October 11, 1940

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Cofoay ic>2* jews

\'UL. XVII—Mo. 4 8

Yt 6CWLL-. SI, j . , ...»

/* C. >

Lo/idca (V/Hb)—A tlau to tliiy l-.u?Oi>e'e Jevva to Afiica K tLe calmisiatioa of ILe p i -• -_ r ! t, u £, JLTJI f s >,-ar is liOwr being c&u&ideicd Ly Chancellor HiUtr aad Premier .A.n^jl &^..»^> ^» t MufesoHui, fcecordlhg to advices E 4-ri fe^~i l*l&,u icceivfcd hfcic, Local L '•J Nazi spolttfemen hare declared r f s •V»\.dL fie>iUfcat!y, tince tbe outbiealr of the war, that ni8bS exitulfciuna of Eueeotli, the F^abt of Tabcr) Jews fr&m Europe \vould follow i_ Kacles, will beelu this year on a Nazi-Italian victory. For tite •JfcVedaeE'i&y evening, October 6. Tkis c-vtuintjj losttl Originally observed hi Pules- prebent, the report taid, the dictioi<8 will join *»itfi Jevts t h e tSne £3 ;~ Larvcot festival, after «dl tat&is bad egreod to permit the 1 t r o r l d cni-i in ii^tiriln^ la thv fruits of the year had been gathiioliest day of • the Jewish -year,' Jews to remain where they are. cie-JI, Sueeoiii tlirough the ceufoiii Kipinn; the I>ay of AtosieThis report lends confirmation tui...;. has become primarily a'holxnent. 'i'iie holy day will contiwue iday i. Thaniteglvliig for the Law. to the fact that the much pubuntil Buaset toinoiToiv evening., ';t-. holiday will be observed licize! Nad scheme to establish Uncoxmected with any historic Iotv.il/ w ail Congregations. event, Youi KJppur-ts a day of a Jewish reservation In Lublin, To Issue Record of' 1039, p atonement and fasting... It is a Youth G r o u p ' 'fhu Temple fjuccolh Service Poland, has made little headway P time set aside for the individual 1040 Annual will Legiu V/ednesday at 7:30, Aand has been abandoned by Nazi to repent of his sSnsaiid to atone Season (Jougt cgational dinner will pre- officials. for the wrongs he has done to ccdo 4 he eorvlco. During the servThe Year»iloqh of contributors himself and'*to his fellows. Oinisha tlTcwish youth Kit* vt "Ai.y ice Consecration of the new chilObserved for one day by Ortho- to eiubnj'k on what inw-iiv ^ • to t o ' the 1.9,10 nrid 1910 Jewish <Jvea of the religious school will Philanthropies Campaign is nowdox, Conservative a n d Reform 'ho tine of the. nio.st wtivc ji-iti>.i tako ijlace and.a Children's pagin preparation for publication, Jews throughout the world, the in tlie oi'gnnixntioH'8 lii-.t«»i-.v, \Aih eant will be presented, Morris Hi. Jacobs, Outfrninh <>£ day ia devotee? entirely to prayer groHiidworlc plans alrei.tiy l:,lu (it Thursday morning the services and meditation In the synagogue. the last regular monthly mt-.-tlis^, tho Pliilttntlironics annouiicctl. Vlll begin at 11. • ' Kol Nidre, a prayer first set to on Octohrr Si. ; This will be the fourth YearBetlt El T h o s e plans ' incliKJo thri-i» Book of the Jewish Philanthro- music in medieval Germany, seeks Cervices at the Beth El will pies, which gives a complete rec- remission of vows made during dances, the annual Piirh.i '•;irniBtart Wednesday . night a t . 8 Chicago'<Ji?A)-—A military' f«• ord of al income and disburse- the year and generally opens the val, a panel discussion, n iji-dal o'clock. Thursday and Friday iteml waa held Tuesday morning, ments and IJsts all subscribers to synagogue service^ held on theyouth f o r u m , t h e ' traditional morning |ue Succotli service will with IiKJidrcds of persons from the campaigns and records pay- eve of Yom Kippur. Stago-Nlte, and oratoric;>l COHU-M, take place-at 8. every walk of life attending, for ments. Important during the days of and the annual youth pliil.inthio* GoVewioi* Heiiry'Homer, who died In making the announcement the Second Temple in Jerusalem, pies campaign. . u. o. c. at his koine in suburban -Winnet> Mr. Jacobs said. "At this time it Kippur was even then markAn interesting activity which is Succoth services in the Ortho- ka early • Sunday morning a t t h eis Important that all outstanding Yom ed with great ceremony a n d new to. Round Table ev«-nta is tho dox Congregations will start Wed- age' of- 61'after a long itlness. pledge balances for 1939 be paid. known as "The Great Day." survey project to bo chalri.-ianed nesday at 5 p. m. The morning Rabbi Louis I. Mann of Sinai We are preparing our annual flA memorial eervice for the by Harold Zellnsky. "Wo nerd to cervices will start at 8:30. (Continued on Page C.) Temple, the governor's congregadead and tho blowing of t h fi (Continncl on Pn-,> o.) tion, conducted the service, asshofar are parts of the Synagogue sisted by a Catholic priest a n d service oil tho Day of Atonement. ', Protestant minister. The following schedule of services is being observed by loc.'l Governor'. Homer was buried ,iV> V congregations: beside his' mother's grave in Mt. r• '. United Orthodox Congregation-. MayrJ.v cemetery. " Jle is survived .Tho Kol Nidro service of the by two brothers and four cousins. flr't y Union of Orthodox Congregations inciting o£ tUo Je\.-It,ii Kutiouul Ho was unmarried, The Omaha ...Section of the Nawill begin at .5:20 this evening. Workers Alliance, Pale'Zion, will The governor was the son of Rabbi I s a i a h Itackovsky v/ill tional Council of Jewir.lt V.'or.n n ho held Sunday, Qctoher .13, .at Solomon A. Levy and Dllah Hornspeak at the Congregation B e t h will assist allena in v;J">t -i in.T'7:30_p. m. A supper" will be er Levy. He took his mother's Jewish youth will gather t o - Hametlrosh Hagodel ind R a b b i Office, hours for this puuio1.* nrm served at that time. maiden name when the parents The musical program will be separated in 1892. Born in Chi-morrow evening at the Jewish David Winchester will deliver tho held at; the Jewish. Conu:iunlty every'. Tuesday afternoon given-by Mr. B. Seitz,- accompan- cago, he was. educated here and Community Center for the annual sermon at the Congregation B'nal Center from 2 to 5. ied by his daughter, Shirley. Sev- began tho practice of law in 1898. Achar Hataunla danco sponsored Israel. aliens over fourtcn ycora eral numbers will also be'pre- Ho entered public life in 1814by tho Mother Chapter or A, Z. A. The morning service will begin of All age must .register b^foret B"« at 8 o'clock. The rabbis will speak edited by Herman Mirowitz. A when he was elected probate 26. Legal peiuiUfcii will reading will be given by Mr. H. judge. After' 18 years on t h eEagerly awaited is the decision at 11:15. Rabbi Rackovoky will comber be exacted of those .wh-> fril t<> (Continued on Page 5.) Bondarln. Mr. J. Itadlnowskl will bench, lie ran for governor and in the "Sweetheart" contest, do so at this time. The Council initiate a group of new members, won, despite the opposition of tho The "Sweetheart" will be chosis'asking ,that'aliens register imMr. I Morgenstern is chairman of strong Kelly-Nash machine. Anti- en by the votes of all attending mediately as a large' rm:h in exAFi ft rip,7fl the evening. Semitism was one of the weapons the dance and will retain her title pected as the period for registraCommunity Dinging will be ledused against him during the bit-during the forthcoming year. Cantion conies to a conclusion. by JMrn. J. Itasinck. ter campaign. didates a r e : Beverlee Greenberg, It ia also asked that person:! knowing of aliens and have not Governor Horner was active in Ruth Rosenotein, Bette Lee Harregistered inform them of thij Jewish affairs, being a leader of ris, Diana Lagman, Etta Gare-t service at the Center. various Jewish philanthropic or- lick; and Jerry Bernstein. Washington (JTA)—Although ganlzatibns a n d an honorary Music for the dance will be chairman of the Joint Distribu- furnished by Ross Richards and still refusing to reveal any figtion Committee. He was also ac- his orchestra. Alephs from Sioux ures on the increase in mall from tive in legal organizations and City, Des Moines, Lincoln and Germany and other totalitarian since the outbreak of war, New York (JTA)—The maga- v»as known for his deep interest Council Bluffs have announced states the Pos.tofflco department said it in.tho' life of Abraham Lincoln, their intention of attending. Miss Iluth Allen, who was forfcine.Tlme has served notice that had no objection to offer to Con- merly director of educational acit "wants no readers who cultigressional action on legislation tivities at the-'Jewish Communyato race hatreds." which would bar foreign propa- ity Center, has been ntuned AsThe announcement was pubganda for United States mails. sociate director of the Y. U. and Jishcd in the current issue in the Rep. Samuel Dlclcstein (Dem., Y. W. H. A. of Newark, New- Jerform of! a reply to a letter by two N. Y.), sponsor of a bill barring sey. Miss Allen has been associatPennsylvania, readers cancelling subversive propaganda of both ed... with the Hebrew- Educational their subscriptions with the asforeign and domestic origin from Alliance of Cleveland, Ohio, sluca portion: "Our poor stomachs are the United States mails said he leaving here.. . no longer strong enough to hanwould ask the House Fostoffic'e dle Time. You can have J o w Committee for a hearing on the jDcaverbrook,: et al. •— we still i* nctivitics will f;et untlcr Too, they learn to act in many of measure on the basis of tho stand believe America w o r t h saving £rom this holocaust'for Americans way at the JCK'ISII Co:nmnrtlty the lovely fairy talcs that have adopted Tjy the Postoffice departot ment. Center itext week with .'an- un- come ddwn.to us." —not British."; ' V ,; Since the putbreak of war, GerVoice, diction, poise, correct - "Just as n e 11 h e r .'Franklin precedented - program, 'dc'vi.scd" to The first .Temple Israel congrespeech will be developed in t h eman mail has increased tremen- gational dinner of the year will Roosevelt nor Wendell Willkle satisfy • every- type .of intercsf.. -.,.'.- dously with most of the increase be held.,- Wednesday evening boThe Children's Theater, _ danc- Children's theater. t/anta anti-Semite totes, so Time attributed to shipment of.-Nazi fore' the Succoth service. I-I-Ci .•••' Photography -vants DQ"readers'••who- cultivate ing, the Photography club, t i l e W i t h the s l o g a n , " G o t propaganda formerly brought to Abe Somber^ is in char.~o race hatreds," tho magazine; re- Puppetry club, and the Girl Serut plied, adding that Lord Beaver- projraia will all cwing hit*? 'ac-Acquainted With Your Camera," this country in German ships. It Reservations for tlso dinner aro tho Photocrrphy club will beslu has been pointed out that under 75 cents for adultrs end GO cant1; brook v/ao not ii Jev.' but a Pres- tion. tho International Postal AgreeThe' Children's T h e a t e r t/ill ita first nie"f,':ir at 7:30 oii'T.tonbyterian descended from n. long for children and may bo m?do h'j, o'!c-n' BunC.iy at 2 o'clock umlcr f'Ry oveni:?.;; auder the direction ment Uncle Sara lias carried this calUirC"nra. Sombcre, V.rA C4?4, lino of Presbyterians. against himself, at or the office of the Temple / . ' " the direction of G/eta Bcccl:, cf Ilr. Itoyco Kent, whoso club mail, directed r noted Berlin- and Vienna actrcas. \.-or!: Iat:t year in tb ! 3 came nc- a heavy io 'S. 2SS-1. I-ere children will participate In tl"it/ proved interostins nnd efBecause of a printer's error, the creative f.reniatlca and develop i-/-,live. Ilntnc Eirarrr.-.'Ii of the Now Year their natural talontn. "Crcaiivc AU Girl Ecouto, Brownie, Inmessage frci.~ 2tr. Parrar llow- dramaticn differ - from the eld,t e r . c:lifLo and St-nior, v/ill meet In tho thrcc-oago advertiseberry a:>prc.vr<? Incorrectly In. thefornip.l type of acting," 7dlsa zt G:-iD Tuesday to plfti thoir pro- ment In the Nov Year's edition r The -ConECcration service A o f Nov/ Tear's c '.iUon of TIIQ ,Tev;inli Baccl£ explains. ' "Chihrron learn grr.n v/aich this year will aealn which carried the- names oC those Press. It Bhv..l<i I^.r/e road: to erpresa their feolinss «" a d include two troops w.d pro'oahly firms that bavo r.?.Tir,te<! in thocaildron entorinc tho Jlelirioj^ LticI in tu:.; f -,•• r-ui- cjivli of l&cza moro' easily and nature Uy r. prcl:. Load on; '-.;il! be M i s s building of tho'new Beth 13! j:yna- ni'hool for the first litno 't'i'l F/j" oveniit.'. r.t'tliC; inster.d o£ just memoriKluR l';nc Dorr'by Cliopher:" of th? public Gogue, the name of Sam Yarnoff hold Wednc-Jay Tcnpls lor.".*-1. Sinooih !!crvlctv r rccjcher, We c^c!t to devcloi) Ef-'-ols and : i l - j Jac:de Loffinjj- -;:;• i omitted.. Elslit c-;>' Uon. fou" hoyz a:i " tif c o n e J:si'>'".;U r.i \'Ju.Oi'.Ci.utliclr insaslnation and to Ii e 1 p v.ai of V^ iTnivcr.'ity ol' Ora?l n. ; 2lT. Tr.rrioff yns in ch:;rce o£ them create plays out of tlvir Sccial drn.'ir^" ;>;„* Ii£-h tfi'.-Tl i i? rr.i'iUns ftnC cZocoraliitg for fouv clrla, vAM participate- iu ilU;;oDeciai cervicc. Rificr.:st end uWcfi-.e," ov,-n eiiporiencs a a d tboughts. s'o intc-rior. (Cor-Unuoii t : : Vz^z ">.)



uh m Uhii

KAIL 1 U E i i


Temple .'Plans-First

Sendee _ Ac Temple hraeli

**r to the isiprovesiciit l a tae ly "celebrated'festival m — . - _• : l8vel o,f the entertainment they ish calendar. The standardized ia^order te avoid fermentation, i .""«





Page 11

New Year's Edition-THE JEWISH PRESS- ftosb HashonajL5701--Thiirsaayt


idson, vice-chairmen; Dorothy citr council raffle tickets;"-.and a topMerlin, secretary. notch Summer Convention. The goal ' was. successfully Tha present officers are; • reached asd $25,000 -was allotted Shcrmsn. Sperling," president; The Hebrew Mothers club is af- to all regional, national, and overSam Kaplan, vies president; Hu- filiated with tho Talmud- Tcrah seas organisations a n d iostita* .ert Friedman, secretary; Cecil In furthering the Jewish educa- tioss, as well as provdiing fnndE Pill, treasurer; Davs Drutz, sen- tion of tha children oft Ms com-for Civic-Protective vrork and I. ior sergeant at arms; Bill FrasRefugee work. The bulk of this j nier, junior sergeant at arms, ana. munity. snoney has been used for Euro. The main objective,., through Al Goldstein, reporter. 'the 'various fund raising affaire, pean and Palestinian relief work, A Z A. members are at ait is to assist in the upkeep of the Educational work, Health institulines -willing to lend aid to 'A bus which transports the children tions, and Refugee service.' jood'time for a good cause. to and from the Hebrew School. Cooperation with the teachers in the .various activities of the Talmud Torah is another alia of the Composed"- of girls of high club. the Center. Meetings, dances, ' Service t Though most of our teas, luncheons, an dcard parties, case Tr-orl! is done among relief schoi age, A W R was forsed to Those holding ofica this year concerts, lectures and forums all clients, there are many instances further social and cultural activi- are: Mrs. Phillip Shersaa, ppresi- The Mt. S i n a i Brotherhood OSS."¥3.CS i counted 'among the years activi- where money is not the only pro- ties Members- render' assistance dent; Mra. Jos Kutcher, vicemeets for the purpose of promotblem.-In such cases the social to the Jewish Community Center real aeaao of ac- ties. It ic with Mrs. d reworker m"ake3 adjustments for thst tho Pedera.and any .other organised group. cording secretary; Mrs. Eli RobiCenter Activities: The Youth t h e o l d , t h e s i c k , t h e h a n d i c a p ot Jewish Social Service Council completed a year of ex-p e d . Officers for 'the coming term now, financial secretary; Irs. s,t monthly intervals during tbe . •:••••• • • • . ••. • • • . yeachfts the escl ot its year's ache escl © i y cellent activity. It served tp co- Clothing:, Used clothing is col-are: President, Bubbles Pill; vice James Gang, treasurer. year. I t is also the policy of the s t tivities, a rename of which fol- ordinate and unite the activities president, Boris Graeskin; secreorganisation to materially assist 1 j lected and distributed to borderlows: T-iT"1 of the youth groups d£ tho entire line or direct relief cases. tary, Rae-Kaplan; treasurer,. Lois in financing Mt. .Sinai Temple fcyh J city, by sporsoring a social, edNovitsky; sergeant-at-arms, SairAssisting on the. Family. Care ley Laaere;. reporter, Rachel Ginsassuming certain p a r t s of its , Ditrins too summer of 1021ucational and cultural program. committee Sious City Ivre Club is affiliat- budget. are Mas BrodHey,, H. tho lewiah Welfare •work and Included in the activities spon' " ' • : • ! A-^T r-s© C ed 'frith the Grasd Order of Ivre, Jake Kalin, Jack Robin- berg. present officers are: Dr. Social Service v/orfc irero tied to- sored by the Center this past year Levin, fa. Des Moines, XJ. The -During-the past-year tha girls having son, Lester Davidsonj. Dr. It. J.,Bic:EcL&le, president; Mr. A. gether into -one -recognized central ars: Dramatic D e p a r t m e n t : H. Miller, Mas Fried- "of -A.- W. S- entertained at a Oraaha,, Nebraska and J. Gaiissfey, vies president, and Trsociety and v<as called, th,e Feder- Childrea'ts theatre, Intermediate Dimadale, man, . M. Seff, and: Mrs. A. M.Mothers and Daughters' tea and a Slous City, Iowa. Ivre was orig- Mr. Morrie B. Skalcvsky, treasatiotr of Jevrah Social Service. Drama, and Center Players; Mus- Davis.' . trrsono i»- c ire « formal party for'members. • inally and primarily cognisant urer, : . . . ; . . ;••" mill's orgasiEatioa included within ic: Rhythm Band, Orchestra, i -~ r . £.*»e % 111 il r .• Supporting their aim td~ incoraad appreciative of community its 0cope of Troth tho qupport of Ballroom Danctog; Music Appre• --Talmud Torah porate " something of Jewish con- needs and problems. all Joer-H. institutions, such as the ciation. Arts: Arts and Crafts, America recognised long that During g p y ar, Center,'Talmud Torah, «xd local Drawing and fainting; Educa- education. was the birthright of tent into every -program the girls relief, aa v/ell as all non-local or- tional: "Hebrew- (Elementary and every man and woman regardless offered their services to the Inter- City Ivra was host to the Nationg a a i s a t i o a s and inotitutionc. Advanced), World Affairs; Young of his ability to buy an education Club Council Carnival, assisted in al Order ot Ivre at its annual Lit. Siaal"Sisterhood is this.year taking the Jewish census, and 1S3S Conclave. Also, Ivrs held Gradually, however, tho work 'of KEPT. C r the Isadership of Mrs. W. Cordosa, Hersl, Sharon, Just as the life of a democracy were active in the Youth Division its annual New Years Eva.party, tUa > Federation was classified toJudaoan: is dependent upon .'tha intelli- of the United Jewish Appeal, C. Slotsky • &s presifieat. She is Buds of Sharon, Habonot, Buds of IIS ICo. ISth St. augmented throa'saout • t2ie' year include oaly local activities, and Hadassah; National: Jr* Hadaa- gence and education of its inhabby varioas informal parties,', assisted by Mrs. Mas Rosenstock, , tho Baited Jewish Appeal \?as sah, itants, BO th© life of tho Jewish A. Z. A. stages, card parties and sociables!1 rica president; I€rs. Eea Kalis, formed to take caro of all noanation is dependent on tho intellifor Ivre and their fstaiiies. Sloas treasurer; Mrs. Dave Albert, secloeai obligations. Aid to tho Needy gence and education of, our peoCity Ivre, as well as ti&king part retary.. ple. We must pass on to the sucUellof: Illnesa, old age, and un• Tine C e n t e r • -. The purpose -of this group is to in social and coaaualty work, Ono o£ tho major functions Q£ employment were the m a j o r ceeding generation the wonderful Beth Aibraham Synagogue is lo- through Its iaiiividaal -mssabsr- promote sociability s,rseng t h e ilia Federation in the support the causes of dependency in tho past heritage our forefathers have giv cated at 701 West Sisth Street. sMp played a leadisg roll la • every members of Merest Sin&i Temple, Jewish Community Centsr'. The year. The Federation provided en to us. Present oficers include: J. Gor- form of 'activity carried en in to foster the religious school,, £S,d Center provides an intangible food, clothing and ohelter to the A Hebrew education, should be chow, president; A: Franklin, SIous City, he it sectarian or oth- to create & better understanding bond for tlio entire Jowis'a Com- needy and provided doctors, hos- made possible for every child de cf Iswish. tradition and teachings vice-president; M. D. Dobrofsky, erwise. ' i pit&lization, medicine for tho sick munity. It offers a meotino* Place siring such an education and i y through, modern conception. Tbe secretary and Sam Denberg, treaThe present officers of Siosts at a total cost of approximately h l d d d l t t ll Is for this reason that the Federsecret; lor- children and adults ot l o c a l organization' is affiliated City Ivre srs: Praak J. Margolin, $4,500 this past year. ation subsidises t h e Talmud surer. and interests. 1 with the .Natics&l Federation of president; Sol Kovitsky, vice Tho Federation has beea a Torah, this past year to the ex The facilities of tha Center inpresident, £Jb& • Sadoff, secretary,Temple Sisterhoods. The Sisterclude an attractive library, a "well friend to the stranger -within its tent of 1,700 dollars. This make hood, • daring the past year, assistand Eli Hobisow, treasurer. qpp liitchen, a large audl- gates, has ofered a haven to more it poEslble for all children, reed in modernising the interior of s easily con- than 300 homeless men this past sardles of their ability to pay xortum. "which, may b; the temple. • vertefi into a dining- room or re-year, given food, shelter, clothing, tuition to attend tho school. Tha Auxiliary of Beth creation room, meeting rooms and medical assistance and transporEmergency Loas Fund!' He-aSitis tha drive for $25,000 Synagogue* was organised to offer tation to these unfortunates. Each officeb. In order to, •,assist 'borfierlini the 'iynagogue • "whatever aid is this Sfrlsg ia Sioax City's UsJted 3£ Jewish .organizations use the case is given individual atention. cases from, becoming relief client necessary both. la service and-fi- Je-vrtsa Appeal carapsiga. •was Mr. Center' as their regular mesting Tha total amount of §400 was a free loan fund was established nance.- • " :•••-. Junior Hadassah. Is the young E. N. G-raesMa. Assistisij: Mr. 3>laco. la the peat year hundreds spent on transient caro this past In Sioux City many years ago. Grseskln were ti©- .following of- •sre-nen's Zionist crgasiss-tlon of year. Oficers are: Mrs. Paul Kaplan, of people used tho facilities of This fund was set eside to. help president; Mrs. H. Lass, eecra- ficers: Sam Cohen, treasurer; Ar- America. As s s c l tt cooperates tide, the small' businessman'over tary; Mrs. -M. Schulmsc vlce- thur SaaforS" and Lawrence Bav- •with other Eicnist grcups. ia. tbe rough spots. • :', president; ISrs. I. Hirkin,- sorNo Interest Is charged for thess responding secretary; and Mrs. H. loans which cannot exceed fifty Bonus, treasurer. dollars, and the borrower pays only a small service fee. Huadreds of loans have been made since the organization of The purpose of B'nal B'rith is this fund and It Is with particular pride In the honesty and integ- best expressed by the Preamble to of Oraaharity of our people that we aote its Constitution: iai B'rith SIES takea that every dollar loaned fcaa been • itself ths-asissioa of imitiag IsW. B. T. BELT, President repaid and tbe capital h&3 re- raelites :ia the.vroTk of prosaot* mained unchanged. Mike Skalov- fag their highest interests cad S2O Omafea Nat'l. Bank- BIdg. sky, in the absence of S. li. Krue- . tboss of- iimmaaity; of developger, chairman, heads this Fund ing z>.n& elevating tho mental •LOCAL OFFICES: 1 2 0 4 CITY an$ moral ctoracter of the peoJ. B. Wyatt committee. O. Young* ple of on? faith; hx iacalc&ttag SCSI IX EBBVJV o Btste A t . BAKKBLDG. Center Bmldfec Fund' O&a o the purest principles Of phllan* On February 2, 1925, a com- thropy, honor, and patriotism: W. M. Miran C. HBrinkmua mittee headed by Mrs. John Brod- of supporting science and art, State Aseat OMAHA, NEBEL fcey met to discuss plans for lay- aUerlatlnjj MAKERS OF IV3ETA3. B. RUDCER PSHKTING PLATEC the wants of__Jtho ing the ground work for. a fund poos* and needy; visiting and' J. A. CDono-van. G- C Church to Bome day build a Center. It msr9m*•was decided t h a t t b o first money stteisdins. the...sicte; coming to


r * ™."

— ;»*»iS


Best Wishes for the "New Yea the Future HoH H iiness Pfosppni-y'forYOM- and Yo-uxs



"~-x J


National Security Insurance Co.

"tllO TCSCUfe ~ Ot "SrlCttTTlS O t pCTSC^ activity tor tl\© purpose ot c i x t l o i i ; pirovlcling f o r . prot-ectlxliQB tlila tuna t o liela l of that year. ing and assisting tbo wiaow and orphan on the broadest This Carnival set Q precedent that has been lollowed each con- principles of humanity." It is refreshing and Btlmulatsecutive year until at the present time a substantial fund has been ing to be affiliated -with, an oraccumulated for this purpose. ganization -which, adheres to its Chairman of the Building fund Is declared purposes as religiously




AT 740S AT 7409

Kit y

for a Most Happy and ^Prosperous

n 1SS


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$A 0101




"do's October 4-5-6





Xi. J. Kaplan. Also on this com- as does B'nal B'rith. mittee are A. M. Davis, Jack Roborganization began in 1843 inson, Max Brodkey, Mike Skal- byThis a handful of men in New York ovs&y, and E. N. Grueskin. today point to over 75,Officers: Officers of the Fed-City, can members in the United | eration this past year are: Presi- 000 than 500 lodges, dent, E. N. Grueskin; Vice Presi- States, in more some 450 communiI dents, B. Baron, J. Kalin, A. H representing in every state of the Union. BaTon, "L. J. Kaplan, Sam Cohen, tiesB'nai B'rith serves members Dr. Xi. Dimsdale; secretary, Jacfe and non-members alike by comBobinson; Financial- Secretary bating1 anti-semitism through its j Eli Hoblnot?; Treasurer, Ace Dav Anti-Defamation League; helps idson • Executive Director, Boro- the unfortunate refugees from thy Merlin. abroad; engages in Americanization .•work; works -with Jewish college students through the jerB'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations; The Inter-Club council acts as serves Jewish boys generally a coordinating agency for all through A. 2 . A.; helps Jewish Jewish organizations activities in youth in search of occupations the city. Organizations participat- throirgh. its vocational kuidanca ing in the Inter-Club Council in service; helps to build Palestine; the past year were: B'nai B'rith, cooperates ia promoting better between Christian A. Z, A., Poale ZIpn, Worismens understanding and Jew; participates in comCircle, Auxiliary "Workmens Cir* munal affairs, and help all sick cle, National Fund Council, Jr. and needy. . • . . Hadassah, Sr. Hadassah, Auxiliary Beth Abraham, Auxiliary TipLast April the Sious City B'nal hereth Israel, Hebrew Mothers B'rith Lodge g was hostt to the Association, Ivre Club* Auxiliary Southwest Regional Council of Shaare Zioh, S. C. Independent B'nai B'rith on the occasion of Farane, Auxiliary of" Independ- its Spring convention, and during ent Farane, Mt. Sinai Brother- the. convention entertained B'nai hood and Sisterhood, Pioneer B'rith men from Lincoln, Omaha, Women, Cheyra Kadisha, Talmud and .Council Bluffs. I'prah.-Mt. Sinai Temple, all syn- THe present officers are'; agogues, the Federation, Building Arnold Baron, • president; i Dr. Fund, Emergency Loan Fund, Frank Epstein, vice president; Council of Jewish Women, and Jacfe Greenberg, treasurer; MarYouth Council. vin Klass, corr. sec; Perry OsThe outstanding achievement of nowitz, Kec. Sec; A. M. Davis, the Inter-Club Council this year monitor; Joe Goldstein guardian; as in previous years is'the an- Archie Kroloff, warden; Sam1 Conual Jewish Carnival, the pro-hen, trustee; and R. H. Emlein, ceeds of which are divided among trustee. the organisations participating in the Council. President of the Inter-Club Council this past year has been L. J. Kaplan. The chairThe Chevra Kadish of Floyd man of the 1939 Carnival was C e m e t e r y is an organization tester Davidson. Other officers of formed to conduct the Jewish the Council are Treasurer H. funerals at Floyd Cemetery. Fishgall; Vice President, Dr. L. At present, the club is completDimsdale; Secretary, Dorothy ing plans for building a Chesed Merlin, Shel Ernes Chapel. The funds for this funeral home are being obtained by subscription. H. Levin is president of The Alsph Zadicfc Aleph of the •Mr. group. Other officers include: B'nai B'rith has for its purpose the secretary; Ben Sherthe enrollment of all desirable S. Lipman, treasurer. The board of diJewish young men in a fraternal man, rectors is composed of the followorganisation haying for its pro-ing H. M. Singer gram the mental, moral, and phy- Jack.gentlemen; London,'-I.. Klass, A.- Kossical development of the mem-berg, J. Dimsdale, and M. Satin. bers; the strengthening of their Jewish, affiliations; the abatement of pernicious influences of bigotry and race prejudice; and the stimulation of interest in Humanitarion, education, and philThe . Auxiliary of-the Indepenanthropic endeavors. dent Farene works together with The collection of money for the the Farene. During the year card Jerry Safur (A. Z. A. paralysis •parties, bazaars and other social victim,) fund was one of. the out- functions are sponsored and the standing achievements of the lo-funds derived are sent to various cal chapter during 1940. Other charities both in the 1 United activities included a pledge group States, and abroad. welner roast; a successful season Officers for 1940 are: Mrs. M. in the field of sports; participa- Bervin, president; Mrs. I. Klasj3, tion in the Youth Council paper secretary, and Hrs. M. LsvitskyL drive; a successful sale of Youth treasurer.

Our Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year



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620 Barker





Friends and more pleasant year is in the offing • . days dedicated to die pursuit of the finer things. in life . • • At this season, the Table Supply Meat Co. joins in expressing-its hopesforthe" New Year • . • in looking forward to the -Messing of the coming months. •

We are liappy to have the oppor&inity of extending toyou our best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous "New Year*


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Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Host Easfconah 5702—Thursday, October 3,. 1940


Saitlin, treasurer; Mrs. S. Baker, recording secretary.

xl La KaiiEKs, .which It E. :r£i!on, in'gts the got? to

The Workmen's Circle, Branch 664,- met last year with chapters from Omaha, Lincoln, and Pes Moines, ia' addition' to its local meetings for the discussion of. the work of the lodge and to make plans for coming events. Out-of-town speakers w e r e brought to Sioux City to address the membership. This group has, during the past year, contributed to many local and national institutions. Officers for - tlie present terra are: I. 'Singer, financial secretary; A. Tlievitz, treasurer; Mas Dervln, recording secretary; Mas Taser, hospitaler, and M. Shilotf, district secretary.




ShaareZion Women's .e '".


•• - : -:



.Stiaare Zion gogue

OlC! 5T56?BO?RTlt3

, clcl ->crz.->i

S. Hatner, treasurer, a n d Mrs The synagogue also sponsored Has Leaff, publicity. a father's and son's banquet, Bac Icii Council parfortncd cervices of all calaureate services for mid-year' *.:inda to the Jewish Community graduates, a post-graduate servCenter, naturalization o£ the alien ice, confirmation esercises, choir and education to too foreisn-bo night services, junior congregaA quota T/23 raised and cent to Tha Senior Hadassah chapter tion services, students night, and national luadcuartors for It3 "orl: cads a year that, was active, no A. Z. A. services. •lax" tlio Children^ Itcfusco Aid only in the field of raising funds Sunday school, was conducted Y/or!:. A new pl?no wrc donated for Palestinian and refugee "wok each Sunday morning with a staff to the Center to" this group. Oae but one that .was fruitful in its of twelve instructors headed by 1 f child waa sent to 'camp this cum- cultural and education work. Mr. Marvin Klass, superintendmer in inaitsuratins its c a m p The regular monthly O n e s ent The subjects covered' were project oil acudlns underprivileg- Skabfcot, sponsored by Hadassah Bible, Jewish history, Jewish cured children to Camp Jay C. C. v/aa sttcr.fiod by a great number rent' events, celebration of all llvs. K. S.- Novltsby is at pres- of women, a n d the program: holidays, ' and suitable assembly ent serving as president of tlie proved to be educational as vrel programs. The Junior Congregation, with Sions City e'n&ptor; other offlcera as entertaining. • In its fund-raising, projects, a a membership close to 100, carare: Vico Prcsltlants, Mrs. EJarl () c AIc->!i ZsCLZz ASrpls, E*r.ci B ' r i a Klino, r.IrEi Elns nossnstpek and great deal 01 attention was given ried' on its activities regularly c£ In addition to. its' cooperation yonth organization, turns over » check to tlie cSasfcraan. -<ot Mrs. Sam Shalliin; treasurer, Mrs. to the Youth Aliyah. Other funds during the year under the presi•with the' Workmen's Circle, the Jewish- welfare fund- &t tbc • completion of a, Junior dirisicai Morey Weil; recording secretary, for rrhich Hadassah raised money dency Of Mr. Harold Lebowlch. directed by of its-local. y A. Z. A. ES part p i s l o c a l . eorEsnrnal service ^rork. • A Young People's League Vvas Auxiliary of the Workmen's Circle Sirs. Mayer Lavili; corresponding •ware tho Hadassah Medical or ( R i l t ) TTills i l fod (Riglit): food b bag is on© of thousands fiOed aa3iais.ily by secretary, Mrs. Horey Llpahuts: Eanization, the Jewish National organized with Mr. Perry Osno- has contributed s u m s to many A. Z. A. boys to brfsg relief aad good cbeer to' tlie seeSy s s d dues chairman, I.Ir'sl A. Epstein; Fund and. the Milk and School witz as president. They held nu- •worthy institutions, including the -auditor, Mrs. Louis Goldberg: Funds. In addition to its regular merous gatherings which. proved Los Angele3 Sanitorium and Es- E i i f l a elected board mombors, SIrqr Jpo monthly meetings, " t h e chapter very successful and popular' at Patients Home, . Denver Sanitaheld a linen.shower and ceveral Shore Acres and South Ravine. rium, -New. York Guild: for Jewish •musicians - happily plying t h e i r LOTIH arid,r.Iri3.' I. Kocklin. card parties. Blind, and refugee work. Funds trades in'Buffalo, N. Y.; San An-York" at the Little Theatre — its ATlantlc 1TZ 5 second production since it started were raised by dues contributed tonio, Mrs. Jaclc Robinson will nerve Texas, in Massachusetts, activities a year ago. In the year by the members and through card North Dakota, as president, Mrs. "W. C. SIot3ky, the Carolina's, Flor- that Kas elapsed the actors have parties. " .• ' ' Slotsky, secretary; r.lrs. L. S. ida, Iowa, Illinois,' Wisconsin, Ver- learned English and a lot about honorary president; Mrs. S. J. Mrs. 3V Zeligson- acts as both mont, Colorado and California. American life. The Pioneer Women's organ- Goldberg, vice president, and Mrs. president and secretary of the or-. • The? still corae In to the com- As Lotha? .Metzl, one of the diThe purpose of. the Shaare Zion ization is a national organization H. S. Novitsky, financial secre"Women's League is to facilitate ganisation; , Mrs. J.' Shapiro, is mittee's office, at.an average rate rectors, pats it: "We \TOuld be a -vrhicli assists the, working v/omea tary. Jewish activities In the synagogue treasurer, and Mrs. M. Shiloff is of 1%. daily.- The committee is failure if. we. aped Broadway, vv'e and sirls in' Palestine. proud that of all the musicians it also think we would fall if we reand to spread Jewish education recording secretary. the organization - p r o v i d o a lias placed out of. town only one in a i n e d completely Viennese. and assist financially in every- way Jiomc3 • for the women and sirls. had to return to New York as un- What we are trying to do is" to possible. It conducts trade .schools, nurssuccessful. ' Thess refugee inusic- combine the .two." Ana tfeey co it The following activities w e t e eries, agricultural, i-elioola' a n d ians scattered, across the face of with great, success, satirizing; v-;tlx j conducted by. the group during .helps in many v/aya to build the Tho' Shaarp Z i o n Synagogue the country's map ,are not comfine .humor such eleiaeats of the j • 2ie-.v land. Thin sroup alco coop- completed, a year rich in activity. the past year: peting with Americans; they are American scene as cigarette tascn, Cultural: Bible stndy class for • crate3 v/itli the Jewish National In addition to well-attended Fri- adults, Oneg. Shahbaths, monthly, The local J. N. P. chapter was opening up. new musical territory, Tozxy . Galento, .Torn Dewey a n d *¥€:fti Fund in its aid to .Palestine^ day svening services, the (Tyns.-meetings, and book reviews. '• . formed to, collect money, for theserving as pioneers on America's William S&royaa. Their- .revue is not'uniformlv-.good, but "what reTho local Pioaeor V/omen'a'Or-" sosue-sponsored a congregational purchase of land in Palestine, for cultural frontier. FinancMl: Card p a r t y and vue is?-Suffice it that these tui-I ganizntlon is under tho leadership meetiog with Kabbi David Gold- dance. the cse of immigrants'. . '. ~ of tho foilo77inc v,-omon} I.Irs. t>. Gtein of Omaha as guest speaker. .a fine flair for t u c c r , One' emigre group which' has gres The purpose In purchasing this Social: Fathers and Sons banCJiosen, Decretory; Mrs/ I. Lub-More "than eicht visiting gue3ts. quet, Mothers-and Daughters ban- land is to minimize land -specula- carved •' out a place for itself in a b l mubetter than average sense of . mart,, financial secretary; Mrr. I*.Rabbis and laymen-, occupied the quet, students* night, and congre- tion in the Holy ,Land. Land ac- New York Is the American Vien- sic — their IEUEICEI numbers are HI 314 So. 13th Si. V/oir.cr, rccorflinj secretary;'? Irs. pulpit dnrins tho past'year. quired by the Jewish National nese Group, which I s now success- their best.—- r.r.d a sreat enthusgational dinner. " . The present officers of.,the or-, Fund, belongs to. all the people fully presenting "Reunion in New iErrs to so places. anization are: Mrs. L. J. Kap-and cannot be sold by individuals an, ; president; Mrs. Lester Hee- living cpon it. At the present ger, vice president; Mra. Sol Kro- time, no other agency is buying ; nlclr, secretary; Mrs. Frank .Mar- land in Palestine. golin, treasurer, and Mra. ¥ m . Dr*. J.'N. Lande Is president of Jaron, financial secretary. th© local J. N. F . Council. L. J. Kaplan•• serves as vice-president; 1 Marvin Klass as secretary; and Dena Baron as treasurer. : : In 1940, the Sioux City J. N. P . Chapter collected fourteen hundred dollars through the Golden The Auxiliary of Tephereth was Book for President Roosevelt. •: N e w - Y e a r •• • '•• , formed to give material aid to the This year, live hundred dollars synagogue. Besides its contribu- has been allotted ' the group by tions to the improvement of the the United Jewish4 Appeal. building, this group h a s made A, Flower Day and a Flag Day generous donations to both local aro Sponsored by this organizaWE 6400 tion, annually. J. N. F. boxes are and national cbarltles. (Continued from ?aso 11.)


f;:i li*!t^ P

Jewish. National •- . Fund


j (I


K!ffiWK'.^Ki2SK^K!SSSffi :^^

We-:Wish:;'lfQU a

Accept My Very; Best-Wishes '.;•.' f o r a . M o s t H a p p y . ; - ••.

:• -andProsperous-;,,. -r':'


Seasons Qreetings ironi

Present officers lnclu-de: Mrs. placed In many homes in the city. Junior and Senior Hadassah coC&arles Barrlcks, president; Til 1. X.e-irine, vice uresiaon.t* Mrs. Dtieratci wltti ilio Council in t-liers© projectn. l i l » cocrotory. I"1^?-

"Best Wishes to All for a Year of ••••' Happiness and-Prosperity ^

By- Daniel







the United States Refuges Musicians, part of the Te£ugees are being absorbed into National Refugee' Service, which, eoiamutiiiies as conductors, mn- under the capable direction of. •siclans a n d tsaeliers. Men andbig, genial Miss Bnl B. Jaspersen, '\7omon.br great talent, some of now is aiding 417 "cases," lias ||{ them people endowed ^srtth genius, closed 487 cases s i n c e it was are making places for .themselves founded:in Autumn, 1938, and is in American life, giving.to this providing "incidental services" for slj country the' gifts -which anti-Semi- 175 more refugees.. tic Germany did not -want. Outside New York This committee is concentrating The S&oiption of refugee xausieians is a quiet process, aot .the on, settling refugees outside New sort of thing that makes head- York, where there is a greater lines. But it is bearing Its fruits need1 for them. A community orchto America in increased musical estra in • Walla W. a l i a . Wash., enjoyment. T h e y are teaching which was ready to fold up obAmerican children to play instru- tained the services of a refugee ments; they are conducting and conductor, through the aid of a p l a y i n g for appreciative aud- Jewish woman living in Walla iences in towns which never had Walla, and has new become .a a fine orchestra; they are es-thriving orchestra. The conductor I pounding musical h i s t o r y and also has (to play the oboe and give I theory in America's colleges, small music lessons. Such stories' as this could be I and large. Suzanne Stein, who a few years repeated in -many parts o£ the I j ago was singing for the Jewish country. A refugee is bandleader I j Culture League in Berlin, made in Terre Haute, Ind. Virtually evher debut in New York recently as ery, large American university — Susanna Sten and was hailed by Columbia, Yale, Harvard — has the New York Times as "one of at least one refugee as a music the outstanding v o i c e s of the instructor. You will find refugee time." Prof. Hanns Eisler, one of the most' brilliant of German composers, is now teaching in the New School for Social Research in New Yorlcand has just received a §20,000 grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to -study music for films. Prof. Marco Frank, once a leading instructor of the Vienna Music Academy and composer of the highly successful o p e r a "The Strange Woman," better known here a3 "Madame X," is now a private instructor in New York. We met him at the ship when he arrived here last August. The year of persecution after Anschluss had had' its effect on Mm, but he 13 not of the type to be daunted. With a gleam of im• SURIS FLOWERS pish humor in Ms eye he survey' ' . ARE' -. ed this Etranga new world, kidded the customs/inspector as being the ALWAYS FRESH! "American frontier .guard," wanti.ed immediately to s e e Central 1 Park.; We found a room for him and his wife and before he had unpacked his bags we were listening to Beethoven's Fifth S y m phony on th© radio. You wouldn't know all these things if you had seen the terse advertisement in the New York Times last week: "Music Instruction O f f e r e d . Profe^or Marco Frank, celebrat"Omaha's SKop of Quality ed composer, formerly Vienna Music Academy* m a s t e r dramatic and .Service" composition, also piano, violin: English, German, Italian. 20S ' • 1621. FARM AM West 99th St. Apt. 5 C "

Say It With

Refugee musicians who need assistance go to the Committee for


EATON Proprietor


' •


O M A H A , -NEBR.."



Truck Tanks" Wagon-. Tank* . ' " C e r r u g a t e d Galvanised-'• Culverts '•'.'. " Grain Bins ' O i l ' B u r n e r Tank*.- •' DENVER, COLO. _ . BILLINGS, MONT. ' • GRAND' ISLAND, NEBR. '

May We Tender Our Very Best • Wishes for a Most Happy and Prosperous New Year wish allour friends and patrons and .all the Jewish people—a year of health, happiness and prosperity.

. JA 4S0© ' iifi

Page '9

.New.Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—rBosH.Haslionali 5701—

When the sags approaches the j ing- heavily OR the floor, was reenacted time and again. Americans Only Stafcieto Rel'^ious-Liberty portions Sealing with redemption. J and entreating the residents to Moreover, It sold a considerable enter. The prshis listeners raise their bbands anajj number of printed copies. Kate circles In the air muttering, j ue proceeds someIndeed, we • have a copy of one "Let it be Thy mil tfcp-t tlia- : of .the advertisements exhorting SOT.) J Wild Eiati, son of Ba-vifi, come people to purchase ths book. "A J-'OSJ. want? gather the fiisperE-ed asHe beautiful n e iv Ahasuerus-spiel a. Hebrew and. I in tlie past." [ Xo«tft: composed with all possible art, ie the Passover. And -when the rea.asr rescues i wash v-a> never in all its lifetime will antins text; "Is every single generai festivaS w Editor's Ko;o: L'he JewLIi opeciflcally enjoined upon him. savor by the fact that .it was or-other be made, so nicely with e-rlasnee do >rora tion it is a man's fisty to res&rd | F-arty: 'lamentations in rhyme. tlicairo is;-.! j l j I'ocUi in tho "On Purim," tho Rabbis said, dinarily forbidden by law, and bybeautiful hiisseJf as If lie b£.d £o::e tortii j hiive to p •it j'fiis iire.» lie* hope that whoever will buy rvi",:ii'S^Si., -cLr-t .T;:s oil torn- "or.o should drink so much that the probability that it irked the We from EgFpt," he rises, wraps a j ' ''"' it will not regret his expenditure; le-^i-r t i a t eMMi-on a n d ho will not bo able to recosniso staid graybeards who stood on the because God has commanded -us 1J a tattered j I wear 'T<)=7P,TIT73 5nt»'' 3o in. Thotho error in Baying: 'Bleoned bo sidelines looking down their noses to be merry'on Purinij therefore tind I ,t over Lls I r Sil;;ii:3 <=r tlis I?wlr>5piol ere Haman and^curced bs Uordecal.' " In disapproval. the. F< Mere in w© made this Ahasuerus-play nice rapidly • and paces It ~ci3 cood doctrine, v/hich was shoulder, The climax of the festival -was e«;loii€e Is insisf* P«?tj' to cleme. olten cheerfully obayed. yet to come, however. It was and beautiful. Therefore,.also you an and 'fro, \TISR£; i'urilicr signs do householders and boys c o m e heralded by the joyous burning No Uelirfloir; Elsnlflcnnco a n d buy from me this Etrats the haste -with which our j fccseaIt was abovo all. however, in of Hainan In eifigy and marked Quicklyyou ; S. *i«ve jjoft ci5t'the~cos> will not regret the cost. forefatbers ^rers compelled to j fv>n hmIKJ" hair. See say -sidepublic celebration that the spirit finally by the presentation, of a play: If you read it, you will find that or the day v/aa oppressed. Since, drama glorifying .the day. leare BgJ'pt' i ^-^^ you have value .for your money." Tlie v/allc o£ tho Ghetto three as tho popular cayins had it, Then a yoiing person -with his- jc liters 01 -.liiit anyone e&n have In point of interest and signicud £our-ciaturlsa ago were hlsH "Purim io nomoro a holiday trionic talents is cressed in j «rfs- Otlser Plays ' ;-.nt[ -vitUln ffcr-n all vran cramped than !:adcichas is ail ailment," ficance this,-'the Purim-spiel was clothes of E-treds and patches, and j jPaEij._ The success of the Ahasuerusi'.ur; Esiocc. Yet, rsrlodie-lly the tbcro vrero no religious restric- one of the most vital features of is supplied frith a. sack, a bag, and j sitHe-cas-ls. spiel was the cue for a host of Purim, for it was the undoubted tions attaching to tho day. trcabled lives o? its inhabitants •a Kis - slioss are garex- i (This Is the cue for the _ andthick duststaff. is throws over his other plays to be written upon the progenitor of the Jewish drama. Tho crowd v/ould Gather in tho v:c:o purged by a rrcat cathartic for rough-soled eaucais,} Beat more frantically on .fJie ments. The actor breaks tne si-to same theme. Meanwhile, however, of Suuglit-ir and jollity., Simchas narrow ctrcats of tha ghetto to Moreover, it is the guilty and door E.atl to j-cll o»it in anger.) lence of the Inner room by beatTo: all and Hanuukali and Purim select the Purim-klng, some clov- shame-faced grandslre of the host some enterprising spirits w e r e Party: If yovt. really are a Hebrought with thorn joy er and sharp-tonsucd individual of holiday plays which periodical- discovering the dramatic possi(Continued on Page 10.) ; f r,nti cladnssn and relief from care. who could servo as master of the ly people Sunday school stages bilities of other sections of the *"»r tho" tnrea festivals, Pnrim revels. In the tradition of thewith "Spirits of Purim" and Bible. In 1711 "David and Goliath" r / r i part!cu|PTl7 dedicated to Christian carnival kins, the Kins "Spirits of Pesach." enjoyed its first presentation in . ' No Drama ,' mirth. Th" rolo vrhich the1 Fool's of Fools, ho and hia followers It;is strange indeed that the the city of Frankfort. It was imOiu'-juval played in tho meiieval spared no one in their pranks UlirljLitui world, '.vac lilled in theand in'their jests. *-The rabbis Jews, who as a people manifested mediately popular, but, anomouaAccept Our Very Best -Wishes for & I\..G. of tlie.Biediev.il Jov; y byand tho community lenders, tho a rare literary talent for a period ly enough, that was responsible . prayero and tho Talmud all csrv- of several thousand years, devel- for its very short run. So great J tV. lourlo'-ath o£ Adar. For oned • '•' Most Happy and Prosperous equally ?.s fodder for their wit. oped a dramatic form only at the were the crowds that the. police, J Pritic tho Jew was free—free acting for the public safety, clos• ii'c*;i Inhibitions, frco from ' the In tho throng that followed at conclusion of t h e seventeenth ed it atv the end of a few days. ~New Year , r,Q'. ^r.il cavority of Jewish life, their heels there were many in century. It is true" that there are Like most of the Purim plays It some who claim to see in the Song masquerade — m e n attired as | froo to sliout, to dance, to 'tipple Troracn as men. Thoof Songs and the Book o£ Jobtoo aspired.to the c o m i c , and cut., lo siasQiierade. More than Tvomon and v.ra3 lent all the more evidences of dramatic forms,'yet therefore introduced a "gag-man" ; the.:.. tlic=o actions v/ero altaost that is by no means certain, nor int.o the script. e v e n probable. Unquestionably He and his jests attained a vast the most-Biblical- period mani- popularity, but alas, his reign was fests no traces of. that art until short-lived.- Two years later a i^af- 5 FOUNDATION Si .tha end of the seventeenth cen- character n a m e d PIckleherring tury. . was Introduced to the Jewish pubTo Lift and Hold Abdominal Flesh The reason may "welltoefound lic in a play called "The Sale of in the fact that -while the Jews Joseph" and.he immediately arroearly became acquainted -with the gated to himself the position of drama in its later Greek and Ro-the leading comic character in the man forms, they frequently found cycle of Purim plays. it in association with immorality", .Few idolatry a n d irreverence. The So far as literary quality went aversion to the theater that re- the Purim plays were distinctly / t sulted "was expressed throughout uneven and the acting very probYTlth fc'^.'zzzn. frccdon: bci^- destroyed CTcrjirhrro tlicsc Talmudic and later. Rabbinic lit- ably qu|te poor. Since the theaterature. In fact, ther,e is a pas-rical season -was limited to a few clays, libcrty-IOTins Amsrirnjss h^-re discovered a ^e^T shrine o£ freedom . in the 15-foot Statoe ,to . KeligioBS liberty (which sage in the Jerusalem Talmud of- days in the year, there was little steads in"' Fairmonnt. Park, PMIsdelphia, not far from tudo fer Ins thanks to ^he.:Jt>qrd.jthatn room for a group of professional pendenc© Bell), a gift of B'ijai B'rith to the people of the United "th h t l d " ^ S P ^ | i ° actors. However, there must have thou hast placed S r P ^ | States on the contennial - of .American'independence iu 1ST6. b e e n several semi-professional among those. •w^o0sli|p ih'eUB# \\ Taiid"4fa^fl groups, for we know that some of. Learning cast.my lot among-teosefMho £re among £re- plays were presented by the. same great m a n y Purim- customs it evidence of • Goth's protection.). quent theaters .,andicircAise3r..t. casts in several different cities. went'out.-of fashion during the Hence the women, corae to t h e t t h t Iq it d th SijLl^ioinnBri Moreover, we know that It was last ,century,- .though occasional Seder • vithout their veils, beI wait and they E a i j ^ often customary to make a col- modest efforts are still encoun- decked and attired most ieEtively. paradise; they 4he-pit on . : ,of:•destruclection at the end of the per-tered locally. But it left its mark Nor is ..jewelry, at a premium, for : tion. t i Sixteen " ' "\~'::z^-::centuries oJ.European formance. Indeed, "one d r a m a upon Jewish life through its heirs, they adorn themselves with necklife, however, e f f "e c t e d some added to the miracles connected the Yiddish and .Hebrew- drama. lace's of gold and silver, hand change ^in- the Jewish attitude to- with Purim by restoring the Ha-The mark "vras not a great one bracelets and rings set with sapDoes your foundation lift you up . . . or merely hold you in? ward the theater and finally led man of the play to life so that h for, as a form of art, the Purim- phires of diamonds, and chains of Do you slump'Ii'om fatigue? Have backaches? Then you should to. a .Jewish dramatic literature. might lead in the plea for dona- spiel was crude and primitive. In gold'-coins' about their foreheads. enjoy the-experience of wearing a Camp Support. The adjustand evaluation the re-The' young" girls unable to display tions. The amateur theater -was retrospect ment designed to lift and. hold,-makes'you LOOK taller and mark of Israel Abrahams about ornaments c o n t e n t themselves As Is the case -with all folk probably represented during this PEEL taller. literature, the immediate origins period by the students of .the ye-the Jewish drama is probably with weaving flowers into' their Gar Trained CAMP Fitter Win' Filf Your Doctor's FtesalpUaas of the Purim-spiel are satisfying- shivoth, -who were the first to pre- still valid. "Whatever the mis-hair. •. ' tor Specialized Camp Supports ly mysterious. They may perhaps sent such classics as "The Sale of sion of Israel may be, it is ob- The men, too, don their best ] vious that the production of dra-bib and tucker for the occasion, ultimately be traced to the Spieland, "Akta Esther." matic masterpieces was no por-trim their beards, polish • their! manner — those actor-minstrels Joseph" The Purim-spiel Is now a thing •who ^wandered through Germany of the past. In common -with a tion of it." •SEZLER SURGICAL CO., Inc. pistols and sharpen their knives. in the twelfth and thirteenth cenThey put on wide frocks, which ' ' Vhyzlduas', Runes',-Hospital Side Roans Supplies are .akin- to the European. "Bar- j turies, affording amusement for a i , JBIdsr Oloa&a, Ncbr. Phone AT S S 2 S dsrvv • geijesr"- a" token -of complete deprice. .... . ..:'.• :.. Professional Kntertalnera liverance- from human bondage. I Abundant fuel a.t a reasonable Since Jews were equially parThey all seat themselves on the j tial t o . amusement, tfcere BOOH floor ^n : O W B , : M 1» th«l !

. ^ ^








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came into tielns o. ETOUD ot JervrBy Moshe Dav£» l^b. UTOIcsalonal entertainers -wno •wore knownby tlie rather Tracom- X&abbinlcal Student; at the Jewish The girls of the family are as.Theological Seminary ol l>llmentary n a m e ol "Narren" signed the task of baking the America CIools>. At a later date, due matzoth. They watch over the either to taelr Increased strength. Passover is the most elaborate- corn out of which the flour Is or to tne Improvement in the ly celebrated festival In the Jew- made, from the moment it Is cut level of the entertainment they ish calendar. The standardized In order to avoid fermentation afforded, they came to be known gather at the home of the as "Badhanlm" ( m. e n w-h o observance of our time Is, how- They town-baker and grind out t h amuse). Their media throughout ever, the result of a long chain wheat, girl planning her their long history, -which extends of .development. Even today many family's each supply. into the-last century, were songs isolated communities, detached and impersonations, parodies and The custom of selling the leavjests; their language.-was Judaeo- from the main stream of Jewish

in the Caucasian meal. • It is prepared in a large kettle and served as a porridge to be eaten with ened bread is not. followed, but life observe Passover with special German. Matzoth. The melange is a tooth- j The Marranos in the practice of. burning it is ob-some one to these Jews and they | .It "."."was some centuries before embellishments. Spain, the Falashas and Tripol- served in minute detail.'The day are evidently quite content with the oral entertainment of theitans in Africa, the Caucasian before Passover Is a rigid fast- the injunction which commands Badhaninv was supplemented by Jews, and other segregated units day for all the first-born, in com-them to eat the haroseth as symset plays -which were printed and developed a myriad of interesting memoration of the miracle of the bolic' of the mortar and brick i circulated-far and wide and acted variations of the Passover rites. tenth plague. No infractions of which the Jews used in the build-. over and over again. But,4 by the The Caucasian fete is unique in this rule are permitted, for theIngs they • constructed for their f end of the seventeenth century Its dramatic presentation of the Caucasian Jews, more than usual- Egyptian taskmasters. " . " plays built around,B 1 b 11 c a 1 idea of redemption—the thought ly superstitious, are convinced Attention now centering upon themes, ana particularly about that lies a t the root of the Pass- that harm, would* befall the per-the sage, the Haggadah is transthat of -the Megillah, had begun over celebration. son who dared-to eat on that day lated "word by word. > The ritual to appear In profusion. One of Caucasia (Russian: Kavkiski The "Seder" 'is not an indi- of the Haggadic reading is in. the i the most,famous.of them was the Krai —the country of the Cau-vidual family affair, but rather a main comparable t o ' ours : except] Ahasuerus-spiel which "was acted casus) is in the southern part of community Seder based' on ' the for one thing — their traditional In Frankfort in; 17 08. " Russia between the Caspian and ancient custom • of sharing ' the dramatisation of ' the ceremony. It was a notable burlesque of, Black seas. Its Jewish popula- pascal-lamb.-.Only a "Sage"' may This presentation, - in the spirit of the Purim story, done In a par- tion, numbering about 70,000, are act; as host, for he slone is eligible a medieval; morality' play, serves ody vein and. rounded out with descended from tribes of the Al-to. , conduct services.' (Jewish, as the.-highlight of-the evening. v rquestionable and censurable Jests. pine-"race. Throughout their his- knowledge • unfortunately -is- lim-; It Immediately^ invoked the wrath tory they have been in little con- Ited and one• can gain' the appelg by knowing ppe of ths elders of the Frankfort tact with the hulk of Jewry. Some lation lation "Sage" simply community who banned it and of them. claim to bs the descendSage" simply by knowing condemned It to be burned. De-ants of the Lost Ten Tribes who brew.) read and -translate Hehad been taken captive, in 722 spite official -disapproval or perAt the -Sass's home, as ' the Sts* haps because of it, the play con- B. C. E. . • " crowd miagles,-"-the'festivity be- Jewish: Books and- All Others date their origins from comes pageant-lite. Colors are tinued to enjoy a wide popularity among Jewish communities and it the later expulsions. At any rate, used to their best purposes.: The Otjser' Religions' Articles their Passover ceremony is based home 13 decorated and embellish- Z42B Oecsfesr ' WS 3S2T on the legend that their fore•-•with multi-colored, tapestries, articles SIke macJizeSrbn w fathers, the original Caucasian ed linens, hasd-woven Persian ..eafl EcgEsli translations, p Jews, wanted to join their, breth- carpets ..and er fesoSs, E ! S £a3-Trool at with-patterns'.of searlets, best* linas,tsieSsm, ren in their return to Palestine blues rans4 etc." .• purples. On the dirass during the days of Ezra and Ne-in the corners -of the room are KesneZa3be2" sSso to *. pHacc 3*OET ordey me for an'esrcfe and. a Idcv that Tlie ring of John Beere's anhemiah, but their neighbors frus- candlesticks of bronze. The flick- isirttbbstag • lEsporteafey• me from Eretztrated their plans by closing the Esrael. Eoslser soap.. Kew rear- Greetering lights add their glow-to the Ins Csrfis. vil ovs2? one .'hundred years passes In the Caucasian moun- richly-hued finery. .. tains. -ago (1837)' in-shaping his Women Released • From Homes Early Preparations it is-traditionally'"'believfirst otesl plow,''edbubes'; loud Preparations for P a s s o v e r ed Since thaton this night God - guards among the Caucasian Jews starts all .Israelites and prevents any in the production lues of early. They still abide by the Bib-harm from, befalling .v^ them, the lical laws of gleanings. The wives eleven great John Deere facwomen a r e released this one of the poor peasants frequent the night from the oriental tradition tories, today. I n these John. fields at the harvest season and of confinement to their own gather their sheaves of wheat. This is in keeping with .0.331*3 plants, skilled workwhich are stored away until the homes.. :he spirit of "Lei Shlmuriia" or Passover"season. Intense prepa- 'Night of Vigil." .men build a complete line of (In-some :-Jewration starts on the first of Nisan .sh communities it. • customary (two weeks before the holiday). :o leave all the doorsIsunlocked modem f arm equipment that as

has in it ths QUALITY that was always the ruling pride e pioneer blacksmith,

i« of major importance in th«i

about the sage -who Is prepared'j to conduct the«Sedar. ;; - -• Grand Feast Tjbre•'-feast Is a grand-one. The j memi ' i s ' -complete from: hors d'oeuvres to dessert. As -for the , traditional food's, there is' bat one j minor variation. The Jiaroseth, j the mixture of nuts, = fruits and e spices with wine; Is a main dish

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New Year's Edition—THE J E W I S H PEESS—RosH Hastoaali 5701—Thursday, October S, 1940 .

1 camo to H e b r e w University in INVITATION TO DEATH 1933 from the Berlin Academy of Jewish Studies. He Is an officer of the Hebrew Language Board cf P a l e s t i n e and editor of ths I lint !£.&£. Board's publication, "Leshonenc." Dr. Torezyner's knoTrledso of vrel ancient Hebrew recently broacSt him internatioaEl fans —hzs. ho jc2 er; waa ablo to translate ancient ' r a i tiorri ments of stone c=ccvatcd zt Lech if lie .sh, a fortrecs of JucLsa. Tas Icsa/'""•r* r1!-M fvn<r. r f tion of LaeMsIi has bees the ois_ect of search by arc-ccoloslsts fff to for nearly 100 ycara and its cnA full coverins csveral years cso i3 considered oso of t t o nost valuable discoveries yet n s d o la Biblical archselogoy of the country. Director. American Frseads of too Hebrew Umverslty The fragments of ctcne proved ricsDuring tno v/eol; of Fnsaover, stirring words; not o v o n when besun. Tho t h r e e buildins in to be letters written by an officer • toviy-UvQ yoans men and T/oxnen Professor Herman Schapira first 1025 have b e e n Increased to in charge of tho fortress during a 36 ,<ewisa c - n l?h .' rjnvJr.iiUca from Hebrew Uaivon;- urged, In 1S82, that a fund bo twelve with threa more now un- siege by Nebuchadnesser, chortly v t, p aofic; : rained to bfins it into being — its der construction. Nearly 1,200 before tho destmctioa of tho first . it?, iiilrty-iarbo '.vita* tiso desr o; Master of Arts and tv/slvo v/itli roots go bncU thousands of years, students now traverse tho campus Temple, and are ths first perconal ire the r CiJr~ of Sclonca; baclr to tuo great academies of of IJount Scopus. T h o faculty documents of that "period e v e r tfco flo-jreo o£ Stedeats 1B th© rcsidins room of T"*"sTinTf ?r: f - H * r*? 'tltaro tiro cis'candidates for Ph.D. Jabneh and of Tiberias, and still numbers 135, and there Is a full found. The translation of thzzst Univercity liibrary. A new vrixs o* *"© iirarj*, now belsg built. further back. Jewish houcea of program of undergraduate teach- authentic documents written in phy d decrees. Many o£ tho graduat fiir.fr lio n o ! p evhri r e as well as postgraduate study Hebrew before the first captivity will hosss 50,000 l 'ff frv, ] cf the "will tencli in tho various schools learning chanced their form3 with ing and research. makes an nnparalled addition to evils whlcb iner, trlr.g epe-r cr.ch itlnr zrt rrrrr' oi tiio country; accspt y others p the years, but they never ceased. To bring much needed support our knowledge of Hebrew writing gathering of the American Friends o t t e r " t e wrrtee, ''orij-inafc lr h the Government; otte imzea cf positions with Fulfilment of Hops to the young institution, Dr. Ju- in the days of the propistc. The in their honor In New York. Ctae fcrapre re. Small as H e b r e w University o r an increasing number each year cc vhlch Is dah L. Mcsncs, who Iiad sono to Oxford Press of Losdcn recently itiom. A example I current' •ooatlnusa their studies at tho Uni- was on April l r 1925, it represent- Palestine to direct tho University, published Dr. Torcsynor'3 transla- was lit. Sehocken, the afimhiis(Cortiaued from c^-e r . ) con-1 thc.t gradually replace 1;1K-£ : trative head of tho University, brew then why «Ii5. you corcc so who has no guide, stum'. versity. Somo'of thoso latter atu- ed tho fulfilment of . tho hopes, encouraged ths late Felix M. "War- tion of the Lachicb letters. wish type vritfc. realistic, ui because he cannot see, an and who has been making his dream3 and labors of a croup of dents eventually become members Lite? Do r e s not knew thr.i causes .injury to others. In the J i itidiEg clepictioiJG. burg to orsani=3 a sroup of Amerc l nerabjrs of Many first visit to America; the other devoted Jews who sought to build ican Friends of the University. of tho staff. trcvcIJE- ca ths E o > D:v is nro- saiae manner, various classes of »• The wealth o£ illustrative Hebrew University's faculty came Fifteen yearn ago, on April 1, up again a great center of Jew- This was dona shortly after tho to the University from all parts: Is Dr. Chaim Welzmsnn, who Is rsea. each man in proportion to '. ror, rnzv.v n? vrhicb. ate V.V.V 1925 —'tho 7th of Nissan in tho ish learning in Palestine and who founding of tho University and of the -world .during its first years. Chairman of t h e University's Youth: I just cam© CPOTS £cra- Ms ignorance, brine gres.t evils 11 ,bie clsevrhorc, f-nc tne carenu Board cf. Governors. refused to be discouraged or Hebrew calendar — occurred tho this group has since contributed Among them are Dr. Saul Adlsr, s^Ica, the Holy City. The vrcy Is S&id Mr. Schocken: "I believe Ions end dosgerons. Ocr CT5en;3es upon themselves and upon other relating o£ these to tbe condition?otlrrins exercises -which inaugur- daunted by years of indifference the -major portion of tho budget. head of the Department of Farasthe time and to the background ated the Hobre%7 University oa to their pleas for help in estab- The late Cyrus Adler wes ono of itology, who came from England; it is ear tacit to continue jmletly barricaded the roads, and tbey individual members of the species ol The knowledge of truth re- &nfi motives o£ their a s t h o r t IJouni Scopu3. Jerusalem. The lishing it. the charter members of tha Amer- Rabbi Simha Assaf, Professor of with our work in the midst of the stood like a brazen wall between moves hatred and quarrels and roakes this work o£ extraordinary .sucst of honor xras tho Sari of And their hopes have been rich- ican Friends; ho was also c m e a - Gaonio and Rabbinic Literature, Yisaav, in the heart of the Jewattsrapted a t t s r a p d to keep p m prevents mutual injuries." general Interest. Balfour, author of the Balfour ly fulfilled, for Hebrew Univer- ber of tho Board of Governors of from Russia;'*Dr. H u ' g o Barg- ish world. It is our duty to keep vs. They l j i thi ffestlnil t l n l wit from eelejsretias this with Declaration, xiho . had journsyed sity ha3 developed with amazing Hebrew University. mann, Professor of Philosophy, tho torch of Jewish thought burn* to Palestine especially for the oc- swiftness in response to the great from Czechoslovakia; Dr. Joseph ing above ths destruction of Jew• Cosmopolitan p casion. Present on that memorable needs of the country — a growth ish masses, to fulfil worthily oar The students and faculty are a Klausner, Professor of Ilodsrn role S3 a link in the chain "Ve are day toero representatives of moat which might ordinarily have been Hebrew Literature, from Russia; o£tj:o great universities and acad- expected In fifty years, not In fif- cosmopolitan and colorful group, Dr. Israel J. Kligler, Professor of handing down to future genera- hearts soften sad he is permitted emies of tho world, and famous teen. And it must be remembered coming from almost every coun- Hygiene and . Bacteriology, from tions." to ente?. Wild laughter grips the jnoa and women of all countries, that, this expansion was accom- try of tha world and representing America; Dr. Leo A. Mayer, Pro"Ths act of faith which sym- participants as they sll bssstle almost every national strain and races and creeds. fessor of Art and Archaeology of bolized the beginnings, of the Uniplished in spite of almost Insur- background. The University has about him asking for last minute It v?as a very email university mountable difficulties and during become a haven of refuge for the Near Bast, from. Austria; Dr. versity is its distinction," said Dr. news frosa Jernsslem.) Jndedd which w a s inaugurated a critical period in current Jew- hundreds of students from Po- (ershon G. Sholem, Professor of Welsmann. "Today it has been Party: y How do osr brethren to that day. Only 64 students wero ish life. " Wbea will th© i.ips«n.oi fare? a n d , G e r m a n y , Austria and Jewish Mysticism, from Germany; transmuted Into physical and mor- Palestine fare? Wben Tho three institutes — Chemist teechoslovakia, and tho - o t h e r and Prof. David Yellin, the oldest al values of quite considerable di- Messiah come? •registered, there w e r o but 30 Will we be reMessiah come member of the faculty, authority mensions. The University has, of members on tho faculty, and only try, Microbiology and Jewish Stu- countries of Europe where Jewdeemed? Wbat proof «5o yoa bring three Institutes wore cot up, de- dies have since grown to a sh communities have been de- on Hebrew poetry of the Spanish course. Its students, Its doctors, that redemption is nigh? period, born in Palestine. voted to research only. But tha full Faculty of Humanlte3, a Fac- troyed. its agriculturists, its chemists, its The youth.will extemporize In Health Activities size of the University wa3 not the ulty of Science, and the beginteachings, its research. But It is_ answer to their questions. , He Many of the students a r r i v e xnqasure of its historical signifi- nings .of a Medical Faculty which primarily to be a citadel of what brings, personal regards from the cance, b e c a u s e its birth was will be rounded out when under-. loxnpletely destitute, and the Uni- Hebrew University has become is usually called the Jewish spir- •wise sages in Jerusalem. He desounded not with Lord Balfornr'a :raduato teaching in Medicine is versity has been providing food, an indispensable factor in the de- it—the one place where the Jew- scribes the land, the cities, the lothing and shelter as well as velopment of the country; its sciultion for over three hundred of jntists h a v e arrived at results isfi spirit can manifest itself with- fields,.-the.-vineyards and the holy hem. The students of tho Hebrew hat are of the highest practical out let or hindrance in agreement graves.' Then he fills their hearts University tread on firm ground—- mportance and utility. Through with, and not under the pressure .•with> -hop.©-, -fcy-- recounting the hey need not petition nor bar- heir investigations, t h e funda- of, other cultures and civiliza- trords of •gbbcl-cheer and promise ain for entrancs Into this housa mental problems of agriculture tions, a place where the Jewish that the wise raea sent with him. f learning. The language, the tra- and settlement of Industry and spirit may be allowed to develop Moreover, It- is even Intisated naturally." dition, the spirit of tho studies Is health are being solved. that : the Messiah would coaie theirs. . shortly, and that he wo-uld r An. intensive anti-malaria CSEIthe mountains that stand 'bct TRUE DEMOCRACY Hebrew TTnlYeraitF *has Invited "paign l a s been conducted through them and Palestine. o its faculty more refugeo Jew- ;he cooperation of the University "We feel,, therefore, that all of redemption She promise promi sh seholars than. any••other unl- icientists. Annonncesient w a s h continuity. Aft uncrsity in th© World; there are mad© recently that a coursa of legal distinction between Indivi- breaks tip th© ,t present over fifty eminent Jew- treatment for malaria had been duals of t h e same community, released silence prevails. . The celebrants forget that this Is a sh s c h o l a r s at the University perfected which tafees a minimum founded in any s u c h circum- m ock dialogue. Harlequinade rom the great European centers amount of time for the patient. stances as color, origin, and the turns to Lebenspiele. The words A MORT H. SINGER THEATRE of learning; many of them, are The diseases peculiar to tropical like, are hostile to the genius of cut deeply into their souls. Sighs our Institutions, and incompatible men of international renown in and subtropical countries which are heard; and then a phrase heir fields'whom the University altllct man and animal in Pales- with the true history of Ameri- escapes the lips of one and Is reb could not hope to obtain, except tine and surrounding countries can liberty True democracy peated slowly by all: "Amen, let Omaha's Home of Big Pictures! for the catastrophe -which, over- are tlie subject of constant re- makes no inquiry about the color It be BO!" The participants once of the skin, or place of nativity again arrange themselves In their night sent them into exilo. Irom search, and much progress has or any y o" "" "tt h e r similar imil clrcura clrcura- oriclnai X>oaltions and conclude

Hebrew University Reading Heos:

Caucasus F

Best vfislies £oz a IMppj New


their native countries. etances of condition." been made In this vital field. .A-t Hebrew University they iiave .i i r s a H oi>i>oTt.iiixlt.ie«» -to c o n Tlie Je-wlslx National ana TTnl-

isws science



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note-worthy for its extensive medical library and for its magnificent collections of Hebraica and Judaica. Among the rarest of these is th© collection of 64 Hebrew incunabula—earliest Hebrew books, printed between 1475

tils benefit of humanity. Host recent additions of refufour eminent aB3 scholars are Italian Jewish savants. Amons them is-Professor KnricoB. Franco, distinguished physician and teacher, formerly at;the Univers- and 1500/ the glft^of Mr. Salmann ity of Pisa, who has-been appoint- Schocken, Chairman of the Execed to the Medical Faculty to head Stiv^tv utive Council of the Hebrew Unit h © Department of Pathological ™*r!itV rsity.. Anatomy. ' ^ersity.. T h e Department of Oriental • Prof. Bnijs? . - Studies is doing a great deal to Ons of the founders of Hehrew bring about better understanding University ia now a memher of betwjeen Arab and Jew through its faculty, a refuges from Ger- its studies in all phases of Mosmany. He is Professor Martin Bu- lem culture. In the Institute 8 of ber, one of the great Jewish sch- Jewish studies, research a n d olars o"f Germany, who was forc- teaching in Judaism have been ed ifrom hia po3t of Professor of undertaken for t h © first time, Jewish 11611510113 Philosophy and within the framework of a comEthics at tha University of Frank- prehensive scientific' institution. fort. For many years he was ths • • . ' •Worfe recognized leader of German 3ew- .Hebrew University's indispenry. .*/ * , ; V ••;' . sable service as esx institution of His brilliant worte on mystical higher learning, as an instrument subjects have attracted w o r l d - for the development of Palestine, wide attention of scholars; l o is for 'conquering'disease, as importan authority on Chassidic litera- ant as it is, is but on© phase of ture. "Ho is probably the outstand- its two-fold function. Two men ing Jswisli philosopher of tlja pre- closa to the University.-gave their sent day. At Hebrew University he interpretation of -this deeper and ocenpies the Chaix of Social Phil- more significant function, at -a osophy. -•:•••• Another renowned refugee scholar at tho University is Dr. Bernhard" Zendek, who w&s invited to t|iis country last fall : to deliver a number of addresses before scientific gatherings. He was at one Urns a member of the Biochemical I n s t i t u t e d ! ths University of Stockholm, and had bean affiliated with ths University"of Berlin and with the Berlin-Spandau Hospital as head of tho GynecologicalObstretical Department., •" One of his most important achievements was the AschetrnZondek pregnancy, test, wor&edoat in collaboration with: Dr.- Aschelm. •At Hebrew University Professbr Zendok is continuing.his work-in the field o! lionnone researeh. His latest work is in connection with the production .of synthetic •hormones, anti-hormones, studying the influ: :

ence- -of 1103:011102163' on • mala .and female organs and its bearing on tlie nietalboissa, and. he is investigating -'tha presenca. "ofoestrogenic hormones in.thQ Dead Sea waters.


lest Wish^-fo^.:d-:y^y-^^PPy -and. •• '•'^>Prpsper'6^^^v.'Yedr.;:;:. • •. *

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L I N O L E U M " •."•;. . • C A R P E T S

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ZZi inent German refuges scholar who

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N e w Year


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our many friends and patrons AARON FERER & SO^MS extends its wishes for the happiest o£ New Years . . . a year replete with the manifold blessings accorded the people of this earth.



Wishing You a Happy and Prosperous New Year ; \Tfkvx

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Hebrew University has fostered tho developments of the Hebrew iangnag© In two ways: by teaching a larg0 variety of subjects Ia Hebrew which had never before bsan taught in that language at any institution of high learning, zs.3. hj applying modern scientific nct*bods..tp all these subjects, instruction in Hebrew in so diverse a rang© of subjects, hssi added a multiude of new-terms to the Hebrow vocabulary. The University has also been at great pains to Introduce into modern H e b r e w that eisaetness of .expression and o£ concept which scientific work requires. Tha leading spirit in this worl: is Dr. Harry Torcsyner, Professor ci Hebrew Philology, Philology, ano another em ci Hebrew f holar wh

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The Mosaic code divifie3 aa.I-ltil8,-wi«i ncn \












Ne-v7 Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Bosh Hasitonah 5701—Thursday, October 3,1940

•e 7 -

meaning of it is. A d r e a d e d through the enemy Ifrteis. Some

f I

thought h h t cosies tto th tnexa: ccitS kl it i 1.people l iin the be the Eigii of Eurreassr? t firire j t.ss,fs In ilieir to ths ether baisfe of tfee Vistula i!» t«9ir tepe i to order to,receive svutl-o^tie Irt-l'sovca citr, Sor formation. Tbefc S t e a r s , the j ths ft.ct tli&t i

' - I , WS3_iJ




ctrj". The I. Ptreets fia SS. I tsov? the rcr -ies vrhcre surrender. Thsrc i 'H'^lC^ I?1** ^>.T* 'nyl good Poles &r


or' 3 3 . Hots: A feat ago tho city of Warsaw fell asQ P o land was divMcd between Gffl> sway ana Hti^ds. ThO follow* I»3 is "•» cuiliesilc account of fUo BCICBCD of Wcrcarr %7r!ttcr> I5? 6 colii^ol In tho Polish array. Because fca h&s sinco eneaiiacl feoas Geznsan-cerapied Boldssl cr.5 calistetl la the Polish army ia Ea3Jaml tlio offi

walk wit iVSsjg th^lt foe: eeto t o resect •utlioritiefs fessj r'nir for tbetf -rsiicuni'i' cry c*£ i way into t h e hearts of all ©RwOfi WB had

y pla-Rcn in tt.rfte v e e l a . Tfee

There aro two additional ones in which fought at Mlawa and Clethe process of formation. What chanov/. Andrsej B., who is quara brave woman! Of course the termaster of the Engineers Batgenarosity of the people helped. talion, told us of the Sravery of I report.to General Csuma and our soldiers who fought on until am ; ordered to the = defense of decimated by enemy aircraft. P ; ^ g g Bombed . •'. Nerves Frayed'.• : A large portion of the Jewish b t o . Have, taken over population moved from Warsaw

and told Jiira it vz,s impossible to! F1!t.bcr c-i OTir Tounclefl fiolflisrs, iri XCr.vns.w is KC.OOO; .thelire i s the'citr unfier eslsticg j " fidt liave not yet been counted. people hs.d to ecdnre! Now we j ixust give up. Eo?iore,ble confii- ( tc _ tiers?, are obtained; officers re- S i tain their svrorfis E,tid &re to. bt ] interned Iz CEISPE; ths ec'cllers j "Kill lu.y fiews arms and be return- | ed to ths-'r hoce. 'I rwear that 11

ScptsjK&n? s o . Oitr IRSI, attempt crosh U\e GcnnsjTi llceR falls. r3i.f:rf; It i? porsf.ble to break ouch. Tpxn.oTrcvr v-e isliall r e o t- r attempts,' because . o£ •; Tre snail eor.tirsue to fight. ,i°s v: 1< a t v.-e thowgM — vlift oi:r liS&Tts dictated,.

the duties of chief of the. Praga to Praga today. Today is their defense. The nervea of the people Holy Day — The Day of Atonearo still frayed from yesterday's ment. Just as t h © synagogues shelling..' All .-about.us buildings wer© filled, j the Gcrrss-ns. * I Nalowki (the Jewish : 11© in ruins. The fire of. the Quarter | S«pt«saber £3. The Germans j TI of Warsaw) was attack-Transfiguration hospital -with its ed from the air. The results of continue to postpone their entry | several hundred wounded, was this bombing wero bloody. In this « R.-t R. lira© when into the city. They &re zlrsM to "T\"c here ghastly. I saw a soldier with both Jewish sectipn from 10 to 14 perbring their soldiers Into- a city the protec >. itihiorities Is a legs amputated crawling from the sons lived in one small dwelling. which tag no light, no vs.ter, and problem t h a confronts ©very Peris, STovcxahsr, 1800. building on his elbows; other Leave it to the Germans to choose ?e filled with the sicfe. tfes ^^T-T,^. country I free c£ such Septcialjcis' 7. Arrived in War- wounded Jumped out of windows the Day of Atonement for their ed asa the ds&fi. They will thitxt tliougfe a country saw from Ssclsacsem during the to the sidewalk. Five doctors and bombing 'ew ccys. KeenEctRgouistn. It ir.urt be- coaetactit erer for a f " Nalewskit What thornisht. Barricades constructed by covers.! Red Gross nurses perish- oughness of while there are Kicttere lr on the- slorl tc r?.!p ITS the tmd of destruction! the population made it ditfioul od in the are. In Warsaw an to be completed. We giTS honor-1 cay attempt to Ptimulate raciat September IS. Water Is back in to reach the city. It is obvioui emergency' hospital is in flames. able' discharges crcr colfiierp. i or religious teelinsjp, within it® g that Warsaw -will defend itself. It seems that the Germans are the pipes but there is a great la s?ite of the sari'ender ths front i CTTE. bordere," shortage of food. A b o u t 700 At the headquarters in a -work- deliberately maMns it impossible line companies still went to crash! •—Jir.^o? men's home I awakened at dawn for us to render aid to the wound- horses are 'killed dally. Today I saw a thoroughbred mare, slightby sSveral hundred children who ed. This only strengthens our decow® to e 'a t thair breakfast. termination. No oaa who has seen ly wounded, led to slaughter. I These chitdi'fea .v?ers Io3t on roads those bnrning'-hospitals wilt ever try to have her sent to the Veterduring tho bombardment of refu- be able to forget or forgive the inery Hospital but learn that the hospital is no longer. T w e n t y gees. No OE9 linowa "whether their G e r m a n s . - , .: . : • • .'• , years of Polish h o r s e-breeding ara still alive. Before The staff o£ Colonel Janowski had gone" to waste in this war. tho children pray for barely escaped from being bur"Poland's victory." , September. 16. Yesterday the ied under the debris of a shelled Germans -introduced a new sysS«ffiembaj? '0. Preparations for school and was forced to move to tem of attack. Every minute two capital's defence ,ara in progress another street. . . People are digging ditches, to halt \ September'il..-1 inspect b u r shells strike the city, each directadvance of army tanko. Only front lines. The spirit is good hut ed at a different section. We are Say Gorman artillery began the positions still require a great constantly faced with th© possi•3' tho, city from the "west. deal of work. Holes ars being bility of having one dwelling or •we are treated to a light knocked in buildings for machine another destroyed.,It matters litbombardment from tho air. On gun emplscmonts. Two German tle, to the soldiers, but after 24 hours of this tho nerves of the the Pilsudski Square threa bombs planes shot down by our civilians are near %i© breaking fall but cc.uso.-uo damage to the bombing fall in flames. Two sold- point. I visited by wife and chilhouses,- However, they caused troops chear: "They certainly got it dren for a little while. For ,the •Elsscst cbstads to fcs faSesi fejicnjeatrtica of thz JVV. lewisa refB£se*.£re feeing proviaed with clcr'caenough noiso in the army head- iers this time." : ,•"•••.• . ^ last twenty-four hours they were rescue prograas. embraced, \tithin the Usitei. jewisb tory relief essssteacs (3). l a addition,' fccl^ is fcrquarters. Septetobe?.'• 12. On . a German sot the war, bat lack of sdeqasts (w&ds tonished to saaay tljcssaads of Jexrs la Pclssd. Feed cad g h e r in aan air-raid ^jjpeal'-_is Soirtembsr 0. T o d a y Praga Officer who was killed during our crowded together critical emergency needs ofvJews in- dJESress ssses shelter crs provided by -the -J.D.C. (4). Iiaihifrasaea ll with i h a.iot ofold "meet \ ^T&o castors., mi burb of Warsaw) counter-attack I find the„ follow- cellar in Earops parts of the World, Jewish refess s j throagij, allerraa'lvfr clianaels is coistsnasBg issSo Palestine op SP.3 S other p s d Jn line four Ms its diffleult day. Germans are ing, unfinished letter: "My • Be- women. MyLQa .-stood l i 's' £a £ FslectiES Fl d rsfus?® f ii iia the" t sad new ggricalscrEl sctsleJacaSs sre being cstaMssiaed . sad hours for bread. He is .too young H appto&china ttdta S&st Prussia loved: You have £o i d e a how United States!: S Wife Wife EI(33off fends f d received by t!:s Joint <5) t© cbsorb new ss'ilsrs with CJS of o Urfsed Falestine to be a soldier cbut, .he.-has been and apparently intend to reach frichtful war ia. It is well -that DistrlbBtioa. Committee .tliroagh the Unitedi Jewish pp g daiMreis arrsvjEg la &z .UaiSsd Ssstcs shot at like :a-veteran. FortunateWarsaw freca the east. For sis your "eyes do not sea what is takAppeal*' -ejalsratioa of refagses (1) is confesitsg • from ' (6) receive esslstance-in edjusSment ta Araericsa life froni houra — a cdatiauoU3 air raid. ing place here. M a n y of our ly he was spared and waited to •' Greater Germany and other parts of Earc-pe. Relief cora- the Natlaaal Refssgce Ssrv-ics. The far-Sang pregrsais ..... : b e e n r e c o H s t i n : t e s 4 i s tSEaccB|5l« . ._._._ csrried cm by s!ae J.D.C. U.PA. sad K JLS. now r e t i r e From our window at headquar- friends are •missing.* I; wonder if I the end. Many others were killed while waiting and he was ablo to Bclginia-'-and Holland, aiding moife'crs end'children (2) the most gsaercas sepport of-American Jewish ters we see fires in Targowek, shall ever return to you . . . " I get more bread. . • homeless by Sse war. In'Litljcsaia Sfcaro Brudn'o and Sa3l£a Kopa ties fecKEh J&e 194© Uuitcd ICWSEIS Appeal, Miss LIpkdwska is suffering .. September: 19V Today'I am or} (suburbs ol Warsaw). Alt' bridges from eye burns. Led by: the arm aeroc3 the Vistula are under ene- she continues to minister to the dered to report to Colonel Kotowski and discuss tho matter of ad- and unwittingly fhia ourselves ia tinues to work in his demolishes! ray fire. Evidently they want to wounded. ; turnesl on© hour later only -ths • cut off Prasa from Warsaw, hut ' '.Sept&absr' 18. A shell .cut off ditional fortifications. I. go to his the very center of tha bombing b Eliding. Ekeletc-a iras left. The meat was headquarters on the river bank. area. For three hours German the bridges are-still staMiag. our water, supply from: Warsaw. Ki3 energy and will to endure tafeen by those living nearby. an hour's search I find him flyers homhed the filters and ths The, pianist, "• HalgoKata^Lip- Smergency. squads are repairing After It Is very difficult to get breafi. had a marvelous effect ca the la-.the front, lines o£ the pump equipment. , Itowata, v l e l tea-headquarters. ;ha people's attitudes. So long as The days are colS and. for cci" • Yesterday she advertised for hosWhen these gave -way and the there •was ^ a t e r Warsaw -was •sonie tita© ire haTe had EO -vl: pital equipment, beds and fclanwater supply Xor the whole city busy cleaning up at sight. De- dow panes. A large utisher of us "was cat off, they began dropping bris was removed, also bodies of are i l l , • v.liota and during: the day, in spite ' « • ol \ho continuous'-'..shelling, suchundreds of incendiary bombs on people and carcasses of horses, - Septesaber 26. A t t a c k s • are 1 about Poland's future. The elecsesded in establishing - a.hospital the city. The Hoyal Palace -was and all traces of blood -were 'wash- again repulsed, he second line of within the walls of tho university. ed froja ,the sidewalks. In the 1 s Ch Printing presses stopped Today IBer ilf™%&* ° lB^ ^h °i t b e morning the capital -would look wire entanglements in front of nard nes ars bal dill our trenches is being completed. and no newspapers are Issued. « .i ',? ? ] S °P- clean and orderly. But this is no Th© Poniato-wekl Bridge across There is a shortage of candles Hi ???}*?„??« J ^ ' ^ . A ^ ^ I f S ? building In the business section longer posible. Night raids and the Vistula is being fired upon by the hospitals. of the city. About 500 fires rage lack of water make it impossible machine guns. It is more comlortSeptember 18. I h e e n d l a r y simultaneously In a city which is the Kayor to continue t&is able to use the Klerbedi Brl4c«« shells set flra ta ths Royal Castle. entirely devoid ot -water sirpply. for ~ " "We b»¥«"I«Bs' and leas amm&nl.The tiro -was extinguished but me •Firemen on the roofs are tnro-w- cleaning up process. . Toward evening tne Germuti tlem. -nortlx -wins caved In. A. stiell ex- ing sand but they are machinedrop leaflets Baying that they -will September 27. T o d a y Is the ploded in. St, Jolm's Cathedral gunned by the fliers. use gas it the city does not sur- worst day of tho entire siege, the •yesterday during Sunday Mass. Souses Fall render. "We are -waiting to seemost alarming. Since the early Father Keptna&l did xiot interrupt tomorrow will bring, f o r morning a grim silence h a n g s tne High Mass although the por- We had trouble returning to •what have no Influence' on our over the city. People move about tals and the o.r g a n collapsed Praga. Ruined buildings, s h e l l threats Many -were killed but panic -was holes and fires make progress dif- resistance. silently trying to obtain food and September 25. The shooting is water. After ceaseless air raids avferted by the calmness ot the 1 ncult. After Warsaw, our Praga, prrest. Bishop Gall -was present at | -which now lies in ruins, seems normal. Somehow we feel no gas. and practically uninterrupted arthe service. like a peaceful haven. The War-The Germans have not dared to tillery fire — this silence, this use it. The inhabitants of War- period ot calm seems a hundredToday tho • German radio an-1 B a w a i r Xaid lasted until dusk*, VJozt Broadway nouncea that Soviet troops enter_^t 6:30 p. m. enemy artillery saw are proud that they did not fold more menacing t h a n the ed Poland on September 17th. Is I tegins where the planes left off. let themselves be frightened. On noise of explosions. A b o u t 11 Phone 5584 COUNCIL BLUFFS^ IOWA l l t h Ave. & 4th St. that just a iigraent of their Imag-1 our Headquarters is struck by the street today I saw a charac- o'clock the people began to feel Inatlon? If true, then -we cannot BBveral shells. The roof is torn teristic scene. A horse was struck uneasy. They stop each other on by a shell and fell. When I re- the street and speculate what the th relief l i f which h i h -we ess ofj,j rand we must see l countt on the and "we mustIsseek shelter in pected from tha east. War on two I the cellar. There a glare of fire fronts would bo a little difficult, j oo vv ee r the city. beloved Wary Our But -we shall fight. lk a ttorch. h A ES-W is flaming like A Evacasttoa cf.Dlplossata hard day. 8«ptesi!wr 10. ArransementB ! A September S3. Artillery f i r e are xaada for the evacuation ol continuously for 20 hours. the xomaliilns. diplomats w ^ citiare falling all around us.We travel through mounds of detions. They T?U1 cross our fron- bris. The city is covered in dark" T&0, T& G Gsnaans are ness from smo&e;-it is almost imv cr tier at difficulties!. causing Shells have possible to find the streets. Many destroyed one of ths buildings of bodie3' lie unburied among tha the Staff. Our shack strayed hut debris. Other sections.are now beis still standing. The bread situa- ing bombed, and atill othera '-will tion- is- getting •worss. •_ ' • follow. What a- waste of ammuniThe .Germans, bomted our two tion! Ths art gallery' is In'flames. bakeries, and tho flour Trarshouss The tower ot the Church of the HARRY COHN was.bouraed. There Is a-shortage Savior lies In ruins; only th© steel of ammunition. We received or- skeleton remains of this ancient TOCII Bbsffr., ,.g' West Broadway €c."ar«s;3 ders to save ths-shells as far as church. Our St. Florian's Cburoa Co. Bluffs Phono 2320 possible. Whan th© Siege began la Frag& had been riddled full ot We had a twelve days' 'supply of holes some time ago. The French ammunition for eaeh sun. Mora Embassy is burning. My son tried than half has already beeu used. to save some books from tha lisswa Anti-aix-craft' guns must: operata brary, but the police would not only at short range. allow him. "We must avoid the It is too had because during semblance of looting. 'OT lest each previous air raid we-managTha attack of Germany infaned to bring down several bombers. Today -we recelv© -word about try supported bj artillery f i r e p the death of two Knights o£ Mal- was repulsed aa always. Our soldta T/hom -we knew — Lempiclil iers know their ground very -well. and Chapows^i. They "were en They cannot easily be beaten. route to a hospital organised by . September 24. Today there is the Order, when a shell, struck more quiet in the air. I visited their automobile on Ateja Jeroso- th© commander of the Utrata seclimskya. A glorious death on &s tor. Th© valiant captain is', trying ©ptlcians, and Optosaotrioto to repulse attacks coming from errand of mercy. IZi'i ts gsp^eiijlss? 20. During -the aigM threa sides — at the same time. u •we maaaged to. .haul in-several At first his company thought that 33a V/cat feroadway" : 'Broadway Theater BMf*:. wason loads of barbed wise from our own artillery was shooting at the Praga. station. Our engiaesre too closo a range, and was loud '.'" -COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA QTQ getting more and more equip- in its demand that tae guilty be 28 tiaia St. . Ccc2c3 ElufCs, Ic. 29 Pc: ment from th© German lines. The puniahed.- When informed that it Jj work ©n the fenca posts is pro- was surrounded on three sides it ' ' gressiifs. .-Tery .scon . cur eatire decides to continue the defence. There are heavy losses, but at front line vill have barhed i y ;'^— ' ~ least are firing at the Ger- T entangtssneats. The German radio mans.they in retreat the bombs n a y s our government and our would And fall on oar heads anyway army chief have fled to Rouman! and we should be unable to retalla. We refuse to believe it. Septeiabsr S i . Tha diplomats iate, he observation point of our 1 . " • • ; have-'crossed tho • froatler.' It is artillery is parched on a ledge ? 1 under the roof of a five story caid. that only oao Americas JourI lit .remains i trtthrtth ted house, wMch. had not yet been nalist us. lately followiSg their" departure, destroyed. The view into the GerJ X.OJ& <L Gorman...planes flropp©d'leaflets zaas position is good. -The Gerdemandtas s u r r o a d a r ••snder- mans . must suffer heavy losses. threat of destroying'tho city. Nat- Tha lack-of water is becoming m urally they •will receive no reply more and more.acute. .Sewers 2X3 a : V J M '• • * irh from our General Rommel. destroyed and the few remaining September S3. At' eight o'clcck wells are surrouafied by crowfis i vhile at : the morniag lasstiag c! ot 'people. Oa the -.Warsaw front S COUNCIL BLUFFS • DOMINANT: STORE tho staff group, thera Tras s raid there is terrific fighting from the at Scstt St. ?iux2Q 4037 by 120 boabins planes. For t-wo west. The city hall is in ruins; hours we wait with the chief of the vice-president of the city, Mr. engineers in air raid shelters. La- Okolo-Kulak perished la his ofter,- we-' drive to tha water -works fice, but president Starzyss&l cos-

usea un sdsamtCL samo. Grj£iaal ? 0 I M J ^ftroioa of tho tilery xran Sirs; pnblichctl to tho Polish lnsifwano dally, "Nowy Gwlat" (PoUsu Blonslag World) Of New Yorl*. , *


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•--.I .'.


New Year's Edition—'THB JEWISH PRESS— Rosh Hashon&h 5701—Thursday, October 3,1040

Page 8


destiny to fulfill than to break up and representing the amalgama.fi& i£, the Roman Empire and to create tion between the present and most South JucLea, ILe Sharoi and order a new w o r l d , they remote past, between Europeano- it is part would have' been destroyed long ism and its origin in the Near i f research ere this. Inasmuch as they have East, manifoldly Interbred with csurvived, and that with so much those autochthonous elements bat ,. i of the-dis-. s t r e n g t h and efficiency, they for the greater part preserved in \P" b">sh men and' unmixed purity. These people look must, or so I believe, still have a r e i '•r'.iine, del 1J into our world with the dark ingreat future before them. 'L telligent eyes of former ages and Destiny' of Jews us *• * c Something very similar is valid with the knowledge w h i c h is TT e SSDISOU'S NO233: F r o m - t h e with the rabble. They have dis tion: "A German man of letters 'of one of' the "world's "out* honored themselves and deserve means a German martyr." This is in the case of the Jews, and in-theirs by their suffering, tneir Hebrew University Beats rf c r l r n i - : , - ? - . : " J literary figures cornea nothing better than the wretched an eternal verity and only those deed there Is so much that can spirituality and reason. They form cVc^d by r e 1 Fever at- Low iving p i t h y , profound role which they now play under men of letters have failed to ex- be said both of the Germans and a secretly corrective e l e m e n t the Jews. The destiny of the Jews, against our passions. . . " , Cost. . ' . . . c rr Icrrc cr tl.c c\i?. ::. i~ r.ualysls of CsaS • uotorlosj nema- tho lash of the rabble. The mobperience martyrdom who are not not Always, w h e n anti-Semitism Kzs dJacasa I;nor?n no cnti-Serait- is Dot ennobled through this self men of. letters at ail but simply their task and their mission, these crlor'.ir tion j c i z i I irtn, J-Ir. rJsun's article eppcr.red betraying reinforcement of Intel people .who-write. The only thing too cannot yet be fulfilled. Their breaks out it means that the peoHebrew University has for a; i^Vre trer.s oi the c r u r . : ; in n recent issue of Coaicmpor- lectuals; tt is only the opposite •which had the power'to mitigata extraordinary endurance is proof ple feel ill at ease, hampered ia naniber of..years conducted Im-! ;cutl' p of this. That they have not perishtheir evljl desires, that they are Secord aisci which occurs. The spirit i3 degrad- this curious martyrdom (usually ed long ago, that they still live— doing wrong, playing kooky from portant research and given valuIho A i . LV by '.lie ed and gives itself up into slavery borne with, equanimity or even a and life has not been made easy gchool, are up to bloody tricks and able practical assistance in a n t i - l ^ r s C^::-r " mcnt thvoncfn the h Jewish Tclcgra. t" . rc e r t a i n acquiescence) was thefor them — forces, or at least are eager to engage in warlike malaria work 'throughout Pales- j r^£r^h;x""c"f _ pMc A The aristocracy of the intellee participation of the Jewish spirit justifies, one to believe, that life massacres instead of cloisg such tine. These efforts are centered j rr-r'triVri.c? to *t'iv"-'Vv*^---t"V''' its Maiaria-Research Station at ! ~ is a necessity, a far. more justifi in German c u l t u r e . Everyone, still needs them, that they have things as are right, sensitive and in • Among iho evil and osnoxious able* necessity than the craving for even the greatest man of letters, been saved, with their especial In- necessary. Then the Jews have to Rosh Pinah, in upper Galilee, at j the edge of the Huleh swasips,' inactions to suffering of our time, superiority which at present is admitted this. tellectual gifts, to be instrumental suffer. But they will suffer and a district where irialaria is preval-! nmong the sorry palliatives in finding its expression, among oth in accomplishing life's purpose. survive. And we may all be cer-eat. The value of Malaria Station j - . . • -Goethe Asd Jews'. -. . 'wnica this epoch indulges for its er things, in vulgar anti-Semitism Personally, I have always felt tain that their strong sense of this lies not alone in its general sclen- : Speaking of Goethe's relation to ov;n relief and for a mad explan- Not unaptly someone described world, and of social justice, will ation of its very v/cnts and Iear3, fascism as the socialism of the the Jews, Frledrich Wilhelm Rle- It to be a fantastic and astonish- play an Important part In the up-tific • significance bat ia the iming thing that this people still mediate and practical service ren•wo find anti-Semitism the favor- stupid. Well, vulgar anti-Semitism mer says: "The educated among them were more complaisant and lives and has its being among us, building of a new humanity strug- dered to - the inhabitants of the ito-'and tho niojt popular, an add- is the aristocracy of the rabble. gling slowly out of its crises. this people tenaciously surviving enduring in their admiration not ed reason, or GO it vrcmld coem to Huleh- area. The local population It can even be brought down to only' of his person but also of, his mej for tho spiritually minded to is mainly Arab and a very large tr.ltQ a definite Etand against it, a still more simple formula. "'. writings than his : co-religionlsts. number of Arab patients receive must admit that I am nothing,' As a rule they show a greater and to 'reject it most decisively. treatment at the-Station. It means to. say, "but I am at Si *. Tfco necessity for • an epoch to least not a Jew." Whereupon the more pleasant attention a n d a The University's, research i s more flattering sympathy t h a n find someone responsible for its duffer believes that, therefore, he control and prevention o£ maliria GUlferinSD, ita traditional wants la something. Anyone, however, does a national German. And their is under the direction of Dr. I. .J. and its critical embarrassments; who ia really anything at all does easy receptivity, .. comprehension Kliger, ait American scientist forMtd, having found this scapegoat, not need so negative an advant- and penetrating intellect, asyw«~~ merly affiliated with the Rockeas their special wit, make them a to send it into a desert of hatred age to prop "himself up. f e l l e r Institute of Medical Re-1 \ more sensitive public than one. is and defamation to make there— search. -Dr. Kliger directed the j . Aversion to Presumption apt to find among the sometimes o£ a nefarious symbol of inferiorI hereby profess the profound slightly slower and more clumsy ' -Srofessor, University of Chi- ittle. Radio waves were discov- first malaria research unit in Pal-! ity so that by contrast it may perestine, organised by Kadassah in j Isaps feel somewhat stronger, bet- aversion that I have always felt true-and-only-German." cago, Nobel'. Prize winner in sci- ered by Herz, a German Jew; X- 1920, and has had extensive ex-; ter and even more genteel — this t o w a r d the anti-Semitism preThat is a nice characterization, ence, ©fid 'co-ChairaiEa o* the Na rays by Rontgen, a German Pro- perlence in this field as a member j sumption. This has strengthened sometimes erring a little in super- tional- Conference ot< C l i t l necessity is human. testant; and cosmic rays by Hess, of the Rockefeller Foundation's \ tn Austrian Catholic. For the Malaria and Yellow Commissions , But tho word "human" should itself into abhorrence in the same ficiality of expression* but at oth- and- J e w s . • •':.'.' ratio in which those baseinstlncts er times very apt and suggestive, .neory which interprets these in Peru, Mexico and West Africa, j not bo made to cover all •weakness, folly,; or injustice, for v/hat that formerly were confined by as in the terms "more sensitive . The dictionary defines a com- •ays we are chiefly indebted to Dr. Gideon Mer, lecturer in'Epi- 1 ia called human i3 only too often the corrective pressure of good public" a,nd "true-and-only-Ger- munity as a b6dy of persons hav- Maxwell, the English Protestant, demiology, is in charge of the Kea .miiin6mer for such things aa custom have taken uppsr hand, man." In those words %va find tha ing common interests and privi- Einstein, the German Jew, and. de search Station at Rosh Pinah. r~ ft (* meanness and l a c k of dignity/ have.in; some places even become characteristic insufficiency a n d leges, living in the same locality Bro-glie, the French Catholic. *i W ^" A recent c o n t r i b u t i c n b y E a d a s things one must call by, t h e i r - official and have come into a po- discomfort which every culturally and under the same laws. If we As I consider those who have s a h t o t h e -work of t h e Station h a s riglit names and contradict and sition where t h e y could, unre- orientated people, especially the can thus properly speak of an discovered the various particles m a d e possible a n e n l a r g e m e n t of p r e S B e d , turn their miserable German, feels when resist. confronted American community, it is be- which compose the cosmic rays, its p r o g r a m . with, the "onlyGerman" as a pure- cause science and technology here are Lorenz, the Dutch free'' Anti-Semitism is- the appurten- wish-dreams into deeds. R s u l t s of t h e w o r k of t h e Mahave made It such. mnker, and Thomson of the , ance and watchword of all ob- This is a revolting s i g h ^ t for folk element. \WA7J5 -Seventy years ago the North 3nurch of England who Identified laria Research Station h a r e fiemThe Catholic Church is really scure, chaotic mass humanity, and anyone who is aware of what Gero n s t a r t e d teat g r o u p s xaay be and the South were, economically •he negative electron; Ruther1 man Jews have done, both recepright when, in order to reply to present-day mass mysticism mixsafely settled i n m a l a r i a l districts FOOD t i * r * ed with much bestiality. It, is "not tively and productively, for the certain anti-Chritsian stupidities, so far apartr that a great war was ord, the New Zealander negligent provided a d e q u a t e p r e c a u t i o n s a r c | a thought, nor a word; it has noculture of their so-called Wirts- it declares to the Germany of to- required to maintain their politi- >f religion who found the proton: t a k e n , a n d h a v e also shown t h a t \ human voice, it is mere bawling, land (land where they have been day that it was only with the ad-cal unity. The railroad, telegraph, Anderson, the American of Swedfiut the spiritually minded man, allowed to dwell as guests), but vent of Christianity that the Ger- telephone, automobile, newspap- sh descent, who first observed such, p r e c a u t i o n s c a n b e effected j • i\ the man who takes himself severe- whlch.is as much their homeland man entered the r a n k s of the er, moving picture and radio have ;he positive electron; Germany's •without i n c u r r i n g high costs. Scientists -at t h e R o s h P i n a h \\ now given us from Atlantic to Patothe, France's Joliot and Engl y to task, neyer* participates in as It is that of any of their non- leading cultural peoples. W I t a 'bawling; he wait3 until this cease3 Jewish • compatriots. I t i3 revolting Chrltsianity, however, a Meditter- cific such common interests that Mid's Chadwiek who found the Station h a v e perfected a c o u r s e ol j \ for a inoraent-and-iata the ensu- especially for the German men of ranean element entered into Ger- we are indeed an 'economic as eutrons, America's Irish Protest- t r e a t m e n t t o r '• -'malaria' p a t i e n t s i ' mt Mlllikan and Italy's Jewish waich t a k e s "a ininlninia t i m e — | \L\ silende he speaks his "No." letters, who have personally ex- manism, which the German from well as political u n i t lossi who distinguished t h e ten d a y s . ' W h i l e u n d e r g o i n g t h i s When a . dictator desires to perienced the assistance and bene- time to time have repeatedly atDe^rcded Sijirft' dominate a people, recent history shower producing rays, and thec u r e p a t i e n t s a r e aible t o continue This "No" la the> expression of fit to their literary efforts render- tempted to deny. by the sympathetic understaiid-, • Each time, this denial resulted shows that a first requirement Is apanese physicist Yukawa who t h e i r r e g u l a r w o r t • Jor 'a n u i u b e r ^.natural and necessary distinc'redicted the mesotron which is of h o u r s , increasing Irotn d a y t o tion" of the spirit which has .noth- ing of Jews. n a lapse Into barbarism, into tho limitation of knowledge by low the-center of scientific inter- day, until by-.the time the treat-] allowing tho teachingof only .Jews are called "The People of ing to do with presumption and omething which Is prehistoric st. ' raent is finished, they 'are perT.'hicli tho spiritually minded man the Book" and not yet German, hut only tri- such views of religion, history, and we must doe3 not renounce without dis- aware of all the sensitiveness, re- bally Germanic. An . earmark of anthropology and even.of physics This is the answer to those forming % full day's work. at- 'ho would contrast Aryan science Special malaria courses for phyhonor to himself or w i t h o u t 1 eptivily, s p i r i t u a 1 maturity, this lapse, which has always'been as lead to the desired national titude. Science stands1 for free- •Ed Jewish science. sicians frotn all OTer the country thrusting life itcolf into misfor- knowledge of suffering: and love temptation for the German Just dom for unfettered search for are arranged by the Station. tune. We, in Gornjanvt.]iavQ ex- of the spiritual which" is here as it was a temptation for. the an- truth. It is thus only in a comy perienced tha misery to which this Considerable-research has been cient Jews to relapse into theprel l l i l i aolically implied to the "word book munity of free people that such loads. done by the Station in the control in order to understand 'the' debt of Mosalc, the merely animistic, has a scientific attitude can be deand prevention of Malaria a t the Germany's intellectuals, its sci- gratitude, w li i o n, especially in always been .anti-Semltissi. veloped. request of the Jewish National entists, its authors and pliilosoph- Germany, the literary spirit1 owes •' 'SpecialistsFund and the Palestine Land Deerc clambered down into-the rab- to Jews.. . Not Aimed Only a t velopment Company: During the Science has made of the Amerble for the sake of an unfortunate It Is self-evident ^that even if past y e i r the Station has also and false yearning for unity v/itn I t "Waa Goethe who uttered the there were no Jews in Germany, ican community a group of speserved an advisor to the Health the people, contusing the people embittered but resigned atftrma- tne Mediterranean-Exiropean-ori- cialists iwho depend upon each eutal element, tho Humanistically other. Because Langmuir was Airmen and Diver Re-veal Department of the Jewish Nationtmlversal ele-ment -would be Irre- tree to- spend. - years ol study- -on .Secret of Old vocably one -wlta true Germanic the action of gases at matall! c Fortress "h-iat-oxy. I n "ttio Qermanlc si>liere, surfaces, tlie community enjoys j " t ^ J ' * t T * * r ' r * * * ' f v ' n t : * ' t l > * * t o t t e r llKiit. f r o m EE*LA-£11-1^41. «le»c— Because our medical! centers reat port stronghold of Tyre, the their very appearance. What' is could direct the efforts of a corps usually termed their internation- of men to solving- the problem of ancient capital of K i n g Hiram, h o s e technicians and building al component is nothing but this malaria, the American nation is Mediterranean-European element, freed from a great scourge. Each materials helped S o l o m o n to which, over and above all this, Is of us-in Ms-labor or his profes- uild both his Temple ' and' Ms an Inalienable, appurtenance of sion performs highly specialized leet. German morals and culture. work. It Is, however, only by co- For the ruins of this city, subr The hatred which breaks out ordinating our specialized efforts dued by Alexander the Great in MAY TRUE HAPPINESS BE YOURS FOR f from time t o t i m e against the that the needs of each are satis- 32 B. C. E., have -lain hidden THIS NEW YEAR-AND'.YEARS'TO-CdME Jews is not aimed at'Jews aloB.0 fied. By such coordination we elow the Mediterranean waves, i at all: It-is aimed against Euros© have a greater abundance than with but a few piles cf rocks to and all that is higher in German- ever before; In history. emind travelers that once a a e r ism itself. It ifl the Impossible atAs our greatest strength lies in shant queen of the seas ruled in* tempt to expel an element which such cooperation, GO our greatest .here. 1 (r is felt to be somber and- foreign fear must be of those factors Today, however, the aviator ^ . r r r . from the German body proper de- which tend • to introduce dlssen- and "the deep-sea diver have coopspite the fact that it is actually tions and the formation within rated to produce a clear picture the very element which enlightens the. community of antagonistic of the city. The airplane, peering and gives form. Anti-Semitism ia groups. This is clearly the most deep beneath the, surface of the the weapon used to shake.off the vulnerable aspect of a free com- water'from its height In the air, bonds of civilization':~w i t h o U t munity, where we may expect at- has discovered the outline of the which there would be no Germany tack by foes from within and now -submerged city. in any- higher sense of the word from without. Those who sow the And the diver, with his special in order to break through to a seeds of hate and discord are thus under-water camera, has revealed most wretched, reactionary and our greatest enemies. the details of the harbor, whose misrepresented "freedom" and inCommunity strength lies in massive, finely-built breakwater dependence. working together for the common provided an excellent s.helter from Not New good. • • In a technological world the sea. The under-water survey What I am telling you here is where specialization and cooper- Is still going on, revealing the denot n e w . Others, greater men, ation are of -unprecedented ImM 1 s of the old fortifications have eaid It before, and even I portance, the love of our fellows which held the Macedonian conmyself have expressed the same thus becomes the law of life. queror at bay for seven months. thing as fair back as it seemed to The truth Is that science today me necessary to do so. The cul-as never before is stressing the J. E. Visser, a Dutch. Jew, "was tured German, educated In the brotherhood of- all mankind. At in 1915 name a member of the At All Food and-Beverage'Stores-..' ' spirit of Goethe, and for' whom, the moment It Is probable that Council of State. 1206 Douglas according to. the. words of h i e our greatest - strength is to be The tomb of Aristotle was un. AT 2524 master, "the only problems of im- found In coordinating the efforts earthed by a Jewish professor, wejotn portance are t h o s e of culture of our national community. Yet Sir Charles "Waldstein. against barbarism," cannot be an the rapid trend of social developeverywhere in the traditional ment—evolution, if you wish— anti-Semite. He must resist taking part In as stimulated by science and tech 'May you be inscribed fir. this second-rate form of popular nology, Is the growth of larger and larger communities. amusement, for ,,ho accurately, Just because such larger comsenses that the very fundamentals i of his own w o r l d ! are. hero at munities, when knit together by i stake! the old Christian bases of. railroads and wires and radio, are f accepted morals, aside' from ev- stronger than smaller ones, they erything else that depends on this, must prevail In the intense comsuch as European thought, free-, petition among modern nations. dom, truth, justice and htnnani- In strengthening the community life of our nation, we shall thug tarianism. .-••'•••.be preparing the way for the deIn brighter times.thess Ideals velopment of that world commulost much. of. their import, and nity toward which, science points the; mind, '£tmflasieritally sure.- of . - - Many Sources ^KTith oar wHajjpr-5Cc«- Ycsr'* fo oisr their immortality,-siay treat't& IssMgBtally, I. would note how for yous cordist re^pilaa of «^K jw^ the •advances of. •' our knowledge I lightly.-and ©van :w!£h pzwids j"©a vifh wcw vhc,s fft and techniques'' have themselves in. ss> resulted from contributions from bcssrmg thz ead«s£sca?cat of the : SC3lt c u e , , 131O JACKSON-ST. ' HA 133 i cisive sserr many sources. Fire, the wheel, their • exacting-'' and - - -decisive FJNIOKF OF C^TZ-rC'J> rec- the inclined plane are prehistoric. iousness. A t eitne? it -seems- to have come either M. KRUPINSKY, Vic©' President deny ognia them y them. And •Iron ognisa i I am con- from- the Hittites or : from the he :wa0. denies--them is, h di negroes, the only primivinced, a lost. spirit and a lost Somalicr AT :: tive -people who-continue their own ancient method of iron pro- •• ' - • We a a s t in all th!3 consider duction. . r^mV-sn.! not only the fact taat^ths Jews are T h e a l p h a b e t came t o u s from • • ,DAILY DIRECT TRUCK SERVICE : as great an historical factor in t h e Phoenician Semites a n d printTZ ' . T e r r "VT=" ~ the Intellectual constitution of I n g from the Chinese. Electricity Earopa E3 were the Greeks, "which a n d m a g n e t i s m were described by consiaeratlon feeeps men like my- the Greeks, as was also the helioself so- definitely removed .from centric solar system. .' ". any ,'foTm. of anti-Semitism. "We Coining down to modern, times, must further keep- a lively sense in-:the*field-of'science, Galileo, an of the . importance of the infiis- Italian Catholic, discovered the and Intermediate -Points ' pensability, of the Jewish spirit laws of ailing bodies and started for the present and the future of modern' science. • Necoton, a • Pro'^N. the continent. •• • • testant, earnestly concerned with Speaking of Germans, Goethe religion, established the laws off i_ WE SPECIALIZE; IM 0YERLAHD MOVIKCS said to Heinrich. Luden In 1813: mechanics,, o c l i ; were "brilliantly brilliantly "Their destiny is not y§t fulfilled. developed d l by Laplace and Lal If the Germans had had no other Grange to whom religion meant



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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PEESS—Boah. Haslionsli 5701—THtursday, October 3,1940


By Edgar Ers (Lieut. CoL, Medical Ccnrpa, U. S. Army) NOT3: She follow- could- hardly havo emerged from to that time armies in the field ing arilclo analyzes Moses a s a . the land of bondage as very good thought only of slaying as many of the enemy as possible. Such unleader, vrifcli partlcnia.21, soldier material. toward incidents as "plagues" of oa the question o2 Stupendous- Sask illness w h i c h might carry off i y aaiiitntloii in the li^bt Moses therefore wa3 faced with of cicdc?n feovrlcdce. S3io au- a stupendous task. Ho must make more of their own men than even the most formidable enemy could thor, n vrell-Iaiown military soldiers of tho men, and, in genpsnltr.tio^. expert, first publish- era1., care for tho whole body of destroy, were either entirely dise<l Is's bTochcio oa Moses in the hlr> people, for ths women and regarded or ascribed to the anger Isfaaisy Journal, V/aahington. children could not be left behind. of some irascible and fickle deity. That anything could be done to Tho sanitary c o d e which he prevent such visitations never ocSoao threo thousand years' aso evolved is known as the Mosaic curred to _ the leaders. Filth was thoro flourished a sreat general of Law, and is the oldest of which everywhere; and men, even kings, infantry, T/lio in addition to being wo havo any fcntmledce. It is who had been accustomed to it a brilliant ler.dor, was the firat moreover of primary importance from birth, would hardly have arms? officer to res the importance even today since a large commun- blamed it, and other things assoof sanitation na a positive military ity all over the world still follow ciated with it, for loss of life or aasat. Thin man, one of tlio great- it, and they are a people whose health.* est figures oi all history, realised individual afieo estend beyond the 'Today a military commander is that vitliout proper observance of average of those of other nation:? answerable to his country for the certain principles of Weld sanita- among v/hom they live. health of those under his orders. 1 tion end other ruleJ of hygiene, He secures such, advisers as .may his force could not accomplish its Moses never commanded in hisenable him to know how best to m!?utoa. Perhaps this realization own namo, but always "By Order act to preserve health and keep came to him an the result of Di- of Jehovah." Jehovah waa like his command at maximum effecvine inspiration, as has b o o n the Secretary of War whom we tive strength, but he b e a r s in taucht. Who shall say that all havo never seen, and, alas, many mind that it is he^ who is respongreat leaders aro rot inspired? of U3 will never see. Moses gave sible. .This responsibility he canTsJto namo oS this general was effective orders after the manner not delegate. Moses did not atMoses. His mission was to lead o£ an adjutant gneral, who as ev- tempt to delegate it. Instead he h'rs Sorce from Egypt, through tho erybody knows, can do no wrong. published to hia command a serwilderness by a devious route, Perhaps it might be*nearer the ies of directives and training regto Palestine, destroying all -who truth to say that he was one of ulations that are' practically as opposed his passage to, and occu- those happy commanding generals good today as when he announced who is his own executive. The Is- them. : pation o£, tho Promised Land. raelltish force, like soldiers of toThe- arm;? of Moses consisted of day, had a distaste of o r d e r s . all tho, able-bodied men, but pos- "They hated instruction and cast Some of the provisions of the secacd no discipline, when ho took Hta words behind them." (PBalm United States Army Regulations command. The ancestors of the i, 17.) now in force might have b e e n twelve tribe3 of Israel had been written by .Moses himself. At least , - ^Health Measures distinguished as :k military' peothey are in entire harmony with Hoses realized that as Com- the Mosaic Law. For example: ple. Their youth were anciently bred to arms, hut for years they mander of the Children of Israel Comsnantlei's of all grades are had been captives of an alien race. he was" ' responsible for their charged with the responsibility of la Egypt: they, had been little health. This .was, in so far as xre patting into elf ect:tbe regulations, better than beasts of burden. They may now judge, a new idea. Prior many of which:: B^e prescribed^ for the purpose .^--;.pr6srenling./eth e spread of • conrnmaicabls-aijisesses, and cominanders of all .gEatfesj will devote attention:): to^thes ^enforcement of thess regulations*; especially the thorough w a^s-iti.n g of hands after Tisittog latrines and tjeforer each, meal.- -(Av B* 40-210,

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There are other minute direcions coscercSES personal hygiene. T&s TrssMng of the body and of the clotting Ss stressed, t o & a y when it is necessary to b r i n g S o n e to primitive peoples the mode.' of , transmission of certain diseases. During the typhusf fever epidemic in Serbia in &n& after the World War, we prepared a series colored posters

Best Wishes- for a Most Happy and Prosperous New Year to Our . .-;" \ Friends and Patrons

The slaughter of,the meat animal was rigidly governed by the Code. By tae sweep of a long sharp* and. flawless knife the trachea, esophagus and blood veshim fit iiSiffl feis csaatry's .economic .machinery.- Afser he tsas a job, hia sels of the neck must be severed. problems as a refagca- immigrant will clsaosi solve &erase!ves. if .be has the The process / w a s designated to sympathetic oatEersSaadiag, oi Ms tseigMjors. Ecfcgss. adjsEtisieiat ia the free the body rapidly of blood. Uastsd Slates,, war relief and'rehabilitation ia Esrsp-Esa lends End-Palestine The men who did this work wers setilssens sre supported by'Ataerkzn' Jews through the combined nssionwid trained and according to the ideas drive'of'tbs Joiat-Distribstida'Ccmssitteet iks United Palestine Appeal o£ the day the method was hulbs - National "Refogee' Ssmse. mane. It is unfair to accuse the Jews of cruelty in this procedure for the scriptures are filled with contaminated by flies after • they •of the middle ages and' even of injunctions for the tender care of have coiae in contact with t h e comparatively modern times, filth dumb beasts. dead body. ; ' was everywhere and inescapable. It, is probably that milk was The law of Deuteronomy (ssifi Moreover, the men trained for this work were taught to search protected indirectly in ^ the same 12, 13) that concerns the disposal the living animal for signs .of dls- way. -Milk, was 'used fresh and so of body waste is- one of the most _ase. They were the earliest meat the modern problems incident to remarkable in the entire Code. inspectors of record. It is only in its 'collection- and transportation Pure Bodies modern times that the world has did not exist. There-are no laws . Personal eleanlines is stressed concerning directly •with milk; es1 again come to realize the importthroughout the M o s a i c Code. ance of such inspections.. Our vet- cept ES concern foods In general, Moses was commanded, before the even in land /'flowing with zailk erinarians', military and civil, are >• . •• Divine manifestation on Sinai took required, carefully to perform ante and honey." Place, "to sanctify the people tomortem examination of meat ani^Pure Air day and tomorrow, .and .let them mals. Mokes Sad no problem like that wash their • clothes" (Exod. sis Moses had" a "closed season" confronting many military com- 10). Thus was bodily purification for game. The law says "if a bird's manders-of today-.in war and in intimately conjoined to spiritual nest chance to be before thee oa peace, concerning overcrowding. preparation. • In one chapter the the way, whether there be young He had ample space for.the thir- injunction "he shall • wash- his ones or eggs and the dam sitting teen camps into which his nain clothes and bathe himself in watupon them, thou shalt not take body was , divided, .like - the regi- er", is-'repeated no less1 than-ten the dam with the young." (Deut. ments or battalions o£ a large mo- times (Lev. sv). xxii 6). How long it took the dern camp. He, did not have to 'The ' importance that was "atworld to return to this principle, provide for , ventilation ,ln. very which is sanitary as well as hu- cold weather, for he was marching tached to cleanliness of .the hands may be judged from the frequenmanitarian. through tropical country. cy with which it is used as a poeRegularity In eating is an imT3n the other hand Moses taew tical metaphor. "I will wash my portant health factor now well the value or pure air. The "breath hands-in innocence: so will I comknown but not thought of by our of life" vras .no meaningless ex- pass Thine altar, O Lord," exjluttonous ancestors of a few cen- pression (Gea. II 7). Camps, "were claims David'in P s a l m ssvi S. turies ago. T i e Jewish law taught placed where practicable, on hills "And-he tliat hath clean- hands that- the people should petition where there was a current of air, shall be stronger and stronger' for their "dally bread" (Hathm and of course tsere -was also the says Job (svii 9). Before the convi II) and that they might have military advantage, of helng.able secration of Aaron • and-his sons 3 b < i ) . . . • ' . .•.--.•, ; • • . -. .-• Some of.-the provisions of reg- their food supplied "in due season to vie"?? the surrounding .country. "before t h e i r investiture with priestly garments, it was •ordered ulations relating, to military hy- (Psalm civ. 27; cxls 15, etc.). Pure Soil • .• The scriptures give an importthat "they should wash' With water giene and sanitation have only sn Moses required cleanliness in indirect bearing on disease pre- ant hint for infant feeding: "milk and-aboat his> camps. As ••usual-a (Exod. ssis 4). The ceremonial vention, their main purpose being for babies and strong meat for religious eignifaitce was given to abaltions were many and later to develop habits oi cleanliness, those of full age" (Hebr. v 14). this: "For the Lord thy God t?alk- this element of the Law-"was" conorderliness and hygenic living In Pure Water eth in the midst of thy canp, siderably expanded. the Individual, and to create andIt is probably incorrect to think therefor® shall it fee holy, and so The-proverb'"Cleanliness is nest develop his respect o? sell. Others of the camps of- Moses as having unclean thing shall be in It.". No tO-'Gofiliness" .is derived frcia the have a very direct bearing, on dis- been distressed for a shortage of modern military commander per- 'dictum' at the conclusion of the ease prevention. (A. B . 40-210, wafer. We a r e ' told that at the mits his .-camp- to be jkept- other 'Mishnah (treatise Sotafc), which 4). time of Exodus the mountain sides than clean, Irat it has not always literally translated means.. "OutMoses has been characterized as of the Sinai desert must have had been so, for in some of the.camps .ward cleanliness leads to inward the' greatest sanitary engineer that a deep soil, where not a--'shrub the world has ever seen. His. doc- exists today. • : trines, laid down in that fine treaIs true of many other parts tise on hygiene, the Book of Lev- of This the world. Having s e e n the iticus, could be summed-up-by the bleak treeless rocky Bills of Maceobjects---of sanitation today; pare donia, r can . bardiy visualize, the food, pure -water, pure air. pure landscapes described by the classoil, pure bodies, and pure dwell- sic poets. It there -were deep soil ings. Ijet us tirietly Tevie-w ttiese and trees in -what Is now desert, principles in -the light oi- modern there must have 156611 -water in •military practice. small s t r e a m s and wells. The countryside was in those days ferPure Food The Mosaic code divides ani- tile, -with rich, pastures. There are accounts of but two mals into two •great classes, clean, which may he used for food, and Instances of absolute want of waDISTRIBUTORS OF unclean, w h i c h are forbidden. ter during the wanderings oi the There are two purposes In this di- Israelites in the wilderness, but vision^ Most-.of-the-.-animals de- those two, from our early schoolclared unclean were'those sacred days, have colored our whole conto the' gods of the heathen. The cept of the picture. Both are asother reasons concerns the avoid- sociated with miracles and both 18 th and Burt Sts. ance of carnivera, as being more occurred within a year of the time that the Jews left Kgypt. liable to parasitic diseases. The average individual 13 piti- Thereafter there was no Berlous fully indifferent to the quality of shortage until forty years later. An army in the field today uses hs food. So long as there is no unpleasant taste, the rest is fre- such measures as boiling or chlorquently taken for granted, though, ination of drinking water to avoid at times we read of outbreaks of water-borne diseases, such as dytyphoid fever from a contaminat- sentery, cholera and the typhoid ed milk supply, or of food-pois- group. But. this implies a know: oning from improperly preserved ledge of disease *as cused by liv'• ' .. '- • . f r o m "••••.' olives, or scurvy on a"-polar-ex- ing microorganisms. Moses could pedition, etc. But the underlying have sought only to p r o v i d e causes and the proper means of a g a i n s t gross contamination. preventing such incidents are giv- Hence his orders on the subject contemplated t h e prevention of en scant consideration. Food control is a modern essen- pollution of waters suci. as by the ' ' •• • • ' "Represented 6y •• • tial to proper hygiene. Moses was dead bodies of animals or human awake to this need. The subject beings. •W.-.A..SMITH,'Mgr.' .-'l.'ELEWITZ,'Asst. Mgr. looms large in the Law and inAbove Others In This Bespect deed it probably the best known Wells were carefully safeguardC&arles- Nichols .. ; ' Ben Rechter " ' . • and most discussed -part of the ed, as one might expect In a nawork of this many-sided man. •" :, '• Louis' Traeh'tenlberg ' " Robert" Marer ' tion of nomadic shepherds. This In the minds, of the average was so in Abraham's day. "Isaac non-Jewish reader, the " dietary digged again the wells of water, laws of Moses are considered es- which they had digged in the days sentially a prohibition of pork. In of Abraham his father, for the the East the pig eats more gar- Philistines had stopped t h e m" bage and offal than In the "West (Gen. 18). Moreover Jacob had -a and in • most places is the usual great stone placed over the mouth scavenger. of the well to protect it against The Egyptians considered swine pollution (Gen. 2) The wells were unsuitable for food and productive places of social gatherings. of disease. The danger of trichinosis, taenia' solium (taps worm) We may not infer that it is natand. other parasitic --yr o r m s is ural for primitive people to keep great, as well as a number of oth- their water supply pure and free er diseases associated with swins. from contamination, as one famil. Formerly Morton's Garage Before the advent of-the modern iar with the filthy practices of meat inspector, swine-borne dis certain oriental people may testi• 3141. FARNAM 'ST. : : ease was much more common ev- fy. The Greeks and Romans were, erywhere than at present. like the Jews, far above other peoples of antiquity in this reKeep Your Eye ors the New The rules as to food may bo spect. briefly reviewed. As to meat, the The earthernware vessels still . ' 194i.iSTUDEBAKERS" ' animals allowed were clean feed- used for water in the East are ers. "Whatsoever.parteth the hoof difficult to cleanse. I have seen1 and is cloven-footed, and cheweth them in common use in Macedonia the cud, amongst the beasts, that by the armies of several countries, yo shall eat" (Lev. 3d 3). for they keep water cool better Prohibitions than any o t h e r contrivance, It is said that the reason the thanks to the evaporation from flesh of the horse, also a clean their porous surface. feeder, was not allowed, was miliThe Jews required such vessels tary and political, rather t h a n to. be broken when they had besanitary. The Jews were foot sold- come "unclean" by contact in any iers, as a nation, and their most way with unclean things (Lev. si important victories were gained in 32). "When a man dieth in a the hill districts where cavalry tent . . . every.open vessel which could not operate to advantage. hath no covering bound upon it, Moses, therefore, as-well as hi; is unclean" (Num. sis 14, 15). successors, sought to discourage This is a remarkable example of the breeding of horses, w h i c h hygiene as .taught by the Mosaic would certainly have been pro- Code, as usual through appeal to moted rather than hindered had religion. their flesh b e e n permitted as To the Israelites " u n c l e a n " food. meant "unholy"; to us it means The use of blood as food was infected. Food and drinks thus exprohibited (Lev. vii'26: sis 26). posed w o u I d generally become

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Sincere Wishes for a Healthy and Prosperous New Year

Metropolitan Lif eInsurance Co;

New Year



teach junt this to t h e people. They had long' been «sefi to .the presence of lice, sma ih&t hite of tfce boay &nd of the could It. r.ny ^'E-y edd in tile P&ign agalnsi the &rm f fever, was herd tor tfcesn to belleve. > Exercise The value oi exercise in promoting health is often streaked. The Jews in their long: w&ndfefiifi.g in the wilderness had timesio£ inactivity but had ever to be ready Cor eud&es demands on their pftysical strength. General Moses b&d what we jnight now call'*'8'6ttitigue.a on Page 6.)- •' •

"UShonah Tovah Teh

• Greetings-and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

Mdppy., New


purity.** The-Mosaic law •contains nutaercus references, always with the .backgrounfl of religion, to the Washington el entire bo-dy (Essk. xvi 4) and cf tfc© clothing ,(Gen.



The reason was partly religious and partly hygenic. This served to check savage customs and cruel rite. Herodotus says that the Scythians, from drinking the blood of their cattle, proceeded to drink- \v r ing the blood of their enemies. In a warm climate blood decomposes quickly and is therefore a dangerous article of diet. Msb Moses prohibited the eating of fish that have no scales or fins— a procedure which doubtless saved many lives, for all poisonous fish are without scales. Oysters, which like other shellfish were forbidden, are, as we know today to our cost, at times the agents of the transmission'of typhoid fever and other intestinal diseases, thanks to infected water in which the oysters have become contaminated. , ' ,.

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-Ffigo 8

New Year's Edition—THE ; JEWISH 'PBESS—Bosh.Hashonah 570l--TliTirsday, October 3, 1940



the rites from ths old customs of were taught that they were God. but they scofled at this m ft I? IWR 1 « P P | P ft P f jIpaslsetl e^i^&whet what"i-s -tonow r,cwl:nown knowns.s m i..ftt i tbeir Ssiaitic ancestors. "peculiar", people, were prepared dosy. llftftlllll Mlltllitfftlld; JSsrrlce Bureau for Intercnltu; Others were slowly evolved dur- to accept religion' ss the supreme A disease sot contagious? A liting the passage of a great nniaber factor ia their daily lives. As the tle milk ana meat a cure? • 15 r?"Ef^Br^. rtrt^tr^**. « | ? * u < * " o n ' . H e r 8 ««5»cators &,-• 61 years, their own experiences neit step they had been taught JOiaecj m cievi&isif; CJKI tt-riint; *, Preposterous, was t ii e 1 r coraand those of the races with "which that "cleanness" •was an attribute ment, ea-Iiag laeiliocs £or help the clr preposterous. they came In contact contributing. of .holiness, sad that tincleannes: greatscsg has beca V-xiiii by i\ Proved Correct As-set down in Leviticus many of was unholiness... Thus the p^opl< mutual ccsntributiojm un& frl&i> the •, practices bear ' the stamp of came to accept ths duty ot stric Golabergsr accepted. the chalf-7-ip of people cf various t'd-X Isiesopot&mian iaflueaces, dating cleanliness in. every particular o. lenge and eet cut to prove he was frosi the -Babyloniaa captivity personal hygiene and general san- right. His experiment eiail always b© fouiifi is t t s irrcwinE "rols't-fcci! rcceE > p-11-^ crJturaH (Sudhof). • * itation. rank high In scientific annals as teacbers ars tslcfEg g,e Go tuecessful has this v-v^ one of the most courageous, self- gu&rfi egsicct the rise of I . Toe'Egyptian influenea on Jewf . (C'ontinuaa frosi Peso &•) been in the v&rious sclibdl prc.'i This was not because inatten- effacing pieces of scientific work cr.p?,ble of transmitting tho dis- teativs* or instructional, bat even Isa, eanitation was extensive. In that the U. S. GovcrKincst cslie up c:;crei3C3" for liis mos to l:cop ease, but inanimate objects that so is not without* a'modern paral- ths time of .Joseph, and for many tion to these matters would bring in medical history. It y?&z v?hQH a Quaker teacher upon these pioneers 'to. lielp pr they had touched, were also declar- lel. Napoleon is said-*to ^hava pois- centuries • before, the' Egyptians clisaass, which'* they would-not'as thora £it. i l ii With, samples from lbs dis- ! .. „.„_ „.,.„ „,„„„„,, pare ttiepopular raciio j... iWfr .,.,. ed'unclean. . ' - • . : : • . ; ; oned those of Ma patients in a were far advanced in setSica! lore. yet have been able to comprehend, dlcr,n!iacr3 of charges of -dying pellagrins, fce inaTi£:-DtiBclE, BZVT pre'ufilcs cnS i "Americans A J1 « = » Incmifirii-t but .beesssa, to bs clean was acThe problem of venereal disease military hospital -at Jaffa -who Iy sttcscod-end In lator pas Moses, as the adopted - s o n of among the soldiers waa as much a were suffering from plague, for Pharaoh's daughter, was educated ceptable, E,afl the opposite was an oculated hiaself, injecting thess ilscnderstcnaiES fcrlarln^ cufler-s All!" Tljieh lias lieon ' cA-tciu'a rccocnlrad la tlio pphrasa S to minorityy gg rr oc tt ppss in in her her i its effcct'Tencc; same sanitary reason. Even in as an Egyptian •' prince, and as offense ia the eyes of their God. into his blood steam. His wife, 5ns iin corporo csao. W What T,-O problem to Moses as to any. mod- the, YH;ff, in who was his eenstset companion classroom that she determined to r Thus was sound sanitary teaching tho World War the risk of taking "recor era military, commander. Wood such was well verses! in ths arts understand by modora concept of and most enthusiastic euppcrter, wage a crusa.de against it. She or' conveyed through the medium of prisoners suffering with typhus sivea an interesting comment on of t h e priests to whose hands mental hygiene, is indeed no-now the "R-orWngs of the sanltkry reg- fever, cholera* or plague had to medical Eeiesca w a s entrusted. a prescribed and elaborate ritual proved Ser confifieaoe ia her husth band by * usdergolss s Einilar inbe reckoned with. ulations at tha end of the story Egypt WES tfee cradle of military Described in'language of tofiay, oculatlcn. LTozca may y ha,vo , noted taa bad of the holy war against Midlan.Pare"Dwellings i •"' medicine and military surgeons Moses achieved h i s purpose in ft o£ £ clozo in-brco&lss offsets Days passed, and treeks. Th© • Tha "Expeditionary Force" on The Mosaic'• law deals with the were attacked to their' armies to safeguarding the health of sis his people's first-band doslias returning Goldbergers renaiaed in perfect home with their capthe field (Diodor.I,. 82). people by the selection of trained "leprosy of houses," a najne that ith flocks end Iicrda, and thua 'tlves and .booty, was m e t outside health. Pellagra -wss not coatag.. Moses was ia a position to prepersonnel s,s his health officers* is somewhat obscure, as it did not liavo acquired, tiio basis for hla »*"«* Si \ij '-3 caxnp by M o s e s , who waarefer to leprosy, the disease' of hu- seat'Ia the.proper light his fenowl- and hy establishing certain basis} l "tablo of lUndred and atfinUy." th© "wroth with the, officers of the man beings. Apparently the term edge to his people. He was a dic- principles for t h e i r guidance. His • cr tics It is iatcrcit!r.3 to obsarvo this,t ye saved all th© connoted! the discoloration of the tator In the modern sense,"for be- These .principles, all of wMca are' Eiience. Their Eilenos wasa stolid fer hlmcslf xrcs tfeoiCDuo of host. "Have : alive? These caused the walls of houses by growth of fun- sides being the Commanding Gen- still .In use, were: n'otificatioa planatery and the country knew one of these prohibited marxl Cnildron, of Israel to commit gi and lichens, as a result of over- eral, .he... was Minister of Public Isolation, f r e q u e n t inspection, that pellagra was so longer a sayages, that or a man vita Ms aunt. trespass against' the Lord in t t o crowding and conseauent d a m p Health, and at the same tine held quarantine, .and disinfection. We etery. Goldberger had at last bees M Modern eucenlcs teaches.••.'-Ua -in matter.of d Peor, and there was a and .foul air. The Law required all • the • other po*rtfolios in a re- have rediscovered forgotten facts, heard. cclontiiicj terms tho dangers of in- plague ambng the congregation of tho destruction of the wall3 only public of which he was himself expanded, tho principles, isproved b l i the Lord" (Num. seed 14-16). if the "leprosy" were so extensive •the president.* The Mussolini' of our technique and ors&nSsation, •-.•'• ' - •'.*.-:. ' - . D a y q f . K e s & V . • "•.-'"-. ' But ths troiiDles cf De Kleine but we depend today en th© same ;.: -. •• * . - ' - ' S t r o n g M e s s - o r e • • • • ': that removal of the affected por- antiquity, if you please! essentials as did Moses In t h ' e were not over. Meat and m i 1 k tion did not: end the condition. „'......'Science has. shown' that, if body For himto -havs made any•:atToe Israelites had previously Tho particles removed in any case tempt to teach his;less enlight- fight against coanuaicable <2is- were expensive asd. fuads were -'.and.'mind'of man are.'-to'retain low. He turned to Goldfcerger . • . • . •their :health, and vigor. thdy must become intimate with the women had to bs taken beyond the city. ened brethren even the elements e'ase. once aore. ;inbt:..bo permitted to toil, day in of Sfoab, which, raalted in & great One might learn a lesson even of hygieno as euch would cavs Conteaplsting the sanitation of Cere '•fan's fiay out without suitable rest plague, the.historian relating that from this, since overcrowded and been Impossible. Ko could not Moses from' the zsagnifieent disand recreation. This terast be con- 24,000 persons died (Num.9). rotting tenements are all too well have issued mere routine .orders tance of thirty centuries, we need "Goldberger sailed and stayed This figure is. probably too high, known even now. 'gldereff-even, during ,&n active miland expected compliance from.fol- not concern ourselves with too patient with the harr&ssed Ked but it is Imown that many infecDisinfectants were known and lowers who could not have under- minute itary "campaign. -: *.' ; * *.,. ' * As Greeted tr search into Its origin. Cross Medical director. All right. tious diseases, including venereal their use reauired tinker certain stood a word of them. The reli- At leasta the Moses's.laws regarding the Sab" r. I Don't worry. Just search out the laws were codified disease, when introduced afaobg conditions. The slow ^oabustion gious sense, is • developed before and promulgated by Moses, asd to surely pellagroas people. T h e n ,th show his recognition of this a population which has not prev-j of fragrant terebinthinate woods the sanitary sense, and -Moses be- Ma be eternal credit as the father simply feed thea brewer's yeast, i principle. The-Hebrew'word "sab: :; • Bath" means "reat,"and for both iously suffered from them, rapid- with burnt offerings, and of var- gan with this. . . • • . - • ' of preventive sneSlcinG, both civil two teaspoonsf-El t h r e e ttoes a. :•: ••:; aan-andb.aast. Even the land was. ly become exceedingly virulent ious resinous substances as inday . . . Goldberger was neither The Children of Israel, w h o jand military. ' and causa heavy mortality. * cense; under the name of fraali.':, -';.-;tb. have.a.-rest-.by.. lafing. fallow a prophet nor a s ecoaomy howler On thia ground the barbarous incensa and other titles, was for :•*:"•:;';fpr.oce year, in ..every "fifty! Rest bellowing fcr balanced budgets at %k:e a r c p.iC!S.Bec* ti :": is- offered. frequently throughout order of the Israelitish leader may this purpose: While we s o longer the expense of human masses and :: ••-••':.the scriptures as & reward for the be explained. With a vivid recol- believe In disinfection at the terbeing a mere scientist, th© Jewish Gibilssco) one ©£ X.--'. • faithful and as a g i f t of life lection of the scourge of the dis-mination of all communicable -disgenius retired to his laboratory tilsr hair ptylistr. SE eases that had ravaged hla people eases* it may have its placa in cer(FcaJni cxxvli 2'.) that reeked of dogs he had made cisted. "?rlth "em? t . Venereal disease r<Bcognis- once before, he pr&emptorily di- tain- other uses.- -Moreover Moses's rcognis pellagrous . . ." •• By Richard Kallmata - cd by Moses. Whether or net the rected that e v e r y Midlaaitish disinfectants had the' advantage of t th Bet aid finally carae, a meager woman not a virgin was to bo put beins fragrant, which is j m o r e venereal infections of his day were The Senssfiona! "Beaufiform" Reducing Mcfh'oH. Sasr33s© forwssd msrch of <AvM- it until, carried forward oa the $25,000, with which to -vrork mirthose T7e' no\7 lmo\7j cannot ba to death. Viewed in this 1 I g b t than can be said of ours. » enfeod to fake one inch off wI-'-Is first -l-res acles. And the miracles •E-ere actuaatica probably owes more to voices of thousands. It could no 3ald with certainly. I t is even stat- there can be no doubt that the orof Comiiiiiaicablo ally performed. By IS-31 pellagra Relexes nwsebs . . . bwth down Fcii\/ Tissue. those. Xibo Ia3>o? tlrelessljr end loager be ignored. _ ed that tho leprosy of the Bible der wa3 neither more, nor loss .. ' I . -. > . Diseases ' "... •was on the vray cut. - fa what T;O nor/ call syphilis. Not than a very strong measure of Mo'ses had what de Hussy calls quietly sway tram tho public Finally, Goidberger's employer, CALL ONE OF FRANCO'S ARTtSTS-,AI C "How sad* it trss that Joseph eye oa'soase new hnttma sdvaa* preventativa medicine*' only v/erc thoaa coming ia contact intuition prophetique d e s micthe U. S. Public Health Service Goldberger couldn't hsre lived to rrith infected porcoas regarded as .The.".whole story jmay be imag- robes. His regulations concern- tag© Hiaa to th®SQ who msfch allocated sufficient ,f u n d s with God's which to purchase a modest sup- see* 'it-v .n *.' Bet Goldberger was ing' measures for the prevention off .to •wap to destwj I ^e? the pretext ot eav- ply of lean meat and xailk. This, dead~fio«-. V- '-^ *' of ths spread of coramunicabla s *«f 'thoxssasfis of steif or to those-\7hose work was diseases are best illustrated by what he had been waiting for. ;roe"s asd' white's i s the South b© psM ta& ••with - public tho law concerning leprosy. I t is . Neglecting sleep and food, Gold- never' tnsw cf* Joseph s Best wishes for a a 3 recogaitioa. not necessary here to consider the berger west from home to horae er, not' of his part in ths flgh * . A momsszt's rcflectioa will nature of the leprosy of the Jews. ministering to Etrietees. children, g a i n s t pellagra. Hundreds of Whether, i t ./was the disease that roves! tsow little, tr©' feaow cf f e e d i n g them Hfe-giving food athousands have had th© cloak cf wo fenew. now by that name ia un- & esploits of ©is? rest crosaS- w:hich few of then tzd ever has! mystery torn from the Bsocrge, cf the Ecieatlsts —" msn s a d before. Before his eyes he es,T>r certain. :.•'•'.• -' •*• ' - . ' • ; . . which they lived in dread. Thoux?te® hsvo ploaged for* Suffice It to say that It was half-dead children rally sad grow sands have been spared frsss this fii H f Iinown to ba s comm-unicablQ diswell. Hs saw pellagra defeated on eas disease. Thess saia© thocccf bsiessa espssience, cS a hundred fronts. . s a n d sound public health MORRIS B. D0LGQFF GEORGE DOLGOFF 'asds -would probably reply to TOUT drfflsstlon. Mm? issay fesaw of measures wero adopted to control And he thanked God sad sped ".aqairy: "Joseph Goldberger? A Dr. 3ossph Goldberger, <mo of It. Since differential diagnosis i»aSpecialising 'in j oa with MB work. doctor, you say? Nope, never great Seas cf tweon ft and other diseassa with heard of ?ira." _ • feslla ha tesverss3 -.to LAW AND LIBRARY-BOOK BINDING ekln •manifestatiosa misht b s <U'And after s pans© — "Why ' Nor wss th© triuspa complete ficnl^.'-'.Hosea toolt s o chancss. of -earth isors fees ask? What's he ever do?" ' as •yet. Tho priest 'must ha notified.' Simi1015 Faraam St. JA 1136 Quotations from "Tho PI«rht for was torn with larly today' t h e aealtk officsr l a 1928 snore than 7,000 peo- p e t t y - dprofession i s p u t e s . Doctors argued ,Ife" by Paul de Krulf. pls in t&e Southern a r e a were that pellagra WOMEN^S • . • MENTS was contagious and Not oaly was Mosss conceroed dead of a dissass that was ravag- that a proper diet was not enough. Cpyright 1939 By Seven Arts i th© prevention of tho spread ing that part of the country With Goldberger answered his critics Feature Syndicate.) of diseasa from one living being unabated fury. The scourge -was BOYS'. . * CHILDREN'S and the medical authorto another. Ho feared also the pellagra pg =i I Contaminating Influence of the ities were unable in any way to combat It. There -was little knoir*UJaHftJ&a& toncheth thejfleadlcog waaf .Ssowa- at nil about Its ly--ef £»F^sslFSSSItse.unclean ISQ; ing waf. ls Prosperous New Year h Wiien that a- man Sista *~~ tsat, ..everyoaa coaeth cssses.or its care.* In tho e a s e into the tent shall be unclean for year more than- 100,000 others seven days." Thus, the mere pres- W€?s> afflicted so seriously that ence In the tent without physical they Were invalided- and unable contact was sufficient to bring an to earn their livelihood. individual within the scope of the ^Seven years later, in 1935, the In Kirk Sterling regulations. Moses drew the rules mortality from pellagra had been very carefully. He clearly recog- reduced more than 75 per cent — Korec of Qx^fffy nized that contact with tha body the most rapid reduction in disof a dead human being wa3 more ease mortality in the history of dangerous than that w i t h the medicine. body of a dead animal, for-many And the man -whose efforts and of the diseases of animals are not prodigious labors -were responsitransmissible to human beings. ble in bringing to the people of The reverse is a l s o true, of the South this victory over an Incourse, and some of the diseases slble enemy, who stalked among d&agerous to man are not found them killing dear one3 and maimin animals. The period during ing others, was a Jew — a Son of which persons are unclean by rea- Israel from the North, Dr. Joseph son of having come In contact Goldberger. psrent la cvwy Bn* of tbl« with th& dead; was tq be spent X. LLL kJ\X]si,.L U J . W *m4WiWi0w> t i . i^t»,t«»'rt'.-.':,.t.ki,W'W..<-v«-,"..--».-»:; ^raeslul Repouwa Cempefa TU ehasto w'mpne!ty «T <U. Without the camp (Num. v. 2 ) . In 1927, the Mississippi River —a rseerf Kirk crsafion. A tign to thU IGrk St»rilno 8«a j and vision the OMAHA CROCKERY went on a rampage. When it had . Preventive Medicine Bon Dish mck«t !t doubly «P» $?BtXetir %'sH l a friend >er What a stupendous discovery spent its fury, tens of thousands paelinfl—for • gift or ea yoir I COMPANY has made itself .an instituesH. Dlara. 5", ht^hi I*. was^that upon which this regula- of I l l - f e d , ill-clothed, homeless tion was based. While all t h e Southerners were struck d o w n tion of pubEc service and worth*. It lias world woa still believing that dis- with^pellagra. Death h o v e r e d easa was a visitation or superna- above every emergency camp and realised die problems of home, office, tural punishment, Moses recog- the problem was too tremendoas and restaurant, and by its stock of fine nized' that some, .diseased "were to bs handled by tha Ked Cross communicable, and still m o T e alone, whose regional director. Dr. wares has enriched the lives ofcountless striMfig, that they might bs con- William Da- Klein, had -had no crpsrieacs .combatting pellagra. Nor trolled by human forethought and thousands* : --Diamond Specialists .care.: .'-* ' •" -. " • ' . ' ' .*. were any • physleiass nearby i r " Thus wo ess the laws of the whom he could caU for help. - - 220 Soutfe 16th St. Pentateuch do not follow the antTatow Doctor iiii.y. lc! tho childroa pky en i> cisnt curative or therapeutic sysDesperate, he turned to WashJh sanitary finish. Ii3h!c3 tems, but for tho first .time sub- ington, to the United States Pub"'*" " idea' o£'preventive lic Health SsrviCQ, where a s tin? cfssn suifasa Crightcrt sp'tn known Jewish doctor was employraqdornizo your rdoms with iiz medicine.. ' -^ ed., The latter Was a graduate of Right'living. It w a s taught, the' College of the City of New would insure • health. "If thou -wiU Yorls, a silent hero fighting civiliwith lh-3 Psfcca CwrenJy 5 Rig fcx' diligently harken to tha yblca of zation's battle with the m i c r o the Lord thy God, and wilt do OPS. what is right In HI3 Eight, wilt "Th©-brilliant Goldberger, -wise, give ear, to'His '-eom^naadments, and *fceop all His statutes, I will gentle *'and yet tha boldest of sciput ndBQ-'cf tbess - diseases -upon entific desperadoes, told a saga of thee, which I have broaght upon cold f acMinfiing to ; De Klelne-'; . . the* Egyptians: for 1 s a i3io Lord for tea yea^s tha "Jewish genius that healeth thsa"- (Esod. XT 26). had known precisely how to con• So" with Moses, ES in modern* quer pellagra, and seen his sciarmies, for soldiere both tbsa-and. ence as forgotten as the very vicnow must live under primitive tims whose misery he so w e l l conditions, preventive is more im- :fenew to end." portant than curative rasdlciae— .'• Goldb'erger was certain that he the : pound of cur© ..less yaluabl© had the*cure.to pellagra. His opiat h a n ths, o u n c e prevention. ion, however, was apparently n6t wanted. Goldberger knew that the "Watchfulness over sanitary conCUioss willbs imrealtttes. y real eriainal^was cot a geria but tho - U. B. Array regulation. poor asd infeafHfte'nt food." CMgla of Mcasascs ' . " "These people need food,,whole. D M naturally aska how ;caine some food," hs pleadea. "Give DINNERWARE... GLASSWARE tho'Jews by ths system of sanita-. t&sm' a new diet. Give them a tlon' sad hyglea© *to • which ths change. from the molasses and : SILVERWARE . * * samss *of Ifcsss 'Is'-attached - - & meal* sad the decaying roeat t&at system..-absolutely •calrno'STn to the they have been esisting on. Give LA11PS . . . 1CIRRORS. *,' PICTURES ©rssto? Wo cannot of course con- them these and you wipe out pellC3ive of Its. hsviss' been devised. agra.. . -. .. '. ' within a short-.time by M o s e s His voice was muffled by those CHROMINUM-PIATED WARE -10^12'HARNE1TST.'"-'' alon©. There must. have ijeea oth- whose power was founded in an er sources. -. * .*...., oppressed South, whose interests A-small part no Sonbt was de- might bs tased to pro-ride the necrived from old traditions.. A l l essaries, of-life for the sick and tribes and races, .eays Y/ood, no .dying. - , - . * . . .."V A PACKAGE] Matter how prtoitive. hava.soaa * ' '-,-'' Plea--Heard " Instincts f o r self - preservation, The governsafent in Washington some crude, rudimentary, and Ill- remained silent. But not for long. 1116-S8--S0 KARKEY defined groplnga. after m e s a s Goidberger's w o r d s caught and whereby the well-being of t h e held in certain sections of t h e community might be protected. So South. Others took, up his plea I tho Hebrews inherited some of and repeated it — and. repeated




Happy New Year



LY C O .


1<19 Fa



Wholesale DisinbMms




Page S

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PBESS—ltosh Hfishonsh 5701—-Thursday, October 3,1940


return of many Russian' Jews then o£ Sioa" in England during the Jews invtimes of bofh war and residing la England to take up j early IS peace has been sufficiently deFr&nce, too, Ehowed minor symerms is- their native land after, it scribed in various b o o k s and pamphlets, £fot only did they furhad feeea freed from the y rok-e of ptociE of anti-Semitism. In spit© nish a large proportion of volunTsarisni. After the Bolshevik' Eev- ol the isrice number of Rtissf&n teers in the army, btit they were clution, Russian Jews acd their Jews •who jo:I tied the Foreign Lealso very active on the domestic families were deported to Russia. gion, the anti-Semitic press confront. They participated widely in Charges of espionage &n& treach- tinued to attach: them. all philanthropic activities, social ery were mads st intervals even work, care of the wounded, widcgaisst Jews -who had bees resid£he r'cace ows, orphans and German war ing in the country for a long perThe World W a- r refugees.' ; iod. T&ese charges reached the prest resurgence of Of the individuals who helped 1st of tragi-comedy. Thus the The decls ationp to gear German seconomy to its lighting of candles on a Friday jo f the "Allies' ».tid"the r-ir ' ' (Continued from Page 2.) Ukraine alone. Other estimates terned in Tloldavia as "forwartime demands, the name of evening toy a Jewish -woman in j nient of President WHSOO'F For,*-T tho number of victims at eigners." Walter Rathenau, later assassinVv olverhan:pton .brought the ac- \ tew Points were conekierp.! hy aom of press and assembly. Loth place Accusations of spying and un-ated by nationalists, cannot be left 200,000—fisurea that horrify. The "-"•-•"•— ~ff signalling to German the submerged nationsl'tJer of Hebrew' and Yiddish journalism Polish-Russian war, too, brought friendliness followed the Russian out from even' this sketchy reiiiurops and the Near East uc-. C1.LT>* vrere soon revived. Organisational dire results to tho Jewish popula- precedent. The presence of RusYet a^ti-Semitisxa did not ters of their forthcomli.r, Trrr- life thrived. Zionism, long under- tion. Fighting continued in that sian troops in the country added view. English Feeling cease; it merely subsided, to raise dora In a world of peacr tvC fleground ' and suspectsd of pro-part of the world as late as 1921. to the difficulties of the Jewish its head from time to time. The situation ^ras particularly j taocracVr p Turkish sympathies, became tha population. Attempts at intervenJews in- the East Prussian rertrsinesi in Brighton Trtfeere many Even the Central P e r m vc n strongest .movement within tha Iho War in Other Countriea tion of representative Jews of gions, temporarily occupied by the Jews sought refuge from air raids. forcefi to pay lip 'Service. ft }fwt Jewish community. Th© labor parneutral countries were of no avail. T h o Rumanian government, Russians, were "accused of having In June, 1817, attacks OE the Jew- to the demands of the krer'j x?s>- ties and sroupo, too, emerged and whose to the Jews had As in Russia, promises were made welcomed the invaders. AnnounceIcli districts in LeeSs, after con- tloiss under their control cr ocBegan their organisational activ- always attitude been hostile, followed the to Jews" of better treatment after ments warning the people against the local cupation. Only in this llp*it e-r> certed propaganda ities. procedure of Tsarist Run3ia. In the establishment of peace. foreign spies mentioned Jews sperress, l&sted for three days and the national revival o£ tbr JovJi*> Even tradition-bound Orthodoxy Auoust, 1915, a year before RuThe fate of the Jewish popula- cifically. the form o£ a mild po- population in- most courtriof cl a now consciousness. mania's official entry into war, tion aq In the war zones of Bulgaria At tho annual meeting of the groin. Following German air-raids j the world, End, in particular. ?r. fjcnool. systems wero sot-up by all mass exillnga of Jews from the and Serbia was not much differ- Society for Combating Anti-Semiton Lonaon in July, of the same the multi-national stated u F f groups, x-flth the Hebrew Tarbuth border territories took place on ent from that of the rest of theism held in Berlin In December, ?ear, Jewlsh-owne.5 stores In Lam- o p e , be unaeretood. Jewir:!; cwrrsystem o£ schools and seminaries tho pretext that they were friend- population, except that the pre-1915, it was revealed that antibeth Streets were attacked, octen- cipation has on previous cvecrfcrf tho moat successful. The Bolshe- ly to Germany. dominantly urban • character o£ Jewish feeling, which had diminsibly because their owners .were bees the- subject o! inteTrtiOTj"? vik revolution and the civil v?ar, Jews made their situation more ished at the beginning of the war, "German." negotiations, and even r o p f f r U p o n tho commencement of however, radically changed tho difficult. ii was. again on the rise. But .these the United Peletsine Appeal. 'Prime .requisite'; for .-get::;:;: ences. Such incidents can be passed complexion of Russia, and with it hostilities, the> deportation of the land is the sbility of She refugees .to •SSSSJ English.' TfcssS sS rcccr.t During the World. War, , W F In over lightly in view of the RusJowish population increased In In- The Situation in Palestine were merely indlcations^.of what attending that of the Jewish community. a class bfcsng %3tl.*t the • • * • '•• - • • could follow. sian- experiences and the "Jevcisfe most countries were prcprTinf, to Tho civil war turned Jewish tensity. In s o m e communities Service, yrhieh provides IS ' The period of war was undoubt"JeWish Census""' .census" In Germany, yet t h e y present their demands fcr l"Jl sections of the Ukraino and some Jews were driven out by tho gen- edly the saddest in the history of are the The real anti-Jewish campaign helped to prepare the p u b l i c equality, national minority rif\fc'«r "Wliito Buasian regions into sham- darmes, without notice. E v e n Jews in modern Palestine. There ZEind for the easy acceptance of and. a national, home in P; leotisio. Mo:;. The- number of victims .of parents and relatives of the 30,-is no doubt that even the recent began in earnest in 1916 when the White Guard posroTn3 will 000 Jews in tho Rumanian army period of terrorism and political frequent rumors concerning "the •were disproved by .the "military i the history of Hungary, 'was a the canards of Jewish -Bolshevism A • special Komite ties O t t c n r (Cortimed on rr.pc I.) nd tbe "Prrlocclr of the Elmers never bo known. According to the were not spared. Since many of setbacks presents fewer difficul- alleged small number of Jewish authorities. S o m e consternation mollifying factor. taost conservative estimates, about Rumania's Jews had never been ties than the painful' three war soldiers on the war front crystal- .was caused by an order 'issued on:1 War anti-Seraitlsxa was also a, 35,000 lows were killed in thegranted citizenship, they were in- years under the Turkish regime., lized into demands for a "Jewish March 10, 1917, which warned problem in the Allied countries census" of the army and navy. . The Jewish community In theIn spite of the general condemna- against the stationing of Jews, in the West, although in no place Italians and Czechs as guards in did it approach the estest or laHoly Land underwent severe hardft? '*^*^>^Tt,v^,,, ,^oi>r^, --^".-^~ v-.?^ »vfJ^)'i}^n-r-'' it •v^-™*-'^ *-v7fo^™v>7"^- ^~^" -"^-'-~-^^^ ... t^.«.. - .„—1,,-a.n. tion, of such an idea by the press, ships even before the entrance _of the ministry of war Issued the or-war prisoners'camps. tensity it .reached in Russia, .Ger-. <? Although the central, authori- many and Austria. British public Turkey into war. A- large propor- der for the conduct of this census ties, a.s well as both war isonarchs tion of the community were Ha- upon the ostensible excuse that It opinion was incensed by the reI, fusal of unnaturaliied Russian lukah recipients, scholars a n d would serve to allay existing sus- Francis-Joseph a n d Charles were- well inclined towards1 Jews Jews, living mostly in the WMtestudents of the Talmud supported picions concerning Jews. and expressed their'appreciation by contributions f r o m abroad. The plan was attacked in a of their patriotism and devotion, efcapel section of I^mfion to reWith the outbreak of the war, all fiery debate in the Reichstag. Northe petty and higher Bureaucracy turn to Russia to join the army the Halukah recipients were left was "war-shirking" / • the only ac- found a ' number of ways to ex-of the Tsar. without means of support. The cusation 1 e v e 1 e d against Jews. There was then no provision fact that Palestine then had toThey were accused also of specu- press their anti-Jewish feelings. for the enlistment of .aliens. They import its grain and meat to a lation and profiteering. The ad- ' Jews were made responsible for were urged to join, the French .the rise in' food prices aa& for much larger extent than today left ministration deported Jewish sub- speculation ia other commodities. Poreiga Legion, which enjoyed a her without sufficient food fol- jects of Ausfro-Hungary from cer- The preseace of. Je\?ish refugees reputation more unsavory than lowing the cessation of normal tain districts of the country. I s<!l was blamed for the rise In rents. romantic. The British G o v e r n navigation. An interpellation by Socialist The,closing of the universities in ment,' however, decided not to go Tho situation t» e cain e even deputies concerning this atrocity Galicia brought a large number of through with the cruel order of more critical after Turkey joined was lodged in the Reichstag on Jewish students to Vienna with deportation to Russia and finallythe Central Powers, on October July 20, 1917. Ostensibly as a the result that the Medical Fac- granted Russian subjects the right 30, 1914. ApproslfflatelyiSO.OOO measure designed to c o n s e r v e ulty of Vienna University Intro- to join the British army, a.right Jews were citizens of Russia and meat consumption, an order pro- duced a nuiaerus elausus for grad- which was not too eagerly graspthey found themselves In the po-hibiting she chitab. was issued Jn uates of Polish gymnasia and stu-ed, 'as most of then still would not fight oa the side of the Tsar, sition of enemy nationals. This Munich by the local food author- dents of Galielan universities. situation WBS, p a r t l y alleviated ities, but was rescinded at the orThis Incident provides! the ocMas&uf&cttarers of Pure . A ban Egalnst the. use of thecasion when a number became Ottoman der o£ the government. for a campaign in the EngYiddish laaguage was in force for subjects. lish press against the "cowardly Anti-Semitic pamphlets w e r e • The savage military regime in- distributed in large numbers by about a half year in 19,14 andJew." Naturalisation of these who 1915. tensified the crisjs. Turkish sol- a Conservative deputy in January, elected to serve as •well as the diery, underfed and completely 1916. A r i g o r o u s campaign later organization of the "Jewish" Agaiast Natives demoralized, frequently resorted against the admission of East Eu- ! In Hungary, anti-Jewish senti- regiments in the B r i t i s h army Distributors of to robbery. The military leader- ropean Jews was kept -up through- ment was directed also against which fought in Palestine soon ship ruled with an Iron hand and out the war yearsthe native Hungarian Jews, in solved this problem. persecuted both Jews and Arabs, The M a r c h Revolution, howspite of the fact that they were Secret Reports whom it suspected of separatist Ominous of what was to follow patriotic to the point of chauvin- ever, which abolished Tsarism in Distributors of ambitions. It was headed by two i n t n e p o 9 t . w a r period was a ism. The bitterness of the Jewish Russia brought with it another commanders, ho,th called Djemal s e c r e t r e p o r t about the Jews in population was aroused by theanti-Jewish press campaign. The Pasha, one of whom, Djemal t h e world "War circulated in July, practice of the Magyar military foundations of the later identifiPasha the little, was a sadist who 1 9 1 7 > a m o n g influential persons authorities of raiding synagogues cation of Jews with Communism Farnam at 26th WEO9OO aeligntea In Hangings. I t was ne j n t i j e a r m y , navy and civil serv- in different Hungarian cities in were laid then through their Idenwho ordered mass deportations of l c e # T l l j a jj ai j b e e a prepared by search of suspects. The appoint- tification with revolution in genJews ment of Wilhelm Varzonyl, a Jew, eral by conservative public opln-1 " -« • _» . -^ a group of anti-Semites who had to a cabinet position, the first Jn Ion. Resentment was voiced a t the Deportees to Egypt b e e n meeting secretly since the Egypt alone harbored 11.127 e n dot 1 9 1 5 . T h e g r O up included Jewish deportees from Palestine. I gac^ notorious propagandists as Intervention By the German and 1 count Ernst Rerentlow, Frofes•







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'Anstvo - Sixns&Tlam ~ Mnbasaadom, s o r Bartels, and Thedor VrltBcb, and tho American ambassador, \ t t i e aathor ol Handbucli der JuHeivry Morgentlia.Ti. Sr., -was ot oc- 1 aentrase. caetcmal tielp Ts-at did. not seriously l _^3 tlie llkelinood ot the defeat atfect the situation. Tel Aviv, 1o l Germany became more evident,

then a small suburb ot Jaffa, Ire- \antl-Semltism -was stimulated even Quently received the personal at-1 niore by the German High Camtention ol the Turtlsh authorities. m a n a \ n its effort to create a Its inhabitants -were called upon 1BCape goat lor its military failures, to turnlsh military needs such a3 1 n w a a Major-General Count von the demand for 10,000 canvas scnulenberg -who Buggested "that bags within 24 hours, which, -were t h er e p o r t D e spread that the Jews

to be used in filling the Suez n a v e betrayed the country and canal with sand. Later, the entire IBo\& t n e people to the enemy." population of the city was ordered l T n e n e factory of the German ueto leave. The relief activities of ac ti O naries thus began to pour out the local Jewish communities were j t a poisonous products. The leghampered by the Turkish author- e n a Of "Jewish war guilt" was ities. Hunger stalked through the o n eo f i t s ea rllest products to be land, and with It came the epir accepted avidly by the war-worn demica which ravaged the conn- U ^ starving population, try and decimated its population. I Anti-Beliige© Sentiment American relief activities were of I j^ m a jor expression of a n t i great assistance. ".-.:.. 1 Semitism in Austria was the sentlThe situation was further ag- m e n t against refugees. Particulargravated w h e n Turkey became l yl n Vienna, the presence of large aware of Zionist negotiations with num fcers of outlandish Jewish refth© Allied Powers. Early In the u g e e 3 xr&s resented, forgotten war Bjemal Pasha declared hisw a st ] l e f a c t that these refugees desire ' t o llfluidate Zionism by ^^ n o t c o m e Toluntarily and stopping Jewish immigration, d e - | w e r g citizens whose suffering was porting the recently arrived Jews 1mnc^ greater than that of the and prohibiting land purchase by _ 0 B u l a t l 0 a o f the protected «apio l d e r Jewish settlers. Enver j a j Pasha, the chief commander of j n c itea fcy the anti-Semitic »athe army,out openly threat-1 that Turkish was meted to the Ar-m j n i s t r a tion of the city, the local ened Jews Deportations with the same fate p o p u i a tion held fast to its hostilmenians. of communal leaders to Turkey and Sy-ity despite the personal admonition of the Emperor Francis Joria were frequent. :....:.'": . -'....Await British' ' : ••'• seph to the Mayor of the city and Under such conditions it wasthe instructions of the Ministry not surprising that both the Jew- of the Interior urging the Mndly ish and Arab populations impa- treatment of these victims. tiently awaited- the arrival of the.' A concession to anti-Semitism British armies. The conquest of was the introduction, on FebruPalestine by the British, however, ary 11, 1915, of a numerus clauwas a slow process. At the be-sus to the Viennese bar, Jewish ginning OM916 the British Expe- lawyers from Galicia and Bucoditionary Force, composed mainly vina were permitted to practice of Anzac regiments' and including only after their names had been entered on the list of the Vienna the Judeans, was at Gaza.Not until November, 1917, didbar candidates for the period of two years. This law remained in General Allenby make his triumphal e n t r y Into Jerusalem. effect until 1917. The situation of the refugees Soon after, the Turkish army was driven out of the entire Holy was even worse In the territories Land. By that time the Jewish of Hungary. The partnership of population, which had' numbered the Magyars and German Aus100,000 on the eve of the war,trians within the Dual Monarchy •w a s reduced, through deporta- had never functioned too smoothtions, disease and hunger, t a a ly. The arrival of a great number little more than one-half of itsof "Austrian" refugees was resented hy the Magyars,-particularoriginal size. .••":'-• ...-, .The rule of the Britlsa army ly because the new arrivals were brought peace into the country. Jewish. , The Magyar authorities It also, however, laid the founda- promptly deported the refugees tions for the subsequent policy of into Austrian territories. Those hampering th© development of the fortunate enough to be permitted Jewish National Home, w h i c h to stay lived in perpetual fear of reached a climax in the issuance deportation. Austria of the British White Paper of The accusation of war-shirking 1939. I t was the military regime which began the tendency of an-was raised publicly in 1917 by a II tagonism to Zionism^ This was number of Polish parliamentarlater inherited hy part of the civil ians headed by Wincenty WiteS, service, laying the foundation for later Premier, of Poland. A deals! the subsequent attitudes which re- by the War Ministry follcfFefi. sulted in the virtual scrapping of The example of the "Jewish Cen- y i sus" In, Germany spurred on .-the the mandate. A demand for;a similar census Austrian Jew-haters. _ , • , « JL. was: made. by a'&umfesr of depa--Recrudescence o f Arati- j« e B o a j u n e : 23, 1917, and sevSemitism in tile W^est . jeral times subsequently, although patriotism of Germany's • the accusations against the Jews

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_,_. New Year's, Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Rosh Hashonah 5701—Thursday, October 3, 1940 ZLGsaBtarm<a-eu.>*

whilo most of the people in thethe Jewish ward of F-rankferi'3 A series. The congregation, fghear- toward equality; and (subsequent war areas soon recuperated as largest hospital. :'t^ Israel, or Remnant of Israel, laws, ss well as liberal decision* best they could from the effects In America, he wasted little U ti t ifce present, observ- by jufiges,. V/IID refused to earnof the War, J e w s in the same time. ing the Eep&EFfiic (Spanish) rit- \ nioii Zevrs to court OB the Safe* areas continued to suffer from its Bit. ginsi Hospital batli, nsa the l!!:ef Drought these wounds until the present. He threw; himself energetically A leader of this early cror.p Jewish settlerf; nearer to the comThe distressing economic situainto t h e task of organising a Isser hevy, energetic cham- plete equality finally guaranteed tion of Jews in Poland and Rupion of Jewish rights. He obtain- fcy tfee Constitution. mania and the increase of anti- committee of young men inter- First N o r t h American ed the repeal of the disability Semitism culminating in. the adop- ested in putting his Idea into acJews Canse frosa which prohibited Jews from etandtion of racism by some govern- tion. This committee sponsored Bernard Heart, ;% French PtQtiug guard. And, when burgher estant, ments In Europe are to a consid- a large and effective ball. The came to be fcncvrn as th£ receipts were sufficient to permit rights • v;ere reqclred for trading erable extent consequences of the 1 "Engraver of Jewish Ceremonies." immediate operation. The con- The coming of l e w s to theprivileges, L,ery won such citi (Continued from Paso 3.) last war. The loss £o the Jewish Secretary for Jewish Affairs In ish National' Home - in Palestine religion of nearly "three million struction of a hospital was begun North American contisent was oc- ship rights for Jews Fire of the most important en ever was also a result of negotiations Jews (Costnitteo oil the East) was pr-theIncabinet. in the Soviet Union can bein New York City. That hospital casioned, by the conquest o£ thethe decision of rn'.Irortj liro* ot Crorjrt Russia Poland,"a Provisional Jewish and activities by Zionist and othhas • International fame today. It jjaniitcd In Germany •with the aim Dutch possessions in South Amer- ties. vrrc H.IU IT tlir Cevioh Foliakofl Council wag set up iner bodies. But a detailed descrip- directly attributed tQ the war. is the Mount Sinai Hospital to ica of defending the r i g h t s of theNational The c l o s i n g of virtually all which with their flourishing Jewish March, 1919. In Lithuania; Jewtion of both diplomatic negotiadoctors of all creeds come Je~rs- in the Russian regions oc- ish autonomy was achieved and a countries of the world to immisettlements, b y t h e Portguese, cupied by the AuatrorG o r m a n Jewish National Council elected tions for the obtaining of Pales- gration, which played such a large to give their services with no re-who brought •with them their pertine and the minority rights Is gard for the religion or race of ' troops. secuting Inquisition. in 1919. Even in Germany, not within the frame work of this part in the survival of Jewiah their patients. In January, 1916, all Jewish aearly communities, is also a product of Jewish National Council was brief historical sketch. The- first Jews coming from organisations in Germany united formed in November, 1918, and 'Someday, when . . . We areBrazil that conflict. Among the numerlanded-at New 'Amsterdam] into the Voreinisung judischer presented demands for national / • .•• Ne|r Community The peace treaties which fol- ous homeless iJews of today there not thought of as freed Jews but (later called New York) in 1654. Orsanisationen Deutsclllands zur rights. Similar central bodies and as Jews whose freedom is not are many who have not yet found lowed the War brought a farThe twenty-three of then, must Wahrung der Interossen der Ju-committees were established, or reaching revision in the boundar- a place of refuge after more than qualitatively different from that have been in a. sorry plight, for den des Ostens (VOID), with the conventions of communities were ies of the of the rest of the people we they were -compelled to auction countries in two decades of wandering. Jewish p u r p o s e of defending Jewish held, in Turkey, Rumania^ Crim- Europe, Asiavarious c o m m u n i t i e s throughout the will move steadily forward and off their little household goods to and Africa. As a conrlE'nts both during the War and ea, Georgia, Bessarabia, Greece, sequence, the distribution of Jews world, as a result, were burdened iavite our Christian friends to pay. for part of their passage, and at the expected peace negotiations. Switzerland, Siberia, Austria and according to countries was\also with grave problems of relief and avail themselves of our medical to leave two of their men ia pris"Jewish lUshts" That day will arrive on'as security for the rest of it.Hungary. changed radically. Following the reconstruction w h i c h still con- facilities. tinue to demand their attention . . . ,> . It was through such efforts tha breakup of the Russian Empire, Peter. Stayresant, colorful caePeace Conference the Treaty of Bucharest betwee: the Jewish population of the Sov- arid devotion today. That day did arrive. But thelegged .governor of the colony, Imthe United States, the first Rumania and tho Central Power: Mount Sinai Hospital was not:oranuinicated iet Union was reduced to about 2^ ' Few Gains . • with Amsterdam, in May, 1918, included article; American Jewish Congress w a s 500,000. Poland, conjposed of the the only effort Solomons made to only developments which bring that day nearer. objecting to their coming. The 27 and 28 which contained spec- called into existence for the, pur- Russian territories of Congress canThe be considered as gains- for the Jews, however, wrote for permisial, though very, limited, provi- pose of defending Jewish rights Poland, Western W h i t e Russia Jewish With the words of the Frank- sioa to stay. The reply caiae that people as a result of the abroad. In Canada, a Canadian sions for Jewish rights. In Ausand Volhynia, the regions of GalWar are the promise of Great fort doctor always" ringing in hisexclusion would be unfair, espectria, a Jewish National Associa- Jewish Congress was h e 1 d in icia gained from former Austria- last Britain to establish a Jewish Na- mind—he had long since forgot- "ally in view of the considerable j tion was organised in .1916, and March, 1919. Efforts of Socialist Hungary, and of Posen and PomHome.in Palestine and the ten the man's name; Just the oss sustained by the Jewish peo- j E. movement for a Jewish Con Zionists were successful in Incor- erania, obtained from Germany, tional emancipation of J e w s man's unforgettable w o r d s re- pie in the fall of Brazil; therefore sre3ir developed in the same year, porating in the peace proposals included a Jewish population of political throughout the world, with the mained as a*'memory of their ac- 'these p e o p l e may travel and and manifestoes issued by various Following the March Revoluover 3,000,000. exception of some minor Arabic quaintance in Frankfort — ' Solo- trade to and in New Netherlands, tion in Russia, "which brought a working-class bodies, demands for strived tirelessly to make and live and remain, there, proOf the other new states which countries. But w e r e pre- mons 1 resurgence of nationalism among a Jewish National Home in Pales- were created put of former Rus- vented from Jews . vided tbe poor arsons them shall taking full ad- real ! the idea they expressed. the; various group3 in that coun- tine . and for minority rights In s sian territories, Lithuania includ- v a n t a g e . even of these gratWhen the. International Red be supported by' their o w n naEuropean states. try, a similiar movement found its f ed nearly 250,000; Latvia, about ifying developments. The estab- Cross held its congress in Geneva tion." . • expression in the preliminary orIn spite of differences between 100,000; Estonia, about 7,500: lishment of the Jewish National In IS SI, Solomons was immediWithin the nest decades the litganizational activities for a Rus-nationalists and non-nationalists, and Finland, about 1,500 Jews. Home in Palestine has continually ately elected its vice president. sian Jewish congress, elections for a fairly, united Jewish refcresenta- Rumania, enlarged by the addi- been Impeded by the British"Gov- This, was recognition for the role tle group was enlarged by new. • OUTFITTERS FOR MEN'S "' which were held in 1917-1918, tion at the Paris Peace Confer- tion of the Russian territory of ernment. Fascist Italy, Nazi Ger- he played in incorporating the comers from Brazil and Holland, and subsequently established the • W E A R I N G A P P A R E L ' ' ' " • • "• v/ith the Zionists winning a ma- ences was achieved in the ComBessarabia and the Austro-Hunand the Comintern have all famous humanitarian organiza- first Jewish cemetery (1656), the jority of the seats. Because of the mittee of Jewish Delegations. The garian regions of" Bukovina and jmany, o i n e d In preventing Palestine tion. For seventeen years he; was first congregation and the first prohibition of the sessions of the efforts of this body were in large Transylvania, harbored a Jewish from playing its part in- solving an active member of it, striving synagogue, (172S) Ia N o r t h Congress by the Bolsheviks, a measure responsible for the guar- population of over 900,000. Thethe refugee -The future always to expand tlie great work Jewish N a t i o n a l 'Council was antees for the protection of min- Jewish population of Hungary was of the Holy problem. Land, In which so and service to every country and drawn into the political life of formed at Fetrograd in 1918 from rities in the peace treaties con- reduced to less than 500,000 and much hope has been .placed and to every people. the nation. amoos the congress delegates, and luded with the various states In that of Austria to 350,000. so much effort and resources inRed Cross •plans for a Federation of Com- entral and Eastern Europe and Ia IS71 -he "was elected to the The Free City of Danzig indud- vested, is still very uncertain. He had been sent by President house of representatives from the munities were laid. In the -Uk- he Balkans, some of which in- ed less than 3,000 J e w s . The Full emancipation remained In Chester Arthur to the congress District of Columbia. raine, during its brief period of luded specific provisions protect- breakup of the Turkish Empire 421 South I ©its. St. most cases on paper, and in sever- with the world-famous Clara BarIndependence, Jewish national au- .,„. T reduced its Jewish population to al tragic ton, the American "Angel of • When.. bombs fell on Spain in instances, Italy, Huntonomy was secured with a ViceThe establishment of the Jew-about 155,000 and at the same gary and Germany, where Jews Mercy," as American representathe receat-'Civil W a r time increased that of Greece towere emancipated long before the tive. When;-Goods*-"swept ever the nearly* 90,000. The new states of War, It was completely revoked. Throughout the Spanish-Amer- Ealddle»t?€stera;-:."sectioa of t ' h e Iraq and Syria under the Man-The fact remains, however, that ican war he served as a member dates of Great Britain and France for the first time In modern his- of the executive board of the Red United: States-— ~_ ::_-• When.--ieartli<i[uake/.sent, -whole included about 88,000 and 27,000 tory, political emancipation was Cross Relief Committee. cities.-'toppUag isr .far-off Cfci&& Jews respectively. No important granted to Jews as individuals Turkey—- ' -.-... changes occurred In the o t h e r and as a ' group . throughout the Adolphus Solomons "was a New and Whenever' ••fcainsa life Is threat*' countries as a result of the war. world. -Consolation and . encour- York City product. He fras born — wherever the destruction' agement may be gleaned'fro.xn the there ia 1S26. He was educated eaed threatens—the familiar red cross reminder that the march of thethere at City college. He joined on the white- background mores The civilized world is still liv- Jews to emancipation ia the nine- the army there sad became a ser- In. Ambulances, nurses, doctors,' teenth century, too, was frequenteeant in the Third Regiment ing under the shadow of the last food, medical supplies: the Red War; indeed, It Is often said that ly Interrupted by temporary waves Washington Greys at nineteen. Cross. Distributor of. Royal: Typewriters, of reaction, which were eventually He was not cat out for the army the present war is merely a conThis was Adolphas . Solomon's the World's Number • One Mac!sine<«—Large tinuation of it. Its permanent ef- overcome by the forces of pro-and he asked for and received his dream. gress, liberalism and democracy. honorable discharge shortly after. f e c t s can be evaluated by the or Portable—We Sell AH" Makes o£ Machines. It is clear, therefore, that while historian, only after a long lapse In 1859 he set up a printing (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts of time..An. evaluation of the per- the few advantages and privileges business in Washington and was Feature Syndicate) manent consequences of the War gained by Jews following the concluded peace were either illusory, so far as the Jewish people are 1224 So. 2Oth S*. AT-!antid 3488 concerned, d must also -wait for the as in the case of the minority verdict ot history. rights, or were never fully realizBest Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous The immediate effects of the ed. as in the case of the Jewish" t

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"War, however, -were indeed dire. National Home In "Palestine, 'the Death, starvation and misery -were losses to the Jewish people lates








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were shared with but one other Jews It was a disaster~pf""fitupeH^1 group, the Armenians. Moreover, dous proportions.

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ls|' EmroHssacai 1 gla"s3 now there would have a e been The young but distinguished- glas3 ld That door would looking visitor from the great de- bars—iron bars. T mocracy across the Atlantic Ocean have had bolts and chains on its was unmistakably impressed. His other side. Open and closed at days in Frankfort had all been certain hours. This would still full of sightseeing and the pleas- "be a ward for our people but ure that derives from recognizing there would be more disease lurkthe stone-anS-mortar realities of ing in the" corners of this room than on the outside. It would bs the photographs back home. "But this," lie eclaimed to Ms a ward, yes, but It would be a somewhat e l d e r l y companion, ghetto first!" His younger companion was si"this is a bit of modern wonder." And his outstretched arm took in lent. He continued. the tremendous expanse of the "You, fortunately, know little room in which he stood. about Jewish suffering. We meet His friend nodded smilingly. „ today in F.rankfort—it is 1 8 B l "Yes and no, depending, o l and we are-a frea people. This course, on who is behind such an great ward is a symbol of our idea and tha reasons he or they freedom. Had we met here fifty are behind it." His enthusiasm years earlier if- would be a symbol was real but not as intense as the of our enslavement." He stopped younger man's. The latter was and turned, back to the American. "Do you understand?" puzzled. 'j "I don't know, doctor. This is "You see, myfriend," "began the older man. 'you were born all so good, so fine, so beautiful, in New York City, were you ^iot?" it Just must be good. I know it must be good. But at the same "Yea," he answered. 1 "This is your first trip to Eu- time I know that I don't know why." rope, to Germany?" "Ye3, my first." "My boy, it is good and fine There was the accumulation of and beautiful—all those things centuries of Jewish wisdom and and more. And shall I tell you philosophical restraint; in the old- why?" er man's faint smile. He turned "Yes, that's It, why?" from the young American and Built" by JewMi Funds' f astenteg Ms eye3 on the sharp "The difference Is that this corner the ceiling-^rnade with the vail farthest from him, he began little Jewish hospital, this center for our people Is a creation of to speak slowly and pointedly. Jewish energy and funds. No one ' .' Special Ward f or Jews "As you see this great room, gave it to us. We went out and clean and white and sanitary, with built it for ourselves. We wanted its many beds, all covered with it ourselves and no one forced us Clean, white, sanitary linens, you into it against ourselves. This are amazed that it is exclusively was not built and is not being for our people. You are some- used ghetto-fashioii. This ' reprewhat surprised, thougft pleasant- sents our own wishes and our ly, that the greatest hospital in very real freedom made it posFrankfort should condescend to sible. That is the real difference construct a special ward for . . . But there is still another Jews." He paused for a moment. step." "You are, aren't you?" He placed his hand, on the "Surprised! Why, y e s . of young man's shoulder. course. This Is tremendous! Do "Someday when we in Frankyou know, doctor, every city ia fort not thought of as freed tho world should have such a Jews are as Jews whose freedom center for our people. Somewhere Is notbut qualitatively different from they can go when they are strick- that of the rest of the German en and get the proper care and people we will move steadily forthe''proper food and—" ward and invite our Christian Tha doctor raised Ms liand. He friends to avail themselves of our was shaking his head from side medical facilities, That day will arrive." to side. > . "Now look closely again. I Several days later Adolphus want you to use your imagination, Solomons, the. young American, and go back perhaps fifty years left Germany. He had come to when your great country was-just Germany as the special bearer o£ about twenty-five years old. Go dispatches to Berlin, under or-: back only that far and then look ders from Daniel Webster, Ameragain at this* beautiful medical ican secretary of state. He carward for Jews." His eyes turned ried with him back to America to the windows. "Where .there is the great Idea that was born In





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