December 20, 1940

Page 1


l e t t e r ©«*'January El.-ISSJ.,'ct tj t&\, the Act of M§,rch S, i&?r

GMAIIA, KEURASKA, FRIDAY, UrCk'fJhH? itd, 1 0 4 0

VOL. XVIII—No. 9 •

Fed* Governors - • To. Meet Dec,



The first meeting of the Btnad of Governors of the Fedeiolion for. Jew^eli Service will be l»dd on Sunday, momtag, Beceiabei 29, at-tlis Jewish Community Ceater. .. . Some 120 members, representR&bbi Bernard E ing local Jewish" organizations -and Will Occupy the comrflucity at large will meet Pulpit to discuss the reports of the activities of the constituents of tlie Chat p services lionoriiig t h e Federation, &ud to elect 15 nieine, 1445, Booth OmsJi&,' 'Beta Welt* -Tjsu frfctemity will las bers of the Executive Committee .8 cltfuiev B'litU, i «icl held next Friday, Decesnifcer 27, of the Federation. 0111 Pliillp the evening of the Biittininl con- Organizations are urged to fiend last Onudisy tttei t the Disin to the office of the Federation Ktatsiiiielc, [iitsi( '• vention, et Tei«t>Ie Israel. the fh'st Rabbi Bernard C. Ehrenreieli the names of their representa- trict Cjraud IJOC tueetlug. ' .• Of Chicago, one of*the founders tives. Henry Monsky, president of the ©f,2eta l:biu Tau, will (Salver a Supreme Lodge, was principal speaker. New officers of the Lodge who were installed are: Harry Dworsky, president;''Goodman Meyerson,'firet vice-president; Michael Colin, second vice-president; Morris Franklin, secretary; Anton AdSail B o a t ler, treasurer; - Albert Oruch, monitor; and David Flancheek, U p i n ';• ; guardian. Trustees are: Sam Canar, Max Sacks,' and Melviii Martin.



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ber 2S, it will lie i»tic . w> i t U s ' , t t;tfOi.iitiiU' 't>l*i tliat all material tor the IU if t L « ; • ) . ( { U s l i | f i h ( ! f i y cemhuv &1 fssuo of THH JUV/. (u ti •?-(, iw'.'ii K I'0i? i l « « 1BH FltlOSS should !«» in tU» J office l*y 4:S0 it. ia. «m 'i'\» ,• *fit £. t , I<«n day, l>cceir«S>tT 8-1. M a t u h J i s ceived &ttev tliat tluio < , , Ibe jJuWisiietl until tlw foHon1ii of tKo tiij_€ I ,( ,m- Hotel, ing' week. . . Mi,'1, tfiii Co/m ;a dinii'm.'.-n f>l "-. News for t h e issue of tl^nti- Iho comi.iiUcc- in char;:t- o: Uus avy 8, mast be In tho VUV. birthday cc-lobrutloji nnd Mra, J.

J J 3 W i S p PR1SBB

at t i e r


4:S0 p. m. Tuesday,

,rJ' t are: I.A'daiiu-H J),t\"« :llicrw:ui, J. Goldwuiv, JulliiH Kewm:in, ]J. A. Onion, M. I1'. Jjcvt-nson, Ii. Ofaoif, M. ii. Htorn, ikiiii' tiol Jl. OfMii, ii. JtlppH, Albbrt N(;wrian, Moniu l:a:-nl«»k, J. J . (''rlodinai), A. V>. llubiilu, Roso friedoj), A. Voiujei1, U. Jif^hibcuf. JulluB Ahralu mi on, Jljtuio Mild* IT, Bon U r o d lr tj y, ;uul RJius l l Tlio lift* rnonn'jj i,ro;;r:iiu -All be on ii r - jtiioti^ th«>isie. Th<> n n u o (If ITi-nrl tl'i f>:".'>!(! v. HI b« illumit'ocl wltii f.i"dloa \,hl"'h v;ill b e lit ft t i t " ?!'•• Inniiwr oi I'll- p<-reii.-'i,/. 'i <i <> vlll l» • • Hteih loy



M. l'i'niti'Ui i u c l i f i j y o o f t i i h l e d e c Ol'iltlOnH. •.),.' K \ . l l O Will i l S -

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C h i i n u t c l s e . « , - " » . " ' .• ^-i '•'•', • • r e l c h , v / k o v a a t i ' i L k u i < l I: i-J r <-i


Because* owr i«ir«t; tLnj

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Lttcal onor y*tit:ndzf of

tt-ttu.bul (WN8). ~ • At least Dr. A.- Greenberg, past presil Km of»(an Jewish refugees, dent of the; District Grand Lodge,

itu i t'Jf«f: «0 c h i 1 d r © ii, were was"chalrman of the meeting and \ihcu u tiny and unsea* was named honorary president dllci.'; \essel, the Salve- Harry 15. Cohen, Omaha repret u t , \iliEiii \;r.s t r a s s p g 8 sentative on the Southwest Reg" it fi;;;«-i-s fioi&J i l u l g a r i a to-Pales* ional Council, also spoke. 43 inembers were Initiated into tlr.e, Itr<»!.«- a n d s a n k i a a' .'.hsr: ttoi.i In the Gri o'-Hrr- the lodge by the Degree team of thf Omaha b'n. i B'rUh. fftivpn of tho Council Midi's



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. . J » ' i . , ii . ».ii3 i . i n . i ii o u t . p !r..iiitic;' ,«,r",ir,7 jfl ^ i . u : !

i ti'j ." : t l i ' l '•>. i 51> «," I<y Kirn. l l . !•', Ltvi^icon, chaErhtuu the Montgomery, Alnbriii'1., coniood, clctLlur, tlu (Co:illmu.d on I'nfc C.) T gregation froui.lOfcvi to 1921, now and mudicil £.aj.| Iks. u-ftpl U.u ol !{""«> \,I:ir i!..- ' v it operate1! Camp Kawaga. at MinocT The 6©4cn c;ilinc vc£."cl, tqaii>1'c: iblc to 0'1,'rJj.- "/"„•,,•..-L-. yua. Wis. .tlou" by fiwlr^'Hlo, *l:-i. ry r.-.-.l ped with a cuall auxiliary motor • Henry Monsky, an honorary which broke do\/n at the height hJ k{'*j r.ctnal f'nthcr member of Zeta Beta Tau, will In- of the storm, vacs chartered by troduce Itabbi Ehrenreicfr. Pre- Jewish refugees who wro'excell1'crconn \/ho kno\/ Collator Lrvi ceding the service, tho Chanukah ed from Dobruja by Bulgaria, find it difficult to undcistand his lighta kindled by Loyal G. which recently recovered the terr.ction tinco he In 77 ycor.i old, Kaplan, president of tho Omaha ritory from Rumania. has no children \/ho could benoTogcthor \/ith Jovfsh coagro- fit by hie "Aryanination" and liv<-3 Zcta licui Tau Alumni club. , ~ " Overloaded * m; f.ll over the world, tho with hto 70-ypar-old wife, The religibua service will be According to reports reaching Beth LI nyiifiosuo will thlo ovo- nlonfj whoso maiden name ia - Cohen. u n d o r the direction of - Rabbi (Continued on Pi fjc 3.) nlnt, dedicate ita service to HenriThe Bikur Chollm Society will (Continued on Pago 3.) JDavld II. Wice. Local' Zeta Beta etta Szold. on the occrion of her sponnor the rhowiuK of the YidTau alumni will act aa ushers. eightieth birthday. dinh movie, "LOVP and foaerifico" Selectiona from" Handel's oraon n.'ituiday and flunday, Dccom* Mlas NcJl Ziff, outgoi«(r ^resitorio, "Judaa Maccabeus," will be her 28 and 29, ;;t the Jowlsih Comdent of tho National Junior Ila' cung by the choir under the dimunil;- CJcici'. danrah wlH-addrc^s tho eonsregarection of Mar Schcuorman. Proci.cdb from the movio will Uon on "A Trilnite to Henrietta Following tho service, a recepbo uncd by tho Bikur Oholim for Szold." nii-a Uiff will upcak on the tion held In the lower auii.'i health and hospltallzntioa probaaia of close personal ttKsoclation ditorium toltonor the guest rabLI ,L-'.ihl. Next Friday evening services of with Mita Scold. Mica Ziff la a and vMting members of Zota Beta the Beth El Synagogue v/ll! besister of Cantor and Mrs. Aaron "Love and Sacrifice" pliii'cd by Ton. a drtiv/n from tho Yid-lifili conducted, by. the Beth El Youth Edgar and during her atay in group. Dr. -Morris Kertcer, profes- Omaha wllL be their house guest. • Ben Kazlownky war, rc-elfctud ria,';c, ic tho 'slory of niolhei' Jove, sor of Religion at the Univerclty - Reaponslvo rc.idtngo, appropri- president of the City Tahnud I'rincipal rolr') JUO ti±cn by Lazar 6t Iov/a" and head of the Hillel ate to tho .evening, will be led by Toiah for the third competitive l-'rcpd, i;V\v of "Yosho K:ib," Jint\ llore Greenfield. Foundation at . Iov/a City, will Miss rortlia Slutsky,'president of terra. •• • opcak on"."Jewish. Youth Face3 a tho Omaha chapter o£ Junior HaOthcra named are: I. Coldda&cali. •. . Troubled World." vicc!-pro::ldcnt; Iiliii. "ULS Kabul David A. Goldstein will iitein, Tho following- will conduct the fcc."rctary; sitid JM. iiatstcrvica: Corrine . Wohlner, Yale speak on "Thoso T/ho Serve with 1-Vomkin, Members of tho Both 141 Con-Trustin,"llicluird '-Newman, and FalthfuhicLj." Cu^tor VME&T o\ul man, trcaniucr. Dr. Phil!]) Cher in honorary gregation wit gather Thursday Stuart the choir will conduct the service. president and Mr. 8. Itnvll" is A GIvMiukuh Tea danco ~./ill bo evening, December 2G, at G:30 for honor.'ry vice-president of the hold bundr.y afternoon Si'oin 2 lo tho first congregational dinner, in TcliVd Tor.ih. 5 at the JCN. IGII (JoranuxtUy Centho new synagogue. The Chanu,'f !!•: OJiicJo r.'unibi'rj of the; board ter. The dan-jo in bun;; eponroved ' kah supper is being eponcored by include inbi)S Iniiiah Rsirhovr.Uy, by tho aotlvltlc." deprvrtmont oi tho ' the Both El Auxiliary. , llabU R Fc-IJsiKin, Paul Vcrel, (Jonter for tliojj -.A\o enjoy uocifil Circles in chargo of the dinner and Ilciuy Jloncky. dancing. . are: 2, headed by Mrs, • David The dance will follow two epecSherman' and Mrs. I.Ioe Katelman; ially-arran.'jcd basket bs 11 .tames, C, headed by Mrs. "William Radufcaturlii™ A. Z. A. l«0 vr:..IJn, 1 Einor and. Mrs. Sam Stern; and Tp.vorn nnd A. Z. A: I ve. A. P. T. or lav/s. Secondly, the word Tito rtrr^ody o£ PolEMi Jc.vry 9, 'headed by Mrs. R. Bo'r.dy and Aduik:siou to both tho ,;:uncs as dc ;cril/?d by~ArilH.ni1 2'ic,jel- of :my Na-'i is-lav/. No properly Mrs. Leon Graetz. ' p.nd tho danco v;ill bo tv/enty-fi.vo or life la erieuijit. -Empty traetj bauns, Aldfi'man of Lodz:, I'olr.ud, Oil Saturday afternoon, DecemWinners of the drawing will be cents. Admlralou to either ono is 1 announced during tho " evening. and fu{>ltlvd from the Geatcpo, at appear in the Jewish quarters and ber 2S, thef boys and r™irln oi tho fifteen centc. Bingo and cards will bo played a public meeting r Friday, Decem- leave loaded .with bedding and Bath SI n; n-';n-*ue i-'ill '«» cnber 13, fit the nev. Lr.bor Lyceum. fiMfiit'.ire. J/ibor can bo demanded tcrtnincd at the nnnunl Chanul:<\lt later. Mr. Zlecelbaum was one o£ the at any or all hours ot the day" or party. two Jews on the committee of ni;;ht; Jev/s cannot travel from Tho pcirly will feature a protwelve thai directed the defense village to village" and deaths are nram and Raines. Refronhiacntn of Warsaw, and was held by tho so fre(iu?nt, burial iz in the street, vrill be served. The service v.'ill Nazis'as a hostage for months. He Hold, or even yird. Leo Dover of Ntv'i'or;;, ^enconcluded by "Haydallah" and escaped across Germany in tho A tltird factor utilized by the bo oral reorotary of Eota Beta Tau the Chanukah c a n d 1 e l h "The Hoosier .Schoolboy," star- gibG o[ a German ?cr.sant. A Nazis lc "collectives responsibiltrateraity, is arriving to-lay to ring Mickey Rooney, -will bo v/eek after ho'•reached Bolgium, ity." The "crime" o£ one Jewservice. • completo pl.ini for the forty-secshown Friday afternoon, Decem- he fled the Gcrntau inx-acion to i- tho "crime" of all.r "Under this n ond-cnnunl convention of the frnber 27, at -2:30 as the second .of Paris, only to fleo again to Tou- theory, n Jo~ and a Polo Temple Cbar'v .'.cl\ torally which Is to opon December - tho special children's programs louse where hundreds of other Jjcd an ."U?rc<*.l!o;i in whic'i the Party \lc~S. Tr^rikiy •AS. anti-Nazi refuse;." hv.d gathered. Paic- •./::- iijjurjc], every mm. In .Tho annual ChanuhaL ^arty oC being arranged by - the Jewish Jomca Katcriirn, also of Ner* lo -was rescued froai Franco by tiie a-jiirlcvzit, in front o£ which Community Center. " " " -' : tl'.o'Tomplo I~r;;t-1 1^3lif;ioua School vdl!. MConmlttse. the argument took V(p.i" •.,ill bo hcW n S:15 Tu. -1; y af- Yorlc, rations! prcL-id^jii, In addition .to- this film, there tho -Jevirfi -Lal*3v 1 tTSiOO--. Dccf-'".>r !:•*. at tl;o rrya j;o^icllr;3 uc:ct wtt :. Iifr. Zie/relb«i'Um r'rotched Tour shot." will bo a short cartoon, "A. Boy'a Eta 3cta TAU, -,lio 4,1.1-3; n > 1'Itiir, .dcrc'lrtior.- »\r« also r >T-iU'i'-lo.Pal," Community Singing, and Re- factors counted upon by Hitler lo 5! freshments. . . . _ .!~o and .destroy Polish liod upt-u t-- ; ""Tt rcJii;!5..-4,v~ A" i" c.s't5i.i: v. i ?ico .T-^'jvaia iUr;i?l Jov.J.ih. i S'.'i hr,B, Admission v«ill bo ten cents for JevTy.'Tho la'-"" oi I2:a"land pro-; IT. ^r.tii'o Joi/i:.Ii cotiiunnitlu" arc hes btc-n arran;;(.;l and refrtsh- tljiriy-cnc eljanJcrR, S.ic iu ' T ; AIchildren and twenty cents for tcct doss ant! cr.ts 'ret not Jews. given tea lainutca p.cileo to kavo •ncnts v/ili be et-rved. A Gift "ail T-Ir, Thetr. st tho Uah-crsliy e£ The Jews arc- outside the protecbe givca every child. adults.' (Continued oa Pa~e 3.) VL;U




Children's. Movie, 1 . Friday at Center



Tc'-zi Arrives

Friday, December 13,

TK£'i£¥/ISH PSESS by "Doc" M wMle "Cupie" /

21 22 25 27

!•; 5 ii t,tiit,



ui» ia the runner-up 4Co faeries.


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iS Li With £ EtrOHgr fli L -

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The Ho The S'n k i Empire C i... Pioneet L , « State Co-1 Clicquot C l l

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i at L u tl t ' c ii

In the last iri&tcli (;f l* •> < >t ..if gr, the Pioneer Uflii'.o L. , -it i >. I i t , cj.siiiai three weeks, < f t ' ... 033 to svs'eep all three gsuiet i it i t. £11 bottom iilace Clicquot Club JUOE.I-

1 S i 1 \ , G; < - t J

mcs. The Pioneers displayed the best shooting of the entire league, ia winning their first game by an Results ot tins week's bowling 818 to 7C8 scores, the second ''"drew ti o t^t tLi-ee teams a game game by a big U18 to 78S score, elosei to e«ia other, after the re- and the last game by an 873 to sults were tuhalutbd. 847 ticore.

"Burlington Adds. To Diesel Fleet

Chicago —- I. B, James, president and general manager of BurIn the feature match, of the lington Trailways, subsidiary of evening, the Smith Motor team . Leo Weitz, the anchor man of the Burlington railroad, announcthe Pioneers, was their top-man cut one game off of the league purchase of the third leading Wardrobes, when tbey with Ids nics 558 series; while ed today the to the bus coniparty's won two games from Moe Lins- Jack Melcher came out of his re- addition eent slump to turn iu a 518 series fleet .of DieseLiners, man's Perennial league leaders. for second spot. An order on General Motors calls for the delivery early next As usual, ike erstwhile league Dr. Moe iStelnberg', a new;addi- year of ten additional buses powleaders were the recipients of a ered with diesel engines and com24-piu handicap, which proved to tion to the league, tmrprised all pletely fiir-ccttditioaed. This will concerned vlteu ia his iuitial be not quite enough for them. bring this equipment up to BO Harry Smith's boys won the first debut be topped the losers with units a total cost of approxigame by the slim margin of 775 his nice 528 series, which fridud- matelyatone million dollars. ed a big 225 last game which was to 768, thanks to Tony Cofaa's Ru'rlington Trailways pioneered 188 and P a w l Steinberg's 182 the highest single game turned in all evening. Sol Yaffe was the in this new typo of highway opergame. second high inaa .with Ms ation with twenty-five (25) units series. ia June and July, 1939. . During The Wardrobes came back to the current year, fifteen (IB) •win thesecond game by their elita •'Snoop" says that he noted that more modern buses of similar demargin of 813 to 802. The deciding game of the series was won a few of the hoyt, took tip Fu.-nk blt'.n and 8>>cdilcutiou!j vero addby the Autosaen by the comfortable margin of 848 to 776. Paul Steinberg, the anchor man of the Automon, was the top man for the winners, when he put together games of 192, 196 and 200, for a big series of 588,



v ., i t - f « r



ed to t? s fleet. THe eider junt tl at Nazi Ct j <a y nould defeat J t i t ' .s f^j «. del *try cf u n i " t f e t ^ L i , -wC-M ' f 10) ~t\ * L ^ i _ . d t ' L M j ^ L cttcick on. f , ^ t i!i t J „ > t c United t » »iivifjle E n d 1 1 c v t c t t ' c a on ruy

' til « I c l l flilt-l vi lOi LOUKdleSS tc > tl" 1 ' ' Hitlci o j j i u t d cl! l t t c i c n t e s to u.t. Itclu^t li-ivc^ioj ot Giteee and

to'his scheme for a new crder iu Lisbon (WHS) — Ned Fueh- Europe, which provides for the rer Adolf Hitler departed from deportation of all European Jews bis U£ual procedure, making no to some unnamed African colony. mention of the Jews in ills U0~ minute tirade during" which he Pi-tiohiiis Our

leu tito ii-:£i3Ett of hECIJUlE



•Sllti CAU 'l'HAT GIVES YOU THE GOOD *1 «'Jc.4> JbLa On Ha ft**1 Ilc^t Tmtds) Allowaaco &£»


o u u ustib


CAH DEt»ARTto£iatt '



TEAM DEBUT The Kaiman Insurance bowling team, which is made up of five of tlie local Jewish bowlers, will make its debut this Sunday afternoon, December 15, at 5 o'clock, at the Farnam Bowling alleys, in the annual Farnam Alley tournament. The team and its averages, which will shoot at the maples this Sunday, are Phil Katzman/ 163, Sam Katzman, 153; Sam Zweibaclc, 1,68; Abe Feldman, 165, and Leo Woitz with 179. Their total team average which is 828 will be aided by an added handicap of 85 pins per game. The handicap is figured by giving 70 per cent of the difference of a man's average and a basic 190 average. Everyone ia cordially invited to come up and watch Abner's "Little Boys" in action this week. There is no admission charged, and there is plenty of room for all spectators. \

Q t Q c ? n B es QAMGD

which also topped the e n t i r e league. Tony Conn was the runner-up with Ills 499 series. (ELECTRIC TIMER AS SHOWN, EXTRA)

Abe Feldman was the top man for the losers with his 514 series, which, as per schedule, is the only 500 series turned in by the Moe Linsman's boys. Captain ,S a'm Katzman was the next high, with his 478 series. In the second match of the evening, the up-and-coming Empire Cleaners kept up their winning •ways by winning two games from the lowly State Coal team. The Cleaners won the first game by the margin of 792 to 737. The second game wan also won by the Cleaners by a 780 to a puny 654 score. The Coal boyo, after going into a private huddle with their "Cheese-Ball" artist and sponsor, Dave Frank, went strong to win the last game by an 825 to 731 score, thanks to "Doc" Morgan's fine 212 game. Believe it or not, Jack Fleishman, the B m p r r e 3* erstwhile "Doggie," was their high man this week when Ids "Crazy Hook Ball" helped to put together t h r e e came3 for a 475 aeries. Lee HurTi'lch was tied with Jack when he r.lso turned in a 475 series. The low!} State Coal team was

For more time away from ths kitchen . . . for many an, extra leisure hour-—switch to Westinghouse Electric Cooking this fall with a beautiful new "Harvester." No other Westinghome Range has ever offered so much in styling and features for so little money! Equipped with 3 new 5-specd Corox Units*?... 5-Hcat Economy Cooker . . . big True-Temp Oven with 2 Speed Heaters, Balanced Heat end Sisigle Bid Control... plus many other features especially designed to give you moso Joiauro timo.


•Nev/ S-:pccd Ccrcr; Units l«ct 30% faster—K3 229S tuna fr.xoin Cores Un".t3 cf other yead

ICE3 current


/ /




Xt'o Iota c? fun for everyor.3—and it's 3J2S3 to cdulla wills t t a lestc. No obligation—nothin3 to buy I Just stop in and C.Z'J: fcr the new "Blcndic* icca to Lci:urelrnd" Gsms. Bs cure end cc3 i f th "Kcrvc-iei" Z & ^



tins En "t'vzUd Acscrissna," £.'.D.C K _ g";c;X?;0:c:;j Every Jfcc:'.

\ w\ j/\J

VJfuuh 9*PIX .rr WHOLCGAtE

-J * ic^z

Friday, December 13, 1 8 4 0



¥/&gg, Srd, icigov Rtf J£

loir <s££kl*la of M-filv, fcvlt' li-w t

Fs.Es £tefe£s^3 iati Ls L&a L'ti

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«. ± t, Lt t-_ju. wI t s -

S a y s S a n DoaLtfc * T o Givfc Ha.vt.ui. tt*

Ji. ^a ( . I'tlt

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it,,* &f u - a t i c C

to tele tin, iattiatuc in New York ( t t A I S f e E Maria M. de XiujUlo, wito of • enlissimo 'Xrujillo, fannies? i^esf dent of the Dominican Hepatite, Who ts visiting New York, »e-

*, V . C

Lbllt? tLfe


l»6Jg, iSjrfcfcl&CUl 6 t lltfc I CS

Republic bettki^fc t e^SQ under vbobw tussi'fcuihb meut is libiug a^ae, tuct



t u l l ' l t * for !<£• Eii- v,t*. it 1J h i l u l1l xt' I if* Cik (t>.a will LO U / E^v'i^l l u t t i t t l t o Ltl£> k'J Of tLCii J&uiUt/ tO tLt) U>iU CJ WLO COiiirf WUh. t i l t i'j j u u tLs t l ifefafctCb tO IU6 UOli_-Ilt« ELII Itfc irttiliC."

ft u ttifc.1 LQ tfct* Ul>


Hollywood —• "Jennie" . . , previously called "Hell, Jennie" will be catalogued among the antiNazi films. It ia that in feeling . . . but the case against dictators fs so subtly presented as to result in a human, not a propaganda document. Ludwig Btossel, portraying the bnllet>headed Hitler of his own home,'.does «n-outstanding piece ot character eeting. Btossel is oaa of the refugees making important contributions to Hollywood product. ' . '


Did you know that Eddie Cantor . . . fceside MB regular radio etint . . . broadcasts two EXTRA programs a weeli to England to bolster British morale? Wtseaft ets©i3—Sr.t YOK? Crecsr

e. A. Monday a sad Tuesday Kites Res"rvet3 for Priv&Sa Fas-ties Skate to the SJtssle of Gst

Higlt SeJs


With SsrtMS t£n£MIsS!l&3 SUNISAV T

csi C&


Imported and \7alSpnper

£13 qc. -ccai st.

Ost&v Lovcnt p bavo finally decided on ill© fos.'"' of their Jotet leetnr« tosw—•• Oscar will tell folIxB *Qi8t "Tlio Origin of ilia llarp" — Hnrpo will illustrate!. AH verf tdghhrowt you kBow, with a ejjnrslcl© of langks -~4o keep t t e audlcaco BWSIIO. Topis of gi'eater drawinu-power would ho "flso prlsin.of Harpo." The Ritzea oa tlio frita: At a Palm Spring fur show Jimmy Hits did a bit of modelling-. . . slipped an elegant animal creation over his'bathing cult . . . Gag No. 1. Harry and Al . . » noting, tho possibilities . . . clipped a.soap bar under Jimmy's poise . . . Gag the* Second. The fur coat got dunked in the pool . . . The riotous trio will all have to take the "wrap" .and that's no gag.


© CoCftaso Csccoo

Pr -

j a sacs

So.. AT 2323


lairoesft ctocls of finisljccl Mcmorialo Omaha tsolssg s-edlsccfi a t cavisacG of - ©FEN SUNDAYS


V 121S So. 13th St.

4 .

The ontl«N&zl ler.gee is dcntend< fag Federal prcaceistioa of UFA, German flint coropaay, as vlolstora of too rcQiotrotton of foreisss Agents'-law. Ann Dvorak ... •. living In retirement on a : farm theso psat years ' Tesumea her career in London. Her husband, Leislie Fenton, was asked by the British to direct a picture, and he will use Ann as his star. After.all thoeo verbal tugs-one-ssiteuBa tho premiero of the Benny-Allen sillyloid will bo held ll in Wfiidce^an nor Miomi. Both' luive' coajpromised on Ucvt York becatiso of the Wsfc cos* v$ p g their respective bK>s3c£Eis, Hollywooddoings: Whisperers claita : Faulette haa left Cfej'-rlie'B cabin for-good . . . ira't Hvias there currently. The cous-t perraltis Elaine Barrio to uca the Barrymore monicker . . but'not as Mrs, for the present Elaine is trying to make a name for herself without any "more." Cbattey rumors the Jack Bennys' blis3 is sodding. Arthur Kober off the pr?.j3 ^ith anotlior Bronxish tome called, "Bella,'Bella, Kissed a Fella." Winchell's otherating Js tbo highest of all news "coiamentatora. ''A big-Siearted tea-per-eeater informs hiclients.'that if they should bo called for service duty, ho would not tale the usual commission out of their salaries! Lucli'y Carol Bruce ia scheduled to have Henry D Durbin) Kostcr as her firit t i 1 m director. George 3 . Stona re-entoro tlio sceHema ia Tho Face Behind tha Hacl'."




V/o Inatatl mad c h i n e s on Baoio on nu%f Gasa, Pia ^ other nRiMSesMeKt devicas. Call Hymie Zorinokyt Hobs-aska'e EAroost Vending Distributor.

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A luenl ci of tLo iUhi of 19S8 11/ JfRrJ. blJ* liAlitiL*A cf iht, H^bttw Ubiou c&lleac, Rab« \'/LUth.S.h I A icfctil^r Reeling of tLfo ocd foityne. If it vi/ie. t.A tiat Ll Q&Idfetfclii Ltld. tal&ite ta Cedar tOJL £.11 Of tliO llVUC i V/oi.ia vill Lu LcJd tX L:30 ar LfcitiSs u k fur our C^r oi.ts uud Davt,ui»&ft, Iu., a n d y C's ft> Lteccmber IS, t.t the , Ho,, Lef&re Lfiii'fe to Sioux r futuie. lbs tite j& Ul tLj time tLtit t h t / tooCity. \dll ho bel V€«l i u h&tiOr Ct t h e ^»uld L© ia iMieta 'ibroel, we members. .Mrs. J. Abramsoa is ;ould really l*a !h6.ppy." • c h o s e n by tlio inter-fraternity Ben.ts€h la believed to Mp chairman. council-to be a member of t i t e George Eliot, to Mrs. Aaroa Katz, president of inter-f rateraity b a l l committee. J. N. F. write Daniel Deroaia. he-Omaha chapter, Bays, "Cose Oa December 5, the Eas-a-ml Two ZIiT'8,-namely Caiman MeaMrs. Aaron Katz end Mrs. 13. Eer, 'i'fi, and Morris Kirslieabauia, held a meetiag at the lioiae of Weinberg, aesliited by Miss Evelyn '42, were on the honor roll of the Shirley Fisner. Eetber Shapiro Levy, have epent many hours college of business administra- vras appointed chairman of thedaily collecting from the J. N. F. For Winter Driving tion, which was announced l a s t Bas-a-uil Stage Nite skit. While boxes. The other members of Gel a Set of ' a Bumlier of skits were euggest- lira. 3. Tretiak's committee are week. A dinner, held 1E tlie chapter ed, nothing dofinite decided still on the job. Mrs. Tretlak asks i l hheld a discus- those members upon whom the bouse before tho annual military upon. Tits girla committees have not called to |>all with the members and their sion of the Hound Table. The next meeting will ba held bring their boxes to the meet tag. dates, proved to l»o a huge sucMrs. A. D. Burack, national J. cess under tho supervision of So- on December 17 atthe Jewish N. I'1, chairman, writes that Nachcial Chairman Edwin G. Milder. Community Center. lath Herzog, a colony for religious Dr. A. Greenberg and wife, and refugees, and tho Mizrachl WomMr. and Mrs. J. Kaufman were en's Forest are the two J. N. F. chaperons for the affair. undertakings for the coming year. Pledges Ed Malashock and Sid Schwartz were members of t h e Lincoln (Special)—The Nebras- Nachlath Herzog, covering an area crack squad who gwrforined dur- ka chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu of 4,000 durams of land will prog labor for farmers, carpenters ing the military ball. commemorated its 14th annuall vide The chapter's volleyball team Founder's day with a banquet and brick-layers who will parHvas defeated in the championship held at the Cornhusker hotel last ticipate in its establishment. Tires that will prove game by the Kappa Sigma fra- Saturday night. This banquet, Mrs. B. Weinberg, J. N. P. ternity, In three hard fought tho largest ever to be held in tho chairman of tho local chapter, re- m o r © ccoaasstical in games. Next on Zeta Beta Tau's history of tho chapter, featured minds that every friend of ISretz the long ran.. sport program ia basketball which as Its main speaker David Fell- Ylsroel can plant tree3 in t h e •will be started after tho begin- man, who ia ono of the founders Mizrachl Women's Forest. "There ning of the year. Stuart Muskiu, of the chapter and ia an assistant is BO finer way to honor a happy '43, was named honorable men- professor in tho political science event or to commemorate tho tion on the all-school inter-fra- department of the University of memory of a.dear one." CertifNebraska. icates are seat to- the purchasers. ternlty football team. Mr. Fellman spoke on tho spirit Palestine Projects of the fraternity. The other main Mrs. J. Chait and Mrs. I. Kapspeaker of the evening was David lan, co-chairmen of tho 1940-41 Nell Zlft, former national pres- Bernstien, president of the Oma-drawing, utill have a number of ident of Had assail, will bo guest ha Alumni club of Sigma Alpha hooka to distribute. This draw4* V ">*•!» I f - s of the local chapter Thursday; De- Mu, who epoko on the relation- ing is an annual affair, tho proship of the alumni and the active ceeds of which fill the quota to cember 19, at 8 o'clock. support tho Mizrachl Women's Tho Junior Hadassah held a chapters. successful paid-up membership / Prior Bud Kalin, Sioux City, Palestine projects. party Monday, December 9 at the was the toastmaster of tho ban- The following letter was rehome of Elaine Frank. The theme quet. Following the affair, an ceived at the national office from of the party was a "Manless Cab- Informal gathering of alumni and Palestine, from the students of aret." The girls came dressed as the active chapter wa3 held at the the "Beth Zeiroth Mizracht" la bowery characters. house. Palestine: Prizes were given to Eleanor "We are told that a few years Er Chait, Omaha, formally anCohen and Bertha Slutsky for the nounced his engagement t h i s ago when refugee girls came to best costumes. to Misg Selma Zveitol this wonderful Institution t h e y A mock wedding skit written week-end of Grand Island. The occasion brought with them clothing. Wo and narrated by Elaine Lagman honored by a dinner held at feel that they had even more thaa •was presented by Josephine Rub- was tho home of MIs3 Zveltel. -Mr. that, for they had as yet not sufBitz, Jane Hoffman, Rose Kir- Chait a senior In tho pharmacy fered as we the untold misery shenbaum, Shirley Barish, LIbby collegeis at tho University of Ne-and tragery for our families, our Ituback, Harriet Saltzman, and and Miss Zveltel is a grad- friends and ourselves. Thoso girls, Bernlce Robinson. G e r t r u d o braska, we know, are now a definite part Oruch was chairman of tho affair. uate of the teachers' college. of the life of Palestine. We know Three freshmen brought honThe girls present took part in for they corao back to tb.0 Beth tho signing of tho book which ia ors for the chapter by their pre- Zeiroth again and again to visit to-be presented to 'Henrietta formance at tho university's an- and renew the bond of friendship nual Military Ball which was held Szold on her eightieth birthday. which was established when they recently. These men are Bob SllAll Junior Hadas-ah members are invited to the Oneg Shabboth verman and Harry Goldstein, both were students here. •o" "But for us who havo coma honoring Henrietta S^old whlcli In of Omaha, who participated in to be held at the Biackstone Hotel tho program as part of the crack threadbare from Germany and Pocquad of tho Perching Rifles, and land and Rumania and o t h e r on December 21 at 3 o'clock. The regional convention io be-Norman Veta, of Cheyenne, Wyo., countries -which have been transing held In Kansas City, January who played in tho varsity band formed into whirlpools of blood17, IS and 10 at tho Muehlebach Hotel. All girla interested in attending are asked to call Bertha OlutGky, We 3250. A special raflroad rate \7ill t o given if thirty or more girla attend. On December ID a Chanukah party will bo held In conjunction ivitli tho regular meeting. Everyone i3 asked to bring a ten cent Instead of tho usual dinccr p c d i n s the naecting, an opportunity is hslns c»vea to five girls to oaYn money for their give and net by preparing tho dinner. The flr..t five cirla who call Bertha y \'ill cct tho opportunity. „•» L u u o ?


Wow, tLo cilifri, tin, tu.ti»t,t editor, the Ljeir-czs t, a~ of the iX-Ltcut U«J -II u t i a l»tib &£ /»!i»La l i i t t * ektitcr. Piebid&ut laiue&t Vititioub vafc


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s « receiver. 8 - l u b e s * w i t h V7cvccisgncii clccttcc* . c t o n s t i c t u n i n g , ar.d lladsor^,;:; Tczs &£S.Vfj> > > i

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Friday, December 13, 104G


s&ots were working to perfection with '<£ poiats a M We hs.s struck a rt&.&oi-&be tk-jra la Ieai tricg it to £*ijii.!-.i*g In* vitfc ES tellies. and bis 0&e coniitioa wore ffiowa m&aj & zsLitly Ires^t as K»c^t cf strutter 'wjueie V.H1 recei?® his opponent was is Essally oae the scriicf Ufca s.i& ttriYlz,g la f o£ the toughest and ks-Mest playto. iL; J. G. 0. L..ii^ d t . Ar v.».i t.o ing men at tiie Center. Scl is exfttt of v.atsj. pected to e&p tfce City fcatdfaall If >cu u ^ e &,fcS"l£i.jLji.";gtx&V __ ii ta.ii.g L'-ICE V(ilL. <. . e c, Basketball testa ts&tagers aav,e cIiamf-iOiiiELijii ti:is year, &Ei M&a- UC lt;;»^f. TL ^ fcJc »<_ dsy's tihibitica provfco. tLat if only a few days to fiecice wLetlier or not the Center will have a there is a&ycns ia tLe city capSenior league this year. Mana- able cf d&wciiig Yaffe this year teu, Ge&rgfc Da Lt>It, OL^iles gers have been negligent in get- he will have to be plenty good. Fifcctkiu, v«ith livder^aii ahd Moz.ting their entry fee and team er iinieiitag their 6ecoa»i cards. BOXING roster in to Physical Director Lee The Center boxing classes are Miss Mary Barker, Mrs. Dorothy Grossman. •Therefore a basketball mana- tieetiag three times a week, aa§ Smith, Miss lleva Mann, Miss Ida gers' meeting has been, called by much interest and enthusiasm is Rudernian and Mias Anne Bergthe basketball committee for Sun- being shown in this manly sport. man passed tUeir first card, with day at ttooa to bettle the matter. Anyone interested in enrolling ia Miss Bergman finishing her- secAll managers and teams witiiiag the art of self-defcfi&e, mate In- ond. Others who liave passed first card tests are: Mrs. Mabel representation are urged to be quiry in jihytiical dep^rtiaeat. Earls, Miss Caroliae Sweigard, present. Betty Payne, Wiliaa Rusfii a n d Swim Mews The! m& Ruth'. Looking over the records of . By HOWARD SIIIN11OCK the pre-season basketball league, J. C O. gviiui Instructor Last Bucday eavr the largest won by the Lincoln Tavern, I Had The J. O. C. Bwlaiittiiig tears turn out of men ana boys in the that the Adlers tied with t h e upped its strength to a new high Bince the seasoa has started. league leaders -in the number of upoa the return of Louts Blum- pool Nearly every one wastaking teats, points scored, eaeh making-103 kin, former state high school div- working Tkat'e lixcuw EVE11Y on -various and points, the otheis bcoicd: i«ig chi.iailoa, last v.vtk. Louts bitta with a few of the m o r e ITLI1 >'JU Uuy id offct t, low pi ice is wtitking cat (icily ia i i t e r a - during eipcjijaeatiug vitli diving A. Z. A. No. 1..... OS I3VEHY JiAY! A (i A tion foi life Midwest A, A. U. evolutions tr&m tlie A. P. T. 85 every Itejn jrou bii* la fcwiM chaitii>io&blii£ts to be held fa A. Z. A. No. I<»0 ?3 H fiua «iUiility fo&d The A. Z. A. No. 100 had the our pool next iaontll, January 1%. Water pclo, relays and comi>etli^i oduct! fewest number &f p&tats &s a team tlve eveuta ate L&iag: crowded out fcut - one of their iiiemLtrs was IToruiau PoiobLky, rcrmer rec- as swimming tc&ta hold tLti center the leading scorer of the league. ord Lolder la various J. 0, O. of the ttage. IIo\fe?er, water Mike Landman led the scoring tsvirim events, Las s.d&cd Lie name polo games are Leing arranged for •with 29 poSats, other high ecoiers to the e<i«atie ttara propping for the Junior toys' teaM and extenJ»TO£!-E - - FOL! ^AY And number of i>oluts t-tet the Lljj E X U . sive workouts for tiie cguad will Morris Rndeiruiui H7 seoa La under way. £«,Ju. t- Oii-ucJ lic-i, If J, !M t, !l>. Jake Attic? XG In the Junior boys events for .Jilc }>,v Ma Kc Jits' Will liclika, this Bieet, Ha?o!d IJozcr, Cidiiey Irv Yaffo 26 Senior men who Iiuve been colaRudcrman, AI Clayman, Harold Ing into the pool for jtict a plunge Pep Eogdoji&ff S3 Marer, Charles Fredkin end Uarl havo been lOmaiulnrj to vork on Ray Bhai»!xo SO Shrago will h&vo to step to keep a few teats. The admofiitiou apJimmy llnrro^Ls W in front of Aiden Ltncola, a ru- pealing In this c&luma a couple Sonny Goldluj 10 U ^ : 'I ^ • ( v- 1 / . \ i 'I f -* ' £ v ) / • cently joined member of t h i s Leo Sbenaen . . * 18 of weeks ago conceralng R e d Soir&ffe 17 Crosa fiedfngs on drovnlngs juat Mart; Soref 17 25 feet from Bafety apparently In last week's Junior lioys* cowipetltlon a combine A Aruy a n d The "Y" and the "Center" split Navy team vallopcd tlio joined three matches apieco in the inter- forces of TJlnueoota and Nebrasclub handball Matches last week. ka la a basketball game by a score of 27 to 8. Paul Zilinsky Results: Goldware-RlcSica lost to Pratt-Ananla, accounted for 20 of his team's 21-13, 21-10; Siegal-Teper downed Oasty- total. Hevengo came late but tho ©rove, 14-21, 21-13, 31-13; YaHe-Yaffe defeated Wenger-Grove, 21-18, 21-13; 8, fruits were sweeter as the two Ban-Wintroub lost to UcflHi-lIorrocco, 21- teams lined up against each other fl ff S, 21-8; J . Adler-Turner downed Uoldren- two days later and the MinnesotaHebrew, 21-10, 11-21, 21-9; Skolnick-Garber lost to PrinU-Sinith, 21-17, 21-14. Nebraska crew downed the t w o service squads by a eeore of 20 Sol Yaffo came through •with to 8. Tiie outeoino of these games llffiCORIJ FLA¥U3S . . . colors flying last Monday evening teJiuffled tho team standings, plHg-Sa t o x&ilo, Ucca as he downed Max Turner eaoily putting Minnesota away out In in two straight gamea, 21-13 and front with a 73-polnt total a n d 21-7, to win the pre-cr-c son t,ia;sla Navy accounting far only 66 tournament as expected. Sol vraa points to hold dovm LCCOIMI place. O h r l s s l „.. hot and was unbeatable, his kill Army is right on tho Navy's trail RaClo Club. I' 1 ' 1 , 1 A fo^v cents 1 ' S &. tl. .to EIKnlght a Cay Is nil you

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eoronti. toiiic is "uetigioa ai the Pledges Ivfarcia Finer and Mar- reet&r, will review the highlights t-al eat Crisis." of t£e 1840 camp season. garet Ilundeil participated ia the In the debate tryouts, Since its last meeting the Womftlidwe&t D e b a t e touniaiaeat. I'riesiiiaa and Harry Good, bind if, Pledge President Shirley Green- en's Division lias inaugurated a who third in tlie uatioi.iil span lias the lead in the school number of projects extremely finalsplaced after wiimhig first glLCt helpful to the Jewish community. opera. Etta Soiref lias been nanffed Officers of the group are: Mrs.ia the district tournament l a s t to the dean's honor list. iSileea were selected to debatt Zevitz is a member of the cast of Wiiiiara Lazere, president," Mrs. year, again this year. Attlijjr Colin, vice-president; Mrs. "Escape." is expected that many MothA social meeting was lield on Jack Kaufman, secretary, and er Itchapter Alephs will make tin December 4 at the hoine of Mrs. Mrs. B. L. Fleisher. .trip to the Lincoln tournament. Joe Guss. Plans for a drawing Last Saturday a successful barn were discussed. _ Hill dance at. Tex's barn; 60th and L. Warner Frohmaa was chairman Cemetery Society of this event. The Pleasant Hill Cemetery SoHaskell Cohen Is la charge of ciety held its Betni-annual meet- the A. Z. A. 1 skit for stage nite. The regular meeting at t h e ing last Tuesday. chapter is looking forward At the next meeting, which is to The O m a h a section of the Junior the Youth Democracy RalCouncil was held Sunday at the planned for April, a tea will be ly to be held and in February. Tliw held to honor new officers. Jewish Community Center. committee consists of G o r d o i i Mrs. J. Abramson Is In charge Margolin, Rosalie Alberts instructed the Norman Turkel a n d LaConga class which proved a of dues collections for the Society. Harry Goodbinder. grand success as a number of the The basketball team, youngest Theta Lambda girls want to continue learning. A kid party was the theme of In the J. C. C. league, finished hi The invocation was given by place. A ping-pong tournaLillian Flushman. "Rock of Ages" the social meeting of the Theta third ment Is also being lield. Lambda held at the home of Rita was sung by the group with GerThe chapter Is looking forward Marks. Prices for the best-dressed aldine Strauss aa accompanist. were won by Ruth Stein to its annual visit to the 'Mile of Ruth Goldstein.^ read the treas- "babies" Dimes' where it will contribute and Ethel Kadis. urer's report. Kid games were played and to the World-Herald Christmas At the meeting Mrs. Ben Silver Chanukah gifts exchanged. Goodfellow Fund. Bpoke on the Triennial convention. A "barn dance" for paid - up members is being planned for Are You Growing Larger January. The dating committee for'the dance will meet next week to further plans for this affair. Slowing Down?? The sewing class met Thursday at the home of Mrs. A. Brodkey. Are you overweight? *I)o you tiro easily . . • A largo number were present. fed uncomfortable? • Perhaps you need fe Members of the budget commit€i*M8j» Rcienlific Hupport. It .helps to keep tee met Monday night. weight properly balanced, makes you look Girls Interested in joining the better, and feel better. Why not coiuo in for Junior Council may call ll'i t a a scientific fitting by our Camp trained fitter? Mantel, HA 5711. > Price—$3.S0 to $£2.09 Ladies Free Loan

'rhilfty fiiicb leivVe you more to tiiend on liolislay t'uu. Nu» iiicrous daily c.iUtdulcs are convenicntly ilutd and you ride hi luiuiious, t-usy-chalr comfort ii-te from \,ittter driving fctiitin, Lfct your local agent hJr> lilun your tiip.

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Quilted Satin Robe « \

Sailer S i

A board meeting of the Ladies Free Loan Society will be held on Monday, December 10, at 2 p. m. at the home of S. Siedman, 1819 N. 21st street.

With fitted slcevca and puff choulV dern—

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Robea that swoop la at the waistline, and sweep out below! Heavenly affairs of Taffeta Moire, Rayoa Satin, JuilHard Chenille, Quilted Satin, Corduroy, Wool Crepe, Rabbit Hair Wool, Crepa Romainc • and Quilted Sc-tin. B i j cslection . . . all prices. Others Up. to $29M •• . •



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jP"—3 ;?r,*rer Ffaoz-

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Pi Lambda "Phi


'iLfc L t i-«-.t ~_ f t * ii £ I Major successes, honors a n d By INEZ L-. KA2KICIC l j j I Vtt,s i , d U J< y, ' achievements1 have marked t h e Henrietta Scold's SOtU (iiriliday t f i j a i t i i.< ^ i t J ,. i. c^.jr opening of the current year for v 11 i* it Chi chapter of Pi Lambda Phi. fails on iiie eecond day of B.s.nuk- t. P i a i£ « . i ^ « „ Not ouly have indivi'Iual mem- kaa, Saturday, DeeemLtJ' 21 and r of 1 * . c „ bers gained recognition in their lias fcig'Eificaace not only for Ha- is [ own names, but at the recent In- d£E£ah bat for all who liave Ou 1 o . J ' « 1 t i ' i i i . ry ter-fraternity bail, the chapter it- gliiBpsed the porteiit oi ber ca\VI-NE-CHliRNK3 ANNOUXCE -EXGAGE51EST ieer i-ii-i the «iuaiity of her serv- i . i t ) I K J ' d » t t i >. t self was awarded the InterfraterMr. and Mrs. Isaac N. Cherniss Mr. and Mrs. Sol Zveitel of nity Council Scholarship trophy. ice for iier people. heiv <- i i o , ( , announce the marriage, of their Grand Island, Neb., announce the The Omaha eliapter fittingly This award, to be made annual- celebrates daughter, Zelda Rachel, t o Samuel engagement of their daughter, Mit.^ Scold's birthday U l d > a t I) i 0 < < t h I" k ly to the fraternity maintaining Allman Wine of Lincoln, eon of Selzna, to Edward. Chait, eon of with a tea under the direction cf t h e highest scholastic average Mr.' and Mrs'. Keva Wine of: Oma- Mr. and Mrs. J, 1. Chait of Omaha. Mrs. Mk>i Colin. Mrs. J. M. Ermau Miss Zveitel is a graduate of among all its members, "was pre-will take charge of the tea table The ceremony took place Sun- the University of Nebraska, where sented this year for the first time. which wiii bu dc.,Ci^f(.i ia jr.tiSc>Sheldon Waxenberg won t h e tic their.c. 'ixici day afternoon.' at the home of she was affiliated with Sigma nl Rabbi David A. Goldstein. Only Delta Tau sorority. She is also trophy for the highest individual be cbos«.i to i tt members of the immediate fam- a member of Phi Beta Kappa and scholarship. The chapter trophy 'I'iiere will LO and that won by Waxenberg are large enoi'j;;« t o Pi Lambda Theta. ily were present. ' j ' k J,; tJ.;- •> A i f i j i : . ! , o t \'K>\*r the two major honors bestowed and the lKj^ia lull The bride wore an afternoon Mr. Chait is attending the UniI Kn'tj C i i ' U , j./,-ifii 1 7 3 , ~\*i\\ ),(>ill O f i C u * M l ! i \i,' \< <JJ t i l f . i t . ' l C gown of aqua crepe made with a versity of Nebraska.-He is a mem- by the Council. In interfratemity through iti bci tl.. tight bodice and full gathered ber of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. a t h l e t i c competition, Willard service i ,Acv <o:"iiiiunii> ' i ' l ' h<;i.} t , ( ; : h ; hi Smith won the handball singles Mrs. M. i'1. J^v t. skirt, trimmed with plaited lace t ) i ( j IL<*\J 1/i.bO' i . , y < c t , " t 'Mil « . t . a championship. For this the frain a matching shade. Her hat to TEMPLE ISRAEL HIGH CM'lf.-'.f. ternity was awarded a plaque. BOIO by iluuy iJul/cfi". liib. Hnx match was a email spring sailor SCHOOL GROUP. B e n n e t Somberg, as chapter Cohn will i;lvi. IM. hie c£ Il>.niict> fl'bill ii'i.ts) i-K til (JU K H i ' l '1 »IG beclouded with aqua tulle. A The Temple Israel High School corsage of orchids completed the group will meet on Sunday eve- representative on the Interfra- ta Szold ;.iifl Ji-li j . . Uiivia A. Gohi- l i i ' l d i t - i - i i i v i i f l l o i t j n . i t U J 6 t e m i t y Council, has been award- stein will ovalu^tt ilie woil, rio>.c ' 1H v.' 1.O11U . ning, December 15, at 6 o'clock her. Tue tul»Lo(h wjl) be dtiicrho J.t, ".i- V. ill btl^iu iit After an extended motor trip at the Temple to complete plans ed one of the three standing com- by ed out \.iVh Hit traditional Jlavchairmanships. Edward o't!od, to California, the couple will re- for a Chanukah parly and hom<j mittee Colin has been promoted* to the dalah scr\kc iilaiu.ul by C&ntor side in Omaha. talent night. * rank of second lieutenant in the Aaron Ed car. T»io tf_a will bo held it. C; Om /advanced R. O. T. C. Joe Sosh.- from 3 to 5 c;i fjfituid&y, DcioaSCO PITTSBURGH BON HONOREDber 21 In tin: ballroom of (ho nik has been elected president of Miss Ruth Latyn left for Pitts*Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lipsey en- the Creighton Chamber of Com-Ulackstonc Uot< 1. burgh, Pa., Saturday for a six- tertained at a family dinner on merce. He has received word, ^ n i u t : T u -t.f U. AK O. week visit with friends and rela- Sunday, December 8, in honor too, that his biography will apA paily is beiuc L»Jannul for tives. of their son, Stanford, who ob-pear in this year's issue of "Who's II. M. O. under the chpiuii.'inf.hii) served his Bar Mitzvah on Thurs- Who in American Universities and of Mrs. Julius IJtcin \/hich la to .VISITING RELATIVES day, December 5. be held In tho m a r future. Thoio Colleges." , • Miss Betty Abramson left Satwomen wishlut to i3iru inon^y Now wearing Pi Lambda P h i urday for Chicago to visit with VISIT IN CHICAGO toward that project bhould call pledge buttons are six new men. relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Epstein They are: Melvin Bernstein, Har- Mrs. Stein at GU J'J4S. K i t . . ' , '..n i»f V c ( 1- :i l?n.dio P J o,",i't.sii were the guests of Dr. and Mrs.vey Burstein, Paul Crounse and I ti-fi »•« u [WINTERING IN HOLLYWOOD On Saturday aitemoon, DecemS. B. Ravitz and daughters dur- Irving Zlegman, all of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Hyinan Noddle ing the past week in Chicago. Mr. and Lewis Cigel and I. Robert ber 21 nt G o'clock on station and son, Harvey Jerald, a r e and Mrs. Epstein also visited Har- Mannls, both of Stevens P o i n t , KOWH a radio program is scheduled to bu broadenHt fioni roabt spending the winter in Hollywood, ry Oland, Wis. to coast on the Mtf.3a?;o of lt.rm.1 Cal. They expect to return to hour in ctlohratlon of Ilcnrlcttti Omaha in the spring. Szold's 80th birthday, JJveryone JH urged to tuno in. TO IlESIDH HERE Saturday t-t L«.u Thirty-five couples attended the Mr. Leo Oster arrived recently The Sinai club held its regular to reside hero. Mr. Oster is a barn dance held jointly by Cen- meeting at the Jewish Community brother of Rabbi Sol Oster of Fre- tury chapter and Mother chapter Center on Tuesday. • , • of A. Z. A. last Saturday night. mont. PAT s:rr.u,i;, : *•...! J.* New members • voted into the . On Wednesday evening, FobBill Susman was awarded a ruary. 19, Mw. Milton Mayper'ts club were: Eva Kuznit,,Ann Weisleather billfold for selling the GOES TO WASHINGTON Circle of tho Tomplo Ioracl !3istf»rPaul "Pancey" Schapiro l e f t most tickets in the chapter's re- man and Morris Rosen. hood will sponsor a bingo party. The membership drive which cent drawing. , Monday night for Washington, D. has been going on for the past The dance was one of the most C , where he has received an appointment in the War department. successful closed affairs ever held month comes to a close next Tuesin the history of the chapter, ac- day evening. Persons interested are invited cording to Harold Slutzkin, CenS. A. M. MOTIIKK'B CLUB to the meeting Tuesday. The S. A. M. Mother's club will tury chapter social chairman. - . • Election-. hold its regular monthly lunchElection of officers for the Janeon meeting on Tuesday, DecemU. T. Sorority ber 17, at 1:30 at the horde of uary-June term will be held on Mrs. Mike Freeman,' 5119 Blondo. December. 22 at the J. C. C , acSaturday 'night, December 7, Hostesses will be Mrs. M. Rosen- cording to Yale Richards, Aleph Godol. The Aleph Godol also em- members of the U. TV sorority stein and Mrs. Ben Chait. phasized the importance of every held a successful -slumber party at the Blackstoiio. hotel. Aleph attending the election. NAMED TOIIONOR ROLL Dorlne Wolpa, daughter of Mr. Upon tho announcement of the and Mrs. A. Wolpa, was elected to election date, Aleph S'gan Harold That After-Theatre Snacls the National Honor society at Slutzkin called for an executive meeting next week. at the'. North High. - , Basketball Century basketeers w i l l be TO CALIFORNIA Rose G. Cohen left for Los An- minus the services of Stan Cohen, geles, where she plans to visit her tho new Aleph who recently transIS TOPS brother, Mr. Louis Shapiro, and ferred from Lincoln Chapter 3 / Aleph Cohen moved to the w e s t Open 24 Howro Daily for Mrs. Shapiro. New Year's day she Your Convenience plans to attend the Rose Bowl coast the first of tho week. The loss of Aleph Cqhen will game. While in California she be a blow to the quintet since ho will visit other relatives. , was expected to give the basJOSLYN MEMORIAL keteers the necessary lift. His A Young Artists program will place will be ably filled by Ben 1GTH and < JONES'8T6. be held Sunday at 2:30 at the Kutter, who did not play with Joslyn Memorial under the spon- the team in the pre-scason league. sorship of the' O m a h a Music Teachers' association. Throe sound films will also be shown at 2;30 In the lecture hall. At 3:30 Mrs. Pearl L. Weber will speak on '-'What Plato Said About War." A 4 o'clock Christmas song festival will be given by the choirs and children's choruses of the M i s s O u r i S y n o d Lutheran 4 Churches of Omaha. As an Institution Eftgaged in'' tho At 8 o'clock tho 15 th annual Christmas concert of North High •will be given under the direction of Elizabeth Freeman and Mary Silver. 1



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O Management of'Reefy > Estate :

VISITOR'HONORED Mrs; William R o s e n , 2031 North 2'0th, entertained 42 guests at the Blackstone Tuesday, to liori'or Mrs. J . Baker of Denver, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs.' Sam Novak.

NDS Diaraontl' E n s « g o « e , Uac assl AnniverJ I U T oary Rincs. iinJIvUuoT 1y designed! and Priced with good oId-fR»l»ion« l t eel B3oclcxa

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Exactly what can be (tone —• , Under the guldEEca of Adolf Hitler £ new br.illi&ut. They ecoied Epectacalai* triumphs In Ehort of War -™ disturbs every deHappy is the man that liath 'order' in Europe is supposedly being waived—•• tlieir-reida oa Haifa end Tel A\lv, particularly the the Lord his trust, and hath partment of government. We can not without protest from lliosa eoucera.eS. Aided latter •vvlifxh is near no military objectives, lisa no not turned unto the arrogant, nor sell the Britteh more ehlps — ships to replace the botby the Genn&a geuer&l staff and a Wfcll-ge&ifiS aiiti-alrcraft, nor defendiEg plmies. At leasa one unto such as fall away treacher- merchant toms that now coat tiie ocean ously,' fighting machine, the entire eoBtStieat; ex66l»t foi* of thefch&iaefuldefeats, such as Adowa, Caparetto, floor. We can provide tfeeia with 'IlAMfUD'. aEd Guadelajara, was wiped cat by the glorious a few isolated instances, lias fallen uafier ll'&tl Our Rabble were taught: V7hen more destroyers, through eafa or . domination. liven with Britain fclialleagteii tMs activity of the Fascist sir force over Tel Aviv, Ilabbi lose becam&'sick, 11, Ch&n- exchange for bases. called oa Mm, tlie former said military might, the patty le&denj have t&Id the acil'viiy which killed a number of civiliana ia the iaa to him, "GliaEiBS, a y brother, are Tkevo era other tttega v*Mcl« it poor seetiou ot the town. TMs was a'glowing world a "new order" fees been established. you not aware that this nation Is seeasa ifi»iWssiM<3 to do, nt tMa to Italian, martial skill. reigning by heavenly fieeree, and But froia meager reports coming ta this counmoment. csmiot PFOFMO taoro that Elie has de- iaiMnu Wo try this Is no '«ew order' but a 'new disorder.* plain truth Is that Adowa, Caparetto, liotwitLstanding smd paraaifc PIKMCB, fos? troyed the Temple of Israel, and From the Arctic to the Mack sea, the Germaa (kiactelaJEi'g, and now Greece, are not the disgraces she Is still In power, end in spite ©•»? present fectoilsa sa-e stearfag production*. Not wata tho domination lias been characterised by active re- Mussolini lias led his people to believe. They of this, I hear that you occupy capacity new fmt&ttca risa cai wo make yourself with the Torah publicly sistance or lapses Into anarchy. Iron-clad ceaoor- merely testify to the iadiesutable fact that the and you carry with you tha Holy more planes. And we cannot escort their conBhip keeps the details from the outside world, Italians are not a 'military people and perhaps Scrolls at .all times?" "From Heabut it has not been possible to hid© the violent would Ilk© Jiotliing better than to be left aloae in ven they will have mercy and pro- voya half way across the Atlantis without goiug to war, nor can wo anti-Nazi activity .in Norway no? the rampant peace. Even la the glorious days ot Home, not tect aid," waa Rabbi Chauina's do a great many other tilings that answer. "I am giving you reasoss, gangsterism of Rumania, Romans but Gauls, Spaniards, Etruscans, and Ger- and you eay, "From Heaven they only a belligerent caa undertake. Resistance, passive .and active, .fa-being Sis- liiatus mafie up the Roman • legions. Tiio Italians shall protect you," exclaimed ItabJose. "I wonder whether the There Is one thing wo can do, played by the people, who, having luiowa tliQ are a people adapted to tho cultivation ot the arta bloverument will not burn you a thing that oaly a stubborn Couend E&Iences. Wl'i'at people have doae »iorO: la tho fruits of democracy, are not •willing to submit to with the Holy Scrolls." Rabbi gress hai» prevented thus far. Wo the doctrines of a tyrant nor to go along with realm of art and music aud literature? But they 3hanina then, eaid, "Rabbi Jose, can extend credit to England. If him (as the Lindberghs suggest) In this moral have never been given the full opportunity to what •will become ot mo in the wo accept the truth that Kugland, world to come?" Aud Itabbl Jose at this moment, fights our battle, decadence. The Norwegians, it is believed, are gliow their abilities. In medieval times they were asked him, "Did not some meri- then the least'wo can do Is pro» showing the most determined resistance. Tower- at the mercy of the feuding princes, In .more re- orious acts come to your hand?" vido the cash to buy the guns ing fjords have been dynamited and transporta- cent times they have been BUbjeet to foreign domi- Whereupon ho answered, "The which in the long run protect ourfnoney which I prepared to cele- selves. tion to coastal ports has been brought to a stand- nation. And today they have been victimized' to brate Purlin, I erred thinking that still by unprecedented land-slides which the Nor- a point of exhaustion by Mussolini. A poor coun- t was of tho charity treasury. try, with only the meagerest of resources, tho |>eo- And I have -distributed it to the This writer tiaa talked to a. nans. wegians innocently blame on the weather. poor, and I have not collected ber of Englishmen iu Washington In the low countries, where the terrain is less plo have been forced to sacrifice what little they back from the charity." "If BO," within tho last week, tniH tor tlio time lie finds they are growsuited for such obstinacy, the resistance lias taken had to promote chlmeric schemes of empire. answered Rabbi Jose, "I wish that first ing . slightly embittered towards It is unlikely that Italy now, even if Germany my share should be like yours." tho United States. They're not l>it« a less violent form. The Universities, however, are It was said that in a few days being closed, the professors jailed as opposition is Is victorious, will emerge from the war with any- Rabbi Jose died and all tho great ":cr liecaisso %vo liavo not seat raen voiced to Nazi doctrine, particularly the doctrine tltlng more than scraps from tho table. Tho co- men of Home came to his funeral, acrosa the seas, or -because «nr jjtroduciton hss lagged. They of anti-Semitism. Likewise in Franco not all is operation of the Vichy government is being bought lamenting greatly. On their re- plane are hitter -becanso. they feel that the peace and quiet the Germans would like to by Germany at the expense of Mussolini who had turn they found Itabbl Chanina Eglsisd Is escrlflclng' every Citing, studying-, tho Torah publicly with have the world believe. The people are awakening hoped to extend Ills borders. Rather than aiding be Holy Scrotia in Ms hands. Ho ivitile the United States s&crittces to their betrayal and are demonstrating on behalf Germany, Italy has proved herself of lijLtlo value was arrested and enrapped in the nothing. They w«nfc to Idiow: "What will you do when our cash and surrounded with is of the "Free Prance" movement. except as a nuisance. While it i3 true her part in Holy Scrolls, : gone?" branches of.. trees, which were So completely isolated from the world, a r e {ho war has resulted in British naval concentra- kindled, and tufts of wool soaked Czccho-Slovakia and Poland that it is impossible tions in the Mediterranean, nevertheless her fail- in water were placed on his chest The first decision America TOUst to discover just what is actually happening In ures in Greece have strengthened Balkan reBlstance hat he shall be tortured for a.make la to answer that question. time, arid when his daughter But that isn't tho real question. those places. Rumania, likewise under German to Axis blandishments. Turkey and Bulgaria would long aid to him, "Father, la it just, The real question is: "Can Ameri'protection,' is showing a lapse into anarchy. have been less bold if Mussolini's troops had oc-what I see done with you?" he ca afford to let England lose?" Nothing is more ridiculous than the talk of a cupied Salonika on schedule. The bogging down answered, "If. I . were burned 4 new order.' Yet there are some Americans fool- of the Egyptian campaign has resulted In anti- alone it "would bo hard for mo, ThlnXc it over, because you and but now that I am burned in conish enough to believe that Hitler will' unite the Italian manifestations among the Arab peoples, en- unction with the Holy Scrolls, I I end everyone clse'n tills coimtey • .._. continent and do for Europe what the Leaguo of couraged its own subjects in Africa to revolt, and am sure that He who will take must' give an answer. Nations failed to do. Dut, no empire built by force has strengthened tho Free French movement la. revenge for tho Holy Scrolls, will From time to time, this column ake revenge fo me also, ilia dishas been able to maintain order, no edifice to peaci the North African colonies and Syria. ciples eaid to him, «'Eabbi, open has pointed out some of the char-r. has been constructed of blood and steel. The very fact that Italy dia not go into th^ waryour mouth so that the fire should acteristics of Adolf Hitler's now order in Buropo, as they begin to until it was certain Franco would fall, indicates atch you." To which ho replied, appear beyond the veil of censor'It is better that my soul be taken sho did not-expect'a long war, EIso she wxrald by Him. who gave it toTOGand not ship. But thus far, we feel tho have thrown'her military resources to the side of hat I myself shall cause it an •ear- most'perfect example of tho4'ne'wNext Saturday, v December 21, Jewish groups Germany long before. The knife eho struck Into ler death." order" has been the Rumania of tho lcat three wcolts. the world over will pay homage to Henrietta Szold, the back pf her neighbor, may turn out to have who will observe her eightieth birthday. Undoubt- been not a knife at all, but a boomerang. foj yoarcelf nn.crcna edly the greatest .-• Jewish woman of. our generation fcr.T-cra™3i! mtl hcte« filled v/ti and certainly one of the greatest of all time, Hen:CC?!O, c::c-tentJ"i cf them rietta Szold has been a faithful servant of the Jewish cause, giving much and asking nothing In :•: Since the Dies committee w&3 constituted to Lid &'o-;i have a pretty coo:l idea return. It is a source of great satisfaction to U3 unearth subversive activities, it haa been the courco cft whv.i gees czi In RzzzzzZr.. .?in America that she. Is a native of this country, of much conflict. From the very beginning of its Dp PATT-FRAKEI What wan particularly she who has done so much to alleviate the suffer- investigations, it has managed to stir up hcrnetn' J. TA, to us, however, wna tlso callous ing of European Jewry. nesta and now that another appropriation is being way In %/hich raany papers hanPircc-a Untouched by political feuds. Miss Szold, haa asked* the conflict is renewed with unabated vigor. dled tho story; Tho fact that Jewa quietly done her task of organizing Palestinian sowere hunted down, Gliot or chopIn the beginning of the investiEatlono there ped v/.is racriUoned IR tho otorlcn cial service. As the founder of the Hadassah or- waa much blundering, false starts and a good Thero ia.a fcslias here in Washcz a nr.ttcr .of coureo. It ganisation, she Is directly responsible for the rapid many innocents were hurt. The blundering.con- ington that America has'reached' moro isn't ncv/s zny noro, In Europo, strides made in the medical field. Not only have tinues, although It 13 evident some direction haa a croscroafia of destiny, and that, v/hen Jcwo d d the Jewish em'rrants benefittcd, but the, entire. baon given tho committee's vrork. Despite all this, within a few \TCO1CG or days.wo Arab world has seen ltq medical standards raised. deapitc its mistakes aud unnecessary publicizing will bo forced to make one of But T?liat Iicppsncfl ia Ryraaals those dcclcionts which turns the was only the beninnir.c. You canThe daughter of the scholarly Rabbi Szold of of Its,^the Dies committee haa performed a course of history- For tho life not unleash auiJaSl brutality upon Baltimore, she was rained,in an atmosniioro of notable service in calling tho public's attention to blood i3 ebbiaa out of England. a continent, ar.£ clicil: It by edicts That blood is her watof-borno nd proclaicniicuu. Tlno Iiillcra ol Jewish learning. As a child she was impressed tho forces at work to undermine this democracy. :ommerco. the French revolution found this? vritb. the need of the redemption o£ Palestine and If tho work of the committee, tho FBI,, and out w&cn they thoni^alvea wero to tlua cause she has gives her life. She hadtha State department could bo co-ordinated to the a.Tssd t© tho cnillcMaca, Wo ^ f l iKESt diczlz the hoped, in her late years, to return to her native satisfaction of each, tho country would greatly Ing. blows to Iscr fiM?pin3 hf sub- wonder how Hitler, nnd Goobbeld, 2am!'and to find peace and contentment in-her old benefit. As it is there Is conflict In jurisdiction czarlno and tlive bobber <K? sheanfi Gocrinc, and Stretcher—will ho clowly ttrar^isd, ccoortl- die? age. But this was not to be. and procedure and the result may be tho necatloa will Ing to thece in tlm Capita! who At a period of life when sho should havo been of the work of all three groups. ieen tebb onfcov7rr?r.:iy tor.3 of 273 -Jews BcaatroaaMzed .fiGsurcd that others would carry on tho work siio There is no reason why, at this critical time, IiippiR.^ it tz~zc:? S=c,Ir.3d to-feed Zurich (JTA) — Tho official iind utarted, die began o, new career—the transfer tho work of the • Dies committee should bo cur- id ciunltfoa t e r pc^nlr4io.^. A nndrc:! ?;as^b3 €sci>~zH on Lonjasetlo ia Berlin published names of thmir.andc of European children to Palestine to tailed". Many of the criticisms of tho committee's don do mot hv.mi Ilz^i~tzil so zsxxh of 173 Jews r.nd "persons related £-'Iv> them a aew opportunity for life oa tuo hills work Is justified. On tho other hand It bao effec- 3 n ctorjlo ifiorclintit; cjlp tcrpo- with Jewa" who havo been dcZZ [lientively espoced foreSgn agents, racl:etecrs, a n d doecl ofl &c?r^i!3, f.i &na become prired of Cerrann aatlonallty by the Interior LUniatry. The G'zz&tto • To IIo:iri«tla Szold the Jews In Palestine? ov/o ccbotcura. I£ Eome of tho European countries had obvious, It lisa Lecoso eonrfJw obvioco caid they -C'ero persons who had .;. tU «)l of riuccro gratitude for the countless thin so been leas timid and permitted open investlcations tlir.t micratcd to tha Reiob.s,ntl obr;ith Sr-.^Ir^.a forced to lece? .-•:o )v\n s!--uo Cor them. To her tho Je~f3 of the tsueli as this, they might today W frfio. • c gitct piritioa c£ L;i* licet in the tainod naturalication before t t o :,!•••','> t:_•!?.d'-k-, ci America, England, Sonih Africa, r.Jcit!torrr.:icra, 6l:o kon r.ct been advent of tho Hitler regime. '.';-o to cKm-il cucqpzlci yrotcsifo.i .:".•-„• ". fJC'l for inspiring them to give a little Ono of Qaetn Victoria's Hrst Co tl:e convoys ih.2t v<i«Jo'»v r-:ro:.'J '.-." ;',;•.-? '-Ivr.-. to ihe rebuilding of a refuge, for tho ic:c-570i the AtL-.nlfc. Tw Jcl? tlizt V1IQ-JM public acts T.-as tho bestowal o£ a L^LULA:-^ t-: ;• tiicuu. by <!cs£ro^c? flcti!L"s- is :-.:-Jclitfeoofi 03 JJo-03 Mon.tciiore. Chanufcah (ist"8 dayc)., Wednesday, Dcs. 25fc d


» December X3, 1940


Alpha PI Tau Plans New Yearns Party


Tuberculosis a will fl.s eferyttlEg pomlhls with tii.6 CaiistsiEa Seal iv.tii.s to ai€ '-t aieetiiig, tLe Eick &£L& &r&tect tfcg well. ni t'S.S IfiEcty-ii1?* pee eeLt ef t h e A. gala Wev<r Year's eve tarty, CANDLB-LEGUTIKG: 4:21. Ch.r££tait.s Se^I ftads collected ia tuaixii complete with maeic, food, favors Ketrfcafea jresiiiEiia; ia tka et&te* Friday evfiafii-.g services will E&!&eiE£.ktrs, will he gives HELD Christmas Seals Oaly 5 t t r tett e&s,8 to tho'B&<* take place at tte V. O. C l&te by tte Alpha Pi Taa, laeal eoeM L joist laessting of EMa.SE2.Ii tioa&I EBSoclatloa tor fraternity, at the H&tei Eegis eerviees tlta Friday U Cos grela&B& . B'u&i B'jith was he-Id Moa"Mow Being Soldand itstartli vorln. tion B'nal Isr&fcl, U & o'clock. ballroom, Tuesday, December 81, day evening ia celebration _ of KaThe rat 11 will • speak an "Gifts starting et 10:80 p. m. tlonal Hadasssii Education day. Those who coEtilbute to t h @ A committee headed by J a e k Mrs, HI G&Ipert presided Et t t e and Diplomacy." Aab V anEii&l CkiifctHtES Eeal driva cf Saturday jaoralag the r&fcbt will Epstein is ia charge of the af- meeting which was opened ia the ike Mfcltraska TiiLercnI&gfs fcesofair and lias Leea bn$y for the address tte Congregation at B'uEi usual B'aal B'rith tradition ^sA wf.II LEve a happier- (JTA) — The Israel synagoguts, 18th aud C&I-past month completing* &lans fefid the proclamation was read* by ci&tlon arrangements. Other comtatttea Mrs. Harry Cneralea. A. movie <lay season, kuowing that they Italian eoveraasenls cago. have Ljougiit & v&y of M>i>s ta jaembers are Morris Epsteta, Lea followed entitled "There Is Hope ca»st A-i'ttis prec'tsB.s.tiots to th© geeg&tlsa Aral* couittrlfcs asemiag them of for Thy Children," and the guest many gaffers. The Junior Congregation wili Blitrman and Ily Wfitiitr. It Is tha CLrisiB!&,s Seal s a 1 e friendshio £Ed sympathy ia their Inability of the committee to speaker was Ilev. 3. II. Perkins, conduct its services at B ' a a S to esia their "lad©Israel, 18th aud Chicago, Sabbath rent a large enough ballroom has pastor of the First Congregation- that provides the caeney Mhlch the s.i.h Jj.liit£tit vbLj to t'L'it.tcj a f r u u tLe morning at 10. Meyer Halprln forced the fraternity to limit at- al church of Council Bluffs. Letilth LiOLiftLi it I J i-Oi-vJ \«M •will officiate as cantor; Leonard tendance to A. P. T. members The Juiiiors were represented Potash will act as reader of the and a few friends. A limited by Miss Lorraine' Meyerson. Re- t i i a b cay u a d i u t o tiib~iu»!c*i.j number of tickets are available portion of the week, end Herbert freshments followed, and Mrs. ill ]ftli£.E.Lji. 'l'O lhVJ.'<s V/L'i JL>OW Lir Gifc White will read the Haftorah. for eale. Informatics concerning Bam Meyereon poured at the beau- kaVO tUb^lCUlUcib inS to t.'.OLJ fJ-^lf' Huf OCLCILI u:A llLbter of \»ho u_ay c&i'htU t l o diocit.-, Mrs. Sam Epstein will be host- tickets can be obtained from any tifully appointed tea table. member of the fraternity. thfclO 13 this £.UUiu2iCd » « . ULO ess to the children after the servMrs. SaEi Meyerson was chalrA complete d i n n e r will be &mn ices. of the month and the ladies served and music will be furSisterttood on her committee who did a {splennished by a six-piece novelty band. On the Sabbath at 3 o'clock Favors will be given to each girl did Job ere the RIesdames Frank the monthly Oneg Siiabbot of the and Uubenstien, Lou Cohen, Ben Paswill receive an ade- ser, U. O. C. Sisterhood will take place auateeveryone Ben tierehun, Mose Bern- Give iho supply of confetti, serpenat Congregation B'nal Israel. All tine end noisemakers. stein, J. Brown, Dave Fox, Morris of Its IGtid . * * members and friends of the SisOfficers of the fraternity are Grossman and Harry Kubby. terhood are welcome. The rabbi will address the group on "Heroes Al Oruch, president; Leo Sher- AGUDAS ACIIIM •/ t man, vice-president; Hy Weiner, jand Their Significance." The Agudas Achlm held a meetsecretary, and B o b Schneider, Sunday morning, the regular ing last week for the purpose of TJ. O. C. Brotherhood services will treasurer. the nomination and election of fce conducted at Congregation officers. JB'nal Israel at 0. The following were elected: Study Groups President, Sam Rosenthal; viceThe Hebrew etudy group will for its p e r f e c t i o n Tuesday in Lincoln president, Ben Kooler; recording Noted Sftieet at the rabbi's study on Monsecretary, O. Hochman, and fi- throughout tho world LENOX day evening at 8. nmkea a beautiful lamp. I filj'-Lincoln (Special) — William nancial • secretary. Charles Saltz- china Choice of: Ciladon Grcon, The Talmud Study group will Gold, pioneer Lincoln mer- inan. Ivory, Coral. Taffeta eliadts iu tneet on Wednesday evening, at chant, 78, died Tuesday at his homo ivory. 24 inches high with l e tJCongregation B e t h Hainedrosh of a heart ailment. CIIEVKA KABISHA ter CIcht Reflector Ilagodol, 19th and.Burt, from 8 A native of New York, Mr. Gold A meeting of the Chevra Kato 9. came west in 1884, opening a. disha will bo held next Sunday Bowl Synagogue Meeting small store at Button. In 1902 at 7 o'clock at the Chevra A regular meeting of the mem- he came to Lincoln, where he be- evening B'nai YIeroel A supbership of the Beth Hamedrosh came one of the city's! principal per will followsynagogue. STREET FLOOH for all members. Ilagodol haa been called for Sun- •merchants. day, December IS. Very importHo had been active In civic and VALMUD TOKAII ant matters era on the agenda philanthropic affairs aad annualTickets have been put on sal© and all members are requested to ly gave a banquet in honor of 4-H for the Talmud Torah dance to attend. The n e w constitution club members who came to the bo held January 26 at the Eagle's •which is in the process of adop- state fair. hall. At that time will tion will again be read for disSurviving him are: A son, Na- be raffled. cussion. and two daughters, Mra. Al The meeting will start promptly than, Opier and Mrs. Harry Simon, all JUDAEA „ ' at 2 p/m. at the synagogue. of Lincoln. A meeting of Young Judaea Funeral cervices w o r e held was last Sunday afternoon at Thursday at th© B'nal Jeshurun the held homo Evelyn Greenberg. synagogue.with Rabbi Jacob Ogle Mrs. HarryofCiiernlss taught the officiating. Burial was at Wyuka members a Hebrew song. ^. For cemetery. Evelyn Greenbsrg'was appointed membership chairman. A meetFuneral Borvicea were held Suning with tho members' mothers y_ 'day morning at the Crosby-Myer Fremont was discussed to bo held tho fifth mortuary for Mrs. Ida J. SomSchool / Continuing Sunday in December in honor of pier, 75, who died on December 5 after a long illness. Fremoat (Special)—Classes of Cfianukah. Tho n6xt meeting will be held A native of Austria, Mrs. Som- tlio Fremont Sunday school will mer came to Omaha 55 years ago. continue throughout tlio winter December 22. Mr. Sommer, who died 11 years under the direction o£ Rabbi Sol ago, had been a pioneer Omaha Oater. EEJESEL . '. grocer. The following have been named Tho E m o s o l club held Its Mrs. Sommer had been & mem- to the honor roil: Byron Krasno, weekly meeting Tuesday night at ber of Tempi© Israel for 38 years. Sylvia Joy,.Irvln Maaovits, Myrna tha home of Shirley Bernstein. Plans wero mado for a Young Surviving "are: A eon, Max, and Chasen and Lillian Blttnor. daughter, Helen L., of Omaha: three brothers, Herman and Jacob V. Rosenblum of Omaha and Bernard Rosenblum of New York; two grandchildren, Dr. Melvln L. Sommor, an interne at the Cedars r\ of Lebanon hospital of Hollywood, and Frances Martha Sommer of Omaha. ,,"Come and Got9em - Rabbi David H. tVIce officiated h n Iacro«nod at the funeral. Burial was at Your Safeway stores aro leoslei! with all * your Iiollday Pleasant Hill. Cfeo cpc.Ejf ol gco fscsi SCO hcrs» caSto aoeda . . * everything few" appetisers, _ on-tho-aislo dolica* cieo, salads, ilooccfts, mam diahea and to COS Iicc2 nnito re? cubic CocL S i b


A Lenox Lamp


G ©E3QC3Q @

Former Omdhan Heads Law Group

Louis A. Babior, deputy, city attorney of Los Angclesr has been elected the first president of the St. Lawrence Unlvoraity Law society of L03 Anccles, which has T>eon organised by the graduates of St. - Lawrence University's Brooklyn College of Law residing and practicing in Los Angeles county. Mr, Babior Is a former Omalian.

&'cairD la tho ejuGt% hmiqa dhoni en at'en of Q% In ejeis CC-IJ to eiis^^-icsr, 1'ib.o cccS n b In ecM%~'zM% \iilh tho ud'^? o5 feo DL&ZcS t© -cat tlso prl^o ©S C^"

ESIase Meat Ll'iJ'J*/

Mrs. L. S. Brannotofsi



Funeral services were field last Friday morning for Mro. Aaaa Braunstein, 64, of Council Bluffs, who .died in a hospital Thursday morning after an Illness of noverri jnonths. A native of Rumania, slie lias lived in Council Bluffs for fifty1 nine years. Surviviag her aro: her husband, h. S.. Braunsteis; lie? molfisr, Mrs. II. Marcus; a aistor, lira. Sam Katelman; two brothers, Eaocii Marcus of Council Bluffs, and Louis Marcus of Saa Disco, Calif. Burial was at the Oak- HiU cemetery. 'Patronize, Our Advertisers,


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CDoe. .13 and 14S sn Omaha)

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< . « . . « ' i e ~ i J l A C ( v i lljttl tRAN»-AT£i5.K iJO ' Witll f « 1LK^U' X j * ' . J leaders ucatti t (.„,« the NaseiJ «*ro pect tliat u>= J\ , , k , L <v_t,. them, a s i a , G* f. I , [ j f t . . . . i , itorm posed to &<..« < c 1 uo Clut t- ' i l i f . I , t -<S that it's lit u l i . t< asy, Uakcf ler . . French jaitj «.iw i V« ^ i L t L < hclt, 17<f, til Jxu , er and Ivl&rccl C i u L 17J, it. O ^ airplane ' f side 2&!jF . I 11) the Vichy L. Z. A. Uo. 1 b I. Z. A. Ko, 0. -, ( ' even truia ^ 100. Ir.nkl, Us County^ itw i t , i t / c & j j t o t D . . JJlit it placed u*«cu Coll t<, u r.' x w i I 1e of Samuel internment' to t.rcvt it tiic i <* J~ Of ihi) I ""•"-""~~"•—•"" vviiG ill t i tO ..a ing to Ar er IE, ^ l u . u t»1 i; i>o.iS estate are ' n ^ u W i n ' i t i <own plane iuza^.ti^ tL.^ ? ..uvfit ti i>.5 O i t t t {.bliiiuM LoS been to Dr. Ui; I if. lots & i e acted £ & t d . \ id Jt L/V a I i ^ u y fct,s4 Cvvtit i»t«.js if; for tiae protheir exptiit r^ . . . Italy, t>y Hci/1 w/n II t u t '/.louf t a. t t i i o U i >ui>tiuiu>,i<t r»o«? on fiia the grapevine, hed tlucJ, b^ikiUis fui •tuu Yuiaiu.h-du.ily 'Ihe l>«y visited the lJope . . . You irtay be in teid CoiiH, purfcrtiue to b e ' t h e - l a s t will t a d Usl&mtBt of 6&.id dectaAed, w»d internal revolts to eope "with last are-a't made available to the Eug- interested to know tliat the favIish-rea<3ing public . . . The veterTemple that a iieEiliig will bs fckd oa BEid pett» month in addition to her Grtek an 'Zionist leader doesn't pull his orite disk of Ignaee Jau Paderewtioii .before Ei.i-3 Court- <w« the -Mi day of Rabbi Albert S. Goldstein of troubles . . . Among the British Jenuary, IBii, Knd that f( thsy fa.ii to ap< hes on a»y Question . . . If E-ki, the famous pianist, who noW Mt. Sinai Temple, Sioux City, will I»ear at B&ld Court on the uaii 4tli day of actions aiming to undermine Hit- you're •is in this country is gefillte fish! in New York during the 1941, at .8 o'cictclc A. H.» to con* Epeak this evening at services on Jenu&ry, ler is" the radio broadcasting of tfc»t the probate of said will, tlie Cou.-t with horseradish sauce . • . And t two weeks of tlifa month be Wisy iiStow aatl probate baJd will mid grant the Belgian, Dutch, Norwegian, to our list-of noted refugees we 'The Uncoaquered." sure to drop'hi at the Society for s&id estate Saturday morning services at Jennie Weiss arid ae-otge S&iref toor Bareij Czech and Poifsk national anthsuppose we should add the name somo the Advancement of Judaism, Teiui>l.e Israel begin at 11. ems every night . . Guest of l.on- where Gertrude Samuel will be of Gertrude Stem, who only last other (suitable person.- tater a decree cf he-irslilp, t a d ti'«ce<4 to a settlement Next Week or at a banquet given at.Vichy giving the American publie its Spring bought a new house ia Next Friday evening R a b b i thereof. recently by French aviators of flret opportunity to seo her draw- France . . . In case you've forgotBRYC2I both' world wars was Joseph Kes- ings aad water-colors of Pales- ten, Mis3 Stein originally came David H. Wice will spealc on "Man 12-13-IO-St. - Oounty eel, the famous novelist . . . Kes- tinian landscapes and types . . . from California, U. 8. A. . . of the Year." Bel, who was one of France's great Gertrude, you remember, is the aces of the first war, recently was wife of Maurice Samuel, noted lec- (Copyright 1940 By'Seven Arts offered immunity from the astl- turer and author of "The Great Feature Syndicate) "Tonight at services Rabbi David Jewish legislation of France—but Hatred" aad many other volumes. A. Goldstein will speak on "Is Rerefused without thanks . . . "I FROM OCCUPIED FRANCE ligion Necessary to Safeguard need no pardon," he told the ofFrenelt new&g&pers a&'« having Democracy?" ' ficlal who informed him that bis Nest Week • • case would be considered excep- their troublea keeping en . tlio right eMc of tli© Nasd' Nest week Rabbi Goldstein will tional . . . . . One recently was p -peak on "Those Who Serve With YOU SHOULD KNOW FaithfulncciD." The icrviee will LBS1, the new dateliito n o w fop i«iJa»l-fifi}* thet illilcr kail t Ir. i v 1 las thigh Irs leagMer over making Its appearance lit bo dedicated to Henrietta Gsold, m \ efforts to tight him — tli© Latin-American press, tcy whose 80th birthday Is being celeidea biiug that so godlike-a being the Jfact-coiiti'ollocl Ilavas brated. (Continued from Pago 1.) of France, strands for tlio British as llsdolf would never indulgo ta Renter neu's agency . . . The ini- so human' s gestere . . Another tion of the entire Jewish comtials stand for Liberty, Mqaaliiy, paper, laboring under the tleta- munity." Fraternity . . . Everybody knows i tliat Its function was to bring Organizations are requested to U. O. C. lato Friday servthat "Andre Simone," the name news, described the removal of elect immediately their representsigned to •'J'Aceitse," that excell- 1,400 cesioads of machinery from atives to the 1941 Board of Gov- ices will take plaea tonight at the Joagregatloa B'aal Israel at 8 ent exposa ol the, events leading Lyons by the Nazis —-and was ernors. suppressed, although the Gir&apa Represented ''clock. llabM Icafah Hackovsliy to the fall of France, Is a pseu- promptly 1 redio conf itsned the news by The follov/Ing organizations are t/il epcak on "Gifts and Diplomdonyi.i, but schools of thought on N explaining to the French the «W PACIUTIES affiliated with the Federation and acy." the real identity of the author that to the victor belong entitled to representatives on tlio differ , , . One group insiiiteiiss maxim EXPERT OUPEEVISION tlio spoils . . . From Peris conies that ho is Andre Mf&urols, who la the story of two Nazi officers to a Board "of Governors: Patrotilzo Our Advertisers. Beth El Synagogue, Beth El 8ii|)|!osed to have eosBfeincd M& Frr-nch cafe who, seeing a cosiplo Synagogue Auxiliary, Beth Hameown first TCIRQ with that of his of non-Aryans seated uesr&y, sent wife . . . Pierre Laz&rcff, famous over the waiter to tell' them to drosh Hsgoclol Congregation, BfkFrench editor now In this coun- leave the plsce . . . TPhe Bos-Ary- ur Chollm, B'nai Abraham Lodge try, maintains, however, that the BEs not only refused to go, hot of South Omaha, B'nai B'rlth, B'nai Jacob Synagogue, Compeer book was written by a Gennan shouted across the room their Chapter Congregation Adas Jew, Simon llatz, who had prev- private o^toiou of all -Nazis . .' . Yeshuruu,Ivre, Congregation B'nai Isiously published, also anonymous- Whereupon the Gcrinsiis, with rael, Congregation Frocis Exclusively with Ua B'nai Israel ly, "The Brown Book of the Hitler drawn pistols, strode over to the- Synagogue of South of Omaha, CounTerror," and, tsndesr the name O. BOK-Aryans' table • and deinsadcdl K. Simon, a, volume oa •The Nasi to see the offenders' pspcre . . . FRANCia P. MATTHEWS Conspiracy in Spain" . . . Inter- And one lock was eiiotsgli to make - - SIS tearanco BEtig. esting memoirs to which oils1 the N&sis subside ..« . For the younger readers care look forward Jewish diners were 'members of t'BOBATE NOTICE)will be those of Unity Mitford, Uie the Soviet Embassy eisff . . . . In tlie matter of Uia estate of Hatliaa English girl who for years was ABOUT PEOPIiEI • ' •• :& BImon DeceassJ. -Notice-is Hereby Given: That, the creHitler's greatest 'admirer . . . . . ditors of ea!d deceased wiU meet the e £ o Myron Weiss, who for yearawas Unity is writing the memoirs now, cutrts of aald estate, before me. Comity but insists that they won't Ise pub- the loao Jew among the editors Judge o£ Douglas County, Nebraska, a t "i4 of Time, is planning a new weekthe County Court Room, ia Bald Comity. lished until after her death V . . Ui3 2lBt day of January 1511 a c a Don't be surprised If the Jewish ly that Is to tell our latin-Ameri- en «a the 21st- <3ay of Marcli 1841, a t S birth-rate- in Palestine, which has can neighbors more about the U. o'clock A. H., each flay, for tha purposo pwsssiting their t;1aimB for .examinabeen lagging far behind. that ©! S. A. , .. Labor leader David Dub- of adjustment and allowance. Sfcres started early on Ills career, tion the Arabs, rise sharply insky taoatha ara nHowcd for the creditors to we learn — and one of his first present their claims, from the day . •. . It'S'tho'ltishnv's way of coiisawas to lead a strike of Deceiaber 1810. ' teracting t li o anti-immigraUon activities DR7CC CHAT7FOn», against his.own father's bakery in County Ju3ce. policy of the'British admini&tra- Brest-Litovsk . .-'.' Producer cf Il-2(M0-3t tion . . . Florida, reports that the nest Greta Garbo picture -will great deal of the capital which is be Gottfried Reinhardt, son of the A- rir;a cinr backing that State's crareiat build- famous director Mas Rcinhardt . . UL.t-4i,-j.'i.«li z ing activities la supplied by refu- .•'..ysnilch' reminds us to wonder gees 'who managed t o ' ; salvage whether Frederika Burger, ' forFtvtm 52.C0 'Borne of their cash, and are in- mer wife of Stefan Sv/eig, is fnvesting it 'In American real es- cludins Mas Reinhar'dt in her tate . ' , , ' • • . ' '' plans for re-creating the Salzburg rs('» ra f'>-f?K^cs^3—>-Jis call rsrnr.Ej JEWISH'NEWS Festivals in Mexico . . . Mme. BurLouis D. Brandeis' and Ghaim ^eizmann's views on contemporery Zionist problems and the political be taken toward England, aro far apart . . . Incidentally, v/faen Weicmann cornea to this country, which will bo eome timer next month, ho will snake an important announcement which may be even more farreaching in its consequences than w

u. o. c.




Era jsi-Ji£2i ceasi

Tj-Jisjpei Issue 0/ Young Executive

ACiO EG WESD27 I vrtil "cio-i out all the ,Chanu!iah erUc!-J a t crcaUy reduced prices. S have a good selection of CtenuliaJs JLaiiris tpcAo frcm brass, • silver platefl KSi! cSrcasiuio plated. X will sell every cr? a t sJmoit cost nnd with every r-"rcri"rt t Till Eivs a bos, of Ch&aufet'*j Cs-^flfrs "asS a.booklc£ containing C " 7t ' * ! ? of Cbanukah ABSOWSEv


X ' . ! . « •»»<•/ •" U.t.Hetl'iJUtoBa' of t a b ^-•C-'^'j-'M-n S'edvlso every ona»conl,»»v(5»al]1 ;;•;» t K ' t a s , "to ta!>o

"Crepe-Brenda" pis tncli yoke, fefl back, pleated at bottom, maliins o corafcrtalils as well ss Black,-prints and co!« ors. Sizes 12 to 20, . . Dress Sslbtt-Tldtd-tilioi "


Friday, December 13, 1940

By DR. THEODORE H. LEWIS R&bfai, Progressive Synagogue, 'Brooklyn, H. "HATH NOT A POEMS BY A. M. KLEIN, IJEHKMAK'S -JEWISH HOOK HOUSIO, 116 PAGES. Mr. Klein's volume is significant for several reasons. It is excellent poetry, instructive and en• tertaining at one and the same time. Secondly, it represents an inherent challenge to American Jewish authors. Mr. Lewisohn's Introduction e m p h a s i z e s this strongly. Mr. Klein consciously chooses themes he loves best and which are most precious to his . heart, namely those relating to the ways, beliefs and folkways of his people the Jews. He does not seek to escape from his people, nor does he feign interest in material which though current and popular is utterly alien to his soul and spirit. It is this which destroys the effectiveness of many an English-Jewish author, who after having achieved some eminence in the field of English letters", rejects his Jewish heritage and willfully denies his Jewish .•elf.

THE JEWISH PRESS And like the Gentiles, we will strive to be. Our recompense—-emancipationday. We will have friend where oace we had foe. Impugning epithets will glance astray. To ge&tile parties v.e will proudly go; And Christians, anecdoting us, will say: "Mr. and Mrs. Klein—the Jews, you know. The "Haggadah" is a remarkable poetic portrayal of the Seder ritual ending with the affirmation, "Jerusalem Next Year." There is quite a good deal of humor in Jewish life and the author does not neglect it. In a composition bearing the title "Of Sundry Folk" one meets among other types the Jewish bandit whose thievery is snuff tobacco exclusively! Even the ordeal of earning a livelihood is often a subject for jest, when a hungry Jew tries to get used to not eating and the habit kills him! "Of Kings and Beggars" portrays vividly the vulgar opulence of Polish aristocracy contrasted with the grinding poetry and degradation of the Jews "who are never taxed too often." The picture of Jewish life in Poland found here is vivid and authentic and creates a more lasting impression than many a chapter in history. This is a book to enjoy and to prize, It eminently deserves a place in all Jewish homes and public libraries.

telleqtual Jew and to some exten of American Jewry. The poetic quality and majesty of "Hath Not A Jew" will I am confident be easily recognized by all who appreciate beauty, style and form. Mr. Lewigohn, a poet of distinction in his own right places an unusually high estimate on the talents of Mr. Klein and this work. The opinion will be enthusiatically accepted by the reader. Mr. Klein's interpretation of Jewish life and Jewish religious practice and Jewish faith is profound, as it is skillful. "Pluinaged Proxy" a ^happy commentary on "Kapporos," in a light vein will prove most delightful. In "Dance Chassidic" the author reveals the true inwardness of the Chassid, and his intimate sense of communion with God. A,nd what greater tribute can anyone pay to a people than Mr. Klejn does to his own, whom he pens this absolute and overwhelming truth "This prayer-shawl is armour to the Jew." In "Design for Mr. Klein is authentically Jew- Medieval Tapestry," the author lsh as is his message, which he h e t s h J s imagination bring to life couches In exquisite verse. Blnce ancient characters in whose mouth religion and religious practice he places pretty daring words. Jpb play such large roles in Jewish ia allowed to address the Deity as life, they necessarily figure prom- follows? . inently in this work. The author's "How long oh Lord will Israel knowledge and understanding of riven?" Judaism is as wide as if ia deep. ' "How long will we cry to a Because he has drunlf.deep from dotard God, the wells of Jewish tradition ia to let us keep the breath that his Jewish heritage precious, a He has given?" , (source of personal and rich ex"How long will You sit on perience. Your throne, and nod?" Would that all Jewish intellectThe same restrained insolence uals would borrow a leaf from Mr. (Continued from Pago 1.) Klein! The English world knows which the author allows Job will pitifully little about -the essen- bo found in "Reb Lev! Yitcholc a court of final appeal for potials of Jewish life and character Talks to God," a truly moving litical refugees whoso admission and religion. Often, even this lit- piece in which Reb Levi protests into the U. S. has been recomtle is distorted. Yet, Jews who the tragic destiny of Israel, in jmended by the President's Adhave the gift and the capacity to rather frank speech, Ijn "Sonnets Semitic" four in visoVy Committee but whose apinform the Christian world about number, tho author draws a sharp plications for visas have been the truth of Jews, about the content ot Judaism and its abiding contrast between the ghetto Jew, turned down by consuls abroad. message, engage themselves in who though degraded physically Formation of tho committee is exVain and fantastic efforts. They remains spiritually free, and the pected by interested circles here try to achieve sucr<\'.i by broom- emancipated who physically free to break a "bottleneck" which mliulc^ion.of poouuliivrd. 'i'lic U\i,t hag u&ndicuppod Ing conspicuous in purely Ameri- S:s bplrltually p litical refugee.1!. can life and thought, w h i c h Forestall Foreign Agents though a noble goal is woefully bonnet of tho group ia biting in Under the procedure to bo folInadequate for the Jew—and nev- lorny but only too true. Now wo will suffer loss of mem- owed after announcement of the er spiritually satisfying. lommittee'a personnel, all visa ory; Alas, should some of our Jewish authors even bo impelled to Wo will forget the tongue our,, applications approved by tho Presmothers knew; dent'o Advisory Committee will proclaim and to champion the message of the Jew they are not Wo will munch ham, and guzzle mmediately be routed to the new milk thereto, . ' committee. All applications for t qualified to do so because of their ignorance and lack of understand- And this on hallowed fast-days, admission must be approved by purposely both committees before recom4 ing of Judaism; a fact which Mr. Lewisohn freely recognizes and Abe will elude his base-nativity. mendations will bo cabled to conadmits. Their training and out- Tho kike will be a phantom; we suls abroad. will rue look, yes, even their character, Placing of representatives of have been so moulded by the non- Our bearded ancestry, my nasal he Justice, Navy and War docue, Jewish environment In which they Beginning Friday Store Hours Will Bo from have been reared that they havye 9:30 A. M. to 8:3'o P. M. nothing Jewish to express, to define, and to champion. This is the consuming misfortune of the in-

N o w £y:ti.Brioi!JG

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tf:b KCU&AYQ AT TllZCZ St. Joseph..5 4.CD Des Blolacs 4,E!J CMC3E0 . . . . 15.C3' Now i'eris . . 33.23' Lea AnceSos €3.25 IV.sco

CSiy $ 5 X 3 . . G.GS . . 20.10 . . 1G.E0 . 40.25

Wdrm, nir-conditioKid DUECS to

St. Joseph end ICansas CityT For fi)A>nni{>c.i o.Ti t \"-- - viui etp,":er5

So v/hen she H£tG the lid of the most c::citeiting package s h e cecs under the tree . . Id her find the breathtaking • loveliness • of the soft suedo cloth robe you choss from "The Nebraska."


D3BSJ-.3 a i 1Kb c t . F.'tcn?; Atl.-r.ilc SZOO


' P.cito^sipa of telephone service iatesrapied by the No« t ombor storai v/as accomplished in the usual manner. Ttainsd ».;Scphoae 1112a r/era assembled ia the affected areas ss quicldy as'jiossible ac4 immediately started to> work rcpsiriog tho lines. Ia fhb s:otia, about GSO tasa v>-ers fcquirsd. They coatinu:d work ia spite of cold wc«-.tber sad nearly highways ia tosxs localities until services v/as restored, practically all of which VMS doce sa two o? dirco days. En ccncfgsnsSos stsefi ca this, taut.h wlueMo tJrae Is fcecauso wo era propsrcJ So ateei i'tota, Tfcls Company and its tabz't&tety ec-rajsaislej, ss m part of iha Bell System, havo prorspl.^ arc*"a!.I« to tfsjfi? lha fosoarscs cf 4!scs entire £j«» £sr:. Sappltes fa? rotUldifts fines ssra rasf.csJ Iron c.w ovra or.d &Q V/octcra nEc-slrss werchousos. Crcv/3 of ColepJsona \?l&fci;sf:4>fuels end males-ids aro resJicd to tho f rsslsr© eaavha

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This Company and • its subsidiaries, • the •Tti-Statq sod Dakota CcaMal telephoae. compzakSfh&d mote than 50 000 wire breaks and ovec.'2,000.poles dowa Ia 'the eerritory ia'dka'ced oa tho'above snap. The'telephone'property loss of ' thsso coiBpaalcS was'acarlf 0200,000. This briaga to mors :!:da 03,000,060 t!to aiaouaS it has cost this Company its tvo talisijllsries i!se last 10 ycers to repair property damaged OJ £•*,*** eyed Jjy.storais.


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Czech Refugees Aid British War Effort

O n Cuaday afteeaooo, ds© IOHIJ of November, a'drizzling which t a d been fslliag in taidwestera Nebraska began to freeze and form ice oa the telephoae wires. Abouj the eamo'tuiaef \>thec slees storms, bad developed ia parts c^Iows, Minnesota and Gowtls Dakota and ia soiae places there dso v/as heavy soow. Tae weight of the ice oa ths tdephotts wires, coupled with fallisjg temperature's sad a strbng wind,-caused cssuy tclonlio'ae Iin'ea to' break, cutting ©ft (shout 200 cities end COT/QS from telephone comtnuaication.

In hot droamo


partments on the cew comsiittee is designed to forestall &ny possibility t h a t fifth "columnists would eater the country in tlie guise of refugees, it was learned,. York (JTA)—Czech JewMeanwhile, it wiis learned tLat ishNew refugee titgnieers have givea the President has turned ttum Great Britain a mtcLacical, addown on the grotosal that the In- vantage Geraiany in the field terior department, through inde- of metalover manufacturing, Albert pendent action, establish the Vir- B. (Judebee, British engineer of gin Islands as a temporary liaven the Loewy Engineering company, for financially iadtpeiideat refu- reported at the 61st annual meeting of the American Society of The chief executive's action Mechanical Engineers. came after the State department Cudebec said this advantage had blocked tke effort of the de- was especially true in the adpartinenf/s territories and p&£ves- vanced process of metal extrusion slous division to have the havea developed by CzecliO - Kiovakiaa established through proelam&tion engineers in their country aaet by Governor C r a m e r on the perfected in England. Metal exground the proclamation would trusion, a process of squeezing oi* be superseded by the authority of squirting metal through a die into the inter-deuartiaeutal committee a required shape, has hastened now being formed.: . ' the British defense program and The State departin'eut took the has made easier the handling of resultant dispute to the W h i t e luminum and magnesium alloys House for settlement shortly be- necessary to modern aircraft profore the President eailed for Us duction, he eaid. West Indian Inspection .tour. After receiving reports frota the Federal Bureau of Investigation and L army e.nd navy intelligence which stressed that Communist and Nazi agents and other undesirables had been fouad in • refugee groups seeking emergency visitors' visas, ii Al.'ti the President ruled out the.entlfe idea unless some plan could be LUl, developed which1 would meet tlie S& W.S VVA « C 0 State department !) approval.

Third Floor, oi Ftxhioni occf. coan."c? AF-?/akr, For, ii£S


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ECCCUS! Itcic'r-y in November of c-ch yc.r, at v.hlch iracli.'in tha Gtcc^:bo!d3ts e!:3ll c*2ct r. Cj""i cl,BiKsicr3 and UICKB7 - .3 tlis rosr» f*iill elect icon CZOSUE the"? Frc ::.-nt, v;ce-t5r,'-;d-nt, r : c r t U r y ' c s 1 The Installation o£ the J. A. C.r.a Vrc-raKr. Any tv.o «<£ E;!J ofi:cc3 r,;,ay officers v/ar- Iicld ThuraCsy ove- t:3 >;::J vy C : J c^2 U'.^ cjtai tsraon <™r . e or» ce of th" r.n3 V!:snlnE at tho home o2 Rccliel Gins- ecr-t i^eiliUat Uolll Vi-) lirti matins o2 t t a burs- Installir.c oCIicar vas Ilrs- Car.rJ e! DIrcct'.-rs ttis fol!o~f:ic Lhzll c;rva ns oHiocrji of ss!l corcorcttonc Sam Colion, aJriror. Officers inEC Sio&'itir, r>widest end L'C3-


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PrciUfiit. evening, December-.12, the sub' S. D . LAKIH • AAIION ICA'l-S! ject, "What Are We Preparing Rabbi S. Bolotnlkov conducted ANNA ICA-Ki funeral services in the residence To Defend?" This is the first of Being a majority ot the Board of Dia series of three meetings on therectors. Monday afternoon. Surviving are his widow; threo general subject of national 'de- 12-6-10-lt • sons, Ban, Martin and Dave, all fense. ' Oflico ALFP.ED A. -of Sioux City; a daughter, Mrs. :,The two speakers on the broad• Court K. R. Sperling "of Sioux City; a cast \ Dr. Harry-A.. Overbrother Louis of Sioux City and street, philosopher, author and lecturer, who fa president of the , KOTICE 'OF INCOHPOStATIOJJ OV sisters in Russia. American Association, for Adult '. - ••ADVEBTI^INO BEBVICKUt UVO." Education; and Colby M. Chester, KNOW- ALL MEN .BIT THESE P*ti:~that the undersigned have forme 1 chairman of the Board of, General JSNT8 a corporation under tha laws of t h e Poods Corporation. State ot - Nebraska; The narno of thfa Night": at Center Two opposing views as to theSSKVICES. corporation a ft a 11 be "ADVEUTKJnia I N C . " . with Its principal plaM of the democracy will be of ouBtneES a t Oraaha, Ncbrai.Ua. Tin Starting Saturday night. De- defense general nature of tha buEincss to t s This group will meet transacted and the object and purpona fcr cember 7th, from 7 to 10 o'clock, discussed, promptly at 8:15 and following corporation Is' organircd cs-J the Center wil convert the audi- .the broadcast will continue a dis- which'this established Bhall -be to maintain an*- catorium: into a recreation r o o rn cussion heard over the radio.^. eage to an agency for tho purposa of planning,-*producing, and dlstribuiinf; ccn« %7here a euporvisor wil direct reeral advertising, and publicity in r.H its creational activities. Xorias-through all teeosniicd media, cad eorv* aa morchsnatsir.g ccuncslors, to Ping-pong and checker tournaRed Gross £<Chittirig tobuy;*sen, tease,1 and convey property, both ments will be held; s h u f f 1 e real and personal,' and to do nny and thisgs necessary or • Incidental to tSja board, badminton, dart games and Mrs. E. N. GruesMn, chairman oil eserelss oJ tha Aforesaid ' pav.-cra of tUa rope quoit games vrlll be 'super- of the Center Division of the Red corporation. The authorised capitr.l ttodi vise*!. '-.Everyone is invited to at-Cross Knitting has annbunced -shall fca $10,003,130: all of cald Etcsi; ttiall bs fulljr pild UP and nca-cissecstend. There will bo-no admission that yarn and needles are n o rabls. raid atoc!; may ba Icrued for CMS, charge. available for all voluntrrro who real p:,tato, rer^onal r"cpcrty o? pcrscsal Tile corporation rhall cc-ciiricnca wish to BEiEt in Red CTQZZ work. £srv!ce.i. doircs r-uslncs upon the filjns of Its arG PEOPLE'S lire. Grucshin will be at theticles wlta lha County Cluli of CO-JGISS Kitxajlis, r.nd tlsall continue for LEAGUE TO MEET Center each Tuesday afternoon County. a r-rlod of fifty yr-rs from tald fiata. from 2 to 4 o'clock at vhlch time TJ>3 Jsishcit &mouaf of iEilebtcdncra EhcJl exceed ttvo-tMrfii of ita capital ttocS The Yonns People's League of instruction will bo .*?iven end ma-not but this rcrtri:tion iliaII not epply to Shaare Zlon will have a paid up terial distribntcl. A nrcit £eal ladcblrc!n~-3 centred by maVtsscc3 or Mcns of interest ha: beea evidenced la upon any of t!": cori-orita property.' laiinliersliip party on S u n d a y Tfca affalra c ' thU corporation snail t a Ri;;ht, Dccembai- 8, at G p. in. in Red Crosr. -.vork and the Center rcinanJd by n DoirJ of Directors ol cot fi'*o iorm of a supper and program appreciates the co-operatioa of 1CJ3 tls-jin two zsrs^bcrj. Tha casual laccttho couru'nit;.* Iu thi-s rarvicc. icn of tlia csrr^ratloa clell be h-!3 oa t5s • i 1 the home of Rabbi and Mrs. H. - ' • -•• •

i , t. i.



J f I t K • J U tPJ^Ui ~ i t i « > 1 i n ( ^ 1 1 l u c H . J Ha I a c b y ii T | I t ( ' o t ou t l c ^ J i i « y c t < l a tl, ( t ii ifci 3« 0 i t ' l y -. «.nkfi<.s i i u t l t i , I i = > > l > u i « fcd j t y « , « , t « }i< 'J*!l I 1 'll t c» j tf,b.t lli£> f l 161 r d l l i U a l j t t i . t t u . 1 S-.U..."-.• t 1,. » 0 * ' 'i,'i •* ^'i 1 h e t t i a l>e t<,aU1 t i d &Uo\«^ ., s 1 t ^ il t 1 L I form of a d^ci'it luucLcon at tbo b8 o> u i t r t f t d tioiu Lla t u ; I t-. I 1 f t \ bbtlul hall of the b>Uu,gogue. Mi fa. A daughter was born to Mr. and trstor and that a fa&arim' v.i i U i 4 r <i i E petition before BRfd Cubit ou t>i * i Phillip Sherman will preside. Mrs. Mrs. Hy MInter of Los Angeles, said day of December 1SS0, i-ua tiitt sf y»u i 1 c. Joe Kutctier will present Miss Calif., oa November 12. Mrs. Min-fsil to fepifssr before SE 11 < oui t n if > 1 Celia Cooper, the new instructor ter i3 the former Francis Jacob- s&id 21st clay of Becemuii S »0 ( t i, j ' t i l « ( i l A. £1., and contc t i<.li3 iitiu'ut, ( r i > t • I i Iv of the Hebrew School, who will sou, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.o'clock the Court may giant tha 11 >n i f t^in ti> i Pi«. i L 1 speak on the subject o£ Jewish Jacobson of Sioux City. Mrs. Ja-petition, enter a decree «t hiii ? f(, i id Crij, o t l ) l x 1 c ) * euch other e^d fuii<iit u •i.i^, uit education. This meeting is for the cobson is spending several weeks make U t f IR lowances and decrees, es tf tiiU Ci>ijit to to(ii(S 1 £ 1 i t <. purpose of the meeting of thein 1,03 Angeles with her daughter. may . seem - proper, to tna tud t t t t i l iioht 1 bf 1 !i ( liv matters perUiinlng to Bald f r t>. i ity li^. ei fi • l v . to parents of the children of the if Ju finally settled RBd dete t •' « l.tll-.i( t tl.' Talmud Torah aacl the new teach-

day morning in his'honle at 717 Cook street, following a lingering illness. Mr. Osnowitz was born July I S The Center Town Hall meeting 1865, in Russia. He had been a resident •'of Sioux City for 33group will .-'discuss on Thursday :


* it

Tin 1'il-v, 1 - i)«.thcis> A' ocit,tUfji \,tll l oid ita next ucctliig oa l>v.f^ a^vf I1!) £t 1 o'clofU. i»i t i t ,

the form of a Chanulcah Tea. Those v,'ho are participating in u tj-4o the play, "The Riddle of the V . Ages" are Mrs. Bernard 'Staloysky, Mrs. George Feinberg, Mrs. Is Sliiudler, Mrs.. Ben Appelsoh," Harry Osnowitz, 55, died Mon- Mrs. Betty Marx is the director.


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Over eiglity inemliers attended Mrs. E. Jaeobson and daughter tb©' last meeting of the National er. Mrs. Louis V/einer is in charge left for Chicago to. make their Council of Jewish Women and of the dessert luncheon. home there. ... heard the report of the triennial convention held in New York Hebrew Mothers Association Anne Kanofsky and Jeanne City. Tha report wa3 given by held a galloping bridge and inah Shubb spent last week end in Mrs. II. S. Novitsky, president of Jong all afternoon and evening for Omaha visiting with friends and the Sioux City chapter, who hail the benefit of tho Hebrew School. relatives. been the Sioux City delegate to Mrs. Sam Bailiu and Mrs. James the convention. Gang are co-chairmen. Over 25 616 The council voted to make a llObU h ' v a tOOli 1'iil't. PE0BATI3 NOTICE collection of toys which are to be reconditioned a n d distributed In the matter OE tha estate of UatJscn ' f t : through the Community Center to Simon Deceasied. _ . » ,• Notice is Hereby Given: That ibe «<.under-privileged children. M r s. dltora of B&td aeeeased will Ciftt ti.s exeMeyer Levitt is chairman of the cutrix of naicl estate, before me,,.project. Judge of Douglas County, IleWttiua, ct the County Court Room, in t-alfl County, The social legislation group unon the Slet day of January 5?f.l f.'i.^ der the leadership of Dr. Delia on the 21st day c l Man.ii 1011, f t y The Women's League of Shaare o'clock A.-M.,* each flay, for tha pat>« > Galinsky hat! a stimulating meetof presenting their claims for ft; ;it las.* Zion is buisily engaged in making ing on Tuesday, December 3, at tion Adjustment «n.a- alK-«.,-"iv?._ 'i/itcj which time it was decided to take plans for the next meeting which months are allowed for the cifiitou tt> present their elalms, from the S l i t Hty will tako place December 13. In. Tip low/Cost medical care. .. ot December 1910.


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