October 18, 1940

Page 1

Entered £.& Seccnd C i c s ilstJ i;alter ©a Jfa.nuE.ry Ji, i£Si, e.t Postoffice, of OttidLh.. I-CLK^'IIU, inner the Axt tf l&&sct» 8, Wits

Cllklik, l.khlihhilA,

V6F-. XVJil—• Ho. 4 S

IU, 11*40

By Dies Committee Washtagtoa (JTA)—Dr. rieh E. Auk&gen, alleged! ageat of Joseph Goekbels PrGpag&Bda Mbiistry, was eibjetted to & two-day grilling over the veek-eiid by Dies Committee investigators at the committee headquarters here. The cross - examination dealt Local ioits to Regional Council to Hold with 'Auha'gen's activitiesfesGerman propagandist under the proMart Si Thi tective cloak of the American Fellowship Forum which he bad deJ. N. F. DRIVE WILL scribed ss a discussion and lec- Closing Succoth services will be " OPEN'OH SUIIDAY The Southwest ilcgional Coun- ture group but •which the Dies held at local congragation startcil of B'nM BVith will sweet In Committee has been investigating lag Wednesday eveaiug. Local committees of the Jewish CbiincM Bluffs Sunday at t h e as part of the Natl propaganda At the Beth El Synagogue the National Fund wiJl begin their machine in this country. service will • begin at sunset. drive this Sunday, October 20. hotel. By VH/fOS M. BIEN8TOOK Auhagen, who was arrested re- Shemini Aiareth will be observed Dr. Israel Goldstein, national This meeting lias been called cently-at Xi o n cl o n (JTA) — Scores of A r i g e l e s as he Thursday morning at !), with Yiz- president of the Jewish National to give regional representatives sought to Los Jews were killed Sunday Bight in leave the xountry, was kor about 10. Simchath Torah Fund, has ' reminded all persons an -opportunity to consider amend- confronted with documents relatof the won'fct disasters of the be observed Thursday night of the urgent Heed tor land pur- one ments to the constitution and by-ing to Forum activities which had will current UHtslu'cJg when a Iwntb st 7 and Friday morning at 9. chase in Palestine BO that refuetnsck tho tnUMi« of e b l o c k laws. been s e i z e d by the committeo The Temple Israel service will gees may be cared for. tEtliuont houses in one Iioitdon Omaha lodge will be.represent* agents in New York raids. begin at 6^30 Wednesday evedistrict. cd hy: Alfred Fiedler, president; ning and Thursday morning at 11. Tho bomb cut a building In Miltoa It. Ffolint, vice-president; Shemini Azareth (services will half. The total casualties there Donald Brodkey, Becretary, and be observed at the United Orthowere not immediately k n o w n J)r, Leon Fellm&n, Louis Lipp anfl dox Congregations Wednesday since most of the tenants w e r e Joo Golomonow. . • . evening starting at B o'clock. sheltered in the basement, which .-.- Presiding w}ll be Al Fox, past Thursday morning the service will w as-covered by tons of debris. president of the Council Bluffs take place at 8:30. Rabbi Isaiah Demolition a n d rescue squads lodge. Delegates and committee Itackovsky will speak at 10 were still working, trying to rechairmen have been notified to o'clock at the Congregation Beth Chicago U. Round Table cover the bodies. prepare to submit complete re* "Yanlcel© Will Hainedrqsh Hagodel, Yizkor servA i r raid warnings twice disg To Op^n* Annual ports of regional activities. ices will follow tlio sermon. turbed morning Yoin Kippur servRepresentatives a r e expected Ba'•Q-Presented ices in London, but most synaOimcath Torah services will befrom O m a h a , Council Bluffs, gogues carried'on regardless. Evegin,Tliurpday evening at 4:30 and Sioux City and Lincol: . Plans l»av« been completed for ning curtailed service was similThis Sunday evening, at 8:15, Friday morning at 8:30. ., arly Interrupted. A liirge piopor-' l the Omaha Choir and Dramatic t-i Jle-i wiil l-:>L>ln IVtctday 1'Vf lion of the men attending i ervlccu Clul) will present the four-act Yidwoie uniturnm of tho vairloua OctoL;»* IL3, ivtili s; IIwKtfcl dish melodrama, "Yanltclo Ilalaforvcu. The cufvlci-a v/<.ro hi:ld in Chlct.^w ttojii 1 'HtMiii rtlf.cw d lik.<.'." 1 golie" by Morrjs llichicr, at the deep undcT(;rouiid. Thn f inrmbers of the UniverJetrlsh Community Center. sity t)f Ciilcaco faculty \;ill par- 'i'hc Je\."lth UiotciK-::l section of. Directing the product!n;.i {;: Mr. tlr;»Me in the dincan: It.n. Tho UuivCiVSty Collect. !'.>M) Ihu CerBcu Kurtin who hr'i l> «l'i)r«fcsthico i.rn Piol. Quiirv V/ii;;ht, i'i,in library fat i-tSva.^frd i,t!M?(,it3 Glonal theatrical tipcrlcstca ou I'i'.if. J t i o i . e 1'cTWiu aiiO P i of. tl. , Omahnnn Will A t t e n d bolli the VIddlr.h and lit, dan V/s.ltir I.-i\.:«, .'H of tho vilvwA t-ltyn iJ >i. irsit'.-Ht of I'oliiicr.l i'.vi-

ews Yoin Kipptir in

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Othe.-a to y»>i;?ar f-a thp w»kr :. to co r-:Ji'< .'.-, iL are: Dr. A. 1,. Ktcl .ir; ?>rcu IJ' ,arOnuhans will pri'dcl* .1$ In the (Contiiiu ;1 o:i Is:;;; 2.) r.on, noted novs cc'uuiuif t PIH! raW e s t Conirr.l VAcia l^zlvr.al p lccte» hy tl"i Cwp.cilc cc.^-.iCtoa Conference of Jcwlo'i LVd'rc.Uons dio' commentator; Dr. p»e:;to;i m i ! zeii.'v~c-~<.1.~ilrex of t!tc Cer.Jcr Eradley of tJic peoplo'a Church of imH Welfare Funds wlih"1! h to •ir:J "Ci ") 1 foyers Gi.llu \.v;*t^ ir.ct Ir.'t Chict'Ko; MaurJco Samuel.-i, noted take place in- Ivlilwaulieo' t'-» Noii t vrc&k for'ta cvcul.-^ oS I-'-'y rc"£« author, and Plcrro van Paa^'on, yember 2 end 8. '.ViUL-.M FIOLEtnrt end dlr-ctrf.-u t.vA CctUl i1 t\ » author atid joarna'lct. Sian is first -vice-president c j tho o:i tho IVOJI Iiv.c-v;n rorvtaii« eom» Region. 3\ Center mcuhu'i; \/lll he- uduUcay "The La-Jy B i a i:cr.it," !*y tcfl to tho lectures" frees. Kon'111LV ; .;'-J Philip Klutznlck and -Morris l\ X !J Lcd!I:;!nco TS-.x-ULt Jacobs arc members of tho dismembcry may purchaso ticket;: for trict's executive committee. /Romance, intricue, and social three dollars for tlio entire cciIo-;. At the conference ucasions Mr. eat ire aro tho keynotes of thin In vlo\/ of tho popularity o£ thio Klutznlck will preside at% a modplay, to bo produced tho flrct ycar'o ecrlc.3, jt hf.o been decided ing on "The 'Changing RetiuireHew Dtudratc of.the'Cltv 'I'nlweek in December. It deals with that no &in sic admissions will be menta of tho Jcvrloh Educational mud Torr.h \.-ill ?;o \.'-'lcaiAoa at tho complicated situation of tho cold. Program In tho American • Comlovo of a valet for a.eounteca and All meetings of tho Center a party to be clvr-n Tu?-{!;:y, Ocmunities." Paul Ve-ret, executive "ends- to tho satisfaction of all Forum vill begin promptly nt lobor J:2, in tlio Lod;;crooi.i of tho director of th'j 'ocal Jov/ioh ComJ^/lsh Community Center. c.onccrned. •• 8.15. munity Center, will bo discussion Included on tin program .v/111 Tryouts for "Tho Lady Haa a leader in "Problems in Welfare bo an addrf.-o of v/elco'.no !>y a Heart", will be held, at tho Jowioh Fund Administration." Morris member of tho Krftdmithift cla^a Community Center on Sunday, OcJacobo-Wlll.be a participant In cud r. rc^enso by cac of tho tober'20, at three o'clock. Tho this" discussion. ncvcoinera. Itabiil lualali Itr.ckocast* will-bo-selected from thooo Delegates' from Ulssourl, Kanvaky v/ill alto epeak. Appropriwho attend trj'outs at that time. sas, "Colorado, Nebraska, I o w a , ate songft Mill IJO iiU»,T. Illinois, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Attcndcnco awurdfi will bo New Blrectoi* South Dakota and western .Canada utage and has directed many playo made at this tlmo and prir.oa nro Mrs/ Greta Baeck, tho Center's wilt be represented in •Milwaukee. iri Europe and in Harbin, Man- new dramatics director, will dito bo given to thoso Eiludcnts v/lio ; Principal spcakora will bo Dr. churia, whore ho resided for IS rect .tryouts. Mrs. Baccl;, famous hr.vo brought no\f pupils to tho Solomon B. Prcehof of Pittsburgh, yearn. On Sunday evening, October 27, Talmud Torr.h. Henry Montor of tho United Jev-. The Omaha Choir and Dramatic for her- hundreds of roles upcm Rabbi Refreshments will bo served Scslvy.zi RuBlander, executho Vicnneso end Berlin cst&scz, ioh Appeal, ana Moses A. Leavitt Club vr.3 organized fn 1933 and by tho U. O. C. Oietorhoocl. " tive director' of tho National .Tedbrines to tho Center's Little Tlioof tho. Joint DJatributlon Com- sinco jthoa has presented Gevcn mittee. .' .. . plays under:Mr. Martin's direc- atro the charm, poinc, talent, r.r.d oration of Temr-lo Youth, will adexperionco of yor.ra in tlio the- dr&f 5 tho Tamplo Israel Youth tion. Croup at 6:30. t* h. . . & \1 I "Yankele Balogol'ie" Ig t h o ater. Kabbl Ru&landcr v;aa formerly Follov/ing tryouts, tho' Center s t o r y of a lovo affair between the .daughter of a wealthy Jew Players Guild will bo reorganised, with the HUlcl Foundations and and tlie'son of one.of hla em- with oficorg and various groups succeeded Dr. A. L. Sr.ch&r S3 difor play reading, ctage-cratt, and rector o£ tho University of Illiploye™?. - -i \ nois group. Chairman of tho Omaha Choir other dramatics activities. unuounl affair v/ill bo Riven and*Dramatic Club "la Mr. A. Young pooplc are invited to at- byAn The dramatics commlftco t7ill throo clrdcs of the Beth El The Omaha Lodsro -of B'nal Schneider. ' '- , " tend this mooting. .Suppor y/ill ho co-operate .with" tho Guild and Synagogue Auxiliary on Saturday B'rith will I19M "its nest regular with tho director, Ilrs. Baeck, In served at flftcen^ccnts n, plate. October 2G, at the Cenmeeting Monday, October 21, at CIooo Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bnrkln aro ovoninc, developing tlio Center's dramatral Club. . S p. m. at tho Jewish Community ia charco of tho Youth croup. W.Talmud. Torch tics program. Chairman of tho Twcnty-flvo prices arc to 1>o ^ Center. . . • , . - , ...-•• committee ,is Mrs. Milton AbraGiven for tho ho'derr. of v/innine Thla will be the third mooting r> bln^o.cr.rda v,'lth tl:o nrand price Registration for the City Trl- ham, and her co-workora are fa.be held so. far, thlc. current lira. Herman. Jahr, Miss Bess of tho sronln^j Lieinc n pair o£ year. An Interesting program has mud Torah will clo3o on Novem- '?/einstcin, Mrs. Hy Sbxier, Mr. Silver Fo:: fur.iL llerohandicp'valbeen arranged by the committea ber 1 and registration for the ICGI Solsman, Mr. Don Brodkey, ued at tlire-3 hundrod dollr.rc v/ill History and Religion department in charge. and Mr. 'Leonard Nathan. bo avrxded. Card tables vill also Weekly meetings o£ tho Bread- will be cloned on November 3. bo provided. Young .people, intending to enDreakero havo beon reoumed at Dlson'o each Wednesday noon. ter thesp clasqs are asked to e s Aitnounceiacnt hrj ben ciafio by Tlio circles in charge arc 0, 5, The committee in charco. of at- ter their names immediately. . the V/asliinfctoa ofico c£ A. K. A. and 8, aad the nicuborB v,i£I hold • rangement3" includes, „ Ray Sllbar, that Harvey R. Leoa o2 ths Ona- an important meeting Suaeriy chairman,.Dr. Abo Faler.and Bea ha B'na! B'rith has boon appoint- mornins, October 20, al XI ccc?atE©n Sorvico Smith, co-chcirmca. ed National Deputy for tho Corn- o'clock at tho new Beth El fjynaThe Omaha Hebrew Club ic ^ at'Zoth El sponsoring the* presentation of tho belt Keirfoh.* posuo. Chrdrmcji r.ro: Ilrs. J. J. Included r.iaon3 tho dutisr; ol r, Grocnbcjcc and '"'''•• ^ If.ynarci Kindergarteners and first yc;jr Jewish Drama Unit's production Tcachoro Hit-Acfc Zurich (JTA) — Tho Yugoslav children of the Both El Sabbath of Boris Tomr.3hov3!;y'n "Shlal- Csputy r\ro tlio ;'ob.i of inltintinrr Giv,?nburcr, Circle 3; "L^s, Aitltui* Society or Men Selioo! Professors scaool will bd"-cotic;ci:v.tc!l r.t-jerv- mh? and Rclchcl,",on'Sunday and raid co-ordiHatiHf: tlio activities o£ Cohon rnC llirr. Bir.nelic, J iE>ri".r!» Oirclo f>; ruiu 7 Irr;. i:. A. L-Iffio" resloa&l chastorr. 6as pr^cd a resolution Etror»i,ly iczz r-cst Tiuirrd.iy evening; at 7 llc-nOzy, iroro'nb;r «'i end 4. i>. coa-domuuirr tho - enforcement of o'cloc!:, occoLuinc to a n n o u c o ?Ir^ Loc?i Um r":"7C<! as na A. r.ad lira. :tiis oJuoa, Circle Ybb !', thV first tliac tbln plfty Proccct'j from tills. :%.£Cair' v.'tll anti-Jewish regulations in schools •mant mr.do -fcy- Hrs. Sa%'id Cqhrt haa be;o:i gives; ia Ore.1fan.- Tichefs £i. A. aavioov and uan besn r.otiro ~ - and universities,, it Was reported chairman of tho -Sr.bbr.th and Sun- ere uo\; on s:\lo ;nt tho Jov/lsh !a tho Ti'orl; of tlio local si'nT-A bo ixr.nX to equip tiic> 'iUchcn o£ y hero. ' tlie nor; oynngoEue. B'rith day EChOOls. Community 'Center.


Hebrew Club WM Sponsor PUy.



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Friday, OcteW XI, 1040


'ii«.flt!>>' . 11/ Ff^falt.i_led E»/ tit-lintj t »i c& JCI . • t a d t i c vvtvlut Ot tifc,,^ f . d U <iUilfc, thfc ffcS* i"> tlt.ir i iL' o'l^Ucii c bid ttit t r t i t i kuiu wut^Lip & j e h. to i,fld i ifcb tiifc fc'SOilc i-a tbty Cc.iiled by. Oitfculal Jewuta-

ct1-, f i d hia.il lirfc'tl'i'fc

si u " ILL jtcr c ^ o Hao.tu 1 u.Mc> a tO L^ ili fcC&fu itUW. Ifeiuuii Bro\*«. is ttul lit a da^fc wait a •sin buries \vhicn is ttiii permitted the playing of lauIf* below what tte is capable off about this cG'Bilug Dsceiuber. etch t. 'ilia Wardrobes, liad a new Maybe lie will start to bowl a lit- u w U k l LOrli Uu lily tifui i&strumeuts and -the Iigb.tf.ag' 1O1* ' i ] \ A.\ J ot fireworks within the ByiiagoAv. "(ir^t it," this week, when Fr&uk tle better after be gets it over with. Jjeo \ / t He Hi Jl, Jiiu'>l tt«-in said—"How It's jay It Is on Bitnchas Torau that the r&ul Lui ,1,4 . .18 1 8 ii i luih." titd !xe obliged, with a 445 "Itabbit" is still -having his lilLuU'liLk^ ^ily cycle of the reading of thQ "c&ntaloup" trouble. 1W fell j . r,, , . t h Law is completed, and then imDP. 1J. V.I ' . e t t . . 1 0 Sam Katzman is now on Us Ho day In the Jewish year is mediately begun again, a esymbolid Hu.ul Corea, the anchor mau of way. More festive- thaa the holiday of reifresentatioa of Israel's neverL'tL . . . . l a tke Empires, topped his team with Lee "Peewee" Harwich, should ; ttucJy. • ..10 103 a 499 series, but he just hasn't go along with Sam and Phil to . . « ..18 ifeiS bfcen able to get any help from 16th and Burt streets. , i IS his team mates thus far. L.ou A rumor has spread that Dr. LR05 M l Kleiu, who as a rule cau always Sam Morgan is figuring on buybe counted oa for one big game, ing himself some bowling shoes. Standings in the Jewish Boya eaiae through with a 458 series, Dave Krantz Is competing with Bowling league, were etretched for the runner-up spot. Jack Fleishman to see who will out. a bit, after results of the last The big dissapointmeot in the be "Doggie" the most times this two weeks bowling settled la the cleaaer outfit, is either Captain year. .-L 'minds of all concerned. Lee "Tiny" Harwich, who seems H a r o l d Gooperman, assisted Dave Halm's Pioneer Uniforms, to foe getting in Phil Katzman nobly by his wife, has developed ; i • . - • *' • • • ' ° ., firmly entrenched themselves On and Bam Zweiback's class. a beautiful "Hook." top of f the heap by absolutely Lea camo through with a measNext week's schedule puts the V*" < ' i " ' \ '"I ' ' ' * " ' -''''- - " • ' * ' smothering Dave Frank's State ly S73 Beiies, to be tho "doggie" State Coal' outfit against the Coal Team in all three games this o£ his team. It is also notable to week. mention here, that Jack Fleish- Wardrobe Clothiers. The feature man cet'himself a new season match of the evening will have The Uniform boys didn't shoot record, thanks to Lee Hurwich's tho two top teams, the Smith • / / . • j y . -'.•.' '• i * /»< "4r'.,,< -;• /."?,v- V'.ft,1any exceptional scores in Bearing help, when he gets to bowl three Motors battling it out -with tho league leading Pioneers, and the the grand slam, hut it is notable straight weeks. Tho worm is now last match will put together the to mention here that the coal turning. boys helped their opponents along In tho last match of the eve-Empire Cleaners and the Clicby practically 'competing amongst ning, The Clicquot Clubs went quots, which will settle tho botthemselves, for the "Doggie" po- into a tie for last place, by win- tom place standings. L. sition. ning two games out o£ three from The Pioneers,'who nc«"w lead the Harry Smith's Pontiac boys. Both Jf league by two full games, won tha of these two teams have plenty i/ first game by a margin of 71 pina of power, and displayed it this Cages for Cashiers ri aided and "abetted by a 15-pin week. handicap given them by the coal Pour new modern cashier cages outfit. The second game was won Dr. Platt came out of his slump that provide customers with betby 65 pins and the last by 83to put together three gamea of ter facilities for paying their nervpins. 159, 207 and 222 for tho high lce'bills, and facilitate the work fseries of the evening, 588. "Doc" of the tellers, have been built In The winners •were topped by missed his 600 series by bowling the first floor sales room of the Leo Welts, who shot a 54 8 series, tho last frame of the last game Metropolitan Utilities D i s t r i c t . and Jack Mclcher camo out of his after having 6 straight strikes. They were put into use Saturday daze to shoot a 619 series. The Geo. "Snoop" Shapiro was thomorning, September 28. State Coals -were topped for therunner-up, with his nice series of [ \ .-•:••::-? r-^r" The cages have a'wide marble second straight vrecli, by Dave 567, made up of games of 173,ledge for convenience of customCorn, who incidentally is on an170 and 224. Al Fiedler, just ers on which they may rest their ico cream diet. Dave shot a 4C9 can't seem to get out of thebundles, handbags and purees. series. 'Doggie" Spot. His 441 just and count change. Lighting of wouldn't stand up this week. It the cages and adjacent area haa The runner-up spot wa,s shared seems that whenever Al has a been improved by installing fluorby the two big fjhots, who after good night, the rest of his team escent daylight units in the cagca IJCO the last two \yeebs, are big shots -mates have the samo "Mazel." and large Indirect units overhead. no more, namely Phil Katanan The Smith Motors, who by loa- The new lighting prevents oyoand Sam Zweiback. ing two games, are now in a tiestrain for both customers and the The t?/o boye, who miist be for second place, were topped by tellers. In each cage, tho teller staging-an eating contest, to see"Paul" who had a nice series o t is also provided a modern posture who can put on the moat weight 539. .Jimmy'. Burroughs -surprised' chair.giving greater comfort and in the shortest possible time, both all concerned, including .himself, phot a poor 465 series, •which if when put together games of 188 COI.ETC0AL memory serves your editor right, 153 and 176 for hia high series UOTG MOV. c roa is just slightly higher'than their of the season which totaled 517. EOEa cdiSScpilal CC^ITIKKS rico cc^fcizoc] series the week before. •A new "Doggie" was horn on the Smith's outfit, when Sponsor ' GCKBO In the second match of the eve- Harry Smith had a 445 sorles. M. S. Attorc&y ) GC 15 ning, Moo Linsmana Wardrobe How long is he going to continue fesr utiub O B Clothiers, kept up their winning to ".bet a half." •ways, by taking all three games It is also notable to mention UUUw from the dissappointlng Empire Cteaner outfit. "Moo" personally came up to the alleys to person, lira cetsos-GsfoKSG ally take charge of Ills boys, and I£DO *'ala" Connie Mack, put strategy $ind "6 bucks" together, to help OaJ


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H PDBUCATI0N ON PET1OTON FOB S 'OP- FSN/U. N In t5iB County Court of Douglas County, Jfte&raska. - ..." ' • . ' : . . -.;. • • . • In .lbs • Matter of the Estate of David tarber? . Deceased. . : Alt persona Intcreatetl In 03ld matter Eire hereby notified that. oa -tha '7th . toy ot October, 1540, DavW R. CoSion filed a petition:'in said County Court,, praying that Ills, final. administration account'Mod Serein' be settled end allowed,' and tfa&t to& be dismissed from hto, trust ass tidminfctrator and that a hearlns will bs -bod on said petition before said Court oo'tfce Safi day o£ Kovembsr, 1B40; ana tbat If you fail to appear before. said "Court oa Sis said 2nd day of ftovenabcr,' 1840, at 0 o'clock A. M., s n a contest Bait! petition, tha Court may grant the .prayer of esia petition, eater a decree of hcirshi?, ana make such other and further orders, oilovtanccs andi docrce3, as to thla Court zxxr zetai proper, to tba end Usat ah r^-"tters psrtstoisft to aaid estate d a y bo settled and determined. - BRYCS CKAWFORD. 5-3t. Ccanty Judge.

> T is* B'G .are hnowQ everywli@r<2 fOF o a f g mileage. TO^SF qize

cJafi GrfswcSd, taotvfi^/EzactopCIso flc^O tnto to Do covc?nc? c^ H c t ^ ^ i n , Ea csZIto? o(? C:o dG^ -Jjc^racg d"«* "ufcd aboro c?o C3GG crL^czh, sc off Q3G?cc:ci!c:3a

d GSswoSd E3 too cnccrJdato ivEao IVQ^:-3 EZsciae, KJEIIXESG, PO^KLC- SQ vot-sx; t o fcch^vo Cjcfi OEs cjr^zizr/c, "Wo7qj Gtairpoalcr, Ea c::>1 Arccrfccn and a QOVC^OT -SO t o aC^Ofj oy? Dcs-^r? (-v::ca no c;;o Emorj o3 COE^o^o taScKOIsra), ccc:2 Co CC:o CoffcEca c5 ever CC3,G20 Kcrcs^ri S I

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r u - J l i . e it." —I*r«f, KoLcn SI. Mailvo* t*f CfclttiflLia LT0£*er&itjr.

Hollywood—Welcome.to l»lm as music was the rousing applause accorded B. 2. Sakall during the preview of D « a n u 8 Durbiu's "Spring Parade." As the ktedly, happy. h«inblo baiter of old Vienna whose life'ambition was to be purveyor to the Bm'perort lis gave a masterful study in pathos and comedy .-. . came near to stealing tlis ehow. Sakall, a big blond fellow on the plua eido of plump, emerged from the theater, his round face wreatlieS iu emiles and double chins. viewing sscli » saperb p o , W Q MOW Btides'staisd the casspltatet of certsfa Mollywood M&wlesr-a ©geliist rtfegees-— sifeienft Is recogalx&M© ea acbSlty ©I tho eg©.


Cpeslai PrSecs on ©AGP d DUFFAt® Eg Gfite2

COiaTRACTiNQ Pelsitaag and t>ecorating l ^ d ©omeotie


fllS Co. 4Cttl St.


47©2 fto

Fisger apl^to £ I*oi,«lnsl Cool

&6 ' $3.G0 710 Bs-aaddo TLo. • AT 4333

Sakall, HwngariaE-bora soa of an artist, was one of Europe's 'top-ranking eoEiedlsnts. Ills birthtag was Eugene Oero. Tho terra, "Basko Bzak&lY," meacing "bload beard," • was bestowed ©a - him when he was a newspaper writer •—and it, stuck. Sequence, of Ms career was: • reporting to pleywrltlau, piaywrlting to directing, direettag to. acting, ECtlns to fame and success. .,

- Q. A .





.- October tCth la the date! UaIcsa CfM»li<3 decides to -reshoot tl»o 'w&Qle tliEig—©aly last weclx he rctoaclied a .cbnplo .©J ..scenes. Thus, barring nsifcrceea evcats, li Th& Diets&tor" is Gettoopen in two HiKssdway ttecatere ca thai ElgM, after wlslcli ft will bo released


Warners have formed an exservicemen's'unit on the lot . . . dubbed it Warvets . . . purpose, drill. Even Harry Warner was reported ssen with a musket. '


. Sylvia Sidney is conitaj? out off voluntary esila frossi filmdom (which she neve?-liked too well) . . . anil will play tho lead Jxa "Carnival."

Scafetcf C

o |2 O£

°;r, Clue© 3X

f 3C3


A C K v o u n QnooEn F o n MEADOW GOLD PRODUCTO"

taooo D « ^


Producer Lester Cowan . . . a captain to the U. S., Signal Corps . . , ie called to eervice in the Army Industrial College, an institution in T/achington for the study o£ industrial mobilization.







32'ocsl: ctco!j of fflalokcd j.2c3corialc in ;a boiiig 'redtacccl a t savlago off - • « ' ©PEK SUNDAYS •

©ay Piacna — JA 2CC0

y Personal: JaSes Dossin, of d a YSdOls'h Avt 5Iseatre, Is -a fflteto"»m "rco!:ie" . . . fa studying tho vswlrs frosa' the side* Itecs. Edward Iloblusois is yriting a bcofc oa "'Ms cspcrieitccs in theatre, radio endrooompics.Aa recently fl3,«>33 Artie "Kifsel" Atsertsacla. wr»s a photographer toff a New Voile doily ' nefvapajjci'. Carol Brace haa concnitments for stage, radio, ?ecords, r.Kfl films . . • r,a<a she's Jest stortlEg. tle tJoan Bcnsiy made a f fatix pas . . . vt;it<2<l ttao. fict . . nud nskcrl Fred Allentorap auto OBCC

zcs. Monty <izoccn

i s ctclS|>iBy t&9 famoB3 Notes Baae's-Victory "COBS Into a ymplicsy fO? tho preialcra of tho l Priacipal result el tho furora public about tho OE Page 12.)

3A 1872

121S So. 13th St. ,

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Friday, October I t , 1040


Community Chest p.(.ltoBa u Al

tions. TLfs je<*r the Axaericai* Red Crois> t^i^in, tU Roll Cart cf uieubtia in D^ugLfa c - . i t / frow ixOkv^'.er II-Lfr, f-Lc tAL

ia tbe . : i € CL t ^ ^ i t u &.ad dry i., ^ftt-a t.,_x.t< t r . Pour f £!<,-._JuL <^,i L'.t grid^': biOMii Lu. Loth sides. viih j*-liy t r pov.'dered

1 u'-i Ht'l Lji a," <. n . i. i k j i , Cv.2, .v. t l d t i l C j f t "f? ft ! J t;It.

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t i t a iii C^U m fii ' i , I « s L, Kansas, lii.i a * ( 1'su. J t i t


S f/iU^ici, of «L« .wtate rmeltod. \'i fitj_* n, IM,L i ti»*i£e peel,



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U«,U JOG l l a . wj Of n0lt.hiy. Af r i'. A. He L^iJ h u . i 8 f ,i iLe Lj. Statfc» Ice ic_,al ('(j.fticuv.^ cf I'ti will Lc i itti ll L 3 Gou&ul ot J n / L , h Ft<. K U L . ht t.fci J. Is CC jl. aad iVi fit at l i i h ^ u t c e , Hfty C'U^t ttaU tli thi All irfUEt-e coiaiuitti,t,b iu t t c Wis., Ss l i t . to utltaci chutdi of t b t i r Uitite.t.1 Ltutto uuA ai/io^I aro t o ii&ii L\ Pttiu ot Ii choke tLut v tck-cwi, i ud tr i c iu tclfcctioa cf tlie f«<n-

for t^ikfu.! titif^.

Iltlt hattti' t.iid udd to sugar and ctrt, Lhi,Iiiiy 1 eaten. Mix well. &Sid acid chouolkte had tlour.' Reserve one spoonful to dredge peel so that it will not lump. Add peel and nuts and spread in 2x8x2 Inch pan. Bake.at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.



t . l l iU tLt

ihea. Applications are being reDr. T. Haymo-ttd Allston, fieli by the Refugee Industrial The program of the conference, represeatall?e for tlie Presbyter ceived Settlement, 165 W. 46th street, Mr. Stein £aid, will focus primari- laa churcli IB tfe© nt&tQ of Ke New York, or through local comly on tlie organization of t h e bra&lca, is cltaivman of the Com local community to cope %vitU Its launity Chest- Speakers Bureau mittees. Dr. J a m e s Bernstein of the philanthropic and oilier res-p&asidireetiag the Spiritual Eia- HIAS-ICA Emigration Associafeilities, local, national and overEEia week, October 1 to 13. tion is assistiBg in selection of seas. "It is o n l y by accident or families in Europe. Sixteen havt. Special sessions will be devoted already been chosen and will eail tins year to the problems of Jew- course, that 'C&urcli,' 'Chest' a Honduras .within the n e x t ish education, youth and unem- •Character* tstart witli the same for weeks. letters. But it is HO accident tha ployment, refugee problems/ efMeal Ulta&tlem fects of tlie war on overseas needs they belong 'together. If -characWeisz will go to Honduras to and problems of welfare fund a&- ter, individual EBS civic Is to be direct the settlement personally. ministratioa. '-The social workers enhanced, tho church must deep- He described the coloalEatioa el to from these tea elates will have a ly appreciate the services of the as having "unlimited" natural reprofessional institute at the COE« CQininuuity Chest and gi?<a.ta It sources for manufacture of produtmost and eathnsisstieco-operafereaca to exchange experiences uces which formerly came f r o m and gt&a&ardiHJ practices oa vari- tloa,". Dr. Allston eald. . . Europe. _ Arrangements for marous- phases of the refugee prokettag cf the products are • "more grai-i. Omaha for over BO years. thaa {satisfactory," feo said. Iu i£citi>fi to Mr. JStcSu, t l i e Surviving her are: Tw® ssas, Tho &ite, called Ericatown, • Is other o££itwfj of the cuaJci^sce Arthur aad Dr.- Nathan Muahkin; in'-the highlands of tho west-cenare VflL-.i ?,. Hclr-ua of Oiaa- four daughters, Mrs. Gsm ICgplsa, tral part of British- Honduras ha, tlt,x xltw ric*.!Icr4; A u o s Mrs. Jacob Gross,'- Mrs. Mas 01-near the city ©f 131 Cayo. T k © id <tt ninEcai&tfa, taee-ad man &n& Mrs, Harry, tlalaghec; colonial authorities waived. iculZ^vt; JJ. H. Cru.s Lla of a sister, lira, Esther Adefcea ot tho--usual fiaialgraat have fiepsslt aad Sioux City, ttvuuiinT, x;i,d Elksu a'AQgelcs, aaS a brother, Mr. tho settlers are guaranteed full C, Vc^tz IZ^CT of Itil\,auL'cs, sec- Iteubea Kalakofekyi civil- and e c o n o m i c retary. Rabbi David A. GoMstefa. con- religious, with the privilege of bo-" ducted -the ccrvlco at tho fe?ish fights,, :oming elttaaa after fivo years' Funeral r-Kome." Burial was at Betli Hameirosli Hagodel ceme- •esideace. tery.

Joyco Ifc

i ^ y U - u Cuts* 61

a caji-3 Avf rolled a eujja milk. a teaspoons Fjakiag Ii' teasaaoa e&It.

Patronize . Our Advertisers.

8&t0 Ilmiu S:SZ A. 12. ia S:M P. if. &tud.}3 ij (J I'. U.

Where -the Bays &K$ their B$&i!m$ $*&•) . . . T&& Mthastsi's selections er# t"> limited sn$ tk® yiiusn mw jmt


Red .Cross- Faces

Joyce Hcrnan N 3, ter of Hr. and lira. I/CBK£rd D. Wita a holidsF spirit ef Suc-Iicriaca, filed in s a Oisahs fees&Imobilisatloa of man power coth Bad 'Hallowe'en,.'the n o w tal early Tuecday following an rTho national defenco vill demand Bound Table dance ssessoa T/tll be iltac£3 c£ more thau a cioutlt. acrcased Red Cross ssrviccs to formelly evened at the Csccoth -Surviving bedfics her :he arncd forces of America, dance tofe-aliell on Saaclsy, Oc- aro tv/o brothers, Larry, 8 Jo^ciaary Tattle, execatlTO cccretober 2?, .at tho Jewish CoEiiaii- old, snd Lccasrd; 17, of s sry cf the Red Cross chapter 1B nity Ceate?.Funeral cc-rvlcca t? o r o held 3ouete county, declared toetay. The Oacestli .dance ^aot oaly T/eaneafiaj' rftcrnoca et tlio Jew- " :s3 csrriccs, cha pointed out, will open tha series of four fiaaccs ish Fencrsl Ilsrao. tern directly from tlio Cossgrfcssponsored* aannally by tho Itoucd ional Charter of the Araerlcats Table of Jewish • Youth, 'but will a® \ / c I a a r o Sed Crosa \7hlch is a maEdato to also usher in a full prosrata of ry lecal chapter an<J branch of Round Table activity for the year. rganisation. HOT/Yort OTA) — Joha I.I.* T h e dance committee, com- Schlff has besa appointed chairFortunately, Mies Tuttlo added, posed ot Yalo Riclsards, chairman, of ,tho Army &pd Navy Com- hese csrvlees aro no well organand- %rieki Lorner, Werner Proh- maa mittee o£ the National Jewish sed oatloaolly aad losally tbat -, man, Etta 43aFollck and B © 11 F Welfare Board, It TOUT announced ;hoy are' capable of rapid esgaBKraft, is ptsscett to EBnounca that by President Prank h. Weil. He lion. Cost of tho necessary esone of Oasba's oatslaadins fiance succeeds Colonel Ochg Ad- ennioa of activities oa behalf ot bands has been esctsrod for this ier, wiio has beeaJulius assisned to ac- service men will bo met, sin In tb.9 Occasion. tive cervteo in tho U. 3. Army. past, from ECBxltersMj? coatrifjaAK inaovation in this year's golicy T?ill be tho feiaglc-tlcket adtnissloa to eacli fiance, instead .of tho season' tlclcet cseA formers Iy. it la bellgvecl by the committee that this.- plan will make it possible for a greater number o£ young people to a t t e n d each, dance. Center members will Its admitted lor only 25 cents per couple and nonvnaemfoers, for SO Cents per couple. President . Inr Hogg., lisa emphasized that *'R,oua£ Tatlo .dances are- sponsored.-Jcdirecll? by.eTcry Jewish Toitth .organisa..tion'in the city. In-* order to hel^ insure a foil .-season of dances, everyone- should attend this, ttfe first dance. This' T?oaW enable the Round Tablo".to present better dance3 in tlie future." Tickets for the Sueeoth dance may bo secured at tho Center .jdeste.

Festers Vdncs ••


5-f cf*..

. . grsya . , . fEKSJ Maa «

csa sustarts. tecsa Cfeca 10 to SO


I '~-fl®il |j j* C^ori C^ort coat a s i eatetuc: tostcbics niatfta I j eatfit tfiat'e tops. Siso 13 to 22.

Students* SnzzrS

-C23srl weaves.

Fuacral sendees were htld oa y, October 1, for lira. Musj&in, Si, who died on 30" at her" hone. Mm. n«s!iMa had lived in

Sises IE to illi.


Yeo oitn I ' M one of the Iseot 's



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VJ-ovS ccd acd Saola 1 B oftoct. !


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'hAotliQC stays r/ftli ass and lots tho eclspiKsaa raa*!ier errands. She cols tlis doctor wheat slso cseis him Cos mo. SI13 tolls her ftbads clsaus E O b% % of ccuriSj Bail* rsd .€br often to ads. s&sus tzs



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fstsr effects . . , la nsweii riatble breasted cttd C-taUc*i l&$%le breastctb. nsa^Ii iwscS . . smootlt wes'ctc^a . . . tea' l ^ s . « . G f s 3 . . . II

. Here's a epert coat revlaw of JQ!1 feat's ast7 ia hncky tvrcs'te f'l <r .•>



Bsys* Owa E.ejJ—ffeasti

Friday, October 1 1 , 1840



rifE JEWISH PRESS doubles hocors. Marshall Geller cot lees ccfr:ftc?y dt'd-lea. trpoa was runner-up ia tLe A, A. U. singles matches.




'-.v t - i - i ,

L J I < -v

The "Center" organised a wrestiitg E.j.Ufc.1 tor tae first time tad I' u i . ' C U ' C ed i t two laatclies. The C ' i'.i,i^ i. ^.'J. i . o . & U _i With the passing of the i9it*Lg team was coached by £ u l » j t _ G i i 1., ^ . vV f ic- c f 0 - 40 season, your reporter tag un- Dr. Abe Faier. The classes were tCC 1 & C O u l l L^vfc Vvu^ i j.0 l O c L - > dertaken to present to the sport- a'fcuge success £tid more follow- 0 . . . t ICCM l i ^ l f . i i i 11 I !<-'.minded fans of the "Center" ers of this Eport will compete thia I t . y tt_j itik,= t c • Ji ^ t special review of events. year.

t&ies this opcrtu&ity to extend lard i. H A I t l il~LW Tfx-AR 1 0 ALL, ^1,1 10 1. ~uJi'.t tt».t H La't ttwt / C u




l l ' - ^ »f v t L * n J f c j v i g,«.r J .

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^IlKd tlotiitlll

Frief uis.n. Revs, B o r d ft s...; L i i t f . i i Z.-»it8, AJ i ic t -v '.«*5t',icL. B e r t a a e. .; ^ ' L ' . ' n >, Louise L C J 1 c.-v-^' ' L .,; Lefita

li \.i~j S U ,U <. I !»-£.* t n e Eext j .1 £r c* u . U'v. G T a b l e \ ' ulc. *,. 1 : ; t 1 1; v u > cr 6 a n d t C liTll Cchvc of U t £/o OH, OH C I' i J 2 , ' , n <»„ Jtwi>,ii Com-

The highlight of the basketball Passing iota the Swiiamiag de- ti.&,t Uw* lot y season, was the three-way tie for partment we find that trie "CenThe llcmid Table of Jewish I.) (Coatiauefl from Pa the "Center" chaiaptoufchfp, t h e ter" natators save eaded oae of ball league. Youth re&reEfcnts • approximately first time in the history of the their most brilliant B- e a s o n B. "Center" that this has happened. Swimming honors went to the fal- The Lincoln Taverntea21 wtiit know more about ourselves," fcfiid £00 young people wlio are mem-The teams that had their names lowing: City A. A. U. meet, Bucks farther £Q tLe City goft'S>ail tovir- the chairman in outlining plans fiers of some IS various clubs and inscribed on the trophy were the Greenberg, first, is the 50-yart nament than any other "Ceatey" for a comprehensive survey of the organisations with their own pro« Breslow Auto Glass, Wardrobe breast stroke, first io Use' 2B«yard ttaia has ever goae. Tiae Tavt-rn club .affiliations of Omaha's Jew* grams &nd calendars of activities. Clothiers End the Omaha Jobbing. breast stroke lor Ifitt-f jaeaiat ten defeated three clubs but lost ish youth, activities ia which they Tile purpose of the Hound Table The pre-season championship was boys, and seeoad place in th> out in. the semi-final game. Herb •would be interested, and other Is to bring together all of Oma« ha'e Jewish young people for cerwon by the A. Z. A. No. 1. TheMidwestern- A. A. U. 4© - y a r d Marts (Lincoln chukker) was thepertinent data. tain communal events which they Junior League had a new cham- breast stroke; Norai&ft Poloasky. outstaading pitcher in the series. pion in the Robinson Drug team. fourth in the 50-yard free styl President I r v i n g Nogg E&- plan together.•• Other honors wtaat to Isadore nounced the following commitand fourth in the 50-yard back Peer' Decorated Friedman, who woa the 'fable tees: Oratory and debate, G a r y stroke; Isadora Friedman, third -The J. C. C. played host to the Landman, chairman; Jack LinTennis championship. The Clicp l a c e in the 25-yard Areas' quintets competing ia the "City London (JTA)—Viscount Er« Florence Itundell, Minnie A. A. U, tournament" that w a s stroge; Loals Bluiakin, f i r s t tuot team won the J. C. C. bowl- coln, Kolnick; daace, Yale Richards, leigh, sou of the late Lord Read* won by Johnny's Cafe, composed place, diving city A. A. U, meet; lug league. Members of the cham- chairman; a r n e r Frchman, ing, was awarded t h e Military of Omaha university students. Harold Mozer, third place, 25 pionship team were Sol Yaffe, Vicki Lerner,WEtta Betty Cross for "gallant a n d distinLater the "Center" played h o s t yard Junior A back Etroke, city Prank Brooketeiu, Nathan Hor- Kraft; Forum, EttaGoreliclc, chair- guished service in the field." Visagain, this timo to the A. Z. A.meet, and fourth place,.. 25 - yard wleh, J>r. Dayid Piatt, Ben Bha-man; Charlotte Nogg,Boref, Milt Guss, count Erlelgh, who is 24 yeara District Tournament which w a s Junior A free style city meet piro and George Shapiro. Irv Mittleman, Delores Sklar; old, is a second lieutenant in the Aldea Lincoln, 2B-yard b a c k won by Albany Park of Chicago. Thus another year of tports Bulletin, ISlalno Lagman, Harriet armored c o r p s of the Dragon stiolce, city h ctt Junior U dlvl has eutffed and your dt Geitman, Uuth lU-stUblola, Wll- Guards In the handball deyai tiuent we slon. find that honors wore ditiiibulcd to many. Marshall Geller vou J. C. C. llLikUiun !>uJm cham ^'S;-i p. the pre-season Class A shifcleb pions: Aldcn Lincoln, first; Cli.es championship, Hen Kutlcr vaw ter Lubtiraitca, tecond; II o r b ^the Class I) champ iu pro-season, White, third; Harold M o z e r the doubles Class A vaa won byfourth; Charles i'Tcdkin, "fifth Sam and Jack Han, and the Class Medley relay, Illdwestern A. A B title went to Ben Kullcr and U. Junior championships, t h i r d William Skolnick. place, Ducky Orocnbcrg, Norman Polousky and Gtaa Feltman. ;./;:| ff. : i; •;;; In regular season play Class A champ was Sol Yaffe, with MarMomuera of One J. C. 0. .Womshall Geller as runner-up, in Class en's volleyball team, which won B, Ben Kutlcr waa tops, with Har- tho City Ladles' ICKRUO, were ry Splegal runner-up; Class A Mcsdamcs Ed Lincoln, II. 13. Beudoubles was won by Marshall Gel- nott, II. C. Drowj, F . A. Pardun, ler and Sol Yaffe, with Sara Zor- Pederson, kauieJson, G. A. March, insky and Mlllard Gigal runner- Williams, Etclla Jonoou, William jips; Class B doubled by Jack Ep- Kaimaa and 13. 13. Bommcra. Btein and Harold Garber, chamLikewise city cliampioa wag tho pions, and Ben Kutlcr and L o u Jcnter Men's team whoso memSoskin runner-ups; V / i l l i a r a bers include: Leslie Burfcenroad, IJililiiS!ilIiiil|*lillli IWoolfson was winner of the Last A, H. Brodkey, Lou WeSner, Hy Chance tournament, with Harold Bclmau, C. B. ttthoppe, Morris Cooperman runner-up; Franklin, JOG Bice, Davo Richards and Leo G Sol Yaffe and Marshall Geller took top Midwestern A. A. U. Tho Softball ChaDipDoiishlp Lae ;,

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P*t« 6


Sigma Delta Tan Li&eelii (Special)—At a reception feeld at the B'sai Jes&run Temple a week e.go Friday evening, tlie members of Sigiaa Delta Tau, along with the entire Jewish student body, were entert&i&fcd at a receptioa to their honor. Newly elected pledge officers are: President, Esther Fox; secretary, Dorothy Levich; treasurer, Geraldl.Be Griusp&n; assistant bouse 'manager, Miriam DaR» sky. Aa&& Arbitnian is serving oa the Women's Athletic association board; and Miriam Rubnlts was appoiated chairman of the migratioas • committee of the Student Council. The Dally Nebraskan and Awgwan, publieaiioas put out by the students, -have Sigma Delta T&n treshmea w o r k i n g for them, namely, Marsa Lee Civen and Bernice Kreunse, respectively. Shirley Epstein and Hose Goldstein have been elected to repreBent the sorority OH the Board of the Hillel Extension Unit, •which i^ to be organised soon on the Nebraska campus. Aronlta Daskovsky has again heen selected to play In the University Sympftoay orchestra. Her position this y e a r as second violinist. Is next to that of concert master. Miriam Itubnitz modeled at Hauland-Syranson's style show, at which a Hollywood movie crew took pictures. These scenes are to appear in the forthcoming nioyle, "Miss Bishop." Mrs. William Seeleafreund, a patroness of Theta chapter of Sigma Delta Tau, entertained the girls who had not left Lincoln for the Rosh Hashonah holiday, at'a dinner. Both aetlvea and pledges were entertained at spreads; the first, given by the sophomore class. and the second, by the pledge class, for the uitire house.

A. Z. A. WO "Jews'-in' Review" for the year 5700 was the theme of a cultural meeting held jointly with Mother Chapter after the regular business meeting last Tuesday at the J. C. C. The review was on the order of a radio nevra summary from various European capitals, telling Jewish persecution. M e m b e r s from both chapters took part. Sam Beber and Harold Oruch co-chairmen of the Social Committee are planning an affair for A. Z. A. 100's twelfth anniversary November 12. - Basketball practice has already teen held. Pep Bcgdonoff, who haa successfully coached the team for the last five years, will coach the team again this season. • - Plans were completed for A. 2. A. 100's semi-annual skating party to he held.at the West Farnam Skating Itink Monday evening, October 22. Tho skating party will be open to A. Z. A. members and their friends. Tickets •will be 28c per'person. ' Having received the debate and oratory topics for the coming year tho Chapter's debaters and pratqjrs are now working on the questions i«i preparation for tho Regional Convention. ' Leo Alpcrson and Louis Katz editors of the Century Spotlight, are preparing an issue of the chapter paper to be distributed at tho anniversary affair. ' l , Leonard Lewis, Gerald Berno'tien,,and Walter Grcenborg were.--loet from tho active rolls o£ the chapter .when- they .entered the University of Nebraska this fall. CoVoperdting "witn.'Mq ttier Chap, ter, ft. JS.'A.-IOO wil hold A. 2. A. Sabbath Fti day,- November- 3,

«&d Czechoslovakia in order that JNF for Hadassah, announces Center, delegates to the confers they might-continue their train- that her coiaiaittea of volunteers ence of the Mid-West Branch of ing in a peaceful and hospitable will be ready to go out on collee- the Women's League o£ the V>iit« • : abo October 20 and ed Synagogues to be held in Dea atmosphere such as Denmark then tioEs oa or about offered. Since the nazi occupa- every person *wto itas the Zionist Moines OH October 10, 11 and 12, i!oa of Denmark, ail must reeog- cause at heart should feave her were chosen. Anyone else wishtAte the fact liiit - every day of contribuUOQ re&dy. Those who do ing to attend is asked to call-Mrs. • Farther plans for A. Z. A. delay is fraught with danger for not have blue Loses will be able Jack'Kaufman. Sabbath will be, announced. the youth •— now captive a sec to get them from the workers. OB. Thanksgiving day A. Z. A. C=BC! time. Arrangements have Mrs. Leon Graetz has requested 100 will bold a drawing, for a been made for them to journey all women who are interested In - COBBEiCHOM 149.50 la&a's or ladies' Bulova to Stockholm where they are to It was incorrectly stated In sewing to join the Beth El Red wrist watch. Tickets cue 10c each join another contingent of about Hadasah's Year Book that Mr. C r o s s Circle. Members of this and i&ay be purchased from any 150 youth and children with and Mrs. Morris Chait contributed group are: Mesdames L. Mayer, member in the chapter. whom they are .to make the long 1180 to Youth AHyah; it is to Anna Keeper, Agnes Molsky, BeU . transcontinental journey to Pales- Mr. and Mrs. Julius Chait that ty Itabowltz, Harry Goldstein, tine. acknowledgment correctly goes F a n n y Pirsch, A. Theodore,.: Junior Council Ilef agee Children ia for this most generous contribu- Esther'Lieb, M. Frieden and h, :•, Lithuania tion. Graetz. . • Plans for the Junior Council'p The osiyssey of these children The group meets twice monthly cosiicg season were made Wed- who were expelled from Germany the borne of members. • -.,•:• nesday at a meeting of the Board in October 1938 because of-their Beth El Auxiliary at On of Directors. The next meeting Polish nationality, defies descripOctober 27 Mrs. Jacob : ©f the organization will be held tion. They spent a winter in-NoBlank and Mrs. Harry TruBttn On October 26 at the Central Sttnday, October 13. . Man's Land on the German-Po- Club, three circles of the Beth will have the firet group dinner -> A class ia Modern Problems i lish frontier, a spring and sumat the home of Dr. and Mrs. J>KT* C ing sponsored by the group at mer ia workers' camps outside El Auxiliary are planning a gala P l a t t . • ' • . • •"•:--••! Bight of., fun. Prizes will be given the Jewish Community Center.. of Warsaw, and the early fall in those holding the winning bingo , Eleanor H a r w i c h has been desperate flight before the &dShim' iaraed chairman of the Ways &ad vancing ns.%1 armies.' Those who ards. A number of excellent arMeans Committee and has been escaped bombs or capture ai- ticles will be given away, the made a member ©£ the Budget rived in Lithuania in tatters— rand Prize being a pair of Silver The Sinai Club held a regular Committee. New members of the half starved and half frozen. Fox furs. The ladies of the Auxil- meeting at the Jewish Community Bulletin Committee are L e a h There, in camps filled to over- ary in charge of this event urge Ceater, Tuesday evening, October all members of the Synagogue and Oberraan and Bess Blank. flowing with other refugees, they 8. Final plans were made for th» The Omaha section lias coai- have managed to survive because heir friends, to attend. eatertalnmeat on the evening of pleted ali plans for the coaven- of their burning faith. If, despite Mrs. Dave Cohen, chairman of the drawing, Sunday, October 27, tieu Oetobet- 26-27 in Kansas the fact that Lithuania has been the Sabbath School, reminds the at 8 p. m. Tickets may be purCity. Before sny girl can attend takea over by Russia, these thrice nembers that the Sabbath School chased from any member or at • the eonventioa, dues ni u s t be exiled youth can be transferred is now. being held at the new the Center. The public is invited / paid. safely to Palestine, then their Synagogue building every Satur- to this affair. , long months of agony will be for- day morning. A Succoth celebraopen meeting will be held ion is now being planned for the at An gotten. the Jewish Community Center thildr'en and will be held Satur- on Tuesday evening, October 15, e Refugee Children in day, October 19. Yugoslavia '•at 8 p ,ia. for any boy or girl 18 • Members of Mrs. Dave Levine's Mrs. Jack Kaufman, who is in years or older interested in beThe group of about 115 youth Circle of the Temple Sisterhood charge of Rabbi Goldstein's Book .,,."• :will hold a inah Jong dessert- in Yugoslavia will be rescued iJvenings, is anxious to supply all coming .members. from inhuman hardships; They luncheon on Friday, October 18, had been part of a cargo of ;des-»' he book-loving people of this city at 12:30 at the Temple.. Temples Defaced • ' with tickets, and will be glad to Reservations may be phoned to perate human beings," expelled deliver 'tickets to those who do from Germany last "fall, shipped the following hostesses:-Mrs. J. New York ( J T A ) — VandaHr '. not have them. The first Book M. Erman, AT 9590; Mrs. Bill down the Danube, where they had5 vening will be held November 4 spattered . ink on the front of " Yousem, WE* 5785, and Mrs. Jay been trapped by the winter ice . it the Synagogue. Tpmnle . Emanu-El before - N e vr In Yugoslavia, the boatload was Abrahamson, WE 0214. Year services. Anti-Semitic warn- . dumped to starve and freeze in At the last meeting of the ings were painted on the windows , Preceding the Succoth services wretched internment camps with Auxiliary held Wednesday, Octo- of Temple Beth-El in N o r t h • no other help than that afforded at Temple Israel on Wednesday, • ber 8, at the Jewish Community Bergen, N. J. October 1G, Mrs. A. Somberg's from the meager resources of the poor Yugoslavian Jewish comcircle of the Sisterhood will sponmtinity. And now, at long last, sor a family dinner. " Members of tho committee In the children are to reach PalesOTIS IS HATIOllAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEBKl " charge include: Mesdames S a m tine! And in addition to the 733 cerBcrkowitz,' Sam Friedman, Harry Lowenstcin, Sol -Plotkln and Da- tificates that were granted this v.ld Wells. -The dinner Is planned summer 400 additional have been for 6 o'clock. Tickets are 75 granted to the children of Rucenta for adults and CO cents for mania and-Hungary, Theso 400 Cavca Floors ei Fe^Mons fer Smart Business Women children. - Reservations may ba certificates represent the last inmade with Mrs. Sombcrg, WA, stallment of " the . April-October 5424, the Temple office, or witB- schedule of 1,1300 certificates. The any member of the committee, , Youth AHyah workers in the-Balkans can »now undertake the se1 lection and preliminary training of children in-Rumania and.Hungary,- those now lands of violence and- persecution- now dominated tij Inez IJ. Roznlclc by German policies. . . .- ' Iladasah's emergency program Although 733 Youth Aliyali provides for the acceleration- of children were in' possession of fund-raising for .tho Jewish Natheir Immigration visas to Pales- tional Fund-. "There are 'still one tine, they were unable to travel and a half million dunams of land for lack of the necessary transit available for • purchase In Palesvisas through Russia, Turkey and tine. Now that blockades and the breakdown • of normal commerce Syria. Refugee Children in Denmark have forced the people of PalesThe granting of these visas will tine to find new wiiys of -feeding mean liberation lor 270 children and sustaining • themselves, the in Denmark. After the outbreak JNF work has assumed- greater, of war, theso children had been importance than ever before. Mrs. Irvin Levin, chairman of rescued from Germany, Austria


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Friday, October 11, 184Q



Friday, October 11, 1940



TO CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wienzieig left September 30 for Chicago to TLe Ro-ncU Club Ltld a jtguiar Sfe »cial uieSiLeis cf the Oiiitl.a visit their daughters, Miss Ida CJJ cf ( t e Ii'cJfiCiia 1 C0UL.C21 lue'.ling ttiii&y t i t: t rca.e &f and Miss Dorothy Elaine Wit>.z- cf Jc;\vitii \,'oriei. Iv:oi.d ,y tateEd- Hat\ey HGifLi?.?;, ITC. i~eiit Wilveig. They planned to be t t e i e -a )Ljttali£.tioa i^.tct t i , £ Cf lEife cd ti for two weeks. <:t.j t j i I'.itiecs vvMtli fart t b folB i o u x City tccticJ. fc^ea tr i.t tu^ affair \,fcb UtS 1-JV.i,: C-jJuiU, L c i u a Vv'einer, t Liu.ii, icii; &ici ty G u hLZuiu and Vict< VISITING PARENTS 1 i .LICU; ttti'ttic, S t a n Orl.'c) t ^ S ^ttfeLGh E ^> eiv . Mrb. fco-j >Cc.h! Mr. Sidney J. Coyne of Chicai-eiti.&i1, ciii.nu.en; Joe Bolker CROSMAN-JACOBSON ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT. go, son. of Mr. aad Mrs. Goodi.,cUi Hea LJvcr, ilie. liii-c Mrs. Mary Markowitz of Omaha Cohen, is visiting his parents dur- His. Lfjti t,&fco]Oyf, l i l t . D a kid i t . t-ii-t Hi i rii-'ai.ai.; Goodwill comMr. and Mrs. Henry Jaecbson announce the marriage of their announces the engagement of her ing the High Holy days. Co'.fcJ, LflS. lilJoifc ALra.Li6.ctt mittee, JLntiti j l t K u i . chairman, daughter, Molly Hannah, OH July daughter, Kettle of Minneapolis, l . l l b . H 0 U . C e ROatXi IUJ.I. 13, to Mr. Joseph Hlllard Gros- to Myron L. Kohn of Chicago. I'l«.i... \»tie cU.iics>cd for comMiss Markowitz is a graduate Tjue Council is tlcEhiug K uiem- \i)t tifeo.taie liUJit l t d ttcak fry man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob p ctfai,fcit-Jui.cfcfccn iof Oc- vLiui ii bcLeduled for October Orosman of Washington., D. C. of the Mt. Sinai Hospital Nursing Rabbi Solomon Y. Metz performed School of Milwaukee. She faas Lincoln (Special) — Co-operat- tobtr 22 bt tbe 1.08-ie of Uis. Abo 26. A cciuiiiittcc »»i.b £jpointed two Bisters in Omaha, Mrs. Leoing with the Lincoln Jewish c&tu- Vt^etr. Thooe iuttiecUd in joiii- L> the t>re.t.idc.at to decide the the marriage cereiaony. The couple will make their Taub and Mrs. David Feldman. eiunity in its annuajl Jewish fctu- ine ti'£ CcuLcii or attfeidltig the home In Washington, where Mr. Mr. Kohn is a graduate ©£ North- deat Night, the entire chapter of lhi.chccit tii'fc ii&Ved tp call cither A \.t,fel- ugo it fot Sunday, the Grosman has law offices with hi3 western university. Sigma Omicron of Sigma A l L Mis. fcilvtx cr Mis. Venter. Ro-boli club Lfcld its annual rush brother and heads the Grosman Mu attended the special seivice outing Li Hummel pLik. Among Realty company. Also residing ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED held at the B'nai Jeslirun Temtli« various autivitkb a forenoon in Washington, D. C , are three Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garelick an- ple a week ago Friday night. football game- v»'£-s the most popBisters of the bride, Mrs. Ken-nounce the engagement of their Feature of the service Vb.& Thtt fiibt formal dauce'to be ulur. A picnic lunch was served neth Goldberg/'Mrs. Clarence Kir- daughter, Miss Berniee, to Daniel short talks given by the picugiven by the Theta Lambda Soror- and the day w&& <oncluded with stein and Mrs. Matthew Tepper. Miller, son of Mrs.-II. Miller of dents of the various organized ity vill be held Monday evening, a hike and infonnal meet. Kansas City, Mo. Stciiiley Feitman was c h o s e n Jewish bouses on the Nebraska OctoLei 21, at 9:30 in the ballNo definite wedding date has campus. Bud'Kalin of S i o u x room of the Mufeic Box. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED It o n n d Table repiescutative at Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weiaer been chosen. City, president of this chapter, Music will be furnished by that time. announce the engagement of their spoke on the need for the Ilillel Sttrnie Gternberg and his orchebdaughter, Sylvia, to Earl Kaplan, TELLS BBTHOHAL Extension foundation now being tra. •on of Mr* and Mrs. Jacob Kaplan. The engagement of Miss Toby organized on this campus by RauMembers of the Calling ComMiss Weiner was a senior at Katelniau, daughter of Mrs. J. bi Harry Jolt, a member of Sigma mittee are: Bets Ltfitz, R i t a New York (JTA) — Dr. Louis the University of Omaha, where Katelman of Council Bluffs, to Alpha Mu. Marks, Ruth" Miller a n d Helen Flnlelbtein, pre&ident of the Jewshe had served as vice-president Rabbi Carl K. Castle, son of Mr. i e h Theological Seminary of Anticipating a highly success- Minkln. of the Alpha Gamma Chi sorority, M. Castle of Chicago, was an- ful year, Prior Kalin' made his Ameiica, announced appointment Kr. Kaplan attended the Univer- nounced Tuesday evening a t a appointments to the various house of Dean fiaul Ltbennan of the Lisdiea Free Loain sity of Nebraska, -where he re- family gathering at the Katelman committees. The positions a n d A board meeting of the Ladies' Hany Flschel Iiibtitute for Talceived t n a w a r d as honorary home. their members are as follows: Ac- Free Loan society will be held on nuidic Studies in Jctut-alem as member of the Pershing R i f l e tivities, Norman ' Harris, chair- Tuesday, October 15, at the homo Visiting Profeebor of Palestinian Miss Katelman has been in the Squad. He lias also gained recof the Federal Govern- man; Ben Novicoff and M o r t o u of Mrs. J. Feldman, 1810 North Literature and Inbtitutions at the ognition through the publication employ Seminary. ment in Washington, D. C. Rabbi Margolin, assistants; athletic, Bob Twenty-first. Of his poetry in "The P r a i r i e Bramson; financial, B « n NoviCastle, who is a graduate of the Schooner." Mr. Kaplan received coff; house, Max Prostak, chairbis degree from the University of Lewis Institute and the Chicago man;- Erv Friedman, assistant;, Omaha, where he was a member Theological Seminary, is a t pres^ social, Floyd . Cohen, chairman; of Gamma Pi Omicron, honorary ent affiliated with the Council Phil1 Bordy, assistant. chemistry fraternity, and of Beta Bluffs Synagogue, Scholarship,, the Council; File, Tau Kappa. FROM DENVER. Phil Bordy, chairman; Bob Cohen No wedding date has as yet Miss Dorothy Weiner of Denver 'and Phil Kantor, assistants; culteen chosen. | visited in Omaha during the past tural, Norman Harris; book, Norman Green and Harold Turkcl, wqek. ANNOUNCE BETROOTLAL co-ehairmen; newspaper, Morton Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Meyer- HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY Margolin, editor, and Melvin Taneon announce the engagement of A surprise party in honor of nenbaum and Phil Kantor, busitheir daughter, Libbye, to Mayn- the tenth wedding anniversary of ness managers; a l u m n i ; Erv ard L. Kully, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krasne wa3 Friedman;- song, Ed Chalt, chairLouis Kully of Hastings, Neb. given Friday evening, October 4, man;, faction, Ben Novicoff; charNo definite date for the wed- at their home in the Nathan acter, the Council; Inter-fraternding has been set. apartments by friends and rela- ity "council, Ben Novicoff, w i t h tives. They were presented with Bud Kalin as \"alternate". _ JOSLYN MEMORIAL • a Toastmaeter set. .:' Sunday at 2:30 three s o u n d ,. ,.: AlpSia Pi Tau films on China—"Land of Long VISITS HERB Ago," "Contrast in China" and Mrs. Milton S&ylan of Charter Members of the Alpha Pi Tau "Wang Poo"—will be shown in Oak, la., spent last %veak with" her their meeting o n , September the concert hall of the Joslyn Me- mother, Mrs. P r n a k Tuchman. at 23 made plans fpr a Roller Skatmorial. Before her recent marriage Mrs. ing party to be Held a t 8 o'clock The Rev. Thomas S. Bowdern, Saylan was Miss Rosalie Tuch- on Octboer 24 at the Rollerddme S. J., will speak at 3:30 in the man. .Skating Rink, 2220' Harney. lecture, hall on "White Men in Admission will be. twenty-five the W e s t : 1640-1&40.* A 4 S. A. M. MOIKEIt'O CLUB cents per person. •' ' - .o'clock organ recital will -bo given The S. A. M. Mother's club held by Martin W. Bush, assisted by its first luncheon meeting t h i s Evelyn L. Smith, pianist. fall Monday, October 7, at t h e * Regis. Mrs. Reuben Bordy and HERE FOR HOLIDAYS . Mrs. Harry Eisenstatt were hostMiss Merriam Kirshenbaum of esses. Washington., D. C, *is visiting'her • Mesdamea Joe Goldware, Leon parents, Mr. and Mrs., Max Kir- Greenberg, Max Goldstein, Dave shenbaum, during.the holidays. Bernstein, H e r m a n Silverman, Harry Eisenstatt and Sol Lewis, INFORMAL PARTIES FOR - mothers of the new pledges, were OMAHA. GUESTS honored at, the luncheon. •Mr. a n d Mrs" Nate Wieaman Officers of the Mother's club have as guests their son-in-law are: Mrs. R. Bordy, president; and daughter/Mr'. and Mrs. Al E. M r s. H. Eisenstatt, secretarySimons of Los Angeles. treasurer; Mrs. Carl Riekes, flowSince their arrival a week ago, er chairman, and Mrs. J. Chait, the visitors have been extensively corresponding secretary. entertained. They were honored at dinner last Saturday night at the Paxton; the Charles Wlestnan's were their hosts at a dinner at • home on Friday; , M i s s Helen Greenberg entertained.at a buffet supper last Thursday, and a chicken barbeq.u-0 iaiplanned, for Sunda^.at the Michael Tuchmans: Mr. Simons will leave for* Los Angeles - Thursday, but' Mr3. Simons vrill remain for about fives Engaged m the As vit •ireekd and return by motor with her parents,'who will winter In Los^Angeles.

Sigma Alpha MM

Theta Lambda




ilTE .VICE'.

F!M>J|l WASHINGTON • MWs»Toby- Steinberg of Washington spent tfeo'holidays, in.flmai a visiting friends and relatives ANNOUNCE "BIRTH „ "Mr. and Mra. David Dvorkin announce the birth of a daughter * t €t. Joseph's hospital on Saturday, October 5.

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things,feyits total c&pHulatioa to the Geimas government. The Hiss, tria'4 t i t fcjiul-lk* of t U djk,!-,*,3~t£.~t t-J


ft.,fc ,»«*


Friday,-October- I I , 1040


I'J«vJ t U ' to If. 1, I t'tCH 't


Gems of Che Bible

LI' It-. u~ t I i'^t



them get away with ft," we $Bg« gested. '; "Oh, je» we w<s«M," tike Navy Officer said, 'beaiBsa by th«it tloie Japais would be raovittg oa the Dutch Eafct Inaies. We get most of

s«r tin md vuhhza fn*w the

Uattla Es.st Indies, ssd iifa,ttir«lly IMUM we coiildfs't sifoitl to ifevove our Its »isll ti' tLi^i_, f -i i_ wlij- L v l t . OS" l Wee to them that devise iniqui- fleet isito the AtfeBtle wkfie they thAnd" ty &.Bi work evil wpoa the-ir feeds w e r e ita lOutbt LottJ. Ail tLk. t wkea the Kacraliig is light they i, r »j« £,<*it ui it.bl^tB.iiC execute It, becs.ase it is in the "That sounds logical." • DAVID BLAC i Li« -»u. i «. jut tied uh.0. oriy t . power of their waiid. •'But it Isa't. Because about the LSONARB HiTH/.K . . laltar puppets rale. . Tlie DanisSi merck&rit marine was Hear this, I pray yoa, ye heads tiute we got ready to fight for RABBI T H l O U j l t , U. tr&sfcferred to Britaia, The Dutch Queen is of the house of Jacob and leaders the Dutch Mast ladies, the Naels FRANCES I L - J i * ,t Society latter Ufill&ud, her fite-t aad merqliaiit mariae identified of the house of Israel that afchor will foe establlEliiag bases in the Cape Verde Islands', or the Azores Justice, a&d pervert all equity. M0ERI3 Ali:"-.i..i" kG with Brit&In. Yet tlie FrtJith, who li&te the —which would be definite threats Let all the people walk each to our Atlantic to lose, seek to gain favor by plajiag up to-Gercoast." one in the name of ita God, but tasBy. Hot oaly have they refused to aid thewe •will walk in tne name of our "So we'd have to let the Indies go." British but have condemned to death those God forever. "Yes, we'd let the Iadle3 go-— •'.:Tomorrow, Israel observes the most solemn men who Ere. They' have uot lieeitftted to Lord doth require of thee only and the Philippines, too because to do justly, and to love laerey if the Germans get the Cap*, and. iioly d&y ia its religious calendar. Toiao their former ally ia combat. row, Israel approaches its God ia humble suppliIt Is a gad etory to relate. We expected more and J o walk humbly with tliy Verde Islands, -they'll have a step- . God. ptag stone to South America. And , cation, seeking forgiveness for past eias &sd errors, of France, the France w h I c "h BO proudly prooaee entrenched ia South Ameri* TALMUD end £QT transgressions against tlie Divine coaiits love of liberty, justice, and equaMty. ca, they'll be alter the Panama Antonius eaid to Itabbl, "TheCanal," mandxnents. We expected its people to generate some spark of body aad the seal may free themWe are not a proselytizing people. Oar ftils- heroism, so that if France must fall, it would do selves on the day of Heavenly What," we asked, "ia going • Judgment. How so? The body fcionaries make BO effort to increase out numbers it grandly. may say, 'The soul lias sinned, to iisppen eveiitasslly?" or to. lure t h e m to salvation through Judaism for since she has departed, I He Tk© Navy officer thought . i t alone. Those who come of their own free will are in the grave like a stone.' Aud over. "I'll tell you," lie said *tn» the soul may say, 'The body has lly, "one of -these daya we'll have accepted aud those who do good are as of the Islam, whatever else it may need, is not lack- sinned for since I am departed to decide whether to defend the House of Israel. But events In. the world h&ve ing ia protectors. The latest -to assume this role from it, I fly In the air like a east cosst or the west coast. Or made us all less parochial and made, us aware of is Spain, the Spain oi It a m o n Suner Serrano, bird'." And llabbi answered, "I we'll have to clioose between let* the fact we must think beyond sectarian lines. We brother-in-law of General Franco and leader o£ tlto will give you a parable to which ting San Francisco go, .or- defend* should bring to our ffcllowmen, at least, the 'sig- Fascist party called the Falangists. However, Spain this is similar. A king who hading New Xoiic." "You're not serious!" we pro* nificance of the Holy Day of Yoiu Kippur. This" is Is merely co-protector with Italy -whose 11 Duee an excellent orchard which con- tested, tained very grand figs, appointed no facetious impertinence, but a fact several Chris- long ago bade the Moslems of the Arab world look two watchmen over it. One was », yea I SKI," our friend said, . all Oils is going to happen tian ministers have donsidered. It is a Holy day to Ilome for protection. blind, and the other one a cripple very &ooii." . . who had not feet. He who had devoted exclusively to self-analysis. It lenda itIf we could suspect the dictators of a sense of not feet said to the blind one, I self to no commercialization. humor, .wo would suggest this latest announce- see in the orchard fine figs. Place He sees only one way out—for • • Since it is unlikely that Chrlsianity. will adopt ment Is merely an attempt to be funny, for there mo upon your shoulders, and I the United States fleet to mop np > Japan now, before tho prea« > Yom Kippur, it Is enough for us to dwell on itsia nothing more ridiculous than the picture of will be able to reach them and we on sure becomes dangerous in the • will have a feast. He did BO, and Spain declaring Itself the protector of an Arab significance to Jews so. that they, at least, can while he was upon the shoulders Atlantic. "We should have done finish their 4ime on earth with clean hands and and Mohammedan population. Catholic Spain has of the blind one he picked the it," he said, "when they sank the , clear conscience. been the Arab's hereditary foe since the rise of figs, which both consumed. And Panay." Islam. When the owner of the orchard In this world of ours there is a lamentable And that, in a nutshell, Is why W© have heard of the persecution of the Jewa arae and asked them, 'What be- talks lack of self-analysis. Governments practice cenheld between aa envoy of came of those fine figs?' t h e sorship so they won't be called to task. Churches and tho Spanish Marranos, but the Arabs have an blind one answered, 'H&ve I eyes Hitler, aad the Japanese General sus- Staff, in Tokio a tew days ago aro blasphemously hold their institutions beyond error, qually impressive martyrology. The conquest of to see them, that you should 1 likely to affect you, and you, and Graaada and the quelling of tho later revolt by pect me of taking them? What upon BO light a foundation do they rest their strucyou, personally., did tho owner of the orchard do tures they could not stand criticism. Individuals Don Juan of Austria are bloody ancl cruel ehag- to them? Ha placed the cripple of all races and religions are guilty of extreme tero In the history of mankind. "The raid on tlio on the shoulders of tha blind l e s t wo. forget: pride. One need only read the newspapers and Moslem quarter of Granada while the men were man, and punished them together, Do you • remember when Adolf see the authoritative air adopted by medlocro but away 13 an 6ft-repeated tale in Arab lore. Like O also does the Holy One, praised Hitler tearfuly told tho world egotistical writers. One need only sit in a Chris- tho liCarranos, the secret Sloslema or Morriscoa bo He. He places the soul in thethat after tit© SssdcfeM^ssd he had body in the Dagr of Judgment." "no more territorial ambitions in tian church or a Jewish synagogue and listen to were roasted over the fires of the Inquisition when Eabbi Eleazer eaid, *'A leader Europe?" • • sense the egotism of the man who s h o u l d bo heir spirits rebelled against the forced conversion of a congregation who leads, them the ' Department of announces-' that Bo« • modestly, will bo rewarded by preaching humility. We are confusing our in- hey had undergone. Surely the Moslems of the Middle East are not leading the gama in the future hernia and Moravia. (which used dividual independence with self-indulgence. tofe«Gzecho-BIovakia) have Ireen . BO stupid as to thinlc that Spain la concerned -with world." The tragedy with which the world is today included within the • economic heir welfare or that Italy is interested in improvReich. 'Hereafter, -German money faced is the tragedy of accumulated injustice. If * ~-cornea legal tender tfeefs. nations hate each other to the point of annihila- ng the lot of the Arabs. Even since the 'assumpiBcideatelly, this ...'obliteration tion, It is because in each Individual heart there tion of the title by Mussolint, one Bloalem kingof the' last, vestige ..of what once, dom has been wiped out by Italian leglona aad has been unconcealed hatred. It only we could say 'en. independent rejntbllc docs not sit- well i a I*rag«ie, ©cpording the Jews were free of this sin, that they act in Mohammedans of Ethiopia have undergone perseto ..informed #iratcrs ftero. There ••".•' perfect tolerance of the other _person"a point, of. cution. , • • ' ' • have b^en violent, altliojigh quick* The Arab revolt of 1936 was a false revolt and. By PAT FRANK view. But this Is a tragedy from which no man ly.suppressed, dlsordeifil-And €»er« • never, h a d anything like popular support. Since aren't ipKfsisissg tho lists on this, earth has escaped, that tragedy of excesT. A. .WaaBiagtcn • mans t h e decline of t h e Arab civilization i n t h e fifteenth of tboso esccutosl: es "traitors" sive and false pride. ' >'• " • Press longer.'''.]! rebolMoa finally. century, t h e Arabs have b e e n . a n oppressed people. The fact that Yom Kippur ia tomorrow being comes against'the', "master race,'' Only with the coming of t h e British h a s thero been t-.maybe in ProgKO that It starte* observed in the midst of brutal times enhances its Wo have a friend who Is supanything • like freedom. Most Arabs realised t h o posed to be just about the best For", It twraed out that, Czcchosignificance. This war Is mot to be blamed easo-called'revolt under t h e leadership of t h e Grand naval strategist In tho service. Slovalda xvea"a healthier' democ- . tirely on the inept statesmanship, on tho faults and thon S'VCIICO, c^iluntgh It was Mufti of Jerusalem was Italian - Inspired a n d Most people, when they'ro finishomissions of others, on. tho sins of leadership. War the first to fro under. ed dinner, light a cigarette and Italian-financed. Neither Jews nor British, "but will exist a3 long as tho individual commits thoso talk. But all thlo friendo of ours tho Arabs themsolvea were subjected *to terror as docs b take nineteen matches out cin3 and errors, aa ions as the individual is guilty their leaders souEht to enlist them in the ranks of of a box, line them up on tho of faults and omissions, as Ions as the Individual table cloth and move them revolution. " • exercises ineptitude in liio fundamental dealings Tho Middle Eaot is assu/ninE prime Importance aTound, •with follow men, a3 long S3 tha individual countenin this war. The scone of conflict will undoubtedIf yon <3o not know oar iricad Semplo ances these faults in his recognized leaders. ly shift to the Mediterranean aa weather conditions very well you tSsinli it is Just Ma Yom Kippur eorvlcea •will .bo Tomorrow there is much for which to asli formako war in the north impossible.- Spain a n d way of doodling. Actually, ten of held this evening and tomorrow giveness. None of us come with clean hearts. matches ere tl»o capital ships at tho Temple. Succoth service* Mussolini are grasping s t straws IE they hope to tbo of -tho American battXcflcct. 5ks will take place V/edncoday find themselves aided in a desert campaign by an other nime ore iFcpan's fleet. He's ning and Thurcday morning. practicing. uprising of Moors. Bsih 131 • ' Last night our friend didn't Beth El Synagogue \vlll observe Something ironic, something prophetic appears take out the matches but choco Yom Kippur this evening and toin Guy "do Maupassant's comments on the AuverEtalk instead, Thio was becauso morrow. Succoth cervices are to It has come to tho point where Soutb American to iiese city of Riora which i? tho setting tor his story, countries have become BO provoked by jacrman of the tripartite part, which in- take placo Wednesday evening? Japan, Germany and Italy and Thursday and Friday morn« "Bertha." It Is, he says, tho fatherland of doctors interference they are taking stringent and drastic dicated were ready to Ji'gattg up on this i because the letters transposed spell "morl," the raeaaurca. The Fifth Column menace has ceaoed country." Jjatln word meaning "to die." to bo something for academic consideration. Not Mr. and Mrs. J. F&llz. announce Today Rioni, capital ofilie native province of only have propagandists been active, but the gov- "It is," ho caid, "a cqtiaezo tho Bar Llitsvah of' their son," .play on a gigantic seaSe. IS we let Bernard, Friday evening, October" Pierre Laval, jo gaining new famo an the site of ernments of Argentine and Uruguay have been nip- them get oway with it, then the tho proposed trials of former French leaders. It ping actual revolt plans. United Ciatcs la on tho roasl to 18, and Saturday morning, Octo*' • • . defeat In war. If we fail to actbcr 19. la a significant choice in the light of de llaupas^Uruguay, becauso of Ho strategic position, was now it xAll t»o so tlisastroag to gant's observations. RIom, rather than ."Vichy, will chosen as the base of operations In South America. thl3 country aa wra France's failu. o. o. be symbolic of the dishonor of France. It will be The Fuehrer of the Argentine Nnaio had f loci there ure to act when in 103S the GerOrthodox Congrcgatioas" "will' tho site of the death of not only tho Republic of to escape prosecution for sedition and transferred mans moved into tho Rhinelend." obcervo Yom Kippur thla evening France, but France as a world power. and tomorrow. Succoth services hia activities—in Nazi fashion—to' his havou. The "How come?" we inquired. v/ill. take placo Ysfcdnesolay eveDofcat may overtake a nation. Tho Conqueror Uruguayan government, precariously close- to a "Well, it's this way. Right now ning and Thursday and Friday may raiso his banners high.' But i t in not neces- Naal coup In June, la taking no more chance3. TheJapan ia moving into Indo-Chlna, morning. £ary that a nation In its adversity should shed its Nasls are to be brought t o trial, , figuring that we're so afraid of what tha Germans may do in the .Sho echetiblo oi,cs3?vlce3 iov all" isoHor. - It is not necessary that it strip its'-fco .TIIG {situation In South America Ia intolerable. Atlantic that wo won't dare base local, consresotioaa wHl l>o^.fonnfl.' fit integrity. Such Franco hS3 done .first by herGerxaaa'y would sever have tolerated.similar go- our fleet on Singapore, and stop in the holiday ctories on'fhe £raht psge. •- surrender; secondly, by the arrest of Its leaders; !ngs»oa for a single second. Anyone even sus- them." VSp?" thirdly. W &% capitulation to Nazi doctrines. pected of such activity against tho NasI governHerman Levl cosidu'eted 4 a 0 SVaisee, aa oiw commentator has put it^-scems ment would havo been summarily tjeXteaded ana *'So it wo k«3itfite,.mifl decide flrfif Berformsnco b£ ' \7o c&a'fc 'xMz -war in tho western 'Taroifal" (1882). to t)i aaSc? &a iHusion that tho terras o? tlio av~ tlie governments Involved loft to ho^?L As aa esenso for. his incriminating evidence, Pacific,-then It trillfoeGermany's miatice MO to 'ho th& terms o£ German, peace onco turn. Gerni&ny trill mako a tenThe Babblnical" Conference oE£nglaa<r is ficstroyea. la this belief ihoygovern- tlio SoutSi American STnekreF calls i t all a teihro tbrasCRt Bbntit'America." Mayenco of 1220 forbade tlio1 dc«Such Is fcusaor ss conceived by tho Nazis, at Vichy hM close funaplncr and unbelievable "Ol -cosrso wo TKKsieta't let Jjasetaent'and clip^iag ol coins. Ui

Yom Kippur

A New Revolt for the Desert

Activity Down South

Friday, October 11,1940



Canadian To Defeats© Csjidle Ughtiag fiaie. October 11, 5:15. October 16, 5: IS. October 17, 5; IS. October 18, 5:10. October 23, 5:03. October 24, 5:02. October S5,.5:W>. Kol Nldre eve will be ushered in by the U. O. C. at 5:20 on Friday, October 11. Rabbi Isaiah Backorsky will officiate at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue and. Rabbi David Winchester, his assistant, will speak at the Bnal Israel Synagogue. Cantor A. Scbwaczkin wil chant the eervlces at Cong. Bnai Israel, and Cantor Edward Miller at Cong. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol. Rabbi Rackovsky will speak on "Taking of a Year of Sorrow." Morning services on Yoin Kippur will start at 8:©0. At 11:15 Rabbi Rackovsky will address Cong. Bnal Israel ou "Memories of the Dead and Hopes of the LiYing." Ylakor is to follow the addresses. At 4:15 Ne'ilah services Start io both synagogues. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will officiate at Bnal Israel and chant the closing service of the day. The Succoth services will start • a October 16, at 5:00 p. m. The morning services will start at ,8:10 in both congregations. The Rabbi to speak at Beth Ilamettroah Htgodol at 1O;0Q. On Friday, services will again start at ;8:S0, tbe Rabbi speaking at Bnai Israel.

Montreal (JTA) — S a m u e l Bronfman, president of the Canadian Jewish Congress E M one of the Doatinisn'B outstanding J e w i s h leasers, has donated $250,000 to tte National Research Council of Canada, which is entrusted •with developing new scieatifis Inve&tioEg designed to aid Britain's armed operations. The donation constitutes oaefourth of all the Bums donated so far toward the Council's work by patriotic Canadians.

State S e n a t o r Sam Elaver opened Ms active campafga ' for re-eieetioa this week by pledging to continue tbe same program of constructive service which h a s marked his first term as a member of the Nebraska Unicameral legislature. •' Without indulging in extravagant promises or committing him-


(Continued^, from Page 1.) nanclal report to the Philanthropies subscribers, in the form of the Year-Book. All the beneficiary agencies will be listed, BO that the community may know just how much is seat to each agency and institution. The subscription pledges for 1939 and 1940 atod the amount received for 1039 pledges wil also be recorded in the Year-Book." , Ask Balances "AH subscribers who still owe on their 1939 pledges are urged to Band in the balances etill due, in order that they may be recorded as having, paid their pledge for the year 1939." "The Year-Book of'the Jewish Philanthropies la a Koil of Honor of the Jewish Community. Some 4,000 names will be listed In the Year-Book which will be.a permanent record of the community's efforts oa behalf of Jewish welfare and_needs In Omaha la the United States, ©ad Overseas.

Late.Friday services will start at Cong. Baal Israel with a special Bnceoth celebration on October 18, at 8 p. m. Tho Itabbl ^ill (peak on "The Succah—A Symbol of Courage and Hops." Sefylcea will be followed by a reception in the Succah at which the Children of the Talmud Torah and Religious School trill be guesta of •r. (Continued from Page 1.) the Congregation. bo at the Congregation B'nal Israel, and Rabbi Wiaehester at Mrs. Sam Brown, chairman of the B e t h Hamedrosh Hagodel. this reception is planning ti pleas- Yizkor will-be held at 11:45 and ant evening at which refresh- Ne'ilah at 4: IS. Itabbl Rackovments befitting the occasion will sky will officiate at the B'nai ba; served. Mra. Harry Mendel- Israel for th© Ne'ilah service. The qi is la charge of decorating the children's service will bo held at tho Congregation B'nal I s r a e l h from 11 to 12. On Saturday, morning, October . Xcmple I t , the Rabbi will speak at Cong.' . Yom KIppur services at Temple Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol at 10 Israel, will-begin this evening at o'clock. Regular Sunday morn- 8 o'clock. .< Tho-morning service ing services will take place at tomorrow will'begin at 10. Cong. Bnal Israel, 18th and Chi- -A. service £o? the children will cago, on Sunday, October 20. be held at 1, T h e Memorial Breakfast Is to follow cervices and Service will take ©lace at approxithe Bible Study Group is to con- mately 3:30. tinue. .••:.BetiEI••• . . . : Services o£ the Beth El SynaShmlnl Atzeroth evening serv- gogue will feegla this evening at ices will take place on October 6:15.: Tho morning ssrvlce will 28, at 6:00. The morning serv- be held, etartlEg at 8:30. ices will start on October 24, at This e?eniag, Esbbi Goldstein's 8:30. The Rabbi will speak at sermon will- .••be, ''Jadalsm's SuCong. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol preme Message fop Such s Time as a t 10:00. Yizkor services la to This." Tomorrow morning ha will follow the Rabbi's address. speak oa "The Choir -Invisible." Slmcath Torah celebrations will be observed at Cong. Bnai Israel end Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol on Thursday evening, beginning at 4:SO. On Friday, morning services will Etart at 8:30 at both Congregations. '

times" hatred ob&cures Ibis ia» stfnet for fair j.lny. It Is wtll is remember that auy titn s»hs denies justice to i.jisa OLU h^ hates prepaid the \>dy for & Abnial at jattica to b^L^ cie Ls loves."

"If for ao other reason ths.n self-interest, therefore, we should all of us be vigilant to establish the principle of due process of law so firmly that neither a revolution of tbe right nor a revolution of the left caa overthrow it. "But I -would not appeal to Bernhard V/cif, a licriia self-interest alone, beeeaase I be- was tettEdti ct u.e f lieve tliat Americans have a gea- "Wolff's uiae passion for liberty and a geauine passion for justice. SomePatronize Our Advt,itiE&i&.

Proudly 'Present a Lovely Collection of

8am Hlaver • eelf to any special interest which might be In conflict with the best public interests, Senator Klaver said he intends to keep tip his efforts against Increased taxation and for the good of the indigent, the laboring classes, and Nebraska co-operative enterprise. Although Ills fall election activities will not be spectacular. Senator Klaver said he will be active is personally t&lklng to many of the residents in his districts as possible and meeting with them from time to time.

(Continued from Page 1.) Ctudehts will feature Instruction In conga, rhumbs, tango end other new steps as well as in fundamentals.: Mra. Rosalie Alberts UpBtein will again direct- this clas3. For those interested in puppetry, Mrs. M. Fresman -will diroct the newly, organized 'Puppetry club beginning Monday, October 21, at 3:45. Dauclrig- classes for children will begin November 1. To accommodate all children who''wish'.to-participate; the Center offers a special low registration fee of .one' dollar for each activity for Center members. Nonmembers must pay an additional $& .Junior fee for each club or class, except Scooting. Further Information may be gotten at the office of the Center,' JA 1366.

PEACE UMION "The old Jewish Prophets were the very originators of that great idea: a world peace union of all nations of' this earth.' And in spite of all the failings and defects of Jetra nobody can' denythat we are tho only nation J o go through two thousand.'years of 'trorld history without arms and •without,-war,, hut with, a countless succession o£ • martyrs for t h e cause of peace and goodwill." —David Bamngardt, Profescor of Philosophy, Birmingham, University, England.'

Jewish Bfeolks v ami All Other Religions Articles 2429 PGSDfe?

-.WE SS2?

fiitScSas Eka #ewt3 & g B s t > &S «r feco&s, taletsia. e3Ic JsssS WBS! eS t£a 6e3S tines, eta. BsfiKsabcr also f-6 pSses snvse e r f e vtiVk tao far ca tsstfg a a 3 & ts£esv i t e t Is feefss fnipofteft b? ens fsora EretsEarae3. S t a l e r soap. NEW Eea? G«s6-

J^£»,©veif¥olf aoSc@3 Tksfs ©2X3 G! $iQ mssom wb? Bsowing tedusftw £3 wopsmflaf wIS &o legal m&.Qtitl33 io eSolssfa Mil, black Bhoop horn BOQS- Eola'JMq,records ehow tbat only a few of Nebrcska'o 2,503 retail establislunenls disobey tho law or permit Eali-eoefe! i Nevertheless . . . to protect Iiccr'a good msmo . „ . tlio brewisg iadustry wonla undesirable retailing elimfas&di csElrcly. \7o WEEJ QH beer taverns to be vthsx tlso MSX lasjorily tiksz&j era.»«clcca, Ettrattive, decent pkces. . We &ro Inking1 Gction to in llib. wit!* oar "clean op or dose cp w fr^gram. Good citizens can help thk progress by reporting law violators to enforcesaeat olficiab 0? to oar Committee.

inswEis Mm CHABLB3 ?ia MWt Netlonal Bask BMa,

torn tims is yosa own wtoa "s&n Isl Ea olcstiic teka ovos cooMag dutiss la f a s hmss. TMnk ©5 coa IHS escos».pl6&©d with s fern of a elsL Bs£ e!ccMe codkoxf seals fisross Sa-7-ca&®3 d^ moro d^Sdons &on ©vsr. Sso tbo ESIT

i.f e




It is t i e very Low of deception. fco I gEiter t&£jfciii€r lay fc-uadle c-f E&3 to i&ke ia tSe altar ca tiiis Y e a Kipsiir, Y e t I ieei esaLiii'ft-t&td E,s e«xe \«Ko -will i s

iio'dbliug the Host Higii too mtita,

Ls fias tucti &a ln.u& tut the cpt^etsfcti EEC! the£ix a time wlita ; jeiidy. I cke&ted the tuiid twite, imiaea&ity cf t la to lot-k at. for Ciice, witu uc± eoopuucfioa at "O Lord God, behold all, I dississtei fiO ia a toker £ifc.s!f , . t li-at Gca's eje £la of brutes, wlio devt

iiiose who at eartli, CH tke crlsse &i

look TKit-VEL: id* travtl is fefccsmfng liioie SUKI Eiore poiraiar ; TfcSS WtiS t'^Q s affair . . . Ti;.e uew format of i $• 1 ia asaosig1 Je'wiau leaders t a d crfe«»ti- tlie Ife'w Palestine is EB hutrove- aiore fzatioiial Hi-oifistrs . ., . 'fake, £©? ifeiit over the SiriiViOitS jolt , , , ;url instance, tlie ctratoilEer froia lie Cafe Iteyars fe.isisu;s L«a boy: Chicago tii« other sifciy . , . i t s IleFiaiiaa, WESS interviewed B««i lUatt by that v&ieij. ias nsCw iiia kfeait. passenger list ineludeul tea peo* pie of coatiidefccble fmpc-itaiics to Telegrani the I iiave given -side glaaees towthe JDC . . . If atytLiag had hapI I ard pretty girls eves at times pened to that plane, JBG activi- wag la writing that fcol'uiuh io wfeeii tlie wife of my s/iauy year ties would have suffered e.juite «i PM . » . ntJjhl. Abre.Ii&ai Ben&'te "v*gs at my- side. I daned e v e i Mow . . . Pftf on the p i t t a ware €i£ KoodtiK, Coan.j is back en tlie lafcre by biaKdug these delinqueu the following: Edward M. M. JOB sfter a fcsveE-year reilremeat cles OH the vdcfcetaefcses of w. oce££?oae<l by illness , • . He "is eyes instead of taking the fcia to officiating at a Kiag's Park,. U 1. my own' traESgi'tsaiHg heart. 0 (tiu L( , a t ii., 1 .'I {iiugregatloa . . . 'I'lis editors of I liave desired to be rich, v w - t , I I , ) . (j _ \ I nevrtj-fouHded moDtlily Jewtitottgii were I iiot so covetous I 1 tl»d -M> ff .' J .i. iA <-io s,- c tli.8 lc lUsui at'' _r ( >* ^ U U L ) / i . t . % Digest ai& t o ba co-ae'i'^tulat- would havo known that I .ind would have been I on the really beautiful jo Bufcit.au (ol t'.fc K^vj YoiL City to tlie Lord who €:.' ^ h'u) I J ; . A. J . Jt'<U3y, t ! 1they have turned out. caused my employer to tolerate iso la ray job eo long. Ii t o . at -, ii:\i-::-.-'.'.h r ^



1 1 H111 I '1 I 1

*:;=-.»;• ,,:;;. •-

SSI* v\ Basis -wireless fsacl & EC<M> 0% plaaa to "'Visit tk« Ustttte . * . Fpasi Ida aaiival l a H< IMi Pesfewelg t«Sd a reporter Gertaaiis Isad eaBoscecl 1 before Ira IMK3 even' «M«ffil£ 't linow \ihr.t to t^ to his closest fdeexfa . • • . of IMclwml Ka'wJLnp Davis! 'i'hat's Yom Kippur. la times past 1 havo ttot n scoop, that's espionagel). brougltt my Bins to the altar fefid


u i.u-£vli.....a. fa

fetti e t c i ik^<ulic," by iaas v t o drowa iiitSe tL a tot si w&r, CB tl.e %< ttkfcdteiiE 6-£dttpots \iiiQ Hi&ke tiaTes of tteiT captives, vn tfce Ksitirdei-s of vvoia- K.t tka fetish t/oaii^iiultf iXmter iby iKCuiitas &f tLe ik.Akk& Choi* ttu it,

(>u tLe lust

st^Jlli tf

'£k@ flay is lieiag directed by Bea ifartfa. Paul Wereaberg ia fctsifstiag,'. --Meiiili&rs fcf the east

o£ co*^;

I - i p ) ^ tu 1 t.t^

"O Loid rod, I huvo £fnt.cj h.\a tea 'jliou tUc buiiakd of LJ^ lilS."

But G&i, I ftcti', it<*& uo tliEe to»iy tii.6, Lcivy £»is they uiw. lfe iitLt b3 veichiui. the Iiaiue»iuity of efa thA hua icvkucd two iiilof the tfcoiile of the c^ilit, rolil»v,a them End left i.ha/i to starvation, haa slain tlieia v/llh bombs as they Lid from death la their holes. Slioald I intrude with my bunI *havo lieea arrogant. In my of sin a t euch a time? God driving on tho roads I Imve.blown dle' be u a t i n g ready by now my Iiom impudently against peo- should to fulfill the prophecy that wlt«pis wlio drove more slowly than soever lives by tUe aword s h a l l I and, therefore, more wisely and i by it. People have been patiently.' Au, finally, I paused them by I cast baleful glances a,t wondering where is God who, as them, a@ If to stab them through has been told, laakeu tho wicked to fall into the grave they dug for their hearts •with iay looks. the righteous? In my writing I have been guilthis magnitude of d a ty of arrogance of opinion,' tak- caaAgainst ray own Bins, grievous &s they ing "to myself eacli authority as are, ba noticed ©a Yoia Kip-pnr? of Giiial, ga If a • column were a Perhaps ' should aot bo ea Immountain height from which to pertinent I &s to press upon Him thunder down oa fellowiaea. my 'own ulna anti ask for forgiveI have faaen guilty of the sin of ness a t a moment when l i e may include: J. Schaeider, Mrs. J . vanity. From .the eecrecy ©f jny bs raising His hand to smite tho Schneider, J. J. Brown, Mrs. J. J, heart, I have looked at tlio wlilts- enemies of man. Brown, S. Canar, Natbsn Martla, b r e a s t o d guests at speakers' : A. Gchaeidep. BBQ Mra. Ben Mar* O Lord God, I ehall coiae back tableE.at the communal functions tia. ether Yom Kipp'ttr w h e n and have eald, "Y^hy am I not al- Thou wilt have more time for my Bea Martfa Is playing the tltla lowed to git In tho high places?"

have felt that I Ma,a fair cltaaca HUMOR: Have you'heard this that they would ha noticed and too-good-to-be-truo rumor , . . . forgives. After the day la tho synagogue I could go away- re.That Social Justice will sooa be joicing In ttao feeling that my load of sin could not have goae unf OMiHg? . . . . Our liomeysa««nlag noticed. eecwterj, H a r r i e t Kieastocic Yet this year I feel troubled: Fried, writes from Belli ttet a What if ray sins are not esea? a-f«ly-aa»h'M refuges fwwa EBUNot that'iny elns are too email. laaa cteisst prccipltetcd a rcvola- They are many and olzealsle. tloa wlica,.. wltli the teitniteraturo I have thought ill of people. I role, and Paul Herenberg, who '&% its more-or-less aarai&l 110 to have thought that so-and-so Zilch My vanity has ached as I con- •ins." fte slmdc, lie Kiarcliea (Lam\ tlie was no good at all ana in the 0»- sumed the roast chicken liambly, (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts had the leading part la the Jewish Drama Unit's pressatatioa' of sstaJn- street of I'ort aa Frtes^o cret meditations of my heart I Feature Syndicate,) : the feet of the Ms tn&i of Der Wildo MeBsch," Plays t h o «Itli a pals^«f skis perclted jaunt- have said that I should like to at ily ©a Ma Bsioalflcrs . . . Bet him Ii a pillory v/ith a sign Israel. William Vassbayl was in 1917 role of Herzila Melches. I have sinned In that I havo appotetei Ilungarlaa rainlstes of I. ParilBisn will act as proiap* under him: "This Is that bum ter. Proceeds from the play will RIDDLE: What, tlio British Zilch. "Whoever passes by is at been spiteful. justica by King Karl IV. 'sags are asking in between bomb liberty to throw a tomato at him." I ha«e sinned in that I Iiavo Klicboa Veatara, Chief Rabbi of go to charity. eluaks, Is tlio tliffereaeo between My lips have given einful utter- spolcen harshly of sinners w h o Turkey, was professor of Ilsmaa a iBisadvefiture • aad a - raisfor- aneea that would better have been wero no worse than I. Solomon Soils, bora la Willaw at the University ©f Ist&nbal. I have cteaed ia boastfulBesa. tune? \ . . The p.ns'wer: If the.alr- left unsaid. I remember I have Emlla Waldteufel,-' a Frcijch lHgtott is 1818, is tho first Delaplane3" carrying Hitler end Mus-meditated on tha mistakes of na- Many more are my eins aacl tho, Jew, was director of the famefl ware Jew to wiisEi there is any Kc'lr.l to r, ricstlr.T cfflHdcs!, it ture vrhlch strike down the right- space of this eoluran -WOHIS not be court balls of ITrjolesa III. reference. oagh were I to attempt to '..'tfttid bo a lalcadvcaturo. It ban eous while It lota people like not happened: that 1G a mlsfor- _.luts live and thrive^ on the earth enumerate all of them. A n d ; through tho yearn. I'hatc Gluts. what g o o d reputation I have tuno. • , Oao evcnlns I spolic sharply would fee lost were the readers Rifcs- to my wife trUon cho wanted to fjo to Imov? all my Binning. What ii-sr cf IlriSoa?, Ilelwc-/ to the movio . . . "No," I said, "I columnist c a n live unless the GJ II.O XlLstcJrctli Ivritd o2 positively will not go and you caa readers believe him" to be both o:?a, is jaolly proud of K Ict- not malce me GO . . . " I grumbled wise.and. good? \ff5 rccctvc J the uih?r «Iay £rom againct her all evening V7kcn finAye, that ia. the climax of my conr ta?it niid cntlniESastfc read- ally I did go. sinning — in that I havo, deceived .r 'i"ie rcaflc^'a RSIHS in 1VHGiis of latolcrr-ncs the public that has believed mo er J*t':patrk"t . . . \71io v.Tcto I have been guilty of tho cin to be wise, If not good. To pren Pi1r.jrcae, Kclnr., t o fn- of intolerance. I have sinfully tend any wisdom in a world in Ie.'!a.'»5< o" hla chsngc of Cil- thought what a good world this which the people search eo des• .1 £'!i:2 t o r.dd t!sat Ito %vr.3 a would bo if all the people v/ho perately even for one gleam oE t^uiii-i.* of Lic'iS'cv? end was don't asrea with rao were boiled *'nrv::;tly froriniitcd by Ito y in oil. Then I v/ould have my ov/n c;:u r 5Mjjc^ty. I r.:a not yet a com- way. \Y \ • AS F0H RENT—Fiire-roona terplete nj;;st2r cl It, bat I bcKcvc I have bene guilty of the sin "nislied home, all Blotters; •a / Hr.fJo;-.? v/iill csmble ma to ucMcvc of pride. In the depths of my responsible p a r t y wanted. f ":al noblo ynrpoco and eiii-icii tisy heart I havo-caid that if all Jewo AT 4539. UiTc theroby." . . . Pcfcra GKJ^CSIO were like mo there could be no tliut the letter *>e pliolostntcd end anti-Semitism. Yes if all v/ero EO copies cent to llchrcv/ cclioo'a (\ throughout tlic conatry . . . it-

IIISH-MACH: The &ew-born American Jewish Press Club v/aa tremendously flattered tho other Cay \fMn it received recognition hy Wendell Willkic, vrhczo publicity dept. sent It V/illfcio'o Rosli Hashonah mescaco . . • Hcartlect eonsrr.tul&tions to tho Education* r.l Allianco (East B'way institution) for tho benutful enhibltloa put on by the alumni of ito justly famed nrt cehool . . . Alumni included in tho esliibit, being held at tlio Acsociated American Artists Galleries in New Yortc, are Jo Dr.vidcon, Jacob Epstein, i.Iaurice Glickinan, Chaint Grosia, Bliaa Grorsmnn WIlH.im Aueri)ach-Lc7j', Loula Losovriclr, Jotoph IJarGuliefl, Silas Nevnncn end many others v/ho liavo gained prominence since tlio dayo they .ctudicd at tlio Alliance ccbool . . . 'S/"to;:i candidate for tbo" title of '..irjcrica'D Ho. 1 "native" fiftlicolur.uiiat Is Ucruin K. Hart, of tlio New York State lc Council, for his Union JLcasuo Club speech in -which l loo!: a 2>olto p.t denosracy and unT)i-rc:EDd him-c!£ o£ ccvoral nasty r.a-juoaiioa on Jcvra . . . ConSrsts \i iZ-'o-incT/Smst, forint-? pabllcity -<• ••;%;'rry nt tlio Jewish Theo' J fffeatwrg, sf-Washingtoa, on their • !i B i w - V . .They'll be livtog ia • ^s1i!est0a;'. ; '.' • ' Charles.;. Jaffe,. '5^-g-lSojjored^with;.ff:t»aiMinetrtho ' K # « t ' : t o ; ^ l e b r a t 0 ; M 3 . 25tH ,SfefeisSft?--Isi.JoarnaIi S mr> *•<





21P-1MED rfo cad Br Fiitda most homo makers deep in plane to L-apirovo tho oppcaratsco of Ijer horao. Tho old furniture £acka its Sottaev appeal. It's timo for nov/ furniture . . . and fro? greatest vol* ueo, finest quality and broad selection you ov;a it t o yous*oolf to consult vsrstls a Slums Eosna pla^ninff estport. TEi corvico is gratia.

Marvelous clyba, b o t h fitted and boxy » . . tho wool lining sips out ky. cool days) and zip3 in fc> cold days . . ..it'o really 2 ccatJ in 1.

BUY QH YOUR OVVN TBIMS Dcn'f Itivos* a Dof.!c? la RRO Ftsfr.i UnSll You Sss Sham Offerings p|'' 1 1

••-'• $lss3 9 'ia"18, • ' • • . . ; y . ' . : • ] , • : & to

W 44-

Friday, Octdber 11, 1040


te&Eu, is a soa of* United Jewish la., will ectertsfH the Y o s t g Mr. £sd Mrs, Morris Butler'"of Appeal 'Meld Directe!- Eadis . . . Judaea at the home of her grand. Silver City, K. M. Did yoiffi know tiiat Jack Beany Blotter, Mrs. B.. Saltzmaii, 73S 4*4 Is a Life iaeiscber of tlie VAaiil&tMyaeter, at 2 o'clock Bani&y aftFllOJf WA.SBISG'TOH Orgaafzatioa of America? • . . 'Eo ernoon. &n iEiqtci&Etive tut/leu fre-ai Kew Miss Marion KaitiregB, w h a All members are urged to atJersey: Yes, Keel Meadow, t l i e tead, us £H iaterestfEg iceetieg lias beea visLtfag £t the home of FOREIGN AFFAIRS CoiLeej4 of the CLOSCES People,* Broadway i«-esa ageat, fa & rela- lias been arranged.. her jaoifeer, Mm. J. K&telsaaE, fa Now it can be told that wfcea Ii-ioagltt But by the Union of tive of R-&l>fci g Sunday to take .up he? the Preach Cabinet met at Tours Aiiiieeicert Hebrew Coagregatio feld, the new Zioiiibfc director of education . . . la Washington, D. C. for the last time before the arm. in a little boaklet in the series c-£ Hies Pearl Meyersoa, daughter (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts of Mr. atid Mrs. Herman Meyerto seek soate tolutien for PO^EEISJ* Studies hi Sud&istsi , Feature Syndicate.) • son, becaiae tbe bride o£ Lester &.T KOMiS the intolerable situation, Georges A few itaiirs |*efo»e the dawn of Students of Nebraska uaiver* Mar-cus of Omaha, eon of Mr. and Mandel said: "If my name were the Jewish New Year Moi-iis 1-IarMrs. Charles Marcus of Milwau- sity who were home last 'week* Durand instead of Mandel I could gwlies, foi'ffiier ZOA secretary, e kee, Wis. The marriage t o o k end to spend the holidays witli become Prime Minister, and then Ids two brothers, F r a n k and d o ta a t e d* considerable place at the home of Rabbi David their parents were, Korma Seiaia, • I could save France" . . . The Wlce, - wiio officiated., Saturday Harold Berusteiu, Irving Coliea, tragedy of it is that he was right qu&ntities at their blood &t Mount night, October 28. Oaly the Im- Bob Passer, Milton Katehuan aed . . , When the air alarm -siren Btes,t Hospital to the Red Cross, S h r i e k s in London Dr. Chaim who shipped it to fee used for liy LUClUJi ALItA.IIAS.tSOW mediate families were present. Yale Gotsdiaer. Weizman and David Ben Gurioa transfsEsfoiis for military and ciAttendant!) were the bride's Nathaniel Wallich (1788-1854), don't budge from their executive vilian Blitzkrieg.casualties'. . . A SYNAGOGUE Kol Nidre will be held at th- sister, Miss Gwendolyn Meye-rson a Danisli Jevr, was director of ths desks at 77 Great Russell street newly formed oi'g&EiHJtioii is tits Chicago, s.nd Sam Fogelsoa of , : , , They prefer comfort w i t h Zionist Guild of Executives, 11» e Chrevra B'nai Yisroel Synsgogu of Milwaukee, a. l)rother-in-lavr of famed gardens in Calcutta. Friday, October 11, at 5:80 p. in danger to uncomfortable safety Baron Leopold Franc he tti, a of which is to preserve, and Saturday, October 12, at the "bridegroom. • . ,, Martin Roseublueth, member Florentine Jew, was in I8S0 apend protect the civil a. m. The bride wore a sheer crepe pointed governor of Eritrea. of the Zionist executive at Lou- service rights of its members . . . gown of soldier blue. She wore Yizkor will be observed "ddn, has been released from con- She uiMUElinouEly elected presia brown liat with nose-veil, brown dent of the new gromp is none day morning at 10:30. _ p x hear centration camp, HOT§€Bit ft KEK? accessories and an orchid corsage. other than oar old friend Meyer "•Wealthy Nazis have a l r e a d y Her sister wore a crepe frock of IIA0AS3AII moved their gold to Paris, to W. Weisg&l . . . VOVU IKSUHANCB BK0HK3 There will be a board meeting slightly darker blue with black escape British bombings of Beraccessories and a corsage of garof Hadassah niest Monday night II l i n . . .. General Franco's official FELICITATIONS October 14, at the home of tbe dlnias. publication, ABC, predicts t h a t Congratulations to James Wa- president, Mrs. Harry Cherniss The couple are residing in an FINANCE ANII IKSlTSt*NCE General Almazan, the defeated terman Wise on joining the ranks Omaha hotel leusiiorarily until a. Presidential candidate of Mexico, of radio'a political commentators 119 youth Jfliglith. trip to New York the middle of •Will soon be President of Mexico, . , . He'll he heard over Station October. The October mttting of Hadas and stresses that he's a friend of WEVD, Mew York, three times a Out-of-town guc&ts were t h cWe wonder whether a detsert-luiichc-on Franco eah \/ill m o t i i o r, M r a. Senator Edward R. Burke of Ne- week, and will discuss men and Tuesday, October IC, at the Syna- bridegrooin'ti Charles tlareus, and his brotberCongratula- gogue at 1:30. of today braska, one of the parents of the events and tisterd, Mr. and Mm. tions also to Louis Ritlenberg, ' conscription law, doesn't blush executive Mrs. M. Braudels Is cliairmar in-laws Louis Ililler Mr. and MIK. and literary editor of ;when he remembers an interview the Universal Jewish Encyclo- of the nieeting, and her commit- Ham Fogelson,and all of Milwaukee. he gave a few years ago on his pedia, who has just brought out tee la as follows: Mesdames M. J return from Germany, in which ; Have Your F U « Coat second volume of the work, Uobrick, II. Fried, M. Davidson he proclaimed Chancellor Hitler the 1 N. Itichards, L. II. Katclman and Rcjulylc-tl Uotll Voci high in Jewish enMrs. G. Mazle returned home ''a greater man than Bismarck" setting a new achievement in a n y Mrs. A. U. Hear. Tuesday after a two-month trip and declared that the annexation cyclopedic | Got Ottr Lo\/ I.1 ticca Miss Ida Hoffman will give a west. Bho visited for tho most language . . . To Arthur Lamport, of the Sudetenland by the Reich treasurer of tho United Jewish book review entitled "The Fire The Very Latest fjtylcs part in Log Augelcs, Cal., \/hero was justified . . . Appeal, congratulations aro due and the Wood," by II. C. Hutchlu- she was extensively entertained on his recovery from an illness son. by friends and relatives. While HERE AND NOW that alarmed his many friends . . . In California, sho also attended IJjewaro of .an organization And to A. IC. Epstein, veteran JUNIOIt HADAiJSAH the World's Fair at Ran Francalled the League to Save Amer- Chicago Zionist, wo extend o u r Tho Junior Hadassah will en- cisco. ica First . . . The leader of that felicitations on tho marriage of tertain at a parly next Sunday En route homo sho stopped to outfit • Is •- Biindist lions Diebel, his son . . . afternoon at the homo of its ad- visit her son-in-law and daughter, who operates from headquarters visor, Mrs. Itichard Gordon, 602 p A l Sh "F Roosevelt, from 3 to 5. /.WV1 . . . i h . t^'-K "Free in Los Angeles A meri/ Anyone who is interested in at- LZ: American/' G e r m a n Btwtdist ABOUT PE01»LI"! sheet, brazenly gives its readers Expected to Clipper to t h e s e tending la asked to call the genfront-page advice on how they shores one of these days is Leslie1 eral chairman, Audrey Telpner, r- •( r « r can evade the draft . . . We're a Hore-Rclltsha, formpr Ifritlt;!! V/ai 8734. bit disgusted to know that t h e Minister . . . The Kothschild refChairman of the program combiggest Geroum-longuag© screen ugees who recently cama here mittee ia Marilyn Callzman, and success of recent months in New from Fr«sic« mo constdcriiifj the she will bo assisted by Esther York is the official German film purchase of tho U-io V/ •= ' 11 c r Drown and Lorraine Meyeroon. A glorifying Hitler's destruction' of Chrysler's cctato v.t Grcnt NccSr, special college) themo has been Poland . . . Only 18 per cent of L. I. . . . No longer will you Innch arranged. Other committees arc: the members of the- New York at tho ••/sinalcs" t h a t I I B T O Refreshment, Esther Brown, BetStock.* i&chango' aro JTe'ws, • al« fa»w to Kubo Goldberg ty Cohen and Marilyn Saltzmnn; g Invitation, Bette Leo Harris, and though in population the" J e w s Rube is represent almost S3-per'cent in full tlnio to to devcto hia Doris Friedman, R o s e political cartooning hp it M ' and.many;oth . . » Bert ICadls, f o r m e r hlj»h cleanup, Bernstein, Ruth Seldln and Authis y this city. city . . id S tsnvo n r;rcot cZ c.? school football ct&ir, who's Rolns drey Telpner. er interesting items are contained lit a little booklet called " S h e to .hold 4!io bnrl^leld berth oa ^Le^ off L'te. ITuls-Fiery Furnace--Flames Again," by tho Washington and Leo football Miss" Jerry Cohen of Harlan, C3[o E L X " : C £ ] 3 IQ'SQ boe:a Bembert Gilraan Smith of'- Tulsn. a n d Cio EJCD ci Okla. . .-.-Mr.- SESsitJa- still hopes to combat anti-Semitism w i t h That Is the statemeut made by Terry Carpenter, statistics ".'•-. When Friday, "the former Consreaoiuau and now trying: to bo Governor weekly that-tells the truth," tried , of Nebraska. It is quoted from tho Congressional to place advertisements in t h e Record, Vol. 78, No. 13C, Page 12,630, June 18, 1934. daily press to call attention to its expose of the close relationship This statement find others vrero made when Terry between Frits K u h.n and the Carpenter opposed tho creation of tho committee to chemical department of H c a r y lnvoatierato Nazi and Communistic Propaganda (now Ford's factory, it found ho paper tho Dleo Committee). willing to. run that a d — n o t even the Yiddish newspapers . . . The only daily which, did print Carpenter argued on tho floor of Congress th.it the advertisement, and that free Hitler and his flfth-columnlato wcro OK and needed of charge, was FBI ./. . M-G-M ta no invcstl&atlon. Carpenter oven went further in the y Mew Lje&Jc following statement: preparing anothec short on Nostradamus, featuring t h e 10th.I wish to extend to our friends, the Jewish c e n t ia r y prophet -us predicting -people, and our Jewish customers of this "B pay. England's victory In'this .war... . • s1 Ctsri c« Believers in the soothsayer's forep country, our best v/ishes for " A Happy and casts point bat that General Dp Prosperous New Veer." May (;io Almighty GauUe.obviously is.the Gallic general whom :the Jewish astrologer God blecs She Children of Israel with Good That quotation will bo found in the Conpresaional foresaw s s bringing ©a the end Record, Vol. 78, No, 62, Page 5,055, March 20, 1934. HCQUII and Long Livofor many years to come. of Hitler,. ._. All of which re. Could anything be more un-Amerlcau than this minds* us to tell yora that departstatement of Terry Carpenter's? • ment stores throughout.the country will. soon start Belling metal bombproof, shelters, collapsible Carpenter was well answered by Congressman Swcenfey, a Democrat, of Ohio, ao follows: and costing' a hunflred,.berrie3 e d c h . - . « ; - , - " : • •" •'- ' - ••'."III. Speaker, .1 am coins to ta!:o Issno with tho .Gentlemen (EIr. Cnrpentev) froai Uebraslta wbo Jtiofc C O R R E C T I O N '.••*:" •'. ..'.-.-•• • nMxez&cH you, because I believe tho Gcrimn people '•' The Jewish" Theological .Semiof tMa country, ii they were to fesae c t,;x:n:;at'j" to nary ! of America' informs us that you toclajr, v/ouid 'say, 'Pass tho r~r.olHt!on.' M tlici-e la It" merely . acted'.- as host to • the Hitler proivi^sn&a, lierc, dls it up, Hu."o\r it oat into tlie Cpnferenc6- on Science, Philosopen. I laiow there arc grounds for this resolution. ophy arid. Religion at which Professor Albert Einstein's p a p e r against a'personal. God was read That la also taken from the .Congressional Record, . . . The Seminary therefore feels Vol. 78, No. 02, Pace 5,055, March 20, 1934." that we were not -Quito fair in our 71 recent item chiding it for not havUi "We American Citizens who believe that America ing issued the Einstein paper to Is tho best country on earth aro AFRAID to vote torthe preso together v/lth the other Terry Carpenter for Governor. Wo do not want aa papers . . . We accept tho correcGovernor a taan who is In favor of a Hitler dictatorManufacturers of tion, but vo_.Gtlll insist that it ship In Nebraska. . _'__ " KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN T/aa a matter of routine for whoever handled tho prc33 for t h i s KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES : Loo!; up for yourself tho Congressional rcccrc. Conference to release Dr. Binwhich xia quotes above. Bead it carefully, every word. ' KELLOGG'S RICE KRfSPIES elein'o Dtatembnt . . . As a matter It's tho TRUTH! " . : of fact, wo know ..that Dr. E3iaKE'LLOGG'S PEP steln prefers to have tho tests o£ KELLOGG'S WHEAT KRISPIES. ell his ctatexnoats girea out In e'xtenso to tho no"3papcrmen/ EO rrr-t KELLOGG'S WHEAT KRUMBLES ns to avoid being misquoted . , .




N. B. Note to Efctibls: Don't Qcrnr.nl -Heller's "2 h e •Jewish




>_ , ' I t»-T.^"~"-n' *• V* lt.6 r a t h e r iiBccta1

1 •!




i i

1 1! ' 1





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J «miM1

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Mcy Ws Tender

ur Vea? Best Wishes


y and £"»osfr&rovjs

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New Year i,j

i't it*

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3h 0101

FALL' SEASON POLICY Every FsiSay^ Saturday* and Sue? PRIVATE DANCES Thursday Daneo to October 4-S-6

• « r ? ^ V,-, It '*- n*' V'


?ci*i!s« ^aU.Ur foi "tlit £*d?zc zc>~ai cfltabllcliics t i l s £cud bo lield ttio Fall o£ Hist year. ~6L CT^li'.Tl CT. v»19 1 Tills Carnival cot a precedent iliat liz^ fcica followed each conc:cutlv; 7czv until at its T-'SZ2Ht It ii" rerreshinj. sad ctixsmlatlira'j 2. calJitastir.l fmid has bc:-a 5 to fee affiliated with, an cr„ ialsittoa. •v.'hicli cdiiere3 to its declared purposes as religiously of Ifco Budding Ii. 3". Ilaplan. Also oa this com- as doo3 B'nai B'rith. milt^o cr^ A. I I . Hzrlz, Jscl: Hol>- This organization began in 1S43 iucon, lias BrodSer. ' H - o Sial- by a Jiandful of men in New York City, cz.n today point to over 75,ovsky, and B. N, 6roe~!:ln. Oflleers: Offlceri; cf tlio FeS- 000 matabers in the United eratioix tlii3 Past year aro: Presi- States, in more than 500 Iodge3, dent, E. 2J. Gruc3l:in; Vleo Prcsi- representing some 450 commuaiflontn, B. Baron, J. Salin, A. H. ties in every state of the Union. B'nai B'rith serves members Baron, Xi. J. Kaplan, Sara Cohen, Dr. It. Dtosdals; secretary, Jack and non-members alike by ce:nBobin^on; Fincnolal Secretary, itins anti-semltisia through its EH Eoblnow; Treasurer,-!!:3 Dav- Anti-Def asaatloa Leasue; helps idson; Esecativa Director, Doro- ..;o unfortunate refugees from thy Herlin. " abroad; engages in Americanization, "worli; works with Jewish college students through the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations; The Inter-Club council acts as serves Jewish boys generally a coordinating agency for all through A. Z. A.; helps Jewish Jewish organisations activities in youth in search of occupations tas city. Organisations participat- through its vocational guidance ing In the Inter-Club Council in service; helps to build Palestine; the pact year were: B'nai B'rith, cooperates In promoting better A. Z. A., Poale Zion, Worluncns understanding between Christian Circle, Auxiliary "Workmens Cir* and Jew; participates in comcle, National Fund Council, Jr. munal affairs, and help all Bick Hadassah, Sr. Hadasgah, Auxili- and needy. ary Beth Abraham, Auxiliary TipLast A"pril the Sioux City B'nai hereth Israel, Hebrew Mothers B'rith Lodso was host to the Association, Ivre Club, Auxiliary Southwest Regional Council of Shaare Zion, S. C. Independent B'nai B'rith on the occasion of Farane, Auxiliary of Independ- its convention, and during ent Farane, Mt. Sinai Brother- the Spring convention entertained B'cai hood and Sisterhood, Pioneer men from Lincoln, Omaha, "Women, Chevra Kadiaha, Talmud B'rith and ..Council Torah, Mt. Sinai Temple, all syn- The presentBluffs. officers are: josuea, the Federation, Building ArnolU Baron, president; Dr. Fund, Emergency Loan Fund, Frank Epstein, vice president; Council of Jewish Women, and Jack Greenberg, treasurer; MarYouth Council. vin Klass, corr. s e c ; Perry O> The outstanding achievement of nowitz, Kec. S e c ; A. M. Davia, the Inter-Club Council this year monitor; Joe Goldstein guardian; as in previous years is 'the an- Archie Kroioff, warden; Sam Conual Jewish Carnival, the pro- hen, trustee; and R. H. Eralein, ceeds of which are divided among trustee. the organizations participating in the Council. President of the Inter-Club Council this past year Chevra Kadisha hfes been L. J. Kaplan. The chairThe Chevra Kadish of Floyd man of the 1939 Carnival was e m e t e r y is an organisation Lester Davidson. Other officers of C formed to conduct the Jewish the Council are Treasurer, H. funerals at Floyd Cemetery. Flshgall; Vice President, Dr. L. present, the club is completDlmsdale; Secretary, Dorothy ingAtplans for building a Chesed Merlin. Shel Ernes Chapel. The funds for this funeral home are being obtained by subscription. • A.Z Mr. H. Levin is president of The Aleph Zadiclj Aleph of the the group, other officers include; B'nai B'rith has for Its purpose S. Lipman, secretary; Ben Sherthe enrollment of all desirable man, treasurer. The board of diJewish young men In a fraternal rectors is composed of the followorganization having for its pro- ing gentlemen; H. M. Singer, •gram tho mental, moral, and phy- Jack London, I. Klass, A. Kossical development of the mem-berg, J. Dimsdale, and 25.. Satin. bers; the ctrensthenins of their Jewish affiliations; the abatement of pernicious influences of Siours City Auxiliary bigotry and rcco prejudice; and the Qtlmulatlon of interest In Hu- Independent Farene manitarion, education, and philThe Auxiliary of the Indepenanthropic endeavors. dent Farene works together with The collection of money for the the Farene. During the year card Jerry Safur (A. S. A. paralysi parties, bazaars and other social victim,) fund was one of the out- functions are sponsored and the standing achievements of the lo- funds derived are sent to various cal chapter during 1940. Other charities bath in the /United activities included a pledge group States, and abroad. weiner roast; a.successful season Officers for 1940 are: Mrs. M. in the field of sports; participa- Dervin, president; Mrs. ,1. Kiasa, tion in the Youth Council paper secretary, and Mrs. M. Levitsky drive; a successful sale of Youth treasurer* ' !



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