July 26, 1940

Page 1

Butered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 31. 1931, at Poatofflce, of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, 1879



XVII—No. 3 7

ASKPALESTIN IJamp Jay-t>C Temple Plans n To Open 1940 JEWS T To Celebrate Reason Sunday TOW Rutenber Record Enrollment Is Virginia U. Opens for Reported by Course in Judaism, Center Jerusaleijf • £ Charlotteaville, Va. (J T A ) —

Seventieth Year Will Be Marked in Autumn

"" '— Citing Brit ain's exam -Lords working R&bbl Abraham Shusterman, of With' over a hundred children Laboring w ^tlie national hiregistered, Gamp Jay-C-C w i l l Temple Israel, Tulsa, Okla., on with President Pinchas RutenSunday afternoon begin its sec- July 29 will open a course, spon- terest, berg of the Jewish National Counsjred by the Jewish Chautauqua Elaborate plans for the observond season. The Camp, located on Society, In the "Religions of Pal- cil made a strong plea for internance of the Seventieth Annivertne Platte near Louisville, has In- estine Arabia-Judaism, Chris- al unity. sary of Temple Israel, Nebraska's 4#eased its period from three to tianity and and Islam" at the Univeroldest Jewish congregation, a r o "I am a devoted servant of our if re weeks. Members of the staff being formulated by a committee great, unfortunate nation and am 'have been at the camp since Wed- sity of Virginia. This is the 28th consecutive ready to sacrifice myself to the under the general chairmanship aeglay, preparing the varied proyear that the Society has present- last drop of blood, but If the sitof Milton R. Abrahams. Not only flr#m of activities. ed lectures here on subjects deal- uation does not change the sacIs the Temple the oldest religious .. - ^Previously the counselors had ing with Jewish life and culture. rifice will have been wasted. We society, it is also the oldest Jewattended a mouth's t r a i n i n g ish organization of any sort in tho are now alone and assistance from > course in - preparation for camp state. • • abroad cannot be expected. We leadership. Camp director is again must be prepared to make the The actual anniversary c e r. eMiss Blanche Kleiman, director of biggest sacrifices to meet the danmonies will open Friday evening, educational activities at the Jewgers that face us. But instead of September 20, with special servish Community Center. Assisting constructive work, I am ashamed ices to be held at the Temple.1 A her will be a large staff of exthat I was forced to spend months reception in the vestry rooms will perienced camp counselors. persuading parties of the need for follow the serylce. ; Arts and Crafts will. be under unity and only recently was there Saturday night, September 21, direction of Jeanne Mannheimer established' an executive committhe anniversary banquet will take of Washington University, art in- Over Seventy to Leave tee of nine. place. A pageant, highlighting tha structor at Temple B'nal El of Sunday for "We expect the utmost discipmain events of the Temple's hisSt. Louis and director of art at Opening line, cooperation and assistance tory, Is to be given at this tlma Camp Hawthorne in the Ozarks. from everyone in this disastrous under the direction of Mrs. -Ben Campcraft will be supervised by Milton R. Abrahams, The first g r o u p of Jay-C-C hour." Shapiro. Bam Weinstein and Jackie Leff- campers will leave Sunday for the Agency, N. Z. O. Reported in General Chairman Because of the part the entiro (Continued on Page 12.) opening of the second season of Parley < Jewish community has played in Camp Jay-C-C. Over seventy chilLondon (JTA) — Representathe Temple's long history, Sundren from Omaha, S i o u x City, tives of the Jewish Agency and day, September 22, will be dediCouncil Bluffs, Fremont, and Lin- the New Zionist Organization met cated to tho local community. A. coln will leave for the first two recently, It was reported "on good wpeltB. Enrollment for tho entire authority" by, the 55lonts}t-RevIsperiod has reached the one hun- ionist organ, The Jewish Standred mark. dard. The meeting reportedly was O m a h a children leaving are: arranged through the efforts of Harley Beber, C a r y l Bercovlci, certain J e w i s h personalities e a n Blacker, Martin Blacker, who were deeply anxious to see Churchill Declares They ' Congregationalist Leader JBarbara Blacker, R a y m o n d some form of Jewish national coWill Be Saved Inspired Hillel B r o w n , Alvin Burstein, Ethel operation and coordination of effront Nazis Foundation Burstein, Leah Suzanne Cohen, forts in essential matters. Gerro Conn, Jerry Cohn, Ronald "While the results of the meetL o n d o n (JTA) —• A formal Urbana, 111. — Dr. E d w a r d Cohni Arlene Dansky, Arthur Ep(Continued on Page 8.) pledge that the British .Govern• Chauncey Baldwin, Congregation' stein, Gloria Felner, Jean Fogel, ment will not hand over to their ' klist leader and for more than 80 Phyllis Freed, and Robert Guide. oppressors any refugees who. have 'years professor of Biblical literaAlso, Audrey Greenberg, Joanne sought haven in Britain was given ture, who was the Godfather of Greenberg, Gerda Hagen, Herbert Commons by Prime Minister Winthe B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda- Heller, G u n t h e r Kahn, Hugo ston Churchill. tions and the man who inspired Kahn, Joseph Kahn,< Marcel Kahn, "It is inconceivable to me that . their founder, the late Rabbi Ben Arnold Katman, Fred Kohn, JohnHis Majesty's Government , now jamln Frankel, is dead here at ny Kohn, Mike Kulakofsky, Jean Mario Levenson, Joel Levy, Lois > the age of 71. Chicago (JTA) — The Demo- or at any future date, would hand Messages of condolence were re- Jean Linsman, and* Alan Newman. c r a 11 c Party's determination to over to their oppressors persons Others are, Esther Newman, fight racial and religious incite- who have sought refuge In this ceived here by Mrs. Baldwin from Marvin Newman, Pauline New- ment Is expressed in the platform contry from persecution," Church-Henry Monsky, president of B'nai B'rith; Dr. A. L. Sachar, national man, Evelyn Pinkowitz, Joseph adopted by the Democratic Na- ill said. The statement was made in re.director of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Polack, Nan Racusin, David Rice, tional Convention. ply to a request by Capt. Joslah • Foundations, and members of the Joanne Robinson, Rita Schwartz, "We have seen the downfall of 'National Hillel Foundation Com- Manfred Siegler, Jack Solomon, nations accomplished through in- Wedgwood, L a b b r i t e, that the Louis Somberg, •••••• Charlotte Sommer, Arnold Stern, ternational dlsenston provoked Government pledge under no cirmission. Chairman, Field Day '_ (Continued on Page 3.) (Continued on Page 5.) ' Nearly a decade before the first from without," the preamble said. Hillel Foundation was established "We denounce and will do all In field day is to bo held at the High* at the University of Illinois in our power to destroy the treasonland Country Club under the aus,1923. Prof. Baldwin began apable activities of disguised anttpices of the Temple Sisterhood pealing to Jewish groups to help d e m o c r a t i c and un-American and Brotherhood with Louis Soiu,the Jewish student body at Illinagencies which w o u l d Gap our berg as general •chairman of tho ois. Profoundly distressed because strength, paralyze our. will to deday. [of his discovery that Jewish stufend ourselves and destroy our Program Arranged dents knew less about the Old u n i t y by inciting race against Harry Malashock and H a r r y , ' Testament than their non-Jewish Sam Kenyon was named presi- race, class against class, religion : Washington (JTA) — A regis- Trustin are members of-the comclassmates, he undertook a one- dent of the Jewish Drama Unit of against religion and the people tration statement outlining the mittee In charge of arrangements man campaign to arouse Illinois Omaha at the'organization's last against their free: institutions." proposed public sales of 9*569 for the Field day and Lawrenco Jewry to the importance of doing meeting. . i The preamble recalled that "for shares of common stock at $1,000 Gross and Harvey Leon will be in : something for the Jewish students Other of leers are: Sol Gendle- years our President has warned per share to raise funds for the charge of ticket sales. Tickets for at Illinois. i man, vice-president; Sam Neron- the nation that organized assaults Settlement of Jewish and other the day will be one dollar. . > Asked Rabbi to Stay _ . berg, secretary; John Feldman, against religion,: democracy and refugees In the^Domlhican RepubA number of committees havo. i. When the late Rabbi Frankel treasurer; Louis Wolk, director; international good faith threaten- lic has been filed with the Secur- already been appointed to comities and Exchange Commission. came to Champaign as part-time P. Crandell, stage director; Mrs. ed our own peace and security." plete arrangements for this com* , rabbi In 1922, Dr. Baldwin per- J. Brown, Mrs. P. Crandell, and The securities were registered The conclusion s t a t e d ' : "We (Continued on Page 12.) ; 1 ' (Continued on .Page 2.) therefore p l e d g e ourselves to by the Dominican Republic SetMr; M. "Nerenberg, executives. "\ tlement Association Inc., of New * t h e Jewish Drama Unit is plan- fight, as your fathers fought, for York, which has a contract with Aid Adoption Drive', j ning' to present a' Yiddish play, the right of every American to the. Dominican Republic providing "Schlemhe and Relchel" by Boris enjoy freedom of religion, speech, for the admission of 100,000 refNew York (JTA) — The Na-» Tomashevsky at the Jewish Com? press, assembly, petition and se- ugees, mostly Jews from Germany ttonal Council of Young. Israel has curity in his home." ' munity Center unjjer. the auspices • \. ^r-^-—-—,v * -. \~ - • and countries conquered by the received several applications from of the 'Omaha Hebrew Club.The Geneva (JTA.)-^Extreme misNazis. The statement,-unique for members for adoption' of Jewish ery prevails among 50,000.Jews date will be announced soon. • the Commission since it did not refugee children. The applications ' residing in'the Lublin, reserva- . The" organization will h o l d a promise any monetary return to are a result of an intensive cam* picnic this ^Sunday at Hanscom tion, German-occupied Poland, an those who purchased the securi- palgn among the 70 Young Israeli article in tho "Nazi organ, Kralc- Park. Members and their friends ties, said 500 shares had been branches throughout the . United are invited: -Refreshments are to Zurich (JTA) — A newspaper taken by Agro-Joint; auer Zeitung, indicates. States. Young Israel expects t<g 1 : for Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland The only source 'of .income for be served.place a total of 500 children. will be issued shortly, the Berlin the Jews is sale of water but this activity is limited to'only a few, •Jerusalem'(JTA) — Rumanian wireless reported from Cracow. J* C. C. Orchestra to . Mme. Imbert-Weiss (The remaining- Jews are con- steamers have r e s u m e d their "The. paper will be devoted to Hold Picnic Sunday demned to complete Idleness. The weekly,trips between Constanza a discussion of purely Jewish matArrives newspaper also says the first'and' and Istanbul, enabling renewal of ters and will thus resemble other only Jewish newspaper authorized Jewish immigration to Palestine Jewish papers in the Reich and in Lisbon (JTA) — Mmo. Imberf» The Jewish Community Center In German-occupied Poland, Jue- via Turkey and Syria. The first the Bohemia-Moravia Protector- Symphony Orchestra will hold a Weiss, secretary of the relief coma dlsche Press, will bo published at liner to sail from Constanza was ate/' the report said. "Problems picnic Sunday, July 28, at Hans- mlttee established by the late Je'aa* Krakow shortly. It will only deal the Regale Carol, which had as of,,training the. Jews in profes- com Park, • _ , Cardinal Verdier, Archbishop og with Jewish vocational, welfare, passengers the firat of 900 Imml- sions, transfer and emigration of Members are asked to meet at Paris, arrivj»di here en. Trouto. t $ . education and emigration ques- rants. holding certificates in the Jews will .be the main topics of the. Center, at-1:16. Refreshments New York; where she •will appeal tions. be served. for aid for Jewish refugee^. ' J capitalist and youth cattegories. this paper."






{"Report Increased > Suffering in Lublin

To [Issue Jewish Paper in Poland


Jewish U !• Interesting to note bow closely related are the tenets of JTodalmB and Americanism concerning all tbe funS&meutel Ideals *f man as a superior creature living in harmony with his fellow -man and exploiting Ids energies toward common betterment. In this brief article the author presents facts to illustrate that the attitude of the Jewish people always has been consistent with America's eonsciencious wtand for peace. —THE EDITOR. In 1928 the world greeted with tremendous enthusiasm the signing of the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact outlawing war as an instrument for the settlement of international differences. The optimism which greeted this unprecedented step in world history has long singe disappeared, but it la well to remember that this Peace Pact is still a vital part of America^ foreign policy. Non-recognition of the actions of aggressor nations, such as Japan's conquest of Manchuria and Italy's subjugation of Ethiopia, is based directly upon the KelloggBrland Pact. The basic idea for this peace treaty which fifty-none nations signed, w a s first proposed by Salmon Levinson, a prom inent Chicago attorney, in 1921. His untiring efforts eventually won him the support of Senator Borah, the late Secretary Knox, Professor John Dewey, and many other distinguished Americans. After the signing of the Peace Pact, Lerinson continued his work for world peace by securing a change in the statute of the World Court disavowing enforcement of its decisions by war or other force, in 1929 he also gave the University of Idaho, an endowment of $50,000 for the establishment of the William Edgar Borah Outlawry of War Foundation. Early Peace Appeals , The traditional Jewish attitude toward war is closely akin to the theory that war is illegal, an American c o n c e p t which first , found expression in the writings of Madison and Hamilton at the Constiutional Convention of 1787 ' Efforts of Jews to promote world "1 3 > peace predate the World War by '- «* many centuries. As early as 1573. Azarlah de Rossi w r o t e in his book MeorEnayim (p. 169b) published in Mantua: "All the peoples of the earth should know 'that while we, the remnant of Israel, live in dispersion, we are obliged, according to the words of the Prophets and the tradition of the Pothers, to pray for peace and welfare of the state that rales over as. At the present time above all . . . it Is our duty to supplicate Almight 43od for the peace of all the toh&Mtants of the wctfid, that no people may liTe up the s w o r d against another . . . end that He easy remove frosn their hearts all strife emS hatred, feaplsBting, la* stead peace la fhe sresfld: for ia tfeeir peace we too bare peace."9 (Quoted by Cecil Stotb. "The Jewish CoBtribations to XXvilization/* London, 1&38.) : In recent times Jews may claim credit Cor having inspired numerous efforts toward the establishment of world peace. The thesis of the Russian. Jewish writer Iran S. Bloch in 1898 that war meant the suicide of humanity Influenced ' Czar Nicholas II to take the step which eventually led to the establishment of the Hague Tribunal. A prominent member of this body for some years was Oscar Straus, who later also served as the Chairman of the League of Sfetioas Peace Committee. The Nobel Peace Prise, of 1911 was awarded to two Jews, T o b i a s ' Michael Caret Asser, a prominent HallaBtt jurist, and Alfred Hermann Juried, an Austrian who among, other peace activities had founded the German Peace Society in 1«&2. . . , During the World War. Rosika . gchwimmer was one of those who accompanied Henry Ford on his well-intentioned bat futile effort, ttte Peace* Ship. She has since reta&JLaed an active worker In the cause jtot- peac]e» Another Jewish" womaa, Estelle M. Sternberger, is t&e executive director of World ;p#a«©Ways, an organization whose sattriflg efforts ijave,;dorie .much to ad^afce the peace jaaoremeat,


July 19, 1940



months. She had lived in Omaha for 27 years. Surviving her are two sons, Leo and Ben, both* of Omaha; four daughters, Mrs. O. C. Hardy and Mrs. C. L. Golden, both of Chicago, and Mrs. Jack London and Budapest (JTA) — The AgriMrs. H. Phillipson, both of Dalias, culture Ministry .announcing a deTexas. cree to "facilitate expropriation Fuaeral services were held San- of 500,000 acres of Jewish owned day morning, July 14, &t Huise farm land," declared that all Jewarid Riepea mortuary. Rabbi Dar- ish laadowcers Must continue culBy DAVID KAPLAN. id Goldstein offiel&Uog. Burial tivation of their land or they will was in Beth Hamedrosh Hagcdol not receive f u l l compensation Albert Einstein and Rabbi SidThe individuals and organiza- cemetery. when their farms are taken over. ney E. Goldstein of the Free Syn- tions mentioned above are indicaIn view of Premier Paul Tel-' ag&gue in New York City are only tive of only a few of the Jewish William Kutner eki's criticism that only 125,000 a few of the many prominent cit- efforts to maiatain and promote Funeral services were to have aces of Jewish farm lands had iseuta of Jewish faith who have peace. The whole weight and traworked for many years to promote dition of Judaism is behind these beea keld yesterday morning for been expropriated, announcement Kutoer, 58, who d i e d of the forthcoming expropriation world peace. efforts which began long before William Wednesday evening at his home of 600,000 acres was interpreted Jewish organizations iu Ameri- the rise of modern civilization and after an illness of nine months. as signifying that the third antica have likewise striven for peace. which will c o n t i n u e until the He was a member of the Adass Jewish law advocated by Telekl Aa long ago as 1922 the National world has learned to live in peace Yeshuren Synagogue. had already been put into operaCouncil of Jewish Women stated: and good will.' tion,, the first results to be the Surviving him are: his wife. "Since the vary beginning of prempt liquidation of all Jewish (Copyright 1940 By S. A. F. S.) Rose; four sons, Morris, Philip, its organization, the Council of and Ben of Omaha and Harry of landowners in Hungary. Jewish Women has promoted the Wichita; f o u r daughters, Mrs. The Hungarian Nazis are askcause of peace and arbitration. It Zena Zenzipper, Mrs. Bertha Wolf, ing Premier Paul Teleki to accept Deaths has associated itself with every Mrs. Lillian Levinsou, and Mrs. a bill comparable with Germany's organization committed to these Minnie Sandier of Chicago; a bro- Nuremberg Law as a third antiideals. It has provided a special Minnie Adler ther, Harry of Council Bluffs; and Jewish law for this country, tha committee of Peace and ArbitraMrs. Minnie Adler, 76, widow seven grandchildren. Hungarian Nazi organ announced. tion and it has established local Rabbi N. Feldnian officiated. committees throughout its 200 of Simon Adler, died July 11 at sections in the United States and her home after an illness of two Burial was at Mt. Sinai cemetery. Patronize Our Advertisers Canada, which devote themselves to a thorough study and consideration of peace problems." % In keeping with the resolution, the Council has become a member of the National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War, of the Steering Committee of the National Peace Conference, and of the Executive Board of the Committee on Militarism in Education. Tbe National Council of Jewish Juniors, an auxiliary of the CounNo Jewish Family Gan Afford cil of Jewish Women, has established Peace Departments in all To Be Without v of its 116 sections. Annually since 1932 it has aided in sending two students to the Peace Caravan. It also cooperated in the Emergency Peace Campaign. In keeping with the tenets of Judaism, rabbinical bodies and their subsidiary lay groups have also advocated the maintenance of peace. The Central Conference of American Rabbis, association of the Jteformed Rabbis, passed the following resolution in 1924: ". . . We urge upon our fellow citizens and upon those who guide the destinies of our land that, being true to themselves, they adopt an uncompromising opposition t» war. We believe that war is morally indefensible." The following year, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, a lay organization affiliated Brings Y o u * • • with the Central Conference of American Rabbis, passed the following resolution: ". . . That the Union or AmerThe Latest Events of Jewish Interest •» • Internaican Hebrew Congrogntions hi Convention assembled in the City of St. Louis, join with all other retional, National and Local News* V ligions and demoirinations of our country, in petitioning, the United States Government to cooperate with other nations in bringing Editorial Comment on the Most Important Event? about the outlawry of war as a means of settling international of Day* disputes. The organization of conservative Rabbis, the Rabbinical Assembly of America, passed a similar resoArticles and Stories, by well-Jcnown Audtors, Rablution in 1934 to the effect that: "Judaism historically has rco, o a n c c d war and striven for bis, Educators and Laymen, Representing the Best In peace. As teachers of Judaism are :< disavow war as a method of solvModern Jewish Thought. •;"'", .',-. . " , <>• ing' international disputes . . . We call on our government to align Itself with those International efforts which have for their parSocial^Congi^egationalaadC^ibNews. V'-:*'*'pose the creation, and perfectioa of Instruments for the peaceful adjudication. Of. international di»-

In These Stirring Times


p n t e s . "




The National Federation of Temple-Sisterhoods has also placed Itself on record as opposing war la the settlement of international disputes.- A resolution to this effect was passed in 1927, and subsequently.it became a member of the National P e a c e Conference and the National Council for the Prevention of War. The Federation baa also established a. Committee on Peace which issues books and study oatlines, holds public meetings and aids local groups t» educate their own members in. the cause at peace. That these numerous efforts do coatribute to the fight for peace was proved by a survey conducted in 1954 by Klrby Page.. The most recent example of the activity of Jewish groups for the promotion of world peace was the Peace Exhibit at; the New York World's Fair. Among, the.organizations which sponsored thla exhibit w09 the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the National Council of Jewish Women, the National Federation of Temple Sisterhood, the United Synagogue of America, and the Women's League of the United Synagogue of America, v.;. .v,v,v.'.v.';v..v»y;;.»:

Subseidptim. Price»«> $2.50 per yem

Friday, July 19, 1940




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WAR ECHOES Don't be surprised If the num ber of Jews in Nazi-occupied Po land shows a marked increase. . . . The Naai ruling that young Poles must give their blood for transfusions for-wounded German soldiers but that Jewish blood isn't suitable for this purpose has resulted in a large number of Polish young men registering with the Jewish community and wearing the yellow badge, to escape becoming blood donors for Nazis. . . . In charge of Germany's affairs in Palestine, which is at war with Hitler, is the Swiss consul, one of whose Jobs it now is to protect the rights of the German subjects held In Palestinian concentration camps. . . . The most interesting aspect of this situation is that this Swiss protector of the Germans of Eretz Israel Is a Jew. . . . Menasho Unger, student of Jewish historical curlosa, tells us that Alexandria, now so much in the war news, had a Jewish population of 1,200,000 in the first century B. C. E., and that this Jewish community had a temple modeled after that in Jerusalem. . . . And that the biggest synagogue In Alexandria today is named after the Prophet Elijah, who is said to hare prayed on the spot where the building now etands. . . . Leave it to the Nazis to add inJury to insult. . . . Not only has Judenfresser Adolf arranged his entire career in accordance with the horoscope cast for him by the Jewish astrologer Hanussen, but it now appears that Hitler is timing his entire blitzkrieg to gibe with the prognostications of the sixteenth-century Jewish soothsayer Michael Nostradamus, who, as we reminded you a couple of weeks ago, foretold the fall of Paris after an aerial attack from the east. THIS AND^THAT The Rev. Ii. M. Birkhead of Itansas City, who was carrying on a one-man campaign against unAmerican forces long before the G-men woke up to the fifth column peril, suspects that the Jury which acquitted those "Christian Frontcrs*" in Brooklyn recently was subjected to undue influence, and that not all the jurors were free of bias in favor of the men on trial for sedition. . . . Twentyyear-old Hazel Scott is making quite a name for herself as a singer of1 Jewish songs, such as "Ell, EM,? "Kol Nidre" and "Yiddlsho Mama." . . . .Which would be nothing startling were it not for the fact that Hazel is a coffeecolored swing singer from Harlem and works in a Broadway night club for a living. . . . D i d you know that it was Washington Irving who told Sir Walter Scott alt about Rebecca Gratz, who became the prototype for the Rebecca of "Ivanhoc?" . . . And t h a t Rebecca's father, Michael Gratz, at one time owned Ken tacky's Mammoth Cave? . . . W a i ter Winchcll reports -a sign to a Chicago show window proclaiming that the Jewish proprietor of the establishment would rather, deal with a hundred Nazis than with one Jew. . . . It seems the place Is an undertaker's parlor.




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REFUGEE REPORT Doing her bit for Europe's child refugees is Lulse Rainer, who has been working incognito, under an assumed 'name, with the U. S. Committee for Care of European hlldren. . . . Lulse hasn't heard from her father since he got caught> in the Nazi invasion of (Continued on Page 12.)









Co. AT

*i",f - T , i i l •

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to 7. "Tiger" Novak hurled a nice game for the Nebraska boys, while Les Bloom's hitting also featured. Schedule for Sunday, July $1



New York's World Fair

82d and Dewey—Nebraska fruit Market vs. Wardrobe Clothier*. 33d and Cans—Leavenworth MarKet TO.

By Dr» Solomon Goidmarf


Excerpts From the Address Delivered at the 43rd Annual Coi&vettfion of the Zionist ' Organisation of America iin l No Zionist Convention and uo> Zionist Congress ever assembled • in circumstances so big with fate as the present . . .- What Imports , a special solemnity to these days and touches them with a unique and tremendous significance is the thought and hope that perhaps tbe Jewish people at last have real allies. Perhaps at last the democracies have come to realize that tbelr destiny and the destiny of civilization are cast on the same stake with the Jewish people. Century after century we had pleaded that the mergence of a sudden anti-Jew passion was always and everywhere only the first rumblings of frightful convulsions. We •were only the seismograph receiving and recording the first impact of the shock that was to follow. [When the Jew was made the tar! get of a wild onslaught his oppres' Bor was olnly training for a wilder inevitable onslaught on others . . Why was not the world aroused by the extraordinary succession of ' Nati Inhumanities a g a i n s t the Jews? It is this. Hitlerism had the immunity of anti-Semitism. Hitler's Insanity, his plans against western civilization were veiled from tbe world by Its complacency to bis anti-Semitism . . . Hitler found the world receptive because Jew-baiting had long since achieved the status of a respectable social and political activity . . . Failed to Understand Problem

ing etorm troopers, fostering hostility against the United States in S o u t h America, advertising the triumphs and extolling the virtues of the Nazi, weakening the morale of this country, and In general, preparing for the final victory of Nazism . . . Zionism Not Passing Phase Do not commit the error of regarding Zionist as a passing phase in Jewish history, a reflex of international fashions In nationalism . . , Do not regard it as the narrow program of a political group. Zionism is part and parcel of the whole historical development and the ethical substance of the Jew . . . All attempts to have it otherwise are vain . , . We say to non-Jews who do not know our record yet, we say to Jews who have hesitated to make their Jewlshness synonymous with Zionism, "Behold what the handful of Eastern Jews, yesterday's victims of Nicholas II, have achieved In Palestine. A civilization has been created, recreated, adjusted, reconstructed in a little more than a few decades."

West EUmwood—A. Z. A., No. 1 M. U*« coin Tavern. A. P. T.—Bye.

Glamour Girls Mrs. Wolfe's women's slender* izing classes dn every Tuesday and Thursday are being neld over by request this summer. Girls, to give your figure that glamorous Ann Sheridan "Oomph" join Mrg. Wolfe's classes today. Swimming Our reporter finds that the Center's swimming pool is filled with seekers of joy and health. When the weather's hot and tho water's fine step into the Jewish Community Center and follow th» crowds to a refreshing and healthful swim. Liebman Jost (d. 1071) » » < Court Jew of Frederick I of Prussia.

G e n e r a l Alma Lambert, 4 French Jew, participated In thir« teen wars. I believe that the world will be came from behind to defeat the A Jewess, a m e m b e r of th« ready to treat anti-Semitism In a A. Z. A. 1 for their first victory Pierleoni family, was at one tlm» new and drastic way corresponding to its universally criminal of the season, the score being 9 Queen of Sicily. character. Anti-Semitism will no longer be regarded as a domestic issue. It will be recognized as the forerunner of aggression. FOR


erome Frank By Richard Kallman

The world failed to understand One of America's most brilliant the. problem of anti-Semitism and the nature of its roots. They could legal and poltical minds is Jerome not see that we sufffered because N. Frank, counsel to the Agriculwe w e r e an obstinate minority tural Adjustment Administration. that would neither cease to exist Frank was born in New York nor forfeit Its spiritual freedom. City In 1889. Soon after, however, "Humanity everywhere," remarks his family pulled up stakes and a distinguished anthopolglst, "re- moved to Chicago where he atceives a minority group of strang- tended Hyde Park High School ers with about the same degree of and later the University of Chicahospitality as that with, which a go. Upon graduation he entered strange fowl Is received in a barn- the law school of the University yard." If Christians truly desire and was graduated an L. L. D. to understand the shame and the with the highest honors awarded inhumanity of anti-Semitism, let by the lnstiution. them study the experience of their In a short while be was serving forebears in the Roman Umpire. as legal aid to one of Chicago's _ With respect to the Christians the most progressive leaders, William Roman decision was, "It Is not Dever. It Is Interesting to note lawful for you to exist." . . . that as early as this Frank was What sends the blood to Hit- already taking up cudgels against ler's face at every mention of the such financial potentates as Samword "Jew"? What makes Goeb- uel Insull, the great juggler of bels and Stretcher gibber at us? utility stock, whose shady manip-( It is the fact of our continuity, of illations compelled him to quit L the brazenness to have lived In these shoes some years back for Egypt and to have survived the the less irksome s c e n e r y of Pharoahs, to have been conquer- Greece. Insull, at the height of ed by Rome and to have survived his power, defeated young Frank, the Caesars, to have been massa- who had not even mounted the cred in Russia and to have surviv- first rung of the tall ladder that ed the Romanoffs, to have been was to symbolize his career. Man of Letters racked in Prussia and to have surWhile in Chicago Frank made vived the Hohenzollerns. What t o r m e n t s tbe hierarchy of the the acquaintance of a host of poThird Reich is their suspicion that litical and legal friends. But more than that he established lasting we will outlive the Nazis . . . But the continuity of Jewish friendships with some of Ameriexistence is not merely a racial or ca's best k n o w n literary chiefphysical fact. It carries with it tains. Carl Sandburg, Sherwood : profound spiritual implications. It Anderson, Rebecca West, Harry involves the whole question of Hansen and Lucian Cary are just |1 civilization a n d democracy;. It a few of the literati'. who grew raises the problem of human dig- to know Jerome Frank and to re' nlty and freedom without which spect him not as a lawyer or a civilization, a n d democracy arc politician but according to the criimpossible. The question is, does teria of! their own world of letters. Jerome Frank made an early man and do1-groups of men^iiaye I inalienable rights, or are they al- decision to specialize in corporate ways to live at the mercy of ty- reorganization. In this he met' the Instantaneous and vehement oppo\ rants .anjF?qi6b's? . . : . ThereTaiye always been tyrants sition of the great banks and the ! lusting ftif-power, and niobs whip- great lawyers, for his'reorganiza• ped by fear, bludgeoning all men tion plans were calculated to proInto conformity^. ^ It was We tect the small security holder, who 'according^pM>'q r d Action, whereas traditional reorganization laid down the Hats'"upon which all planB w e r e designed always to spread advantage .further within freedom was- iBrbn '. , v sphere' of .Jarge, investments Wnat whipped-our enemies into the and holdings — the interest of fury |waf nStflthen,theibare fact the banks and their lawyers. of .our ex^Bjtence,, hut,, even more, In Frank 'published his that we maintained our national book, 1930 ''Law and 'the M o d e r n dignity, our "Cnitnr&i 'integrity and Mind." He followed this with the historic identity \~Y Widespread publication of magaHitlerism ia: the.< successful re- zine articles, pamphlets and more version, to prijnitivlsm. It.ia matt books. He is an excellent writer, In :ihV ra;*7. It-is the jungle swal- wielding a trenchant pen through lowing up again' the c 1 e a'r i n g the whole gamut of modern Intell;S7b.ich men have made in it . . \ectual thought, ranging from bioLet us pat energy,and, courage logy to psychology to"fellgion. into the t a s k of .proclaiming to Concerned With Unfortunate America that anti-Semitism is tb,e When,Henry, Wallace and Rexuniversal Fifth Column of Hitler- ford -Tagwell''w*ere, selected to ism. He ,who is an' anti-Semite js head the Department, of Agricula Hitlerite. He' has learned In the ture, they sought a solicitor who International school of hatred and would be capable of handling the anti-democracy, w h i c h has its business,,of tbe Department, with lieaagu'arjters in Germany, the arfc m a r 1 i f u m effectiveness They , of bemril<jeringr public''"sentiment chose Frank because he had the. by 'appealing to the. anti-seniitic qualifications they demanded — bias. 'There are .thousands ,qf this liberalism i n politics and' exporl; brand In "America. They^liaVe set mentalism liMs approach. They • up* a smoke-screen.of antf-Semtt? chose Frank but James Farley, . ism, and behind it they are train-" bowing to the compulsions of pat-

ronage, blocked the appointment. So Frank merely became general counsel. He has done a noble job. No one has been able legitimately to detract from the excellence of his service. In all the years when the New Deal was a real, authentic, progressive "deal" In American Government, Jerome Frank backed the President to the limit. His most recent book, "Save A m e r i c a First," has attracted widespread attention and is universally considered o n e of the most outstanding political treatises of past few years. Moreover, he is vitally concerned with the welfare of the poor. It has been said of him that "He Is one lawyer who watches the bread lines more closely than the price quotations."

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League standings: W. Lincoln Tavern . . . . . . . . O Leavenworth Market.... O Wardrobe Clothiers 6 A. Z. A., No. 100 ...4 A. P. T. ....8 A. Z. A., No. 1 .,... 2 Neb. Fruit M a r k e t . . . . . . 1 At Elmwood:

L. 2 3 3 5 5 5 0

R. H. B. A. Z. A., No. 100.. 190 002 0—12 7 3 A. P. T .000*00 1—5 5 7 Batteries: Joe Kirschbaum and Gum; Ruderman, Wolk and Jack Epstein. At 33d and Cass: R. H. E. Lincoln Tavern 220 00* 1— 9 10 2 Wardrobe Clothiers .310 000 0— 4 1 3 Batteries: Marks and Helchea; Yaffe and Lewis, Sllbar. At 32d and Dewey: , R. H. E. Neb. Fruit Market.. 100 070 1—0 10 4 A. Z. A.. No. 1....014 010 1— 7 7 6 Batteries: Iz Novak and Shryer; Gorbcr and Keve Kirschbaum.

The Lincoln Tavern's long climb to the top of the ladder was climaxed last Sunday as Ed Lincoln's boys trounced the Wardrobe Clothiers to the tune of 9 to 4.-The Lincoln boys lost two out of their first three games, but since then have won six in a row to tie with the Idle Leaven worths for first place. Herb Marks hold |he Clothiers to one hit, Jim Burroughs' single In the first inning. Jim's hit plus an error scored .three: runs for the Wardrobes In this frame, but from then on Herb's fast ball was untouchable. Harry Altsuler's ' play at . third base featured the tight defense of the winners, while Harry also shared hitting honors with "Sonny" Goldlng. Sonny clouted a booming triple with the bags full to drive In three well-needed runs. . A big second inning in which the A. Z, A. 100 scored nine runs enabled them to defeat tbe1 A. P. T.'s by a 12 to. 5 score. Milt GUEJS, Kuklln and Landman were big noises for the-Century boys, whijb Sain Wolk and "Pep" Bogdonoijf led the losers. - ' Tha Nebraska .Fruit., Market

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Friday, July 19, 1940

Plain Talk





(Continued fioia Page I.) Maadel, former French Interior Minister, has been ordered arrested in Morocco by the French Government, together "with ex-Premier Edouard Daladier and other former ministers. M a n d e 1 was "the soul of France," in the days before the capitulation, fighting w i t h "Intelligence, stubborness and patriotism for faith to an ally and war to the end for the honor of Trance," according to a London dispatch written for the North American News Alliance by Elie J. Bols, former editor of Le Petit Parisien. A warning that German might would be used against Jews in any country of Europe where t h e y sought to increase their influence waB voiced in the Krakauer Zeitung, oficial Nazi organ in Poland. The newspaper, in an article on the "Jewish question," said antiSemitism was gaining ground In Europe and that even F r a n c e , where it had been unknown since the Dreyfus case, was returning to anti-Semitism s i n c e its defeat. Countries under the c o n t r o l of Germany arS Italy, the newspaper asserted, are evicting Jews from all position and they will "never again enjoy their former position In Europe." "If the Jews manage to establish themselves in a n y country and seek to increase their influence there," the article said, "Germany will oppose them. The Jews know w h a t German opposition means." Allen Jews Lose Citizenship London (JTA) — The Vichy Government has decided to void the citizenship of all alien Jews who received naturalization papers on joining French a r m e d forces after the start of the war, reliable r e p o r t s reachingvhere said. The Nazis are conducting an anti-Jewish campaign in France, showing anti-Semitic motion pictures dealing with ritual murders in cinemas of Paris and other cities. Most business concerns in the Jewish quarter of Paris are closed down. Returning Jewish refugees are unable to find work. Herr Eichman, Gestapo official,

Burning Bush

On vacation: Your correspond ent has a matter of his conscience to report: At the World's Fair he stood in front of the Italian building between conflicting emotions. On one side the aesthete in him " said:. "What beauty this is! In ; short, this is really something. This grandeur of the architect's - work! This loveliness of the waterfall! This . . . this . . . this everything! Let's go in! On the. other side his hardbitten prejudice whispered hoarse" ly: "Don't you dare go into this house. : This is that so-and-so ' Mussolini's house. You certainly won't stultify yourself by going - I n t o bis house. That black' bander! That anti-Semite!" * So he thought on the matter • and finally replied: "Well, there's something to be said on both sides. I guess I should spit my Symbolic statue by Slot he '/After, which stands in the Hall of execration on any work- of Mus- Transformation of the Palestine Pavilion, a tribute to the Jewish BOlinl. On the other hand, I must pioneers who have restored the Holy Land to its ancient fertility. confess this is really beautiful. As a civilized man I am aware that Mussolini is only skin-deep What's next? What's next? What but the inhabitants still carry the while beauty is one of the ever- might happen next in the world dream in their eyes. On Mr. lasting verities. So, for the sake didn't seem to matter much any- Stevens' house he with his own of beauty I shall enter this build- more; they had been numbed by hands had carved his faith: "ToIng while at the same time my all the pain that had gone be- morrow Is a New Day." Mr. Stevens, one of the foundmind gives out execration against fore.) Your correspondent's eyes felt ers of Arden, Is dead.' He is burMussolini. Figuratively, you might comforted to look at these chalut- ied beside a great stone in a garear, I shall spit on Mussolini. zim, for he himself was sick and den beside his house. From lime Forgot Mussolini people come to Mr. StevBut, as he wandered among the ired of gazing into the darkness to time with gay flowers to witness beautiful things that Italy had as- of the wo/ld. So from the Italians ens valor of their own faith that sembled there he forgot all about he is bringing home this doll the the bush is not consumed and which will i n f o r m Ellen that Mussolini. It wasn't Mussolini Who created these vases, or wove things which are decently fine can that tomorrow is a new day. this tapestry, or hammered these come out of people we call ene- (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts things out of silver and gold; mies; he Is bringing home the , Feature Syndicate) these were of the loveliness of a luminous faces of these Jews great people. It's a pity, he said, which are bright with great that people who can do work like dreams. New York (WNS) — The Nonthis have to go and die for the Sectarian Anti-Nazi league, which skulduggeries of a Mussolini. Yet these were not all the evi- recently supplied evidence of the Your correspondent hoped that dences of good hope that your "irregular activities" of Dr. Friednot many Italians would be killed correspondent discovered - as . he helm Draeger, Nazi Consul in New in the war. He thought, we cer- went here and there on his vaca- York, at the request of the Detainly need Italians in the world ion. In the World's Fair he partment of State, has wired the to make silver cups and sing ound people still guarding, as Department asking for the recall opera. some .holy light,, tbe-.League .of of Captain F r i t z Wledemann, ' Yet amid these mellow medita- Nations. There was a stately Nazi Consul-General in San Frantions his conscience suddenly felt temple and a rapt young guide cisco, and all other Cansular rep'disturbed again. He was at the who took people about resentatives "engaged in similar - point of buying an Italian doll for "This," he said, "is the League extra-consular activity." of Nations building" . . . We tiphis grandchild Ellen. "Now, now, Segal," his con- toed from room to room; as at science interrupted, "remember some .sickbed. Yes, the young -tfaiB is an Italian doll. Remember man said, the League of Nations fascism, anti-Semitism a n d all is only, a bit sick. It was as alive that. Think of Mussolini, that no- as ' the' yearning of people for brotherhood. gobd, that blood-sucker." * .He thought on the matter this Then your correspondent called .way and that and finally came to on General' Grant in,, his. tomb • on a -conclusion:—"Well, «t a e-r« ' s Riverside Drive . and, afterward, i something to be said on both accidentally came upon - an insides.' There's • this one side and scription which -was - around the DELIVERED TO YOUR •. then there's the other. The other corner. It was carved on a tail - READY TO 8EQVE • side Is that this is a most beau- brick building. "And the bush tiful doll: This golden hair! This was not consumed," it read from THE FOLLOWING INCLUDED WITH'EVERY'ORDER -pretty facfcl This gay dress! . . . the facade of the Jewish ThcolagAnd, besides, I guess Ellen will cal Seminary. E3a«Bo GALA© like it. . . ; Wrap it up, please." Bush Not Consumed to FRENCH FOiEffi P©YAT@EG • j'Your'.correspondent submits the There's something in that, your, whole thing to the judgment of correspondent thought. The busb <>-4he readers, humbly. • • hasn't been consumed! : Darkness CHK3S has fallen.upon the earth and the FOEE DELIVERY » J' .However, Jie anade haste, from righteous are in the .dust and the -the Italian -building to find the wrongdoers ravage the earth, but; Palestine pavilion.- -O Lord God the fcush is not consumed. No! ' of ^Israel, he mused, if. I have It .isn't-consumed. He found it ' * sinned in -visiting the wfcked, Ita,l- Blowing.that afternoon in the sunr 4ans,-witness that l a m hastening set, he found it-next day in people standing reverently in the room ' ' now4pward the house of -my ,own\ J where the: Declaration Of-Inde'--people, the Jews. ' endence -was proclaimed In In-; •'•• ••• ' . > - • . J e w i s h , ' P a c e s .-•-•. ..• •'. WITH LOTS ©F iCAUCE -_ Her-stood "quite -^awhile ^before, dependence .-Hall. Philadelphia. . - the mfe-sixe ^photographic-mural; ••The -watebmanr fold him that - of i the ^halutaim marching to leopie • seemed to-have something their w o r k In the field. He irlght in their eyes•• when they thought this was'the loveliest stood there. He had seen it in > thing In the.j>ayillon—-these faces all the 35 - years "he had ^beeri ,' of Jews bright with hopefulness, there. . .>. "People Just-standing these hands of Jews molded • new here, with their eyes, all br}*ht." and strong by stern toil,-these .'. -. -and lie guessed Itjwasjn the •Served-en Cpcl'-cfc-lh ' feet of Jews rooted at last in the syes of people in all the years be-r fore he^ame there." That was it: •Cool NewEsf' E l ' foil after the long wandering. S c r e e n Pere&a * (The faces of Jews he had seen The bush was not consumed. all over New York were dark-with Finally, your correspondent vis' their worries and their eyes look- ited Arden, close by Wilmington, ed tired and their voices were the Del., which 30 years' ago was - hollow voices of people who had, founded' by dreamers who sought come to the bottom of despair. Utopia. Arden, they said, would .What's next? they were asking. be Utopia. It is not yet Utopia


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is expected to arrive in Paris to S u p e r v i s e repatriation of Dutch, Belgian and Jewish refugees.


Arc ZZio C©!o

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Page 6

FrwUy, July 19, 1940


Rome and Palestine By Roman Slobodin


Junior Hadassah Members of the Junior Hadassah will gather for a lawn party Wednesday, July 31, at 7:30 at the borne of Mrs. M. D. Brodkey. Biaga and bridge will be played. Feature of the evening will be a "White Elephant Sale" for which the girls are to bring little objects that are still of use but of which the current owners are tired. These packages will be wrapped so as to be undistinguishable and will be auctioned off during the evening. Admission charge will be twenty-five cents. Members are welcome to bring their friends. Refreshments are to be served. Convention The national convention of Junior Hadassah will be held in Chicago August 21 to 25. Headquarters are to be at the Palmer House. Miss Bertha Slutsky has been named Omaha delegate. Mary Arbitman is her alternate. Any girls who are members of Junior Hadassah and who desire to attend the convention are requested to get in touch with Miss Slutsky.

Composer Darius Milhaud in U. S. New York (JTA)—Darius Milhaud, France's outstanding composer, arrived here Monday on the American Export liner Excainbion from Lisbon. The Jewish composer was accompanied by his wife and their 10-year-old tion, Daniel. He was last in Paris in May when his latest opera, "Medee/ was produced at the Paris Opera House. Milhaud was one of a group of French modernist composers called "The six." Critics have found in his works a strong trace of his Jewish extraction, and among bis compositions are "Six Popular Hebrew Melodies."

An anomaly of the war situa- ian flag over the Church of the tion in the Near East is the undis- Holy Sepulchre. turbed presence, at a vital center These reports do rot conflict ol British defense, of a large with what is known or believed in Washington (JTA)—A number number of influential Italian Palestine regarding Mgr. Barlas- of Jewish refugees in Switzerland Fascists. sina's attitude, which the Jewish have been selected for emigration There are hundreds of Italian population, at least, regards as to the Dominican Republic and Catholic priests in the Holy Land, strongly pro-Fascist a n d anti- are;expected to sail from Greece and while many are aloof from Zionist. The patriarch has on oc- ou a Greek vessel shortly, it was politics, others are wholehearted casion shown hostility to Zion- learned. The refugees were sesupporters of Mussolini. F o r ism by public action, as when he lected by Morris C. Troper, Euroyears, one of the notable figures insisted on criminal prosecution pean chairman of the Joint Distriin "Jerusalem has been tall, lean, of an editor of a Hebrew paper bution Committee. black-frocked Father Moinbelli, which had published an offensive Meanwhile, the sailing of 500 who, for all his clerical garb, is a joke. The Palestine government young refugees now in newspaper man, and reputedly the wanted to let the incident pass in EnglandGerman for the Sosua colony in the obscurity which it deserved, highest-paid in Palestine. Republic has been Father Mombelli is (or was un- but the Latin patriarch forced a the Dominican pending the availability til recently—his activities doubt- public scandal and a trial which delayed Patronize Our Advertisers less were stopped by the outbreak could only serve to inflame pas- of a convoy. sion and prejudice. Sir Herbert Emerson, director of war between Italy and the AlYOUR INSURANCE BROKER lies) the correspondent for & The Roman Catholic church, of of the Intergovernmental Refugee whole string of Italian newspa- course, is one of the powerful fac- Committee, has taken personal CYRIL LEON pers, including Mussolini's "Po- tors in Palestine. Its official po- charge of the projected sailing of VICE-PRESIDENT polo d'ltalia," and the Stefani sition is recognized by law—it has Jewish refugees for the DominNews Agency, official Italian judicial p o w e r over all Roman ican Republic. CITY FINANCE AND propaganda arm. Catholic citizens of Palestine in Paul Van Zeeland, president of INSURANCE CO. All through the period of Arab legal matters affecting personal the Coordinating Foundation for Representing 21 Strong Companies rebellion, Father Mombelli's dis- status, such as marital and inher- Refugees, was to leave Lisbon by A Complete Insurance 6ervl«e Jews in 529 defended the city patches were strongly in favor of itance questions. It o w n s vast clipper for the United States this CALL: WALNUT 6160 of Naples against J u s t i n i an's the Arabs, anti-British and anti- properties. Within very wide lim- week to aid in the solution of "THE SETTLEMENT COUNTS" Zionist It was undoubtedly he its, it is, in practice, sovereign in refugee problems, government of- army. who supplied a large part of the its own institutions. ficials announced here. He was material, including atrocity storto attend a meeting of the Presi* Not all the Roman clergy and iess, which was broadcast in Ara- institutions in the country are dent's Advisory Committee on bic from the Italian long-range Italian, of course. T h e r e are Refugees in New. York. radio station at Bari.in order to French, Irish, Polish, German and fan the flames of revolt against other churches, monasteries, conBritain in the Levant. vents, hospitals, schools. But the hierarchy is unquestionably ItalNot Made Public While Father Mombelli h a s ian-dominated. T h e attitude of probably either left Palestine or the Vatican itself toward Zionism been deported or interned, there under Pope Pius XII and the late are other Catholic clerics there Pope Pius XI, has been, on the Rome (JTA) — It is learned who are supporters of Fascism whole, friendly or benevolently and enemies of Britain, but who aloof. But the hierarchy in Pal- hat 20 of the Italian Jews arresthave not been so outspoken about estine is q u i t e clearly Italian- ed in Fiume have been freed, init. For obvious reasons, the Pal- dominated, Fascist-minded a n d cluding Signor Klein, president of estine and British governments hostile to the Jewish National he Fiume Jewish community, and several other officers. were never inclined to make this Home. a public issue, but once in a while They had been detained two the veil was lifted for a moment. weeks ago in the general roundThat hot weather Is here to stay and up of male Jews who had lost In one instance, when an Italian Argentina Halts their nationality as result of the priest, head of an orphanage near will continue to hit you between the Refugee Entries racial laws of September, 1938. Jaffa, w a s murdered by Arab Another 200 Jews in Trieste In brigands, police investigating the eyes. Buenos Aires (WNS) — The the same "stateless" category are crime found a quantity of khaki uniforms in his institution. Re- Government of Argentina has sta- still interned. However, the cases sponsible confidential sources re- tioned 100 special gendarmes at of most of them are expected to ported that he had been distrib- the Bolivian border with orders to be considered favorably soon. That the man who chooses today from uting supplies to Arab terrorists, turn back German-Jewish r e f uIt is reported from Fiume that gees attempting to cross into Arand had been killed by them as our wide assortment of the new; ' Hans Friedman, son of tbe late a result of a falling-out over their gentina from Bolivia, it was an- president of the Jewish Commundemands for cash. The story was nounced here. ty there, who was also president hotly denied by the Italian conGovernment spokesmen s a i d of the important Adria navigation sul-general, but never by the Pal- that the German-Jewish refugees, company in Fiume, committed suiestine government. who settled temporarily in Boliv- cide by hurling himself from his ia when they were denied admis- fourth-floor apartment window . There has been no news from sion to other S o u t h American during the period of these arrests. Palestine of action by the British ountries, were planning to slip authorities against Fascist Italian across the border "illegally." The The Solomon family is the only priests. Part of them presumably refugees have been Jiving in tem- Jewish family known to have could be dealt with as any otbor porary colonies in Bolivia. lived on the island of St. Helena. enemy alians, but it would be a ticklish matter to round them up and intern them, particularly if they had been discreet about their activities. And some of the CathSIXTEENTH AT HARNEY olic clergy have immunity as dipWill thank his good lomatic representatives of t h e Vatican State, or are legally neujudgment throughout tral as its subjects. this heat . . « for our < WEDNESDAY Patriarch of Jerusalem selection is at top ! Notable among these is Mgr. Luigi Barlassina, Catholic Patrif o r ni including all arch of Jerusalem. Mgr. Barlaseina apparently is continuing to new s h a d e s in all function uninterruptedly in h i s sizes. And you'll find powerful position, despite the fact that, if a report in the Manchesa bull's eye in value. ter Guardian is to be accepted— and it appears to be borne out by news from Rome—he is the candidate of the Axis powers to head lor this sale of the Palestine government under their rule, when (and if) they SfJMMIlii succeed in driving out the English. .. , ; ,. According to the Guardian report, the Axis plans to turn Pales* tine over to jurisdiction of the [Vatican State, which would take C o t t o n s a n d ••• SEaeero charge of the Holy Places, while Italy would exercise the real Bdvereignty, and the Jewish population w o u l d be transported • to THE SLACKS ARE JVST $540 AbysBinia. - '.'.': ' ^ A JTA. dispatch f r o m Rome feays that thirty bishops telegraphed Mussolini urging him to conquer Palestine and raise the Ital-



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Friday, July 19, 1940


Fag* 7

DEPARTING SUNDAY Miss Tera Epstein and Miss Louise Wintroub are leaving Sunday for a two weeks stay in California. '.'••:

Workmen's Circle



The Camper —Your Child

A special meeting of Branch Picture a glowing, healthy, sun- 690-E, Workmen's Circle, will be tanned youngster and you will held this Sunday at 2:30 at the TO VISIT SON Mrs. M.. Kneeder is leaving have a picture of your child after Jewish Community Center. All Sunday afternoon for Des Moines a vacation at camp. members are urged to attend. where she will visit her son and T h e following contribution! • Health, . personality, fun and daughter-in-law, Mr. a n d Mre. have been made, according to anFRIEDMAN-FLAX VISITING PARENTS Harry Kneeder. She plans to be play—these are the goals of camp nouncement by the organization: In the presence of members of Miss Irene Fishberg of Los An- gone for two weeks. for the camper, your child. the immediate family, Miss Toby geles is visiting her parents, Mr. • I Before coming to camp, every Workmen's Circle Committee for Flax, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.and Mrs. Joe Fishberg. counselor and every child must Palestine, $1; National AssociaTO NEW YORK Sam F 1 a x, Sunday became the pass a rigid physical examination. tion for the Jewish Blind, | 2 ; Mrs. Sara Maisel is leaving This serves as a special precau- Jewish Labor Committee, $2; He* bride of Louis C. Friedman of FROM WEST COAST Des Moines. Rabbi David A. GoldMiss Sylvia Rotkovitz is here Sunday afternoon for a two weeks tion to safeguard your child's brew Sheltering . and Immigrant stein performed the ceremony at from the west coast. She is the vacation in New York City where health. „ Besides the resident stu- Aid Society, ?2; Jewish Philanthe home of the bride's parents. guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. she will be the guest of her broth- dent doctor, a regular physician thropies, $5; Red Cross, $5; and er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.is available at all times in Louis- Kinder Zeitung, f2. Out-of-town guests attending H. Rotkovitz. Harry Edell. ville, three miles from camp. In were: Mr. and Mrs. Hy Miller of MRS. VERET RETURNS addition, a member of the federaDes Moines; Mr. and Mrs. Albert tion medical and dental advisory Friedman of Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs' Paul Veret and children, MISS 8LUTSKY RETURNS Miss Bertha Slutsky has return- board visits the camp several Mrs. H. Glassman and Miss Irene Barry and Linda, returned MonA meeting of the Y. P. A. was Fishberg of Los Angeles; Mr. andday from Philadelphia where they ed from Des Moines where she at- times each week for consultation. held Tuesday evening at the Jewtended the Region Board meeting , Good food and ample rest Mre. I. Polsky of Kansas City, have been visiting relatives. Community Center with the of the Junior Hadassah. round out your child's health pro- ish Mo.; and Mrs. I Smith and Mr. entertainment c o m m i t t e e , of ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT gram at camp. Fresh fruits and which Pauline Rifkin and Mrs. M. Silverman of Chicago. is chairman, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Resnick an- VISIT CANADA vegetables, fresh meats and dairy After a wedding trip to Colorcharge. A spelling bee was won Mr. Gene Telpner and his cous- products, and wholesome desserts in ado, the couple will make their nounce the engagement of their by Sam Kaplan. Nellie Edel and home at the Hotel Savery in Des daughter, Miss Grace, to Mr. Sam in, Miss Maxine Leibowltz a r e make up the tasty diet, prepared Lester Byron were runners-up. Coleman of Los Angeles. leaving Saturday for a two weeks in our newly electrified kitchen in Moines. Guests of the club were Ida Miss .Jlesnick is a graduate of visit with friends and relatives in accordance with the Jewish dietKelberg, Jean Ellkan, Harriet RifCentral High. Winnipeg, Canada. ary laws; The kitchen is superVISITING PARENTS kin, Harry Sobel, and Bernard No wedding date has been vised by a highly trained dietitian. Mrs. M. L. Levey of Des Moines chosen. Fox. Refreshments were served. ANNOUNCE BIRTH The camper, your child, will is in Omaha visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Goldberg sleep ten hours each night and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meyer, Workmen's Circle ON WESTERN TRIP announce the birth of a daughter, enjoy an hour's rest after lunch Mrs. I. Welner is leaving Fri- Beverly Sue, on July 7 at the Dramatic Club daily. Counselors are ever watchOMICAGOANS RETURN day for North Platte, Denver and Methodist hospital. The Dramatic Club of the Workful for fatigue and thus prevent Mr. and Mrs. Al Lavin and fam- Bates Park. In North Platte she men's Circle, Omaha, Branch 173, over-tiredness. ily of Chicago have returned home will visit relatives and in Denver will hold its season picnic Sunday The program of activities is afternoon, July 21, at 3 o'clock after spending last week-end with will be the guest of her brother RABBI GOLDSTEIN LEAVES relatives and friends. They were and Blster-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rabbi David A. Goldstein left graded to meet the needs and in- In Hanscom park. accompanied by Mrs. Lavin's sis- Arthur Llpp. She plans to be W e d n e s d a y for Minneapolis, terests of the camper, your child. will be games for adults Minn., where he will Join his fam- While the five-year-olds may be andThere ter, Mrs. Ben Abrahamson and gone eight days. children. Refreshments will ily, picnicking in a secluded, shady be served. daughter, Lucille. spot by the creek, the high school MRS. FROMKIN LEAVES unit may be hiking to Mt. CasMrs. Max Fromkin is leaving AT CAMP BREWSTER sldy for a cookout and campfire. The Misses Jeanne and Barbara Saturday evening for Minneapolis Not only health, but personality Rosewater and Miss Jerry Conn to spend several weeks. From O.ly and character aro developed at , A special meeting of Hadassah there she will go to Elkhart Lake, are spending the month of July Wis., where Mr. Fromkin and son, is to be held at the Jewish Com- camp. Every camper's talents are at Camp Brewster, Bob, will Join her. On her return munity Center on Tuesday, July explored so that he or she may SHIRTS' she will stop at Milwaukee and 23, for the special purpose of acquire interesting hobbles and RETURN HOME electing a new president of Ha- learn responsibility. IRONED Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Green redassah and delegates to the naThe camper, your child, is thus lad cently returned from a trip to BETTER tional convention which is to be assured a happy and wholesome Chicago, Milwaukee and Kewanee JOSLYN MEMORIAL At 2:30 Sunday in the Concert held in Cincinnati starting Oc- summer of fun and adventure. where tbey visited relatives. Hall of the Joslyn Memorial two tober 27. *••• Honor Jewish Pilot sound films — "Siamese Journey" E v e r y Hadassah' member Is FROM IiONG ISLAND Qcssado Laundry London (JTA) — The Distinand "Burmese Moods" — will be" urged to attend, immediately folMrs. F. W. Walker of Long shown. A four o'clock organ re- lowing the meeting, an open board guished Flying Cross was awardand PUots Phone U« Island, New York, is visiting at cital will be given by Martin W. meeting for the purpose of dis- ed to Pilot Officer Marcus KraDelivery WE 12S4 the home of her parents, Mr. andBush, assisted by Harold W. Gra-cussing plans and ways and means mer for "gallantry and devotion Mrs. Benjamin Green. Her son, of program for the coming year. to duty during air operations." Arthur, is with her. They will re- ham, tenor. main here for the summer. TO MINNEAPOLIS " Rose Kirshenbaum, daughter of WEEK-END VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirshenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Appelbauin and Rose Kirshenbaum, daughter and sons, Martin, Robert, and of Mr. and Mrs. .Meyer Kirshen] Lawrence, of Winnetka, 111., were baum, left Sunday for a three the week-end guests of Mr. Appel- weeks visit with their uncle in baum's sister, Mrs. S. Nathan. Minneapolis. N O W

Y. P. A.






TO CHICAGO r . .: IN OMAHA Mrs. J. M. Rice and daughter, Mrs. John Mason and twin Adrienne, a n d nephew, Dickie daughters, Roselle and Lea.of Des Freeman, left Saturday for Chi- Moines are visiting in Omaha with cago. Mrs. Mason's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee. IN MASON CITY Mrs. Mason is formerly of Miss Esther Shapiro is in Ma- Omaha. son City, Iowa, visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. Irving Stefnliill. VENETIAN BLINDS an* WINDOW SHADES LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA HADE) TO MEASURE Mrs. Clara Horwitz left WedFUEE ESTIMATE! • nesday f or Los Angeles where she CRAFTSMAN VENETIAN •will visit her son-in-law and BLIND P F O . CO. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Apr (Made ID Omabn) AT 4544 ' 022-4 No. 16tb Hi. pet. ..'...


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DAVID BLACKER—Business and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN . . . . . . Editor RABBI THEODORE H. LEWIS • Book Editor FRANCES BLACKER - - • Society Editor MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City Correspondent

The Scum Comes to the Top

take with us, though our wealth is confiscate and Our lot misery. Gems of the Bible As individual we face a task greater than that laced by individuals cf any previous epoch. It ia and Talmud for us to keep alive within us, the values and stan' • By Dr. PLiltp SL«r dards that dictators would destroy! it is for us to preserve the ideals they would crush. Perhaps we BIBLE shall be forced to face .the worst; but if we have inCan the Ethiopian change his spired those of generations to come, we will neith- skin or the leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good that er have lived nor died in vain. are accustomed to do evil. O Thou hope of Israel, the Savior thereof in time of trouble. Let Mr. Willlde's Pronouncement mine eyes run down with tears In line with the Amercan tradition, the Re- night and day and let them not publican presidential candidate, Wendell Willkie, cease for my people is broken with has gone ou record as a foe of intolerance. Not a great breach, with a very grievous blow. confining himself to vague generalities, Mr. WillWoe i^ me, my mother, that kie has expressed himself strongly as a foe of anti- thou hast borne me a man of Semitism. It seems strange and unfortunate that it strife and a man of contention to is even necessary for a candidate to feel it neces- the whole world. I have not lent have men lent to me, yet sary to speak thus; but sincere believers in Amer- neither every one of them doth curse me. ican democracy are eager to denounce what is the I will deliver thee out of the current fad in a decadent Europe. hand of the wicked, and I will reUnquestionably Mr. Willkie spoke out of con- deem thee out of the hand of the viction; but what is of greater interest is that Mr. terrible. TALMUD Willkie has not been fooled by the anti-Semites Rabbi Dim! "If there are and sees that they are nothing more than, the tools two teachers, said, one who is well of the Germany government. A new book, "The versed in the Bible but is not exStrategy of Terror" reveals the admitted purpose act, while the other one is exact, of the Nazis in promoting anti-Semitism, the desire but is not well versed in the Bible, one who is exact shall be apto utilize it for purposes even blacker than the the pointed, because an error impresspersecution of the Jews. Many leading Nazis have ed upon the mind of a child reno personal animus against the Jews, the book mains forever." It is written in the book of Ben relates, but they frankly admit political anti-Semitism is an excellent weapon of attack. By playing Sira. I have weighed everything on the scale and did not find a upon the prejudices of a blatant and unprincipled thing to be lighter than bran, group, they are able to prepare for their own vic- however, a groom who resides in ious onslaught. In the first world war, the Ger- the house of his father-in-law is mans built gun placements In innocent places in lighter than bran, and still lighter than he, is a guest who brings France and Belgium. In this one, they have used with him an uninvited companion, propaganda to ease their Invasion. and still lighter is the one who Willkie's expression also reveals that anti-Sem- answers before he has heard thorthe question as it is said itism is not a political force in American life. Pres- oughly (Prov. 18, 13). When one giveth ident Roosvelt, during his eight year in office has an answer before he heareth the revealed himself much more than just a passivo question, is folly and shame unto opponent of racial doctrines. He has vigorously him. condemned such policies and has proved that he Rabbi Marl said: "The one who is proud la not tolerated even has not been fooled by their intent. In a state which is politically healthy and ec- among his household." Rabbi Juda said: "An ordinary onomically sound, it is not necessary to s e e k commoner who disguises himself scapegoats for mistakes and over-sights and the in the garment of a scholar will shortcomings of those in power. The fact that the not be able to enter the habitatwo major political parties are able to conduct tion of the Holy One.". their campaigns on the issues at hand rather than •on myths is another proof of the soundness of the American way. It is a greater tribute to democracy than all the self-bestowed plaudits of the totalitarians. . . . _

Frid.y, July 19, 1040 have found security within lt# borders. Tim Portuguese ' influence in this liCMilsiihere has never been fully realized. Br&zil, best friend of the United States in South' America, is linked to Portugal by language and custom. Portuguese Je^'s were among the first to come to the New World. Portuguese Jews founded the famous synagogue in Newport, II. I., first to be established in America, where George /Washington* delivered an tuldress that has become a treasured tradition of American Jewry. American foreign policy will not allow Portugal to fall, we1 hope. It is tremendously important to the continuance of a semblance of American and democratic influence in Europe that Portugal stays outside the Axis. It must be remembered that the worst of the Nazi atrocities have been enunciated, but not yet accomplished. They have not been accomplished because of the effect tipon "world public opinion," which in reality means the'public opinion of the people of the United States. If Portugal is throttled, every horror that you can imagine will befall European Jewry. "Public opinion" will no longer require consideration by the Nazi beasts. What happens within the borders of Europe will be forever hidden within those borders.

When food is boiled, the scum covers the surface; when a political situation is turbulent the • same phenomenon may be noticed. This has been amply illustrated by the recent and discouraging : events in Europe when the jingoes, the traitors, - the opportunists, the politically dishonest rose to - the surface of the French government. Names aseociated with all phases of shady politics are now steering the French government and steering it even more closely to the rocks. As in the days of the Directorate which followed the French Revolution, three men are in control of France — Marshall Phillippe Petain, Pierre Laval, and Adrien Marquet. The first, who has been charged with deliberately betraying the French government either by panic or dishonesty, has been a warm admirer of the oppressive system Within the last few days the of General Francisco Franco. Next and perhaps German wireless has been repeat* the most important figure is Pierre Laval, sinistering an ominous phrase: "There appearing and ambitious, who while giving lipis nq more room for Jews in Europe." service to the French Republic, contributed genAnd the Nazis have threatened erously to the anti-Semitic daily of Fascist Franthat for every German soldier whe cole de La Rocque. It was he who sabotaged the who falls in battle, a Jew will be League of Nations by flaunting public opinion and killed. Nazi. spokesmen in the United attempting a deal with Mussolini to betray the States, as this column pointed out Negus of Ethiopia. several weeks ago, have already Third man is egotistical Interior Minister Adsaid that the war would be paid for by the Jews. They didn't rien Marquet, who sees himself as a super-Hitler qualify this. They meant all Jews, in a Buper-Hitlerian state. Lurking in the shadows including Jews in t h e United are de La Rocque, Doriot, and ex-Premier Flandin, United States. all advocates of Fascism. These are the men whom From the tone of these statements, wo cannot help but reason Hitler haB chosen to rule France. These are the that if a Nazi-dictated peace is men who destroyed the F r e n c h Republic and concluded, there will follow A sysstrangled democracy. tematic despoliation and possibly murder, of all Jews in Europe. For the Jews of France hope is lost until the You'd better stop a minute *nd day Hitler meets defeat. Most of those in power try to imagine this catastrophe! are frankly anti-Semitic, frankly chauvinistic. The You can't say it all in words. ' ' notorious "Action Francaise" of the Royalist DauToday in Franco, a totalitarian det is one of the most vicious anti-Semitic papera state is arising and- some papers -'In circulation,' and it is possible that the royal have- launched anti-Jewish agitaBy PAT FRANK bouse may return to France. tion. To Combat Totalitarianism . J. X A. Washington • Persecution -proceeds *apace in The lights have gone out -all over Europe — .Leading educators- throughout the country -will Holland, Belgium, the ScandinaPress Bureau "' [and with them the brighest light of all; France,! meet early in"-September at the Jewish .Theological vian countries, .-Rumania," HunIt is today in the hands of what may'turn, out to Seminary in New York to confer on the relation gary, Italy and Spain. : *• be most unprincipled gang of-conspirators in hisNotes on a War: ' • .-• Switzerland. sUii-holds ^fast to of Science, Phillsophy,-and Religion- to the Demtory. > • • •'••--..•-.•."-' Mussolini, aided by Hit- Its -democratic • traditions, • b u't ocratic Way of - Life. • The -men of •: learning' are ler,When strikes "-at Gibraltar—as •'he Switzerland is a < 11 n y,- isolated awakening. Like the Jews ^hey have no place in must, else Italy's boast of Mare Island of mercy in a sea of ina scheme of things that makes knowledge sub- Nostrum Is'as empty as ever—- humanity. .-The Lives We Face And--finally,, there is Portugal, his military strategy will probably • One hears much today of. facing ji new world servient to the: purposes of the state._ encompass the invasion t>f Poftu^ struggling against "the tide. / * Under the-Totalitarian system >there is no* such"»-j-ittaat today we stand at the crossroads, hesltatgal. And if Portugal, which since News from Chile that a Nazi • - " Ing ^because no matter which way is taken, the thing as true science. Science becomes a hand- the opening of war has maintainputsch has been planned -isn't • problems tobe -faced will -be entirely different from' maiden of war-add oppression. Instead, of. being ed' a -desperate neutrality, 'falls; surprising; "The GermantH began those we have known, -Not even' the philosophers of concerned • with the preservation .of, life-and Uhe into the orbit'' of' the ails,'then «n elaborate * anti-Semitic camthe last free line of-communica\~i" the embattled nationsEeem to be quite sure' of the means to happier-existence, scientists direct their tion between 'the1 United"1 States paign there - two -^months vagovefforts to more efficient methods of death-and •de; Plaretistg/liatred -of. the Jews is • "• "yorld: "With equal ^vehemence they-denounce C&pand the continent of Europe' Aas Ifitli'^fJrst'mHitary struction. .The, technological .advances that werel -weapon—his been cut,' -and truly '"Europe^iabt ' italism and^ollectiyism.^The'TThoieVorld is seized - to blitzkrieg. ,' the lift man from a bondage have-instead enslaved Afrlca-^wlH be the _Vdark -contli' with .fear -because none are sure the standards of him even more, . nent." v • bis 'past will" be'-.useful'for the,future. ^-'JrhejGerhian^wJreless'has'a.hew -• ••.-,.' 'Philosophy,,; under a modern -dictatorship, is commentator, * w h ov)*€umiilpyiS ^jk * • It fe'given to none of us to-make a world'aingle- «oncerned*primarlly»*w.iih'jthe /justification<it' the ; : hOnrihv'mIdwhataccent.vand ear©- • -» banded.: None:;of us- would; have;"put a Hitler in; •wrongs cpniinitt«d' by;«.thei state, ite.main purpoa'e* the •Tery 'earliest -days of tliis.-jwar fully-plantedv1'American"-siangj • to no wnbiEsei"!;Cathcntic -sicvJB baS - «•• sower-'bad .-we .-been-*permitted?-to veto-or-agreje;. is to give authority-, to tthe-myths of the.regime^ •ou> of Poland. »All critlidar "*"'- '-/cofiTfnceVthis^naUon df^the •ess -of: the .Nazi cause"* yt» •v " none*-of us, ;no>qiatter ;how, (perverse in •spirit, i"rom *Nazi Germany or Fascist itaiy,wiU'.temergV •«f- AerhiU-ihiss; t \voiiid -have'"-subjected Ahe 'world to the ordeal no Plato,.no Aristotle, no ,Spinb~za7 %o>Kant~ no _ rortrwave."iie--cani3u*iitii;im»Mif»i o . has -been b& . der^for the".destruction 'tuf the ;' _-v through which- i t is nowtpaBsing. It is Quite obvious -Rouescau, no Voltaire. « Insteati ^fie! •snpi'enie iphili the''Nazi censors. "Unto this : ^-/enctt*'~-ile'el ;\ no/'* American >-new$^a'per^. •t that we of ~ the/common herd wilf-have-no share osopbier>Is Hitler jw^ose-/great' work'ris a ^master- epondent has been cllOwed to visit life'e ? Blerkie '''a^bonehei^d^lay.'i. failing" to touch &eo>n in shaping that world to come.-it Is only 'given 16 piece-of hysteria! . Poland.. ' .'". "'••'' " ''•'• . ' '•'....••• " • < 6 t i & j y " "•'•"_ • ; • • . • - • . •'••';• " • • . " - • ' ,. us to-shape our own lives. " . . , ! V ; -Co-operating with,Science and Phillsophy in the A free,France la'now-Kojoe,-and As- one speaker at the Tecent :B,'nai -jB'rith con- Conference will be-', their^..age-old. antajgonistV,' . His' woftchforS I s "It's gopA " when avfree -Portaga^-gpes,-'-w venlioa^bere;said; " W;SimuBt<prepare?farUhe jworst. Jigk>Ta,'vrS7lileh:;^oday,'iif:i n*ds itself ^confronting,^ \il i • willl - gofcte^'^iMlg il tfcete^^iMlge ?ot3trntb t3t and -live'for the best;'* A- year ago.ttie Jews bit, ercater *enemy.^ There ^are^ those -religious leaders- in news o u t . of .Europe. : Cables . He says that Europe is gohig to controlled, by Germany, thift -» France, felt.themsfilves^ecure.— facing.a.war, per- who-have g;iven-support* to both Hitler and Musso- from Europe • travel from Portugal bo Europe \rvlll be a huge market f<nr haps, . but never 4n -their ^darkest moments realizing lini but these are the unfortunate backwash of re- to the United States,:. yi$ the American raw materials and that • Azores, -the Portuguese wireless that before much time had elapsed they would be action that haa-done eomuch to discredit religion. can" Btlllbensed by American-cor? Ainericaa bttsinessnlen would do ~ refugees- like the millions they have been so gen- '.';' lt r is a matter of self-defense that Science, Re- respondents to send out unbiased well to get oil the bandwagon. • i We wondered, ftm he spoke, . - erously -helping all these years. Never, had they ligion, and Philosophy formulate methods to com- stories of what is occurring on the what tho Nazis were going to use continent. And it is in Portugal . realized that within a few months they would bat totalitarianism and insure their own preservathat the -American', clippers have for money. Or v ? h e t h e r they • «ihjire-the fate of -the Jews of Germany.' tion, Without these life would be meaningless. Only their last base on the other side would merely "floodVon* markets with cheap goods, produced by • We must prepare for- the worst, but by prepar- under democracy have they been able to flourish. of the Atlantic. . '*'',! slave labor, in payment for these ing for the worst-we may also find ourselves living Once fettered they die and with them civilization raw materials. Incidentally, the ' For more than 850 years POIJfor the best. We must learn to live by standards and the hope of a world. Germ.ans are going to need raw tngal has been a friend, and ally that are not subject to the caprice of time, to the ' ' '; of England. And the friendship materials-^-ond howl •whims of earthly rulers who seize power to enbetween Portugal and the United , JEWISH CALENDAR hance their ephemeral glory. Our ancient Prophets Reach Lisbon States has been uninterrupted. Lisbon (JTA) — The steamer realized this need Snd gave us'a system of ethica 5700—1040 W h i l e Portugal sntilntaing a Dore, flying the Panamanian flag that would serve us whether we experienced; the lot Fast of Tammuz ........'.................Tuesday, July 23 "corporate state" not u n l i k e and carrying a large number of . of Job or the glory of Solomon. -^ Rosh Chodesh Ab ........................Monday, Aug. 6 Italy's^lorm. of goyewunent, ite refugees,;dropped anchor.off this We must prepare byfreallzing'the trg'aBitory na- Fast of Ab .:....... .. —....•.......Tuesday, Aug. 13 constitution is marred by none of port Tuesday.' Deepest despair, the racial,fears of Germany find prevailed among the refugees who ture of material wealthy seeing ;how*it is .-always •Rosh Chodesh Ellul ....„..;.....Wednesday, Sept. |4 Italy. And Portugal, since the be- w e t , e scheduled to proceed to oubject to the 'wheel of fortune. When such, is''the ginning of this ytax'i?. haa shownCasablanca^. French Morocco, but 5701—1040 eole -standard, 'the outlook is. unstable and life compassSon, mercy, and fairness now are -unable to reach their ..... .....Thursday, Oct 3 Jn dealing with the refugees who destination. . . J s.iThere are some things'•>wercan always Rosh Hashonah :





July 19, 1940

REFUGEES LOST IN LIBYA WILDS Had Left Poland in Hope of Entering Palestine Illegally

Report 800 Killed/


AZA President

Selves in Paris London (JTA) — The KingHall Newsletter reported 800 suicides were recorded in the 24 hours preceding entry of the German army into Paris, including 300 Jewish refugees from Germany and Poland. During the first 48 hours of the German occupation, the Newsletter said, there were 18,000 arrests. An anti-Jewish publication called France at Work has made its appearance in Paris.

London (WNS) Somewhere in the desert in Italian Libya are 800 J e w i s h refugees including nuuiy women and children, from Nazi-occupied Poland, who were trapped by the outbreak of hostilities between Great Britain and Italy while en route to Palestine, it was learned here. The r e f u g e e s , penniless, are making their homes on the hot desert. Their clothes in tatters, they hare been reduced to beg' Troper Describes Chaos ging for their food. Because of As Continent the war, Jewish relief organizaWars tions here are powerless to help them. New York (WNS)—Morris C. The refugees had made their way from Nazi-held Poland to Troper, European chairman of the Trieste where they had planned Joint Distribution Committee who to enter Palestine "illegally," It arrived in New York from Lisbon, was said here. The ship carrying Portugal, on the Yankee Clipper, the refugees, for which they had declared that "the whole Europaid exorbitant prices, was near pean continent with a few excepLibya when Italy declared war on tions has been converted into a vast concentration camp as a reGreat Britain. sult of tho recent occupation of Negotiate For Rescue Jewish organizations in Trieste, Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg and it was said, are negotiating with a large part of France." Mr. Troper came to the United the Italian Government for permission to rescue the trapped ref- States to confer with officers of the Joint Distribution Committee ugees. A somewhat slmillar situation with regard to readjustments in exists in British-controlled Malta the policy and program of the J. where 183 Jewish refugees, head- D. C. necessitated by recent deed for Palestine on the Italian lin- velopments in Europe. One of the last Americans to er Hodi, were forced to debark. The Rodi was nearing Palestine leave Paris prior to its occupation, when It was stopped by British Mr. Troper described the plight of warships and escorted to Malta. millions of refugees of every naThe Rodl'a passengers, equip- tionality in all parts of Europe. ped with legal visas to the Holy Mr. Troper said: "During my trip from Paris to Land, are subjected to almost dal. ly bombardments by Italian air- Bordeaux, which lasted three full planes. A repdrt from Malta stated days and nights though normally that the* Jewish refugees are well a matter of hours, I saw literally treated but haven't tho funds to many thousands of refugees of purchase all their requirements. every description, scurrying like It was learned also that 200 ants as before a crushing heel, Jewish refugees, possessing visas fleeing Paris by train, by automoto Palestine, are in Turkey. These bile, by truck, on carts, on blrefugees had hoped to reach Pal- cyclea, and tens of thousands on estine through Syria, but when foot. All means of transportation Marshal Petaln, in b e h a 1 f of were used in their frantic efforts Prance, capitulated to the Nazi to depart. Some of them even left Government, transit visas through Paris riding hearses. Families Syria were denied tho refugees. were separated under most tragic circumstances. It may take decades before members of these families will be able to locate each other. Harnessed to Carts "I saw many men and women To tho Editor of the Jewish of culture harnessed like pack Press: On behalf of tho members animals to Improvised carts in of Theta chapter of Sigma Delta which were piled the llttlo they Tau and the Omaha Alumnae were able to save of their belongLeague, I wish to express our ap- ings, together with children and preciation and thanks for the aged parents. It is impossible to grand manner in which you coop- picture to Americans who fortunerated with our publicity commit- ately live in pcaco and security tee during our recent convention. the horrors that are taking place all over Europo today. Hundreds of thousands who formerly lived in ri" i >., • Mary Arbitman, circumstances found ' ' Secy,, Omaha Alunumo League comfortable themselves suddenly deprived of Hernmn Martin Trier (1842- everything. Tho shock of events, 1936} in 1005 became president tho sudden uprooting* from homo and land, anxiety, and privation •of the Danish parliament.


Irving K&ler, of Atlanta, Ga., whose election as grand aleph godol of Aleph Zadik Aleph, B'nai B'rith youth organization, at the recent 17th annual convention, makes Iiiin the head of the largest Jewish boys organization in the United States. will leave their marks for years to come upon the people forming the backbone of European culture an civilization, unless they receive immediate material and moral encouragement from abroad. "It is no longer a question of Jewish refugees but rather a question of the ability of Europe to survive. The fate of millions of homeless wanderers today is tied up with the fate of Europe. A final triumph of force will spell the doom of all of these people, while only the success of democracy and liberalism can bring relief and hope to those in utter despair. War Sole Business "Today the business of Europe*

is war and,, Jittle or no attention


is given to problems of humanity. The presidents of refugee aid committees themselves have become refugees. Fen people have the time or the-inclination to concern themselves with the questions of relief and rehabilitation of .millions In distress as each is concerned with his own immediate welfare. It is; for American organizations to devote themselves (Continued from Page 1.) at this time to a serious consideration of the problems of bringing Apast from isolated cases of banhelp and succor to a suffering ditry the country enjoys a respite continent. Relief programs will from internal disorder, he said. Lord Halifax said Arab circles have to be revised, policies will have to be changed to meet new were generally pleased by the resituations and new tragedies as lease of internees and by the fact that •military courts were no long* they occur. ' er empowered to impose the death "Hundreds of refugees are leav- sentence. The Jewish community, ing Germany, Austria, Lithuania, he said, is cooperating fully la Latvia across Siberia via China matters of defense and in various and Japan to North and South emergency measures demanded by American ports. Many refugees the situation. Arab cooperation ia are seeking a haven In such places no less wholehearted, he declared* as Tangier, Angola, Casablanca, German radio reports of conbut only a few are fortunate enough to be able to proceed even clusion of "a new Anglo-Jewish there. It Is clear that emigration secret pact" for establishment of under present conditions no longer a Jewish State in Palestine and offers much of a solution to the evacuation of the Arabs to neighproblem. The primary need has boring countries were officially reduced itself to one of providing denied. T h e reports are "comfood, shelter, clothing and med- pletely false," It was stated. There ical aid to the enormous refugee have been no negotiations before populations which, unless assist- or since the Franco-German armance is brought from somewhere, istice regarding a Jewish state la are doomed to physical and moral Palestine, evacuation of Arabs or. disintegration." any such scheme. Palestine Jews, like a great many A r a b s , are working and fighting on the side of Britain, but "any story of a seList Jewish Doctors pact with the Jewish Agency Bucharest (JTA)—Newspapers cret is sheer invention," it was stated. published the first list of Jewish doctors barred from state service Save School in accordance with the new decrees, under which persons who do not belong to the totalitarian New York (JTA)—To Insure party of the nation are ineligible continuance of a school for Yemto hold government posts. enite children in Jerusalem whoso sole support from European countries has been cut off by the war. Land Ownership Junior Hadassah has cabled $1,« Budapest (JTA)—The Slovak- 500 to Dr. Maya Rosenberg, founlan government has issued a new der and director of the school. antl-Jewlsh measure, severely re- The institution gives academio stricting ownership of land by and vocational training to 225 Jews, it was reported here today. girls.


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Refugees in Cuba By DR. ANNA P. BOUDIN {Editor's Note; The opening of the Havana conference of American republics, which will consider the refugee proMem "among others, serves to foctis attention on the refugees living in Cuba. How these i tingees could be assisted in described in this fei title hy Dr. Bondin, a leader of the Woen's American OKT, who recently returned from a visit to the island republic.)



Friday, July 19, 1940


Pat* *

Refugees crowd the streets of Havanna in all too noticeable numbers. More than 6,000 arrived there In the past few years; some 20,000 immigrants f r o m Eastern and Central Europe had settled in Cuba previously. There is appalling destitution among them, which the Joint Distribution Committee has done much to relieve. There is need, however, for the construction task of trainIng these otherwise hopeless wanderers to the new life that they must find on this side of the Atlantic. I have only recently returned from Cuba, and I was amazed to find how closely conditions there resembled the situation I found in South America two years ago, when I visited the Jewish communities in Brazil and the Argentine to investigate possibilities for the absorption of Jewish refugees. In Brazil a colony of German Jewish refugees had settled, and to the extent that it was equipped to engage in productive labor, had taken root. However, among the 10,000 Jewish residents in prosperous San Paulo there were some 2,000 peddlers and petty merchants. The Jewisn community—which Incidentally is distinguished for its philanthropy and public spirit, for the clinics, day nurseries, kindergartens, community center and synagogues it has established— was greatly concerned with the serious problems that would inevitably arise unless this largo group were retrained for more productive labor. All agreed on the crying need for the ORT program in that area and were greatly interested in the possibility of establishing agricultural colonies and Industrial trade schools. Situation Worse The situation is even worse in Cuba since the refugees' are forbidden to take Jobs, and the consequent idleness and fear of the future has terribly shaken their morale. Presumably, most of the refugees are there as temporary visitors, and it is expected that they will eventually migrate to other countries. It is hard to see such migration as a solution for them, however, unless they are retrained into trades and occupations that will make them completely acceptable immigrants in South America or elsewhere. A most useful purpose would be served If, •while they wait for quota numbers which are long in coming, they could be taught these useful trades. '• It would help , restore their morale by giving promise for the future; it would occupy their leisure, of which they have unfortunately only too much. la brief, there is in Cuba aa in South America an urgent need for the ORT Constructive program. At present there are economic A n d legal, complications which present difficulties, but it: is hoped that a way will be found. Meanwhile; the Quakers are doing a good Job on a limited1 scale. I visited the Pinca, or farm, conducted by the Quakers under the direction of Emmett W. Gulley. In this farm are housed 57 young refugees wlio are, getting practical experience, In gardening; .•weaving, wood-turning and general mechanics. In a d d i t i o n ,

courses are given in SpatiKli, ia American history, current events and English. Tae spirit of these young refugees is in marked contrast to the apathy of the forlorn emigrants who tlirong the Havana quays and stare listlessly oat on the harbor. The refugees themselves are aware of the need and have organized a self-help society with a membership of 1,000. The head of this organization is a refugee named Garfinkel; they have an efficient director whose name is Weiss. This organization carries on cultural, recreational and vocational guidance activities in quarters rented from the Zionists. Here are given courses in English and Spanish; and the spirit of the members is kept up with weekly concerts and entertainments. What is lacking is a more efficient and scientific program of rehabilitation and retraining. There are too few trained teachers, and the organization of courses is imperfect. The ORT could very profitably take over the work which these refugees have begun, and which they cannot maintain efficiently because of the inadequate means at their disposal; tho ORT could obtain trained teachers, and organize a proper curriculum. The refugees are themselves aware of the inadequacy of their program, and are struggling valiantly to overcome it. They have recently organized a number of

trade courses, but they l a c k money for paid teachers, and must therefore charge a tuition fee, which most of their members are unable to afford. The courses to date are few in number but excellent. Tliey laelude: a course for masseurs, for locksmiths and eleetrieiaas, for milliners, for glovemaking, for cosmeticians and for dressmakers. There are available among the refugees themselves conipetect and experienced persons to give these courses. The teachers, moreover, have the necessary tools and equipment which they managed to bring over with them from Europe. The teacher in the eleetrical and locksmithing class is a Cuban citizen, who has a fairly well equipped shop in the heart of Havana. The teacher of the cosmetic course formerly headed a cosmetic school in Vienna. Under proper auspices, and with small expenditure, there is a nucleus here for a genuine trade school, which could be combined with a workshop and centered under one roof. At a cost of 10,000 to 15,000 pesos, ORT could take over this work, and in cooperation with the refugee society, organize it thoroughly. There are few places in which the practical value and effectiveness of the ORT program could be better demonstrated than in Havana.

osewater Dies Victor Rosewater, a member ol a distinguished family of Oinalia pioneers, died last Friday night of heart disease at his home in Philadelphia where he had resided since leaving Omaha in 1022. He was 00 years of age and bad been seriously ill for the past six weeks. A native of Omaha, son of the distinguished Omaha newspaperman and legislator, Edward Rosewater, Victor Rosewater bad been a leader in Republican politics and had served as chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1912 and was temporary chairman of the Republican national convention- which had renominated tho late President Taft.

Prom the time of his father'a death in 1906 to 1917 he was editor of the. old Omaha Bee which had been founded in 1871 by the older Rosewater. From 1917 to 1920 he served as publisher as well. Disposing of the Bee in 1920, he later moved to Philadelphia to act aB publicity director of the Sesquicentennial Exposition then being planned. He was associated with pre-exposition activities until 1925 and since then had devoted himself to writing and lecturing. The elder Rosewater, a native of Bohemia, had come to Omaha in 1863 as manager of the telegraph office which had been estab-

lished here by the Crelghton family. Victor Rosewater attended the Omaha schools and following hia graduation entered Johns Hopkins university at Baltimore. In bis senior year he transferred to Columbia where he received Ms degree in 1881. Following Us graduation be toured Europe. Upon his return he re-eatered Columbia and in 1893 took his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Political Science. With "Ora&fca Bee" Later he joined the etaff of the Omaha Bee, which under his father's rule had become one of the most influential papers in the west. It had been started in 1871 as a small pamphlet and had expanded under the energetic leadership of t h e diminutive publisher. The elder Rosewater became famed for Ms militancy and on several occasions engaged in physical encounters with opponents. Victor Rosewater, who had become managing editor of the Bee in 1895, was named a regent of the University of Nebraska in 1896 and lectured on subjects of municipal finance at the university aa well as at the Universities of Wisconsin and Missouri. He was president of the first home rule charter convention for Omaha in 1913 and served on the Nebraska State Commission on Workmen's CoinpAD^ation and as chairman of the Nebraska Constitutional Convention Survey Committee. He had been a member of the American Jewish Committee and the American Academy of Political and Social Science. For twenty-five years he was an active member of the Associated Press of Illinois and its successor, The Associated Press of New York. On several occasions he represented the American Newspaper Association in the solution of problems affecting the conduct of Journalism in the United States. In Politics Like his father, he took a keen interest in Republican polities. During the first Taft campaign of 1908 he was director of publicity for the western division. He took an active part in the National Conference on Conservation of Natural Resources, then a prime political issue, and was delegate-

at-large from Nebraska to the ISOSRepublic&n national convention. In 1912 he was chairman of the convention which was held at Chicago and created considerable furore when fee ruled against the delegates of tLe late Theodore Roosevelt in many important contests. This convention resulted in a split in the Republican party and led to tfae formation of the "Bull Moose" group. During the world war he served as paper and pulp administrator for Nebraska, on the advisory council for national defense, and OQ the advisory council of the national civic federation. He was the author of numerous articles and several books including: "Municipal Finance," "History of Cooperative Newsgathering In the United States," and a "History of the Liberty Bell." He contributed the article on "Laissei Faire" to Palgrave's Dictionary of Political Economy and the chapter on "Omaha" to "Historic Towns of the Western States." la 1912 he wrote "Back Stage,"which dealt with the happenings of the Republican convention. This was later re-issued in 1932. In 1921 he was mentioned for the post of assistant postmaster general under President Harding, but the appointment was blocked by Senator George Norris. Surviving are: his widow, tha former Katie Katz of Baltimore;, a son, Edward, and a daughter, Mrs. Percy Sax, Jr., both of Philadelphia. The Jewish school system was introduced into Palestine in 10570 b, c. e.


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Friday, July 19, 1940

P««« 3



100 Yeats alter the Damascus Incident By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ

This is the second of two part* of • splendid article reviewing the Damascus incident of m century ago in the light of present-day events. —THE EDITOR. The nobility of Christian aid to the Jews in fighting the ritual njurder libel has already been alluded to. In the House of Commons Robert Peel introduced the question by declaring "that it was merely necessary to mention the matter in the lower house, to reach the great ends of justice and humanity." Lord Palmerston replied that he had "already directed the English consul-general, Hodges, to represent to Mehmet All what effect the news of such atrocities must produce in Europe, and that it was in his own interest to inquire into the matter, and hand orer to punishment the guilty parties. It they w e r e discovered, whilst the innocent victims should be indemnified, if this were still possible." These words were received With joy by the Jews and were accepted as a great tribute to British liberalism. The sympathy aroused for the Jews opened the eyes of English 'Statesmen to the need of removing parliamentary d i s a b i l i t i e s .'against the Jews, which was not finally accomplished until a quarter of a century afterwards, in the . days of Disraeli. Thus O'Connell, ' b a t t l e r for Irish and Catholic rights in England, stated: "Obser; rations upon this subject would have been- stronger, if a member - of this House, belonging to the .- creed of the accused, had been i able to make them. The govern• ment ought to introduce a bill for the complete emancipation of the Jews." ••• Distinguished Assemblies ; To aid in the defense of the Innocently accused Jews to great aaemblies met in London. On June -23 Jewish leaders conferred at the Great Synagogue on the question • of sending a delegation to the Orient to secure justice. On July ; 3 a distinguished assembly of • Christians, also in London, unanimously carried a motion which read: ' • "That this meeting deeply de-plores the fact that in this en• lightened age a persecution of our • Jewish brethren could be set on foot by ignorance and inflamed , by bigotry."--. At t h i s historic assembly of Christians, Lord Howdon, a clergyman very prominent in hia day, m a d e the following significant ,' statement: .' "We often find in tae my3ter. ious ways of Providence that good ; arises from evil, and therefore I > together with alt the friends of mankind, hope that the Pariia•ment of this country, expressing 7 its opinion of this cruelty, trill of.tcr a 'recompense to the Jews for - their sufferings fry legislation in ,tlielr favor." > Mo emphatic and noble was the „• British protest, that it toftaenced ,- Csar Nicholas I of Hussia sad the < United States Government to join ' t h e other* European nations in es• .pressing abhorreaco at the nsediorai practices In Damascos.-President Martin Van Bures, through ' his Secretary of State John For: sythe, urged tfss United States Minister at Constantinople to usa r his best efforts in behaff of the .persecuted Jews. The E3oateftoa« Mission Thus encouraged by l i b e r a l c Christian opinion aad by a united Jewry which xraa determined to . nail the h o a r j r lie, the historic • mission cot out for the Orient on • July 7. It #as headed, by Sir ; Moses dontcfiore, who was ac~

companied by his noble wife, Lady Judith; by Adolphe Cremieux, Salomon Munk, Dr. Louis Loewe Dr. Madden, a noted traveler and Oriental scholar, and Alderman Wire, who was later Lord Mayor of London. An added favor from the British Government w a s bestowed upon this mission w h e n Queen Victoria not only joined the millions of friendly Christians in extending her good wishes, but in granting Montefiore an audience on the eve of the mission's departure and in placing at its disposal the use of her private yacht to cross the English Channel. The mission fouad its path beset with dificulties. As a result of Interference from the French Consul General, Mehmet AH refused the commissioners permission to go to Damascus there to establish the innocence of the accused Jews. With the aid of the consuls of the other nations, however, Montefiore and his companions succeeded in securing the release of the imprisoned. Dr. Loewe however discovered in the Firman ordering their release that the word "pardon" was used, and the commissioners succeeded in having the term "an honorable liberation" substituted for the objectionable word. An Historic Firman A sudden change in the political fortunes in the Near East, with control of Syria again going back to the Sultan of Turkey, caused the party headed by Sir Moses Montefiore to turn their way toward Constantinople to secure the good will of the new Syrian ruler. They arrived in Turkey on October 5. On October 28 Sultan Abdul M e d J1 d received them and pledged protection to the Jews. In a Firman which is t o d a y an historic document in Turkish archieves, the Sultan refuted the ritual murder charge. This Firman read: "An ancient prejudice prevailed against the Jews. The ignorant believed that the Jews were accustomed to sacrifice a human being to make use of his blood at their Feast of Passover. "In consequence of this opinion, the Jews of Damascus and Rhodes (who are subjects of our empire) have been persecuted by other nations. The calumnies which have been uttered against the Jews, and the vexations to which they have been subjected have at last reach-; ed our Imperial throne. "But a short time has elapsed since some Jews dwelling in the Island of R h o d e s have been brought from thence to- Constantinople, where they h a r e been tried and judged according to the

need of organizing. Freach Jewry, He was instrumental, as a result of the Jessons he learned from the Damascus affair, in organizing tha Alliance Israelite Universelle ia 1860. In other lands Jews similarly organized, and, in the words of Lord Howdon, much "good arose from evil." (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) New York (JTA) — More than $60,000 has already been pledged by 100 chapters of the Mizracbl Organization of America toward the $100,000 Isaac Herzog Colony in Palestine which will honor the Chief Rabbi of the Holy Land, President Leoa Gellman, of Miz"» rachi announced. Simeon Jacobs, an English Jewp was an attorney-general of Capo Colony. In 1459 the Chief Rabbi of Constantinople was made a Turkish state official. Sir Mortimer D a v i s was tha first Canadian Jew to be knighted.



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new regulations, and their innocence of the accusations m a d e against them fully proved. That, therefore, which justice and equity required has been done on their behalf. "Besides which the religious books of the Hebrews have been examined by learned men, well versed in their theological literature, the result of which examination is that it is found that the Jews are strongly prohibited, not only from using human blood, but even that of animals. It, therefore follows t h a t the charges made against them and their religion are nothing but pure calumny. "For this reason, and for the love we bear to our subjects, we cannot permit the Jewish nation (whose innocence of the crime alleged against them is evident) to be vexed and tormented upoii acT cusations which have not the least foundation in truth, but, in conformity to the Hatti-Sherif which has been proclaimed at Gulhani, the Jewish nation shall possess the same advantages and enjoy the same privileges as are granted to the numerous other nations who submit to our authority. "The Jewish nation s h a l l be protected and defended. "To accomplish this object, we have given the most positive orders that the J e w i s h nation, dwelling in all parts of our empire, shall be perfectly protected, as well as all other subjects of the Sublime Porte, and that no person shall molest them in any manner whatever (except for a just cause), either In the free exercises of their religion, or that which concerns their safety and tranquillty. In consequence, the present Firman which is ornamented, at the head w i t h our "Hoomaioon" (sign manual), and emanates from our imperial chancellor ries has been delivered to the Israelitish nation. "Thus you, the above mentioned judge, when you know the contents of the Firman, will endeavor to act with great care in the manner therein prescribed. And in order that nothing may be done in opposition to this Firman, at any time hereafter, you will register it in the achives of the Tribunal; you will afterwards deliver it to the Israelitish nation, and you will take great care to execute our orders and this our Sovereign will. , "Given at Constantinople, 12th

Ramazan, 1256 (6 th November, 1840." Results of Damascus Affair Although the ritual murder lie repeats itself every year in many parts of the world, around Passover time, and although even in Dainacus attempts were made oaly a few years ago to revive the hoary lie, the results of the efforts of the mission of Sir Moses Motttefiore and the g r e a t Jews who served with him( and the noble Christian who encouraged them) was that ritual murder incriminations were relegated to ranks of the most ignorant and most lowly. But a result of much greater significance was that Jews began to think in terms of unity and cooperation, and that the various branches of world Israel were more closely knit together by the tragedy. T h i s horrible affair proved the helplessness of unorganized Jewry. Adolphe Cretnleux, who was great not only ia the service of the Jewish people but as well iu that of France, whom he served as minister of justice in 1848 and as a member of the Government of National Defense iu 1871, during the Franco-Prussian war, was awakened to the


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P**« 12

Friday, July 12,


said association shall l»e conducted by Use piece who uttered this senti Defamation p r o g r a m the bes the twelve trustees, in case of any vacancy piece of work now being done to occurring on said board, except sucfi «* be appointed from the PesernUoo for The Jfevvisl1 Morning Journal', counter-act subversive forces, he may Jewish Service of Omaha., such vacancies Jacob Fishniau tells us, not with- urged Jews to continue their as shall be tilled by the Eoard of t r u s out pride, that the World New.- sistance to the Anti-Defamatioi tees and sucli appointee tiiUl bold bis office until the nest annual meeting of toe Service—which originates in Er League. members final) elect Irons those nouunatfurt, Germany and is not to ?>e cd by the nominating committee or by Cantor bears close resemblance members MORRIS AIZENBERG, Correspondent a trustee to (ill tha uoexpired confused with our own World to the Cantor of pictures and in term trustee whose vacancy was wide News Service—recently de general conversation he is soft filled ofby auch appointment. If there is any voted a whole piece to a decun spoken and he gestures. He is in vacancy on tie board by reason of the trustees from the Federation for Jewish more, Maryland, is visiting in the ciation of him as a warmonger tensely interested in Jewish af- Service refuting, neglecting or being unhome of her aunt and uncle, ftlr. . . . He treasures that release fairs and paid high tribute to ebie to act such vecatjey shall be tilled : by the for Jewish Service to and Mrs. S. Snovsky, U 02 Court together with a clipping fron Henry Moiisky, whom he consid- such wayFederation as it may provide. No one street. Mussolini's Regime Fascista whicl ers the outstanding Jewish leader than be eligible to be elected or appointed 6 trustee or fill acy of the offices of carries his photo, with those of Arriving in Omaha earlier thai the Association unless he or sshe Is a memMiss Charlotte Borshevsky, of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, New York's expected, he attended t h e Dei: ber of the Association, except such trusMayor La Guardia and other not- Show with, other delegates to the tee as may be appointed by the FederaChicago, is ivisiting for the sumThe Jewish youth of Sioux City tion for Jewish Service. The trustees of ables, designating them as danassociation whose terras do not exbetween the ages of 20 to 30 have mer months with her parents, Mr. gerous characters . . . Danger District Convention and also visit- this pire at the time of the annual electtoa and Mrs. I. Borshevsky. ed Monsignor Flanagan at Boys recently formed a Young People's shall act as a nominating committee a n * ous to Fascism, that means—and Town. they shall, at least two weeks prior t o League, their purpose being to the label is a badge of honor annual election, nominate from memhave meetings of both a socia Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rabinowitz Friends of Florida's Senator PepAt the Convention b a n q u e t the bers of said Association such as they and intellectual nature. The Y. P. and sou, Milton, and Hilmore pfer whom a German embassy Cantor declared he hadn't heard deem qualified as candidates for offices president, vice-president, secretary, L., under the capable guidance of Moore, of Richmond, Texas, have staff members is said to have so many speeches since his Bar of and trustees, and no one shall Rabbi H. R. Rabiuowitz, have left for home after a visit in the challenged to a duel, claim that Mitzvah. He cut the birthday cake treasurer be elected as an officer or trustee unless he or she has been nominated by tba elected for their officers Mr. Per- home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ep- he's ready to meet the Nazi chal- w h i c h was presented to Philip nominating committee or nominated at the ry Osnowitz, president; Mr. Ruby stein. Klutznick, the new District presiannual meeting of the members. The seclenger . . . He's armed himself Schindler, 1st vice-presideut; Dr. in sending notices of the annual with a slingshot "just iu case one dent, and helped himself to the retary, meeting, shall state the names of. tha M. Grossman, 2nd vice-president; Miss Lois Jean Kaliu, of Dallas, of those Goliaths comes around,"' first piece. candidates selected by the nominating Miss Betty Osnowitz, correspond Texas, is visiting iu the Phil Kaliu committee and the respective offices for they say As one who leaves which they have been nominated and are ing secretary; Miss Betty Bookey, home for several weeks. IKVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney the reading of the funnies to the to be voted upon at the annual meeting. recording secretary; Mr. Earl III The members of this association, at their younger generation we haven't In the County Court of Douglas County, annual meeting, movitz, treasurer. shall elect a president, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Lowe, of kept up with the career of Super- Nebraska. vice-president, treasurer and In the very near future, the Plainfield, New Jersey, is visiting man, who occasionally crashes the In the Matter of the Estate of Green A. such number of secretary, trustees as there are vaJohnson, Deceased. date to be announced in the next in the M. Bergen home, 2315 news w.he.n.a censor bans him or To the helrs-at-law, creditors, and all cancies and no one shall be elected to any office unless Having first received nominissue of the "Jewish Press" an Douglas. Mrs. Lowe is the former a dictator denounces him . . ither persons interested in said estate: ation by the nominating committee aa You are hereby notified that a petition evening's entertainment w i l l be Ethel Bergen. herein or having been nominated But we thought you'd like to has been filed in this Court on the 29th by the provided members at tne annual meeting aa offered at the Shelter House in know that the creators of this day of June, 1940, by Verne Johnson, al- herein provided. president, vice-presileging lhat Green A. Johnson died on dent, secretary The Stone Park, at which time all Mrs. A, Feinberg and Mrs. A. newcomer to the funnyy page shall b* g are the 14th day of October, 1928, intestate; trustees ex officloandand treasurer hold their Jewish youth of the city, between Lefkovlch entertained at a lunch- two Jewish boys t J i h b J that at the time of his death he was a offices for one year and shall Joe Shuster, until their the above ages, are cordially in- eon in the Martin Tea Room in who draws the bulge-muscled resident of Douglas County, Nebraska, cessors are elected and qualified. sucthat he was posessed of the follow- duties of said officers shall be fixed Th» v i t e d to attend. Membership is honor of Miss Frances Ducoffe, a hero, and Jerry Siegel, who think: and by ing described real estate, to-wit: the Board of Trustees. open also to young married cou- bride-elect. Bridge and Man Jong up hsi adventures (and what adLots Elgb t(8), Nine (0), and Ten ples. (10), all in Block Five (5). in West were the afternoon's entertain- ventures they are!) . / . Mrs. Cuming, Any vacancies in any of said office* addition to the City of Adam L. Gimbel is not only the Omaha, asan surveyed, Anyone desiring further infor- ment. thall be filled by the Board of Trustee*. platted and rewife of the president of one of corded, Douglas County, Nebraska* The Board of Trustees shall have authormation, may call Mr. Perry Osnoity to make all rules, regulations and bysame being popularly known aa 616 witz or Mr. Joe Goldstein. Mrs. L. A. Ducoffe honored her Manhattan's swankest d e p a r t - North laws for this association, and may alter 46tb Street, Omaha, Nebraska. ment stores, Saks Fifth Avenue, That said petitioner has an Interest In and amend the same by a two-thirds vot* daughter, Frances, at a luncheon estate being an heir-at-law of said of all the members of the Board of Trusat the Mayfair Hotel. Mah Jong but also head of its fashion de- leal deceased: said petitioner prays that a tees. signing staff She's head and bridge were the diversion. hearing be had on said petition, that noThe Board of Trustees shall meet a t over.hpejs in work these days, be- tice thereof be giv«i as required by law, least once a month, or at such other tlma Society News and that upon said hearing a decree of sa the president or a majority of tb« A group of twenty women, with cause this fall none of her new helrship be entered and further adminis- Board itself may direct. models will be coming from Paris, tration of said estate be dispensed with. Article V. The regular annual meeting Mrs. M. II a 1 i g in a n and Mrs. You are therefore notified that a hearshall be held at isucii .place -in the cltjr but must all be made in America Mr. a n d Mrs. M. Polaykoff, Charles Raskin in charge, gave a ng will be had on said petition at the of Omaha aa the Board', of Trustees may Long distance song-writing bounty 1701 ROBS street, announce the luncheon at the El's Club in honCourt Room of said County, on determine, on > tha I«f. -'gisuday In May is indulged in by Oscar Hammerthe 27th day of July, 1940. at 9 o'clock of each year. Written notice of the regor of Miss Ducoffe. engagement of their daughter, A. 11., and if you fail to appear at ular annual meeting of the members shall stein, II, and Jerome Kern . . . said time andthatplace Sarah, to Mr. Bernie Herzoff, son and contest the Bald be given by the iecfelftry at least five Oscar phones his. lyrics from New the Court may grant the same, days before such meetincr. of Mrs. I. Herzoff, 1035 SevenMr. and Mrs. Morris Goldberg, York to Kern in Hollywood, and petition, enter a decree of heirship, and decree that special meeting of the members may teenth Street. No date has been 1117 Iowa Street, ivisited in Iowa Kern a little later calls back with further administration of said estate be beAheld at any time or at any place dispensed with. Bet for the wedding. named on call of the president or a maCity over the week end. the tune for Hammerstein's apjority of the Board of Trustees. Notice of BRYCE CRAWFORD, proval . . . Paramount Pictures 7-5-40-3t. such meetings shall be mailed by the secCounty Judge. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lelchook, retary to each member at lit? «<"*e?,s a t ' is quite proud of its president, least two days before the Una itf.fO. tor Main street, announce the Strictly Confidential Barney Balaban, who. has guided ZIEGLEK. DUNN & BEtJKUR and D. L.. heldlng such special mcet!t>>;, end e scSi MANOI.l, Attorneys. birth of a daughter. notice shall specify the i!.r»j«;t ot s.fs<:l»-it to a prosperity that has brought First National Banb Itldg. (Continued from page 11.) meeting. its stockholders over eight milArticle VI. The tenm &iu! C"Si iUk,m . AMENDED AKTICLES OF The Misses Dorothy Wutkiu and now in Hitler's hands, but he'll lion dollars hi dividends during NOTICE OFINCOitrOHATION of membership shall be B3 follows: Any Eya Borkin entertained sixteen also be able to exercise Ms venge- th person of the Jewish faith iaay bceoi'i* a l t fi Notice is hereby given that a special the last five yyears . . Llbbyy meeting of the members of the Wise member of said association u f n iMynient friends at a miscellaneous shower fulness on Herschel Orynszpan, H Memorial Hospital Association held at of the annual dues. Every rae.ftjcr fehall Thursday evening at Scribben's the youth who shot it ^Risi attache Holman's long-heralded netry in- Omaha, Nebraska, on the 7th day of contribute yearly for the Uic !>n1 benefit Tea Shop, in honor of Miss Sarah in Paris a coupl© o£. years .a go to the serious drama may take June, 1940, It waa voted to alter and of said hospital association tuUi annual place this summer, in one of the amend the articles of association to read dues as may be determined by the Board Polaykoff, a bride-elect. B n n c o . . And if you want an inkling of Trustees. No person shall participate • i follows: was the diversion of the evening. of what Grynszpan's fate will be, baru. theatres. Article II. The name of this corpora- or vote 03 a member of this association tion shall be Wise Memorial Hospital As- unless ne or she shall have paid the anMiss Ooldie Lehman, 3051 Val- just t remember that it was after socition. The place of business shall be nuai dues to the association as provided ley Drive, has just returned from his assassination of Vom Rath at the City of Omaha, Douglas County, for by the Board of Trustees for the prea v i s i t in'Chicago and Racine, that the Nazis had their infaNebraska. The period for which It Is In- cdtng year. Article VII. These articles may toe corporated shall be fifty years from and Wisconsin. mous synagogue-burning s p r e e amended at any regular members' meetafter September 30, 1931. Ing or any such members' meeting called Article III. The object of this aaso. . Now that we've seen "The slatlon shall' be the establishment, sup- for the purpose, provided such amendMr. and Mrs. Hy Levy and son, Mortal Storm" we are doubly inment to the articles of the association to port and management of a hospital to be Howard, are vlBiting with Mrs. sistent that you see this film known aa the Wise Memorial Hospital As- be voted upon shall first have received. (Continued from Page 1.)'. sociation; to render medical and surgical the approval of the majority of tha Levy's mother, Mrs. Bluma Silver, . . It's one of the most moving aid and assistance to sick, infirm members of the Board of Trustees of said 815 W 9th. The visitors are from portraits of life in Naziland that Query. "I don't know. Just a hun- •are, >r disabled persons Irrespective of race, association, and no amendment shall, be made to the articles of the assoclatoin Marion, South Dakota. olor, creed or religion. could be imagined, and our only dred children." IV. The affairs and business unless the majority of the trustees shall In New York he will start or- of Article complaint against it is one that this association shall be conducted by at a regular or special meeting have reMr. Dan Stein, 1117 Iowa, has has been voiced by many others ganizing a show which he .plans a Board of fourteen trustees, twelve of corded their vote In favor of such amendtrustees to be elected by Its mem- ment or amendments and which must hjtve returned from a week's stay in . . Namely, why wasn't this to take on a twenty-one day tour said »era. Four trustees shall annually be been done prior to submitting such Omaha. picture issued years ago, as soon of the country to raise a half mil- elected who shall serve for a period of amendment or amendments to the memof said association. as Phyllis Bottome's novel was lion dollars for the American Red three years, or until their successors era Article VIII. The association shall been duly elected and qualified. Two Miss Florence Gordon, of St. published? have full power and authority to purchase, An anti-Hitler Cross. Hollywood and Broadway have of said trustees shall be appointed by the Joseph, Missouri, visited in Sioux oniedy starring Claudette Col- stars will contribute their: serv- Federation for Jewish Service of Omaha sell and convey any and all real estate ho shall serve for one year or until necessary for hospital purposes; and it City last week-end enroute home bert and Ray Milland is being ices.. Half the proceeds will be heir successors have been duly appointed, may mortgage or otherwise encumber the turned over to local Red Cross from Cleveland, Ohio, di in Hollywood . readied >rovlded, however, that should said asso- same to raise money neehed fo( the pur"Arise, , M Love," L h title, and it's groups. The other half will go to ciation cease to be affiliated with the poses of the association. My is the Federation for Jewish Service of Omaha WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ASSO, Miss Bertha Slutsky, of Omaha, written by the scenarists of "Nin- the national organization. the said Federation for Jewish Service CIATION visited In the home of Mr. and otchka." not be entitled to any representaCantor is genuinely concerned shall By Isldor Ztegler, President. lon on said board, and the affairs of H. A. Wolf, Secretary 6-21-10-lt Mrs. Jack Mirowitz last week. REFUGEE REPORT with the problem of Nazism. He A refugee in England is Henri sees the G e r m a n government Vacationers at L a k e Okoboji Bernstein, the French playwright scheming to divide nations over A this week are Mrs. I. Herzoff and Only a few months ago lie the subject of' the Jews. "Their daughters, Helen and Sylvia; Mrs. built n new theatre in Parl»—but scheme is to have the people conIrving Levich; the Misses Sally he had to leave it to Hitler . . . centrate on everything but methJVeinstein and Sophio Slutsky. A fascinating book about refu- ods for defense." He compared jees and other Jews who eventu- Hitler to the ' pick-pocket i who, Mr. H a r r y Schwartz, of St. ally head toward Palestine has when caught, starts yelling "Stop Louis, Missouri, visited with his just been published by Robert thief." sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Neumann, himself a refugee from Labeling the B'nal B'rith antiMrs. D. Levitaky, 1213 Iowa St., Hitlerlsm . . . Its character portraits are really something to lor the past two weeks. IHVIN C. 1.EVIN,- Attorney write home about . . . That Nazi In the of Douglas County,. Mr.. and Mrs. Nate Goldberg, rick of planting Gestapo agents Nebraska.County Court ' Competent 009 Iowa street, announce the in batches of refugees is adding In the Matter of the Estate of Susan Johnson, Deceased. to the hardships of those German birth of a son at the St. Joseph Instruction To the nelrs-at-law, creditors, and all Jews who have been fortunate other Hospital. persons Interested In said estate: •nongh and g to get visas for htis liemi- You are hereby notfied that a petition been fled In this Court on the 29th So aware are Uncle has Miss Bess Epstein has departed sphere ; day of June, 1940, by Verne Johnson, alExcellent for New York where she plans an Sam and his Latin neighbors of leging' :hat Susan Johnson died on the COOL day of April, 1936, Intestate; that extended stay. Mrs. H e r m a n he Fifth Column peril that they 15th Supervision at the time of her death she was a resiSHOWERS Kahn, sister of Miss Epstein, will jo over every incoming group dent of Douglas. County, Nebraska, and that she was possessed of the following with a ne-tooth comb to weed out Join her next week. decribed real estate, to-wit: spies and troublemakers . Lots Eight (S), Nine (9) and Ten Miss Lucille Goldberg, 1807 E. This, of course, means long de- (10), all In Block Five (5) In "West Cuming, an addition to the City of tention and gruelling questioning ,7th street, left last week for Los Omaha, as surveyed, platted and reAngeles. California, w h e r e - s h e for real refugees also, and even corded, Douglas Cqunty, Nebraska; GET A LIFT BY SWIMMING IN THE COOL being popularly known as 610 plans an extended visit with" her has caused some of our neighbor- same No. 40th street, Omaha, Nebraska. ing republics to close their doors : CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER OF Bister, Mrs. Leo Karas. That said petitioner has an Interest In to this immigration . . . Friends said real estate being an heir-at-law of THEi'M" POOL E. Phillips Oppenheini, worried said deceased: said- petitioner prays that Mr. Sam Sadoff, of Bremerton, of a hearing be had on said petition, that their failure to hear from him No Need to Be Uncomfortable During Washington, is visiting in t h e at thereof bo given aa required by s i n c e the, Nazi occupation of notice law, and that upon said - hearing a de- These *?Hbt'V Summer Baya home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. France, where the thriller-writer cree of helrshtp be' entered and further Nathan Sadoff. - . administration of said estate bo dispensed has been living, are hoping that with. Omaha's Cleanest Indoor Pool may have managed to escape You.are therefore notified that a• heatMiss Bertha Snovsky, of Baltl- he Hitler's hordes, and point out ing will bs had on said petition at the Court Room of said County, on that the fate of Franco.could not County 27th day of July, 1010, at 9 o'clock have^ come as a complete surprise the A. 11., and that if you fall to appear a t i CAPABLE, experienced, office time and place and contest the said o him, since in one of his own said 20th and Dodge Street j girl desires employment. Cap books, petition, the Court may grant tha sama, putyiished twelve years enter a decree of hclrshlp, aha decrea -that ateo do saleaworJs. Please call ego,', this lino occurs: '.'By. 1040 further- administration For Additional Information Call JAcIcson 1366 of-said estate bo .wlta, . «_i - - ~ - Franco- wilL exist no longer"-1. . . dispensed •• • « BRTCE1" ClUWFORD. But of coarse it was the, villain of- T-S-lO-3t. . ' , • » ' • • County Judge.





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