_ M Second Class Mall Matter on January SI, M l , at lot, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March I. 1ST*
WILL PRESENT YIDDISH MOVIE "Yiddle with His Fiddle" • •'. t o B e Shown a t J. C. C. Presentation of the Yiddish {novie "Yiddle with His Fiddle" * n Sunday evening, February 25, and Monday evening, February SM), at the Jewish Community Cenier will mark one of the rare cinema appearance of Molly Picon, noted star of the Yiddish stage. The picture is being shown here Under the auspices of the Bikur Cholim Society. F u n d s will, be
* m $ ••'•
Molly Ficon
S. D. T* Convention Will Be Held Hen
Campaign Plans Are Now Being : Mapped •
Sigma Delta Tau sorority wll hold its first mid-western conven tion here June 21-25 ¥?'reactiv and alumnae member/ 'een chapters from the Ui jites and Canada will gathf K /Ho tel Paxton for the / «? iona organisation's t e n t h s inua convention. / S J? • Alumnae and act' ^ U Theta chapter of the Uni/ . '§ it Nebraska will act as s £j "C • Josephine Rubnltz will) B ° ; alumnae convention cha' *« j§ nd S ma Zveitel of Grf S «* nd will act as active conW •< airman Mrs. Edward i L ^ iari, jr., of Chattanooga, national president, will preside at the sessions.
Rabbi Silver to Address Annual Meeting March 1 4 The annual meeting of the Federation for Jewish Service will be held on Thursday evening, March 14, according to announcement mode by Mr. William I*. Holzman president. Rabbi Abba Hillel gilver, chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, will be principal speaker. v "The A n n u a l Meeting of the federation," Mr. Holzman stated in his announcement, "is really the Annual Gathering of the Jew(Continued on Page 9.),
Morris Jacobs
AN EDITORIAL Philanthropies Chairman
"With the appointment of a chairman, the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign for 1940 may well he said to he tinder way. The choice of Morris Jacobs as chairman of this year's drive hrings capable and energetic leadership at a most critical moment in our history. ; " , . „ Each year we have thought the climax of Jewish suffering had been reached but instead each year the need has beI s r a e l . . . ' • • ,;"'••-, .•'•:.' '•:• •' ; I *. Rer. Johnson is assistant minis- come greater and the area of hardship increased. Again ter of the Plymouth Congregation- American Jewry is called upon to do its share - - a very minor al Church in Des Molnea and is share, too - - in giving help and succor to European Jews. Religious News Reporter for RaThe scope of the tragedy escapes our imagination.; I t is dio Station WHO. Uiltil 1938 he J,The annual dance of the Beth was dean of men at Drake Univer- difficult for us who live in absolute freedom and equality, who go about our daily work without noticeable discrimina161 autlliary will take place to- sity.-' ' .-'- •:••• • His sermon this evening will be tion, who-live under decent conditions, to understand just morrow night, February 24, at the faxton hotel ballroom1. Music by in observance of National Broth-' what is happening in Europe. ' . Gary and -his orchestra, will he erhood Week. Having himself traveled abroad only recently, Mr. Jacohs , feUyed from 10 p. m. to 1 a. m. '<•; A number Of novel ideas have brings to his titanic job an understanding of the problems to '.been worked out to make this a be faced. He has seen what is happening to our European pleasant evening for young and brethren and realizes the task that lies before us. tild. Many couples from Sioux City The importance of the chairman of a Philanthropies Cam-, fcnd Lincoln are planning to at- Everett,R. Clinchy, director of tend the affair. the National Conference ot Chris- paign cannot be minimized. Extraordinary talents are necesj. Mrs. A. V.. Veneer la chairman tiana and Jews,< will speak on sary at this time. But without the co-operation of every single wad is telng assisted by Mrs, M,"Dangers and Opportunities In Jew in the community, the chairman cannot do his job as it 'Al Venger, The committee in American Life" at an inter-faith T cb&rge of arrangements includes: luncheon to be held on Tuesday, must be done. J>r. and Mrs. David 0. Platt, Mr. March 5, at the Y. M. C. A. At this moment in history the Jews pf America are being %ii& Mrs, Arthur Colin and Mr. Attendance will be limited to given a golden gift - - the ability to Bave a Iife7 the opportunity ' And Mrs. J. Malashock. • 40 persona from each of the three to rescue.human souls from degradation. Th& choice"before participating groups. Dr. Clinchy.*ias contributed a us is clear-cut.- -We are not a people who shirk our duties andnumber of articles to "The Jew- responsibilities. We do not shut our ears" to the cries of our ish Press.". unfortunate brothers. trted lor the support of the organ|tation's hospital program. (* Members of the committee In fharge ot the project are: Mjes, (Continued on page 2.)
The Rev. WiHard Johnson, secretary of the Iowa-Nebraska Region of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, will speak on "Popular Fallacies Which Threaten Our i>emocfacy" this evening at the regular services of Temple
Dr. CKndfiy Will Speak on March 5
A number of important personalities of the- Mizrachl organization will be in Omaha for the Midwestern Mizrachi Conference which is to take place in Omaha, March 8, 9, and 10. Among the guests expected are: Mr. Leon . Gellman, president of the Mizrachi O r g a n i z a t l o n of America; Dr. Manuel Laderman of Denver, president of the Regional Organization of Mizrachi; Rabbi Paul J. Bender of Duluth, Minn.; Rabbi Maurice D.. S o l o m o n of Kansas,City; and Babbi L. Ginsberg of Denver. The program, as tentatively outlined, will include.a M'lave Malke gathering S a t u r d a y evening, March 9, at the C o n g regation B'nai Israel; special addresses at the synagogues .on Friday evening and Sabbath morning; and a full day of conferences at the Jewish Community Center, with banquet In the evening.
Rabbi Israel Next On Center Forum
. Rabbi Edward Israel of Baltimore, Md., will be next speaker oh the Center Forum on Tuesday; March 6. His address will deal with the subject "Danger Zones in Our Social Order." Rabbi Israel la considered as the "outstanding spokesman of Jewish social idteals" in America.
Announcement was made last week that Morris K. Jacobs will head the 1040 Jewish l'hllantliropies campaign. Mr, Jaco)>3 headed the Initial Gift division In 1U34 and has been active; in Philanthropies campaigns for m a n y years. •"''". In accepting the chairmanship of the campaign, Mr. Jacobs said: "If our fellow Jews In Nazi Germany, in Austria, in Czecho-Slovakia, in Poland, and in the other countries where the sword of total It aranlsm hangs over their heads, were permitted to speak for themselves, they would tell even more than we know of the horror that they, their wives end their children have been compelled to endure. They dare not speak. It Is bur duty to speak for them. They dare not answer Hitler; we must and uliall answer for them." •.-•>* "Our answer must be clear and unequivocal. It should find a cheering echo in ©very corner of the globe where our fellow Joyra are now lying prostrate. T h i s will constitute our message .of true fellowship ami deep understanding; a message that will rekindle the spark of faith, a n d hope, and courage, and fortify them in their desperate battle fop life. Our answer will reflect the measure of our sincere desire to stand by them in these darkest days of all history." Mr. Jacobs, who is affiliated with Bozell and Jacobs advertising agency, has long been active In civic and communal affaire. He is vice-president and a member of the board of trustees of Temple Israel and of the executive committee of the Omaha Jew(Continued on page 9.)
, Cairo Benefit Concert " Cairo (JTA) — King Farouk attended a Red Crescent benefit concert of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra here. Bronfelaw Hubefman,-violinist and founder, of the orchestra, came from Jerusalem to play the Mendelssohn "Concerto in E Minor."
Warns on Anti-Semitism
London (JTA) — A warning against the danger pf overlooking Renews Pledge t o Britain MaH t o Poland anti-Jewish propaganda in Eng'• Geneva (JTA) — The InternaLondon (JTA) —^British £ew- land Is sounded by the Jewish. ,. tional Red .Cross announced that ry is unreservedly "devoting' itself Chronicle in ah" editorial "which Soviet and German authorities, had to the services'of Britain" In fight- Stresses -the" fact" that' the" "N(uf» informed them .that'normal, postal ing for civilization, Prof. Selig show themselves plainly and inclearance Jfor letters and'/c a r d s Brodetsky* said at a luncheon jgJLv/creasingly ' conscious * of' the,;prov- '• from, neutral countries to all parts en by the Jewish Representative/' en'Talue to'themselres of Iwa for- . of Poland'had been reestablished. Council 4n his honor, .' \ eign anll-Je-wish propaganda.** »
Page 10
Friday, February 16, 1940
home of Mr, Goldstein and h i s bride. . Mr., and Mrs. I. Mirkin, 1626 Villa avenue, announced the engagement of tfaeir d a u g h t e r , E&ther, to Mr. Abraham A. Cohen MORRIS AiZENBERG, Correspondent of Winona, Minn., son of Mr. Peter Cohen of St. Paul. The (Continued from page 1.) (Continued from page 1.) wedding will take place in midspring. within the next four months. Sev- ganize the Arab working masses, eral thousand Poles and Jews are two previous efforts having failOn Monday evening, February being expelled daily, packed into ed. 19, the Ivre club will hold a stag filthy, unheated cattle cars. The Chamber of Commerce has Polish sources here state that called a special meeting to considdinner ifi honor of the engage600,000 Jews alone will be exment and approaching marriage of er ways and means to prevent in* from Lodz and Kielce dis- troductlon of an income tax. The With the fine co-operation of Mr. Sam Cohen. Over 50 mem- pelled Dr. Israel Knox, national direcThe property of both Poles A r a b Chamber of Commerce is. tor of the English speaking divi- the many organizations, the final bers are expected to attend. Mr. tricts. Jews will be confiscated be- also opposing income taxation. sion of the Workmen's Circle, will plans for the Federation's annual Sol Novitsky is chairman of the and fore their expulsion, it was reAttend Church Service speak in Sioux City Sunday, Feb- banquet, to be held February 28, event. ported. ruary 18. He will speak at 3 are being completed. The Old A group of 120 Hebrew UniRed Cross Shipment O'clock in the afternoon at the People's Home will have charge of On Saturday afternoon at 1:30 versity students attended service* Jewish Community Center for all the kitchen; the A. W. R.'s will the employees of Cohen Whole- . Meanwhile, a large shipment of at the Church of the Nativity in American Red Cross supplies puryoung people from the ages of 18 act as waitresses; the Eplurum sale will give a luncheon in honor Bethlehem, making the first time club the taking care of the check- of the approaching marriage of chased, from a 1250,000 fund for in the past four years that Jews to 25. Polish relief has arrived in Cra- have visited the city. The local His subject will be "Jewish Life room; the Council of J e w i s h Mr. Sam Cohen. cow. The shipment c o n s i s t e d press welcomed the visit as a furIn Present World Conditions." At Women will have charge of the 8:30 p. m., he will speak at an dining room and also of the ticket Miss Rose Bereskin of Winne- mainly of medicines, bandages, ther symptom of Improving rela« open meeting to which the entire sale. Because of limited space, peg, Canada, is visiting with Mr. shoes and clothing. tion between the Jews and the Jewish, community ia invited. His only 300 reservations c a n be and Mrs. M. Bereskin and family, According to reports received rest of the population. topic for the evening will be 'The taken. The committee urges any- 1809 East Seventh, while en route here the supplies are being disFigures just published by the Economic and Literary Future of one wishing to attend the banquet to Los Angeles. tributed by the German and Pol- Jewish Agency show a considerto get their reservations in early. the Jew." ish Red Cross authorities to Poles able increase in agricultural proPresent plans indicate that this and Jews. Nazi authorities have duction during the past year. ProColumbia Graduate denied that any of the funds have duction of vegetables rose from Dr. Israel Knox was educated will be one of the most outstandbeen diverted for the use of Ger- 14,500 tons in 1938 to 16,000 tons in the public schools of New Ha- ing banquets we have ever had. man relief. In 1939. Milk output i n c r e a s e d ven, Conn., at the College of the The American Red Cross re- from 32,500,000 liters to 34,500,City of New York, and at Columcently sent James T, Nicholson to 000 liters. Egg production soared' bia university, where he received Cracow to supervise the distribu- to 58,000,000 from 4S.000.000 in his Ph. D. degree in June, 1936. tion of Red Cross supplies after 1938. A g r i c u l t u r a l products He has contributed several papers (Continued from page 1.) the relief agency had received re- bought good prices during the to "The Journal of Philosophy" serve as vice-chairman, is a past ports that Nazi authorities were year. and "The International Journal of president of the Omaha lodge and discriminating against Jews in the Ethics" and is the author of "The On Tuesday evening, February was president of District No. 6 in distribution of A m e r i c a n purAesthetic Theories of Kant, HePatronize Our Advertisers gel, and Schopenhauer" (Colum- 20, the'Women's League of Shaare 1937. Harvey Leon, appointed as chased supplies. Nicholson was Zlon will hold a silver tea open to secretary of the convention com- permitted to enter Cracow only on bia University Press). menfolks. Mrs. L. J. Kaplan mittee, served as chairman of the inspection visits. His book has been very favor- the preside. The program will be lodge publication committee, editably received in academic as well will "Americans All-Immigrants All." ing the "B'nai B'rith Brevities," as popular journals. Along with Appearing will be four choirs. winner of third place in last year's Nebraska Power his general studies, Dr. Knox has The Swedish, Greek, Polish and. national contest for B'nai B'rith maintained from his early youth Wins Sales Award an interest in Jewish culture and Jewish choirs will participate. A lodge publications. I. B. Zimman, progressive' causes. He has lec- number of S0I03 will be presented named treasurer, has been active Nebraska P o w e r Company's tured widtfiy before YMHA's, Jew- by members of the choir. Some In community and B'nai B'rith af- home lighting Bales 0 a m p a ign, of the group will appear in nafairs for many years. ish Centers, -women's organizaconducted October 1 to December Eddie Cantor May Attend tions and numerous other organi- tional costumes. won first national honors in Attendance for this convention a31home zations. He. has written several lighting equipment sales is estimated at 1,000 delegates contest conducted essays on Yiddish literature to apFederation to Meet by the Edison and visitors, and tentative plans Electric Institute with pear In coming issues of "T h e headquartfor the three-day conference have Menorah Jou'^al," and has conThe board of directors of the ers in New York, according to been proposed by the executive tributed to me literary monthly Federation will meet Tuesday, word received today. "Die Zukunft." February 20, at 8:30 at the Jew- committee. Highlight affair of Miss Felicia R a n d all, home ish Community Center. This will the entire conclave will be a pre- lighting; specialist ot N e b r a ska cision banquet at Ak-Sar-Ben colibe the last meeting preceding the Power was advised that her reseum. Federation banquet. port on tho local campaign, in Eddie Cantor, nationally known A resume of the year's activiwhich residential customers were ties of the Federation will be giv- Jewish movie comedian, has been shown how tho n o w low rates en at this meeting and recommen- invited as guest speaker and has granted by the company October dations will be made for next tentatively accepted the invitation 1 makes greater electric servico year's activities. Final plans will to be here. An entire day will available to them at no extra cost, The next Hadassah Oneg Shab- be made the annual banquet be spent at the Highland Country was the unanimous choice of the l a t will be held in the home of which willfor be held February 28. club with a field day, barbeque judges for first and a $50 cash - Mrs. Charles Raskin with Mrs. and dance planned for the dele- prize. Max Haligman as co-hostess on gates. • 8aturday, February 24. A pro- Officers Named B'nai B'rith d e l e g a t e s and gram concerning youth activities guests will also be honored at a Campaign for Tolerance Chicago (JTA) — The Internabe presented. Refreshments of the Ak-Sar-Ben Den By Ivre Club showing be served. show one night, and a luncheon tional Council of Religious EducaOn Tuesday, February 6, the in honor of the delegates will be tion decided to launch a national crusade against religious intolerIvre club held its annual election planned. Dramatic Club to " of officers. Frank Margolin was Outstanding feature of t h e ance, elected president; Sol Novitsky, business sessions to be conducted Enter Contest vice-president; Abe Sadoff, secre- will be the elevation of Philip M.' la addition to presenting t h e tary; Eli Robinow, treasurer. The Klutznick, now first vice-presi-Broadway hit, "Spring Song," on new officers were Installed by E. dent, to the office of president ofJ April 15 and 16, the Center Play- N. Grueskln at an installation cer- District No. 6. Klutznick will be> • era are again entering the city- emony at the Mayfair hotel. Re- the fifth Omaha man to be elected to this office. wide one-act play contest to be freshments were served. The others were Henry Monsky, held at Central High school. The Sam Leon, Sam Beber and Dr. A. play chosen is "West Eighty." To Speak Greenberg. Reports of district The cast will include; Lillian committees on all phases Rivin, Arnold Baron and Maurice Rabbi Albert Goldstein will talk standing Raskin. The play is being direct- at the monthly meeting of the So- of B'nai B'rith program will be discussed at the sessions, as will ed by Maurice Raskim cial Worker's club Tuesday, Feb- current problems of B'nai B'rith ruary 20. He will be the first and World Jewry. of a series of speakers to address INTER-CLUB COUNCIL Announcement will be made In this organization on problems of TO ELECT BOARD minority groups. the near future of the appointment of the various committee The Inter-Club Council, which chairmen and committee members Is composed of the president or a Shaare Zion by Harry Malashock, convention representative of almost every chairman. The Omaha Chamber Friday night services will begin of Commerce will assist with the Jewish organization in the city, Will hold a meeting from 7:30 to this evening at 8 o'clock with arrangements for the convention. 8:30 Tuesday, February 20, at the Cantor Pernick and the choir Jewish Community C e n t e r . A chanting the services. Mr. MarboaTd of directors for 1940 will vin Klass will occupy the pulpit. Italian Jews toGo His topic for the evening will be be elected at that time. to British Schools "The Changeless World." London (JTA) — The British Children's Theatre Council disclosed that most of the Jewish students f o r c e d by the "The Land of Make-Believe' Ioungo car, Italian a u t h 0 ritles to quit the will be presented Sunday afterdining car, chair CM Council's institutes in Italy have noon, February 18, at 3 at the been reinstated after appeals to Jewish Community Center. The Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Gold- the Italian Government. play was directed by Mrs. Leon stein, .;,r...8:13aia" ti. Omaha..,*.'.'..6:10pa| ' The Council has also arranged who were married Sunday Marx. Thirty children participate afternoon 09,7M';• 7:53pa _. >Ri. Chicago.,,.,.6:00dS^to have its own teachers go on to at the Warrior hotel, In -the cast which is headed by left Monday for Chicago on their Jewish schools to g i v e English . ra&sp ear, Pullmans Pullmans (may bs occupied at < Leonore Marx, Arthur Kaplan, east for a two-week trip. Mrs. courses. l&adardon'JtoulHst), dhung caV, *" <Sago until 7:00' am),'l .Marvin Mazie and Dickie Turchen. way is the former Bernlce '.' Everyone is invited to attend Goldstein Galinsky, daughter of Mr. and this colorful production. There Mrs. Abraham J. Galinsky, 2022 \ will be no charge for admission. Nebraska \|v< Omaha.............. 12:48m ' ' street. Rabbi Albert Chicago............. 8:38a^~. . . • " " Goldstein of Mount Sinai temple, i §410, Pulbnana, obsorvallon-p Orthodox Synagogues read the marriage service in the if, chair can, cocktail loungv presence ot 75 relatives a n d , Services will begin tonight at friends, who remained for a wed6 and in the morning at 3:30. ding dinner. Rabbi S. Bolotnikor will speak in "The music "was by Mrs. C a r l the morning at the Adas Yeshren Hendrlckson, who sang; Miss Ed- ,S010.46th St. Phono Atlontio 6331 synagogue. wards Mets, pianist, and Miss #. W< SHAHPS, Genera Benlta Mossman, violinist. Mrs. -.Sinai / • Russell Blumenthal* of Omaha and Joseph Fliegel of Minneapolis '• jiui 1 t ^ Services willhegin tonight at were attendants, and Milton Ga8 o'clock vlth Rabbi Albert S. linsky and Edward Glazier were Goldstein speaking on "The Char- ushers. Minneapolis will be the future • S " of aa HONEST MAW."-
Friday. February 16, $840
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By PHINEAS J. BIRON NAZTI STUFF Don't be surprised if that socalled war they're having in Europe develops a sudden shift in alignments as the Allies come to take Gory Goering's peace proposals more seriously . . . Walter Winchell, who tells us to look out for Pauline Kohler's book, "I Was Hitler's Maid," has a new name for Badolf — The Little M a n Who Isn't All There . . . Why, with all that emphasis on unity in the Reich, asks a London Punster, did Hitler ever permit Unity Mitford to return to England? . . . A Columbus youth named John Gunther, evidently as observant as his famous namesake, has returned home from a ninemonth stay in Germany, where he was an "exchange scholarship student," thoroughly disgusted at the Nazis' efforts to make him and other young Americans over into brown-shirted awastika-bearers. . Best wisecrack of the week is credited to a journalist who was attending a party at the home of an American correspondent for Nazi newspapers . . . It seems a sofa caught fire, and somebody cried: "What to do?" . . . "If you want to do it the American way," said the bright boy, "just throw some water on it . . . But if you're doing things the Nazi way, throw some books into the fire" . . . T i n s AND THAT Thanks to the New York Post's Ernest L. Meyer for pointing out that that incident of the 1,800 refugees stuck on a boat on the Danube is merely an instance of life improving on fiction . . . The fiction in this case being Peter Mendelssohn's r e c e n t n o v e l "Across the Dark River," which relates the tribulations of 50 Jews in a similar predicament . . . Eddie Cantor, they say, is eager to give his Long Island estate to a charitable institution, but can't find a taker because said estate lacks a swimming pool . . . A biography of Nicky Arnstein, who was Fanny Brice's first husband, may soon be published by Simon and Schuster . . . Which reminds us that Fanny will not, after all, be Mrs. Hitler in Charlie Chaplin's forthcoming film, "The Dictator" . . . Charlie decided a fuehrer has trouble enough without a missus . . . T h e film, "Four Sons," n o w being planned by Darryl Zanuck, will be perhaps the most daring film ever screened about Germany, we're told . . . The biographer of the famous Hetty Green Is having trouble verifying the stbry that Sigmund Lubin of Philadelphia made some of his early movie thrillers on Mrs. Green's Texas Midland Railroad, and would appreciate firsthand Information in this matter . . . For those who read Hebrew there's a treat in store in "Reuben Brainin's Last Days," a little book just brought out by Raphael Shochett describing the interesting personal life of the late Dean of Hebrew Literature . . , You can get it by sending 15 cents in postage stamps to the Hebrew journal Ramah at 1291 Grant avenue, New York . . . . YOU SHOULD KNOW E m m a Redell, the greatest American-born Wagnerian singer (she was a Jewish girl), who recently died of a heart attack, really died of a broken heart . . . Over 10 years ago she was promised a contract with the Metropolitan Opera, where she belonged, but due to petty politics she never sang on the stage of that institution . . . Tully Filmus, New York Jewish artist, has just completed a portrait study of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt . . . Max Band, the famous Jewish painter now in this country, was offered-a thou(Contlnued on page 12.)
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Friday, February 16, 1 9 4 0
Page 8
Young Judaea
Community Calendar j
Ey D&. '1HE0D0RE H. LEWIS Rabbi, Progressive Syis&g©g«i®, Sa&<skEyu, H. V,
Sunday, February 18 Basketball Games—2 p. m., J. C. C. Beta Tau Kappa—3 p. m., J. C. C. Tau Delta—3 p. in., J. C. C. Omaha Hebrew Club—3 p. m., J. C. C. A. Z. A. No. 100—3 p. m., J. C. C. Junior Hadassah, Dinner—5 p. m., Blackstone hotel.
At the last regular meeting of the Menorah Chapter of Young Judaea a report was given of the drawing which was recently held by the club. Mr. Morris Burstein, who was announced as the winner, made a liberal donation to the club. Cultural and social plans for the remainder of the year are being completed.
mum spiritual sustenance Israel RASHI This year the Jewish world ob- was doomed, hp dedicated himself Monday, February 10 serves the 900th anniversary of to the sacred and imperative task Women's Division, Card Party—1 p. m., J. G. C. the birth of one of its truly great of returning the Torah to Israel. spiritual leaders, Rabbi Solomon Period of Darkness B'nai B'rith—8 p. in., J. C. C. ben Isaac, or as he is affectionAnd in Rashi's day (B. 1040-D. Workmen's Loan—8 p. m., J. C. C. ately known amongst the Jews, 1105) the need for it was exceedA regular business meeting of Rashi. That in this year of in- Inly great. The First Crusade Wednesday, February 21 Theta Lambda was held Tuesday, expressible sorrow and tragedy, shook the Jewish world violently, evening at the home of Bess Grun* Mizrachi—2 p. xn., J. C C. when Jewish communities are be- and uprooted entire Jewish comger. Vlcki Lerner presided. Modern Woodmen's Circle—8 p. m., J. C. C. ing uprooted and annihilated the munities. ' A period of darkness, Plans were made for a slumber Jewish world should pause to oppression, and persecution enIndependent Workmen's Order—8 p. m., J. C. C. p a r t y to be held in the near commemorate the b i r t h of a tered upon Israel which tested the future. unique spiritual hero, is & rare faith of all Jews and found that Thursday, February 22 tribute to our people. of some wanting. Round Table, Forum—8 p. m., J. C. C. C. M. Picciotto Even the most bigoted of antiMany of those who were conLondon (JTA) — Cyril Moses Semites cannot help sense t h e fronted with the terrific choice To list events and to avoid conflicts please call the Jewish PiCeiottOi barrister and leader of spiritual uniqueness of Israel, of either to accept Baptism or ommunity Center—Jackson 1366. Jewish defense activities, d i e d cannot ignore the unforgettable suffer death, were not strong here at the age of 62. He was a fact, which angers him, that west- nough in their faith and emern civilization is built upon the braced the dominant religion, re- awarded a similar key for his an age fitting Into these Institu- member of the Enemy Alien's Tri« morals, the ethics, and the re- turning to Judaism however as icholastic attainment as a fresh- tions will be welcome to partici- bunal. pate in the festivities. Further ligion of Israel. speedily as it was safe to do so. man. Recent appointments to the details of this a f f a i r will be One of the most conspicuous The Jew needed new faith, new evidences of this Jewish spirtual ourage, and above all a fresh relghton honorary g r o u p , the worked out in the near future by joint committee of the Sistergrandeur is the character of those recognition of the beauty and no- Creighton Chamber of Commerce, Jews whom we hold up, prize as bility of Judaism, and of its ab- ncluded Edward Cohn and Shel- hood of the U. O. C. and the heroes, and venerate. With but solute superiority to the daugh- don Waxenberg, who were lnduct- Deborah society. id as associate members. Of the one solitary exception, they a r e er religion, drunk with power. Braes, Bronze, Aluminum, wenty-four members of the group sages, teachers and scholars, men Hash! wrote his commentary for >l Lambda Phi now claims three, Soft Grey Iron and Semiof spirit. The military leaders, he people of his day. Though Steel Castings, Wood and the men of great might or of great he used Hebrew as his medium oe Soshnik having been reapMetal Patterns and Sash lOinted as a full member. achievement in the material world he did not hesitate to introduce Weights carried in stock. The next dinner meeting of the Willard Smith last week travelare utterly ignored. Frenoh terms whenever the ver- ed to Norman, Oklahoma, where Brotherhood of the United OrthoBronze and Cast Iron Amongst Jews, only the intel- nacular was necessary or wise. Grilles a Specialty. dox Congregations will take place he served as Creighton delegate to lectually gifted and spiritually tal- Many of these "Laasim" are of he National Conference of Fra- on Thursday, February 29. ented enjoy prestige, respect and rent value linguistically. 27th and fttertha Sts. ernities. Smith was selected by A program of interest is being d i s t i n c t i o n . Occasionally a Need Toda'y lrtue of his presidency of the planned. Details will be announced wealthy man is admitted into the HASS23 American Jews need a Rashi 'n the near future. pantheon of Jewish worthies, not who would help them to recapture Pan-Hel, interfraternity council. On J a n u a r y 27, the 1939-40 because of his riches but rather the truth, the beauty and t h e because of the noble use to which spiritual majesty of the Bible, in pledge class were hosts to actives and alumni at a clever "Calling of he put it. particular, and of Jewish litera- he Wake" party. It was at this Ills Contribution ture in general. Many problems that the Alumni and other Amongst the great teachers of confront us. None is more baf- party uests were informed of Chi's FOR ALL YVPE-Q OF. OIL BURNERS Israel few occupy so exclusive and fling and alarming than our recognition at the recent convenso beloved a place as Rashi, and spiritual lethargy, our loss of lon. for moat excellent reasons. It is faith, our Ignorance of Jewish Rashi who has rendered accessible iterature and of Judaism. to the average Jew, and to many More than ever in our history, a scholar, the principle sources of Jews are conscious today of the Judaism, the Bible and the Tal- handicap of Jewish birth, and of According to Mrs. M. Goldstein mud. Judaism. More than ever before, and Mrs. J. Raznlck, chairman of Without Itashi's commentary, do they find it exceedingly hard he Pioneer Women's Purlm FesIf anything goes wrong with your oil burner, phone the Talmud Is practically a book to be Jews. In few eras have ival, plans are progressing nice-r Closed with seven seals. Every they been BO humiliated and de- y to make this an outstanding the Milder Oil Co. anytime during tho day or night. Student of this monumental and graded. event. We have Available to servo you capablo burner remarkable literature f o 11 p w s The Purlm carnival will be held And no generation of Jews has mechanics, licensed by tho city, qualified to take care Rashi as closely as the Talmudic ever needed aa sorely as we do on March 17 at the Jewish Comtext itself. Without the explana- the inspiration, the faith and the munity Center and will be an allof any make burner. Order your oil from the Milder tory remarks, without the concise courage which Judaism alono can day affair. OQ Co., and forget heating worries for tho winter. and penetrating observations of Jve. Tho source from which all Donor Luncheon Rashi, the text would be a hope- these necessary qualities flow is The following w o m e n have less Jumble for the average Jew, our Bible, and the great literature and for many above the average. that developed from and around raised the #5 or more necessary RECORDED METERED DELIVERY o make them eligible for t h e Unless one has actually read it. the Talmud and is aquainted with Unfortunately the Bible Is a Donor's Luncheon which will be this type literature it is impos- closed b o o k for contemporary held sometime in March: Messible to appreciate the indispen- Jews. Herein lies the tragedy of dames M. Olicken, Adelsteln, J. sible nature of the commentary our people, the real disaster of Feldman, M. Goldstein, R. Kula-> Which Rashi composed to all but Israel. Our problem it is to re- kofsky, J. H. Kulakofsky, A. Rubfa nitz, S. Oknn, H. Itlchlln and S. a few folios. move Ignorance from our midst. Relss. R a s h I' s commentary to the JA 2111 This task is as Imperative as JA 2111 The guest of honor at the Donor Bible has made it simpler a n d the battle with anti-Semitism. Unluncheon will be Dr. May Bere, easier to understand. The aim of less we return to the Bible and this unusual and devoted teacher to our sacred literature we are a Palestinian representative of the here was not to stimulate or to doomed people, even though all Pioneer Women. satisfy the needs of the scholar the anti-Semites perish over night. Oneg Shabboth and the intellectual aristocrat, Tho next Oneg Sbabboth will No Short Cut but primarily to serve the masses, And there is no short cut or bo held at the home of Mrs. S. the ordinary people seeking re- easy road to the mastery of the Ipstein, 1608 Willis. Mr. M. ligious truth and knowledge of Bible, to our appreciation of Its Minkin will speak and Mrs. H. Judaism. Rashi skillfully com- spirit It will require concentra- Wohlner will give a reading. A bined the two well-known metu- tion, deep study. But the time musical program has been aroda of Interpretation, the Peshat and energy expended will yield ranged by Mrs. J. Raznick. and the MIdrash; or the literal rich rewards. Fortunately t h e Because of a conflict in dates and the homiletical. need for an English commentary the Membership Tea has been lm The former gives the actual to our Bible la being appreciated. definitely postponed. meaning of the word and text, The Jewish Publication Society the latter embellishes with legend, has only recently Issued helpful Agadic story or historical obser- commentaries to a few of the vation. This method heightens Biblical books. The Union of There will be an Oneg Shabboth the inspirational value of t h e American Hebrew Congregations text, often dry and occasionally is also planning a series of com- of the U; O. C. Sisterhood at the obscure. T h e Mldrash method mentaries, the first of which has home of Mrs. D. B. Epstein, 3009 also permits the author to digress, already appeared, to the book of Cass, Saturday at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. to Indulge in apologetics, to at- Psalms by Dr. Solomon B. Free- Sam Epstein will be co-hostess. The Sisterhood is planning a tack Christian dogma and the- hof, and is an excellent piece of ology, when that Is made deriva- work. However, the publication luncheon of unusual character for tive from Old Testament books, of commentaries to the Bible is March 5. Plans are being drawn NEWS AND INFORMATION. Interesting news—answer, and to defend Jewish -faith and not enough. We must use them which will make this a memorable event. Details will be announced to your questions—come to you by telephone, idealism. frequently and regularly. Unless in the near future. Rashi Commentary we avail ourselves of the. learnThe Purlm affair planned by Just as the T a l m u d Is ln- ing they put within our reach they FRIENDS. Your telephone keeps you in close touch disolubly linked with Rashi, so are useless. And that means that the Sisterhood and the Congregawith people you like—-enables you to enjoy fr«' tions for the Hebrew School chilhas the Bible become inseparable we must recognize the Importdren has widened its scope by qucnt visits with them. from the commentary which he ance of being intelligent Jews, joining the Deborah society in wrote. To obtain a deeper un- learned in Judaism. this special affair. derstanding of the text Rashi ia GOOD TIMES. Your telephone brings invitationsAll children of the Talmud as indispenslble here as he is In helps you take an active part in social and Torah, the Religious school, or of the case of the Talmud. Most community activities. Bible students read the text together with the Rashi commen- . At PI Lambda Phi's fprty-flfth tary.. annual convention, Chi Chapter HELP IN EMERGENCIES. The quick easy way to get M a n y purposes, undoubtedly, was awarded the M> Fluegelman the doctor, firemen or others you need is by nave animated the great, teacher Trophy, periodically given to "The telephone. In preparing his' commentaries, Chapter having made the most originally notes and comments, re- progress." Actives and alumni marks made to students of the alike •were especially happy over Telephone service is one of the school he established in Troyes, the announcement of Chi's selecbis native French city, whose tion for this much-sought fraternmost useful things you can buy— Lot George Gates and' fame spread quickly throughout ity honor. it saves money for you many ways. Europe. Chapter honors were further enLee Grossman, One aim Rashi certainly enter- hanced by the presentation to Joe J. C. C. Instructors tained, namely to increase t h e Soshnik of the I. Lewis Sophomore NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY knowledge and understanding of Prize, one of four class awards the Tcrah, of Jewish lore and annually given for o u t s t anding literature. Knowing only too well scholarship over the p r e c e d i n g that without the Bible as mini- year. Last year S o s h n i k was
Theta Lambda
Paxton-Mitchell Co. Foundries
U. O. C. Brotherhood
Pioneer Women
U. O. C. Sisterhood
Your telephone will help you get what you want.
Friday, February 16, 1040
five on the top side of the odds. group met at the home of Mrs. nick, • Dave H. Brodkey, S a m Reu&d-T&ile of tke National Co-aLast match will find the gorier Morris Jacobs, 2723 S&euldicg, Krantz, A. Greenspan, N. Yaffe, fereEce of Christians sad Jews, Paints and Wardrobes, both com- for & talk on "Had&ssah's Plg.ce Sam Altsuler, B. Elsenberg, Mor- fc£S KOW himself resigeed froas ing up the past few weeks, in urn. In the ZiOEist Movement," by Mrs. ris R&snlck, J. Daytch, WUliam the round-table &ad icvited the interesting cosiest, pirns t n in- Morris R&cafck, EE<$ a, most In- EaduEfner, H. Franklia, S. 81- Catholics to returB. By JOE 50L0M0K0W dividual feud always betweea re- teresting diseassioa by the K-SEI- porin, Sam Goldware, H. Farber, The Jewish Community Council spective csptaiEBj Weftz a&d Pan! feers followed. Dave Sherman, Max Blotcky, M. lias issued a statement disassociatTEAM STANDINGS Steisberg. The next session Is to be teld Grodiatky, Ben Perleman, L e o n ing itself from Rabbi Isserman'i ' . W. L. Pet. at the borne of the CE&ira&n, Mrs. FfcllEL&u, A. Elusky, Bee Cbait, views. Empire Cleaners . . . 41 £5 .§21 Irving Forbes, 3001 Seward, on Sam Epstein, M. Fogle, S. Market, Clic. Club Eskiiis&s.. 4<8> Si©.606 Monday, February 26, at I o'clock. S&Bi Stem, M. London, J a c o b State Coal & Gas . . . 36 SO .843 of Worms, Chief Rabbi Mrs. RasEEick will discuss Hadas- Bernstein, Rae BrauBstein, Aaron of Aaron Shrier Paint & GEESS . S4 its .515 Metz, joined the N a t i o n a l Rips, Milton Abrahams, S. H. fcaii's projects in Palestine and reTretiaks 82 S4 .485 during the French Revoluports will be given by volunteer Katz, M. Markowltz, J. Batt, L. Guard MORRIS ADLEB Wardrobes SO 86 .455 tion. Schiff, Jack Marer, M. Lipsey, G. members of the group. Mrs. WilSmith Motors 26 40 .894 liam Lipsman will speak on the S. Gross, Harry Cohen, H. KulaPioneer Uniform Co. 22 44 .833 The close J. C. C. Senior league Palestine Supplies Department; kofsky, M. Jacobs, J. M. Erman, LEAGUE RECORDS found the Omaha Jobbing quintet Mrs. Irving Forbes will give sta- David Wice, Joe Lorkis and R. High Game—P. Steinberg, 255; emerge victorious to take E p I e tistical material concerning t h e Lackow. Tretialcs, 950. possession of first place. The Rothschild Hadassah University High Series—Leo Weilz, 653; Jobbing team played inspired ball hospital on Mount Scopus, a n d Tretiaks, 2,676. with the addition of Iz Novak, ex- Mrs. Morris Roitstein will impart Isserman Quits St. Tech High flash, who scored 10 information concerning the HeLouis Round Table A single change in standings points as did Jake Sadofsky. Ie brew university. 315 So. 13th St. was .the leading occurrence after Bogdonoff and Lou Weiner to rout Linen Shower Donors AT 4292 a session of bowling Tuesday the A. P. T. five 48-21. St. Louis (JTA) — Rabbi FerdA partial list of donors to the Mike Landman led the A. Z. A. linen night which began the fourth and WHOLESALE inand iBserman, whose r e c e n t shower was printed l a s t last round of. the league's season. No. 100 team to a 25-24 victory week and the following list la the speech in a Protestant C h u r c h • Candies • Cigars This change put the Empires in over the Breelow Auto Glass as greater part of the remainder, but criticizing President Roosevelt's • Tobacco ® Pipes first place alone, after winning he tallied 14 markers. At half this list Is not yet quite complete appointment of Myron C. Taylor • Fountain Supplies time the score stood at 14-3 in as there are still donations com- as envoy to the Vatican caused two games from the Tretlaks. @ Beverages The Clicquot Clubs, previously favor of the Breslows, but they ing in for the rest of the month the resignation of the five Cathofaded rapidly before the Century tied with the Cleaners, slipped inof February. Those still wishing lic members from the St. Louis to second place through a two- boys' attack. to contribute can do so by callThe A. Z. A. No. 1 pulled into ing game loss to the fast-climbing Mrs. J. Abrahamson, WA a four-way tie for second with a Bhrier Paint team. In the other 4009. two matches, the Wardrobes won 31-29 triumph over the Wardrobe They are,: Mesdames M. Goldenthree from the State Coals, and Clothiers. M o r r i s Ruderman WALKINC DISTANCE TO NEW the Smith Motors their first match scored 13 points for the winners, berg, Leo Waxenberg, EJ. Meyer, William Milder, B. A. Simon, A. Sol Yaffe 14 for the ClothierB. In seven weeks by a 3-0 count BETH EL SYNAGOGUE Falk, Mollie Rosenblatt, K. Tatle, Junior League oyer the Pioneers. The A. Z. A. Junior team lost Joe Goldware, M. Polonsky, David another game to share the league Greenberg, Joe M e y e r s , J. J. Standout in individual perform- leadership w i t h the Robinson Friedman, S. Raffle, A. Iioffman, ance was Paul Steinberg's 590 team and the Many Outstanding Bargains from $3,000 to A. Z. A. No. 1 Jr. Sam Steinberg, Edna Cohn, M. count, including a pair of 200'a, The A. Z. A. No. $25,000. Monthly Payments L a s s Than Plotkin, Melvin Plotkln, II. Osoff, 1 Jr. team led 222 and 207. Next was L e o by Haskell Cohn with 10 points Jake Lipsey, Jack Kaufman, D. Rent. Evenings and Sundays Call Stanley Weltz's 589 with a high game for downed the younger A. Z. A. Stein, T. A. Tully, H. Krantz, Slosbur* at WA 5764. the night of 234. Peter Greenberg, M. Jacabpw, J. Best team count was the Em- team 23-10. Robinsons defeated the A. Shyken, Leo Taub, Sam Wolf, H. pire Cleaners' 894 and 2,532 Z. The A. No. 100 Jrs. 16-6. The A. Friedel, M. Lazerowitz, Max Kap~ Series. Only team bowling three Z. A. "LIVE IN DUNDEE" No. 100 have yet to win their an, Sam Cohen, M. Bercovici/M. 800 games was the Wardrobes. first game, Kneeter, I. Goldstein, II. Rosenbut have the youngest There were 12 series of 500 or team in.the league and are im- blum, Hannah Solig, H. Solig, N. better for the night. insman, Judah Wolfson, William proving with every game. Alberts, Julius Newman, S a m Handball The Empires flashed t h e i r Last Tuesday action took place Davis, Michael Cohen, Libby Kap434 BRANDEIS THEATER CLDQ. AT 1841 championship form in taking the once in the Center handball an, W. Kuklin, last two games from the Tretiaks courtsmore Also Mesdames M. Ricks, M. as the L A S T CHANCE after a slow start which cost the tournament got under way. This Kogan, L. J. Olander, B. Solomon, first game by a hundred pins. tourney.is for all handball play- M. Brick, Abe Krantz, N. Veitzer, The two wins showed margins ers who were defeated in the first Mike Freeman, Leo Abramson, of the same number of pins in round in the J. C. C. Class reg- Max Magid, Max Novak, J. B. the Empires' favor. Mayerowich ular season singles, andUthose Robinson, S. Brick, Steve FeldWas high man with 522, followed who man, Sam Lipsey, Mary Zalk, N. failed to sign up for the by Fleishman's 509 and Blacker's above tournament of " B " caliber. Kort, George Feinstein, Max Sha606. plero, M. F. Levenson, William Special Activities The month of March will be a Polock, Sam Itosenbaum, M. MltHigh man of the match w a s busy one at the J. C. C. with the tleuian, Alfred Frank, M. Horn, Sam Zwelback, of the losing Tre- ity A. A. U. elimination basket- Morris Klein, Sam Silbar, David tlaks, who tallied a 624. He had ball . tournament t a k i n g place Mann, Charles Krawitz, Max Platt, the only 500 series of the team, March 3. The admission for the Gail Margolin, Joe Bernstein, Ben next best being a 497 on the part games will be 25 cents. The City oshnlk, S. Harmel, Ben Kazlowof Fine. A. A. U. handball tournament sky, L. Jacobs, L. Laserowltz, Fay ipsey, Charles L. Fellman, Goldie Cold Eskimos were the Clicquot will also take place at the Center Trustln, David Goldstein, R. Roffon the same date. Club five, as they barely eked out The District A. Z. A. basketball man, M. H. Pessen, A. C. Felda win In the first game to save a ournament will be held at the man, M. Gross, J. Tretlak, Ed complete defeat by the Shrier Kaplan. Paints, who went on to hit their Center March 24-25. There will Also the following: Mesdames be four teams from four other Stride in the second and third B. Fisher, J. Kalmanson, F r e d regions competing for the district games for two wins. Hatan, H. Halm, I. Grossman, L. Total count showed a 336-pin championship with the two local Fellman, P. WIntroub, S. (JorenA. Z. A. teams. advantage in series for the latman, S. Fellman, M. Singer, Rose ter. The Shrlers' second game Abrams, M. Jacobson, Sam Zavits, was a nice 875 scratch. Weitz . Whitebook, Joe Freeman, Ben was high with 589, followed by Millman, H. Suasman, M. EhrenNorman Browne's 602. reich, J. Kooper, M. Katleman, A. Adler, A. Freldman, J. Fregger, Best kegllng on the Eskimo By INEZ L. RAZNICK ulius Chessen, B. Laytln, N. «rew was by George Schapiro with Cooperman, A. R o c h m a n, B. Every Hadassah Oneg Shabboth Glickman, Louis a 629, assisted weakly by four Shrier, I. Hurtotals with a high of 439 by Ben harf proven both a restful and wltz, D. Forman, Iz Bernstein, I. estful interlude to the week's Weidman, H. Bloom, R. H. Brown, Shapiro. ush and activity. It inadvertent- D. B. Epstein, L. Epstein, J. E. ' The Wardrobes pulled a mild y Initiates purposive thought In Marks, Elizabeth Neveleff, J. Rossurprise by blanking the State ts pursuit of pleasurable diver- enberg, S. Epstein, H. Gross, H. Coals, to lower the latter'o stock ion which makes each inspira- Leibovlcl, L. Greenberg, M a x somewhat. They scored t h e i r tional Oneg Shabboth a long re- Cohn, B. Shafton, Julius Stein, I. third shut-out in four weeks. This membered one. The next session Cherniss. •'.••"• Quintet put together gamea of f the Oneg Shabboth will be held Also giving -were Mesdames E. at the home of Mrs. M. F. LevenJB41-811-813 to score a 2,465 for Lorlg, J. Raznlck, Phil Rosenblatt, second honors on team totals, as on, 4819 Farnam, on Saturday, J. Sherman, N. Levenson, Sam Paul Steinberg shot a flashy 590. February 24, with Rabbi Harry Faler, M. Rosenstein, H. A. RazCooperman was next in line "with rolt of Lincoln as tho principal peaker. Every Hadassah mema 606. ber Is most cordially Invited. .Sam Katsman's 505 was the At the next meeting to be held Ugh State Coal total, with but February 28 at the Jewish Comlittle help on tho part of four munity Center & filming of "Tel scoreB led by Lloyd Bank's 446. Aviv" will be presented and Mrs. Ray SUbar will give several vocal The Smith Motors broke a los- elections. ing streak without doing the same Mrs. B. A. Simon announces for the Pioneers, as they chut hat she will soon be around to out the latter in three games, ;he various homes of the members Vlthout a struggle. Sam Morgan* o collect past dues; It Is most led the battle with 604 for the ssential that all dues ore paid Smiths, Harry Smith bowling a up througa 1939 in order that the .494 for second high. names of paid-up members can bo In tho Tea? Book that Is now. ^ A group of 300 series by threo. being organises. Those who have Pioneer team members didn't help? their dues reaSy and wish them the cause much as tho Pioneers; Icked vp Immediately can call tobk another beating. Capt Mrs. Simon at GL 1028. : "Tony" Cohn van high for the] Mrs, H. M. Barlsa stands ready. team with 497 and Greenberg next! |wlta' Mggeatloap for taoso t7ho With 4 2 7 / •wish to raalj© their Donor LunchTwin wool combination* costume cnsemblo with on monoy. Tijo need and dea two-fold charm, tho top of "tho attractive ; There appears to bo no obstacle mand for tho money fs great and to full length coat Is striped yi, ^ to the continuation of the Em- ffort should be asaSe Immediate.Center rw a plaid e f f e c t . . . beneath is If) pires' championship march as they y to GecompHaBi eacti person's Inmeet the Pioneer Clothing tiro In dividual bit. a stunning fino wool dress *o next week's matches. Tho Clicquot Mrs. Horrfs FrantHc, GL 2 8 57, match. Club Eskimos Trill argue trfth tho And Mrs, IJavlfi JL Finkel, KB State Coals in a Get-to that may 4019, aro taMns reservations for EXCLUSIVE IK OP.IAHA AT CABF.IANS be steeling, with the latter thirst- the Installation Banquet which fa> ing for & win, and the former try- to be hoIS Sunday s i %ho Black-* 4IAR1B OTART6 Othe? Spring Es^niblcD 029.95 to 0175 ing to get back on top. stone. " The Tretiaks meet the S m i t h ' Cnltaal Motors, with the jobbing house The Orientation< of
jLC*O* Sports
Fruity, Febru&ry 16, 1940
Recent Bride
Women's Division Card Party to Be Held This Monday The annual Card Party anc Dessert Luncheon of the Women' Division will be held on Monday February 19, at 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Everyone is urged to attend thi: affair. An outstanding feature o the afternoon will be a beautifu door prize. There will be a large B i n g o Game for those women who do no wish to play Bridge or Ma Jong Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman, and Mrs. Joe Rice and Mrs. Wm. Lazere, co-chairmen, announce the following patronesses for the Card Party: Mesdaines Herman Auerbach, Sam Beber, J. Bernstein, Paul Blotcky, Dave Brodkey, M. D, Brodkey, D. II. Brown, Herman Cohen, Arthur Cohn, Louis Epstein, John Farber, B. L. Fleisher, 0, Fox, J, Frelden, S. Frohm, Sam Glllnsky, Max H o 1 z man, Morris Jacobs, Ben Kazlowsky, Philip Klutznick, Robert Kooper, J. H. Kuiakofsky; -Louis Kulakofeky, Herman Kully, H a r r y Lapldus, Wm. L&aere, Morris Levey, Harry Malashock, Jack M a r e f, Milton Mayper, Morris M I c k 1 in, Wm. Milder, L. Neveleff, Albert Newman, Henry Newman, S a m uel Olander, Win. Racusin, Joe Rice, Sam Rice, Aaron Rips, J. Rosen, A. Rubnitz, Abe Soniberg, Julius Stein, A. Venger, M. A. Venger, Paul Veret, Leo Waxenberg, Bernhardt Wolf, Harry A. Wolf, Sam Wolf, 1. Ziegman, Sam Zlegman and Misses Fan Grodlnsky and Blanche Zimman. .' Admission Is fifty cents.
. ,-,"/ .*"*- *
Winners of the t w o contests sponsored by the Council Current Events class were announced at the final meeting of the class last Tuesday. Mrs. M. LevenBon won the contest on "The Background lor War," and Mrs. Mike Roth of the "Current Affairs." Contest a n t had to answer questionv naires on the material* covered by t these two.BubJects. The concluding m e e ting was i held at the home of Mrs. Harry : Malashock. • The, Council plans to sponsor a
Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz of Sioux.City, la., will be guest A crowd of 200 Round Table speaker at the Oneg Shabboth to members and friends attended the be held on February 17 at the "Stars and Stripes Dance" spon- home of Mrs. J. Rosen, 3654 Davsored by the Round Table of Jew- enport street. Mrs. Rosen's coish Youth at the Center on Suu- hostesses will be Mrs. J. Falk, day, February 11. Mrs. Abe Hoffman and Mrs. NaThe unusual decora (JOBS, exe- than Kort. cuted in red, white, and blue, creThe Beth El Sabbath school is ated a festive atmosphere. Music having a special Patriotic Sabbath was furnished by Gary and his on February 17 in commemoraorchestra. tion of the birthdays of George According to Norman Bleicher, Washington and Abraham Lincoln dance chairman, the "Stars and and in observance of Inter-Racial Stripes Dance" proved to be an- Brotherhood month. Visitors will other outstanding event in the cal- be welcome to the service which endar of the Round Table activi- begins at 11 a. m. ties. On February 24 the Beth El Plans are now being formulated for the annual P u r i m affair, auxiliary will hold a novelty dance which will be different from that at the Paxton hotel. Music will of the preceding years in enter- be furnished by Gary. A program of fun for old and young has tainment and setup. : been planned. Mrs. Irvin Levin and Mrs. Jullup Daughters of Israel Stein are in charge of the ticket Aid Society sales for the Jewish moving pie* An important meeting and the ture, "The Cantor's Son," whlcH election of officers of the Daugh- will be shown at the Muse thea.* ters of Israel Aid -Society will be ter on March 27. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will held on Tuesday, February 20, at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Old Peo- review Sholem Asch's latest book, "The Nazarene," on March 11. • ples Home, 2504 Charles St.
HOWARD KAPLAN ALFRED MAYER Mrs; Frederick Whitman Mr. and Mrs, Sara Josephson announce the marriage of their daughter, Raydelle Irene, to Mr. Frederick Stuart "Whitman of Vienna, Austria, on Thursday, February 1, in New York.. The bride is a graduate of the University of "Wisconsin where she majored in pliysics, Mr. Whitman is a graduate of the University "of" Vienna, the University of London, and Oxford. He is a pharmaceutical chemist. His parents are the owners of pharmaceutical houses in Vienna and Jugo-Slavia.
ook review class, and all inter- Rayos Club to attend the Round sted are asked to call Mrs. Ben Table forum on February 22. Goldware, Ha. 5514. Following the meeting,.a, social, hour, arranged by program" chairman Lena Zollotuchen, was enjoyRay os Club ed by the m e m b e r s " . The next meeting will be held in two weeks. At the last meeting of the Rayos Goldie Azorln, Esther Osheroff Hub, held at the Jewish Com- and Dorothy Tatelman were voted munity Center on Sunday, Febru- into the Club. Sarah Resnlck-was ary 11, a calendar of activities appointed alternate Round Table was adopted for the remainder of r e p r e s e n t a t i v e . ' . - • ' - • - ' , ' / • • . the year. These activities include a panel discussion, a theater party, By order of 1568 the Portuleveral talks on make-up and per- guese were forbidden to lonality, and several social gath- travel Marranos to India. rlngs. Junior Hadassah Marlon Wolpa, president, re- Rabbi Abraham de Beja was sent On Sunday, February 18, Jun- ported on the Round Table meet- in 1487 by King John of Portugal ior Hadassah will hold a 5 o'clock ing urged air m e m b e r s of the to explore.India. formal dinner, at which Miss Sarah Turner of Chicago will present the charter and install the officers. The dinner will be held in conjunction with Senior Hadassah, Council Bluffs Junior Hadassah, and the Business and Professional Women's Group which will also Install its officers. Miss Turner, who will be the principal speaker of the evening, is a vice-president of the National Junior Hadassah and has been active in various phases of Zionist work. • The members of the board will hold a special meeting With Miss Turner before the dinner. Frances Berkowitz, chairman of the affair, will be a s s 1 sted by Shirley Barlsh, Frances Bordy, and Pauline Margolin of Junior Hadassah: Mrs. M. p . Brodkey, Mrs. Morris Raznick, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, and Mrs. Morris Franklin of Senior Hadassah; and Ann Batt, Gertrude Gillnsky, Ida Daytch, and Eva Nichols of the Business and Professional Group. See this Amazing New Roof Value Today. Intensified Colors) Greater Reservations for dinner are beresistance to Wind and Rain! A Shingle design and construction never ing taken by Frances Berkowitz, before possible. And, at no extra cost and on Easy Finance Terms requiring Wa. 7165. No Down Payment.
Beth El Auxiliary
Junior Council The Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Juniors Is now enjoying Social Club luncheons which are given the first Saturday after each monthly business meeting. According to Ethel Kelberg, chairman, the last luncheon was very successful and those who attended are looking.forward to the next one. Bible classes have been organized and the response is greater each time. Tho o r g a n i z a t i o n would like to have more girls join these classes which are being held every other week.' :• The first Book Review was given on February 12 at the Jewish Community Center.- "Mr, Emanuel" was reviewed by L i l l i a n Flushman, chairman of this group. Large sewing classes are being held at the home of .Geraldlne and Marion Strauss. !The next sewing class is planned for Wednesday, February 21, at the home of Harriet Wolsky, president. Those interested are asked to call We 6720.
Stars and Stripes Dance Draws Crowd
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Friday, February 10, IS40
LEVIN-GUDELSKY Mr. and Mrs. M. Gudelsky of Kansas City, Mo., announce the taarriage of their daughter, Miss Etta, to of LOB Angeles, to Mr. Hyman Levin, also of Los Angeles, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levin of Omaha. The wedding ceremony was performed Saturday evening, Febru ary 10, by Rabbi N. Neches of Los Angeles. The couple will reside in Call tornla. .
VISITING IN SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. Abe Slusky left last week for a two-week trip down south.
Bride Miss Rosalie Alberts The engagement of Miss Rosalie Alberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alberts, to Jack G. Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein, was announced Sunday evening at a dinner given at the Epstein home. Miss Alberts is a graduate of Central High school. Mr. Epstein also attended Central and was graduated from the University of
P WEST COAST *: '•Mr. Reuben K u l a k o f s k y has been visiting in Los Angeles, California. From there he will go to Ban Jose* where he will be the guest of his children, Mr. and Mrs. .Aaron Richards and Mr. and Mrs. Seaman Kulakofsky. MRS. FROMKIN RETURNS •t Mrs. Max Fromkln r e t u r ned Saturday night from San Antonio, Texas, where she visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rubin. She had been gone for the past month.
TEMPLE ISRAEL SUPPER Mrs. Leo Diamond CLUB • Tbe Temple Israel Supper Club Mrs. Leo Diamond was Miss trill meet on Tuesday, February Esther Singer, . daughter of Mr. 20, at 7 o'clock at the Temple. and Mrs. Max Singer, before her marriage Sunday to Dr. Leo DiaDR. GORDON RETURNS mond, son of Mr. and Mrs. WilDr. M. I. Gordon, who has been liam Diamond. attending the mid-winter dental clinics in Chicago, was to have returned this morning. DIAMOND-SINGER Miss Esther Singer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Singer, became the bride of Dr. Leo Diamond, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Diamond, on Sunday evening at a ceremony performed at the B l a c k s tone Hotel. •Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky, assisted by Cantor Aaron Edgar officiated. The bride's gown was of white Batin, with a fitted jacket and long sleeves. Her veil of tulle was eet off by a pom-pom of plumes. She carried a Bible with gardenias and a shower of lilies of the yalley. Matron of honor was Mrs. Louts Singer who wore a gown of blue taffeta and carried a colonial bouquet. Elaine Lagman was maid of honor. Her gown was of pink net, and she also carried a colonial ttouquet. Oscar Diamond was his broth-, cr's best man. Louis Singer, brother of the bride ushered. ConStance Ladofsky was flower girl. A dinner was held at the hotel' immediately following the c e r e - ; xnony. The couple will reside In Cincinnati, Ohio. RETURNS HOME Mrs. Harry B. Weinberg has re* turned to her home in Chicago after a two weeks visit at the home of her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Weinberg. She also spent Some time in Fremont with Mr; and Mrs. Sam Weinberg. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. Ethel Batt announces the engagement of her daughter, Ida Ruth, to Irving J. Forbes, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Forbes. . No date has been set for the wedding. CLEVELAND Mrs. M. Berger. of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Berger, and her grandson, Buzzie.
DIAMONDS Collections of Unique Diamond Engagement Wedding end Anniversary Rings, individually designed and priced with good old-fashioned moderation. Convenient Terms Can Be Arranged at No Extra Cost
Nebraska. He is affiliated with the Sigma Alph Mu fraternity. No date has been set for the wedding.— (Brandeis Photo).
Junior A. Z. A. At the last meeting of the Jua* ior A. Z. A. three new membert were voted into the club. They are: David. Goodman, Joe Batt, and Jerry Rosen. The participation of the Omaha and Des Moines Junior A. Z. A. i> the A. Z. A. convention will be de« cided at the next meeting. All Junior A. Z. A. members are urged to attend this meeting on Sunday, February 18, at the Jewish Community Center.
JO8LYN MEMORIAL Two sound films will be shown on Sunday at 2:30 in the Concert Hall of. the Joslyn Memorial —"Cover to Cover" and "Riches from the E a r t h . " At 3:30 Dr. Shepherd L. Witman will speak on "America's Stake in the Present War." An organ recital will be given in the Concert Hall at 4 by Miss Esther Leaf, assisted by Mr. Rupert M. Goodbrod, pianist. A Young Artists Program sponsored by the Omaha Music Teacher's Association will be given at 4:30 in the Lecture Hall. At 8 o'clock a Forum lecture will be given by James Rippy on "Our Relations with the Latin-American Nations."
IN TEXAS Mr. and Mrs. Abe Raben are making their home at the Lucerne Apartments in A m a rillo, Texas.
fi. A. M. MOTHER'S CLUB ° Mm. Sam Epstein and Mrs. Jacob Bernstein will be hostesses to tbe S. A. M. Mother's Club at a 1 o'clock luncheon and meeting on Tuesday, F e b r u ary 20, at the Regis. :,
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Friday, February 16, 1040
THE JEWISH PRESS Published Every FrseEssy at a, Nebr.
Lincoln's Supreme Service
«&6§ SUBSCRIPTION PfiiGE, One Year » . Advertising Rstss Furnished en Appilcstlen EDITORIAL OFFICE: 609 Brsneiels Theater
6 I 0 U X CITY OFFICE—Jewi&b Coffitwurtlfcy Center
the blackest mark of ail will be the treatment of the Czechs and the Czech Jews.
PRINT SHOP ADDRESS-4504 So. £4th Street
DAVID BLACKER—Business and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN Editor RABBI FREDERICK COHN—Contributing Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS - Book Editor FRANCES BLACKER - - Society Editor MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City Correspondent
Welles Abroad A representative of the American State Department, Assistant Secretary Sumner Welles, will soon visit the capitals of the belligerent nations. .What his instructions may be are of complete secrecy, for diplomacy is a poker game. Undoubtedly his primary job is to sound out peace sentiment or at least to find out what may be the basis for working out the peace treaty of the future. Peace at this time is devoutly desired in most Circles. It is possible, according to a writer in the "New York Times," that the President and bis advisors see prospects for peace that are so far not visible to the ordinary eye. Peace, at this time, depends entirely upon the position of Germany. If Germany is on the verge Of exhaustion, as some observers believe, then there may be some credence to the tale that the State department has been approached by leading Nazis. The allies certainly will not come to terms with Germany on a basis of the "status quo." When England went to war, it took a step it had hesitated to take since 1935. Public opinion had finally been aroused by a whole series of injustices and the prospects of a whole series more. An announced war aim of England la the liberation of Poland and Czechoslovakia. Both these countries have nationals fighting in the allied Army. Support Is being received by the allies from Czechs and Poles abroad. To accept German terms on the basis of the "status quo" would be A ranker betrayal than Munich. Conversations with the neutrals have also been Instituted by our State Department and there is no doubt these conversations plus the Welles trip add up to something important It may be that this government is looking forward to that day When peace comes. The peace terms will bo of concern to all, not merely the warring nations. ' Unless a permanent peace follows this war, governments the world over may look to their continuation with grave misgivings, for a darker age than that ever known will descend upon a world that refuses to recognize the needs of Its common people.
The Beginning of the End By the end of the month the German government will have its campaign to write 'finis* to the story of Czech Jewry well under way. This will not be the first time in the history of Bohemia that the Jews have been expelled. But this Jo by far the cruellest expulsion. Two years ago the Jews of Czecho-SlovaWa lived in complete accord with their non-Jewish brethren. Agitation had been stirred up by those proponents of the Sudeten question, hut Czech Jewry had no Inkling that the coming storm would break so soon. They were prepared to defend their 'island of democracy/ to go down fighting. Instead they now have the shameful humiliation of being hounded as beggars Even a year ago, when a shadow had fallen across the land, the Jews still were protected. The Czech government refused to submit to Nazi demands it introduce the Nuremberg laws. To the everlasting credit of that Czech government, it will be remembered that in the last hour of Independence it defied the German will for injustice. When the German armies marched Into Prague, the Jews knew that the very worst coon would happen. Since that fateful day, less than a year ago, the Protectorate has been preparing the entire Jewish population for exile. Nearly all the communities have been liquidated and their members sent to Prague. A systematic loot has been in progress and property confiscated. The actual expulsion was'to have begun on February 1, bat unfortunately, for the Reich, the Gestapo leaders were found to be embezzling not only the Jews but. the government as well. • -Czech Jewry has a proud history. It boasted the oldest communal buildings In Eafop4—tne oldest synagogue, the oldest community center, Tbecbains from the ghetto sates had long %xtttg In the Jewish City hall, to symbolize the freedom Czech Jewry had enjoyed for many generatfonff, Not ghetto chains are to Imprison the J e w this time. The Czechs have been to loyal to their Jewish, compatriots, have attempted to protect them. The list of Nazi crimes Is endless, To specify one and not remember the others la Impossible. When the day of reckoning come3 for Mtlm tm& Ms cohorts, they, will have to face'jut
By RABBI FREDERICK COHN The world dreads war. If it wisfces to avoid war there is only one recourse. It must unite! All other means have failed. "In union there is strength; not only strength but security. 'Collective Security1 is the slogan for the day; and for the day after. There can be no peace unless the nations of the world get together, and sensibly, rationally take those steps that shall prevent any one individual, nation or group of nations to launch into a war, or by its arbitrary, unrestrained, unscrupulous and defiant action precipitate a general war, or plunge the world into a chaos that may result in war at any moment. There is more talk of such united action on the part of the nations than there has been for a long time. The world is beginning to realize that it is the nations' only hope; that it is the only practical method that can avoid war, and lay securely the foundations of peace. The world must be internationally organized on the basis of justice, and reason and common sense. This is the true political science. This is the upshot of all study and investigation. This is moreover the phase or stage that the world has reached in its political evolution. The world is ripe for a union of the nations. It Is being compelled thereto by inevitable events. It is this way that God works in bringing about His unescapable purposes. The League of Nations, scorned, derided, opposed in so many quarters, still existent but temporarily Impotent—wounded in the house of its friends, or those who should have been its friends, its natural, logical sympathizers and supporters—Is being revived, first In the thoughts of an ever-increasing number of men, including the world's leading, most responsible statesman; later, we are confident by Governments including—I am SO bold to predict—our own United States of America. All the signs point that way, and world conditions and necessities more and more compel it.
Ge ms of the Bible
and Talmud By Or.
am most friendly to Jews. At the table next to us sat a group that grew louder as the evening progressed—loud laughter, loud talk. The people who wore with me &t once identified t h e m . . . "They're Jews," they said. They eaid Jews are that way. There arose. In fact, & half-iiour long discussion of Jews. It was said that they are too pushing, make themselves too conspicuous, were too loud. I have heard the same opinion expressed before in other circumstances and other places. With the friendliest of i n t e n tions I passed this along for your comment.—B. J. T.
BIBLE Tiie beople that walked in darkness h;i,ve seen a great light; they that dwelt in the l a n d of the shadov of death, upon them bath the lig{ it For they that lead this people cause hem to err, and tfaey that are lee by them are destroyed. Woe unto them that decree unrightec its decrees, and to the writers th; t write iniquity, To urn aside the needy from My dear friend: I appreciate the judgm nt, and to take away the right f the poor of my people, friendly spirit of your communication. I had a similar experience woe u^to them. in a night club recently. It may TALMUD have been in the same night club • Onkelos, the son of Klonlcose, the same evening. who was a son of the sister of Next Table Titus, d e s i r e d to become a proseljjte. He thereupon brought I was horribly annoyed by the up the spirit of Titus. He asked conduct of the people at a table him: iWho is considered respect- closeby. Not only were they loud ful in the future world?" but also profane. The vivid col* "Israel," replied Titus. oring of their profanity grew hot* "It Js advisable to join them?" ter as the night progressed. What Whereupon he answered: "Their hurt my gentle ears particularly obligat ons are too many and thou was the fact that much of this wilt net be able to fulfill them. profanity fell from pretty lips. Go and attack them in this world, Earlier in the evening I could and th )n wilt become a chief, for have kissed these lips, so lovely it is vritten (Lam. 1:5.): H e r were they, but toward evening I adversi riea become chiefs, h e r wondered at my earlier taste. enemie|jj prosper, "whoever antag- These lips seemed to have become onizes Israel becomes a chief." quite soiled from the dreadful But bat will be the punishment words that had fallen from them, for s n a man?" asked Onkelos. lips are so deceiving. . Wher ipon, Titus replied: "With This went on until it turned that i lich he decreed upon him- nto a brawl. Then the night club self, Every day his ashes are luthorities took action by easing gathe d together and recreated hem out of the place, much to in the Form of a body, when it is the gratification of all of us well judge condemned to be burned behaved people. again md the ashes are scattered You see, my friend, my experover ' e ocean." ience was almost similar to yours. Onk los then went and caused There's no telling what decent Balaa ' spirit to be brought up. people of our kind will fall into He ag in asked the latter: "Who We have been celebrating the anniversary of is com idered respectable in the in the public places. this nuisance was going Abraham Lincoln's birth. Robert Sherwood's fine future world?" "Israel." was the onWhile it did not occur to any of my play, "Abe Lincoln In Illinois," has brought him reply t Balaam, party to remark that these boundIs t advisable for one to join ers were Gentiles. They were Just nto greater universal prominence and attention. Whereupon, Balaam re- obnoxious people and we didn't The one distinctive thing for which Lincoln stood, them? Deut. 23.7.): "Thou shalt plied over and above the emancipation of the slave and not s ;k their peace nor their differentiate them by religion or y race. We merely felt disgust, the extinction of slavery, and even the noble ad- prospe lty all thy days forever." to think that there were such huA w dow by the name Hannah man beings in the world. Yet we vocacy and re-emphasis of liberty and equality, and his inspired urging of Justlco and prophetic had s ven sons. According to didn't turn against the whole hutheir jes beginning with the old- man race on their account. We morality, was the distinctive principle of America, est, th y were brought before the continued to believe that there the new thing we gave to the world: viz; the con- tyrant sonqueror. He commnaded were a lot of decent people in the e oldest worship an Idol, world and that by and large the ception and fact and example of Union. Ours Is that the American Union. We are not the Free States Where ipon* he replied, "It is human race wasn't so bad. writte in the Torah: I am the No Prejudice of America (which we might have been named; Lord, hy God." He was immeNor could we feel that a n y proud title or designation in itself) but the diately led out to execution. The iranch of the human race could United States of America, a still grander and more secon< son was brought in. "Wor- >o blamed for these rotters. Lookts idol." Tho command ing about, we saw in the night inspiring designation, which holds a promise and ship came i him and he also refused :lub a lot of other Gentiles whose & program for the entire human race. The idea and \ as executed Immediately, ehavior was all to be expected of union is in the air more than It has been ever and was the third son, t h e rom civilized people. . before. The League of Nations was a preparation fourth fifth and sixth. Then the Nor were we prejudiced against and an Initial attempt, with all Its weakness and Bovent and the youngest son was Gentiles by remembering similar* broug t before t h e tyrant to seeming failure even so more marvellous and In whom he same demand to serve ly vulgar people in night clubs on )ther occasions. We looked pbllmany ways gloriously successful than many, par- the Id 1 was put. sophlcally at the whole matter he child answered, "Never, ticularly of its-enemies, realize or imagine, i t is But ,nd said, Well, it takes all kind* the key to the future. It holds the future wrapped will w exchange our God for any if people to make a world. Bo, at length, we left the night up In its conception and Its initial action. The other. The tyrant offered to s p a r e ilub still* feeling kindly disposed glory of the second temple shall be greater than him, he would for appearance's toward Gentiles and humanity in tho first. Wilson builded better than many little sake, toop and pick a ring from general. We drove through quiet ound which had b e e n streets of gentle abode in which! men, of little mind and narrow vision and selfish, the on purpose. dropp Gentiles and Jews had long sine* mediocre and prosaic conception, know; better and 'Al,s, for thee, O King!" an- retired to their well-earned rest. wiser and at bottom,more practical though so sub- swere the boy. "If thou art so The far larger part of them— limely Ideal than they deem or dream. zealou for thine honor, how entiles and Jews—hadn't- been The Inscription of the Lincoln Memorial In much nore zealous ought we to o night clubs. They had been for he honor of God?" i t a y i n g more comfortably at Washington is more significant as well as inspir- be And he brought the lad to the ome, attending to their domestic ing. "In this Temple as in the heartB of the people place of execution, the mother iffairB and amusements—helping for whom !io preserved the Union, the memory of begge< and obtained permission ;helr children with their lessons, Abraham Lincoln Is inscribed forever." Here Lin- to giv him a farewell kiss: "Go, ironing dresses for their children my ch Id," said she, "and say to ;o wear the next day at school,' coln is hailed and immortalized not as the Eman- Abrah un — Thou hast built an playing bridge, listening to the racipator or the champion of Liberty or even as the altar ind went to sacrifice one dio, or just dozing—quiet people I have erected an altar who never make any noise in the Hero of Democracy of which he gave the immortal son b > definition as 'Government of the people, for the and st crificed seven sons." She world. away and threw herself Those of them—Gentiles a n d people, and by the people,' as the Preserver of the turnec eadlong from the roof and jows—who said bedtime prayers down Union. This will be his chief contribution to the died. were grateful for the day's work ages and to tho Immediate future. The Rabbis and the day's bread, for their chllof the Talmud have said that 'the righteous are iren being well, Others w e r e troubled about t h e I r children's more Influential In their death than even in their mumps and about their own ainus deeds/ Greater than anything the politically great conditions; or they were worried and morally and spiritually grand Abraham Linabout their j o b s and couldn't coln achieved or performed or was in his life, is sleep thinking about the dreadful By AL 0EGAL possibility of losing them. ! the Influence he will exert In maturing and helpThe Great Majority Ing to bring to realization the principle of Union A NTGHT"CLUB Most of them bad eat all evenow fensefltfng Ja the mlnda of men and in the Dear Mr. Segal: I am not Jew- ning in the serenity of their livplans and deeds of the world's most responsible ish but I see the American Israel- ing rooms, giving their mouths statesmen and Governments. In this way more ite in which your column appears. only to the gentlest speech, talkthan any other hfs soul will "'go Marching 6n.' In I am. repressed by the breadth of ing of this and that—of friends your tolerance and understanding. were sick, of their children's this is he- t£& trtf© American who wrought so I feel therefore, that the matter who little successes in,school, of simMagnificently for the distinctive American principle X am About tp mention will be re- ple dream they had. Most of them of Uhfony preserving: the Union at euch mighty cost ceived by you in the same friend- dreamed of bringing up their chiland sacrifice fncludiflg his omnlpreeioua life that ly spirit in which it is offered. dren to be good people and rest>s I should say to start with ing content In tbo sunset at the democracy itself might 'not perish from the earth.' Perha that I am absolutely without any end of thoir days. " ' i t fe the supreme doty in this critical hour for prejucice against Jews' and so I ThCBO were £be great majority every, true loyer of hfcj fellow man to help strength- am wi iting this as a friend. It of Gentiles'and-Jews. They were en tfc& srfaciple of union that It be securely estab- has to do with the faults of Jews not'the "profane", loud Gentiles or I and others find them. TIIOSQ the lord Jn«vs in the night club. lished throughout the earth, than in a united man-, as faults, I believe, contribute to the Had I Judged nil Gentiles by the trroup '•» f»v- n ' ^ v pt"b I should nd—a United States of the World as It were— prejudice against them. There was an incident In a night h«vp f-'t " 'riiinii v-'Ifh a sense tmm&nltf tutor at last «njoy its birthright of hap- club tho other evening, To mo "M"V ' "• t e n it«1-«*. p.", I d"ove, piness and blessing1, of universal and cverytaBting as to others it was quite Irritat- home •1»r'*"l*b **—> ' - - - - «' deing, to me especially because I ' , {Continued on p?33 5.)
Friday, February 16, 1 9 4 0
LETTERS The following letter w&s eeired by R a b b i Lewis, Jewish Press Book Reviewer, from M&x L. Berg&s, Author of the book "Cold Pogrom," which was recently published by tjae Jewish PubUcg. tton Society: Dear Rabbi: My publisher forwarded to me your review about my novel "Cold Pogrom" in the "Jewish Press," Omaha. It is not my habit to .write to any one of the reviewers. But your article impressed me BO much, that I have to make an exception. I waa not only deeply moved by your appreciation of the novel, but much more by the way you understood my real intentions of trying to give a lesson to the American Jews. I don't think It Tery important for me to gain a personal success with this book. It is much more important to show to all the Jews in the world, how •we,German Jews have failed, BO that the others may learn by our downfall. r: No other reviewer up to now brought this point out so clearly as you, dear Rabbi. And, therefore, I am thankful to you. The 'spirit of your review is that spirit I hoped to convey to the Jewish land non-Jewish public in the New EWorld, But as you see, I am no more in Exile in Shanghai, but at home in this wonderful country. The flino-Japanese hostilities around fih'hal made my wife and me refiugees for the second time, losing moat of our few belongings again. ,We lived then in Manila for about 14 months and came to the U. S. 'A. through the kind assistance of Prof. Albert Einstein about a year ago. As it may interest you, I wrote during this year another l>ook with the title: "Shalom." It's the odyssee of two Jewish emigrants. And besides writing I try to get lectures and have every time a fine response from the audience. Your review gave me great happiness and encouraged me very much. I am with my sincerest thanks Max L. Berges.
Deaths Ernest Meyer
. Funeral services were held last Friday morning at the Hulae and Biepen mortuary for Mr. Ernest (Meyer, 69, who died on February ft at a local hospital after an 111Hess ot four months. A resident of Omaha for fiftytwo years, he had been active in all phases of Jewish c o m m unal life. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer had celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Thanksgiving day. Surviving him are: his wife, Xena; three daughters, Mrs. A. R. iMuskln, Mrs. J. Blank, and Mrs. Harry Perlek; four sons, Sidney, E. A., Lester, and Edwin, all of pxnaha; and ten grandchildren. Rabbi David A.: Goldstein and Cantor Aaron E d g a r w e r e in charge of the service. Burial was , «t the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel 'cemetery.
• PLAIN TALff (Continued from page .4.)] ;«ent Gentiles resting for the next 'day's work. x, Ah, my friend, B. J. T., I hope -you understand me. What I mean to say is that Jews, and Gentiles are the same kind of people with the same virtues and vices. I know that their virtues are more than their vices: As against the terrible Jews you saw and the terrible Gentiles I saw in the night dub there are the thousands upon thousands of Jews and Gentiles •w<ho are nice people. ; So I can't blame all the Gentiles for the few who disgusted me in the night club; nor can you justly put on all the Jews the sins of tho few who annoyed you. We Just have to take people aa we find them. • You don't lecture Gentiles; who offend your sense of good taste and I don't Intend to lecture offending Jews. After, all, human life is interesting because of its variety and humanity would be dull if composed altogether of Chesterfields of g o o d manners like you and me. The rude bounders serve, as downs in the pageant. So let us laugh, my dear friend. (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
Youth AUyah By Evelyn Levy They come — bewildered children — bruised by fate, Knowing not why they've drawn their country's hate; Robbed of all h u m a n rights, crushed by brute hands That would destroy their race in Nazi lands; Hungry and homeless, death In life was theirs 'Til Palestine fulfilled their saviors' prayers. Children of sorrow, persecution, pain — Through Youth Aliyah they ihall live again! They learn — these rescued waifs —• to till the soU, Learn the nobility of worthy toil; Each child according to his likes and bent In Youth Aliyah schools — Hadassah sent. Learning to speak Israel's majestic tongue — The language of The Book, as David sung — Sheltered and heated, taught tenderly two years. They shall go forth Jewry's young pioneers.
fag© S
WEIZMANN AT WHITE HOUSE President Sees Solution to Palestine Problem Washington ( J T A ) — President Roosevelt w&s quoted l a s t w e e k by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, as expressing the belief that when the war is over a "specific solution" to the Palestine, problem will be f o u n d . Leaving the White House after a conference with the President, Dr. Weizmann paused to tell reporters that "the President a p p arently knows a great deal about Palestine and is deeply interested." The Zionist leader "was accompanied to t h e White House by Lord Lothian, the British Ambassador, who i n t r o duced him to President Roosevelt but said he himself did not participate in the conference in t h e Chief Executive's office. Before catching a plane for Florida, Dr. Weizmann, discussing his visit to Washington, said he had come to the capital "to see a number of persons and to continue to present our cause to them." Visits The State Department revealed later that Dr. Weizmann also held a conference with Wallace Murray, chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs, and called upon Secretary of State Cordell Hull to pay his respects. For the first time in 21 years
They go — these eager youths — to give their aid To found a Homeland — willing, unafraid. As once their p e o p l e , patient, praising God, Pursued their pastoral life — enriched the sod, 'Til Rome's rapacious rulers sacked their lands; So shall returning Israel, with bless'd hands, This sacred, barren, ground with life endow, And sing again the music of the J. Rosen, 3554 Davenport, at plow. which time Rabbi Rabinowitz will be guest speaker.
Religious Services The time for lighting candles tonight is 5:27.
This evening at services Rabbi David H. Wice will baBO his sermon on Erwin Edman's l a t e s t book, "A Candle In tho Dark." Saturday morning service^ at Temple Israel are held at 11.
Beth El
In the absence of Rabbi David; A. Goldstein, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowltz of Sioux City -will occupy the pulpit. The title of his sermon will bo "The Spiritual Blackout." The women of the congregation and their friends are invited to attend an Oneg Shabboth Saturday afternoon at the home ot Mrs.
The Sisterhood Sabbath of the U n i t e d Orthodox Congregations which was announced for this week. has been postponed due to unexpected work which is being done in redecorating the vestries of the B'nal Israel synagogue, It Is hoped that by next week the redecoration will bo completed, and the Sisterhood Bervice will bear tho character of rededlcatlon of the vestries. Tho rabbi will speak this evening at services on "Three Idols With Feet of Clay In Three Decades." Saturday morning the rabbi will speak at tho Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel, Nineteenth and Burt streets. Mrs. L. Neveleft will be hostess for the children's services Saturday morning.
retired Supreme C o u r t Justice Louis D. Brandeis and Dr. Weizmann met last week. Dr. Solomon Goldman, president of the Zionist Organization of America, was also present. Justice Brandeis seemed cheered by tte report Dr. Weizm%nn brought with Mm concerning situation iu P a l e s tine, Dr. Goldman said. The 83-year-old jurist was delighted to hear that Palestine was dally receiving and absorbing refugees from the European war zone. Both Justice Brandels and Dr. Weizmann were convinced &t the close of the c o n v e rsaUou that "Palestine held out the largest if not the only hope" for solution of the Jewish problem, Dr. Goldman reported. Both were convinced that at the conclusion of the war the civilized nations would arrange to make Palestine a home arid hayen for the Jews. Aaron's house ,once the dwelling of the famed 12th century Jewish financier, Aaron of Lincoln, is the oldest private dwelling in England. Two Jews, John C o h e n and Daniel Levy, were speakers of the. Parliament of New South Wales.
London (JTA — The L&adoa Daily Telegraph and M o r n i n g Post, commenting on P r e s ideat Roosevelt's sending of Undersecretary of State Stunner Wells to capitals of belligerent countries, said: "It may be hoped that apart from his studies in the four mala capitals he will see something of what the Germans are doing in Poland and Czecho-Slovakia." (Iu Washington, it appeared very unlikely that Welles would visit Poland or any part of German territories except Berlin. A demand for social justice and elementary freedoms for all citizens of countries throughout the world was contained in a declaration of policy issued by the executive committee of the British Labor Pary. The declaration does not refer specifically to Jews, but a spokesman for the executive said this clause included Jewish citizens. Patronize Our Advertisers
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Mizrachi Women
A regular meeting of the local chapter of the Mizrachi Women will be held on Wednesday, February 21, at 2:30 at the Jewish Community Center. A b o a r d RabM David H. Wice will repremeeting will take glace at 1. sent the Jewish Chautauqua SocieA detailed report will be given ty at Doane College, Monday, Febof the recent collection of cloth ruary 19, according to an anIng for the refugees entering Pal- nouncement this week in Cincinnati, headquarters of the Society* estine. By Henry Montor Plans will be made for the rum He will speak before the College Chapel at 11:25 a. m. on the subIt 4s Jewish tradition that in There might even have been two destroyed by Vespasian. From mage sale to be held soon. Al- ject: " T h e Judeo — Christian though the community has been the very hour that God is scourg- distinct personalities. After ex- that time until 1492 the Jews very generous in its contributions Ethic In The Twentieth Century." ing the Children of Israel he is amining the many conflicts in de- entered so completely into the life for the refugees, the organization The address will be heard by stucompounding an ointment f o r tails, Madariaga concludes t h a t of the Peninsula that no histor. shall again have to request of it dents and faculty as well as the their wounds. There could be no Christofore Colombo a young of any activity in that land could contributions of salable articles general public. more dramatic symbol of that Genoese whose Italian"was not pre- be written without a major tribute for the semi-annual rummage gale Henry Moneky of this city has theme than the discovery of a sentable and whose was culture-lanto Jewish participation. which is an important source of been appointed to the newly formnew continent by Christopher Co- guage was Spanish." ed Board of Trustees of the JewAlthough Jews were active in income. lumbus In the very y e a r that From which he concludes that financial Mizrachi Women support five ish Chautauqua Society, administration and in Israel was dispersed, from Spain. "the Colombo family were Span- fluential in the development of projects in Palestine: The Batai More than one h u n d r e d and . Perhaps the most singular an- ish Jews settled in Genoa who Spanish civilisation, anti-Semitism Zelroth Mizrachi boarding schools twenty-five colleges and universiswer in 1940 to the "Christian following the traditions of their set in, particularly after the Moor- for the adolescent girl; a farm ties in all parts of the country will Front" is Salvador de Madariaga's race, had remained faithful to the invasion when charges were training s c h o o l for girls and be visited by speakers from the "Christopher Columbus" (Mac- language of t h e i r country of ish levelled against Jews that they young women, and the Beth Med- Jewish Chautauqua Society during millan Co.), an elaborate and im- origin." had aided the Moors. Madariag resh Lemoroth, a teachers' semi- the current school year, the Sociepassioned insistence on the Jewish Columbus was reticent on his ascribes the growth of anti- nary. Mizrachi Women projects ty announced, and will hear lec-ir origin of the explorer who doubled origin and his birthplace. This, also Semitic feeling to the envy among also help take care of the feminine tures on Jewish history, literathe size of the universe. As the too, according to Madariaga is the poor of the wealth and pros- members of the Youth Aliyah. The ture and philosophy. Spanish biographer puts it, Co- proof. "If his family were not perity of the Jews; to the practice quota of the local chapter has lumbus "was the new Moses lead- only poor and humble but Jewish of usury; to the predominance of been doubled. ing his persecuted people to a vi- as well, at a time when the Jew- Jews in tax administration; to Mrs. Joe Tuchman, chairman of Everything Grand carious triumph." ish race was passing in Spain "a tendency to take part in in- the rummage sales, is at present From his obscure birth in Ge- through a crisis never equalled ternal feuds and politics, which visiting in California, but anyone in Poland: Frank noa to his tragic death in Spain in history till the days of N a z i was usually resented and heavily having articles to contribute may 66 years later Don Cristobal Colon Germany, his retlcense as to the Amsterdam (JTA) — Dr. HanS for when the party they had call Mrs. Aaron Katz, JA 4064, exemplified in his own life the actual spot where they lived and paid Frank, Nazi Governor-General for chosen was defeated;" to popular or Mrs. E. Weinberg, WA 1364, aspirations, the triumphs and the oh the actual people they were, beliefs about the abominations of and someone will collect same. Poland, in an Interview with forfrustrations of the people from becomes immediately explicable." Jews "some based on tolerably ign correspondents in Berlin on J. N. P. whom he was estranged by his Moreover, C o l o m b o w e n t reasonable fact, such as their tenFriday, had the following to say Mrs. Kats announces that she conversion to Christianity. through various changes, ending dency to proselytise (why shouldappoint the committee for the about the Jews: Bat he felt as keenly their with the name Colon. "May we n't they)," Madariaga says with will (1) The Jews are unhampered J. N. box collections at the vicissitudes and their greatness as point out how Jewish this all is? a queer combination of factual meeting.F. The by decrees in any activities. "I box collections are did another convert, Benjamin The men of the wandering race error and misplaced tolerance. and will take place in have made no decrees to hinder Disraeli, many centuries later. Co- are so often bound to shift the Madariaga's apologia for the Jews bi-annual the near future. Katz hopes them in the exercise of t h e i r lumbus too dreamed of the libera- conditions of their existence that, is as clumsy a defense as t h e the members will Mrs. respond to her trades or professions. There are tion of Jerusalem and of Zion but with them, change of name has Jews have had from any of their request for a large committee. no racial laws preventing them his plan for a feat to match his become a habit, practically un- good-willed friends. Mrs. E. Weinberg, the chapter's from mingling with or intermarAmerican exploit was rejected by known though it is to the rest of J. N. F. chairman, says that when rying with Poles." Conversos the king and aueen. mankind," Madariaga declares. (2) There is not one concentraone plants trees in "Eretz YlsSome of the most remarkable Not First to Hold Theory The Colombo family came from in "Christopher Colum- roel," one's Mltzvah IB threefold: ion camp in the entire territory. Madarlaga is not by any means Catalonia, where there were many passages (3) No Jews have been forcebus" are those devoted to the his- Dear ones are honored on happy the first to read the records and Jews, Bomo of them Colon. All tory fully resettled, but Jews who "imoccasions or memory of a beof the conversos and the dark Conclude that Columbus was a of them were conversos, that is, they played in the Inquisi- loved one is commemorated; trees migrated" into the GovernmentJew. Some 12 years ago, Marlus Jews who accepted Christianity. part tion and in-the eventual destruc- re vent soil erosion; tree plant- General from Greater German terAndre, the Frenchman, added his Jewish Background ritories have been "settled in the tion and expulsion of the Jews. ing gives work to Palestinians. own research to that of the many The biographer is not content These apostates who penetrated Lublin area, where t h e r e was Mrs. Weinberg announces the Who preceded him In his fictional with the evidence pointing to Co- into the church and became its following tree purchases: 'plenty of room." biography of "Columbus: As He lumbus as a Jew. The very back- leading figures rooted out dlsThe children of Mr. E. Berg on Saw Himself." ground of his exploit is Jewish, "with a zeal far exceeding he occasion of his recovery. representative of t h e Mizrachi Recording Columbus' birth in for he endeavors to prove that sldence Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein in Women of America, is still tour1461, as the son of Domenlco Co- the great geographers and carto- that of the old Christians." Don Pablo de Santa Maria, honor of the marriage of their ing the west. She was the guest lombo, weaver and tavern-keeper, graphers who made that first voyipeaker at the chapter's annual and of Susanna Fontanarossa, An- age westward possible were Jews. originally Rabbi Shlomo ha-Levl, son,Mr.David. and Mrs. W. Swartz In hon- uncheon in November. A partial described by Madariaga as "the dre felt that temperament and M o s t distinguished of these Is r of the marriage of their son, •eport of her tour appeared in the character were the basis for de- scientists was Jehuda Cresques chief leader of Spanish anti-Semducing C o l u m b u s ' Jewishness who, after the violent pogroms tism In the 15th century." Ono Al.Mrs. A. G. Welnsteln in honor ecent Mizrachi Women's News otter. Mrs. Gotsfeld praised the rather than Indisputable histori- that swept Spain in 1391, became powerful name after another in f Rabbi Meir Berlin. )maha chapter highly. he list of those who sought to cal fact. Jaime IUbes. There were other Mrs. David Crounse in memory the church is that of a But Madarlaga has approched noted Jewish cosmographers in protect whose vigilance was so de- f her father, Alexander Levy. the subject without tentatlveness. Majorca and Catalan. When Cris- Jew van Leyden, the engraver Mrs. J. Goodbinder in memory b.Lucas In fact, his book la as much a tobal came to Lisbon in 1476, he structive to his original people. 1490) was of Jewish origin. The conversos also find their >f her mother, Chaye Llbbe. history of the Jews of Spain and immediately w a s brought into These trees will be planted in part In the history of Columbus' an accumulation of evidence and contact with this Jewish circle, Berlin Forest. assumption to prove the original which included among Its great exploits. Gabriel Sanchez, gen- he Rabbi Meir HEAVY . Drawing eral treasurer, and Luis de Sanfaith of the explorer aa it is a personalities, J o s e p h Vizinho, The annual drawing Is another Hens..... 18c Ib. record of a discovery. physician to the king and disciple tangel, minister of finance, of of Income for the organlLECMORN • Columbus has been condemned of the great astronomer, Abraham Aragon, were- among the first to ourco atlon. The committee is still ncourage Colon. It was SantanaB a charlatan and hailed as a Zacuto. ;el who finally persuaded t h o selling tickets and the drawing Hens ....16c Ib. dreamer, assailed as cruel and upIn analyzing Columbus' ambi- queen to sponsor tho first vog- will take place at the last meetheld as Just. But the Columbus tions, the author finds that the of the season. Stags .... 15c Ib. who emerges from the biography marginal notes left in Columbus' age. Luis de Torres was the first ingMrs. N. Levinson will give a to be sent inland after the disof Madarlaga, former Spanish am- books "evince a keen attraction Live C a r p . . . . . 8 c u p luncheon to be followed bassador, is not the heroic figure for/gems and for gold, which is covery, as though his knowledge yonefit bridge at her home on Tuesot Hebrew might help with the whom history must make of the in keeping with his Jewish race." ay, February 27. Mrs. Katz asks metropolitan bold adventurer who looked out T h e s e fantastic animadversions Indians. he friends of Mizrachi to keep On March 31, 1492, Spain prothe window of an unknown -world are always enlarged upon, as in hat date open to help make the Produce Co. - and dared to pierce its darkness. the following passage: "The Jews claimed statutes whose injustice iff air a success. and vindtctiveness were to he unNot Careful in Evaluation 1301 N. 24 WE 4737 have always experienced a curious Mizrachi News Letter Madarlaga believes that he has fascination tor gold and precious paralleled until the Nuremberg Mrs. Bessie Gotsfeld, Palestine laws centuries later. But in Spain, tried objectively to a s s a y the stones, forms of nature which, character, if not the achievements, quite apart from their commercial as in Germany later, "Jews were of Colon, otherwise Columbus. But value, are in deep harmony with lquldatlng their stake in the no chauvinistic Jewish pamphle- the soul of Israel-like gold, un- country as beet they could." The Exile teer could be more recklessly un- conquerable through its vicissiOn August 2nd hundreds of mindful of the laws of evidence tudes in its innermost Sancta than Madariaga has been in eval- Sanctorum, and somewhat glitter- thousands of Jews left Spain. On uating ColumbuB* personality in ing and glossy like diamonds, jet the very same day, Christopher relation to his Jewishness. and rubles, and the eyes and hair Columbus Bailed from Spain to new wealth for his patrons It would probably bo unfair to and lips of the daughters of Sion." find and to open a new horizon for charge the author with anti-JewThe paragraph is quoted for Its mankind. ish bias but Madariaga's blig and characteristic nature rather than The circle of Columbus' life was categorical asumptlons, confusing for its exceptional qnaintness, completed In the misery and distlie weaknesses of an Individual More Than Explorer repute to wihich his four voyages with the predilections of an enAccording to Madariaga, there finally brought him. Even Iq his tire race, serve to bring into ques- was more than the impulse of the last days, according to the Intertion the historical foundations of explorer which drove Columbus preatlon of Madariaga, Columbus bis study. on,: keeping his faith alive despite was signing his name with the Most of what history actually years of rebuffs from King John hexagram of the Mogen David to knows about tho explorer is con- of Portugal and Wter from Fer- emphasize, at least to his own fined to the period from his sail- dinand and Isabella. Columbus satisfaction, the Jewishness of his ing In 1492 to his death in 1506. saw himself 80 a redeemer of the origin. But even that testimony is meagre honor of hfs people, Since Madarlaga has chosen to when one considers the extraor"He fead to triumph for them, with the symbolism of Chrisdinary episode that began with to tise the W^hm let the terrible deal topher Columbus rather than with the revelation of a great new depths ef hie brethren's Ml, facts exclusively, it world and had its climax in 1600 tfothtag tflmt of this §©mt»r« aacertalnablo bo possible, on the same tohen Columbus was sent back fa tragedy, wtiteh wag.eret present might evidence, to ask whether Irons to Spain. in his mind, tan eatjtfafn the al- flimsy Columbus was but another of the Madariaga's a c c o u n t of "the niost &i&btili& intm&lty ol b i s Jewish martyrs whose sacriCarl Riekes very magnificent Lord, Don Cris- pride, trfafeb # , . waff In later great ficed and gifts the world, for years to bo the main c&wo ol bis tobal Colon." is a biearre combiwhom they were mado, accepted nation of the mystically poetic downfall." with reluctanco because It meant and the racy colloquial. It la an It Is In this history of tho Jews acknowledging Indebtedness to a English that Is as foreign to our in Spain that Madariaga reveals Jew. recognized idiom as a very cul- his basic respect for the contributured accent. There are passages tion that they made to tho growth (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts of rich dignity that are appropri- of that country which, up to the Feature Syndicate.) ate to the theme, followed by Teu- 14th century was second only to tonlcally involuted p a g e s that Palestine as "a Jewish national Antonio Jose da Sllva, a Bra, break the rhythm. ^ home." zilian Marrano, was P o r t ugal's Jews might have landed on the leading dramatist at the time of Mystery of Origin •" Chriatofore Colombo was Chrls- Spanish shores as early as 1,000 his execution as for Judalzlng in tbbal Colon. The mystery of his B. C, although corroboratablo 1739. origin, the exact ramifications of evidence assures their entry,into OE&AHA §&§ ISO. fi®TH ST. AT 4S5O fcls lineage are still debateable. Spain In 74 when Jerusalem was Patronize Our Advertisers
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OrthodoK Synagogues Services will begin tonight ai 5:45 and ia the morning &t 8:30 Rabbi S. Bolotoikov will speak ia the morning at the Ada.s Yesliurea synagogue.
Federation Plans Annual Banquet
Society News
that matter . . . If you're a cold shower addict you'll be interested to learn that film producer Joseph Schenck is a fellow devotee . . . Congratulations to Rose and JKIIMS (AZA executive director) Bisao on tke arrival of a bundle from Mrs. Stephen S. Wise's famous child-adoption {institution. . . . The newcomer's name, If you waist to know, is Jay Alrin . . . One of Hollywood's most beloved hostesses fa Frances Goldwyn, wife of Samuel . . . Maybe they're etarting young these days, or perhaps we're too old to realize how time inarches ©a, but it came as something ©f a shock to us that Bobby Breen, the boy warbler of the talkies, is having a romantic interlude . . . One of the biggest heroes of the heroic "Fighting 69 th," which, as you know, was a predominantly Irish Catholic regiment, was Sergeant Abe Blaustein . . . James Cagney, who's a hundred per cent Aryan, speaks a fluent Yiddish . . . INFORMATION PLAYS
Budapest (WNS) — One hundred aad sixty Jewish professors and school teachers felt the full impact of Hungary's recent antiSemitic legislation when they were given tkeir dismissal notices effective late this month. HEED, iiaM&VVLVTt'i, MUJS1M8ON, • KBUSKA £.!.«! EPHKAIM I . MARKS, Attorneys 61% First N&i'I Bmk Bids. NOTICE B¥ PUBLICATION OS PETITION FOK SESTLEMENT OF *1NAL
Nelle Sinikyn and B e r t h a ACCOUNT. The federation has chosen Feb- Berger have left for a three-week Ia the Comity Court of Douglas County, ; ruary 28 ES the date for the an- vacation In the east. They will Nebr&ska. nual banquet. Elaborate plans visit in New York, Washington, Ia the Matter of the' Estate of Junta Cunningham Jr. Deceased: Philadelphia and Chicago. have been made. All persons interested to said Butter The Center Players of the JewMra. Max Mayer of Des Moines ere hereby notified that on tbe 26th day of January 1840 James T. Cunningham After spending three months at ish Community C e n t e r have will be the guest speaker. Details met a petition ia etiti County Court, chosen the cast and started re- will be found In a later Issue of the home of her Bisters, Mrs. praying that bis final administration acLouis Kuklin of Neola, Ia., forhearsals of a three-act play to The Press. count filed iifcitla be settled *ad allowed, and that he be discharged from: bis trust merly Kate Kaplan, and Mrs. Ben be given sometime early in April as administrator and that a hearing will Chasen, of Syracuse, Neb., forat the Center's own auditorium be had on said petition before said Court on the 24th day of February 19*0, and merly Sophia Kaplan, Miss Sally at Fifth and Pearl streets. that if you fail to appear before eald Lee Kaplan has returned home. The play is "Spring Song," a Court on the said 2JtU day of February 1910 at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest Mid Broadway hit of a few seasons She was accompanied by Mrs. petition, the Court may grant the prayer ago and is a story of Jewish famChasen, who will spend a few days of said petition, enter a decree of heirily life, centering around a mothat the home of her mother, Mrs. ship, and omke such other and further orders, allowances and decrees as to this er and her two daughters. "Spring Rose Kaplan, 1109 West Second Court may ecem proper, to the end that Things we knew but had forThe Sioux City unit of Junior street. Song" was written by Samuel and all pertaining to said estate may gotten, but of which the new Uni- be matters finally settled and determined. Bella Spewack, the authors of the and Senior Hadassah will unite smash picture and stage success, for a joint meeting on Tuesday BKYOB CRAWFORD, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kuklin of versal Jewish Encylopedia being County Judge. evening, February 13, at the Jew- Neola, Ia., announced the birth published in New York has re- 2-2-40-3t "Boy Meets Girl." minded us, include the following The Spewacks also wrote the ish Community Center at 8:15. of a daughter, Arlene Joy, on . . . That the swastika was used WEBB, BEBEB, KLUTZNICK ft book for "Leave It To Me," which Members of the local Zionist dis- January 23 at the Clarkson hos- by the Semites thousands of years KELLE?, Attys. trict have been invited as their £00 Service Life Bid*. starred Victor Moore and Sophie pital at Omaha. before Hitler was born (if you Tucker and recently played the guests. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: want to check on that, just look TOPublic Orpheum here. notice is hereby given, that the Today when men and nations at an Aleph) . . . That Ludwig partnership lately existing between Alfred Strictly Confidential The play will be made available everywhere are resorting to war W. Petersen and Phil Qerelick both Of Mond, father of the first Lord to the general public for a small and spurious theories to settle Omaha, Douglas Nebraska, and Melchett, was the founder of am- doing business at County, Omaha, Nebraska, un« admission fee to be decided upon their conflicts, Hadassah, t h e , (Continued from Page 11) monia soda manufacture In Engder the firm came of "P * O Motor later. Women's Zionist Organization of Company" was on tbe 24th dajr the wall of which is crowd- land, and invented methods of ex- Supply Cast of January, 1940, dissolved by mutual America, reaffirming its belief room tracting metals from their ores agreement ed with shoe-horns . . . Probably the parties thereto. "Spring Song" was "originally that knowledge and understand- symbolic of Adolf's attempt to . . That all the achievements in That all ofdebts to the said firm produced by Mas Gordon and fea- ing can be forceful guides to liv- raise Naziland by its ersatz boot- radio go back to the discovery of are to be collectedowing by Phil Gerellck, ana all demands against said firm are to bt tured Francine Larrimore and ing and action, has set aside one straps to that place In the sun . . . the Hertzian waves by the noa- presented to him for payment and nettle* Sam Levene, the latter being well day as National Hadassah Educa- WHAT DO YOU KNOW? ' Aryan German Heinrlch Hertz . . ment. tion day. known in pictures; particularly day of January, 1940. That the non-Aryan Karl Arnstein pated this 24th ALFRED Well, if you think you know a J. PETERSON for his "Patsy" in "Three Men The committee in charge of arwas chief engineer in the Zeppelin PHIL GEREUCK. On a Horse," which he also played rangements has planned an in- lot, just answer these questions works of Germany, and in 1924 2-2-«Mt . . First, who established the on the stage. teresting, Inspiring and. educa- first children's clinic in America? piloted the first Zeppelin from UKOD1NSKV, MABiSB * Special scenery is required for tional evening and urges all mem- . . Second,' by whom was flogging Europe to America across the At- MONNKY,COHEN, Attorney* this play and will be built by the bers and friends to attend. - Miss abolished in the United States lantic . . . That William Herschel, Center Players production staff. Dena Baron, president of Junior Navy? . . . And third, how did the a German Jewish musician who NOTICE of CHATTEL MORTGAGE BALM The show will be staged under ladassah, will preside. Mrs. Jack American turkey get its name? emigrated to England, was the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that O» the direction of Willard Greene loblnson will extend greetings for . . But don't stay awake nights discoverer of Uranus, the first the lBth day of February, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M.( at the premises known M and has a cast of 38 speaking Senior Hadassah. Mr. A. M. Davis worrying about these things . , . planet to be found by use of the Alt Parking Co., 615 South 17th Street, parts, the principals of which in- will speak on behalf of the Zion- Answers will appear ia this col- telescope „ . . And that the French Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned will ist district. Miss Dorothy LonNew School of Art must be conclude Esther Eirenberg, Golie sell at public auction to the highest bidumn next week . . . don, educational chairman of der for cash: sidered non-Aryan, one of its Lehman, Sylvia Friedman, Rose AFFAIRS One 1932 8-Cyllnder Pontiao Coacn, fathers having been Camille Pis- Motor Sperling, Rosabelle W l g o d s k y , Junior Hadassah, will present a JEWISH No. 2326502, One day recently Dr. Chaim Frances Lavlne, Renabelle Harris, "Radio Broadcast," and Cantor Weizmann invited Louia Lipsky, saro, a Jew . . . covered by a chattel mortagage made, « • Morris Pernick will lead In the Maurice Raskin, Arnold Baron,and delivered by Elmer L Clart Dr. Stephen S. Wise and Dr. Solo- (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts ecuted on or about September 14th, 1939, to George Shlndler, Karl Novich, community singing. mon Goldman to a conference to avor of the Jack Lincoln Motor Co., filRabbi Albert S. Goldstein will Feature Syndicate) George Felnberg and A r t h u r ed of reeord in the office of the County the real purpose of his BronBon; also appearing are Jean be the main speaker of the eve- discuss Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, on here, which, incidentally, has October 2nd, 1039, and assigned to the Garland, Charles Shindler, Rose ning. Members of Senior Hadas- visit very little to do with the regular American Loan Plan, and upon which said Lavlne, Alyce Tilevltz, J u l i u s sah will serve the refreshments. mortgage there is now due the sum ot fund-raising campaign that Is now Friedman, Sam Lunin, Eva Gor163.00. Said sale will be for the purpose roing on . . . He then called In a f foreclosing said mortgage, for the coats don, Sophia Slutsky, Lucille Gold>f the sale, and all accruing costs, and ertain long-nosed gentleman and berg, Reuben Cohen, Laurine Kapror the purpose of satisfying the above ntroduced him to the three Zion- HADASSAH lan and Marvin Mazie. itated sum now due and owing. No spit ist leaders with these words: "If ir other proceedings at law have been ln« The Hadassah organization will With this imposing array of I am to succeed in my mission I have an open meeting on February stltuted to recover said debt, or any part thereof. talent, together with the special A U E M C A N LOAN M A N need this man" . . . And so Meyer 21 to commemorate Hadassah Edscenic effects and the excellent VV. Weisgal has been drafted into ucation Week. By HARRY B. COHSW play itself, "Spring Song" should L-28-40-3t Its Attorney*. Sidor Belarsky, formerly lead- servce, and will from now on be be the outstanding amateur theconstantly at Weizmann's side JHVNSKY, GK01HNBKY, MAKER * ing basso, Leningrad State opera, JUNIOR HADASSAH atrical effort of the year. COHEN, Attorneys A tea will be given by the Junand Chayele Grober, leading Jew- during the Zionist president's stay ish Mime, formerly with Habimah, in this country . . . But don't wor- ior Hadassah on Sunday, February NOTICE Of CHATTEL BIORTGAGE SALE •will present a program of songs ry about the Palestine Pavilion at 11, at 2:30 at the home of Ilene 18 HEREBY GIVEN that OB and recitations in Yiddish, Hebrew he New York World's Fair,' of Rosenberg, 215 South N i n t h theNOTICES 19th day of February, 1910, at ten and English on March 4 at 8:30 which Weisgal is the director, not treet. A social meeting and games o'clock A. M., at the premises known as Alt Parking Co., 815 Bouth 17th Street, at the Jewish Community Center. opening on time . . . He's taking will follow. Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned wffl All members and prospective sell They will be accompanied by care of that, too . . . Don't be surat public auction to the highest bidprised if one of these days you members are urged to attend. der' for cash: Sylvia Marshall. The artists are The Youth Council with all the One Used 1934 Chevrolet Sedan autonio« read a report on the progress of a . clubs co-operating will hold a brought here under the sponsor- B'nai B'rith Lodge down in Ant.lie. Motor No. 4344691, Berlal No. I P . ON WINNING TEAM ship of the Jewish National WorkA. 0530361, . "V ! drawing. Milton Mazle has been arctica . . . Ben B'rith Murray Bob Passer and Yale Gotsdiner covered by a chattel mortgage made, «X« : chosen to act as chairman. A ers Alliance. ecuted and delivered by Herbert Q. BrtggJ All proceeds of the affair are Weiner of New York, who is a are members of the Thomas Jef- on beautiful and expensive electric or about December Bth, 1938, in favor for the Leon Blum Colony in member of the Byrd expedition to ferson High school debate team of the Jack Lincoln Motor Co., flled of ; ;Clock will be offered. record in the office of the County Cleric ittje. America, has taken along which won firat place at the Per- f Douglas • The dock was presented by the Palestine. County, Nebraska, on Decemry Invitational meet, last Satura lodge banner and other paraber 10th, 1938. and assigned to tte Amer« •' Carnival committee to the Youth day. lean Loan Plan: and upon which «aid phernalia,, and hopes to found a • Council for services rendered at Young Judea there to now due the sum of Twenty schools participated In mortgage lodge. down in the deepest South the Carnival. Tickets will be 10 195.287 Said sale will be tor the purpose if he can find a minyan for a he tournament. cents and three for a quarter. >f foreclosing said mortgage, for the coat; The Young Jttdean Cardoza membership nucleus . . . Official it ihe sale, and aU accruing co«t», wad Each club participating in this held an election of officers uniform of the lodge will be tails IN HOSPITAL for the purpose of satisfying the abov* drawing will receive a percentage group stated sum now due and owing. No suit last Sunday afternoon at the JewMrs. Henry Maduff of Anita, of the proceeds according to their sh Community Center. The new and white tie, to make the penor other proceedings at law have been a., is a patient at the Mercy hosguins feel happy . . . Bales. The money is to help each officers are: President, Irving Instituted to recover said debt, or any >ital, and after Sunday will be at part thereof. M E R I 0 A N ^ organization carry on its work/ Sherman; vice-president, E a r l ABOUT PEOPLE pLA£ he borne of her sister, Mrs. David By HARRY B. COHEN In just a few months you'll Pollack; secretary, Marvin Marsh; -20-40-31 It* Attorney*, to address the author of ox, 106 North Eighth. street. Hold DebraDdnce treasurer, Bobby Lipschutz; ser- have "Days of Our Years"—which, ineant-at-arms, Louis Blecher. Two* cidentally, was officially rated the Tomorrow "Night new members, Herschel and Euo s t distinguished non-fiction gene Goldberg, were voted into m book published in 1939—as DocThe Debra club will hold its the club. tor van Paassen . . .He's schedformal dinner d a n c e Saturday uled to receive the' honorary denight at the Oasis. This is to be ree of Doctor of Letters from Hadassah • Leap Year dance. Oglethorpe Universityy at the May The Valentine theme will be The board members of Senior commencement exercises . .... carried out for the. affair. The Hadassah met on Tuesday, Feb- Among the speakers at the Heycommittee consists }of Miss Rose Broyn memorial meeting to Bashofkin, Anne H e r m a n , Sis ruary 6, at .1:30. The education wood be held otfLincoln's birthday will Eirenberg and Mrs. Sid Baumsten. program which will be held next be Charlie Horowitz, wlioae disTuesday night, February 13, was tinction it is that \he late coldiscussed. • Center News Plan3 for the leadership study umnist liked to use the taxicab he drove—and still drives, for group were discussed. The Youth Council will sponsor A Sweater Hop tomorrow night Shaare Zion •with the co-operation of the WEJ club. The admission charge will I$@pendat»le night services will be.be only 15 cents. Everyone is ginFriday tonight at 8 with Cantor Perinvited to attend. nick and the choir chanting the S. Complete Service for Voiar services. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz Ballroom dancing classes will will speak on "Rashl" in honor of be discontinued. The series of 10 the 900th anniversary-of his birth." classes have now being completed. Saturday morning services will beThe second series will start in in at 9 o'clock.
Mt. Sinai The Children's Theater which tras to present a play on Sunday, Friday night services will beFebruary 11, has announced that - tbe ulay lias been postponed one Ja tonight at 8 with Rabbi AlS. Goldstein speaking on weefe and will be presented oft beit W L i l R i h t " • •- - • jfcbruary 18 at 3 o'clock. •
!ouncil Bluf fJ