March 29, 1940

Page 1

EJutered as Second Class Mail Matter on January SI, 1931, at Postoff Ice, of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, 187}


Tower of PHILANTHROPIES ShowDavid Misnamed WOMEN READY FOR CAMPAIGN Divisional Organization I . Completed for Drive The largest number of women ,-, on record has been mobilized in .connection with the 1040 Jewish a philanthropies Campaign for Wai Refugees, according Vifclif ril Rf di to t i.. Jules M. Newman, General •man of the Women's Divi "The women" she announced "are determined to have as large a coverage of cards as possible, This necessitated the . assembling of some 400 women, who will con secrate themselves to the task o: raising the largest funds possible for overseas needs." All subdivisions of the Women's Division are now virtually com plete and are ready to begin in tensive solicitation. 19 Teams in Residential Unit Heading the Residential Divi Blon is Mrs. Philip M. Klutznlck Who has succeeded in organizing nineteen teams. The object of this division is to cover all residences In the Jewish community and contact some two thousand prospects Plans for thorough solicitations were laid at a meeting of the majors held on March 23, at which time plans for the most effective Approach were agreed upon. Heading the Women's I n i t i a l pltts is Miss Blanche Zimman, a .yeteran worker in previous^ cam-sf- ".'(Continued oh page




XVII—-No. 21

Arthur A/Gohn

London (JTA) — Excavation: at the citadel at the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem prove that the tower known as the Tower of David ac tually is the Tower of Phasael one of the three described by Josephus as having been erected by King Herod about 25 B. C, The Times reports. The tower was Inserted in a pre-Herodian wall which seems to go as far back as the Maccabees The wall incorporates an e v e n earlier wall which may go as far back as Nehemlah. It is believed that the wall may have been built when the Maccabees, under Jonathan Maccabaeus f o r t i tied the city. The report states that the new discoveries vividly illustrate many passages of the books of Maccabees and of Josephus, including Javelin heads of the Greek type Forced Exile to Take Place used in the wars of the Selucids Over Period of against the Jews. Eleven Years



TALMUD TORAH MARKS HOLIDAY Over 800 Attend Affair in Observance of Purim Over 800 persons, 350 of them children, attended the Purim celebration sponsored by the Deborah society and the U. O. C. Sisterhood. T h e celebration opened with the evening services. After the reading of the Meglllah. Cantor A, Scliwaczkln chanted "Shoshanas Yaakov." Appropriate songs were then sung by the children. The following Mordercais a n d E s t h e r s were c r o w n e d : Shirley Gimple and Howard Kuklin, Rebecca Finer and Izzie Diamond, Ann Denenberg and Irvin Gendler. • Mrs. J. Bernstein of the Deborah society and Mrs. ti. Neveleff of the U. O. C. Sisterhood, did the crowning. Each Mordecal and Esther received a souvenir of the occasion. Program A duet was sung by Eunice Newberg and Elka Byron. The Kindergarten sang "A Wicked, Wicked Man," and Judith Rubin presented a modern version with Hitler as the culprit. A grand march for those in costume followed. Prize-winners were: Eljanor Bernstein as Vashti, Warren Denenberg as Moses, and (Continued on page 5.)

Rome (JTA) — A decision tc empty Italy o f Jews within 11 years has been taken by the Ital ian Government, it was reliably learned. This is a reversal of th recent attitude regarding Jewish emigration from Italy since up to now passports for e m i g r atioi purposes have been difficult to obtain. Only six weeks ago al passport held by I t a l ian Jews were called in. The Government now aims to encourage Jewish emigration al the rate of 3,500 per year, whicl is about the average of the present voluntary emigration f r o m Italy. If this rate is maintained the last of the present Jewish population in Italy will have lef the country within-11 years* Large Italian Quota There is no fear, however, that (Continued on page 5.)

To Exhibit Works Of Max Lieberman

Arthur A. Cohn, who last yea headed the General Solicitation Division of the Jewish Philan thropies Campaign, will this yea again serve the same division, thii time as co-chairman with M. Ven ger. A veteran Philanthropies cam paigner, Mr. Cohn will bear th' .brunt of the general solicitations

Arthur A. Cohn as Mr.' Venger was recently taken ill, and It will be up to him to outline the coming drive. "Each year," Mr. Cohn said In assuming the chairmanship, "the task of the Jewish Philanthropies is increased. Each year we are faced with an added burden of responsibility. Rather than grumble over these d e m a n d s , we should be grateful that it is only money for which we are asked." "We should give thanks that we are in a position to help those who are the victims of tyranny and oppression. We should be glad to help them in the moment of their need." \ One hundred and four thousand five hundred dollars is being sought by this year's Philanthropies Campaign which is under the eneral chairmanship of Morris E. Jacobs. "

A report on current work of New York (JTA) — The works the Anti-Defamation League of of Max Liebermann, famous GerB'nai B'ritb will feature the regman-Jewish painter, will be given ular meeting of Omaha lodge of an exhibition commemorating the B'nai B'rlth Monday, April 1, in fifth anniversary of his death, it the Jewish Community Center was announced by the Schoenelodge room. The meeting will bemann Galleries. gin promptly at 8 p. m. The exhibition, scheduled for March ,26 to April 30, will-comThe traveling A. D. L'. exhibit prise paintings loaned for the ocwhich includes charts, pictures casion from private collections in and records will be set up on the New York. Liebermann, who died walls of the lodge room and a at the age of 88, was at one time special report on work which the president of the Academy of Arts Anti-Defamation league has done n Berlin. -during the past months in this country will be given. Alter Reported Alive Business to be transacted at the meeting Monday n i g h t inParis (JTA) — Le Populalre, cludes further announcements rerench Socialist organ, said the garding the District No. 6 grand Dr. Weil to Speak Polish Telegraphic Agency's relodge convention sponsored by At Beth El, April 5 port that Victor Alter, P o l i s h .the Omaha lodge this July, and ewish Socialist leader, had been the coming Southwest Regional Dr. Herman Well, professor of xecuted by the Soviet authorities conference to be held in Sioux City April 14, sponsored by the Mathematics at Nebraska Central was incorrect and called on the Sioux City.lodge. '..]...:. allege,-Central..City, Neb, will oc- Soviet Government to state what upy the pulpit of the Beth El was being done with Alter. Alter London (JTA)— A t o t a l of ynagogue on F r i d a y evening, apparently is under arrest in Moa1,709 Jews and 392 Arabs enlistIOW, the paper declared. April 5. ed in Palestine for overseas servDr. Well, before coming to this ce, the House of Commons was Paris (JTA) — M i n i ster of ioun'try a year ago, was assoclatby Colonial Secretary, Mald with Jewish educational circles olonles Georges Mandel retained old olm MacDonald. The figures inn Frankfort-am-Maln, Germany. is position in the new French lude the Auxiliary Military PioHe" spoke in Omaha oh Decem- Cabinet formed by Premier Paul neer Corps already , s e r vlng in er 2f •. : . . , . Reynaud. *1 'Antwerp,-, B «.! glum- (JTA) — France, of which 742 are Jews Censored-postcards reaching Jews and 306 Arabs; • In,Belgium from their relatives in MacDonald revealed also that jNazl Poland throw some light on High Commissioner Sir H a r old ; conditions in the occupied area, MacMichael had strong reasons to "• .One Polish Jew wrote C"I am uspect that German agents were .without any work, but* I hope the mong illegal immigrants landed situation will improve." The-Nazi rom two ships last month. He • censor added the line: "No imdded, however, that there was provements should be expected by io c o n c l usive proof that the ' Jews." A ten year dream came nearer pletion it'Will be free of debt. To- gents were Jews although there Another wrote: "I must say reality, when excavation work for tal cost of the synagogue building was; a strong p o s s l bllity that - that Uncle Lechem visits us very Is expected to be about $80,000, 'some of the Jewish members of rarely," The word "Lechem" is he new Beth El Synagogue startOf modern design, the exterior he parties of illegals are GerHebrew for bread, but the censor ed last week. 'Completion of the of the building will be of brick. man agents." . understood the implication, for he 'inilding at 49th and Farnam is The main auditorium will seat More than h a l f of the male added: "We have no bread for xpected by September 1 so that 750 persons while a social room membership of the Brighton and Jews." he High Holy day, services can be on the first floor will have a seat- Hove branch of the British Maccaing capacity, of about 600* j i Association, Jewish sports orA postcard sent by a Belgian lield in the new home. „ . Jew to Poland was returned witb. * Since the organization, p£ the Work was to have started earl- ganization,- have voluntarily joinr the notation: "Undellverahla^i^. Congregation.ten yeafa ago, serv- ier but unfavorable weather con- d the British military .forces, it cause of epidemic." A food parcel ces have been held at .the Jewish. ditions .held up construction. . : was announced by A l d e r m a n ;, returned, to a Belgian.; Jew: from" lommunlty. Center. Five y e a r s "Architects for the. Synagogue Barnett Marks,' Maccabi president, Poland carried the notation: "Ad- go ah annual campaign, was Jn- were John and Alan McDonald. t the annual m e e t i n g of the dressee resides in ghetto, to which tltuted to raise funds for a -per-" Contractors are A. H. B r o dkey roup. Included in the volunteers entrance is forbidden by authori- manent structure.. It. la hoped that and the Cooper C o n s t r u e t i o n re the entire executive commitee of the branch, Marks said. ties." y the time of the building's com-. Company.




GALICIAN JEWS BEGGING BREAD Report 200,000 Wandering from Village to Village Paris (JTA) — Approximately 200,000 Jews, including women and children, are wandering from village to village in Soviet-occupied Galicla, begging the Ukrainian peasants for b r e a d , which they are unable to buy, according to reports reaching Paris.. . • The food shortage is felt particularly among the Jews in Taruopol. The misery is increased "by the fact that able-bodied younger Jews emigrate into central Russia to seek work. Private trade is complete liquidated throughout the occupied area, not because of any particular law but because all reservea "have been sold out and ho new commodities have arrived from the interior of Russia. Shoes and clothing have disappeared. Half Million Refugees in Lwow The situation is p a r t icularly serious In Lwow, where there are still a half million refugees lacking shelter and sufficient food. In Stryj, Tarnopol and Kolomeya, Jewish commissars have been 'replaced by Ukrainians who are not particularly friendly to the Jews. In Kremenetz, 50 German families being r e pa t r lated to the Reich under the population exchange a g r e e m e n t , s houted Down with the Jews! Death to the Jews!" as their train pulled out of the station. The Soviet authorities did not interfere. The train was escorted' by s e v e"ral Reich officials. . Many, of the Zionist leaders ;.arrested in Soviet-occupied Poland have been released after being obliged to take pledges of lpyalty to the Soviet regime. Z i o n i s t youths, however, are moving from their towns' either io'central' Russia, where they can,find work? or owards Odessa, where they hope to find an opportunity,to embark for Palestine. The.: disappearance of Jewish youths is especially noiceable in Lwow, S t a nlslwow, Bialystok, Stryj and Grodno. ' In Kolomeya, the Soviet authorities have confiscated all synagogues.

CLUB TO MEET ON SUNDAY The special yearly meeting of he Omaha Hebrew club will bo eld at 3 o'clock on Sunday, March SI, at the Jewish Community Cener. This meeting will be open to members of the organization :and heir wives. • Cantor E. Selz and his daugher, Shirley, will appear on tho musical program. Another feature f the evening will be a debate be- • ween two members of the organic ;ation. ; '. Refreshments are to be served.

Congregational Seder1 The Seventh Annual Congregaional Seder of Temple Israel will IQ held the Second evening of 'assover, on Tuesday,-April 23. ' Reservations to the Seder ill e limited to two hundred. Jews were invited to settle la 'erusalem in 1216 by Saladla. •

Friday, March 22, 1940


Page 10

the best shooting the teain done tins year.


zine here . . , His brother Leo, the former French Prime Minister, is his chief backer . . . The recent iu&ni&ge of Brain Truster Tommy Corcoran Is&s rewi nded lots of ladies that Corcoran's parner, Ben Cohen, is one of the eligible males of the Capital . . . . Copper Tycoon William Guggenheim is taking his lyric-writing' very seriously these days . . . . This youngster of three score and ten- has jmst Authored • the words to A b n e r Silver's new song, "You're a Glamor Girl" . . . . . Latest ambition of John Garfield, according to his press agent, is to play Peer Gynt . . . Oscar Levant once was one of New York's bestdressed man . . . That wag quite some years ago, long before he became famous —- and when he had a lot more money than his fame , brings him now . . . Congratulations to Luise It a. i n er o n her Washington s u c c ess in "Saint Joan" . . . . Luise deserves a break for a change — and maybe this will bring her to Broadway . , « Over in Sweden they still think that Greta G&rbo will become Mrs. Benjamin Gayelord Ifauser before long . . . But on this side of the Atlantic the best opinions agree that Dr. Hauser will continue as merely the Garbo escort and dietician.

Friday, March 22 . •• ' E l m e r Greecberg shot t h e Children's Program—10 a. m., J, C. C. team's high with 511, with a very By JOE SOL0MONOW close second in Seymour Cohn, Sunday, March 24 . • with 510. Pollack had a 488, TEAM STANDINGS while Fiedler and Cacar have a A. Z. A., Convention, Luncheon—12 p. m., J. C. C. W. L. Pet. problem on their bands with a Omaha Hebrew Club—3 p. m., J. C. C. Clicquot C. Eskimos. .51 30 .680 tie at 4 24 for "dog" honors. Empire Cleaners . .. . 4« 35 .5C8 Beth-El Sunday School, Program—3:30 p. m., 3f. € . C. State Coalkand Gas..43 88 .531 A. Z. A., Convention Dance—9 p. m., Paxton Hotel.. Morrie Fine did the fanciest Shrier Paint & Glass.41 40 .506 kegling for the Tretiaks a n d Tretiaks 88 43 AGO totaled 53 4, with second honors Monday, March 25 Smith Motors 87 44 .457 going to Sam Steinberg with 472. A. Z. A., Convention Dinner—7 p. m., J. C. C. Wardrobes 85 46 .482 Junior Hadassah—7 ;45 p. in., J. C. C. • Pioneer -Uniform Co.. S3 48 .407 The finale next week will find Senior Council, Card Party—8 p. m., J. C. C. LEAGUE RECORDS the Champ Clicquot Clubs en1 Workmen's Loan Association—8 p. m., J. C. C. gaging the cellar incumbents, the High Game—I . Steinberg, 255; Pioneers, while the State Coals Mutual Loan—8 p. in., J. C. C. Tretiaks, 050. High Series—Leo Weitz, 653; mix with the Smith Motors, Wardrobes and Tretiaks have their Wednesday, March 26 Tretiaks, 8,676. last tussle, and the Empire CleanSenior Hadassah Tea—2 p. m., J. C. (j. With a duplicate of last week's ers will try the Shrier Paints. Modern Workmen's Circle—8 p. m., J. C. C. feat, a shutout - - at the expense Independent Worker's Order—8 p. m., J. C. C. Plans have not been completed Of- the Wardrobes, the Clicquot yet as to whether the league will Club Eskimos clinched the chamTo list events and to avoid conflicts please call the Jewish pionship of the league for the have a tournament at the end of Community Center—Jackson 1866. its season, or sponsor a banquet current season. in its stead. The standings now find them Street ..frying-pan into Strictly Confidential Downing five games ahead of their neartlie Nazi fire . . . est competitors, the Empires, (Continud from page 11.) without a chance to catch up. SIGN OF SPRING There's a summer hotel, and a ed . . . Our private authority on Other positions are not as seftfORRIE ADLER the incident, however, tells us very swanky one, at Long Beach, cure, since the State Coals still that Dr. Libman never met Hard- called the Lido, which for years have a fighting chance to tie for ing personally, but made his un- applied the A r y a n test to its This week-end will bring some second, if the Empire lose three of the finest basketball teams in cannily correct diagnosis from a guesta . . . Well, now that spring (Copyright 1940 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) while, the States will as many in the midwest to compete at the photograph . . . All of which re- is here it's being bought, for the next week's closing session. better part of a million smackers, Center for the. Aleph Zadlk Aleph minds us that when Lord North- by a gentleman who once was POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT District Six tournament. The two cliffe, the late British newspaper denied the privilege of vacationThere Is also the possibility of Omaha Z. A. chapters will play magnate, was in New York some ing there . , . And the subject of the Shriers taking over third spot host to A. winners regional years ago he fell ill, and Libman spring brings us to the April isto replace the States, and a num- tournaments and ofthefour was called in as consultant . . . competition ber of chances for change In the will be the keenest to be staged When he saw the doctor, North- sue of Living Romances, which lower brackets. cllffe, who wasn't exactly a philo- you should get if you want to Republican here for some time. Semlte, petulantly asked his sec- know the details of sixteen years The teams competing are AlThe Smith Motors were bowlfor retary: "Who's that little East of Ludwlg Lewisohn'B life . . . . Ing strong to take two from the bany Park Chapter No. 171, Chi- Side Jew?" . . . Libman o v e r - Thelma Bowman Spear, Ludwig's cago Lake Region champions; Empire Cleaners, w h i l e the heard, but s a i d nothing at the ex, tells all in a long article there, County -Shriers licked the State Coals by Milwaukee Chapter No, 39, South- time . . . A few days later, how- and a n n o u n c e s that she still ern Wisconsin Northern Illinois yearns for Lewlsohn's companiona margin of 2-1, and the Pioneer3 ever, the Brltton got a bill that Commissioner were back in the winning column Region champions; St. Paul Chap- made his eyes pop out — and with ship . . . ter No. 10, Northern Region with a three'-game win over the champions; Des Molnes , Chapter it a note saying: "That's what an ABOUT PEOPLE Tretiaks. Your Vote Will Be No. 4, Cornbelt Region* cham- East Side Jew is worth" . . . Reno Blum of France, who reAppreciated and the two local chapters, Five hundred series were plen- pions, cently arrived on these shores, is the Mother chapter and the Cen- NAZIS STUFF tiful in Tuesday's kegllng fray, tury planning to start ft French magachapter. The Nazis are most indignant at led by Sam Morgan's big 584, a trick that is being played on and closely followed by his teamCoach Pep Bogdonoff of the them by one of the peace-loving mate, Harry Smith, with 565. There were 12 series in the 500's Century chapter stated he will German groups that, despite the use Irving Forbes, Harold Ep- danger involved, are still trying In all. stein, Mitchell Landman, B e n to carry on their good work . . . Smith topped the individual Kutler, Paul Mann, Norman Kuk- It seems that soldiers and sailors game performance with a 222 in lln, Max Osternian and Sam Slut- returning homo on leave find In his opening game. Other 200's sky. Jack Epstein, who h a s their mail Biblical texts pointing were Fleishman's 215, Fine's 211, played with the team all season, out the wickedness of killing ... . Morgan's 202 and Rube Brown's is Ineligible because he passed According to the Nazis, this is just the age limit of 21 before the a farther r a m i f i c a t i o n of the 200. Jewish plot against them . . . In first of the year. other words, in this war which High game was the Clicquot Club's 858, with a close second The Mother chapter team was world Jewry lias forced on GerIn an 855 by the Smith Motors. dealt a telling blow with the loss many the Jewish Bible is used to High team series was the Smith's of three of their finest players weaken German resistance . « . 2,464, made up of-855-794-815. due to the age limit. Dave Wein- Goebbels, incidentally, has apparer, Sam Ruderman and M o r t ently just descovered the Anglo G e o r g e Schapiro was the Soref will be lost but the squad Israel theory which considers the spark plug of the Eskimo on- was strengthened somewhat with E n g l i s h one of the Ten Lost slaught which swept three games the addition of Al Lagman. The Tribes of Israel, and la making from the Wardrobes. He hit a other members of the team are the most of it In his w a r t i m e 647, w i t h able assistance in Keve Kirshenbaum, Morris Rud- propaganda . . . Quite a number Yaffe's 49£». The match was erman, Leo Sherman, Max Kir- of prominent Britons subscribe to close, widest margin of victory shenbaum, Hascali C o h n and this theory, of which Queen Victoria was on ardent e x p o n e n t , being a 40-pin difference in the Stanley Silverman. tracing her descent back to the first game. Biblical King David (after whom VOLLEYBALL the former Edward VHI, known . Paul Steinberg had the high The ladies' volleyball team of as Davy to his i n t i m a t e s , was score in the match, however, and the Jewish Community Center Is . . .Needless to say, this led the Wardrobes with 557. leading the Ladies' City league. named) to revile "Jewish England1' Three 300 series and a 455 total The team to date has a perfect excuse is just what Goebbels has been by Ab Kaiman were the other percentage with 15 wins and no looking f o r . . . Though, with trne scores. losses. The Men's volleyball team Nazi logic, he hasn't let this stop of the J. C. C. is in second place him from attempting to start a While piling up the best team in the Ak-Sar-Ben league. violent anti-British c a m p a i g n series of the night, the Smith MoA volleyball league will be among the Jews in neutral conntors won two games from the Em- formed evenings if enough tries, presumably in the hope that pire Cleaners, and took a 10-pin interest inis the shown in the game. the acute disappointment J e w s decision in the third game... Top- AH'clubs and that are in- have had with regard to Palestine • Good light ia cheaper now than per was Morgan with 584 a n d terested get Inteams touch with Lee lately will drive them oat of the Smith followed with 565. L o u Grossman. Klein shot a 493 to come next. i r e r boforo because electricity now

J«GCL Sports



HANDBALL The Empires also showed a One u p s e t marked Monday couple of 500 Beries in Melcher's 526 and Fleishman's 515, while night's quarter-final play in the Ross also did some nifty shoot- Mid-Western A. A. IT. singles handball tournament at the J. C. ing to total 495.

Fleishman's middle game, a 215, came close to being a tie for the second high of the league season, as he came into the last frame with a set of six straight strikes, but tossed a thin ball and missed a spare. Leo Weitz led his Shrier Paints to a well deserved victory over -the State Coals, after eking out a 19-pin victory in the starter. Weitz scored 548 and Franklin came next with 510. The team bad two 800 games, 820 and 838. The States found their leadership in the person of Rube Brown, who garnered a total of 534 maples. Next best was Sam . Katzman's- 463. Last week the Wardrobes stopped a -winning streak of three weekB by the Pioneers, but t h e barrier was not complete as was demonstrated when they e a m e back-strong to win three games from the Tretiaks'-.with some of

C, Dave Goldware turned back Jake Adler, 13-21, 21-19, 21-15. In the other matches Monday John Casey eliminated Jack Ban, 21-8, 21-11; Millard Sigal b e a t Henry Riekes, 21-19, 21-17, and Marshall Oeller defeated B o b Wurgler, 21-15i 10-21, 21-11. In Tuesday's semi-final games John Casey ousted Millard Sigal in three hard fought contests, 21-12, 9-21, 21-2. Marshall G e l l o r downed Dave Goldware, 21-15, 21-4.

Converted Jews Aniye in Sao Paulo, Brazil (WNS) —•: Forty-five German'Jews who had become converted to Catholicism arrived here as the first group of several hundred Catholic refugees being admitted to Brazil by President Getulio Vargas at the request of the Pope. The refugees were placed in charge of officials of the Immigration department.Efforts to permit Jewish refugees to settle in Brazil have-not been successful to date.

' Bostojessi Banish ©very trace of t y * Itraln—malio euro ©very socket hag the Tight DIEO Mazda bulb. 40-watt b u l b s can't eliminate oyostrcdn Where ICO-watt bulbs, are neededl Check your home today, and protect your family's precious sight.

JVflore Jobs London (JTA) —More Jobless Britons are: finding employment with refugees from central Europe who are opening factories In England. The latest instance Is the employment of 50 Britons in a slipper factory started by two Jewish manufacturers from Germany. "The -factory, near Newcastle-on - Tyne, is expected to start production within the next few v weeks and will ultimately employ about 100 persons.

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Friday, March 22, 1840


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Pity the Poor NaaJs . . . I n their unofficial capital, Munich, the exclusion of Jewish physicians from practise has resulted In such an acute shortage of medical service that people sometimes have to wait weeks before a doctor can find time to perform an operation . . . If yon scan the passenger lists of incoming steamers y o u will find an amazing number of Dutch HA 2355 Jewish names . . . There is a def- 140& DOUGLAS ST. inite feeling in Holland that the land of the dykes is next on Hitler's program, and that Chamberlain will offer the Dutch no more protection than his worn-oat um50 Years in Omaha Male* brella can afford . ... German refing Shirts, Pajamas, Colugees in Denmark benefit from a ' lars, C u f f s , • Uniform special arrangement the HechdShirts and Dental Gowns lutz organization and the Danish section of the Women's Interna. . . Also Lettering . of tional League for Peace and FreeAthletic Uniforms. dom have made for them, whereEXPERT REPAIRING by young men are trained on private farms, receiving free board and lodging from the f a r m e r s while they learn how to till the soil . . . In this country now is Thomas J. Casey, Prea. a German Jewess who used to run 209 So. iSth St. a largo art gallery, for a while Harry P-1. Hershmannf even nnder the Nazi regime . . . PHOflB JA 4113 Assistant And, Hitler and G o e r i n g were among her good customers s h e claims . . . . In Clare Boothe's anti-Nazi play, "Margin For Error," one of the characters who hod been under the impression FUHERALS that he was strictly "aryan" disEstablished 1906 covers that his grandmother was Jewish . . . In the cast of the COMPLETE SERVICE AT NOMINAL COST play is Evelyn Wahle, who applied three years ago to Heinz Martin, director of the B e r I i n State theatre, for a job* Her contract was all signed when she was requested by the Nazi authorities to present her ancestry papers . . . Examination of her background •f | | g @ For a Delicious Satrevealed, much to Miss'.'Wattle's I V f © -Isfying Breakfast surprise, that her -g r a n dfather was Jewish . . . She left Berlin immediately. ; I • * * 'iZ 'S Economical 1 Monday & Tuesday id Reserved for Private .Over ;••••;:..-. . ^ .. P a r t i e s y ; • „ . - ; v MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Wlnchell reports that When t)r. Skato to the Music of Emanuel Libra an, the wizard diaOur New Hammond Organ '. Seizings agnostlcian, met President HardWednesday and 'Friday Ing a t the White House he told \ High School Nitoa-2Bc an acquaintance that Harding, sufwitb School tdentif it ation 'Package fered f rbm a coronary disease that Sunday Matinee • . 20o would cause his death within six "Where Omaha SUateo" months — which is what happenAT VOUIl ©^©CEISS i 401® FARNA^l ST. (Continued on Page 10.);

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By PH1NEAS J. ItlRON JEWISH NEWS Is it true that somebody is tryBEAUTY SHOP ing, for petty commercial reasons, to prevent the p u b l i c ation of Herzl's diaries in English translation, with a specially written introduction by Pierre van Paassen? . .'. The somebody who is said to BEAUTY SALON be behind the obstructive tacllcts Features is a gentleman who o 1 f i c tally stands among our prominent ZionShampoo and ist leaders . . . There's quite a disFinger Wave . pute going on about the locale of the next Zionist convention, but Permanent Waves it looks as if Chicago will win out — which will be a feather «t $3.50 and Up in the cap of the group led by Dr,. Solomon G o l d m a n and Judge 716 Brandeia The. Btdg. Fisher . . . A dark horse for the AT 4333 next presidency of t h e ZOA is none other than Rabbi James Heller of Cincinnati . . . T h e talk about Dr. Wise definitely relinquishing many of his functions and retiring to devote himself to literary work has c o n siderable Drees Up for foundation . , ; He has been seen Spring scouting around for a c o u n t r y home in New Canaan, Conn . . . Omeha's Most In the serene stillness of N e w Complete Stock England he will put the finishing of touches on his a u t o biography, 1940 Materials which is unofficially described as a sizzler . . . Talking of autobiographies r e m i n d s us that Dr, Weizmann has an old c o n tract with Harper's for bis life story, TAILOR but not even the tirst chapter of it has been written as yet . . . 322 SO. ISth ST. TAKE A LOOK IA 0303 Hedlck Tower

Bwrgess Sliarts

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Fruity, Mtrdt 22, 1040


feet score will compete in the kovtky wiil speak &t the Congre- and the Sisterhood of the U. O. final round' of the campus - wide gation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel, C. for all children will take place '(ii2 on March Si. Members of Nineteenth and Burt streets, oa at the synagogue of the Congregaieflgieus Services the touse team are Norman Hartion E'jiai Israel, starting with "Historical Memorials." By INE25 L. EAZNICK ris, Omaha; Hesry Greeaberger, The regular readiEg of the Me-the Ma&riv services &t 7:30. The The March meeting of the Gus&- Gr&Ed Island, &Ed Stefan Fraen- Citfi<if©-i!gMiKg this eveaiag: 6: ©5 gillah will take place at all Ortho- reading of the Kegill&h will take fca chapter of K&d&ssah will meet kel, hoiEse guest from Berlin, Gerdox gyaagogues about 7:SO. pkee at 8. Beth El At the Jewish Community Center many. . A special celebration of Parica This eveoiag Rabbi David A, •n Wednesday, March 27, for the Guest of the chapter for three Goidstela will preach & P u r i a sponsored by the Deborah society Our Advertisers purpose of eelebr&tiEg the 28th days last week w&s James H&iu- sermon. C&otor Aaron E«fg&r, asbirthday of Hadass&h. There will merstein, national executive secby bays and. girls of the be a huge cake and a candle light- retary of. the fraternity. Ham- sisted school, wili present Puriia ing ceremony will take place. Tiio merstein, who lives in New York, Hebrew meeting is to be in the form of makes &u annual inspection trip melodies. a tea with Mrs. M. P. Levenson of all of the chapters in the fra- Tomorrow evening at 7 the Conternity. presiding. gregation will gather for the traSteve Fr&enkel left this week ditional Puriia service. A nationally known speaker •ent from the J. N. P. office will for Chicago, where he is touring .• "... • . S E E be on the program and Mrs. Samindustrial plants with a group of Theodore wiil speak on 'Hsdas- 105 students of the College of Following the service this even>ah'a 28tb Birthday.' Cantor Engineering who are now fulfill- ing &t the Temple, the cosgregaAaron Edgar will lead the group ing their senior requirement. tioa will repair to the v e s t r y The house bowling team got rooms tn the singing of Purlni songs. for the reading of the Megoff to a good start in the intraAt the meeting there wiil l»e a ill&h in anticipation of P u r i i u . committee of cashiers to check mural bowling tournament by de-Hamantaschen will be served< the J. N. F. boxes Quickly and cisely defeating Delta Upsilon. Another guest of the chapter efficiently as they come in. Orthodox Everyone is urged to bring her last week was Rabbi Mayerberg Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will box or contribution as it wii! of Kansas City, who conducted speak evening at 8 o'clock on greatly lesson the work of the services at the Temple, and then "JewishthisHumor." 902-03 City HatL Bank Bldg. AT 6500 committee who will contribute spent the evening at the chapter Saturday morning Rabbi Ractheir time to call at those homes house last Friday. Rabbi Mayerwho do not make contributions berg is the former national chaplain of the fraternity. at the meeting. Bernard Epstein, Omaha, last Mrs. Louis Alberts, chairman for Child Welfare, announces that week won a silver medal as the the Mab Jongg drawing .will be second place award in the allpostponed" until the April meet- school wrestling meet. ing to enable a greater number of people wanting tickets to get them. Orientation of Iladassah The last session of the Orientation group which met at the home of Mrs. Morris Itaznick was largely a surprise oral quiz over the first half of the course. Mra. M. F. Levenson was a most informattre guest leading in the discussion of the topic 'What Becomes Of Our 14 Dues.' The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. William Lipsman at 1012 North Thirty-first avenue on Monday, March 25. Mrs. Raznlck will lead the group discussion on Youth Aliyah, and Mra. Julius Stein, chairman of Youth Aliyah, will speak to the group. Reports are to be given by Mrs. Max Novak on Hadasaah's Child Welfare program, by Mrs. Morris Roitstein on the human interest in Youth Aliyah and by Mrs. Irving W. Forbes on the constructive work of Y o u t h Aliyah.


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Sigma Alpha Mu


Carl Lorch and his CBS orchestra will play Saturday and SunLincoln (Special)—Alumni, actlves and friends of Sigma Oml- day evenings at the new Peony eron chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu Terrace. • gathered in the chapter house last Saturday night at the annual IIEAVX freshman costume party. Theme of the party was the "Arabian . . . . 1 8 c lift., Nighties." Freshmen decorated LEOHOnN the entire lower floor to conform with the theme of the party; while all actives, pledges and guests wore costumes appropriStags . . . ate to the Arabian theme. Live C a r p . . . . .8c up Easily defeating all competitors in their bracket, the representatives of the Nebraska chapter this week went into the final round of the interfraternity quiz, Produce €o« Sponsored by the Student Union. WE 4737 4The house team, coming out of 1301 N. 24 •ach round with an almost per-

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FINNISH CHIEF Lay OfCornerstone Kfar Masaryk RABBI IN U. S

First of Refugees Finish Farm Schoo

Jerusalem (WNS) — The COB Doylestown, Pa. (JTA)—Thre» sul General of former Cseebo young refugees are members o Slovakia, representatives of Jewtlie graduating class of 26 of tin ish n a t i o n a l institutioos and N&tional Farm School wbicn re> ceived diplomas at the 40th au Cites Courage of People Arabs representing tlie reeeEtly organized Arab-Jewisa Workers nual commencement exercises las . TelU Need of Federation, attended ceremonies Sunday. Help here at the laying of the corner They are first group of refugee (Continued from page 1.) stone for the first building in students to have completed the New York (WNS)—In spite o Kfar Masaryk. full three-year course. Herzoff, Ruth Rosenstein, Pauline school's the harsh peace terms imposed by Through training they have The colony bears the name of Rosenbaum, Mildred Berkowitz received in the SoVlet Rased*, "MmlSH&d will classroom laborathe founder and first president of and Miriam Wolpa will welcome tory, with alternate and taia her prised imdepeiMte&c periods of Czecho-Slovakia. the Alephs to Omaha and act as supervised the Her. Dr. Simoa Fedeffbusl, p r a c t i c e in fields their hostesses through the tour- dairies, poultry chief rabbi of Fbiil&ttd, who KTdepartments, ornament. rtted in this country I&st week, chards and nurseries, they a r e s«|d here in &11 imterwiew tit tlie Following registration, Alephs equipped to compete with boys Mimchl Orgsaissgstlos of America will attend the Purim services at reared on American farms. The offices. the Beth El synagogue. A stag school, founded in I8S6 by the 'get-together' will be held at 9 late Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf of Finland's population ot 2,000 o'clock. Je#s, said the Mizrachi leader Philadelphia, is located at Farm were "FlBBteii patriots first and Registration will c o n t i n u e School, Bucks county, Pennsylforemost. Those who were not through Sunday morning with the vania. drifted for w&r service volun(Continued from page 1.) preliminary basketball games beteered Immediately. Virtually the ginning at 10 a. m. A tournaentire Jewish youth were in the gogue will gather for the tradi- ment luncheon will be held at aniny. As was universally true tional Purim evening. The Megil- noon. Oratory finals will be held throughout the country, the Jews lah will be read by Mr. J. S. Kahz. at 2 p. in. at the Center while the of Finland . rallied to their coun- Hainan gregers" will be distrib- preliminary debates will begin at try's cause, and there are many uted by the women ©f the Beth El 3:30. Basketball semifinals will Jewish refugees now from the synagogue. be held at 5. Sunday evening at Sunday afternoon at 3:30 the 9:30 the tournament dance will Minneapolis (JTA) — The Unterritory seized by the Russians. . The entire Jewish community of Beth El Sabbath and Hebrew be held at the Paxton hotel ball- iversity of Minnesota Press this week published "Tee K o s h e r Viborg has been wiped out of ex- schools will bold a Purim party. room. Code of the Orthodox Jew," a litistence." Testable _ . Debate finals will be held Mon- eral translation of that portion ef The congregation of Temple day morning. Basketball finals Country True Democracy the ICth century codification ©f will go to the vestry rooms will take place at 2 p. m. Monday The chief rabbi paid tribute to Israel the Babylonian Talmud whiten dethis evening immediately followafternoon and debate finals will the work of the Finnish Relief scribes such deficiencies as renFund and American efforts in ing services for the reading of begin at 3:30. der animals unfit for food. H a r r y Trustin, one of the g e n e r a l to aid Finland. He the Megillah and to be served Authors of the volume, which founders of A. Z. A., will wel- also stressed the necessity of continu- Hamantaschen. contains a diseussion of Talcome the Alephe to Omaha at the Children of the religious school ing relief work "for the all-immudic anatomy in the light of portant task of reconstruction," will celebrate, P u r i m Sunday luncheon Sunday noon. Music the science of its day and of the which he said, "is vital to all con- morning at the Temple. The Sis- for the tournament dance at the present time, are S. I. Levin, Sencerned with the fate of democ- terhood will serve refreshments. Paxton will be furnished by Ross ior Rabbi of Minneapolis, and EdRichards' orchestra. Tickets for ward A. Boyden, professor of anracy." Orthodox the dance are being sold to the atomy at the University of MinFinland, Dr. Federbusch asThe regular reading of t h nesota. serted, was "a true democracy in Megillah will take place at all public. Climaxing the tournament will every respect. Universal broth- Orthodox synagogues about 7:30 An introductory note by Rabbi be the banquet and presentation erhood prevailed in the crisis, Saturday night. « • - • - . of a w a r d s ' Monday evening. Levin expresses the hope that the with no distinction between Jews volume will be "of UBe not only A special celebration of Purim and the rest of the population." sponsored by tho Deborah society Ephraim Marks will be principal to theological students, but to evHe cited Finland's treatment and the Sisterhood of.the U. O. O. speaker at the banquet and other eryone who is interested in these of refugees from Germany as an for all children, will take place uests will include Sam Beber, dietary laws and their origins in Instance ot Finnish humaneness at the Synagogue ot the7 Congre- Dr. Leon Fellman, Rabbi David the culture of ancient Israel." and civilization. "In many cases," gation B'nai Israel, 18th a n d A. Goldstein; Dr. A. Greenberg, A prefatory note by Prof. Boyhe said, "these German refugees Chicago streets. It will start with Philip Klutznick, Henry Monsky, den, which describes the. translawere taken into Finnish homes. he Maariv service at 7:30. The Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky, P a u l tion as a "contribution to/the Veret and Rabbi David ,H. Wice. field of medical history," states: They were treated excellently." reading of the Megillah will take The entire public is invited to "The contributions of the ancient The 400 Jews of Viborg, w h o place at 8. attend the tournament contests. Hebrews to medicine and hygiene fled to Helsinki with the rest ot Every child attending will rethat city's 75,000 inhabitants, are ceive a gregger to participate in Debates will be on the question: have long been recognized, yet In urgent need of assistance, Rab- he traditional noise making. Aft- "Resolved, that there should be their anatomical o b B e r v alions bi federbusch said. "The Jewish, :r the Megillab, the children will one centralized functional agency have received little a 11 e n tlon, community of Viborg itself was sing "Shoshanat Yaakov," under to deal with Jewish problems In even by anatomists. This is preextremely charitable, and their the leadership of Mr. Judah Wolf? the United States." Topic of the sumably due to the fact that the tragic plight today is therefore on. This will be followed by the oratory contest will be "The Bill Israeli tic civilization never develof Rights." oped a systematic body ot anatodoubly appealing." crowning of three Mordecals and Entrants in the various con- mical knowledge. Consequently, The chief rabbi revealed that hree Esthers, each representing his appeal for Jewish enlistments, one division"1 ot the school-— the tests are as follows: Basketball, Us findings remained s e a ttered published in the Finnish press, oungest group, the middle group Mother Chapter 1, Sam Beber and incidental. This is the more hapter 100, Albany Park Chap- surprising since for nearly 2,000 was based "on the moral .ground and the senior group. ter 171 of Chicago, Milwaukee years —• under the operation of that right, not might, must preAfter the crowning a program vail." The Jewish community as of entertainment by the children hapter 39, St. Paul Chapter 10, the most elaborate code ever dea whole, he said, "freely donated will follow, including a commu- and Des Moines Chapter 4. De- vised by a human society — myriads of animals have been Inlarge sums to the government, in nity sing, a vocal selection by bate, Mother Chapter 1, Sam spected for anatomical conditions Beber Chapter 100, Lansing Chapaddition to its services." Eunice Newberg and Elka Byron, ter, Bayshore Chapter of Milwau- that would render them unfit for accompanied by Charlotte Bern- kee, Dr. Deinard. Chapter 8 of food." tein, an accordion solo by Faye Minneapolis and Sioux City ChapEdel, a recitation in Yiddish by ter 12. Oratory, Mother Chapter Francisco D'Azevcdo, a PortuBernard Wolfson, and a Hebrew 1, Sam Beber Chapter 100, Splnoguese Marrano, s u c c eeded in ecitation by Harvey Lipsman. sa Chapter of Chicago, B ' n a i A grand march of the children, David Chapter 314 of Detroit, bringing about a suspension of the n costume, will then take place. Sioux City Chapter 12, and Min- Inquisition in 1674. Three costumes will he chosen for nesota. Chapter of St. Paul. Fifty years ago on the plains Juan Alfonso do Bacna, a Marof South Dakota a sturdy tribe rizes, the most beautiful, the rano, was mjnistrel at tho Cautilof Indians miraculously escaped most original, and the most comiDemands anti-Semitiom lian court la the 15th century.. the Wounded Knee Massacre and al. / The following are judges: .'• ,' :: : ' C u r b - ' .• • '• ' ever since then they have been Mrs. Paul Goldstein, -Mrs. Rose Brussels (JTA)—The Chamber known as Takini or "those who Katleman, Mrs. Dave Crounse, >f Deputies applauded a demand Mr. Ben Kaelowsky and Mr. Morhave risen from the dead." y former Justice. Minister Victor Recalling the trials of their fa- is Bureteln. do Lavaleye that the government The program /will close "with thers, the Takinis have been deeply stirred by the plight of the he distribution of prizes for at- take rigorous measures against Jews in the war zones and distress tendance at the City Talmud anti-Semitic propaganda. The deareas. To demonstrate their sym- T o r a h, gifts to children who mand was voiced during a debate pathy with the campaign of the rought new students to the Tal- n "defense of national instituUnited Jewish Appeal for Refu- mud Torah, and .the distribution ions and suppression of foreign . gees and Overseas Needs, they f Shalach Monoth to all chil- propaganda." have sent a, contribution for the dren. A reception. In the vestries POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT three-fold program' of relief and f the synagogue, where the parrehabilitation in-Europe, l m m l- ents and the children will view gration and-settlement in Pales- the work of the handicraft groups tine and integration of refugees f the Religious School will then Q&§® In the United States which is sup* lose the evening. ; The following ported by the. Joint Distribution are in charge of arrangements: Committee, the* United Palestine Mrs. Paul Goldstein, Mrs. Michael Appeal and the National Refugee ohn," Mrs. J. BcrnStein, Mrs. Service. Their gift was forwarded Rose Katleman and Mrs. L. Neveby Rudolph Hertz, Superintendent leff. of the Dakota Indian Parish ot Eagle Butte, South Dakota/ "With this gift to our very bestwishes to you, your people and your work," w r o t e Mr. Hertz. 9 "You will be interested to know SINGING COMCDW\PJ3 that this group of Indians are locally known as Takini, w h j - c h means those who have risen from the dead. They- or their parents all went through the W o u nded Knee Massacre of 1890. The marvel of their many survivals was so great that they: have been known ever since as 'those who have risr r en from the dead.'"



OFFER BILL TO 1 OPEN ALASKA (Continued from page 1.) governed by stringent rules. Only those between the ages of 16 and 4 5 would fee admitted and each would have to be certified by the United States Public Health service as physically and mentally fit. The bill, which was approved by the Interior, department, waa referred in the House to the committee on territories and insular affairs. Chairman Lex G r e t i (dem., Fla.) said he would hold hearings on the bill early in May. Representative Havenner pointed out the bill provided that the settlers could not engage in occupations tli&t w o u l d compete with American industry. He said Alaska, with a 30,000 population that had been stagnant for three decades, was larger and k&d more natural resources than all Ot Scandinavia, w h e r e 13,000,000 live. As the bill was istreduced, the Alaskan Development committee, a privately financed organisation backing eettiemeat la Alaska, opened ' headusrtem here. T i e committee la headed by Irwia H. Klaus, president ef the Roland* German Democratic club in New York, and includes among It* members Harry Warner, motion picture executive; Miss Evelyn Hersey, executive director of the American Committee for Christian Refugees; Dr. Frank Bonn, Jacob Baker, former member ot . a presidential committee which studied European co-operatlvee, and Irvin Chanin, New York eapi- . talist. POLITICAL ADVEimgMJENT


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- Pedro Arbues^ the Inquisitor who was assassinated by Marranos, was canonised in. 1867. , Dr. David Efrom waft the first j Jew on the staff ot the University 1 of Buenos Aires. 1

\T"~ ;7!, " * ^ A ' , '


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Junior Council

Mrs. Goldman to Be Guest of Council

Sigma Delta Tau

Bible classes are still. being conducted by the National Coun ell of Juniors every other week at the home of Rabbi Isaiah Rackprsky, • . • The sewing groups also a r e meeting at the homes of the various members. Layettes are being made for the American Red Cross. Old clothes are being collected at the next meeting to be sent for refugees being held on Ellis Island. Council pins must be ordered soon.

Lincoln (Special)—Nine girls were initiated into Sigma Delts « Mrs. Maurice L. Goldman, pres Tau last Saturday. The initiates ldent of the National Council of are: Helene Albert, Anna Arbit Jewish Women, will be the guest man, Sylvia Epstein, Rose Gold • of the Omaha Section Tuesday stein, Bernice Himnielstein, Sylvic March 26, at a no-host luncheon Katzinan, all of Omaha; Rhoda at the Blackstone. Krasne, Council Bluffs; Sarev Mrs. Goldman has long been Braverman, Grand Island, a n d .prominent in the e d u c a t i onal Aronita Dashovsky, Hinton, la. , Held and in the fight for civil and A banquet was held in their honor Saturday night at the Cornliusker hotel. . Ruth Sobel was Philanthropies in charge of arrangements. The speakers w e r e : Sarah Miller, Planning Teas toastmaster; A n n a Arbitman, freshman speaker; Jeannette PoThe Jewish Philanthropies lonsky, active speaker; Harriet announces that teams in the Byron, alumni, and Selnia Hill. Women's division will be holdThe freshman cup for the best ing teas throughout the weeks all-around pledge was awarded to of March 24 and March 31. The Philanthropies requests Rhoda Krasne. The cup for the highest scholarship in the house that women of the community for the last semester was award- do not plan social events for ed to Sylvia Katzman and, t h e these two. weeks. . bracelet for the greatest scholarshin improvement went to Miriam Rubnitz. Elaine Kaiman w a s U.CXC. Brotherhood awarded the intra-mural bracelet for the best participation in intraThe regular Brotherhood dinmural sports. meeting will take place on Shirley Epstein and M i r i a m ner Thursday, March 28, in the vesRubnitz were elected delegates tries of the B'nai for Tlieta chapter to the Inter- Israel at 6:45.Congregation A rich program, national Sigma Delta Tau conven- in which Dr. I. Dansky and Paul tion which will be held in Omaha Nerenberg will participate, is bethe end of June. ng prepared. The menu is being Aronita Dashovsky will go on prepared by the Sisterhood. Mrs. Maurice L. Goldman a tour with the university or.'religious liberties. She is a grad- chestra during spring vacation. Mizrachi Women uate of the University of Missouri She has also been bid to Sigma -where she taught in the depart- Alpha Iota, music honorary. ment of Mathematics. Miriam Rubnitz is running for The Jewish National Fund drive • For eight years after her mar- junior member of the A. W. S. tarts March 31 under the chair; Tlage Mrs. Goldman was president board, Miriam a l s o modelled manship of Mrs. J. Chait. Mrs. K a p l a n , co-chairman. The of the Houston, Texas, Board of along with the best dressed girls • Education and developed a school from other sororities last Wednesi curriculum that was used as a day at Ben Simons. ; 'laboratory' for research work by Selma Hill filed as candidate I Teachers College of Columbia uni- for May Queen. Election of the versity. May Queen was held Tuesday, but ' She began her activities with the announcement will be made the National Council of Jewish Ivy day. Women as president of the HousPauline Schwartz, assisted at ton Section. Later she was for the tea given Wednesday by Iota G Treatments $5.00 three years President of the Texas Sigma Pi for the faculty and asState Conference. For Borne years sistants of the chemistry departAT G007 she served on the board of direc- ment. Anna Arbitman and Hose tors of the National Council, later Goldstein will appear In the next becoming vice-president, and fin- Studio theater presentation. Anna ally president. . and Sylvia Katzman are selling Reservations for the luncheon tickets for the Coed Follies". 205 S. 26 Ave. Apt. 2 should be phoned immediately to Mrs. Edward Brodkey, Gl. 4338 Patronize Our Advertisers or Mrs. Dave Cohn, Gl. 3375.

Council The Council of Jewish Women • card party will be held Monday, .March 25, at the Jewish Commun,jty Center. A dessert luncheon will be served. Proceeds will be contributed to the National Council's Refugee Fund. Mrs. Ben Silver, president . of the local section, has received a p 1 e a for additional funds to maintain the young refugees who are already In the United States. Tickets for the affair are fifty cents. A door prize will be given. - The party will take the place of the regular monthly m e e t i n g . However a board meeting will be held Monday morning at the usual hour. ,

KOSHEii DELICATESSEN Must Sacrifice Immediately For Information—Box 30, Jewish Press


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money collected will be used to purchase land for. the Mizrachi projects. Mrs. 33. Weinberg, chairman of the J. N. F. Tree Fund, announces the following contributions: Mrs. E. Sidman on the occasion of the recovery from illness of her daughter, Mrs. Meyer Linda. Mr. and Mrs. J. Goldware, 5001 North Twenty-seventh, in honor of the engagement of their daughter, Bess. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lazerowitz in honor of the marriage of their son, Philip.

ularly from now on. It is hoped some of the girls will pass their exams by summer. Class books will be distributed at the meet* ing. \ .

Alpha Gamma Chi

Alpha Gamma Chi sorority of the University of Oaiaha will hold its annual formal dance on April 1 at the Music Box. Freddie Ebener's orchestra will furnish the music. Mrs. William Rosenbaum is chairman of the daace committee. Assisting her with arrangements are Esther Morris and Sylvia Junior Hadassah Weiner. . A Junior Hadassah business meeting was held Monday at the Patronize Our Advertisers Jewish Community Center. Alyce Susman was named fund raising co-chairman and Helen Whitebook, program co-chairman. Betty TRI-BALANCE Soref was appointed to the board of governors of the Federation of Jewish Service. Frances Blacker, Elaine Frank, HARD-TO-FIT FEET Sylvia Falk, Charlotte Nogg reported on current events. Enjoy JJM & Two motion pictures on PalesGreatest JK^Iaft tine were shown following t h e business session. Comfort The cultural classes conducted by Rabbi David A. Goldstein will Dr. Ben Goldware be resumed on Tuesday night, Correct Khoes lor Men and Women March 26, at the Jewish Commu330 Securities Bids. nity Center. •,..-. 16th & ifirrmni I'Uoue AT MM The meetings will be held reg-

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Pioneer Women

Paper for Children

New York (JTA)—Tee Jewish Mrs. J. Kaplan, chairman; Mrs. Education committee^ of which G. Soref, Mrs. B. Ruback and Mrs. Justice Samuel I. Rosenman fs W. Monovitz, co-chairmen, an- president, began piiblie&tioa 'at nounce a bake sale to be spon- World-Over, a fortnightly newssored by the Pioneer Women's pictorial for Jewish children. The organization on W e d n e s d a y, periodical is printed on rotoMarch 27, at the Brandeis store. gravure, is tabloid in size and Anyone wishing special orders features pictures of Jewish inter,• may call Mrs. Kaplan, WE 5454. est from all over the world.

VISITING HEBE Miss Betty Rosen, daughter of Miss Marjorie Rosenblum o Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rosen, be- Kansas City, Mo., who attends th< ' fame the bride of Abe I. Pollock, University of Iowa at Iowa City 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pol- will spend her spring vacation lock of St. Louis on Sunday after- visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. • '|ioen at a one o'clock ceremony and Mrs. Jay M. Malashock. Her performed at the bride's home. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rosen Rabbi David A. Goldstein and blum, and her sister, Sevi, wil 1 Cantor Aaron Edgar officiated. join her here' over the week-end The ceremony was performed to visit Mrs. Rosenblum's parents, under a flower-covered canopy in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gross. front of the.fireplace flanked on either side by c a n delabra. An CONVALESCING ' archway of candles led from the Mrs; Ben Shapiro is convalesj ftairway to the canopy, cing at her home after a recent i - The bride's gown was of white operation. , net with a fitted-bodice jacket of , angel-skin lace. Her elbowrlength FROM KANSAS CITY I veil was caught at the top with a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Klein: of cluster of fresh sweet peas. She Kansas City were the week end carried a bouquet of lilies and guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Shapiro. i sweet peas. . I Mrs. Harvey Leon, sister of the ; •-bride, and Miss Anna Lee Pollock', VISITS HEBE : Miss Helen Robinson, formerly • sister of the groom, w e r e the j bride's attendants. Dr. J. H. Pol- of Omaha, who has resided in CalI lock of Los Angeles, brother of ifornia for the past sixt months and who has recently been at the the groom, was beett man. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Hyman Belman, accom1 panted by Miss Gertrude Oruch, John Robinson of N o r f oik has Bang. A dinner for tbe two famil- been visiting in Omaha. She will return to Norfolk with her broth• les followed. Out-of-town guests included: er, Arnold Robinson, who is comMr. and Mrs. Samuel Pollock, ing home from the University of Paul and Henry Pollock, Mr. andMissouri for spring vacation. Mrs. Harold Brod. Miss Anna Lee' Pollock and Henry Pollock, all of ANNOUNCE BIRTH §t. Louis; Dr. J. H. Pollock of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaplan of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs.. Jos- Scottsbluff, Neb., announce t h e Rlnehart-Marsden Photo. Mrs. Abe Pollock • eph Block of Kansas City; and birth of a son, Jene Richard, on Mw. Naftalie Lefkowitz of Pater- Tuesday, March 5, at St. Mary's Mrs. Abe I. Pollock was Miss , son,' New Jersey. hospital in Columbus, Neb. Betty Rosen, daughter of Mr. arid The couple left on a t h r e e Mrs. Kaplan and infant son Jacob Rosen, before her mar. Weeks wedding trip by train for plan to remain with her parents Mrs. iage on Sunday afternoon to Mr; .Mexico City and Vera Cruz, Mex- in Columbus until after Passover. Abe I. Pollock, son of Mr. and , llco. Mrs. Samuel. Pollock of St. Louis. BETROTHAL TOLD ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mrs. S. Katz announces the en:' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spiegal an- gagement of her daughter, Rose, Jewish Ship Hit nounce the engagement of their to Mr.' Lymann Conn, son of Mr, -daughter, Evelyn R o s e , to Dr.and Mrs. Harry Cohn. By Nazi Bombers iBamuel A. Victor, son of Mr. and A fall wedding is b e i n g -Mrs. I. Victor of Chicago. planned. Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) May 26 has been chosen as the —Reassuring word has been re1 date for the wedding. IN ILLINOIS ceived here of the safety of the Mrs. Charles Schlmmel and three officers and eight sailors, I/IANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH daughter, Miriam, are visiting in all Jews of Tel Aviv, .and other -; Mr. arid Mrs. J. J. Browri an- Chicago and Galesburg. laces in Palestine, who were on nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their i o a r d the Palestine Maritime i son, Jack, on Saturday morning, PROM LINCOLN j' <loyd's steamer Miriam when It i.March 23, at 9 a. m. at the Chev^ Mrs. Carrie Livingston of Lin- was bombed by Nazi war planes Ta B'nal Yisroel Synagogue, Coun- coln Is visiting in Omaha. recently in the North Sea. while cil Bluffs. ound from Antwerp for Egypt A • reception will be held on CONVALESCING tnd ^Palestine with a general Sunday, March 24, from 2 to 5 Miss Jeanne Elikan is conva- largot1 '• „ and from 7 to 10 at their home, lescing at her home after a reThe officers were Second Of1412 West Broadway, C o u n c i l cent appendectomy. ficer Podoli, Second Engineer Bluffs. All friends are cordially Zuckerbraut and Third Engineer invited to attend. JOSLYN MEMORIAL all of Tel Aviv..: At 2:30 Sunday three BOund alinsky, The Miriam has been doing TEMPLE SUPPER CLUB films on Holland and Belgium The Supper Club of Temple Is- will be shown in the concert hall reoman work In maintaining the rael will meet Monday evening. of the Joslyn Memorial. Profes- ransport service between Pales-, sor Edwin Puls will speak at 3:30 ine and exporting countries, thus FI8HER-EISEMAN in the lecture hall on "The Richer issuring a regular food supply to his, country in conjunction with Miss Beatrice Elseman, daught- Life." < ter of Mr. and Mrs..'David Eiser The South High school' music >ther vessels. nan, became t h e bride of Mr.and speech departments, under Morris Fisher, s o n of Mr. andthe direction of Mabel M. ShipPatronize Our Advertisers Mrs.' Ben Fisher, Sunday, March herd and Mabel L. Rasmussen, 17, at 3 p. m. The marriage was will present a program at 4 performed at the home of !Rabbi o'clock In the concert hall. YOUR INSURANCE BROKER .David A. Goldstein; Upon their return from a wedRoselle, N. J. (WNS) — HarVICE-PRESIDENT* ding trip, the couple will reside old Chestnut, 28, of Jersey City, at the -Milton apartments. and Fred J. Hoefflich, 22, of CITY FINANCE AND Roselle, were found' guilty and INSURANCE CO. JOSEPHSONS TO HONOR fined $15 each in police court Representing 21 Strong Companies DAUGHTER here for burning a Klu-Klux Klan A Complete Insurance Service Mr. and Mrs. Sam Josephsbn cross near a Jewish synagogue WALNUT 6150 "will honor their son-in-law and and distributing K. K. K. and "THE CALL! SETTLEMENT COUNTS" daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic anti-Semitic literature. Whitman at a reception Sunday, March 24,' from 2 to 6, at the Slackstone Hotel. No Invitations are being issued.


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Pag« 4

Friday, March 22, 1840


Gentile friends — I mesn real conqueror who has not disappeared and his con friends — there wouldn't be «ny quests become mere memories. anti-Semitism." To «s as to Finland — and to Czechoslovakia Every Fridky t t and other heroic peoples — will come the triumph The Wonderful Senator f r o m Nebr. in which we shall all share, the triumph of giv Oz doesn't think the Jews have By. Dr. PkiMp SEer been very smart in meeting the 12.6 ing future generations &n ideal, inspiring them SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, One Year crisis that has followed the rise with courage when they too face disaster at the Advertising Ratet Furnished en BIBLE of Hitler's racist theories. He feands of overwhelming numbers. And in the long The vile person shall no more thinks we've allowed ourselves to* EDITORIAL OFFICE:fcDSBrantieia Theater g road of history a firm foundation will be laid for be called liberal, nor the churl become panicky without reason, SIOUX CITY OFFICE—Jev¥i«h Community C«r>ter PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—4Si54 So. Uiit 6tr«et said to be noble. on gome questions, and that on the everlasting victory of truth. The liberal deviseth 1 i b e r al others we haven't & p o k en out, things, and by liberal things shall when there was need to speak out. DAVID. BLACKER—BueiEeEs and M&EEglag Editor he be known.' As a matter of fact, he thinks that LEONARD NATHAN - Editor And the work of righteousness Jewish public relations have been RABBI THEODORE N. LBWIS • Book Editor shall be peace, and the effect of very poor, as compared with the PRANCES BLACKER - - - Society Editor righteousness quietness and con- public relations of the Catholic One of the welcome reports each year is that fidence forever. MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City CorreEjjonden Church. Sometimes, he thinks, we of the Jewish Agricultural Society. Its work may And my people shall abide in a play into the hands of the clever often seem discouraging and the results slow to its peaceable habitation, and in se- Nazi propagandists. He cited cersponsors — although one would not glean such cure dwellings and in quiet rest- tain instances, where Jewish oring places. ganizations h a v e been affiliated Sunday Jewry will celebrate in joyous fash- from the optimistic tone of the report — yet it is TALMUD with unpopular c a u ses. "Every loa its triumph over an enemy in ancient times. doing one of the most important jobs in Jewish Rabbi M'Nachem expounded th Jewish organization should take following: For the commandment care,".he eald, "sot to hurt all of Purlin, these last few years, h&s been tlie annual life. During the past year eight hundred individ- Is a lamp, and the law ig light. Jewry." .occasion on which the comparison between Hitler The passage compares meritorious and Hainan is drawn. The analogy is too clear uals were settled on farms through the good offices commandments to a lamp and the The Wonderful Senator f r o m and the situation too close for us to overlook such of the Jewish Agricultural Society and approxi- Torah to light, to teach us that OK isn't l>y any means pessimisas a lamp furnishes light only tic about the future of Jewry in an, obvious fact—that today the Jews of the world mately two hundred refugees were aided in like jUBt for a certain period, so also does America. manner by the organization. He finds that the efforts are in the same position as those Jews of Persia a commandment protect only for of the Gerin&n propaganda MinisBut these numbers were miniscule, represent'Who would have perished at the hands of Haraau a certain period, and just as light ing only a very small fraction of the total Jewish endures to eternity, so also does try and Its agente in this hemtehad not the Queen Esther come to their rescue. to inflame America against protection of the Torah endure to Ifhere Today's Jewry is still looking for its Esther or population. Many of the current problems of Jew- eternity. its Jews Fi&s backfired, in many individual instances. He sees tna Mordecal to rescue it from a tyrant. It is still look- ish life would be decreased were this number largHillel and Shebna were broth- growth of a taillteiit tolerance in ing forward to that day when Hitler, like Hainan, er. ers. Hillel devoted his time to the many sections of the country. "A The economic strata of the Jews are going study of the Torah, white his broshall dangle from the highest gallows. great meny people I kaow,1' he through an important metamorphosis. Traditional- ther devoted his time to business. said, "for yeers were anti-Semitic, Prom such holidays we gather sew courage and ly because of centuries of economic restriction, the At one time they said to each in a social sense, without ever new inspiration. Israel's martyrology is enormous Jews have been confined to trade. Of recent years other: "Come, let us be partners, realizing it. Now they lean over -And it is being increased many times at this very the Jews have gone into the professions and still and share both world." backwards to be tolerant." King Janal said unto his wife: day in history. Sometimes It as though the final more recently Into the skilled trades. Some — ac"Do not be afraid of the Pharitriumph will be very hollow indeed after the trials cording to the Jewish Agricultural Society, 100,000 sees nor He feels that the influence of of those that are known Coughlln is steadily declining. He and tribulations of the past few years. to be not Pharisees, but take heed — have settled on farms in this country. has heard that the circulation of of those that are hyprocrites, who But it must also be remembered that steel is Justice has dropped by forSpeaking from experience we can say that others believe that they are Social ty percent In the last year, and he tempered in fire, that our firmness, our genius as farming is not one of the easiest ways of making make Pharisees, but in reality commit is certain fewer people now listen » people has come not so much from our persecu- a living. Nevertheless it is one of the most gratify- acts like those of Ziminlr, and deto Coughlln on the radio. But he mand rewards like that of.Phinetion as from our determination to resist evil in no ing. Few farmers acquire wealth; they are forced regards Coughlin as a dangerous has." matter what sweet tones it comes. man, and he wonders, cautiously, to give up many of amenities of urban life. Yet to Rabbi Joshua said: The Scrip- why the Catholic Church didn't Today we see many Hamans. Whether he Jews in particular the advantages of agricultural tures say: "When a dead body take steps to curb him long ago. of a stranger is found on the road, sports a Charlie Chaplin moustache or a clerical life are manifold. and the cause of d e a t h is not 'collar or a goat's beard, the breed is recognised. There is an unusual independence to farm known, the elders of the nearest The Jews must never forget, he But we know, from our long record, that the day life, a freedom from many of the harassments of ity shall come forth and say, said, that there are a good many comes when they are gone, and their only mon- urban existence. If one can forego the chlmeric 'Our hands have not shed this people who have made of antiSemitism a racket, and that so uments are ruins soon buried beneath the dust. Yet chase of material pleasures, he will find welcome blood, and our eyes have not seen long as anti-Semitism pays divii f " Is it possible that anybody we have gone on, dimlnshed in numbers, perhaps, compensation on the farm. As yet there are no would think to accuse the elders dends they won't give it up. When injured in some respects, but nevertheless alive quotas aa to Jews on farms, no discrimination. The of committing the murder? We Jew-hating Is no longer lucrative, and able to laugh, as we shall so do at Purim. must therefore say that they mean when they aro no longer able to character of rural life makes for democracy. it that he did not come to us get anonymous c o n t r i b u t i o n s Many of the problems of the refugees could by The holiday awakens within us once more or help and wo turned him down, from wealthy c r a c k p o t s who the spirit that* has carried us over the centuries. be quickly solved were there a greater desire for nor did we see him and leave him dream of being tiio powers be* hind an American Hitler, they'll Today we need its message more than in many of agricultural life. Vast areas of fertile soil lie'in go without food to die of starva- drop it and start something else. ion. this country and in the countries of South America. the long years of our history, for we are sorely pressed. Our travail is not yet ended and we fear Preference is given all. agricultural workers. The Fascist groups in this counThe work of the Jewish Agricultural Society that until the better day comes we face many try, thinks the Wonderful Senator from Oz, have never given up dark hours. But even in what looks like the hour should be one of the most important aspects of their hope of finding their Man cf destruction, we have learned to plan to build Jewish communal life in America, because the land on Horseback. He thinks Huey anew, for we know that as a people we will disap- may prove the salvation of the Jews in the diaspora Long might have been the man, pear only when our message haB been given to as it has been to those who found haven in Paleshad be not been assassinated. He tine. . doesn't think Coughlln could ever the world. . By PAT FRANK win the confidence of all the Fascists. He laughts at the pretenJ. T. A. Washington sions of General Moseley. Press Bureau One of Israel's valiant sons was called last He doesn't feel that any memPeace — of a sort — has come to Northern, week when Samuel Untermeyer, long a champion We would like to borrow the ber of Congress, except one who Europe. The Russian-Finnish war has beea liquiof the Wonderful Sen- is a notorious nincompoop anddated, the terms more drastic than those which of Jewish rights, died at his home In California. character ator from Oz for a day. We can't probably won't be back next sesEven old age had not daunted the fighting spirit • actually caused the conflict. It was to be presumed use the name of the real Senator, sion, would allow himself to be at the very beginning of the war that Finland, un- that was Samuel Untermyer's. Almost up until the because he was speaking off the placed in the position of reprelast, even past his eightieth birthday, he displayed record, so we'll just say It was senting the Nazi-Fascist elements, , less unusually large help was forthcoming was an Indomitable courage. the Wonderful Senator from Oz no matter how some of the Condoomed to defeat. Yet her armies managed to hold whose curiosity was d r a w n to g r e s s m e n hunger for power. Distinguished as a legal mind, he bad won out for a much longer time than was tar be expectwide fame not only aa a lawyer for the rich, but anti-Semitism in A m o r ica, and They know," he said, •'that there ed. -. •• •• / . • • • ' '• \ ; . / ' , who made a study of the pheno- is xfbt one state where Fascism is Of course, the war was futile; as Europe ^will as an advocate of the poor aa well. He had known mena. We present his views not popular." soon find out all wars are. But ode cannot help poverty In the days after the Civil War when his because we agree with him, except On the other'hand he doesn't some points, but because it but admire a gallant people, who with the cards father had died from the effects of soldiering days in gives you the r e a c t i o n of an think the threat to A m e r i c a n and the impoverished family came north, as Bo •tacked against them, decided on a gesture <-is t a t esman, who may Jewry will wholly pass until hatfamilies were forced to do, to build American some day be President, on a sub- red has died out in Europe. "Hitfor that was what it was — a gesture against many southern ; r again. • - - -. -, - • --.- • ':- - v . ..' . ect w h i c h we will do well to lerlsm," he said, "is like a festertyranny and injustice. Unlike BO many of those who founded for- itudy dispassionately. ing sore that poisons the whole The Russians who have fallen are, like the body politic." He doesn't pretend • tunes In the boom days of that post-war period, Finns, victims of ruthless men living In fear beThe Wonderful Senator f r o m to guess how many years it will Samuel Untermeyer had a definite philosophy and Oz feels t h a t anti-Semitism in be. hind the' stout walls of the Kremlin and setting themselves up as the dictators not only of their social consciousness. He was a staunch defender America is largely based on ecof the capitalist system which had given him onomics. "In a great many small Hertha Ayrton, English Jewinh own country but the destiny of the world. ;reat 'wealth; yet at the same time he was a towns in the So a t h," he said scientist, invented the Ayrton No people are better able to sympathize with isn't any thing as anti- Anti-Gas fan used in the first ihampion of the rights of labor whom he felt had "there Semitism, although on the sur- World War to fight poison gases. the Finns at this time than the Jews of Europe/for been deprived of a just sharp of privilege. face It would seem that the whole they too have been the victims of oppression, they American'Jewry had no more_brilliant protag- social system, in the South, would NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS too have fallen under the iron boot of. power polonist. He was the first to challenge the infiltra- lead to anti-Semitism. In these itics. But unlike the Finns we have not been able small towns there ore few Jewish All existing debts of the National, Incortion of Nazi propaganda. He was the man who or- families. a corporation, on the 30th day ot A Jewish boy or g i r 1, porated, to display any. heroic gestures. December. 1939, amounted to the sum of ganized the boycott against Germany and until ill- growing up, necessarily must seek 32,263.39. . , As Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver said so poignantNational, Incorporated, health forced his retirement he remained its most non-Jewish companionship. A n d By C. T. MARKS, See. ly In his recent Omaha talk, we can merely count each Jewish family has many Genactive leader. J. M. MARKS tile friends. We never hate people our casualities. But as the Finns will refuse to give C. T MARKS There, were time when Mr. Untermyer's view- we really know. And .in t h e s e Belnjf ft majority of the board of diInto despair, as the Czech's and many Poles rerectors 3-22'40-lt. point clashed with those who believed In silence small soutnern towns all the Jews fused to give into despair, neither shall wej Of all are well-known to their townspeoNOTICE OF-INOEBTBDWES8 as the defense against calumny, but he was-not these victims of tyranny, -we aro best fortified to ple, and well liked and respect- All existing debU of the Fashion Center, one to be hushed on vital Issues. > ed." , meet the tribulation of the times. Ours is «, long incorporated, a corporation, on the 30th Jewish life will not be quite the same without lay of December, 1939, amounted to the tradition of such" despoliation. And over these mm ot none. Samuel Untermyer. Few leaders had his persuasiveIn certain Big Eastern and Far Fashion Center. Incorporated, years we have amassed a spiritual reservoir which ness, his erudition, his militancy,' and his courage Western centers where the Jewish By C. T. MAIIKB, Sec. aids us to look unafraid into the face of adversity. J. M. MARKS communities have fewer contacts ~ qualities we could use more of. C. T. MARKS " And Iik6 the Finns we have learned that we with Gentiles, since they are self- Being a majority of the t>oard of di3-22,-40-lt. must place faith in ourselves and not In the potensufficient to themselves, you will cctors: find the worst kind of. anti-SemNOTICE OP INDEBTEDNESS tial aid of strong neighbors or in promises that itism, said the Wonderful Sena- All existing debts of the National Stores are changed to suit momentary policies. It we contor' from" Oz". Reason: The "Gen- corporation, a corporation, -on the 30th 5700—1040 tinue to exist,' It will be because of our zeal and tiles don't really know their Jew- day of December, 1939,' amounted to the um of none. courage. . ... Saturday, March 23 ish neighbors. FaBt ot Esther National Wore* t5orDOFat"-n. By C. T. MARKS. Sec. 1 . There' are strange rules of compensation in this Purim Monday,-March 25 J. M. WA1RK8 •'There are four o r five million world. We may not understand the working of the Rosa Chodesh NlBsan ... ....... Tuesday, April 0 Jews in t h e United States,'* said C . T . MARKfl tJnlverse, but we do know there is yet to be a First Day of Peeach ..... „... Tuesday, April 2& ttie Senate*. "If each one fesd five Being a majority of the


Gems of the Bible and Talmud

The Agricultural Society



Peace to the North

Samuel Untermyer

Jewisfe Calendar

Friday, March 22, 1940


<*•*• 8

ROUND TABLE Center Players Close KLAVER CANDIDATE IBIMIJf MARKS HOLIDAY Year with Tost Road1 A triumphant ending to tfoeir season was'apparent Monday and Tuesday evenings when the Center Players presented their final play of the ye&r, "Poet Ro&d," a la true carnival spirit, approii- mystery comedy by Raymoad Sovmately 400 members cf the Round ey. Every member of the large Table of Jewish Youth commem- cast turned in an excellent percrated the historic festival of formance and careful d i r ection Purlm on Sunday, March 22, at saw to it that the play r o d e the Jewish Community Center, smoothly and quickly over an exMulti-colored decorations in ceedingly complicated plot, Martha Himelstein, a v e teran the lobby, the gymnasium, a n d the auditorium lent the Center member of the Center Players, its the" festlye atmosphere of the car- usual gave the leading role a fine nival, which,-this year, was given touch of comedy. As the old maid EmSly Madison, who finds herself the name of "Club Shushan." Booths for hot dogs, pop, Per- with a gang of kidnappers using sian sweets, prizes and penny her old New England home as a pitch were located in the gym. hide-out, Miss Himelstein revealDancing was held in the auditorium to the music of Freddie Ebe-

Esther Shapiro* Crowded "Queen Esther" at Carnival


Mother Goose characters will come to life at 10:30, Friday morning, March 22, when members of the Junior Dramatic class of the Jewish Community Center present a play entitled "Fly Away Jack." Under the direction Q? Mrs. Herman Jahr, the following boys and girls will participate in a play writteii specially for juniors: Jean Levinson, Doris Levlnson, Raphael Edgar, Philip Alberts, Manya Friedel, Miriam Kahz, D i c k Wintroub, R i t a Swartz, Eleanor Fredkin, Florence Fredkin, Ilenee Micklin and Freddie Lou Rosenstock. The program will also Include dance routines by the following girls who have been enrolled in the dancing class directed by Miss Rosalie Alberts, Rita Schwartz, Mary Lou Ripps, Barbara Burroughs, Josephine Margolin, Doris Raduziner, Joan Micklin, L e a h Edgar, Carol Micklin and Sandra Soloman. Dramatic readings will be given by Sandra Solomon, and stunts will be presented by the members of the Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops sponsored by the Jewish Community Center. Music and refreshments will conclude the program. Admission free to" members, non-members, 1.0 centp.

Hebrew Study Groups Started

A Hebrew study g r o u p foC adults, limited in number to 15, Senator S a m' Kl&ver, member is belag organized' Mfider the ttiof the state legislature from the rection of Rabbi Isaiah RaekOT« ed her Hue powers of drama and Sixth District, is now a candidate sky. humor. Tlie group will meet every, for re-election. First elected la Joe Cohen and Beverly Mendel- ISS8 he is seeking re-election oa Tuesday evening tor oae hour, S sohn as the Mew England cou&Ie the record lie teas made while rep- to H, &t tLe rabbis study at the Interpreted their parts in a pro- resenting iiis district at Lincoln gycagogue of the Congregation fessional BS&Eiser, and M o r e y during the regular a n d special B'uai Israel, Eighteenth and Chi-. ' ... Land man was excellent as the kid- sessions of the U u i c a m e r & 1 cago streets. napper laasquer&diEg as & House. ter. Rabbi Kakims to U. S. ? He has been a forward-looking Other members of the cast were legislator, supporting the m e aequally as convincing in t h e i r Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen* parts. They, are: Dave. Weiner, cy)—Rabbi Jacob Kalnius, mem« Lillian Cherciss, Shirley K a h u , ber of the Chief Rabbinical Coun« Charles R&chman, Alts C o h e n cil for Palestine and formerly Dorothy Tatelman, Harold Hah Chief Rabbi of Moscow, has gontt ler, Sam Kaplan, Betty Tarnoff, to America on behalf of the com.* and Pauline Rifkin. inittee for relief of rabbis in Po« land, Germany and Ciecho-Slo* The play was under the direcvakia which has been set up in tion of Mrs. Herman Jahr. Jerusalem. .

Jewish Operetta at J.C.C.onMarch31 The Jewish Operetta company of New York will appear Sunday evening, March 31, at 8:30 at the Jewish Community Center in a return, engagement. At that time they will present a threes act play» "Far Der Chupa," with new songs, dances and duets. The company played here last October with tremendous success. Sunday morning, March 31, at 10:45 the company will appear on station KOIL. Members of the cast are: Abe Zwaig, Nellie G r e e n , Dorothy Zwaig, Hymie Birenbaum a n d Louis Green. All seats are reserved. Tickets are 50 cents and 75 cents.

Deaths Estticr Shapiro ner and his orchestra. Club talent Mrs. Minnie Lewis was brought to the fore in the Funeral services were to have entertaining floor show presented been held yesterday morning for by Rita Magzamln, tap dancer, Mrs. Minnie Lewis, 65, at the and Harvey Burstein, imitator. Jewish funeral home. Mrs. Lewis Queen Crowned died Wednesday morning. She had been a resident of Omaha for Climaxing the floor show, the 40 years. crowning of Queen Esther highSurviving are: Three daughlighted the celebration. Esther ters, Mrs. Jacob Fried, Mrs. Dave Shapiro, of the Bas-A-Mi sorority, Klaln and Clara, all of Omaha; was elected queen from among two sons, Dave of Omaha a n d the following candidates: Podle Samuel of Minneapolis; one sisBelmont, Harriet Gelfman, Bess ter, Mrs. Sadie Kregerman' of Lefltz, Frances Rubensteln, FlorNashville, Tenn., a brother, Josence Tatelman, Marlon Wolpa and eph Ehrenwald, and six grandEileen Zevltz. Leo Sherman, maschildren. ter of ceremonies, presented the Burial will be at Golden Hill - Queen with a bouquet and an encemetery. graved silver bracelet. New Diesel Buses Sheldon Bernstein and Rosalie Wertheimer, co-chairmen of the. For Burlington Sports Club Fined Purlm committee, was assisted by William Tanzer, p a s s e n g e r the .following Organizations: Ro Budapest (JTA)—A fine of 1,manager of the Burlington Noh, B'Nos Beth El, Tau Delta traffic Company, subsidi- 000 pengoes has been imposed on sorority, Bas-A-Ml, A. Z. A. No. Transportation ary of the Burlington Railroad, the Hungarian Football club for 1, A. Z. A. No. 100, Temple Youth today announced placement of a having permitted a Jew to conGroup, Young Judaea, A. Z. A. $350,000 order for a new fleet of duct its recent tour to Turkey and No. 7, Alpha Gamma Chi, U. T. diesel-powered air-condition- Greece. Charges against the club sorority, Theta Lambda, B. T. C. ed buses, to beand used primarily in were brought by the Hungarian corority, Junior Hadassah, Phi providing an additional through Football association, which said Beta Epsllon, Rayoa club and Sen- route between Chicago and Cal- the club had violated the assoior Boy Scout Patrol. . ifornia. Contract was placed with ciation's ban on Jews taking any General Motors, delivery schedul- leading part in a member'sactlvlJohn Knickrehm • ed for early summer, in time for tie3. John Knickrehm, Grand Island handling the unusually heavy vamerchant, is a candidate for Rail- cation traffic" anticipated this year Carl, Prince of Lichtenstein, way Commissioner in the Republi- due to European conditions. was killed in a duel over Fanny can Primaries. He is a native of The new transcontinental fleet von Arnstein. Nebraska and has been interested of "DieseLIners'Y embodying the rOUTICAI. ADVERTISEMENT . in all phases of activities that are latest scientific developments in lor the good of Nebraskans. ' highway transportation, will give He has served three terms on the Burlington T r a 1 lways two the Grand I s l a n d City Council, completely air-conditioned and dione year of which he was presi- verse through bus routea between dent.'As a member of the Rail- the Great Lakes and tho Pacific Way Commission his p 1 e d g e is Coast. Mr.'-'Tanzer pointed out open-dealing with all and equal that these two routes offer added , courtesy for all who appear be- scenio advantages On round-trip fore that'.body. travel. . •-

OWest, Youngest Refugees Arrive

New York (JTA)—Within two days the oldest and youngest Jewish refugees from Germany ar« rived here. Leopold nelcb, 93, of Aachen* ain-Rlieln, came here on the Hoiland-American liner V/esternland, Sturdy and in good health for his 93 years, he assisted an 84-yearold refugee woman down the gangway. Heich retired as & clothing dealer 50 years ago. Next day a British steamship brought a 3-day-old infant who had been born on the ship to Mr. and Mrs. Josef Josefsburg, a ret« ugee couple.

Senator Sain Klaver sures that benefitted the people and opposing those that were not in the interests of the citizens of his state and city. He sponsored and worked for measures that provided for extension of time within which taxpaySATOftilikY and ers might pay their delinquent taxes without paying the accumulated interest. The extension of TWO DIG ftliQHTS! this period brought In more than 1400,000 in back tax payments in Douglas County alone, and enabled hundreds of property owners to meet their delinquent tax payments. end his Senator Klaver also took keen Interest in all legislation referring to old ago assistance payments and other measures of relief. He Orchestra took the position that as much as witii possible should be appropriated for the payment of old age and as- SHiitl.II-Y • sistance for the care of dependent children and for the blind and disabled, but he was careful not to I3OTE levy too great a tax upon the peo- Tickets E»1oy Be Purchased ple. from the SUHIS FLORISTS, Senator Klaver is running upon 1021 Fernasn St. a non-political ticket. i, 40e; Mm, 80c Albert Ballln, economic advisor to Kaiser Wllhem II, refused all offices demanding apostasy. Salvatore Barzilal, an Italian Jew, was one of the five members of the Italian delegation to the Versailles conference.

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& e, Sera

Friday, Mi.ycL 22,


and closing prayers, and Leo Meynaicteaaaee of some poor orphan ' erson, president of the group, will it widow." (Page 334). give the sermoB, "The Synagogue There is one salieat and fatal —Oar Stroagest Fortress." differeaee between'American Jewsh preaching and that represented ia this volume. Like Jewish HABASSAH Final plans feave been completi£e BO has the Jewish pulpit beBy DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS ;ome fearfully seculazized. A&jer- ed for the Hadassah dinner to be Rtbtti, Progressive Sy«s«g*gB®, Brewddya, H. can Jewish preaching is no long- held oa Sunday, March 31, at the 3r based on the Bible and the Synagogue. Cards will follow at Midr&sh, has ceased to concern it- the Eagles Hall. STUDIES IN JEWISH PREACH- the difficulties of our position in self with interpreting the Torah Everyooe is urged to make resthe world." The self same preach(Continued from page 1.) ING (MIDDLE AGES) ISRAEL er ia aoother discourse declares ,n,d the religious h e r i t a g e cf ervations as soon as p o s s ible. Reservations may be made with fuut who are facing the enemy, BETTAN, H E B R E W U N ION "the most tearful consequences of Israel. COLLEGE PEESS. The synagogue is c o n e erced Mrs. Etta YBdelwn, Mrs. M. Bern- w&tphiiig in the mud. our tragic dispersion is spiritual This Is a valuable survey or impoverishment, and not p fa y s i- •with everything under the sun ex- stein, Mrs, O. Greenberg, Mrs. H. "Tiie mortar that demolished medieval Jewish preaching by the cal," a superb and profound ob- cepting with Jewish ideals, and Galpert, or Mrs. J. Gotsdicer. my trench facing the . . . could with the preservation o f Jewish Professor of Homileties at the servation. have killed me, the Jew, as well values. And the fault, though in ANNOUNCE BAB MIT2VAH Hebrew Union College. S e v e n as my dear Christian comrade One and all, these preachers ex- j&rt with rabbis, r e s t s iBaicly leading pulpiteers are represented Mr. sad Mrs. J. J. Brown an- who was lying in the mud at my with an analysis of the technique cuse Jewish lapses f r o m ritual upon our ignorant, un-Jewish, and nounce the Bar Mitsvah of their side. The liberty we are fighting and the message of each. The sev- conformity and religious piety on .secularized lay leaders, who, de- son, Jack, at 9 o'clock Saturday for is not yours, M. Maurras. Seven i n c lude Jacobe Anatoli (B. the ground of |he Galuth. Accord- void of any understanding of Ju- morning, March 23, at the Chevra eral young Jews whom I knew 1194); Bahya Ben A&her (1250- ing to Figo "Israel is greatly ham- daism and of genuine love for the B'nal Yisroel Synagogue. well have already been killed. A 1340); Isaac Arama' (B. 1420); pered in his spiritual task by the Jewish tradition, prefer a secular A reception w i l l be held on Jew knows how to die for his absence of a cultural automony." address rather than a religious or Judah Moscato (1520-1594); AzSunday, March 24, from 2 to 5 country. ariah Figo (1579-1648); Epliraim The same lament occurs through- Jewish message. and from 7 to 10 at the home, "I do not know whether you Luntehitz (1650-1619); Jonath- out the volume. These men corThe announcement of a Jewish 1412 West Broadway. All friends will show enough 'fair play';to an Eybeshita (1690-1764). The rectly recognized that the sins of heme usually brings a handful of are cordially invited to attend. insert my letter in Action Franidentity of the problems which assimlllation, popularity of non- .'aithf ul listeners, but an announcecaise. All I wish to accomplish faced the Jewish preachers of the Jewish thought and ways, harsh ment of a secular and a sensationby writing to you is the duty;of Middle Ages with those that con- compromises and shameful eva- al subject will frequently bring a A. Z. A. Religious services by youth my conscience. I am always willfront our own is most striking. | sions were inevitable as long as mob. And how o f t e n do well will be offered to the Jewish com- ing to cede my place to any | ot Then, even as today, Jews wav- Israel did not enjoy mastery over meaning but ignorant l a y m e n munity Council Bluffs Friday your admirers. plead with the rabbi to preach on evening, ofMarch ered in fidelity to Judaism, to the itself. when mem"From the front I am addresscurrent affairs, and not on the bers of the local 29, Torah and to God, and under Since "it is no easy matter for Bible. A. Z. A. chapter ing to you, M. Maurras, my salu!1 stress of persecution not only en- a Jew remain steadfast in his present "International A. Z. A. tations as a good Frenchman. tertained grave doubts hut a few faith intothe Blame for this cannot be put on Sabbath" lands of his disperThe program, (Signed) Corporal Charles Le•' often yielded and embraced, in- sion," they prayed and eagerly :he shoulders of any one particu- which, willservices. be' held at the Chevra vlne." sincerely of course, the Christian group. The disintegration and B'nal Yisroel synagogue, Israel's r e d emption so lar will be, religion. Isaac Arama denounces awaited the decadence of American Jewthe Jew may again be able ish life In general are responsible gin at 8 p. m. Shanghai (JTA)—A group ot "Jews in name only and who nei- that to live a complete Jewish life— Jewish refugees rescued from the International A. Z. A. Sabbath ther in character nor in mental without concession to the envir- for this unhappy and a 1 a rmlng services are held annually by tho Italian steamer Orazio when. It t outlook exhibit any influence of onment condition. and compromise with the fire off Genoa in January Judaism's teachings." How mod- prevailing Fundamentally, preaching is a majority of the 300-odd chapters took mores and habits of have arrived here on the S. S. of the order. ern this sounds, and how true of the dominant majority. mode ot public address, and not Services will be entirely con- Conte Biancamo together with 67 many of our asshnilationists who a means of literary expression. refugees from central Eu.would gladly abandon Judaism If Those who are disturbed by the The spoken word differs radically ducted by the Alephs. Alvin Nogg, other rope. The Orazio group had origchairman of the program, will act " they could. demoralization in Jewish life re- from the written. The sermon that inally intended to go to South as rabbi; Jack Lincoln, chapter Ritual laxity presented a diffi- alize that physical suffering is not is carefully written out and then America. ', cult problem, and the neglect of our principal m a 1 ady, but, as read to the congregation, or com- treasurer, will read the opening ceremonial o b a e r v a nee called Eybeschltz go penetratingly noted, mitted to memory loses that inforth frequent and vehement de- spiritual. And Americans Jews, of definable and precious q u a 1 ity ' nounclation. The failure to give the second and third generation which makes the spoken word so the child a Jewish education, es- testify abundantly to the truth of popular and Important. The sermon that is carefully '; pecially in Hebrew is a n o t h e r this sad and heartrending observation. Disloyalty, open or covert, written out and memorized will source of grevlous complaint. The decorum in the Synagogue neglect, intermarriage, ignorance be more elegant In style, better ' must have been Inexpressably bad are sapping the very life of Jud- phrased and possibly much clearer in thought. But what it gains , judging from an address ot Lunt- aism in America. l here, it loses in freshness, in. spon- shits who criticizes the synagogue Prophetic Qualities KAILOKED BT ADLER-ROCHES' taneity, In vigorous appeal and behavior not only as lacking in One ot the notable aspects of respect for the Torah, but on ac- the Jewish preaching a a m pled emotional enthusiasm. The great orators are those who count of the poor impression it is the constant emphasis on speak without the impediment of "• makes on the non-Jews, who, he here qualities, on spirituality manuscript elaborate notes but states, frequently visit the Syna- prophetic religious inwardness. True it who can faceoran audience, the largogue. The materialism ot the age and is that these men did not miniger the better, and speak a mesmust have been excessive. . the importance of ceremon sage which comes from ehe heart Repeated condemnation of the mize and therefore reaches the heart. quest for financial profit, love of lal observance. The sermons of these men were ostentation, snobbery and social What is important is their in| excluslveness abound In many of sistence that* empty ceremonial written down after having been the discourses. S o c i a l Bin also cannot become a substitute tor delivered to congregations, after •j came in for criticism and Isaac religious living, for honesty in spoken effect was clearly evident. | Arama p o intedly rebukes illicit business, for fair dealing with em- That much has been lost In the relation and prostitution. B y b e- ployees, for decency in human re- transcription 1B b e y o n d doubt. "" Bhitss In prophetic vein denounces lations. Eybeschitz criticizes his However we should be grateful ' social Iniquity, the exploitation ot people because "Love of fellow for the recorded messages ot the the poor, inequitable taxation and man ranks low amongst our vir gifted preachers and to Dr. Betthe domination of the community tues;" and condemns the very hu tan for doing a hard Job in a * by a few powerful rich, only too man falling of "spending all in or splendid fashion. X sincerely hope •' often unacrupluoua. present a new Scroll of the that he may deal in similar manLaw to the Synagogue, but with ner with the better known Jewish Contempt The impotence ol t h e clergy, reluctance to contribute to t h preachers of more recent times* their being relegated to such crucial functions as pronouncing invocations and benedictions while laymen: make the important addresses and the decisive decisions is not a modern p h enomenon. Both Eybeschitz and L u n tshltz mention the contempt in which Alamito Milk Is the masses hold their preachers, because, "They expatiate on prayer and ritual practice . . . refrain Pasteurized for SAFETV from condemning the evil's that disrupt our social relations" such . . . the Modern Way as plunder, deception, expropriation, slander, contention, destruction. The people justly despise to Preserve Its jFlavor auch a preacher." (Page 329). Luntshitz condemns the "excessive timidity" and the"many rabbis unwilling to raise their voice O Alamito equipment and scientific in vehement protest agalnBt the methods are facts TODAY . . . . iniquities of their time l e s t in Perfect, Accurate Pasteurization so doing they j e o p a r d i z e the chance of promotion to the more is regulated by Telechron Clocks prominent positions of the land." and Thermostats. (Page 287). Verily the sin of cowardice is The deep, rich, long-wearing texture of LLAMBAK . perennial. Though always unpar.©Alamito Milk in Cream Top botcomes from a scientific blending of fine Alpaca and donable, it is reprehensible betles is your daily evidence of it3 yond word a in preachers "who top-grades of wool^ A blend combined in auch superb quality . . . more than fillhave" received the m a n date, Ye ing the upper chamber is RICH shall fear no man, teach their lips proportions as to bring out tbe luxury of tbe CREAM thick enough to whip. ' to enunciate words of servile flatAlpaca and tbe wearability of tbe w o o l . . . a blend tery." (288) The plight of the modern pulpit and its relative futbat gives LLAMBAK the right to tbe title, "The ©Insist - on Alamito, in tility is no new phenomenon, Only the Creani Top Bottle a fearless minister commands re. Wopcoat That Can Tgke It." You'll feel better in spect, and sincere and t r u t h f u l as advertised in Good a soft, comfortable coat that will give you plenty preaching alone wins a respectful Housekeeping. hearing. of swear, and ULAMBAK Is the coat that will do it! Inconsistent Theology The theology ot those men Is of Llambak Topcoats in Omaha course not ours. Neither Is It al1 -ways clear or consistent. After deOnly at The Nebraska claring that the function of prayer and repentance is not to modify Ood'fl will but our own, Az&r* io Figo interprets the xaletortuneB of his day aa "Divine manifestations of Divine displeasure," an Interpretation which la both ImOmaha's Pioneer Modern Dairy . CORRECT APPAREL KOR MEN AND "WOMEN mature and false. EybeBchm advises h i s people that the "diminution of religious fervor is chief IF responsible for




A Soft TOPCOAT That Will Wear!

Friday, March 22, 1940

Page 3






Any homeless wanderer in the No Man's Land of Refugees would give all his world's possessions for a place to rest his head.

What would your money mean to you if our anti-Defamation machinery b r o k e down and our enemies took charge?




MONEY? The richest Jew in a German concentration ' camp would gladly change places with the >" poorest Jew in America.

MONEY? Parents bore the heart-break of parting with' thefrjpwn little children - * that young ones might find a new home in other lands.


Bombed, wrecked homes; poison gas, pesti* lence, starvation, death * - that's the tragic story of our Jewish brethren in Europe* . They would give their all to be in your, place* -

MONEY? Did we say MOltfEY? How puny a sacrifice compared with these.

MONEY? Hundreds of thousands of Jews in Germany; and Poland gave up every cent they had the world * - just to be alive.



' />


_ s .. . ': " \



,> H

P*g« 12


Friday, M&fcL l&, 1940

made painting his hobby * . , He c&ted, have by this time picked m&de his Museum debut with & up enough Gerouw to announce Mr, and Mrs. A. Franklin, 1005 portrait of a beggar he found in the floors in Hitler's favorite l*n« West 6th, wish to annousce the Ms own kitchen, w h e r e Mrs. gu&ge sud to R-nswer simple ve» marriage of their daughter, Tahad been feeding hiin.. Quests for iEforinittioii from Hit* marra Franklia to Mr. Milton C. PEOPLE Ier»s favorite victims . . Do you Beck, s o n of Mr. and Mrs. C. Louis Rittenberg tells us tli&t remember how na&oy years of urg« MORRIS AIZENBERG, Coirreapondent Beck, of Palm Springs, Calif. The the late Sol Levitan, in what was tag it tmk before Hollywood tir wedding took place OE Thanksgiv- probably one of the last letters ikftily agreed to put oat that H*ym ing day in Palm Springs. The cou- lie wrote before his death a couple g&loutoii short, "items <d Liberty?" ple sre now residing in Palm of weeks ago, expressed his de- . . , Now the Warner Brothers* Springs. light at the fine reception lie re- who received the Academy. Osca* ceived wherever he spoke on the for elsort subjects for this film, A surprise party was given for part played-by the Jew in Amer- should feel &s if cesfeof fire were The Women's League of Shaare Mr. and Mrs. J. Shindler at theii ican politics . . . Sol, who, as you being heaped on their collective Zion will liold their annual dance home last night in honor of their should remember, used to be State he&d . . . The newly elected Board of the on March 23 at the Bellevue ball- 25th wedding anniversary- Over Treasurer of Wisconsin, was aa (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Art$ authority da the subject . . . Not Feature Syndicate.) Federation of Jewish Social Serv- room. Bill Franklin's Orchestra fifty persons attended. all the Frankfurters have conice had its first meeting Monday, will entertain for the evening. Cofined their talents to the legal March 11th, at the Jewish Com- chairman for the affair are Mrs. WEBB, BEBEB, KXUTZNICK * Milton Grossman and Mrs. Mauric profession . . . Otto Frankfurter, munity Center. KKIXJSST, Att oldest brother of the Supreme Officers for the ensuing year Rubin. Everyone is urged to at(Continud from page 11.) NOTICE QV ADMINISTRATION ., Court Justice, is one of the adver- In the County were elected as follows: Presi- tend. Court of DouglM County, dent, B. N. Grueskin; Vice Presiwith our own ears, so help us, the tising brain-trusters of a Phila- Nebraska: In the Matter lt dents, Barney Baron, J. Kalin, A. following sidelight on the lives oi delphia newspaper . . . L e s l i e Olihuuse, Deceased.of he Estate of l i•;•"•" H, Baron, L. J. Kaplan, Sam CoHere-Belisha, we are told, is so latter-day Marranos: "They keep All persons interested In said estate M * notified that a |»«titton b M b*«J hen, Dr. L. Dimsdale; Secretary, a strictly kosher house, and don't modest that while he was in the hereby filed in said Court alleging that ( a i d d«« Jack Robinson; Financial Secreeven answer the phone on Satur- British War Office he objected to coated died leaving n o last will and pray* tary, Eli Kobinow; T r e a surer, days — but they go to chapel nude statuary in his quarters, and ing for &da<inUtr«tittl> upon bis *»tate, that a Iiearlog will be h a d on M M Abe Davidson, and Executive Dievery Sunday morning." . . . had all such figures removed. .-. ami petition before said court on the 6th d a y rector, Dorothy Merlin. of April, 1640. «nd th&t if they fall U» Congratulations to Alexander The Women's League of Shaare a t said Court on the said 6th dajr B. Klotz on his election to t h e appear of April, ltKO, at 9 o'clock A. M. t o COH« Zion will hold a "Novel Lunch- LEND US YOUK EARS presidency of the New York UniThere have been all kinds of ttai, said petition, the Court m a y grant eon" and m e e ting on Tuesday, the same and grant administration of M i a March 19, at 1 at the social hall prophecies tilwut what Governor versity Law Review Alumni asso- estate t o Loyal O. Kaplan or some other of the s y n a g o g u e . The guest Lehutan will do after his present ciation . . . And to M. II. Zerwick, suitable person and proceed to a settlePURIM PARTY: B e c a u s e of speaker will be Mrs. Edltha Web- term expires . . . The latest is that aee political publicist, who just ment thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, conflicting Purim c e l e b r a t i o n s ster of the J o u r n a l who will lie is tempted to accept the nomi- returned from a two-week trip to County Judge. March 24th, the Children's Thea- speak on the subject "Experiences nation — which in his case would Kansas City, where he married 3-15-40-3t. ire ..will have their masquerade of a Woman Reporter." The ladies mean the election — to the May- Katherine Mattern, refugee star ftKOMi;. SMITH b 11KIH.KU, A t t y l . Omaha Nat'l Hank Bldg. Purim festival one week earlier are urged to bring t h e i r own oralty of New York City . . . We of "Reunion in New York" . . . than previously planned, Sunday, lunches. The Women's L e a g u e are still ready to give odds that Max Factor, who's one of the PBOHATK NOTICE March 17th. All members of the will serve dessert and coffee. the Governor and his lady will be world's greatest authorities on In trie Matter of the Estate of Lyfll* Winkelraan, Deceased: •••,'• Children's Theatre are invited to to return to complete julvscy cosmetics, is collecting material Notice is H e r e b y Given: That t h » Mrs. L. J. Kaplan will preside glad come in costume. Purim m a s k s . . . TJUe other day, we are told, creditors of the Bald deceased -will mtat for a movie short on the history were made last Sunday in the over the meeting, Mrs. A. H. Bar- Professor Einstein was quite de- of screen make-up . . . Comedian the administrator of Bald estate, before and will introduce the speaker, me. County Judge of Douglas County,. drawing and painting class to be lighted when somebody mistook Fritz I'Vld, a refugee who lias Nebraska, at the County Court Room,'; lit; worn by the children. Leo Rich on will be the program chairman him for Arturo Toscanini . . . On gone far in screenland, studies his said County, on the 30th day of April, Mrs. Wm. Kutcuer will give the on the 1st day of July, 1940, and Mrs. Betty Marx will superthe other hand, Toscanini felt roles by listening to sclf-niude i-ee- at1910, 9 and o'clock A. M., each day. for t h e ' Vise the party. The children will Lesson of the Day. rather annoyed not long ago when ords of them , . . A J'oung hope- purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. enact the story of Purim and play some other body addressed him as ful in the fisticuffs game whom Three months are alowed for the creditors Purim games. "Professor Einstein" . . . Charlie his trainer calls the second Kid to present their claims, from the 30th d a y of March, 1810. Chaplin lias decided that he wants PINNOCHIO: Last week's prov Berg is : 17-year-old Harry I.azitr BRYCE CRAWFORD, a less obvious title than "The Dic- of England . . . Fannie Hurst, we ject for the Children's Creative Services will begin tonight at County, Judge. Drama group was the o r iginal 8 o'clock with Cantor Pernick tator" for his long-promised film hear, has a pet terrier whose hair 3-8-40-3t. production of "Pinnochlo." Miss and the choir chanting the rituals. about dictators . . . If you get a is BO long tliat she uses hairpins WICKII. lU;i!i;it, IIHIZMCK i KK1.I.K* Attorney! Jan Lebowlch instructed the class Friday night will be the 3rd an- bright idea just send it on to to keep his bangs out of his eyes 200 Hervlro I.lff Bldg. Charlie in Hollywood . . . Our in the absence of Mrs. Marx. From the lowly harmonica nual post-confirmation p rogratn& OI'' AOMIMISTKATION MOTHER'S CLUB: The Moth- Mr. Arnold Baron, instructor or own suggestion, to which Charlie Bormh Mincvltch has now risen In MOTICK the County Court of Douglas'County, is welcome, is "He Painted t h e er's Club of the Talmud Torah the class, will preside. Malta HeeNebraska: to the loftier altitudes . . . What held an open meeting at the Jew- ger will speak on "The Spirit of World Red" . . . Latest .newcomer we mean is, lie recently bought an In the Matter of the Eatate of Anthony Slmones. Deceased. ish Community Center, Tuesday Jewish Law." Elaine Finkenstein to the MetropoIitanMuseum of Art airplane . , . Cat ski I vacntloncers Clement All persona Interested in said estate are evening, at which time a very in- will speak on "The Jew Loves His is OO-year-old Arnold Friedman, a feel right at home at La Martini- hereby, notified that a petition has been retired postal clerk who has long filed in said Court alleging that said deteresting program was presented. Home." que, West 57th street night spot, ceased died leaving no last will and prayINTERMEDIATE DRAMATIC ing . for administration upon his estate, these days, what with Danny Kaye Ilene Dasofsky will read porCLUB: The Intermediate Dramaand that a hearing will be had en said tions of the service. Burton Ltpa feature of the floor show . . . petition before said court on the 30th tic Club, inspired by the success Jews were settled in Trier in day of March, 1640, and that if they fall of their three act production, "A schutsv will recite the k l d d u s h . Belgium during the reign of the Danny, who got his big Broad- to appear at said Court on the said 30th way break in the late "Straw Hat day of March, 1010, at 9 o'clock A . M . Ready-Made Family," are already Saturday morning services w i l l Roman Emperor Hadrian, „ begin at 9 o'clock. Hosts for the Review," lias long been a favorite to contest said petition, the Court may casting two more one act plays to grant the same and grant administration on the borscht circuit . . . Even of «ald estate to Evelyn Bimoneg or some be presented before local groups Jr. Congregation "will be Mr, and Mrs. Max Ginsberg lit honor/ of the Theodore Benfey, a German the Irish elevator boys in N e w other suitable person nad proceed to A in the next few months. birth of a grandson.' : . Jew, was the 19th century's out- York's Bond Building, where the settlement thereof. JEWISH NATIONAL F U N D : BRYCE CRAWFORD, standing student of Sanskrit. National Refugee Service is 3o- 3-8-40-3L • County Judge. The J. N. F. met at the Center Thursday, March 14th, at 8. Dr J. N. Lande is president of the J. N. F. .Council here. The regular monthly meeting INTER-CLUB COUNCIL: The of Jr. Hadassah will be held TuesExecutive Board of the Inter-Club day evening, March 19, at 8:15 Council m e t to make appoint- at the Jewish Community Center ments for additional members to in the form of a Purim. celebratlie Board Thursday* March 14th tion. Rosanna Dikel will speak on at. the-West Hotel. The following "Youth Aliyah." The S h a l a c h include the appointed and elected mones envelopes will be distributmembers: Dena Baron, L. J. Kap- ed. There will also be reports and lan, J. Kaliu, Dr. Dimsdale, Frank discussion of recent P a lestlnian Margolin', Dr. Lande, Mrs. H. M. events. " Bailin.Mrs. L. J. Kaplan, Mrs. Rabbi II. It. Rablnowltz, who Jack Robinson; M a"x Mason, I. Singer, Ben Fish, Mrs. E..N. Grue- will be guest speaker will use the skin, Barney Baron and H. Fish- coming holiday as his theme. Sargall. Ex-officio members are past ah Sadoff will lead the group in presidents, A. M. Davis, Morey Purim songs. Refreshments will Lipshutz, E. N. Grueskin and Mil- carry out the Purim atmosphere ton Bolsteln, and Rabbis Rabin- of the evening. owitz, Bolotnikov and Goldstein. Election of officers of the Exe- Jr. H a d a s s a h ,will hold its cutive Board will take place at a monthly cultural meeting at the luncheon meeting at the West Ho- home of MissMinna Rose Berkson, Monday evening, March 18. Rabbi* tel, Monday, March 18th. MUSIC APPRECIATION: Miss H. R. Rabinowitz will continue Edwarda Metz will give her last his discussion on Jewish customs lecture of the season on Music and ceremonies. Dorothy London Appreciation, Tuesday e v e ning, is chairman^ of the cultural- group. Tuesday, March 19th, the Jr. HaMarch 19th, at 8 p. m. " OLD PEOPLE'S HOME: .The dassah will hold its Purim meet0 card party of the Old People's ' ing ."at tbe'Center. Home has been postponed o n e Top fe of?, cteanl mw America'* freshest Just GfMho fob of that littfo rod week and will be held at the CenRibbon tip* Vound lh» lop—stlco* GgoreHo ta ees/ssf-ftxpsi* tool ' ' ter Tuesday afternoon, M a r c h through two {acUete «f CoIIopbsn*... ribbon ct Iho lop of each pack... 19th, instead of March 12th, as was previously announced. covering from an appendectomy.

Sioux City News


Dance Will Be Held March 23

Strictly Confidential


Center News










Society News

Mr. and Mrs. J. Shindler, 1715 Nebraska street, are celebrating their silver wedding anniversary A board meeting of the Sr. Ha- this'week. Last Sunday a dinner dassah was held at the home of was given for r e l a t i v e s at the - Mrs. Jack Robinson on Monday, Shindler home. Over 80 guests atMarch 11. After the b u s i n e s s tended. Next Sunday a 6 o'clock meeting a study cla^s was held. dinner will be served for friends. Mrs. Wm. Slotsky and Mrs. L. J. Kaplan read papers. - Mrs. Anne B o o b e y of Des ^ . ———————— Moines visited here over the week Orthodox Synagogues end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Shindler, 1715 Nebraska street. - Friday night services will begin tonight at 6:15 at the Orth- , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg, odox synagogues. The M o r n i n g formerly, of California, are now. services will begin at 9 o'clock. residing in Sioux City. Rabbi Sol' Bolotnikov will' speak ~!n the morning at the Beth AbraOur best wishes for a speedy ham synagogue. . • ( recovery to: Miss' Sylvia Baiimsten who Is recovering from an appendectomy. Mr. $am gkalpvsky who is con. Services- «rill .begin -tonight at yalesdaor in Ills home. ' . ' eight o'clock Rabbjl A l b e r t S. -Miss Rose Lavine who la con- JSoldstein will speak on the sub- valescing In her home. Mr.. 6am Leibowitz who 4s reject "Wbats la a ..Name.0



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