November 15, 1940

Page 1

• Eiitered as Second Class Mali Matter en Jenufcry Si, 1921, a t - Postofflce, of Oniaba. iWoraska. unger the Act at Mafefc 8. HW


VOL, i.vtil—U--. i

Plans 'Being Made ' For Annual Father And Son Banquet Plans are being completed for tue nineteenth observance of father and son day to be held Sund.ay evening, December 1, a t tits Jewish Community Center. Dr. Shei-, chairman of the. soPresent First Children's Philip cial service committee, announces. Program o-f " Subject Tins annual affair is a'poosoreci jointly by the Federation for Jev/Se&eesn. S Arc Ish Service and the Omaha'Lodge Early Deadline The lively adventures of Ivan of B'nai B'rlth. "itebies Are Huiiihs ' is An impressive program is be-tlie topic of «liscttssioi' and his peasant horse will be dis« Itecausc of 'X'hKnlcsgiving day trill • closed by the |>ictjures<£uo Shana? ing planned for the occasion. Fa- ©pea the Instltuto of i*ay- 6u'Thursday, Kll itewns tor next felt poppets' on Friday rooming, thers aud sons are urged to re-cSioIop'y at the Jewibl ' .uity Friday's JICWIBII PRBBB must November S3, fct 10-.SO, a t the serve this evening. Center a t 1:30 Ti tter- he in the office before 5 o'clock g f j, 1(II'.MI'<;1 f y <!,«• Je-.ii -!* <! Jewish CoittMUiuity Center, when Tuesday,'November 10. uooii, Noveiiibcr.10.' the first speci&l children's proNews ite«ns may ba phouecl niui'ity 1(' i) ii ( e c h i Ui-inienJ Mrs. Mary Freder,' " . spe'gram of tho y e a r , '"J'ho Little cialist of the O i ' .ublic in to Atlantic 1:450 ov brought with Hi* .Tuceifw Jl..'l..' -t.h, tikiHump ll&ck IFoi'se," will l»e pre< schools, will lead W . t , up in to tSio office, B50 Httuulcis tteirj Council of .Tit.lsh Jt(Ki« Berated. ' six meetings of various phases and Theater building. News re- ftnd t h e lUi'tusMi ii»i-l I'urCi •.'.io ; For the third time, the Center's characteristics' of infant behavior: ceived altev Tuesday «.'K!inot bo Junior Activities department- will Temper Tantrums, Good and Bad published in tlio" isSiso of 1Mt h e i r o u t : tt:i:i:]/>l jss «;-it.»i..-*. present the tfhanafelt puppets, in Habits, and Early Social Behavior. d»y, November S3. • A fliii.ii I n " 1 , ' i U u v ' , " t r i u ^ h t \>y response to the enthusiastic reThe Institute on Child PsycholMlfd i l l a n c h e l i b ihir.'i, \ , i l l m u i guests of the children's audience Miarachi WOEIKJII to". Hear ogy has been planned in response e v e r y WodnriC'.uy I r o i -. 7 i o 8 . lor another showing. to the numerous requests by F o l l o v i n c ; thhi clc ,s; J J I S . (tuti* : In addition to the tale of the • " National Board • mothers'Of tho community' who N e u h a i u j will l t - . d ,: c? -. . :-;<J > fairy horse,'the program will inare interested in intelligent dlsg r o u p o n " B e h i n d tin >u .'•'•hi.,." clude several specialty dances, eusaions of the every-day probT h o J h - h r o w c l a f 1 '• 1. •,-Kt!;' t>» solop, and acrobatic feats by the Mrs.; William -Weintraubi wife lems of .tho behavior of infants r e a d a n a convcr. 1 ^! l i c i t ;• t e s t puppets. These puppets are un-of. a. prominent' Hew York ettor* and young 'children. ' : s p e c i a l l y • p r e p a r e d i<;>- i i d f . l t usually life-like "and' real because ney, will lie guest of. the local BtfC'&ttlhtedl Course ' g r o u t a l>y t h o C d ! " '• f t ,'t u lf,h of their careful construction and Mlssr&chl'Women's or^enizgtion tat "This will be a streamlined ; (nwj HQJI costuming,. a$ ,vf&\ fl?. (lie 15-nwifel twn&mixi to l»o held course for the modern mother," •Twehty-Fowr Attend. First S t u d i o s ill C h l t n - . . 'i,— will m c o t \/c< U]v ii i' t 1 c i " i h ' 5 ilced manipulation. Meeting ©£ tit 1 o'clock* ^fetfetesflay, Novem- according to Mra. Al FicdleV and •-.{ Following the program, all chil- ber" £9, et the Jewish Community Mrs. Leon Fellman, co-chairmen .Society dren will have the opportunity Ocftter. • : . of ..tha Institute.'. "Our, keynote examining the puppets at close i:.l t H v l l i pro Mrs. Welctraub, who Is a mem- of 'Get acguaintefi with your baby : Center Choral society held deal range "and of looking behind the ber of the natloEial board of tho scientifically' is addressed t o the nov;;j. Vive no. "itiU :i t;•m 1.- J - a ltV fit'Bt iiiectinB last week' end scenes at tlie strings that make r/cjiiaa'a Mi.Turhl, vjll fn-.luda in modern young mother who wants 1 i U. I ft and Iatci* a fi<-c'oiul •li was fomaliy oreaaiacd with a, them move. the latest information on tlie rais- laeiHttersliip of S4 people inter- organ - C ( - ^ L Si K ; .»' •i•" Tickets, of admission .are 10 ing of her family.". . ested i n ensemble singing. ayr OK altcrnidt cents . for'children and 20 cents; The coarse is open to all lnterTho ovenhiB'B p r o g r a m (15:3r for adultt -»«sil huty ho obi: In ;il o'.U-l. Iff ?,li-tratiau fco in one dol- clor.«d a v,'ido tungc ol voices tind nluf; on I-Iovc.'. w : ;• Aithar ilnpi < c at the door. 1-T. i'l'it'ic f! ir;KlC'i:ihlc taloiit. ' i course ifs J i \ ;\ 'h •. i ; H-" clVt. tiairy DulJoff, mv.-ic. ch:tlr- A i . y j •!•:•» i ••••. , v 'r'r' : ' t )i '•" i-i-t oZ tlio J;v.i,-h C<*f.i. .i'rlty i b t L i * a d i,iv> C i - j ,. i r r r Crisicr, ntatcfi that lio and Iitei of tlio tla.'nc.;. i l i tf ^ for c^;nmiltco v/ero very much grati- meinhorr v i l l bo !.(• . . , fied with tho firct meeting and sinElo c'or.rro a n d >'l with tho plann for tho year. cerioj. Hon-ssicmfcci,': \ IIo stated: "Wo hopo to nlns all ter.ccd 75 cent;? for a U'-K "••nn;,'j lclndo of music nnd t6 develop an and 31.GO for tho nut:-. a choral croup with a repotoiro 1 These Pouracn will i'.;-r;i U Appoint Mra. Meyer Dcbcf of Jov/lah folk muclc, Palestinian nucluuu of an adult cJurr tic -. >r Chairman off K. K. McDermott, prominent nongij and eolcctiono from Ameri- Brain to ho conducted by th ; . o' local attorney and chairman of can music and tho clus&lcs." Hvct&t iuh Cominunlty Ceul')' tr. m ay. Tho director of tho Choral so- atiou v/ith local orfrrii/ t i c - . Draft Board No, 6, will opeak on tho "Solocttvo Gervico Act" at tho ciety, T,Ir. Al Finkol, announced Co-operating with lontl net next meeting of tho Omaha loduo, tho following membera: J e n n i e groups in the; plans for Nr.tio:tR{ B'nal D'rith, M o n d a y, Novem- Bear, Mra. Margaretto Bclman, Art wcet, iho i'ovAsli Community Leo Ilernstoln, Ann Klatt, Harry bor IS. • Center has r.;ji>ol:itcd Elr.'j. Meyer DuBoff, Alfred Prank; Mrs. Alfred After tho talk Mr. McDermott IJcbcr Ri! e.vt cluiirman to reprewill answer questions regarding Prank, Mrs. Al Flnkel, Lillian sent tho Center find to cvrarsRe \ViliJ<Ufi V/eiRtraub Frecdman, Goldlo Goreliclt, Pantho .Conscription Bill. for a lobby- exhibit of lite v.orli» nio Lagman, Harriot Lev/io, Leah A short business meeting will of 3ewls!» nriista. her talk a rosunr-o o£ the lDth anLowls, Dick Mlnl'.in, Mlnkin, precede Mr. McDermott's talk. nual convention which v/as hold National Art-week, which will Bovcrly Pcocen, Dorothy Pennon, last from November 25 to Dccom- in Philadelphia, November 10-12. Aaron Ra?.nick, Houo Raznlck, To Sci'vo o£i l>er 1, has been oet aside by Amer- Sho ia T/cll-!tuo\/a ca a charming For Girlr .'Midi Ooyo Morris Savich, Charlotte Shaftoir, ican v.rLUilu for the purpouo of and'convincing npeckor. Mro. Sylvia Tolpner, Win Yaffo •\7cofc Mra. Aaron ICatz, president of exhibiting in all communities tho and Goldlo Zusinan.' lyorlio of local artioto in puinUnr?, the local organization, will , v e l The "Choral society meets recGem Reiser, Otn :',!;:•. {jftojn; pculpturin'tr, ceramics, veavlnc, como Mrs. Welntraub Rt Wednc3ularly every Wodncclay, ovoning r.;sd prer.J»Ttnt of tUf Gc^rrtrsp A 'day's luncheon. R c i b b i leaiah metal 'work, and other, typca o£ at' S o'clock at the' Jewish Comvisory COUKCJ! oi" A. E. A,, Es; Rr.cfcovcky will olve a Dhort talk.' artistic endeavor. T h e Hound Table ' of Jewish munity Center. '. been EUTtJC^ n of tho "I-T , "This. 1Q an excellent oppor- A ohort musical program vill preYouth will usher in the Thankstioual E»y» tsr.d <J3rSs V/CJ!: Cn. tunity,"-said lite. Bobcr, "for nilcede tho luncheen. ''. by Jo!m .1/. Gr^wil), ti Mra. A. G. Wcinutein la in Clvinc ssasoD v/ith a gala dance, artists in our community to dischar/;o of tlio menu; Mrs. Joseph ','Tho - Turkey Trot," to be" held play their T/ork;;. -November 17, at ' Rabbi Stephen G. Wico is tho Piano arc being undo at tho is cl-.ilncan of the telephoab Sunflay.ovenins, tho. Jevrinh Cc;nmunlfy.. Center., *-• only other Jevtoh laomTier of tUo , and Mrs. H. Kaplan 13 jtrcicnt tirao to exhibit portraits, Kroup and A. Z. A. and tho J e v 7>alntings, and GO OH, in the firct chairman o; tablo'.dccorriions. "• I r.luoic.will.bp furnlnhed by the Ish V/elfare Board are tho only Rcxivations' for tl'p Itmchcoa KOIL' Orchestra.-- A refrcnl.aent iloor lounge and in the lobby of Jovioh organlnitioaa .a^sociatcU may ba by cnlSSrvT lira. 3, bar in the "lobby will feature a tUo Center.. - The B|nal Israel aynacosuo waa with tho" coi iRiittce. ' Everyono' interested in" partici- Batt, HA 7028. No r- -tvatioaa yp.riety of r.oft drink's and e n d y , taken after II'-riGay, No- . Thia fo tb.cdecqml.ln tho virioJ filled to" capacity, r laat F r i d a y . Boys and Girls tvcoh Is ol:scrvcd pating in t!io exhibit io invited t o o£ four yonth dances Gponsorod by night v/hea tha t'.« o Omaha chap- each spring in over 1,200.Auicri* call cither 11:3. Uoboir or tho Cen- vember 18. ••• the Hound Vaalc. A capr.cS-y at- toro of A. Z. A. observed A. X. A. can communities to. focus public ter to arra"j£.'J for the shewing of tcnunuca la »r<ticlpalcd by- danco attention upon young paorlo r.ntl Ma vovka. chairman, Yalo 1 iyclnrd3, and hla• A'ccccdhif; to ,tho advisors of their prol'lcma. Organi^atlosa ::\t cc:nni!ttoc, "Vic "! L^rtiur, Warner tho-lwo chapters, this year's Sab- throvsh tlio country r.n well r i Ir. : F"r!xm!>a and UttR Grrelick.' bath ' \/&a oao of tho finest in a number of forclnn nations ca» A«:rolf)«?oa" sa MB c a n t s .per Cteanr, A. 2. A. history. The on- operate in the ohucrvr.nce. . B o c a n c c of tl'3 inclement Outatandia:: natioucl l^.Ci"\: weatlicr, tl"3 cvraival^of iho Jew- coupio ' o r Coritor monibars anfi'SO tiro csrvicci \;ero condaotfd by ish Nation.r.1 X.'Uvlf^' Ai'Jnc-), cell's r.T r^nrlo fcr non-ineMurOKr Aleplr; o£ t-o tr.-o chJ^tora. Tho are members of ttio coRunlt'. 'VV/aahinntoii (WHS)—When tho Poalo Zion, ;na~bc:a LO-'.; ^.t; J 7r»'I':;,' ih'se i'j-presideat oi tho £e;Uur.'j o£ I h j corrlces v.v.3 :; pi'lso The only other Onu.hnn ia I-'ratcL v?;; e. -ay on "The Deaoiltn P. i.IaUio\7G, Supremo Kidrjut' 'oi," T.r:.\.\ 'Whin. nest Congrct.3 coaTcaca in'Jami- until Dfconl'.-.T 1-. of DcLiojracy," delivered by Its the Kniglits oi" l - Ary, clcht i Jewish Consrccflnoa , ir.r-ny tiair-jal t.7c:its lu:vo fccf;2 author, Sar.1 Cooror,»u member of ti'Hl tako t! -'lr places a n o a s tho arranged for thr.t day. A ".'.'.,•'•-.• A. Z. A. •siatioa'o Isvraalzera. Six of tho dhnor r/ cc-rvod at-ronw:\- <.* - ... .'<. i Gil. iL. Ail T;>o :.rrr.ou, "Jova Vaeo ConJews, iticlcdins' four- Cc:fjvsnrien b ' p r i c e s . ccripMrn," -vr-3 <io!Ivored I T lv< •' iron. Hcv York, vrazo rO'Clcctcd. ; i Horann P . I^opp'.c.^a, o£ Costo Zlv^-? iaecaenfc,. who r/r.3 dc£o:itci I s tho London (,1TA)—A G.^C:?.1 ^ 1033 olccticnc; r c ^ l c c i 1.1s !c S:h burirl Groaad hzn hey. la tho i:i tlio Iv.zi election, f Montevideo ( JI'A) — 7.'. > -":.?-1 ; ; i f finuucl A. T/c!r-3 \ic.2 ^ . : t to Ccr.-' -Q Beth 12! -:/ ^:ov :riir. o«! Youth r.r.(l fc;rr.ct'-y, r l a ol r^ar, tn vf'~-i • 1 |;re- :J tsorr, Pcnnc7lvania, i -," Tim othev si3,- all %Q ',,-oro: A:lr!o*i 3. CVcnD, t.\ I:;, ch:llr A il-

Mew 1

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) ill hil hU ht'iii

Elect Eigfefi Jewo : •. ' • To Hew Congress.


s, . at Leon Sacts, 6i

.£. }t"*oir friendly-m&ij. •

to.h^s .ptly at 8 o'closh. •


Friday, November 8, 1940


Page 10

citizenship for fleeing the counc-'tf e E-ii: o ' €'1 -'t djp.V* i ' L I pie. WiiE.ffc'ver eu&bleS people to i live better us human beings entry' in the j.ast few weeks of the t1 (.i ir.t r "Vwl lied K^U Ji^ufcd L'lf \ - t t i j listed her suhi>oii. But she saw t n i i ' . t c~ i that political i,<:Aivn was lisedfc-cl 'lie ft i \ v ' Ltv, i_ I'ideJ iii f J !1 I t * \ C J {to teeure justice ioi' fcuuianitj'. I th€ a : 3'er; Leonard Itosenthal, -well! J 1 ' <. t ~ SLe iiierefore tsciikd jjoiii'iciaus known jeweler; Andre Meyer, h ia ilia Kew York City Hall, in ! manager of the banking firm of < 1 i -I j Albany, C in Waikinglon. 13 It e 1 ' i. {3 Lazard Frfcres; Pierre Laisareff, a j fought untiringly for ike' es-.u&e Il e t * 2.) (Continued tt' i u former editor of the newspaper 'i _ l, » U ' V I M i t ' ... f t ' I I of tocial • rci'oriii \jV(m whan ectae Bally and eagerly interested ia Paris-Soir," -Vera Korene, a star ' a y i t ^ <. „ ' (A ! or the Tories supporting tiie St=t~ O.t -i\k people. or the Coaiedie Fraucaise; Jactheir fc-uppoit I.^K. \ G \< i ! < c vt. I 4 . ' 1 *i I I tleiaeiit withdrew ques ijpeteia, manager of t h e • It was a Jewish "bigot, breath» I't »' II t-vj-1 I I j , <, 1 I ti in opposition to t t r crusa«iug newspaper L'Ordre; Georges Boling fire" against the stew ueet, f I ul ,' , It , ' 1 C»t t (. £ . ^1 zeal. Meu in public life accepted >ij v * t n t <J 1 i.) - - A H lack, iuduhitrlalist; Paul L o u i s wiio was struck down oa the. road C l i t ' i ^ u ; v l K ( ' i (' * , I iu vita Hosts to diaiier ia Heavy i ' u i i H U S t Weiller, industrialist, and. Claude a! t to Damascus and. changed into t. ' , i , . » ( , j i i t ' . ; i i Street in order to talk tiling,a ever 3' » _ i.l . . i l l suii.Gi1 Levy, mayor of Orleans. tli If. the greatest of Christian mission- t) ii l il I, I -Jh( ' <A ill t t* „ t with- the ardent reforttier, Llsyers aries and into a spirit of forbear* Jt,» t ( Aj. I fie lion. 3, 6 > t! < y of the city and governors of the Requests f o r restoration o£ » . ' J t i * ( J t } i, r« p i % a 1- French citizenship submitted by anee toward other men. and. a let l'>Gu c a I- ft t1 m Ki l y ISA elate were guests at her table. devotion to God which have never t 11. e i. y J if- c t . f members of the Itothschild bankAs knowledge tf her w been surpassed. This kind of 1 a f, i Si» , «. l « I ' t t i t (' tf. ing famiiy were rejected by the i » ( \ u i v ( , / i ii I h u t > ' . spread, the Iloxise OH lie thing has happened'to'Gentiles, left aloue with the Gentile prob(ilit in t s \>c t. ccu'oit.Ci id government. However, the govbut tlie probability of its happen- lem, with BO Jewish inlluenca it t isu ii t i l t H t i t < . O i l a i i e a c this, i,i,K t i ernment abrogated two decrees ing to them is much less lhaa of left to mitigate it. The Gentiles p l t » i ) i t b t h i* ( k o E l t t i depriving Leon Stern, banker, and \ / i e > i J u ut~b I &.'its happening to Jews, becauso have a way of drifting from those h,n r (< iv,i i i i David Welll, philanthropist, of tsi i tui> t o l«ts 1 t . d r t i i i e d in the devout Jew has a greater hu- everlasting truths that the Jews A<uai> their citizenship. Both men were Mh It b r i f t 1 c t «,u x tmility before the Lord a n d a seeia always capable of hanging e i t o !». < i i r u > i . t i » ' L i l i ^ d o i L 1 it ( 'fun cdtaoiitics'iic v e able to give valid reasons for their greater reverence for the- human doggedly on to. If the Jews fctii? . ^ dtit u it. * t!it t Citiv-f It&bt i J u l k a departure from France. being as such, than lias the averV/till t u, mure u "icLpontible • (In Montreal, commenting on weren't here to help remind us age Gentile. . Jewish board" to represent a n d the cancellation of his F & e n c h Thirty years later, as Prime what Christ came for and .what he really tried to bring to t h e Minister, he wrote Lillian Wald bear the responsibility for t h ecitizenship, Lasareff Bald the acHcK-rlMe Deeds. The things that Gentiles, as or- Gentile world, we would be eveu to ask if she could put him up Jewish population. Dr. Weill re- tion was typical of a Nazi-conganized Gentiles, do are so unut- worse off than we are now—and tor the few nights he would be in fused, declaring that French Jew- trolled government which had reterably horrible t h a t anything that means that we would be lost. New York. Once some visitors ry "was not a national minority instated Paul Ferdonnet, "traitor. Jews do. or are falsely eaid to do (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- from England stopped a boy on but purely a religious cpniiaunlty ot Stuttgart/' as a French citizen. the street for directions to the aad not entitled to handle aay Lazareff pointed out that he had fades into nothingness by comgraphic Agency, Inc.) Settlement. lie did so very po- matters outside religious affairs. left France with official permisparison. For Gentiles to brood litely. He then volunteered the More thaa 60,000 volumes have sion and even " t h e advice of Sevon mythical Jewish "ritual murInformation:' been confiscated by the Germans eral ministers.of the Petain cabder" .when, they themselves go in "The Settlement takes a loaf- 1B Paris from the libraries of the inet.") • for masss murder, torture and lyer like me off the streets aad Alliance Israelite and rabbinical ing on an unimaginable scale is makes a gentleman out of him." fiemlnary, including the historic fantastic. But tho Gentile's tenThe famous Ames family of Anniversary original protocols at the "San-London and early Bostoa were dadency to do that is one of the In 1913, in celebration of the hedrln"- (Jewish assembly) con- scendunty of ti Uarrano, Joree chief elements of the Gentile twentieth anniversary of the Set- voked by Hapoleoti Bonaparte In Ancs. (Continued from Page 3.) problem. With .such a beam In tlement, the East Bide prepared 1 8 0 8 . . ' - • • . , . his eye, be sets about finding the mote In the eyes of the children nurses resident in the Settlement a gigantic pageant. Applause and The well-known Judalca booliserving lower Manhattan's teem- cheers greeted the inarching chilof Israel! sliop owned by Lipschutz. in Paris ing humanity. dren who personified the peoples has been sacked by the occupation Even t h e least anti-Semitic Name Changed who built America. Bringing up authorities and m a n y precious Gentiles h a v e certain subterBut tho Settlement n e v e r the reai' strode the nurses led by volumes carried off. Tiio Paris ranean fearu about the Jewa. .topped being a neighborhood Lillian Wald. liberal synagogue lias keen raidSome of those fears are hang- house. All kinds of classes, As the people on Henry Street overs from childhood, instilled by roupa, clubs had their home caught a glimpse of tho swaying ed. A large exhibition* of, painttale3 about what the wicked Jews here. Boys' athletic teams arose lino of blue, a tremendous roar ings has been opened in Paris undid to little Gentile boys. Others that carried ths Settlement's of -welcome burst from their lips. der tho-title-"Autumn Salon" to are based on viigue suspicion that, name Into contests and competi- From tho sidewalks and the open which works' of Jewish artists are . there is collusion among tho Jews tions. But how could one expect windows, from the overhanging not 'admitted. to protect one another in their the boys from the Nurses' Settle- fire escapes and the rooftops, Banned .Proia Army nefarious goings-on. Gentiles re- ment to win anything? Ia uaoeeupieci France,* a new happy men, women and children cent the fact that Jews do not No sooner did a game begin shouted full-throated .In their recruiting la?/ published In the often get up In public and de- han their opponents started to latitude and live. Twenty yeara official journal banned all Jew® nounce their fellow Jews for their Jeer: "Noices, noices!" That was later, in the midst of another from the permanent French army. many and flagrant shortcomings. raoro than any East Side young- great depression, the Settlement No exceptiono were provided. AnThey seem to feel that all Jews ster could take. A crisis arose. celebrated its fortieth anniver- other decree excluded Jews from Lb. should hold themselves personal- Tho name must go. The bitter sary, In 1933. But tho famed tho State Police corps, the Surete ly responsible for one another's complaints reached Miss Wald. Head Worker could not be pres- Ka'tlonnle. . ' •-.--sins. (One Jew once said wist- She understood. The name must ent in person this time. She was TUc lav* providing for denationfully, "I don't see why the-Jews go. In its place came Henry in semi-retiremeat oa orders of lnatSou of Preach citizens who aren't entitled to a few crooks, Street Settlement, the name that her doctor. The body could no tied tho country during tho last Crcr.i nt! pcrt3 of t h e has echoed round the world. longer respond to the urging of foyr T/t\c!ia of the war Iiaa been too!"). ccosKtsi/ at c;",eefel prices. the soul. Lillian Wald's Henry Street bilifi<f!l to allow their children I doubt that there Is this colSettlement became the spearhead •Set she boasted, "Even the who possess eattafactory war rccKOSCSECJ lusion among Jews. Jews have for social reform through politiless actual external control over cal action. The struggling labor most blase consultants agreo that orda to recover part or all o£ the DIB.S. P1SE1LES assd one another than nearly any oth- unions of the '90's and the early I am abnormally young from the confiscated property of their parTOMATOES . er religious group has over Its twentieth century found a sym- neck up." Her seventieth birth- ents. • ". Coinmentine on this law, Jewday, March 10, 1937, she obmembers. Their very individual- pathetic and helpful davocate in ism makes them centrifugal. Jews the Head Worker on Henry served. In retirement while the ish circles pointed out that Guy y certainly haven't hesitated to tell Street. She influenced the social world took notice and tributes do Rothschild, eon of Baron EdSSe GB8d got tho ouarti do - Rothschild, had been each other about their faults, thinking and action of prominent flowed in from far and wide. a o ii t &%cn . tor Now at last; the end has come. mentioned in wax' dispatches for from the prophets down,,through men, among them Jacob H. Schtff Christ and his "Woe to ye, hy- the financier and philanthropist. Lillian Wald is no more. One of brilliant, conduct and that both pocrites!" to any meeting of Jews One of the earliest supporters of the greatest women in American cons. 6£.\ Robert do Rothschild anywhere. . They are exceedingly Lillian Wald's nursing service, history hag passed on. The eye vvero prisonera with excellent rec©TO LIKHT outspoken among themselves, so Schiff enjoyed meeting the Jew- dims, the "voice chokes, yet r. ords. Tho Vichy government han Wo Ccrry a ©csstpEoto far as my experience with them ish proletariat in the Settlement. prayer of thanks--rises from tho confiscated Hothcchilil property iu Lfsso of heart for tho bounty of goodness.; France., • goes. And .the only Jewish-owned , On such occasions quotations newspaper I read, the New York from Bible and Talmud would fly and love with which Lillian Wald Times, , certainly does not soft- back and forth In profusion as has enriched the world. A lifst of 2S persons v/ho have pedal news .about Jewish gang- capitalist and labor leader crossed (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Artra been deprived of their French Feature Syndicate) ; sters. . .....'. .' . ... . . . swords in verbal strife. But dur'• ' .- "•., Barometer-' • .: ing a garment workers' strike in ; The most accurate barometer 1897 the philanthropist wrote of the quality of Chrisianity in Lillian Wald that he was very any place, and time-la. the treat- anxious to give encouragement to ment given to minorities, chief the workers and asked her to reJerusalem (JTA) — The Mosamong them the Jews. Whenever port cases: of need. On another occasion conditions lem Mufti ,of Beirut,and the MarChristianity has been breeding the virtues of brotherly love, were so desperate that the Set- onitiaa Patriarch have sent a proeagerness for knowledge, humil- tlement had to dispense urgent test to the French High Commisity, passion for improvement, lib- relief daily to many people. Each sioner in Syria over the dismissal erty and goodness among me'n, day Miss Wald sent Jacob Schiff of. Col.' Alexandry, a member of Kish ' the Jews have b^en treated well a list of her expenditures on be- the French Near Eastern by the .Christians.- But whenever half of the strikers and each Command and Marshal Henry PoChristianity has been only a name night the financier sent-a checK tain's aide in tho World War, and other high Jewish army officers covering a state of violent, clan- for that amount. Once when pickets were arrest- and government officials, Hatzofe, nish, immoral barbarism, t h e lews have beeu treated horribly." ed the capitalist conveyed a piece Hebrew daily, reported..; At this moment in the world's of his property to a member of Another Hebrew daily, Habokhistory tlie fruits,of the Gentiles the Settlement in order to pro- er, reported^from Beirut that tho by which they shall be known ara vide bail , for.,the-.workers. The entire Syrian press had 'increased fish peddlers of the East Side poisonous. ; . »*CPTSrt' chose to discuss their problems ita anti-Jewish propaganda, chargDuring -these : fire and brim- with Lillian Wald above every one ing Jews had been responsible for Oas o£ the XTat's QSC&H aaloa, llio' Stone years I have found that talk else. "You're just like a fish ped- France's defeat by disclosing, her AI4-SAR-B1H provides faultless evesmilitary secrets to Germany and With,my good'-Gentile Mends has dler," they agreed. , :30 Riclsfi csrrice bstr/eea NebtasLs &n& Russia. too often turned into a.hate ses. ..'•'No Interest in Theory tMc&zo. You'll caloy this fast, smooth, gipa. There was venom in the Lillian Wald was not InterestDona Antonla de Silva Teseira, Sir." One had to be very.' careful QlssstG*fc&"t:ini<;t ear eoaveaissa Cucliostoa tsaia o s yoar ed in economic theories or doc- a "Marrano, was lady-in-waitins to Rizt e«lp cask Dirccd conueoloEs ea 3?aat subjects-one brought up. $tizzs?er.i Fxltne:} cars Chlcaso with fisesa udas to the .. Nearly every., subject was dan- trines, she was interested, in peo- tho Queen of Portugal. tig kxs Gisir cars gerous, a red: flag to one of • tts bd' U,V;fcj earfct brccfjai jfliose particular .. private frenzy ^Lotbfeooj!iC2fi20{scks d a i l y & .y/Qi\l& bo set off by mention of it.


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ARISTOCRAT ICOTIQS ©ssrJja ca OtlS AM, &o PAST I.1AIL ae 6:10 PM, r.&d the etcessaiias DHNVBR ZBPHYE ?,l 12:40 M i s -•

SAJMLI finally .reached'a'state of

ieavfjig a-,sigh of. relief at the •'ttoaght' o£ 'Spending an-'.-'evening .,5rftli my Jewish--'friends.-.- .-•-.'••••";.''There I.•would-be"aure^of intelligent conversation oa any sub-. •feel,'':".-.There 'would be still humor .:|a&:'jaercy--'ftnd cariosity• of t h e "goad..sort, bigotry.' There

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"WQUIS, • be - s o . '.dam-srkell-.'jniiiB'dg,

mi&•'. Rope' of-.ISat particular kind •W-li&iQ'l-'-'iMM, plague,

my Jev.-iuh Roosevelt




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Hollywood -—Toppers ott to Cantor and Cliaplin! Both . . . greatest in tlieir speeffle fields of coBiedy . . . coiaiaaad a vast audience. •They'jrealtEe a Jolt with a laugh makes a deeper impression, Is pleassnter to.take, easier to digest. Holding the attention of inillions, they poured out a little amti-totalltarian brew carefully mixed with rib-ttcMers. The penalty Cantor paid for heing a too-early crusader was a 15-month lay-off from the air with nu approximate loss of half a million dollars. Chaplin is already the target ot critical barbs for stepping out of character and releasing his Ions pent-up humanltarl&nism.

avid TtacjiSslay Ilitoo for Prtvato is «!io ric'is cf Car Hew and

«a ££


Lookaliltes: John Garfield and his wife, Robbie,"•Both"arc small, brovm-eyedj dark - complexloned. They live in an attractive but unpretentious rented house in ' t h e Burbank hills . . . have acquired the Hollywood mark of distinction taouEh — a swimming pool, necessity of the socially elite. Another anomaly . . . each gato leading to their yard warns, "Beware of the dog" . . . and they haven't even a stuffed one. GpcaMns of pets . . . Sylvia Sidney and tecv co-players on t h e "Ctamivr!" eel ere In close proximity to-o-lion whoso h. o. (not bos-office) " j(jj not the sweetest. wivtog hcrae, tho actoro* o w n fiogs go ESIMI xyitia excitement ot tho overstwRijj lingcrlns aroma of cat. Solly VIollnoky'... who ig more often between pictures tlisn in them . . . heard that Fannlo Brice has a penchant, for collecting antiques. "Gosh!" ho priced up hopefully, "maybo she'll- buy my old act!"

g rcslcscd oft


cswLcii e, D@CCL1


JA 1072

When Chcrllo Introduced Paulelttj aa Isfcs wife nt 4!ao New Ycrls Xreesi cf tho "Bictator," Hollywood £ieave<l a sigli of relief that t!;o oft-mooted gccDtloa wc3 settled . . . aacl west, tack to normal . . II it CTW WES . . . IB tho Beany-Allen film, Benny clSelis 20 scenes . . p . Allen Itliess 3 . , . and besides • . . Bonny'p ecript coatoias 42 moro trords (ContianeS on Pace 12.)

esu ilosalucl Cost


Jfe"sdf»es": 'Ilia- ,ont i - N a B I o warns-that tMs coantry to deteg«d with GetmRti' propfilms, all coming throwsh tho FA offica fa New Y o r f c Kuli threaten to cMso .-.Paris picture houses if pstrwms costlttue to Copland eccnes oi • German <Iestructipn wroHgM by " B r i t i s h ptoaes. It ia iurttiev reported that to rpito of liro^tn - ehlrtcdl pressure, the Vichy covcraKicat pnt a ban on GeKa^i cad Italian f i l m s to citoccapicfl tereitory. "Cannon," SpamMi film, la placed on tii® boycott Met hf tho AwrtiNnai IcestEc, which brands it es Gortn&n-mode. F i f t h Calumnying: A vicious casupalgn es^tost rcfE^ea ei»|»Iojreca io Bald U> be conrsi»3 throuch etofllo ranbfl.


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8, IS40

by ssment. By them Jewish Jews to Jof&iag It religion is re aled as or t /m t*-* www 'I I it I causes tor "w cu Jess 1.a>e nutmsll ms.rcfs-in ftred &g S.UOK EE.;i therefore IE sand, of Jews, fc-oay in iiiuich 5some Basday tofcepat I ft i j i a i i i • t mm . . "\7e L.&ve eo^aB, * I etali aaoaiy K>i:..fc€ii Svoublfc. .icuated, "to ia ot your Christian Ts.ey may reseat a syaagog'Ufe By DR. THEO&OEIE H. LEWIS ,;oiSijj.UEi&B. and inarch with you •as HE hitiaaou OH & Maoaiaeai ;o eciiveit Ge&tiiss to the ChrislitLU, tiB=ogw£s.i;E¥fe SyECgOaa;®, Ursicl;:!;^ t j . ¥ . fctreet . . „ "Why," they iXilixht ask, iii wty of life," Matt* Dear Mr, Begal: I «ua ksaiaiiily " d o we p«Eli o a r rfcligiou i'ci'W£U"a Bat EOS Pretty fc&sa &eo$ie will tiiiakliig <si toislskg K|i the Jewirft BO coB.3ii-icu&U£iy':" • . . Ti;ey easy,. the th.arebes-i;a'e getting v&rk agaiait BolisLe* Isiu. ComMes §.Q, fee! aft'rosiea to see He-lufcteayiEg t«o fall of Jews. Tbe Jews EiEEisia they ereaoed more than rcligisa, An a g&-&il Chtia,ti&,& I&ad Uicw —tiis Isagaege of &ar faith j be ia e-ve-rytStiag, it wEl a league Sialia reyreseii-ted to fcel in a titas VLk.a iMs I—dteiiteyea in ^riat ia a. pullle f i fcJiotttcl Ikeltj te tfcrry the teziiLfe be said. Thea the churches will tuei'i the acme of evil. tiplace, £M is a newspaper oa a. 'lit*, -life aad sltorU Hitler eecseci this neurosis t a d i I L i'.c 1 oM etreet tar. tled, Kie oaiy way I kaaw of aof-Bg [y they win be akaMoisei by the exploited it to tits limit. CarefulCatc this is to jyiu them, WLUa tbey teach their ctMres t families tad Ckristiaalty will ly did fee create the illusion all a k. I foil ft V*toef:I<i liOt ^iofcittly aaeieat SE€ laeaem. left to th&se fcouve-rted Jews •ver the world tkat t e mi}n.stid~ ,. v f h , c a s cud . to the fewfccffigesitalChrisfed the. elite! bulwark egaiesi Ce>»-wreadli npy Claiatts.ja faifck to "iue> they object to their learning Mefcr&w. which they regard as socialis who remain loyal to t h e EBJ and tltss rally to Ids fcgawithin a mo-stli deaaaBfia an exft tth*«,l t - i - J . r j ti.y tt.w Sr- ly profraie. •istly teaching of brotherhood. planation. Such a tragedy doea ii ' u t i v i !-„ uii. U UU. . AJ io I guesa I had better drop . Currently they are kept .not just hapiiea. There are pro* dally Ffaace and to a lesser de- w tfae whole thing. Jews by Hitler. Our pro&l gree England. 'French reactionfound and tragic reu&ons for seels p&simlfcits, the teaching o :, IS40, by Sevea Arts aries aud their iSitgllslt brethren a debacle. What are tliesa? whole literary 1 These extraordinarily g r a v e actually dreaded the,overthrow of . ^ not -served aaj ^ questions are austvered in t h i s MHKfiQliai • a a d H i t i e r , because ar t> tL well as Hitler has to i" upheaval would b e M volume, the title o! which is tak<y €ea»EXUuiatti. •• .. en from Emile Zola's brochure, .,.„„-.. .than rua the risk at n , \ . l o fey t t i i '*«,ay on the Dreyfus case, wMefa lead Oi.ti llT'bt \.Oudti Vhfct "Vvlll bb- Detroit (JTA) — S h i r l e y y lCt.ii Uuut.Ei ti> tUo to the liberation of tho innocent this, they appe&sed Hitler a n d t'.ii c&m« of thfcia if Miim' should die Jeliv/Mkey, 17-year-old commervictim, and to oae' of th© most laaste him Btroug and powerful, l t i . s ^ ' U . K ^ L l i l o t i l t t M - i u t ^ i s and they are left wlth.notlsing on cial art Btttieat at C a s s Higli thorough g a I a g upheavals in. yielding and surrendering n o t k',t tail/ fcuLjJc iiti^^if t o t h e account of which to fecsl Jewish. school, won first prises'ia t h e French political and army life. only every strategic advantage, ^\.iA. fc»tkJ.»» Jiwt I v.'ottlcl tJsb, Agaicst that time I welcome yoa city, state and national P o p p y «nd all good Christians whom yon Foster contests ot the American The author is a reputable jouv- but all honor. BtMopis, 0 i> a i n, iiOLt €-t£t.cttvo i»u lead into Judaism — not for de-Legion. The winning poster will naliut Intimately acquainted with Austria, Caecho-SIovaliia are laon t £-£,ah"iLt a mo^t I**reneli political figures of all par- uments to1 thia perfidious policy fense against persecution but to be used ia 1941 in publicizing the ties, knowing their secret hopes one which Hitler employed moat make Judaism a fashionable re- annual Poppy drive. Yet I em aware that lay and ambitions, their duplicity and skillfully to his great advantage dividual protect wo«i«l ineau K ligion and thus save it from the intrigue. His Btory is not oaiy and to the regret aad tragedy of log, except for v*hst BsUsteaElkmhostility of JewG. Patronise Our Advertisers. revealing, but fascinating, and mankind. A Suggestion my mvu coascicace wowM derive one which must be told in all its Kotliicg Bone • The danger to Judaism is not fruni it. Therefore, before talcinconceivable and shocking deSince the French leaders . in tog this etep, I should like to ftod Hitler but in J e-yr s who turn tails. government and army were Nazi out how ittpiy / otlier ChrMiaitS against It In resentment for their a:;! • • liosg of Faith feeling of .inferiority. Your eaby conviction, elacs they had nowill join mo in this protest. • The fundamental cause of the intention of over fighting'Hitler into Judaism may serve to I have in Ktiind 8 League of tranco collapse of France was loss of they took all his peace protesta- Clirlstfisiis give it precious v a l u e for all Flrcse, liroacs, to Defend tit© «Iewa by faith in those Meals which made tions at their face valae^and de- Coining Them. A great coaipany these. Eofs CStfaj? Iron esisS the Third French Hepublic great liberately permitted France to re- of Christleiss vrflliBg to become Yet I feel your generosity in and beloved — tho ideals of Lib- main militarily unprepared. Any- Sews and thus to voice, the pro- coming to the aid of Judaism ant Mete.! P©tt©rB3 ©ai erty, Fraternity and Equality. A one who indicated the rising powbringing others wltli you to join carried la e people like a movement lives by er of the Reich and the menace test of Ckrlstinnitjr .against t h o it, should not go unreciprocated abomination that iscisltol antlinspiring values and ideala which it constituted was instantly brandI propose, therefore, to arcanin must challenge and movo the ed a war monger, a disturber of Bcmitfsm. * I nai addressing tliia to yoa, a group of Idealistic Jov/a to join heart and soul. the peace. While Germany grew through your colaaiu, with t h o Christianity to show the vay o* France collapsed because It lost stronger, France grew progres- purpose ©f learnmg j u s t how Christian life and to Ruard Chris faith in democracy, because the sively weaker. much support I eoa get for this tianlty -: againct hosliio (Jentilta pillars which supported the glorWhile Hitler fearfully multi- idea ®mong Chvisticsis. I should We shall call it tho Lc-aguo of ious Third Republic disintegrated. plied his planea and mechanized mslce it euipliatlc that In mj ©piaFrance went into battle without his army, the French military no* Christian who takes this conviction, without resolution, staff did absolutely nothing. How fon step'' into. jJiitlalssi will do say and with no heart. We know now Hitler must rejoice in that ho violence to his religions principles. how inadequate were the military caused France to commit national Oar religious teachings eso so preparations; tho eplrltual were suclde. much alike that there fa s o real even inore appalling. And with ground for religious To climax the shame and stuno spiritual foundation France pidity of the French diplomacy betvreen' Christians fsJul QwaffeHfig Jews, could not endure, just as no state and the triumph o£ the Reich's, I should welcome opinions £*sl" ' or people can endure. was the latter's pact with the dressed to me, SKJ Y(. 13. K., Tho question uppermost in our Soviets. The pact Francs had through yorar ttlma .-«. W. EJ. IS. mlnda ia, why have tho ideals by with Russia H i t l e r persuaded which Frenchmen lived so long French leaders to repudiate, on My dear W. B. R.: I mycslf and so gloriously suddenly ceased the g r o u n d that it hampered should >8 glad to welcome you to function? Who destroyed the peace! And when they accommo- and all1otfaera who may want to faith in freedom and democracy? him, he outsmarted 111 e m come Into Judaism. I do not eay Who undermined t h o spiritual dated by joiuhig ^fith Stalin, and tbis in a missionary spirit. I thlak foundations of thl3 noble, great, again thereby cmly loosening the you have a very good religion of arid bravo people?* The answer frightful not war Europe, b u t your own. Indeed, it is BO good is, t h e Fifth Column, in the hastening the on spread of Com-a religion that if It were generally broadest and most inclusive sense munism, which the French Fas- lived up to vre would have a betof this much abused phrase. ter world than the one we are • i .. French leaders ia politics, in- cists dreaded. currently suffering. I wish more Just how thoroughly NasUled dustry and in tho army ceased to French high military and po-Gentiles would tako up Christianbelieve and to treasure those pow- the litical circles were becomes in- ity aa a way of life. erful Ideals which g a v e the Perhaps it is rather selfish in me welcoaie you and Christians eustaiaed it. In all important goyernmeat, vhich-haa eabmlttcd like £o you into Judaism. Really, it French circles, but especially 'in to Hitler and bo shockingly huto me that tsqch Christians the army, there appeared a deep miliated France. Xaval, and Pe-seems can't be. spared. A tnoro unselfcontempt ana antipathy for re- tain have finally achieved their ish view-"-on -cay part -would Gay, publican institutions. Liberty lost goal, the 'complete deatruction Of You had better stay in-Chrlstianits glamour. Tlte big and im-French democracy arfd the.estab-, ity where .every Christian is needportant in the land/.not •'only sus- llshmont.' in . 'France" o£ a totali- ed. There are so many churches \ pected it and mistreated it but tarian.-reglmo to collaborate .with but not enough-Christians. Pleaty openly ridiculed aad rejected it. the-Kasis asd to keep ] Europe in of GentHei9'"but'.. not'- Christiaas ' , • • Belief -in Dictators" . -" ' e n o u g h ' . - . ..""".• . . . ' .-.''• :. \ ;. rifM 'pieces*—-so£V. §lsso-feo.EfM .lEsI clhslsateg-.©?©«• In such a political atmesphere ndego. How would It'ldok for Judaism But that history will yet otay is it-any •wonder that-'Hitler .won this treachery there is no douht, to take yoji when Christianity Is many admirers and secret co' C6tK&i".lsf pod? light. 'So© iho.aBW h-% S.ltsap models.' aa there can bo no doubt :that so hard up for Christians to prac•worltera? Tho leaders of France, jtist tice it? .'.". when the French masses discover the key men in finance, industry, how they .have, been' duped and Yet I have reason to feel that governiBent, ; aad a r r a y •were by\tfeelr leaders, they if luminous. Christians like you French only "in aatlonslity; in betrayed will forcibly riser against them, came into Judaism our religion ( spirit and .- at heart • they T/ere and'acain cstablich a £ree a n d yvould be well served. Judaism ' Fascist-Nazi.. -Covertly 'and. oftea Glorious Franco. would bo mads to appear, more opealy they asaerted the superiorfashionable among many Jews. If ity ....'of • dictatorship; ,; democthey saw you taking it up, the -. CoffiElssS seta ts&sSsas' IJJSWB tasfe Leader racy. Their souls despised, Irea value of Judaism might bo en institutions and the ideals by ;•' 'B-iaescesIssly-cssis?.fej'.bsasafflb' larged'In tho eyes'- of-thosoi-Jowi Kaunas ($T£.)—>Dr. Jehoshua •whieh free men live. , Spiritually : to whom Jewish religtoa-is-.soiaor . ---era'te'-'eaSof efeiasls• Iglsllsf <ze& , JaiTeaoky," " "eociai':>' wor&r" and they. Vfere akin Mth Hitler and 1 Mussolini.. •'Secretly did thay hope 1 preci.dent o! the Jewish'/ Educa- thing, remote from tholr stream.'oSJae? S529 :eacl .Isi^swsOTlag-.teasand; frantically'did tisey/labor for Itionsl Association "Yintil tho';,.So- lined existence. , lr ! . Et3-dl-i&sffip..-.c^ctd5,caErisa; . •'•••'. _^tlis :3ay. :whefe Franco;;would •.bo-: viet occupation of Lithuania, died '.- They might saj, "Thero are W. B. K. and all those other Chrishere.' Ha.wds58.;;Dr. Jalvensky •."^cosso-'s .totali'tarfaa state;. '. " ••'. ' ! ; Ca cera to l:c:: for C.ta• : "Hitler,filled the land with hosta .was:- fiL 5aisssd from hia post as tians "going into Judaism. : Tlisro 1 may ba eomething in Judaism Of '"secret."agenta . who corrupted government medical officer. Satapa yea b a "*»l*. after all. Let's try it." 5, '.an4-''-boughtboth•*-high' and low : I am sorry to ;eay,, my dear •|n ;tlie". press, • Ist^.'socioty, : i a - t h o v' Isaac :H?iaes, 'do -.Belmontb' -' &tmf sad even ia farliamciit. "The .created --.Count.-".Palatine.- by tlxo friend, that by some Jews :Jewish religion is regarded as a social laea: ©lio -were in 'control; -of tho' jEmpsrorto ...'gofernnjont; ' tfa©.-Ifegeat3 ,of 'tha' ; ]BzMs.;• ot ;Fxsace, •'fta'd'-tltsir;;go: WM&l': henc'lijaen ilk© Pctaia.La: 'T&t't• Bonnet, Flaadia. and m a n y ..'• IeES&:" ISghts: "requiredT-' ,-pdca. : i£? '^{jswwers-Fascists at heart. Con; •:.'- fiei6issiy sad "deliberately; did "they : : : : ••': . lefcG i:praaC0;.'into,»t!ia' / death-trapI'M'•':&&'&&? •; SMfe^-'Prepared." Cor- it :-with"8BCa r .-eaaaIag. a.ii<l ruthlosaness. ". fBli air.: t

'Wkf^^0PMS^^^r '":-. • •-•It ': ^f'^gfi^sssstKi' fiffis'-- "i !

•'•••''•' •'•<'."'• -'-'ffessci© ' f o r " ; B c t y a y e i " }


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":r""Wlr<f '•;4i&':FreTit8}j&m; tern, i r a l -

: t«ra'' l -ti-tlelr ows'^ tradition,.••'and, ••''.'•^fey^dM .- tkey'-'-IJOtray 'their o v<r s •^ "4h jfet« r '?7; WW;'dlS; they' yield" ilieir •-•" 'sQnl^'m^' ,'elslifsce', 'the;, .'bloody

^::.'^eSJ»l";.i#!::""lfaS^?^V;.!I'llB;-aBS^Df '*.'K,v «rt*t5.flsf>;:tlies"f£aw:; a' bul-





8, 1940


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A of I L t . Ihs-.i

\ tLs Pio* ., v»Lo Lava


A. P. T. HEXT WBEil'B A, 2 , &. Ktt vs. Bakery. A. P . '£. ?s. & A. No. 1.

tlfS wfciL V U . i lliw f ULt-C \7<-id/(ii,ij» t c i L Lll t K j t t fr&w tLe t*i&«.tvi U^itartja U^ Wltttl b,0>rf, }.L*"fe> U 3 ( t c i

Coach Burroughs of the Mother Chapter utsed 12 men, giving each a chaneo to display! their ability, therefore tlio reason for tho big score ehalbca ap . agstest them. Mike Laadiaan with 13 points led the Century Chapter, \?Mle Morris • Ruderman was .the w h o l e show for the Mother Chapter. In1 a quarter-final match l a s t Tuesday sight at tho Ceater in the pre-season Class A doubles tournament tne uuo of Sol Yaffe and Morris IMoera downed Gaia gorinslsy and: Hurry Wintroub, 21-15, 21-1G. Tho t/Ianers and tournament favorites liafi some etlff competition but tho ceiling balls of. Bloom and .Yaffe's pla shots \rere too much for tho losers to coup with.

L'jyii, Vfca tiiis Lfg t for tLs v t u i Le t tiie ks£ti,e tliis w £&'w3 let 11*0 tLifcb Svfctl: d, 1SV tLcii* Ltild?.., k-ibi Lavs? for te, uitd Li'S t.t iatt &ttt.fke<l iLu r-itu^'Ju c t Coba Lej»t « y I.:s tit© tOJ» fcf tiifl tf.^kiiE£,S, "i'LS L-y tutjukg in b. COS iltaty iiouy of tLe Little/ \d tuat tus itlt Lfe l&y t a l e s , wLSIe tvtry tt^ici tli^y 1

ly "YfcaEj Ju-f-tu, ti

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vif tLUi *»tit wfeSa c-jJiLI fly i tLe & thia \jt&k, etvuj iioo 8 £!-]>!& huBdlttp. The otlitr ttLcdsikd watch beThis esjsi l»cct be &tr.ourtti.d for due to tke fact tL^t fell &f tL>&tween thb litiLte €&Jc t u a

Cikquot Clatt>l wlrlcit \,t.s to

low what they t i e itally e&i>uLlfe ila tLy iatt yi^ca l i ^ i t i ^ ia of shooting. ©J a iiKtsker of bowteie bav thla event eteailiy as the days go of form that is far superior to The clothiers v?on the first serve ©a the election board. by. II© fs now covering the pool's that of their opposite Bex. game' by 103 plna, the secend match will be bowled thisii length of 20 yards in. 13.4 sec114 pfas and the last l»y SO pias, afternoon at 1:00 o'clocb. onds. The Juaior girls are putting eo you can readily esa that this tha dolplilHs to shame with their week they didn't even need tlie Council to jiewly acquired ability to surface handicap. Abe Feldm&n, tho cloLearning a toev/ divo "NLarh. Armistice is feeeplng Charles Frcdkln busy diva for objects ©E tlie bottom of thiers' anchor man, was top man on the spring board, hunt week tho pool. With eyes wide open, for the %'j-lnaera with his 544 seCharles learned the half galaor breath held, arias outstretched ries, made «p of games of 189, Ociaha. Peace COBUCII in dive and is perfecting ssveral eagerly, tho eirls flit about un- 178 and 17?. Co-operation with the Mothers of stunt dives taught him the past 'der the green mirror of the waCaptain Sara Katzman, who lias America, and the Fellowship of few .•weeks. I ter like so many water sprites finally hit his-stride, was tho run- Reconciliation ia'Offering an Arm" J searching for and flading the elu- aerup \?ith his 496 series. Frank istice day observance at the First Nebraska's fall weather bring- .elyo little blaclj rubber water Broolcfateta ia etlll . in the dog- Christian church, 2605 Harney, at' whea lie shot a miserable 8.p. m., November 11. ing forth partisasiB of Aiaerica's I pucks. 89i cedes, "which gives him tho Dr. Jobn Milton Philips at Urn favorite fall 'pastime, football, Tlio Jewish Community Center honor of being tlie esteemed dog- First C e n t r a l Congregational has not confined that eport to tho tbree times straight. church will deliver tho utsxln adgridirons of the etate. Tho Jun- offers more than Just 'a etraight dress.' A*pi ay, "Salvege," by ior boys have''a football game of (run of tho mill swimming eouruo. Morrie Fiac, ths erstwhile lead- Dorothy Clarke Wilson, will bo their own but Ecorn such eoaiforts To those fortunate people. %?ho ae helmets, shoulder pa&s a n d throng • tho esyst&l clear v/aters off man for the Uniform boys, waa presented 'under the direction of Buoh. They are sod of the »ooi maay ESW, different top man for hia team with hia 471 Mrs. W. A. Yunger. The meeting fields and properly inflated foot- and exciting water eMHs are mas- eerles, whllo tho 'best their next is open to tlie public. balls. These rugged All-American tered and enjoyed. Learn to man could'do .was 450, ehot by ^, kids play ."water football that eoia- ewlia' tlie modern,, 20th century Ben Shapiro. Tlie Jewish settlement of Aia« •axau favorably to tha ©utdoar way, ©aroll now In on® ©f t&e Loo Welts, who haS^been tho aterdam was formally authorised amo as far m ruggednesa and eevec&l .clRssca ©ffcred by t h oihamplon of the Jewieu boys' after a report had been drawn by, phyr.tcal depttttaent. ia- concerned. Icagao for maay a moon, hc*J ona tho great jurtot, Hugo Orotlns.

After their BBaSay - miming tint la SQuatle drills Kt@ completed, the • boys choose up slies and play as exdtiag a game of ootball in tho water so o n e could wish to sec on any of ths nation's gridirons.

Spurning the t h o u t that Last Wednesday tho 3. C. C. ancy diving is for men only eevbandballers defeated the Y. M.iral ' mombe'rs of tha BueineBS C. A. four matches to two in tha 3Irls'.'claoa :aro'learning to exeInterclub competition. Results: cute the intricate aad difficult -. Cwalina m -••-»— »«"" turns and twists that characterisa lancy 'diving. " Tfosf • are. aesumng a gracefullacna and syrametry

ft S f ^ S U «6C> teat V»tt e»l

viti by i 6 piiit.

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The tight defensive i»lay of tbe Tavera gttarfs Mas T.uraer a a <" Herb ' Ketches was the fct&sdou of the day stopping the Bakery team's offensive througlioat. JI:' Burroughs looked best for t a Adler'a scoring tea counters.

The Mother Chapter p r o v e d tiiat they have siouie fino- material but: for now they only'have one veteran In Morris Iluderman.


Li tl»& s.!s,uiij (i^s tLe tut lit. u

The Ceater's ere-seasoo basketball league started last Sunday with the Lincoln Tavern upsetting the favored Adler's ta the 'tune o 24-19. Jake Affler of tbe Liu coin te&ia scored eight p&iateri to lead the offensive of the win ners.

The Baa lieber C h a p t e r trounced their arch rivals the A. Z. A. No. 1 easily, 30-14. Coach Bogdoiiofl of the Century Chap ter started Ms veteran lineup anc after hartag tho game well in band lie used- MB {substitutes Bioat of tbe second halt.

'rLe iiwiio vt.-j t jr ^6 tL; c , wills,

'-\\\ When Wo Celeforato, wa celebrate — aad RCA Victrola Ilodol V-205 pictured a t rfcht will give 5011 causa to eslebratg, too. It brings with it all the ceientillc ^ and advascainenta from tho RCA Laboratorica.

J<T^WV'HTNV"***a^ '!-t^7' r'

ewS Asasmfa, 2M5, M-Sl, 2W. WIntnmb easJ Bartajky <JCO) » « j t ETantt Anuania ea<3 Murray. 21-13, 21-10. ScGll! CD beat I*rts la singles, 21-12, 81-11.

In tho Junior aad Intermediate competition tho Ceater yotmgoters didn't lose a match as they defeated the Y. U. C. A. JunioYs ia four straight matenss. Results:


Hito LsncSraon and Gtan Pullman, J. 0. C. defeated Efi£3 Loi£>s and Bob livmcetoa, 21-0, 21-KJ. defeated Al Ptfterooa ana Vzsxn Ctrako, 21-10,' 21-14. • _ . _ ,, _ Hehrln Jjevtna end nankld Epstein, J. C. C , dafeatta J&££ livicsston end Vsle HiKbtcaRals, 21-8, 21-3. Bob B'KiasSita. and Ilttvta El«5iards, J. C. C , fefcalaa hylo MsJiteesala a n d Davo J0SC3, 21-23, 15-31,'.81-15. _

Ess JSczt la Eetfiaf H a t e

ri tzi ha ca Ci3., Tats, t&i E-5--3.

. BllMl NEWS! I It is not an 'iricdnoideralilG feat f for'a Junior boy to evim fifty s tigs TsHt'of G o Tc*.va! leaotlis o£ the pool but trhen bo swims that diatanco with h i s aando and feet tied securely then the feat becomes qaito consider-, able! Sidney Ruderiaan, 13 years of IVo -Pc^to-o CJKSI £cse age, performed tho above tools: during- tho Sanaay mor&ins sxrixa. ^•W^jV.^.J B^O —J - liours for • junior tsoya.' Sidney uses s cois&iQatioa bsclr, oifio sad front crawl strofea Trailo c\7isimiae ^itli his hanfls m& feet fastened. The boya in thi3 elasa are learning to perform Quito a number of ST/isamtajj skills that are lbted in tho achiavements.


Completing a short period .of hard drills on fundamentals, Harold Mozer, another member of the Juaior boys CIGEJS, lias scared to within oloht-tonths ol th record tot tho 20-yard dash, _ the Siotaaca in 11.3 oeeosds. record o£ 10.5 secoafis is neld by Iforeina Polonsfey. Harold Marcr is ©Qsliiag close to the record mark chopping o££ time 'ia



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November S, 1840

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boys sMsi eiils cf the Center Children's Tteatre eiubarked Kpon art Isttrefctiag irrogram for <•„ \,iil L served the year, uaaer the direction of / iji i ' U k ' L ittd lie* their sifcW leader, llt&. Hy Shrier, . WUlivitJi Itadtt- .who H&S ii£,d eoiiEideratle trainin, ing a ad experience in creative dramatics tot cMMies, L «eiy In the .cbildreti's tteatre, em: ^ t CJ u i ^ i i u ' J . iv t-- ti»re of ihtfh. * ill t e Ut«J lv.llCilj Of the pliaBio is placed Kgou development lliCvtfc-t lltL.U uid fcnviutlOE- Of of; the cbtM'a sense of the dramatic and expressive aspects of t i t Vvotutu'u I<cLW ot tlu Ujiit- Blories with which lie Is familiar. tAi I n'cid^^i, n.ow btiac t ei« in Plans w e also being made forstfie presentation la the sspring of a Epeei?il c'MMrea's play, worked out and dr&uaatized by the jaeaibers of the group. - Mrs. Abe Somberg's Circle of By popular request, the Chilthe Temple Israel Sisterhood will dren's Theatre will meet oa hold & Bake Sale OH Wednesday, Thursday instead of on Sunday afNovember 13, a t Br^ndeis store. ternoon, alternating with the Orders lot bakery .goods are dancing classes. Children from now being taken! by Mrs. Somaiiie to thirteen years of age will berg, WA 5424/ . / iaeet at <i: 4 5 and those f roiri three to five year of age, at 4:"d0. The Sunday group will be eoatinued.



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f h. l i r . *.iia H i t . I I . J . h< fch^on Jtlu, \itit u t k . a K u Ji< in iuv.ttx(>iy of i l l . l,«.t i ikfc ^,fiO^ai (i>uVOttLCu Itl f l u itutiixXl, Ohio. ' i U , IJ o, lui* \ , i b f iCuC«l by Ojuxhiu^y L Iu i * - A jFOiait di,£t vet- b I'.Htdlly i ^ i -

A. 2. A. 100

Last Sunday Century. Chapter The drive for fiew members lias formed by Mrs. A. C. Fellnian celebrated the chapter'B s t a r t e d and the organization is aad Mrs. -David -A. Goldstein. Altuhs twelfth anniversary at a smoker Mrs. Esra Shapiro, of CiueinRati, expecting" a large increase. Ohio, g&ve the waist • address at the liom'e of Bea Miller, Alc-nb wliicli was most inform&tive to Gisbor. tine memberbhiD as well as laThe home'of the Alepb. Gisbor splrational la the face of the was filled to capacity by celebrat.ttUliui taudn.1LiA. doubt' that is in. the minds of ing Alephs. Highlighting the afmany concerning, tlie use of the fair was a popularity contest in Because of the high, holidays funds that are still being solicit- which Aleph Godol Yale Richards The Blendes family of Antwerp no-meeting of the Mlsrachl Wom- ed. She cleared away any misgiv- was voted the Ideal Alepli. Also was eaved from the Inquisition by • en's group was held during Oc- ings concerning the, use or . wse- in. the popularity contest Harold Henry VIII of England. . tober. However the Chapter's ac- fuhiess of the money. ftlutaklu was voted best dancer, The Templo Israel Mlgh scbo&l tivities continued to function^ All money is, kept Itero In the Milton Guss, most pefiJbnallty. gtoui< Is holding a Inim dance this Plans are now being made for. United Btates and is Beat by cable Sam Slutzky was voted most pop- t',tmd&y, Noveiflbcr 10. IICIALCFU the outstanding event of the year, only &s needed. Hadas&ah is feed- ular and best athlete, and Harold of the group will mcU at the the annual luncheon with a pro.m- ing 20,000 children a day and Epstein was; voted best dressed. Temple at 7 p. m. and proceed by fnent guest sneaker from the na- there is no one else they can de-The chapter's funiaakers, Milton bua to the barn where the dt;nco tional office. TJils.year the na- pend on, said Mrs. Shapiro. She Guss and Morris IHchlin,.provided iu to be held. tional office is-sending Mrs. Wil-also spoke of the Henrietta Bzcld the Alepha with a number of Hostesses for the evening a r e : liam Welntraub, whom Mrs. -13.Birthday Book on which, the laughs. Kesdamcfj Millard Krs&ne, Harry "Weinberg, a member of the local names of 80,000 paid-up members The host, Ben Miller, was in Rubcnsteln, David Cohen, Charles group, met In New York two years will be inscribed to be. put on a charge of the committee serving Ijcliimmel, A. II. Ilrodkey, Louia ago. huge easel in the Keren Kaye- refreshments. Kulakofsky and Manning 13. HanTonight Century Chapter Alephs dler. Mrs. Aaron Katz, president of meth building. This is to be done join the Alephs of Mother Chapfor Henrietta Szold's eightieth the local chapter, plans, to spare ter in observance of National A. no efforts in malting the lunch- birthday which is in May. Vincente do llocainora, Confeai 2. A.-Sabbath at the B'ffal Israel ccr of the Infanta Maria of Spain, con a pleasurable event. The J.--N. P . Synagogue, Eighteenth and Chiluncheon will be held on WednesThe Jewish Rational Fund Is moved to Amsterdam and vra.3 day, November 20, at 1 o'clock still on and will close at the endcago streets. Services will begin, converted to Judaism. at the Jewish Community Center. of this week. Mrs. Aaron Hips, at 8 p. m. Everyone is invited to co-chairman of the drive, suggests attend. Itutiuiiage Sale . that anyone who has not had her With the announcement of Linftjrs. Joe and her com- box picked tip should call her at coln as the Bite of the regional 'U Did ths Scotty Jabtl p.tid <.;i cvciy tc£i mittee are conducting the rum-GL 0243. Any anyone wishing to convention, Century Chapter demage sale-at 818 North Sixteenth work on the drive can do so by baters and basketball playera are street.. Contributions of salable calling the chairman, Mrs. Irvln working hard to prepare themarticles are requested. Contribu- Levin. One of the first commit- selves. Also a number of Alephs tors may call Mrs. K a t z , WA tees to complete their district was are preparing to attend the con8182, or Mrs. Welnberg, WA Mrs. Kraft and Mrs. J .vention in the Capital City. If 1354, and arrangements will be Rrookstein. enough Alephs attend a car on the made for collection. train will be chartered. EUMMAGE Drawing On November 2l!t A. f Z. A 100 The first rummage sale of the Mrs. J. Chalt and Mrs. I. Kap- season will swing into activity will hold its drawing. .Accordinglan, co-chairmen of the 1940-41 sometime this week and it is most to Milton Gusa, chairman of tho drawing, report that the sale of important at this time -that the drawing, a few tickets are still ,. tickets is progressing. They are committees have the full support available. The Century Chapter basketbeing ably assisted by Mrs. M.of the membership to insure evBrodkey, honorary president of ery success. Those who have ball team won its first game in tho the Chapter. . clothing or odds and ends stored pre-season league by defeating A cash prize is being offered, away in the cellar or attic that Mother Chapter by a score of 30 J. N. /P. are not in use but too good to to 4. This Sunday the team meets The national office has volun- throw away will find that this is Adlers Bakery in its second game , tarily increased the quota "Be- a most satisfactory way of dispos- at 2 o'clock. . This Sunday the chapter will cauBo Jewry, in former years, neg- ing of these things. Anyone who lected the opportunity of acquir- has any bundles they wish to have hold a meeting at the J. C. C. at ing land in Hretz Yisroel," ac- picked up may call Mrs. I. Gross- 3:15 p. m., following the basketcording to Mrs, Abraham Shapiro, man, HA 7153. or Mrs. Reuben ball game. A, report will be mado on the chapter's recent skating national president, "our unfortu- Bordy, WA 5656. /• party and drawing tickets will bo nate brethren are homeless wanchecked in. derers now." Under tho guidance of Mrs. J. fTlie biennial city-wide box col-J. Friedman with Mrs. Julius • Daughters cf Israel lections are now taking place. Newman and Mrs. A. A. Stcltrberc Mrs. Joseph Trcliak is chairman assisting, a great many newlyv/eds /.M Society tor'jthc chapter. . On {he commit- and former out-of-towncrs • have \) tee assisting her are: Mesdanies pledged their membership to Hti- - Tho Daughters of Israel Aid SoAaron Katz, E. AVcinberK, M a x dasaah and for that will be guests ciety will hold its first meeting Arbitman. M. Brodkey, N. Levin- of Had.asn.ih at a membership of the year at 2 o'clock Tuesday, eon, B. Elsenberg and J. Lins- luncheon to be held in a few .November 19, at the Jewish Com! i > man; weeks. Thoco voraen who have munity Center. ! Tires ' Mrs. E. Welnberg in J. N. P . J "VTree chairman. Anyone rslshiui; to'honor a happy occasion or commemorate a dear one by planting onje or more trees is asked to call M^e. Weinberg, who will explain the need of tree-planting. j • Card Parties jMrs. Mr-.x Arbitnuw, card party chairman, is planning to resume r.oo::rj JCCT Ifor:o'v'.r:o nre, wrenau EKVMF: en r,:i/ir,on Ann the giving of card parties after T:I no E:; tlije annual luncheon. . • n. ia i s ANV wwinan THA jMrs. Arbitman asks the Jewich women of Omaha to co-operate ;y Dueftfings vftl»: her whenever card parties ccn [to Ucr.sfctr.ied inare given by the chapter. to r& of CFG/ •;•' Projects ttcatty cZ a czTpdslrsc Projects*, of the Mlzrachi' Womlay cad. en's organisation include: T h e ilo'tfl Zoiroth Mizraehl Technical celiool for. adolescent mirls in Jerusalem; the cchool in Tel Aviv DIKC FUBKKUnE Trhich In eddition "provide' a home for :tmcmployea girls;' tho Ilcjlicfe Posloth, a farm reboot for nirls; die alcirS yonag rplritefl ciylc Macs...' in tlio rasla" th'o Beth H^dresh Lsmoroth MisK'cM, a ticininrryfor'tcacheru.. jr^ality.. flio c;ineiTj sics^Iiag and tlio thriii iZvz. Goi^ehVo Letter Duel;line / A o , national office' is "In reOur tens c:-i*)S oi p. letter from Mrs. Hereto ta Clad to Cr-htol'l, u?.tcd .September 25, S , ccrvica '.IJ'IO, In which- she v.-ritcij that l"o f r e e t o a l l i Izxct} tlio tragic events oi tho prev?C5!E v:ce!r, cables of • sympctuy « - TV© vcT'iing from cl! -over the

Temple Hig3f? School



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uti&I Swan?


• Kho ':'•::!L"iue3r "You wowl'.; "JO c-r-^ih " "t "ie speed biih xihiui ?;. •? r-',-'-." < its nonKnl cou:.:c : h'iWi; 1 ' o - •c.-troyed-pror'srty cyo ' U*~".ng •* •" '""•' -'if and nctive r.toi'.: • i'ii h&'.iK Ufrcn to help the fara-! p.Us lo'.i iTolKsite." '

; ;;, c..., r .'.v.:.' e.:

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Friday, November 8, .104-0


Fs.g« 7

Junior lladnssah


Women Aid Red - Cross Roll Call

Sigma Alpha "Mu

Mrs. Ezra, Shapiro of Cleveland, Ohio, a mevihtr &£ the Eatioiisl c j . i t j i.Jfc ' t g i / C ^ A group of wtiiieH* ciidtr tl Zh.2. fit Settlor I-fedaEsak Board, Bgoke L/ li 3 ^ . _ t Ik ill u. i. <~ O - ^ i C i d leacersliip dt Mrs. Ileuben Kula.'Fiikn-ii,y CTeaiag at a spscial f r f^» cf t L i \ i I , ^-€i Cb meeting of Jtiaic-r Haeassak. Mrs. j koftky, who kas beea. a aaeiab 1 of tfce l&eal Red Cross board sface Shajj-iro aitieussed the place ol JuCf «_° J i . ll-,, u E t C L r iB uior H£.ds.&suh ia the prtseut the last war, will participate ia I the Red Crcas Eoli Call slajUn world crisis. MeEibers of Seiiior If t "Af, \fll Vrllt be ' € " 1 KADIAN-IlUItWLTH MARKIAOB 5111'ZVAll Had&ssah attended the meeting. j Mon&ny, I i t t i) i t%,» li j », UAu \>i*-c Mrs. I^becca, Hurwitz anThis group will vrorfc in the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rips auA regular meeting • of Junior t l - . If » < l\~licl I 1I ifcat Iioisses west cf Fortie nounces the approaching marriage the Bar Mitzvah of''their Kadassah will he held at 8:45 T between Faraam and Cuia- fell ( i L c l t l ' t t l bt t'« - fc^ » ^ l t t of her. daughter, £.nsiette, to Ab- son, Irving, Saturday morning, at the Jewisk Coa»inunity Ct-uter ner H- KaiiaaR, Sunday noon, 3^o~ November 6, at the Beth Harne- on Monday, November 11. A spea J^ffct. liliLO J t ia t^ l«- 't'jlrOufc \ I ' J ttl'l liclllli.ttlt Ivember 10, at tte home of Itabbi drosh Hagodel .synagogue, Wine cial Armietice Day program is* «-! £» fcvut c i n ) teenth and Btirt streets. t ' l l o ( I V t v'£ {.«(.. l i t I I Lb i al i David A. Goldstein. . ing planned. U l i f 1 <r ! J c ifcWl h itcWini'i I i i « / l t v i i , n L i l . t v ' t l a , I J ( ic \/, A wedding breakfast will fol Mr. and Mrs. Hips will receive A dinner-uieeting for the board fiC b i (t). t h o J u l « (t f t b lJ.ktl litu iii ,d! i.y, C.JIUC L. i> ft low at the Hill hotel for mem ih honor of their eon after the will 'be held before the ••i:eg«l r i ' l iii.0 < i ' l , tuv A i ^ H I il t/t. 'r i , U t i !> i.'. service. Friends and relatives meeting. Girls from the iceniber- i LC I, J. VKm, bers of the immediate-families. 10 E A m iLt a u eh a «-t 0 v . The couple will be at home af- are cordially invited to the syna- sliip-at-large, who are interested Btfci'ii, i i r i h u r A. %jO'foMt WiillsiJiibourse. Racab'iii, Harry Levy, Henry Newter-November- J5 at 4308 Wai- gogue. in attending the diniier-ineeth • NoriiiEJi Harris, Omaha, left reA family dinner will also be are asked to make their reserva- man, Alfred Mayer, Hubert Sum- cently nut street. for Detroit, Mich., where held at the Synagogue. tions with Mary Arbitinan, ICE mer, Albert Newman, Harold lie will attead the animal conveaCherniack, and Isidore Chapman. APPROACHING teABRM.GB 2286. . Aleo Mesdames S. G. BaHzaiaH, Hon of college publicatf.ose. li&iSfr. attd Mrs, Philip Zollotuchei: ANNOUNCE ii&lt MlTiSVAU Bowling teams are now being Loais Kulakofsby, A. H. Brodkey, v\n !a the edltor-ia-chlef of the announce the approaching marMr. and Mrs." Sam Meyerson, organized within the group under Maiming Handler, Dave Goldtian, Daily Httaasliasi, the official col* riage of their daughter, Dorothy, 6©0 Roosevelt Avenue, Council the leadership of Genevieve Stein. Rubeustein, Dave Slier- lege liewspaper of the Ktbraska to Mr. Rubin Ratner, soa of Mr. Bluffs, announce the Bar Mitzvah The first games will be held Sun- Harry man, A. V. Venger, M. A. Venger, univ ereJity cajnpas. and Mrs. Sam Rattier of Sioux of their son, Owen Lloyd, at the day. IS, A. Kogg, B..-A; Klmou, Edward • FltH Bordy, Giiver, -Cvetlv,- and City, en Sunday, November 10 Chevra. B'nai Ylsrotl SyEagoguo Cultural classes are to begin BrG|Ibey, I. -M. We'iiier,.L. Sogo- B«d MargMlies, Sioux Falls, B. II, at the Beth HaniedrofiJi Hagodel ia ; Council Bluffs, on ~ November within the week, Cessions will be- Iqw, Sam JoKephsoK,'. A, Green- spent- the past •vseek-es.d In Herheld In Hebrew, History and Cur- span, R. Somfcgrg, B. Rosen, and man, Olda.,- ""i8 they attended synagogue.' 9 at 9:30'a. 1a.'1 • •• The couple, after a short wedAll relatives and friends are rent 'Events. Announcement will Julius Stein and the Miases Mary the Nfcbrafiifa-Okl&homa game and ding trip, will make their home invited to attend. ; , No Invitations be made by circulars. visited the Cfgiaa AU>ha chapter Jane Monahan and Blanche in Sioux City. The Jewish National Fund drive uian. of! Sigma Alpha Mu. have been- issued.; is in progress under the leaderFarther honors to the Nebraska ship of Alice Susman, J. N. F. liapter of Btgiaa Alpha Mu thla ANNOUNCES JOSLYN MEMORIAL week were the announcements o£ . Mrs, A. 'Minkin. announces' the Rabbi David A. Wice will speak chairman for Junior Hadasisah. the assignment of Cadet Captain engagement ' ot h e r daughter, at 8:30 at the Joslyn Memorial Helen, 40 Leonard Finkel, eon of on "Caudles in the Dark." At On October 23, membera of the Melvlu 'fannenbaum to the posiMr. and Mrs, Morris. Finkel of At- 2:30 two sound films on Sun ValU. T. eororlty .held a progressive tion of publicity agent for the lantic, Ia. The Flnkels. are for- ley will be showtf. An organ rodinner, vrhicli the follow- Nebraska brigade of tho it. O. T. (Special) ,— Attending ing girlsduring mer Omahahp. . ,..' * cital will be given at 4 o'clock by theLincoln were taken In'as junior C, and the acceptance of Bob Oklahoma-Nebraska football 1 No definite wedding date lias Martin W. Bush, assisted by Miss game at Norman, Oltla., last members: -Mary Diane Friselier, Bilverasu and Harry Goldstein',. been chosen. Peggy Kennedy, violinist, and week-end were Shirley and Sylvia Shirley Lincoln, Phyllis Waxeii- both of Omaha, into the" crack files Evelyn L. Smith, accompa- Epstein. They were the guestB of befg, Huth Kulakofsky, Shirley equad of the" It. O. T. C. unit on this campus. Ben Novicoff,' Linnist. . MB9. -SILVEK EN EAST -. ; the Oklahoma chapter of Sigma Brodlc'ey, Josephine Cohen, BarMrs. Ben Silver left Tuesday Dr. Samuel N. Stevens will Delta Tau and were entertained bara Weiss, Charlotte fjommer, coln, was recently named to the ivGFBlly's RuBhing Rule comfor New York City to attend the speak at 8 o'clock at the Town at dinner at the Sigma Alpha Mu Marian Llvlngstoao and Gloria mittee. Triennial convention of tho Na- Hall Forum on "What Are the house at Norman and at a Hal- Fellner. A meeting was held November tional Council of Jewish Women, Evidences That We Are Entering lowe'en pledge party al the Phi 3 at tlie home of Pearl Brick. November 10 to 14, at the Hotel Upon a New Golden Age In Am- Beta Delta fraternity house. Plans wero mado at that time for Astor. erican Culture?" At tho annual Pan-Hellenic futuro actlvitiea, including t h o !Bn route Mrs. Silver, who is scholarship tea last Friday Shir- first winter formal. A regular meeting of tho Illkur president of District 20 of the ANNOUNCE BIRTH ley Polsky, senior, received a holim v/ill be held, oa Monday, National Federation of Temple Word has been received of the scholarship for the next semester. November 11, at 2 o'clock :-at the Sisterhoods, will speak before the birth of a son, Norman J., to Mr. Theta chapter of Sigma Delta A regular meeting of Theta Jewish Community C e n t e r . A Sisterhoods of St. Joseph and St. and Mra. Dorle Kellner of San Tau will be hostess this weekrend Lambda was held at tho home of board meeting will talte place at Louis, Mo., and Leavenworth, Diego, Calif., on October 31. Mrs. to six Iowa Sigma Delta Tau's Ruth Stein on Tuesday, Novem- 1 o'clock, preceding the regular Kana. She will also stop at the Kellner is tho former Martha Lipcoming for the Iowa-Ne- ber 5. A. eltlt for stage-night was session. Hebrew Union College iu Cincin- pett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. who aregame Saturday. A d r a w i n g for the electric presented and a cast chosen. Mias nati. Harry Lippett of Omaha. Gamma Alpha Chi, honorary Ethel Kadis waa. named director. roaster will take place At t h e Before returning Mrs. Silver advertising Borority, is .'rushing The club will get together noon meeting. Members are requested will visit with the family of her Sylvia Epstein and Rose Gold- for a social meeting. to turn in stubs st this time. father, the lato Ital>M • Frederick •• ''Sinai Club •'-: steia. Bighia Alpha Iota, honorCojhn, in Providence, R. I. ary - musical sorority, recently A regular meeting of the Sinai pledged Aronita Daskovsky into ANNOUNCE BAB MITZVAH Club was held at the Jewish Com- its ranks. Aronita has entertained, •Mr. and Mrs. David Manvitz an- munity Center on Tuesday eve- at various jnucicaleo during tho nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their ning. ' pact week, namely, at tho Temple son, Justin, Saturday, November Sisterhood meeting and at a conProspective members 9, at 10 a. m. at the Beth El syna- were Bello Lewis, Ruthattending cert given by the Btrlns ensemble Kaplan gogue. Sunday. Miriam Rubnitz also took and Morris Hosen. Relatives and friends are inA pine pong tournament has part in the string encorablo convited to attend tho service. cert. A family dinner in honor of been opened. Shirley Epstein and Miriam EpAll those interested ,in joining stein their son will bo given by Mr. and gave a Hallowe'en spread Mrs. Manvitz . at their home On this organization can attend the last Thursday for the girls in the regular meetings on Tuesday eve- house. Sunday,' November 10. ~. •. nings at 8:30 ». m. VISIT HERE NOTICE! A KECJ Mr. and Mm. I*. J. liefer and son,' Alan, of Akron, la'., visited INSBBA1SCB3 pHOEER last, week-end with their mother, M'rar. A.: Minldn. Tho.annual card .garty'and dessert luncheon, sponsored by the MISS GEIFRIAN IN CHICAGO' Chesed- Shel Ernes 'will be held on CITS FINAHCB- AH» .INSURANCE-.Miss ; Betty G elf man, who has Monday, December 2, at tha Jevif- ' '..-. - • • • • .- -, c o B i P A N V , . . , ; • . - . : • ' . teen visiting in Chicago for the ish Coiinaunity Center. , ... '.. '..-'-390 JtMlBACa.btn^;.'.;,',','•(•:'. past month, plans "to remain for : Mrs,". ^ilUajn. .Milder".AC In the "winter. charge of ticket sales.. ; , , ; : . . ' .

U« 'T.'Sorority

Sigma Delta Taw


Chesed Shel 'Em.e

WITH • Sfra;-E. B.;IIassQl of Milwaukee Is visiting at the,homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Green. ATlNpVNCmJB&n A2ITZVAII ; Mr. and..Mrs. Louis Abrainson announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Hajrold, on Saturday, November 9, at the B'nni Jacob synagogue, rTwenty-fourth and Nicholas. . •:' .!• • I.Miss Hennluo Ilirschman is spending tlwj ireek-end in Grand Island as the guest o£ Mr. David CpHon. ilKSOUNGB / M r . audlfrs. Sn.m Zv»eiback ani the birth o£ a dauglitcr, J i i o u , OB October 30 at St. Catherine's hospital.


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it-JW At-f, t h o JliBtlC© ly I . t. i(<.t' .* j tiftCKt %44 rc-hUt Ita 6Ylthat J«!ia L.t.lj tlon was lau iuBlcua fe$ to lllllfcr's lnteutiuas.. ia oue eye, and e^i-rltu two dcuec to tlifct laivoKlag ISu&p and bad -deliberately slighted tlie Jews In k!a e&sseli t i e ee-faraiSoa Is not tpiffe as eimple us goaie bags, ©ae of.t?ine, &n& the other Ms associates aloae aad carefully oil, and two men who are heed- ekirt the SyoMJaitQ. fi'iie defendenddrsiBg the candidacy of Willkie. But tills Ma , _ list we do not think that the German of Ing it, one of them -Is-an Israelite ants may or may not ba tniicted ljeen proven untrue by JewMi lesiers who reveal ere any worse'than nay other'people-or sad' tbo other ia a heathen." Tho a a i f<$5iM guilty. If they are they'had been asked by Levfls the isrlsdoia of EBeli suffer from say congenital defects that raark them captors eald to them, "SUffcecked they will ho removed, the Naaiu an appeal, and lie was.requested to omit any spe- a people to bo eradicated from the face of tho p e o p l e , Yfheace &o you know will replase them •with others thSst" And they answered, "Prom equally capable aad equally with-. cific reference to the Jews. Wlllhie's. outspokea , as ii£s beea suggested. tho grae3 \rhich Is In front of tke oat the Jaoral aed ethical standrepudiation of tbe anti-Beiaitea who sought to caTo hate, to apeak, of saurderiisg women aad csiiiel that' gnawed only pa oae arfe coaisSdered adequato ;In a list under his banner was'the lilgli-light of tills children without Qualms of coaseleHce, to reeesi- side, henca from tha gido on which "degeaerato fieuaocracy," a n d particular phase at the campaign. eterllization for the entire German people, ho is Wind, ho leans. It carries everything \7ill go along comfort- • ' ' President Roosevelt's record as a champion of smaehs of tho NRSIB owa philosophy, and tho isMf two bags of wine and oil, because aWy as before. '•' ' drops of wine sink, aad drops of religious tolerance needs no repetition here. Ho from Mississippi who wrote this letter had better oil float. And tho leaders; oao Efeseatly tlio iseaillMes we«i enhas been an outspoken foe of every type of bigotry do a little coul-searchins of her own. of them an Israelite, and tlie oth< ~" " f a verbal Sael fcetween er a lieatbea,feaeaiiGgea Israelite FSI CIdeS 5.' DsSgar Eooves? and and by word and deed has challenged the forces of V/2tat is seeded today is not an' ability to tadict when he aeeda to do his personal B&filis Bfes of - t h e Intolerance, no matter whom they may bo at- easily, not an ability to throw Etoaea Tvlthout being hygleao necessities, usually tufas I I . o u s o tia-AtEserican tsdWtlw tacking. free of sin. But an earnest desire to seo a aow aside, &SJS • a heathen dees It ea. ' Ia Bowspaper articles' Critical daya lie ahead for this country and world emerge frora tho. chaos and tragedy that to- the way." Tho captora kissed., coatalrstag5. tiitaly dfs^talsed referthem on -their h e a d s , , brought the world. Astute leadership and cool heads will day imprisons it. It ia time we cease to think ©£ eness to Blea co-iBffli!litac>.«spo8e8» them to-their house, prep-ared-a Hoover ciitidssS "gablldty sedk" . toe more greatly needed than ever before. As "fire the'faults, of the world In terms of one nation or great meal for them, danced be5 look at the throttled democracies of Europe, par- another. It Is time wo all realize Bomo'Obligations fore them, saying, "Blessed be lag legisfeters ' wfeosa Gtetem'enfci. gjreatly luaapssec! IMIers! agents ticularly that most gruesome corpse of them all, to humanity. 'If wo. were each to give more titan He, -who efeoso the descendants of la tfeels? cotsBftc?-cspioaago work. Abraham ana gave -them IllswloFrance, wo realise tlie Geriousnesa and gravity of mere lip-service'to our. moral obligations, we -would Blea retorted isiiiitstllslcly with, do&a, and everywhere they go they the office of tbo presidency. Who leads now izmut not witness a periodic slaughter of fellow beings'. bocoma Eieatera of their wasters." a blssfc fa ivMds ha eceased tbese Felcsrel Egeacles .of failtog' do more than cite lip-service to the beautifulThey freed tlieia, end they weat 0 3 tiro |-&!} of p'ffi|«Ct!fflg:fhla' •. In Fc..isa to their JiO;ac"* sounding principles of the American democracy. fiross tliq fifth .coloaan' He must show: that they are more than sentiments, but the key to the better life. Within- the nest few weeks, the Jewish easa- 1"; As Is eotsKsa t&e case ln-argusaeats, it scesos that both :sldea munity of Philadelphia will recall Its history wl'ca right.'' If it U to bath© policy Peaasylvanla's oldest Hebrew congregation, Milithis govotameat to tolerate When In early May -the Dutch armies wesro voh Israel, observes Its two hundredth aaui¥ersuch activities &s ttoso of .Zapp forced to capitulate after futllely battling tho Nazi ssry. To recall the history of Mikveh Israel la to la order that •wo may avoid losing our consular privileges ia foreign Invaders for four days, the French correspondent recall its indelible aGsociatlon with thQ great events countries or for aay other te&son o f / T h e New Yorker" reported that the general of America. then Mr. Hoover is absolutely coropinion of the Parisians was, "Well, tho Dutch The early Pennsylvania Jews had come from rect ia hla estimatloa of tho danere almost Nazis anyway." T ger oS release' of Inforaatioa' the- oppression of.Spain,'. Portugal and- Germany' • ••,•'•' Within the past two weeks the German coa* to the tolerant environment of : tho Quakor'colony. ' T7ABnniGT0N. • p o s s e s s e d ' b y - M r . "Dim.Behind tho dosed ctcoro of tho queror of both Holland and France has forced The deed of tbo synagogue v&a signed by a Zt'ia-'cblely a. matter of policy, District Grand Jury , : hore racial laws. From France; where a puppet gov- •William Penn, and Benjamin .Fraattlta* -iwa'a tlio respoEBilJlllty for fisiag luroro.are lietenlag ea'-.the :U.,@. ernment rules from'Vichy, ha3 come no word o£ the.'d!3tinsfalshed, ac-a-Jewa to contrlbuto funds for attorney .- and a'u special attorney this policy lies cswarely with, tlso opposition: Only the free French movement safe' the building of tlie Synagogue Etrtictere. • tho DcDartment'-of State''departiaeat.- .. •'•"•" sydshted by Jewish Telein London has announced its. condemnation of this To Miltveh Israel on the. evening..of Yom, Kip- Justice awbtalt e?ideaca obtained Manfred Sapp, otxsl*'* . graplilc'Agency,. Inc.).' -'.-. Bhameless capitulation of Petain and Laval to th© pur came a'messenger from" Geseral WasliiBgtoa ' i ; : . ' N a z i s . •. ' -:. '; • * / " ' / * \ : ' ' • ' ' • • . • ' ' • • ; ; v . in search of. Haym Salomon-, and-In-tho oynagoguQ . Attorney-. . But in Nlsl-occupled Holland where rule Is not ;itself a plea was' EKWIO for funds /to -.aid. thapssft&at. tlao feasj celt tho coftened by a aubservient puppet government bat fering coloulala at Valley Forgo. Araoas the Conpi» - •--eljr,-,fasiivo a German leader holds forth, the Batch Iiavo aobly gregation's'-'distinguished roster of Jlabbls are two' feead'. of' •' tbo ;Nesl combtnRtion resisted the racial legislation. From the palplta particularly 'famous: Gerslsoa llendes jSelxas, the' csgtlossgo aaS iBrogaganda ! tue^ of the Protestant churches, the pastors boldly read ardent supporter of the Aiaerican caeso who eaine mlsaaaicS Sgaitesceaa -News Tonight at services Rabbi Wlco letters calling ott their people to fight these "un- to Philadelphia rather-than, servo In;BriU8h-domI-. will speat pn "Tlsa Colorful BackChristiah" doctrines instituted by a cowardly coa- nated New York darlEsc tho Revolution; and Rcbbl Broaud o£ tho Jowlch Communifca fes vlol-tton c-2 thoties In tho ITcxfcst Areas o£ tlio Sabato Morals, whecs against slavery in Queror. ' Wcr, S£ccliically tlie Greek CosThe Dutch would have something to gain, for tho period of the Civil War gained him nations! muaitlc-j." the time being, by • co-operating with the Nazis, recognition. Tosiorrow morning cervices v/111 'i'liey would gain by merely remaining client. They Pev/ non-Jcv/a vcallzo that even a Congr besia at 11. gregaendanger themselves by their utterances, for tho tion an eld as lllkvcb. Icraol ctill decs sot CDVCT Simians are not apt to forget cueh opposition. tho history of tho Jowo In tho Ncv; World. Tho- WlsPo ia no \7iso But the Dutch, though they have Io3t their Congresatioa Ghearith Israel o£ Hev; York auu the tto drnscroua Dotcaflalltics o£ Thla Gvciiins at cervices Habbi vorld for the present, have regained their souls. Congregraion B'nai Jcshurca ct Her/port will both 33pr» nn;1 his Ttrsp-Gocccn acaocl- David A. Goldstein \7ill-cpcalt oa Although they are today, under the iron rule of a shortly obesrve their tercentenary v;hllo tho Con* atez> it saKct bo gated tlr.t-tiioy 'Tho Boairc to bo luporteot." only oae facet o£ tho Justin, con of IJr. and Kro." c&nqueror that knov/3 not tho meaning of mercy, gregation lllhveh Israel of Curcicco io already in rcprcccat any-tlLsd, yet co-ordinr.tcd,' Ujci David will chant KMthey remain in the sight of the world: bravo and its fourth ccatury. Fifth Column" in this coasii'iy. duoh InManvita, obecrvanco of his Bar And it cortelsily c?a bo no E32rct, courageous men and women. Although their PhlladclDhia'a Mikveh loraol haa played an unMltavali which takco place Satur;;£-mie3 have baen defeated and their Queoa iia3 usually important role. in tho realm of Hebrew In HsUt of recent no'-'/rr-r^cr cx- day mcrains at 10 o'clock. th.".t this arr» oL '.he Na.Tied, they remain steadfast to their principles. The culturo through ita ccsociation xiitli Dropsio and POCCD, services JSabfcath Horn* tional SccirilJ-i; Party ci tfca 'Jliirfi Ins,Aftor I"i\ aad rirs. IIr.uvH3.t7ni ;•* :ople of. Holland may not have beoa ablo to etsad Gfats collc;;c3. St has inEpSred ita raorabsrehiy to Reidi to fi-cr.te;!, Glrcctca r.utl fireceive? r.t Kiddmh in kosio? of 0 : f the powerful German army, but they havo not an appreciation and lovo of Jer/iah tradition nanced by tho Genacin Govem- their h con'fl Bar IJitsvah. .• ment throuch Ito diplomatic cropD :. .'an beaten. •« in this, as v;ell &D its years, it may take pride. IIcsS X7C3!: ia thin country' 1 Nest "wcolr, C&cldoa Karris, A lonn cad honorable" tradition Gf tolerance brother of Hr. end Mrs. .Henry Zi'-z chr.r£cterlced the ircedom-lovlnc people o" the SUUIGE. CALBIIDAS! : Efcercroro a CTor.j deal h-trA fa Grtcnbors, will obcer/o his Bar Z".st!)crl*tnds. To tho persecuted Jov;a of Sptiio i 1C&-5701 v/i'I •"•V t.'l£ci\:i rcfaro, for tkoy, too, fcisl ETi£fcrc3 at Rosh Chodesh Kiolov Sunday, Bas. I t:.c i';9 hr^nOa of th3 bloody and cruel Inquisition. Tfeoy ' Chanutah (1st 8 (toys) .Wednesday, Bee. 2G r .- r?o '-'ri £I: 3t to tho pi'feoiplcj c? ari jfa Chcacch Tebcth .~w~.-...Teosdr,y# Dec 31 ca I!-3 Special A. a. A. esrvices will bo •;•_,?;:: in V.izir coloaies. They r;ero tlio onos v/ho Pact o£ Teboth cr.cis -—..—.Thursday, Jen. S Cere, I z-::i t o i observed Hib eircnins at tho Coa" wj*:- ;!:-• T~n5Uzh PurUnns t"?o c:;; pans cf.r Ereaatloa B'nai Israel, 13th wfi Rosa Chodcali Shebat Wednesday, Jan. 20 "*;:i ;:.. !•-•: .s;.:u-3 that T/as l&tc-.* hvcwfal, io'li-i Chicago streets. Chamisho Osor b'Shobat ....Wednesday, Pels in ;.':5;"' . /..'.*;.r!cr.'s tradition <of fcec^on jjod I Chodcsh Adar -Friday, Fob. 28 Ia ui-inEfnr: this r.ction iho PeC- Tito ZJovIs Karl:s ot'st of Bsthor .. ...Wednesday, Hatch A3 CVRI the flrat "JeTrlch relislouo rovcrtimeut can :i~ Coln^ ono "..cai'tho Dutch" is an old slim:; clmciuro built in England specifo2 iwb thia«a. It ecu la si ?o':\7 it sciuiri.3 Ha^ov Ei °F«?!ls c i 'Saturday,- but Is observe,! Suaday. Ir.r.nct'ias a drlvo ?.ca?npt Scrclgn ically for thr.t purpose .t tt-.o D u t c h . " Yor. o ^ •_"«.•(: agents In this country vrlsleu 1200.

You Can't Beat the Dutch







Dr* Victor hevine On Committee fw

Pag© §

Omahan*s Note (Joes to

• Huhbdfd 'Lecture

T t t lalfc sfervicti of tie U. G. C. toiuigat will be tordt'cted by • Dr. Victor E!. Leviae, professor the local ttaHers &f ths A. '£, A. at bio-ciiemistry at t i e Creightoa Participauts- ia t t e services vviii ScLocrl of Llediciae, is active ou be Milton GESS, Yale Kickards, the toWiitiiitSit Epvnsoring the lecHarry GoodL-iader, Naroi&n Tur- ture of the Rev. Bernard R. Hubkel, Gordon LJarg&Ha, Ber- bard, S. J., Wednesday, Novemman, and Harold Epstein, ber 13, at the Pars,a oant theater. A. tji&cial spe&la&g program t a s Father Hubbard, v*ho is si>e&kbeea prepared aiid will cDsuiet of iag: under the auspJces 'of Crefghthe following: Juetiu. Priesman, ton iiEivereity, will display h i s whose topic is "Jews Facing Cou- latest fitais &iifi relate his adecriptiqa;" Bam Cooper, who will ventures In the Far" Horta. give Ills uittioual p-iise-wfrtRiii ' Dr. Leviae traveled v?lth Faessay, "Benefits of Democracy. The Rabbi will address the Con- ther Ilubbard la Alaska on two gregation on "The Thoughts of «?i>editio£Es and ccllEborated with Youth s M Its Problems." Serv- the Santa Clara university scientices will etart as usual, promptly ist oa widespread studies of diet at 8:00, and will be followed by deficiencies among'the natives. a reception tendered by tlie motliers of the members Of A. Z. A.

..Round Table Flans

The local MkitXLi <.'/K.UL.M'S oi gaaizatioa is loci ILL tut L.&^tc,1 one by the i ti.^ of "I'^vt.^c i, ' who eacloscd £, uotfe 11. t ictL ii^, tLi.t coeated to thv Ltudz* wLe*. ih., drive for tiolUut fvi ictjtct» it.fc "It vau tjittix to L in Vthiuiiy cl »L.i« year. >X £. , tLd Cuy/ Ot vftK'x 1 In her letter 1 froi.i Palt due, ji j i it tut 1 w tJv 6, a" Mrs., Bessie Got felt, c^e t>f iLo tuth." of founders of the Wo limit's I'lfcJtul Ik ifui , 's ciiicc h foii^&d tLj lo rachi organitatloa, wtot^: ' si, s c i M''u I iLi.t tLo cc:y vub n&t "I wlsk to it..uii(ij Lti*. Li 4 a Eicbaiily fauvikg' f». u t certain imtlcud, hi ilit f J- -* 1 is-«^utfcd t iUo( tLb t of one of tlio c u f c t s fto» i tb-e cit olt by the ot tl»c O^.«.Lu HfcLicv»" tl, X-liB play xe-ef-eateg a dramatic tlon in the life ot the author,. Boris Toiaashefeky. 1'fie plot i-evolves around t h e victory in court of au attorney who secures aa acquits! of a hus« band vrko h&& killed fcfg .uaftiffiiThe delightful old Itusssian ful wife a;jd her lover. He' returns Musical games and rhythmic movements kept two large danc- fairy tale, "Tho Little H u m p home to relate the Incident and ing classes busy interpreting' fa- Backed Horee," will ha ehown at finds himself involved in a similar miliar rhymes aad well-known the Jowi&h Community Ceater situation. melodies last week, when the Friday moraing, November 22, Leafiing roles were admirably Center Dance Studio opened un- when the ceater presents a pap- acted by Loafs Wolfe sod Mrs. 1*. der the direction of Misa Dorothy pet show as the first children's Crandall. Other excellent por* Shepherd, 'lOrchesIs concert daac- program of the season. The pup- trayals were -done by Mr. S a i s pets will-again be those of Mies Keuyon aad Mm. J. J. Brown, fa er and public school teacher. Because of the largo number Marjorie •Shanafelt of the Uni- the title roles. of children who enrolled for danc- versity of Nebraska, whose shows Mr. Kenyon, as tlio hen-pecked ing, two groups were formed, fascinated an audience of two "Chazan/' elicited many laughs. hundred boya and girls last fall which will meet, on Thursday afLikewise Mr. J. J. B r o w it as ternoon instead of Friday. Chil- and the campers at Jay-C-0 last "Yana," the sliamus, was amusdren betwen the ages of three summer. ing. Mrs. Sol Gendelman disand five "Will dance at 3:45 and The story tells of a peasant boy played dramatic talent in the role older ones at 4:10. who owned a fairyhorae and be- of Sablna, the daughter o£ t h o The enthusiastic response of came involved in a mysterious estranged parents. children and parents alike has re- plot at the court of tho Tsar. AfMinor roles were capably haa* sulted in plans for a third dauc- ter numerous adventures, the boy died by Mr. Ool Oendelmau, Mr. Ing clasa to be formed in tho near was eaved by his swift horse and and Mrs. Satn Nerenberg, Mr. and married the princesa, to live hap- Mrs. M. Nereaberg. Songa v/e'ro future on Friday afternoon. » The following have enrolled In pily ever after. presented by Mrs. Crandall, Mrs. the dance studio: Barbara BurSpecial features of dancers and B.'Nercnberg and Mr. Louis Wolk. roughs, Arlene Collins, Leah Ed- tumblers will complete the shot/, Musical directors wore A l b e r t gar, Coral and Joan Mlcklin, Lois which la the first of a series plan- Bayard and Mrs. Margaret Kinkcl. Shapiro, Phyllis Rubinow, Cyrllle ned especially for school children Tho play was tstagod under tho Gary Silberman, Jane and Joan during school holidays. On the direction of Louis Wolk. The arBeber, Shirley Colnlc, Barbara day following Thanksgiving,' No- rangemettts committee- of t-h e Fink, Betty Lou Klutznlclr, Hence vember 22, all children aro In- Omaha H e b r e w club includoil Mlcklin, Barbara Kay Milder, Re- vited to attend the show at 10:30. John Feldman, chairman; A. Kaisale© Phillips, Mary Loa Rlpps, Admission will ba 10c for chil- man, I. Morgenstern aad S a m Connie Shamea and Marjories Sha- dren and 20c for adults. Bloom. piro. Tho last Judalzor to bo senBetween 157S and 1600, Tho Marrano settlement o£ tenced in Mexico was Gil Rod- trials for Judaiziiig took place riguez, a priest (1788). Bublin dates from 1660. Mexico City.

'For "TuWcey Trot"

Sabbath morning, the Rabbi will epeak at the Beth Il&w&drosh Hagod&l ia honor «1 tlie Bar Mstz"The Turkey Trot," second vali of Irving Riga, a pupil of the dance of the Hound Table of JewCity Talmud Tojrah. ish Youth, will be held at the Jewish Community Center on The regular Sunday morning Sunday, November 24. services of the U. O. C. BrotherAlthough the orchestra to play hood will take place at Congre- for "The Turkey Trot" has not gation Baal Israel. 18th ami Chi- yet been announced, the dance cago, at 9:00. committee of the Hound Table Is continuing its policy-'of'presentSTUDY GKOUPS ing Omaha's outstanding dance The adult Hebrew study group bands. under the direction of the Itabbi •will meet Monday at the Rabbi's Study'at 8 i>. m. Wednesday evening, the Talmud Study will usual at Mrs. David Congregation Beth Hamedrogh Funeral services w e r e held Hagodol, IStii and Barf; streets, Sunday Bioraltig at the Jewish at 8:00. Funeral Home for Mrs. D&vifi Garbor, 65, who died unexpectedJUNI0I8 CONGREGATION , ly Friday night at a local hospiAn innovation In tho approach tal. Sho had resided in Omaha to Jewish organizational life waa for the past 2B years. instituted this week with the forSurviving Mrs. G a r h e r are: mation of a Junior Congregation Two eons, George Greenblatt and in the City Talmud Torah. Tho Harold Garber; five daughters, children organized their own Mrs. David It. Cohen, Mrs. J o e Congregational (Jroup which will Jacobs, Mrs. David II. Brown and conduct services under the direc- Miss Marjory Q&tbsr of Omaha, tion' of their instructors at tbo and Mrs. Bhepw Hoehenberg of Synagogue of Congregation . Baal Des Moines; a-brother, Joe Rosen Jferael, Sabbath moralags. of Council Blttffs, end & sister, ' Officers have feeea nominated Mrs. Louis tVintroub of Omaha. at the organisation meeting and Burial was &t dolden Kill ceia•will bo voted upon la the aoar etory. future. A board of dlrccfeia is yet to bo elected. A. rcroup of tho membership of tlio J"UEIOT Congregation will constitute* a Caa»zanlm committee and will bo to charge of tho eorvicos. /

Parents of children who would like to discusa tho standing of their children and their problems may consult ^Ith the HabM at the City Talmud ToraU on Mondayo and Wednesdays, botwoa 4 &n& 6.




' " *" -


CO t u Q


OFFICERS N&F.ISP At the last meeting of tfes beard of the Beth Haiacdrosh Hatjodol, tho following vrero cppolatcd to thb various officer, la ins eyaagogue: President, Louies Blotcky; vice president, Harry A. Cohen; secretary, N. Lovinoon; treasurer, M. Ro3ensteln; truaiou, I. F»lov/ita, I. Shafor, H. Wilfse'u. Committees wero appointed for various projecta. Tao Synasosuc Attendance cqaiBilttca couatata of "Harry A.CoIien, chairman; I. Blewits and I. shafesr. Constitutional committee consists ©£ I. JSlowltn, chairman; M. Rocoastcin, Harry A. Cohen, N. Wllfson and I. Shafer. M. RosonBtein was appointed chairman of tho Fiuanco commltteo. The membership drive ia now in full force and wilt continue with all efforts put to tho enlistment of new members. Plans •wero laid for a very larco affair In celebration of IJaunuliaa. Further details of tho cslobratlca will bo announced in the near futereTho.- Board of Concresatlo:: Bnal Israel met oa October 21, and the following were appointed to office: " Dr. A. Gresnfcsrsj, chairman.; M. Katzni'an, treasurer; William Welner, chairman of Synagogue Management coraiaittes* cad William Milder,- assistant; hauls Spstcin, chairman of tao' Cemetery • committee with "William T/clae? and 'William MiMcr.assistiiiss 5>r. N. H. Greeabcrg, cco'rcta?yi William Milder, MeiafcoreMp clialrpianj Jalio Beynstoln, efirdnaca ot tho Building committee, and ;WIlliam Welaer, aeoistdaf.

° n 77







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o£ tlie IT. 0 . C , beginsias its activities e£ this» eomiag seasoa, 13 ajaliiQS eoflalts f! piano for itc.flrst dinDor-mcoUntV v/hiclt take placo I-X 14. The Fathor and Sou of. the Brotherhood trill lo December 5.




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• f lilies


tered Lere sea tter** s.iiiOi.g ifctai, wlto fcy tbeir iei<is;-I to teee^t itli a dc atei tury lit •? " is took tJfc, iiistitniioaal Oia«iiiia.»«ir tttfttly mikes aeaiei UAX H was the OE.fc .true 'i'ii.3 i fB.e f £C3 c;f tli liicilC&l£fb 1 Is t 3 fig: Evwy time (his. hostility broke of i lit; Geiitf.!c? io't&S out ifce liOiriLIs •n&LeEeea i wl U tliai Iisv«s always ekar a.&ierb:i i they g.ive 5 ir teas, ;.t£..U£ ike O&iiiile, y&g&ss or Cb.if;Atta;, thty as \lUtJ'-ic-aU tJj.o l e w must Itsve »'eiolle>i sad ilifey t aa v/ ita y a) g&id, "Tliey toe nerer cot even 1 a glliiiji&y of wliat oui {jropiiets Tfcfcy believe nearly aay Kcaatasglito They still knew nothing of the one God gad the moral dai taey hear, and tLs ttcriea sad law!" How eeulcl they heii* but lB.ii&6udo they jjurvsy are KBElieakalily vicloagTkey fcaliuly feel thtit? classify, the wor^t Jews they know or Lave ever E B O W H ass "t'fas V k t . i I, a C«. u , loo* tot'ay JfcWB" .(with ' occBEioEal coEdess.t t« o C tiitlJe l l iu ceadiiig ex«ei>tlOHS, when t Ii e y £»>(<! at t y 'Ai ^tca of it in say about Jews they approve of, c I/v(i (.1. t, It i . of vic»' fw t "But we doa't think of hiia as a tiit )f *li<a t it1} a t « i I K J ' K, t f u t a — i e* J ti i L! »ji, c



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Mslse<l !>y • » . T h e Otsif; L u «

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If %br tlat Jews re grea.t saen tse sat la history it tbs ugliest

y I it^k-s at least

be;:..ti:.fc-— iL&sziiy,' !e i« a. bigot. -He it a n i is t r e a d of i-f r, q.;;iire£, fh-Et of all, IttLaiify* £.Ed tbea fctale t o n if tii 'tvlil. Tfcere people if t l 5t3 "J ;t like."

Oae tviEls fsaluie c-f tk-3 Qesttls i/fftfiicsj. j& fsls tfc£.deaty to ib.Mii: in ttfcreotj'gfcK- (iIa.Ey Jews IL^t w'KFs to©* but t i i e y m.Utfc\iit fsa't fco ssri&iis.) i.aci ta^ £3ts.lilfcg ti-iiig is tli.£,t t a s Oealiks do fact K S tke tigBifiesU-ee of tfcey : £re aoleg'. TLey are rfevtrfiiig to the juugls wI*fS ia> tkccag'jit in aag.theE£K? vtes-e tlis " o t t u l i t r " ' is itvfcri&lily £ii eaeaay, wtere tlie oiJy reeoitrEe is'& laagla fire Ea4 a t o i t a r e i arid j e r t s t s ci&Ifetoiisly .roasted •victim, . W t e a people calmly say, coacemiag vliat Hitler has dose to t t 9 Jev? ia 0fcfis&By, "Well, I guei;3 they fcad it tbem! We oaglit to. do the saka thing lie-re!" they take themselves of 20th fcentui-y eivilkatloa gat lIieBisi&lve.a. right back fato the dance of s a t e d savages around the cannlbftl lrettle. They are tlsiaklag la1. ps,«ts and they


Tkey like caeir </»a way, sra a.L.t,c-Iu.ttiy a..ftasked t< they &ee saie it i& tlie oaly tj_

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-L • < <. $ d i e t u ic t /is d ji - k i a i i a of fU«J Ifl J»5J ' • - ' l i t i i c t .U&LCB tfefll! I, Lu, l^lli-Ji. \ . lit«i t h e IS I S u J. i jo • I y .

o g I1 o Jtwf, lira, t u t I am Viisi i cv fit fovicr tliaa ai>jWjg tLi, GuittiCu. >lc «aFfci Jews bkVfc c. t.i,c!(, 1m-. J n t j litfore a

one. Until the Jewish way of lite, the Jewish ethic, the Jewish coatit cat G o i viLf ru they E< taally beeeieaee began to permeate, very Jicvc iii, il«c i* ud vis are not so gradually, the (Seattle heathen tuut, Tu, t'tfe i acieut Jew, world, the Gentile never realised to, Uio truo i t / t&duy, the j,hat there was any' problem any0 ut r t ii t C M t tit Lab.utJt Liiig f s emoi,' where. There was, no sense of v i t o i ti« { ' J J K iot hhl'lLli h<-ltb. flti i l y iw-&f«es cita u nt a k . ot it than 1 i ih^ !A, e i t . . i t t Jh lr (. it • gin, and the individual was of In-d c u a JrJLv,afc ttlte cjt title f ' t t jo Cif toait i*i itf JriiLti? cd, 'X i co k.. Ou i! j tfLfclo lie la finitesimal importance. * y t y«iifc in tLfcif i d t l fi lit i a <f t 1 t The heavens were filled with ItCt at&. who had plenty of power &n& ' I H J Jt,i/ I f i , J u t t / i t i l 5 ( 4 'iJi6v Gt<ttilo cutl ri j Ten Cotninandmenta, and tlte Ovt t I L U I B , ' f < «i L-t-ni-ti. Ai U t i e ti'a <1J s the 1 fp or th',n •*arth was filled with a social ©F~ C»csi t i i o t f ill, uiid i «.£, c^U-ly, is Adolf Hitler? ,$er based on slavery, with & tewbreaks fell of the Ten Commatid- • • Here Is a concrete example of .tyrants at the top. There was Bientfs and saost of -the eoHisaaad- how It Works: Affierlcan doctbiu, ."stoical bravery, but a" minimum meafs of Jesus,' and the honihla tea many of them, tell yea how '.of .mercy or compassion and no rctributioau t h r t btffll iifsi 1*3- impossible the Jews are to com'social conscience; and there was cauce of ilia ciiCh.n dlfoLcaitnto pete and deal wStb. (Thtro Is 'iio Cod of the sort that the world ho blames on L'jif^jbO Oi home* no use denying that the Jews,ESC FwBg&utif®!,- Eti!u$ive Costs _ ' conceived of since the beglii- thing else. If bo !r tutcj? till&ifj, of tea incredibly good doctors, and . g of the Christian era—except he blames ! a<l f oi tens o .i ovll have beeii for centuries, 'even "among that tiny and persistent spirits of tfttfcU-r &tuu OJC lotttn when there were no otlier great jpeople to Palestine, on the liigh- luck; if .ho f^j Ubo uflfclooa eud doctor-is any where.) . ,,t?ay of the powerful heathen na- hysterical, ho b 1 a i& a B it on a Bo they Bet.up thnutaeraMo obgroup o£ people — anfi tho people "'.tio.ns who ravaged them perlodstacles to letting Jews eater medicall.f, carried them away into always a t hand, always lclno here. They .eay .the ethics captivity and found thorn exceed- sorboa," alv/ays in tlie of tho J e w o aren't what tbey are tho Jews. ingly "stiff-necked." should be. But wliat T/oaW ho . These people had a strange The Jews Ere a perpetual an}f a dispassionate etudy Gdd — just one God ipstead of noyance to the Gentile. Tliey aro uncovered the ethics .of all tho Gcntilo Lustra dozens, who knew human beings vivid, successful, difficult t o fool, o£ i n ' t h :i s country were personally and gave them a code frequently aggressive. Gentiles doctors 'Cents by.»• bt morals that sounded and often either "juet don't like the Jews" made, an4 tlie- wot&t cases wero deemed fantastically difficult to or are definitely afraid of them. set up as tho norm of Gentlla behavior? follow. "I wonder, when I look at my yp fellow Gentiles, how far beyond One other Httlo exatnplo. Ely i' '., Foun<Aev of. New Era their noses they customarily sec. ; i -Tbo only hope the Jew has ever How can it be that these terrify- father lived for years In a larco had of living in peace has been ing children of Israel, eo clever Hew York ' apartment - hotel r la .the establishment of a world with that they are very dangerous to which ho and a few other fam(similar ethical and social concep- the helpless Christian whom they ilies were the oaly Qeatilca, 1 Loomed f r o m the tions. Among his own people he "plan to exploit," are so unsuc- visited him many times. • l a all ; w © © I of 4 animates has made great headway during cessful in their attempts to "get tlioss years I never heard k n 5" coise,- never saw any drnakenJiis history. But what real safety control of the world?" ; The llama . for softnesa, never heard crude language, could ho have when he lived alFrom our first knowledge of never Eaw anything b u t quiet, ness, -tin© .alpaca lot ways <jn the volcanoes of violence. them they have been repeatedly welgMIesa. v? a r m t h, kindly, well bred people. injustice and moral corruption "carried away into slavery." Ey •These people are at least' aa tho sugora gsat (moihst have characterized the Gen- the waters of Babylon they have hair) lor tyearsbllity, tile world since time immemorial wept, and the-daughters of Jeru- representative of the Jews &g~aro those who sprawl on tho deeka —and characterize it today? the- Australian lamb Balem h a v e suffered shrieking ' The greatest of the Jewa be- horrors. The Christians have done of Hudson river Say boats or pucii fo"f xtateff '• repellency. eaino the founder of a new era, things to them that defy imagi- yon around in ths subways. GeaWrinkle-^roof, •• light in which the Jewish ethic began nation. Today tho condition of .weight, • yet Insuriousgradually to have a chance to be the Jew in the greater part of FOIS.' RENT—BoOTstairs ltei» ly -wana.' Natural, lugpracticed in comparative peace. Europe is BO terrible that most • • room' eadi .-kitchen to Jesus was typically Jewish in his people who still have h u m a n gage snd 'osford, • fisl IiGBie. Tflesly autlook. He was violently op- hearts cannot think about it. • liarge windows; ' Gas, beat, posed by the established powers Sp^ctacalar Unsnccess • • Hgtotei'wfttc**, telephone that be, both Jewish and Roman, ' .M.'Somit, W® 8587..- ;' It Is a. picture of spectacular vdiich got rid of him in tho way revolutionaries aro disposed of unsuecoBs. If tho Jew- had ever the world, he would anywhere: But he built up controlled a great following among the poor never have" been put in the posi- FOK. SIEN1'—-7-roowi ,-aM mod-' TMcd em .house, o!S.heat.' Very-ieaand the liberal elements of Jew- tion he has alwaya held: .a persecuted minority in tho midst of Bonablc .rent.'Garage.- 1468 ry, and these, after his death, a huge and powerful majority •. I j o t b r o p . •' Call" 'Sounded the Christian church. • The reasons why so many Jews that discriminates against h i m jDftho Dispersion never became Christians are not . far to seote. The official. State church had certain characteristics that made ah Impassable chasm between It and 'Jewry, even apart from the question whether or not Christ was Comer 15th snd Douulao ' • the Son of God and the Messiah. i It had a tremendously powerful and rich clergy; it ha<! an absoRCA-VICTOR ' lute leader, and an attitude toVf«"»rd the Virgin Mary and a Worflaw $r<« <ca rescti t:ss!:!i cn i*vsl vwsl Cs&9fc»tfca ttTswst e'alp of imageB that, t o the Jew, cmacked of idolatry, and it broke np t h e one God Into the holy Xy4 r c ' Trinity. Its authoritarian con'.feirJs-cnil cJ -fJ» teras firsa csjey jJra fcsei'js cl ss rest csiJsc? vts;:tca»t!ctes. trol "wni3 absolute. In contrast, the Jews had abolished tho priesthood, they wero increasingly In* T.ividuaHstic, a n d in religious .uicitcrs they hr.dl been moving over farther away from outer controls. ei^ei?Si| .•'Cia'E3 : «|l-fiSIllJt-- < fii..Ss BC.'.MOD, there .was the hostility • -•• (AM ^ e i . f e S 5 . * 4 •TTio Christians Gcen.ed to feel toV © WeTgte :O#/.#/j'Ifci.; -m Bt.o v i a ^ ,-AN'O' B-&'TH#.



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Friday, November 8, 1940


Page 3 lian Wald transplanted her life. The young enthusiast interested in her plan Mrs, Solomon Loeb and Jacob K. Sciiiff. She enlisted as her fellow-worker Mary Brewster. The two girls ttutei an &i>aiiia<_iit t s tie fifth floor of a

draw up a list of her guests. Oil examining the list her mother identified several schoolmates, all except one. '>—=/1™ L^ L A 1 » v^-v»x_^» "And wfao is this?" &ae afkfcd, "a xsew ci&ssmate?" that's Lillian," aisawerea teLtiicut KOjtdL, oa Jefferson the"No, "Don't you know Lilfctitfcl—ti 0 tiily one they could lian?tlald. Lillian WaM!" find th~t Lei u bLth. A neighbor around the block TLty ciafuiti tie Eatt Side for their utightoia; the latter re- Unrated for the wares of the corner saloon but did not dare buy sponded. Artliur Ztiekerm&n A stream of visitors ?>eat a path anything due to a.n oppressive up the five-fliglit'of stairs on Jef- fear that people wanted to l> - ' The Passing of IMH&n Wtdd, ments had b'eeii made to take car thoughts. A covenant of blood ferson Street; people iooldng for him. He hit upon the idea of orone of Ainerica's most l.elovwl of them. now bound her to the East Side. advice, tor a Meaaly word of just dering the whiskey "for Lillian characters, is mourned by the At 22, when Lillian Wald firs Here was to be her home, the coming because they heard here Wald." After two years it was tlear ineek and the mighty alike. entered nursing school, she WE healing of these people her voca- was somebody who,would Usten. These |»ej»oii&I gliuijsses, based an independent, impulsive, high- tion, the rousing of the conscience The girls' room became a neigh- that the apartment on Jefferson in p&H on ii. U liuMus' "Mi- spirited girl, about to have he of men her avocation. What borhood center. All d&y Ions Lil- Street was inadequate. In the lton W&ld, Neighbor mid Cm» first contact with hospital discip- youthful confidence, naivete, ig- lian and Mary worked ia the tene- first place it was too email. Then there were other nurses who tad eawlor," glwes wisiglit into the line and regimentation. The crisis norance of real conditions. But ments. l i f e Bad personality -of OKC came after only two days in th< Lillian Wald had made up her They penetrated • alleys, they heard of the project, who wanted •whose work statuEs as a per- institution. It was a Sunday when mind! Single-handed she began. pierced barriers, they entered to serve. People- of means were manent mouuineiist to her great- the recently arrived trainee heard Before many years had passed Places where no one—not eveu a enthusiastic, others who Just fearful shrieks and howls eman her amazing job of reconstruc- policeman—would dare to enter: heard Lillian Wald tell of her ness.—-Tllli EDIIOIt. tion won her the adulation of their blue imree's uniform was work, wanted to give it its supating from the basement. their buckler and their shield. port. In great anxiety Lillian Wald myriads. On the East Side of New York Lillian Wald looked about for Years later Lillian Wald wrote, fa a street no different from any dashed down the steps. There be fete the' Wilderness a place that .would serve us & "All that we ever did, we did the of ita neighbors. There are the hind a locked door, which s h e In 1893, when Lillian Wald first day." nurses* home. Bfee found it at same tenements, tlie unnumerable opened unhesitatingly, was a vio struck her covenant with the Bast 265 Henry Street, next to the p with g scampering children, the noises lent man in a padded' cell. He was Side, there were a million and a house wherein Eke had first come Then the East Bide awakened to and the smells of the lower East recovering from delirium tie half bGdie3 packed into lower know the people of the East Side. Yet that street's name has mens, had ia fact been locked up Manhattan Island, Rlea, women to her presence. Like a loving Bide. By 1898 thero were nias child'it followed her. With contakes its place alongside the most for his own safety, but that did (Continued on Page 10.) children were crowded into summate art aad grace ebe began famous avenue of history. It has not deter the breathless girl who and fowl, dark rooms Into which the to mould the willing vessel to her echoed round the world. In every listened" sympathetically to his sunlight never reached.,'Underfed, plan. She would enter a grocery civilized nation its Kieation causes tale of woe. improperly fed, they suffered find that it was not clean, lin immediate stirring o£ interest. "Look here," he shouted. "I'm from the cold of winter and (store, flies flitting about. It is Henry street and its fame hungry! Nobody's given me any- stifled in the heat of summer. Sho instructed the grocer to put derives from a young Jewish wo- thing to eat!" Overwork, Insufficient pay was netting over the exposed cheese. man, by name Lillian Wald, who "Why, that's terrible! You their lot. Their death rate was She would walk along the' street made her home there at No. 265poor man." Aad off went the novabout 45 years ago. Like the for- ice to raid the ice-box of the deli- twice what it is now. Further- and find nrttsn fruit or putrid I \ est which her name signifies site cacies reserved for special pa- more, 1893 was the year of tho fish on the pushcarts and ordered LC a tL' that they bo carried to the garterrible depression. Unemploytransplanted herself the wil- tients. Early on Monday morning derness that was the East Side a furious young trainee marched ment mounted while wages top- bage dump. Ho policeman's order V/HttLU./'.tli half a century ago and brought into tho superintendent's office to pled. But it was a day when so- was carried out with tho same refreshment and healing to the tell her what she thought of a cial conscience was as yet dor- alacrity. When Lillian Wald appeared people who made her neighbors, hospital management that would mant. Federal ai<|, government ffhoso neighbors were almost all leave a patient to (starve. Tho relief were dreams yet undream- on the street troops of children after Jews, but it was Buffering human- ctrugglo for Juutlce to the under- ed. Private chaiity waa left to QurrouiiCcd hop and tagec-d ge carry tho entire burden of Jiuinan hor. h i l c, iin planning pg a A Jittlo ity to whom tho young woman In privileged waa on. her middle twenties responded, l l d to t After graduation in 1891, Lil- misery. Into this wilderness Lil- birthday party, vau allowed t At tho start of a new era in lian Wald. entered medical school American life, in 18G7, Lillian but waa never to become a physi,\Vald was born into a, well-to-do cian. A single incident changed German-Jewish family In Cincin- the course of her entire career. Sicr© tteem A. U. ia CsS3 t». U. nati. Rochester was the scene of To Eas,t Side her early education until sho She was asked to go down i o camo to New York City to under- the East Side, to a Sabbath school take training as a nurso at tho for immigrants, and conduct a ago of 22. Her mother was a class in home hurling. Tho Bchool trustful, kindly BOUI who rmw met in a house on Henry Street. Only good in pconla and (suffered Into that claca thero camo one for tho pain of otliuru. day a frightened child, daughter •' One day vlnilo her ulrlc were of an absent pupil, who sobbed still younf, lira. Wald needed a out a Gtory of a mother dangerlaundress and called In a woman ously ill. passing on the street with a bunThrough dirty otioets and dank <ilo of clothes. Sho took the alleys, the young nurso followed Stranger upstaira and wiado ready the child until they entered a a batch of drer.sea that needed dark doorway. Inside eho found laundering. The girls, in concern" a flat of two rooms by for their pretty clothes, intimated a family of aoven whoinhabited a livtheir doubts of tho woman's trust- ing by renting "apace"made JJ to boardworthiness. rs. On a mattress lay tho wo. "She ought to know better than man, fast losing blood from a anyone," retorted the mother, and hemorrhage. . turning to the stranger, she asked, Tho nurse took hold. Tho sick -Tylfcd to ProLfovo VCE:P "Are you honest?" woman was bathed, her pain reiccd to 5s'c^c5 CK lieved. Soft commands, deft flngImpulsive Girl • Years later, when Mrs. Wald era, a few kindly words and tho camo to live with her daughter fi lightened family began to be reon Henry Street, nho caw a family lieved, comforted. A change camo being evicted for non-payment of over that. homo which- loft Its rent. Sho demanded of Lillian deepest impression on Lillian v man ansct It&VG ct that the family bo brought into Wald. For when she walked out their home, furniture and all, and of that tenement into the open mo wvjjo m thought her daughter heartless air, her decision was made. . " ISO SI> for not complying at once, even Medical school and a physician's were gone f r o m her though Lillian explained arrange-

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i-'ROM filOUX". €I'BY (Contiiiued fronts Page 1.) firs, Sctti Lt-ibovita of Sioux City is visiiias £t lite Isolde of ing, are those whiclk lijtve: A Jewiifci' tister-iii-JgA* and brothtr-in- ish owner; osie of iha responsible \ t „i i . i i x . Jiaw, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Leibuviiz. Partners is a Jew; out; Jewish Eieiiibfer of the board of directors; a, Jewish fchare exceeding oue" i t ,»i> j I, \ / f . n . . i ' '1 >• . (iuarter of the capital; half of the i l i ^ < \ . . . U 1 tA , ) U .= i i i . i 1) '-£--• > . ill, tf.J lJiu. Ctoige bitiiiKig coramoii or preferred btock coar -Ac i o f <•••. U l l fc t> , !-• 'f i i t l t fJ-fT <J,,) fm- i-lcc-ib, Aih., trclltd by Jev/u. • The regular nieethig of t h e I t l i ->J:U'. * t ; • t . t L i *>' io »>cit \«ith their fcas.a in law uud itil ot'.Jewith Women will he tlitk The decree cefiRed Jews a'a d, i l r . aud Mit. D a e lield Monday, November 4, at the r,f-> ? , ( , H fL'^-.'i w i i U D u m k v . Mr. t n d Mrb. J o ethose descended from three JewJeivi.sU Cof.uiuii>;ity Center at a i i L - L i u uaa. L u . J J . . O ' i licr^tr !n ish grandparents or with two Jewliifc i C ' l i ' l ^ I o h . i. Variety buffet dessert-luncJifcOK. ish grandparents if professing the Mrs. II. 8. Novitslcy will preJewish religion or married to a , I i i hi l l , . ' J< I TO t ' j . 0 i ' . . i side and Mrs. K. Cheseii -will give ,},'\ viS'i'f its idWX Oi'jL'i' 1 f Jew. :v H i ' ! . . ; i f • . ' i l ; l i i t o ! ! > the opening' prayer. Iff,-. Hi.U's'j UUJMH, accomAs in Norway, where college Mrs. Saiti Cohen "Will stag &evp£.nKc! i.y a-ii£bki', Eiiuer, students defied Nazi officials by eral selections, including, "I Aui ij d her v it, LfcOi i id, tiKtd IUUI- tearing down anti-Jewish posters, gUjAj,^ fif. ffiljif | | an American." Dr. II o a d M a Ht duy in lo\/<t Ciiy vifaithu-, iiei toil, Nazi-sponsored anti-Semitism is president of Moraingsicie college, making little headway in the will speak on "The Chances for Netherlands. Despite N a z i at1 Peace." [i I l . , . L i / i o i e it th.ik,i -,. oC i, Ct tempts to provoke anti-Jewish Mis. IC. i.l. Urue&kln and Mrs, Udli I IuIl(.iMO, Ctil , SO f.h(.\,';t hcriots in 1'folland, no anti-Jewisb. J.I A. i.l. Gruesl'.j'.i a r e kt: illg installed as the first presidemonstrations have been reportchairmen. of the newly organized ed. Elaborate plans are being, made dent, (Continued from page 11.) Supreme Council, B'nai The anti - Jewish decree, anto lisake the first 'social affair •Women's !>y long distance telephone the door and suspended the lease nounced in Holland is similar to sponsored by the Youth Council B'ritli, between Washington, D. C , and of the exhibitor. decrees announced la other Nazithis season the most novel and Omaha, Henry Morisky, presioccupied c o u n t r i e s , including entertaining of any activity yet dent ofby B'uai B'rith, speaking Adjective Agitator: Clerk «t France* This represents the first held. "The Bog Patch Feud" will from Omaha. The 'Women's Su- the Draft registration wanted to time, however, that the clergymen be lield at the Center Saturday On the eve of October 12, forpreme Council represents sis inal initiation for the new AW It evening, November 9. Many spe- Women's Grand Lodges organized describe Oscar Levant as of "sal- have urged their congregations t o tiiembera, Betty Mlrldn, Annabelle cial features will be the attraction in'more than'400 auxiliaries, hav- low complexion." Oscar objected protest the anti-Jewish laws, • •,. • Satin and Joy Dean Arkin, w a s of the evening. No ouo will bo ing a membership of 40,000 . . . thought his color "swarthy." Compromise was finally renched Syrian Jews Under Law held, at the home of Jtuth Kut- admitted who is not dressed in throughout the United States. on ' cher, 2211 Jackson street. The pure Dog Patch fashion or Blacks. B e i r it t, Lebanon - (WNS) — ' girls are indeed heartily welcomed Madame La Zonga has been enSyria's 20,000 Jews -will be affectgaged to teach the La Conga. Junior Laemmle . . . scarcely ed by the far sweeping anti-Jewto the ranks of the club. five feet one inch tall . . . will ish laws announced by the MarThe AWIt is very proud", espeAn hilarious burlesque show is have to take stretching exercises shal Petain regime in Yichy, 1% cially, of two of her members for being rehearsed by the C e n t e r to meet army requirements. Draft was announced by the French each earning a compact as a prize P l a y e r s to be presented that board could form a midget regi- high commissioner. T h e antifor taking in over $10 at the For- night. Ducking for apples will get Me Not sale for the American add to the fun. The climax of the* By LUCILLE ABRAHAMSON . ment-. . . tall Captain Laemmle Semite statute vdll be enforced marching at the head . , . and Legion. The girls are D o r i s evening's entertainment will be . drummer boy Sid Skolsky bring- in all French colonies and.possesGrueskin and Betty Mirkiii. the "Weddin' of Hairless Joe andIf ADASSAII sions,' • ' " ''. " ' Z A special meeting of Hadassafi ing up the l'ear. Daisy Mae." This ceremony will A few other enrollera on " I t " talce place at exactly 11 o'clock. "vvlH" be. held Thursday, November Ballroom Dancing EKANCLS P.' SiATTHEW, Mty. Kick-a-poo joy juice (apple cider), 7, at 11 a. rn. at the Chieftain ho- Day were John Garfield, Tony > BIB Elfl tel. . . . Martin, Mischa Auer, Phil Silvers, and doughnuts will be served, The first c l a s s in ballroom VJ1U. This meeting will be a no-host NOTICK OF Jesse Laslcy, jr., and Jack WarA bus has been engaged to prodancing, which proved so popular brunch in honor of Mrs. A. Sha-ner's son. In the County Court o£ Douglas Coun* vide transportation home for all last year, will be held Saturday piro of Cleveland. ty, Nebraska. "• • evening, November 2, from 7:30 those who wish to take advantage In: the Matter o£ the Estate of Kathaa The "Irishep.CJoyhti" i s , a flub Simon, Deceased. to 9:30. Miss Elizabeth Wise will of this. TALMUD TOKAH of film celebs . ' . .• all from Erie. All persons interested in said estate are Youth Council requests t h a t be the instructor of this class. hereby notified that a petition liaa been The rummage sale held by TalThere will be one hour of instruc- there be no dating for this affair. filed in eaUl Court, praying for the proBerle-ing Milton ignites: "Aftmud Torah will take place Monbate of a certain Instrument now on file tion and one hour of social danc- We prefer that it be strictly stag. in said Court, ptirportiOK to bs the last ing. There is no charge for en- Everyone from the ages of 15 to day and Tuesday at 710 West er seeing 'Foreign Correspondent,' will ana testament of saia toee&ssfi, and I thank God we live in a country Broadway. 50 are urged to attend. that a hearing will be had on Bald p«U« rollment in tills class. All chiltlon before said Court on Die 23r4 day where we still use airplanes just Bundles fvill be picked up Sundren from the ages of 11 to 15 of November, 1840, and that H they (Ail to spell out Pcpsl-Cola!" day morning. Anyone having any are urged to atten'd. to appear at eaid Court on the said 23rd Oneg Sli&bBat is asked t& please call Mrs. E. (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- day ot November, 1940, at 9 o'clcok A, ' I / . — . .„ M,,,to contest the probate of eaid will, graphic Agency, Inc.) the - Court taay allow and probate said There will be a joint O n e g Yudelson, 31062. Sls&are Zion will and grant administration of said Shabbat t h i s Saturday a t , the estate to Weta Simon or some other suit* The first royal grant to export YOUXG. JUDAEA' home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Roable person, enter a decree of helrahip* The first Sabbath evening servgrain and horses to America was and proceed to a settlement. thereof. The Young Judaeans held their ice of the season will take place den, 2-130 W e s t ' S o l w a y , at 3 BRYCE CHA.WF0ED, made by the rulers of Spain to a ll-l-40-3t. County Judge. on-Friday evening, November 1, o'clock. Mrs. Abe II. Baron will meeting. at the home of Babotto Marrano, Luis de Santangel. at 8 o'clock. Itabbi Monroe Levens preside and will introduce Rabbi Goodman, Octqber 27. The meet.of .Dcs Moines will be the guest Monroe Levens of Des Moines as ing was opened with the singing of "God Bless Amer)c.a," and respeaker. His sermon theme is guest speaker. ;: "Balancing the Books." Mr. Max Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Benciting the Young Judaean pledge. The winner of the test given Friedman and Mr. Arnold Baroa Sekt and Mrs. M. A. Grueskin, Mrs. William Masie and Mrs. Vic- by the president, Harriet Kubby, will act as hosts to the service. The following amendment to the Constitution of the State of -.A social hour sponsored by the tor Masie. Cantor Pernick will was rewarded with a prize of one braska will be submitted to the electors of thia State for approval oi dollar offered by Mrs." L. H. lead in the singing. Women's League of Shaare Zion rejection at tho general election to be held November 5, 1940: Cohen. honoring the • newly n a m c d The meeting waa closed with couples, visitors and guests will \Be it Enacted by the People of the StaU of Nebraska: Hatikvah. . follow the service. Mrs. Phillip Sherman is chairman of the so.. •' Section 1. ; Thst See. 1, Article VII, Constitutlea of the state 1of| cial hour. Nc1>rasSa, 1875, and tfe several amendments thereto, < including'.* the The Emesel club's meeting for amendsVsnts proposed by the Constitutional Convention of lSlfMMfy this week was held at the homo and aea|ited at the special election Iseld on tha 21st day of September,! ' Junior Congregation will meet . ',.*'.' of Elaine Meyerson. Following 1920, be sniendecl to read as follows: Saturday morning at 10:45. Re(Continued from Page 1.) the business m e e t i n g refreshfreshments will be served by^ Mr. "Sec.' 1. Tha Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer,-. Attornen and Mrs. Sam honor cept of a nation's "Neutrality" ments were served. General j and Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, under thf! of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, has been abandoned under the direction of the Legislature, constitute a board of commissioners, ;forj Hersche'l, which was celebrated present system of naming an ag- SLUMBER PARTY-. . • - . ; - ' tha sale, leasing, and.general management of all lan& tm& funds/*sett last Saturday. gressor, Miss Marilyn Saltzinan enter- apart for educational purposes, atid for the investment of schoo! funda,l The three speakers b r ie f 1 y tained a t . a slumber party at her in such maiiner as may bs prescribed by law." Orthodox Synagogues touched on the situations in Eu- home last Friday evening followSec. 2. That an additional section bo inserted in Article rope, the Far East, Pan-America ing the A. L.-Central football Constitution of -Nebraska, to bo known and numbered as follows: game. Bridge was the evening'o and Russia. Russia, they felt, did Friday night services will begin not want to fight at the present "Sec. 11. This amendment (1940) shall I)«self-ex_ecutiK^,; an* at the Orthodox synagogue at •after it becomes effective,,sll statutes and laws and provisions of thia C:30.and Saturday morning serv- time and would probably remain Constitution referring to the present Board of Educational Lands anil ices will commence at 9. Rabbi neutral unless her vital interests Funds shall meaa and include, while in1 effect, said board at commissionS. I. Bolotnikov -will speak at the were affected. ers, the Board of Educational Lands'and Fund3, -as'constitutocl MroB'ys Japan, the participants in the Eeth Abraham synagogue during and this amendment shall bo in full force and -take effect on the- first) discussion felt, had been scared the morning services. Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1941." "senseless" by America's opposiItev. and Mrs. N. Goldwasser of tion. Sec. 3. That at the nenoral election in November, 1040, thero slsaE Chicnso visited over the-holidays be submitted to tho electors of tho stato of Nebranlca for opprovall The Bank of Lima failed in with Itabbi and Mrs. S. I. Bolotnior rejection upon^ a fccllot ceparsto frosn thr.t upon T/bicli tho named l:ov. Rev. Goldwasser was a guest 1C34 after the leading merchants of candidates appear, tho following amendment to tha Constitution speaker during the holidays at the of the city were executed for $uwhich is hereby proposed by tlio Logid^ture;' end tho amendment daising. aforesaid chali bo published ones veek for four vreelsa in at leas^ Orthodox synagogues. ono le^al nev/tspape? in cacli county -where" a Icj^al no%7spaper is pub* FOLMIC&I, ADVURZISEHENT MS'ICAk ABVCRTJSEMENT Hshed immediately precadiss^ c-sid election. Said ballot for tho cub-l Ml mission of oaid proposed amendment ohnll be in tho following forrj: ro.

Initiate A. W* IL en,

LEGAL.NQTIGE AS T O M E A S U R E T O B E VOTED' ••• U P O N N O V E M B E R 5 , 1 9 4 0 ;; V ; '

PROPOSE© COKGTiTUTIONAL AnENDKEHT • "FOR an amendment to tlio Constitution of tha state of Nc fJoction 1, Arliclo Via, and Article XVII, endthe provic^ _asfca thatEmending the Superintendent of Public'Instruction'shall, from .first t h t thafter S itha t dfirst e tTuesday : o£ Public instruction shall, from tlio &vc Thursday in January, 1941,'be a member-of. the board of commissioners, commonly imOTm - as-tha'Board of Educational Lands and Sfunds and providing that said amendment shall be' effective oa-tho-first'Thursday after tho first Tuesday: in\January, 1941M>>"«f*

' ' L S O ' ^ A E S D S . •:":. •••

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"AGAINST an amendment.!? tho,Consttttttion_of the state . ' : ••: 'Wied

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HARRY R. SWANSOM. Seerotary ol Stato

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