September 20, 1940

Page 1

^ as fcecona C'lc.s.i Mail Matter on January 31. ISS1. at Postoffice. of ttmakia. Nebraska undei the Act of March 3. 1876

Ne)|rV Structure Being Readied for _ Opening


Ford Hits Racial Prejudice in U. S

1PTEMBER 20, 1040

Tel Aviv Bombings Stir , Populace's Anger TALMUD TORAH STILL

VOL. XVII—No. 4 5

Seventieth Year to Be

Jerusalem (WNS) — Hundreds TAKES REGISTRATIONS Marked This of young Jews 'rushed to join Ten years of honielessncss for Palestine's newly organized deRegistrations for the City Tai: Week-End the Beth Bl Congregation will end fense units in response to a call inud Torah will be taken through , «t the Iligb Holy day ecason, from Major-Generel Philip Neaine, the holidays. A High Holy Day At services this evening, Tein. ' when services will be held for general officer in command of service is to be held for the chil- pie Israel will inaugurate t h« British forces In Palestine, as a dren of the school. -4he first time in the new synathree-day observance of its 70tt united Holy Land, sickened and Cogue strut tint", according to ArOn October 21 newcomers to anniversary. angered by t h e indiscriminate the Talmud Torah will be enterthur Colin, president of Beth El. number of committees undei bombing of Tel Aviv by Italian tained. Attendance awards will theA general While the building is still in chairmanship of Milraiders, redoubled its defense ' the process of construction, it is be distributed at that time. ton Abrahams has been arrangagainst invasion. Hearing completion and the audiing the celebration which will inAs Italian forces hammered torium is <beiiig prepared for the clude beside the service, a banaway at Egypt's first line of deservice. Comfortable seating arquet Saturday night and a jubilee fense, Jewish organizations and rangements have been made. at the Highland Country club on newspapers announced their comThe Kosh Hashonah service Sunday. plete cooperation with the plan to will climax ten years of anticipaMorris E. Jacobs, president ol organize separate Arab and Jewtion by the Congregation and five the Congregation, w i l l be in ish combatant units in Palestine, years of intensive work by its charge of the service this evening. Unmarried Jews between the ages members to build its own synaRabbi David II. Wice will deliver. of 21 and 23 were urged to-volgogue. Since the organization of Clothing for Needy to Be unteer. the Congregation over a decade Be Brought on Oct. The Jewish and Arab forces, it • ago services have been held at ANNIVEHHAUY PROGRAM was understood, will be stationed 8, 9, 10 the Jewish Community Center. in Palestine for the duration of However the Roan Hashonah Kriday, September 20U-Snethe war unless a military crisis The Annual Ingathering of th< and Yom Kippur services usually service at Temple Israel. requires their services in nearby Needle Work Guild will l>e held tial Ueception to follow in vestry, , took place in the auditorium of territories. on . October : 8, 9 and 10 at the rooms. . the Central Club. The Immediate reaction to the C e n t r a l Congregational Funds for the Synagogue have Plans for Coming Year bombing of the all-Jewish- city of First Saturday, September 21 — church, 3(Hh and Hartley. At ti been raised by five annual drives. Made at First Tel Aviv last week, which brought Ingathering, the various groups Banquet at liln t'kstorie hotel. To avoid the burden of a large .Biinday, September- 22—Alldeath to 113 Jews and several participating in the Guild display Session debt, no work on the synagogue Arabs, and injuries to at least 120 the collection of garments - before day jubilee fete at the High, was begun until funds for t h e The first meet ing of the Round others, was a deep-rooted deter- distribution to needy families is land Country club. building were available. Table of Jewish Youth was held mination to defend the Holy Laud made. Ground was broken last spring Tuesday at the Jewish Comimin- no matter what the cost. brief sermon on the occasion, In appealing to the members of aand-messages-from and work has been^in progress ity Center. New officers were inNo Military Objective the Sisterhood the Jewish Community to support all summer. Nothing comparable to the wide troduced, find plans insdp for the and Brotherhood will be given by this important project, Mrs. B The building, designed by John ensuing yewr......... spread indignation "which swept , , Mrs. Sam L. Robinson and'Louis and Alan McDonald; has been A new survey committee,- chair- the country after the bombing of A. Bimon, section president, ex- E. Lipp, presidents of the respecdesignated one of the finest look- inaned by Harold Zelinsky, was Tel Aviv has been evidenced in pressed the hope that the im- tive organizations. .. .;, ' ing structures in the city. Occupy- appointed. This committee is to Palestine in many years. The fact portant objectives of the Needle Following tho'service a receping an entire city black at 49th formulate new plans and pro- that no military objective is with- Work Guild of America will find in miles of the nil-Jewish city favorable response In. the commu- tion will be held in the vestry and Farnam, its simple lines"re- grams for the Round Table. nity. Through the efforts of tho rooms of the .Congregation. Memflect dignity and beauty. * Initial plans for the Round added to the anger, ," Tho vital port city of Haifa has Needle Guild garments are col- bers of the hospitality 'committed Contractors for the building Table call for a panel discussion (Continued on Page 5.) '.„• lected and distributed free to of the Sisterhood and past presihave been A. H. Brodkey and and dance during the month of dents of the Sisterhood will ofneedy families. October. Harry Cooper. J< The next meeting of the Round Our contribution to tho wel- ficiate at the reception. I' : Table will bo held Tuesday, Ocfare of the community/' Mrs. Si- A banquet will be held Saturtober 1, at the Jewish Community mon stated, "can best be meas- day night at the Blackstone hoCenter. A pageant, depicting 70 years ured In actual services rendered. tel. Paul Veret, executive director of Temnle growth, will be :.tto Last year, about 900 new garof the Center, addressed the feature of the banquet ments were distributed through principal Round Table, pointing out the orMr. Abrahams is. in charge of the efforts of our section. These banquet arrangements ganization's purpose. Irving Nogg and Mrs. included household linens, underpresided. Ben Shapiro has been chairman wear for both men and women Any Jewish organization desirof the committee arranging for ing , to affiliate with the Round It has been announced that and children, shirts, dresses, and the pageant presentation. <.,.-•<•: •; .' New York' (WNS)—-A resolu- Table is asked to call the Jewish twenty-five per cent of the money other important needs which were " Isidor Ziesler, William Holz(Continued on Pago 3.) tion pledging complete coopera- Community Center. collected to insure the success of man, and Morris E. Jacobs will tion with the president's national tho recent convention of District speak. Milton Abrahams will be defense program .was. adopted by Grand Lodgo No. 6 is being retoastmaster. more than 10 6 delegates attendturned. Sunday, an all-day jubilee at ing the two-day convention of the Due to the management of the Highland Country club will Assembly of Hebrew Orthodox funds, it was not necessary to exconclude t h e anniversary proRabbis at the Hotel'Sharon.' pend the entire amount collected gram. This affair is under tho and those who had contributed The rabbis v o t e d to petition direction of Louis Somberg and are receiving thi3 portion of their President Roosevelt .for advice as • Two Omaha' Jewish boys, Ted tho entire community hag been At a meeting of the Omaha invited to how the rabbis can best serve and Joe Turner, will be members gift back. to attend. A buffet dinHarry Malashock was general Choir and Dramatic Club held the nation at this time. It was of the Omaha polo team which ner will be served and music for chairman of the convention. I. B. Monday September 16, at the suggested that Jewish congregadancing Is to be furnished by ll meet the Paulltna, Iowa, team Zimman was treasurer and David homo of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nerentions support 'the ' national' de- this Sunday at 3 o'clock at the Goldman was chairman of tho borg, plans were mado to present Gary and his orchestra. fense program by releasing their Ak-Sar-Ben field , finance committee. a four-act Yiddish melodrama, rabbia from some of their duties . .Ted Turner, has been liv"Yankele Balogolle" by Moishe so-tlrey.may serveTis*chaplarmi"in ing on the west who coast for the past Richter. military training camps. several years, became a polo enTho play will bo given at the Another point in the resolution thusiast,while in Hollywood and Jewish Community Center on Sunurged Jewish families "to open plays with the Riviera and Long' day, October 20, under the directheir hearts and homes to refugee ridge polo clubs. His brother, tion of Ben Martin, assisted by children fleeing t h e terrors of long prominent in local athletic Paul Ncrenberg. Admission will war." London (JTA)—Scotland Yard circles, took up. the game only six New York (WNS)—The Nou- be forty cents, proceeds to go to and post office detectives are tryweeks ago. Sectarian Anti-Nazi Leagup an- cnarity. ing to trace tho senders of Nazi " Thorkelson Explains Other members of the Omaha nounced that its suggestion for A. Schneider Is chairman of tho propaganda, which is still being . team tvHl be Frank Martinand Joe Conscription Act Smith. the condemnation by the U. S. group. Tickets may be obtained distributed here by former mem*' Army of Camp Siegfried at Yap- from Mrs. Paul Norenberg, AT ber3 of the suppressed- British Washington (JTA)—The most hank, Long Island, owned by the 0825. Union of Fascists, who send anonnovel "explanation", of the con- Bar Italian Jews German-American Bund, has been ymous notes to cabinet members, scription law comes from Rep. taken under consideration by the Bank Robbery in Tel Aviv public men and. writers, the Daily; Jacob Thorkelson, Montana "lame . From AH Resorts adjutant general's Office of the Express reports. duck." War department. In almost every case the sendTel Aviv (JTA) — A * daring In a three-page insert in the The adjutant general, in ackers havo used a rubber stamp • R o m e (JTA) — 'Restrictive Congressional Record, Thorkelson measures taken by the Italian nowledging the league's sugges- day-light robbery was carried out with movable type, .the paper said* suggests that the United States is war ministry forbidding foreign- tion, stated that It had been on the Ben Yehuda Street branch Their favorite phrases are "Heil conscripting an'army "to battle a ers in Italy' from sojourning at made "a matter of record.for such of tho Anglo-Palestine bank by Hitler" and "You dirty Jews," unified Europe and Islam in. the mountain nad seaside resorts, in reference as the needs of the serv- several gangsters who drove up Some notes havo been' posted at in a taxlcab and t o o k 5,000 South End-on-the-Sea and others Sudan, Egypt, Arabia and Pales- war or-fortified-zones have been ice may warrant." tine in an attempt to - establish extended to include native Jews. In its communication, the league, pounds. A' similar robbery oc- in southeast London. > in Jerusalem a. month ago, contemplated Kingdom of David The order,..coming at the close stated: "la view of the necessity cured According to the_ newspaper when 7J)00 pounds wa3 taken People, •With Jerusalem as a capital." of the .summer season, directly af- for increased training facilities, front the a pro-Nazi organisation Japhet bank. fected about T2,500 Jews. Although if the selective service act should ailed tho Christian Peaco More* Memorial Service a 'number of exceptional were become law, it .would bo fitting ment will shortly bo established r Register Sunday made, tho great majority-were ac- and proper, that a-former army in' England, at Berlin's instig'a* The Beth Hamedrosli Hagodel corded 24 hours camp, now in the possession of a tion, "to further tlio attempt to Registration for the History causo confusion among British Cemetery Improvement organisa- return to the "seat of their' nor- recognized'un-Amerlcaa organisation will hold Its annual memor- mal residence," T h e y included tion, should revert to the U. S. and Religion department of t h e public opinion ami to d© the -ff&rk, ial service oa Sunday, September many persons residing In summer Army, to be used for training re- ity' Talmud Torah will be held that British" Fascist? cannot tiqt cruits." -. aow that they; are fa'prlson.'* his Sunday, September 22, 23, at 2:30 at' the cemetery, ,-. '. homes.'.


Detroit (JTA) — In a p r e s s statement endorsing Wendell L. Willkie, republican presidential candidate, H e n r y Ford condemned racial and religious prejudice in the United States. Tlie automobile magnate said: "I was strongly attracted toward Mr. Willkie by what he said in his acceptance speech about his disapproval of all forms of intolerance, for I believe in helping oppressed peoples. I believe all people were put on this earth for a definite purpose. "Class divisions and racial or religious prejudices have been too much encouraged In this court try."


, S»*t«mWr'13, 1940"-



Plain T


that they j&ad a unique idea. It had to do with God and on account of Him they were having this meeting. There hadn't been any b|g' meetings for God's sake. Jewish conventions iiave had to do more with Hitler and what to make of him a n d other antiSemites. In J e w i s h life God hadn't been of late the old Comforter who healed the pain of the fathers. In some Sections of Jewish life, as in a large area of non-Jewish life, God had become an antiquity foreign to a streamlined age. But these bearded people had come to our city with the idea that God is ultimately of far greater importance in the affairs of the world then Hitler. Hitler was an evil phase; they weren't troubled as much about him as about the status of God in the wo?ld. What in Hearts They w e r e particularly distressed because people have been ' ' • ^ S ' t f inquiring. "Where is God? This God of justice about whom we RS. ROOSEVELT amoves and pteseats the first copy of the map were taught? The God of mercy ,—"America—A Nation of OKS People from Many Countries"—<o of whom it was written that he Dean William C. Clarke. Chairra&a of the Mayor's Committee for the sustained the living with loving Public Schools of Chicago, kindness and healed the sick and quickened the dead? Where is He?" MOBILIZE!* AIDE HELD maniac" with a "fixation against These questionings suggested UNDER OBSERVATION the Jews." that God was no longer in the Fox was up for sentence on an hearts of many men and that the ancient faith no longer was a hot assault charge arising out of a New York (JTA) — William flame to keep their souls warm in disturbance on August 7 at a Mcadversity. If God was no long- Fox, bodyguard of Joseph Mc- Williama meeting. er/in their hearts, then Hitler had Williams, organizer of the Chriswon a great victory—greater than tian Mobilizers, this week was the conquest of Trance and Bel- ommitted to Bellevue hospital In the entourage of Catherine lum, Holland, Norway and Den- for 10 days' mental observation of Braganza, wife of Charles II, mark. He had caused men to after a probation officer had re- were two Jewish bankers/to adose their faith in God and to ported In Harlem Magistrates minister her dowry and a Jewish give their fearful reverence to the court that he was a "religious physician. power of S t u k a s, tanks and bombs. H i t l e r had, dethroned God. And If God was not in t h e hearts of men what became of compassion and justice, or righteousness a n d loving-kindness? These lights gone. Hitler will have wrought a complete devastation. • • ' T h e s e meditations oppressed the souls of the rabbis who had come to our city to do something about restoring God. They know Him well from old as the one to whom a thousand years were as a day. The current moment was but a wink of God's eye and the day's events were no more than an evil dream that passes in the darkness. In their eyes the only eality was the every-livlng God." If many Jews pointed scornfully at their beards these rabbis looked sadly at t h e hearts of Jews. I had to" confess that what Jews have or do not have in their learts is more important than the hair on their faces. This dazzling enlghtenment helped me to tolerate the rabbis' beards all week. (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

In our town there occurred recently the national convention of the Agudath Israel, the organization that has to do with preserving ultra-Orthodoxy. < Some of our people were embarrassed by the large number of rabbis with long coats and long beards who were going about town. »Some of them wore the satin, padded coats and the wide fur-trimmed hats of the chassidic persuasion. T h e r e was special distress in our community because one of t h e daily papers printed the picture -of a* large group of these bearded rabbis— a veritable forest of beards, eome thought. It was asked; "What will people say when they look at this? Is such an exhibition good for us? No, it isn't good for us." I confess that I myself don't like beards. So deeply did I feel on the matter of these beards, especially because of their im! " * plcations when s e e n on Jewish faces, that I was on the point of issuing an appeal to the visiting clergy: "Reverend sirs, be so good as to remove your beards during your stay in our city. The l i o n - Jewish public is against beards and you wll do a great service to Israel in our city If you took yours off. Our Jewish people feel that beards- are unAmerican" Doubtless, the r a b b i s would have protested. Who was I to repeal an ordination that was established in the Torah? Beards, they would have told me, contain more or less sacred connetatlons. I Bhould as soon invite them to mass in St. Peter's Cathedral as to ask them to remove their beards. It was the same kind, of affront. People Upset "But gentlemen," I would have argued, "a lot of our people feel dreadfully upset on account of your beards. They say y o u r beards make for anti - Semitism. It is like an evil fruit growing out of your beards, you might say. Remember, gentlemen, Jews ' , •• have given up much more than beards for the s a k e of Israel. Many in olden times give up their lives. Can you not for Israel's 8ake sacrifice your beards for the period you are in our city?" Finally the wisest one among them surely would have said: "All right then, Mr. Segal. I'll remove my beard. It's the least j T a man can do for afflicted Israel in your city. God will forgive me, knowing as He does, that I have done it or the happiness of Israel In your community. I shall go and submit myself to the barber. Lo! My entire countenance Vill be nakedly exposed to t h e The builder of the Bevis Marks Bight of men and my beard will synagogue in London, a Quaker, no longer give offense to any Jew returned his profit because of the Or non-Jew." sacredness of his labor. „ • "That's the idea, reverend sir! • It's all a matter of being pleasing. We must please everybody *. and then everything will be all right with its." . "But, Mr. Segal, I must confess Something. It's between you and me. That's understood, isn't it?" "Yes, perfectly!" "I shall tell you: I have a wart on my cheek! When my beard has been cut away this wart will "THE OLD RELIABLE" be discovered." "But, rabbi! What's a wart? OUR REPUTATION IS 'A lot of people have warts. 'A YOUR (PROTECTION wart's nothing to worry about." 2,5th a Jackson Si. Jewish Wart "Yes, my friend, but you don't '38. Chrys. Roy. tr. s d . . . . . $MS '37 Olds 6 tr. Kdan ..»42B understand! Mine is a Jewish '37 Ford tr. coach $305 Wart! That makes a big differ'37 Chev. d. I. tr. ch.....$31B ence. Millions of people h a v e '37 Stndebaker 6 tr. sedan $425 '37 Chrys., Royal sedan...$42S warts which are tolerated. But '37 Flym. d. |. tr. sedan $388' consider: Will they tolerate my '38 Dodee tr. sedan......533ft wart when it is exposed? Remem'38 Nash 6 tr. sedan $299 '35 Stufle. 0 cnv. cpe......$265 ber, it is a Jewish wart. The antl'38 Plym. del. tr. sed.. n .$4B5 Semtes will say, "He can't tool 'S8 De' sedan «M5 •37 Plym. d. 1. tr. eh.....$389 .Us. His Jewish beard is off but '38 Packard 1C01 sedan...$625 look at the Jewish wart on him. '30 Nash 6 tr. sedan $293 ,We are against Jewish warts the '39 Plym. d. 1. tr. sedan..$508 '38 Pontloc 0 tr. coach....$339 feame as we are against Jewish '38 Bulelc Sp. 48 coach....$SGJJ .beards.' '34 Plym. P. E. sedan....$210 '33 Rocbne coope . . . . . . . . . $ 8 8 "So you see, my dear Mr. Se•S3 Olds G coupe $23S gal, it would be a vain sacrifice '39 Bulcfc sport 41 sodan.^745 '37 Chrys. Imp. sedan....$429 Of a beard. I should delight to '37 Chrys. 8 Imp. sedan...$42B Bo anything I could for ihe hap'86 Ford coape $173 piness of the Jewish people of AH Cars Guaranteed four city but what's the good if & Jewish beard is removed only OPEH EVEMINQS | o expose a Jewish wart?" After considering the matter in She light of this wisdom 1 decided to drop the idea of persuading 14-lSth Jackson & $&e rabbis to take off their beards AT 444a . Whila in our city, I tolerated 2©fh a Sfc, Mzryio --''iheia the whole week they were • til town. Throsga the unimpeded Vle,w that my own clear-shaven offers wy eyes, I

Council Against Intolerance Issues Map

George Rector Headlines Gas Cooking SchoolThe Metropolitan Utilities District, in co-opti&tion with the gas appliance dealers of the city and the independent load merchants, is sponsoring Omaha's first citywide, all-gas cooling bchool during the Food bhow at the city auditorium, Scplcuiber 30 to Oe« tober 5. George Rector, internationally known food consultant and authority, will personally conduct the gas cooking behool each afternoon starting at 2 o'clock. Mr. Rector needs no introduction to Omaha women. His books, magazine articles and food columns in newspapers are widely distributed. During the cooking school he will demonstrate his many famous menus and dishes, most of them from the famous Ilector'g Restaurant of New York city, frequented early in the century by such luminaries as "Diamond Jim" Brady, Jonh Drew, Lillian Russell and others. Assisting Mr. Hector at the school will be the home service department of the Utilities District, headed by Mrs* Alta Weymuller. Daily attendance prizes will be given, as well fta copies of Mr. Hector's recipes. This is the first time in years that the 50,000 Omaha women. . owning gas ranges will get the opportunity to attend an all-city gas cooking school. The latest gas cooking methods and equip* ment will be demonstrated and oil display. Patronize Your Advertisers

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Friday,. September 13, 1940




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By PHfNEAS BIRON FROM FOREIGN FARTS If Nazi bombers feel that they must do some damage in London why don't they concentrate on 93 Chancery Lane, W. C. 2, the Rome of the militant "Christian Patriots," who publish anti-Semitic literature for distribution throughout the colonies of the British Empire? . . . Good news for the kiddies is the rumor that the Nazi occupation of Norway will cause a considerable shortage of Cod Liver Oil this season . . ."The Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung has published an elaborate illustrated supplement, printed on excellent paper In fair English, for U. 8 consumption . . . The pictures in that issue - - which, incidentally, reach a new high in technical achievement - - are designed to prove that the Germans are the world's most fearless fighters and make the most gentlemanly army of occupation of conquered lands In history . . . The illness of Pinchas Rutenberg, which forced him to resign as the head of the Jewish National Council In Palestine, comes at a most inopportune moment . . . He is onepf the few personalities in the Jewish Homeland who could achieve unity among the too many political parties there . . . NOW IT CAN BE TOLD . Jean UiraufloUr, Head of the French Information Bureau while France was still at war, believed in Hitler's racial theories . . When the last French war cab inct discussed surrender and Georges .Afandel, the only Jewish member of the ministry, insisted on fighting on, Jean Ybsmegaray, who represented the Fascist Croix de Feu, jumped up and shrieked: "Of-tourse YOU have special reasons to keep on fighting . . . Hitler would never make peace with YOU" . . . That was Mr. Yberne garay's revenge for Mandel's having thrown some of his Fascist colleagues into prison . . . Strange though it may seem, an isolated case of German humor does occasionally come out of France . < There is, for example, a poster that's plastered all over the occupied territory, with the caption "We missed the bus because we used parachutes" . . . The poster shows a German parachutist dangling on the Eiffel Tower . . . YOU SHOULD KNOW Sonio" 'J «\.if 1 s h organization should check on the charge, made by Arthur Settel in the Protestant Digest, that there is in this country a group still actively circulating the "Protocols "of the Elders of Zlon" . . . The head of the group is reported to' be none other than W. J. Cameron, who holds the important and well-paid post of public relations counsel to Henry Ford . . . T h e Nazl-loving papers here, which were all set to support Wlllkie, felt hit over the head when the Republican ndminee disowned the support of the Bund element in this country . . . In a quandary because, while they don't like WiHfeie any more, they still hate Mr. Roosevelt with all their might, one paper, after much sweating and deep thought, found the formula . , . I t runs something like this:"We don't like what WHlkle says, but we're sure. that, being of German stock, he can't be-quite as bad as Roosevelt" . ;".' : SCREEN DEFT. > ;/ •; -. :' '/ We wish Walter Wanger would heed, Sidney Skolsky's plea to remote from his picture "Foreign Correspondent" a sequence that spoils the whole film . . . We refer to the glorification of a con* fesscd fifth columner, who, after having betrayed his country, Is permitted to die. a hero's death « . When this bappens the foreign correspondent la heard ;to (Continued on Pago 12.)







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Friday, September 13, 1840


Page 8




league in home runs as he has for the past three years. Hia chief competition c a m e from Aaron Epstein acd M i t c h e l l (Mike)

STANDINGS OF TEAMS W. Ii. Pet. Pioneer UKiforaas 5 1 .8SJS 4 3 .667 Smith Motors . . S 3 .500 State Coal Co 8 8 Empire Cleaners 2 Clicquot CM* 4 1 S .1ST •the Wardrobe

Tiie 1840 softball season is officially closed as far as the Jewish Community Center league Is concerned. After thinking back and lockiag over the records I decided that now would be a good time to mention my all-star Center softball team.

ghortfieid is awarded to Earl Siegal. Earl played tLhd most of the season but with Harry at third Earl was moved to the important position of Eiiorttielder. Earl is a seasoaed veteran a n d plays heads up bail at all times, can field and hit with the best of them.

Individual high single g&m©—Jjeo Weitz, 322. Individual high series — B e n

The catching position is shared by Herb Meiclies of the Lincoln Tavern End Ned Giventer of the Leavenworth Markets. Herb was a terror behind the plate and his pep and vigor helped his club to the drive that enabled them to reach the city series.

The outfield gave me a lot of trouble with xaore good outfielders than can be counted on both hands. In left without a doubt one of the fiaest fielding outfielders in the city is Norman Kukliu of the A. Z. A. Uo. 100.

Some very hot bowling t o o k place this Tuesday night at the Twentieth Century Bowling alleys, when records of all sorts went flying ia all directlsns.

In the city tournament Herb's hitting enabled the team to reach the eemitfjiiajs. Ned was the workhorse for the Leavenworths and his hitting in the pinches was the reason for their success. *

Shapiro, 5SS. Team high single g&me-—Smith Motors, ©84. Team high series*—Smith Motors, 2,604.

WiX^^:->y.-\<-<y,--.';--s. •:'.:•:•<


* ? & . ' • " •

Benny had a little tough luck In getting a bad split in the last frame of his last game, which prevented him from getting his 600 series. Leo Weitz, the asulstant captain of the Pioneers, was second high man on his team with a three-game series of 555, which, of course, still keepB him on top of the list, for individual averages with his 190 average for the season.


At first base the only position where there wasn't any serious debate the nod goes to Dave Golware. Dave was by far the finest fielding first sacker in the league, and he. clouted the ball at a terrific clip this season.


ill illii

Among the several humanitarian agencies supported wholly or in part by the Omaha Community Chest, none playa the role

his "Power-house" football tactics, to come In the place position with a nice 544 series, which included a middle game of 211. Dr. Platt, surprised everyone, by blossoming out, in a new pair of bowling shoes, and, as a result, kept up h(s fine bowling with a The S t a t e Coal Boys, who 537 series. bowled three games of 768, 838 and 823, Just had the misfortune In the final match of the eveof bumping into a very hot team, ning, the Empire Cleaners won and have no excuse to offer for two out of three games from the their complete wipe-out. Wardrobe outfit. This was the only match of the evening where Sam Zweiback, topped the Coal there were no 500 series regisboys with a 535 series, and was tered by either team. "Hank" followed by Phil "Cuple" Katz- Cohen, topped the Empires with inan, who ended up with an even a 497 series, and Loyd Banks, 500 series. The three wins by who, Incidentally, is really taking the Pioneers, now put them on to bowling like a duck takes to top of the league standings, with water, was right behind him with five wins against one loss. a nice 491 series. The Smith Motors came back tt life after last week's poor start to blast all records agog with their clean sweep of their series with the Clicquot Club Eskimos.

Abe Feldman, the anchor man for Moe Linsman's crew, was top man for his team with a 491 series, which is still an awful lot less than what he is capable of' shooting. Captain Sam Katz• The Smith boys put together man was the second high man games of 849, 934 and 881 for a with a 483 series. three-game scratch series of 2,664, which gave them both the It Is also notable to mention high series and high team rec- here that out of the 30 men bowlords for the season thus far. It ing this week, 11 of them came is notable enough for this series, through with 500 or better series, to mention the individual Auto and also t h a t there were 12 Men's scores, as it is not often "200" games rolled. This indithat a Jewish bowling team will cates that the league will really Shoot such high scores. be a lot faster this year In comparison with years gone by. The following are the scores of the An to men in their respective Next week's schedule will pit order: Paul Steinberg was top the Smith Motor team against the man with a 578 series, "Tony Empire Cleaners in the feature Cohn was right on his heels with match of the evening. The State a nice 574 series. Sponsor Harry Coal boys will lock horns with Smith followed "Tony" with a the Clicquot Clubs, and in the 650 series, and then came Nor- last match of the evening t h e man Brown with' his 527, while league leading Pioneer Uniforms Jimmy Burroughs was the "Dog- will battle It out with the bottom gie" with a 435 score. place Wardrobe outfit. The Eskimos also shot some nlco scores, but the going was Again we extend a cordial injust too tough. George Shapiro vitation to all to come up and came- back after last week's dis- see the Jewish keglers throwing mal start to lead his team with at the mineralites at the n e w a nice 574 series. " I Twentieth Century Bowling alElmer Greenberg used some of leys, located at 15th and Douglas.



In the match between the Pioneer Uniforms and the State Coal outfit, Dave Hahn's Uniform boys, took all three games, by decisive scores. Benny Shapiro, after making a secret trip ,out to the "ranch" for luck, was the big shot of the evening, when lie set a new individual threegame series, and also his own alltime record, when he put together games of 215, 171 and 212 Csi*r a 598 series.

NOW! —

of Good Samaritan more effectively than Booth Memorial hospital, the Salvation Army home for unmarried mothers. "At this time of the year," Brigadier Violet Williams, superintendent of the hospital, t o l d Commifnity cheat members, "the hospital usually has 30 babies and as many as 40 girl patients who are placed through pastors, social w o r k e r s , doctors and friends. Although the hospital charges a fee for those able to pay the cost of care, this is insufficient to support the home. The deficit is mado up by the Community Chest." Two nurses and four employees comprise the staff caring for these mothers, who range from 13 to 24 years old, and their infants. The average stay of the mothers in the hospital is three and one-half to four months. Girls who are physically able help with the housework a n d are taught to sew and do other useful things. They also take care of their babies under supervision of a nurse. • •Because most of them must be brought out of a depressed mental state, there ia also recreation with outdoor and indoor games, a radio, piano and many books. "A large percentage of t h e girls take their babies and support them, but some of the infants must be placed in child institutions," Brigadier Williams said. "We also have a few weddings here and those babies are given a good chance for life In a

Second r base is occupied by Manuel Himelstein of the A. P. T. after a warm argument. Manuel won his position over such good performers as Harold Pollock, Jake Adler, Paul Mann and Sam Epstein. Manuel's faultless fielding and consistent hitting gave him the slight edge over the others. The shortstop position was a tossup between three players, however my nod went to S a m (Sunny) Golling of the Lincoln Tavern. Sunny won over B e n Kutler and Jimmy Burroughs. Sunny's fielding was fla*wless and his long arms stopped many blows that were labeled cinch hits.

All thro ecJjeddes b o ^ o s n CHICAGO •OMAHA • DEMVE2 CHSYCNN1 • 8A1T I M S CITY . LOS ANGELES • SAM

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CHICAGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW YOBS . . . . . . . . . . . DENVER SALT LAKE CITS . . . . SAN FBANCISCQ IAS ANGELES . . . . . . . .

And last but not least, we get to the pitchers. The league had some of the finest pitchers in the • city, and I can't name them all, > but I have selected my four pitch* . ers, they are Herb Marks, Norm Korney, Morrie Epstein and Irving Yaffe. Herb was the fastest ,. pitcher in the league and one oC the best in the city tournaments Korney was hard to hit and when he was right he couldn't be beat. , Morrie had a "fast ball and ha lost only two games during th» season. He also pitched one nohit no-run game. Irv's pitching stood out all season for the Ward* ' robe and pitched some beautiful . ball games.

At this time I wish to extend my personal c ongratulatlons to . those who participated la t h e league for the fine sportsmanship < . shown and to those of the athletic committee that made It possible -• for the Center league to be such ' normal home with their parents. a huge success. -' The generous support of Omahans Benjamin Levy, one of tho orlg- ' to tho Community Chest which makes this work possible is re- inal proprietors of New Jersey. sponsible for giving these un- was the first German Jew. to be fortunates their only .chance to admitted into full membership ia ' the London Sephardlc community* live normal livea."

Knjoy Autumn's ocenic tplendoriB these great new butej. Fields, moon* tains ond forests are a myriad of colon and DitseLinets travel is elwayi delightful and . . . . ECONOMICAI/.


Mose was a fine fielder and his timely hitting and long accurate pegs gave him the nod over thd others. Men like Willie Bloom* Nate Wolk, G e o r g e Bernstein, Dave Richards, Beymore Cohn, Les Bloom, Ben A brains, M i l t Saylan are worth honorable men* tlon.

At third base my choice is Harry Altsuler. Harry wis the power hitter of the Lincoln ten and his rifle-like peg nabbed more than his share. Harry led t h e

Q u a r t


In center field my choice goes to Iz Bogdonoff. Iz always plays heads up ball and a ball player in every sense of the word. Moss Franklin gets my nod for the right field position.

of Time

Castile Soap PER BAR

5c Miller's

Cotn Flakes Lge. Pics.


.Friday, September 13, 1940







Rosh Hashonah Greetings *

the Columns of




*.. i

e Jewish Press ! -' In Owr


ears r

Edit ion




ST5TLES Mr* and Mr*.,—-—• Irish I o, . and their friends both far near A Happy and ' Prosperous New Year. % Mr. and Mrs. • and 'o family extend t o their friends sincere wishes for a Happy Now Year.


Mr.1 and . Mrs.

• and

• family wish their friends health, happiness and prosperity in the coinyear. Mr. And Mrs. —r—; take this means of extending greetings and ' hearty good wishes for A Happy and Prosperous Year to their friends far and near*

Your greeting problem Is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relatives and friends a Happy New Year • • • No danger of the embarrassment of forgetting someone • • • no trouble • « • time and money saved* """* These greetings will be published in our Rosh Hashonah edition,October 3. The charge will be $2.00 for each greeting • • • Mail any of these forms, or phone your Greetings*



Friday, September 13,- 194O


Page 6

ter of site of shaped rather trees.

Bnos Israel

Sigma Alpha Mu

Jerusalem (WNS-P&lcor Agcu cy)—Total income of the PalesApproximately hajf the active tine Foundation Fund ( K e r e n The B n o s Israel, formerly known as the Bnos Beth-El, has members of the Nebraska chapter Hayesod) during the SO years of . been reorganized as a social and of Sigma Alpha Mu arrived in its existence has reached the sum cultural club. This group has Lincoln early this week to open of 9,604,000 pounds, appioxi • been meeting informally all sum- the house for the season, and to mateJy #50,000,000, Leib Jaffe, mer. prepare for fraternity rush week a director of the Fund, reported Newly-elected officers a r e : which will be held on the Univer- at a press conference on the occapresident, Florence Feltniau; vice- sity of Nebraska campus from to- sion of the twentieth anitrversai-y president, Bess Kaplan; secretary, morrow through Monday night. of the institution,, Betty Kuklin; and treasurer, Returning members found ex"While present conditions did ^•Shirley Fox. tensive improvements had been not permit the Keren Hayesod to The committee in charge of made in the chapter house. The carry out the program at first events includes Shirley Sellz, improvements, including t h e projected for celebrations, neverShirley Fox, and Dodo Wolpa. painting of the outside of the theless this historic date in t h e New members are: Shirley house and the washing of the history of Jewry and the upbuildSellz, Mickey Goldberg, Shirley walls and ceilings throughout the ing of Eretz Israel could not pass Wiener* Phyllis Katz, and Dodo inside of the house, were made unnoticed," Mr. Jaffe told Palcor. Wolpa. during the summer. A new rug The net income of the Foundafor the living room, along with tion Fund from donations alone several new lamps and ash. trays has totaled 7,817,000 pounds in Junior Council were also acquired since last 20 years. Of this amount, t h e spring. Jewish community of the United The Omaha Section of the NaAlthough scholarship ratings States has contributed 3,592,000 tional Council of Jewish Juniors released recently by the office of pounds. Over and above donahas appointed Esther Weiner, the Dean Student Affairs tions, receipts from other sources, chairman of the Peace Committee. showed the of S. A, M. scholarship such as repayments on indebtedThe first board meeting of the rating during the second semesnew year was held Thursday and ter lower than it has been for ness and income from property, plans were discussed for the com- several years, the chapter had bring to 9,604,000 pounds t h e ing year. more of Its individual members total income for the period. Palestine. Investment The regular monthly meeting gain membership on the rolls of will be held on Sunday, October the scholastic honoraries than A net sum of 9,340,000 pounds 15, at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Com- ever before, in a single year, was invested in Palestine out of munity Center. Sigma Omicron men who rank- the proceeds of this income, it ed high and won places on the was revealed by Mr. Jaffe. This .scholastic honoraries last June figure is broken down as follows: Council are: Steven Frankel, Arthur Hill, 2,924,000 pounds for agriculture; 1,699,000 pounds for education A dessert luncheon will be held Harold CIvin, and Ervin Green. and culture; 1,099,000 pounds Officers returning to school on Wednesday at the home of immigration and training; Mrs. Ben Silver for members of this year are: Prior, Sid Kalin, for the committee selling tickets for Sioux City; Exchequer, Ben Novi- 1,025,000 p o u n d s for public the Ruth Neuhaus lecture series. coff, Lincoln; Recorder, Morton works; 859,000 pounds for naOmaha; House Mana- tional organizations and securThis series is being sponsored Margolin, ;er, Max Prostok, Omaha; and ity; 736,000 pounds f o r urban by the Omaha Section of the Na- Alumni Recorder, Irvln Fried- settlement, and 375,000 pounds tional Council of Jewish Women. man, Sioux City. for health. The P a l e s t i n e Foundation Fund, Mr. Jaffe emphasized, beTheta Lambda sides being the principal financial available to world A regular .meeting of Theta nstrument for Investment in Pales,. By INEZ L. RAZNICK Lambda was held Tuesday eve- Jewry "The work of the Jewish Na- ning at the home of Bess Grung- tine, was also a tremendjous edutional Fund which benefits from er. Vicki Lerner and Ruth Stein atlonal factor for the Jewish the Gift Fund is more important were named co-chairmen of the masses throughout the world. Its now than ever before," reports club's first formal dance. Details name and emissaries, he said, have penetrated every section of Mrs. M. F. Levenson, who has of the affair were discussed. been a most splendid chairman of The members of Theta Lambda J e w i s h population, and h a v e the Hadassah Gift Fund for the entertained at a no-host dinner verywhere recorded the growing past two years. "I wish to thank at the Wellington hotel in honor achievements of Zionism. those w h o h a v e contributed of Miss: Lillian Weiner, whose Abraham Cohen was the goverthrough me and sincerly h o p e marriage will take place Septemnor of, the Dutch plantation in that the same co-operation wilt be ber 22. , Brazil. given to the new chairman, Mrs. Max Conn." ' Junior Hadassah Mrs. Cohn, who has started her duties as Gift Fund chairman, A boardi meeting of Junior Ha•would appreciate those wishing to give for the holidays or any per- dassah was held on Monday, Sepsonal joy or bereavement to call tember 8, at the Jewish Community Center. her at GL 2602. An open meeting is planned %She will mail the recipient -a, notice immediately and this will for September 23 at the Blackbe followed by a certificate from_ stone. Plans for the membership the National Hadassah in New drive will be discussed at that York.. This method of honoring time. friends and relatives is a very worth while and permanent manMizrachi Women ner of remembrance^ • Mrs.'Levenson tenders her last A beautifully appointed dessert list of summer contributors* to luncheon was served at the home the Gift Fund as follows: * • of Mrs. E. Sidman for the beneThe M o n d a y Youth Aliyah fit of the Mizrachi Women's orgroup through Mrs. J. Lipsey in ganization. ." • .. memory of Mr. J..J. Freiden. The opening meeting of, the Mrs. Samuel Nathan and Leon- season will be held on Tuesday, ard in memory of Mr. Patrick September 17, at 2-p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. .; James Leary. The bake sale is planned for For the recovery from illness Of Mark Polohsky; "donation made Wednesday, September 18, at the by Mrs. Mark Polonsky, Mr. and Brandeis store. The chairman, Mrs. M. ArbitMrs. J. Chasanov, Mr. and Mrs. F. Comisar and Mr. and Mrs. M. man, requests all members and friends who will contribute past- Enjoy the air-conditioned comMagld. ry, cakes, and coffee cake to bring fort of fast Burlington trains t. Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Levin in them down to Brandeis. memory of Mrs. Celia Cohn. on your next trip to St. Joseph


Hollywood — Did you notice how 'Charlie Chaplin &nd L i f e Magazine embraced in a mill iondollar in jmaction just long enough to harvest a million, dollars worth of publicity for both parties —free?! - A n d after that perfect Hollywood build-up . . . " T h e Great Dictator" will open . . . I think . » . Honors: Harry Warner stood before 4,000 Veterans of Foreign Wars, met here in convention, and had another gold medal pinned on his chest . . . for patriotic achievement. Edward Robinson received a scroll from the Centro de Aslstencia Medica Par — never mind -from a medical society in Mexico City for his work in "Dr. Ehrlich." Cleverest press party in many moons was given by It-Kay-O in connection with their preview of "Lucky Partners." In keeping with the story idea of the picture, the party featured a sweepstakes race. A recording of a real race created the atmosphere . . . the guests held numbered tickets of the horses . . , and there were 73 magnificent prizes for t h e winners. Snags continue to snarl t h e shooting on the Marxian epic. Every time they go into a huddle for rehearsal, they come out with a new picture . . . until "Go West" looks as though It will end up in the Far East. Can't even keep the story under cover. Other day Groucho found his daughter reading the script. "I wouldn't read it now," he advised. "It will just spoil the picture for you." Oh," she flipped, "it can't be that bad!" You'd tUlnk Jack Benny w a s having* the baby from the flurry he's in. And the stork-dato is six months hence. Mischa Auer selected the cen-

& walnut grove for the his new home . . . then the house to fit the lanes than remove any of the

Milton Bei'Ie has become so glsmiorful the studio is readying him tor & place among the stars. Think to what heights Jimmy Dur&nte could aspire! Why does Warners' publicity •department mark e v e r y page, 'Printed in U. S. A."? in the first place, the sheets are mimeographed, not printed . . . second-, ly, where e l s e would they be printed? Zig's-Zags: The Billy Gilberts have adopted a boy from a nearby orphange. Ben Bernie is mulling a celluloid return. Barbara Stanwyck, who was reared by a Jewish woman, wears a g o l d Mogen Dovid on a trinket chain around her "neck. Norma Shearer has beached. Curt' Bols calculates the 10 best years of an actress's life are between 25 and 27. Producers Wanger, Korda, Selznlck and Small have authorized their London representatives to make contributions toward Red Cross ambulances. Michael O u r t i at, the soledst. owns one of the finest libraries of classics in Hollywood . . . and c l a i m s to have read e v e r y volmmt* Itatoff was being ribbed' because he described everything in Hollywood as "sansayshunal." To which he retorted, "I don't say. that about everything here. Some things are only colossal!" , (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) YOUR INSURANCE BROKER


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Kitchen ChatsBy Mrs. David M. Newman. SALMON MOLD BAKED , 1 cup salmon and juice. -.•' Z eggs. . .; ~-\. 1 teaspoon 1salt. -, * 1 tablespoon onion, grated. 1% cap fresh bread crumbs^ <Juice of one lemon. : 1 ' 1 cop milk. , B a k e 45 minutes at 350 degrees. QUICK SPICE CAKE j & tablespoons soft batter. '.: 1% cups brown' sugar. , a eggs.* •" ' \H cap cold water. ;. i?£ cop flour. f ;g teaspoons baking powder. ' %.teaspoon salt. • - % .teaspoon cinnamon. • 5|^ ieispoon cloves and nutmeg 1 cup raisins. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. ' -• patronize Your Advertisers

A board meeting of the Ladies' Free Loan society will be h e l d Monday, September 16, at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Sidman, 1819 North 21st We Manufacture

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Friday, September 13, 1940

THE JEWISH PRESS RETURN FROM OKOBOJI Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cherniss and family returned from a week's vacation at Lake Okoboji. While there they attended the American Legion convention.

GOLDSTRO M -S€H L AN( HER The marriage of Miss Betty Ruth Schlanger, daughter of Mrs. Reglna Schlanger, to Bernard L. Goldstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goldstrom, was solemnized on Sunday evening, August 25, at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Abe Bolker. Rabbi David H. Wice performed the ceremony in the presence of members of the immediate family, The couple are making their tome in Des.Moines.

TO NEW YORK Celia Lipsman. left Saturday for an indefinite stay in New York City.

Page 7 ing, September 14, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue, 618 Mynster, at 9:30. They will receive in their sons' honor on Sunday, September 15, from 2 to 5, and from 7 to 10, at By LUCILLE ABRAHAMSGK their home, 1302 Seventh avenue. HAP ASSAM All friends and relatives are The first meeting of the Coun- cordially .invited to attend. cil Bluffs chapter of Hadassah No invitations have been iswill be a dessert-luncheon at the sued. ... Synagogue on Tuesday, September 17, at 1:30 p. m. RETURNS FROM CHICAGO Mrs. Isaac Sternhili Is chairMrs. Louis London returned man in charge of the meeting. home last week, from a week's Those included on the committee stay with friends and relatives in are Mesdauies J. Moskovitz, Leon Chicago, 111. Frankel, Richard Gordon, L. Binstein and Harry Cohen. TO U. OF NEBRASKA Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky of the Leaving f o r Lincoln, Neb., U. O. C, Synagogue of Omaha Thursday was Irving Cohen, who will address the group. * will be enrolled as a sophomore at the University of Nebraska, where he is affiliated with t h e EMESEL The Etnesel club had its first Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. meeting of the season, Tuesday, at the home of its new president, VISITS IN LINCOLN Miss Shirley Gershun spent the Miss Betty Cohen, day in Lincoln, Neb., Wednesday. Tentative plans for the coming year were made. TO IOWA-CITY There will be another meeting On Sunday Bettie Grossman,' next Tuesday night, all members Edythe Bubb, Betty Rae Kubby, are urged to attend. and Shirley Gershun will leave for Iowa City to enroll as freshMR, ROSS LEAVES men at the university. Mr. Ernest Ross left last week for Los Angeles, Cal.,, where he New York (JTA) — Declaring will establish residence. that "free speech doesn't cover a He will be followed shortly by multitude of Eins." Magistrate Mrs. Ross and son. William Klapp in Harlem court sentenced James Downey, a ChrlsANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH tlon Mobilizer leader, to 30 days Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Fried an- in jail or payment of a $50 fine nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their on a police complaint of using twin sons, William Gerald a n d abusive a n d offensive language Orville David, on Saturday.morn- against Jews on the night of August 14. An additional 15-day workI. Forbes. While in Omaha he attended the Forbes-Batt wed- house sentence was imposed but suspended. Downey paid the fine. ding.

FREIDEN-MENDELSON Miss B e v e r l y Mendelson, FROM WASHINGTON daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Men- Miss Dorothy Bordy of Washdelson of Council Bluffs, became ington, D. C , is visiting at the the bride of Gilbert Freiden, son home of her parents. of Mrs. J. J. Frieden of Omaha, Sunday noon. Rabbi David A. TO CALIFORNIA Goldstein performed the marriage Miss Dorothy Corenman left ceremony at the Blackstone ho- Sunday for California. tel. Assisting were the Rev. C. D. Mendelson, uncle of the bride, DEPARTS FOE COAST and Cantor Aaron Edgar. Miss Ann Zalk departed SaturBernard Plotkin served as best day night for California. man. The bride's going-away outfit RETURNS FROM KANSAS CITY Mrs. Harry Green, returned was a light-brown costume suit, .WBINBERG-WEINSTEJN trimmed with Kolinsky fur and from Kansas City last week. The marriage of Miss \ Esther adorned with a brown orchid. [Weinstefn, daughter of Mr. and Her accessories were brown. Dur- CONVALESCING Mre. Solomon Weinstein, to Men- ing the ceremony she carried a Miss Rose Mendelson of Chidlesohn J. Weinberg of Washing- white Bible. cago is convalescing at the Mercy ton, D. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. Out-of-town guests at the cere- hospital in Council Bluffs, where Ellis J. Weinberg of that city, mony were: Henry Mendelson of she recently underwent an apwas solemnized on Sunday, Sept. New York; Mr. and Mrs. William pendectomy. ,J, in Washington. The couple left immediately af- Greenstein and son, Harvey, of ANNOUNCE BAR RIITZAH ter the ceremony for a wedding Collinsville, 111., and Abe Zlotky Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Fried of trip in Atlantic City and 'New of Fremont. Council Bluffs announce the Bar A breakfast for members of the York. Mitzvah of their twin sons, Wilimmediate family followed the They are making their home in liam Geralds and Orville David, ceremony. Washington. on Saturday morning, September After a wedding trip to Minne14, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel sota and Canada, the couple will 8IP0RIN-LIPSMAN synagogue, 618 Mynster, at 9:30. Msss Sylvia Lipsman, daughter reside in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Fried will receive of Mrs. A. Lipsman, became the in honor of their sons on Sunday, bride of Louis Siporin, son of Mr. GINSBURG-SOIREF September 15, from 2 t o ' 5 and The marriage of Miss Nancy from 7 to 10, at their home, 1302 »nd Mre, s. Siporn, on Monday, Sept. 2. The marriage ceremony Soiref, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seventh avenue. was performed at the home of George Soiref, to Mr. Morris GinsNo Invitations have been isRabbi David A. Goldstein in the burg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip presence of the immediate fam- Ginsburg, took place Sunday aft- sued. ilies. ernoon, September 1, at the home TO CHICAGO The bride wore a white French of the bride's parents. Miss Esther Nathan departed Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky per- Tuesday evening for Chicago, organdy gown featuring a full skirt and tight bodice. A finger- formed the ceremony in the pres- where she will visit her sister, length veil fell from a cap of seed ence of the. immediate families. Mis. David Hexter, and Mr. Hexpearls. She carried white gladioli. The couple is now residing at ter. After the ceremony a buffet the Windsor Arms. -luncheon was served at the bride's ANNOUNCE BIRTH borne. DR. GORDON TO RETURN Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pessen anThe couple will reside in Oma- Dr. M. I. Gordon who has been nounce the birth of a son, Sidney ha. attending the centennial conven- Alvin, at the Methodist hospital tion of the American Dental So- Sunday, September 8. ciety in Cleveland will return on FORBES-BATT Miss Ida Ruth Batt, daughter Sunday. Dr. Gordon is president JOSLYN MEMORIAL of Mrs. Ethel Batt, became the of the local dental organization.' The Joslyn Memorial will on bride of Mr. Irving J. Forbes, Sunday at 2:30 In the concert BOiji of Mr. a n d Mrs. Isadore DEPART FOR SCHOOL hall show three films on GerForbes, on Sunday, September 1, Miss Marjorie Ruth Robinson, many. fit the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. At 3:30 Paul H. Grummann synagogue. Rabbi Isaiah Rackov- Robinson, and Miss Barbara Tax- will speak on /'Aeschylus' 'Ageman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. memnon'." A 4 o'clock organ sky performed the ceremony. Maid of honor was Miss Gerry Ben Taxman, left last Friday for recital will be given by Marin Gimple and bridesmaids were the Evanston 111., where they will at- W. Bush. Assisting him will be Meribah Moore, soprano, a n d Misses Annette Forbes, Shirley tend Northwestern university. Ruth Orcutt, accompanist. Fox and Evelyn Waldman. Best man was Herbert Forbes. Ush- FROM MASSACHUSETTS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gorfine and ers were "Fred Colton, Ben Miller children of Sommerville, Mass.,, TO IOWA CITY and Irving Charney. Miss Joye Greenbcrg and Miss were the guests last week of relaMiss Florence Tatleman sang, tives in Omaha and Council Helyno Wohlner are leaving Sun"Because" and "I Love1 Y o u Bluffs. They visited at the homes day for Iowa City, where they T r u l y," accompanied by Miss of Mrs. Gorflne's cousins, Mr. and will attend the University of Shirley Sellz at the piano and Mrs. S. Katleman of Omaha and Iowa. Harold Kaplan at the violin. Mrs. J. - Katleman of Council A reception was hold following Bluffs. FROM SAN ANTONIO the ceremony- at the home of the Mrs. J. Forbes and daughters, bride's grandmother, Mrs. Wil- ENTERTAIN BRIDE-TO-BE Anita and Esther, of San Antonio, liam Gimple: • Assisting- were* the? Members' of the" "Alpha 'Gamma Tex., are the guests of Mr. .and Misses Shirley Fox, Evelyn Wald- Chi society honored Miss Pauline Mrs. J. Cohn. man, Annette, Fpr.bes,, Ruth .Lin- Ro.senbaum. aj; an. informal party •da, Gerry, Gimple, and the Mes- Friday evening. Miss Roseribaum VISIT HERE dames Joe Solomonow, L. Kap- is to be/ married on September 15, Mr. Morris Gold of Bronx, N. lan, I. W. Forbes-and-Mrs^-M* to -Joseph- Gu6s. - . -'- . . . Y., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Colton. .i; Before her marriage the bride was entertained by Mesdames J; Kaplaii', Nathan Glriiple,1 Libby Kaplan, J. Brown, I. W. Forbes, M. .Colton,. I , F.orbes, .1, B l e w i t z , A. Abramson, J. P. Crounse," B. Crounse and t h e Misses Ruth- Linda; -Ruth-Miller,' • Evelyn Waldman, Bess Lefitz, Shirley. Fox and Betty. Abramson. • After a honeymoon'in'Ro'ck'fs : 1 land "and Des Moinea the young As an Institution Engaged in the couple will make their, .home, in Omaha.



RETURN FROM SIX-WEEK . TRIP , . Mr. and Mrs. Irving Brooksteln have retufned from a six - week trip to Los Angeles, San FranCisco, and .Lake Ta,hoe following their marriage in, Kansas City,on July 18. Mrs. Brookstein was formerly Fay Colick Llpsey.

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THE JEWISH PRESS Published Every Friday s.t Omska, Ketsr. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Or,® Veer Advertising Rates F h

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DAVID BLACKER—BusiBeEs end Managing Editor LEONARB NATHAN • Editor BABB1 THEODORE N. LEWIS - Book Editor FRANCES BLACKER - - - Society Editor MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City Correspondent

Rumanian Jewry Faces Its Future Complete physical annihilation is the future now being 'faced by the Jews of Rumania, according to the United Press correspondent In the Balkans. A fate, similar to that of the massacred Armenians of pre-war Turkey, remains the only possibility now that the Iron Guard haa finally triumphed and sent King Carol Into hia second exile. Only Russia, the dispatch goes on, remains a hope—only Russia. What further comment Is a needed. Rumania has never been a paradise for Jews. Their situation, bad enough at the beginning of modern times, has steadily been growing worse. The presence of the so-called Jewess Lupescu is Supposed to have added to the popular feeling against the Jews. In reality, Lupescu is no Jewess and never has been. Her father was a Jew, but ber mother was a full-blooded Gentile and this modern DuBarry was baptized at birth in the Orthodox Catholic faith. Evidently in the eyes of the Iron Guard the holy water was not potent enough to wash away the sins of her ancestry. Whether or not Lupescu had risen to favor, the Jews of Rumania would have suffered. The Jews of the country have been criticized for retaining ancient customs, but the whole country has refused to emerge from the middle ages. The royal family waxed wealthy on the many resources of the country while the people became poorer and poorer. Before this horrible European conflict ends- no one knows just how much more of the country will bo snipped away to satisfy one power or another. It may even soon become a battleground between Russia and the Axis—if such is not purely the wishful-thinking of English diplomacy. Before our very eyes, with our knowledge of every overt act, civilization is slipping back into the slime from which it took centuries to emerge.' What is happening in Rumania is symbolic of all Europe—the decadence, the frustration. To speak of a future for anyone on the European continent is to engage in undue optimism. It is a land given over to beasts; it iaa spot where the law of the jungle has taken the place of what were once the civilized laws of men.

end polished floors of her enviroamezit and went to live in a slum; the teemicg -New York Eas Side, where she could experience tlie needs of these people and extend to them a helping Mud. Today the Henry Street Settlement stands as a toonuiaent to her Idealism. One cannot enter its portals without visualizing the profound sense of accomplishment that must have been L i l l i a n Wald's. To the children of that crowded east side— less crowded today, thanks to the courageous effort of Miss Wald and her co-workers — M i s s Wald's house was home. Here they came in contact with a gracious sort of living that awakened w.ithin them a desire for the "finer things in life. Jose Iturbi, the great pianist, claimed that he had no more appreciative audience t h a n at Henry Street. Here Isabella Duncan came to dance because these people understood her beauty. Through Henry Street, Miss Wald interpreted the problems of the poor to the affluent. To them she brought an understanding that had hitherto escaped them. Over the worn threshold of Henry Street walked the rich who were not only wealthy in material resources but spiritual ones as wellJacob Schiff, Nathan Strauss, to name two of the most famous. One cannot speak of death in relation to Lillian Wald. Hers is immortality. If the world sees a recrudescence of the prophetic spirit, it can look to these humble individuals who were not too proud to share the poverty and distress of their neighbors and to enrich their lives by mere presence.

Herschel Grynzspan Returns

Under the terms of the Franco-German armistice, refugees who had fled the Nazi wrath are to be returned to Germany. It la reported from Europe that Herschel Grynzspan has already been turned over to the Gestapo and by now his fate is undoubtedly sealed, a fate too horrible to conemplate. Most people, of the world had forgoiten Grynzspan, forgotten the wide-eyed, underfed youngster who whlled away his time in a French prison as he awaited trial for shooting the' embassy secretary, vom Rath. It was almost as though part of a preconceived plan that Grynzspan should kill the Nazi representative, for the incident was taken as a signal to institute a series of pogroms. The result was the complete impoverishment of German Jewry. Grynzspan was held in a French prison after the murder to await the dying down of passion. When the war broke out, everyone said how ortunate Grynzspan was. Now he would be freed. Yet In the entire nine-month period of active hosilltles, Grynzspan was not brought to trial. Tho reatment of Grynzspan points an accusing finger at high-ranking French officials. When the day of reckoning comes much that has happened will need be explained. This la not all coincidence, not all accident. The boy's fate in the hands of "the Gestapo is a foregone conclusion. In reality, they should be Lillian Wald rateful to him for his act. I t was a heaven-sent Once upon a time in the not too distant past blessing to the Nazis, but it is doubtful that they there were men and women who nourished fond are capable of appreciation, even under t h e s e . hopes for a better world. They, visualized man's circumstances. rapid technological advance as the happy omen of an era of human progress. More than mere Why Europe Will Not Be Fed theorists, they rolled up their sleeves and we"nt to Americans, despite the unjustified European work to translate their beautiful thoughts into reputation of being money-mad, are notoriously golden deeds. Theirs is a vanishing race. Each tender-hearted. No catastrophe, no matter where year, time steals another from their sanctified it occurs, but American organizations are ready ranks. The latest to go was Lillian Wald, one of and willing to help feed the hungry, doctor the those well-born maiden aunts who sought to cure sick, and shelter the homeless. . the most dangerous diseases of society at their This past summer the American conscience has Bource. These were "radicals" In the purest and been gravely troubled over the matter of feeding most beautiful meaning of the word. urope. Realpolitik has t e n d e d to interfere Jane Addams of Hull House was one of these with characteristic American generosity. To feed people; Mary McDowell of Chicago's vile 'Back the continent means, most authorities ""have beof the-Yards' was another; Lillian Wald at Henry ieved, the strengthening of Hitler. To Ignore Street was the third of a famous trio. Of course, Jie pleas of the unfortunate, on the other hand, there were and are others—Graham Taylor, John a to be guilty of a sin before a Higher Power. Elliot, Mary Simkhovltch; Helen Hall. But American conscience need not be troubled. Lillian Wald, whose death a week ago was Hitler will not permit American representatives to such a poignant loss to mankind, was born as most et foot on the continent. The Nazis do not seek of her co-workers in the Settlement field were American generosity for Its conquerored peoples. born, to a wealthy and socially prominent family. The Germans' do not want American prestige inAs a Jewess, Miss Wald revelled in the heritage of creased In the eyes of the unfortunates of Norway, the prophets. Hers was not to be a wasted life, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and France. They but one of service. As a nurse, the first Visiting want no representatives of n democracy appearing NurBe, for from her efforts the nation-wide or- on the .scene with great supplies of foodstuffs and ganization came into being) she learned the prob- medical equipment. lems of the Blums', problems so horrible ad to escape If America rescues Europe's suffering humanthe imagination of those who have not actually ity, it will be a greater blow to the Nazis than if contacted them. . ' wo were to send armies there and have them tri' The Settlement' movement has been called by umph. By its deeds and abilities, democracy would Sociologists the most Intelligent social activity of triumph. - " v too Nineteenth century. Miss Wald did not deal in pious sentiments and good intentions. She did not do her duty to mankind by quoting the questionable dogma of pamphleteers., Nor did she 5701—1040 ..Thursday, Oct. '3 manufacture, panaceas io cure social evils and at- Bosh Hashonan ...Saturday, Oct. 5 tempt to peddle them as a cheap CUES as. some «°F&&t of Gefialian -.Saturday, Oct. 13 Tom Kippur politicians Jsavo done. ..Thursday, Oct. 17 : Hiss Wald deserted the comfort and security First Day of Succoth. of home and family. She left the plush furniture Sfcemini Atzereth ........................Tharsday. ©ct. 24


Friday, September 13, 1940

Gems of the Bible and Talmud By Dr. Pfcilsp Sb«r

largest Jewish population of any city in the world, two of the nine dailies, the Post and the Times, are owned or controlled by Jews. The New York Times is generally regarded by newspapermen as the greatest paper in the country. The New York Post, with a heritage dating to the great days of William Cullen Bryant, is the n e w "newspaperman's newspaper" of the country, cfiinbing towards the lofty station of the old World.

BIBLE The soul that sinneth, it shal die, the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father with him neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son with him. Tho righteousness of t h e righteous shall be upon him and the wickAs to the o t h e r New York edness of the wicked shall be dailies — the Me* aid-Tribune is upon him. run by the Ogden-Kefd interests; The people of the land h a v e the mid the Journal-Aineiw used oppression, and exercised leanMirror are owned by Hearst; Josrobbery, have wronged the poor Medill Patterson owns t h e and needy, and have oppressed eph News; the Sun is owned by * the stranger unlawfully. group headed by William T. DeWoe unto the leaders of Israel and the World-Telegram is that have f e d themselves, but wart, they have not strengthened the owned by Scripps-IIoward. weak, neither have they healed In Chicago, the second largest that which was sick or have they city, with the second largest Jewbrought back that which was population, none of the dailies driven away; only with force and ish are owned or controlled by Jews. rigour have they ruled over them. The Tribune is owned by Bertie TALMUD McCormick, the News by Colonel Rabbi Jose s a i d , "Formerly Frank Knox, the Times by S. B. there was no quarrel in Israel. Thoraason and the Herald-AmerlThe high court of 71 was situ- an by Hearst. ated in the Temple treasury department, and two courts, each In Philadelphia, two of the five consisting of 23; one sat at the five newspapers are controlled by jate of the Temple mound, and jews—The Record by D a v i d he other one at the gate of the Stern, as public-spirited a pub* Temple court, and courts con- Usher as there is in America, and sisting of 23 members were estab- the Eiaquirer by M. L. Annenberjg, lished in every city of Israel; to of'whom''ive don't like to say whom the e n t i r e community much,; ' .: brought their questions for decision, and if they could not decide Going westward to California, correctly, they brought It Ha tho we find that neither in Los Ancourt of a nearby city, and if geles nor San Francisco is there that court could also not decide, a daily owned or controlled by they brought it before the court Jews. •, . ; which was at the gate of the Temple mound, and if they could None of Detroit's newspapers also not decide, they brought it are Jewish-owned or controlled. efore the superior court, where he Judges sat on week-day from Here in Washington, Eugene he morning until the evening, Meyer, a Jew, owns the Post. He, he decision of the majority of bought it when It was moribund he judges of the supreme court from the McLean Interests, and ecame a law. However, when its popularity and prestige h a v e he disciples of Rabbi Shamai skyrocketed since... The Timesmd Rajbbl Hillel were increased Herald is owned by Eleanor Patn number, who .were not well terson, the News by Scripps-Howicqualnted with the l e a d i n g ard, and tho powerful Star by icholars, differences increased in the Boyes family. srael and it seemed for' a while is if the Torah was divided in 'None of the Pittsburgh papers wo Torahs, so the supreme court Is owned or controlled by Jews. lectded to write to all the cities The Bame goes for New Orleans f Israel that every wise, modest, and well-liked by his people, man, and Boston. may become a judge in his own So In tho biggest cities,: Mr. city, a n d thereafter if he de- Lindbergh, see that Jews rves it,, he Is to be advanced to :ontrol onlyyoua can email fraction of he court at the gate of the Tem- the and Influential dallies. >le mound; then to the court of And great you'd take the time to talk he gate of the Temple, and far- to theIf editors of Editor and Pubther on untU he reached to be a lisher, the newspaper jourmember of the supreme court. nal, you'll find that trade In smaller hl& wise decision was greatly in- towns and cities and villages the itrumental In creating good will number of Jewish-owned papers md unity among the scholars of is infinitesimal. ,ho entire country. HOLLYWOOD — If you look over the roster of the heads of the. great film companies, you can't help say, "Well, here; anyway, is an industry controlled by the Jews."

By PAT FRANK J. T. A. Washington Press Bureau WASHINGTON. We're pretty tired of hearing :ho truth kicked around a b o u t 'Jewish control of press, radio, ind movies.'V It has been going >n for some time now. Father ioughlin a n d William .Dudley •elley and James True led the ack. Arid, then' along c a m e !harles A. Lindbergh to -, pray,e himself either plain stupid or a malicious liar or both by hinting the charges on the radio. When Lindbergh said it he was mealymouthed. He didn't say JeWfl. He said a small, organized minority. Everyone knew whom he meant. Wo don't know where Lindbergh got his "facts." Perhaps tio classes himself, now, as an expert on public relations, publicity and the press. But if you look up his record, yon may disagree.

If you said that 12 years ago, ou'd have been partly right. •


Jews like Sam Goldwayn and ^ouis B. Mayer were the first to invest in films, and they reaped the first profits. But they kept ploughing their money back into Hollywood, and when the depression c a m e , 'It pretty nearly wrecked them. Now, bankers own — and conrol—Hollywood, and very few of hem are Jews. ' The Gianinni interests control United Artists; R. K. O. Is owned by a Boston financial g r o u p ; Twentieth Century-Fox Js In the vaults of the C h a s e National bank, of 'Sew York; and MetroGoldwyn-Mayer is in tho hands of tho National City Bank. Paramount is tho only company which could still bo called Jewish-controlled, but there are more Gentiles—Including tho all-powerful Steve Lynch-ron its management board than there are Jews. ,

And anything that comes out 3f Hollywood has to be approved In any case, here- are some by the Hays office, and very likeacts on how the Jews "control" ly by the Catholic Legion of Dehe American organs ,of public ency, JuBt to make sure._ >plnion: NEWSPAPERS — There h a s BADIO—It's true that D a v i d never been a complete survey Sarnoff is chairman of the Board made on how many newspapers of the National Broadcasting comwere o w n e d or'controlled by pany and it is also true t h a t Jews. Nobody ever thought one William S. Paleylfl president of was necessary. Bat well take the Colombia Broadcasting System, 10 biggest cities in the United and it is trae that both of them States, first, and see just how are* Jews.' Upon this fragile strucmany of' the largest and most ture men like CougMIn have built influential papers - Jews control.' the fiction that the radio is con(Continued on Page 5.) Jn New York City; with t h e

Friday, September 13, 1940

Pfe*e 6


Norwegian Jews Told to Hand Over Most of Wealth


Mrs. Gray Writes In Current "Opiiuoa*'

Another poem, "In a World of Nazis," by Mrs. William Gray, is Geneva (WNS)—The N a z i printed in the current issue of government has ordered Norway "Opinion." ' A p o e m of Mrs. to confiscate 80 per cent of the Gray's appeared also in the lagt wealth of its Jewish, population month issue. Anti-Semitism Weapon Is before the end of the year, it was She is a fretfuent contributor London (WNS-Palcor Agency) Used, Journalist learned here. —"The Immediate establishment of The Jewish Press. The confiscated money, it was of a Jewish army ia Palestine is Regular Sunday morniEg sery- understood, would be paid to GerNew York (WNS)—Nazi Ger« icea will take place at Congrega- m W as part of the 200,000,000, a matter of life and death for the Jewish community of Palesand its Axis partner, Fasc* tion B'nal Israel at 9 o'clock. Norwegian k r o n e n war debt tine," David ben Gurion, chair1st Italy, are itsiug Kuti-Bemitism which has been assessed by Ger- man of the executive of the Jewto stir up ii»e in the Mid* The Talmud Study group will many. die ISest against Gre&t Britain. ish Agency, declared in an article meet Wednesday, September 18, The order will meet with eager Ralph W. Stones wrote in a the current issue of the "New at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh compliance by the Major Quisling in c&bled dispatch to the New York Judaea," monthly publication of Hagodol at 8 p. m. regime, which betrayed Norway the Zionist Organization here. Herald Tribune from Cairo. to Hitler. "The establishment of such an Ex-Communi&t Leader Is "As the war elouds thickened Congregation Beth Hamedrosh army is Imperative for the mainin the spring of 1939," Mr. Hagodol announces the engageNow "Stretcher" tenance of the Allied position*in Barnes wrote, "propaganda front ment of Cantor Edward J. Miller of France the Near East," Mr. Ben Gurion Berlin was intensified. British asserted. "It Is, moreover, an in'atrocities' in Palestine w e r e London (WNS)—Rapidly forgdispensable factor in the moral painted In lurid colors In regular ing ahead as the No. 1 a n t i - radio broadcasts in Arabic from strategy of this war." The J e w i s h Agency leader Semite of unoccupied France, a the German capital. Here in the pointed out that no one in t h e position held in Nazi 'Germany Arab world was a field in which Jerusalem (JTA) — The sixth B r i t i s h government can be by Julius Stretcher, is Jacques the Germans could play the antlvolume of the Jewish National blamed if the Jews of Palestine Doriot, founder of the Fascist Jewlsh theme with effect." Fund's Golden Book, which lists go down fighting. The refusal French Popular party in 1036, friends of the Palestine Jewish "As for paid agents from the of the government to mobilize whose activities a r e mainly re- Axis homeland, waB Inaugurated this camp," the correspondent sponsible for the recent anti-Jewweek with a section reserved for the Jews of Palestine, he Bald, ish, demonstrations in a number said, "there are probably many inscribing the name of President placed "the heaviest responsibil- of French cities. of them engaged in spreading un« Roosevelt on behalf of the Amer- ity upon the Mandatory power" rest among the Arabs. There ar« In the latest issue of his weekshould a temporary reverse to the ican Jews. various suggestions as to the ly newspaper, "L'Emanclpation Inscriptions on the first page British cause occur In the Near Natlonale," Doriot reported with Identity of the Arab who may East. include Menahem M. Ussishkin, pride that the French government have been picked by the Germans president of the fund, on his 76th at Vichy, "aroused by the mani- to lead the fifth column." birthday; Chief Rabbi iBaac Herfold public anti-Semitic demon- The writer held that the Nails zog of Palestine, on his 50th strations in the unoccupied zone," would concentrate their efforts birthday, and also an Inscription was now concerning itself with "on bringing into line Haj Amla for "the persecuted Jewries of the Jewish question. Effendl Al Hussein, the exiled Germany and Austria." Lauding the Petaln government mufti of Jerusalem, who directed A total of 7,063 names were for repealing the racial antl-de- a three-year Arab revolt in Palesinscribed In the Golden Book in New York (WNS)—A delega- famatlon law, which barred antl- tine." the last decade, of which 3.063 tion of 30 Jewish business men Semltlc attacks in the French "Views are widely current," he were from the United States and from the Yorkvllle section of press or radio, Doriot approved said, "that at least some German 675 from Great Britain. King New York City visited the Bum- the action of the government in and Italian money was involved George V, Prime Minister Winsmer City Hall to urge Mayor La "purifying" the medical profes- in the revolt in Palestine. It Is Cantor Edward 3. Miller ton Churchill and Queen Wilhel- Guardla to curb the nightly street sion but said that it had not gone that this money was conof Chicago to officiate for the mina of the Netherlands are corner meetings and demonstra- far enough. He recommended ap- believed to Arab clubs and other High Holidays. Cantor Miller is among the prominent names In- tions of the anti-Semitic candi- plication of the numerous clauses tributed organizations. There is no defia brother of Rabbi Vri Miller, cluded. date for Congress, Joseph McWil- to other professions. nite confirmation of persistent reformerly of Omaha, a man of llams. "A statute must provisionally ports that the mufti or"*one of his deep religious background, good Byrnes MacDonald, secretary to settle the fate of Jews," Dorlofs principal lieutenants was persontraining and pleasant personality. Mexico Turns Back the mayor, assured the delega- paper said in its leading editorial. ally, in direct contact with t h e On Sunday evening, September that a full report of their "Measures of this kind are urgent Germans during the period of the Hundred Refugees tion 29, definite hours for Selichoth testimony would be given to May- and indispensable. The govern- Palestine uprising." will be announced In the near La Guardla when he returned ment must take Immediate steps Mexico City (WNS)—The Mex- or future. from a meeting In Ottawa of the in re-establishing the French In ican Immigration department IsThe Congregation a l s o anCanadian-United States de- their rights." Needlework Guild orders through the coast joint fense board. nounces that beglnnlng-with Sep- sued Echoing the predictions made g u a r d to a ship which had Plans Ingathering1 tember 16, a committee will sit brought The business men charged that jn recent weeks by the German about 100 Jewish refuevery evening at the synagogue gees from Lisbon, Portugal, to McWilllarns, through his street and Italian press the anti-Semitic The annual Ingathering of the between 8 and 10 to meet mem- leave Mexican waters, it was an- meetings, had curtailed business, paper said: "One of the results Needlework Guild will be held • bers and arrange for their seat- nounced here. c r e a t e d racial animosity and of the war will be a European the first week of October, according for the High Holidays. It Is doctrine harmful to the settlement of the entire Jewish ing to Mrs. B. A. Simon, section T h e Immigration department preached expected that those who wish to maintained neighborhood. problem. Europe, which has suf- president, that the refugees arhave their seats properly cared rived with lmroper immigration Rabbi Carol Kline Bald that "as fered so much harm from Jews, All directors are asked to hard for Bhould come as early as pos- papers. The ship, the Z a w o a , an American citizen I have the will doubtless decide to separate their garments and money «ol» sible. reached Vera Cruz last week. The right to ask that such a man be itself from Jews. It will assign lected by that time to turn into of the Jewish tefu- eliminated, and t h a t he be t h e m some distant territory Mrs. Simon.On Sunday, September 29, at 8 destination stopped from preaching what he where they may reflect at leisure gees is unknown. p. m.t Congregation Beth Hameon the inconvenience arising from preaches." drosh Hagodol will have a genprovoking wars for the good eral membership m e e t i n g at B'nai Sholem to Hold pleasure of Israel." Seek Funds td Aid which the newly affiliated memServices at J. C. C. bers will be welcomed. A special Asks Internment Jewish Books and All Stranded Refugees Panama program 1B in preparation for the The Congregation B'nal Shofem Panama City (JTA)—Leopoldo meeting and tor the reception to will hold High Holy Day services Arosemena, Panamanian Secre- Other Religious Articles New York (JTA)—-The Amerifollow. at, the Jewish Community Center. tary of Government and Justice, '-'Tickets may be obtained from can Friends of a Jewish Palestine urged the National Assembly to 242© WE3S27 B'nal I s r a e l synagogue an- the president, Sam Frlsch, from has issued an appeal for $15,000 nounces that plans are progress- Sam Sommer or Adolph Moako- to finance the voyage to Pales- establish concentration camps for a articles l i b u t M t e & sad English translations, praytine of 500 Jewish refugees who Jewish and other European refu- Jewtefr Ing for the High Holiday serv- vitz. bosses, tatafam, s!£fe aad woe! ©f tlaa ices. Beginning w i t h Sunday, arrived at the Bulgarian Danube gees who are in Panama without er b e s t r t o o s , e t e . . - . .-• ..••..- - : .•••:.-,•• September 15, one or more memport of Ruse after spending four proper papers or the possibility KmaamfceT e!ro to place*, fear orte ma let en esrog and ft Into* that of repatriation under present cirFrankly Speaking months on the Danube. They left cumstances. He s a i d refugees with bers of the board of directors of H being imported by mo from Ewfathe synagogue will be at the ofBratislava, Slovakia, in April. Ismei. Kosher *osp. New Sear Gfeet(Continued from Page 4.) fice to meet with members and The refugees face expulsion to were competing with Panaman- tar Cards. arrange for their seating in the Germany, the statement warned. ians In business. trolled by Jews. Here arc t h e synagogue. The American Friends Is apfacts, as related to this writer by pealing to the Rumanian governCodel, the editor of Broad- ment to permit transit for the Together with the Beth Hame- Martin casting Magazine: refugees and is also asking t h e drosh Hagodol the B'nal Israel government and t h e synagogue is planning the introSarnoff owns less than 1 per Bulgarian State Department for duction of standard prayer books cent of the stock of Radio Corpor- American which will be used at this year's ation of Americar which wholly old. services. These books will TO-owns N. B. C. He's president .of maln within the synagogue to be RCA, but not a single member of Deaths used by the members from year the Board of Directors of RCA is to year. a Jew. They're Wall Street blueMrs. Henry Lebovici bloods, dominated by the RockeBoth synagogues are planning feller interests. Funeral services were held last services on the respective cemeFriday morning at the Jewish Futeries to be conducted by t h e neral Home for Mrs. Fanny LeboOf the 850 radio stations in the Rabbi on September 29, the day United States fewer than SO aro vici who died on September 4 at after Selichoth. Details of these owned, controlled or operated by her home. Lowest In Omaha Pr!e©§ services will bo announced In the Jews. Of the 80, SO aro in New ! A resident of Omaha for thirty near future. Mrs. Lebovici is survived York end Philadelphia. There years, YOU SHGUl® 60MO DIRECT TO her husband, Henry; two are no Jewish - owned or con- by daughters, Mrs. Herman Cohn of Assortments er© ©se@pfienal!f breed, trolled radio stations in Chicago, Omaha and Mrs. Saul Glick of "Nazi Laws for Boston, Los Angeles, San Fran* Des you'll bo greofced with a s Moines; one son, Gaston of cisoo, Detroit or Washington. Los Angeles, and five grandchilPatesfafclng s@rv!s© est ell fiestas. Luxembourg Jews dren." London ( W N S ) — Jewish phyThe Mutual Broadcasting SysRabbi David A. Goldstein offifilclana, dentists, voterinaries and tem Is Just what the namo implies ciated at the service. Burial was apothecaries were forbidden to —It's run through co-operation of at Golden Hill. BUY ON YOUR OWN TERMS Saturday morning Rabbi Isaiah Rackoveky will speak at the Bar Mitzvah of Robert Eugene Katieman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Katleman, at Congregation B'nai Israel, 18th and Chicago.


practice their professions In Nasloccupled Luxembourg by a decree issued- by Provincial Governor Gustav. Simon, who Iff responsible for the «lvil administration of Luxembourg. Henceforth, • Jewish lawyers will be permitted to represent only themselves. " A second decree barred marriages or intimate relations between Jews and Germans or persons of cognate blood. All Jews within Simon's jurisdiction have been ordered to register all their property whether within or outside, Luxembourg.'

individual stations.

Tfao Colombia • System, headed by Paley, is pretty largely owned by Jews. But it should" bo remembered that no individual station is forced to take any network program.


. M. Ginsburg

Funeral, services- were' held Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral Home -tor M. Ginsburg, 54, who died Sunday In Denver where he had resided .for the past nine years. -' - Surviving are his wife, Fay; Finally, let's not forget itafc threo daughters, Mrs. Rose Fellwhen Lint/zergh made, MB dam-man of Omaha; Mrs. Fanny Sklar agings false c h a r g e that Jews of Elisabeth, N. J., and Mrs. Beswere running the sources of pab- sie Arnoff of Denverp and a son, •., lie opinion of the'United Sfc$es, Yale of- Denver. ' • It was OB9 that broadcast t h e ~ Burial was at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel cemetery. , "speech* -." ~ '

Don't Invest a Dollar In Fine Fumttur® Until You Sas Skans Offerings


P*g« 2


Friday, September 13, 1940

The Resettling of New

like Rabbi C. The National Ref- testify to the high reputation she ugee Service has also recorded enjoyed in critical circles. The failares in resettlement. Our ref- critic of the Berliner Tageblatt, ugees are eometimes maladjusted, at that time the German capital's unduly irritable, perhaps ©a the leading paper, referring to her verge of a breakdown. Yet I performance ia the "Merchant of would cballeBge any group of Venice" remarks that her Portia Americans to undergo what the m&.de one forget the Shylock of refugees have beea through, to Rudolph.'Schildkr&ut. Schildkr&tit, live in Hue shadow of Buchen- father of the Hollywood actor, wald and Dachau for years and Joseph Scliildkraut, won wide ill. .Building Mew Lives in a Free La ad to emerge with as few personality fame in American movies before problems. his death. (Continued from Page 1.) " (This is the third of m series his course- Tlie community got It is a hard school these folks Miss Baeek appeared in a numof articles by Dr. William lib- him a job in a scrap iron yard manian leaders blamed the Jews ber, executive director of tine but they pledge themselves that have been to, this school conduct- ber of plays as the leading lady for the nation's difficulties. National Refugee Service, deal- if 'A. shows the necessary stick-to- ed by Hitler and his brown shirt- of Albert Basserman, generally The J e w s , meanwhile, a r e ing wth the problem ©f local itiveness they will set him up in ed monitors. It breaks some, but considered Germany's greatest caught in a desperate position. actor and today winning new most of those who live through resettleme:!.) The anti-Jewish laws of Hungary an electrical shop soon. Its rigors come out with a new fame as a Hollywood player. Her exceed in their harshness e v e n Here in small cross section are perspective, a sense of values that last performancs with Basserman those of Rumania. Jews In TranLet's give it the sock/logically typical resettlement stories. Al- our democracy needs. The prob- was in "The Great Escape," the sylvania have been forced to flee classical name of Middle own. together only seven lives are in- lems of a job, of a comfortable Napoleonic play by Alexander in order to escape compulsory laMiddletown is a small city, volved, but they are iives which, living are important to them—to Moisye. > bor or virtual slavery. partly industrial,- partJy agricul- might have been broken and mis- whom are they not? But in the With Albert Basserman she Thousands of Jews, their meatural, on the banks of the Missis- erable. Multiply these cases a foreground of their consciousness played a command performance in sippi i just on the border of North thousand times and you approxi- is the overwhelming sense of the the Hague for Queen Wiihelmina gre possessions in hand - made and South. mate the annual resettlement job greater values of freedom of soul and after the performance was re- bags, are clogging the roads -to the Soviet-occupied areas of the It has about 20,000 people; 2,- the National Refugee Service and and conscience, of the dignity of ceived in audience by the Nether- Soviet Union in the hope they the American Jewish community lands monarch who complimented man. These are things that the 600 of them industrial workers n consciousness of America, too, her on her work. One of her last will be granted permission to the town's 30 manufacturing con- are doing. must absorb if we are to Burvive roles before leaving Berlin was enter. Failing that, they will be Effect on Coiiuututity cerns whose average annual payThe effect of the refugee on through the critical y e a r s to the celebrated musical, "How You trapped between the violent antiroll is $2,750,000. It is an atSemitism of Rumania and t h e tractive little city, still close to the community is more subtle and come. While we are teaching He, Cherie," in which she ap- even more violent anti-Semitism the rich agricultural l a n d sur- harder to trace. We cannot know the refugees it might be well to peared in the leading role of a of Hungary. rounding it, land that produces how each individual in a commu- learn a few things from them, as middle-aged actress still intent on playing ingenue parts. cereals, fruit, truck crops, dairy nity acts as he watches these peo- well. David ben Isaac de Pomls gradAt the very pinnacle of fame, products and pou I ry. In brief, a ple become better and better adMlsa Baeck was forced to aban- uated as a physician from th« justed, better and better citizens. typical small American town. don her career in Germany, even- University of Perugia In IP50. do know that American Jewry In Middletown live 12 Jewish We tually coming to Czechoslovakia. has been drawn closer together families, w e l l - integrated with by the resettlement program. She managed to leave the latter tbe life of the general commucountry four days before its ab- FOR RENT — Lovely r o 6 m; Let me quote a few excerpts nity, and with tbe Jewish life of sorption into the Reich. board if desired. 3107 Lincoln from the reports of the Field America and of the world, willUpon her arrival in America illvd. HA 4017. ing to assume the responsibilities Staff of the National Refugee she went to live with the Quakers Service — unchanged except for of Jewish communal life. at the Scattergood Hostel at West the elimination of names. In the last year these 12 Jew- 1 Prom the midwest: "The comBranch, Iowa, There, the once lsh famillties of Middletown have mittee glamorous figure of the German here has developed t h i s accepted three refugee "units"— musical organization. Its constage—the famed Maria, Stuart, FOR RENT—Furnished or unthree persons in'the P. family, ductor and concertmaster are refthe Portia, the Judith who had furnished rooms. Close down(Continued from Page 1.) two brothers and a sister in the ugees but the musicians, numberdelighted so many theater audi- town. AT 2117. •E. family, a young refugee, Z. ing between 25 and 30, are all great national playwrights, Goethe ence—worked in the fields and Their stories are interesting for Americans. It has the entire and Schiller, Mies Baeck took the found it "beautiful." the light they shed on the possi- community, rolea in the work of these While at Scattergood she diand non-Jew- leading bilities of refugee resettlement. ish, behind itJewish two classical dramatists, appear- rected a Chekhov play for the and has drawfa ca- ing Faust, Egmont, Maria Stu- high school in Iowa City. Miss LEAVING for California about First Arrival pacity houses. It is the talk of art inand other plays associated Baeck has been a counselor at September 16. Will take three First to arrive in Middletown the town . . . " with the brilliant period of Wei- Camp Jay-C-C where she was af- passengers, share expenses. AT Was Mr. P., a man in his middle First Synagogue mar, fectionately known as Mother 6287. thirties who had formerly run a This from a town in the northFor her work she was given Greta. men's clothing store in Berlin, his wife, and a 4-year-old daugh- west—a town with only 10 Jew- the title of Hofschauspielerln by ish families: "We attended dedi- the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar. ter. catory services in the town's only Chance to Play in Berlin . T h e Middletown community synagogue and its first rabbi, the While appearing at tbe Hofand the National Refugee Service refugee Rabbi C. The rabbi was theater in Mannheim, the stage Capital Loan Committee loaned Mr. P. ?250, ho borrowed $200 Bent here only five months ago. director of the Berlin Volksbuhne, He conducted his initial Friday who. had come to watch the permore from a friend and obtained 1100 w o r t h of credit from a night services in the living room formance of a young actor, was •wholesaler. With t h i e slender of tho Y. home. Hia ability, per- attracted by Miss Baeck's perforcapital he opened a bargain cloth- sonality and hard work soon won mance and asked her to join his ing store. The records of Mr. for him an active, and devoted theater, the largest in 'Germany. &&&i&^*<*&& Unable to accept at that time beP.'s sales in his new venture are congregation. Rabbi C. soon be- cause ^ of previous contracts, she interesting as an indicator of came such an influential and was approached by Heinrlch hard plugging a n d persistent revitalizing force in the commu- Nefft,later director of the Volksbuhne nity that the congregation decidwork. and in future years her brothered to purchase a place for a real The first' month sales were synagogue and Jewish Center. A in-law. $214. The sixth month, $740. In 1923 she came to Berlin and house was purchased— • In the 12th month they reached beautiful $1,200 was raised in cash in one for ten years appeared in a vari11,000. A few months ago Mr. evening classical and a $3,000 mortgage ety of roles Including P. was able to obtain a $300 loan was assumed drama, modern r -s, comedies, by half a dozen inwithout 'collateral from a local was a most gratify- and operettas. She specialized in bank. His assets are now over dividuals—It ing experience • to be present at the plays of Shaw, Shakespeare, $2,000 with liabilities of under the Leasing, Molnar, Holberg, Goethe, dedicatory services. $1,300. He has long since paid and Schiller. The place was filled to capacity back his' initial loan. The P. famThe .Volksbuhne, which seats ily is happy In Middletown. They with as many gentiles as Jews, 2,200 persons, had a subscription and people from communities as say, "We can't express enough list of 175,000, making It the 1 appreciation for the people in the distant as 100 miles away came. largest theatrical organization in National.. Refugee Service who The mayor, the former president the world. It had several subsiprevailed upon us to leave New of the local college, and a Pres- diary theaters and its repertoire byterian minister, addressed the contained t h e world/a finest York and come here." gathering . . ." drama. , Second Family Some Failures . Next arrivals in Middletown Acclaimed by Critics •were the E. family — two tall Of course, not every refugee is I Miss Baeck's thick press bookB blonde young brothers and their sister. The' E. brothers had not been happy In New York where they had been forced to live on the earnings pf the sister worfring as a domestic. So they jumped at the chance to re-settle, especially when the elder brother ©s Wiso homemdkore overy* found he could get a job in his where select Electric Refrigerold trade as dental mechanic. ation for their homes. They Now both the E. boys are workknow Electric Cold,caves In ing. Together they make $40 a • ©very season • • • practically week. The sister still does houee.trork—but it'is in her own hbme. paying its own v?a? in proper Latest arrival in Middletown is food preservation, lower ops** young Z.. 22 years old, a clerical ©ting costs, time .and health worker. When be came to Amersavings and quantity buying* ica, Z. pleaded that he be allowed Bo mono? ahead—Join tho to learn a skilled trade. swing lo electric refrigeration* The National Refugee Service tool arranged to have Z. placed in a "free trade school. Here he took Tho simpld snap oi an electric switch means tho jspme courses and learned the fundamentals of wiring. Z. went to difference between household drudgery and better Middletown on the completion of living. Tho Nebraska Power Company hxm been & ..,Gf!ISE»NESS


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Friday. S»yt«

13i 1JJ4O

, # .

Hobbies and Refugees NEW SETTLERS By Roman Slobodin . Hammerings, thumpings and Plan Enlarged Program Other sounds, mechanical and voThe benefits which there refu cal, emanating from an inconspic- gees will derive from the cente uous building tucked a w a y on are likely to be well repaid bj -Washington St. near the Hudson them, since it is not likely tha R i v e r waterfront in downtown the c l e r k s and stenographers Manhattan, a r e disturbing the housewives and students and oth • New York (WNS) — Tbe first wonted evening stillness of the ers who make up the rest of th( group of settlers in the recently New 'York financial district these dramatic group/ would have many established Sosua colony in the nights. chances to w o r k with theatre Dominican Republic, a b o u t 50 German-Jewish, refugees, have so ; The strange noises are produc- professionals of their calibre. adjusted themselves in the three Another of the refugees is ar months that they have been there ed, in part, by refugees hobbying their way into Americanism. They excellent musician. His ability in that they are already "caring are trying out something new in spired the Hobby Center to star their bread," according to Dr. the way of introducing Jewish a chamber music orchestra which Joseph A. Rosen, vice-president refugees to Americans and their will be built around him. of the Dominican Republic SetStrange ways, — and vice versa. The Center has already proved tlement association. It's an experiment d e v i s e d such a success that it is to be exDr. Rosen, who has just reJointly by the U. S. Works Pro- panded to a three-night-a-week turned to the United States after gress Administration and the Na- and later a full five-night pro tional Refugee Service, for which gram. It is an idea which should there is no precedent In the long catch oil quickly in any commun- acted as most mothers undoubthistory of Americanization ef- ity where there is a group of cam- edly would in the same circumera or dramatic or basketry or stances: Stopped trying to effect forts. puppetry a refugee popula- his release. For several years the WPA has tion and afans, mutual on the been using the former building of part of refugees anddesire Americans to PRAYER: Hitler has reportedthe defunct Bowling Green Set- get to know each other. ly snatched the famous Moses tlement as a training center for statue by Michelangelo and placed teachers and project leaders in its it in his Berchtesgaden retreat recreation and a d u l t education where a Gestapo man, assigned programs. For this purpose the to spy on him, saw the Fuehrer .building has been well equipped on his knees before the statue. with shops and workrooms for , . "Dear Moses," Hitler w a s Carpentry, metal working, photooverheard praying, "tell me how graphy, puppetry, dramatics, and you got across that Strip of Wa« dozen other hobbies. It also has ter." . . . Which reminds us of a • ft good library and gymnasium. note by Maurice R. Shochatt of School Opened Baltimore, reporting that he over• Word got around t h a t this heard this on the street the other Well-equipped downtown hobby &UL A. Ferine day: "I hope the Lord does to center, and people began asking the Nazis in the English ChanMiss May Deegan, head of the nel what he did to the Egyptians school, whether t h e y couldn't FRIENDS: "I am not against in the Red Sea." . . . come in and use its facilities for their hobbies. As a result, a few Jews as Jews," Coughlin said In weeks ago, the school was opened commenting on Willkie's repudiMISH-MASH: Novelist L o u i s .up to the general public in the ation of his support. "Many are Golding writes Exec. Ed. I»u my friends." , . . Name one Jew'evenings, the o n l y requirement Rittenberg of the Universal Jewfor admission being some little ish friend, Mr. Coughlin. . . . ish Encyclopedia from London as experience in the typo of activity follows: "Ordeal?.. We're going PAN-AMERICAN: Sign of the great guns and flying all banfor which the applicant enrolled. '' -Meanwhile, the National Serv- times: The annual report of the ners." . . . Carl Alpert, formerly ice heard about the program and American Jewish Joint Distribu- of Boston Jewish Advocate, is the got in touch -with the WPA to ask tion Committee is being trans- new managing editor of the New •whether some refugees could use lated into Spanish for the first Palestine. . . . That distinguished time in the history of the JDC. "looking gentleman eating borscbTt the school's facilities. "They thought it would be a . , , Only other languages report at Second • Avenue's Cafe Royal lot easier to get acquainted with is published in are English and the other p. in. was none other 'Americans and learn English by Yiddish. * . . than Ambassador Bill Bullitt, . . . working and pjaying with them Dr. Solomon K a h a n , formerly in activities in which they had a INTERMARRIAGE: The head prominent music critic in Mexico common interest, than s i t t i n g of a not-too-distant government 'ity, is going to Los Angeles to around at parties where every- which has been most friendly to direct the Workmen's C i r c l e body was stiff and formal and refugees takea pride in telling school there. . . . Dr. Kahan has self-conscious, or arranging pro- friends that his two sons have just completed the only Spanish grams in which only the refugees married Jewish'girls. . . . translation of the 10-volume Hisparticipated," said Miss Degan. tory of the Jews by Graetz. . . . : So the WPA and NRS made an DRAMA: This story concerns a He's working on two volumes arrangement under w h lc h the well-known woman and bringing the history up to date. NRS sends to the Hobby Center rather* , Translation Is being pubher equally well-known son, . . . . refugees interested in; the activi- The son .hr%.been. lished by Mexico City Jewish pain a concenties f of, which ith as facilities, tration camp for a. reason that per, Der Weg. . , . "The American and the center accepts them, up not be delineated here. .'.. . Way," Broadway hit of a year to ten percent of its total enroll- need The m o t h e r spent anguished ago, will bo shown in about 100 ment. hours, day and night, trying to communities starting October 1. Hobby Fans ; effect Ills release." * . . T)no day . . It will be part of local Amer' With very little advance bally- she received word that her son, icanism campaigns. . . . Players hoo, by the second night of its if released, would enter n par; will be taken-from local citizens. existence, the center had already ticularly dangerous branch of the Dr. Abram L. Sachar, national dienrolled 200 hobby fans, w i t h Posing this rector of B'nai B'rith H i l l e l service. more coming in steadily, Some militarydilemma for the mother: Foundations, has just * bad a rewore downtown a f f.1 c e workers tragic concentration camp, her son ised edition of bis "A History of ,who: stopped in to develop films In was nt least safe from harm. . . . the Jews" published, bringing it or. wood or take a fling at In the war, lie would .probably up to date through the fall of ballet dancing for an hour or two S h e France, . . . be killed or maimed. •before going home. Others came in from all parts of the city and even from out of town to engage in their hobbies in a place where they had the use of tools and other facilities without cost. . FOR • The refugees among them amazed and delighted. Miss Marguerite Ickis, dean .of the school, because . of the talents they revealed. Several joined the dramatic group, Miss Ickis recounted, and showed Btartling^ ability, for amateurs. VThen we found why," she said. "We asked what previous experience they had. One man told us . he had been a theatrical producer who had put on at least a dozen . successful shows In Vienna and Germany. Another was an actor •of long experience, who had played prominent roles., "They both expect to get back into the professional theatre hore. The principal reason they joined our group was to polish up their English by working w i t h Americans."

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a four-montli visit to the Soyua Colony,' reported "that ftogrir of them has Buffered from, any disease or discomfort, &l\ of. them gained la weight and none of us has any doubt that •with the proper arraugemeat of their working hours periods of rest they are fully able to work aad produce enough lor their subsistence." ' He eaid that the first settlers have already established a herd of about: 300 head of cattle producing milk, butter, cheese and meat for the colony, and planted a substantial acreage of f o o d crops. The settlers have also started banana a n d cocoanut plantations. Dormitories Built "We have also put up very comfortable and substantial dormitories for the accommodation of 150 to 200 children and trainees whom we expect to bring in to Sosua from England, mainly from refugee families, who have lived in Great Britain for some time," Dr. Rosen said. • "The government has now issued o v e r 2,000 immigration visas at our request," he added, "and this number can be multiplied many times depending on our ability to take care of the people. There ia room enough in the Dominican Republic for 100,000 refugee immigrants, and more, and the country needs them and wants them." ^'0 u r greatest drawback at present," he stated, "is the difficulty la arranging transporta-

tion and transit visas through various countries for our prospective settlers a n d other immigrants including children a n d trainees. We have groups of settlers impatiently waiting f o r traaspcrtation and transit visas ia Germany, Italy. Switzerland, England and France. Work Heart-Breaking "Under present conditions in Europe the multiplicity and diversity of these difficulties is really disheartening. Time a n d again arrangements brought almost to completion with superhuman efforts, have broken down at the very last minute." Dr, Rosen attributed the early success of the refugee colony to the wholehearted interest and cooperation of b o t h the United States and the Dominican Republic. "We were particularly fortunate," he said, '.Jin having made available to us, without any cost to us whatsoever, constant consultation of Mr. A. Lee, director of the United States Government Experimental station in P o r t o Rico, who visited Sosua personally and has enabled us to secure considerable quantities of seed and plants from the Porto Rico station." Patronize Your Advertisers For Rent—0 rooms, all mod* era, downstairs. 1817 N. 19th.

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Strictly Confidential

TO CHICAGO Mrs. Etta Yudtlsoa and sons, Coleman, Fioyd and Robert, left last week for a vacation in Chicago, III.

{Coatisued frora page 11.) sketch at tiie movie (-totals ^e" ioitgs to Vifluwihl'd Pittarfcs' jpres- By LUCILLE ABRA.HAMSON Kieta, ii&rry Vv>hn, wiK>»e vita! LISAV1CS FOia SCiiOGL MORRIS AIZEHBERG, Corre&poixdettf; statistics &re givea in t*yit fuur B'HAI WEiTH. Miss ftLorma Seldiu is leaving' liue-a . . . Bel G&odicrftis, Twentieth There will be a meeting of the tomorrow for Nebraska univerCeritwy-Fox's ttiKEAger for the B'uai B'ritii next Monday, Sep- sity, where the will be enrolled Eastern territory, i=e|KHfe tltst tember 8, st the Eagles hall. Sioux Cityan Hears fer All members are urged to at- as a freshman. while movies are very {jofml&r in tend.. (.•Idas, they are l*y sio ttieftjks anyof Sister*§ Deaththing new to those clever VhU TO IOWA CITY Miss Libbie Grossman is leavMrs. Minnie Goldstein of Win- nesr, who as lung as seven thoais- ANNOUNCE BAB MITZVAH ing September 9 for Iowa City, fcitd years »go produced plays foeMr. and Mrs. Hyinan Fried annipeg, ' Canada., sister of Mr. A. ttluct let nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their where tshe will resume her studies At the first regular meeting of D, Tobias of Sioux City, died hind translucent screens l the KIMSCI I the itudiejice set* only twin sons, William Gerald and as a sophomore. the Center Players, great prom- Sunday morning in her 56th year. ows Hiss Grossman is a member of of the actors . . . Mot only Mrs. Goldstein was a very promiOrville David, on Saturday mornise was shown for a much larger the 'Warner Brothers groom- ing, September 14, at the Chevra the Sigma Delta Tau sorority. membership than the past two nent lodge member. She was a »re John Garfield io be P&tsl B'uai Y i s r o e l synagogue, 618 years. Much of this can be at- member of a pioneer Manitoba iug Muid'fr successor in their picture Mynster, at 9:30. TO ATTEND WEDDING Jewish family. tributed to the success of the last but Muui himself 1$ said Miss Rose Mendelson of ChiMrs. Goldstein ,who was born schedule, They will receive in their sons' season. Twenty per cent of those to view their choice with sucE) honor on Suadsy, September 15, cago and Mr. He&ry Mendelson In Winnipeg, was twice elected great preseat were new members. favor th&t lie has It&ivded Membership is still open, and president of the Ladies Auxiliary over to John RII the hirsute at their home, 1302 Seventh ave- of New York are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. MendelWill be open until the casting of to the General Monash Branch adornments lie Isad been keeping nue. son. While here they will attend of Canadian Legion, B. E. S. L. All friends and relatives are the first Play, "Having a Wonderas souvenirs of Ms portrayals of the wedding of their sister, Bevful Time," by Mr. Arthur Kober. She was very active In philan- bearded celebrities . . . Jj&test cordially invited to attend. Wo invitations have been is- erly, to Mr. Gilbert Frieden thia Mr- Greene will begin casting for thropic work and was long a Rollywoodite reported to be plan* coming Sunday. this play at the close of the busi- member of Sharey Zedek Syna- ning a Broadway appearance to sued. Another guest of the Mendelness meeting Monday, September gogue. Mrs. * Goldstein passed the coining season is spine-chiller sons is Mrs. William Greensteia 8. All business meetings will be away on her 31st wedding anni- Peter- LoiTe . . . Congratulations ANNOUNCE I£IItTH held on each Monday and will be- versary. to Benjamin i*. Schulberg, who Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cutler an- of Collhieville, 111. Mr. Greengin promptly .at 8. Taps were sounded and the has staged a big comeback in the nounce the birth of a son, Stew- stein and son, Harvey, are arrivDue to the illness of the presi- Jewish Congress passed a resolu- movies with Ids production ctt' art Wayne, on August 21 at the ing tomorrow to attend the wedding. dent, George Shindler, no com- tion in her honor. Mr. Tobias "He Stayed for Breakfast" for Lutheran hospital. mittees were appointed; however, attended the funeral of his sister. Columbia . . . Curt Hols, German Mrs. C u 11 er is the former Jewisli refugee actor, is clicking Marion Perlmutter. at the next meeting these comNew York (JTA)—The R big in the same picture . . . mittees will be chosen and the ory of Miss Alice L. Seligsberg, ABOUT PISOPJJE season of 1940-41 will be offiJewish social w e l f a r e worfcfjy CALLS FROM NEW YORK cially opened. Lincoln Kirstein,. long a patron Miss Marion Katelman, a visi- Zionist health pioneer, and fQ|> The program, as outlined, inof the art of dancing, has become tor at the New York World's fair mer national president of Hadascludes not only acting but also the head of the American Ballet over-Labor day, happened to be sah, who died here at the age of School, whose teachers include one of the lucky winners of a free 67, will be honored through a all phases of the theater, such as some of this country's foremost telephone call, and called her grant of f 10,000 to be utilized lighting, stage management, directing, writing, play reading and Women's gym classes will be dancers . . . Best wishes for a mother, Mrs. J. Katelman. for a special ,war emergency child make-up. held on Thursday, September 19, speedy recovery to Kansas City's welfare project to be carried on, in her name, it was announced Many social activities complete from 10:30 to 11:30 at the Jew- Harry Friedberg, one of the Mid- RETURN HOME ish Community Center. A charge west's most ardent Zionists . . . the season's program. after a special meeting of the naMrs. Ben Seldin and son, TedCongratulations to Rabbi Abraof $2.50 will be asked for ten tional boards of Senior and Junlessons. This class will be under ham Shaw, new spiritual leader dy, returned home Sunday from ior Hadassah. the supervision of Mrs. Froid, of Baltimore's Eutaw Place Tem- a five weeks' stay in Chicago, 111. While there, she was extensivewho has had a great deal of ex- ple, on his engagement . . . BaltiMICSON 11. FKOPM, Attorney perience in this line and who is more's new rebbetl^ln-to-be hails ly entertained by friends and rel1004 Omaha Nat'I hank Bid*. an expert in gymnastics. She from San Antonio, Texas . . Rabbi atives. PROBATE WOTICE studied under Edi Polz, formerly Shaw succeeds Dr. William Rosenay, who, having reached the ven- MRS, ROSS ENTERTAINED associated with Yale university. In the matter of the estate ot M*rtla erable age of seventy-five, is now Pearson, deceased The third annual card party, Mrs. Rae E. Ross was enter- BenNotice All who are interested in this retiring . . . Victor Weisberger, Is Hereby Given: That the credisponsored by the National Coun- gym class, please contact Mrs. a native of Austria and for years tained by 25 ladies at a no-host tors ot the satd deceased will meet th« of said estate, before me. Council of Jewish Women, will be held Sam Cohen or Miss Dorothy Mer- a resident of Baltimore made., a dinner at the Chieftain hotel, executrix ty Judge of Douglas County, Nebraakm, Tuesday evening, September 10, lin. special study of the ancient arts Tuesday, September 3. The color at the County Court Room, In «a<d'Counat 8 o'clock. Mrs. Morey Weil, ty, on the 21st day of October 1940 « M Although there m a y be a of the American Indians, arts scheme was carried out in blue on the 2Iat day of December 1940, «!, 9 chairman of the ticket selling, change in the day t h a t these which the redskins of our modern and white. o'clock A. M., each day, for Uw purpflM has chosen the following commit- classes will meet, the first class age have completely forgotten . . of their claims for examinaMrs. R O B S , who, with h e r tion,presenting adjustment and allowance. Thre* tee to sell tickets to- the com- will definitely be held on Thurs- So successful was he in his work daughter, Sylvia, is leaving for months are. allowed, for the creditor* to Jtnunity: the Mesdames Leon Do- day, September 19. that now he Is engaged in teach- the east for an indefinite stay, present their claims, from the 21st day • . • broBky, Louis Chesen, Max Mushing the Indians their own lost was presented with beautiful lug- of September 1&40. BRYCB cnAWFORD kin, A. H. Baron, Max Boaenarts at an Indian reservation In gage as a going away gift. 8-S0-4O-3t County Judge. Jr. Hadassah Tea stock, A. M. Grueskin, N. Goldis, New Mexico . . . What's sauce for Mrs. M. Steiman, a . visitor M. Rice, Meyer Sbubb, Milton WEBB, BEISES, KLUTZNICS the gander is okay for the goose from Wihnepeg, Canada, w a s & KSSI.LEV, AHys., The Junior /Hadassah tea which too,.in the opinion of Mrs. (Sedrgs Mushkin, Earl Kline, Fred Sherhonored at the dinner, and 103 Service Ufa BlSff., man, Sol Seff, Dave Albert, C. E. was to have been held Sunday, S. Kaufman ... .T/hat we mean also . Omaha, ..ttttutu&ui •• . • was presented with a purse. Stein and A. Epstein. Anyone September 8, at the D. L. Rodin is, she's emulating her playwright . - NOTICE OB" i S S S O L t O wishing to make up a table, home, has been postponed until husband to', the extent of having FROM BOSTON Notice is hereby: given that the partner\ • a play produced by Herman please contact Mrs. Meyer Shubb Sunday, September 15. ship heretofore existing . between, DAVID and Mre. Frank Gurfine BOREF and DAVID POTASft tinder tha Shumlin on Broadway In the com- andMr. or Mrs. Milton Mushkin.': ;_ . family of Boston are visiting firm name of ."We^t Q Coal Company/' ing season . -. . Did" you know at the, also known as "West Q Coal &n<! FcetSOrthodox Synagogues\ home, of Mrs. J. Katelman Company,"' and Proceeds of this affair will go that Feodor Chaliapin, the fam- and family. dplog-bUBtoesB at Oinaha, ' ; ; for the aide of, refugee children Nebraska, has been this day dissolved by ous. Russian Basso, once offered, Services will begin this-evening mutual consent David Boref baa retired add for the summer camp fund. .stake Harry, Richman to trainfrom said firm and "business. The said a t ' t h e Orthodox Synagogues at to RETURN FROM HOSPITAL' David Potash w p continue business at the ing for .an operatic career? , , . C:45 and Saturday morning at 9. Harry's, refusal of the offer was under the earns name. - • Mrs. L. S. Braunstein and Mrs. name placeat and Picnic Held Omaha, Nebraska, thla Btb Rabbi S. I. Bolotnlkoy will speak the -Metropolitan Opera-, Com- M. - Marcus returned to t h e i r dayDated of August, 1910., the Beth Abraham; Synagogue pany's loss, but; Broad way's, gain home, 601 Willow avenue, after The Hebrew School picnic was at DAVID SOKEff Saturday morning. . . .*Have.we told you that Broad- being in the hospital for the past DAVID POTASH held at Kiverview park on Sunway will have a new play by Sha- three weeks. . 0-10-40-4t .,.. , .: . day, August 29. Prizes were given lom Asch this season? ; . . And Lecture for contests and games, and rethat the screen's James Cagney, freshments were served. The third of a series of lec- a slmbn-puro Aryan, recently entures on "Zionism'.' by Rabbi Al- tertained some friends' by singAlien Registration bert S. Goldstein will be held ing "My Alice Blue Gown" in Tuesday evening, September 10, Yiddish? . . . The Jewish Community Center at 8 at the home of Rabbi Goldnow has petition forms for.alien stein. (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts TO HEALTH /UJO fiAPPHiESS registration and will be happy to Feature Syndicate) assist in registering all aliens each Tuesday afternoon from 2 to Friedman and Mr. Rosenberg are 6. All people registering are urg- graduates of the University of Workers' Alliance < ed to bring with them copies of Iowa. Will Raise Funds their first papers or any other papers that might, be of value in HONOR MRS. MATZ For New Colony assisting in filling out this form. Honoring Mrs. Sidney Matz, the 'Discovered mora than 100 year* ago, atsi tokon former Goldie Devine, the Misses New York JTA)—The sum of over by tho Unltod States PARC nGovornmonl m to prevent Ruth Baker and Jan Lebowlch $100,000 is to be raised by the osploitption, this oreat ipa hat been dsvifopod were joint hostesses at a miscel- Jewish National .Workers' Alliinto 6 fnodorn hoolth rotart, with tupcrloij living laneous shower Friday:evening at ance for the purchase of land in accommodations. All sports and recreations Scrlbben's Tea Shop. Bridge, Palestine on which will be estabreadily 'available. Moko your (fay ons of nddsd bunco and Mah Jong were the lished a colony in its name, Genenioymbnt. Stop ct this popular hotel; located ot t!io VISITING PARENTS diversion of the evening. eral Secretary Louis Segal an1 haad of Bath House Row, in its own ptivato path, Mrs. Wm. S. Kahn of Chicago, nounced. An agreement to this it oHors quidrelaxation,convenient to eve ry f 3!vSy. the former Mildred R. Baron, is VISIT IN DES MOINES effect was entered into with.the 500 tonmt, fromtS SIRQIS. Lodge on loJta Hami'Joa visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Cohen, 1123 Jewish National Fund. •" • Mrs. Edward Baron, 1910 Pierce. Twenty-fourth street, visited in Writo For Pictorial Boo&ldts In a cabled message fronf-Jeruthe I. Pomeranz home in Des salem, Menachem M. Ussishkin, GUESTS • • • •' Moines, Iowa, over the week-end. world president of the J. N. F., Visiting with Miss Betty Oshailed the action of the alliance nowitz tire the Misses Lila Sober- ANNOUNCE BIRTH \ as " a source of encouragement off of Chicago and Pearl Llpsey Mr. and Mrs. tawrence Mosow to the Jewish community in Palof Omaha. announce the birth of a son. estine, in the present critical moSteven Ronny, on Wednesday, ment." The agreement ratifies a FROM CHICAGO August 21. resolution to this 'effect adopted Miss Adeline Katz of Chicago Is by the 15th convention of the alvisiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy IN CANADA liance, held in Detroit in Juno. Schindler, 1602 Court. Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Kurtz and Mr. A. D. Tobias, 3436 Nebraska, BBTURNS TO CALIFORNIA spent the week-end in Winnipeg, Schlndler and his bride will reside in Sioux City. Miss Doris Shemano of* San Canada. Francisco left for her home after FROM OMAHA visiting with Mr., and Mrs. H. M. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT • Singer. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bervin of •Misa Frances Berg of, Omaha, Aberdeen, S. D., announce the en- Neb., visited* with Miss Rosalie ,DES B1OINES >••••• gagement of their daughter, Eve, Kaplan last week* Betty Osnowitz left Wed- to Mr. Wilbert Schindler, feon of for Des "Moines, Iowa, Mr. Max Schindler, 914 Iowa ENTERTAINS A$ BRIDGE where she will be a bridesmaid to street. The wedding date has been ' Miss Ruth Singer,/ J001 NineMiss Delorls JPrledman, who wJU Bet for September 22 at Aberdeen. teenth, entertained three tables be married to Mr. Herbert Rosen- The couple are both high school at bunco and bridge in honor of "&erg of Mokoqueta, Iowa, on graduates. ".";/".• •;•••/~'.-':•••::'. tJhei Missea toprothy and Lena ZoSunday, August 8. Both Miss Attey a wedding t r I p^ Mi. lutuchen of Omana,



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