JBtotered M Second Class Mall Mattef on January Si, mU at Fostottlce, of Omaba,"Nebraska, under the Act of March S, 1B7»
In These Critical Times Morris E. Jacobs, Chairman 1940 Jewish Philanthropies
John Farber Is
i.- From t i e throats of harassed, Annual Service Will Be Starving European Jewry comes Held Tonight at
. t h e despairing cry, "We Want to ; Lire"" From the miserable tem- porary shelters of the Lublin Res: ervatlon for Jews, thousands of < Jews feebly raise t h e i r voices, - "We Want to Live!" From the • bare fields of No-Man's-Land an - a g o n i s i n g cry "We Want to • Lire!" reaches our shores. A plea ' for life, a plea of human beings trapped in the very Shadow of the - Valley of Death for a chance to live!
Beth £1
: And! we, American Jews! We • live on a veritable oasis for the Jews . . • one of the few remaining countries in the whole world where,Jews may dwell at peace . * . , enjoying the right to work . and the fall privileges of citizen: ship. To those who plead "We Want : to Lire!" the lot of the humblest . of us must iteem like a vision of delight. For the past seven years - t h e y have been the victims of the most carefully-devised, completelyrorganized campaign of destruction and annihilation.
John A. Farber, president of thjr Service Life Insurance company of Omaha, lias been selected as clialriuan of Hie Initial Gifts Division of the 1040 Jewish Philanthropies campaign. Announcement of this appointment was made by Morris K. Jacobs, general chairman of the campaign. - Mr. Farber has been active in communal affairs for many years and new impetus was added to
'Post Road day to> The final •*_ ,of thp Jewish Community Center* season, "Post Road/' will be given Monday and Tuesday evenings,:1 March 18 and 19, af the "Jewish Community \
; : ; ' ; ' . i
Center. • • '
An exciting mystery melodrama, "Post Road" was a popular Broadway ;success of seve'ral season's ago. " Members Of the cast will include Joe Cohen, Beverly M e ndelson, Morris Landman, D a v e ; WeineJ1, Lillian Cherniss, Martha Himelstein, Shirley Kahn, C h a r l e s Rachman, Alta C o h e n , Dorothy Tatleman, H a r o l d Habler, Sam Kaplan, Betty Tarnoff, and Pauline Rlfkin. Mrs. Herman Jahr is directing the production. '.'.,'" . • •
Every hand is turned against them. Their property has been confiscated; they may not work; they may not send their children to school; they are driven into Crowded ghettocs; they are tortnred, starved, a n d humiliated; they may not even care for their 1* TJhis is the awful desert of fear and dread, of hunger and sickness, of despair and degradation, in which millions of European Jews wander today. Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer Can any Omaha Jew stand by unmoved, and accept all this without attempting to do something tor, together w i t h Dr.'A. L. Sachar, at the Illinois H11 le 1 about it? Foundation, and was Hlllol director at the University of Alabama. Can any Omaha Jew be so comAt present he is an associate fortable and like Ferdinand the professor in the School of Reball, sit under a cork, tree and ligion at the University of Iowa. flmell the flowers while millions Others Participate of our brethren are faced with exThe Sabbath services will be Unction? preceded by a welcome to Beth El by Arthur A. Cohn, president, The answer can come through and the response, for B'nai B'rith the success of the 1940 Jewish by Dr. Leon Feliman, The openPhilanthropies Campaign. Its suc- ing prayer will be read by Milton cess means the continuation of Frohm, and Joe Solomonow and ioup kitchens to feed millions of Salewin Michnick will direct the Jews; shelter; medicines; emigra- remainder of the Sabbath praytion to Palestine and other coun- ers. Klddush will be sung by tries; in short, LIFE. Harry DuBoff. Rabbi Kertzer will be Introduced by Rabbi David A. To answer their cry, every In- Goldstein. dividual Omaha Jew must recogChairman of the committee in nize his Individual responsibility. charge of arrangements is Alfred Ordinary pledges and gifts will Fiedler, program chairman of the not save human lives. Old stand- Omaha B'nai B'rith lodge. ards of giving must be forgotten. This is no mere charity drive, but A. campaign to give life to millions of Jews. The greatest emergency In the annals of history must be met by the greatest sacrifices wo can possibly make. ''.'. Each one of us, remembering our objective of saying millions of lives of people just like ourselves;
Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer, director of the University of l o w * llillel Foundation, will be guest rabbi at the second annual B'nal B'rith Sabbajth tonight at the Beth £1 synagogue, starting at 8 p. m. * Topic of his sermon will be "Candle in the Darkness." Rabbi Kertzer served as associate direc-
Entertainment to please everyone of school age will be included in the children's program to bo presented at the Jewish Community Center at 10:30, Friday morning, March 22. A fantasy entitled "Fly Away, Jack," will be presented by tlie chlldren of the dramatics class under the direction of Mrs. Herman Jahr. Novelty dance nu m b e r s and stunts w i l l round out the program, The dancers will be selected from the ballroom, ballet and tap classes. Scouts from the senior and junior b o y s and girls troops will present original skits and stunts. There will be singing and refreshments at the close of the. program. A d m i sslon is 10 cents to'chlldren of non-members. Members of the Center' . a r e admitted' without, charge. -
Expressing condemnation of the implanting Jewish values in the ;'. ; •' j a policy of disobedience to these At the afternoon session Sunstrictures, the annual, Midwestern day Leon Gellman, president-of Conference of the Mizrachi or- the Mizrachi-Zlonist organization ganization of America Sunday of America, condemned the heartevening^ concluded its three - day less attitude of Great Britain; in session.' . ....'" • its limitation of thVrigh't of Jews Rabbi Paul .J...Bender .of.Du• (Continued on page 9)J ] luth, Minn, was elected president of the region to succeed the,RevV Dr; Manuel S. .Laderman of Den* ver, Colo., Rabbi Isaiah Rackdvsky. spiritual leader of the local O r t h o d o x congregations,*.was chosen first vice-president of -the ' At its last meeting the Board' Region. . . .. of Trustees of Temple Israel Ail O r t h o d o x congregations passed & resolution t'h a t all heard addresses, by the Mizrachi contributions'sent*to £he Temleaders at late Friday evening ple In memory of'Rabbi Fredservices last week. In his" presi- erick Cohn'will be set aside in dential address,* Rabbi Laderman a special fund for a, permansaid, "As Zionists we stand "firm ent memorial, the exact nature in OUT historic faith "in the value which is to be determined of the Jewish homeland; as"Miz- -of raelii Z^niats, yre stand firm In later. our faith in the-Importance of
cannot fail to measure up to the British • restrictions on Palestine Jewish homeland." needs of the hour. land sales to Jews and pledging ' . Policy Condemned We, who live on an oasis must rsepond to the plea of those who are trapped in a desert!
Resolution by Temple Board
Seized in Nazi's Death '. Komarno, Hungary (JTA) — Relnhold Mariekz, a high Nazi official, and his wife were assassinated at Zeran, in German-occupied Poland, it wan reported.- The double murder brought mass arrests ef many P'-'-Vrnd Jews in the area.-n°cc>r-ling to advices reaching here.
• John A. Farber '. this year's drive by the selection of Mr. Farber to fill this important post. . , . • ' • , In accepting the chairmanship of the Initial Gifts Committee, Mr, Farber said, "Like so many others" who give of .their time, (Continued on page 9)
< A'Joint committee of the Sisterhood rof the United Orthodox congregations and the Deborah BOciety, consisting of Mrs. P a u 1 Goldstein, Mrs, Sidney Katleman, Mrs. A. Katz, Mrs, L. Neveleff, Mrs. Michael Cohen and Mrs1. J. Bernstein, have worked out an elaborate program for the purim celebration which Is to take place at the B'nai Israel synagogue on the eve o£ Purim, March 23. The evening will start with the regular evening services at 7:30. The reading of the Meglllah will begin at 8 and will be followed by a program of entertainment and the distribution of presents* for the children. ,; Community singing will be conducted by the Hebrew School pupils. Prizes will be distributed for attendance in- Hebrew -school and a grand march to judge the costumes of "the children wlll;follow,,- Mrs. N. Levlnson will 4>e in charge of refresfiments; •" About "400 childreij are expected-to attend-that evening, .and each one ; will •' receive "Sh'oloch Monos" from Uie mother organizations.
ROUND TABLE PURIM FETE Youth Groups to C e l e brate Holiday This Sunday Commemorating the h i s t oric festival of Purlin, the H o u n d Table of Jewish Youth will cele. brate in gala style oil Sunday, March 17, with dancing, refreshments, booths' ,and f|iu. "Club Shushan," the name selected by popular vote for this year's celebration, will p r o v i d o the theme and setting of gaiety for the evening. Dancing will be held in the auditorium with music by Freddie Ebener's Orchestra. In the gym there will be booths for refreshments and games. Highlight of the evening will be the crowning of Queen Esther. Candidates for t h e honor are: B'nos Beth El, Florence Tatelinan; Junior lladassali, Bess Lcfitz, Bas-a-ml, Esther S h a plro; Theta Lambda, Marion W o lj) a; Alpha Gamma Chi, Eileen Zevitz; Temple Youth group, Frances Itubenstein; U. T. Sorority, Podie Belmont; Tau Delta S o r o r i t y , Harriet Geifman; and Young Judaea, Bernice Crounse. . The following organizations are participating in the "Club Shushan"; Decorations, Ro-Noh, B'nos Beth El, Tau Delta; Concession t i c k e t s , Bas-a-mi; Soda Pop booth, A. Z. A. 1 and A. Z. A. 100; Hot Dog booth, T e m p l e Youth group; Candy-and Hainantashen Booth, Y o u n g Judaea; Penny. Pitch Booth, A. Z. A. 7; poor prize tickets. Alpha Gamma Chi; Serving In auditorium, U. T. Sorority and Theta Lambda; Entertainment, E. T. C. Sorority, Junior Hadassah; Phi Beta Epsilx>n, Rayos Club, and Senior Boy Scout Patrol. * - ' Oo-chairmen- of .. "Club Shushan", Rosalie W e r t h eimer and Sheldon Bernstein,. Assure t everyone that this year's Purim celebration will provide several unique features and they promise an evening of fun in the e a r n ival spirit of Purlin. . Admission to "Club Shushan" will be by season ticket or 50 cents per- couple, Single admissions are. 25 cents..
A memorial service will be held this evening at Temple Israel- for Rabbi Frederick Cohn,« who died last week after-serving-for thirtysix years as'Habb'Lof.the Tem.ple: i President Roland-Haynes of'the University' of Omaha will speak Off Rabbi. Cahh's" "Cultural'land Intell<5ctual -ConfributWn to : t h e Community."- - , . Dr. John M. Phillips of the-First Central Congregational C h u r c h will "speak "on -RaBbi- Cohn's Tole Hungary Jails 3 ' as.. "Religious Leader "and ComBudapest (JTA) — A magis- munal Worker."" trate's court imposed a 30-day Poem Published " jail term and a fine of 6,000 pengoes on the manager of the Josef A poem, "The White Paper''.*/ .Walla Cement .factory for violating the anti-Jewish laws by fail-. Jlra.* William .Gray, of •Qmahay.haa ing to submit a fulMlst of Jewish, been published in the •jcurrej.t -Isemployes. Two assistants wero sue of "Opinion." Mrs. Gray, is % given IE-day -sentences "and fines frequent contributor to ".The Jewof 500 and 6Q9 pengoea each': " ' ish Press."
Friday, March 8, 1940
Pat* 10
Center Champions to Play in Charity Game
HH l l Y
rFORRA (Continued from page 1.) for his oration on "The Career of Lord Beacousfield. Ordained in 1880 • In 1894 he received his B. A. degree from the University of .Cincinnati, where he was again .the winner of an oratory prize. .His subject on this occasion was "The Debt of Liberty to the Netherlands." The following year he received his M. A. degree from the same school. He was ordained by the Hebrew Union College, where he was class valedictorian, in 1896. In 1907 be received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Nebraska. His thesis subject was "Evolutionism and Idealism in Ethics." ; Following his ordination as a rabbi, he was spiritual leader of the Reform congregation at Fort Wayne, Ind., where he remained for eight years. In 1904 he was chosen rabbi of Temple Israel here in Omaha and served the congregation until 1934 when he was named Rabbi Emeritus. He had been elected rabbi for life iu 1929. Active in Civic Affairs When he first came to Omaha, the Temple was located in a frame structure, near Twenty-third and Harney streets, which had been dedicated in 1884. During his Rabbinate the present building of the Temple was constructed at Park avenue and Jackson street. Rabbi Cohn was active in nearly every form of civic and communal enterprise. He was one of the founders of the Omaha Community Chest, a founder and president of the Board of Public Welfare, president of the State Conference on Social Work, a director of the Jewish Welfare Federation, secretary of the local chapter of the American Red Cross, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Boy Scouts of America* Camp Fire Girls of Oniaha, B'nai B'rith, University club, Community Playhouse, Omaha club, Rotary club, Highland, as well as many others. He was a past member of the executive board of the Central Conference, of American Rabbis and was past secretary and historian of the Hebrew Union College Alumni. In 1935 he was chosen Omaha's outstanding Jewish citizen. He was also a.member of Phi Beta Kappa. As a member of the Omaha Public Library board, he recently led a campaign to have the book, "Grapes of Wrath," placed on the library shelves. Student of Transcendehtolists For the past several years he has given a weekly book review for the University of Omaha. Each year has shown a marked increase in attendance at these classes. As a native New Englander he was a great student of the New England Transcendental m o v e xnent, and the late Senator Hoar of Massachusetts in his "Centenary Oration on Emerson" quoted widely from Rabhl Cohn's writings. Last summer he visited New England and spent several weeks around Concord, where the leading Transcendentalists h a d lived. For the past six years he had contributed a weekly editorial to The Jewish Press. -Surviving him are: Two daughters, Mrs. Ben Silver of Omaha and Mrs. Ben L. Herzberg of Chicago; a son, Ralph F. Cohn of Chicago; a brother, Benjamin; and a sister, Mrs. Ray Dimond, both of Providence, R. I., and two grandchildren, Robert a n d Adrian Herzbergi Burial was at Pleasant Hill.
Discuss Transfer of PolishYeshivoth .
London (WNS-Palcor Agency) —-Chief Rabbi Isaac Halevy Herzog of Palestine left London by air for Paris and Rome, where he plans to continue negotiations for the immigration of a' thousand students and teachers of Polish Yesbivoth to Palestine, it was announced here: At the conclusion of his meetings in Rome, the rabbi will return to Palestine. Whil6 In London, Rabbi Herzog discussed with Colonial Secretary Malcolm MacDonald the possibility of transferring former Polish Yeshivoth to Palestine. i Patronize Our'Advertisers
B'NAI B'RITH TO HOLD SABBATH (Continued from page 1.) . * Salewin Michnick and Harry DuBoff. •A successful one-day collection of dues campaign was conducted Tuesday under the direction of Milton Frohm, chairman of the lodge committee on membership and conservation. Those taking part were: Jerry Gross, Lawrence Gross, Dr. Fellman, Marvin Treller, Harold Zelinsky, Joe Solomo* now, Alfred Fiedler, Dr. A. Greenberg, Harry DuBoff, Dan Lintzman, Arthur Goldstein, A r t h u r Cohn, Salewin Michnick, D a v e Block, Max Holzman, D o n a l d Brodkey, Harvey Leon and Philip Klutznick.
, 1
• ,
•' •
•• » - i
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Samuel Alatrl, Italian J e w i sh communal leader, was appointed director of the Banca Romana by Pope Pius IX.
* • - ' . -
Tied for first place in the Jewish Community Center league, these Omaha Jobber basketball players will take on outside competition on their own court Sunday at 3:15. They will play the Metro Utilities team in a World-Herald Goodfellow fund exhibition. Players grouped
around are: Left to right, front row, James Burroughs, Iz Bogdanoff, Sol Yaffe and Lou Weiner, Back row, Ben Kutler, Herb Meiches, Myer Rosenblatt and Millard Sigal (WorldHerald Photo). '
Katleman, Joe Morgan, and Rev. G. Barbakow; B a n q uet, S. H. Katz, Aaron Katz, J. Adler, D. Abrains, D. Crounse, S. Shyken, Sol Lagman, and B. Lindenbaum; and Publicity, 'Sol Spar and B. Saltzman.
(Continued from page 1.) Mesdames Max A r b i t m a n, A. Katz, E. Brodkey, J. Bernstein, D. rounse, A. G. Weinstein, a n d Louis Neveleff. Saturday morning, Rabbi S. Klibansky of St. Louis will speak at (Continued from page 1.) the Congregation B'nal Israel; Mr. Gellman at the Congregation eration, to which the entire JewBeth Hamedrosh Hagodel; a n d ish Community is invited, is of Rabbi Bender will speak at the the greatest s i g n i f icance this ongregation Adass Yeshuren. year. With conditions of World Jewry in a disastrous state and M'lave Malke Rabbi L. Ginsberg of Denver demands for overseas relief greatwill be the main speaker at the er than ever, this meeting will M'lave Malke to. be held Satur- present an authoritative appraisal ; day night at 8 o'clock at the Con- of the situation. gregation B'nai Israel. A WomPreceding Dr. Silver's address, en's committee consisting of Mrs. brief reports on the activities of S. Fish, Mrs. B. Shafton, Mrs. A. the Federation will be presented. Glickman, and Mrs. A. G. Wein- The Jewish Federation is a constein are arranging the menu for solidation of all Jewish social the occasion. services in Oniaha. Present officers of the FederaThe first f u l l session of the Conference will take place Sun- tion are: William L. Holzman, day morning at 10 o'clock at the president; Henry Monsky, f i r s t Jewish Community Center and will be under the chairmanship of ItltOME, SMITH & HEULER, Altyi. Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Rabbi Maurice D. S o l o mon of Kansas City. After greetings by PROBATE NOTICE the Mayor of Omaha, g u e s t s , In the Matter of the Estate of Lydla heads of local organizations, the Wlnkelman, Deceased: Notice is H e r e b y Given: That the President of- the Region, Rabbi creditors of the Bald deceased will meet Manuel Laderman, will d e l i ver the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, his message. Discussion of the Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in message and conference organiza- said County, on the 30th day of April, 1010, and on the 1st day of July, 1M0, tion will follow. at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for tho The afternoon s e s sion at 2 purpose of presenting their claims for o'clock will be presided over by examination, adjustment and allowance. months are alowed for the creditors Rabbi Bender. The main speakers Three to present their claims, from the 30th day at this session will be Mr. Gell- of March, 1910. • BRYCE CRAWFORD, man who will s p e a k on "The County Judge. White Paper and Refugee Prob- 3-8-40-3t. lems"; and Rabbi Isaiah Rackov- WEBB, BEKEK, KLUTZNICK ft sky, who will speak on "Jewish Attorneys 200 Service Ufe Bid?. Thought and Policy." Committee reports and resolutions will follow NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, and the meeting will close with Nebraska: the election of regional officers. In the Matter of the Estate of AnthonyBanquet Sunday Clement SImones, Deceased. All persons Interested in said estate are The conference will close with hereby that a petition has been a banquet at 6:30 at the Jewish filed In notified said Court alleging that said dedied leaving no last will and pray Community Center. Banquet pre- ceased Ing for administration upon his estate, parations are under the direction and that a hearing will be had on said of a special women's committee petition before said court on the 30th of March, 1940, and that if they fail consisting of: Mesdames A. Katz, dayappear at said Court on the said 30th B. Chait, J. Bernstein, B. Laytin, to day of March, 1940, at 9 o'clock A. M. contest said petition, the Court may L, Rosenblatt, D. C r o u n s e , B. to the same and grant administration Handler, E. Welnberg, L. Neve- grant of said estate to Evelyn SImones or some leff, B. Shafton, N. Levlnson, A. other suitable person nad proceed to a G. Weinstein, S. Fish, and Max settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, Arbltman. 3-8-40-3t. County Judge. Speakers at the banquet will be: Mr. Gellman, who will speak in Yiddish and Rabbi Laderman who will deliver an English address. Rabbi Rackovsky will act as toastmaster for the occasion. Miss Marlon Weinberg and. Miss Mary Arbitman are in charge of registration. Mrs. E. Brodkey and Mrs. A. Katz will be at the door during the banquet. . Members of the MizrachI Men's committees are: Arrangements, Louis Epstein, A. Schwaczkin, N. Levinson, S. Ravitz, E. Weinberg, N. Wilfsen, and M. Katzman; Reception, A. G. Weinstein, Rabbi N. Feldman, Louis B1 u menthol, J. Kireheabsmn; -M; A r b i tman; S.
GENE BEECHER and Orchestra ' with lovely
Lorraine Elliott Vocalist
vice-president; Sam Beber, second vice-president; Mrs. David Greenberg, third vice-president; Harry Silverman, secretary, and Harry Malashock, treasurer. Honorary officers a r e : Dr. Phillip Sher, honorary president; Mrs. Morris Leyey, honorary vicepresident, and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, honorary vice-president.
Playing for Luncheon, Dinner and Supper Nationally Famous for Our Choice
• ••
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Friday, March S, 1940
Pa*. 11
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Hitler's recent radio-disseminated bellow that he loves God has reminded us of a little limerick of $EE §Ifi^Qf§ AllD ^AVE OH which we remember neither the original s o u r c e nor the exact Nationally Advertised Brands of Watches, wording, but which runs something like this: Jewelry and Silverware There was a well-known vegetarian HA 23SS Who declared, In his hide-out Bav- 1 4 0 1 DOUGLAS ST. arian: It's not at «11 odd That I'm greater than God, For the1 tatter's distinctly nonAryan ' . . . Then there's the riddle that's propounded in dark Berlin corners these blackout nights, asking: A ? 3322 "What's the difference between Bsrbseuo Ribs India and Germany?" . , » The Beef, Fork, Hattoa, Mam. answer is that in India one man CUckeB , . ' , Mutant fasts for all the people, while In OtttoM, Navy Beam . . » Germany all the people fast for Com Bicad* Sweet Frtato, Me—and. Ismon.
THIS AND THAT ...The family of the late Dr. Lud? •wig Zamenhof, creator of EsperJ. Cosoy, Pros. anto, Is the beneficiary of a spec240S Cumins JA 8982 ial fond that has been started by if. Hsretaeesn, Open 4 P. M 4 A. M. the Universal Esperanto AssociaAssistant tion of Geneva . . . The Zamenhofs live In Warsaw, so you can understand that this aid comes in very handy . . . New Yorkers who have been responding HO nobly to warnings to conserve the city's water supply, threatened by the HOUSE FOU FUNERALS drought of recent months, will be Established 1906 interested to know that the director of the campaign to make peoCOMPLETE SERVICE AT NOMINAL COST ple stop watslng water is Mrs. Lucille L. Kraft, who has proudly ®t 3313© HA 1226 announced that in the month of January the city used 000,000,000 gallons less of aqua pura than in the same month in 1030 . . . You know of course, that we are For a Delicious Sat* now living in the year 1940 of the Christian era, and you should be -Isfying ©reaEtfast aware that in the Hebrew calendar this is the year 5700 . , . Economical! * But do you realize that this year i y & Tuesday ftitas is reckoned the 1358th in the MosReserved for Private Over lem chronolgy, the 2483rd of the Parties Buddhist calendar, the 2000th of Skate to tho Music of the First S h i n t o Era and the Our Hour Hammond Organ Servings 5042nd in the Hindu calendar? , . Wednesday and Friday YOU SHOULD KNOW In iadi Higb School Nitoa*25o with School Identification An interesting slant on the JewPackage ish Palestine situation was providSunday Matinee • » 2Oo ed by the total absence of official "Whero Omaha Skates" British representation at the cere401® FAflfiABU ST. A? YOUH ©n®em§ (Continued on page 12.).
one m a n . . .
Always a stpltfe eitari* o t . aieeen end •hert ord«r«»
714. Sow 16
Axel Helgren
O«rra«t Sfctet for llea and Wemea
PROM OVERSEAS More power to those German clergymen, Protestant and CathoBEAUTY SHOP lic alike, who have the courage to preach against Hitler's war . , One of them, you might be interTHEKRASNE ested to know, recently went so far as to ask: "If Christ were not BEAUTY SALON the Son of God and the Savior of the world, but were only a politiFeature* cal Fuehrer, of what avail would Shampoo and that be to us?" . . . In case you didn't know it, here conies our Finger Wave . friend Julius Stretcher's Der Stuermer telling the world that HitPermanent Waves ler's sole object in waging the current war is to save the world and at $3.50 and Up to "solve the Jewish problem by the sword" . . . To make his point 716 Brandeis The. Bldg. clearer, Jolly Julius adds that "toAT 4333 day England is, after Poland, the most Jewish country in the Old World" . . . Oh yeah? . . . What about the newest anti-Jewish meaTAILORS sures in Palestine, promulgated by Chamberlain? . . . Though it's a most serious offense in Nazi Dress Up for Germany to be caught listening to foreign broadcasts, our Vienna inSpring telligence officer reports that in Omaha's Most the military barracks along the Complete Stock Danube the radio is regularly tun of ed in on the foreign newscasts . . . 1940 Materials If you want to know what Hitlerism is doing to the physical stamina of the German people take a look at Martin Gumpert's newly published and aptly titled book "Hell Hunger" . . . It tells, among TAILOR other things, that ninety per cent 322 SO. ISth ST. of the German youth today are JA COGS ftaefSck Tower flatfooted . . .
Small Monthly Payments
Friday, March 8, 1940
Page S
many Christians are hypocrites. ng punishment on the Jews, they those very ideals which Jesus proBut to make the two terms ident- should, were they consistent, heap claimed so beautifully and which his followers have been violating ical is & gross misrepresentation praise and reward on them. so constantly &nd outrageously Tfee Record of fact, aad unpardonable. In unI s addition to f un&ameEtal doc- einee His he&dth, must this gross ivers&lisiEg a particular criticism, the followers of Jesus betrayed rinal differences, there is the in Justice be rectified. I trust that the author of this their animosity t o wards Israel carrier of the New Testament re&y Mi. IILEODi&SE M. LEWIS cord. Anti-Semitism w i l l never pamphlet will translate it into and hatred for the Synagogue. ¥re>gr&»siw Sjr&ftgegtse, EresjctyK, U. disappear till the Christian world English, and thus make it accessi'Ilker&iigiiiy Jewish Jesus was thoroughly Jewish in will have the courage a n d theble to those who cannot read Heobservance, &nd io his doc- honesty to accept the recect dis- brew, "JESUS, THE NEW T E S T A - ;e£se—the author correctly aotes. ritual trines, e. g. the subordination of coveries of critical biblic&I science Be&ire to Bestroy Ja.-z.iMm MENT, AND THE JEWS," BY radically r e v i se the NewRefugees Leave Rumania The synoptic Gospels, &s t h e institutions, the Sabbath, to man, .nd DB. MAX RAISIN. Testament account. a rabbinic belief found in tractate entire New Testament, were writThis is a timely and illuminatBucharest (JTA) — A l a r g e Toms. (86) Where Jesus did de- It is this record which is fuading pamphlet, in view of the re- .en by men motivated by a, burn- part from Jewish teaching is in itttentally anti-Semitic and lmbis- number ©f Polish refugees, inmarkable popularity of Asek's ng desire to destroy Judaism, a Ms emphasis on a code of con- orical in its appraisement of the cluding many Jews, have left Ru"The Nazarene," which proved a desire contrary to the wishes aiid duct which was impractical, fit Fews, of Judaism, and in holding mania. The men will join the vehicle tor many synagogue pro- statements of Jesus. These men for angels, and not for ordinary he Jews responsible for the Cru- Polish army in France while the nouncements, on Jesus. Most of illed the pages of the New Test- mortals. cifixion, instead of Pilate, a ruth- women and children are being these, as in the past, were plati- ament with malice and bitterness less tyrant, who is allowed to transported to Algiers, w h e r e Juiatsia prohibits hate, which agalnt the Jews, with gross mistudinous, filled with laudations wash in innocence his Uood stain- they are halug coloaised by t k e is within the realm of human achfor the personality of the "rabbi" epresentation of their laws, witfc French government. of Nazareth and for the gospel unjust condeiBaation of t h e i r ievement, but Jesus enjoins the ed hands. In the interest cf eiceutific verp , love of. enemy. J Judaeaders. he preached. Very few rabbis Patronize Our Advertisers ism Insists that assault be punish-' city, and iu the furtherance of were courageous to emphasise Being primarily and re-affirm the reasons for the •hey., like all propagandists, devi- ed; Jesus advises to turn the othrejection of Jesus by the gyca- led from fact aad truth, portray-' er cheek; a beautiful sestiiaent gague. Such frankness would ir- d their rivals not only in an ugly, but never practiced by any saae mortal. ritate, and cause displeasure is igiit, but unfairly. Judaism requires charity, but non-Jewish ranks. Since the sumThe New Testament is the ulti- does not urge that the thief who mun bonum of Jewish life today mate source of anti-Semitism. Its is good-will, why drag in subject liter tirades against the Jew and has already taken a coat should matter -which leads to disharmony articularly the manner in which be given a shirt also. Jesus wantto revolutionize human nature, and dissension? t presents the crucifixion story ed and instantly. The rabbis knew nevitably create such prejudice Only the superficial and cowhow .sinful and intractable It was ardly can satisfy themselves with and hate in all minds, that no and contended themselves with mount of education and reason such an attitude, can Ignore or ever co m p I e t e ly uproot. slow and minor progress. make light of the fundamental an r Incidentally, what a piece of oung men and women reared reasons which compelled the rabhistoric irony it is, that under this pen the New Testament will albis to reject Jesus. To gloss over, doctrine of love, under Christianor to deny, the enormous doc- ways possess a bias against the ity, was born the most hideous ew, and if they accept that it as trinal difference between Judaism rebellion against all decency — and Christianity is to pay an ex- nspired truth, as millions still do, Nazism. he bias becomes not only perorbidant price for Christian goodTragic Death will, which under such conditions manent but is transformed into The untimely and cruel death, anctified hate. is humiliating, and futile. the crucifixion at Calvary made Because the author of this To preach a gospel of love in Jesus the Messiah. It is not His pamphlet discusses the theme n atmosphere of hate is one of life or His doctrine that are refrom an aggressive Jewish stand- he great contradictions of early sponsible for Christianity, says point, does it merit the serious hrlatianity. So zealous and fana- the author, but His tragic death. attention of all seekers after ical were the disciples and ad-For t h a t misfortune, and that truth, both in Jewish and Chris- mirers of Jesus, that even though alone, have Jews suffered incestian camps? To deny the perma- many knew him p e r s o nally or santly and shamefully during the nent differences between the two ere not far removed from him, centuries. great religions is to insult the hey shamefully forgot His mesWhat is most astonlshing.a fact followers of both. lage and became obsessed with indicated by many, and again reDr. Raisin, a scholarly rabbi, late and fury against Judaism, ferred to by Dr. Raisin, is that understands the fundamental rea- nd the Synagogue which nour- amazing inconsistency of Chrissons for the synagogue's rejection ished their immortal teacher — tian theology which m a i ntains of Jesus, recognizes the nature of nd them. | that the death of Jesus was dithe unbridgeable gap between the The criticism by Jesus of the vinely predestined, to r e d e e m synagogue and the church. In a niquities and sinful e l e m e n t s mankind from sin, and then confew pages, a n d in simple but mong his people, c r i t i c i s ma demns those who were Instrumenchoice Hebrew, he states the fact3 which every Jewish prophet made tal, according to the unhistorlcal honestly and with dignity, and infrequently, were transformed by accounts of the New Testament, a manner which every upright he authors of the New Testament for this beneficient deliverance! Christian will respect, though, of nd their followers into attacks Christians should be grateful that course, not necessarily accept. against Judaism and the entire Jesus died on the Cross. Principal Objections people of Israel. Is not this the essence of ChrisThe principal source of o u r That some Pharisees were hypo- tian belief, that God gave his only knowledge of Jesus is the Newcrites is beyond question, just as begotten Son etc? Instead of visitTestament, especially the three synoptic gospels, -and that of John. And It is this book and its authors which are principally responsible for the doctrinal opposition between the church and FOR ALL T Y K 8 OF OBL BURNERS the synagogue — and for the emotional bitterness of Jews towards Jesus and Christianity. The fundamental conflict be' tjpeen the church and the synagogue Is due not to the personality of Jesus but to the theology, complex and irrational, which has been so intimately woven about If anything goes wrong with yonr oil bamer, phone Jesus by the theologians a n d the Milder Oil Co. anytime during the day or night; which conceals the real man, obWe have available to servo you capable burner scures the real message. This is 'HEM we decided to tetflsm ess the crux of the opposition be*t mechanics, licensed by the city, qualified to take care tween church and synagogue — of any make burner. Order yonr oil from the Milder feasa esperfsaos TTB vwsatsd ces the dogma and theology about the Ofl Go,, and forget heating worries for the winter. person of this humble Jew, hailed aa the Christ. Jews fail to unO y eso essaced as derstand why mankind battles BO we xnm&St Sand Bkctrofax. bitterly and furiously a b o u t T » fressks system bad DELIVERY meaningless dogmatic formulae, para to vxsu, loss c&deacy, ms&a while outragiously violating the 2 k very soul of the message of Jesus. The hope of the Jew lies in the nety yea* Bga acceptance by the nominal fol changing to Servel for lost tfacsa tcsv lowers of the Gallilean of the Dry or Os£s3 Gtset eoca. WhoSssJ yoa're replacing yotus gospel of love which he preached wiidxvtt nn Aedte. • • • cs C3J*2s3 year EISJ • • . 639 SctvtsL h d | i cover. so eloquently. When the \?orld JA 2111 'will become truly ; Christian in deed as well as in name then will the tribulations of the Jews
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Friday, M*rck 8, 1940
.MOBBIB ADLEB The Midwestern A. A. U. hand ball and City A. A. V. basketbal tournaments got under way last S u n d a y &fter&ooi» with eight teams c&mpbtlug for the right to represent Om&ha ia the Midwest district Rtd the chance to go to the n&tfoBtrtg la Denver. T b • Onaka Jobbing Co. quiatet ant tbe Breslow Auto Glass represent ed- the Jewish ComosuEity Cea t«F, The te&i&a were studded with university stars and former high school greats. The O m a h a Jobbing outfit downed the Social Settlement fl 3I-3C in what proved to fee tho most hectic tilt of the day. Tho Jobbers played a whale of a bail game with Ben Kutier's generalship and Iz Novak's shooting showing the way. The Breslow Auto Glass were downed by the Glueks to tbo tune of 4t-Si. The Glueks were giants compared to our small boys and they never had a ehance. Max Turner and Herb Meiches played good ball and looked as good as any of. them on the court that afternoon. In the other games the Johnny's Cafe team composed of O m a h a University players downed the Kopecky Bar aggregation 40-37 and the Hefflingers eutscored the Corner Bars 57-42. In the doubles A. A. U. tournament six duos reached the quarter-final round, The teams are: Yaffe-Geller, Slgal-Zorinsky, Corenman-Dr. A. Faier, GoldwareSlegel, Adler-Turner and BanBan. 'Finals in this tourney wil be played Monday night at 7:45. Basketball The benefit basketball games at tbe Center Sunday are for a worthy cause and all of you basketball fans should attend. The funds will be given to the WorldHerald Goodfellow Charity fund, and there will be entertainment between games that will be worth the price of admission. The Omaha Jobbing team will tackle the Metropolitan Utilities, leaders of th» Y. M. C. A. Industrial league. In the preliminary game at 2 o'clock, the Lincoln A. Z. A. 3 will play the Omaha A. Z. A. 100.
Community Calendar
by the Pioneer Woman's orgaafeation at the Hotel Peuneylvssia, attended by several handled per* Sunday, March 10 sons. She wag pretested with an Midwest Mkraehi, Convention—10 a. m., J. C. C. inscription the Wehms.ua GoldThe rape of this continent's en Bock ofin the Jewish National Midwest Mizraehi, Lmeheoa—1 p. m., J. C. C. wildlife resources is one of the Fund. Basketball Games—2 p. m., J. C. C. blackest chapters in American History. Junior Council—2 J80 p. m., J. C. C. The story of gp&itege is sit unOmaha Hebrew Club—3 p. m., J. C. C. savory one, but the ecd h&s not Muraehi, Convention Dinner—6:30 p. m., J. C. €. been written. A&d if eca&ervati*n-minded Americaes kiiGEg the " tttodcj, Mudi U (WHS) — F o 1 lowing s a t i o n ' s 11,66§^#* £pet't&tne& theAthens lead sf the Swigs Government Bikur Cholim—2 p. ML, J. C. C. bave tlteir way. &b®ut it the end- which rece&lly banned the a«w Book Review, Rabbi David GoLdsteia—8 p. »., J. C. €. will be a book by Herman RatwWorkaea's Loan—8 p, m., J. C. €. Working for tk« foiaier President of ffi# aad restoration &f bur wildlife Mutual Loan Association—g p. m., J. €. €. Senate, whieh was publishroouretx is *a agency kcown as ed in Europe as "IHUer Told Me" the Nation*! WiMiife Federation, and ia America as "The Voice ©f j , March 12 hi Btiemj>tiag te co-ordi- Destruction," the Greek GovernHagedel Auxiliary. LmUk*m». i2:36 ». Which nate the opinion bt these 11,000,- ment lies forbidden the importa999 sportsmen. tion and public sale of the antiDeberak Society—2 p. w., J. C. €. , Nebraska in a reeifiker. The Hitler bfcGlf. Nebraska Wildiife Ftderetioa is It wfts reported reliably here y, Harek 13 an Integral part of the national that, as in the catse at Switzerland, Betk-Bi Auxiliary, Luaeheen—1 p. as., J.•€. €.". grvap. And b«eauE« it is a domi- tke book w«a .banned at the renatrt factor, Hefer&ska ef£ic*i-s of quest of tUe Nazi legation. Modern Woodmen** Circle—8 p. »., J. C. G. tb« federation &re askiag all Ne- L«it»k eejstaiiis matiy T d d ' W o r k m e n ' s Order—8 p. a., J. G €». bratktuas to rally to tiie defense between Hitler aed Itauschnlng. •f wildlife by oteervlsg National Thwc&d&f, if&rcb 1 4 Wildlife Week Marcb 17 to 23. Federation Annual Meeting, Rabbi Silver, Speak*?—8 p. m, The f«der&ti6ii « x i s t u only J.C. C. " through th« support of individual sportsmen t h r o u g h their purTo list «v*nta and tofcv&ideonflitte pl«UM catt tk« Jtwifh chases of wildlife stamps. There are no dues or monthly meetings Community Center-—Jaefcgea 1316. in the Wildlife Federation. There are no paid officers in Nebraska. Cohn tied for the toy position There are only two in the nation- | with 489 apiece, while Max Canar al headquarters in Washington, > came through with 460. Games D. C. were close, being won by 12 and 13 pins, respectively. Candies ® Cigmtt
Greek Government Bans Anti*Nazi Book
Mrs. Weizmann Honored
TEAM STANDINGS W. L. Pet. Clicquot C. Eski'S. .45 SO .600 Empire Cleaners . .44 31 .587 State Co«l ft Gas . .40 85 .888 Tretiaks 88 87 .507 Shrier P. & Glass.37 88 .403 Smith Motors 84 41 .463 Wardrobes 88 42 .440 Pioneer Unif. Co... 20 40 .887 LEAGUE RECORDS High Game — P. Steinberg, 255; Tretiakfl, 050. High Series — Leo Welte, 653; Tretiftks, 2,670.'
Weak bowling was quite general in a slow set of matches on tho alleys last Tuesday night, as he Clicquot Clubs retained their eague leadership while losing wo to the Smith Motors. The Empires, took two .games torn tbo Wardrobes and closed the margin between them and the Eskimos to but one game, whicb indicates great possibility of a ihange in the final victor over Swimming George Gates, swimming in- the course of but three m o r e structor, announced that 66 Red weeks. Cross tests w e r e passed last month. Those passing their tests The State Coal boys took a are: Beginners, boys, Dick Kitch- beating at the hands of a Pioneer en, Frederic McAllister, D o n team that came through for its Roush, Chester Lustgarten, Har- third straight victory in as many old Marer, Myron Schaal, Arthur weeks, and the Tretiaks won-two Genderson, Walter Mench, Jr., ver the Shrier Paints to break Dwayne Tourechek, Evan Red- heir previous tie. mon, Jack Allerton, Homer Kohl, The Smiths pulled out of their Clyde Bourgeys, Richard Breeden, tie with the Wardrobes into sixth Douglas McLean, Charles Karpf, place, Ralph Bucher, Floyd Perimeter, Sidney Ruderman, Sammy Turitz Only two 200 games could be and Maurice Weiss. found In the game sheets, which Intermediate, boys, Clyde Bor- also showed only s e v e n 600 geys, Jack Allerton, Ralph Buch- series. Dave Cohn, building up er, Chester Lustgarten, H o m e r 549 series for the second best Kohl, Charles Karpf, Dick Kitch- )f the evening, shot a 213 game en, Frederic McAllister, Walter n the middle. Mench, jr., Evan Redmon, Don Paul Steinberg, topper with .Roush, Myron Schaal and Dwayne 66, hit a 201 in bis final game. Tourechek. . Best team score was tbe State S w i m m e r s : Jack Allerton, loal's 804 and best series a 2,Ralph Bucher, Clyde Bourgeois, 88 by the Smith Motors. Richard Breeden, Dick Kitchen, Homer Kohl, Fredric McAllister, C a p t a i n Melcher'a Empire Walter Mench, Don Roush, Myron Cleaners started with a 709 game Schaal and Sam Schwartz. which won by 25 pins over the Girls, beginners, Alamade Bels- Wardrobes.- The second was on Iy, Winafred Blake, Gladys Claus- them by 21 pins, and the third sen, Ruth Fowler, Frances Hill, match was decided in the last Kathryn Hill, Sally Howe, Mrs. frame when Melchef picked up a Florence Larson, C1 e o Miller, wo-pin spare to win by Just those Ethel Scharf, Mrs. W. K. Steeve, •fro pins. Leo Blacker led his Irene Symczak and Lena Zollo- earn with a 501 series, followed >y Melcher's 490. tuchen., Intermediate, girls, Winafred Blake, Mrs. Susan Hawkins, FranPaul .Steinberg's 566 was the ces Hill/Gladys Krage, Mrs. Flor- spark in tbe Wardrobes' kegling, ence Larsen, Eileen McCamos and with Aaron- Epstein, next, totalMrs. W. K. Steeve. Ing .467. . " . Swimmers: Phyllis Chapman and Colleen Shuzart. Lou Klefa picked -up pins conistently to pace the' Smiths with Volleyball 506 in a nice victory over the The J. C. C. men and women eague'-leading Clicquot C l u b s , volleyball teams are still heading ho were in "doggy" shape for their respective loops in the Oma- :wo games; with-a high of 728. ha City Volleyball leagues. The They won the third game by 68 Center women defeated the Ben- >ins with a 796 score. Next best son women in t h r e e straight shooting for the Motor gang was games last week on the Bunny Bill Racusln'e 499. court. George Schnpiro had top pins London (JTA)—Influx of Jew- for the Eskimos with. 522 and ish refugees to Hons Kong, Brit- Doctor Platt followed with 462. ish Crown Colony, has had a stimulating effect on industry there. Clicking with a full set of 400 Eight factories are engaged in series, the Tioaeera knocked off producing 300 patent prepara- wo gasies at tao espense of the tions i s the pharmaceutical l l S tate Coals, after losing tho first i&MteIite ti 3d i
Wildlife Stamps Now Being Sold
Dave Cohn showed real flash in New York (JTA)—Mrs. Vera garnering 549 pins to lead tbe Weizmann, wife of Dr. C h a i m State Coals, while Bank came in second with 483. A weak third Weizmann, was given a reception game cost him two 500 serie3, after games of 190 and 169. The Tretiaks came through for their third straight win by taking the Shriere into camp for a twogame victory after conceding the first by a short margin of 25 pins. Morris Fine led the attack with a 514 series, followed by Franklin with 449. The Shriers were topped by Ferer's 514, and next best was Krautst's 48 a. Next week, the Eskimos will meet the Tretiaks in a match that may have its surprises, as the Tretiaks bave been • winning consistently for t h r e e weeks, while the CUcquots have been a bit hap-hazard. The Empires will try the State Coals, and will probably have a little tough competition, b u t should take a couple of games. Shrier Paint and Smith Motors will tangle, and tbe Pioneers and Wardrobes will fight about the leadership of the lower brackets.
ANTI-SEMITISM SEEN HI Washington (JTA) — A n t i Semitism is Increasing in America and is going underground, according to an article in the National Jewish Monthly by L o o n ard V. Finder, eastern d i r e ctor of the B'nal B'rlth Anti-D o f a m a t ion League. Finder declares that F a t h e r Coughlin and Joseph McWilHams, head of the Christian Mobilizers, are continuing their anti-Semitic operations; tbe German-American Bund ''has not abandoned its foul objectives — it has changed only its tactics"; American Nazis, far from having folded up, are going underground; and Nazi propaganda that comes direct from Germany is increasing rather than decreasing. Anti-Semitlc m a t e r 1 a 1, he charges, is now being sent from Germany to the United States, on Italian and Japanese ships, by way of- Siberia,- Italy, Denmark, and Switzerland. "In the final analysis," writes Mr. Finder, "there is still economic' Insecurity for ml 111 o n s of Americans even in addition to those unemployed or on relief, and political perplexity with a bitter election campaign in prospect. The conditions which provide fertile fields for the sowing of antiSemitism remain."
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Plans were made for a bridge asked to call Harold Slutzkin, MA 1398. party to be given May 8 at the Jewish Community Center. The A. Z. A. 100 in conjunction affair will be given to raise funds with A. Z. A. 1 and the Hi-Y r clubs of the Y. M. C. A. presented The regular business meeting for the National Junior Hadassab the first annual Youth and De- of Junior H a d a s s a h was held quota. ing of. the Sisterhood of the Unit mocracy Rally Monday evening at Monday, March 4, at the Jewish ed Orthodox Congregations, or the Jewish Community Center Community Center. Shirley BarTuesday, March 5. The Purii) with Mr. J. B. Collins, advisor of ish, president, announced the apLincoln (Special) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Alumni, j spirit predominated. Gifts wen the local Hi-Y, presiding. pointment of Mildred Berkowitz actives, pledges and friends o. distributed to all those present About 4 00 persons were pres- as Round Table r e p r e s e n t a t i v e Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigmt A special door prize was also pre ent. Sam Reynolds, past com- and Frances Bordy as a member Alpha Mu will gather in the chap sen ted to Mrs. J. Zweiback and mander of the American Legion, of the Junior Hadassah Regional ter house a week from tomorrow three otber prizes were awarded was principal speaker. B o a r d . B e s s Lefitz will b e t h e night to attend the annual fresh- the winners of various games. Abe Resnick of the Century Junior Hadassah's candidate for man party, presented by the first A short movie was shown after chapter represented the local A. Queen Esther. year men in honor of the active the dinner and R a b b i Isaiah Z. A. in his address.^RepresentaThe following committee coand alumni members of the chap- Rackovsky spoke briefly. Games tives of the Hi-Y and the Negro chairmen were also named: Charter. lotte Nogg, Jewish N a t i o n a l and informal entertainment con- Boys' club also spoke. Theme of the party will be the cluded the afternoon. The Century chapter is co-oper- Fund; Ruth Falk, telephone; Mil"Arabian Nights." Special decoHostesses were: Mesdarues D ating with the A. Z. A. 1 in secur- dred Laytin, advertising; Elaine Under Schimmel rations are being planned by the Silverman, D. Crounse, M. Bur-ing housing for delegates to the Lagman, publicity; Ruth Cooper, Direction freshmen for the party. All per-stein, L. Neveleff, S. Fish, A district tournament. Anyone who membership; and Judith Levensons attending the party will come Katz, M. Arbitman, M. Rosen- can furnish room for delegates is son, social. in costume typical of the Arabian stein, N. Wilfson, D. Denenberg, Nights. M. Segal, Louis Epstein, I. GoldHonor guest at the affair will stein, H. Lippett, I. Grossman and be James Hammerstein, executive J. Goodbinder. secretary of the fraternity, who will visit the Nebraska chapter over that week-end. Norman Bordy, Omaha, comA regular meeting of the Mizpleted his term with the varsity rachi Women's organization is swimming team last week, when planned for Wednesday, March he swam in the Big Six meet at 20. Iowa State university. Norman, Mrs. A. G. Weinstelh, chairman who placed fifth in the diving of the tea committee, is planning contest, is eligible for a varsity a J. N. F. tea in celebration of letter for his work with the team. Purim. It was erroniously stated in The Mizrachi Women are colast week's column that Irvin operating with the Mizrachi midYaffe, Omaha, had won only one western conference. The women major letter during his three will be hostesses at a tea after years on the varsity basketball services Friday night at the B'nai squad. Irvin has won two major Israel synagogue. The banquet letters during that period. Sunday night will also be preA house handball tournament pared by the organization. began this week under the direcThe luncheon at the home of tion of Max Prostok, Sioux City. Mrs. N. Levlnson was a g r e a t Sidney Kalin, Sioux City, will success. The names of Mrs. Weingo to Columbia, Mo., April 3, 4 stein and Mrs. II. Greenberg were and 5 as a member of the uni- omitted from the list of those asversity debate team. sisting. Mrs. J. Chait, chairman of the J. N. F.., requests that members who have boxes bring them to the Meeting so that the women will Sixteen hostesses e n t ertained not have to go to the homes to >\ 140 guests at the luncheon meet- collect.
A. Z. A. 100
Junior Hadassah
Sigma Alpha Mu
Blackstone Hotel
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i Women
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Friday, March 8, 1940
Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Cemetery Improvement Society
TO KANSAS CITY Mrs. A. B. Alpirin left Monday morning for Kansas City to visit her children, Mr. and Mrs. I Boardman and, Mr. Samuel Goldberg, who recently returned from a winter's trip to Florida and Cuba. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein announce the birth of a son, Allan David, on February 18. JN WISCONSIN Mr, and Mrs, Harry J. Shumow left last week for Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Milwaukee. . NEWMANS RETURN Mr. and Mrs. David M. Newman have returned after four months In San Antonio, Texas. En route home they stopped to visit friends in Tulsa, Oklahoma. PROM CHICAGO Miss Helene Freedman of Chicago is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Stern. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kovitz of San Francisco, former Omahans, announce tbe engagement of their daughter, Miss Naomi, to Herbert Benard, son of Mrs. Rose Benard, also of San Francisco. Miss Kovltz attended Central High School in Omaha. No wedding date has been chosen. BETROTHAL TOLD ; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ban announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Rose, to Robert Rlmerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Rlmerman. No date has been set for the wedding. CHOOSES WEDDING DATE Miss Bettye Tucbman has chosen April 7 as tbe date ot her marriage to Mr. Fred Press of Des Moines. * FRIENDSHIP SEWING CLVB . The Friendship Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. A. Theodore on Thursday, March 7, at a 1 o'clock dessert-luncheon to sew for the American Red Cross. .The next sewing group will meet at the home of Mrs. Agnes Wolsky, 2930 Nicholas on March 21. GUEST OF PARENTS Mrs, Morris Bell of Kansas City is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. White. While here Mre. Bell attended the tenth anniversary ot White's Market. She fa the former Dorothy Jean White. MEMORIAL . Sunday at 2:30 at the Joslyn Memorial three s o u n d films— "Czecho-Slovakia," "Central Europe" and "Vienna, Home of Waltzes" ~ will be shown in the concert hall. An illustrated lecture on "Citizens of Tomorrow" •will be given at 3:30 in the lecture hall by Dr. A. J. Foy Cross. A 4 o'clock Sonata program will be given by. Mr. Richard E. Duncan, violinist, and Mr. Martin W. Bush, pianist. ON EASTERN TRIP ' ' Mr. and Mrs. • Jacob Abramson left Thursday night for an extensive eastern trip. Before going to New Britain, Conn., they will visit their son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Sachs, and granddaughter, Eileen, of Chicago. En route they "will also visit friends and relatives in New York and Pittsburgh.
The annual luncheon meeting of the Beth Hamedrosh H a g odel Cemetery Improvement organization will be held Tuesday, March TO SIOUX CITY 12, at 12:30 sharp at the Jewish Mrs. Sophie Novitsky left for Community Center. Sioux City for a few weeks visit New officers will be elected at with her children, Mr. and Mrs. this time and plans will be made C. A. Stein and Mr. and Mrs. H. for the coming year. Officers of S. Novitsky. the organization have stressed the importance of every member beANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH | ing present. Mr. and MrB. Harry J. Haykin , Reservations for the luncheon announce Bar Mitzvah of son, are thirty-five cents and must be Marshall, on Monday, March 4, at made no later than Monday mornBeth Hamedrosh Hagodel Synago- ing with members of the Telegue. phone Committee or at the office of the Jewish Community Center. TO VISIT HERE Every reservation made must be Mr. and Mrs. Seaman Kulakof- paid for. sky and children, Jean and Helen, of San Jose1, Cal., will arrive on Beth El Auxiliary March 16- to visit Mr, Kulakofsky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky. During their An outstanding luncheon is bestay they will be the house-guests ing planned by the Beth.El auxilof Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey. iary for March 18 when Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Brodkey win re- Schwartz will be guest of honor ceive in their honor at an open The following will be hostesses: house on Sunday, March 17, from Mesdames Reuben Bordy, S a m 3 to 6. No invitations are being Frohm, Harry Cooper, SaniAltsuler, H. psoff and Harry Priesissued. man.
U. T. Sorority At a recent meeting of the U. T. sorority, plans were made for a formal dinner to be held on March 20. The dinner will be in honor of the following new junior members: Pearl Brick, Sylvia Bernstein, Betty Borden, Shirley David, Jean Rubenstein, Roselle Osoff, Arlene Dansky, Phyliss Milder, and Marjorle Silverman. Alumni wishing to make reservations are asked to call J o y e Greenperg, Wa, 3111 or R e v a Bordy, Gl. 1064. Miss Rosalie Alberts, a former president of U. T. has been chosen sponsor of the sorority.
Theta Lambda
A regular meeting of the Bikur Cholim society will be held on Monday at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. A board meetIng will be held at 1 o'clock. All members of the board are requested to be present. Members still having tickets or money , for. the movie recently sponsored by the organization are asked to turn them in at the meeting as a full report will be given at that time. ' -The organization extends . Its ratitude to all those who cooperated in making the movie a success. . -
WE WELCOME NEWS ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Are you going away on a trip? Announcing your engagement? Getting married? Have out-of-town guests? Moving Into a new home or changing your address? Birth announcement? Bar Mitzvah announcement? Have this news appear first in THE JEWISH PRESS. Our social and personal columns are open, without charge, to the entire community. Phone our society editor, Atlantic 1450, or mall or bring tbe item to our office, 609 Brandeis Theater building, Items to appear in Friday's paper must be in the office by 4 o'clock on Wednesday.
Arab Grazing Rights Haifa (JTA) — A court b.a» dismissed an appeal by the Jewish National F u n d against a judgment giving grazing r i g h t s t* members of an Arab tribe over the whole King George Jubilee Forest.
REDUCE MASSAOE > Treatments $5.00 AT e'J07
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Rabbi David A. Goldstein will review "The Nazarene" on Monday evening, March 11, at the Jewish Community Center. Tickets can be secured from Mrs. Max Canar, Mrs. Morris Katleman and from members of the Beth El College group, the High School group, or at the box office. On March 27 the Beth El auxiliary will sponsor two-showings of the Jewish motion picture, "The Cantor's Son," at the Muse theater. Performances will take place at 7:15 and 9:15. On Purim, March' 24, at 3:3p p. m. at the Jewish Community Center, the children of the Beth El Sabbath school and Beth El Talmud Torah will hold a masquerade party. An original play by Edward Zorinsky will be given and the king and queen will be crowned. The following candidates have been nominated: Josephine Margolin, Joanne Levey and Doris Levenson for queen, and Alexander Goldstein, Joseph Polack and Bruce Rose, king. Special guests of the afternoon will be those children ready for enrollment in the next semester of the Sabbath school. Refreshments will be served.
On Saturday night, February 2 4, members of Theta Lambda held a Slumber party at the Fontenelle Hotel. Ethel Kadis, Ruth Stein, and Bess Grunger w e r e members of the c o m m i ttee in :harge of arrangements. A regular meeting of the organzation was held on Tuesday, February 27, at the home of Ethel Kadis. The first issue of the "T. . Teller" was distributed. A report of the calendar committee was presented stating the club's coming events. M a r i a n Wolpa was nominated as candiAlfonso de Zamora was profesdate for Queen Esther for the sor of Oriental languages at the Round Table Purim Carnival. University of Salamanca.
Bikur Cholim
Page 7
CITY FINANCE AND INSURANCE CO. Representing 21 Strong Companies A Complete Insurance Service
Junior Council
The Omaha section of the National Council of Jewish Juniors is having its regular meeting on Sunday, March 10, at 2:30 at the Jewish. Community Center. An interesting... program is planned. The sewing, class will be held on Wednesday, March 1 3 . \ The place will be announced , at the meeting. ^ . Girls interested In the .bowling classes are asked to call WE. 5720, Members of the Tau Delta Sort Harriet Wolsky. -" : . ority will have a full calendar during the coming weeks. Plans are now being completed for the Pledge tea and Spring Formal to be held on March 17 and April 18, Collections of Unique respectively. Diamond Engagement, At the last meeting, held at the Wedding and AnniverJewish Community C e n t'e r on sary Rings( individual" March 3, Harriet. Geif man, presily designed and Priced dent, appointed the f o l i o wing with good old-fashiongirls to serve on the A r r a n g e ed moderation. ments Committees Phyllis Wlntroub, Madoris Leon, and Fanny Convenient Terms Can Bo Schwartz. Chairmen of the dance Arranged a t No'Extra' committees aTe Rita Magzamln Cost and Rose Kaplan. In addition to their social activities, Tau Delta members cooperate with the Round Table of Jewish Youth and also .sponsor cultural program among'themselves.
Tau Delta
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and that, coming and going, boarding or leaving the different traifis, each beat on his own destination. Nowhere do we so experience the variety and the eecming vanity of life, as in a crowded, jo&tllng railway terminal or steam-boat dock, where each ef the coaEtless individuals Is concerned 'with Ms p-eger etab&rk&tion er diseBsfcsirkikg, the partlcttl&r co&iicetieEs fee rnnnt make to carry him further ©E t i s j&iiniey — ids unending jour&ey, though he does not tt«p to think of it—his mortal journey 'fr-SRi t i e cradle to the grave!' Nowhere •are we «e reminded ef Bryant's words, 'Each 'pursues his favorite phantom.' The hurrying and tke tseurrjrlng* the excitement t a d tbe fear, tbe entitttslsesa aad the anticipation; the attention te a th&tt£S,2id details, tbe last minute orders, in junctions, arid arrangements—the greetings and thepartings; perhaps they are only phant«ms pursuing phantoms; phantoms of pleasure and eujeymeat; fcii&Etojiis of fame and ambition; phantoms of wealtli &ad power; phantoms of 'success' and achievement; phantoms of supposed duty, of noble altruism^ of unselfish service, of ideal self-sacrifice. Phantoms pursuing phantoms in our phantom-like existence!
Gems of the Bible and Talmud By Dr. Fkii!p
out like that. No man with sense believes that Dies has taken Pelley under & protective wiag, a t Pelley would have you believe. l a fact, the action of Pelley in diving imdtr Dim' coattails has infuriated the Texas, who realizes that Pelley's horsey is spread to emear him with a Nazi-Fascist label, '
BIBLE O yeur perversity! shall tbe potEDiTORlAt. GFFlCEr 68S erar.sSfcSs Ti.fe.Ui ter be esteecsed as clay, tfcat tbe SIOUX CITV OFFICE—iewttte Cctnfir.unity Cen tfcfeg made fehoald ssy e£ L-iia tfcftt AROUND THE TOWN •PRINT-SHOP AD0RE&S—420* 6a. &Stfr 6£r«tt Tbe Hill — The whole story «f made it, "he made me not" or the the eyteotatic r&pe of Poland has thiog ( r a f f l e d say of him that J)AVH) "BLACKER—Basinets 6 t 4 MEaagiBg Editor framed it, "he hath no under- finally been spread on the record LEONARD NATHAN Ed.Uet of & CfcT.gresskma.1 Committee . . . standing." BABB1 FREDERICK COHM—CsstribultKg 'Edit The bumble also shall iaiCit-c.se The House F&reiga Affairs comtheir joy i& the Lord, fcEd the titittee beard It, m it held hearRABBI THEODORE H. LEWIS • Book B6iter neediest aiaeug mea shall exult in ings aa tbe bills to provide relief FRANCES BLACKISH • • -. Society B&t for Poland, and tbe revelations the Holy O&e &f Israel. MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City Correspondent They also that err in spirit shall were ckoekiftg . . . Unfortunately, come to uaderstaudiug, and they they didn't receive the play in the that murraur &hall learn instruc- general ^r&ss that they deserved . . . I heard one cultured Amerition. can woman, who had married a People prophesy delusioas who In most lives there is one individual who stands Polish university professor, ealnsay unto the prophets: "Prophesy ly how her home was invaded like a shelter in the storm, a rock among shifting not unto us right things; speak by tell the Gestapo, and how she was sands; one whose faith never waivers even in a unto us smooth things." Talmud given 15 minutes to pack, and Rabbi Juda said: "Forty days be- was then world of changing loyalties and faltering morality. transported to a concenfore the creation of a child, a tration camp To most Omaha Jews that man was Rabbi Fred. . they let her t a k e Heavenly voice comes forth asd one suitcase .with . . . Sh« erick Cohn, for his firm belief in the ultimate says: 'The daughter of so and BOhad two packed . . her . In one were Yet to the phantoms the journey is real; and shall marry the son of so and triumph of justice remained, strong though the her jewels and heirlooms, in the forces of reaction put to severe test his highest glad as are the greetings so sad are tbe partings. so,' " other sweaters and warm clothRabbi Popa said: "An«er iu a What an infinite difference between tbe kiss of ideals. ing . . . She took the clothing, home is like a worm in a beauti- knowing the hardship she'd have Although Rabbi Cohn was a man of tremendous welcome and the kiss of farewell! With a rending ful plant." face, and never saw her jewel* profundity, his sincerity of purpose left no doubt of the heart over tbe centuries come to us the Rabbi Chesda said: "In the very to . . . In Poland they call the beginning before Israel had com-again in anyone's mind where he stood on a given issue. pathetic words of the Latin poem: boxcars which Poles are loadmitted sins, the Shechina would ed for into Here was never subterfuge nor hypocrisy. To shipment, like herds of "O in peiiKituuui pater dwell -with each and every one; cattle, to sections far from their understand Rabbi Cohn one must alse understand Ave atqae vale!" but as soon as Israel committed homes, "Rolling Coffins." ... So his background. He was the product ef New Engtin,, the Shechina departed from horrible were some of the .details "All bail, mid goed-bxc* forever!" them." land Idealism. His childhood was spent in the that committee members, even Life's infinite ecstasy is vitiated by life's inRabbi J o s e p h said: "Always Ham Fish, were speechless . . . closing days of one of the most magnificent epochs a man take lessons from the of human history, one all too soon to be relegated finite sadness. The joy of birtb and exquisite shall living is poisoned at the source by the mere ethics of his creator, for God disto undeserved obscurity. regarded all high mountains and The White House — The beat If It seemed sometime that he did not believe thought of inevitable ending. counseled bis Shechina to rest and dope on a third term right now Yet the close of the journey, too, may * have gave the Torah to Israel on Mount is that Sumner Welles will bring too strongly in the rebuilding of Zion, it was beback the answer when he returns cause he had found bis Jerusalem in the quiet its triumphant grandeur. I am very fond of a Sinai," (which is not tall.) Rabbi Joshua said: "One who from Europe . . . If he tells RooseMassachusetts town of Concord, where American ertain picture that I possess. I bought it many weighs his ways in this world so velt that there's a chance for years ago in Petoskey, Michigan, in the Indian thought had experienced its greatest fruition. He as to find out tbe right cause will peace in Europe, the president need not look beyond tbe seas for prophetic voices :ountry, at an Indian dramatic performance. It be rewarded to see the salvation won't run again, but will devote once more* to echo, for these he had heard in the a in a frail birch-wood frame, which is now very of the Holy One, praised be He." all his energies to bringing about Rabbi Chama said: "Whoever that peace . . . if he says things New England country-side. Emerson, Thoreau, faded and worn. It is a picture of Hiawatha, starts a thing and does not com- are sure to grow worse, the presiTheodore Parker, Dr. Ripley, Hawthorne, the seated in his white-birch canoe, majestically yet plete it and another comes and dent will put aside his personal Channings—they were great figures in the New simply arrayed in his Indian garments, with his finishes it, the Scriptures consid- desires (for surely he must be England of that day; their memories were precious proud head of feathers, calmly facing the West, ers the one who finishes it as hav- tired of the man-killing job) and stay at the helm of the ship . . . where the sky is a deep red as I so often loved to ing performed the entitre task." to New England liberals. Anyway, that's the story you hear Rabbi Juda said: "Why did JoThat New England Transcendental movement, watch it in that beautiful country; and underneath seph die before his older broth- in the White House press room, the final expression of American Puritanism, had s the inscription, from Longfellow's lovely poem: ers? Because he assumed airs of into which all news flows, and some is dammed up . . . superiority. captured the Hebraic spirit and sought to interpret "And they said, 'Farewell forever!* Rabbi Joshua said: "A woman America in the terms of Old Testament morality. Said 'Farewell, O Hiawatha!' prefers to live together with her The Refugees—.James N, RosTo one as keenly alive to his Jewish heritage, the husband even with1 less luxury, enberg has announced the need Thus departed Jllawatlia 1 obvious kinship was bound to awaken love and rather than have a broken home." for additional funds to complete In the glory of the sunset. ' affection. Where all else the Jews were subject the Dominican Republic settleLife's sunset may be as glorious as its sunrise ment, and the speed with which to persecution, here was a place where their teachthese funds are raised will be ings were enshrined. Thus Rabbi Cohn was sub- was radiant. Man's departure may be triumphant, watched carefully by the State deattended with blessings, as his coming to on to jected to a double line of Idealism—that of his parttment . . . The department is this mortal scene was shrouded in uncertainty. Jewish heredity and that of his New England enfirmly convinced that the DominiOur Bible says explicitly 'the end of a thing is betcan project is the key to the vironment. whole colonization problem in the ter than the beginning thereof.' That is why the By PAT FRANK western hemisphere . . . If it sucHe brought to the rabbinate a deep under- wise sages of the Talmud counselled and admonceeds, the doors of other counJ. T. A. Washington standing of the spiritual message of Judaism. His ished us 'to judge no man for praise or blame till tries will be opened . . . If it Press Bureau fails, it will be a terrible blow to life dedicated to the teachings of Israel's sages, his life lay before us in its entirety.' It Is really the Inter-Governmental Commitbe sought to Interpret their wisdom for the prob- the safe conclusion of the journey that should be tee on Refugees, and to every plan lems of today. Yet he was in no bondage to the the greatest cause for jubilation and congratulaWe hate to talk about him so for bringing the homeless of Eu—-. much, because he isn't really rope to this side of the Atlantic past, but keenly alert to every new thought. And tion. worth the space, but we want to . . . Of course, the funds will be he examined every new teaching with the eye of We can understand now why a Tennyson should call attention, to the latest attempt for the settlement is the the scholar. pen such lines as the following, immortally dear of William Dudley Pelley, Amer- raised, 'test tube" on which all similar One. can devote columns to his accomplish- as they have become to ever soul.that reads or ica's would-be Hitler, to wreck plans will be modeled In the American Jewry. •• future . . . .• - • • ments. Perhaps there was not another Individual utters them: in Omaha aa well-read, and not another? who fras The Press C l u b — Washington "Sunset and evening star Pelley now has dropped h i a correspondents news laid in so adept at getting to the core of the book and frontal attacks. He has announced their laps . . . have And one.clear call for me; They're holding a understanding as the author meant it to be unthat his Silver Legion is disbandAnd may there be no moaning of shore dinner In a few days, and ed (it never was much more than the derstood. will include just the bar a letterhead organization anyway) aboutspeakers * • * every presidential candidate When I put out to sea. and, in his particularly wily man. . They've been Invited to outReligious man that he was. Rabbi Colin was ner, he is attempting to goad Jews .lno (off the record) their stands prepared for his death. His last written words for into attacking Martin Dies. But such a tide as moving seems on important q u est i on s . . t The Jewish Press revealed his attitude toward, life Among t h o s e present will be asleep The latest issue of his publicaand what came beyond. To him, as to all courMcNutt, Dewey, VandenToo fall for sound and foam tion, "Liberation," is devoted from Wheeler, ageous souls, this was to be another adventure berg, Martin and Norman Thomas. When that which drew from out the cover to cover to praise Dies and •. . Guess who won't be present to be faced with readiness, to be welcomed wilh the Committee Investigating unboundless deep .„ faith and understanding." " American activities. A n d the Tarns again home. (Copyrighted by Jewish Teletheme of the issue is: "All good We believe Thoreau'^ tribute to another chamgraphic Agency, Inc.) Silver Shirts listen—Dies is gopion of justice may well fit Rabhl Cohn, whose Twilight and evening bell ing after the Jews now, so let's loss we all mourn: "A man of rare common sense all string along with him." And after that the dark; . . . a Transcendentalist, above all, a man of high And may there be no sadness of 'You have to remember that IdeaB and principles." And we add, a true farewell — ' • • • • this is published In a sheet that descndant of those Phophets of Israel who awakWhen I embark. a_year ago was attacking Dies in ened faith among the people and who told to them the most scurrilous • fashion. And the message of our God. • you must remember that Dies has For though, from out our bourne Of New York (JTA) — Warning categorically labelled anti-Semittime and place against the danger to democracy ism as un-American, and a direct Tills last editorial written by Rabbi Cohn The flood shall bear me far challenge to the integrity of the n the "tendency to seek a scapefor The Jewish Press was received a t our ofgoat in a religious or racial or Constitution. I hope to see my Pilot face t o face political or economic group" wa3 fice the day before his death. When I have crossed the bar." But a Jewish reader, not well sounded here by Supreme Court Frank Murphy in his first informed as to Pelley's unscrupul- Justice public address his elevation ous tactics, might be led to be- to the Supremesince Court, made believe, that Pelley really did adBy RABBI FREDERICK COHN fore the Alumni Association of mire the man who exposed him, the New Y o r k University Law 5700—1040 and that Dies really was a silent Life la a journey, with a definite beginning and School. a certain end; from the Eternity whence wo came Rosh ChodesB 2nd Adar .... Monday, Mareb 11 partner in the schemes of Pelley " O f such tendencies and beend s i s like. to the Eternity thither we go. Whether the jour- •Fast of Esther liefs," he said, "dictatorships are ... Saturday. March 28 ney be long or brief, pleasurable or otherwise; full •Purlm .....-„... Pelley. would like nothing bet- bom. On such attitudes, demago... Monday, March 25 rely for their march to powof comfort and enjoyment or disagreeable because Bosh Chodesb Nissan ^._-..---,.... Tuesday^ April 0 ier i&an t o r American Jewry /to gues er. In the soil of dissension and believe this, and to attack the of its many cares, vesations, and responsibilities, First Day o2 Fesach ................ Tacsaay, April 23 mistrust the seeds are sown -which coiaaittee. Then (Pelley blossom into destruction for the the travellers oro all of a serious mien, knowig «Bosh C^oSesb ftfar ~~~.~~»...n.. 'EhuvsSaij Mop ©Dlsa". figures) Dies would indeed lean the &say dangers, by which their way Is beset, XiSS B'Omc? .....~..™...mm......m-» SUQSCJ, Ma? M towards -antl-Sesnittem, and the reign of law -and justice' — for in for their safe .'arefr&I. And hoxr crowded Boib Cho3cs^ Sivan U...........^.^.. Friday, Juno ?' elusive liUle.iBsa with the goatee all that is fine and enlightened " t h e relations of man 4o-man."Central -Besot of Ex- -first.'IJas'-ot ^sabaciaj.-,„...„....;.„-.. WfiS-.-Jess -IS- "swahi ""fcave taai&s £or"1hg'\J«WD >k -eii&fiayv hBroyfais' tfcis teay catsrsa it advertiisSra <'•
Rabbi Cohn
Jewish Calendar
Friday, March 8, 1940
0 S
The Nazarene* to Be COMMONS HITS Reviewed on Monday PLAN DANCE AT CURB ON LAND A. Z. A. TOURNEY
Rabbi David A. Goldstein -will review "The Kazareiie" by Sholem Asch Monday erening, March 11, at 8 o'clock at the Jewish ComLabor Party Presents Mo- munity Center. The review is under the auspices of the Beth El tion to Censure Auxiliary. Government Mrs. Morris Katlenian and Mrs. London (JTA) — Amid world- R. Max Canar are in charge of wide condemnation of the British arrangements for the review. .Government'* action, featured by demonstrations in Palestine and protest rallies in the U n i t e d States, the House of Commons on Wednesday took up a Labor Party motion censuring the Government for Its Feb. 2$ ortifacace restricting Bale of Palestine land to Jews. Lincoln (Special) — Recogni"The House regreta," the mo- tion came to Sigma Omlcron tion stated "that, disregarding chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu this the express opinion of the Man- week, when the "Dally Nebrasdates Commission that the policy kan," student newspaper, pubcontained In the White Paper on lished the results of a survey of Palestine is inconsistent with the sorority and fraternity scholartermB of the Mandate, and with- ship ratings for the past twelve out the authority of the Council years. of the League, His Majesty's GovA similar survey of fraternity ernment have authorized issue of scholarships alone, published a regulations controlling the trans- month ago, showed the Nebraska fer of land which discriminate chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu the unjustly against one section of top men's group on the campus the inhabitants of Palestine." in scholarship over the 12-year Express Indignation period. The last time a Palestine issue When the sorority ratings were came up for debate, the Govern- compiled, it was found the Sigma ment won the verdict by the nar- Omlcron chapter of Sigma Alpha row margin of 89 votes. That was Mu was the only fraternity on May 23, 1939, following issuance campus to have a better rating of the White Paper setting forth than the top sorority. the British Government's IntenSigma Delta Tau and Alpha Xi tion of establishing an indepen- Delta tied for first place in the dent Palestine State in which the sorority rating. Jews would be crystallized as a one-third minority. To obtain the decision, however, the G o r eminent was forced to use a threeline whip, m a k i n g the vote a The Deborah society will hold question of confidence. its regular meeting on Tuesday, Announcement of the ordinance March 12, at X o'clock at the Jewwas greeted with indignation by ish Community Center. leading newspapers. The Daily Future plans will be discussed Herald charged the Government at this meeting. ^_ with adding "another first class Mrs. J. Bernstein is president blunder to the long record of mishandling and vacillation" on the of the Deborah society, and Mrs. D. Crounse Is secretary. Palestine problem. The News-Chronicle saw in the measures a possible "new hornets' memory of Mr. Ernest Meyer. nest." The Manchester Guardian, Mr. Harry G. Fleishman in declaring C o m mons must have memory of Mr. Ernest Meyer. been "shocked and astonished" at Thursday afternoon Y o u t h the land ordinance, asked: "What Allyah group in memory of Mr. has the Government told us since Ernest Meyer. the war began to justify such a Beth-El Sabbath School for a stepT What is the Government CJbamiso Oeor B'Shovat offering. , about, to handle national unity in Mrs. Sam Altshuler in honor of so strange a way?" Lord Beaver- the engagement of her son, Harbrook's Evening Standard was ry, to Miss Ruth Friedman. among the Few papers welcoming M r s . William Raduziner in the land regulations. honor of the recovery of Mrs. The Times emphasized the Gov- Morris Bernstein. ernment's determination to carry Mrs. Jr J. Prieden in memory out the ordinance, stating that if of her sister, Sarah Plotkin. the League Council c o n demned Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey in the ordinance the G o v e r m e nt honor of the 11th anniversary of might have to ask for an amend- their children in Chicago, Mr. and ment Of the M a ndate. "In the Mrs. Melvln Jacobs. Government's view," The Times Orientation of Hadassah stated, "there cannot be further The last meeting of the Orlen-; delay in dealing with what is a tation group was held at the home jrery serious social, political and of the chairman, Mrs. Irving W. Forbes, with Mrs. Morria Roltracial problem. steln as co-hostess. Mrs. Irving W. Forbes spoke on the Rothschild Hadassah University hospital, Mrs. Morris Roitsteln reported on the Hebrew university, and Mrs. William Llpsman imparted By INEZ L. RAZNICK information on the Hadassah Sup"This Purlm, Hadasaah cele- plies department. brates Its 28th birthday. It is The next session will meet at fitting that our birthday celebra- the home of Mrs. Morris Raznlck, tion should revolve around the 4208 Farnam street, March 12, Hadassah Medical organization Tuesday, at 1:15 o'clock. Mrs. and be the occasion for recount- Raznlck will speak on where the Ing its history and accomplish- membership's $4 dues go and In ment, since this is our central what proportions it is divided. responsibility." Thus writes Ta- Every Hadassah inember is most mar de Sola Pool, who further cordially invited. feels that every Jewish woman should be another Esther In this Miguel de Almazan, private sectime of need. "We who were content to say 'Every Jewish Woman retary to King F e r d i n a n d of Has a Place in Hadassah' should Spain, was burned as a Judaizer. change, our slogan~'Every Jewish Woman Must Have a Place in Hadassah'." DON'T ASEi Miss Henrietta Szdld further proves the necessity for modern 'Esthers by writing, "In these terAsk for rible days, I must tell you of the hunger of the children, the suffering of the indigent sick, and the homelessness, the nakedness, the starvation of the refugees." This-ia a challenge to every Omaaoss ha Esther to do their utmost to find ways to aid these refugees. Certified Vintage Mrs. M. M. Barlsh, WA -889J>. "©oft tho Boot?' suggests that one way of aiding AtechoHc Contends in this great task is to aid her In .the dispersement of drawing by V o t o o tickets for.the prizes of $100 and
District Convention Is to . Be Held March 23, 24, 25
Girl Scouts Girl Scouts in Troop No. 4 were gaily entertained at a party at the Girl Scout Little House on Sunday afternoon, March 8, by members of the Seeior Girl Scout Troop. Hostesses were; M a r t y Byron, Belle Sommer, Zelda W e i sm&n and Rosalie Wertlienaer. Members of the . Senior Troop planned all details of the get-together, prepared the refreshments and organized an & f t ernoon of games and fun. Both Troops meet weekly at the Jewish Community C e n t e r for well-rounded programs of Scout activities. The J u n i o r Troop, which meets every Friday afternoon, is now making plans for a mother-daughter affair. The Senior Troop is following a. cultural program of dramatics and public speaking at its weekly meetings on Monday evenings. At the last meeting of the Senior Scout Troop, held on Monday evening, February 26, Miss Jo McCarthy, debater from Omaha University, spoke en the journalism and debate activities at Northwestern University.
A dance at the Hotel Paxtoo ballroom snd a banquet at the Jewish Community Center will be the social highlights of the District 6 A. Z. A. tournament to be held ia Omaha, March 38, 24 and 28. Plans for this, the seventh annual tournament of the district, are rapidly nearlng completion, according to Irving Nogg and Yale Richards, general chairmen. The tournament will bring together A. Z. A. members from over SO chapters ia eight states, including Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Michigan, and four states in Canada. Winners of the regional A- Z. A. tournaments in debate, oratory and basketball, together with the asked to notify Harold Slutzkia, two Omaha chapters, will com- MA 1398. or Harry Good binder, pete in the district finals. Win- GL 3115. ners in all events will be awarded individual medals, and t h e Patronize Our Advertisers chapters which they represent will be presented with trophies. Free Trip to Camp In addition to this, the winners in debate and oratory will receive a free trip to the International A. Z. A. camp convention at Lake Manatock, Akron, Ohio, t h i s
•-.< .
•...-,. - • -
Gift Fund Mrs. M. P. Levenson announces contributors; these contributions are to commemorate a happy event; or honor a loved one jand are accepted. through/ th& Hadassah Gift Fund's chairman, Mrs. Mi | f L , WA0850 -Mrs. B. Bosenbaum a gift to - the* J. IT. P. . -; ia
©ems In aisd Oco
n. w. .©or. a c a a cc^itai SAfh. end Fereaia.
Elaborate plans foi Una year's inter-club ceIelia.tiOiL of Purim, which is to be Leld oa Sunday, March 17, are absouueed by ths Round Table of Jevriih Youth. The keynote of tLe celebration will be "Ciub Shasliaii" featuring table d'hote refrtjhiufeiits. There will be dancing hi the Center auditorium and booths and carnival fun in the gym. A floor show sud the crowning of Queen Esther will climax the evening's entertainment. M u s i c will be furnished by Freddy Ebener and his orchestra. In charge of arrangements are Rosalie Wertheiiuer of the Temple Youth G r o u p and Sheldon Bernstein of the Roiioh Club. Candidates for Queen Esther will be announced next week.
Leave for Palestine Wilno <JTA) — After much red tape, the first group of 20 emigrants have left for Palestine. Refugees hope that further emigration to Palestine will now be possible. Patronize Our Advertisers
In addition to the tournament dance and banquet, the social program will include a stag party and a luncheon. The tournament will officially open at 7 p. m. Saturday with registrations at the J. C. C. general headquarters. All girls who wish to be placed on the tournament dating list are requested to get in touch with members of the dating commit' tee. Anyone who would like to house Alephs in their homes either Saturday or Sunday night are
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'emeenibu ly "PAUL A. PETERS REFUGEE SCOOPS: A refugee named Sally Hand has turned up at Heartbreak House, NRS headquarters in Times Square . . . But she bad neither the bubbles nor the figure of her namesake . . . Refugee couples are being trained by one refugee-aid organization In the art of buttling . . . One of the tasks they are learning is bow to mix cocktails . . . Which was included in the course after one couple lost their jobs because they muffed on mixing martinis . . . CENSORSHIP NOTES: Roman Slobodin, ex-Jerusalem JTA correspondent who is back in New York, forgot to bring with him » most interesting censorship curio . . . It was a photostatic copy of the Balfour Declaration bearing a red censorship s t a m p reading, "Not Approved for Publication — November 3, 1039." . . . A n d bore's another censorship y a r n from the land which is under the severest censorship in the world today . . . A lady, wishing to be helpful to the censors, addressed an explanatory note to them about a certain paragraph in her letter to a friend abroad which might otherwise have been misunderstood . . . The note was on the margin of the letter . . . When the letter arrived at its destination, it bore the censor's pencilled note underneath the explanation: "ttodah rabba" (Hebrew for thank you very ranch!) . . . SCIENCE NOTE: Dr. Samuel 8ambursky, Hebrew U. physicist, Sa experimenting with the use of sound waves to sterilize orange juice for canning purposes . . . LONDON LETTER: Anthony de Rothschild, head of the House Of Rothschild, revealed himself the other day as a close follower «f Lord Haw Haw's nightly broadcasts from Hamburg . . . IIo made the confession, our London conCrib informs, at a public meeting of the Central Council for Jewish Refugees when he expressed the tope that none of his audience shared his "depraved taste" . . . Lately, he told the meeting. Lord Haw Haw was beginning to pall . . . He had run out of new material and was only repeating stale stories . . . "Don't galvanize him into renewed activity," Rothschild pleaded. "Don't let him say that the Jews in England have failed to take care of their own" . . . Lord Haw Haw is a German with a remarkable command of English and a voice which Rothschild described as "snaky" . . . He is aided by other English-speaking announcers variously kndwn as "Oily Oscar," "the Hamburger Hun" and "Whining Willie." . ...
upon recoinineHdation of I>r. Ch&frsi Weiititsami . , . They are Dr. Israel Goldstein and Judge Morris Rothenberg . . . Weizniaiiii wss scheduled to fly back to Europe M&ren 6 . . . Word is that he expects to return in April or May . . . The cables report that there is a lack of Yiddish text books in Soviet Poland . . . Why doesn't somebody send over a stack of Aieph Kfttz's swell little versified alphabet, "Fun Aleph Biz Tov." The Nation reports that key f igiere at Garner's New York headquarters is W i l l i a m Goodwin, Coughlin intimate wlio received the radio priest's strong support when he ran for Congress in 1030 . . . Congrats to Danny Weaver (Dave Weismann, formerly with California Jewish Voice) on his nifty little volume of take-off verses on conuminazisin put out by L y in a n house Publishers as 'Mother Goose*Step and Other Nertzery Rhymes." . . . Tue Zionists were not taken by surprise by the land ordinance . . . They knew it was set as long ago as last November . . . A sympathetic letter was written to Zionists here by be Ambassador of what big country? . . . And what news agency caught holy aitch for spilling the ordinance story prematurely? . . . (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
Union of American Hebrew Con- which Jews are legally barred, ing Jews. After all, a mind can gregations will be'dedicated. were virtually empty. stand only eo much." Conditions fn the Protectorate Orthodox ere "horrible," Miss Tolstoy said, Newspapers Banned The speaker at the services of "Jews beg employees of foreign the United Orthodox Congrega- consulates to go to the German Kaunas (JTA) — One Russian tions this evening will be Rabbi authorities and ask permission for and six Jewieh newspapers, three Paul J. Bender, who will speak them to emigrate. The Jews come of them dailies, -were suspended on "Solutions and Parts of Soluby the government because of a tions." A reception tendered by in the thousands, weeping a n d paper shortage. F o u r Polish kissing the handa of consul emthe Women's Mizrachi will folnewspapers have been permitted ployees. But the consular people to continue publication, as have low the services. The children's services will be can do nothing. The minds cf the four other Jewish dallies in Kauconducted Saturday morning at employees of the American con- nas and two in Wilno. The susthe Congregation B'nai Israel, sulate in Prague have been almost pended Jewish dailies are FarnEighteenth and Chicago streets. ruined by the pleas of the suffer- aeht, Ovenfal&t and B&itog. Arleae Dansky will speak at the services on "Dr. Hheodor Herzl," and Eleanor Bernstein will discuss Jewish Current Events. Mrs. Max Froinkin will entertain the children after the services. Children of Bar Mitzvah age, who are interested in preparing for the Bar Mitzvah ceremony, will be given the opportunity to do so before the children's services at the Congregation B'nai "More for your clothes money" include* Israel. A Bar Mitzvah club is everything from our largest selections to starting this Sabbath to which all children of Bar Mitzvah age are the limit of value . • • • . its here! invited. The group will be under the supervision of Mr. Judah L. Wolfson of the City T a l m ' u d Torah. Sunday morning services- will start promptly at 9 o'clock as usual at the Congregation B'nai Israel. The Talmud Study group will meet this Wednesday at the ConNEW gregation Beth Hamedrosh Ha1910 godel. Nineteenth and fiurt streets, at 8 p. m. SPUING
New York (JTA) — Nazi antiSemitic measures in B o h e mlaMoravia, instead of s t i m ulating anti-Jewish feeling a m o n g the Candle-Lighting this evening: Czechs, have dispelled what little 5:50 of it there existed, • Miss Maria Tolstoy, g r a n d daughter of the Beth El famous Russian novelist, declared This evening at services Rabbi in an interview with the J. T. A. David A. Goldstein will speak on Miss Tolstoy, who arrived here "Specifications for Sanctuary." after living in Prague for years, Justin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max said that Czechs were boycotting Simon will chant Kiddush. Justin shops where Jews were not adbecomes B a r Mitzvah Sabbath mitted and that Jewish cafes were morning and will lead the entire crowded with Czechs as well as service at that time. Jews, while "Aryan" cafes, from Mr. and Mrs. Simon will receive at Kiddush after service in honor HEAVY of their son's Bar Mitzvah.
Religious Services
Next Week Next Friday evening the Beth El Congregation will be host to the B'nai B'rith in observance of B'nai B'rith Sabbath. Rabbi Morris Kertzer, head of the Hillel Foundation at the University of Iowa will deliver the sermon.
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Tonight Rabbi David H. Wice will speak on the "Romance of Prayer-Book Making." This evening the new prayerbooks of the
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Boys9 and Students9
BIRTHDAY NOTE: Way back la 1931, around Purim time, a Jewish woman ordered a set of the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, which was announced for early publication, to be given as a birthday gift to the Temple Israel library in Minneapolis . . . The gift was to mark her 91st birthday . .-.. The encyclopedia's publication was postponed, for one reason or another, until this year . . . Looking through their files recently, the'editors came across the order and inquired of Rabbi Albert G. Minda whether the lady ' was still alive and whether she was still of a mind to make the gift . . . Rabbi Minda informed them that she was and that she reaffirmed the order . . .So, Mrs. Celfa H. Cohen will celebrate her 100th birthday next Purim by formally presenting the library with the first volume of the U. J. E . . MISH-MASH: Vladimir Jabotta sky, we bear at this writing,, bas cancelled his visit to America. . Revisionists haunted Pan American dipper headquarters for days awaiting news that he had taken - off from Lisbon . . .Boris Smolar, • 3TA CWel In Paris, has been laid up in his hotel room with a leg In a cost for several weeks . . Jtee he coatisuBas to pound oat t3$? *» if nothing had happened , „ , 1?Jhy Palestine Emergency Committee has added two new
Friday, Marcb 8, 1940
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Friday, Marck 8, 1940
Page 3
Turn Your
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Pause a moment. • • fall to your knees • • • close your eyes. • and thank Almighty God you live in Blessed America . . . the Land of the Free. Try, if you can, to visualize the horrible nightmare of persecution, of fright, of soul- ; gripping anxiety and helplessness of millions of our people. •
•- I '
Their trembling hands and pleading eyes turn toward us in' America, toward you, beseechingly, directly, personally . . . yes, to you.
". It is your duty to help them . . • even as it is your privilege to give of your money instead of being compelled to accept theirs. Your own conscience must make you open your heart and give until it hurts, because , every dollar may help save a life. . •'
, v . •••«."
Friday, M&rck 1, IS40
Itfs a Home Run for Health
lioux City News MORRIS AIZENBERG, Correspondent
The concert with Sidor Belarsky, Chayele Grober and -Sylvia Marshall will appear Monday evening, March 4, at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. These artists are touring the country for the Jewish National Workers Alliance. It is only once in many years that these famous artists can be seen appearing on a program together. It is through the general membership that this was made possible. Mr. Louis Shiudler, chairman of the ticket committee, has announced that because of cold weather it was impossible to contact .all the homes. All people wishing to attend will be able to purchase tickets at the d o o r . Everyone is urged to be prompt and an enjoyable evening is promised to all. Admission is 50 cents per person. All proceeds will go for the Leon Blum Colony in Palestine, * project of the Jewish National Fund.
Womens League to Hold Annual Dance The Women's League of Shaare Ziou will hold its annual dance on Saturday night, March 23. Mrs. Maurice Rubin and Mrs. Milton Grossman are co-chairmen for the affair. Details will appear in a later issue of The Jewish Press.
OUNGIL TO SPONSOR The Sioux City chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women is sponsoring an "All Day Card P a r t y " in place of its March meeting. Games are to be held in various homes on Monday, March 4, either in the afternoon ir evening. Admission will be 50 cents per person. Proceeds are to be used to pay for the piano purchased for the Jewish Community Center which is one of the council's local projects. Mrs. Earl Kline and Mrs. Sol Kronick are co-chairmen in charge of this event, assisted by Mrs. Sol Seff. The following women will be hostesses in their homes: Mesdames Frank Margolin, M. Rocklin, Reuben Miller, S. Shulkin, D. Singer, Adolph Davis, A. M. Grueskin, Robert Sacks, Jack Robinson, Emil Levich, Lester Goldman, Meyer Levitt, Frank pstein, Sol Kronick, V i c t or Masie, William Masle, Nathan Goldis, Sam Plckus, Ace Wissott, S. Turchen, M. Haligman, Phil herman, Earl Kline, Sol Novitsky, Harold Rothman and Miss Velma Beechem and Miss Ruth Marx.
National Jewish Hospital has pioneered in many fields and is the only national institution of its kind to maintain a children's division.
Strictly Confidential (Continued from Page 11)
the palace of King Ahab of Samaria, who lived 2800 years ago . . , That the Perizzites mentioned in the Bible as one of the seven Canaanite nations were probably Hittite iron-workers . . . That documents from Arrapkha, describing the institutions of the Horltes of about 1500 B. C. E., a people who lived in Palestine before the Israelites entered that P r o m i s e d Land, show some remarkable similarities to the accounts given in the Book of Genesis . . . That practically every line of the New Testament was written by Jews . . That the reading of the Five Books of Moses in the synagogue is a custom of over two thousand years' standing . . » . And that Zedekiah, - generally regarded as the last king of Judah, is now known to. have been merely a regent acting in behalf of nephew Jehoiachin . . ,
PLAN MIZRACHI HERE (Continued from page 1.) City at 10; the second under the chairmanship of Rabbi Bender at 2. These meetings will be followed by a banquet at 6. The conference on Sunday and the banquet will take place at the Jewish Community Center. The following committees are in charge of preparations for the conference: Arrangements, Louis Epstein, A. Schwaczkin, N. Levinson, S. Ravitz, E. Weinberg, N. Wiifsen and M. Katzman; reception, A. G. Weinstein. Rabbi N. Feldman, Louis Blumenthal, J. Kirshenbaum, M. Arbitman, S. Katleman, Joe Morgan and Rev. Q. Barbakow. Banquet, S. H. Katz, Aaron Katz, J. Adler, D. Abrams, D. Crounse, S. Shyken, Sol Lagman and B. Lindenbauin; publicity, Sol Spar and B. Saltzman; women's committee, Mesdames N. Levinson, H. Lippett, M. Arbitman, L. Neveleff, S. Fish, E. Weinberg, B. Shafton, A. G. Weinstein, M. Brodkey, J. Tretiak, B, Glickman, J. Bernstein, D. Crounse and A. Katz.
in "Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet"* . and that Edward G. Robinson, who in this picture at last has the type of role he really likes, (Continued from page 1.). . made his stage debut in a play put mocrat'ey at the Present,'' and "Deon by a group of New York East mocracy in the Future." '•', Side youngsters who included Ira Sisterhood Plans Annual Affair ' . ;; and George Gershwin, Arthur and James Morton will speak for the Irving Caesar and Jonah GoldLuncheon Today Y. M. C. A. chapter; Robert'Mosestein? . . . ly will represent the negro Hi-Y LITERARY NEWS The Mt. Sinai Sisterhood will chapter, and Abe Resriick the A. 55. bold its meeting in the form of a Dr. Emanuel Lasker, for thirty A. • ' . • • ' . . . 1 o'clock luncheon at the temple. years world's chess champion, is The Boy Scout troops of the J. Mrs. Earl I. Roadman will speak very happy these days . . . HiB C. C. and the Y. M. C. A. wiil on "Women in the Modern Age," book, "The Community of the Fuparticipate in a flag presentation. and Mrs. Fred Sherman will speak ture," is going to be published this Beginning with this, affair "Youth In the famous women's series spring . . . It deals not with chess, and Democracy programs by the "Mrs. Alma Gluck." but with the great problems of Hi-Y and A.Z. A. will become anunemployment and mass education Invocation will be given by Mrs. nual events, according to Dr. I. . . . Talking of books, be it known "B. H. Aronson. Co-hostesses for Dansky and J. E. Collins, advisors that it will be futile for you to the affair are W. C. Slotsky and The marriage of Miss Myrtle of the two groups. Mrs. M. A. Weiner. Juliet Schoen, daughter of Mrs. trye to entice Pierre van Paassen (Cipyright 1940 By Seven Arts Frank Pirsch and Leonard Marto any social function . . . He is Pearl Sohoen of Chicago, to Sam> Feature Syndicate.) gules are the A. Z. A. co-chairman in retirement from now on, workuel Cohen of Sioux City was of the affair. Assisting them are: B'nai B'rithWill solemnized last Sunday afternoon ing on his new book, which will Leo Alperson, Irv Nogg, Morris deal with a subject that any intellHold Open Meeting by Rabbi Felix Levy at the Bel- igent man is interested in, but Arbitman, Yale Richards, Leonard mont hotel in Chicago. A wedding Lewis, and Joe Gusa. • concerning which we. are pledged The B'nai B'rith will hold an dinner followed the ceremony. Dr. to secrecy . . . The third volume open forum meeting on March 6, J. N. Lande attended Mr. Cohen. of Reuben Brainin's c o 11 e cted • Ephraim Alex was founder of Mr. Cohen and his bride are works, containing his memoirs, YOUNG JUDAEA • Wednesday evening, at the Jewthe Jewish Board of Guardians In ish Community Center to begin spending their honeymoon in Cali- will be out by Purim, when tho The Young Judaea held its reg- L o n d o n . • • • . » . > . a t 8:30. The guest speaker for fornia and Honolulu. They will late Samuel Halevl A b u 1 atia was ular meeting at the home of the Hebrew author would have the' evening will be the well- return to Sioux City about March been 78 years old . . . It includes president, Harriett K u b b y , on treasurer to Pedro, the Cruel,.ot known speaker Rabbi Israel of 25 and will reside at 402 Sioux excerpts from his diaries that con- Sunday, February 25. Castille. Baltimore. Everyone is urged to apartments. Leona Katleman has succeeded tain some Btrong words on a numSioux Cityans who attended the Attend. •• of well-known literary celeb- Rose Mendelsohn as leader of. the W E B B , B E B E B , KLUTZNICK * KEMJOT wedding are Mrs. Jacob Cohen, ber Attorneys . . rities . . . The one^volume Colum- group. Miss Rose Cohen, Milton Cohen, bia Encyclopedia, Mrs. Louis Cohen told of plans 209 Service U f e Bid*, Ornate, N e k . Shaare Zion published by the L. J. Kutchor, Lou Strongin and Columbia University Press, has a for a candy sale to be given in the NOTICE OF INCORPORATION O F Dr. Lande. Mr. Paul Schllm- strange conception of values . . . near future, by the group. Plans "BABIB5I, IMO." Services will begin tonight at gen J.ofN.Omaha Notice Is hereby given that w e . the vm» also was present. It gives Shalom Asch twice as were also discussed for a joint derslgned, 8 o'clock with Cantor Pernick and have associated ourselvea t»» gether tor the purpose of forming a c o r 1the choir chanting the rituals. much space as It devotes to Blalik, Senior Hadassah Young Judaea poration to ba known a s r B a r t s h , too.' The Mount Sinai Brotherhood three meeting to be held in June, at I t shall commence Rabbi H. R. Rablnowltz will speak times a3 much as to Herzl, business' on February on the subject "The Damascus met last Monday night at the Mar- and four times as, much as to which the Young Judaean mem- 1, 1910, and continue for a , p e r i o d of M The principal place of doing bull* bers will serve refreshments And years. Affair" on the occasion of its cen- tin hotel for a social evening. Weizmann . . . ness shall be a t Omaha, Nebraska. Tbm present a play. tenary. Saturday morning servABOUT PEOPLE general nature of the business t o be trans* Miss Faye Holdowsky returned acted by this corporation shall be a* folAfter the business session, the lows: T o buy. sell, and encumber,-real ices will begin at 9 o'clock. Jr. St. Patrick's Day will see a test- meeting was turned over to the and Congregation will begin at 10:45. to Sioux City after a five-week personal property; to borrow m o n e y , visit with friends and relatives in imonial dinner tendered to profes- program chairman, Elaine Meyer? t o own stock In other corporations; to> New York. sor Jekuthlel Ginsburg, the fam- son. Harriet Kubby gave a piano draw, make, execute, accept, endorse u < Mt. Sinai Issue promissory notes, mortgages - a n * ous mathematician who teaches at selection and Eleanor Pasjer and other negotiable instruments; to e n g a g e Mrs. Leonard Baumsten a n d Yeshiva C o l l e g e and edits the Elaine Meyerson sang. The meet- In the general construction business; M Services will begin tonight at daughter, Mitzi, of Des Moines, mathematical quarterly S c r i p ta repair and remodel all types of buildings; Ing was then turned over to Mary engage In the building material b u s h S o'clock. Rabbi Albert S. Goldspent the past week visiting Mathematica . . .Maurice Samuel Lee Gilinsky who led in group to nea and t o buy and sell, both at w h o l e stein will speak on the subject bave sale and retail, all types of building m a will perhaps be heard on the radio relatives in Sioux City. games. "Reform Movement in Judaism.' terials, appliances, equipment, machinery, every week before long, on a new The next meeting will be held and merchandise and to do all other thing* Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Behrman type of "information-please" pro- March 1 at the home of Elaine necessary or incidental to a n y of the purposes • herein described. . •>• Notice of Minneapolis, Minn., announce gram . . . Actor Curt "Bois, w&o Meyerson. The capital stock shall be $10,000.0* the birth' of a son, -Ronald Lee, has returned to Hollywood after a divided into 100 shares of the par value of The Music Appreciation class on' February 18. Mrs'.' Behrman brief excursion to New York is $100.00 each.; All of said stock shall be fully paid for and non-assessable. Th« has been postponed from Tuesday, is the former Sally Ginsberg, preparing to delight Coast play- CONVALESCING Miss Dorothy Cohen of Harlan, affairs of the company shall be managed March 5, to Tuesday, March 19, daughter of Mr. "and Mrs. Max goers with a piece called "Thank Iowa, who has been ill at the Jen- by a Board of Directors, which shall condue to the illness of the instruc- Ginsberg, 102 Sixteenth street. You, Cpjumbus" . . . Former hea- nie Edmundson hospital for the sist of three members, -who shall elect from their number President and Secretor, Miss Edwarda Metz. vyweight champion Max Baer, de- past two.. Weeks, is now convales- tary, both of which& .offices-may be. held Mr. and Mrs. Al Weinberg an- spite his advanced age (he was cing at the home of her grandpar- by the same person. The annual meeting the corporation shall be held . on t h t nounce the birth of a son last thirty-one last week),'•:hopes to ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman, of first, Monday in February of each year. knock out Joe Louis before the 736 Mynster. Tuesday morning. , The Articles of Incorporation may b« amended upon the affirmative vote of a year is over!. . . Governor statmajority of the outstanding stock. istician Isador Lubin, who has I n Witness Whereof,- the parties h a v e Orthodox Synagogues been consulting physicians for hereunto subscribed their names this 31st day of January, 1940. some months now, is greatly re' SAMUEL H. LAKIN Friday night services will be- lieved to learn t h a t all'that's AARON KATZ gin Friday night at. 6 o'clock at .wrong with him is t.hat he needs a MAX M. BARISH the Orthodox synagogues. The good, long rest ^ , . . J In the Presence of: " (Continued from P a g e 2.) S A M B E B E R 2-9-40-lt. morning, services will begin at 9 IKFOBMATIQN. PLAYS ! o'clock. Rabbi 8. Bolotnikov will (Continued from page 1.) Things about the "Bible which in frantic doing and In loud speakpartnership, in which as least 300 speak in the morning at tho you should....'know" and, which you ing. : ' r --. ,-• '. -•••. •, : 'Tipheretb Israel synagogue. women participate actively. can learn from the Universal JewSo he was carried away, toward "We women have a Job to d o ish Encyclopedia include: That a , Anti-Semite Defeated • number of ostraca, of potsherds hisHegrdve. not a task—merely a job. How litwas Charles Israel of Cintle Is asked of nat To give np a bearing writing, which were re- cinnati, an insurance man by ocfew days, to contribute some of London (WNS) — Tom Moran, cently discovered at Lachish shed cupation, the father of Rabbi Edour money — i n the sore know- candidate of Sir Oswald Mosley's an interesting light on the histor- ward Israel of Baltimore, whose ledge that our husbands are safe British Union of Fascists, ran an ical accounts in the B o 6 k a of Bon is studying for the rabbinate in this blessed land of ours; that extremely poor third in tho re- Bangs and Jeremiah . « . That val- in the Hebrew Union College. Let George Gates and onr children are safe in the free- cent Silvertown - by: • • • elections, uable light la thrown on the litMichael Solomon Alexander, which -was considered by some erary form of the. Biblical books dom which is oars." Lee Grossman, The complete organization of political observers as an Indica- by the. Has Shamra inscriptions, first AneHcan bishop of JerusaJ. C. C. Instructors the Women's Division is proceed- tion of > Mosley's Increasing un- which are written In an alphabet lem, was the son of German,Jews. popularity, i ing at a rapid pace. Additional ofnew to the savants . . . That reTiberius Julius Alexander, pre ficers of the Women's Division cent archeolbglcal e x c a v a t i o n s will be announced in the next IsSidney Solomon Abrahams was hare brought the d i s c overy of feet of Egypt and procurator of ., aue of the Jewish Press;" Chief Justice of Uganda. pieces of ivory decoration from Judaea, was an apostate Jew.
Society News