, nor pos- The discussion of sex under the sess validity. It is not enough to title of "The Right to Love" will mie Milder will chant Kiddush in munity Center promises to be a most interesting affair. Mrs. Ab- Klutyyam in Hebrew declare one type of behavior per- be of particular interest and value elebratlon of his Bar Mitzvah. Next Week rahamson and her committee are missible and another prohibited. to adolescents, and even to their Next week Rabbi Goldstein will exerting every influence for an We Insist on the reason. And theparents who occasionally stray Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) reason must bo not divine will or from the established path. The speak on "The Two Most Influen- afternoon at once enjoyable and —Ben Zlon ben-Shalom has tranexternal authority, which moderns subject is discussed freely and the ial Jewish Personalities of Mod- of charitable profit in caBh dona- slated into Hebrew the Rubaiyat reject, and justly. . tions, clothing or linens. Every ot Omar Khayyam, the Persian ancient restraints are defended ern Times." Jerry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dav- contribution will be most grate- poet who lived in the latter part Only a few years ago the gos-not on the basis of external authpel fed youth was that of unlimit- ority but on that of personal hap- d B. Conn, will celebrate his Bar fully received. of the 11th century and the first Mitzvah. ed freedom and complete self-ex- piness. part ot the 12 century, and whose The committee serving on the pression. The psuedo-leaders of works were first translated into In no field is discipline as necAnnual Hadassah Linen Shower a European language by Edward that day, typified by such brilliant essary and as difficult as in that Temple is Mrs. S. Cohen, Mrs. Louis Albut morally confused intellectuals English Orientalist, at This evening at services Rabbi berts, Mrs. Julius Newman, Mrs. Fitzgerald, aex. And the advice offered by like Bertrand Russel, and a host of the beginning of this century. Otb> Dr. Habas is sound, no matter David H. Wice will discuss "ReligJoseph Llpsey, Mrs. II. A. Simon, of lesser men, heaped scorn upon how the problem is viewed. translations followed: t h e r e ous Appointments by the White Mrs. Aaron Itips. MTB. I. W. Ro-er self-restraint and supression, and were two by N. II. Lmber, the comsenblatt, Mrs. Horace Rosenblum, poser of H&tlkvah, and Vladimir The closing three chapters deal House." urged the young to £lve unimpedMrs. I. Sherman, Mrs. Dave Sher- Jabotlnsky, the Revisionist lead* ed rent to Instinct, emotion, and with frail human nature and reOrthodox man, Mrs. M. Arbltman, Mrs. Ben er. desire, to discard all inhibitions minds us in a kindly but positive Tonight at services R a b b i Broflkey, Mrs. W. Lazere, Mrs. R. and to indulge in pleasure to the manner of the unpleasant revelaBen Shalom's translation, has tions psychology has made con- Isaiah Rackovsky will speak on Bordy, and Mrs. Harry Cohen. limit been made direct from the Persian "Charity—A Union of the Heart Alao there will be Mrs. Samand has been published by Gazlt Justification for these essential- cerning the human personality — and Mind." concerning selfishness, pride, vanly suicidal doctrines was found in Davis, Mrs. J. Frleden, Mrs. J. J. of Tel Aviv. Tho decorations are The Children's services will be Friedman, Mrs. Peter Oreenberg, taken from samples of Persian art the fact that the moral sanctions ity and hosts of other major deof the preceding generations were fects which used to be called by conducted Saturday morning by Mrs. A. Katz, Mrs. J. Kaufman, of the 15 th and lGth centuries. found inadequate. The logical fal- the dread, but now outmoded, he following: Becalel Baumer, Mrs. H. A. Newman, Mrs. A. Ruhcantor; Paul Gltlln, reader of the nltz, Mrs. Sam Stelnborg, Mrs. A. , . acy conaiBted-in denying the wia-word, sin. , Prophets; Barney Kadis, explain Theodore, Mrs. h. Kulakofsky, dom and necessity of immemorial Moral Wisdom FOR YOUR Eunice Feldman, Por- Mrs. H. Riekea, Mrs. P. Katzman, taboos just because the authority I have only one criticism to of- Prophets; for the social regulations w a s fer. On page 71 the author lists ion of the Week, and Phyllis Mrs. J. Freeman, Mrs. L. AlramENTERTAINMENT repudiated. Much misery and en- rules, etc. "which represent the Freed, current events. son and Mrs. D. Mann. Mrs. I. Goldstein will be hostormous tragddy to untold thous- moral wisdom of the human race." Web Feiernian Among others there will bo ss at the social after services. ands was the result. He quotes many sources but scruMrs. Max Bersteln, Mrs. I. AbramRecovering pulously omits the Old Testament and Hia Orchestra A Bar Mitzvah club for boys son, Mrs. W-n. Kairaan, Mrs. M. Our generation is recovering and rabbinical literature. Why? Is Featuring from the disastrous mistakes and this not a wretched manifestation 12 years or over will meet at the Platt, Mrs. I. Itublnow, Mrs. F. from the false doctrines so fash- of cowardice which is all domin- >'nai Israel Synagogue Saturday Ackerman, Mrs. A. Friedman, Lovely Lorry dines ionable and popular a decade or ant in those Jews who join the morning from 11:15 to 12 to re- Mrs. Joe Bernstein, Mrs. I. Bernstein, Mrs. C. Fellman, Mrs. S. more ago. Intuitively, subconsci- ethical culture, movement, and in ceive Instruction in Haftorah and Playing Daily for Zager, and Mrs. H. Wright. ously, we realize, that if we want their Jewish leaders? The author Brochos. Dinner and Supper The chairman Is Mrs. Julius to remain human, we must behave was ordained a rabbi and though Dancing Abrahamson, WA 4009, and her like human beings, and not like he is dissatisfied with the. SynaSunday morning services will be animals. gogue which he has every right to held at 9 at the Congregation co-chairman are Mrs. Ben Brokkey, AT 1627; Mrs. I. Abramson, SPECIAL SUNDAY The code that holds good for ft be, it is unpardonable to ignore B'nai Israel. WA 6906; Mrs. W. iazero, AT mouse, to take an excellent ex- the moral doctrines of Israel's DINNER DANCE The Bar Mitzvah of Myron 2665, and: Mrs. P. Greeabcrg, HA ample the author introduces in sages and of the Old Testament the first chapter, is a standard .for. — doctrines upon which our mor- Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.1207. . Milder, will be celebrated at the * mouse, and unfit for man, un-ality is based. Any cash donations c a n be Hotel Faxton Congregation B'nai Israel on Sat-"mailed to the above chairmen or less we want to descend to the Fools Self MAIN DINING ROOM level of the mouse. Dr. Habas should rea,d his ownurday morning, January- 20. Rabbi to the president, Mrs. M. D. Brod• Moderns are returning to that chapter on "How W« Fool Our- Rackovsky will address the Bar key, HA. 3771. morality which inhibited, but also selves" and apply it to' his own Mitzvah and the congregation. The book review group held Us liberated, their elders. We are people and to himself, who painseeking a new f o u n d ation for fully seek escape ^rom Judaism $100,000 to U. J. A. those prohibitions and self-denials and deceive themselves Into beand discipline, for the. ancient lieving that they are no longer New York (JTA) — Checks for morality, without which society Jews just because they have trans- $100,000 to the United Jewish Apcan not function. formed themselves, into a society peal and $10,000 to the Jewish It is here where the author In for ethical culture! : Labor Committee, part of $235,a Blmple way, but eloquently and No more Bhamefui example ot 000 for refugees allocated by the persuasively, brings a message- self-deception is conceivable than International Ladies G a r me n t that is at once sane, timely and for a group of Jews to meet regWorkers Union, were presented to important. He' convinces us that ularly for spiritual communion1, these two organizations by David the business of organized living frequently under the leadership of Dubinsky, president of the L L. G. cannot continue without a sharp a Jew, and to ignore their own W. TJ., it was announced by the control upon the wili primitive- moral tradition and spiritual her- United Jewish Appeal. . and powerful instincts, latent in itage while payins glowing tribYou can always get dean, suitable feel oil de, ali r and-demanding freedom and ute- to the strange fires csuded livered to yonr homo instantly. There's no each thing Patronize Our Advertisers satisfaction. by Confucius, Plato, Kant, Jesus, en a long vrait for delivery • - wo handle your order In self-discipline, which funda- etc. immediate!?! mentally Is simply regard for the This of course is not a criticism A large ilcct of tracks is elwoya ready to replea* right and welfare of others, llea of the book hut o.f the author, who Ish yoz? eapjSy cf fuel oil. YOB neejt constant lieat the secret t»f personal and group deserves rebuke for a grievous ana in yoor 'borae to ftrotect tfco health cf yeas? family. happiness.'The-old, old, standards deliberate omission, symptomatic Yon can j&opsnd OB as for yon? ?ael oil supply. and prohibitions- are reinterpreted* of the. fear which baa gripped given a-fresh and attractive garb, those J e w to whom he and .others and applicstt'to tlie pToblemr and minister. The criticism docs not G3ETEDC© DBLIVE33V difficulties c$ life which trouble, detract an iota from the excel' narrass and.-'confuse both young, lence of "Morals for Modems" and old. which I hone will find its tray For .this reason, is the -volume iato the hands of all youths, who to bo highly recommended.. Placed will prolit greatly from it. la the haadg <tt the intelligent growing boy. or girl, thewhole- The quarrel between tba ttro ' pome influence it will esert 1B in- rabbis; Emden and SDeseSuete, aver the user. of. amulets attracted calculable. the attention of serious scholars Specific Examination ; Now for a'more specific exam- of all faith%
FrMay, January 10, 1940
J. CC. Bowling
B'nai B'ritk Hifiors Judge Lekan k Hew York
Team Standings W. L. Vet. Empire Cleaners ....32 22 .593 State Coal ft Gas..32 2 3 .593 Cite. Ckib Ebkimes 81 23 .574 Tretiaks 27 27 .500 Shrier Paint ft G. 26 28 .481 SMttfc Motors 25 29 .463 Pioneer Uniform ....22 32 .407 Wardrobe* 21 83 .889 : High Game—P. Steinberg, 255; Wardrobes, 012. High Series—Leo Weitz, 653; Tretlaks, 2,648. In one of the slowest sessions of the league this year, the J. C. G. bowlers made some decided changes in standings after Tuesday's matches. Usual toppers in the league had the worst series of the year, which will not be probed at this moment. Empire Cleaners topped t h e leant performance for the night, ending with a three-game win over the Wardrobes to go into a tie for leadership with the State Goals, who held their position with a two-game lead over the Pioneers. The CUcquots held second place Again by taking a gair from the Smith Motor crew, and the Tretiaks- jumped a notch by blank* 1 - the Shriers in three straight, and hold third spot. Following la order are the Shrlera, Gmlth Motors. Pioneers and Wardrobes. Jack Melcher rolled a big 223 in his last game to bring his total in 584 for the evening's Individ* M l leadership. His 223 was elso high. Paul Steinberg cam« close for second with 6«3. Team top was the Empires' 2322, and high game .was the State Coals 887 In the second game. Meleher was the main cog in an jempire attack on tho Wardrobe* which left tho latter badly, beaten* by 40, 130 and 70-pin Margins. The Wardrobes had a disadvantage in lacking a bowler. Second high for the Gleaners was Blacker with a 491. Paul Steinberg's mark of 663 was Che only score showing an 'average on the Wardrobe team. Herb Marks followed with 448. . Tretiaks blanked the Shriers, both minus their captains tor a night, with Zweiback leading the gang with 646. Another 600 series? on the team was Morrle Pine's nice 629. The nearest the ' Carters came, was in the second game when the loss was only by S3 pins.
CHIEF JUS?XCB- IRVING LEHMAN (secosd fiosa kft) cf New York St&ts Cvntt ©f Appeal* received Steal B'riUi's award for "honor, duty &M achievement" at Covenant Breakfast hell by. District Ho. 1 &t the WaldorftAstori* Hotel on J6@t£&ry 1th. Goveraor Herbert IL Letasa, (left) brother
Kaiman Bowlers Top City Tournament The Kalman Insurance Bowling quintet participating in the etty bowling tournament at the Oo&ol Alleys rolled the highest single game of the tournament thus far by pounding out a 1027 total from scratch. Heading the keglers w®a Leo Welts - i t h a 267 elngle. Phil Katzman, produced a 247, Ham Katzmaa a 182 count. George Shapiro a 181 mark, and Abe Feldman trailing with 160. The total three game series of 2970 will probably place them In tho prise-wlnnlng group. Capt. Sam Batsman Is anxious to book games with out of town teams. Those interested are , asked to write Katunan, 2101 Coming street, or Ab Kaiman, Insurance Building.
Top bowling on the Shrier team came'fron* Roeenblum with a 414, seconded by Browne and Abramson with 386 apiece.
By PAT FRANK J. T. A. Washington Bureau
• The Eskimos had a rough night In Individual performances, and were paced by a 628 delivered by Yaffe. George Schaplro fell to '416 for next best. Their two wins were by decided margins, and tho loss was by 60 pins in the lost game.
Zionism received a shoWn-thcarm, in the conference Just ended here, when Alfred Datf-Eooper, who until after Munich was first Lord Of the British Admiralty, presented his frank, decisive proposal to give Palestine back to Jewry. •
Harry Smith led Ms boys on the Smith Motors with an even 500> Sam' Morgan next with 477. The Smiths, like the Wardrobes jandf Shrlera,, were also- short a man, and used a straw score.
The effect of his speech and hlo stand dep&ndo upon two things— hiff present and future status with tits British government, and the publicity the speech is likely to receive in Britain.
State Coato had their warm and cold spots as they took two from the Pioneer five. Sam Katzmau. came through for a 214 game* Blipped a bit in the other two games to miss 500 by 5 pintr. Rube Brown had the next best score with 469. T h e team's middle game of 88*7 was the best of the night. Their first game, a 761, beat tho Pioneers by but 19/pins, but they came back strong to take the last game by a hundred pins, •when the States shot only 680.
It Is pretty well recognized that Duff-Cooper, who Chamberlain regarded as : too out-spoken when, the policy, of appeasement wassMQ: being pressed, now is sort of an unofficial, supplementary ambassador to the United States.
How much jtonger he wil stay on this side is problematical. But he will bo recalled whenever Chamberlain, and the inner circle In the British cabinet, feel that he can servo MB country better in a cabinet post than in his present work. When that time cornea, it Seymour Cohn had the only can be assumed that he will press 600 series of the whole match, his new Palestine policy in the -when he tallied a total of 504. circles where it will do most good. Greenberg came next with 445. The one game which they won If his address here—which took them out of the cellar posi- brought two thousand listeners to tion: their feet with cheers that rocked tho solid Mayflower Hotel — r e The tie for the top position will ceived largo attention in Britain be broken next week when. the. he already will hase planted the State Goals meet the Empires in seed that will lead to th& final the headliner match. The- Clic- establishment of the Jewish homequot Glub boys will take on the land.- For "Jteff-C&opcr not only Tretiaks, who have warmed up condemned British policy in Pal' considerably after winning, three estlne as a failore, but he told this week. The. Shrier Paints will why it bad failed, end he-has a metch the Smith Motors, and the plan for essnring minority- rfgfets Wardrobes meet the-Pioneers. for the Arabs..-." ^ •
Patronise Our Advertisers
i -i
Britain, of course, cannot af-
of Judge Lebiaaa, wt« a gtsest of honor. Hfcisry Hffoss&y (second from right) of Omaha, Nebraska, pregtdent cf fig-yesr-cia Jewish (Service OrgeaisEtisn, preseated th« award, and Uwtf B. Epstein (right), B»*sifeat cf District No. 1, presided at [.feresk-test tghieh l&uached B'aa! B'rith's ccHtufy membership cam* p&iga ia New York,
to run, &• will become the most powerful "elder statesman" since George Washington. The State Department—A man who understands Jewish proHeiffiS, George Messersinitli, has heen shifted from tlie post ©f Assistant Secretary to AmIafi6»§s»i? to Cmb& . . . The refugee pnifoieus iiave vexed tike government, fciid Ai«tb&»Mess«rErait!i, wLo undertbe Vt*rk of tbe liUeriiifcHiUiI Uummtittee, will help tLeat stti&lgMeii out . . . Two State B j , Wteit Fell aud BteBi&riis, wlil he in the Do* Il«i»iiMf€ to oveisee tlie ulgsMg at the coMr&ct for refugee settlement tliere . . . The Congress—Martin Dies is still "resting' down in Texas, and it's reported Ms health isn't so good. . . . He hasn't a chance of obtaining funds to continue the committee investigating un-American Activities until he returns, and possibly not then . . . the Administration believes the committee has outlived Its ueefal&ess, and that its werk e&n be carried on by more competent investigators in the Justice Department. The €ourt—In Frank Mufpoy, the Supreme Court gets a grmt and true friend of tolerance in religion who is almost certainly slated , so great is his stature, one day to lie Chief Justice. . . . Thumbnail description of Murphy,, beard from a hard-boiled reporter after his final press conference: "The Man is just plain good."
POLES QEMGlf OUST EKDEI LEADER New York (JTA)—A shake-up in the Polish Cablnet-in-exile which resulted in the removal of two known anti-Semites from important posts and the appoint* ment of Dr. Henryk Strasburger, noted Polish diplomat End economist, as Finance Minister, was reported by the local Polish newspaper Nowy Swlat. Dr. Strasburger replaces Col. Adam Koc, founder ot the antiSemitic Camp of Natienal Unity in pre-war Poland. Col. Koc, according to Nowy Swiat, was forced to resign and lias accepted the subordinate post of Vice-Minister of Finance. Also forced out of the Cabinet was Marjan Seyda, thf only representative of the pre-war antl-Bemitlc National Democratic (Endek) party in the Angers Government. Seyda was a Minister Without Portfolio. Dr. StE&sburger was Undersearct&ry of Stata in the Commerce Mi&Mry from 1918 to 192S and Polish Commissioner in Dantlg f 1924 to 1 3 2
Missed ' Marriages . ;
, Brussels (JTA)—Dissolution of all mixed marriages has been ordered by the authorities in Germasy, it was reported here. Those disobeying the order will be preAbbe Richard Simon, oao of the eeented for committing "Rassenford to upset the status quo in leading Catholic theologians of th« sc&ande" (race defilement J, it Palestine at the moment. Th«re seventeenth century, was a cham- was said in letters received from the Reich and Austria. ' is trouble enough in other parts pion of Alsatian Jewry. of the world, and Palestine Is quiet (for a change) But if Duff Cooper's suggestion that the British Government now begin to plan for presenting Palestine to a Jewish majority is accepted, then the Zionists can look forward' again to the realisation of the old, old dream.
AROUHD THE TOWN The White Haass—The President cancelled hie press confer* eaca imemdiatcly after releasing the budget message . . . if he answered all tho questions about a budget, the conference would still be going on . . . It's strange how the presidential nicknames change . . . People used to call him F. D. R. . . . then a year or so ago it was the say' Franky D. . . . now the people in Washington just say Prexy . . . Tip on the third term: A White House policeman told me, ''Things ain't going to be the same after Mrs, Roosevelt goes," at the same time Bhaking his head sadly, » • . Politics—The organizations are beginning to roll, now, the publlcityy staffs are being asembied, and the bandwagons are being fitted with new chassis only Secretary of State Hun hasnt got a machine ready . . . the strange thing is, every Democrat candidate .privately admits that anything they do will only count tor about 20 ~per cent in the fight for the nomination . . . what Prexy does will count for 80. . . . More Politics —Insiders cay now .that Prexy didn't drop a hint on that important question a t ths Jackson Day dinner, he won't say a word until the convention—and that then lie's like-' Ijr to deliver a ringing message* foreswearing a third term (pro-, i*vfiiirg an independent liberal is nominated) If the President chooses not
But This Eleetrie Is Cooking A Co 'i no steaming «* tag h*at or odon* bocauso wezy&tag Is •ooUng b& fhe calomslle ovoa of to She* Me Hang*. ?ou11 lik) caiosssslc decide oven • • . youTl tiko tho feo«£«a U gives tToadsifid scsdtzj. ElccMo oveaa coa't too hot or too cooL tompcrcsJoso coatiol Is obsolulo. Top bumero aso quick* well cook©? Is thrifty. Soo tho now Electric EUmgas today.
J&nue.ry 19, IS40
.speaker will be brought from on of town. Miss Frances Berkowitz will be in charge of arrangements On Wednesday evening, Janu- for this affair. ary 10, the Gamma Tau Sorority, The next regular meeting will held a Induction Ceremony at the be held in February. Jewish Community Center, at which charter members signed the New York (JTA) — EstablishRonoh Club Youth Tea Dance Tau Delta ment of a committee to set up an Constitution. International Academy for Science Betty Abramson, president, opSunday at Centev The Ronoh Club dance will b ened The Tau Delta Sorority will at Jerusalem was announced by the meeting with a brief hold a brief business meeting at 2 Prof. Franz Boas, the noted anthheld at the Blackstone Hotel or talk of welcome. "The purpose of High School and college e-tu Saturday, o'clock, Sunday afternoon, Janu- ropologist, and Dr. Immanuel VelJanuary 20, from 8:3C the club," the president stated, "is dents have ben invited to attend until 12:30. This affair is fo ary 21, at the Jewish Community ikovsky, Palestine scholar and edthe second monthly Tea Danes members only. Alumni may attend to strengthen the bonds of friend- Center. Harriet Geifman, presi itor of Scripla Academica. ship and Judaism. The Gamma sponsored by the Jewish Com as guests. dent, urges all members to attend, Tau Sorority is a social and philInitial of the commitmunity Center, on Sunday after since this %vill be a very import- tee, whichmeeting New members were taken into anthropic group." comprises leading schnoon, January 21, from 3 to 6. ant meeting. olars and scientists of all faiths, Following a program of piano Following the basketball game the club at a meeting held on Plans will be completed for the there will be three hours of danc- January 7 at the home o£ Irving selection by Min Yaffe, the girls funny-paper party to be held at was held at Columbia University ing in the Center auditorium. Miss Malashock. Those who have been enjoyed an evening of songs and the home of Lenore Simon in the under the chairmanship of Dr. Boas. Speakers included Dr. Boas Rosalie Alberts, Center dancing enrolled by the club are: Willard games. Refreshments were served near future. instructor, will serve as hostess Friedman, Leonard Weiner, Bill by the oficers to members and Following the business meeting, and Dr. Velikovsky. and will demonstrate the latest Raffel, Leonard Steinberg, and guests. Committee members include members will dispense with a proBill Finkel. A special meeting was held on gram in order to adjourn to the Dr. Cyrus Adler, Prof. Max Asdancing steps. Wednesday evening, January 17, Center Tea Dauce. coli, Prof. Albert Einstein, Prof. Refreshments will be available at the Center, to discuss plans Abraham Flexner, Prof. Simon without charge to all dancers on Sigma Delta Tau for a coming social event. Flexner, Prof. Enrico Fermi, Prof. the floor. Otto Loewi, Prof. L. Michaelis, A very large group is expected, Prof. G. Stern, Dr. Chalm Weiz* Lincoln (Special) — A formal in view of the popularity of the Mizrachi Women mann, Prof Hermann Weyl, Prof. first Tea Dance which was held dinner dance was held in the Harry A. Wolfson and others. in December. Admission will Georgian Room of the Hotel CornA successful card party was again be 10 cents per person ex- husker last Saturday night for One of the aims of the proposed cept for students of the high Sigma Delta Tau's and their dates. iven by the Mizrachi Women to Academy, as outlined in a stateschool dancing class who will be Marian Stettheimer was in charge raise funds for the Beth Zelroth by Prof. Boas, is to give New York (JTA)—Polish and ment of arrangements. Little gllted iris schools in Palestine on admitted without charge. 'help and new inspiration" to wishbones were at each place as Wednesday. A dessert luncheon Jewish labor groups have regis- scientists expelled from central tered their strong dissatisfaction favors. Earle Hill and his orches- was served. southern Europe because of the action of the Polish Gov- and Beth El Auxiliary tra furnished the music. their descent or political convicThe Bake Sale planned by the With ernment-in-exile in sending as Its Chaperones were: Mr. and Mrs. organization will- be held on Jan- "goodwill ambassador" to the tions. Establishment of the AcadMrs. Abe Venger and Mrs. Moe William Seelinfreund, Mr. and uary 31 at the Brandeis Store. emy was proposed by a group ot ; Venger, co-chairmen, announce Mrs. Ben Polsky, Dr. and Mrs. Advance orders may be phoned United States General Josef Hal- Palestine scholars, under the leadler, who for many years has been rslp of Dr. Velikovsky and with that final plans have been formu- David Fellman, and Dr. and Mrs. to Ha. 0579 or Ke. 2296. with anti-Semitism and lated for the forthcoming Beth i. Lancester. Chamisho Osor B'Shevat will Identified reaction in Poland, it was an- the support of Dr. Weizmann. El Auxiliary Dance which la to be observed at the Oneg Shabboth Last Wednesday night an ex- to be held on Saturday, January nounced by the Jewish Labor be held on Saturday night, FebruPalestine Book Exhibit change dinner was held with the 27 at the home of Mrs. E. Weln- ommittee. ary 24, at the Paxton Hotel. A delegation composed of two At a dessert luncheon given by Zeta Beta Tau's. erg, 358 No. 41st St. Rabbi IsaTel Aviv (JTA)—An exhibition Theta chapter 6f Sigma Delta ah Rackovsky will be principal representatives of the Committee the co-chairmen on Monday, Janof Hebrew books published since Tau will • entertain Pi chapter, and two of PoltBh labor organizauary 8, the following were named speaker at that meeting. outbreak of the disturbances in which Is located at the University a s s i s t a n t s : Mesdames Sam An appeal has been made by tions this week called oh Ambashas been opened here by Schwartz, J. M. Malashock, Arthur >f Iowa, February 9 to 11. The he national office of the Mizra- sador Jer2y Potpckl in Washing- Palestine World Union for Hebrew CulCohen, J, J. Greenberg, Jake committee in charge of arrange- :lii Women for good second hand on and made known to him their he ure. The exhibit reveals that a ments for the week end are: Selattitude on General Haller's apBlank, Gerald Gross, Max Canar, lothing which can be sent to PalR. Kavich, Samuel Steinberg, Joe na Hill, chairman, Ruth Sobel, istine for needy and destitute pointment. General Haller, who surprisingly large number of HeRice, Arthur Romm, David H. Marian Stettheimer, Aronita Das- efugees. Omaha Jewry has been is a Minister Without Portfolio in brew works have been published this period despite the ecoBrown, Arthur Green, II. P. Mild- tovsky and Marjorie Lipp. rged to co-operate Immediate as he Polish Cabinet, arrived on the during nomic difficulties. Sylvia Nelson is in charge of he shipment of colthes will leave Italian liner Rex. er, M. Jacobs, Sam Theodore, oJe Goldware, Ernest Nogg, Louis Al- he Sigma Delta Tau booth at the he second week of February. Count Potockl informed the bert, Nathan Nogg, Samuel H. •enny Carnival which will be held delegation that General Haller Stern, Henry Belmont, Dave Sher- ext month. was not coming to this country as FOR QUICK SERVICE man, William Raduziner, E. A. a representative of any faction in Junior Hadassah The annual alumni bulletin is AND FINE QUALITY Meyers, David A. Platt, and Dave elng edited and will be distribthe Polish Government, but as n Brodkey. Junior Hadassah held an inter- representative of the entire Govuted the beginning of second seThe committee promises an eve- mester. The committee consists of esting meeting on Monday eve- ernment, which, he said, had dening of fun. Music for dancing auline Schwartz, chairman, Sel- llng, January 15, at the Jewish clared its Intention of setting up will be furnished by Gary. There ma Zveitel, and Miriam Rubnltz. Community Center. Marcla Finer a democratic regime In reconstlwill be bingo for those who do not Selina Hill was on the nomin- ind Abe Resnick, winners of the uted Poland. dance. Hound Table Oratorical Contest, ating committee for Y. W. C. A. ipoke.on "Whither American JuThe third oldest chair at Harlalsm." March 27 is the date that the vard Is the Hancock Professorship Rayos Club Beth El Auxiliary will present the Rebecca Kirshenbaum reported in Hebrew, established. 1764, Yiddish m o v i e, "The Cantor's in the Regional Convention- which Son." This comedy has been greet- .The Rayoa Club, members of took place in St. Louis, Mo. last Solomon de Medina was the con2624 Ed Crefghton Av«. ed with great acclaim in the east. which recently held their Induc- December. stant companion of the first Duke tion Ceremony, is planning a It was decided that there would of Malborough. The next Beth El Oneg Shab- sleigh-ride in Hummel Park, on e one regular business meeting both will be held on Saturday, Saturday evening, January 20. each month. The next cultural January 27, at the home of Mrs. Helen Hornsteln, in charge of ar- meeting will be held on Monday, ENJOY AMERICA'S GAYEST CARNIVAL Harry Trustin. rangements, a n n o u n c es that "anuary 22, from 7 to 8. nine couples have been invited to Ruth Cooper, membership chairenjoy the outing. man, is planning another memDeborah Society Assisting the chairman are Dor- bership campaign. Any grls Interothy Blau, Shirley Cohn, Rose in joining are asked to call New officers of the Deborah So- Goldman, and Lena Zollotuchen. ested Miss Cooper, At. 3905. ciety were elected at the meeting Marlon Wolpa is president of A formal installation tea is Deheld last Tuesday, January 9. ng planned for February. A guest Those named to serve for the he organization. Coming year are: Mrs. K. Tatle, honorary president; Mrs. A. Wolf, honorary vice-president; <Mrs. Jacob Bernstein, president; Mrs. C. S. Ross, vice-president; Mrs. Hyinan Noddle, treasurer; Mrs. Dave Crounse, financial secretary;, and Mrs. Michael Cohen,- corresponding secretary. •
Gamma Tau
Council Preliminary, plans for a benefit card party to be given by the Council of Jewish Women were made Monday at the home of Mrs. I. Solzman, chairman. Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky will be' co-chairman of the party which is to be held March 25 at the Jewish Community Center. Proceeds will go to the Refugee Fund. Mrs. Edwin Brodkey will be in charge of... refreshments. Other members of the planning committee are Mrs. Harry Newman and Mrs. Sam Josephson. A tea is to be given soon for the ticket-selling committee. The Council is co-operating •with other local Peace organizations to help defray the expenses of a delegate to the Conference on the Causes and Cure of War to be held In Washington late this month.
Orthodox Study Groups to Meet
The Junior Study group of the United Orthodox Synagogues will meet Tuesday evening at 8 p.7 m. at the home of Rabbi Isaiah Rackvflky
The Women's Study Group will meet on Tuesday at 2 p. m. in the Rabbi's study. The Talmud Study group meets Wednesday at 8 at the Congregation Beth Hame4 h -Hagodoi: '
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Friday, January Id, 1940
Class in Ballroom Dancing Begins New Semester at J. C. C.
CONVALESCING JOSLYN MEMORIAL Miss Helen Fingeret i3 recuper Two sound films will be shown ating at her home after having un Sunday afternoon at 2:30 iii the dergone an appendectomy. Concert Hall of the Joslyn Memorial. They are: "Tokyo SymphonMiss Julia Fishbain is conval ic Sketch" and "Art of Doll-Makescjng after an appendectomy. ing." At 3:30, the Rev. J. H Ostdiek will speak in the Lecture Hall on the "Parochial Schools in ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Horace L. Rqsen- Omaha. A 4 o'clock organ recital will tolum announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Hubert Irvin, on Sat- be given by Miss Esther Leaf in urday, January 20. at 11 o'clock the Concert Hall.Assisting her will be Regina Murtagh,soprano, and at Temple Israel. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenblum are Cecil Berryman, accompanist. A receiving in honor of their son on Yotlng Artists Program, sponsored Sunday, January 21, from 3 until by the OmahaMusic Teachers As6 p. m., at their home, 4803 1-2 sociation will be held at 4:30 in the Lecture Hall. Chicago street. At 8 o'clock a Concert will be Relatives and friends are cordgiven by the University of Omatally Invited. ha Symphony orchestra 'with Richard E. Duncan, 'conductor, QUEST DEPARTS : Miss Babs Silver of Hamilton, and Martin W. Bush, soloist.
President, Walter G r e e a b e r g ; Treasurer, Ben Miller; Sergeattsat-Arms, Harold Slutzkin End Irving Forbes; Reporter, Leo Alperson; Chaplain, Milton Saylan. Refreshments were served. The first social event of the year will be a smoker to be held in about two weeks. Details will be announced at a later date. The first edition of the Chapter publication for the new term will be distributed at the smoker
The ballroom dancing class, sponsored by the Jewish Community Center, continues to increase its enrollment, Miss Rosalie Alberts, who instructs this group, comments that everyone is progressing and bas become adept in the basic steps of social dancing. Members of this g r o u p are Theta Lambda guests at the monthly Tea Dance sponsored by the Center. The regular meeting of Theta This class meets every Wednesday afternoon, at 3:30. The reg- Lambda was held at the home of istration fee is $1.00. Non-mem- Helen Fogel on January 16. Vlckl bers are invited to join this group Lerner presided. The president apointed n e w for the instruction fee of $3.00 for the balance of the year.
committees for tfce following six months Yvitk Ruth Miller, vicepresident, as ctainnan: Calendar committee, Helen F o g e l , Bess Granger, Etta Soiref, and Vicki Lerner; Social and Cultural, Lillian Weiner, Evelyn Waldman,. and Marian Wclpa; Publications, Bess Lefitz, Helen Menkin, and Sylvia Bauin; and Ways and Means, Rita Marks, Ruth Stein, and Ethel Kadis.
A. Z. A. 100
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Conn announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Gerald Morton on Saturday, January 27, at the Beth El Synagogue. They will receive In their son's Honor on Sunday, January 28, from 3 to 6, at their home, 6205 Chicago. No invitations have been Issued. Friends and relatives are invited. •
1 0 HONOR BRmE-TO-BE Mrs. Louis Singer will be hostess at a tea Sunday, January 21, from 3 to 6 at her home, 3552 8. 25th St., in honor of Miss Esther Singer whose engagement to Dr. Leo Diamond was recently announced. . .. Assisting will be: Mrs. I. Perelman, Mrs. Joel Chernlss," Mrs. Abe Raben, Miss Zell Abrahamson, Miss Alice Perelman, Miss Shirley Gorelick, Mrs. Sam GoreHck, Miss Bernice Sllverman, Miss Elaine Lagnnan, - and Miss Margaret Katzman.
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Max Resnick. RETURNS FROM EAST
Mr, Louis Slusky returned Tuesday from a trip through the east.
Pupils of Harry Braviroff Will Present Recital The public has been invited to attend the recital to be given Sunday afternoon, January 21, by the pupils of Harry Braviroff, pianist, assisted by the pupils of Franck Mach, violinist. The recital will take place at the Omaha Womans Club at 3 o'clock. The pupils of Mr. Braviroff who will take part are: Joan Alberts, Jere Conn, Fannie Ganiglia, Ramlle Ferer, Lucille Franco, Marie Franco, Phyllis Greenberg, Betty Alice Greenberg, Mary Katherlne Heckman, Margaret J o h n s o n , Betty Jean Keeble, C h a r l o t t e Katzman, Ruth Krantz, Joan ambert, Marian Sally Livingston, Rebecca London, Joie Malec, Bernice Paperny, Rosemary Pontillo, ElleenPritchard, Tommy R e ed, Dana Rasmussen, June M a r i e Straud, Junior Straud, A r 1 e n e Sconce, Howard Thomas, Kathleen Vann, Jack Wllderman, and Mary Jane Wilson. '
SURPRISE PARTY . ' Junior Council Friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. Janoff gave a surprise -party at The Omaha Section of the Nathe home of Mrs. Rose Abrahams in honor of the couple's thirty- tional Council of Jewish Juniors fourth anniversary. A recitation resumed sewing classes. More girls was given at supper by Mrs. Lil- are attending. Layette's are being made for the Red Cross. ly Kraft. Bible Classes are being conducted every Tuesday at the home of TO BE HONORED ON Rabbi' Isaiah Rackovsky. AttendANNIVERSARY ance has been increasing. ,. . Mr. - Harry Lef kowitz and Mrs. Plans for the bowling teams inH» Whiteman will receive on Sun- dicate great rivalry. Those interday, January 28, from 3 to 5 and ested are asked to call the Presfrom 7 to 9, at Mrs. Whiteman'a ident, Harriet Wolsky. ., &ome, 1821 Grace, in honor of the Fiftieth Wedding anniversary Patronize Our Advertisers of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
' Byman Lef kowitz. No invitations are being issued. Friends and relatives are invited to attend;
VISITE HERE , ' Mrs. H. G. Sebring of Chicago and children Donald, and Nancy, .returned Wednesday evening aft e r spending several-weeks here •with relatives. Among those with whom she visited were: Mr. and Mrs: Edward Krimsten, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Sllverman, : Mrs. Ben Elsenberg, and Mrs. Rose G. -Cohen. .--...
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Installation of officers was held at the Jewish Community Center on January 7 at which time Joe Guss past Aleph Godol read the ceremony. Officers Installed for this term are: President, Milton Guss; Vice
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Ohio, left Monday evening after spending the past two weeks as PROM SIOUX CITY the guest of Miss Lois Barlsh, a Miss Elsie Brodkey of Sioux former classmate, City is the guest of her brotherANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Milder announce the Bar Mitzvah of their •on, Myron Harry at the B'nai Israel Synagogue on Saturday morning, January 20. They will be at home In their Bon's honor on Sunday from 2 to 5. No invitations have been isBued.
SAVE 5Oc OnYour JEWISH PRESS SUBSCRIPTION Your 1940 Subscription to the JEWISH PRESS Is Now Due '
50c will be deducted from tte regular price of $2.50 if you pay your 1940 subscription before February h ;.'•
Subscriptions Paid ^ During the Month %p of January Are Only
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By Mrs, David Bf. Newman BAKED ORANGES 6 large oranges . 12 dates --.• 1% cup chopped nuts 18 marshmallpwB \% c u p c o c o n u t s
Slice tho top off each orange and scoop out the pulp. Stone the dates, add nuts and marshmallows (all but' 6) in quarters, combine yilth orange pulp and refill orange* shells. Place a whole marshmallow on top and sprinkle with coconuts. Bake at 350 degrees _ about 15 minuteg or until marahmallows
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ftrid*y, JCJMKT? I®,
their beiEg Jewislt always was broaght up. In thai time the table .coaversstiofi in Jewish homes never lagged long. E v e r y Friday t% M tbe embarrassing lull- that ©s»s.fcgs, HfcLr. often falls on dinner tables there By Dr. Pfcilsp SLcr Moment in Peking •was always some one to take up PRICE, One .By RABBI FREDERICK COHN Advertising Rates Furnished en Apf.iiCi.ticn the tbre&d -of conversation quickBIBMSI ly again . . . "Weil," come one 1 havefafcdthe pleasure of re&diug "Moment in Hearken unto Me, ye stout- Bald, "did you hear the latest EDfTORfjM. OFFICE: fei» SrensSel* Tbester g Pektag" by Liu Yut&ut, known most faver&bly fcs hearted, that are far frota right- piece SIOUX CITV OFFICE—Jewleii CCKMnunity 6%r,Ur of anti-SeiBitisia" . . . AfPRINT SHOP AODRES.&-4&S# $e. £4tlt Street the brilliant SMA charming author of that remark- eousness. I will bring near My ter that, conversation flowed able best-seller "Tile Importance of Living." Thous- righteousness; it shall not be far smo&thly to the end of the eveDAVID BLACKER—BuslaeBs and Managing Editor ands were diligLted by his exquisite exposition End aing and everybody felt he had a art tfeou, that thou art good time. LEONARD NATHAN - - - - - Edit©* interpretation of CMnese philosophy. More thousafraid ©f man that dies and of RABBI FREDERICK COHN—Contributing Editor ands will be equally delighted by his latest book. In the ton of m&.u, that wltfcereth as "Yes," I say to my numerous RABBI THEODORQ N. LEWIS - Book Editor this the philosopher has turned novelist. From tell- grass, and bast forgotten the Lord family on tay birthday in the year 20-uO, "things have changed, FRANCES BLACKER - - Society Editor ing ua about "living" he pictures to us, most inter- thy Maker. things especially have changed TALMUD MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City Corerspondect estingly and entertsdiily and Instructively 'living' for us. We are still Jews but we We are taught that it happened don't about it. We don't talk In China through the medium of that beat medium with King Jannal, who had gone about talk it anymore than the Methof portraying 'living', that mirror of life, tbe novel. to Kuchlith in tbe wilderness* and The Disavowal keep on talking about It Is a long novel, of 815 pages, but we become conquered sixty cities. On hla re- odists their being Methodists. Being With the discovery o fthe so-called "Christian so intensely interested iu the fortunes of the char- turn there was great rejoicing, Jewish has In our time become Front" plot to seise control of the government and acters delineated, and In the mass of information and the King Invited the eagea of a religious identity purel: and, begin a campaign of terror against, the Jews, conveyed concerning Chinese customs and ceremon- Israel to a feast. At the enter- like other people, we don't make tainment he said: "Our ancestors table conversation of our reliFather Coughlin has hastily taken steps to disavow ies, ways of life and of living as well &s the history &te herbs of the desert (because any connection with the organisation. He has point- dealing with the Boxer Rebellion, the Revolution, of their poverty) while they built gion." ed ont that on occasion he has denounced the ac- and the institution of the Republic that forms the the Tfciflple. We shall also eat My oldest great-great grandtivities of the group and on his birthday returned background and setting of the story — the polUle&l them in memory of our ances- tialld asks, "Gramp, Jews must tor*.'* Thereupon herbs of the have been more intensely Jewish their present. end social milieu — that eur interest never flags desert were served In golden ia y©ur youth." Undoubtedly Father Coughlin is Quite inno- and we are avid to follow the events in which we dishes. There waa among those No, no, sot th&t at alt my dear cent of any actual connection with the conspiracy. come to take a personal Interest to their full dra- present a base and frivolous per- great-great grandson. Their JewNevertheless the men implicated considered them- matic unfoldment and climax. Unlike "The Nas- son with a contemptible heart. ish fe$Hng waa mostly a pain. His same waa Elasar ben Puera. selves his followers and that in carrying out these arene" and "The Children or. God" this Is a real He eald to the king: "O King, the And, indeed, there was a lot for Jews to feel hurt about. That waa plans they thought they were doing tho wish of novel and not biography or history, still less theolo- Pharisees are secretly against the tim« of the terrible pvrseeuCoughlin. What was striking about the original gy, camouflaged as a 'novel'. And it la a Chinese thee; try them by clothing thy- tloBs. Jews felt Jewish because letter of disavowal was the scoring of the leader- novel written by a Chinaman, not a novel about self with the priestly breastplate." it hurt. The king followed bis advice, Gerao of them, to comfort their ship but at the same time the emphasis that Father China written by a non-Chia&man, not even so when an old raaa by the name of pain, built the iltaalon «f being ft Coughlin agreed In "principle" with the activities good a one as Pearl Bock and her "Good Earth", Juda ben Greida arose and said: nation. In this Illusion they, -could of the membership. "0 Kins, be satisfied with the feel like statesman leading their "The Patriot," and BO forth. kingly crown and leave the crown n&tton to great destinies. Their It Coughlin had disavowed these people strongof priesthood to other descend- «©av«rsatlon At all their parties The Chinese atmosphere Is perfect. The work ly enough, it is unlikely they would have continued ants of Aaron," for it was a ru- waa of that. It was really most their allegiance to him. At that time he did sot wovea with such skill and with such blending of mor that his mother was a pris- comforting to Imagine ourselves a . •peak of their being "communist and bundM" colors, gold and black and red and ellver, and such oner of war in Modin. Immedi- nation WT«mtUn& with England. native designs and figures, and most delicate tex- ately an investigation was ordered fronts, but spoke of their "common aims." My best friends used to feel and when the rumor could not bo From his shrine of the Little Flower, Father ture reminds us of an exquisite and exotic piece of verified the King dismissed the very bravw as they eat in my lift ing rofisa building a nation an* Coughiln has spewed forth the most vicious pro- Chinese tapestry, or embroidery. And yet, with all eagea in anger. Elaear ben Puera governing it in accordance; with its dtstinctlveness, tbe truth is driven home that then said: "O King, if such would their owa political, economic an* paganda. The air waves have vibrated with his hate-filled voice. Without the slighest respect for human nature is the same the world over — as art have happened against an ordi- social Ideas, it was a great help nary person, what would be the facts, he preached the old, now discarded doctrine is art whatever the individual or national differ- result of the great insult? How to carry such a dream; it was like in the abysmal darkness — as dictated by the editors of the "Weltdienst"— ences. All men are the same underneath the ekin, much more so when a thins hap- aof light the period. It's good at least whether that skin be white or yellow or black or pened to you who art a King and to have a dream when there is Of Jews and Communism. it?" "What shall I do," nothing «lse to comfort you. In "Social Justice" he has held up to scorn brown. Underneath however dissimilar breasts rejoined the king. "If thou beats the same human heart with its feelings and But that's all over now, and we the doctrines of Democracy and in both this scurwouldst take my advice, have rilous sheet and on the air he has advocated emotions, its passions and ambitions; its fears, Ita them crushed.1' "But," the king, sat here for three hours with no one mentioning that we are Jews, "Franco tactics." By this he meant terror, violence, loveB, ita hates; its Jealousies, its sympathies; Its remarked, "what will become of until I brought the matter up. Besorrows and its Bufferings; its joys and its woes. the Torah if all the scholars will •nd armed revolt. Following the November 10, ing a Jew is no longer a painful bo crushed?" "Why, let the obsession And this is a real novel, with what all true Torah gift of the' 1998, pogrom In Germany, Father Coughlin took be rolled up and lie in the spirit. Webutarea happy Jews because of It upon himself to defend the course of the Nasis, novels ought to have — a plot, a human interest right place. Whoever wlahes to religious faith. We talk about even though the Germans themselves bowed their story, besides whatever incidental information con- study it may come and do so," was. onr that only to God privately, and the response. heads in shame. No wonder, these men felt they veyed. And it is, as we may rightly expect of the publicly wo bring our Judaism as had the sanction of Coughlin when they planned a original and distinctive novel, a Love Story. "All an offering for tho common attar Immediately gadduceeism came at we serve with all men the world loves a lover" said the brilliant Emerson. over campaign of terror against the Jews. the king, for he should nave to -which the ends of peace and justice And all the world loves a good love story •— and argued: "This might apply to the The Radio Priest is implicated in thla plot to and righteousness. the extent that these men were carrying out his we have it here, even a series of love stories, though Scripture, but how about the Tat In this year 2000 we are more mud (which is studied orally)." preaching. In his broadcasts he has been irrespons- all bound with highest artistic genius together In- Instantly the king followed the really and intensely Jewish than ible, he has utilized Nazi propaganda methods, he terwoven to make a masterly Epic of Family Life advice of Elatar and killed the 'we were in 1910 when the Judahas aped Hitler. He knew that the results would — which is the distinctive characteristic of China, eagea of Israel. The world ap- ism of many was chiefly defenIts deepest, ancestral religion; a sort of Chinese peared devastated until Ben Thet- sive. Many Jews knew they were t e similar to what happened in Germany. aoh came and restored the law Jews only because it hurt to be ' Had the plot succeeded, there would have been "Forsyte Saga" or Chinese "Buddenbrooks." Our again as of yore. Jewish, Just as they discovered they, had heads when they sufno disavowal. ' Whatever might have happened, heart goes out to all the young people so charmingly represented with their engagements, their marfered from headaches. whatever blood would have flowed, would lie heav"We-are more really and intenseily on tbe conscience of tbe man who In the garb riages, their subsequent fortunes, working out their ly Jewish today because we hare of religion, Inspires men to raise their hands various yet closely interlocked destinies. We realize ttlscovsred tae .spiritual meaning more fully than every before, even under the Chinagainst fellow-men. of being: Jewish in relation to the ese exterior, which seems but a highly-colored exAsa matter or fact, my otic Chinese masquerade, how love is the crown children. In 1940 Judaism had almost ceased to Have any spiritual Relief for Poland of life, the supreme emotion, the master passion. significance. Wo were, talking In listening to "the .still, sad music of humanIn the words of Clarence B. Pickett, director Mr. S We are now rather of Jewish nationalism, Jewof the American FrienaB Service Committee, relief lly" of this lovely novel! experiencing .with the In Sear the fifth decade of the century ish merchant marine, JeWisfr aoIn Poland is a "rotten mess.'' So rotten ha* it be- characters — and there la a. Uttlo world of tfceta — —only -slaty years frcaa .the year -elal service, Jewish art, Jewish come that the Quakers are withdrawing, entirely of this intensely human -story 'the infinite passion 2000. That la wot a long time to Sain. Nor are there In our time any Until such a time that the German Government ex- and the pain of human hearts that yearn" — and looi ahead.. Will you be BO good, Segal, to look into the year more Jewish nationalist. Being presses its willingness to be more co-operative. love — we feel more keenly than ever before that Mr. 2000 and tell xca what you see? without cay special path AS Jews Without American supervision, there will bo no re- the loving Browning has uttered more truly than Is it going: to be good for Jews by we no longer need the comfort we derived from dreaming of ourlief extended and because of the obBtlnacy and all others the real ideal of life In April*'* words In them? . . . H Z . T., Chicago. selves as a nation with a destiny. cruelty of the leaders in Berlin, the people of Po- "Paracelsus?'. Well, yes! In the year 2000 I • ; shall be a fairly <oM man. Per- In this year 2000 Palestine la-Jost land win suffer. "I woald love infinitely and be loved 1 To love hapa by then shall not be writ- another good country for Jews. Since the Invasion of Poland, the American and be loved — there is nothlag oo&Ser ia nI3 Jftel** lug this column any longer, hot Jews live In it side by side with Red Cross and the American Quakers have been To love and be loved! — it is worth living for shall sit in the chimney corner ihelr neighbors with whom they attempting to establish some means of agreement and dying for! with a blanket over my quavering work la unity to make the coun.'•:,• ICJJB. I shall, indeed, be quite over try good. with the Germans. These two organizations were No wonder Religion enjoins Love as the high' 100 years old, bat this wilt not Of course, Jews in our time deanxious to go on their errand of mercy* to a land est ideal of aspiring '— sinning, suffering man — .be regarded as. too ripe an old age vote themselves more to the re- • ruthlessly destroyed. tragic yet triumphant human life. "Love1 God!" in that time. Medical science will llgious significance of being Jew* At first the German Red Cross stipulated that "Loce Man." For God Is Love, and not until Love have learned to prolong people ish because there is no longer any aid would be extended only to "Aryans." To this is regnant throughout the world win misery end beyond five score to which age Jewish problem In the world. We are happy beneficiaries of the the American groups refused to agree. Finally the sorrow disappear. Not until love is enthroned Jn many will in that time arrive, pro- great democratic revolution by vided automobiles don't get them Nazis decidedJ Jews might share in the American all hearts will happiness and blessedness be the flrst. '• •' •.••'• '• ' ; • . . ; : which the present righteous order* largess, but that all relief muBt be tinder German divine lot of men. I am thinking of my birthday* of the world was established. , In tho year 1940 democracy was supervision.' . ., . . . . on June 18, 2000. My family has "Thanks, to the human hearts by which we live gathered about me (my children, still intra-mural, you might say The records of the Nazis and the utterances Thanks to its tenderness, its Joys, its fears; my grandchildren* <my great- —a thing, confined within the borof the German Red Cross were none too reassuring. To me toe meanest flower that blows can give grandchildren, my *jreat-great- ders of some of the nations. In. The head of the Reich Red Cross-only a few weeks granchildren.) The tew survivors our time it has become an interThoughts that do often lie too deep for tears." ago had gone on the radio with a stinging denuncimy contemporaries are national way of life, the way of understanding and peace between, ation of the Jews, and It Is unlikely that their there. joined in the ConfederaMy mind has remained alert to nations Jewish Calendar plight in Poland appealed to his humanitarian Intion of tho.United States of tho events of the past and the presstincts. 5700—1040 ent, for the marvels of science World. No doubt, the German government will take In this righteous order there is ' hare not merely preserved the great pleasure in the withdrawal of the Amer- *Rosh Chodesh Adar Saturday, Feb. 10 physical body. (It would really room for every man and every icans. For one thing, the Nazta want no witnesses Rosb Chodesh 2nd Adar Monday, March 11 not be worth while to live that group of men in the world. This democracy Is economic as well as without a mind.) to the horrible conditions tho Nazis have created in *Past of Bather.... Saturday, March 2& long As wo sit-about on that day political, so that there Is a just ; Poland. Nor are they anxious to see either Poles *?urim ..............._._.........,..... Monday, March 25 talking of this and that, I become distribution of the goods of the m Jews brought some measure of assistance. Rosh Chodesh Nissan Tuesday, April 0 aware that none of us has.said a world. In a world of justice there As, far as the Nazis are concerned both Poles First Day of Pesacb ................ Tuesday, April 3& word about onr being Jews. I re- la QO room for the envies that la * tho remoter past of my 1940 made a veritable massacre &nd Jews can be wiped out by epidemics. Both arc * Rosh -Chcdesh Iyar ............... . Thursday May 8 member life (as la 1840) "whofl in any o£ Jews. , tafcerior peopJs£ and in reality. b«I« no c>!» to * tag B'Oraer ,,m.......;ui...»V3t....n Sunday, May 3$ the master ?* id.o&B&geSJt
existence. HttHmnitsriaElsiH has BO place la the philosophy of the N&sis; therefore fcltn&istie ©rc&snot function in the Reieb.
<*ems of lite Bibfe and Talmud
Friday, January 19, 1940
Plan to ARREST GROUP Omahans Attend Conclave MENUHIN BENEFIT IN CONSPIRACY on Welfare Funds FOB
Continue Fight on Britain Warns on Infantile Paralysis Illegal Immigration
London (JTA) — A warning Urging whcle-fcearted support of the fund-raising celebrations to against illegal immigration to Members of the local commu Infantile Paralysis vtica Palestine lias been issued by the nity are planning to attend the Na New York (JTA)—-Yehudi Mea- fight will be held in Omaha and DougPlanned Terror Campaign tlonal convention of the Counci uhin, violinist, announced on Mon- las County on the President's Foreign Office. Aa official stateof Jewish Federations and Wei day that he lias pledged his first Against American fare Funds which is to be held in scheduled New York concert en- birthday.January SO, Omaha, civic ment declared: Jews Detroit starting January 27 "It is reported that certain shipgagement of 1940, set for Dec. 2 and business leaders in radio adHenry Monsky will be princi at Carnegie Hall, entirely for the dresses and statements emphasiz- ping agencies are organizing the New York (JTA) — Jndge pal speaker at the session on benefit of the Palestine Conserva- ed the importance of the campaign trausport of emigrants from the G rover Moacowitz in Brooklyn "Group Relations Within the toire of Music in Jerusalem, whicii as Governor Roy L. Cochran, in Danubian countries to Palestine. Federal Court this week held in Community." affords training for talented refu- an official proclamation expressed There is reason to believe that the f 50,000 ball, pending Grand Jury Others planing to attend are gees from Central Europe as well confidence " N e b r a s k a will do intending emigrants do not know that they "will not be admitted action on Feb. 5, seventeen mem- Paul Veret, Philip Klutznlck, and as for selected Jewish and non-more than its share." bers of the' anti-Semitic Christian William L. Holzman. Mr. Holz- Jewish students in Palestine. Terming Infantile P a r a 1 ysis unless they possess immigration Front arrested over the week end man is first vice-president of the Menuiiin will receive no remun- "the greatest physical scourge of certificates and that if they arrive on seditious conspiracy charges Regional organization. our modern world," Rev. E, J. without certificates they are liable eration for his appearance on this Flanagan, to serious penalties and to be degrowing out of a plot to overof Boys Town said: regularly scheduled concert with ported under Palestine law. throw the Government, bomb "There is nothing more pathea leading orchestra and conductor. buildings and institute a reign of tic than to see a young man in the "It is furthermore alleged that He has asked the privilege of purterror against American Jews. full vigor ot manhood, or a young the ships on which the emigrants chasing the first box for the occrews of these ships do not Director J. Edgar Hoover of the casion and has ofered to pay for woman full of health, beauty and and appear to know that If they carFederal Bureau of Investigation, his own "standing room" on the vigor, struct down by the de-ry passengers not legally entitled structive scourge of this disease— who rounded up the plotters as stage. to land they themselves are liable their once beautiful bodies become the culmination of an investigaMenuhin made his announcetion ordered several weeks ago by Ludwlg Lore, Foreign Editor of ment at a meeting of the concert a mangled mass of twisted joints, to arrest and heavy fine." Attorney Genral Frank Murphy, the New York Post, will appear as committee of the American Associ- drawn l i g a m e n t s and taught said the inquiry would continue, fourth speaker on the Center For- tion of Friends of the Palestine nerves.What horrid sight to look Rachel Weigmann Room covering similar activities carred um series, Tuesday evening, Feb- Conservatoire, held at the home upon, faces grimaced with pain, on by other groups and further ruary 6. Mr. Lore will speak on of Edward A. Norman, chairman helpless, unable to move. What a Haifa (JTA)—A Rachel Welzarrests might be made. "Behind the European Cables — of the association. Other officers disappointment to those y o u n g maun reading room in memory of people whose future hopes and the mother of Dr. Chaim Welz* The defendants, who were lodg- the World In Today's and To-are Mrs. W. Bayard Hale, secre- ambitions are forever blasted and mann has beea opened at the Hetary; Oliver Straus, treasurer; ruined. Infantile ed in the Federal House of De-morrow's Headlines.' Paralysis la the brew Technical High School here. Considered one of the best in- Mrs; Elizabeth Sprague Coolldge, tention In default of bail, were greatest physical formed men in the country, Mr. honorary chairman; Mrs. Clara modern world." scourge of our Members of the V/eizmanii famimembers of an inner group of Lore, through his column "Bely living in Palestine attended Clemens Gabrilowitsch, widow of the Christian Front called "The "You can help the case of In- the opening ceremonies. A collecSports Club" or "The Country hind the Cables" lias become fam- the pianist Oesip Gabrilowitsch Gentlemen." They were arrested ous for his predictions regarding and daughter of Mark Twain, hon- fantile Paralysis by buying tickets tion of 300 volumes on chemistry orary vice-chairman; Mayor Fior- now for the Ice Tournament to be has been donated to the room by In their homes to forestall any at- the interatlonal scene. ello H. LaGuardia, honorary pa- held at, Ak-Sar-Ben coliseum Jan- Dr. Weizmaun. tempt at dynamiting a public January 30 and for the "Birthday tron. building and were found to pos- Desert Road from Ball" to be held at the Fontenelle A fourth of the income ot, the sess explosives for the manufacHotel and the Elks Club." Father Leghorn Jewish community in the ture of bombs, also rifles, other Egypt to Palestine Take Registration Flanagan said. Seventeenth century was devoted arms and ammunition. to ransoming Jewish sieves from Planned Putsch Jerusalem {WNS-Paleor Agenfor Night School the Barbary pirates. Patronize Our Advertisers According to Hoover, the mency) — A transdesert highway of had been training for their putsch 220 kilometers is shortly to be Registration for the second at A rented camp at Narrows- completed between the Palestine semester of the C e n t r a l Night burg, N- Y., where they held rifle j frontier and Ismallia, a port on High school (or adults will be held drills, planned to start courses In the Suez Canal, traversing the n Room 235 on Thursday, JanStort lloin—t:30 A. M. it 5:20 P. §4. Ttlepbesc AT 7)34 bomb-throwing, addressed their heart of Sinai. uary 25. Classes will begin on leader; William Gerald Bishop, as Although it took the Children Monday, January 29. There is no M the~ Fuehrer," and d i s c u s sed of Israel some forty years to cross charge for tuition. their plans to overthrow the Gov- this very same wilderness, the Students may complete the reernment and to e r a d 1 cate the completion of this asphalt road quirements for eighth grade and Jews. will make the journey less than high school diplomas. Further inHoover said the investigation six hours. formation on the classes may behad been ordered by Murphy, who The road cost £140,000, and obtained by calling the Vocational bad been kept thoroughly inform- was built by contract by the Shell Department of the Board of Eded of developments. The Attorney Company of Egypt Ltd. within six ducatlon, At. 3140. General, at a Washington press months. conference, recently p r o m i s ed Deaths ''startling developments" in New Conciliation Court Tork and Boston as result of the New York (JTA) — The Jewish1 Moritz Adler Justice Department's i n v e s t i g a - Conciliation Court of America reMoritz Adler, 93, a resident of tlon. ported a t its annual meeting that Omaha for the past twenty-five What the developments would it handled 522 cases of disputes ears, died Tuesday afternoon, be In Boston were not yet known, between Jewish groups during .'revious to coming here, ho had1 .but it Is significant that Social 1939, of which 25 per-cent were 'or many years operated a jewelJustice, organ of C h a r 1 o B E. settled by the parties Involved on ry store in Lincoln. Double iod Ska, Cougnlln — who took pains to being Invited to hearings and an- . The funeral service was held Originally 3.95 deny in Detroit any connection other substantial number disposed Wednesday afternoon at the Jew•with the Christian Front — re- of through the assistance of Louis ish Funeral Home. Burial was at ported in Its Dec. 2t> issue, under Rlchman, executive secretary. olden Hill. a Boston dateline, the formation of "Minute Men of 1939, citizen groups trained in the use of FREE1 An Expert CoonooUor on Room Arrangement arras,-" in New England. Coughlin stated in Detroit that he "roundly d i s a v o w e d " the' Christian Front and that he had refused a $1,000 contribution O M JUgalar "Famous for Fine Furniture" from the organization. However,' Rt»f««f <••«••John F. Cassidy, under arrest as USE OUR EAOV 'PAVNBNT PLAff—FAitNAM AT 22MO a leader of the Front, has always proelaimed Ws support -ol Cough-. lltt and 'has ..been prominent for years In -organization groups in support of the "radio priest." A AETBSS. (Uevsw vaSttwH. • * ! •
fat tuiraa (alike* for «B —nt «f <ntk*
.(Continued from page 4) In this year 2000 Jews sit in equality with all men at the full table of political and economic justice.
Beautiful quilti to froasuro for gonorotlonj... Each qulH stamped for; quilting . . . comploto with patcfj&s end bind* !ng. fine quality muslin background . •, fast color patches. Paitels and bright color comblnetioni. Patteroi: Poppy. Tiger LElv, Tdlp. Cfccrry, ©erodes), Daisy, Floral Blocfe, Dcaqaof cad OtEssn. Kilpetrlch's Art NeeSto Sce&m—TMrd floor
' If. E, Z. T, of Chicago doubts my prophecy, let him clip this and save it for reference in the year 2000. I invite him to my birthday party, June 18, 2000. . Tel Aviv (WNS —• P a l c o r Agency)—-The Hablma Theater,
fculldlng, at the top end of RothschUd Boulevard In Tel Aviv, is tdfbe completed in the course of the next tonr months following the signature of a contract providing a. trailding loan from a British insurance company.
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No. 2—200 W. B'dway . Tel. 398 Co. Bluffs
Friday, January 19, 1 9 4 0
Page 2
Vmr friMBlst
. ; ;. / .
X dasira to sxtan* hearty eoacrrtttUUoai sake of change and the aggran- ..han our own. It is a lesson that upas tft* spirit «f lmtasxfcatd. Mad ualaarsal t » d »U1 dizement of their own power they Americans, also, need to learn and abldi prosptad allocation froa tha fond* of th* Onltad wuuld trample over other men's o carry with them through life 'ttalak Appaal for Bafugaa* of xanaroos BUM fear us» tt religion and other men's freedom s an Inseparable part of their •tear acmciM la rallmriac maturing among aon-Jeviah to think and say what they be- litizenship. rafugasa, For the virus of anti-Semitism lieve. as made itself felt here as well Z fastrd arltb peculiar satisfaction of tha ( l i t Oa the other hand, forces, fearof OM hundra* t*a»ty-fi*B tkoustttd- daJLUra ta tha. Catholic Ing change or having a vested in- s abroad. CtNretjkfor Its Mfagca «oric, 6* a s^aorlsl to Georga The purveyors of hatred, the terest against change, blindly de'frn'WM Nndftlain, «nd of th» cOJ.oca.tim of • Ilka aaouat fend what is bad as well as what vrovokers of division and strife, to tha rrotestaat Churches, through Reverend Doctor George Is good in the established order of he swaggering apostles of force A. Buttriek, President, Federal. Council of the Church** of ind violence, are methodically and things. To prevent change and to Ouriat iB iaerica, for their refugee relief work. For many of the human family, the stars in their courses, ith premeditation laboring to the period we live in is one of stop Ibis action bear* eloquent witaees to ths spirit would deny other men po- ;ring to the United States the heartbreak and tragedy. Helpless- they lame conditions of group hatred of tolariN&oa andtrw charity, and affords an amspla l a litical liberty and economic oply, the, humble, unknown thou- portunity, and would crush all ef- md civil war that have destroyed gaod will •bleb could Da «d*Oj copied with happy mault sands whose only wants are forts to appeal to reason or even .he peace of Europe. Treacheroussincerely yours, bread and peace, see their homely, they camouflage their true naGod. lands overrun by invading armies, to The ture by representing themselves forces of enlightenment totheir homes and fields ravaged by day are not those which resist all to the unwary as defenders of the lightning strokes of war. Life change or the forces which favor jod, America, and the Constltufor them is a nightmare of de- any change. They are, instead, the ;ion. Unscrupulously, they Btlr up struction and hate, too horrible forces which seek to achieve, in iots in the city streets, they into be believed, if it were not time, such improvements in the imidate peaceful citizens, they In8MA AM» f, SOmr, that the harsh facts He before established order of things as may ,ade meetings, and tbey peddle as Hettl JoaaaS. Kiss, their eyes. fltaltedtfawlsfcAppeal for Refujeo, be necessary to protect In a mov- :ruth the malicious lies which In such an era, earnest efforts ing world the gains which civil- jeople of their ilk have invented 342 Madison H a m , *a»Y6Xk, M. T. on the other side of the ledger ized men through centuries of ,o blacken those whom they hate. Must Look to Wisdom of People •—endeavors to find and to build struggle have acquired. homes for the homeless and op- That, essentially, is the aim of Some of this professional hateFacsimile ul President KootkjveU'a the pressed—must come to all men the forces of enlightenment, the mongering, government can and Silver and Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, National of good will as a source of cheer forces of religion and true con- will combat through tho laws of, United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and Oi - and encouragement. I am grate- servatism, without regard to po- he land. But in the main, Ameriful for the opportunity to visit litical partisanship, in this coun- can democracy must look for its the UJ.A. for contributing $250,000 for aid with you who are engaged in try a n d other countries where defense to the wisdom of the peo- Protestant refugees. euch a movement. the lamps of reason have not been ple and their determination not To one like myself who wasextinguished. o be led on the paths that have brought up from early childhood But in large sections of the aken other peoples to communto read and revere the Bible as world where the lamps of reason ism and fascism. race. The Land of the Book and have gone out or have flickered not simply a distant country, nor low, the enlightened effort to im- Not guns nor battle ships will are the people who first made it prove the lot of all men has given ultimately preserve democracy, the Holy Land, simply another way to a resurgence of bigotry and but the devotion of a people- who have the good sense to realize race. The Land of thee Book and the People ot the Book are pe- intolerance as cruel and as bar- that intolerance is no respecter of culiarly part of the religious heri- barous as history has ever re- persons — that once unleashed it has no regard for religion or race corded. tage ot civilised men. And today, as in the olden time, or economic status, or least of all, Mighty Appeal It is the Jewish people—homeless for that dignity of tho individual And BO it is that your efforts and so the least able to defend which lies at the basis of our civto help build a sanctuary for the themselves—who have suffered ilization. Democracy in America . harried and homeless of the Jew- the hardest. Once again, they will be saved if as a people, we ?t»:i;-;j* ish people have a mighty appeal have served as the most readily are wise enough to know that if to those of us of other faiths and available scapegoats for those who we do not respect other's faiths, races who still find refuge, when accept force as their gospel and .he day may come when other men the world about us seems the find virtue in refusing to be guid- will not respect our faiths. darkest, in the spiritual teachings ed by the laws of reason or tho Refugee Problem of the humble propheets who laws of God. The refugee problem is not a dwelt in Zion and in Galilee many >fot Just Jewish Problem problem of or for any one race centuries ago. But the world will m a k e a or religion, it is a challenge to We recall that America itself grave mistake if from these facts civilized man the world over. In name into being at the hands of it concludes that the revival of helping to give your people or any harried and homeless people, intolerance is primarily or pecu- people a chance to live a free searching for the blessings of liarly a Jewish problem. For al- lite in a free country, we are helppeace and freedom. Remembering ready it is apparent that the Jews ing to do our part to preserve their great struggle, we sympa- are serving not merely as a scape- justice and liberty in a civilized thize the more with this effort goat but as a smoke-screen to world. We are not merely relievOf yours to create in Palestine a conceal more aggressive design ing suffering and distress, we are haven of refuge and a center of of power-mad men. helping to preserve for ourselves culture where your kith and kin, Already those who started out and our posterity those ideas and free from oppression and persecu- and,who continue to bait the Jews (Continued on page 10) tion, can find life and peace in are baiting Protestants and Caththe land of their forefathers. whenever tbey find that they ' The particular tasks •which you olics VOICE TEACHER have the force to succeed and thai have set .for yourselves are ne- the loot Just arrived from Vienna. makes their effort worth' cessitated, and at the same time while. The worship of force is noi Utilizes nevr method. Rapid Complicated, by external events. only it is anti-Chris- progress promised. All that We are living through a dark and tian, anti-Jewish, is needed .is « speaking it is a revolt against rea emergent period in the world's son and God, voice. Call JA 1 3 6 6 for history. Unquestionably it is a pefurther information. This is not a lesson for Europ riod o t transition and change; although the exact nature of the alone, or simply for lands other transition and change is something that few of us know enough to understand or are wise enough to foretell. •Men and women everywhere are hauntedby a feeling of insecurity, of helplessness to protect the thingB they cherish most. And yet, 16YH and DOUGLAS while their present state is so unhappy, they also have a fear of change. They tear that change, instead of bringing them greater security, will take away the things they want most to keep. B9aney-£av®rc for Saturday! Clash of Forces ' We live, therefore, amid the ftnd a fascinating suit collection now awaits clash of social and economic forces which at times become moyou on our fourth floor • . . a collection fat Feiaberjj'o Kosher, large can tivated more by passion and fear which each of you "will find just the suit fcf (Rice and Tomato, Pea, or Vegetable) than by reason and knowledge. ' .The forces of discontent, mlstakyourfigure*your inclination/ your needs and or KOSHER WIE&BIS, " ing change for progress, attack Lb your .puree. A group of beautiful watt tat* what is good as well as what is Kosher, bad in the established order of Jored suite Is featured a t . . • *» things. To achieve change for the Quart jar CORNED BEEF Kosher Shoulder, l b . . ®foraJe«ert FOR BEST BUYS IN CORNED BEEP, that** different, try Kosher" Brisket, lb. •» S6SOKED SALMON, OfHextt 316.05 to 349,99 Kosher, lb
EDITOR'S NOTE: An impassioned attack on bigotry and a warning on its Inroads In tills Country were contained in the address by Attorney General Frank Murphy, Supreme Court nominee, at the recent Nstkuaal Conference for Palestine. "She address.which Is reprinted here in full* ft&g attracted widespread favorable comment.
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Friday* 4«tou»ry 19, 1940
By MARY C. FRANKLIN { In the shadow of Mt. Gilboa on history, geography of Pal- to a remarkable extent in arous ' the Plain of Jezreel, 59 boys, and Jewish ing interest in this endeavor to girls, ranging in age from 17 t estine, etc., etc. rescue what otherwise would be ON GRADUATION 19, sat down at a council table come "a lost generation." These two years, spent in an • to plan their future. These young atmosphere of freedom and good No American parent who has people, 3,000 miles away from fellowship, under the guidance of children are permitted to detheir ' native Germany, thei leaders and teachers who have velop in who an atmosphere of securihomes and families, had just com- developed a perfect understanding ty and freedom can refrain pleted two years of co-operative of the difficult problems of read- giving their support. From from living at Ain Harod, one of th justments have accomplished a very outset Hadassah is proudthe to largest of the Jewish agricultural miracle-—that of a youth regen say that supbrt has been given colonies of Palestine, and having erated and restored to the nor- in full and generous measure. graduated from their training mal heritage of youth. The 1,638 One has only to envisage the course, were now prepared to young men and women who have scene, so often re-enacted by •tart life "on their own." . graduated have taken their right- children in the war-ridden coun; The Ain Harod group of Ger- ful places as full fledged workers tries when they wish to know man-Jewish children comprised in the economic and social life what is going to happen The only the first contingent of the Youth of the Jewish community. bright hope is for those who have Allyab, the name by Which the registered with the Youth Aliyah In acordance with the needs of youth immigration movement to the community the chief emphasis authorities. Palestine is known. Since Febru the training of the youth is EXPENSES »ry, 1934, when this first group in placed upon agriculture, and it To provide maintenance •rrived in Palestine, over 6,200 is a fine commentary upon the and educationforof the a juvenile for .children from Central Europe effectiveness of the educational two years in the co-operative sethave been transported to the Land program 76 per cent of the tlements of Palestine costs (360, of Israel, and certificates have graduatesthat have chosen agricul- through the Youth Aliyah. The already been issued for the trans Idea of the "Minyan" for Youth fer of as many children as funds tural work. Thus these young people, bred Aliyah was evolved In order to will be provided or, In order to an oportunlty to thousands furnish them with the oportuni- in the metropolitan centers of give of women who wish to assist but Central Europe, in middle-class $les of education, vocatlona are not able to contribute in training and a normal environ- comfort, chose to live as tillers of who arge amounts individually; ment, of which they have been de- the soil in a self-governing, co- lthrough the "Minyan," ten peooperative settlement. In evaluatprived, - ' • • . band .together for the pur3TBE ROLE OF YOUTH ALIVAH ing the Youth Aliyah work, aside ple of redeeming a child, each f- During the five and a half years from the fact that it is rescuing pose paying her ?36 share of the Of its history the Youth AHyah young people from a thwarted, one either outright or by monthmovement has proven its ability embittered existence in a land $360 ly payments of $1.50 if or two jnot only to meet the Initial chal- that no longer wants them, years. lenge to Jewish existence occa- thought should be given it as a Hundreds of the Minyan groups sioned by the rise of Hitler, but unique experiment in adolescent have been organized during the ftlso to withstand the'successive education. SINCE THE AVAR past year with • the result ' that Bhocka administered by a regime Children and juveniles have left funds have been increased and grown wise in devising new tortures and bold in "winning"' new Germany since the outbreak of the co-operation of many social subjects. Organized in the early hostilities. There were close to groups .have been secured. A months .of 1934 as a movement 2,000 Youth Aliyah children wait- great many of the children now lor the release of a youth threat- ing in the Scandinavian countries, in 'Palestine are there as a result ened with loss of all educational Trieste, and London at the out- of the undertakings given by the •and professional opportunity, break of the war. These Youth members of the Minyanim; and {Youth Allyah all too soon was Aliyah children in transit coun- the. prompt payment of these tCalled upon to rescue that youth tries are now being transported in monthly pledges Is essential to Iftrom actual destruction, and be- smaller numbers on neutral ves- assure the continued education 'iCame an incomparable instru- sels to Palestine. The task is a tre- and maintenance of these wards. ment for its psychologic, Bpirlt- mendous-one—not only diplomat- Every unfulfilled. pledge means an abandoned child—. ual and economic rehabilitation. ically but also financially. No matter what lies ahead, In addition there is the strong • PLAN OP YOUTH ALIYAH j'.;; The movement arose in Ger- possibility that . arrangements Hadassah forces stand ready. The :tnany and gained impetus as re- can bo made to bring more chil- young leaders of Berlin, Vienna, striction after restriction bore dren out of Central and Eastern Prague,. Batlslava, Warsaw and down upon the Jewish boy or girl, Europe on the new 1940 sched- elsewhere In Central and East.who, after his elementary school ule. There Is no diminution of the ern Europe are constantly in icourse, was barred from learning. need for.,their_reacue, there is no touch with their youth—looking .0. trade or. profession and from lack of desire on the part of .Nazi-, out for their safety, raising their 'Obtaining even the humblest man- dom to be free of the Jews, and flagging spirits, working for their ual labor positions. The youth Palestine is ready and eager to release. The London Executive of .destined for Palestine were care- liaye these children. The only the Youth Aliyah is continuing -fully selected and prepared in thing lacking is that of funds. its work undaunted and undeGermany for a two-year course of This io a challenge which Ha- terred by the onerous conditions .education and practical training datjsah has answered in the past of work in a belligerent country .in Palestine to equip them for and which it can continue to an- -a land at war with the very swer in the future with the co- power which is holding the JewUseful and productive life, ,' The work of selection, prepar- operation of the 85 thousand ish people in thrall. ation and emigration was organ- members throughout the U. S. A. No matter what political disised in Germany byy the "Arbeltsturbances are, no matter if the WORK IN AMERICA gemelnschaft fur Kinder und which has assumed war goes on—the children must •Jugen Allyah.' in Palestine it was theHadassah, role of American of be taken to Palestine and Pales^undertaken by Henrietta Szold, the Youth Aliyah, has agency tine must be made ready to gathsucceeded .then 72 years of age, who became the director and mother of "the. Youth Aliyah. With the soul-atirrlng understanding the co-operative, agricultural settlements .of Palestine undertook to shelter FOR •.and train the young people at a -nominal cost, and the British Gov. eminent agreed to issue special r immigration certificates to the .Central European boys and girls .between the ages of 15 and 17. Thus the Youth Aliyah began. - - - U. S. T i r e s -. THE EDUCATIONAL: SCHEME The young people are placed are known every- in 7 8 agricultural settlements and safe ^ schools.'They come into Palestine where for "in well integrated groups and are '" carefully placed in accordance mileage. Your size ' with their previous associations is here '«nd predilections. ".' The two year course of train-ing which they undergo is planned to include practical work in the Let us save you 'fields, kitchens, nursery, and at the workers' bench in addition to money with these * study of such subjects as Hebrew,
3 er in the exiles. Both aa aa instrument for the upbuilding of the Jewish National Home, and as an instrument for the rehabilitation of the youth in the land, Hadassah stands prepared to answer the call of the people and of humanity. IN OMAHA Omaha in co-operation with Hadassah throughout the country has organized Youth Aliyah "Minyan' - groups. Mrs Julius Stein, Chairman for the work here has exercised a remarkable Jn-. fluence upon all those with whom she has come in contact with. She has been assisted in her work by Mrs. Irvin C. Levin. The following "Minyan" groups are now in existence in Omaha: No. 1, Mrs. Arthur A. Colm and Mrs. Jake Blank, Chairman. Those belonging to. Group. No. 1 are Mrs. Jake Blank, Mrs. Arthur A. Cohn, Mrs. Sam Boster, Mrs. Max Cohn, Mrs. Ernest Meyer, Mrs. S. R. Silbar, Mrs. J. M.
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Ermau, Mrs. Sam Raffel and Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt. Those in Group No. 2 are Mrs. -Harry Kulakofsky, Chairman, Mrs Saon Josepiison, Mrs. Phil Klutznick, Mrs. Abe Goldstein, Mrs. Harry Green, Mrs. Henry Rosenthal, Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky and Mrs. Sam. Gilinsky. In Group No. 3 there are Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, Chairman, Mrs. Harry Trustin, Mrs. Chas. Schimmel, Mrs. Mollie Rosenblatt, Mrs. R. A. Bleicher, Mrs. Minnie L&pidus, Mrs. Sophie Monsky, Mrs. David A. Goldstein, Mrs. E. Meyer, Mrs. R. Marks and Mrs. Jake Raduziner. ••* - Those in Group No. 4 are Mrs. Dave Stein, Chairman, Mrs. David Sherman, Mrs. Jack Kaufman, Mrs. T. A. Tully, Mrs. Sam Coen, Mrs. F. H. Roddy, Mrs. Max Kaplan, Mrs Louis Alberts, Mrs. Jack Bramsou, Mrs. Horace Rosenblum, Mrs. Max Cohn. . '. . In Group No. 5, Mrs. B. A. (Continued on page 10) >
Page 12
Friday, January 12, 1040
News to appear iss the Council Bluffs column must l>e received &t the JEWISH PRESS office, 60© Br&ndeis Theater Building, (Continued from page 1.) Oittfcita, not later than Wednesnoon. Biiort items may be pnon- Murphy, newly-n o m i n ated SuStudy Group to prenie Court Justice, told the Na-" ed in and charges reversed. tional Conference for Palestine Meet on Monday that bigotry was a menace to HABASSAH democracy," earlier he The study group of the National The H&dassab. dessert luncheon American told a press c o n f e rence there Council of Jewish Women under will be held at the Synagogue at 1 would be "starting developments" 1 the direction of Rabbi H. R. Rabo'clock on Wednesday, January in the Justice Mr. Levin Shatskes of New York inowitz will meet at the home of Department's inves17. Mrs. Saul Suvalsky will speak tigation of anti-Semitism. City, a native of Poland and th Mrs. Leo Chaiken, 3703 Jackson on the subject of Arbor Day In editor of a Jewish-Russian news street, on Monday, January r5tb, (2) President Roosevelt anPalestine. paper there until two and a hal at 1:30. Mrs. Max Rosestock will nounced plans for a 250-man unit A trio consisting of Betty Grossyears ago, spoke last Sunday nigh give a paper on the dietary laws. in the Federal Bureau of Investiman, Edith Bubb, and Ilene Rosat the Jewish Community Cente gation to combat foreign espionenberg will sing. to members of branch 664, Work Strictly Confidential Mrs. Herman Krause is chair- age agents and subversive activiman's circle.*Mr. Shatskes spot ties, after telling Congress in his man of the meeting. On the "Hitler Stalin Partner annual message that agitation for (Continued from page 11.) ship." race, religious and class hatred JUNIOR HADASSAH Mr. Shatskes has lived in this was a ruse of foreign dictators to prosperous Second Avenue boys, The regular monthly meeting of country since he left Poland. He who have been receiving the quiet- the Junior Hadassah will be held set Americans fighting among now edits a weekly Jewish news ly given Muni largesse t h e s e on Monday evening, January 15, themselves. paper in New York city and con(3) The Dies Committee, reThe Womens League of Shaare months, are hoping there's noth- at 8 o'clock at the Synagogue. tributes articles to other publicaing to the rumors that Paul is goporting to Congress on its yearZlon will have a 1 o'clock lunchA special election will be held tions. eon next Tuesday, January 17, at ing to cut short his New York for the office of treasurer. The long investigation, found subverthe synagogue. Mrs. L. J. Kaplan, engagement to return to Holly- former treasurer, Sylvia Endel- sive activities pa the wane, but wood for his scheduled Beethoven man, was reecntly married. recommended increased vigilance president, will preside. by the American people and lawOn the program is Dr. Paul film , . . Know-it-all though we Ida Hoffman will review Pierre Johnson, dean of Morningside are/it wasn't until 1939 drew to van Paassen's "Days of Our en-forcing agencies. (4) Governor Lehman, addressCollege who will speak on "What a close that we learned that Ab- Years." Refreshments will be serving the New York Legislature In Is Being. Done to Combat ^Anti- ner Bibennann, who since his ap- ed. Albany, urged extension of th* Semitism." Program chairman is pearance in "The Eternal Road" ban on job discrimination; later Mrs. Maurice Rubin. Co-chairman three years ago, has made his FROM WASHINGTON The Mt. Sinai Sisterhood meet- of the dining room are Mrs. James mark on the silver screen, is a he told a B'nai B'rith meeting in Miss Marian Katelman of WashIng will be held at the Temple An- Gang and Mrs. S. B. Gelfand and brother of Joseph H. Biben, pub- ington, D. C, visited her mother, New York that totalitarian propalisher and editor of the American Mrs. i. Katelman, and family for ganda in the U, S. menaced nanex today in the form of a 1:00 Mrs! Mike Sherman. o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Harry Bail* Hebrew And it took a law two weeks. While here Miss Katel- tional peace and security, his broin, president, will preside. suit in the courts to reveal to us man was extensively entertained. ther, Chief Judge Irving Lehman . After the business meeting Mrs. Mrs. Feder to Speak of the Court of Appeals, making that Paulette Goddard-is t h e L. S. Goldberg will he chairman the same point. \ daughter of one Joseph R. Levee TALMUD TORAH DANCE of the program which will consist to Pioneer Women —or Levy, if you prefer By The ihairraen of the various of: the invocation by Mrs. Lester way of relaxation from writing committees report a brisk sale of ey is at his best when he flecks to Goldman, a 3 minute talk on Replays Clifford Odets turns to the tickets for the Annual Council demolish the foundations to tradiMrs. Sarah Feder, prominent becca Gratz by Mrs. Meyer Levitt, lionist Labor leader will be the inventioa -of mechanical gadgets Bluffs Talmud Torah dance which tional faith and theology, but dot and a talk on international situ- west of the . pioneer . Women's . . . He expects to have a device is to be held on Sunday evening, quite successful in creating new ation by Mr. J. S. Woodson, editor Club on Wednesday, January 17. for the Improvement of phono- January 28. basis for religious faith, for a of the Sioux City Journal. he will speak at the Jewish Com- graphic sound ready for patenting This Is one of the most popular faith that can move mountains, ) The luncheon hostesses are Mrs. munity John Gar- affairs given in the Bluffs during which is the only faith "that is Center. The members of in the near future Meyer Harrison, Mrs. Sam Green- the Pioneer will also hold field is returning to Broadway the year. worthwhile. stone," Mrs. A. I. Sacks, and Mrs. a luncheon Women in her honor. • The for the l e a d In Albert Bein's It is only a truism to say that L. S. Goldberg. "Heavenly Express"-—a play lor members of the Pioneer Womens A. Z. A . ••'• - .' much of the accepted religious Organization would like to urge a walk-on part in which he pleadNew officers of Council Bluffs thought of humanity will have -to ed some years ago, when he was chapter all Sioux City Jewry to attend the No. 7, A. Z. A., took over be relegated to subordinate place, Shaare Zion just a kid dreaming of becoming their duties lecture of Mrs. Feder. ' at a meeting of the that the ceremonial will have to a great actor some day . . . All his Mrs. Feder trained in the field life composer Sam Pokrass hoped chapter, January 3, at the home give priority to the ethical. Moat >" Friday night services will begin religionist agree to this. ^ at 8,with Cantor pcrnick and the of education and sociology. She is for a Broadway production of hia of Vernon Fitch. The semi-annual election of the What is imperative for religious choir chanting the services. The a Normal School graduate, spent operetta "White Plume" but chapter, which took place Decem- liberals is to establish afresh the guest speaker will be Rabbi David one year at the Columbia. Teach- now that the dream is coming ber 20, placed in office LeoMey- God idea — to give it new power er's College, graduated from the Aaronson of Beth El synagogue in Kokrass isn't here to see It erson, president; Yale Gotsdlner, and significance, to make the dense University of Chicago, received true Minneapolis. . . . . He died last year . . . vice-president; Teddy Gershun, of Deity a moving experience. Tills Rabbi Aaronson is noted for his her Master's degree at the Unisenior sergeant-at-arms; Alvln Dewey does not succeed in doing, originality and wit. His subject versity of Missouri and did social ABOUT PEOPLE Supreme Court Justice Felix Passer, junior sergeant-at-arms, and possibly does not deem it "will be "Two Generations Looking research work there. Mrs. Feder was the representa- Frankfurter, accustomed .to the and Alvln Nogg, chaplain. Jack necessary. But the basic criticism at Life." Lincoln was re-elected treasurer of the editor Is valid and exceed- H0 will be the guest speaker at tive of the Pioneer Womens Club austerity of life at Harvard, felt and Bob Passer's term as secre- ingly timely. A religious faith at the World Zionist Congress. In so ill at ease in the luxurious, the Oneg Shabbat meeting Saturwithout God is either a delusion day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the addition to her activities in labor private office Uncle Sam provided tary runs until June, 1940. • The chapter will have charge of or an illusion. home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney iionism she is very active in civic for him that .he swapped offices and Jewish affairs. This splendid volume will repay with his law clerk, whose quar- the check room at the annual TalBaron, 1810 Grand view. ters are more modestly furnished mud Torah dance, to be held at the student, for the hours he will : . . The Washington Merry-Go- the Hotel Chieftain, January 28. devote to it, In intellectual stint? Plans for an ice-skating party ulus, spiritual delight and real Jr. Hadassah Rounders nominate as "newspaperman of t h e . y e a r " (meaning were discussed and turned over to mental joy. It is a fitting tribute 1939) Walter Winchell, "because the social committee, with the to John Dewey on his eightieth Jr. Hadassah will hold Its regin addition to writing one of the recommendation that the affair be birthday. The value of this book ular meeting next Wednesday eveMr. and Mrs. Phil Fein, 2959 world's moat scintillating columns held at Dodge park the latter part makes us all the more eager for Ding, January 17, at the Jewish those that are to follow on BergCommunity Center at 8:30. Miss Stone Park Blvd., announce the he arranged the surrender of Pub- of January. New Committees and advisors son, San tayana and other eminDena Baron, president, who re- engagement' of, :: their' daughter, lic Enemy No. 1 Louis Lepke" . . . turned recently from the nation- Shlrlee to: Mr;;jtlilton J. Grneskln, Jerome Weidman, author of "I will be announced at the next ent living thinkers. al convention at Baltimore, will son of Mr, and Mrs. George Gruer {Jan Get It for You Wholesale," meeting, to be held at the home Balthasar O r o b 1 o de Castro report on the highlights of the skin, 171G Ingleslde Avenue. The lias become a member of the Sir of Teddy Gershun, 427 Forest (1629-87) was professor of Metmon and Schuster editorial staff Drive, Wednesday, January 17. convention. Miss Rose Sperling wedding date has not been set. aphysics at the, University of Sal. . . It's Carl Byoir who is pubwho returned from the Southwest r amanca and physican ot the Duke regional conference at St. Louis Miss Molly Kelberg, of Omaha; licizing Herbert Hoover s Finnish of .Medina-Cell until hla imprisonWill give a report on the important has been visiting forthe past week Relief Campaign It was Dr. ment by the Inquisition. events that took place there. S;S. Goldwatex,! now head of the with Lillian Turchen. iNew York Department of Hospl* Miss Velma Beechem will talk on "The Life' of Jesse Sampter" and Mrs; R. Borkin and daughter, •tals, who-some years ago advised (Continued from page 8.) ^: a; Soviet' commission on the .orwill read some of her works. Eva, visited the past week in St. ganization of . a modern hospital religion must be theistic, God cenJoseph, Missouri. system for their country . . . Jules tered, and a God who is more than W E J Alberti, who conducts the band at a symbol, and idea, or an illusion Miss Francis Rutsteln ."314 18th a night spot called the Show Bar, frustrated souls and sick minds. At the last meeting of the W.EJ treet, returned after a three week : is a nephew of that witty philos- of Religion requirers a God, a : RealIsit in New York City with relclub Rabbi Albert S. Goldstein opher Harry Herahfield . ; Carl "other than and completely, exwas the guest speaker. Donald atlves and, friends. Enroute iome .Marks' is the name of .the head; of ity to the processes of nature, Davis, president, presided at the she also visited in'. Chicago for a ;,Wall -Street brokerage house ternal and of human life." Dewey deems Let George Gaten and meeting. That night was visitors several days with friends. . . . To make matters even more the quality religious real and gennight, all the parents of the memLeo Grossman, confusing* Mr; Marks has lately uine. His description of this qualbers attending. Miss Betty Rapoport of Cedar been receiving a lot of calls for ity makes it hardly distinguishJ. C. C. Instructors A fine program has been outlin- Rapids is visiting here with Miss those old Czarist Russian bonds able from any other moral or ethed for this ^coming year of club Dena Baron. . . . There's a South African mil- ical quality, however. activities. lionaire, by the name of Haskelt No Religion Without God Observing their 10th wedding who has a brother well-known to Like all religious liberals, Dewanniversary, Mr* and Mrs. Abe denizens and habitues of the BowOrthodox Synagogue -efkovlch, 1916 Isabella street. ery as "the man with the monkey • Services will begin to night at entertained 30 guests at a supper oirthe stick' . The millionaire provides his brother with enough 6:15 and in the morning at 9. and cards last Sunday evening. PARENTS DON'T HiLVE TO GUESS money for comfortable living, but Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov will speak The Hebrew Mothers AssociaIn the morning at the Tiphereth tion met last Tuesday afternoon the New Yorker insists on parad-The respectable host of Nebraska's licensed beer ing with the monkey, complete Israel synagogue.. at a desert luncheon at the Jew- wlth.tln. cup, because he has nothretailero obey the law's injunction against Belling to ish Community Center. Mrs. Sam ing else to do . . . persons under 21. ' World Affairs Forum Bailln presided. Mrs. A. Rosenfeld played severSometimes, in order tfc be able to refuse to cell to "The World this Week — as al piano selections. Mrs.-B. H. Palestine Expanding minors, proprietors and their employees hare to One Man Sees It" will be the sub- Raskin led a discussion of The guess the ages ©f their patrons. ject of Rabbi Albert Goldstein's Woman in Jewish Life. Mrs. PhilAgriculture Station tetfk Tuesday evening. January 16, lip Sherman was program chairParents don't have to guesa oges ». • they knowjunf at eight o'clock, and on every al- man. Mrs. Joe Levine was proJerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agenold their'young people are. ternate Tuesday night after this, rain chairman. cy) — The cornerstone of "three at the World Affairs forum at the new laboratory buildings, costing Parents can cooperate with 0 legal and responsible Jewish Community Center. The board of directors of Shaare £10,000 will be laid at the Jewish Nebraska industry, paying annually more than Following his talk, there will be ;ion met last Sunday night at the Agency's Agricultural Experiment $475,000.00 in tuxes, by instructing their young peo©a Informal discussion by the en- home of Mr. ana M*a: Jack Lasen- Station at Rehoboth oh Jan. 22. ple not to trade on their appearance or conceal tire group. There is no charge. sky, 3529 Nebraska street. The expansion of the Station's their age. ' .... facilities represents recognition of Rodrigues Pereira, a Spanish- the increasing important role it Young Judaea >orn Jew of Bordeaux who was plays in inproving Palestine's agT The Herzl Yodng Judaea group 'amotts as a teacher of the deaf riculture and in dealing with the CHARLES E. SANDALL,-5folo Director of enlarging the coun* Idll'holdf its Ping-Pong Tourna- [1715-1780) was named a mom- problems' National Bank Building ..,..,.,,. ... .. ,.ilncoSn, Nebr. try's poslbilitiea for food self-sufler ot the British Royal Academy ment Sunday at four o'clock at the ficiency. f Science. Jewish Community Center.
Society News
(Continued from page 1.) Teachers Seminary of Jerusalem, Dr. Tauneubauia lias studied at the University of Denver aad Columbia. During the World War he served as a First Lieutenant with American Expeditionary F o r c e s in France. He has visited Palestine several times and has resided in the Holy Land since 1934. He is a student on the economic aspects of Palestine and is affiliated with various banking and industrial corporations.