August 2, 1940

Page 1









t!iiter«d us Second Class Mail Matter on January Si. 1931, at ftoteftice. of Omaha. Nebraska, und^r the Act of March t. 187*

VOL. XVII—No. 3 8






Check Consular Privileges

' Havana (JTA) — The 21 re- publics of t h e Western Hemisphere acted this week to meet the threat of Nazi fifth column activities on this continent. The Pan-American Conference adapted a resolution recommending uniform restriction of t h e i privileges and immunities of diplomats and consuls in an effort to check subversive activities. The •action came after Secretary of Stale Cordell Hull had warned that subversive infiltration was reaching a serious stage. The conference's a c t i o n was aimed to deal with such cases as Mhat of Dr. Frledrtch Ried, German consul in Porto Alegro, Bra •11, who turned up at the consul ate. in .New York alter being removed from Brazil when the Rio de Janeiro Government protested against his fifth column activities. State Department Watching Ricd Case Washington (JTA) — Acting Secretary of State Sumner Welles said at his press conference that the State Department has under consideration the c a s e of Dr. Friedrlch Ried, German official (Continued on page 9.)

Lisbon (WNS) — Dujteh Nazis have launched a campaign for the introduction in Holland of the "Aryan" principles, it was reported here. .The Nazis insist that the government trace the family background of all citizens to determine the number of non-Aryans. The Nazis claim that many Jews fled from Spain during the Inquisition about 450 years ago and made their way to Holland where they married non-Jewish wives. A careful survey will disclose, the Nazis state, that many Hollanders who consider themselves "pure" Aryans are actually Jewish.

Committed la %\ Be Named



. .,Plans tori •"§ W.'.'jeryance'pf the Seventieth A J? , sary of Temple ISrael early Jeptember have been going -i<>*»..-rd rapidly, according to Milton Abrahams, general chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements. Further committees w i l l be named by Morris E. Jacobs, president ot the Temple, when he returns from his vacation. Observance of the anniversary is scheduled to begin Friday evening, September 20, with a special

Many Activities Offer Hebrew Club to \ New Interest to \ Meet This Sunday Campers :

' The mid-summer meeting of the Omaha Hebrew Club will be held Sunday, August 4th, at 4 p. in, at the Jewish Community Center.' Meetings will be discontinued until September. 15th.


S e c o n d Italian A t t a c k Also W o u n d s Many

Scotland Y a r d Orders Temporary Halt to







' Fifty-nine boys owl girls havo "spent a week of fun at'Camp Say* V-<S since last Sunday, when camp formally opened. l>uriiig the da>, campers spent • in&ny hunpy ho"urs in^the cool cr«ft«hop wliile others laid and followed ccntpass trails* Everyone swam once or twice daily, rode horseback, canoed, played g a m e s, and paijticipated in stunts. -

'••: • - -••

. Evening- programs varied witii each .day. Sunday, night provided games, songs,-and a tour of tho camp grounds.^ Movies and a caady treat completed the Tuesday program. Cabin picnics provided much fun on Wednesday evening, when each group met with its own counselors for stories and songs. In an atmosphere of mystery, campers assembled at the Indian, mounds, near the newly built corral, on Thursday, after Bupper,,-for a story hour and Indian lore.Operetta Given , An operetta entitled "A Happy (Continued on page 7.) ,

Haifa (JTA) —Palestine this .•• Internments week mourned the 46 persons killed in an Italian air raid on Haifa, London (JTA) —- The arrest which also c a u s e d a certain of refugees for internment was amount of damage. Seventeen of temporarily suspended on instructhe .dead were Jews, including the tions from Scotland Yard. Manflrs,t American Jew to be killed in chester police also halted their the Holy Land during this war, round-up pending further instrucIn addition, 88 p e r s o n s were tions. wounded and some were in critiThis action followed Home Seccal condition. , * retary John Anderson's statement The American was Meyer Lax, In the House of Commons that powho left a wife, Anna, and threelice had been instructed not to aryear-old daughter, Tirzah. He had rest enemy aliens whoso cases fall come from the United States in within the exemption categories 1935. His father, Henry Lax, lives and to postpone the interment of at 3654 Douglas Boulevard, -Chiother cases OTE an exception na cago, where he is a Poale-Zionist ture. Anderson also announced leader and secretary of the local that civilian internees would no Gewerkahaften campaign. longer be sent overseas unless Moshe Shertok, h e a d of the they volunteered for such a transJewish Agency's Political Departfer or arrangements were made to ment, came to Haifa from Jerusasend their famllies'along. . - . . . . . • . . . . . . . '. • • c lem to visit families of the vicMartin Freud* eldest son of the tims, and to inspect scenes of the Washington (JTA) — Co'urt - New York (WNS) — The situalate Sigmund Freud, f a t h e r of tion in the Palestine-Syria region bombing. Funeral services for the psychoanalysis, has been interned action has been started here^ t» Morris E. Jacobs, dead were completed amid pathe' has every, element that makes for by British authorities. Walter, 19- compel the "State Department* t» President, Temple Israel issue passports to two middle-aged *' an explosion and we are likely to tic scenes on the streets. (Continued on page 10.) Rocked by Quake Also " Jewish sisters, Mrs. 'Werva Giehear of violent fighting in that service at the Temple, with a reTense over the second air raid ception to follow in the vestry gerich and Mrs. Fannie Rubinoregion in the next few months, (Continued on page 12.) wicz, how held in Nazi concentraperhaps weeks, a c c o r d i n g to rooms. , tion camps," who -claim to be 'naFletcher Pratt, military expert of On Saturday, September 21, an tives of the United States. The •the New York Post." anniversary banquet. will be held State Department said" the case at the Blackstone. At that time "At the bottoom of the whole was still under -investigation -but a pageant, showing the outstand'unstable inverted p y r a m i d of that thus far the women's attdrning events in the life of the Tem" forces is the perennial Arab-Jewey had "failed to produce suffiple, will be given under the direcish trouble," Mr, Pratt said in an. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- cient evidence to warrant isauatica tion of Mrs. Ben Shapiro. article In the Host. "This was alcy) —. Men and women in all. passports."'. v • • - ' ready serious enough last sumA field day at thev Highland parts of Eretz Israel gathered this According to an injunction -til*' Madison, Wls. (WNS)-— The Country Club will be held in con- week to honor the memories of mer, before the war began, so that Britain had to maintain more National Italian-American C i v i c nection with the Anniversary ob- the founder of political Zionism ed in the. United States District 1 than a division of troops in the League, at its annual convention servance. Louia Somberg has been and of the Hebrew poet, laureate Court by A t t o r n e y James J. Laughlln,: Mrs, Giegerich, .48i is here, adopted a resolution corCregion." named chairman of_the Field day. who contributed so largely to; the In a concentration camp-at Gars^ demning "the abusive andfalse revitallzation of the Jewish na- France, and Mrs. Rubihowicz, :40; "At that time Italian propaganand artificially inspirtional tongue. dists were energetically urging the propaganda imprisoned in Leszno, Germaned race, hatred, and religious disMany,of those who attended the is ' A r a b s to violence, and Italian crimination by enemies of deoccupied Poland. ; . , memorial meetings that marked gun-runners were supplying, them. m o c r a c y . " , - - • The sisters^ according ? to »the r the adversaries of the deaths?of attorney, were born in; New Yorlc — with arms," the writer added. The resolution;', which decries TMeodor Herzl in 1904 and of City and went to' .Russia in their "Italy, now the open enemy of racial hatred' and "propaganda Chaim Nachman Bialik/t h i r %y early England, need no longer'conceal levelled at the citizens of the youth. At the time of .the later were, persons w h o Russian her tracks. The aid she gives to Jewish faith in America," pledgNew York (WNS) — The Jour- years Revolution they, said they could have found no refugee from " 'Arab trouble-makers can be per- ed the National Italian-American nalists' s Defense -.- Fund, organized Nazi persecution save in the hav- were b'orh in Russia in order. io> fectly open. Italian airplanes from Civic League "to combat this evil to raise money for the defense of en of the Jewish National Home escape' impris'on'meht. For t h i s the Dodecanese are p r o b a b 1 y with all means at our command." HerscheUGrynszpan, Young Polish developed in the vision of Herzl. reason they have b e e n denied dropping supplies of bullets and The resolution charged t h a t Jew who. killed Ernst vom Rath, Reverent crowds, highly sensible passports despite presentation, of explosives to the... Arabs at this "religious is sown Nazi attache in Paris, has more of that historic destiny to guard allegedly authenticated American very moment, and Italian agents by: enemies discrimination of democracy who seelc than $7-,500 waiting in this coun- the ideals of country; and langu- birth certificates.- * are undoubtedly working in .to In, this fashion to destroy Amertry for his .defense/ it was an- age symbolized by the leaders they keep the; pot boiling. ican national unity." It a l s o nounced here. had gathered: to remember, packmade mention of "the "harmony ;.. A spokesman for the Fund said ed the^ Great Synagogue1 to iTel cooperation in which people that this money would beheld un- Aviv-, the Jewish Agency Hall in Tin Magnate Pledges and: of Italian and Jewish descent til it was definitely established Jerusalem and other places of aslived in America for gener- that Grynszpan had been captured semblage throughout the country. Aid Onlyfor U. S. have by the Nazis at" which time the ations." / • ' - . . ; ••;•; Dr.* Isaac Gruenbaum, of the money' would probably be used for Jewish Agency Executive, presidWashington (JTA) —-Maurice war relief work. Lisbon OWNS) — W11 h -thd over, the Jerusalem meeting, at spread of anti-Semitism,- careful*, Hochschild, German-born J e w , Publish Camp Paper More than $35,000 had been ed which tribute was paid to the powho la one of Bolivia'a three bigly nursed by Hungarian Nazis; raised for the d e f e n s e of the gest tin magnates, told the J. T. Three Times a Week young Polish Jew. Five thousand litical genius of Herzl and the lit- c a u s i n g increasing hardships A. he would cooperate only with dollars was senf to Paris to cover erary genius of Bialik, by Leib among the Jewish population,- at the United States in the-developFilled with camp n e w s , the his Initial lawyers' fees. When the Jaffee, Director of the K er-e n least 92 Jews committed suiclda ment of mines which American "Jolly Camp Crier," written and trial was postponed indefinitely, a Hayesod, and* Abraham Loewen- in recent weeks, it was reported' ' defense chiefs hope will furnish edited by the c a m p reporters, good part of .the money was de- sohn, veteran Labor editor. here. Fifty-six of the suicides oc* cur red in Budapest.. - this country with sufficient' Quan- three times a week, made Its init- voted for war relief. tities of-the '.'critical mineral.". ial appearance-on Tuesday, - July The wave of suicides among tba In- December, 1938, Grynszpan Wallace Stresses Unity Jews, It was reported, has assum* wrote to officials of the Fund ' •' He made the statement n com- 30, during rest'hour. New York (JTA)' — Secretary ed alarming proportions, w i t h ! menting on a report that the <3er- .Counselor Morton Margolin, here' suggesting that the money ' mans*.were wrest con- Journalism leader, had met prev- should, be used for the "1,200 in- of Agriculture Henry A.' Wallace, Budapest h o s p i t a l s reporting - _ trol of the Bolivian' tin Industry iously with ^reporters from, each nocent Jews robbed and exiled and Democratic rice-presidential nom- many cases- of Jewd who attempt* , •.. from the United States and that cabin to plan* and-draft toe camp BUfering from cold and hunger on inee,, declared, in an article in The ed. to take their own lives. The tension among1' Jews wal " • " Menorah- Journal that "the Jewish the German legation In La" Pas paper. Scoop reporters tbf this the Polish'border.'?. tradition,-the Christian tradition^ helghtenedthls week when a lead* . reportedly had instructions to do week. Include the following:. Marfavors, for Hochschild, despite gin Blacker; Alvin Biirstein, Ethel Zurich (JTA> ;— Slovak-- auth- the democratic tradition and - the ing Budapest newspaper u?%.Q& Nazi anti-Jewish doctrines,- to try Bursteln," Stuart Gang, GerdaJHa-. orities" hare called up all Jews be- American tradition are" all one." that Hungary'expel all Sewsoret , to keep-hint from supporting.the gen, Yale; Kroloff,-Joanne ^Robiu- tween .the "ages ,of 18 and 60 for Tie article is entitled ''Judaism 50 years ot age after the present Eurooean Traf-ia endfld. • - - • ,- '-^'• . United States' tin '-programs • .••'•• *' BQri'pand' 'Arn6ldh'Sterrri-- •'-'-. X • '• laKor iKift ** T^*^;











Fruity, July 2 6 , 1 9 4 0


Page 10



C« Sports MORRIB ADLEK 1,KAGUK STANDINGS W 7 7 0 4 8 2 1

lincoin Tavern Leanreawortit Market Wardrobe Ciotbiere ' A. 2 . A. No. 100 - A. P. T. ' • A. Z. A. No. 1 Nebraska Fruit Market Sundays Results





"• - -


* •



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At Etaiwood


lincoa. Tavern . . • A. 3. A. No. 1 . . - Batteries: Harry M ; H*8luU Cafcn, iririnfcniini

£22 060 Fox Ed


16} 6—15 12 i (MO 0—4 6 1 bud Herb MtieiiGerber tad MAS

At Sard and C«s«» *»



A. L A. No. 109 000 0(0 0—1 % X Learsowartb Market 010 021 1—5 S I Bstteiiea: Joe Kirsi»i>suta a n d Max GUM; Epstein sod Oiventer.

The two top teams came out of laat Sundays games with victories over their younger foes. The Liucola Tavern club, last y e a r s champs, are really coming i n t o their own as they powdered the ball all o v e r the lot to easily trounce the Mother Chapter 16-4. Harry Fox chucking for the Tavern team was never in trouble and didn't allow a hit until the fifth inaing when he eased up •wltb a IS run lead. Harry Altsuler who has been hitting at a terrific pace and leadIng, the league in home runs, collected another last Sunday. Herb Marks clouted three for three and the fielding of Sonny Golding and baakstopping of Hero Meiches featured for the winners. Keve Kiahbaum looked good in left field for the losing ball club.

Haroset Dish of Silver, from the Friedman Collection at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, which is among the items sent to the Golden Gate Exposition in San Francisco this summer. The Seminary items will be on display in the Temple of Religion.

A. P. 9?. vs. Leav«nwortb Mar- by the State have beea dismissed as well as Jews in important posts ket at 8 3 and Csea. in the country's industry. Lincoln T&veru vs. Bye. Meanwhile, Premier Ion Gigurtu and Foreign Minister Mlhail Health Club The Mens Health Club at the Manoilescu appealed to Germany Center is being remodeled this and Italy for protection against week. Men, take advantage of the Soviet Russia which has advised health club, if you are stiff and King Carol that it wants a "Popyour muscles are sore or if you ular Government" established in feel loggy and out come in the Rumania. health club and take a steam bath and let Mr. Rose massage your troubles away. C o m e up today, feel better, look better, and act The Leavenworth Markets were better. given a scare when t h e y came back in the last inning to down the Century C h a p t e r 5-4. Joe (Yussel) Kirachbaum didn't allow a hit until the sixth canto but his wildaess enabled the L e a v e n worths to score one 1B the second London (JTA) — In a booklet, inning and two in the fifth. entitled "Nazi B a r b a r i s m In A costly error in the final stanBudapest (WNS) — The pro- Czechoslovakia" and published by za proved the downfall of the A. Nazi Rumanian Government has George Allen and Unwln, Ltd., Z. A. ten. Morrie Epstein allowed ssued a decree forbidding marri- Eduard Benes assails the terrorisonly six blows for the winners ages between Jews and Christiana, tic policy pursued by the Germans while Joey allowed one Ies3. Land- it was learned here. Under a new toward the cultural, economic and . man, Osterman and Mann looked law "for purification of the Ru- other activities of the freedomlike a million in the- infield for manian 'race," applicants for mar- loving Czechs. Benes is ex-Presithe losers. Earl Siegal and Iz Bog- riage licenses must present evi- dent of Czechoslovakia. donqff starred for the winners. dence of their racial origin* Benes charges that the Jewish Games Next Sunday A second decree bans kosher question had been "misused" in A. Z. A. No. 100 vs. Nebraska slaughtering in Rumania. Thc3e Czechoslovakia by the Nazis to Iflralt Market at 82nd and Dewcy. are only a few of the anti-Semitic bring about a widespread mass Wardrobe Clothiers vs. A. Z. A. measures adopted recently by the Germanizatjon of Czech industrial . No. 1 at West Kim wood. orernment. AH Jews employed life." When the Nazis enforced



Washington (JTA) — Sixteen refugee children arrived sX the Greenbfclt, Md., " M o d e l town" built by the Government on the outskirts of Washington, to be guests of the coxamuEity for a two-week va.c&tion. Most of them are children of prominent Jewish profession^ people wlio fled from Vienna, Huremburg and Frankfort, and they include the son of Walter Kulka, noted pathologist, and the sons and daughters ot Judge Preydberg. Members of the Greenbelt Citizens' Association, only a few of whom are Jewish, uaderwrote the children's trip, paying transportation expenses and opening all the town's recreational resources, including swimming pools, tennis courts and theaters, to them free of charge. They will receive medical examinations from the town'* Cooperative Health Association and will be guests of the town's Girl Scouts. It was feared for a time that Maryland's refugee laws might forestall Greenbelt's offer to take the children and help adjust them to America surroundings, but J. Milton Patterson, director of the Maryland Department ot Public Welfare, stated that "neither th« licensing nor the importation lavs apply in this case."

the Nuremberg anti-Jewish laws in the Protectorate in M a r c h against the wishes of the Czech Government it soon became cleat that the aim of the Nazis was wholesale "Germanizatlon" of the country, Benes pointed out. "According to the Protector's decree any concern is considered to be Jewish If there. Is a single Czech of Jewish origin in manLithuania Drops Aid agement. As the Jewish participation in Czech industry was very London (JTA)—The Lithuanian widespread, most of this industry government h a s abrogated th« has come Into German hands." agreement under which it contributed the equivalent of 50 per Senator Isidor Raynor, a Balti- cent of the funds sent into Lithmore Jew, In 1901 defended Ad- uania by American and British miral Schley before the board of organizations for the relief of refugees from Poland. inquiry. . '

A Word to the Wives..

Swim for .


• , - . •


• „ ' • ' ' " " • ,



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HOME: NEWS TRANSPORTATION Sftere'o a Rome-Berlin angle to the Presidential campaign too, we've discovered . . . What we mean is that the Republicans have practically adopted Irving Berlin's "God Bless America" as their theme song, while the New DealTHE BEST WAY TO MAINTAIN ers at the Democratic Convention spent a lot of lung-power caroling GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORTAH a r o l d Rome's "Franklin D. Roosevelt Jones'". . . Something TION IS TO USE IT! of a record in scoops was scored by George Backer's N e w York Post last December, It now develops . . . Way back at the end of 1030 that paper foretold the appointment of Secretary Knox . . . James Roosevelt, son of the President, i s planning to produce a movie on the life of Pastor Martin Nicmoeller, the world w a r hero who refuses to kotow to HitK MOTORTRftCKi^ ler . . . TAXI CABS THIS AND THAT Back on the job defending Jewish rights is our old friend David : A- Brown, who recently protested ' Trcseif Si©adiparl@r©!' vigorously at a New York daily*u pointing out that it was German '. ServBso ©a Trucks'.'Its GET Jewish refugees who enjoyed the Shop Is RSE; Qva51a&So 2 4 steamship bertha which Ameri, fscssra 4sill^» OKcepft SSIB:. can and Canadian volunteers returning from Finland cpveted on OsjfPEim — JA:7S@®their trip back . : .'Something of a spy-scare was innocently started -JA 72m at the Norfolk, Va., shipyards recently by scenic designer Boris Thomas J. Casay, Preg. Aronaon,; who went there to get - Starry r/3. Htershmassra, ideas f o r & theatrical set he's @co.;: ' : planning a n d whose sketching ; Assistant ' ' ' '' IStfj a Jonas •'• O M A H A and photographing of s c e n e s aroused official suspicion . . . If you've been saving envelopes containing, letters f r o m the 19371 Zionist Congress, when the postal authorities at Zurich, Switzerland, Always Uniform put a special "Zionistenkongress postmark on all mail, hang these keepsakes . . . Philatelists JOB. Schmidt'o tell us that they're rapidly becomng valuable collectors' items . . . We fall to see that it requires any CITY v o u e C A R A?£E» great perspicacity to discover that TRUCK KOfJE F0E3 he Income tax evasion charge on SERVICE CLUE which a certain Jewish publisher a recently found guilty is a matter that doesn't do the Jews f America any good, and thoreore we also fall to see any good ci 2Qih City C'@* eason why Westbrook Pegler (Continued pn Page 12.) , . AT


:is©i -


The largest stock of finished Memorials in Omaha being reduced at savings of - - -

1215 So. 13th St.

YOU SHOULD KNOW Latest prognosticates of an anti-Hitler revolt in Germany is biographer Brail Ludwlg . . . We hope he's right—and soon ,. . . Winchell points out that one Otto Koischwltz, whom he in 1935 accused of disseminating Nazi propaganda here and who swore that it wasn't so, is now the official Nazi short-wave broadcaster for propaganda aimed at the United States . . . Ilibbentrop, says Ira Gershwin, will excuse the Nazi Invasion of England by claiming that the Germans were merely forestalling a British m o v e to take the Isles , . . The rumor that King Carol's M a g d a Lupescu reached the U. 8. a couple of weeks ago has been checked and rechecked, but no trace of her has as yet been found on this side of the Atlantic . . . When the Duke of Windsor had to leave England in a hurry he found refuge in the home of the Viennese B a r o n Rothschild . . . What we wonder Is whether now, with the Baron a refugee in America and t h e Duke in the Governor's Mansion in the Bahamas, t h e Windsor home will be thrown open to the Rothschilds . . . You may think pate de foie gras is a great delicacy, but recent emigres to this country can't look the stuff in the face any more . . . It seems that for a while it was tho only food available at the French concentration camps for German Jewish refugees . . .

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