December 6, 1940

Page 1

.Entered its Sfcccnd Po*toffice. of

» L&il Matter on January £1; 1831, at i«iU(-&kb. utider the Act of M&rcb S, 187S



Promised'by Dies

National Gathering to Be Held December 28-31


Washington (JTA)— Martin Dies of'the House. Committee Investigating un-Aiaeiieau Activities admitted th&t Ms recent "White Paper" exposing Nazi fifth column activities in the United States had not revealed all the ev|<Jence in this connection, in the committee's possession.At a preB3 conference after his arrival here, Dies said a second "White Paper" was now befag assembled out of .documentary evidence which had b e e n in the hands'of the State aud Justice departments "for six months without either comment or action." Dies would not comment on the nature of the undisclosed evidence, but it was learned that most of it referred to possible criminal action on the part of the* Nazi diplomatic corps in this country.

25 KLEIGWEI to Have 1' Disaster at , Haifa ' ,

Sioux. City, Rabbi '

Noted Journalist to

Here Kext Friday. • - Be Here on Hfcifu .<WKB.Palc<,k- A Comiiiiitct-s have been named Foar Hiore bodies wt < f • • ^d to make hriungeme'nts for t h e Rabbi Albert Goldstein of the Tuesday from the - sunken .hu} :LCnational <-<»>» ention of the Ketit steantsltip Patria, wki</ , *'d Mt. Sinai Temple of Sioux City Beta Taa fraternity'which. i» to Drew Pearson, noted news -com« unil capsiscd in the Hi ior will occupy the pulpit, of Temple .be held Jus Omaha •December S3, w i t h 1,008 SewiiA A ts Israel next Friday evening, • De- nioiitatos of both jsresg and radiof 29, 30 «i.U til. i will speak at 8:18 - Tucsduy c«¥e« aboard, bringing to tJni- cember 13. General Uf<* of tho con*His sermon topic will be "The ning, Uecembci' 10, at the Jewish ?>cr of known dead, Ventlon is —dwin N. Sommer. Community Center as the third Divers and others engaged In Unconquered." Louis Sombtig is vice-cliainnan; speaker on tho cunvnt Forum the rescue and salvaging opera'.jArthur CiuldUein, treasurer, aud scries. • tions expressed the opinion that I feernard ij. White, secretary. OthBest-known- for his syndicated many wore bodies remain trapped ' *r members of the executive coinnews column "Washington Merryin the sunken vessel. Of the total mittee are: Loyal G. Kaplan, Leon Go-llound," \,ii!i;h ho -,.-iJtt s in number of refugees aboard, 283 Nefsky of Lincoln, Warren Ackerare still unaccounted for. ,-iinan, Herman S. Rosenblatt of New York, Lloyd Friedman, Lloyd Authorities believed that many * Stalashoek, Stanley Bloaburg, Gerof those n o v/ reported missing - Hid Gross, Howard Kaplan, Herwere drowned while many others llefwses to bert Z. Kaplan, Phil Laser, Richwere able to swim ashore a n d ard H. Hiller, Nathan E, Jacobs ceiv© Chief elude capture. The refugees were of .Chicago, and Dr. A. Morris scheduled to be deported to an ' Rabbi ' Ginsberg of Kansas City. ; unnamed British colony for t h e Arthur Goldstein is chairman Local Group _ Hears Report duration of the war. Budapest (WNS) — A delega- Arrest Gestapo Agents of the finance eoniniitteo, whose •.'' On" Palestine tion of pronitacut Jews, Iicndcd % ji ; According "to official figures, l»y Chief' Rabbi Alexander Bafrnn, membership includes Louis Coin- \ • ' . •Activity. ,. ' 1,592 of the Jewish refugees which visited Bumftntan Premier berg, Morton Richards and Edwin aboard the former . French liner Sominer. Antoiiesca to protest egelssst The Miarachl.,• Organisation of were transferred to the Athlit Ion Members of the registration Qinattft tlio killing of scores of Jews by hsd es guest last.week end detention camp. British police ar- members of the -violently anticommittee are: Lloyd Malashock, BmWIclsy formerly, editor - • (Continued-on Page 3.) chairman; Melvin Berlcowitz, Ar- 'Gedali$h Cemttic' Iron 'Gur.rcl, wea denied of tho "Jraloh. Daily Kcv.'&V and (Continued on Page 2.) pct'tnibloa to csa the Prtmier, it author of many volumes dealing WWJ lfaiurd hcie. A few hoar.! afterv/ards, howHo upoko at tlio late Krj.lay cvtr, .(Jen. AutonfjGC.11 f:out an eiatorvlct-5 of the U. O. C.'on "CI-«ri'E'vry to ltabbi iJufrau with asftctcrlctl**.] of Prc.'.ont Day Je* >-!i ru. anccu that the- Lov<.nu-R»t h 1 Ti'.f- -" V." ("'-'-v: f" . r. f '.-I;-! : .-taken utcpu to (itt'oll tho dlr.orucm i.ji.'j c a LL-.) i'olo cf! Z.oi.lsui i-. \/hleh marked tho ro-intcrnmont Palestine hi tho lU'C^eiit p»ll!jf ceicnionics h e l d for Comcliu Tho annual drauaatiea tourna- and economic crisis o£ tho Jowa1 Zelea Codreanu, Iron Guard chiefment of tho Hound Table of Jew- at tho Melavch Malka of tho Miz- Tolclsi Kinto Aiiti-Jcv/ish tain who was executed two years rachi on Saturday night. Bill Indcfinrtcly ish Youth will bo held on Wedago. nesday, January 15, at 8:15 < «it Sunday aftoraoon a sta&ll con(Tho U n i 10 d Press reported collaboration v/ItH Robert G. AlPootpcmcd tho Jewish Commuulty Center, ac- ferenco of Iliarachl 1-iadcra vao len, Mr. Pearson alco (-.peaks rec' (Continued on Pago 3.) cording to Chairman Harry Good(Continued on Paco 10.) . ularly on tlio radio. Bndc^cst (JTA) — K binder. With Allen he ia tlio author o£ Jews breathed cssJer alter vcr/1Playo may bo original or not, tho books, "Waohlncton Mcrryisi:y Isi tlio newejapero tho test ©J and all entries must bo submitted Go-Round," "More M 0 r r y-Go* Premier Paul Tolcti's speech to to the Round Table advisor by Round" and "The Nine Old Men." Parliament in which ho had Indl« Friday, January 3. For club3 inHo la co-author with Constantino cnted tbet a ftlrd ciiti-Jcwisk law terested in playo for amateurs, Drown of "Tho American Diplowould bo withheld Indcflnllely. there are available M tho Jewish matic Game." ^Previous reports had given riso Community C e n t ' o r numerous A native of Evanston, Pcarcon Now York (JTA)—Dr. Bernard to tho fear that new anti-Semitic ecriptn of plays for both mixed The annual Father and Son legislation would be forthcoming Revel, president of Yechiva col- attended Gwarthmore c o l l e g e and unmixed casts. Banquet o£ tho U. O. C- Brotherlenc, died Monday morning in Mt. where ho became imbued with tho Cluba may aloo have tho as- hood will talco place Sunday, De- before tho end of tlio year. Sinai hospital after a week's 111- ideals of tho Qualccro and followsistance of tho Ccntor dramatics cember S, at tho JowlcY Commun- ' Tho only bad news for Jowo ncca. Ho waa 55. Funeral cerv- ing tho v/ar ho headed Quaker redirector or teacher in preparation ity Center, at G p. m. Morris Bur- contained in the Preraler'o speech Ico3 were held Tuesday at t h o lief work in Siberia, Albania and tho announcement that ft now for staso-llite. Montenegro. Ho has traveled exstein, president CJ£ the U. O. C, was decree would be issued to permit college with leaders of the rab- tensively in all parts of the Rlobo Prizes will bo awarded to tho ll bo Toastmastor of. the ovo- employers binate, and other wallto of Jewto discharge Jews perand in tho cnurca of his travolo clubs presenting tho three best ning. forming military service BG mem- ish life participating. ho -has met tho world'o leading performances, ua judged on the Dr. Revel's completion of 25 Arthur Epstein will pronounce o political figures. baala of interpretation, presenta- the benediction before tho meal. bers of labor gaiics. yearn £3 president of tho OrthoHeretofore tho Military Service dox Rabbinical seminary waa to tion, choico of play, originality, Mr. N. Lovlnson wll speak in "beIn 1927 ho covered tho Geneva and group co-operation. Act preventer! employers from dia- havo been celebrated at tho an(Continued on Paco 10.) half of the grandfathers. (Contlnucd on Pago 2.) nnal Yeshiva dinner on DeceaiMax Fromldn wll.represent the bcr 15. fathers and Dan Katzman will Dr. Rovcl h a d lived In the respond for the eons. United States for S3 yeara and The Rabbi will give a brief adv/as educated at tho University of dresa on "A Summary of GeneraPennsylvania, New York univertion." Tho evening xvill cloco with sity and Dropsio collcse. Previtho presentation of a selected ously he had ctudicd at the Kovno Abncr Kaiman vva3 re-elected moving picture. • Al Pinkel will Tho Carnival cponsoivijl by tho in his nattvo city, which president o£ tho Omaha Helsrow lead community singing. The SisHyman Miller, forinerJy head Yeshiva Po.ile Zion, Branch C4, Jewish Club at tho meeting-held Sunday terhood 6t the.U. O. C. Is plan- o£ tho '"Zukunft," largest of Po- ia now Kaunas, Lithuania. Ho National Workers Alliance,-v/111 ba afternoon at the Jjewish. ComDiun- ning the menu.' land's youth • organlzationD, will waa the son of Rabbi Nahuin. hold on Sunday, December 15, at Sliraga Revel. Ity Center. Other'offlcors elected speak thia evening at S o'clock at Jewish Community Center.' Ills widow, the former Sarah theSixty ara: Sam Bloom, Yico-pre3idc-.1t; the new Labor Lyceum, 3101 persona attended the- -0Isaac Jvlorgenstern, secretary; nnd Rablnowltz of Marietta, Ohio, and Cuming. clal nioetlns held November 24, at Fcldman, trer.3uror. two eons curvive him. Under the topic "Tho itooio of the Center, with Mr. K. Boadarin tiombers of the Board of-TyusCommunism-," ho -will discusa chairman. A musical program o Louia Morgan, Daniel whether Communist-Nazi Co-operwas prcsentcti by Mr. E. ?ollz. 100th Anniversary Schwartz; and Abraham Richards. ation is a. mcro accident or tho Community cinffing was led by Mendel Blank, Morris Bercovlci, natural outgrowth of an ideology. New Haven, Conn. JTA).—Pres- Mrs. J. Raznlck. J. R&dinov/skl London (JTA) — While Presi- Tho and Morris Seiner are mombers dent Wladlslaw Itacsklewics, ro- will bo delivered in Yid- ident Roosevelt, religious leaders read a abort etory and Mro. B. of tho Executive committee. . arid Vale university joined t h i s Veitzer rang. Principal speaker itcratod that Jews v/ould enjoy The Golden Anniversary of the There will bo no adurisssion week in honoring the 100th an- was I. MorgeiiGtern. organization will bo celebrated in equal rights in a resurrected Po- chargo for the meeting. In charpo of arraacornQnts wero niversary of the founding of tho land, the exiled Polish govern1941. R s f o v :a Congregation TJlshfcan Mrs. S. Oltun, Lira. B. Veitser, ment denounced the anti-Semitic Israel, oldest synagosuo in Con- lira. H. Bondariu, and' Mra. J« nationalist nov/spaper Jostein Pollakcm for refusing to cuspond necticut and second oldcul in No\r Raznick. publication in'the interest of naBiiglaad. Tho annivcreary is beTo Give -Program tional unity. incr celebrated from December 2 U. S. Bzcha Increase toO. President Raczlilewicr., in a letIn Palestine Trade The Jewi3h National Workers ter to Ignacy Sclnval-tzbart, memAlliance will present Al Harris, ber o£ the Polish National Coun"Love and Sf.cririce," a Ylddlon Lav/ Opposed Jerucalom (JTA) — United well-known Yiduidi artist, ia a 11; replying to a message o£ Ioy- movie, i/SIl 5io Ekctm 011 DocciaStatn Commercial Attache Alprogram of reatUnGS aad • recita- slty from tho Council of Polish bcr 2S and. 'JO for tho becc-Ht o£ Stockholm (JTA)—Tijo Bul- bert Scott hao viuitcd tho Tel Avit? tions on Sunday, February £, at Jewry,' espro&sed tho belief',that the Bil:ur Cholim Society, acccrl- garian Holy Sy;iea !iao iscnti a Chamber of Commerce and fiic» 'in -an independent Poland in i s to nsmonncfinert ma«lf by tho statement 'opposlns the Jintl-Jowthe Jewish Community Center. d pocslbllitics of iRcrcniac A Yiddish motion picture will bo which Pol is a JTev/ry unbrenkesident, Zlva.,L. NcvclcfC. ish la\r 3?3F.-od.wy tba r.irlianicnt i'ic oJ American foods l&l® jible tv.iih and icv —L-ich it is chown at the came time. Local orraas].", front tko tliQ^-hv; r/iil in Sofia laat weoli, it -v/ao rcyartit was le.irnosl. ganizations are asked to set aslSo ready to bear all Dscr'ftces UUc to. ueod to contiuufi the Society's d in •& Itlosaotr broadcast rc/tcwTho.Americas 8onciiLttt> {••. in.-thlo date so that all Omaha Jews Jevrry will-find equality of-rights hospitalizaticn prograra, , KiT the politlcnl Eitualfoa in Eulend i may attend. Details will be announced later. garla. to-

UK lilSMU i S

?ti$L I witt by the slim margin o

W. O. We

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gpoiiior Dave Frank of tbe Staje Coals came to rescue iu . n i ti it-is last game wiieii for Eciae uav » I t *i » t taa»Ji reason to LJaiself and everyone else cou-iemed, he produced three straight strikes iu tae lest fifiiHe, aad fcr tins effort o£ -Easphfi d u a ^ s . . . . . . . . . . . . iS && -4»? | bis, he alone is responsible for •CiffiBittsst C ^ L i . . . . . . . . . . . . . J'f *» . 4 ^ finally getting Itis team into a tie Cas.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 ! ^5 .«W* for l&at place, In&leza. of keiHg tliere till by tuenifeeives. iivJSui.1 Kfgii itisyfe—-Ixs Ys'dw:, '*&5.



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!Ue oilicu.1 orgaii of the cl the; Vvoi'ld Life IE>

co ^It-.ii^iit Of and once e the Press Section, The magazirie is the oaly fra« ternai publication ever tofeetonoi ed by the S. A. I. E.. BO far as Is ISKO'WO, Roseablum said.


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0 W j _ 4 4 i s f -• 'i»t, » j u t h w i Itih 1 k^ft 1 tiC 1 It <.o^Lt«,<~i if tJiri (t Lj.oib tl £ . J 2< ii I P U " 1 a 'H Kv,Ul (fctu,

GeOi'ge Schapiro was tou man for the Eskimos with Ll» big C59 Genevt (JTA) — 1 li i ^^ € t . ? i id, 'a. i U , A i lies,- while .Dr. D. 0. Platt lu* 5ht behiuci Mia with Ms 1 h. *£. ^ . 1 . ^ I i i t ! I t oU • t l Bounced in Vichy-that 1 , . , „ , . . . 182 .. fies, which iacladsd a big 207 gtai! terior Minister Georg o /a>a.> t i t f H J f u tL i 5 ,w t&> tcifc, L lU iit.1 cci twi/t, j < t , a u t . - has been removed from office as game for Ms ii&lsli. 500, an.d George Scliapiro led Ma ti ia. t~L.i «.ii t-ai^iucc 'il w. \ / t , j f > - mayor of the town o£ Soal&e near . . . i . . . . I.a , . . » . . . . . 163 if.v-t of tit, MoiLa Ilataiiiue \ i~i> . „ . , , . . . ifcS Sam Zweiback t»ras top maa for buuch with a 559 series. ton p devd ". j i , t i i c _ " i d u.11 t L i t c Bordeau. u The i« t La c t i o n U fir. O. Cl Kstt . . . 161 the State Coals, with kis B33 MM . . . . . . . . K! series, while Phil "Cupie" Katzti&^<t, It u c i t, Id. Although Cantaloupes are out J *t ' « ' ! i i tu l >i.a ,. 16S Harwich . . . . . . ixi, hLS t u b t v f 01 t fu i tl <j» t u f f .Lt man was the runner-uy with his of season n o w tke following would do well to fellow the Stela482 score. berg's idea, using cabbage instead, A slight spread in the league standings of the Jewish Boys' In the last gaine of the eveaiag, as I understand, • that that fruit Bowling league resulted after tl»e the up-aud*coming Empire Cle-aa- is. now in g&a&on. results of this week's bowling was ers kept up their "winning ways by BECAUSE IT IS THE S3EST tabulated. However, the stand- taking two games from the Mgh- This would be good for L e o Ings In the league are about tiie scoring Bfttitli Mo tor outfit. The Weitz, Harold Coopennaa ' a n d closest of any league ia the entire Cleaners won tine first game by Morrio Fine to install the Earns % City. Before this week's bowling the "Puny"'score of 706 to the type of alleys in their establishtook Blace, there was a three-way •mitii'a "Puny" score of 693. ments. " J tie for first place and the bottom THE CAR THAT GIVES YOU THE GOOD THINGS FIRST three teams were only one game Net week's schedule will pit the However the Auto men eauie Empire apart from each otker. Cleaners against tlio PiSee JOIBB ©pita for Best Trad© Allowaaea ©n Your Old €©B* back strong to emother the Clean- oneer Uniforms, tho Ktate Coal era in the {second game by a 894team 'against the Smith Motors, ^ISIT OUR USED CAE DEPARTMENT" In the feature match of t h e score to 8H. Tho last game was Week, Moe Linsman's league lead- decided by a 826 to 800 score la and the league-leading Wardrobes against t h e bottom co-holders ing Wardrobe Clothiers, dealt a favor of the Empires. Clicquot Club Eskimos. knockout blow to Dave Halm's Pioneer Uniform boys, who were Steinberg established him2,000 merchants of Liverpool in tied for the lead with them, by selfPaul as the top main in tho entire 1329 Ugucd a petition for tho plating a clean, sweep of all three league at tho present writing by emancipation of tho Jcv/o. games, and thus firmly entrench^ in a big 501 series, made ing themselves in the top position turning up of games of 178, 213 and 200. all by themselves with a lead of which gives him an average of two games over their closest ri- 182, to lead tho former leader, vals. Leo Weitz, by a one-pin margin in tho averages. "Tony" Colin The Wardrobes, were aided and kept up his fine shooting by turnabetted by a 32-pin handicap giv- ing in a nice 507 series for tho en them, and won the first game runner-up position of the Smith by the huge margin of 811 to 695. Motors. "Hank" Coren was top liifiMllilili WktfliteSlarlii Thla 695 score of the Pioneers man for the Empires, with his was their poorest of the entire 499 series, while Captain L e e season, due mainly to Leo Weitz's Hurwich was right behind him "miserable" 120 score, Jack Mel- with his 49'J scries. chers' "Puny" 134, and M o r r i e Fines' "Loose" 132. Some highlights of this week's bowling waa Sam Zweiback pickThe Clothiers won the second ing up a 6-7 split, Ilcnny Shapiro, game by only 11 plna, and t h eDoc Platt and Leo Hurwich pickyeason for their ekeing out this ing up a 4-10 split. * win can be best explained by Leo "Weltz, if you will ask him. The Paul Steinberg should h a v e last game was a repetition of theturned in a 700 score this week, second, when the Clothiers agalu in view of tho number of strikes •won by only nine pins, again due he had, however, ho just couldn't to some miserable shooting of the pick up his spares in the first Pioneers "big shots," who evi-game. Paul actually had 18 VA dently have all broken training strikes in his first two games, rules in the past few weeks. which is a lot of strikes in any man's league. "Without taking any credit away from the Wardrobes, it just seema Leo Weitz is in a miserable funny that although they a r e slump for some reason or other. leading the league standings, they are always the receivers'o.f a han- Evidence that practice makes dicap from their opponents, and perfect, is that if you recall, when also theji whenever they bowl, "Snoopy" reported, that the boys their opponents always get into a down at lGth and Burt streets •?/ slump. This can be best proved were rolling cantaloupes down the by the following scores of this aisles for practice, finally proparticular match. Sammy" Stein- duced results, inasmuch, as Paul j)org, the "Rotund Potato Ped- Steinberg led hi3 match last night dler," was the top man of this with his 591 series. Sammy Steinseries with his even 500 series, bergled his group with an even •Which, incidentally, was the only BOO series shot by either team.

11% the LEADER of IS

fa'111 flf ilf p | 0f

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O^B C3G£0fi£ OUB



The Ceiitor Physical 'Department offcro to its niomlbcro tho following activities:

Abe Feldman, the Wardrobes' anchor man, was right behind him with, his 496 series, while their third man was Leo Blacker, with hi3 439 series, then Captain Sam Katzman with his 431 score, and, Frank Brookstein, who has firmly established himself as the Wards robe's "Doggie", and who turned in a 414 score.

•Q Aerial Tennis . [~j Badminton •Q Baaltctball j~j Bicycling

wfill -:ppf. fiipipi eipifis pp f g|p©p" .tl»*#S»- isfei>!


I ©tilla yeil&S#ta «fB . .fl 6aissues


The Pioneers were topped by j'Calisthenics Leo- Weltz, who had a: small 489 Dnnctns Clacaea series. Ben Shapiro, right behind him with a 488 scries, .Tacit Ciaoaos Melchpr with a measly 439, Morjio .Fine witli the same kind of scoro which was 427, and Harold €ooperman, the Pioneers' "Dog- Qj Health Club Service (Mon ond Women) ,-jie," with his 407.


.«.. \

Q] Life Saving In the second be3t match of the • Macoaeea -jTcaitiSt the State Coal team con QMediciao Ball V/orfc tiaucd their feud with the Clic [jj Rollor Shnttng ti.iot Club Eskimos, in a steady Qj Steam Kooma ZrAtlc for last place, and again •.5*k?:o i'vo teams were thrown |T] Sv/ir.iiain<; Clasccs '.:ii> r lie for the bottom "place Q Tablo Tcnnia * tl standings. [j| Tournomcrsto Q Volleyball Jr his ir.atcb, Dave Frank's QV/ator Spor£s -1 '•'-•;" -vsn the first game by ,,:c s"'. :"is,"l"i margin of 801 to Q V/rcolling • 7 , J 'i'-~& by a 11-pln handicap. ., f "'.L'-:'. >-;'/' Iiov/ever^ c a m e Fo? Inforciciion Coll

-•.v ,'r.."'; lo smother the,Coal ;. -j j *..-)• ^:r;vr-rl game by a 829 -. '•-.,; - „•. "- ',11a the last game ji i «.• ••. ir.-mdinger, v/hen -. •» ; / - ' . •,,'. ".:noaked" out a












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F.uU.y, Ko.fea.Ltr 25, 1940



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Our Film Pol By U1SLLW S

Hollywood —New aid to refugees Ja a Hollywood Committee for Writers ia Exile. Object: To collect money for the evacuation and maintenance of writers exiled by Europe's dictators. Honorary chairmen are: Charles Chaplin, H G. Wells, and Ernest Hemingway First meeting—a fund-raising dinner — will take place next week. Among tlio speakers will bo Paul Munf, Norala Shearer, Leon Feuchtwanger, and Heinrlch Mann.






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0-£loy CJEBSIQ VJ6ic&4

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. a. assd Tiictsclay P5s for Private Parlies to Its He^Js of- Oer

CONTRACTING PAINTERS Painting and c imported and Dosnostio Wll

CDNDAV MAIINBU - - ESe "Wbere Omsia Cfeatea"



Pilsra Ports




* * A certain ever-caustic movie columnist remiissSs Americans that "tlio a%ve»tasplrfiig Star-Bpisiiglwl Banner (wlaich only p*rofesslonals can master) is still our national enttiem claspits ffln Pr,u Alley's cetchy'efforts." Can he mean irv •frijj Be?lia's "G<o<i Bless America" that rlsca effortlessly 'like a foils teiso from tho lips* end* tho hearts of tiie people?

OK: °

Aatennao: Louis Silvers, CBS batonlst, recalls hi3 most trying Baomcnt.. He wo, 17 .-. . had been selected as conductor for the Friar Club Benefit.: Entering tho rostrum, .ho almost 'dropped his etick when he saw Lillian Ruosell and 'Diamond Jim" Brady.seated behind, tho conductor's stand.. His batoa uplfftcd'. . . thai awesome moment-".-. ..Hiss RuBsell amiled and eald, "Don't be nervous, young main.: I too felt that way at say first appearance.

o£©c!i ef finiohed BS©aaorial3 in rcdssaocl aft saviragb of • • •


'121B"So. IStft St." !

JA 1Q72

•With, reliigeea flosing ' heltersfeelter. over the globe/ Al - Goodm'an,: radio music conductor, is ?Gminded of his.exit'-frota Russia years ago. .His''lather, a cantor, hid Al'dnd-'the vest ol the family at the bottom: of a, proflaco-wagon . . . and clroTQ o u t of thecountry. never--to return. V •" *• " ••,. •

. i IXlSfg Canto?. Is ..oa tfee air;OBiy afoa&iIio».. . »feecon* tisiies 'CsstertalaJsg " fos ksoiliss* will cot left M a GO. I S J prcisat . liJglici* tlzsa eve? . . . rc^rcccnta twenty ndllloa listenCK3.


-:\ r.

ticti'C-.Led SCGU Iferaiwsl Cost



BEES 8t£5iT K5B8 DtB BS

Chaplin's "Dictator" is doing smash business throughout this country and in Canada . . . touched new highs in many theatres, surpassing even "GWTW" records.. Holl Chaplin J And raz-z-zberrtes to the critics! . recently Iiow his plcturo Wfts coins. Charlies, tlio Bfodcsft csswercd, '.'Ifs quite COH» l l .'. . yoa bnow.




Phil Silvers, buying a new homo, worried tbo salesman by scratching tho letters "IOTU" at tuo'bottom of tho. contract. Aetor deciphered it, "If Optloa Taken Up." When his • "Option was ronow at tlio studio,-ho iheroly had to crosa out tho "T"~ end write a check.


nama CBB



flOth St. 0303

Bpcaklng of homeless authors . . . Frasis Werfel Is expected in McHywood ehortly.-Reports eay Sss nuuto Ms Iwrroiving .cscepo to fcmtniiio «il:



Is fi?n



JJ^A ZCCS Fs-Jccd to P51 Small Monthly Payments

P*ge §



6EA-1.H BY

FrlcUy, November 20, ,1040


"j^ii L. L' .;'»_


). , 1 . ' A M

rf vital o i ^ • ; J f t t , * f 1 . / i«^ii Jewis,i hf, i if i IL.S-axulii I . llth, a he / of tocu and « o u u dedicated i i<i culthatiou n 1 gprcud ot c ^ h biew vcitl. '±'i»d reuiLikabl >Ci - st-n'o c£ tl c P brev. laiit u ' r j l)i 1'k.l^ttiuo t.^i the gioviiit, ictoguitiou of iti

importance in our own beloved land izave given a. great impetus to tlie work of.the Hietradatii evea in circles erstwhile hostile to it. * The admission of Hebrew into the curricula of iftstitutieas of higher learning—-lu aiany of tlia Bew York high s c h o o l s it la taught on par with other languages—has stimulated the study „ «* of the hallowed tongue, and Is one ef the crowiilsag achievements of the body. The• HIstadruth publishes t h e XIadoar, the only Hebrew weekly In the United States now in its 19th year. The magazine, &u important force in the cultural and spiritual life of American Jewry, is "read with interest and profit in all sections of world Jewry. Next to the Iladoar, tbe Betet Hashanah Is its most conspicuous undertaking. The current volume, the fifth in the series, will bring delight, and knowledge, and Inspiration to all who read Hebrew. Those who do not are definitely denied a literary treat of a high character. Splendid Collection The Sefer Hashanah is a collection of splendid contributions on a host of diverse and timely subjects by some of the leading Hebraists of our day. To write any bind of an adequate summary of the challenging contents of the almost live liundred, pages demands more sp&co than is permissible. Here only bar© mention can be made of the extraordinary breadth and richness of this scholarly publication, one which would reflect credit upon any group of scholars and thinkers. This HIstadruth may justly bis proud of tliis edition of the Sefer Hasliaaafs. Part o n e Includes exquisite poetry from tlie pens of many well known and beloved poets. An interesting short etory'and a dra• -"• matic sbetcli glvea this division high literary quality. ' "Research and Criticism," the second part, numbering one hundred and ninety-six pages, doal3 with a rich variety of scolarly themes both of Jewish and of general interest. Two articles are devoted to Rastti, the 800th antalv.ersary of whose birth was recently observed. -.'.-.... Three' essays a r e concerned with Biblical subject matter, the editor writing splendidly on .'Koheleth. Dr. Bernstein's essay on the poetry of Ibn Abutur, t h e first poet of the .Spanish. -Jewish golden era is most Interesting Dr.'Josuah Bloch, the head of the Jewish Division of the New York Public Library, writes, reverently p£ Dr. David Neumark and hla philosophic system. Few minds, as gifted, original and versatile as Neumark's have appeared is the Jewish world of thovght. Fifteen; y e a r s have elapsed Gisice. this saiatly and simple sago prised away, His place in Jewish philosophic thought Is both secure and eminent. His pupils,'! anao&g v/Iiora Dr. Bloch rejoices to count himself'.as one, will always cheric'i and revere the memory of the

v i a t ^ t i i cf t, £tfh U ,V U s ill > 'L j i,lji~iA ia H~K1


if h. t i i - i i J


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ttric f;.alyt:s> is lo be t r l J'^ to iti.itz^ t us li ! ' . t o t . t . «t tlie ft.te, t i t t.w , ct—, ll'is dui£,nt£ui uwi tUunil say. The third civisSoii cfci»f!sting of almost one hundred psgea is devoted to an analyfeis of Jewish life in America and includes helpful studies on the foil awing subjects: Jewish iEitttlgtation during the last ceatcry; &-ati-E'einltism in our land; "old age" in the Jewish community as reflected in a declining birth rate; the Center movements; tlie refugee problem; the Yiddish theater;. Yiddish humor; Jewish etcliera; Benjamin Cardoza. The boolc closes with a comprehensive survey of Hebrew litemtare ia tlie United States by Daniel Perelry, and with a record of chronological events of Jewish life in Palestine. Important information on a x'd&Q range of vital Jewish Questions is packed into these pages. This inadequate summary of the remarkably rich contents of a truly significant volume does' not do it justice. Practically every aspect of Jewish life is touched upon and illuminated. Thia is a book not only to read, but to study and to treasure, And It testifies to the vigor and power of the Hebrew vyord, a perfect medium of expression for the highest ideals and noblest thoughts of man,- and one ever revered and loved by all the faithful in Israel. As it ever will he.

Greek' Jews Hold Spedrit Service at ShearMf Israel New York (JTA)—Prayera for the Greek nation were held iu the Spanish a a d Portuguese synag o g u e (Congregation Shearith Israel, oldest Jewish congregation in America, with Rabbi DavM de Sola P o o l officiating. A*mong those participating were Bishop Athynagoras of the Greek Orthodox church, Greek Consul-Geaeral Nicholas G.Xely and 600 Greek Jews. Greece may be defeated, but she will never be conquered, Itabbi Pool declared. v . • ••,

V -'^

HPHE past two weeks have' been die busiest 'A'two weeks-in <s

vai «

edge ©IE.* appreciation &i

and promise to iwx2 faidi&dly continue to merit your lasting g« at ffife tlmq foreprint cauo Wobraelca Idcabj

It also se©iiif3

The Nefemslka Ir&s a • (1) To. fooler tl;a crdtlea sad manufacture of merckmdes tint Iirj qiolity and character. Merdtoadicc so \70rd1y ttsc crafLancn who mads it can proudly csiehfca: « | '(2) To carry vest ctcrfa a£ all ttneca o£ this creditable, charrxtcrful quality mcrchandics^ merclumdice that; gives real plcasitso to all . . . merchandise that incpSrca tl^ccs IIQTO hi OUE1 store to. cay witSa prides

Honor Miss Szold Jerusalem (JTA)—The Jewish National Fund issued a special Henrietta Szold stamp In honor of the 80 th birthday of the American-bora Zibalst leader on December 21.

Attorney NONCE B¥ PUBUQATION . ON •S20N FOB 'SETTtESlESX OF S1NAL ADSUNISTRATEON' ACCODME In the County Court of Dougla3 County I-Jebraska. , . » Ia the Matter of the Estate of Lydia V/iokelmaa Decsasral: . •. AUparsoaa 'icteiestod Ja ea!2 matter are hereby ootillca that oik tb« £3rd Cay ot Kovensbsr lC-JO'Ilesar B. ^WiaSclmaa filed a petition Jn esia CoanSy Coart, prayinn that fcJa final- admSslstt&tioa scCount filca hEreiafca-settles! wa&-tiUavrei; and Out he ba dlscSsarEe-3 frp^i Ka tfost as a&tainlstrator SB3 ihsX.. &"htsxtoa,'^rlQ. bo fead or. saia petition feEfore Bald Court oa tbo 21st flay of Deceiafesr -1610, and - that H you fall to ajpft&r before £a!d Court oa the said 21st day of Dccamfter 1940 at ft o»cloc!t A. M., and contest said petition, tbs Court may prant th9 prayer cS sato petition, cntsr a decree of hclrslils?, and Eiafc? EUiJi ether and further orders, aiJoiwsnce3 and decrees, as to this Court Jer»i3fi JSdncstlon isoy sseia prcpsr, to ttss es$ that <a!i partalEias to eald estate may bo Jewish education is discussed matters finally setUed and dctenrsined. C Rabbi Samuel JL Blumenfield, Bn?C3 CKAV -"io traces John Det7ey's influ- li-29-40-3t AMJEKEB &.

<3) And last, hut not tecst . . . Tks Ncbracka'o ftmcticn is to bring to Chnilia end offcr to these l|ko products of American always on the basis of VALUE for your money0 that- yen may eves: to justifiably proi!d to cayi

aiai jpseMait mo to cay <> .• • Ti appreciates yep? patoomage, sad of the men and womeo wli© make oiw

.*ce ca eoatemporary Jewish edu-uoaal practice, - and by P r o t e :• 2. Schnrfotola. who tleals with rev,- of the totter known an•?-,•!' x-zi'Itieir !a Hebrew l o r "l&tS'i. *?he act/ Palestinian eve! is the subject of R. Waleo,T; :\i'l A, Bpsfela turns'hl3 at/a!si: to f:".» Hebrew iiove!: !3ts tits :.TaitcJ H-tatcs.


object of-intercstX, n. Raisin, while .tea about Lafcadio T.fold surveys PolJ '-*>aa its eirltoL tzv T-v^ent tragedy. isutl aad ilittminat-



Friday, Note-Bab** 2 9 , IS4Q



tH st&khh,

j Tuesday and Thursday, fcTtsiags. tLc lest t>»o to. the F&tiu 1 - B&iLer • Boxing classes every Monday ana 5 CwtcI'_j.l.^S fcJfCIt. Ttoy vill jfHu, \ti.te &L.i : Wecntiaay e-viniii^s is.ii.di Eunday 'it:,i.?i « t , f t r j b t ) ill tti^b of £,£»tfi!uig nt. 11 a. ia.

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MORftlE .i'


Vitt Of

AC? t 3* vi VJ*j.


Wc-icen's s-.Mn-.ii. i J v j i >.<•*,>.„* » I L . WOK

Lincoln T&»era . . . . Adler's Bakery . . . . A. ifi. A. No. i . . . . A. '£. A. No. 100 . . A. P. T. . .

.. 8 . . «i .. I • •


.. 6

SUNDAY'S BCHEWULB A. P. T. vs. A. Z. A. No. JOtt— 2:15 p. in. •. A. Z, A. No. 1 vs. Lincoln Tavern-—3 p. M. Adler's li&ker j-—-Bye. The Lincoln Tavern kept up its winning ways last Sunday by downing the -A. P. T. quintet, 2814. The score at half time stood at 12-8 la favor of the league leaders. Jake Adler led the scorers with 14 points.. Max Turner and Herb defensive play featured the clay's play. The Adler's Bakery kept on the heels of the league leaders with an easy 30-17 win over the A. Z. A. No. 1. Irving Yaffe proved the downfall of the Mother chapter as he connected far Bine markers and his all-around floor play led hfs team's? strong offense. Morris Ruderman again led the A. Z. A. five with 8 points. Handball ' The Inierclub handball matches •were postponed last week duo to the holiday Thanksgiving day. The pre-season singles handball tournament has entered the semifinals with Jake Adler downing Sammy Zorinsky, 21-12, 21-12. Sol Yaffe defeated Harold Garber by the scores of 21-13, 21-14. Business .Women's Class . Tho business w o m e n's gym classes have buown an increase in attendance for tho past three weeks. Physical Director L e o Grossman eaya tho classes have grown because tho women n o t only beep thoir deader figures •with his exercisea but they feel BO much- better at work all tho time, due to this activity. < Mies Dorothy Shepard w i l l teach modern dancine to t h e girls evening classes every Wednesday afttr gym el&ssea (starting December— 4. Miss Mlu Yuffo, pianist, who has boon giving tho girla rhythm vsrfaile they tako their exercises, will a l s o accompany Miss Shepard. Boxing Classes MEN: The timo to exercise is when a person says li$ doesn't have timo for it. Tho man who has plenty of timo for recreation has no great need of it. What he probablo needs ID-a littlo work. A most desirable timo for recreation ia when tho exerciser is nervously tired. .Many of ua at the close of a tough day feels too tired to do anything but throw himself on a couch. Many a man ha3 found t h a t physical recreation after a day's work removes his fatigue a n d makes him feel like a new man. Now ia tho timo to join tho men's evening gym classes. On



be-iiig Lesd e»eiy ^ c i a c f t 11 l a. m. under t ' j c i t a i . , . . cf iff. T Max SetfcuerriiKUji. aie a Mr. t i t v»tt ,, K.1 »• ^ Scheuerii.iarm will t t s s r e yosr fce«rt t ? e b coEiiEg free tioni fear &ad tkat l i c i t ^ici u ^ t i you will become «s.t Ii&Eie in lltfe , t o-s u t i , &J J it water. t

SWIM NEWS . By HOWAltli 6I£1.KILG«)£ J. C. C. BwliaaaiBg Eiisa-ttctc* Red Cross. Begiuter and Ifitermediate swim tests completed tills past- week include Msafr&d Biegler, Al 'femin and Albert Cl&ymaa, Beginr.ers, and Lena X'errone, Manfred Eiegler and Harold Marer, Intermediate.






vI j

Vt.k ii





vl'_'t I tj osJtl 3 tio i^1 i.» i to ste&r Eucii. Lr>u1 as dc, I L J iJ^v/ "ioik "units r t t ^ u t t , c i 0 a Lcbia ttf iEforuiatiOa reacIiiEg here. "Getitapo fc.£e»jts proved powerless ttf meet this kind of tsltaa* UOB, fcacl the Germ&ns ba^e tacitly cropped the rxiatter," "-the rei

it "'liitot t,IUw IlUld StCl i ^ i t o i i - 1,2, 1a

worth more than a million good intentions." Aa analysis of drovmings in the United States the past year by the Americas Red Cross Ms disclosed this interesting fact: That ninety per cest (S0%) of! £.11 drownings could have been prevented if the uufci'tuuate victims lead. been, able to swta a filers twenty-five (26) feet, to ether words nearly Ell drownings occurred within 28 feet of safety. "An oaace of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure," Esid the wise old eage, ea get in the pool nod leam to swim thosa life saving, all iesiportant 25 feet! Form this best health insurance policy available: Write it oa your memo pad: "Goue to the J. C. G. to Play."

A new system o£ s progress cards will fee fatrodueed next week. Every pool participant will Lave his own progress card listing different swimming tests. This method enables those who acquire aquatic atollity faster than others to progress as quickly as they are able without holding them back for jtHe slower ones. These cards begin with the nonswimuiers. up through the advanced swiminerB. In using this system ewimming is learned more easily End Quickly than tho former method of mass class drills where the whole class progressed Advertising Service, aa one. • -Inc., Opens Office Reminiscent of the last season's Martin Speckter a n d Jerome baseball race in the big leagues ia tho Inter-Squad competition ia Milder have opened tho officea of the Junior Boys' gym &sfi swim tho "Advertising Services, Inc." class. The big "Navy" squad is leading the field with a Beaut oaepoint margin as "Army" piled up counters last week to am&Ba a. 51point total as compared with the Middies' 52 points. Lscglng a bit but very much in the iase is tho hard fighting' "Ulaas^sia" erevr with 48 points and trailing the group Is "Nebraska" with a 48-point total. The "Army" squad has oeen bolstered by two new members, Earl and Herbert Shrago. These two boys have been vory helpful in boosting the Army's ccore. Ioadoro Diamond, Geoige Do Bolt and Steve Lsstgartoa foavo been ihn MR Rwna in "Minnesota V climb up Ui© LbQThiis I«.d«icr. Al Clayman, "Nebraska" eqis&d o p tain with able px'stanca f r o c i Justin Horwlch, Gcorco Ilorclaufl and Charles Frcdkta, has pat their oqnad bacli la the rnnnlnc

A. joint EseiiBg of Christians ead Jews ksld ia 1820 to pro* test the pereceutloa of Jews by the EnsEiea government.



ii y



A PRICELESS TREASURE RETAINED FOREVER V/o I7ill Pcircaanca4l5r Prcocsyo ¥©as? Babj s o • first sfeocs forever in ibaaBtife! Esff©aso fla« 'iab. Ail tEao qtsjasnt "Mttlo creolscdceoo apd lovable cireaces a r e retained by tho genuine Royal proceoo. Uso tasamotmlec! ao a Paper V/cajjht, Ornament, etc. A!c® wco 1 pea stand, cola tsray ' b k d ' - •'

A .3LIC*. c f

J?.S ia K l s j ana Jeia OBT CCA VICfFOR OK321,1211 cko CGICIJKIJ©^! Tlils radio gives yc*4 &S23 aftra qusli^r J v/01 ilsE] yea v.ili its cpar- fsatarea: Pusb'-piill eudio c p - •

fir fesrsics! ikid cl rTH^rk-^i


©s>c33E> early for Quick «!e!s^offy. \ 7 S ! nsaljo an

PLEASE tlOTH:—9o H«sft CosfeSo with Palates! f F

improved forciga reception. Stago of radiofiresjecseyrxs^E

Peg® 6

Fridby,. November 2 0 , 1040


Mrs* Silver Back Fro in Meeting of Council

Tau Delta Sigma

gold pias engraved wtih T. D. S. were givea to &U members. Euehees BOW awaiting for initiation are: Beverly Miriam, Evelyn Goldware, Elea&or Kay, Florence Raadieil, Eva Eundell, Vera Pearlmaa, Ruth Ti-actenberg, Harriet LorMiS, Lois Y/ictroub, Ann Deneuberg, aad Gerda Hagea.

Th T&n Delta Sigma held its formal iaitiation last Sunday at the hose of Miss Pauline Falk. Hostesses were the Mesdames I K . . isi Falk aad Gfcifman. Those serving Of were the Misses Jeanette Turitz, J i Marcus, Martha Zusmaa, Witli a bye ia tfce tre-s^sc Woiuwi teM f»v* weefes ago inEtta Harriet Geifman and Reeda Magleague, t t e CeiiisirF quisitu tec TMe aerial I . L ' ^ ' J - of i York. City. Over four hun- zamin. A run oa the Bank of England oa ili«r Holy }\5,iae Iia.s-Jtat.eere i ISityf i MizratM Vo '.tii n^b n^.I u ' ^ dfcd dtls'tatts were ^reseat at Mi&s Geifiaan, president, in- was in 1754 Sampson &afc >:kitltieag£.iae at i"fc<c J t C. C ducted the following pledges: Gideon. la recognition for thia last SuMsy. Melviu Le< ine moi Tiie OLs:6.1iS stctiou was award- Sarah Bernstein, Ethelyn Lashin- service by & Jew, the Jewish NatIS p&icts ead led ibe Akjlis coining l>o «'.:.. ct ^iti^i-u.. 25-15 victory over the PSJ-OCL ed liret" pthn for (lie siogaa, eky, .Harriet Parker a Ed Hath uralization Bill was introduced in for "Coisut ca the Ccuucil tint L e t A t . Alter the cereEiordes, parliament. Couiidi Count oa Yea," which Ke&tiiig from jHre-seasoa less w&s suliiaiwed by Mrs. Silver. A. ScLvtcuiia lea m <LJ TUs tlogEii appesred fa each is©f "God B R . A find tiit >.iJnv ij Iou A ,CAMP SUPPORT sE.a of the caiivtatlon p a p e r , "Hatikvcli. ' iIts '1'L.tir i t i ^ i d ki, b~ "Tiieuaial Times." . other i UJI,IPI£, L X o u i a s k a L> UWEB YOU U P . . . DOESN'T / Mrs. Al Finkel, pianist. only tlie Mother Chapter a a i took beatings (mm the Adler's Bakery Rabbi Isaiah RackovsSry an interesting and pertinent talk, aad'. The -lincbln TaYera respec- BfElELY^HOLB 10U-1N Mrs. Aaroa Katz, president of the tively, losteg 'the latter game fey Lincoln (Special)—-Last MonFatigue? Badi&elisf A €smp eapport sclentlllchapter, formally welcomed t h e only two points.. Coach Bogdaaoff expects a bet- day uieht the Sophomore class of cslly kelps gtm y«a greater esHifg-r% better pot* g u e s t speaker, Mrs, William terfeliovflag when the regular sea- Eete Beta Tau held a stagtohoni p»b& Gsmss la ©ai discover the |oy of Weintraub. of New York City. or cf the pledges, the Juniors and BdeatifiesIIy ficsiga&3 6«»ppoirt».. Oat Mrs. Weintraub painted a word eaa begins slace all. the eligible the Seniors. Stuart Simoa '43 wag hoopsters have net yet reported mp tf£%sa liite/ will fill jewe tfsetot'a pi©* picture of the coaditloas in eharge of the arrangements. for aetioa. Palestine Jewry, how those " "' " ~)&nt.n 'Ms.tswnMxr g^i Safgteal SlipIn the all-university Ping Pong This Sunday the Aleplis laeet ditlons were being met bravely tournament, Zeta Beta Tau walk, and courageously. She told how lite A. P. T.-in the first game Et 2 i& away with all of the championnecessary it is to acquire more o'clock. ships. Pledgee Theo Cohen won S&va Bases f and more land for the Jewish Na.he intermediate singles title. Century Chapter is co-operatiu _ tion Fund. She also described the with Mother Chapter in holding a Leonard Goldstein '42 and Paul work being done by the MizracW Bam Daace at Tea's Barn on De- Krasne '41 woa the senior douBMte, Oiusba, NcS.' A * 68t8 Women. cember 1, according to Harold bles crown. The Senior singles At the speakers* t a b l e were Slutekin, social chairman. Tickets itle match was between two men affiliated with Zeta Beta Tail. seated the members of the execu will bs fifty cents per couple. With Pledgee Norman Ripa detive committee of the local chanMeeting ter as well aa Rabbi Rackoysky, Refreshments end the drawing feating Paul Krasne for the Cantor Sckwaczkin, Mr. S. Havitz highlighted the meeting of the championship. president of the Men's Miz'rachl. Chapter held at the J. C. C. last Leonard Musliln '41 was awardand Mr. N. Lovinson, a member of Sunday. id a football for being co-captain the executive. Mrs. N. Levinson Aleph Sgaa Harold SlutEkin got n the Nebraska-Pittsbarg classic. said the Bracha over bread. his first chance to wield the gavel Alpha Theta's volleyball team is * Mrs. A. G. Weinsteiu was Inlast Sunday, when Aleph Godol now in second place In their charge of the menu and was as Yale Richards asked leave from eague, having won three games Bisted by Mrs. Max Arbitman. the meeting to help the drawing his week from Delta Sigma Pi, You €@ti Lots o# Mrs. J. Abramson, Mrs. B e n committee complete last minute 'hi Bigma Kappa, and Sigma CM Selkfsed € Soshnick and Mrs. J. Goldware. details. However, very little busi- raternltles. The Zetes play KapOther committees assisting were: ness was transacted, because the ia Sigs for the league champlonO In o«r Mrs. Joe Batt, chairman of tele- drawing and refreshments occu- ihip. The volley ball team is uaphone committee, whose members pied the Alephs; therefore a spec- er the supervision of Harold Include Mesdames J./Abramson, ial business meeting has been Bernstein '43. B. Chait, Hv Franklin, G. Juravel, :alled for this Sunday at 3 p. m. James Lipsey '42, was appointFather and Soa Banquet • id assistant eaitor of the ."AwSophie Ilothkop, J. Tuchman and This Year Century Chapter and wan Plash" college humor magaB. Weinberg; d o o r committee, Mrs. Dave Crounse and Mrs. Wil- Mother Chapter are co-operating ine. Thua the editor George 'rischer '41 and the assistant edlliam Milder; table decorations, with B'nai B'rith and the Jewish ,or are both KBT'B. JEdwin O. Federation in sponsoring the ComMrs. B. Kaplan, chairman, Mrs. '42 ia the assistant busiLeonard Gould and the Misses munity wide Father and Son Ban- lllder Lucille Batt and Lillian Flash- quet to be held-December 1 at the eas manager of the \.wgwan. J. C. C, Century Alephs on the At the fall Kosmct Klub show, man. Frischer, active member During her stay Mrs. WeintrauB iommlttee for the banquet are Jeorge fjbfjrd -Pf®©r, last f Kosmet Klub, played an iiaYale Richards, Milton Gusa, and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1 ortant part in seleftting and re^Louis Katz. Reservations may be Aaron Kate..-..On Wednesday evef#® 'gothered. together tto most ©ye-';;1 writing the skits that were in the ning of last week, Mrl and Mrs. made at the J. C. C. The cost per erformanco. Frlccher is the third 'delighting group ©I presents vou'vo seen,. B. Weinberc held a reception in plate is fifty cents. uember of Zeta Beta Tau to be la EssEy'a Eclidof. % o ^ 'from tho' her honor. On Thursday aftern active member of Kosmet iwMi'ii'vil «« ' A - J : - U — » i - - * J---•-• noon a parlor meeting was held at Club. Zeta Bota Tau Is the only Pioneer Women the home of Mrs. Katz. Mrs. house froc'si..-. cm&l liouse • . cwlsh Fraternity on the NcbrasWeintraub left that same evening @a<l overs? eo - mem^ combination ' ; A regular meeting of the Pio- a campus that hao ever had acfor Minneapolis. neer Women's Organization will ive members in Kosmet Klub. Catd Parties be held on Tuesday, December 3, Leonard Goldstein,. Edwin G. Mrs. Max Arbitman is already at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Com- rlilder, and Sheldon Kaufman ALL KINDS,.;A)UL TOES OP LOVELY APRONS making arrangements for a card munity Center. re second lieutenants in tho inparty to bo held soon at the home Mrs. I. Morgenstern, financial antry division of the R. O. T. C* flssTo e r a & e ^Etedf Ifpsa for reel vioih . . . tlio Irillf t?pfli ot one of the members. secretary, announces that the nd pledgees Ed Kalashock and J paeaiscr * eocbfailfl .»•••> f h e r a t a r e gay ' drawing, which was to have been id Schwartz have been appointS. N. P. p'aaiorea. l a mo&ss c a d •' daugbls? cs!s . ' The house to house box collec- held last month/will take place d members of. tho .crack squad.* . . end ©yetY^S' i ' d l tions have been Interrupted by at thlfi.aneeting.,-A set of dishes ""hey are also members of tho ' • - •ershing Rifle3,' as are Theo the Illness of the chairman, Mrs. Is to'bagiven away: J. Tretialr. They will be resumed , Members. wh<> are delinquent to iohBn" and Yale Gotsdincr. : up soon. Mrs. Katz, president of the their dues are asked to pay. Zeta Beta Tau'a - freshmen <le; r riEWJIPPEEli 'HOUSE.- DjRESSg$' organization, has. stated she re-for. the fiscal year.- ; ' . ' , ; - atera have been chosen, they are ..' For Kjo&cr, fe? elstss. for rnfa end fox grets that every Jew in Omaha fale Gotsdiner and Bob Passer, . > . . &9 oilt is&sll weca'with'pices* . . • . ••'•#^^^1 did not h o a r Mrs. Weintraub oth of Council Bluffs, Ia. Their ura". . . .Th«y.'car« soy 'and-comfort* '•' ^ f l . ' m . ^ d l when she pictured the need for oach i3 James Shamberg '42, . abls cad eo ®osy"'*ls gel ia er ©ul '' more J. N. P. land. .vho wan an outstanding debater ef. So ESGEsae&Io a t A regular meeting of the Theta ,t Scottsbluff High-school. .Mrs. Kata asks all Mizraclil Lambda was held at the homo of Thursday night an exchango members to facilitate the Box colLerner, Tuesday, November inner was held with the Sigma lections by calling either Mrs. Vicki "NEW WASHABLE 19. Delta Tau Sorority. . Tretiak, HA 0579 or Mrs. E. Rcva Ostravicb. and S o p h i e ; : 'The plans for Zeta Beta Tau'u Weinberg, WA 1354. H0WSE ;-QO>TS The note that was. enclosed in Blumkln, two new members, were iggest and best national convenlon, to be held in Omaha Decemthe pocket of a coat sent from welcomed to the sorority. The social committee conslstr ber 28-31' Inclusive, have been Omaha with the clothing gathWrap, Ground- «ffld - T ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ i ' ' " " ' ered here last February was sent gegf Helen Foffel, Sylvia Baum completed.. The commutes under by the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and. Bess Lenta- gave, plaaa for a he head of .ational chairman •glBla'colora es -Boy'.- • ^ & , ' r . * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ R ? Goodman Moyerson, Mrs. Maynard social meeting to be held Decem- Edwin Sommers, deserve much irafse for their fine work in the ber 3 in the form of a "Kid ParKully,- who is at present. on a ty/'- at which time the girls will romoting of this ercat convenwedding trip Co California." ion. • The note was received by a pu- exchange Cliaauliah gifts. pil at the Teachers* Seminary in Palestine, a Mizrachl Women'3 tfg-:-i^>r6a-Have^TliW...I!l««iif-Sp^''.;: project. Mrs. Ktilly had received a letter acknowledging the note.

• Inc.

i\ *




Beth El-High School Group The Beth El High School Youth group will have its Sunday" evening'meeting December ,1 at-the synagogue. Speaker of. the evening will be -J)r. Deair fiollins. After the address and discussion there will be itho .usual social hour. "- '

Junior Council • < The -pegrular meeting; of the" • • - Opiatta - Seetioa of---the .National Council itt Jewish Juniors will '"'"take plaee"'e«i Suaaay,. December - -« r at' the Jewish. Community Cea-

.; H H K ; V vSK-l^

Tho Newest- in- Dtinco Sensatsono >.



- ^-BARRY and O^ALBA.


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ter at %:$n

' ' SA&!a&u$*tsI program Is being S$bY il|0 • "eommitte© is ^

* V*


Friday, November 29, 1840



held Weduesday, December i, %% the Jewish CommuEity Cester. Announcement was made at the The regular mee-ticg of the Sir Bolpmoa'de Mediaa was t t e Junior .Hadassah Eieetisg last Ladies Free Loaa Society will be first Eaglisli Jew to be Monday evening that glaas have been completed for the "Manless Cabaret" which is to be given for paid-up members on December S at the home of Elaine Frank, 120 South 54. A novel idea is to be carried cut by having half of the girls come masqueraded as men. and the others come as Bowery girls. Prizes will be given.for the cleverest costumes. An unusual program is being arranged by Miss Gery trude Oruch and her committee. tkm it y^s ere mi Only those girls who have paid dues are being invited to the party. Dues may be paid to Shirley Barisli at the Jewish Community Center, to Ruth Falk or Frances Osoff. ' All paid-up members laay sign in the book which Is to be presentde to.Henrietta Szold on her 80th birthday. Each group is given a parchment and after the members have signed it is sent to the National office where it will be incorporated into one book. Monday's meeting was closed by a movie of Palestine and Youth Aliyah entitled "There is Hope For Thy Children. The movie Is distributed by Senior Hadassah. Bowling classes are meeting every Sunday from 2 to 4 at the Farnam Alleys. A large attendance is desired. Girls Interested are asked to contact Genleve .•'•." • E n d S a l e •' Stein. Classes in Hebrew are being held every Wednesday evening at the Jewish Community Center with Miss Blanche Kleiman as instructor.

Ladles Free Loan

Junior Hvdassah

HOL/M.WK HONORED More tUfii 350 guests attended the reception given last Sunday afternoon at the Blackstone hotel by Mis. Charles Schiuimel and daughter, Miss Miriam SchiniKiel Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schlmmel and Mr. and Mrs. William Feiler to honor Mr. -William Holzmaa and Mr. and Mrs. Max Hoizman. Assisting were: Mesdames Isidor Zlegler, Alfred Mayer, David Goldman, David Wice, Harry Rosenfeld and Leo Unger of Couocil Bluffs, and the Misses Hazel DeBen and Minnie Wolf. Also prebent at the reception "frere Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schimmel of St. Louis, Mr. and Mrs. 'Abe Q. Behimmel of Lincoln and Mr. and Mis. Al Lew of Lincoln. DEPARTS FOB WEST Mias Pearl Gordon is leaving Sunday for points in Texas, Los Angeles, and.San Francisco. She expects to be g o n e for three weeks. AT NIGHOLAB SENN Mrs. Solomon Weinstein Is recuperating at Nicholas Senn hospital from injuries sustained when bit by an automobile. She will be at the hospital for the next three% months.

IN LOH ANGELES Mr. Edward Giuck and Ms sister, Mrs. Theresa G. Sonimer and Miss Prances Sonimer, are wintering in Los Angeles. They will remain on the West Coast until April 1. FflOM NASHVILLE Miss Louise Newman of Nashville, Teim., has been the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Marx. CONVALESCING Mr, Albert Kaplan, who was seriously ill of pneumonia, is now recuperating at the Nicholas Sena hospital. ANNOUNCE BAH MITZVAII Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belmont announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jack, this Saturday morning at the Beth El synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. A dinner will be held Sunday evening at the Blackstone for members of the family and close friends.

After Thanksgiving Month

FRIENDSHIP SEWING CLUB • The Friendship Sewing c l u b will meet at the home of Annie Cooper on Thursday, December 5, for a 1 o'clock luncheon. The afternoon will be spent In ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAII Ro-NoFi Mr. and Mrs. Moe Lineman an- sewing for the Red Cross. nounce the Bar Mltzvah of their With four new pledges present son, Arnold, on Saturday, DecemSinai Club the lloiioh Club held its regular ber 7, at the Beth El Synagogue. meeting Sunday at the home x)f They will receive in his honor Feltman. The pledges are The Sinai Club held its first Stan at their home, 2620 N. 53, on Buddy Mokofsky, Bruce GreenSunday, December 8, from 3 to Initiation Tuesday evening, No? berg, Shelly Harris, and Harvey veuxber. 19, at the Jewish Com- Sapot. , , • Center. No invitations have been issued. munity Plans wero completed for the The following were initiated at club's dinner dance which will be that time: Prances Oland, A r t CORRECTION _. Beatrice Krause, Ida held on December 24. All Alumni The anniversary party in honor Perelman, Kelberg, Delores Bell are invited. The organization of ' of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Epstein Lewis, Stanley Lustgarten, basketball tournament was disBerlin, Mlckee - was given by relatives. Mr. and Balaban, Nellie Edel, Lester By- cussed. Teams will be organized in ,. Mia. Sam Kraft were not the solo ron, George "Wbifes, Izzy Lewis, the near future. . hosts, as stated last week, but and Sam Mlnkin. Sheldon* Bernstein was chosen * were in charge of arrangements. the advisor elhce Bob PosIn progress at the present time ley,- club's former advisor is now resid, Thirty guests attended the affair Is "the Ping Pong tournament. ' which observed the couple's silver AH : persona Mnte'reifel- • In this ing. In JMinn.6ap.olJB. Sheldon is a i w e d d i n g . ' ••••. , •'• '•••• ' V / r - ; ]' ; • organization may attend meetings former president of the fraternany Tuesday evening at the Jew- ity.The club was honored by tho PROM CHICAGO - - ish Community Center. presence of several alumni: BerMrs. Jerome Natenberg of Chinie Altshuler, Sheldon Kaufman, cago, the former Henrietta Sessol Daughters of Israel and Phil Elscnstatt. of Omaha, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sessel. .The regular meeting of the Daughters of Israel Aid Society JTOfLYN MEMORIAL hold Tuesday, November 19, Sunday at 2:39 l n th° Joslyn was i« N 1940, 2:30 p. in. at the Jewish Memorial a sound film "Adven- Community Center. tureland" will be shown. Rev. Plans were discussed. for a Robert Sheridan Miller will speak at 3:30 on "The Light That Pell Chanukah ~ Party to bo held on ,'i:i r. on Labrador" •—an-estimate of the next regular- meeting day, the work of Sir Wilfred'T. Qfen-. Tuesday, December 17,* at- the Jewish Community* Center. It was Ml. ~At 4 o'clock" a-concert will bo decided that the party xvas to lie v- given by the AlMJlty Mother sing- an open meeting with members r ers ol the Omaha Parent-Teachers and their friends being Invited. ' Mrs. H. Franklin wad appointed Association under the direction of chairman of the party- committee Mra. Leonard P. McCoun." > with the* following to assist: Mrs. S. Klaver.'Mrs. J. Miller,*and Mrs.' OMAHAN8 - EONGlUSD Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Glassman J. Finkel. of Los Angeles, formerly of Omal a , entertained Sunday at a surprise party for their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Sam Bronstein of Hollywood at the. HBronsteln home on their Silver Wedding an' ulversary. The Broneteins. resided in Omaha until a year ago. Fifty guests, many of them former Om«hans, were present at the affair. • «.

, 1 ^

7.. 't

| ;•;£;' !


Thutsday Is the day . . . HERZBERG QUALITY FURS at sale prices such'.as. you haven't seen for a long time . , . and may. not' see Boon again! All the-sea*. "eon's favorite furs . -,. are here ... .-every one of them backed by bur 30 year quality reputation!




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30tE Anniversary.

COUSINS CLWB - • • . ' -The meeting of_the Colisins ' -Club h a s been postponed until Wednesday, December 11. At that •' time it will meet -at the home of • M. Meyerson," 105 N. 25th. CONVALESCING " Mre. Mas Rosen, who recently underwent an operation at St. Joseph's hospital, is now convalescing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Marcus. - -

' '. •"'

As as* Institution Engaged in "the \

" Sport, street, nfternoon, and dinner of crepes, wools and velvets! Formats of rayon taffeta and moire! Blacks, rich fall shades and the new Holiday pastels! Every smart fashion under the sun! Staos 12 fo 2 0 . . . 33 fo %%

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Ttird ' « . - . - •

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• • ,


Frisl*y, Hovesafcfejr 29, 1840



A Constructive Suggestion

•UB&cRtPTiCN place, a«§ .,_. '" y fetes Furnished 68 -


—" £«. Sits i

DAVID BLACKEK—Business aad Hasagiag LEONARD NATH&H . . . . . . Editor RABBI THEODORE He LEWIS » E o s i Edito? ' FRAKCES BLACKER « • Eotiety Elite? MOERIS AIZENBEHG—gioux City

William Holzman Departs


When as faithful s member of the Jewish easamunity aa William IMssissn chooses to move elsewhere it is a master of oeep regret fa all who know the extent of his service. Hot only 'the Jewish community but all Omaha has beaefitted by Ills presence in the city for a quarter eeatury. To attempt to record the laaay activities for civic and commuEal betterment that have Iseea initiated or sustained by Mr. Hoizmaa is well-nigh impossible la so limited a space. The type of leadership that he has gives the Jewisli community cannot be measured. Suffice it to aay, every single Omaha Jew has gained by his mere presence in the community. As president of the Jewish Federation, he has guided the community through the formative years, since it Is only of recent date that .Omaha Jewry .has made any concerted effort to co-ordinate Its position and strengthen its communal Institutions. This has been, more than nominal or honorary leadership. It.has been a leadership that has accepted a full measure of responsibility and sacrifice. It has been a leadership genuinely faithful to its trust, a leadership that has responded generously and effectively and sincerely to the demands upon it. It Is impossible for a community to express gratitude for such unselfish service. The satisfaction of doing the job and doing it well mast ha its own reward. No man is indispensable, an old adage would have us believe; but it i3 quite evident that there are many whom it is difficult to replace. Others will take up the tasks Mr. Holzman leaves and they will carry on. But the success" of their efforts will have been determined by the enlightened way in which the work was begun.

An-Old Story' Y .;'• :, •

Is & Blgn of weakaess to see rats gnawing at the foundations EBS! make no effort to get rid at them



A suggestion of unquestioned merit and good sense lias fceea made by Secretary of Interior Ickes, who exercises adteialstrative control of the Virgin Islands. In bis' plan, persons holding quota n maters tor the United States will be permitted to do their waiting oa one of these islands—most likely St. Thomas—instead of in Lisbon or in French prison camps. Not ealy Is this a gesture of humanitarianisin, but it is also first-class business. The iiainigrauts permitted to sojourn oa the Virgin Islands would fee only those who have the means of supporting themselves. They would 'not ba permitted to aeeept work-—for the principal reason there is aothiag they could go. • Economically the Islands, like most of the West ladies, ere liabilities. To borrow a term from oraown governor, they ere "kept" l>y the federal goverament. Homesick Americans traveling f r o m South America are cheered by their slop at Charlotte Amelia to have as their firet greeting a "WPA" sign. Theje are CCO camps and Federal Housing projects—everything to rescue the islands from the economic doldrums brought oa by the decline of the sugar industry. An attempt to make a vacation center out of the Islands has failed because other tropical ceiiters are more suited to the needs o! the American vacationist. Bermuda, the Bahamas, Florida are closer to the large American cities and offer more in way of amusement. The government-owned hotels have done little or no business these last "few years. Surely there are few places more attractive than the Virgin. Islands. Lying in a half-moon about a beautiful harbor, Cbarlotta Amelia is one of .the most beautiful sights to be anywhere encountered. There la a Jewish community with a synagogue built In the Eighteenth century. But the Jews of St. Thomas and St. John havo suffered by the economic decline of the Indies. It would be much better for prospective immigrants to start their lives on American territory as soon as possible. Here they would have the opportunity to learn the language and to a certain extent familiarize themselves with American customs. Under the present arrangement thousands are stranded in Lisbon, others in Cuba and South America where they are waiting their Quota number to be called. Under tho new arrangement both the prospective Immigrant and tho Virgin Islands would benefit.

What Congressman Dies has disclosed in his recently-published "White Papers" is certainly War was supposed to have effectively silenced nothing new to anyone who has bothered to read the Vatican. "Oaservatore Romano," one of the the thousand and one articles published on Nazi few European papers to retain a measure of obactivities in the western hemisphere. Perhaps this jectivity, is no longer sold on the streets of Rome. particular report is a little more detailed, perhaps it Is better-documented, perhaps the congressional Instead a Jesuit paper, more friendly to the Fascist stamp gives it greater authorttativeness in the eyes regime, today carries the Vatican news to the people of Italy. The Vatican radio, once a voice for of the public. . - .. , For years the Nazis themselves have boasted peace and Justice, haa been reduced to speaking about their penetration of the Americas. No ex- only on doctrinal matters. Yet the pall of silence Is not complete. Alone pensive investigation was necessary to discover on the European continent, It has had the courage that fact. Long before Hitler became German to raise its voice against the anti-Semitic legislachancellor, his Berlin paper, "Illustrirte Beobachtion of Vichy and to ecore tho followers of Petain ter," pictured Nazi cells in New York and Chicago. and Laval. Under such circumstances, It is perAlready they were resplendent In their uniforms haps Inappropriate to recall that much of the and were engaged in rifle-practice. Once power blame for modern anti-Semitism may be laid on was assumed in Germany, the Nazis everywhere the frail shoulders of the disillusioned and embecame more aggressive. In 1933 George Sylvester bittered Plus BE,' who attributed the tremendous Viereck, mentioned time and again by Dies and a failures and shortcomings In what was a temporal man who has made a career of pro-Germanism, as well ao spiritual rule, on "Jewish" journalism*. was principal speaker at a gig*antic mass-meeting No good word for tho Jews appeared In the Vatican held at Madison Square Garden. press in that day, for the Jews were being held up Every propaganda agency wa3 tapped, and every as the Instigators of the modern doctrines that effort was made by agents hero to exploit the Ger- were held responsible for the weakening of Vatican mans-in this country. And all this has b^ecn dis- power. , closed by one investigation after another. Today it is the y&ticah, under the wise and enWhat is needed now is more than mere Inlightened leadership of a Popo who knows Euroquiry. We know full well of the Wiedomanns and pean politics as no other man knows them, which the Colin Rosses and the Vierecks and the Aualone can speak for tho silent. The absurdity of hagens. If anyone' is in the dark as to their In- the charges' mado by the Nineteenth century pontentions, wo suggest a glanco at Norway, Den- tiff have been recognised. Not even the Vichy mark, Holland, Belgium? Luxembourg and France regime's pretense at loyal Catholicism has swayed — t o name a few nations that permitted themselves the judgment of the representatives of the present to be lulled into a false security, who were fools Pope., Marshall Petain, whoso Catholicism in forenough to think that Nazis would respect diplo- mer times was open to question, now prates of matic proccdare. .Wins a loyal son of the church. „ Laval as a ComSurely more than just mere coincidence was munist was not only antl-eleric but avowedly < responsible for the disastrous csries of explosions .atheist. • .Like Henry IV these puppets of Germany that ©ccusred on the eastern seaboard, particularly go on tho theory that if not Paris at least Vichy after express tjaralnga had been made that cabo- is worth a macs. _ ' ', tags? could be expected about that time. At this It is good to know that tho voico of morality juhcture when diplomatic activity between Amer- is not totally stilled but persists—less feeble .than ica and. Germany la at & minimum, too l in another day but making up in intensity what Is staffs have keen Increaced to astronomical pro- jacked in volume. portions. At a time when tbero Is no trade, the CSerm&Ti Chamber of Commerce increases its ac•Jl&VftBB. tivities. .'And jM's, time <s?hen' therd & 'no S * '18406701'' ••", the tourist offices espsad their faculties and B Bosh' Choflesh Eislev — . . „ . ...Sunday, Dec. to t&oir staffs. >' • • . . . . • -CliaaBkaa ( l e t 8 dayG)-~..~Weclnen(Say, Dee. 25 , - I t Is feot- hysteria to domaisS'fc&at tfio CSiQ&esh Tebeth ^^L^^jtass&iyt Bee.SI •> raent tft&© sts&s to protect ifc&Jf. Surely individual '?!$&& most be carefully Euwrdeaybut'iiot to" the "extent t&at ta"c®bi their eventual destruction. 1\ e*0bs8rved pr«»ioii3 day as

The Vatican Speaks Again

Gems of the Bible By Dr. Plslisp Site-? BIBLE I have preached righteousness in the great congregation. 1 did not refrain my lips, Thou knowest. For immeasurable evils have compassed me about mine iniquities, have overtakes me so I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of my head, aad my heart hath failed we. My soul thirsteth for God, when shall I eoine and appear before God; my tears have been my food day end aight, while they s a y unto me, "Where Is thy God?" Thou inakest us a taunt to our neighbors, a scorn and a derision to them that are around us. Thou inakest us a byword among the nations, a shaking of the head among the peoples. TALMUD Our Rabbis were taught. The philosophers once questioned the elders at Rome, *'Jf youi? God is displease.d with the idol worship, why does he not destroy the idols?" And they replied, "If the heathens worshipped, but things not needful to the world, He would surely annihilate them, but they worship the sun, moon, stars, and the planets, shall He destroy the entire world on account of the fools? But the world is allowed Its natural course, and as to these fools who spoil it they will have to give an account for their acts?" In ot,her words, when some one steals wheat and sows it, should not the seed grow because it has been Bolen? But, nay, God lets nature take its course, while these fools will have to give an account for their act?" In other words, when Borne one steals wheat and sows it, should not the seed grow because it has been stolen? But, nay, God lcta nature ake its course, while these fools wll have to give an account for their acts. Rabbi Alexander announced, "Who wants longevity?" And a big crowd eurrounded him and laid to him, "We all want longevity, please tell us how we can reach it?" He then referred them to Psalma 34:14: Keep tliy tongue from evil and thy lips from speaking deceit.* Rabbi Chlsda said to his disciples: "I would like to tell you something but I am afraid you will leave me, and go away. He who studies always only from one teacher, will never see any BUCcesa in his studies." Then thoy eft him and wentlto the college of Roba, who when.he heard the reason, said to them, "It in true only in concerning reasons and ingenuity, but as for traditions it is better to learn them from one master In order to avoid different versions." Roba said, "Even the gossip of a scholar is to be studied."

FAT FRANK J. IV A. osa Press

like Jews. Bat the lisif-Jew, And quftiler-Jew, or the man of wholly Jewisli blood whoa happens to look like s pure N&-i di<D~»-tiiese people have a tosgh time of it at the eiiid of their painful argosy, from Europe. I remember one fellow on the island of Martinique. He seemed a very suspicious character — even in Fort de France, where almost everybody is viewed with suspicion by everyone else. I had hardly lauded in Martinique, when I was informed by a local business man that there were enough German spies, and Gestapo, hanglag around to form a union. And this fellow looked as if he, certainly would hold a card. Most «f the tiiue« he stayed;in' his room. Only tn night did he wa?& tlio ateeets, end each - eve* Mug he disappeared..for several hours, eMd. clidik't return to the hotel until after Kiidnlght, which iisii't exactly j*'ea.fe thing to do, ia Port tie France. But one evening I cornered him In the dining room, and this was his etory: His mother was a Jew, and he was a former officer in the Austrian army. After AnachluBS, he fled into France, and Joined" the French army. When France fell he tied again, this time to Spain. He wangled passage to Cuba, but tho French ship came only as far as Martinique. He's been there over since. He doesn't know when ha'Il get out, if ever. "You will please," ho said, "keep this to yourself. Because tticrc are people hereabouts who have no love for men with Jewish t>iooo—even if tney zongnt tt» " I nsked hint where he went, so mysteriously, each night. "I've got a girl," he said. "Please keep that to yourself, too." I learned something In Cuba— In passing. In Cuba the problem of Jewish immigration is strictly the problem of how much cash the Immigrant possesses. Coming bach, &n Austrian Jew was on the clipper. He was going only as far as Cuba, but when wo landed in Cuba it developed he didn't haveR visa. Ho did have, however, a large sum of American dollars, and proof that ho had othor funds Itt,-' American banks. Thoy let him in. But the Jew without cash caifnot get into Cuba under any clr-, cunastances. I'm afraid that hi ' Cuba, immigration ia pretty much of a racket. Altogether, I flew some 6,000 miles to get the story of Martini* quo, and the thing that sticks hi my mind ig this: Even here in the ' western hemisphere, supposedly twenty-ono republics tightly knit together, there is a great deal of fe^r and suspicion. It Js no longer easy to travel. Tho barriers are rap. - Even an American newspaperman, with passport and visas all in order, and cards showing tneio.« bership in the White Houpe Correspondents Association, and .the Senate and House Press Galleries, and the Department of State Correspondents, and enough other credentials to fill a fat wallet/ encounters email difficulties.

tlitey prowl through your lng» ge, and* won't let you carry let* ters or papers In your suitcase, \¥ASHINGTON. sad seal your camera, and when Notes on a journey: tho clipper lands at tho Dominican Not all. the concentration camps Republic, or Ilcitf, os Trinidad are In Europe, and not all of them they won't let yon woadcroff the are guarded by Nazi otorm troop- Im&h dock. : ' ers. There's a concentration camp on the island of Trinidad, the But if you haven't got cm AmerBritish* colony which lays snug to ican - i then travel is the coast of Venezuela way dowa close passport to impossible, as a matter by the equator. of fact, an American passpert, today, is the most valuable docuIn this camp are 280 persona ment ia tho world. It's (something listed by tho English authorities you. can't buy; Yoa aro either as "enemy Kaliens." .Actually, all born with cine, work for but a tevj of them are Jewish, ref- five years becoming a citizen so ugees. Their living conditions are that you may earn the right to tjOod as & concentration camp ponsesa one. could he in-that tropical climato, but sanitation isn't of tho best, - - . . vrfil^fiiad!; oa & tslp- like and the food in Trinidad — even this, that yoa win sleep with your when you get it at the country passpojt year pillow. And, dub or the best hotel — isn't w&sa ybanti'lei' sivo-si> tco little red anything to write home about. book at BliaiaS, yoa vrfp kiss'it foodbyb; it Ig a -good and Tho British slapped the 3ewisii foithftji pcfogeeg bs&isKl barbed i b cause of the fear jssjcfMsj Blum Simmssd Escape fciis .spread! OTCI? th© esttise C itesss asea. The Bttifsbr-aad London (JTA) — Former Pre&x&esie&a &smj_ officers &t the Passes^ Cesal ~ finaly" believe mier Lqon Blu'ra.ef Prance knew he would fee arrested when t]h o thai tea percent.of'all i&© •. ish" Ecffigees wbo reach the Petaiu-Laval government caine to tern - Hejalsphci"© {ire actually power, bat refused to flee; prespies &Et3 tilth cslczsnlsts-ln tfae ferring to remain and face ius' ao* el Qeraasaj, . cussrs. Recording to" toois de Brouckere, Belgian Socialist lead'Ilia nat&brftleo nrea't 'p"*""* er, who met Bluzd after the fall : Sarly suspicions of Jew® who loo! of Prance, ...

Friday, November 29, 1940

• y, o. t NEWS I




Organize Class in Jewish History

In order to get a perspective c£ The U. O. C. late Friday servTemple Jewish life, members ol Junior ices will resume this Friday eveThis fevetiag &t services B&bM Hadassah &ai others interested ning at 8 o'clock after havin oa the first and third D a v i d II. Wiee will fcpeak oa stopped for a week. Guest speak- "TUii lo&D¥ MAS & HE&BT," E iuar- an ycderstaading that was ia a wrlLmegt Tuesday of each month in a sur- "Where May H a p p i n e s s Ba er for the evening will be Mr. uented t*t (ise .EewisSi Cuiiiaiiaiits' Ctiitsr large measure responsible for the vey eourta of Found." Jewish history." Gedaliah Bubliek, who will ad- uiutsr tixe auspices trf u.c Cssnttt tiayei* sustained interest of the audience. Saturday morning eervices be* Mr. Arthur Rapport, instructor dress the congregation on "Pales- gaild. directed mid iiroiluced' l»y ii'ts. Likewise of particular advantage iiacck. the cast: of this group, has announced that Bin at 11. tine in the Picture of Jewish Life Grtta OuUEt Mkrlsssy - . Gary Laridm&n to the play was the sympathetic the two basic texts will be the Today." CosiiiltSij Cuate, Hi, wife Eiiyiisi SUsiiiSii interpretation Gary L a n d m a n well-known histories by Margolis Beth El Katiiika, Liu uLli'tLti r , - Usiiua Menovits Mr. Bubliek was formerly edi- Gyorgy, imutiaui t,t iSeliska Sylvan Block gave the role of the prime laials- and Marx and by Cecil Roth. Tonight Et services Rabbi David tor of the Jewish daily, "The itXXi, a Viililfc RtdjAi UiiiiKUW ter. This etudy group is open to stay A. Goldstein -will speak on "The i» m&id Ami Ztgfci Tageblatt," and is today contribu- Kii.ri, Other principal parts were Lil- person interested ia learning "Jew- Curse of Bigness." u itt&li...,,,.,,.IiEiittu Frcefe&ii tor to the "Jewish Morning Jour- I'uiika, Feienczy, a vislet ...MysoB 'i'&rudit lian Monovltz es the Countess Ka- ish history. Jack, eon of Mr. aad Mrs. HarReporter Myron Xar&off nal." tinlca, Edythe Shuman as the ry Behaont, will observe ids Bar AsUt i O k i He is the author of several im- Electrician Countes Cecile; and Sylvan Block Mitzvah by chanting the KMportant volumes on Jewish 'probas Gygory. NeuTuuis JLectures dush, Displaying a professional filems and a book which has beAn unusually fine start has been Services Saturday morning b§come a classic descriptive of Pal- nesse, the Center Plays Monday given the Center season and it is gia at 8:45. Jack lieltnont will estine. He is also active in many and Tuesday evenings gave vigor expected that the coming months Bar Mitzvah. Alter servmovements in Jewish life having to a play that unless deftly hand- will see the Players responsible Books, events and people are become Mr. and Mrs. Belraont will been among the founders of the led might have dragged. Instead for new theatrical triumphs. the basis for the weekly discus- ices Mizrachi Zionist Organization of due to the capable direction of the sions of the group led by Mrs. receive in houor of their sou. America, and president of that new director, Mrs. Greta Baeck, Ruth Neuhaua every Wednesday Week organization for four years be- and a well-chosen cast, "The Lady evening at 8 o'clock at the Jew- Next V vNext 1 d a y evening Rabbi Has a Heart" by Ladislaus Busginning with 1928. ish Community Center. will speak on "Our UnFekete, emerged as a sparkling Though called " B e h i n d the Goldstein At present he is a member of Btory seen Opportunities." of political life in pre-war Headlines," this group does much the Palestine Agency, the Jewish Europe. Araold, eon of Mr. and Mrs. more than probe the news. Mem- Moe Agency and the Zionist Executive. Linsman, will chant Klddush Definitely a continental play, bers have become quite iaterested la celebration of his Bar Mitzvah. Junior Congregation although with situations not unThe two Omaha chapters of not only in news behind the news The Junior Congregation which likely even in so advanced a de- Aleph Zadlk Aleph are joining but also in landmark books and has been in the process of forma- mocracy as this, "The Lady Has hands in holding their next af- outstanding pcraonalitieB in to- which completed its three - d a y tion in the last few weeks will a Heart" deals with the embarras- fair, a Barn dance. Warner Proh- day's historic eventa. meeting at Far Ilockaway. have its first official service this sing plight of an Hungarian prime man, social chairman of Mother This croup is open to all incoming Saturday, at Congregation minister who finds his impeccable Chapter, and Harold Slutzkln, so- terested. A 11KK MfflAV Oil' B'nal Israel, 10 a. m. This first manservant has been elected to cial chairman of Century Chapter, service will be participated in by parliament on the opposition tic- announced plans at a meeting of lie'ids a. committee of the Brotherhood, ket. the two chapters. Executive* • of which Mr. Ben Kazlowsky is The dance will take place on Fine ^ up • New York (JTA) — Itabbl 0. chairman. December 7 at Tex's Barn, 60th To the role of Jean, the valetKarllusky haa been elected chairThe rabbi will also be present polltlcian, Ralph Beecher brought and L. Only couples will be adtil mitted. Admission will be fifty man qf the executive committed and speak to the Junior Congreof the Union of Orthodox Itabbls, cents. gation. A committee from the • TJ, O. C. Sisterhood will participate and serve a Sabbath lunchDewey Eiegler Wins" , eon for the children. A special Harvard Scholarship committee for this purpose consists of Mrs. h. Fish, Mrs. T. Sherman, Mrs. I. Boskln, Mrs. Sid For the third successive year, Epstein. Proof that clothes gathered for Dewey K. Elegler, son of Mr. and The officers of the Junior Con- Palestinian institutions are reach- Mrs. iBldor Ziegler, has been gregation are Bernard Wolfson, ing their destination is contained awarded a scholarship by the president; Meyer Halprin, vice- in the letter received by Mrs. May- President and Fellows of Harvard president ; Anne Shrago, secre- nard Kully of Hastings, who, as college. tary; Albert dayman, Gabal and Miss Llbbye Meyerson of Omaha ia a graduate of Cen- Winter, with its i c y Harry Alloy, Gabal Shenl. Those last February, inserted a note in tralEiegler streets and drifts ^ of High. conducting the services this week clothes sent to Jerusalem by the CROW, is tho ono tim© are Leonard PotaBh, who will Mizrachi Women's organization. WEBB, BKBEB, tCLOTZNtCK & EELtES of tho year when it is read the Torah, Sol Baumer, who E03fcServteslite UHg. Several weeks ago the national very important t h a t •will read the Haftorah, and Meyer office of the Mizrachi Women reIn the District omwt ot Douglas County, yoar tires aro in perfect Halprin, who will act as Cantor. ported that a letter was being Mizrachi Bfeetlag HATYJA, wtosa placa et sent from Palestine but feared it o^^OTOTHt rsaiaenca fa Hitoiown soS «s»a wnom condition. Drive in toSaturday evening tho Mizrachi had gotten lost ea route. How- personal servlea ot eummous cannot he day and let us help you deleadant: Organization of Omaha will have ever shortly afterward a letter had, for winter ¥oa are bere&y uotiHed tl»t tm the prepare a regular Melaveh Malka meeting was received at tho Meyerson SCth 6e,f of July, 1640, I t d m u n d R. v/hen it comes. Matyia, '&s plalntlfe, filed Ws petition and reception for Mr. Bubliek at home. you ia tha DJsUict Court ol DongTho letter had been sent in Sgatost Congregation B'nai Israel, Eightlas Kebra«!tffl, Doc&et 833, Pag9 August and bad been opened by 817, Cooaty, eenth and Chicago streets. tha objsct and prayer ol •whleli pattia to obtain a divorce from you on This will he a special signifi- tho censor, although nothing in tloa grounda l ,ot extreme cruelty. cant occasion as Mr. Bubliek will the body of tho letter had been UseToil are required to enswer eoid Petimarked out. tion on or before tha 30th day of Decentdiscuss some of the less publicized 1840, or eald psutlon' Bgainat you will The letter Is from a 16-year-old bar, aspects of Jewish life and probrefugee girl from Germany who ba talica as true. lems. is now a second year student at Services EcSer KtaSaSdc -ft. KeKey, Atlsi. Regular Sunday morning serv- tho Mizrachi Teachers' Seminary X7iVo, • . , god Beretea life Etas. ices of the XT. O. C. Brotherhood in, Jerusalem. "I am .very glad that I am in EOTIOIS. ©B" will take place this Sunday at Congregation B'nal Israel, at 3, Bretz Israel," the y o u n g girl to tfes County Cotwt oi Douglaa Cocaand will be followed'by tho Bible writes. "I wish I shall finish my ty, Nefeffesl^a! studies in the near future In or- m THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE! Study hour and breakfast. -••••• Garter, Deceased. Sunday evening at 8 there will der I shall be able to help in the OFAHSarah persons latc-resua la talcl estate eta notified that a pstltton »sas been be a mass meeting at which Mr. building of tho Holy Land. One hereby tiles in said Court sliegtog • that caia dBubliek will speak. This is to of my greatest hopes nowadays is cc-assd died Isavlcg BO last tviU tmd pray• take place at Congregation Beth that our Jewish brethren who are las for adastalstratloa upon .tier estate, mid tbat a bearing will be liad on salo Hamedrosh Hagodol, Nineteenth suffering terrible- in Europe bhall pstlUoa befoara eald court oa tha litti <3ay come here fa thousands in order ol December and Burt streets. . .lEiO, and Ust if Uiey fail to «mJoy -liberty and freedom." to appear at eatd Court on tha esld 14Ui The Hebrew Study' group will day of December isscv at 9 o'cloclt A. t i . 4500 meet at the rabbi's study, Eightto contest said psttuoa, the Coart m»y gTimt the same aad grant admlnlstratlaa eenth and Chicago, this Monday Noted Raibbi to : of said estate to Harold Oarber or pama at 8 p. m. as usual. other suitable person end proceed to a ;. ': / .. Sisterhood • Bettiement thereof. ,"•••• • ; ..•;. Visit in Omaha BRYCB CRAWFORD The December meeting of the lJ-22-40-St > County Judge. U» O. C, Sisterhood will t a k e 'The Adasa Yeshuren synagogue, ' ,.-•.•' -FSAHCI9 P . • place on Tuesday; December 3, Twenty - fifth and Seward, will 6 I ' at Congregation B'nal I s r a e l , have as guest this Saturday raornEighteenth 'and.' Chicago, at 1, iifg. Rabbi Abraham Sfard of Now NOTICE,: This 'will be a luncheon meeting; Y o r k . ;. '. ...... ', ;•;;• • •' ; In the matter of tho estate of Nathan for which the following membera During his stay in Omaha Rab- S i m o n D e c e e s j s d , '., • « • • • • • Kotloa la Hsr?by Giwa: That, the ereMM mm mmti of the organization are hostesses: bi Sfard will bo the guest of M. filtora , *>s=r \>f of eald fieeeascd wlU mict tha cseMrs. I. Grossman, Mrs". -M e y a r Ackerman, 2370 California. »f esa!Bfecst'.bend ps? la sfca ciitris of cald. estate, before me. Countj of Douglas County, Nebraska, at Katzman, Mrs. J. Bernsteiri,\Mra. rsyel wsy! Csiisfc»Jha c^atvsiccnl bsdins Rabbi Sfard will receive mem- JudgeCounty Court Boom, in Eald County, Sim Katzman, Mrs. L. Fish, Mrs. bers of the Jewish community at the oa tha £lst &a.f of Stomssy IBM tma bsm r.sjveus ar,4 c/gsssS-i Ii. Neveleff, Blrs. M. Bursteln, the synagogue. oa the 21st day of March 1941, ex it . d ' | % o'clock A. M.. each day, for tha purpose Mrs. William Milder, Mrs. A. titling, of presenting Uieif daisas' for esamtoaKatz; Mrs. I. Goldstein, Mrs. Sam tltm ' adjustment and allowance. Ttoea 4;9 ef Brownr Mrs. D. Denenberg, Mrs. White, Dr. O. S. Belzer and I. snontha are allowed for the croSltora to present their 'claims, from the 21st day Shafer. Reservations m a y be M. Rosenstein, Krs. M., Arbltman. of December 1840. ' ?0 'yttSfiljrl *%*l S!°V «=»t!iS beswCsJ CAStMAM lit*:* «^»# A special feature of this meet- phoned to the office of the U. O. BRYCB CRAWFORD, * i v pv p C, JA 0887. ,£ Coasty J 3 ing will be a review of Prans "Werfel's "Embezzled-' Heaven," •which-ls to bs given by Mrs. N. V/rfto Fo* Kaofki QetK zMttAlilL f. OMB, H. Greenherg. -This Is a hook which is just coining into t h e book mart-and has made a deep impression oa those few who have succeeded in reading it. The Talmud Study group will meet this Wednesday at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, Nineteenth and: Burt streets, at S p. m. * Father and fj^m Banquet .Plans are l a progress for-the TJ. O. C. Brotherhood father and con banquet. This affair which is to take place- at the Jewish Community Center' on December 8, Is one of the 6utstanding Enterprises of the organization. , The committee in charge of the banquet Is Sam Katzman, chairman; Harry Eimmermaa, , J o e iu,






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ertt su H J ho i. ~ »£» 1 L'Ci i J l J h ij 1 1 if H« n I K •' ^ Kt & . . L f i t . L o L / f t 2*. J . t«_i. wti.; u k O K.-JI If to "living ,-n.« a n d (Ji •<'.{' L t t t l

Paul de Kruif wculd us edly be the fiut to "Micro* books surface dramati' medical « One U Kruif t ».

!x I ruicii, de-

believe cut that to ..'_% <uf Hit,. Li. l'\ i if the Holy t a 1 ti A. V a t > l ofc't^Jtd, the ill Icview thfe l.o'jli "111^ Gicat iuatfd a n d 'icaUmt-rtt U , ^ , ' Ly Tt&tament of tho Hoc KCSUKL vill ylt^ct proviag the "ilviag connection events. between JticEsi&m and ChristianDues epli Golfi ity" had to h& disclaimed. Hadassah members are urged to ious Huii"ti The church always has mainam that their dues are paid-beof Podolslf/ -.t fore Henrietta Ssold'e birthday in tained that the New Testament i i Jt.\ i t :ii cal School, order that each oae can eiga her organically grew out of the Old, r i t U , i i) C vj .-ll tJ the Jevi H name to the parchment leaves of tlie broadcast s&ld. It branded as i1 liil, i ..11.1whose (hud friends, Dr. A. A. Brill'and Dr. tories aa<i eliuled, asid for the her Birthday Book which ia to be "heresy" the desire to create a published. Fraua Alexander,-iir each of which eettleaseat of refugee physicians presented to her en tiie occasion God according to "man's reason"The "mysterious 'hunger". was the of her.aoth.ljirthday with the sig- and emphasised "there is one God pupil, incidentally, does a lit- in the Holy Land. 'pellagra, the strange -ailment tle' psychoanalyzing natures of 80,000 members—• only, who embraces the whole of of the masIt Is mot generally realised how paid-up members which reddened the skites only. masikind with love and -the church much American Jewish ylsysiciaas maddened thousands at victims ter,There's a, little piece by Dr. Ab-.are' considers it her mission -to be <Jping for Palestine by this in the Southern Steles. Dsr. Podmother to all raen without dismeftna, Tlieir support of "Medical olsky's story ot -how GoMbc-rger, raham Myerson, of Boston of- Leaves," Dr. Meyer writes in his tinction." a staff physician of the United fering an explanation of why introduction to the new issue, has States Public Health Service, ran these are so few Jewish A regular board meeting of the easiileal Kupat-IIalisa to cxpascl the cause of pellagra to earth Beth El Auxiliary will bo held at IMtttin&io Protests Anti-Jewish Its services. More than this, Dr. grid discovered its siieple e«re, Gt&teto Meyer gays, "our moral help, the 1 o'clock Tuesday, December' 3, at reads like the tale of Dr. Walter Vichy (JTA) — A dignified but feet that we, tha Jewish physic- the homo of Mrs David A. GoldReed's heroic investigation of yelians at North Aiaerea, ss a body, stein. A, dessert luncheon will be Btroag protest against the antiJov/ fever. Jewish etatuto of October 18 has are united through thia publica- served. Sixteen volunteers offered them* Co-hostessem a r o Mrs. David been addresses! to tho government tion, gives them (tlie Jewish phyeelves as human guinea pigs for sicians of. Palestine) will aad Sherman and Mrs. Morris Katel- by the French-rabbinate, it was Goldberger's tests to discover Each year Hadassali holds a courage to carry ©a their heroic laaa. reliably learned.whether pellagra v/as a -communl- lunciieon welcoming now -women struggle in this time of chae,i and Mrs. David Greenberg, Auxilicable disease. into the membership. The animal deduction."" ary president, urges all board membership luncheon \?as held oa members to attend. Patient Wotk Apparently, Dr. Meyer and his "Under their skins and into Wednesday, November 27, at the colleagues Ere concentrating their Plans are* also.being masJo for their muscles," Dr. Podolsky re- Jewish Community Center whero tho Beth El party to bo held oa v on circulating "Medical December lateg, "Goldberger, stoop-should- tho welcoming address was e* en effort 26. Details are coon to Leaves" among physicians, bat ered and hawknosed, with tlie by tha president, Mrs. A. Frank. they ought to find wide support bo announced. A response of the new members burning eyes of a trail blazer, inlaytnea who -will find jected the blood of crazy Pella- was given through Mrs. Hy Shrl- among Hytnan Ilurwitz, a-professor of much of grins. He even fed them siiin cr. The raorabersItSp chairman, reading. this Journal enjoyable Hebrew at University college, scales, scrapings from the none Mrs. J. J. Friedman, assured tho London, was a neighbor and close and throat, urine and feees con- new members that there was a friead of tha i^oc densations from the insane and place for every Jewish woman ia ducted by Mrs. H. F. Lsvenson, most advanced cases. But not one Hadassah. Mrs. Friedman aad her was oiicsed with community tincof them developed the symptoms co-chairmen, Mrs. A. A. Steinberg Itig led by lire. David A. Goldof pellagra. What Dr. GoMberger and Mrs. Albert Newman have Bteln and accompawicd by His. A. asked others to do lie also did brought more than fifty new C. Felhuan. Thcro %/ao si rcaditis himself. He swallowed all eorta members into the chapter. Those by Ooriiiio Wohlncr and a frcjp of vile, concoctions prepared from inducted into ' membership ' are, of ralc:.tltilan t-.iK^fi hy J,!,^c f;c!ithe blood, the urine and tho'fe'ees Mesdamcs: euorniann, s:iur.5c,-l Clrtdyr fit of tho most advanced cases, and Harry Alteuler, Harry Rich, Temple Israel, V . . ? ' ?r - " ' ," , he, too, remained free from tho Hymen Staler, George Colin, Abe tlrj. A.D. rra«!t end lira. JuK diseases." Silver, George Sherman, Max i«3 Stein, dclcsulca to tho nationDr. Podolsky goes oa to tell Hoskovitz, P r a a k Aekerman, al convention, cavo thoir reports of the long, patient dietary ex- Ralph Goldberg, Ben Simon, Art on the convention. periments by which Goldberger Abrams, Leonard Gould, Louia Chairmen in charge of t!io proved that pellagra is a nutri- Blporin, Arthur S. Rosen, Louia luncheon is Mro. Dave Stoin and RikliQ, Arthur Ilosen, Henry Fishtional disease, caused by the faulco-chairman Is lira. Leon Graeta. ty diet of the South's 'poor white er, Sam Tamin, Milton Frohm, trash," and his discovery that Nathan Belzer, Katie "Wienberg, •dried brewer's yeast contained Joo. Wintroub, Abraham Schwanthe mysterious something that zskin, E. L. Gulinson, G. Coleprevented or cured it, and thus man, Lee Grossman,. Gilbert Prio.'.'•. . rescued the South, from this d e n . : scourge. Rachel Hell, Edward E. Brod(It must be presumed that the key, Charles Fellman, Sam JacoAlabama district attorney -who bow, Sid Rose, Harry Silberman, prosecuted the Scottaboro boys MInnette Kats, Harry Steinzelg, forgot about Dr. Goldberger when- Sam Wintroub;- A. Solomon, Geo. jhe orated in court against "damn Kagan, Sam Saltzman, Harold Cheraiack, , H ,e r b e r. t Sommers, Jews from the North"). : Dr/ Podolsky"s piece Is a fair Max Prank, Alfred Axfclrod, Sam sample of the contents of the 230 Rosen, C. Sells, Abe Sklar, Abaer pages of "Medical Leaves" which Kaimen, M a s Shureman, David ranges from a ntory of Maimon- Fertil, Sara Gorellcli, A. Louis, ides' fight against Galea's concep- and Miss Mildred Levy. tion of God's omnipotence to a The program planned and conJ


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dizztoAny Picno Yes, £i*aeasy to rixy sljiaens^i:^cs»7 kind of;;t atlcca tha Solsvox to ycr.r own pJsno. Play a lovely ycer ov.-a pir^sccco^paniscat! 'Fa® So!ovos givo fan thrtilics cticcta cl

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Friday, ifovemher 29, 1940



nated half of ker prize to the Ikolidays with Ler sister, Miss Betclub. " ty R&e Kubby.


COUSINS Tiie Cousins club has been postponed until Wedtesday, December 11, at which. tiia& it will le held at the home of Mrs. I»I. Heytrfcou, 105 North Tveaty-fiftii httttt,

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Mothers Studying Child Development

Under the leadership of Mrs. Mxty Frederick, Qinnha., a cca« gbrA&l group of mothers is iKeet* RBTUEKS , ' ins s.t the Jewieli Comruuaity Mrs. Earn Reseatlial returned Benjamin. Schechter home Tuesday after an eight-week Ceater on the firet End third vacation la Texas eud New Mex-Tuesdays of each month to ttudy This appreciation of the late geratiou, that but for the Hadas- fish endeavour and charitable ef- ico. While ia Ban Antonio fclus the prc-blfcum of cldld behavior - Mrs. • A. J. Frienisn, who long sah Organization which Mrs. Frei- fort on belt&lf of the needy a ad attended the graduation of her and the iatrleacits of iut&nt puj" .' was known as Canada's great- man created and untiringly fas unfortunate, King George the son, Herbert, from Kelley Field, chology. fsueii problems as1 feed* est' Jewish woman, was been tered until the day of her death, Fifth conferred upon her the Texas, and then she traveled to ing habits, crying, leiupei ' tau* written by a young MeKire&I the extraordinary development of honor of a Civil Officer of the El Paso to epead several weeks trwuia and Eociai behavior make attorney who kfcs Ssad the op. the Zionist movement in Canada Order of the British Empire "for visiting with friends end relatives up the discussion of "Babies Are portuttity to see Mi's. Fiotniim's would be simply inconceivable. her efforts on behalf of Canadian there. Human Beings." work at first taM. —EDITOR. Labor Zionists, in particular, ac- ex-servicemen and • Jewish subla addition to tho regular dis* While in Silver City, New Mexknowledges its deep gratitude to jects throughout Canada." CUSSIOEB, the grouy will soon en* ico, she visited at the home of her. It was a fitting tribute to one Rarely has the death any any brother-in-law aad sister, Mr. joy a movie on children, laade by Canadian woman called forth so To mention but one of her many who speat most of her life in as- her the nationally known Dr. Arnold widespread a manifestation of enterprises which bore fruit: sisting all races, creeds and na- and Mrs. M. Butler. Gesell of the Yale Psychology genuine sorrow as that evoked by Thanks to her great efforts a tionalities in their hour of need. clinic. the passing of Mrs. A. J, Freiman Farm School was established at Lillian Freiman has set a stand- TO IOWA VITX There is still time for interestMiss Harriet Kubby left last Who, after a protracted illness Nahalal, and today Canadian Ha- ard of leadership which will re•dassali still supports this thriving main an inspiration for all, Jew Wednesday night for Iowa City, ed mothers to register for t h e (lied recently in Montreal. Ia., to bifcud the That<kfc£L*hig cour,.;e for (lit; nouiisLl feu of $1. Ottawa, the capital of Canada colony which Jewish labor has and Gentile alike. declared a semi-official day of reared pa the swamps and deserts (Copyright 1940 By Seven Arts mourning, as headed by the Prime of Palestine. Feature Syndicate.) Minister himself, W. L. McKenWell and truly did she earn the zie King, thousands of men and title of "Mother in Israel." She !women from Halifax to Vancou- travelled far afield to alleviate ver, and from all walks of life— the sufferings of the children. In private individuals, as well &• 1920 she turned her energies to representatives of the amazing ar- relieving the plight of the Jewish ray of philanthropic organizations orphans in the Ukraine. which she Iiad befriended in her Although she was not in the lifetime—united in a fitting tri- best of health at tho time, she By LUCILLE ABRAHAMSON bute of respect to the woman personally headed a mission to A. Z. A. 7 LZCfMSlYEUit YGUUS! V..\dmh'-j Ut .whose life has been an example Europe to select the most needy With Stanley Krasne as rabbi, t?£«. tJth a urlcly of exthaka pf eelfless devotion to all noble children and to bring them over Council Bluffs Jewry will attend to <r.&flu..i / r & w . RK3 pauses. . to Canada for adoption. Sabbath services this evening, un/ The right to call Lillian Frei- der the sponsorship of Council During her lifetime she gave of lierself with a prodigality which man 'Mother' was not an exclusive Bluffs A. Z. A. Chapter 7. The lixcwsiviitx wvim often called for extreme physical right to the Jewish citizens of A.'Z. A. Sabbath services, an anSacrifices, and this, no doubt, con- Canada. She was also a 'Mother' nual project of tho chapter, will tributed in large measure to her to the country's war veterans to begin promptly at 8 p. in. at comparatively early death at the whom she always referred aa 'her Chevra B'nal Yisroel synagogue. soldiers.' Her efforts on behalf of age of 55. Jack Lincoln, vice-president of tho Canadian soldier have been A mere recital of Lillian Frel*ijtfi/ B W i B that WILL EIWURU O Cca thh cmart uroup of Ji:ij;)iteenUi man'a achievements can give' but unceasing, and even from her very tho chapter, ia scheduled to deliver tho sermon, "American Macdeathbed she was busy In directCcntui-y eucat chairs, btyltd to tho an imperfect picture of her charcabees," a review of Jews as eolminute. l>'it to yi^cs n ^iilacc— acter and of the meaning she had Ing the annual Poppy Day Camdiera in the armed forces of tho tnccially priced. for her generation. Her life was paign. During the last war she gave United States. He will stress the BO intimately interwoven with every fibre of the social welfare up part of her own house to the part that sons of Israel h a v o f til,. . 0 o 11 .i^.L B •«• « of her fellow human being that Red Cross. The war over, she at- played in fighting so that the libJier untimely passing represents tacked the problem of rehabilitat- erties of the country m i g h t an irreparable loss to literally ing the returned; men, helping the live on. homeless, tho unemployed, the thousands of her countrymen. ii Kepeatlng t h e opening and Her influence and benevolence needy. She was largely instrumen- closing prayers will bo Douglas •Were felt in practically every or- tal in forming the Great War Vet- Kooler. * ganization for the betterment of eran's Association, predecessor of Rabbi Carl Castlo, of tho local the present Canadiaa Legion, and the community and for humanity ih ; congregation, will deliver a short in general. Her activities were le- was fondly; and affectionately address. ri • <t gion, and no worthy philanthropic ku6wii'*a3 '"Godmother of tho OtVAmva Leo Meyerson, p r e s i d e n t of causo appealed to.her in vain. She a%va Branch of the Legion." As a token'of their esteem the Chapter T, is to deliver a short •was recognized as a woman of x 2 fHTj; r":?;; outstanding executive ability, and veterans presented her with a talk on A. Z. A. and its work. • V«i ' — t V . - ' f her services were sought by many badge of life membership in the C:C3 BflEHAII C*J. organizations, to all of which she Canadian Legion, tho only time YOUNG JUDAEANS • J-J that such ah honor has been congave of herself unsfintingly* The Young Judaeans held a Most sorely, however, her dis- ferred upon a woman. meeting last Sunday at the home Honored by King tinctive qualities of leadership, Eileen Gotsdiner, at which time The magnificent Poppy wreath of her tenacity of purpose, ' her they collected all tof their ooap on her casket, unprecedented in breath of vision, her-charm" and to raise money for tho graclousuesa will be missed by her the tradition of the Hebrew burial wrappers fellow Canadian Jews, to whom service, was a silent spokesman J. N. F, Fund. Anyone who haa her death has been a particularly for the unique place she occupied any Crisco or Camay wrappers or with the Canadian war veterans; Ivory Flakes box tops to donate, cruel blow." . , .. ' . To say" Poppy Day, la to think la asked to^call. Mary Lee Gilinsky Lillian Freiman was born In Mattawa, Ontario, on June tf, of Mrs. Freiman, for probably no or Evelyn Greenberg. The club also held a special 1885. Her "father, Moses Bllsky, person-in Canada has done more was tho first Jew to settle in Ot- to further the causo of the Poppy meeting Friday 'morning at tho tawa, and for more than half a Day. Campaigns, the proceeds of homo of Betty Saks to work on century he was amongst the most which are applied to assisting un- their pins, Betty was the winner • prominent members of the Jewish fortunate soldiers of. the Great of the educational contest and doWar who suffreed •disablement community In the Capital. \ ' Coming from such illustrious par- and who are in poor financial cirentage, it is small wonder that umstances. The annual Poppy RENT—Room for gentleLillian inherited a, deep Jewish Day Campaign ia one among tho FOR man' or young lady In refined ' and social consciousness which many memorials to her generosity home: Board optional. WA from an early age manifested it- and to her gracious thoughts for 9196. ' Buffering humanity. Geir~in her indefatigable labors for the Jewish cause In all Its Crowning her career of unsel' phases. ' In 1903 she married Archibald Q I <!o3'« blsms you for thinlun^ that one guolir.s b zho\it !":9 J. Freiman, who for many years has been tho President of the cnotltsr. You've probably r.cvcr rcscte a coxipt;ztn3 t::t. Bits Zionist Organization of Canada. w!isn you do—you'll be surpsisid! Their married life was-a IOHR and harmonious union", dedicated to SKEttY G::o!ine gives easy scsnin^flsshio^ the same humanitarian and pafiiiicajc.EnJ lure's why: SIidlyGasolmi is nwny dtCcrcci j;K3 triotic objectives. iices compounded into cm fer superb pc> Active Zionist Beautiful The names' of Lillian Freiman forsisnee under all. driving conditions. will Do forever Inscribed in the Electric. Clock Try a tankful. See for yourself l:or/str.oot!i history of Zionism as that of one an«l cool your engine runs. Feel its surge of \ ^ > . r ? i . V ^ of tho outstanding women in tho with purchase ©£ world Zionist movement. Not only poft'er. Then you keep the saving—th:/cs \ \ " " -'.-' does Canadian Had.iEsah owe its YOUR Shelly dividend! / existence to her, but there' is no aspect of pro-Palcstino work in Canada on which the personality Of thi3 remarkable woman has not Tiro left a permanent" impress. Lefc Va CLoch Y o u r It has been said, without exagC h a n t s . W o Hr.vo a Read a w *

<•> t *







ran ssimwj OF UQUOII AOTB EDEB ' " . ' Z-Tto&cl

Blght-tubo Superhorterodyno Circuit, including new XXL tubes.' 'New Overseas WaveBand. Built-in American and Overseas Aerial System. S Elcstrle Push-Buttons. 3 Tuatag Bands cover S t a n d a r d Broadcasts, American and Foreign Short-Wave, • Stnto and City Polices Calls, Aircraft, Ship and Amateurs.

.ttto Kits. ISsrsa yea- lover*

Cor.i^slalo Lsno Weed Chalao.



Open Till 10:30

SL-Itjt C u s d h : : and'Sktllj Tagchni Motor 0:!s art r ; . « V ti Kith tvU't cjw Ol'.r ia j/:;;r ci^iist. A i l & d l


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FriJ*/, Nc»«.nbe<r 22, 1340


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loc 1 cl'«i,tti", will a c j i v t r il«ts o n ii< n, "i'UfeiKati M«.c dSjCtfj." WEBB, liEKEB, HI.-SJTKK1CK, & KEIXt

t h e H a d a ^ a l i >iio tut) l i ^ h i . g to be held 'itH,,dd}, N o v e u t t r 2 t , at the J t » I M I Coiu.'jiuniiv ('t-.)it*.r. We Meet 'i'otalits.n«)t

C"I,OT1IIXG NKiKISED 0 1 d clothing, particularly shoes, that anyone may want to give away will be picked up. Just call the Center, 8—081S, and they will be called for.

Dramatic Activities For' Juniors Start

l£c h til pn &c ut a Lif-toiy ana cominentsry abaut Jews who served in the armed forces of this counKO'nt'E OP i'ii &i'IS OF WUX try from the time of Chaim SoloIn tiie Comity Court of Douglas County. mon, of tke Revolution, till the County, KfebratiiB. World War. In She Matttr at {he Estate of Harry . Acting as Rabbi will be Stanley AEorln, Deceased." All persons irAeieKted IFI uaid estate ere Krasnie. Prayers in both Hebrew hereby notified that a petition has been and English will be given. Doug- iilfcil isi said .Court, praying-fur the probate o£ a tcrlalo iiictrumwit now oa file las Kooler will give the opening in said Court, purporting to bo the last and closing prayers. wlii and tcEtasiiOiit ot said deceased, and Itabbi Carl Castle, of the Chev- that a htfering Vi'M be hs.d on said petibofose ESid Court on .the 30th day ot ra B'uai Yisroel congregation, will tion November, tbii), end that if they fail to also deliver a short talk. appeal at E&td Court on the BE id 30th day

g iit the Americas?" Tiie topic fcr discussion ou Tlniredtiy evfining, Novesnber 28, will lie "What Kincl of WorM Order Do We Wasutr* • Everyone is invited to -jitttjiid this -group which- meets every Thursday night at 8 &t the Jewislj Corfliaunity Center,

Jerusalem (WwS-P^icor Agency)—On the day ef coiaiueiHoratioa of the signing of the Armistice that ended the First World War, the first aJl-Jewiel company of the Second World War left for service at some unspecified field of operations. Members of the British Auxiliary Pioneer Corps, the men participated in a parade tliat marked the end of their period at training camp and their departure for an unknown destination. Mosiie Bhertok, political chief Mr. a?id Mrs. Lawrence Baron, of the Jewish Agency Executive, 2S02 Summit avenue, announce joined in reviewing the troops, the birth of a son on Novem- who stood at attention while he bade them farewell and Godspeed ber 19. in tiie name of the Yishuv. Mrs. Jake Simon, or Omaha, l^eb., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G e o r g e Sehulman, 1717 Court. Mrs. Simon is the mother of Mrs. Schulnian. (Continued from Page 11.) Mrs. A. LeiSjovitz, of Council on the expediency of airing faults Bluffs, visited last week with Mr. too publicly. She recently wrote a n d v Mrs. Sam Lelboritz, 1015 a magazine article In which she Tenth street. raited over her fellow Immigrants for their -'how it was at home" Mrs. William Churuick, of Ohio, attitude. Confidentially . . . a the former Rose llosofsky, is vis- few of them DO need it . . . but iting here w i t h relatives and why hold up the whole group to friends for several weeks. censure? And in PRINT!

Registration will continue for one more week for the Children's theater. Everyone between t h e ages of C and 12 are welcome to join this creative group. Mrs. Betty Marx has chosen the play, "Alice in Wonderland." Every child in the group "will take part in this play. The class Btarts at 2:45 every Sunday at the Center. Production of "Little Women" will begin after today when the casting will have been completed. This, junior dramatic g r o u p is Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agencomposed of boys and girls of cy)—The conflicting ideologies Junior high and high school age.- and system of morality embodied in Nazism and Judaism were the subject of the address delivered at the opening of the new term ,JX)ST of the Hebrew University by its president, Dr. Judah L. Magnes. A girl's wrist watch was lost At the crowded ceremonies that last Saturday night. If found, inaugurated the 16th coast ! ' please tura it in to the .Center. teaching year on Mount Sco,^' , Dr. Magnes reiterated the st- i he had talten,.last-year, when lid Ballroom '.Dancing turned his hack on a lifetime''of pacifism and -endorsed the. war of Balh'aom dancing classes are Great Britain against German toheld at the Jewish Community talitarianism. He contrasted the Center every Saturday night at right in might" philosophy of 7:30 until 9. Misrj Wise is the Judaism to the "might is right" instructor. Everyone of Junior doctrine of Nazism, citing the lathigh and high school age a r e ter as one of tho compelling reasons for his approbation of Brit'urged to attend thi3 clans. ain's present -war, which ho had termed a "atrufjglo against evil." The former American-Jewish r»"t. Sinai leader, who had vigorously opposed America's entry into the Services Friday nighi at t h o First World War, created a deep Mount Sinai Temple will bccln impression he read a letter at 3. Rabbi Albert S. Goldstein written by when forty University stuhas chosen a3 his subject for that dents who had enlisted in the evening, "Only Two Thanksgiving British Forces. The students had Days?" been urged by Jewish Agency and University authorities to enlist Orthodo:: Synagogues "in the prencnt war being waged against the dominance of Nazi Friday night services will'start brutality." at 5:30 and Saturday morning services will begin at 9. Rabbi Sol I. Bolotnikov will opeak at the Beth Abraham synagogue during the morning services.

YOUNG JUDAEA Tho next meeting of tho -Young Judaeans will be held at the hotue of Eileen Gotsdiner, 2643 Avenue D, next Sunday afternoon.



precluding ra

I!.:- b--^i' icr 5he r.ct!in'a?!on o£ JcwJ iSie Eu^Lr-ii;, tLroatb b:s

o£ Havember, JUSO, fct 9 o'clock A. M., to contest the prubate of, stiid will, the Court nsay alliTw- enci probate' eaid will and Er&ivt ftdirtmlBtratUoi ot said estate to teua Aiwla or eoK.e other buitable person, . entry a' decree of heirsMp, and ptoceed to ft t*ttk-m«if. thereof. JiliYCB CRAWFORD, ll-8-40-3t.

WeS»&, issbs-i1 Elutssi'Jt & iltMey, A«y». EMESEL 803 . £ « vice l i f e lilig. The ICmcsel Club held a meetIng .last Wednesday at the home NOTICE OB1 AIKIIKISSIS&TION of Betty Saks. Plans were disthe County Cuurt of Douglas Councussed for raising money, and en- ty,InKebrssfea: tet'taininent was furnished by IN Tilt! MATTER OF THE ESTATE Clarlbel Cojien and S h i r l e y OF Sarah <3arber, Deceased. AH persona interested in said estate apt Krause. hereby notified that a petition has been

filed in said Court alleging that eaid da> ceased (Sled leaving BO last will and praying for administration upon her estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court, oa the 14th day of December 18-10,- and tliat « they fall to appear fct ealdt Court oa the saw 14th, day of December 1640, at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, tha Court may grant the uama and grant administration of eaid estate to Harold Garber or soms other suitable person End proceed to s BIBTIIDAY PARTY No doubt, tin® «&T Ifcdy is deMiss Betto Lee Harris enter- settlement thereof. BBYCB CRAWFORD signing for herself will* have a tained at a party last Friday night ll-22-10-3t County Judge.

HOME FOIt IIOMDAY Coining in from Lincoln Wednesday was Hiss Norma SeldIn, who arrlvejl to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Ben Seldin.


Boris Morros can't exactly eat his words . . . but ho can wear them. Tho publicity staff had his press notices} on "Second Chorus" photostated on white silk a n d fashioned it into a tie. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency," Inc.) 1VEISR, REISER, KXUT2NICIi & 208 ServSce. life BIfe. In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. * . To: DOROTHY MATYJA, whose placa of id ir < H >'n' "own and upon "Kno:7i tea . ! f n . - e of eumsaons t o JOU i >• notified that »n t!-a .-., i 0 y of J>-1,, TSUI. E d m u n d - U . Matyia, as plaintiff, filed .his petltlca agaisist you in Hie District Court of » o u > las County, Nebraska, Docket S53, Pfif.o 317,' tha-object and prayer of which petition - Is * to obtain a divorce itota you en the grounda-of eEtreme cruelty. You are required to answer said-petition-on os before the SOth day of December, 1940, or said petition against you will be taken as true ll-15-40-4t.' • tow OfSles • ' A t f B E D &. ITIEDLEB • . •.

' ... '


<ha3ba> Ncbrastta .

HOTICE OF "INCOIJFOSATION OF • "AQVGRTISINO SEKVICES, INC." ICNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the undersigned Have formed a corporation under the laws of t h o State of Kebraska. The name of this corporation s n a i l be "ADVEHTISING SERVICES,' INC.," •with its principal placa oJ -business at. Omaha, Kebraska. Tho general nature of tha business to be transacted and the object and purpose for which this corporation is organized and established shall be to maintain and ongaEe in an agency for .the purpose ot planning, producing, and diotributlng general advertising,! and publicity ia all it3 totma through all recognized mtdia, and to serve flu merchandising counselors, to buy, sell, lease, and convey property, both real end personal, and to do any and all things necessary or Incidental to the cxerclso of the aforesaid powers ol Uia corporation. Tho authorized capital stoclc shall be $i0,O»».C0: all of said stocl: etiall" be- fully paid up and,noa-asBwaable, said atocK may ba issued for cash, real estate, personal property-or personal services, TSa corporation 0lusl! comraenco business upoa Ow. .filing .of .its' arWith tho spotlight on the Neth- doing', ticles with ths 'Connty 'Clerk of I>ousla3 erlands, Jewry recalls how great County, Ne&rasta, eod'sball contiauo for a refuge this land was in the a period of fifty yesra from -said.'date. highest amount of Indebtedness ohall trying days of the Spanish Inqui- The exceed two-thlrda of its capital stools (Y/NS) — Speuk- sition and Expulsion. Holland, not but tliis restriction. dial! cot apply to at a joSnt meot'ng of the Iaaebt«daes3 oecured by mortgages or Heaa having emancipated itself from T/cr.t section of t:i Jewish Wel- the political control of the Span- upon any of tha corporate- property. The affairs-of this corporation shall bs farc Hoard and the Eant Central i'sh Empire, likewise throw off its managed a Eoanl of Directors of not Otnlej Regional Conference of the intoleranco^and came to grant re- less Uian by two members. Tba annual mectCouncil of Jewish Fotlcrations and ligious freedom to numbers of lns of tbs corporatloa cshaii bafeeldon tha Monday la Novsmbir of cac'.i yer.r, ._Fuads, Dr Btlo \7. Jews fleeing from t h e Iberian eecond at watch jnecting tho, istockholdeia chill , Coluail-ic .University hia- peninsula. • elect a Board at Directors end tb tho Boarti r .all clfct jtrsa r - r a s iovy jirftfeapor, declared tliat tho It was in Amsterdam that Jew- a Prcfifiint, Vlcc-P-esia^t, C?crc»r,ry r~1 >;cvr"««iio:i of Jews ccctns to be a Any t\,a c* fciiJ office ti? ry rebuilt it3 strong commercial ba TreaEurer. lor -Tsn. hcia by OEO tji'l the '•ins JTKKI <-"of tits rrt.-;c;nt as I VI";" I t ic quite possible," he Ea!d, foundations, aud renamed its cul- ce?t the oKlea Until t&a flrjt m«tlng of t^^ c Yeat r,:Ui-Sem:lL:u rather t h . - . n tural creativity. This t?as t h e Presldcnt Soard of Directors th« fcllo"*j<:, citr.U ;'j{ivnnci:','j, has Leon e!ic-cked In birth-place ol tho sreat philoso- serve as offtcsrs o» caM c*poratCi>n: iJartla K. Bpeciter, Prcss^cat-ana E.3ACSD." Dr.. Br.ron,>.or of "A pher Spinoza. It was hero that tttniy. Ben-Icrf.Bl devote srd Jeroma 3. Wilier, Vice-FreatdcBt a n d .:..'U'J!:-". and Religious Hi-.-coi-y o£ tho Llaaacscli :t-- ; :r," pointed, out tliat Soviet into r.n fciLe^i'ster'c! fjjo Bsbla Tr^ararer. "Stc-so art!e!t3 sapy fce erseaaetl at c:>y Hit ~C3'; "."itisl" csmnlt-regular I ,'("i:i -.;m trying to alsrorb « u c h v."Iv; ;',:'•:"' or cp?s!'st meziH)z ol tha etec':d f-:r "> zi'.\ C?rio'JiL-3 find Jews btsHcw f ? i-i -Tc-ri:;b population, Gorranay of outctanClrt otcc::, r ".•:••: t>.o '-'=-'"7 v.-ith tHo r, r.? for n ir; h'r. ?.-•>. w .XHTzmzo v?,as"i:oF, tfio para'.i •-;••'-"'•,•• ,->iit.'-Jer,ish cam •iUfui-ss hf.3 faiao Into oouent .•eve tErounto srei- ,Xs3. V Ut naiaca ti*ls f"v. £•-.: c''. r'Uttes wau ceotinrj foi- ."!•; r::ci=l-, it V.T-, lie who ! Uth fla? of. It,- ., xv. 3B:S.


I, UCITJCJ , ( C .1 •

, Eiiglaad (JET) — of ciliifctibhip rights to I's, I.I I ' I ' I h i . ! , atiiiFaseist %iid ^nti-Naai aliens T t Li' liil. BO that they can participate m the "liberation of Europe" was urged iii a resolution passed ?>y the Central Board of the Co-operative Li i t - I n , vi«o p i ^ t J e i i t of Union.



The president, Mrs. Jack Robinson, has just returned from Hadassali's 26th annual convention Cincimtali. She will endeavor to g i v e a comprtheiieive report on" the problems discussed, such as the issue coulroatinji our ieoi>le in Palestine uftd the vital problem' facing Zionism all over the world. Chairmen of the hi in-IK-on ure Mrs. Mike R'iusliltin and Mrs. Louis Sacks. Cantor Morris Perniek will sing a group <>f SOUKS, accompanied by Miss Snnih Hadotf.


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In ttn prcrs .. - cf LXTSED A, i l _

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