April 19, 1940

Page 1

ttm fitttered as Second Class Mail Matter on January U, 1931, at Postofflee, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, 1879

Jews OBSERVANCE OF No Finnish In Ceded Areas PASSOVER WLL BEGIN MONDAY L o c a l Congregations to Hold Holiday Service Memories of freedom won after yean of slavery in Egypt will bring hope to Jews t h r o ughout the world as they recite the Seder Service which will usher in the holiday of the Passover Monday evening,, April 22. Passover, commemorating t h e safe passage of the Jews over the Red Sea and their entrance into the; Promised Land, is the oldest holiday in the Jewish calendar. Originating as a spring festival it tl&reloped a religious significance during the days of the Temple, and has retained it to this day. Historically a seven-day festival marking the sowing of the harvest, Passover is observed for eight days by Orthodox and Conservative Jews due to former uncertainty in calendar calculation. Reform Jews celebrate the holiday for seven days. The following Passover schedule will be observed by l o c a l congregations: Beth El The opening service will be held at the Beth El Synagogue Monday evening at 6:30. Tuesday services will take place at 9 in the morning and 6:30 in the evening. Wednesday morning services will be held at 9. Orthodox Regular holiday services will be observed in all Orthodox Synagogues. Tuesday morning Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will be at the Congregation B'nai Israel at 8:30, and Wednesday morning at 8:30 he will be at the Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel. Temple Services will be held Monday night at Temple Israel at 5:30. Tuesday morning the service will begin at 11. A Congregational Seder will be held at the Temple Tuesday evening.




Stockholm (JTA) — Not a single Jew remained in the Finnish districts ceded to Soviet Russia, it was learned here. About 250 Jews who lived in Viborg, largest city in the ceded district, and the few who lived in smaller centers of the area emigrated with the remainder of the population to other parts of Finland. The total Jewish population of Finland is less than 2,000. Fifteen Finnish J e w s were killed in action during the RussoFinnish war, while a considerable number, including women a n d children, were wounded. Many Jewish-owned shops were among those in Helsinki that were damaged in the Soviet bombing raids.

Nazi Economist Here New York (WNS) — Dr. Gerhardt Alois Westrick, Nazi economist and legal partner of Dr. Heiurich Albert, who created a furore in this country In 1915 because of his propaganda activities, has established headquarters in New York to improve commercial ties between the United States and Germany,

Half.Way Mark les Seder Reservations Taken Till Mo Reservations will be a until Monday for the C tional Seder which is to, Tuesday evening at Tern This will be the sevent Seder has been c o n d u c Temple. Mrs. Mollie Cobn an mlttee are in charge ments. Reservations will be" "accepted at the Temple Office,

23,000 Jews in Path of Northward Drive Amsterdam (JTA) — The Nazi i n v a s i o n of Scandinavia has brought another 23,000 Jews under the shadow of Hitlerisna, The German forces of occupation in unresisting ©Dnmarlc are arresting Jewish refugees from the Reich and interning them in concentration camps, Copenhagen dispatches said. There were 1,200 refugees in Denmark, in. addition to the normal Jewish population of 6,000. Jews In Denmark were making desperate efforts to cross t h e frontier into Sweden, fearing the introduction of Nazi anti-Semitic persecution; according to d 1 spatches to: the Paris newspaper Le Soir. , Allied diplomats arriving from Denmark said no action had been taken against the. Danish Jews up to the time of their departure. They pointed out that only the Germany army was at present in Denmark and the military authorities were not interfering locally. The Jews, they said, were most apprehensive over developments expected to follow the awaited arrival of Gestapo- agents to reorganize the country. Refugees Trapped Efforts have been made to rescue 383 Jewish r e f u g e e s from Germany under-going agricultural training and 270 young refugees awaiting emigration to Palestine under Youth Aliyah auspices who were trapped in Denmark. ~ In Norway, with desperate resistance to the German invasion

Sponsoring of an international A. Z. A. Sweetheart contest has been undertaken by A. Z. A. Mother Chapter 1. It has been the custom of the various individual chapters to select their own A. Z. A. 'sweethearts." Mother chapter will " receive photographs of the "Sweethearts" of the 375 groups and will submit these to nationally k n o w n judges. The award will, be presented to the winning group by the Mother chapter's delegation to the National A. Z. A. convention to be held at Camp Manatee* sear Akron, Ohio, in July. It is planned that the entire group of pictures be exhibited at the camp. • Co-chairmen of this project are Ed Stein and Harry Goodbinder. O t h e r s oh the committee are In Omaha - Wednesday to disLeonard Boasberg, Justin Priesman, Warner Fromann and Bob cuss the current HIAS program with local officials, Morris Lewis, Silverman. director of field activities fo r HIAS,- expressed, his organizaappreciation for the work District B'nai B'ritfi tion's done by the Omaha JewiBh Com: : Leaders Confer Here munity. sThe HIAS organization mainAaron D r o o k , president, and tains offices in 32 countries to Ben Z. Glass, secretary, of B'nai assist refugees find new homes. B'rith District; Grand Lodge No. Through funds made available by 6 conferred last week end with the Joint Distribution Commitlocal B'nai B'rith representatives tee, HIAS has been able to get on the Lodge Convention which steamship tickets permitting European Jews to evade concentra13 to be held here in June. The two were en route from tion camps and the Lublin reserChicago to Sioux City where Mr. vation. Drook was principal speaker at . The O m a h a Jewish Philanthe Regional Conference Sunday. thropies helps maintain the HIAS organization, which this year, beAbraham Hart was the first Jew cause of conditions abroad, has to be elected to the British Royal been forced to lay greater emphasis on emigration. Academy of artists.


XVII—No. 2 5

Is Reached

Passing of the lialf-way mark in the 1040 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign to raise 9104,500 was •n Tuesday noon at the second report luncheon held at the Jewish Community Center. At that time chairmen of the various divisions announced that $50,749.10 had so far been pledged. Additional pledges are expected since a large number of cards still remain to be seen. Solicitations have been slower this year, but there has been a marked increase in all contributions, and work in the drive will continue until all prospects have been called upon, "Women's Division Increase Most noticeable increase came in the Women's Division which by Tuesday had surpassed the total amount it raised in last year's campaign. In this division too a great many more cards remain to be seen. Workers report a genuine spirit of co-operation among all Jews, and a desire to give and give generously to the cause of persecuted Jewry the world over. An unusually large number of voluntary increases have been made. Not only will overseas agencies benefit from the drive, but local and national institutions will also share in the total sum raised by the Philanthropies. However increased demands have been made because of the situation overseas. Morris E. Jacobs is general chairman of the campaign.

in progress, the fate of the Jews was in doubt. A Berlin report to the Amsterdam newspaper Algerasen Handelsblad said t h a t refugees in Norway would be interned if the Nazis were able to extend their control. The Jewish population of Norway Is 1,500, plus about 2,000 refugees from the Reich. All Jewish shops in Oslo have been closed by order of the Nazi administration, a c c o r d i n g to Stockholm dispatches quoting refugees from Norway, There are also 2,000 refugees in Sweden who are now trapped because the war in Scandinavia makes traveling' from the country impossible. The Jewish population of Sweden, aside from refugees, is about 10,000. One of the results of the exten- New York (Special)—Zecharia sion of the war into Scandinavia Gluaka, president of the United Yemenite Community of Pales(Continued on page 5.) tine, and deputy member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, arrived last Thursday on. the S. S. Rex in connection with the celebration of the 30 th anniversary of the Yemenite Aliyah (immigration) Into Palestine; • Mr. i Gluska was accompanied by. his secretary, Mr. Zi Glspan, . .-..., In an interview on the pier, Mr. Gluska stated that he'plans to A musical program built around acquaint t h e American-Jewish, the Festival of Passover will be public .with the fascinating and presented next Friday e v e nlrig, romantic history of. the Yemenite April 26, at the: regular services Jews, and to draw the attention of the Beth El Synagogue by Can- of American Jewry to the acute tor Aaron Edgar and the Beth El conditions of distress under which the Yemenites have been existing. Choir. The following numbers" will be 'Over -26,000 Yemenites h a v e presented: '-'Psalm CXIV — When already settled in Palestine, ho Israel.Went Forth from Egypt"; addod. and are now engaged in "Umltnay Chatoaynu" f r o m the agricultural pursuits arid in the Passover Synagogue service; "Eli- highly artistic occupations of siljah, the Prophet," a folk song; ver work! flllgreelng and r u g "Go Down* Moses",, a negro spirit- weaving. Unfortunately, he conual; and "Arise, My; People,", a tinued, "45,000 Jews are facing recent Yiddish number for syna- slow annihilation under the oppressive r u l e of .the Arabian gogue and choir. Imam. In their behalf, Mr. Glusproposes to stimulate Jewish Prague "Moses" to lta sympathy and secure the support American Jewry, . > Be Melted Down of• For'•'18 years, Mr. Gluska acted SB the leader of the United YemParis' (JTA) —- Decision to reCommunity in Palestine. move a statue of Moses opposite enite During this time he has persisthe- famous Altneu synagogue, 'n tently endeavored to Improve the Prague and a plan to melt it down lot of his fellow Yemenites still in for war purposes, is reported;by Yemen, and personally superDer Neuo Tag, Nazi; organ in the intended thehas escape and transfer Bohemia-Moravia Protectorate. „ The monument at City Hall to of thousands of Yemenite famRabbi Judah ben Bezalel Loewe, ilies to Palestine. famous 16th century chief rabbi of Prague, will als6 be razed, the Heilmann Dies paper states. According to JewParis "(JTA) — E r n s t Heliish legend, Rabbi Loewe was a mann, former Social Democrat miracle worker who created t'h o leader In Prussia, has died in the "Golem," out of clay, to fcave the Buchenwald concentration camp Jews of P r a g u . e from being in Germany, it was learned from slaughtered in a pogrom. . ft reliable source. . -



CHOOSE TRACT IN HONDURAS 1,000 Acres Selected for New Refugee Project

New York (JTA) —- A 1,000acre tract in the Cayo district,,in the west-central part of British Honduras, has been selected by Kalnuui I. Weisz for the refugee Industrial project which the firm of Weisz-Budapctit intends to es« tabltah, the Refugee E c o nomio Corporation, which is granting m loan to finance the project announced. Weisz arrived in Belize, British Honduras, to complete arrangements for purchase of the land and construction of h o u ses. A8 soon as the contracts are concluded, Weisz will return to the United States and shortly afterward will leave for Europe by Clipper. By the time he haa arrived- in Europe, preliminary selection of the settlers will have been made under the direction of the general secretary of the Budapest Jewish Community and Dr. James Bernstein, director of the HIAS-ICA Emigration .•Association. Th» HIAS-ICA is making • a r r a ngements for transportation of th« group to Honduras.-" ,',,' ': Trujlllo Issues Statement Meanwhile, ExPresJdent Rafael L. Trujlllo of the Dominican Republic . declared in a Pan-American Day statement published in the New York Post that iri; lending his influence toward establishment of the - "refuge? project there, "I have served my country, 3 this continent and.humanity. '! ". ! ; .Freda klrchway;; © d i t o r and publisher of The Nation, in,' an article written after a tour of the Dominican Republic, asserts that "the refugee, especially those who come under the wing of the Dominican Republic Settlement Association, stand a good1 chance of peace and happiness - - at leasl as long as Trujlllo holds power."

TICKETS ON SALE FOB AWARD NIGHT Tickets for the J. C, C. Athletic Award Night banquet, which will be held Wednesday, May 1/ at 6:30 p. m., in the Center auditorium, were placed on sale this week at the main office of ,-the Center and the athletic department office. The price of admission, for the banquet will be' 7 5 cents per person. ; The evening willbe the annual highlight' of the J. C; C. ath'fetic season. On that night every phase and group, of athletic activity -will be honored with medals and trophies won throughout the'. year. Outstanding coaches in the city and state will be the guests, of the Center athletic department for this evening. Attendance of paP|» ents of the athletes will be-encouraged this year. For. their entertainment, as'well as all others attending, the committee under Earl SJegel, Iz Tretiak, Georg© Bernstein and Sam Epstein; is preparing a program that wilt itt« elude speakers, music and enter* tainment. Reservations "must b? made or tickets purchased" ty, April 28. ' *


P&g« 10

seats for the French theater he is planning for our Broadway . . It's the famed • Contedie Francais* that he will bring over . . . ABOUT PEOPLE Jacob Fishin&n, who celebrate Nebr. Furniture M&rt his 62nd birthday this week, wa Moves to New Home called up for jury duty recentl (Continued from page 1.) . . . He tried to claim exemption The Nebraska Furniture Mart on the grounds that the Jewisfc German-occupied territories," he said. "Now I wish to dwell brief- is now in its new home at 1918 Morning Journal, where he writes ly on the actual relief work which Farnam street. In two years the a daily column, cannot spare him is carried on in behalf of these Nebraska Furniture Mart has en- but the Irish judge refused to se victims of the war and the Nazi joyed an ever-increasing business it that way . . . "Your readers regime, for after all, it is not the and as a result has been forced need a vacation," he told Fishtime to bewail and lament but to move to larger and more cen- man, but with a smile — a n d trally located quarters. agreed to postpone the columnrather to act, to help, and save. I?i its new address, the com- ist's turn till October . . . Con Only Fraction of Need pany will continue to give good gratulations to the Adam P. Ros "During the terrible days that values, dependable merchandise, ens on the Bar Mitzvah of thei followed the first of September and thoughtful service. son, Gideon, who is grooming last, I was an eye-witness to the himself to become a junior execur wonderful work rendered by the tive in his daddy's and uncle's Joint Distribution Committee's of- Strictly Confidential Rosen Tours in a decade or so fice in Warsaw, providing soup . . . Irwin D. Wolf, who runs a kitchens for the hungry, hospitals (Continud from page 11.) Pittsburgh department store for for the sick, homes for the orliving, is known as the counphans, and so on. I must under- was new to her in James Water- his try's greatest expert on packagman Wise's and Lee J. Levinger's line the fact that the J. D. C. is ing, and conducted a seminar on the only relief organization ac- book on Jews, "Mr. Smith, Meet the subject at a New York con tive in the stricken areas because Mr. Cohen," ami thinks that every vention a couple of weeks ago member of the House Immigrathe local institutions and organi. . . Myron Colbert, who way back tion Committee should put this zations had to close down as soon 1912 opened the grand-daddy as the war broke out. It is un volume on his required reading in all New York night clubs, the thinkable what the tragedy o l i s t . . . Harry Hershfield, column- of Jardin de Danse, can speak ten ist, cartoonist and one of N e w Polish Jewry and of the refu languages, including the Scangees would have been without the York's most popular masters of dinavian —not but both Hebrew and ceremonies, is n o w writing a ^assistance of the J. D. C. hook, which he's expecting to call Chinese are at his fluent com"At the same time I must state "Anybody's Biography" . . . The mand . . . Jazz King Artie Shaw however, that the work of the J screen play of "The Fighting is planning a Carnegie Hall conD. C, though extensive enough in Jew" is being written by the cert for this spring . . . Our Westitself,, covers only a small part of "Aryan" William Anthony Mc- ern readers may expect to see the work that should really be Gulre . . . Ida Landau lias made Isaac Carrael in their longitudes done there. It should be remem- a corking adaptation of Ferdi- before the well-known products of bered that some 80 per cent of nand Bruckner's play, "Krankheit April showers have had time to the three millions of Polish Jewry der Jugend," which will he called lose their bloom . . , Carmel, inalone are in dire need of' assist- "Youth Without God" in English cidentally, has severed his connecance, and the J. I). C. cannot . . • It's the play that in prollltler tion with the American Jewish cope with the many calls made days had a sensational run in Ber- ongress . . . The next generaupon its meager funds. lin . . , Ernst Lubitsch, who ought tion won't have to envy us that "American J e w r y ' m u s t now to know his Germans, is readying walking and talking musical enfully realize its responsibility to a screen comedy in which they'll cyclopedia known as Oscar Levant our unfortunate brethren over- he given a merciless ribbing . . . , . They'll have one of their seas. It is nothing less than a It's to he called "Heil, Darling" own, in the person of a junior . . . One hundred smackers each evant whose arrival is expected question of life saving." is what Rene Blum of France some time in 1940 . . . Zellg (his brother is ex-Premier Leon) Tygel, who has been executive is hoping to get for opening-night ecretary of the Federation of


braska Medical: Edward Cohen major. Organizations division: Margaret Rundell, major, and Barbara Taxman.


(Continued from page 1.) daily meal which is to be gotten from aoup kitchens maintained by the Joint Distribution Committee." Organization The Youth Division differs in its organizational setiup from previous years. All earning young men and women are now being solicited by the regular divisions and special business and professional.teams. The Youth Division will concentrate on reaching every ilgh school and university st dent. ; Irving Nog'g is serving as vicechairman of the division. Other workers are: . Central High school division: toye Greenberg and Harry'Goldstein, majors; workers, Lee Jane Greenberg, Reva Bordy, Miriam Dansky, Sylvia Bernstein, Mickey (Joldberg, Betty B o r d y , Diana Lagman, Etta Gorelick, Helyne ifVohlner, Ruth Rosenstein, Esther Fox, Betty Conn, Sheldon Bernstein, Phil Eisenstatt, Keve KlrBchenbaum, Bob Silverman, Norman Hahn, Julius Cohn, Milton Guss, Yale Richards, Charles Rosenstock and Jimmy Robinson. Technical High school division: Milton Cackin, major; E r n e s t Alexander and Leo Kraft. • North and Benson High division: Lee White, major. . University of Omaha division: Pauline Rosenbaum and Eileen Zevitz, majors; Rose Kirschenbaum, Marlon Wolpa, Etta Soiref, 'Ahuvah Gershater, Haskell Morris, Nathan Wolfson, Leo AlperBon and Albert Friedman. • Creighton university and Ne-


Original Orchestra

WA 623S For rrte BcMrvattoaa . Held Until 10:10 P. U. Advance TScStets V&j fie Parcbaaed t n n Saris Florists 1631 Foraam St. Sat., ladles, 40e .

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mm $1.10 .!«««»,. Me .

Friday, April 12, 1940 Polish Jews ia America for longer than you or we can remember, is being eased out . . . There's an interesting etory in connection with this, but the telling of it will have to wait for a time . . . Don't let the Hollywood columnists mislead you . . . Shalom A&ch's "The N&zarene" has not yet b e e n bought for screen production . . .

Maurice Schwartz will be seen on the English stage next season aa King Lear, a part he has studied for the last three years . . . Our prediction is that after "Forty Little Mothers" is released Eddie Cantor, its hero, will find himself America's favorite movie actor. . « (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

i!-l:«! lfllCl.lt lUlAlfflK

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FRESH FISH FOR PASSOVER With the approach of the Passover Holidays, our fish department is prepared to serve you the freshest of fish. We will clean, scale or bone all fish free of charge.

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Friday, April 12, 1940




By PHINEAS J. BIRON NEWS FOE YOU There's conisderable indignation hereabouts concerning t h e new anti-Semitism in S p a i n , where, among other things, Jewish infants must be baptized beNEW fore they can be officially registered, according to reports reBEAUTY SALON School off ceived . . . But somehow you don't BUSINESS hear so much nowadays about the Features SHIRT SERVICE IN ITS 49th YEAR regulation, promulgated by a 1818 Farnam Street DealCMd iSSDCflbalf tor Wivci Shampoo and number of Latin American counWk«M Hin.tHus<S» Don't Ukt CO EDUCATIONAL HU Bhhtf. Omaha's Finest Finger Wave . tries, that prospective Jewish ImALL YEAR—DAY AND Recreation Center migrants must be baptized before YOU NEED SEND EVENING they can receive their official enPermanent Wave* ONLY SMUTS. Monthly Enrollment try permits . . . Have you a little Excelat $3.50 and Up H W n w i Handle: see Gestapo agent in your home Standard Courses Each Shirt, lent town? . . . Quite a few of them Lunches 716 Brandeis The. Bldg. IONE C. DUFFY, Owner are scattered through these Unito. AT 4333 2 0 7 8. 19th JA SS90 ed States, having been sent here for the express purpose of causing trouble and disunion in the Union . . . But the FBI is on their trail, we're happy to inform you . . Washington insiders insist that Austrian Minister Frochnik (frees Up for isn't anti-Nazi at all, as one might For Every Known Spring expect an official of a Nazi-deType of Insurance voured country to be, but is putOmaha's Most See or Call ting in a good bit of spade work Complete Stock In behalf of Hitler . . . And that off Fritz Thyssen, whose defection 1040 Materials from Nazism has been receiving Representing such wide publicity, is fostering this view of himself, as it helps KAIMAN INSURANCE him get Information valuable to Badolf AGENCY TAILOR HAVE YOU HEARD? ASK FOU Dr. Chaim Wetzmann will be 322 SO. I S t a ST. 766 Insurance O-ttcy Whole Wheat back In this country In the month JA m®& fgedck Tower ATUntic 8034 of May, to finish op what he startFtskes—At Y e w ©rocer ed — something that cannot be done without him . . . Maurice Samuel is very much interested in the publication of Shalom Aleichein's works In English . . . All THE BEST WAY TO that Is needed for the project is Ask Yossr ©racer for a man who has both the money QOOD PUBLIC TOAEJ2PORTAneeded and the vision to realize TION IS TO USE ITI that there's a fortune In the Idea Nothing like ijt in OmaEa. . . A volume of anecdotes by Formerly of Excelsior Listen to Foster May's and on Jewish celebrities is beSprings, Mo. I give the "Man on the Street" pro* ing prepared by Jacob Richman of •ame treatment here and gram and you will under* Trenton . . . Dr. A. A. Roback of get the same results. stand w h y Barmettler'a Harvard Is working on a big hisCookies and Crackere are tory of Yiddish literature . . . It MEN EXCLUSIVELY will be published in English, of the beat. OPEN DAY AND NI®§iT course . . . If foreign correspondSO Years in Omaha MakWE CLOSE • A. « . BUJNWAl ent II. It. Knickerbocker repeats ing Shirts, Pajamas, ColTO • A. H. MONDAY the performance he gave at his lars, C u f f s , Uniform Akron, Ohio, lecture recently he 714 Se. 16 WE 0302 Shirts and Dental Gown* will lose many Jewish friends . . . OMAHA . . . Also Lettering of The gentleman knows what we Athletic Uniforms. mean . . . In order to convince American audiences that there EXPERT REPAIRING never was anything in those rumors linking her name with Hitler's, Pola Negri is pulling strings with a view to getting the role of the countess in the anti-Nazi Thomas J. Casey, Pros. 20S So. St. Truck Headquarters picture, "Escape," which is being Merry RS. Hershmann, 1512 DOUGLAS ST. from the best-selling novel 4113 'UHQNE FOR THE BEST IN Service on Trucks in our made Assistant by "Ethel Vance." * Shop Is now av&IMtlo 2 4 FOR OUR YOUNG READERS PIANOS and RADIOS hours daily* except Sun. A valuable tip to the coming MUSICAL IHSTitU^EHTS crop of graduates who will Join —JA 78fH> PICTURES and FRAMING the ranks of the job-seekers Is 7203 contained in the following story, related by Wlnchell . . . It seems Priced to Fit Every urns, FOU *VMWM a Jewish boy who had been doPurse Established 1006 ing very well at college eventual. 8m»ll Monthly Payment* HARVESTER CO. ly graduated and went put to look COMPLETE SERVICE AT NOMINAL COST for a job, but couldn't get dne be15th a at SSRD cause of his faith . . . Finally one firm relented to the extent, of permitting him to make out an application . . . He got the job . Not because of hie scholastic record, however, but thanks to For a ©efkJotea i e t his sense of humor . . . For in the blank spake opposite the question "Religion?" he had written: "ObWe specialise in the making of cute to taoot stacle" . . . All of which reminds newspaper printing requirements. We get the t g y & Tuesday Nitea us to tell you that it's because best results that copy permits. < H®served for Private dancing is a fine way of keeping f SERVICE — UNEXCELLED QUALITY out of the- way -of nudniks that •Walter winch'ell, whom business Skato to tho Music of forces to spend a lot ot time at NEW AMD Oar. New Hammond Organ COMPIJSTELS night spots, has become such an Wednesday and Friday MODERN expert rumba artist . . . High School NUos-25o PLANT JA 212& THIS AND THAT with School Identifif atioa Even so enlightened a lady as Sunday Matinee • • 20o Congresswoman Caroline O'Day "Where Omaha Skates" of New York found much that AT VOUH (Continued on Page 10.) 401© PARKA!® ST.














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Friday, April 12, 104* ed accurately by his friends, then ism. Every library in the country Dies is certaicly unworthy of the should receive several copies, and trust Congress has placed in him. all lovers of freedom should car Instead of being allowed to scru- operate in extending the infltt*' tinise others, bis record efcould fee eEee &Ed incre£.siag the prestige Chief Ueat of this most excellent monthly carefully One of the cliief lieutenants of American.examined. It is far from publication. C&ugklin, if cot the chief, is FathAygeal for Disti&lisie er E. L. Curran. In the December The sanie issue i n c hides "A "Selling of Chomets" 19.39 issue & Catholic writes oEe of the most damaging accounts of Rabbi Appeals to Catholics" by Starting Sunday evening, Rab? this priests's a u t i-Seinitie pur- tke author, a brief plea to the suits. Ironically enough, this un- hierarchy to discipline Coughlin U N. Feldm&ii will be at the priucipled fabricator ii e & d s the and his Catholic followers. Need- A&sss Yesuuren synagogue every "iEteraatiQE&l Catholic Truth So- less to add the appeal remains un- evening, except Wednesday, from € to 7 for the selling of Chomett. ciety," and his mouthpiece "The answered, to this very day. EQUALITY is in the forefront Wednesday evening he will l»6 Tablet" is the organ of the Brooklyn diocese and of Bishop Malloy. of the battle against all anti-liber- at the Shaare Zion synagogue, which plot to de- 1652 North Nineteenth. EQUALITY has c o n e eutrated al influences our liberties aad overthrow on Coughlin because he is the re- stroy government. The magazine is cognized leader of the F a s cist our Qrche&tra in Egypt doing a splendid job in exposing movement in the United States, the true enemies of the American openly advocating revolution, af- people. Cairo (JTA) — Felix Wein» more funds it could ter the Franco way. But it does do evenWith gartner, noted Swiss conductor, a better job. It should not stop here. It holds up to scorn at least a million subscribers arrived here by airplane to con* and bitterly excoriates ell who en- have would, if the friends of liber- duct the Palestine Symphony ordanger our freedom and who con- and ty would become missionaries in chestra on its second Egyptian stitute a threat to our liberties. behalf. It is my hope that they tour of the season. The five con* Since Martin Dies is dominant its certs, three in Cairo and two in amongst the latter, EQUALITY will. AJexanddrla, were sold out for A subscription to EQUALITY Is has rendered the country a service by devoting many pages to an investment in true American- 10 days. this congressman, and to his subversive activities. The December (1939) issue contains a splendid editorial statement on "Dies versus Democracy" in w h i c h the methods and objectives of this gentleman and of bis committee are exposed and severely criticized. The January (1940) number contains an exceedingly illuminating contribution on the subject of "The Strange Friends of Congressman Dies." It links Dies with the leading anti-Semites and FasI ZA Z^ cist leaders in the United States, Including Coughlin and his Chris- H A W MEAL-FARFEl • CAKE MEAL • WHOLE WHEAT MATZO • £66 MATZOI tian Front. If a man can be judgBishop of Detroit, aad the hierarchy can permit such crude and unscrupulous misue of the Church is indeed a mystery !

By DR. THEODORE H. LEWIS EQUALITY, 5iS FIFXH A¥E. cause the Front to vanish literal(Dedicated to the iwecioiss neiii- ly into thin air, to tfeke some &corjr of n»y tseloved mother, who tioa. The open letter w&s a bold pMsed away IrrMay, March SO, challenge to the Cbristlaaity and to the moral conscience of the 1940.) EQUALITY is one of the lead- Archbishop. ing monthlies ia the magastiae Since this prince of the Church field agalast Coughlin, Fascism silence, the November and anti-liberal t e n d encies. Its preferred issue vigorously c i i t i cised him blows are deadly, and its program again in an article Key. John sound and - r e a l i s t i c . Because Paul Jones eatltled by "The SHepce EQUALITY ia utterly fearless it is of Spellman." Though recognized aa a most d o u g hty thisArchbishop article too ignored, the champion of freedom and a most ice was broken. was EQUALITY has potent enemy of Coughlialsm. succeeded iu making the country Its policy and method are radi- lonscious that the Church can not cally different from that which jscape responsibility for Coughhold Jewish groups in bondage ilnism, and that its silence is tanand In terror. EQUALITY is not tamount to endorsement, which a afraid to tight in the open, bold- !ew Bishops have actually given. ly and aggressively, and without EQUALITY Is to be congratuthat enervating r e a p eetaWlity lated assailing Coughlin where which renders the victim of the he is for most vulnerable, his priestly attack not only r i d 1 culous but office and for the emphasis it has shockingly futile. Every issue of given to the inescapable responsithe magazine challenges the hyp- bility of Ms superiors. The most ocritical priest and his associates certain way to destroy this crim'-in'evil. Its style is lively and at- inal deceiver Is by pressing the tractive. And because the editors Church authorities to deal with never equivocate or prove evasive him. And they can put Coughlin hare they, scored so heavily. out of the reach of a microphone The principal objective, the an- in no time, it they were BO innihilation of Coughlin and Fas- :lined. cism is never lost sight of. Every The leading article in the Febissue carries a vigorous onslaught ruary (1940) number is strikingagainst Coughlin and his stooges, ly entitled "Father C o u g h l i n and against their diabolical proHe Lies." The word "lies" * gram. Every issue is a ruthless Knows is particularly to my liking, beexpose* of some phase of the ma- cause is short and concise and chination of this arch-enemy of beyondit m u n derstanding. No democracy and unprincipled ro- honest manl swould permit this acgue, hiding In a priest's garb. cusation to stand. The e d i t o r s Important Fact build up such a damaging case This last fact, his priesthood, is relative to Coughlin's leadership exceedingly 1 m portant, the one and direction and responsibility which accounts for the toleration for the seventeen h o o d l u m s by the American public, the one caught in the "Christian Front" about which many are squeamish conspiracy that he simply cannot and h e s i t a n t to touch upon. take action against them and the EQUALITY, however, never fails publication. His guilt is firmly esto emphasize the fact that Cough- tablished. Hn is a priest and that his superThe March (1940) issue deals iors are therefore responsible for with Coughlin's e x p loitation of hia treacherous and base activi- the Catholic religion and its folties. The editors of the magazine lowers and the Church itself for justly feel that, instead of giving his anti-Semitic activities. It is an him immunity, his p r I e st hood exhaustive and factual analysis of places upon him additional re- the way Coughlin uses the Cathsponsibility, to be t r u thf ul and olic Church to further his antifair. Their frankness about the and treasonable a i m s , priest-rogue is beginning to irri- Semitic to the extent of r a i sing tate and disturb the leaders of the even money on the promise of saying Church, which is a good omen. Mass for dead relatives. How the An examination of the last six isaues will give a better idea of Its purpose and contents t h a n - lengthy description. The October, 13c Ib. (1939) number is the first bold instance of calling the hierarchy LEGHORN to task for Us s i l e n c e in the 16c ib. tCoughlin conspiracy. "An Open Letter to Archbishop Spoilman" Stags .. 15c Ib. dwells on the r e I a t ionshlp between the Christian Front, CoughLive Carp. . . . .8c up lin and the Catholic Church. The article serves a two fold purpose, tt exposes the chicanery and the Metropolitan . TI c 1 o u s anti-Semitism of the Produce C®. Front, mentioning n a m e s and stating facts. Secondly, it chal1301 N. 24 WE 4737 lenges the head of the Church in New York, who by one word can

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Friday, April 12, 1940


Sisterhood during their annual rummage sale. Chapter No. 7 held a business meeting Tuesday, April 2, at tbe UORRIE ADLER home of Leo Meyerson. The reIt looks like there will be cent A. Z. A. Sabbath wag displenty of action soon on Sunday mornings as managers of six teams met last week to discuss plans for the league at the Center. Tbe teams who had representatives were the two A. Z. A. chapters, A. P. T., S. A. M. Eari Siegals team and Jake Adlers team who managed the league leading Breslow Auto Glass last year.

,C* Sports


cussed. Next meeting will be held April 17.

Hitler as Sadist

Ya'kub ben Yusuf ibn Killis (930-980) was visir to AI-'Atii, Caliph of Egypt, and later governor of Jerusalem.

Paris (JTA)—The Sorlot Publishing House announced t h e forthcoming publication of an anti-Nail book, "Hitler and the Marquis de Sade," by Dr. Wolf-

gang von Weisl, well-known Jour* naliet and author. The book establishes the psychological similarity between the Nazi Fuehrer and tht Marquis, from whom love of cruelty, sadism, derived its name.


All six teams will be stronger this year with new additions to all teams and plenty of (feffer) can be expected by all the teams. Next week all the managers will meet again to discuss final plans. In the Junior handball tournament those who entered the second round of play are Melvin Levin, Nathan Meiches, Iz Siegal, Bob Fromkin, Lou Slutsky a n d Stan Feltman. Some of these youngsters play a fine game and with experience will become naturals. The Center has obtained Miss Florence Jacobs, experienced and well trained Masseuse for the Women's Health club. Anyone wishing to get.in touch with Miss Jacobs call the Center.

FREE at your grocer's with every two pounds of

Two of our young boys started off the tennis season with smashIng victories as Bobby Fromkin, Central ace, won his first match easily, and Ben Miller, Tech High star, downed his first opponent without getting a sweat up. These two youngsters are performing like veterans and much is expected of them in the future.

you buy for Passover!

Council Bluffs HADA8SAH The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassan will conduct a rummage sale April 15, 16, and 17, at 1015 W. Broadway. Anyone with bundles is asked to call Mrs. C. Salzman, chairman of the committee in charge, or Mm. E. Yudelson. Members of the committee include b e sides Mrs. Yudelson: Mesdames M. Y u d elson, Samuel Gillnsky, R. Gordon, li. Frankel, J. M o B c o v i t z , J. Schart, and S. Suvalsky. DEBATE CHAMPIONS Bob Passer and Yale Gotsdiner are members of the Thomas Jefferson High School Debate team which attended the Iowa Forensic tournament at Iowa City March 28, 29, and 30. The, Thomas Jefferson team won second place in the State meet. Fourteen schools participated in the tournament. Each school had won the right of participation in the State tourney by virtue of placing in the district Tournament. Thomas Jefferson won first in the district meet. - -• Passer and Gotsdiner will journey to Terre Haute, Indiana, for the National Forensic T o u r n a ment within the next six weeks. HADAS8AH MNEN SHOWER The annual H a d a a sah linen ; shower will he held on April 17 at the K. C. Hall. A dessert luncheon will be followed by- a card party. Members are to make ujv their own tables. Cash donations to the l i n e n fund will be appreciated. The committee in charge includes: Mrs. H. M a y e r o w l t z , chairman; Mmes. G. Gershnn, M. Shostafc, L. London, S. Meyerson, B. Abrahamson, Phil Saks, and B. Passer.

It's just the HAGADAH you want for Pawover—nicely printed, richly illustrated, with English translation, and an introduction describing how to conduct the Sedarim! This beautiful Hagadah is distributed free by MAX. WELL HOUSE, the original Fessachidge coffee. Your grocer will give you FItEE one Hagadah with every pur. chase of two one-pound cans or one two-pound can of MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE. It is the same Hagadah from which the wonderful story of "Yetzeyas Milzrayim." has been read for many years in Jewish homes. But the Pessachdige M A X W E L L HOUSE COFFEE which you'll enjoy this Passover, is wonderfully smoother, richer, more delicious and even jnore satisfying than ever before!

Brass, Bronso, Aluminum, Soft. Gray Iron and Semi* Steel Castings, Wood aad Metal Patterns, and, Saofe Weights carried fn stock. Bronze -and Cast Iross Grilles a Specialty. 27th and fHarths

And because MAXWELL HOUSE comes to you, as always, in the same, familiar, blue super-vacuum can which keeps it ROASTER-FRESH, you can order as many cans of MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE as you need to get FREE Hagadahs for your entire family! But hurry— the supply of Hagadahs is limited! Order your MAXWELL HOUSE for Passover RIGHT NOW! You'll have a new thrill in coffee pleasure, when you drink it black at the Sedarim . . . or with milk or cream at the milchige meals during the holiday! As in previous years, MAXWELL HOUSE is Kosher for Psjsovtr as certified by Rabbi Hersch Kohn of New York.

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Look for this label on every can of Maxwell House Coffee


A. Z. A. Members of A. Z. A.'s social e e r v i c e committee, headed by Chairman Vernon Fitch, will collect rummage from C o u n c i1l Bluffs' Jewry, Sunday morning . The rummage will be sold by jnembers< of the Talmud Torah

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The famous MAXWELL HOUSE blend, always preferred by Jewish housewives, has been vastly enriched with rare, highland grown coffees. And these superb coffees are roasted by a new process — Radiant Roast-—which roasts each coffee-bean E V E N L Y ALL THE WAY THROUGH. No chance of weak coffee due to under* roasting . . . or bitter coffee due to over-roasting. You get all the TRUE flavor and richness of this superb coffee for Oneg Pessach from every cup!

The Favorite Coffee m the Jewish Home! 2 SPECIAL GRINDS! DRIP Grind for <svery method of making drip coffee. REGULAR Grind for percolator or boiled coffee. Ao certified by Rabbi Hcrsch Kobn of Now York. ; . ; KOSHER FOR PASSOVER

Page 6

Ladies' Free Loan The drawing sponsored by the Ladies' Free Loan was held &t the April meeting. A sagar aad creamer set was donated-by Mrs. S. Riekes and an electric' casserole by the Nebraska Po^er Co. Mrs. William Byron, chairman of the drawing committee, extended her thanks to all members of the organization for making the drawing a success. Special appreciation was given her committee. A board meeting of the organization will be held at the Mogil home, 2012 North Twenty-second street, on Monday at 2 p. m.


New York City first class or f 100 in cash as the first award, and a round trip ticket, tourist class, to New York City or $50 in cash By INEZ L. RAZ^JICK as the second award. Hadassah is concerning herself Gift Fund Contributions with the welfare of the mother The following contributions to and child of today in order that she might b u i l d strong and the Hadassah Gift Fund were anhealthy generations for tomorrow. nounced by the chairman, Mr3. It is this meticulous concern M. V. Leveason: Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Friedman in Which has given Palestine Ii e r healthy workers on the soil of honor of the engagement of their Eretz Yisroel and ensures t h e daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Harry Alt' Jewish women of America that Bhuler. The Monday Sewing Group in Warns Not to Blame under Hadassah auspices they are memory of Mrs. Rebecca Snader, doing everything possible to build Churches for Haters mother of Mrs. Julius Newman. a homeland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reuben in New York (JTA ) — Dr. Louis So many mothers are being guided by Hadassah doctors and memory of Mrs. Rebecca Snader. Finkelstein, provost of the Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jacobs Theological S e m i n a r y , warns nurses and they are so very willing to follow.instructions that be- planted a tree to commemorate against holding the Catholic and cause of this, the rate of fatality their 12th wedding anniversary. Protestant churches r e s p onsible The Tuesday Afternoon club to for anti-Semitic groups, in an edat delivery among Jewish mothers under Hadassah care has been honor the visit of Mr. and Mrs. torial published in the Rabbinical Assembly Bulletin. reduced to 1.9 out of 1,000 cages Morria Fox in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Harry DuBoff In Jews have suffered so much - - - one of the lowest records in the world. In the United States memory of Jimmy, son of Mr. and rom the tendency to hold a community responsible for the derewith all its modern hospitals, the Mrs. Leo Krasne. Dues ictlons of a few individuals that maternity death rate is 5.3 per Mrs. B. A. Simon urges a 100 hey are hardly likely to fall into 1,000. When" children are old enough per cent paid-up membership. She he same error themselves. Dr. to enter kindergarten, Hadassah is working very hard and doing Finkelstein states. "Undoubtedly the l e a d e r s of supervises their health and con- her Utmost to see that every memtinues to do so all through the ber will be recorded in the Year he Catholic Church, as well as school years. In school the child book but co-operation Is needed he various I'rotestant denominareceives a daily hot meal, learns and those "wishing to pay imme- ions, are deeply d i s t r essed by how to cook, serve and all about diately should be sure to bring hese recent d e v e 1 opments (of food values and balanced d i e t their membership dues with them anti-Semitism). U n d e r the cirt h r o.u g h Hadassah's extensive to the next meeting on Thursday, cumstances, it is manifestly unschool luncheon service. Over 7,- April 18, or to call Mrs. Simon, air to make this an occasion for GL 1028, and she will Bee that an attack on these great religious 600 are fed daily. organizations." The Child Welfare program in it is picked up. Omaha is divided u n d e r two heads, the Infant Welfare group, with Mrs. Louis Alberts and Mrs. Aaron Rips, and the S c h o o l Luncheon fund, with Mrs. Julius Newman and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein. Next Meeting The next meeting of Hadassah Is to be held on Thursday, April 18, at the Jewish Community Center with Mrs. Irvin Stein presiding. Mrs. Hyman Belman will sing several solos accompanied by Margaret Hurwltz Finkel. Mrs. Morris Franklin will speak, on Hadassah projects pertaining particularly to Child Welfare. A double raffle is to be held and all those possessing tickets must bring them to redeem the prizes of either a |25 Mah Jongg set or a choice of a round trip ticket to

Lord Samuel Sees Legal Settlement

News. The" cable protested agftinrt the ordinance.

To Ship M&tzoth

(JTA) —Newly returnLondon (JTA) — The Agud&th ed from a tosr of the E a s t era Israel that it. is arMediterranean,' Viscount Samuel, rangingannounced to ship 10,060 of Liberal peer and foraier. Palestine matKOth to Poland from parcels Hungary, High Commissioner declared in a Rumania and Lithuania. British radio broacast teat there was "veleaders, h e a d e d by hement opposition" in Palestine rabbinical Chief Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz, apto the land-sale restrictions, but pealed to British Jewry to prothe problem would probably be matzoth for refugees in eastsettled by "constitutional means vide as the Jews will be the last to em- ern European countries. barrass the British Empire in its struggle." JOHN FELDMAN'S The Palestine censor stopped a Location for Matzoth MCI cable dispatched by the two chief Passover Supplies rabbis of Palestine to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain shortly 2S2© CHAHLES ST. after issuance of the ordinance restricting land purchase by Jews, AT S©57 it was revealed by the Reynolds

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April 12, IS40

Sigma Alpha Mu

assisted by Bettye Soref and Juiit Fishbain. Miss Sussmaa lias appointed Helen Greenberg as door prize chairman and Ruth Falk as ticket chairman. R u t h Falk's committee includes: Phyllis Sijatoa, S e l m a Sebolniek, Bea Sommers; P e a r l Friedman, Marie Adler, Bess Lefitz, Frances Ofcoff, Elaine Frank, Ann Rosen and Frances Blacker. Tickets are BOW on sale and may be purchased from any Junior Hadassah member. A slate was presented by Ruth Friedman, chairman of the nominating committee. The electioa will be held at the next meeting, Monday, May 6.

A, Z- A, 100

At its meeting Monday night A. Lincoln (Special) — A strong Sigma Alpha Mu handball team Z. A. 100 decided to sponsor a swept into the semi-finals of the dance at the Music Box on Msy intramural handball tournament 15. Funds raised at this affair this week bent on defending their •will go to the " J e r r y Saiur present championship and win- Fund." Jerry Safar is a member ning the tenth intramural cham- of A. Z. A. who ha.s been stricken pionship in handball in the 13 with tni&ntlle paralysis and all JOSLYN MEMORIAL PRESS-TUCHMAN years the chapter has been on the chapters in the country are raisAt 2:30 on Sunday in the Con- campus! The team composed of ing laoaey for bis aid. At a ceremony perfomed Sunday, April 7, at the Birchwoo'd cert Hall of the Joslyn Memorial, Irvin Yaffe, Omaha; R o l a n d to the dance will be Club, Miss Bettye T u c h m a n , the Doane College A C a p e l l a Lewis, Omaha; A a r o n Kinkel- 80 Admission cents for non-oieinbers. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Choir and Madigral Singers will stein, Lincoln, and Norman BorA report of the convention comTuchman, became the bride of present a concert under the direc- dy, Omaha, has defeated three of Mr. Fred Press of Des Moines, la. tion of Charles I. Sager. Also at the strongest handball contenders mittees showed that the District Rabbi David A. Goldstein of- 2:30 in the Lecture Hall three on the campus. They are Delta 6 convention staged In Omaha last March was a success both sosound films will be shown. • delated at the ceremony. Upsilon, Phi Delta Theta a n d cially and financially with about Dr. Bryan 8. Staffer will speak Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The bride's gown was of white 225 boys from this district ensatin with a long train. Her fin- at 3:30 in the Lecture Hall on The cultural class met Monday In other intramural competi- tering the tournament and both "The Foundations of Democracy". gertip veil was caught at her head before the regular meeting. It tion the house team lost a very Omaha chapters netting about •by a Juliet cap of seed pearls. She A 4 o'clock organ recital will be close game to the Zeta Beta Tau 1160. will meet again on Monday, April carried a bouquet of white roses. given by Miss Esther Leaf. Assist- bowling team. 15, at 7:30 at the Jewish Commupractice for the A. Z. nity Center. Matron of honor was Mrs. Har- ing her will be Rose Dunder, ColLast week-end 43 school sen- A. Softball oratura Soprano, Margaret Lind100 team has started and pracold Tuchman, sister-in-law of the iors were the guests of the Nebride. Brjdesmads were Miss Hel- gren, accompanist, and Don Hart- braska chapter of Sigma Alpha tice is scheduled for every SunBritish Fascist Jailed / '. Mu at a three-day house party day morning at 10 o'clock at 20th ena Feinberg and Miss Elizabeth man, Flutist. London (JTA) — A Fascist and Burdette. At 4:30 a program will be givRadtnan. designed to introduce the gradeditor, Alexander Raven ThompAttending the. groom as b e s t en in the Lecture Hall by Eliza- uates to college life and to inson, was sentenced to a 25-pound man was the bride's brother, Mr. beth Hansen, pianist; L a i n y s troduce the men in the house to fine or BIX weeks' imprisonment Dawson, Soprano; fc n d Suzanne Harold Tuchman. tha guests. for using insulting anti-Semitic More than two hundred guests Thornell and Betty Mae Nelson, .Military promotions made last A regular meeting of Junior language in addressing, a street attended the dinner which follow- violinists. week found several Sigma Alpha Hadassah was held on Monday, meeting in Finsbury Square. ed the ceremony. Members of the Mu men numbered among those April 8, at the Jewish Community .Varieties club served as hostesses. Z. B. T. MOTHER'S CLUB promoted. Those receiving pro- Center. The evening's program The Z. B. T. Mother's Club will Following a brief honeymoon motions were: Melvin Tannen- was under the direction of Helen the couple will r e s i d e in Des meet at 1 o'clock on Thursday, baum, Omaha, second lieutenant; Whitebook. Rabbi David H. Wice MARGARET HURWITZ Moines. , ' April 18, at the home of Mrs. Paul Crounse, Omaha, first ser- spoke on the History of the Jews, FINKEL Harry Malashock, 5208 Farnam. geant; Stanley Mayper, Omaha, and Shreda Osoff read an article corporal; Bob Cohen, Sioux City, from "HadaBsah Newsletter." TO RECEIVE corporal; Ben Novicoff, Lincoln, Piano Studio — Classical Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein will TEMPLE SUPPER CLUB Reports were given by: Edythe The Temple Israel Supper Club sergeant; Joe Raznick, Omaha, Whltebdok, Jewish National Fund receive Sunday evening from 8 to and Popular Music 10 at the Jewish Community Cen- will meet Monday evening at 7 sergeant, and Harvey Wine, Oma- chairman; Shreda Osoff, Treeha, corporal. ter in honor of Miss Ida Epstein o'clock. Planting chairman, and Mary ArSummer Classes Being and Mr. Yale Halperin, Melvin Tannenbaum was last bltman, advertising c h a i r man Formed Now week appointed to the city swim- Helen Whitebook, who had sub Friends and relatives are invitming board of the Lincoln Y. M. stituted at the Round Table meet ed to attend. 811 No. 34th St. C, A. In this position Melvin The Omaha Section of the Na- helps plan .all instructional and ing, reported on the session. WE 5288 Alyce Sussman, chairman of ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH tional Council of Jewish Juniors Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rasinsky an- will hold Its business meeting other swimming activity for the the card party which Junior Hadassah is giving May 8, will be nounce the Bar Mittvah of their Sunday, January 14, at the Jew- city of Lincoln. von, Allan, on Saturday morning, ish Community Center. April 20, at the Congregation of The nominating committee will Israel, South Omaha. present the slate of officers for The Book Review group of the All friends are invited to the the coming year. Council of Jewish Women will synagogue. A board meeting was held Wed- meet Tuesday at 1 o'clock at the nesday and a number of interest- home of Mrs. Howard Milder., CORENMAN8 HAVE GUESTS ing activities were planned. "Europe to Let" is the book to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel CorenMembers are still requested to be reviewed. man have as a guest their daugh- bring old clothes for immigrants SEE ter, Mrs. Leon K r a f t • of Los on Ellis Island. Council members are asked to Angeles. Mrs. Kraft is the former save bundles for the rummage Sue Corenman. sale which will be held the first Expected next week are their week In May. daughters, Mrs. B. L. Kushner A regular business meeting of and Miss Dorothy Corenman, and Temple -Sisterhood their Bon, Aaron, all of Oakland. Theta Lambda was held Tuesday The final class on Jewish Hisat the home of Ruth Miller with They intend to remain over the tory sponsored by the Temple IsVickie Ler'ner presiding. Passover holiday. Committee reports were given, rael Sisterhood will be held 'on by the constitutional, social and April 14 at 12:45 at the Black•TO PITTSBURGH AT 65Q0 902-03 City Natl. Bank Bldg. publication committees. The mem- stone Hotel. Mrs. Nathan Kaplan and daugh- bers of the constitutional commitRabbi David H. Wice conducts ter, Phyllis Mae left M o n d a y , tee, Bess Grunger, Bess Lefitz and the class, ' April 8, for Pittsburgh, Pa., where Helen Fogel, read a revised copy they will visit with Mrs. Kaplan's of the Constitution. brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and The social committee, Lilian Mrs. Frank Larmon. They will Weiner, Marian Wolpa, Evelyn also spend time in Chicago and Waldman, are planning a social Cincinnati. Dr. Larmon is a for- meeting to be held at the home mer Omahan. of Helen Minkin, May 7. The publication committee, H e l e n S. A. M. MOTHER'S CLUB Minkin; Ruth Miller, Bess Lefitz The S- A. M. Mother's club will and Sylvia Baum, reported that meet at a 1 o'clock. luncheon the next edition of the T. L. Tuesday, April 16, at the Regis, Teller will be issued at the next Hostesses will be Mrs. H a r r y meeting. NystrOm and Mrs. Milton Mayper. The members of the sorority voted to pledge to the. Philanthropies Campaign. Plans were FROM MADISON Mm. Herman'Wigonitz of Madi- discussed for a drawing with Bess "son, Wls., and'daughter, Nancy, G r u n g e r a c t i n g a s t i c k e t c h a i r have beec the guest of her par- m a n . '•• ••'•. ,, . • •; • •••••• .f ents/ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shapiro. Mr. Wigonitz will arrive Sunday and his family will return home with him at the end of the week. During her stay Mrs. Wigonitz Collections of Unique has been extensively entertained.

Junior Hadassah


; — ' •




Junior Council



Theta Lambda

ret Co.


ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH - Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Winer announce the Bar Mitzvah of •their son, Herbert Jerome, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the B'nai Israel synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets. Mr. and Mrs. Winer will receive on Sunday at their home from 2:30 to 5:30 in honor of their son. Friends and relatives are invited. . No invitatfons have been Issued;

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No Cove?




ill Hi

Page 4


Friday, April 12, 1 6 4 9

I decent. In a world of storm and stress, one could always point to the Scandiaaviaa countries as tfae fhiEing light of careful social tdvancemect. UnPul.lis.bei Every Friday der the leadership of Norway, the "Oslo" catioEs L Hebr. (which include other small countries besides those By Dr. FLilij* Sksr of Scandinavia) attempted to forestall the outSUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Ofte Vtar break of the war aiid bring about a permanent Aflvertisir.a H.tfcs FarssisiiMi ca BIBM2 settlement for peace. Strengthen ye the weak hands EDITORIAL OFFICE: 655 Brar>eE£ia Theater g Until peace finally comes, the world faces dark and m a k e firm the tottering " 8I0UX CITY OFFICE—Jev.ts.il Community Cer.tsr PRINT SHOP ADDRESS-4&S4 S c fctth Stiett days, indeed, because it is impossible to know knees. Say 'to them that are of a fearful heart: "Be strong; fear where the next blow will be struck. A heavy cloud not." DAV4D BLACKER—Busieess End Managing Editor hangs low over all Europe. And everylasting joy shall be JOB: Within a very short time LEONARD NATHAN Editor upon their heads; they shall ob- there'll be a brand new job open RABBI THEODORE N. LEWI3 - Book Editor tain gladne&a and joy and sorrow at the ZOA . The job of execuSociety Editor and sighing shall flee away. FRANCES BLACKER live director There's plenty Behold for my peace I had MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City Correspondent For at least a quarter century Dr. Cyrus Adle of speculation in Zionist circles as great bitterness, but Thou hast AH Zionist has been the most distinguished figure in American delivered my soul from the pit of to who will fill it offices, by the w a y , will have Jewish religious life. For the past half century, corruption. moved to new quarters from 111 The living shall praise Thee, as Fifth avenue by May 1 . . . They'll he has been devoting his entire energies to Juda Almost a week has gone by since the Jewish ism and his very presence has enriched the life of I do this day; the fathers shall be housed in the Liggett Building make known Thy truth to the on Forty-second street and MadiPhilanthropies Campaign got under way, and it is each Jew beyocd measure. His death on Sunday children. son avenue . . . evident that the energetic leadership of the Omaha created a void that perhaps can never be filled TALMUD drive will not be content until the full quota is Our Rabbis were taught (Deut. for Dr. Adler's role was unique. LITERATURE: East Broadway reached. And there is no reason why $104,500 Like so many leading Jews of the past genera- 15:16); Because he (the servant) and Second avenue are still agog with thee (the employer). This cannot be raised in Omaha. It is not too much to tion, he came of a southern family temporarily means that thou shalt not eat over that bookshop tiff between ask a people to help those who are the victims of impoverished by the Civil War. He had the ad- white bread, while thy servant S h o l e m (Nazarene) Asch and Chaim Liebermann, Forward book one dreadful disaster after another. vantage of distinguished family connections and eats black bread, that thou shalt critic who said m a n y unkind . ••• Each year's Philanthropies campaign is a chalnot drink old wine while thy. servan extremely cultured background. ant drinks fresh wine, that thou things about the Asch best-selling lenge to the generosity of Omaha Jewry; it is a To chronicle Dr. Adler's activities is to write shalt not sleep upon cushions opus . . . challenge to their very sympathy. But this year a history of American Judaism. He participated while thy servant sleeps on straw. FARMER: Among the year's it is more than sympathy that is being asked, more in the founding of the Jewish Theological Semi- From this, remarked our Rabbis, most interesting visitors to thes« than generosity. It is sacrifice, for overwhelming we may infer that whoever buys nary and these last several years has been that a slave, it is as if he were buying shores is Moshe Smilansky, presitragedy has laid a heavy hand upon the Jews of dent of the Palestine Jewish Farm* institution's beloved president. He had also found a master over himself. Europe, ers' Federation Short n time to head Grata College and the Dropsie ColRabbi Chisda lauded the great- s t o c k y , with a wrinkled sun* It is well for those of us who are prone to aslege of cognate learning, both memorials to promi- ness of R. Hamnuna before R. scorched face, he is a splendid exsume our responsibility lightly to consider what Huna. R. Him a said unto R. nent Philadelphia Jews of Colonial times. ample of a farmer-with-a-braii Chisda: "When you get hold of .-bas' been asked of the Jews of Europe merely beHe was active in the organization of the Jew- R. Hamnuna, bring him to me." . . . JNF prexy Israel Goldstein, cause they are, like ourselves, Jews. They have ish Publication Society, the Jewish Historical So- When R. Hamnuna visited him, introducing him at a press lunch* eon the other day, was allitera* been deprived of their rights as human beings; ciety, the American Jewish Committee, the Jewish R. Huna noticed that he did not tively lyrical Describing him they have been systematically impoverished; they Welfare Board, the Union of Sephardic Congrega- wear a marriage cloak. "Why do as a Prince of the Pen and t h e you not wear the marriage cloak? Plow, and a Son of the Soil and have undergone revolutions and war. They have tions, and the American Joint Distribution Com- asked R. Huna. "Because I am no means of making a living and what they have the Soul Also terming him a mittee. He was one of the editors of the Jewish not married yet," came the reply. "fellowrjournalist" of the assemis subject to confiscatory taxation. Families are Encyclopedia and following the last war, attended Whereupon It. Huna turned his bled reporters, Goldstein wondered separated as they seek to begin life anew. From away, saying to him: "Thou the Peace Conference in the Interests of the Jews face the reporters might not shalt not see my face until thou whether day to day, life for European Jew is one horror by the same token consider themof the world. shalt marry." Because R. Huna after another. fellow farmers of SmilanOnly a few months ago he was singularly hon- adheres to his own opinion if one selves sky . . To which Publicity Director We are merely being asked for money. In is 20 years old and does not marored by President Roosevelt who named him a Zev Splegeltnan piped p p up: times like these and under such circumstances, ry, he will spend his days in William "Wh t i ll 1 i consultant in religious matters. "Why not, mir alle g e n iin hinking of vanity. there is very little money can do. It cannot redrerd!" . . . Dr. Adler's influence was far-reaching and proRabbi Juda said: "Anyone who store the past that has been snatched away; it found: American Jewish culture could never have does not teach his child an occuSCHOLAR: An unimpeachable cannot wipe away the nightmare of Hitlerism. But advanced to the extent it did without the interest pation so he shall be able to sup- source informs us that Prof. Entbat money can be converted into food: it can be and encouragement of Dr. Adler. His monument port himself when he grows up rico Fermi, Nobel Prize physicist converted into life. It can bring hope for a new is just as if he were instructing whose wife is Jewish, has submitis the kind that nothing destroy, a monument to him in burglary." ted his resignation to the Royal future. the continued well-being and cultural development Rabbi Runa was careful not to Academy of Science, highest scienOne may almost consider it a disgrace that any of an entire people. walk tour yards bareheaded. "For tific body in Italy . . . Fermi, who urging is necessary; that every Jew in Omaha does said he, "the Shechina is above some.time ago denied he had left not feel the respbnslbillty to contribute to the Jewmy head, and how can I walk Italy became of racial reasons, will also deny that Italy's racial bareheaded?" ish Philanthropies and contribute generously withlegislation had anything to do out urging. There is not one among us who was You may look over all the Jewish organizations with his resignation . . . In his not a refugee himself or the child of refugees. in existence and it is doubtful if one will reveal letter, Fermi told the Academy that he was so taken up with othThere is not one among us who does not know the name of Jules Bache as an active member. You Religious Services er matters that he no longer had first-hand or through family story, the horrors of may search the records of American Jewish history 'time to devote to affairs of the lite in lands where intolerance is a holy shrine. and it is doubtful if a page will chronicle his acAcademy, appointment to which Candle-lighting: 0:20 i Giving to the Jewish Philanthropies is a priv- tivities. His fame is that of a financier and art is for life . . . The Academy has refused to accept his resignation Temple ilege permitted only few Jews these days. Only connoisseur. Few people, except perhaps General . . . Fermi is now on the faculty Rabbi Phineas Smoller of JopWe in America are in a position to assume respon- Johnson, think of him as a Jew. When his grandlin, Mo., will occupy the pulpit of of Columbia U. . . . daughter was married, to General Pershlng's son, sibilities. It is not for us to be indifferent at this Temple Israel this evening. time, nor smug in our safety. It is only money for the ceremony took place In an Episcopalian church, Saturday m o rnlng services at QUESTION: Wonder why the he Temple start at 11 o'clock. which we are being asked, and the Jews of Ger- not a Jewish synagogue. radical-to-be in t h a t pre-natal scene in "The Blue Bird" had to Yet when Bache goes to Canada and declares many, Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, Finland, Poland, be so ostentatiously named ZimBeth E! Italy. Hungary can tell you how small a sacrifice he is not neutral and firmly believes the United merman? . . . This evening at services Rabbi States should enter the present conflict to help that really is. David A. Goldstein will speak on beat Hitler, columnist Hugh Johnson gives the "The Religious Basis of PhilanCHARACTERIZATION: Soandso is the son of guy who, if he Jews a lecture on their obligations and behavior :hropy." weren't a Jew, would be an antiNext Week while the war lasts. Semite . . . ,:"'„. Next Friday e v e n i n g Rabbi ' To Hitler the Scandinavians have always been We are quite sure; no one bothers to consider DEBATE: Our London operathe "super-Aryans," even more blonde and blue- the fact General Johnson is an Oklahoman when Goldstein will deliver a Pre-Pass- tor sends in the following delayed >ver sermon, "The Meaning of eyed than his own precious Germans. But evi- he goes off half-cocked. No one considers it nec- Freedom/' report on the Palestine land act debate in Commons: Sir Arthur dently super-Aryans are not immune from Nazi essary to give Ohlahomans lectures on how they Wauchope, former Palestine High conquest. The northern countries show they had should guard their tongues merely because one of Orthodox Commissioner, was an Interested, . good reason to ignore the blandishments of "der their number daily faces the formidable task of This evening at services Rabbi spectator during the first part of Isaiah Racbovsky will speak on the debates. He sat in the front Fuehrer." saying something wise and bombastic in a news- "Fads, Freedom and Youth." To- row of the distinguished visitors' Where the long-awaited war would actually paper column. morrow morning the ,rabbi will frallery, directly; facing the speakbegin has been a puzzler for arm-chair commentaWhat Jules Bache said in Canada reflects Jules also speak at the Congregation er, and with one elbow propped tors all winter. The strong fortifications on the Eache's opinion. Nor is it anyone's place to take B'nai Israel. on the railing leaned forward inAt the children's service Sat- tently following every word . . . western front precluded any possibility of a deci- htm to task at all because he is not, as Cromwell, morning, the following will Behind him, at different times sive fight there. Britain's intensive measures hi a diplomatic representative. He is an individual urday - - - * — • " • - • " -— - , , xjemuu mm, »i uuiereox limes the Near Bast as a precaution to protect her life- with a definite viewpoint, such as General Johnson, ng articlpate: Ben Robinson seven-hour debate, were on "Zionism;" Fanny speakWolf during Moshe the Shertok, Prof. Selig Brontr nn '"7.tnnlam•" Events;" T T n n n vHerbert W o l f - «•__... . ... . », „ . . ' — . line assured peace in that region unless Russia and intends to exercise his perogative as an Amer- son, "Current detsky, ~Leo Hermann, A. Lin ton White, "Portion of the Week," and others of the Jewish Agency began a southward offensive. ican. * . •: •; , •• •••.;.. .' . •-. ' •', '• and Jerome Zwengel and L o o n . •. •. The galleries, anyhow, were It was therefore logical to assume the drive General Johnson's column on the subject was Wintroub at the Torah. solidly pro-Jewish . . . Col. Wedg,would come through Switzerland or the NetherSunday morning services will good belles his age at every depublished, we are sure, without malice. But it lands—and even Scandinavia. The Netherlands reveals a muddled thinking, a lack of conviction. be held at 9 o'clock at the Con- bate . . . Most people who heard gregation B'nai Israel. were well-prepared and Switzerland's position was him in this one—including MalIt is time that the world cease holding fifteen milThe Hebrew Study group will colm MacDonald, won't forget the such as to make any offensive through its Alpine lion Jews responsible for the utterance of one. It meet Tuesday evening in the rab- experience soon . . . At least one passes considerably dangerous. It has therefore of his comments got under the is time that the world cease utilizing the ill-advised i'a study. become the sorry lot of the northern countries to The Talmud Study group will skin of the Colonial Secretary -— behavior of one to sermonize to all. meet Wednesday evening at the his reference to the effect of the be used as the first battle-ground of the Second .For General Johnson to give voice to.such sen- Beth Hamedrosh.Hagodel. debate on Lord Haw Haw of HamWorld War — a war now actually becoming worldburg. Ex-W a r Minister Leslie timents amazes us, for wo have considered him, wide in scope. Hore-Belisha, whose abstention with the omniscience of a columnist at his comVan Vrieoland Park from voting in the previous,deThe Scandinavian countries are shining ex- mand, to be capable of greater intellectual enamples of what human beings can do if they choose deavor. . Tel Aviv (JTA) — The 'first bates on Palestine resulted in a tree3 of a four-acre Van Vriesland minor flurry, wasn't in the House to develop their resources with intelligence. None Park, in memory of Siegfried van at all for this debate . . . Of these nations have been aggressive or covetous. Vrlesland, general manager .of To cope with their problems they have organized INVENTION: T h r e e Jewish the Tel Aviv port and of the ^Palestine Potash company, who'Slied doctors of the Mt. Sinai hospital O progressive social and economic system. All the 5700—1940 December 4, 1939, wero planted staff have discovered a drug that Scandinavian countries have small Jewish comby tho American ZIon Common- will cure diffuse scleroderma, dii» munities and In none has there'been any such First Day of Pesach ................ Tuesday, April 23 wealth in the presence of^Irs. easo that hardens skin and de» thing as ft Jewish problem. Of M e Nazis In each *Rosh Chodesh lyar Thursday May 9 van Vrlesland, friends and mem- stroys the smile, making the ha* face an expressionless mask nation have attempted to stir up trouble but their Las B'Otaer ... ..................... Sunday. May 26 bers of the municipal council man itiop to MM. van Vriesland's de- . . . Now all the doctors need do efforts have been unavailing—until now. • Rosh Chodesh Sivan .................. Friday, Juno 7 arture for the United States. is discover something-'for people, Germany's invasion, whatever Its final out- First Day of Shnbaoth . ............... Wed?, Jane 12 particularly Jews, to smila about , can only mean an end to all this that is co' *Rosh Cboiicsb Taiaraua ............... Sunday, July 7 Patronize Our Advertisers


Gems of the Bible and Talmud

Dr. Cyrus Adler

Only Money

Gen. Johnson and Mr. Bache

t h e War Spreads Northward


Fridmy, April 12, 18X0



Vraternal Day to , Be Marked M a y 1 Omaha Fraternal and Patriotic Day will be observed this year on the af teraooa gad §. v e n ing of Wednesday, May 1. The purpose is to concentrate public attention on the ©Ely two "isms" that have any place in our couctry — Americanism and fraterEalism —• and also to present a sharp contrast to the conditions prevalent o v e r seas, where in many tenters May day is & preferred time for the glorification of communism. Plans now in the making for the Omaha observance include a parade of all fraternal and patriotic societies in the afternoon, disbanding at the City Auditorium. There a patriotic program is to be given, featuring musical selections by a number of organisations.

Community Calendar


Saturday, April 13 Cantor Sam Rubinstein, noted Workmen's Dramatic Club—8 p. m., J. C. C* New York Cantor, will conduct Tan Delta, Dance—9 p. m.., J. C. C. the services this Sabbath at the B'nai Jacob synagogue. TwentySraaeby, April 14 fourth and Nicholas. Youth Division, Rally—10:30 a. m., J. C. C. The service this evening will Junior Council—2:30 p. m., J. C. G. start about 7 and tke service toOmaha Hebrew Club—3 p. m., J. O. C. morrow at about §. Jewish National Worker's Alliance—8 p. m , J. C, C. Rumania Asked to Monday, April 15 Junior Hadassah—8 p. m., J. O. C. list Curbs on Jews B'nai B'ritn—8 p. m., J. 0. C. New York (JTA) — The 30tk Workmen's Loan—8 p. m., J. C. C. •';• annual convection of the United Mutual Loan—8 p. m., J. C. C . ' Rumanian Jews of America this week adopted a resolution urging Tuesday, April 16 the Rumanian Government to reJewish Philanthropies, Report Luncheon—12 noon, J. C. C.establish the rights of disentraa* cbised Jews and alleviate t h e i r Young People's Association—8 p. m., J, C. C, present economic d i s t ress. The Wednesday, April 17 convention pledged continued sup* port to the American Jewish ConWorkmen's Circle No. 173—8 p. m., J. C. C. gress, World J e w i s h Congress, Workmen's Circle Auxiliary No. 173—B p. m., J. &.C. United Jewish Appeal and AmerInternational Workmen's Order—8 p. m., J. C. C. ican ORT Federation.

(Continued from page 1.) of Christ in America) and feel sure that all true men of good faith will, In their several ways, follow your inspired leadership." Dr. Adler, one of the most active workers in defense of civil and political rights f o r Jews throughout the world, was president of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and of Dropsie College in this city. Dr. Adler was associated with a large number of Jewish organizations, the most important being the American J e w i s h Committee, which he served as president. Attended Peace Conference Officers elected are Leo WolfThursday, April 18 son, honorary president; Charles His death came as a sore blow Senior Hadassah—2 p. m., J, O. C. Sonnenreich, president; Abraham to Jews throughout the world, Hirscb, Philadelphia, h o n o rary who recognized in Dr. Adler a Sam Klaver, nominated TuesTo list events and to avoid conflictg please call the Jewish vice-president; Abrham Hirach, valiant fighter for Jewish rights. Max Schonfeld, Samuel K a n ter, In 1919, Dr. Adler accompanied day for the unicameral legisla- Community Center—Jackson 1366. Paul Hays, A. D. Braham, Eph« the late Louis Marshall to t h e ture, expressed deep appreciation raim Brownstein, P h iladelphia; Peace Conference to work for the of the vote he received. "I sincerely appreciate the vote William Lando, Pittsburgh; Irvwelfare of the Jews in the settleChief Rabbi Aids I received and I realize that my ing Sand, Pittsburgh; Leon A. ment. friends, those who believe in the Rumania Defense Blub, S a n Francisco, vice-presi"Unquestionably, the Jews who platform I announced and the dents; Paul Gingold, treasurer; lived in the zone of war," he lat-record I made in the 1939 and Bucharest (JTA) — Chief Rab- Dr. Charles H. Kremer, comptroler said, "suffered greater hard- 1940 sessions of the legislature bi Alexander Safran is donating ler. ships, sustained greater losses and were responsible for the nominahis first month's salary as Chief have been left in a worse econom- tion," Klaver said. Rabbi and as Senator to the RuPatronize Our Advertisers ic condition than any other people manian defense fund, he announc"One of the finest things about of Europe, with the possible ex- the primary campaign was the ed in a letter to Senate President ception of the Armenians." Montevideo (JTA) — A fana- Constantin Aregetoianu, publishand courteous consideration In December, 1932, 84 publish- fair tical Nazi sympathizer and anti- ed in the press. Members of the given me by all the candidates ers and editors of Anglo-Jewish who are in the legislative race. I Semite, Ramon Garcia de Zuniga, Bucharest Great Synagogue gave For Orders of Cooked newspapers, replying to a questo be courteous in return 30, has confessed to bombing the a total of. 6,650,000 lei to the de- Fish, Pastries, H o r s e tionnaire circulated by Seven Arts tried Nazi headquarters here on March fense loan, according to the first Radiah, Borscht and all and to be fair." Feature Syndicate, named Dr. Ad9 in an attempt to arouse public published list of subscriptions. Klaver Bald he would make a ler to the honor roll of "the ten vigorous campaign for election in opinion against Jews and Com- Following the imprisonment of P a s s o v e r necessities l e a d i n g Jews of the United the fall but that it would be car- munists in Uruguay. The bomb Max Ausnit, Jewish-born "steel call States." ried out without bitterness or damaged the b u i l d i n g which and munitions king of Rumania," housed the German Chamber of the authorities b e g a n "liquidaDr. Adler was among the 41 feeling against his opponent. JAckson 2152 American educators and college "I would like to again serve Commerce as well as the Nazi of- tion" of the property of his bropresidents who signed a request the Sixth district and the people fices. Garcia knew the building ther, Edgar, who was recently dewhich was sent to the Amateur of Omaha in the Nebraska uni- well, having attended several Nazi prived of citizenship and is now Athletic Union and to the Ameri- cameral legislature," he said. "I meetings there. in England. It is not yet known can Olympic Committee, urging believe I can be of real service, Gracia, an Argentine, belonged who will be the beneficiary of the that the United States withdraw as in the past, and I will make to the "Revlslonlsmo" A s s ocia- "liquidation" of Edgar Ausnit's from the 1936 Olympic games in my campaign on the same plat- tlon, whose aim is to combat JOWB property, but it is assumed that it Germany.. The statement main- form that I announced during my and Communists. He had offered will bo assigned to social institutained that participation would be primary campaign." 503 Ho. 33rd St. on several occasions to perform tions. a blow at free thought and de- He expressed his gratitude to acts of terrorism or provocation. mocracy. his opponents in the primary race He admitted having manufactured Patronize Our Advertisers He was born in Van Buren, for the consideration shown him. tho bomb he set at the entrance to the German building. Garcia Ark., on September 13, 1863, the is an ardent admirer of Chancelson of Samuel and Sarah Sulzlor Adolf Hitler and P r e m i e r berger Adler. While still a child, More Refugees Mussolini. During a recent he came to New York and later Go to Palestine Benito carnival he masqueraded as a went to Philadelphia. He was graduated from the University of London (JTA) — A party of Jew leading a chained cowboy. Pennsylvania in 1883 with an A. eight refugee young persons have B. degree. In 1886 he obtained left for Palestine from London Drive for Volunteers his M. A. degree from that uni- under the auspices of the Youth versity. Aliyah organization. All 1,500 Johannesburg (JTA) — The During most "of his career Dr. young refugees who received im- annual meeting of the S o u t h Adler was associated with t h e migration certificates under the African Jewish Ex-Servicemen's United Synagogue of America. He last schedule are now in Pales- League pledged its members to W« Ar? gfpable of Catering to was a non-Zionist, and in 1917,tine or en route, including a par- continue a recruiting campaign to Need for Your after the United Synagogue had ty of 169 from the Greater Reich see "that every able-bodied Jew adopted a resolution approving who were selected and trained be- joins the army." The meeting the Zionist movement and h a dfore the outbreak of the war. stressed the Jews' enthusiastic reelected a delegate to the AmeriIt Is understood that the Pal-sponse so far to the military servcan Jewish Congress, he resigned estine government ia now con-ice call. It was revealed that In as president. He was an opponent sidering the request of the Youth one Rand regiment 48 per cent 1 of the World Jewish Congress and Aliyah department of the Central of the troops aro Jews. often came into conflict with Rab- Bureau for Settlement H>f German Jt>i Stephen S. Wise because of his Jews in Palestine for a large numIsrael Hoenig (1789) was the * opposition to the world body. ber of additional certificates for first Austrian Jew to be ennobled. children and youths.





Joe Venuti and his original orThe McKee Construction Co., chestra ,will be featured at Peony T ' 2030 Farnam park thiB Saturday and Sunday, s t r e e t, 'anaccording to Joseph Malec, mann o u n c e d apager. The orchestra which regpo intment of ularly is featured at the largest Jack B a n as and best hotels of the country s a lesmanager. -where they , broadcast regularly The McKee over the networks, is making company is loO m a h a one of the few stops cal dealer f o r across the country between hotel Inselbric, a inlocations. sulated veneer Because of the unusualness of siding. __ the attraction, a slight increase in J Barish, Inc. admission prices was announced. Jack Ban are d i s t r ibuAs usual table reservations will be t a k e n without additional tors for Inselbric in Iowa and Necharge.

10 Weeka «o Pay

or the


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a a 07 Howard

Friday, April 12, 1940


Page 2





The result is, of course, that the begin. And, sometimes, they were process has been greatly hamp- willing to pay a little toward ered and many problems in educa- uition, then, of course, they were tion a n d administration have particularly privileged to do as come to the fore which plague hey pleased, as the Talmud puts the educator, the parents, and the t, "As one working in his private entire structure of Jewish life. domain." On the one hand we see the JLayman to Blame sincere and zealous educator tryA child placed in such a coudiing to co-ordinate his material ion could not be expected to and construct a school on some One of t most discussed prob- semblance of a coherent and di- achieve a maximum of success for lems in Jewish life today is Jew- rected curriculum leading to a ts capabilities. It could rather be expected to disrupt the class, ish educat •on. Every one coneach educator. demoralize the school and disdefinite aim cedes that he continued existence however, having his own aim. On of a peop as a cultural group the other hand we see the par- hearten the teacher. That is exdepends entirely on the intensity ents, at least the greater number actly what happened. For every complaint against a of the tra ning of its youth-re- of them, judging the progress of serves in hat culture. But lot their students by the criteria of eacher there is a layman to be all the we ter of words that are yesterday, Kiddush, Kaddish and tlamed also; for every complaint igainst Hebrew pedagogues there thrown on an already over-bur- Bar Mitzvah. is a claim against the Jewish comdened sub, ect we get very little Lately we have a new school munity, too. light on it growing which is "out to please Seeing t h e situation clearly, Very of m we get the impres- the public" and is willing to comsion that rather than an effort to promise adding only a few inno- and c o n d o n i n g it somewhat come und rstanding as to the vations: Kiddush with the chant- through an understanding of its methods and contents of Jewish ing of it, Kaddish with goose-step historic causes, the wrench our education, scholastically and fi- enunciation, and B a r Mltcvah older generation underwent in benanclally, We are more interested with additional cantorate. And ng transplanted from one culture in finding guilt and a culprit, the public, judging by superficial- nto another, the economic drive "Who is r sponsible for the pres- ities is immensely pleased. Only, of "making a living," the diffient plight of Jewish education?" the question still remains: Where- culty of language and a thousand other elements that enter into the is the cry. to Jewish education? sum total of any historic phenomThis a itude of a great numProblem for Parents enon, we should begin to apber of ou people was once sumIt is important that every Jew- proach the problem clearly in the a Hebrew educator in marlzed this ironic statement: "To the ish father and mother ponder this manner previously suggested. Jewish parent, if the child pro- problem. When we are so prone The layman, too, must begin to gresses in its Hebrew education, to blame the educators and ask bear communal responsibility. An with derision what has the Talit is an | extremely Intelligent individual child will never prochild; if his achievement grading mud Torah (in Omaha or else- duce Jewish education, even if where) produced In the last 20, is low, ths teacher is at fault." w h e n measured by scholastic But th i time has come when 30 years, we should also be will- standards he may have achieved ing to ask ourselves: What have the Jewla I parent has to throw a little more than others. This off this personal measure and be- we done to help clarify the mean- places the burden of the problem ing of education? How much gin to think of Jewish education we helped to establish a squarely on many groups, and on in the b lader aspect, not of his have system? And even: How each in a characteristic manner. own ehil but of the Jewish child; school much are we responsible in havThe Parent not "is my child good in his ing destroyed good results The c o m m o n , the layman's (studies," put what do I want the that might havethecome the practice is, when discussing eduJewish c lid to study and also— efforts which were put from into the cation, to begin with the teacher. bow? Talmud Torah . . .? As a concession, he may start (Jhange In Trend The old approach to Hebrew with the child. Perhaps that is a The entire trend in Jewish eduresult of modesty; it is against cation In he last 20, 25 years has education h a d brought about good manners to speak of one's many bad practices which have been awuy from the individual. self. Much hai changed since the time undermined the status of the TalHowever, we must begin with mud Torah. Since the parents when Je rish life traveled in its the parents when we speak of expected no more than a miniold, Eunpean grooves. Then Jeweducation, because in no ish kno rledge and scholarship mum knowledge of a few public Jewish is the direct influence of was represented by a knowledge or exfaibttive ceremonials. It real- school parents felt so keenly as In of certain ceremonial and sym- ly did not matter when the child the started to go to school and how the Talmud Torah school in the bolic acta and expression. United States. The parent is at There was no need for any ra- continuous the attendance was. liberty to send his child to study If it was a bright child, he Uonale nt being a Jew; it was or not, » could start near Bar Mitzvah and an accep ed and axiomatic state He can pay tuition and, if he of being! something like being in the nearer the better. If not. he good heal th or breathing proper- had to start somewhat before. does not wish it, does not have ly. Bat the present growing gen- TermB and seasons meant nothing. to pay. Unless he is very sensieration hlch has never lived In If a mother or father decided that tive to public opinion, there is no the Intel sely Jewish atmosphere the son or daughter ought to go method by which he can be forced assume his obligations. He can of the segregated life in Europe, to Talmud Torah, it might have to make demands on the school as whose very first knowledge of been close to the end of the sea- his whim moves him—and usualJewlshmss came with a question son but the child had to be. ac- ly his whim moves him to wrong cepted. inark, enroot accept placidly the demands. -The parents did not think in approact which might have been In short, before the school bejustlfiabe for the preceding gen- terms of schools and classes, but gins to assume the character of in terms of their particular offeration. They demand, sometimes con- spring, and they had decided that such, the parents have already insciously and" sometimes uncon- it is time for it, boy or girl, to fluenced it. Because both leader sciously, an explanation of Jewish life. That explanation need not nee issarily be purely philosophical and mathematical such as the religious rebels of some time ag> demanded.- It is rather the eip lanatlon of rounded approach i nd idiomaticallyy re-transllated t d ex ression i which, h h IIf it is to be Jew h, must be the expression of the entire people rather than th t of a particular teacher or pare: t. Problems Arising That is why Jewish education has tei ed further and farther away from the private tutor, the • "melam id" of former years, to the ©rganis d school. The process, howeve , though g clearlyy seen byy educate-s andd some Jewish leadbeen only subconscious mass of our people, [felt the trend, changing ith h Yoifll Find at Skans Omaha's owedd without thinking as iause and the implication. No current Jewish pi-i»bJein Is worthier of discussion than Hut of Jewish Education. In this, the I irst of two articles on the subject, Rabbi Isaiah It&ckovsky of the United Orthodox Congregations of OiB&bK, dis> cusses thi subject &ud relates the probk ms it f&ces and must overcome.


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and teacher must reckon with parential reaction. When parents have such power, they must bear Commensurate responsibility. Father and mother must know that they bear a manifold responsibility in regard to Jewish education. To themselves, of course, because this Is the elementary human drive to intellectual selfperpetuation; but also to the child. Parents must not forget for one minute that Jewish education means character - formation OD the b a s i s of prophetic, Talmudic and traditional Judaism. This knowledge will bring to the fore of the parents' mind the fact that in the final analysis Jewish education will decide not how much the child will know, but what he will be. And what a tremendous difference that makes! Jewish Contribution At a time when crime and degeneracy are erasing among us the once proudly flaunted proportion of Jew to non-Jew, so that we are nearly winning in the race, it will do our parents well to ponder this truth, because when we lose this differential in'crime we have lost our Jewislmess. There is much talk of "Jewish contributions to c i v I li z a tion." Every archive is ransacked for a name that has given something to humanity and if it can at all claim kinship to Jewish blood it is "magnified and glorified" out of all proportion, taught to our children as a Jewish contribution. Paradoxical as it may sound an orthodox Rabbi is iconoclastic in these matters, refuses to accept the idols. This whole approach of contribution is based on a theory of blood relationship. It is based on the pride in the contribution of a Jew rather than in Jewish contribution. Fundamen-

tally, the former approach is un* Jewish. The whole idea of proselytism which, whether active or passive, is part and parcel of our faith, is opposed to the theory of Jewish blood and Jewish genius. The latter approach is ours; pride in the contribution of a people. From the latter approach, however, there is only one major contribution to which we can look with a sense of possession: Ethical life and living. The responsibility of the parent to the Jewish child then is - - to make a positive, ethical Jew out of him. This debt to the Jewish child is doubly great today, when all eyes are turned to the Jew in such a manner that, if they do not stare, they look with questioning and misgiving; when the Jew himself has lost his ground underfoot and wanders as if dazed by the unexpected on-slaught of forces upon which he had learned to look as friendly. There is nothing so pathetic as a beaten cur ignorant of the cause of its pain; there is nothing as inspiring as a lion fighting for a life it values. Jewish parents today have the chance of making whichever they wish of their children, depending on the self-evaluation which they instill into th« child through education. The re* sponsibility is g r e a t , but it spreads to even greater spheres. The child of no one father and mother can be a Jew, it the other's children are not. Therefore, education is a communal responsibility. For the sake of your own child's peace of mind, you must help educate your neighbor's sons and daughters, raise t h « standards of Jewish education and create in the community a decent respect for its institutions. (To Be Continued.)


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Friday, April 12, 1940

The Qwest /or Trath In Different Ages By Henry Montor Whether the terms be religion and science or faith and reason or similarly juxtaposed concepts, the search for their one-ness or duality has been the theme of the most dramatic exploits in life and literature. Baffled by the inconsistencies as well as the complexities of existence, men have sought serenity In the acceptance of certain premises — or they have defied their inner peace to search for what they deemed a more essential certainty. " That struggle of man to pierce the riddle of the universe is at once the most heroic and the most despairing project that the human intelligence has conceived. Two men, one an ancient, the other a modern, were among those whose lives are engraved on the roll of the phalanx who wanted to trade personal security for the universal secret. The first w a s Elisha ben Abuya, notorious heretic of ancient Jewish history; the other was Halm Nachman Bialik, whose questions were bitIng and acute even though an age that was unfamiliar with Hebrew failed to perceive their essential conoclasm. The story of Elisha has been recreated in the form of a novel by Milton Steinberg in "As & Driven Leaf" (Bobbs-Merrlll Co.); while Bialik is represented not by his poetry but by three long stories entitled "After-" growth and Other Stories" (Jewish Publication Society). Recalls Epoch So that the enthusiasm that Has been generated by Steinberg's . novel may not evaporate in the length of a review, it should at once be hailed as one of the outstanding c o n t r I button of an American Jewiah writer to contemporary literature. It makes memorable a universal character embodied in a particular Jew; it vividly recalls a great epoch from , out of the encrustation of required history; it illumines the great chaos which has shaken the spirits of untold thousands and Which today still grips the minds Of all in quest of v "truth." " Elleha was one of "the four" Jewish scholars of the early Christian era" whom tradition records as searching for the unknowable. The Talmud says that of the four Who reached Paradise, Simeon ben Azzai died on the ledge of discovery; Simeon ben Zoma went mad; Elisha ben Abuya became a heretic, and oaly Akiba emerged Whole. • Johanan ben Zakkal provided the keynote for the long a n d heart-breaking quest of Ben Abuya when he said: "There is no Truth without Faith. There Is no Truth unless first there be a . Faith on which it may be based." And it was not until he had labored, and suffered and grown tragically old that Elisha discovered that even Euclid's Elements of Geometry involved an initial acceptance of premises. ' Abuyah was a planter of Mlgdal who condemned the Jewish faith into which he was born and permitted his eon, Elisha, to be circumcised only out of respect lor his wife who died after childbirth. Abuyah had tried to.find peace and security in the texts of the Greek philosophers and Tiad i o sympathy for the parables and the lore by which Jewish life was guided. But an insight into his own unrest was provided on • his death-bed when he said to his 10year-old son: "I hope you will be whole-hearted, not torn in two." ' Traditionally Jewish r For Elisha in the days that followed the path was a traditionally Jewish one, for his uncle saw to it that the Greek books were burned and that Jewish studies

Pa*« S


became his sole preoccupation. At 13 he was brought to ugly Rabbi Joshua whose warmth of spirit did more to win Ellsha to Judaism than all the codes at which he became a master. Into the life of Elisha the novelist has poured the substance of drama, of history, of heroic tragedy. Challenged occasionally as the son of "the heretic," Elisha won three companions, ben Azzal, ben Zoma and Akiba. His unhappy marriage to a position-seeking, narrow-minded woman made him work all the harder as he sought to forget his lack of tranquillity. If he fell in love with Beruriah, wife of his pupil, Meir, it was rather with an idealization of woman than with this charming, poised mother of two children. But the roots of the internal strife in EMisha were not so deeply buried that they were not easily loosed. First there was the death of Meir's two little children and then the plunge to death of the boy climbing a tree to obey his fathers command to get the eggs there. "Where were justice and the mercy of God?" was the first question. But the doubt and the scorn crystallized later into a denunciation of the "senseless waste of life" which he could explain only by declaring that "there is no God." From that f i n a l blasphemy there was no retreat for him. The brilliant, handsome scholar who had won a place for himself on the Sanhedrin, who had lectured profoundly and judged righteously in the courts of Palestine concluded that he must apply to hla faith the same rigid test that he would give to any natural doctrine. "What was the meaning of life? Was the world man-made or Godmade? If the latter, what proof could be given for the existence and functioning of such a supreme being? Elisha had tried, secretly at first, to penetrate the mysteries In joint studies with his companions. But Ben Azzai, speculating in mysticism, died of a stroke. Ben Zoma, searching the way of Scriptural interpretation, lost his mind. Only Akiba, serene to the end, saw no purpose In the frantic search for justification of a code of living that was its own satisfaction. "The purpose of life," he said,

"is to live well. Whatever contributes toward that end is right and true." The only question that need be asked was: "Does It help man to live better?" . . . If any doctrine enlarges life,J.hen it possesses truth In realms beyond Aristotle's logic," he believed. The Jewish way had proved dry and unnourishlng J o Elisha. He would try the way of the Greeks, their poets a n d philosophers, whom his father had worshipped. He divorced his wife and left for Antioch just prior to the official proclamation of the ban of excommunication for his heresy. Sought Certainty For eight years he was in the Syrian city, starting with grammar from the beginning, always lured on by the. ultimate day when he cduld apply to faith the principles of the lucid Elements of Geometry. One goal beckoned him: Certainty. He wanted certainty about the universe, about God, about right and wrong. There came a time when the supreme test was placed before him as a man and as a Jew. He had to decide between his devotion to the search for truth and to loyalty and compassion to his people. He chose the former even though It m a d e his name an abomination among the people and the friends whom he respected and loved. When the Romans made their final derisive gesture of ordering Jerusalem turned into a pagan city and the Temple site transformed Into a Jupiter altar, the Jews revolted once again —under the leadership of B a r Kochba. Elisha, according to the novel, helped Itufus, governor of Palestine, frame the laws which would break the spirit and the body o£ the Jews. Elisha had to watch the execution of his colleagues In the arena, the be-headings, the flayings and the burnings. T h e confidence which he had won in the justice of Roman law and in the ethics of Roman civilization was shattered. But the great destruction was of the years of labor which he had spent on the dream of finding a way of life that would heal his mind and end his passionate quest. A Greek philosopher said to him, in rebuking Elisha for some querulous arguments, " . . . if a man has not found truth in ^geometry, then he

is incapable of discovering it anywhere." And back again he had circled to the words of Ben Zakkai that there is no Truth without Faith. Elisha ended his miserable days with the thought that "no society, no matter how great the achievements of its scholars, caa be au instrument of human redemption if it despises justice and mercy . . . the processes of life overflow the vessels of reason . . . the most meaningful elements in human experience, sensitivity to beauty, devotion to one's kind, are not matters to be determined by syllogisms." Better Than Asch Novel One is reminded in Steinberg's novel of two other great works of the travail of a people and the golgotha of a man's soul: Feuchtwanger's "Josephus' and Werfel's "Forty Days of Musa Dagh." The pageantry, the kaleidescopic color, even the furious melodrama are to be f o u n d In "As a Driven Leaf." For all the acclaim which is represented in the best • seller classification of "The Nazarene," this reviewer w o u l d willingly trade ten copies of the Asch novel in order to get one of Steinberg's great narrative of a great spirit, a great crisis and a great dream in the history of the Jewish people. A l o n g s i d e the tempestuous pages of Steinberg's novel, t h e placid, idyllic remembrances of Haim Nachman Bialik are hard to reconcile with the rebel which Bialik was. "Aftergrowth" Is a long, autobiographical story of the Golden Age of a child, of the dreary daya of Induction into Jewish education, of a peaceful, beautiful village which made all subsequent life seem harsh and clangorous. "The Shamed Trumpet" Is a lesser story of the days when young Jews were snatched nto the Russian Army. "The Short Friday" is the whimsical, humorous Bialik, still remembering t h e pleasant village and Its absent-

minded rabbis, its thieving peas* ants and work-sodden Jews. I. M. Lask, translator of t h t etories for the Jewish Publication Society volume (done, incidentally, in excellent taste), provides an introduction that is hesitantly biographical. Apparently he Is determined not to dissillusion the reader about a Jewish writer who was as bitter in his denunciation of God and his injustice to hia people as Elisha ever was. But the difference between Elisha and Bialik was that Bialik felt that one could have quarrels with God and still get along with his people. On the shelf which the average person keeps of those books which he treasures for the memory they give him of stimulating, enriching, soaring hours, other volumes could well be thrust aside to make room for "As a Driven Leaf." If it presages a novelist who has more to say, then the publication date of Steinberg's book is important. (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) The first Talmudlc seminary la Hebron was founded in 1664 by a Marrano, Abraham Israel Pev* eira. Levl de Hartog (1835-1918), was professor of law at the University of Amsterdam.


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The G-E Roaster does not heat the kitchen. Does not have to be -.Watched. It works wherever there's an electric outlet—on the porch —in die cottage—in the dining room. Use it for its compactnessits convenience—for the taste-thrilling, inviting foods it turns out Use it all year 'round end keep your kitchen—and yourself—COOH esics


icy I ltG, Correspondent


SV. Hadassah to

Hold Card Party


Regional Conference Be Held in Sioux City

The Senior Hadassah will hold a card party next Tuesday night at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Phillip Sherman and Mrs. to Joe Kutcher are co-chairmen. The proceeds will go for the aiding of the sick and refugees.

The Southwest regional council Of B'nai B'rlth will h o l d its Spring conference in Sioux City . on April 14. Delegates will come from Lincoln, Omaha, C o u n c i l Bluffs and Sioux City from which group at least 300 delegates are expected. The conference will open at 10 a. in. with registration at the Martin Hotel. At 11 a. m. the executive committee of the council •will meet in Rooms A and B at the Martin Hotel. At 1 p .m. a buffet luncheon in the Martin Hotel ballroom will he held. At 2 p. m. an open business meeting for all B'nal B'rlth members in the council will be held in the ballroom of the Martin hotel with Alfred Fox of Council Bluffs presiding. O. Hochnian of Council Bluffs will give a short speech on "Vocational Guidance." At 3 O'clock an open forum discussion Will take place in the main ballroom of the Martin on the proposition "Fear and Faith in Jewish Life." Rabbi Wlce of Omaha will preside. At 6:30 there Will be a banquet and the Omaha initiation team will initiate candidates for membership. Aaron Droock of Detroit, president of the District Grand Lodge No. 6 Of B'nai B'rlth. will deliver the principal address.

Skaare Zion Services will begin tonight at S o'clock with Cantor Pernlck and the choir chanting the rituals. Rabbi II. U. Rabinowits w i l l «P«*k. v

Friday, AprU S, 1940





Phillip Hauser, a Hungarian, Wks the first Jewish physician in modern Spain. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT

Mr. iutd Mrs. Public, BiouK City, Iowa. Destr Friends:

Tiphereth Israel synagogue will Visits be held Saturday, April 6, at the ( 1 6 JUDEA GROUPS Mrs, Woolf home of Mrs. Woskoff, 611 Main In Sioux Cit street. Rabbi Eichenstein will speak. Refreshments w i l l be CARNIVAL APRIL 6 meeting There was a Hadassah board served. yesterday afternoon a The six Young Judaean groups which represents the young Zion ists in the city will combine their efforts in a fund raising projeci the proceeds of which will be seni to the Jewish^Nalional Fund. The YOUNG J U D A E A ANNUAL CARNIVAL will be held ai the Jewish Community C e n t e r Saturday evening, April 6 from 7:30. to 11:30. Games, dancing side shows, etc., all will be part of the evening's entertainment. Miss Sarah Sadoff is general chairman of the Carnival. Assisting her are representatives from each of the six p a r t ic ipating groups. Everybody is u r g e d to come to this festival of fun and help the young Zionists groups of the city to do their part in the redeeming of Palestine.

the home of Mrs. J. Robinson 115 Twenty-third street. Mrs. Ales Woolf, president of t h e Southwest region of Hadassah was t h e guest. Refreshments were served. She also met at 6 o'clock with t h e business a n d professiona group of Hadassah at a dinner meeting held at Schmits cafe Miss Sadie Shulkin, presided at the dinner meeting. At 8:30 Mrs Woolf met with the board of Jr. Hadassah at the home of Miss Dena Baron.

Center News Arts and Cratfs Classes will be resumed for an eight week period at the Jewish Community Center, starting Wednesday, April 10 at 4 o'clock. All those who have uncompleted projects from the first term will be able to finish, and hose wishing to start rings or wood carving are invited to come.

SPRING IS HERE ! 1 And what could be more appropriate — and enjoyable — than the Center Players forthcom- Annual Zionist ing production of the BroadElection April 11 way success, "SPRING SONG." The special settings for this The General Zionist group of show are completed and ready, the actors are up in their parts, Sioux City will hold their annual The Executive B o a r d of the the production is in the final election at the Jewish Commun- Youth Council met to o u t l i n e stage8 of polishing — and all ity Center on April 11. The pre- plans for the event that will cliit needs now is an audience. In sent o f f i c e r s are A. M. Davis, max all activities of the year — other words. IT NEEDS YOU President; Vice-president, Barney Youth Day. Details plans have not Baron; Dr. Lande, treasurer, and been disclosed as yet. All member — and we DO MEAN YOU ! ! Arnold Baron as secretary. organizations of the Youth Coun— Get behind the Center PlayAll members are urged to at- II will participate in the events era and give their first effort In the three act play field the tend as this will be one of the of this day. Further details will support it is entitled to. Do most important meetings of the be published at a later date. this, and you will be pleasantly year. Rabbi Albert S. Goldstein surprised, because you are go- will be the guest speaker for the Five members of the Buds of ing to see a beautiful p l a y , evening. Hadassah passed their T z a d i k beautifully done. What m o r e tests Monday evening. They will can you get by way of enterreceive their Tzadik plna Monday, tainment? And for the low adApril 8. Those who passed the mission price of f o r t y cents, test are Lillian Weiner, S a d i e too. — A real entertainment Schvid, Lillian Abraham, Adeline bargain. Stern, and Betty Lesser. I have seen the set built by Willard Greene for this play The Children's T h e a t r e will Anyone attending the C a pltol and when I saw it, I wondered theatre between A p r i l 12 and meet as usual Sunday afternoon when he found time to do the April 19 is urged to p u rc,hase at 2:30 under the direction of work, considering that he is at their tickets from a member of lira. Leon Marx. Popular fairy the Center practically e v e r y Jr. Hadassah or at the Jewish ales are enacted by the children, night directing the actors, and Community Center. ast week's project was "Sleeping taking care of other producJoan C r a w f o r d and Clark Beauty." tion demands as they arise — Gable in "Strange" Cargo" will be and they are varied and many. the feature play the first h a l f Orthodox Synagogues In talking to Mr. Greene, he of the week and Booth Tafklrigtold me, "I have never had a ton's "Seventeen," the last half. night services will begin more playable show; a better 'Jr. Hadassah w o u l d appreciate it Friday and in the morning servtyped or more talented cast. your co-o p e r a t i on. Miss Sally cea6:30 will be held at 9. Rabbi S. They soak up direction like a Weinstein is'chairman of the af- I. Bolotnikov will speak in the sponge and take polish like pa- fair. morning at the Beth Abraham tent leather. The audience is synagogues. really going to see something, The Ladles auxiliary of the Patronize Our Advertisers when they see this hard-working cast go into action — and I don't mean I hope so, either — These folks have real honest-to-God talent and they put it out like old-timers." Now, friends, if you have not already been solicited for tickets, you LITTLE RED RIBBON AND soon will be. Buy when you are approached and assure yourself ARE of a seat at "SPRING SONG." Then when you do buy, don't regard it as an obligation, but use this ticket to see the show. The Players have worked long and hard and they don't just want your money alone; they want YOU to see their show. They really have s o m e thing fine to give you, so come and get it — See "SPRING SONG" on Monday or Tuesday evening, April 15th and 16th at the Jewish Community Center. Yours truly, Dorothy, Merlin.


Mt. Sinai Friday night services will begin at 8 o'clock with Rabbi Albert S. Goldstein speaking on the subject, "Why Go On Caring."

Rabbi Eichenstein to Speak to Mizrachi Rabbi Lazar Eichenstein, .field secretary of the Mizrachi Zionist Organization of America, will be the guest of the Sioux City Mizrachi on Saturday, April 6. Rabbi Eichenstein will' speak on Saturday morning at the Adas Yeshren synagogue. In the evening he will address a Mizrachi social gathering in the form of a traditional Mela* veh Malkah to take place at thft Beth Abraham synagogue on Saturday evening at 8:30. The program will also include refreshments and "Zemiros" to make the evening a most enjoy* able event. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gorchow will be the hosts, of the Melaveh Malkah. Members and friends art Invited to attend.

Society News

Dr. and Mrs. M. Blank, Sioux Apartment Hotel, announce this engagement a n d approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Miriam Blank, to Hy S. Shrler of Omaha. The wedding will be held April 21 at Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. Blank will hold pen house to honor their daugher and her fiance from 2 to 5 'clock Sunday afternoon at the Warrior hotel. Miss Blank is a raduate of Central High school. Mr. Shrler, a graduate of the law school of Creighton university, i» a member of Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. , • • Dr; Frank Epstein' announces he removal of his offices from he new Orpheum • building to 020-21 Badgerow building for he ..practice of general dentistry. Patronize Our Advertisers '




Charles J. Warner, p can candidate for Governor, emphatically opposes any kind of new or additional taxes.


Noted Lecturer Gives Talk Here David Pinski, noted lecturer, was the,guest of the Jewish Na? tional Workers Alliance at the Jewish Community C e n t e r last night. A large crowd attended. A round table discussion of current happenings was t a k e n up. Mr. Pinski is the .national president of the Jewish National Workers Alliance. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all.

"nnan Charles J. Warner For 23 Terms In State


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