July 19, 1940

Page 1

Sutered *s Second Class Mall Matter on January Si. 1>SI, at tffl of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March S, 1879

ITALIAN PLANES BOMB HAIFA IN FIRSIATTAGK t>amage Inflicted on Oil Reservoirs by



Holland to Be Nazi SdtietikeState London (JTA )r—German occupation authorities this week told the Dutch people just what their political future i« to be, namely transformation of the Netherlands into a totalitarian satellite state dominated by Benin. This plan was revealed in radio reports of an interview granted the Dutch press liy Herr Hancke, press attache of the Reich commissariat for the Netherlands, in which he asserted that Germany wants to regulate the internal political situation of Holland by concentration of the entire Dutch people in one moyement. . Other reports said that the Nazi authorities h|id seized a home for Jewish invalids at Amsterdam and had converted it into military quarters. The Giestapo is compelling all Jewish shops to display six-pointed Jewish stars to identify them as Semitic enterprises.


XVII No.—-39

i-Semitism in ance Seen as Fascism Rules

Geneva (JTA) — Moving towHaifa (JTA) — Palestine ex ards Fascism, t h e Petain-Laval ferienced its first air raid MonGovernment in unoccupied France day when five Italian warplanes is reported to have barred Jews flashed in from the sea and dropfrom high Government positions ped bombs on this important porl and purged " J e w s and leftist fity and oil pipeline terminus, injournalists." Meanwhile, a totaliflicting at least ten casualties and tarian youth movement is said to causing some damage. have been launched w i t h antiSirens were sounded and antl S e e Germany Utilizing Semitic tendencies and F r e n c b Kaitnan Names Members aircraft guns went i n t o action Coast in Drive on newspapers have started attacks to Serve During when the raiders appeared at 8 Gibraltar on Jews. a. m. Intense anti-aircraft f i r e New Term prevented the' enemy ships from Twenty journalists were arrestflying over the c i t y proper bu L i s b o n (ONA) —.Portugal ed, according to a German wire- . Standing committees for the ennumerous bombs crashed into the now -celebrating 800 years of in- less report from Vichy, because suing term have been appointed port area. is beginning to fear they were "active in Vichy in favRumanian Jews Protest dependence, that she may lose her frceuom if or of the former British alliance by Abner Kaiinan, newly-elected Four tanks of the. Iraq Petroleum Company w e r e hit. ExploNew York (JTA) — The Unit- the development of the war makes partner." The report added that president of the Omaha Hebrew sives also crashed i n t o Klryat ed Rumanian Jews of America, in it necessary for Germany to oper- "their expulsion from Vichy and Club.. . the Department Allier does not H a l m , Jewish workers' auberp a statement by President. Charles ate from this country. Following are the committees causing 10 casualties. Well-informed circles believe it mean that they will be released named: Membership and Finance, Sonnenrelch and Honorary PresiBritish airplanes soon appeared dent Leo WolfsQjm, condemned possible that the Nazis, in an of- from arrest in other d e p a r t - John Feldman, chairman, A. Itichin the sky and d r o v e off the the anti-Semitic policy of the new f e n s 1 v e against Gibraltar, may ments." ards. Sam Bloom, Albert Kaplan, planes. The German wireless reported C. Scharevitz; Intellectual AdRumanian Government a n d as- utilize the Spanish coast and also A public subscription l i s t for serted that Rumania's difficulties claim the Portuguese coast. The that Jews in effect were barred vancement, Judah Wolfson, chairfighter aircraft will be opened "cannot be solved] by the persecu- Lisbon harbor, situated between from Government, positions by a man, N. S. Yaffe, Dr. O. Belzer, soon, with the sponsors including tion of its Jewlsji citizens or by the Spanish ports of Vigo and Ca- decree issued by the French Gov- Ben Morris, D. Schwartz, Irviu ernment. "This decree stipulates Levin: Judiciary, M. Bercovlci, leaders of the various communi- the spilling of Jewish blood." (Continued on page 12.) for the "first time in the life of chairman, Sam Freed, Joseph Treties. the French State that no foreignAmericans Leave ers or persons of another race may tiak; Investigating Committee, Jerusalem (JTA) — A party of hold French Government posts," Mendel Blank, chairman, Morris American citizens left for India the Berlin report said. " T h i s Seiner, Louis Morgan; Sick Visiten route to the United States. A amounts to elimination of Jews ing, Sam Bloom, chairman, Loui3 second party of Americans, numMorgan, A. Richards; Representfrom Government posts." bering 15, were scheduled to leave atives on Federation, A. H. KalCreation of a French totalitar- man, I. Morgenstern and Ben Kaz(or the United States by plane. ian state to succeed the Third Re- lowsky. Reorganization of the executive public has been accompanied by committee of the Jewish National Plans are being formulated to With the openi g of the second ing, basketry, and leathercraft. the beginning of an anti-Semitic Council was decided upon followsponsor a play in "Yiddish" which Campcraf t activities will include ly-C-C only two season of Camp J campaign in French newspapers. ing long negotiations. T h e new will be given by a prominent local Papers Launch Attack committee will comprise 11 mem- weeks away, plais for the sum- outdoor cookery, overnight hikdramatic group. Also contemplatLa Petite Gironde publishes an ed bers, including President Pinchas mer are nearing c mipletion. Since ing, treasure hunts, nature lore, is" a membership drive and a Rutenberg and Chairman Isaac sixty campers ha"\ e already regis- star and rope hikes, and many article attacking Jews, particular- father-son-grandson banquet. " other outside activities. tered for the five weeks of camp, ly German refugees, as "repaying Ben Zvi, instead of, 18 as formerThe final summer meeting will Games, swimming, music, jour- French hospitaly by harming the ly. Rutenberg is empowered to ap- only a few more openings are nalism, dramatics, sports, canoe- State." The article asserts that af- be held on Sunday, August 4. point members to the committee available. A wide variety |pf activities con- ing, horseback riding, campflres, ter many years in which they en- Meetings will be resumed on Sepin accordance with party represtitutes this year'H camp program. and entertainment will round out joy the the Hospital and kindness tember 15. sentation. of France, the Jews are now tryFifteen thousand J6ws* have en- The -craftshop -pr< mises to be one the camp program. ing to escape with gold and diatered Palestine since outbreak of of the camp's rnos ; interesting feaNew Facilities monds. France, the paper states, the war last September, it was an- tures. Plans call or eight dlfferNumerous Improvements have nounced by- Ellahu -Dobkin, head ent kinds of ha dicraft, among been made at camp for this year's will never again be so "naive" as oolwork, drawthem woodwork, to give hospitality to the Jews. of the Immigration department of season, which is to last five weeks. Le Journal and Paris-Soir have the Jewish Agency. Dobkin said The beach has been enlarged and t h a t the. Agency. ha.d.a.n. additional hew sand has made it more at- also a d o p t e d an anti-Semitic 6,000 immigration certificates in tractive. A new cabin, with its stand. A new Paris paper, France Its possession and that 3,000 more VVilno, Lithuania (JTA).—- Tho own showers, kitchen, bunks, and at Work, is agitating against the were due from the last part of the fireplace, has been built for high Jews, declaring that as part of authorities have closed down sevcurrent' immigratltfn" schedule; He school girls' unit. The newly-laid "our new world" there is no place eral newspapers and a number of said the Agency was trying to arconcrete floor in the craf tshop, in France for Jews, advocating Jewish religious societies and < all range transportation to Palestine the all-white infirmary, and elec- their isolation on such islands as Zionist organisations and funds. Madagascar. . .' • •; • 6f many • thousands -of • pospective . .Bob .Fromkln, son of Mr. and tricity are other new features. The action followed registration Max Froml n, gained new immigrants, principally by land. Mrs. The German wireless reported of all newspapers and* organizaDrawing upon the various uniHalifax Lauds Aid of Jews, Arabs tennis laurels w en he won the versities in the midwest, Camp that the German High Command tlons, instituted by the regime'esLondon (JTA) — Foreign Sec- Midwest Boys Ch iinpionshlp Sun- Jay-C-C will have the advantage has ordered return of all Dutch tablished following occupation of City Tennis retary L6rd" Halifax, in a-review day. 1939 Boy of college-trained counselors who refugees from France as soon as Lithuania by Soviet troops. of. the general situation in the champion, young Fromkin enter- are specialists in the fields of art, possible. It was explained officially that It. is reported t h a t Georges folloWing the registration s o m e House of Lords, declared that the ed the Midwest ournament last music, journalism, and dramatics. position in • Palestine- was • quiet. week . aa . tepres tative of the In addition the staff will include "reactionary bodies" ' voluntarily (Continued on page 9.) Omaha Tennis c b and became (Continued on page 5.) discontinued their activities whilo the first member ever to win a a dietitian, activities and medical others were closed by order of the counselors, a camp mother, and a tourney. Interior Ministry. •• • cruising counselor. As Boys' Midw it Tennis chamOn the other hand, the Wilno Registration, ...'.•-. pion, Bob now ceives national Jewish Community and all "proBecause of the limited enrollranking and has been invited to gressive" Jewish organizations aro play in the Natio Tennis tour- ment, parents are urged to regisNew York (JTA) — Irving continuing their activities. In last • New York (JTA) — Growing nament at Culver Ind. ter their children immediately at Berlin, song writer, announced Sunday's general election one of interest in the vocational probHe was presen d with a gold the Jewish Community Center. that he had divested himself of the major issues was a f i g i h t lems of-young people and increas- rophy Sunday a ernoon at the . Camp fees are as follows: $1.50 all rights* to the royalties of hia aglnst chauvinism a n d race haed attention to the needs of the Omaha Tennis ch i. Presentation for registration and transporta- song, "God Bless America," and tred. Jews were among the candiaged ill were among the notable ceremonies, w e r conducted by tion; ?7 per week for Center would contribute the proceeds, dates in various districts, whereas developments in local Jewish wel- Walter Harris, cl b president. members and $10 per week for which total $43,G4G to date, to a the former Sejm did not have a fare activity described in the 1939 non-members. Campprs may reg- patriotic purpose. single Jewish member. ? Year Book of "Jewish Social Work ister for two, three, four, or five To; attain his objective, Berlin The citizenship law was. r'adlj u s t published by the Council of weeks. ^Further information may has established a continuing trust, cally altered to grant citizenship Jewish Federations and Welfare be gotten from the Jewish Com- which w i l l be administered by to all who resided in Lithuanian munity Center." Funds,. . . . Herbert Bayard Swope, Col. Theo- territory, including the Wilno re' Vocational agencies, homes for dore Roosevelt, and Gene Turiney. gion, on Sept. 1, 1939. Under Jho the aged; hospitals and clinics unThe fund, which has been incor- former law almost half of the pop.London (WNS — Adolf Hitder Jewish auspices served more ler's reported pla to give Palesporated and will be known as the ulation of Wilno, formerly Polish people In .1939 than they did in tine and Syria to s Axis partner, 'God Bless America" Fund, will area ceded to Lithuania by Russia 1938, the Year Book reports. The Premier Mussolit , in the event be administered for the benefit of after the partition of Poland, was number of. persons cared for by Great Britain is d ifeated, is meetthe Boy S c o u t s and the Girl deprived of citizenship. family welfare and c h i l d care Ing with bitter o position among , New York (JTA) — D r . David Scouts of America. Lvovitch, vice president of the agencies remained approximately the Arabs, accord ng to Informed World ORT Union, disclosed that Curb Fascists the same. • diplomatic circles here. he has been advised by cable from Minority Status London (JTA) — Homo SecreThe Arabs are )pposed to Ital- Vichy that the French ORT leadWillkie Asks United London (JTA) — The Moscow, tary Sir John Anderson has issued an rule, neutral iplomats maln- ers, Dr. Leon Bramson, M. SchefPeople ;ain, despite the ict that Mussq- tel, A. Borland, Josef Blum and wireless reported that the Soviet an order under the defense regu« Colorado Springs, Col. (JTA)—• int. has -given tl im private- as- Dr.: I. Coralnik, are in Vichy authorities h a d recognised the lations virtually outlawing th© Wendell L. Willkio said he would surances that he rlll giit an end while other ORT leaders are at minority status of the Jews in an- British Union of Fascists. The OP» base his campaign for the: Presi- to Jewish aspirat ns in the Holy the ORT farm at Chateau la nexed Bessarabia and North Buk- der forbids summoning of and at» dency on three major pledges, one and. The Arab* fear that' the. Roche. " wina and had given the Yiddish, tending meetings, making and ac., of w h i c h is: "A united people Italian dictator rill also inter?' The cable also said that the press permission to., resume pub-: cepting contributions; or inviting without class consciousness, dis- fere > i t h plans ior. an. Arab na- leaders were in touch with other licatlon. (There are about 800,000 persons to support the organise* tinction or hatred." tlonal state.- , ORT institutions in France. . Jews In 'the occupied territory.) | :



ening of


'God Bless America* Royalties to Youth

Jewish Welfare Activity Booms

Palestinian Arabs Fear It lian Rule

Say ORT Leaders Arrive in Vichy

Entered as Second Class Mall Matter on January 81. 1931, at t f f l e , of Omaha, Nebraska, under tbe Act of March 9. 1871



Holland to Be Nazi Satellite State


XVII No.—39

|-Semitism in ance Seen as Fascism Rules

London (JTA)—German occupation authorities this week told the Dutch people just what their political future is to be, namely transformation of the Netherlands into a totalitarian satellite state dominated by Berlin. , Vantage Inflicted on Oil This plan was revealed in radio reports of an interview granted ' ' Reservoirs by the Dutch press by Herr Hancke, Raiders press attache of the Reich commissariat for the Netherlands, in Geneva (JTA) — Moving towHalf* (JTA) — Palestine ex- which he asserted that Germany ards Fascism, t h e Petain-Laval pertenced its first air raid Mon- wants to regulate the internal poGovernment in unoccupied France day when five Italian warplanes litical situation of Holland by is reported to have barred Jews flatbed In from the sea and drop- concentration of the entire Dutch from high Government positions ped bombs on this important port people in one movement. and purged " J e w s and leftist fity and oil pipeline terminus, inOther reports said that the journalists." Meanwhile, a totaliflicting at least ten casualties and Nazi authorities had seized a home tarian youth movement is said to causing some damage. for Jewish invalids at Amsterdam have been launched w i t h antiSirens were sounded and anti- and had converted it into military S e e Germany Utilizing Semitic tendencies and F r e n c h Kaiman Names Members aircraft guns went i n t o action Quarters. The Gestapo is comCoast in Drive on newspapers have started attacks to Serve During when the raiders appeared at 8 pelling all Jewish shops to disGibraltar on Jews. a. m. Intense anti-aircraft f i r e play six-pointed Jewish stars to New Term prerented the' enemy ships from identify them as Semitic enterTwenty journalists were arrestflying over the city proper but prises. L i s b o n (ONA) —.Portugal, ed, according to a German wire- . Standing committees for the en. numerous bombs crashed into the now -celebrating 800 years of in- less report from Vichy, because suing term have been appointed port area. is beginning to fear they were "active In Vichy in favRumanian Jews Protest dependence, that she may lose her freedom If or of the former British alliance by Abncr Kaiman, newly-elected Four tanks of the. Iraq Petroleum Company w e r e hit. ExploNew York (JTA) — The Unit- the development of the war makes partner." The report added that president of the Omaha Hebrew r e s also crashed i n t o Kiryat ed Rumanian Jews of America, in it necessary for Germany to oper- "their expulsion from Vichy and Club... the Department Allier does not H a l m , Jewish workers' suberp, a statement by President. Charles ate from this country. Following are the committees mean that they will be released named: causing 10 casualties. Well-informed circles believe it Sonnenrelch and Honorary PresiMembership and Finance, from arrest in other d e p a r t British airplanes soon appeared dent Leo Wolfsohn, condemned possible that the Nazis, in an ofJohn Feldman, chairman, A. Richments." in the sky and d r o v e off the the anti-Semitic policy of the new f e n s i v e against Gibraltar, may ards, Sam Bloom, Albert Kaplan, The German wireless reported C. Scharevitz; Intellectual Adplanes. Rumanian Government a n d as- utilize the Spanish coast and also that Jews in effect were barred A public subscription l i s t for serted that Rumania's difficulties claim the Portuguese coast. The vancement, Judah Wolfson, chairfighter aircraft will be opened "cannot be solved by the persecu- Lisbon harbor, situated between from Government positions by a man, N. S. Yaffe. Dr. O. Belzer, soon, with the sponsors including tion of its Jewish citizens or by the Spanish ports of Vigo and Ca-decree Issued by the French Gov- Ben Morris, D. Schwartz, Irviu ernment. "This decree stipulates leaders of the various communi- the spilling of Jewish blood." (Continued on page 12.) Levin; Judiciary, M. Bercovlci, for the first time in the life of chairman, Sam Freed. Joseph Treties. the French State that'no foreign tiak; Investigating Committee, Americans Leave ers or persons of another race may Mendel Jerusalem (JTA) — A party of Blank, chairman, Morris hold French Government posts," American citizens -left for India Seiner, Louis Morgan; Sick Visitthe Berlin report said. "T h i s en route to the United States. A Ing, Sam Bloom, chairman, Louis amounts to elimination of Jews second party of Americans, numMorgan, A. Richards; Representfrom Government posts." ' taring 15, were scheduled to leave atives on Federation, A. H. KaiCreation of a French totalitar- man, I. Morgenstern and Ben Kaz• (or the United States by plane. ian state to succeed the Third Re- lowsky. Reorganization of the executive . public has been accompanied by committee of the Jewish National Plans are being formulated to With the opening of the second ing, basketry, and leathercraft. the beginning of an anti-Semitic Council was decided upon followsponsor a play in "Yiddish" which, Campcraft activities will include season of Camp Jay-C-C only two campaign in French newspapers. ing long negotiations. T h e new willbe given by a prominent local Papers Launch Attack committee will comprise 11 mem- weeks away, plans for the sum-outdoor cookery, overnight hikdramatic group. Also contemplatLa Petite Gironde publishes an ed Jtws, including President Pinchas mer are nearing completion. Since ing, treasure hunts, nature lore, is a membership drive and a Rutenberg and Chairman Isaac sixty campers have already regis- star and rope hikes, and many article attacking Jews, particular- father-son-grandSon banquet. other outside activities. tered for the five weeks of camp, ly German refugees, as "repaying Ben Zvl, Instead of, 18 as formerThe final summer meeting will Games, swimming, music, jour- French hospltaly by harming the ly. Rutenberg is empowered to ap- only a few more openings are be held on Sunday, August. 4. nalism, dramatics, sports, canoeavailable. State." The article asserts that afpoint members to the committee Meetings will be resumed on Seping, horseback riding, campfires, A wide variety of activities conter many years in which they enin accordance with party represtitutes this year's camp program. and entertainment will round out joy the the Hospital and kindness tember 15. sentation. of France, the Jews are now tryFifteen thousand Jews' have en- The-craftshop-promises to be one the camp program. Ing to escape with gold and diatered Palestine since outbreak of of the camp's most interesting feaNew Facilities monds. France, the paper Btates, the war last September, it was an- tures. Plans call for eight differNumerous improvements have nounced -by* Eliahu -Dobkln, head ent kinds of handicraft, among been made at camp for this year's will never again be so "naive" as of the Immigration department of them woodwork, woolwork, draw- season, which is to last five weeks. to give hospitality to the Jews. Le Journal and Paris-Solr have the Jewish Agency. Dpbkin said The beach has been enlarged and that the. Agencjr.h.a.d.a.n. additional new sand has made it more at- also a d o p t e d an anti-Semitic 6,000 immigration certificates In tractive. A new cabin, with its stand. A new Paris paper, France its possession and that 3,000 more Wilno, Lithuania (JTA) — T h e own showers, kitchen, bunks, and at Work, is agitating against the were due from the last part of the fireplace, has been built for high Jews, declaring that as part of authorities have closed down sev"our new world" there is no place current* InMlgration' schedule.' He eral newspapers and a number of school girls' unit. The newly-laid said the Agency was trying to arconcrete floor in the craftshop, in France for Jews, advocating Jewish religious societies and all range transportation to Palestine all-white infirmary, and elec- their isolation on such islands ad Zionist organizations and funds. ,BQD .Fjrpmkjn,. son of Mr. andthe Madagascar. df many • thousands -of • pospective The action followed registration tricity are other new features. Max Fromkin, gained new immigrants, principally by land. Mrs. The German wireless reported of all newspapers- and' organizaDrawing upon the various uniHalifax Lauds Aid of Jews, Arabs tennis laurels when he won the versities in the midwest, Camp that the German High Command tions, instituted by the regime esLondon (JTA) — Foreign Sec- Midwest Boys Championship Sun- Jay-C-C will have the advantage has ordered return of all Dutch tablished following occupation of retary Lord Halifax, in a review day. 1939 Boys' City Tennis of college-trained counselors who refugees from France as soon as Lithuania by Soviet troops. s of. the general situation in the champion, young Fromkin enter- are specialists in the fields of art, possible. It was explained officially that It is reported t h a t Georges following the registration s o m e House of Lords, declared that the ed the Midwest tournament last music, journalism, and dramatics. week . aa representative of the position 4n -Palestine- was-quiet. reactionary:bodies" ' voluntarily (Continued on page 9.) Omaha Tennis club and became In addition the staff will include (Continued on page 5.) discontinued their activities while a dietitian, activities and medical the first member ever to win a others were closed by order of the counselors, a camp mother, and a tourney. Interior Ministry. •• • cruising counselor. As Boys' Midwest Tennis chamOn the other hand, the Wilno Registration pion, Bob now receives national Jewish Community and all "proBecause of the limited enrollranking and has been invited to gressive" Jewish organizations aro play in the National Tennis tour- ment, parents are urged to regisNew York (JTA) — Irving continuing their activities. In last . New York (JTA) —- Growing nament at Culver, Ind. ter their children immediately at Berlin, song writer, announced Sunday's general election one? of interest in the vocational probthat he had divested himself of the major, issues was a f i g + h t He was presented with a gold the Jewish Community Center. lems of-young people and increas- trophy Sunday afternoon at the Camp fees are as follows: $1.50 all rights'to the royalties of his aglnst chauvinism and. race haed attention to the needs of the Omaha Tennis club. Presentation for registration and transporta- song, "God Bless America," and tred. Jews were among the candiaged ill were among the notable ceremonies, w e r e conducted by tion; $7 per week for; Center would contribute the proceeds, dates in various districts, whereas developments In local Jewish wel- Walter Harris, club president. members and $10 per week for which total $43,646 to date, to a the former Sejm did not, have a fare activity described in the 1939 non-members. Campers may reg- patriotic purpose. : single Jewish member. ? "Tear Book of Jewish Social Work ister for two, three, four, or five To'attain his objective, Berlin The citizenship law was.• Radi•JuBt published by the Council of weeks. Further' information may has established a continuing trust, cally' altered to grant citizenship Jewish Federations and Welfare be gotten from the Jewish Com- which w i l l be administered by to all who resided in Lithuanian Funds.. ,.•'... •. ' munity Center." Herbert Bayard Swope, Col. Theo- territory, including the Wilno reI Vocational agencies, homes for dore Roosevelt, and Gene Tunnoy. gion, on Sept. 1, 19 39. Under {bo the aged, hospitals and clinics unThe fund, which has been incor- former law almost half of the pop.London (WNS) — Adolf Hitder Jewish auspices served more ler's reported plan to give Palesporated and will be known as the ulation of Wilno, formerly Polish people in 1939 than they did in tine and Syria to his Axis partner. "God Bless America" Fund, will area ceded to Lithuania by Russia 1938, the Year Book reports. The Premier Mussolini, in the event be administered for the benefit of after the partition of Poland, waa number of persons cared for by Great Britain is defeated, is meetthe Boy S c o u t s and the Girl deprived of citizenship. "^ • . New York (JTA) — Dr. David family welfare and c h i l d care ing with bitter opposition among Scouts of America. agencies remained approximately tbe Arabs, according to informed Lvo vltch, vice'' president of the Curb Fascists World ORT Union, disclosed that the same. • diplomatic circles here.' Minority Status he has been advised by cable from London (JTA) — Home SecreThe Arabs are opposed to Ital- Vichy that the French ORT leadWillkie Asks United London (JTA) •—The Moscow tary Sir John Anderson has issue A ian rule, neutral diplomats main- ers, Dr. Leon Bramson, M. Sche'f*' ••• People \ " • ' • • tain, despite the fact that Blussb- tel, A. Borland; Josef Blum and wireless reported that the Soviet an order under the defense reguColorado Springs, Col. (JTA)— lni has • given them private • as- Dr. I. Coralnik, are in Vichy authorities h a d recognized the lations virtually outlawing th@ Wendell L. Willkie said he would surances that he will j^tft an end while other ORT leaders are at minority status of the Jews in an- British Union of Fascists. The of* base his campaign for the Presi- to Jewish aspirations in the Holy the ORT farm at Chateau la nexed Bessarabia and North Buk- der forbids summoning of and at* dency on three major pledges, one Land. The Arabs' fear that' the Roche. ' wina and had given the Yiddish tending meetings, making and ao* of w h i c h is: "A united people Italian dictator will also inter-* , The cable also said that the press permission to., resume pub- cepting contributions or inviting without class consciousness, dis- fere'with plans for. an. Arab na- leaders were in touch with other lication. (There are about 300,000 persons to support the • . tinction or hatred." Jews in the occupied territory.) •• tion. tional state., ORT institutions In France.




'God Bless America* Royalties to Youth

Jewish Welfare AcrivityBooms

Palestinian Arabs Fear Italian Rule

Say ORT Leaders Arrive in Vichy

Pag- 12


Friday, July 12, 1940


said association shall foe conducted br the |»fece wiio uttered this senti- Defamation p r o g r a m the bes the twelve trustees, in case ot any vacancy occurring on e&id board, except Mich •» piece of work now being done t ment. may be appointed from the Federation for counter-act subversive forces, h Jewisl' Morning Journal's Jewish Service such vacaBCie* The Fishmaa tells us, not with- urged Jews to continue their as- shELli be filled ofbyOmaha, Jacob the Board of Trusand such appoictte ^i&U hold bis ofout pride, that the World News sistance to the Anti-Defamatio; tees fice until the nest uoiiuai meeting of tne Service—which originates in Er- League. members shell elect from those nominatcommittee or by furt, Germany and is cot to ;>e Caotor bears close resemblanc ed by thea iiouiintLling MORRIS AIZENBERC, Correspondent trustee to fill the uaenpifed confused with our own World- to the Cantor of pictures and in members term of such trustee whose vfceancy WM wide News Service—recently de- general conversatioa he is soft fllifcd by appointment. It there is any vacancy on lie bofced by re&fcon of the voted a whole piece to a denun- spoken and he gestures. He is in trustees from the Federation ior Jewish more, Maryland, is visiting ia the ciation of him as a warmonge teasely interested in Jewish af Service refusing, or being unhome of her aunt and uncle, Mr . . . He treasures that releas fairs and paid high tribute t able to act sucn neglecting vwancy slis.!! l*e filled by the Federation for Jewish and Mrs. S. Snovsky, 1002 Court together with a clipping fron Henry Moiisky, whom he consid such way as it may provide. Service to -.. one street. Mussolini's Regime Fascista whicl ers the outstanding Jewish leader uiik.Il be eligible to be elected or appointt ed a trustee or fill any of the offices of carries his photo, with those o the Association unlefie he or the is a memArriving iti Omaha earlier thar Miss Charlotte Borshevsky, of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, New York' expected, he attended t h e Den ber of the Association, except such trusMayor La Guardia and other not Show with, other delegates to the tee as msy be appointed by the FederaThe Jewish youth of Sioux City Chicago, is ivisiting for the sum- ables, for Jewish Service. The trustees ot designating them as dan District Convention and also visit tion mer mouths with her parents, Mr. this association whose terms do not exbetween the ages of 20 to 30 have gerous characters . . . Danger pire at the time of the annual election and Mrs. I. Borshevsky. recently formed a Young People's ed Monsignor Flanagan at Boy shall act as a nominating committee andous to Fascism, that means—anc Town. they shall, at least two weeks prior to League, their purpose being to the label is a badge of honor .' annual election, nominate from memhave meetings of both a social Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rabinowitz Friends of Florida's Senator .Pep At the Convention b a n q u e t the bers of said Association such as they and intellectual nature. The Y. P. and son, Milton, and Hilmore per whom a German embass> Cantor declared he hadn't heard deem qualified as candidates for offices president, vice-president, secretary, L., under the capable guidance of Moore, of Richmond, Texas, have staff members is said to havi so many speeches since his Ba of treasurer and trustees, and no one shall Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, have left for home after a visit in the challenged to a duel, claim tha Mitzvah. He cut the birthday cake be elected as an officer or trustee unless elected for their officers Mr. Per- home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ep- he's ready to meet the Nazi chal w h i c h was presented to Philip he or she has been nominated by the nominating committee or nominated at the ry Osnowitz, president; Mr. Ruby stein. meeting of the members. The seclenger . . . He's armed hiinsel Klutznick, the hew District presi annual Schindler, 1st vice-presideut; Dr. dent, and helped himself to the retary, in sending notices of the annual with a slingshot "just in case one meeting, shall state the names of' th« M. Grossman, 2nd vice-president; Miss Lois Jean Kaliu, of Dallas, candidates selected by the nominating those Gollaths comes around," first piece. Miss Betty Osnowitz, correspond- Texas, is visiting in the Phil Kaliu of committee and the respective offices for they say . . . . . .As one who leaves which they have been nominated and are ing secretary; Miss Betty Bookey, home for several weeks. IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney the reading of the funnies to the to be voted upon at the annual meeting. recording secretary; Mr. Earl HiThe members of this association, at their younger generation we haven' In the County Court of Douglas County, movltz, treasurer. annual meeting, shall elect a president, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Lowe, of kept up with the career of Super Nebraska. secretary, treasurer and In the very near future, the Plainfield, New Jersey, ia visiting man, who occasionally crashes the In the Matter of the Estate of Green A vice-president, such number of trustees as there are vaJohnson, Deceased. date to be announced in the next in the M. Bergen home, 2315 news when.a censor bany him or To the helrs-at-law, creditors, and al cancies and no one shall be elected to any office unless having first received nominissue of the "Jewish Press" an Douglas. Mrs. Lowe is the former a dictator denounces him . . nticr persons Interested in said estate: ation by the nominating committee aa You are hereby notified that a petition evening's entertainment w i l l be Ethel Bergen. herein or having been nominated But we thought you'd like to has been filed In this Court on the 29th by the provided members at the annual meeting tm offered at the Shelter House in know that the creators, of thi day of June, 1940, by Verne Johnson, al- herein provided. The president, vice-presiStone Park, at which time all Green A. Johnson died on dent, secretary and treasurer shall b* Mrs. A. Feinberg and Mrs. A. newcomer to the funny page are leging14thihat day of October, 1928, intestate- trustees ex officio and shall hold their Jewish youth of the city, between Lefkovich entertained at a lunch- two Jewish boys Joe Shuster the that at the time of his death he was a offices for one year and until their sue* the above ages, are cordially in- eon in the Martin Tea Room in who draws the bulge-muscled resident of Douglas County, Nebraska cessors are elected and qualified. Til* and that he was posesscd of the follow, duties of said officers shall be fixed by T i l e d to attend. Membership is honor of Miss Frances Ducoffe, a hero, and Jerry Siegel, who thinks ing described real estate, to-wit: the Board of Trustees. open also to young married cou- bride-elect. Bridge and Man Jong up hsi adventures (and what ad Lots Eigh t(8), Nine (9), and Ten ples. (10), all in Block Five (5) in West were the afternoon's entertain- ventures they are!) . .* . Mrs Any vacancies in any of said office* Cuming, an addition to the City of Adam L. Gimbel is not only the Omaha, Anyone desiring further infor ment. shall be filled by the Board of Trustee*. as surveyed, plaUed and rewife of the president of one of The Board of Trustees shall have authorcorded, Douglas County, Nebraska*, mation, may call Mr. Perry Osno ity to make all rules, regulations and bysame being popularly known as 616 witas or Mr. Joe Goldstein. Mrs. L. A. Ducoffe honored her Manhattan's swankest d e p a r t - North laws for this association, and may alter 46th Street, Omaha, Nebraska. That said petitioner has an interest in and amend the same by a two-thirds vot* daughter, Frances, at a luncheon inent stores, Saks Fifth Avenue estate being an heir-at-law of said it ah the members of the Board of Tnisat the Mayfair Hotel. Mah Jong but also head of its fashion de- teal said petitioner prays that a tees. signing staff .. . .. She's head deceased: and bridge were the diversion. leaving be had on said petition, that noThe Board of Trustees shall meet at over.hpejs in work these days, be- tice thereof be given as required by law, least once a month, or at such other tlma Society News and that upon said hearing a decree of this fall none of her new sa the president or a majority ot th* A group of twenty women, with cause heirshlp be entered and further admlnis Board may direct. models will be coming from Paris tration of said estate be dispensed with. Articleitself V. The regular annual meeting Mrs. M. H a 1 i g m a n and Mrs. but must all bo made in America You are therefore notified that a hearshall be held at such place in tbe citr Mr. a n d Mrs. M. Polaykoff Charles Raskin in charge, gave a will be had on said petition at the of Omaha as the Board of Trustees may . . Long distance song-writing ing 1701 Ross street, announce the luncheon at the El's Club In hon- .s indulged bounty Court Koom of said County, on determine, on the last Sunday in May in by Oscar Hammer- the 27th day of July, 1940, at 9 o'clock of each year. Written notice of the regengagement of their daughter or of Miss Ducoffe. itein, II, and Jerome Kern A. M., and that If you fail to appear at ular annual meeting of the members shall Sarah, to Mr. Bernie Herzoff, soi said time and place and contest the said be given by the secretary at least five Oscar phones his. lyrics from New petition, the Court may grant the same, days before such meetlmr. of Mrs. I. Herzoff, 1035 Seven Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldberg, York to Kern in Hollywood, and enter a decree of heirshlp, and decree that special meeting of the members may teenth Street. No date has beer 1117 Iowa Street, ivisited in Iowa "Xern a little later calls back with further administration of said estate be beAheld at any time or at any place Bet for the wedding. City over the week end. named on call of the president or a mahe tune for Hammerstein's ap- dispensed with. ority of the Board of Trustees. Notice of BRYCE CRAWFORD, proval . . . Paramount Pictures uch meetings shall be mailed by the secCounty Judge. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lelchook quite proud of its president, 7-5-40-3t. etary to each member at hU address at - Main street, announce the Strictly Confidential Barney Balabau, wUa has guided ZIEGLER. DUNN & BUCKUR and D. L., east two days before the time fixed' for helding such special meeting, and such MANOM, Attorney*. birth of a daughter. t to a prosperity that has brought lotlce shall specify the object of sucbFirst National Uanb Bldg. (Continued from page 11.) ts stockholders over eight milmeeting. VI. The terms and conditions The Misses Dorothy Wutkin and now in Hitler's hands, but he'll ion dollars in dividends during NOTICE OF AMENDED ARTICLES OF f Article membership shall be as follows: Any he last five years . . , Libby Notice Is INOOItrOKATlON Eva Borkin entertained sixteen also hereby given that a special .erson of the Jewish faith may become a be able to exercise his vengelong-heralded netry in- meeting of the members of the Wise member of said association upon payment friends at a miscellaneous shower on Hersehel Grynszpan, Holman's if the annul dues. Every member shall to the serious drama may take Memorial Hospital Association held at iontribute Thursday evening at Scribben's fulness yearly-for the use and benefit the youth who shot a Nazi attache i»lace this summer, Nebraska, on the 7th day of in one of the Jmaha, Tea. Shop, in honor of Miss Sarah in une, 1940, it was voted to alter and f said hospital association such annual a couple ot years,..a go barn . theatres. mend- the articles...ot.association to read ues as may be determined by the Board Polaykoff, a bride-elect. B u n c o . .Paris . And if you want an inklings if Trustees. No person shall participate:- "'• 13 follows: was the diversion of the evening. of what Grynszpan's fate will be, Article II. The name of this corpora- >r vote aa • a member of this association Miss Goldie Lehman, 3051 Val- just, remember that it was after Ion shall be Wise Memorial Hospital As- nlesa ne or she shall have paid the anocttion. The place of business shall be iuai dues to the association as provided ley Drive, has just returned from his assassination of Vom Rath .t the City of Omaha, Douglas County, or by the Board of Trustees for the prea v i s i t in'Chicago and Racine, that the Nazis had their infaNebraska. The period for which it ia In- eding year. Article VII. These articles may be : orporated shall be fifty yeara from and Wisconsin, mous synagogue-burning s p r e e mended at any regular members' meet* fter September 30, 1931. - . Article III. The object of this aaso- ng or any such members' meeting called Now that we've seen "The latlon shall'' be the establishment, sup- 'or the purpose, provided such amendMr. and Mrs. Hy Levy and son, Mortal Storm" we are doubly inport and management of a hospital to be ment to the articles of the association to Howard, are visiting with Mrs. sistent that you see this film voted upon shall first have received"mown as the Wise Memorial Hospital As. (Continued from Page 1.) Levy's mother, Mrs. Bluma Silver, oclation; to render medical and surgical . _ approval ot the majority of the It's one of the most moving members of the Board of Trustees of said :are, aid and assistance to sick, infirm 815 W 9th. The visitors are from portraits of life in Naziland that Query. "I don't know. Just a hundisabled persons Irrespective of race, association, and no amendment shall be • Marion, South Dakota. made to the articles of the asaoclatoln ' :olor, creed or religion. could be imagined, and our only dred children." IV. The affairs and business mless the majority ot the trustees shall complaint against it is one that In New York he will start or- f Article this association shall be conducted by t a regular or special meeting have reMr. Dan Stein, 1117 Iowa, has ha8 been voiced by many others ganizing a show which he .plans i Board of fourteen trustees, twelve of orded their vote in favor of such amendto be elected by Its mem- ment or amendments and which must returned from a week's stay in Namely, why wasn't this to take on a twenty-one day tour laid trustees Four trustees shall annually be een done prior to submitting Omaha. picture issued years ago, as soon of the, country to raise a half mil- >erg. lected who shall serve for a period of mendment or amendments to the ntemas Phyllis Bottome's novel was lion dollars for the American Red hree yeara, or Until their successors iera of said association. ave been duly elected and qualified. Two Article VIII. The association shall Miss Florence Gordon, of St. published? An anti-Hitler Cross. Hollywood and Broadway f said trustees shall be appointed by the lave full power and authority to purchase, Joseph, Missouri, visited in Sioux comedy starring Claudette Col- stars will contribute their serv- 'ederatlon for Jewish Service of Omaha lelland convey any and all real estate shall serve for one year or until ecessary for hospital purposes; and- it City last week-end enroute home bert and Ray Milland is being ices. Half the proceeds will be who successors have been duly appointed, ay mortgage or otherwise encumber the from Cleveland, Ohio. readied in Hollywood . . . "Arise, turned over to local Red Cross 'heir >rovlded, however, that should said asso- lame to raise money neehed for the purcease to be affiliated with the oses of the association. My Love," is the title, and it's groups. The other half will go to latlon , 'ederatlon for Jewish Service of Omaha Miss Bertha Slutsky, of Omaha, written by the scenarists of "Nin- the national organization. WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ASSOthe said Federation for Jewish Service CIATION visited in the home of Mr. and otchka." not be entitled to any representaCantor is genuinely concerned ihall By Isidor Ziegler, President. . lon on said board, and the affairs of Mrs. Jack Mirowitz last week. REFUGEE REPORT H. A. Wolf, Secretary 0-21-40-lt. with the problem of Nazism. He A refugee in England is Henri sees the G e r m a n government Vacationers at L a k e Okoboji Bernstein, the French playwright scheming to divide nations over A this week are Mrs. I. Herzoff and . . . Only n few months ago he the subject of the Jews. "Their daughters, Helen and Sylvia; Mrs. built a new theatre in Paris—but scheme is to have the people conIrving Levich; the Misses Sally he had to leave it to Hitler . . . centrate on everything but methJVeinstein and Sophie Slutsky. A fascinating book about refu- ods for defense." He compared gees and other Jews who eventu- Hitler to the pick-pocket i who, Mr. H a r r y Schwartz, of St. ally head toward Palestine has when caught, starts yelling "Stop Louis, Missouri, visited with his just been published by Robert thief." : sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Neumann, himself a refugee from Labeling the B'nai B'rith antiMrs. D. Levitsky, 1213 Iowa St., Hltlerism Its character porfor the past two weeks. traits are really something to IRVIN O. LEVIN," Attorney write home about . . . That Nazi In the County Court of Douglas County, trick of planting Gestapo agents Mr., and Mrs. Nate Goldberg, Competent 909 Iowa street, announce the in batches of refugees is adding Nebraska. In the Matter ot the Estate of Susan birth of a son at the St. Joseph to the hardships of those German Johnson, Deceased. Instruction Jews who have been fortunate To the heirs-at-law, creditors, and all Hospital. persons interested in said estate: enough to get visas for htis hemi- other, You are hereby notfled that a petition and been filed in this Court on the 29tn Miss Bess Epstein has departed sphere So aware are Uncle has day of June, 1940, by Verne Johnson, alExcellent for New York where she plans an Sam and his Latin neighbors of leging' :haf Susan Johnson died on the COOL day of April, 1036, intestate; that extended stay. Mrs. H e r m a n the Fifth Column peril that they 15th Supervision at the time of her death she was a resiSHOWERS Kahn, sister of Miss Epstein, will go over every incoming group dent of Douglas County, Nebraska, and with a ne-tooth comb to weed out that she was possessed ot the following Join her next week. spies and troublemakers . . . decrlbed real estate, to-wit: : (8), Nine (9) and Ten Miss Lucille Goldberg, 1807 E. This, of course, means long de- (10),Lots allEight in Block Five (5) 1n-West and gruelling questioning Cuming, an addition to the City ot ,7th Btreet, left last week for Los tention, for real refugees nlso, and even Omaha, aa surveyed, platted and reAngeles. California, w h e r e she has Douglas County, Nebraska: . caused some of our neighbor- corded, GET A LIFT BY SWIMMING IN THE COOL same being popularly known as 010 plans an extended visit with her Ing republics to close their doors No. 46th street, Omaha, Nebraska. , -' CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER OF sister, Mrs. Leo Karas. o this immigration . . . Friends That said petitioner has an interest in THE ' U " POOL said real estate being an heir-at-law of of E. Phillips Oppenheim, worried deceased: said petitioner prays that Mr. Sam Sadoff, of Bremerton, at their failure to hear from him said a hearing be : had-on said petition, that No Need to Be Uncomfortable During Washington, is visiting in . t h e s i n c e the, Nazi occupation of notice thereof be given aa required by. and that upon said- bearing a de* These "Hot" Summer Daya home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. France, where the thriller-writer law, cree of helrshtp be' entered and further Nathan Sadoff. lias been living, arc.hoping that administration of Bald estate be dispensed • •he may have managed to escape with. Omaha's Cleanest Indoor Foot notified that a bearMiss Bertha Snovsky,. of Baltl- Hitler's hordes, and point out ingYouwin.arebetherefore had on said petition at the that the fate of France-could not County Court Room of said County, oa ffl 27th day of July, 1940, at 9 o'clock have come as a complete surprise the A. M., and that if you fall to appear at , experienced, office to him, since in one of his own said time and place and contest the nald 20th and Dodge Street gist desires employment. Cnn. books, published twelve yeara petition; • the Court - may grant tbe name, 1 enter of heirshlp, and 'decree that? S' do salesworts. Wease coll ago,; this line occurs: VBy. 1040 further.-a decree For Additional Information Call JAckson 1366 administration ;of '.said 'estate be 4 France- wilL exist no lonjjw''' >.,» , »• djapensed .witn. CRAVVFaRD. . But of course it was the-villain of •' County Judge.

Sioux City



Health's Sake • - * *

Water Tested Daily

f>*«e 10

Friday, Ju\y



that they love Jews as people who last man with the tying runs on several years. Bloom was hia old self Sunday and was invincible aa go with them on the same good base. way of life to ai a k e a better Sonny (New Yoork) Golding hit his club smashed the M o t h e r world out of tins. la short, &s Mr. a booming homer over Kuklins Chapter 11-1. Bungle's sign tells us, we have With BiGGin oa the firing line head in left field for the day's MOBKIH ABLEK Hi 41. 8EGAI* been privileged to look at Chrishardest hit ball. Mike Landman of the Leavtnworth pitching ataif tians." and Max Osterman looked good oa Earl Siegel's ciub will be tougher STANDINGS "FARM*"* The road had just wade a turn third and first. Harry Altsuter than ever. Gerber of the Mother W L and On vacation . . . Th<? other day that with sudden, stupefying surHerb Marks also hit homers Chapter set some sort of a record 6 3 f d r o v e through the Catskills prise revealed to us the majesty Wardrobe Ciotkiers as he struck out Henry Ginsberg for the victors. Market 6 2 where n a t u r e has everytfaiag. of the Hudson. I gave out a quick four times, once coming in from Lincoln Tavern 5 3 There are those breath-taking cry of adoratioa. . the outfield just to p i t c h to The feature game of the day 8 4 mountain views, sudden turns in "Man &n& God joined together A. 1\ T. Henry. provided the upset of the season 8 the road that give dazzling evi- ia one effort of beauty," I ex- A. Z. A. No. 100 when the A. P. T. ten behind the Games this Sunday: 2 dence that God still is in the claimed. "We have just seen these . 'A. A. No. 1 pitching Sara Ruderman trounWardrobe Clothiers vs. Lincoln world. I was well-nigh ashamed to six Christians assembled on one Nebr Fruit Market 0 6 ced the of Wardrobe Clothiers 16- Tavern, 88-rd and Case. Results last Sunday be on vacation in a time of man- porch and now we look at the At Elmwood 12. Sam was wild the first inning A. Z. A. No. 100 vs. A. P. T< kind's travail. This beauty seemed noble Hudson. We are privileged R. H. E and ran into trouble; before the unreal, remote from the world holders of an ideal world. We Lincoln Taveru . . 403 001 2—10 11 1 inning was over the Clothiers .had at West Elmwood. Z. A. No. 100..120 003 2 - 8 M Nebraska Fruit vs. A. Z. A. No. Which I had come several days be- should be grateful to nature and A. Butteries: Kornejr and Meiches; Guss six runs across the platter. foie. 1 at 32nd and Dewey. grateful, also, to Mr. Bungle for and Riclilin. The fraternity team scored in Leavenworth Market vs. bye. I had at first regretted that my gathering Christians in tbe Cat- At 32nd and Dewey R. H. E every inning and overcame the car had no radio set to give me skills. Wardrobe Clothiers 620 200 2—12 8 2 lead while Ruderman settled down P. T 144 132 X—15 8 1 SWIMMING the hot news of rushing events as "What an ideal world this would A. Batter'.es: Irving Yaffe and Silbar; Sam and had Moe Linzinan's team well Six mermaids received promoI strolled through the countryside. be if it were full of Bungles. At Ruaerman and Jack Epstein. in hand after the initial inning. tions by phy. dir. Lee Grossman* (Literally I strolled, for I am a present there is little or no incen- At 33rd and Cass M a n u e l Himelstein and Ray They are Patsy King, Barbara BaR. H, E. driver who says if I don't get tive to be Christian in this unhap A. ?.. A. No. 1..000 000 1—1 there today, I can just as well get py world. Christianity is being I.eavenworth Mk't 003 600 x—11 28 S2 Shapiro played g o o d defensive trada, Patsy Cleveland, Rebecca Batteries; Gerber, Colm and Kirscli- ball for the winners pulling their London, Ruth Mayne and Fanny there tomorrow. It took me three flouted and despoiled by arrogant chucker out of many holes. Sam Miller. days to travel from Ohio to New hoodlums. It's dog eat dog now baum; Bloom and Giventer, Biegel. The Lincoln Tavern eked out a Ruderman is leading the league's York. and a Christian has practically no Seven junior boys moved from 10-8 win over the Century :huckera with 3 w i n s and no But as the peace of these moun- chance to get along in the world. narrow the beginnings class to the adChapter in a c l o s e well-played osses. tain roads took hold of my trou- But what does Mr. Bungle do? He ball game. Ed Lincoln's club startvanced group. They are Dan ISp* bled soul, I said to hell with ra- encourages and rewards Chris- ed the game with a barrage of stein, Herman Singer, Paul Gitlln, "Pooch" B l o o m pitched his dio, to hell with all the strident tians, offers them shelter from the blows and at the end of the third Joe Pezznard, Gerald Nepomnick, first game of the season for Leavsounds from which I have escap- night in his own house, as his sign Ruderman and Justin Harthe score was 7-3 but the scrappy enworth and allowed only two Irving ed, to hell with news which is all says." wich. hustling youngsters fought back blows. "Pooch" was one of the bad. I am indeed the most fortun"Have you finished?" my wife gamely and their rally in the last citys best chuckers only a few ate of creatures to be allowed to asked impatiently. half of the seventh was checked years back but hasn't pitched for Patronise Our Advertisers get away from it all and abide "Not yet, my dear. We must by Korney when he struck out the with God instead of with the arro- presume that before Mr. Bungle gant little people who at the mom- takes a tourist into his house he ent bestride the earth. makes certain that he really is a was that they didn't want Jews .1 was driving by a variety of Christian. Doubtless he looks into on Mr. Bungle's farm," she ex- HEADQUARTERS places that offered b o a r d and all tbe marks of character that plained laboriously. "Instead of FOR lodging to the tourist. They had distinguish Christians — kindli- saying 'Jews not wanted,' they say such names as Catskill Lodge, ness, gentleness, compassion, un- 'Christian tourists.' T h e y just Buena Vista Manor, etc. I was derstanding." don't want Jews. amused by the fancy names that Dusk was falling and soon we "You're always spoiling things," people think up for their two- must seek shelter for the night. I said. story frame houses when they are "Let's turn back to Mr. Bun"Well, it's the truth," she snaplooking for summer boarders. gle's," I suggested. "It will be an - - U. S. T i r e s . My wife called by attention to enheartening experience to stay ped. "Truth," I replied, "giv«s me are known everythe sign in front of Mr. Bungle's among Christians for a night. The "Boarding Farm." (I can't re- world has been so dark but this a pain. It butchers illusion." safe member precisely what his name night we shall discovered some "Anyway," she said, "I have an where for was but Bungle will do.) dazzling light among Mr. Bungle's idea you didn't mean a thing you Christian tourists." "For Christian Tourists" said in praise of Mr. Bungle. You mileage. Your size • The sign in front of Mr. Bun"You are a bigger fool than I were probably just thinking up here gle's place read: "For Christian always though you were," my wife something funny for your colTourists." To behold this sign just said. umn." about completed my satisfaction "Still, my dear, you can't deny "You are blind to the finer with everything. manifestations," I replied. "Yet there's a lot of truth in it. Now Let us save you "It's simply wonderful," I said. the matter is understandable. One If Mr. Bungle's tourists r e a l l y "What's wonderful?" my wife Is so unaccustomed to s e e i n g were all that being a Christian money with these asked. Christianity in the world that it means! Six Christians on a porch "Practically everything. Man Is only natural that one should amid God's beauty in the Catskills extra safe, extra and nature h a v e combined to fall to see It when It'appears ever . . . Yes, let's go back and present create perfection here." Fill your so clearly on the mountain side; ourselves to Mr. Bungle. We'll mileage tires. Carl Rlekes eyes with the beauty of this scene The sign plainly 'said 'Christian tell him that we are Jews seeking shelter for the night. If they and at the same time consider Mr. Tourists' " Bungle. I can well envisage him The woman then launched on throw us out we'll know the sign ^— not merely the physical Bun- a lengthy explanation. The sign, doesn't meant anything." gle but also the soul that is Bun- she said, didn't in the least con"Better pave your Illusion," the gle. He is, I should say, a man of note the Idealistic things I'imagt ;ood woman replied. saintly aspect and I guess-that if ined. ' ' • • • ' • ' : So we drove on into the gatherone looked closely 'the faint out"But it said distinctly, 'Chris- ing dusk. line of a halo could be detected tian Tourists,' " I protested. "You "Nevertheless," I said, "nature on his head. Hia head, you might •can't deny what your eyes see so is beautiful and good. The divine : j say, Is not far from' the stars.; I clearly." ; serenity of the Hudson at twishould surmise that he consorts -"What the 'sign"'meant to say light. with the saints even as he is en' gaged in the mundane tasks of his farm — milking the cows and gathering the harvest and feeding BIS NO. 18TH ST. 'OMAHA AT 4550 BREAKFAST CEREALS the Christian tourists. In short, Mr. Bungle is a Christian gentleman. BARBARA B. BROOKS .„ We may gather his Christian Home Economic! Department Ouality from the fact that he likes Kellogg. Company to- be surrounded by other Christlon gentlemen and ladles, as his Battle Creek. Michigan sign tells us. In this beauty of TO HEALTH ailO HAPPIHESS nature amid which he lives he demands that man be as noble as tit Cereal for breakfast is a heritage!up in clean packages, costing but . these mountains, with characters as Btately as these oak trees, with not only from our American an-'little. It met with consumer accepspiritual beauty as lovely as the cestors but from some of the na- tance and with the volume of proflowers on these mountain slopes. tions which produced our parents duction increasing yearly ever since, grandparents. In the early days the cost has come down in propoiv. hence this sign which informs us and PARIS mn nntintisns of this country, grain was the most tion. so that now corn flakes are; that, he desires Christian tourists important crop, with corn heading cheaper than bread on a moisture! 'Discovered more than 100 years' ago, and taken, in his house. He is building an the list. Ground corn, boiled with free basis. over by tha United States Government to prevent ideal world." •water and salt, made a palatable Today ready-to-eat cereals are exploitation, this stoat spa hat been developed :My wife was giving out angry •warming porridge which undoubtinto a modern health resort, with superior living noises which suggested that she edly provided the energy necessary manufactured from corn, wheat, (rice, bran, and rye. Since their first accommodations. All sports and recreations was inwardly protesting against readily availabfe. Mako your May ono of added my characterization of Mr. Bun- s n i ^ ^ n * ^ ^ enjoyment. Step at this popular hotel; locked at trio gle. In fact, she.managed to say Thfe porridge could be prepared in i i ^ P 1 0 ! ! ™ ^ * 1 ? ^ v ^ « Cftn3 head of Bath House Row, tn Us own private park, u g over the open methods that I was a damfool and sudhc 0of distribution. They are an kettle theashes. opeh\} P™ ™^ the packages and lireiron and be kepthung warmover by hot it offers quiet relaxation, convenient to every activity denly crazy besides. . .. • It was the logical morning meal. staple groceries in every home 500 rooms, fromtS tlnoto. lodge on lalko Hamilton Essentially Good People. pantry. But I am a man who permits The development of this country V/rilo For Pictorial Booklets no rude Intrusions on his idealis- can be traced by changes in food Sometimes these ready-to-eat ceWAITER E. DAVIS, ManoQCJ reals are designated by the custom-' customs. One by one, other cereals tic visions. So I went on: "Did 1 e* as "uncooked." This is wrong, were added to corn, and records beyou see Mr. Bungle's boarders because they have been thoroughly seated in his front porch. All of gin to mention delicacies such as cooked—even more thoroughly than them Christians, since Mr. Bun- sausage and salt pork in the break- would be possible in a borne kitchen." menu. But cereals was served gle's sign says so. Thlnlc of It: Six fast also —once acquired, this particuConsumers buy ready-to-eat ceChristians all in a bunch. That's HOTEL A'-ND B i l T H S habit is a firm one and it has reals' because of taste appeal, cond lot of Christians in the world as lar stood the test of as many years as venience for serving, high standwe know it. Six Christian in this the United States is old. ards in sanitary packaging, and beperfect scene! they have a definite "place in It was not until a little over thir- cause "And, ray dear, what's finer In American menu planning. They are ty years ago that ready-to-eat cethia world -than a Christian — splendid milk carriers, which makes made their appearance in the them unless it be six Christians. We can reals doubly valuable for both chilform of corn flakes. White corn welUguess the kind of people they was hulled and determinated. The dren and. adults. They are often are, since we know what is to he hominy grit (endosperm) was then served to children for supper as expected of Christians, They are cooked with a flavoring made from well as breakfa§tr Marty* tfr6wn-ups people of fine tolerance, no doubt. malt, sugar and salt, and these enjoy them as a snack before going ,, They are intensely conscious of cooked grits were rolled into flakes to bed. the essential unity of mankind and toasted. The product was pack- So, competing with the cereal and know all men" as brethren. I aged in an attractive carton and custom ofs centuries, the crisp, the public by means ready-to-eat cereal has made a place should say that the brotherhood made known to 1 of. man is uppermost in t h e i r of advertising .' The result was most |fpr itself which is definite. What hearts and all the hates, and pre- interesting and shows definitely (changes ; 1:.the next years will bring ~—'--—*•' *be orophesiedT, *•—•-* this line'cannot judices that now' prevail in the how strong a factor taste is in in- "^~ world are r e m o t e from their changing food habits. Here was a but it is certain that cereals will Christian natures. One must guess cereal, new inform and flavor, put keep pace with the times,

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THE ZIONIST FRONT Don't let anybody kid you— there's real harmony among the Zionists today . . . Edmund I. Kaufmann's election to the presidency at the Pittsburgh convention was supposed to be a revolution, but what it turned out to be was a love-feet . . ,. Actually the idea of a collegium working as a cabinet has been carried out . . . Vice President Solomon Oodlan will have the portfolio of c u l t u r e , Vice President Israel Goldstein will handle organization affairs, Vice President Louis Lipsky will be in charge of propaganda, Vice Presidents Stephen S. Wise and Robert Szold will handle political affairs, and Vice Presidents Morris Rothenberg and Abba IIHlel Silver will have allaround duties without specific portfolios . . . This isn't official yet, but it will be . . . President Kaufmann—won a Jokester called Wendell (Willkle) Kautlnann because of the blitzkrieg technique of his election—-intends to make his cabinet work in all temperatures, but in the right regional set-up . . ,. The first cabinet meeting was held at Atlantic City on July 5th, and we suppose that when the cold weather sets In the cabinet will meet in Mr. Kaufmann's luxurious hotel at Miami . . . Einanuel Neumann is slated for the position of assistant to the president. BITS OP INTEREST After the bomb explosion In the New York office of the Deutochcr Handels und Wirtschaftsdienst a couple of weeks ago, Assistant District Attorney Jacob J. Itoscubloom rushed down, In his official capacity, of course . . . When no was announced to tne .Nazi executive in charge of the office, the story goes, the German tactfully turned the Fuehrer's portrait away before the Jewish official entered the room , . . Did you know that in the effort to take the curse off German police dogs they are now euphemistic" ally called Alsatian shepherds? . . . All of which doesn't change the fact, that when you buy a genuine representative of t h i s breed yon get with i t a certificate from its trainer stating that said trainer solemnly swears that he Is a full-blooded "Aryan" with no percentage whatsoever of Jewish blood . . . It seems that in Nazi* land the ruling i s that © dog, no matter hoV purebred an aristocrat in its own right, becomes a mere mutt if its trainer has a drop of Jewish blood in him . . . Perhaps those German bike champibna weren't' Fifth Columnists at all, but were merely meant to serve as good will agents . . • Bat anyway, so much hullaballoo was raised about their presence and so much suspicion centered about them that the purpose of their visit to these shores, was nullified . . . And so they have been ordered-to go bade to Hit* lerland before the month is over . . . Neal O'Hara wonders why no accounting is ever made of all the money the Nazis collect at home and among their sympathizers in foreign lands for their famous winter relief . . , A new fashion that is springing up in these parts is to answer the phone with the phrase "Stop Hitler" instead of the traditional "Hello" . . . And a Broadway etymologist declares that it's Hitter who pot the "s" before "laughter." YOU SHOULD KNOW The fall of Paris brought Hitler a rich haul of his favorite victims '• Not only all the German intellectuals who had left Naziland for-France and the Jewish refugees- whom the French kept in concentration camps are (Continued on Page 12.)




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In which your garrulous gosBiper, Mr. Peters, lets off a load Of steam abosst a ikewIy-pisMished book which teas angered him so that he wfc»it» to communicate some of tlt&t anger to his lostgsuffering readers. If his eJsoIer has warn off by thera, Peter promises to return to his gossipy ways next week.) Give a man a typewriter and a ream of paper and almost anything can happen. Sometimes the result will be happy. Sometimes it will be sad. Take the case of a man named Douglas Reed. He either bought or was given a typewriter. Paper is cheap. He had spent many years of his life covering Gernianw for British newspapers, and when it became the thing for n e w s p a p e r correspondents to throw off the irksoin- narrow reetraints of straight reporting and Bet down personal impressions, Reed rushed to his typewriter and sheaf of paper and began to write books. There came from Reed's typewriter such things as "Insanity Fair" and "Disgrace Abounding." In them Reed set down his impressions of current European events. From them one had no difficulty at all in recognizing that Reed had some mighty prejudices, as who hasn't, and that conspicuous among these prejudices was a strong antipathy toward Jews. Those two books were good sellers in this country. The Bales encouraged the publishers to continue turning out Reed volumes and now there has just been published a third book from the Reed typewriter. New Book It is called "Nemesis?" (Houghton, ltlflin) and purports to be an impressionistic biography of Otto Strasser, one-time buddy of that man Hitler and now avowedly a mortal enemy of the exbouBepainter who has made good as a butcher. Let me state at the outset, so that there may be no mistake, that I think this book is one of the foulest, most vicious antiSemitic volumes ever published in this country. "Nemesis?" is an attempt to build up Stresser to the proportions of Menace Number 1 to Hitler and the man who will pick up the reins in the Fourth Reich that will emerge when Adolf either steps down or is stepped on. The attempt is a miserable failure, whether through Reed's own ineptness and prejudices, or Strasser's own inherent failings. In presenting Strasser'n case, Reed goes out of hia -.ray throughout the volume to Inject a full measure of poisonous poppycock that could well have come from a typewriter and sheaf of paper in the possession of a man named Goebbels instead of a man named Reed. Let me, as the saying goes, . from here on Quote chapter and yerse. The very first chapter starts off with a Wast against aliens. Our own Senator Reynolds, or British Sir Oswald Mosley, couldn't have done better. Anti-Alien Feeling "I could not understand the iray the country, on the. one hand, passively allowed itself to drift towards an avoidable war," Reed laments ir telling of his return to England after a time, "and on the other hand, permitted an enormous influx of unassignable aliens whose intention clearly •was, when that war came, to burrow into the places' vacated by the young: men of Britain who would again be sent to fight. . The things that were best in England were being burled under an imported, alien way of life and way of thinking that made itself ever more master of literature and the press, the stage and the films, radios and the menu, at parliamentary debates — everything." That is-poisonous poppycock by an opinionated. Fascist-impregnated jackass who labels himself a patriot (so nobody will mistake him). A bit farther "along Reed begins the first of a series of totally unsupported lyrical eulogies of Btrasser. Thus: ' "This man alone, among the men who left Germany, fought! The CEiles dispersed to a score of countries. Some subsided quietly Into "complete oblivion. Others,

Friday, July 12, 1940


Pa»e ft

Examining Arab patients at Hebrew University's Malaria Research $>tation at Rosh Pinah, located in Upper Calilee, Palestine, on the edge oi the great Huleh swamps. Extensive research by the University's seientists in the control and prevention of ma aria has been of great value to the country in greatly reducin j the previously heavy death toll taken by this disease, and n making colonization possible in large areas of the country pi eviously uninhabitable. and particu arly the Jewish exiles, began a d e ifening war of words. None so bol 1 as they—in the press and radio f Paris and London, But this m an took up the fight a one-man ih;ht against Hitler. IF

Again, so much omelet festooned with pi isonous fungi! How was Strasser fighting Hitler? Was I e fighting him in Berlin, or Mm ich, or Hamburg? Or was he too in Paris, being quoted in the press and on the radio? Or was he figh ting Hitler physically? True, Strasser had a revolver. "He was qever without It," admiringly reports Reed. Hitler Not Anti-Semite Did Reet expect Jewish exiles to go around carrying revolvers and huntin down Hitlerites, or shooting at them when the Hitlerites were coing the hunting? A crazed lad lamed Herschel Grynszpan did j tst that and the world well recalls the heroic reaction of the mighty Third Reich of Hero Hitler to hat mad deed! Did Strasser hake the courage (crazy as It was) to beard the Nazi in his own ,den; with certain death his only reward? Reed doesn't report it if l e did. The whll i world has, as a.matter o'f coune, long been convinced of the fana' ic sincerity of Hitler's anti-Semi thm Not so Reed. "IncidenlMly, .," R e e d writes, •'Hitler's j rofessed (sic) antlSemitism, is I have often tried to make people understand, is another lie; witness the international string,;-pulling Jewess who was gobetweea In his negotiatlons with 3ritlsh politicians." The "string-pulling Jewess" referred to is obviously Countess Stefanie (I ichter) Hohenloe. The fact that thia adventuress has been used by Hitler apparently is, to Reed sufficient proof that Hitler's antil-Semitlsm is a lie. Was there ever Buch tommyrot?

What in the name of blue blazes does Hitler have to do to prove to Mr. Reed's satisfaction that he is a true anti-Semite? Reed is apparently satisfied with Otto Strasser's sincerity In that respect, as shall be demonstrated later. "Best Racial Theory" At times, Reed's puerile inanity borders on the sublime. It reaches nightmarish proportions in his ecstatic report of a conversation between Hitler and Strasser in which the former enunciated what Reed describes as "the best racial theory "ever invented." "There is but the struggle of the racially inferior lower class," Hitler reportedly said to Strassor in the course of an argument over theory and policy, "against the ruling upper race." Interpreting t h i s pronouncement as signifying that "the poor are not only a lower class but an inferior race; while the rich are not only predestined to rule but are also a superior race," Reed hallelujahs as follows: "This is the best racial theory ever invented, in my recollection, and if only Hitler had made this clear to the world earlier, and had kept that stupid stuff about

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the Jews out of the argument, he would, in my opinion, be the adored ruler of Europe today." Was ever such pontifical, poisonous pap put between covers, to the shame and disgrace of the publishing business? To return to Reed's attempt to cast Strasser in the heroic mold. The attempt boomerangs and, as far as this reader is concerned, there emerges the quite definite and contrary impression t h a t Strasser, far from being a Hitler nemesis, may very well be a Hitler ageat. Again quoting chapter and verse: Resignation of Strasser Faced by Hitler's charges of treachery—instigated by Goeriug and Goebbels — Strasser resigned from all his offices in the NaEi party and expressed a wish to continue as a "private soldier" in the N. S. D. P., moving with his family to Bavaria. "He was broken-spirited from this moment," wrties Reed of the man he earlier in the book paints as one exile who is really fighting Hitler (as opposed to Jewish exiles who only talk against him), "and never appeared , in politics again." Is this the stuff heroes are made of? In this country, we call it "quitting under fire" when a man "resigns" after charges have been brought against him in politics or any other walk of life. Heroes don't quit u: der fire. To repeat, Reed fails dismally to sell Btrasser as either a menace to Hitler or as a possible man-of-the-hour if and when Hitler Germany collapses. Strasser emerges from the book as a mediocrity of not much greater stature than Hitler and without the' latter's saving grace of Insanity, or, much worse, as a suspect. Why No Pudge For a man who la labeled Hitler's Number 1 Enemy, Strasser bears, this reader can't help feeling, a strangely charmed life. Let mo illustrate: 1—It is inordinately strange



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than tlte ruthless triumvirate of Hitler, Goering a n d Goebbels which did not ttop &t killing off allegedly treacherous associates such as ftocfain and hundreds of outers, stiouid nave permitted Ktrasscr simply ta "resign" from the party posts he I>eld when charged with treason to Hitler. 2—-It is passliig strange that many of Sirasser's associates in exile h&ve been slain by the relentless iuid loEg-armed Gestapo, while Htrassei- Itfeiiself has t always by some miracle) escaped. S—•Strange, particularly, w a s iha dtiiili in pie-occupied Czecho&Iov&ida of Rud&Iph I'oruiis, operator of the Secret Sender, by Gestapo a g e n t s , including A blonde. In a secluded spot near the border with itis only visitor Btrasser, Forniis was "found" by Gestapo nieit and murdered. Itecd, opining that the reader will won* der how the Gestapo happened to look for Formis in tli&t spot, parentlietldcfiJly explains t h a t they had been told by a Jewish agent of the Gestapo, a "I>r. Hebrew," who had been promised rehabilitation as an "Aryan." This parenthetical explanation is much too flimsy and leaven open too many grave doubts about Strasser's role as a fighting refugee from Hitler. If Reed expect! discerning readers to s w a l l o w such an explanation of how oa« (Continued on page 9.)


FrnUy, July 12, 1940

>P«g« ft



BETWEEN YOU AND ME (Cbntluued from page 8.) of Strasser's most important associates in exile was killed, then he fg either a simpleton or something much worse. Dangerous Book 1 Those who crossed Hitler or stood in his path were purged. Those whom he needed were, perhaps, sent abroad, ostecsibly as "brave anti-Hitler fighters." This Is a picture that fits more snugly into the portrait of a man who is playing the game of war for keeps and who misses no tricks. To sum up, Reed's ."Nemesis?" Is a dangerous, vicious book, for two reasons. One, i* is openly, shamelessly anti-Semitic. Second, and much worse, it attempts to build up as a .potential successor to Hitler a man who helped build the Nazi party and who may well be a Hitler stooge sent abroad to throw dust into the eyes of the anti-Hitler world. Why No Purge? Strasser's "Fourth Reich" would not be any better for the Jews of Germany than Hitler's T h i r d Reich. About the only important concession would be the elimination of the Streicherian approach to anti-Semitism. Thus: "Strasser's view on the Jewish question is the view that is coming to b& more and more widely accepted—that the Jews are an alien community, with a fiercely anti-Gentile religion that gives them a concealed inward feeling of antagonism towards the nonJewish communities among which they live, and anti-Gentile religious laws far more rabbld (name one, Mr. Reed!) than Hitler's antiJewish laws, which are but a pallid Inversion of them. That being so, and as they have this inborn, overriding super-national, international (both at once, forsooth!) mutually anti-Gentile allegiance, they cannot claim, as they do claim, the full and unrestricted rJghtB and privileges, and more, of the native-born citizens." • Reed might have spared us the crowning idiocy of adding that Strasser was free of anti-Jewish animus, in fact had "many Jewish friends."

JEWISH WAR VETS EXPECT 10,000 FOR 4 5 1 EKCAiPMENT Boston (WNS)—Plans for the 46th annual encampment of Jewish War Veteracs of the United States were announced by Harold Seidenberg, president of the Convention Corporation. "More tlian ten thousand veterans and their families are expected," eaid Mr. Seidenberg, a former national commander, "to crowd the six hotels in the Copley Square section of Boston that have been designated as official hostelries by the Convention Corporation." Sessions of the convention will f o r m a l l y open on Wednesday morning, August 28th. On Thursday evening, the convention will hold its annual military ball. On Friday night, memorial services will be held and on Saturday night the convention banquet will be held in the Boston Arena. Mornings will be devoted to business sessions as well as all day Sunday. Governor Leverett Saltonstall of Massachusetts has accepted the honorary chairmanship of the eon-. ventlon.

When Eddie Cantor, of stage, screen and radio visited Boys Town this week, that unique village which The Rt. Rev. Msgr. B. J. Flanagan, simply known as Father Flanagan, found: ed some twenty years ago, he found time to umpire an intramural baseball game which was in progress at the time of his visit to the Home, The batter is Edward Dulin, a Boys Town city commissioner, and the cateher is Frank Johnson, one of Boys Town's versatile athletes. Prior to umpiring, Cantor tried his hand at pitching and batting, but gave up after he found that he Joshua Montefiore (1762-1843) held a commission in the British was a better comedian than a baseball player. army long before any other Jew.


ARRESTS OF JEWS CONTINUE IN ITALY Rome (JTA)—Arrests of Jews ar'e -continuing and are expected ultimately to include all foreign Jews and all native Jews whose citizenship was revoked in September, 1938. la Trieste, a third of the male Jewish population was arrested, Including all of the leaders. In Flume and Abazzla, all native Jewish males between the ages of 1ft and 60 were arrested/among them a former general.

The Rt. Rev. Msgr. E. J. Flanagan, simply known as Father Flanagan, left, greets Comedian Eddie Cantor, of stage, screen, and radio, upon the latter's recent visit to Boys Townr, where Father Flanagan's Boys Home is located. Mayor Sam Turner, of Boys Town, is shown at the right. Cantor was high in his praise of the fine work Father Flanagan is doing in behalf of the homeless boy. After inspecting the village, Cantor presented Martin Cohn was secretary to Father Flanagan with a $100.00 check to assist in his work. Alexandre Dumas, pere.


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Friday, July 12, 194Q


Camp Corner

Soloist at Banquet

ORGANIZATION! Workmen's Circle Auxiliary, 173 The ladies' auxiliary of the Workmen's Circle, Branch 173 will hold a picnic at Elmwood Park Sunday, July 14, at o'clock p. m. . Refreshments will be served and games will be held for adults And children. Members and their friends are cordially invited.

Junior Council

THE CAMP STAFF The camp staff is of course a vital factor in the camp set-up. Counselors of maturity and judgment, as well as of skill and personality, are necessary for a sue-. cessful program. Camp Jay-C-C sets high standards for its counselors in Order to. maintain excellence in activities, guidance, and development. These standards i n c l u d e : interest in children; l o v e for the out-ofdoors; university training, experience as a club leader, scout, or teacher; ability to teach children camping skills. In other words, education, experience and character a r e the qualities requisite for camp coupselors. They must be resourceful " understanding and sympathetic. The staff of Camp Jay-C-C includes a camp director, a camp mother, a doctor, young men and . women counselors, Red Cross lifeguards and' an adequate kitehen crew. These group leaders have been recruited from the Universities of W a s h i n g t o n , Omaha, Creighton, and Nebraska. Our counselors are interested in the campers and are well prepared to give them a glorious vacation at Camp Jay-C-C.

Theta Lambda A regular meeting of Theta Lambda was held at the home ot Lillian Weiner on July 2. Plaiib were discussed for an outing.

Pioneer Women


The picnic given by the Pioneer Women's Organization was exceptionally well-attended and a definite financial s u c c e s s . Proceeds from the affair are being sent to the emergency fund of the organization. Mrs. I. Morgenstern," financial chairman, asks all members and friends to save all clothes, old bundles, etc., to be collected for a Rummage Sale which is planned for early autumn. A complete new line of Palestinian jewelry has been received by Mrs. Zena Feldman, chairman of Palestine products. These articles can be obtained by phoning Mrs. Feldman, At. 1438.

The Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Juniors is holding its summer breakfasts lunch on Sunday, July 14, at 10 a;'m. at Peony Park. Helen Castleman is chairman and Rita Mantel, co-chairman, of the affair. Members of the committee assisting them are: Bejss Bernstein, S y l v i a Lindenbauin, Jloselle Handler, and Ida Fine. -Plans are being made for swimLadies* Free.Loan ming, refreshments, and games. Reservations may be made by callA board meeting of the .Ladies' ing At. 8386 or Ha. 5711. Free Loan Society will be held Monday, 2 o'clock p. m.(Tat the home of Mrs. Friedfnan,'1815 No.

Our Film Folk

21 s t , .





Rozsika Rothschild Dead London (JTA) — Funeral services for R o z s i k a Rothschild, mother of Lord Rothschild, were held Jast week. She was the widow of Nathanial Charles Rothschild, second son of the last B a r b s Rothschild.


blitzkrieged France—"All This and Hitler Too." Upon hearing that the wellDorothy Lustgarten Riekes Hollywood. — Passing of Mau- known Mrs, McPherson had derice Moscovitch is a loss to both voted her last Sunday's sermon For the first time since last Chicago and at his studio in Pjttescreen and stage. His last work to the picture, we are prompted Do r o t h y Lustgarten field, Massachusetts, she returned will probably never be seen—a to add, "All This and Aimee Too October, Riekes, talented former Omahan, to Chicago as a student of Mischa . . Amen." leading role in "The Great Comappeared before a local.audience Mlschakoff, present conceit-mas- [SHIRTS mandment." The picture, made she was a featured artist ter of the Chicago symphony. by an independent company, was Under the title of "United We when IRONED the B'nai B'rlth Convention Last summer with her sister, bought by a major—and shelved. Survive, Divided We Fall," Harry at Ida Lustgarten, well-known pianBETTER Intention was to use the story for Warner's patriotic address of a banquet, Tuesday evening. Accompanied by Jeanj Borglum ist, she appeared in a recital at a superproduction, with Mosco- few weeks ago is now in printed vitch in the same part . . . but it pamphlet form for distribution to Brinkema, Mrs. Riekes presented which Mrs. Sam Beber and Mrs. G WAYS hadn't yet got under way. theatre men and other Interested two numbers: "Baal Shem" by Philip: Klutznick were Jiosts. Ernest Bloch and "Hungarian groups. His theatrical career b e g a n For: a number of years prior to Czarda".by Hubay. • ' when he was 14 . . . at the Natheir department from Omaha, As a young violin student in the two sisters frequently con?leasa P&ono Us tional Theatre of Odessa . . . As an actor George Tobias is WE 12S4 used his real name then—Maas- an unusual writer . . . scribbled Omaha, Mrs. Riekes won consid- tributed their services to local or' • ' koff. After coming to America he a play which "lie neither wishes to erable acclaim and . waa the ganizations. was associated with Adler, Kes- star in nor- produce . -; ". just youngest soloist ever to appear eler, and.Tomashevsky on the wrote it for fun. Currently he's with the-Omaha Symphony orShe was awarded a vioYiddish stage,. HiB last eleven having difficulty keeping track of chestra." lhi1 scholarship' to study with Jacyears, spent in Hollywood, were his accents:: .• ; . is - playing ' k ques Gordon, concert-master for Saiatnvr Store Ho«*->9 A. M. to S P. devoted almost entirely to films. French-Canadian-' in one-" picture, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. a- Brooklyn fight- manager in anAfter, studying with Gordon in Leon Belosco's father—Dr. Bir- other, and a Greek fruit Iniyer in" latsky—is a practicing physician a third. in China. He hod emigrated to Police on Military Basis that country sonic years ago from Inklings: Joe Pasternak ••_ is Russia . . . and remained. readying for a chuppah-march. -Jerusalem • (•WNS-J'alcor- AgenEdward Robinson's famous paint:—The Palestine' police, comEddie Cantor's banter that Jes- ngs will get a Life spread—with, cy) W© Vary the Deprising JBijitish, Jewish and Arab eel's wife was teething" was re- owner's consent! Wary—Liberty constables, have been placed" on a gree of Support turned pronto by Georgle, who and Look are withholding publibasis for the duration of quipped: "The beauty of that re- cation of THEIR Chaplin stills rnilftary and Function In hostilities, in accordance with a mark is that Lois will be biting until the Life injunction is set- proclamation issued by the high long after Cantor can't.". tled. Lone sentinel: A tri-color commissioner in a Gazette Extraflag floating over the French set Guerreana: Fan mail continues on one of the lots. Mack Gray's ordinary. to stream into the studios from brother, Joe,, is making his cjnVOU1 INSURANCE BROKER war-torn Europe . . . a form of jma bow impersonating a pugiescape, no doubt. First antl-to- ist in "City for Conquest." Harry talitarian theatre will be opened Ritz declares he knows an actor VICE-PRESIDENT in Chicago . . , programs will in. who played in so many prison cludcL-all- foreign fijms except pictures that the studio, instead C1TV FJPslAMCE 'AND" Nazi, Soviet, and Italian.. News- of dropping his option, gave him reels are in a tight spot . . . a pardon! INSURANCE eo. shots, of . Hitler., and Mussolini Representing 2t Strong Compame* They'll do a real supporting job if evoke violent reaction in audiLombroso in his studies of A Complete insurance Service I you want i t . . . or they'll be light ences . ','•.• so large 'slices"are races anticipated a number of CALL: WALNUT 5150 j as a feather for just trimming' up taken out of war news" to keep Darwin's conclusions. •THE SETTLEMENT COUNTS emotion,below the bursting, point. a figure tine. Many propaganda films in England have had -to be set aside as being "inappropriate to" the present crises." Bombings in England .'•. ," up to this moment of writing . . . have closed no theatres even along the east coast? ' '• By HELEN ZIGMOND


Although - Warner's '"ATAHT" Isn't as-attractive alphabetically as Selznick's "GWTH," it is especially, adaptable to many,situations. F'rlnstance: Noted in a delicatessen window a plate of sliced salami, pepper-meat, corned beef, etc. Explanatory sign above said, "All This and Heaven .Too—for'45 Cents!" ' A wit suggests a slogan for

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lOo lack

aid Dalivtry

Friday, July 12, 1940


Pag* 7

WIENER ROAST Shirley Ann Dolgoff was honored at a wiener roast given last Saturday night at Elmwood Park in celebration of her thirteenth birthday by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Dolgoff. Besides Shiriey Ann and her escort, nine other couples were present. ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Swengil announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jerome, Saturday, July 13 at t h e B'nai Israel Synagogue 18th and Chicago streets. A reception in his honor will be held Sunday, J u l y 14, in the Lodgeroom of the Jewish Community Center from 2 to 5. All friends and relatives are cordially invited.

JO8LYN MEMORIAL Sunday a f t e r n o o n at 2:30 o'clock three sound films, "Lon don," " C a s t l e s of Kent," and "English Cathedral Towns," wil be presented in the concert hall At 4 o'clock in the concert hal there will be a recorded orgai: program. ,

RETURNS Mrs. Jacob Lintzman has returned from Louisville, Kentucky, where she was the guest of Mr. end Mrs. Nathan Wolder. ENTERTAINS FOR GUEST Miss Annette Turn of La Grande, Oregon, was entertained during her stay here by Miss Helyne Wohlner.

FROM DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. Ruddy Mittleman and daughter, Rhea Frances, forr Leading Hungarian TO MISSOURI mer Omahans n o w residing in Commits Suicide Miss Maisa Lee Civfn. will ac- Flint, Michigan, were for. the .past company her mother, Mrs. M. Civ- two weeks the guests of Mrs. Mitin, to Kansas City and Excelsoir tleinan's sisters, the Misses Sylvia .Budapest (JTA)—Lazzlo Goeztbny, prominent Jewish industriaSprings, Mo., where, they intend and Ruth Falk. list and a distinguished war vetto stay about a month. They will eran, committed suicide in protest leave Sunday. TOUR WEST ' Mr. and Mrs. Leon Greenberg against the Hungarian anti-Jewand children, Walter and Betty ish laws. ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenfield of Alice, left last Sunday for a two X: Gosztony, who was 52 and exeChicago announce the engagement weeks' tour of the West. Enroute of their daughter, Irene, to Jack they will visit relatives in Bould'- ,'•.'..•' ' Garfinkle, eon of Mr. and Mrs. er, ' Colorado. Philip Ganfinkle. "No date- has been set for. the VISIT HERE ' Mr. and Mrs. A. G.'Sebring of wedding. Chicago'"were the guests of Mr Sebring's parents, Mr. and Mrs RETURNS FROM COAST Silverman and Mr. and Mrs.: B. Mrs. Louis Green has returned S. Eisenberg and Mrs. Sebring's from a five week's visit in Califor- brother and sister-in-law, Mr nia. In Los Angeles she visited her eon and daughter-in-law, Mr. and and Mrs. Edward Krimston. Mrs. Robert Green. From there MOTOR FROM CHICAGO she went to San Bernadino where . Mr. and Mrs. Jake Spilky and Bhe was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. son Michael motored from ChiAl Pitlor and daughter, Naomi. cago to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Silverman and Mr. and Mrs. B. Eisenberg. Mrs. Spilky FROM SEATTLE Dr. Fred Ackerman of Seattle, held a reunion with Mrs. Abe Washington, arrived by plane to Kirshenbaum and Mrs. Meyer visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Klrshenbaum, whom she hadn't Ackerman. He is on a ten-day trip. seen for 26 years. En route they will spend the week-end in Rock Island. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED • At a dinner for the Immediate family, Mr. and Mrs. L e e W. CHOOSES WEDDING DATE Miss Betty Schlanger, daughter Wolfe of' Chicago announced the Mrs. Regina Schlanger, has -engagement of their daughter, oi chosen August 25 as the date of Bernice Pauline, to Isadore Rich- her marriage Bernard tin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goldstrom, sontoof Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Rlchlin of Omaha. G. Goldstrom. Miss Wolfe is a graduate of the University of Michigan and ANNOUNCED also attended the University of FNGAGUMENT Mra. Rosa Wolf ' Chicago, Chicago.1 Mr. Richlin is a graduate formerly of Omaha,of announces of the ' University of Chicago, the engagement of her daughter, where :he majored in chemistry, Esther, to Pincus Cohen of Chiand is a member of Sigma Chi. cago. The engaged couple plan an auNo wedding date has been set. tumn wadding. HONORED ON TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lintzman Mrs.t Joe Passer and daughter, have returned from Louisville, Eleanor;;,and Mrs. Daniel Cohen, Kentucky, where they w e r e mothei|;of Mrs. Passer, leave to- uests of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan -day for an indefinite stay with Wolder; parenta of Mrs. LintzMr. and Mrs. George Klpperman man. and with other relatives, in Los While there, they were honAngeles. Mrs. Kipperman. is the ored at a reception given at the former Ethel Cohen. home of Mr. and Mrs. Wolder. While on the coast, the travelIng party will visit the San Francisco fair. Brass Russian Samovar

cutive director of one of Hungary's largest c o a l mining concerns, before taking his life wrote the following letter to friends, including high army officers, members of the Government and editors: "My dignity as a human being has for the first time been offended without the possibility of gaining satisfaction." \

Warburg Bequest To Swedish Jews

Republican Picnic The Republican Picnic, sponsored by the Douglas County Young Republicans Club, will be held at Playmore Park, Saturday, JuJy 20, beginning at 4 p. m. Door prizes, donated by the Douglas County Republican Central Committee, will be given away. Tickets are 75c per couple and may be obtained from J. L, Cohen or I. Blacker.


Stockholm (JTA) — A bequest of 3,000,000 Swedish crowns for Jewish causes was left by the late Pauline Rosalie Warburg, widow of Danish Consul General Simon Elias Warburg.. T h i s includes 100,000 crowns for the Stockholm Jewish community, 60,000 for the Gothenberg community, a 500,000-crown fund for the poor and distressed and the remainder for establishment of homes for Jews in Palestine and also for needy Jewish savants.

In its last issue the "Jewish Press" inadvertently omitted the name of Mrs. Michial D. Colton in the announcement of the Bar Mitzvah of Ervin Colton. Mrs. Colton is Ervin's mother.



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BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Sam Peltz announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Richard Walter, Thursday morning/ July 11, at B'nai Israel Synagogue.

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are being persecuted to satisfy tbe greed an power lust ef insane men.

The Old Order Changeth

Gems of the Bible and Talmud

rights of life, liberty and the purf suit of happiness? "Tonight, in tiie capital of oar free and young and great republic, we are assembled to reaffirm to ourselves end to the world that we m Assserica still itold these truths to he self-evident, "We swe&r that we will hold fast to the principles upon which this Bat ion w&s founded and tliat we will never tolerate any seeds of hat ted th&t would raise one American against another. "We reaffirm our belief in freedom of speech, of worship, of assembly, of press, and of the individual. "We pledge allegiance to the eternal principles of truth and justice. "We united and free Americana declare that we are prepared to defend our principles, our ideals, and our institutions, so that the future may be ours."

St By Or. The old order fc&s a way at changing, giving way to a newer. Oace the Ameiic&n Jewish Con gress was calling itself t lie "democratic" repre B1BLM If ye thoroughly amend your EDITWKIAL OFFICE: S&S Ers.s&fcis 'JtaJkUr fiiuitdi sedatives of the Jewish people in contradistinction ways and your doings, if ye thor fclOUX CITX OFFICE—Jewiidi CtuuSuEBUy Ccctcr PRINT SHOP AEi'MKb-iS—S,t«t fcto. i4Oi Strti-t to the "autocratic" rule ot the American Jewish oughly execute justice betweer Committee. Today the American Jewish Congres. man and his neighbor, then I wil DAVID BLACKER—Business and Managing Editor cause you to dwell in this place is keiEg branded "Fascist" by tbe Youth Division in the land that I gave to you LEONARD NATHAW . . . . . . . Editor ot its own organization, which it had ordered dis fathers, forever. RABBI THKODOHE R LEWIS - Book Editor banded for refusing to withdraw from the AmerTherefore, pray not thou for FRANCES BLACKER - - S&cifcty Editor ican Youth Congress and for refusing to concur this people; neither lift up cry MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City Correepondefi in the Jewish Congress' militantly pro-Ailed stand nor petition for them; neither make intercession to Me, for I Of course, the whole incident is extremely un- will not hear thee. fortunate—as all such schisms in Jewish life are Oh, I wish that my head were Never in these last eight years have we actually at this time. There are merits to the arguments water and mine eyes a fountain of tears that I might weep day believed that Democracy as a political system was of both sides; there are also reasons for censure. and night for the slain of my We ask: Has the American Jewish Congress people. in such extreme danger as it is today. Democracy, as we know it, never existed outside this country, the right to use its name to support the English TALMUD llabbi Joshua says: "Whoever but at least it had the respect of the people of cause? Has the Youth Division the right to parsome countries and was the hope of the world. ticipate in tbe program of the American Youth makes it his business to do charity will be blessed with sons havThe spring has seen Democracy disappear in Nor- Congress? ing wisdom and wealth and who It goes without saying, that every Jew and every will preach morality to the way, Denmark, Holland, Belgium — and now Jewish organization has been pro-Allied since the people." France. are taught in a Baraltha: Sunday we listened to a broadcast from Eng- outbreak of the war. As the first victims of Hitler It We was said about Benjamin, the land, a broadcast that blamed the collapse of the and Mussolini, we were the first to realize what ighteous, who was treasurer of (Continued from Page 1.) French Republic on the inefficiency^ of the "Demo- the dictators stood for. It Is therefore understand- a charity federation, that at one time during a famine year a wokie, held at his office at 20 Fin« cratic" processes. We challenge any such state- able that the leaders of the Congress would be appeared before him asking street a few minutes before h« ment, not because of any sentimentality, but be- willing to place themselves in the vanguard of the man him to feed her. And he told her: left to catch a plane for Washcause it is not only an expression of defeatism, "Stop Hitler" movement. : swear there is not a cent in the ington, followed his statement to But there is also some truth to the contention reasury of our federation. "But, The Day in which he termed antibut is a bald lie. France was the victim of those Rightists who of the Youth Division statement that the war may Rabbi," she rejoined, "If you will Semitism "a p o s s i b l e criminal not feed me you will find a wotook advantage of a military setback to install be laid to those who participated in the humiliating man with her seven children movement," w a r n e d that the s p r e a d of anti-Jewish feeling their own government and call quits. France was Munich conference and the world is today reaping dead." He then decided to feed would be a "calamity" and apthe victim of sabotage by French leaders who in the mistakes sown by British and French states- her from his own pocket. At a pealed for "tolerance and religiHowever, the fact remains that even if this later time he became sick and ous liberty." the period before the war plotted against any gov- men. was almost dying when the min, ernment that attempted to make the country more remains an imperialist war, the ideological con- istering angels pleaded before the I was very glad to make that sequences can be escaped by no one. democratic. • Holy One, saying: "Sovereign of statement," Wlllkle said. "Since But it is not for the American Jewish Con- the Universe, Thou has declared then, I have received a large numTo accuse Democracy for the shortcomings of ber of telegrams from various gress to digress from its stated purposes, and to hat he who saves one soul of Is- kinds of pressure groups." He selfish men is unjust and libelous. Perhaps Ger•ael is like unto him who has many has been able to gain a victory for the time- come out as one of the drum-beaters of the Eng- laved a whole world. And Ben- took from his pocket a telegram being by the iron rule of a few men. But even isb. cause. There are today many organizations jamin the righteous who has sav- from a St. Louis signed "Social Justice News," which demanded •with the capitulation of Great Britain, the end of n this country militantly devoted to the victory ed a woman with her seven chil- that Willkie, in view of his dedren should he die 'i his prime of England, and if those Jews are so earnestly the story will not yet be told. >f life?" Immediately the adverse nunciation of anti-Semitism, - also Pfitain and Laval, who today rule France, nterested in assistance to the British, let them decree was changed and twenty- make a statement against "anti; plotted against the Democratic France long be- work through channels organized expressly for two years were added to his life. Christianity." fore there was any war. They and the Cagoulards hat purpose. Intends Strong Statement On the other hand, "the Youth Division owes to which they gave moral support, the Croix de The Republican nominee was asked what measures he would Feu, the Camelots du Hoi, and other anti-demo- no obligation to the American Youth Congress. ake to check anti-Semitism aglcratic groups made every effort to undermine the Again ft Individuals are sympathetic with its views, atlon. He was asked specifically . Third Republic and to line it up with the Fascist hat is their affair. The Youth Congress has not about Senator W. Warren Bar1 Internationale. The left, on the other hand, was demonstrated itself a citadel of "Democracy" and bour's bill which would ban material inciting racial and religious equally misled by a Communist leadership which ts liberalism has become "suspect." If the Youth By PAT FRAN1C batred from the mails. gave lip-service to the Republic under the guise Division thinks its interests are better expressed J. T. A. Washington I would like very much to see of the Popular Front, but was willing to knife by the Youth Congress, let it cast its lot with a copy of that statute," Willkie Press Bureau both the Front and the Third Republic when the them .and not the American Jewish Congress. said. "I wouldn't like to just .opportunity presented itself or Moscow gave the make a hurried statement withWe recognize the zeal of both groups. But we WASHINGTON. out giving full consideration. But order. cannot overlook that the question over which they A young man in Rochester am going to give the question The average Frenchman—the peasant, the la- are at odds is outside their scope of interest. Per- wants to know why we aren't study, and I'll be able to make a borer, the small business man, the intellectuals— haps they would do well to tend to their own af- more cheerful in this column. omplete statement when I get Well, we'd like to be cheerful. back from my vacation in Colostill hold faith in Democracy; still know that with aira Instead of minding everyone else's. We'd like to go fishing, without rado. You can say that I intend all its mistakes Democracy still stands head and portable radio, and forget every- to Include a very strong stateshoulders above the government those pseudohing that goes oh in the world ment an anti-Semitism in my acFrenchmen are copying from the Nazis. :his moment, because the escapist It is a strange world and the stories one hears nstlnct is just as strong in us ceptance speech." In the interview with The Day, hese days are stranger still, but no stranger than is in anyone else. But it can't be Willkie said: "I consider .anti[one. We have to face the thing actual events. We do not know how much credence Semitism in America as a possible ut. Not long ago, Robert Nathan wrote a "fan- o put in the belief that Italy intends to seize Palriminal movement and e v e r y anti-Semite as a possible traitor tasy" entitled "Road of Ages." Therein all the estine, hand it over, to the Vatican and deport the The time has come when no to America—that America whieh nations had exiled their Jews and only the Gobi Jews to Ethiopia. American can afford to be. an is so beloved and dear to me, that Without Question, the propaganda emanates scapist. We mast recognize, for America which ban always symdesert remained aa a refuge. Today, less than five years after the publication of thin prophetic book, from Italy itself and is designed to enlist Catholic Instance, that when the official bolized liberty, e q u a l i t y and the Jews of Europe would be giving their right sympathy for the Italian cause. The Vatican itself Nazi press begins poondiog at brotherly love among its inhabitBooth America it la the first etep was openly pro-Ally until the entrance of Italy into towards conquest in this beini- ants. If anti-Semitism- s h o u 1 d arms to find a' way to the Gobi desert. : spread its roots In the United First Germany, then Austria, then Czecho- the conflict, and such an offer is hoped to counter- iphcre. We can't say to ourselves, States as it has done in most of So what? Suppose some of < the the countries of • Europe, then ft slovakia in slow succession hounded their Jews. act the effect of previous disapproval. Latin-American countries do fall Under Nazi conquest Poland, Belgium, Holland, But like most plans it will probably prove eas- nto Hitler's orbit?" We have to would definitely be a calamity for Norway, and Denmark followed suit. And finally, er to promulgate than to, accomplish. The Jews ecognize the Nazi machine for the. United States. It would mean that the main foundations on France has become a hell-hole for the half mil- have sacrificed much to build the country. It is un- what it la—a revolution that can- which our country has been built lion Jews within Its boundaries. . likely they will be transported without struggle to not stop of itself. It cun be are beginning to shake. There. stopped, but it will not stop of itLast week brought added disaster with the in- Ethiopia. And after witnessing the effects of-the elf short of the conquest of the might even be fear that the principles for which our forefathers stitution of a pro-Nazi government in Rumania war on European Jewry, it is even more unlikely whole world. , fought and bled are in actual and an intensification <of Jewish discrimination In they will capitulate. In this world, today, no man danger. _ Hungary. There was no road ot ages, no road of Other complications exist. The majority of the ho believes in democracy and Always Against Hatred ~ reedom can be safe, and in parexile, for ways of escape were shut off. "What man with a conscience, population, as the Jews so well know, is Arab. De- icular no Jew can be safe. It This is not the whole story. Half the Jews of pite the vast amounts of Italian propaganda that oesn't matter if that Jew lives what man who knows tbe sufferEurope have come under the rule of Russia—the have been poured into Palestine, It is questionable in Keokuk, Iowa, and his family ing of Israel and what Israel has tried to accomplish and has ac• Jews of the Baltic countries, Bessarabia, Russian hat the Arabs will .exchange British for Italian as lived there seven generations, complished in the march of hund he is the most respected Poland, and wherever else Russia has struck. rule. Nor is the likelihood of their acquiescence member of the community. Until manity cannot be tolerant toward These, perhaps not as maltreated . as the Jews heightened by the fact the Vatican Is to gain con- the Nazi revolution is halted, he Israel? I have spoken on the tinder Nazi control, nevertheless must cease to be trol of the Holy Shrines. Many of the shrines holy s not master of his own life, and radio and clearly asserted my po»he. life of his children., Wherever sition against race hatred, bigJews. No free exercise of religion is permitted ;o Christendom arc likewise sacred to Islam. goes, whatever he does, so otry and Hitlerism. I did this under the Communists, except the religion of Even among the Christian populations d e e p ong as one of his grandparents long before I evea thought of beStalin. v ' . feelings exist.1 Host of the Christian shrines -are as Jewish, the shadow of Hitler ing: a presidential candidate. I Once we were horrified by the tales of the under the joint control of the Eastern and Roman ,nd the Nuremberg laws will be .did it solely because I wanted to express by protest against Hitleriver him. Spanish' Inquisition, by the persecutions of the hurches and only the presence of the third party ism and against all fascistic per. Jews of Germany following the Black Death. But — formerly Turkey, now Britain — averts the Maybe we cannot bo cheerful, secution methods. . all these were nothing but old-fashioned carnivals bloody quarrelg that have punctuated the Joint but we earn hold high our hope. . "We in,America must all Btand to shoulder for tolerance compared to what is happening today. " Close to ule. Even a war waB supposedly started from a We can hope so long as there are shoulder and religious liberty. We must all rlenda who still find Joy in liftsine million human belngo are being deprived of ight begun In the Church of the Nativity by rep- ing-their voices for freedom, as of ua work for the interest ot our tbe most fundamental rights ot men. resentatives of the Greek and Latin ChurchesHarold Ickea did - on Independ- country. We must think only of •Close to nine million human beings are -being Palestine's value today springs from the fact ence Day! w e nope you heard the what is important for tbe welfare of. the United States. Tsoso who (Subjected to the most horrible degradation. The the Jews have steadily worked to reclaim the land closing words of his speech. Wo are trying to bring to our chorea think- they'll live a long time, so Oati-Semites have all sorts of reasons for what rom the desert. Their work, though occasionally we repeat' them here: from Hitler Germany or from £Sey -are doing. They have a list of charges t&at Impeded'•by Great Britain, could only liavo gone "When are you going to shout similar countries their raco hatt?ouM go around tbe world. But BO matter what forward under a liberal regime. With Italy in con- again to the world the words that red, their hate of liberty and democracy—such people are not inthe Jews li&d. doao, no matter hovr black their rol, the incentive to build Palestine would be gone our forefathers shouted—that all terested in the welfare of the men are created equal -and_that sins and bow unforgireahle their crimes;- they- In nd it would: revert, like all Italy's empire, to they are endowed by their creator United States bet are serving the 1 with certain inalienable rights— dictates of other countries. ' deserve what is being done to. them. They desert. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, One Vesr Aevertlkirig Rste-c Furnni.ciS en

Democracy at the Crossroads


Italy Plans for Palestine

Road of Ages

Friday, July 12, 104O



Persecution in Poland

Refugees Barred From Casablanca


Lisbon (JTA)—A group of 121 French and Belgian Jewish refugees who have arrived at Casablanca, French Morocco, on a small steamer after many hardships have been refused permission to land, it w&s reported here. A number of Belgian Jews, including the relief leader, Ernest Torczyner, have been arrested in unoccupied France and held at St. Cyprien in the Pyrenees.

(Continued from Page 1.) Atlantan Is Named Hew Head of Order at has not guaranteed safe conduct for refugees, it was believed they Conclave wpuld proceed on a British liner under convoy. Sir Herbert EmerPeninsula, Ohio (WN8) — A son, director of the Intergovernpledge of foil assistance to and mental Committee, is supervising wholehearted cooperation w i t h selection of the youngsters in the agencies of tite United States London. government "engaged in preparSecond Group ing our defenses »gainst the InRestrict Entry to sidious influences which threaten The second group will be se Unoccupied France the existence of our democratic lected while the first is en route institutions" vv&s given by the Whether this group will be able London (JTA) — The German Aleph Zsdik Aleph, B'n&l B'ritii to Bail depends on the immediate wireless reports from Vichy that youth organization, in a resalutraising of funds totaling $250,French Interior Minister Adrian tion adopted at the closing session 000. The refugees will be settled Marquet has restricted entry into of its ITUI annual convention. on the 24,000-acre Sosua tract dounoccupied France "with the aim Speaking for ita more than nated by Generalissimo Rafael L Of preventing public o r d e r in 10,000 members organized in 394 Trujillo, ex-president of the Do France from being disturbed by chapters in over 20© communities, mlnlcan Republic. undesirable foreign and Jewish A. Z. A., largest Jewish boys' orPermission for the children and elements." young men and women to enter ganization in the country, declar"Entering unoccupied France ed that "while it still hopes for the Dominican Republic under.the by foreigners hereafter is subject-. our country aa we have prayed aegis of the settlement Associaed to the harshest control and for peace in the world, current tion was given by the Dominican for the time being hardly any ad- events force upon us the pracgovernment. British-born children mission will be granted." are not necessarily excluded from tical realization of threats to dethis opportunity. ' , mocracy and to peace. In the Refugees Seized Whereabouts of a "lost T>at light of those considerations we Signapore( JTA) — The police are compelled to realize that adetallon" of refugees who were In have rounded up German Jewish quate preparation for effective deftaly when that nation went to war and who were preparing to refugees for internment together fense of our country and all that sail on the Italian steamship Nepwith Italian nationals. it stands for is imperative." tunia for the Dominican Republic Irving Kaler, member of the still remains a mystery, Morris resentative of the Southwest Gate City Chapter, Atlanta, Ga.. said. Hope that they will ever Council to the General Commit- was elected grand aleph godol These two pictures were brought recently from Poland by tee. reach the Dominican Republic has (president), defeating Leon Simall but been abandoned, he said an American girl. They reveal the methods of persecution used Mrs. Aaron Osrl of Chicago was mons of the Highland Park Chapelected president of the Women's ter, Los Angeles. The third eastLondon (JTA)—The Board of by Germans against Jews. Top picture shows orthodox Jew Grand Lodge. erner to win the highest office la Deputies of British Jews, after a whose beard is being shaved off by another Jew at the order of Other officers of the Grand A. Z. A., Kaler is president ot conference w i t h the Children's Lodge are: Rabbi Jerome D. the Southern Region of A. Z. A. O v e r s e a s Reception Board, Is German officers standing by. Lower picture shows large horse Folkman of Grand Rapids Michi- and a past aleph godol of bis establishing, a central committee carriage being pulled by Jews on one of the streets of Warsaw. gan, second vice-president, and chapter. He is a student at to deal with all matters referred Gottfriend 'Bernstein ot Chicago, Emory university. to It regarding evacuation of treasurer. A resolution empowering the A. Jewish children. The board has special tribute to the patriotism Serving in the Women's Grand Z. A. chapters to undertake a nareceived offers from the dominof the Canadian members, who Lodge are: Mrs. Benjamin Sam- tionwide campaign among their ions to accommodate Jewish chilfor the first time were not rep- uels of Chicago, first vice-presi- members to raise funds witU dren and is maintaining contact resented at the convention be- dent; Mrs. A. Schneider, Chicago, which to purchase a fully-equlpwith Jewish communities there. cause most of them are serving second vice-president; Miss Char- ped ambulance to be presented to It has also been In touch with in the Canadian armed forces. lotte Gant, Detroit, third vice- the American Red Cross for us© American Jewish communities. He had prefaced the reading of president; Mrs. Bess Turk, Chi- in providing relief to the war(Continued from Page 1.) telegrams with the observation cago, treasurer; Mrs. B. C. Bo- stricken civilian populations was Chicago, secretary; Mrs. approved by the supreme advisthan at any time in the lives of that the functions of B'nal B'rlth lotin, Powers Warned by "lead to cohesive luterfalth activ- Arthur Laufman, Chicago, dele- ory council. The Canadian chapthose here." ity, which must lead to the pre- gate to the Supremo Lodge. ters will probably raise funds for Britain on Syria "As one of the few remaining servation TIfe Wisconsin Lodges an- an ambulance for the Canadian of our democracy." democracies we feel the advanMessages of welcome, received nounced at memorial services tor Red Cross. London (JTA)—-Warning that tages of physical, Intelligent, and the British government will not spiritual progress. Thank God, from Dr. Israel Goldstein, nation- departed members that they have London (JTA) -— The Daily permit any hostile power to oc- we are living in a free country." al president of the Jewish Na voted to plant 10,000 trees in cupy French-mandated Syria and Governor Cochran was followed tional Fund, from Frank C. Pat- Palestine in memory of the late Herald reports that a secret FasLebanon was issued by the for- by Mayor Dan Butler of Omaha ton, Sovereign Grand Inspector Sol Levitan, for many years cist organization is engaged in disGeneral in Nebraska of the Grand treasurer of the state of Wiscon- tribution of anti-Jewish anti-war eign office. who welcomed the delegates. Ancient Order of Scottish sin and a past president of Dis- leaflets nightly in many London The statement of the British Following a welcome by Wil-and districts. position s a i d the government liam Holzman, executive commit- Rite, and from Judge Gustavus trict Grand Lodge No. 6. would hold itself free to take tee member, Harry Malashock, Levlnger were read by Ben Glass, •whatever measures were neces- general chairman of the conven- executive secretary of District 6. sary to prevent hostile occupation tion introduced Aaron Droock, The name of Philip Klutznlck of Syria and Lebanon for use as president of District 6. was placed in nomination by Sam a base for attacks on the coun- Record-Brcaklng Membership Beber. KlutznlcTc was unopposed tries of the Middle East which In his presidential address Mr. and unanimously elected. BenBritain has pledged to defend. Droock reported that District 6 jamin Morris of Chicago was had attained the record-breaking likewise unanimously elected as membership of 23,244 organized first vice-president. Harry B. Deaths in 112 lodges. Mr. Droock paid Cohen of Omaha was named rop-



, Mrs. Harry A. Cohen Mrs. Harry A. Cohen, 36, of 2010 No. 54 St., died Saturday morning at a local hospital after an illness of several months. Born In Poland, Mrs. Cohen bad lived here- 35 years. Survivors are her husband, a daughter, Pearl-,; and two sisters, Mrs. Henry E. Belmont and Mrs. Sam Weiner, all of Omaha. Funeral s e r v i c e s were held Monday afternoon at Hulse and Riepen mortuary. Burial was in Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery. •, •,. v • • ;••. ; 1

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Mrs. Brana White

.. Mrs. Brana White, 96, of 2763 Webster St., died Monday, July I, at, Nicholas Sean Hospital after an illness ot three weeks. Mrs. White had been a resident of Omaha for almost 20 years and was a member of many charitable organisations. '. Survivors are three sona, Harry, Joseph, and Morris, all of Omaha, and three daughters, Mrs. B. Freshman of Dea Moines, Mrs. M. Rich of Omaha, and Mrs. Ann Safanovskaya, In Russia. Mrs. White had 42 grandchildren, 24 greatgrandchildren, and 4 great greatgrandchildren. • ••••••<•-•• Funeral s e r v i c e s were-held Tuesday, July 2, at 2 p. m. in the Jewish Funeral Home, Rabbi Cassel of Council Bluffs officiating.* Pallbearers t?ere Fred White, Herman White; Dr. Harry Rich, Bernard White, Irvin White, and Bernie White; honorary pallbearers: Mose Krasne of -Fremont, Sidney' Cahan of Des Homes,' Irving Freedman and Abe Solomon of O m a h a . All pallbearers are grandchildren of Mrs. White; Burial was In Golden Hill Cemetery.


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Friday, Jvily 12, 1940


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adopted by the Gigurtu government. •, , \ Rum&M&n Jews are inclined to be pessimistic, towever, because of the presence is the government of so m&ay Iron Gaardists, who are violent anti-Semites. One of these, lioria Sinia, minister for cults, proclaimed t h e government's devotion to the "victorious nationalism" imposed by Germany aod poteteily empha(Continued froua Page I.) sized that religious liberty in Rutike Bi&a took out a pistol and mania heseefortb would be limit•shot him through the bead. ed to Rumanians. That is, Jews are beginning to fee enwas coavoked which laid ©«!ey in Bsicii&cest JSDITOR'S NOTE: France on vviil be excluded from the right to forced. That & large mass of Jews down the principles that were to : July 14 will celebrate—the Naseis Another murder definitely estab- worship. '' permitting — Its most sorrowful are homeless In southern Fraecee have legal force for all Jews of lished was tb&t of' Adolph Groyet caught in a trap ef closed the French Empire. A eystem of Bastille Day in 151 years. Norper; proprietor of the Park hotel Jewish consistories was estab- at 'Sinaia. Gr©per,; originally from • malty one of the most joyful holi- frontiers around tuem. lished which survived up to the Bessarabia, was shot and killed days of the year, it will this year Set this down on a black-bor present day. Jews were invited the night of July 2 by a detective, be for most Frenchmen a day of ; mourning. And not tbe least of dered page of French-Jewish his to take family names (except also a Bessarabian/ who accused the mourners, since they li&ve tory whose first chapter was writ- names of towns and biblical him and other Jews of plotting names). At the same time cer- Russian seizure 6f the province been assigned by fate and the ten nineteen centuries ago. Canoe to G&i?I tain economic restrictions were and of delighting in it. Groper'B Nazis the role of bearing the London (WNS)—Dr. Friedrlch It was then—in the first cen- imposed on the Jews, but after body was shipped to Bucharest Wolff, f a m o u s German-Jewish .greatest share of the burden of tury of the common era-—that ten years they were ->ot renewed. defeat, will be the 400,000 French and cremated. ' writer and author of the antiJews, making up one of Europe's the firat two known Jewish im- In 1831, Judaism was put on a Nazi play, "Professor Mamlock," Although other' cases of anti.oldest and proudest Jewish COES- migrants came to Gaul. They level with other faiths in regard Semitic violence continue to be was among the 3,000 refugees were members of the Heroiian to support from state funds. ; munJties. The 1000-year iiistory reported, it seems that the gov- from Germany, Jewish and nonDark Interlude of French Jewry is briefly traced dynasty, Archelaus, exiled to VIernment has gained 'control and Jewish, who have fallen into the From then on there was a strik,, in Ihe following article by a JTA enne, and Herod Antipater, to order has been restored. In the bands of the Gestapo in France, Lyon. From then on the Jewish ing advance of Jews in all fields. staff member. capital itself there "were few anti- t was reliably reported here. • . Bastille Day, July 14! One •population grew slowly, augment- Adolph Cremieux, brilliant law- Semitic incidents; despite, the hysThe refugees had been interned • hundred and fifty-one years ago ed by some of the refugees dis- yer, was politically the outstand- terical state of some sections of by the French government at tho persed from Palestine. ing French Jew of the nineteenth a Paris crowd stormed the prison the populace. beginning of the war in a camp Tiie early history of the French century, while the r.othschllds and fortress that symbolised to them outside Paris. On July 3 a riot broke out at long centuries of feudal oppres- Jews, a checkered story of alter- Baron de lliiech became outstandMeanwhile, the Fascist press in sion, and the crashing down of nating toleratioa and religious re- ing in the financial world and the Polytechnic Institute w h e n France has begun a campaign for those walls liberated the French pression, is marked by recurring others made startling achieve- Gentile reserve officers ejected Jews and sent out reverberations expulsion and recall. In 1182, ments in science, literature and Jewish reservists who had* been a government modeled along th« ordered to report for duty. Supe- ines of the totalitarian states. which shook the ghetto walls of Philip Augustus expelled the art. rior officers intervened and ended The Fascist press demands that the rest of Europe. Jews after despoiling them; in Tiiere was one dark interlude the brawl before it reached seri- anti-Semitism be made part of> a Little more than a century and 1198 he recalled them, for finannew government's program. a half later, the country which cial reasons. In 1306, Philip the in the French Jews' history of ous ' proportions. It was learned here that the In all fairness to the governfirst showed the light of liberty Fair exiled them, in order to fill the nineteenth century. Antito the continent watches the walls the treasury; In 1315, Louis X Semitism began to manifest it- ment, observers reported that de- membership of the antl-Semitle of a new Bastille rise—a Bastille invited them back. In 1322, ex- self which was climaxed by L'Af- spite tho anti-Semitic policies it party, Crolx-de-Feu, headed by built by a foreign invader—and pulsion and expropriation of prop- faire Dreyfus. The case of the has made every effort to maintain Col. De La Rocque, has Bpurted AH part of that new Imprisonment, erty by Philip the Tall; 1360, Jewish artillery captain, unjustly order. Whether anti-Jewish riot- o new highs since Marshal Pethe Jews are immured in the permitted to return, on payment accused of treason and Imprison- ing will be renewed in the future aln became premier of defeated darkest cell. of 14 gold florins per family.- In ed on Devil's Island until his par- depends on the p o l i c i e s to be France. It was pointed out here hat Marshal Fetain, France's first It is blackout for French Jewry. 1394, 1481 and 1501, further ex- don and vindication, was only a ambassador to the Spanish NaThe 1,900-year history ol the pulsions, and by the early seven- facet of the struggle between the 1940, marks a cycle of the Jews in France, blackened with teenth century the Jews were forces of reaction and liberalism bursting and reforglng of the lonallst government, is an adin France. When it was realized mirer of Gen. Franco. Vice-Prefour complete expulsions, bright- coming back again. that the attack on.Dreyfus was chains for the Jews of France. mier Pierre Laval was one of the ened by emancipation and the general it can be said that only the shield for an attack on But the spirit of liberty that iriglnal leaders of the "appeasesteady rise of democracy, despite theIn French Revolution brought the republic, the forces of liberal- crashed against the walls of the ment bloc" in France. such marring details as the Dreyto the French Jews ism asserted themselves a n d Bastille on July 14, 151 years fus affair, comes to its bleakest emancipation with two reservations. In squelched the anti-Semite reac- ago, still lives in the hearts of the climax with Nazi occupation over —but 223 Arrive in Palestine the first place, the emancipation tion. ;, French people, however ineptly two-thirds of the country and actually Jerusalem (WNS-Paloor Agenbegan decades before the and treacherously they were guiddomination of the rest. From then on, Jewish history ed, and the day will come when y)—Figures made public here by Revolution. Under King Louis in Franct was relatively happy. XVI a spirit of tolerance began to I'anlc-Stricben Jewry he Jewish Agency, Immigration the twentieth century, the new Bastille will fall, when Department 7 The Jewry which produced make itself felt that brought the During revealed 228 immilight will shine again into the cell French Jews took, a leading role I^achi, Levi ben Gershon, Adolphe lifting of some of the restrictions In where French Jewry sits in black- rants arrived in Palestine during bringing succor to their less Cremieax. Jacques Fromenthal on Jews and permission for them fortunate brethren In other parts out.. he month of June. Halevy, Theodore Ileinach Henri to settle in all parts of France. of Europe. They received thouBergson, is., today divided among In the second place, the Revoluof Russian Jews after the Panic-stricken men and w o m e n tion was not all honey and roses sands World War and more thousands in occupied France, fearing the for the Jews. In certain districts of refugees, after the adwrath of Hitler, nervous people the peasants rioted against the entJewish of Hitler in 1933. In unoccupied France waiting to Jews; in the revolutionary NaThe same forces of liberalism see what a Fascist government tional Assembly there was a will hold in store for them, deso- group of anti-Semites who resist- hat brought. Jewish emancipation late thousands on the Spanish ed emancipation; the Jews were in France in the eighteenth cenborder seeking escape from their subjected to much suffering dur- tury spread throughout Europe, marching on with th'. French country and a handful in refuges ing the Reign of Terror. FRESH LAKE SUPERIOR WHITE FISH, Revolution, and freed the Jews in England and other countries. But, generally speaking, the 1n the other ghettos. And now, : Thus has been crushed a Jew- emancipation dates from the RevPer lb. ish population of some 400,000 olution. Restrictions were grad- the same forces that nave re-enfoot counting the 40,000 German ually lifted. Napoleon Bonaparte, ilaved the Jews in Central and MATJES SCHMALTZ HERRING, refugees), a group of Jews among at first unfavorable toward the Eastern Europe, have finally ,%•.• l b . e a c h , p e r l b . . . . . . . . . . . iwept over France. the most emancipated in Europe. Jews, vr&a brought to a realizaThe details attending the destruc- tion of the Jews' patriotism, partBastille Day, 1789. to Bastille FRESH WALLEYED PIKE FILLETS, tion have not yet come out of the ly through tho famous assembly Per Ib stricken country. But it is known of Jewish notables in 1806, which that 50,000 Jews fled from the was c a l l e d by Napolean for a poor Jewish quarters of Paris cross-examination on Jewish docNEW CROP FLEISCHMAN'S KOSHER DILL PICKLES flfU Just before the Nazi occupation of trine and principles and which or BEET BORSHT, large jar 1. . . . . ' . • W the capital in a disorderly flight satisfied him that Jewish law was spurred by anti-Jewish demon- compatible with "the spirit of FEINBERG'S KOSHER SALAMI or WIENERS, strations of fifth columnists. It modern times." Per lb. . Is known that Nazi discriminaA year later the French San-)

By Daniel L, Schorr



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Friday, July 12, 194O

THE JEWISH J>RESS In Tel Aviv disyaicied a Mica&ei agaiast the hop& expresscable to President' Vladimir Jab- es to Premier Benlto Mussolini fay otinsky of the New Zionist Organ- 30 Italian bishops that the Italization, who is visiting the Unit- ian banner would be hoisted over ed States, declaring that the Pal- the Holy Laud. "In behalf of evestine Jewish coinmuaity consid- ery Moslem interested ia the afers itself engaged fa tlte war on fairs and safety of the Mosque o£ the side of Great Britain. Three Omar," the protest said, "we dehundred delegates a n d guests nounce through Your Excellency from all-over the country attend- these evil intentions and emphaed the meeting. size to His Majesty's Government The curator of the Mosque of the readiness of Moslems to sacriOmar has registered a formal pro- fice themselves in the defense of test with High Commissioner Mac-" the Moslem Holy Places."

100 Years After the Damascus Incident By Philip Slomovitz

fresent events are mirrored U i the past. The plight c£ the Jew htm been endless. Todiiy, Streicher accuses the Jew of ritual murder. One hundred years ago a similar charge was the t>eginning of a cause celebre which gave rise to the great Alliance Israelite Universelle in France the country whose present c o l l a p s e ha brought despair to the thousand: 'of homeless who were given refuge there. The "blood libel" in Damascus did itot leave the Jews in other lauds cold to a grave is' sue. The great philanthropist, Sir Moses Montefiore, stepped in and • rendered great service. The United States government intervened Unlike the totalitarian rule of tod»jr, there was a semblance of responsibility everywhere. The accompanying article confirms the principle—in the past as we have learned from the present — that one nation IS responsible to an other when it sets out to do injustice.—The Editor. Very few events in all Jewish history so shook the conscience of civilized humanity as did the horrible ritual murder libel which • was concocted in Damascus 100 years ago. Few, also, are the .events In all our history which have contributed as much to unity fn Israel as has the unfortunate Damascus affair. Out of the miseries sufered by Jews everywhere, as a result of the libel devised 100 years ago in the chief city of Syria, there developed movements which linked. Eastern and Western Jewrise, and led to the creation of the Alliance Israelite Universelle in France and similar bodies in other lands. The international scandal which developed from the Damascus affair began on February 5, 1840, when a Capuchin monk, Father Tomaso (Thomas) of Sardinia, disappeared, together with his servant. Tomaso practiced medicine among Christians, Mohamjnedans and Jews. '. Rumor at the time of his disappearance had it that he had quarreled with a Turkish muledriver and that the latter had sworn: "This Christian dog shall die by no other hand than mine." But innocent testimony given by some Jews that Tomaso and his servant had been seen On the five of his disappearance in the Jewish quarter immediately directed clerical attention ' on the Jews. Under the leadership of a Jewbaiting fanatic. Father Tusti, the monks grabbed at the suspicion against the Jews, aiming, according to the historian, Professor Helnrich Graetz, to accomplish the-followlng ends: "They could satiate their hatred against the Jews, suppress an inquiry as to whether Father Tomaso had indeed quarreled with Musselmang and reviled them, and finally a new martyr, slain by the Jews, would be added to their list of saints, which was always a source of




The Villain in the Plot The clericals found a villain to 'help them in their machinations. France, then the most influential European power, was looked upon as the protector of the Roman Catholics in the East, and Ratti Monton, the French consul in Damascus, who was besieged by the monks to press the charge against 'the Jews, hastened to prosecute them with the aim In view, of strengthening French power in the East in his dealings with local authorities. ! \ Other clues in the disappearrance of Tomaso, among them the news that the Turkish merchant who was present at the Christian monk's quarrel with the muledriver had hanged himself, were ignored, with the church and the French consul bent on furthering the ritual murder charges against the Jews. • • There then ensued a series of Intimidations. Broadcasting t h e charge that Jews had murdered Tomaso and his servant to use their blood for the Passover, a number of Jews were arrested and brought before Ratti Montor, who became the chie:""prosecutor. He found willing confederates in Mehemet All Pasha of Egypt, who revolted against the Sultan of Turkey and ruled Syria; and Sherif Pasha, the'governor of Damascus, both of whom hoped to profit from the proceedings,

Martyrs in the Tragedy a stop to the outrages. Immediate Ratti Monton proceeded to per steps had to be taken not only besecute the Jewish people. A poor cause of the incriminating and liJewish barber was turned over to belous propaganda of fanatic Sherif Pasha as a suspicious Christians in the Orient, but also character and was subjected to because the libel was taken to the bastinado, receiviug 500 blow Europe. with a stick upon the soles of his In the early part of March, feet. The barber remained stead 1840, a ritual murder charge was fast in his denial of the crime made against Jew in Julich, in and at the order of the French Rhennish Prussia. A 9-year-old consul he was subjected to addi- girl,, by besmudging her body tional tortures. Fearing a more with blood, concocted a tale of an painful inquisition, he was finally attack upon her by a Jew and hi induced to name seven prominent wife who happened to be travelJews, David Harari and his sons ing through Julich. Fortunately and brothers, Moses Abulafia the truth was uncovered and two' Moses Salonika and Joseph Lani- Christians were arrested for drumado. ming up the charge. But the inThere then began a series of cident added a link in the chain inquisitions. The communal lead- of a worldwide conspiracy to in era were subjected to unheard-of volve Jews in this horrible libel Action Taken by Jews tortures, and when they failed to In France, Adolphe Cremieux confess to the crime charged against them, Ratti Monton turn- (1796-1880), n o t e d statesman, ed to other means of extracting spokesman for French Jewry, presented himself before King Louis an admission of guilt. Sixty children, aged 3 to 10, Philippe of France, but so little were taken from their parents satisfaction could he get from his and shut in a room without being ruler, in an effort to stop the horoffered any food. When even this rible work of Ratti Monton, that failed to force the mothers of the at a meeting in London he reportyoungsters to make confessions, ed in despair that "France is only one woman and he.r daughter against us," Thlers, who became president having been driven to embrace Islam out of concern for their chil- of the French cabinet with the aid dren, there began a series of of the clerical party, was avowdevastations of the Jewish quar- edly anti-Semitic, and ordered the Trench consul-general in Alexanter. On February 18, a band of sol- dria, Cochelet, to interfere with diers destroyed the homes of Da- every movement to uncover the vid Harari and other accused, in truth in the Damascus affair. As an effort to find the body of the a result, Cochelet caused Mehmet monk Tomaso. Bones found in All to go back on a promise to the course of their pillage were appoint the consuls of Austria, immediately displayed as those of England, Russia and Prussia to Tomaso although they were later investigate the libel. But in England the champions proven to be mutton bones. of justice to the Jew fared triWhen a young Jew ventured to go to Sherif Pasha and inform umphant, and Great Britain's efhim that he had seen Father To- forts in the Damascus affair are maso entering a Turkish shop written on pages which will forJust before hsi disappearance, this ever draw the gratitude of the evidence was not only hushed up Jewish people. Sir Moses Montebut the youth was severely beaten fiore became the leader in the deand died the same night, being fense movement against the libel, the first to sacrifice his life in and with him Baron Nathaniel the horrible affair. • • ; - • • :' Mayer Rothschild, Salomon Munk, noted French Jewish scholar and - Other Martyrs The aged Joseph Laniado died Orientalist, leading Jews throughas a result of the tortures, Moses out the world and liberal ChrisAbulafia, to escape indignities and tians, opened a war against a pains, became a convert to Islam. shameful and hoary lie. The three Damascus rabbis, Aza- (To Be Concluded Next Week) ria Halfen, Solomon and Jacob Copyright, ,1940, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate Arteri, were arrested and tortured, and the non-Jewish servants of the accused were similarly questioned in an effort to extract admissions of guilt, but none of these methods availed. Fanatics made it a practice to throw bones into the Jewish quarter, in the hope of their being taken for human bones. •• (Continued from Page 1.) The arrest of Isaac Lev! Plcciotto, a n Austrian subject, gave companies will be/required also a different turn to the, entire pro- for the Auxiliary Military Pioneer ceedings. The Austrian consul, orps. Morlato, not only interceded In The enlistment campaign has behalf of Picciotto but took a de- the full sanction and backing of termined stand against the ritual the Jewish Agency and the Jewish murder agitation. Later interces- National Council. Both issued apsion of the English and American peals to the Jewish community overninents gave the affair an to respond to the call of ithe miliaspect of an international quar- tary authorities for volunteers to rel, with results • tha1; "served to make up four Palestine units. The elevate the position of the Je\rs. Agency called upon all qualified A Series of Blood Ides '."'.•'" young men to enlist in the miliBut the Damascus affair was tary services. The Council asked only one o[ a series,., and the all professional unions to ..urge spread of the libel of ritual; murder against the Jew aroused the heir members to volunteer . for suspicion that there was an 6r- he British military forces "now auized clerical movement against engaged'-in-a struggle on behalf the Jews. The Christian conspir- of the "Empire, including Pales•..• acy against the Jews in Turkey i n e . " , . . ; • ; • ; , • ' . : . . • . , . . . . :..••:, Recruiting Rallies was said to be a reprisal against the granting to Jews by the young .Jewish industries" in Palestine Sultan, Abdul Mbdjid, the same can increase their production for rights that were" given to Greeks the a r m y provided the military and Latins. Such freedom was authorities supply the raw materittle thought of by the latter and ials, Moshe Shertok, head of sthe they set out to accuse and dis- A g e n cy's .political department, said at a press conference. credit the Jews. Rallies to encourage recruiting ' In the island.of Rhbdea a Jew was tortured into admitting guilt for the British armed forces were in the death of a 10-year-old son held over the week-end in Tel of a Greek peasant who hanged Aviv. Addressing a meeting of himself. In Beyrout Jews were drivers and "metal workers, • Sherprotected from attacks by the In- tok emphasized that the Palestine terference of the Dufcch consul, ews, constituted the l a r g e s t Laurilla, and the _ Prussian con- source of technical power in the sul, Sason. Jews were attacked Middle East and appealed for full n Emyrna* and In Djabar, near support of the recruiting, especDamascus, a mob pillaged the' ially for the Royal Air Force,. The Histadruth,. Palestine Jewsynagogue, tore the Scrolls of the Law and mercilessly attacked the sh Labor Federation, issued an Jews. • " . ppeal to its members to speed up The proportions assumed by the recruiting -and announced estabspread of the libel aroused sym- lishment of a special committee jathies for Jews in more en- to negotiate with various settlelightened Christian lands, and ments to increase the number of leaders In French and English olunteers. Jewry .began to take steps to put A conference of Zionist Revis->


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Friday, My S, 18*0


J the «&ld association *h*H be conducted if twelve trustees. In wise of any v&csaef occurring on said board, except such 6* may be appointed from Use Federation for Jewish Service of Omufca, eaeta vacancies Bbs.ll be fiiied by the BOMS of Trustees and such appointee shall hold Bis Of-e fice fice usifcii u i fee fe next anssiiaJ meeting-of * b i H eiect i t • fvoja f j a those those riomi members sisaH fcd by the bouicbiieg coauoitU« MORRIS /JZEHKHRC, Cot«-»&L>oiident CMmibers «. trustee to tiil the terau at aucii -tnsitte -wuo&e v&cancy wa* find fey fcHpoisiiiMiiit. Ef there is *•>* vtcfency on the •heuc& hy reason #t W* trustees from tf.e Federation fc* 5«WMa •• Seryice rcfWag, Ji£gi«cttog or-:t»eifi* -unfcble to act euoli -vbamcf «hall be •fillet by the FedeWdoa lor Jewish. • fienrlw . » • ' A iaige crowd attended one,of i way as it ffifey provide. No-.-«•*< the iitOfct tuccfc&sfttl Talmud Torah l b elected l t d i>r i^ thai! b be eligible to he ed a trustee or fill any of tfee- office* of I>icuics tver Ltld. the Association unless he or she Is a meu»» Tlie picnic was held in Riverber of the Association, except sstefe trustee as may he eppointed by the FeoeraAll persons planning to attend view park. Entertainment was tion for Jewish Btsririce. The trustees Ol • the B'nai B'rlth banquet to be provided. this aafioeiation' whose terms do- not OK--pire at the time ot the annual electionheld la Omaha on July 9 with Bhail ect as a nominating committee «*» they shall, at least two weeks prtoi t* Eddie Cantor as guest speaker, the E.titiuU election, nomiu&te from wem» bera of 8&id Association such &a.the* will have to make reservations deem qualified t s candidates for offioM The A. Z. A. group initiated Immediately by writing to the new of president, vieo-pMsidect, secretary, members at a meeting held treasurer and trustees, • and no one su*w B'nai B'rith offices in Omaha or oa Wednesday, June 26, at the be elected as »n officer or trustee unlea*he or she hag been nominated l>y O« getting In touch with Mr. Marvin Jewish Community Center. The nominating committee or nominated .at th» new members taken in are: Herb turau&l meeting of the members..: The *eeKlass or Mr. Arnold Baron, WEBB, BEBEB, KLUTZNICK & EEIXEK ret&ry, in sending tiotices of the bnttual Holland, Jordan Ginsberg, Dave 20» i e life » S Service life fcidj meeting, shall state the names of tta* Admission to the banquet is Drutz, Harold Gordon, Ed ShindOmsba, Nebraska. Philadelphia (JTA)—Tolerance candidates selected by the nomioatlas; committee and the respective offices for $2.60 ?er person. ler, Isadora Rich, Martin Osuo- sympathy with oppressed peoles which they have been nominated and are Of INtXHtrOKAlION OF witz and Al Goldstein, in Europe and the necessity of a NOTICE to be voted upon at the annual nieeUu*. "WE8TEUN FKE1GHT SERVICE, The, members of this association, at * their vigorous fight against the fiftl INC." annyal meeting, shall elect a president, Notice la hereby given that the uncolumn in tlie United States were dersigned have formed a corporation un- vice-president, Eecret&ry, treasurer an* among the notes struck at the der the laws of the State of Nebraska, such number of trustees as there are vaunder the name of "Western Freight cancies and no one Blis.il be elected to any Republican national convention. Service, Inc." with its principal place of office unless having first received nomln-(Continued from page 11.) The party's platform includes a business in Omaha, Nebraska. The gen- ation by the nominating committee as > Mrs. N. Widesky and daughter nature of the business to be trans- herein provided or having been nominate* Jerusalem has to meet these days statement of sympathy for all eral acted and the object and purpose for by the members at the annual meeting M tsylvia, of Los Angeles, Calif., are "oppressed peoples" in their fight which this • corporation Is organised is to herein provided. The president, vice-presivisiting here with Mr. and Mrs. is that of providing support for for freedom and approval of such engage In the van and storage business dent, secretary and treasurer shall to* about 300 students who used to and to handle the shipment of all.kinds trustees ex offlcio and shall hold their L. J. Kaplan, 3260 Stone Park aid to beleaguered governments ba maintained by remittances ot freight. The authorized capital stock offices for one year and until their suc- boulevard. the corporation shall be {10,000.00 and cessors are elected and qualified, Tn» from their families in Europe, but as may be extended without vio- of ot s&id stock shall be common and of duties of said officers shall be fixed by lation of international law or all whose source of income has now the par value of 1100.00 per share And the Board of Trustees. Mr. and Mro. L. Shindler and been cut off by the war . . . Ben- peril to American defense. shall be fully, paid up and non-assessable. Any vacancies in any ot said offices family, 2009 Jennings street, will edict Magnes, son of the Chancelcorporation shall commence doing bus- shall Governor Harold E. Stassen of The be filled by the Board of Trustees. iness upon filing its Articles with, the Sec- Tlie visit for the next ten days with lor of Trustees shall have authorof the Hebrew University, and Minnesota, in the keynote ad- retary of State of the State of Nebraska ity toBoard make all rules, regulations and bjrrelatives In Denver, Colo. and shall continue for a period- of fifty lawa for in charge of the information booth dress, declared that "we must years this and may alter from said date. The affairs of the and amend the association, same by a two-thirds rot« brush aside the brambles of preju- corporation at the Palestine Pavilion at the shall be managed by a Board all the members of the Board of TrusSam Kaplan and Harold G ruesDirectors of three members. The an- of Fair, reports that one dice, bitterness and hatred and of ' kin are attending the A. Z. A. World's meeting ot the corporation shall be tees. lead through to national unity nual Southern mammy came up to him The Board of Trustees shall meet at "on the first Monday In February of convention at Camp Manatoc at with a most puzzled expression on based • upon understanding, toler- held each year, at which meeting the stock- least once a month, or at such other Mm* Peninsula, Ohio. shall elect a Board of Directors sa the president or a majority of tlM her face and asked: "Ain't this ance and confidence." Listing holders, and thereupon the Board of Directors Board itself may direct. Mr. Ernest Epstein is visiting the Jewish Pavilion?" -. . . And "fifth column defense" as one of shall Article V. The regular annual meeting, elect a President, VIce-PreBldnet and here with his parents, Mr. and when he assured her it was, she the nation's "four major fronts," Secretary-Treasurer. These Articles may shall be held at such place in the city, of Omaha as the Board of -Trustees may be amended at any regular or special Mrs, B. H. Epstein, 3525 Vine countered: "Then what's all this he reviewed "the boring from meeting of the stockholders by a majority determine, on .the last-. Sunday in (lay street. of each year. Written notice-of the regwithin," "treachery"' and. "treavote of the outstanding stock. Chinese writing doinghere?" . . . annual meeting of the members shall In case you're interested,'Judge son" which had contributed to the In Witness Whereof the parties hereto ular be given by the secretary at least five Marie Rosofsky is spending a Jonah J. Joldstein has suggested destruction of European countries have hereunto set' their hands this 11th days before such meeting. ,t r two-week vacation in New York that at the close of the present and asserted that "we must pre- day of June, 1910. A special meeting of tlie "members mar SLUTZKY, B. be held at any time or at any place City and in Hamilton, Ohio. season the Fair grounds should pare our defense against similar PORTER. • named on-call of the president or a mabe converted into a vocational actions here, carefully and vigor- In the presence of: - A. jority of the Board of Trustees. Notice ot 6-14-40-U. such meetings shall be mailed by the secRaymond Fisher has returned training c e n t e r lor American ously but without any ill-consid- SAM BEBER. retary to each member at hta address- at to Philadelphia after visiting here ered witch-hunts." • ZIEGLER. DUNN ft BECSIEK and D. L.. least -two days- before the time fixed for • youth Somebody else, we forwith his parents. Mr. Fisher is a get helding such' special meeting, and suchSIANOIJ, Attorneys. who, recommends that the exl notice shall specify the object of such social worker at the House of In- position tint NeUonal BsnH Bids. grounds be used to house meeting.. ....» . . .-.• . • , dustries in Philadelphia. . NOTICE OF A M E N D E D AKT1CLES 0 6 ' Article VI. The terms and conditions refugees-who find asylum in this •' --••• v INCO8POBATION. , ..- ..-. of membership, ehajl be as follows: Any country . .'. Letters from all parts Notice is hereby given that a special person'Of the'Jewish taith may become a. of the country to the American meeting of the members of the Wise member of said association upon payment Memorial ' Hospital Association held at of the annual, duet). Every raamlser: shall..., Jewish Press Club which held JtSr Oitu&ltftp JNtebraslca.* on the Tth day of contribute' yearly for the tua and- benefit second meeting at the Hotel New June, 1010, It was voted to alter and of said hospital association such annual amend the articles ot association to read duea as may be determined by the BoardYorker last week indicate t h e of Trustees. Mo person shall participate— follows: A special new premium quality Article widespread interest a r o u s e d b y or vote «s • member of this association n . Thee name of this corporap CALIFORNIA unless ne or she shall have paid the anthe formation of the' group . . . beer, unique for its new shape tion shall be Wi r i l H i t l A»A Wise M Memorial Hospital nual dues to the association as provided- < son, Yale, bottle and label" design, is now ocltlon. Tha place of business shall be Temporary .''officer's were elected Joe Gotadiner and for toy the' Board of Trustees for the -preof Council Bluffs, Harold Gots- and a platform set up . . . Arthur being distributed in this territory t the City ot' Omaha, Douglas County, ceding ; . year. . . The period for which It Is indelner of DesMoines, and Mau- Weyn'e, father of the idea,' was by Storz Brewing Company, Om# Nebraska. Article VII. These articles may., ba poratcd shall be fifty years from and rice Newman of Omaha have all unanimously elected president . aha, Nebraska. amended at a ny W regular' members' g tf after September 30, 1931. - - • ' Article III. The object of this asso- lng or any such members'- meeting called- motored .to California. They ex- BOW TO AUFBAU, Storz' new beer has been named for the purpose, provided such amend-.iation shall be the establishment, sup; pect to be gone About three Weeks. port and-management of a hospital to be ment to the articles of the association to :- So disrupted lias the Kuropean Gold. Crest. Into it has gone all known as the Wise Memorial Hospital; As- be voted - upon shall - first- have • received the skill and experience of brewmail situation become because of ociation; to render medical. and-surgical the approval of the majority o£ - theYOUNG JUDAEA aid and assistance to sick, Infirm members ot the Board ot Trustees- cf said— carelessness in - restoring ers who learned their trade in the care, The Young Jddaea held its last, censorial disabled persona Irrespective of race, association, • and no amendment shall be old country breweries where the >rolor, correspondence toi fts ^proper«n-. or religion. • , made to the articles of • the. aBaoci&tola- • meeting of the season Monday: at-, velopes thnt -the Aufbau, N e w •world's, choicest beers have al- Articlecreed IV. ' The affairs and business .unless tire majority of the trustees shall •• ternoon, July 1, at the Crystal York refugee weekly, fins .had to ways been made. Despite the.war, if this association shall be conducted by at a regular or special meeting have re-- < Board 6f fourteen trustees, twelve of corded their Vote la favor of. nucli" &mto4-~ •, Pool. institute a special column, carry- Gold Crest Beer is being brewed said trustees to. be elected by Us mem- ment or amendments and which must have yhere was. a .short business ing done prior- to .submitting such— from ;•• the best imported hops, bers.-Four trustees shall annually be been notices that give details of amendment or amendments to the mem— ' meeting, at which It was decided letters received hy\.people for blended., with select Oregon do- lected- who shall serve- for a period of bers of said association. three years, or until their successors thttt the group should plant a whom they were never meant . ..-> mestic-hops. -The result is a dif- have been duly elected and qualified. Two Article VIII. The association shall tree in Palestine in honor of the By f said trustees shall be appointed by the ferent a n d •, unusually delicious Federation for Jewlah Service of Omaha have full power a n i authority to purchase, • reading "thjs column refugees, first successful year of Young Ju- often find that letters: Jong await- •beer,, equal inequality and flavor who snail, serve for., one.-year OP • until sell and convey any: and all real estate. • necessary-for hospital purposes; and-it daea work In Council Bluff si" successors have been-duly, appointed, may mortgage or otherwise- encumber the- • ed by Mr. Cohen in the Bron* to the most costly imported Hol- their provided; .however, that should said* as'soOfficers for the coming year w e r e received by Mr. Levy in land beers. ., same raise money neehed for the p u r „ • • « ' • ' slatlon cease to be affiliated with ' the poses to of the- assoclatliMi. were elected. Harriet Kubby was Brooklyn, while Mr. Levy's corederation for JewishService of Omaha Storz has made Gold Crest Beer the said Federation' for Jewish Service gs MEMORIAL, HOSPITAL ASSOreelected president; Elaine Mey- respondence may, after s o m e outstanding CIATION in beauty of bottle hall hot be entitled to any rcpreaeataerson was elected vice-president; weeks, turn up in the mail-box of design , ,By Isldor Zlegler, President. lon. on said board, and the affairs of H. A. Wolf, as well as in quality. The Secretary S-21-10-UClarabelle Cohen, secretary; and

.at Torch Picnic


A» Z. A.'Initiates

Society News

j '

she was Edith Sfaeria, whom last year's Paiestiae Pavilion visitors will remember as Director Meyer Weisgal's pretty Maude .secretary . . . A veteran ef CineimiaU journalism is the Times-Star's . Isgac Picket, who has just completed fifty years of service with that paper . . . Both the New Yorker StaatszeitwDg aitd II Progresso Italo-Americano have J e w i s h movie critics . . . They're brothers, tocvaiid the name is Cohen . . . How come Charlie Chaplin and Pauline Goddard took the pains to throw a party for Cecil Beaton, the "illustrator who some years ago thought it was fun to eneak anti-Semitic slurs into his drawings? . . .

You are hereby notified that a petition b»» been fUed in this Court on the 29tij <Jay of Jane, 16*9, by Verne Johnson, «.iiegtsg Uis.t Green A. Johnson died on the Hti» day of October, 1628, intestate; thtt at the time ot his ceatij he wta a residect ot Douglas County, Nefar&ska, and tliat he was poaeiised of Uie loiiowiag described reel estate, to-wit: Lots EigU.UE), Nine (»), z.n& Tea (iO>, s.U la EiMk Five <&) in Wtiit Cumisg, 6,a ssfiditkoa to tie City_ of , M surveyed, piattfcd ftod reDouglas CottGty, Nebrtska; ttune bcicg {iopuls,r)y known &s 6J6 Koi't'a 4Gth Street, Omalia, Nebraska. That said piititioMr ii&s &n iotetest la real esttte heiug aa heir-at-law o£ ES.»d deceased: stiii pellUoner preys thtt a iiewiiig be Sift* o» 6 i t i d Petition, tiifct notice tLertof be givfta t s reijuired fay law, ana. that upon Bttid hearing a decree of kelrehip be entered and further &dininistiation of said estate be dispensed with. You are therefore notified that a hearing will be had oa said petition at the County Court Koom of said County, oa the 27th day of July, 1840, at 9 o'clock A. M and that if you fail to appear £.t said time and plfece and contest the said petition, the Court may grant the same, enter a decree of hetraliip, and decree that further administration of' said estate be dispensed with. ^ ^ CRAWF0RD> County Judge. 7-5-40-3t.

Strictly Confidential

Storz Introduces'. Special Premium


Miss Shapiro of Queens Borough Shirley Lou Krause, treasurer. ' . . . I t was in the Aufbau, too, new streamlined bottle has.,a me* After the meeting, the group that we found this quotation from tallic ;. label of exclusive design, and a special protective aluminum spent the afternoon swimming. Nietzsche, whom the Nazis claim fail hood. • as their , very own philosopher: "To imagine German invaders In IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney Paris is like seeing the Venus of MHo crawling with vermin" . . . In tlie County Court al Douglas' County, ABOUT PEOPLE In :the -Matter of the.Estate of Susan Deceased. .. • . ,. Reported to be in New -York Johnson, To the helrs-at-iaw, creditors, and all these days is Sir Ernest Oppen- other-"persons Interested In .said estate: ; are-hereby notfled that a petition hefmer, South -African diamond. n hasYoubeen filed in* this Court on the 29th With ther Belgian and. day of June, 1940, by Verne JohnBon. altycoon leging that Susan Johnson died on.-the D u t c h diamond-cutting- center*, day of April, 1936,. intestate: .tpat New, York (JTA)—Headquar- under Nazi, domination Sir Ern- 15th the time of her -death she- W4s-:a resiters of the World Jewish-Con- est no doubt would be investigate at dent of Douglas ' County," Nebraska? and; gresa have been . established in Ing American possibilities in this that she was possessed of the • followmgestate, to-wit: - L>""London, it was announced by Dr. field . .-. Despite the reports'that decribedrear Lots Eight (8), Nine • (9) and Ten. Stephen S. Wise,, chairman of the Franz ,Werfel has been killed-by. > (10), All in Block Five <5), In F? 3 . 1 / executive committee. During the the Nazis in France We still hope Cumlng, an addition'to the City ol ' as surveyed, platted and reabsence in the United • States of for the best \ . . Our information Omaha, corded, Douglaa .Cpurfty, Nebraska; Dr. Nahum Goldniann, chairman is that •" Werfet has; been sitting •same being • popularly known-as 61&Street,'Omaha, Nebracka. Of the administrative committee, tight in Switzerland, and thus W -No.That 46th 'said' petitlonor has an Interest In direction of European work will but of the teach of Hitler's henchsata-real estate •being .an heir-at-law of deceased; said petitioner prays thatbe in the hands of the Rev. Mau- men. . . ,x Hats off to Warner said hearing be had oh said petition,-that rice L. Perlzweig, who has served Brothers for their'plan to' pro- anotice thereof be :•; given as required by until now; as chairman of the duce and distribute free of charge law, and • that upon said hearing a decree of helrahlp' be. entered and further British section of the Congress. n a series of shorts on the U.S. de- administration of said estate be dispensed -: Establishment of London.as the fense program' The pictures Sou are therefore notified that a" hearChief European- center of World are being made.at :the;req;uest :of will be had on eald petition at the AJewish,Coiigress: activities was der the. Government, a n d will <j6st ing County. Court Room of said County, on elded upon following a meeting of $45,000 each . .". Congratulations the 2Tth day of July, 1940, at 9 o'clock I f you fall to appear at the governing,council of the Am- to the Joint Distribution Commit- A. M., andandthatplace-and contest, the said erican Jewish Congress. .- At this tee's Paul Baerwald -on the -jar-' said-time petition, the -Court • may grant the same, ineeting. Dr. Goldtnann presented -rival of a new granddaughter J . . enter a decree of belrshlp. and decree that an extended report on the Jewish Her papa is Dr. Henry Doubilet, further administration of said estate be position in Europe, indicating the formerly of Montreal and now one dispensed with. BKYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. direction in which World Jewish of New York's rising young sur- 7-5-10-3t. Congress activities may, turn in geons , > . And felicitations to IBVIN C. —LEVINi'Attorney . Milwaukee on tho .acquisition of the coming weeks. ' In the Court ot Douglas County, a charming newcomer in the per- Nebraska.County . , son' of '. Mrs. . Leonard Simpson In tha-Matter of the Estate of Green A. Ernst Jacob O Oppert;* rnst Jac p p ; ^ German e Johnson, D e c e a s e d , . . . -"Before l»er recent h first fi .EuroE jfew; -was one 'Of the To the helrs-at-law, creditors, and all to young O r . Marksoa 8 ther .persons interested In saW"' ea^ate: peans to*Tisit Korea (18S«^8)




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