ditered as Second Class Mail Matter on January SI, 1981, at Postofflce, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, 1879
Greta To
on Staff
Noted Actress W i l ] Direct Center Dramatics
Anti - Semitic ' .'< r; fiment in Conf 'Nat'
VOL. XVII—No, 4 4
Severest Damage Is
Geneva (WNfi ous antiFelt in Jewish BETH EL TO OPEN Jewish deinoiKj marked Sessions of the Beth El SabQuarter the. bloodless i«-»o. m staged Appointment of Greta Bacck as by the pro-Nazi Iron Guard and bath school are to be held on tiew director of dramatics, brings Rumanian army which precipitat- Saturday mornings at 10:30 at to the Jewish Community Center London (VVNB) — Great Brit* one of the leading artists of the ed the abdication of King Carol the Jewish Community Center un- ain's Jews were the hardest kit as German-speaking stage. and the creation of an Axis-ap- til the new Synagogue structure wave after wave of Nazi bombing proved, anti-Bemitic government is completed. Classes start to- planes rained incendiary bombs In her twenty-five years in the headed by General Ion Antenescu. morrow. theater, Miss Baeck estimates she on tho heavily Jewish populated baa played approximately eight Sunday sessions will be Insti- East I-iid district of London in While K i n g Carol fled the hundred roles and has appeared country, taking temporary refuge tuted as soon as classes are trans- the fiercest aerial attack of tho with the greatest figures of the war. In Switzerland, mobs of I r o n ferred to the new building. continental stage, including RuGuardists stormed through t h e The Jewish quarter w a s virdolph Schildkraut, Hans Alberts streets of Bucharest smashing the tually destroyed as Nazi raiders, Henri Dleterle, Peter Loire, Emll windows of Jewish-owned shops estimated in some quarters as 2,« Jannlngs, Leo Reuss, Albert Basand shouting "Down with t h e 000 planes, dropped their terrifyeerman, as well as many others. Jews." The demonstrators daming, death-dealing missiles in a In 1933, after ten years a memaged the JewislHOwned Galleries night-long r ^ 1 d on apparently ber of the famed Berlin Folk Lafayette. non-military objectives. (Theater, Miss Baeck's brilliant Already restricted economicalAn official government comcareer as a Berlin favorite was ly and politically, Rumania's Jews munique Kaid that 400 persona ended when non-Aryan artists looked forward with forebodin To Portray Seventy Years were killed and • between 1,300 were forbidden to appear in Gerto the future. Premier Antonescu, and 1,400 injured in the raid. of Congregation's Gieta ltaotk man theaters, * who established himself as dictaGovernment spokesmen admitted Returning to her native AusHistory tor with King Michael his royal that these figures were incomtria, she played for three months figure-head, announced that those plete and predicted that a final on the Viennese stage. Later she who "unjustly" punished • mem- Members of the cast for t h e checkup would reveal a greater •went to Troppau in the Sudeten bers of the Iron Guard would, pageant to be given at the seven- toll of dead and wounded. area where for three years she meet with severe penalties. tieth anniversary banquet of Tein .Though the proportion of Jews-' directed musicals 'and classical Long Strife , pie Israel on September 21 have a in o n g the dead and maimed Works. Later, when the Sudeten King Carol's abdication culmi- been named by Mrs. Ben Sha could not be determined inane-, area was absorbed by Germany, nated three months of strife and piro, chairman of the pageant diately, observers said it was unBhe moved to Prague and there unrest, during which the Jews committee. specialized in radio work. doubtedly high because of th» Those taking part are: Eddie predominance of Jews in the dlH-/ Besides her work as an actress, Chairmen of the Standing were the principal scapegoats. The last Rumanian government Brodkey, W a r r e n Ackerman, trlct. • Committees rMtaa Baeck directed the children's headed by Premier Ion Gigurtu, Howard'.Kaplan, Lloyd Friedman, Ko 1'anio •• •-•;•"' -"••' N a m e d •-. rplays given during the holiday also an anti-Semite, had precipi- Lois Barish, Shirley Barlsh, Harseasons at the Berlin Volksbuhne. Hundreds" of "Air" Raid PrecauNative of Vienna Regular meetings of the Omar tated anti-Jewish disorders when riett Newman, Fred Rosenberg, tions officials a n d volunteer A native of Vienna, Miss Baeck ha Lodge of the B'nal B'rith will he accused the Jeiys of "betray- Millard Rosenberg, Don Brodkey, workers worked frantically to exteade her stage debut at the age start on Monday, September 10. ing" the country to Soviet Rus- Al Shrier, Dr. David Platt, Minnie tricate survivors buried Jn the deof fifteen when she appeared in a Pictures of the United States sia at the time that Rumania ced- Wolf and Florence Wolf. bris caused by fallen buildings. German version of the" famous navy will bo shown at that time. ed Bessarabia and northern BuPolice reported no panic despite Also Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Banks, kevlna to Russia. French classic o£ Henri Battaile, the fact that electricity and gas Fourteen chairmen a n d coMr. and Mrs. Harry • Davis, Mr. "The Foolish Virgin." Thereafter chairmen were named by Alfred The situation became further were temporarily shut off during she appeared on the stages of A. Fiedler, chairman, to serve as aggravated when Nazi Germany and Mrs. George Spitzer, Mr. and the height of the raid. Mrs. L. Gordon Gross, Mr. and Bremen and Koenigsberg, finally heads of standing committees for and Fascist Italy ordered RuThe raid coincided wjfh the day coming to Weimar as a member the coming year. Selection of mania to cede Transylvania to Mrs. I. I. Solzman, Mr. and Mrs.proclaimed by King George as a Leon Fellman, and Mr. and Mrs. of the Hpf—or Grand Ducal themembers for all committees will Hungary. In a desperate attempt Al Sopher. day of national prayer. Special ater. to divert public attention, Ru(Continued on Page 12.) William Feller and Mrs. Milton In a city made famous by the be made, in the near future. (Continued on Page 2.) Following are the new chalr^ (Continued on Page 2.) Abrahams are in charge of cosmen arid co-chairmen: tumes. Mrs. William Feiler is Americanization, J o e Cohen directing the pageant, and Zerline and Leo Fried; Anti-Defamation, Somberg is acting' as secretary for W i l l i a m Holzmaji and David the group. • Blacker; Attendance, Jack G. EpBanquet Reservations stein and Harry Rosenstein; A. A rehearsal will'be" held''this Z. A., Dr. I. t)ansky a n d Lou evening at the Blackstone hotel Ricklln; % Bread Breakers, R o y An executive meeting of t h e ballroom and a dresg' rehearsal Sllbar and Ben Smith; Budget and Finance, Morris Shapiro and Round Table of Jewish Youth will take place on Wednesday Tomorrow morning, at tho Arthur Goldstein; House Com- was held this week at the Jew-evening.Reservations for the banquet usual Sabbath service of the Beth mittee Harry DuBuff and William ish Community Center to discuss Ross Richards' orchestra w i l l Welner. plans for the coming year. Past are now being received by t h e El Junior Congregation, original furnish the music for A. Z. A.'s in charge. Only 250 etchings of the "Prophets" by Also, Legal Aid, Louis Llpp President Morris Arbitman gavo committee •Mother chapter's annual Achar reservations can be accepted, • Saul Raskin will be presented to a few words of encouragement to Hataunis dance to be held Satur- and Russell Blumenthal; Mem- the group. The seventieth anniversary of the children of the Hebrew School day night, October 12. The selec- bership and Conservation, Joseph Temple Israel will be inaugurated to be hung in-the classrooms of Solotnonow and L. Gordon Gross; This year the Round Table de- next Friday evening tion was announced last Tuesday with a spe- the new building. night. by Ed Stein and ' Justin Program, Milton R. Prohm and sires to have ah increased mem- cial service at the Temple. MorThese etchings were given to Priesman, co-chairmen in charge Gerald Gross; Publicity, Leonard bership and the president, Irv ris E. Jacobs, president of t h e the Synagogue a few years ago Leon and Leo Eisenstatt; Ritual, Nogg, urges all Jewish Y o u t h of arrangements. Nathan Fine and Dr.-Ben, Slutz- clubs to join the group. It is Congregation, will preside and by a group of friends of the late The orchestra is well known to ky; Social Service, Dr. Philip necessary now more than ever be- brief messages will be heard from Fanny Greenberg. The etchings are to be acceptthe Jewish youth of Omaha as it Sher and Salewin Mlch'nick, and fore fof the youth to band tq- Mrs. Sam L. Robinson, president has played for many Omaha uni- Vocational Guidance, S a l e w i n ether. Those interested are in- of the Temple Sisterhood, a n d ed by three of Mrs. Greenberg'a Louis E. Llpp, president of t h e grandchildren who are registered versity fraternity a n d sorority Michniok and Edward Shafton. vited to call the Jewish Commu- Temple Brotherhood. R a b b i in the school: Barton Greenberg, Ranees and "last" winter completed nity Center for information. David H. Wice will deliver a short Bruce Greenberg, and Audrey a steady engagement at P e o n y According to plans outlined by sermon on the occasion. Greenberg. ' : p a r k . ' ~ .' "; . " ; ••'.; - .,' '' ;. Name-Stone of New Irv Nogg, the Round Table, this The banquet and pageant will The affair,- which marks the Labor Lyceum, to Be year will be full of interesting take place the following evening beginning of the fall social seaand varied programs. Officers at the Blackstone hotel. A Jubison, will be held at the Jewish Dedicated Sunday for the coming year are: Presi- lee celebration • will be held on Community Center which will be dent, I r r Nogg; vice-president, especially decorated f o r the : Members of the Labor Lyceum eo Meyerson;; secretary, Louise Sunday, September 22, at t h e Highland Country club. d a n c e ; ' - •'•'•• •"••'. , - • - '• .""•. ' •Association will Sunday morning Miller, and treasurer, Bess Lefltz* As in past years, a contest will at 10 ©a. m. dedicate the name- The first regular meeting of the The Omaha Section of the Nabe held to choose the "Sweetheart stone of the new* Labor Lyceum Round Table is to be on Tuesday, tional Council of Jewish Women of A. ,Z. A." -for the coming-year. at 31st and Cuming streets. September 17, at 7:15 p.' m. at will:be" in charge of an office-at Last .year's sweethearts, Gloria The new Ibuilding, which is in the Jewish Community Center* the Jewish Community Center evand Evylyn Wolk, will attend the the process Of construction, is loery Tuesday from 2 to 5 to help presentation of the A. Z.' A. cated o n a lot Sfl by 120 feet. aliens fill out the blanks under Sweetheart pin to their fair sucS. SuBsmanis president of the cessor. "The Lincoln chapter of the Zeta the Registration Act. Labor Lyceum association. Julius Beta Tau fraternity will play host Mrs. Max Shapiro is chairman Schneider is secretary. A committee of Mother chapter for the coming year to a 15-year- of the committee In charge. As-. Alephs Is now hard at work seold, emigre student, Kurt Porjesz. sisting her will be: Mesdames H« lecting the candidates for t h i s BETH EL HEBREW Porjesz/a native of Austria, ar- B, Brodkey, Edward Brodkey, Alyear'p contest. The six lucky girls SCHOOL IN SESSION The Omaha-Hebrew club will rived In this'Country two yeara fred Sophlr, Phil La'serowitz, Har*» will-probably be announced next hold its opening meeting on-Sun- ago and has been attending the ry Davis, Albert Stein, Irvin Levweek. Classroom work of the Beth El day,-September 15, at-3 , o'clock George Washington High school in, Abe Greenspan, Harry J. Shu. Tickets for the dance may be Hebrew .school has already start- in the lodgeroom of the Jewish in New York. An accomplished mow, Julius Stein, Morris KatelSecured from any member* of A. ed under the direction of S o l Community Center. skller, he won several trophies man and Reuben Brown and Miss . Z. A. 1, Bertha Newman. Kahz and rCantor Aaron Edgar* This Is a special meeting for before leaving his native land. - Sessions are being held in the members and their wives. A good He will reside at the Chapter Anyone interested in volunteerAbraham' Shalom Ezekiel Ya- new bulldlngat*49th and Farnam program has been arranged. Mr. house In Lincoln while attending ing their services to assist in aliea hud .was "professor of Hebrew at streets. ' New registrations a t e Bella and daughter, Shirley, classes at the university. registration is asked to call Mrs. • will present a musical program. the University of Madrid, 1915-22. still being taken; Shapiro, Ha 6993. His parents lire in Chile.
Friday, September 6, 1840
game series of 532 to lead the the league leading State Coal outand rolls over. On workdays b Coal boys. Sam Zweibaek was fit against Dave Halm's Pioneer says. Thank goodness, I still hav< close behind him with a nice 524 Uniform team, in the feature an hour of sleep left. Oa hoil series, which included an even match of the evening. The Smith days he says, Tbank goodness, 209 game for hia closing game. Motor boys will battle it out with don't have to get ~ap today. By SAM ZWEIBACK The Clothiers, who fell down mis- the Clicquot Clab Eskimos, and Tfcinks OEly of Sleep By AL gEQAX, I am sorry to eay that on nom erably according to expectations, the last match fitds the Empire STANDING OF TEAMS of these Saturday mornings ha were topped by the little "Rotund Cleaners matching guns with Moe W. L. Pet. FIVE-DAY MAN Mr. Segal said, I must .get up in Potato Peddler" Sammy Stein- Lineman's Wardrobe Clothiers. S 0 1,000 berg, who had a nice 501 series, time for the synagogue today State Coal Co As a union man (American No! He has looked at the clock Pioneer Uniform Co. 2 1 .©6 which included a middle game of Everyone is invited up ta view 2 I A® 201. Newspaper Guild) I now work rolled over and said, as he always Clicquot Club the Jewish keglers in action, and" five days a week. My Saturdays does on holidays, Thank good Smith Motor Co. .. 1 3 .833 The best their seco&d man, who were sure that an enjoyable eveftre off. ness, I don't have to get up to- Empire Cleaners.... 1 3 .33i was Bill Racusiu, could do was a ning will he enjoyed by all conThe Wsrdrobe 0 8 .000 Formerly I used to speculate day. To this he adds another 44S series. Their big guns fall- cerned. on the benefits to Jewish religion psalm of thanks: Thank goodness ing down far below their expected The Merchants Bowling league averages. that might come from a five-day for the union that does this for got off to a flying start t h i s "Week, I envisaged the multitudes me on Saturday. * of Jews released from work on Mr. Segal, alas, doesn't think Tuesday night at the new Twenlu the last match of the eveSaturday, taking up the service of the religious connotations as- tieth Century Bowling a l l e y s , ning, Dave Halm's Pioneer Uniof the synagogue again on the ociated with Saturday. He ex- with a 100 per cent turnout. form outfit took two games from Sabbath. ults in the day ony as an occathe Harry Smith's Pontiac boys. In the feature match of the Yes, I said, if it weren't for ion on which he can provide his the dreadful economic pressure mind with several hours more of evening, the Clicquot Club Eskiof these teams shot mos took two out of three games anyNeither people would return to the old leep. (Continued from Page 1.) overwhelming scores, b u t from the highly touted Empire religious practice of Sabbath in He awakens again about 8 and they all showed that with a little Counselorshlp to 43 the the synagogue. But what can a ies there in a semi-coma through Cleaner team. In this match, the practice, m u c h higher scores number of Ilillelbrings Foundations man do under conditions ES they whieh the singing of the birds 'Eskimos" got off to a very poor would be scored in the very near Counselorsbips m a 1 n t a inedand by are? He has to look after his ia the nearby trees penetrates start, and lost the first game by future. B'nai B'rith on as many campuses Job; he must be at his place of pleasantly. So until 9 when Mr. a total of 90 pins. But in the for Jewish college men and wombusiness. Segal arises from bed, performs second game. Dr. D. C. Platt, who This match was featured by en. With 11 others to be estabhad his entire family on the sideHis heart yearns for a happy hia ablutions, e a t s breakfast, Leo Weitz, the very reliable, roll- lished shortly, Ilillel units will be release from economic necessity reads the morning paper . , ; ines, got started on one of his ing the big series of the evening, serving 30,000 Jewish students. in order that he may return to What new terrors has britzkrleg strike jamborees, for a 212 game when he put together games of Nebraska unit is classed which helped win this game by 196, 222 and 169 for a beautiful as The brought overnight? the synagogue on the Sabbath, a Ilillel Counselorshlp, which When his heart's* desire was He exults in his idleness . , . 40 pins. 587 series, which is really someT differs from a Hlllel Foundation fulfilled the happy days of old Nothing for me to do until Monthing to crow about on an open- only In that a Counselorshlp la -would be restored to the syna- day! Nothing to do but to loaf The last game was the record Ing night. His score was high staffed by a director serving part gogue. It would again become and to eit in the sunlight, to ame for the evening, when tho for his team, and for the league, time or as a volunteer. Its budget* the crowded house of prayer on ead, to go calling on Ellen." Jlicquots shot a total of 1,003, and Dave Hahn, was right on however, comes from B'nai B'rith the Sabbath. It would no longer I regret to report that on no with the help of Dr. Platt's big Leo'a side to see that he went sources, in the case of Nebraska, have to wait till Yom Kippur for Saturday so far has he thought 181 game. Captain Lee Hurwlch the limit. Ben Shapiro, was the from B'nai B'rith District 6, the a full house. f the religious duties that have of the Empire Cleaners, paced his second high man for the Pioneers, president of which is Philip M. In some of the temples the lack o do with the synagogue. He team with an even 500 for the with his three-game series of 450. Klutznick of Omaha. of a male minyon on the Sabbath has gone driving to look at the series. He was closely followed T h e University of Nebraska had become a distressful prob- ountry in its summer garb; he by "Newly Wed" Hank Coren, The Smith Motors were led by unit is one of 11 in District 6, lem. Not only was there no has gone out to the open air who shot a 487. "Paisee" Steinberg, who c a m e which serve 7,000 Jewish stumale minyon but on some Sab- ymnasium to which he belongs through with a 499 series, and dents. Tho others are located at baths there was scarcely a man ,nd there given hia almost nude Dr. Platt, was the big gun for Norman Brown was the runner- the .Universities of Illinois, Wisin the house, for the congrega- ody to the sunlight; he has the Eskimos, with his big three- up with a 458 series. consin, Michigan, Minnesota, Chi* tlon consisted chiefly of faithful ailed on Ellen and tickled her game series of 564, which . was cago and Iowa, Iowa State, Northmothers in Israel. Frequently nder the chin to make her the second high score of the eveAll la all, the bowling was western university, M i c h i g a n there was no man available to Mr. Segal has, indeed, ning. Captain George Shapiro very satisfactory for an opening State Normal and Michigan State. assist the rabbi with the Torah, aiigh. ound a variety of things to do was the runner-up to Dr. Platt, night, and much Improvement Is The five-day week, I believed, except go to the synagogue on with a poor 449, considering, ixpected from all the boys, after Over one hundred persons were what George is capable of shoot- they get used to the feel of the committed to prison in 1712 in immediately would mend all this. he Sabbath. Unsatisfactory Test new alleys. (He has, in fajst, been doing Ing-. Lisbon on the charge of JudaNow I am on the five - d a y 1th the Sabbath of Saturday as Next week's schedule will pit Izing. In the second match of the eveweek. I have had four Saturdays most other people do with the ning, Dave Frank's State Coal off so far. These are enough Sabbath of Sunday.) utfit, who were not considered Saturdays in which to have"put Rationalize ery strong by the handicapper, to a test my long-held opinion I should, perhaps, admonish ihowed that they have a team that the five-day week would im about it: "Segal, you should hat packs dynamite with every bring a man back to the syna- e ashamed of yourself." B u t gogue on the Sabbath. Yet the he fellow would probably ratlon- all thrown down the alleys, and hat they are out to duplicate the test is far from satisfactory. I don't know what's the matter illze. He would tell me that he ihamplonship that they won in els God's presence in the coun- .938. with me. ;ry when he goes driving on a So I devote this column to a day, that he is close to discussion of why Mr. Segal, who ovely The Coal boys smothered Moe under the benign sun has his Saturdays off, hasn't been itodliness iinsman's Wardrobe Clothiers in the gymnasium, that he Is conto the synagogue as yet on the cious of divinity when E l l e n all three games winning the first Sabbath. It is a matter that aughs. game by 100 pins, the second should be on his conscience. by 40 pins, and the last These Bound like trick an- game When he gets home from work iwers. game by the huge total of 130 ©n Friday he does, Indeed, feel Have" I been wrong, then, in ins. the o l d Sabbath spaciousness. elieving that the five-day week Ahead of him are two serene and would release The Coal boys shot a threethe souls of men game uncrowded days. He indulges in or their religious series of 2,845, scratch, duties on the inward chuckles: "I don't have Sabbath? Or is there something which put them on top of the tdwork tomorrow and don't have he matter with Segal. heap for the high team series of to work on Sunday. Two days the evening. Phil "Cupie" KatzI leave the whole thing to the of rest! We're certainly makman, shewed tho boys that being eaders. ing ,great social progress." a father agrees with him 100 per (Yet I donot despair of Mr. There descends upon Mr. Segal Some Saturday morning cent, when he shot a big threethe perfect peace that is of the Segal.shall say to him, Segal, it's Sabbath. Brighter than ever be- ime to get up and get ready for jrobably want to sleep late, but fore seem the candle lights of he synagogue. always said shall command him sharply, the Sabbath eye. With even more hat the five-dayI've week, will bo !ome on! Let's go.) heartfelt unction he recites the eneficial to religious and Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts lclddush. (The klddush of the 've got to prove it's so. life He will Feature Syndicate.) U n i o n prayer book contains everything that a five-day man feels on the Sabbath eye. The •words about happy, family life, the words that give * mystical meaning to the candle lights, FOR the w o r d s ajbout the week's B •work.) The spaciousness of the two restful days to come already emO You can cook entire braces this Sabbath eve and Mr. meeds at one time with an Segal expands. In his softest chair he sits in his living room Electric Roaster and bo asall evening, a happy man released mired 61 perfect results, meal from his Jobs for two days. after meal. It BAKES calces, Then toward midnight he goes muffins or buns; BRO&S to bed. On the soft matress he steaks or flsbi ROASTS disposes his bones luxuriously. He is thankful to God who estabchicken or pork; FRIES ba> lished the v day of rest, thankful con and eggs; and STEAMS to the wisdom of the union that vegetables to Juicy perfechas established two dajrs of rest tion without losing flavor or vitamins. instead of the one. And so to sleep. Tho 831 employees of the Nebraska Power Com' From old, Mr. Segal has ti pany beliovb In the future of their communities and habit: Promptly at 6—on holidemonstrate that belief by taking an active pap days as well as workdays—his open. He looks at the clock In ©very, worthwhile civic and cHaritablo activity.
J« C C Bowling
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QUESTIONS Did you see the interview which Wendell Willkie gave to the Jewish Morning Journal, and in which he promised to open the gates of the United States to all refugees if he is elected? . . . Why wasn't that statement released to vhe general press? . . . Have you been listening to Leslie Howard's Monday e v e n i n g short-wave broadcasts from England, dramatizing historic occasions when things looked bad for the Britons but they came out on top none the less? . . . I f you've been wondering why David Ben Gurion, Palestine labor leader, is coming to this country • soon, the reason is merely this: The only way he :an return from England to Palastlne is via the United States and the Pacific . . . Next time the conversation lags ask your friends this riddle: "If Hitler and Mussolini were in a boat in mid-ocean, and tho boat were to burst into flames and sink, who would be saved?" . ."..The answer, you should know, is: "the people of Europe" . . . THIS AND THAT % Did you notice, in PM's expose of Henry Ford, the statement that to this day anti-Jewish posters are displayed In thc.Ford factory? . . . You may remember that William It. Gastlc, at one time Undersecretary of State under President Hoover, quite frequently spoke out In an anti-Semitic manner . . . We've just discovered that lie has recently closely collaborated with Colonel Lindbergh on tho letter's amazing addresses . . . Don't miss the September issue of The Protestant Digest. . It frill carry an article by S. It Herbert, on Father Coughlin, that's more revealing than any thing else we've ever read on the subject . . . The scholarly "History of the Jews" by the Hillel Foundations' Dr. Abrani Ir. Bach ar has just come in a new edl Won that brings it up to date through the fall of France . . • JEWISH NEWS The Agudath Harabonim of America is trying to work out plans for the bringing over to this country of two hundred rabbinical students at Lithuanian yeshlvas which have now closed their doors . . . If the plans are realized the students will be distributed among various American yeshivas, the Ner, Israel Rabbinical College of Baltimore already having accepted fifty of them . .'. The B'nai B'rith, which was the first national Jewish organization to move its headquarters to Washington—an example which the Zionist Organization of America la, now about to follow—is seriously considering the removal of itis national office to New York the city the 25OA is leaving . . Rabbi Isidor Breslau, the newly appointed Secretary of the ZOA, Will have four titles that he can append to his {signature . . They ore: Assistant to the President Executive Director, Secretary and Director of the Political Bureau . . . Serious consideration is Being given to the, plan of salvag ing the entire exhibit now being shown in the Palestine Pavilion at the New York World's Fair, and setting it up in a special building in New York City . . . Louis Lipsky has signed up as a regular contributor to The Day,, the Yiddish daily . . . He will comment not only on Zionist affairs, but on general/Jewish problems as well FROM SHADOWIiAND : The Manhattan phone directory lists over three columns of Cohns ~ t h a t is, .exclusive, of Cohens, Kohns etc.—but the Motion Picture Almanac has only seven . . And the briefest biographical (Continued on Page 12.)
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Friday, September 0, 1940
meetings with influential citi- Ish pioneers Calvin Coolidge zens. Normally the refugee com- had a complete set of the Talmud mittee has gome sort of an ad- in his library, or eo he told the justment program; provision for head of the Agudath Israel . . entertaining the refugees at local Crelghton University, a Jesui homes, parties at Jewish centers, college in Omaha, claims among social activities for -younger peo- its distinguished alumni, Henry M o n s k y, president of B'na Jerusalem (JTA) — Palestine ple. B'rith; Sam Beber, founder and Jews aiid the press this week Employment is, of course, the president of the supreme advis- mourned the anniversry of the crux of the problem. Nor is there ory council of the Aleph Zadik of hostilities which led any royal road to solving it. Byj Aleph; Julius Bisno, executive di- outbreak to t h e destruction of Polish II. Out of New York - - Into America and large the job of getting job rector of the A. Z. A.; and Max Jewry. for refugees is pedesrian, day b? Baer, director of B'nai B'rith's Press editorials, however, urged day plugging, plus an active Vocational Service Bureau (Tills is the second of a se- be recruited by calling oa the be3t imagination. An employmen Savannah's Union Society, one of the Jews not to despair and ries of articles by Dr. William leadership that a number of comcommittee which can evaluate the oldest philanthropic institu- counselled t h e m patiently tji Haber, executive director of the munities can offer. await the defeat of the totally National Itefugee Service, dealAlighting from the bus, our skills intelligently and see where, tions in America—dating from tarian powers and the resurrecing with the problems of local travel weary refugees are.met by for example, a skilled watchmak 1760—was founded by five men, tion of Polish Jewry. The news-i resettlement.) representatives of the local refu- er may become a useful precision of five different religious denom- papers urged Jews to aid theif machinist; a committee which is inations, one of them a Jew In the records they are a "unit." gee committee—this, at least, is racial brothers with funds. But as you watch them board a the theory. In one instance, the ever on the alert for new busi The Jewish founder was Benjam- Polish The chief rabbis and leaders oC bus in roaring midtown Manhat- early days of refugee resettlement ness openings, community wants in Sheftall . . . It began as an the Agudatbj Israel delivered s e f the newcomers were met by the significant contacts — such £ agency to care for orphan chiltan you don't think of them in mons in synagogues on the war cold case record terms. Here they mayor and an'official reception committee will be likely to have dren and distressed widows a good employment score. But Its history is contemporaneous anniversary. Posters calling th0 are warm human beings; a little committee. frightened, a bit bewildered, but This isn't a desirable situation. one which solves every problem with that of Georgia . ". . Among Jews to prayers for the Polish cagtr looking forward anxiously It gives the refugee a distorted by the people formula of turning the Jews who have been its pres- Jews appeared on many build* to a new home and a new life picture of the community and all refugees into a common pat- ident were Moses Sheftall, Solo- ings. Isaac Gruenbaum and Ell* $oni{jwhere in America. The man's community attitudes and often it tern of house-to-house canvassers mon Cohen and Abram Minis . . . aim Dobkin, members of the face is/careworn—perhaps some may take weeks before he gets isn't making the most of its op- Wonder what happened to the World Zionist Executive, address*1 of those lines were carved in a down to the level of a workaday portunities. plan to name one of the new U. S. ed a special anniversary meeting concentration camp. His wife, world again* But far worse than destroyers a f t e r Commodore at the Jewish Agency halt Satisfactory Job careworn, but pretty. A little girl, this overexuberance is the neglect Uriah P. Levy? . . . All of this probably sounds like luckiest of all, for her mind bears occasionally displayed by towns 110 scars from the days and nights which have come to have too hard work. It is. But is one of the Heads Jewish Veterans (Copyrighted by Jewish Teleof terror abroad, her memories much of a matter-of-course atti- most satisfactory jobs that an •\vill all be of America. graphic Agency, Inc.) tude. There is a terrific letdown American Jew can perform today, Boston (JTA)—The 45th anthe midst of chaos, in times the refugee who, arriving in nual encampment of the Jewish Again in technical language, aforstrange city In the heart of a when we are forced to witness, War Veterans of the U n i t e d they're going to be "resettled." strange land, must seek his way with folded hands, the distinte- Night High School States closed this week,with the This compounded word is feeble about ungulded. gration of one ancient culture afof Frederick S. Harris, to describe all the adventures Holds Registrations election another, constructive work is Meriden, Conn., as a commander, they face—the bus; trip through There are, of course, wide var- terwelcome relief, a palliative for this exciting United States, the iations between the setups of refsucceeding Edgar H. B u r m a n , The Omaha Night High school New York. Mrs. Jennie O. 811? greetings of the local committee ugee committees in different heer despair. And refugee work constructive In the, fullest for adults has been transferred verman,'C h e l s e a , Mass., wwi •when they reach their destination, areas. In some larger cities the from Central High s c h o o l to elected president of the Ladles' the setting up of a new home, the refugees are handled through a ense. High school. Registra- auxiliary. search for and the finding of a departmentmentalized organizaHere is your "unit"—human Technical job, the adjustment.to American ion staffed by full time workers, raw material, battered, bruised, tion will take place at Technical life, American people, American and offering employment, relief kicked from pillar to post over High school, September 9, at 7 Patronize Our Advertisers. p. m. customs. ervices, etc. Smaller towns often half a world, but intelligent, In the National Refugee Serv- unction with volunteer workers, eager, able. The National RefuThere la no tuition fee as this ice we try hard to keep these assisted by the work of the reg- gee Service asks of the local com- school la under the Vocational tangibles before us at all times. field men and the field mittees, "Tak this man. Help him Department of the Omaha publid We are dealing in human lives, ional to become self-sufficient, self-re- schools and the WPA. All teachstaff human destinies, joy and sorrow, Service.of the National Refugee specting. Teach him, to be an ers meet the qualifications resuccess and failure. Because our American. Smooth out whatever quired by the public schools of resettlement program is on a mass Some small communities work rough spots you can for him. The this city. Classes will bo offered SHIRTS scale—in 1939 we resettled 3,500 on" the far-from-perfect system of job's up to you." in English, science, languages, IftOEIED people, in seven months of 1940 having one or two energetic leadeconomics, history, There is a supreme satisfaction mathematics, we have already equalled this fig- T3 bearing the brunt of all refuBETTER ure—there is always the danger :ee work. I must confess that in watching the "unif'^change dramatics, public speaking, gramthat the curse of, impersonality, even the National Refugee Serv- from a problem, a something for mar, arithmetic and civics. High school and eighth grade the deadening tendency to suc- ico can only give rough approxi- committees to worry ab.out, into cumb to routine, will catch up mations of the total number of a neighbor, a good friend, a fel- diplomas are granted by the pub•With us. We fight against this persons engaged in local refugee low citizen. That is the reward of lic school board to those students Gsssado Laundry who have earned the necessary and, by and large, wo succeed. Pleas» Pfcas* Us work. We have about 750 local our work. credits. Classes will meet Monfflvtrf But let us follow our refugees. committees at present; Some have W day, Tuesday and Thursday eveProbably they are going to a reg- only four or five numbers, other BETWEEN YOU AND ME nings. ional committee, since today most have scores. National Refugee Service resettle(Continued from Page 7.) • In large cities, literally hundments are made not to specific reds of men and women are cothe rear continued tiielr repercommunities but to regions which Way be Btates, parts of states, or operating on the refugee pro- toire as usual while the new choir several states combined. The ad- gram. I cite these facts not for tried to out-sing them . . . A new vantages of the regional setup are the greater glory of the National inflammable lampshade produced numerous. Relatively few com- Refugee Service but to under- by a process that combines clotb munities are large enough to af- score the great national coopera- with glass, lias been invented by ford full time workers of their ive aspects of resettlement. n Tel Aviv firm , . . iown on refugee problems. But the Local Community Communities in a given region usThe University of Wisconsin This apparatus begins to funcually find it possible to employ was the first to give a course in ion for the refugee family when such a person on a joint basis. having offered this study it reaches the community. A com- Yiddish, Leadership way back in 1916 . . . The Union Distributing refugees for reset- mittee, usually composed of local Pacific's crack streamliner, the housewives, takes charge of the tlement from a central point into City of Denver, has a special cockthe smaller cities and towns of housing program — finding an tail and lounging car named The the region has proved very ad- adequate room or apartment for Frontier Stage, the decorations In vantageous sinco it is possible for he family and supplying minor which include old tin-types of the regional committee to keep in deficiencies in household equip- Sarah Bernhardt and Adah Isaacs much closer touch with nearby ment. The employment committee Menken and also advertisements employment and adjustment pos- begins to work on the problem of Denver Jewish merchants of sibilities than the New York of- of a job—evaluating the refu- the 1870's . . . Seligman, Emanfice possibly can. Moreover, a gee's skills in relation to employ- uel and. Solomonville are the stronger and more influential ment possibilities, sending him to names of towns In Arizona and committee for refugee work may interview employers, arranging: New Mexico, all named for Jew-
By William Hater
the latest arrivals of NEW
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Friday, September 6, 1040
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and Mrs. " and ' y extend to their "'-" friends ' sincere wishes > for a Happy New Year. i ' ^v
Mr. and Mrs. and ! family wish their friends 1 •.[V health, > happiness and |' prosperity in the. com- ,
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Your greeting problem is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relatives and friends a Happy New Year • • • No danger of the em* barrassment of forgetting someone . • • no trouble • • * time and money saved* These greetings will be published in our Rosh Hashonah edition, October 3. The charge will be $2.00 for each greeting • • • Mail any of these forms, or phone your Greetings* *
Call JEWISH PRESS, Atlantic 1450
Friday, September 6, 1940
Page 6
Pioneer Women
The board of managers of the Council of Jewish Women m e Wednesday at the home, of Mrs Ben Silver to discuss the activl ties of the coming autumn eeaeon. Plans were made for the Huth Neuhaus lecture series. Also arrangements were made to open an office at the Jewish Community Center Tuesday a n d Thursday afternoons to help with the registration of aliens.
The first regular meeting o the Pioneer Women's organization will be held Tuesday, Sep tember 10, at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. Off! cers are to be elected at this time
Deborah Society The Deborah society will hold KB first meeting of the season on Tuesday, September 10, at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Plans will be formulated for the coming year's activities. Rabbi Isaiah Kackovsky will address the group. Mrs. J. Bernstein is president of the Deborah society and Mrs. Michael Cohn is secretary.
CAMP CORNER Camp Is Not Over! Although campers dep a r t e d from Camp Jay-C-C in two buses last Sunday morning, everyone felt that camp was not over, for the spirit of camp was evident as songs were sung, new friendships were clinched, and plans for winter camping were made. Uppermost in everyone's mind was the feeling of satisfaction in having epent weeks of living outdoors with 105 different boys and girls and a staff of counselors recruited from various cities in the midwest. . - • The new knowledge of nature, memories of overnight and canoeIng trips, art work in the craft shop, a n d never-to-be-forgotten campfires will always remain with the boys and girls who gained new and exciting exporiences at camp. Practicalrmlnded campers have already planned cabin and unit meetings in the city during the coming months and several weekends at camp to be held between now and next summer. No, camp for these boys and girls will never bo over, for they have liyed happily in their, own community, carrying out t h e i r own plans for varied activities that have been rich in pleasant experiences and glowing memories.
. Beth El Auxiliary Mrs. David- .Greenberg,. .pros!-, dent of the Beth El Auxiliary, is calling a special open board meetIng in the form "of a'tine'O'clock luncheon at the Elks club Wednesday, September J.J., Plans for the coming year are to be discussed. Every member of thje Auxiliary is invited to attend.
Since t h e war has spread through the Mediterranean, affecting the Near East and Palestine, the National Organization for the Palestine Working Women has raised an emergency fund of 125,000 among the clubs in the United States and Canada. Appreciation has been expressed for the gift which will make possible the training of unemployed women and will help supply meals for 5,000 children of unemployed. The money will also be used for the building of airraid shelters. Despite the critical situation which calls for an emergency campaign on the part of the Pioneer Women, members continued the summer projects for erecting a vocational school for girls at A cable has been received from Ramath Gan, a suburb of Tel Henrietta Szold announcing the Aviv. ontinuation of Youth Aliyah It is expected that by the end work. All necessary visas have of summer a considerable sum been secured assuring the arrival will, have been raised for the of 733 and children who school, where girls 14 or over are are nowyouth Sweden, Denmark, to study various branches of Lithuania, in and Yugoslavia. house building, machinery construction, and the building of precision instruments.
The last parson" to '1)3 burned by tie Inquisition at Lisbon for Judalzing was a merchant, Jeronlmo J o s e Ramos of Braganza <Jan.' 16, 1755).
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Kitchen Chats
Junior Hadassah A board meeting of the Junior Hadassah was held Tuesday night at the Jewish Community Center. Bertha Slutsky presided. Members of the board include: Shirley Barish, Rebecca. Kirshenbaum, Frances Berkowitz, Betty Tarnoff, Mary Arbitman, Ruth Palk, Charlotte Nogg, Frances Osoff, Betty Soref, Frances Blacker, Lois Barish, Gertrude Oruch, Mildred Berkowitz, Helen Greenberg, Josephine Rubnitz, Bea Sommer, Sylia Falk, Alice Susman, Elaine ^rank, Shreda Osoff. Plans for a membership drive were made. Mary Arbitman reported on the national convention which she attended as delegate/of the local chapter. Miss Molly Shames, president of the Denver chapter, was guest of the board meeting. The board will next meet on Monday, September 9. The first open meeting of the year will be held Monday, Sepember 1C.
Sisterhood Mrs. Abo Somberg's Circle of the Temple Israel Sisterhood 13 holding a luncheon today at the •home of Mrs. Ben Silver^ Bingo, mah jong and bridge will ho played. Cb-hostesses for the event are Mrs. Paul Veret, Mrs. S. Heyn and. Mrs.. Horace. Rosenblum.
Junior Council The Omaha'Section* of* ibV Na: tlonai Council of Jewish Juniors has postponed • Us • first • meeting of the new season until Sunday, September 15. M p r e cotrfplete" di*rangeMeHtS "are being made for the convention '.which is to be held in Kansas City, October 26 to 28. GirlB planning to-go are asked to call Klta Mantel, HA 5711. -
By INEZ L. KAZNICK The first meeting of the board of the Omaha chapter of Hadassah was held at the home of the new president, Mrs. A. D. Frank, 120 So. 54th street, where a des sert luncheon was served. The program for the coming year was discussed. Those who are included on the board are the Mes dames A. D. Frank, Win. Alberts Julius Newman, Mike Freeman Leo Abramson, Arthur Goldstein Lazar Kaplan, M. Franklin, J Rosenberg, Joe Goldware, M. F Levenson, Irvin Levin, A. B. Si mon, Julius Stein, M. D. Brodkey David Goldstein, A. A. Steinberg J. H. Kulakofsky, Louis Kula> kofsky, M. M. Barish and Julius Abrahamson. Also there were Mesdames D. Epstein, Wm. Lazere, Win. Polack, Reuben Bordy, A. Rubnitz, Aaron Rips, Oscar Belzer, Nathan Turner, Laurence Gross, Sam Steinberg, J. J. Friedman, Albert Newman, Dave Stein, Leon Graetz, J a k e Blank, Reuben Brown, Max Resnick, Louis Llpp, Elmer Greenberg, Morris Raznick and Max Cohn.
By Mrs. David M. Newman CRISPY CELERY Celery to a s s u r e crlspness, place in a pan of water with half of a lemon for an hour or two before serving. • • POTATO CAKE $&. cup butter. 2 caps sugar. 4 eggs. ,. . 1 cup hot mashed potatoes. . 8 squares of chocolate melted. % teaspoon all spice. 1 teaspoon nutmeg. * 1 teaspoon cinnamon. % teaspoon cloves. 2 cups flour. U teaspoons baking powder, % cup milk. 1 cup chopped nuts. 1 cup "dates. Cream butter and add sugar and eggs. Add mashed potatoes, chocolate and spices.' Sift flour; and measure with baking powder. Add alternately with the milk. Add nuts and dates cut up. Bake at 325 degrees for one and oneourth hours. Coyer with chocOate icing: 5 tablespoons butter. . 2 cups powdered sugar. 4 tablespoons cocoa. 5 tablespoons cold coffee. 1 teaspoon vanilla. ' Mix all together and add cream to the right consistency to spread on cake. ,
musicals and operettas . , . a former wife of George MI Cohan . . . is today struggling for existence in Hollywood . . . was most happy to receive a small part in "Television Talks," a two-reeler.
Our Film Folk By HELEN ZIGMOND Hollywood — Twenty-two ambulances being shipped for the service of the Red Cross in England are the gift of Harry Warner. Each car bears a bronze plaque in memory of Lewis, his 21-year-old son, who passed away suddenly a few years ago. Neither Dies nor Pitts need look behind doors for subversive elements in Hollywood. At theaters in the center of Los Angeles, t h e audacious applause greeting the appearance of swastikas in "Mortal Storm" startlingly revealed Nazi-minded patrons. And in an L. A. suburb . . . at a recent preview . . . a considerable percentage of t h e criticism cards returned by t h e customers indicated an alarmingly pro/Nazi slant.
Chips and Chaff: Chaplin is toying with the idea of a personal appearance at the premiere Of "The Great Dictator!" We said, "toying." After 13 years of married life, the Jack Be'nnys await a bassinet beauty via stork express. They have one adopted daughter. Aben Kandel, using the same characters, is writing a continuation of his novel, "City for Conquest." They're conferencing about starring Paul Muni in "The Life of Sam Dreben." Rose Franken, the mother-playwright, who hasn't been heard from since "Another Language" in 1932, emerges from hibernation to scenarize "Strange Victory,", a novel which she wrote in colaboration w i t h William Brown Meloney. With the birth of his grandson, Eddie Cantor achieves' eligibility for the film colony's Fathers-a n d-Sons baseball game—at last!
A Smattering of Levant: Not only does Oscar use his own book for a scene in "Rhythm on t h e River" . . . but when the camera Irving Hoffman relays a per* hits him squarely in the eyes, he tinent f r o m Casecho-Slo* cracks, "Clever guy, this Le- vakia: Astory Prague movie house was vant!" screening a trailer for t h e i r forthcoming feature, thus: "The Odd Occupation: Max Rabino- German Reich — Great W o r l d witch is an "untuner" of pianos Power." The Nazis in the audi. . . Is called in to make good ence applauded loudly . . . until pianos Bound tinny for scenes the next words flashed, "For a with an outrat-the-elbow atmos- Few Days Only!" at which the phere. thunderous a p p l a u s e of the Czechs nearly caved in the walls. Strange coincidence — in donning film make-up for her pro- (Copyrighted by Jewish Telelogue speech in "Pastor Hall," graphic Agency, Inc.) Mrs. Roosevelt was assigned to the same make-up man and sat in the same chair as Wendell Patronize Our Advertisers. Willkie, who, only a week previous, had been glamorized for "Information, Please." We Manufacture
'When Milton Berle was dislodged from his air spot the othr day by the Republican nominee, he received a ribbing wire. "You were swell today," it said, 'but why did they keep calling you Willklo?" Bcrio lias Just been signed for a FILM version of a radio cavalcotfo.
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Friday, September 6, 1940
ski's coup d'etat , •»- . Until we hear to the contrary, we have a feeling that Sam Deitsch, head of the Atlantic City weather bureau, is the only Jewish weather expert in these parts . . . B'nai B'rith is organizing a new lodge in Yorkville, the home quarters of Hitler's henciiineu In New York . . . Canada's entrance BRAUDE-WEINBERG MISS OLAND RETURNS into the war hit Jewish hotel Mr. and Mrs. E. Weinber'g anMiss Prances Oland has rekeepers in New England a heavy nounce the marriage ol t h e i r turned from a five weeks' vacablow . . . About 80% of their daughter, Esther, to H e r m a n tion in Chicago. W h i l e there EDITOR'S NOTE: When Peused to be Canadians . . . Brgude, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Miss Oland was the guest of Dr. ters, who is vacationing, heard guests Only air-cooled Jewish newspaper Braude of Los Angeles, Cal. and Mrs. S. E. Ravitz and daugh- that Bernie Postal, publicity office in the world is the headThe couple were married Au- ters, Harriet and Elaine, and also director of B'nai B'rith was re- quarters of the Boston Jewish gust 30 at Las Vegas, Nev. They visited with her brother, H a r r y lieving him oj the responsibil- Advocate . . . And the staff can will make their home in Los An- Oland. ity of turning out his regular credit aggressive Ben Bartzoff, geles. . column this week, he immedi- ! the paper's business manager . . . ately dashed off a note to Irv- I Which reminds me that Carl AlRETURNS FROM COAST ing Berlin suggesting a reviBAYLAN-TUCHMAN the Advocate's able managMrs. Sarah A r k i n' returned sion in the name of his famous pert, At a ceremony performed Suning editor, has an index to all Sunday from Los Angeles, where song to "God Bless Bernie Posday afternoon at 4:30 at the Paxarticles in American Jewish magton hotel by Rabbi A. Goldstein, she had been visiting her daugh- tal." azines for the past ten years . . . Miss Rosalie Tuchman, daughter ter, Mrs. Frank Krasne. Didja ever hear of the SOMBFAJ? Congressional anti-Semite num- . . . No, it's not a cuss word . . . of lira. Frank Tuchman, became ber one, Jake Thorkelson of Mon- It's the name of a fun-making the bride of MUton Saylan; son HOME FROM CALIFORNIA of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saylan. Miss Jessie Nathan returned tana, once had a Jewish partner organization founded in CaliforMiss Minnie Tuchman was her Sunday after a month's vacation in his Montana hospital , . . Most nia by B'nai B'rith men , . , The members of Congress, incidental- initials stand for Some of My Bister's maid of honor. Jack Ep- in California. ly, are delighted with the licking Best Friends Are Jews . . SOMBgteln was best man. Jake took at the polls . . . Ken- JAJ biggies are.Eddie Zeisler, secFollowing the ceremony a, din- JOSLYN MEMORIAL ner for 50 guests was served at Sunday at 2:30 in the concert neth Brown, Oregon's would-be retary of District Grand Lodge 4, the hotel. , A reception wa8 held hall of the J o e 1 y n Memorial, Thorkelson, still owes $5,000 to and Carl Riegelinan, secretary of In the evening at the home of three sound films on France will the estate of one of Oregon's the Oakland Lodge . . . citizens, a Jew . . , Two the bride's mother. be shown. At 3:30 Mr. Paul H. greatest "tourists" have been seen Look for an important stateMr. and Mrs. Saylan will re- Grumman will speak on "Greek German taking pictures in the White ment on the Jewish question by a Side at Charter Oak, la. D^ama." A 4 o'clock program of Mountains of New Hampshire, 75 recorded organ music will take miles from the Canada . . . OsKLEIN-LIFSMAN , place in the concert hall. tensibly they're mountain climbMr. and Mrs. M. Lipsman aners but natives will tell you the nounce the marriage of their RETJJRN FROM COAST so-called tournists have been daughter, Miriam, to George W. m a k i n g careful measurements Miss Frances Kort and Mr. Klein, son of Mrs. Anna Klein. Kort have returned from and notations from mountain to * The marriage took place on Harold month's vacation in Los An- mountain and lake to lake v . :. September 2 at the home of Rab- ageles Up in Maine two prominent Amerand San Francisco. bi Isaiah Rackovsky. ican lumber dealers were recently arrested for peddling AmeriBIRTHDAY MARKED IWOHLNER-KATZMAN can defense secrets to Nazi agents Mr. and Mrs. A. Magzamin en- in Mr. and Mrs. M. Katzman anCanada . . . The coal mining nounce the marriage of their tertained at a dinner and cocktail town of Swastika, New Mexico, party Sunday, September 1, in daughter, Claire, to Allen F. has just changed its name to BrilWohlner, son of Mrs. Julius Gold- honor of the birthday of their liant. . . . A Whlttier, California, daughter, Reeda. Assisting were business establishment has reberg. The marriage took place in the Misses Lillian Katz, Lois Se- moved 45 large swastikas from Lincoln on August 30 with Rabbi gall, Harriet Parker, and Mary the front and side of its building Harry Jolt performing the cere- Sirof of Glenwood, Iowa. at a cost of $2,500 . . . A wellAmong the out-of-town guests known Southwest plumbing conmony. SWEATERS were: Isadore Bendictson of Chi- cern recently spent many thouscago; Mr. and Mrs. Allie Baben- ands of dollars on publishing a ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH She'll need-not one or Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gendler dure and Morrie Babendure of new catalogue because its tradeiwo but at least half a announce the Bar Mitzvah of Fremont; and Julius Sirof of mark had been the Nazi emblem dozen . . . in all the prettheir son, Irwin, on Saturday Glenwood. ty new colon. Many m o r n i n g , September 7, at 9 styles in slip-ons and o'clock at the Beth Hamedrosh FROM FREMONT Churchill and Hitler met each cardigans. Sizes 8 to 16 Mrs. Harry Babendure of Fre- other at the peacetime war manHagodel synagogue. at $15 mont is visiting her parents Mr. euvers in upper New York State A reception will be held SunOthers $1.98 . Churchill is Warrant Officer day at the home, 1823 North and Mrs. H.. Stein. Thomas P. Churchill of GoverNineteenth street, from 2 to 5 RETURNS FROM SOUTHWEST nors' Island, New York, and Hitand from 7 to 9. Mis Phyllis Wintroub returned ler Is Staff Sergeant Paul Hitler All friends and relatives areJ from a four weeks trip to Denver, of the 71st New York Infantry . . cordially invited to attend. SKIRTS ElPaso, and Juarez, Mexico. In Iieading candidates to succeed EldEl Paso she visited Mr. and Mrs. gar- Burinan as national comHONOR MRS. SOLOMON of the Jewish A no-host luncheon was held I. M. Wintrpub and In Denver she matfder-in-chief Cored or pleated « • • War Veterans arc Maxwell Cohen was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. fine fabrics that w i l l Wednesday for Mrs. Julius Soloof Boston Percy Harris of Constand lots of wear. Col.mon, formerly of Omaha, who has Fox. necticut and Morris Stone of St. ors to match or mix with been the guest of Mrs. George Louis . . . Dorothy Thompson besweaters $1.98 Spitzer. - •' SYNAGOGUE NOW came a newspaper woman thanks Others $2.98 and $3.08 POWER STATION to American Zionists . . . On the SHERMANS TO RECEIVE way to.Europe many years ago Mr. * and Mrs. Julius Sherman Geneva (JTA) — A synagogue she ran into *tollx frankfurter ."Will receive Sunday from 2 to 5 in the city of Przemysl, which and other Zionist leaders who at the, home of their son-in-law straddles the Nazi-Soviet f r o n - filled her full of information on COTTON DRESSES and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo trer in occupied Poland, has been Zionist ideals, history and politics Milder, in honor of their sixtieth turned into an electric power sta- . . . . When she got to London she Checks and plaids . . . made sold the International News Serwedding anniversary. tion, it was reported-by, the Kra- vice with the little distinctions that on letting her cover the ZionHo invitations have been is- kauer Zeitung, official. Nazi ormothers expect in Herzberg ist Congress . , . Once sho borsued. gan in Poland. The synagogue was rowed $500 trom the late Slgfashions. Sizes 8 to 16..$1.98 In the German side of the city. Others $2.98 nrand Freud to finance a quick MISS BLACKER TO LEAVE trip to Warsaw to cover Pilsud• Miss Ide Blacker is leaving SatPatronize Our Advertisers. urday for Denver for a two-week vacation. . Herzbergs-? Fifth Floot
leading British statesmen before Rosh Hashon&h . . . "•'J'a.iiiovertfci" is the name of a, new secret movement of religious --minded people in Soviet Russia who are b&ttling the atheists underground . . . Many Jews have joined . , . Among the Nazi officials in the Government-General of Poland are tike son.s of the Gemiah imuiigrauts who went to Palestine 70 years ago end settled &t Sarona, on the outskirts at what is now Tel Aviv . . . If the Soviets don't disturb the Lithuanian cooperative movement, now tliat the Liths have been absorbed by Uncle Joe Stalin, they'll find that a cooperative to provide dowries for the daughters of needy Jews is one of tite most flourishing . . The London Jewish Chronicle ia a great paper hut one of its col* uiunlsts thinks that "Lox" (smoked salmon to you goyimj) is a new .abbreviation .for . Lokslien (noodles to you!) . . . 'Tis reported that Alii Nuziinova, who became a convert to Catholicism at 17, has now become a Jewess again at the age of 71 . . . When the United Synagogue in London abolished paid choirs aa a war economy measure, the choir boys in a North London synagogue went on strike to enforce their right to select their own choirmaster . , . During one service the strikers sitting on a bench in (Continued on Page 8.)
Check Your Childs" School Needs
ANNC JOUNCE BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Fried of Council Bluffs announce the Bar Mitirah of their twin sons, William'Gerald and Orvlllo David, on Saturday morning, September 14, et the Chevfa B'nalYlBroel synagogue, 618 Mynster.at 9:30. . •'• They will' receive in honor 'of their sons on Sunday, September 16,' at their home, .1302. Seventh a v e n u e .
• ^ • • • } Z -
- ; - ; > • • • • • • • •• . - : . -
; No invitations have been issued.
Real Estate . . . Investments Rentals . . * Homes
: .VISITOR HERflf , 'Miss Molly Shamed; president of .the Denver chapter, of Junior Hadassah, was guest of the' Omaha "chapter Tuesday. Miss Shames stopped -here en•> o u"t e "to her home after attending the Junior Hadassah convention In Chicago.
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In Business Overs 30 yi^ars
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, September 6, £840
THE JEWISH PRESS Every Friday s.t L
SUBSCRIPTION PHSCE, Om Vesr Advertising Kates FuraHilied cr. •
E D 1 Z 0 J R M X O F S t O S c 6 6 9 fciui-iiis XfaCfttei B e U a i f i g S I O U X CETX G F t f i C f i — J e w i i A C i i C f e
mm KE DAVID BLACKER—Buelsess and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN Mitor KABB1 THEODORE U, LEWIS • Bosk Eiiter FRANCES BLACKER - • Society Edi MORRIS AIZENBBRO—Sioux City Correspondent
JVillkle's Disavowal We hare never Questioned the sincerity of IWepdell WHlkie's repeated statements condemning antl-Seiaitista. But we cave always Judged them to be motivated primarily by political considerations, since Willkie bad never been one ol those noted for MB ©ut-criea against bis injustice before bis nomination as Republican candidate for President. But there was an unusually clear ring In bis repudiation of the Reverend Charles Coughlln'a •support in the current political campaign, "f. don't have to be president but I do bare to live with myself." Unknowingly, perhaps, Willkla has expressed the most potent argument against gntiSemitism. Tbe Jews will survive this wave of hatred. They may lose considerable numbers—as .unfortunately they already have. They may be Impoverished and sent into a thousand exiles. They may be deprived of their most fundamental rights as citizens of the various nations in which they live. But they will survive, survive as they have, to the bewilderment of history, for generations to some. Those who will suffer most from the current Anti-Semitism are not the Jews but the antiSemites—those who propagate evil, who spread forth hatred merely for personal aggrandizement. Political anti-Semitism was given Impetus by its appeal to deep-rooted personal prejudices of the ignorant. It was a means of catapulting those with nothing else to offer into power. But in striking at the Jew with the foulest means at their command, they have poisoned themselves. In all tbe statements of his campaign Wendell ^Villkie has never more clearly revealed itself. As a paper, devoted primarily to Jewish interests, we do not urge our readers to take one side or another since the Issues involved do not concern jus'as Jews. But within us wells a deep sense of gratitude that we live In a nation whose aspirants for the highest elective office, are men of decent instincts, uncompromising humanitarians, w h o bold personal integrity above mundane success."Of such calibre were the founders of the Republic. us hope they will never be betrayed.
[The Conquered For the first time In many weeks the meager Intimation of what Is happening In the unfortunate countries now under German rule has reached these shores. Obviously on the surface all has seemed calm and peaceful, although there had been some reports of sporadic uprisings and sabo• tago in Holland, Belgium, Norway and Denmark. During the ten weeks since the occupation of the Netherlands, an entire year's supply of vegetables has been "exported" to the Reich... In a country as dependent upon foreign importations as Holland, this can only mean that starvation will face the people during this coming winter. According to the Danish committee, Whose headquarters are now in London, the Germans have warned the populace a food and fuel shortage Impends-—a winter of hunger and cold for the Panes who bad not sought this war and sought to avoid, it.'-'Yet at the same time 30,000 German children enter the occupied territory every three weeks on "feeding holidays." •'.•.•'••'N, Norway, which like Holland, resisted the Nazi invasion, has seen its meager foodstuffs shipped into the Reich1, and on top of this, the nation has been assessed huge sums as indemnity. Not only have the Norwegians seen their freedom extinguished, but they are being forced to bear the burden of the cost of invasion. , Throughout Belgium and France there has teen some passive resistance. Every opportunity is being seized to hamper the invader la' its attacks on Britain. The "honeymoon" is over, one general has expressed himself. The occupied'nations will be treated as subjugated people. Soon '.the pall of silence will hang over all Europe as •jit now bangs over Czecho-Slovakia and Poland.
•'i' JrV Million Traitors • ' '
. According to. a recent book by George Brltt, famed liberal writer, this country has become tbe haven of one million Fifth4 Columnists, one mil-jion-'Individuals pledged to the destruction of American ideals of liberty and Justice, one million
men and women who are parasites, who prey upon their host to destroy It. The startling number includes members of the German-American Bund, of Communist organizations, of Italian Fascist groups, of Japanese sympathizers, acd ©f native societies willing to compromise their integrity by aligning themselves with the national interests of foreign despotisms. Many of the Eative Fascists were formerly the exponents of t i e "Yellow Peril" theory—Just as Hitler and Mussolini were until political expediency changed their tune. Why Americans are being so passive with this obvloes danger on its doorstep is beyond comprehension. These are rare privileges that are threatened, the privilege of a free and unfettered life. One does not see them stolen without some struggle. Sigrid Undset, the great Norwegian aoveliet and Nobel prise-winner, in a recent interview, pointed out wh&t Norway's indifference to its traitors and German "tourists" finally meant. To her It was the sacrifice of her eldest son. Already these purveyors of hate are setting up the howl of being "persecuted," revealllog -their vicious cowardice. It is no persecution but a matter of self-preservation that this government rid itself of their presence.
A Chronic Complaint A chronic complaint of the official organ of the Russian Society of the Godless is the apparent immunity of large sections of the Soviet to its unceasing propaganda. A late edition mournfully describes the-situation of one Russian city where seven religious sects are flourishing, in place of the one that existed before the Communist Revolution* To add Insult to Injury, not only do these worshippers partake of religious observances, but actually "pray tor the conversion of tbe Godless." The Russian Society of the Godless approaches the subject of religion in a rather peculiar fashion. Their attitude is not that there is no God. It is not they actually disbelieve His existence, but they oppose Him. They are personally affronted by these prayers in the fear they might be "converted." In truth the opposition of the "Godless" is not necessarily non-believers against believers, but the exponents of one institution against another. Except for their opposition to God, their organization strongly resembles any highly Institutionalised religion. Their conduct is guided by dogma as rigid as anything this world has seen. Their adherence to the party line is as mystical as any devotee. They have merely substituted one oranlzation for the other and crossed out dependence on God. No wonder, they are having difficulty in convincing the Russian masses of the wisdom of their belief, for in God and God alone have those poor found comfort.
Conscientious Objectors Nothing more clearly Indicates the basic difference between the German and the English peoples than the British method of handling the 'conscientious objectors," the young men who feel that It is conscientiously impossible for them to participate In an armed conflict. ' .In Germany anyone expressing everi^the slightest question as to the wisdom of this war, would be imprisoned and undoubtedly shot.. Such an opinion would indicate criticism of the government. One objects to nothing- in Germany, reardless of the dictates 6f one's conscience. On the other hand, England has established courts where the individual cases are reviewed and those' who convince the judges of their sincerity are permitted to go into branches of the service that would not necessitate the carrying of arms. We do not feel anyone can be anything but a 'conscientious objector." War is wrong and the Commandment' "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is not abrogated to suit the whims of dictators. But England did not seek this war, though In many ways she Is responsible for the conflict—by her refusal to look at the situation clearly, the ineptitude of her statesmen. • While most people conscientiously • object to the war, they are more conscientious in-their objection to Hitler and whatever he stands for. To protect themselves, they are utilizing the only methods the Nazis understand—war. .The Conscientious Objectors* courts may be wrong—as many Englishmen and Englishwomen have indicated. Yet they are a symbol of democracy—the concern for the individual. It is in- the English tradition of religion, tbe Puritan tradition of the individual's communion with his God. It -would seem, in this day of supposed civilization, the Individual would no longer be faced with the dilemma of violating his conscience or losing his rights. We prize liberty, prize it to the point of fighting for it not only for ourselves bat for others as well. If the world has_any. one goal this day, it Is for the establishment of agencies that ll insure -world peace and.abolish for all time the Institution of war.
several days, before retiring from public life—a has-been at 30,
Gems of the Bible and Talmud By Dr. PMtip SLer BIBLE I will give a sew heart and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh. I will put a new spirit within you. And I will betroth thee unto Me forever, yea I will betroth thee unto Me in righteousness and in justice, in loving kindness, and in compassion. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to Me. My people ask counsel of their stock and their staff declareth unto them for the strange spirit hath caused them to err, and they have gone astray from their God. TALMUD The death of the righteous is a misfortune for them &nd for the world, while the death of the wicked Is a benefit for them and for the world. The separation of the wicked Is a benefit for them and the world, while separation of the rlgheous is bad for them and world. Rabbi Acha lectured, "He that does not live upon the reward of his ancestral merits, he who does not overbearingly, he that never tried to compete in the special trade of his neighbor, he that never tried to derive any benefit from the treasury of charity he s considered righteous and shall surely live." Rabbi Acha said: "Whoever ives Trumah to an ignorant priest, acts as if he threw it before a lion, wasting the offerIng." Rabbi said, " P r e v i o u s l y I bought there is no truth in the whole world but since I am at Rabbi Tabuth, and if the whole world filled with gold were given to him, he would not change his word." It happened that he came to a city named Kushta (truthi~ The Inhabitants of that city would not change their words, and it never happened that one died an untimely death, and he married one of its inhabitants, and she bore him two children. It happened once that his wife washed her head and a female neighbor came to ask for her, and he thought that it was not proper to say that Bhe was washing her head and therefore, she Baid ehe was out. When his two :hildrcn d i e d , the Inhabitants came and asked him what does this mean. He told them t h e truth, whereupon they Bald to him, "pray to, move away from our city in order not to cause untimely death" among us."
W A S H I N G T O N ;
We thick there'll be a paragraph that will run something like this: "Goaded by toe decrepit slowness of the Comgress in answerg the will of the people, America took to public opinion polls, and "government by telegram," in SM attempt to quickly eipress its feelings." For the public opinion polls are only a symptom of a fault in our Democracy that sooner or later must be removed. The people must be able to express their feelings more often than once every two or four years. They must be allowed to vote swiftly and directly on tbe great iBBues, instead of voting at long intervals for Congressmen w h o ' ( t h e y hope) will express their will. Parliamentary government hat not kept pace with the spread of swift knowledge among the people. The world demands. quick decisions, end the Congress i r s u able to make quick decision*. The answer ia not less democracy -— but more. We think there'll be * whole chapter on the efforts of Hitler to undermine the American gOT» eminent. Documents will come to light that will show that tb* German diplomats and eonmlar officers paid off the native American Fascists; it will also I * shown that D. N. B. and Trans, ocean, the official German press agencies, were established in this country not to keep the press of Germany informed on legitimate American news, but as a private service for the Gestapo. This chapter will tell how the Jerman consular officials ordered the native American Fascists to play up hatred of the Jews as the spearhead of Hitlerlsm. There will be a chapter on the war's "merchants of death." The "merchants of death" of this war trill not bo tho munitions makers, however. They will be two or three of the great American oil companies which used t h e profits from domestic sales to furnish lubricating oil to tho Axis powers. It will bo shown that these companies were promised monopolies in tho world oil mar* kets if there was an Axis victory* It may be 50 years before the. world learns what really happened to tho people of Poland, but the chapter on Poland will be the most gruesome In t h e whole book. Of course, if the Nazis write tho histopy hooks for our children, and our children's children, none of this will Jbo told. That's why it may bo wise to tell it now. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.).
By PAT FRANK J. T. A. Washington Press Bureau ',; \
We think that the motives of s»si»e of the Congress who have been stalling defense- will be found, in years to comet not to t>e so pure m they now appear.
. , It all depends, of course, bhj who writes the history books, asj to how our children, and Otir; children's children, will 1 o b kj upon this awesome day. We Iitfeto dream of h o w the history] hooka will look a generation f rc-nt now*; with, -the proviso, that' y e maintain bur present form). of; government, and t h e r e is ,aa eventual triumph of decency, and Democracy. " . i We think there'll be at Ipost tw'p pages on tho doings of-our Congress this past summer, and it's likely to be sub-titled "The Age of Paralysis." In the personnel of tho present Congress the workings of Democracy very nearly ran down' — not through a weakness in Democracy itself —but in the self-centered little politicians who h a v e stupidly prattled of small things while the world collapsed before their blind eyes. To th,e nation, t&b debate on the draft must have seemed interminable. B u t to realize, tho, full, extent of it& futility, yon should have witnessed it from the press gallery We think there'll be a' footnote on Senator Rush Holt of WeBt Virginia. The footnote will Bay that Holt, already repudiated by tbe people of his owtf state, Bhunned' by the leaders of his party, managed to delay the defense, of the United States f o r
LETTERS . Rapid City, S. D.: J happened to run-across your "August 23 Issue of The Jewish Press,' Under "Strictly Confidential,'? I . f i n d that two Jews 'wore connected w i t h the construction of t h e Pennsylvania Turnpike. -For your information t h e "Northwestern Engineering company of Rapid City, S. D., has just finished completion of two sections of the Turnpike. Mr. Morris B. Adelstein of Rapid City is president of the Northwestern Engineering ElySeff.
French Lawyers Bar Jews, Masons Zurich (JTA) — Jewish lawyers, with- few " exc^ptionsy a n d those who were members of Freemason lodges were barred from membership-in the. French lawyers', association, Jeune Barreau; Francais, at a meeting, of the association In Paris, the., German wireless. reported.. , The only Jewish lawyers permitted to retain membership were those whose' grandfathers had been born in France and veterans of the 1914-1918 .war. Patronize Our Advertisers.
Friday, September 6, 1940
The Philanthropist (Continued from Page 2.)
Hakaufos, we got together in the crowd—ha, ha, ha, and 'held each other's hand. Afterwards a few allaorids remained in my hand. But right after the holiday her father, may he rest in peace, told me that Chaiin Yossei, so was her father called, is a pauper, a bankrupt. In his store stand shelves empty of stock . , . marriage is out of the question. And soon after ft came to light that my destined one is a sick one. She has a husband, a tubucular melamed . . . Soon, God protect us, she became a "wretched widow" . . . and when I pass through, she looks at me with milky eyes
Dr. M. I. Gordon, president.of (Continued from Page 1.) the Omaha District Deata,! so- Change Roles with Staff; voke us, and we won't fail to do Famed Social Worker Had it again if it is necessary. If ciety, will lead a delegation <^f In Charge of .,; Founded Henry St. Gmalia dentists to the Centennial such acts are repeated, all Trance Eve-snts • • • convention of the American Dentwill have to suffer the conseSettlement al associatioa which is to be Iield quences." in Cleveland, September 9 to 13'. The official radio in un-occu"Everything backwards" w a $ New York (WNS) — Leaders In all walks of life joined in pied P r a n c e had this to say: Members of the delegation are: the rule of the day st c&vap Iastt mourning the passing of Lillian "Bernard Lecache is a militant Drs. Arlo M. Dunn, W. J. Bren- Thursday when the first aunu&l D. Wald, pioneer social worker Jew whose previous activity has nan, E. H. Bruening, F. F. Whit- Grand Bust-up was .introduced by and founder of the Henry Street done so much to harm France comb, L. B. Myers, II. A. Mer- hilarious Jay-C's. (Dampers who Settlement, who died at her home that it should be made impossible chant, M. A. Spain, T, A. Gard- had previously been elected by; in Westport, Conn., last Sunday for him to continue to injure our ner, J. M. Prime, G. A. Hageman, their cabins as counselors took night after a long illness. T h e country." F. J. Viner, It. J. Yechout, C. J. charge of all camp events a n d In liis article, Lecache eaid: world-famous social worker was David, F. W. Schaefer, H. E. carried on the program with i»ot« "Nationalism is a notion and not £8 years old. King, C. F. Schroeder, B. Dieast- able success. bier and L. L. Boliac. New York's famed East Side a born racial idea., N6 state in With the blowing of taps ill And she is not the only one, Vr&B plunged into mourning asSeptember, 1939, was able to ralplace of reveille by Cainper-CeunThe nation's attention will be tributes and messages of condol- ly to its defense such a hetero- but I have another acquaintance focused on the convention where selor Chucky Beber at the early, also a widow and her husence poured into the Henry Street geneous group as that in France. band was going to be my part- the general sessions, 90 scientific hour of 6, everyone awoke for a Settlement house from all parts The number of foreign volunteers ner before he parsed away. There addresses, the 330 clinics, t h e day of hilarity and fun. Clothes of the world. Miss Wald, who who enlisted in our army—their was still a concession on kosher 140 scientific, health a n d his- were worn backwards; dessert devoted her life to improving the bravery, their spirit and t h e i r meat then, which was for the en- torical exhibits and the technical preceded the usual first course a t plight of the poor, was Known sacrifices — have not been suf- tire district. And just at that exhibits will present a panorama mealtime, and counselors t o o k and admired by presidents a n d ficiently emphasized by our prop- time I myself was looking for a of dentistry's past, present a n d the place of campers in cabin and : aganda. All these Frenchmen by business as well as my uncle's future. kings. camp duties such as table-setting Born in Cincinnati to wealthy free choice, all these foreigners father-in-law (both in the world Of particular interest will be and general clean-up.. and socially prominent German- with a French soul and heart, of truth), also a young man after the announcement of the results A special schedule of activities Jewish parents, Miss Wald gave deserve their status and should kest (dowry of board and room of the country-wide dental health was worked out by the camper/HP a comfortable life to fight for benefit from favorable prejudice for a number of years with in- census which is being conducted staff, whose members planned tha medical attention for the poor, and should not fear exceptional laws). Friends suggested we go by the American Dental associa- entire day. In the evening, the recreation centers" for East Side measures which the situation does Into business together. But Jo- tion as a voluntary aid to,the regular staff of counselors enterchanan, the concessioneer, a sick- national defense program. The children, and elimination of New not demand. campers with a special "It is continually said that the ly man, grabs me and we go out census w a s undertaken to de- tained (fork's slums and sweatshops. show, which was followed by the into the district. . . Would I have termine America's physical fit- blowing of reveille instead of Her decision to devote her life new regime's policies will not be to helping the poor was reached based on those of neighboring taken the concession with my ness for military and industrial taps and the signal to retire. Fifin a gloomy tenement where a regimes, and rightly so. Nothing uncle's father-in-law, I would service in light of the fact,that teen ininute3 later, the call of of an opulent man . . . dental diseases accounted for the desperately sick woman had just has ended for France to such an now be leesNo bugle brought everyone to« Pleasure highest percentage of rejections the bad a hemorrhage. The East Side extent that she must do away gether for a surprise robe pa< during the world war. with her virtues and principles of was then a far cry from what it But what does God do? My Ye. rade by flashlight, after which is today. The city's general death balance and harmony. All will roochem (so he was,called) falls campers enjoyed a party In tho rate was more than twice what be lost for her if she tries to away on the way - - filled up with house is about to collapse. Pfe! main lodge, with milk and caka make a hierarchy of n a t u r e . it is today, nnd in the " l u n g goose and finished off with cold If one wants to give willingly, all for refreshments. blocks" it rose to appalling pro- Blood has been spilled out of beer! The money I had with me. right, but compel me? The contest for the campieat poor bodies which were all sons I left him there in town by himportions. So one fine morning I hire a robe was won by Anne Denen* of the nation, and enemy shells self, sent a special messenger to long Started in 1805 peasant wagon filled with Sweatshops flourished through m a d e no distinction between his wife, and kept going. Pity straw, order the sick put in it and berg and Buddy Beber, who re« ceived suckers as prizes for havthe East Side and housing-reform fighters racially. Nothing Is end- here, pity there - - business is leave for Warsaw. ing the best ralncoat-blanket-robo .•was merely a theory, Immigrants ed for France If we remember business. And what would be And she was right In what she ' . have out of It, were I left without had said, that she wouldn't re- combination. Bongs completed tha pouring In from Europe by t h e it." Grand Bust-up day which w a a the concession? I would have rehundreds of thousands found the from Warsaw . . , One doc- heartily mained a pauper! So I took over turn acclaimed by all as most "promised land" a place of cruel tor, two three and not upon : the concession . . . and when I you, fell asleep like a chicken. successful. hardships. Sick immigrants, came back, she was already a Jeanne Blacker, camper-direct afraid to enter the public hospiWhat was the matter with her widow. So I gave her a note for tor, and the following campertals which then had a reputation I don't know to this day. the money, added interest . . . for bad treatment and high death But a pleasure - - twenty-six counselors directed the G r a n d and at present she sits in the rates, were without medical or market place . . . the few rubles rubles burial expenses! You want Bust-up: Judy Theodore, L e a n . to give a contribution? No, no, Cohen, Arnold Kaiman, Robert nursing care in their horribly dwindled away . . . no! Gelduschek, Arnold Stern, Alvla overcrowded t e n e m e n t apartNaturally, I have no naches (Continued from Page 1.) Bursteln, Marty JTaior, Mike Kul» ments. akofsky, Ann Eisenstatt, E t h e l Miss Wald started her career, were: Ruth Kulakofsky, spirit of (pleasure) from it. "When I go Holiday Furloughs Burstein, Barbara Blacker, Helen •Which has made her world fa- camping; Joseph Polack, kind- through the market, there is a Rodin, Ruth Kulakofsky, D o r l a mous and brought her the friend- ness; Joanne Robinson, co-opera- pull at the heart, for what can I Washington (JTA)—In a circdo should the widow pour out ten Plnkowitz, Gerda Hagen, Chucky ship ot millions, more than 40 tion;-Eugene Jacobs, truth; Dor- measures of curses upon my ular sent to all army units, the Beber, Sid Nerenberg and T e d years ago in a top-floor tenement othy Blacker, loyalty; Ann Den- head? War department announces that Meyers. \ apartment at 27 Jefferson street. enberg, patriotism; Alex WelnAnd when I get to the syna- Jewish soldiers will be given furIn 1895, friends made it possible stein, courage; Josephine Kiel- gogue, do you think, I gather Joy loughs to observe the forthcomfor her: to move her ever-expand- man, cleanliness; Audrey Green- there? Right on the steps - - Reb ing Jewish High Holidays. Patronize Our Advertisers. ing activities to 265 Henry street, berg, joy of living; Jeanne Black- Berele, the Judge is dragging yrhere she" remained until her re- er, reverence. himself, gasping and groaning tirement brought about by her . . . He needs a girdle. Every Honors Given illness. 9 nr cotttf w w i m ceenrna. Preceding the p a g e a n t , the four weeks he falls away - - steps Her care of the sick and needy, Hvdalah fire 'was kindled by Ger- are dangerous for him. And when regardless of race or religion, da Hagen with the ceremonial they collect for him for a girdle, brought her world-wide fame at- torch and activity emblems were he marries off one of his daughtained by very few social work- presented by the camp director to ters. Do something that the Jew ers. On her 70th birthday, March the campers who" had taken part has twelve daughters! Further up 10, 1937, she was honored at a in various activities. These em- in the- synagogue blind Schochot public gathering in New York at blems are awarded on the basis waits for mo. When he went FEINBERG'S KOSHER WEINERS OR SALAMI, • w h i c h congratulatory messages of participation and improvement blind, the community took a new Perlb Schochet. Naturally, I was there were read from President Roose- rather than competition. Activity yelt, Governor Lehman and oth- emblems were awarded "to the when they hired him and declared NEW CROP KOSHER DILL PICKLES or that ho should pay the old Schoers, and "Mayor La Guardla an- f o l l o w i n g : BEET BORSHT, large jar '•'.-.•:.'•" ' chet twelve gulden a week. But nounced, that the distinguished Joanne Jacobs, Robert Geld- he doesn't pay it. Ho himself. Is DIABETIC HARD GUM DROPS, service certificate of the City of uschek, J i m m y Stern, Arnold blessed with a big. family. Well, Per jar " New York had been awarded to Stern, Mike Kay, Marty Faier, am I to blame? Ho is blind, but her. UNSWEETENED . ffw . Gene Jacobs, Herbert Denenberg, he detects me, and when he does, In 1912, she received the gold Bayla Mae Grodinsky, Sally Ros- he gives a groan at my expense. GRAPE JUICE . * Pint &»*» Quart medal of the National Institute of lnsky, Audrey Greenberg, A n n Sometimes he says: "Well, proLAXA-TRATE, a New Herbal Laxative, Social ; Sciences, and later the Elsenstatt, Rita Plotkin, Natalie vided, he . *•. !" P e r b o K « • • • » . . . • . . • • • • • • » . « • • • • • • • • »£.* • * Rotary club's, medal "in recogni- Plotkin, Barbara Blacker, CharYou thlnfc I have pleasure from tion of life-long service as sociol- lotte Sommer, Ruth Kay, Dorothy DIABETIC ALMOND MACAROONS, ' . ogist, organizer and publicist," Blacker, Josephine Kleiman, Ger- it? P o r b o s • • • • # * • • • • • • « « • • • • • j» * • • • « • • • • * • • • Then things really begin for and the Better Times Medal for da Hagen, Doris Plnkowitz, Alvln me: Paupers near the walla, FANCY WALL-EYED P I K E , distinguished social'service. Bureteln, Ethel Burstein, Evelyn ne'er-do-wells near the;oven. And Per lb PinkowitB, Buddy Beber, L o i B I have to. rub against all of them, Rodin, Fred Kohn, Joseph Po- take from each a bit of snuff . . . BARBECUED TROUT or SMOKED WHITEFISH lack, Renee Plotkin, Joan Shif- A newly arrived indigent from the sticks has to be given a fer, A r n o ' l d Kaiman, Berenice Sommer, Helen Rodin, J e a n n e Shalom Alaichem! I tell you it was purgatory I Blacker, Phyllis F r e e d , Genre Cohn, Teddy Meyers, Chucky Be- suffered. For a man with a soft After campora left Jay-C-C last ber, Mudy Theodore, J o h n n y heart it is bad .' . . And do you Always fresh — alvrayo delicious, for many Sunday morning, staff members K o h n , L e a h C o h e n , J o a n n e R o b - think it suddenly dawned upon years, one of the nation's outstanding brands remained to break camp and to i n s o n , ' •' •-'• '•.:'"': •••' '•••:•'' . •••••"'" me to run • away? Pack and get of batter. hold a series of discussions outThe worker or "Pool" emblem away? No, it was a thing of God, for I am not as wise as all that. lining Improvements and sug- for outstanding camping was pregestions for next summer's camp. sented to these boys and girls: I had a sick wife, may God proPlans call for an athletic field, Gerda Hagen, Chucky Beber, Jos- tect you from such a curse! She a cemented tennis court, and oth- eph Polack,' Jeanne B l a c k e r , kept getting worse and worse er Improvements in the camp Ethel Burstein, Evelyn Pinko- Once she insisted on travelling to Hasan's Hartlwator a doctor In Warsaw. I agreed grounds. wltz, Leah Cohen, Gerre Cohn, with her, but Bhe refused to go In discussing the camp pro- Helen Rodin, Barbara Blacker alone. So I suggested, sending one gram, plans were outlined for a and Charlotte Sommer. or two persons with her, but she PER BAR. camper council similar to-the stuThe second highest emblem of refused, saying she would go only dent council in school, additional "Shomer" or watchman w a s with me, afraid she would die on • 5c activities like photography a n d awarded for the first time this the way, and doesn't want to die fishing, and an extended camp- Bummer to the two most out- with her husband not at her side craft program, standing campers for all-round • * * < . After breaking camp and stor- participation in most camp activ- • And just then I had Involved ing equipment for the winter, ities and co-operative camp spirit, business dealings. And-- to be counselors enjoyed their annual Gerda Hagen and Ruth Kulakof- travelling with a sick one! With Bteak fry around the council sky. my soft heart I might get sick campfire. They returned to OmaThe council fire ceremony im- myself. So IteU.her I'll consider, ha Tuesday night. pressively concluded' w i t h - the I'll see, weigh the matter in' my Lgo. P&g. . singing in cabin groups of t h e mind, later, tomorrow"«,i . . During the-reign of Phillip V traditional and universal c a m p Meaawhlle r hear in the street, _ she fs getting low. Then-1-learn of Spain (1700-1746) 1,564 Mar- vespers song anS taps. ranoa were executed and 11,730 that the- burial society Is sharpwere punished. Patronize Our Advertisers. \ ening its teeth'on . „ » The bath
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with the dawn of day when she ruble and rats away, and I go to threatened him with a bottle did the house of prayer . , * To get to the Shut you have to he Jump «»t of bed and run away. He was already at Shmerel Honi- go through the market place. Bnt gmacher's, at Yossel Veitzen- walking through it is also not of tang's and others . . . Only in one the good thiags. To tell you the place there are too many children, trirth, I do enjoy going through i virtual cyclone in the house; in the market place on a Sunday or the other the washing is hung out on a holiday. Then it is lively, la and there is even more of a Etonn motion; red shawls, red .beads, Transl&ted from the Yiddish by Harry Meudelson wind within the four walls. Aud red ehawls, red faces —"fresh, VeitzeazaEg's saint you know! healthy. But in the middle of the "Why did I move to Warsaw?" against the pane and observes not an insignificant personage or May the dogs pull her around! week it is nauseating; old, twistscrawny women; green, dry whether something new is stand- common suaortal. No but the son Doesn't let me stretch out; says I ed you ask. baked stuff; rotten fruits. And a dirty her sofa. of the town's preacher, peace unin the house. In summer, I'll tell you the truth. I ran ing Jewess takes with her finger and the windows are open, he to him! From his father Laizer The Tailor away from small town paupers, when removes the rotton portion of an pokes his head in with a fine has inherited his mantle, but of like running away .from mud. "Good morning! God help! "May her name be wiped out!" apple and inserts into her mouth. his Torah apparently not a word. he says. And if I treasure the Ha—Good? But the paup«rs! They stood in Good evening! Still the family glory helped him like a regular jny throat like a bope. I can't re- intimate. As tho we tended pigs become a grain dealer. But he is sofa he will sit down in my easy In :he Market And the entire market knows fuse. I am soft uatured, can't together! That is in passing when not capable even of tying the-tail :hair, an excellent chair. of a cat; never succeeded in gohas no time; but if he has So I beat it. What else can 1 me and rejoices. The rich man is bear to look at black poverty with he time, he cornea into the house— ing through with a transaction. lo? On the threshold I bump into to prayer. He isn't ashamed its dimmed eyes and bent should- doesn't even begin to know about But respectable merchants say: someone. What is it? It is my going to carry the Talith sack oyef the ers. knocking or ringing the- bell. Even "He is." So that's that, go do tailor. I don't owe him anything, street; and they bless me. And I And try, ask me how this comes have to close the doo: after him. eomething. Someone brings a wall God beware. I pay spot cash. But have acquaintances in the market: to a well, bruises his feet doing it, his wife has given birth to twina. One was once my sweetheart. Her Public property, evidently! to me? Darn if I know. First thing in the morning: tears out his throat, and after One fell away immediately; but father, may he rest in peace, fixed The world says.-"A child Is the "Good morning! Sir, may you having the pains of crossing the the second will have a Brith. So her with a word . . . He bad a mother's daughter or the father's live!" Red Sea, when it comes to pay le asks me to be the Shandek. All store where I used to buy. Somesou.' And it is said; "The apple Who is it? It is Leah the dairy commission, it is said: "Only Laiz- right. However, the child has where I got ahold of a two kopeck doesn't fall far from the tree." woman. It is ten years that she er is a partner." And he is, and fever, the mother needs a doctor, piece and ran to buy bauksher Evidently, not everything that is has been carrying milk to us; so gets his share. If not, then the 2ven though it be a doctor with a (St. John's bread eaten on Jewsaid is true. Why, myself, for ex- she is almost like a member of the citizenry would have to support prescription (trained doctor), and ish Day). She used to get ample. My father, may he rest in family. She has a cow behind the him. They wouldn't let Laker, the he is without a groschen. So he red; Arbor used to stand under tho fteace was destitute all the days town, on the other side of the son of the deceased town's preach- wants I should advance him a table. On Siincbath Torah, at the of his life—a small town beadle. river. In winter she drops in on er, die .of hunger! And thanks to couple of rubles . . . For barely enough to keep body with her big boots, boots and his family tree he has entree (Continued on Page 5.) " and soul together, he let himself us He really is my tailor and a everywhere. straw overshoes. As she suffers be trodden upon by the "con- from asthma, ehe can't bend over good one at that; but bis face is "Good morning!" gregation," the rabbi and the to remove her overshoes; so she that of a pauper. His poverty YOUR INSURANCE BROKE* keeper of the bath-house, A patch "Good year! What is news?" stares out of his eyes, from unin with them. Water drips layer, a cobbler had more income comes "So! so! Where is your tobac- der his capota. It spurts from out from them, from her head. In adand more honor than a beadle. of his sleeves. A twin to boot! For dition she always has a red nose, co?" he asks. MANAGER To my tobacco he also has fam- ne a funeral and for the other a I have two brothers—L'havdeel which is also not very dry. She CITY FfHANCE AND between life and death—they are has another virtue'— stutters ily claims—a glass of tea he cer- Brith, the mother with fever, a lost person. So I better contribute tainly wants, and very likely has iHgUHAUCE CO. etill alive—but what a life they lightly and talks with a daleth. a ruble! But he shall never cross something definite in mind. Representing 21 Strong have. Under Pharoah in Egypt 'Boot morden!" my threshold; nothing will I ever Companies / As I told you, my wife is sick, one had a better life! Sucli a life The Dairy Woman A Complete Insurance Service ive him to tailor . . . so he inquires first of all how upon the enemies of Zion! One And what does Leah the dairy CALLi WALNUT 6150 resides in Brisk of Lithuania, as woman want? A small thing she she feels. And when he hears that "The Settlement Count** He doesn't pay any attention to she is no better, he groans, all you Bee a ncesraf (one whose wants. Her black one fell away, what I say to him, grabs the •worldly goods have gone up with meaning her cow. And the cow, because one doesn't take his adthe flame). The second one does she Bays, is almost my cow, for vice. His aunt, lying where all not live at all; for it is years have I not been drinking of her must He eventually was helped by eiiice he went out Into the world milk for already ten years. And, nothing but by a green bottle. Saesatr Staro Hour* 9 A. U. to B t. M. Tc!e>&0M JA M M One should order a green bottle to gather dowries for his daugh- besides Leah is somewhat of a at the drugstore. Why? Because ters—six daughters he has, this relative to my wife. Naturally, she he doesn't know where the doctor Jew. has some claim . . . go I take out that prescribed the green bottle a ruble, only beat it! Poverty lives now, and perhaps he also is God beware! Not so quickly already where all must go event"Were I to count my entire poverty-ridden family, there wouldn't does Leah the dairy woman move ually . . . The druggist will know, be enough figures on my hands. from the spot. First of all, she for isn't he after all the son of Like the locusts they fall upon starts blessing me and begins to the deceased druggist . . . He'll me. Let me show them a finger, grimace and grimace till she find in the files . . . end they would swallow me with bursts into tears. But here is the. matter about What is-it? Well, if her hus- which my rubbers on my feet. A sack of he came to me. I want to band had not been such a good for go holes can't be filled. to the synagogue and take the nothing idler, she also would be And I, myself, do you think I sack. He rejoices that I, living In such a house, also have Talith ;wa8 born as i am today? such a rich man, observes the such furniture, also bathe in the I am a poor nun myself—the Shema, doesn't let the congrega6on of a shames. Did he ever .have good things of life. What is it? tion wait for him. He tells me I a twisted dreier (three kopeck She has a desire for a silver can go. That meanwhile he will College Men piece) to his soul for his dowry? Chanukah lamp, for a golden lie down on the sofa for a while, spice holder — for whatever the Mother, may she rest in peace, infor his shrew'cursed all night and "Make Tlaeir herited a tumbled-down wooden eyes see. You think she lacked much? he couldn't sleep a wink. Only hut on the outskirts of the village, which was sold for wedding ex- Actually she had a wonderful penses. I was the youngest Fath- land baron, who wanted to en- For Bent—2, 3, or 4 furnished er, peace unto him, ^ moved over trust her with the concession of or unfurnished rooms. 1532 Into the synagogue., The syna- his farm—so the story goes N. 10. WE 5025. gogue was indignant . . . " N u . . . around for twenty years — such Give her a dowry. Get her mar- favor did she find in his eyes— twenty cows to milk — Only her ried off," he said. husband, may he come For Rent—Five room modern And what do you think they worthless home in stitches, didn't want to house at 2523 Seward St. Ingave for my genius-head? Two it . . . Why he didn't want quire at 2521 Seward. tomes of the Talmud by heart. accept accept the offer is not to be £They promi&ed eight hundred to understood. And Leah the dairy gulden; actually gave only a half keeps on jabbering, and I «f it. For they gave me a bride woman beg of her to have pity and "With lop-sided shoulders. To be must let me finish the glass of tea. cure they added a note, half Thank God, I succeeded. She worthless. So you see that I am of the starts to leave when my wife calls nouveau riche (Some are ashamed her in to her room."As she's been of it!) I simply did mine. The lying sick in bed nearly all her Almighty helped; and by nature, life, a pity on her, she wants to you see, I am a .born rich man, hear the town news. Well, I have sdft-bearted and an Epicurean to no time. Regardless who it is, let him or her come as long as they fcdot. can dispense the news: who is Purgatory ii And for that very reason I had quarreling, Who getting a divorce, to < run away. You don't have any how life goes on among people, Idea at all what a purgatory the what they are cooking and other email town is for such a Jew, for such .feminine matters. Is not «) ample like me who has a heart Leah an intimate of the house"W th no stones in it. And who hashold! JLaizer a nose and feeling as a man needs Meanwhile I want to finish h a v e . • ' •. • •.--•• ' ' First of all, I live almost in the drinking the tea so that Leah the Middle of the town. The windows dairy woman doesn't cross my trfe not curtained; and whoever path when I return home. No sucS>4sses, throws in an eye. If he cess! Laizer, mekler (the agent) g a t s he fitopn, presses his nose In coming! And Laizer. mekler, is
By J. L. Peretz
Ming tweeds 'are We iff?®, that set a fiellow apart ®& a mam ot 'piste and tamglaatfosa . J B They, iael l a tho classroom, too. $my?ve wear; tliey.'ve "got ©a ©ai lete a man lea-gei MB ©I©*ses an ©a tits
19.75 Browalag KIS@--MO!Q R o a r
Friday, September 6, 194O
n Deca mple Is
Peg • 3 A tale is told of the Portuguese nobleman, -who, in order to secure t h e release of his body physician who had confessed the crime of Judaizing under torture.
Beginning with the Friday evening service of September 20, Temple Israel will for three days observe the Seventieth an. niversary of its founding. Not Ojaly the oldest Jewish congregation in Nebraska, the Temple is also the oldest Jewish organization of any sort in the state. Below is told a brief history of the seven decades of Temple life.
tion. His predecessor, the Rever When Rabbi Rosenau left fo end Rosenspitz had evidentl Baltimore in 1892, his place wa. gone to Philadelphia as there i taken by Rabbi Leo Franklin a communication from that cit; who.remained here for six years. recorded in the Temple minute Rabbi Franklin was elected to the of 1884. leadership of a larger Detrol' Despite the good intentions o Congregation aud in 1938 his for the local community, the twent tieth anniversary was observed members were unable to euppor by that congregation. a rabbi and after eight month Rabbi Franklin was succeeded Rabbi Stern left. . by Rabbi Abraui Simon, wh< Not until 1883, when a consid came to Omaha from California erable number of Jews had en and who in 1904 left for Wash • Seven decades of organized tered the state did the Tempi ington D. C. Jewish" religious life will be ob have another Rabbi. In that yea It&bhi Cohn Arrives served by Temple Israel the week Rabbi Saft arrived and served one In 1904 the Congregation o end of September 20-22. Seventy term. He was followed in 188' Israel chose as its new rabbi, years have passed since the lead by Rabbi E. H. Harfield, who wai Frederick Cohn, then serving a era of the Omaha Jewish Cora present for the dedication cere small group in Fort Wayne, Indi munity formally announced thel monies of the first Temple build ana. The duplicate of the tele intentions of establishing a Jew ing, a frame structure erected a gram announcing the appoint lsh congregation in answer to a a cost of $4,400 at 23rd and Har- ment to Rabbi Cohn still remains Jong-felt need. In the Temple files. Rabbi Cohn's ney streets. period of active service covered , Some semblance of religious One of Rabbi Harfield's firs thirty-three years, with three ad life had already existed in this requests of the board was tha pioneer community, and not tor a choir (or, a3 the record quaint ditlonal years as Rabbi Emeritus. A New Englander by birth, a several years after 1870 was the ly says a "quire") be hired to congregation a smoothly-function lead the services in t h e ' n e w graduate of the University of Cincinnati and of the Hebrew Union ing institution. Temple. Dr. Cohn became an outAt this time members of th College, standing leader not only in .the The Jewish community of Oma- congregation were assigned to Jewish but in the city ba ia almost as old as the city it pews and each member paid BO as well.community intellectual circles self, dating from the year 1856 much pew rent. This custom was recognizedLocal outstanding abil when Meyer Hellman and his discontinued after the presen ity and lasthis year his name was brother-in-law, Aaron Cahn, ar Temple was built. entered in the list of thirty outTired in a two-horse wagon and After a disagreement with the standing citizens, from which the established, a clothing store In a Congregation, Rabbi Harfield left of Omaha named ten tiny frame building near the riv- While the Congregation studied University its hall of fame. Rabbi Cohn's tor's edge. Trade at that time was the qualifications of candidates for Almost exclusively with wander- for the vacant pulpit, services death In March was mourned by Ing Indians, with occasional wag- were temporarily conducted'by M Jew and non-Jew alike. on-trains, westward-bound, or the Welnberg, a member of the conRabbi David H> Wice, the presfew settlers who were brave gregation. ent spiritual leader of the Temenough to establish homes In tills ple, was named to his position In Rabbi Benson barren and new country, The next Rabbi Harfield's successor was 1937. Previously he had served year Hellman and Cahn returned Rabbi.N.'I. Benson of Kentucky as Rabbi Cohn's assistant. Like to their former home in Cincin- who received the munificent sal- an earlier rabbi of the Temple Isnati where they bought a ready- ary of $1500 per year. During rael, Rabbi Wice is a native Virframed store and shipped it to his four years of service the Tem- ginian, a graduate of WashingOmaha via-the rivers. Their store ple membership increased to 120 ton and Lee University and of the was the first mercantile establish- and it was necessary tb build an Hebrew Union College. Like Rabment in the new town and at the addition to the old building. One bi Cohn, he has been a civic as time of Hellman's death was the of Rabbi Benson's first duties well as communal leader. oldest retail store between the was to conduct a memorial serPresent Building Missouri river and the Pacific vice for Sir Moses Montefiore. The present structure occupied coast. whoso death had occurred during by the Congregation of Israel, was dedicated in 1908. As long - For six years the. Cahn and the previous summer. before as 1890 the need of a Hellman families constituted the A striking Innovation for the larger building was discussed, but Jewish community of Omaha, but time was Rabbi-Benson's practice In the ensuing years they were of exchanging his pulpit with Mr. the actual work was delayed, unJoined by others, and by 1868 the Copeland, the minister of the Uni- til the need had become too great first known Jewish religious ser- tarian Church. Rabbi Benson left to be overloolfed. vices were being held. Late In the rabbinate to Btudy law and The Sisterhood of the Temple the summer of that year an Or- was admitted to the Douglas was organized in 1904 and the thodox service took place in the County Bar In 1894. Brotherhood In 1920. old Masonic Temple, then located Because the earliest records All this time the question of at 14 th and Farnam streets. ritual was under much discussion. have been lost there is no knowl' ' B'nai Israel Society The Refornv movement was still edge of the Presidents of the Con,. By 1870 this group constituted in its formative years. When the gregation until 1883 when comthemselves a religious congrega- Temple was organized in 1870, plete records were kept. B. Simon tion called the "B'nai Israel" So- it had been only thirty-five years was president in 1883. He was ciety. First officers were: J. A. since the first American congre- followed by Isaac Oberfelder, one Hart, president; M. Goldsmith, gation, that of. Charleston, So. of the early congregational leadvice-president; J. C. Bosenfeld, Carolina, had declared itself In ers and president for several uecretary; E, Simon/ treasurer; favor of the principles later dis- years. Next president of the Conpi- Rosenthal, Bernard Gladstone, tinguished by . the term, "Re- gregation was Meyer. Hellman, and Samuel Jacobs, trustees. Omaha pioneer resident. From form." Samuel Katzwas Other members of the Society Although the Temple adhered 1891 to 1899 ; He served. another •were: Abraham Adamsky, J. New- to a ritual closely resembling that president. 1907 to 1912. Morris man, S. Rothschild, J. Relnhart, of the Reform movement, there term from pioneer Omahan and phiAndrew Rosewater, Jacob Schill- were still "many who looked ask- Levy, was head of the coner,- Max Abrahams, L. Schwartz, ance at the modernist tendencies. lanthropist,, in the years Intervening Jacob Rosenthal, Samuel Fried- In the early years of the Temple, gregation between Mr. Katz's two terms. lander, S. ReJchenberg, Philip the Board was horrified to learn Other presidents were; N. A. Gottheimer, E. Bundschuh, Abra- that (he Ladies Sewing Circle was Spiesberger, Sam Frank, Charles ham Israel, Albert Abel, P. Hart, planning a spring festival for the Elgutter, William Holzman, IsaSamuel F. May, S. Lehman, Mey- benefit of the Temple. The Secre- dor Ziegler, Harry Rosenfeld; er Hellman, A. S. Brown, Aaron tary of the Congregation was or- Henry Rosenthal, David Cahn, a Mr. Freudenhelm, Dan- dered to inform the president of stock, Abe Goldstein, SamRosen„ iel Bernstein, Julius Rich, -M.' tha Sewing Circle that the Con- Harry Wilinsky, an£ David Leon, Gold- -Goldstein, B. Goldstein, M. Klein, gregation does not approve of any man. Present Incumbent is MorjMorris Greenbaum, S. Brown and entertainment in its name or for ris E. Jacobs. Jacob Phillips. , Its benefit ' * "•.'• Today there are other, congreOn September 16 of 1871 the H. 'V, 0. Graduate • 1 first class was confirmed by thp In 1889-Temple Israel revealed gations in Omaha —Orthodox and Reverend Alexander Rosenspitz. ts sympathies were with the Re- Conservative. But to Temple IsMembers of that class included form movement when it named rael goes ^he honor of being the Esther Jacobs, Emanuel and Al- as its spiritual leader a graduate oldest. Seventy years in the hisbert Cahn, Eva Rawltzer, Bertha of the' Hebrew Union College, tory of Israel is a short time inRelnhart, Charles Rosenthal, and Rabbi William. Rosenau, who this deed; but it represents a perman: Addle Gladstone. year retires as Rabbi of the famed ence few communities.-, ln the world can still boast about. A Jewish Sunday school was TJutaw Place, congregation of Bal'organized July 14, 1872, with imore. Rabbi Rosenau was the Miss Addle Gladstone, only the first graduate • of this then new Laval Scores Jews year before a conflrmant, as su- nstitution to officiate In Omaha. Even yet, there were those who perintendent. Assisting her as In Nazi Interview teachers were the three other gave up the old customs with the girls who had been confirmed in greatest reluctance and before Zurich (JTA) — *Vice Premier the arrival of Rabbi Rosenau, a her class. • 'ierre Laval of France was quotquestion that had been bothering Also in 1871 a burial society sd by the German wireless this organized "and five acres of the Congregation for a decade week, an interview with the ground a .considerable distance was revived. A number of Tem- Germaninnews agency correspoildple members presented a petition northwest of the city were purent.in Vichy, as declaring that o the board requesting that the chased. This land, now the Pleaswork for German-French ant Hill cemetery; was later deed- new Rabbi shoujd cover his head "to and wear a Tales while conduct- onciliatlon In "order to . destroy ed to the Temple. 1 lor good and all. the .possibility Ing "Divine service.' Regularize Scrvico The Board approved the petl- >f war between the two peoples It was not until 1872 that ift definite effort was made to reg- lon, but Instead, of ordering the Is my one and only aim." Laval w a s quoted as saying ularize the religious service. The Rabbi.to do as directed, asked congregation started meeting in his opinion on the matter. The :hat. -whenever an understanding the Max Meyer building or Kes- Rabbi replied such was' against rlth Germany was attempted In cher Hall with L. Abraham acting his "teaching and belief." Under "ranee, English' policy and its Rabbi Rosenau the Congregation 'henchmen" in France, such as as reader of the congregation. In 1875 the Congregation was definitely allied itself with the 'Jews a n d Freemasons," Inter• ' - - - • re-organlzed and Rabbi David Union of America Hebrew Con-«| e n e d , . Stern came from Virginia as the gregatlons, the central bodjr of \ spiritual leader of the Congrega- Reform groups, Patronize Our Advertisers.
seized the Inquisitor himself and extracted a precisely similar confession by utilizing the s a m © means.
BOYS' Two Long Pant*
H#Vf the last word 111fttyloand valut.»• it &V k *f workmanship fabric quality to Jjgiit at mart new double and single breasted, plain fr itoort back suits . . \ new Fall illuminated lo?s; Teal Blue, Green, Brown, Fancy Blue, d Mixture! . . . & brilliant showing of the ^ Sizes 10 to 20. # Other. Tvoo Long Pants School Suits I f $11.75 lo $18 >>
Boys' New Fall Blades} @Izes 8 to 20
Roverslble Topcoats
9oys' Ifew Fall ,\ > , Sweaters. Sizes 8 to 29
' -|O85.
, ...'
Boys' New Fall Hats Sizea 6% to 7%' tU& all weather coat; on ono (Me or fjturdy faticV wooleii opco&titig in greens, grays, irowns and solid color ori other. See this reverslo double purpose coat, rea| value at $10, Sizes
'$.195 ' New Pojo f|iilr&
Mm io to 20
jjK Shirt : That Goeo JPlaces 'k I
Here's a; shirt you'll want for" all occasions. It's the Bet4 ' Ahlrt-j-swanky new, Kaynee Shirt-6f-the-Month. It's got , ust .the right amount of snap with its combination checks .; dt two coldrs. You'll wear it to classes, Eports events, in> ' ormal dates,: and every time good fellows get together.' | o fact you'll wear it and wear it, because it not only looks PU/but washes We.ll, and it fits perfectly. Coine in and ' loose it in combinations of blue, brown or green checks.
* ''
Coys' Own-BSor&—SVmrth Floof
Council Sponsors _ • Annual Card Party
Hiss Lois Novitsky, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sol Novitsky, 3323 Jones street, w a s chosen sweetheart ot t h e A. Z, A. of • Sioux City at the sweetheart ball in t h e Mayfair hotel Sunday night, which climaxed an all & annual district convention. About IE© delegates •weco registered from chapters in Omaha, Council Bluffs, Lincoln Des Moines, Waterloo a n d R o c k Island. The program included a track meet at the new athletic field In Morningside and soft ball and tennis tournaments at Giltnan ter• race and Lewis park. . Marvin Davidson, Des Moines, runner-up in the Iowa state high school tennis tournament, w a s winner of the Sunday contests. Sioux City chapter took the softball ' championship by defeating Omaha Chapter 100 by the score of 8 to 6. The Sioux City chapter also ' placed first in the track meet, Sohindler taking individual hoaora with a score of 15 points. Omaha 100 placed second in the track events.
Mra. Sophie Charney Dies Funeral services for Mrs. Sophie Charney, 35, 1810 Seventh street, who died Sunday in a hospital, were held last Tuesday afternoon at the residence. Rabbi S. Bolotnlkov officiated. Perasso Bros, funeral home w e r e in charge of interment In Floyd cemetery.
. . Orthodox Synagogues Services will begin at the Orthodox synagogues this evening at 7 o'clock and in the morning at 8:30. Rabbi Sol I. Bolotnikov will speak at the Tlphereth Israel synagogue during the morning services.
Society Hews Miss Rozena Sacks, a brideelect, was entertained by Ida Edelmah, Nelle Slnykin and Dorothy Merlin Thursday evening at tho home of Nelle Slnykin.. '
Miss Bertha Hart, of Dallas, Texas, is visiting with Miss Mary Edelman, 1424 West 5th Street. MISB Etta Marcus of Omaha has been visiting for t h e past week with Miss Thelma Shindler, 2009 Jennings street. :
Mr. Arthur Llpschutz of New York City Is visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. L. Shindler, 2209 Jennings street. , . FOUND Child's pink coat at B'nai B'rlth Picnic last Sunday at Lewis Park. For further information call Joe Goldstein— 85106.
Jtia&s Isimit Hours Prague Jews Shop London (JTA) — German authorities at Prague have ordered Jews to shop in the-capital at ' fixed hours and have forbidden them to place orders by telephone, the newspaper Neuer Tag, publlshed in tho Protectorate capital, . jSlsclosed. '* S h o p s are not permitted to Serve patrons known to be Jews : ifluring other hours but are not Called upon to ask a customer if v $ e is a Jew. Owners of cafes and inns must inform .authorities before this Friday .whether their, establishments are Jewiah or "Aryan." A jmlxed clientele in a restaurant is forbidden, even where 1 Separate'- rootas are provided. . . Jacob Frisery a Russian Jew. discovered" the- Karolaner g o l d laiaea" ia Siberia. -
FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 0 , 1040
Paca 12
The tliird annual card party of t h e Council of Jewish Women will take place at the Mayfalr hotel &t 8 o'clock, Tuesday evening, September 10. Bridge, saah-jong, bingo and other card games, for both men &ad women, will be played. All fere urged to in a k e up tables. Those desiring to do so are asked to c a l l Mrs. Meyer Simfefo, chairman, 8-8288, er Mrs. Milton Mushkin, 8-2820. Proceeds of the card party will go to cover the "Refugee Children's Aid quota."
The Jewish Community Center will cooperate with the registration of aliens in Sioux City f registering a n d finger , printing aliens at the Center on a specified date in the near future. The date will be announced In the next Issue of the press. ' Anyone not able to take advantage ot being registered at the Center on the particular date specified may come to the Center on Tuesday from 2:00 to 5:00 for assistance in filling out the specimen form. We also urge any alien having the slightest doubt regarding anything pertaining to t h e registration to consult with the committee in charge of registration on Tuesday afternoon. There is no need for any alien to pay money, for assistance in registering. Those in charge of registration at the post office and the accredited agencies are offering their fullest cooperation with no charge.
Strictly Confidential (Continued from page 11.)
sat He editor, on the occasion of the publication of Ids new book . . . Goldberg's "Our Tiiiae Is Coining," brought out I»y the Hebrew FttbEisbietg Comp&ay, teitis eighteen of Abe's most tillstiftg addresses in Yiddish . . ABOUT PISOPJLE We hear that Meyer Weisgaf, director of the Palestine Pavilion at toe New York Y/orld's Fair, is c&nsideriEg the otfer of a Job which, if he accepts it, would bring him very close to tiie field of journalism, in which he first made his reputation . . . Oae of these clays you'll hear a lot about Lillian Mayer as oae of the most provocative modernistic painters in this country . . . Lillian is the wife of Arthur Mayer, the wellknown movie executive . . . Another Lillian whose fame1 is growing fast is our friend Lillian Taiz, wife of actor Sam Jaffe . . . Her concerts as solo vocalist.with the New York City Symphony Orchestra this Bummer have created a sensation . . . B e t a Rothafel, whose dad you knew under the name of Itoxy, will soon be the daughter-in-law ef former Borough President Levy of Manhattan, they say . . . Don't expect Jack Benny's Mary Livingston to do very much radio work this winter . . . She'll be very busy preparing a bassinet. . Ben Hecht will hold the quadruple job of writer, producer, director a n d member of the cast of his next movie, "Before I die" .*. . Thelma Spear, former w i f e of Ludwig Lewisohu, is devoting her time to the Roosevelt campaign, as a volunteer worker . . .
F r e m o n t , Nebraska, returned home this week. Bette Lee reiaalced, aad will return home aext Saturday. BACK FEOM CALIFORNIA Mrs. Ukx Steinberg and soa, Eddie, returned home last week after a ipoiith's visit with friends and retailves in Los Augelts,. California,, While t h e r e , Mrs. Steinberg was extensively entertained. FKANKELS HOME Mr. aud Mrs. Leon Fraukel returaed home last week from a trip to Alberqeerque, New Mexico. IN CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. I. Krasne dnd daughter, Mra. Harold Abrahams of Omaha,'are visiting in Los Angeles and Ban. Francisco. Wfeile in San Friidsco, they are the guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Sam Guttman, and t h e i r son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and' Mrs. Joe Krasae. VISITOR IEEBI3 Mis Betty Cohen bad as her guest for the past ten days, her cousin, Miss Naomi Tiber, of Los Angeles, California. Miss Tiber stopped here on her way home from a two month tour of the East. • « .. Enroute borne she will stop at Yellowstone and SUQ V a l l e y , where she wilj be joined by her parents before returning to their home.
(Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)
(Continued from Page 1.)
A. Z. A. A. Z. A. boys who attended the Sioux City Convention held on August 25, were as follows: Teddy Gershun, Vernon Fitch, Leo Meyerson, Ben Kutler, Jack Llncoln,* George Brown, and Alvin Nogg. Bill and Julius Siref of Glenwood also attended.
Ing to participate are asked to call Mrs. Shapiro. : Basinet Committee Members of the banquet com* mitteo a r e : Milton Abrahams, chairman; David Block, Harry B. Cohen, Dr. J. M. Ercaan, Mrs. William Feller, J * J . Friedman, David Goldman, jHarry Greeue, Joo Jacobs, Mrs. Louis Kulakofeky, Loais ZApp, Mrs. Harry Malftshoc'K, Alfred Mayer, Leonard Nathan, Mrs. Sam Eobinson, Harry Rosonfcld, Horace Rosonblum, Mrs. Ben Shapiro, Mrs. Ben Silver, and.Loula Somberg. Mrs. Henry Newman Is chairman and Mrs. Harold Chernlack, co-chairman, ot the Reservations committee. ^& Reservation announcements are being sent through tho mall next week. Tickets are |1.60 per person.
EMESEL.' . . . ' . At a candlelit ceremony held at the home of Elaine Meyerson, the Emesol Club installed their new officers for- the year 19 4 0-41. Ofcers taking over are: President, Betty Cohen; Secretary, Harriet Kubby; Treasurer, Shirley Bernstein; Sergeant-atrArma and Historian, Elaine Meyerson. Outgoing officers were: President, Shirley Gershun; Vice President, Lucille Abrahamaon; Secretary, Bettie Grossman; Treasurer, Betty ]Rae Kubby; And- Sargeant at Arms, Artene Krasne.
New Surplus Food List Announced Twenty-two surplus foods are OH the official surplus list for the period from .September 2 to Sep~ (.ember 30, inclusive, according to an announcement by PMlip B. Lush, local representative for the Surplus Marketing Administration in this area. Ail ot the items Ere exchangeable for blue food Btamps, which are given free on the basis of 50 certts worth for each dollar's worth of orange stamps purchased. The complete list follows: butter, raisins, rice, pork lard, pork, corn meal, shell egga, d r i e d prunes, hominy grits, dry edible beans, wheat flour, whole, wheat (Graham) flour, fresh oranges, fresh apples, fresh pears, freatt peaches, fresh carrots, f r e s h beets, fresh cabbage, fresh celery, fresh corn, and fresh tomatoes. The new item on the list for this area is fresh carrots. Fresh snap beans have been deleted from the list. " Mr. Lush called attention t o ' the fact that only the foods listed for the period mentioned are available for- blue food stamps. He stated that there was some misunderstanding to the effect that when an item once appeared on the surplus list, it was carried indefinitely. Thia, he said, Is not the case. The new list supersede* previous lists. Philip B. Lush.
U. P. Continues 'Grand Circle* Fare The Union Pacific railroad will continue for another year—until O c t o b e r 31, 1941 — the low "grand circle" railroad fares \>f which an individual can travel from his home to both Atlantic and Pacific coasts thence to th» original starting point at a substantial reduction from standard rates, W. S. Basingef, general passenger traffic manager, h a s lust announced. Continuation of thia plan W^SI decided upon because ot tho success attained by it in the firs! year of operation. Under the plan, a "grand circle" coach tic* ket may bo purchased forf&O or a first-class ticket to? $185, plui the charges for sleeping or parlor car space occupied. The Pullman company will continue also ape* clal reduced rates ot $45 for one or two persons In a lower berth, or ^134.50 for an upper berth, for the entire "grand circle." • The "grand clrclo" fare plan was Inaugurated last y e a r to stimulate travel to the New York and San Francisco World Fairs and to points of scenic interest throughout tho country.
and who has several times substituted tor Father Coughlin on tho radio . . . Some time ago that gentleman was a member of the Board of the National Conference of Christians and Jews . > . Bat that was a long time ago . . . Tho significant statement on the persecution of Jews made by Candidate Willkie in his acceptance speech; apparently hasn't affectedanti-Semite Joe McWilliams, of Lewis Joel, a British Jew, enNew York, in his determination tered the English consular service to seek a seat in Congress under in 1861. > Patronise Our Advertisers. tho Republican banner . . . RABBI CASTLE IN EAST WITH THE ZIONISTS Rabbi Carl Castle left last week Seeing the title "England De- for the east/ where he will visit fies Blitz" on. tho marquee of a in Washington, D. C. and New newsrefcl theatre, a Zionist of our York. He will be gone for a couple ol acquaintance wanted to k n o w whether this referred to the Palestine situation and whether the Blitz mentioned was, Sam Blitz TO CHICAGO ' . of the U. P. A. , . '. Dr. Israel Mrs.- H e r m a n Meyerson was Wechsler, who in addition to his called, to Chicago last week, to m e d i c a l fame i s well-known be with her, daughter, Guen,. -who throughout t h i s country as a underwent an appendectomy at Zionist leader, was the f i r s t the Passavant Hospital. American specialist requested by the Trotzky household when the H E T U B N S ' : •••.. . -. , ; :' tOO ysart ago, end token tragedy occurred there last week Mrs.' Max Harris, who with her over by (ho Uniisd Stetst Government to prevent .'•.. But he also came too late . . . daughter, Bette Leei has b e e n '«Kp1oitet!<Hvth!s Great tpa has been <Jsvsl6jssd We hope that by the time this visiting at., her mother's home In into a Riodsrn heahfi retort, wish tupsrtor living reaches y6ur eyes t h e "issue'' accommodations. All (port* and racreatlont about the editorship of The New EHXTON B. ETtOHM,, Attorney readily available. Male your stay erne of c'dsSod Palestine has been settled and - 1001 Omalsa Nut'l Bank Bids. enioymens. Stop ot thh popular hcisjj located ct th» that all will remain as it was be•••••• P R O B A T E M O T I C E head o! Bath House Row, &> Iti own prJvcSa paA, fore the new Zionist administrab otfsn qufet TC&asstev comrsstat to every csSivSyt tion's decision to oust unceremon- In. the matter of the estate of Martin ' iously an old and tried and ex- Ben Pearson,, deceased • •: • Notice la Hereby. Given; That the crediperienced newspaperman . .'•«tors ot the eald deceased will meet tho WrUa For Pidorid Boo&lsit LITERARY DEPARTMENT executrix of ua!d estate, before me. CounWAITED & DAVIS, rVioitfissr ty. Judge of Douglas County,: Nebraska, O u r prophecies on Maurice at tbe County.Court Boom, In said CounSamuel's hew book, "The Great ty, on the 21st day of October 1840 and on the 21st day of December 1910, at 0 Hatred," are being confirmed by o'clock A. M., each day, for • the. purpose none other than Thomas Mann, ot, presenting their claims for examination, adjustment 'Three who in a private letter recently rnontha- are allowedandforallowance. the creditors to wrote t h a t "no better analysis present their claims, from the 21st; day has ever been given of anti-Semi' of September 1910. BRYCB CRAWFORD tism as a phenomenon falling out- 8-30-4O-3t County Judge. side the field of normal preju' WEBB, BEBEB, KMJTZNICK dices and antipathies and belongA HEIXEX, Attys., ing to_the realm of the demonotOO Servlea-Iife C l d ' Omaha, ttb logical", . . . Watch out for Irm- / gard LittenV "Beyond Tears," • NOTICE OF DISSOtUXION which will be published n e x t Notice is hereby glsen that tho partnership heretofore existing between DAVID month and will be the strongest SORfcE" and D A V I D POTASH under .the indictment of Nazi cruelty yet to firm name of "West Q Coal Company," appear in this country . . . Don't also known ;aa "West Q-Coal and Feed Company," and doing business at Omaha; miss "Three .Faces West," which Nebraska, nan been this day dissolved by deals with the epic of a group of mutual consent/1 DaVid Soref has retired from said firm and business. Tho eald refugee physicians w h o render David Potash wncontlnuo business at the heroic service in » town of tho same place and' under the earns'cams. tittst-l>pwl a r e a ol the United Dated at Omaha, Kobr&sSca, .this 8th States . - . *, Congratulations to day, of August,: 1040. • DAVID fiOREP Abraham Caidbefg, the Zkm$8t • ' • ' . , DAVID POTASH speaker, Hebrew fm&terji&d ,srer- 8-1M0-&
fl[10 0APPK1ESS