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flut*red as Second Class Mali Matter on January 11, M l , a.t Ttoatotfice. of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Much t, 1871
IVati By Sam Cooper Award 1,584 Palestine ed Honor by Certificates Given V.F.W, Two Month Period iounignuit l&d, who ©&me to from P o l a n d eleven years ago, Wednesday was named • the winner of A national e s s y . contest sponsored by the ladies . §uUlarjr of the Veterans of Forklgik Wwrs on the sabject "The Jleneflte of Democracy." . Sam Cooper, 18, son of Mr. and lira, Martin Cooper, was awarded ^ it>ne thousand dollars and a gold • medal, for his paper, "This Is My •FUg, v My Land," according to announcement made at the natlon•1 encampment of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, being held in . Los Angeles.. A senior at Central - High, he lias made the honor roll every semester but one. In 1937 he rated highest in a current events i%wt g i v e n at all elementary "tchool of the city. Ho, was recentl y -named a member of Mother Chapter No. 1, A. Z. A. Sam was born in the village of Chelom, now Nazi-occupied Poland, la 1929 with his mother «nd another brother, he came to gtaa&a to join his father, who- six years previously had arrived in Omaha, where he opened a small ^grocery store. His prise-winning: e s s a y follows: "Democracy to me is not something abstract and far off. It 19 with-me at home, on the street, at school. It is with me when I walk, talk and sleep. It is like the Jrery air I breathe. Bat Where Else? " ."'Mr father owns a small grocery store. That is not much in |ts«lf, perhaps. But my father £ f e an immigrant. Where else (Continued on Page 10.) f
Jerusalem ( J T A ) — A schedule providing for Issuance of 1,584 immigration eerlfteates to J e w s during August a n d September was announced In the Official Gazette this week. Added to the two-month schedule will be certificates not used in the April-July period, plus additional certificates sufficient for admission of wives and children (under 18) of immigrants arriving during the current period or before it began. The total immigration schedule for the August-September period, according to the Gazette, called for issuance of 2,050 certificates. Of this number, however, 100 are tor Arabs and 366 for immigrants who entered the country illegally during May, Jund and July.
What !a described m the largest ta%& mmt novel Ivro Conclave to fee held in maay years, will take place tola week; end, 8ep tcmber 1 and 2,' at ttsie Paxton Hotel. About 250 persons are expected to a t t e n d : this convention which is held every four years In Omaha. The Ivreia a Jewish social organization with chapters in Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City, and Des Molnea. A rormal dinner dance -will be <held Sunday night at the Paxton. Monday there w i l l be separate /uncheons for men and women and on Monday evening an informal supper dance will take place. Nautical Theme Theme of the Conclave will he that of a cruise on a luxury liner. Delegates will be .given cruise tickets, facsimile passports, and sailor hankies and hats. r President of the Grand Lodge Is Reuben Brown of Omaha. Paul Bernstein is president of the local chapter and Hyman Shrler is the local chairman In charge of arrangements for the affair. Mrs. Ben Shapiro -Is chairman of the "Women's 'Committee. ' It Is planned to hold n e x t year's convention In Lincoln.
Sol Rosenblatt, well-k n o w n New York lawyer and a former Omahan, Was'Saturday' n a m e d general counsel for the democratic national committee. Mr. Rosenblatt is' the* son bt "Mrs.' MolUe Rosenblatt. After attending public school in Omaha1,' he went' to Harvard Law school where he won high scholastic honors. Upon his graduation he became associated with' a prominent New York law office. i Of late; h^* has' been* active* in Democratic circles. U n d e r the iNRA, he was named director of the code for actors and during, the 1936 presidential campaign dlrectod the theatrical division. . Now Haven (JTA) —- DiscovHe is a brother of Ann Ron- ery of a secret-key which among jieli, composer of popular music. other things rationalizes the Genesis of the Old Testament and shows that Methuselah lived only 192 years instead of 969 was announced, here by Dr. Andrew Efron, Yale University research tel' Rabbi Isaiah' Rackovsky of the United Orthodox Congregations w i l l address the Congregation peth Hamedrbsh Hagodel at the morning service this coming Sabbath. " . '' Sunday morning services < continue as- usual' at the" B'nai- Israel Synagogue jmder the auspices: of the Brotherhood ,of th6" U. 0* C. i Since the return of-Rabbl-RackOVBkft-'the Bible Study . g ' r o o p ; which .meets- after' the' services at the. breakfast table; has. resumed ,lta work*. «T4i e Sunday services start at . 9, -the study. group • at *:45 - ' *
Appointment of committees to arrange the banquet and pageant to be held in connection with the Seventieth Anniversary celebration of Temple Israel have been it&iiied by Milton Abrahams, general chairman of the Anniversary observance. T h e anniversary celebration will open Friday evening, September 20, with a special service at the Temple. The banquet will be held at the Blacks tone the following evening and on Sunday, September 22, an all day Jubilee will be held at t h e Highland Country Club. Mrs. Ben Shapiro is chairman of the committee arranging tor the pageant which will trace the Temple's seventy years. Assisting her are: Leonard Nathan, Mr. and Mrs. William Feiler, and Mrs. Milton Abrahams. T h e . c a s t is now being chosen and those wlsh(Continued on Page 12.)
Classes at the City Talmud Torah will begin on Tuesday, September 3. Registration will be held on that date. Parents are asked to accompany children for registration. Classes will be h e 1 d in the morning until the public schools open. At that time sessions will begin at 4 and last until 7:30. A new and revised curriculum has been worked out during the summer months. The high school group will continue and the curriculum has been made to co-ordinate with its work. Mr. Judah Wolfson and Mr. Arthur Rapport will be in charge of classes.
Montevideo . (JTA) — Seeking to keep closer tabs on alien activities, the Uruguayan Government has introduced bills in Parliament requiring the registration of all aliens over 15 and forbidding the publication of newspapers and other printed matter In "foreign and exotic languages which are difficult to control." The first bill, introduced in the Chamber, provides that all aliens failing to register or guilty of giving false information to the authorities will be deported. Every alien who intends to remain In Uruguay *nore than 00 days must register, giving his address, business, nationality, his reasons for low. • • -" residing In* this country, and his The" key used by Dr. Efron is last address prior to his arrival a tree-shaped symbol which has here. been found carved on rocks and The bill on the use of foreign in other records or. the ancient languages in the publication field world. The'scientist, who f l e d was introduced in the Senate by Russia in 1919"/claims to have Domingo Rt Bordaberry, Governevolved-a new and more correct ment party member. It provides interpretation. of' the tree' code that no newspaper be published In than heretofore used. -• ', a langauge not. taught in l^cal * Study of the symbol convinced high schools, unless S p a n i s h Dr. Efron' that the r great biblical translations of. all material also ages,, had. come -from mislhterpre- are* provided. - • • , • ation'olf, Botoewhat similar symIf the bill should become law, bols'." "A6c6rdirig 'to his findings,' the Jewish colony would be hardAdam.-dled.wheu he was" 96 years est hit, since It is.the only one old, rather than 930,' and Noah j that publishes daily, weekly and was - 48' ,'and.' nb£ 600 years ' old j other periodicals in a language when lie .built the- Ark. not officially.recognized.
®Labbi Rackovsky To Speak at Beth Hamedrosh Hxgodel
tees Named ^Anniversary Event
FREMONT SCHOOL TO Repudiates Support of OPEN THIS SUNDAY Coughlint and
Fremont—The Sunday and Hebrew school of the Fremont Synagogue will begin activities this New York (JTA) — Wendell Sunday, September 1. Willkie, Republican presidential Rabbi Sol Oater Is iu charge nominee, this weekly flatly reof these activities, pudiated the support of Charles E. Coughlln and of all other persons "who stand for any form oj prejudice as to anyone's rack or religion."
Rakbi Goldstein Will Open Annual Series Nov. 4 Plans for the forthcoming series of Book evenings, conducted by It a b b i David A. Goldstein, have b e e n muHnracedi by Mrs. David Greenbcru*, president of the Beth El Auxiliary, sponsors of the series. Rabbi Goldstein will open the annual book reviews on Monday, November 4, with a discussion of "How Green Was My Valley" bf Richard Llewylln. On November 18, he will' review two books by negro authors, "Native Son" by Richard Wright and "The Big Sea" by Langston Hughes. The third book evening will be devoted to a review of "The Star Gazer" by Szold de Harsanyl. January ,-14, Rabbi Goldstein will review Thomas Mann's latest book, "The Beloved Returns," a story of Goethe. The fifth and sixth book evenIngs will be held January 28 and February 10. The books for those evenings are yet to be selected. Tickets for the series may bo purchased from members of the Beth El Auxiliary.
1ED HILLEL HEAD Washington, D. C. — Appointment of Rabbi Jehudah Cohen, now executive director of t h e Jewish Centers Association of Los Angeles, as director of the B'nai B'rith Hlllel Foundation at the University of .Michigan was announced here.this week by Henry Monsky, president of B'nai B'rith and chairman of the National Hillel -Foundation Commission. Rabbi Cohen succeeds Dr. Isaac Rabinowltz, who Is being transferred to the new Hillel Foundation opening in the fall at Brooklyn College. Dr. Rabinowitz has been at Michigan since 1938. A graduate of tho University of California at Los Angeles, Rabbi Cohen was ordained at the Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. For the past six years he has directed the Jewish Centers Association of Los Angeles, being responsible for two instltuions. The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan — one of twenty-one maintained at as many American colleges by B'nai B'rith as religious/ cultural, and social welfare centers for Jewish undergraduates, in addition to nineteen extension units — is one of tho largest in' the country, 'serving 1,500'Jew-r lsh students. • • • • < -•••
Returned to Reich " i
. London' (JTA) -r*' All refugees', who escaped illegally, from Ger-/ many:, into the Netherlands. hare; been, shipped -back to the'.Reich'! by the Nazis,'.a correspondent ofThe Times who was recently in Holland reported this week.
Replying to a question concerning Coughlin's stand, as expressed in the latest issue of the "radio priest's" organ Social Justice, Willkie told a press conference: "I am not interested In t h o support of anybody who stands for any form of prejudice as to anyone's race or religion, or la for the support of any foreign economic or political philosophy In this country. I don't want Father Coughlin's support. As a matter of fact, I repudiate his support. If " h I a philosophy includes opposition to any race or religion, I cannot replace my owa philosophy merely to g a i n hia support." . ., •. Grateful for Attack Winkle's attention w a s theaT called to an attack made on him last night by Joseph E. McWil* Hams, anti-Semitic candidate for Congress In Yorkville who had been publicly repudiated by W1I1klo at a press conference l a s t week. McWilllams la trying to obtain the Republican nomination in his district. "I'm grateful for Mr. McWllliams' denunciation of me," Will* kio said. "I never wanted hist support, and he hasn't mine. His philosophy is un-American, a n d against my own personal philosophy. I have no sympathy with him, or anyone else who garners following by pitting one r a c o against another race." Asked whether h 1 s statement also applied to Father Brophy, head of the Catholic Truth Society and an active supporter of the Christian Front,.who has also been supporting him, Willkie said that it did.
CLAIM MILLION FIFTH COLUMNISTS M U. S. New-York (JTA) — One million fifth columnists are already at w.ork. within the United States, ready to s t r i k e telling blows when the time for action arrives, George Brltt, N. Y. World-Telegram reporter, asserts In his new book "The Fifth C o l u m n Is Here," published this week by Wilfred Funk, Inc. Charging t h a t this "foreign army" Is four tlme3 as large aa the United States- A r m y ? Britt says that should this country be> drawn into war "enemy"Btaff of-, fleers, when they want wrecking done, now have the names of suitable agents, indexed geographically and according to talent, to put their fingers on them instantly," • • ' • • , .- • . k V, • In the fifth column ranks the author-put 500,000 Nazis, .including 25,000 Bundamen; 200^00® Italian Fascists, -.both uniformed and in mufti, 100,0,<)0 Irish r TO-. ralnians, Slovaks -and others r&» apohsivd '..to., oldscountry ^appeals and 100,000 ; Communists .' and "native converts of alt names' an&~ sairta." <•'..
Friday, Aufutt 23, 1*40
Page 1O
GHETTO WALL FOI First Since Middle Ages Envisaged by Nazis
Community Chest Announces Dates for 1940 Campaign The goal of the 18th annual Omaha Community Chest campaign, scheduled for October 15 to 24,'inclusive, will be 1544,504, according to H. W. Pierpont, president of tlie chest. T h i s amount of money, Pierpont eaid represents the minimum needs to carry on the activities of the chest agencies during 1941. The amount does not represent by any means the total which the agencies requested or could use to a good advantage — it is a "minimum budget." The budget was established following a meeting of the budget committee headed by Casper Y. Offutt of the board of governors of the chest last week. Mr. Offutt said that the amount of the budget wa3 established only after two months of personal study of each agency burget by &l\ members of his committee. The budget committee is composed, in addition to Offutt, of Max Miller, E. J. Connors, Mrs. C. W. Hamilton, M. L. Shawcross, Francis P. Matthews, W. H. Smails, W. L. Pierpont and II. W. Pierpont.
. Geneva (JTA) — A w&II-ea • closed ghetto is envisaged f o r Warsaw's Jews by the Naasi uuth. orities in the former Polish capital, it was revealed this week, 'with receipt of the full text of an edict just issued by the new Warsaw District Chief, Ilerr Leist. If the edict is executed, Warsaw's ghetto would become the first of the wall-enclosed t y p e , Bince the Middle Ages. Not all.of Warsaw's Jews, however, will be compelled immediately to live in the ghetto. In addition to those Jews already living in the sectors set aside for the ghetto, only Jewish newcomers to Warsaw and those changing their residences in other sections of the city will be obliged to move to the wall-enclosed area. Non-Jews living in the ghetto are not compelled to leave it, but if they move at all they must move out of t h e sector rather than to another portion of it. Ben Pollack at The Leist decree marks the secPeony, Sat., Sun* ond attempt of the Nazi authorities to set up a ghetto. The first, Dashing thrugh on a whirlwind made shortly after the occupation, had to be abandoned be- our of successful engagements, cause of a typhus epidemic in the smiling Ben Pollack will bring City. At that time the J e w i s h his famous orchestra and beautlquarters were separated from the ul Armide to swing out at Peony rest of the city by barbed-wire park's beautiful Royal Grove, Satbarricades, ostensibly to prevent urday and Sunday, August 24 and 25. spread of diseases. This young maestro and his Anti-Semitic Activity Laid to Po- double-barreled rhythm orchestra, familiar to all with the beautiful lish Refugees London (JTA) — Polish refu- heme song, "The Song of the gee have begun serious anti-Jew- Islands," has entertained thouish activity in England, the Jew- sands of radio and dance fans ish Chronicle charged this week. throughout the country. Polish anti-Semitic National Featured with this fine music Democrats, led by Marian Seyda, are the beautiful voices of Ara member of the Polish National mlde, honey - haired songstress, Council, are publishing a weekly and Bobby Clark, also the Pick-Acalled "I Am a Pole," the first is- Rib Boys—six boys and a leader sue of which is violently anti- display the original Dixieland jam Semitic, the Chronicle declared. session. • Refugees are distributing leafJoao Lopes, who administered lets violently attacking J e w s , while three Poles have been ar- he business affairs of Pope Sixrested after serious attacks on us V, was a Marrano who later Jewish refugees at the Norwood led to Salonica and resumed his Center, it was said. Judaism.
S. Rabbis Offer NAZIS DUMP STOCKS GANOE TRIP MADE BY U.Funds to Transfer Polish Yeshivits While most campers cooked out on the camp grounds last. Thursday, August 15, live high school girls went on a canoe trip, p«rtagiag part of the way and paddliog across several sandpits, to a beach ten miles from camp. Accompanied by two waterfront counselors, Campers Ruth Kulakofsky, Jeanne Blacker, Gloria Felner, Gerre Cohn and Arlene Dansky left camp in the afternoon and hiked to the beach in Louisville with their blanket rolls on their backs. From there, they proceeded by canoe for about an hour aud then camped, for the evening. Supper of mulligan stew and Spanish rice, fruit, and c a n d y was prepared around an open fire. Later, a moonlight swim aad marshinallow roast climaxed the evening. The following morning, the overniters enjoyed a sunrise dip and then prepared breakfast. They returned to camp in time for the usual morning activities. Similar trips are being planned by other campers who are interested in real outdoor camping.
Loadoa (JTA) — Colonial Secretary Lord Lloyd has received a delegation of the Agudath Israel, Jewish, religious organization, to discuss transfer of Polish rabbis and religious seminary students now ia Lithuania to Palestine. The Rabbinical Association of America has cables &n otter to guarantee $75,000 for maintenance of the seminaries of they are transferred to Palestine. The Agudath Israel here believes that Soviet Russia wil permit transit of the refugees.
Baltic Soviets in Drive on Zionism
Zurich (WNS) — The pro-Soviet press of Lithuania and Latvia, two of the elates recently absorbed by the Soviet Union, have launched e d i t o r i a l campaigns against Zionism, demanding that Z i o n i s t organizations in these countries be outlawed, it was learned here. Zionist editors of Jewish newspapers have been ousted and replaced by Jewish Communists. The Communist press demands Lady Marley Arrives that all Yeshlvas In Lithuania and Latvia he closed by official order. Montreal (JTA)—Lady Marley, wife of deputy leader of British deputy leader of the British vocational retraining. Lady MarHouse of Lords, arrived here and ey reported that many trade said she would make a lecture schools were being established in tour of the United States in be- England to teach Jewish refugees half of the $100,000 campaign of useful trades enabling them to the ORT, organization for Jewish take a place in industry.
London, Aug. 19 ( J T A ) — Considerable quantities of American securities seized by the Nazis ia occupied countries are being unloaded in New York to realise dollar and other foreign exchange information received here disclosed this week. ' The Nazi practice in most occupied countries has been to force banks and people to declare their holdings in foreign exchange and securities and requisition all marketable issues to realize cash or obtain control of essential foreign enterprises, it was said. No estimates are available regarding the total amounts Involved but there is no question that they are very great, particularly in view of the popularity on this side of American securities owing to the uncertain European situation. WEBB. BEBEK, EM7TZNICK & KEIXEV, Attys., £00 Service Ufe Bldf., Oiu&ka, Nebraslui NOTICE: OF DISSOLUTION Notice la hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between DAVID SORES' and DAVID POTASH under lit* firm name of "West Q Coal Company," also known as "West Q Coal and Fe«d Company," and doing business at Omaha, Nebraska, has been thla day dissolved by mutual consent. David Soref has retired from said firm and business. The Mid David Potash wi:i continue business at th» same place and under the same name. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 8th day of August, 1910. ^ DAVID SOREF DAVID POTASH 8-16-10-it
[Ml i\ LJ \J
LARGE By PHINEAS J. BIROli ^ INTRODUCTORY NOTE with the envelope stamped: "Rea;••••..''-•• Old Reliable Postal, who used son for non-delivery — addressee, to be our confrere in the Seven! resides in ghetto" . . . Hungary's Arts and now is B'nai B'rith's Aryan laws have created a knotpublic relations wizard, writes us ty legal problem because of a as follows . . . "It's hot and I'm certain Andreas Faragi . . . Faon my vacation . . . I should be ragl, who is a lawyer, is of pure ; resting and forgetting all about Aryan stock, but some years ago your existence . . . But I feel that became a convert to Judaism . . . you and your readers—especially Under the law "anyone who reyour readers—need a break at gards himself as a Jew is to be least once a year. So here is my treated as a Jew for the purposes present to you and them—a guest of this law" . " . . B u t Faragi incolumn . . . And mind you, I sists he's an Aryan by rase and haven't once mentioned the B'nai a Jew by religion . . . Legal auB'rlth . . . That's chivalry" . . . thorities claim he has a right to' So here g o e s Bernard Postal's practice because the law says a Jew "is One whose ancestors are column i . . not of Aryan stock" . . . If FaraPOLITICAL PIECES Congressman Sweeney (Demo- gi's claim is upheld he'll be the crat), who is suing certain news- first Jewish Aryan. The war is papers which published the Wash- giving the young women Zionists ington Merry-Go-Ronnd's allega- of South Africa a break . . . So tions that he made anti-Semitic many of the leaders of the Zionremarks in Washington, is being ist Youth Movement have joined opposed! in the coming election by the army that women have been G e o r g e Pillersdorf, Cleveland appointed to important executive Jewish attorney . . . Sweeney now posts which t h e y never before represents a district that covers held./.,. . » large part of Cleveland . .. Sam One "of the best-known Jewish Plfttt of Reno, Nevada, is the Re- weeklies- in the country- is on the publican nominee f o r United verge of changing hands . * . A States Senator, running against schoolboy in Portland, Me.,' whose Senator Key Pittinan . . . Platt family was for the past several , twice" lost an election for t h e years being supported in part by same office by less than 50*votes a Jewish' judge, was recently «?«;V v . . Poriner Congressman Ben caught distributing anti-Semitic " -->.'ClbIdzler:Of-PhlladelpWa1 is mak- literature * -. , A German-Jewish Jng a* come-back campaign this refugee girl is a member of the ! year . . . Sam Weiss of McKees- Methodist Epworth League in . port, Pa., expects to be elected Wendell Willkie's home town of •'. to Congress on t h e Democratic Elwood, Ind. . . . The only wool• : ' ' • • • • ; . t i c k e t ••••' . . "• •• •'• •' ' • • • en talith factory in Europe has : ••-•r;-1 O V E R S E A S R E P O R T . • . \ '• just been started in London by ' • In Smyrna, Turkey, the Jews two refugees, one a Hungarian are eicited because of the growth and tbej other a Czech . . ; The of a rumor that the Messiah- is owners • belong to families enon the way ; . . The recent earth- gaged In talith-making for generVgaakes, the aufferlngs of Jews in ations . . . . Until the war woolen • Europe and- the Sabbatal Zvi tra- t a 111 h i m were' made only In ditloa in Smyrna are responsible Czechoslovakia and Poland . . . for the tremenddua wave of mys- THE F A O J OP THE tical feeling there . . . But Real- ROTHSCHILDS politJ,kjer; are Afraid ltia(i it's .Hit- . "When the sons of Mayer Am !er wao-Js coming .5» . A letter Rothschild, the founder of sent from Romania to ..a Jew in schel the. famous family, scattered to • •.; ;-vJ^a^vin :-vN&z^Mupied;i~Ppland, capitals of Europe f r o m •:;:;:S'ias^t!ieea^^meav;!|to;-tae;;\eender, the (Continued on Page 11.)
Model Illustrated AND VOUE1 OLD REFRIQEltAT6|l
Believe a General Eleetrie
FJk&re Value QnG KeffrSgeraloir at An^;
Friday, Aa(wt 23, 1840
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(Continued from Page 10.) Fr&siktwtt~&m-M&ln, they started dyntisties tfaat stayed put in Lon don, F«iis, VJejiisa, lierSSa a n d K . , liBt Eui<ope«Ei Wa 'l'w« lias been resiK»i&&ible for a new IluttisfMld dispersio rosi Ilkiou&rdl Botlischild fiesd oi tlie Freacii branch «f tfee family, is now in tite U n i t e d States . . . Eugene Itotlisclii scion of a Vieumt branch of the family, who Itsd lived in Cfcechoslovalda to? tmuf years, is also in America . . Mis brotJier, Itaron Alehouse, totmerly of Vieaisa fled to America, too . . . Another brother. Baron Ijoois, lias taken up residence in Argentina . , U&ram Maurice Rothschild, son of the lata Kdmoad da IlotJtesciukl, has fosattdi a haven in Eagl&nd, as has his cousin Kobert da Kotlssdiild . . . A dcsa&Mi&Vit of Uie English I&othscfiilds, I<ord I*riesirose, ia o s e of three Bi-itisli cliil> dren brought to America by J. P. Morgan . . . Ixwd Primrose Is the eosi of tlio E a r l of Rosebewy, whose graadfatlicr married Han< nail ItotJisdiild, oaly tiaisghter of Baron M e y e r do Rothschild, fourth s o n ef N&tJissffidel Mayer Iktthsciuld, founder of the British wiag of tiio family . . . This is the first time that Rothschilds have tfflkea up residence in this country . , . Tho RotliscMlds didn't think too highly of America's prospects l a Una nineteenth ceatery, find so all tliey did was to scad an «feent here, tlio original Beimont . . . FBRSONALIA In £he sctjaci to the popular picture, "iSdjB* 1?OWH,M ih@ Jew* fob character, Bavo Morris, w have an even m o r e pmmineat port, tliED&s to tSiQ insistence of Father Meaagaa . . . The teacher taught Hebrew to Ed Kaufmann, the new Zionist president, was personally picked by Ixju D. Brand els . . . P. S.-^Mr. Kaufmaun is by no means a fluent conversationalist in Hebrew . . That new dream highway, t h e Pennsylvania Turnpike, w h i c h links Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, had two Jews connected with its construction . . . They are Eugeno Marcbbeio, tunnel electrician and a Jewish concrete Inspector . . . Eddie Cantor recently told friends that some years ago the late Will Rogers spent six weeks studying Yiddish in order to make a Yiddish speech at a banquet honoring Cantor . . DOWDA BY P. J. B. Friend Postal should h a v e his column longer, but ss long ca he didn't yoa'Il get the benefit of some of the hot news we have on tap. The obituary ©d ltor of the New 7 o r & HcraldTrUsane, y o n l l ho pleased. to know, has just completed his obit on IJerr Hitler . . . He—the cdi< tor, that is—wbr&ed on it for a foil month, End reports are that it Is & pippin .-. . Here's hoping there's be a chance t o srahlish it soon . . . . Don't be-surprised if even before this column reaches your breakfast table yon get the news that the Zionist Organization of America will m o v e its headquarters to Washington . » Soiaethiog we've 'been meaning to relay to yon tor quite some tune Is that Jane Barnell, the bearded lady known in the sideshows as I Olga, had a Bnsslan Jewish fatter . . . Jane's mother, on the other haaa, vrsa half Irish and half Catawba Indian . . » We've b e e n wondering, 4oo, whether Sam AbarhancU, press agent for Republic Pictures, is a descendant of Isaac AbgrlKmel, fifteenthcentury PoxtogBese Jewish statesman and philosopher . . . (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)
BEAUTV Features
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Friday, Auru.t 23, 1940
unprepared to believe that there is something Jewish in the idea of defending America adequately. About a year ago they were tearing evil siis|>ietoES f r o m tk K-IGKKLsi Petach Tikvah (WNS-Palco Bf LL BWS&b month of- one whose toBgae bad Ageccy) — Higli Coiamissione. fceea dedicated to speak only taa The Lineola Tavern of the Sir Harold MacMichael named Jowhich was truth and that which COUPLE OF IMTl'EBS In the coarse of the week I re- WES clean a n d above reproach ifch Community Center leaga. seph Saphir, farmers' representaceived two letters from two wide- Cougfclia was imputing a Jewisli opened the city softbail tourna tive and Chairman of the loca ly separated people. Both asked eoanotation to e v e n t s ia tke ment last Sunday afteraooa by Rural Council, as Mayor of this we whether I am a Jew. Betb world. He was taking words from downing the Tom O'Connors of municipality, called the "Mother called on me to confess publicly the mouth of Goebbels and mak- t h e South Omaha Recreation of tite Jewish Villages." (Continued from Page 1.) S&pitir was .chosen after the by Rumanian officials the Jewa in that I am a Jew, if I were one ing them his own. One Sunday he league 9-2. Herb Marks ou the mound for Municipal Council on July 4th northern Moldavia and un-occuIt was as if I kad fceea caught ia faked & word picture of ms.akiBd Bin and must make public con- marching to battlefields and be- the Lincoln club pitched magiii- cast seven votes each for Mr. Sap- pied Bukovina have no right to ing saeiificed behind Jewish com- licently and for six innings had hir and for Meier Grabovsky, La- Rumanian citizenship since they fession thereof. a no-hit, uo-rua game until two bor leader. Under the terms of "filtered" into Rumania during Of course, by now everybody manders singing iJewish hymns. who reads this column has guessSo it becomes easy for t h e errors'" in the seventh produced the law applying in case of euch the World War, principally from ed that I am indeed a Jew. feebler minds to believe whisper- one run, then two hits accounted a draw, the High Commissioner Galicia. is empowered to make the fiaal But I write another column in ers who go about-hunting empty for two more runs. The report stated that the RuThe Lincoln ten hopped on decision. the daily press. la that caiman I heads into which to plant magmanian government would "per» write nothing Jewishly. I write gots of treason nilt" these Jews to enter the So"This is all Pitcher Stefacek in the first inabout cabbages and kings, sealing a Jewish plot—this preparedness ning and countered three runs, viet Union but, under no circum* wax and things. So it fell recently for defense, this movement for in the third frame the Tavern stances, would it cede more terthat I wrote on compulsory mili- :onscription. The Jewa are ! try- team chalked up four scores with ritory to Russia. tary training. I rather favored It ng to drag you into war. You Harry Altsuler's .triple d o i n g While a tight government cenfor the proper defense of the na- must oppose the defense of Amer- most of the damage. sorship in Rumania prevents the tion, considering the way tilings ca because It Is something JewMike Landnian played a bangpublication of the real facts, dipare going ia the world. up game for the victors, snagging ish." lomatic quarters here were confour off second base from the This caused the t w o citizens vinced that there is no truth In It Is made to order for Hitler, rifle throws of Catcher Herb Strongly to suspect that I must even if he didn't plan it all himthe stories and pointed out* that (Continued from Page 1.) Meiches. Herb Marks bad the be a Jew. he totalitarian Rumanian govself. _;ame under full control from the Jews, they wrote, want to drag Saks, Mickey Zide, Manfred Sleg- ernment is in desperate need of A > It is In accordance with his beginning to the end. Not one ler, Jack Solomon, Rosalie Was- capegoat. the country i n t o war for toe money basis in it; Jews want re- blue-priut for treason: You start ball went Into the outfield until serman, Arthur Epstein. Meanwhile, Rumania's J e w s venge on Hitler. Therefore, glace whispering against Jews. Any lie the last inning. fave virtual extinction under the Present 1'oel Emblem will do but It must always be a I have declared for conscription I Each year, outstanding campers new anti-Semitic code, which, must be a Jew. Both challenged lie that connects Jews with au&b. it. po. a. receive special emblems indicat- makes it virtually impossible for Adler, If 2 0 0 0 me: Tell us in your next column thority la the government. A lot 1.M. Adler, 3 1 2 1 ing good sportsmanship, partici- the vast majority of Rumania's of people don't like Jews anyway Meiches, c 2b..* whether you a r e a Jew or not. 2 4 « 0 2 pation in all activities, and all- half a million of Jews to earn a and if you make it strong enough Altsutar, 3b 4 2 1 1 Feeble Minds Dangerous 0 0 moom.cC * 1 0 their dislike for the Jews will round camping ability. These em- ivelihood. Barred from moat I should have laughed at peoGoldfng, sa » 0 1 * ' spill over oa t h e government. blems represent three ranks, the professions, a r t s and Bkllled Ostennan, l b 3 0 10 0 ple like them being at large ia a Mark*, u I....2 0 0 3 first "Poel," or worker, the sec- trades, and forbidden to own rucountry that is spending millions This is the Bpade work that opens Vfom, rf 3 1 0 0 ond, "Shomer," or watchman, and ral property, the Jews have no of dollars on agencies for the im- he way for tanks and motorized Landman, «( 3 0 6 0 divisions. Prejudice, h a t e and the third, "Chalutz," or pioneer. hope but emigration. provement of the feeble-minded. Total 28 I! » I t 6 The symbols are: a trowel, a These, it appeared, were two of suspicion have paralyzed the de•Bum O'Oonae* ab. h. po, a. torch, and a Jewish flag. the people whom these agencies fenders. 1 Leecewsbl, 2b .........3 hadn't yet reached. Had I considered these letters Czyz, c At last Saturday's campfire, the o ..2 o 3 Sigmund Bauer But afterward I began to wor- worthy of an answer I would have Micek, lb special emblem of 'Poel" was precf 3 0 ry about' them. The feebler minds said, Yes, I am a Jew and I am Krupa, sented to Burton Lipshutz of Slgmund Bauer, 69, for twentye .,2 o are as dangerous as strong, evil n favor of conscription even if It DUoa, BtoliilBkl, M 3 Sioux City, upon the unanimous three years butler at the home of 3 2 ones, if a lot of them happen to ;akes my eons. Your letters make Stef&cctc, p selection of the counseling staff. George Brandels, died Thursday; ' 4 U 3 be around. The strong, crooked it even more convincing t h a t Cherek, 0 As a camper. Burton Lipshutz has lght, August 15, after Buffering? Nowaczyk, sf ....2 0 minds grow big on the yeakness America must be impregnably de- Zagurski, rf participated in most camp actlv- a heart attack. 0 0l the feebler ones. fended; for on these letters I do- Harden, rf tiea, has helped in the construc1 A native of Vienna, Bauer serr- . What impressed me was the ect the finger-prints of Hitler alTotals 23 2 21 11 3 tion of the Holy Ark used In the id in the Austrian army during _• Lincoln Tavern 3 0 4 0 0 11—8 abbath services, and' has helped two letters seemed to come from •eady in America. he Bosnian-Serbian war. He first O'Connor 0 0 0 0 0 0 2—2 (Incidentally, I am quite aware Tom different layers of moronism. One Three-base hit—Altsuler. Basea on balls make camp more interesting for came to this country in 1904 a t was written in a scrawl that sug- :hat had I come out against con- — Marks 6, Stefacek 0. Strikeouts — all the other campers. a waiter at the St. Louis epoulgested that the writer had not scription people of some other Maria 3, Stefacek 4. Following presentation of these tton. He returned to Vienna but' been able to attain eighth-grade groups would have written that I back to tlio United State* literacy. The other had mastered must be a J e w because I am The Lincoln Taverns downed activity emblems, campers sang :ame n 1912. Before coming to Omaha several of their favorite songs. As the typewriter and his typewrlfc- gainst defending the country, the W a r d r o b e Clothiers last ten letter was rather well done. hat I am a Communist and all Thursday 9-5 for the right to en- the fire died away, an Indian in in 1917, Mr. Bauer worked for. The latter was a white collar hat, and that I should be mode ter the city tournament. The ull regalia stalking into the cen- several* years In the home of a man who had probably written o go back where I came from.) Wardrobe scored four in the first ter of the council ring, announc- Russian princess residing in Chi» ' the letter in the office where be inning to take the lead. However, ed his presence with the usual cago. His only survivor is his widow* ' works. The writer of the other Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts Marks replaced Harry Pox for ndian call of greeting. Mr. Hart letter appeared to belong to the Feature Syndicate) he Lincoln club and allowed only Jenks, well known dramatic stu- ohanna. peeper-down proletariat. me more run while they scored dent and actor, in this role of In- Funeral services wero held Sun* hree in the third, five in the sixth dian messenger, then completed lay at John A. Gentleman mor* So it seemed that the idea that abotinoky Memorial canto on homers off the bats of the evening's program by telling uary. Rabbi David A. Goldstein . "there is something Jewish in deMeeting in Geneva Herb Meiches and Harry Altsuler several tales. Vespers and Taps officiated. Burial was at Pleasant fending the United States was Hill. baving a considerable s p r e a d . Geneva (WNS-Palcr Agency)— and one in the seventh.to cinch ilosed the campfire. •Hero I Bat seeing it spread from Representatives of the J e w i s h he game. the lower grade moron who lrad Agency Eecutlve leaders of the lonot yet mastered simple orthograThe other representative of the Zionist movement, and reprephy to the higher grade moron- cal Center Fbop, Leavenworth Market, sentatives of Swiss Jewry Joined ' who could use a "typewriter. in tribute to Vladimir Jabotinsky will • go into action Sunday with It was Quite evident that these at a memorial meeting here. the Lincoln Tavern playing again Weren't people who brood in the On behalf of the Agency Exe- Monday. jsolltude ol their s t u d i e s and tive. Dr. Kahany expressed sorthink out original ideas to give row over the death of the ReviThe admission for these games to mankind. I could feel quite sionist leader, whose personality Is 25 cents and all garnet are FRESH CAUGHT LAKE TROUT, <IBU euro that the idea that the plan he praised, as he deplored his played at Falfstaff park, located Per lb • • • for national defense was a Jew- rematuro disappearance f r o m at 24 th and Vlnton. The brand ish plot was not ol their own ho Zionist movement. O t h e r if ballplaying that you see out FRESH MINNESOTA WALLEYED PIKE, thinking. speakers included Zvi Aberson, there is tops and well worth your Per l b . . . . . . No TMnldng Done while, so come out and root for Hans Kleo and the president of NEW STOCK GENUINE In fact, they aren't given to your favorite team'. thinking at all. The processes of the Geneva Zionist organization. SCHMALTZ HERRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . their minds are not conscious. FEINBERG'S KOSHER WIENERS o r SALAMI, a D * They are more like the garbage can which Just stands in its corPer l b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; * W ner and waits to receive whatever NEW CROP KOSHER DILL PICKLES or | ft* is thrown into it. Does the garFCU bage can discriminate? It takes BEET BORSHT, large jar . . <...'• ••• whatever is given it. EXCELSIOR SPRINGS SALINE WATER, OAk These minds had festered in Per quart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . VWV their dark c o r n e r s and some along and dropped into each tile SOY BEAN OIL, © ^ i§U ' Idea that this movement to dePint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mWlstQ . . . , . . , , "IWW uart fend America impregnably was of Jewish Instigation. The fact that DIABETIC JELLIES, PUDDINGS, GELATINS, QRA these letters were from two difand CANDIES, each . . . . 7 . . . . . . i . . ***• ferent kinds of hands suggested that more than one individual was going about dropping this idea - Into empty and receptive heads. Alwayo fresh — alwayo delicious, for many This is what troubled me. My years, one of the nation's* outstanding brands troubling was - that of an Amerof butter. ican who is distressed at what is going on in this country in this ,hour of its danger. It is the same ' t l n d of foul whispering that was Carried about in all the countries of Europe until the time Hitler Raskin's Hardwater Was ready to pluck them. ' It is the same technique of dissension, suspicion. ,hate and finalCarl Rlekos PER BAR ly, division, that found t h e s e SouBtries defenseless and p r o s trate when Hitler's day came. I, the Jew, can endure these • slanders. I have suffered much tnore than this in all my time. I h&ve been burned and put to the Miller'e &WQT& and had my throat cut. So thla Is Just another pain. Sat, I, the American, am wor^•irleS: Can America e n d u r e Lge. Pl££. through these perils while rats Pins B©IU»vDepos!i within and "from without gnaw &t its fouacMioss? >! ' Itefgesra Made -to- G s f c ' The feeble-minded were n o t
[J.CC. Sports
Name New Mayor of Petach Tikvah
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Let tis -save you raiossey with these extra safe, .extra mileage tires.
Meadow Gold Butter
Castile Soap 5c
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Friday, August 23, I ©40
<*:*< V
osh Hashonah Greetings the Columns o
» i N
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E d it ion
ear s
" " > . ? • >*
-•' ,H «p^#A ^SPnLES^i'' t H , V r ' A ^ ? ^ greeting problem is solved by • .yv,^4'"|* •&Uu~ ^ in?.1' . this convenient method of wishing t . i l i*> «r **^eir friends both fa*
y o u r
,Pro»p«ro«« New Year. "> i "JVi
tmmtly extend to Jk^t ,V friends sincere iri«W'- ; >
Mr. and Mrs.—-— «ad, family wish their friends health, happiness and prosperity in the comMir. ancl fllrs. •«—«^» take ^ this means of extending greetings and hearty to their friends far and
^ j friends a H a p p y
•? v :
New Year • • • No. danger of the em> . ,,\' 7^ •jr." » barrassment of forgetting someone.. « *,« no trouble • • • time and motiey
"saVed; These greetings will be published in our Rosh Hashonah edition, October 3. The charge will be $2.00 for each greeting • • . Mail any of these &>rms7 or phone your Greetings*
Call JEWISH PRESS, Atlantic 1450 .«
: • '
.f» 1
, i
Page 6
Friday, Au»u«t 2 3 , 1 9 4 0
er economic or religious. If badges went with all the honors awarded Rainy Days Add Harry Warner, he would h a v e Zest to Camp Life more medals than Goeriug . . this w e e k he became honorary By HELEN ZIOBf OND Wind and rain add considerable lientensist-coioncl on the staff of zest to camp activities at Camp Georgia's governor in i-eeogsiiti Last Saturday afternoon Hollywood—When David Loew of bis HUti-fifth-column campaign. Jay-C-C. found all campers assembled in and Albert Lewin purchased the the lodge for an amateur program (Copyrighted by'Jewish TeleE-rich Remarque novel, "Flotthat featured individual talents in graphic Agency, Inc.) sam," a story of drifting refugees music, dancing, stunts, recitaseeking a haven, they thought tions and other hitherto abilities. Australia would be (he desired loYale Kroloff of Sioux City won cale. Since then the characters the greatest acclaim for the sing•were moved to Czechoslovakia, ing of two vocal solos and was then to France, and now to South awarded a leather book mark for America. The producers should contribution to the day's enkeep their fingers . . . double- By LUCILLE A B I I A H A M S O N hie tertainment. crossed . . . B'NAI B'RITH Participants in the program There w i l l be a meeting of were: Joan Sokolof, Teddy Meyer, Milton Berle will turn the oth- Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688, Marty Blacker, Joan Shiffer, Alex er cjieek at the slightest excuse B'nai B'rith, next Monday even- Goldstein, Mickey Zide, J u d y . . , or even without. This is due, ing, August 26th at 9 p. m. at Theodore, Babs Cohen, Joseph not to humility, but to his Berly- the Eagles Hall. Kohn, Leah Colin, Arnold Kaimore profile width has caused a All members are urged to at- man, Nan Itafcusin, and Bunny sensation in the cinema village. tend. Sommer. Bated more lineage on a bobbed Jack Solomon played his acnose than he would have playing A. %. A. CONVENTION cordion and the kitchen band perHlunlet. He's uplifting his accent At a meeting h e l d Tuesday formed admirably, just as they too . . with lessons in the dr&hma. night at the home of V e r n o n had done previously in the camp Fitch, the Council Bluffs chapter ircus. Hushing madly ahead . . . like of A. Z. A. discussed plans for the a tortoise . . . Chaplin has finally A. Z. A. convention to be held in succeeded in obtaining permission Sioux City on August 25. to use the title, "The Great DicTentative plans w e r e also tator," owned by Paramount. This made for a dance to be held on Important step should eliminate Labor Day. By Mrs. David M. Newman two or three more years of work . . . and Production No. 6 may BROOK-GOLDBERG reach the screen before the secWord has been received of the UNUSUAL FILLED CXMMUE8 ond generation knows Hitler as oming marriage of Miss R o s e "outside reading." 1 cup butter }oldberg of Chicago, formerly of 3 cups brown sugar /ouncil Bluffs to Mr. Edward George Tobias . . . rapidly ris- Brook 3"eggs of Minneapolis, Minnesota. ing to stardom . . . is BO outstand4>4 cups flour The wedding will take place on ing Jn "River's End," studio will August 31, at the Windemere Ho1 teaspoon cinnamon costar him in his next film. His tel. li teaspoon salt ' preparation for an acting career 14 teaspoon salt Motoring to Chicago f o r the was a b i t unorthodox . . . he Cream butter and sugar. Add are the b r i d e elect's "Worked variously as a brick-layer, wedding, beaten eggs. Sift flour twice with brother and sister, Mr. Charles n street-car repairman, a sailor, Goldberg of Denver and Mrs. Saul cinnamon, soda and salt. Add * riding master, and an ammuni- Suvalsky of Council Bluffs. radually to the mixture, beating tion plant worker. well. Chill the dough; divide in two parts and roll out each piece PARTY Eddie Cantor marked his re- BIRTHDAY n rectangular shape % inch A surprise birthday party was cent trip east with a trail of Can- held last Friday n i g h t at the hick. Spread with filling and roll toracles. Most quoted, "Too many up tight like a jelly roll. Wrap Americans take liberty for grant- home of Miss Esther Brown, hon- rolls in waxed paper and place oring Miss Bette Lee Harris, and edf—like many men t a k e their in refrigerator to chill. Slice in wives." "I'd rather live under an Miss Dorothy Rosen of Omaha. thin circles and bake for 15 minThe evening was spent in play- utes at 375 degrees. . • • .. . • unbalanced budget than under an ng Bunco, at ,w h j c h time the unbalanced dictator.". Filling: 20 dates prizes were Avon by the Misses % cup sugar Steinberg a n d Marilyn He's no Gable . . . but Maxic Beverly % cup water Saltzman. < * Hosenbloom, cauliflower cars and 1 cup chopped nuts- • All, played in five pictures during RETURNS HOME Cook all together to a- smooth the past year. And Garbo scored paste- stirring occasionally about Mr. Meyer Meyerson returned In only one I 5 minutes. Cool\and spread on home Wednesday a f t e r a two dough. Solilocfuestion: What became of week's v a c a t i o n at Excelsior Parkyakarkus? Apparently he did Springs, Missouri. he letters J:C-C: When the wind . «" . for he haB appeared In but CETRONS LEAVE blows northwards, the fires: form one picture since 1938 . . . even Mr. and Mrs. David Cetron, ropes of flame that spell the name his ether character seems evap- who have b e e n visiting at the of the camp. orated. Following the steak fry, camphome of Mrs. Cetron's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman, ers, enjoy an evening sing.'and - Harpo, readying for the next left for Chicago, Ill- stunts. Marx marathon, pulled a wig out inois Wednesday where they will vacation for of his trunk . . . discovered two two weeks, before A memorandum from Cardinal returning to grey, hairs in it. "Ah, hah!" he their home in Davenport, Mendoza y Bobadilla to Phillip II Iowa. exclaimed, "even my wig worried of Spain revealed that virtually on our personal-appearance tour!" TO DES MOINES all of the nobility of Aragon and Mrs. Marvin Bookey left WedOne way to make a living: Dan- nesday morning for Des Moines, astille had Jewish blood. ny Webb (real name, Dave Web- Iowaj where she will attend the er) is a sound imitator. Aside of her Blster-in-law,~Miss from impersonating ducks, pigs, wedding • •' s arid fog horns, he is the dubbed- Betty Bookey. in; voice of F. D. R. on radio and ON BUYING TRIP screen. Mr. Morris Grossman left Saturday night for Easton, Penn. /Vignettes: M i s c h a Auer is Afraid he will be "typed.1' At a and New York, on a buying trip. Ked Cross .benefit in the form of 9 Country Fair, he was in charge CodUouts Held Bach of the nut counter! The Kent TayThursday at Camp lors welcomed a boy-bearing stork * » . were happy to change their Cantor luck, having two girls al Climaxing the weekly campcraft r e a d y . Arthur "Street-Singer" activities, cabin cookouts are held Tracy reappears on the American aV Camp 'Jay-C-C each Thursday scene after a long" sojourn in Eng- evening on the slope of the hill land . i . will put: on; his act at leading to Cabin Hope. At this the San Francisco. Fahv Wayne time, everyone In camp cooks put Morris attributes the rift" between in cabin units, around. 11 small himself a n d * Bubbles Schinnzi fires, built by the members of the; '(just noticed the last half of 'that campcraft group. . ; ' *. name . . . odd)' io the differences The. unusual feature of this of their childhood environments program is. the manner in which I.-. but neglects^to specify-whetti- the fires are • laid, so as. to' form
Our Film Folk
Kitchen Chats
CAMP CORNER Creative Camptivities Publishing tlieir own paper and presenting tlieir own operetta are only two of the many creative activities that boys and girls at Camp Jay-C-C enjoy. The Jolly Camp Crier, issued twice each week by the campers, features all camp news, with editorials, interviews, cartoons, and other articles of interest, completely written and edited by various cabin reporters, under the direction of the journalism counselor. This week's staff included: Editor, Charlotte Sommer; assistant editor, Jeanne Blacker; reporters, Iluth Kulak'ofsky, Lois Rodin, Ethel Burstein, Alvin Burstein, Jerry Katleman, Barbara Weiss, Marty Blacker, Rosalie Wasserinan, Paul Krasne, Jack Solomon, Evelyn Pinkowitz and 3erre Cohn. Dramatics at camp is another ireative activity in which campjrs eagerly participate. Last week found five girls devoting most of their spare time to their version of "Hansel ana Gretel," the famous fairy tale, beloved by every
child' of every age. Directed by Mother Grete, the dramatics «o»neelor, "Hansel and Gretel" was presented Friday evening and was received with sincere acclaim by the audience. Participants were: Barbara. Weiss, Evelyn Pinkowitz, Ethel Burstein, Judy Theodore, Gerda Hagen and Lois Rodin. Musical arrangements were improvised by Belle Sommer, music leader. Sunday afternoon, an attractive arts and craftB display indicated considerable talent on the part of the following empers who have made leatherette bracelets, trays, baskets, plaster leaf plaques and other articles. The campers are: Phyllis Freed, Bernice Sommer, Charlotte Sominer, Rosalie Wasserman, Lois Rodin, Arnold Stern and Lois Linsman. YOUR INSURANCE BROKER
CITY FINANCE AND INSURANCE CO. Representing 21 Strong Companies A Complete Insurance 8ervles CALL: WALNUT 6160 "THE SETTLEMENT COUNTt"
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Beautiful designs on fino qualify whitoTnustih background in combination pastels and two designs in red appliques. Quilfs stamped for quilting, patches and binding included. ' : . . _' _ " > ' Available In Tnroo Designs © Basket of flowers © Pastel falls -©Daisy - © Dolly- Varden bow bnot © Poppy wltb blee wind flower © Geranium, btoek design
Art Needlework Section—Third Floor-
Friday, August 23, 1940
Page t
belt summer, tournament held in Mizrachi Women Sioux City, August 25. The one-3ay tournament will A large crowd attended the desCommittee appointments f o r include chapters from four states the coming year have been an- in the cornbelt region. Both Ora- sert luneheoa and benefit bridge nounced by Rita Mantel, presi- .aha chapters have combined to given Wednesday at the home of dent of the Omaha Section of the charter a bus which will leave for Mrs. L. Freedman by the MizNational Council of Jewish Ju- the convention at 7:30 Saturday raclii Women's organization. night. In Sioux City entertainniors. Proceeds from the affair will ment will consist of a breakfast, be devoted to the Beth Zeiroth The following committees have track meet, picnic, and sweetheart Girls Schools of Palestine which been named: ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED TO ATTEND CONVENTION dance. A large turnout is ex- are supported' by the Mizracbi Program: Helen Castleman, Mr. and Mrs. David Kabn an Miss Mary Arbitman left Tuespected. Women of America. nounce the engagement of their day night for Chicago where she chairman; Roselle Handler, Bess granddaughter, Miss Shirley, to will attend the Junior Hadassah Bernstein and Sophe Jacobson. Aaron Feldman, son of Mrs. Sam Convention. Membership: Kalah Franklin, Sisterhood Ladies Free Loan Feldman. . ehairman; Evelyn Kaiman and Estelle Nathan. No wedding date has yet been NEW YORKERS LEAVE The Sisterhood Circle headed ' The Ladies Free Loan Society chosen. Mrs. F. W. Walker and eon, Education: L i l l i a n Kereer, is giving a card party and des-by Mrs. Bert Hene was entertainArthur, left Wednesday to return chairman; Eleanor Horwich and sert luncheon Wednesday, Sep- ed at a luncheon Wednesday, Auto their home on Long Island. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mollye Wejner. tember 11 at 1 p. m. at the Jew- gust 14, "at the Hill hotel. Mrs. Beverley Jean Pessen, daughter Sam Josephson was hostess. Religion: Z e 1 d a Cherniss ish Community Center. Of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pessen GUEST OF OMAHANS chairman; and Bebe Burstein. Twenty-five members of t h e Mrs. S. Fish, Mrs. M. Firestone Mr. and Mrs. Jack West and celebrated her thirteenth birthSocial Service: Leah Oberman and Mrs. I. J . ' S o s k i n are in Circle attended. Mahjong follow4&; at a one o'clock lunch on son of Oakland, California, left chairman. charge of tickets. ed the luncheon. Monday, August 19. Thirteen last week after visiting with Mr. Peace: Esther Weinberg, chairAll members are urged to coand Mrs. Arthur Smith and Mr.man; Zelda Cherniss, Pearl Freed- operate in order to make the parquests attended. Five daughters of Manoel Pereand Mrs. A. Cooper. The Wests man, Bertha Guss, Lucille Batt ty a success. ira Coutinho, a 16th Century Jew, had stopped in Omaha after tourMarian Strauss and Bertha Green RETURNS FROM DENVER were nuns in the convent of La in the east. berg. -Miss Helen Fingeret has re- IngMr. A proposal was at one time Esperanca in Lisbon while his Sonny Sherman of Oakland National and Local Projects: made to hand Gibraltar over to sons resided at Hamburg as Jews turned from Denver . where she also visited with the. Smiths and Celia Bachman, chairman; Dena the Spanish Marranoe. spent the summer. • •• . under the name of Abendano. Coopers. Brody, Reva Malashock, Sara Ruben, Gertrude Guss and Rose ANNOUNCE BIRTH HONOR SON Kaplan. ' Mr. «nd Mrs. Robert Noddle In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of announce the birth of a son, Al- their son, Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Legislation: Bess Bernstein chairman. len Stuart, on August 7. Sam dayman entertained 120 , Hospitality: Bess Blank, chair 1513 guests at a dinner Sunday, Au- man; Sally Lerner and Isobel Rogust 18. BAR MITZVAH senblatt. '.'• Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmidt anAmong the out-of-town guests Budget: Harriet Wolsky, chairNOW IN nounce the Bar Mltzvah of their present were: Mrs. J. L. Fleish- man; Leah Oberman, Rose May son, Aaron, on Saturday/ August man and children, Stanley and erowich, Air-Conditioned for Your Comfort Ruth Goldstein and Syl17, at the Fremont Synagogue. Carolyn, and Mrs. Louis Cipinko via Weiner. A Fur Coat to Fit Every Purse of Chicago; Mrs. Louis Thomas Publicity: Belle D. Green and daughter, Sally Clayman, Mr. chairman. CORRECTION ' From $4§.3i f® In announcing the Dolgoff-Wlt- and Mrs. David Cooper and Bulletin: . Geraldlne Strauss, daughter, Patricia Sue, Mrs. Wil'BUY AT OH0AilA'§ HSLiABLE kin engagement in last week's ischairman; Bess Bernstein, Clara sue of the "Jewish press," Miss liam D. Clayman and son, J. Ger- Kay, Lucille Speigal, Jessie Na' AND BE SATISFIED all of Kansas City, Mo.; and Witkin's name was incorrectly ald, than, Eve Nichols and Gertrude Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rushall and printed as Ethel. It should have son, Irwin, of Scottsbluff, Neb. Guss. read Miss Esther Witkln. Telephone: Ruth Marks, chairman; Lillian Freedman, Harriet FROM LOS ANGELES FELDMAN-WEISMAN Bernice Gorelick, Celia and Mrs. D. S. Finkenstein Wolsky, '.Miss Valva Weisman, daughter of Mr. Stoler, Eleanor Horwich and DoLos. Angeles spent a week In of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weisman Gilinsky. , . City and are now visiting risService of- Minneapolis Sunday became Sioux to Foreign Born: Mary a short time with relatives Garfinkle, chairman;. Dora Dolthe bride of Mr. Philip J. Feld- for and friends here.' They are stayman, son of Mr. and Mrs. John ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. gof, Mamie Temin, Mabel SlutzFildman. T h e marriage took Batt, 31 ((6 Lincoln Blvd. Mr. kin, Chorney Soiref and Sylvia place .Sunday afternoon at three Joe Finkenstein formerly l i v e d in Llndenbaum. . . o'clock at the 'home of Rabbi Da- Omaha. A Ways and Means: Sylvia Wivlfl A; Goldstein.' Only members ner, chairman; Doris' Gilinsky, of- the immediate family. were Evelyn Kaiman, -Martha HimmelBETROTHAL TOLD present. .• ; .. stein, Greenberg, Esther 1 Mri and Mrs. N. Grunger an- Weiner,Bertha -'After a ten-day wedding trip to nounce' Lillian Flushman, Kalah engagement of their Franklin, Sara Ruben Minneapolis, t h e . couple wijl re- daughter,the and Rose Is Yours With Mieg Begs, to AlfKraftj turn to Omaha to make their son of Mr. and -Mrs. .William Mayerowich. bbhie. : : •.••'.•,;. - : • Cultural: Ida Fine, chairman, K r a f t . •; •"';••• •;•'/. •• v ,— .. _; . •. No\ deflnite\ wedding date < has and Jeannette Linsman. •'•'•''• VISITING PARENTS : been set. Plans are now completed for 'Jack Temin, who is an engineer the garden party .which is to .be with a national electrical com- VACATIONERS ENTERTAINED held Sunday at the home of Mrs* Miss Berniee Epstein entertain- Ben Silver, 5408 Nicholas, A pany, arrived Tuesday to visit at the home of his parents, Mr. •d ten guests at her home last large number are epected to atThursday evening to honor Miss tend. and Mrs. S. Temin. " Vera Epstein and Miss Louise Wintroub, who had Just returnHONOR BRIDE-TO-BE A, Z. A. 100. . Mrs. Philip Zollotuchen enter- ed from a three weeks vacation A collection that tained fifty guests at a luncheon In Los Angeles. anticipates and •Tuesday at the Rome Hotel in A. Z. A. 100 softball team, coVn honor of her daughter, Dorothy, GUEST OF MISS GREEN belt region champions for two caters to tho crwhose engagement to Mr. Rubin Miss May Goldstein of Kansas consecutive years, will defend eation needs o! Ratner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam ity is the guest of Miss Belle their title once again at the Corn, Ratner, was recently announced. Ireen. all ol youl The "afternoon was_ snent playing VEP3ETIAM 8LIND8 bridge and MaV Jong. • ' • • • • FROM SIOUX' CITY * ' cni WINDOW SHADES Miss Charlotte Levine of Sioux MADE TO MEASURE JOSLYN MEMORIAL. . . . . . . . . City ia the house guest of Miss ITREE ESTIMATE Ann Rosen. Three sound films on Belgium CRAFTSMAN VENETIAN •will be shown Sunday at 2:30 in BLIND L1FG. CO. church of St. Christopher the Concert Hall of • the- Jostyn AVThe (Mode In Omaha) Valencia was used exclusively AT 40(4 022-4 No. lOtb HI. Memorial. A program of recorded by Marranos. organ- mu,sic will be heard at 4 o'clock. .
Junior Council
Herzbergs Famous Pin Money Dresses
TO CALIFORNIA Mr. B. GfostTleft* Wednesday for Los'Angeles to visit his sistera, ->Mr3. L. .Ziev and," Mrs. E. /Meyer. He Vill also spend 'some ,'tlmo in San Diego with his son, Mr. A: Gross.. He .wijl return in a month. ."VISIT IIBRE... . . . . . . . . . . . . • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marylander , <of Denver are the guests of Mr. •'iand Mrs. Henry K r a s n e . The Marylanders formerly resided- in „' O m a h a .
•' '..". \ , V
. . . ; . . ".' •
Dresses with lux* imous couturier touches . . . fine tuckings, n o v e l metal. ornaments! Dresses with' the new cide fullness, slim hipline, low skirt fullness, and back blouse full-' ness. P i c t u r e yourself in these, esotic new fall colors . . . . ^ Soldier Blue _- fuhiper~Gree'n • Bali Brown - Chickdry Brown ?and of'coarse Black -.
"•ileiilJEstat^-i-;-- .-Inye^isieiits '•
~ ijm0i; sipux-CITY•"- _ •: •/.) •;>;tiM;rs. Sana Hatner and daughter^ .Helen, and Mrs.; Ben .Zollotuchen ; «f Sioux City .are .the ^ guests of "Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zollotuchen.
.-Sheai-i •"'
'Collections of Unique.
J2 to 20 . . 33 to';48 .:
At- Lbw> Interest
' Diamond Engagement, • S! IW^ddinar and AnrnVer. ^ ; 4'^*«ury"'-. Ri«jgft.:.,.ind»sidBat;'-;..=^ ly, designed "ahd Priced vrltli good 'old-faeKioiii'- " ; •;'•• ,od fflioderatSon^ !Cl-:"~" ;v~v~;:; . Convenient JTormaXan-B©.; T Arranged a t tia Esira," ,; ;-/,.; ^ r:'-^-:• Coat/r'^rP.:' i-
f Jr
••"- ? in^Bilsihiess Cjfy^;:30:;Ytavs:;>
Fifth Floor ,
Friday, Augu.t 23, 1940.
THE JEWISH PRESS Pu.fclis.ked Every Friday &t O ' H b SUBSCRIPTION PRiCE, Or.s -Vtar
Advertising ftstfc» Furr>i«fe€d en CiTi
i s e» & OFFICE—Jewiab Cwaoyasty Ck*tea>
DAVID BLACKBE—BtfilEeas and Managing E d i t o r LEONARD NATHAN . - - - " •RABBI THEODORES N . L E W I S - Book E d i t o r F R A N C E S BLACKER. . . . Society E d i t o r MORRIS AIjSENBERG—-Sioux City
Rumania" Tries Again Once more the kingdom of Rumania has reverted to her age-old policy of clamping down on the Jews the minute something goes wrong. New laws have been issued to bring distress and Buffering to this element in the hope of re-directing the wrath of the people from their go¥erniaent to a helpless and hapless minority. Great sympathy might be shown Rumania in her present predicament. Her gains from the last -war are rapidly being taken away and Boon ehe , will once more be the small kingdom that won Independence from Turkey. But her treatment of the Jews during this crisis is unforgiveaMe. When the history of these times is written, the Jews will be considered the greatest (though under the circumstances, unwilling) patriots, since the governments of Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe are utilizing them for the historical role of scapegoat. The latest Rumanian laws leave Jews In a virtually helpless position, impoverishing them even more than they have been In the past. Their only Champion, strangely enough, is Germany. Not for any love of the Jews are the Germans seeking to restrain Rumania, but because the Jews have built Rumanian industry. If they are displaced now, there is grave and real danger that Germany's vital supply line will be disrupted. So many times in the past we have had opportunity to comment on Rumanian policy. There is little to add now. Every old discrimination against the Jews has been revived. New ones have been de1 .vised. But a storm must someday abate. Its fury must be spent sometime; The burning of witches finally came to an end when wiser minds prevailed. In such and such alone can Rumanian Jews find consolation.
ity withholding food supplies, A siege of the entire European continent has been proclaimed. Germany lias' drained the conquered territories of their food resources. If food is sent to Belgium to Hollaad, to Norway, to -unoccupied' Fraace, to Pcls&d, there is no doubt that Germany, unless uuuEual precautions are taken, will seize this fo&d for.her own n&e. Perhaps we are guilty of letting our hearts get away from our heads, but tbere seems something grossly immoral in permitting the deliberate starvation of these people. They inhabit nations that were drawn tejto the vortex not by their own policies but by the stupid and cruel policies of greater neighbors. We realize Germany is the worst of-. fender, bestial Germany for whom no epithet is too feftd. But it is unjust for these to Ewffer for the sins and crimes of Germany. Some method must be worked out. Surely some possibility may be found. We may find justification for permitting people to starve in the exigencies of a political situation; but we may have to answer to a high power for such subservience.
"Americanism Rally" Those great exponents of "Americanism," the self-avowed "one hundred percenters" have found their greatest friends in of all things Nazi Bund Sunday, Camp Andover, New Jersey, was the scene of a joint meeting between the Ku Klux Klan and the German-American Bund. Previously Joint rallies of the Bund and- the Italian Fascists had been held here. Also participating were the Protestant War Veterans, who fight Catholics with the K. K. K. and.join with Coughlin to fight the
now encompasses all of continental Europe. If the Nazis lick England, it would mean that all -Of the export trade of M-G-M will have been scissored away. That will go, cf course for any corporBy Dr. PLiKp Sh*r ation in which Jews cave an interest—whether it is the manuBible facture of sewing machines, or May the Lord cat off all flat- the sale of portable radios. teri&g lips, the tongue that speak' eta proud things, who have said Tf&e "&o what" crowd will say: our tongues will make us mighty, "That still doesn't affect as, exour lips site with us, who is Lord cept incidentally." They're wrong. over vts? As the world's dominant buyFor the oppression of the poor, er and teller of goods, the Nazi for the sighing of the needy now government will possess a boyI will arise saitk the Lord. cott weapon without parallel in How long shall I take counse history. No company, no profesin lay soul, having sorrow in my sion, no business will be able to Tieart by day? How long shall my Btand against them. money be exalted over me? ISx&mpIe A— As for me, in Tliy mercy do I &m » writer, and my business trust, my heart shall rejojice in is Iselling short stories to nationTay salvation. 6.1 magasiMea. Tke nstl<msl maga* mines c&aisot live without adve*" There were four judges in tisiug fcoiii great national corpoiw Sodoto. If a person wounded his ations, for instance, the oil com* neighbor, they decided that the psmies. The wsr is over, and tho triker shall be paid for bleeding oil ccmp&aies of this nation are him. Eliezer, the servant of Ab- competing tor the newly-opened raham, happened to be there, and N&iJ business. Take a company; was wounded, and when he came we'll <$J1 Oklahoma Crude, to the Judge to complain, the latter said, "You must pay him for Oklahoma Crude is trying for bleeding." Whereupon he took a a million barrel order from stone and wounded the Judge, saying, "The payment for bleed- France, which needs it for reconing which you owe to me, pay struction. Oklahoma Crude adverthem." They had a bed for tran- tises in the magazine to which I sients. If the stranger was too sell most of my stories. The Gesong for the bed, they made him tapo has seen my stories in the shorter, if too short they stretch- magazine. It knows I'm an antied the stranger. When Elieer Nazi, and a Jew to boot. It has came there, they told him to sleep also seen the advertisements of n the bed. Whereupon he an- Oklahoma Crude. swered, "Since my mother died I Before you go any further, MM owed not to sleep in a bed." When a poor man happened to member that dermany is a "eoi* be there everyone used to give porato state." Business, and pub* him a dinar on which his name icity, mad poWics, and pleasant was engraved, but they did not and music, and art, and war are ell him any food, and when the all linked together. tranger died of starvation, each So the director of the German me came and took his dinar jack. There was a girl who used 11 trust receives the, representat0 supply a poor man with bread, ive of Oklahoma Crude and tells which she used to hide in a pltch- iiim: "We'd like to buy that milir while she went for water, and ion barrels for France We feel very sorry for the when this was found out, they meared her body with honey, 'rench, and they need that oil to nd put her on the roof for the ut their transportation back on >ees. If a person struck his neigh- ts feet. Unfortunately, we canbor's wife and she miscarried, the not buy that, million barrels, from udges decided that the woman ou so long as Oklahoma Crude ihould be given to the Btrlker dvertlses in that magazine which nd he should return her when arrie3 Frank's stories. You know e's a Jew, don't you?" he would be pregnant again.
Gems of the Bible and Talmud
How deep-rooted is the Americanism of the Ku Klux Klan is revealed by their willingness to consort with the most flagrant violators of American principles, the German-American bund, whose avowed Intention Is to weaken the internal condition of this country so as to make it easy prey to the German government. The Ku Klux Klan, in its modern dress, has never been more than a racketeering organization that through the sale of costumes and literature has brought riches to a few. It has been a soundng-board -for crack-pots and has exploited the prejudices of the ignorant. It is. strange that the K. K. K., moribund until now, should suddenly flourish under the Impetus of a Nazi drive for world domination and should appear as the champion of Nazi doctrines. What the more sincere K. K. K.s fail to realize s that their association with an organization of They made a stipulation that his type is the blasphemous repudiation of every t a guest Is invited to a wedding, Conversions of Convenience American principle. It is profanation of the names nd brings another one with him, To escape the racial laws of Mussolini, over of founding fathers who were responsible for the hat the inviter be stripped of his arments. If one had a row of Jen percent of the Jews of Italy haye been con- greatness of this country. ' tricks every one of them came verted to Catholicism. The Church of Home, it and took one saying, "I am not appears from this figure, can offer them greater ausing you any damage by takprotection t h a n their own spiritual resources. Unto the Generations ing one." If one possessed one ox Psychologists are speculating on the effects of e had to pasture all the cattle .Therefore one of the largest mass conversions in the present war not only on the present genera- f the city one day, but he who Jewish history is now taking place. ossesaed none at all, had to pastion but on generations to come. Physical defects, ;ure two days. As a matter of self-respect, one wonders how these Italian Jews can bo so frightened as to traceable to war conditions and displayed by many Change their coloration in the hope, undoubtedly Europeans who were children during the First vain, of making their situation easier. It la, of World War, rarely affect their children. But the Course, easy enough for us to sit in. judgment psychological effects may continue and be responUpon them from this distance. But looking over sible for personality disorders for generation after the history of the Jews, one is Immediately im- encration. pressed by the futility of such conversions. It From the physical point of view there is the By PAT FRANK brought neither peace nor security to tho Mar- rave danger of malnutrition, of improper bone ranos of Spain and Portugal or the Chuetas of structure resulting from poor diet, of permanent J. T. A. Jtfajorca, the classic examples. disablilities from injuries or diseases caused by fresa Bureau The Fascists themselves have gone out of their war. Many nervous ailments may be traced to these., Jway to make sure the Church gives little protecThere is a group of American The war on nerves, however, is of much great- Jews, who could be called the "so tion to these converts. There is every indication crowd, who have viewed that the government fully intends to discriminate er significance. Disorders will appear that] because what" with blind apathy the Hitler conof their nature, will be transmitted to subsequent even more against the converts than against their luests, sat on their hands, and generations. The constant apprehension, the rub- :old their families: "What if Hittinbaptised brethren. Surely the Church of Rome, with the history of bing of shoulders with death, the screaming of ler does lick England? It's not going to affect US?" To this the Marranos so fresh in memory, would feel a dive-bombers, the bombs dropping from space, the group this message is dedicated. machine-gunning of civilians. All these will create certain reluctance at accepting these "people un. der the circumstances. They do not come with any a race of neurotics. If Hitler completes his conquests, there is going to foe an Jews have long shown the result of such pregreat conviction of the truth of a Catholic docblitzkrieg on Jews in trine-. They do hot enter the Church with any ap- carious existence. No people suffer more from economic America - - a business pogrom preciation of its spiritual message. They do not nervous disorders, nervous disorders t h a t are that will vault the Bill of Bights, come willingly, but are forced by the exigency of caused by the specter of pogroms, of tho road of and the principles of democracy, exile, of persecution and discriminate. This psy- and very likely wreck the livelifx political situation. • hood of millions of as, here tn the Perhaps they will add to the numbers of the chological make-up has influenced the behavior of Supposedly impregnable United the children of those who suffered, and even their Catholic Church, but what can a convert mean States. ;when the conversion is based nor on an act of free children.«The present w a v e of anti-Semitism, though it be transitory, cannot be minimized beTo .understand how this busi.will. " ness pogrom will ~ operate, you cause of its .psychological effect, its warping of It is.a sad commentary on the. civilization that must first understand t h a t . a Fascism boastfully claims to have created wheir it what might have been healthful mind's. complete Hitler victory means all forces an individual to deny his very self. .. The human race will pay for this war in many he world, outside the continental of the United States, ways — in economic and social readjustment, in boundaries will bo under tho Nazi rule. There taxes. But the highest price will be demanded of will be no trade unless it Is aplib Feed or Not to. Feed each individual'. Innocent and guilty will suffer proved, by the Gestapo, outside If the war lasts through this coining winter, alike, Victims themselves- and their children vic- our boundaries. America will tie faced with a dilemma—whether tims. A small example of this bnsl £o feed the stricken humanity of Europe or let inness pogrom has'aSready come to nocents starve. On the surface there would ueem light. Tho German propaganda ministry has announced Coat Met* JEWISH CALENDAR bat one-answer.- It would be inhuman if we were ro-GoIdwyn-Elayer is forced to to stand idly by while uor granaries were bursting withdraw all its films from circa 6700—1040 .trith much,more, than we need while men and latlon in Germany-—and all Ger•Rosh Chodesh Ellul"... „Wednesday, Sept. 4 man-dominated! territory—within Cornea ana children are left to die of hunger. 234 hours. Ilia propaganda min , P 5701— . But starvation is a potent weapon of war. Since takes thig action as reprisal ; .Thursday, Oct. 3 istry i.ko days of primitive warfare, generals sought to Rdsh-Hashonah for M-G-M filming "Escape," and Starve out the enemy. It Is hoped by the British to **Fast of Gedaliah «.....™.«.™-...Saturday, Oct. 5 "afoo Mortal Storm." * .Saturday, Oct. 12 Undermine the morale of the conquered territory Tom Kippur German-dominated territory
So the directors of Oklahoma Crude hold a meeting, because his is a pretty situation, with one writer holding up n million sarrel order, isn't it? And Uie iainmaii of tho Board says: We're all for the Bill of Rights* md Freedom of lUfllgion, and * **eo ITCSS, and so lortb, toot, jcntlemcn, wo have oar stockholders to consider, haven't we?" Chorus: "Of course wo have!'' So the advertising director off Oklahoma Crude pays n little visIt to the advertising manager of k magazine, who drops a few words into the cars of the editor* lal director, sod tho next time wo send d story to this magazine, we get & tittle note saying: "tiiiis isn't qaite up to oar standard." Example Cot perhaps yoa'ro a member of the Board of Directors of Oklahoma Crude, 'and so yon still say. "This can't affectME." ^ * But the Gestapo will know you, 00. it probably knows you already. And one day the Chairman of the Board will say:; Cohen, I hate to ask this favor,. ut don't you think it would be good idea if yon resigned? Of ouree, we'll consult you before we do anything, and you can still eep your stock — providing it's isted under the name of Murphy —but it would really do all of s a favor.. . . " Example O Maybe your name -isn't Frank, ir Cohen, trat Epstein, and yon are cm oil driller down In tfte EMrathwest, and a good one, and when you're working yon make twelve bricks a day. Oklahoma Crude starts drilling new field, and you hear about it, and drive over In your A Model Ford, and- get -in line with the ilher fellows whose' nails are so lack with oil they never will get slean. They're signing up drillra, fast as they can put their names on the books. Finally you step np before the oreman, and he barks "Name?" "Epstein," you say. She foreman —maybe you've worked zor cum before and no knows you're a first <&ass driller, '—looks tip curiously, and Bays: "B6rry, Epstein, no work for yoa here.'1 And BO you drive away, and you never know what hit you". (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
Friday, August 23, 1B40
(Continued from Page 1.) j Vichy (JTA) — Needy Jews * who remained in Pwris following Yudelson, and Dr. Julias Mosko* the German occupations u e threavitz. tened witfa starvation due to rspOfficer I&stfilled Jialy 2 2 idly dwindling food supplies, The new officers of the.Lodgtf was reported here this week. were installed July 22 by Phluj! Two public J e w i s h kitchens M. Klutzniek, president of Diswhich have been distributing 600 trict Grand Lodge Wo. 6. Officer* free meals dally in tlie Auteui" are: Leon Frank, president; Miland Lafayette quarters, will pro ton Yudelsoa, vice-president; Aba bably have to close down due to Kattlmaii, recording secretary;! lack of funds and the difficulty of Jewish War Veteraa leaders plan for 45th annual encampment to behold in Boston, Aug- L.Collinan E. Yudelson, financial obtaining adequate supplies, it ust 28-September 1.— (Left to right) Harold Seidenberg of Cambridge, Mass., Past National secretary; L o u i s H. Katelman, w a s reported. Jewish organizaAlbert Fox, Monitor;] tions In the unoccupied zone are Commander, who is serving as President of the Boston Convention Corporation; Louis Rosen- treasurer; Dr. I. Sternhlll, assistant moniberg of Lawrence, Mass and David L. Nair of New Britain, Conn., Co-Chairmen of the Convenunable to give any help because tor; Nathan Negg, Guardian; and postal and other communications tion. Sam Sacks, S. Sbyken, and O, with the Nazi-held areas h a v e Hochman, trustees, been Interrupted for the p a s t and threats of retribution at the vid Goldman, chairmen; William The next meeting will be held which contributes to the congesthree weeks. Holzman, Mr. and Mrs! Isadore Arab population. August 26. at 9 p m. at Eagles The newspaper Petit Nlcols re tion. The Fascists a r e wooing the Hall. Numerous emigrants who ex- Zlegler, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roports a number of anti-Jewish Incidents la Nice, climaxed on Aug pected to obtain American visas senstoek, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wi- Arabs with promises of self-govlinsky,>Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ro- ernment, and are urging them to Pious Jews of Lisbon today, 14 with a demonstration that was on the eve of the German inva- senfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gold- break away from their English- never enter the Theater of Donna sion have their documents on file quickly stopped by the police. Mrs. Charles SchiKuael, Jewish masters. To date, h o w - Maria II because it stands on the The demonstration was led by in the American consulates in stein, Rabbi and Mrs. David WIce, Mr. ever, the Fascist program i s makA group of youths s h o u t i n g Paris and Bordeaux, which are and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, Mr. ing little headway among Araba site of the old Palace of the In* quisition. "Down With Jews!" Two of the cut off from Marseille and "have and Mrs. Sol Degen, Eugene Bla- in the Holy Land. ringleaders w e r e arrested and so far been unable to transfer zer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Killer, flies. This results In blockOther Italian broadcasts are eewill be tried. During the night their Mr. and Mrs. Milton Livingston, toliing the virtues of the exiled ing of emigration of these refuanti-Semites broke into e i g h t whose means of subsistence Mr. and Mrs. John Farber, Mr. Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amla al Jewish-owned shops In the center gees, oar and Mrs. Henry Monsky, Mr. and Huaseint, in the hope of rallying is also most exhausted. of Nice. Mrs. Harry Trustln and Mr. and the Arabs b e h i n d the Mufti Even emigrants possessing all Meanwhile, it was learned here Mrs. Hyman Ferer. against the British. that 90 per cent of Jewish refu- the necessary visas are often hinArrangements: Harry Trustln, gees trying to return to occupied dered in departure by lack of Indian Sentenced areas are being turned back at funds for passage. The HIAS-ICA. chalman; Harry Malashock, Dave B«ek , the frontier by the Germanjauth Jewish emigration organization, Levine aud Morris Jacobs. New York (JTA) — MagisGames: L e s l i e Burkenroad, orltles, who ask all refugees ap Is still not functioning in Martrate Isaac Slegel in Yorkvilla plying for readmlsslon to state seille and there Is no organiza- chairman; Dave Feder and SamCoutr last week sentenced Thomtion to fill the gap. Thus the situLeon. their religion and racial origin. *•• ( as' Dixon, alias "Chief New Moon" become desperate. The office of the Jewish Na- ation has Feaic Flcbap) to a $50 fine, with the alternaCalms tional F u n d in Paris and the tive of 20 days In jail, on a disPlacta Phesta Us Meanwhile, the panic reigning apartment of its manager have orderly conduct c h a r g e arising WI 1234 been raided by the Nazis. Corres- In refugee circles shortly after from an anti-Semitic speech at a the armistice has been calmed as pondence flies were seized. street corner meeting on July 28. Rioting Reported in Vichy, Ton- a result of the growing conviction that the Petaln Government does louse, Lyon London (JTA) — A Dally Mall not intend to abandon -France's dispatch from the Franco-Spanish* liberal tradition towards the lawfrontier reported that antl-Jewlsh abiding foreign element. On the Woos Arab Population in riots had broken out with Busplc- other h a n d , material problems Drive on Paleslous simultaneity in various parts are Increasing for the refugees. tine More than 6,000 Central Eurof unoccupied France, Including JVlchy, Toulouse and Lyon. The opean r e f u g e e s in interment ,Vichy outburst, the dispatch said, camps at St. Nicholas and St. Cy- London (WNS) — P r e m i e * was quickly suppressed, w h i l e prien in southern Franco aro in Mussolini's program for tho "libwindows of J e w i s h department need of aid. They aro freed if eration" of Palestine appeared stores were smashed in almost they can furnish guarantees that speeded up on all f r o n t s this all streets of Nice and the words, they will not become p u b l i c weelr. The Evening Standard report' "Death to Jews," were smeared charges or if they have the possibility of emigrating. However, lo- ed that II Dace has informed the on doorways. cal relief bodies are not in a posiGovernment of F r a n c e Palis Papers Demand Wiping Out tion to supply the required guar- Petaln that he will permit France to reof Ghetto Quarter antees. tain-Corsica, to which Italy has Vichy (JTA) — A campaign to The health of the refugees Is claims^ providing that F r a n c e wipe out the Jewish ghetto quar- rapidly declining and epidemics cede Syria to Italy. ter in Paris has been opened by are feared, while their lack of II Due© hopes to use Syria, In the press in the N a z 1-occupied prospects for the future leads to the event he can wrest it from former French capital. to the fear that some may com-the French as a jumping off place "The ghetto must disappear," mit desperate acts. for an attack on Palestine. The it was asserted simultaneously by ORT Plans to Aid 20,000 Italians have already b o m b e d the newspaper Le Matin and La Vichy (JTA) — T h e ORT BO-important Palestine p o r t France au Travail in their issues clety here has drafted plans to Haifa, of Aug. 4. The papers devoted aid 20,000 Jews in unoccupied city, three times. Promises l o n g illustrated articles to the France at an estimated cost of The Italian r a d i o , In special "horrors" of the Jewish quarter, $100,000 up to the end of the Q Q situated between the Bastille and year and* is preparing a memor- broadcasts aimed at the Arab3 In Palestine, alternate hymns of lovo the Rue de Rlvoll. andum on its activities for the Anti-Jewish propaganda seems Minister of Labor. to be a principal occupation of Start enjoying The ORT plans lay stress on the few p a p e r s remaining in agriculture, including the placing lolsuto and botlos Paris. In addition to La France of farm workers, renting certain au Travail, published by the for- tracts for refugee colonies, enUvisgl M o d o r n l s o mer "Franclste" leader, Henri couraging settlement of farmers Coston, Les Dernieres Nouvelle3 at Garonne, organizing in various witli clecMc coo&de Paris is also especially violent parts of Franco of farms, schools in its agitation. _ . . : ' - . . > and vegetable gardens. cry. Sodayl With cm "Advertisements not accepted It is also planned to extend creElccteic Bca&go doing from firms under Jewish manage- dits to artisans for purchase of ment," announces the Dernlerea tools and raw materials and estho eooMag fob la Nouvelles. Three other papers re- tablishment of workshops, courses serve columns for "Deutsche An- for apprentice? and y o u t h s. you* homo, YOU c a a ' zelge" (German Notes). Courses are continuing in Paris o n ] o y tv7O extra The extent of anti-Semitic pro- and the ORT school donated by paganda In Paris is Indicated by1 Baron GInsbourg. is being reopenhorns oi leicuxo ovcry day. Electric cookczy an advertisement of the w e l l - ed at George Labdennois. known optical firm, Lisaac Freres Is automatic • • » witli it tliGSo'a no trafcMag The OSE, Jewish health prowhich states thafLissac Is not. tection society, will care for l.'OOO os waiting. Yowt medb cook ha themssiveb. Isaac" and asks customers not to Jewish children from Alsace-Lorpay attention to contrary rumors. raine, it was Announced following The newspaper France au Tra- conclusion of an agreement with VThllo otl&z costs of living hxsxro coads!ca% vail demands elimination - of Jews evacuated Alsatian Jewish comUP. &o cosl oi sow olseMs semco' htm from public sales and from all munities which Involve 600,000 sporting associations, particular- francs additional m o n t h l y exgosa &O¥iFff I Today you enfoy eles* ly boxing: T h e newly-organized pense for the OSE. Paris youth organization, Youth trie rates oasoug tko low/ect.iia && stslioa. at Work, is not admitting,,Jews as members. 15,000 Kef ugeos i a Serious Plight in Unoccupied Franco ' Vichy. (JTA) — Fifteen thousand applications for exit visas have been filed in Marseille by would-be' emigrants, m o s t of whom are foreign Jews, largely (Continued from Page 1.) Polish, Rumanian and C e n t r a l European refugees. , ler, chairman; Harold Farber, The United States and other Marvin Treller and .Lloyd Friedconsulates are being beseiged by man. thousands seeking immigration P u b l i c i t y : Leonard Nathan, visas. The consular staff is over- chairman; Mrs; Ben Shapiro and worked^Marsellle being tbo only Joe Jacobs. consular center in unoccupied Dinner: David Fedcr, chairF r a n c e . The only emigration, man; Paul Blotcky, Sam Josephroute . lies through - Perpjgnan, son and Ed Sommer. ~*— Spain, and Lisbon, P o r t u g a l , Reception: Mr. and Mrs. Da-
Friday, A«gu*fc 4 3 , 184©
get this country into war." Mr, Bell protested, however, that the v "V klan was not anti-Semitic. ** Factioiml Dispute A. E. Young, described as the grand klaliff of the New Jersey klan, urged a boycott of the popular song, "God Bless America," because its author, Irving Berlin, is Jewish. While the meeting was in progress about SO® local residents, including many ' high school students, gathered outside the camp and saag "The Star Spangled Banner" and "God Blesa America." They booed and heckled the fascist speakers and shouted, ' . "Hang Hitler on the cross," when the klausmen ig&ited the cross. A factional dispute among the iiasis led to the arrest of several followers of Frits Kuhn. Earlier, Edward Smythe, chairman of the executive committee of the Protestant War Veterans of the United States, referred to the Imprisoned nazi leader as "that fine Am* erican, Fritz Kuhn."
AtU. EDITOR'S NOTE: R & b b i lev, executive director of national Young Jiidaca, w a s called by the Arnty for ciaap''1M» doty duriag the practice ' BMUWavers in Borthern Mew ' York, and was released foe serVice by bis organisation. In the following article lie tells some of bis interesting peiiefices
Joint 'Americ&ni&m' Meeting Held in Jersey
By Aryeh. Lev
Andover, N. *. (WKS) — TI«e tMarniisg of a 50-foot cross climaxed t h e "Auaericattism" rally, (1st Lf. Chaplain Reserves) sponsored joinyy l*y the New Jersey Ite&Iiii of Ku Mlux lOaii is ares I gave him surprised Mm. weal up. 'They jetae* with me in .la had an idea that Jews com- awl the GeriiUUi>Anierican Bund the secoEd "Kaddish." -Camp NowUaod, the SOU-acre When services were over one posed 10 or 12 per cent of the &t Nazi general population, &nd was unboy took me aside and with tears J
in hia eye thanked me tar allow- der the impression that Jewish Approximately 1,500 persons, ing him to say it, for though lie refugees hsd beea flooding' the including many wfelte-robed 'Bieinhad promised his mother on her joisatry in the past few years. I feers of the K. K. IC, attended the death bed" to observe her Yahr- gave him the simple facts. rally t and cheered all denunciageit, he had never gotten around tions'of the New Deal, Jews and {Jecoiue SSiomists to it. He resolved there and then Two of my chaplain colleagues Negroes. to ascertain the proper date and Arthur II. Bell, the grand dragbecame Zionists after a lengthy Civilians back home reading never again iniaa the prayer. discussion. They had imagined; oa of the New Jersey Realm of about the Army maneuvers have The presence of a Jewish cliap- ;hat Zionist was a movement to the klan, drew loud applause no idea what a sight it is to see laia relieved many regimental settle all Jews of America in Pal-when lie "accused the Jews of the entire cities of tents pitched on commanders of a headache. For estine. I explained the movement United States ot "attempting to Not Enough *Ary«n»* every field and in every valley. laek of a rabbi of tea had to ;o them, and they soon realised You can travel for miles; and at conduct services they ©1 a non-denom- hat the chalutz spirit was in ac- to shoulder, for a common cause, every break in the road you seeinational character. London (JTA) — BecauBe ot One lieutea- :ord with the spirit of the proph- and learn to respect each other's a shortage signs leading to more and more ant-coloael, a Methodist of "Aryans" the Nails 1 from Al- sts of old, whom they quoted so religious differences on the com- have been forced units. There must be close to loona, Pa., upon being introduced to conscript 1,100,000 men in our corps alone, to me produced & small patch of tequently. They took a new iu-mon platform of their service to 250 Jewish doctors and 940 Jewcomplete •with mechanized forces cloth and asked if it were apt ;erest in the movement and pro-America. ish dentists for service in German; cessed a desire, to learn more and Planes." mandatory that something like it bout it. I found misconceptions (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- military hospitals, the King-Hall News Letter reported this week.. It is the task of the chaplains be used during a Jewish service. like theirs frequent. graphic Agency, Inc.) to minister to these men, to satisUpon examination I discovered At one meal, a chance remark fy their spiritual needs, to guide it to be a fragment of a prayer about food led to a discussion of them morally, to care for them in shawl, which lie had used, to- the significance of Kashruth, and - ti:ne of illness, and even to ren-gether with a Bible, to conduct ihence into a lengthy der physical aid where necessary. services for the Jewish boys a t of the importance of adiscussion minority I am the only Jewish chaplain least once during each training ;roup in a democracy, tho danIn a group of forty, the rest all period. He had originally received of propaganda, the fifth colCatholics and Protestants. The this equipment from a rabbi dur- gers veteran colonel in charge of our ing the Wortd War and had kept umn techniques of anti-Semites. Questions are asked of me each group greeted me with a hand- it for 22 years, in a conscientious shake and the comment, "Yes- effort to conduct genuinely Jew- day, more often by non-Jews than our own boys, and asked with a Blree, you're the only cat of your ish services. sincere for informatUra. I kind in this part of the alley, and He asked for further informa- had to desire explain one day that the •we're mighty glad to have you." tion on Jewish services, and addlittle knife dangling from my Traveled ed: "When I'm retired I'm going watch chain was ornamental only, The Protestant and Catholic to enter one of your Jewish sem. chaplains are spread out down inaries and learn what it's really and not used to slaughter chickens or perform circumcisions. the line through the divisious, all about." I spoke to many of the Jewish brigades and regiments. As the Sky Patrol Alfred Mayer • • Howard Kaplan boys, and found them unswerving only Jewish chaplain I have to We travelling chaplains call travel around the territory seek- ourselves the "Sky Patrol Bat- in their loyalty and devotion to 902-03 City Nat'L Bk. Bldg. . AT 6 5 0 0 ing co-religionists among the uni- talion," and we get a fine recep- the country which has been the best friend of our people. An formed men. tion wherever we go. Many peoI carry with me prayer books, ple comment on the sight of three eager desire to serve, and to help Bibles, Jewish calendars and sta-clergymen, Catholic, Protestant, defend these shores against any tionery, supplied by the Commit- and Jew, working together. We foreign elements was common. In tho United States Army we tee for Army and Navy of the live daily the life of perfect have a mighty bulwark of deJewish Welfare Board. In short, brotherhood. I constltuto a travelling synaAs a chaplain one ia immedi- fense, ready in time of war to gogue, a n d conduct services ately ranked as a first lieuten- protect our nation, and in timo "wherever I contact members of ant. This is quite a high rank, of peace moulding character and my flock. Moses certainly had but at headquarters you feel like cementing bonds of friendship I nothing on me with his portable a peanut in a sack of captains, and brotherhood among the thou'' ^Tabernacles in the wilderness. majors, colonels and generals. sands of men who march.shoulder i . On my first day on duty. I had These men are really the top men l a most interesting experience. I in our army, and I was particu- Widow wishes to altare her was sitting in the chaplain's tent larly anxious to get their reac>hen a buck private entered and tions to a Jewish chaplain. I lovely home 'with coaple— Ealuted. In a halting voice he be-shied clear of generals, but did or will rent room to single ' gan to speak, asking it I could have opportunities to discuss mat- person. AT 4530. obtain transportation for him ters with others of high rank. '. into jDgdensburg, a nearby city. Many were the questions, they [When asked for what purpose, he asked about Jews and Judaism, For.Rent—8 room house . • stammered that he was Jewish and I .-was; the first man with partially furnished. Recentand that according to hia faith whom they had ever had opporlie had to go to a synagogue once tunity to converse freely on these ly redecorated. G a r a g e . , each year on the anniversary of subjects. I was a fellow officer, WA 37OO. Ills father's death. and they felt that I could be ' I smiled at him reassuringly trusted as an authority. I was and told him I would see to it "one of the boys." For Rent 2 rooms for Uni-that transportation would be pro- One colonel wanted, to know versity students; each large vided. "I understand," I added, how many Jewish boys were in enough for two persona—' **>ToTa see, I'm a Jewish chaplain." our area. Ho had an idea thero reasonable rent. 22OO Q For the first time he the no-were very few and not in propor- Street. Lincoln, Nebr. ' tlced that my chaplain's insignia tion to the civil population. Tho bore the tablets of the law with the Star of David, instead of the usual cross, and his face lighted gjj§gg|gjB||||||gpSBi»sa^ai
Grace-Mayer Co*.
• ••
Assisted; "My, but it feels good to know that we have a rabbi in our midst," he exclaimed. "I must tell the boys about it," and oft he dashed. . The army officials went out of their way to help our Jewish ser.Vices. "Orders went out. throughout tho camns, and at one service 6 major personally brought down ft boy from one of bis companies, to make sure that he would' not l>e stopped on the "way." _ At the conclusion of one service J asked any mourners present to Join me in reciting th,o "Kaddish." There were none. {Then I asjjed how many who had lost one or both ot their parents, bad not said the "Eaddloh" at all during the year. Seven hands
of Bargains
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BUY ON YOUR OWN TERMS Oca't Invest a Dollar hi fins Fureifuro UnH] You Soo Scans Offerings Mtms&t Sroaxo* Aluminam, Soft Gray Iron and Sefiai-Stwri Caatisga, Wood ©ad H@t$t3 Patterns «ms3 Sash
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W f c f c - carried ia etodb mtA C&8* I
''z foOcncSa—Ws'CARMANSfcTCccltmio
Friday, August 23, 1940
country, and w h e n the revolutions failed they fled to the United S t a t e s . How familiar that sounds. "Today, also, people are being oppressed in Europe. The story of the barbarous &nd worse t h & a medieval persecution of the Jews Nazi Treatment of Jews — a race that lias done so much. to improve the culture of these Condemned as countries and our own — is tha Barbarous most tragic in human history. "Today there are millions o£ By Henry Montor Elw&od, lad. (WNS) — The Nazi treatment of Jews was con- refugees who d e s i r e sanctuary and opportunity in America, just There are times when the Jew not suppress the virtues of kind- and returned as one of the hard- demned as "barbarous fend wefcse as in my grandparents' time. The "needs the opiate of sentimental- liness and tolerance. e n e d , soft-spoken adventuring than mediev&V' by Wendell L. protection of our own labor and Jake Cohen is not a cheap hero souls who made t h e United Willkie, llepublican s t a n d a r d agriculture prevents us from ad« ity. When the rigors of reality bearer, ia a speech formally acbecome too burdensome, it is and not even a saint, though his States. the Republican nomina- initting more than a few of thenu soothing to be reminded of the character commanded affection But the American scene is only cepting their misery and their sufpossession of the virtues of de- and reverence from those who one section of the kaleidoscope o tion for the Presidency, before u But fering make us resolve to prevast throng of 150,000 persons. knew him well. Jake Cohen stood cency, humility a n d courage "Candles in the Night." serve our country as a land free which a large part of the world up against crude arrogance and • Gorky's story of he Jewish boy Disclosing that his own grand- of lyjtte and bitterness, of racial brutality despite the physical who performed acrobatics to save parents were once victims of Eur- and class.distinction. . denies to the Jew. I pledge you dangers to himself. He hated war opean persecution, Mr. Willkie "Never before in history . . ." and yet when called upon served himself from a thrashing at th declared that "I have fought from that kind of America;" ta a phrase that has been exten- with quiet distinction and brav- hands of hostile Russian young In closing his address, the Reis sympatomatic of the com boyhood against all these restricsively minted in these days, as ery. One need not emphasize the sters tions, discriminations, and tyran- publican nominee declared: "We passion which the great prolelar expression has been given to the parable qualities of Dawson's ian writer had for all of Rus- ny. And I am still .fighting." must know that the truth c a a darksomeness of the evils suf- story in these days. "I have more reason than most only be reached by the expression. sia's underprivileged. The ability fered currently by Jews. This Bense of lncomparableness in Professor Max Gottlieb is a to endure patiently and to accep of you," Mr. Willkie said, "to of our free opinions, without fear tragedy may act as balm to some more familiar figure to American in dignity burdens irresistibly im- feel strongly about this because and without rancor. We must acmartyrs but there is much mon readers. He is the scientist who posed from outside are qualities the United States gave to my fam- knowledge that all are equal bestrength to be derived from tin was the inspiration for "Arrow- reflected in most of the charac ily their first chance for a free fore God and before the law. knowledge that in times past th< smith," Sinclair Lewis's contribu- ters who people Mr. Baron's col life. The ancestors of both my "And we must learn to abhor hardships have been as great, i tion to the enshrinement of med- lection from all countries. father and my mother, like the those disruptive pressures, whe• not greater, and that time hai ical and scientific ideals. Out of ancestors of millions of Ameri- ther religious or political or ecAnatole rescued Jews from many mael that book has been gathered tocans, lived in Central • Europe. onomic, that the enemies of liberIn the pre-Hitler period, Ana Btroms -and flung them on pleas gether the pieces constituting the tole Prance's amusing dismissa were humble people —r ty employ.' anter shores. character sketch of the great iin- of - anti-semitisin had substance. not"They members of the ruling or the who was remembered It is contained in a chapter of wealthy classes. Two purposes, then, are served munologist Their opportuniTo Aid Palestine only as a German Jew during the by a book of short stories tha war. What is most striking about "The Amethyst Ring," w h o s e ties were restricted by discriminhas been complied by Joseph L. Gottlieb, especially today, is that hero, M. Bergeret reminds one o atory laws and class distinctions. New York (JTA) — At the urgBaron of Milwaukee and Issued he symbolizes the 'life and death' the local French anti-Semites that One was exiled because of his re- ent plea of the chief rabbinate and by the Jewish Publication Society. not merely of a man but of a since he has quarreled with the ligion; another was persecuted of the leaders of the various religFirst, it reminds Jews that no large part of a people. That he Jews he should be careful to owe because he believed in the prin- ious religious education and charall the world is inoculated with was a Jew was a fact of which he them nothing - - and to give then1 ciples of tho French Revolution; ity institutions of Palestine, a the virus of Jew-hatred and tha was never aware except as he was back the God they took from the and still another was jailed for council of rabbis and Jewish laymen of culture, representative o brutally reminded of it by those Jews. insisting on the rights of f r e e men in the United States has beea many nations, have undertook who disliked him. Despite the glibness with whicli speech. formed to aid these great instituand sympathized with the prob the assertion is made that not Parents Were Refugees tions. The Federated Council of All Masterpieces lems of the Jewish people. the middle ages witnessed "My grandparents lived in Ger- Palestine Institutions is sponsored There is hardly a story in Mr. even Secondly, it provides a panor Baron's the sorrows experienced by Jews many. They were supporters of by the Central Relief Coinmitte3 collection that is not a ama of struggle and despair, o today, it would be difficult to the democratic revolutions In that and by the Union of Orthodox integrity and self-respect tha masterpiece in concise, effective find a more harrowing narrative Rabbis, ' ought to be bolstering to Jews story-telling. "Sheener" is. Ben that reflected a period than Count of the volume and for the disAmes William's portrait of the Watching the dark tides of hate Villiers de l'lsle Adam's " T h e Returns , i Inundating the world as though youthful, sporty circulation man- Torture of Hope." Cruelty today criminating intelligence w i t h it were the flood of Noah's time, ager who patiently &ryl self-deny- has its refinements, b u t it is which the idea was transformed into "Candles in the Night." Jews ingly looked after a janitor who Jerusalem (JTA) — Treasurer whether it exceeds in who ; From Boccaccio a r e frightened, depressed Eliezer Kaplan of the J e w i s h . seemed to "Sheener" to have doubtful preciousness the savagery of the - The book is . "Candles in the breeding and culture. "Sheener" Inquisition period. The story of and self-contemptuous - - and es- Agency for Palestine arrived her© NighV subtitled "Jewish Tales deprecated his own looks, his Rabbi Aser Abarabanel's attempt- pecially those who enjoy short last week from the United States by Gentile Authors." From Bo- clothes, his breeding and was per- ed escape from the prison where stories well told - - will find many after an all-air trip that took of amusement and stimu- him across the Pacific, China and ccaccio through Maxim Gorky and fectly content to be snubbed when was to be persuaded to accept hours lation in "Candles In tho Night." India. He landed by seaplane oa Btrindberg to Sinclair Lewis and the man whom he had nursed and he is certainly as tense (Copyright, Coningsby Dawson, the collection kept alive was restored to posi- Christianity 1940, by Seven Arts Lake Tiberias. He left San Franas Henry James' "The Turning of Is Catholic in the variety of its tion. Weatbrook Pegler might the Screw," even though much Feature Syndicate) cisco July 30. national origins, backgrounds and like to re-read "Sheener," ' themes. Mr. Baron, the editor The character of Jacob Stein, briefer. In a way, Per Hillstrom's "Arhas made the volume meaningful the scholar turned Indian scout •because of the high literary stan- before the American Revolution, sareth" is the climax of this coldards which have governed his is no less effectively drawn by lection. It depicts Jews sunk to Selections and because he has Stephen Vincent Benet, though the lgwest level of degradation. carefully refrained from the triv- one can hardly overlook the halt- A Messianic hope briefly lights ial and the mawkish that might ing tongue in which the story is their dark ghetto world. For a have given the reader a reason told. It may 4)e an attempt at short night they exult in courage lor self-righteousness. the biblical in style but occasion- and defiance. They quickly sink ' - Farrar & Rlnehart have issued ally it has overtones of Milt back into lethargy and despair, the trade edition of- "Candles in but the remembrance of the flare ' the Night." Perhaps that imprint Gross. of self-affirmation must undoubtIt is the chronicle of an early ''might make it more respectable American settler who came from edly offer ointment to t h e i r lor Jews to order, the book than Germany to the colonies to be wounded spirits. if the Imprimatur of "Jewish able to continue his studies, He I.'.L. Carglale's gruesome "The Publication Society" alone were was physically frail. He had nev- Easter Torch," and Eliza Ore3involved. er known the outdoors, t/ertain- zko's "Give Me a Flower!" are : The fact that the editor is a ly he had never experienced tho among the other outstanding seleading rabbi in Milwaukee has lections in a uniformly exciting of pioneer country. also , been slurred over—not be- hardships But having riiade a decision, pageant of Jewish life and characcause his profession invalidates his rights to literary capacity but Jacob Stein went into the wilder- ter through the centuries. The Jewish Publication Society because of the extraordinary at- ness for beaver, m a d e maps, titude which Jewish book-buyers, stood up defiantly, against t h e of America and Joseph L. Baron «o significant a segment of the Shewnees and their burning stake jointly deserve praise for the Idea American literary market, have adopted generally toward volumes \n which Jews are portrayed. -. :They might he prepared to read Robert Neumann's "By the Waters of Babylon," a violent dia; tribe against Jews as such, but would hesitate long before ordering "Candles in the Night." Perhaps publishers might invoke the 0cnulno Imported practice used by the manufacturers of certain proprietary medicines, who-send their goods in .plain wrappers. Pino W r i n g s There is fine writing and great character in "Candles in the Night." • Take, for example, Coningsby Dawson's short story "Tho Unknown Soldier."- Is it possible that Jake Cohen is lying under the simple headstone that dominates (Do you remember bow mucSi the amphitheatre at Arlington? xnora they ua« tJ be?) .Dawson recounts the mystic one yet altogether credible tale of the -From grandmother to little sisAsk any man about Harris life of tho tailor who was a paci- ter, everybody likes Kellogg's Rice fist and who, even In war, could Tweeds . . . haw handsomely Krispies. They're America's N o . t
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MORRIS AIZENBERG, Corre&pondeikt
There will be a board meeting of the Council Bluffs chapter of Hadassah, Wednesday, August 21, at the home of Mrs. Harry L. Cherniss, 119 South Eighth.
VISITOE FROM CANADA Mrs. M. Steimen of Winnipeg, Canada, is visiting at the home of Leaders of the six Young Ju- her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. daea groups met to make arrangeWith bijt a week left until the ments for the fall program at theand Mrs. A. Leibovitz. . Bummer cornbelt regional AZA home of Dorothy Merlin Thurs- Yesterday, Mrs. Leibovitz enterconvention, all plans are being day evening. An effort to enroll tained her sister at a dessert luncheon at her home, and many elaborately executed. General co- one hundred children in the chairman, Harold Grueskin and Young Judaea groups will be affairs for next week are being planned in her honor. < '; Toby Scblndler and their commit- made. Mrs. Steiuiatt will be a visitor tee chairmen are greatly pleased Young Judaea offers youth a with the enthusiastic responsesflue program of Judaism and Am- litre fur about two weeks. On the part of the out-of-town ericanism. Young Judaea aims to RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA chapters. encourage its members to: . Mrs. Joe Passer and daughter, The program of the conclave 1. Be loyal t o America and Eleanor, and mother, Mrs. Dave will be divided into three parts. devoted to the 'Jewish people. Cohen, returned last week from The morning events will include S. Keep a healthy mind and a California where they were visitregistration, a softball tourna- healthy body. ing for a month. ment, a tennis tournament, con8. Le&ra all lie can about his cluding with a noon luncheon. people. HERE The second part of the program 4. Believe that the restoration VISITS Morris Lipp of the Fremont consists of a track meet and a of the Jewish Homeland ia Palespicnic in conjunction with B'nai tine is the Iiighcst practical Meal Morning Guide was v i s i t i n g friends in Council Bluffs and OmB'rith. that the Jewish people must ful- aha over the past week-end. The main event of the conclave fill. is the annual sweetheart dance. 5. Be proud of his heritage CONVALESCING At this time "Yehudi" will be re- and traditions. London, daughter of vealed. The hostesses and candi0. Stand by his community, Mr,Miss'June and Mrs. Louis London, Is dates for tho sweetheart are: his country, and his people. convalescing at her home, 201 Misses Lois' Novitsky, Lorraine North First, after an operation at Bailin, Marjorie Weinberg, Ituth Orthodox Synagogues the Methodist hospital. Weiner, Grace Silver and Gertrude Mirkin. Tickets for this dance are now Services will begin Friday night TO CALIFORNIA on sale to the public and on be- at 7:15 and In the morning at 9 Miss Arlene Krasne left last half of AZA and B'nai B'rith ev- o'clock. Rabbi Bolotnlkov will week for hos Angeles, Calif., eryone is urged to respond to the speak in the morning at the Beth where she will attend Berkeley Abraham synagogue. university this fall. ' sale.
Junior Hadassoh
save consists of his breweries in Palestine . . . Pierre van Paassen Palestine . . . Dr. Nafcum Gold- is preparing a pl&y of a political inann has already succeeded in nature for early production . . . obtaining assistance for. political The Jewish Digest, a monthly on refugees from Europe who are in the style of the Headers Digest, but specializing in articles on danger of Nassi vengeance . . . Jewish subjects (in English, of ¥OU SHOULD ENOW The liest&m Advocate's Carl A! coarse), is definitely going to appert Ksut the B'n&i li'ritlt's Brr^ pear in September . . . It will also iu«rd Po&t&I Itisve accepted the contain original articles by some of associate editors of theof the best-known Jewish writers iKJis de|>ttitmcMt of the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia . . • ABOUT PEOPLEPhiladelphia's bibliophile Dr. A. Hats off to Dr. Paul Klapper, 8. W. Itosewbach is the head of President of Queens College, who the department . . . At tiie same recently refused a $8,©00 salary tii«e we may te'il you that the raise OH the grounds that his col« publication date of Votususe II of lege needs the money for other the Encyclopedia is not far offpurposes . . . Fall weddings will . . . From Baltimore comes news iiR-Iude that of Avrom Goldstein, that the Nei> Israel Rabbinical sou of Dr. Israel Goldstein of New College has jujst pui'chasgd a large York's Congregation B'nai Jesh« tract of land upon which a dormi- urun . . . That the charming Mrs. tory housing 150 students is toGoldstein and the youthful Presi* be biiilt . . . lialtinioreKits call this dcut of the Jewish National Fund seminary their "IiiiMe League of and Chairman of the Palestine Nations," as its student bwly in- Pavilion Hoard should have a son cludes yotiisg men not only from of marriageable age may come as the United Btetes and Canada but a great shock to our readers, but from Palestine, Poland, Austria, such is the fact—and very proud Czechoslovakia and (jet-many fts the Goldsteins are of it, too . • . well . . . A series of faiuou.s band leaders LITMtAItY DEPARTMENT have hern appeal big at Andron's Dou't miss Edward L. Bernays' Mountain House, Iltvisies Falls, N. published address on "Fighting Y.—Emery Diutsch, Phil SpltaV> the Fifth Column in the Ameri- ny, Jacques Renaid and DavQ cas," which he delivered before ApoIIoit—and so Murray Rumsey, the Institute of Public Affairs . ' . entertainment director, suggested You can get a copy by writing to that'the hotel hold a sort of SAISBthe. Institute at the University of burg musical festival . , . Object* Virginia, at Charlottesville . . . cd Appolon: "Who in this guy A must for your reading-list ia Salssherg, lie should get t h e Little Blue Book No. 1761,. pub- plug?" . . . We were right about lished by E. Haldeinanu-Jullua Franz' Werfel , . . His America* . . . It's called "America's little attorney, Louis Kfccr, has reHitlers," and is authored, by Roy ceived a cable revealing that Weiw Toziej", research' director for the fel is safe and bound in the south* Friends of Democracy . . . tucl- cm part of Frsnce, tho area un* dentally, the Rev. L. M.'Birkhead, occupied by Na?iv . . , Begin* national director of the Friends Kolitz, executive director of the of Democracy, is doing a swell American contmiilce active in the job in his ruthless exposure of support of the Dore&li Zion School Nazi and Fascist organizations in in Jerusalem, WA<J overjoyed rethis country . . , Louis Lipsky is cently when blio received a con* preparing a book for publication tribution to iho (school's free . . . It will not deal with a Zion- lunch fund from tho First Lady ist subject ... . We hear, by the of the land . . . way, th^t Mr. Lipsky has resigned (Copyright, 1940, by Seven ArU from the editorship of the New Feature Syndicate)
IN CHICAGO Mr. Joe Katelman left. WednesSociety Nev/s At the initial board meeting of day night for a few days' stay in Junior Hadassah the following liicago, 111. chairmen were named: PalestinBARON-FRIEDMAN ian, Nell Synikin; Young Judaea, RETURN HOME Miss Maxine Leibovitz and her The wedding of M i s s Sylvia Rozanna Dikel; Publicity, Mary Friedman, daughter of Mr. andRozofsky; ""Membership, R o s a - cousin, Gene Telpner, returned Mrs. M. E. Friedman, to Arnold Wigodsky; Assistant Pro- home last week from a two weeks Baron, son of Mrs. Dora Baron, belle visit in Winnipeg, Canada. Sophia Franklin. will be an event of this Sunday, gram, The next board meeting will be August 18, at 8 p. m. at Shaare held August 29. IIICAGOAN GUEST Zion Synagogue. Mrs. .B. Yudelson has as her Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Finkenstein guest for thla week, Mrs. I. Co• of Los Angeles are visiting at the PROM WINONA hen of Chicago, 111. E. Friedman home and plan to at- Mrs. Abe Cohen of Winona, tend the wedding of their grand- Minn., is visiting with relatives RETURN FROM ST. LOUIS and friends. Mrs. Cohen is the Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Katelman daughter, Sylvia. and son, Buddy, and, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman of former Esther Mirkin. IiOS Angeles and Mrs. Phil FrledHarriet, returned yesterday after . a week's «atay in St. Louis, Mo. lnan of Wessington, South Dako- HONOR BRIDE Honoring Miss Goldie Devine, ta, are also visiting at the Frleda bride-elect, Miss Jan Lebowlch jtnan home. will entertain at a miscellaneous Strictly Confidential shower this evening; Mali Jong ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT (Continued from page 11.) Mr. and Mrs. N. Sadoff, 21112 and bridge will be the diversion Kennedy drive, announced the en-ot the evening. the European office of the Jewish gagement of their daughter, SaMorning Journal, who is now visrah, to Reverend Morria Fernlclt, BOLOTNIKOVS RETURN eon of S. Pernlck of New York. Rabbi and Mrs. S. I. Bolotnikov iting this country, tells us that Reverend Morris Pernick is can-returned home from their vaca- ngland is afraid that Hitler will tor at the Shaare Zion synagogue. tion this past week. give up Wa plan' of'invading the Miss Sadoff attended tho UniBritish Isles . . The Brltona know yersity of Iowa whero ehe wasAT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mlttleman they can* give Adolf a licking on affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau and now ia attending Morning- are now living at 107 Princeton their home ground . .... M. Louisa Bide. Reverend Pernlck'attended Apts., 19th and Dodge, in Omaha. Dreyfus, the big French Jewish the College of the City of NewMrs. Mlttleman ia the former Rose financier who has managed to es,York and is a graduate of theBashefskin of Sioux City. cape to this country, has long JJTeshlva of New York. been Mussolini's pet hate . . . It The wedding will take place ON BUYING TRIP Mr. Harry Fish, 1715 Center, was Louis-Dreyfus who even beEometimo in December. > is in Kansas City on a buying fore the war refused to sell wheat trip. CtUESTS HERE to Italy . . . Today he is a poor Mr. and Mrs. Hy Shrier of OmaVISITS IN OMAHA man . . . The only one of his inIia were guests this past week in the home of Dr. and Mrs. M. Miss Thelma Shindler, 2009 vestments that he was able to Blank, 401 Sioux apartments. Jennings street, visited for the £{rs. Shrier ia a daughter of Dr.past week with friends in Omaha. MILTON E. FBOHM, Atty. find Mrs. Blank. 1004 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bids. FROM CHICAGO NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL • Visitors last week in the S. B O D M O I N E S •-• Lunin and Max Epstein homes In the County Court pi tiouglas County, Miss Lillian North of Des the Messrs. Hymle and Si- N e b r a s k a . •'•.'•' '.'• / IMoines is visiting here with Miss were tho Matter of the Estate of Martin Anabelle Satin, 1710 Jones Btreet. mon Plass of New York City, and BetiIn Pearson,Mrs. Lamport and son, Alvln, of All persons Deceased. Interested In said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been Chicago, III. Mr. andJMra. Marvin Krockover filed to said Court, praying for the prpbata ot a certain Instrument now on file returned after a week's visit with MATZ-DEVINE in said Court, purporting to bo tho last • relatives in Kansas City. will testament^ of said deceased, and Mrs. A. Devine, 1613 Center, that"'and a hearing - will be bad on said petiannounces the marriage .of her tion before said Court on. the 21th day oi .GOLDSTEINS' ANNIVERSARY August, 1010, and that it they fall- to apdaughter, Goldie, to Mr. Sidney peal ' ; On the occasion of their fifth Matz, at said Court on the said 21th day son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam August, 1010, at 0 o'clock A. M.,- to Redding anniversary, -Rabbi and Matz, 1G19 Cook Btreet, on Sun-of contest the probate of said will, the Court Sirs. Albert S. Goldstein enterallow and probato said will and August 18. The ceremony may grant administration of said estate to tained their friends last Sunday day, will take place at two o'clock at Delia Pearson or eomo other suitable perAfternoon at their home, 1919 enter ja. decree of hclrahlp, and probride's home. Rabbi Jacob son,, ceed to a settlement thereof. iGrandvlew boulevard. Assisting tbo M. Brown will officiate/ A reBUYCEI CRAWFORD, hostesses were Mrs. Sam- Green- ception will be held between the 8-2-10-3t. • County Judge. stone, Mrs. Ben Glazer, Mrs. M.hours of three and fire. No in'A. Weiner, Mrs. Lionel London, vitations have been Issued. WEBB, nKBER, KMJTZNICK . Ss KELM3Y, Atty»., . JMrs. Herman Slotsky, Mra. Jack S0O Service Ufa Bids.,, Boblnson, Mrs, Lip Weinberg, Ornate, Nebraska JSfra. Jake Kalin, Mrs. H. S. No- Palestinians Interned NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION vitsky, Mra.E. N. Gruesliin, Mrs. Notice ia hereby given that the partner* Vichy, Prance (JTA) — Forty ship heretofore existing between DAVI0 as Eosonstock, Mra Adojph Da.and' DAVID POTASH under tha s, Mrs. Herman Miller, Mrs. Hy- Palestine- citizens have been in- EOKEF firm namo of "West Q Coal Cqmapny,", Fishgall and Mrs. Lou Ag-terned by tho Germans at Paris, also" known as "West Q Coal and Feel it was reported here. Men over Company," and doing business at Omaha; Nebraska, baa been this day dissolved by Bixty apd. women were not af-mutual consent. David., soraf boa retired fected.." from eatd firm fiad biulnsss. Tbe feafd HfMBrOBS CHIOAGOAN , David PotMh trill coatlmie business at Usa '-• jKfft. Umla Fish,. 1,900 Isabella, gams placa and trader U» same nstae. , Great forced • £>&&& &t'Ojs&lia K«Vrag&& this 6U» • 9&i«rteined tor Mrs. Jack LJpman' ilia ' \Iff-'Qbfcago,. who la-tho. "former to *uy C ' jBfgabeta &&skia,, -with - a * one j "<•••»•••''-•
; >
Automatic hot wMoi really -\psp3....^ou uj>l. .Enfoy having pleat? of ho? water, dkrasa on tap* for a qulckf scap? shower • » • refreshing tub bath . • . easier homo lauados?> ing , . . all household nooda. Electric Water Hooting requires no cars or attention! Just inslall it and forget it! i
Electric water heating is dependable an{3 eafe. And it's amazingly cheap to enjoy* The Nebraska fowo? Company has c o ^ slstently reduced its electric rates . . . today they are among the lowest In tho nation!