rco* Entered as Second Class Call Matter on January SI, 1931, at fortottlce, of Omaha, Nebr ska. ' under the Act of March 3, 1879
VOL. XVII—-No. 18
Cause NAZIS PLAN OR RefugeesCabinet Crisis B'nai B'rith Will MASSTRAN FER Hold District Six OF REICH EWS i i
Santiago ( J T A ) — The six Radical members of Chile's Popular Front Cabinet presented their resignations to President Pedro Aguirra Cerda, himself a member of the Radical Party, reportedly as a result of a disagreement over the report of a presidential invesClaim Entire Population tigation committee which charged "existence of fraud" in the entry of Stettin Sent Appointment of Dr. A. Green of Jewish refugees, Two were reto Poland berg, Harvey It. Leon and I. 1$ appointed and the other four were Zlmnian to the executive commit tee by Harry Malashock, genera RED CROSS BEGINS AID replaced. The Government has introduced chairman, marks the beginning of a number of bills into Parliament negotiations for the li'itai B'ritl Say 2,000,000 Poles, Jews placing restrictions on entry of District No. 0 Grand Lodge con Jewish refugees and on the activWill Be Transferred veil (ion to be held here in Omaha ities of resident refugees. One of July 7, 8 and J>. the bills, it was learned, would Elsewhere Ind Table The convention which is the Settlement Will Begin on Members curb the right of refugees to enWashington (WNS)-Nazl au seventy-second since the inception l e in Tract in Dominican in retail business. Pending , to P, . titerities have completed a pro- gage of the district, is the third to be passage of the 1 e g islatlon, the Republic in -. 0tam for the mass transfer of Government has taken measures sponsored by the Omaha lodge - Ctannan Jews to several sections to halt Jewish immigration. and will be a joint meeting of Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Rethe Round B'nai B'rith delegates from lodges Four me • Ql Naal-held Poland, notably Lubpresent their in eight states and four provinces public (WNS) — The road was of Jewish lin, it was reported in diplomatic e role of Jew- of Canada and a convention of cleared this week for launching interpretat " circles here. aerican democ- delegates from all women's auxil- of the first large-scale settlement ish youth ii. . Reports circulated in tile capital racy on Thursday evening, Febru- iailep in the distiict The Ubt of refugees in the New World un- this week stated that the entire der inter-governmental auspices ary 22, at the Jewish Community • Jewish population of Stettin had when the Dominican Government Center. Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus will < been packed into boxcalfs, withsigned a contract with the Dominlead the discussion. out food and warm clothing, and ican Republic Settlement CorporThose t a k i n g part are Bess - transported to Poland. Forced ation, subject to the approval ot Grunger, Helen F o g e 1, Justin emigration of Jews from other the Dominican Congress which is Priesman; and Abe Resnick. Fol- German towns and villages has Jewish' Agency Sets expected before the month is out. lowing the panel, the audience .v.-- teen reported. " Body to Further Colonization will begin on a will participate in'discussion from The presence of foreign newstract of 24,000 acres named Sousa the floor. Good-Will - papermen and neutral observers is contributed by General Rafael L. The questions to be discussed -credited here for the failure to Trujillo, commander of the Dom- date of the Nazi authorities to Jerusalem (JTA) — Carrying include the obligation of youth to inican Army and former president. ; evict the Jewish population of out a decision of the last World the community; peace and patrlo-' The contract signed by high Gov, Berlin. Zionist Congress, the J e w i s h tism; and vocational opportunities ernment officials exempts the setAgency has set up a commission for youth. ' Expelled to Lublin tlers from entry taxes and guarAccording to L o u i s e Miller, to study ways and means of reachReports from Poland said the antees them full legal, civic and • Gestapo, plans to expel at least ing an understanding w i t h the chairman of the Forum commiteconomic rights and r e 1 i glous 2,000,000 Poles and Je]ws from Arabs. Chairman of the commis- tee, refreshments a n d a social freedom. The American-organized the Lodz, Kielce and Cr|cow dls- sion is Engineer Solomon Kaplan- hour will conclude the evening. Dominican Republic S e t t lenient Admission to the program is free " trictfl to other parts of Poland eky, former member of the AgenAssociation was also'e x e m p t ed and youth and adults are invited cy Executive. (Continued on page 10.) from taxation, Corner stones have been laid to attend this cultural event. . . 500 Families for two new buildings at the JewSettlement of the tract, which is ish Agency's experimental station reported to have facilities for proat the Rehoboth, one housing a per colonization, including good plant institute, and the other an soil and an adequate water supagrarian economics I n s t i t u t e . ply, will begin with 500 Jewish Speakers at the ceremony IncludHarry Malashock and non-Jewish refugee families. ed M. M. Ussishkin, Arthur RupIt la hoped that eventually this district convention to be held in Republic One of the outstandini : Yiddish pih, Ellezer Kaplan, Prof. AbraOmaha was in 1922 when Henry ugeees; will absorb 100,000 refmotion pictures in sound "Yiddle ham H. Frankel and Moslie SmllMonsky, now international presiWith His Fiddle," will b present- ansky. The contract was signed by Sec• Arab Workers ed to Omaha .Jews on Sunday, "Quite a large sum was raised dent, served as president of Dis- retary of Agriculture Manual SalFebruary 25, and Momay, FebThe British A d m i r a l t y lias to help the refugees overseas," re- trict 6. vador Gautier and Secretary of ported Goodman Meyerson, presiagreed to provide Palestine citrus ruay 26, under the auspices of Communal Workers Interior, for the Dominican Govthe Bikur •Cholim socl *ty, Mrs. exporters with additional freight dent of the B'nai Abraham lodge, AU four members of the execuernment, and by James N. RosenL o u i s Neveleff, presl lent, an- ships from the beginning of Feb- which last Sunday sponsored au tive committee are well known berg, president, and Dr. Joseph A. pounced. • • • ruary to the middle of March and affair at the synagogue auditor- for their communal work and ex- Rosen, for the Dominican Th» star in the pictun is Molly the Colonial Office is ready to as- ium, 25th and J streets, for the perience in handling convention lic Settlement Association. RepubPicon, supported by an inusually sist the exporters to obtain neu- aid refugees. planning. Harry Malashoclc, genfine cast of accomplished Jewish tral freighters on easy terms. An The general c o m m i t t e e In eral convention chairman, has artists. The backgroun 1 is mu- official communique said the ac- charge Included Harry Dworsky, been Identified with Jewish Philslcal, and the plot is ratl er novel. tion had been taken on request Leib Wolfson, and Ben Martin. anthropies' D r i v e s for several This picture was show I in the of High Commissioner Sir Harold Refreshments were served by years, having been chairman of finest movie houses in the east, A. MacMichael, who recently re- wives of members. The organiza- two campaigns and at present is and aroused considerable favor- ceived a Joint delegation of Arab tion expresses its appreciation to treasurer. able comment. and Jewish citrus growers which Mrs. Joe Goldware, who organized He has been president of the The members of the committee was seeking aid for the Palestine the women's c o mmittee assisted Omaha B'nai B'rith lodge and New officers of Junior HadasIn charge of the project jure: Mrs. citrus Industry. by Mrs. Sam Canar; and to the served as delegate.to the past 12 sah and the Hadassah Business L. Neveleff, Mesdames H. Guss, A new Arab /workers* organiza- refreshment committee/headed by district conventions. He/was also Professional group will be initiatH. Llppett, S. Fish, T. Sherman, tion has been e s t a Wished here Anton Adler .assisted by M. Oland general chairman of the district ed at a formal dinner to be held William Epstein, N. Levinson, N. through the efforts of the Arab and Joe Goldware. . , Sunday, at 5 o'clock, at the Blackconvention in Omaha in 1922. Rosenblatt, L. Morgan, I'.. Azorin, lawyers Hussein and Kemal. It re- Mr. and Mrs. Joe G o l d ware stone Hotel. Sara Turner of ChiDr. A. Greenberg, who will cago, national N. Jacobson, I. Kaplan, S. Feld- presents the third attempt to br- headed the arrangements at the Junior Hadassah of•(Continued on page 10.)] man, H. Garrop, S. Nltz, J. Finkle affair. • (Continued on page 10.) ficer, will conduct the installation and J. Bernstein. and.present the organization with The picture, will he shown In its" charter. the auditorium of the Je Irish ComThose to be Installed are: Shirmunlty Center, Admisi on is 50 ley Barlsh, president; Bette Soref, cents. f i r s t vice-president; E d y t h e W h i t e b o o k , second vice-president; Rosalie Alberts, r e c ording secretary; Josephine R u b n i t z, orresponding secretary; Louise Miller, treasurer, and Bertha Slutzky, Parliamentarian, all of Junior Hadassah. Officers of the B u s t noss and Dr. I. Knox, national t irector of Professional group are: Tda Daythe English-Speaking D vision of tch, preident;. Gertrude Gilinsky, the Workmen's Circle, rill speak first vice-president; and Ann Batl, this evening at 9 o'clo k at the secretary-treasurer. Labor Lyceum, 2201 Clark street, on "A Realistic Approac I to JewNathaniel Isaacs waa in 182S ish Life." He will spea c in Yidcreated Principal Chief of Natal, dish. So. Africa, by the King of the ZuDr. Knox received his doctorate lus. degree in the field of ijliilosophy at Columbia University He has » i A '!" been a frequcU cont butor to Play Try-Outs both Yiddish and Englii h periodicals. Try-outs will be held Sunday r ic n ox Tomorrow evening D newlyat 3 o'clock at the Jewish Comwill be the guest of t e a k i n g munity Center for the f i n a l i r organized, English S p 's Circle, play of the Center Players seabranch o£ the Workme son, "Post Road." There are a be held Harvey R. Leon 690-E at a gathering t number of good parts for both I. B. Zlmman Dr. A. Greenberg at the home of Mr. an Mrs. S. men and women. Members of the executive com- Mnlashock. I h o convention is Zimnmn as treasurer. Delegates Lerner. /•''•.* The play will be presented at from eight states and four Cana* scheduled lor July 7, 8 and O. Dr. mittee to be in charge of arrangethe Center on March 18 and diun provinces will attend the con* Leon Cohn was ChefCfe Cabinet ments for the Convention of Dis- A. Greenberg will serve as vice19. in France during the premiership trict Grand Lodge No. 6, B'nai chairman of the committee; Har- Tention, the seventy-second since B'rith, were announced by Hurry vey Leon ns secretory, and I, B. the inception of the lodge. of Jules Simon,
Convention Here
Page 19
* •
BROMK, SMITH it FIEDLKK Omaha National Bank Bldf.
Hundreds of thousands of broken, hungry, distressed Polish Jew* anxiously wait for help from the Jewish community in the United States, which has taken an extraordinary step to mobilize maximum support for stricken Jews through the establishment of the 1940 United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and Overseas Needs as the single channel of fundraising for the Joint Distribution Committee, the United Palestine Appeal and the National ; Refugee Service, Inc. With other sources of t assistance eliminated by the war, millions of * , Jews under the Nazi yoke must rely almost , • ', , exclusively on the generosity of Jews in ,-. , , , ' ^ , America. Photos show an old woman amid the j V - \ y$ ' . i J%\ , ruins of her home in Poland and a trainload ff N^ili/JL. *. i,4 ^ of Jews being shipped into the Vast prison "* ** of the Lublin reservation. Feeding, clothing and housing large numbers of the Jews in Poland are among the most urgent tasks of the J.D.C Refugee aid, immigration and settlement in Palestine and adjustment of refugees in the United States will also receive support from the 123,000,000 United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and Overseas Need*.'
In the second contest the Omaha Jobbing jumped back into the win column after three straight losses to defeat the A. Z. A. No. 100, 34-19. At half-time the score stood at 11 all and the Jobbers were given a scare but the older more experienced Jobbers pulled away with Lou Wien- rounced the A. Z. A. No. 100 er and Iz Bogdonoff showing the Juniors to the tune of 19-8. Keve way. Kirshenbaum sparkled the victors attack with seven points.
COMMUNITY CALENDAR Sunday, February 11
Basketball Games—2:15 p. m., J. C. . It took the Breslow Auto Glass Aistgarden and Floyd Kuklln team to turn the league stand- ooked gobd for the losers. B'nai Abraham Synagogue, Card Party—2 to 11 p. m.« ings haywire as they defeated the The big upset of the Junior heretofore first place Wardrobe league was staged as the Robin- Twenty-fifth and J streets. Beta Tan Kappa—3 p. m., J. C. C. Clothiers, 29-25. From the open- sons trounced the Junior A. Z. A. Ing tlpoff to the final gun the quintet 21-8. Philip Weiss was Kayos Club—3.p. m., J. C. C. Breslows had the game under full he big gun in the Robinson atOmaha Hebrew Club—3 p. m., J. C. C. control as Max Turner, Jake Ad- tack with 10 markers. Richlln National Workers' Alliance—7 p. m., j . C. C. ler and Stan Passer potted baskets and Bordy played nice ball for Round Table, Dance—9 p. in., J. C. C. to pull away. Jimmy Burroughs the losers. played a bang-up game for the Monday, February 12 l •\ Y Clothiers keeping them In the run- The officiating In the J. C. C. Bikur Cholim—2 p. m,, J. C. C. ' ' ning with his beautiful one hand- Senior league this year has been ed shots. superb with Whity Mclver, "Red" Workmen's Loan—8 p. m,, J. C. C. ' *, rlsh and Roy Engelbretsen workJUNIOR LEAGUE STANDINGS ng the ball games. With such \ Tuesday, February 13 -• W. L. fine officials the play has been Deborah Society—2 p. m., J. C. C. Junior A. Z. A .4 1 cleaner and your correspondent Robinsons 3 3 hinks that this fine officiating Wednesday, February 14 v A. Z. A. No. 1 Juniors. 8 3 has resulted in much better play. Beth-El Auxiliary, Luncheon—1 p. m., J. C. C. A. Z. A. No. 100 Juniors O 5 This tends for a closer league and "Behind the Headlines," Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus—8 p. m., J. one of the reasons for the fine February 11, 1940, Schedule Juniors A. Z. A. vs. A. Z. A. crowds to watch the contests. SWIMMING No. 1 Juniors—1 p. in. Independent Worker's Order—8 p. m., J. C. C. During the month of January ., A. Z. A. No. 100 Juniors vs. 23 persons passed their Red Cross Robinsons. Thursday, February 15 tests. Sixteen passed the beginZionist, Organization—8 p. in., J. C. C. The A. Z. A. No. 1 Juniors ners skill, three passed the intermediate skill and four passed the To list events and to avoid conflicts, please call the Jewish swimmers skill test. It is not Community Center, Jackson 1366. too late to join the classes and ake advantage of the Center pool. Hermann L. Cohn, father of the Campbell, Leary HANDBALL biographer Emil Ludwig, was one A new handball champion was of the first to introduce experiFile for Board of rowned at the Center Tuesday mental methods into Ophthalmolnight before a capacity crowd, Utilities District ogy. . ... when Sol Yaffe defeated his doubles partner, Marshall Geller, Edward F. Leary, attorney, and n three thrilling games, 9-21, Linn P. Campbell, realtor, present Refined lady would like to 21-11, 21-12. Geller won the first game han- members of the board of directors have room in exchange for dily with fine pass shots and cor- of Metropolitan Utilities District, housework.' References. Box; ner kills that had Yaffe off bal- have filed as candidates for re- 50. Jewish Press. ance most of the game. Yaffe election to the board in the pricame back strong to win the sec- mary election, April 9. ond game but in the third game Mr. Leary, 56, and a native of Patronize Our Advertisers the fireworks exploded w h e n Omaha and a democrat, w a s Yaffe trailing 6-12 started dis- chosen unanimously to the board playing championship form; kill- by the' members in January to ing ball after ball and making succeed Frank J. Burkley, veteran If Is never Too spectacular recoveries. democratic board member, who late i© Insulate! Yaffe ran out the game in two resigned and whose term would serves while holding Geller score- have expired at the end of this II It never too late to Inuulnte, for year. less the rest of Jthe game. this thick, fireproof mineral wool Linn P. Campbell, 51, president Yaffe's two wall kill shot was jjlvf j you year around jtomfort. really working to perfection, and since 1934 of Byron Reed comNot cn'.j -Coei Insulation make II only such perfection enabled him pany, pioneer Omaha real estate possible to save up to 40% In fuel, to Avin from Geller, who also firm, with which he has been but It also keeps your home np to Played championship calibre ball. actively connected for 35 years, IS degrees cooler all summer. In the Class B playoffs Ben is a republican -and was elected « Free Estimates Kutler, ex-Tech High athlete, de* by unanimous choice of the board feated Harry Spiegal, also ex- last September to succeed H. Mal0 No Down Payment Maroon star, 21-9. 21-19.: Spiegal colm Baldrlge, appointed legal » As Low as $5 Per Month seemed to suffer from "tourna- counsel for the District. In Nomenties" in the first game and vember, Mr. Campbell also was elected a director of the United wasn't up to par. Clip In the second'game Spiegal and States National bank; p Oat. Fill in, Mall Flense senJ for free colorful boM One republican and one demoKutler put on as ding dong a that explain* Eai'« Insulation. battle as could be and Kutler cratic member Is elected every finally won out after a close bat- two" years to. the Utilities board. Nemo . • tle. A little more experience and Nomination in the primary electhese boys will soon start press tion is' t a t a m ount to election, since both major parties must be Ing the boys in Class A. Address represented. The final election in the fall is a routine matter.. Both Zionism'Forbidden Mr. Leary 'and-Mr. Campbell are Bucharest (WNS)' — The sus- now serving on the board. Omaha Council Bluffs pension of all Zionist activities in ISth, Nicholas 200 W. Bdway Rumania v a s ordered this week - Maurice Loewy .was director 61 Tel. JA 5000 Tel. 398 by the Ministry of the Interior. the Paris observatory and considt, The pclice are supervising the ered one of the nineteenth cen tiiry's leading astronomers. closing"of all Zionist offices.
ioklin Lumber Stores
Roosevelt Praises Israel's Teachings
New York (JTA — A message from President Roosevelt was received this week by the National Council of Young Israel, which Is celebrating its 28th Anniversary. In his letter to Moses H, Hoeuig, president of the Organization, Roosevelt said: ; -,, "It gives me great pleasure u> send cordial greetings to the National Council of Young Israel on the happy occasion of the celebration of its twenty-eighth anniversary. I trust that the observance will be an enjoyable event in the lives of all who participate and that the National Council will exemplify through all the years to •come the highest teachings of the ancient culture of Israel." *
SEMOK BASKETBALL LEA GUI STANDINGS W. J. Itroslow Auto Glass 4 Wardrobe Clothiers . . . . . 4 Omaha Jobbing Co 4 A. 1\ T. 3 A. Z. A. No. 100 » .4 A. Z. A. No. 1 3 .• 4 NEXT LEAGUE GAMES Sunday, February 11 A. 7J. A. NO. 100 vs. Urcslow Auto Glass—2:15 p. m. A, Z. A. No. 1 vs. Wardrobe Clothiers. A. I\ T. vs. Omaha .lobbing Co. It looks like anyones league in the Senior circuit as one game separates the three league leaders and the three teams tied for second place. Last Sunday's games proved that the league is by far the best and closest that the Center has ever produced. The A. Z. A. No. 1 turned on -the steam to take the A. P. T. team in camp to the tune of 3228. Sam Ruderman and Dave "Dixie" Weiner of the Mother Chapter quintet poured in eight points apiece to divide scoring honors for the victors. Dob Schneider played a whale of a ball game for the losers hawking the ball off of both baskets to keep the fraternity boys in the ball game.
Friday, February 9, 1940
NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court ol Douglas Cpua* ty, Nebraska: ...... In the Matter of the Estate of Lydta Wlnkelman, Deceased. All persons interested In said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed In said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon her estate. and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 2nd day of March, 1910, and that if they (all to appear at said Court on the said 2nd day of March, 1940, at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant che same and grant administration of said estate to Henry K. Winkelman or some other suitable person and proceed to a. settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD. 2-B-40-3t. County Judge. WEBB, BEBElt, KIXTZNICK A HELXKI Attorneys 200 Service Ufe Bldg, Omaha, Neli. NOTICE OF INCOUPOKATION OF "BA1USH, INC." Notice Is hereby given that we, the tin* dersigned, . have associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a cor* poration to be known as "Barish, Inc." It shall commence business on February 1, 1910, and continue for a period of 60 years. The principal place of doing business shall be at Omaha, Nebraska. Th« general nature of the business to be transacted by. thii corporation shall be as follows: To buy, sell and encumber real and personal property; to borrow money, to own stock In other corporations; to draw, make, execute, accept, endorse and issue promissory notes, mortgages and other negotiable instruments; to engage in the general construction business; to repair and remodel all types of buildings; to engage In the building material busines and to buy .and sell,' both at wholesale and retail, all types of building materials, appliances, equipment, machinery and merchandise and to do all other things necessary or Incidental to any of the purpose* herein described. The capital stock shall be $10,000.00* divided into 100 shares of the par value of S100.00 each. All of said stock shall be fully paid for and non-ansensable. The affairs of the company shall be managed by a Board of Directors, which shall consist of three members, -who shall elect from their number a President and Secretary, both of which offices may be held by the same person. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Monday in February of each year. The Articles of Incorporation may be amended upon the affirmative vote ot a majority of the outstanding stock. In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto subscribed their names this 31st day of January, 1940. SAMUEL H. LAKIN AARON KATZ MAX M. BARISH In the Presence of: • SAM BEBER. 2-9-40-4U
315 So. 13th St. AT 4292 WHOLESALE
© Candies " O Cigar* ©Tobacco © Pipes ©Fountain Supplies O Beverages <*
-three Senior Leagiie Games Every Sunday Admission to
Center Members & " ( » SMon-Members, 15c J. C C. GYMNASIUM— FIRST GAME STARTS 2:15 P. fVJ.
Friday, February 9, 1940
t }
PLAMDR BILLIARDS 181S Farnam Street Omaha's Finest Recreation Center Excel* lent Lunches
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By PHINEAS 3. DIBON LISTEN HERE Those New York newspaper editors who last week featured big front-page stories about the Nazi plan to enslave Britain are hereby reminded that detailed documentary evidence of this and other BEAUTY SALON items on the Hitler program was offered them over a year ago by Feature* T. H. Tetens, Aryan German journalist, and was rejected as too Shampoo and sensational to be true . . . That radio station broadcasting on be- Finger Wave . . half of the German Freedom ParPermanent Waves ty doesnt function on German soil at all, but probably operates from at $3.80 and Up England, says Devere Allen's Nofrontier News Service , . . The 716 BrandeU The. BIdg. belly-pinched populace of NailAT 4333 land would be interested to know ; . . but won't learn, as their censor doesn't allow our effusions into their country . . . t h a t the leaders who are egging them on to Der Tag are keeping up their own morale with specially Imported caviar and other delicacies For Unparalleled flown in by plane . . . Hitler ia Values In so great a lover of art that lie ' Latest Style sent his favorite painter, ProfesOvercoats sor Ernst Vollbehr, over burning Warsaw in an airplane to paint the scene at first hand while the Polish capital was being smashed to bits by Nazi incendiary bombs
Axel Helgren
m %
AT 8951 Free Pick-Up & Delivery
AND THAT TAILOR Broadway claims that the reaASK FOR 322 80. 18th ST. son Klrsten Flagstad has been O-Kay Whole Wheat making public complaints about JA 0865 He«flck Tower the Metropolitans new Wagnerian Flakes—At Your Grocer Conductor, Erich Leinsdorf, is that ehe wants to get the Met baton into the hands of another conductor, who happens to be her favorite , . . We hope you realize $EE A&§I> $ V that some of those million-dollar Ask Your ©rocer for diamond necklaces worn by society matrons at swank functions don't belong to the ladies at all, but are lent to them for the occaListen to Foster May's sion by the Do Beers Company, 1401 DOUGLAS ST. Hfi 235S "Man on the Street" pro* the South African diamond syndigram and you will under- cate which belongs to the Oppenstand w h y Barmettler'a heimer family and which uses this Cookiea and Crackers are means to advertise its products . . . Among recent recruits to join the best. the fabulous Foreign Legion of France i s American newspaperman Tommy Lehman . . . Next time you hear the coroner in a movie thriller announce in solOMAHA emn tones that the victim has been poisoned with "pyroxygenlclrie" or something of the sort don't rush to the drug, store to ask for that chemical to send to Hitler in a chocolate bar . . . AH the fancy names used for lethal toxins in the films are phonies Thomas J . Casey, Pros. thought up by Dr. Leo M. SchulTruck BfeadqisarNrs Harry ffl. Hershmann, man, whose job i t is to create Assistant Service on Trucks In our plausible-sounding words of that Shop Is now available 2 4 sort . . . Did you know that Tanhours daily, except Sun. ganyika, the East African territory which has been suggested as P a y FhoKQ — J A 7OS0 a place of refuge for persecuted Phono—JA 7203- European Jews, had a Jewish population totaling 10 (yes, we mean H0SK1E .'FOR' FUNERALS a minyan) at the last census? . . Established 1906 WE'RE TELLING YOU COMPLETE SERVICE AT NOMINAL COST E3AC2VEGTEK CO. It's true that the G-men have t h e i r F-B-eye on additional ftSth Q Jones OMAHA FARNA'M''si33Rb . : ', HA 1226 "Christian. Fronters," but don't be misled by the rumors of the big clean-up scheduled to take place in a Midwestern city famous for a radio cleric . . . It's a municipal political scandal that is For a Delicious 8st» engaging the attention of the Fed-IsfylRg Breakfast eral sleuths . . . We hope you didn't miss Louis B. Davidson's and Frederick L. Collins' article 1512 DOUGLAS S t . ' t Economical I Monday & Tuesday ftltes iFORTHE BEST I N . & in last week's Liberty Magazine, Reserved for Private blasting the vicious myth of a • \ / 'Parties. Over - PSANQS end RADIOS v "Jewish world conspiracy" . . BfHISBCAL INSTRUMENTS The national dance of the Nazis, Skate t o tho Music of according to a current gag, is the Our Now HammondvOrgan PICTURES and FRAMING Servings Helland Fling . . . And Times Wednesday and Friday In itacfo Square's latest word for the High School NItoa.2So Priced to Fit Every would-be swastika-importers is with School Uantifuatioa Purso "crackpatriota" . . . Winchell's Sunday Matineo • • 20o Girl Friday passes on a rumor Small Monthly Payments "Where Omaha Skatea" that Hitler's mansion has one (Continued on page 12.)
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Nationally Advertised Brands of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware
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Friday, Fe!brw«.ry S, 104G
leaders who forget that the Jew 'Forty and Eight* to has as much right to live, to champion his point of yiew, and to adBe Host to Legion vocate his faith, as the Catholic. This basic element in tolerance Omaha Voiture 206 of the Forty is obnoxious to Parsous, and Ms and Eight, will play host to all brethren. The r e a l animus of By DR. THEODORE f*. LEWIS American Legiou m e m b e r s in Catholic intellectuals against the Progressive gysi*g©e«e, Bra&kljm, If. Y. (Continued from page 1.) Douglas County, at a bfg meeting, Jew is not that the Jews once 13. Tfre meeting will be practiced usury, which P a r sons of the war at S&clisettitausen, have February faeld at the Central club 20th and deems it n e c e s s a r y to state, died. Theology and creed are as far WHICH WAY DEMOCRACY, B¥ Dodge streets, and will start at 8 At the same time the Berlin- o'clock. removed from genuine religion though neglecting to mention that WILFRED P A E S O N 8 . the Church forced Mm into this ordered a r r e s t of 11 Gestapo PAGES. T H E MACHIIiLAN as is Hitler froa democracy. Mr. Benjamin C. Hilllard of ugly method of earning & liveli- ageats, including a cousin of HelnThe modern laiad has broken hood CO, NEW YORK. by closing to him all hoaor- rich Himmler, head of all Nazi Denver, Chef de Chemin de Fer, This is EH alarming book be the shackles which the represen- able pursuits, chiefly because police forces, temporarily slowed National Directeur of Voitiire Accause It is so brilliantly and un tatives of a supern&tur&lly re- in tfae Jew thebut Church meets an the scheduled expulsion of 70,- tivities, will be the big speaker. compromising!/ reactionary. I vealed religion imposed upon it individual who prizes human free- up Radio Station KOWH will con000 Jews from Bohemia-Moravia, views the contemporary rebellion centuries ago. This is not a ca- dom above all, who refuses to be it was reported. The arrested duct a Legion quiz p r o g r a m , tastrophe, but the highest achieveAgainst democracy and the force cowed by pomp, elaborate and pre- Gestapo agents were accused of awarding silver dollars and ice tul overthrow of liberal govern- ment in the field of human prog- tentious ceremonial and by fan- embezzling f u n d s expropriated cream. ment as a praiseworthy, almost ress. from Jews. The Omaha Legion Post No. 1 Much energy and space is given tastic claims. heavenly ordained phenomenon The 11 Gestapo men, one of orchestra will provide the music, The Church demands submisto the denunciation of Communas a vindication of Catholic teachism. Towards Nazism and especial- sion and the Jew has obstinately whom coaimitteed uicide before and of course, there will be a free ing "and truth. ly towards the Corporate State, refused to submit. Catholic anti- his arrest, were under the imme- buffet supper. The author takes keen delight however, Admittance will be by 19 4 0 attitude is radically Semites, like many non-Catholics, diate supervision of Herr Klein, In emphasizing the failures of the different, the rationalize their p r e judices and a cousin of Police Chief Himmler. American Legion m e m b erahip aggressively sympathe'• democratic process, and reaches tic and positively friendly. "The brazenly attribute to the Jew re- The men were seized upon orders card. the acme of falsity and absurdity corporate state is merely a form sponsibility for the evils of our of Field Marshal Herman Goering, •when he declares that modern of who had conducted a private In- Denounces Persecution representative government in day. dictatorships really derive their which vestigation into their financial afthe people elect their rep- Question Authors Americanism notions from the defenders of resentatives" fairs. (!) (Page 71) and Newcastle-on-Tyne ( J T A ) •— By the test for Americanism democracy! This is not only "In the corporate state, civil libKlein was placed in charge of hidlously ridiculous, but untrue erty can exist, where it is impos- which the author himself proposes the Gestapo in Prague by Himm- War Secretary Oliver Stanley, in ft n the opening pages, I question ler because of the manner in speech here, denounced persecuMischievously and deliberately to exist under a Communist whether can q u a lify as an which he supervised the expulsion tion in Germany of Jews, "thousdoes the author distort the es- sible form of government'^!) To the American.he His strong antipathy to of Jews last October from Maer- ands of whom worked for Gersence of democracy, basically a political opponents of Mussolini, way of life, founded upon the un- on innumerable arid penal islands, liberty, his hatred for democracy, isch-Ostrau. At that time Klein many, fought for Germany and alterable posulate of freedom of this would be real news, as it will which hatred he seeks to justify expelled all Jewish men between whose fathers died for Germany conscience. It is not, as he main- be to all who know the Duce's and strengthen by calling for sup- the ages of 17 and 70 and all — whose only fault was the fault port upon those of the Founding Jewish women up to the age of of race." tains, a system of government! savagery and gangsterism. Fathers who thought more of pro- 55,' permitting each emigrant to not a political mechanism, but perty rights then of human rights, take with him a maximum of 300 primarily a way of life, a way of Danger from Right objection to a marks in property and cash and life which he detests deeply. Father Parsons recognizes and his fundemental which is secular, divorced four pairs of underclothing. In tke chapter on "The Twi- is frank to state that if our de- state Church and religion, make Marshal Goering launched his light of Democracy" one searches mocracy is ever overthrown the from impossible for him to accept sin- investigation upon receipt from .in vain for a solitary expression destruction will come f r o m the it of sorrow or remorse at the dis- Right, from the Fascists, not from cerely the American way of life. Klein of a requisition for steel and The only consolation is that the concrete. The inquiry revealed appearance of freedom from Aus- the Left. It would therefore be tria, where his Church played a salutary to discontinue the cru- reat masses of American Catho- that Klein had intended building shameful role In bringing about sade against Communism, a dead lics do not share the prejudices a large home for himself and had Us destruction, or at the disap- horse, but one which harms all and the anti-liberalism of t h i s misappropriated huge sums of L*t George Gates and priest. The chasm between the lai- money which he had extorted from pearance of human liberty from liberal causes and movements. Lee Grossman, ty and the clergy is growing 4eepthe Jews in the name of the state. any of the other lands now under With the author's profound hosThe mass expulsion of Jews the rule of Hitler's tyranny. In tility to freedom, and his espous- sr day by day. American Catholics J. C. C. Instructors his eyes, Hitler almost becomes al of "Limited Freedom" presum- subscribe heart and soul to the from Bohemia-Moravia, scheduled the! divine means to destroy the ably for those who agree with American way and staunchly be- originally for February 1, has fruits of the Reformation and the him, we should not be surprised lieve in freedom. Many of their been held up pending the arrival French Revolution, the two move- that he is also a bitter, uncom- religious leaders d e t e s t it and of a new Gestapo chief. ments whioh are chiefly respon- promising, even t h o u g h polite would rejoice to see it supplanted. Almost unconsciously the authsible for the rights man has en- anti-Semite. joyed, or at least claimed as his The chapter on "Racial Justice" or pays tribute to American deown, in recent times. is a vague and i n c o nclusive a mocracy by laying down in the Slur on Czechs statement as can - be written on eighth chapter a program of ecoThe shameful and bitter slur he question of minority rights. It nomic and social reconstruction, a on the Czech people betrays the reduces the issue to vulgar tolera- program reommended by all religauthor's subconscious hatred for tion of a minority by a majority, ious bodies. Ultimately most of its human freedom. Czecho-Slavakia arrogating to itself power and su- provisions will b e adopted, and was the freest, the most success- perior wisdom! Though q u o t ing our democracy will then become ful democracy in Europe, and the late Pope's pronouncement more firmly rooted because it will economically the most efficient. hat "spiritually we are all Sem- have more genuine, especially in Instead - of gloating over the tes" he allows himself the anti- the economic field, and more ef"twilight of demoracy" and im- Semitic excess of , recommending Iclent. Moreover I am confident that plying that Hitler for whom he for our adoption the practice of has not a word of real censure the Medieval Church which "treat- the European democracies which was a cosmic agent, "Father Par- id the Jew justly but deprived have been so brutally destroyed, from without, will in the v e r y sons should have denounced the him of the power to harm." brutal and Moody destruction of On this Jesuitical pretext the near future rise from their ashes free governments—which never author actually whitewashes the phoenix-like, and that a new era disintegrated f r o m within, but Inquisition and T o r q u e m a d a , of freedom liberty and justice, for •were " forcibly overthrown from since they simply "deprived the all will be ushered in. May God without. ; Jew of the power to harm." Hitler speed that happy day. ' Were he a sincere friend of undoubtedly justifies his destrucfreedom he would have paid' trib- lon of the Jews on s i m i l a r Jabotinaky in New York ute to Masaryk, to Benes, and to grounds. And he too is a Catholic. the Austrian Social Democrats London (WNS) — Vladimir Ja"Anti-Semitism who unsuccessfully fought DolAs a Jew, I would ask Father botlnsky, president of the New fuss, who was murdered, even as Parsons how he would rejoice in ionist Organization, was schedullie murdered the leaders and de7 having the American constitution ed to fly to New York yesterday fenders of Austrian freedom. provide that Catholics should be Feb. 8) enroute to South Amer! Downfall of Liberalism treated justly but deprived of the ca where he is going for an exSqually sophistic is the author's power to harm? Intellectual anM-; tended visit. Mr. Jabotinsky's Imdeliberate, and false identification Semitlsm has become a dominant mediate plans were not announcof "liberalism" with capitalism. characteristic of m a n y Catholic ed. An entire chapter, "The Downfall of Liberalism," is devoted to excoriating the crimes, follies and stupidities of a system he denominates "liberalism" but which FOSi is in reality nothing but good oldfashioned, uncontrolled and rapacious capitalism. Instead of claiming that liberalism has failed he should have been courageous enough to announce the doom of the capitalistic system. For such economic heresy, however, Father • - U. S. T i r e s Smart woman! She lets an Electric Range solve Parsons conveniently shies away. ^ It is my conviction that he are known everyher cooMng problems! Since it's automatic and ""chose to demolish liberalism and where for safe requires no watching, she lust putt her meal in not capitalism, though he is an economic radical, simply because mileage. Your size tho oven, and sets the heat control. •«the meal he detests the tradition of libcooks itself! eralism. Liberalism and capital- is here ism are neither identical, nor synonomous, nor dependent upon, You, too, can enloy these advantages and many one another. others with Electric Cooking. Have, a new model Like democracy, liberalism Is Let us save you -i a matter of the Bpirit, an attitude money with these Electric Range demonstrated today... • See lor of mind and of soul which affirms yourself why Electric Cooking is better! Independence of irrational dogma, of supernatural authority, and extra safe, extra •which refuses to limit the exer- mileage tires. ciso of intellectual and spiritual Cart RIeltes faculties to areas declared permissible by external authority. Christianity Not Declining Just as the author rejoices prematurely over the demise of democracy so Is hli eulogy over Christianity in hia chapter on' "The Decline of Christianity" premature. It is unpardonable to identify Christianity with Cath-1 olicism, and to conclude that *bocause the great nations and powers have repudiated this type of religion that all religion and Christianity are dead. • • r ~ $hla is indefensible logic*
fopert Retreading and Recapping BATTERIES
FrMay, February 9, 1940
MONSKY REPORTS OH B'NAl B'RITH (Continued from page 1.) B'rith • declarations condemning . Communism and asserting that Communism "is equally as hate.ful'* and Mas dangerous" ES are Nazism and Fascism, Mr. Mcnsky renewed the pledge of B'a&i B'rith "to carry on the fight against end Opposition to all political ideoloA,~, gies and movements such as Commuhlsm, F a s c i s m and Nazism ;'' which menace democracy." **A11 are equally hateful," he continued. "All are dangerous to our democracy. And all must be fought. That is the renewed pledge of B'nai B'rith. That is our declaration of policy and principle re-stated and reaffirmed." • Touching on the European situation, Mr. Monsky said that "American Jewry, having seen millions of Its helpless co-religionists la Central.and Eastern Europe crushed in the wake of the tide of Nazi aggression which has engulfed the peoples of Austria, Ceecho-Slovakia and Poland, cannot but share in the universal feel, Ing ol outrage against Russia's brutal and unprovoked Invasion of Finland. Tragedy of Finland "The violation of Finland is another act in the tragedy being written by the Nazi-Fasdst-Communist dictatorships, a tragedy in which the Jews of Germany and Poland were cast as the first vic' time. What was considered the problem of one comparatively small racial and religious group is now recognized as the problem of western civilization. The people of Israel, their tradition, their literature, their religion and history have always symbolized justice and equality, the fundamental principles of democracy. B'nai B'rith represents that tradlv tipn, and through our Americanism and other departments we k have striven to serve the nation In these confused and critical daya." Mr. Monsky also asked the B'nai B'rith Executive Commit' tee "to approve the policy which X have been pursuing of lending the man power and resources of the B'nai B'rith in greater meas' ure than ever before toward tile upbuilding of Palestine because It affords such a splendid oppor- tunlty for the re-settlement and rehabilitation of the victims of persecution." Membership Increase A net Increase of 19,000 members, bringing the membership total for men to 82,860. as of * October 1, 1939, a new high in ' ' B'nai B'rith history, was reported by Maurice Bisgyer, secretary. This figure, he pointed out, compares with 64,000 for the same period in 19 3 8. He emphasized that B'nai B'rith's membership had nearly doubled In the past four years, growing from 45,000 in January, 1936, to Over 80,000 today, with the latter figure not including returns from ' the 1939 fall membership campaigns. During 1939, Mr. Bisgyer continued, 66 new lodgeB were chartered, as compared with 57 in 1938, which had been a record year. Today, he said, B'nai B'rith. has 584 active chartered lodges in the United States and Canada , and 62 In foreign countries. The women's senior and Junior auxiliaries hftve 35,000 members, 49 auxiliaries . having been established during 1939, Mr. Bisgyer declared. Refugee Aid Expenditures in excess of $25,000 for aid to refugees from Germany, Poland and elsewhere in Central and Eastern Europe and for emergency relief in Poland* Finland and Chile during 1939 were also reported by Mr. Bisgyer, who stressed the fact that these outlays represented but a small part of B'nai B'rlth'a work of education, youth welfare, good will, ' Americanism and) social sendee. B'nai B'rith'B expenditures in 1939 for refugee kid and emergency relief at home and abroad - included appropriations to the following: Hadassah'a Y o u t h Aliyah; American Bed Cross' for Polish war relief: Finnish Itellef Fund; B'nai B'rith Council for German-Jewish, Child Refugees in England; B'nai B'rith's European Relief Committee; Immigrants' Hostel in Jerusalem; Maccabl World Union; Chilean Earthquake Relief Fund; Hebrew Writers' As. soclation; German-Jewish Chit1 dren's Aid; Inter-collegiate Com"mlttee to Aid Student' Refugees and refugees aid committees in Bulgaria, China, Nova Scotia and Switzerland. As part of its effort to combat , un-American propaganda and to
THE JEWISH PRESS fortify American democratic principles of equality and good will, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith distributed 1,771,390 pamphlets and reprints during 1939 to con-Jews, Efmuad Livingston, chairman of the A E U Defamatlon CoEamiEslOH, reported. His report also stowed tfcat the League had added 428 sew "fireside discussion groups" during 1939, making & total of 2,563 such groups now functioning In 46 states, in Canada and 11 other foreign countries, as ee&ters for disseminating the facts about Jews and Judaism; that members of the League's speakers' bureau delivered 4,534 addresses before non-Jewish audiences, including 760 in foreign languages, and distributed 10,150 books to schools, libraries and clergymen. llillel FoKikd&tiona Aid rendered to 58 refugee students was cited as the year's outstanding development in the 12 B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations by Dr. A. L. Sacliar, national director. His report emphasized that the Hillel Foundations had initiated the movement by which Jewish fraternities and sororities gave room and board to refugee stu-
dents while Hillel Refugee Aid Funds, raised by the students, or university-wide funds in which Hillel was the spearhead, furnished grants-ia-aid for tuition a,Ed living expenses. Dr. Eachar's report cited the broadeEiag of the Ecope of the Hillel Foundations throng* the establishment of Hillel Extension units at 18 additional colleges, where 4,500 more Jewish students are now being served, and paid tribute to the aid received from the B'nai B'ritb. Women's Auxiliaries. Hillel Foundation directors, lie said, "now rely nearly completely for their expanding libraries, their loan funds, their furnishings and equipment, and for many epecial activities, upon the support of the Auxiliaries." Wider support is also coming from the s t u d e n t s themselves, Dr. Saehar pointed out, through membership fees and self-imposed assessments. Beber Reports on A. Z. A. A membership of 9,150, organized in 840 chapters, was reported for Aleph Zadik Aleph, B'nai B'rith youth organization, by Sam Beber, president of the Supreme Advisory Council of A.
5E. A. Mr. Beber M M thai the A. K. A, youth and democracy r&llleg, in which non-Jewish youth organizations oo - operated, Attracted A total attendance of close to 100,000 in 1©89 in over 200 communities. The A. SL A. Hu> ry H. L&pidfis Memorial Forest in Palestine BOW h&s 2,800 trees, Mr. Beber stated, sJMkig that, the B'ttai B'rith youth organization raised $3,600 for this project last year, three times its quota, the money being Rllocated to ike Youth Aliy&h said the Jewish National Fund. The National Jewish Monthly, B'oai B'rith's official publication, reached a distribution of 109,000 in 1939 for the first time In its 54-year history, Edward E. Grusd,' managing editor, reported. He said this circulation "makes it by far the largest Anglo-JewiBU periodical in the world." His report also called attention to the change In the magazine's name, from B'nai B'rith Magazine to The National Jewish Monthly. That the European war has not diverted American Jewish youth's attention from its vocational problems but has rather Intensified interest in them was reported by
Max F. Eaer, director &£ the B'aal
B'rith Vocational Service Bureau. Hs cauttoEed against seeiag in "the present situation any Justification for continued, crowding into the professions" and called attention to the fact that since the "boom in war industries Is widening opportunities in, the skilled trades, this is, therefore, a good time in which to interest Jewish youth in these occupations." . Mr. Baer reported that the Vocational Service Bureau had dist r i b u t e d 28,000 occupational pamphlets in 1939 to Jewish enters, Sunday and Hebrew schools, A. Z. A. chapters, Hillel Foundations, Jewish college fraternities and sororities and other Jewish youth-serving agencies.
Refugees Die Paris (JTA — Nine Jewish refugees were among the passengers who died in the burning of the Italian liner Orazio at sea, the H1AS-ICA Emigration Association announced. All were on their way to Latin American countries.
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, jvebruary 9, 1
HADASSAH Lore Sees BaiKans in Orbit Soon
Junior Council
A. 2* A. 100
The Omaha section of the National Council of Jewish Juniors held its regular monthly business meeting on Sunday, February 4, at the Jewish Community Center. The Invocation was read by Sara Rifkin Reuben. Reports were given by the Program, Social Service, Education and Legislative committees. The members decided to sponsor Social club luncheons, once a month, at one of the large hotels in the city. All girls not working that afternoon are invited to attend. Ethel Kelberg will be chairman. The next Bible class will be held on Tuesday, February 13. Plans have been made for a series of "Book Reviews" which will start February 12 at 8*)'clock at the Jewish Community Center. Lillian Flushman Is chairman of this group. The sewing class was held Wednesday at the home of Geraldine and Marion Strauss. A large number attended and enjoyed a pleasant evening.
Last Sunday at a cultural meet* ing of A. Z. A. 100, Mr. C. W. Stein of the F. B. I. spoke on the history of the bureau, and the cases which it has handled. Mr. Stein also answered questions put to him by members of A. Z. A. 100, their guests, A. Z. A. 1, and the Boy Scouts. Last night the chapter had a smoker at the synagogue in South Omaha in honor of the basketball team's coach, Paul Bogdanoff. The first issue of this year's chapter paper was distributed at this time. On March 4, at 8 p. m., the A. Z. A. will present a "Youth: and Democracy" program at the Cen^ ter. The Hl-Y of the Y. M. C. A. will participate. Mr. Collins of the Hi-Y will act as chairman. A prominent Omahan will speak. The Omaha Civic orchestra will present a musical program.
By INES5 fc. KAZJilCK.. Mrs. Julius A b r a h a m s on brought to light a most interesting fact at the linen shower held A ; prophecy that the B&lkat. at the Jewish Community Center bloc of states will soon becom Tau Delta Wednesday, January 31, to ta-e' subservient to « e r in a n y was effect that it was through the ef- prophesied by Ludwig Lore, forMembers of the Tau Delta Sorforts of Mrs. B. A. Simon that the eign editor of the New York Post ority met last Saturday night for first linen shower was held which who on Tuesday evening spoke &< a colorful and gay costume party has since become one of the larg- the Community Forum. at the home of the president, Harest departments of Hadassab. "It will not be easy for England riet Geifman. Prizes for the best Mrs. Simon, inaugurated the and France to win the war," the costumes were awarded to Harriet first linen shower exactly 20 years speaker warned. "Germany has Geifman, Jeannette Turitz, and great food resources. The pact Martha Zusnian. ago in December, 1919. between Germany and Russia is Following an evening of games Mrs. Abrahamson announces not as useless as has been pointed and dancing, refreshments were the following list of women who out." He explained experts served by the committee which gave to this year's shower: Mrs. have gone to Russia that to put the consisted of Rose Kaplan, Rosselle J. Abrahamson, Mrs. I. Abrain- transportation system in order. Clayman and Martha Zusman. son, Mrs. J. Abramson, Mrs. J. Mussolini, who is acting as The next meeting will be held Adler, Mrs. Sam Applenian, Mrs. purchasing for Hitler, Lore at the Jewish Community Center H. Auerbach, Mrs. M. Barish, Mrs. told, is at agent the present time oron Sunday afternoon, F e b r uary Sam Beber, Mrs. H. Belmaji, Mrs. the Balkan bloc to aid O. S. Belzer, Mrs. I. Berkowitz, ganizing The round velvet caps worn by the Reich. Rumania will also Ruth Rosinsky, reporter, anMrs. Dave Bernstein, Mrs. Max soon the scholars of Oxford and Camhe absorbed by the Reich. nounced that activities of the Tau Bernstein, Mrs. R. A. Blelcher, bridge are of Jewish origin. Nor has Italy, he went on, been Delta Sorority are reported reguMrs. S. Blum, Mrs. D. Blumenthal, offended by the German-Russian larly in the Jewish Press. Mrs. R. Bordy, Mrs. Simon Bordy, Mrs.! J. Bramson and Mrs. H. pact, for the reason that Italy had signed a similar pact in 1937. Brandt. Beginning with a comprehenFOR MATZOHS AND Alpha Pi Tau Bas-a-mi Also, there were Mrs. B e n sive survey of the background of OTHER PASSOVER Brodkey, Mrs. Edward Brodkey, the war, Mr. Lore pointed out the Alpha Pi Tau sponsored a rolMrs.'EdWitt Brodkey, Mrs. Ethel salient points leading up to the A successful benefit dance was NEEDS Brodkey, Mrs. Fritz Brodkey, Mrs. conflict. In his opinion neither ler skating party held Monday given Wednesday evening by the Harold Brodkey, Mrs. M. D. Brod- side is at yet ready for war and evening at the Roller-Dome. Fifty Bas-aml. Proceeds from this third couples were present. key, Mrs. B. M. Brown, Mrs. J, is merely marking time. affair were turned over to CAUL An exhibit of fancy skating was annual Chait, Mrs. M. E. Comisar, Mrs. charitable institutions. He termed Finland's defense a a feature of the evening. H. Cooper, Mrs. H. Crounse, Mrs. miracle but warned Finland must Final plans for the dance were Heinrich Jaul The next meeting of the club discussed Ethel Dansky, Mrs. I. Dansky, have war supplies if she is to conat a meeting held Tueswill be held on Sunday. Plans Mrs. A. Diamond, Mrs. J. Falk tinue. "Whoever controls the Gulf 2787 Vz Davenport St. for the next social event will be and Mrs. N. Feldman. of Finland controls Scandinavia. discussed. The first medical encyclopedia Among others there were Mrs. "Whatever happens in Europe published at the great medical WEbster 6043 S. H. Ferber, Mrs. D. Finkle, Mrs. will be reflected in America," the Records of 1691 disclose a Jew school of Salerno is attributed to J, Finkle, Mrs. S. Finkle, Mrs. M. speaker predicted. "If HKler was a paid teacher at Oxford. a Jew, Copho. Firestone, Mrs. S. Fish, Mrs. M. triumphs in Europe, Fascism will Fisher, Mrs. S. Flax, Mrs. B. L. gain strength in America." Fleieher, Mrs. Irving Forbes, Mrs. Mr. Lore was introduced by J. Forbes, Mrs. A. D. Franks, Mrs. George Grimes, managing editor M. M. Franklin, Mrs. E. Fredricks, of the Omaha World-Herald. Mrs. G. Freed, Mrs. Elizabeth Fried, Mrs. L. Pried, Mrs. J. J. Frieden, Mrs. M. Frelden and Mrs. S, Frohm. Also donating were Mrs. A. Fuff, Mrs. Sam Geifman, Mrs. S. Gendleman, Mrs. A. Gendler, Mrs. 8. E. Gilinsky, Mrs. J. Goodbinder, New York (JTA) —The Jewish Mrs. H. Goldenberg, Mrs. A. GoldSociety a n n o unced stein, Mrs. Leon Graetz, Mrs. Sol Agricultural the opening of course Graetz, Mrs. A. A. Greenberg, in the rudimentsaofpractical agriculture for Mrs. M. Greenberg, Miss Fanny refugees with limited The Grodinsky, Mre£ M. .Grodinsky, course is being given atmeans. Yliu DiyfjosI, Mosl Completely the Bound Miss Rose Grodinsky, Mrs". David Brook, N. J., farm of the society B. Gross, Mrs. J. A. Gross, Mrs. under the direction of E d w a rd Equipped GENERAL ELECTRIC L. Gross, Mrs. Ben Handler and Tansky. Ever Offered at this Low Price Mrs. S. Handler. refugees are already living Also Mrs. William Herzoff, Mrs. at Six farm which has a capacity Hornstein, Mrs. Max Horowitz, of the The farm, long owned by Mrs. Morris Jacobs, Mrs. R u t h the 20. society, was recently renovatJacobs, Mrs. R. Jacobson, Mrs. ed and restocked for the purpose. 8. Josephson, Mrs. G. Juravel, Gabriel Davidson, general manMrs, Kadis, Mrs. Ben Kahn, Mrs. ager of the society, emphasized Sam Kaplan, Mrs. A. Katz, Mrs. that the course was not intended M. Katzman, Mrs. M. Klrschenyouths, but for mature family baum, Mrs. Joe Koom, Mrs. Frank for interested in embarking upon Krasne, Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky, men a career farming. The course, Mrs. L. Kulakofsky, and Mrs. R. he said, of will be limited to one Kulakofsky. year, during which the refugees Others were Mrs. Harry Laff, will receive intensive training, in Mrs. H. Lapidua, Mrs. A, Lasero- the practical of farmwitz, Mrs. M. Lashlnsky, Mrs. ing, includingrudiments poultry r a i sing, William Lazere, Mrs. M. Leon, dairying and crops. A fee of | 5 Mrs. Bessie Levey, Mrs. Dave Le- weekly, covering only food costs, vine, Mrs. Irving Levin, Mrs. Joe is charged. Lipsey, Mrs. William Lipsman, Mrs. Esther Malashock, Mrs. L. Margolin, Mrs. M. Margolin, Mrs. member of the committee. M. Markowitz, Mrs. F. Marks, The tables for the tea were decMrs. Harry Marks, Mrs. M. May- orated with citru3 fruits to repert Mrs. H. Mendelson, Mrs. member the holiday Chamlso Oser Leon Mendelson and Mrs. H. Mer- B'Shevat. In charge of decorariam. tions were Mrs. E. Meyer, Mrs. I. Among others were Mrs. H. W. Rosenblatt and Mrs. S a m Milder, Mrs. Sophie Monsky, Mrs. Raffel. Those who poured at the J. Morgan, Mrs. L. Morgan, Mrs. three tables were Mrs. B.-A. SiS. Nathan, Mrs. Albert Newman, mon, Mrs. Irving Levin and Mrs. Mrs. Henry Newman, Mrs. J. M. Max Barish. Other hostesses were Newman, Mrs. C. M. Nichols, Mrs. Mrs. Ben Brodkey, Mrs. M. D. X. J. Olander, Mrs. L. Paperny, Brodkey, Mrs. Louis Kohl, Mrs. Mrs. Ben Perleman, Mrs. N. Perle- Julius Abrahamson, Mrs. J. J. man, Mrs. N. Perils, Mrs. S. Pizer, Friedman, Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg, Mrs. J. Plotkin, Mrs. D. Potash, Mrs. Sam Stern, Mrs. Phineas Mrs. S. Ravitz, Mrs. J. M. Rez- Wintroub, Mrs. Max Kaplan and nick and Mrs. J. M. Rice. Mrs. Morris Shapiro. Also Mrs. Sam Rice, Mrs. D. The next meeting of Hadassah Richards, Mrs. J. Rosen, Mrs. I. will be in patriotic tempo rememW. Rosenblatt, Mrs. Dave Rosen- bering Lincoln's and Washingstock, Mrs. L. Rosenthal, Mrs. S. ton's birthdays and presenting a Rothenberg, Mrs. Rofhkup, Mrs. filming of "Tel Aviv." I. Rubinow, Mrs. A. Rubnitz, Mrs. Gift Fund Thrifty in Price—in Current—in Upkeep! The same S. Saferstein, Mrs. A. Saxe, Mrs. Mrs. M. F. Levenson announces sturdy* electrically welded all-steel cabinet conC h a r l e s Schimmel, Mrs. D. the following contributions: Sam Schwartz, Mrs. A. Shapiro, Mrs." and Louis Epstein in memory of struction—the same quiet sealed-dn-steel cold-makH. Silverman, Mrs.S. Silverman, Hyman Goldberg, father of Ralph ing mechanism that have made G-E Refrigerators And you'll sco Mrs. A. Simons, Mrs. E. Simon and Goldberg; B'nais Bette-el group, Mrs. N. Simon. . '. ' through , Mrs. Eve Konecky, as world-famous for long life and enduring economy. the difference! There were Mrs. L. Sommer, their Chamiso Oser B'Shevat conMrs. M. Stalmaster, Mrs. Irving tribution; Beth-el Woman's auxilStein, Mrs. A. A. Steinberg, Mrs. iary planted five trees for ChamIf. Suskin, Mrs. Sam Swartz, Mrs. iso Oser B'Shevat; hostesses of H. Trustin, Mrs. Abe Venger, Mrs. Hadassah Oneg Shabboth planted Moe Venger, Mrs. Max Wasser- a tree for Chamlso Oser B'Shevat; man, Mrs. A. Weiss, Mrs. Leo Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakowsky in Weitz, Mrs. J. Wine, Mrs. G. Win- memory of Bernard Gross. er, Mrs. A. L. Wohlner, Mrs. H. Cultural Activities Wohlner, Mrs, M. Wohlner, Mrs. .. The next meeting of the OrienA. Wolf, Mrs. Ben Wolfe, Mrs. tation of Hadassah project will $am Wolf, Mrs. S. Zager, Mrs. be held at the h o m e of Mrs. Blanche Zimman and Mrs. „ H. Jacobs, 2723 Spaulding, on TuesZormislty. This is but a partial day, February 13. Mrs. Irving list of the donors and more "will Forbes is chairman of the group, t>e forthcoming in the next issue and Mrs. William Lipsman is coOf The Press.' Donations will still chairman. Mrs. Morris Raznicli be welcomed for the rest of the will, speak, on "HadaEsah's Place month and can be sent in to any. In Zionism." .
1I(O;TT1£ fi
Friday, r>br«*ry 9, 1940
SOCIAL 8IEVER-LE1BO Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Charlott Leibo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lelbp ,of St. Paul, Minn-, to Mr. Paul Siever of Minneapolis on January 31. Mr. |ieyer Js the son of Mrs Sam Ravitz of Omaha. ATTENDING CONVENTION Mr.'A./H. Brodkey is attending the jsonvention of the Associated General Contractors in Memphis, Tenn. JOSLYN MEMORIAL A sound film on "George Washington'* Virginia" will be shown at 2:80 in the concert hall of the Joslyn Memorial this Sunday. At 8:30 the Rev. J. R. Perkins will •peak on "Lincoln and the Press •f H|s Day — and the Council Bluff* {Lincoln Tradition." A 4 o'clock Sonata program will be giVen by Mr. Richard E. Duncan, yiolinist, and Mr. Martin W. Bush; pianist. A recital will be given at 4:30 in the lecture ball by Mrs. Charles R. Docherty, Inerzo-Bojjrano, and Flora Bears Kelson, pianist. The Rotary club will Sponsor the Forum lecture at 8 o'clock. Clark M, Elchelberger will speak en "Organizing the World for Peace." %. B. T. MOTHER'S CLUB ' The next regular meeting of the Zeta Beta Tau Mother's club will he held at the home of Mrs. William Milder on February 15, at \ o'clock.
Sigma Delta Tau
LINCOLN .(Special).— Theta Chapter of Sigma Delta Tau is entertaining members of Pi chapter of the University of Iowa at a conclave this week end. A number of meetings and social events have been planned. A sleigh party will be held Saturday night and will be followed by a house patty. A midnight spread will be held that same night. Miriam Rubnitz has been chosen to represent Sigma Delta Tau as "best-dressed" girl. She will compete with the girls of other sororities and the dormitories. . The "best-dressed" girl will be announced at the Coed Follies next month. Rhoda Krasne and Helene Albert will model at that time. Selma Zweitel is in charge of the skit that will be entered in the Coed Follies.
Mizrachi Women Appreciation for their assistance in the Clothes Collection campaign has been extended by Mrs! A. Katz, president, to the following in addition to those named last week: Mrs. Sophie Rothkop, Mrs. Rose Shwldelson, and Mr. A. L. Blumenthal. According to a n n o uncement made by the national office of the Mizrachi Women thousands of articles were received to be shipped to Palestine to be used for destitute refugees. Over one hundred chapters participated in the drive. The first shipment will leave New York on February 15 and •will be distributed by the Palestine committee of the Mizrachi Women's organization. Mrs. Katz also expressed the organizations g r a t i t ude to the committee and to those who made contributions to the Bake Sale which was held on January 31. The next meeting of the organization Will be held on Wednesday, February 21.
ballroom Dancing Class v The course in ballroom dancing, under the supervision of Miss Rosalie Alberts, is proving to be a popular activity at the J e w i s h Community Center every Wednesday afternoon at 3:45. The course is devoted to beginners and. also* to pupils who already know how to dance but we ore interested, in improving their steps. High school boys and girls who wish to enroll can still register ot the Center for a registration fee of $1.00. Instruction is free to Center mem bers; non-members pay an instruction fee of $3.00. For further information call the Center, Jackson 13 66 . £
Library Displays Book Given by Omaha Jews On display in the main circulation department of the Omaha public library is a copy of the Meserve Lincolniana presented in Jujy, 1917, to the library by a group of Jewish business men, who had been prompted to make this gift by the desire to assist in the crisis then prevailing in cul tivatlng the spirit of patriotism, and a love for American institu tions and traditions. In making the presentation, Mr. Leo Rosenthal wrote, "Lincolniana was especially preferred because Abraham Lincoln Is, of all national heroes, the most strongly admired by the Jewish people because of his service to the Cause of Freedom, that Cause for which the Jew has since the beginning of his history earnestly fought and made great sacrifice." One of Four The volume recalls events in the history of the nation which determined its standing among
Beth El Auxiliary A regular meeting of the Beth El auxiliary will be held on Wednesday, February 14, at the Jewish Community C e n t e r at 1 o'clock. A board meeting will be held at 12. Hostesses for the afternoon will be: Mrs. David Greenberg, Miss Blanche Zimman, Mrs. Harry Malashock, Mrs. Max Simon, Mrs. Bernard Fleisher, Mrs. Maynard Greenberg and Mrs. Sam Swartz. An original patriotic p l a y , "Shades of Our Forefathers," will be given by Mrs. William Racusln and Mrs. Morris Arkin. Mrs. >blneas Wintroub was director. Community singing of patriotic ongs will be led by Mrs. Aaron Edgar and Mrs. Arthur Romm, and will be accompanied by Mrs. Harry Malashock.
FOUNDS All together now, the trl-way suit. Snatch off the topcoat and see a, jacket suit, complete with new welt pockets. Wear the skirt with sweaters. Toss the jacket or coat over wool frocks. You are in for a lot of variety. Casual woolen in blue and honey amber. $49.95 Fourth Floor
8 Treatments $§.00 AT @®07 205 S. 25 Ave.
Apt. 2
Once again, Carolyn comes to the1 aid of our smartest customers with truly prophe t i c f a s h i o n s for spring. . . Herzbergs features these stellar fashions of the season ... Exclusively, in Oindhal
Junior Hadassah
ment consisting of a Debate a&d Basketball game. There will be a meeting on Sunday, January 11, for arrangement for the tournanieat. At the last meeting of the Omaha junior A. Z. A., Advisor Harry Goodbinder of A. Z. A. 1 installed the following new officers: President, Herbert Dolgoff; vicepresident, Robert Froinkin; secretary, Erwin Witkin; treasurer, Frederick Colton; s e r g eant-at* arms and reporter, Milton A. Soskin.
March 27 is the date the Beth 1 auxiliary will sponsor the showing of the Yiddish movie, 'The Cantor's Son," at the Muse theater. ."
Patronize Our Advertisers
Women's Division Completes Plans for Card Party
Final plans for the Women's Division Annual Card party and dessert luncheon, which is to be held on Monday, February 19, at 1 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center, are now completed. There will be featured a large bingo game for all women who do not play bridge or man jong. In addition to being promised a most enjoyable afternoon, a YOUR INSURANCE BROKER lovely door prize will be presented. CYRIL LEON Admission to the card party is VICE-PRESIDENT 50 cents. Tickets may be purCITY FINANCE AND chased from Mrs. Julius Stein, CO.. chairman; Mrs. Joe Rice and Mrs. William Lazere, co-chairmen; or Representing 21 Strong Companies A Complete insurance 6ervlce from any of the following memWALNUT 6160 bers of the committee: Mesdames "THE CAUL: SETTLEMENT COUNTS" H e n r y Belmont, J, Bernstein, David Blacker, J. Blank.-David H. Brown, Stanley Brown, Morris Burstein, R. Max Canar, Arthur Cohn, Max David, Leon Fellman, J. Finkle, B. L. F l e i s h e r , J. Collections of Unique Franklin, John Frelden, David Greenberg, Elmer Gross, Lawrence Diamond Engagement, Jacobs, Harry Malashock, J a y Wedding and Anniver* Malashock, Louis Neveleff, Wilaary Rings, individual* liam Racusin, Max Resnick, Ben ly designed and* priced Bikur Cholim Shapiro, Ben Silver, B. A. Simon, with good old-fashionA regular meeting of the Bikur T. A. Tully, Nate Turner, M. A. ed moderation. Cholim society will be held on Venger. H. A. Wolf and Miss Convenient Terms Can Be Monday at 2 o'clock at the Jew- Blanche Zimman. Arranged at No Extra ish Community Center. Cost A memorial service will be conJunior A. Z. A* ducted for Mrs. J. Goldberg, one of the charter members of the The Des Moines Junior A. Z. A. group. .'<: -H 4ND CREDIT ,/EWfc'i. / /'Rabbi Isaiah Rackqveky will will arrive in Omaha on March 10 U3 5 ° IB 5 1 OMAHA Nl-.'. to participate in a general tourna-1 address the organization, the nations of the world as the greatest exponent of liberty and freedom. Lincoln's birthday, the crisis confronting the world today, together with the recent publication of Carl Sandburg's four volume life ot Abraham Lincoln which contains pictures from the Meserve collection, all prompted this display. An extremely interesting book, Lincolniana; is well worth seeing. It contains historical portraits and views printed directly from original negatives and from negatives made from photographs in the collection of Am ericana of Fredrick Hill Meserve, New York City, The photographs of Lincoln are arranged chronologically, including also pictures of Mrs. Lincoln and the sons, and of persons and scenes connected with President Lincoln's life and death. It is a rare and valuable work -having been privately printed, only four copies were made and it is one of the four.
A program of clever stunts has been completed by the program committee for the Beth El auxilary dance which is to be held at ;he Paxton hotel, Saturday evellng, February 24. The program ;ommlttee, whose members are Mr. and Mrs. A. Venger, Mr. and Mrs. M. Venger, Dr. and Mrs. David Platt and Mr. and Mrs. Al Wohlner, met at the home of the A. Vengers last Friday to comlete plans for the evening's enertainment. Music for the dance will be urnished by Gary and his orshestra.
Sara Turner, national Junior Hadassah officer, will present the charter and install the officers of ;he local chapter at a formal dlnler to be held Sunday, February 18, at 5 o'clock at the Blackstone otel. The dinner meeting will ie held in conjunction with the ienior. Hadassah, the Business ,nd Professional Women's Group of Hadassah, and the Council Bluffs Hadassah. • Miss Turner will also be prinilpal speaker at the meeting. A aried program will follow the linner. Frances Berkowitz is chairman f the committee in charge of the iffair. Others serving on the ommittee are: Shirley Barish, Frances Bordy and Pauline Margolin, Junior Hadassah; Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, Mrs. Morris Raznick, Mrs. M. F. Levenson and Mrs. Morris Franklin, Senior Hadassah; Ida Daytch, Eve Nichols, Ann Batt and Gertrude Gllinsky, Business and Professional Group. Reservations for the dinner may e made by calling Frances Berkiwitz, WA 7165.
FOUND! The three-in-one. It's a jacket costume. It's a dress with a gllet. It's a basic dress to set jewels against (the gilet unbuttons). Wear it and be thrice blest. Navy or. black sheer with white pique. Fabric woven of Celanese* Rayon. $25.00 Sixth Floor
>•*• 4
THE JEWISH i*!E£S tlis.t opposition to the laetliods of'the COMmittee exists,, even aEiozig its own members. The record o! the Dies Committee is rather fc&otty. It performed some work fa exposing immerous un-American activities, both to the left and to the right. Yet the most effective work— such as ferreting out the Christian Front and the felonies of Fritz Kuhn—were dote by ageEctes already functioning. "The Christian Front" was n&t even mentioned iu the course of the committee hearings. Evidently Congress was convinced that the Dies committee ha,d work to perform. But the committee also has certain obligations to fulfill. Investigators must be reliable. Witnesses Bhould be responsible. Charges should have grounds. The integrity of individuals is at stake.
Friday, Febru&ry @, I §40
the Republic &s ag&test These wretched!, berefit d u p e s could have done nothing at all to the iBEtitutioEs of the U n i t e d Publielte;il Every PVMsy &.t States. They succeeded only la evoking tiie amusemeEt t h a t & ' By Dr. PLJtip She* Graustarfcian romance p r o v idea , •UBSCRlPTiCN PRSCE, One Vesr for the sophisticated. Advertising Hat.es Kttrniched en BIBLE My neighbor should know that Woe unto them that join EDITORIAL OFFICE: 65S Sr&rsdefs Theater BuiitHr.g much more greviouB f.s the treaSIOUX CITY OFFICE—Jewish Community Cectcr to house, that lay field to field son that has been p e r petrated PRINT SHOP A.DB-RE&S--4&4 €e. £4th Street till there be no room, and ye be against the church and its faith, made to dwell alone in the mids against the good will that was the DAVID BLACKER—Business aod Managing Edlto. of the land. teaching of Its Lord, against tLe Therefore my people are gon brotherhood of man that is imLEONARD NATHAN - - . . « . Bditoi into captivity for lack of knowl plicit in the Christian faith. RABBI FREDERICK COHH—Contributing Bdlto; edge. To be sure, I myself know that RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS - Book Bdito; Woe unto them that call evi the voice from Royal Oak is not PRANCES BLACKER - - Society Edito: good, and good evil; that changi the voice of the church or the MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City Corersponden darkness into light and light int teaching of its faith. It is clothed darkness; that change bitter int in the robes of the church but I sweet and sweet into bitter. know it is not its voice. Woe unto them that are wis Gross Neglect False Vo'ce in their own eyes, and prudent in I am aware that my neighbor What amounted to a revolution in human relatheir own sight. knows It as a false voice. He keeps By BABBI FREDERICK COHN TALMUD tions took place last week. Yet is passed quite unon walking serenely with the faith The ground-hog saw his shadow. There will During the great famine whicl: that was given him in his childnoticed. Herr Hitler in speaking before the Reich- be six weeks more of winter. was prevailing in Jerusalem, Mar- hood and has sustained him in all stag on the seven anniversary of the rise of tho Alas, there is shadow in every life! Presaging tha, the daughter of Baithus, wa the years of his life. I know he Nails to power neglected to mention the Jewe. the winter of grief and sorrow. Who in this mor- one of the richest families of Jer would feel mortally hurt if he Not one word about "Jewish-Communists." Not tal life can escape pain, disappointment and loss? usalem. She sent one of her ser- could bring himself even for an one word of "Jewish-Capitalists." For perhaps the 'To be human' Bays the inimitable Browning, 'is to vants to buy fine flour. Before Instant to believe that this was reached the market place, the the voice of his church. first time in his entire career Adolf Hitler totally be plied with trials manifold.* As enow covers he fine flour was sold out, so he Yet other men of other faiths Ignored the Jews. the earth, so is our life at times enveloped in came back and Informed her tha are not so discriminate. They atIt has become axiomatic that when Hitler gloom. But the snow melts—Nature's tears, as it there was only ordinary flour tha tribute to the church this voice speaks, regardless of the subject at hand, he event- were, for life's immitigable woes. Tears release he could purchase. So she said: which Is not its truthful expression. My neighbor should be told ually gets to the Jewish problem. In "Mein Kampf" and relieve. Our vision becomes clearer and pur- "Go and buy ordinary flour." When he came to the marke that these men of other faiths no matter what was under discussion, the author er. After the rain come the rose. After winter. place, he found that this also was hearing this voice clad in priestly would, after a few sentences, come to an hysterical Spring! sold, so he came back and told robes, 1 s s u I ng from the holy her that only rye flour was left shrine, think this is the voice of denunciation of the Jews. The Jewish fixation How beautifully Emerson has expressed this She asked him to get that, but Catholicism. I have heard them was so strong that it dwarfed everything else in in his poem, "The World Soul!" before he reached the place this question the s u b st ance of tha Hitler's mentality. too, was sold. So he came and Rock on which the church stands "Spring still makes Spring in the mind For years "Jewish Communism" has punctuated informed her that there was no founded. When sixty years are told; rye flour any more, but that he every discourse Hitler has uttered. Countries, (To my mind this Rock is the Love wakes anew the throbbing heart, . could buy barley flour. But again Mount on which the Sermon was Hitler sought to absorb into the Reich, became, in And we arc never old; it happened that this, too, was given.). bis speeches, the instruments of "Jewish Comsold out before he arrived. Over the whiter glaciers I have heard men saying, Can munism." Individuals who were the momentary When she was told that, she this be Catholicism? What meanI see the summer glow. objects of Hitlerian hysterics were transformed redressed herself and said she ing is left to Christianity if this And through the wild-piled snow drifts would go out and try to find hristian front is Christian — if gardless of origin or belief into "Jewish ComThe warm rosebuds below." something to eat. While walking this hate and falsehood are Chrismunists." What would we do without 'the warm rosethe street trying to find some- tian, if these lies we have heard A slight variation was introduced into this buds' of love and affection? They reconcile us to in thing to eat, her foot became in- from Coughlin's lips are Christheme with the Russian-German pact of non-aggres- all loss and sorrow. They whisper softly to us fected and blood poison set In, tian? They wonder how d e s picable sion. The Jews, the minute Herr von Ribbentrop's that all life is loss; that there is no gain without causing her death. Before she hlngs can be said and done under name was appended to the document, ceased to be pain; that even this our sad life has its compensa- died, she took all her gold and priestly auspices, in the priestly and threw it in the street, Communists and were all immediately transformed tions and assuagements; that there is balm in silver saying: "What do I need this arb, in the holy shrine, under tho Into Capitalists—an amazing metamorphosis that Gilead. Religion comes with its comforting mes- for?" sacred cross. I believe that my neighbor will thank me to be told has evidently confused "der Fuehrer." On account of the shaft of a of sage: "Fear yo not, O Israel; neither be then what Coughlin is doing to the No doubt, Hitler still remains convinced the still dismayed. Refrain thy voice from weeping litter the great city of Byther waa church in the good opinion of destroyed. For it was a custom Jews are his misfortune. Yet no explanation is and thine eyes from tears. For I the Lord am men. Byther that when a child was offered by this omission. We cannot get very with thee; am with thee, and will save thee. I iu Case of Treason born the parents would plant a This to mo is tho real case of worried by Hitler's ignoring us, for he had an have loved thee, I have loved thee, with an ever- young cedar tree for a boy and a reason — the treason against the evil way of carrying out his threats against the lasting love. And have redeemed thee; and have pine tree for a girl. At the time :hurch the faith (the most of their wedding, they would cut herishedand Jews. Silence is said to be golden. of my neighbor's redeemed thee." the tree down to make a canopy possession)things which have been made It may be true, as the poet sings: out of that wood. unjustly suspect in the minds oC While the daughter of the em- men. This, it seems to mo is the "There are gains for all our losses, peror was riding one day through eal treason since turning man There is balm for every pain; Fritz von Thyssen has often been likened to the city, the shaft of her litter against man, it has betrayed the But when youth, the dream, departs Frankenstein, the u n f o rtunate scientist in the broke down and her attendants brotherhood of man, the fundaIt takes something from our hearts, cut down a young cedar tree to mental of the Christian faith. Mary Shelley, thriller who created a monster that use in repairing it. The man who And it never comes again." he could not control and which eventually destroyme the false light in which had planted the >reo attacked the heTochurch Youth may depart, and take with it the memhas been put is all the ed him. Thyssen was the millionaire industrailiBt servants and beat them severely. more painful because of my knowories of youth and all we held so precious and who sold Hitler to the wealthy of Germany. It was Whereupon the latter came and edge of the many clear, honest he who urged Hitler as the man to save Germany dear; but love comes, and renews our youth, informed the emperor, saying the prophetic voices in the clergy and from Bolshevism. What he neglected to tell waB wipes away the tears from our faces and hearts Judaeans had rebelled against aity. The Mundelelns and the Dr. him. He immediately dispatched Ryans and the Commonweal, tho that by acting as the Hitler emissary, the Nazis and gives us, in place of memory, hope! a great army, and the army de- many fine Catholic spirits I per"Whispering hope, O how lovely thou art! would save Thyssen. from the competition of two stroyed the city. onally know. Yet the h i d e o u s Bringing new joy to each sorrowing heart." fellow industrialists, the Jew Strauss and the Cathblare from Royal Oak has seemed So we care not for the ground hog's shadowy o swallow up the voices that are olic Otto'Wolf, both who were eventually brought he conscience of the church. prognostication of weeks of winter ahead. It was to ruin. Of course, the church will surWith the deepest pleasure Thyssen looked on sunshine after all that produced the shadow. The vive tho evil of one who gives tho the complete destruction of the labor unions that clods of the valley laugh with visions of coming, hristian blessing and puts tho waving harvests of nourishing grain. We wrap hristian name on a gang of hoodhad constituted a check on his business; with unBy AL OEGAL ums. My neighbor's faith is deepconcern he saw the destruction of the Jewish com- ourselves in the warm garments of love and affecer than the roots of the ancient munity of Germany and with it his Jewish compet- tion. God is the God of all the seasons. At the MY NEIGHBOR ak that stands on his lawn. itors; with joy his nationalistic impulses respond- proper time He will 'renew His ancient rapture.' I am writing this in the friendly But the moral power of the ed to the rearmament program (particularly as bis Wo hug to our hearts the words of the noble spirit of one who resents unjust aith in the world can keep strong Santayana: aspersion of his good neighbor only as other men hold it in reown profits rose with the increased steel needs). and who, in good will, feels he pect and trust; for that reason I "O world, thou choo^cst not the better part! But suddenly the beautiful picture, on closer must tell his neighbor. My neigh- peak to my n e i g h b o r about It Is not wisdom to bo only wise examination, showed ugly details. The German bor, the Catholic, must be told Coughlin's menace to the Church. And on the inward vision close.the eyes; that Coughlin is injuring him greMy neighbor should know what business man soon found that the Nazi party had vlously. But it Is wisdom to believe the heart. men ore saying and I am sure he an insatiable appetite. It was not enough to help (My neighbor, the C a t h o lie, will deeply care. He is concerned Columbus found a world and had no chart tt into power. Funds were needed to keep it there. knows by long acquaintance with not alone with the good name of Save one that faith deciphered in the skies; Relief activities; party assessments; increased taxme in our city of my sympathetic his church; he is eager that his To trust the sonl's invincible surmise feelings for his f a i t h and its hurch continue to be a powerful ation. Vague rumors of difficulties between Thyegrandeur.) nfluence in the world for rightWas all bis science and his only art. een and Hitler began to filter through the closelyousness and peace and good will I am thankful to non-Jewish Our knowledgeis a torch of smoking pino drawn veil otsecrecy. Soon it was learned Thyssen and justice and tolerance and all friends who speak frankly tome That lights the pathway but one step ahead had transferred his family to South America. about the matter of being Jewish; kindness. He knows that thia inAcross a void of mystery and dread. l a m sure no Catholic friend of luence is reduced when by tho Now Thyssen, the proud industrialist of the Bid then the tender light of faith to shine mine will feel aggrieved by my eprehensible words or acts of any Ruhr, Is himself a refugee. He is a refugee like man the name of the church ia own frank speaking. By which alone the mortal heart is led thousands of others whom the monster he created raduced in the minds of men. I had occasion to attend a mass Unto the thinking of the thought divine." has destroyed. All his possessions in Germany have recently. The supernal grandeur As a thinking man he knows Even In the depth of. winter we should 'trust of this service was far from the hat been' confiscated and not even in Switzerland are the power of any institution the Nazis willing to give him peace. They have he soul's Invincible surmise.' Even when life hates of Coughlin's C h r i s tlan s.not alone in its bigness; it rests remote from the Coughlin also on what men. think of it. asked bis arrest and return to Germany. Fortunate- grows darkest we shall 'bid the tender light of Front, bullies on the sidewalks of New So I have told my neighbor. I faith to shine.', Even when the minions of doubt ly for him the Swiss government is not easily InYork; these voices speaking to will welcome him if ho comes as and despair scornfully tell us We plus ultra!' God were no kin to the ugly false- rankly to tell me whatever I timidated and Trltz. Thyssen need not return to 'There is nothing beyond,' but a wilderness of wat- hood hideously filling the'air in hould know as a Jew. I, too, am what would bq certain death. the guise of an authentic voice of esentful against i n d i v i d u a l s In his Swiss exile, amid the splendors of tho er, a wild welter of tears! Each shall fare forth a Christianity. whose acts or words asperse the ~ brave Columbus and over the uncharted seas of Alps, Thyssen may have the leisure to contemplate What to Tell ood name of my people. sorrow shall discover for himself his New World •what he has done. It is to he hoped he has someBut I should tell my neighbor I am not giving any advice to thing of a conscience so he can realize the tragedy of New Life and NOT/- Love; his America of spiritual that for the eyes of other men his my neighbor. I have only made a church is b e i n g put in a false friendly approach on a matter of ' he helped create, the destruction that lies at his joys and heavenly blisses! light. My neighbor should know vital interest to the most cherish'Over the winter glaciers' he-shall 'see the sumgoor. • Coughlin is giving deadly af- d possession of his heart. mer glow;' 'and through the wild-piled snow drift, that front to all the fine things that My neighbor and I shall be even the warm rose-buds below: Christianity has m e a n t to men otter for the reason that who want to believe in tho validity have friends "Behold, ne fcnow not anything; been honest with him. Genof the Sermon on tho Mount. Controversy continues to rage about the Diea Wo cos but trust that gooH will fall ine friendship can not stand should tell lay neighbor tlaat where either party keeps from tho At lest—for off—at last, to all;' J thoI treason Committee. Congress has appropriated funds ior of the co-called Chris- other & matter that ought to to fad. e^ery winter cfjiusge td-Sgrlsj!/ 1 * *I» t;ork oi the organization to go ont but U;1BI flan front is not no. aj&eh,
Gems or the Bible and Talmud
The Ground Hog
Another Refugee
Friday, February 9, 1940
Book Reviewers And Our Friends By Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky : Oil February 2, The Jewish Press printed a book review by %: J9L, Lewis on "The Catholic Crisis," It was a good review a.s journ»}e»e book reviews go. It gave, the contents of the book and, in the usual manner, expressed the hurried reaction of the reviewer. Only, as usual again, the impression of the reviewer was expressed with all authority and assurance. The book: contained a sweeping condemnation of the policies and methods of the Catholic church, sweeping and yet detailed, a breath-taking survey which would carry away every young mind and every throbbing heart in an ecstasy of enthusiasm. But the reviewer baaed himself particularly on the "documentation" of the book in bis Justification for complete agreement. ':";.,..'•" A Story And that reminded me of a .Story. We are told of a group of Rabbis who were in conference discussing a moot point of , Hebraic law. The host in whose house the gathering took place expressed an opinion, but most of those present disagreed, and there ' ."was heated argument. When nothing else would avail, the host •aid: "Bat this Is a simple matter
Religious Services The time for lighting candles this evening will be at 5:27.
Beth El
Tonight at services Rabbi David 'A. Goldstein will devote his sermon to a discussion of the "Life and Works of Rashi." Jewry this year is observing the nine-hundreth anniversary of this great French-Jewish scholar. • Next Week Next Week Rabbi H. R. RabinQwiti of Sioux City, Iowa, will occupy the pulpit of the Beth El Synagogue.
This evening at services Rabbi David H. Wice will s p e a k on "Thyssen — Symbol of an Era." Saturday morning services at the Temple begin at 11.
Orthodox At the late service this evening Rabbi Isaiah Raskovsky will speak on "Unity Among Our People." Tomorrow at the children's service, Mrs. Louis Epstein will be hostess. Participating In the service will, be: Erwln Wltldn, cantor; Leonard Potash, reader of the Torah; Yehuda Osheroff, current events, and Jerry Greenberg, portion of the week. The Sunday service will be held at 9 a. m, The Junior Study group will meet on Tuesday, February 13, at ( the home of Rabbi Rackovsky. Wednesday afternoon at 2 the Women's Bible Study group,will meet in the rabbi's study. ''The Talmud Study group meets Wednesday evening at 8 at the Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel. Next Wdek The U. O. C. Sisterhood will be in charge of the late Friday evening services next week at the synagogue of the Congregation B'nai Israel. Mrs. Sidney Katelman will be - in charge of the service. Mrs. Dave Bernstein will also participate'. Principal speaker of the evening will be Mrs. Louis Zabel, •whose subject -will be, "Human Relationship From the Feminine Standpoint." ^;
' * 800 Organizations Fight foreign-born New York (JTA — More'than - 800 organizations, cloaking themselves in a "pseudo patriotism," and engaged in the distribution of hate-inciting anti-alien propaganda, declares Ernest Hemingway, the novelist,:in a report prepared for the Fourth Annual Conference of the American Committee for Protection o£ Foreign: Born. Hemingway is serving as cochairman, together with Dr. William Allan Nollson, president emeritus of Smith College, of the Committee of 100 Sponsors for the conference, which is to be held at the Hotel Annapolis, iWashinsion, on March 2 and §» •,
which leas already been adjudged asid plainly expressed in text." The gathering wished to see the test for verification and the h&st eMiged. There was nothing left but to accept the verdict, until one of those present investigated fciid found the text to be printed in a book written by the host . . . The coatentiou of the host was well dociuneisted. But that was only an aside. What bothered me was: How would our Catholic friends and all those who have been working for rapprochement between the people of various faiths feel about such a review. Those people, after all, do not know the feeling of self-importance coupled with a complete lack of official responsibility that prompts such book reviews. Nor do people stop off to think that book reviewing as a profession is taken up by such as have not either the strength, or the knowledge, or the ability, to speak on their own.
Round Table Dance to Be Held Sunday Members of the Round Table of Jewish Youth will dance to the music of Gary and his orchestra at the "Stars and Stripes" Dance to be given on Suaday, February 11, at the Jewish Coonunity Center. Dance chairman Norman Bleicher and his committee have worked out a patriotic motif for this second SGcial event of the Round Table season. A new policy in regard to Round Table dances was announced at the supper meeting held last Friday. Beginning with the "Stars and Stripes" dance, couples will be admitted either by season ticket, as formerly, or for a fee of fifty cents per couple.
VEftET REPORTS • ON CONVENTION (Continued from page 1.)
gether In • co-ordinated program ?of defense. ' Bffr* Veret quoted Jfclr. MoBsky as .saying, "th&t through t h e ' General Jewish Council, t h e four member ©rgmfetioiss have made «n effective effort and that the experiences and expert* they "were ifl&cimig t-t the disposal of the Co>mc£l bad proved valuable." Principal speaker at the Assembly was Dr. Cfealm Weizman, presldeat of Ike Jewish Agency for Palestiae, wto 1Q describing the tragedy engulflag world Jewry, pointed to Palestine as the one spot where rehabilitation and reconstruction are the order of the day, and where a permanent solution of the Jewish problem was in the making.
tions. Strongly emphasized was the importance of preserving and maintaining local welfare, economic, educational and recreational services developed by Jewish communities over a period of many years. Clearer Picture Mr. Veret also felt that the sessions of the Assembly resulted in a clearer picture of the refugee situation and made plain the role and responsibility of local communities in the refugee's process of adjustment. Book Review One of the highlights of the convention, according to Mr. The Youth Group of the Beth El Veret, was Henry Monsky's Synagogue,, will s p o n s o r Rabbi analysis of the achievements of David A. Goldstein's book review the General Jewish Council, in of "The Nazarene" by S h o 1 o m which he einpiiR&ized the use- Asch, on Monday, March 11, at the New York (WNS) — The es- fulness of the C o n n c i l and Jewish Community Center. tablishment of m o d e l religious stressed the need for patience schools in all types of Jewish ed- in the process of working toPatronize Our Advertisers ucational centers, orthodox and reform, by the newly created Jewish Education Committee, which was organized to administer the $1,000,000 bequest of the Frledsam Foundation, was announced this week by State Supreme Court Justice Samuel I. Rosenman, president of the committee. SEE Justice Rosenman made public the Committee's plans at the annual meeting of the New York metropolitan section of the Jewish Welfare Board. The Justice contended that Jewish religious education should aim at t e a c hing children how to live "intelligently and happily" in American communities.
To Establish Model Religious Schools
The Answer I have the answer to this question now. Many of our Catholic friends, among them F a t h e r Bowdern, a man who has done much for the furthering of the inter-faith movement, are much disturbed by the opinion expressed In the review, according to which it is a "must" book for every American and particularly for every Jew; according to which also "the common people (of the Catholic church) who compose its Jews in the B r i t i s h colonies membership should bring pressure to bear upon t h e i r religious were recognized as subjects of the heads" to justify the ideas of Mr. king in 1740. Seldes and the faith which the reviewer has In them. Thin Understanding Without going into the merit of the intentions, we might say to our friend that preaching a revolution of the common people and their "bringing pressure on their religous leaders," shows a too thin understanding of the Catholic church to justify writing about its problems, even In a book review. It also shows a lack of tact, which would need much sophistry to justify it. We can, however, say to our friends of the Catholic church that when It comes to irresponsibility, we have a greater right to suffer by it than any other people. We are not an organized group, neither politically, nor religiously^ nor economically. Any one of us who can write, will try to do so, and under some circumstances will find himself printed. But we must bear with it, because freedom of the press is the creed by which democracy exists as well as freedom of religion. If then, some things unwarranted will escape a pen and find a printing press, that Is the pain inherent In the form of state-organization which we have found best, best In spite of Its difficulties. So we may say in conclusion: We bear with you, your Father Coughlin, because we have confidence he does not express the view of most Catholics; and you will bear with us our book-reviewers who do ^not express any opinion but their own. It is only by this means that we will come in time to peace and brotherly love.
Grace-Mayer Co,
902-03 City Natl. Bank Bldg.
AT 6500
IT'S TIME TO PLA&H —That beautiful, ecmfortM>!o fmt M Jon 'dreamed 01 IS. Tta family ef raofcroto C&S?'' ttVETftg® AflSSrf c a n
A reccrd-fe?oa!soir la ppjeo . • •'baff cioro Chan S^a5! Gvcry ctySo . • . every s!o yea could g^&si&Iy v/cn& Is korol Short or Call. CJSS^CP fepa! Horizsnfc! EisEo ribs lo cfesrJ c? rogalsflon
Btfcrd to otra on attractive tores fc7 fiasacS&S tt oa C Ucflcr .WBA, payotsata uro ta to ' cs S34.C3 per taestJ»» lariaSlaa tsxss RBS Interest.'
S&S3S Cbr boys! Voung psn, racn! In Co SISD csaSo V/O havo over
VyfeeSte yea ©wa Ua tiS o? nc5, tho tsnns trill es&sso yoa. Kasaa far fcsioiEStiea. No & U t l
n - is fJca'o
February ®, 1940
Page 2
erplexed By Henry Montor
10th frame of the first match, going in five marks down, the Wardrobes pulled a surprise and won by three bare pins from the Tretiaks, who cooled off considerably after last week's very torrid ihooting. The second game was taken by 83 pins and the third by 72 pins. Leo Blacker, borrowed for a night, led the team with 505, followed by Herb Marks with 495. The team bowled 2,409.
NAZIS GALL BRITISH "NATION OF JEWS" Berlin (WNS) — The English. people this week was called a "nation of white Jews" and Protestantism, as practiced in England, was rescribed as a modern version of "the ancient Jewish law book," by the Sehwarze Korpa Helnrich Himmler'g newspaper. Citing its own theory of the history of the Jews to e x p 1 ain what happened to the British people in the course of time, the Schwarze Korps states that "the peculiar fate of the Jewish people decreed that only those should survive who conquered life With trickery and c u n n i n g . " "Germany", the paper c o n t i n u e s , "struggled for the English soul with perseverance. It was all in vain. Now there can be no doubt about the English war aims." The paper c h a r g e d that the "leading men of England demand the eradication and Negroitation of the Germanic mother, of the mightiest culture-bearing people of the Occident." "England is a scourge of God," the paper stated, "God will not punish England — but our soldiers will."
Morris Fine led the Tretiak atIf culture is so sterile that it with a nice 539 series, asleaves no seeds for its own sur- painful labyrinth of the present, responsive senses, the welcoming tempt sisted by Feldman's weak 474. men try to retrieve the past, seeheart and the liberated mind . . . vival; if civilization is so infirm as to offer no bulwark to a tot- ing the Golden Age not in the The moments of happiness posEven with the big 623 series tering world—can man face the visions of the future but in the sible to us us even now are a more future with hope? Or must he, remembrance of the past. Secur- eal consolation, perhaps, than on the part of Captain Melcher, overwhelmed by the chaos and ity, contentment, simplicity be- any promise of future happiness the Empires couldn't seem to musconfusion of contemporary bar- come the qualities intertwined would be, and not simply because ter enough steam to keep the barisin, yield utterly to despair? with a bygone period. In books, they are birds in the hand. They Shriers from taking two games in It is these questions'which have in plays, in biographies and his- re the evidences and tokens of a their match. Weitz bowled a 559 to lead his inspired Irwin Edman to a warm tories, in customs and dress, the jetter world." espousal of man's inherent de- contemporary seeks to find that At another point, he says: "It Paint five, and Franklin shot a cency and life's ultimate joy in soothing quaiatness and quietness s not cynical but realistic to say 502. The team bowled 2,425, 48 "Candle in the Dark" (Viking of which the present world knows hat the first condition of serenity pins under the Empire total, but Press). It is a Email book as nothing. Since the past Is a crea- s not to have too great expecta- good enough for a victory. pages go. Yet the penetrating ture of the wind, it matters not ious; it is essential, if we are to questions it asks and the tenta- that it may be only a mirage. nave peace of mind in times of Ross' 483 was the closest to tive answers it gives cover the encrisis, that we have no expecta- Melcher for the Empires. The Brief Candles of Hope tire range of perplexities assail"What brief candles of hope or ions at all." team shot three 800 games, but ing the sensitive, thinking man of of resource can we find in a darkFor all who falter, then, Edman missed by nine and 49 pins, reour time. ness which we are first prepared las the illumination and the guid- spectively, in their two losses. For years men have been reach- to accept as absolute?" Edman mce that comes from the "Candle The State Coals were never n the Dark." If he is not con- h e a d e d , as they took three Ing upward to a new tower of asks. heaven on the girders of such sloThere are two patterns from rincing, he is, at least, soothing, straight from the Smith Motors, gans as education and democracy. which reasoning man can choose le might be likened to the warm who were handicapped considerablouse which protects the woman ly with a straw man. Lloyd Bank Seek Increase of The broadening of the benefits of to preserve his morale. culture and the widening of the The first is that of historical rightened by the crashing storm led the States with a juicy 656, Trade with Syria privileges of government were to perspective. It may be difficult and the flashing lightning but ollowed by Bam Katzman's 502. strengthen the brotherhood of when desolation and misery en- who is always mindful of the Jerusalem (WNS) — Hopeful man. velop one to pierce beyond that avoc that can be or is being Sam Morgan had a high of 453 increasing the trade between Science was to be the lever by fog to see into the past. "Part of wrought by the outer elements. or the Smiths, with Lou Klein's ot Syria and Palestine, a delegation As the first "guide to the per- 45 next best. which man was to lift himself to the nihilism that is In the air," of the Jewish Industralists' Assoa new conception of his own stat- Edman reminds us, "is the result lexed" since the outbreak of the ciation arrived in Beirut this week ure and worth. But on September of a strange—and absurd—con- ew war, Irwln Edman has set a The fourth round starts with to Investigate marketing possibil3rd the trumpet of doom sounded viction that we are living in a new jigh standard for those who are ext week's matches, which will ities and the purchase of raw maonce'again and the painful labors ind of present, one without a o follow with their prescriptions ind its feature in the Clicquot terials. that mankind had been making in iast and without future. Men in or stability in a disordered uni- lub-Shrier Paint f r a y . The An exhibition demonstrating the the last 25 years to establish a earlier ages, too, thought they rerse. Shriers have been in fair shape, achievements and potentialities of new world of happiness became a were living at the end of the Jewish Industry in Palestine will and may score another upset. world." mockery. The Empire Cleaners should open in Tel Aviv on April 28. Values Tasteless Man's inhumanity to man is not como back for a win from the The Jewish Agency has assigned Even to Americans, to whom a new chapter in history but the Tretiaks after last week's loss. £5,000 for the exhibition. the shriek of war was but the title of the whole book. If there State Coals will be pitted against taint echo sounded from the in- ire pain and misery, violence and By JOE SOLOMONOVV Patronize Our Advertisers ;he Wardrobes, whom they have verted megaphone of newspapers, lestruction, these are not the efeated three times in as many the values they had known became roducts of our own special time TEAM STANDINGS contests, and the Smith Motors tasteless. Food, drink, all pleas- tut the trademark of recurring HEAVY L. Pet. ind Pioneers will fight against ure; art, science, friendship — ipochs. And always there has Hie. Club Eskimos.. W. SO 34 .010 he league's bottom spot. these w e r e turned into bitter teen an emergence from these pe- Impire Cleaners . . . SO 24 .010 fruits which only the callous and ioda into eras of construction. LEGHORN tat© Coal & Gas-... SO 27 .571 Name Chaplain the cruel could tasto with full satEdman reminds us of the Greek hrier Paint & Glass S2 SI .508 isfaction. pitaph: retiaks 31 S2 .402 Johannesburg (WNS) — The What is the design for living "A shipwrecked sailor on this Wardrobes 27 30 .420 ppolntment of a full-time Jewish which can guide the American in coast bids you set sail, Motors 20 37 .413 haplain to minister to the severthese war years? Out of the crazy- Full many a gallant ship cro we Smith Live Carp. » . . flOc up 1'ioneer Uniform Co. 22 41 .349 il hundred Jewish recruits now quilt of senseless destruction and were lost weathered t h e LEAGUE RECORDS n training for war duty was exruthless bate can there emerge a gale." ' High Game—P. Steinberg, 255; pected this week after the Governpattern of sufficient form to give B u t historical-mindedness is Tretiaks, 050. ment had agreed to the appointequilibrium to a reasonable life? helpful for other purposes than High Series—Leo AVcitz, 053; ment of a Jewish chaplain at a After i n t r o s p e c t i o n that merely to remind us that the past Tretinks, 2,070. conference with representatives ot searches into the inmost recesses was just bad or worse. According WE 4737 1301 N. 24 he South African Board of Jewof the liberal mind, Edman, phil- to Edman, it gives us an inkling An onslaught by the Clicquot sh Deputies. osopher and poet, arrives at an af- of the root causes which bring tub Eskimo crew which ended firmative conclusion. about a recurrence of the evils. a triple defeat of the PiIn none of his books, all graced f the diseases which result in with neers put the former on top of 0 ft ; STOP by simplicity, has Edman spoken hese violent distempers can be the league again in a tie with the with such dignity of the aspira- studied to their origins, perspec- Empire Cleaners, who lost two tions of man; in none has be so ive will have proved useful as ames to a fast-moving Shrier eloquently transmuted the poetry well as soothing. 'aint quintet. of dreams into the prose of pracPlace of Psychiatry Eskimos' win was the fifth tical living. The fundamental Edman has a strange devotion n The as many weeks, the Empire questions which underlie the will to psychiatry which, he believes, to 'survival have never been so is one of the keys to the human oss the first in four weeks. cogently explored by him. soul. Through psychiatry the deThe State Coals won a blanket Role of Artist mons which enchain man's mind from the Smith Motors to . Edman takes issue with those may be exorcised. He also reas- victory remain second place, while the men who contend—their number serts his faith in education as the Tretiaksindropped notch after a diminishes steadily—that the art- creator of more reasonable human hree-game loss toathe Wardrobes, ist has a role from 'Which he can- beings. The third key to the evilB replaced in their former position not* be swerved by the swirling life of the past is scientific method. by the Shriers. about him. Until only a few years Though science seems at present Wardrobes climbed one posiago a man like Stefan Zwelg was the agent of man's destruction, it tion, while the Smiths dropped Insisting that the furore of pol- has actually emphasized his mas- one, and the Pioneers remain on itics ought not to invade the still tery over those elements of man laboratory of literary craftsman- and nature which Interrupt and the bottom. ship where eternal values were threaten his upward progress. night's matches, the being hewed out of immemorial When Edman is probing man's lastTuesday of the round of the experience. doubts and anxieties, he is su- league, were third featured by - some The "brutal futility of war," perbly revealing. But when he in- nice bowling.* T o p Edman says, "has made even pri- vades the field of metaphysics-— series individual was Melcher's 623 for the vate joys seem precarious and or even of practical politics—he Empires, while Doctor P1 a 11 shame-faced. What do all these is more halting in his procedures. missed the 600 bracket by only things avail, when they end in de- Man can yet be saved, he says. two pins for the Cllcquots. liberate death and. incalculable "We have not seriously tried to Top game was the Wardrobe's chaos? Men in the 19th century give the common man an adequate 875; Very feminine . . » bowling the next best were sad that they could no long- voice in the commonweal . . . It is game Shriers new soft touches in with 864. High series was er believe in God. They are more true, now, possibly more than the Empire's 2,473. twill... satin bound. deeply saddened now by the fact ever, that the generality of manMelcher had the top individual Sizes 10 to 20. that they can no longer believe in kind, left to themselves, would game with 220, and also bit a man." live in amity and kindness." But 207 and 196 to complete h i s In essence, "Candle- in t h e since they are not "left to them series. Weitz scored a 214, and Dark" is Edman's attempt to an selves," Edman is on purely the Platt a 212. swer the question: "What can we ologlcal ground. do to keep sane in a world gone The first alternative, then, acSheer BLOUSES The narrowest margin of vicmad?" cording to Edman, is to remember tory for the Eskimos over their The belief in democracy, and that the past has also seen Its Pioneer rivals was 32 pins as they • i > for your suits.»» the hypothesis of the self-improv- scourges. Man has always emerged took a clean sweep of their match. in white and stripes. ability of humanity were the dog- cleansed and strengthened. Th< Platt'e 598 was assisted by George 32 to 40. mas which kept encouraging men experience of history is ample to Schapiro with 525. The team to Ignore the occasional outbursts justify man's faith in the resur- scored an even 2,400. O95 of national insanity and of in- rection of those values which now dividual violence which marked seem buried. The" Pioneers, who never pressed history. A profound faith in the I Guide to Perplexed their competitors closely, scored ' apward spiralling of history kep For those who cannot accept a top of 787 in their second game, nut now <a prodding leaders in every progres- even that degree of faith, Edman Seymour Cohn was high with 514 sive movement of thought and ac- holds out another flickering can- next WEB Greenberg's 481. \ tion to continue with their efforts, dle over "the abyss of despair.' gut If 1940, apex of a giari It Is to enjoy the comforts anc After nearly giving up in th( structure ot faith and courage and pleasures of this moment "I: hope, is. Instead, the nadir, of dis- men forget that the future will fllusloament, what can all the some-day be a present, they forOOBBEOT AFPJUIEL TOn HEN &RD WOUEH ©rinciples of improvement have get, too, that the present Is al- For ' Rent — B rooms, • ell teen But self-embittering obib- ready here, and that even in a modern. Downstairs. Reafjoleths? dark time some of the brightness sonable. WE 5557. Attempting to escape from the for. which they long is open W the_
J. C C Bo¥/Iiof
, ascib. l@c Ib. . . .ISc Ib.
Frid*y, February 9, 1940
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tim.es, used to Juggle with fclgtt couliatitsg witli a trij) t& houdon knives . . . That Michel Eycsut by & l&iat delegation reportedly de MoEtaigce, the great French scb.eds.ltd for aa early date. The essayist, was part Jewish . . That del.fcgs.tiou will seek abolition of one of the source bocks of mediev- United Eiagdc-is duties &a PalesThe Youcg Judaea Council held al mathematics was a treatise oa tine oranges &ad will apply for a its moD.tL.Jy meeting Wedatsday geometry by Abraham bar Hiyya, long-term loan to as&ist the citrus night at the Jewish Community which was translated iato L&tir. industry, it was r e j o ited. Fre» MORRIS AiZENBERG, Correspondent Center. The Council is composed . . , That the invention of the lead Quent conferences of Arab and of the president and advi&or o pencil is credited to Liocel Ben- Jewish citrus growers are being each of the BIZ Ytrang Judaes jamin Cohen, EE Irish Jew of the held to effect trade improvement groups. 18tli century . . . That there's a through co-operation between the Reports were given by the va- theory that the word Amen, used two groups. rious chairmen as follows: Mar- by Christians, Mohammedans and High Comiaissloaer MacMichul cella Mosow, merits; Sarah Sawas originally an oath in- promised Government aid for Pal^ The Hebrew Mothers Associa- doff, fiaa&ee; Rosana Dike! Jews, the name of an Egyptian estine's stricken citrus industry to tion will hold their annual dance Young Judaea Council. The prob- voking Amon . . . And that the single a joint delegation of Arab and oa February 24 at the Bellevue lems of the various groups were god, tax movement of Henry George Jewish growers. The High Con* Ballroom. Johnny Koch and orgoes back to the Biblical legisla- mlssloaer eaid he would submit On Wedneday, February 7, £t chestra will play. Mrs. It. H. Em- discussed. tion in Leviticus XXV . . . to the Treasury detailed plans for <:30 P. si., Sioux City Lodg»a lein is chairman of the affair. ElABOUT PEOPLE Mt. Sinai No 598 o£ B'aai B'rlth will con- aborate plans have been made for loans to citrus growers aud a mw» duct an Initiation ceremony for the dance. The proceeds will go You-never-can-tell department: atorlum oa debts and would WBefc Friday night services will be- David Ben Shalom, wrestling means to increase the number of one of the largest classes of in- for the upkeep of the Talmud Togin at 8 tonight with Rabbi Al- pride of Palestine, who is now in vessels available for exporting cititiates brought in In recent year, rah. bert S. Goldstein speaking on the this country, was a prize student rus, consisting of 45 new men. The subject, "Our Town." Initiation is to take place at the at the Chasam Sofer Yeshiva, rab«OB1»HON, • Jewish Community Center in binical seminary of Bratislava, » MASKS, Sioux City. Czechoslovakia . . . And VIcki "lUMJSKA aaa fct* The Initiation is to be followed Baum, famed German novelist JOB WANTED by an address by Phillip M. who now lives in the U. S. and NOTICES B¥ PUBLICATION ON FEWKlutznlck of Omaha, Nebraska, has advanced to the stage where TION SWS BETTU5MKNT Of M H i i (In this column we present some wor' • :• the first vice-president of Disthy individual seeking e m p 1 oyment. she can write her stories in Eng- D I I N I m L m O N ACCOUNT. Anyone wishing to get in touch with trict Grand Lodge No. 6 of B'nal lish without outside assistance, In the County Court of Douglas Countf, The Center Players will pre- the applicant please call Dorothy Mer- started life as an Infant prodigy Nebraska. B'rith. Mr. Klutzniclc, born at fet the Jewish Community Center.) Kansas City, Missouri, July 7, sent three one-act plays at the lla High In the Matter of the Estate of Janw# School graduate, cap- at the harp, giving public concerts Cunningham Deceased: 1907, is now an attorney in Oma- Jewish Community Center on able of doing at the age of eight . . . Congratu- AU personsJr.interested secretarial work, said nutttat ha, Nebraska, associated with the Monday, February 5, at 8:30 p. anxious to get employment. The ations to Dr. Ilirsh Rosenfeld of are hereby lMittfted that onIn the 25th d»y law firm of Webb, Beber, Klutz- m. These plays are under the gen- applicant is conscientious and Montreal, who In a couple of of January 1810 Jfemca T. Cunningham filed a petition In eaid County nlck and Kelly. Mr. Klutznick re- eral direction of Mr. Willard ambitious. weeks is marrying Dora Kofsky, praying that his final adminlBtratlonCourt, Mf ~*»»celved his elementary education reene, and include: "Auf Wlethe Canadian Jewish beauty prize 'count filed herein be settled «nd allowed, and that tie lie discharged from his trust dersehn," directed by Reuben Coin Kansas City, Missouri, then atwinner whose knowledge of He- as administrator feftd, that a bearing will tended the University of Kansas, hen, with a cast which includes brew enabled her to serve as the Vie bad on said petition lufore «&id Court day of February 1910, and the University of Nebraska and Sylvia Friedman, Rose Sperling, ate Reuben Bralnin's private sec- on theIf 2ith Orthodox Synagogues you fail to appear before said Crelghton University. While at- Arnold Baron, Maurice Raskin, retary for several years . . . Did that Court on the said 21th day of February tending Creighton University, he Myron Heeger and Cecil Pill. A. M., and contest said Services will begin tonight at you know that former Supremo 1S40 at 9theo'clock Court may grant the prayer became a member of Phi Beta "The Bum's Rush," directed by 5;15 and in the morning at 9:00. ourt Justice Louis D. Brandeis petition, of said petition, enter a decree of heir* . Epsllon. Irvin Lunin, portrayed by Morey Rabbi S. Bolotnikov will speak, in neither has a watch nor wants ship, and make such other and furthe? orders, allowances and decrees as to this Merlin, Maurice Raskin, Jules he morning at the Tlphereth Is- one? . . . He doesn't believe in be- Court He has been active In various Friedman, may seem proper, to the end that George Feinberg, and ng a slave to time . . . Max Mann all matters pertaining to Bald estate maf rael synagogue. civic bodies over a number of Irvin Lunin. be finally settled and determined. (Manischewitz Matzoth to you) yews, being a member of the BRYCE CRAWFORD, "She Must Marry a Doctor," was all set recently for a big-time 2-2-10-3t American, Omaha, and Nebraska directed County JTwlgi by Walter Woskoff, inradio broadcast of his famous State Bar Asociations. He ws for- luding Earl Novlch, George sleep-coaxing music . . . The speWEBB, BEBKH, KLUTZNICK t) merly executive secretary of A. Shindler, Sophie Slutsky, Goldie cial radio wires had been inIilXUey, Attys. Z A.; chairman of the Budget Lehman, Chaises Shindler, and 200 Service Ufe lildf. stalled and it was almost time for Committee Federation for Jewish Alyce Tilevitz. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! Mrs. P. Schoen of Chicago, 111., he program to go on the air when TOPublic 6 Service; chairman of the Bureau notice is hereby given that th* he station canceled it—because These plays are open to the has announced the engagement of Jewish Education; Advisory^ public. Admission is only 25 partnership lately existing between Alfnd hey were afraid that automobile W. Petersen and Mill Gerellck both of and coming marriage of her Committee West Central States Omaha, Douglas County, Hebta^ka, awl daughter, Myrtle J. Schoen to Mr. drivers listening to the broadcast doing Region National Council of Jew- cents. business at Omaha, Nebraska, i n * Sam Cohen, 402 Sioux Apts. The might fall asleep at the wheel and der the firm name of "P * O Motof ish Federations and Welfare hus cause serious traffic acciSupply Company" was on the 21th day wedding date has been set for Funds; and a member of the Exof January, 1910, dissolved by mutttu February 25. The wedding will dents . . . Expected here some agreement ecutive Committee of the Omaha the parties thereto. i. Ime this month is Miss Anna , That all ofdebts ake place in Chicago. owing to the eaid flr«»* ' JSlonist District. •"reud, daughter and close collab- are to be collected by Phil OereUck, a n * all demands against said firm are to b» „ Mr. Klutznlck is a past presof her famous father, the presented Mr. and Mrs. Max Holdowsky orator to him for payment and aett ident of Omaha Lodge No. 354 of "ounder of psychoanalysis . . . returned after a two week visit 'roudest member of the audience ment. B'nai B'rith, past president of the Dated this 24th day of January. 19*0. . n New York with relatives and on the opening night of "Two on A1J-RED J. PETERBOK Omaha Zionist District, and past PHIL OEREUCK. Monthly meeting of the Sioux rlend. president of the West Central an Island," Elmer Rice's new 2-2-10-lt States Region National Council ity chapter of the National play, was Sylvia Sidney, wife of GKOlUNSJCaV MAKER * Of Jewish Federations and Wel- ouncil of Jewish Women will be he show's star, Lather Adler . . . HONSIIV,CQIIEM Attorneys fare Funds. He is also a member a 1 o'clock luncheon on February 5 at the Jewish Community Cen-of the Board of Trustees of Beth[Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts NOTICE of CHATTEL MORTGAGE • El Synagogue of Omaha, Ne- ter. NOTICE 13 HEREBY O.IVEN that V* (Continued from Page 11) Feature Syndicate) Mrs. A. I. Sacks will introduce braska. the 10th day of February, 1040, at ten a major operation . . . FellcltaMrs. Eugene Alfred who will reo'clock A. M., at the premises known a» There is also to bo an address lons to Jack Benny for his sevAlt Parking Co., SIS South ITU* Street; by Mr. B. Sherman of New York, view "Abe Lincoln in Illinois." snth successive election as the Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bid* representing the Jewish Labor Mrs. Alfred is a prominent club nation's m o s t popular radio woman who is well known for her der for cash: i , Committee and the joint Boycott omedian . . . We've not yet heard One 1032 8-Cyllnder Pontlao CoachCouncil, who is touring the Unit- book reviews. Mrs. I. J. Rocklln of a lawyer who doesn't like Judge Motor No. 23J8502, : ' . . 7 ed States on behalf of these or- will give the invocation. Mrs. Leo Birdie Amsterdam, first woman covered by a chattel mortagage made, ex. Jhaiken and Mrs. A. Kroloff are ganization. Mr. Sherman will ecuted and delivered toy Elmer L. Clark o be elected to sit in the New on or about September 14th, 1939, In speak concerning the conditions n charge of luncheon affairs, York Municipal Court, but a lot favor of the Jack tlncoln Motor Co., rilMrs. Emil Levlch and Miss Vel•><c/*r of the refugees In Europe. ed of record in the office of the County of barristers are having trouble ma Beechem will provide decoraClerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, oa Since 16 yeara of age he has remembering that in her court the October 2nd, 1030, and assigned to t»» been active in social affairs. He tions with an Abe Lincoln motif. radltional phrase should be American Loan Plan, end upon which said has been national secretary and mortgage there ia now due - the sum of changed to "if her honor pleases" $03.00. Said sale will bo for the purpose) .editor for fifteen years of an of(Continued from page 1.) of foreclosing eatd mortgage, for the coats ficial organ of a left Poale Zlon of tho calo, end an accruing. costs, and WEIZMANN WIT proposals to suspend the White Party During his extensive travfor the purpose of satisfying iba abet* The other day John Gunther mitn now due and owing. No suit els he has obtained first hand The Youth Council held its entertained Dr. Chaim Weizmann Paper for the duration of tno war, stated cttar procccainea at law hare been.InInformation about Jewish condi- monthly meeting January 31 at at his home, the other guesta In- or at least for a year, as had been or stituted to recover.said debt, or any part tions in other lands and Pales- the Jewish Community Center. cluding some of America's fore- proposed to the Government on thereof. AMERICAN I/)AN PLAN tine, He Is vice-chairman of the The new policy of the Youth most Journalists . . . When some- the ground that the situation was 2 * HARRY B. COHEN- < Jewish Labor committee and is Council, inaugurated this year of body asked Weizmann just how greatly altered since the Palestine ,, „ , . Its Attorneys* one of the representatives from sponsoring Youth -Council activ- well he knew Gunther, the presi- policy was propounded and differ- l-26-40-3t OtONHKV, GIIOU1NSKV, S1ABEH * this organization to the general ities jointly with one of the dent of the World Zionist Organi- ent conditions prevailed today. COHEN, Attorneys Meanwhile, Colonial Secretary Jewish Council. member organizations has proven zation replied: "We know each receiving a NOTICB Of CHATTEL MORTGAGE 8 A l $ very successful. other so well that at the last Zion- Malcolm MacDonald, of the orthodox Agu, t It has given the organization st Congress Mr. Gunther dis- delegation dath Israel, expressed sympathy NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on a part in the planning of a city- patched a demand for my resig- with the 19th day of February, 1910, at tea the plight of Jewish refugees o'clock A. M., at the premises known as wide activity and has assisted the nation" . . . On another occasion, "The Land of Make-Believe,' Youth Council In the greater sup- when Dr. Weizmann was talking from Poland, declared that he was Alt Parking Co., 515 South 17th' Street; now discussing with Palestine Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned will trill be the first production pre- port of that activity. with a number of financial and High Commissioner Sir Harold A. sell at public auction to the highest bideented by the Center Children's der for cash: So far this year the W..E. J. theatrical notables, among them MacMlchael the Question of forth- One Used 1931 Chevrolet Sedan automo* Theater. A fantasy In three acts Sam Behrman and Clare Bootho, coming Immigration schedules and bile. Motor No. 4341601, Serial No. 1 D , club was co-sponsor of the Paper •with attractive settings, costumes A. Q530301, he was asked (by Mlsa Boothe, if by & chattel mortgage made, ex* and lighting, promises to be an Drive; the Dramatic Club and the you must know) what he, as a Indicated that immigration certif- covered ecuted and delivered by Herbert O. Brlggs outstanding presentation. The cast Skating Party; the A. Z. A. will chemist, would consider the for- icates would be reserved for Jew- on or about December 5th, 1038, in favor Includes: Buddy Rich, Bertll Ro- co-opera.te with the Council in mula expressing the chemical ish leaders and rabbis. of the Jack Lincoln' Motor Co., tiled of working out plans for Brotherin the offlco of the County Cleric Solution of tho Palestine prob- record eenatock. Leonoro Marx, MaTgy make-up of a Jew . . . "Thirty per Douglas County, Nebraska, on DecemSperling, Harriet Chesen, Hessle hood Day; the Eplurum the Clock cent fear, thirty per cent chutz- lem by assigning the Transjordan of ber loth, 1838. and assigned to the American Loan Plan; and upon which said Sperling, Judith Blecker, Joyce Raffle; and the W. E. J. will pah and forty per cent sweetness," to an Arab State and the Clsjor- mortgage there is now due the sum of Stein, James Stein, Etta Lee Gins- assist with the Sweater Hop which waa the Weizmann reply . . . dan to the Jews is urged In the $105.25. Said sala will be for the purpose burg, Arthur Kaplan, Marvin will be held at the Center Feb- Whereupon both Mr. Behrman and current issue of Palestine, organ of foreclosing eaid mortgage, for the cost* ruary 10. of the sole, and aU accruing costs, ana of the British Palestine CommitMazie, David Mazie, Connie MerMiss Boothe were observed to tako tee. The periodical contends that for the purpose of satisfying the above) lin, Suzanne Merlin, Donna Jean stated sum now dua owing. No w i t notes—so that you needn't be sur- the war has brought this solution or other proceedings and fat? have been Harris, Evelyn Sherman, Ruth WOMEN'S LEAGUE TO prised 'if you hear thla - descrip- definitely within the bounds of instituted to recover at said debt, or any Valk, Estelle Mushkin, Darlen HOLD ONEG SHABBAT tion In a Broadway play somB day political • possibility" and points part thereof. Jacobs, Alys Mason, Loreen KapAMERICAN LOAN PLAN out that tho White Paper of last By HARRY B. COHEN lan, Morris Rich, Dickie TurchThere will be an Oneg Shab- DEFORMATION PLAYS l-20-40-3t Ita Attorneys* spring has been defeated by "bit-* en, Leonard Skalovsky, Serene bat of the Womens' League of Things we never knew before ter facts."' , Sperling. Shaaro Zlon on Saturday after- but have learned from the Uni- Arab-Jewish Relations Improve There will be no ticket sale noon at 3 o'clock at the home of versal Jewish Encyclopedia, the Jerusalem (JTA)—Restabllshand all parents and friends are Mrs. A. H. Baron. Miss Rachel first of whose ten volumes has al- ment of Jewish medical offices in invited to attend Sunday after- Bernstein will speak on "Isaiah", ready appeared, include the fact Arab towns was seen as another noon, February l i , at 3:00, at Cantor Pemick will lead In the that Greek inscriptions of Jewish indication of improving Arab-Jewsinging of folk Bongs. the Jewish Community Center. origin in ancient times are found ish relations. The newspaper Hato be almost as numerous as those boker reports that several Jewish written! in Hebrew and Aramaic doctors of Tel Aviv, mostly immiShaaro Zion Music Appreciation . . . That one of the earliest known grants from Germany, have set Friday night services will be- statues of St. Francis of Assist up offices in Jaffa and others are Continuing with the discussion Let George Gates and' was the work of a 13th-century settling down-In Ramleh and Lydof famous symphonies, Miss Ed- gin tonight at 8 with Cantor Per- Spanish Jewish sculptor . . , That . Lee Grossman? tsrarda Metz will discuss Franck'a nlck and the choir chanting the Levi bea Gershon Invented a quad- da. AH Jewish doctors left Arab, towns and villages after the murservices. Rabbi H. R. Rablnowitz J. C. C. Instructors* Symphony Tuesday, February 6, rant, called Jacob's Staff, which of Dr. Joseph Lohr at Belsan 6t 8:0 0. The complete symphony will speak on ''Bv, Cyrus Adler, was used by navigators from about der during the 1937 Arab disorders. will be played before the Music A Logical Choice." Saturday 1480 to 1750 . . . That Rabbi Levi will begin at 9 Meanwhile, Arab-Jewish co-opAppreciation Class following a morning services Bar Sisal, a notable of ancient eration in the citrus industry is O ' c l o c k , - ' ';. ' ' '[.\: '•••/•; ' • ' 1 - ' \ W discussion.
Young Judaea Council
Hebrew"Mothersto Hold Annual Dana
Society News
Strictly Confidential
Youth Council
Children's Theater