October 3, 1940: Rosh Hashanah Edition

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PBESS-^Kosli'HasfciraaH' 5 7 0 1 — T h n r s d a j v O e t o b e r ^ ^ New Year's Edition

cepted. in Russia, where the reacchanged J e w J s ft.: tionary groups were grateful 1c ts referring to till for gratification. The Hebrew lanthe Pclss £or supplying them wkh herolrr* ci f ir.lx soldiers in the; till M irilklis'6*' si 16 U*L» guage had just won its initial batiisfciii such excellent propaganda mater;# llied araies. tle against the German tongue in ial. These outrages were-resented Allied Ee letters by military:. the dispute centering over the b the liberal libers! eleele-i Eves routi to the p a r e n t s ' of: and condemnedd by medium of instruction at the HaiJewish soldiers Informing them of fa Technical School. Thus, the Conference o Pro- the valor of tliclr KOEB, •vrere supHope was felt that a charter gressive Deputies of the D pressed. Ncv.*s coB.csrr.iiiE the '&®tfor mass colonization could be obheld st Petrograd in I S M J tiritles -of ,Te-r!f.;!i VTSJ- relief bodiestained from Turkey. Palestine was 1915, adopted, a resolution in or docations to relief activities by not considered at that t i m e a3 which they declared thst t: would r o t extend any help to the I Jews was OEditeS, Jrora. ne^vepifi-; even a partial solution of importilecl&rsticjj a£ tins ance for the problem of the conPolish deputies in the furtherance err., and any " "~'~ fiisapnroTed of" aa~ military temporary refugees, the Russian' of any o£ their national aims in miuwirj.-- v, iuou. «.i.s«.v.f,.,;,._—, .. Jews. It was a free.almost passthe Duma because of this policy. ti-Jevrish policies or cleared $mv portless- world. Spy Accusations • of alleged misdeeds were kept -ppt Emigration was open to both and New Zealand num Australia and f&i&PVSGBfB. ; NOTB:: ''air.'• italicsA variation of these accusations ot the press. On the other .haim^ Americas and in South Africa. It 0000 bered nearly 20.000. •was was an optimistic world. The nine.'iim : written-'an fUnndnating, '.com?. Number. and' Distribution and the spy invention rumors. o£ spy stories all kinds c£ falsa ruitsors, r.iicli %s •*^A charges ETIIT were rumors. oftenSuch reprinted baseless is. spurious reports ol vrholes&le %> teenth century, t h e century of ;;|)?etisisslve ':'Harvey' ;:of.' tlt©'';.jrolo '.v ' •/of Jews;-- .in 1914 the- reactionary newspapers and sertioiss of Jewish soldiers RB& fill The Political Background emancipation had j u s t ended. .•playied".i''-..by-i.;the:iJews|rin -ilia, first frequently isagEifieci by the mili- cases of Epying, were pEblisaed' Jews in the world today numJews were convneed that the : A Jewish Question pres- Most A question in the th p f s f l j <' War,;- whlbh ;'• is '• «f; iisrflc-s-ber more than sixteen million. tary authorities as part o£ the pol- even if they carried tic names" Ssr twentieth century, the century of! dates,been and even s.Ste-r ench reports . !|« : ; interest.: at, .this:.' time ~ in, view The three sreat centers of Jewish ent sense of the word did not ex- technological improvement, would iey of fastening upon the Jews had tary auti repudiated by .the lalll: ist then, nor was the problem of population are the United States, all the blame for defeats at the extend J e w i s h emancipation to. ' Of; tttsir.; tragically vulnerable; -poapproximately 4,845,000 international anti-Semitism a fac- Eastern Europe and the N e a r ] hands 61 the German armies. The •'•" ©Itlon'- i a • 'the -'ctugrent conflict.': Thewhere or live, Poland with over 3,000,000 tor of importance in 1914. The &uui shot ui<^u fired at Russian military command issued 'evs. Jtuast.'-rue ^ . Sarajevo ~ . It is true that the six million East. goofi r.a.tr : a^d0'/vra&^ published- originally Jews, and the Soviet Union, where the orders for special searches of Jewi were confined onfined to disturbed t h i s scene, relatively of Russia ." i a 'tlisj.Contemporary Jewish' Kec- the number of Jews is well above Jews ider . J e w i ish homes. a Pale of Settlement, were bur- prosperous 'and peaceful w h rtf e n were se' 2,500,000. Rumania has 900,000 ;-.ord»•' bi»m<mtttly:issued-: by .-. the Jews; France, 3-00,000; and Great dened by a great number of po-compared to the vicissitudes Prominent J e w s in occupied nf.lv PlXPl Desptie the fact thai Pslestlae.ss ia &e tliefitre of v?kr,- its program cf ironG&lici&n. localities were t a t en as j Z on*" •' Iiaetlrau: 'Jewish'- -Committee,:, of Britain, 300,(^00. Canada has litical and economic restrictions, the post-War world. .icra grstion, coleaiistioa aasi rebitildiBg has been ccEtinaed without' isstcrrapJit hostages; in case ol sabotage or 1 * •tflilcli--is©'is<:nailisa,giag-editor, .It about 160,000 Jewish residents and faced a policy" of anti-Semitic II. throEgli tls-s sld-of the United Palestine Appeal, which^is a partidpaas activities on the part In South America there are ap collaboration on the part Of "the together wish the Joint BisirtbsJiots Comuijacs end Nstiosal Refuges treacherous .'. te!'reproduced'.by*''spec£al Jews in the Army cf any one of the local inhabi- ies Church, State and tea reactionproximately 330,000. In Africa " "" ' * * * * * * *— »»*«»«.•« i,nA • OvcrsEss Needs. Tbi* An examination of available .. xheiit' with'-the. Jewish" ~" tants, the hostages were immedithe Jewish population has grown ary elements which often resultand estimate shows that ately executed. Orders were issued . agisacy.:.:'". •'••..- ,''•,-.' to about 600,000, while in Asia ed in waves of pogroms and \ was statistics estimated total of men under that the conduct of Jewish soldthere are now more than 800,00t). the cause for their mass emigra- the ti-£.ciP iers be closely watched. This pol."'3?iio.- outbreak "ot the -war in In 1914,. out of the approxi- tion. On the other hand, the voice arms on both sides was 65,000,Burops added, a host of new prob- mately fourteen- million Jews, of liberal Russia was heard more 000; the number of Jews was 1,- planned for the pest sis months la provide tcmes for J e m * re.ugee» B O T I ^ icy opened a new avenue of army corruption, namely, blackmail. lems to those left unsolved by more than sis million resided in frequently than ever before dur- 500,000 or 2% of the total. The i soaes ©I'distress ia EETOPO. ' • The .demoralization resulting, test World "War. In many respects the Russian Empire, which at ing the two decades which pre- proportion of Jews a m o n g the from these abuses ia the Russian j brought 2t was the failure to* solve these that time encompassed the pres- ceded the War. The revolution of general population of these counand problems which brought / about ent territories of the " Soviet 1905 proved the instability of the tries was estimated at approxi- The Russian /War Zone the Russian hinterland, the Na-army became so flagrant that the j from of the present conflict. The heavy Union,. Latvia, Esthonia, Finland, Tsarist regime. Jewish emancipa- mately 1%. Among the 42,000,tional Democrats aimed at the re- higher authorities were forced to ' " " ' - « ^ toll o£* modern warfare, the vast Lithuania^ Congress Poland, the tion was In the offing and Rus-000 men in the allied forces, 1,- We shall now briefly review the construction cf a, united Poland order a careful investigation of sacrifices demanded of all people, region of "Western White Riissia, sia's Jews were confident of ob-055,600 or 2.5% were Jews; of treatment of the Jewish popula- as an autonomous part of Russia. Ell accusations and the puixiEh- lefeat. ) the disasters' from, which- society at. present under Polish rule taining equal rights. the.23,000,000 men in the armies tion residing in the Russian Em- The more liberal .elements in theraest of all false witnesses. "By. euifera are 'so great that .only (more, recently occupied by the The same hopes were expressed of the Central Powers, 450,000 or pire, particularly in the war zone. Russian section of Poland as "we!' distracting the attention c£ officThe Russian policy towards It was as in .Galieia were depending on ials from their necessary duties," ©vents of first magnitude make Red Aimy), and the province of by the Jews of Rumania who also 2% of the total were Jews. a dual one. On the one hand,'seek- : suffered from numerous disabili•-,: a lasting impression on the mind BessaTabia. victory of the Central Powers the order read, "t h e s e reports \ io' " The casualty figures for both ing1 the sympathy of neutrals afed the ©£ the public." The^'smaller; trageties. In Germany and AustriaThey accordingly, org&nised'' a Po^ poiuote disorder and excitement LI i Over 2,500,000 resided in the dies,, however poignant, are no-dual monarchy of Austria-Hun- Hungary, anti-Semitism existed sides demonstrate that an • over- a possible American loan, the gov- Hsh legion under the leaders]!;] amoag the local population." ticed by only a few, and are soon gary, which ithen included Czecho; as-a form of political propaganda whelming majority of the Jewish ernment pretended that it had the of Joseph. Pilsudskl, .which was to The Arrows Bole a of o, » forgotten,.: .The"' effects • -ot .••'.-•the Slovakia; ^Transylvania, Bukovina rather than as a movement. The soldiers saw actual combat, and best intentions of regulating the aid the Austrians ia the liberation The Russian army authorities stila' \ •World War on-the Jews.suffered- and? other regions; and Bosnia- bureaucracy and army in tthese their sacrifices equalled t h e i r Jewish question when the war was of .Poland from the yoke.of Tsar- went further in their campaign TTie -.-.this-fate o£ obscurity. countries certainly were not free comrades-in-arms. As in the Poo v e r . . • • • • . • Herzegovina and Croatia, which Ism. The' Polish war policy con- against the Jewish population. Oshowever • :Yet, -what happened to the are now parts of ' Yugoslavia. from the infection. Yet, its man- llsh army today, the Jewish popOn the other hand, the persecu- sisted of watchful waiting and a tensibly because o£ its similarity i the Jewis /-.Je/ws In that struggle has theAbout 600,000 — approximately ifestations were regarded as un-ulation, barred from the civil ser- tion of Jews was carried over as pretense of patriotism t o w a r d to German, the use of Yiddish in. 1 r l " i t 1 P. Uissiaii E markings of profound • tragedy. the same number as in 19 33— pleasant, hut, unavoidable v e s- vices and from tthe army offices, a v.ery useful, instrument of war both sides. Denunciation of the eerrespciicience, correspondence, oovv e e r the tele3 could hi Fighting in all the armies \ for. resided' in Germany, Rumania tiges of the "unenlightened" past. naturally supplied more front line propaganda among a people which Jews — ' to. the Russians and to phone and in public places wasSue. soldiers, particularly in Russia, •their native lands, Jews, in many counted some 300,000 Jews. The No Anti-Semitism.In West beea. trained by the govern- the Germans and Austrians '•— as prohibited. No Euch escrase coulfi ed r crtlEPS, in the occu1 reesses, -were simultaneously forced number of Jews in France was a France, where anti-Semitism Rumania, and Germany. In Rus-had ment, clergy and the reactionary spies and traitors was pointed to be given for forbidding the printto defend themselves:. against the little over 100,000; Great Britain had ceased to be of political im- sia, "Black- Coat" regiments of _ np-wsTjauers , and boots in glons o£ Galieia. as proof of Polish patriotism aud iing„ _f and hostility of/the governments for numbered then about 245,000. portance following the ending of Jewish soldiers, so called because press to b l a m e everything dis- loyalty. the Hebrew language. The prohib. . .' But the systematic expulsion ol!, which they "fought. Victimised by The rest of Europe's Jews was the Dreyfus affair was a splendid of the color .of - their. uniforms, agreeable on the Jews. The War • In Pilsudski ition of correspondence in Yid-Jews from all the Polish provmany—but also befriended by distributed among the Balkans, example of the rest of Western were sent to particularly danger- began with an appeal issued by The war • promises affected hundreds o thous- inces, commenced in. March, 1§1B, the Tsar to "My dear Jews!" in Tsarist dish many—the Jews bore a terribly Scandinavian countries, the Neth- Europe. In England, Italy, Hol- ous position. Russia to establish anof autonom__ds of Jewish, soldiers on the as veil as from the regions of erlands, Belgium and Italy. which a definite promise of future disproportionate" share of the sufland, Belgium and the Scandinavous Poland including the Galician front who were thus to Kovno (Kaunas) Of the estimated total of 3,-equality was made. even and those Ivurlawl regions ferings imposed" on humiinlty by ian countries, no responsible perThe entire Jewish population 500,000 men killed in a l l the The wave of • patriotic esiotion regions within the Russian Russian EmEra- communicate 'with their families. -not occupied "br the G e r m a n fcHe War. .-• 1 son, could over conceive of the use of Asia amounted in 1914 .to pire caused grave apprehension apprehe The Russian military censorship armies, the number of Jews is Today the theatre of conflict troops, wcan. TO-eiuwim, ~ ~e explained only toy »_J.. 1 _»J in *„ practices rrodtifoq wracn -which, were 356,000 of whom about of anti-Semitism as either an p l a c e d at 170,825 — 116,825 which swept across the country among Galician Jews. Many of- indulged Js once mote in regions thickly about could not fall to affect the Jewintended to brand the ,T e w s as the need o£ the military to prepare 100,000 resided in Palestine. Less economic or political weapon. these, especially the .sssiiiiijationJews in the Allied armies, and "populated by,Jews; the destruc- than J community. The fact that RusThe prohibition of shechitah in 54,000 in three' million Jews resided ana the Zionists, favored the hostile and cowardly. It system- a scapegoat to carry the "blame for in the forces of the CenC ish tlveness of'..war has reached un- in the 54,000Powers. was viewed more in tral sia was fighting on the side of the ists United States. Canada Switzerland The proportion o? * ,£ t i l e y 1€ coming defeat. Rupid invasion legitimate Polish national aspiraprecedented heights! and in some counted the nature of misconceived hu- Jewish dead was therefore about democracies was regarded rded by alltions but could by all only less than 80,000* maneness countries•.;. Jew-hatred has beenSouth and see an autonomous toward animals rather the .oppressed. andj-under-privilegt Central America con- than as a jestrlction-up-on-the re-. *3B,rroughlyAt hl app£oxlmating pproximating •their their ed and~by re'iormers as a 'harbing- Poland only under liberal Austria. etevated • to the. status x>f a. nationai: jpolioy^ Thficiate-jof the-Jena tained ....leas. than._•• 80,000 __ Jews; Uglous Jew. Difficulties of natur- percentage in the armies." " ' .. Many Jews volunteered in the 3?fler of better treatment. The feelfa the last war is. therefore, a Africa's Jewish * population was alization of East European Jews ing of a national unity in the face sudski Legion', and continued to German Army estimated to be about- 415,000. in some -western countries -were subject of timely importance. ot a common danger, was consld-


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no greater than those faced, by Chxiatlans from tho eivmo localities and constituted a minor problem. Persecution of Jews In Mohammedan countries like Morocco,

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meat at tHis 3"kwi«K pojitl -^ the conquered areas by memoers of the Legion. The. accusations made against Jews ranged from the medieval f a b l e of well-poisoning to the to an entirely dltlerent back- of .the o£t-repeated attempts to reasons, added to the natural love that they were" hiding- enground from that in Europe. Be- discredit the loyalty and patrio- of the Russian Jews for their na- charge sides, the situation in Morocco tism of the German Jew, some tive country -— and this in spite emy soldiers, firing on troops, and and Persia was then steadily im- facts regarding the war service of of their maltreatment — brought signalling to the invading armies. proving. about a tremendous surge ot pa- There were hundreds of s u c h amongtthem. cases, many of which brought dire I Religiously and ideologically, German Jews will be cited; these triotism ii h m are typical of the conduct of JewThis was evidenced in the num- consequences to individuals and [Jews .were'not as .diversified as ish soldiers in all the other armber of voluntary enlistments, in even entire communities. they are today. Reform Judaism ies. the bravery with which the Jew- Whenever the military authoritwas professed by relatively small were 100,000 Jews in ish soldiers fought, in the large ies-went through the perfunctory numbers in Western countries. In theThere e r m a n army, comprising numbers, and sizes of donations f ormaliiy of Investigation, .the abthe United States, it was still con- 1.1%G of Germany's entire armed by Jewish communities and indi- surdity of these accusations was fined almost exclusively to Ger forces (the ratio of Jews to the viduals to funds for the relief of immediately demonstrated. In man Jews and their descendants. total population was less t h a n suffering and lor war .needs. The some cases Polish clergymen and The overwhelming majority was 1%). At least 78% brief period of hopefulness was of these servlay individuals felt compelled to then O r t h o d o x and Yiddish ed at the front; 29,785 were dee- over when Russia's forces began protest against these libels and speaking. including 900 w-ho re- to face defeat. ' testified on behalf of the accused Russian Jewry was still a unit. orated; the Iron Cross, first class; Jews. There w e r e a number of Secularism was just beginning to ceived " The Reward :. four who were awarded the particularly notorious incidents of make its influence felt there, but and The Tsar and his-army reward- this type. rare Prussian Gold Medal. it was limited to Yiddish-speak- About 23,000 were promoted Xo ed this patriotism by inaugurating. At Sochaczew seven Jews were ing intellectuals and a small sec- non-commissioned ranks. Over 2,- a series of forced deportations and esecuted. At Zamose, f i v e Jews, tor of the working class..Many of 000, not including the medical pogroms. In their - persecution of were hanged by the Russian miliits adherents, however, had stead- corps, were commissioned. Before the Jewish civilian population, the taty- authorities and seven others ily emigrated overseas. the War, no, Jew could be a com- Russian- "Black -Hundreds" were were saved after intervention by Zionism missioned officer. There were 200 ably; assisted- by . sections of. the a Russian priest. While the army people.- The ..Poles-' w , e r e commanders were more careful in Zionism was a growing move- Jewish fliers in the German air Polish a •.. dual -role because -of their examination of such inciment which competed with .the corps, 30 of whom w e r e shot playing._their desire,.-to:• regain, their' inde-' dents, the anti-Semitic propagandown. Nor does space stiff ice for non-political orthodoxy. The efp e n d e n c e . ' •, •,-••••. • • - - ' dists utilized them to. poison the an analysis of the statistics of volfects of its cultural activities in - the, one hand, there were minds of the jpublic and the.army modernizing education and reviv- unteers. The allied armies, espec- theOn National Democrats, the party against Jews. those of Prance and. Italy, ing the Hebrew language had ially a number of Jewish generals; of .-the-reactionary middle class,, The' result was that the defajust begun to strike permanent had capitalists and clergy.-Since, the mation of the Jews as a saboteur Australian army was comroots. The fifty odd colonies and the Russian part of the country, was was common on b o t h warring manded by a Jew, Sir John Monsettlements^ Hebrew- Gym Gymsettlements, and the Hebrew intimately t i e d , economically to sides. It was most frequently acnasium at Tel Aviv, were grounds ash.

ture. Tho m o r e tar-seelng realized that the -war -was bound to result In the destruction or modification Persia, and the Yemen -were due hravery earned by them. Because of the Tsarist tyranny. All these



Limitation of space does n o t permit a. detailed • description .<*f the Instances o£ valor on tne part Jewish Boldlers In all the armies. Nor Is it -within the scope of this article to present a summary ol citations and decorations for


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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PEESS—Eosh. Hashonah 5701—Tliiirsday, Ofetobe? 3,1940

• ' " : (Continued from. Pass 1.) • •lag German armies prevented the - ctnapleted expulsion o£ more than two million Jotra. Tho enforcement of tha ospu!sinn ordera was carried out.ruthIc.:i3ly and on' short notice, aomo..tiines lesD than twenty-four hoars. Refugees were treated'like crimI I b tka tk arm? and d polica. ll by In m a y canea, no adequate provis, IGHD wero mado for tho tran3por' " tatloa or reception o" ' the ref u-

*" "Frequently trains - bearing deportees were ohifted from placo to - place with no opportunity given to tUo passengers to alight. In many Tho Russian Occupation -ci<so3, Jewish comiaunltloa v/ere of Gaiicia "not permitted to ascht their !io'ffi'olCD3 brethren. No consideraIn view of the maltreatment by tion was shown for ago, ees or the Russian army of the Jewish physical conditions. Mothers wore population in its own territories separated from thair children; es- the reader can, well imagine the

pojttant mothers were forced to -onreh. No Statistico • The number of people affected probably never be k known. Statistics of June, 1915, by tho Central Committee for the Belief , of Jewish War Sufferers at Petsjogr&d revealed that the ;t o t a.l a amber of homeless Jews In Poland and in the Northwestern district was at least '600,000. In the government of Wilno,-alone, there ./were. 200,000 esiless. . * More than 250.0Q0 crowded in: tcT the government of Volhynia. iTh'o" concentration of refusee3 in ' these regions became so serious a " problem that the Council of JBln•"- islers were forced to abolish the "Pale of Settlement within which of Russia's Jews were confined. By a decree, issued In August, 1015, the Jews of the area af-

's IS .::•$

After the situation became stamany Jews in Russia and we can not allow any more there, espe- bilized, the country was stripped of foodstuffs, factories of their cially those from Gaiicia." equipment, and a system of forced -. ; : •;. •'• P o g r o m s '•'•' \ ... ~. Upon t h e entry of Cossack work for the population, under troops Into any city, their usual adverse conditions and practically procedure was to bombard the without pay, was introduced, rehavoc wrought upon Jews resid- Jewish districts on the pretest sulting in the separation of faming in tho occupied regions of Ga- that Jewish civilians had engaged ilies and in going Into hiding of licia where Jews were not only in sniping. A more "quiet" form thousands of young, men and womembers'of a hated minority but of pogrom was indulged In every- men. also subjects of an enemy power. where, involving pillage, murder, The economic problem was the Russia intended to retain Gaiicia, and rapine. In order to avoid be- most serious—that of finding food and the occupation of this region ing mistaken for Jews, local and work in a war-stricken, imwas greeted as a victory—for Rus- Christians decorated their houses poverished c o u n t r y, repeatedly sia and Greek Orthodoxy. with Icons or crucifses. In many stripped of its produce. The poA manifesto by the Greek Or- communities, exorbitant fines were litical problem of importance was thodox Union to the local peas- levied by the official commanders the relation of the Polish majorantry announced their deliverance or by bonds of soldiers.. ity to the Jewish minority, as infrom the "Jewish Father Francis fluenced by contemporary develJoseph'* and from Jewish judges The members of Okbrana (the opments. < . and officials. Here, too, sections Russian secret political police) The demand for labor In Gerof the Polish population played an followed in the steps of the army, many resulted In the recruiting of unfriendly role, accusing Jews of just as the Nazi Gestapo today many Polish and Lithuanian Jews hostility toward the Invaders, es- follows t h e Invading German through special employment ofpionage, and terrorization of the armies; Their task was to clean fices and their frequent forcible "friendly non-Jewish population." up whatever was left by the Cos- deportation to Germany. GeneralUpon the capture of Kolomeya sacks. Synagogues were destroy- ly speaking, however, the lot of and Przemysl, the commanding ed and Jewish districts set on fire. the Jews under the German occugeneral threatened with deporta- 'Upon the forced departure of the pation was not bad. The German tion all the Jews in the cities and army, 15,000 Jews were driven regime was strict, but it maintainfrom Przemsyl; 8,000 from Za- ed order, and treated the populaeszczykition fairly; anti-Semitic officials The same fate befell all the were the exception rather than Jewish inhabitants of Sniatyn, the rule, i • • Husiatyn, Buczacs and other ciThe occupation of Poland by ties. The Russian army took along the German and Austrian troops with it thousands of hostages, brought an additional complicamany of whom managed to come tion in its wake. Rivalries beback to their homes only after the tween the partners became evicessation of hostilities. A listing dent when their chancellories beof places and incidents would in- gan to plan the future of Poland, olve the inclusion of a catalog Each tried to obtain the "symin this article. The great drama- pathy of tbe local population, ist S. An-Sky, author of The Dy- both Jews and non-Jews. Among buk, described the results of the the Germans there was no definite invasions in a three volum© work, agreement as to the method of called appropriately Hurban Ga- carrying out this policy. Some litsie, The Destruction of Gaiicia. maintained that, while the Jews The same atrocities were repeated ought to receive equitable treatwhen the great offensive of Gen- ment, their ultimate fate was the. HA. 1040-41 eral Brussilov was launched in purely internal concern of the fuJune, 1916. ture Polish regime. Siege of ILemberg Others preferred to utilize the Jews in Gaiicia were well ac- Jews as a spearhead for t h e quainted with, tho treatment o£ spread of German cultural and, their brethren in tho Tsarist Em- consequently, economic influence. Brody pogroms y following g pg bd t ' ' Th the'1880's. They remembered the stream of refugees following the wave of pogroms In 1905. In the beginning, it -was thought that the occupation would • be short-lived, but when the success of the Russian operations became known and the siege of I»wow (Lemberg) cbmmenced* a wave of mas3 migrations towards yienna . _ . began. _ and Hungary

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trlotista limited to the purely ext e r a a 1 political manifestations. Tfce new federate oa of! fs&ttesaililss, the JCVTE hop-set, "woiiM &1S0 give national rights for the Jewish minority and enable it to entry, on ite OY,-JS cultural &it& religious Ills. Communal life, .long smarting • under the tsarist' restrictions, found, RE outset for Ite suppressed energies, Democratic coidSKnlty organisations. \v e r © SOOE set


With the newly acquired £ree(Continuod on Page S.)

i-and Fatroas

mr g of die Mediterranean to noresal shipping, hm secessiss'ed! s j n S of the ecescnak liractcre of the Jewish'ccmnaenity la Pelcstins. Msay tssw tndostric* have fcesa established to provide for {fee needs -of Near Eastern countries, resulting ia E3 expansion'-of iisdestrisl activitv. Among she new njdsjstries i* the tnsarcifaensra of pj^armaceatical products wfekfe have slressly found large markets in Egypt end Syria. Visa the cooperation of the United Palestine Appeal, FalesJias sa&Estrj? has been enabled So meet A© ecoBoxsie rscessioa creates!.by the war. Aiaericsn Jews ere conSribating to the contlsned relraildi3| and development of the Jewish National Home _ threap the United Jewish Appeal for Kefagees and Overseas Needs of which the United Palestine Appeal, Joint Distribution ConnmiUee and Nstioas! K€ta£e« Service sra.tlse ccastlteent i

ly conscious, even over-organised, and imbued with the Wilsonian principles of self-determination, conscious of their rights as equal citizens, and as a national end religious minority.

The Otisesr.Russia The cruel persecutions of Jews did not save the Russian army from defeat, nor did it save the Tsarist regime from its inevitable downfall. The soldiers knew that the enemy was not the Jew. The common saying went: "We are fighting against three enemies: the Germans, Russian sloppiness, and the Russian generals." Nor did the common people permit themselves to be convinced that Russian reverses were all the fault of the Jews and not of the corrupt regime. Russian liberals and progressives did not hesitate to brave the wrath of the military regime in order to protest, time and again, against the policy of the government. Nor were they afraid of carryIng their protests to ' the public, both home and abroad. The Left groups in the Duma reacted sharply to the illegal acts against Jews. Liberal political parties voiced their protest at their national conventions, and pressed their demands for the Immediate emancipation of the Jews. Even municipalities and Zemstvos (regional self-government

and on their pro-German as opposed to antl-Tearist sympathies, A considerable literature about the Germanism of the Ostjuden

was produced and / fostered by both Jewish and Christian Ger-


Clash With Poles The most concrete application of this policy was the school law passed by the German generalgovernment on September 17» Sep h ordered d d the th opening nig Soon the capital became over- h.915, which crowded with the result that en- o £ SCkoolB and the use of the-Pof d to t the th poorer p r r rrefe f h jgj! langt^ge for the in t t i try was refused instruction

Th d i t d tto ugees. They -were directed o l o £ polish children and the Gercampa in the-smaller towns a°dJ 1 I l a I l language for both German villages of Moravia and Bohemia. an cl Jewish children. The Poles, The number of voluntary refugees na turally, saw irf this measure a was soon augmented by several ganged to themselves. Now, they hundred thousand who were or- h a a a new grievance against Jews dered by the military authorities a g t l i e sprea <iers of Germanism


Aquila Cawtt

would usher in ft sew -era o£- Justice &sd democracy.

bodies) outside the Pale, frequently petitioned the government for the abolition of anti-Jewish measures. In this they were joined by trade and professional organisations, and by leading citizens. The great manifesto on behalf of the abolition of Jewish restrictions, signed at the beginning of the war by 225 of Russia's leading writers and publicists, called for the granting of equal rights to "the sorely-tried Jewish nation which has given to the world such precious contributions in the domain of religion, philosophy, of poetry." ."ThsTiltimate disappearance of persecutions against the Jews and their complete emancipation will form one .of the conditions cf a t r u l y constructive imperial regime," the voice of the otber Russia declared. The spirit of 'this period greatly resembled that of the revolutionary year 1805. Indeed, it was but the prelude to t h e democratic revolution of March, 1017. Emancipation la 1017 The complete emancipation of the Jews of Russia was achieved shortly after the downfall of the Tsar. On April 3, 1917, scarcely a few weeks after the establishment ot the provisional government, a decree signed by the premier. Prince Lvov, and by the

Air Condttfoitcd f&r Your -




Eighth, and Fsmam Streets

Happy New Year!


AT 5300

pire, Many remembered, the pen- This plan "waa based on the preniless hoTde3 ot immigrants -wnq dominance of Yiddish. aOemanlc

Season's Greetings

1621 Howard

n of justice, Ales&B&er Kerensky, brouglit tha long awaited equality of the Jews of IV&ssla. With It e a s s a new Russias patriotism. • The asosnalj" of England end. France fighting os the side of t s B. r i e m disappeared overnigbt. Jewish 'young men volunteered by the thousands. Advancement .'In rEnk was opened to ibesa, and they took full advantage of these Eew opportunities. Together with all liberal Rsesi&ns, Jev;g hopsfi that the alliance between tfeelr progressive, liberated -coratry as£ the democratic allies would bring an end to German despotism and

of the United Annies headed by General von liuden&crff. The manifesto addressed • to "Jews In Poland!" proclaimed .that the war "was not a war "a -g a i n s t the population, but against the Russian tyranny." It reminded the Jews of their sufferlngB-under "the iron yoke of Russia," of oppressions, pogroms, deportations, the Beilis, Trial and other ritual murder libsls. "We coma to you as friends snd saviors!" the appeal proclaimed. in neighboring communities in fected by tho war were permitted "Our banners bring you justice to move into the interior of- Rus- the event of any damage to tho and freedom: equal and complete lines of communication. sia. citizenship rights, real freedom of This temporary measure, dicsojnsias4er=oi=tha tated by military necessity and by army, Grand Dufeo Nlcolai Nlco- in all economic and cultural tho hope of obtaining American lalevitcb, ordered the deportation fields." loanc, was immediately publicized of Jews in case of Victory of the Other proclamations in t h e in the neutral and allied countries enemy and the sending of Jewish same vein were issued by both the S3 a. generous act of a liberal gov hostages to Russia, thus holding united German and Austro-Huoeminent toward an oppressed pop- Jews alone responsible for misbe- garlan commands, as well as sepaulation. Host of the refugees were havior of tao civilian population. rately by the Austro-Hungarians. soon overtaken by the German Jews were accused of hiding fuarmies and returned to t h e i r gitive war prisoners in their syn- A periodical, under th8 title, Kol homes. But at least 211,691, ac- agogues. Tho commander of the Mevaser (Proclaiming V o I c e ) , cording to an 1918 report or the third Invading army ordered Jews published' both in Hebrew and Central Committee tor the Relief to be driven out of their homes Yiddish, was launched for propao£ Jewl3h War Sufferers, remain- and to follow the evacuating Aus- ganda purposes by the invaders. ' 'Country Stripped ed in the interior of Russia. trian army "because we have too

WE 1145

to leave their homes. Among the Jews, the assimllaA report of theanmiBtry of .the ltionists i n s i s t e d on Polish-lan-

interior, published in the fall of i g U a g e schools; the Zionists on He1915, Tevealed that Vienna alone brew-language schools; and the harbored 137,000 refugees, 77,- Yiddishists on schools with Yid090, or about 60 per cent, of aish as the language of instrucwhom w e r e Jews. Lower Aus-U{ on> ijyg struggle served to tria harbored- 49,109 refugees, of a w a ^ e n e v e n more the hitherto whom 4,404 were Jews. BohemiaUhnabering J e w i s h nationalism sheltered 96,607, of whom 57,150 a m o n g the orthodox masses. Finwere Jews, -,while Moravia took ally, it tended to sharpen the care of 18,429 Jews out 'oTtotal c l a s h ^ t the Poles, who retaliatof 57,501. Official figures tell but e d politically and economically, part of the story. No statistics T h e postponement of the final were published for Hungary and decision concerning the future of other parts of the dual monarchy. P o l a n d > a n d t h e establishment of Private estimates by organizations t h e P o l i s l l National Committee in caring for refugees place the to- p a r j s > i n c r e a g e d the uneasiness in tal number of Jewish refugees at the country and made things about 450,000, most; of whom more difficult for the Jews. The were completely impoverished.. proclamation by ths Central PowAustro-German Occupation of ers on November 6, 1916, of the Poland newly-established Polish s t a t e , In contrast to the operations of from which Gaiicia was to be exthe war. on the western front, the cluded, resulted in heightened movements of the armies on the anti-Jewish feeling. eastern front were swift and covy Serious anti-Jewish riots broke ered a great deal of territory. The out in Krakow and other regions combined) German and Austro- following the exclusion of the Hungarian armies quickly overran Chelm region from the proposed Poland. Their occupation, inter- Polish state by the provisions of rupted briefly by Russian counter- the Treaty of Brest-Ldtovsk. These offensives, resulted in great hard- Levelopments were forerunners to ship to the civilian population. As the series of pogroms and attacks usual in warfare, the chief suf- on Jews the early years ferers were the urban population, following during the reestablishment of which was predominantly Jewish. the Independence of Poland, and The Germans pillaged the coun- the policy of discrimination contry systematically a n d punished tinued systematically thereafter. the civilian population for resistThe influence of the Germans, ing their advance. Especially appalling was the Kalisz incident of on the other hand, served to westAugust 28, 1914 when, ia re- ernize the Jewish Hasidlc and objprisal for real or alleged civilian scurantist masses. To Polish Jews resistance, the property of the in- the German occupation was a pehabitants was pillaged and the en- riod which combined both phases tire' city destroyed by shells. .Pil- of emancipation. Haskalah (Enlaging, execution of civilians, and lightenment) and nationalism. It maltreatment ot hostages were Te- stimulated the Zionist arid labor ported from a large number of movements. It galvanized t h e slumbering secularism into a real cities. mass movement, the fruit of The campaign of villification which was the growth of the press against Jews found a response and the Yiddish secular school among the German and Austro- system, , Hungarian troops, but nowhere Orthodoxy too, under the indid this approach the extent of fluence of the German delegations the Kus3lan terror. At the same of the Agudath Israel, became potime, for reasons of strategy and litically conscious and organized. propaganda among neutral coun- The result was that at the time tries, the German and Austrian of the reconstruction of tha Potroops entering Russian Poland lish state, the Jews of the coundistributed; the now well-known try were no longer an Inchoate appeal of the German Command mass. They were highly political-

Greetings Prom

W, L-MASTERMAN and CO"The Coffee M a n " 1409 Barney—JAckson 2142

New Year's Greetings from the

Happy New Year

Ramser the Hatter OLD HATS MADE NEW Jackson 2196

405 South 15th Street


We Extend to Our Patrons and "Friends Our Heartfelt Wishes for a Most Happy and Prosperous New Year Start th« New Year RigKt by Keeping Your Personal Appearance Rifat


GREETINGS' ISM .Jackson'. 24th

Barbecued R i b . . . Beef • • . Chicken

Wishing You a Most K&ppsr r*nd Prosperous New' Year and Thanking Yow for Past Patronage _



« •

Good Taste arad. Distinction &t Prices That •\ - - " Consider AH Budget*

XPag© I I

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PEESS—Kosh Hashoxiah 5701—Thursday,. October 3,1940


or other restrictions. In August Schurz Foundation of 1939, the Japanese authorities Denounces —the refugees are concentrated largely In the Japanese controlled area—served4 notice that any furlikttielphia ( JTA)—I °^c*^ o t i felt*™ ther influx would be drastically to talitfiria nit iTti and exprfcsscurtailed, and.that only relatives itsei: as "O i l traged" by wb&t Israel's heritage lias been transmitted though its generations. The history o£ the of people already residing • in KS:•Mr, are& otng ia Europe, Shanghai or refugees wlta means Jews is a continuous one and ia the children is seen the hope for Judaism's future. the ecutlve coaamittae ©£ the would be permitted to enter in Carl Schurz Foundation issued a ,To the following parents, who have announced the birth of a child through our the future. Although this served statement reaffirming the loyalty to slow down the flow of immicolumns, we offer sineerest felicitation: of American citizens ol Gorman gration, It was estimated, at the blood to tise United States. MR. and MES, S. F' L OTKXN of the period under review, Daughters MR. and MRS. LAWRENCE WATKE The statement pointed out that included In the order and subse- ranean, Danubian and Black Sea close (Continued from Page 10.) that there were between 18,000 MR. and MES. IRVING GRIEVE MR. and KHS. HAJKRY GOLDBERG' • ths foundation, last year spent -70. quently tho age limit for men ports. MR. aad MRS. HAROLD 8. TUCEMAN* and19,000 refugees ia the city, DR. &a4 MRS. EDWARD ALBERTS women. A v/cek later, 10,000 was raised to 70, ' Most of them sought to reach MR. and MRS. IRVING FRIEDMAN per cent cf Itn attmsal outlay, or MR. and MRS. AETHUE SOKM increase of 3,000 to 4,000 ES. aad MF*S. WILIiAM ALLEN FBRER Jowa who liad entered France MR. sad HHS. NED OIVBNTBR $Efi,000. in placing in Ji.ra.©rtwi A month later, internment ac- Palestine, despite the restrictions an DR. and MRS. BEN G-OLDWAKB the previous August. The •with, tlie stream of war refugees tion was taken against aliens on immigration. Such groups, since universities t,tx& cchoolB, re£ugee MR. and MES. LOU EABENDUR8 MB. saa MRS. ESAVID H. FREEDMAN entire European population of frosa. Belgium and Holland v/era whoso movements had been re- suffering bitterly, were to be Shanghai, aside from the refuDR. Rttd MRS. FRANK E. LIPP^ stofleats and tea-siots, f5 per cent MFw sad MRS. ABE SAX .. MR. .aad MRS. HAROLD ELOO^ a!6o interned. Y/hen Paris fell, stricted before, but on Juno 21. found during, the year at Sullna gees, Is only 37,000. MR. .Bad MRS. XX3NALO BERNSTEIN o£ them "young men and v/oaen MR. and MRS. KAROLD B. BARISH MR. aaa Msa KARX. JLAGMAN a month later, and Franco capit- Homo Secretary Sir John Ander- in Roumanla, Kladova' In YugoMR. ana MRS. GOTTFRIED JACOBS of the Jevieii faith." MR. and MRS. NATHAN WOLK, MR. and MRS. LEON STQNHS ulnted on June 22, the relief or- son announced that 52,000 Jew- slavia, in Slovakia, in the Greek MR. and MRS. SAM TEPHTR The condition of the refugees Last K&y, 3?, .Jacob G o u l d MR. anc! MRS. CHARLBS I.IEB MR. Sad MRS. ALBERT WEINER Ettoisations, too, had to s h u t ish refugees would be exempted. Islands and In Beyrouth, Syria. was depressing indeed. EmploySclrGi*nir<.s TcifiE^®- R™' hoaotary MR. and KBS. BERNARD OOLDEN SIR. tad MRS. ARTEUB SOTDER . ' dovro. . As Iiorrl3 C. Tropor, Su- Aliens vrero also made subject to \3nly the action of relief groups ment . opportunities were practicMR. &nd MRS. ROBERT NODDLE MR. &ad MRS.'HENRY RESNJCK prcsidc-Tst of the foundation beMR, &nfl KRg. M. H. PESSSSK MR. and KRS. EAKRV COLJCK ropean director .of tlio Joint Dls- curfews and barred from certain saved many of them from death. ally 'non-existent, housing facilicause he cbjsctsfl to us* of -the MR. and MRS. EAM SACKS MR, end MRS. SAUL FmjlMAS tributloa Committee,' reported, defense-activities. The governMR. and KBS. HARRY FRIEDMAN When the war closed down all ties were of the poorest because MR. mad MES. BEN JACOB3ON . • term "Aiaerioan-Gormans" In Its MR. find MBS. ROBERT KQOPER tlio heads of the rofugea commit- ment insisted, however, that these normal means of emigration from of the destruction wreaked by the ME. and MRS. LOUIS KUKLIN appeal for funflc, • MR. end MRS. NATHAN REIES MR. and MRS, JUSTIN WOLF tecs themEQlves became refugees. measures were acts of precaution Europe, the refugee aid commit- Sino-Japanese war. The European MR. and -MRS. MARVIN EELBER MR. und MRS. AXSERT GARBER -; .MR. &D4 MRS. JOFi HOJWSTEIN • MR. and MRS.'J. FALKENSTKN The and not of hostility. tees and the refugees sought fran- war also served to depress. ecoMR. ana MRS. ARTEUR GOLDSTEIN MR. and MRS. WILLIAM LIPi3MAN tically for new routes of escape. nomic conditions, and, furtherof Lincoln (ma Fete-borough • On Juno 27 it was reported MR. anS MRS. SAK NOVAK - ; ; • ' / • ' . L o w l a n d s •;;•'•• '•' •. financed fcy the Jew, Aaroai Of Some refugees leaving from Ger- more, cut off the flow of relief MR. and MRS. A. D. GORDMAN •1'" that' 400,000 Jews, including 40,Among the most hospitable o£ many and Austria attempted to funds from England, The deficit MR. and MRS. MARION GRAETZ Lincoln, vho filed in 11S6. -"' 000 G e T r n a n Jewish T0fusee3, MR. and MRS. LOUIS KAPLAN : European countries had b e e n make the trip to Palestine over- thus created havd to be covered Sons MR. B.r,d MT.S. MCE GROSSMAN | ' -were trying to cross tho Spanioh 4 s and Belgium, which, de- land through the Balkans a n d MR. snd MRS. SIKON FELDKAN MR. «ad MRS. EAM BAN KCT3CT". - • i frontier, but only thosa with vlsan Holland limited local resources and MR. £n4 MRS. 5. 6KTEEN their small size, offered Syria; a tew In Western Europe from MR. and MRS. BEN B1ATT '; permitting them to proceed be- spite, by Increased contributions from MR. 6P-3 MRS. GUS AQKON asylum to large numbers of refuPOET&S. i' DFv. ena KES. uxrro DEAN yond Spain -were allowed to en- gees, insisting, however, t h a t sailed by boat around Africa and the Joint Distribution Committee. came to Palestine via MozamOn April 1, 1940, the Shanghai 4 . ] tor tho country. domicile must be considered bique, a voyage of 45 days. clrirj* : \ • Hov/Gvor, exaggerated the flg- their refugee aid committee reported as temporary. t r—NBWS U> MMTW A means of egre$3 for a limit- nearly 14,000 of the refugees { ' urea concerning the number o£ of estafciieliiiLg: foca* pc ~'j: s r1' ' Jows i a flisht may be, the meaner •During 1939, there was an : es- ed number with visas for Latin were receiving relief in the form and by all Coraaunist party can- meat of Nasi Germany. All of rt / ' accounts emanating from Prance, timated average number 6f 30,- America and tho United States of. food and shelter, while only didates for the purpose of com- thess candidates are seeliicg elec- arounfi "which an Americs" d . ^ ' - ~"_, r ' its, to fmtix •• " eOiles. 0Mtili '•: '. '. as t)t£ period under review came 000 refugees in Holland of whom was obtained via Russia and Si- 4,000 to 4,500 were self-sustain- piling a permanent \ record of tion as opponents of ths defense ten group, whose first &ll:'.:rrc 11 i p" c rtt sights *aa 5,0 0 0 were completely dependent is with Kasi Germany and 1 crc^t JJ „• beria to Japan, whence they took ing. Yet, so great was the pres- Fifth Column sympathizers. Mr. program of th© United States. ";; to a close, presaged a dark fato Italy, caa be developed." ^ r •!. ' for those who found themselves upon t h e Netherlands refugee ship to the Americas, traveling sure of emigration from Europe Birkhead also surged the Bureau "We believe," he coatia'ced, committees for assistance. Re/ riiaUv to • ' • asain in Nazi hands. While lit- training, emigration and other three-quarters of the way around during the year that even Shang- to ascertain if any of the alleged "that they represent a deliberat® 1 1 ^ "• : hai was looked upon as a haven. pro-Nasi candidates are recipients move to gain political power and. ©J ! '•' ' tlo could bo learned as to the services were also maintained by the globe. Master Samson fie of financial or other support froa political office for the purpose cf ' • '• : ••. P a l e s t i n e - • •• * ' measures taken against refugees the committees. The government Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy. In April, the Jewish Agency for obstructing the' legislative proc- a Frencli Jewish pi «. • as r. sroup, numerous rumora told toofe a direct Interest in refugee KB "All of these candidates," Mr. esses of the nation. We believe EUdsioned to Londos. IE 1* I C t- • o£ tha killing or imprisonment of work, establishing eight camps, Palestine published figures to Birkhead said, "are running on a that some of these candidates are the famed Lord Mayo-. 7 5' '! men of International renown who the cost of whose upkeep was de-show that 63,500 refugees from territory had platform which suggests appease- resMns office for the scls r - r ]' i| had found refuge in France. frayed by the refugee committee: German-controlled in tho period entered Palestine i: : Great Britain also took steps A special charge upon the com- from 1933 through 1939. Alto•' j ! to protect herself against possible mittee wa3 the care of 1,300 chil- gather 27,193 Jews had entered '' j; . enemle3 among her German pop- dren who had been brought put the country during 1939 of whom Kcit&er the rtcrm c£ tir^e n.sr the tiri'c cf C~ i ulatlon. England's measures were of Germany and established in ' 'I much less drastic, for England four homes. The war had an 8,050 arrived after the outbreak Ask F. B. I. to Investigate hcz ever dcrtrcj'cd the faith, cf Icrccl. At iHc ' ;: had the advantage of having in- Immediate effect upon refugee of the war. Only 3,042 of the Backers of Sevea . Kcchcrsah rncj- J-CTS fiis«£ the ctrcrt^th ens ccKrcj-c ; 1; i vcatlgated every refuges prior work. Local contributions fell latter number, however, came in Pro-Nasisj after October 1. forward with renewed inspiration throssgrh the Icss • to Ms admission to the country. off almost immediately "as. taxe3 : Figures for the first quarter '•' Nevertheless, all refugees were rose, and the cost of living skyn©y of another year. New York (WNS)—As part of , • required to register with the po-rocketed. Nevertheless, the com- of 1940, published in J u n e , a nation-wide Fifth Column ef- Uce authorities, and alien trlbun- mittees continued to operate up showed that 1,911 entered t n b *£ort, a group of pro-Nasis' \?i - als were established to decide to the invasion^ of the country by country in that period. The numhigh public offics i a the ' which of the aliens were to be G e r m a n y . -••'••"••'.•''. - ' "--'' ' . • , ber 61 "Illegal" entries Is not seek forthcoming election on a platk n o w n , but the government form ; interned. appeasement of Threatened with invasion; Hol- threatened to deduct these from, Hitler advocating Periodic announcements w e r o and opposing national deland turned the camp for illegal the immigration schedule. made on the progress of these infense, it was disclosed by L. M. entrants at Hook-o-f-Holland into '• vestinations and, by April 7, it While the United States accept- B l r k h e a d , national director. , v;aa revealed that of tho 73,560 an ^internment center and took ed immigrants up to the limits Friends of Democracy, Inc., in a persons examined by the alien other anti-alien measures which of the German quota, the Latin memorandum to the Federal Bu! tribunals, only 560 were interned, restricted the movements of refu- American countries grew In im- reau ' of Investigation urging an refugees who volun- portance during the year as places emergency probe of the political ' ' 7,000 were permitted to remain gees. Those 1 ' ' at restricted liberty, v/hilc 64,000 teered foi the army -were reg- of permanent settlement for ref- supporters of seven pro-Nasi Con^ were granted complete liberty of istered but not taken into the ugees, despite tha fact that new gressional candidates and all canmovement. The sympathetic at- service. The Blitzkrieg on May restrictions were imposed by a didates running on the Commun"• *itude of the government w a s 10, abruptly cut communications number of governments. Most ist Party ticket. further .evidenced by a decision with Holland and no definite noteworthy of the favorable deThe candidates mentioned by , ranting ciilzonahJp to 4,000 ref- gees in the country could there- velopments, of course, was the ugees who had made application after be'obtained. Undoubtedly, establishment of the Dominican Mr. Birkhead were Joseph E. McWilliams, aspirant to the House the outbreak of the war. a number were able to escape to Republic settlement project. England by boat and" o t h e r s of Representatives from the 18th In Great Britain Estimates placed ths number joined the stream o£ those flee- of refugees In Latin American Congresional District, New York; Assistance rendered to refugees ing Belgium and France. On countries at the end of 1938 at Kenneth A. Brown, seeking elec• , t Great Britain during I9S9 was Mayinto* tion to the House of Representa20, i t was reported that the approximately provided almost entirely w i t h German 40,000. By the tives from the First Congressionauthorities? had ordered end of 1939, this . unda raised locally. Jewish ref-1 number had al District, Oregon; Harold A. e Central f all refugees g interned, and various grown to 85,000 and, at the close Sparling, candidate - "°es were helped by the from the 17th . Refusee3.[atherrestrictive.. and discrimina(.ouncil for J o f f i s h R e f s . [ of the—period- under-review* the Congressional District, (.'ouncil for Califord tlirough service agencies which it tory measures were reported from number who had been admitted nia; Louis B. Ward, candidate ' -.upported The Central Council, . time to time,. as the period came to these lands were reported as for United States Senate f r o m .„.„ contributed, for ref-I to a close. ...-. . __ high, as 120,000. During. J.939,






\ ivneo -WOTVL in. oUaer co-untries, and \ -Equally liberal in. the treat- some 14,000 immigrants entered \ tor tho Sews In Germany. Alter \ menthol t"he vetiig6es~ "was Bel- I Bolivia and J3M16 alone. \ the outbreak ot war, lio-we-rer, « s \ EtttnU" Throughout 1939, -until! Marked progress "was made "by \ assistance became limited* to Pal-1 ^ne beginning of the -war in Sep- \ the Jewish, communities in these \ estlne and to Great Britain. \ tetnber, Belgium permitted refu- lands In organizing •ellorta for \ The -war almost immediately I g e e s t o enter tne country at the tne adjustment ot the retugee3 \ attected the income ot the Central \ r a t o ol about 1,000 a m o n t h . entering their countries. An lmthi organizaCouncil as well as ot other retu-1 ;M. a n y ot them did not even 1 portant figure iin this l

Michigan; Dr. George H. Derry, candidate for the House ot Representatives from the 15th Congressional District, Michigan, and T. "W. Hughes, Los Angeles, Calitornla. Mr. Birkhead mentioned also George Deatherage, St. Al-

bans, "West Virginia, who angee aid groups. In order to meet I possess proper papers. At the 1 tlon work was the American Jew- nounced that he would run for the situation, tho Central Council I c i O se of the year, there were 30,-lisa Joint Distribution Committee Congress as an independent canand the Christian Council for Ret- 1 OOo German refugees in the coun- 1 -which contributed §465,000 to-party. of the American Destiny ugees established a co-ordinatingj tr y 0£ -whom half w e r e being 1 -ward the work of 21 local corn- didate Mr. memorandum committee, with Sir H BT b e r 11 maintained by the Tefugeo com-1 mitteea In Latin America during to the IBIrkhead'3 \ B. I. urges the Bureau •Emerson as chairman. It applied m l t t e e s - F i v e re f U gee camps were 1939. Those groups provided to investigate the nominating pefor assistance to tho government, established by tho government, I economic aid, medical car© and titions filed by these candidates which established a grant of 27,- w n l c a voted 8,000,000 Belgian j adjustment services for the new000 pounds monthly. In' addition, £ r a n C 3 toward their upkeep dur- \ comers, a retroactive grant of 100,000 l n g t h e latter'halt of 1939. South. America. pounds was made Refugees Souglit €o Servo At the close of 1939, Argen made to to .cover^thej .cover the ^ deficits of"tho last four months I O n February "6, the central I tina' harbored the largest.number of 1939. Up to tho close of the I Jewish organizations presented to of immigrants. Tfloso admitted period under reviow, tho govern- jt n e W M Ministry, a collective of-1 lor permanent residencs inant g r a n t s totalled 207,000 fer by 8,321 Jewish refugees to bered about 30,000, while others serve in the Belgian army, but admitted for temporary stays, pounds. Tho activities of the refugee this was temporarily rejected. raised this figure to about 55,000. committees and the government Refugees were made subject to Bolivia, "with practically no native ia aid of tho refucees were vig- measures designed as protection Jews, permitted 6,000 refugees to orously maintained despite t h e against Nazi asento, and many enter during the year, bringtas to 10,000, but closed its lact that defense of the nation were interned. A3 in Holland, the total v was absorbing most of the, ener- the invasion by the German army, gates In May, 1S40. In Brazil, gies of their leaders. Parliament on May 10, cut off further news. the refugees numbered 15,000 voted funds for Czech and Polish It is known tba£ the refugee or- and in Uruguay "about 6,000, only refugees. On February 6, .tho ganizations were shut down al- half of whom were permitted toCentral Council for Jewish Rofu- mo3t immediately, but little was enter for permanent settlement. L; o o a opened its campaign for known, as tho period under reChile harbored about 12,000, 400,000 pounds, disclosing that view came to a close, aa to tho two-thirds of whom came during Christian orcanisatlons had made fate of those refugees who failed the year. This rapid Influx had. loans to it so that the work would to escape Into Franco. caussd Chile,, to'May of 1939, to not bo interrupted. The British Tho fato of refugees in other closo its gates for the calendar Movement tor the Care of Chll- European countries varied in ac- year. •' • .Nevertheless, 1,500 addiaven from Germany reported that cordance with the relation of tional refugees, 650 on one ship, 0.3B4 refugee children, of whom thoao countries to tho war. The were permitted to enter- after: the 7,G90 wove Jewi3h, had been Swiss government and the refu- ban because they.had already rebrought into the. country., In gees in that country made every ceived permission to Immigrate. ? larch, at a memorial meeting in effort to liquidate the refugee The government predicated their honor of Dr. Thomas G. Masaryk problem by emigration. Italy con- admission on a guarantee by the * and Dr. Moses Gaster, a campaign tinued Its restrictive policy of Jewish community that the refwas begun to ralno 10,000 pound3 previous yeara and, upon its en- ugees "would settle in the southfor the emigration of Czech retu- try into the war, closed the last ern part of the: country. ' Early rcc3 to Palestine, and ia April remaining major ports of em- in 1940, a presidential investigatths Government announced that a barkation for overseas oettlemeat. ing cotamittes charged fraud to first- contlusont o£ 500 rsfucees 'In a dozen other small coun- the admission of some Jewish retwould bo*settled in British Gui- tries refUEeea recsie tigees and, as a-result,-six radicsl recsived temporary p ana iu June. f refu members of ths Popular F r o n t asylum and asi3tanco from refut ' i d i protest oa Tho government offered lend gee committees. A major factor Cabinet--'.'resigned for a nottloment alao in British in the operation of all these refu- February 8. Immigratloa gee committees in European counHonduras. again ..temporarily halted and, la \ . Aiding Britain \vif\ v??3 the American Jewish- -Harch, it was'.'announced'that M l "would sat The refugees, themselves, wore J o l n t Distribution Committee rne-w immigration. • • • in turn making contributions to which, during the coursa of the up quotas £avoTiug-: " iiamiEr^Bts Britain, more than 1,000 of them calendar year of 1930, contrib- who."were farmers.-: • " • :'"••-While-" they ^harbored -comparaV/orliSnp; as farmers, helping to $2,859,300 toward their ac- tively few tefugess, .th© Central provide much needed foodstulfs. uted tlvities. American countries nevertheless A survey by the Home GTfice, Escape furthermore, revealed that 120 Epitomizing tho trascdy of the had far more refugees than native interprlaea established by refu- situation vj-ere tho frantic efforts Jews. In Cuba, which had the gees were giving employment to of refugees to escape the Euro- largest group, tho situation re6,000 Britons. peafl trap. Compared to the num- mained uncertain, a condition The success of German arms, ber seeking to emigrate, tho etai •which ths previous y e a r had caused the S, S. St. Louis incihowever, brought its inevitable gratiou opportunities even b dent. There were approximately pressures upon the refugees. It the war -were pitifully snail. was only -"natural t h a t as tho Thousands calntd a d d i t i o n to 3,000 refugees In Cuba, when in threat of invasion of Great Brit- Palestine, the United Statea and May of-1940 the government anain grow, percautionary measures Latin Amsric, but many more nounced that-it; would no longer should bo taken by the govern- conld not mcot tho iraxnigratioa. admit political or religious refument. On Slay 13, about 3,000 requirements of these countries gees. On June J 3 , Mexico, which German and Austrian men were or obtain the proper documents had throughout maintained a restrictive policy, likewise suspendpreferred ordered interned on tho Isle of Noverthole33, t o d p f ith ed its immigrant quotas. tho hard fats of tenderers withOne of the continuing strange On Hay 16, all alien men b e out l?^al Btatii3 to remaiaing in tv/oun tiio ages of" 16 and 60 Gormsn»hcld territory. As a re- phenfcmena.of the year was the .vilioso movements had previously sult, taqre v/era numerous in- large concentration o£ refugees in been restricted, the so-called " B " stances durlajj the year of sliipa Shanghai, war-torn and turbulsnt, category, were detained. On May loaded with refugees unable to but nevertheless a haven because 37, women in this cates'ory were land their passengers in Llediter- there were no visa requirements

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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PBBSS--Bosh Hashonah5701—Thursday,'.October 3,1940

By Rabbi kyet S. Kripke


-.-,;-'.A/lii- ronimeitiariUloii' •soi-.-y.the'1' deserved popularity. It is true read Rashi has failed to apprecithis commentary was by uo ate the positively breath-taking \''•'•. !v BOQtli djsniirisirs'iry:' of* the'. birth; ;that means as scientific as those of the flair for clarity and conciseness •;.l:;:!': familiarly --knritra. 3is' v VBasM;'* •'• Spanish commentators, Abraham that characterizes his writings. He -'^r'Stabbl^pCripket-'.^atlnate' :of'?the r- ibn Ezra's for example/ Unfort- has been termed an artist In the knew only Hebrew field of commentary ' ;:"•' 3e^?is'h-'TK^iogiiCfl';Se'|rtiaaEf ;of s. unately,Rashi Aramaic works before his Valuable and popular though ':..,': , America,-/- presenta'this- seview and time, not those written in Arabic; his Bible commentary is, it is surand his knowledge > of Hebrew passed by the more original and :•,'••, ,. ;.mortal, : s^01sr'WIMSWB conanaejtt-.1-•' was therefore not to be more scientfic commentary on the // :r*:44ries"Oa::#e':BibIa and *hef3!al-.:;- grammar compared with that of the Bible Talmud. The very scope of the ,-; ' lnnd'-1^ve.:i«inaiB^>t))ros!pb;Q'ut'.'-. interpreters of Spain. " almost the entire Talmud ,.' '••]• ;..'.;tiis ceritai?i'es.-a"co|strlbi3itloB;and v Nor did he have the scientific work—covered— is staggering. It rep'.:;I.--revSlation-,to-sts'€eiit3 oS ! Jewi'^i• philosophical and literary back- is resents a prodigious effort. / / ; ^ H ^ :;/////>,-• - ; ~ ^ ^ . . B D r i 0 E ; ; ground of the Spanish school Rashi began (as indeed he did Which would have enabled him with his commentary on the Bioao; of t&e;. inost fascinating t o interpret more fully the ethical 1 ble) by trying to establish a corcharacteristics of Jewish : history ideas or the sublime beauty of the is its unbroken, chain.' of1 tradition. language and style of the Bible, rect text of the Talmud, free from Scattered as they were, driven as and to weigh with more sensitive the errors of copyists and free they were from country > to/coun- and refined taste the value of sim- from the whims of those who . try arid; con^nent/ to;;, continent, ple explanations of the Biblical changed a reading o the text to forced as they "were to uhdrtake test (peshat) over against the satisfy a strictly, personal Idea. He diligently compared various life*under different conditions more fanciful and textually unand amidst; differing; majority jqstffled interpretations (derash), manuscripts until he had ironed populatI6h&rrth.a - Jews have nev- which read into the Bible refer- out difficulties in the text to the ertheless succeeded In. maintain- ences and legendary material cer- best of his ability. He" studied ing without break their; long1 and tainly not intended by the Bible doubtful readings and established the text in a way to render it as ;/ ' giotious';SBi3d.tual'career. ; ./-//. writers. ; elmple and self-consistent as pos; Romantic legend has it that an But Rashl's popularity was nev- sible. In the commentary- itself . a c c e n t ot history brought the : ertheless deserved, for his lack of <Rashi brings to bear upon the in2 fruits of Baylbtii'anTJewishischolW ;aT6hip?t6 Spaln%ii'lhe.r person of a IIteraryt training did not stifle a tricate and involved logic of the great scholar, captured' by- a pi- hattiral'instlnct for simple explan- Talmudic discussion the full rate and- unwittingly. sold as a ation. He' never did violence to a strength of his unfailing instinct common. aiavQ in Cordova. Anoth- text. His •: use of Talmudic and for lucid and. simple explanations. Students marvel at the-unpreer-legend has'It that the Jewish Sfidrashlc legend never oversteppopulation of France was derived' ped the boundaries, of common tentious manner in which Rashi's "ffom'eatlysettters'who-landed-at sense and never floundered in ex- commentary, by a brief phrase or French ports to which the winds cessively imaginative and ridicu- a single word, will cut through fanciful -interpretations. the knots of Talmudic logic and had perforcedriventhem,;':after lously 1 He chose ^the best — not all '—•present the-, argument in simple 5* the: restruetfon/ of ; Jerusalem;'•'by thV Romans. ' • • of the legendary and homlletical lines completely without difficulexplanations. More than that: He ty. His reasoning is not subtle. It ; Not rpniantic legend, however, but plain uricoritested history! ds- never used a legendary interpre- is direct and open. He presents scribes the development in Jewish tation, without also throwing light the meaning with ease, yet with ; Spain of :a galaxy of shining lights in simple and direct fashion on thoroughness. It Is entirely unIn the fields of poetry, philosophy, the actual meaning of the text. He thinkable that Cany student of the \ Hebrew s grammar, and interpre- achieved a delicate and difficult Talmud should study a single • between the common page or a singe passage without tation of the Bible and the devel- balance sense explanation on the one hand onsulting Rashi's commentary. opment in France of a group of and the Intellectually entertain- Rashi is not only an indispensable Talamdlc students who rescued ing, folklbristic explanation on aid to the study of the Talmud: iiom oblivion the study of the the other. • ' Babylonian Talmud.'.: " • . Indeed, countless students who his commentary has become an inpart of the study of the • The. founder sad greatest fig- might otherwise never have come tegral text, itself. •'• ; ure among this school of French in contact with the .voluminous • scholars was born In the • year Midrashfe literature of our peoSource of French :1040. AH over the world; in.what- ple have been at least introduced It is interesting to note that ever lands Jews may, study their Rashi in his commentaries, tried history or gather to* honor their to it by Rashi's free drawing upon to identify every plant and animal 5f;;spirituat: great, there will be lec- the wealth of legend, and ethical mentioned in the Bible and the '•[tares, articles, and celebrations,. h o m i l y i n t h e M i d r a s h o f t h e r a b - Talmud. For many of these and : . - •••„ ••••• . • V to note the 900th anniversary of b i s . - • other name he gave the French Crystal Clearness 3; the birth of Rabbi/ Solomon" ben ';•" ' equivalent. Altogether there are Isaac, more familiarly known to It would be a grevious error of the Jews by the name formed omission not to stress the abso- about 3,000 old French words used as explanations in. Rashl's Irom his initials —Rashf. ' ' crystal clearness of Rashl's commentaries, a vocabulary ol Secure Position ' -•* lute, Rashi was never ob- about 2,000 different words. The Jews . o£ , France had lived commentary. scure. He never failed td5 make Scholars have seized eagerly there at least since the 5th cen- his explanation easily under- upon Rashl's commentaries for a tury. Until the time ot Rashi they standable, - even to comparative study ©t lltb. century French, lor lived in ^comparative convtort and here is one ot the earliest and •were by n o means novices. He rarely indulged in largest sources o£ tha medieval lengthy explanations. ve government language. He' used brlel phrases — or French •public qttice; even -was not only a scholar. single -words — to marvel- HeRashi ia famed lor a. character. as

Congenial' relationships with their

born at


By Daniel L. Schor?

pure and unassuming as a human to destroy the Jewish community being may-have. : His modesty is of France. The First, .Crusade indicated by a story that Rashi (1096-7) resulted in riots and once thanked an older scholar for massacres that cost the 'lives of addressing a question to him, for thousands of. Jews. Rash! himself Rashi assumed that the older lost friends and relatives to the but less learned scholar wanted swords of,the Crusaders. only to commend him should his Some Jews preferred converanswer prove to be correct. sion to death; and when they An anecdote from his youth, sought J.o rejoin the Jewish comwhen Rashi was still studying un- munity after the Crusaders had der a master in Lorraine, tells of gone, many Jews at first refused the delicate feeling of this saintly to accept,them. Hashi, however. character. The meat "of a sheep insisted that a warm welcome be was being dressed, and Rashi's given'to those who returned. This master had not. noticed an error same leniency and understanding which would have rendered the were shown by Rashi on numermeat _not~ kosher. , •_ ous .occasions in his many .deciThe error could hot be allowed sions on questions of law an-d to pass; yet RasM could not ven- practice addressed to him by his ' ture an opinion in the presence contemporaries. Rashi's- influence on later genof his master. We'.are told that Rashi cleverly posed a question erations cannot be overestimated. to his teacher wbich called his at- Indirectly, for example, Martin tention- to the error. Another in- Luther's Bible translation is basdication of Rashi's modesty is his ed on the commentary of Rashi, frequent admission, in both his which was BO freely used by a commentaries, that he is puzzled 14 th century Franciscan monk, by a passage and does not under- Nicholas de Lyra, who in turn profoundly influenced Luther. stand it. But Rashi's influence, if. felt . , Saw First Crusade Rashi had, moreover, a sym- somewhat by Christians, was Inpathy and love for his fellow hu- calculably strong upon Jewish man beings. Before his death In life. His scholarly descendants 1105. Rashi say. the first of the and students, the Tosafists (those tragic events which were destined who made additions to the com-


thor- Writing this review ten years With Europe now virtually a early youth he was ough education ass his ago, we would have milch to 3 y dark continent, musical eyes were h :a Jewish J i h ed times afforded. He journeyed of musical activities in Europe turned to South America to an from his native city of Troyes in during the past year, and of Jew- unprecedented degree. Toscaninl order to study at the great achoola participation- in these activi- and his NBC Symphony Orchestra pt Lorraine, in Worms and May-ish ties. We would write of the Salz- and Leopold Sfeokowski with a ence. There he sat at the feet of burg festival, the Bayreuth festi- youth orchestra^—both of which scholars who passed^on to tiim the deep piety and love of learning val, 6f the work of the Paris Con- included a goodly proportion of of their sublime master, ^Rabbl servatory Orchestra, the Czech Jewish musicians — made highly Gershon ben Judah, who was rev- Philharmonic, the Warsaw Phil- successful tours of Latin America, helping to solidify in the mu•---•" r a t e t u H y called "The harmonic, the (Vienna Opera. But this is October, 1940. There sical field the strengthening bondj ExUe^';, . ' , -. :. '. . has been a year of war. Music ...»,.„ displayed very early a lies virtually devastated In Eu- of pan-American unity. Such so-1 keeness of perceptioli and a depth rope, as all culture lies in ruins. loists as Jascha Heifetz also tourof intellect that enabled him to And even to Palestine, where ref- ed South America, and Heifetz set master the full learning possible ugees had come and given prom- new attendance records. Lazare among Jews In 11th century ise of erecting a fine musical tra- Saminsky was in South America France. When he -returned to dition, the horrors of Hitler's Eu- conducting concerts and'lecturing Troyes at the age of 25, he was rope followed them, overshadow- on American music. already acknawledgeoV to be one ing music in the Holy Land with Palestine strove valiantly to of the • grea'.eat scholars of' his bombings. , fulfill her young but ra'pidly grow' / : / . t i m e . - ; / • ; / - . . . - / ; ;.-'.-• /""•;./ ;' ';....-' . .•••' 'ing musical tradition, but there "Wars, revolutions, have not were , •; In accordance with the;custom mountainous obstacles erealways affected arts, which seem ot Ms age, RaBhireceived'ino salated'-by the war and the resultant to live their own life, according aries or stipends for his services economic -stringencies. The Palas rabbi and teacher. He earned to their own laws," Eruest Bloch, estine S y m p h o n y Orchestra, his Hying and supported "his wife the famous composer, recently founded by Bronislaw Huberman and;family of three daughters, by wrote to us. "But this is more and consisting largely of refugees, erpwing grapes and making wine than an ordinary war ...:*• «•to include a successful This is a total war, and Its de- managed for sale. season, with Huberman among- the struction is total, killing not only School at Troyes and Felix Weingartner as * A boat the year 1Q70 r - at the life, but art. and the spirit that 'asoloists guest' conductor. ase ot 30 — Rashi founded; a is necessary for art. And in the Emil Hauser, director of the scaool at Troyes. To it blocked general term "war" we include all students from many, parts of tbat Hitlerism has done; for the Palestine Conservatoire of Music, France and Germany. In a few "war" started in 1933, when Hit- came to the United, States to'seek years the fame of his school was ler's drive against the Jews was support for his institution, which to eclipse that of the academies of jlaunched—that was the first stage has rescued scores of young Jewish musicians from Europe. How^Lorraine tp which as1 a young man 1of the blitzkrieg. Rashr himself had jourhied to And so the review of the mu- ever, the intensification . of ' the .drink of the waters of Jewish sical year might confine itself to war and its spread to the Medilearning. •"' / / - . : ; ••:-''.-,..."': :-.-;'-''• •/'• '-' - this one line—"for the past year terranean g,ave • the conservatoire - It was at this a^adomy, and as Ihere was war1'-—were it not for rough going. /ipart at his elforb to iaa& 'the America. The effects ol Hitlerism No review of the year in music ;;,|!twdy;"'.of---Jewish rtradition" easier sent here famous Jews, among would be complete without refervifor? Ms,• ea'ger-and.'admirlag/-stu- other musicians — Jaromir Wein- ence to the enormous upswing of aents. that* the great Tlashl un- berger from Czechoslovakia, Ma- J interest in phonograph records. • dertook the•.'.two•• vvorks 'Ihat ; have rio 1 r o m \ And, accompanying this growing made hiia famous wherever Jfewa Italy,Castelnuovo-Tedesco D a s i u a M i l h a u d f r o m ' ' interest,: " " 'there " "" ~*been constant has* coptinue the sttidy of 5their'spirftPartly because of the en- improvement In the art ot record; tiar heritage r~.s bis , commentary France. musical Ie- ing, with the result that some unon' the" Bible ind his commentary richment* of America's l excelled ..-;music on records has J o n t h p t ' ^ k l m u d . / ^ "• • > .-',.'• • :: , - : gion by rcfUgeeV from abroad, : • Rash!*s; commentary^ on the BI- this country,,v enjoyed a musical been brought out by the major reple, wBich if* not quite complete year of unprecedented success. In' cording companies. For the best for the entire .Bible "was and is every field ot^inusic •— concerts, work done by Jewish artists durone of the most .widely: read works radio, records^—there was intensi- ing the past/ year we would se-' lect the following: in the Held of Jewish learning. fied activity. Fortunately, a tendency towards Orchestra—Tchaikovsky's Mfth It la -popular in the best sense of r the word. It • won • wide fame' at musical isolationism which ap- Symphony, Artnr Bodsdnski cononce and quickly, assumed a posi- peared with the outbreak of the ducting the Cleveland Orchestra tlpri of eminence as' the bost ex- war did not assume ^erious pro- (Colombia). Violin — the Brahms concerto, ;tenslbsly used : commentary and portions in this country. In Canada, an orchestra banned works perforate*} by Jascha Heifetz with tuterpretation' of the Bible. 'The first printed Hebrew book by Wagner because he was Ger- the Boston Symphony Orchestra /'jHrhlcb bears a date was a printing man. But the United States kept under the baton of Serge Sons; of the commentary of ^Rashi on its shirt on, despite the growing sevifesky (Victor) * Piano—Artmr Rubinstein's althe Pentateuch, which came off wave of anti-Nazi feeling. This past summer we were glad bum of Chopin Mozorkas (Victha presses at Regglo in J475. ,/::::;: \:/,-<.'Popjslat»,Commentary;.: ... to hear Hans Wilhelm Steinberg, tor). Popular—-Escerpts from George No* rabbinical Bible was print- a Jewish refugee from Germany : «a.jafter that ,tima» without the and former conductor of the Pal- Gershwin's "Porgy a n d Bess," 1 commentary, of Rashi. Every 'Jew--. : estine Symphony Orchestra, con- with the original principals of the •/; ;ish /yqungste?,-. who'' •:• attained .'.'" to duct the New.York Philharmonic folk opera and an orchestra con: In a Beethoven-Wagner program. d u c t e d by Alexander Smallens -r^'ffba?? Was/consldered^-atiecas8aryi /-iimiiilcium ipf • :Jewiah:;'learniiis: was Ho was following the dictum of (Decca). /obliged Jtp read the Pentateuch Arturo Toscanini, who once conJewish music—-"Songs of Pal•//^fith the esplaHationiof JaasbJ. : / ducted Wagner In Palestine, and, estine," suns by Robert H. Segal : ;/'5'-/1f i-.Raahl's'.. Icomiftantary* da.'., thewhen ask why, said: "Nothing and a chorus conducted by A. W. " /Bible >yrni' nopular,; it'was a well- should interfere with music." Binder (Victor).

mentary of Rashi), -rendered and ' tfce.-: Talmud which ar© the ed her Inalienable stf£»f» la tSs." France the center -. of Talmiiaic two chief sources of the Jewish family's property. la e t c c! .--•" study in Europe. These numer- tradition, so long will the Binds vorce, it had to be rrlumoci i* ous scholars of profound learning cf them be made easier and more her. IE the event ot her h«rt»-iK:'s and keen minds were all the spir- pleasant through the Interpreta- death, this marriage portion f.ttfitual heirs of RasM. tions of Rashi, one of the strong- matically became hers. Thro!;£>' est, and-'most honored links in the out the duration.of the mt.rrU.rtt Work Carried to' Clerasisny however, it remained under h.'ir There was a legend that Charle- chain o£ Jewish tradition. magne imported the first Jewish tCopyright- 1940 by Seven Arts husband's control. scholars to ' France, to fouad Feature Syndicate.) Great pressure wag put r.p.-u. schools for his' Jewish subjects. the Jewish father to b r 1 n t I.U It ..was no .legend, but,cruel hisdaughters into the blissful 6tr.tc .*ii tory, that the kings and nobles of France of the 12th, 13th, and \ltif U'fcsLa? I U l i l ! O v* far matrimony. But with the TIS"T.'.> sal practice of providing 50T«rl«) 2 4 th • Centuries destroyed • the Jewfathers without ia e a r ? for r.'. ish schools, indeed the ' entire themselves in difflcalfr. F <c ir ? Jewish, community of France. wandered from city to c'-'iy coilr, >• But when Jews were uncereIng funds tor their CrAw'hu"*fr moniously driven from France in 1394, they carried the works.of Bride S&ared Ownership marriage portions. In, t!mr, cbs-'table societies in each rrrarun. :/ Ra§hl and. his' followers to GerWith Kwsband Under would "endow" poor btirtcr. Ztvmany. When the Jews' were exry in Rome, Italy, reco"i*r fh»J -*T Jewisii. pelled from. Germany, the Talmu16IS Indigent lathers hul K~cr dic study founded by. Rashi was Tne cowry, or property brought promising' prospective £:vcm? extranferred to Poland. ' If Polish Jewry does not recov- by a bride to'ber husband In mar- cessive amounts, and Urn ~«.u" ?• er, from the onslaght' of Nazi bru- riage, was in ' Jewish tradition ing to the cozuxnittee for fco'r-; f«* tality today, the learning inspired more'thsn a .techniaue to help a a result, no-case "would J>c Ci>r..'..iby Rashi will continue — perhaps man in bis early difficulties to es- ered in which over £00 rrr&f t.r.in Palestine, perhaps in'America, tablish a- home snsi gain a liveli- been promised. It is rpcrliof t*s perhaps in many countries. But it hood. It was a source of security one of the merits o£ the- r»h^*rc* for the woman. The .amount of her tbrcpist Mordecai KeisfJ of JP^S will continue. T For so long'-as" Jews will live, dowry, plus a gift provided by.her century Prague, that CVCT ?^ he cnose two poor girls by lot ax>& they will continue the study of husband at the time of marriage, the Bible and- the Talmud.' And was recorded in the K'subo, or married tbesi off by provifiln* so: long as they study the Bible Marriage Document, and remain- them with dowries.

btEtikt) y ill il



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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS— Rosh Hashonah 5701—Thursday, October 3.1940

feriority, always without the com- who fails to do his best, excludes for Jewry by history's most efhimself from any plan for t h e : ficient example of co-ordinated fort of healthy self-knowledge. If aware of our p a s t , they Jewish future. He who does not '•evil. To Eonje esteat we have would know that we could, If share in the effort to bring help witnessed country-wide organisation—to defend our good name, ihallenged, face any m o d e r n to Israel in trouble, say our rab-; group and present the credentials bis, will not share the happiness to taeet the defaraer, to co-operof our achievement in the human of his restoration. ate with truly religions Chrisscene to justify our expectation tians. We must now get together •:Appalling Devastation. to be treated with respect and to declare our joint obligation of 5701 bears' dark hues in confriendship. centric circles. There is the ap-undergirding the Jewish position We must seek to recover our palling devastation'of one or two in the United States'and the-Jew. .Shis splcfncUS, a y race mythology. In ^thelr days of insists on our taking the longroots in Judaism. We must re- continents, of millions of home- !sh position in the W o r 1 d4 by range view, penetrating with un*3 CS tfcmi^ht. tari power T/e have been agonized, we ^ fs t h o possess those Qualities of sturdy espousing the cause of religion, p <rltic."l p psrled In ppre- were beat v/lth intolerable bur- quenchable optimism the d a r k faith and p e r s o n a l reliability less, "breadless, hopeless, trampled under the heel and disfigured by marching apart in Jewish denomidans, but we were never broken clouds on our horizon and ready sontcd by Dft .Jijn^, rabbi b D J bb of f Jewish • Center in Hew Yorl:, Our universal experience provld. to march on for the reconstruc- which have helped us master dif- the mark, of the beast. There, is national enterprise, but striking ficulties in the past. If American a deeper black in the Universal together in coasistent labor f o r :mtl ed'.tpr oi tJie Jevrisli 3Li« ed us v,rith perspective — a n < tive work.before us. 'Jews had-learned to-be lo^al to night, the unimaginable depth o'f the reassertion of God-consciousMast Act l>r\a?^ Csriej oJ which "Cfe&afsni therefore "the capacity to sur.viv But it wiU.bo fatal if we con-the Jewish past and to be aware Jewish suffering, the destruction ness as the o n l y safeguard of 'hi a Ciirj^glcs "V/orlti'* Is the our persecutors. We express as our conviction tinue in .mere optimism without of the aesthetic implications of of cultural, religious, h u m a n latest vclsise. I,-. • „ • : ; - -„ : • , - " J n d a l o m in a Chan^ln^ E si muove—the world vdll move 'action. 5 False optimism is but an Torah-true firmness, they would v a l u e s which generations of not delude themselves into thinkmatchless devotion had built up. World" ( O x f o r d University mankind will av^-ake! This stag- opiate. ; We must resolve firmly . P r e s s ) contains notable cd- nation under Hitler, this rever- to do everything within our pow- ing that it is the Sabbath cigar Thero is the challenging phenom- pr-- % drer;rc3 gcd coooyo by a group sion to barbarism under tyranny er to defend, the good there is or the ham sandwich which will enon of oae-tMrd of our nation this destruction by wicked force about us today and to build for admit them to an enjoyment of as yet v i r t u a 11 y undisturbed, di scholars hl off •outstanding oll E the morrow.. Israel's share in to- A m e r l e a n civilization," from though not utterly serene, in the lend fnd America. She first cannot labide! which they wrongly assume t n e iirtitsle, written by tiia cultor, Wo gather strength from t h e day's charitable efforts is a basic conscientious Jew to be excluded. great oasis of America. The Jevish community Is adolescent in knowledge that we are not fight- postulate. At the same time, ruthfi 'to explain J d i If they, had ever been taught this young country, and as tho la .tho catccorlea o? modern ing alone. We are encourage less self-criticism for a u s e f u l . , tluns_~ht. She clhc? 14 describe by our own historical experience blue-print of the future must be the religion of their fathers in result of the world's chaos, has - "the -challcjisea Judaism faces in with tyrants who have passed intc the sine qua non lor achievement a manner encouraging a n d , its obligations of maturity suddenly S p y a r ; 1 civilization anil oblivion and we shall be furthe We must - assume a generous high standards notwithstanding, thrust upon it, both as a section. encouraged by the many "staunch lrJn I:aw it meets them.-— yet. not '. unreasonable share*" of enjoyable, they would be blessed of the great American community believers in democracy and t h guilt for the dominion of evil by an inward equilibrium t h a t and as a group with its own cul- • THE rights of individuals. Fascism this time as in the past. We would look .upon the exchange of tural and spiritual heritage. None could be so blind as to Before any blue-print is at- ha3 created wars for the exten- American Jews, the .remnant sent cultural values in a pluralistic - - tempted for either individual or sion of its own totalitarian .ideol- to our shores, as Joseph in Egypt commonwealth as one of the self- assume that our present commuevident blessings, of intertwined lemihyah," to save life, must Tlse nal tepidity and frequent Indigroup" • within American Israel, ogy, but here has not been vidual indifference can continue "one raust be sure that thone to 'Slackout of h o n e s t thinking above our present level of moral Americanism and Judaism. Not only to survive but to stay without gravest dangers to our•whom auea plana are submitted everywhere and democracy is de- consciousness—if we are to prove of real assistance to the scattered upright and meaningful In this selves. Whilst charitable gifts - •' Iiave -acQualnted thcmEolveD rc- termined to survive. remnant of our people. We must Changing World, we must on the admittedly are essential • today, Soul-Searching Needed ' - alistically v;ith tho true situation. " No blue-print can be of any uso We must not blamo everything examine our faults and resolve one hand treasure the validity of few are so narrow-minded as to unless b o t h .individuals a n d on the other side. Honest soul- to execute the necessary remedies. the principles and ideas of t h e assume that a shrinking of JewWe must recognize as nearly Torah, and endeavor to integrate ish responsibility to the functions groups aro willing to rics and searching is necessary. It reveal mest the level-of responsibility that democracy, has failed tt unbearable fetters the tragic un- them into the fabric of our daily of sending checks and adminislife. On the other, hand, we must tering them, will be sufficient to '•which- tho conditions of a world light many dark corners and to awareness" among our youth. clean many festering sores. PerWe must be realistic "and aware accept humbly and gratefully and cope with the crisis. ' plunged into misery demand. Thore are two necessary ap- haps the nightmare of Hitlerism of the pathetic ignorance of Jew- co-operatively American i d e a l s The- whole world is shaken to proaches to tho problem which on horseback has been necessary ish values 'lamong the' unsyria- and\achievements, as c o m p l e - its. foundations, the citsfiels "^of menting and In m a n y r w a y s the past are threatened with conconfronts us all. They are both for a dynamic appreciation of all gogued of today and tomorrow. We must understand- that no- crowning, the historical endeavor stant invasion of the hordes of '-.the short range and the ,long nations of the simple truth tha range views. The short range whenever we cease being ou where does the Immaturity of the of Israel for the abolition of mis- godless barbarians. Synagogue : view is necessary, for wo must brother's keeper, whenever we American Jew manifest itself so ery and the general humanlzation as church is denied the right to ! "'copo'with problems a3 they face permit persecution and poverty in lamentably than In his genius of mankind. exist, is denounced as breeding ;• x:s-from.day to day in this rapid- one corner, we create a focus o either to escape organization, or American Israel must consider "the noSsoine doctrines of mercy social infection. This becomes in times of trouble to resort to the possibility, nay, the impera- and truth" as against the effi' iy cUanging world. But the long : ran EO view of things and events the happy hunting ground for up- flight from sanity into societism, tive necessity of co-operation cient method of sadistic prisons, ! .ia'even more important, forgone to-date demagogues, who with usually to the profit of every type without compromise. An honest d e a d l y airplanes and utterly : ! Ttoed-' but have caught a glimpse their marvelous organisation o of organization, and regrettably and hard - working Conservative shameless propaganda. The ene: 'ot 'Jewish historical experiences evil will continue to, generate op- not of responsible ' groups, b u t Jew will teach his group how to my wants to destroy o-ar sub. • ! of terror to triumph In almost pression, war and havoc for "therather to the fiends of mass meet^ Conserve. An honest and hard- stance, our hope, our honor, our : ovcry century and i"n every social generation that allowed them to ings and stooge. effectiBm, and to children, our sense of pride, our irWng Reformed Jew will help or religious climate to bpcome obtain power. Human inter-de- irresponsible a r c h d u k e s , too his group reform themselves back significance. aware of the vital wisdom of this pendence must-not remain t h e proud to consider the possibility to-Judaism, and an'honest and His emiaissaries are busy ..•whispoint of view. Ours io not the topic of sermons or the neginah of consulting the minds of those hard - working Torah - true J e w pering- into the ears of those in Czechoslovak tragedy, overcom- •of twilight oong. When a democ- whom they are to represent. •might attack the problem of rab- the grip of economic despait that ing a young people after 20 years racy looks indifferently upon the We must resign ourselves: to binic unawareness and the laity's his army will bring them plenty persecution of any group it ii of national existence. It is not the fact of three American Jew- social unwillingness in American in security, w h i l s t persuading the fate of a group completely doomed. After tho persecution ish denomination' "^J.% is one Orthodoxy, those in the grip of their possesof tho Jews in Germany other •junlc in the contemporary scene, more handicap, but it need not Let us remember the more tnan sive • passions that his methods unaware, of Its past, unconscious groups were singled o"ut: the la- negate our efforts w prevent us poignant fact that the youth of will Increase and perpetuate their bor unions; units of the Cathof its destiny. olic church; Protestant leaders from working for the common the Temple, as "well as of the Con- privileges. We are a people at home in such as Niomoeller," and finally weal. servative a n d Orthodox synaIn many cases he has succeedfour thousand yearn in five con- the entire church and social strucBy and large, certain remedies gogues, are not all enrolled un- ed in turning yesterday's genertinents whoso memory of suffer- ture of Germany. for our weaknesses are of crucial der, their respective banners. The ous friends into today's polite ings and Rood registers in ample importance and they can be ap. percentage of u t t e r l y ignorant opponents, into tomorrow's snarlIt is not only abroad that so- plied immediately. > numbers the prototypes and' imifepys and girls is still a damning ing dogs of hatred. He accuses ,- tutors o£. Hitlerc and Balfoars, cial infection can be tolerated Up-to-dateness in method and indictment of American Israel's us of every crime, with incredible When any nation permits v»ide1 ] Coushlinssnd F: D. Roosevelts. approach 'is' essential. Baltlanuth religious inefficiency. In order impudence spreading his lies in ; We have been aware of suffering sprcad and prolonged unemploy- i3 not the f l a g of Orthodoxy, that, we may come of age spirit- the name now of Christian, now . Bsaa^tmafi* < I in the darkest ghetto a3 well a3 ment for selfi3h aggrandizement neither i s evasion of duty the ually, mentally, emotionally, we of Gentile, now 'of Anglo-Sason, I the pride of Malmonidcs' high po- in the face of sub-human stand- hallmark of dissenters in t h e must have not only sustained ef- now of American "culture." ards of living, heart-breaking lux- camp. Both of these diseases must fort within each of the camps [ sition. Education *'i- * Our historical experience also ury with heart-breaking poverty be routed ^mt so that they no comprising the Jewish people, but For oar self-defense, our chilteaches ilils lesson: That our ene- I—It lays the foundation of so- loqger flourish; impartially among consultation, co - ordination, co- dren must receive a Jewish, edu1 "j riles throughout history, w h e n clety which will bow down to Hit- all social strata . and among all operation in the cause of t h e cation, academic, social, a n d y not 'misguided fanatics.- were of ller, look upon Stalin as a .god and denominations of;; A in e r 1 c a n. whole of American-Israel. crowned by__th.e pattern of Jewj the lowtat' typo of" human" deprav- Ifeeready *to- die without' question Israel. The colorpot Jewish comIt. is not enough to deplore the tsh communal enterprise that will munal work mifst b e ' inade to allure .of the past to be able to give them selC-kno-vvleage and a I Ity. O u r friends from Lesslng I when Mussolini roars for war. ord the insight, -which is nec-sense of historical Importance. I to Lcckyi and from Zola to Thorn-1 We know that the world-awafc- show t h e solid • virorth . o f Jewish ..*. dtZa.nnlha.Yc. •«. —. --.. - —to aon-Jewa . [enlng — — ^ pain. Perhaps *-- thlnkJns, and living.- BO that many issary. The failings-and weak- They -will thereby acquire ittWKrd r as come \ also av. cxuxiUea. ser-vecL «t Tl\s^tin. tUe \ thla lime will It -wlW Vieadeep CHOUKU ot our people -wlio; Ixavo a; bealtby esaess, to some extent.vwere cltio eatlsfaction and courage, to sus\ dart fcriodo OS Matory. \ t o last -very long, pertiaps TOW- \ social conscience -w-111 not be re- o the tragic burden, of Jewisti tain them In their bitter* hours, \ Survived All lerlul enough, to build up t n. e \ ducod to .-seeking', outlets for their in a. country as fill them -with determination to \ Ttvere-is ttila •hea-rtenitiE fenowl-l-wastes placets of todayBut at \ ethical surplus energies in for- readjustment young in tradition as the-TJ. S. A., assume J e -w 1 s h obligations, to \ edge above everything else, that 1 any rate we, the Jewish people, I elgn isms and local futilities. thehaven for those in flight from face the persecutor "without trepi! vhllat' the. haters OE Israel havel have lsncrwn such moral recovery I Jews raralyzed. Witb. Fear the tyranny o£ a. continent of old dation and to -welcome the non\ atlHctcd us, attacking our de-lin many a century. As we re-1 A sense of the Jewish contrl- patterns, both of individual grace Jewish friend -without a sense of 1 fflnseleaS people "with a ferocity,! call these experiences we resolve \ bution to civilization is of vita and of communal evil. personal Inferiority: to strike a. \ and a shamelessness that -otten. I not to do Hitler the iavor of sue- I importance. Many American Jews - I t is incumbent upon all of us happy balance between g r o u p In .preparing our blue-print f o r ) -made us incapable ot accounting I cumhing in the suicide of Jewish I know the careless happiness o sulking and group aggressiveness. American Israel must take Its \ for such: inhumanity, In the long 1 defeatism. ,It is not only our nn-1 the pre-crasb. days, a Bickenini 5701 to plan a definite sustained effort in the cause of the Whole own measure, recognize its moral ' run wo have survived them all: I Btuj.kable l a i t h l n the X.ord, as the 1 helplessness of co-rellgibnists parof American Israel. and spiritual unpreparedness, be1 .jnir'TltJon. a n d anti - Breyluss 1 ultimate guide at human destiny, 1 alyzed by the Hitler danger. Thes Anyone able to contribute to come clearly aware of the moral - 1 nco\.triV-"lB" tegetters of horrible \ it is also the direction from t h e are now aggressively boisterous I blaoa'sVo'-'''; cii'l tereb.tr3 o£ -y.-orgo I record oE Israel's stnigglea. that! now craven ylth a sense o£ In the alleviation ot Jewish agony and spiritual • blackout prepared

By Dr. Leo Jung

man's peace and happiness. p to sdjEst himself to ^ For today then: Our gifts to bigger burdens of tomorrow, .for the United Jewish Appeal, to the greater happiness of the future. When this year with its-curses Red Cross sad our generous labor for EretE Israel, for t b. e is over, may the New .Year, comcauses serving the alleviation. o£ mence as herakl of peace and American misery. Above all, anIjlescing. all-enilsraciEg program of educa- (Copyright, 1D40, hy Seven Arts tion, from Talmud Torah and . Feature Syndicate.) * Yeshivah ana Theological College, tarotgn organised vrcrfc on behalf of Israel's religious and so- Edmund liean - (1787-1833) cial values, for the nurture cl s was the first actor of Jewish type' of Jew r.o more of the gen-blood to appear on the- English | erstioa of the wilderness, unable stage. ' ".:.'. ' and unworthy to see the H o l y Land, but sufficiently informed to In S50 St. Jerome wrote lot "the viF'h dir.Epora even "to Britain." be inspires, end eufficicEtlr in-

A Happy, Healthful, Peaceful New Year to Our Friends . •

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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PEESS—Bosh Haslionab 5701—Tirarscfay, October 3, 1940.

Page 10


m e n t i s , ths interntaeat. other minorities. Economically, refugees by tlie timidity dr«" cussed more fully by other lead- on January 20 and 22, enabling few 1 ers In refugee w o r t was the Do-legislation was passed by t h e camps were practically liquidated the" iraraigrants bring us benefits, past ppersecution, minican Republic project. The Dominican Congress. The con-as the govemmezt released a l l from a social standpoint they &re "Our workk proccofif slonr {* proposal for settlement of refu- tract provides ' for citizenship in those over 45 years of age sndtoo few to have any perce Die nllftfl to t j tion zv,& pressure. r.pplSeO. gees from Central Europe in the conformity with the Constitution permitted those ^icfifcr 48 to en-elfeel; Why, th.ee, Ehcirfd there' be any j refugee. All our .teimrtiTienifs f^'fDominican Republic was f i r s t of the Republic, guarantees set- list for labor -or military service. breached a t the Brian Conference tlers full opportunity to continue A. co -•ordinating committee of fuss t t £ii about refugee immi- j gi:5cSed by the principle of ho\mn$: j before t'he refuses &t every t.v.''K of 1938 when the Intergovern- their lives and occupations free both Jewish and non-Jewish agen- gr&tion? — • | the attractioBs ol' oiUfi" pecuonf mental Committee was formed. from molestation, 'discrimination cies had ' in the meantime been Representatives of General Rafael or persecution, and grants them organised to deal a c r e effectiveThs s,r,Ewcr of course, is tha of the country t,nA sraallor com-v Ke-traininr in S ^ L. Trujillo, then, president of the all civil and economic rights. ly with the new refugee prob- it is not S.TX esonoSiic or social, nuniAtics. e Republic, t o l d the Conference • The initial colony was to con-lems. bat a political problem. It offers J J5^® J ^ * , ^ 1 , 0 ^ 0 ^ ,!?S^J^ that the Republic would consider sist of 500 people. Experts were The. improvement in the sites- ] the settlement of 100,000 refu- sent to Europe to select suitable tion was not of long duration fcr ! irfac of New lork. We m?*e arw*settlers. About 50 of thesa ar- the progress of German arras i s gees in their country. ts to bring' to trie r&'vrivedin Sosua In the spring of the spring of 1040 brought new When the S. S. St. Louia inciT h i s cojaprolion3lve siaa- "Washington a t his invitation sis at the Department of State, heard 1940. Tha entry of Italy into ths restrictions against ths refugees dent took place, early in 1939, zr.3.77 c? tho rclnjjee problem weeks after the beginning of the a''report from Sir Herbert Emerwar, h o w e v e r , drastically cut ultimately delivered t h e m son, director of the Committee; the Dominican. R e p u b l i c was means of transportation froa Eu- snd tlj»usi!oat tho xvosia, cover- war. again into the. hands of the Nazis. again suggested as a possible hainrt tho pei'lctl from last SepPresident Rooaavelt s a w a discussed methods of meeting the ven, but was not accepted owing rope, and many of these selected With tfce invasion of Hcllanfl and I 'tes&sr through togBst of this double refugee problem facing tho refugee problems under war conwere left stranded. However, ef„- ! iEtoier&isce as ftaterisl for cay, represents a resume, of •world. The first he designated ditions; and discussed the "short to the emergency conditions. The forts to expedite the emigration Belgiaxn, the French governmen "Our second, lino of work is H: l l e/cata inasmuch. - as-: i t . a short term problem involving range problem," especially the project, however, was then taken of these people and to select ad- once rsore ordered the . intern- attacks." Jcrieh conimimUiCK ell ever \.\w HsastticBjent Fcsction pssca tho -trend'•:'. a nd, an estimated 300,000 political fate, of refugees in lands of tem-under consideration by, refuges ditional settlers from points that ment, on May 15, not only of all organizations as a possibility for It is for this reason, Dr. K&bor couEtry. t t e hrvve lielcl. work*;-' te of contemporary ills-" refugees from Germany, not per-porary asylum. were not cut off from transporta- German and Austrian dale refu- added, long-term development. that tbe keystone ot the ccverir«£ the Untied f>v.ateiE in P*?~ gees, •• but also of all childless iory. Prepared by..Mr. .Belth, manently settled in other countion continued. In a State Department comNational Refugee Service organ- j tione, rJEitinj; .Tevir-li coaiKnit«i whoso cloGa association w i t h tries and tho second, a vaster munique issued following t h e The Dominican offer was inves(Continued on Page 11.) iaatics. is its resettlement: func- j end. petting them to invite r< •But despite the progress made t!i3 worL: of relief,---emigration problem embracing the fate of third session, it was pointed out tigated by t i e Refugee Economic tion, aiming to prevent or dis-1 -geee to come end settle. For ' said i'eliabilitstioa ma&ea t h i ff many millions of people who that "this p r o b l e m could be Corporation^ and a commission in the Dominican Republic projicentratioc ef refugees I purpose, v.-( ••'e promote the ect, and the efforts to initiate perse coaeer ctntJy authentic, this" article" is' •would be uprooted by war. solved partly by infiltration, that sent by It in collaboration with similar- projects, .such as those izallon of Kr^cini comraSi ca the eastera seabo rd £n £.nd pyccsjitcc! hero through, special the President's Advisory CommltHe called for the resettlement is individual immigration, a n d There, are now hunflrec],?. or • cis-Hy- in New York City. fiwec^ements between : the edi- of the refugees in the first cate- partly by an initiation of settle- teo on Refugees, to the Republic proposed for Alaska and the Philcommfttees, v'itln. f.houscr.d "There is a cliepropo tors of tho "American Jewish; gory "during1 the actual course of ment projects." The meeting took In tha Bpring of IS39 returned a ippines, the primary attention of Jewicl?. population in ttsir- part cf : 3Tear Bcoli" ami Seven'-Arts' the war w i t h o u t confusing their note, "with particular satisfac- favorable report. As a result of organisations engaged in refu", b S -r , . , 1 1 1 tlJS couctrj", 8,i?d eEpecisily in U'JS'j "We are not lookinp; for or-i-.-Pestaro Syndicate.—®HS -EDI- lot with the lot of those -who in tion; of the fact that the Domini- this investigation, interest w a s gee work was focused upon refucity," Dr. *Kaber EEA&. "We have j right offers of-,lobs, particuls.v".v SOB. increasing numbers will suffer as can government, with great fore- taken in the project by the Amer- gees caught in the path of war ia to convince the refugee that he not for jobs which Europe. In tha spring of 1S40, ican Jewish Joint Agricultural a\ result of the war itself." sight a n d generosity, h a d rechoulfi move away frorr. Nc^; wise go to Anierlcam... Norfiev;t. • {-Contiaue-d fross P&C- ".) it was estimated that 175,000 of Corporation (Agre-Joint), an afYork, for his own sake sind fox ack a, community to cwarantof s .The war itself, he predicted, sponded to tha appeal of the to filiate of the Joint Distribution the 407,000 Jewish refugees from • I<onc step3 toward the solution livelihood tor the retr.gef!, Wtu.: of tho German .refugee. nrobleto would create ten to twenty mil tergovernmental Committee for Committee, which had been con- Germany (287,000} End Austria Gerraaay between July 1, IS?54, tbe general welfare. and December 1, 1SS8, of vrli.om j "We encounter rcsisteBCe for we p.f.Ji: of them, ip to PR-V: . Tli«"*^ mi^ht have been taken during lion new refugees of "many rases opportunities of settlement." (120,000) were .tesaperarily domcerned with the settlement of 25 per cent were 'Christian anfl eeveral reasons. First of all, tlie 1? PB oppors-r.ri-ity jp. thin t r v p tUa porlod under review Had- not ana many religions" whose roots - Problem Might Have Been • Jews on farmland In Russia and iciled in other European lands. 75 psr cent Jewish or partly Jevr- refugee has alreagy gone tbrpufrJi I for a vrRtchuiRlver, or a mUlina". will literally have been torn up V/ar broken o u t in Europe in Of these, upwards of 50,0.00 were isS. in origin. There are 170,000 • ,. •-•.••• . S o l v e d . which had since liquidated its September. It hosan a3 a year and who will be "compelled to 1)61115 maintained by refugee aid physicians ia the United States one great upheaval, .and he comes \ or a confectioner, or whatever U In his report to tno Intergov- work la that country. to New York ss to a goal where may be, and to undertake of promise. It quickly turned to start life anew in'other lands.' organizations. and our own Eissiica.! schools he expects to end bis travels end vrhen the refugee moves tlieve. "><sJames N. Rosenberg, chairman one of utter despair. For, as the This problem of the-future he ernmental Committee and in subOf the refugees in these lands graduate 5,500 new doctors every his family will receive K<? conflict spread from land to land declared must be approached with sequent public statements, S i r of the Agro-Joint, became a lead- during 1SS9, some 10,000 were year, Dr.. Edsall pointed out, yetsettle down to E.II orderly life and possible friendly find again. He hates to contemplate Herbert Emerson stressed . t h s Ing figure in the investigation realistic 'foresight, and he urged bringing hardship and terror to assisted by refugee .aid organisa- the proportion of physicians in himself oacc more. welco'Tie and tho native populations, thousands the Committee "to survey a n d contribution that private philan- and development of t h e project. tions, to emigrate overseas for general population bas b e e n uprooting New York lool;s (secure "We t i v e a whole echefiute •"*:• of refugees who had believed study definitely and scientifically thropy had made toward the solu- It als6 received the support of perrssneat settlement.. With the steadily decreasing. It -was one to to "Then, him.- It has a Izrge Jewish towns which hp.ve under ts-Vi-ir. themselves safe from German per- this geographical and economic tion of the refuges problem, and President Roosevelt; Myron C. spread of the war in the west, 662 in 1SS6, and one to 784 inpopulation and. s. laeg® pumber of regxilar Quotas along this Vi^asecution,-, became once more en- problem of resettling several mil- the contribution that refugees Taylor, chairman of the Inter- however, tha means of emigration 1934. refugees. Ke is able to live and ThEy are ready to absorb two.. f>r were making to the countries that governmental Committee; S i r lion people in new areas of t h e meshed in the Nazi toils. General figures on refugee im- h&ve Boclzl contacts &mong peo- cix, or a dozen refugee faro.U5M; * had admitted them for permanent Herbert Emerson, and other lead- rapidly dwindled as ports closed earth's surface. . Refugees , f r o m Greater Gerresidence. ers in refugee work. With the and shipping facilities shrank. As migration are -similarly telling. pie he knows, or a t least who i month. Ey and large, the many found themselves In double are like the people he knew back | is succeeding. This organizaJ.'Afc Diplomatic Stir 'Sir Herbert's r e m a r k s were Refugee Economic Corporatioa a result, the relief burden upon To date, about 85,000 people jeopardy. They came to he looked While the President's remarks borne put by reportsXfrom various unable to invest any large sums refugee committees in European fleeing from Nazism nave reached hoiae. 'The rest of the country is i is responsible for resettling Tt>.?u-~ upon with suspicion as aliens — served to clarify several phas.es in the project because of prior countries mounted, while their In- our snores. The maximum rates a vast unknown, end he contem- geeE at a rate o£ 6,000 or even enemy aliens—iri the coun- of the problem, they created an sources recounted below. Had commitments, the Agro - J o i n t come dwindled with Increased of immigration allowed by lawplates ft with a feeling of inse- a year at present, and v^c tries, of asylum. Then, as oneunexpected stir in diplomatic cir- not the war broken out, he de-Board agreed to provide funds for taxation and drastic rises in the would only permit 42,000 a year curity. ' This, of Course, is a nat- soon to reach 10,000 a year. » c aftet another of these lands ~ - cles. The British and French clared, the refugee problem might its initiation. cost of living. Besides, a num- to come here from countries ural tes&ency ol all iE2tai£rant&, must do that if we won't watv; ;.Norway. Denmark, Holland, Bel- governments expressed concern have been solved within a few in the case of the ' create a 'refugee problem.'" ber of governments which, just which are driving out Jews and i t h d ' In December, steps were taken gium, France — fell before Gei> over the implications of prepara- years. Up to that time 400,000 to form the Dominican Republic prior to the war, had begun. to many'3« armed misbt, tho refu- tions for large scale refugee work persons had left German: terri- Settlement Association, to which provide subsidies f o r refugee tory, of whom 240,000 had found gees once more were delivered In the post war period. They permanent homes and new means the Agro-Joint subscribed $200,- work, were unable to continue into the hando of their oppres•-<r-N contended that one of the objec; 000. Shortly thereafter. Dr. Jos-their subventions after they had sors. , ' tives of their war against Ger- of livelihood. The coming of the.eph A. Rosen, president of the been drawn into the conflict. The war, however, he pointed out, reA3 the war spread, the"; num- many was to eliminate the dec* vealed some of the tragic short* Agro-Joint and a noted agronom- refugee committees had ' no reber of refucec3 of all types grew trine of racial and religious big- comings of the efforts in behalf ist, went to the Dominican Re- course but to look to tne Ameriby the" millions.. Most of these otry, and that victory for ths Al- of the refugees. public with" a technical staff to can Jewish J o i n t Distribution . . for larger subsidies, were refugees from the battle lies would eliminate the need for Many thousands of potential determine the best site for t h e Committee the J. D. C. found it inareas. For tho purpose of this any large emigration program. refugees still remained within establishment of an agricultural but revievf, however, a refugee -is de- The divergent views were rec- Germany, whila 160,000 refugees colony. Dr. Rosen chose a 26,000- creasingly difficult to meet all fined as ono V/ho had been forced onciled at subsequent meetings of resided temporarily In European acr© tract of l a n d , known as demands. to leave his native land prior to tho Executive Group of the Inter- countries of asylum and were Sosua, for the first settlement. Situation l a Fraace fcba war, or-ii"fte left after tho governmental Committee. I t was ikely to come again ander Kasl This tract situated on the North When France was finally overoutbreak of hostilities, did so for agreed on October 26, ISSD.'that domination. Sir Herbert estimat- Shore and owned personally by whelmed b y ' the Hitler army, other than-Trar reasons. Essen- urveys should be proceeded with ed that from 1933 t o t h e closing General Trujillo, had once been there were between 3 8 , 0 0 0 . a n d tially, this limits the definition or possible" use after the war,months of 1939, private philan- used as a banana plantation by 40,000 German refugees in the to refusec3 from Greater Ger- but that there should he no ad-thropy In all parts of the world the United Fruit Company. Gen- country, about 12,000 having armission that such a problem had subscribed $50,000,000 in eral Trujillo offered the tract as rived in France during the prewould arise.--' Furthermore, tho cash for aid t o the refugees, and a ^if t t o the Dominican Republic ceding year. Most of these refuPresident's Foresight Similar classification of t h e Committee declared that, it was that a t least another $25,000,000 Settlement Association. Officials gees : were receiving assistance two major groups of refugees -was not competent to expand its man- had been provided in the form, of of the association offered Trujillo •from committees that had been made by President Franklin D. date beyond the terms of dealing hospitality and other means of stock in the company, In return banded together during the year Roosevelt in an address on Octo- with the refugee question o£ assistance. as the Groupement Israelite de lor the land. ; ber 17, 1939, delivered at the Greater Germany. Co-ordinatio; about 12,000 reWork Started Dominican Republic "White House to the memoerB oE The sessions ot the IntergovOn January 30, a contract was ceived daily relief. The most important ot the c61the Intergovernmental Committee ernmental In the seven years bet-ween the Committee, a l l ol plans, touched upon by Signed bet-ween the association sprlnK of 1933 and tbe outbreak •on. Political HetuEees -who met in •which, bad been nelcl In camera onlzatlon and the Dominican Republic and President. Hoonevelt. a n d dl of tne -war. France had follcrwod

Nathan C. Belth


1 -

cordial spirit of the holiday sea:&ing of a new year, THE' >UOR GO* extends the-



the world will emerge shadows that have en-

I t

We look forward tothe coming months as an era of pleasant business relations* To putever-increasing circle of friends we wish the happiest of new years* * -" / V * . ' -J


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made to restrict their admission and to restrict their activities, especially in regard to employment in competition with French labor, yet generally a liberal attitude was taken, and it is a matter of record that France admitted millions of aliens of a great variety of origins .during the past 20. years. With the outbreak of the war, h o w e v e r , it was natural for France to adopt a more severe attitude toward aliens, and especially toward thqse of German origin. Here for the first time, the refugees • from Nazi persecution became aware of their double jeopardy. In this land of asylum they suddenly found themselves open to the suspicion of being enemies of the very same stripe as those they themselves w e r e seeking to escape. Within a fewdays after the opening of hostilities between France and Germany, all men of German. nationality, between the ages'of 17 and: ; 66j including:- refugees,. were ordered to be interned. Th© number of those Interned totalled approximately 18,000. They were placed In 60 camps established under military supervision, camps which, suffered from lack of preparation snd inadequate facilities. Sanitary equipment, means of skelter, clothing and even food and medical attention were woefully poor. The problem was further complicated by the fact that the government was also engaged in evacuating l a r g e numbers ot French families from the areas near the Maginot line. Nevertheless, the government maintained a sympathetic attitude toward the interned refugees and attempted^ to segregate Germans from Austrians, and refugees from members of the German colony. Belief Bui-den The internment of all male refugees, furthermore, threw an additional heavy burden on the refugee relief organisations, since a large number of additional women and children became,,- wholly dependent upon these relief agencies. Nevertheless, the refugee aid groups organized to assume this increased burden, and took further steps, with the permission of the authorities, to improve the conditions a m o n g the internees. The initiative in these measures was taken by the Joint Distribution Committee, which maintained its chief European office in Paris. Additional food a n d shelter were provided for the internees, and efforts were,made to . find emigration opportunities for as many ES possible. Some 2,00,0 of those interned, who held visas for overseas countries were permitted to depart on French and British boats. Those married to French wornetn and those who had Frenchborn children were also released after a brier period. Within a

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'""> K

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• ) , * • '


' rj (: 1 / /


u % " CHAS. j : REGAN, Mg 2215 Leavmwoitii St»

JJi,t ££f Iii*zz*

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Rosh Hashonah 5701—Thursday, October 3,1940


a crackpot movement. 'A presiden- spirltual Interpretation of ticraan tial campaign-'got under way Ia destiny, and. use It as a weapon which the r a e t a 1 question was against the false gods'of cruel if' barred from the outset by the and aggression. That is In keep- : fact that -President Roosevelt's ing'with Rosh HaEhoaah's-clarion h a t r e d of intolerance Is well Shof&r call for the estaWishiaent known, while Republican Candi- of the kingdom of. God'on earth. In an unusual effort to serve date Wendell L. Winkle came out practical necessity and artisr a p a a t e d l y and forthiightly In addition, the new year must both creation at one stroke, plans against race hatred. •give us an opportunity to appraise tic are being carried out to estcblisJ: This "seems almost ironic to our position in America an<| plan a coloay of singers in p£lort;ae mention now but deserves men- for the future. Our lot.is InextriGifted vocalists ^cfi cccspccers tion in a review of last year — cably bound 'with those* demo- froa aisosg JewlcS refuse or n i l last Dec. 26 President Roosevelt cratic Ideals .which are-, an essen- gather in a single villcge rfeere Inaugurated a move to organize tial part of America's history and each'will have &5s tome, &td e the forces of religion for the day destiny. ,,We have a share in their parcel of IsnS for the support of when peacs returned. As repre- preservation and enhancement. himself &s2 bis fasnily. As to our own' inner life, ths • I is the bope that Eccb a village These territorial acquisitions sary to make radical revision in sentative of the Jewish religion Blackout! 12 there is any one was chosen Dr. Cyrus Ad- path is clear. The neopagans who might became an historic center word that can sum up a whole. gave Soviet Russia a Jewish pop-4 America's historic immigration therewho, re-proclaiming the slo- would destroy us, actually fear for symphonic choir festivals, dedbreathless, aisatmarlah year It is ulation of more,than 5,50,0,000— policy. The Immigration Bureau ler, • that "Israel's m i s s i o n is the spirit of the Jew, fcts reli- icates! to Jewish a n d especially "that v/ord of trembling dar!snes3 largest of a n y country in the was shifted from the Labor to the gan Joined enthusiastically In gious' strength, his: inner life. It biblical--themes. —blackout! It is one of tho words world. Whljo Jew3 wore far bet- Justice Department, the policy of peace," the movement, d e s p i t e bis 76 behooves us then to take up the tor off in Soviet Russia than in admitting all%liens except the unllko Blltskries, fifth column. TroA committee cf promicsEt Jewyears and his Illnes3. On April by giving thought ia that sprang Into ov German territories, there w e r e de3|rable was abandoned in fav- 7 Dr. Adler died and was suc- challenge jan horae ish musicians and-iansjc-iovers, ia the coming year to adequate Jewpast arrestc of ZlonistB and others re- or of barring all except those who ceeded in the peaca move by Rabs rydy* ass sryday ass d u gr i n g the p communal organisation, to the America and elsewhere, is aSvancd that mirror garded as unfriendly to the Com- aid American interests, and in bi Louis Finkelstein, his succes- ish twelvemonth, words propereducation .of,our Jewish iEg the undertaking a n d has the Tsrorld'a thoughts and fears. munist r e g I ' m e , suppression of August a vast registration a n d sor aa president of the Jewish youth in the religion; the litera- adopted as Its motto the -words nationalist a n d religious finger-printing of the 3,600,000 Bsfoyo t i e world was created." Jewish groups, and Jews, being predom- aliens in this country was under- TheOlogiCal Seminary of America. ture, and the history of our peo"darkness "was upon tho face of America's defense frontier in- ple. ' It should stimulate us to add middle class, were hard- taken. It was reassuring that the the1 deep," and in thin year of inantly cludes •• South America, aad dur- to our own spiritual and intelest bit by tho Soviet declasslng Government save assurance that 5700 darknee3 returned again to process. loyal aliens would not be molest- ing ths year concern was caused lectual wealth &o. that our young, a largo g section of &e world. It ed and took action to curb the by increasing evidence of Nasl people, and our adults may derive b d in i h it wJll h h& remembered history as penetration in this continent. A sustenance and pride from Jewish The paco of events In Europe activities of native "fifth column- Nazi military plot was uncovered life. iha Year of the War. It was ths ists. year, when Naaism u t r o p t ovor during tho past y e a r was so l It could be expected that the In Uruguay. Fifth column activiThe new National Academy for - SSarope, snuffing out Independent breathless that one could hardly tension of the times would pro- ties reached" menacing stages in .Adult Jewish Studies established Jetrtah. pop- take the time out to judge trends,countries. Ideals other South American countries. •illations. And now, "darknesa in but from tho perspective of the duce a crop of "anti-Semitism. The United States rallied the con- this. past summer by the Jewish upon the face of the waters," and year-end ono can see what has Charles E. Coughlin carried on tinent to united, defense at pan- Theological Seminary of America • across the. -waters lies this contin- been happening. A gigantic force his agitation, both over the radio American conference In Havana ,ia a great step forward In'this direction and offers promise for the ent. The past year - marked tho of fanaticism which has; gripped and in his magalne Social Jus- in July. new year. We must also-keep be"blackout of Surope. What ill almost an entire nation has 4>een tice. The Christian Front's activThus drew to a close a feverish, fore our mind's eye^the responsimarching across the continent, ities spread, featured by the ar' brins for America? rest of 17 in New York on charges tragic year in Jewish history, a bility we owe to millions of- our '• Tho i beginning of the war al- backed by the advantage of a of sedition conspiracy and theft year in which the Jewries of people scattered over the face of program and a brutal ferver. It is most coincided with the Hebrew of Government property; no con- Europe were largely blacked out, the earth and caught in the iron No-57 • Year. On Rosh Hashonah, a force of the kind that has been victions w e r e returned by the at least for the timebeingl But crucible of affliction or living In seen before in history, marching Sept. 14, tho war wan just two Jury In the first "trial. Such agi- a blackout need not be perman- £he 'xaldst of appalling disaster. .-weeks old. Poland wsjs falling be- on to what may sometime seem tators as William Dudley Pelley ent. Beneath a blackout life goes Many will have to be brought to tho despairing to be endless fpra tho Nasl Blitskrieg. Finally, and Jo8 MeWilliams (indepen- on, and although hundreds of safely to the shores of Palestine Gonnany and Soviet Russia par- victory, but somewhere It is halt- dent candidate for Congress In thousands of Jews have died and where a resolute band of one-half ed and then it is crushed and the 'tloned P o l a n d , and 1,600,000 New York) continued to be heard millions are In captivity, Rosa .million Jews .stands today' as a Jews were oubjected to the most world tries to return ; to normal- from periodically. Hashonah brings a renewal of the powerful bulwark for the survival cy. . .'. -ESTCS8 persecution, the-world has conviction that such t h i n g s as of-the Jew and Judaism. • '.'• Beaewal of .Hops Anti-Jewish. Drives were mas"Qysr.ljaown..Thousands l T h d . But anti-Semitism did cot man-* Hitlefism cannot go on. This, too, Wherever Nazi influence has age to life itself from the level of shall pass' away. cicr'ed* Thousands more died of " This Rosh- Hashonah comes to •famine »sn& disease. The Jowish extended, there has been an antius laden -with fears and misgivpopulation -o2 Nasi-occupied PC- Jewish drive. Germany gained ings.1 "The clouds are dark be. X&J1& was driven Into ghettos, virtual control over Rumania and fore us." A stygian blackness of ' S for forced labor, obliged Hungary. In Rumania, there were anti-Jewish riots following the agony and despair hovers about badges of shame." to wear Soviet annexation of Bessarabia the world. The Jew must remain of Polaad•unshaken, as never before, in his As the culmination to the de- and North Bukowina, then a pronew year determination to enctruction of Polish Jewry — t h e Nasi government under Premier throne God, th© King of the larsest Jewish population in Bur- Ion Gigurtu launched a sweeping Editor's Note: An inspira- spirit and a warped moral law* oga g.adl culturally tho mo3t im- anti-Jewish campaign. l a Him- tional tbeme from Jexeraiah To permit society to remain thus '•whole universe. . ' • ' What does that mean? We portant In t&Q world — a glgan- gary, antl-Jewish legislation was ia iBterest&tly j aeyeloped by be cowardice. More than must this a destined tic concentration camp Into which extended to tighten up " l o o p- Rabbi Sandrorv, of Temple Beth- would , hoar inconsider which spiritual resolutethousanda of Jews wero herded, hole3'.' and to bring the measures El, Cetoflmrst, L. X, in tho that, it would be suicide. clocsr to the Nazi pattern. ; We must, with all people of all ness, a belief • in human liberty, 1 without adequate shelter or food, One thins has become clear be- following :Rosli • • Hashonah.-. ar- other faiths, search some road and the,survival of the Jew are without sufficient means of livollticle. „.. :•' ... • "•;.". •'.'. . ; away from disaster. We must re- bound up with religion, the moral hood. Shut from the outside world yond question, "beyond hops, even' construct , mankind's plan for a law, -justice, social happiness, and by a thick ohroud of secrecy, ths beyond wishful thinking — t h e r e A world crisis of frightful di- better society. That plan Is found brotherhood.' • Nasla carried out an unprecedent- will be no place for ithe Jews. In ed annihilation of the Jewish pop- a Hitlerised Europe.* The early mensions Is accompanying t h e only In a-compelling, and coordi- "Thus saith the' liOrd birth of the Jewish New Year. Hitlerian s t a t e m e n t s that the nating belief in the peaceful and Be£raJn thy Toice from weeping, ulation. anti-Jewish program was aimed Rosh Hashonah 5701 finds the decent human goal which religion And tMse eyea from tears; For''thy work s&all be rewarded, Then two more lights w o r e only at breaking Jewish "domin* economic, social and political life has set for humanity. : Religion must carry on where blacked out. Oa April 9 tho In- ance," which some tried to accept of the world in a Borry plight. 'Gaitb. theXonl; Vicious? ideologies breeding hatat face value, • have now given science and"" education have unvaoion of Scandinavia was launchAnd they ehall come- back from red, violence, Insane nationalism loaded their burden. Its spiritual edf Denmark submitting passive- way to tho avowed doctrine that ' ' the laad of the enemy.. ly, Norway resisting, but under- the Jews will be pushed off the and racialism have darkened the vision must harness all that is And there is hope for thy fntnre, lives of men and have paralysed minded by a Trojan horse. There I continent, forced to settle in some worthwhile in the mind of man said the Iiord." were only 11,000 Jews In these remote part of th&.^world. And the hopes and distorted the rea- for the betterment of the world. —Jeremiah 81:10-17.. two countries, but they felt the what is now Hitler's program for son of our people. A universe that has lost God perWar has for the second time In mits economic insecurity, reachand of tho Nazi oppressor In the Europe will become his program In 1657 Solomon Dotnldo, a form of arrests, discriminatory for tho rest of the world. Thus our generation shaken the foun- tlon, Injustice, nattonal exhibi- nephew of Mannaseh ben Israel, JI there is at stake — In a brutally I dation of democracy and liberaltionism, and race arrogance. was made a member of the Lonthere is at stake In s *--—*-"' The Bllts£rles«amo to th© Low literal sense — Jewish survival Ism I t has robbed^ small nations We must,, then, recapture the don Royal exchange. Countries o n M a y J O . Tho Inva-| to the world. j of their liberties. It to destroying life and property. slon ot Belgium and Holland In many parts ot the -world Inthis . Nazi program I tsniatlonal gBsssterlnD «sd poli-

of Nehemiah: "For the singers rededlcation of the Temple In rehad builfied them villages' round merabered and made to tsymb&lixe "It all: the rekindling of the holy about Jerusalem."


•> - r ] ' r thv pr>ri

•if rr 0 rFr " r ' r

,«b"i"ir vr.< rncfi b eolj patterned Cifw s tree, n ^ i ^ H ' tht- almond tree — vV.r. I-ttriicv frrow in IS.1L farLio? CT*1 r rirf*« central lr Ucri imLL. luttT,", . - a * i ' tl<e .early ctiJci^Ij:11 i»'< tK* cr< *;r<0 of alJTOT f Icr "*. r " ' f-inr "-»v<fl "upon them. GotiEocrstefl hy t-Sie Cftannfeo 'spirit, foovever, it csisse to repcf a people have a way ef becom- FSEeBt'reliRioes freeflors, a Jewish ing distilled Into & few essential Statup of Liberty, m it were. symbols. Thus it is that toe Men- As a colorful and highly valugacred Meaorals repressnte tha meaning o£ able object of art, the Cbastifeo. The siet&ils cf tee M'ac- orat was. poaapousslj1 exhibited la csfesss battles are ignored, the 'the triumpual processjlon iB.Eoroe tearing SO^B - ©I the feeatfeon al- cfter Its conquest of Palestine, ae tETB anS tbe retestitntioa of the SE clearly ehown to this day, by Jewls-s sacrifices apfi Incease are the bas-relief on the Arch ot. Tlforgotten. Bet CES element of the 1 tus.


v^j [,u-- J~ —


By Rabbi Edward T. Sandrow

t i


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the vn-T i n the -west. In. tho XXTKT \ bas made Tranareda ol Countries-were 265.000 Sows. I n - l o t le-vs Into dislnheTitea Tetu- tical opportunism-- have -wreste<4cVadlng many Tetugee3 irom Ger-\gees, turned-millions Into poten- Irom people's hearts the- human, IS many TBlUBBea itom. uBi- sees, mmou UU*I.IUUI> ' " ' « . * " " " lAaalit l nf annalitv lit nesce the tree-

._*_i_ to *L -m~,^»«. ««fl Ens-Binrr-l. B a m e time largely paralyzed tne I "ty ot tno maiviauai. desperately I'rance and land. ' letlorts to ttnd new H o m e s ol In such a -world and In such a Thundering a c r o s s Belgium, I them. B u t o p e a n emigration time, the Je-w celebrates tne apthe Nazi iuggermxt Tolled i n t o \ T o u t e a have been disrupted-ana ot tne New Year. MemFrance, -where tbere ^wero nearly 1 ettorts nave been made to route I proacn through the a half million J ot thousands

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The June 14 and 11 daya later a ne-w ftcosevelt's Vision disenfranchised, French. Government, headed by Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, signed a humiliating armistice As early a3 last Oct. 17, the which only a historian -with a flair wMeh provided, among o t h o r Ident told a meeting of the" Inter- for the morbid will be able to rethings, for tho raturn of any Ger- governmental Refugee Committee late. The American continents man refuseoa - w a n t e d by tho In "Washington that he feared the alone and the Jew, together with Nasis. ' war would create ten to twenty his fellow citizens of other creeds million refugees and new lands and backgrounds, iff freedom and On Boad t» Totalitarianism Post-armlstico France embark- would have to be found for them. in peace. But there* too, the grim ed on the road towards totalitar- At the same time he urged Im- and sinister aura of a world in taalbm, aa part of -whjcb anti- mediate measures to s a v e the flames has roused us to gird our Semitic tendencies aroga in the 200.00& pre-war refugees. In coma n a t i o n a l energies, harnessing country which first save democra- Allied quarters, Roosevelt's pre- wealth and armamerits; for war cy to Surope. ^Reaching the sea, diction as to the 10-20 million preparedness. '.•.'•"• Germany t a r n o d on the last war refugees was resented at the Rosh Hashonah ,5.701 is then a time as defeatist, but subsequent stronghold of liberal. civilisation events justified his pessimism. , great testing hfiur for the J©T?. on the eastern siae.of tho AtlanAs to tne German refugees, ef- His problem, so overwhelming and tic — England — and aa this Is forts were made to resettle some complicated, bound up as it is bsins written, the fate of Britain of them, but the tide of events with the welfare of all mankind Is being decided. swept on too fast and engulfed threatens his very survival. There are two paths open to of them in Buropo. A colMarchins behind Hitler, to tho most onization project was organized the Jew: to creep into,-some nook tune played byvtho Nazi busier, in Dominican Republic, but or crevice of the earth, waiting came Italy, Germany's axis part- onlsthe could'be "brought for the scourge to pass-^-a role of ner, whose entry into tha war on over ainhandful time, and of escapism, or to anlyze his posiJuno 10 spread the war into the tho remaining 500 emigration — an ultimplay whatever role is rightMediterranean. Italy, whoso 40,- ate colonization of 100,00:. was. tion, 000 Jews were being subjected to envisioned — became a painfully fully his in society and the world Nazi-modeled anti-Semitic legisla- arduous task. Palestine, despite of ideas, placing upon the altar of a fainting civilization his contion.1 and her, v/oric cut out for the Continued to r e c e i v e tributions for the remaking of ths tier in fighting to gain a foothold somewar. refugees. The defeat of w o r l d . • ;• . ia tbe eastern Mediterranean. France s e n t thousands fleeing :, To accept the former would BQ This brought'the war to Pales- south towards Portugal, f r o m tine. In tho Holy Land, political where some managed to sail for rank renunciation. It would mean developments, such as restrictions tho United States and other coun- obeisance before the prophets of .'doom and destruction whose paon" Jewish land purchase, which tries. . . gan philosophies have brought decalled lorta a strenuous protest cay a n d degeneracy Into th® from- Zionists, but which were modified la execution, were pushThe United States, in the past world. I t would help enslave mied . Into the background as tho year changed from a country at norities, nations, and religious Jewish homeland rallied ito forces peace to a nation preparing for a groups for many generations to to fight for Its life and tho life feared, although noped-agalnst come. It would ha an admission of Britain. war. As part of. the unprecedent- that the Jewish heritage has lost d y n a m i c idealism, its snActual war first came In the ed preparations for defense, the its quenchabls prophetic message. form of an Italian air raid on fifth column in this c o u n t r y Such a Tola of abdication would Haifa on July 15, followed by an- emerged at a major, issue. Nazi other on July 24 which took 46 propaganda; racial agitation bs- cast the Jew Into.a moral, not to lives, and still more raidB. Italian came branded as fifth column speak of a: .physical ghetto, where bombs were backed by a propa- manifestations threatening t h i s ho would become a useless organganda barrage w h i c h made it nation's cecurity and this effect- ism In the world body. Need toz Introspection clear Italy waa oeo&lng control ot ively checked the Influence of Tho only Tealistlc approach for Palestine in the form of a "pro- Nazi propaganda, despito tho intectorate." , crease in anti-Jewish Incitement tho Jew 13 found In the messaso fn some sections of the country. - of Rosh Hashonah which calls for • Placo of Busaia Introspection' and courage to reFifth Column An Increasingly important par President Roosevelt sounded fashion the world. Centuries of In continental affairs was played by Soviet Russia. Following the the keynote in the drive against history have taught the Jew that p a r t i t i o n - o f Poland, which the disruptive propaganda of the prosress is not always a straight brought 2,000,000 Poli3&. Jews fifth columnlnts in his defense line. Prosresss procoeda moro oftinder tho Soviet rcslmo, Moscow epeech of May 26 over the radio, ten on a slszag courso. Tho current lack of concern for esized, In rapid succession, tbe when he warned that those who Kumanian provinces of Bessara- spread racial and political discard the welfare of others, poverty, .- bla aad Norta SukOwina, then the aim "to create confusion of coun- starvation, and social disillusionBaltic dates of Lithuania, Latvia sel, p u b l i c ' indecision, political ment indicate a deep incline on . and Estonia not to mention part paralysis and eventually a state ol the graph of civilisation's growth. A concomittant of such a regresot Finland, taken earlier after a paralysis." The Government found it aecas- sion has seen, a truacated. human - brisf trat bitter






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New* Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PBESS—BosU HasHonaE 5701to It on


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the 18th -of Adar in tho Cairo ficers, who had escaped -firon *' f synagogue and fervently implored prison, they concerted their ,e£forts and conspired-to-overthrow God for aid. .' The aged Rabbi Samuel ben Sid Achmed. r P ed-them in the prayer "Awake. With the Sultan's flag as-their " fl\ Th&'t the test c£ tolerance is it! • O Lord, wherefore 3 h o u 1 d thebanner, the combined forces, easLVL llcU\ application to the Mess • oi others ord sleep?" He opened the Ark,ily defeated Achmed's . battalion; •with trhicb we 6if£er most sharp- i and in keeping with the ancient but he himself manageelt© cseipe ritual of the public fast, took the .and find asylum la the home-cf a la •• the. procession w i t h - t h e ly Is drematically illtiEtraied by t \ "An" old Scroll of the Law in his arms. friend Bhiek. His secret shelter scrolls . during the festivities of Jewish .brefcais bad ^-&rruiy v;elwh o x n > & of a Jewish friends The viceroy was soon discovered, and on the pointed to key governmental posIs:oT7n of t&a SiffiChase Tora'a, one's eye Is natBarefooted and his head covercxmnally :tn Cairo on ition was one,: Abraham De Cas-decreed that if any.ol them were ed with ashes, the Rabbi went oat 27th of Adar he tras captured asd. urally craws to the, crown wfcich earned into bis ter.t, refused t~ , _. - » c\'\-,\ • . . . . of Adar, altJiongh: it tro, who - Eerved as superinten- found, they should be hung Im- nto the street; Behind him thekilled. ,ors,s t i e Torah. The elaborate share in Ms devotions. the' £ i3 t s o o? tZio ssost .interesting. dent of the mint. He was not only, mediately. On the fourth day, themultitude slowly filed out, they, silver csroaet signifies the soverThe . Jews \r e r e overwhelmed ham learned ths.t he •WEE a f i r e - ! r v r - r , II>3 teles".in. "-iiFeTrfsn a keen financial adviser, but wastwo -who. had been so graciously too, in sackcloth and ashes. Tha with joy at this miraculous' tarn eignty of the Law. worshipper. Thereupon, c u t o I i y t L . f ; f , :ICT I b r t r . io B^¥ls, who hero well-versed in Jewish studies.. The protected by the non-Jew, were shofar was blown, but its tba.es of events.- Their imprisoned- were Its use on the Torah eecms to es that c^eat' eelebratlosa records also describe h i m as a caught in their attempt to change were drowned in the heart-read- set free,- and-the Cotssaunity was have coine from the ancient tirae zealous devotion to the one epirit- { ':-.c\ \ \ -A •: o2 Jewish. redcmption l ,is"th;e generous donor to existing Jewish their place of sanctuary. ing cry of supplication that arose delivered frona the great peril. .A when .,the, one'.who resd the. last ua! God, he drove him out o£ his , ->-v- ;- r - f abode. That Eight,- l a & vision •• ; ' w ; r , ^ f With the aid of the police and from their midst author of tho v/ell-known pla^ charities. . " . . - • feast of seven days and- s ©Ten chapter of th-e Pentateuch on Abraham heard. God Epeafe to" birr r r : , , - r i , , . r . ;1 "Hcralta," VJMCIS is-'the story: of But Fortune's smile.soon turn- the rack, the other fugitive and nights was proclaimed. Da Cas- sachas .Terc-h w o u l d wear* -a and say: " ••' .-• T ~ I have borse vrith'tha; } ; r c isfc^een" ccttlszasnt tayPales«.' ed to a frown. In 1523, Achmed his benefactor were also found. Jewish legend has it that hum- tro was rewarded by the Sultan, crown, similar to. the one custom•;:' cv tiae, - —THE'-EDMOR ahr the'Haman of the Egyp- Two of the v i c t i m s ransomed an tears • are never lost bat ac-who raised' h i n to the office 'of arily .placed upon the .head of a ignorEiit man for seventy years, i , ~--, tian story, ambitious for high es- themselves, and the others receiv- cumulate, ,. and when the cup is Nagid, and he returned from Con- bri&egroois. F r q a the crown ap- could you not ha/re tolerated liiir ' prV, "In each nensration adversaries state, was thwarted in his at-ed the death penalty. filled to overflowing redemption stantinople to Egypt In great feoa- pateatly' • was , transferred to its for one n i g h t ? " rls3 to analhllata us, but the Holy tempts to become vizir to the Sul- By this time Achmed become must come. Relief came from un- 'or. Therefore, did the-Egyptian permanent .place on-tse school of Ono, blessed bo He,-delivers us tan • at> Constantinople- The Sul-cognizant of De Castro's flight anticipated quarters — the Mos-Jews declare for themselves, -their the Law. : tan w a s compelled to assuage and the resultant decree. Inter- l e m s said Christians. 'The sadchildren, and for all future generout o£ tbeir hands." .. Originally,. the masters of • the i-.\ Tao quotation Is culled from Acbmed's w r a t h by appointing cepting all messages, the Viceroy, plight of the Jews plus the virt- ation, the 27th of Adar as a day schools eeera to'have worn "the i , V l.'iiio Passover" Hassadah, but this him .Viceroy of Egypt, for he had by virtue\of his-incumbency, was ual cessation of. business activity of fast. The 28th day of-ASar was crown.of the L<aw." EvMen.ce in-, v o fortifying attituds towards the vi-played a prominent part in theenabled to rule as ruthlessly as r a i s e d the antagonism of theset aside as a day in which there dicates, that; sll .of the "three H i . ' . ' . \ , h » v o r a '.-f c- O-..1* r. he-willed. With characteristic Ma- Egyptians to fever pitch. cissitudes of tho Jew iri"the.past capture of Rhodes. was to be feasting, Kegillah read- crowns" mentioned in the followis crystallised in the festival of His anger burning within him, chiavellian insight, Achmed knew Cognisant of the truism once ing, recipr5cal sending of gifts, ing famous : saying of the Mishna that he must finish his game soon. •Purira, esplainins the popularity Achmed Pechah came to Egypt The founders of the Ainericar j t c:;r:v '/r r- , : ' •;•".-• so succinctly formulated by Is-and to carry out in full manner w e r e '.material',crowns,. actually 'slid .perconal q,ppcal of this annual determined to strive only for per- He was now intent on accumulat- rael Zangwill that "if there is nothe tradition of the original Pur- worn.by those possessing the pro- colonies .not only drew mucb or i "»i'"'V rlsiv.-f'r r*n, CGloiratioa. The actual account of sonal aggrandizement. B e f o r e ing a quick fortune. Achmed had justice in Venice f o r Shylock, im. 1 per 'authority:."-"Three crowns their -inspiration f r o in • the ok Ir'lrpo'-y V.r y-\: ocf" y tlio .manner in w h i c h Hainan's long he gathered about himself a his henchmen arrest, wealthy in- then, alas for. Venice," the Egypthere S.T&: the crown of the Torah, Testament but bad among their 1 '.vcv >",, I* or : 5 T t ; plot to exterminate the Jews was small a r m y of supporters who. dividuals — Moslems, Christians tians decided to wait no longer. the crown of 'the. priesthood, and many who knew these Scripture: 11 r :*-..»^->'.r i'i-r;,:o'w (Copyright 1940 By Seven Arts frnatratctl took on meaning for wete all bent on the policy of and Jews alike — even in public Led by three of the Sultaln's oft h s . c r o T a pi royalty; but thein their original Hebrew, Qovcv- re ' "pf llir v\-'''"'..*. Feature Syndicate.) oueceadins senerations o£ Jews mulcting the inhabitants, regard- places, and coerced them to pay crews of. a good c a s e excels them ransom monies. primarily because they saw in the less of race or creed. , ther. Elder vrilliam Brewster an«'I r'L' f , Vr \\. rrt a1% " ' '' story of Ahasuorus, Haman, MorTo gain his ends, Achmed needOrder to Da Castro other early notables were H e b r a - ; r - : ' 1 cj'ocal' and' Esther not only historists, having originates out of' t.r "<-"r In pursuance of this policy, the ed unconditional military support. did"we *eeoil i s the face .of diffi- English background in r h i c !• i f.i'.v ical, but timely events. Their im- Viceroy ordered De Castro to have All potential conspirators w e r e culties? . We EliS.1,1 •work with 'ail Christian students of Hebrew sc'. ', F' C -mediate welfare depended on theAchmed's name stamped on theeliminated, as were those soldiers IT might,, with the, force of de-the level of culture. who remained faithful to the Sulnuccecs or failuro of their contem- new coins. In addition, De Casi ••>cr. spair- — that force ..-which: gives porary Mordecais and Esthers. Harvard, oldest college tro was personally compelled to tan. Achmed's men took actual our people, superhuman strength "America, required in 16&5, t h s ' for thorr . . . Through tho dark night of ln-forfeit 3,000 golden florins. The control of the forts. His coup 1 % and'help — 'until the-fiay when ' csssant persecution,'the few shafts superintendent, anticipating fu- d'etat was technically completed In ..this- article for. the Seveg and of our national creation, a Palestine again, eves.. more than all students'spend four morning-' i r e ; . 'i ?;vfr ; c-c \ .' .- of* light- that • miraculously pene- ture treachery, wisely obtained on the first of Adar, when he pro- Arts 'and the Jewish' Press", the perennial spring of life and vitala week during their first year i~ f>c\ . " claimed himself "Sultan Achm- world director of the Ke'rea Haye. ity to our people and * what - they ia the' past,- is the source of cre-studies of Greek and Hebrew. Ir i trated their homes were welcomed Acbmed's fiat in writing. rrv,. ation, - comfort . strength, and inx/ifch feast, 'sonc and-dance. - In J u d a h T.lonis became t b r I '.l*c Cv roi t: ,c 4 r His p-r e m o n i t l o n was well ed." (The Egyptians, however, by sod,' who visited Poland Jmst be- gave us will live forever. spiration t o the entire Jewish first one, to hold t h e title of I r - , ct* I;"fr>" ',s r (Orir coiao Jewish communities the sal-grounded, for Achmed was deter- a slight twist of letters, called fore'tho war, describes the effect They were a fountain-head of p vation was so wonderful that the mined to become the sole power him Saytan, Satan, the name by of-the'destruction of Pollsli Jew* Torah for the whole Jewish peo- peojls. . : . 7 - v i .<•• spector i n Hebrew -at Har\ r arc. j c 1 c: v c i Jev/s were not content to identify n Egypt. On the Yom Kippur of which he is referred to in • the ry on Zionism ESIL world Jevnry.— ple. (Copyright,, 1959, by Seven Arts His required course taught aU l"^^ t:-i. r~.?~~. tint V The memory of the great their immediate deliverance with 1524 Achmed sent "an officer to 'gyptian Megillah.) of • the .language, ever THE. EDITOR. • -- •• Feature Syndicate) Rabbis of Israel is still alive, in tho' universal festival' of Purlin,: e x t o r t another exorbitant sum irs r r o n V.r- I:-'':. reading without points." To sic1 Vengeance the ancient synagogues, in . the ; on' tho 14th o£ Adar, which com- from De Castro, who was then his work,.Judah Kcnis ia 173P, rnc The Theodosiaa Code IMicates Achmed Pechah now t u r n e d tombstones which.have remained Our'hearts go out to. Polish memorated the. Persian 'liberation. praying in the synagogue. upon the Jews with a vengeance. Jews afflicted and oppressed, places of prayer and veneration a large • Jewish"'coinJiLtmity"in Co- prepared the first Hebrew Grp.ir-jyoi; t, r-cw hosri; cr\C r- '• • In" many,place3 there evolved'the * The officer turned a deaf ear The coronation day was spiced parcelled out among the.conquerrsar to "fee. pulished in America. ' v-;;i I put In vour up to this day. Poland was thelogne fas early as S21. • • . new custom -of celebrating a sup- o De Castro's pleas for postpone- with new anti-Semitic decrees; He ors and humbled into dust. The seat of the • Hassidic • movement plementary, local Purim. ment .until after dusk, and forc- permitted the Mamelukes, tradi- story is told of a conquering peo- which infused a. spirit. of. fresh•The term "Purim'' was retain- bly conducted the resisting Jew ionai enemies of Jews, to plunder ple who^ wishing to obliterate the ness into Israel. The independent ed, for in time it .had-become.the nto -the Viceroy's presence. De the Jewish quarter. At the eleven- language of the vanquished, cut national organization c r e a t e d symbol 'for Jewish redemption. Castro vigorously refused to dis- h hour, upon the intervention-of out the tongues of the mothers so there found expression - ini- the The1 habit was to' suspend business cuss financial matters on the Holy an influential Jew, the decrees that- they might not sing or tell Jewish Kehillah. and the Council p for the day, and to gather in theDay even in the face of Pechah's were withheld pending the pay-stories to the}r little ones. In the of the four Countries-. Poland synagogue, w h e r e appropriate threats. He preferred imprison- ment of 300,000 golden florins, to cities conquered by Soviet Rus- gave us Jewish Haskalah in it! prayers were recited. Then an or- ment rather than profane the san- Achmed. sia, the Hebrew language is being Hebrew garb. It saw the develiginal Megdllah, (Scroll), narrat- ctity of Yom Kippur. A time limit of three days was eradicated and the Torah of Is-opment of Hebrew • and Yiddish liaterature, of the Jewish theatre ing ' details* of their ' deliverance Released the next morning, De set (6th of Adar). The officials rael, destroyed. and press, which were of • such was ,read: Many- such Purims are Castro hastened to call a meeting of the Jewish Community visited In- these days when, on every great national importance. tnown, one of the. most interest- of the local Jewish leaders,'and the Viceroy and implored him'to Polish road, tens of thousands of ing of wtiich 'is the Egyptian Piir- after i n f o r m i n g them of the rescind the order. They were suc- Jews wander, Jewish national policy in : the hungry, thirsty, inr celebrated in Cairo anualjyon events o^ the day, was advised to cessful only to-the extent of re-wounded, aimlessly and hopeless- Diaspora Jfound its raost zealous tho, 28th, of Adar. Ttie Egyptian escape to Constantinople and ex-ceiving an eight-day extension In ly, and other thousands sit weep- support in Poland. The Hebrew Me'sillah,- written in a- simple* Bib- pose the Pechah to the Sultan. which to raise one-half of the or-ing on the ruins of what was once School "Tarbut" and the national lical , style, ; was. published 'in He^ He acted on their advice and ignal sum. their homes—only now do we religious school which gave inbreW and Arabic. The story deriv- made his way to the .Sultan in By the 14th'day of Ada? (our realize the full stature of Polish struction to over. one hundred ed therefrom, and -augmented by lohtsantinople to whom he prov- Purim), which was the deadline, Jewry, what it was to us andthousand pupils, excluding the other sources, i3 a characteristic ed his charges by disclosing the after each Jew had contributed what it gave us. We do not'know Heder and the religious-colleges, ; pag3 from the. book, of Jewish per- evidence. "Solyman I immediately his personal ornaments to theyet the full extent of the calam- grew and flourished there. secutions. Poland gave strength to the sent a courier with an ordinance general fund, only 1/15 of: the ity which has befallen the Jews commanding the deposition of necessary sum hadx been raised. of Poland. We have not yet fully "Hibbat Zion Movement" and to modern Zionism. From Its towns The Jews y7hawere exiled'from Achmed, and the appointment of Purim was a day of mourning for grasped what this calamity means and villages came the Haluzim of :'. this time Haman had been victor- to our people, to our country and the third Aliyah, Spain found' reluge in Egypt as a,successor. and the youth to each and every one of us. -well as in-Turkey. In 1517, with For the Jews, to paraphase Her- ious. and middle class immigrants, of A Citadel for the Spirit ot Israel rlck, as wave succeeds wave, so the. conquest oE "Egypt by Sultan The following morning, braving the fourth Aliyah. Tens of thousSoVyman I, the civic and political did woe succeed •woe. Achmed, un- Achmed's wrath, the Jewish leadThrough the glare of burning ands of young people were trained ers -brought him the partial payo£ the superintendent's escities and the tumult of war and for Palestine, young people J rights o£ tho Jews -were -h.lm,~'bvit -was - of of ment, -whereupon, the Viceroy de- disaster, there stands revealed. spoke Hebrew, to whom the j cap^-^sritofs-ii't -h.lm,~bvit -was : TH IS PBTEIZ PAN FRESH BREAP clared his intention to sain the teeir "TTuj—Sxilta-a" -was -lavorabty the peculiar Broatnesn o£ polish of Palestine -was as tji«lr lives. to-wani. ttio. Je-wa, a n d comse -unable to_tln<3: lilm-.Norra.id




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its history and up to its destruc- tIieir"Bonigs"and.~who their b i t t e r hopelessness, Egyptian Megillah he Is referred ance In Court was ordered. strove to cotae her "to build Two hid In the home of anonJews, certain that Achmed-would tion. The Jews of Poland were be built." to as King Solomon.) Jew,;and the third in the home I carry xiut his threat, gathered on | the, citadel of the spirit of Israel For generation after generaAmong the Jews.whoJwere*aption, in spite of persecution and. affliction, the Jews of Poland clung to the faith of their people and to their hopes. With our own eyes we have seen how, in spite o£ distress and oppression, they fought, with amazing- vitality fortheir traditions, their Torah, their o o o V/'u language, their school and their ©-©-.© national life and honor. In their poverty and suffering, our Polish brethren have revealed their true greatness aad nobility. Jews of Poland sad Palestine The Jews of Poland were true to Palestine. They provided, notonly money and'1 Haluzim but also the spirit, boundless devotion to our people and our country. aad a readiness to make sacrifices for the work in Palestine. For. generations to come, the story will' be told of the two hundred thousand Polish Jews who came to. Palestine, beginning with the old'Yishub in the holy"-cities of Jerusalem, Hebron, - Tiberias and Sa-fed, and up to the building of the new cities in Palestine, aad from" the settlers in the first Jewish cdlcaies to the settlements established during the past few years. To Oar. Despairing Brethrfesi Across the boundary which separates us frora the Jews q£ Poland, our hearts go out to ourdespairing brethren. Their mis-: fortune is our misfortune, . their opportunities, thus putting millions to work. distress is our distress. ^ ; w .. .. actually start? Wasn't i t with an idea? Our hearts are with the Jewish youth. Courageously aiid at the What if Edison had not dreamed of the Speaking of ideas, millions of people have risk of their lives, they will keejp found it a good idea to have Budweiser first electric liimp? What if Fulton had alive the embere of our national hope and our revival until that available for their hours of relaxation. I t not dreamed of the steamboat? Such day will come. helps them tobecome the Perfect Host to dreams are priceless. Properly directed dayWe must repay the Jews ot Poland, in small measure at least, a host of friends who prefer it—and it has dreams are as valuable as work itself... for all they have given our counbeen wisely said that friends often direct oftentimes providing the spark that gives try, our movement an-d to each one of us. The refugees who come our destinies. the whole nation new conveniences and to us will be received with brotherly affection. This is the only constructive act we can do to save them and to continue our work. E I I S E D• D I I S We'do not say to you "Mourn •AN for Polish Jewry." We believe of tht Uerid'Faaons Bse? that they will rise again. Would that we had the strength embodied in the words which I heard from the lips of a great Jewish rabbi: I rejoice that I Bssve been round wortay to live ia tee days preceding the coming of. the Messiah. For which is the. age of redemption if not tins?' The end. of the dispersion 'bas-


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c o m e



O^ir S^og&£3




We shall continue our work in. Palestine and among the entire Jewish people. We -tust cot only •do our owa share but we must fill the places of those who are missing from our ranks until they return to us. Our work will be most difficult. We shall have to carry on in the midst of upheavals and confusion, separated by «OPC.t»40 AKKMSM.BUSCH. M C . ST. LOUIS. HO.

Ii •


boundaries and fronts* -But-when

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Your food dealer- has 'Peter Fresh Bread TIn the airtight, moisture-proof ^\ rapper with jth« fccrtl•liant red end. t r y a loaftoday *. . see for yourself the "bobs| tK it * every meal.

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H: • addres33«i,-^Tsa. t n c a s a n tutioss,* t r t a t r ^ =.&-«-- v ^ ot belp o a s t be given, t o a not remember any-suchL rela Mnd r^aa or who, arriving a p S v e In Germany, is willing to help parently woman unaffected by experithe - writer a s . much as lie can.ences i a Germany; begins t o have That i s how; xaany r e f u g e s x a s e s nightmares, screaming spalls, u n first corns"tinder the care of t h e controllable tremors, or . o t n e * National Refugee Service. • Thea, nervous disorders, -when He is ssue Jewish welfare' organizations op- in America a n d t h e pressure.for erating I n Europe t * e « ? « n ^ * ? / self-control is removed. B a t i '


' '



- - \ - . ^ ' » » V » ,


New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PEESS-^Bosfi-Ha&enaE 5701—THnrsday;-OctolJer8,-1940-

Egyptian army, and Habakknk rapacious, than 1 those-whom they i and shake thee -with t h e i r there comprise o u r . Palestine cots plains 'of the. disregard of-law. Alumni Association. We have -giva k e men mane s, and thou 'SB&lt. !»e th«ir" 'to p t z i s h . — la t h e land: , en the Synagogue Council of as t h e fi hes hi t h e sea: l'" "The lust, however, they rf'poil!' "Hew long," O-Lord, she.!! I-cry, catch them m- icAmerica Its Director of the Statisin- their net. net." Cas this ! Isithfi ness, shall enclure." AnsI' Tiiea ••wilt n o t htcs ? tical Bureau. Perhaps the best inbe. the .answer of God, fee ^endcra.! Why «ics4 Tlioa show sae' iaiqiadex of tho catholicity of our instiacnt o f 1:101 Habakkuk's fins.1 answer is that i ^a act ot tution is tho fact that two of our u-y* .. • God's j E d g s e n t is on its •rs.y. The 1 obligee to pr vide for th&lr graduates are editors of such diWhy. s r e spoiling and • violence proud coasuerors" ere nst, t h s lest i Protpstant chlldrs©." before me??' . , . . . fsord. Their power is false 'ana in-1 • verse organs as the Jewish" Publi* Men of All:' Tlsaes Have ~~ ~~—""""""'— cation Society and the Jewish The- first.'answer he ' gives is £Iated,'it'caasot endure. "WOE to j The ilret overt act >g'Miig BiticDaily Forward. that God is raising up the Baby- him that- .increased that vrhicb is tion to tlie Jewis'a. return to • Through the Jewish Quarterly lonians as*-his'swift instrument'.of not-Ms;.-is he not as.-one who tat- land • was that of .Charles II "Of Review, the name of the College "Why does God seeia • silent ia punlsh'aent for the'nations. Bat eth goo3s ."auto h i m-s e l.f upon 1664 promising protection. It^w is carried into every part of the the face of tae -world's violence as they come 'into -the land, fee Pledge'iKow loag'eaE'it last! Will ever a synagogue had a l r e a l y world where there exists a Uni- and injustice?" is t i e question sees that they.-are. is ore evil and Bbt; suddenly * thy creditors arise been liuilt seven years before. versity or educational center in- that has been asked by the religSecretary -of -fcho~ Faculty terested in our field of studies. ious ' isind in every critical age. Founded fifty years ago in Eng- The prophet Habakkuk sought its There exists a strange misconland by Israel Abrahams and answer In the swift-Kioving times . ccption in t h e znind3 of tho laity Claude G. Montefiore, it has been of the growth of the- Babylonian that Jewish literature is wholly the official publication of the Empire. The religious and social theological or religious in nature Dropsie College since it was tak- reforms of King Josiah ^i-ere apand, as a natural corollary, that b Doctor Adler thirty parently neglected in the period of en over by in this r.30 of specialization, i t is years ago. 'exclusively tlia domain of the rabcynlcisai* that followed his defeat An organ of higher Jewish and- death at the hands of the bi and theologian. This ia a n old learning, its columns are open to error. "' ^f '' all scholars. The list of its literTloro than a century ago, Leoary contributors read like a ros- previously studied in t h e most" nopold Zuns, father of "Judicelie ter of the most noted scholars of table Semitic •• departments of "Wis3enscnr.lt" valiantly cot o"Ut to our generation, it'has tfie distinc- American and European Universcombat t a b erroneous-conception ' C 4\ tion — a very sad distinction — ities, t h e y have sought out this f v The sources of tho popular notion -* , ^ * of being the only non-Hebrew institution in order to can bo resdlly traced. I t arises Quarterly devoted ot the Science their knowledge of t h e Bible, the partly from t h o true face that Talmud, Jewish history and t h e of Judaism. Jewish civilization is religious a t - ' - 'languages t h a t serve a s sides to Its confreres have fallen vic- these studies.- In seeking out Jewtho core. tims to the plague of Nazism and ish teachers and Interpreters of I n part, however, i t is due t o a t Fascism or have been war casual- these subjects they nave followed curious misunderstanding of the ties. The duty has devolved upon the traditions of Jufiseo-Christlan title Habbi, which in time came to Professor Zeitlin and me to con- scholarship. havo only a euphonious meaning, ' • . > tinue the Quarterly in the name , Tho v/ord Rabbi prefixed to a He' I t is, however, understood by of the College and in the spirit " brow namo docs not Indicate that all — a n d there can be a o equiof Dr. Adler. For the generous tho person GO designated wa3 t h e support that we have received vocation, in this; position. — that holder of a rabbinical title or post. y from friends of Jewish learning this College is n o t It Ia equivalent to our Mister, or throughout the country and for Oriental Institute or a detached blaster, which also doss not bear the assurance of hearty co-opera- Seaitlc department. I t is tlis original meaning. tion proferred by the scholarly ish institute - devoted Thus, for esample, Abraham o r fraternity-we here espress our learning, i t ••was created a s an inMose-j Ibn Ezra or Solomon- ibn Etrnaentality \to advance and inGaMrol, <6r tho host of Hebrew i3m. I t alms through Independent ah Sh'ba'al pen, t h e written and heartfelt appreciation. terpret Jewish-"knowledge so that scientists, literary, men and poeta research and t h e training of the oral word. The two are interNot only does the scope of our who never aspired -' t o rabbinic young scholars to add to the sumdependent. I n t h e estimate of any studies span the whole field of the culture and t h e latent spiritpowers t h a t inhere in o a r hishonors were ignorantly included, total of t h e knowledge of Juda- vital post-graduate institution, it the science of Judaism; q l ual tory -and in c u r literature may ' by non-Jewish scholars especially, ism and t o a fuller understanding is important t o know where and important in the relationship play their p a r t in t h e upward r.moag tho mediaeval rabbis and of t h e history and. literature of how t h e Alumni function i n their the viewpoint of the Colleg the Jewish people. • . . . chosen field. struggle. of t h e human spirit for their works'"were;classed as r a b may be described succinctly. In The scope of o u r studies Is imbinic literature... 1 method, the objective-is strictly light and truth. No Tuition . To obviate this error,. Suns coin- perfectly revealed In t h e departWe m a y well l e t . t h e recond scientific. In purpose, the College Dropsie College, founded by t h e ed t h e term • ''Judische Wissen- mentalized language of, a College speak for itself. To begin at"nome, is dedicated to the advancement register:. Bible, Rabbinics,, CogEclicft," tho Science.of Judaism; most of our own Faculty are equ- of the knowledge of Judaism. This a s d pleaded for t h e emancipation nate Languages and History. The ally alumni of t h e College. The twofold objective makes clear the y of Jowish.literature . from -the range of the studies actually pur- University of? Pennsylvania is in- unique Importance that Is attach- genius of Cyras Adler • now holds Definite • ssiarks- of ''progress" In 'food • service, to •• you during" sued in t h e Biblical Department chackle3 • of prejudice and. theolodebted t o t h e College for i t s P r o - ed to our institution wherever the a position of dignity and respect past year &re".tfee-."£ac%%'r'jDeI*ase-t"}*pG Safeway ©tore© opened ®.t gical bias. He pleaded with pas- covers not only the Bible and all fessor of Semitics. The Giratz Col- love of Jewish learning prevails. i t ; its versions but also the science lege i s staffed almost e'ntirely It also explains sionate eloquence for: thev inclu the above-locations. 'Enjoy tbeir iais.ssy sfeopplsg adva 7 This College is now ready to ad1 siori of Jewish 1 literature '.among of philology and Hebrew gram- with our alumni, 'We a r e repre- character of our t y. mit student from •-•»• Larger, Paved, Free ParksiiLg Lets . . . More -Shoppingf mar. Great: stress i s placed upon the humanities -studied V i n '. t h e sented ia* the-..Jewish. Theological For its modest size,'it Is incom' Buggies-. .•••; Lissoleuta-tilcd "Floors . . . Completely- New European Universities. Needless the classic Bible commentators: in Seminary t h r o u g ^ t w: o r i r ^ d u a t e s , who are eager to continue their bl th t i Hebrew and Arabic. The Apocry- besides t h e ' : 0 ^ a t p y t ? F j t s . Musto say, h i s plea went;unheeded; '. Buildings,.Flstures"and•Equipnsent . » . LargGr ? Rfiore Spawork In"Judiscae Wissensoliaft. student group t o be found on any pha and the writings of t h e e u m . • I n f l u e n c e •''••• " - •'.-.•: ; - * - £ *^-*•?;;•• This College possesses t h e fac. "cious'Stores ••••• All Mercha-ndise More ProiainontlyChurch Fathers a r e studied i a t h e No great help was to : come from ulty, t h e library and t h e equipThe President' of ~ the Xeshiva q Ko-Religions Demands played . . . Two•-scales-in Fresli Fnssit s.nd Vegetable German academicians. Of infinite- twilight zone between t h e biblical College is our first aluma'ui; and t take over this From t h e day that t h e College g mentt necessary to ly greater importance was the ef- a n d rabbinical departments. • Department . . . Uniforroly and •Tfe.ore^giljr Lighted ( that institution- h i s . .also drawn opened its doors to this day, s t u -important duty a t fect of tliia great '.passion 'upon , Under t h e heading of .RaTjbinica upon o u r College: for se'teral of its dents . ' ' \ . ... TKe'"-Latest.and .-Most Modern Type cf Food Servhave been drawn t o this in h the lifov/ork of Zunz, t h e vivify- are included n o t only t h e Talmud, Professors. Our survey;.will lead d •.'-. and-LO%T. Prices on-aSl Iteras Every Day I stitution from foreign lands and Thsra Is n o tuition fee in t h e ing spirit i t infused i n t h e lives various tannaitic compilations and us t o the.Baltimore Hebrew Col- from every p a r t of this country for y College, t h e only requirement q of t h e rising generation o Jewish the late ^mediaeval literature, lege, headed and staffed entirely b d t h e College has filled a admission t o t h e College g is candischolars and t h e miraculous trans- but also a most intensive and de-by our alumni, t o Johns Hopkins because New'Year-"bring to you s. realiza May, t h e co g o Doctor f g dates for t h e degree-of of formation i t wrought i n Zeitgeist tailed study of t h e Second Com- University where we" a r e worthily deep-felt want. I t h a s n o theologmust have a non-proPhi monwealth > whiclr involves a represented, t o t h e University of ical bias. I t is neither.orthodox, Philosophy of tho whole'"Western Jewry. •'.; p tion -of your. Llglse fil Bh g fessional comparative s t u d y ' of t h e NewIowa, t o t h e Junior College in San conservative n o r reform. No religBachelor Degree froia a Isealtfey happisaess • s.ad prosperity for g a i dd d upon t h e demands a r e made i d college l Before t h e advent of Judische Testament, Josephus and Philo. Francisco, t h e Brooklyn City Col- ious y, recognised o r university, •Wlssenschaft, Ganz, t h e . ,later Jewish philosophy and mediaeyeL lege of New York, and- lastly to or a certificate t i f i t showing t h e p u r apostate, coldly analyzed t h e Jew- Hebrew' poetry "are still a . desi- the Hebrew University on-Mount who fulfill the requirements of suance of f a course of studyy equivqiv l t t o that t h t ffor which t h e Bach admission a r e welcomed either a s alent, ish dilemma of his time; "Enthus- deratum. .-. .;.,'.. Scopus. ••: • - • • - . . • • • l D I d iasm for religion .together -with special o r regular elorDegree.Is granted. The fascinating subject of t h e un I t s archaeologist 1and director gardless of race, s e s , creed, ,or derstood the solidity of ancient institutions, rise of sects i n Judaism from the t h a t t h e candidate m u s t has "vanished, b u t no" new enthus- days of t h e Second Common- of t h e new museum, the Dean of color. This is Indicated clearly by have a rrellrsLinary y knowledge of th U i i t E t i University Extension Depart th b p lasni-has come t o light, and no wealth down to'the period of Has- the tas K b llanguage tas KebreT? t T l A new ntato of„ affairs h a s . e s t a b - idism a r e studied in tt>f,i floM-*- ment in Tel-Aviv, tho President of **"V
























59&L StMiUtary 24th.'-<& FoppletQii

- WeTiave noiTgoiie, "Beyona" tnai \ pbTntTThe JDepartment "of Cogn-"J negative enlightenment, v trhicli I ate Languages otters instruction f consists in- despising snot con-( not "only_in Syrtac, -Ethiopia, a n a demnlns tnings aa they are, with.- \ classical Ara"bic trom t h o elemea-1 out tTOUbUng t o intusB a .newl^tary t o t h e advanced grades b u t ! s n i r i t " B u t long "before t h e sun. \ also in. Judaeo-ATabic. A s far a s 1 -^as t o set upon Zunz' life, Hein-\l""know, tto^propsle College i s ttxel ticb. Graetz deBCtibed t n e miracle-Unly instiutioa^ in. this country o t resurrection -wrdUBht T>y. t h e \ t h a t ia eanipBed; t o teach t i l s s u b science of Judaism: " I t i s n o f a n - l i e c t which as^ a literature, a n d a s tastio idea," h e wrote i m h i s i m - a source for t h e understanding of ...... . . . «the • Jewish, genius,, yields Blace t o ! mortal "history. "A. nation actually did arise from t h e darkness of the Hebrewiand Aramaic only. tomb, the only example i n t :h e an-1 " A.comprehenslve^field of study nalsofman." •'.•_- ' 1 Is covered under t h e nomencla-! sN Wv h a t is this miracle-working ttire of Egyptology. I t . e m b r a c e s -*.-.*x-«- I».t .-i.-^.— ucienco of- Judaism? Ita^, no various Egyptian lan-guagea, myatic ""S:\-esoteric _element i n I t s eluding Coptic, t h e study of Hier- ! 7 composition. Ytmeans-slmply.the I oglyphic,and. Hieratic • teste, t h e 1 a")plicaUon of -scientific method: literature of the: ancirat Egyptto tho study of the JewiEh*.past. ians, t h e G r e e ^ p a p y r i , a n d t h e | It consist in r e s e a1r c a , g i v i n g into whola field of Btolemaic CivUiza• - • • • - • dust••-- -^ =tion, so important for Jewisn hls_„„ sources, publishing ladca forgotten manuscripts • and "tory and literature. I n t h e Departreconstructing the memories r and' ment--of Jewish-History, we haV© tlioughts, the esperiencss ' and limited ourselves i n t h e past t o a period of only twenty-five h u n iives of your own',ancestors. years. '' ' Moro perhaps, than b o t h e r dred By t h e very nature of t h e subbranches o£ study, the science of ject we overlap a l l the other deJudaism i s exacting," i n ' the de- parments. "We lay greatest- stress manaa it maKes upon, i t s votaries parments. W the study of origfor ntrict discipline, integrity of upon source material.- whether i t leads niliid, the training and tblendin-g of intellect and imagination. . The us to t h e reading of Hebrew hisstartling element in this science torical-texts, rabbinic Responsa has been the magnificent results papal bulls and conciliar decrees, obtained. New vistas of Jewish br.archlye material. Survey of Publications hi3tory were opened u&. v "A survey 'of t h e publications A rich undreamt of literature camo to life. The people that had and researches conducted by the allegedly been .buried 'under t h e Faculty and t h e Alumni reveals debris so-called of t h e - Talmud the wide scope of t h e studies and the Cabbala was- revealed S3 .."which - a r e fostered here. "I shall a torch-bearer of l i g h t i n ' t M i d a r k limit, myself principally to ,< the ages. In the,heart of this people, these printed underJ the imprimIt now appeared. East .and -"West a t u r .of; the College. % i t h rare exwere linked:in fruitful union and ceptions, they are universally recthe Jew, embracing both,* inter- ognized, as meeting t h e most r i g preted one to theiother;; .-•.'. ' .-'. orous standards of scholarship. I n Tho Jew, furthermore appear- *tb.eir respective, fields they a r e ed in the new persp.sc5tty6'as an original' contributions to knowintegral factor of unigue import-: ledge. As a collection;of scientific ance in the national evolution of. studies they will bear comparsioa Western Europe. I t becams r evi- with t h e best of similar publicadent that he had played ,a vital tions by other Universities. "We cannot enumerate them all, part in the break-up of feudalism, tn the building up of the national nor do we wish to single out a seeconomy of-:the emerging'/.new lect number, b u t perhaps w e may states, in the stimulation of Inde- attempt" a rough summary under pendent religious thinking, and general headings, They include in the preservation.- of the BClences the publication of manuscripts; and philosophy for t h e day when. studies in t h e Bible; Hebrew, nad tho great universities were to Arabfc* commentaries by Rabbanarise. Most ^important of .all,'-the yites and Karaites;, grammatical new knowledge" gave;'heart t o ; a treatises;, aspects 'of; Greek averwavering generation; I t ; restored sions of" the Bible; investigations - their faith i n Judaism and there- in t h e Halakah, t h e standard Halakah of Tabbinic tradition as well fore in themselves.,-.• Dropsie Colleger-'"'-'. •'-:. - -,- as t h e riyal sectarian Halakah. Chronology and folklore, Cab"That is the science ofc-'.Judaism,' caid Graetz, " a vividTeali- balah and philosophy a r a reprezation of i t s great history r End i t s sented in t h e series. Full-sized peculiar doctrines. This effort of biographies of Moses Hayyint- Luzmemory is-'not merely an -aBjus- zatoo, Jacob Emden, and now i n s same, a'pleasant pastime, t h e Solomon Judah Rappaport havo catisfaction of a desire for know- come t o , life. • Community atudies lwdso a£in t o curiosity, b u t ; a n 4 r - based o n , manuscript sources G03rcsistible impulse of self-esamin- ial studies draivn from Hesponsa jxtion. • I t arouses t h e dormant literature^ jan authoritative strength i n t h e breast o£ t h e in- count of *tha relation of l qajrer, and inspire him with self- Church to-the Jews collected froia confidence to-'act-in-the', future-as the original papal bull3 issued by the Popes-at.the height of their in t h e past." power i a Christendom a r e among Inspired t h e The faith, which the historic series. w founders .o£'the Judiisclie WissenIn Jewish tradition, moreover, ccliaft is the basic philosophy'of the work of t h e Dropsie College. we recognize that Torah or learnTiii2 Colles-" is dedicated to tho ing has a twofold aspect. There is o£ tlxo-ccleaco o£-Juda- ths-Torah^Sh'biktab-aaHUthe Tor-

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mayUnot'1reinember any such rela- .liixiu. O i u.eii> i*»»»ti» — ^~ tive, in Gennaay, is willing to help a c a or wcraan who, arrivmg^aptho writer as much, cs Ha can. That Is tow cany refuse a cacw 3iicc3 In Gentry, besinn to have first como under the cr.ro c* vlie "•Shttnircs, rereading E?~lic> «&-

New Year's Edition—THE "JEWISH ' PBSSS-Bosl* Hsshcaali 5701—Thxtrsday, October .3,1940 cr holding his weapon,"-succeeded pr-c'tJon to crcrr^ the return to claimed the gDldsn .vision of a of itrS trrt is rapidly -completing the walls, tfcs of Nations which promfebt which were dedicated with great sed to- fulfill • our prayers £o» festivities. world brotherhood.. In order to repopslate the city, j .Ic'1 O O O W© were.all convinces! that inhe r,ow called £cr volunteers and ternational . anarchy could be reothers chosen tf lot, to lesve the f *. 7 1 -1 < Eolved only by international law a ttc rcllrirr: By Dsr. Mas Arzt and-cooperation. It was clearly Jewish i-anfjstsip Was In- countryside and dwell within the portci gates. . £cr tc apparent that a League of -Naj, President ©5 tlso Rabbinical Aaccralsly ©£ America To rebuild the city's economic Icirc . troduced with tions would be anaemic and impotent without tha active 'memand participation of the sro inadequate to cs- only a miracle can cavo thorn which aro to guido the Ufa of the bership United States. It was not a po- It was not without misgivings people and. of the blessings ..which from titter extinction. prc23 all tho contlictias ©motions aro to follow :&s-a* consequence of litical -question, nor was It mere- that Pales Cccurfty ,vkieli rcCD through the mind In the kingship was introduced" a question • of economics or into Israel, V/o in America have ju3t be- compliance with them. The read- ly - contemplation • of tho terriblo as we learn froa the geographical: distribution. It was uj^.claclc o£ devastation which is' come av/aro of our own. prccari- er Intcne3 this section, with clar- a moral, if you will, a religious first Book of Samuel. Last of the h'j'ns enacted in Europe. Tho oua condition. Our faltso secur- ity and resonance. leaders called "judges," There was a precious op- unofficial ioart sickens at tho thought of ity v/as based on the policy of But then there follows the de- issue. Samuel was a d e e p l y religious portunity for church and syna. far: !?lcod which is running and splendid Isolation.- There vrao al- scription of the calamities which gogue to champion an Indispens- spirit, having been brought up at sanctuary at Shiloh; therefore of tho priceless treasures of the ways the backlog of asauranco follow in the wake of disobedip l a n for removal of the the n® viewed the people's request to c.?'S which aro being destroyed. that tha Allies would probably ence. We read this in a subdued able blight of war from the earth. appoint a king as an Irreligious Ono feels a GQIIDQ of impotent win. V/e said that tho zaisbty- monotone' and impatiently await Tfaa Record-Speaks. tho termination of that section of act, rejecting God as their- king. :..».; ;a over tho combination of flood would never reach us. But the record speaks for it- Bat- their demand was so insisNow we tiro no lonser ao cer- imprecations. f.T'.'xchory and brutality which Is This Is truly symbolic of the self. We permitted politicianstent that he communed with God, J< :i?oyinc .western civilisation. tain. 3Vo are posscCwCd with a - •"- * '-„ 'I!o world of ideas, of moral val- fear bordorlas on hysteria that hzU-hearted allegiance that mod- and narrow visioned Isolationists who told him ,to accede to them nv;- which wo havo como to Iden- T/O too nay havo to battlo for ern civilisation has given to the to destroy the only possible good but to Trarn them of the nature t i c T/lth prosres3 and with £u- tho prcnorvaticn of our jreoloaa moral laws that govern the unl- effect &t the World War and have of kings. im'o promise, is tottering boforo Jiborties. What mcracso can we vs?33. For over • a century, Jew- thus nullified the sacrifice of ten •'This shall • be the • manner of rabbin offer to our poopls in thc^o ish theologians have bean apolo- million lives. Organized religion the .'king that shall reign over our vcrr ayes. Instead of molding public opinion, Truth is thrown to the ground hysterical tins3? Hovz can vo Gl~la Z ^°r those' passages - in our instead of thundering forth In you," Samuel tells tha people, "he demonic forces a r o taking liolp them feco with co-arc, ae, for- sacred literature "which speak of the name of the God of strict jus- will tats year sons, and appoint • JORTHE unto him, for his chariots. p.v^cssion of tho earth. Tao per- titudo, and even hopo the trylnc God as Judge. tice, surrendered to the jingoistic them \7o have softened .the force' of elements And he -will appoint tbea unto l\t, o2 ono day fade into insig- daya that are ahead? Does tho pp that destroyed the hope ffor captains, and to plow^-his ^hi ti'.ncanco before t h o increased collapso of civilisation provo tho thoca passages which call upon of the world. horrors of the morrow. The world truth of tho cynie'e belief that us to cerve the God of righteousground, and to sake. his instruFrom the flay on which Amer- ments ot "war. And he 'will take £3 btseomins a vast concentration thsro is "neither judao nor jus- ncrs and havg bsen subconsciously influenced ""by the modernists': ica doomed the League of Na- your ea^ip in eharso of bestial powers tice?" to be. cooks and ovcr-einpaasis on t h e God of tions to Ineffectiveness, to so- to be daughters VUOEO brutality matea the actions bakers. And he •will take Is It true that Juotlco, truth laorcy, loving-kindness, and for- called democracies'have been fol- your fields and . your of an Attils by contrast, border and righteousness havo proven to vineyards,' Clvoncc3. We removed God from lowing a policy of hypocritic o?ii tho conipCujdlonato. even the beat of thea, and give be utterly ethereal and imprac- the fhrone of Justice &nd enviavowal of high ideals, temporisThe fear that wo feared has tical on t h i s dolorous earth? to his servants. And ye shall Him as perpetually esated ing and unpardonable blundering them como upon UG. All tho dar!: fore- Shall wo now admit that the law sioned cry cut that day because of on the throne of". Mercy, matins They Ignored tho pleas of the So- your Maginwhom, bj Sines which XTQ voiced fror} our of tooth and claw has been con- It ye shall h a v e possible for us to entertain the cial Democratic Second German chosen; and the Lord i>nlplt3 over sinco that black clay firmed as the only practical and notion •will not anthat one can m u d d l e v/hen tho Gorman pooplo nurren- efficacious principle of human ac- through any moral crisis with the Reich for necessary economic as- swer you in that day." • Fuff*s delicious bakery products are for the entire £i:;red its soul to Satan have come tion and that freedom, equality saccharine assurance that some- sistance and in their selfish blindSaul was thereupon appointed truo in the fullest measure. and loving-kindness are the ideals how the predicted punishment ness lent' support to tha-devilish first king over Israel. But the family to enjoy • . . Each meal..'. and between, meals* Unfortunate Brethren which w e a k e n men and make will not be realised because God elements that succeeded in ban- king was not to be. a law unto ishing democracy from Germany. himself, aad when Saul disobeyed them helples3? Our hearts go out In anguish too. • . breads and pastries from. FUFPS become absoforgive. The religion taught When Hitler seized the power, ha an order o* God, Samuel appoint1 lo Nietzsche's Idollfiatlon of will and despair to our unfortunate by pur prophets made no such began his program of torture and v ed tas youthful David to succeed lutely essential. lirfithren acron3 the scaa. They brute force more in consonance promises.--. . . - . brutality against the helples3 blra — David, whose dauntless v.vo drinlzing tho cup of bittor- with actuality and has it been at Jewa in Germany who constituted Its doctrine of. forgiveness did barely one-half of 1% of the pop- courage prompted Ma-to oppose acsa to its .very dress. They are last demonstrated that the moral the towering Goliath w i t h .the Not only do they tempt appetites- * * . but baked suffering servants of t h c Lord truths of the prophets of Israel not at all carry assurances that ulation. words: "Thou earnest to me with who, for seven long yearc, hr.ve were the fantasies of escapists indolence, equivocation, procrasunder modem sanitary conditions* tkjzf provide propWhat was tha reaction of the sword and spear, hat I cone to tormented and hounded by who refused to reckon with stub- tination, smug complacency and thee in the name of the Lord of selfish indifference to the agonies so-called democratic p e o p l e s ? born reality? the world hs3 belateder nourishment for all * •'• from youngest to oldest* of the victims of bestiality Justify They perfunctorily expressed their hosts." ConHnas Prophfets ly como to recognize an tho ene.X 7S7 who imperils everything which ' I submit that the world cata- us in hoping for the best. The sympathy for the victims and with clysm of our day powerfully, if forces of evil which now threaten great reluctance' offered nlsgardis decent in tho western world. - This year FUFFS has added a new service for its t h o truth's our very existence, pursued their ly shelter to the • refugees. who I3ven now, whon ths war ha3 tragically, confirms diabolic purposes with fierce and came pouring out of the land of h G d i i d patrons . >. acomplete line of deEcatessea products b-come a total war, and when tho enunciated the God-inopired unflinching determination. They oppression. Tho same government Jews find thein3elvc3 in tho dis- ccer3 of Israel. Tho uniqueness brousht tremendous sacrifices ".to that "solicited the Munich uasetIn the FUFPS tradition only the highest quality foods ht-csod company of untold mil- of .our Torah lien In tho unequivaltar of Moloch. They prac- tlement brought forth the treachlions of brethren in distress, they ocal assertion that the moral law tho >le to comeb from God. This mesas thct ticed solf-denlai land mobilised all erous White Paper -which blasted aro tho worst sufferers, resources with a singleness the hopes of thousands who Their catastrophe In too great human sp ca is inconceivable thoir Neaesiiab was the great Jewish oE purpose. They were diligent looked upon Palestine as the only JTor tho mind to 'CTVISOB. They arc without obedienco to tbzt law and and governor whose oreaaisias abilthorough In their program of hope of their redemption from pursued by the fires and mercl- that dlro punishment comes, upon oppression and military con- exile; This White Paper was only ity, c o u r a g e , and far-sighted IC73 liordes of their vengeful op- mankind when it dares to deny hnto, They " evidenced the full- one of Hitler's many, costless vic- stEtesxasup ..made ppossible the pressor who iD bent on their, an- and defy this law. When God. quest. f est fervor and fanaticism In tho tories over the bungling Cham- rebuilding of the Jewish, state afnihilation even, as he is dotermin- gave the Torah to Israel and then pursuit of their irreligious aims. berlain government. ter the Babylonian contuest. .Like : Israel to the world, He made this ccJ on tho enslavement of their their remarkable steadicondition: "If you will accept this Contrast Let us, as Americans, recall Esra, his contemporary, Kehesilah companions in distress. ness of purpose and resolute w with • a o e a s y • conscience the was a descendant of the exile. » Tlioir plight is best described law, well and good. If not, I will with tho indecision, half-hearted- shameful fact that the Wagsier- Wbea, as cap bearer to the Mng In a' r.Iidranh which voices the cause this earth to revert to Ito nc=3 and hypocritical behavior of Eogers bill, would have of Persia, he learned of the plight cjoniains complaint that, whilo in former condition cZ chaos." who rendered profusa. li provided for. which t h e admission of of his.-ancestral .land, ha-sought . pist tribulations the horror of the In other words, Judaism pro- thoso to the cause of, peace and 20,000 children,' Jews, Catholics and received permission £roa the night \7 a a temporarily relieved claims that tho moral law is in- service and'; Protestants, rras promptly Kteg to return to Jerusalem asby a brief respite of blecoed day- esorablo. • Morality is not an elec- democracy? FRESH BREAD BAKED TWICE DAILY and to rebuild its walls Hsht, no--,.* ono blacl; ni^ht of tive courco in tho cchool o£ human What sacrifices did they make shelved b e c a u s e superpatriots goveraor of defense, even to requisition WE CAN SERVE YOU ALL KINDS OF DELICATESSEN DELICACIES terror follov/a another. • • life. It is an imperative, a pre- to establish a lasting peace after handed thetaselves at Washington wood from the royal forests. to prevent America from commitscribed , course. You will recall tUo war to end war? "We AmeriOur brethren in Enropo aro litting an elementary act of mercy. Kehemiah's technique w a s to - orally trapped between the hosts that at. tho very end of the book cans hav© a major share In the Even now, these very elements have each neighborhood rebuild JA-ckson 3814 220 So. 24th St. of LoviticuD, wo read of tho ordislnB o£ omission which have lead ri a modern and mora cruel Phawall adjacent to it. Certain it to the present debacle. Wa pro- are utilizing the hysterical fear the roali and1 a rafeins sea. Verily. nances of justice a n d vested Jewish interests, however, •. • • > - -



a ^


Toward 'None 2co2,r.;2 of tho gcniia of tho ci?ly Ais^rio^n ctatcsaca, tMa country is toilay cblo to CriHl in. psccs . . . Its individual political -arib abls to colvo Zizh dLTJI^ricici r/itliouti EGOQurgs to tho aaeient rroplieta, tu^y CC'J CZ tio gzzl OS r^alaad, p:~33 cud justice. ci' despeb . . . a liopo to t!:s T/oinca. i iivcj today firm cad true, clcdicitcd to t!io fc •*•*»»

v&je, Liquors 17TH and V/SBST3R

re'pressiozi and. persecution, which will adversely affect the inaoceat workmen, "each -with one h a n d eVea as it will overlook the guilty •who are by no means limited to doing his -work, and -with the oththe strangers, •within our gates. indlspensabls is an Immediate l d Committed program for the economic rehaIt is-now adaitted by all stu- bilitation of our twelve million dents of international affairs that unemployed -whose morale Is shat•when Hitler marched into t h e tered a n d whose allegiance to Rhine Valley and thus publicly democracy Is tenuous because the proclaimed h hispprogram-of-, remil- hungry and the hopeless fall to proclaime g iti h could ld haTo h itarization, ho been see -what they are called upon to stopped without bloodshed. But defend. •what really happened? Tliey wili fall easy prey to> the The peace mongers in , Gr«at fifth columnists' who collect' all Britain and Germany cowardly the dissatisfied 'about them'and yielded and committed a blunder thus breed national disunity. I t •which cries to . heaven. T h « y "is the tasls of religion to prosowed the -wind snd are reap- claim In clear and unequivocal ing tho •whirlwind. It.-"wa3 not language that only a righteous t late to t make k amends at Mu- social snd economic order c a n too nich, but:here-again "the stupid lift the spirit of action. isolationism of wingless; peace Ths - m o r a l reawakening of doves prevailed. • Now democracy America : be tremendously enlies prostrate and bleeding and hancad by tangible acts of symEurope has become a -veritable pathy and succor Sor the InnoObeli-of blood and torture. cent victims o£ the holocaust. The What is; America to do In Jews of America must, with indilemma? Of course we all desire •easlng generosity and self sacpeace. Of''course we all despis© rifice, contribute o* their means war.. There! was a time when 'the for tha maintenance of the prochoice bsfora us was indeed s gram of relief. O u r "suffering moral one. There w a s a time brethren ia war torn Europe will when we could have emerged ccntinue to hope-against hope. If from our splendid and selfish Iso- our thoughts, prayers, and ourlation to strengthen and uphold united efforts will .be with them International righteousness. Then aad for them. T h e religious It was no question of spending forces .In America should - chambillions of dollars for rearmament pion legislation for' the suspenand of possibly involvement"' to sion of all restrictive legislation actual warfare. We have sur- _;o make - possible the immediate' rendered that clear alternative by admission of children from Eurdefault. Now we have to chooss opa for the duration of the w^ the lesser of the two evils. We We must teach our people how seam to be doomed to requite our to pray with their hearts as well national sins of omission by trib- as with their lips.' We need not ulations which might have'been fear lest tha rite eclipse the right, averted, by conscientious, selfless providing that pur system of eduand determined action. cation, b o t h elementary a n d adult, give balanced emphasis to Moral Disintegration Arnold Toynbee, in his monu- the ethical and to the symbolic mental "Study of History," dem- aspects of Judaism. We must onstrates that no civilization can check the deplorable, tendency of bs destroyed by an alien enemy relegating all religious.. life to .unless it is wall along in .the lat- public occasions. Already, t h e ter -stage3 of disintegration. If Seder is being esrtled " troxa the democratic civilisation is defeat- house to the synagogue and in' ed, it will be cause of its own reform circles the lighting of Sabmoral disintegratioa. If it is vic- bath candles and sven the xaotzi torious, it will be by virtue oi the over Sabbath Kalloth a r e perfact that : the evil against which formed in the synagogue. JudaIt contends is so consistently evil, ism is immensely rich 'in opporhas so -pulverised justice, that tunities for group religious pareven a morally confused democ- ticipation and we must do" every? aey was finally able to arouse it- thing possible to perpetuate this self from its lethargy and save social and community sspect of our religion. But essentially, JuItself from extinction. I admit that, I am no states- daism calls on the individual to man nor am I a military or eco- live a personal religious life. We nomic expert. The object before have not begun to explore and to us is, however, crystal clear. We explain the mental and spiritua must mobilise all our resources benefits and the soul satisfying for the strengthening of our dem- effects of sincere personal piety But nothing is impossible. We ocratic system and for powerful defease against- the bloodthirsty must recapture our own enthusiasm tor the visible, colorful and •bfatalitarians. This calls for fr mere than ralU- p o s i t i v e 'religious observances are the symbolic language tary eossesiptioa g, & which training, cf Judaism, and we must create i policy and program which even the educational where* parlor • idealists -will regretfully by they, can betechniques restored in the admit, is realistic and mandatory lives of bur people,; Equally, important, a a d


forward to the contmnatioiL of pleasant relations and a fartber growth of friendship •. •May the months ahead be ones of much happiness • • • May the day that dawns so brightly bring v much joy; *


S, INC* The BREAD So Good it Wins

Year's Edition—THE JEWISH FR3BBS— Rossis. Eashoaah 5701—Thursday, October 3,1940



ccitlemeat . departsasnt» . tr b o s e one — meaning somebody is l c thetic resin product which'Is'used too early for even rough figures --itaal, everyone who has Bifed© uss threat- for. acid-resistant boss, toblng, of this kind, t a t eom& idea of honest study of the subject fraction., stated baldly, is • to get 'oncentratlcn camp or 3s tho refugees out of New York. ned with concentration: eaap, or gaskets, vvSEiers a.nd sheets, the w&at is hs,ppeniEg may bs glean- agrees. IC dcmoiiclratioB. Is needFrom the day after he arrives, the ,s involved In'disastrous legal ea refugees to wSos this country c i from ike figures wlxlch MRTC ec, It iriEj he sEorceo fcr iMislysia iraaisrant-.has it-drunuaed into .asgiesents requiring speedy &c- gives Iiospltallty are repaying been pafcilelieS for isglnnS. cf the E5tur,t'ior in raoSlc-Jue, Mm. at .every turn that .lie lias a loa—the first step' |s to try to.richly vrlth technical sxd ckeiaIn Ms tSrsely fiisciiEssoj! of the isfepre r-V o*:hp™£: file oxst •ical.'processes, secret fe-rxru-Ias, s-itjesf. in "We c/nfi the Refe- ficld. in which refugee compe'tibetter chance for adjustment, to a B temporary asylum.. settle down with a decent liveliT e e migration department's pa-tests,- special skills,. trho?e rees," recently publishes tiere.oy t'ioc rr.split fee Jell. hood, and ia less likely to aroass work extends to the Dominican value cannot ba zaeasxsred is dol- FoEgruin Soots, Inc., Sir" Ncrmsc Accord?r<£ te Dr. David" S>. Edhostility agaln'Et himself, and Republic, to South America, to lars and cents. na; I, of Karvard UniTereitr Mcdothers, by moving away from tha •hanghai and Australia, to every gees have bees settled in this ics-1 School, honoi'arj" cfcairmsta city. --. . .and, however remote, where a In the near future it may becosEltT—££d at a. result, cbout cf the National Committee for the Tbe walls of the National Kef- harassed fugitive s a y fiaid haven. possible Roman to rsake an approximate IC.VUil iiiii.S£il Vl-o-llitiS il£^'.£ UcOli Iie{)6ti.lemci:i o£ Fore.gfi Physiugee Service offices are plastered Inrnigration tangles unraveled, assay of tb© .refugees* contribu- employed wbo Ti'ould not otlisr- cians, In a Letter published last with posters captioned "New York he job o* the refugee 'service triES b£T£ fcesa eisplcrsa." recr in tbe Journal of the As®fijfitjtos'o Wets: 2M3 Io tlss s t o j san • operating, the National Ref- tlers in New Amsterdam in Dutch is Big—America is Biggsr." It .as only started. Tha ' Ealgratioa tion to American economy is CoapetsifeB With AEacricsas terms of the. cuaber of jobs creieEE ?ded5c&! Assoeiation, 1,623. x>2- -this refajjcc ia tho United useo Sorvico has expanded to oc- Colonial dayo. is necessary to overconis the nat- department's-work brings cargoes ated .for Americans. • the atnoufct rcfitpee pbrsicians migrated ;: to Cczipcliiisn by refugees with cupy five floors. Every weal: l To deal with its task, tho Nathss> aro bcia™ ural tendency of immigrants to >f human jetsam thrown up catof payrolls sad-tbe valne of s.ew Americscs for jobs, business. End the United States trom C-res t«r ?iea Into tho tm about 8,000 people coino to ito of- tional Refuges Servico is' organ- cluster together into little foreign '£• t h e European maelstrom products and services^ It is still professional practice is iEfmites(Continued on Page 10.) Ocea for help: refugees seeking ized ia five departments, each of communities, thus retarding their aboard the drab . colored thiv-s £lea*o life. aid, Guidance, information or Just them constituting a Iarso special- adjustment and Americanization. reset the war sons that'slip Into Tho facade of 2560 Bread-way company, and Americana anxious ised welfare agency in itself, and The resettlement department ha3 Torls harbor. Tee- ril? Is plastered -with tho f3£tsan-foot about relatives nnd frionds trap a number of. committees dealing stimulated th© formation of hun- Sew strive during the wecS;letters of oao of Times Satiaro ped ia tho Nazi domain or fleeing with tho particular problems of dreds of local,- state and regional isually ads. That shakes Monday a bzsy refugees of various professions. h»-j electric clciis. Its lobby from it. committees throughout the coun- day at refuges headquarters.. Migration Department GVfnrras v r i t i i r,ct07o, fiobtcro try, each of which regularly or It has an enormous filing room Tho migration department has occasionally reports possibilities tore's rriassra. pLiiinnraed ehor of "cacea" of refugees here and silent contemplation, welcome is given, the Jewish. lnca, Jr.panc:,o acrobatu, T-Icsro tap abroad, statistical machines for charge of the refugeo'o case from for refugees to settle in its com- To see wh&t men aad tedfarea ook like -who have Just been redanceror2.su rafascca from K a i analysing refugee facts and prob- the time it first comes to the at-munity or region. opprc»«!o2. Tho Irish clavator lems, employs scores of trained tention of the National Refugee The existence of this depart- tared, to life, visit 1580 Broadnew year. Within all wells • a sense of profound grati* "ooya client "Up!" and "Do~n! social workers, uses tho csrvicco Service until ho is finally settled ment, w o r k i n g systematically way any Monday. There they ;OEie by. the husdreds, many still In Gcmsn aa veil as Ssclisli. of, thousands of volunteers and either in this or some other coun- through trained field workers cov- arryinsj the valises and k: tude for the innumerable blessings that have been and Tfca bai'.fiias house:; tho officos committed members all over the try. The organisation doe3 not ering the whole United States and acks which contain all the rer have its own agents abroad, but case workers in New York, marks or theatrical xnr.nr.fpr3, movie dia- country, hna the cooperation of of homes, businesses, lifor those that will be. . AH the yearns tragedyf 'all the fail* .tribntorc, itaht protrsotsra, book- dozens of JcwiDh oocieties con- works hand in hand with agencies one of the notable differences be- mains professional equipment, ing ajjents and tlia rcCucoo Iseud- corned with the refugees, most of such as the Hebrew Immigrant tween the modern methods of braries, .ndustrial raacliirsery. Mostly they quartoTo o£ America. which report to it on the indi- Aid Society, the Jewish Coloniza- dealing with immigration now betire, all-the disappointment is consigned to the tomb of bewildered peogle—and pitirrJsJjt from tho boat to thl viduals v/ith whom they deal, so tion Association and the Joint ing employed, and the methods— are *ully docile. A refuges couple is Distribution Committee. or lack of method—in the past. c^^ coiao lacst o£ tho coas- that it is a central "clearing It i3 this department which as- Its success is indicated by the iding ia the elevator. forgotten years to be interred forever. iurativo Landfill oi- lucky ones houco" or refuaeo information. sists Jews abroad to get in touch movement away from New York It stops and someone standing T,'!io. in tlio nlsliiinaro domains o£ It -works cloaoly v/ith the Am? . . I-Iitlor, hr,vo received that ticket erican Committee for Christian with relatives her? who may heof 250 to 300 refugee families behind them calls "Out!" He to FaradiM. tbo Americas vis Refugees, tho American Friends willing to furnish the affidavits monthly, about 500 individuals. means, of course, that he wants necessary for a visa or able to ".o leave the car. The refugees, Hero avo lcoataij tbo offices of • • Resettlement' Committee, and the <Dom- advance money for steamship CAPITOL LIQUORS joins in extending the greetings who had asked for another floor, t h e National Scfugeo Service, Sarvico The resettlement department, mltteo 'for Catholic Itefugeea from Inc., supported W American Germany. It ia spending 53,500,- fares and other epenseS to reach with its emphasis and dependence march through the door like solparade, stand stiffly Jews; tho American Committee 000 on its vorli thio year, the America or another refuge. of the season. From the events o£ the past months new voluntary community re- diers on at their fellow-passenger. Most refugeea need immediate upon for Christina Befujjcss, backed by largest part for cash assistance. sponsibility is symbolic of the enTfcey are •waiting for Ws: next assistance on arrival, whether the Federal C o u n c i l of they lessons of inestimable value to aE have been learned. The chief object of the organ- ca3h or help in ' finding living tire underlying motif of this oanaad. They take It-for graatChurcliea o? Chrlot in America: streamlined organization for dealisation's activities, according to d that he is ordering them off, quarters. This is the function of and tho American Fr!end3 Sqrvics Ins frith the problem Hitler has May they be put to good purpose during the year Committee, Qur-lier organisation. Dr. William Haber, its executive the relief and service department. foisted on America along with the ad they o b e y instantly, autodirector, i3 to work itself out of The department also sees to it rest of the world. It would ba matically. IHtloriara has forced refugee .existence. that American relatives come to easy to shrug shoulders sad say Servile aid onto a big-business ba3i3 in ahead. the aid of the immigrant family. that the refugees are really no tVhima of Hitler America. This country has abThis is the state to which life If necessary it advances railroad "I-want to liquidate my job sorbed waves of immigration problem, that they or their chil- under Nazism has brought men much greater than tho present just as fast as possible," said Dr. fares to enable refugees to reach dren will become part of the Amwomen who until a few years one. As. many aa a million per- Haber, an economics professor; on tho cities whsro their relatives erican scene just as millions of go were respected and independsons a year came to our shorc3 leave from the University of live. As-a lact report, if no other previous immigrants have. But at professional or business peofrom Europe boforo 1914, while Michigan' aud former emergency ald can bs obtained, 1t provides tho National Refuges Serrlcs is 1e. From a few such little indcash support, full or partial, until not ducking tha issue. Tho • ref- ents — they occur by scores at tho total number of Germans relief director of that state. veaehing here cinca Hltler'a visa But that depends, ho pointed the immigrant is ablo to earn a uses, to this organisation, !a a efsxgee headquarters — as- much to por/or In 1933 in only 85.000. out, not primarily on the agencies living. problem until he is no longer a may be learned by inference about BS3 Problem :oadlt!oE3. in Germany as from a caring for refugees, but on the The employment and retraining refugee, but an American. department finds jobs, q^ides the o l u n « of authentic atrocity II. Pat tbousb comparatively email %7him of Adolph Hitler. immigrant in the «hoico -of a new Dial you ever wonder what be- tcries. in numbora. the present Immigration creates a bis problem beMeanwhile, the National Ref- occupation if ho jcanaot continue comes of old telephone direc- -Physical m a r k s of brutalitycause it io forced. People have ugee Servico ha3 two immediate his former one here, and arranges tories?" The- National Refugee .one of the refugees reaching this Si:hac-n torn up by tha roota and objectives: The first is to see that for him to attend' tha necessary Service knows the fate of some losntry bear. ' They go through hurled out into the T,-orId unpre- the refugees, as they arrive, are courses in trade or - technical of them. By devious routes they oo careful a sifting process. The c.'. parad for the revolutionary over- absorbed into American life aa schools. * reach Germany, where they are jerzsasently disabled or scarred Work ol Adjustment turn !u tbejr lives, stripped of quickly aa possible, v/ithout dishave little chase© o£ • getting out more highly than rare tot The social and cultural adjust- valued every possession. turbing the economy of this couneditions. To a Berlin Jew, a New t Nasi concentration camps. The They must be rehabilitated, re- try or competing with Americans ment department works through York telephone book a a y provide •Jazia do sot Tract to advertise trained for new occupations, in for job3, to prepare them to earn clubs, community and civie or- the clu^ to escape from Nasiland., .heir bestiality abroad; it is less -to send to their many cassn supported or partly a livelihood, and get them eettled ganizations,-synagogues and indiThe fortunate who obtains ac- .roublesoae .ones little urns o£ ashes and supported Tor come time, if pos- outside New York if possible. The viduals to bring thg re;cge3 into cess to o'ns of these volumes is sible resettled outside New Yorlt. second is to make it 100 per cent pleasant and helpful contact vita able to write letters to eve?y per-i rief notice -that they were "shot All this must be,done while they sure that no refugee becomes a Americans, Jewish anel non-Jew- son listed -whose name remotely 'Mis trying to escape." Any of ish. It acquaints him with, oppor- resembles his own, suggesting ,he physically or mentally di» aro adjusting themselves to a now public charge. nationality and new, v/aya of life, Thio ia a legal necessity, since tunities for frco or inexpensive that they may be related and be- .bled who do regain freedom/ learning a now lansUaso, recover- a condition of immigration to this lectures, concerts, and shows, seeching assistance in emigration *,w~»~>. pass the strict requireExclusive Dictributor 'Schenlcy ments for admission to this cotming from the psychological effects country in a guarantee that the courses in subjects not directly to particularly affidavits -- get - 1 * - of Iiarrovrinn experiences in Ger-immigrant will not become a lia- connected with jobs, English,, les- to America, help get a'visa lor this country. man , shottoes or concentration bility to public funds. But aside sons, and the like. Letters of this Mad by the camps. , from tbat, it is a tradition of Amthousands reach the immigration The key department of the Na- department erican. Jewry that goes back to of the National Refin Ios3 thaij a year sinco it be- the time of the first Jewish set- tional Refugee Service Is the re- ugee Service, referred there by >, instithe recipients. In maey cases, the person addressed. ev«ii ' Oio»x*ili. l»o md. or help must be given to a may not remember any such rela- aan or -woman who, arriving aptive in Germany, is -willing to help >arently unaffected by experithe -writer as much as he can.ences in Germany, begins to have That is how many refugee cases nightmares, screaming spells, unfirst come under the care of thecontrollable tremors, or o t h e r The"bAanagementarid National Refugee Service. • Then, nervous disorders, when he is safe Jewish -welfare organizations op- In America and the pressure for Employees cordially erating In Europe frequently ask self-control is removed. But the .^migrants themselves, in many extend sincere wishes the service to help bring wouldbe emigrants into touch with Am- ^ases, want to shove their memto their friends and erican kin. And thousands o£ ories out of mind. Those who do American Jews apply to the serv- ,ot, who try to reminisce, are patrotis for a happy ice ior information about their discouraged, by the professional j faniilies in Germany and for help workers of the refuges service." and prosperous "New I In bringing them here. Forget Genasny Yean 150,000 Cesea. ".Forget a b o u t Germany — The files of the migration de- you're in America now," is the partment of the National Refugee first and oft-repeated advice to ja Bssflag v©?-2r Scmsag© cad landseoa meets . Serried contain the records of ;he refugee. 150,000 cases. With most nations The nest, just as important, the pace.- Buying feresk b©e! and pork lor y©U£ rossste end sSecks busy multiplying regulations and .he slogan which governs all the clso find a vd&o variteSioa ©I prices due to the Tasioa® q~acl£ies ©f restrictions on migration, a Phila- activity of the National Refugee delphia lawyer would be tied into Service, is: "New York is Big—EsqcL Th© sense is feus I s scKzssEg©. Belovr are th© Itesss\T knots by some of the red-tape America is Bigger." .The many §s£tmse—purchaso thess h$ iSi® Glaser bread nesses, cad b s complexities involved in bringing activities of the organization in a. single family from Nasi terri- helping the new • arrival to ade! &© Best qmsltYtory to a safe haven hera or injust himself here, all center some other country. But MiS3 Ce- around that idea. * Make Year Next PJcvdc 'Complete 'tsi&U Iny r@m •«# Tliess 'BeB&ow. fteim cilia Ravovsky, director of tae migration department, and her fuSoriadeSa III. . HsHs esd P » s t o Los£ LUKUTY'^^ aides, know all the answers. Did you ever heard of Carlsbad Cerrelat "Take just one v e r y recent Maccrosi cad dh©©se Loaf Bc&ed Koa case," Miss Ravovsky relates. Oblaten? If not, you probably Thuriager Boiled -Ham "The family consisted of father, soon will. They are a famous EuDutch Stylo Loo! mother a n d twenty - year - old ropean delicacy, a delicious wafer Mexican Chili Con Came Bee! Tongue Loaf daughter. The parents. escaped manufactured only in Carlsbad, Wfeuam Southern Styl« from Germany to Budapest, the ertswhile Czechoslovakia. T h e Fed; Tcngu® Loci Frankfurters girl to England. Then came the recipe and method of manufacFcncf..Sous« American'visa for which the man ture were a secret of the Sudeten Toagts© Sclod Locf Sldal-sss- Fraake > Hesdcbeeso Germaas. who monopolized the had applied long before. Under ColBssbis St?Ie Sausage Mb. United States, regulations, no one Karl Kortner,' -a Czech-Jewish may ba included in a -visa whorls L^anchetsa Cooled Ved Loc! not present when it is issued. Im- newspaper man, learned the secI migration laws barred th© girl ret of the mating of the confec|.SdaightTcs!y Saadk-Eed from Hungary, the parents from tion, and brought it with him G?ouad B@sf • England. There was no place on when he arrived in New York, a earth where the feree could get refugee. Moreover, he invented! Coined-BeeS Loci together. The _ girl's twenty-first a machine to turn the wafers out i Eas-ckwuist Jejlisd Cera Los! birthday was approaching, when by the thousands where formerly Sssked Countrf'\ sho would no longer be eligible they were made by hand by dosDelicatessen Los! Esfegaa for inclusion in her parents' visa. en's. He has established a plant • Spiced Lunch Loci - - * A family separation of many years in downtown Manhattan which is Cheese Salad Loaf was threatened. introducing a new delicacy to Am^v the Oreratf "At that point the case came to erica — and promises to provide us. There was one way out. Thepermanent jobs for many Amerparents were hurried aboard the icans. nest boat for New York. We had When you drinlt a glass of beer prepared the state department nowadays, you are helping a new with full information about the American industry which owes its case and explained the need for existence to refugees) from Nasi speed. The moment the old people persecution. The filtering matestepped ashore. Washington wa? rial -used in, breweries was forRefrigerated hrbbnsted. Water >"> vSagas s i a notified and cabled the Americai merly all imported from Germany. Service consulate in London a certifica ^litMum'-anfi'Sodiiafli.Citrates s s s Jewish refugees brought to this, tion of their arrival. With her country tbe kno\tie3ge of how to Nearest parents in the United States.'th manufacture the substance, and Citric Add *..Wmot derivedftosa Market girl, as a minor, was entitled to established a factory employing Mm a visa under the Hungariap'qupta American workers. She got it on the very eve o Next winter it is quite likely her twenty-first birthday." that a large part'of the Cferistmss tree ornaments in A m e r i c a n homes will come from Americas '• . Other Lands f^Prtri ft i n : v If . migration to the United workshops. Formerly"' they were f , bDUuuiy States is Impossible — and thi Imported largely from Gennasy country's quotas for Germany a "a d Czechoslovakia. American Austria, .Czechoslovakia and Po-firms wSIch used to import them, land cover only a fFaction of tb. now cut off from their source of deinaafl—the refugee .service- trie supply, are planning their manuVisitors WelcovTie & Os&r Modern Up~s&«D®$,e at JM Time* to arrange admission to sors facture here, using - the ' skill. of other country. Any case, whethe refugee workers, with the prosit-Involves-immigration to t b I pact of ' training aad employing country o? not."in '.which. AniS zsssy Americans. lean-'.organizations or individual: Tectmlcsl SUlls are interested, eoraes within it1 From the reeoaditloaing of scdpe of the National Refisge used zippers to the manufacture Service. If the case is an urgent of an important flexible sya5






Arthur S. Raymond, President E. X 'Sickel, Vice-President Roy. C* Feltman, Sales Manager

Quality Whiskies

^3* ^

^fei: 8$ v



Tlfe n




ifes, Etc.




New Yearns Edition—TEffi JEWISH PBESS-Rosh Hasbonali 5701—THursaay, Oetob'er 3,1940 a n d since, t h e - W e s t ia t h e lS&O'e of God"atiS'n<


© '.or all things American . . . . is seeiaeS t o D r . W i s e ' t o BpeU oppor- 'tain public off sntranced with the democratic ferity for r e a l i z i n g feis-plans. So, j C*rp;fi: spirit at the studios . . . "Gafbo not vrilk t b s c o p e of g a i n i n g j When .Dr.'i talks.to. tha grip' man,• the direcriches, b u t vrilh tfcs i&e& cf en- j fcaE" to tlie tor to the electrician . . . all call £* :i;4 -fi< r i c h i n g o f e e r s , Dr. Wise e n d fcis j in t h e y e a r !• if it&tsd ttant sach other by their first names!" §i /&» #%,, @S\_ /#*& • family moved, IZJ April l £ E i , t o j " t f c c '^>"->^!''-« Js still more amaaed at the quiet l i t t-ut v as one L&Q efficiency on the set . . . . n o fe o shouting or ordering about . . . T >e Hebrew >z oi Rrir <n K. K. yet things get. doae ia minutes Q s e en cy are no longer instead of hours. His nest role -Because, ia IS SI, a twelve year way which . -was i a t e.-r to' lea-d that in tl will be that of a Polish peasant 1 d boy named Isaac Mayer 'Wise across the sea to America, where atmosphere cf the v i rrif \ t i j n o n r J r -l-ir l i e - P O in '.'Flotsam." 'elt impelled. to walk. oot. o£- the men were free .to act &Ed think couth he -ciiEfet.be ab;e-to promote] v We: cave garaerea the best of village of Durmaul, Bohemia,. on and play a part in making their rei&teCi to \ Dining the preceding year, Jit ^.^aging comedians—.Burt Bdis— .he highway leading to Prague own destiny. a* 3. a the daily life of \rMefc L;!J% 1 S 7 S , clciesstes from S€ called the "Eddie" Cantor of Berand a wider world, more than 300 J congregations fcac' come to Ciacin^•ii' is obvious," shouted (Joeb- . . .especially with- Hollywood whoops of heilsin every casting lin." Has done numerous pictures liberal Jewish congregations in When the ship .Marie set sail, "he Cincinnati grou? vreieon?.-) cat! !n sriEwcr to tiie call -of : vtois.-'tli'at iioiie' of 'these magnlfi- where "everybody calls everybody department. here. Latest, "Lady In Question" .he new world belong to ths U'n- May 2G..1S46, from Erenerhavea Dr. Wise anfi cooperated in the {ice Loth. Pi'esideKt of Dr. -Wiee*« <i9nt;^ilms could-have been con- 'darling.' It's: marvelous! You . First . . . the peerles3 Albert rated bells from the critics. ,on of American Hebrew Congre- for. Aiserica, it counted among .its ed drive lor progrsss. Ecual rights [ coxigrogEtion, TI:sey had orge^lvM'ln-the degenerate' brains ot don't have e to remember any Basserman ...... king of German Hungarian Ssoks Szakall . . . . gations. passengers, Dr. and Mrs. Isaac .M. of wcmei! were recognized fc the i the Uni possessor of the Iff actors •'Jewish .".-directors! ".-• '.- -• ;• names!" of American Hebrew euphonized to S. Z. Sakall Wise . and 'their infant <Sang£iter, •regation In days when polf.ti-1 Co Other top-notchers; . . now on land Ring; If he had but one word now The walk to Prague with a bunSilently facing Heller No. 3 . . . was a.comedian of_the front Emily. cal suffrage was.still Car eistanl, were Germany's leading movie the Holly wooded terrain . . . . are to apeak in fifty thousand feet of rank. Wrote and acted In Buda- dle of clothes and 27 kreutzer was T\ro j'esrs later, llabrew Uslon' During tne intervening years, attended r Dr. W S s e's CoHegc,. a trcylnitig .echool'for. ^producers and directors. T h a Kurt Robitschek, Berthold Vier- film, you would 'know that mas- pest not Isaac Wise's first journey. until coaxed to Vienna, g 'Friday evening serv- American : Jewish l e a d e r s :was "gsagnificent" films referred to tel, "Anatol Litvak, arid Richard ter had spoken. His part in "Dr. where he performed without un- For, on March 29, 18155,- he had Dr. Wise had -bee-a ordained a, were:' "A Saga of Norsa Gods," Oswald. Robitschek was the fore- Ehrlich" instantly singled him derstanding one word of the Ger- been born to Leo and Regina Weis Rabbi and-served as .head of the ices years before inter-faith meet- broi-ght into existence by'the"OnRadnitz-congregation. He had also ings ^rere the thing. "ftotemkin" "Anna Karenina," most director: of cabaret vaude- out without a bit of previous pubi the tiny town of Steingrub. ion. Dr. Wise vas chosen-the first a t t e n d e d the Universities oi ..-."The 1Last Company,"; and "The ville . - . h e a d e d the ^Cabaret der licity. Has since played in five man he spoke. After learning the But, tisere WES still a, period of PresJcent of the eciVool-'for Amei>. Since father Leo was'the'Jew1 language, he appeared in more . •".-• > • . - * . RsbeL ! ""These . ...-;. and only Komicker in Berlin. Berthold p i c t u r e s . teacher In'.Steingrnb, Prague and Vienna, read wideij , waiting before natioual.JevrlEh or- ican Rabbis of. F h S c h he. had than one hundred films in Vienna ish-school •••these?'rha said,, "were, approved Vlertel guided the productions for Isaacs entered classes at the age and' become acQUElsted with: the EaEization cosld be-achieved. dreamed for so many years, .Es"Aryan" . ;:... beloved by his \~bfi-the;Fuehrer, an&jgimist -hen.ee- the second largest theatre of that people . . . he could have enjoyed and Berlin. . . b e s t known to us of four. Two years l a t e r , the English language. Possibilities- of tablished 'in Cincinnati the Colwas "Two Hearts in Walts-Time." city. Anatol Litvak was the megachievement to be.garnered from forijc be usad aa models for all lege .required that candidates for carte blanche in Germany-. But As the confused producer In "It's youngster began to study Talmud. the. combination-of Dr. W i s e ' s aphoner .for . "Mayerling," "Be Meanwhile, Dr. Wise was not ' ij^jii, pictures."'. •,"-'• . -'" progress . was so. rapid that hold .'-A. degree Tonight," and other super the. Nazis wouldn't permit Elsa, a Date," he again understood not His knowledge.of western culture and when he had reached the ripe bis ac ? Amid the group stood a young Mine his wife, to act with him because foreign films.shown in the United a line of his part. Now his EngJewish tradition bad been furth,ge of nine, Leo and Regina dedlrettor»... a Jew . . . who smiled States. . His first American' pic- she is Jewish.- She has been his is so good, he has to exag- cided to.send-him to. his learned er-strengthened ••w;hen be attendg|Mly to himself. He had direct- tures leading lady in life and on the lish movement which fee had conwere "The Woman I Love" gerate -his accent for "Spring Pagrandfather. Dr. Isaiah of Bur- ed, in IS45, the secop.d Reform era! ef .TWO of ths five films deslg- and "Tovarich" in 1937.Yuda stage since 1904 . . . and he^has "After the College, .had graduat• Conference at Franfe- ceived. maul. Here, In addition to attenKated. Neither this . . . nor the Leman, an astronomer before the nevered appeared without her. He rade." eda number of students who rapPounded "Israeliie" And • on | h e roster of toppers, dance at the Jewish day school, fort. flet; that his' family had served Furore, went to the Holy Land chose to leave. At 72 he begins a idly became lea'ders In community '; He put his pen to paper anfi as well as in Jewish life, -Dr. Wise tlie Fatherland for four hundred ^ . wrote, produced,' directed new" career in a strange language. one cannot* omit Siegfried Arno, Isaac had the advantage of perSympathy with Reform in reiounded the "Israelite," an Anoi Deutschland's most pop- sonal instruction from the grand- ligion End belief in man's right to realized the third oi hiss', plans for ygars" gave him Immunity to the 'Land of Promise," the finest Elsa Schiff Basserman was a one gloJewish weekly which is. etiil Was .seen here In parent who had learned his med- Eii2re in the solution of public organization. In ISSS.'the Central • Scourge,-'---.He.fled . ...', ' Palestinian' film ever made. It star In her own right for more ular comics. Maker." icine at Padua and his Talniudical questions Quickly made the Bo- published under the title, "Amer- Conference of American Rabbis : K-fV&nd : go" did others •••'.- . .. by: the was exhibited extensively, even in than thirty years. At the agg of "Star Among the outstanding char- and rabbinical lore as he grew. hemia of 1S46 an impossible place can I s r a e l i t e " in Cincinnati. was born at a Biennial Council of . ; s f o r e ' , '•.•".-- • ' - . ' • '•' • ."/ ••'.-: the Far East., Since coming here, seventeen she was : the toast' of Through its columns, the great | the Union in. Detroit. As the first acter actors we harvested Ernst v he has been associated with one Munich for her immortal role of Deutsch, for the independent, s t r a i g h t ...--I D e g r a d e d •••.-••..• . - h u m i l i a t e d lerican Jewish leader iterated President of the- Central ConferLudwig Stoessel, a n d : thinking, justice loving y o u n g and re-iterated the need *dr a Un- ence, " stripped 6£ their world goods . , . of the local lots. Richard Oswald Portia. She will* be seen In "Flot- Lionel Royce—all have contributDr. Isaiah died In 1831. Young Dr. Wise started the groupt | e y left,. : . But one thing could is best, known to American audi- sam," and with Albert she has a ed importantly to our movies. Isaac had already chosen the rab- Wise. of American Jewish Congre- on its'patb of Reeking social jusLearned Life of America nf>t;be taken from them . . .their ences- for his horror film, "The part in "Escape." gations and for a school to train and 'raising the standards of There is also Walter O. Stahl, binate as his profession. S i n c e an antiquarian bookstore In new generations of American Jew- tice M'^ins. - - so scorned Jby Herr Hying Dead," but. was responsible They both exclaim over Amer- tall, handsome, white-haired ,chap Steingrub was too small, and his the"In religion' in'action. for a. number of excellent German city of Prague, I found a col- ish leaders. (foabbels. They arrive on these ica . . . accept this haven in joy with a very British English—and parents were too poor to aid him, lection It is fitting then, -that in March pictures on social subjects. « American-English prints sfiores empty-handed ". . .': laden Judge Mas B. May in a biogra- IS40, Isaac-M.' Wise Kemoris-1 and-gratitude. Their most amus- a monocle. Came from Hamburg he took the road to Prague — a and in of it a set of journals from ;%'/ith;'gifts. They come penniless phy of Dr. Wise characterizes his Day wax observed In -the Liibsral Authors and. Playwrights ing experience is being unknown. where he was noted as an actor the years 17 80-90. I purchased "Israelite." .$.,. bringing riches. Thanks to "We walk on the street," she and as a director of municipal Synagogues throughout. America We may gleefully pat ourselves tjje blitzfltght," the cream of Eur voice she is a prize for the whole and read with the heart "It was always insisted • upon which make up the U n i o n ot says. "No one stares. I do not theatres. Has appeared- in five beautiful i oje's theatrical world is at Hoi on the back for having secured worry Broadway or Hollywood. more perhaps than with the reathe fundamental truth ot! the Decabout my appearance. No American films . . . currently is Hebrew Congregation?-,, ; lv"-w-6od's gates, already enriching Bruno F r a n k , an outstanding one points, We also have Germany's most son," Dr. Wise related in his "Re- laration of Independence tbat all American 'The Bassermans!' It in "Man from Fleet Street" with and at the annual Founder's Da? s§me of our skim-milk produc- writer of Germany. "Storm in a is wonderful!" miniscences.'' " T h a t literature distinguished "mother" actress— men are created equal and at all Robinson' and Basserman. Has a tions; From Germany, Austria, Tea-Cup" and others of his works Gruning. And the premier made of me a naturalized Ameri- times insisted vehemently that the service in -the chapel of. Hebrew* delightful sense- of humor-—says, Ilka Others .Hungary, Czecho-Slovakla, and are already cinemaequisitions. He of Jewish women charac- can in the interior of Bohemia. It underlyirg principles of this gov- jUnion • College organisations "he was bora in the earns town player France come great producers, di- also scribed the a c e n a r i o for inspired' in me the resolution to eminent, the separation of church which -he brought from his fert ters, GIsele Werbesirk. Felix Bressart — buffoon par as Beethoven, and although he Is "Hunchback of Notre Dame." mind. Into the main, stream o'L rectors, ^riters, and actors. to America, and against the and state be adhered to, anfi'that ! excellence! Hollywood quickly •Not only does the hegira de- go American life.- Dr. Wise vrziz "George Froeschel, contractee of beat a path to this maker of not so musical, he hears better." plete •r .-.t..;, .... The Helmsmen : r '.T • will of my friends. I did go and in the domain of poltics no dis- orialized -by. special services Into Europe; of Jewish genius, my family with-me." • She .Feminine Players .; t^ir^t arid unsurpassed is Max M. - G.; M. scenartist of "Mortal laugh-traps. Even Hitler once crimination be made against citi- •which, big., words, his hymns s.v.6. but of J'Aryan" as well. Some of From Hamburg, where she was the writers who sought refuge apihhardt . . .creator of the Ger- Storm" rind collaborator on "Wa- acknowledged the best picture he, zens because of their religion." Ms ideals .have been interwoven. ' teacHig.Eiigi!sh_-tp foreigners : man- theatre, - Even1 the greatest terloo B r l d g i " 'was one ' of ever saw was one of Bressart's. born, to Vienna to Hollywood here In the "Israelite ot • July 20,. are Thomas Mann, Erika The .progrsia o£ intensified insip in the i actor, such as Basserman, played Prague'^ • w e-l,l-known authors. He was an instant hit in "Nin- Luise Rainer soared to stardom Mann, Maurice Maeterlinck, Con- in a ni^&t.-scftpoVset ^ . p p lS55,Dr. Wise published an edi- dividual-participation .in work dpQuickly carved a niche for herWolfgang Reinhardt, son of Max, ..under, his direction; and to have i ' hhis'New York hone torial on the American or Snow otchka"'...--. is now so busy he Haydn. Actors: Conradt Veidt, basemist•'•of l o .-further religion and de./ betih his 'pupil was in: itself, an is a writer' for - the majors . .' . "bicycles" from set to set, play- self and couple of smaller ones rad was Dr. "Wise's, first,enterprise in Nothing Party. It might have bees signed Maurice Chevalier, Ellen Schwanmocracy • which is now being proebtree to a career. Now deprived scripted "Juarez/' The Interna- ing in two or three movies at one for her two • Academy Awards in America.."'."".. '.... .7".">;. written yesterday or.today. neke, a very popular ingenue, now moted. W the Union ar?c! tha ColMovietown. . of all that he built:.. . . he begins tionally famous Iperenc Molnar, time. His""first real' work, towever. "Nothing is more disgusting to lege is proof that tlirough the Inas the girl who said was again in Hollywood . . . l e n d s Hungarian playwright, 'just comej Alexander Granach, t h I s FalDolly Haas, Raiser's classmate remembered as.Rabbi;of Be'th. El Congre- us than the combination of relig- stitutions which lie -founded, .Dr* luster to the movies . . . develops to America, has had many of his stafflari side-kick in * the same was famous as a "gamin"—often "No" to a Hitler invitation. Du- gation'in Albany/New York. ion and politics. If office seeking Epirit ats.fi Ifleale live on- is? vivier and Rene Clair, greatest of talent at his school. . psrorks_glorifilmed in Celluloid film, was a renowned Shakespear- took boy's parts. Got side-tracked By'advocating,' in 1E4S, a na politicians enlist in their service Wise's do for- the 20th century That heFrench directors, have just arl:Seeond in importance - to the City. Ditto Ladialalls Bus- ean actor, doing Macbeth, Shy- somehow in Hollywood . . had a tional organization for American the "religious fanaticism of the • - " German stage was Professor Leo- Fekete. Judaism, Dr. Wise within the multitude they Ere evidently de- &1& in the Itih. lock, etc. He's a pudgy, happy- long-term contract, b u t never rived. pold j.Jessrfer... He was for years Gold That Glitters brief space of two years, indicated Mas Berges, formerly a radio go-lucky fellow of every particle of patrioundismayer flashed on celluloid. Petite vivaThus, while other European the role of leader and organizer prived . tfie -head of the Staats- Theater actor at the second largest station at being a refugee because "I've cious Franciska Gaal was a Ber- WATCHWORD - • . tism, for they ought to know that (state-owned), of Berlin. Third in Hamburg, turned author . . . been one ever since I was twelve.'" lin cinema star from tfie Vien- countries shipped lifeless yellow which he was to occupy in thi is the beginning of the most fur"I can Bay without qualificaap^cikg stage ; directors was Bar^ ha3 one novel, "Cold Pogrom," ' . . Hve3 by Goethe's philosophy. nese stage . . . has appeared here metal to America . . . Hitler, un- country. ious civil war, that they kindle tion that the watchword of the -• itefj'svsky,, .. • ' * off the press a cecond boob and "Things that do not klll.xne, make In "Buccaneer," 'Paris Honey wittingly, sent us living creative His realization of.American op- the most dangerous passions in Jewish people is that Israel's mis;just arrived.-' 1 treasure — seed that will enrich portunity was evidenced in a let the breast of man and place the sion is peace and that this holds •'v Bailed' here as a great film a screen story in the making. me stronger." Speaks..!Ukrainian, moon," and others. "lind" JSryoung Kurt Bernhardt. EmU Ludwig is here too . . . Iive3 German, Polish, Russian, a n d The two greatest names in al American culture (not with a ter written in 1849: most destructive a r m s in the true for all the scattered commuOver there he had -piloted such "in' Santa "An American Jew you perceive hands of an over excited multi- nities to which the Jewish people European light opera were Alpar " K " ) , science, and art for gen» " " > Barbara ^^...^x*. on w* the -— -"-o-(English. fringe Five times .he has had ejars as Marlene. Dietrich and have been dispersed and are now, has a two fold mission, to promote tude. and Massary. Due to Aranltis erations to come. our studio village, but not yet to start over again . . . with a we 1 Strange . . . the blitzkrieg turns truth and liberty." ifoarad 'Veidt. His first Amerir of alas, being- further dispersed with have gained GItta Alpar, wh( "We -wish nothing and expect , . . ' ... *;' . • ' n e w language. Hopes English was divorced, because ot her Mo out to be a blitzklleg . . . and the great brutality." ? c & n ; effort, "My Love Came of. it. nothing from a religious p a r t y . Westward Buffoonery and Bnpkih 1 completes his linguistic educa sale heritage,, by the now not-so- barker from Berlin, a Benefactor! Let religion be ttuto them » fear | Sack," received rave notices , . —Tir. Cynn Adler. As to other Americans before Hell . . . Hollywood! . ' famous actor. FroelleH.' With her "/• \fou;htm a long-term contract. He The array of performing • talent I tion. *



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.