December 13, 1940

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Cutered fts'btcw.1 ( PostoWce. of Oi «.!,,.




ti^r ci J: uory iu tilt., tr ,t u & Act &f H u e s , t . U i .

Fremont Qfren 1*6rum

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VOL. iiVM—No. tt

13, It'If*




Fremont (Stet-ial)—1'ne I'JlQ 41 Forum te-bon o£ the FieLjon Hebrew society opened la&t Filday •lilglif at the Fremont E/uagogue. The ^atst speaker, Mr. fiaraufcl Berek" of Fremont, was introduced after services by Rabbi Oster. ail Four-Bay New Chapter Will Be In*SolThe topic of hSs discussion was stalled 'This "Religion fa Democracy." T h e g s of Israel • Sunday • Forum' will, eoatiaue each Friday night after services t t 1 o'clock. • Flaw Chanukala Party «i«k u ates, Heiiiy d if, n JileMt of the jj Ltid fylld£<!&i, RffC The Daughters of Israfel Aid Sop jBV»,i li'ilth, ^ii f&i" thio t«»ij-*>f(.£<Htd tin" ciety will hold a Chanubah party e and Vhinkt ii! vi« JcL-, i^L.UKct of tnUosi of /Mu Hi id 'I'fcii, at the regular meeting thia comIMgtiJUi, l>it,i,l JjGtl&O JLlfO. 0f will "a«|»cr« to Ls bckl fa Oirtulm tor iirg Tuesday, December 17, The officiate t.t LEW itu,t..iti.tlGii of t!»c f o u r dsys, Li.gtiiiniiiig Detem- affair will begin a t 2 o'clock at to new Katttlt O m£.!ia I/jJce of li'itrd hev 2si. . . . •• the Center, and will be oisnii to Of . iVi'Kh tl«ts fuuday ut U o'clock, t-t Thirty-one chapters and 48taesabers of tho organization and t o t h o UnK ! S !r<« i L-s tteo ta:;i<KJi«a of Jtscsl, SiStE* alumni cluta fiom coast to coast thptr Meads. ^ • .' • „ t»O{lig (PllOSeiS i l l Wfc.' I1* r ,Uf,i, W«« gsarl 3 fetitets, In Kouth Onu:IiA. will tend • dekLiite-a, Convention .A. Clianukah program Iiaa boon Councilman tier Oi'tlerfe! of l ' u J h u t 1 "K»^«'»clt, hea'dquartera will ha the Fonte- planned for the afternoou, Forty-three charter members of Address nelle-hotel. tho new lodge will be initiated by Rabbi 'Sol Oster of Fremont has it was learned tltia wcok. Arrangements are being com- been invited to Bpeak. the Degreo team of the. Omaha . Group The committee is being formed pleted by Edwin Sommer, general U'nai B'rltli settle tho difference!* of opinion Arthur SSiegelbaiuo, . f o r m e r chairman of the convention, and Mr. Monsky will be principal between tho President's Advisory speaker fctid I.Ir. ICIuteuick will couiicilEii'in of JMQZ, Poland, and Loyal Kaplan, president'of-th o Committee on political- refugees present the L-jdfo v/itU its char- leader "ct tho M 1 I J 1 ;KCI»111EII, Omaha alumni group. and certain groups within the will rpealf this cveniiiif* a t the new Zeta Beta Tau is the oldest ter. government aa to exactlyV/lio and Lyceum, 211 nnd Cumins on Jewish national fraternity in tho how many should bo admitted-as Officers of the IodEe were to Labor "Oito Vear under Iho Nazis in Po- world. It was organized in 1898 Ml* Li ' s I ' P \ , l i \\ f-|.'l M f A political refugees.. have been elected last night ahd 'if:ii(l Mid 'I'Vance." • • ;• at the College of the City of New Assistant yecrelary of J51 a t a will be installed at Uunday's meetFor cix months following tho Y6rk and h&s Blnce then spread Breckenrldge Long has li e a n ing. conquest of Poland, Zi'egelbaum to colleges and universities all H\ Associate Member [jlofcd in c h a r e of zch-eth*g tho The ceremonies v/ill be open to was hold as hostage by tho Nazi over the country. l>01FU>iim-l Oi t!(C* 1U>\. 0<>;U<iiU«», In RceorriiilEoii the public. Now members will . Local committees have b e e n Which will iM'llui-i i('lJlV:'.:.i:itivcf; also be accepted. named to make arrangements for ttf t h e fitalu, JiKitiri", \,Ii:»> : i n d Tho lodge will continue to meet tho convention. A number of outregularly a t the South Omaha L'.onis K. JKCOIJS, Onutliii. i.dvor. 1,'avy di yai'tjiH-nta. standing a f f a i r s have hc.ii T h o c o r i E i i t U e will i i h o »< I a s synagogue. conMttMual planned for tho visiting delegates. (E-.IEI/J oj'ocwtivo RIMI r (Continuf-d <wi 1\>.-'.'• «.) ltt-.«?or, yc-f.torday "\. c> imtutd ftts A.s: .u'l-'-jto i.ifnduT of Kr(n I!f(u •fan Itittct-nlty. • : f - - F -'^.,\-YI \• -" "• ':{-'„'?< \


investigate Emigres




AiiiiiMiM's-nii nt of thy hiiiHn1 VJ-, Hindi hy tlic t'jiijjn ,"!U- (.''.I'J!' - JI of :'.- tr. ^ ft'. 'r.'u < f Tt.,- V m i .




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bo tiiiiiK-d an Af.i'ooi.ito membe r,

Rcqtr.ont Local Groups to

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An unusual program will mark the middlo of tho winter nchool :«•• t.u, vacation on Friday, December 27, at the second special • entertainA call wes issued by Elr. Ifenry ment for children, to be held at , nctlyg prcfjldcnt of t!»e 2:30 at the Jcv/lish Community leu for Jewish Hcrvirc, to -.£:• t it,-a i...r.T C M f. -i-i:,-.-! Center. all local OT(*aniKr.tlon3 ntlillatcd Tho film is entitled "Hooslor with tlio t'ederef ion, to elect tlseir It Schoolboy," with Mickey1 Jtooney representatives to tho 10-; i Board playing tho lead, a s tho boy of Governors of tho I-'cdw-ftlioa, ACi.,:»i'di,]l';."y, D r . Ik'r,',t;on will "Sharkcy.". A ahort, munlc, and "The Board of Governors o£ tho Lu olili,' v l u ic^!;:-s .'n p r o f e s s o r L. candy will round out the afterFederation," Mr. Monsky stated, f t fix 1 (Jcll.'j.c «'o I'rfinco, t h o Arthur noon's program. "consists of representatives of evhlr-hc-.-t Fi-!-.:cli iv.-.,'ll i H c t l t u Admission will be ten conto for army. Secretly wandering through ery adult Jewioh organisation in (.'Oil. Germany, ho succeeded in reachtho community. organization children and twenty cents for 'i'lif Pl-i'c ir o? 1 r!'ih.',oiilis:r i s ing ndgium. After the occuvvtlon is entitled to a t lccct one repreadults. 1 . i ! c c." the It.:;/ lixj',,A jt'i-izi; for of Vbo Lowlaiids he fled to Fiance oentativc on tlu; no-.rrt e£ Co-ver].*• laiuiv. IIi; t '--.'vr'l;;:;;. Fivrfcli whore he witnessed the German norc, and,to atldiUcnal _represen• .: i r - 1 n . i n M c r 5/ V.-li rM'a-j conquest. tatives, one for each .additional , .-.i~.I(.,','iit <if tlif fic.'-.r.-itiC'.! on I n Zie;rel&iuift \/as brought to tliia 100 members, or major fraction s i.iailoii;;'. tnt''!'- 1 ' ',.,1 (!o-oi>rracountry tluouflt the efforts of the thereof. • :d;i oi i 'i'- T.;\ ",rf of ' " a l i o n o Jewish Labor C^minUieo. "Through the Board c£ Goveri »o » 10!;I tc JJ?2"«. T'u :••• s1. mi'-uAdniliv.icn to t.1." lecture nor," ; t r . Llonoky continued, "rll 1 or t>t i'.. . Vi'ii.h / ',fl •.:;.• fiacl twenty cents. Jev.'ii-,! ..'roups in the community it',:, he-1:: i .-! " ' <": vif'; b y intcrculcJ •!:> preserving Jev/iuh London (JTA) — The British communnl~:'.U;nre participants in the world. II.: I.;-™ t---h"r \l:Uotl Medical Jo'-.nial reported that Dr. the affaira o" <ho Federation. Jn - i the United Slatrg for lecture". The annual carnival of theISerthoii, itiMd of the Jev/ish Hos- this mauuer, tlio 7* >~.v<\ i Gover*7ewish National Workers Alli- pital la Paris, had committed aui- nors represents a {•?,"• cross-sec1 was honcrc:! bccau;.c o' I .!"nchlance, Poale Zlon, vil be held this cide.. . (Continued on Pti;;o 2.) ;• ill civic and eciaii Sunday, December 15, a t the Jewnflairn. ish Community Center. Strictly He —111 forrv^lly Initiate d on [cosher meals v/ill Tso served. QandAfondr-iy tnt.'iiinj, December ! O, a t w i c h o D , home-made ;>ic, f.nd -7 Thin- Saturday afternoon t h o :. fc:i,;al banquet to he hold ;a tho drinks will bo r.vailablo. ninc!cL-to;io Hotel durinn tho un- Eiclci-Jiood of tho, II. O. C. \.-ill Practical cifto for Ohanu'-: , tio.".''l 7.CL.P. Beta Tau Convention. boj;iu a ccrico of Ones' Shabbot sril bo on sale. Prkccrdn from t ir''; '>>")tlicr, Nutl.r.n C_.!:!colw L'atlioringr, T>- h i c h will r u n affair will be dov«-,tc:l to chii ; : ^ , oi C H ' . ' u 5:i :: former J.v'oaai tlnoUuhout tho winter months. Door prlze3 v/lll bo of Jen.' i .tion. T i n E i t J - j n e i i t : - . " : ' ; " . - ' ; i v : l " f - j •I, 6, ami 8 p. m. Itfax GoK ":'i\ ilovoted to t:.L '.vcr.i !,• tLo air» Voicing r. \rarn;R;: tlir.t t h e Is chairman of the Carnival c....dr.;?;;;- of <!lctatoryli*;i in t h i s Britain, l:o . ;);ainc;], haa prof;nittee. 'ChL\ r.u".Jli UIQ .Tathcrinfj T.'ill coanii-y L •,:. iiot from Vi<.*, presi«itted by the Italian def.\'i*v in Uil:o r b c o u . tiic V'::,tr!c:i 0^ Cou« tTc.L tiKt t!.'.' ierjir.lj'.tIvo bivneli of Greece, the rr.bolage iii tho LceuKrc.'jaticn B'nai Isrrol, at ." r- •'». ^"•vevr.'.nert, Drew Pearson, Wasli- pied eountric, r.nd indications of r J c 5 , :U a L ;;i";lcu coluuinl.-i-, ccutionod his unrest in G T T I J J itself. Tho c ? r.r.vp.:i J ; i i ; . n l ' , :•,:•.." ':%..v vrlll I.= hi:C\.",:vc to rls?.1!: csi She crth'Itics lnnt, Mr. Fc^Jac;. .-!. Jir.rti, was rer.rrJrtcd ?>;-- rirn. L. Jrcrcbif, I.*;c. sponsible for tho r c o n t sneeclj by Vi>" inrk the holidnr (•- C-i"..r.i- iTtin Katnmna, I-trj. I. IJletriL;:, Pearson, v,*ho appeared as third Ilitlor. "HiUor has slveii t h o 7;rJ:. the Center will hold r. .' •" •"t- Trr,-;. O.-.v? Gllvcvman and "Irs, apcr.kcr on the Center roruin G e r m a n-r"orl3 n n c v victory b:1!;. tw.inj ami toa da:uo f:: .•Ji!"The City Committee of tho Tuesday (':iy afternoon, December ',:*. ^ •.:• nish', related that he and every mi:i!;. or :-a," Jie rai..I. "f"" Workmen's Circle is c a l l i n g ec-un two until live o'clock. monil;.~ • " • f >ti::;n. hyi :\VM il,.\iCifi iI \ Robert Allen, co-author c£ their -ferencoof the foliov;jn£ firs.':^3:ations: tho executive- committee or syndicnted eciinnn, h:id gsthercd fcavo r."-"-cd'since the it.'Iri'sn of] for"tiio i". C. C. Varsity '•-. -:, .'oi Branch 257; and tho Workmen's infortnalioa t i c t the epseches of 1 Roc- evellV1 itoli--.k- for tho nc,:t lowing tho gam \ i " >•: u c . - ".''-' ary of 173; tho espciltlve commlt- tL;> Genr.tor Lundccn were bei r A ;r,iccSrJ incctiun of the POP 16 tco of Branch 253 of South Chur.- in;; irrHto:; <")? Gcorso Sylvester foar years, I .; "riClzzh-ti, will )K-t meet in the nuduc'.t;-; i'ar r*: '."[ hn, Ii.a ::r.". 54, Jevirh Wfttiosa;! ha and tho Ladies Auxiliary o£ Vlorcck, iiclodoui. German r.ssivi. to mud! dii"-• • f~<>7n tho?-; «f ternoon of daatinr. 1 1 Admir: i'ri to buih '.-.".-'it: v/i ' j • .-v.1- n : ^-.tiJance, v/Ill be held or. HL-I\" of the tvr-> col- tlispar.t f ; • .', ii:s-..'itl i\«. . > Branch 173; and tiiu/v/crfccicn's - l % bo f •,/c--ii;- -r "c ctni.~, to d -fr c^r •,V -!";/-. /JcoorA-i- 17, dt 8:1?. umnists rc3ultc 1 ia i-:: r r : .opriaCircle Dramatic Club; , . : fiftLin ccr-. . •;•:<"/,; ;.. for lt-'U r/lH fjo c!c;> tfoa to iuv'e,"ii':rto ccrt-i:, wemv/ori vl'li i'jj;:;t'. ?. V}-.. • . Tho Confreenco will ta?:e place ».'.i ^^ this nice-tins, 1 toyo. t; ife be cor;r;_".;,?^)h co-op-1 -, :' •••. »•> at the Labor Lyceum,-. 31st and bsi:i o£ the II ...-.;.->. ana Ii«:Jn?r" ' . to o= diiCi !-O'"1 '. 'Oumlng, on Sunday ovcaing, T-3-r re-} in_ p.n3~orlr.,': t*'c q'iiation as i-j ccmber 15, v,t 6 p . m . , . . • ". ,2 0 " i p " n n l , " : : , i . " > " ' ~ ( » ^ .... i" . Refroshmentc-v;ili fao- ser;rS. \t'iic v*J!2 v.' !"•' •war,-."aro nH-.i •; - : > - ' O£ i-t The meetintc v/ill. 'JP.-JH Pi''.',,>- iilfrjhi'.y f1.v S:-^ ', r'ritaia, but t o U i l k ."fv-x'tr.GC 'u ^.'iCtir.lly coi"~ t":;*.r er ca the Forun. be accomplished. ( - ' •

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DectnJbejr 6, 1S40

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(t t'l . JL ftf i - - 1 ) >L t <a The 1 ' • *• 1 *i k d i a h U c f w j r „ »' i . i n ilulhek f iOi u t t ' « . i l . U w ! U I K mt«,ry»r x* t*>^ i»wa_ i i t , a n d i oiu a. k i L ufcUi/ tf Hale ti i- icte of I ^ i ^ t i ( «. J i k J e w s ' Cll L j < ' l t " ^ t ! i U t< l o ' l , « _ d ca c a t ' a , it. t ' t i t ' e e t i u c J ? I l l . l ! j ! I v,C t MtdU 1 t i - i u « c t f a L m J i « in a. tuf i « y ttfcuiuL, i i s - Bublick c !.'L(nl"t,UiSau^ 1 i'*Jj 1 iu, J »l_fcl tn.C V/tbUJ L'Ou f *dtf ff t ' i u cd a u v i s ' f 'si g a t Cong.



t(af o<-a t L t ' u EJ<J t, .

i - t Ot i i ot thv, t - i» Ill t i i ' t f a t 6i t ciif defeats! to «s » tft~ j . 0 0. J ^& H i " t i f u u i u L t . L t i t L . ji.\ ketbail L°bt±t <. L a ! uf-luj t J «3fc1 nttfc they (ioviicd the A. Si. •/ i ^ . 1 iaadily Sb-11 ' i i e GKU.if^t. 0. ' J l v hi£C i " l t Of L<_1t t t - 'it-y t i t , X t f 0^<J w i t E L<th IVJIL Qio^u i L ' 5 , w h e r e tflUl i t I<1 ii tl a t U<H lue "1 J i l - i O t t i u i " i a \ K,A to werea't i i ^ t i sud cudu't «it>iy I v. Eiri'B r a ?l'>iufcf t td Lfiztadil L t i t *tvls> (/t'jta), O o JfcVtJ U t . lit t ^ i c i h the pit&bUje to tbtn j-cu.itc.t-i b v c i i t u t i u i ^ ^ L i i k b . Before (tii'fia i U* K t ' j ) t i « F a f i e f fiOU t l €s»! il iu«ji^ l a,l t Of t l v JU'LIUI fOeS. L^!>»/ G<JdH.o Iv.i Ills t a,E5>b i l\f is. iLavlot, t i t - iot-iil lA'out hi p r e CuL E i . t t f l tt'ii L U O J v o» *iii J u t t o rci« offeE&e \ ith r tif ht points, f^lit u'c«t» ?! c i t dl'i foi t a r p u t J y fer tf i H i . l i u L i k t h i t n a thecK ed by Moit ;- <"f uith t ' x a i i j ^ t^bii (i t h o r i ' t jouiuah&iic iui' 11*00, a d u ii« u ibo for fur•lhty i to \ tf , t t l > t 1-, tut 'i lit b t< 1 11 ers. Moiiia RudeimMi of t u t ih^.i i ^ t t u l a t i v i i B t o i Liter.acht 16hit ( Kt tL«-t t h v i t i i J^.tLli o i Acts \ fl-ja Mother 01* m » u utuit ^>t to liia e itnl\a «u*ttft<> ; i > 1 b \id<L HI t ; !„ «oai«try a n d iu P a l Uil JUtb Ot the \<tii t Hi h%ab HI- Sitfcd J, If ^Ut i i S l « b i>t tl.O Ctv-litf ^tfcOuUvdOf spark liifc tt 11 with l h e {.n Af(ts, '.-i thiL to tuo






iLi t

1 ko officci of tl s OmUia Rllz« ruluic iiitoiino.li6ii it, w i l aro i T i. H. Ilcvitz, preslThe A. V T. bu>l e into the \ iu Kilt'L. / J t . • i t , , , will I c dtut; Jco i*fu»£u.u, >ka iJiebldentf column it'J funds with a 21 l\> It'KU (tt thb O.v. JIFJL. needed to represent the Jewish vote. N. WilfsoB( treasurer; A. Bchwac-« wia over the A.'/>.A. No. 100. akin, secretary; end N. Levinson, Ray Shapiro was hot for the win- Comumnity Ceater in. tlio MidwesReseated Tiicui -I clisirMfta of Fiaaiit-e Committee. ners potting six field goals for It tera A. A. U. Senior Men's swiniYet here they were addressing The Executive Committee is com-* counters. Norm "Cookie" Kublin uilhg and diviatg cLaiapionsMps to me: through the agency of a poposed of the following: Itabbl Is^ was his. teams best bet with sis be held ia our pool Bund&y, Jaau- litical committee, eaying to me points. The guarding of Melvlne ury*the 12th, 1941. Any &n& allin .effect: "Mr. Segal, you are a Lisbon '(JTA)— A. direct train alah- Itackovsky, M, Katz'nmn, A« Levine for the Century Chapter mea who are eligible should re- Jew and we a'ro Jews. Brethren, Germany to Lisbon carrying Golm, J. lOrshenbaum, S. • Fell-»' ; featured the days defensive play. port for workouts with the least in fact. Since we are all Jews to- German Jews for emigration from inan.'S. H.Eatz, L. Epstein, A. 0-. possible delay. gether you must believe us when Lisbon to .overseas lands will be ¥/eln&teln, L. Biameathal, S< we tell you that Mr. Willkie is the started in 1841, according to am Katleman, and J. Bhyken; g a i r t and Piiisssl Notice to . Basketball Managers and • Playera The J. C. € . junior boys are man for President." announcement made by the GerAll Junior imd Senior league forming a water polo team and If I would have resented them as man railway administration la to spur emigration of Jews frond basketball teams who wish to competition can be fouad they much if, as" Jews, they had come Berlin. the Iletch. Jewish • organization! play in J. C. C. Regular Season will play this toughest, of water to tell me that Roosevelt was'the- This (step will not represent any in.Lisbon consider It, however, as games this whiter. The team BO League must be properly signed man that I, us Jew, should vote particular concession to tho Jews. a developiaeat which will greatljr up with entry fee, The teams far is represented by: Harold for. l a fact, 1 had no partisan It is being undertaken by thewiden the scope of Jewish emlgr»«i must have their money and eon-Mazer, Harold Marer, Sidney Rud- feeling against Mr. WillMe. I re- Karl administration ?/; n r:cr.stirc tton activities. tracts in to Mr. Grossman by De-erinan, Charles Fredkiu, Hershel garded him, an^ still regard him, Wolfson, Paul Zelineky, Herbert cember' 11. Play will start Deas an honest, able and patriotic cember the 15th. Any boy.desir- Shrago, Herbert 'White, Steve eltissea and I wouldn't liavo felt ing to participate in this activity LuBtgarten a n d Al Claymaa. any pain, had h s been, elected ' who is not ou a team, but would These boys are practicing every President. like to be on same leave your Sunday and are rouading into Nor did I hold It against hSia shape very nicely. name with Mr. Grossman.. that these prominent Jews JewWhen cold winds wail and youIshly came to me to ask me to begin to ail . . . remember . . . we voto for him.. I held it only against you . . . Write It on your them and their leadership in' IsSol Yaffe downed Jake Adler warned in two straight games 21-17, memo pad, "Gone to the J. C. C. rael. Their leadership, as I under21-12 to enter the finals of theto Play" . . . then you can laugh stand it, is the gift of the Jewish , X7it!i Itn i c y Centers Pre-season Singles Tourn- at old man winter's blasts . . . , , people who have faith in them. It must not be used for any but Jew- s t r e e t s vxktl drifts ^ of ament. Sol was given a tough tusish purposes. Bel in the first game but he wore Giift\/j 10 tho ono time down Adler in the second to win But It is oaly fair to -inquiro of tlio yens' v;Iit.n si is the match easily. why these leaders slipped this once from their lofty elevation. Max Turner will* be Sol Yaffe's This brings, up a matter which &L-cjr» Giro opponent having won the right to was whispered during the cam-cr.•;t-il 1? "it» KTI.T.'.-'O hi t o meet Sol after having played and paign, and of which it is not? — beat Murry Wintroub la three several weeks later — timely to d a y c u d Eo» uo help y o u hard fought games. Murry won A MATTER OF POLITICS . speak. It was the widely' spread ps.-oyc.ffo fot* v;intor the first 16-21 but Max came the election is all over report that nearly all Jews wero back and won the nest two 21-17, andWell, has fallen deep into the abys- voting for Roosevelt; it wag trtiiE21-15. ses of time. So I may safely speak pered with prejudicial ...purpose In the Inter-club matches with about it. During the weeks of the against Roosevelt; it\ frightened the Y. M. C. A. the Center came campaign It took all my self-re- many a Jewish citizen who heard out on top again winning 3-1. straint to hold mo back from ut- it; ; it caused some of tham to Bay, The Center is leading the "Y" in terance oh the subject. "We must be careful! We must all the games to date 16-8. certainly be careful! But with admirable control I Our Juniors took it on the chin said • Other'.'Sido to myself, No, Segal, not a last week as the "Y" Juniors won word! Not a word until it's all _0ne of On in fact, said it to 2-1, however, Mike Lsndman over for several weeks. You can't me. Yes,them, we should -watch our kept his record intact not having afford to be publicly the partisan step, he warned, Jews who .were loat any games for a perfect slate who sticks his neck out. He who for Roosevelt should keep, quiet thu3 far. Mike looks like a real sticks his neck out niay get his about it. He said that Rabbi Stepcomer and the boys are saying head chopped off. hen v S. Wiso particularly was a it won't be long before all the menace to Israel, coming out as veterans will fear him. Even now, weeks later, I am boldly as he did for Roosevelt.^Aa so cautious as not to declare pub- for himself/ he was for Willkie licly in this, column how I voted; . /.' \Boxing - • , ' not only because'he liked Willkie, though whoever looked over my The Boxing classes have proveti but because it wag being said that a huge success and the boya un- shoulder in the secrecy of the vot- Jews -were for Roosevelt.' der the tutelcGQ of. Lou Levy.are ing place could liave detected me I gather that our l o a d o r o Gottinc into condition very nicely. voting for Roosevelt. But that i3 thought they were serving Israel a iuatter ctrlctly confidential beSome of the new members of the when thia galaxy of them came class are Norman Polonaky, Geno tween mo and my conscience. out jointly In this public way for Giventcr, Bob.Slutsky, Manfricd There was a certain day in the Mr. .Willkie. Their big names l and Joe Te3ler. campaign when I almost \7a3 con- would bo the testimony that not sumeiLby antjer vhich I could not all Ioracl wao involved in t h o allow mycelf to get out of mycrime of voting for Roosevelt! By HOWARD SIIINROCX system at the time. Had I done Here were Israel's biggest men on J. C. O. Gtvisn Directs? I \7ould have been called a Now the other cido!" The Gilt cdjjo tin medal for in- so Deal agent iisins the columns of I myself didn't care who knew testinal fortitude was awarded to Jewish prean to further a po-I was voting for Roosevelt.'In the Abraham Baura laat week. Abra- the litical cause. column I writo in the daily prcsa ham, Just learning to swim atI advertised widely chat I was tempted to negotiate the ioncth , [jilSliJUiJS. Wiltli ^i'Aof the pool using the flutter What made me so -angry that voting for him. If 1 permit fear to tioard and kicking his legs, in the day was to receive a certain pam- control my rights aa an American L V approved style. Half way down phlet frota the National Republi- citizen I am voluntarily yielding n y d wsyi Cc:"'.3 f.i t!. a cr,'cr.'c;:;r.3 fcst^ng i-;c'.:stcfil'.a<'( Ci-.'Cr.::r.:rr:.:»pcrv«oc!S.°i3 the pool his legs decided to take can Committee in New YorU. It is to the civil, rectrlctions that antia rest, the ilutter board faiied 10 not that I am an intolerant man Semitism would impose upon" mo Jiold up its, end and Abe sot a who*resents being.approached by if it could. IJy right i3 to speak £lrct hand view of the bottom of pamphlets of contrary opinion. my opinioEi publicly on any pubi the pool. But this political pjunphlet caine lic matter and I am hot yet recb7dr.r, K:t.'i3 cr.d os!."ss3 ognizing /any power i n America to me as a. Jev?;,it brought me Ciss'-!> end t:s;?Jmr•:. Upoa being fished out with all tho appeal of other Jev*o \7ho, as that can curtail thfa right. appetite for water' satisfied ho Jews, attempted to influence my The political pamphlet of our •wobbled down to the deep end big leaders contained the faint drii.Tglns the undependable flut- vote as an American citizen. I would not have-been so angry ctuffy smell of" long dead timca ter board with him, plunged in end didn't ctop until he bumped about it had it been si forthright when "hofjuden" did their beat appeal to Jews by the Republican to curry favor for themselves and tfco shallow end of the pool. National Committee. T h e n I Israel in the palace. would have f;aid, "Well these peoHowever, I shall continue to folr fl-e J. C. C. pool serves more ple don't kcov/ any better. I muet lov.T these leaders over the top in j U £ i I j iJ 6 a C3 than one. "Hy" Epstein forgive them." all tho drives, as I have bees dos Tor the first time withBut this pamphlet contained ing these many years. I shall sit '•iyr.i a r .ifieial aid as a result of a several dozen -statements of po-at their feet and look up to their .-a leg is working out twice litical affiliation'signed by Jews. gleaming shirt bosoms as they es!: in the warn Invigorat- Nor were- they Jewo o£ wham it Git at tho speakers' tables at many. .t?i\j of the pool strength- mi;jht liave been said, "The damn a Jewish dinner to come. I shall fn developing the muscles fools!! It takes all kind.™ of Jcv/s forglvo them but I hops that in c >;: r. u'£tl leg. Swimming has to make the community. Thee the future they will uco their '.--I "-«•>! to restore muscle:s don't seem to knovr any bettor Jev/Jr.U leadership only for Jewish *'•" "v;'.cture3. than to IcnJ their Jewish nrxic.j purpoacc. to politicr.l purpores." Samuel Pcpys, tho ;.\iViou3 >.i:ir> '-'!'• su.»6'1uctlon of the Tho Lisner.1 of this pamphlet .i j' '.-.A M'Ogress cystesa were big rabbis, bin lawyers, bS;; Ilsh dlnrlot, .recoi-f'a his v?<Jt to ; v as tllG £ r 3 t iho London Dyup-sosue, .'v::t,*a ko buclnors people — tie, Jewslh -;:<" '-"-' " '" ' I..' 5 v" I -i'"il card. She lor.dtre II T,T.'; «julto obvioiin that T:::!3 -7ifn-.-j to tlio o;w."Vv:.iw(? c'. - , . -. . . . . } I :r.i ,."ish ii'dlo- difficulty they had bean- selected for this Torch. cte to uo Jt^.i^h \ott- t nd L_vo s' utod a~. iuEjilt ^?.y appeal tiu t 4L.d tuut them is «, Jewitii




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6, 1840 in tLe, s x i Esixfcf A.


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^faa" late .will Incost of

£ . Dr. t£i»¥fc!£fca to t t t of its i/jii,«£© , of New York's gogue by illfea ldcv, £v«ui £ . 1 tsr«el, oldest congrega, & nlEth-geiier&tI<«i

"Tin? Had Dog of Las beea In and out of tLe (EarfLouEo numerous times d^steg tlia lit it tour years, BOW eecms d&linilUy on a leasliuh-lsa-se. Picccot ect-up Is at Coluubl& . . . Miificr a different title . . . vlth Alboit iind Elw Ilaas&rBian and V&ul Lukaa among the actors.


•\lr,iion?j!a IV


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«a cuutMIaiii lilau fa Perufc£&cus So by dt'3fc»flio i/r-cut oaUkss ^


fc "Mortal


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O'llcy tVT

Vc^r iSFaw^^-a^^-^iiiasss^Ws^iMses^Bg^Bs

tyi»e. cil^o Lj 114:2133 csr.3 E

. Illoitle WoHnLLcy, an extra In "ThQ Great Dictator," G«tctl lack Oalilo -with a jar of oarherrlne. Well . . . If it's yl aot an Arz&ctoy At?Ard . . . EO it's at l e a s t touctlilng

C, fi. > ' ~ W * . ^Hfc-L, . * W U *

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I«oev/ c a i Albert Lswia believe *.ca . . . Ktrll&l to t&caa


Cbate .t



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?iiiirrjr<iru^?wi»);> 'Ovcs

©ffelsacu!&!i£uto Isjftcls? cEioso "So Enia Oa? Nfeht." cs e&3a "Flotsam JLegal Oaarls: Tils court orders Paulette Goddard to answer suit brought by &er father, Joseph LGTCC, for $150 weelUy Support Instead of the §75 ho la aow receiving.

E O 0Ha15? G3CJQO C D rfpftwitft. >,T-ss«fl"i; ™)

of the lato l l l y e a ia rovlvca la tlto s « i t by her elcters . . . cSotero crc 3 their olisre cf ttta estate.


Eleanor Whitney, who deserted o Hollywliawooda for domestieas>tlvlty fa espcctlas a little ballyhooter In !'&? laci^x -

V Co:;?

s p E »§ S5« COUSiLAr, GT. OCGT


ScliCic3 "ir.t a tct cf tnins tcxa j&^aT


S3, - ifl'w""*..i1.g;i-i I'-r'-T Til It


is^ to H2

a-rfifca h&vo grantetJ el t t ? CT.TJ adopted





JA 1872

Two rotonecs — Curt Bofs ancl 0. ¥ . Gontard . . . thrilled a n d srateful to'bo en American soli - . . arc- producers of a musical show called, "Thank You, Colambuo." A travesty ou ineldeata ia early AiKsericaE history, with its i litcac tho tolerance ana* o? tho sew lanfl. A Mt of ,*7rnnsl!ng preluded ths fi of tills pieeo. Other refr---cc3 sliarsccl Mr. Bois with df£3crlcainatins ssoi&st .them, in fact, with totally cxclnding them. Kr. B o 10 fieelarias tho play, w a e strictly Asicriean, t7ould have ao aeseats la tfes e a s t . . . nad, therefore, czduded himself. by Jewisa TeleAsoncy, Ine.) ? ?i ^ * -

\ I . '. ' ' / '



Page 8

L a c (J &I ILk, fc^i.t.1 i i lit.,

By Al Ii. EDITOR'3 KOx _: I ' u

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t o j-iy l^lu-tivCL t-i CM«t,L<J {.j'jdt t'tC <tt,^j,tt£ft bw-^lluU Cif JtV t , Ca

l.^<-i<.ny Jewish, je o u t Lt iu Ocitaaay," he said, "mid I asked them ta seed me an affidavit, in order Resettleiaeat of r e f u g e e s to get an immigration vlea to the S i u J i t,, l u w Lti t.«l f t C j t taroughout the Uaited Btates fa United States. My relatives got ia areas -where they canfcsmore eas- touch with the es&itafttea which ily absoibeet is fcoasldwei aa ea- gave every assistance ia Biaklsg £ Etial ©art of the prc-graia of the cut these papers. When I arrived or of II. ta!»..L«j> tiivl^, l i t . Nattaal Ilefugee Service. l a co- here in New Y&rk cay relatives it vtln, f h't "t If a iciif operation i*Hli 400 I&esl .comtatt- were unable to eoiae here to take uiil Ci i ft J, I »It J < a t .. •tees, the Ittsettiaieat Departoeat sae off the boat, &a reQttired by Itafi resettled dttilag the first aiae the immigration authorities. Then nioatbs of 1639 a tftt&I of 2,800 the CoHiicil of Jewish V/omea, &n b-t VoWm llr J . hi Lii-4 <t, refugees. Only 1200 were Ifece-J affiliated ageacy of the commitin i! i* «. ft <• t— i» r. r-1? d, la the twelve jaoatfes o£ 18S8. tee, eeat a representative wlio g&t the 1 J 1 La'lUut, t-a 1 ' i t u t Enaergeaey relief and 'iBaftttea- me off without much trouile." aaes, iaedlcal care and family ger- The committee helped WEI Had a ft*), fat, t» tL H a l t * & i ¥ica and otter Immediate seeds fob, helped hitu make out Ms first States, I ' J I iu ILL, of the newcomers are provided by papers (decIsrattoH of iateaSIon lor-dtccl tf' olsl i i ' l U i the Relief and'- Service Depart- to become an American citizen) al Hfft^i !-ivicr, l t o , ment. In afldftloa to helping refu- end finally sent him to school. ly tho 1 W »!• *J Ct jid gees mate KBO of tits unique eldlls "Whenever I was confronted with 'mitt*', tot lu.tu£O.> Mil. f~t«cr and processes they have brought problems wMch I alone was unable to solve,*' lie concluded, " I ^r froax ISiirope, the always fouad lu the etaff of the to to'iit'i H the rfurL ai the meat DeeartEteat directs a Ilefugee Service, h e l p f u l ami agencies engaged in helping refu- gram ftf Toe&tiOQ'al retrsiaiag. friendly advisers." gees. It also wag to act as a clearThe outbreak of war-la Europe ing lioase for activities in behalf on Oepterabsr 1 Imposed sew reOtber refugees eaid they were of refugees coming to the UaSte-S BpoastMIltles upon the Natiottal assisted la getting their families States. Ilefugee .Service. Although tho lala 1934 this committee occu- ternatlonal situation m a k e s tlia out of Germany, either to Engpies a small office in a Fifth Avc- future tread of fmittigration un-» land or to Cuba •wliere they await HUt building and employed 20 per- predictable, refugees contiauo to a possibility to come to the Unitsons. At tliat time only a few Ger- arrive in this country. Meanwhile ed States, Another said the resetman Jews emigrated to the Unit- the National Refugee Service has tlement department of the Refued States, partly because meat of sought to intensify tta efforts to gee Service v/as sending him to the Jews in Germany still believed absorb refugees alreay liero into St. Louis. Each had had his own particuIn a near collapse of the Hitler the American social and economic lar experience with the Refuges regime and partly because many scene. Service, .but all laud the organizaemigrated to Palestine. Also, the Special CkHBialiteis tion's work and are fervent in exlargest percentage of emigres iu Special committees of the Na- pressing their gratitude for the New York was. able to find jobs for themselves and did not make tional Refugee EerFlca function in aid extended in rehabilitating this work of iHtrodaciBg the refu- them in a land where the prinany tise of the committee'. gee to his new life here. The Di- ciples of liberty and equality preIn 1935, however, when antl- vision of Goslai and Cultural Ad- vail. Jewteh laws yere proclaimed at justment makes use of community the annual Nazi party congress in resources for the- adjuataicat : of Nurclnberg and immediately put tho refugee lo the American lauu- Anti-Asia Pamphlet into effect, the German Jew knew" uage aitd'CQiaraunitFo'The MsislcPublished l»y Arabs that Itis fate was sealed. A larger iana Placement Gommitteo hanemigration started, as a conse- dles the prolileEis of Imiateraat Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agenquence of the" rigid enforcement musical artietg. Tfee Coawalttes oa cy)—A propaganda pamphlet diof these laws by the Nazi govern- Refugee Jewish Ministers-hel^a la rected against the Axis powera has ineat to eliminate all Jews from tho &b€tfrptlon of rabbis as«i their been published in Arabic and disthe German life. German Jews placement in religious i n s t i t u- tributed with copies of two Arabic emigrated to Palestine, S o u t h tio|is. The National Coraniitteo for dailies, Falastln and Al Sirat. America, South Africa and Euro- ResettleiHeat of Foreign PhysicTitled "God Knows The Truth: pean countries. The more fortun- ians is eoaeemed with helping: the First Letter to the Arab People," ate, who were able to obtain af- refugee dosto? meet the educa- tho pamphlet also propagandises fidavits from relatives or frlenda, tional reealreiaeats and In setting for better understanding among came to the United States. up practice in areas not provided tho variegated sections of PaleaNewer Quarters - Needed with medical service. tine'a population. These developments confronted Close cooperative relationships the refugee committee with a lar- are maintained."Mill other organDisraeli v/as a member of the ger volume of work. There was a i z a t i o n s interested In refugee British parliament for 44 years. need for larger headquarters and work. The. Hew Ycrlj .and Brooka • larger staff. Various new de- lyn Section of tho National Counpartments and divisions were or- cil of Jewish Women bandies cerganised, aa for instance the de- tain phases of refages activities. partment for social and cultural To the Broo&to -Family. Welfare adjustment, a resettlement divi- Society and the Jewish'Social.Sersion, a physicians' committee and vice Agency of Ifew York ar© rea musicians' committee, e t c ferred certain cases amons'intenAgain in 1938'European Jews sive case-Trerl£. were hard hit by Hitler's seizure To. cdordioate the work of tho of Austria and Czechoslovakia, National Refuges Service w i t h ami by Italy's new anti-Jewish other organisations engaged in laws. These events increased the aidteg tefukees, the National HefO Candies influx of .refugees to the United u a e e Consultative Council has O Tobacco States.'White from July, 1932, to been formed, including cash agen'O Fountain Jutse, 1935, only 10.000 refugees cies as. the Cosiinitteo for Catfeo. 0 Coverages Immigrated, entry Increased to lic Refugees, the Committee for Ji tj£,00O for the period of July Christian-German Refugees and 1935. to December, 1938. Reorganization of the e n t i r e refugee oprvice on a national scale became necessary, since -the old coxamittee was encountering difficulties in dealing with the more eotaples problem. In many cases tliesame type of work rms duplicated b y the various agencies connected with the committee. In Stay, 1939. Harry G r e e n otein, executive- diffictor of tli3 Ascoefcted Jewish Charities of BsJtisiorc, completed a'ntudy of too functioning of the Coordinating Committee and outlined-a- tc&rganization Dlan for the committee aa3 its affiliated agen«ie3. Tale etySy became the basis for the femation in June; 193S c2 n cc™ orfnnlzation, the Rational Hcfujjee Service, l a c to-ta&e tire place

L. too

No Peace


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t-kVI to t?e

by ttfS dfel>&i'tai6B,t.

a mere "Boys' S£.apw . . . tut e STORE for BOYS... t//irre Selections UG vest. • , v//i2ra VeJtsjs ae


tcr w e i g h t ovcrcests, end sip cat Kafosa . .". fleeces cni ©tfcsr overi co^tiacxi. . . Cency siutarcs ia cl£3 variety • • B CSC3 14 to £2.

• r

X •:'

ar Qgcrcosts i


r If-. I

Ivlacbaaawo iySturdy


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taiUca-and cert&ia ol its affiliates. Br, \7Clfaa Haber, professar oT ocjnomics a t tee University ct

d l - v;col wnr nctitS",v.-3 i t s toya Iil; to t-'CLS . . , fldcji acJ

' 'i coliC, colors . . . full lislt t .• ' \ 1 . . . for? poclffita... esses •/, j .1 6 to £D. ' .


Other V/crm


$ $12*")

KAYNES SEiMTS Fcncy colid color Lcsaddoth. Cizts 0 tc

of !Ii2 Katlonal Caordinatins COEX-

slip over end '• s?T"ir fronts. GizesO CO 1C. \

1'ALWSZ.O- £.TS3 former

--"—'« is

r.oFl'i r AGsitelctratcT for the- Elds o£ L JcTi-Jcan, T?as apoolatsf ExeOtfiJLo Dlrcrtoir. Activities fornrerxr i "VsZca oa by separate *J2J"» tb.o ^Ir'c^tiaa of a centralteC'i; <,lsis::»fratios — the National



IK f] tou CsiJ''"'icrc^~s a?:h ca c':

Jcpsrtacsts .»n,1or -:tilv|t'Ies ol t-f-.^2o ftonrlco. The ifJ'aiit h n n d i e s j:-3-U:ra:vn.Uo-3 fcr-

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iV>-f" "'', " ' J ' . ' T i ' V ' ^ Li1'"

Fridky,- Decemb'c-r 6 ; ' 1 9 4 0 '


By SAM ZV/EIBACK BTAKEIKtt 6 F TEAMS Empire < I'Sor.esT "EilttifliiS Ciicuuot


. . . . . . . . . .







ganizers of the Jewish boys bowl- games of 187, 160 and 146, wiifca Steinberg, Moss Franklin, I|arcM ing league some 10 years ago, only goes to prove- that a matt caa Pe-llack will take up the cut by dejnoE&tratfed ttat t e is still 'very be down, but never out. How- getting their "little ladles" on the znuth iateresttd in "Ms Lalys" ever, Jack FifclsIns.EE, the "Per- tide iiflfcs, especially after noting by aimouitciug that he will Esoa- fcnial Doggie" at ifee EEifiree, the results obtained hy Frank. aoT LU ail-itar bowling team to wLo ha.% been ttagiKg a tloia itcs lie made up of Jewisli boys oaiy, with Frank, to tee wLo caa ttay out of the "Dog House" the most, A. move is ou foot to oMaia In the last game of the evening who will bowl ia all cf the coin- lias lodged a protest with tbe fanes to EtEd Kormg.a Brown, ing tournaments to tlie city, arid the State Coal outfit won two committee, batiHg his plus Ma "future" to the "Ross games from the Smith Motor possibly elsewLere, if they come greivauce claims OK the fact that Frauk, tad Bowl" game ia reward for Ms crew. The Coal fcoys won thethrough. able assistance from the eide fme saooliiig the patt f«w weeks, first game by an 825 to €80 Abner stated that, he has liigli lines, from "The tittle lady," who Faui Steinberg of the. Smith Mahopes for Ms "Eabys," wlio will score, the second game by an 873 makes no boaes about her pres- im team, eayss .that if Norman to 825 score, while losing the bowl under tlie name of "Theence, stating that all Frankie will premise to etay away until last game by a 846 to 8 04 score, KaSman lasuraiice Co" taiae. The lackedin tbis seaeori was her spirit- the fcowiiiig ses.soa Is over (ao newly formed team will Hue up all games including an '18-pin guidance, aad that from now offense to the future Mrs.) he handicap in favor of the C o a l as follows, Phil Katziaaa in tlie ual will see to it, personally, that the lead off, Sam K&lznian, wLo wjll on lie was going to get it. boys. fuad goes over. captain Abner's "Eabys" ia t It e second spot, Sain IBweiback ia the Phil "Cupi«j"-Katzraan, finally middle, Abe Fe'Miaaa right beLatest reports are. that Leo came into bis own wben be turned liiud him, with Leo V/titz in tLe Weitz, Jack IJtltlifcr, S&iJitay tiiib week. in a big 565 series, up of anchor &pot. games of 152, 214 and 199, to icani will line up with an lead the entire league for tke827Tliia ttaia averse, made up of evening. Earn Zw&ibatk waa the Phil 161, bam Katzrunner-uy for tht wlanera with msn'sKjitzm&n'B 153, Said 'AwelhLtk's 1C8, bis 492 beiies. Abe Iftldinan's 164 t.nd b e o V/eitz'b 181. Tatir fird tournaPaul Steinberg was the top inan ment bhootliife »/ill take Jn for the Auto men with his 6S7about two \f6bks ia the "Farnum series, while Jimmy Burroughs Alleys" tournament at 18th and wats light belilBd him with his F&rnatn streets, the date to be annice 526 senies. Watch out, boys, nounced in aext week's issue. Jimmy is oa the improve. the losers with his 52? rseries, with Dr. Plait right beMxid Lira with a 520 series, while Elmer Greenberg' turned in a nice Gil series, and George Scliapiro Lad a 50 S series.


&SluKtfi £-.


,6S5 .621 .624 .456 .402

i? %% 20 iiO 8.0 IS z$ 18 21

Some very nice' shooting took place at the bowling alleys this week, and when, the smoke cleared away, it was fowaA that Moe Lineman's "Wardrobe Clothiers were still on top of the standings by a Jhree-gaine margin over their closest competitors. The P i o n e e r Uniforms continued their steady drop, and. are now in fourth place, while Dave Frank's State Coal outfit finally got out of the cellar position by a margin of oae game over the Clicquot Club Eskimos.

The feature match of the evening saw the fast climbing Empire Cleaners keep up their winning ways by making a clean sweep of their three games with EYankie Urookstein, the "PerGnoopy reports the following the Pioneer Uniforms. The triple enlal Doggie" cf the Wardrobes, piece at news: tvin by the Cleaners put them into hotAbner Kaiinan, the well-known emerged out cf the "Dog House" a tie for second p l a c e tf n theman about who you alltbia week when he came up with standings with H a r r y Smith's know was ouotown, of the original or- his big 493 fcerita, made up of Pontiac Motor outfit. The irony of this match w a s that the scores were the lowest of the three matches In t h e league, * The . Empires won the first game by a 771 to 732 ecore, the eeeond by the sltin margin of 800 to 792, thanks to "Head Pin" Weitz's 149 gome, and the last by a 750 to 728 score, all games being aided and abetted by a 22pin handicap. "Hank" Cores, the anchor man ©f the winners,' topped his crew •with MB 657 score, with Leo Hur< wlc]ji In the runner-up spot v/ith his 456 eerlea.

in * * 0

Jack Fleishman surprised all concerned wKesi bo turned la a 425 series', to keep out ©£ the "dog-house.'8 Blorrl© Ffao topped the losers •with his 490 esore, and,, believe it or not, Pave ."Lucky" Exeats was second high with Ma 482 score. . Leo Welts, Jack' Melcuer and Ben Shapiro's scores for reasons known only to ye-sditor, will not be mentioned tills k In the second match of the evening, the league leading Wardrobe Glothiera kept up their winning ways by taking two games from the last placo Clicquot Club Eskimos. The funny part of ••thia match Is tfee wnu\ question: "How come the Wardrobes always get a handicap/' "This week''the league leaders received & Jutey 4S-|5in iutndicap from the bottom place Clicquot Clubs, and again, ;tho dinners 'only had one man hit a "500", series, while the losers/.had,fear "500" series.

l3" castcoa for tsicunraLAiasi f t o fcc d CSE12TOES6s auiito v&afo Had la! Get 3WUPfeytfcs csM

However without taking any credit away from "the "dinners, it might, ho.-stated, ..that "ibu t w o .games' that feey .won • .wore ^®a .without'the .benefit sf the haattt* cap', and also thai 'their - second gaihe which was"96Jl''Bcratch,;.«raB high single forv tlia leagtse. t h1.p w






/ •

• ' ,

• • » • • • ' • • - . • •


TheWitmera-woa the-first g a o by art 854 to,"307/ score, -tho -sec ond by an 904 to 82$, .tsrhile losing the last .game by. & 854 to. 811 score, all games Inclafilng -tho -4S-, pin handicap as stated before. Abe F e 1 d m a n,, th© Council Bluffs "Shark" as usual, « a s high man for the •winners, with his nice 537 series, which-included a big middle gama of 219. Arid believe it or not, Frank' BFOOIIBtein was- second high with h!3 nice 493 scries.

™/—a 3ALL DAElGAII^f i a i 5 s ' L u s e QUdl^T S

Five-soag co!d sati litSHlelty fceep food Jtci: feed stores keep It—msds p0s:I5!3 by OL. See oad eava oa ths " S F M



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Sol Yaffo was tho We shot of =rs


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OA 3523


P*ge 6

Friday, December 6;


charge of the paper' were MelTla Temple High School also OK their calendar' of 'things Tattaeabaum of Gmalia aad Phil . .; v : to do. Kantor, Sioux City, as co-business The president appointed t he Group chairmen, and Mortin Margolia, following comE.Htees; Telephone, "• Omaha, £s editor-in-chief. Betty Kaplan and Elaine Tuch* Honors were received by t i e The Temple Israel High school marj; constitution, Bernice BurI house this week both athletically group will jaeet next Sunday eve- Bteio, Sylvia Seiner aEd D o r 1 a j and seholaetieally.. Bob Braiasoa, ning at the Temple Vestry roo^ms Pinko wits; dramatics,' Charlotte I Omaha, was gives honorable men- for a 6 o'clock sapper. A pro-Morgenstern, Edith V/oIfson and tion as a member of the backfield gram aed daucing will follow. Hebecca Londoa. With t£e &pp(nnimesl of Mvr- la celebration of Nebraska's ia- of inter-mural football team. Mrs. Julius Newman is Sisterhood members include: Martye ris Rieb.Ha and Fred Coltoa ES •S'itatioa to slay. Stanford uaiver- Bobthe was also named as a possible chairman, a n d Mrs. • Manning LeeOther Byron, 2elda V/eisman, Charco-chairmen of the Century. Cfa&p- fcity at the Rose Bowl in Pasa- candidate of the starting lineup Handier is co-chairman for the ter Stage ulgist skit, a laeeiiBg dena OB New Year's day, t h eof the University of Nebraska's group. Committee members are: lotte Hhaftcn, Ana Wiesman and was held by the skit committee members of Sigma Delta Tau were basketball team which will play Mrs. S. H. Rosenberg, Mrs. David ireiiQ Ciieriiiss, at t£e J. C. C. last Moaday'ingfet. entertained at a spread given by South Dakota university Decem- It Cohen, Mre. J. Kalmaneohn Oaiama 'i'&u Sigma • will meet While a number of sltlta.wejre fc-arah Miller aud Shirley Polsky. ber 6, and Mrs. Abe Greenspan. Mr. and again oa Sunday, December 8, at euggested, nothing definite was The university. colors, reel aud Mel Barkiu are (sponsors of 2:30, at the Jewish Community Melvin TanneubauHi was named Mrs. decided upoa. The co-chairmen white, aad a football motif were Center. Membership 18 open to the High School group. rerealetl th&t they had a Bovel carried out in the decorations and oa t t e honor list of Beta Gamma high school seniors and business Sigma, national honorary business idea .for this year's' stage Eight appointments. girls. 6kit. Another. meeting has been .Sylvia 'KaUman, president of administration* &&dety. Melvin is Tau Delta Sigma also oa the presentation commitcalled for next week. Lambda • Delta,, officiated tee at the Military Bail which will . Other members of tlie commit- Alpha Opens Office the initiation of that orgaEtea- be lield this coining Friday, DsTau Delta Sigma of the Jewish tee .are Staa Cohcu, Harold Ep- at tlon ca Wednesday. As a memcexaber 6. Leoaard Lewis, OmaCommunity Center held Its anstein, Milton Guss, and Yale Rich- ber of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet ha, was recently-made a-member nual election of officers oa Snn- Dr. Ruth H. Burroughs h a s ards. she, •with Anaa Arbitmau and of the advertising staff of t h e day, November 24. p offices for the practice ot MeSsil-5 Awarded. Ilubnitz, assisted at theD a i l y Nebraskan, the official Those named sre: President, Biefiietae at 610 S. 38th Ave,;'-'Dr, Medals, which .Century Alephs Miriam "hanging of the greens," &n an- newspaper on the Nebraska cam- Martha Zusiuan; vice-president, llun-OBgiis recently returned to won in Sioux City during the sum- nual event sponsored by members pus. Lenore Simon; secretary, Harriet Omaha after completing a resimer tournament were distributed. of the Geifman; treasurer, Beverly Gold- dency in diseases of children at a Melvin Leyine was again a lead- day. campus Y. W. C. A. Tuesberg; eergeaat-at-a r m a, Rosalie Montreal, Canada, hospital. er receiving two medals, one (or llabbi David II. Wice of OmaKaplan, and parliamentarian,'An* Young Judaea first place in the football 'throw was entertained at dinner by nette Forbes. and one for being on the relay ha King George IV, then Prince of of Sigma Delta 'fan preteam, which also von first place. members Wales, - witnessed the b o x i n g With the election of D o r i s ceding the Hillel discussion group Hymie Epstein was' awarded a- last Wednesday. Members of the Smith as chairman, a group of match in which Daniel Mendoza, medal for winning first place in sorority attended Hillel en masse. high school girls swung into club "The Light of Israel," defeated the 220. Other members of theAn exchange dinner was held with activities last Sunday and or- High .school (seniors and busi- the "Bath Butcher." relay team receiving medals were the members of Zeta Beta Tau ganized a Young Judaea chapter. ness girls wet last Sunday to form Dave Beber, Milton Guss and Sol fraternity on Thursday. Members voted upon a varied pro- a social and cultural club, and A li/Vj' IiVit'LAY Of Epstein. gram of social, athletic and dra- elected the following officera: A house furnishings committee Ciii.itLUiUJ.1 LAMPS Barn Dance President, Maxlne Rifldn; vicecomposed of S h i r 1 e y Polsky, matic activities. Tomorrow night Century Chap- chairman; Arbitman, ShirFirst on the calendar will be a president, Edith Wolf son; secreter will co-operate with Mother ley Wiener Anna J.2!.!3O u p r and Mrs. Jack Chesen, Chanukah party, to be planned tary, Euby Kolnick; treasurer, Chapter in-holding a Barn Dance alumna advisor, has been appointZelda White. at 60th and L. The dance will be ed to supervise house improve- by the following committee: Bevli f,v._..:i-;-t —48Os a n d Dramatics will be this group's erly Katelman, Fay Edel and a closed and strictly date affair. ments. first Interest, -with other activities Evelyn Pinkowltz. The annual Chanukab party, An important meeting will bo A last quaitc-r rally failed to Is to be held soon, i3 to beheld on Sunday, December 8, at 3 bring victory to the Ccutmy quin- which o£ Rose p. m. at the Jewish Community tet in their final game of the pre- under the chairmanship Are You GvovmtQ Larger assisted by H h o d a Center. Membership is open to season leagno at the J. C. C. last Goldstein, Krasne, Rhlrley Rosenuluin a n d any freshman or sophomore zM. Sunday. The A. 1'. T., the victors, Miriam Dansky. took the decision by a 25-10 score. Following are the charter mem_ Down?? It was the third loss for the bers: Evelyn Pinkovitz, D o r i s Alephs and the A. P. T.'s first Sigma Alpha Mn Smith, Beverly Katleman, Phyllis • Are you overweight? Bo you tfro <:i-.6ily . . . win in the J. C. C. pro-season Ostrowsky, Doris Linda, Evelyn feel ttncoinfovtfltle? Perhaps you need a league. The A. P. T. attack was Lincoln (Special) — The Ne-Hoffman, Doris Belzer, Mary Lou Coutp 'Belcistific fJoppost. It helots to keep led by a Century Chapter Alum- braska chapter of Sigma Alpha Ituback, Gertrude Rosenblatt, Eve weight properly brlanced, uuikca yon look nus, Jack Epstein. Mu is planning its 14th annual Seiner and Fay Edel. better, JJWI tedl h$Ltee. Why not como in for Norman Kuklin, Melvin Levine, Pounder's day banquet, to be held a scientific ttttl»3 by «ur C^ony trained fitter? and Mike La adman showed up iir the Cornhuslu'r hotel Saturday Pioneer Women well for tlio Alephs. evening, December 7. Main apeakem .for the evening The Pioneer Women's Organizabe two prominent alumni of Befell E! Auxiliary will chapter, I'lofesorDavid Fell- tion will hold its first Oneg ShabA gala Chanuknh party will be this a founder of this chapter both of the year at the homo of given by the Beth El auxiliary on man, ami member of the University,of Mrs, Meyer Raben, 315C Lincoln Rledlcal Artfl JOHs-, Omaha, NcJ». AT 6825' the regular meeting date Wedfaculty, and D a v i d Blvd., on Saturday, at 2:30. nesday, December I I , at 1 p. in.,Nebraska IJernstien, president of the OmaMrs. J. Raznlck, cultural chairat the synagogue. Luncheon will ha Alumni club of Sigma Alpha man, has arranged an exceptionalbe served. Mu. Other speakers for the eve- ly fine musical program which Following a s h o r t business ning'will be announced. will be presented by Mr. E. Scllz meeting, bridge, bingo and niah and Shirley Scllz. A reading will Plans have been completed for Jong will bo played. Members the Issuing of the "Slgmaorai- be given by Mrs. II. Wohlner., may bring friends. croncllc," the fraternity paper, at Speaker of the afternoon will be Mrs. Al Wohlner and Mrs. ,Max the banquet. The committee in Mr. J. Wolfson. Conn are co-cliainnen of the affair., The following women will assist them; Mesdamcs M o r r i s Shapiro, Arthur Iloinm, Jack Melcher, John Faler, Harry Frankel, Rose Kramer, I. W. Rosenblatt, Leo Adler, M. F. Lovenson, I. Dansky, Hairy Duboff, II. M. Milder, John Rosenblatt. Milton Prom, Sam Itothenberg. Jny Bercovici, Sam Wolf, Elmer Greenberg, J. Raziiick, J o e Ricklin, Reuben Vann, and Bert Moskovitz. Reservations for the luncheon are 50 cents, and. Mrs. D a v i d Greenberj;, president of the auxiliary, urges members to make their reservations early by calling members of the telephone committee or Mesdames Mate Turner, Dave Brown or David Katelman.

Clseacc! Shcl Banco

The committee in charge of the Chosed Shol Ernes card party has expressed appreciation to the community for the splendid co-operation which made the affair a suc' cess. ,

Presents for tv/o f^dsliti S t,-

' in our."


Ccnjil.'aS Ll~?zl iosn: if , ; j j a ^ ' fi £ep:sritios"aS D.iaco .Team C«emiR2r Vocalist

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A Special Representative from tbo Foot and Shco Rc:carch Dcpartcf the Makers cf Health SpoJ Shss;, vM\ bo oi our stcrs

This Special RepresanSctivs is twined in FOOT BALANCE AND SHOE FITTING on<S will ana you vofuc&ia hforaa£io:i on yat'r zhos fitting probtcQs end 'vour fcc» censfert. THIS SERVICE IS ABSOLUTELY FREE. No racJScr ho:y cany yea ha»e fried «> hiw yc«ts y?u IJOVC been in scareft cf fosf e c a fort, WE SINCERELY BELIEVE THAT WE CAN HELP SOLVH YOUR FOOT PROBLEM. TELL A FOOT-SUFFERIHG


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Acanthus "U&i Hanslo, csp«j cially attractive in tit* of three. Baby and chiU't me, 5t.CS each. Three adult tint, $1.25 h

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o Tho Prico Llot Pticejcr FklfFcrtEsstrJ'iclt Ei'ktLuncheon Knives.,,..«p.oo Luachcoa Forts... . . 22.00 Tes Spoon! ( R c g o i & r / . « • « . . . . . 10.03 . . liCO Stiller Spreaders... . . 17.00 Creisi Socp S.isor.;s.. 1«,C7 CcCac Spcoaa..... . . 6.67 Eo^CohSpoosi.., .. 12.67 IccdTcifpeos*.. . . 18.00

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Heavy £urlic3 Silver, S2.IS.


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Friday,' December 6, 1 9 4 0


Temple Club Joins National Group

ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT • Mrs. B. Layiia -announces the engagement-of ha daughter, Miss Mildred, to Eraie Wohl of Bridge, port, Connecticut!. Mr. Wohl, who is attending the Creightoa University School of Dentistry, is a nephew of Mr. aad Mre, Joe Klein of Omaha, No w e d d i n g date lias been chosen.

ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Jay (Stoler of Belllnghani, Wash., announce t li e birth of a son, Stuart Eugeae, on November 27. The Slolers a r e former Omahans.

TO MINNEAPOLIS Mr. and Mrs. Irving Greene and Mrs, Green's sister, Miss Marva Conn, are leaving for Minneapolis to visit Mr. Greene's parents. The CHOSES WEDDING DATE Greene's will remain in MinneMiss Iteva Goreliclt, daughter apolis for a week while Miss CoLu of Mr. and Mrs. B. Gorelick, has will return after a fortaight. chosen December 29 as tke date of her marriage to Mr. Judaa FROM DENVEIt Rubensteln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. M. Baker of Denver, Joseph Rubenstein of New York formerly of Omaha, is visiting tl»ia City. week at the home of Mr, and Mia. Sara Novak. She recently visited JOSLYN MEMORIAL her son, Phil Baker and family, Sunday at 2:30 in the lecture in Reedsburg, Wis., and friends in ball of the Joslyn Memorial three Milwaukee. Bound films, "Palestine," "Christian Churches and Cathedrals," COUSINS CLUB and "Christmas Time in Toyland," The date of the Cousin's Club will be shown. Mr. Fred Hill will meeting has been changed to epeak at 3; 30 In tho lecture hall on "Public Schools and the World Thursday, ' December 12, instead Crisis." A 4 o'clock organ recital of December 11. At the time the will be given in the concert hall meeting will ti*ke place a t the by Martin W. Bush. Assisting home of Mrs. M. Meyerson, 105 N. •will be Kermlt Hansen, tenor, and 25, Council Bluffs. Robert Johnson, accompanist. The Town Hall Forum will be FROM SIOUX CITYMr. and Mrs. Max Haligman of held at 8 o'clock in the concert hall when Dr. C. E. A. Winslow Sioux City were the guests of Mr. Will speak on "Health for Pos- and Mrs. N. B. Yaffe for the Iowa Thanksgiving. terity.','

£s Immrt&nt buslEess is to be disCtt&SfeC.

Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club

Members of the organization are asked to return all tickets eud stubs so that the drawing for tke Omaha's College club of Tem- fclfcctrie ros.Eter may be luli. A regular isettlEg of the Omaple Israel has affiliated itself witli A tine program hi.s been &r- fca Ck&ir Dramatic Club was the National Federation ui Tem- ranged. field at the lioiiie at Mr. and Mrs. ple Youth, youngest linit of the Beu Martia oa Tue&d&y. Officers Union of AmtTican Hebrew Coaelected oa November 25 were lngregations. fctalled at ibis Me&tlag. This annouHceiaent was just They are: Julius Schneider, made at Cincinnati headquarters president; Morris Goodm&u, viceof the Kational Federation. president; Nattaa Martin, secreMiss Zerline Soiaberg is presiA lunelieoii meeting of the tary; Abe Scbaeider, treasurer; dent of the Ouiaha NFTY group. Women's Division \'fiil fee held Earn Taraoff aad Mrs. gam Canar, Monday, December 16, at 1 trustees; and Ben Martin, dramao'clock at the Jewish Community tic director. Center. Iteports from tiie various comSalomoa -was the firet • The "Time" Study group of the mittees will be given. , Jew to become .sheriff, magistrate CouBcil of Jewish Woaiea will Mrs. Lazere, president, states and finally Lord Mayor of Loumeet Monday, December 9, for a that through the Membership 1 o'clock dessert-luncheon at the Chairman, Mre. Joe Kiee, a eub- don. home cf Mis. llumhu Colin, 101 btajitih.1 lr.ucit,Q U* m'thihetuJii South I'ifty-tMid. Mm. A i t i u r hfea Lccit luSGt €or tho Jt&i- 1910. Golrttteiu \i\\\ be t'j-l.outiB. 'L'lAb wt)l be the l&fct Hit1,Hue "rime" etudy tts.ts ^lll he dlt>- fur tho ycur a*id t-Vciy uimtLci' ia uipe 1 to atttifd. tiibuted. Ai;y Countil lire.. G i d a Isueck will dibCuDb interested in joining the is a&ked to call Mrs. Coheii fo (he dt-vclo£iwiiifs of the Center l'layoib* Ouild Mitis Illanche Klfclinau, h'flucctiou, %/i)I review the hifjhlithtc of (Lo Camp J&y-C-C.

Women's Division


JBi/cuir Cholitn

A regular meeting of the Ihkur Chollin will be h<;ld Monday u,t 2 o'clock at the Jewish Couitnunity Mrs. Milton Mayiicr'u Clrclo of Center. A board meeting will talfo the TCUIIJIO Irrael Cistciliood \/HI place at 1. All members of the meet for luncheon and inah Jony Board are requested to ho present Uaturduy at 12:30.

VISITED HERB BUI Gordon was a recent Omaha visitor. He spent the weekend a t the Paxton hotel and will A board meeting of the Omaha next visit in Denver and Wyom- Section of the National Council ing. of Jewish Juniors was held Monday night. Roll "cali was taken and minutes of the last meeting ANNOUNCE BAB MITZAII Mr. and Mrs. Harry Braviroff read by the secretary, Ethel Kelare receiving Sunday, December berg. 8, from 3 to 6, at their home, It was decided at this meeting £024 Decatur, in honor of the to give $5 to the Hannah G. SoloJBar Mltzvah of their son, Harvey. mon "fund. . " No Invitations havo been isAt the meeting this Sunday, 1: sued. '• •"• • * ''' '•• ' ' •••••-•• .••'• '! • ' ' Rosalie Alberts Epstein ?/ill teach members of the C o u n c i l . "La ANNOUNCE! BAK MITZVAH , Mr. and Mrs; Moe Linsman an- Conga." The meeting will start nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their promptly at 2:30; Plans are also being made for son, Arnold, on Saturday, December 7, at the Beth HI synagogue. a bingo or dance tot paidup memThey will receive in his honor bers onlyat their home, 2520 North Fiftythird; on Sunday, December. 8, , from 3 to 6. ' No invitations have been isCollections of Unique sued. Diamond Engagement, TO COAST Weddins end AnnivorTed N. Turner, who after an ] "oary 'Rings, _ Individual* absence of. eight years returned ly designed and Priced to Omaha the publicity with good old-fashioncampaign for the American Red ed moderation. Cross, left Monday for-Los AnConvenient Terms Can Bo geles, via Seattle and Sau FranArranged at Mo.Extra cJsco. • Cost" During his stay in Omaha, Turner helped re-organize t h e Omaha Polo club and since his arrival the club has doubled its playing members, among whom are Joe Tamer and Harry,Smith.



Junior Council



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Every coot has oil iho thing? you wenJ h a fino Persian t a n p . . . itrsl cjuaiiiy skins, expert wor!:monship end I94S sfyJiog. Bbcb in all sizes frcm-12 fo 40. Sroys in ell-sizes' from"l2 to 18. ' (P. S.-~Do Your Christmas Hinting EjrJy end Tc3""H«atl Abcuf This Sale TODAY.| " • •


Fri&iy, &ecemb"fer' 6/




DAVID iiL..Li •-- -I . . , - ^ . L LEONAIJ; i . ^ n i / - K . . . . RABBI 'UitG'-tOU^ K Li-.v'i. MORRlb U£.f UhLU*


- ' . ' a City

Ghetto Walls If ever a people could fctaad and look with utmost seom and contempt at their persecutors, it Is the Jews of Warsaw, wlio are today bidden to enter the firfat enclosed ghetto fa modern times. As in the centuries Dzst, wails have been built to isolate the Jews. After & decade of seeing the revival of ail the marks of humiliation, the Ides of a ghetto ceases to be terrifying. A ghetto wall Is meaningless—except to mark with ahame the people who build it. Tina Nai&ls, in their mad steal to persecute, forget oae thing— that the (survival of the Jew tea not been dependent on physical freedom. For a thousand years, If not longer, the Jews of Europe lived out their existence behind protecting walls. Hot uatll the first quarter oi the Nineteenth ventury were the last imprisoning gates torn from their undent. hinges. If ghetto walls and ghetto gates were to accomplish any purpose, they would have centuries ego. Rather than sympathizing with the..Warsaw Jews, we consider them fortunate in being removed from the repulsive creatures around them. What have the Jews of'Poland, filled with religious ecstasy, In common with those officious minions Bent out from Berlin? What havo the Jews of Warsaw In common with the scum of the gutter who make up the leadership of the Nazi party? „ In a nation whose institutions are being forged by the Nazis, a ghetto is a "welcome oasis. Perhaps to an American Jew, the idea of such imprisonment is frightening. To the Jew of Warsaw, wltoso every «!ay of living has bees laarked by limitations of one sort or another, ghetto walla should xkiake very little difference. But dispossessed as he is of all material belongings, robbed of any chance of self-indulgence, he has become a ^freer man than the Jailor. The Jews in those) ghetto walla, endowed with great spiritual resources, are Car richer than the Naslq who must fulfill themselves by cruelty and oppression - "; ' .. ' ;•••• ; ; ...

the fact they travel under t h e

Pursuit of the Furi Like Orestes of Greek legend, the country of Ramasia lias become a victim of the tunes. War, revolution, earthquakes., and sow, pejiiagE, civil war, Save been visited upon this unLsppy couatry ia the short Eg&ce c£ a tw vvfetts. And, of coarse, there have beea the itevitalls pogroms with varying Hits of victims. To lead the tveiits occuring ia llumania-, taxes the fciiEiast imagination, Siuee (he nation was tut out of the old Turkish empire in the Nineteenth century, It lias been the scene of much brutality, hut never the savagery &o evident. Only a few years Ego the Patriarch of the state church justified, the persecution of Rumanian Jewry on the grounds that the Jews had committed 'loathesome' (though uaspeeified) 'crimes. Thus they had become legitimate objects of prey in the eyes of the Ituiaaiiian church. The irony at the Patriarch's mouthings has been oEly too well revealed in the behavior of the Iron Guard now that it has assumed power. "Harper' Magazine," this month published an article entitled 'Europe's Revolt Against Civilisation.' How real 1B this revolt against the refinements of human niceties is exemplified by the series of events fa Rumania — although Rumania is not alone in this revolt. •When ' t h e Iron Guardists were - murdered en masse, no one had very much sympathy for the government which could perpetrate such a horror, despite the fact that the men killed received the type of treatment they had preached and practiced. The action of the Iroa Guardists In avenging tho dpath of their slain coinradea is one of the most repulsive acts in an age characterised by brutality and bloodshed. On occasion, we have been moved to protest the treatment 6f .Rumanian Jewry, but how can v/e expect tho Jews to escape the brutality of such people when the Rumanians have no qualms about killing each other—when the government itself condones bloodshed. If we ever had any doubts that we aro witnessing a civilisation in decline, they would have been dispelled by the picture of Rumania, a supposedly «ivilked nation,, indulging la th$ most primitive of blood luste. Someday the people of Europe will bs satiated, they will no longer receivo any emotional eatisfaction from brutality and murder. But we are afraid, it will then ba too> late for them.

Death at Haifa Since Moses himself•. after wandering in tfeo desert for forty years, was not permitted to enter tho Promised Land, too much sympathy should not bo feasted on. the unfortunate mortals who lost their Hve3 when tho "Patrla" sunk-In':the'harbor of Haifa..Like Moses, they too'were'permitted only a" glimpse-of the land and then were swept to their death.


ERine party flag,



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:-ii mu.eku wants to ' ^ I illations strict* s 1 "t|>£icre of inSl is t< laiection it •. n to to sflict with if o otfitr interests ' i^v. lisiiig everyone'


l U t t&i»foaage, sabi L c u/Ita activities i . 1 e under the di.


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a, i>-aiy tit.c m t ' c Uclivc tcl, but one pi* v ted l y <. ud io L L V»^L iioi; j t a , I t c u w h t J a n , hid » t cf uld t o t t > f vu id.

Mark the man of integrity, and behold the upright, for there is a future for the mas of peace. My friends, and my companions stand aloof from any troubles, and my kinsmen stand afar off.


«f u. i<)n,tirl&r and dip. dih(lau a »fl tkere can be


tiu» , tlldi, cither in the nH. ay os uwiinal'pro* tLrtt \till wot Involve t'« i. In jLitbugjij, any effective p-rograui .of itetiou fiiganifit . t l i e it

"Fifth Col.wma" must necessarily ordln&iejl efforts Ia • other points hejulsyhere.

in. this country include the' CO* of Axis agents in the' western .

'i'ALMUD this situation first arose Our rabbis were taught: When theWhen State department added to ths Rabbi ISlaser was captured by the confusion by trying to government through the accusa- general "play it smart." It adroitly sidetion of the heretics, lie w a s stepped by the Dies com* brought to the gallows and the toefforts definite action curbgeneral said to hiia, "A sage like log foreignget diplomats and the Jus-. you blioitld be engaged la such a tlea department's demand for a valueless thing (as the Torah)?" of what constitutes the And he answered, "The judge Is definition trustworthy to. me to judge hon- limit of diplomatic immunity, : estly." The general thought RabM It is important to bi Blaster was referring to him. Blazer, however, referred to the aote to this- coimectlon that tho Heavenly Judge, and the general Texan ia virtually the entire com* said, "Because you ' trust in me, mtttee ©s fer ES tlio coarse of tho' I swear by my .Idol that you are Investigation is concerned-^wmts, HO restriction on publicity. He freo from this accusation." warts an all-out drive against not Our rabbis were taught: When .foreign agents, bnt their Rabbi Blaaer Prata and Rabbi only sptif atalzera In InflaBtry, who, ho Ghaninah vteta captured .by t h e eliding, era • potential saboteurs.' government, eald the former to the latter, "Happy art thou, that II© w a n t s the administration thou wast captured of being ac- policy regarding labor laws encused of oae thing only and woo forcement adjusted to' permit the to me that I am captured of be- (UscltRrgo ©ff easpect workers and -. of. "com* ing accused of. five acts." Said thc5 forcible. crashing 11 tho latter, "Happy art thou who mnnist directed " strikes. In de« aro accused of five things will be saved, aad woo is to who Is accused of one thing Attorney General Robert Jackll bs'. eeateaesd, for thou oc- eon is as .jealous.of his departcupied -thyself with both t h o ment's perogativea as' ia Hull... InTorah and with loving 'kindness?, addltion.'the liberal cabinet mem•white I was occupied .with- t h e ber is against eaerlficing the leTorals«.oaly.": This Is ia scsesi* gitimate rights and interests of anca with \rhat Rabbi Huna eaid, labor- ia what ho describes as a - - - ,. "Ho who. • oceupisa iiimsdlf- - with, "witch hunt." tlio Torah, but doesn't..observe lovlag Madness'Is (similar -to one F . It. I. Chief 3". - E ( 3 ! g a * ' . . w&o denies Goai." •W.hett_.E&6bi. points orci -tfeat- bo. doesn't make Blaser was brought.beforo t-ab. •lews, &a only emff^Mea t&eM. Ho judgci3, -and .they .asked1 bins, "Why. testa ih&t tlio: cmteMesisent • .|»e;. 4o yon'study and ^hy are you a inter&fcsca f-r o oa ".con*1•TOMior?" ••And.hQ-aaawcred, "If. comroltteo paMScity. I n ; one ia a Bcttolar, he-la no v/arrlor, tetMttl ia.ctesgea.tMttlre, aid S^st -.aa' It lB"nol. true that" 1 B ' O>. ssfj-stsgo Activity 'in am a warrior, BO it is also not 4Jslg.,cosB4ry-.pfi! .eauy cssa^nence trao that I &m a" scholar.'? -"Why and ttiat "hysterical*?' al« then are'-yoTi-named master," And. Jto sdate s me® Isyfag ted effect ho answered, • "I am ? tba master of drtlstie treavtag." "Why, did. .©a t&o you not-visit the boasa of-< discuss* Tho President la.goln^ to;have slon?" Aad he anrhrerod.-'Ttna no easiy'tarJi In brisnlas conaper^ too old and f o a r o c l p c I atloa out of that pcltcr of "conwould bo troddca dowa under tho flictlnc Interests. It nill bo a foot of tlio crot?d." "And supreuo test of hie ability aa a, feavo you Ireod yoar claves, pourcr of oil on trended waters. ia-forbidden?" And ho replied. "ThJs.never occurred." Tho. CoU wiM tnvo to be done clcion of tho judges ^?as to frco ccrtEfcl-.tJca. If aay one him of the five charges. f:::ci-cst3.favc:yed proves. o2 a t h o ' caiSKJ csafereiice

-With'-.death eo" constant these days, wo aro in• Hungary, it-appears from - laeager dispatches, ;s -events- as these. -.-'The' story of- tlio has shelved its third Jewish law until some more gee'a suffering ia co old, we are no lohger capable propitious moment We presume tho propitious of rising to great hdch'ta of indignation -when co moment will havo arrived wton enough "Aryans" small and Icclsulflcant a tracedy tin thlo occurs. are available tb talrs the place of tb&. Jews "who Only a fraction of itsa pacccaccr list was killed, no. are- being forced out'of tlte-.ecosomls llfo of the how can X;Q \TCOP v/Lea It is uothlnc Sa read of a country. . . . . ship noinc down v/lth hsedreSs en board? , The Prims ^Minister has Seen forced to apoloBut Ihia la more than just the esploslon of a Els® for the fact that fifty per cent of the staff ship, riore than juct tho dcatb of a handful of un-; CSQIS-ZO XVIC!J ClcczUatooB - r e of tho Poster'Lloyd, the official foreign offIco pa- fortunate refugees. Thlo la an accident that miclit to fco national xTslfare,' • per, ' Is Jewish. despite the fact the law specificaHy faavo tseoa prevented hsd Great Britain Bought to 1 limits Use staff to els per cent. It Is to'be eapect- eserelcs a littlo 'taorc foresight. ITiis ia an inciIt TJII bo lianocsiMo to "strong cd that In the government agencies, at least,-the dent that was not caused by Italy or Gormaoy arm" anyone concerned into cobut by tho great and noalc Britain. Thcco psopla, law would be obeyed,.. operation. At least two of t h e Yet the Prime Minister is forced to admit in who loct their livca ia tbo Eiarbor ,of Haifa T/cro conferees, Secretary Hull a n « PA*? Dies, are .cufflcicntly firmly Inparliament that there are no eentllea to replace the victims of eaa of tho most vicious cvila in tfco trenched in their own spheres of J. T. A. <the 'Jews of the paper's staff. They have' the back- world—tho narrow, iaflesiblo mind of Pritish coloactivity to raako snch a movo Imground for tlscir Sobs and they have the linguistic nial representatives. Prcco * abiiitieo necessary. This is no Isolated Incident Since early Juno t&o paceagera who v.'ere on ' (Copyrichtcd W Jewish Tele-, 7, Inc.) WASHI1IGT0N;; , but teas • received prominence because of the of- the "Patrla," had boon r,-aadcrins tho MediterThe Whlto KOUBG con(er.ccc3 ficial label of the -Pester Lloyd?• ' ^ ranean en two. nascawotlhy shipc, causht betvrenn bctvrcen Chairman Martin Dica of All through Hungary attempts are being made tho coateacsinc.Pot/era of Italy and England. Final- tho Houco un-Ainericaa activities ly after nonthn of hardship, they arrived at their to circumvent the law and In some cases it is imcommittee, rcnresen&tivGa of tho possible for the Government: to do anything'about ultimata destination—Palestine. Tfcare, Inotead of State and Juotice dcpRT^mentn end it. Tiany of tins hospitals have staffs that are com- ficillns tho e^ipected refuse, they were ,put on tho P r e s e n t Friday marba either ' . Both E! pletely Jewish and the Government feara to force board the "Patria" to bo cent to- a British colony, a turning point in tho hitherto disorganized fight asaiact the aals At services this evening Rabbi perhaps Mauritius. them out when there sro no ''Aryans" available. "Fifth- Colucm" in this . couatry David-A. Goldstein will apeak on T/hllo England ItEelf is no longer guideci by ^lio or tho launching of a des.'ticht "Our Unseen Opportunities." ArIt v/as said at the time the present policy was Introduced under German pressure that Hungary dioastrouc policy of Chaiaborlrjn, Palestine has not In which ail America v/ill buffer.. nold, eos o£ Ilr. and Mrs.' H o d Lijwman, will chant' Kidduah In could not stand an anti-Jewish campaign. The been free:! of its Influence Because of the "White will tlcpcnil nr-m observance. o£ his Bar fiitsvah. country is juct emerging from feudaiissi and the Paper," thoucht s. dead letter by most persons, Services tomorrow raornirig •will Alasyars have developed only a small Intellectual theact vcadcrcro vere denied entrance into tho oao whether r,on:o o? nil the ialcrccts ctart at 9:45. Arnold Llnsman represented arc frepsred io jlcl2, clft&s. Tho nobility, In the old days, scorned" the place that vranted theaj and \?ould have cared at least to. some cstent, from tlio will become Bar Mitsvah. Mr. liberal protccciona End industry; tho peasantry, for them aa humr.n beinss InoteaQ of" zh flotsam positions which thej? bnvo utab« and Mrs. Linsman v/ill recelvo at fcomJy I:cM to Hats, -liiczs csr.-- Kiddush. in honor ot thoir eon attached to the soil, could not enter them. So it and' jetoam. To justify its inhumane, act the Mandatory fliciQ of • interest 'lircclly' rc-» •immediately followins tho servv/as the Jews who developed Hungarian industry sponaible £c? the cocfccssS t'SitK:- ice. power has "suggested that enemy agenta w e r e blca into -wliicli thfa fsovcrniraeet'o • and cultivated the arte and sciences. y/hile the Hungarian government may une the aboard. But there 13 littlo to justify their conten- fi^ht nsaiiist cubvercive activities . po Jews as a scapegoat for its woes. It cannot do GO tion. Pales*too surveillance would have kept any is &cin^ 'transformed." This evening at services Rabbi David IT. Wlce will'speak on "Tho TrithouT. injury. These are no poverty-stricken peo- aseEf.'i under control. Moreover, it 13 doubtful that That tho President' g Five o'clock Jew-." • " Brit; in v/oul-1 have tniien tho chance o£ pormlttiag ple to clntso from one village to another; theco tho c&rfousnesiTof tho nituatlon ia Saturday morning services will, aro no people who can bo robbed o£ tueii" I'ichcs agents to enter anotnor crown colony. It is a weals:, borne out-by tho tact that ho has start at 11. T/itbo*.it harming the country; These are- tho pec- talo to offev Sa oxchanfje for Injustice and murder. publicly adopted tho rolo of peaceNEST WEEK maker, and -br a "White House plo \:ho edit trto papers and "read tho haokh, •srho Next Friday "evening Rabbi AlInvitation enhanced the prestige p fecr.l 'Jhs .sLI", and argue the law. Kvc-ntur.lly they of a congressman ho has l o n g bert S. Goldstein of Mt. Sinai £r.iy be replaced, but while tho Jews" may be hurt viewed aa one of tho ndministra- Temple, Sioux City, will be- tho Cha&uhah (ist S daya) Wednesday, Dec. 25 • lion's bitterest Enemies despite guest speaker at Temple services. fey'tho Iav-"s, Hungary -will suffer the more./


Friday, DeefcEs,ib*r 6 , 1S)4Q~

CANDLE 1MIHTISQ; 4:24 The December meeting of the *U. 0. C. Sisterhood tosk on Tuesdgy, December 8, at Congregation B'e&i Israel. 'The mefctiEg was a l«iicheoa affair presided over by Mrs. L.' Nevelef f, president of the organization. & eoramittee of hostesses serving the luncheon consisted of Mrs. I. Grossman, Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mrs. Meyer K&tsEia&a, Mrs. Sam K&tsgman, Mrs. L. Fish, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Mrs. M. Burstela, Mrs. Win. Milder, Mrs. A. K&tss, Mrs. I. Goldstein, Mrs. Sam Brown, Mrs. D. Denenberg, Mrs. M. Ilosenstein and Mrs. M. Arbitman. The program of the meeting •Was opened with committee re' ports which outlined the progress of" the Sisterhood in the last few months. The Habbl thea spoke on the portion of the week giving a brief outline of its contents. The main number of the program was a book review of "Embezzled Heaven" given by Mrs. N. H. Greenberg. The boob, its a sensitive piece of literature Sealing •with the deeper problems of humanity and its urge for salvation, was presented in a very clear and inspiring fashion. J u n t o ? Cottgsreg&ttOEii The Junior Couercgatlon of the TJ. O. C. began its offici&l borviccs on Daturday, NovGtabcr>30, at the Synagogue of Congregation JJ'nai Israel. Fifty-five children were in attendance and conducted a very inspiring service, having their own cantora and service leaders. The Rabbi addressed the congregation briefly on their alms, duties, and responsibilities. After cervices a Glta!>bo3 luncheon was served for the children by the U. O. C. Sisterhood. Tho committee in charge constated of Mrs. JL Fish, Mrs. II. Soskln, Mrs. T. Sherman, and Mrs. Qid Epstein. The second ccrvico of tho Junior Congregation will take place on this Saturday, December 7, at 10 o'clock, at tho Synagogue of Congregation B'nal Israel. Mrs. H. Lippett will bo hostess to the children after services.

One# Shabbot Tho U. O. C. Sisterhood is planning a monthly Ones Shabbot which is to take placo at tho vestries of Congregation B'nal Israel, 18 th and Chicago at tho midtnonth Sabbath. Tho first of tho series will corao on Saturday, December 14 at 3 o'clock. Detailed plans arc in preparation for the occasion.


Tho regular Friday evening cervices of the U. O. C. will talco place this coming Friday, at 8 p. •m. at the Synagoguo of Congregation B'ni Israel, lSth and Chicago. Saturday morning the Rabbi will be at Congregation B a t h Haihedrosh Hagadol, 19th and * Burt. Ho will Bpeak on tho portion of week. Sunday morning corvlceo under the auspices of tho U. O. C. Brotherhood will take placa &a usual at 9 o'clpck at Congregation B'nal Israel. The regular session of tho adult study group will meet Monday, December 9 at 8 p, m. at tho Rabbi's study. The Talmud Study Group will meet as'uou&l oa Wednesday, December 11, at Congregation Beth Hamodrosh Hacodol, 19th and • Burt, at S p. m. •



U-y LUCtLLE kULi.fdlM.l3OU IL&D&EBAll, E'HM B'EEEli MEETING • • The B'nal B'ritk lodge aud H&da&sab will hold aa open nieetiag Monday eveateg, December i , in observance of H&tioaal Ed'aes,tton week. Tke meeting will be held at the Little Eagle's H&H1 t t 8 o'clock sharp. Rev. J. It. Perkins will be principal speaker. Movies are to be shown and refreshments served. TALMUD S A H A meeting of the Talmud Torah was held last Monday evening at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue. The dance to be1 held Jaaaary 26 at the Eagle's Hall was discussed. Mrs. Lou Cohen is chairman in charge of the affair. m.

IIABAS8A1I The Jr. Hadaosah will hold a meetiBg next Thursday evening, December 12, &t the home of M&rUyn Saltzman, 1029 4th Aveaue.

YOUNG JUDAFA There is going to be a Young Judaeab meeting nest Sunday afternoon at the home of Evelyn Greenberg, 1101 East Plerco. All members are urged to attend. EMESEfr The Emes&l Club held a meeting last Tuesday evening at tho home of Thama Lee Krasne. Tickets were distributed to members to sell for the raffle to be held February 1, at which time a five dollar bill will ba given atiray. Anyone who is interested in purchasing tickets is asked to call the president, Miss Betty Cohen, at 4522. Part of tho proceeds will bo donated to charity. COUSINS' The date of the Cousin's Club meeting has been changed to Thursday, December 12, Instead of December 11. At that time It will ba held at tho homo of lire. M. Meyerson, 10E No. 25.

58. B. T. mmmwB

CLUB Mrs. Harry Cohen and lira. Lou Bernstein entertained tltia month's meeting of the 25, B. T. Mother's Club at the Chieftain Hotel. After lunch, bingo, bridge and Mali Jong were the afternoon's diversion. 'SO CHICAGO .•'. Mrs. Etta Yudelson left last week for Chicago, 111. to attend the wedding of her nieco, Miss Irene Cohen to Mr. Sam Loib, She is expected to return home tho early part of next week. AT LINCOLN Miss Betty Cohen left today for Lincoln, Nebraska where she will attend the Nebraska,Military Ball.

A. Z* A. : Tomorrow night, the Omaha Chapters of A. Z. A. will hold a Bam Dance at Tea's Barn, 60th and L streets. ' • The dance will begin at 9 o'clock •with'.- music furnished, by records of the leading orchestras of the country. Warner Frohman of Mother Chapter and Harold Slutskta of Century Chapter, co-chairmen of the dance promise a big surprise. • The dance will be a closed and strictly date affair.

soarce &f iacoms toward its lag Mre. Mlks Wmvmm, QL iitSs . Max Arlittt.SE, o^e of the or Mrs. Hoe R&z&lck, WA 0312. Uses F i a 4 is iLfcfriu.&XL c l Mrs. M&.Z C&iiea aaaoaaces the B, MJds, ikJJ follovicg coattibatioEs to the tree i_£.kls{r errj.jgtj.vii.ts fur a fati: Thfe Satufd&y Night Club ia I-kity ki t i e Lc.^0 (it au -5tt« cf tus Vivfc-lilCi-Jl£iit, Ufa. LOiiii* fe.Co'-^l»taeaiory o£ Mrs. B&vld H. G&ha'B cf tilt U. O. C , l i j ii'i6.*e Lutt, iCStC ttrttt, on caother, Mrs. Barati G&rber. Mrs. J. Unsmm la bosor^f her Ifo.lke Ki.liLic.A/ uJ'ah.t at *L& li'i-ii J l ' laiarriage to fc/it^j^gae a.ta tii& iu.fc.wo EitfLl &,t lL«. Ltiit Mrs. M. Fi-iedea la laeciory'- of yt2, Mrs. A. Wiiuhkin. LUd b/ tke Mrs. M. W. Leveason in feoaor . of the aew-bora daughter of Mr. which Mr. S. Eavitz is &re£i&eat. and Mrs. Bci Brodkey, Barbara By INE2 U MMMMM. Each night, "Mr. Gedaliah BubOa December 21, Henrietta ABB. lick was guest eseakfer. la the Mrs. J. Freiden &nd children ia words of the gresidettt, Mrs. A. Ssold, the founder of Hadas&ah memory ot theU* husband and Katsg, "to hear that inspired ora- £.ad guiding spirit of the organ- father, two trees were plaiated. , tor ie to make one proud that ization, will he SO years old. 8'tie Mr. and .Mrs. M. F. Levensoa is at her -post day£ia<i nigbt'meetebe is a Jew sad a Mteaelit. He of Mr. Kate Glrnon.* briagB to mind the prophets of ing new Ead vastly more eeiuapli- in memoryBoard Meeting old. We failed to take a warn- cated problems which war kas She next laeetlng of the Haing then. Let as not make the brought to the shores of Palesdassali board will meet at the tine. Eame error BOW." of Mrs. LBO Abramson on Her faith In the essential good- home Mr. - Bublick'a specific mission Monday, December 9- Mm. Leon. mm of man &ad the ultimate vicnow is raising fuads to establish MendelBon and Mrs. Lo«is Albert again the Yeshiva at Yavneh, his- tory of the spirit over force, has will be co-hoBBtesses. torical Yavceli "which lias pre- made it possible for her to hold served Israel to this day. Yavneh on with grim tenacity la the face lias been redeemed by the J. N. of every difficulty. On her 80 th birthday Iladassali V. and waa recently presented by M. M, Ussislikin to the Mlzrachl Is giving her the only gift which organization. The audience was she will value—a birthday book thrilled to leara that each Jew Is on the pages of which will be inBtockholm (WNS) — Major to be given the opportunity to scribed the names of-every memQuisling, whose efforts t© again erect schools of learning- in ber in good standing Sn HadSas- impbao antl-g&inlUem and other eah. Yavneh. Nazi prlnciplss on the Norwegian The book which Is to ba made people have apparently failed, At each of tho meetings Mr. of parchment leaves with an exBublick waa presented by Rabbi came to Fredriketad to address a quisite decoration drawn for Ha- group of his supporters. Angry Isaiah Rackovsky. After listening to Mr. Bublick, fiessah by an outstanding artist, demonstrations and street clashes nopo waa expresses that tiio box will bo encased In^a beautiful laarksd his visit. collections which were interrupt- leather cover. Pages have been During Ma trip to Barpsborg, a ed, will be resumed to bring in distributed to the chapters and neighboring town, strong police the kind'of results that'Will alle- we know that every member of detachments were called to proviate suffering. Mrs. Aaron Kati, H&daesah will want her name in- tect the Nazi leader from indignpresident o£ tU© local chapter, scribed tor all time in this book. ant crowds. Many of the antlpleads, "Pleas© fill up th© 3. N. The Omaha chapter of Hadas- Quisling demonstrators wore antiF. boxes." Mrs. Katz reminds sah is celebrating H e n r i e t t a Nazi buttons. members that the. five eehoolg In Szold's birthday on Friday, BePalestine stand on J. N. P. land, cejnber 20 with a party at the late as 1821 the regulations purchased with money collected Blkckatone Hotel. Mrs. Max Colin of An the Society for Dowering tha by Mizrachl volunteer collectors. la In charge of arrangements and Bridea of Leghorn were published BfizFSchl Schools Mrs. M. F. Levenson will direct in Portuguese - by the Jewish com* the program. There will be an Tha Battai Zeiroth, the technimunity. cal Eichoola for girls, not only Havdalah service at sundown. Education teach the girls along tho lines An education group of Hadaseach Is best fitted, but during the two years of attendance, the girls eab met on Friday at the homo roUtt .INSOBANCB BBOSEII er© provided with shelter, food of' Mrs. Mike Freeman where Mrs. David A. Goldstein reviewed Mauand clothing. Upon graduation, the glrla are rice Samuel's "Tho Great Hatred" fitted out with wearing apparel which engendered a groat deal of Bad furnished with other aecessi- diEOUrhloSi. Tl,6 HfiS-t MCOtln,? Of t-if ties, and are taken care of until tbo group will Lo announced neit r ; j KARJACJ ELK. week. Those lutorccted In Jointhey-find employment. Mrs. Bessie Gotsfeld, Palestine ing tho group can do ao by callrepresentative, writes, "Do you members of Women's .Mlzrachl realize what this means to the girls? This period of unemployment thereby loses much of its tragic aspect." These schools arc taxed beyond capacity. In order to' accommodate the overflow In the Jerusalem school, two annexes were rented. The Girls' Farm (school la no^r - In "rented auartera where girls are being trained for faun live. The organization expects to buy r,ooa a permanent farm which will accommodate 250 girls. QSAUMi In t h o teachers' seminary, O where* the girls are trained for the teaching profession, they are housed in Inadequate Quarters. | | r u t : ? ? c w ' . s c a ^ L " Tho graduates of "thia school In Jerusalem are given positions in the various schools: in Ereta Yis:^ DIIA "r oua roel. •'-• . -.•' :,'' '..-'. .;'. r i Hundreds of children are given free T u n e t u j s ia the, Mlsr&chi schools. The Omaha chapter depends a great deal on card partieV ao one


Battle Awarded Funeral services were hold Sunday morning at tho Jot7l3h FunerNew York (JTA) — George al' Home for Samuel \7eic3 who died Friday moruing at hia home. Gordon Battle, the attorney and Surviving him arc: bis widow, co - chairman of tho C o u n c i l a son, Harry Wetnfcors of L03 An-, Against Intolerance in America, geles; and fv/o slaters, lira." Sarah has been awarded the 1940 medal for the-Promotion of Better UnRelf of HactiaGO, and " Anna! derstanding Between Christian Glickman o£ Ozaaba.

Ml Sector .' \

Of - Rotterdam XJ. Geneva (Y/N3)—ProJesor Defriim, rector of tho University of Rotterdam, has been sentenced to threo. xaontbir In prison for condemning aati-3?mlt!sia in a classroom lecture,' it was reported here. Prof. Bafrum waa arrested by Nasi police immediately after hi3 lecture. The complaiat charged also that Prof. Defrusn Ergsd tlto sudteats to listen to radio broadcasts coning from London. In. his lecture, the r e c t o r ridicules tho" Niul theory of racial supremacy and' scored the Nazi treatment of Jews.


and Jew in America given an7Q £f tpad£zs...&sbte£ nually- by ths~ Americas Hebrew cf & plasa joa p-sa 'R&sa yoa fcaild yea magazine, it was announced. eaiies ia tig ds . , . tnodtra, eBdtasda^7 isoBGtted, iexaslevsZf tex&stsbU)... wits M:s3f Danes anes .Qsiisa, Gassula B«»a las sad jjutiosaj


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UtJi rhit,v,1i3 to a t t i on <hc it.sxnii.cj c i i r e evcut oi i'rerlLCKLL: burnt cd ><Jt'b ie electio» Ls Ifit Gif t C i t . i a i C u ing*" . . . Aui **<n l.'j'ittci too i'd^ s Jali > JJ-'Jc . . . Ani-u : rprM comes tbo stoiy ct the «-td_ Jtwi^i 1c? !b caly ftittfcU yesto woman who, tftci fj>»<.uaiiti; tb^ night to £.11 t i l i«'d bLelU.r, Hu- 6a.» ie Lifciit-d t«> til trtitle intbally went oat to If o»c tot h t r ttiab in "the VLitf k :«1 ULtiict . . . J UbUt^i Sil "1^6.Iu(< f." . . . It C3hICS 'i As the WLllfcl tl re ueh ttr«,et i>:-tuKl to Aucc, tliot^Ii — her u»l .'•Jy\ iffiUt G e o i' c e t'» etrewii with ti.c wst/Hce of II. fciand i»< r L ot* u , ulcyblasted the v t s fei^u (Coutlnutd fiwa Fate 1.) .to shake Ltr I<^ d tlowly fiot' \ iftl.t iiCvhiCw jfaufi'ttii, u s side to bids . . . "Al-JUt," tltw botii s.ceita t,t tko liteutry eahie thur Goldstein, Harold Bernstein muttered to Ittiixlf, "it's Juat . . Hf jfiuB t« £Mfc-r an llxioiAof 'Council Illuffs, Ed ..Wittenberg vay in J, ttit. like in Egypt" . . . . befora l o s e Is dancer ittegissar of Lincoln and Leonard Frieiel. LISTEN TO lAMi Godo'w&ty, dauglite? of the* late Lloyd FitceliEaii ia -chainaan of "BlitSfCt.^V* i* vL t l*»v<_3» master musician Leopold Goflow- the nutilicity caraalttes. ABSISI.way calls iMily*& «^us|vi.,3 ft sfey » .» . Louis Hiser, whoso re- iag him ere": Jeromo Milder; Baa BeMsa . . . Kt - L i, i t u . u % cently pttbliehed "TitfEMsu 0 a T&oodoro, Art Qreeti, Paul Gross•©spected fciJ ov.ii T f d £tt*" *t> Year Feet" is proving a hmti to -Caiman Elcnser of Crestsa Fifth Cole LU t) « > tl i t £ L £u to&stiaastors throughout tho land, aad Nathan Jacobs of Clifeago. 7 bim in- Gik f-i . . .r Wi £*" w©rl£e4 Ids way through collega Lloyfl Malasheck is tbat H » t ? J »'t 11 U J by tc'aeiilag English to Immibi





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Ll&b( a (VHH) in \s,itlt/ of dent tisiL t

Nazi autliortvd tLe U»la stutha

A. L.^1 of u JL\A?U City, y, ( j tho »tifvcit-Hy, it teas Priscker of Kasisau City, l t Wiutrcub, LC&H Kefeky of' Linf, I7J.II % &miu&s against coln, Nath-an 13. Jacobs- of Chicat<itl«<ar, the etuaenta go, Edward llcsenthal of Lincoln, t»>y deiaandI d Loyal Ksplaa. Convention beadQU&rtera « w i l l iag tl e seftsLi&tcj x a t ©£ tbe JewELeata i at the Fontenelle. y ILUL.* \ I J en to

tLa EtriLo It «lcw.

is being grants fa a night school . . . Lat- ©f printing est eeout ptrf Investigate South by Harvey Leoa and Lawrese© •r. American'possibilities for movie- Gaveamsis of il&stiags. . . . . g Is Samuel Goldwyn, g on a good nelghhot tour . . , . The dating commltteo lisa as it Theatrical producer Otto Ludwlg members: W a r r e n Ackerman, Preminger is rapidly becomleg Jhalrmaa; Ilarlan Milder, P a u l (Coatintiefl from Page 1.)' . Americanized, we note . . . Latest Krasne.-Ed-Milder, Mttl&rd Gpsler, tills «B10 I t ' s OJ.fl charging Jewisli &s well as Geala 'his dropping of lite Willard Davidson '-of L i n e o l p , " is evidence. sundlislt!" x.itf \ l*i tlle employees called up for "tem"Dr." title, an appelation \7hich, v . s ay while eustomary in Europe, is a Buddy Qoldatein,' Irving Colicn of porary" military service. Const : s-sseese, Lri«r-! —t . . . 'Its Cdaaeil -'Bluffs, L!oyd Priedoiati, Teleki eaid, liowevc-r, that tho debit out of place OH Broadway.. . . •!). '-Brodkoy &n§. IrvinB- eyes' would bo^'co corded beastlfel si An «*" BRAZILIAN INFOKSIAI'ION es to Sherman. fiop lisas 11 s» _ ea i Diet yoa know tliat tlie pilot ead • IJcmbera 'of- tho- transportation prevent "eatrarranteS cruelty." Busied tsoaiau tlte&e E i ©a WCZU.J W Ky - for Pedro Alvares ^8 eommitteo - are': Phil Lssssr a n d ^ Eemaia lfci?e*8 lies* Faeliree g everyy interpreter VabteH, who' «!ieco¥cre«l Ilrasll f a Herbert Kaplan, co - cltalrman; The premier's. Egeseli &vca eoag he csa la l«Kj«rovo tlsa world S500, was a'Polish Jew who fcaJl: S a i/kea of goal ncva for Lssa,•• -Edwin- BS. -Brodkey, for the Arysa&"~-ssiif] ea exclusive been forcibly l>E|rtIze«l l»y exj&vp-,ISsrvey &wfttu teat club MtH or Vttsco da Ostas and giv.ciii iiie PMl "Gerllck, Morris purpssa forgjot to tevlto lie?toitsname Caspar <1a Ctanm? .'".'. 'I'tei bautn sad llobert Cahen. • Mi'mtmM this year . . . Malco.-Ydui1 Hslldr.y the Ilraaillan island Noronlia wes - Howard ICaplsa la cbairman of '-FOUBRI S i Yowc nsaisea eftef Fernando'do Noro»«. the commltteo arranging for too ' Note to Lucius Becb'e, glamor- lia, a -I'Mtagoescfilseraiso,w!jo'"Farmers Frolis" and "its* beins EBboy reporter,- who !B6ists-h8 eaw with six shiploads ©f Ida" eowsiijj-' sistei by: Henry Greoalisrg, Paul only about a dosea beards on ionlsts. ecttld ia Brazil '.tteee: ®T_iCrssae of-Council-Bluffs, Harlaa Manhattan etrests In the years four years later? . * , That it vnss Milder,- Bernard' Chapman, Herbefore the retuseeo streamed ia: bert Kaplan, Richard- %. Eiastels, ' f i t ns5«l M i i ' h'who-'first Bid yoa ever- go Sown to Deiancey Jews Slieffel -Katskee, Sheldon Kauffbrought sugar „ and.-. tobgeqo -So Street, tho mo&t perfect field of Portugal from "BrasII? '...-; And m'ann. Stuart Simoa, Edward 13. all for tho game-'Of-beaver? . . . that when "the-; Hatch, -in* 163*®< .Milder, Harlan Studna, Bernard Rene Kraus, Austrian biograplier Leonard Muskin, Hubert Ileeifa '."(now , Vcvnam-Altsulcr, of Winston Churchill, is leaving 'captered\ Monsky, Robert Silverman. b&eo), tlie .MsrPesaoa stepped; prethese shores for England, where tending .sad Slved epfeily• as- 5cwa? The membership of the attendhe.expects to v/rlte a book oa the . . . tEIic'main'-strcet of-ISedfe at ance Committee includes: Loyal HAF Kaplan, chairman; Stanley .SlooIn case you. Virant to tlt&i. tliBib . w . \7o Isavo burg, Bernard w h i t e , Harvey 'es'Rua Loon, Richard .Einstein and Je- Kioq movie mogul Walter-Wangero'isfea-''*^:^'*" rome Milder. '. ' Jitdioa, which means 'portof. Jews' V/arwicu' a n ia other days, it'q ' : ". . - Dinner ^Committees many ' o t b d r , Arrangements for the 'Bonitoayitome( IncJudleft Recife' for Holland. Black Mirror Room Dinner lanco you re wintering at of ^their way are helng made by a commltteo popular Florida resorts, look out while-a haedful under the chairmanship of Lloyd for Axi3 Fifth Columners, who oofc . : . ' . Ther,e "Jkishock. AeBisting him will are expected to be quite active Jewa evcntajjSIy becaiisa t : :: La: Lloyd Friedman, Jerome'Milt a b l e £?a!aos, And Uncle Sam tells Marranos there Catholics,--bnt meay 0I4I Brazilian der, En.cjt Wintroub, Dr. Her- etc. us. that-one of the Fifth Column's families man Kal^y, Ronald Reuben and etill Uavo typical Dpasiislt pet disguises is still tho guiae of end PortcgKeac Jewish names . . Irving: tlalasheeli. l refugees from Nazism . . . So Louis Somliers is chairEian of many South American newspapers A carious IncMcat cccurr^o \ are controlled by Nazi interests"

t< a a woKldn't I n <-Ji Horse to tc«>i 41 vented tlio he : sniid yesKJ f u o • * • last worn u r f csme "libt,! tjf cr t>

that U. S, advertisers in: thoso papers have adopted the plan of do-ing oomo private detcetiro work to discover whether such eoatrol exists before'they place their contracts for space . . . .

sceoiiaetic HOTES

Professor. Erwin R. Goodenoush of Yale hits' dedicated his n?n book, • "Ah -latrodBctioa ^-"PlilJo jtidscos/' to' the "staff of the Jew. Ish 'fiieoiogtel S e m i n a r ; of ^iHcs'i€3, who • in "person demon* etrate Hint'Chrlstiasi'ethic.hsa !to in. Judaishi" . ' . Atlisfllsaia ity, we learn • froai Dean I CL I]:Sn3oadeon's rcpert, - the; : h ~htzi vel^olssiic rccoM • tlurlng Cila year's Bprfag Ression was piled sip-by the Sigraa Alpha Ma frntcrsity, while second place. \7ca4 to Phi Seta-Belta . . . Shcsa Crro cro the only -Jewlah fratemi* HiQ oa.the cronpus . . . Note to the Publicity Separtntcnt of tho


••^H>jr-f!i'% a !» n «rs > >s" i irjK:

.GLASSWARE Taa latecsS CB3 ne=2 cca?Iclo lino ever fJiona ia Cfosdis. Becstifo! Sock Crystal Cutters ^ 75 pattenu to edest frsp. Bcrxtifel vat Crestal fross.Mislead. Tfc2 Libbq? Sric^-s iico off Table cad Bar is^rare, Ccaiplsto Has c£ Hcisey 0Ias3, cclo*ca taljla ctsS kitcaca-




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Gravn soon ox? BCEE




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lu a detiiu-tati effort t& -motion plclixte Muses, miJls, fee* tories aad prirate fou&iaeis firias i iL.lci££.l dLoritrb. »~ Lfc.3 Htilo rtasji to iLxw were tafeea mtt fey tho i r o n iil.«Q f i G t - i J*l.lCSi.C£>...i'6 Gaar<i <ter£ag the we-efc-t'id. ." u ^ c s o_ 1 „„'& iii YI-.W of tix ' TUB liumber of Jewish casual* tt-ft ^hc ii'h ^ g cj ts ic- ties was kept down by trie fact tiist Kuiaeefsa Jews hs,i bkeu warii,e;l to keep elt tee fctreets off t! ^ ua.iftit.-rtice out- during the elaborate, three - &ky Lrc Jfk, *Jtit not uifccttil by itu- ceremonies for CGirej-aa, which took place in a t old Greek Ortho* dox ciiui'cii in the center of the Ezact figures of the number of Rumanian ca&ital. Jews killed ia tlis riots were UBtbtainalle because of the tight The Jesuit Gafcriel Malagrida censorship ciaia&ed down' by Ru-. was buraed et M&mn. for saying raanian authorities sliortiy after the earthquake'of 1755 was a the start c-f the disturbances. puiiiehmfcnt for the activities of iTews fa Koiiktes the Inquisition. Greeu-sblrted I r o n Guardists Sir Julian Goldsinid terved z.% invaded gyaagoguea and Jewish- deputy epeater of the Britisli owned Iiomea in many of t h e House of Commons. emaller to-WES aad cities and terrorised tho Jewish populations. Windows of Jewish shops were FOR RENT smashed and property Etolen, C&H Iferriey IT6-8. Three Jews were murdered tit Targusorul aeai* Ploestl. Apparently, the Jews had taeen tortured, the newspaper Univereul reporting that their "disfigured FOB RENT'— iVo ' rooms &ffi«l kitettea, liodieti" were found lu a ditch fwi-nMicrlj utilUtea y a i d . near the Ploestl highway. Similar outrages were reported from othe? cities. Jewi&h-owned


By DR. THEODORE U. LEWIS t. L*ivl L.\j>k>fcvJi


GKEAT JEWISH "WOMEN, KLMA found in tike closing chapter of ' • K If B Ii I C K LEVIN&KR, I.5» the Book of Proverbs, only one I'AGEH, HERMAN'S JEWISH j of many, £3 unsurpassed ia the world's literature, gigciiica&t and BOOK HOUisK, gl.EO. CiiristiaK apologists delight to highly illuminating is the Biblical Icsj&t that Judaism assigns wom- injunction which places the honor an a place inferior to tltat of man. of the Mother along HHB that of Tills claim is accompanied with the father. Here is equality, genthe assertion that Christianity has uine and substantial—where it is freed women from the low posi- crucial, in the home. tion uhe enjoyed uader Judaism T h i s remarkable exportation and la the synagogue; that Chris- and admonition lias served to-offtianity lias eaianeipated her. This set and to nullify many a primihas been repeated so often and tive provision. with such monotonous regularity That the tributes of the sages that it has come to be widely ac- were from the daily life cepted almost ia all circles as of thederived people both in high and true. The popular belief Is that low station clearly revealed by Christianity has delivered vronian the galaxy ofia noble which from the low Etatus provided for appears on the pageswomen of the Jewher under Judaism. ish history. It is this galaxy of The above Is absolutely errone- great women, recognized and acous* both on the subject of the claimed by their people, which enslavement of woman under Ju- forms tho subject of this simpl daism, and on her emancipation elementary, but highly Instructive under Christianity. The simple volume. truth Is that few religious leadMrs. Levjnger lias selected her era of any importance have ever heroines with discrimination and beld BO low an opinion of woman good Judgment. The' thirty, or g,a did Paul, the founder of the BO, portraits delineate women Christian church, and that BO one names are familiar and belias written and agitated against whose in Israel, and in many inlier with such obssesslve resolu- loved stances, all over the world. tion as he did. The volume opens with brief No one has nurtured In the sketches of fourteen Biblical charsaalo the sense of Ills superiority acters such as Sarah, Hannah, over the female as did Paul, who Esther, etc. The role each played gave this prejudice of his divine in Israel is emphasised and the authority. To blra woman was beneficient influence held up os not a person with a character an example. and with rights to be respected. ffalmudlc Times A female waa primarily a means The second part entitled "In of sexual gratification end there- Talraiidic Times" covers the per fore, low, unworthy, a source of rlod from 70-700 A. D., and deals Bin, and evil, and a perpetual with several prominent women snare to tiie male, endowed from who have become famous both in On High -with authority to rule history and in legend, such as over tho female. Paul's attitude Rachael, the wife of Aklba, Bertowards sex constitute^ an ever- uria, the wife of Rabbi Meyer, lasting reproach to woman, and etc. to man. "In Later Days and in our own Sano Viewpoint Times," the Third chapter, covJudaism approaches the subject ers the period from 1492-1S30. of sex and the placo ,of woman The women we meet hero will from an entirely opposite angle, striko mo3t responsive chords In though Its traducera, will never tho hearts of tho readers, for tho recognize and never admit this. names aro in many Instances modIn Judaism sex is neither sinful ern a n d American, something nor vile nor wicked, and neither which all young readers will apis woman sinful, vile nor wicked. preciate. Some of these outstandTho attitude of Judaism towards ing women p l a y e d conspicuous sex and towards the function of rblea in tho life of their loval woman in eociety is not only sane American and Jewish communiand healthy, but essentially mod- ties. ~ • ern. Every American Jewish boy and Only one element in the'anti- girl should bo acquainted w i t h Semitic attack on Biblical a n d such famous figures as Rebecca Talmudic legislation regarding Gratz of Philadelphia," who was woman is true, namely that legal- the inspiration for Walter Scott'a ly the female is;inferior to tho "Rebecca," in his Ivanhoe; of male. The,legal inferiority pre- Emma Lazarus whoso poetic tribscribed by the Bible the Talmudic ute to the Statute of Liberty and sages, dlslllted and, v/herever pos- to the nobility of tho American sible, circumvented or openly vi- ideal still remains unsurpassed; olated it.. Howovor, before one to Lena Strausa, and to Sophia should remember, first, .tho primi- Irene Loeb, both of whom worked tlvo character of some of the Bib- for tho underprivileged children lical legislation, and,, secondly, of New York. tho spirit in •which' these ancient The last character portrayed la provisions were' enforced. that of Sarah ChislJe, "a lover of * Both, tho dato of tho Biblical Palestine." Tho name of Sarah law and Up method of application Cliisll: will' be permanently cnor interpretation by; the rabbis iskrinecl la tho hearts of.Palestinaro of transcendent importance, ian Jewo as ono who E»VO her life tho latter poc3ii>Jy idoro so than in tho defence of, tho Holy Land. the law .itself. ' Tho lav/ was ex- Tho story of her advonturo wad ecuted not in accordance with the nor mcrtydom should norve aa an letter, but the cpirlt. inspiration to .all Jev/s, add to ell It Is hero 'where "the Jev/lch men and women who lovo freewoman almost achieved equality dom. •with the male. The rabbis could Thic volume constitutes a r.7el" not abrocato tho Biblical lav/, but come addition to our religious they did Only too often nullify, it, school libraries. Those of our or suspend it. When-the gror/-» boyra and girls w h o will read ing recognition o£ the rights of about- t h e s 0 renowned Jewish women bocarao accepted amongst women will experience prido and tho people, conothlnc which tho joy, and, lot ys hope, find reason 'rabbis heartily welcomed, t h o for faith la thoir peoplo and in ancient laws became la operative, their religion. G dead letter. The- character o£ Barabacs in Rabbinic' literature is literally Katlowc'o "Jew of Malta" ia probfilled with'moving tributes" to tho ably based on tho lite of Joseph wife and motlier and tho ono Kasl, "Duke 0" NaxoD.




(Coiitmued from Page 1.) rested 34 persons suspected of J>eIcg Gestapo agents. The report eaid that sise persons injured ia the exjilosicMi remain confined to the hospital while 13 others escaped from the hospital despite their injuries. Of those aboard the Patria at t h e time of the explosion, 1,771 came to Palestine aboard the etesmfihips Pacific and Myles. Moat of those oa the ill-fated vessel lost all their meager possessions in the disaster and relief work is now being undertaken throughout Palestine. The experiences suffered by the refugees, shunted from port to port, has left most of them in a weakened condition and in need of medical care. British officials have given no indication of what will happen to the refugees next. It is not known whether they will be interned at A t h 111 indefinitely or whether they will still be transferred to another British possession.

2d Floor Kecuiitico Bldg. .Phone AT 0332 idili end Par

LAliSBS 65E i W

l ? cr tho H o l i d a y o— Give, Yourselves a Complete. Heglamorkatlon, '- FRANCO END CURL

(Continued from Page 1.) from Budapest that 2,000 persons, many of them Jews, had been slain in Iron Guard outbreaks and that Iron Guardista h a d fought pitched battles with Rumanian troops at some points. Tho same agency reported that 200 Jews and Leftists %vere murdered at Plocstl.)JAttlo Confidence Rumanian Jews took little comfort In Gea. Antonescu's safety pledgos elnce tho Iron Guard has deiaonatrated that It has a free hand In Rumania* Iron Guardista invaded Jewish districts in many Rumanian cities, Including Bucharest, Galat and Ploestl, assaulting Jewish mea and women and plundering their homes. Tension throughout Rumania was heightened by reports t h a t General Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, chief of the German Supremo Command, wan en route to Bucharest to supervise Nar.l




* Mr. Marco n

-*Mr.'"Joseph ' *Mr.;Sam


•*Miss Vesta May ®llioaThorp© . • Lo&k'Wom


. ^ilr. fcltoloff .. -.'

. * M r . F r a n c o ' - : ••••






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t; a u T^ufb Goldstein, - *L! 1 t «.ct, fies Moines, u. ^ ^ t! , « * «gs.£&eot and ap11 c u d" »1 - i ? m January of t* t. ig <- <£ Tonia Gold£h. t« I i tt, „ i Tv,tein, son of J. j . '. t«< *< n&tein Apts. ' i u1 > L \ i t i tttesd^d the I'litt ., i c ' i 'ii-Aea and Illinois r id if> v*iui-t' ' «itn Alpha EpsiU , i > l £a!( myf Hr. Bolstein is d t i a i u Sc ft t »t- Uaiverslty o£ V/i" u'i «iid fj atfiHated With

Itabt-i Sol I. BolotuikoV returnKnowa the world over as a lec- ed from Chicago last Tuesday turer. Dr. l)uun&r f3 making his where he attended the National th cosst to coast lecture tour sad Convention of the Mizracht Zion<,l M W) tit Auu .' takh, i< ( ib r will appear "ia Bloux City at theist m o s t exteiLt»»c ; ^ ' ; ?i> cc >, Organization of America as o thv " of t e Ntw i, on. Jewish CcnaiiiUiiffy Center Deceoi- representative p a i g n i n i t o J : f o r / , iu.*if, r •' *<-_; ot the Sioux City i l ber 5. This program will be free Chapter. Ho also attended a board e d a g o a l o t 12". ^ > ) i nttci Httaiint to tin ucito ytu&u& open to the public, M r E . N . Ln e& i<). - r > „ !£ meeting of the midwest regional. t t..'i tf>c lo-'al en tip \iill Lr 11 if a c h a i r m a n , ) \'-> t t - t i t>. t i. ^ Reports will be given by the Rabo»iu c'iifi v.wi, Gco*et V. litiiuy, m o r e t h a n i n , . I N J I ,i t 5\ i U l bi to the local Mizrachi organizaJ»., uoulmuey us Moderator of Jy i n i p o r t i iii ilit i t » » . t f ' 1! r * l e ' tion. "Aiaerica'3 Town Meeting- of theSam Goldberg J e w i s h ias!< . 1I_.I, tc >rtk t i e Air," which is broadcast every B ' n a i B ' r i i s ' ><> L - t t o i ' Died on Tuesday Thursday evening over the NBC Jr. Congregation1 :" He states that within the next coast-tocoast Blue Network from Mr. Baia Goldberg, ,1512 Myrtle mouth practically awry Jewish 8:35 to 9:30 p. in. (Central street, died last Tueslay aad was Jr. Congregation will meet Satman over 21 years of age will be The regular laontlily meeting Standard Time.) buried same day at the Floyd ursay morning at 10:45.jR.ftbbI asked to sign a membership ap- of the Sioux City Section of the cemetery. Itabfel II. It. liablno- II. Ilabiuowitsi will" continue the. plicatiou. New'members are being National Council of Jewish Wom? j j,{; tn l • t week. Refresh^ Mitz, Uithhi is. 1. jJolottlit'OV, U:i(l t Bought not only in Bioux City, en' will be held 'on Monday, De; vil (JO tc:ved by Mr. and Cf.ntor x'eiiiick uftidatcd. . ' J i A. Z..A. News but also in the adjoining terrl- cember 2, at 1 o'clock at the Jewan lUMtiu,: iii honor of the o i j iucludu Mrs. Dma tory. With the campaign only a ish Community Center. tutth H n h L y ul tbeir son, AvitLCl t W O fcO«~iS. The last AZA meeting was Li Id week old, already twenty percent The meeting will be opened by lO-'il. of the goal has been achieved, and the traditional lighting of tho on Wednesday night, November 20. Plans were discussed concernMr. Grueskin expressed coni'i- Chanukah Menorah. Mrs. II. It. Ivre dence that by not later than the Rabinowltss will light the first ing a rally to be held to get more AiJ L\ f&nse first of the year the Sioux City candle followed by Mesdames 3. members. This membership diivo fialojflca, (,'rtcct(JTA)—JewThe Ivro club will h o l d its t odge will have Its 125 new mem-Bolotnikov, Jacob Brown, Mas will begin soon. All boys between Ue\/ l ' c u s vurty at tho ish vicn-l,vad i J«ave made a first the ages of 15-21 are urpc-it to bers. . Rosen&tock, L. J. Kaplan, Phillip drach* hotil. Oue hundivd In- cjutiHuitioit of 1,000,000 r A2A. vitrdiohy h; 4 vc ljCt-ii . • A d - into to tLo natioii.-U %'.ar subscripThe prlnicpal, but no'means the Sherman, Jack Robinson, and H.join AZA is preparing a team for the tion, it \»aa aiiiiounced. , only, function of B'uai B'rith is S. Novitsky. basketball tournament to be held mi ttamo is by iiuitutlou only. to protect the good name of the Mrs. Nate Gorchow will give in Des Moines the latter of Jew in the United States today. the invocation and the program A In Mr. Giueskin's opinion any or- will consist of songs by Cantor December. Shelton Singer is preganization which is based upon a M. Pernick accompanied by Miss paring an oration for the tournaprogram of that kind can, expect Sarah Sadoff, and a report on the ment and is also working with IT to receive 100 per cent coopera- National Tri-enuial convention by Hubert Friedman on a Jewish deMi bate question. tion from the Jewish people of Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, President, V TASTES the United States. who will also1 preside at the busi- AZA is now holding their meetings every Wednesday night at ( BETTER ' If the Sioux City Lodge does ness meeting. 7:30 and urge all young fellows achieve its quota, it will have Mrs. Morris Weil and Mrs. Bar- of AZA age to attend. one of the^ largest lodges in pro-ney Rosenthal, head of the lunchportion to available members of eon committee which is composed [ J^Z.. any B'nai B'rith unit in this part of the following: Mesdames ReuSEsansre Zlon of the country. ben Miller, Joe Rosenthal, WilOne of the highlights of theliam Gilinsky, Iss Shindler. Tom This Sabbath will be designated campaign will be an address De- Ivener, Jack Semsker, Sam Cohen as Young Peoples League Subcember 11 to Bloux City B'nai and Robert Sacks. A special blue bath. Mr. Perry Qsnowits: Y.iio atB'rith members by Phillip M. plate luncheon will be served. tended the conference at MinneKlutznick of Omaha, President of Mrs. Leon Dobrofsky and Mrs. together with Mr. Norman District Grand kodge No. <i ofBen Appelson are in charge of apolis, and Mies Fannie Rosoft'ty B'nai B'rith, in which Mr. Klutz- decorating the tables. There will Satin will speak on the subject "Jewish nick will point out the absolute be an exchange of small gifts Youth Today." necessity of obtaining more B'nai among those present. Dr. M. Bernstein and Tlr. B'rith members. George Shindler will act as ho:_:t3. The campaign of the Sioux City All young people are cordially inLodge is part of the national Women's'"League vited to attend. membership campaign being conduGted by all B'nai B'rith Xodges ld Orthodox throughout the United States. B'nai B'rith leaders everywhere Over 125 women attended the Friday night services will start ivave expressed confidence that November meeting at which time the Jewish people will rally to a report of tho original midwest at 4:50 and in the morning at 9 •/A-'i» the support of the work being conference was re-enacted by theo'clock. Rabbi Sol I. Bolotnikov *"'""'' tj will speak at the Tiphereth Israel done by this organization. following delegates: Mesdames t>. synagogue, J. Kaplan, Jack Lassman, Sara services. during the morning Kaplan, Meyer Shubb, Reuben Miller, Milton .Muahkin, Morey Lipshutz, Robert Sacks, Sam Law Office Weiner, A. B. Friedman and H. ALFRED A. FIEDLEB R. Rabinowitz. .'••" Ceurt House .'•' Omaha, N The ne,xt meeting of the Women's league wil-lbe on December !n tho NOTICE Ofr*'INCORPORATION OF Junior Hadascah and Young 17 in the form of a Chanukah : "ADVERTISING SEKVICKS, I N C . " do lhiE^3—you can Judaea participated in the Jewish tea at which time all Jewish National Fund Flag Day on Sun-Women of the city are cordially 1 ICHOW AJLL MEN BY THESE PRESca you pul youf clicsp that the undersigned have formed day, November 2. After a break- invited; A skit called "The etern- ENTS a corporation under tlia !av?s ol 11» o to ! fast which was donated by Riddle" will be presented. All State of Nebraska. The name of th!3 corporation s n a i l ba "ADVERTISING} Barney Baron,'Mr. D, L. Rodin presidents ".will participate. SERVICES, INC.," vvitli »ts principal placa gave a pep tails. ;' • , : of ousiness at Omaha. Nebraska. Tbo ELECTRIC A prize, given to the team general nature of the business to bs Wow Is tho iirio to get Uiat transacted and the object and purpoio tit Which collected "the most money, whlcia this -corporation ia organised and •was won by Mareella Altmarii olcsMe £ronc7 ter 2haU be to (naliitain and ens gage In an "agency for t h s " purpose of Shirley Cohen and Annabelle Em. Elects Officers established ot raceSc?)—nor/, u A [ U i t i < . i < t (A Lu f, ii W S i o u x O t v j / . , t j.'fj 5CS o fA l i . i it, B ' n a i B ' r i i h I .& j - t .'. U L ih A hit IUH f^l t L u fcaiilt. j t f !



ibctes Khiheia havo £im


.-•-.•• • • , • • ;


. •.

planning, producing, and distributing Gen-

Bdvcitislnsr and publicity in a!l «ts A general meeting of the mem- eral Co-Chalrman for Flag ; Day, forma through all recognized: media, and to servi merehandisiDg couri3clow, to which will be extended another bers of the Tiphereth Israel was buy, sell, as and convey property, both Sunday, are Sally Weinstein and held last Sunday afternoon at the real and leaae, personal, and to (!o any and Sophia Sluts!:*'. , • : synagogue. Reports of the years atl things necessary or incidental to Uic exercise of the • aforesaid' powers of tho • The committee wishes to ex-activities and the president's re-corporation. The authorized, capital otocK press its appreciation for the gra- port were given. shall bo 510,000.00; all of sakl ctoct New officers and the board of shall be fully'< paid.-up and nqn-acsenacious way in which everyone 'resaid EtocK Bjay. be- issued for each, sponded and also to- those whodirectors were chosen. The follow- able. real estate, • personal "property or .personal ing are on the board of directors; services. Tfca corporation shall cosicicftto v.*cre so kind <*ri> to contribute their bUfslncES upon ths filing of Its a r M. Lazerowich, II. Lr-zerowich, doing '€arw and time.' wltti tha County Cleri: of Douglas Sam Lipman, A. M. Shulkin, M. tlclea County, rJebraslca, end c M l continue for Resnick, Sam Marsh, R. Herzoff, a poriod of fifty years from cald date. highest amount of ladebtcdncea thall M Banquet Z. Kriv, Sam Reetie, A.'Saitlln, Ed Tha exceed t v o - t h t r ^ of Us -crpital stocU Shafton, Sam Sampson, I. Lcvine, not but this restriction thai! not apply to Given for Newsier S. Baker, H. Gclfan, Charles Bar- Indebtedness cecurca by raottciE" or lieas ricks, S. Ratner, J. .Fall:, and P.upon any of tha corporate) property. Tha nffalrs of this corporation Khali fca Tho Sfoux City Newsboys-were Rubin. Refreshments were nerved mansccd a EcartJ at Directors ot cot CjxJn tJio guests .of the business by the -Ladies Auxiliary of thoIcjj (han by two mcmb':r0. 1i;o anaual-jnoctrn:l pnjforsional men in the city congregation. inn of V<-i corporation cUa!! bs Jic!;l on tho . . cscond llosday In Koyembcr of each ycr.?, (it ft TJ'-aufcpftfving Banquet held c.t iTl'.icti iserUns ths «oc:dioWcra tilcll *?hxir. dJiy at - 12:30 at the Jacljcicct a EoisJ of Direstnrs end tli:rtupo3 t}i3 Go;srd thrill elect irora aams fhua ton Hotel. ?!r. A. M: Davis, chairJunior ffladessah a President, Vicc-Pfc:!Ccat, Secretary nv,.l r<icn of the Newsies Fund, 'wela Trctrurcr. Any two of ;3fd cfilcci cjr;y eorjri? the Kcwr-lcs. Judge Bro"»n- Junior Kadacsah r/ill hold ito bo h*.l" by otis o£i" ifco.canis szrcoa C J the ortics oa' iin P r e s e n t and Vic;ti-s r-'ive the Thanksgiving mes- Board meeting on Thursday eve- CCT.: President tlrt;i tho first rasstiPC of t t a fn-rc ,-mcl main addrass. Mrs. Samning, December 5, at S o'clock at Doarc: cf EirtctoK tiia •toila\~'>~,'; raaij .L'cicr. raus several selections. csr.-o r.s olt',"'~ta ot c:,'A corjsorstlsn: the Jewish Community Center. ETartla I'., f,'p«::lerf Pre;iecat ar.J SzsS'oIJowIn/T the dinner and pro- The Pald-Up LTemborshlp Party ty. £r,»u, Tis'j I.'ewsies were guests of vdll bo held in tho form of n din- ::r.:se S. IIRCX, Vice-PMsMsnt n a d 'S'.'tr.•••• '! I.OVT at the Orphoum:?or at ULQ I31!:'o Club, p.ftc? which Tl, -T .TC?. aa e/eoinc'a eatcrt*.!niii0B; -URC crrjl"? C-L- frcMr4 rr.jct:^." oC Uss Etcs:-.v > > - • - i?--cember 2 and conbeers plnuccct, by the coiamiltc c ;" r o u t the Winter heated hy Rose Coly.a, cj*.a:rB»nu. ."'nvlsli "Community • Zilzs .T?n , L-c!?OwieIs, - mcn?;5riizy ot 1 O-'X"~; '- - - ' i ;--•cocoa aad rolls Ehip cliaictic-.n, ur^on all rAvti to -- J.rasi 5:50 to" 7:39 pay thci'." dir:^ to tint ilior can , Hn the ' v t .".'::» '.-I participate ia this party.. ll-15-5S-«t. gft JJ.I '\-c L I P E D A. • tl^DL-

flics cad £;c;-2 «,.;D ca u£i:r3 yoa'vo fccca o ao. Mato M a pokit to vldt your olcc'trlc deale? cooa cad c;o Lor; cscily you ctaa Hvo Gvoa Bc'.tcr—clocliiccdly, Sos!




TJjousanis'of Omaha homss cs*o enjoying bc?tcr tiving clceJrio'niiy bscsuss eloctrleiiy Ja now cheaper then over before. Your rates havo {jean redased msra


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