November 29, 1940

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1 kird ISook To Me Held Monday

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ltabbi David A. Goldstein will pjfcfaesit the third of his series of nnual CoKiEftaitlty Affair Book Evenings iiiis Monday, Deceinber 2, at the new Beth Ei To Be Held ©a synagogue. . He lias chosen for review "The She »o of the Star-Gazer," by Zsolt de Har. The Nineteenth ititniial cityA m e r i c a n Rt.fl Cr&seat ion &•'<;La boc Feted Befor< wide F&thei1 aud fton l*&wjufct sanyi. This is a novel based on nounces MeEniierslsip Application dttQ ct its tiie toi'u] (spoKSored l»y the (Social Service tlie life of the famous astronomer, new imikllMK i--thtt and s.t' Departure Committee of the Jewish Federa- Galileo. ' itniday, De- Name tion and the Omaha B'nai li'iitli, ce'tuber J. A testhmmial nieclitig fciisl i'c-« Address iu cooperation witli the A. K. A. An entire dar itivities has ci^tion was Iield last Bight at the been planned. ' uilding will City Jewish CoiMBMteitity Center tov , chapters 1 and 100, will be held be opened at 10 a. n.. for«Jnspec-_ Membership: $1, f 5, $10, $25. William It. Hol/itUKM, president of . this Sunday eveidng at 0 o'clock tho Jewish Fedewttlon, who in tion by members and friends. I am enclosing; fit the Jewish Comoiuisity Center. leavin;; for IUI ittdefinito ataj on The quarterly meeting of t h e Isadore Abramsou will be toast-..,., tho West Coast. Midwest District Conference of Currency piaster of the ovening. J. J. Friedthe "Workmen's Circle Branches Check Chairman of tlio affair was man, prominent communal workHarry A. Wolf. Opening remarks and Auxiliaries will, be held in the er, will deliver the message for were made by ltabbi David A. Cisterhood Is to morning. Delegates and guests Money order Goldstein. Others who spoka the fathers, and Charles Beber from Sioux City, Lincoln, D e s Sporasoa* Event Mail to briefly were Dr, Philip Slier, KabMoines, South Omaha and Omaha will respond for the BOBS. bi David II. Wice, and Morris E. will lie present. . AMERICAN'BED CROSS Stuart Silbar will recite the inClimaxing the day's activities 1915 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Jacobs. A Good-Will Itmchcon and provocation and Albert Feldman will A testimonial resolution, exPlease send me a memberwill be the banquet and concert to gram will I*o -giv<eu at 1 p. IH. pronounce the benediction. pressing the gratitude of the comship card, button and window be held at the hew building at C 'Monday, December 3, sit-Temple • " Community fJiogiisg munity for Mr. Holzman'g activisticker. . Harry Duboff, chairman of the Israel - undejr the auspices of the p. m. ties and philanthropies, was read . For 18 years the Labor Ayceum Center Musical 'Committee, will Temple Sisterhood. ' by Harry SHverman,. and a gift lead community singing. Movies Each of the1 Sisterhood mem- association made its headquarters was presented to Mr. Ilolzman on in its own building at Twenty-sec•will bo shown at the end of the bers will bring a non - Jewish behalf of the community by ond and Clark streets. This -site program. friend as a guest. Henry Monaky. Reservations for the affair are Feature of tUe program will ba was purchased by t h o Federal Ilccciutlon IMIo.ivs Housing Authority for the new fifty cents a plate and may be an inter-faith dialogue between Members of the Center Boy addition of the Fontenello-homes. made at the-office of the Jewish Dr, John Milton Phillipa of the Scout troop, under the leadership To uphold the tradition of havCommunity Center. Central Congregational church, of Scoutmaster Dr. Abe Faier, Members o£ the Social Service and Rabbi David H. Wice of the ing its own homo, the association participated in a flag ceremony. made plans to build at the present Comialltco include: Dr. Philip Temple. The benediction was given by Rher, chairman, If;ruloro AbrainA musical program will be pre- location. -With the completion of Mews Commentator Will Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky. tsou, Dr. Iicon i \ H m n , Dr. 1.1. I. c<onted by Mrs. Henry Monsky, this building-, the association will Following the meeting, a' recepGordon, Williau L. Hoiz-arm, <-?iairr.ian of tho meeting, Mr. Mas continue to promote eultutal and Lecture Here tion was held in the Center gymn* Philip KliitrnlcU, f:alovin Mlt-h- Gchcuerman, musical director of social activities. Dec. 10 . asium. Mrs. William Lazcre, prefjlilck, Rabbi David It. \Y'?e. I?nU>l tho .Toruyle, and Mrs. Ksthei I rut ident of tho Women's Division, David A. <Ji»l.l'.t(!ti, K:!-M J. As the third epeRlrci* on its cor- and Mrs. Henry • Bclmont, cha!v)tacl:oviil;y, ,-»xl III.'. IT. A. \.'olf. llitbolf. liian of the Women's DlvlRloa pi*o» IT-,*. f':-'i ;ift?jln$o>tf prf,'i'"Q.t rent io», tho Center Foraui will grata ^ommlttm,- were k\- charge., - • ( ' , '•' •• % W i l l I'T * '•* • * Drew 1 ' n u r s o n , noted pol!ti«-gl A committee of women ftsaisteci. Music was furnished by tlio Iii\,. , . u r ry Rosenftld h in She'topic of BIr. :coinmcntctor. Community Center Lltllo charge o£ Uno luncheon and.Mrs. Pearson's talk will be "Washing- Jowiah Symphfany Orchestra under the diI.'OUIG Illllcr ia co-chairman. Memton Merry-Go-Round." rection o£ Al Fliilio. bers of tl>o resisting committee In collaboration with Robert S. are: Mc-:,il:.nicj Joseph Weinberg, Midwest Conference Is to Allen, Pearson has conducted tho Joo Rosecfe'd, Bert Hene a n d . Be-Held Tho1 Free Employment well-known column "Washington St. Joseph of the Jewish Community Center Clarence Bergman. Merry-Qo-Round," which ia syndireportg for the- month of Hoveri- . riro. Edi/ard Rosen will have cated In papers f r o in ^oaat to «.' surge of tho nerving. Reservaber, it hau been able to place A group of. Omniums will this coast. He also''conducts-a' regular tions are being accepted by Mrs. Sunday seven youn,™ u^n and women. . attend..-tho Midwest, Re- radio program of the same name. Mro. Albert B. Novman, chair- Harry Rosenfcld, GL 0400. He ia considered one of t h e gional meeting of the Union of man of the Employment Bureau, leading experts and writers on American Hebrew Congregations On Tuesday, December 2, at 7 is in her office at the Community to be held Sunday in St. Joseph, foreign affairs in t h e United o'clock, the Hound Table of Je\/Center every Monday morning States and his extensive contacts, ish Youth will hold its regular from 10 until 12. Representatives of 18 congrega- both at homo and abroad, have monthly meeting at tho Jevriuli She i3 interested in talking tions in Missouri, Kansas, Iowa made him one "of the greatest Community Center. President Irv with any young man or woman sources of public information In Nogg urgoa every delegate to atand Nebraska will participate. in need of employment, and will Louis^E, Lipp, president of tho Washington, , endeavor to help them find work. tend and to be prepared to tlir.Since 1919 ho haa traveled ex- cusa the following matters on tho The Jewish Community Center Temple * Israel Men's club, -will tensively and for many years act- agenda: The February dance; tho in a symposium on the is planning to organize several participate subject, "The Message of Religion ed as foreign correspondent for survey of local Jewish-youth; tlio teen-age clubs In response to the in a Troubled World." He will American newspapers. annual Stage-nito; and the comHe appeared soveral years ago ing oratorical contest. " numerous requests of unafflli- speak on "Religion—a Check to in Omaha and -.was acclaimed at nted high school girls who are the Perversion of Truth." Under tho -leadership of a hardthat time for his Interpretation of Mrs. Ben Silver will respond working stafI headed by Elaine interested in tho many opportunithe current news scene. to the address of welcome a.t tho Devotee3 of the Modern Banco ties that young people may enjoy afternoon session. Attmiqsion to the lecture will be Lagman, the.Round Table Bulletin made a.second .appearance this will have a special claca p! their aa members of a group. by Forum ticket. • ,, ; The Omaha delegation will inweek with 11 pages of news, feaown at tho Jowiah Community AH girlo interested are cordial- clude: Rabbi David H. Wlco, Mr. ture;?, editorials and other Stems Center, every Wednesday evening ly invited to a special meeting to and Jlra. Morris B. Jacobs, Mr. at 6:45, beginning Wednesday, bo held at tho Center at 3 o'clock and Urn. Louis E. Lipp, Mr. and Phi Beta Kappa to'"' of Interest. Tho bulletin committee han arDecetaber 4. Mies Dorothy Shop- on Sunday afternoon, December 1, Mrs. Ben Silver, Ih: and lira. Sam hord, who directs tho C e n t e r when plans will bo m a d e for Robinson, Mr. end Kra. Sam Leon Hold Annual Dinner ranged to hold a special meeting vlth Dr. Royco V/cst, pubHcity Dance s t u d i o , will . direct the croups of various high school and Kr. and Mrs. J. II. Newman. Members of Phi Beta Kappa, director and journaliain pinfrcsor group, which is betas formed in a goa. These clubs will fe:,turo Rabbi George Zepin of Cincinresponse to the request of mem- social affairs, programs, trips and nati, secretary of tho Union, v/111 national odiolastic fraternity, will of Omaha university, to analyao bers of tho business and profes- tho chance to form lasting friend- bs gucjst r-pcakor at tho evening hold their Founders day banquet tho monthly ft n d to formulate on December 5. plans for improvement.",. sional* girls' gym clarcca. banquet meeting. ships. Included in tho membership of Tho staff includes the followSpecial emphasis v,i21 bo placed tho local group arc: Rabbi a n d ing: Editor-in-chief, Slninc Lacon" poise, grace and plasticity of Mro. David H. Wlce, Mro. Bon man; fcaturd o d i t o r , WiHard movement. The chief purpose of Silver, Lira. Philip Romonolc, Har- Friedman; news editor, Re /a I3orthe class is to help etch person ry B. Cohen, Donald Brodkoy, dy; cocletj editor, Until Rosen-. develop celf-confidence and physiMrs. David A. Goldstein, I,\ir. Ilos- otcln; cporta cJitor, Llyron .aubcal grace through body-buildins nicl:, Elizabeth Hart, Arnold Hoff- nlts; circulation editor, Ilirriet routines. man, and Bernice Bordy. GciCmnn;, D o l o r e s Tho lato Rabbi' li'redoricl: Colin Sklar and Cul^yn Hoffmr.n, and Chesed Si' IVP=3 ^'ice-presklcnt oi! the local Production editor, Shirley Krhn, chapter at the time o£ h!a death. Featured in the special • house to be built in a rmrm cliTo G?.ve Card WartyCs;?.(Lo' ntuabc? of the "Avclsl-mate. Hia dauRhter, Mrs. Silver, xrst for mr.ny yeara E'ccrc-tr.ry o£ the OiaaThis coming Monday t'vs Chesed Ccctural Por;nu" Is tho wor!s.o'C-n .. Follov/iiif! hla education in the ha c Slid Ernes-wllf. giva "La "annual yonii™ Or?al5a- r.rcWtoct, Joccph Omaha public EJCIIOOIC, Stein atcard party and tlcsETt Innclioon AI?c:a Stein, poa o£ Kr. niul, Elra.' tonded tho Univerrlty of Nebraska for t\:u :rciv~ r.ud *vaa thea at tho Jewish Comn-mlty Center, J l h a Btcln. r awarded a ::c .ilii3lnn at the Uni• Mrs. William M i l f l o r io in At p r e s e n t aooociatcd with versity o£ Ilhnols. WIiHo at Illicharge o£ ticket cales. Giesory Ain-in Los Angclcn, Stein nois lie won a fellowship r.t tho Presidents".nisht ^viii be The following are members .of lisa been city plansiu,*; consultant observed Monday, Docc-tubcr 3 by; the committee in charge of re-, iOi' the L03 Angeles City HOUSIHG Academy at Fontr-fcV.iicau, Franco. ih'i Os\nha ho&zo of B'nr.i 'g'zlllu He also attended tho CranbrooU fresiimenta and door prises: Mos-' AH'for»ncr her.tln of tho loilrc- \."ilS Academy near Eeire'.l. dames S. Fish, J. Fluids, J., Authority. ' Officers be ebctcu r-t Hio . Tho current iraue of! tho "Ar1 Kaplan, and II. R; Tiild v.'liilc n"ll c ctuii-cnt at Cvcs.- nc::t mosting oi the CE;-\?I", H-"- bo prs:;fnicd f.-ith tokenj tC ;.;r-» t Clubti Sundpy p.t the Jtwiali chitcr'.Hrrl 5"orura" trr.cea tbo.Ce- brbok hia work r.ttrcetcd LIio at- bro'-." vc!OFi-*\.nt o£ design' in factory tention of thc""ArchttocLur".I For- Cc:ruunity Csator. A briof roDtimo o£ cac"? eac'n r.p.1 dnriitj; tho pest dorado, um." An ftino'.idmcat to ehrnfro tho tan"-ro of ofiico trill be r.lxv.. f I-7s V.vs v/crV.i •;.-;.Ji r.vxh l". 3r«i- iryot'.Bi; U:ao frrtu fon? to E. -Jacob" ~-p,<i to h",vonr.u Si .Cc~cicfl to tho X'Grli c> iv:Seo ' C:rA<: v.w\ .rnfr-^Iu^ *Uv z:\: tciacnt A^.cricr.r, r.rc'::t:cl3-r><: iriy ll ":c ;• "'{:;2 ?c-r .} e^er-lrcr ?.i tho dia"."/Ill n . . ir^'-jllr;; io"xL "hA-\ "dvciC:, fyr Ka':n, u'illlc."i G-ilw>,\ v.nti lilchaor WG *!a3 cH t^o Altr,;:^ club r.rcTiitoct'3. ta "..' U S cc f/ir crt Kc-r.liv.. • last night at Lie ITor.lcr ^\le. Cte-ir.'fj T'lsas a low cost (





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••22,- S. &-4S

&fc &. .55. A. No. I A, Z. A. Ko. A. P. T. .



SUNDAY GAMES November S-i A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Adier's Bakery. A, P. T. vs. liiitulH ri'avei'E, A. Z. A. No. l « 0 The basketball games at t h e C e n t e r last Sunday produced plenty 'of red hot action as both games were not decided until the final whistle had blown. The play was much improved and the boys were beginning to show midseason form. In the first game the Lincoln Taverns gained an early lead and were ahead at half tirae, 18-0, but-in the last half the A. Z. A. No. 100 kids showed a reversal of form and with but three minutes to go they had .evened the count, 21 all. ,•


h u t v u t e e c o s t u t o a i t 3 h y t «vc l .i V / c I f e i e o i f s i 6.tiaua i off llio l V / l l War, W !»f,M ! M sal tha h TCJSIIJ T I of the Ualiaowa Soldier at A Arlltogteti* l Represented d

cud Geergo €-« (Center) la tho Jewish Wel« G € Cohen C h (C were the 'Natioaal Jewish Welfare Board, the fare Board Representative. Tfa© National lie* National Catholic War Ckraacil stad ICaighta ef creation Aesacktioa epossorecl iho ceremonies.

Max Turner sank a long one for the Lincoln five and they stalled until the final whistle, with the game ending 23-21. Melviue Levine and Stan Cohen looked good brought up the matter of better for the losers, while Goldiug wa3 lighting in the handball courts. high point man for tlte winners, With eight points. Boxing. Boxing classes teaching the art The second game provided the of self-defense will start at tho large crowd a thriller with the Center. Classes will be held on lead changing hands continually. Monday and Wednesday evenings The Adler's emerged victorious at 8 and Sundays at 11 a. m. Inover the A. P. T. quintet by the structors will be Physical Direcnarrow margin of 24-22. Through tor Lee Grossman and Lou Levy. the efforts of Leo Sherman with Plan to join now, there is no his nine points in the first half charge for joining these classes. the score at half time stood at 13 all. In the second half the A. P Swim Newa T. matched their rivals in basket3 but Jimmy Burrough's two free I5y HOWARD BHIKEOCK throws spelled defeat for the fra-! J. V. V. S'.vlTiiining Instructor ternity team. When a mistake has been made in regard to records broken or Himclball records made this column hastens The J. C. C. Senior Handball to retract. Two such errors were players took it on the chin from made last week. Norman Polonthe Y. M. C. A. handballers in sky was credited with holding the inter-club competition at the Y. 20-yard swim record of 10.4 secM. C. A. last Wednesday for the onds, while a re-check of the recfirst time. The Center players ords disclosed that Stanley Feltr Switched partners as a few of the man was the holder of that parboys could not show up and they ticular record and the time is lost, 3-2. Only Sam Zorinsky and 10.2 seconds. Murry Wintroub and Jake Adler and Max Turner could annex from Paul Zelinsky was credited with their foes. a one-minute 17-second underThe purpose for these matches water submergence when he had Is to create goodwill between the really stayed under for one minCenter and the "Y." All of us ute 18 seconds. In bringing this that can attend .these matches latter fact to light Paul tried Bhoud do so not only to see sonic again and held his breath under f ino handball games but to show the waves for a total of one minbur fine sportsmanship to those ute 21 seconds, shattering his old that deserve it. Make it a point record by four seconds."' Thereto attend these matches. fore the records are now set right Results of last week's play:, and it is hoped that these boys 1 Seniors •, will not Bit tight on their past P a t McGIll and 7<ihn Casey, Y.- defeated Henry Relkea and Sol Ya«e, 21-12, 21-20. performances and will strive to BUI Wright and Frank Annania, Y, de- better them. .

feated Paul Grossman and Dave GoMtvare, 21-12 21-3. • Carl Scheer and Tony .Morroceo, Y. defeated Sam and Jack Ban,-, 21-1G, 21-12. K Sam Zorlnslsy and Murray Wintroub, J. C. C , defeated Bill Pratt- and Gus CwaJnla, 21-161:144; - " Jack Adler and Max Turner, J4 C. C , defeated Dutch Hebrew and Fred Annanta, 21-11, 21-18.

Four boys, Harold. Slarer, Sidney Huderman, Harold Mozer and Charles Fredkin, all v/orking enthusiastically in improving their aquatic proficiency tried a new training stunt last Sunday. The stunt, bobbing in deep water is a rigorous and difficult drill. Many university swimmers perform this drill five hundred times without stopping. • •

The Junior boys of the Center bhut out the "Y" Juniors at the Center handball courts, 5-0. Our boys haven't lost a match to the Y. IvI. C. A. kids since the intorClub matched started. The four mentioned boys starting this workout did not stop unResults: til they had exceeded the univerJan'on TSoh Frcnnlcln. 3. C. C. defeated Jack sity swimmers workout but conXJvlProton, £1-10, 21-18. tinued until they had bobbed from E!-:i Fcltmnn. J. C. C , defeated Ralp'.i six hundred to over fifteen hunLeake, jr.. 21-14, 21-13. '- "I/sxi Slut7lsy, J C. C . defeated Al dred times. Harold Tvlozer ac?etrr.:on, 21-11." 17-21. 21-1 l t d Levine iind'-Ffltffinn. J. C. C. de- complished sixteen hundred flfvyfeats! Lcalic r.r.4 Llvincston, 21-16, 18-21, seven bobs, with Charles Fredkin "^1-7 doing cisteen hundred thirty" ClutzUy defeated JLyle Nlnhtlnsale, 21three. 31, 21-12. Athletic Oommittrc Tho Athletic Committee met at C dinner meeting last Thursday evening nt the Center. Those present included Chairman Les Burlienroad, G e o r g e Bernstein, Aao Broukey, J.iraes Burroughs, \izva Epstein, Lee Grossman, Earl SItg.'J, I:' Trctiak and Sol Yaffe.

tiou Artay,H&lI&)i&I Recreation , Yotuig I»lk »*8 Ci uLtiui Atu»ciat£ou» Axi»t-it.tioa. My. *C a M Youag V/onau*8 V/onau8 A »t

Bobbing consists of dropping the body to the bottom c£ the 'pool in deep water, then ohovinc off the bottom vith the foot until tho head breaka tlio surlaco v/hero they remain jurt ions enough to gulp in a mouthful o£ air, then the downward plunge bepinn over again. Closer and Fredkin spent nearly an hour in their bobblnrr marathon. /.t, tho mootiPS' plans were d'is! :.rr.-'.t! lor r, Ctnter varsity basu With the Tlidv/cstem A. A. U. f:ci ?U xcjr.i. Tho chairman advJ"-. 1 rar.;\\t*i^ ,Tym ceiling had cv.immiisg and (living champion";•• ".r. rniajljil asul that tho pool ships Tor senior men not many ^ dfcaar;.! rfrain In a short \7cel:n f.vry it behooves thos3 fi;>ita ' A''- infjrti'nt oi'de? of v/ho nxe excellent niaterir.l for ^r'ii"'O:-" w •> tin,- f iproval and ac- thir, moot to r-Lnrt training In .;»r ,\; n,-;o of r~o"T ou f..;iinrock as prep.iiiition £ov tliir; "Kentucky .:{.Immlns; i-^ir;*ctoiv !3ol Yaffe Dor'^y" o£ srimmins meets. ifJiero

will be events for J. C. C. Junior boys and girls in this forthcoming meet and as time is growing shorter • those who are interested in performing in the biggest swimming meet of the Indoor seaeon had better make tracks for the swimming tank as soon as possible. It in hoped that such aquatic luminaries as Stanley Feltinan, Norman Polonsky and "Bu'cky" Greenberg will perform in this aquatic festival. There .must be many; others with the ability to

Mouldering away in dim comers of libraries scattered all over the world there are eighty yellowed documents whose faded ink records an astounding story of Jewish intellectual achievement of which the world at large is almost totally unaware... They are mathematical dissertations by medieval Jewish savants who made discoveries centuries before the world caught up to them. If all of their works had become available to mankind Immediately, the clock of human progress would have been set forward • many revolutions. But in many cases, these great scientific achievements were locked in Europe's ghettoa with their authors, and forgotten, and the world waited until others made the same discoveries long afterward. In other cases, tho mathematical accomplishments were put to work, but their authors were forgotten.One of the few people who know about these precious records is Dr. Jekuthiel Ginsburg, head of the mathematics department of Yeshiva College in New York, and editor of the non-secmathematical magazine, atarian "Scripta Mathematical' published under Yeshiva's imprint. It was Dr. GInsburg who supplied tho examples of Jewish mathematical discoveries of the Middle Ages which are recorded here, and which represent only a fraction of the total. - Every school child knows the name of Edmund Halley, the great English astronomer who lived from 1056 to 1742. Halley'awide popular fame is due, of course, to his prediction of tho return every seventy years of tho spectacular comet which bears his

mako a Ehowlng too. Report to the swimming pool as Boon as you can to beglu training. Approimately 40 Junior boys are taking swimming In tho J. C. C. pool. About half that number of Junior girls are splashing about learning the fundamentals of'tho aquatic art. There is a need for a few more Intermediate- and Senior mea to round out our swimming program. Make it a habit, men, to: Write it on your Memo Pad, "Gone to the J. C. 0. to play!" ••

name, but hl3 most solid scientific monument 13 his introduction of an entire branch of mathematics spherical trigonometry, one of the most abstruse and difficult of mathematical subjects. • ilalley's Indebtedness Almost all existing texts on spherical trigonometry, to this day are derived from Halley's book on the- subject. In the introduction to hi3 work, Halley acknowledged that his

was ' based oa" Hebrew Arabic, •-•iiiaaiis'eriptv asid..tfeat &. was helped ia the .writing.'by a Jewish scholar whose taiae be"di4 set record. ' ' ' wh.0 are familiar with lialley's writings ia the- ofigliad are' aware that actually his book is a word by word translation from the Hebrew of a book Ly Jacob bea Mother, a pupil of lviaiatG,»ides, who lived and worked six centuries betoie Halley. So'closely did the English scientist follow Ids Hebrew original that la his manuscript, at points where he was not sure of the translation of a Hebrew word, he produced it in Hebrew characters. The greatness of Jacob bea Mocher's master, Maimonides, is, . of course, widely acknowledged, though lie hardly receives the place in most general history to which his contributions to human progress entitle him. If. Halley has had a great influence on modern life, it Is dwarfed by that of Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of the mod-. em English language. The author of the Canterbury Tales was also aa astronomer. Some years ago in a Hebrew manuscript In th© Columbia University library, ft. page waa discovered which closely resembled a page of Chaucer, But it was written by Abraham Ibn Ezra, who lived 300 years ba» fore the great Ungilsh poet. That particular item was published by Columbia. By contrast, consider the fate of the Zacuto Almanac. Abraham ben Samuel Zacuto \?aa one of several Jewish astronomers whose nautical alinanacs were used by early inarinera. Ilia work xearned immortality because it was one used by Columbus on the voyage when be discovered America. Almost simultaneously w i t h Coluinbus's •disembarking in Saa Salvador to take possession of half the world In the name o£ Ferdinand and Isabella, Zacuto, by their Spanish majesties' order, was being driven out of Spain. Ho took refuge in Portugal, where he became court astronomer until, In 1496, he was again driven out, eventually wandering to Turkey, where ho spent tho rest of his life. Columbus's was not tho only voyage in which Zacuto had a ! hand. He helped to organize Vasco da Gama'a expedition, which was equipped with a new type as-' trolabe (forerunner of- the sextant) which he invented, the first made of iron Instead of wood.\» A quarter of a century ago, tho Portuguese Government remembered Zacuto's great contributions to science and discovery - - remembered, them under the label "made in Portugal." His almanac was translated into Portuguese and published. Not willing to have Portugal steal all tho glory of his'work, Spain soon followed suit with an edition of tho almanac fn Spanish.




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racies a i e v n u k o viil tutufc •« t <• J. U l _- t w t f » I ' -<CU i ' J o - \*c . vih all t» At W( fet us in cur cctui>Jii&tiGu to &e-ibll UttKfciib. ie tun of 1 1 ot ?ar h'akt up t«. BecauB'd Fracce Iia<3 a loag lory iioiA fc* * -'" -t»t <kiyt." "When we sliall have achieved liyer France from a ruthless and rh<j fights fcv 3 truly for Ch .urchill, * tr-E,diticn us a haven for the a uialigBant tyranny. Because victory, not only will the wrongs justice cannot be permanently done in France itself be righted, eiiled &u.& tlie op&resuefi," the <loue ia r«iteat d«ye,' iii atrcgat- Fraii.ce aa for



Hollywood — James Uoosevelt listened to the election returns here in the home of his friend, Attorney G e o r g e Cohen . . . Speaking of the campaign . . . a pal Bought to stump Jack Pearl with the question, "Why can't a woman be President?" The everready "Baron" replied, "Because for that office a person must be 35 years of age . . . and what woman would ever make such an admission?"

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nccx O-Koy tvissl s:? C?cec? issfeaaeaEsgwsEBffigiftaaBaaii

Monday and Tuesday Uit Roo-rved tow Pfisrato Pafftiea


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Speaking of Charlie . . . and who isn't? . . . b a c k in 1912 he v,ras troiipins eastern citlc3 with Karno's Pantominla company. I t was from this job that ho made the decisive jump to Keystone, c i n e m a , and celebrity status. Chartia ID mulling over all these B. C. (Before Coloneal) days a s fodder for a fitoUBical based on ,hia own llfo of oarly straggles 'through London music halls and .vaudeville ups-and-downs.

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And • . . while we're dtssttssg off (lie shelves . . . A l i a HflElmova was cnotJier pictrarts pioneer. 1910 d i e did a filla for the. late Lewis 3. Selznlcl: <tother of D. O. S.) at one thousand greenbacks n day, vtirMins a p with thirty thon esisd dollars. N

<3©IG Fcrr

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They're putting oat Oao B. W. O. sign on " t h e Great Dictator" . . . oua theater celling tickets eight weelis' fa advance. . . a tciwnillion-dollai" g r o s s is nnticlpUed. Ttaa when Hcrr OoebVels t h e other fiay ••enlightened" t h e German public via uhoH wave tliafc tho picture wea playlcg t o half empty theaters, U n i t e d Artists it^kUrd . . . dcincacied a COSTCCtfoii of his "nilatakc." Ho far, tlus wires are Crosses^ with t»llenco . . .




A ccena In "Flotsam" calls for tho Woodrow Wilson station ia Prague whore etanda a otatuo of the American President. Popularly dubbed, "Saint Wilson," the statue often was adorned w i t h flowera even after tlio German occupation . . . that'is, until a eolclier was placed there to halt the hero worohip. Timo Bettiac of the picture' is 1937. Today, they cay, ttiero is no Woadrow Wilson station . . . It baa bcon renamed by tho" "new order."

i 1312 BOUOL/iO 0 7 . T5IE DEST

Ccsvlca en

Gmafl Clontttfy Payraento

Wewcoft reciialt Ccoai lals^' to low . priced •ejitcEtcfameni Is Titscfea Scf Sol. . . haa lbccn l o d Co? &n tesporteut felt In the nest "6 C h l " l S


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, 1210 So. tb St. •

States a preo3 releace: "The Frits Feld-Virginia Kraft nuptials were postponed this woeh becanco of "That Uncertain Feeling." Oil my goodnecs . . . we o&ould think eo . . . g t who owns a r KC:-? a nr.val tarainlag fits'A ia C."ilcc~o, a^TCrtSscs:uHm lf fs .yoss,- rasa." In ethesr tlio O o y s can wolfc i



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i> st Ii*r it" i • l >< u *. . . • *'i.«i !•/ tU, Gi'tlf.. t*" It'llitii," iiA^hta i,f the I r t ish tudl It Ji,.u t>l<.ii» b c I u tva t - i f a iiyiwc viblt to SJbrf broutht down L/ the doiiu In lt.iL l i l t \,x,\M ia litt\,€^u ttujjeo li - It ^ u % Is. England, wt cau utideiut« »d tLe of ids ci (t**4"tou2ilr/ I t t t u i 6 tour ttve I tf > f« t> y skeptical attitude of the Italian . . . la two days lie not oaly de- { people on the question of their livered tferes regular lectures but f own m i l i t a r y effieieaey . . also took isartin the Me&ttag tor They're particularly uaimprcss&d Free F r a n c e .held in protest Lv, ,S t!w[ 1 . . . O ' I B' S t , t t » by t h e i r anti-aircraft defense, agaln&t the abrogatiou ©f a hun-I*i.Oi»c*itif ef tl 9 to.j, J j I, if, "Mfc which is credited with much' flam- dred aod fifty years of religious \JiVi i\i!iiCL," \ , , , . u so wt^vku..* tot age to Italian property &ad toand racial equality ia France . . . I ao^'l*tj«y V*it*a I n j [ L y m d^ 1(3 which the death of General Balbo Sponsors of the meeties were the I «iw a j« .^ifoi — b u t ho *»» ^ k't a is attributed . . . It now appears American <CoHiiQitte& oa Religious iii»tcii. < 1 t o tfie ctt.Uuaflc ti.ttll that it was Italian anti-aircraft Rights and Minorities, the Ameri- by o t y lEit^LS . . . Hit* t b u t i*iuguns which shot down the plane can Federation of L a b o r , the da«,.io.i ^^ttunt", It Li n o w « v in \rhich Balbo was making an American Jewish Coagrcsa a a i % L'.S, Coble |«I^»e L*5 jetp.1 t2«« inspection flight . . . A refugee the Church Peace Union . . . Borne i. IK a lie £ u t OM a ttiec!<ut i!i>y i a of our acquaintance tells us that of the leaders were rather shock" & Cfiicc^o h i g h fcL-iol , ' . . & Field Marshal Hermann Goerlng, ed, however, when—la contrast to itw.i,cltow la Cvtn&tLt Oylila KcHitler's second in coratnand, has other speakers, -who expressed tho Ran, ULOJ/; UiaHu&y otinlv^, a half-brother who is a con-Aryan ous wish that the Vichy govern- " T l h Gtr.r»" cttrreJ M o l l y and who was one of 'Vienna's ment stop its anti-Semitism—Van Paassen declared that ho would leading film executives for years Sjfelss. Is Earsrrying Afeo Bllstela, . . . And that when the Nazis he most uahappy if the Fascist Molly's KCcoaipanist . . . marched into Vienna a couple of years ago special orders were issued providing that the half-Jewish half-brother of the Kaal air chief was not to be molested In any way. . . REFUGEES AhJi ., Among the unfortunates heiil In French coneentfftttoia camps now Long since considered a melt- oacan, Veracruz and what is now that Hitler la the boss of what ing-pot of the world, Mexico can Mexico City. Scattered over the used to l>e ~ the laud of Liberty, actually boast of colonies of In-country,'hundreds of miles apart, Equality and EVatcrnlty ere ra&ny dian Jews. v_ Fifty people ia Venta the^Jews lost eoatact with one thousands Of Spaniards who were Prieta, State of Hidalgo, a t e wanother. Tho majority Intermarforced to flee their cooiitrv after hundred In Pauueo, State of Ver- ried with Indiana, Mestizos or tho victory of the Franco Fascists acruz, and several huhdred in aCreoles. A hundred years.and . . . A movement to cnulp Ameri- suburb of Mexico City, have the racial absorption was complete. can fescue' ships to l»ta?» these physiognomy of Iadians but carry Customs changed.' Hebrew wag fighters for democracy to Mexico, on .-traditional Jewish easterns. forgotten. Hamea beeams Seaawhich will he glad to welcome Although neighboring colonies ish Catholic.'Fathers even named them, lias now !>eea launched . . • cling to the -Catholic churcli, a their eons and daughters Jesus Leafier of the movement Is Helen remnant the Spanish Conauca.t, and Maria so they would not atKeller, the iaflv who hea proved no facial of prejudices laavo cprang tract attention. Only Saturday to all the world that .strength-.of up between them aad.tho and a few Jewish holidays woro spirit can overeosna all tinndkans tribes. Tli© reason la: BothJewish Cath- strictly observed. Services were . . . If yoa're Interested in sap* olic aad JTews eassiSer theiaGelves in Spanish. . But, throughporting this. '"AiBCrffun Rescue Mexican esit. In both, the ladiaa held oat the centuries, pork was conBliip Mission" lust afifl.rcsa your sidered-against tho Jewish re'Contribution to MIsi EMIer at 200 straia la predom'la'aat. •What sounds • lite fiction is ligion. Fifth'avenue. New Yorl: . . . TSiey New' Colony say. that the reason, why the Nnssls hacked by history. At tho timo don't want -ex-Kins* Ow>l of Ru-of. tho InqnislUon la Spain, .many : Antl-gemiiisui gerelstcd. At tho /' ^ mania anil • M a g <1 n Ijtincscu to Jews left their - country to go-to beginning of this centaryv? the coma to ,tho' New .-World Is that the-Hear Orieat, Asia Minor and leader of a Jewish community la Hitler ia afraid the' two of -them tho BalkanB.- Tho Jewa who' re- the Stato\of Mlchoacan was'atmight tell /toeriea the t v.n t In raained In Spain clung to their tacked by a g r o u p of fanatic what i s going 4m in -the Balkans religion secretly or urero'convert- peasants who demanded that he . . .'MagdWlncktontnllj!, has beea ed to Catholicism. Ihsa came the •give up Ma religion. ¥/hea be handling the former monarch's coacpiest of Itesdca in 1521 by refused to. reaouaco hia beliefs, business affairs, and, Ws • large Herean Cortes. the faaatiea T/rn&ped him in an properties In Canada and Brazil When the Asetc, Maya and oth- animal .skin-and held him tinder are held mostly in her name . . . er I n d i a n kingdoms had bees boiling' water until-ho died. That conquerefi and subdued, a wave sight the rest o£ tho community of immigration to Mexico -begaa. fled to tho State of Hidalgo. Tblu RANSOM UftPATD , tfeo begfeniag of- tho presFrau Alma H a h l o r-Werfel, Spanish adventurers, s o l d i e r s , marked ent eoloay at Veeta Prieta,. ioAryan wife of novelist Praas Wer- quacks,. Isoreo - thieves, fanners eated'a taw milea- from Fachuca fel, who together with her hus-and artisans flocked -to'-Mexico. City. . With them came tha religiously band has at last found refuge in Dictator Porfirio Diaz fell from this, attributes thelres- persecuted/ . Among. these" were cape from the hands of the Nazis Jews led oa by tha Isopa thai power and tho revolution o£ 1010 to Adolf Hitler's love of music Mexico might provide a sreCago -for began. In the course of the revo. . . Aa the widow of the famous their religious belief a long elnco lution, 1810-1040, tho Jews were liberated. Still they did not daro composer Gustav Mahler, Frau kept secret. to worship publicly. Even at tho Werfel has a- valuable .'..collection The same conditions prevailed present time, Jews aro reticent of musical'.memorabilia, most .of which she, of course, had to leave in Mexico as'in'Spain. Idolatrous in Mexico,- and^the average Mexiin Vienna . . . Ainang the major temples of tho Indian. Mngdoms can imb'wB little'or nothing about • • . •••••''. pieces she rescued, however, "was had .been shattered, the cross of them.' . the original score of Anton Bruck- the church raised and the in- One name stands, out. from'the ner's Third Symphony . . . And quisition implanted la New Spain. rest during this'period of revoluHitler greatly admires this".-work* Here, too, tho Jews''found that tion. L'aureano'Ramirez, the pon and- would like to own tho manu- they must either be converted or of Mexican Jewish .parents, a lawscript . . . Through Intennediariea keep'their-religion "secret. " yer and fervent Jew, tried to lolie offered Frau Werfel 110.000 The majority of tho Jewish im- cate the scattered Jewish tribes. for the ncore . . . She, however, migrants settled in the states of He began a la'borlons search that refused to cell it to him . . . Chilhqualitia, Nuevo Leon, Mlch- lasted from ono month to another What's more, she let tho Nazis tincbrstend that if even a finger were laid on Werfel she would OONALO DUCK by WAIT DSSMSY In.nosISately dispose of tho manuE3dpt In euch a way that Hitler T/ouId never be ablo to get hold Cf it . . . So tho Naais desisted froTS touching tho Jewish author. sad Werfel and his wife and the ja&rrar.eripi are all Dafo In the "URV.2'A States now . . .


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Z srsiciaatie effort will Gooa fes a';*"3 io £z-i& GCHCSC thousands o£ plfsr;!'?^ e7^r,ij>, families in FoJrj-c . * ~s3C" pisn la to seBd food ix-?cf» cS cumzo, that ¥ngo-Slavis $cn.ztvi p-r.-i^"- . . . The British 7%&>i €TO .', '-.I8) *"3 the beneficiary ij' i--s i . T : f:crJ" nuctloa that f3, "«..', Slcj;--'- K'JL ^ill conduct at

wills 'purchases in'; a l l ,. of otar

many up to Bee.

Hero's tha way ^ou oboiro Ira appreciation • Ccr£»f« icnto.

Bofos-o - tlio Sfeoro c 1 o sog Saturelay S 3 0 p ra. Last Day!

Fridey, Noveos.l»er 22, IS40



Now, aeco-fdj'Lt. to h. dispatch from London, tJ.o Liitita recently captured & touch Kaai pilot who liad b e e a vouu'led. Ho abused fiiir&ef, cocfoib and all England-, Yet il ey v t / e m o s t generous with him. They gave him a blood transfusion, pat him in a nice cleasi bed . . . "Hovv, my l a d / ' said the doctor, "you have two pints of good Jewish blood in you. We hope it will improve your manners."


I have f u r t h e r information V-II.IALU \viii Hi (],&<. Jcwi.-S,. \a.T \!.!..]...^ about tliis matter. It came to KM in Jiu'.ij.iuia io J last evening when I was sitting In s of the ( o io i;u! .i..ik. a large chair at my fireplace. You .i ccMiffji.-.- (o ti :J1; i-l ci UJknow what a pleasant wood firts does to a man in a big soft chair. Ih\ /1111 <;le i ul! cad % He sits there following the bright, \Viiih-. i } ^ O:/ £:. !l C)nlj;'jjl.i.j h tracery of the flame and all at t'lll llthse-w U. GYrn!/> once bis mind departs from the i- Ji.wi!-h \v'hf(.h to dif.Ui chair and pursues a gay spiral K'fW Voik (WICS) - - i'i'ul<:,' of fire up the flue. it;-,.;/ <-.'jhJi<ii(_J \i\\\i tins t.'.r Albv-it ):i s it,Kiii \J11 w u e a'i unti-Jevif-h n-tolL-tio Up through the flue to the Ji.uh.ii diaii-iuaii o!' thu Ka<ii;ni.l (Viucil tio.'i isi lUpiiih stars! There, among the stars, (;!' tht; Amcii(,in i'liond.1- t^f tlio the mind learns may things that llcbx'v/ iliiiveit-ily now li-iw. '*!'are unknown to It in its earthJCuno JUtJH.vnirtt who had (iiktm f.aiiii.ui, it V.T.H uatioiihi u l l i u n bound state; for t h e stars,'as L . .. _ J into liimtelt the blood of Maluchi Tho hn-mbirtljlp of (lu; OoiMcil every one knows, see everything. will coiibi^t of hddt;rf; throu;>li';iit KUthi Aiy»U I-ttf of HiooMyn, N. ¥., tu.<iot.;.i m i-uihe U which couio to him through the country vviio \,'iil H.I.OII; '.r il«sFrom the stars I learned the lvrtojr of Yoiuif;' Judaea I;M1 a ihst iieeiton;a*l its tho Un^ sequel of the story of the tough Officers Corps, has been called to active deity to serve in the. Mr.The people thought there might brow University in their respective communities. Nazi into whom two pints of Jew- office of tho Clifef of Clmpl&ins in the Wm? Department. RahM be some good in what Kuno HansActing with Dr. Einstein on tho ish blood were poured. Lev, left, ia shown bidding farewell to Carl Alnert, national presiwurst eaid. They were tired of executive committee pf the Na» Ilia name, as I ascertained, is dent, right, prior to Ms departure this week to undertake Ids new hating and killing by which they tional Council are Dr. A. 8. fto» Kuno Hanswurst, a flight lieuofficial duties In the nation's capital. thought they could take the whole senbach, Roger W. Straus, 13dtenant. He comes from Prussian world; it had brought them,nothstock. His father was the famous pens that Mr. Shapiro's blood does It spoke of righteousnesa a n d ing but hunger. The novel idea ward U. r.l. v/iubuijT and'liabbi Colonel Manfred Hanswurst who have something In Its 6wn Indi- peace and the loving-kindness that of brotherhood might we worth Abba Ilillel .Silver. in his youth, when he was a lieu- vidual character. I haven't space men owe to one another. One day trying; at least It couldn't hurt tenant, was a great fellow on theenough to describe the whole it waB magnified through" a loud them as much as their hungry Unter-den-Llnden in Berlin. On ... , v of Mr. Shapiro, as given speaker go big that all Berlin bellies hurt already. Anyway, it this renowned thoroughfare he genealogy me by the star which has seen hla heard it. It spoke the words of might provide them with somecut a wido swath as he pushed generation through thousands of Malachi: "Have wo not all onething to eat. civilians into the gutter, in ac-years. It Is Go Kuno Hanswurst becamo the enough to Bay that Father? Hath not one God erecordance with the old Prussian he goes back &s far as Malachl. ated us? Why do we deal treach- new fuehrer. Under the banner guard custom. "Yes," Bald the star, "Malachl erously every man against h l a of Malachi Germans were allowed UU This shows how naturally Lieu- waa & forefather of Ma. The brother; profaning the covenant of to inarch back into tho society o£ ,, AhU t J n i tenant Kuno Hanswurst came by prophet Malachi. You may have our fathers." the h u m a n-kind. Mr. Shapiro his rudeness. whose soul had yearned so much of him." It said that Germany had fallen t .9 h CI.'tLt l Among the stars I also discov- heard 1 "To be sure!" I remem- into this degradation because It to be of eomo good in the world, t ,' a }„! I' ered the nature of the blood that bered was fulfilled. something I "had often quothad been treacherous to the Fawas injected i n t o Lieutenant ed from him: "Havo wa not alltherhood of God and tho brotherHanswurst. There was a quiet, Father? Hath not onp d hood of man. This van tho bin So the etar told me. lambent star that reminded mo of one us? Why do we deal of Germany. (Copyright, 1840, by {Seven Ai to the gentle eyca of some philos- created treacherously, every man against l'Vuturo [Syndicate.) opher. This star told. mo. The voieo vas the voieo his brother, profaning .'tho-'cove"What I am about to tell you riant of our fathers." does not mean that all Jews have "Mr. Shapiro had tho blood of the best blood," the star was care- Malachi," the, star said. "T h o ful to explain. "Not all Jewish blood of Malachi -was poured into blood is good and not all German Lieutenant Kuno Hanswurst. blood ia bad. Blood, my friend, is individual, not racial, in its In the light of tho stara aro not characteristics. Thero is no group only the Images o£ what has been of blood of which it may be said but in them may also bo read tho that this is all good or that is all way of tilings to come, as every bad." astrologer knows. Tho star told Well, It seems that tho blood mo what happened long after the that was transfused into Kuno blood of Malachi had been transHanswurst c a m e from a , man fused into Lieutenant Hansv/urst. named Hyman Shapiro. Mr. Sha- Tho war had ended and Lieupiro was a refugee in London and tenant Hanswurst was released w.hen tho British decided to put from his prison and returned to all aliens from enemy countries Germany. His nativo land lay into camps he had to go. humbled In devastation, its old To the camp ho took his Tal- leaders had fled.- All that waa KueHes-'e Jala vAth KCA mudlc volumes in order to aug- left of them wero tho hates they to btlBQ yoa tills C'r^* TO!K9! CCO 16 ment his knowledge of tho Law had given their people xsho now during the long period of his leis- turned murderously against each K t » 0t7Q CEO Cf t!tO23 d ure away from everything. Yet, other. though in thoso Btudiea Mr. ShaIn this tragic hour thero was piro found great enjoyment, he hoard-in Germany on© calm voice. also felt troubled. He asked himself: "To what good is it that-1 take unto mysel* this Law of compassion and mercy a,nd lovins-hlndneors cinco I cannot apply it in tho world? Tnla dreadful world certainly needs this Law, considering how horribly things havo boon Going." Wonlct flivo Blood Mr. Shapiro vai&ed «P a n d down tho 4ensth o£ tlie camp, thinking of-.ways to make the Law widely useful in his confined ctatft. & W^1 OF,! AS1 SO He w i s h e d he had telepathic S o csjiy EXCLUSIVE'KEW TONE SUAKB means by which to transfer it to the hearts of the arrogant. One day he watched a Nazi bomber flying over the camp and with all his might tried to direct thoughts of compassion, mercy and loving kindness to tho heart of the aviator. Nevertheless, tbs a v i a t o r dropped a load of bombs oa as orphan asyltsm nearby. Violua feavo "frsloto" E a &s=3 l a Suddenly, it came to Mr, Sha•M2JL P06KS.E3 yliito cbovo. Tksj JSTO^UWrichparpiro: He vroald civo his blood for i t ; of tone. DSEJB, transfuaioas to- tbo wwmSeQ. To 5cT«K Ja whdple, RCA Viclwla do this certainly-would be a wido t?:;? great featercs fcTOKO Grardhfs odcHtiSesHy citapsa and righteous application - of. the s7 amcommandments o£ tlio holyLaw.' 1 Not that Mr; Slisplro was vain 'in the matter of MB blcfocL Ho entertained so Mea that thero T,v-a any spaclal craonco of virtue - in Jewish blood. Ha knew oaly that when a well man's blood is traacfased into a slct mail's Mooii there Is a 5i«clin~ reaction. IJr. Shapiro' became c Mood <3oaor VJB.& bottle after bottle of Ms Isloei went to tlie iieopitclo. Yet, as the stpjr tola me, It

Girl ScoutsMembers of Troop. 4 and the

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Page 6

newly formed Brownie Pack last - By INEZ Li BAZNICK .On Wednesday, No vernier .27, **"& r e g u l a r meeting of H a d a s s a t Will be held at i k e Jewish Comm u n i t y Center in Use form of a

The neit iaeeiiag of the Naluncheon vetec-miug tiie i<ev re- tional Council of Jewitili Juniors cruits of Ziciiiiiu ia Hadatsah. will be held oa the regular meetMrs. A. D. Frank, president, and ing date, Sunday, December 8. Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman ct A special program is being arYouth AUyah, "delegates to the national eouvt-iition will give taeir convention reports. Chairman In charge of the luncheon is Mrs. Dave Stein and assisting her is Mrs. 'Leon Gr&et'z. Mrs.'J. If. Blank ia in charge of service, with Mrs. Iteubea Brown taking care of table decoration and setting. The program will be opened with community tanging . led by Mrs. David A. Goldstein arid accompanied by Mrs. A. C. Fellman. There will be a reading by Corriae Wohlner and a group of Palestinian songs by Max Scheuvertiann, musical director at Temple fsrael. The new members will be . welcomed by the president, Mrs. A. D. Frank, with the response of the new members given through Mrs. Hi Shrier. Induration * An education group, under the guidance of Mrs. M. P. Levenson, will begin a series of meetings on Friday, November 29, at the home of Mrs. Mike Freeman. Mrs. Freeman heads the group and Mrs. Moe llaznick is ia charge of current events. A book review will be given by Mrs. David A. Goldstein. Dues Most members of Hadassah will find incentive in paying their dues up to date a little sooner in the face of the fact that it is only those members that are completely paid up to and through 194041-who can sign their names on the.parchment Ieave3 of the Henrietta Szol.d Birthday book. • Ituntniage Sale Mrs. I. Grossman, HA 7153, states that due to the inclement weather the rummage sales have not begun, but the collection of bundles is still continuing. Those who have bundles of clothing they wish to give, can still do so by calling Mrs. Grossman. ;.., . .T. .N; p . • The weather has proved a slowing'up process.for. a'-number of projects with J. N. F. a m o n g them. The collection" of the Blue Boxes will be completed shortly.

Sunday held a Thanksgiving tea their F<aevell C c r t m y ^ st a t*He c-cofor mothers &n<l Meads at the Tea ^£.s fctrved St «£ fy t" Jewish Community Ceater. All ratcd ia t--v S«out plans and arraiigesieats for tne tea were made by the Scouts. Mala feature of the program was ua iuttrestiag talk Ly Miss s L . 4 "wf C u. C J * t'*i-tE • EIl2.aleth Eli-is, Plsilliys Fo«nda~ tica livogr&in director irdrs i\ew Etc ttdc, -fry York, who spoke oa .the raeaciag end value of Scouting. Roehelle Silberruan gave a huL m'orous reading- aud the Brownies ureseKied a ra&dern version of the "Yankee Doodle Folk Dance" and

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,V< Ca^ i^f a»'t.L'..u at 3:45 &ni ct i p, m. : -



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Low Coat Prices

Vdflnsss to


We'll coat you in the season's most luxurious fur trims for 49.95! Ccata of quality, specially selected for this 30th Anniversary celling . . . coats that look their higher prices! Silver FOK, American Mink, Persian Lamb, are come of the £ur beauties you'll find ueed lavishly I

A.Z. A. 100 The Century chapter" quintet took ita second lashing In the J. C. C. pre-season'basketball-league last Sunday. Their victors were the? Lincoln,, Taverns, who defeated them by.a score Of 2.3-21. \ The game was a story. book thriller with Aleph Mike^Landman almqst tleing.the score, with a one-hand shot from' midcourt in the^ last few '.seconds of tlie game.. Also showing'" up' well ;for t h e Al?pha -were Paul Mann and Stan Cohen, a new Alepti. • The Cornbelt Regional Convention, which is to be held in Lincoln, will be held in February Instead of December as originally ncheduled, according to Aleph Gisbor Ben Miller, who conferred v.'lth Lincoln Alephs when -ho attended the ' Nebraska-Iowa football game. The publications committee has started work on the chapter publication which they plan to release the latter part of December. The last issue of the Century Spotlito was distributed r.t t h e chapter's anniversary smoker. - The drawing which was to bo Isold yesterday. Thanksgiving day, has been postponed. Instead it v;lll be hold this Sunday at the chapter's meeting at the J. C. C. . Thta waa decided by the drawing committee o u t of respect to ThankPglvluc (lay. Tickets are still available and snay be purchased from any Aleph in the chapter, according .to Milton Guo3,s chairman of ihe drawing committee.

" U.'T." Sorority • . Jlembars of the U. T. Sorority 'met November 17 at'the home oi' SOBOHE. Ozo'i. Flans for the win•" fier '£orr v-il were changed a .closed plumber party for the girls ttfiho ]31s.eI:!Jtone-hotel. • "'.The'Junior members provides! the eritcrtainnent. Refreshments

V, first-Bourbon king of iivjA so attend the autoiidii fc'* to =el^rate hts'acces.elon lo the throae, : Sp?*n»

Drcsa types and cport typea both arc in this Annivercary group of higher priced fashions. Blacks, brown, green, wine, camel and tweed gatterria! . . Ilerzberzs Fourth Floor

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lij Our Anniversary values are < our reputation . , . we spend every, effort to' bring you the greatest o£ all savings during this event.-. -, that's why you'll oee FUR VALUES here beyond your greatest espscta- - . tionsS Whether you are interested in Mink Blended LIusIs- • rats, Sable Blended Muefcrato, ^ Persian Lambs, Arianna Ottcs; • " ...»«"yoii 0¥/c it to yourself.to_ see these Anniversary groups S

HcrzbcrGS Fourth Floor

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Friday, November 2 2 , 1S4G

TH % cup fioits1. li tea.s|K*Q>it fcfek,

Sigma Delia Tau

Kitchen Chit?

LINCOLN (Special) — Theu"s I pltsges fcititertaiaed the active! memLtrs of the chapter tt^the an-' niial sledge party Saturday night. A. patriotic Ikeaia was carried out •with ltd, white, and Hue tireata era, and balloons decorating tke chapter Loutfe. lifcfresinaeBis were served and Bud Kalin was elected MK TO IIOMI5 ANNOUKCK Mrs. E. B. Hassel, who has by a majority of those present to been visiting lifer parents, Mr. and preside as "Jucle Sam" over th<_ ENGAGEMENT Mr. and MrsJ. Harry Kula- Mrs. B. Green, has ifcturned to evening's ffestivities. kofsky announce the engagement her home in Milwaukee-. In the first of a series of moot court competition cases, Sarah of their daughter, Miss Etkelyn, Miller of Wall Lake, Iowa, the to Loyal G. Kaplan, son of Mr. HONORED (M Mr. and Mrs. Morris Epstein only Junior woman law student, and Mrs. Max S. Kaplan. were honored last Sunday on their •Miss Kulakofsfey attended Cen- twenty-fifth wedding anniversary was chosen as the best single arwhich automatically makeo tral High school and the Univer- at a surprise parly given by Mr. guer, her eligible for the next series of sity of California at Berkeley. She and Mrs. Sam Kraft. Thirty guests competition cases. Is' a member of Alpha Epsilou attended. >. , A committee with Sylvia EpPhi sorority. In 1S3S Miss Kuiastein as chairman and including kofsky was a princess of Ak-Sar- ANNOUNCE Miriam Kubnitz, Sareva BraverBen In the court of Miss Frances Dr. and Mrs. David C. Platt an- inan, Shirley liosenbluia, and Gordon. iiouiice the birth of a son, Tom-Shirley Wjainer, was appointed, to ' Mr. Kaplan received his Bache- my Hugh, oa November 13 at St. draft plans for the annual fortial lor of Arts degree from 'the Uni- Joseph Hospital. to be held at the Hotel Cornhuskversity of California at Los Aner oa January 11. geles in 1933. Returning to Oma- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zare of ChiSylvia I C a t z m a u Introduced ha he attended tlie Creighton cago announce the birth of a son University School of Commerce. on November 18. Mrs. Zare is the Petra Fuld at the Inter-Faith After receiving his Commerce de- former Sally Greenberg of Oma- banquet given by the Religious Council of the University of Negree lie entered the School of Law ha. braska. At the banquet, all forwhere he was awarded Ms degree eign students on campus were In 1938. Mr. Kaplan is affiliated honored. Many other girls from with the Zeia Beta Tau fraternity the house were also present at and is a member of the honorary the banquet. Lincoln, (Special) — The Nelegal organization "Serviettes Ad Aronita Daskovsky of lllulou, braska chapter of Sigma Alpha Legum." Iowa, was honored last Hunday No wedding date lias as yet Mu had the pleasure of entertain- when she was pledged into J3ifima ing Fra Rabbi Mayerberg of Kanbeen chosen. sas City, Mo. at an informal cul- Alpha Iota, inter-uational musical tural hour held at the chapter sorority. Miriam Rubnitz, an acDROWNS NOW IN MILWAUKEE house following the inter-faith tive member of Sigma Alpha Iota, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown are banquet at which he was the guest assisted in the pledging. Other now residing in Milwaukee, Wia. speaker. The Rabbi spoke on the members of Theta chapter who The Browns formerly lived in past election, the European situa- have been prominent in the activiOmaha. tion, and politics in general. ties of this organization are HarGuests of the chapter were Lin- riet Byron 'and Selraa Hill, who coln alumni, a group of girls from received swords of honor for outTHANKSGIVING GUEST , Miss Kathryn Myers of Spring- the Sigma Delta Tau sorority, and standing service. Visiting Dorothy Levich in Dcs field, 111., is the Thanksgiving a few Z, B. T.'s. guest of Miss Helen Jane Chap- ' Individual members of Sigma Moinea over the Thanksgiving Pre-Thanks- holidays will be Geraldine Grinsman. The girls are Alpha Epsl- Omicron attended ing party held In Omaha by the pan of St. Joseph, Mo., and Detto lon Phi sorority sisters at the alumni chapter there Wednesday Rosenblatt of Omaha. Mrs. WittUniversity of Illinois. night. According to word from genstein and ,'etra Fuld will their chairman it was one of tho spend the holiday in Lincoln at CHOOSES WEDDING DATE the home' of Shirley Polsky. biggest affairs of the year. Miss Helen Fogel, daughter of Max Prostak, Sioux City, was Mr. Bernard Fogel, has chosen February 9, 1941, as the date of recently made a member of the her marriage to Mr. Morton Soir- executive,, council of the Nebrasef, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. George ka extension unit o£ Hillel. His appointment followed the resignaThe Chesed Shel Ernes will c.lve Soiref. tion of Mort Margolin, Omaha, its annual card party and doGUortwho resigned In tho interest of his luncheon on Monday, Doct-mhor OKHERVING ANNIVERSARY other campus activities, j . ' 2, at the Jewish Community (fili Mr. and Mrs. A. Bronstein of Honors were again brought to .5318% Romaine St., Hollywood, the Nebraska chapter of Sigma ter. Mrs. William M i l d e r is in Calif., are1 celebrating their silver Alpha Mu by the acceptance of wedding anniversary on Novem- Pob Silverman and Harry Gold- charge of ticket sales. Members of the committee in ber p_. , stein, both 'ot Omaha, into the charge of refreshments and door crack squad of tho Pershlng priae3 includes: Mesdamea S. Fish, JOSLYN MEMORIAL Rifles teajn which will drill at Sunday at 2:30 in the Concert tho University of Nebraska's an- J. Flnkle, J. Chait and I, Kaplan. Hall of the Joslyn Memorial sound nual Military Ball the coming Defilms on "The Carlsbad Cavern cember 6. • National Park" and "Death" Valley National. Monument" will bo shown. At 3:30 a lecture will be given by Dr. C. L. Crawford on "The Place of a School in a DeA regular meetinc of J u n i o r mocracy." , N• "- Hadassah will bo held Monday at A 4 o'clock organ r e c i t a l . w i l l 7:45 at the Jewish Community be given i n t h e Concret Hall b y Center. Details of the paid-up E s t h e r Leaf. Assisting h e r will b e membership party will be given , .' Mary Fitalminons Massie, so- at the meeting. prano, Glady- Hamstreet Slay, acMembers of the locnl chapter companist, and Ilooemary Howell, are invited to attend the, regional Cellist. convention to bo held in Kansas A Town Hall Forum discussion City January 17, 18 and 19. will take place at 8 p. m. with V * ••*•"> ijr. John D. Clark and Dr. Har- , .Patronize Our" Advertisers. old W.' Stoke npeaking on "Must We Have Government by Propaganda." In observance of National Art Week, t h e Joslyn Memorial will hold a special Open Evening program from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. on Friday, November 29. The 1910 Six States Exhibition will be opened to the public on that occasion, and a program of arts and craft3, Ac an InotfcutiosS Engaged Iss t h e with' demonstrations of art processes by local artisto, will continue throughout the evening. The • public 13 invited to attend without charge.

t'i'\ a, i ',i

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NO BAKING POWBEK. CieaiM butter aud add sugar, mclassts, grated rind and egg. Beat until light. Ada dry lagrfcdie&ts sifted i.nd nuts. Tare into a greased £.ad wax paper lined pan. Bake a-t S25 degrees for 2E miautfcs. Turn oat OH back. Remove paper. Cut in h'dvts ar*d roll in powdered Eugar.


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Seller Surgical Ca., Inc. j

' Sigma Alpha Mi*

£!OVl: Al!D LL10O A£!O

Chesed Shel Ernes'


Junior Hadassah


TO COAST Mrs. L a w r e n c e Gross and daughter, Franlde, are leaving today for Los Angeles to visit Mrn. Gross' mother, Mrs. Sallic'ICniGno. In Loa Angeles she Trill reside at the Admiral Hotel.

1.AMOMBS"-' D off Uniqco B in. r.

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Genera! Johasoii Regrets. It baa beesi extreaiely gratifying to learn th General Hugh Johasoa 1ms admittedly regretted words uttered in fever teat and others untliinklEgly written ia which lie had branded American Jew a as "war-mongers." These were dangerous words to use because it is a lie that has heen thrown to the world by-Hitler and his agents here to discredit the Jews iu the eyes of the American people. The 9 Jews are no score war-minded than others here and if- they abhor Nazism, they have a perfect right to do so, considering what the N ^ s have done not only to the Jews hut to all humanity. For General Johnson to have indulged in-such tactics was strange since in the past he lias beea relatively sincere and moreover has .on occasion done yeoman work for Jewish causes. , He has given active aid to the United Jewish Appeal and he has taken to task purveyors of.racial poison. Jewish leaders pointed out that he has a fine record of tolerance and good-will and that they sincerely regretted the misfortune of losing him as a friend. But General Johnson has had the rare courage to repudiate his own words and to admit they havo created a false impression. We, of course, are sorry that he speaks with such haste, but it is unlikely any words of ours are going to radically alter a distinctive temperament. Rabbi Stephen Wise in his role of president of the American Jewish Congress has stated the case quite well: "Jews can afford to ignore things said and did in the heat of a presidential election, hut we cannot afford to forget the servico of faithful friends, even when they lapse into utterance of things which eeem unworthy of them."

The 'Feeding of Europe Again the Question of the feeding of the conquered territories is agitating the minds of a grca* many people. Last summer, representatives of Great Britain warned Americans to shut their ears for they would soon be hearing the cries of, a starving continent, a people robbed by Hitler and bis armies to provide food for the conqueror and keep up the morale of tho German people. The blockade is merely an extension of an old and potent weapon of war. Since time immemorial cities have been besieged and conquered not by arms but by starvation. Since we are anxious for Great Britain to triumph, we should, so we are told, support tho blockade. .. ' ' Men of good will have been asked to make many sacrifices since the outbreak of the war. Many, who are convinced and sincere pacifists, have designated themselves ready to bear arms because they feel tho preservation of American ideals a more important consideration than their individual conscience. Many, whose religious ideals are transgressed by the moral compulsion of certain legislation, hav.e compromised themselves to the common interest. But we cannot ceo how men and women of any humane feeling can subscribe to a plan that would brinE victory by tho starvation of tho men, women -and children of nations v/ho were drawn into this conflict against their will. They, have become tho victims of Germany. There is no reason why they should be our victims, too. If Germany is willing to permit American or; ganizatlons to enter the conquered countrico and stringently supervise tho feeding, wo Iiavo a duty, whether it interferes with our interests or not, to aid the stricken. To saddle them with death and disease v/hea it is within our power to savo thorn i3 a responsibility we cannot accept. However v/o do not believe that American con-

Ecfcla El A tprcial Thanksgiving.service bo observed *hls evening at tho Dcth El Synagogue with an~ fsronrj^te rs3«Ha£3 r.nd music. Erbbl BaTkl A. Goldirteln will give ix hln s&xion, "Thankssivtcg in ICS'l. 1940." Nest T7c<jlt Kest Friday orcaing Rabbi -SoI'Msia \rW cpsai on "The of BJsr.cnn." Jncfc, tlis can of 2Jr. and Mrs.-i

action of pinelias Kutenberg,' who liad resigned from ill© Vaad Leunii, because he was appalled and discouraged fey the strife ragieg am.oag the various elements of Palestine. The fact that a man of SB.eii recognised importance acted in .such a manlier had a sobering effect on Zionist groups and some possibility remains that his action may result in a re-orientation of Jewish life in Palestine, Even as lie resigned his post, Mr. Kutenberg aanouttced 'that he in tended to work for the unity of Palestine and his appeal found immediate response in the. editorial columns' of the Hebrew press. Already the Revisionists, who have contributed their share to Palestine disunity, have announced an intention, of co-operating for the good of. tho Jewish community. From the Agudath Israel,, the ultra-Ortliodox group, has come a similar announcement. A dissident note has, however, been voiced in the American Yiddish -press, who feel that oneman rule is not necessary for Palestine and that the processes of democracy should not be impeded. It la quite unlikely that Ilutenberg had any idea of Fascism or a dictatorship for the country. Ha bas merely given expression for a deep desire of the Jews of Palestine who are sincerely anxious for co-operative effort at this critical time. The Axis powers constitute a real threat to Palestine. The Grand Mufti has been in Rome and no doubt will attempt to stir trouble again among the Arabs although the Arab majority are taking a strong stand against the followers of the Mufti. All elements of Palestine have a common Gtafce in the continued well-being of tho nation. They have common interests to protect. It is for thess thaj; unity is asked and unless unity of some cort is achieved, the Jewish Homeland ia doomed.

Friends or Foes

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Eather damaging charges have been raado by certain publications against a number of largo business institutions claiming that they have followed a policy of discrimination and that their executives have been actively engaged in anti-Semitic organizations in this country. In virtually every case a vehement denial has been issued by both firm and individual and in some instances great pains have been taken in the preparation of brochures to put forth the policy of the accused company. On several occasions leading Jewo have stepped forward to add their voice to the denials and.label the accusations deliberately false. Certainly we should be the last to defend an anti-Semite, but to charge a person falsoly v/lth being anti-Semitic springs from the same poisonous source. Tho charges in both cases are false and the motives dishonest. " It behooves us at this critical period to be sure we are not moved-to hysteria by every charge and that isre weigh and examine not only the accusations but the motives. From the contents of the periodicals involved we would say that in several cases there is every indication they are following the Communist party line and that they are attempting to discredit American busine£3 institutions by saddling the whole system"with tho sina of certain vulnerable individualo. We can see nothing to he gained from cuch procedure except to add to thcgeaeral confusion. There are houses to bo set in order but to utilize the JewB and the prejudices regarding them, one way or another, ia unfortunate. Anti-Semites should be given publicity so that tho public may bo made aware of those unholy thieves, bat wliero there is question regarding an individual, for tho good of all concerned ho should be given tho benefit of tho doubt.

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u^j. 1 t n Import of ,i i t« is just as in< ' . / r , if they had Hi tKc Ikoasetops. It ^ Itk c this: .•'. •

th&i yattttli art c. t 1J-O n <~niy f t &t I t»c«.i to say la thatiiitotut. a'vt iio is tcit&t ia anything ' i / « a if.^Vc t no tu fc'iOta (fTiuL^'tu for their fellow liUh sif h i t , IU 'lltjt pit titi, r i)iey don't have any lnfull JCbb Of Jfy Hi 'ii>y lif ! »t Lu U " tucst iu fthe •wt.ll being of o u r lKta tOlfeveS.M'Oil-. I- t iuy jja-^ijcnl tcuti, Foith <ouUiy. ikey give no thought to wheihtr the Is prepared'-to fight Is oil '11 f, i t ' VK"i „ fc^tt, LtLti i

tquity, 'Xiicu ^ t t n c i Hiy hca 'lht, L y ot the Loid is K feet, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple, the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. TALMUD • Rob said, "The sou of Peleth, who was a member of the congregation of Korah, at first when they revolted against Moses, was saved by his wife. She said to him, 'What ia the difference to you? If Moses will he master, you are only a disciple, and you ill be in the same position if Korah -will be master.' And he eaid to her, 'What shall I do, I was with, them in consultation and swore to take part in their revolution?' She said, 'I know that the whole congregation is holy as it is written (Num. 16:3), BO remain at home and I will save you.' She made him to drink wine and put him to sleep la tho house, and she sat outside at tho entrance of the house,- uncovered her head, loosened her hair, and whoever came to tho house tor call on him, when they eaw- tho uncovered head and loose hair of the woman at the entrance, they returned baclt, meantime the cosigrcgation waa swallowed while he \/as asleep at home. On the other hand, the vlfe of Korah said to him, " 'Soo what Moccfi did, ho proclaimed himself as a king, hia brother ho made high priest, tho cons of hia brother for adjuncts of the high priest, heavy offering lie commendtid to give to tho prlcstu and even front tho tltheo, which aro for the Lcvite3, he commanded to give again one-tenth to tho priests, and not only this, bo mado foote o£ all of you by commanding all the Lovltc3 to shavo off all your hair, GO that you should l o o k like prisoners,' and to hlo answer, 'He himself did likewise/ Bhe eaid, 'Since all tho glory belongu to him, he can afford to do that'."

11 w


J. T. A. Frees Bisirean \7ASIUNGXON. American Jewry has a new and ugly slander to face—to face and beat down if it ID to retain ito place as part of the curginc, vibrant whole wo call America. It hao Ions been whispered • in thin city end, I presume, fs <SIGcussiona of international attolra In other cities, towna emd cross-roads Gathering -places throachout tJio country. It hia RFGwn stroacer aa eve-rage Americano ccek to evaluate lanpisenfonja In Car places which have ia a few xaontha he ccnio terribly closo end very important to them. In the l i days of the p?cs!dC3itfe:l c p it attained Cic fllrtnlty of pc utternsaco by RO leca a person h General Harfr Sh It runs something Hto thio: "Of cource, Jcv?a aro terribly anxious to get this country iato the xrar as coon as possible. You can't blame them vhen you consider what Hitler has clono to thorn—and Tlussollnl, too. I gues3 I'd feel tho came v/ay about it If I veto a Jew."

oi vhat ttc rtsiilts of her participation in tue war would be. They don't give a hoot for liberty, justice, truth or any other human aspiration or ideal,"

I wonder if they realize "how well they are spreading the "fait' tei'iifttionul Jewry" slander that is th« favorite theme of our home* and iiMpoi'ted Fascists? I wonder if any of them have given tins thought they express so carelessly and confidently the benefit of any logical analysis. There is for instance, a. strong movement In this country, headed. by no less A personage than exPresident Herbert-Hoover .to get the &dtnittlstratlon to' pat pressure on Great Xtrit&ln in the Interest of getting some of the' food • in* America's .groaning granaries to the--homeless esid hungry of war* torn 'Europe this winter. . ,. The opposition to this move ta simply that the blockade of Europe ia a ^ a r measure taken by England in tho hope that widespread hunter will hasten the Internal collapse of the Axis powers. It's brutal, but it'o war. As an English defeat would lessen the security of this country and bring us closer to danger ot actual conflict, the opposition contendB, It la In our own interest that there be no Interfercnco with the blockado. Now there H »c> f>'<mp In Eu«' roye vrhlch wo-.ild b<-£;eflt 'more'from the'success of Hoover's efc' fort or Buffer moro from its failKare thiai r.'oald tlio Jews of KflK rope. They vrfll hear tho brunt of the suffering tho huna^sr tlse British Moclcado imposes. The brcr.d America woald eend nndef the former President's plan would Co Into tho months of not only tho coreligloalste, but the v e r y blo«<3 Isin, of thouf^uids of Amerl* ecu Jews. But have you heard of any organized JeTrinh effort to bring a b o u t a lifting of the British blockade for thlo purpose? Have you heard of nny Jewish org&nizatlon, nroup or sect dctnancling that th!s ho done? Have you heard any considerable number of individual Jews express tho opinion t h a t we should cap tho strength of thla c o u n t r y ' s European bastion to feed the JCWB of Europe? I haven't.

HllflH i£W& 111 London (WNS) — An a precaution againct thp intensified Nazi air attacks on London, Jowleh religioua leadens have removed the holy, scrolls and other sacred objects from many of tho synagogues In London's battered East End district. • r Tho holy scrolls v. ora removed to places deemed cafe from futuro Nazi air attacks. Gorman raids oa tho predominantly Jewish East End section nloao cinco tha start of tho v/ar have resulted in tho dosnolStion o£ one synagogue and the partial destruction of eight othoro. Arrangements have been made for Je-.73 left without a synagogue to-observe tlio and holidaya at other" houses of worabip. IK come instances, cliurc&cs liavo liccu plneetl at tho <iisiss33l of congrcgationo \7lioso temples dectroyed.

Harry Belmont, will observe hia cause of Rabbi Rackovsky'a abBar Mitzvab. csneo in Chicago vrhere ho ia attending the semi-annual conferenca of the MIzrachi Zionist OrTcnaplo The Tcmplo Israel High School ganization. group will ba liosts to a group of young people from t&o First CenJcv/ish Eraillo" Sltsdy tral Congregational church, of How tlio t e r y s Council Bluffs, .it dinner this eve- Cincinnati (WNS)—-The' Amer- o2 &!^'"Sii to tli 3 &c:e?icaa troy ning an'a at corvlcca. ican iled Cross, in co-oporatlon Tho Rev. J. R. Fcr&Ins, pastor with tho Library o£ Congress, will rcsto Ir^ccly Sa XliQ tjno o_ jjccp of tho churcb, will dclivor the ser- transcribe "Jmteisrrand Iatoraa- •S7co era ivsyisi O;erja. 1Z tl:, mon. tional Peace," by Eabbi Joseph C. Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican B6F Saturday snorafeg oervlcss \7ill ICornfcld, into Braille for lira o£ public (JTA)—Too .first Eiarribo held at 11. tho blind. ' • . KSC3 among cettlcra at the Sosaa icfugoo polony ozauvted v/hca two Oub o fik t i s t n ott cuBagea' couples 'wevo wedded less Seven of tao lcbcilnt; prclatca There will be no late Friila;? o£ Spain andor Ferdinaa'cl a n d But the people ^lio htxe voiced than 24 hours after debarking evening iiervkea "• this veals" be- Isabella -were of Jov/Isli descent. thio tbousM ia my licariag aro here.


Friday, Hcveoiftcr 22, 1S40 *:•

Will Pick Nation's Best CANbf.iv The ti/^t dinner U. O. C. | cf took place c , "liiui Mosber 14. i.Jii/ I . - : , tc.i tfi lems of i up and i-i the After BrotherLovi ci^:,idti to comiaiite.«5 fa t ^ o 1 t u ihc problemb for 151 t-otiir jtir. First, the i',.t* quet, the date cf \»Litti changed to Sin. day, 7. In ordtr to LC*,ou.c>')ate bership of thti oicL^iiiUoa it v.aa decided to hold IKG bouquet at the Jewish (-Jj^^'JKity Center

Book Review i^1

i III IT fulfil If* Hi I I 1%IInI. B »; fe^ U*m \**


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ly tc^cttw iu L-tJi:_£ t i t t impoi is tit irotieiub cG-iti&Jt« the I'hliuV toa&y, l e d>.> luted. r

vigorously o; •eporteel eaggeetioa by Mr. Rut•g tliat all Zionist p& well as governing p&wtr be cotceai ia a esis.Il eossnttes o£ 'ish.uv. •. tea Curios, concladsd bis -ta.tfcffi.er4 to the s-rebs witfc ea •sssrtiou th'cX "tkeie is a great .es.4 for ttroag unity but t.ot for i at vital ititeftsi to the i (.O'lle &.s a whole. We must i ths tareitGiit the comBi: srtat of the Yfskuv &a,d at verywLere."

i i-

WIiile isolated ugly s of disunity have occurred in Palestfu , these were not charwhere more feisace in available. acteristic of the resolution of the The committee in charge of this Yishuv t« maintain a united event is: Ham Jtutzmau, Harry stand, oa fundamental Issues," MSviLn!cj ScuAa (Itit), C5LwCuli»e bttat-ttiy at iU*. JowiJk Rlmmerinan, Joe White, Dr. O. fa". PuWieRtioa Ssciety of Anieiica; llm. l E u s i t e CrM .a, t Mr. fc^ii Gurion asserted. "De- Sfeip 10*000 from Rhine(i^Ut), Belzer, aud I. Shafer. mocracy must be preserved, in preatdettt of the HKUOII&I Council «f Juv^i-L x.^iut-t, LK& lr\iuf iTouth AciiriUes l&nd l& llae.ccti.pied Palestine, for a totalitarian reFtoeniaa (right), novelist t-ud iiinuFjit of tKo t^iulty of Ilv«A program of youth activities gime ia neither possible uor denington College, who will &ca-»e a-i jitdt,*-* ^ tlt« i «Uo »^l I> n>L Territory was suggested and adopted by the sirable. Incidents of disorder as review contest on Jewish !>&&Irs vrEtifU hi-i It*.A luuiufkcd hy Brotherhood. These &re to take L&fidoa (WHS) — Mm-a far £s they eaist are caused by Aleph SSsESik Alc|*I», U'uai MtUii » a tU a^ i»L-a J I, *~J s i n u s , various forms ia cultural and soi»,©0§ Jews Imve been cosaj the activities of the email Itevlof &UnralaUng efiolesccEt 3t\Adi y<i.d!t t j ii«.^»» - d i«.dij>j oi cial work; and a committee under to le&vo tlseie hosaes in the Gmt* Eioafet group • and especially of books of Jewish ewitest. the chairmanship of Dr. N, H. the Irgua JSevayl Leumi (Revi- taaa TtMtitland unA utave to ea» Greenberg was appointed to map sionist Nationalist M i l i t a r y occiij»ied F»«iice,tt wes reliably out a detailed program and begin '• Red Cross Roll Call group), which has been pursuing poitetl Imm. actual operations. About 6, C OO at the German .... obstructionist and terroristic The question of the Junior ConEnds November 30 Jews have been quartered at a program," lie eaid. gregation and its needs was Certain differences exist in the special center in tho Basses Pyrbrought up. The llabbl. reported As thousands of Red Cross volthat the Junior Congregation is to Ylslrav regarding the question of enees, which is now being com* begin functioning la the near fu- unteers redoubled, efforts to sucJewish labor and the matter of pleted. Among the Jews- at tho ture; that tallaithim had been cessfully complete the greatest Three' groups, of special inter- organised labor, he went on, but center aro 2,000 between the ages donated to the boys by Mrs. J. peace-time Roll call, Jewish lead- est to the business and profession- civil equality and a democratic CO and 104 years of age. Two &l o refugees are centenarians. Bernstein, president of the Deb- ers Joined with chairman Norman al members of tite Junior anel II. basis for- the self-government of A French official said that the. orah Society; aad that ha will II. Davis In • en appeal for mem- and P. Hada&sah, and Junior munlclpaUtlea and communities welcome a committee of the berships. Council, are being .conducted by arev absolsitely vital to the life of aim of the Government wan to Roll Call will end November SO, the Jewish Community Center. Brotherhood to sponsor the Congive those Jews a place to Btay the Yishuv. gregation in its activities. Mr. climaxing an intensive 19-day until they can find refuse EsoBieThese are: Current affairs, a Ha traced the efforts which the Ben Kazlowsky was named ehalr- campaign under way ia iaora titan survey of Jev/lsli History and He- Jewish Agency faas been making where. It vraa made clear that man of a committee to take per- 3,000 Red Cross chapter through- brew. The latter two groups falto eehleve equal distribution of foreign Jews who obtain permissonal Interest and whatever sup- out the country. low the Xladassah cultural courses work through tho organisation of sion to eater other countries will port necessary for the activities Declaring that Roll Call mem- and load to tho fulfillment at rereceive every cooperation' from of the Junior Congregation. berships were needed for tho sup- quirements for tho Fellowship central labor. eschangeu and de- tho Vichy Government. plored the feet that there 1ms General Discussion port of Red Cross activities in this key.' The current affairs course SM>,00» Face ISsrfl© A general discussion developed country, Chairman Davia declared deala with tho topics of the day, fossa oggeeitioa to organized la- Kleamvhile, nearly 20,009 Jews, bor. &ad - discrimination against on Friday evening cervices at ho felt confident the drive would propaganda, and tho B9r?s. Jewish laborerg, condemning ef- among tho French-sneaking popwhich the opinion was expressed go over tho top on a basis of tho ulation, face immediate cxpuMon Anyone interested.may register that people who do not come to response last eprlntr to the |20,- foe one or more of these groups, forts to break • itif the ranks nt from Lorraine as a result of "Vies organized labor or to establish services logo a good deal through 000,000 war relief fund. meet on Tuesday and Wed- competing labor organisations. Premier Pierre Laval's agreeHabbi Edward L. Israel, of Bal- which their negligence. A committee was nesday eveninga. For-further Inment with Nazi offlcials for the timore, president of tho Synagoappointed to arouse the memberSafffifjigQ Necessary of all -French-speaking ehlp to a sense of their loss in gue Council of America, cald. la a formation, call Jacksoa 1S6S. Referring to Mr. Rutenberg's cspitleton inhabitants from Lorraine. .'• statement: this neglect. reported .statement that elections Aeeot&iag to reports from un"Tho American Red Cross Roll The Sunday morning services costly ©i«I absurd, Mr. ben occupied Pronco' Citizens Committee were about 3,000 perwere reported upon to the Broth- Call this year affords us American Gurion expressed doubt that Mr eons arrive dally Lorraine. erhood and a committee under Jews another oportiinlty to &xRutenberg had inado such e The refugees arrivefrom penniless and the chairmanship of Harry A. Co- preso our confidence in and our statement- — but f*dded that If 1 ia need of clothing. It -was gea* hen was appointed to encourage appreciation of thlu outstandingly was the latter's belief that a smal Kabbl David H. Wico will parattendance to these services ant! great mercy organization. By join- ticipate in tho all-day sessions of govoralau body should ba ap erally agreed that' unless Jewish to continue ia cliargo' of tho activ- ing the Red Cross at Roll Call wo the Nebraska Cltlssas Conimlttea point, tbea this proposal waul: relief- organisations come .to the not only display our gratitude tor aid of the Jov/0 espelled' from ities of the service gathering. Lincoln, November 27. - Kafebi bo completely rejected as a viola Lorraine they .v/iir face a wister Other committees appointed in- the work tha Rod-'Cross does in at Is a membsr of the eub-coa- tion of the democratic principle of etarvatloa. cludo: Membership, Sam Katzm&n our own communities, but also Wica on "Tho Religious Lite ©£ . lit. bsa Gurion expressed re and Sid Epstein, chairmen; Cul- wo help make coatlnuatica of that mitte3 tho Child." grot that • there had' not beea an • Legal distinctions l>et?«"een the tural, Is Elewitz, chairman; JPro- work possible. The Citizens Committeo w a s election cf'members - of the Ats- Old and New Christians of Spain gram, Jack Epstein, Chairman. formed to follow up tho work of eopath Haixlvcliarlm (J o w i s h were not removed antll 1778. In addition, a constitution comtho White House Conference ©E Reprcssntatlvo Assembly) for th< 1 mittee was suggested and appolatAlien Registration ' Children in. a Dsmocracy." Log- past esvea years. In this way, h< ed, The membera of this commitlalatlon regarding chilfl ^elfero obssrvefl, a great part of th< tee are Iz Elewlts, Harry Cohen Alien registration will end ill bo dlGcucEed at tha Lincoln newly arrived members of.thi and N. S. Taffe...Harry Boson-, pin f»CP Tishtiv tepressntiKg lmportc^a stein, president o£ the Brother- on.December 2S and 'all.-noa-' tucctlnc* citizens who havo not yet regeacfsl and ecoaosaic elemeats had Wo forSciro Hativo Cetrnfccl hood presided at the meeting. istered- aro warned that severe legsfpi St beon.'osclude'*. from active partle Fz&y nocf Select Voci, Mo. Three will be no late Friday penalties will follow failure to ipatlon -in thia body. S IlaiSvo I'oaUvy* £lrcicto«3 comply -with thia federal law. • services of-the U. O. C. this week T/hilo the present moment i Cera ricoPt £h ai Scjea^Ot All jalieas, M yeara of sgje because of the Rabbi's attendance aot-o'portune-for-the holding o: etc.» a6 MesJcsf&ta Prices. at a semi-annual conference of REid older, must register in perelections, tie added, no adraSnla Dollvopy Sua., Ttseo., Tfcuro. tho Mizraclii Zionist Organization •eoa trad feo flBgerprlntedL tration.of tho Yiuhttv ia poesibli Placa Or^e^s Early Precccl" -Alien children, • n n cl © e 14," of America,- which will take place Ilcrfy Dollvery v .v»^t oa the baala'- of .univerea in-Chicago. Next Friday, Novem- most bo registered* by their sufCrsgo' and-democracy. Mr. !>ea ber •• 29, tho services will ba re- parents ©s? guerfiiena, .'".,'.• : • (Continued from Page 1.) sumed with a guest speaker from Registration ta&ea place a t ser, Lillian Freodman, M y r o n out of the city. .: , the. postoffice; ••-.-•'•• •' 3? h e ' PostoffIco -. depsirtEKSit • Tarnoff, S y l v a n Block,- Gary The Sisterhood of tho, U. O. C. anil the Bejpartment of Jesttce Landman and Albert Okreat. announces that ; lto. first Oneg will ,^?lllfe3lj assist tho. allea Mrs. Greta Baeclc, director, hr,i3 Bhabbot will take place at the In'every possible.'Way. •': rehearsed with tho c a a t for a veatrlea of Congregation B'nal IsEarl G. Harrison, director of month and ia looltinc forward to rael, on Deceiqber 14. alien registration of the de- a fine production. Tho ceto hero ; Sunday mornlag services of -the partment, suggests that thoso beea executed by Albert Okreat. U. O. C. Brotherhood will talie aliens who have not yet regMembers of tho dramatic coniplace as usual this Sunday at Con- istered. do| Bo.-'asf soon as pos- mlttee, chairmaned by Mra. Ililgregation B'aai Israel, at 9:00. sible atid avoid the Christmas ton Abrahamc, have co-opcratcd The Talmud Study Group will rush at; the postof flees.: in tho assembling o£ properties meet this Wednesday at Congreand stage settings. Thoy aro: All aliens-are 'also, warned gation'. Beth' Hamedrosh Hagodel that, having registered, t h e y Mre. H e r m a n Jahr, 1'rs. Hy at 8 p. m. as usual. are required to r e p o r t any Shrler, -Kloa Bora T/ciactcln, Llr. change in their permanent resi- Leonard Nathan, Mr. Icol Colzman dence, address .within five days and Mr. Don Broslkey. to tho Immigration and Naturalisation "Service of the Department- o£ Justice; in -Wash-, : ' Kenny .^Bafeeiv tho es-true6 iagton.. Forma for this purLet' us • peso, are obtainable, at all -•postdriver, .no'vr featured ©a the ra'dlb, o f f i c e s . •.." •'. ' •..: ' : ' . . ; . '" ' . : Tel Aviv (T/KH-Palcor trill' 1-d p'rpo'eate'd' is :concert, nex Sliooo Sunday. && 'the; City 'Auditorium '- -. - No/alien 'need -be' 'unprepared cy) — Mr.rr.y, Talxtinf) It'j new iinder the auspices of .Omaha-Ppa~ for: 'the"questions-'lie.->lll.-.b.e Labor-'Party, Inr-ucurAtcJl 'asked. S a m p l e registration ArloBOrofC r>u!.13Uit, dc.l!cr.tcu to No;-1, the'Axaorican'Legion. -'forma stolen ''Shot? • .hint exactly the memory ot .Or. Chaiva ArlosOnco a laborer,". next, a track driver and bunkhoac3 cinger, otu -what Information ho will -need oroff, JLr.bor Jcrdcr, r.nd Jjr.iLls died voice in Long Beach. Cali- -at registration" are available; la Agescj- ::«cjutivo sicubor trfco xrsa<X \7hi!c T,-ar:lnrr on fornia. Given a trial on Jco!1 all pa tho candy c£ ih>3 clt?'a rcsshcro Benny's radio Drosrau, ho coon ia Joae, 3S3S. became a favorite on tho airt;aves. Tho C*C.l'?.i:~.'± t;r;rao:iica Included tho uavoHng: no£ a tj?,r> roTickets for this evest aro Hcf of f-Tlczmoii, n .& a cslcgy Da calo at tho 'Araorlcan Lo^ioa ctfice, 10E City Hr.ll. Prices aro Funeral oerricea were holfl las dellTtircc! by Iloslio SIicrtoL, Ii^afi fifty and covcaty-flvc eonta cm! ffriany raosalEG-st tho"- Jovrich oE tho Politic??. Dcnsrtme^t of the •a -M: -Jm - ; .|iii- : -Hl i c dollar. All ccnla cro reserved. Funeral Homo" for Mrs. Jakp f 1 AH>* II zu pKr^rci Ia tr- Iff". •"• - • J ^ & '. "tejKff" ' ' ' i l Weiaer, *vrho died oa November efts %WhgsB$£i£^i£Si0k: 4ift»ia2i^^ti^^ ier to ^caiouly-xto £*•) ycara o£ ,'Tlie last stronghold of dioerim- 14, after a Icac lllzszs. . upbuildic^ cficri ia Lrotu loraol,' .{nation ac&fcst ihs New ChrisSho had been active la JewM T/as oFonCv1 in tlio Ilaia Hell o2 Mans xmst tho Spc&ish Corps si rhtlonthropis actiritics. the Survivias are: 'her Iiusb Cadets chieh until 1860 refute: membership to taembsts of til two soao, Louts aafi Hymloj Fatroafso Our Advertistra. nobility who had Jewish ancestry. a dattabtoxv Sfollyo.




girls-not b*iEg le^uired to ncite the'Ka&difeh, 6.2*4 act ehgal^ fcr Bar It tO





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< ^ p t s and Jc%£sh as^.t " HOW SU' aS «. lifiowledge l'u to Judaism jL'ses a• t 'the I..U.U Which is

i«.»ttvi l i t, iii ' l u o a of the 1 Jua^. tt I J tt the sole autlu (it; .' L ' i c t t o Li 1.1 i lliii i v. ».«• >t t o 1,'JlUff f ' v l M L K . Of hiB lit. t l v e of thtj L I ' K I J f .v»tf.;»jtl, v r f c t ^ iwfj.L'iJt.1 t o T f i y i_*. i^rf u w stra^r will find t E g y p t a i i d U . t » «, • U I I , 0;t v (ft estimates by it..., tltkllt, «xti.J \ Uclt. Iilu f'jfla- £1 i i c f i a t t u , lVx i t . 1 / ' <IJ * t u L )f l i t tL ' . u t t l V t l l ' k t v . t vrilderiiei a J i a t Is i> t j^ fy« fct. J, '-ffic «.i c others vrho Si is. t t tit, t e r e l i a e o k ^ t >i t b l > . . > < t i ut /j. nt ^ ii, m! i J li fir i KJ i-t ly i v io ^1Ln f«tvv ta© work of f u u r the ir^ut w i t l i p j t L « m t i-L » t i « a ii a,, iit,Jf in. t i e 'ifc-vd-tifd m a li_g I'lace Jew? f y i n g , 1< , a i t . » i i t ' f r i ' i.u Icvtivt-, u jtc'i; v/liich Fried\1 IE.* i i t b M Ik Vrfb t l i ' j f i / L : J . j : I 'lelvu crypts iu J >{l, 0 . . 1 i th i Ic tt.! a_ lotlf v . ; it-i-o. 1 c^cn* i t t lied because 'ii r! i> (.„, lhi. i J t i .dM itlt f r f "i i if h cILitH, Yt.l«"iii«h tiEa t t J - Liwi i- t»ctc ty. U li fe » Jdn I', ICUj U <IJL Oil J< u temples. lute, hlstmy'l Masiiero. who ana- Lid tt»Deggufcs, the Jewissh g&til'HiiB F ^"ili Miuairndl volume acaal^ cii «u, .Th-ese defectives of science, lyzed liis mummified features, BOE (from) your brother HE isLiiu 4< t taai»y will i)*t.u.iffc toj" tuture generapiecing together scraps of iat'or- eaid ia liis book, "Struggle til ike aniali: ft tti<"IS> twiiujl tlf.u- itu int. ,f ry a?><l the charac"The welfare of lay bretlucu mr.iion salvaged from tlie records Nations" (1886), that Thothmea cly, <ui>ccr. I ' o i ter of a dhifjUb ti*int and a glfthis may the KGds seek. of long-burled dynasties, follow- wss a "fellak of the old stock, < < t hi4 ifcjulai t(i i t r . fuatlty who consecrated ing up clues like erudite blood- sqn&t thick-set, vulgar in charac"Now this year, the 5th yeair, lie utinti, tt-d,«Li),_, \>miiJtr, 1< tui :i& lira to the teaching of hounds and knitting together with ter and expression, but uot lack- o£ King Darius, word was sent g, and v;v.xLi£ in tue cruyauy 'oioh to An eticut Jewish youth. deduction -what they lacked in evi- ing iu firmness and vigor." from the king to Arsames paying: dence, have reconstructed a good "In the mouth of Tybt let there of friends and abaGeiatteS unuer a Bible implies that Moses, be a Passover for the Jewish gar- terrific burden of pain aacl fn deal of Egypt's history, including had fled to Midiau after elay- rison. .Now you accordingly count the face of creeping death. the period of the Hebrew's soing an Egyptian taskmaster, wait- fourteen days of the month Kisaa Never did lie allow the fatal journ there. ed for the death of Thothmes be- end keep the Pfessover, and frora disease to rob Mm of the zest of Much of the archaeologists' evidence jibes with the iiarrative in fore returning io Egypt, It was the 15 th to the 21st day of Kiean life or to interfere with his imthe biblical Book "of liteodus. shortly afterward that the exodus are Bevea days of unleavened portant activities in the field of There are many details that are occurred - - very , early la the bread. Be clean and talce heed. Jewish education. Every contribunot corroborated, but this la not reign of Amenhotep I (1448-1420 Do no work on tho 15th day and tor pays glowinjj tribute to this significant because the records B. C ) . Thus, Amenhotep' was on tho 21st day. Also drink BO remarkable hiBlaiiee of the triare far from complete. What la probably the Pharoah of the es- beer, and anything at all ia which umph of spirit over body. To walk significant is that little or no evi- odUE, who hardened Ms heart aad there is leavea do not, from tlie with death as a dally partner and loth day from eutieet till the 21st to remain UBEfraid is an uncomdence has been turned up tviiicli "'would Kot let them go." actually contradicts Hit? Bible There is no reference ia avail- day of Nisan, let It not be seen mon, a Btoic achievement. (Contiaued from Page 1.) The editor makes two contribustory in any important feature. able 13gyptia» records to the among you; do not bring it Into For most of the material that fol- plagues described by the Bible or your dwellings but seal it up dur- tions; the first a personal tribute to the deceased* and tlie second Coagulate ia Moscow and appli* lows we are indebted to Stephen the ieea of the Egyptian army in ing those days. cations for Palestine visas ar« L. Caiger'e book, "Bible and the lied Sea. But this is only na"Let thus be done as -Darlas an analysis of his literary work itaadled hf ths British Consulate and genius which expressed itself Spade: An Introduction to Bibli- tural, since the Egyptians were the king commanded. ia the Soviet Capitol. The Coacal Archaeology." the last people who would record "To iay brethretClfraSoniah and In song, short story and most gulate of CMua fn Stockholm is Here is what archaeology lias their misfortunes. Regarding the his colleagues, the. Jewish garri- superbly in a book of Bonnets authorized to grant visas to refulast plague - - the smiting of the son, (signed} your brother IJasi- published only a short time prior to tell of the exodus: to Ms death.' Other contributors gees going to or through China. first born - - it la interesting to anlah." 480 Years in Egypt As tlie result of efforts of the include Dr. Golomon Goldman, The sojourn of the Hebrews in note tjiat Atnenhotep's successor Samuel BieneafeM, Daniel HIAS-ICA ia-Vilnius, it was an(Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- Itabbi Egypt lasted 430 years. It was to flits throne was not fala eldest l'crs&y, M. Feisatein, A. Kplee- nounced, tlio way has been paved graphic Agency, lac.) in 1877 B. C. that Jacob brought son, as w&ts customary, but anhandler, wiio pen touching' esti- for the issttanee of passports by other eon. indicating the possibilthe Israelites to Egypt. In 1B80 mates of the man and oj his skill the local Lithuanian authorities B. C, or thereabouts, the oppres- ity that his first-born had sufand. Jewish education. and of transit-visas by the U. S.sion of the Hebrews began. And fered an untimely death. Several well known Jewish poets- B. R. for those - refugees and emRevolt the exodus took place in 1447 pay tribute to their friend and igrants who Isave their immigraB. C. The record shows that oo the i olleagua in stirring • verse in thetion visas and steamship ticheta. The princess stated iu the Bible death of Thothmes III the whole -ond section. They aro routed exclusively to have found Moses in the, bull- outlying part of the empire brofee ApprecfatSvo Esfliast«a through Siberia and Japaa with rushca would be Hatsheput, favor- into revolt. It might have been Btnanuel Gaiaor&a who coila- Tokio aa .tho tfrlatipal tiausit, ite'daughter of Thothmea, I. Hat- tnese rebellions early in Amen, Befer Eiitoron I«% Bhcput, was a strong and wilful hotep's reign that created a di- (Iloolc of McmorieJ to H. A. boratc-fi with Friedland in thoport. Tlio Japanese Qovernment" young lady. After the deatlL- of version large enough to make it (Yicdland) MtstaMvntli I v r l t l s , preparation of text books for Jew- i3 admittins only refugees v/ho her father, she became the de possible for the Hebrews to leave J£ditcd hf M. Illlialov, ISO psges. ish cchools emphasizes Pried-. are fa possession ,o£.visas,"steamfacto ruler of Egypt daring the the country .without much oppoThe volume is a collection at land's' great' lovo for the Torah..' ship tickets and a minimum of early years of the reiga of his sition. ., tender and moving tributes to H. Incidentally, the essay provides §100. . potent arganicnt for tho brother, Thothmes III. AD to the exodus itcolf, there A. Friedland, who died a year ago The Queen Victoria of her day, io no explicit corroboration, but lant summer, at the ago of 48. Friedland came to thlo country liatcshoput annuonced her inten- also there ia nothing to throw tion of ruling as a man, Many doubt on the general credibility when only twelve, with an extensive Talmudic education. He atreprcsentationo of her have been of the biblical narrative. Incidentally, it to aot Renenillv tended Columbia University for a found in male attire. Her strong1 minded ways excited jealousy in known that "Cleopatra's Needle.' time, studying under John Dewoy, the heart of her brother - - so the monument in New York's Cen- Thorn-like and others. Diplomas much -GO that after her death he tral Park, in one of the raonu and degrccii failed to fntrlguo obliterated or destroyed all of her meals of ThotlimcG 111. Perhaps him. His lovo for Judaism someone would like to make an in ito broadest cenco v/aa (loop monuments. • issue about the presence in Cen- and curpaased all other interests It was Thothmeij HI who wan tral Park of a. monument to one and loyalties. To it he dedicated the Pharoah of the oppression of hictory'a great oppressors of himself with his heart am! noul through the medium of Jewish Enormous building projecta were the Jewa. education. '•'..•• 0 No Celebration a characteristic of his reign. An You may be interested to kaov? Hero again he did not follow inscription at Karnak depicts construction with forced labor.. For thiit although Passover marks tlie the customary proceduro vrhich instance, wall painting® in the exodua from E;;ypt, the Jewo who concleted of preparing boya for tomb at Obd-el-G.urnatt show the later settled in J3cypt did not cel- Bar Mitzvah, tho droning of the building of'the* temple o£ Amen cbrato tho holiday for hundreds Maftir, and tho teaching o£ Kadat KarnaU with Sentitic-lookinc of yearn. A papyrus has been un- dish and KiddUGhrin&tcad, ho csearthed, datins from 413 B. C . 'tablSahcd a Hebrew ochool for slave gangs. .. , • One picture shows a group at •work with a slave-driver otanding over them. The inscription is: "The tasUmaster saith .to Ws lab' "Havo yots Iicard t h a t orers: 'The rod Is in my hand; , KOVET.lDEEl 2Gth be noFidle.' " The Bible records that the Pharaoh ordered that no straw OFFERS A DRASTIC 1)0 given to the Hebrews to make • their bricko. Interestingly enough. a "papyrus of the. reign of TlioG E A U T y GALON' THE FAMOUS thmes III has been unearthed in v/hich a building contractor .comQECUR3T5KG D8-DQ plains: "I am provided with, nothing. There are no men for raal:cr ** ing bricks and there i s no straw In the district." " „ - ' MttQimified Bemains '. .', Thothmcs III reigned 53 years. Bis muinmified body, survives to Gsvca iby Mica THORPE this day. It must give oae an Scsentsfic Masscoitoo and Trained eerie feeling to survey the remains of thi3 ancient Hitler and Tlxay area ao £jontlo a reflect on hot/ he shaped the debbaby cnn'Iiavo them! * tiny of the Hebrews. If he had act oppressed the:.. Jews; •'• they ©HO EXERCISE




FRANCO BEAUTY 2«J Floe;? Sacizvittcs

Phono AT O33Z

Friday, Hovtssl>er 2 2 , 1Q40


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Jews cf ttils gestr«sii n, sp ids -pilgrfia's staff c-aee more, H&!e*i s*c*"dis o±> E.E t> b and made'bis; way .to..Tyre and.'' r u i i c i - l r r t t ct l i e l l s- then to Damatcus la 'Syria.' ' la-'' dte Age- 1t a tl ., ttt&tt-t fc'- bo<li cities he was greatly hoaored j-snejt t* t Q " L ii" u. i 2. t," by the Jewish communities, Txiea f^r I «... t» t »y i--.•.*. -i- t c_cl j -1, life jouiiieyed Eoutb.\vard to Pal».

cstiu'e, where, no doatt, htj- was saddened, perhaps, broke'u-iieai'ted ti & t C i i r w t c£ \t 0 iifcuwit, I 1 by the ruias and degradation ho saw everywhere In this Holy Land. t-»e iiOi/Co i>t tiiw t t a l e . One Jewish historian bellevts 'lltfe pc^t l i C i l u i L l f t l » t r- tl;.at he west back to Spain eom.iag, now the thorny crown of a pletely disillusioned. Perhaps his •• By HARRY MENDELSON Arabic and Greek w a i t i n g s one of his witty sallies. He hadthousand trials, ROW the glitter- poetic Muse paissed out in Egypt bridged the Dark Ages. a joyous nature, and did not there ing diadem of glorious Lope. He and therefore he was not heard Of course, even the Jewish the gloom and melancholy which not only wrote beautifully in this of any more; but the Jewish folk-EDITOR'S KOTE: J u d a h in Spain knew ao Greek, i? some times reflected in thestrain, felt deeply, for even fantasy chose to embellish h i s Halevi, Hebrew |>oet laureate scholars they had access to the Arabic poems of Solomon ibu Gabirol and as a boybut at time of the First death with the legend of his being in the Goideni Age ol' Moslem but of the Greek writings, Moses ibn Ezra. At parties he Crusade, he the had at XJU- trampled to death by an Arab Spain, is the siiibjeet of the fol- translations which in turn had come to thewould compose witty poems, rid- eena an attempt witnessed horseman. on the part lowing interesting ailfcle hy Arabs most frequently through dles and epigrams, which no doubt the Moslems to force the Jewsof However, the matter of how, to Mr. SleMdelsora. T h e 800th the Syriac. admirable work caused considerable amusements. embrace Islam. when and where Halevi, "the Yahrzeit of the great yoet is of the Arabs The in mathematics and Here is one on a. gray hair: wonerous fiery pillar of song" was being observed this year. astronomy, and their enlightened Oite day I observed a gray hedv in And later, when Spain became extinguished is of little signifthe battleground, between th e interpretation of the old Greek icance. More important Its that . n«y head; Arab rulers and the Christian the brilliant handiwork of h i s True and pure and without philosophers, c a m e to Europe I plucked it right out, when it kings, who initiated an offensive mind has come down through the . • . blemish through the Jews. And the hapto be K&M: against Islam, the Jews suffered Was his Kinging, like his soul py union of Hebrew and Moslem "Thou thus muyest siaile, if thou wilt, the most. The chaos of the times ages ; to inspire Jews the world The Creator having made it, culture produced a renaissance in ovcr. And-we cannot but ogrea . thy treatment of me, naturally called forth Messianic with Alharisl, who wrote of Judah With Ids handiwork contented, literature and philosophy, In sci-But a at score of my friends soon dreams and hopes. Kissed the lovely s o u l and ence and religion. i> century later: will mock of thee.". echoes When one considers the pog-Witli lua.j'ij-r fnJiMitj.u's *.!.ill. Ma It was at the height of t h i s • Of that kiss forever.. roms.'and the excesses perpetrated cultural and literary effloresence Though he could have remained by the Crusaders against the Jews Of lumfoKtu.i lit»l'Js..-.J 8"U«1 liU'U'lu . . Thrilled.through all the poet's and cross-fertilization of civiliza- indefinitely in'Granada under the in various countries, then It benumbers, that Judah Halevi' poured friendly and beneficent roof of By that gracious deed inspired. " tions apparent why the leading Si'opyrJfihtcd by Jewlth Ttleforth his immortal poesy in theibn Ezra, the wanderlust got thecomes —-Heinrich Heine. Jewish poets were permeated with cy, Inc.) language of the prophets. He was Of the many illustrious Jews of not only preceded by brilliant best of him and before long lie the belief that "Messiah's steps was traveling from city to city the "Golden Age" of Moorish luminaries but was a contemporare approaching" and why t h e S p a i n , few names have shone ary of Solomon ibn Gablrol, whom where he earned his living by hisgreatest troubador of that e r a medicine and poetry, which was should sing so passionately and down through the ages as brilcalled "a nlghting - g a l e usually dedicated to rich Jewish soulfully liantly as that of Judali ben Sam- Heine "Dtmociacy'B oriclisal inspiraof his yearning for Zion. in the darkness of t h epatrons. uel Halevl. He still ranks as thesinging "I am In the west; but my heart tion came f r o m loli^Ion. Its Gothic medieval night," and of greatest Hebrew poet since the Moses ibn Ezra, who became his Merry Twinkle is In the easfc—1M>W CKSI I life en- foundcrti wero deeply i('li!;ious In Psalmists, and is considered one patron and life-long friend. their convictions. They uf-suincd Halevl never lost the merry Joy?" of the ablest philosophers and exthe contributions of Judakim and twinkle of his eye, even composThe revival of Arabic literature pounders of Judaism in the MidChristianity when iru.UInrc their Ing poems dedicated ^ to beauty Tho poet's national feelings and found its echo throughout t h e and passion and the fusts of the dle Ages. , caleulatloiiR for the building o£ hope became centered a r o u n d Mediterranean world, from Bagdemocratic oyutcm. And It hnp« Yet Jewish historians are Indad to Cordova. The Jewish com- flesh long after he had written Jerusalem. Sunny Spain no long- apens that the chief spiritual re« doubt as to the date and place of munities could not hold them- some of his finest religious poems er possessed any charms for him. qulrcmcnlii tho laainttnanco his birth, nor are they sure as toselves aloof from this Intellectual and ZIonides, but his lighter ef- On desolate 2ion he concentrated of democracyfor are the very things forts became less frequent as he all his pstsslonato devotion: "I am •where and when ho died, though stir. For the moment, indeed, which the groat majority of relegend has It that he was runJewish scholarship was almost grew older. He turned more and a harp for thy eongB.'* minded Amorlcatm liavo more to capture life's deeper emodown by an Arab horseman as he Arablzed. His most famous and most be- lislouoly In common—if they only knev tions, and the most beautiful and loved etpod1 praying under the ruined poem, "Zion Halo Tlohall," It!" T h e Immediate consequence moving poetry since the Psalter •wall of Jerusalem. Since t h e was a revival of belles letters. is etill chanted on Tisha B'Av in n Jewish world has decided to cele- HeUrew poetry was written on flowed from his pen. the synagogues. No love - elclt —tU-v. Hie, ir^i.i-y Utuitli 1ii*lv rt t'.ecretcry, Wmld Council oS More than three hundred of his troubador could have bestowed on brate his 800th yahrzeit in 1940, secular models; and Just as, cenwe cannot but accept that he died turies earlier, Phil'o and the Hel- poems have come down to us and the subject of his affections greatof these many are what might be er tenderness than did Judah on in 1140, though some historians lenists of Alexandria had conconsidered or n a t u r e the city of his yearnings: may still have their doubts. sidered that Plato had eald the poems, whichsecular even to this day call To comprehend fully the true final word In human thought, forth inspiration In poets t h e Oh city of the world, with sacred splendor blest, stature and position of Halevl in students now believed that Aris- world over. However, among the the field of Hebrew poesy andtotelian philosophy, which t h e Jews he has been considered, espe- My spirit yearns to thee from otst the far-off -West, philosophy, we must first learn Arabs had taken over from the cially in later generations, the reGreeks, was the acme of intellect- ligious poet, whose pooina have A stream of love wells forth when something not only of tho age • 'I recall thy day, , which gave forth such luminaries ual achievement: stirred the hearts of millions of Already aa a youngster Halevl Jews yearning f o r Zion and Now is thy tonsple waste, t h y an, Moses ibn Ezra,' Solomon Gaglory passed away. briol and HalevI, but also of theexhibited his poetic genius a n d evoked streams of tears for the Had I EII eagle's wingsf straight preceding generations which pro- soon attracted the attention of the dark exile of Israel. •4TOUM I fly to thee, duced such intellectual giants as leading poets of his day. He sent Many of his poems have been Moisten thy holy dust with wet Haisdal Ibn Shaprut and such some of his early compositions to taken the liturgy and their cheeks streaming free. statesmen - scholars - patrons of Moses ibn Ezra at Granada. Thelustre into has not been dimmed by But Judah was not content to learning as Samuel ibn Nagdela. older poet,; then the chief literary ages. Every season of tho JewThe Moslem conquest of Spain, a u t h o r i t y of Spanish Jewry, ish year—the Sabbath, fast-days sing to his lady-love from afar. destined to endure for nearly praised Judah's efforts in t h e s e and festivals—has been, enriched He resolved to meet her face to face. His wife was dead, but he • seven centuries, marked a newwords: by his songs. The following is an epoch in the history of western How. can a boy. so young In years example of one of his Sabbath was much attached to his,daughter and grandchild. These, howEurope, Under tho enlightened Bear such weight of. wisdom sage, hymns: rule of Abd Ar Rahman and hisNor -'inongst the greybeards find On Friday doth my cup p'crflow, ever, he decided to leave, together with his host of friends, his comsuccessors Spain helped dissipate • his peers rest the night shall fortable home and worldly besome oC the darkness that en- While still In the very bloom of What.•.• blissful k n o w , . • ' . - . ; •' • longings, his school at Toledo and veloped the rest of Europe. . ... • • l i f e ! . • • • • - • • • • • . . - . • When in'Thine arms, my toil, and his pupils who loved him like a Judah steeped himself in Jew- . . - . . ' Beautiful palaces and mosques, O O • ' • ' ' ',. father. After a stormy passage, busy streets and markets, flour- ish and Arabic literature. He also Are allWforgot, Sabbath 'ray love! he arrived, in Alexandria, where lahittg fields and orchards were acquired a knowledge of Arabic t h e Maskilim of the last he was received with great. hosthe outward marks of a glorious philosophy, and chose medicine as g eTo n e r a t i o n and nationalistic pitality and warmth. era. The sovereigns were patrons a means of livelihood. Though In Egypt of learning, and authors and sing- acquainted with the Arabic and Tho Jews rot Egypt pressed ers laid at their feet the fruits of Castillian poets, he chose the lana rich genius. And for the great-. guage of the prophets to express FOR KENT — Two furnished Judah to stay among them; but er part of COO years Spain be- his thoughts; and though, l i k e rooms and kitchen. WE 3527 he was determined to reach tho goal of his ambition. So ho took came to the Jews an earthly para- many, of his predecessors, he foldise, where, they could work and lowed medicine as a profession, study and prosper - in peace and yet the. muse, of. poetry continued to be, his chief obsession throughhappiness. It is not surprising, therefore, out his. life. that such conditions should have At 15 he was already so reproduced great men, Jewish as nowned "throughout Spain that ibn •well as non-Jewish, who In more Ezra took him under his wlnga. than one sense may be considered And under the kind and warm 1 the forerunners of tho'Renais- patronage and Inspiration of the sance of the 13th and 14th «en- ,elder poet the life of the young ^ DEDICATED TO /-N IDEAL .tu.ries.,--./, : " '." ;.';."•.•. V •_, •', . bard was completely transformed, For.the Jewish population in for the great poet, a .member of Spain the coming of the Moslems one of the most Illustrious fam•was ",a Godsend.. The Moslems. ilies of Spain, introduced him at • j ° Buy furniture with e •were, more. concerned about poll his home in Granada to the leadn taxes .than about converts; and ing Jewish poets and-thinkers of therefore' most of the old restric- the 'age.' thzt is tdli bring In his youth Judah turned, with tions against them disappeared. tho desired hesuTho Jews, took • advantage of theother Spanish gallants, to themc3 ty and' happi-: : exceptional-economic and cultural of wine,' loveand beauty. He .!.tiic::3,12-iadi hlc ness into opportunities and: added to thesang of beautiful eyes and raven Spc;!.cr. DoEBC't:or..<r3i .r^r-.i\- . ; your glories of the; age by serving as hair, of the jealous pangs of love, the intermediaries between t h e of the blessings of friendship. No Arabs and the Christians. Their wedding passed without an ode tlonths to I'jy translations and adaptations of from him, no gathering without • V

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(I* l i f t (Ii k I - The Center will lib the &eeae t,l hh U.-,,. 'itiio ib K u. f-*v t to an uniciue j»ai1y &«d dance Satui- i f 1 i ! j _ i ila I l l a l ll'> CF ( i t V t - A. '/,. A. fccitv-aiie of ' " l i e C ifca.t I>i'UOLUU it i.u t l i day night when the loag heralde 1 J IK / rA A ( I J t ty ot o£ ue1 Dog Patch Feud will take place 1.* c j , * . l o i s t ' j i u i t i _ tli c i * 1 Jl AH Center groups are co-operat t I t i l - 1 VJ L 11 if i. V £ 1 / I i i ) i s h t n i t o i i £u-i<3 t o . t t t i e h a o j <U»t a l iuiou i i fc< ii» Ing in making this the outstand- hi UIL 3 S i . J If. i i tt I i~'in t «. c t it t . f L i i i i t i l Cr illt, S Io J ISIh till 111 ( " " ing event of the season. i t t>ii.l 6 \ » .L o t a i ^ » » i \.K> v . i l l J n u If J' C • t »i» «! t t i fc.1 L "t-» b u t t or & t u t s n iiiiU <(n.i t J ow ou f k. f The W. E. 3 , l i i u u i(' ! . n ) i y i i i s s i u . H ! <• o n , v i ' l t « l 1 ceSJi ^ t S o'tlu, 1 1 !<. mj tlv. in hi iiJ C o u n , ii^lyjiiui t j be U . t i i 1 , «, CUico uiJi i v «f 11 1 v l) i m t c o i »;t c * - t irt (It t . i, s i Center Players el i'•»< i* i i In cuarg-t. ff t*ic i ^ i n i U f e t , is* Ii I^Il. IKCUL. 1 t l t a t v,Hl tn i a Kt n i i i v i i bt. hi u o i ' >1 i i t i of the program; JIM IV< J \ * '% V t i h o n 1 i t ' h . A'cortfiuL, tf lai i, [ I j t S l f U I i I n . rfll ' J j n«! Jtl K w i> ff»)«i (o»a Couit on t i e t id t ^ / Ui'. and Hadassah i i a t t .<ul i n i 11OIC d t l t l l ' { f i t £j>OJ.Iu.ll Will . kj CK t I f€»44*it \.*tl t it! if it, Ct Jw»l.'i> I , U t O , t « l t l t If t i l Sail t . » fci fc'<<3 <» i t m» l'»s i<-vi i t the "Kick-a-poo J •) t l-i i " *"» Lc t> ithci KJU" « »t utfcl' cu^ait > !ik <. t a f <»i l i i u t u t t i 0 yt < t i vf. l i t AV»O t t B u ' l i i t o / , other refreslaiit-uts; • A. W. it \ . l i s t «!i ^ f H iLEte t n t o 1 , t<i c c <. u t j i i U t c o f t in \ l l i E l ! ) > ' E io I»< !«.(«, fc i l girls are handling publicity s,i a f i l l ! « l i t ! , « > . . « f>»»t tfs« J l\vi t l l CU t jIf t 1<l-U< MASOMC ! liitVK'll • ' 1 " "»t l "• t l I d assisting the A, IS. A. in ceeor, ,t , , ! • i b it. fiy lttt£t»i) • . • ,'uvktfa weic held in the fcynations; the J. A. C. club'Will be iu t- •<, t U i <- O I l r- ' il i n IV, ,U togue l&U fund ay evening i " t i i- f UH • i t O u t t charge of tickets at. the d o o i , coiitpliaittt. with the proclamation Ofa<U U tvi>» • > . iln t l * " t ttkij J III • George Shtndler is general cbahof tho Uitiud Ma&tti of M^&oub m djt..s i n tJkj tAoiiiln^, i b L«M£.In U b man ot the program. The planHadassah. will h o l d its an-Iowa. teeth and shai'i»e;» Ills tongue! ning committee for the Dog Patch nual Friday evening service to& . EBLLS WKKti, BiSBEJS, (Copyrighted by Jewish TeleAn address was delivered on Feud consists of Dr. Bernstein, night at the Mt. Sinai Temple, graphic Agency, Inc.) Americanism, Masonry and JudaE&6 Jack Grt'fenberg, Aunubello* Enx- with Mrs. Ezra Shapiro of CleveKOTiCiS OF i'KOJSATE 61'' VVI8X lein, Lois Kovltsky and Bubbles land as g u e s t epealcer. Mrs. ism by O. Hochman. An address Pill. Most clubs have announced Shapiro is a National' Hadassah waa also given by Rabbi 1. ItacIn tlia County Court of Douglas County. that they are planning to come as board member, and has just re- koveky of Omaha, who chose as County, NeUiaeka. In the. Matter of the Estate of Harry a group. Transportation by busturned from the National Hadas- his topic, "Peace and War." Also AEOHH, Deceased. will be provided for those leaving sah convention held in Cincinnati. present at the services was Bon All persons iiitefcsie4 in eald estate ero Carpenter, one of the Grand lodge the party. La Paz, Bolivia (JTAV — All hereby notified • that » petttSun baa been Mrs. Shapiro ia touring the region officers of the Masons of Iowa. fil«d Jn eald Court, jprgylug f&f tha l»roThe committee wishes to em-and making Sioux City her Ha- Services w e r e conducted by Jews over 16 years of age whob&te of & eefttto inc-li;iHne-i<t .now ca tile entered Bolivia since January 1, In Bald Couix, puipurtiuK to ba ttie last phasize that good Dog Patchers dassah Shabbat stop. Rabbi Carl Castle, G. Barbakow, 1938, have been ordered to .report wii, and testament of t-siS deceased, fcnd do not date, Final instructions of that a, lie&ring will b«. has! on gaid • petiAH Zionist organizations have Sam Sachs and S. Uhyken. to the immigration Ministry and tion before BKW Court on the Both day cf the committee to the guests a r e been cordially invited t o attend produce their identity documents. Novcnsfcer, 18*0, arid that if they fail to that: services at the Temple and be at field Court on tlw saw 30tU' day The order also affects Jews who oJ pt-ai HOME 1810, a t 9 o'clock A. IS., 1. Girls' skirts must not be be- Hadassah guests a t the reception STUDENTS became converted to Catholicism to November, Coming in for,the week-end to contest probate of eaid will; th« low the knees. to bo tendered Mrs. Shapiro fol- visit their parents and attend the in thia country. The action was Court leay Ui« allow »»d prohate said wm 2. Men's pants m u s t ' n o t be lowing the services. ana grant administration of said estate to Iowa-Nebraska game were Llbbie taken under the immigration act Lena Azoiin or 8t»ms other euit&ble perlonger than six inches below the son, cater a decree of hetrshlp, and pvo* and Settle Grossman, B d y t h e of October 22, 1940. knees. ceed to a eettlemont • thereof. Bubb and Shirley Gershun. All The order is believed t o bo a BItYCB CRAWFORD, 3. Men's hair m u s t be unare enrolled as students at Iowa result of a campaign by anti- lt-3-iO-St. •-....:•••.: : combed. university. 4. No belts . . . ropes only. 5. Shoes must not match. The annual Thanksgiving dance, FROM FKEMONT 6. No concealed weapons . . . sponsored by the Mt. Sinai SisterMrs. Verbln of Fremont is visguns must be checked at the door. hood, will be held Thanksgiving iting at the home of her son-in• On the program will be a wed- eve, November 27, at the Bellevue law and daughter, Mr. and lira. ding of Daisy Mae and Hairless apartments. An exceptionally fine Joe. A special Instructor will be band in scheduled and the affair Mas Harris'.' here to teach the La Conga. There is to be an outstanding one. IN SIOUX CITY will be ducking for apples and a The chairmen for th® affair are Mra. A. Leibovitz is'visitlnc in great many other things planned r for'the enjoyment of the guests. Mrs. A. M. Davis and Mrs. Dave Sioux City as the guest of Her Albert. The chairmen for t h e sale of "tickets sre"Mrs.!-M. •RosenLaw Office A. FIKBLEB stock and Mrs. H. M. Bail in-. On " Court, House the committee a r e Mesdames S. Onuvia, Nebraska Seff, B. Sekt, B. Kalin, II. Levy, NOTUK OV INCOBPOnATION OlII. Slotsky, S. London, M. Marx, "AllVKItTISlNO SEBVICES, INC.'* N, Gorchow, L. Davidson, M. Wilde, V. Masie, Mrs. Weiner, H. KNOW ALL -MEN BY THESE FKC3that the undersigned have formal A. Baron, Rosenfeld, H. ENT3 a corporation under the . laws of t Ii e On Wednesday, November 20, Miller, B. Gelfand, Sains'lca, S. GreenState ol Nebraska: The name of ttii3 at 8:15, Itabbl Albert S. Goldstein stone, H. Pishgall, J. Kalin," B. corporation a n a 11 be "ADVEIlTieiNG of Mt. Sinai Temple will review Skalovsky, I. Rocklin. SERVICES, INC.," with its principal place of Dua|nesa at Omaha, Nebraska. The tho book, "The Great Hatred," general nature of the business to ba by Maurice Samuels. transacted and the object and purpose for which this corporation is organized and ': Tho review will be held at the Children's Theatre established shall be' to maintain and enTemplo A n n e x . Following the gage is an agency for the purposo of book review, there will be a so- The Children's Theatre which planning, producing, end distributing gen-' era! and publicity In oil its cial hour. Hostesses are Mrs.met for the first time Sunday had formaadvertising, through nil- recognized media, and Abe Davidson, Mrs. M. Levitt, a record attendance in rpito of to serve as merchandising counselor?, to Mrs. 3M. lior-.enEtocl: and Mrs. Fred tho bad weather. P.Irs. Marx has buy, sell, lease, and convey property, both real and personal, and to do any and JJheriTian. announced that a'popular fairy all tWngi> nece2rary or Incidental to the talo will bo produced this seaeon cserclEe of the aforesaid powers- of the The authorized capital otock by the Children's Theatre and try- corporation. tbail be-810,030.00-'per--sharer-all of esld outs will be held within-the ne3U ttoclt (hall bs fully-paid up and non-as^crsM$ nai &ble, caitl sioclt may 1)8 isaued for CSBU, few weeks.. A place will be found real estate, pcrconat property or. peracnal for every cltild in tho group in services. 1T.a corporatlcsa Bhall commence dclr.G biirincrs upon 41ie filing .of its artho play that is used. ticles with the county'Clerk of • Bouf;las The B'nai B'rlth Armistice day Registration will remain, o?en County, Kcbra?'>ta, and shall contlaue for program will bo held Sunday eve- for the next two weeks." -The clacs a period of fifty ycara from said <!,ite. ning at 8 o'clock at the Jewish starts fit 2:45 r.nd tho children Tha h'GhCui" &:aooat of indebtedness thai? not exceed two-tbirds of Its capital BtocU Community Center. A presenta- are urged to be prompt. but this restriction shall "hot apply to tion of the colors by the firinc ir.ScbtcdneM recured by mortgaBra or Hens upon any of tho corparata property. squad o£ tho Veterans of Foreign The. affairs of thl.3 corporation shall ba V/ara. managed by a Eosrd of Directors of not Following this v/ill be the inler« than two'riierabers. The annual -ihcetg of thstouoratloff jiiall be Iieia-on the vocation by Commander J. J. Mcs^conrt Monday ia Novenaber of eacji. ysar, Guill of the Monohan post liana at Trfi!c!i raeetlng • ths etoc'sdioWsrs t.liall of the American Lsslon. There elect ^ Eoard- of Directors &xul thereupon tha Doard chill -elect Ifom-6n2oaB:'tl!cs!> X7111 be a diccucnlpn on the part a Prc.-Jdcnt, VIce-Prc3ids:nt, Sacretary pml tho Jews played In the World Montevideo, Uruguay (JTA)— a'Treasurer. Any two of eaid"offices 'taay War. An open forum v.'tll follow. The National Education Council b2 "held by Otis s a d • tba' Eania .person esthe office of tba President and Viccr•There la no adinijalors and has decided to remove all instruc- cort PrcsSilcat. Until tha first nteetine of t!:a tlto public is invited to attend. tors who Gympathizc with totali- Eoard cf Directors "the ."loUaSfing. shall v e as officers of said corporation: " tarian'Ideas and impede tho edu-n rIlartln K. Cpcckter,' Fresldept and Boccation of Uruguayan youth in thorctary. - ' • "• • .' * ' democratic spirit. The,action was Jerome J. Wider, Vice-president a n d Treasurer. • • ' , - • • -•>.'« . See?; taken to counteract reported in- T&css tirticlcj saay . be'.&inended a t eny structions from Berlin to pro-Nazi nislar or sr-zcial -meeting of-- tha t d Now that tho cold weather teachers hero t o inject a Nasi Soldsra of outstanding • stoclk IN wrnicca WHEKEOF, the p has spt in, the Contcr has nnny spirit Into .instruction of Uru-liivo hereunto LutiocribeS 'their n a m e s tliin calls- for men's and children's guay'aa Dtudcnts. U t h Cay c £ I J o v c a b e r ; 1S10.:'••"'• ' IIARTIN K. EPECKTER. clothing. Wo vronld appreciate I-Ie^uw*hile, Minister of' Interior JCnOMB J . KH-DER. any clothing that anyouo may Pedro Llanin! Hits t t s ordered In t h 2 prercnec of:- • • • • . - • • want to give. Just call tho Cen- an enevjretic invcr'Jrratlon to halt ALFRED A. VIVDIER. . 11-15-40-41. ter and these things Trill bo the sprecdinc o£ Hlcsal KazLpropniclitfi up. COD E:-T Miio as&nda, v/Iilcli hns t.^on distributed in receat vrcolts in cafes and la U12 Dijtilct Court of Dcaglsa Co^cty, if,r- ~ ss"•srztzzz z other public places. DQStOTEY IIATTJA, xshors piaca cf etatejraat s To:r2*:.'cr.cj Town It ua^Eo-ism pjsa upon r.ton rcclan r.n& tcclul hatred has bs^xs r:Ksr.5l ciniia c* rears633 cannot LD 2 r * t Tho tivat eories oi our To<-a RfToiftca .bj" tho Second Conntct." S J -:'! mcsUBno \,*ns hold TiiiiruCy of tlio Catholic Studcsto' Fcdc-rr.I \ 7 . C. Clotcfcy v.-, -3 chr.lrmaa. tion n'ui t i n ITrr.r;:: .tc-oriel t'.itl t'cc: :\l •• TLV Car W a r ? " TV - U1;;J?-TS^ Actf-r--.. -.•Kic'i i ;<? £.!.*;• '-.saru tho I-ror.ucart. tep.C-.;-:c': 3 ";crd to ^Al-'Su-clzd'-'C' 4

Order Registration of. Jews in Bolivia

To Be Held Nov. 27

Armistice Day Wete


T v

U'.;> .'5 t s c , " / . .s r i s e ; , t t ' • » ; { • ! • ' i.':-.'-3 Will COQtinuo C^Cii Mi ; ' I ' . ' s . l i T-j crc-l'Xf ? */c i ; : . r •" * Sv <"-^ "•- c - ' " p - ' <i-J-r nJ*rht. Ke™t wee!; t h o it'/, ; c-. t , . t >' " » u j « £ B ' ' *••• J<r>, " H o w Should W o He-.t i ~<Zlt io ~ci'^: t : J: :•- 7"", ' , " "-/' ---t &,x.-$t ifl- * ' ',','. :,"'. a Artcres'ilon in t h e Into Sidy riarrf.nos who had cettlcU thcts. KM;-",.;:. • .'_{ v :-'." will be"discussed.



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