ifii.lered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 81, 1931, at Postofflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, 1878
VOL. XVII—No. 4 3
Kepeal Law A
The Beth El Hebrew School began its work Thursday in the new Synagogue building at 49th and Farnain streets under the direction of Mr. Sol Kahz and Cantor Aaron Edgar. Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman of the school board, announces Reception Recruiting to Be Done in that new students will be acceptSpecia Government Permits Talmud Study Group All Parts of ed only until September 15. II • • '* To Start Sessions is necessary to make this rule for | Attacks on World the sake of the efficient functionArrangemery " ' ,ueen com- The Talmud Study group epoiiReligion London (WNS)—Plans for the ing of the school. pleted by the J ,.y Commit sored by the Union of Orthodox ' formation of a world-wide Jewish tee of the Si^«-»^,. . ,t,h>r the reLondon (WNS) — AH persons Registration for the Beth El ception to be held following ' army of at least 100,000 men to the Congregations will start • its sesfight with the British troops Sabbath School will be taken Sun- Temple Israel Anniversary serv- sions Wednesday at 8 p. m. at in un - occupied P r a n c e, imprisoned for'violently anti-SeiMf•gainst Nazi Germany were an day morning, September 8, from ice, Friday evening, September the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel tic speeches or writings undesf nounced here by A. Abrahams, 10 to 12 at the new building, 20. the provisions of the racial - de-head of the political department 49 th and Farnam. t Past presidents of the Sister- Synagogue. famation law of 1030, have been Mrs. Dave Colin, chairman of hood have been asked to serve on •f the New Zionist Organization. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will granted full amnesty by Che l'eThe first 100,000 men, Mr.the school board, and Mrs. Wil-the reception committee. These Abrahams declared at a press con- liam Alberts, co-chairman, will be are: Mesdames L. M; Cohn, Na- speak Saturday morning at the tain regime, it was reported from Vichy, provisional French capital. . Xerence, would quickly be mus-in charge of registration. than Mantell, Cora Wolf, Harry B'nai Israel Synagogue. tered by recruiting in all parts T h e semi-totalitarian Petaia All children who come to reg-Rosenfeld, I. Rosenthal, Carl Sunday morning services are of the world. He said, however, ister must be accompanied by one Furth, Max Holzman, Ben Silver held at 9 at the B'nai Israel. government abrogated the racial that most of the recruiting would of their parents. defamation law, which forbid atand • B.ernhard Wolf. be done in the United States. tacks on individuals solely on the Members of the Hospitality basis of their race. Abrogation Mr. Abrahams said that t h e Committe, who will assist, are: of the law was expected to spur . proposed Jewish army would be Mrs. Edward Schimmel, chairman new anti-Semitic campaigns in " equipped by the British governof the Hospitality committee, and the French press and radio. ment, although an effort will be Mrs. Louis Somberg, co-chairman, By repealing the racial defamamade to have Jews provide fiand Mesdames Samuel Appelman, tion law, neutral observers here nancial support for themselves. Joseph Welnberg and Sam Saltzsaid, the French government has Ho mentioned also the possibility man. a n t i - Semitism a n d it a Jewish branch of the Royal Also serving on the Reception Closing Banner Campfire legalized served notice on Fascist elements Air Force, which would, he said, Rabbi Jolt of Lincoln Will committee are: Mesdames EdHeld Saturday that there will be no reprisals for attract Jewish pilots and wireless Serve as Hillel ward Treller, David RosenBtbck, Night anti-Jewish outbursts a n d demoperators in the United States. J. J.. Friedman, Manning Han1 Director Individual members of Parliaonstrations. dler, Julius Newman, Richard ment and the Cabinet have given In the natural setting of t h e At the same time, the governEinstein, Mel Barkin and Sam Washington, D. C.—Establishthe plan their support according ment council ring, Jay-C-C c a m p e r s ment suspended for three months Werthelmer, Jr. of a B'nai B'rith Hillel to Mr. Abrahams. The British Counselorship a t the University gathered last Saturday evening the newspaper, "Marianne," dePouring Committee government h a d raised certain of Nebraska a s part of it major Members of the Pouring Com- for the closing banner campfire scribed as the only leftist periodiobjections, but these could be expansion i n the scope of t h e mittee cal still published in France, for are:' .Mrs. . Louis Hlller, of the summer. Overcome, Revisionist spokesmen HUM movement providing . f o r Mrs. Abe Highlight of the council was publishing an article denouncing Goldstein, Mrs. Morris . Mid. creation of 12 new units a t m Jacobs, and Mrs. Sain Werthelm- the presentation of a pageant en- racism by Bernard Lecache. titled "The Menorah of Camp." NsaSs. Denounce -Writer ; ' Creation of a Jewish Army, many universities was announced , er. which would fight under the tMs week a t B ' n a i l i ' r i t h head- ,. ..Mrs, ..David Wiee and Mrs. Da- The 1Q rustic tomhm of t h e ;.:Lac&chei. ',who« .oncg .staged ait Jewish flag against Germany, hgS quarters Iiere by Henry Monskjr, vid Rosenstock are in charge of menorah were lit in t u r a , by exhibition «f '--anti-Iutler carica* campers representing the quali- tures which resulted in an official been the pet scheme of the late president of. B'nai R'rith a n d decorations for the tea table.; Zionist-Revisionist leader, Vladi- chairman of its National Hillel protest from the Germany EmMrs. Samuel Robinson is presi- ties of the good camper. mir Jatotlnfjky, who went to the Commission. Participants in the p a g e a n t bassy, bad been refused permis„ i . dent of, the Temple Sisterhood. United States to enlist support , (Continued *>n Page 5.) sion to continue publication of The.service and reception ' "will At the same time, Mr. Morisky for the "project. his own newspaper, "Droit do open the'three-dayobservance of announced that Rabbi Harry Jolt; Vivre," in Algeria. spiritual leader of Congregation the Seventieth.Anniversary of the The Nazi-controlled Paris radio Tifereth Israel, Lincoln; Neb.', h a s Temple. Saturday night a bandeclared: " I t . is w i t h special been named director of the Hillel quet and pageant will be held at astonishment that we Germans Counselorship.at Nebraska,. Rabbi the Blackstone hotel. Serving on register the fact that "Marinno' Jolt. Will, organise a program^ of the Decorations committee for the haa opened Its columns to Berncultural, rellgiousland social wel- banquet, are: -Mesdames Samuel ard Lacache, the notorious Jew fare activities forHho 100 Jewish] Robinson, Morris Jacobs, Edward students at the University of Ne- Schlmmei, David Goldman, Mor- , Jerusalem! (JTA)—The fourth who is an inveterate war monger, Rabbi Isaiah Rackoysky of the braska. ;<;• •"•• ;. .-• [. \ .' •;. V.. . • '•••ris Levy, Louis Hiller, MHtoii Italian air raid ou Haifa result- one of the worst enemies of NaUnion of Orthodox Congregations Opening of the hew H i .11 e I Abrahams, Fre# Rosenstock and ed in 26 casualties, none of them tional Socialist Germany, a man fatalities, it was -officially an- who since 1933 has not ceased t o / Samuel Appelman. Iras elected a member of: the Na(Continued on Page i 0 . ) nounced. '•".•'•*. spit his Israelite venom at us. tional Committee of the FederatRome (JTA)— Italian airplanes "The Reich has shown- toward ed Council of Palestine Instituagain bombed Haifa, in a daylight its vanquished adversary proof oC tions. This organization was creraid, a military communique an- its generous, knightly spirit. Wo ated at the request ot, Chief Rabbi nounced. "A railway station and Germans already have s h o w u Herzog of Palestine to represent a new refinery were hit and great France once what it costs to proall religious agencies,and welfare fires broke out everywhere," the institutions independent of Zion, (Continued on Page 5.) ' communique said. "All Italian ist funds. machines returned safely to their - The Union of Orthodox Rabbis bases." and the American and Central Sixty years of married life will large tract which adjoins what London (JTA)—A Jewish ofRelief Committees a r e national organizations affiliated with this be observed Sunday, by Mr. and•is now. Miller park in the north- fer to raise a Palestine army, of Mrs.' Julius Sherman, who will ern section of Omaha'. 60,000 for service anywhere in group. , The national officers of .--this, receive their friends from 2 to 5 When the Shermans celebrated the British cause is now receivgroup are: President .A.'/Teitel- at the home of their son-in-law their golden wedding anniversary ing "sympathetic consideration" New York (WNS) — In "earnbaum; vice presidents, Gedaliah and daughter, Mr. and - Mrs. Leo in 1930 honored guest was Mr.by the British .government, the Sherman's father, who died re- diplomatic correspondent of the est support'' of President Boose* .-. Bublik, Harry Flschel, Professor Milder, 5000.Capitol avenue. velt's call to Americans to pray The Shermans, who have lived cently at the age of 96. He, too, London Dispatch reported. Nathan Isaacs, Hirsch Manischefor peace Sunday, September 8, < •\vltz and D. L. Meckler; secre- in Omaha for over a half century, had homesteaded in North Dathe co-chairmen of the National tary, A. Horowitz, and treasurer, came herp from the ill-fated col- kota. Conference of Christians a n d ony dt Devil's Lake, North DaArthur L. Mulkinsohn. Among the out-of-town guests Jews extended a call to 1 o c a 1 kota, an agricultural settlement who will be present at the recepunits of the organization In 2,000 founded in the early 'eighties by tion Sunday are Mrs. Louis Abracommunities .to join in observing 75 Jewish families. hamson of St. Paul, Mr. Sherthe day of prayer. ' Coming to this country shortly man's only sister,' and two sons, after their marriage, the' Sher- Nathan and Morris of Chicago. .Prof. Arthur H. Compton of Omaha B'nai B'rith lodge will Chicago university, Prof. Carltda mans first went to St. Paul. From Five other children, reside in hold its first regular meeting of J. there they went on* their home- O m Hayes of Columbia univera h a , David, Isaaore a n d this season on Monday evening, sityH. stead at Devil's Lake. Although George and Roger W, Straus of New' Sherman, Mrs. P h i l i p Registrations are now being crops at-the colony were excel- Rosenblatt and Mrs. Leo Milder. September 16, at the Jewish Com- York are the heads of this assotaken for the City Talmud Torah lent, early frosts killed the wheat The Shermans have 19 grand- munity Center starting at 8 p. m.ciation of laymen-and clergy of A representative of the United at its offices in the Jewish Com- before it coiHd be harvested. children and two great-grandchil- States navy will show sound mo- all American faiths. munity Center from 4 to 7:30. The colony had its own syna- dren. In making the announcement* tion pictures of naval activities. Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, national Mrs. Eva Konecky is in charge of gogue. Because of the difficulty Milton Frohm is chairman of the registration. director, emphasized the need of of kosher-slaughter, none of the 1 program committee. making America a land of peaces Children being: registered for settlers would eat meat. Unusual B'nai Writh Aids in Chairmen of all standing com- as well as achieving world peace* the' first time should be accom- hardships were experienced, sevmittees will present written reAlien Registration ports. Much preliminary work He said constituent g r o u p a eral of the colonists' freezing to panied by their parents'. ." throughout the . country will ba i Newcomers ~ to • the T a l m u d death during the severe winters. urged to pray" for peaceful relaV ^Forah will be ; entertained at an In Mirror • Business - At the request of the United has already been done tlbns a \ m o n g members of all Affair being planned.,'.. -'-•'. .' , After" five y e a r s at Devil's States Department of Justice, the faiths, races and economic groups ' Registrations for' the Sunday Lake, the Shermans c a m e to local lodge of B'nai B'rith is as- Temple School to, in ; the nation as well as for ;in> (School will be taken September O m a h a , where Mr. Sherman sisting in enforcement <5f the Open on Sept. 15 ternational peace based on brotlio opened a furniture shop. Later alien ,registration act. erhoodr JustiCQ and'libertyi ; : • he.taught himself the mirror busEach B'nai B'rith lodge in the '< London (WNS) —Fano Mach, iness and made all the mirrors country has appointed a special The Religious School of Temple ' "Every ^American i without, tfis Slovak minister of Interior,.'de- for'the .Trans-Mississippi Exposi- committee of three known as a Israel.will open Sunday, Septem- fold of organizia ieliglptt asjarell clared In1 a speech to farmers at tion which was held in Omaha in Legal Aid Committee. • j ' ber 15, at 10 o'clock. Both new as imanyv Christian o|ihd JewisliS Pressburg , Slovakia, that'.the gQv- .1898. . ,. ' , Members of the local group are and old pupils will come at this churchmen, aeefls to pra^« foe guidance as t * what course pef ernment planned to "remove all For a time Mr. Sherman was Louis LIpp,- Russell Blumenthal time. Jews to a special area where" they In-business with his New pupils should be accom- Unitea' States shwtfav*take'$$*>-,«• father in and Herbert Kaplan, . These men v jaui^'preTent 3es^ v -would be obliged to work, accordf- Grand Forks, N. D. On their re- will give legal assistance to aliens panied by a parent and should maintain -peace sqttflmV!\liQ : a4ae|, '^yr^h s:y?,;'::~±-•.•/• ,lng to the Warschauer Zeitung. turn to Nebraska they farmed a without charge for the service. come to the rabbit study.
?**• t«
of roads, btiMiEgs, sc&ools, -wat- ually seeks freedom. Perhaps, It ter time in a hundred years. TM er works, power plants, the army ia our heritage &&& princtsdra. tree itself--'has st&od on this E$D sEd the navy. We have fascism Perhaps it is the ideals that na*« some httEdred years and know; in a policeman, a health officer, & so l o n g been iE&edded in ourthat a iiundted years are oaiy likt -railway cominiEEioaer." la tbis ke&rts. Perhaps, it is the realixasprifcg, sunsHier, autuiaa'a&d win country we ksrstOBise the best {.tea that ises e&a liv« teget&Mr . ter'— so Quick. points of e&ca eyeteia &&§ tee cul- in peace &nd hastiness. ¥/fcste»er "A httEdred years," J exclaim (CoittiKued from Page 1.) ture and science of each nation. ft is I am glad ttat I might take. "I just can't wait that long. VI r "For tils is American, democ- part in these benefits. In general probably cot befae-reia a hundred •would he be allowed to' own a MY TREE it allows me to act the .way.I.ye&rs anyway. I just .can't wait business, except in a democracy racy. I have been sitting at this type- that long for a better time." think men should act. I hope that. like America's? Where else would "In tlie economics class. In. the writer for &n iicmr thiuklsg of I I be allowed to attend school? discussion dab, la periodicals, I can find my place in this'Amer- : Too Presumptuous BOmethiag to write about. I am •- . Where s e would my'brother find that all is not too well in ican democracy. empty. My whispering tree replies that •have thee lfree&oes "Because of t h e s e benefits of entering the • It seems that everything that my trouble is that I am too pre- trade lie chose? And we are treat- this country. 'One-third of the na- wSiea the stars aad stripes wwre tion is ill-fed, ill-clad, and illJnlght be written about the world susaptious. I, like all other peo- ed like human being! We do not sheltered. Ten million are la the I can truthfully gay. tkls is my and about Jews has beeu written. ple, exaggerate my importance. I have Elt on a special beach, nor raefca of the unemployed army, flag, my democratic America." ,What more is there to be to.id? should realize that my time on wear to a certain type of clothing. Tiiere are strikes and riots.' In $here can only be more wiingicg earth is but a fraction of aa in"For this American democracy the debate class 1 criticised the Of hands and to what g o o d is stant fa the pool of time. I am "Sometimes we git at home End government for sometimes Leiag Swastika Found to •; • that? More sighing and what the but an ittfitiitesiiaal epeck of all voice otir opinion on one subject corrupt a n d inefficient. I was Be of Semite Origin hell? More of being mad at ev- the or another. None of us need fear not p l a c e d in a eaace&trs,tiG& erything and it's too hot for that. Or, to put it iu another way, that somebody will report us to eassp. No one thought this was More of shaking a fist at'Hitler says the tree: I should count all -Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agenand Nazis and fifth columnists the leaves that grew on it in all a storm trooper. We can read any strange. We ail realised that this cy) — Evea the swastika filched b o o k , newspaper or magazine nation is not perfect nor does it and that doesn't get you. any- the hundred years. I am like one that is published and they are not claim to be. Democracy Is not sta- by Hitler from historic record* where either. of these leaves. That's all I am. censored. Y/e can go to sleep at tionary; It is progressive. It gives has been proved to be ot puro *. Once I laughed. I had a fellow la aa autumn I shall wither and Semitic origin. = named Shabbosdeckel w h o was Mow away and join ail the leaves night and be assured that we will us & chance to bring it nearer The excavations completed oil not be awakened and be dumped perfection because we know the my whipping boy for all self-crit- that have blown away and mingl7th at Tell el Jeriebeh (Naaerosa a border. We can awake truth. The significant point is that June icism. But I can't take it out on ed with the earth. poleon's Hill), between Tel Art* ... the morning and hear footwe are a frea people and have him anymore. People have writIf I thus realised my unimport- steps and 'know it is the milk the sower to demand and get im- and Pet&ch Ttkrtfh, has brought ten - me, What's become ot Shab- ance to light a w e a l t h of material the pain of the current mo- mart; not the gestapo.' provements. bosdeckel? which Professor Eleazar Sukenik ment wouldn't hurt me BO much. 1 "For this la American democ "For this Is American democ- of the Hebrew University will, Poor old Shabbosdeckel! He's my trea tells me.) racy. racy, worried enough, as everybody elae (So now study at his Department of • But I say, yes — but these horCan Go Anywhere is. So I've just dropped him. •tElils is My Flag' Archaeology. ; rible, ruthless changes that are , Once, In dull weeks, I could olng on in the world! They make "I can walk on any side of the His field expedition had con"Sometimes I become so contake a potshot at our clergy. But me almost w i s h that a-wind street -and carry myself with a cerned with my own small prob- ducted the "dig" oa this ancient I must let them alone now. They would come and blow me away kingly air for by law I am equal lem I pity myself. To avoid this site. A broken earthenware jug of are as bewildered as everybody with the leaves so that I might with anybody else. I can go into I begin to think of the millions the Bronze Ago 1,400-B. C. H.\\' else Is nowadays. The old prayers mingle with any public building and be treat- of people living in totalitarian had a swastika engraved on th* the earth. seem v 11 h o u t avail. The old ed with respect. I can speak with states under tyrannical rule. They handle. In the whispering of my tree I teachings a b o u t the righteous hear the reply: I'm a queer guy. my frienda and-Bay what I wish. have so little opportunity and I overcoming the evil doers teem I accept humbly all the changes My father can vote and does vote, have so much! I can prepare mySurveys Bigotry cancelled by Stukas a n d other that time and vicclsltude cause not because of duty, but because self and enter Into any vocation murderous mechanisms. New York (JTA) — A nationn myself, but I resent the world ot privilege. We feel proud that I like. I can got anywhere and Dreadful Doubts he does his part in the business deal with anyone. wide survey to determine the ex;hanglng. I get old and wrinkled The oldest members of the congray and I am no longer the of government. Those that are "For thia is American democ- tent to which religious and racial gregations are suffering dreadful and bigotry exists in the United States fellow the girls admired. I elected are not our masters, forc- racy. doubts: Is all the old teaching ;ay ing us to do their bidding; but today, is now being conducted by ake all that, saying, well, that's "Democracy is much more than really true? What of the prayers he way it goes. servants ready to do ours. tho declaration of Independence, The Voice, official organ ot'th* they have been sending up all For this is American democ- the constitution, and our laws. ommittee of Catholics for HuBut I can't tolerate the world their days? Religion is suffering acy. Other nations have had represent- man Rights a n d America, the changing. I insist that the world A blitzkrieg together with a lot "I have the privilege of attend- ative forms of government and Catholic review, it waa revealed of other decent things that_stood must remain as it was in my youth and in the youth of my ing a public high school. Here, havo lost it. It is beyond paper in the first anniversary edition Co long in the world. Once upon a time I could write parents and grandparents. If I perhaps, Is the greatest expres- and Ink. There is something about of The Voice which appeared on about anti-Semitism when there ooked at the changing world as sion of a democratic institution, tho American people that contin- the newsstands this week. was nothing else. One could take I look at my graying h e a d I n the first place the school is adhold of an anti-Semite and beat would take it all as philosophical- ministered by the public. No one the stuffing out of him through y: Well, so it goes. I m u s t is denied an education, not even the length of a whole column. But change and the world m u s t the poorest. It is truly a melting I feel ashamed to complain of my change. Out of my graying head pot for here are gathered stujjpecial Jewish pain when I read comes something of wisdom and dents of practically all nationali©t Englishmen taking h o u r l y peace adorns my wrinkling coun- ties, creeds, and color. There are enance. Perhaps by the travail Germans, I t a l i a n s , English, bombs in their stride. Then there was Hitler to write of change the world, too, will French, Chinese, Catholics, Proabout. One could hang him on a come in time to wisdom and to testants, Jews, w h i t e s , blacks, column and lash him and leave peace. (This is what I get from furthermore, not even the faculhim swinging alljbattered. But he whispering in the tree.) ty has the entire say so about this in times comes to trouble Nevertheless, I hope for some matters pertaining to the school. one's self-respect. It is like inter- miraculous turn that will bring There is a student council, comminably beating a swine. everything back to the""old ways. posed .of representatives of the , Once one coultl d r e a m . He tune in with the hopeful idea lupils, who are able to voice their thought he could see a consider- »f hearing that the British air d e a B in the operation of the able distance into the future and force h a s -driven all the Nazis chool. detect bright gleams e v e n on back where they c a m e from, "For this is American democdark days. If he was a Jew he (Though I am horribly fearful it racy. Could remember the way God. did may all be over for the. wo r a t No Concentration Camp %Wlth Pharaoh at the,Red Sea or before this Is printed.) • "In the physics class I read of * what happened to H a i n a n in I tune ,ln and get the bright laws discovered not only by AmerShushan. In both instances help Schwanda polka. That's better. icans, but also by Greeks, Gercame in the nick of time. mans, Italians. In the F r e n c h ' But flow there is no light at class I get benefit of French culall — nothing but thickest dark-' Backs War Effort ture. Democracy has a distinct adness all the way as far as Africa.. rantage of utilizing foreign proNothing good to dream of, nothMontreal (JTA) — W h o l e - gress when and where it sees fit. ing of which to say, Well, this is a. good Blgn. ' i • *".'••• hearted support for the Canadian Not only do we benefit by the sciGovernment's war e f f o r t was ence and culture but'also by their ," Once one could feel that no pledged last week by the -Mlzrachl political .systems. View the fact matter what happened, Palestine Organization of Cada at its second that we have socialism in the govwould always stand ~ as a happy annual contention. ernment ownership and operation No more frowns o* refuge. I didn't have to be a Zionist to see that Palestine was one clgho for yo%, whea good place left anyway. This was ' hubby p h o n o o ho'o comfort. But Bow Mussolini is bombing Haifa to get Palestine bringing Mo pal out to FC3 'ready as the way to empire for him and Hitler. (My Z i o n i s t dinner. Not vrhen cm friends aren't saying much about Electric Boaster automatically coolrs whole* that; it is something too tragic even to think about.) como moala for YOUI Elocbic Boasters chorton . A Gam Tree So what's there to write about, meal preparing. hours Into minutes. Start except that which would only rub - - U. S. T i r i e s enjoying greater cooMng freedom and tootle? salt in wounds that hurt enough? Perhaps I should write about my are known ever^ meals . .'. cools olocuicagyl tree^Old and strong lit stands on where for s a f e my lawn. It is a gum tree. . Moro leisure timo . . * batter living at iowo? I sit under it in the cool of the mileage. Your size' evening and w h e n a breeze is cost both or© saado possible b^ Nebraska blowing: I get its whisperings; es- is here - ••pecially; when I doze I can underPower Company SERVICE. Fox many yearsstand its whispers. v?o havo helped build tho communities m> It is snot a Jewish tree, as one Let us save you might th|nk who expects Jewish servo by co-operating in civic bottorment subjects to be discussed in a money with these projects and b y spending millions of dollars Jewish paper. It comforted the Christians who lived In my house extra safe, extra annually for taxes and payrolls. before I did. The other day a Negro paused under it to get i its mileage tires. shade against the heat of the af©art illc'sos jfcernoon. Its leafy branches extend-far over the sidewalk.-: • v l The Negro, stood under it some 2176 minutes. He seemed grateful, that at least trees are generous ®nd make on discriminations. : My tree is, in fact, a universal fcreo that treats, all people alike. I have seen its strong body bow In the wind as old men do before CJod in the synagogue." It gives me k, great deal of comfort in these troubled, times, especially when I &oz& and understand its whisperOR THE MEBi&SKA POWER COMPANY ing. _. - % . I t tolls me there may be a bet-
Page 1 1
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WAR ECHOES A hurry call has come from the British Isles for a large number of prints of Charlie Chaplin's film "The Dictator" . , . Government leaders in the beleaguered Islands feel that Chaplin's comedy about the mustached dictator will prove an excellent antidote against the nerve-strain of continuous air raids . . . Jewish physicians in Naziland have been granted the privilege of working in war hospitals . . . And so impressed are the military authorities with, their efficiency t h a t they're urging Hitler to call off his anti-Jewish policy f o r the sake of his military machine, a recently returned traveler tells us . . It's hard, though, to reconcile this with the rumor that Marshal Petain is rapidly losing favor in Hitler's eyes because of his reluctance to intensify the antiSemitic drive by the new regime in France . . . We're informed, too, that the French authorities have sent out a call to the Jewish technical experts w h o fled Paris when the Germans marched in . . ,, It seems that French industry needs Jewish brainpower, and has the good, sense to admit it . . . A horoscope expert recently announced the astounding discovery that t h e horoscopes of Adolf Hitler and our own Billy Rose are exactly the same . . Which doesn't, of course, mean that you should wish Billy any bad luck—Just pray that the expert is mistaken . . . Andre Maurois, the great French man of letters, is now in this country . . His name, as you know, used to be Herzog, and of course one of the first things the new France did was to confiscate all his property and the factories belonging to his family . . . Herzog-Maurois is a member of the French Academy, to which Marshal Petain also belongs . . . There was a time when Petain submitted his manuscripts to Maurois for counsel . . . But if Maurois were.to decide to return to France, today he would run the risk of being clapped in jail together with all the others who have been arrested on charges that t h e y loved England too much . . . THIS AND THAT The British are the most unpredictable people in the world . . . There really is no reason for the B r i t i s h Pavilion at the World's Fair to be distributing reprints of Malcolm MacDonald's speech on the restrictions on land sales to Jews In Palestine »* . . T h e speech, held on March 0, 1040, created a storm of antiBritish feeling* in many Jewish quarters at the time . . . To revive it today withont rhyme or reason'must have been on idea hatched by a zealous Fifth Columnist . . . Tho Protestant Digest, which is doing yeoman work in combating anti-Semitism, is en countering difficulties because it refuses t o kowtow to some of the big organizations . . . The American I t e r a t i o n for Polish Jews is going out on an independent relief campaign to h e l p Polish Jewry ;. . \r That te, unless the United Jewish Appeal decides to ihclade It among its beneficiaries .:» A bang-up Job is being dono quietly and without publicity by the HIAS, which is helping' the transfer of refugees, who in all the. chaos on the other side are rapidly becoming t t i e forgotten men . . . Have you heard about Father Edward Lodge Curran, who is the head of the Catholic Hbnth Conference (the reputation of which is not as savory as its name might lead one to expect), (Continued on Page 12.)
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was a fairly ambitious program. itself must all meet at s o m e are actually going to those lor It was, too, & pioneeriag task— point. Several "summaries" giv- whom they were intended and a^e a unique experiment in the settle- ing the background and genera distributed by the Central Polish ment of immigrants ©a & mass chacteristic o f prospective re Committee aad Jewish r e l i e f scale. We had to work out out settlers are sent to a community agencies. own techniques acd procedures ready to accept one or more refu "In Warsaw 112 soup kitchens our own org&ais&toa and staff. gees. It is from these summaries are operated, each feeding 200© Ths we did under a terrific pres- that the community selects its fu- persons a day. Tie American Red sure — pressure from thousands ture residents. Cross is supplying food etuffs and of refugses calliag at our offices Before we send the refugee out particularly fats aad dried aad iiam Haber every moath through 193$ and of New York into America, we do condensed milk as the food shortthe early months of 1940. a good deal of what is called "in- age is acute. All crops w e r e I. PJoneeerfr—1Q40 Model The NRS resettlement program terpretation" work. There is a ruiaed except eome barley and pois implemented by its Resettle- very special attitude w^e want to tatoes and there is a total ab(This is the first of ft feet-it* a harried cross-section, its nerves ment Department in New York, Induce as the resettler faces his sence of live stock so that there ' ' of articles by Dr. William Ha- shattered by years ot flight, its its Field Service, whose repre- new life. Not overoptimism, for is no meat or milk. ter, Executive Director of the resources exhausted. This pdint sentatives act as liason agents be- the refugee must ..understand that "In the hospitals in Warsaw, ; National R e f u g e e s Service, has been admirably discussed by tween the NRS and the local or- he may have trouble getting a dealing with the problem of lo- Gr. Gerhart Saenger in his article ganizations, and the committees job, that he ia going to meet more Lublin aad Radow, R e d Cross "The Pgycholgy ot the Refugee' set up in more than 750 commun- difficulties than assail the ordin- blankets, hospital g a r m e n 18, cal resettlement.) first published in "The American ities throughout America. ary family. But neither do we gauze dressings and medical sup* The refugee coming to the Na- want a defeated attitude that will plies are the only materials they The man who sat beside use at Scholar" and elnce reprinted in a the conference muttered under number of papers. There is yet a tional Refugee Service for relief, guarantee 'resettlement failure. have. Despite the generosity p£ Ilia breath &B he listened to the third problem to be considered for employment, for migration Rather we like to see a spirit of the American Red Cross, there la Speaker from the National Refu- in discussing immigration today advice, or for a n y one of the high adventure, the point of view still a shortage of these necessithe attitude of suspicion tow- many other services NRS offers gee Service discussing resettle- — a pioneer setting out to con- ties. Through all the clinics there ard all aliens engendered by the is interviewed by an intake work- of ment. quer a. strange environment. To are solid lines of people waiting Column" treacheries in er. Somewhere in the interview this end •What the mumbling about?" I "Fifth we have a rather elabor- with drawn, tense faces. Europe. "In the T. B. wards, packed resettlement will be mentioned. asked finally. ate lecture series dealing with The Government has taken a If the refugee Is interested and varied phases of America's social, with rows upon rows of hopeless "This resettlement!" he exclaimed. "When I came to this sane and rational viewpoint on seems a good prospect he will be cultural and economic life, dis- cases, our only Joy was that at jtountry 30 years ago they gave this. Statements by Attorney Gen- referred to the Resettlement De- cussions on the broad aspects and least the Red Cross blankets were me a bowl of soup and a night's e r a l Jackson, Solicitor-General partment where an intensive ex- the way of life in various regions keeping the patients warm aad lodging 1 ... and in the morning Biddle and President Roosevelt ploration of possibilities and po- ot America, ""movies and photo- the hospital garments adding ft jg got four dozen neckties to start gives assurance t h a t while all tentialities is begun. graphs of the scenery of the Unit- bit of comfort. "In the centers for children ortoe in buslnes. And I've done all legitimate measures will be tak"Log Cabins in Nebraska ed States, its industries, its naphaned by the war, we find the fright haven't I?" He stared bel- en to halt espionage and saboIt may seem surprising that a tional monuments, etc. tage, there will be no persecution great many refugees show considligerently. Our .refugee is now. ready to children clothed with fine, warm Yes, this well-barbered, well- of loyal immigrants. But we can erable resistance to resettlement. leave New York. The second ar- garments all of t h e m marked SflresBed middle-aged gentleman hardly hope la an imperfect world But consider this refugee whom ticle in their series will deal with with the little name tag ot a Red had done well, I was forced to that certain elements will n o t we are asking to go to a weird his life and vicissitudes in this Cross Chapter in t h e United States. admit. And I rather suspect that slezfr on the Fifth Column issue land called Oklahoma or Missouri new community. "Everywhere we meet, f r o t t t there are a great many people In as a handy stick with which to or Wisconsin. 'For years he has the women particularly, keen apthis country, who came to this beat the refugee. lived under the heel of terror in preciation of the beautiful infants Certain inescapable conclusions Germany — perhaps in a concen'America as ragged steerage paslayettes supplied by the American feengers 20 or 30 years ago, who must be drawn from these three tration camp. Then he escaped to Share the feeling that we are ra- immigration problems of 1940. To undergo the hardships and anxieRed Cross. Time and again >w» t h e r coddling the refugee Immi- blind oneself to these conclusions ty of waiting for a visa la a transhear 'It only you could send "tt»1 is a grave disservice not only to It country. Finally he reached grants today. more of those beautiful layettes.' The women who receive t h e * However, the practical applica- the refugee but to the J e w i s h New York, to him a far more fation of resettlement is based on a community in the United States miliar name than America. There The Douglas County Chapter ot treasure them dearly. It Is someItrell thought out philosophy, a as well. One conclusion is that he found old friends, a small mea- the American Red Cross has Just times necessary to divide the av> philosophy developed and still be- we cannot allow a refugee "ghet- sure ot security, a city where he received a report of the relief ac- tlcle§ in the layettes as there are ing Improved by Jewish leaders M to" to be formed in New York or could walk as a free man. Do you tivities ot the Red Cross in the not enough to go around. the field, both lay and profes- anywhere else, a place where Ref- wonder he hates to give up these Government General Area ot Po"All over the area we see the ' eional. But because there Is a no- ugees cluster, clinging to moth- certalnities, meager though they and. This is the central portion beautiful sweatera made by the ticeable lack of accurate infor- er tongue and the customs of a may be, to m a k e yet another ot Poland between the area an- American Red Cross volunteer* mation a b o u t resettlement, I lost homeland, spending t h e i r move to another unknown port? nexed by Germany and that occu- but there are not enough to flit think It is worth an extended dis- days In dreams of a past rather In some Instances the persuasive pied by Russia. This is the sec- the need. The men, women and than hopes for a future. Another cussion. Into which Germany is send- children who r^pceive the clotbtnff conclusion is that the process of powers of the resettement worker tion In the "good old days," when assimilation are taxed in assuring refugees ing all Polish people so that the are so proud ot t h e m and sU and integration into inllllons of immigrants w e r e conquered can be settled jrateful. I know that if our peolife — which used to that savage Indians do not roam portion Streaming into the United States; American by Germans. ple back home could witness the the plains of Kansas, that it is a matter of generations — any program of coordination and be possible to get medical attention Tho report comes from R. T. great need they would redouble must become a matter ot months, adjustment was impossible- and hat the refugee must become an even in such remote hamlets as Schaeffer, formerly with the Mid- their efforts. We found that there probably unnecessary. I say "pronot only legally b u t Denver, Walla Walla, and Roch- western National Red Cross Staff w a s a distressing shortage, ot -bably unnecessary. I say "pro- American spiritually. another conclus- ster, Minnesota, that he will not at St. Louts and now la charge shoes so a consignment of 25,000 oably" because sometimes, look- on is t h a Still t the economic and have to build his own log cabin of American Red Cross relief in pairs has been sent injj*y ship ing back, with the wisdom that psychological reconstruction Poland,, The Government Gener- from the American R e d CroM of when he settles In Nebraska. Comes after the event, I think the refugee can best be accomal Area of Poland la the only Po- which will help a great deal. Mbit Deciding w h e r e a particular that a little planning then might plished through the nelghborli- refugee shall go is a matter of liah section In which American of the people go about with their have saved the immigrants a good feet wrapped in anything the* friendship, personal touch give and take. His p e r s o n a l Red Cross relief is distributed. deal of heartslcknesa and effected iie3s, can find. wishes, any special abilities ho Mr. Schaeffer reports as folof the small community rather A rather better distribution of than t h r o u g h the institutional may have, the quota openings and ows: {Population groups throughout the methods and Impersonal techni- the possibilities of the community Patronize Our Advertisers'. "Our American relief supplies country. But that Is past. Today ques which must be applied in the different problems confront us. busy metropolis. New Conditions To Smaller Cities First, the change from an exTo the National Refugee Servpanding economy to a relatively Static one which absorbs n e w ice these conclusions have point.workers and new business ven- ed a clear road, the road to retures painfully and slowly. Sec- settlement. We said, "Let us aslbnd, the changed character in sist these refugees to leave New Immigration. The immigrant of York with it overcrowded, haltyesterday was young, adaptable, alien atmosphere. Let us s e n d hopeful. Th,e refugee of today them to the smaller cities and represents not a stratum of the towns throughout the U n i t e d European population looking for States on a panned basis. Let's economic opportunity but a whole send them to places where they cross-section — young, mlddle- have a better opportunity to find THE ftged, old — torn by the roots work, where they have.an even And flung into the world by ra- chance to find friends, where they e cial persecution. It is, moreover, will meet the real America." This
O Now you can own a beaut!* ful 10-tube (Including 2 heater* c&thodc rectifier tubes aad tuning beacon tube) Zenith with all the new year ahead features. Imagine ell these features — Amazing price—Guaranteed foreign reception, Kadiorgan, AutomaticTuningWavemagnet (no aerial—no ground) 15 watts power output, Big 10inch speaker, beautiful Walaut finish cabinet. "
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Don f Invest a Dollar In Fine Furniture Until You Soo Sbns Offering
FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 0 , 1940
~ I
the Columns bjjf
New rears tdition IS0CTOBER-3
their friends both far , 'Prosperous NeW Year* " Mir. and Mrs.—^—and 'friends..sincere Wisfces ^ vnv* ancl pSrs* •""•" ano Ia«By wisli tholr.frlends protpertty In tne com* ''Ji' Mr. and"Kirs.' « ,this means of _ ^r * greetings and ' nearly good; wjslbeS >f.otA Map» py and Prosperous Year to tlsefr friends ^ar and near. ,
greeting problem is solved by -this convenient method of wishing, your relatives and friends a Happy New Year • • • No danger of the em* barrassment of forgetting someone »* • no trouble«• .time and money saved* These greetings will be published in our Rosh Hashonah edition, Oc* tober3. The charge will be $2*00 for each greeting • •« Mail any of these forms, or phone your Greetings.
TBE • JEWISH •. PE£fiS ,
NOTICE' To Secretaries of Jewi&h Compilation of the annual New Year edition of the JEWISH PRESS has begun. Local organizations wishing stories of their activities to be included in this edition are requested to send them to the PRESS office, 5 5 0 Braadeis Theater building before September 13,
"Mxcrdchi Women Mrs. A. Katz, president of the Omaha chapter of the Miarachl Women, says, "Jewish response to the conflagration abroad must -be Intensive work to redeem Palestine. It Is incumbent upon every Jewish woman to aid In the work of redemption." The Mizrachi Women's organization has been active throughout the summer. A Rummage Sale la being conducted at 818 No. 16th by a committee of five women. They are: M e s d a m e s Joe Tuchman, E. Welnberg, J. Chalt, I. Kaplan, and Sophie Rothkop. This committee is being assisted by members of the chapter. Anyone having salable articles to contribute is requested to call Mrs. Welnberg, Wa. 1354 or if possible to deliver the bundle to the place of sale. The sale will continue as long as there is merchandise to sell. Mrs. J. Chalt and Mrs. I. Kaplan are co-chairmen of the 194041 annual drawing, n o w being conducted. T h i s is one of the sources of income to support Palestine projects. Mrs. B. Sidman is giving a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon at her home, 401 N. 31 St. on Wednesday, September 4. B r i d g e and Bingo wilt follow. Mra. Max Arbitman, vice-prcBIdent in charge of card parties, will tak% reservations for this &t~ fair at Ke. 2296. Bho |3 being assisted by Mrs. M. Brodkey, honorary president. ,
Ladies Free Loan
By INEZ L. KAZNICK Oa Tuesday, September 3, Mrs. A. D. Frank, president of Hadassah, will entertain members of the board at a one o'clock deseert luncheon to be held at her home, 120 South 54th St. Hadassah has not been idle! All summer an active correspondence has been kept up informing local Hadassah leaders of activity and emergency measures in the face of the present crisis. It is interesting to note that for almost a year Palestine has stood guard &t the eastern end of the mediterranean and without abating its opposition to MacDonald's White Paper, the whole Yishuv has cast a s i d e temporary disputes J:o rise to the common defense of democracy and t h e Homeland. A year and a half ago, Dorothy Thompson, speaking to a Hadassah group, appealed to that group not to build up the Jewish case on its troubles and weakness, but rather on its achievements and strength. What the Zionists have done in Palestine can do more to create sympathy and understanding for the Jew than all the tales of suffering they endure.. To know that the Yishuv is carrying on today with unabated vigor, is to prove to Hadassah members, to every Jew and to the •hard world without, that t.h e y have the will, the power and the vision to build on, e v e n In a blackout. Despite Italy's declaration of war a new settlement was, established in June on Jewish National Fund land n e a r ancient Beisan. New roads are under construction in Kfar Saba and Petah Tikvah. The following details of what has been done will give the picture of the' tremendous expenditures required to; meet the country's war needs. " 1 . The equipment of 200 additional beds in t h e RothschildHadassah-University Hospital and Health Center, Jerusalem. . 2. Blackout arrangements and other emergency outlays for the Rothschild - Hadassah University
Hadassah is using every means at Its commaQd &nd every import ant connection in this country to include in peadiEg legislation" permission for the Geraaa Youth Aiiyah children "who have found temporary haven in England, to come to America with the British eldldrea on American mercy ships, under international guarantees for their safety. Until a safe route to Palestine is assured, these German children, through Kadassah, would f i n d a ready haven in America. Every effort would be made to continue their training in agriculture and their preparation for life in Palestine. The evacuation of the children is being held up because England cannot spare the necessary convoys and because t h e present United States Neutrality Act does not permit our sending ships to bring the children. Great effort is now being made to amend the Neutrality Act so as to make It possible for Hadassah to s e n d these ships of mercy. The American ^Committee for Mercy Ships for Children has requested Hadassah's cooperation in pressing for an amendment to the Neutrality Act. _, •
teea "flickering" years, George E. pecting to'salvage i.U>ct:B. "No Stone portr&ys an Iitdi&n . . . has good," Max Eati' %.as saying, but one word of dialog, "How!", "Your voice isn't ti.e type for the which lie repeats in every sceise. part." Violent voices emanated from K&fiiu is Li-htg called a one of the broadcasting studios. "For two cents I'd bust you in Jewish Freuak LV£<i&. A Jewish the eye!" "Come os, say that G&rson Ksftiin s^ouM Le dfotincagain." A passerby rushed in ex- tfon enougit . . .
Fall Fashions on Parade!
Nan Tailor
fh« tmotial classic In a ntw fall version, fashioned of Merrlmakcr, a Duplex luxury rayon fabric, in black, cocoa brown, rose* berry and cadet b l u e . Y o u ' l l live in it for business weir, a n d h§ ready for any engagement.
Hollywood—Little wonder that George Tobias is so versatile with accents . . . lived his early years amid the conglomerate humanity of New York's lower East Side. His theatrical training too was a part of his growing up . . . his parents were associated with the Yiddish Theater . . . and George jot hls^ start on its boards, where another chap named Muni Weisenfreund was showing promise. Tobias inched hia way toward Broadway . . achieved the Theater Guild . . . created many excellent characterizations . . . last stage hit was in "You Can't Take It with You." But in that uphill limb there were more layoffs than jobs . . . he worked at many trades - - in an iron foundry, an ammunition plant, as a deckhand, as a riding master OFF a horse. ';
S/IM 11 to 20, «s Pkturii. •
In sices 39 to 44, same style with gored skirt ruth Floor
He is a blg.square-shouldered, friendly fellow . . . neither handsome nor homely . . . just the type to never, become "typed." And it's hardly likely he will "go Hollywood" . ... ..even after winning a seven-year contract.
' ••/•" AI Jolson salaried Ruby Keelce 8. Essential structural altera- five hundred, dollars per Jwcelt tions in the Hothschlld-Hadassah- more than himself; while she- was University Hospital in connection with his current show, "Hold on with the enlargement of the num- to Your Hats." According t o his ber of beds for the emergency plan this will be Jolson's last needs. stage appearance . . . he wants 4. Structural alterations in the to retire on his newiy-acqulrcd 'J Jerusalem Health Center build- Arizona ranch. ing, to make possible the installing of 120 to 180 emergency beds The Nazis. have a quick jnethod for children. _ .•__ iv" of eliminating Jews from pre-HitBy NORMAN HAHN . 5. Medical .equipment-and sup- ler, films; still in circulation - Last Monday. 20 Alephslof the plies for the Magen BayW.AcIom they.cfiange the Jewish names in "Mother Chapter returned .from Societies (similar to Red Cross). the. credits H.0 - strictly f German the. Cdrn Belt. Regional Tourha- . 6, Arrangement mid equipment o n e B . " •*•.•"• • ,. ' •" , ' " /••• '. " . • ment in,Sioux City. T.hejja'ds of emergency hospitaHzatlori fafrom the/Mother: Chapter ;ipst" a ciliUesinthe colonies.1; V .,'.'„".. Rojlywoodolngs: You'll • read heart-breaking game to the. Sioux . In addition to the Jcolurses on all about Ernst JGnbitech in a City AlephB to the tune of,8-7. war surgery, 80 - beds ;have_ been fortli-coniing Ladies' Home JourStan Turkel, past Aleph "<3qdol, offered to, the Palestine govern- nal . . .' he's never been done be•was. the runner-up in the regional ment for special army emergency fore the ladies. Jack Warner; Jr., - tennis tournament. A team con- cases,-the'chiefs of the~afjny"in after an apprenticeship' In - • the sisting of Haskell Cohen, Morrle Palestine have visited the Hadas- snort subject department, is Ruderman, .Abe Baum, and War- sah Hospital,'and medical,men in upped $o Supervise a feature. The ner Frohman placed third in the service have observed ana studied earth is too cramped for Bantam Barnum Billy Rose . . . he's plantrack competition. the work and methods of the hos- ning a mammoth air show . ; . is Sam Cpoper, a member of "the pital. in town trying to buy a flock of Mother Chapter won the national Within the n e x t tew weeks, . . . with a war going on essay contest sponsored by the 2,300 refugees who have been de- planes 1 yet! Phil Silvers will be V feaAuxiliary of the Veterans of For- tained in prison and concentra- tured comic hi "Hit Parade," takeign Wars. Sam was the only tion -camps-will he released by ing the of Lionel Stander, Aleph in United States.to win the Palestine government, a n d who wasplace ousted from the vole, this honor and the Mother Chap- turned'over to 4he-Jewish Agen- due to. local political mud-slingter Is highly honored by bis mem- cy pledged to help, them- establish ing momentarily indulged in, by bership. themselves. In this work-of mer- our incumbent District-Attorney. At tire l a s t meeting of the cy,- Hadassah is an actlye part- It is generally, conceded that latchapter Irv Wohlner was elected ner. Hadassah's School Luncheon ter-is stirring up his own publisecretary to take t h e place of program,- for many - y e a r s the city dust by suddenly discovering Harry Goldstein "who* is going model of its kind, has been stead- a scarlet rash on Hollywood's epiaway to college. The chapter is ily called upon to enlarge i t s dermis . . . h a s subpoenaed sevplanning a weiner roast in the horizon. Mrs. • Bromberg, the di- eral actors and writers on subnear future. At' the weiner Toast etician, h a s established b o t h versive charges. In negro theatschool and refugee-camp feeding ers down - Soutli, Rochester gets Wohlner will be installed. *' Plans .for t h e annual Achar programs throughout the country. top billing . . . Jack Benny is Ha.utanis Dance - (after the fast) With the threat of hunger stalk- somewhere. among - the, credits. are being made by a (committee ing the war, Hadassah- must be Now that Muhi has left their lot, composed of: Ed Stein and Jus- ready for every service-demanded Warner's praisery gives out the - "• - • " , - • sensational "inside stuff' that his tin Priesman, co-chairmen; as- of it. Youth Aliyah . • . . real name is Muni Weisenfrcund; sisted by Norman Hahn, Stan epidemic of nose bobs . . . Mrs. David B. Greenherg, the Sudden Tnrkel, Harry Goddblnder,- Harry Garfield's.wife is the latest Golds^in and Warner." .Fronman. National -Youth; Aliyah chairman, John in the modeV'Groucho'is relabelThe dance, which-,is.the,'most Im- has: reported-the enlargement qt ling Ills tennis champ son • • responsibilities]in t h e . field of portant soda* event-in. the JewNmac&ot • ' ish-calendar is" held-each year on Youth .AUyah- arising out, of the 1 war emergency} Progress is beTom Kippur night. T;h« dance this year will he held at the Jew- ing made .on • many fronts. • Ar- " Groucho -is -one comic that is ish Conwannity Center. The or- rangements arc practically.- con- always in character. Looking over chestra will bs announced- later. cluded for the* transfer- of ,400 a film application blank, he found T&fceiai.which will ge,on sale.in Youth Aliyah boys and girls who the question, J'How do you prb& lew days, can fee-bought froni hare been given shelter in Den- teet your gqod looks?" Filled, in and Sweden --- for - 200 the space - - "With my pearlany Aleph" of; th© Mother- Chapter mark harbored J n Lithuania and handled revolver!" oc by phoning GL 3 i i 5 or GL youth 100< in- Yugoslavia. • In addition, . For the first time in his tit3086. ' ."- '
A regular meeting of the Ladles Free Loan Society will be held at 2 p, ml Wednesday, September 4, at the Jewish Community Center. All members are urged to attend as final arrangements are to be made for the card party.
eistcrhood will bewn Oft with- approval . . > ten they 688 your at 61 man tailored To: . . . the pajamas that emoiselle advertises . . « g!id which we have fat COMPLETE assortment. Tailored plaid ' flannelette sketched. In all colors. Sizes 18 to 20. •-
A- Z. A.1
. Herxbergs , Entrance Floor Others
School-Going Cottons
First styles to swing into a new'season with their full skirts and sailor fashions. School minded broadcloths in pretty clan plaids, checks and. dots,, with details and finishing that beep e a k quality. , SLses 1 to 14 - ; and 11 to
Fltth Floor Others $2S8
ANNOUNCE MISS MGNSKY'S ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Henry Monsky announce the engagement of Mr. Monsky's daughter, Miss Joy, to Paul Grossman, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Grossman. Mies Monsky attended the University of Chicago and was graduated from the University of California at Berkeley. She is affiliated with the Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. Mr. Grossman attended t h e University. of Nebraska where he -was a member of the Zeta Beta Tail fraternity. An early autumn wedding is planned. OKLLER-KAPLAN The marriage of Miss M a r y Kaplan, daughter of Mr. a n d Mrs. Jacob Kaplan, to Marshall Geller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lleb Geller, was solemnized Sunday at the home of the bride's parents. Rabbi 'David A. Goldstein officiated in the presence of the immediate families. After a short wedding trip to Kansas City," the couple will reBide in Des Moines. ON WESTERN TRIP Stanley Feltman, Julius Novak and Jack Cooper left for a two Weeks trip to Denver, Bait Lake City, and Yellowstone Park. RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA ' Mrs. David Blacker and Mrs. !W. A. Xtacusin h a v e retur&ed f r o m California. During their western $tay they were the houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Katleman of Brentwood. RICES RETURN Mr. And Mrs. Joe Rice and family have returned from an extensive motor trip. ANNOUNCE BIRTH - Dr. and Mrs. Joe Davis of New York City announce' the birth of * daughter, ^argaret,, on August . 13, MrsjiDayis is the former Lillian Lerner of Omaha, . ATTENDS CONyTBNTlpN : Miss Shirley Barish attended the Junior "Hadassah Convention in Chicago. , ^ ~
SOKOL-SALTZMAN Miss Dorothe Saltzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman of Council Bluffs, Sunday afternoon became the bride of Alfred L. Sokol, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Sokol of Omaha. Four hundred guests were present at the wedding which took p l a c e at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue in Council Bluffs. Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiated. The a l t a r was banked with palms and gladioli in a maize of colored ribbons., Before the ceremony Mrs. Kathleen Shaw Miller Bang, accompanied by Mrs* Edward B. Evans. The bride's gown of w h i t e mousseline de sole was fashioned with puffed leg-Q-mutton sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. It featured a bouffant skirt falling in a two yard t r a i n . The • finger-tip veil of tulle was caught in a cluster of three fresh gardenias. The bride carried a lave'ndar orchid on a white s a t i n Bible draped with streamers of white roBebuds and lilies-of-the-valley. Her only jewelry was a single strand of pearls. Maid-of-honor was the bride's sister, M i s s Marilyn Saltzman. Her gown was of periwinkle blue marquisette, with a full s k i r t , tightly-fitted bodice, square neckline, and little puffed sleeves. She carried a colonial bouquet of sweet peas and roses. She, tpo, wore a pearl necklace matching her bracelet. Her accessories were pink. Mrs. David Hoberman, sister of the groom, was matron-of-honpr. Her gown was of blue marquisette. Miss Doris Gllinsky.was the bridesmaid. Her blue eyelet frock was fashioned like those of the other attendants. Both the matron-ofrhonor and the bridesmaid c a r r i e d identical colonial bouquets of sweetpeag and roses. Enid Mazle of Sioux City -was flower girl. She was dressed in a floor-length pink net over taffeta frock with a shirred bodice and shoulder bows w i t h streamers falling to the hem of the f u l l skirt In her h a i r she wore a wreath of roses and sweetpeas, Her b o u q u e t was a miniature
VISITED IN SIOUX CITY MiB3 Mildred Berg spent last week visiting in Sioux City.
RETURN FROM WEST Mr. and Mrs. Max Novak have Just returned f r o m a month's motor trip t h r o u g h the west. They visited in Denver, Salt Lake City, Reno. San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Boulder Dam before returning home.
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duplicate of those carried by the bride's attendants. Harry Liberman of Sioux City was best man. Ushers were David Cetron of Davenport and David Hoberman. Mothers of the bride and groom wore blue lace gowns and shoulder corsages of piak carnations. Immediately after the c e r e mony a reception was held at tlte synagogue. Assisting with serving were: Misses Bette Lee Harris, Beatrice Krause, and Dorothy Rosen; and Mesdames David cltron, Russel Blunieathal, Milton Yudelson, James L e m s o n, and William Mazie. Among the wedding guests was A. Meyerson of Fort Wayne, Indiana, the groom's grandfather. The bride's going-away ensemble was a three-piece wool suit in three shades of blue. The skirt was light blue arid the short Jacket and fitted full-length c o a t were striped in three blue tones. Her accessories were dubonnet and she wore an orchid. The Sokols are residing at the Theodore Terrace in Omaha.
' *
Ju ior Council
Beth El Auxiliary
Mem.be; of Omaha Section of the Nati l' Council of Jewish Juniors •« ere guests at a garden party b.e Sunday at the home of Mrs. B - i Silvers. Several new girls ati ded, asd a cumber of OUt-Of-tOTS a guests were present, Plans ere made for a larger program lor the coming Junior Council :ason. Man J o n g and Bingo we 5 played. Apprec: tion for the success of the gard p a r t y was extended Mrs. Silv rs as well as to Helen Castle'ma: chairman of the event, and the inuaittee which assisted her: Bst le Nathan, Roselle Handler, Eve yn Kaiinan, Bess Bernstein, SOJ he Jaeobson, Rita Mantel, and alah Franklin.
With the'new Beta Ei Synagogue building Hearing completion, tee Beth El Auxiliary' Las started ' laying plans for its coming year's activities. Plans for the annual Book Evenings have already been ma.de. On September 23 at 1 o'clock in the tenth floor auditorium ol the Brandeis store, the Beth El Auxiliary will sponsor & dessert luncheon and bridge. Funds from this affair will be used to purchase kitchen equipment for the new building. Mrs. Dave Stein and Mrs. Jack Kaufman a r e chairmen of the event.
u. o
C. Sisterhood
A mee ing of the U. O. C. SisClean VENETIAN BLINDS terhood rill be held on Tuesday, For Free Estimate Call September at 2 o'clock at the or W r i t e '• B'nai Ie ael Synagogue. In the absence f Mrs. L. Neveleff, the president the acting president, Mrs. M. 3urstein will occupy the RETURNS PROM SIOUX CITY BUND MFp. CO. Aaron Itaznick returned from chair. SAM TARNOFF, l»rop. Sioftx City where he spent a week Plans for the coming season 022-24 Ho. 16th visiting Irving Levine. and prep ratdry work will be disAT 4644 cussed, labbi Isaiah Rackovsky will speak at the meeting. COUSINS CLUB The monthly C o u s i n s Club meeting will be held Wednesday, September 4 at a 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Meyerson, 2302 Manderson. 1510 FAftHJIifl STUEET JO8LYN MEMORIAL Three sound films on Italy will be shown Sunday at 2:30 in the Concert Hall of the Joslyn Memorial. They are "Glimpses of Italy", "The Eternal City" and "Venice the Magnificent." An r organ recital will be given at 4 by Esther Leaf, assisted by Irene Goosman, pianist.
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Russia's during the early 4&ys of tbe Revolution As Trotsky gained his fame en the Efcoalders of force, so he perished at ike feaads ©f &n &SB$.sein
Admh&tioti for Hitler
Gem*-of the Bible By D r . PMt&s* Sfe«.r
ler Baruch Compulsory Military Service irill." In nearly every piece of de* snd preparedness legislation he h&s followed ftii obstructionist p&Ilcy Ea&ddeJtfag to those Con* greesnaen who know the immedi&te n€«d, £nd «,sfc suixloug to set things <tae. Hut oa National Defeiis€, he vf&s c&nefui to p*ir his vote off — wiiea voting t l m « e&m@ — so it W&B K&t recorded.
BIBLE It is unlikely that Senator Pepper at Florid; My people lifcth been lost sheep, was motivated by aay great love for Hitler -when tt* -their leaders have caused theaa to be expressed, ©a the floor of the Senate, admir- go astray. ation for the Nazi ability to accomplish its goal. And I will give them oae heart, Managing Editsr But it unfortunately reveals &n inability to cor- and I •will put a new spirit within &AVIO BLACKER—Bueisess "Editor rectly g&uge a situation. For Senate? Pepper to you. I will remove the stony LEONARD NATHAH He voted to recommit the Pan-. heart out of their flesli and 1 Bo©k Editor express himself thusly .WES strange, since fae fc&s will give them a heart of flesh. ama Ca»sl Bill, preridlng for deRABBI THEODORE it LEWIS FRANCES BLACKER • - • Society Editor been the most articulate expc&ent of the allied He that bath given his bread f e n s e and development of the MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City cause fa the United States Seaate, so articulate to the hungry, h&th covered tbe Canal Zone, atid explained his with garments, he that vote by cleaialng that work on that his enemies have sarcastically dubbed him naked hath net given forth upon inter- the zone would be done by "ferthe "Senator from Great Britain." , est hath eieeuted true justice be- eigBers." Pogroms in Paris Senator Pepper, like many Americans, has fall- tween man and man, hath walked He voted apdm&t say aid for' Rioting has broken out in Paris — a little pre- en into a trip. They have become admirers of Nazi in My statutes, and hath . kept Mine ordinances to deal truly, he refugee ckiidrea. He explained. maturely, however, we underst&ad. The very day methods without being won to the Nazi course. The is just, he shall surely live. wefcii&nttdt&ke cme of Amerieao reports arrived from Paris that anti-Semitic dem- old adage of "Nothing succeeds like success" feas oiikIi6Jis before foreign childr«n» TALMUD onstraiions had taken place in th% occupied capi- become quite true In this particular case. But if Therefore the man wes created but he li&s coasistently . v o t e d tal, the Jewish Telegraphic Ageaey warned that an analysis of this success can be made, it would singly to teacii that he who de- egftinstd oimestic relief measure* Germany was preparing pogroms to begin the first prove success is not difficult to get if one is per- stroys one soul of a human be- too. ing, is considered by the Scrip•week in September. Already there have been "gpon- fectly willing to Ehed any moral sense. It is the tures as if he had destroyed the He wrote a letter to William taneous" riots in several French; cities. But It success of a disease which escapes medical treat- whole world, and he who saves Allen White, of the Committee to seems suspicious that toes© "spontaneous" upris- ment but finally kills the patient, and consequently one eoul the Scriptures considers Defend America by Aiding the Al» it as if he had saved the whole He, (suggesting th&t Sir. Whit* ing of the populace should occur la separated Itself, world. join the British Army Instead of places on the earae days with tLa methodic preciOnce when Moses and Aaron trying to make America wake up. Hitler's success is based on Ma utter ruthlesswalked together and were folsion characteristic of Kasl pogroms. ness. Nothing is permitted to stand in his way. lowed by Nodan and Ablhu, the His favorite word Is "warmonEver since the German occupation of Paris, tbo Every moral law has been broken; every sense of eons of Aaron Nodab said to ger." four newspapers permitted on the street, have don- human decency has been outraged. There is no Ablhu: "When will the two old He epitomises the Congresstalned a certain an^l-Jewlsh bias. But the riots last concern for property — neither individual nor men die, and you and I be the man •who calls himself "Isolationleaders of Israel?" To which the ist" but who actually is plain pro•week brought a veiled criticism ot eueh doings. corporate nor state. There is no concern for legal Holy One said: "Time will show German. Wherever the German masters have established niceties. Even human life itself has no value In who will bury whom." i selves, attempts have been made to stir up animos- the eyes ot the Nazis. Rabbi Popa said: "Tills is what It is probable that Sehnfer will people eay, 'many old camels are be re-elected figsia, ity against the Jew. The Belgians have so far reunless the In America great deeds have been accomplish- laden with the hides of the young fused to lend themselves to Nazi tactics. When tbe people of Mthmukee wbo arent ones.'" ed. Our government has done things on a colossal or Bond! sympathise** Jews were ordered to wear' distinguishing armRabbi Eleazer said: "How does Bondlsts scale, things that Germany has never dreamed of are sick of reiHresentative ! • bands, the entire populace of Brussels appeared a scholar appear In the eyes of Congress who,a oraclerthe gnlse of doing. Yet, little fanfare has been given to this ( an ignorant person? At first acwith the humiliating designation. sniping at the ttdwinlsttMlott «e» accomplishment, because It la not necessary for quaintance the scholar appears to * Even in Paris, where anti-Semitic elements him a golden pitcher. However, tually In ehootlssg et democracy. have been placed in key positions, there has been our national ego to be constantly calved. upon holding a conversation with It is doutful whether Schafer If one is to admire Adolph Hitler, he should him, he appears to him like a sila noticeable distaste for German racial tactics. The will ever indulge in such outright ver pitcher and upon receiving a official paper of Francois de Ja Rocque, until the admire him all the way. He should admire the orgies of Jew-hatred as has Thor'avor from the ignorant, the thousands of refugees he has sent over the face occupation of France notoriously anti-Semitic, has scholar appears to him like an keleon. But t h e r e isn't much been content to play down that parts of its pro- of the globe. He should admire the concentrtation earthen pitcher." doubt as to the way he feels. gram as though it were unclean. The very fact camps and the thousands who have perished in The schoolmen propounded a that "Matin" had enough courage to label the riots them. He should admire his blood purges and his question. "Is the memorial prayer In honor of the living or tor in Paris "regettable" reveals that the French have burning of the books. He should admire his pol- the deceased?" And after thorsome semblance of civilization left, despite the un- icies of propagation. He should admire not only his oughly discussing it, they came air force but the destruction it does—tho machine- to tho conclusion that It is in welcome presence of the Nasis. unning of civilian populations, the devastation honor of the deceased. But what is ominous is the change of attitude left in its wake. One should admire the sinking 'feeing exhibited by the occupying forces. As one of ships and the ruins. And one should admire the Borne (JTA) — The Italian po',. German general has stated the "honeymoon" Is social upheaval that is to follow this war. There lice are rounding up Jewish street over. The soldiers, who were supposed to win over Is much to admire in Adolph Hitler, if one doesn't vendors and voiding their licenses In what is considered to be one of the French population, are now to impress upon have a conscience. the m o s t important economic tbe citizens that they are a conquered people. Unsanctions yet imposed by the Italtil the German army of occupation leaves, tbe ian Government since it insUUit* By PAT FRANK Jews of Franco can know no peace and can only Revealing the Traitors ed its racial policy just two years hope that* baser elements of .tbe French people do ago. ' ' . - • • . •'.."•• Approximately 1,200 heads-ofLaw enforcement agencies, meeting several not succumb to the blandishments of the conquerfamily, or more than ten per cent. weeks ago in Washington, discussed the advlsabllors. ot the entire Italian Jewish popty of exposing the names of those men and women "WASHINGTON. ulation, are affected by the drive. Now that Rep. Jacob Thorkelof wealth wbo have subsidized subversive propaJews are particularly hard son, the Trojan Horsey Norwe- Rome Those Who Live by the Sword anda. Why this reluctance to do so puzzles us. If gan, hit, since there are more than is retiring from the political there are any men and women willing to contribute arena.by popular request of bis 800 of the vendors, representing In the cataclysm of the first World war and some 30 per cent of the.capital's large-sized sums to undermine American princi- constituents out in Montana, his Jewish population, earning their Its tragic aftermath, there arose from the very ples, there is no valid reason why the world should place in Congress as a spreader of living at this occupation. depths of society the men and women who were Goebbels-type poison will probabnot know who they are. Of course, however, it la ly bo t a k e n by Rep.. John C. The police action does not stem destined to lead, for long time or short, for better absolutely essential that the evidence is genuine. (Bullneck) Schafer, of Wisconsin. rom any specific anti-Jewish deor for worse, the great nations of the world. One c r e e , .but Is an administrative The country is today being flooded, with tons of those precipitated into power by the war and The Hon. Mr. Schaf er is a Re- measure resulting from the police the subsequent Bolshevik Revolution was Leon of Nazi, Communist, and F a s c i s t propaganda. publican vrho r e p r e s e n t s the power over s t r e e t vendors' Ju> Trotsky — to use the name by which the world Where the Communist propaganda comes from is fotxrth Wisconsin District;. which censes. It is noteworthy that even no great secret. The Comintern has never denied includes Milwaukee cad its large the licenses of Jews exempt from lias known him. . its purpose of world revolution. But tbe case of German popalation, and he acts the racial laws in recognition of A child of the Pale of Settlement, an intellect- Fascist and Nasis is different. They attempt to be accordingly. The Hon. Mr. Schaf- meritorious service to Italy in is nicked named Bollneck by wartime, are also being cancelled. Gal of New York's -east side coffee houses, a co- more eubtle In their methods. Italy last year'boastThe street vendors for the most the inhabitants of the H o u s e worker of Lenin, Trotsky, who had often been ed of pouring thirty million dollars into this counPress Gallery because, In heft, he part are pushcart peddlers selling dismissed as one of that brand of hopelessly inef- try for purely propaganda purposes. Germany has -most nearly resembles Gosring oS- dry goods, second-hand-merchanfectual intellectuals, found himself at the begin- spent like sums. Japan has utilized other methods All the Congress, a n d becaiuse dise and miscellaneous artleles. ning of the Revolution, the commander ot the Red for gaining a foothold in American public opinion. when angered — which is nearly Many, however, are well-known all the time. — bis beefy neck to tourists Jn Rome as hawkers Army. ••' : v. ':•'.. ' » ' . .; • • ; There are also aativlst Fascist groups whose gets red end glotto like o stop of postcards,; maps,' cameos and In this new capacity, Trotsky revealed an un- source of income remains a puzale. Some undoubt- light. other souvenirs of Rome.' The profession of street vendor expected genius. He forged a formidable array oat edly draw large funds from European Fascists. The Hon. Mr. Schafer Is a for- has long been looked u p o n in of the wreckage of the Czarist forces, won a Civil Others are dependent upon the bounty of local but mer, locomotive engineer, born in Italy as* a very respectable means war, chased out an international expeditionary wealthy crackpots. Milwaukee. He Is on bia f e e t, of livelihood. This Is especially force, and staved off an Invasion by the Poles, carWhatever the source of Income it is tho right fighting progressive, liberal mea- true In Rome, where they formrying the battle to t h e ; very gates -of Warsaw and privilege of all to know of it. Reputable news- sures,, and. attacking most any- ed the internationally f s m o d i where he came up against the strategic genius of papers are forced each year to reveal their owner- thing that would help the defense "Campo dl Plorl," or rag market* of America, Just about every day. which the police broke up a year General Weygand. One discerns a strange though ship. There In no reason why disreputable ones, And like Thorkelson, he doesn't ago much to the sorrow of the erratic greatness about him. who constitute a menace to the well-being of the content himself with speaking, Rome populace. but fills the back of the CongresAmong Roman ..Jews, the- proFrom what sparse information has come to nation, should not be required to do eo. sional Record, or appendix, with fession of street vendor d a t e s light, Trotsky had been destined by Lenin to suc'whatever he hasn't time to spew back to the days of their imprisceed him as the absolute ruler of the new Soviet out on the floor. onment in the ghetto, which terminated Only some three-quarters •Republic. But Trotsky, soon ^rat-manoeuvered by On several occasions he has in oi a century ago.1 During that perthe evil genius of Stalin, -was forced into exile, an cladteO to t h e Record'material iod, virtually every other means exile thajt eventually brought him to Mexico "and •Roaji ChoQeab Ellul.— Wednesday, Sept. 4 from Father Cooghlinfa S o c i a l of livelihood wag barred to them. Justice magaine, which se seems When they were- completely liberhis violent death. . * 5701—1040 to read avidly ©adf edmire no cad. ated with the unification of Italy Trotsky's association with the Bolshevik Rev- Rosb Hashonah . , .*. .Thursday, Oct. 3 In 1870, the Jews consequently olution BOB been a source of embarrassment to tbe ••Fast .of Gedalian 1 ... He is fond of double-barrelled; found It difficult to rehabilitate -...Saturday, Oct. 5 Jews. Yet/One of his frrst acts upon assuming of- Yom Kippur ,__ . Saturday, Oct. 12 personalised adjectives ' w h e n themselves in other professions; speaking of measures he doesn't The tragedy of this latest drive fice was hlff public repudiation of his Judaism. First Day of Siiccoth .Thursday, Oct 17 like, reminiscent of Hitler's "Plu- on Italian Jews is that It almost Us waa a Bolshevik, an atheist, a devout follower Sh'emlri! Atzereth ..... .........Thursday, Oct.. 24 to-Democratic oligarchies." For completely impoverishes the lowOf a philosophy, of materialism. Slnichas Torah . ........... .Friday, Oct. 24 instance, he catted the cash and est class. Unlike the majority of • To evaluate Trotsky's career will fee a taBk of •Rosh Chodeah Chesvan —...Saturday, Nov. 2 carry neutrality act the "Barney th'oao eliminated from the free B £ r u c h - Bloom nonneutrality professions, these have no reserve history. Bat' the condition of Russia today Is no Rosb Chodesh Kislov Sunday, Dec. 1 bill." He calls the President "that funds to fall back upon." "* tribute to anyone's idealism. Prom his writings H w Deal Fuehrer / Rooseteit/.' _ "Also observed the previous day. and he refers to the conscription <jn~e sees-Trotsky's unusual abilities. But it Is hard Samnel Ynlee was Moorish am' t 'Observed tbe following day. •• act as the "Col. Adolph Ochs^Ad- bassador to England. to reconcile his hopes wHb tbe terror that waa EDIXOSliX CRT! g
PATRIOTISM OF JEWSPRA1 BY Message Sent to Jewish War Veterans Meeting
16,000Refugees Enter Palestine Since War Began ""! New York (JTA) — Approximately 80,000 Jewish refugees from Germany were absorbed-in Palestine since IS33 with the aid of the United Palestine Appeal, which receives its funds in 1840 from the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and Overseas Needs, it was announced this week. In the eleven war months from September, 1939, to August, 1940 more than 16,000 refugees from Europe entered • Palestine, and the flow of Jewish immigration is continuing through alternative avenues of entry into Palestine set up to replace the routes closed because of the war.
On Display at Palestine Pavilion
C&mpers Awarded Honor . .At Ritual Fire
• Eighty campers circled t h e council ilsig I&sfc S&tssrdi&y - eve* tiling oil the Mil overlooking the Boston ( J ' l ' A ) — Declaring PIfcite lUver to participate in » that Jews throughout the years page&iit entitled "What America nave "proven their unfaltering Steads For." ' ' ^patriotism," President Roosevelt, Preceding the pageant, Gerda in a special message to the 45th Hagen conducted the weekly H&vannual encampment of the Jewish dalah ceremony End then turned War Veterans here, expressed the t h e campers over to Charlotto belief that "your people will give Eommer and Teddy Meyer, who whole-hearted and full cooperaled the way to the council ring tion in the development and exewith the ceremonial torches, as cution of our present National the campers sang the "Council 1 Defense Program.' Fire Song." . The mesage urged the 10,000 As they entered the ring, pampMORRIS! ADLEB veterans, who assembled h e r e ers found f i v e email campfirea from August 28 through Septemsurrounding a large central fire, ber 1, to "thank God for this naeach of which was lit in turn by A run in the ninth inning of a tion where we are all free to long uphill battle gave the Linthe players,In the pageant. The meet In peaceful assemblage such coln Tavern a hard-earned 8 to 7 theme of the pageant, written by as this and discuss, without fear, victory over the John Opitz team, Journalism counselor M o r t o n our mutual problem. Margolin, was t h e meaning ot pre-tourney favorite, in the city Americanism. "In this day, when the dark tournament at Faletaff park. shadow of war and its appalling The ideals of liberty, justice, consequences falls over the greatequal opportunity, religious freo« Ed Lincoln's boys went to bat er part of the old world," the in the last half of the seventh on dom, and tolerance were repre* President continued, "it Is a hap- the short end of a 7 to 3 count. seated by campers w h o played py prospect for the future safety After one out, Nate Wolk walked, the roles of the Indian, Abraham and welfare of our democracy Jake Adler, pinoh-hittlng for Max Lincoln, immigrants, RogeY Wilthat In meetings of this kind the liams, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Osterman, also walked, Landraan members of organizations such as Each player carried a torch to then beat out an infield hit to yours regularly renew their comThis Aron Kodesh, or Holy Ark the Bezalel School, The exquisite light the fire of t h e American radeship, because your comrade- fill the bases. Morrle Adler then to house the Scrolls of the Law, miniature work that adorns the Ideal which he represented. The ship was born of that genuine hit the first pitch for a double was executed by the students and Ark includes ivory carvings sym- central fire was lighted from tho loyalty which has been seasoned to right field, scoring Nate and teachers of the Bezalel School of bolizing the Twelve Tribes of Is smaller ones burning around it. by unselfish service to your coun- Jake. Art at Jerusalem, under the su- rael, two lions c a r v e d in red Campers In the pageant were:' try. The consciousness of the pervision of the l a t e Professor stone, and relief carvings repre Charlotte Sommer, Teddy Meyers, Norm Kuklin then hit to left Borla.J3hatz, senttng the stories of Adam and value of such service and the satf o u n d e r of the isfaction of rendering it la still field to drive in the tying runs. School, and with the guidance of Eve and of Cain and Abel. Three Rosalie Wasserman, Chucky Beyour common tie. We cannot re- In the second extra inning Kuklin the artists Z. Itabeu, M. Gurarle baa relief illustrating the life of ber, Jack Soloinoiy Martin Black* Moses appear on the doors of the er, Harold Itosenthal, Gertrude flect upon a thing of this kind walked, H e r b Melches hit a Ben David. The Ark, which Ark, as do twelve enameled discs Rosenblatt, Helen Rodtn, Robert without being inspired to contem- screaming double down the right and GelduBchek, Lois Llnsman a n d plate our country's future needs field foul line to send "Kukle" is fifty-four Inches high, now is showing the Zodiacal cycle. on display in the Art Gallery of Nan Racusln. and what, despite our past sacri- to third. The beauty of the Ark is enthe Palestine Pavilion at the New hanced by intricate filigree work fices, should be expected of all Honor Campers Harry Altsuler, who had pre- York World's Pair. Shown stand- In sliver, studded with eeml-prec cltiiens In regard to supplying At the close' of the pageant, viously filed out twice on two Ing beside It in this picture is Dr. ious stones. In addition to the camp banners were presented to them. terrific drives to center, was pur- Israel Goldstein, Chairman of the Ten Commandments, executed in all campers who had participated, "American citizens of Jewish posely passed to fill the bases. Pavilion Board. enamel, the elx-cornered Star of in various activities for two or extraction can recount with pride Bloom then hit an infield David and the a e v e n-branched more weeks. The first of t h o It took scores of artists about their contributions to both sub- Will grounder to bring in the winning nine years to complete this Ark, Menorah also adorn the body of three highest wards, the "Poel,'*stance and service to their coun- run. usual potent Lincoln which is considered the outstand- the Ark In various forms and de- or worker, waa presented to tho try. From the Declaration of In- defenseThecommitted i s errors. following campers of the ee^coa:; dependence to the present time This waa partly duo sto fact ing piece of work to come out of Audrey Greenberg, Judy Theo« they have proven their unfalter- that thla was their firstthegame dore, Rosalie Wasserman, Floyd ing patriotism. More than 200,- under the lights. Herb Marks Abramson, Bobby Baker, Ger* 000 of them participated la the pitched a beautiful game, a n d Community Chest trude Rosenblatt, Ruth Kulakof* ,World War. The gloriouB record when the chips were down, HerAdopts "New Slogan sky and Harold Rosenthal. of. your p a s t warrants beyond ble came through. Activity Emblems Announced doubt tho conclusion that your Box Score: Activity emblems f o r swimpeople will g i v e whole-hearted "Open your Hearts to Omaha's uncola Maitcet John Oplts mine, camp paper, first aid, mu« and full cooperation in the develNeeds" — This la the s l o g a n sic, services, horseback riding, 4 2a 0e M. Adr 2bab 5 h1 po 1 2a 0e which haa b e e n adopted and opment and execution of our pre- Meek 88 ab4 h0 po P'man 3b 4 1 1 1 0 Kukla If 4 1 0 0 0 junior and senior campcraft, art sent National Defense Program." Wiles c 5 012 0 0 Melches o 4 2 0 1 1 which will be used throughout and crafts, and honor cabins were W Bass p 4 2 0 1 0 A'auler 3b 1 0 1 1 t h e 1940-41 Community Chest National Charter Asked for 1 1 0 0 campaign which has been scheJJJohni'n ho ' n IIf 4 3 1 0 0 Bloom ct painted on the banners of the foljr. w. v. 00 3 0 Marks p lowing campers: Ruth KulakoEWashington (JTA) — An ap- M.Basa I/ttnn atcf 84 0 12 90 10 Goldlng es 0 1 2 2 duled for October 15th-24th, it 1 S 0 0 was announced today by Win It. sky, Gerre Cohn, Charlotte Som» 2b 4 1 O 1 2 Wolk rf plication of tho Jewish War Vet- Carroll Rabbi Isadora Breslau Io mer, Glsh rf 4 1 0 0 0 Ormsa lb 0 8 0 2 Johnson, General Chairman. Jack' Solomon, Bob Baker, erans of the United States for a Kemo I/man sf 1 * 1 0 4 1 4 0 0 lb Alvln. Burstein, Ethel Burstein, I Adler i t l O l Q O Named Executives national charter was . considered "It is the feeling of those conFred Kohn, Johnny* Kohn, Jo"by a sub-committee of the Senate ToUOa 40 8*23 4 3 Totals 35 8 2710 6 ducing t h i s year's Community Director seph Pollock, Arnold Stem, HarJudiciary Committee last w e e k iOn« out v*en winning run scored. Drive that the situation In world New York (WN8) — Edmund ley Beber, Ann Elsenstatt, Gerda Oplts ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 3 030 200—7 affairs presenta a challenge to the and Senator W. Warren Barbour John Lincoln Market 000 000 401—8 I. Kaufman, p r e s i d e n t of the Hagen, Mike Kulak'ofsky, Lola pf Now Jersey, a member of the • Threa-basa hits—Kemp, Johnson. Two- people who enjoy t h e liberties Zionist Oraglnzation of America, Rodin, Martha Rosenblatt, Jonacommittee, urged that favorable base hits—Johnson, Melcbea. Double play and the protection which is af- announced t h e appointment of than Goldstein, Saul Greenberg, Bases on balls—W. forded all Americans," said Mr. action be taken. Senator Barbour —Adler-Ostermas. Bass 9, Marks 5. Strikeouts—W. Bass, 12. Rabbi Isadora Brcslau, n o t e d Judy Theodore;, Floyd Abramson, said he was "personally interest- Marks 0. ' Johnson. Zionist and communal leader of Patty Belman, Audrey. Greenberg, ed"' in the bill and the the Jew"A true test of thankfulness for as executive director Bob Gelduchek, Gerald Katleman, ish organization was a fine one In a quarterfinal game In the t h e s e privileges should be not Washington, the organization. doing an "excellent job." ' Josephine Kleiman, Teddy Meycity softball tournament the Lin- only a willingness but an eager- •of The appointment was confirm- er, Gertrude Rosenblatt, Norman coln Market continued their win- ness to answer the call for funds ning ways with an 8 to 4 victory to care for those who through ed at a meeting of the National Rosenblatt, Sally Rosinky, HarMichigan Police over the Morton Parks at Falstaff force of circumstances and other Executive on a motion made by old Rosenthal; Barbara Cohen, The Lincoln team started contingencies c a n n o t care for Louis Llpsky, a former president Lea Cohen, Arthur Epstein, J3er«. Charge Nazis with Park. fast and scored 6 runs in t h e themselves, and to build charac- ot the Z. Or A. nard Magld, Nan Racusln, David first inning, knocking out the ter in our youth so that they may . Making public the Initial steps Rice, Phyllis Freed, Evelyn PlnSabotage Attempt starting Morton - hurler. H e r b be fitted to carry on and preserve taken td implement the plan of kowltz, :••, Doris Belzer, Ba,rbar^ reorganization, Mr. Kaufmann re- Blacker, Martin Blacker, Jeanne Marks, pitching his second. game the Ideals of Americanism." Lansing (JTA)"There is evivealed that "earnest attention is Blacker, Arline Dadskyi' Arnold in two nights, bore down when dence that Nazis in Michigan "are "America's answer is. b e i n g by he,had to and coasted*to an easy y being/given g y him to the Kalman, Helen Rodin, Bernlco a 1 r e a d y engaged in sabotage," made in" thousands of communitof all phases of Sommer, R o s a l i e Wasserman, Lieut. Harold Mulbar, in com- victory. ies like Omaha. Tho slogan "Open Implementation mand of the anti-subversive activYour Hearts to Omaha's NeedB" tho reorganization plan designed Joan Robinson, Allen Newman, ities squad of the State Police, . Herb Melches led the hitters means- the adequate financing of to enhance the effectiveness and Marvin Newman, Dicky Segal, with, 3 safe blngles. Only one er- the work of private social agen- prestige of the Organization." „ Lois Linsman, Babs Cohn, Joan charged hero this "week.He voiced his determination to Schlffer, Harley Beber, and Betty The officer said the State Po- ror was-chalked up against the cies in relieving distress, in guid- carry Out the mandate of the con- : a k s . - . , • • . , . - • : . . v . , V ••...- • : . - • • lice1 is watching closely the activ- Ed Lincoln boys in this game as ing the bewildered and helping vention without u n d u e delay, ities of a Nazi group operating a the novelty of Playing under^-the the discouraged. This Is our best stating that he was happy "td relights wore off. Their next game answer to the'threat of mass hycamp near here. To Colony ceive, the wholehearted In the semi-finals will be the Yeosteria that has disrupted ed many tion of the.members of cooperaPictures of A d o I f Hitler are the Na1 prominently displayed' in t h e men^ champs of the North Church other nations; In Omaha, m o r e tionalfexefcuTtlYe'who recognized Geneva (JTA) —Sixty .refugees than 30,000 persons were served the timeliness of such action, af- eft Switzerland from Lisbon thta camp which is "bedecked with League. during the f i r s t six months of ter the exhaustive study and ex- week enroute to the Sosua SettleBos Score: ,. swastikas Insido and out," he asMorton JParls' 1940 by thirty of these agencies amination that' has been given to ment in tho Dominican Republic. serted. ••;:..••' ltoco!a abMh rpot ta*e '••••• abhpoae H AT If 3 0 1 1-0 TvrdHc 2b 2 2 0 1 0 banded together In the Commun- the plan." ; Kukln if 4 1 0 0 0 Hard'y Sb 3 0 0.10 ity Cheat. More than- 50,000 othKelchca o 4 3 9 1-0 Casart c 3 3 S 1 1 era m a d e . this service possible ••'. ThreeDepartments Go Forbid Departure organization and /membership, la Alt'lor lb 3 1 8 0 0 Tourek sf 2 0 4 0 0 : In line with the reorganisation moving to Washington. /1 • 8Wn. Cf-p " 3 1 1:1 0 through their contributions." Bloom cf 3 2 0 0 0 Of Skilled Workers J AT 2b 2 1 1 1 0 Lubla'r rf 3 0 1 0 0 plan, the Executive approved the' -' Rabbi Breslau, who will servo "The Community 0 h o s t, the' Markfl p 2 0 0 2 0 Smith lb 2 0 3 0 1 Jensan pcf 2 0 4 0 0 modern.. g o p d neighbor, Is the recommendation, by the President as executive director and SecreWolk tt 8,11,1 1 Geneva,,(JTA) — Tho N a z i L'd'an ca 3 fl 0 1 0 Groves If 2 0 3 1 1 for the transfer of 2!. O; A. head- tary of the 25. 0. -A.V headed tho authorities at Cracow, Nasl Po- Q'dlng 3b 3 0 1 0 0 Bowry- es 3:0 0 0 1 greatest" forSe for jclyje unity" in quarters to Washington. For the American Zionist B u'r e a u la our" nation today. In the face' of time being the following.: three Washington ; for the' pastotwo land, were reported last week to total S092171 Totals 22 5 215 4 tragic needs, let us do our best have forbidden the d o p a r t u r e Lincoln departments will bo removed to years. A /graduate of the,; Unloa Market .620 — 000 0—3 _ . . . . . ; . . . 2 0 0 002 0—4 by 'opening our hearts to Oma- Washington: Department of Or- jaw School, New/York State ,CoT<i from the city of Jewish artisans, Morton Park Tlirca-ba33 hits—%Setches, Wollc Double ha's needs'." skilled workers and professionals. plays—drovea-Cese&rt; anizatibn and Metiibershlp, Fi- iege, as well as 'the Jewish InStl* '» Melches-Altmtler: nance Department, and The1 'New ;ute of Religion, Rabbi iBfesIast The measure. assertedly w a s M. Adler-Ooldlns. Bases on ballo—Marks 3. Strikeouts—Marks 8, SwanPalestine, the weekly publication ormerly occupied pulpits in New taken to protect the economic In- 4,sonSwanson 2. Hits—Jensen 4 in 2-3; Bwanson, S no hits could produce no runs for , terests of the city, from which all la 0 1-3. Losing fcltcher—Jensen. him. Fran&lln was the fielding of the Z.1 6 . A. York, W a t e r b u r y , Conn. dqA* other Jews hare been order oat. The Leavenworth Market, oth- etar for the Leavenwbrths. • It was found advisable' that the Washington, D. C. He has .hem According to . tho Nazi o r g a n er J. 0. C. entrant in the city Departments'Of Youth and Educa- active in the Zionist movementsKrakauer Zeitung, all Jews re- tournament lost a tough 2 to 0 Benjamin Franklin J o n a s, a tion and the Palestine Bureau fo- since' his early youth, receiving maining in Cracow without "nor- .victory to the Vita Freeze team. New Orleans Jew (1834-1911), 'maln lnrNew York for the pres-. his-first-Zionist training at Ztoa mal occupation will be subject Morrle Epstein pitched a n i c e was acting adjutant of .the Army ent. Mr. Morris Margulies, identl- Hall la Holyoke, Mass., in 1910to forced labor.' field in the past with the work ot 2 . I game for the Market boys, but I of Tennessee.
J.CXX Sports
?•*• t
the league to "The Merchants League."
By Dr. Loais Finkelstein Science and religion, oace considered ii-itxeiii.tita.Lly opposed, BOW meet &u coiumou ground to discuss the problems of civilization.: At 'a'tluiee-day confereiiee, couiiEemciiig . Eeptember 98 the varloos religions, philosophies «nd sciences will meet to contribute their faadl* vidual traditions, - beliefs e u i fiuding-s towards the strength*' ert&ag at in&n fa Us straggle to preserve the democratic islesls of life.—1'MB EDITOR.
Director- of the Harvard College Observatory, says that "cue of our difficulties has been the fact that groups of scientists and philosophers have been no completely separate from each other in our time. If the social and psychological sciences s,re to develop k logical sad rigorously experimental method bimiiar to that which has brought such achievement in the physical sciences, there must be closer communion between the physical, psychologies! aiid social sciences to that Eighty-one of the country's out- end. To make the moral achievestanding scholars will gather to- ments, implicit in science, a gether at the Jewish Theological source of strength in civilization, Seminary of America OH the 9th lQ scientists will have to have of September, to begin a three- the cooperation also of the philday Conference on Science, Phil- osopher and the religious teachosophy and Religion, in their re- er." lation to the democratic way ol According to Dr. Albert Einlife. stein, "Science can only be creThese founding members feel ated by those who are thoroughthat the time has come when ly Imbued with t h e aspiration those who are helping to fashion towards truth and understanding. an American way of life should This source of feeling, however, try to meet one another, to reach springs from t the sphere of reli& mutual understanding, and if gion. To this there also belongs possible to formulate the basis on the faith in the possibility that 'Which they may cooperate for the the regulations valid for t h e preservation of democratic ideals, world of existence are rational, It is becoming obvious, that, is, comprehensive to reason. •without destroying the independ- Ithat cannot conceive of a genuine ence of their separate traditions, scientist without that profound the various religions, sciences and faith. The situation may be exphilosophies can cooperate toward pressed by an image: science the ends they have in common religion is lame, religion and provide an education that without •will be man's ultimate bulwark without science is blind." against false and destructive ideoProbably no one man in the logies. scientific world has devoted more Significant Event energy to the building of a spirit The very fact that men repre- of cooperation and understanding senting these three disciplines are among religious a n d scientific willing and anxious to meet to- leaders than Dr. Arthur Compgether is in Itself significant of a tori, Professor of Physics at tho better understanding of the prob- University of Chicago, and winlems which face civilization - to- ner of the Nobel Prize. "If sciday. A decade ago such a gather- ence is to make its full contribuing would have been impossible. tion toward the preservation of The typical liberal thinker moral value, it must have the co"would have been loathe to admit operation of religious teachers," that the future of science, democ- Dr. Compton stated recently. racy and civilization could be inSpirit of Fellowship tertwined with the future of religious institution*. For him sci"Twenty thpusand years ago ence itself was a Messiah and he the family was the social unit; looked to science's advancing The social unit • has now become technique to ensure the happiness the world, in which it may be of mankind and the expansion of fairly said that each person's welculture. fare affects that of every other. He regarded the spread of lit- In such a civilization, the importeracy as leading inevitably to the ance of good will among men beepread of democracy. It never oc- comes a matter of unprecedented curred to him that the technique urgency. If such good will Is abof mass education might be used sent, as men become more deto.enslave her. Yet advancing pendent upon each other, we can technology has put into the hands only expect; more violent strife. of ambitious individuals powers With wars and threats of wars of propaganda and force which, all around us, it has become litIn times of crisis, may easily be erally a matter of life and death sufficient to overturn democratic that men shall become inspired systems ol government. with the spirit of fellowship. The truth is, of course,,that the "Where then is the remedy? more science we have, the more character building religion is de- Love of one's neighbor is' the manded. The attitude of the re- natural attitude for- those who ligious faiths toward each other recognize that all men may bein modern times, particularly in come God's children. This is the 'America makes them especially central theme of Christianity. It lit to carry on the task of spread- is prominent also in the teaching both the democratic and the ings of Judaism. History shows scientific attitudes among- men. no agency comparable in influ4 {This attitude of Catholic, Jewish ence with these religions in bringand Protestant leaders in this country toward one another represents an effort to realize in the relations of the religious groups themselves that ideal of peace and mutual affection which they have been teaching to the world at large. Haven of Refnge America's part "in this realization of the prophetic ideal has been invaluable. Because America has been the haven of refuge lor the oppressed of all origins, She has come' to reject, in theory Bt least, all manner of human exploitation and subordination. Her principle of federalism, applied in iser Constitution simply to her political forms and as a device for creating a balance between local ©nd central governments, ia gradually spreading also to other aspects of social organization. No group recognizes the importance of this spirit more than the Scientists. Dr. Harlow Shapley,
ing the spirit of good will men." It is the hope of all the men who have joined in organizing the Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion that from the meeting In September will emerge a clear idea of the material and spiritual crisis of t h e modern world and s o m e program for meeting the crisis. (Copyright, 1940,* by Sevea Arts Feature Syadieate)
. L. L. tJowif By SAM ZWEIBACK At a meeting held Tuesday evening, last year's J. C. C. Bowling league was revived, after it had looked like this activity would have to be dropped this year on account of no bowling alleys being available to bowl on. However, the new "20th Century" bowling establishment, located at 15th and Douglas Sts., obtained six alleys for the boys for Tuesday evening's at 8 o'clock end the committee decided to accept their offer and curtail the league to six teams this year, hoping that by bowling at the new alleys this year, that" next year we could go back to eight or more teams, as we now can put in our reservation for next year and of course have some preference. It Is highly regrettable that only six teams can be accommodated this year, but of course this will at least take care of 36 Jewish bowlers. The 36 bowlers chosen were picked by a committee of eight, giving preference to the old bowlers ,and considering their average at the end of last season, and also their attendance record. By this method the league this year is assured of a faster league and better attendance, and in fact no straws are contemplated for the entire season. If for any reason a bowler should have to drop out, his place will be filled immediately ' by another bowler from last year's league.
New Y o r k (JTA) — High praise for the Columbia Broadcasting System's Church of the Atr program is coEtained in massages sect by many religious leaders of all denominations to the CBS on the ninth anniversary of the program. The program, which has broadcast t w o services to wide-spread audiences every Sunday, entered its tenth year Sept, 1. Although the Church of the Air services are limited to half-hour periods, they are as far as possible patterned after the customary service of the church that is represented, and often church choirs join in the broadcast with hymns and anthems. Those who take the pulpit, are free to choose their subjects, <but no speaker is permitted to make any request for contributions, either for bis own church or in behalf of the Church of the Air. Aside from b e i n g steadfastly Impartial in dealing with representatives of the different religious faiths, the Church of the Air is also careful to give younger m i n i s t e r s an opportunity to preach. In keeping to a representative schedule, Sterling Fisher, CBS director of education and religious broadcasts, enlists the assistance of an advisory b o a r d whose members represent 13 different faiths. The Jewish repres e n t a t i v e ^ this board Is Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, of New York.
It was decided that the six captains will be the governing board of the league and Bam Zweiback was elected secretary. There will be money prises distributed at the end of the season to the high individual single and series scores, and also to the high team game and series. The "Pol of Gold" will be divided on a basis of the number, of games won by each team, in this manner each and every bowler is assured of getting some part of the prise money. Also a beautiful and appropriate trophy will be awarded to the sponsor of the winning team. Bowling will take place every Tuesday, starting at 9 p. m. this next Tuesday night, September 3, and will continue for 35 weekB, which is seven complete rounds. Everyone Is invited to come up and eee your friends in a real entertaining and healthful sport.
Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillip* was succeeded by his son, Sir. George Faudel-Phillips, as Lord Mayor of London.
Teachers' Union Hits Dictatorship Buffalo (JTA) — A strong resolution condemning all forms of dictator government was approved last week by t h e American Federation of Teachers at i t s twenty-fourth annual convention. The resolution, in part, read: We unequivocally condemn and utterly oppose all dictatorships, whether of Nazi, Fascist or Communist origin, whether in Germany, Italy or Russia, and the transplanting or practice of their ideas and their methods within the confines of our country or our profession."
The team personnel was picked according to averages and the six teams will have an approximate average of 805 for each .team, which is about 30 pins higher than last year's team average. By a vote of the committee, it was decided to change the name of
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© No seed to coax youngsters to eat a good breakfast now. They love these toasted grains'of rice that are so crisp they enaptcrecklet poptea they float in milk or cream. And that astounding crispness actually lasts till the final bite, Rice Krispiea ewe. their'good-pesa toKcllogg'a unique flavor recipe end (special "popping" in ov' ess. Their crunehiness end rich flavor are protected by KeUoggfo " i " i A !
•for tteri
The followleg are the sponsors and C8.§taiE3 of the six teams: Moe Linsnian will sponsor the Wardrobe Clothere, and bis captain will be Sam Katzman. Dave Halm will spoESor the Pioneer Clothing and his captain will be Jack Melcher. Harry Smith will sponsor the fjHiitii Motor Co., and his captain will fee Dave Beiss. Dave Frank will sponsor the State Coal team, and Mhis captain will be Sam Zweiback. The Empire Cleaners will be captained by Lee Hurwich, and Max Platt will sponsor the Cliquot Club Eskimos and his captain will be George Shapiro.
'I ®f Timo
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Haolun*a Siar&wator
Castile Soap PER BAR
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sented. &n ambulance to tfee Australian Rea Cross. The gi£t warn Jerusalem (JTA) — Tfae Com- accepted by- Col. .Harold ..-Cohen, mittee for the Support of Refu- Australian Red Cross Commis* for the Middle" East. gee RabMs from Russia stud Hasl territories, hgade-d fey Chief -Rabbi Isaac Herasg a n d President YOUR Judsh L. Magaes of Hebrew University, announced receipt of a which get Government financial third installment of a fttsd allotMANAGER. support. The principle of sectar- ted tor SOft rabbis already in PalCIT¥ FINANCE AND ian education is a dubious one, estine. to iay mind, but the action, in £fthis case, was taken at the reDonate quest of the Jews. It speaks pretA Gcmpiete Insurance ty well for Greek tolerance. CALL; WALNUT 6159 Jerusalem (JTA) — Arab and "The Settlement Count*" Jewish workers constructing mil(Copyrighted by Jewish Teleitary encampments this week, pregraphic Agency, Inc.)
Rehhh fit Palestine
By Roman Slobodia - Italy's threatening gestures in long and distinguished history the direction of Greece foreshad- awith almost unbroken record ow the possible swallowing into back to classical times. the totalitarian maw of another One of the distinguishing feaEuropean Jewish community, a tures of Greek Jewry has been small one, to be sure, but distin- that during most of their history guished nowadays by the fact that were not banned, as were it is one of the last oases on the they Jews elsewhere in Europe, from continent of Europe for some- skilled and thus forced to thing resembling decent life for make atrades, living by commerce. In the Jews. —*•' medieval times they developed the The cries of rage in the con- Greek silk industry, raising mul trolled Fascist press over the berry groves, rearing silkworms killing of a so-called Albanian na- and spinning and weaving. tionalist leader by the Greeks are, The most distinguished Jewish of course, not being uttered in in Greek history was Don the Interest of Albanian national- name Joseph Nasl, who was made Duke ism/which the Italians shattered of Naxos the Turkish Sultan a year ago when they seized that Selim II inby1574, who introcountry, and are continuing to duced the silk and industry from grind under the heela of their Greece into Tiberias in Palestine army's boots today. The Fascists In an effort, crowned with conshouted about the rights and lib- siderable success, to revive Jewerties of Albanians with their ish life in the Holy Land. •yes elsewhere. Specifically, they Seph&rdiin Prevail were directed toward Salonika. The great Sephardlc migration Salonika is a seaport at the after expulsion the Jews from head of . the Aegean Sea, which Spain brought of many Jews from changed hands from Turkey to that country to Greece, and the Greece in the last war. It is far indigenous Jewish population was and away the most important largely absorbed by the newcomstrategic spot in southeastern ers, so that the religious ritual Europe. In possession of this city, and culture of Greek Jewry today an Axis army would be in a posi- is almost entirely Sephardlc. tion to drive the British out of Even today many Jews in the Aegean, and challenge their as in other Mediterrannaval control of the Eastern Med- Greece, ean lands, speak the corrupted iterranean. They also would be form of Spanish called Ladino as in a position to talk turkey to the their second mother tongue, algovernment at Constantinople. though some communities are British Garrison purely Greek-speaking. Early in World War I, the AlGreece is altogether a poor and lies seized Salonika, and they held in many respects a backward on to it even after the retreat country, and it would be stretchfrom Gallipoll. For a long time ing the truth to call it a land the Germans laughed at the Al- where democracy survives. Its lied garrison there as "our larg- government, of course, is a dicest concentration camp" but in tatorship, but it is the kind of the end the effect of the Allied old-fashioned, slip-shop dictatorwedge driven from this base be- ship which hasn't yet learned to tween Turkey and Austria played rule every phase of human life a telling role in the victory in with an iron rod, with the thorthe East. oughness of a Germany, Italy or So much for Salonika's mili- Russia. tary importance. Its importance People in Athens, when I was to the Jews arises from the fact there six months ago, said, "Yes, that they constitute nearly one- we have a dictator, but we're fourth its population, numbering pretty democratic." They.said, it 66,000, The entire Jewish popu- apologetically and half hopefully. lation of Greece numbers 72,000, Fear Italy so Greek Jewry is almost synonyOne thing they weren't halfmous with Salonika Jewry. hearted about. They hate, and The Salonika Jews are a col- fear Italy. They tremble at the orful and interesting group. They name of Germany. They hate Engare the only traditionally seafar- land, too—Greeks have never for,ing Jewish population I know given the theft of the Elgin marabout. A large proportion of Sa- bles from the Parthenon—but lonika Jewry works In maritime they have some hope.of help from trades, as sailors, lightermen, and her in a pinch. And they regard harbor workers. In fact, the hard Turkey, with whom they fought work of Salonika port is done one of the bitterest little wars of mostly by Jews. modern times twenty years ago, As might be expected, they are as their great friend and proa rough and sturdy crew. Salon- tector. ika Jews run to the burly sixGreece is only a little chip foot type, with ruddy complex- which must be clashed around ions, sun-bleached blue eyes. helplessly in the tidal waves of While I never visited the Greek World War" II; Her shoddilyseaport, I saw plenty of them In equipped, ill-trained army couldthe harbors, of Tel Aviv and n't stop Italy for five minutes, Haifa, for it is they .who are do- unaided. And this isn't World ing the heavy work of trying to War I. There is no France, and build a Jewish maritime industry England is too busy elsewhere -to for Palestine: ' • help., Only the opposition of Turkey, supported by Russia, and . Seafaring Men : . They are not only sailors, but the intercession' of Germany, shipwrights on a small scale, which wants no upset in the Balbuilding the sturdy little craft of kans, can stop Mussolini. the type; used in almost every Greek .trade and markets are Mediterranean port for. ferrying dominated by Germany to such goods ^between anchored ships an extent .that it ia hard to find and the shore. The officials of non-German goods ' in Athenian Tel Aviv-port proudly take visi- shops. Nazi good-will is one of tors to see what they call hope- the major factors in the little" fully the ^"infant < Jewish ; ship- country's continued existence. Yet building industry." .It is a large unlike all other Balkan countries, shed In. which! Salonika craftsmen Greece has held out so far against build lighters of this kind, and Nazlfication of her laws and her other types of small boats. daily life. - ; ; Naturally, most Salonika Jews .She is the only country I know are extremely, poor, and so are of which, as recently as a year most other'Greek Jews, with the ago, adopted a law for compulexception of a handful of pros- sory attendance of Jewish chilperous merchants. But they have dren, at Jewish elementary schools
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D e d i c ation Ceremonies Held in Ciudad Trujillo Ciudad Trujillo, It. D., W e s t Indies (By mail to Jewish Press) — Jews from all parts of the Dominican Republic gathered last week in Ciudad Trujillo to dedicate the new cemetery. Former* ly Jews were buried In the Christian cemeteries as no Jewish bur ial ground existed. The purchase of the g r o u n d was made possible through the enthusiastic co-operation of members of the community assisted by Dr. J. Rosen, vice-president of the Dominican Settlement A s s o c iation. Dedication services were opened by Rabbi F. Steinmetz, spiritual leader of the Parroquia Israelita de la Republica Dominicana. Symbolic of t h o co-operative nature of the Dominican colonization was marked by each person present, driving a nail into the fence which is being constructed around the cemetery. Free Loan Society The municipal > authorities of Ciudad Trujillo have a l r e a d y granted permission for the building of a Funeral hall. Another co-operative effort of the community was started last month by Dr. Rosen and Mr. David J. Schweitzer, Director of the Dominican Settlement Association, when the Socledad CooperaMva "Gemilas Chesed" (Jewish Fjee Loan Society) was founded. The first gift to the Society Was $50, donated by a recent immigrant to the island, Mr. J. Karger.
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Montreal (JTA) — The "Rev. J. K. Goldbloom of London, chairman of the. Executive Board of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain, and his wife arrived here last week for an indefinite stay.
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MORRIS AIZENBERG, Corre&poiident
Annual Inter-Club Affair To Be Held on Oct. 14
, 184-0
f"K£ JEV/fSii
Marvin Klass, Mrs.*"E. Kline/ Sovel Krueger, Joe Kutcber, Jo Lansburg, Mrs. Maurice Laseusky. Jack Lassinan, Mrs. Sam Levine, Joe Levitt, Morey Lipshutz Dr. L. London, Max Mason, Dorothy Merlin, Herman Miller and Itubeu Miller. Miltou Mushkio, Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, Ben Novitsky, Mrs. S Pickus, Sam Rattier-, Eli Robinow. Mrs. Jack Robinson, Jack Robiusori, Morey Rubin, M. Satin, Rudy Schindler, Al Schwartz, Wm. Serf, M. Seff, Sol Seff, Ben Sekt, J. Shapiro, M. Shiloff, L. Schindler, Mrs. S. Shulkin, I. Singer, M. E. Skalovsky and Mrs. M. Weil.
SAUNDUKS-UPSHl'TZ At twelve o'clock uoon oil Sunday, August 25, Miss Bess Lip£butz. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Liyshutz. 1915 Heights A%re,. will become the bride of George Saunders. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Saunders of Brook liue, Mass. Rabbi H. R. Eabinovvitz and liabbi Sol I. Bolclnikov will officiate at the wedding. Sixty guests will attend th wedding and dinner. A reception will follov/ front four to seven o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. No invitations have beei isued. Out-of-town guests for the wedding include Mrs. S.'Radkay and Mr. Sidney Saunders of Brookline Mass., Mrs. H. D. Robinsou of Chestnut Hill, Mass., Mrs. Bennett Silverblatt of Lowell, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lipnian of Stevens Point. Wis., Mr. and Mrs Ed Cain of Chicago, 111., Mrs. J B. Robinson, Mr. .and Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Moe Katieman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kooper, Mr. Bernard Robinson, and Mrs. Arthur Robinson, all of Omaha, Neb., Mrs. Stanley Karl of Flint, Mich., and Mrs. Jeffrey Strauss of Phoenix, Ariz.
FROM MINNESOTA Miss Ruth Jacobson of Worth ington, Minn., visited here for the past three weeks with her mother, Mrs. S. Jaeobson, 19th and Virginia streets.
Bernard Skalovsky on September 29 was revealed on tiay white tea napkins engraved in gold. One husdred and thirty guests were invited. Tbe tea tables were appointed in yellow aud bine with a vase of flowers as a centerpiece. The assistant hostesses w e r e the Misses Bernice Jacobson, Rosanna Dike! a"1* Mesdames Sam Slotsky. Cornenian, E. N. Meyer Shubb. Gru
KETI'RNS Miss Helen Marsh has returned home after a three-week vacation in V/alseiiburg, Colo. Her sister Miss Esther Marsh, who accompanied her to Walseuburg, is staying there for an indefinite visit. ANNOUNCE MIRTH Word has been received by Mrs. • II. Lavine, 815 Sixteenth, of the THAKKH 1>'RIKNI>H Mrs. Nathan Elkin of Los An- birth of a daughter to Mr. .and geles wishes to thank all her rela- Mrs. Bill Lavine of Los Angeles, tives and friends for their fine Calif. Mrs. Laviue is the former Sarah Share. hospitality.
Pl&ns me HOW in progress tor RETURN TO VISITS OMAHA the Seventh Aiueual Jewish CarniMr. and Mrs. Jake Raskin and Mrs. Thomas Ivener visited in val presented by tf»e Inter-Club Omaha over the week-end with children of Dallas, Texas, have Council. The date for tfce 1040 her parents,.*Mr. and Mrs. Harry returned home after a month'* Carnival lies been set for Octobe Markus, where . she attended the visit with relatives and friends. 34th anniversary dinner ?n 14. FROM LOS ANGELES for her parents. Thirty organizations comprise Mr. Ben Raskin of Los Angeles, the membership of the Inter-Club FROM OMAHA Calif., visited in the Charles BarCouncil. Of these, the following participate in the proceeds derivMiss Hebe Bernstein of Omaha ricks and Phil Kalin homes last ed from the Carnival: is visiting here with Mrs. Tom week, Mr. Raskin is formerly B'nai B'rith, National Workers from Sioux City. Ivener. Alliance and Poale Zion, Workmen's Circle, Auxiliary of WorkMiss Etta Marcus of Omaha is VISITING HERB ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT men's Circle, Junior Hadassah visiting here with Miss Thelma Miss Bernice Heslov of You»g»Plans have been completed by Announcement w a s made by Senior Hadassah, Auxiliary of Mrs. Meyer Shubb and Mrs. Mil- Mr. and Mrs. M. N. London, 211 Shindler, 2009 Jennings street. town, Ohio, is visiting In the Wm. Tephereth Israel, Hebrew Moth ton Muskin of the Ways and Metz apartments, of the engageHeshelow home, 812 Eighteenth ers' Assn., Auxiliary of Shaare Means committee for the annual street. MATZ-DEVINE ment of their daughter, Miss DorZion, Mt. Sinai Brotherhood, Mt. Council of Jewish Women card The marriage of Miss Goldie othy London, to Stanley V. SanedSinai Sisterhood, Pioneer Women, party. An unusual affair is being llng. No wedding date has been Devine, daughter of Mrs. Anne IN BIOUX FALLS and A. Z. A. Miss Ethel Katz, 909 Iowa, t« Devine, 1613 Center, to Mr. Sidpromised. ; set. ney Matz, son of Mr. and Mrs. visiting In Sioux Falls, S. D., with Mr. H. Sol Novitsky has been , Mrs. Morris Weil, ticket chairMiss London w a s graduated appbinted chairman of this year's man, will meet with a group of from Central High, where she was Sam Matz, 1619 Cook, was held her sister, Mrs. B. Lite. women to distribute tickets next a Phllomathian, and attended the Sunday, August 18, at the Beth Carnival. Seven years ago, the Carnival Monday, August 26, at her home. University of Iowa, where she Abraham synagogue. Rabbi Sol I. Bolotnikov officiated. The bride was established to provide a sinwas a member of Sigma Delta was g i v e n in marriage by an gle fund-raising projejet in which Tau sorority. Mr. Shanedling, son uncle, Mr. Edward Devine of ChiPessia Stillman all the Jewish organizations who of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaned- cago, 111. Mr. Joe Devine, brother Pessla Stillman, 72, of 1101 previously had solicited f u n d s ling of Minneapolis, was graduat- of the bride, was best man. Chartres, died, in a hospital last from the general public could ed from the University of MinneAfter the ceremony, a reception Monday. She w a s a native of unite. Thus, this one A n n u a l The Telephone committee of sota and from the Harvard law was held In the bride's home be- Russia, but had lived in Houston Drive has eliminated the many inschool. He is a member of Sigma tween the hours of three and ight years. She was a member dividual ticket sales & solictations the Council of Jewish Women met Alpha Mu fraternity. at the home of Mrs. Earl Kline. seven. More than two hundred of Congregations Adath Yeshurun from non-Jewish firms. Chairmen of this important diviguests attended. Assisting Mrs. and Beth Jacob and a member of Executive Committee sion are Mrs. C. E. Stein and BARON-FRIEDMAN Devine and Mrs. Matz at the re- Beth Jacob Sisterhood. She Is The Executive Committee which Mrs. Leon Dubrovsky, . Miss Sylvia Friedman, daugh- ception were the Mesdames Sin- survived by a daughter, Mrs. A* -Will assist Mr. Novitsky is comMembers of the committee are: ter of Mr; and Mrs. M. E. Fried- ton, E. Devine, Abe Berkowitz, I. Lack of Houston; four sons, posed of the following: Mesdames A. Berkowitz, Joe Kan- man, 3201 Nebraska street, and and Max Ivener; and the Misses Abe of Wharton, Harry of-New; Lester Davidson, A. M. Davis, tor, Lou Chesen, Al Turchen, M. Arnold A. Baron, son of Mrs. Phyllis Sinton, Mae Matz, Fran- York, Eli and Ed of Austin. FuH. Pishgall, E. N. Grueskin, Les- Rice, Joe Kutcher.Nate Cohen, Dora Baron, Bolstein apartments, cys and Rose Lavine and Jan Le- neral services were conducted at ter Heeger, L. J. Kaplan, Herman Jack Levitsky, Meyer Levitt, were married last . Sunday eve- bowich. 5 p. m., Monday, in the drawing Levy, M. Lipshutz, Jack Robin- Dave Hurwitz and Robert Sacks. ning at the Shaare Zloa synaOut-of-town guests were: Mrs. room of the Greer-Levy funeral son, Mrs. Sam Shulkin. gogue with Rabbi H. R. Rablno- Sinton, Dorothy, Phyllis and Wal- home with Rabbi Max Geller and Arrangements for the evening's witz and Cantor M6rrls Pernick ter Sinton, Ruth Falk and Ted Cantor Max Landman officiating* entertainment are in the hands of officiating. - The processional and Mayer, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Burial was In Adath Yeshurun Ben Baron, Floor Chairman, and recessional marches were played Ed Devine of Chicago; Mr. and emetery. Active pallbearers were Jack Robinson, who will h a v e Tiy: "1Mis3 Shirley Epstein. Mrs. Mrs. Sam Rivln and family of i, Friedman, B. Kllen, Abram b l d t i o Samuel Cflljeftsang 'Because,' ac- Wfrmebago, Neb.; Mr. Louis Okln Jeller, Yale Kahlman.I. Stoloff, Rabbi Albert S. Goldstein will ompanled ':•'. by . Miss Fay Han-of Mitchell, S. D.; Mr. find Mrs. B.Juran and Nathan H. Colish. . Elaborate plans have been made Prior to her moving to Houston for novelty entertainment and a offer a four-week c o u r s e in chette. V - . ; l v H •'••• •: •. Jake Raskin and family of Dalt e a l carnival atmosphere. The Zionism to leaders of organizaIn the wedding party were Mrs. las, Texas, and Mrs. Hurwitz of she lived in Sioux City since 1908. n Sioux City, Mrs. P. Stillman committee in c h a r g e of floor tions engaged in Zionist work at D. L. Wjgpdsky, sister of the Vermilllon, 8. D. was very active la all Jewish plans promises to make this a his home, 1919 Grandview. Those bridegroom, matron of honor; The couple are now at Tiome charitable and religious activities gala evening of fun and amuse- participating will be leaders of Miss Hommey Abraham, cousin of at 1613 Center. Young Judaean groups, Junior the bride, mald-of-honor, and and was very much beloved and ment. and Senior Hadassah and J. N. F. Miss Sylvia Epstein of Omaha and respected by everyone. Advertising SATURDAY TEA National Advertising is being Council. The course will consist Miss Lorraine ' Bailin, bridesMrs. A. Beechen and Mrs. ReuSolicited under the leadership of of four lectures starting Tues- maids. Mrs. Wigodsky and Miss ben Miller were hostesses at a Gracla d'Alarcon, who was sen•. 8am Cohen. His committee in- day evening, August 27, and con- Abraham wore yellow and blue tea Saturday afternoon from 2:30 enced by the Inquisition in 1593 tinue for the next four consechiffon gowns, respectively, and to 6:30 In the home of Mrs. Mil- jfcludes: or Judaizlng, was described in arried blue and yellow pompom L. Agranoff, Eph Baron, Milton utive Tuesdays. chrysanthemums and wore match- er, 3245 Jennings. The marriage the official record as the most Bolstein, J o h n Brodkey, Louis date of Miss Velma Beechen and beautiful woman in the kingdom* ing flowers in their hair. Chesen, Sam C o h e n , Lawrence Orthodox Synagogues Davidson, H. Erinberg, Sam EpThe bride* w a s attired in a Bteln, Max Falk, George Felnberg, Services will begin at the Or- white silk jersey dress with a . Ben Fish, H. Fishgall, Henri Er- thodox synagogues this evening at long train and long full bishop stein, Walter Franc, A. B. Fried- 7 o'clock and in the morning at sleeves. Her fingertip veil fell man, Herman Galinsky, Max Gel- 8:30. Rabbi Sol I. Bolotnikov from a tiara of seed pearls. She fand, Bill GUinsky, Joe Gorchow, will speak at the Adas Yeshureu carried an arm bouquet of garNathan Gorchow, Ben G l a z e r , synagogue during the morning' denias. .•'..-• . . '. ,. Jack Goldsmith, J. H. Greenberg, services. TO HEALTH AND [IAPPUIESS Jack Greenberg and David WiE. N. Grueskin, and Lester Heeg'o d s k y were groomsmen and gar. . .1 , ' Samuel Bloom of Minneapolis - L o u i s Heeger, Sam Horwitz, and Leonard Gilles of Fargo, N. JT. Jacobson, Joe Kaiman, B e n D., ushers. Society News , Kalin, J. Kalin, L, J. Kaplan, J. Assisting: at the reception which Krlv,. J. Kuntz, L. J. Kutcher, followed in the Mayfair hotel John Lansburg, Jack Lassman, 8HINDLER-B00KEY were ' Misses Blossom Kalin, Ro> Discovered mero than 100 years ago, and taken Moe Lazere, Jack Levine, I. LevMiss Betty Bookey, daughter of sena Kosberg, Shirley Epstein, over by tha United Stcrtsi Government to prevent itsky, Herman Levy, TTJbu Llp- Mrs. Ell Bookey, Commodore Ho- Helene Albert, Pody Befmont, oxploltation, this Great spa hat bson developed shutz. Morcy Lipshutz, Jack Lon- tel, Des Moines, and Isadore L. Mrs. Sidney Felntech a n d Mrs. into a modem health retort, with tuporlor living don, Victor Mazie, Milton Mush- Shindler, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. George Felnberg. ltin, Herman Miller, Reuben Mill- Shindler, 1715 Nebraska street, The bride's mother wore.a flowaccommodations. All tporti end recreation* er, H. S. Novitsky,. Perry Ornow- will be married at 3 o'clock Sun- ered chiffon dress and a corsage readily available, tflako your <tay one of added ltz and Dave Rodin. enjoyment. Stop et thii popular hotel; located at the day afternoon, August 25, at the of gardenias.' Mrs.Baron's dress •" Jack Robinson, Ben R o s e n - Hotel Fort Des Moines in Des was of aqua chiffon and her corhead ef Bath House Row, in its own private park, bloom, Mark Sabel, Abe Sadoff, Moines. Rabbi Levens will offi- sage, also of gardenias.' it offer* t;uJst rsisKcsib-T, convenient to every ccSlvif^ Fred Sherman, Phillip Sherman, ciate. Mrs. Sands will sing the SOO rocsr.^ from12 tlngfa. lodsa on lake Hcmllion Mr. Baron and his bride will J. Shindler, Ave Silverberg, Mike bridal numbers and will be ac- reside at the Bolstein apartments V/rito For Pictorial Doo^fe!* Skalovsky, Leonard Tes'sfer, L. companied by piano. after August 25. WALTER E. DAVIS, Manager Weinberg, S. Weiner an<T Sam In the wedding party, the atWeiner." , tendants for the bride will be FROM FAR«O Bulletin Committee Dr. and Mrs. Arnold NatftoHn Mrs. M. Bookey, sister-in-law of One of the most important fea- the bride, Mrs. M. Grossman and and mother of Fargo, N. D;, vistures of the Carnival Is the Ad Miss Ida Shindler,' sisters of the ited here ^-over, the week-end In Book publish each year. Milton groom, Miss Frances Rosenthal the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bolstein has been made Advertis- of Norfolk and Miss Gplda San- Epstein. 815 2,2nd street. Mrs. ing Chairman in charge of this ders of Des Moines. " The flower Naftolin is the former Dorothy bulletin. Assisting Mr. Bolstein girl Is Miss Louise Elaine Chap- Epstein of Sioux City. . will be the following committee man, cousin of the bride.' \ members: . The bride will be attired in a VISITS FAMILY Miss Beatrice Pill of Chicago ' Abe A'eranoff, Lou Agranoff, white velvet dress with a long Eph Baron, Lawrence Baron, A. veil. „. The attendants will be spent several d a y s visiting her JS. Baron, Ben Baron, K. E. Bar- dressed in long blue princess style mother, Mrs. Philip Pill and family, 1710 Douglas street. • on. Dr. S. Bergen, Reuben Cohen, gowns. The attendants to the groom Sam Cohen, Lester Davidson, A. M. Davis, Mas Dervin, Leon Dob- are Dr. M. Grossman, of Sioux MRS. KARL HERE Mrs. Rose Karl and son, Edrofs&y, ~ilax Falk, Sol Falk, H. City; Mr. Bernard Cohen of WaFishgall, Nate Goldis, Jack Gold- terloo, Dr. Norman" Brodkey of ward, . are visiting here' for the stniti), Joe Goldstein, Wm. Good- Sioux City and Lester, and Mor- next month. Mrs. .Karl Is the former Rose Lipman, who' was susite, Jack Greenberg, Jim Green- ton Bookey of Des Moines. .••"" stone "and Mrs. Sam, Greenstone. . The couple will honeymoon for perintendent of the Federation of *? • Mike Grueskin. Lester Heeger, about ten days on a western tour Jewish Social Service. After their * govel HeShelow; Davo Hurwitz, J. and will make their home In stay.they will go to Michigan to make their' home, ' " - • Kalia, L. J. Kaplan, Earl Kline, Sfoux City."
Council Telephone Committee Meets
Offer Course in Zionist Leadership