Eutered &% s.tcuii<i Ppstofficc. of C/s
li. (1 tUlter on January Si, IS31, et . u-.cK-r Use Axt of Ltar-ea fc 16'?8
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Book Evenings to . • Open This Monday S e c ' y "'.of -Brotherhoods to Occupy iPtilpii "t . a t -Temple Arthur L. Ileinhart of Cincinnati, executive secretary of the .National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods, will tonight occupy the pulpit at Temple Israel in observance of Laymen'"a Sabbath. Members of the Temple Israel Men's club will participate in tlie Sabbath. Born in Portland, Ore., Mr. Reinhart took Ijis B. 8. degree at Northwestern university. After
• <•- '*-£-
Rabbi David A, Goldstein .will open his annual series of book evenings this. Monday, November •i, at 8 p. m. at the new Beth El synagogue, Forty-ninth and Far-
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For his first book,. llabbi Goldstein has chosen the novel, "How Green Was My" Valley," by Richard Llewellyn. Other books to be reviewed during the coming winter-include: "Native Son," by Richard Wright, aud "The Big Sea," by Langston Hughes; "The Star Gazer," by Ilgolt de Harsanyi, atxd "The Beloved Returns," by Tlximaa Ht>"
YEdJt »«i I>een At frlay,
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"Schl&iail'e «II>1 If
to be lut^cuttd t< y,
Harry Mendelson • .Writes for'J. T. A.
I t a l y Imperils Old Salonica
Harry Mendelsou, local Hebrew thf. teacher, writer and periodic conifewish tHoinitivni <• hy t h e tributor to the "Omaha Jewish t Istanbul, Turhey (JTA)—-r14to Jewkli Ui&iuB V Press," recently received w o r d Italian inviisloii of Gi'eere nn Mon» The Omaha ' dub is from the J e w i s h Telegraphic (lay, inai'ldug the opesifug of the sponsoring the pixoyulation of Agency that his article, "Eight Axln milH&vy drive Into the Ifsl* the four-act melodrama which Hundredth Anniversary of Judah knns, brought tl|c War closer to parallels the life of Boila Tom- Halevi, P o e t Laureate of the Palestine and threw into the im« ashefaky, the author. Spanish Golden Period," has been \vft|' (H'fisa a if Members of the'cast include: accepted for publication. u'hivli includes about JOO,« S. Kenyon, Mr. and. Mrs. J. J. It will be printed in- the near O0O Jews. Brown, Louis Wollc, Mra. P. Cran- future. It had been generally eipecfed dall, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gendleman, that thd-Nazi-Fascist forces vould „.$ \ J Ui; s,-* Vy w Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nerenberg, Mr. make a drive into gquth-cauterit and Mrs. M. Nerenberg.. Europe as a preliminary move in '.Broadcast Ffececlea Play ' an attempted Blitzkrieg 'of tho First Meeting,Be Held P. Craudall and. Mrs. M. NerenNear and Middle East, including Thia berg are stage directors! MarEgypt, Palestine and Iraq. liiitgaret Finkel and Albert. Bayard ish military authorities -wcro reare in charge of the musical porported intensifying defehsse i»rcpain ..response to itumeroug re- tion of the program. : Publicity rations in the Near Bast and tho quests, tiio Center will form a' director ia John Feltasasi. newly formed Arab-Jewish infanWill • Attoud I&ceting of Choral Society for those interest- Immediately preceding the Mon- .' • try forces in the Holy Land wora ' Welfare Ifunda in ', being ed iu e«senifcle feltogjng, on Wed- day night performance, the final prepared for active duty. .: Milwaukee nesday, evening, November C, at broadcast of the presidential canTho Axis push towards tho 8 O'clock," Mr, Al .FJMltel,'orches- didates will bs heard from t h e Mediterranean was Interpreted DLB tra conductor, will lead tho group; stage of the auditorium. The first, • TFovx leaders in Jewish weli&ra (Continued on Page G.) This choral group is open to broadcast will be heard at 8:15, activity in Ouiftha will t a k e a prominent part in tho Corcnth p.' m . " " • • " • ' ' '• all music lovers and, no previous Annual .West Central 8tiJ.j"i Ketraining la required for memberf.Ioiial Coafereaee of the Cornel ship',, according" to Mr. Harry D«o-I Jewish FederaUoas fci"l V/< 1 Ul'Lt" L Boff, chairman, of the Center Funds, to b® held i« r.Jih./n« sic committee. ki,c, WIs.» tomorrow and ilvivl *y. la addition to the enjoyment Philip Klutznicb, Maurlco Juc\;hich cornea from ensemble. eingbib cl,t and Paul Yeret liavo l)< ou u>I\£ with others •who love to ting, r fijjKcd'prominent roles at t i n ? u\' mbers of the choral group will year's sessions of the conference. Ruling Denounced i» AH luofit from instruction and exWllliaitt Hohman, who is first perience iu sight-singing. A repo- Annual Protestant Churches Nozit FrH- vice-president of the conference, toire of outstanding classical and In' Holland at S'nas is also chairman of tho Time and modern musical selections will bo Placo committee. Mr. 'Klutznlck Israel developed. Hebrew, and Yiddish Genera (WNS) •—.. Prolfistf.nt and. Mr. Jacobs are members of music, foik and Palestinian, will* groups throughout "NRsl-or the Regional ExecutiveCommitA..'A. A. SabtetJi will be ol>bo included. A number of public Holland luivo united in ft 'p appearances of the group a r e served hy' the two Omaha chap. tee, and the former is also a mem- to Dr. Arthur Soyss-Inquart;, ber of the Conference Resolutions tci-s of 'A. 7*. A. Friday evening, planned. man commissioner for tho Niliter* There are openings for all types November 8, at tho B'nai Israel committee. Tho conference will consider lands, against tiio introduc{?on of of voices, soprano, alto, tenor, synagogue, Eighteenth end Chi' vital problems relating to Jewish anti-«Iet¥lsh decrees, it.iyas lenrn* baritone and bass. All persona cago streets. needs hero and abroad. Special d h Alephs from Mother Chapter, interested in joining aro asked to Tho fight against the anll-Scr-i* sessions %?ill bo devoted to t h e contact the Center for further in- No. 1, and Sam Beber Chapter, Hie. measures was led by Protesplace of women's groups in tho No. 100, will chant the services formation and to coine to t h e tant clergymen who denounced meeting on Wednesday evening^ and deliver the sermon. {3am Jewish community, problems of the anti-Jewish laws from their Jewish'education, p u b l i c relaCooper, winner of tho 'national November 6. pulpits and rallied their concrcThe Choral Society Is one of essay contest sponsored by t h o tions, the problems and programs gations to protest to the Nasl (Continued on Page 9.) Auxiliary of the Veterans of Forthe features of the Center Music commissioner. department, under the direction eign Ware, will present hia winTho announcement read In tho -' of Mr. AI. Flnkel. The Center mu- ning essay. Protestant churches stated that A. Z. A. Sabbath will be obsic committee consists of: Mr. the Nazi decree barring Jews from H a r r y DuBoff, chairman, and served on that day not only by government services was not in Mrs. Harry DuBoff, Mr. Harry the Omaha chapters but by over accordance with Christianity. Silverman * and Mr, Harry Mala- 400 A. Z. A. chapters and 12,000 '- .Define Jew A. Z. A. members throughout the ohoclc. Dr. Seyss - Inquart ordered n country. The public will be weloclal registration of all "JewLondon (JTA) — Two Jews comed by the Ai Z. A. and the Dr. Abram L. Saclwir, long a ish enterprises," as the firnt step have been sentejieed to death by synagogue, at the service. favorite with Omaha audloncea, a military court at Koenigsberg, Planning for the Sabbath'la ai will appear aa second speaker on in>a'campaign to "Aryanize" HolEast; Prussia, on charges t h e y committee • under the chairman- the Center Forum series, Tuesday, land's industries. Jewish enterprises, according to'the'Nazi nil* ; killed a German airman In Sep- ship of Norman TurRel of Mother November 12. . (Continued on Pago 12.) tember, 1939, the German wire- Chapter arid Louis Katz of CenDr. Sachar, who is national diless reported. The two Jews were tufy chapter. Rabbi Isaiah Rac- rector of the B'nai B'rlth Hillel named Perlman and Dershoraky, kovsky la co-operating with A. Z. Foundations and for many years the wireless said. A. in.the observance. professor of European history at L\iiJ-J I'J hii the University of Illinois, is t h o a u t h o r of the much-discussed book, "Sufferance Ia the Badge." Ho also wrote "A History of the Jews." -Sam Beber will report on tho Considered one of the country's activities of the anti-Defamation foremost lecturers, Dr. Sachar baa Committee at the next mcetinc appeared in Omaha a number of of B'nai B'rlth, Monday, Novenitimes. Throe years ago he con- ber 4, in the ledfie room of the ing tho pi'psent European mean a continuation of the prca- ducted an.Institute for tho Beth Jewish Community Center. conflict .tiio secosui phase o£ the e n t • instability. T h e speakers El synagogue and later appeared A stag In honor of the. lodge's "Thh-ty !re,-u\3 VJav," three prophesied that o n c e England on the Town Hall Forum of tho new members v/Ill he held MonNebraska S o c i e t y of Colonial members of the University of Cld- aud the.United States vrcxo dinday, November 18, at Uio Center. ano Round Table, in tho opeiskig posed of, the dictators would in Dairies. Milton Frohiu is chairman of lecture of " the Center P o r u m all probability o t a r t firhting the prosrnm committee- in charge Tuesday evening, pointed among themselves, Hitler's'intenof arranucments for the m< clings. Mfi 14 ft" out the need of the United St.-.tes tions bollix to rcir.Oto from t h e Alfred Fiedler is president of the !er,<Iinrj the world back' to stabil- scene Stalin, Mussolini and Japan. Omaha lo:lf;c. ity. "At the present Uiiie," the disThe three men, all -members of cussants asrec-d, "tho U n i t e d tho "department o£ Political Sci- States is not. in danger of. r.n Imenco at the University of Chicago, mediate" "physical Invasion, but Sa Members of the Toinplo Israel w o r e introduced by President tho event of a totalitarian,, tri- High School group v.-ill be cuests Rowland Ilayncs of the Municipal umph Vr-ould face a psychological at tho first ineoiinr; thin year of Lieutenant IL-irold J. Kundia invasion." There are enough fair- tho Beth El Youth gi-oup, Sun- hasj been ordered to active duty University of Omaha. Participating were Professorg weather friends oC Domocracy in day eveuinrr, November ">, at 7 with tho United State;; army and Jerome Kenvin, Walter Lavos, this country, Uicy pointed out, to p. m. at the Beth Kl r»ynaf;of;ne. ll bo stationed at Camp JocepEi agitato again.-,!, our pro:;c;ii! r,yyand QuSncy "Wright. An c-xcelk'nt pro^raic h:\s bocn T. lioblnton, Little Ror!:. Ar::. tem. ."If Britain wins, tho v/orld can arransjed. Womon of tho Both Llcutonsnt Kendis was nr&Gtiigain look-to the building of an Dr. V/vi;jht, one or Hie %/orl(l*3 El auxiliary will .".owe as host- nted ii-oiii CreiKtston iinivi-rsity .ntcrnr.tional order," tho speak- foremost authorities on Intenir.- esses. and the Creifjhton Collfc.'.e of Lrrw. ers poiufctl out, A, German vic- tional La\y, fold that the old Can- Mr. Loral Kaplan is advisor of lie iu a 'inoml'or oi Pi LaiuSdi tory, oa the other "hand, would (Continued on Page 12.) the Beth El group. Phi fraternity. ht
n s flit;
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and a-3 rrxcuiho u . ^ n i ' of Temple Ili^pah, Cl •' •-.•,o, HI., i..'r. IleinUart In 3Q2G to h i s present post. He 18 now also executive secretary of the Jewish C.Imutauqua so'ciety w h l c h NFTJJ sponsors. Known as the author of "Voice of tho Jewish Laity" aud "Layman's Attitude Tor/ard tho Reform Synagogue Service," Mr. Reinhart edits "The Jewish Layman," monthly publication of the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods.
Jit;! iitli::UtiM^ . A panel discussion will bo conducted Thursday evening, November 7,. at 8 p. in, at tho Jewish Community Center by members of tho Round Table of Jewish youth. Dr. Dayton Hcckman of t h e University of Omaha will lead the discussion." Participating in the discussion will bo: RXargarut Ilundell, Justin Prieoman and Harvey Xturatoln. Topic for discussion will bo "What' itolo for Youth in National Defense." Chairman of the evening: will be Etta Eoircf. Tho public is iavited to attend tho discussion.
A specinl meeting of the B'nai Abraham lodgo of South Omaha T/ill be held next Sunday afternoon, November" 3," at 3 p. m. In the auditorium of the B'nai Israel synagogue, Twenty-fifth - and - J Streets. Featured will bo a "treat" for jnerabers only given by the president of the organisation, Goodman Meyerson, in ' honor of the approaching m a r r i a g e of his daughter, Libbye. All members of. the B'nai AbraIiam are urged to bo present."" Jerusalem (JTA)—Chief Rabbi Isaac ..Ileraoj; will leave shortly for the United -States by air to Inaugurate a special drive on ho. Iialf of Jewish theological institutions and refugee rabbis.
Fomm PmMems. Discussed
Lieut. Kendis to • Active Army Duty
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IC; 11 uMin.t»y £ 0 to ytos . , < (L Oot 1 u ' l i i u 'u.f.<_s tst tujitiiba ff e I cS DJ e. u, the O'jv^t In tlie feature match of t U e TLe Autouiea liept up their Bliifis eharlr, was top taaa f<*f (h evening, the lunt-fUxe K-nipire goad shooting to wiu IIJB secon.'.! wluuerij with his 413 serifcg, *«KiI Cli'miers took two cut of three gaoie t y a margin of US pins. the bfc^t tlietf runnfcr-up oould do fcuiues from the lo ague-leading However, the Coal boys won thewas Lea " IIlacker's -44S .-xjict., lJiouet?r Uniforms, but .only after last ganie by a 861 to 816 score, George Skaptro, vrlto soa»e <•<!' the ami a near calamity. due to Dave Coim's 1.83 feacl Saia hoys believe £a t h e fcaysttiiou , turugg The Kmpirts •vrou the first game Zweiiiack's Bain Kweiback "GHKOOl'Y," fe&s top Bii.H fc-r aitU-i[ and abetted "by 28 pins, by desaonatraterl his couslsteKcy, by the CHcquots, with his' 528 eyries, haviag a 113, 156 and 206 game, while Sol Yaffe was tlie 6 ricore of 804 to 77". which proves that he will visit up with his 501 series. " rc-t»oita the THe 6R('Oii<I game was won by tho new alleys at 16th and lluit
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the Uniform boys by 'the very streets this week, comfortable mai-giri of 781 to 723 in spits of the same handicap, Paul Steinberg, v/as top mt.ii 'j'lie last gsime v/as the thriller. for the Smith boys, with his 6CU of the evening, ar.d ended >up in series, made up of games of 225, a tie, 798 for each team. ADC 178 gad 168. Sponsor H a r r y rules state that all , tie games Smith was the runner-up with Ms Bliull be rolled off by an extra 521 scries, made up of garaca d 201, 148 a a d ' 1 7 2 . Dave " I t a game. Cream" Cohn was agala high man Lloyd Bantu-;, tlie erstwhile, for tho Coal team with his 489 lead-off man for the Empires, was series, and, believe It or aot, Phil in a hurry to get bonus and didn't "Cupie" • KatEEittH was tho runwait to see what the final score ner-up with his 488 series. of his team'B game was, resulting in the Empires having to bowl In the last match of the evetin; vital extra frame with only ning, Moo Linsnmn's fast ap aad four men, using a straw for thecoming Wsrdroho OIotMcir, kept fifth. However, by fates above, up their wlnnlnc; uays by i^k •the Empires in er>H« of tlie (s man handicap, eked out the win by only seven pins.
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Leo Weitz, as usual, was toj> niun for his team as well as the entire league, whfn ho put toRether /;ames of 174, 2X4 &wl 11MJ, for tho biR sc-rien of 5R4. Jack MeJchcr, tht- Wnifomit*1 captain, was the rnnner-ai» isith his 4t>r» series. Diminutive Lee "Teev/ce" llurwich v/as the top man for the Cleaning outfit, with his si i c o Berles of 499, made up of games of 187, 144 and 1C8. Hank Cohen, their anchor man, w a s FOLITIC'AL AOVCBTISCMENI
0 fovAght Crisv/old telseveG strongly in the 8*B£jht cf oves*y American citizen, of 'assy EJ or creed-Polioh, Irlala, Bohemian, CathoKe, tcotant, Jexvioh——to have I»o ©rm reli^ian v«thoiat aray kind ©£ intcrfcreitice from the state.
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He ctrongly sapports the right of parontc to choose %vhether to send, their ckildrcn to paMtc schools, parochial abhoots, ov privafee cc!-ools. Ho fecllcves that all chtMren okould Bo Guaranteed tlie right of education, no thai they \All be ready to get and. hold jobs v/heta they have finished their education. He has, fcuglat political battles to make aiarc that children of i&ZGisn bora parents get education jwsfc as goo4 an provided for children of AmericaK-foom pax-oats.
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Moraday and Tuesday Kite* RescrvciJ for Private Parties
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Did you knoir . . . That P. B. R. Js leading Willkle by twenty-three thousand votes in the National Nev.-sreet Theater poll? That any mention of Eleanor or FDR in. cinema script3 sets the blue pencil at the Hays office? That Elsa Schiff BaBcerman and the- late Rudolph Srhitdkratit o n c e played- "King Lear" together? . . . In the days when both vrero Fjuropoan stage stars. That Noel Madicon'o ChrlGtmasy handle A?as Nat before he went through the publicity department's grimier? That the song "We're All Together Now" from Max Flelr.cner's "GulHvor'a Travels" has ]>ecoms a marching sons among British troops?
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'"IJii; T O B I I " t-ltaathl be fc{K>tless, tills bt-iKj; the fourth hra^im of I'ltlivcrcl It«5*iiistH»'h hUflsiag with HlfiM}. However, the ouly record cd rcfiidt orceiri'ed amo»g our iisnfue impulntion: Comnllation from Robinson's fau mall reveals S5I cl«K3 were tay{»e<l "Htevo" a n "Itiitso" Htnce the tnBaguriition 'of. the air program.
Director Frits linn", an Ardent , u s e s nn original RS c»<*thod. Oaptain of his 'Cftf.t rjsd n e w while on location, he avrakens the Koosevelt i^ooters at -CtSO ayem . . . t h e Willkic wishers nt 4:03 . . . anil the tleeljne-to-ct«tera a t 3:<25! He's naliilng nexv F . T>. recruits every yawning!
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Reserved seat sale is already four weeks in advance at the Astor.New York, tor"The Great Dictator." Locally it's the moat talkcd-of, most looked-for film of the season.
The Marxes are shrinking. Once there were five. Gumnio .w a s lopped off by the dr«sa business . . . Zeppo reverted to agcntl . . . Chico is about to yield to a long-suppressed desire to lead a band v/hjeh he'll label "Chlco and His Ilavelli3" . . . Harpo will one day be captured by a blonde . . . G r o u c h o .will set fire to his smudge moustache. Poof! a n d the Marxes will be legend . . . and sorely missed by pillar-fillera . . . like me.
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Hollywood — Warner's . . . 8 . 1 ways in the \angu*,jd . . . prom ises to bold all positions for con scripted employes • . . offers two •weeks advaace salary oa depart tire for camp . . . permits forfeit tire of dues in the Warner Club with benefits cf membership continuihg in force . . . and abtum payments of lite insurance premiums under the company's group plan of coverage. What is Ciiicftj^o •— capital Illinois or <M»tnnb of Hf»iUn? He. con.snrlxMii'd llft<»«l the b&n on "I'astor Hal!" (nfter i'onrihgjirotestn by pwss an«i publi«) . . . but the bars ar« still wp against "Beast of Berlin," a milder «loea meitt.
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•;::euiy planes c a r d e d out t l u i r i;> " _ " - ; ' l l ' r • l3 l i r t : . - ' ; i t c ' j i / i • night flight over t h e H o 1 y j ->-Uir _'•!_ *'--*' < Land iast Saturday b a t uo bomLi j liU(V " o ^ . ^ 1 in j r < > ><:.f)i.iir i. I JL.IW ( ; o i t m - I < C il~ •were dropped. Warning sirei.d } ^^'^ ?!> 1. • ! ) ) C l f t s - t i l l H - 1 . 1 V 1 1 . " v e n t off in Jerusalem for t)it-j _''*'" „ i u . d . i t i r , i i i t l • j - , - i i ' U i t u i i i. b.My fii-rt lime.
Ueoffrey Walsh aud Julius J<i- to co)}i>, Palestine's delegates t o tlie h itiRJ ,
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1(11 L.J' H a us*>« r of t h e \ \ ' fortlK-omiug.Umpire t r a d e confer- j (lI._&{ ., ,, i c u i i i i i . I l i . i!) i u 1 \ w ierne at New Delhi, left for lmlin, j .!,,,>,., ;,,, f l ; u . . i ; { < m l * i « " >.(.> I ' d liC-aring t h e Palestine govern- | ],Uii % u U , f o r ; « i K ' , i u < t < . ' J . . i . - . u i ' i iiittnt's a n d t h e Jewish Agency's i j , , , , ^ j ; i j r .1(1 U f j t ; l»v :«. S O i . S t i S t l . i l i views and proposals r e g a r d i n s ] tho im-iii O t t h o t U 2 | " < i } i h [ . 1)1. hI'fAi-si'me's role in Empire trade. | l ( . . Dr. JCi'nil Shusoralc, economic j j e Vv!1 also i<riiui{.ul \uexpert of t h e Agency, said in u» Iro-luit-r 1 iiew that I d l e s t i a e induj- ' th
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try was fairly well developed ai;d dcliiiiiunit L s intt-rt: t add t>«->was able to export to the couii- ultics, \vlii«h l.»\i H-JUH«H1 in th tries attending the conference' tex- payment of u'lditional Ui.jii:.-.',*'ii;tiles, certain metal supplies and of do'Strt; cf b.uir ia^U5, thu-.i phannaceutical goods and food- ihu-in,; lli« load of c i n c i i t stiiffs, especially edible oils, citrus and citrus products. JJuch exTho pieatc-.-t uuto -da fe lirld ports, he said, would not exhaust of !)uain AVLS <hal ^.-f Mrs- ! Palestine industry's possibilities o City, A'.jrU 11; 1613, when i lor a large-scale war effort when ( •|t is provided the necessary as- 109 i sistance.
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London <JTA) — Foreign UHderset'retary Hichard A. Butler denied in Coiumonts that the government had;'made any promise! to Countries iiit^ri;~.ted-,|«v ,1'ormatien o* a free pan-'Arabfc union after the war. Asked if the government ivas sympathetic to the proposal, lie said: "Well, it is very interesting and important." \ George H. Hall, Parliamentary Undersecretary of Colonies, re•yealed that 356 illegal immigrants were still held at Athlit, .Palestine, and were "not' yet du« for release."
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prynszpan to Be Tried in Berlin
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Henry Beal is a very capable lawyer and will make an excellent District Judge.-—Max Fro'nikin. attorney. Having .Known Henry Beal intimately for 20 years and knowing his qualifications, • I recom^nend supporting him for District Judge..-— Sam Epstein,y.Epstein .Theaters Corp. Henry Beal'a v/ido experience 3!.<J deep understanding, m a k e him one of the outstanding.nomlHCCJ lor District Judge.;—David
JJ. (Jross, jeweler. : T have known Henry Beal intimately for 30 years aad I a n vc3J acquainted with his record ilurins the World War. '.'I quote /ior.i a letter written September :*!, 1P1S, to Henry J. Beal by <!cTornor Keith Neville: " I a n r/ritlng this letter so that you r::;-7 have come outward token.ot the 'jountry'a appreciation Of your i-iTvIe«. The President desires j.l:,-.i I extend to you an expres-, :.•! of Isia gratitude, nnd.'I'waat '.'•'.'j. lo Irnow I personally ap'-•r-'.'ntb tho part you played ".to ~ir'*'d Xebiv mica's good record." .". A:"I that every good American -•*."••*.! "--ad ;-:-;;esially American T{.- v ; ; o a rA:-n« chould support .;.'.! •-; J- T-^o.l f»r District Judge.* - ;\r5ev Yoin:;:. Cliarter ilember ••-'.',':ic:in I-"-'rson i'ost No. 3. :', * ~'.'MY Bra! L-: osic of the best ,.-•• •-or?, or. if?!1 faculty • and. Is -' -j'iiKirs: for t!id position of ----- w> •'.' -.';•, Vnivcr.-•: u-L—Adi.
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• Geneva (JTA)—The Nazi-cpu-trolled Paris radio announced that Heracliel Grynazpan, young Polish Jew who lulled a German embassy official in Paris hi 1938, tiad been transferred to Berlin ftnd would be'tried there. (It vras reported early in September that Grynszpan had been Jianded over to the Gersnana by tlio Petain government, taken, to Berlin and sentenced to a 20year penitentiary term). . ,
Upon being interviewed about 1'Ieary J. Seal's qualifications l o r District Judge prominent citizens
With Exclusive
J\ Fii? crnturica, violins of t*.ic ha to dad "f-clota" liLo «lol3 bring ; t^ose aliovrn in wtiite rich, pure record tone, ctv^f ,*f hey prnilure rirlj hf ct^j;i^bTing—anil tup* SHirity of Tiolin tone. preszinfi—the-fiintv«n(e^2 Similar in principle, tlio nicii^.niril noiaes prcsItCAVictrolaToneOuan] mti^ftUoril n an ingcniouB invention £ral lt-tp.<*\o!
\VTttr.x WE CELEBn.vrn.we celr!;r^t«-an 1 W ftCA Vidrola Model V-205p-:clure-3 at right «ill give you cau30 to c^'ebrate, too. It brings with it all UiescieKlJR-dcvc!opincnts and advancements from the RCA Laboratories —leaders in the field of tone reprodssclioii—p!«a tko kicst insprovements in radio. Come in foradeiflonstration.
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should provide plenty of action cannot come to those'"who <Io EOIpresent judge .- have {.it '»•_it ! ' s i sad thrill's. Contracts have to Le occupy their positio&g. Each ose, they are qua iiiied a t d >„ 1 • , ; . / 3 v, ic l y Tiunx'iay, October 28, before lie was elected to urn Dis- character, efJ ki'riu, i.hi C j 1 i C ^ Lots of luck to Dave "Dhie" j t r i e t Coart, practiced la.u in hisous. lau &> ' i u i i 'Tj i WeiE-er and Mandel Kinion vlio'owa light and tluough thfeir in- ' Present elk •triet have fcslisted in iLe Utnted States dividual record the voter*; of tijifa V7iil!s 0 . Set. Ti .ui.rl « i ) « Guard Service. J a cits M. Fit zgeraid, /, nui r C. " the beach. 'i ' t t ' o ' S " ^ II ( J. J^ tC'lifi& h t , o . C t " U J . U i i O n (*»<• I t i t ti I i ' o j a In order to 'ruciintain the high ThoEssen, W. A. Day, i DISTRICT JUBGES u* w ^ j r<ext are cvfcf. J ittf«ji i i Luii' tjtandard of die court capable Dineen, 'John A, Hiiie, « H i J 3 < _ j duLi to tct ratball, t ) C 'ilrJGi KiOJt f t tflt bert ftliOodey nieti Must t-e elecitd snd the Center, c s v u l t t w / i u a g <mi Eight cf ll«e nine district tj A.L liUiiiii i. t J . s ( f e caiuiheuucb, \.ill t o c i be K. lull judfifcE of the Fourth Judicial . jswing. From the way She boys District will be up f^r re-election A meeting of the managers of are already "at it," it looks lifee the basketball teams was held in in November. The iiinth, John t- i B. banner year. Lee Grossman's office lafct Tues- Yeager, will go to the Eupreme ' Interclub matches between the day, The league will start on court beach. , J. O. ('. handball artists and the Sunday, November 3. TenJ\stive These men have all served for swatters from the Y. M. 0. A. teams are t h e Lincoln Market, years - - years of experience thai •will be held weekly. Matches will managed by Jake . Adler; WardT'tl"VXl¥'HV be held on Wednesday evenings robes, lfianar&d by Ilaiold Pol"With the Center and the "Y" al- lack; A. P. T., A.'A.A. No. 100, ternating as hosts. Due to theand A.'L.A. Ho. 1. The LiiflColn.s, Sukkoth holiday, l a s t , week's year's Inei.low team and the Lji-ElkUrC-6 matches at the Center were held Wardrobes vreie two of the three on Monday with the Center win(hat linifahtd in that jecoid ning 3 out of 4 matches. In the breaking tiii*le tie for last feature match of the evening, year. With thete teams p» a smartLt-uc Morris "Pooch" Bloom teamed er, and all the tAht-rb tjrtuliy "with 6ol Yaff'ee to overwhelm the lw>cue thid year John Casey and Phil Wright, 1939 Midwest A. A, U. champs, by the scores of 21-10, 21-12. Bloom's Jjill shots and overhead r\ ceiling ball had the "Y" boys \ completely bewildered, and with \/ Sol palroling the right hand side like- a champ, there was little doubt of the outcome. *Ji i l ,
Jake Adler and Max Turner, playing steady ball, and combining good teamwork and opportune pin shots; defeated Bill • Pratt and, <.Frank * Aninaia-of the "Y" to the tune of 21-15, 21-9. Henry Iliekes and Lloyd Lortz of the Center defeated Carl Sheer and h. Hebrew of the f'Y" 21-9, 21-20. i n the last match of the ; evening Jack Ban and Paul Grossman lost to Pat McGiir and G. Swalina of the "Y" 21-10, 21-12. :1 These interclub matches «verjs Wednesday should provideplenty J of thrills and fine playing. Adinission is free,* so come on out ' and root for your favorites.. The next match will be held at the "Y" on Wednesday, October 30, (Starling at 6 p. i n s
sii'o'a Hi© doll ©vcrycme\o t«JMr^ r f « a rites H | j cicj-M^ too, ©no yeu'Il I k o .ii rjrtl tllr;!>!ay ©is yoar <lavcE>; ak-t ef b t tl I Y S e t t e Mto R o p € i : i i OF i Ro mid it's yours FKJS'JJ with tho tliifj new 19-21 G-B C l K
Intermediate handball competition between tho Center and the "Y" was held last Wednesday at the "Y," vitli the Center boys copping the lion's share of victories. The Center has a lot of young talent and great things are expected from these boys in years to come. The pre-iseason t'laso " B " doubles handball tournament opened •with, a bang last Tuesday night an seven batches were played off In rapid fire action. Results:
Wolk-Golding beat ppieftel-Lsrman, 2110. -
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Hcs tho feszwua C E , BEMZ-'A-SCQPE*
° $Mrg® sho coissofa cabinet, tsslnui vcmcors.
°'S'Baada , , . Foreign cad Domeoiie tlcsep-
• • ,We v/antcd cosaathing unusuol for\ OUT 4>0i!i Annivescnry Snlo . • « nnd ' wo gol it. Tlireuglj epeclal orroagc" sncnlb with the GeKsral Electric Couz* • pssy v/o' cscuved a limited Husiibea* ©i liters isev," 19-iI Baclsos 8o sell ai a - saving of 029 » o « siid hi sdMtmu to t h a t . . •• C5-CMK1 tltiWiwi-y jj,« •'ft I© YOU .". . we include, r.lrsltstelj- HiEE a •' i&E Polilieal BoIJ.
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the I > I rb Albeit N e w u c ' . t i t , at the l«t't u d m , f t Ui V o tii.u'fc l>ivision Executive ComuilHee. In her report Mrs. , Newman urged the co-operation of ail the women in the coiuiaunil.y. She pointed out that all openings for positions vill be carefully followed through by her committee in an effort to place unemployed. At the present time, the unemployment bureau has (i& applications for a variety of jobs. The employment bureau is in a position to supply whatever competent help is needed to fill openings. The qualifications of prospective employees are carefully studied BO that employers may se. cure the type of help they need. Employers are urged to contact the employment bureau by callIng Jackson 1366.
Sigma Alpha Mu Lincoln (Special) —-Anticipating an exceptionally busy homecoming week-end, the Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu spent this week in preparation for entertaining alumni and friends during the annual home-coming festival. In addition to the usual dumber of alumni and friends down to.Lincoln for the game the chapter will play host to 15 members of the Missouri chapter coming to Lincoln for the contest. A a r o n Plnkelsteln,- Lincoln, fs'ho graduated from the law college last Juno, is now working under the United States department of justice, according to information received h e r o this week. . With Finkelstein in Washington i« Irvin Green, Norfolk, who also graduated from law college last June. Honors and recognition of accomplishment in activities were again accorded to Sigma Omlcron men this week when the university military d e p a r t m e n t announced their semi-annual promotion'list. Melvin Tannenbaum, Omaha, was promoted from second lieutenant to captain and rcBimental supply officer, one of the sis ranking positions in the university regiment. Bob Kilrerman and H a r r y Goldstein, Omaha, were made members of the crack Squad of Pershing RifleG, military honorary, and Bob Cohen, Sioux City, was appointed first sergeant of his company. Melvin Tannenbaum wan alco jnade a member of the presentaT lion committee for the military bail, one of the highlights of the university, winter social reason. Bob Silverman was admitted to Nu. Med, University pre-med society, and Phil • Kantor was formally made a pledge of Corn Cobs University pep group. Work on the newly, established Hillel extension unit was carried forward thi3 week -with the drafting of a tentative program for the year's activities. On the council drafting the plans aro Ben Novicoff, Lincoln, who was recently elected secretary of the new organisation, Morton Margolin, Omaha, representative for the chapter along with Novicoff, and Has Prostok, Omaha, alternate representative for the chapter to the Hillel council. .
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Slfjna 1 AJia 1 uu Lincoln (Special)—At a meethie of the executive board of the newly organized Hillel extension unit, inaugurated on the campus of the University of Nebraska, Shirley Epstein was elected president of the group. The executive board is planning religious services, culture hours, speakers, and social functions to round out the programs of Jewish students during the coming year. Chairman of the committee which is submitting plana for homecoming decorations for this week-end is Anna Arbitman. Other members of her committee are Shirley Weiner and Petra Fuld, art majors, prizes are given to he sorority and fraternity houses with the most original and novel decorations. The decorations are indicative of the Missouri-Nebraska football aine, to bo played Saturday. Other festivities during the homeorning week-end include a Cornob Tassel dance Saturday night, at which time the newly elected Pep Queen will be introduced. Election of the Pep Queen will ake place Thursday, and Miriam Ilubnitz is one of the candidates filing. Harriet Byron, who was recently honored by National Sigma Delta Tau with the appointment of assistant national rush chairman, will be in receiving line of the annual Pan-Hellenic Scholarship ea, to be given November first. As vice-president of the city Panlellenlc organization, ' she is prominent in the activities of that group as well as those of the Lincoln Alumni League, of which she is president.
of ii Hi the of to Ueverley Mrs. M. Brodkey Ji» honor of the marriage of her son, Edward. to Berniee Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jlirech on the occasion of the marriage of their daughter, Ireue. Mrs. J. Abramson in honor of her husband's recovery from his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gendler in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son. Others who donated trees on this occasion were: C. I). Mendelson, Harry Mendelson, L e o n Mendelson, Dr. O. S. Belzer and Arthur Gendler.
A. Z. A. To the outstanding Aleph and to the outstanding athlete in the Chapter, A. Z. A. 100 will award a key of merit, it was decided last Sunday at the Chapter's regular meeting at the Jewish Community Center. Beginning with the twelfth a'nniversary,. all Alephs v/ill be graded by the advisors. The awards will be made on the occasion of the Chapter's "Bar Mitzvah" anniversary in 1941 and the awards will be presented annually thereafter. Meanwhile the Century Alephs are preparing to celebrate the A. Z. A. 100 twelfth anniversary on Sunday, November 3, at the home of Ben Miller, Aleph Gisbor. Plans are under way for a softball game between the Century Chapter and A. rA. A. 1. Basketball practice is being conducted in the Center gymnasium. The squad this year will include several new prospects.
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The Oa€g Skalbolh, held last , ^tui'day i.1 the home of Mrs. S. Or un, was feu outstanding suc1, \,ul o y, Or ol r 't...s. Those atteiiciog heard Mrs. t c< J & tar i yy i>rra Simon of Chicago speak on iL f ' ine Present Crisis in the MediJ< i\ d lit; " l i t ttiranean end Its Affect on PaluV A.1L 11 estine." Mrs. gimou is an active <ct, J o 1 la fc V r n , / i mber of the Pioneer V^omen's iiie »t&, Lou Sherman and lUta Plothin; organization of Chicago and holds entertainment, Sally Marer, Mari- aii important position oa the adlyu - Bofcter and Natalie Plotkin; visory board of that city. calling committee, llochelle SilThe J. H. P. drive is now unberraan and Donna Bernstein: clean-up, Suirley Belzer and Caryl derway and will continue until all boxes have been emptied. Bercovici. A Bake Sale under the direcJean Blacker was elected troop recorder, to keep all troop records tion of Mrs. J. Kaplan and, Mrs. for the Center and for the Girl •W. Monovitz, chairmen, assisted by Mrs. S. Okuti' and Mrs. L. Scout Little House. Wohlner, will be held October 30 The regular meeting day of this at the Brandeis Store. Funds detroop will be every Wednesday rived from this project will be after school. sent to the Vocational Guidance Clinic School. tl C
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October 27, at the Jewish Communty Center. All those iistfcrested la the or^•.nization t i e invited to attend.
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Honor Jabotinsky' The Sinai Club held its regular meeting last Tuesday evening, Ocober 22, at the Jewish Communty Center. Nellie Edel was elected secretary and Molly Kelberg was named "Round Table" representative. A dancing party will be held ollowlng the drawing on Sunday,
Tel Aviv (JTA)—A street was named for the late Vladimir Jabotinsky at Bat Yam near Tel Aviv. II was the first street in Palestine to be named for the leader of the New Zionist Organization, who had been in eiile from the Holy L:*nd.
3te.ii ft 0:30 A. U. to S:30 P. M.
Now! At Herzbergs
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A Nevr and Almost Unbelievable Method Allows You to
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Incredible but true . . ». inches vanish b e f o r e your very cye3 ao the SCULPTURE S L E N DERIZER does its wondrous work for you. A 45-tninutc treatment io the equivalent of a tenniile hike . . . but MOKE . . . for you HEDUCE .WHERE YOU WANT TO REDUCE.
A l;eautifu! figure can now ba yours simply . . . easily .. .•. economically without the usual procedure of drugs, diet shd c::ercirs which may. tax your vitality. You He' relaxed and happy as the SCULPTURE S L E N DERIZER creates a new and wonderful YOU.
The nest regular meeting of Junior Hadassah will be held Konday evening, October 27. A pepper meeting of tlie Board will precede the regular meeting.' Bob Hall Trill entertn-in. An executive board meeting
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A Single Treating. The Series of Tea...
Lion's Section—Main F!oo:.«
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Friday, October 2 5 , I S 4 0
Beth El Auxiliary
despite the Llockade. Mrs. Levin FMiCfcfcX CJA'U TLe Euiettl Club lit Id * n;t fet| announces the names of her disi trict chairmen. Mrs. Fred Halm, ing Ii.£t I'-.'.siuy fve'iim; a t t i e ..) uf- t l f i t L c t L L t A i South Omaha: Mrs. Moe Ratnick, hOL e of Hijjlty Bciurttui. r - - ^ *<<at th-^Mrs. Reuben Bordy, G^fctts cf tt.e t^i.iuEr v e r t iary are s^ked ginning with Sis ; i.lrt. h a u g, the Bt-th El Hal cu LV-'jiitiy ( l u b ; Iiib. A. Hoffi'ian, A. '£. A. a new schedule. A meeting of A. Z. A. < • ]CoitL-C<niiil; Mis. A i l h u r Gcldv ire v.l On .Saturday i. Etfin, iSoati.-Cfenfial; Mis. Samuel last Wednesday evening at tc.»icc U he a regular ft; home of Leo Htyerson. CcLth, JiVr N c i t b ; Mr&. J . Ro&tn11 and to it all g, I\ T citb. c.t pecially the chi VOWKG J O M K A Tixfct who wish to aid in the Mi&s B u n k o K.Miut. V.xSf.. of tu «tt.t 2 : 3 0 ii> m e J G & I J I I 'lhe u t J i i-suting of y o , , , l E l J r e w w l o o l L Chicago, d&ug'. r of I!r. t i , i i !•£. I Meraoria U i H c tCufrfi Jllk-b •Will campaign cau du to by calling Ui a Mrs. Irvin Levin, GL 2515. J u d c t a will be Ltid a t the U'>v>a ; Lee Wolfe of ( u . ^ o , vili en ov. i). ' i h t y a n . : "Violins Sunday Lco,i-<e ll.t Liiue cf fo;.- t.nd of H a b t l l e Goodman ui 2 o'cloik, , *{*, *>•»"»»* v t i l l v i l o s , " " / . i i i j . i c L?ni V n nciay, October z<. ~ r ._„ dore Itiuilin cf | -o ....^. < loci tl ~ ol Jli!:W III iC'itl-," iiJ d " T i l t : All members a r e urged to a t - school sessions for aU children oi Mr. and I.lib, J i iii'hhii ci f; K e j b o a i d Has.o.'' n,i Sunday school age. Itegislration ttna. this city. JOd^ar A. Holt \»iti tptjlf yt The v t d d i u g vvill t a l e place at :MJ oil "H ') m e Jiidolevvi Mtiii the Ed£fc\vUei Ht&tii hotel in Contribnlio )& t o Ai.uiicuii CulChicago. Mauiice lu'chlin vill he t u r e . " A 4 o'clo'k <iii-in recital his brother's U b t man, and Vvill be £ i \ t n b> l-t,tLcr Ltaf, asLenora Wolfe will be her t i t t t d by Glad>b iiaiiisln e t ' M a y , maid of hoiior. pii:ins.t. A joiniK Aitfsis jiiot'iai'i, by t h e Omaha Music Mr. and Mis. Iiichlin, H i ' s s fitbcciation, will be £ivMeadelle Iik-hliii a u d Maurice Itichlin and Mr. and Mis. 13. 1.1. ut 4:30. Zalkin of Omaha uill attend. The Town Hall Foiuin will ojicn .Sunday when Dr. A i t h u r ii. VISIT IN K.tNfJAH JYJ'V Morgan will t n t a k on ' " l h e ConiMibs Fiancttj Rosenblatt a n d jnunitj—A Keyttone of Society." M i s s fjhiiley Baiibh l e t u m t d The Town Hail bciics is sponsored Monday alter vibiling In Kansas by t h e Uebrabka .Society of ColCity last week-end. onial Damts. }IONOKE:E>
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MIWi UKfJNK'K TO UK MAUltlttl) SlWW.'iV lOihb Grace Ui-siiuk, d a u g h t e r of Mr. a n d Mrs. JI. A. UcKnick, will becomo t h e bride of Kaniuc-l Coleniiin of Los Angeles this Hunday, llabbi David A. Goldstein will read the m a r r i a g e lines a t the Ulat kbtonc. UlbS llecnick h a s been extensively entertained.
Last week's Jewish J'rebs incorrectly stiitt'i that Mr. and Mrs. Harry Camel were honored on their twentieth wedding annivtreary. It was their twenty-fifth •wedding anniversary that was marked with an affair at the Central Club.
FROM H'J1. JOHKVU Mrs. A. Goldman of !>t. Joseph, V1HITKI) liHKK Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simon of Mo., has been vibiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ham Green and •with Los AnpC'les have been visiting relatives in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs, Phil Grossman.
Patricia Varber Named Princess in Ah-SciV'Ben Court
jion JeViitJi viO?atn to ia!ly "to the <• of d t i u o c n cy, and t o t h e light btiiig i.-iade for The Tiih: 'i'ciah \>ii tpo«iitij survival iu P a k b t i n e , tiie .Near sor a rumm iale Iv'o\tr»bti 4. ELUtru iruiit ot (be present'," Anyone having anything to conthe UtVi.1 fhaitier of Hadastah, tribute ia asked to call Mrs. Etta the Womeii'i, /loni&l Urbaniza•s. A. Giiiusky. oi tion of A i i i d i t a announcid litre today tluougli i t s t o m i n i t t t e Claiib^l c h a i i m a n , .Mis. J . J . l''iit(ii!iaii Kruufae. aiid her 10 rbaii man, Mis. Albert Ntvv' a n d I>!IL-. A. A. Httiii-
bc-ig, that there ib an tndeavor t o Oiiioll 80,000 Members. TJiis is ;i fojhi of t i l b u t e to Lilts l l c i n i t t t a f-Izold, i t s Ameri-
ran-boin founder now residing in Palestine who will reach her eightieth birthday on December 21. A Heniic-tta JSzold Jdiuliiietli Iili thday ]3ook, roiiLiKtinc of parchment leaves imininUd \^"itli blue and gold dr.n.ings bliowing bcenes from Mibs Ijzold's life, will bo filled with signatures of 80,000 paid-up incitibers from fvery state in the United States, Mrs. A. D. Frank said. Mrs. J. J. Friedman urges prospective members who have not been contacted j e t to call her at I1A 4028 and .she will gladly grant an interview to each one.
on Ko\ Litibti 'A. All s<-^M'oiib l a k e pluce ui the new f-'ynaroj'iit.
~ - I'^-vId dent, of the au all members, interested in attending the Conference of the Women's League of the United Synagogues in Des Moines, call Mrs Jack Kaufman who has all avail s Isabelle Greenberg of information regarding bui , la., has been visiting Miss fares and hotel rates. The conis to be held Noveinbei Maxine L&ibovitz of Council ference 10, 11 and t'i with headquarters Bluffs. at the Fort Des Moines Hotel. NS 11OM13 Betty (Jolien returned home Jernsiili in (J'l'Aj - - i>evuit((n Sunday night after spending the Jewish )HjiHii',t;:iitt) fiom week-end in Iowa City, Ia. Mrs
ania, who oiinu.- via Cuvif t J:u and T i u L i y , a n d V3 IIOXOUS MltfJ. CASTIiG Mrs. Sam Sacks entertained at Jtv/s, Viho tr;iv<]<d a 1 o'clock luncheon at li< r homo ] and KM la, auived here this Tutfeday in honor of I.Irs. Carl Castle.
TO KOCHKSiTHIt Mrs. Herman 1'ried lift last week for ltoche;.ter, Minnefcota. ON MOTOti TKII* Mii3H Adeline London left Wednesday morning by motor for Chicago, Illinois, vvlu-ro bhe will visit tor an indefinite time.
FHOXl SEOtJX i'lTY Vir-itors a t the ltoniu of Mr. and*. LUCILLE AUKAIIAMSON MTK. Abe LcibovitK for the weekend were Ira Kaplan and Marvin IJ'.VAI It'ltlTU Miss Patricia Ann F a r b e r, On Sunday, October 27, t h e ' The KouthwcBt Re^iocal Coun- Beechen ot Sioux City, Iowa. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Omaha chapter of Hadas.sah beA. Farber, will servo as a prin- gins its campaign in the collec* cil of B'nai B'rith held their eemlcess in the court of Ak-Sar-Ben tion of Blue Boxes. Hadassah annuiil meeting at the Chieftain women are fully avaro that Hotel Sunday, October 20. In atat the ball this evening. Miss Farber attended the Grier clouds obscure tho promli.o of tendance at the meeting were school at Uiniiirigliain, l'o., infrerdom of the f.oil of IUVAZ le- d<'l<'f;Jte5 from Sioux City, Lin1937-38 and tho I.;.itjuiiu V/eb- ruel; they understand that an liii.- coln, Omaha and Council Bluffs, Adolph M. Davis of Sioux City Bter bchool Jn Wnshington, D. C toiic stnu'Rlo for the biblically ! Alfred ,She recently returned to Omaha famous Ijfe-givinn roil in r. Ji*>£ on. waa elected president. Land is beiiu; puichascd steadily Fiedler of Omaha, first vice-presifrom a California vacation. vith all money available. During dent; Herman Ginsberg of Linthe first three weeks of June, coln, second vice-president; and 4,900 dunams of laud were trans- Abo Katclman of Council Bluffr., ferred to tho Keren Kaycnicth, cocrctary-treuEiUrcr. Albert Fox and a little while later it was of Council Blulfo, ia the retiring learned that 2,250 additional prerldc-nt. Seventeen enthusiastic l i t t l e dunams in one of the rcijtricted The principal address at the girls between the ages of ceven areas of Palestine war, purchased meeting was made by Philip M. and ten, organized a Brownie bringing tho total acquisition of Klutznick, pre&ident of tho disPack at the Jewish Community new land for nix crucial months trict grand lodge. He stressed the Center last week. of 1940, to 37,395 dunams. importance of American activities Under the direction of Mha • Jladafsrah in Omaha haa recog- by B'nai • B'rith, and urged inDorothy Shepherd, these Brownloa nized tho fundamental import- creased membership in order to "tvjll follow the regular scout pro- ance of the Jewi'ih National Fund. support an enlarged budget to gram and conduct their own club. *They have bought land with take care of additional Hillel Tho following a r e Brownies: nioneyo collected in the Blue Foundation vork and A. Z. A. Phyllis Br-rnstein, L i t a J o y Boxes and planted trees through Tho nest meeting will bo held Urandt, Becky P i n e r, Thelmu their Gift Fund. Mrs. Irvin Le- in April in Lincoln, Nebraska. Goldstein, Jean Kaplan, Connie vin, chairman for JNF in lladMilder,' llenec Plotkin, Koberta asrah and her co-choirman, Mro. The Council Bluffs lodgo No. Rosen, Ida Rundell, Margaret Aaron Rips, stress the itnpoitance C88 of B'nai B'rith will hold its Rundell, Dolores Mae Sicgcl, Judy of buying new land in order that regular meeting nest Monday eveTheodore, Doris Woinborg, Helen industry and acriculturo continue ning at tho littlo Kaclo'B Hall. Weinberg, Doria Yudell, and Ethel Zlotkin. By INIflZ Ii. KAZKICK
Brownie Pack Is Formed at Center
Junior Council A number of members of the Omaha Section of tho National Council of Jewish Juniors arc planning to attend the convention to be held this week-end in Kansas City. Tho following Omahans will attend: Reva Malashock, Ida Fine, Libby Dolgoff, Bernice G or click, Doria Friedman, Doria Gilinsky, Celia, Rita M a n t e 1, D c a a Brody, Evelyn Abrams, Pearl Frcedman, Roseile Handler, Sophc J a c o b s o n and Sylvia Weiner.' Tho girls will meet Saturday Eiorning at 9, at tho Burlington station. •
'B-SllO.lDS Collections of Unisys*
I4 As an Institution /Zrs
in tho
"MaiWQeraeni of Real Estate Sale and Hen(€d of Property Insurance in All Brasiches Mortgage Financing " This- Greatest ¥altse •;.We.'' Offer . ;>••';. O a r
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Friday, Qct&her 25,
I Conscription Sharing the limelight with the national clee-
I OF til®
btead of w li'iiis lilaif
until'they reach
'i'ke dosicra not « ffleked up a gs*-'E,i dc;tl of kJufBiixtiGn in the" et&iii&i'y roatiiiti t,i\ shttr work, Ey E>«. FM-Up SL»? Jt t t b a t Uwy rt'cc-iva;<I tftmi G e r m a n y j \ ' * " " ' " ""'* '"'" ''" ' V " ' "*""••" * " iUBSCR>P1iCf, r-f C L , C V * • Kit-dk'g.i mfrik «i tii'tie jiH'ture of i oa OctohtJ" 16, Ims taken Him n&Aioii's E-pc-lIit lU. # 0 * 1 1 UC 1$, BlUtM v.oudiibtuti la {!H; c.KvcupIe<i coitn» ~ I Vi'ilhia (he next few dtyy the first u&uita will be The reiiisitiiit of Israel fciiai! U-itK, AI«^IkJKi-, you see,-does not * * t • fcJ>HC*>tif t - £. V t * fcKte \ t i n <j . ; drawn and She United S t a t t s will ttpuu building not do iniiiuity t o r fcpeak lies I't-.cogJii/.e mrtlu'&A «'p5i:>!«iis;hip. i Sieitber shall a deceitful tongue -- | ionm.'Ul/le difenKts itg&inki file aggressor nations. be found in I heir mouth. A loug time ago the American DAVID At- that lime will I bring you consular offices were kicked out The noot'K.siiy of a pe;:ce--thae draft, in a sorry If in, and at that fiiue will I gather af Poland by the Nazis, and with Mow tij-;;iiiiS:t the American philosophy, for v c you for I will make you a great them went the U. S. Public Health LEWIS Book Editor RABBI THKODOKR . have been attempting to build a civilization built name, and a praise among all the officers. And upon the Govern•FRANCES BLACKEU Society ivjitcr: ,. r ( . i S 0 ! i | a poll!leal stale based en "Life, Liberty I peoples ol the earih. ment G e 11 e r a 1 of Poland w a s AJZBKUiSUC- bioux CHy Cori'fct-iioudenilj.^ r u m y i o f Happiiitss." All these three ideals These are things that ye shall clamped a-censorship such as the hire compromised by military service; yet we are do, speak ye every man the truth world has never known before. Rumors came out of t y p h u s I.sacrificing a little of these so that their basis | and peace in your gates. sweeping the cities, and of whole Have we not all one father? to may he preserved.. Hath not one God created us? communities being walled up to Nazi fort iga policy, except with occasional Force has la lien the place of peaceful arbitra- Why do we deal treacherously die in their own filth. But these Modifications, follows the traditional palters! laid tion in the realm of international relations. The every man against his brother? rumors,,until now, cou,ld never be confirmed. You see,' except for fiown by the Hoiienzollerns. Most cherished dream wielding cf a' big-stick is the order of the. day. Rabbi Chesdo said, "Four types the uphappy I'olts, only g o o d vi the late Carman dynasty was the "Drang Nii«;!t It is not too much to ask our young people to give of man will not. receive the glory Nazis were allowed into Poland. Dsten"-—the Drive to the ICast, the extension of of themselves in exchange for the liberties and of t h e . Scechinah; the ' ecorhers, the liars, the flatterers, and the German influence through the Balkans into the rights they enjoy, for the opportunities which they | slanderers." in the n&tUwtH tilftt bor' very Middle East. One of the major crises of the Rabbi Ghana said, "A soul of dered 1'ohtml, (ho American phyperiod was precipitated by the plans for j are/insured by the democratic way of life. This pre-1 J sicians continued to operate. They is not the first time Americans have been called a righteous man is eciual to the had u lot to do in Hungary and the Berlin to Bagdad railway. whole world." Humania. And in Iluiiiania, parHitler has kept alive this hcheme for a Ger- to protect their precious rights. From earliest We were taught in the name of ticularly, t it « y discovered • a times the colonists shouldered their arms to proRabbi Simon "Love and hatred man march eastward end to all indications the > strange, thing. In every Kumanian disregards the rule of dignified tsecond "lining Nach Ostea" has been launched. tect, their families. district hoi!«iej'!rEg Poland, t h 1? y We are today' faced, with the choice of sur- conduct, and causes men to do ftiutul a huge juitip in the niiinhtr Within tlie next few weeks we may .see decisive things below their standard." of tj'phus rases, They chwked events occurring in this region, and' again there is rendering ourselves and our liberties to a force Rabbi Josa said, "A jealous furtlicr, and fouiul this was true particular concern to us as Jews. Already tho that would disrupt the moral values of (life and man will envy every body except, on «'v«'i'y f'olish border, Polanil Jews of Rumania have suffered the fate of the take meaning from existence, or of walking in his son and disciple." was like a- poisoned well from Our Itabhls were taught, "The which the deadly water seeped vast majority of continental Jews, The Jews ,of armour to protect those values. We are conmen of Sodom became overbear.Turkey and Greece are now threatened, particular- cerned with building a society in this country that ing only on account of the wealth into the mM beyond.' . ity the large and important community of Salonica. will insure the greatest benefits to all. that the Holy'One"*bestowed'upon Typhus is an inevitable afterEven more important is Palestine which lies in the This will be no ragged army of colonials seek- them, so they said, "Since .ou-r math of the reduction of a whole land supplies us with everything, direction of the Mosul oil fields, the ultimate ob- ing to initiate a government, but the army of a why should we permit travelers nation to the status of caged ani••? jective of the Nazi.forces. According to a rep- nation that has tried the ideals to which it has who are coming only to share our mals, in the opinion of the health " utable Portuguese military authority the final aspired and found them good. We are being given wealth so they decided to abolish officials here. For typhus, 1 i k e bubonic' plague, Is a "filth disphases of the present war will take place i$ the the opportunity of showing our devotion to the the law of free trade." ease," carried by lice that infect Rabbi Joehanan said,' "A little rats. Middle East, with Palestine and Egypt as the focal ideals that have made America great. We are be• ', refreshment often plays an impoints. ing called upon for the supreme sacrifice and we portant role and brings strangers From occupied France, no audoubt if there'is a voice that will not respond. close to;;eth( r." thentic news COMICS out. But It is known, from the lips of refuAll logic indicates that, Russia should take "a 1 > gees' who have escaped,-that-army strong hand, but at'the present time" Russia seems Old• Iron Pants;Again'•,.'"." • prisoners and civilian antl-Xasels quite unwilling to challenge German hegemony. are herded by 'the thousand's into Hugh Johnson doesn't like 'surveys/ such as Despite talk of Germany giving the Dardanelles as |*pi!s without even the most p'rlmithe Gallup poll. On tlie other hand, there are a a gift to Russia for non-action, it is tive''sanitary facilities.- In-these lot of reasons why many persons dislike colums camps, typhoid as well as typhus unlikely that either Russia or Germany would like and columnists and we think Hugh Johnson the will li« inevitable. to see the Dardanelles in the hands of the other. By PAT FRANK principal reason. It lias always been our contenThe Balkan states are still looking to Russia, for J. T. A.-Washington And out of the Far East there tion that a daily column, even when written by an support, moral or otherwise, for there is a strong comes the first rumblings of anPresa' Bureau angel, is a tax on .the. discretion of the columnist. other, and possibly even graver and|mystical pan-Slav movement still existent, acGeneral Johnson's column has carried its vicious menace. It is contained in a simcording to the New York Times correspondent. WASHINGTON. '. ple announcement t h a t Japan, tone to such an has become a menace. • The European stalemate bodes evil for the Near Information now in the hands henceforth, is requiring foreignPosing as'a great leader of. enlightened opinaiid Middle East. Had Britain permitted the or- ion; Johnson occasionally permits, insight into, a of the U n i t e d States Public ers entering the country to reinnoculations. ganisation of an army of ,100,000 hr Palestine, she character of dark reaction. His column of October Health Service, and the Depart- ceive c h o l e r a That's Asiatic cholera. Wherever •would today be In a stronger position....The people 17 was devoted to another of his flagrant misrep- ment of State, indicates t h a t Adolf Hitler, in his creation of a in the world civilization has lost of the eastern'Mediterranean must steel themselves resentations, to which he. does not hesitate to "new order" in Buropo, ha-i un- out, it will creep up and finally once more for war. The desert sand3 of Iraq are stoop, in order to, drive his point home. , leashed the. last of his F o u r overwhelm all humans before It. still dotted with the (skulls of Turks and English • ; In an' unnecessarily violent attack on the' Horsemen—1'estilence—upon the Primarily,' typhus is the immewho. fell in the last war. The desert may again New • Deal—-a | political epoch which raised the new dark continent. diate problem. Typhus knows no see disastrous "war upon its sands; j • General from deserved oblivion into; prominence— This information came, to this boundaries, race, or creed. It1 c"an he "claims its-strength among the Jews lies in country as all real news t r o m strike down the pure "Aryan ' in a Berlin bomb shelter as easily the /act that the Jews are anxious to. plunge this l£ttro»e must — through round- ES It strikes the burdened- 3c\v-— The Arabs Reply about' hut nevertheless authentic' — - As the *\xis powers' loolc to the eastern Medi- country into a war against Hitler. channels.' It ennie from Ameri- unclothed, unfed and deprived _of If he were "a Jew,'Gen.-Johnson claims, he can doctors who have been 'able everything"except a spas-k of life terranean/they are continuing with their "soft —in a Polish concentration ca-iiip. blandishments to woo the Arabs into' their camp. would feel'.this way. Perhaps if Hugh Johnson to -observe, "first hand, what Hitler's ".new order" has done to the But the'Arabs are not quite the ignorant sons of were a Jew, he would-want to war on Hitler, but health of .'Europe. Hitler is nicely to find this out. the desert, Mussolini would, like'to'believe them the majority of Jews are not anxious to plunge Tlie Joe iJoebbels propaganda For Hitler is Importing the newto be. The airfleet of the self-styled "Protector this'or any other country into war. 'Nazi propa- machine would have the. Ameri- ly created slave labor: of Poland and France into his Reich. They'll «f Islam" ha3 already exacted a toll of human life ganda has utilized the argument that Jews are can public believe that there in bring with them more than dulled no spread of disease in the occutrom the Arab population of Haifa. The Pales- war-mongers to justify' their own misdeeds and pied territories, and that every- minds and unwilling, hands'to/till tinian Arabs are not taking this destruction of to take the blame from their shoulders and put thing is'Just ducky in the barbed- the fields of Germany. They'll v _; : human life in silence... ••'. •'.'•„. • " . - ' • it on their enemies: wire e n c l o s e d concentration bring typhus. Such is the "new order" in Eucamps that are now part of the Gen. Johnson's contentions are nullified by sev"Let Italy and Germany and their allies know landscape in the nations that used rope. that the Arabs are not a ball to be tossed about at eral facts. The Jews are not so whole-heartedly to-be called France, Poland, BelEmbassy Row — Just for tho •will," Azmi Dabah of the Moslem Society of Haifa en' the side of democrats. Considering that Presi- gium, Norway, Holland, Czechochallenged the axis powers at a demonstration1 coii- dent Roosevelt has been' such an out-spoken foe slovakia, Denmark, Austria a n d moment we'll borrow -Walter WinchelPs style to-ask: "What Amer•';-..-; ducted by the Arabs after the first;vicious attacks of; intolerance, it is staange'that the'Jews have I>uxenibourg. ican envoy, now bsick In the Uniton this important Palestinian city. not lined up with him one hundred per cent. But As a matter of,, fact, Europe ed States, has a Nazi for a private , Arabs have been advised by their leaders to the fact remains the Jews follow the political faces a pestilence that has been secretary?" And we'll- add this— compare their treatment under Great Britain with tradition of the region in which they live and unequaled since the Dark Ages. to tite consternation of the-entire Stole -Department,. which • worn ft the treatment of the Moslems in Italian Tripoli, vote according to their personal' and class pre- Already, according to the news even" let him have a stenographer. that has reached Washington, tywhere, they have been subjected to discrimination judices—in much the same manner as the general (Copyrighted by Jewish. Telephus has spread through central graphic Agency, Inc.) and persecution. ,.' > population." Perhaps they distinguish themselves Europe, and cholera and bubonic The attitude , of the Arab population was re- in only they are not quite so vicious or u;nv'hole- plague have cropped up in some 44'RefuscGO Sail flected in the words of Fakhri Bey Nashashibl, somcly bitter, against the .New Deal; aa General of the ports. for Sosiaa Colony leader of the moderate wins of the Arab National Johnson has been. In n wny thnt is clone to nraa/.party, who declared, "Italy, with the help'of GerThe Jews are no more anxious for this coun- iE>?,?. ilie news' «C the ride o£ the New York (JTA)—Tho 44 Germany, may continue its bombing attacks but they try to enter the war than is the rest of the popu- Fourth IIorKOinnti roaehed Ameri- man, Czech and Austrian refuWtiiU' Ctutetl Ktatcs diplo- gees who arrived hero from Italy enn never hope to win the hearts and faith of the lation. They are:willing to* abide by the decisions ca. matic mission;:, rolyln;j upon the sailed on the S. S. Cherokee for .AFa s i s . " • of the government and If necessary to co-operate Nr.El official reports, and Ai:u:rt- the Dominican Republic to beThus has come the answer to the terror un- in case of an emergency, but they should be tho -can Rvtl Vrtm* emissaries, tr.Iww come settlers in the Sooua colony. leaclied by Mussolini on the Middle East. He may last to plunRe'thc country into conflict. No people's on hand-picked toura of the 02They came from Italy, where l>e able to enroll an'occasional renegade like the suffering has jbeen as intensified by the European I eupied zones, vsvs-e cablin;; •that they had been interned in conGr;;iul' Mufti of Jerusalem, who was raised to a conflict as that of the Jews. They have lost their •' tlio rnntorn of pestilence w e r e centration camps, by way of LisI f - r c a t l y exagfiernted, American bon and stopped over at Ellis Isof eminence by the British on the false liberties and 'have been reduced to the status of IphyKirians w e r e dlscoverinr; a land by arrangement between the he was a member of the Sheriffian sub-humans.. : very dilfewnt citontion. State Department and the Dominican Republic Settlement Asiimlly. For a price the bedouins of the desert Gen. Johnson can express his repugnance of These physicians were Bent to aociation. UT.J" be enrolled in the Fascist cause, as they were such a trick . without raiting up all the charges Europe by the United States Pubg Hi? Arab revolt of 193G. War is their against the Jews, particularly nince the pamphlet lic Health Sorvice to examine Mexico City (JTA) — Mexico's e~r:. arnl they lend their support to the issued was not intended for the Jews hut for the prospective immigrants. Unless immigration .schedule for 1941 9 Mder.j But the intelligent Arab is not so apt Nenvo voters.! If Hush Jolnisca is forced to eat his nn Immigrant is in Rood* health, cuts tjuota:! for most European :-;f countrieo from 1,000 to 100 each, '••"<• led .by the grandiose claims of a strutting column, as be has threatened to do in Presi- he cannot enter this country, and tha Public Health Service h a s but permits entry of those fleeing ;! who'"peaks sweet wordts while illustrating' dent Roosevelt is re-elected, T/e can apsuro hira a found "it cheaper, and more ef- from Europe" because of religious ood isjUrrstiona by indiscriminate bombings of j.ood ease of indigestion. Wo get sdcl: merely from ficient, to examine them before or political conditions v.hich place tlit-y lcavo their native laud, in- their lives ia dauscr. reading t).se trash. Every
! iioii and pc rb«].i» as equal in importance Is tfce
aiict T&Iraud
i-'riday, tlctci*cr 25, IS40
ed-'-tliat "of course »a*ii I will coutinue to enjoy all the rights and privileges i>l htl. ~-Mp in U'litii B'rit-h." In the €a,t>e lil n\bmbe 1/f -J i <WK3)—Jewish tJieus, . CAKDIAi SA'.firn<\(i: i:'J. dues are paid tryocd th :' \ 1: - : at \ji i'lem refugees fryiu (itrThe stcoi d i<_* > . r»y^ rf U t , i. a, vvbicK they are culled i 11 f i season under t »<-. t ^ j ' M ~ cf ( .0 , ice, they will he cndi ft si ,.iib < ,Min=, wiuo were fceist earlier U. O. C. * U ? ^ - i U '-- 1.1- r I such j»tiyments after the 1 «*• t* £ to u n e »ar to Canada fend. Ausday eveciLg', d t l_f -.", «.t £ ~ to civiiiiiu aistus, £lr. tithi., »iil Le rtturaed to Great Congregation i>'i~<u I-i.. !, l£Ui Vtfiiskiiigtcu, I). C. — D ' j u i I ; U U M unless they are allowed and Chitapu, "it,., iu< '.i v . . i la 15»17, at the time of the to (-11 igidte to other countries, it Brith, oldest t u d largest nationul speak on " l t . « i ^ u t L>,.L.'' Jewish service and fraternal or- j first World War, B'mai K'ritb »M.S chiiouizced by Hsiae SecreSLiiJAA wtivvysi It. lUinls,;»dtr at tary Herbert Morrison. gaui^ation, has waived meiaber- took a Kiwiia On Sabbath BereshitSj, October %v«j.»i;i£ti, I^c-ftithe I>isw<k»-r »i The Home Becietary told the ship dues for sdl of its laenibers a K&Moitsi FcderUtet of Teus- House of CoKiaious that neither v.'ho have been or will be called 26, the Kabbi will speak at ConL&lior Adviser gregation B'nai Israel at the lo Ywstii, Will iidGS'CiS foiisidaj', Canada nor Australia Is prepared into (he a rraed forces of tha morning services. His subject will t-iwLer, %7, «;e Youth to accept the Jewish refugees fc-sUnited States, it wan announced Jerusalem (JTA) — Appointbe "Creation and C/reativeutss.", immigrants except in accordance here yesterday by Henry Monsky, ment of Richard M. Graves, ioe He will speak to the College. with immigration laws.• prfcssdeHt of U'uai B'rith. 10 years director of the Labor Club at the home of Rabbi Wiee H i . Ifoiisky expfeiiit-d that department of the Egyptian Min'M'LAVAH MALKA d u ' j will be waived for ail who istry ol Commerce, £S labor adThe Mizraciu organization of at 3 and at 6 will address a supt uhbied or will enlist as wtil as | viser to the Palestine govern..-eat Omaha will oyea its winter ac- per meetiitg of the iiigh school thbdc tailed Into service through was announced in the official gativities with a M'lavah Malta, group. A native of Pittsburgh, Rabbi the ci>K&cription act and the 1110-zette. (Iraves, who is 60 years meeting to he held at CongregaL*Jri bilu&tiou of the National ttuard old, has been in the British'servtion Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol at Ru&l&nder graduated from the ai.d itf.frv«> contingents at the ice in the Near East since 1903. 19th and Buit streets, October 2 6, Uidvtiiity of Ci.-«tiiii:t.ti, s.U'1 iu aiui/ &u& liavy. Such inc-mbers fct 8 p. ni. A full report of the This evening at services Jlabbi I Joseph B u e n o , Rembrandt'* year's activities will be given by David H. Wice will base his eer- will be exempt from dues paythe secretary of the organization, ition ou the novel, "Native Sou," i:ifjt for tlio duration of tinii "Jewish doctor," was physician Mr. S. Spar, and a financial statesoviet, llr. ih.iihi'? Uiid. lit; 4-dd- to il.u i'liiK-; of Oi^ni.c. by Richard Wright. ment w i l l be rendered by S. Saturday moniiug services will "^^.jf Katleman, treasurer. U; held at 11 o'clock. Plans will be laid for the acs . , i . tivities of the season including, HIHTlOKIIOOi) !!2 l J i i l ' . KJ'. among other things, the possible Mrs. Bert Hene's Circle «f tinvisit to Omaha of Mr. (i. Bubliek, .. ^.J Temple I s r a e l Sisterhood la well-known journalist, formerly meeting for luncheon today at editor of the "Jewish Tageblatt." Mrs. Ilene's home. Mah-jong will V The meeting will be closed with be- played following lunch. r the election of officers. Mrs. Harold Farber's Circle of SUMIAY KKRVICH the Temple Israel Sisterhood is I i ' The regular Sunday morning presenting Miss Dorothea Thomservice of the Brotherhood of the as, lecturer on personal charm, U. O. C. will take place at ConTuesday afternoon, October 29, gregation B'nai Israel, 18th and at the Temple. Miss Thomas, u I ..^ Chicago, at 9. ' A special effort graduate of the Marjorie Wilson I will be made in the near future School of Charm, will speak on to increase attendance at t h e "Gracious Living." Tea will folservices. • .low Miss Thomas' talk. Harry A. Cohen arid Sam Weiuer, tvho are in charge of usual arHIGH HCHGOIJ C5UOUP rangements, are consulting with Sunday evening, October 27, Kahbi Br-Iwyii Kiislandfr the Rabbi for the enrollment the Temple Israel High S c h o o l campaign. 1935 from the Hebrew Union group will meet at the Temple to Is College. During his last two: hear Rabbi Selwyn Rushlander. si' years at H, U. C, Rabbi Rusland- A 6 o'clock supper will be served The regular meeting of the Siser served as case supervisor at by Mrs. Julius Newman and her terhood which was to take place committee. on Tuesday, November 5, election the Cincinnati Federal Transient Last Friday evening the group Service Bureau. day, has been moved up one week. entertained a y o u n g people's Following graduation, Rabbi It will take place ou Wednesday, group from Macedonia, la., / at October 30, at Congregation B'nai Ruslander accepted the pulpit of supper and services. Temple Rodeph Slvaloni, Port ArIsrael, 18th and Chicago, at 2 thur, Texas. His interest in youth p. m. ,,tIn the absence of the presi- work was soon evident. In addi• \ tion to developing a Temple dent, Mrs. L. Meveleff, Mrs. M. Biirstein, vice-president of t h e Youth Group iu Port Arthur, Sisterhood, is planning an elabor- Rabbi Ruslander- left a Federaate program which should be a tion of Temple Youth Groups in I-. fit opening for a season of ac-Texas when, he went to Champaign, Hi., to become Associate In newspaper style, the .first tivities. Director of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Round Table Bulletin of the year was. issued last week and won On Wednesday, October 30, the Foundations. unanimous praise from Its 900 Talmud Study group will meet at To Present • Post in ' '39 Congregation B e t h Hamedrosh In June, 1939, Itabbi Rusland- readers. Hagodol to resume studies inter- er went to Cincinnati to. assume* This is the first bulletin to be rupted by the" holiday season. his present post aa Director of completely written and edited by the Union of American Hebrew a staff of young people which inCONGREGATIONAL MEETING Congregations' Department ot cludes the following: Miss Elaine r The semi - annual meeting of Youth Activities and Executive Lagman, editor-in-chief; Mr. Wil; Congregation B.-e t h Hamedrosh Director.of the National Federa- lard Friedman, feature editor; Miss Reva Bordy, news editor; Hagodol was held on Sunday, Oc- tion, of 'Temple Youth. f tober 20, at 2 p. IU, 'The meeting He edits the "Youth Leader," Miss Ruth Rosenstein, society edit was opened with minutes of thea magazine for youth groups pub- tor, and Miss Shirley Kahn, pro' * • . . . previous meetings and a full re- lished by the Union, i —J , ;, duction editor. port of the activities and program This seven-nage news review The National Federation ot of the Congregation by the secre- Temple Youth, composed of Tem- contains several outstanding featary, Mr. 'N. Levinson. . The re- ple Youth groups from coast to tures, such as "Question.and Ani port stressed the signal achieve- coast, is an affiliate of the Union swer. Box," "Resume of .Center ment of a, complete change in theof American Hebrew Congrega- Activities," "The 'Fifth' Column," financial set up of the Congrega- tions. "Hit Parade of Fashions," a n d "~1 . tion and great improvement. "Club News in Review." Sixty new members were adTins publication is only one of mitted within the l a s t three the many activities sponsored by J months and many of the older the Round Table of Jewish Youth. 3 members reported' Increased • asTheir calendar also includes sevsessment in dues. Particular ateral social events, a youth foruin, tention was drawn to the fact that stage-nite, and an oratorical con•• . U . . Q . . C . • •'.•:•: I this revival in the practical af- . test. ; • ':••'• - ; . ; ' Late services will be held this fairs of the,Congregation was due L J r--=T3^ to the strengthening of its spirit- evening at the Congregation B'aai ual life under the leadership of Israel at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky- will speak ori " T h e Rabbi Isaiah Backovsky. First-Book." On Sabbath BeresFriends of John L. Barber, reThe discussion. that ensued et•' • i pressedY the appreciation of the hit, October 26, the Rabbi will publican candidate for county speak at the Congregation B'uai commissioner, are urging liis elecmembership for the activities of the commissioners under the lead- Israel ou "Creation aad Creativo- tion on the basis of his qualifications aa an experienced business ership of the presiding officer, L. ncsa." '•Hiio 7-V/ajr Reflac-jj | j Blotcky. At the close of t li e amid recssve our 7-v/ay tor Floor La;u;i witb ' Mr. Barber «.\so to Omaha Doth El meeting elections, were held aad t:»b Zcniih! Rcflc'cl-sr 7?oo the following were chosen to the This evening at services Rabbi thirty-four y?ara a^o from outToo! • ntato and octa'iliahed himself c.:i board of directors for the com- David A. Goldstein will speait on ing terra: M. Roscnstcin, I. Sliaf- "Beginning With Fundamentals." a crecMt ri^fi in tho V.'holerale grocery business. For twenty yenns er,' N. V/ilfGoa, I. Elcwitz, II, he rorved in the trust department Levinson, L. Blotcky and Harry . Tcsnplc of the Vniu-.d Slaicz. ^atlcnal A." Cohen, . Rabbi D?.7id H. Wice will base Congregation B'nai Israel held his. sermoa this evening on. Rich- Ban!:, hcrJlsns i"»r::a \azns and its semi-annual meeting "on t h e ard Wngb.t'3 novel, "Native Son." the inanajriirj; of far.ii properths. j V Since his retirement ia July, same day at 8 p. m. ' Presiding . Tomorrair m o r n i n g cervices 1939, 'he has been devoting his Ii was Dr. A. Greenberg, who gave will begia at .11. tima to the operation of bin own a complete report of the developfaro and to activities a3 a state czllioZo roeliJicr iS.:?3 SK3 S tznments in the congregation under hj'j fccscea tz'.K: K;s*.t!i*a crslvrlro h i s ' administration, financially ports the con^rcr.Ucn passed a Hccsrod rsal citato brolcer. ' r:;f.:~;r;-.;i rjvc.j ysr. CS C;ft\r:it rccol^tion ol appreciation to the aud organisationally. D \7ina Priso A detailed financial report v/as officers for the successful effort then submitted by the secretary, they put into the congregation the; I.V/ York (JTA) —- H e n r y Dr. N. H. Greenbers, -and supple- r-rcoedinc year. Blcctioa T/aa held V O ^ u C1D nr*D»O CL..JLJH3 AS DCVtf?3 iVVjfc«^»»u mented by the report of the treas- and the following v/ero cheaea to Kcor-:sr, 2'!-year-old Viennc;o urer, Mr. I.I. Ktiiimaa. ..Comctcry 5-:.ic tfco Coagref;atio:i the coming refacco artist, itcr/ r^idin;; ia i ; , „_,_ activities woro ic-mortcl upou by terns: Dr. A.1 Grcrabcrc:, Dr. N. Brc:>::lyn, has v.-on Cie 51.C0O Louis Epstein a:V. V/illiftm Mild- H. Groenbora , Scicob JT-vraatein, fir:,t pri^o in the poster eempii-tier. L. Aclterr.ian and William William Milder, William V/einer, tion conducted by V.IQ National Alliance of Art nnfi Industry for Weiner reported OIA ry^a.trauo r.c- II. Katr.rr;r»a and L. Epstein, the &acri-:zz. Scsci'jSr fcr tUa CQHtivities. ! trol of Ca - After G, Ct-,^zr .Ti d tao ;%>
Refugees Are to Be . Returned to Britain
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New York (WKS)—Dr, Ernst vrih alternate io Earl Winter, fonsffcr vice-Mayor
Vienna, aaKtrtiEced Ihe formalinkia. Myron of tion here of- a new committee to "unite in a eowinon front ail e r n s a t n t MQi<«rta>fa . . , AH of tims and opponents of Hitler Ger11,» wiJich l t i i i i i ' L i ^ ih<xt OHC of i i t many." ino'-t ol>3t«tif u !>k t o o l s \ i i i t i> , . . ( h e i> «s« L <•. L ^ t c fiotu 1 The committee, known as the Ciii t h e i . i h of 1 m M L ia t l " t >»«. U l'i t Us tt >. <?<.*•. tt to istiy, i M>nir to h«vt ati sun American Commute on. European by Heafc de Chambruii, entitled "1 !>CfiUnt fcxiubition of his woik ou t h e division Isita. VthiOthers taking part in the p\&yReconstruction, was organized by Saw France Fall" . . . In case kie Rnd l*oose*T«*It c'gistps faSls the coast in December . . . Mauyou've forgotten, Rene is the son- fc.t»Hg i h e saiiie econoinie lines us rice Bergman is entering on a new will be: Martha Himelstein as the Dr. Winter and a group of Ausin-law of Laval, and shares his liwioug the tioa-Jt'Risli voters , . . phase of his motion picture ca- Countess Ceeile; Joe L. Cohen as trian, Czechoslovak ami Polish exfather-in-law's prejudices against Iloti't be (&lt<-« In by a n orgatttoi- reer . . . Beginning with Decem- the Countess Katinka's father; iles. democracy . . . The British W a r t i o a c a l l e d "M«AHs>;aii«r» f a r ber he will head the' advertising Harold Kateluian as Count CyorPatronize Our Advertisers. Office isn't very liappy t o d a y American Needs"- . . . I t ' s iiesdetl department of Twentieth Century gy; Anna Zager as Klari, the about having rejected the Jewish by J o h n Sleury P e y t o n , w h o ' s t h e •—one of the most, important ad- maid; Harold Ilahler as t'erenez, the butler; Lillian Friedman as offer of a Palestine army of 100,- fellotv v»ho iniv.-B ll d l f vertising jolis in the HIra industj u ixv Ilonka, the maid; and Hyivan 000 at the beginning of the war"dilHoniiii's Julus S try . . • Latest Broadway chatter Dlock as the reporter. . . . If Britain had a well-equipped Now he's, coutinulng his h6tc*- is (hat Libby Holman, the blues army of 100,000 in the Near East bpit'-adtiigft4*<ivitles undf-r a new singer, is going in for operatic The play is scheduled for protoday the prospects of the coming label , . . We note I tat &iuo>tg tiie training In a big way . . . Fannie duction the evenings of Monday UJSli battle for the Sues Canal would J:t families named Iiy tlie SKC RSBriee has entered on a new role, and Tuesday, November 25 and look better for her . . . CITS FEKAN«:E AN1> IKSl'IftNCK Leirtg in control of billions of dol- that of mother-in-law . . . Her 26. lars' worth of Bevwi'UicU there daughter recently married editor Mrs. Milton Abrahams is chairisn't a single one that ev«vn Hitler Ray Stark of Hollywood . . . man of the Center drain a ties comwunltln't consider a* hundred per (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts mittee. With the arrival ofFrana Wer- cent Aryan . . . Feature Syndicate.) fel ami lielnrich Mtum on o « r ehores the most Important of the intellectual enti-Xassl rebel?) • have ITJiRIS OP KOTK It now seems that the real reaescaped the Gestapo in France . . • • But they themselves don't kitow son why Father Cougblin stopped how close a shave they had—lie- tils broadcasting was not that ho cause within the .next few weeks couldn't find any radio stations the Petain government will 'de- willing to take him on, but becide to transfer all the anti-Nazi cause his ecclesiastic superiors refugees to the NazS-oceiipled area told him to lay off . . , Nobody Washington (WHS)—Partici, «f Europe, . « . Vve \vonder wheth- denies any longer that George er you noted fAon Fouehtwanger's Sylvester Viereck is a paid Nazi pating in a radio debate, Senator tragic continent on .hia cxperl- propagandist . . . Yet Boake Car- Gibson of Vermont urged that the rneees In France . . . Said the di-ter, of radio fame, goes out. of"entire personnel" of embassy &nd consular officers of Germany, minutive Gerpian Jewish tiovel- his way to defend George, in the Italy, France and "all others that name of free speech . . . Note to . 1st: "The French |«*t me in a con- Bund members: Der Adolf has are German puppets" to be sent centration camp because I was issued a call for half a million back to Murope. Herman, wlnSe British planes Nazis to come "home to the The senator charged that these . were flying over Germany drop- loyal to help him win the warconsular officials were "hirelings ping propaganda leaflets quoting Reich" by joining his labor front . . . of the dictators who now, behind • passages from my anti-Noel book" Well, boys, what are you waiting the cloak of diplomatic immunity, . . . No wonder France collapsed for? . . . are conniving for our downfall." • . . . Why doesn't one of the JewMeanwhile, it. was leaned that • ish organizations take up J o e Rep. Martin Dies had demanded LITRRARY NEWS lirainln's ^suggestion for a Jewish of the Justice Department that it Th© book reviewers seewi afraid take immediate action against . Itlood Legion? . . . The ides beDredntosr Ccr.ts L'.%'-OJKS'KJ v.llh Vo . ing to organize thousands of to tackle Maurice Bamnel's "The nazi consuls in this country on young Jews to donate their blood, Great Hatred," which came out the basi3 o£ evidence furnished : through the American Red -Cross, just recently . . . . Is it because to the State' and Justice depart.for transfusions t o those Injured Samuel's interprctstioa of atiti- ments of the Diea Committee. toy Nazi raiders oii the British Scsnitism knocks the Follyanna Asks Expulsion . . . Isles . . . In case you didn't know good-will movements I n t o a The chairman of the Congressit, the Red Cross is looking: for c o c k e d hat? . . . The'.-battle ional committee Investigating un.blood to he -shipped to England. around Bhaloni Asch's "The Kaz- American activities demanded arene" is still going on behind that action bo taken to expel cer"\ for that purpose . . • the closed doors of the Forward tain nazi consuls from the counAssociation, the body which con- try or to compel naei Germany to COMMEXTAKY . We're grateful to Wine-hell for trols the Jewish Daily Forward recall them. the •warning that at 341 Madison . . . Abe Cahan, editor and boss avenue, New York, are located the of the Jewish Socialist dailj-, is Patronize Our Advertisers. luxurious offices of a so-called trying to oust Asch entirely from the paper because of what he, news service . . . The person in FOH BENT — Nice room for charge Is a Dr. Manfred Zapp, a Cahan, calls Ascli's "nn-Jewish yonn,<; lady. 3024 Beward. | book" . . . To the Palestine Patrusted agent of Herr Goebbels vilion at the World's Fair will RO. WE oan». . . . His job is to spread Nazi th^t
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TOEBB. nntlKIl. HIJUTZNICK and KEIXY, Attjm. ISO Servlca IJfe KWg. XW BY I'UBUCATION ON PETITION VOll 8ETTI.KMENT OP FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court ot Douglas Count*. Hebiaska. In tb® Matter of the Eiitata ot David Garber, Deceased. All persons interested In Bald matter arc Ttareby notified that on the ?th day of October, 1940, David It, Cohen Wed a Petition In said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein, be Battled and allowed, and that ba be dismissed from hia trust as &<ltnlnIstrator and that .a hearing villl ba had en sala petition before srald Court on the 2nd day of November, 1910, and that it you fail to appear before said Court on ths said 2nd day of November, 1040, r.f 0 o'cloclt A. M., and contest Baid petl' tloa, the Court may grant the prayer ot said petition, enter a decree of helrshlp, and malts Buch other and further ordern, iHtowances and decrees, aa to thin Court fcisy rssm proier, to ths tnd that all s.-i3ttc;rfl pertaining to said eslale may be £;nallyJ settled and determined. SRTCE CUAWFOHD, "0-ll-40-3t. County d
ZEP-LGNED s c a d Dicr
Morvclotn clylc^, b o t h fitted end bo::y . . . tho vool lining sip:: out fc? ccol days, end ^ips in fc? cold iiayo . . . ii'c rccrjlj? 2 csab o I.
•Foundries C^3 9 to 15, 10 f j C ^ 23 £» -C-5
Sraas, Bronso, So>i Grey Iron BE«5 SemiSteo! Cisstrofja. Wood and facial PaUesao and Saols T/el0lito carried in stock. Crucac ans3 Caat , Iroa Grilles o Specialty.
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Friday, Gct«fccr 25, 1S4O
Rabbi Dead
Jeres&Ieai (Jt'A) — J i s b b f Zadok Ilafcem&ui, Yernt-n-boru re* isgi&us leader wbo £j>ent his life* tirae ia searching for the fo lost tribes (it Israel Ueyoiid (he iftgen* duty Saiinbaatyoa river, has died it the age of 75.
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bcow. This tesidency, ©a t h e Anske Eiaet CGBgregatioa. whole wiiolesaaie, is HOW put ia dh, Witea he t-anse to this syna- the service of Jewish bistory, etc. gogue it was only one of several The author, Mr. Ftinberg, has essynagogues ia Chicago. Thanks leetesi questioES perteJEtng to the For the German coloay of 50,000 Including 20,000 trotsys, the to his dynamic leadership it hasJewish religiou ead life, etc., with occu|>g.tioa authorities have asdiscriminating care EBd from a risen to toy> rank both in nuia- wide field. £igued the whole sositheaste part of the city, grouping t h e are " l>ers and in influence. When he The volume contains 43 quiz most modern buildings, l a r g e wlicsre preaches, the synagogue is ai- sections, and each section c&apromenades and parks and farways fiiled to capacity, and often tains 20 questions. The correct mous palaces. The Jewish «juar• an annex equipped with a laud answers require a pretty g o o d ter, surrounded by a wall, is iu Is Iiere knowledge of Jewish literature, speaker must be used to accom- Jewish life, Jewish csistonis a n d the aort.bwei.tein i<ait cf the city. Three hundred thousand J e w s . inodate the large congregations Jewish religious practices. He will be cocceati-utcd In this aita. wbo t a n answer these quesiloas he attracts. : Limit KuM»lifcS His message of authentic Jtida- may be classified, as an informed The remainder of the city.ha lsm has served as an antidote to and intelligent Jew. The questions cover every con- Seen assigned t& 800,<f{f6 Volib the Influence of the late Dr. Erail • G. Hirsh which still persists, espe- ceivable item of Jewish interest. reaideata. The Pelts a&d tLe Jews A few eiamiiles will illustrate the were Eiven Uwtii Dct&Ler 31 to cially la higher Jewish circles. author's versatility. Why do or-settle in their designated areas. The reputation of Dr. Gold- thodox Jews refrain frora shavman's congregation has gone be- ing? When was the hymn, Adoa Jews and Poles wl)o are obliged yond the borders of Chicago, as Oloin, written, and who was Itsto change their rtaidenuj are per has the reputation, of its learned author? In what drama did Leas- mitted to take vdth thcta o n l y rabbi. To take hold of a weak ing pay tribute to his friend, bedding, household linen and per ' Institution stnd to make it strong Mendelson? W ha t significance sonal belongines, leaving t h e i r la a few years is in itself an un-has the Cup of Elijah? WSio said, furniture behind. " usual achievement. To do this "Suffering is the badge of all our Special regulations have Without sacrificing any of t h etribe?" What book by Houston issued by the Naais for Jews fetill basic Jewish ideals and without Stuart Chamberlain h a e influ- liviog outside tbe walled Ghetto yielding to the uiob is truly re- enced, |-Jazl ideology? At the ead area, according to a recent itsue markable. of the hoojt the reader will find of the V/articheuer Zeltung reachlag here. The regulations order the answers to the questions. Annual Issued Jews encountering a uniformed To acquaint the Auslse Bmet This volume can become a use- German to give way la a clearly membership with the manifold ac- ful instrument for increasing Jewtivities and rich program of theish knowledge and popularizing noticeable manner, if nccescary stepping off the sidewalk. synagogue an .annual is issued Jewish information. Women's regularly, known aa the Ha-Or— clubs, men's groups, and youth A decree issued hy Hans Frank, (the light). The current edition bodies will have aa interesting German governor general, forbids gives a .comprehensive picture of evening in attempting to answer "Aryans" in the govern meat-genthe life of this large and mighty the questions in this fine "quiz" \ eral area to accept "work in Jewcongregation. book. I hope that it will achieve1 ish households after October The activities of the Sisterhood, a measure of popularity equal to Thc decree rules that the presence Men's club, lecture forums, etc., other volumes of this typo. of eae Jew in a household wakes are aet forth in detail. These are it Jewish, exemptions will be not, howeter, unique 10 a»y par- Patronize Our Advertisers. granted by special pei mission. ticular congregation. What is vnique. is the varied and impressive educational program. -The; work of the several grades and departments, which Sura Mows .9:S9 A.m. to S:I§ P. take in children from kindergarten to practically college is impressive. The distinGuishing feature of tbe educational program is the Importance assigned to the ctu^y of H e b r e w and the success achieved. The Hebrew compositions of the pupils and the themes polat not ©aly to inteaeive study, but also to aa understanding of Jewish life and a deep devotion to Jewish ideals. Those v/ho want a gliupco a t tlie manifold interests and activities of an- active Jewish corfgregatioa 5a America animated by strong Jewish idcaia and led by a dynamic rabbi, will find thf3 &naual most UlumiQating.
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We think tco much c£ oar custo.i> crs to givc'them anything less than, the best that their hat money will buy.. See the new ICnox styles . . Q try en your individual Knmt h a t . , a If o iierc » , . enjoy a ICISQJ: Hat!
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For ceiiing fixtures— plastic adaptors, used with silvered bov/l bulbs, win add beauty and Bvo proteeiZsa to ii t! yeas; living room too!
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tee provided vailed attractions. In commenting'on the carnival, H. S. ;Novitsky, general cIiafmaB, said; "It has been a great success, and everybody connected with the enterprise is thoroughly satisfied. The annual carnival Is our only means of raising funds for charity purposes,., and we are grateful for the response we have had."
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this* i<oiaiu tor wkicli there will lie HO charge.
Woniefi*s League •p
Tlio women's league of Sliaaro Zioa Synagogue presented a patriotic pageant at the Synagogue Tuesday evening. WMarfl Green directed the pageant which was presented In conjunction with Columbus day. Mrs. L. j . Kaplan welcomed the guests. Mrs. Leon Dobrofsky. program chairman, presided. Mrs. Reuben Miller was reader and Miss Sarah Sadoff and Jack Merlin were musical accompanists. Refreshments were eerved at the conclusion of the entertainment.
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'iMI KC'tJ Ottot <-r 10, t h e Un Souwt Ltoual Coiiwil uf i.'nU B'lith vitl meet in C&uucil Bluffs, at the. Chieftain hotel. The purpose oMhis meetittg is to give regional repretitatives an opportunity to consider amendments to the constitution and by-laws. . Council Bluffs will be represented by president, Leon Frankel; vice-president, .Milton. Yudelson; secretary, A. L. Katelmau, and three electee-d delegates.
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FoiL fioia page 11.) draft!" (Direct complaints to Milton . . . we didn't eed it.) Maxine Marx . . , Gmwlm's posterity . . . is kelug coached la drain&tic» by Ifer-ta Mjwgot, Luiso Raiaer's cousin.
for use in military train* lag are shown oa three pages. The state's large supply of draft animals for .military use and its animal feed supply are depleted oa two maps. Industrial resources of Nebraska are shown on tea maps. These include electric power, anil gas fuel supplies, agricultural raw t i a l s , mineral eupplles, food production the present Industrial produ«tiou of the state of more than e,. quarter billion, dollars worth of masKfaetiu'ed products annually, aad Nebraska's unique freedom from sales taxes, bonded debt and luxury tazes. Generally useful information for both military and industrial defense preparedness is given, oa mai>;j eho.iluts tlio Liato'u tc/itln, \fiitct £upi»ly mid climatu.
Warning: M a x l e Itosenbloom warbles in "The Sockeroo" . . . SIX. HADASSAH . ., and the song is titled. "I'm a SuA party given by- Jr. a perspecial Oenius \?ith a Lillipuwas held last Sunday at the home tian Brain!" of its advisor, Mrs. Richard Gorri^ don. • *" of * » . evarditn: iUA lut'ivr LosThe entire program was car- rowed u yachtEu;; cqs ft0:11 t h o ried out la a college theme, and & b d t - ( i . i t i . i , . , , tlirn Patrcnize Our AdvciUecrt), the following took part: D e a n , went oat mnH ha'^ht a Lout to Doris Friedman; professor, Lor- go with itt fil 3al^:.i l-i iJ)o«t to The Mizrachi of Sioux- City ia >, vi 11111, riKJV^N raine Meyerson, and assistant pro- t l t e egftiu. Vivo Lti%.dl«*.j MO preparing to celebrate a traditionfessor, Marilyn Saltzman. Classes mulling a liffe-uf-Tioi-Jcy al Simcath Beth Hashoava comwere held, and cash awards were memorating the ancient Harvest 1»V tULLMIAriHiM ON given to those answering quesFeast at the Temple in Jerusalem. "Think I have a food chance VtOM I1 Oil i:ljf 'tA rli'M'jf <w' tion correctly. for tho Academy Avard after thia In Uia County Coun; of iKiucSsa The celebration will take place Orthodoit Synagogues picture?" huffed Benny. at. the Adas Yeshurun synagogue a . . 55. A. "¥/ouldn't it bo funny if they In Ilia Matter of the Estate of David on Sunday evening, October 20, at A very successful meeting and, Xiiee&s^d. Suceoth eervlees for Wednesday 7:30. have to give two awards—one to pcizona intercAci in eald matter was held at the-home of me and one to Jack?" puffed aroAll li'.ircby Timely addresses, refreshments, and Thursday evenings started. smoker iiotlflc!' t' nt on tha 7th <?fsy Gershun last Tuesday eve- Fred Allen. f October, 181'J, i),ivia 11. CiM iilej a and a musical program will be ^ie at 6:00 and in the morning at Teddy In ERtd Ccir.ty Court, 9:00. Thursday, October 17, ning. At that tlmo several Omaorder of the evening. Funny!" snorted Mary. "It li.titl<in t l! t l l *i*/Ul ha A. Z.-A.'s attended. lia f.-.tti'. t i n i itllowcil, r".J tlir.t would bo robbing llochtater!" haxercin The public is cordially invited. Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov spoke 1 t,a dl. "il ".,\ ft,),n Us tiu-^t f.» srtir.lii* Plans have been formulated to Itabbl S. I. Dolotnikov will pre- at the Adas Yeshurun-Synagogue enter a basketball team* in the J. And she blew the house in. * a t t r U . t a IK&IIR'; V.PJ I S Ssad during the morning services. Frion saM f-stlflori tit,for^ b-t.i C^^.t on tlia side. 2n-l <"rty of Dcvet'ittr, 1S10, r m that !t day. October 18, he -will speak at C. C. basketball league. (Copyrighted by Jevirh Teleyou f c ' l t« £f> j - a y Lvf'.i* t£i*i Ur.-jrt u n tho Beth Abraham Synagogue. graphic Ac<J»cy, Ire.) «• j • ! Lsifl < / i r i, , , • » . , i i^ b t Saturday, October 10, Itsbbl Bolo- YOUTH FORUM GROUP ^ u \ ' . . v L A . 1 ., i 1 ' . . ( t l J.i'J. • tuikov will apeak _at-the Tlferetli • A great deal of. interest fa beL'*LG ,ing- dis&layod in the newly formed and i.' 1 .7 t icS. ot:.-r r- ? frri">;r or- •„: •, The regular Jr. Hadassah meet- Israel Synagogue."" fonira group now.being led by 'the Mlstl Jcwclr/ HIsoppo aning .was held- in'.'tee form of a 5' ' t w i "ic'-st'* t i' i:,o c;i 2 "tiat""oil Leo Meyersoa.each Sunday morn- nounces tao opsaln;; of its cocond maltcz," ;.rrl, 5r.-1:; f> rcij c tats may SJ3 picnic ouppor Thursday,' evening . ing at 10:30 at the synagogue. HuMty t-tticJ'i detcniilncJ. in tho lobby o£,tlio Pasa t t t h e open Shelter. Hoase at. IlilYCU cr'.A\7rO!ZD, All young boys and girls'/are location" ton Hotel. Stone Park. More than thirty I1'£3-CL County eligible to attend. were present. Plans for the card '• Those comprising the class GO party were discussed. The paid-up ; Master Arnold Baron, son of far,, are: Elaine Meyerson, Jack tEGALHOTIGE AS TO MEASURE TO YOTEE! membership party which will be Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baron, Castle Brown, Danny Kubby', Marvin held in November will be a hayNOYELIDELl 5,1940 Apartments, will celebrate his Bar Richards, Douglas Kooler, Marvin rack party.:. Mitsvah Saturday morning at the Maltz, :Millard Seldin anfl Stanley Krasne. -• . ' . . . ' . - " . B e following amendment to tho CSonstitatlcn of t!".s ZidLz c2 IJcSh'aare"'Zlon' Synagogue. brsElta wil! ba i;t;b.r.ittcJ ta tho elector of thia f c cf.-^ivel or> YONQ-'JUDAEA • ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sobol, 2301 Gerry ..Colin entertained the rejection'at tl:a ecscrJl election to ba hcM Novc;.ibor 3, 1C-I0: Summit, announce the engageSenior Hadassah, /the women's Young Judaea at a meeting' at tho 'i? £'«ecJal &y tho People of the State of Ncbradia: Zionist, organization of America; ment of their daughter, Anita home of her grandmother, Mrs. will Isold its October meeting in Marion, to Louis Shulkin, son of B. Saltzman, last Sunday after- -•- ils-ctte 1. Thst Ec?. 1, Art!c!o VII, Constitution of tho etato c? Mr..-.and Mra.-Wm. Shulkin, 422% noon. •••••• the form of a dessert-luncheon. ,'•.''. Nebraska, 187P, r:t;l tlw ccverrl cpi^ndmcnta thereto, includint; the Mrs. M i I t o n Mushkin is in West Seventh street. The wedding •In the event,of the absence of sm-sxidments 'projtc-.J I>y tits Constitatlonr.1 Convention of 1910-1920^ charge of the' luncheon arrange* will be a Fall event. the president, Harriet Kubby, the and'adopted at tltD cpccial c-lcstioa held on tho 21st dsy of Scptc™.bsry ments. Program cltairmani for vice-president, Elaine Meyerson, 19S0,'.ba smondedi to read aa follows: this meeting will be Mrs. H.. R. Rev and Mrs. Nathan Goldwas- presided. • "Sec. 1. Tho Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorney Rabinovrttz: T.h© Invocation will ser of Chicago, are visiting with .Eleanor Passer was program be given by Mrs. L. J, Kaplan.
Junior Hadaooah in such, manner as ra&y bo prescribed by lav/." Sec. 2. That sn additional c=elioa bo inserted in Arista 'XVII, Constitwtion of Nebraska, to to known and nurabanpd ca £ollo\70:
Junior Hadassah will hold its card party at- the Martin hotel, Monday evening, October 28. Ascisting the chairman, Nello Sinykin, are Lucille ICronlcIi, Harriet Rosenblum and Croldie Lehman. ' A stylo show will be presented by Mazio's Dress Shop. Junior Hadassah girls wjll be the models.
Kaw sea esn re;s:s hsaiih end pa? ta tita rsys! wey! Esiha b {hs ttfcjvejcoitf hct!*S3 l e8vcRsK.Jrc^csvIaed It jj .'»cd Cs. ret:} frsra Wwsvs end erj-ssfs e!.«>c~*s - cs J cl tlsa csnso {"."as enjry t";3
Sliaare Zioia Tie Festival of the'Succoth will begin on Wednesday evening. Evening services will be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 5:45. Morning services will bo held at 8:30 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Cantor Pernlek will officiate and Rabbi H. R. Eabinowltz will preach during the morning sessions.
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Cos. 8. That at tin f;cr=rd clcsiisn ia ITovcaafci?, 1040, C C subiaittefl to tho.ckitora o£ tl:o _cteto _c2_ Ncbru-r'ai, for^a
of which aforesaid
eoisvsiilsno c5 S;s j-Jo S C. PA
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To Attend Meeting OCOccrs o£ th,e Sioux City B'nai S'rith lodge will attend the Southtrcst regional Council meeting to h-i hold Sunday in Council Bluffs. STevr csacndmontB to the constitution trill be discussed.
A an CK-eE'-nniS t3 tlio Conciltatiols o5 tlio c2 braE!:a amondinG' Scct!c-» 1, ArPeto Vn, ond Atticb X¥II, cad pi inff that the SuporintiKdont <?£ Puttie lactrcation chall, from tha ...__ Thursday cftcr tfc-s f£n.i Tt!D-;asy ia January, lC-llj bs n membsr o? aicj board of coiiirair.meK!, coumcaly kKa^na ca taa Board of Educntisnall Lands and Pondi red pro/idfeff tbnt =xil Mccndiaaafe otall f-j <^S3'JTCJ on tLo first; pAlscKds7 flnt Suc-isy-ia Jnncoiy. M--le' r.=ui 3cy aftcif Gf to t!io tks flrcS of brcs^amc^rc"Sc^ioH"i,*A^-=k VIl7 raid
ZJlczi-at Sinai Temple 03iT?er;; ™i!I begin at 8:00-Fric.c-y cv-2Bls3 at the Mount Siaat "J'iipulc:' Eabbi Albert S. Gold•UeiT fartr* cbosfsa for his subject, '•*& Harvest Booth." .
"Sec. 11. This r-GradKicnt (1010) c'asli Ba cclf-CKcmtin?, rart after it becomes effective, all ctetutcu acd Ir^ra an-3 i^-c-,fc;sr:';"&£l:w= Ceaatitation referring to t!>3 present Board cl Euuistional i«?,Sia3 r.r.'_ FundiS shall mean and include, vLIlo in effect, caid bjnrd of ccLiraiSKoacscrtho Board of Educationcil Lands end Funds, as. constitatsd acrobyf and this amendment chr.ll ba in full £©rc3 and ta!:o cfTc;t ca ii.o.firoi! " • taa &zzl T^c=3a7 ia Jcr.ur.ry, 1041,"
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t""3 bo«rd of ua'-'irf-.-.vj, 1 cowmoaly ?:r.t-vm cs t;-.o Board of ;-^»C3» ffoa^I Lsmsfe KI:'J 3V;'.t\i smd providing thnt cr.Sd mr.ondrj?nt chrtl .6^ c:?ccitTQ en -51- far;; 'Ji^rcdoy rite? tlio first Tuesday in Janur.rp, ^-<-
HARBY E. SWANSOK, Sscretr.ry of